message_id,timestamp,channel,server_id,author,author_id,content,attachments,attachment_ids,embeds,reactions 1314742868782485597,2024-12-06T23:58:46.659000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**淡い金髪のショートヘアを持つ、美しいアニメ風の若い女性。大きなピンクの瞳と赤みがかった頬が特徴で、少し恥ずかしそうな表情を浮かべている。彼女はクラシックで可愛らしいデザインのピンクのパジャマを着用しており、襟には白いフリルと赤いリボンがついている。背景は暗めの室内で、暖かみのある光が彼女を柔らかく照らしている。繊細な描線と自然な陰影で描かれた、感情表現が豊かなアニメスタイルのイラスト。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314742868409319506'],0,[] 1314742868782485597,2024-12-06T23:58:46.659000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**淡い金髪のショートヘアを持つ、美しいアニメ風の若い女性。大きなピンクの瞳と赤みがかった頬が特徴で、少し恥ずかしそうな表情を浮かべている。彼女はクラシックで可愛らしいデザインのピンクのパジャマを着用しており、襟には白いフリルと赤いリボンがついている。背景は暗めの室内で、暖かみのある光が彼女を柔らかく照らしている。繊細な描線と自然な陰影で描かれた、感情表現が豊かなアニメスタイルのイラスト。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314742868409319506'],0,[] 1314742449100292108,2024-12-06T23:57:06.599000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**淡い金髪のショートヘアを持つ、美しいアニメ風の若い女性。大きなピンクの瞳と赤みがかった頬が特徴で、少し恥ずかしそうな表情を浮かべている。彼女はクラシックで可愛らしいデザインのピンクのパジャマを着用しており、襟には白いフリルと赤いリボンがついている。背景は暗めの室内で、暖かみのある光が彼女を柔らかく照らしている。繊細な描線と自然な陰影で描かれた、感情表現が豊かなアニメスタイルのイラスト。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314742448672735272'],0,[] 1314742449100292108,2024-12-06T23:57:06.599000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**淡い金髪のショートヘアを持つ、美しいアニメ風の若い女性。大きなピンクの瞳と赤みがかった頬が特徴で、少し恥ずかしそうな表情を浮かべている。彼女はクラシックで可愛らしいデザインのピンクのパジャマを着用しており、襟には白いフリルと赤いリボンがついている。背景は暗めの室内で、暖かみのある光が彼女を柔らかく照らしている。繊細な描線と自然な陰影で描かれた、感情表現が豊かなアニメスタイルのイラスト。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314742448672735272'],0,[] 1314741968462413906,2024-12-06T23:55:12.006000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**淡い金髪のショートヘアを持つ、美しいアニメ風の少女キャラクター。大きなピンクの瞳と赤みがかった頬が特徴で、少し恥ずかしそうな表情を浮かべている。彼女はクラシックで可愛らしいデザインのピンクのパジャマを着用しており、襟には白いフリルと赤いリボンがついている。背景は暗めの室内で、暖かみのある光がキャラクターを柔らかく照らしている。繊細な描線と自然な陰影で描かれた、感情表現が豊かなアニメスタイルのイラスト。 --niji 6** - Image #3 <@1182183258251853886>,[''],['1314741968433315861'],0,[] 1314741968462413906,2024-12-06T23:55:12.006000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**淡い金髪のショートヘアを持つ、美しいアニメ風の少女キャラクター。大きなピンクの瞳と赤みがかった頬が特徴で、少し恥ずかしそうな表情を浮かべている。彼女はクラシックで可愛らしいデザインのピンクのパジャマを着用しており、襟には白いフリルと赤いリボンがついている。背景は暗めの室内で、暖かみのある光がキャラクターを柔らかく照らしている。繊細な描線と自然な陰影で描かれた、感情表現が豊かなアニメスタイルのイラスト。 --niji 6** - Image #3 <@1182183258251853886>,[''],['1314741968433315861'],0,[] 1314741802775085167,2024-12-06T23:54:32.503000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**淡い金髪のショートヘアを持つ、美しいアニメ風の少女キャラクター。大きなピンクの瞳と赤みがかった頬が特徴で、少し恥ずかしそうな表情を浮かべている。彼女はクラシックで可愛らしいデザインのピンクのパジャマを着用しており、襟には白いフリルと赤いリボンがついている。背景は暗めの室内で、暖かみのある光がキャラクターを柔らかく照らしている。繊細な描線と自然な陰影で描かれた、感情表現が豊かなアニメスタイルのイラスト。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314741802229567499'],0,[] 1314741802775085167,2024-12-06T23:54:32.503000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**淡い金髪のショートヘアを持つ、美しいアニメ風の少女キャラクター。大きなピンクの瞳と赤みがかった頬が特徴で、少し恥ずかしそうな表情を浮かべている。彼女はクラシックで可愛らしいデザインのピンクのパジャマを着用しており、襟には白いフリルと赤いリボンがついている。背景は暗めの室内で、暖かみのある光がキャラクターを柔らかく照らしている。繊細な描線と自然な陰影で描かれた、感情表現が豊かなアニメスタイルのイラスト。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314741802229567499'],0,[] 1314741627428016138,2024-12-06T23:53:50.697000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**淡い金髪のショートヘアを持つ、美しいアニメ風の少女キャラクター。大きなピンクの瞳と赤みがかった頬が特徴で、少し恥ずかしそうな表情を浮かべている。彼女はクラシックで可愛らしいデザインのピンクのパジャマを着用しており、襟には白いフリルと赤いリボンがついている。背景は暗めの室内で、暖かみのある光がキャラクターを柔らかく照らしている。繊細な描線と自然な陰影で描かれた、感情表現が豊かなアニメスタイルのイラスト。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314741626937147413'],0,[] 1314741627428016138,2024-12-06T23:53:50.697000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**淡い金髪のショートヘアを持つ、美しいアニメ風の少女キャラクター。大きなピンクの瞳と赤みがかった頬が特徴で、少し恥ずかしそうな表情を浮かべている。彼女はクラシックで可愛らしいデザインのピンクのパジャマを着用しており、襟には白いフリルと赤いリボンがついている。背景は暗めの室内で、暖かみのある光がキャラクターを柔らかく照らしている。繊細な描線と自然な陰影で描かれた、感情表現が豊かなアニメスタイルのイラスト。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314741626937147413'],0,[] 1314741489095544902,2024-12-06T23:53:17.716000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**淡い金髪のショートヘアを持つ、美しいアニメ風の少女キャラクター。大きなピンクの瞳と赤みがかった頬が特徴で、少し恥ずかしそうな表情を浮かべている。彼女はクラシックで可愛らしいデザインのピンクのパジャマを着用しており、襟には白いフリルと赤いリボンがついている。背景は暗めの室内で、暖かみのある光がキャラクターを柔らかく照らしている。繊細な描線と自然な陰影で描かれた、感情表現が豊かなアニメスタイルのイラスト。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (0%) (fast),[],[],0,[] 1314734877995958393,2024-12-06T23:27:01.507000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**青いショートヘアの明るい雰囲気の美少女。彼女はピンクのオーバーサイズスウェットを着ており、スポーティでカジュアルな印象を与える。足元にはピンクと白のスニーカーを履いており、元気なポーズを取っている。背景は街の路地。色使いは明るく鮮やか。アニメ調でありながらスタイリッシュなデザインが特徴的なイラスト。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314734876888535112'],0,[] 1314734877995958393,2024-12-06T23:27:01.507000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**青いショートヘアの明るい雰囲気の美少女。彼女はピンクのオーバーサイズスウェットを着ており、スポーティでカジュアルな印象を与える。足元にはピンクと白のスニーカーを履いており、元気なポーズを取っている。背景は街の路地。色使いは明るく鮮やか。アニメ調でありながらスタイリッシュなデザインが特徴的なイラスト。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314734876888535112'],0,[] 1314734676975550579,2024-12-06T23:26:13.580000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**青いショートヘアの明るい雰囲気の美少女。彼女はピンクのオーバーサイズスウェットを着ており、スポーティでカジュアルな印象を与える。足元にはピンクと白のスニーカーを履いており、元気なポーズを取っている。背景は街の路地。色使いは明るく鮮やか。アニメ調でありながらスタイリッシュなデザインが特徴的なイラスト。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314734676602261656'],0,[] 1314734676975550579,2024-12-06T23:26:13.580000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**青いショートヘアの明るい雰囲気の美少女。彼女はピンクのオーバーサイズスウェットを着ており、スポーティでカジュアルな印象を与える。足元にはピンクと白のスニーカーを履いており、元気なポーズを取っている。背景は街の路地。色使いは明るく鮮やか。アニメ調でありながらスタイリッシュなデザインが特徴的なイラスト。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314734676602261656'],0,[] 1314698535240732704,2024-12-06T21:02:36.719000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , one hand is making a peace sign hand gesture the other hand is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314698534934675457'],0,[] 1314698535240732704,2024-12-06T21:02:36.719000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , one hand is making a peace sign hand gesture the other hand is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314698534934675457'],0,[] 1314698279447035946,2024-12-06T21:01:35.733000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314698278951977031'],0,[] 1314698279447035946,2024-12-06T21:01:35.733000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314698278951977031'],0,[] 1314698135796449362,2024-12-06T21:01:01.484000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #1 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314698135666167979'],0,[] 1314698135796449362,2024-12-06T21:01:01.484000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #1 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314698135666167979'],0,[] 1314697835261984840,2024-12-06T20:59:49.831000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697835064590418'],0,[] 1314697835261984840,2024-12-06T20:59:49.831000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697835064590418'],0,[] 1314697821080916082,2024-12-06T20:59:46.450000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697820800028772'],0,[] 1314697821080916082,2024-12-06T20:59:46.450000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697820800028772'],0,[] 1314697707386048605,2024-12-06T20:59:19.343000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314697706995847241'],0,[] 1314697707386048605,2024-12-06T20:59:19.343000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314697706995847241'],0,[] 1314697612015964231,2024-12-06T20:58:56.605000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697611780821022'],0,[] 1314697612015964231,2024-12-06T20:58:56.605000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697611780821022'],0,[] 1314697571104591894,2024-12-06T20:58:46.851000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697570596946051'],0,[] 1314697571104591894,2024-12-06T20:58:46.851000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697570596946051'],0,[] 1314697567061282908,2024-12-06T20:58:45.887000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697566465818684'],0,[] 1314697567061282908,2024-12-06T20:58:45.887000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697566465818684'],0,[] 1314697465617973308,2024-12-06T20:58:21.701000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697464812404736'],0,[] 1314697465617973308,2024-12-06T20:58:21.701000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697464812404736'],0,[] 1314697422886404206,2024-12-06T20:58:11.513000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314697422210863214'],0,[] 1314697422886404206,2024-12-06T20:58:11.513000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314697422210863214'],0,[] 1314697412836724758,2024-12-06T20:58:09.117000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697412505505823'],0,[] 1314697412836724758,2024-12-06T20:58:09.117000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697412505505823'],0,[] 1314697270796746792,2024-12-06T20:57:35.252000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697270280589353'],0,[] 1314697270796746792,2024-12-06T20:57:35.252000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697270280589353'],0,[] 1314697263586738277,2024-12-06T20:57:33.533000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697262940684288'],0,[] 1314697263586738277,2024-12-06T20:57:33.533000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697262940684288'],0,[] 1314697188646981635,2024-12-06T20:57:15.666000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697188512760000'],0,[] 1314697188646981635,2024-12-06T20:57:15.666000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314697188512760000'],0,[] 1314696798862049290,2024-12-06T20:55:42.734000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314696798215999600'],0,[] 1314696798862049290,2024-12-06T20:55:42.734000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314696798215999600'],0,[] 1314696297625813122,2024-12-06T20:53:43.230000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , one hand is making a peace sign hand gesture the other hand is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314696296950665276'],0,[] 1314696297625813122,2024-12-06T20:53:43.230000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , one hand is making a peace sign hand gesture the other hand is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314696296950665276'],0,[] 1314696065034747984,2024-12-06T20:52:47.776000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314696064380440576'],0,[] 1314696065034747984,2024-12-06T20:52:47.776000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314696064380440576'],0,[] 1314696037801394176,2024-12-06T20:52:41.283000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314696037272780840'],0,[] 1314696037801394176,2024-12-06T20:52:41.283000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314696037272780840'],0,[] 1314695958411612263,2024-12-06T20:52:22.355000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314695958189183017'],0,[] 1314695958411612263,2024-12-06T20:52:22.355000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314695958189183017'],0,[] 1314695155856445562,2024-12-06T20:49:11.011000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314695155718160484'],0,[] 1314695155856445562,2024-12-06T20:49:11.011000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314695155718160484'],0,[] 1314694965481443369,2024-12-06T20:48:25.622000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694964936179784'],0,[] 1314694965481443369,2024-12-06T20:48:25.622000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694964936179784'],0,[] 1314694832995696712,2024-12-06T20:47:54.035000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694832375074866'],0,[] 1314694832995696712,2024-12-06T20:47:54.035000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694832375074866'],0,[] 1314694825827635240,2024-12-06T20:47:52.326000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694825366523984'],0,[] 1314694825827635240,2024-12-06T20:47:52.326000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694825366523984'],0,[] 1314694821625069669,2024-12-06T20:47:51.324000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694821105111090'],0,[] 1314694821625069669,2024-12-06T20:47:51.324000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694821105111090'],0,[] 1314694759511490673,2024-12-06T20:47:36.515000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694759113162872'],0,[] 1314694759511490673,2024-12-06T20:47:36.515000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694759113162872'],0,[] 1314694690552942635,2024-12-06T20:47:20.074000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694690133643384'],0,[] 1314694690552942635,2024-12-06T20:47:20.074000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694690133643384'],0,[] 1314694686287466567,2024-12-06T20:47:19.057000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694685746266153'],0,[] 1314694686287466567,2024-12-06T20:47:19.057000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694685746266153'],0,[] 1314694677118586880,2024-12-06T20:47:16.871000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694676535840898'],0,[] 1314694677118586880,2024-12-06T20:47:16.871000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694676535840898'],0,[] 1314694657191444561,2024-12-06T20:47:12.120000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314694657166540871'],0,[] 1314694657191444561,2024-12-06T20:47:12.120000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314694657166540871'],0,[] 1314694186338881700,2024-12-06T20:45:19.860000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**female right hand making peace sign gesture --s 180 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast),[''],['1314694186146070589'],0,[] 1314694186338881700,2024-12-06T20:45:19.860000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**female right hand making peace sign gesture --s 180 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast),[''],['1314694186146070589'],0,[] 1314694024086687836,2024-12-06T20:44:41.176000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694023851671695'],0,[] 1314694024086687836,2024-12-06T20:44:41.176000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314694023851671695'],0,[] 1314693946164641792,2024-12-06T20:44:22.598000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314693945623711925'],0,[] 1314693946164641792,2024-12-06T20:44:22.598000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314693945623711925'],0,[] 1314693700789600287,2024-12-06T20:43:24.096000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314693700323905606'],0,[] 1314693700789600287,2024-12-06T20:43:24.096000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314693700323905606'],0,[] 1314693605637750846,2024-12-06T20:43:01.410000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314693604719202405'],0,[] 1314693605637750846,2024-12-06T20:43:01.410000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314693604719202405'],0,[] 1314693580182261852,2024-12-06T20:42:55.341000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314693579578544168'],0,[] 1314693580182261852,2024-12-06T20:42:55.341000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314693579578544168'],0,[] 1314693446052872232,2024-12-06T20:42:23.362000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314693445746557109'],0,[] 1314693446052872232,2024-12-06T20:42:23.362000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314693445746557109'],0,[] 1314693435743146024,2024-12-06T20:42:20.904000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314693435336425553'],0,[] 1314693435743146024,2024-12-06T20:42:20.904000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314693435336425553'],0,[] 1314693209896517662,2024-12-06T20:41:27.058000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #1 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314693209611309146'],0,[] 1314693209896517662,2024-12-06T20:41:27.058000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #1 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314693209611309146'],0,[] 1314693076140163154,2024-12-06T20:40:55.168000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314693075691634698'],0,[] 1314693076140163154,2024-12-06T20:40:55.168000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314693075691634698'],0,[] 1314692804508909619,2024-12-06T20:39:50.406000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314692804244541521'],0,[] 1314692804508909619,2024-12-06T20:39:50.406000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314692804244541521'],0,[] 1314692530469601361,2024-12-06T20:38:45.070000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314692530008231976'],0,[] 1314692530469601361,2024-12-06T20:38:45.070000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314692530008231976'],0,[] 1314692439814180864,2024-12-06T20:38:23.456000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314692439231041637'],0,[] 1314692439814180864,2024-12-06T20:38:23.456000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314692439231041637'],0,[] 1314692389301911603,2024-12-06T20:38:11.413000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314692388769497119'],0,[] 1314692389301911603,2024-12-06T20:38:11.413000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314692388769497119'],0,[] 1314692309538836545,2024-12-06T20:37:52.396000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314692309253886094'],0,[] 1314692309538836545,2024-12-06T20:37:52.396000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314692309253886094'],0,[] 1314692292929650829,2024-12-06T20:37:48.436000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314692292409299076'],0,[] 1314692292929650829,2024-12-06T20:37:48.436000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314692292409299076'],0,[] 1314691912086589463,2024-12-06T20:36:17.636000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314691911973470219'],0,[] 1314691912086589463,2024-12-06T20:36:17.636000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314691911973470219'],0,[] 1314691826438897746,2024-12-06T20:35:57.216000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314691826241769482'],0,[] 1314691826438897746,2024-12-06T20:35:57.216000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314691826241769482'],0,[] 1314691801256296562,2024-12-06T20:35:51.212000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314691801080266823'],0,[] 1314691801256296562,2024-12-06T20:35:51.212000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314691801080266823'],0,[] 1314691789525094412,2024-12-06T20:35:48.415000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314691789143146558'],0,[] 1314691789525094412,2024-12-06T20:35:48.415000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314691789143146558'],0,[] 1314691523207630889,2024-12-06T20:34:44.920000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314691522893185044'],0,[] 1314691523207630889,2024-12-06T20:34:44.920000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314691522893185044'],0,[] 1314691298841727026,2024-12-06T20:33:51.427000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314691298350989483'],0,[] 1314691298841727026,2024-12-06T20:33:51.427000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314691298350989483'],0,[] 1314690958339866665,2024-12-06T20:32:30.245000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690957882425374'],0,[] 1314690958339866665,2024-12-06T20:32:30.245000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690957882425374'],0,[] 1314690945022951425,2024-12-06T20:32:27.070000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690944519639060'],0,[] 1314690945022951425,2024-12-06T20:32:27.070000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690944519639060'],0,[] 1314690914228240436,2024-12-06T20:32:19.728000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690913770934283'],0,[] 1314690914228240436,2024-12-06T20:32:19.728000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690913770934283'],0,[] 1314690896213577758,2024-12-06T20:32:15.433000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690895769108541'],0,[] 1314690896213577758,2024-12-06T20:32:15.433000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690895769108541'],0,[] 1314690708099305613,2024-12-06T20:31:30.583000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314690708174798849'],0,[] 1314690708099305613,2024-12-06T20:31:30.583000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314690708174798849'],0,[] 1314690678302707845,2024-12-06T20:31:23.479000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690677644464154'],0,[] 1314690678302707845,2024-12-06T20:31:23.479000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690677644464154'],0,[] 1314690420915175474,2024-12-06T20:30:22.113000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690420319719597'],0,[] 1314690420915175474,2024-12-06T20:30:22.113000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690420319719597'],0,[] 1314690102638940171,2024-12-06T20:29:06.230000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690102517170256'],0,[] 1314690102638940171,2024-12-06T20:29:06.230000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314690102517170256'],0,[] 1314689953262993439,2024-12-06T20:28:30.616000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314689952948289566'],0,[] 1314689953262993439,2024-12-06T20:28:30.616000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314689952948289566'],0,[] 1314689820903346331,2024-12-06T20:27:59.059000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689820374732862'],0,[] 1314689820903346331,2024-12-06T20:27:59.059000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689820374732862'],0,[] 1314689782151909387,2024-12-06T20:27:49.820000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689781921218570'],0,[] 1314689782151909387,2024-12-06T20:27:49.820000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689781921218570'],0,[] 1314689674228531202,2024-12-06T20:27:24.089000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689673884471398'],0,[] 1314689674228531202,2024-12-06T20:27:24.089000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689673884471398'],0,[] 1314689669199302787,2024-12-06T20:27:22.890000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689668591255645'],0,[] 1314689669199302787,2024-12-06T20:27:22.890000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689668591255645'],0,[] 1314689639952416770,2024-12-06T20:27:15.917000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689639654752348'],0,[] 1314689639952416770,2024-12-06T20:27:15.917000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689639654752348'],0,[] 1314689529533169675,2024-12-06T20:26:49.591000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689528908353576'],0,[] 1314689529533169675,2024-12-06T20:26:49.591000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689528908353576'],0,[] 1314689514375086144,2024-12-06T20:26:45.977000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689513880162415'],0,[] 1314689514375086144,2024-12-06T20:26:45.977000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689513880162415'],0,[] 1314689497895669901,2024-12-06T20:26:42.048000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314689497237028894'],0,[] 1314689497895669901,2024-12-06T20:26:42.048000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314689497237028894'],0,[] 1314689457667969066,2024-12-06T20:26:32.457000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314689457416437780'],0,[] 1314689457667969066,2024-12-06T20:26:32.457000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314689457416437780'],0,[] 1314689382476808252,2024-12-06T20:26:14.530000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689381982015651'],0,[] 1314689382476808252,2024-12-06T20:26:14.530000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689381982015651'],0,[] 1314689361639374959,2024-12-06T20:26:09.562000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689360897245214'],0,[] 1314689361639374959,2024-12-06T20:26:09.562000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689360897245214'],0,[] 1314689349287149640,2024-12-06T20:26:06.617000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689348947546122'],0,[] 1314689349287149640,2024-12-06T20:26:06.617000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314689348947546122'],0,[] 1314654400718835733,2024-12-06T18:07:14.229000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 883 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314654400085622885'],0,[] 1314654400718835733,2024-12-06T18:07:14.229000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 883 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314654400085622885'],0,[] 1314654268782809109,2024-12-06T18:06:42.773000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 669 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314654268023636128'],0,[] 1314654268782809109,2024-12-06T18:06:42.773000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 669 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314654268023636128'],0,[] 1314654262231302175,2024-12-06T18:06:41.211000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 669 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314654261602291712'],0,[] 1314654262231302175,2024-12-06T18:06:41.211000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 669 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314654261602291712'],0,[] 1314654044094074911,2024-12-06T18:05:49.203000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 669 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314654043561394236'],0,[] 1314654044094074911,2024-12-06T18:05:49.203000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 669 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314654043561394236'],0,[] 1314653985269092384,2024-12-06T18:05:35.178000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 577 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314653984455131136'],0,[] 1314653985269092384,2024-12-06T18:05:35.178000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 577 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314653984455131136'],0,[] 1314653931414224946,2024-12-06T18:05:22.338000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 477 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314653930709450802'],0,[] 1314653931414224946,2024-12-06T18:05:22.338000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 477 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314653930709450802'],0,[] 1314653793366839406,2024-12-06T18:04:49.425000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 477 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (Waiting to start)",[],[],0,[] 1314653730611658812,2024-12-06T18:04:34.463000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314653729953284116'],0,[] 1314653730611658812,2024-12-06T18:04:34.463000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314653729953284116'],0,[] 1314653658389942384,2024-12-06T18:04:17.244000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 677 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314653657765122048'],0,[] 1314653658389942384,2024-12-06T18:04:17.244000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , --s 677 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314653657765122048'],0,[] 1314653384686436484,2024-12-06T18:03:11.988000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314653384040779866'],0,[] 1314653384686436484,2024-12-06T18:03:11.988000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314653384040779866'],0,[] 1314653048609705994,2024-12-06T18:01:51.861000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314653048181624943'],0,[] 1314653048609705994,2024-12-06T18:01:51.861000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle , outer space inspired , futuristic inspired , sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314653048181624943'],0,[] 1314652980246478878,2024-12-06T18:01:35.562000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314652979697029120'],0,[] 1314652980246478878,2024-12-06T18:01:35.562000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 3:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314652979697029120'],0,[] 1314652780299816991,2024-12-06T18:00:47.891000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**outer space ,a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314652780014731286'],0,[] 1314652780299816991,2024-12-06T18:00:47.891000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**outer space ,a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314652780014731286'],0,[] 1314652347468877864,2024-12-06T17:59:04.696000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314652346675888138'],0,[] 1314652347468877864,2024-12-06T17:59:04.696000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314652346675888138'],0,[] 1314652274680795141,2024-12-06T17:58:47.342000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314652273644797962'],0,[] 1314652274680795141,2024-12-06T17:58:47.342000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314652273644797962'],0,[] 1314652266690777101,2024-12-06T17:58:45.437000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314652266543841280'],0,[] 1314652266690777101,2024-12-06T17:58:45.437000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314652266543841280'],0,[] 1314651551545163886,2024-12-06T17:55:54.933000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314651550894919680'],0,[] 1314651551545163886,2024-12-06T17:55:54.933000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314651550894919680'],0,[] 1314651457366261802,2024-12-06T17:55:32.479000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314651456846041129'],0,[] 1314651457366261802,2024-12-06T17:55:32.479000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314651456846041129'],0,[] 1314651449539563551,2024-12-06T17:55:30.613000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314651448998367332'],0,[] 1314651449539563551,2024-12-06T17:55:30.613000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314651448998367332'],0,[] 1314651394250248193,2024-12-06T17:55:17.431000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314651393977745478'],0,[] 1314651394250248193,2024-12-06T17:55:17.431000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314651393977745478'],0,[] 1314651046961741845,2024-12-06T17:53:54.631000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314651046613876826'],0,[] 1314651046961741845,2024-12-06T17:53:54.631000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314651046613876826'],0,[] 1314650763905073304,2024-12-06T17:52:47.145000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314650763535978632'],0,[] 1314650763905073304,2024-12-06T17:52:47.145000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314650763535978632'],0,[] 1314650724704981002,2024-12-06T17:52:37.799000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314650724155523215'],0,[] 1314650724704981002,2024-12-06T17:52:37.799000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314650724155523215'],0,[] 1314650597491867708,2024-12-06T17:52:07.469000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314650597223436288'],0,[] 1314650597491867708,2024-12-06T17:52:07.469000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314650597223436288'],0,[] 1314650512036991071,2024-12-06T17:51:47.095000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314650511907094538'],0,[] 1314650512036991071,2024-12-06T17:51:47.095000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314650511907094538'],0,[] 1314650047803166780,2024-12-06T17:49:56.413000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314650047241256970'],0,[] 1314650047803166780,2024-12-06T17:49:56.413000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314650047241256970'],0,[] 1314649944392597605,2024-12-06T17:49:31.758000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314649944061382718'],0,[] 1314649944392597605,2024-12-06T17:49:31.758000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314649944061382718'],0,[] 1314649902503952515,2024-12-06T17:49:21.771000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314649901946245120'],0,[] 1314649902503952515,2024-12-06T17:49:21.771000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314649901946245120'],0,[] 1314649889736622110,2024-12-06T17:49:18.727000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314649889195425802'],0,[] 1314649889736622110,2024-12-06T17:49:18.727000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314649889195425802'],0,[] 1314649461846179941,2024-12-06T17:47:36.710000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314649461368033341'],0,[] 1314649461846179941,2024-12-06T17:47:36.710000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314649461368033341'],0,[] 1314649312919162931,2024-12-06T17:47:01.203000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (Waiting to start)",[],[],0,[] 1314648947318456394,2024-12-06T17:45:34.037000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648947029184612'],0,[] 1314648947318456394,2024-12-06T17:45:34.037000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648947029184612'],0,[] 1314648937482944555,2024-12-06T17:45:31.692000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648937445068945'],0,[] 1314648937482944555,2024-12-06T17:45:31.692000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648937445068945'],0,[] 1314648889869209700,2024-12-06T17:45:20.340000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648889361567834'],0,[] 1314648889869209700,2024-12-06T17:45:20.340000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648889361567834'],0,[] 1314648752790962298,2024-12-06T17:44:47.658000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 195 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648752367075480'],0,[] 1314648752790962298,2024-12-06T17:44:47.658000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 195 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648752367075480'],0,[] 1314648738861416459,2024-12-06T17:44:44.337000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314648738580660294'],0,[] 1314648738861416459,2024-12-06T17:44:44.337000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314648738580660294'],0,[] 1314648579075473469,2024-12-06T17:44:06.241000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314648578538344499'],0,[] 1314648579075473469,2024-12-06T17:44:06.241000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314648578538344499'],0,[] 1314648516307582987,2024-12-06T17:43:51.276000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 196 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648515682500608'],0,[] 1314648516307582987,2024-12-06T17:43:51.276000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 196 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648515682500608'],0,[] 1314648460120690749,2024-12-06T17:43:37.880000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 199 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648459516837900'],0,[] 1314648460120690749,2024-12-06T17:43:37.880000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 199 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648459516837900'],0,[] 1314648432111255612,2024-12-06T17:43:31.202000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 923 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648431536373860'],0,[] 1314648432111255612,2024-12-06T17:43:31.202000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 923 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648431536373860'],0,[] 1314648372975505430,2024-12-06T17:43:17.103000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 422 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648372530905098'],0,[] 1314648372975505430,2024-12-06T17:43:17.103000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 422 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648372530905098'],0,[] 1314648321289359370,2024-12-06T17:43:04.780000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648320509214770'],0,[] 1314648321289359370,2024-12-06T17:43:04.780000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648320509214770'],0,[] 1314648293594370122,2024-12-06T17:42:58.177000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 668 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648293028135075'],0,[] 1314648293594370122,2024-12-06T17:42:58.177000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 668 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648293028135075'],0,[] 1314648224572899441,2024-12-06T17:42:41.721000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 556 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648223977050162'],0,[] 1314648224572899441,2024-12-06T17:42:41.721000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 556 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314648223977050162'],0,[] 1314648180981239860,2024-12-06T17:42:31.328000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 733 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (10%) (fast)",[],[],0,[] 1314648153974247505,2024-12-06T17:42:24.889000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 668 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (27%) (fast)",[],[],0,[] 1314629509399576616,2024-12-06T16:28:19.676000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic, female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314629508539617361'],0,[] 1314629509399576616,2024-12-06T16:28:19.676000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic, female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314629508539617361'],0,[] 1314629387328426034,2024-12-06T16:27:50.572000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic, female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (55%) (fast)",[''],['1314629479615959152'],0,[] 1314629310065414166,2024-12-06T16:27:32.151000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic, female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314629309540859904'],0,[] 1314629310065414166,2024-12-06T16:27:32.151000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic, female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314629309540859904'],0,[] 1314627227006013511,2024-12-06T16:19:15.511000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314627226490245131'],0,[] 1314627227006013511,2024-12-06T16:19:15.511000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314627226490245131'],0,[] 1314627106495533107,2024-12-06T16:18:46.779000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (75%) (fast)",[''],['1314627211944394772'],0,[] 1314623387439599700,2024-12-06T16:04:00.087000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314623386864849017'],0,[] 1314623387439599700,2024-12-06T16:04:00.087000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314623386864849017'],0,[] 1314621238701719684,2024-12-06T15:55:27.788000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts kick pose --niji 6** - Upscaled (Creative) by <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314621238508912731'],0,[] 1314621238701719684,2024-12-06T15:55:27.788000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts kick pose --niji 6** - Upscaled (Creative) by <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314621238508912731'],0,[] 1314621212961280050,2024-12-06T15:55:21.651000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts kick pose --niji 6** - Upscaled (Subtle) by <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314621211833012234'],0,[] 1314621212961280050,2024-12-06T15:55:21.651000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts kick pose --niji 6** - Upscaled (Subtle) by <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314621211833012234'],0,[] 1314620877572149252,2024-12-06T15:54:01.688000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts kick pose --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314620877387731045'],0,[] 1314620877572149252,2024-12-06T15:54:01.688000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts kick pose --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314620877387731045'],0,[] 1314620870643417158,2024-12-06T15:54:00.036000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts kick pose --niji 6** - Image #1 <@236945057331150850>",[''],['1314620870295158887'],0,[] 1314620870643417158,2024-12-06T15:54:00.036000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts kick pose --niji 6** - Image #1 <@236945057331150850>",[''],['1314620870295158887'],0,[] 1314620755132285028,2024-12-06T15:53:32.496000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314620754465263697'],0,[] 1314620755132285028,2024-12-06T15:53:32.496000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314620754465263697'],0,[] 1314619801007685643,2024-12-06T15:49:45.015000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314619799816503317'],0,[] 1314619801007685643,2024-12-06T15:49:45.015000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314619799816503317'],0,[] 1314619679335125115,2024-12-06T15:49:16.006000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (30%) (fast)",[],[],0,[] 1314619049048543335,2024-12-06T15:46:45.734000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts kick pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314619048360808659'],0,[] 1314619049048543335,2024-12-06T15:46:45.734000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts kick pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314619048360808659'],0,[] 1314618930870091806,2024-12-06T15:46:17.558000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, thick lineart, martial arts kick pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (20%) (fast)",[],[],0,[] 1314617746910220328,2024-12-06T15:41:35.280000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, surrounded by spirits, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314617746348048424'],0,[] 1314617746910220328,2024-12-06T15:41:35.280000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, surrounded by spirits, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314617746348048424'],0,[] 1314617478487478274,2024-12-06T15:40:31.283000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, surrounded by spirits, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314617477916921949'],0,[] 1314617478487478274,2024-12-06T15:40:31.283000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, surrounded by spirits, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314617477916921949'],0,[] 1314617024600866908,2024-12-06T15:38:43.068000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, in an ancient temple that is haunted by spirits, night, warm light from torches around, thick lineart, Disney style, martial arts pose --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314617021882826752'],0,[] 1314617024600866908,2024-12-06T15:38:43.068000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, in an ancient temple that is haunted by spirits, night, warm light from torches around, thick lineart, Disney style, martial arts pose --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314617021882826752'],0,[] 1314616987070238881,2024-12-06T15:38:34.120000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, in an ancient temple that is haunted by spirits, night, warm light from torches around, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314616986487099413'],0,[] 1314616987070238881,2024-12-06T15:38:34.120000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, in an ancient temple that is haunted by spirits, night, warm light from torches around, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314616986487099413'],0,[] 1314616967528710225,2024-12-06T15:38:29.461000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, in an ancient temple that is haunted by spirits, night, warm light from torches around, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314616966962741411'],0,[] 1314616967528710225,2024-12-06T15:38:29.461000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, in an ancient temple that is haunted by spirits, night, warm light from torches around, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314616966962741411'],0,[] 1314616661097058335,2024-12-06T15:37:16.402000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, in an ancient temple that is haunted by spirits, night, warm light from torches around, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314616660832944169'],0,[] 1314616661097058335,2024-12-06T15:37:16.402000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, in an ancient temple that is haunted by spirits, night, warm light from torches around, thick lineart, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast)",[''],['1314616660832944169'],0,[] 1314616375586586665,2024-12-06T15:36:08.331000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, in an ancient temple that is haunted by spirits, night, warm light from torches around, thick lineart, Disney style, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314616375104507975'],0,[] 1314616375586586665,2024-12-06T15:36:08.331000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, in an ancient temple that is haunted by spirits, night, warm light from torches around, thick lineart, Disney style, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314616375104507975'],0,[] 1314616253813493892,2024-12-06T15:35:39.298000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Anthropomorphic toon female snow leopard wearing a monk light blue robe, wearing a mala, in an ancient temple that is haunted by spirits, night, warm light from torches around, thick lineart, Disney style, martial arts pose --niji 6** - <@236945057331150850> (55%) (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314616344154603590'],0,[] 1314604823546691628,2024-12-06T14:50:14.110000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314604823458480128'],0,[] 1314604823546691628,2024-12-06T14:50:14.110000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314604823458480128'],0,[] 1314604248985636925,2024-12-06T14:47:57.124000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314604249023254601'],0,[] 1314604248985636925,2024-12-06T14:47:57.124000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314604249023254601'],0,[] 1314604218199572580,2024-12-06T14:47:49.784000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314604217930874900'],0,[] 1314604218199572580,2024-12-06T14:47:49.784000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314604217930874900'],0,[] 1314604059650555995,2024-12-06T14:47:11.983000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314604059268878406'],0,[] 1314604059650555995,2024-12-06T14:47:11.983000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314604059268878406'],0,[] 1314603972027486218,2024-12-06T14:46:51.092000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314603971549204501'],0,[] 1314603972027486218,2024-12-06T14:46:51.092000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Region) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast) -# Create, explore, and organize on []()",[''],['1314603971549204501'],0,[] 1314603730892750909,2024-12-06T14:45:53.601000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314603730523656233'],0,[] 1314603730892750909,2024-12-06T14:45:53.601000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314603730523656233'],0,[] 1314603666224713768,2024-12-06T14:45:38.183000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314603665952210977'],0,[] 1314603666224713768,2024-12-06T14:45:38.183000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314603665952210977'],0,[] 1314603647358992498,2024-12-06T14:45:33.685000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #1 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314603646947819540'],0,[] 1314603647358992498,2024-12-06T14:45:33.685000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #1 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314603646947819540'],0,[] 1314599774460186684,2024-12-06T14:30:10.314000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599773939957811'],0,[] 1314599774460186684,2024-12-06T14:30:10.314000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599773939957811'],0,[] 1314599535024013364,2024-12-06T14:29:13.228000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599534331957358'],0,[] 1314599535024013364,2024-12-06T14:29:13.228000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599534331957358'],0,[] 1314599524878127105,2024-12-06T14:29:10.809000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314599524614017045'],0,[] 1314599524878127105,2024-12-06T14:29:10.809000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #2 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314599524614017045'],0,[] 1314599399849984173,2024-12-06T14:28:41+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599399254655098'],0,[] 1314599399849984173,2024-12-06T14:28:41+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599399254655098'],0,[] 1314599384658219172,2024-12-06T14:28:37.378000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599384318607381'],0,[] 1314599384658219172,2024-12-06T14:28:37.378000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599384318607381'],0,[] 1314599374419918899,2024-12-06T14:28:34.937000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599373921058996'],0,[] 1314599374419918899,2024-12-06T14:28:34.937000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599373921058996'],0,[] 1314599338688909332,2024-12-06T14:28:26.418000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599337824616541'],0,[] 1314599338688909332,2024-12-06T14:28:26.418000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599337824616541'],0,[] 1314599205888720997,2024-12-06T14:27:54.756000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314599205620416542'],0,[] 1314599205888720997,2024-12-06T14:27:54.756000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314599205620416542'],0,[] 1314599150255607829,2024-12-06T14:27:41.492000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599149282267196'],0,[] 1314599150255607829,2024-12-06T14:27:41.492000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314599149282267196'],0,[] 1314599026599006208,2024-12-06T14:27:12.010000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Image #1 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314599026313658378'],0,[] 1314599026599006208,2024-12-06T14:27:12.010000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Image #1 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314599026313658378'],0,[] 1314598945284165794,2024-12-06T14:26:52.623000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314598944449499217'],0,[] 1314598945284165794,2024-12-06T14:26:52.623000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6 --ar 5:4** - Pan Left by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314598944449499217'],0,[] 1314598940435419157,2024-12-06T14:26:51.467000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314598940108394537'],0,[] 1314598940435419157,2024-12-06T14:26:51.467000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Zoom Out by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314598940108394537'],0,[] 1314598919979925525,2024-12-06T14:26:46.590000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314598919531008051'],0,[] 1314598919979925525,2024-12-06T14:26:46.590000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Image #3 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314598919531008051'],0,[] 1314598588499628095,2024-12-06T14:25:27.559000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314598588369731594'],0,[] 1314598588499628095,2024-12-06T14:25:27.559000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314598588369731594'],0,[] 1314598441845788815,2024-12-06T14:24:52.594000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314598441250193408'],0,[] 1314598441845788815,2024-12-06T14:24:52.594000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Variations (Subtle) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314598441250193408'],0,[] 1314598132209815582,2024-12-06T14:23:38.771000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314598131802832909'],0,[] 1314598132209815582,2024-12-06T14:23:38.771000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Image #4 <@1123197118308425830>",[''],['1314598131802832909'],0,[] 1314598017206321253,2024-12-06T14:23:11.352000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314598016681775114'],0,[] 1314598017206321253,2024-12-06T14:23:11.352000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314598016681775114'],0,[] 1314597874855706716,2024-12-06T14:22:37.413000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 670 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314597874671026236'],0,[] 1314597874855706716,2024-12-06T14:22:37.413000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 670 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314597874671026236'],0,[] 1314597822703734935,2024-12-06T14:22:24.979000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**outer space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314597822242357289'],0,[] 1314597822703734935,2024-12-06T14:22:24.979000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**outer space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314597822242357289'],0,[] 1314597750381346969,2024-12-06T14:22:07.736000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314597749630435448'],0,[] 1314597750381346969,2024-12-06T14:22:07.736000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**space inspired , a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314597749630435448'],0,[] 1314597685004734596,2024-12-06T14:21:52.149000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314597684283310142'],0,[] 1314597685004734596,2024-12-06T14:21:52.149000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (fast)",[''],['1314597684283310142'],0,[] 1314597547834085419,2024-12-06T14:21:19.445000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a manga fashion illustration of the beautiful thin model wearing headphones in a flowy evening dress or skirt with a ribbon at the waist , she has a beautiful face and small Lips , flowy hairstyle shoulder length , she is holding roses by the stem and holding with her arm outstretched and is holding a rose by the stem with rose petals outstretched and standing outside in a Paris city floral market magazine cover, full body shot, in light pink and dark red colors, the background has the word ""PARIS V.Side"", white paper background, shonen jump cover , elegant, romantic artwork by naoko Takeuchi artstyle - sequin style --s 559 --niji 6** - <@1123197118308425830> (17%) (fast)",[],[],0,[] 1314573892207247400,2024-12-06T12:47:19.504000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**7人の韓国アイドルグループ、BTSのメンバーが集まっている様子。彼らは温かい笑顔でカメラを見つめており、背景はシンプルな白。スタイルは伝統的な水墨画技法を用い、墨の濃淡で人物を繊細に描写。衣装はシックでフォーマルなスーツを身にまとい、ディテールを極力省きながらも個々の特徴を際立たせる。柔らかい筆のタッチで全体的に和やかな雰囲気を表現。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314573891649146880'],0,[] 1314573892207247400,2024-12-06T12:47:19.504000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**7人の韓国アイドルグループ、BTSのメンバーが集まっている様子。彼らは温かい笑顔でカメラを見つめており、背景はシンプルな白。スタイルは伝統的な水墨画技法を用い、墨の濃淡で人物を繊細に描写。衣装はシックでフォーマルなスーツを身にまとい、ディテールを極力省きながらも個々の特徴を際立たせる。柔らかい筆のタッチで全体的に和やかな雰囲気を表現。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314573891649146880'],0,[] 1314573267369197718,2024-12-06T12:44:50.531000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**7人の韓国アイドルグループ、BTSのメンバーが集まっている様子。彼らは温かい笑顔でカメラを見つめており、背景はシンプルな白。スタイルは伝統的な水墨画技法を用い、墨の濃淡で人物を繊細に描写。衣装はシックでフォーマルなスーツを身にまとい、ディテールを極力省きながらも個々の特徴を際立たせる。柔らかい筆のタッチで全体的に和やかな雰囲気を表現。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314573266626674718'],0,[] 1314573267369197718,2024-12-06T12:44:50.531000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**7人の韓国アイドルグループ、BTSのメンバーが集まっている様子。彼らは温かい笑顔でカメラを見つめており、背景はシンプルな白。スタイルは伝統的な水墨画技法を用い、墨の濃淡で人物を繊細に描写。衣装はシックでフォーマルなスーツを身にまとい、ディテールを極力省きながらも個々の特徴を際立たせる。柔らかい筆のタッチで全体的に和やかな雰囲気を表現。 --niji 6** - <@1182183258251853886> (fast),[''],['1314573266626674718'],0,[] 1314539083405594655,2024-12-06T10:29:00.439000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - Variations (Strong) by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314539082965319680'],0,[] 1314539083405594655,2024-12-06T10:29:00.439000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - Variations (Strong) by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314539082965319680'],0,[] 1314538205365932132,2024-12-06T10:25:31.098000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - Image #3 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314538204820672532'],0,[] 1314538205365932132,2024-12-06T10:25:31.098000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - Image #3 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314538204820672532'],0,[] 1314470724001595444,2024-12-06T05:57:22.287000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**spring roll and wonton fried, crismas tree --niji 6 --s 400** - <@902851251937628202> (fast)",[''],['1314470723406008351'],0,[] 1314470724001595444,2024-12-06T05:57:22.287000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**spring roll and wonton fried, crismas tree --niji 6 --s 400** - <@902851251937628202> (fast)",[''],['1314470723406008351'],0,[] 1314433183382638593,2024-12-06T03:28:11.906000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**girl with long black hair smoking hookah in a cyberpunk city, pink and purple colors --niji 5** - <@753286842627129385> (fast)",[''],['1314433182900289589'],0,[] 1314433183382638593,2024-12-06T03:28:11.906000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**girl with long black hair smoking hookah in a cyberpunk city, pink and purple colors --niji 5** - <@753286842627129385> (fast)",[''],['1314433182900289589'],0,[] 1314432663213445120,2024-12-06T03:26:07.888000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a girl with long black hair smoking a hookah pipe in a cyberpunk city, pink and purple colors --niji 6** - <@753286842627129385> (fast)",[''],['1314432662668181545'],0,[] 1314432663213445120,2024-12-06T03:26:07.888000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a girl with long black hair smoking a hookah pipe in a cyberpunk city, pink and purple colors --niji 6** - <@753286842627129385> (fast)",[''],['1314432662668181545'],0,[] 1314432491456827423,2024-12-06T03:25:26.938000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a girl with long black hair smoking a hookah pipe in a cyberpunk city, pink and purple colors --niji 6** - <@753286842627129385> (65%) (fast)",[''],['1314432609735938069'],0,[] 1314432462100762626,2024-12-06T03:25:19.939000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a cyberpunk city, pink and purple colors --niji 6** - <@753286842627129385> (fast)",[''],['1314432461454966835'],0,[] 1314432462100762626,2024-12-06T03:25:19.939000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**a cyberpunk city, pink and purple colors --niji 6** - <@753286842627129385> (fast)",[''],['1314432461454966835'],0,[] 1314405686184120331,2024-12-06T01:38:56.063000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - Variations (Strong) by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314405685920010362'],0,[] 1314405686184120331,2024-12-06T01:38:56.063000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - Variations (Strong) by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314405685920010362'],0,[] 1314404791711043584,2024-12-06T01:35:22.804000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - Image #3 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314404791367106560'],0,[] 1314404791711043584,2024-12-06T01:35:22.804000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - Image #3 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314404791367106560'],0,[] 1314403889386225704,2024-12-06T01:31:47.673000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - Zoom Out by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314403888929177702'],0,[] 1314403889386225704,2024-12-06T01:31:47.673000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - Zoom Out by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314403888929177702'],0,[] 1314402995177525309,2024-12-06T01:28:14.477000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6 --sref ** - Image #1 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314402994841976852'],0,[] 1314402995177525309,2024-12-06T01:28:14.477000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6 --sref ** - Image #1 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314402994841976852'],0,[] 1314402929775743038,2024-12-06T01:27:58.884000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6 --sref ** - Image #3 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314402929494593576'],0,[] 1314402929775743038,2024-12-06T01:27:58.884000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6 --sref ** - Image #3 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314402929494593576'],0,[] 1314402016721633340,2024-12-06T01:24:21.195000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6 --sref ** - Variations (Strong) by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314402015618666567'],0,[] 1314402016721633340,2024-12-06T01:24:21.195000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6 --sref ** - Variations (Strong) by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314402015618666567'],0,[] 1314401205971320925,2024-12-06T01:21:07.897000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A simple, colorful drawing of an astronaut's helmet with flowers inside, floating in space. The background is dark blue, and there is some yellow light coming from the left side. There are stars around it. The overall mood is psychedelic but calm, in the style of Moebius. --niji 6 --sref ** - Image #2 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314401205597900890'],0,[] 1314401205971320925,2024-12-06T01:21:07.897000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A simple, colorful drawing of an astronaut's helmet with flowers inside, floating in space. The background is dark blue, and there is some yellow light coming from the left side. There are stars around it. The overall mood is psychedelic but calm, in the style of Moebius. --niji 6 --sref ** - Image #2 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314401205597900890'],0,[] 1314401119690035263,2024-12-06T01:20:47.326000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - Image #3 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314401119786762290'],0,[] 1314401119690035263,2024-12-06T01:20:47.326000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - Image #3 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314401119786762290'],0,[] 1314400012276596796,2024-12-06T01:16:23.298000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314400011412439061'],0,[] 1314400012276596796,2024-12-06T01:16:23.298000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314400011412439061'],0,[] 1314399949273956365,2024-12-06T01:16:08.277000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A simple, colorful drawing of an astronaut's helmet with flowers inside, floating in space. The background is dark blue, and there is some yellow light coming from the left side. There are stars around it. The overall mood is psychedelic but calm, in the style of Moebius. --niji 6 --sref ** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314399948787421298'],0,[] 1314399949273956365,2024-12-06T01:16:08.277000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A simple, colorful drawing of an astronaut's helmet with flowers inside, floating in space. The background is dark blue, and there is some yellow light coming from the left side. There are stars around it. The overall mood is psychedelic but calm, in the style of Moebius. --niji 6 --sref ** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314399948787421298'],0,[] 1314399283104972863,2024-12-06T01:13:29.450000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6 --sref ** - <@767596106795581440> (Waiting to start)",[],[],0,[] 1314399229258633326,2024-12-06T01:13:16.612000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A simple, colorful drawing of an astronaut's helmet with flowers inside, floating in space. The background is dark blue, and there is some yellow light coming from the left side. There are stars around it. The overall mood is psychedelic but calm, in the style of Moebius. --niji 6 --sref ** - <@767596106795581440> (Waiting to start)",[],[],0,[] 1314395451574849596,2024-12-06T00:58:15.942000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimal and whimsical illustration with a color scheme of vibrant purples, blues, and pinks, using gel pen techniques and flower patterns. Inspired by space art, zine illustration, and glitch aesthetics, the focus is an astronaut in a helmet filled with flowers inside and around. The mood is dreamy and playful. --sref --niji 6** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314395450748440576'],0,[] 1314395451574849596,2024-12-06T00:58:15.942000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimal and whimsical illustration with a color scheme of vibrant purples, blues, and pinks, using gel pen techniques and flower patterns. Inspired by space art, zine illustration, and glitch aesthetics, the focus is an astronaut in a helmet filled with flowers inside and around. The mood is dreamy and playful. --sref --niji 6** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314395450748440576'],0,[] 1314394566153080894,2024-12-06T00:54:44.841000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimal and whimsical illustration with a color scheme of vibrant purples, blues, and pinks, using gel pen techniques and flower patterns. Inspired by space art, zine illustration, and glitch aesthetics, the focus is an astronaut in a helmet filled with flowers inside and around. The mood is dreamy and playful. --sref --niji 6** - <@767596106795581440> (Waiting to start)",[],[],0,[] 1314391866233323580,2024-12-06T00:44:01.130000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314391865742725160'],0,[] 1314391866233323580,2024-12-06T00:44:01.130000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314391865742725160'],0,[] 1314391843135295550,2024-12-06T00:43:55.623000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314391842766454794'],0,[] 1314391843135295550,2024-12-06T00:43:55.623000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6** - Variations (Strong) by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314391842766454794'],0,[] 1314391057622106132,2024-12-06T00:40:48.342000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6** - Variations (Subtle) by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314391057055617095'],0,[] 1314391057622106132,2024-12-06T00:40:48.342000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6** - Variations (Subtle) by <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314391057055617095'],0,[] 1314390949023060040,2024-12-06T00:40:22.450000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6 --sref ** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314390948469542922'],0,[] 1314390949023060040,2024-12-06T00:40:22.450000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6 --sref ** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314390948469542922'],0,[] 1314389950908727386,2024-12-06T00:36:24.481000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6** - Image #4 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389950598221914'],0,[] 1314389950908727386,2024-12-06T00:36:24.481000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6** - Image #4 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389950598221914'],0,[] 1314389941584920577,2024-12-06T00:36:22.258000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6** - Image #1 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389941576536135'],0,[] 1314389941584920577,2024-12-06T00:36:22.258000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6** - Image #1 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389941576536135'],0,[] 1314389922182074389,2024-12-06T00:36:17.632000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A simple, colorful drawing of an astronaut's helmet with flowers inside, floating in space. The background is dark blue, and there is some yellow light coming from the left side. There are stars around it. The overall mood is psychedelic but calm, in the style of Moebius. --niji 6** - Image #1 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389921993199676'],0,[] 1314389922182074389,2024-12-06T00:36:17.632000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A simple, colorful drawing of an astronaut's helmet with flowers inside, floating in space. The background is dark blue, and there is some yellow light coming from the left side. There are stars around it. The overall mood is psychedelic but calm, in the style of Moebius. --niji 6** - Image #1 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389921993199676'],0,[] 1314389906839048313,2024-12-06T00:36:13.974000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A simple, colorful drawing of an astronaut's helmet with flowers inside, floating in space. The background is dark blue, and there is some yellow light coming from the left side. There are stars around it. The overall mood is psychedelic but calm, in the style of Moebius. --niji 6** - Image #4 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389906826723328'],0,[] 1314389906839048313,2024-12-06T00:36:13.974000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A simple, colorful drawing of an astronaut's helmet with flowers inside, floating in space. The background is dark blue, and there is some yellow light coming from the left side. There are stars around it. The overall mood is psychedelic but calm, in the style of Moebius. --niji 6** - Image #4 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389906826723328'],0,[] 1314389879160836139,2024-12-06T00:36:07.375000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimal and whimsical illustration with a color scheme of vibrant purples, blues, and pinks, using gel pen techniques and flower patterns. Inspired by space art, zine illustration, and glitch aesthetics, the focus is an astronaut in a helmet filled with flowers inside and around. The mood is dreamy and playful. --niji 6** - Image #4 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389878896857099'],0,[] 1314389879160836139,2024-12-06T00:36:07.375000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimal and whimsical illustration with a color scheme of vibrant purples, blues, and pinks, using gel pen techniques and flower patterns. Inspired by space art, zine illustration, and glitch aesthetics, the focus is an astronaut in a helmet filled with flowers inside and around. The mood is dreamy and playful. --niji 6** - Image #4 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389878896857099'],0,[] 1314389862765428886,2024-12-06T00:36:03.466000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimal and whimsical illustration with a color scheme of vibrant purples, blues, and pinks, using gel pen techniques and flower patterns. Inspired by space art, zine illustration, and glitch aesthetics, the focus is an astronaut in a helmet filled with flowers inside and around. The mood is dreamy and playful. --niji 6** - Image #1 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389862459375777'],0,[] 1314389862765428886,2024-12-06T00:36:03.466000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimal and whimsical illustration with a color scheme of vibrant purples, blues, and pinks, using gel pen techniques and flower patterns. Inspired by space art, zine illustration, and glitch aesthetics, the focus is an astronaut in a helmet filled with flowers inside and around. The mood is dreamy and playful. --niji 6** - Image #1 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389862459375777'],0,[] 1314389833023754250,2024-12-06T00:35:56.375000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6** - Image #1 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389832742469722'],0,[] 1314389833023754250,2024-12-06T00:35:56.375000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6** - Image #1 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389832742469722'],0,[] 1314389830062309428,2024-12-06T00:35:55.669000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6** - Image #2 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389829471047701'],0,[] 1314389830062309428,2024-12-06T00:35:55.669000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6** - Image #2 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389829471047701'],0,[] 1314389781379153960,2024-12-06T00:35:44.062000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6** - Image #4 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389781073104936'],0,[] 1314389781379153960,2024-12-06T00:35:44.062000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimalist and simple illustration with bright, colorful pastel colors, full of black lines. The head, in an astronaut helmet, is decorated with flowers, and on the figure's back is the planet Earth, surrounded by stars. The background color should be a dark blue, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. --niji 6** - Image #4 <@767596106795581440>",[''],['1314389781073104936'],0,[] 1314389584779677728,2024-12-06T00:34:57.189000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,** --niji 6** - Image #1 <@767596106795581440>,[''],['1314389584733274182'],0,[] 1314389584779677728,2024-12-06T00:34:57.189000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,** --niji 6** - Image #1 <@767596106795581440>,[''],['1314389584733274182'],0,[] 1314389348862529597,2024-12-06T00:34:00.942000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314389348342566953'],0,[] 1314389348862529597,2024-12-06T00:34:00.942000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**An astronaut's helmet with colorful flowers inside, with a background of space and stars, in a simple drawing style, line art, vector illustration, solid colors, flat design, using a palette of purple, blue, pink, green, orange, and yellow, isolated on a dark grey background, with a risograph print effect, thick lines, low detail, no shading, and a hand-drawn appearance. --niji 6** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314389348342566953'],0,[] 1314386202006257696,2024-12-06T00:21:30.673000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A simple, colorful drawing of an astronaut's helmet with flowers inside, floating in space. The background is dark blue, and there is some yellow light coming from the left side. There are stars around it. The overall mood is psychedelic but calm, in the style of Moebius. --niji 6** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314386201255481377'],0,[] 1314386202006257696,2024-12-06T00:21:30.673000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A simple, colorful drawing of an astronaut's helmet with flowers inside, floating in space. The background is dark blue, and there is some yellow light coming from the left side. There are stars around it. The overall mood is psychedelic but calm, in the style of Moebius. --niji 6** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314386201255481377'],0,[] 1314383854194135111,2024-12-06T00:12:10.911000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Create a character who is an angel of death in the universe of chainsaw man, divine style. --niji 6** - <@1175683871145213964> (fast)",[''],['1314383853842071653'],0,[] 1314383854194135111,2024-12-06T00:12:10.911000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**Create a character who is an angel of death in the universe of chainsaw man, divine style. --niji 6** - <@1175683871145213964> (fast)",[''],['1314383853842071653'],0,[] 1314383651575959644,2024-12-06T00:11:22.603000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**Create a character who is an angel of death in the chainsaw man universe. --niji 6** - <@1175683871145213964> (fast),[''],['1314383651252863028'],0,[] 1314383651575959644,2024-12-06T00:11:22.603000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**Create a character who is an angel of death in the chainsaw man universe. --niji 6** - <@1175683871145213964> (fast),[''],['1314383651252863028'],0,[] 1314383456972705852,2024-12-06T00:10:36.206000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**Create a character who is an angel of death in the chainsaw man universe. --niji 6** - <@1175683871145213964> (fast),[''],['1314383456356012033'],0,[] 1314383456972705852,2024-12-06T00:10:36.206000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,**Create a character who is an angel of death in the chainsaw man universe. --niji 6** - <@1175683871145213964> (fast),[''],['1314383456356012033'],0,[] 1314383322696388608,2024-12-06T00:10:04.192000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimal and whimsical illustration with a color scheme of vibrant purples, blues, and pinks, using gel pen techniques and flower patterns. Inspired by space art, zine illustration, and glitch aesthetics, the focus is an astronaut in a helmet filled with flowers inside and around. The mood is dreamy and playful. --niji 6** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314383322121764895'],0,[] 1314383322696388608,2024-12-06T00:10:04.192000+00:00,1051067680255393862,1017943945214435438,niji・journey Bot,1022952195194359889,"**A minimal and whimsical illustration with a color scheme of vibrant purples, blues, and pinks, using gel pen techniques and flower patterns. Inspired by space art, zine illustration, and glitch aesthetics, the focus is an astronaut in a helmet filled with flowers inside and around. The mood is dreamy and playful. --niji 6** - <@767596106795581440> (relaxed)",[''],['1314383322121764895'],0,[]