"""This script is used to get many posts from the desired subreddit(s)""" import requests import time import random """This script is used to get many posts from the desired subreddit(s)""" subreddit_list = [ "theredpillrebooted", "RedPillWomen", "Feminism", "marriedredpill", "TheBluePill", "PurplePillDebate", "RedPillWives", "askMRP", "ForeverAloneWomen", ] url_template = "https://www.reddit.com/r/{}/.json?t=all{}" headers = {"User-Agent": "Testing Bot Gundam Wing"} params = "" str_log = [] original_counter = 10000 counter = original_counter post_list = [] for subreddit in subreddit_list: while counter > 0: print(f"Getting posts with params: {params}") print("\n\n\n\n") url = url_template.format(subreddit, params) response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if response.ok: data = response.json() posts = data["data"]["children"] print(f"Got {len(posts)} posts") for post in posts: pdata = post["data"] post_id = pdata["id"] title = pdata["title"] text = pdata.get("selftext") score = pdata["score"] author = pdata["author"] date = pdata["created_utc"] url = pdata.get("url_overridden_by_dest") print(f"{post_id}: {title} - {url}") # prints for debugging # print("Keys are ", pdata.keys()) # post_list.append( # { # "id": post_id, # "title": title, # "text": text, # "url": url, # "score": score, # "author": author, # "date": date, # "pdata": pdata, # } # ) post_list.append( [subreddit, post_id, title, text, url, score, author, date, pdata] ) print(f"Got {len(posts)} posts") try: params = "&after=" + data["data"]["after"] except: print( "No more posts, broke on ", subreddit, "with counter at ", counter ) # write this log to a txt file str_log.append( "No more posts, broke on " + subreddit + "with counter at " + str(counter) ) break counter -= 1 time.sleep(random.randint(1, 45)) else: print(f"Error: {response.status_code}") counter = original_counter params = ""