{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import pandas as pd" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Requirement already satisfied: requests in c:\\users\\eric-dqgm\\xgenvdbz\\lib\\site-packages (2.28.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in c:\\users\\eric-dqgm\\xgenvdbz\\lib\\site-packages (from requests) (1.26.15)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in c:\\users\\eric-dqgm\\xgenvdbz\\lib\\site-packages (from requests) (3.1.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in c:\\users\\eric-dqgm\\xgenvdbz\\lib\\site-packages (from requests) (3.4)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in c:\\users\\eric-dqgm\\xgenvdbz\\lib\\site-packages (from requests) (2022.12.7)\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "[notice] A new release of pip available: 22.3.1 -> 24.0\n", "[notice] To update, run: python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip\n" ] } ], "source": [ "!pip install requests" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Getting posts with params: \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "17c1wxt: My name is Benjamin Persits and I am so sick of women. - None\n", "16i06xc: WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!? - https://v.redd.it/8d1eapsih3ob1\n", "16a4ekb: Why is she an asshole with me and how to handle it? - None\n", "15f45sl: Popular US vlogger Gonzalo Lira aka Coach Red Pill detained in Ukraine - None\n", "12wwyzc: Mrs. Rooster by Stinky Buckets - https://youtube.com/watch?v=jK5BQngWne4&feature=share\n", "11ns2tc: Sith Lord exposed for falsely accusing her husband of raping their daughters. - https://v.redd.it/s8pkr5zg00ma1\n", "114onkp: Women believe that if a man will not be friendly with women in office HR should get involved - https://i.redd.it/cxonpsx39mia1.jpg\n", "10wflja: Solve most of your problems with well placed lies. - https://i.redd.it/rxngq2w0ztga1.jpg\n", "zgghrp: Money is not a God - /r/SigmaSpot/comments/zgfdb5/money_is_not_a_god/\n", "yz87wh: Andrew Tate theme song... but AI draws English lyrics - https://youtu.be/lKQRVRSW4vw\n", "yvbysh: do I leave my girlfriend after her not caring about my country? - None\n", "yv9sgi: Toxic men and the lie of lost men - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS4s4Oezdww\n", "y00bgq: One Flake too many in a relationship? - None\n", "x3gj7v: High Stake Dating? - None\n", "wbbjkj: Need some advice - None\n", "waydi8: My wife had sex with an executive at work, in his office. Need help - /r/Marriage/comments/wav06a/my_wife_had_sex_with_an_executive_at_work_in_his/\n", "w98uky: whut? - None\n", "vhq6kt: Ok, which one of you geniuses operates their social media page? I can't get my bratwurst from this place anymore without questioning it...thanks guys. - https://ktvz.com/news/business/2022/06/20/redmond-butcher-shop-sparks-online-controversy-with-post-criticizing-juneteenth-some-customers-cut-ties/\n", "vh3k9y: Why I'm an Incel - None\n", "vh3vqg: REDPILL IS THE ONLY WAY TO BE BROSKI! - None\n", "vh3gnc: Why I’m an incel - None\n", "vh4poo: wake up liberals! - None\n", "ud4sh4: anon is a failure - https://i.redd.it/i3ubl5k5dxv81.jpg\n", "qepxf4: Is the West for You? - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8JL_JCqdv5R1CujRSU_Sgw\n", "q5igm4: Feeling Fishy about this - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_q5igm4\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 14 posts\n", "ojj0lc: Original Male Space - None\n", "nkkx1q: She Makes Her Own Money But She'd Rather Spend Yours #dating - https://youtube.com/watch?v=0ImjsNnlelw&feature=share\n", "mqz7xh: Stay true to yourself and keep it real my dear Armenians, make your ancestors smile from the heaven ✊🇦🇲✝️ - https://v.redd.it/lpsdzchn16t61\n", "m63gh5: Thread: theories of Erich Fromm and Habermas on conformism, 5 types of modern personalities and social engineering - /r/ArmenianRenaissance/comments/m63gdh/thread_theories_of_erich_fromm_and_habermas_on/\n", "m5emsw: Thread: The Cultural Marxist long march through institutions, the corporate take over of the movement (intentions behind the demoralization and deconstruction proces) and how to feed the mass the illussion that their \"progressivism\" is revolutionary or anti-establishment. - /r/ArmenianRenaissance/comments/m5efxz/thread_the_cultural_marxist_long_march_through/\n", "lkjcer: What do you need the most right now? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgoHC6d_BlQ&t=71s\n", "ljnhoy: [Excellent New Video, Thoughts?] Masculine Frame and Humor | RedPill Masculinity is Not Funny? - https://youtube.com/watch?v=LZULYl58BBc&feature=share\n", "fiqrg4: Men as Property | Why Family Court Laws are Skewed in Favor of Women - https://youtu.be/omPJ41JykjM\n", "f98onz: Take the red pill and wake up - https://youtu.be/OS6N633Nv0s\n", "2mce9o: Fuckin' women, man... - http://thoughtcatalog.com/isabel-chalmers/2014/04/dear-nice-guy-i-wasnt-ready-for-you-before-but-i-am-now/\n", "2cizo8: If you have girl issues and trp is too big to swallow, come this way. - http://youtu.be/QLOfC1Xx3Ak\n", "1ikdyg: I can feel it getting lighter. - http://www.wikihow.com/Lighten-the-Colour-of-Your-Hair\n", "1ik55o: BBC - Food - Recipes : Kaiserschmarrn with strawberry sauce - http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/kaiserschmarrn_with_86930\n", "1i0w26: The holy grail of /r/theredpillrebooted - http://www.foodnetwork.com/chefs/100-greatest-cooking-tips-of-all-time/index.html\n", "Got 14 posts\n", "No more posts, broke on theredpillrebooted with counter at 9999\n", "Getting posts with params: \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 27 posts\n", "13famda: We Found Where We Stashed The Checklist! Getting Started With RPW - None\n", "13eeakb: RPW Back to Basics Mega Compilation - None\n", "1aic2r1: Dating 4+ years, boyfriend hasn’t proposed and I’m ready to be married and have babies - None\n", "1aid1tw: Moving in with boyfriend - dealing with parents? - None\n", "1ai7y7w: What are some Red Pill related podcasts I could listen to? - None\n", "1ai0k6c: Husband has no hobbies or interests - None\n", "1ai7u3b: what do you think of loyalty tests - None\n", "1ahq9z3: Aging and Becoming Less Attractive - None\n", "1ahu38q: communicating being hurt over lack of communication vs begging for attention, how? - None\n", "1ahqo0r: How can I be a soft landing space if I'm utterly drained after work? - None\n", "1ahgvi8: Not Just For Anyone - None\n", "1ai2jzt: SEX WITH NO DESIRE? - None\n", "1ahp22p: “Daddy Issues”, love, trust, and respect for men - None\n", "1ahpzyc: Balancing career and a traditional man. - None\n", "1ahrxrk: My bf is angry at me, what do I do? - None\n", "1ahoa03: What are some flexible careers or jobs for a mom/wife? - None\n", "1agspf5: STFU or be vulnerable? - None\n", "1ag9gr8: Why are You a Red Pill Woman? - None\n", "1agsl2v: Please help me vet men. - None\n", "1ag9lmj: How to have an emotional connection? *Cross posted* - None\n", "1ag24d1: If finances were no obstacle, how many children would you have? - None\n", "1afvf5m: Success story, and a lesson - - None\n", "1afvfk5: Wanting to stop birth control - None\n", "1afh3f3: Why am I so combative and struggle with being pleasant? - None\n", "1af72la: Why do men prefer to try to make boss babes tradwives instead of going for actual women who aspire to be tradwives? - None\n", "1afbgad: I need to forgive his sexual past but don't know how. - None\n", "1af61hh: I’m 24 years old: should I start dating to marry or dating for fun/self discovery is fine? - None\n", "Got 27 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1af61hh\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1af45tt: Is feminine appearance and energy enough? - None\n", "1aeue56: Bl*wjob vs Handj*b vs Regular S*x - None\n", "1aenv2z: Extremely different sleeping habits - None\n", "1aexcol: does going for drinks as a first meet signify that he will want to split the bill/want something casual?? - None\n", "1aew0oq: Broke up with my BF (23m) - None\n", "1aejx2u: Confused on what red pill lifestyle means ??? - None\n", "1ae2l2v: How to avoid unserious relationships as a woman? Or men who just want s*x. - None\n", "1adu6bc: Boyfriend defended domestic abuse (but has not been violent). Where to go from here? - None\n", "1ae0808: Accused of being the cause of his sister dying? - None\n", "1aduz30: Snoring boyfriend :( - None\n", "1aecqcz: Does anyone that’s unmarried ever have an issue marrying a divorced person? - None\n", "1ad8jzc: Where are y’all finding men who want commitment? - None\n", "1adj17v: Unplanned pregnancy— I want to keep it, he doesn’t - None\n", "1ad7z06: Worrying about the future with my partner - None\n", "1aczcsj: Female friendships - None\n", "1ad0yb2: How can I be more feminine for my boyfriend? - None\n", "1ac7vll: Amazing RPW style blog - None\n", "1acrjfo: I'm (30F) ia relationship with a single dad (39M) with a child (4M) and baby mama (40F) - None\n", "1abw4ar: How Do Transition Myself From Girlhood To Womanhood? - None\n", "1abt3dn: Valentine’s Day Expectations - None\n", "1ac1nxl: New SAHM to 2y.o step daughter - None\n", "1ac0k6m: How/why to become attracted to masculine men? - None\n", "19fk420: What do you do when you realize you've been complaining a lot? - None\n", "19feflf: How to be comfortable accepting money from boyfriend/future husband - None\n", "19fd9ki: Advice for a single 26F needing to build up her feminine energy? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_19fd9ki\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "19ewfax: We Really Should STFU - None\n", "19ezosk: How to let a man lead in a relationship? - None\n", "19f1rfg: Unable to strike a connection with the right men - None\n", "19f88uy: Advice for a people pleasing SO - None\n", "19em21a: i'm never the first pick - None\n", "19ex8yz: The talking stage - move on or keep trying? - None\n", "19eflxn: Feeling insecure about partners female friends who I’ve never met - None\n", "19e6mr4: How important is it for the man you want to marry to have a stable job? - None\n", "19dvn9w: How to support my bf looking into career advancement options? - None\n", "19dyqwc: Aging Gracefully or Do I Need Skincare - None\n", "19dh5vu: How to be a Happy Human Being 101 - None\n", "19d635t: Goals -- A RPW 2024 beginners guide on how to attain them - None\n", "19ddhd0: Long distance relationships (LDRs): how to vet, and how to close the gap? - None\n", "19cqsmc: feeling like a slut and I'm still a virgin, how can I get over it, and does my boyfriend think it too? - None\n", "19ce6e7: Looking for hard truth - None\n", "19blznk: The Empowered Wife-Question - None\n", "19bipek: Deal Makers and Deal Breakers - None\n", "19asu4z: Be pleasant + Allow yourself to be led + VET + Look your best + be affectionate - None\n", "19b4vxg: 6 years of hard work - None\n", "19au1a5: New to Red Pill - None\n", "19abkwv: Where to find affordable traditional clothing? - None\n", "19a8lxf: Confused about hobbies and vacations that provider high value men like - None\n", "19a4lrr: I'm starting to resent my boyfriend - None\n", "19axcna: My husband makes over 400k a year, I dont work and we split all the chores - None\n", "19aucfk: What do you consider rich and what do you consider wealthy? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_19aucfk\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "199id03: Got pregnant and shouted at husband - None\n", "199tyih: How Do You Recover from Not Being a Virgin? - None\n", "198whlg: Wish he was more independent. - None\n", "198xh73: Years have gone by and I still think about my high school boyfriend - None\n", "198xqx6: How do you detach your emotional state from your partners? - None\n", "1984l4q: Getting commitment after sex - None\n", "198jfuy: My ex boyfriend (M25) wants me back (F25) - None\n", "19824tb: Annoying comments from Husband - None\n", "197htx1: A beautiful article about the joys of learning to follow - None\n", "1983luq: Long distance: 2 months plan - None\n", "19748mr: Dedication to myself and using RPW as a tool changed my life entirely. - None\n", "197lr5x: Should I cancel the date? - None\n", "195uu50: Why is the answer to almost every relationship advice post on Reddit “leave them”? - None\n", "195a8yl: Age Gap Relationships? - None\n", "1954ngm: How to keep the passion while working from home? - None\n", "194lx97: Observing women who married to middle/upper middle class men. - None\n", "194rhvv: being afraid of coming off as a gold digger made me unable to receive, help - None\n", "194llst: How did you master The Art Of STFU? - None\n", "194hv1p: Not turned on - None\n", "1946ge8: Cardi B says... - None\n", "193js4t: How to RPW a controlling boyfriend - None\n", "193igfa: Relationship with in-laws - None\n", "1934qs3: I (F27) discovered boyfriend's (M27) hidden home videos with his ex; he lied about deleting them. Would you break up? - None\n", "192olhq: Feeling down, What is the point of dating a man? - None\n", "191tgyp: Was this inappropriate from fiance or is it in my head? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_191tgyp\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "191ysor: Should fat women date? - None\n", "190x29g: I dont like dating promiscous men - None\n", "190nmeq: i think my bf acts too femininely. opinions on what to do - None\n", "1913my0: Anxious newcomer - None\n", "190bpyv: Feeling betrayed by RedPillWomen. - None\n", "190n08t: Realising what kind of a partner I have been - None\n", "1901m9j: What changes have you seen in your man since RP? - None\n", "190j9jg: Need advice on work relationship - None\n", "18zt2pk: Want kids before 30 but BF wants to wait - None\n", "1906t4a: Moving in with boyfriend - None\n", "18zpjk1: At what point does nun mode become redundant? - None\n", "18ykqjy: Book Recommendation - None\n", "18yj0d8: 3 Act Journey - None\n", "18yll0e: Is it normal to struggle at implementing RPW tools? - None\n", "18y6f4i: Want kids but bf is poor - None\n", "18y1caq: Do any other new comers feel 'silly'? - None\n", "18yfdhy: Talking to first red pill guy - None\n", "18xxb0x: F23 seeking advice on attracting the right partner - None\n", "18wzazi: Relationship Prioritization - None\n", "18xquno: Men don't care about women with high body count if they are attractive - None\n", "18vsprs: Where can I go to find a man who is open to me being a stay at home wife? - None\n", "18vetz2: I Asked My Husband to Pay Me a $1 an Hour to Clean - None\n", "18vkp21: What would you do? - None\n", "18ud5gs: should I pick the guy I love or the guy that loves me? - None\n", "18uag8w: Red Pill Origins - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18uag8w\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18u6a0k: Dating - None\n", "18u5h8b: in love with a narcissist? - None\n", "18txkkj: Birth Control Advice - None\n", "18skq7d: Do men really enjoy providing or a coverup? - None\n", "18sybvm: Navigating the Leadership Landscape - None\n", "18sqpza: Should I give up on the apps? - None\n", "18shn1k: You RPW are worth finding! - None\n", "18scx1c: His mom loves me! But she said he needs a leader…unsure of what to feel. - None\n", "18s87bu: Man who is not leading and what to say? - None\n", "18rlu9v: He doesn’t want to have conversation with me - None\n", "18rlwt7: My 30M boyfriend is always upset about smth when we travel - None\n", "18qzkth: What’s a good body count at almost 30? - None\n", "18qy61j: Attraction towards a non compatible man - None\n", "18qeym5: he doesn’t want me to solo travel and say it’s wrong. now i want to end relationship - None\n", "18qd0wd: How should I (26F) proceed with my marriage to my husband (40M)? - None\n", "18oflo9: Ladies, I wanted to get some objective advice on my current situation. I - None\n", "18o37r2: \"If he wanted to, he would\" - None\n", "18o78kw: Is 3 years younger too big of an age difference? - None\n", "18njhzb: How do I (44F) Deflect Our Gift to His (44m) Niece (4F)? - None\n", "18n83x5: I miss him TOO much💔 how to stop? - None\n", "18n1xin: Has anyone here saved themselves for marriage as a RPW? How did that work/not work for you whilst dating? - None\n", "18nst13: How do you find a man to pay for you? - None\n", "18meye9: More betrayal, now what? - None\n", "18maqqb: Dating Red Flags - None\n", "18m6hjh: Dating books for women? Recommendations - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18m6hjh\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18lmmhr: He hasn't hugged me or kissed me outside the sexual encounters after 2 months of dating - None\n", "18l5s8n: I oversexualized myself and I fear I can't turn back without it hurting my relationship, help - None\n", "18le2ef: Communication and Texting - None\n", "18l4l2p: Tipps/Books for organizing for a very messy person - None\n", "18kldz4: How to maintain a RPW mindset with a newborn? - None\n", "18k88pj: He goes out while I stay home with the baby but every time we discuss this I want to control him - None\n", "18k3fnk: RPW Nun Mode Compilation - None\n", "18k43ia: A Definitive Guide to Nun Mode: Part II The 3i’s and How to Nun Mode - None\n", "18jw4up: boyfriend says he wants a strong woman, can’t figure out how this fits into softer energy? - None\n", "18jkpru: Is anybody here a survivor of Schrödinger’s Patriarchy - None\n", "18jd3tw: A Definitive Guide to Nun Mode: Part I An Introduction - None\n", "18j8d76: Do you believe that religion is a necessary part of being traditional? - None\n", "18j14nn: When he hosts his friends - None\n", "18j1725: Family Advice Help - None\n", "18inse8: RPW: How much does it impact your world view? - None\n", "18hv3er: I am more successful than my boyfriend, and I resent it - None\n", "18i1uwv: Why are beauty pageants seen as a big deal for nations? And well showing of gorgeous women in general in events unrelated to pageantry like international diplomatic negotiations and catering food services to foreign soldiers stations and other big national stuff? - None\n", "18hnntb: Help! Looking for a particular post/comment - None\n", "18hfui1: Ladies who manifested their HVM—what qualities did you want? Did you get them? - None\n", "18haabk: The Real Reason So Many Women Are Doing OnlyFans | Lib Turned Red Pill Female Perspective - None\n", "18h14ms: Shopaholic - None\n", "18gl4ue: Anyone here who was formerly in an abusive relationship but left, healed and is now living the RPW dream? - None\n", "18g5nig: She doesn't work because she wants to concentrate on her feminity. But her husband's income is not enough for two people ??? - None\n", "18g2xhg: Navigating Work Discussions in a New Relationship - None\n", "18fv1fq: He doesn’t want children. Did I fail to inspire him? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18fv1fq\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18f9ugw: Was told I'm a lady! - None\n", "18edg8w: I made one comment in this sub and I got banned from other subs wtf - None\n", "18ekqgr: I'm a widow. I've been single and celibate for 16 years. I've only been with 2 men. - None\n", "18eca57: Signs he’s a good leader - None\n", "18cskp3: Struggling with less sex in my relationship - None\n", "18c5dbi: Should Women Defend their Men from Feminists who Call them Misogynists for wanting Traditional Wives? - None\n", "18c79tj: Ladies and gents, what are different ways that men/husbands show that they value and appreciate their wives/women? - None\n", "18ccg7o: Different interests - RPW approach - None\n", "18c7fih: Partner often frustrated/negative at things in the world outside of me - None\n", "18bhge9: Disappointed We’re Not doing anything for my graduation - None\n", "18bnoi2: Women who are supported by their spouse/partner, how do you get him gifts? - None\n", "18au18w: “Beta Batman” - None\n", "18a4xfa: Should I (f18) let my bf (m18) go clubbing? - None\n", "189q9di: Help!! How do I slow down a progressing dating phase? - None\n", "18a5y0d: How soon do you have to kiss a new guy you started dating? (I prefer to take it slow) - None\n", "189h7y4: My (20F) boyfriend (26M) cant let go of my past but doesn’t break up - None\n", "188qrxb: How to make HIM the leader - not you - fast! - None\n", "188xv4l: How can I become free from abusive mother to start my own family one day? - None\n", "188wxrf: New to Reddit, needing assistance with submission - None\n", "187m4fg: How do I as a new mom regain the lighter, fun, and more whimsical side of life? - None\n", "187euz7: Relationship advice - None\n", "186uy7t: I want to work part time and focus look after the home , I don’t think my boyfriend will approve - None\n", "186disq: Partner & Onlyfans - None\n", "186jojy: Did I sabotage a potential relationship by being needy and asking for communication early on? - None\n", "186dn7m: How do you let go & let him lead? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_186dn7m\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18626ni: Advice for young girls seeking commitment - None\n", "185vm1f: Withholding Premarital Sex Age 40+ - None\n", "185h33p: How do I find a good man? - None\n", "185tch9: I can’t make a post, help! - None\n", "184u38d: Am I doing the right thing? - None\n", "184va7d: How do you know your SMV/RMV and All the guys are taken - None\n", "1842vvd: Am I going for guys that are out of my league? - None\n", "183faj1: Dealing with husbands blindness - None\n", "182pa2w: Boundaries about his friends? - None\n", "182vjzw: Making my mother a red pill woman - None\n", "18273y6: Being feminine in a crisis - None\n", "182969y: Best way to act when husband is on a boys trip - None\n", "1823qjm: Do Men Find Cuddling Effeminate? - None\n", "181zpab: How can I stop to be mad at my boyfriend beeing sick - None\n", "182llde: Thanksgiving - None\n", "180xy1z: My boyfriend (M25) told me(F27) his relationship history and it made me feel sad and confused. - None\n", "180yq7b: What to do if you crave physical touch? - None\n", "180e0sg: What does a healthy sex life look like? - None\n", "180nokv: Seeking serious advice about whether to build a relationship with the current man I dating - None\n", "17zwqpo: Making myself more desirable, receptive and not reticent - None\n", "17yb8dx: How to increase my chances of getting asked out by a man? - None\n", "17xrdfj: Confidence for the Single RPW - None\n", "17x8dtq: What I learned about respect at work - None\n", "17ww4g9: Having a Relationship with a Captain who has Autism? - None\n", "17wwgk2: Birth Control Help? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_17wwgk2\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "17wbckh: Is there such thing as too much sex? - None\n", "17w5e09: How to support my partner without suffocating him? - None\n", "17w94bl: New relationship advice needed (this is a positive step in my life) - None\n", "17w5dy7: How to support my partner without suffocating him? - None\n", "17v8yme: How can I make more girl friends - None\n", "17v6vbg: How to deal with the fact that your partner has expressed to you he is sexually attracted to someone else? - None\n", "17v1cly: What’s your reason of living? - None\n", "17v2xyt: About to get engaged and terrified/anxious - None\n", "17uc2jh: Sex is truly the key 🔐 - None\n", "17uoad9: Why does submitting make me love him more ? - None\n", "17tzfrj: Male acquaintance wants to \"hang out\" - None\n", "17tof5b: Sex and spending time together… - None\n", "17tem4k: Men Become Aroused when Women Cry? - None\n", "17t32ou: Restarting my life to save my marriage - None\n", "17tb2cc: Arguments from a red-pilled perspective? - None\n", "17t4xhw: Implementing the 6Skills from the Empowered Wife book and hoping for some support! - None\n", "17syt7r: Desiring a good morning text - None\n", "17spzl8: Attempting reconciliation while keeping traditional gender roles - None\n", "17s81ir: Serious mommy issues - None\n", "17seng7: I need help to make my bias go away - None\n", "17s9omq: My ex-boyfriends best friend/roommate dm'd me on IG hitting on me... - None\n", "17rxryf: What makes a woman classy? - None\n", "17riwex: Is it better to invest on a Masters Degree or Plastic Surgery? - None\n", "17rol27: It’s possible to fall in love twice with the same man? - None\n", "17rn6wg: Is this a red flag? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_17rn6wg\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "17qphgu: How do Men Want to be Seen as Physically Attractive? - None\n", "17pyg8y: \"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach\" - None\n", "17pprem: Staying feminine during adversity - None\n", "17pyyu1: Something different from “I hear you”? - None\n", "17p6ewq: Damaged sex life - None\n", "17ow1ke: I am obsessed with my husband but he no longer is with me. - None\n", "17p597u: What do i do when he dont make me orgasmed? - None\n", "17p3x5p: Where do we go from here - None\n", "17p4is3: Is my(22f) boyfriend(25m) too comfortable? - None\n", "17oknrz: Advice on building female friendships - None\n", "17o7bcq: What is your Preference for Male Body Type? - None\n", "17npzio: What to do after the first date? - None\n", "17nem3y: Cooking for boyfriend. - None\n", "17n6n6l: Being the goddess of fun and light… when you aren’t feeling it - None\n", "17n8myw: How can I be more social and feminine? - None\n", "17nbv8l: Advice on safe/modest dating? - None\n", "17mt3td: How much have you changed your style for your partner? - None\n", "17n9ky9: My period doesn't come yet - None\n", "17mkk4o: Perspectives on priorities from a RPW POV? - None\n", "17luwxk: Regarding Body Count and not being a Virgin - None\n", "17lg75w: Is it masculine to buy concert tickets for a guy I’m dating? - None\n", "17lbglm: How can I have him understand that he hurt me without “nagging” - None\n", "17lbidz: Tips for getting ready quickly - None\n", "17krtu5: What are your relationship rules? - None\n", "17ktr81: Feeling vulnerable might delete later - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_17ktr81\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "17kezth: Initiating Promise Rings too Masculine? - None\n", "17jmp8b: The “girlfriend effect” - None\n", "17jpx8a: My boyfriend asked for a 50-50 split on the trip - None\n", "17j89qe: My boyfriend (M31) wants kids one day and I don’t think I (F22) will. - None\n", "17ij673: Cheating - None\n", "17iqrni: Food in the bedroom (not sex) - None\n", "17ig5er: dating younger men? - None\n", "17ijgnz: How to make living together easier for him? - None\n", "17hslf2: Advice wanted - None\n", "17h24p0: Giving boyfriend your card under the table so it looks like he’s the one paying - None\n", "17hfxrm: Tips for Mismatched Humor? - None\n", "17gp9ux: Raya for dating up? - None\n", "17g9lch: 2nd Date / Potential Sleepover - None\n", "17fw44c: Athletic nerds - None\n", "17fjjh6: how to respond and tell him i don’t want to see him anymore - None\n", "17ejnkx: Your favourite book! - None\n", "17e7p65: How to let minor things go? - None\n", "17ddk8g: Online Dating Past The Wall - None\n", "17df28r: Rushed into a relationship and now I [22F] feel guilty - None\n", "17cq8on: Daily Wire Launches Kids Media Program 'Bentkey' - None\n", "17cbckk: WWLDD? What would Laura Doyle do? - None\n", "17booxk: Stressed out stay at home mom needing marriage advice - None\n", "17c580x: Why do I feel bad , what should I do ? - None\n", "17ap8ff: Green flags in a guy - None\n", "17al4du: this doesn’t make a lick of sense - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_17al4du\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "17a9pan: Question for breadwinner women - None\n", "17aehor: I've been told by a couple of men that I don't have a feminine touch e.g. \"don't know how to touch a man\"?! - None\n", "17ad8ma: How do you embrace your femininity? - None\n", "17ailgj: Books for raising girls with a more traditional focus? - None\n", "179ybp8: How can I decide if I want to continue this relationship? - None\n", "179yzlv: Messaging apps - None\n", "179htaa: Have you noticed whether it hurts/helps you if you have a career? - None\n", "17956s0: Whats an argument against men can sleep around but women cant. - None\n", "178tfj7: The meaning of sex in a man's life - None\n", "178m36s: Is it unreasonable to want a provider, but to not want kids? - None\n", "178trp1: Ideas to meet potential prospect - None\n", "178j7yn: My boyfriend comments on how hot other girls are, continually follows other women on Instagram, talks about his past sexual experiences, watches porn whilst being sexual with me - None\n", "178hzim: How can I help my boyfriend deal with his ADHD without mothering him ? - None\n", "1785npw: How do I get my husband to be more masculine? - None\n", "178sfda: Grocery shopping nightmare - None\n", "177nay4: Supporting husband through tough time - None\n", "177lsse: Chicken soup for sick captain :( - None\n", "177738i: My Unexpected Connection with RPW - None\n", "1774xbo: Single-Focused Men - None\n", "1778mxo: Lab grown diamonds - None\n", "176yk4e: The Netflix film: Fair Play - None\n", "1768p08: Discussion: Sex & Feeling Sexy - None\n", "176dss9: Setting boundaries in feminine way / anxious attachment - None\n", "176e002: Courses on female seduction and eroticism? - None\n", "1752xr9: How should I address the fact that I’m not physically attracted the men in my league? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1752xr9\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "174goky: My ex husband is trying to take our child - None\n", "174fhbm: I really want more children but… - None\n", "174jgci: Should I 26 F let my fiancé 30M sleep with other women? - None\n", "1731912: Trying to get back to myself - None\n", "172bcaf: Non-violent communication hack - None\n", "172mcrb: I'm looking for good cooking blogs / YouTube channels, books etc mostly by women. - None\n", "1729p3v: Keep seeing this question - None\n", "171ihh7: I don't enjoy getting ready / dressing up daily as much as I used to... - None\n", "171092p: Maintaining respect in marriage/ltr - None\n", "170u4un: Those of you who waited until marriage to have sex, was it worth it? And those who did not, was no big deal? - None\n", "17199f6: I spoke to him about us and if he can promise me future together after 2 months together. He was vague - None\n", "171f689: Is marriage inherently emasculating to a man? - None\n", "1703ote: Uhm I commented and got banned from 3 SUBS?! - None\n", "16ztos7: Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts - None\n", "16zt9sg: A last attempt to fix my relationship - None\n", "16zg31y: Is it a red flag if he follows a lot of Instagram models? - None\n", "16yfmxb: told friends I never say no to sex - None\n", "16ymymb: My[24F] boyfriend [27M] implied that his work is affected due to me. I don't know how to process that - None\n", "16yk5im: Where can I find this type of husband? - None\n", "16y5jfr: I (18f) haven't had any education since I was 12, I am now 18 & feel lost and scared, is there anything I can do to help myself and get on the right track. - None\n", "16y7pc8: Good cooking shows / online things specifically for women? Or anything online that could help me - None\n", "16y7fpo: Is Red Pill Compatible with Being a Switch? - None\n", "16xxzpv: My (17f) bf (18m) makes me insecure - None\n", "16x2ilp: whenever I tell someone about a guy I'm seeing everything goes wrong all of sudden, help - None\n", "16wvlv8: Overnight he said he doesn't love me - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_16wvlv8\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "16wffod: Do I still have potential? - None\n", "16vbf0v: How do you bring up you’d like to be a stay at home mom/provided for after a few dates? - None\n", "16vh5ck: should i use him or drop him ? - None\n", "16uszp7: How to screen out men who aren’t able/willing to be a provider - None\n", "16u4p6x: Best way to get over a guy that doesn’t involve dating other men. Book recommendations? TIA. - None\n", "16tu86h: Fearing reaction from my mom after telling her that my boyfriend is Arab - None\n", "16t4z95: Becoming my mother? - None\n", "16stxe2: Boyfriend says I talk at him- how do I become a better listener? - None\n", "16slo0j: He is smart, sensitive, intelligent, I am attracted to him, everything I have looked for. But he isn't generous so I dont know what to do - None\n", "16rxdp1: Back to Basics September: 'Jealousy and the secret weapon against the forbidden fruit: honey' - None\n", "16sms16: Opinion about multiple women in marriage - None\n", "16rha3t: Looking for breakup advice :/ - None\n", "16rk00i: I couldn't tell him what I want, I was waiting for him to tell me, so we are still undefined. What should I do? - None\n", "16r0l5y: Advice on prenup - None\n", "16qr3nq: Am I being love bombed ? - None\n", "16qov9t: Ways to test RMV - None\n", "16po153: do men care about women coming from lower social backgrounds? - None\n", "16piw75: Back to Basics September: I tried dressing feminine for a day and this is what happened - None\n", "16p6ltn: How can I make my man to feel like he's \"conquering\" me? - None\n", "16p8nou: Reciprocating in early dating - None\n", "16oop0g: Will men find it a turn off that I am a quiet home body who doesn’t have many friends? - None\n", "16p0fvu: The one sided relationship and cleaning up your side of the street. - None\n", "16nmflh: Back to Basics September: 'Empowering your captain: my field report' - None\n", "16msxq6: How to set new expectations - None\n", "16mc5ss: Disrespecting his Pride (I’m Anxious) - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_16mc5ss\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "16lwagv: Would you marry for love or money? - None\n", "16lvf09: Back to Basics September: 'Discussion: \"Wife Privileges\"' - None\n", "16lltrq: Completely nonexistent dating life. How can I change this? - None\n", "16lor2p: Halloween Plans? - None\n", "16kidk2: Do most long-term marriages eventually lead to a roommate situation? - None\n", "16kqfyl: How much does weight loss help your SMV? - None\n", "16kesuf: My boyfriend had just broken up with me and I feel like my world is ending - None\n", "16kkquy: Do you make an effort to allow your spouse to help even when you don’t need it? - None\n", "16kdefd: Recommended book - None\n", "16kgn6q: Basic questions. I need guidance from others please - None\n", "16jo8nf: How to separate yourself from being viewed as motherly? - None\n", "16jhqhu: Back to Basics September: The Fear of the Wall and Why I'm Sick of Hearing About It - None\n", "16jfvb3: I broke his trust - None\n", "16iqc12: An RPW Guide to Shit Testing - None\n", "16irwfw: [Update] Shall I (43/female) go with my husband (43/male) to FiL's Neighbour's Daughter's (41/female) Birthday Party? - None\n", "16jhqtc: lost my hymen to a piece of clothing - None\n", "16i934o: Back to Basics September: The Slut, and how not to be one. - None\n", "16idwtc: How do you quell an adversarial view on men? - None\n", "16htk0k: I don’t know where to start, but I know I want to understand - None\n", "16htced: My boyfriend wants to go out with a girl he met on a dating app, I don't know what to think - None\n", "16hoyom: Perfectionist husband - None\n", "16hbxlh: My best friend suddenly hates men and it's getting annoying - None\n", "16houc6: Emotional intelligence when dealing with others - None\n", "16hq4mj: Cycle Syncing - None\n", "16hat2b: How do I stay feminine in a job that wears scrubs - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_16hat2b\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "16h04kx: Experienced RPW but need help with saving my LTR. - None\n", "16fx2qw: Should I take my husband’s word and just drop it? - None\n", "16fs0tm: I stopped my husband from committing suicide and he thinks I never knew his plans - /r/offmychest/comments/yxy79c/i_stopped_my_husband_from_committing_suicide_and/\n", "16fyx5w: Back to Basics September: A Quick Look at RPW Wiki - None\n", "16gllxj: Shall I (43/female) go with my husband (43/male) to FiL's Neighbour's Daughter's (41/female) Birthday Party? - None\n", "16flmtt: Authenticity in a RPW's Relationship - None\n", "16fik7o: Back to Basics September: Sex, RPW, Your Man, and You - None\n", "16flu8s: Stuck in a situationship, now 26, is all lost for me if I want children (multiple)? - None\n", "16ehaq2: My husband and I are on different baby timelines.(Details below) - None\n", "16e246c: I like older men but feel repulsed when they show interest in me - None\n", "16e8q6c: Back To Basics September: Online Dating - None\n", "16dzhq4: Were you attracted to your husband/partner from the first date? - None\n", "16dq7kb: Losing attraction - help! - None\n", "16dfi3r: How would a RP man feel about an anorgasmic wife? - None\n", "16d8iv5: How to handle feeling like I come second to husband’s job. - None\n", "16d15bb: Dating someone who never wants to get married - None\n", "16dpr26: Is it unfair to date to pass time if I want to get back with my ex again eventually? - None\n", "16cfpff: RPW interpretation of the movie Barbie? - None\n", "16bvb47: Back To Basics September: Practicing Vulnerability - None\n", "16a0rus: Please help - I don’t love when my husband is silly leading up to sex - None\n", "16aqyfo: Biological clock ticking ⏳️ - None\n", "16a4o5c: Back To Basics September: A Comprehensive Guide to Vetting Men - None\n", "169i3a2: Face looks too slutty? - None\n", "168ykmo: Clothes: my husband doesn’t buy them for himself; what do I do? - None\n", "168t9hf: Youth Struggling with Sexual Sin - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_168t9hf\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "168oef9: Do you think it’s really a terrible thing for women to leave unhappy relationships/marriages? - None\n", "1699ybx: Pining for a guy who sees me as a friend & is in a fresh relationship. How to deal with the situation as a RPW? - None\n", "168xmoq: Good podcasts with Laura Doyle? - None\n", "167hk5w: Happily Married but Have Imposter Syndrome? - None\n", "1672w0f: Back To Basics September: Psychological Femininity - None\n", "167024v: Alpha widowed after 4 dates - None\n", "166usqg: Back to Basics September: 2023 Introduction Post - None\n", "1663h1y: Have you changed anything in your appearance to better your relationship? - None\n", "165ac2j: Dealing with a man who is ex-criminal who won’t leave that life completely? - None\n", "164kun0: My husband told me that my making him breakfast every day \"changed his life\" - None\n", "164yhm3: I cooked for us for the first time yesterday - None\n", "164xbte: How to express sympathy without pity? - None\n", "164pmu6: Ongoing issue with my boyfriend being sharing private info with his parents, he wants to tell them private information I confided in him about my parents - None\n", "164c1tl: I tried using Laura Doyle’s “I apologize for being disrespectful” but my fiancé just replies with “I’ve heard your apology before. Words aren’t meaningful. I’m looking for acknowledgement and action.” - None\n", "163wrzn: I don’t know what is wrong with me. - None\n", "163dhuf: Hubby's Niece Brought me to Tears Tonight - None\n", "162oo5x: How do I, 18F, get HVM to take me seriously? - None\n", "162cbzs: My boyfriend saved a nude photo from a subreddit dedicated to nudes - None\n", "162arm0: Tips to reignite lust? - None\n", "162691i: Is fiancé hinting that he wants an orgy or am I reading too much into it?? - None\n", "1627f9r: I'm really akward around men - None\n", "161wgyl: My realization about male and female friendships. - None\n", "162bgrt: Red Flag - None\n", "161hhse: Is complete vulnerability a relationship killer? - None\n", "161dqcx: Fiance Doesn’t Support Career - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_161dqcx\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "16134et: Photo accuracy? - None\n", "160gf16: My boyfriend doesn't give me compliments but he does to other people - None\n", "160bq5e: Emotional/sexual connection - None\n", "1604hu9: Spearmint tea for hormonal acne? - None\n", "15zqcru: How to bring up issues without making him feel as if he isn’t doing enough - None\n", "15z80km: What’s the Matter with Men? New Yorker article - None\n", "15z4yb3: Great Book on Anxious Attachment I just Read - None\n", "15z9vaz: Can definetly recommend listening to some tunes to make cleaning less boring :) Nature Ambience does it for me (to counter the stress) - None\n", "15yuq3a: Lies promoted hy egalitarian culture that ultimately hurt women - None\n", "15z09n2: \"I told you so\"? - None\n", "15yo3y1: Husband keeps showing me and my children videos of women doing face contouring. - None\n", "15yz4bm: Heart Messages Help - None\n", "15ycs4x: Boyfriend won’t let me do things for him - None\n", "15yc5ok: Boyfriend upset with how I have handled an interaction with a man - advice needed! - None\n", "15y4msq: Surrendered Wife or Fascinating Womanhood? - None\n", "15xyb5u: How to plan on managing our finances with our future spouse? - None\n", "15xb1he: I’m considering quitting studying for a prestigious job but worried that my boyfriend will split up with me for it - None\n", "15xd1no: Home sick today and reading “The Surrendered Single”. What are your thoughts on Laura Doyle’s work? - None\n", "15xjzd5: Help me understand if I'm compatible with my man? - None\n", "15wyh10: Date night instapot/air frier ideas?? - None\n", "15wmb4v: I dont motivate him - None\n", "15wka81: Work Travel Blues… - None\n", "15w39ru: Respect - None\n", "15w8l28: My (29F) husband (31M) got mad and left me on a Café for a trivial reason - None\n", "15va9qe: I think I'm failing pretty hard - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_15va9qe\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "15v47zw: Learn to cook and exploit it! - None\n", "15vj225: Is anyone up for a chat? - None\n", "15v573t: How big a turn off is it if a woman lives with her mom? - None\n", "15ujubq: Cheating Dilemma: do you let your partner know that you know? - None\n", "15umj7l: Red pill content on tik tok - None\n", "15tzpwd: Worn down by my bad experiences with other women - None\n", "15udfp3: Favourite Meals - None\n", "15tn15i: The Easiest RPW Tip! - None\n", "15tzcxw: Should I still watch Jasmyne Theodora? - None\n", "15tygd5: How do you interact with a potential boyfriend’s pet? - None\n", "15thtjd: I so so happy!! - None\n", "15t7t0w: Declining birth rates around the world - None\n", "15t0c8q: Get in the mood if you aren’t. - None\n", "15txo4s: A waitress was rude to me and I feel like my boyfriend is more concerned about her than me. Ladies, what do you think of this situation? - None\n", "15sqroi: Change in treatment - None\n", "15rsv6t: Husband hurt my feelings and I can't let it go - None\n", "15ru9e0: Field Report: Sexy Gift Giving - None\n", "15rlutt: RedPill women who used to be on the “liberal” sides, what made you open your eyes? - None\n", "15ret7q: Have a healthy relationship And spoil you like princesses through sex - None\n", "15rbf1p: We’re back on our feet! - None\n", "15qwtni: What is the best age to get married? - None\n", "15qo8ms: Liberal women have an easier time dating - None\n", "15qiifi: Dating profile to attract providers only - None\n", "15qb2kl: Ladies, in your opinion is it better to work or be a stay at home wife? - None\n", "15pwltr: Things men have complimented me on - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_15pwltr\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "15pv9hw: Moving too fast on the 3rd date? - None\n", "15q17vc: confused. - None\n", "15p9o0v: Would you forgive cheating in my situation? - None\n", "15osna5: How fast did you say “I love you” to your partner and how did you know it was love? - None\n", "15ol424: How does a husband balance between his parents and his wife? - None\n", "15on7u3: After 5,10,20 years of marriage is the way you converse with your partner very different to what it was in the beginning? - None\n", "15nkdzu: Why woman don’t like to do things a previous partner already did before for their S.O? - None\n", "15nlngn: What are your opinions on Ben Shaperio's review of the Barbie movie? - None\n", "15n9ntn: Do you ever feel out of place these days being red pilled? - None\n", "15n5m8f: Update on husband - None\n", "15mnb5a: Frozen in life - None\n", "15maxvp: \"Top 10% of men want 20 yr olds they can mold\" - None\n", "15lwubm: Advice with dealing with a jaded man…? - None\n", "15lka6z: Entitlement, Tradition & What you Bring to the Table - None\n", "15lzk44: Finding female mentors - None\n", "15lr5eu: Red Pill for couples who decide not to procreate - None\n", "15liq9d: Who takes Precedence when it comes to Time? - None\n", "15lsl0x: My Husband (43) of 7 Years Won't Remind me of Things I (43) Said I'd do - None\n", "15jrbiy: Is it bad that my boyfriend is a bit younger than me ? - None\n", "15jj6p5: Wanting my ex back- I was the toxic one - None\n", "15k1u9k: Any christian \"redpill\" books destined to women? - None\n", "15ig6i6: I cooked dinner - None\n", "15i3lyp: What would the “Surrendered Wife” approach be to husband’s excessive porn use? - None\n", "15i67fp: Agree or disagree? Women peak earlier than men. - None\n", "15i4jhq: Feeling Lost and Seeking Help - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_15i4jhq\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "15hdfci: Feminist Family Members - None\n", "15glx2h: Lurker who just started reading The Surrendered Wife here - None\n", "15fxq1e: Evolution Happens Quickly - None\n", "15foxiz: Cold Recipes Needed Please! - None\n", "15fejfo: How to bounce back from insecure moments? - None\n", "15ew28y: Anyone have any fool-proof/ go to recipes they swear by? - None\n", "15eqosh: How do women help men grow? - None\n", "15epxkg: Field Report: Small Successes - None\n", "15dm6vu: Surrender - None\n", "15dpn96: inspiring guys to step up more - None\n", "15devxd: Has this sub become more feminist over time? - None\n", "15dlikk: Tips on rebuilding trust and respect? - None\n", "15d4sw5: How can I accept the fact that I'm a whore? - None\n", "15de1uv: Are insults normal in a relationship? Has it happened in your relationship? How did you navigate it? What is the cause? - None\n", "15c2wdm: Am I supposed to always have sex with my boyfriend whenever he wants to? - None\n", "15c5gyy: What Is Your Opinion On 50/50 Relationships? - None\n", "15dah06: How to Win Back a HVW - None\n", "15btfns: Is it justified to not trust a man because of lies and name calling/insults? - None\n", "15bk2bf: Subtle red flags for men? - None\n", "15blnax: Skincare scenario - None\n", "15bht86: Looking to keep fit as a mom - None\n", "15ba9db: Money. - None\n", "15atco9: I feel so worthless because I’ve never been in a relationship - None\n", "15as2h9: Professional heels for work? - None\n", "15a4qzq: Discussion: \"Wife Privileges\" - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_15a4qzq\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "159swjw: Your 20s are so hard and weird. - None\n", "159byc0: Good books for housewives? - None\n", "159kbe0: Memorabilia as decorations (premarriage) - None\n", "157otqc: Books like the surrendered wife but for men? - None\n", "157efj4: How do you not get intimidated by super tall men - None\n", "156ptqb: What did y'all think of the Barbie movie? - None\n", "1572z8m: A Book Recommendation RPW Should Pick Up - None\n", "156we5x: How to deal with when they have a fight/flight response to something that's not an argument? - None\n", "156xr8x: Whuch book is it with upstairs brain/ downstairs brain? - None\n", "155yr6o: Made to feel guilty for wanting to be a trad wife - None\n", "155wrh5: FR: My Time in Nun Mode as a Teen - None\n", "154t83p: Looking for positive and realistic portrayals of marriage! - None\n", "154qfnf: How can I be supportive to my husband without falling into the mothering territory? - None\n", "154f0em: Dinner ideas for a first home cooked meal? - None\n", "153vctz: As an Indian woman, it irks me to see most of my male indian role models are married to foreign women - None\n", "153x6g6: Food for though: What will you teach your children - None\n", "1541mod: Should I leave him? - None\n", "152zj19: Should I pick out his clothes? - None\n", "1530qm3: New to traditional relationships- having issues reading the signs. - None\n", "152u25a: Freedom from Vanity - None\n", "152ryy6: Femine perfume recommendations? - None\n", "152bvpb: 7 Tips to Retain a Loving Relationship with Small Children - None\n", "1528tv2: How soon to cook? - None\n", "151ms2s: How to Achieve a Feminine Aura - None\n", "151ssda: Women who love to wear dresses - what do you wear in the winter? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_151ssda\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1517mcb: About tolerating abuse - None\n", "15176on: Non-traditional women of RPW, what brings you here? - None\n", "15183pn: \"I want to work hard, so you can be my trophy wife!\" - None\n", "151c0p0: How to fix negative views of femininity? - None\n", "151dlet: How to be More Mature - None\n", "150ywo0: Hyaluronidase - None\n", "150jru5: How to become more feminine? - None\n", "150d6yf: Girly vs Feminine: A discussion - None\n", "150aua0: Did anyone hear about Arab women affected by western lifestyle overseas. Families are collapsing? - None\n", "150h7g3: Appearance change - None\n", "14zxxna: What is nun mode? - None\n", "14zp43s: How to become a better cook? - None\n", "14zx9jr: How to become better at makeup? - None\n", "14zbdxp: How to make more female friends as someone who gets along better with guy friends? - None\n", "14z52y6: advice for dating in college - None\n", "14y5v70: Do you still fit in your wedding dress? - None\n", "14y6699: 3% of women are virgins/wait to have sex before marriage - None\n", "14y9sdu: Confused on who to “aim” for in LTRs - None\n", "14xpa5h: FR: I left a bad relationship at 23 and my life didn't end. - None\n", "14xm1vf: Help me stop eating! - None\n", "14xzu1n: Movie recommendations - None\n", "14xznc9: Should I respond to him? - None\n", "14xkkg9: How do I get to know an extremely shy and reserved guy? - None\n", "14wvnsh: Please welcome our new mod! - None\n", "14x3k9a: How to be more soft - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_14x3k9a\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "14wobwi: What career do you have/ are pursuing? - None\n", "14x3c3k: Nun mode success stories? - None\n", "14w79rq: Do you offer to pay the bill? - None\n", "14vx26v: Is still a real relationship? - None\n", "14vl5mn: I snapped - None\n", "14vdqer: A question about dating - None\n", "14vje5x: About modesty and famous trad women. - None\n", "14uu2zc: Empowering Myself with Natural Contraception: The Untapped Potential of Temperature and Hormone Tracking - None\n", "14uk7ep: Advice on how to motivate my man. - None\n", "14uytzo: How to stop being a plate - None\n", "14tw7jg: Female friend coming over with malls friends to his house: what would you do? - None\n", "14t7vqy: How do I stop feeling like I’m left behind? - None\n", "14to626: Looking for inspirational women and men to follow on social media! - None\n", "14t6dzr: Am I overreacting that I don't want my husband to go abroad? - None\n", "14sv1fi: I freaking love Laura Doyle! - None\n", "14shzfa: Happily married women, did you JUST KNOW he was the one early on? Or did you marry out of convenience and it turned out great? - None\n", "14rbgr0: Pro-tip: If it has been 2 years and he still hasn't proposed , it's probably a sign that he's not that into you - None\n", "14qyv7s: What to do when a man is saying sexual things in initial talking stages (Online dating)? - None\n", "14qx76d: What is your personal definition of a HVM? - None\n", "14qw1a5: Should I buy him the hoodie? - None\n", "14qk70p: Am I wrong to heal my trauma before settling down (and face hitting the wall) ? - None\n", "14qfaoa: Adding value through hard skills - None\n", "14qci5m: Talking about sex - None\n", "14puwva: What is realistic to expect? - None\n", "14p7m6o: Do you consider yourself attractive? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_14p7m6o\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "14p6vx7: I'm crass, masculine, one of the guys...and I hate it, bit don't know how to stop - None\n", "14p0j87: RPW and pregnancy - None\n", "14ofrln: What kind of male attention do you get IRL? - None\n", "14obnx2: Suggestions for content consumption that supports certain RPW goals? - None\n", "14nls1a: Seeking Advice On Multiple Wives - None\n", "14ndkun: Needing feedback on my nun mode plans! - None\n", "14n959s: I have a hard time feeling womanly in my own body - None\n", "14mwbaj: Shift in husband’s behavior - None\n", "14mo8c3: The \"What do YOU want to eat?\" cycle and how to break it - None\n", "14ncp86: FOMO, The Wall & Break-Ups: How to handle the anxiety and the pressure (23F)? - None\n", "14nhb0z: To be fair, I agreed to this. - None\n", "14n6u5s: Hurt and confused about boyfriends calls - None\n", "14mud7s: Where to get nice long-sleeved silk pajama tops, smocks, or nightgowns that are breathable and not overheating? - None\n", "14lya28: Peter pan syndrome for a 47 y/o man who started a \"relationship\" with a 16y/o? - None\n", "14lhx76: I realized I'm addicted/drawn to drama. Tips on how to overcome that? - None\n", "14kx17l: Boyfriend traveling with a female friend without telling me. Is this wrong or I'm just being over? - None\n", "14k72qc: How can I gently help my boyfriend see that he doesn’t actually want what he says his dreams are? - None\n", "14izlzu: How to find a Christian partner? - None\n", "14ixnzd: Should I put on my dating profile that I have a high body count? - None\n", "14hyghj: Bohemian, artistic, spiritually alternative BUT STILL TRADITIONAL cities? - None\n", "14h5x0p: Forced to become masculine - None\n", "14h9lpi: What to do when partner stops pursuing you - None\n", "14fiet0: What does 'vet' mean? - None\n", "14f2ztw: How to backtrack now that everyone thinks I'm a gold digger? - None\n", "14euikq: Tips for nun mode? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_14euikq\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "14ev05t: How to act more feminine as someone with a more masculine haircut/wardrobe - None\n", "14es08a: How do you stop shit-testing men? - None\n", "14f0zzi: Family/Partner Conflict and Different Expectations - None\n", "14ebmha: Empowering your captain: my field report - None\n", "14erzqg: How to become pretty? - None\n", "14e3xzo: Getting out of his way is the best thing I've ever done. - None\n", "14d4yt0: Strong desire to start dating again, but can't seem to attract the type of man I am looking for - None\n", "14czqua: Communication and ‘feminine energy’ - None\n", "14cf7vk: Disabled ex husband - None\n", "14bvgje: Your Home is a Reflection of You - None\n", "14c7bac: What is pair bonding? - None\n", "14c3a13: Never taught how to be a wife - None\n", "14bv2ph: Left holding the baby... - None\n", "14azwbc: RPW, does anyone know a good online relationship coach who I can contact that will be able to give advice on my personal situation? - None\n", "14b4y5l: Is this a red flag? - None\n", "14a90jy: Traditional and “Progressive” Men are not mutually exclusive - None\n", "14asy93: I've just seen an image of the man I have been longing for for years with his girlfriend, feeling distraught, need advice - None\n", "14a3ouo: Skyla IUD Hormonal Experiences.. is my IUD causing my depression? - None\n", "149kass: No women to share wedding planning joy with - None\n", "14971s2: What exactly is an \"alpha\" and why would a woman want to be in a relationship with him? - None\n", "148p9ga: success? post - i’m not ugly. i just had low self esteem… and terrible style. - None\n", "148bpdr: Why does it feel everything bad happens all at once? - None\n", "147qew8: How to stop being perceived as hook up material, instead committal & wifey material of HVM? - None\n", "1483akq: Advice on finding a therapist? - None\n", "147u42j: Is this cheating? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_147u42j\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "146xjsh: How do you know when you are in love with someone? - None\n", "146o8u0: 18 years old and no romantic experience - None\n", "146zm1t: What exactly is red pill women - None\n", "146qx2c: I don't know if my partner is good for me anymore - None\n", "1468873: Masculinity in Illness - None\n", "1469mzq: Mona Lisa Smile Discussion - None\n", "145zyb8: What made you come to redpill lifestyle? - None\n", "145hxg5: Balancing being feminine and gym/weight loss, dating during self improvement? - None\n", "144ikh2: Helping BF become more of a captain- he has never had to \"lead\" - None\n", "144pmpt: How to lose weight and keep it off? - None\n", "144grlu: Shifting tastes in guys? - None\n", "143ura2: has the pain of male infidelity always been this way? - None\n", "1442pnt: Ideas on introducing Red Pill content to men who are not aware - None\n", "1440ueh: How do you select which men to entertain? - None\n", "143d4b1: Help-ny anxiety ruining relationship - None\n", "140snox: RPW Adapted: The Trinity of Security, Status, Escape - None\n", "140sczw: Mantra - None\n", "13zz8jz: 7 Things I've Learned From My Highly Desirable, Thrice Divorced Mother - None\n", "1407cal: How do you know if he’s worth it? - None\n", "14114ou: Update to \"stuck in a short term relationship\", now dynamics have changed for the even worse, need advice - None\n", "140o6yy: Plan for nun mode - None\n", "13zh4ps: Why is dating so complicated? - None\n", "13zebh5: Abusive Relationship Break up - None\n", "13z4sal: Are superficial careers like modeling, pageantry, influencer, etc a turn off to a HVM? - None\n", "13yqpj8: Do I attract older men because I’m ugly? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_13yqpj8\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "13yddyr: So I’m not alone - None\n", "13ya9ji: Another relationship that didn’t work out … - None\n", "13xpot6: How do y'all feel about podcasts like \"Whatever\" and \"Fresh and Fit\"? - None\n", "13xf9ta: Starting to explore - None\n", "13xon0h: How to raise SMV? - None\n", "13x1uhd: Guardian Article about RPW - None\n", "13xhkbv: Meeting my partners mother - None\n", "13wz06o: Feeling anxious about commitment and marriage... - None\n", "13x1s2r: My(22f) boyfriend(26m) has told me he tells his parents when we 'have fun', I feel like my privacy is being taken away from me - None\n", "13vy00x: Let your captain lead - None\n", "13urnby: how do i level up in terms of getting my career and school life together? i really need someone older than me to guide me - None\n", "13uew78: Is it cheap to stop having premarital sex as a high body count woman? - None\n", "13u66st: Genuine question: what's so bad about \"modern women\"? - None\n", "13txt6h: Im in a leftist family - None\n", "13tsssc: How to express disappointment properly (without nagging etc)? - None\n", "13tz1qv: How to deal with husband's addiction with wasting time and playing games. - None\n", "13sy6pj: My relationship with my FNF obsessed boyfriend - None\n", "13r49eu: How do I move more gracefully? - None\n", "13qzz18: Less affection from boyfriend - None\n", "13qk1q9: Feeling guilt, what would you do? - None\n", "13q48vi: Is it possible to effectively bridge major political/religious difference? - None\n", "13q16ra: trustworthy weightlifting youtuber (no e-girls) - None\n", "13pj4bo: True Change is Only Possible When You Are Calm - First, Find What Makes You Calm. - None\n", "13pprd4: What does self improvement look like for you? - None\n", "13olo97: NSFW: sex is unbearable for me (F18) to the point where i feel so weak and i can’t satisfy my partner (M20) - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_13olo97\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "13ofz6c: 18 years old. I’m terrified and hold so much resentment against men and I don’t know what to do. Need urgent help. - None\n", "13muf4u: Men: An Appreciation Post - None\n", "13oeys3: How can I (25F) emotionally seduce him (30M) to get what I want - None\n", "13m80da: Seeing a guy for 3 months without commitment. Should I break up with him? - None\n", "13l1ibf: Placeholder VS Dream Girl - None\n", "13l195v: Is this true? - None\n", "13kma2b: Liberal men vs conservative women - None\n", "13kenku: I need some advice on how to deal with uncomfortable situations - None\n", "13kc2fv: Classy casual style advice? - None\n", "13jewle: Nice things to do - None\n", "13iug7d: I'm stuck in a short term relationship and I'm so depressed - None\n", "13hv5w3: thoughts on TheWizardLiz? - None\n", "13hn0ag: Questions about Looking for HVM in Person - None\n", "13ggdhh: Those of you who have no personal income and stay home with your kids, what does your financial situation look like? - None\n", "13gsn3g: Seeking book recommendations - something similar to The Empowered Wife by Laura Doyle but with a more spiritual perspective. - None\n", "13gxij0: How important is education(university degree level)?? I want to earn money right now!!! - None\n", "13fq5cv: Anyone is beyond the Wall and no results?(+30) - None\n", "13fvopj: Is it reasonable to ask partner to stop lecturing me. - None\n", "13fcip9: Do you guys feel a little blue when your husband is away? - None\n", "13f5wjj: I’m single at 30 and feel…lost… - None\n", "13fv1jp: Why are some men like this? - None\n", "13e5th4: how to reverse the damage of high body count? - None\n", "13e5wsm: How do you all feel about situationships? - None\n", "13d7gyz: Why Your “Fat Reduction” Workouts Aren’t Working. - None\n", "13cnmfg: Good male psychology books - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_13cnmfg\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "13bwxi4: Media's Portrayal of Tradwives - None\n", "13bqjke: Ungrateful - An Update - None\n", "13b0td0: Are “redpill” men the type to make you feel empowered? - None\n", "13adnot: Was it me? - None\n", "139k4oo: How can modern dating change? - None\n", "139jtch: Many RPM and some RPW content creators are against no-fault divorce. Do you agree with this? - None\n", "13938ci: How to come to terms with male sexuality? - None\n", "138w38n: Would it be appropriate to expect an engagement in this situation? - None\n", "138ly4g: Understanding RPW - None\n", "1384l69: Healing - None\n", "1370lbx: How would you introduce RP to your daughter? Do you wish you had known about RP at a younger age? - None\n", "137kksj: Would you marry a man who divorced 10 years ago because of infidelity? - None\n", "1367vbw: Do RPW initiate intimacy? Or leave it to their partner - None\n", "136axj9: How to handle/communicate small issues that upset you to your partner in a feminine way? - None\n", "134uaip: how to embrace aging and age with grace? - None\n", "134ruw0: How to feel and look less like a child and more like a women ? - None\n", "135b126: How to tell if you like somebody enough? - None\n", "133za9h: The ABCs of Female Friendship - None\n", "133q1ac: What do you consider the most important things you've learned since RPW? What were the first steps you took to grow as a woman? - None\n", "133fa7c: Boyfriend treatment vs husband treatment? Do you draw a line somewhere? - None\n", "133pdud: when do u consider yourself left on seen - None\n", "1336wed: How long did you and your husband wait before you were engaged? - None\n", "132qoc9: I want to be a stay at home mum and have kids - None\n", "1339evg: How can I prepare for marriage? - None\n", "132hyno: Dating tips for female medical students and doctors - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_132hyno\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1333vhe: Hair Care Advice? - None\n", "131nr4z: How do I tell him so that he really hears? - None\n", "131evk1: What does “being treated well” mean for you? - None\n", "13148hi: What are red flags in a man? - None\n", "1315uxs: I've(22f) been dating my new boyfriend(26m) for nearly 2 months, I'm not sure whether to continue or not, am I being superficial, feeling confused - None\n", "1317j35: Is 23 too old? Was I supposed to start earlier? - None\n", "12zypak: Vetting: Holding and Moving Boundaries to Find the Right Man for You - None\n", "13045z2: Struggling and I see it's weighing on my boyfriend - None\n", "12zeqow: Red Flag: a man who doesn’t take of his poor mental health and uses it as an excuse for poor behaviour - None\n", "12yxn4b: Food for thought – reframe on accepting being provided for - None\n", "12zmkgy: I am in love? I am confused. - None\n", "12zdu2x: What does it mean if a guy asks you to meet right now ? Specially after they texted after no contact - None\n", "12y5hoa: Thought experiment about arranged marriages - None\n", "12xifsi: What does \"tending\" look like for you? - None\n", "12xl92q: Paying on dates - None\n", "12xg8xt: When the going gets rough…what do we do? - None\n", "12ww37t: Am I ignoring red flags? - None\n", "12w5ywb: What to do when you feel irritated with partner? - None\n", "12w4y5v: How’s your relationship with your mum? - None\n", "12vzhve: Is it ever worth it to try and convert a blue pill friend? - None\n", "12td6dv: Can you share your favorite (relatively easy) dinner recipe? - None\n", "12sul9g: Permanent ban off another subreddit for “participation” in this one weird flex but OK Matrix - None\n", "12sreed: He goes out with friends while I'm home with baby - None\n", "12sr99n: Though on the intention of patriarchal tradition - None\n", "12sjiik: UPDATE: early dating stages, got concerning info from a mutual friend - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_12sjiik\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "12rlgpl: early dating stages, got concerning info from a mutual friend - None\n", "12qyned: Harvard scholars: Marriage makes women happier and healthier - None\n", "12qw7fx: Dating advice: when can you trust a man has left his “hoe phase?” - None\n", "12msgle: Appreciation post! What’s something sweet your guy does? ❤️ - None\n", "12m40bi: Help me find meaning - None\n", "12ldn44: Accountability and wins - None\n", "12l8hui: I feel like I have nothing significant to offer - None\n", "12l265r: Mental illness and having children - None\n", "12kld4w: why ghost then - None\n", "12js4ya: Waiting - None\n", "12jt5ua: Seeking advice: Is using a location tracking app on my boyfriend crossing a line? - None\n", "12jap9x: is it just me or are a lot of women finding Christ? - None\n", "12j7ntd: I Effed Around and Found Out (Need Advice) - None\n", "12j1fea: New to this community and want support - None\n", "12inrym: Any senior red pillers in here? - None\n", "12j1ewx: When is it appropriate to talk about the future (marriage and kids) when dating? - None\n", "12isd9h: Can anyone recommend content creators? - None\n", "12itixq: I think my boyfriend is too ambitious and I'm stuggling with it, help! - None\n", "12i6ww6: Love & Respect Book - None\n", "12hk2ni: What the heck! Got permanently banned from \"r/Off My Chest\" community for participating in r/RedPillWomen - None\n", "12i1obp: has anyone bought from amantine? - None\n", "12hwo1p: How long should I be in nun mode? - None\n", "12h3qaf: I genuinely feel like I’ll be alone in this lifetime. - None\n", "12gvyef: Need help on Modest Clothing - None\n", "12glotu: Should I pursue a relationship with my colleague - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_12glotu\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "12fzptf: What I want and how to get it from OLD? - None\n", "12esq2c: Advice for women with high body counts? - None\n", "12f90ui: Should I move out or stay in grad school? - None\n", "12dgl6p: Please, don't underestimate the power of communication - None\n", "12cua9h: Success!!! - None\n", "12cjr9m: I’m probably being silly, but… - None\n", "12ccu1r: body count issue UPDATE - None\n", "12c4vpm: When they ask what you do for work? - None\n", "12cbkfn: Big sister/ motherly advice - None\n", "12bl8r3: The advice here really works! - None\n", "12botzz: Shows of masculinity to his friends: Appropriate? Necessary? Specifically: strip clubs. - None\n", "12b7l4s: Is my(32F)future mother-in-law(67F) living with us (4 year long term relationship) a dysfunctional dynamic? She helps him (41M) with his business, cooks, and does his laundry. And she’s one of his employees. He’s made it clear that she’s there to stay. - None\n", "12as3rq: Want vs Settle - None\n", "12aq9mn: Need advice and maybe some friends - None\n", "12abn3f: What kind of shoes do you wear? - None\n", "1296l3c: What exactly is a Red Pill Woman? - None\n", "129jpo1: Dating, Only F*ns and the Whatever podcast - None\n", "128a40s: Success so far with husband - None\n", "128ebbp: What is day-to-day, concrete ways to show respect to your husband ? - None\n", "128dkzs: body count issue - None\n", "128dj8o: Can we socially enforce monogamy once more? - None\n", "128784c: Thinking about starting a blog; suggestions? - None\n", "127m9gs: Generosity. I don't understand where I'm going wrong ? - None\n", "1276bh7: What draws the line between having Good Morals and Being Feminine? - None\n", "1254l69: Single at 30 - how do I not freak out? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1254l69\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "124r8hx: Women Have Lost All Power And How They Can Get It Back - None\n", "12476l5: What do you do to keep your brain stimulated? - None\n", "123jkwb: What are your hobbies? - None\n", "1230j1n: Boyfriend won't give up porn unless i give up instagram - None\n", "122n3tk: A Conversation with My Mother - None\n", "12364ff: Pattern of dating/talking to military guys, hasn’t worked out, would appreciate advice! - None\n", "1233zc0: How do I (28F) reconnect with my now responsible ex (34M)? - None\n", "121q0ev: Word for belief that women and men have equal value, but not the same skill set? - None\n", "1223w50: Gender Dysphoria - None\n", "121ikf4: Getting a plastic surgery - None\n", "121jy9g: Red pill music??? - None\n", "120xh6t: Am I being sensitive? - None\n", "12199jt: How did you develop your personal style? - None\n", "120vvbd: My take on RP and BP - None\n", "11zug8n: Giving This Up - None\n", "11za3xu: Am I a low value women? Would any man want to marry me? - None\n", "11zrd05: My Intake On Trad Wife Criticism - None\n", "11zk3y8: Should I wait to date or put myself out there now? - None\n", "11zcuhy: Unsure to date or not - None\n", "11xxaia: Modesty & Vanity: How to balance those two in day to day life? - None\n", "11ytxli: Wall-friendly careers - None\n", "11xh3me: How to let it go when I think he's wrong. - None\n", "11x5ooi: Is it possible to be a RPW as a single mother? - None\n", "11wquxo: Would living in a van be seen as a red flag by good men? - None\n", "11wcsm6: how to date to marry, and be a wife material? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_11wcsm6\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "11wnu7b: Goal Is to travel somewhere every month: how to look like a high value woman while travelling and ensuring my own safety? - None\n", "11wc7zt: advice please? - None\n", "11w9a7h: My (25F) boyfriend (25M) isn't very verbally affectionate and it bitters me toward him - None\n", "11vpp3x: Need some advice - None\n", "11w21fu: Am I just a root and boot? - None\n", "11vhza4: Actions that convey I like you when dating your boyfriend - None\n", "11v81mj: I feel like I don’t deserve a life like this - None\n", "11tbkrl: My husband hit on a 19 year old when he was 39, makes me feel uneasy. F25 with M42. - None\n", "11sc1jr: I'm now with a gamer, and I want to find feminine video games I can play solo, or cooperative ones we can play together (non-competitive!) - None\n", "11sl9au: Potentially marry a man with a baby mama/ex-wife, co-parents together - None\n", "11rbhau: Book Recommendation: How To Walk In High Heels by Camilla Morton - None\n", "11r3wav: He's terrible at driving? - None\n", "11q6v9x: Reading the Queens Code. What if it doesn't work? - None\n", "11pybva: Where/ how did you find your partner? - None\n", "11pqmwg: Feeling inadequate around rich and educated (future) in-laws. - None\n", "11p8mqm: An anecdote about femininity while having a masculine job - it’s genuinely possible. - None\n", "11piqfb: Relationship advice? - None\n", "11ol47l: Support = Success! - None\n", "11og7i0: What can the girl, for whom RedPillWomen's advice is not working, do? - None\n", "11ojcig: Need advice on how to maintain a friendship - None\n", "11nw4j6: Being a woman vs being a girl - None\n", "11nqqzf: What is a good career option for someone wanting to be a SAHM in the future? - None\n", "11n9dp4: How important is it for you to have a partner who has high vetting criteria? - None\n", "11mv5kh: Should red pill women be on dating apps? - None\n", "11n1m7g: Relationship and dominance - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_11n1m7g\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "11mjy6b: Is it time to throw in the towel? - None\n", "11mcdji: What is the best way to know whether you will be okay to be part of a blended family? (Me F 30, BF M 38) - None\n", "11lesr8: I'm all about compromising in a relationship, but I couldn't handle this one. Should have I done more? - None\n", "11l582h: How to move forward in this situation - None\n", "11lbqzr: Questioning my femininity - None\n", "11l1yyw: Giving back in feminine ways while dating? - None\n", "11l8ufw: Husband was upfront with me but I didn’t realize it… now I have questions - None\n", "11kvqr6: Looking for dating app bio feedback - None\n", "11klrlg: Dealing with jealousy - boyfriend looking at women he knows on IG - None\n", "11kjoo8: How do you show your standards in a feminine way? - None\n", "11k08fh: did they replace the subreddit “askTRP” after it got banned? - None\n", "11jipwy: Husband getting insecure in relationship ? - None\n", "11j8zqm: How does your man support you emotionally? - None\n", "11jdq7v: youtuber suggestion - None\n", "11ivza9: Field report: femininity classes - None\n", "11jey4f: Just need reassurance about a small thing - None\n", "11h1ufi: Banned from subreddit - None\n", "11gyb0z: How to support grieving men? - None\n", "11h5uao: How can I look/ feel more feminine with shorter hair? - None\n", "11h1k6b: Looking for resources on the “Divine Feminine” or similar ideas - None\n", "11gaoyj: my little feminine fashion element - None\n", "11fx1as: I literally cannot stand not living in my feminine energy - None\n", "11fx5bc: My husband is a catch. I want to learn how to overcome my flaws and nurture our relationship / him better. - None\n", "11f9j8a: embarrassed to say that I left the man I was trying to build a future with - None\n", "11fzoiw: I need long distance dating advice 😓 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_11fzoiw\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 7 posts\n", "11fjv0s: Finding the right man has been a very frustrating journey … - None\n", "11fscut: How many of each category of clothing items should/do you have? - None\n", "11f2mqr: Embracing and Embodying Your Beliefs - None\n", "11f4afw: How can I improve my self-confidence? - None\n", "11eu0z7: How to stop being angry at ex - None\n", "11ds6ft: More interest from older men than from those my age? - None\n", "11bixuj: Cooking - None\n", "Got 7 posts\n", "No more posts, broke on RedPillWomen with counter at 9963\n", "Getting posts with params: \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 26 posts\n", "phrcrn: This is a comprehensive list of resources for those in need of an abortion - None\n", "1ahx0su: Best of Posts (3) - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ahx0su\n", "1ahwybi: Best of Posts (1) - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ahwybi\n", "1ai19mv: Female genital mutilation - None\n", "1ai2jej: House chores - None\n", "1ahntm9: The “friend zone” and the implication that a woman’s friendship is worthless - None\n", "1ahwyxv: Best of Posts (2) - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ahwyxv\n", "1ai874k: What do women wear? - None\n", "1ahpw5b: the comments (tw: CSA) - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ahpw5b\n", "1ai0ctk: The movie \"Poor things\" - None\n", "1ai5r0e: Mormon Stories on Instagram: \"Being told to “stand down” by the church’s law firm. #lds #mormon #byu #byui #thechurchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #bookofmormon #exmormon #ldstemple #exlds\" - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C24908ksKy9/?igsh=ZXBmNjgzYTdpMW1z\n", "1ahpq7d: Y’all im tired of hearing “let’s go boys” - None\n", "1ahdzit: “Women are responsible for the male loneliness epidemic” - None\n", "1ahvq4c: Cheshire PCC faces calls to quit over short skirts comment - BBC News - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c72gn8llx2zo.amp\n", "1ahwbh0: Book recs about women living lives without men? - None\n", "1ahx5zp: Fire service deletes X post about new recruit after ‘upsetting’ replies - https://www.wiltshire999s.co.uk/fire-service-deletes-recruit-upsetting/\n", "1ai1k7x: Undercover at CPC - None\n", "1ah91ar: My therapist said she doesn’t live in a patriarchal society. - None\n", "1ahcvda: Being friends with men is hard - None\n", "1ahlwuq: Heartbreaking, luckily she is still alive - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-02/stabbing-victim-inundated-with-texts-and-calls-before-attack/103421166\n", "1agz0qk: ‘A sense of betrayal’: liberal dismay as Muslim-led US city bans Pride flags. Many liberals celebrated when Hamtramck, Michigan, elected a Muslim-majority council in 2015 but a vote to exclude LGBTQ+ flags from city property has soured relations - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned\n", "1agwhyt: According to my grandma, women are guilty for their deaths - None\n", "1ahjjsa: re: ex gifted me The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood? - None\n", "1agzhkq: Three girls die after FGM rituals in Sierra Leone - https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/feb/02/girls-die-after-fgm-ceremonies-in-sierra-leone\n", "1ah18fo: Sweden: Where it's taboo for dads to skip parental leave - https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240130-sweden-where-its-taboo-for-dads-to-skip-parental-leave\n", "1ah5rvl: Why there is a stereotype that men are much funnier than woman? - None\n", "Got 26 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1ah5rvl\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1ah8u5b: 3 Huge Tech Companies Endorse Bill That Could Wipe Abortion Info From the Internet - https://jezebel.com/3-huge-tech-companies-endorse-bill-that-could-wipe-abor-1851217281\n", "1ah1bh1: These dudes are unhinged - https://i.redd.it/51zfr3izr0gc1.jpeg\n", "1agqpbh: There...this tumblr post describes how Doctors have been treating women throughout the ages - https://i.redd.it/maghe2bnj2gc1.jpeg\n", "1ah0bo5: Did I overreact? - None\n", "1agmxxr: Sexism isn’t real because… women be shopping? - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1agmxxr\n", "1ahha0t: What are some great ideas for a feminist sci-fi story? - None\n", "1agzi2q: Women’s champion Swati Maliwal takes Delhi anti-rape fight nationwide - https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/feb/02/womens-champion-swati-maliwal-takes-delhi-anti-rape-fight-nationwide\n", "1ah4ok6: “To Repulse the State from Our Uteri: Anarcha-feminism, Reproductive Freedom, and Dual Power” | Radical History Review special issue \"Feminists Confront State Violence\" (Jan 2024) - https://read.dukeupress.edu/radical-history-review/article/2024/148/90/384729/To-Repulse-the-State-from-Our-Uteri-Anarcha?guestAccessKey=7806bc55-d93d-4b68-ac99-8c9b089b52ef\n", "1aghjoo: Other parents telling their sons \"Ladies first\" when it was my daughter's turn anyway? - None\n", "1ag4ktf: Gen Z boys and men more likely than baby boomers to believe feminism harmful, says poll - https://www.theguardian.com/news/2024/feb/01/gen-z-boys-and-men-more-likely-than-baby-boomers-to-believe-feminism-harmful-says-poll\n", "1ah7w33: Good Morning, Revolution! Why does MAGA hate Taylor Swift? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtM5WOH4wWc\n", "1agme7e: The voices of the voiceless: Kim Bok-Dong, ‘comfort women’ and their continued struggle for recognition. - https://shado-mag.com/opinion/the-voices-of-the-voiceless-kim-bok-dong-comfort-women-and-their-continued-struggle-for-recognition/\n", "1ag731u: ‘I can’t face how much she suffered’: Argentina femicides at record high as Milei dilutes protections | Global development - https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/jan/30/i-cant-face-how-much-she-suffered-argentina-femicides-at-record-high-as-milei-dilutes-protections\n", "1ag7i6c: Protecting the real victims /s - https://i.redd.it/wc3bg5iyawfc1.jpeg\n", "1agbjdv: There is a growing concern about the rising conservatism/anti-feminism among men, but I am uncertain whether this is a genuine shift or merely a perception due to the world becoming more progressive. - None\n", "1ag7a5v: A good comeback to misogynist older coworker? - None\n", "1agji67: \"Nobody could prepare you for the war\": interview with Croatian feminist Biljana Kašić - https://commons.com.ua/en/intervyu-z-horvatskoyu-feministkoyu-bilyanoyu-kashich/\n", "1ag2nga: Update: Told off the dirty jokes mechanic! - None\n", "1ag5oq5: Iran: Security forces used rape and other sexual violence to crush \"Woman Life Freedom\" uprising with impunity - https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/12/iran-security-forces-used-rape-and-other-sexual-violence-to-crush-woman-life-freedom-uprising-with-impunity/\n", "1afcjli: Even seat belts - https://i.redd.it/2lt4r1fycqfc1.jpeg\n", "1afqev9: Women say mixed gyms are off-limits due to harassment from men - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-68145372\n", "1afn29s: How should feminists handle another Trump term? - None\n", "1agob7q: Not surprised - None\n", "1aff9ik: Why the Right Hates Taylor Swift - https://i.redd.it/hrhl9ig5brfc1.jpeg\n", "1afsdb7: Since Taylor Swift is being discussed I made this - https://i.redd.it/jvo5mh4j9ufc1.jpeg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1afsdb7\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1ag5ju3: How to celebrate international women's day? - None\n", "1afrm70: \"Don't let the other soldiers watch\": Rape as a weapon of war in Sudan - https://www.aljazeera.com/features/longform/2023/8/14/dont-let-the-other-soldiers-watch-rape-as-a-weapon-of-war-in-sudan\n", "1afslld: Feminist literature that everyone should read - None\n", "1afgxim: Is it okay to be offended by the terms \"masculine\" and \"feminine\"? - None\n", "1afyihg: Not sure where else to ask so I hope here is okay... microagressions? - None\n", "1afdi3k: Forgiving sexist deeds in your man's past? - None\n", "1aetnl4: Why being too nice kills: Women should not be \"nice girls.\" - None\n", "1affj1h: Japan’s former PM, 83-year-old Aso, piles insults on female foreign minister - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/31/japans-former-pm-83-year-old-aso-piles-insults-on-female-foreign-minister\n", "1afgr5z: Is it okay that I find the terms \"feminine\" and \"masculine\" offensive? - None\n", "1aeybmm: France on-track to constitutionalize abortion rights | CNN - https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/30/europe/france-abortion-rights-vote-intl/index.html\n", "1aevm6a: E. Jean Carroll, who recently won an $83.3 million defamation lawsuit against former President Donald Trump, has expressed her intention to use the awarded damages in a manner that directly opposes Trump's values. - https://theintellectualist.com/e-jean-carroll-damages-allocation/\n", "1af1x5j: My boyfriend asked his friend to look after me while he went to the toilet. - None\n", "1aew4wp: What are your feminist anthem playlist songs? - None\n", "1aet2h2: Comments from men are getting to me... what should I do? - None\n", "1aez5tp: Nine News Melbourne's doctored MP image causes sexism fury - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-68137013\n", "1af7w5q: how liberal feminism turns into fasc*sm - https://youtu.be/9a7LrWo47I0?si=Q07ADzvc-94pWWft\n", "1af2qxn: Help build “my career story” - None\n", "1aeksol: Is little research on menstruation and female medications our fault? - None\n", "1aexsrr: Polish Prime Minister Tusk withdraws former government’s challenge to European convention on domestic violence - https://notesfrompoland.com/2024/01/30/tusk-withdraws-former-governments-challenge-to-european-convention-on-domestic-violence/\n", "1aeiznc: My Husband and I Tried the 'Fair Play' Cards—And Here’s What Happened - https://theeverymom.com/fair-play-cards/\n", "1ae4riu: Who are r/movies most disliked actors? You guessed it - https://i.redd.it/iobtszogrffc1.png\n", "1adyg93: Just average antifeminist man failing in the system they defend things - https://i.redd.it/z6tebhgohefc1.jpeg\n", "1af1342: How sexist is reddit? - None\n", "1aeakx8: I feel like a fake feminist - None\n", "1adyjfg: Men's cruelty: watch this artistic experiment - https://youtube.com/shorts/iEKc9gUWdlU?si=3QOt7AwDbQ0IVQUm\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1adyjfg\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1aeb6u3: This is how I feel separated after 25 years. - None\n", "1adme78: Divya Deshmukh, an Indian women's grandmaster shared her thoughts about how women are treated in the chess world. - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1adme78\n", "1aeh7ii: I remember watching the TV Show \"Charmed\" as a child. Looking upon TOH, I was given pleasant nostalgia - https://i.redd.it/pny0sjhzjifc1.png\n", "1aea57t: Female solo entrepreneur - None\n", "1adsqm1: ‘A trauma upon a trauma’: Denial of Oct. 7 sexual violence haunts local survivors - https://jweekly.com/2024/01/25/a-trauma-upon-a-trauma-denial-of-oct-7-sexual-violence-haunts-local-survivors/\n", "1ad87yk: I’m so pissed that so many people are still glamorising the r*pist Kobe Bryant. - None\n", "1adiz91: Why do like to dumb myself when im talking to men? - None\n", "1adrf8f: A useful Infographic going over women in parliament by country I found on instagram - None\n", "1ad1r6v: I don't understand why men think they're entitled to a relationship - None\n", "1acrela: I wish! - https://i.redd.it/6be1goo293fc1.jpeg\n", "1aelamu: Is this compliment sexist - None\n", "1acws0i: “Guilty Pleasures” - None\n", "1ach9xh: The comments make me roll my eyes back into my head - https://i.redd.it/6sekbauh9uec1.jpeg\n", "1acho38: Pretty much exactly what I hear when someone says this - https://i.redd.it/qxc90qm921fc1.jpeg\n", "1acihkj: Thing that should come as a surprise to absolutely no one - Bill Maher is a smug sexist. - None\n", "1aceqbj: I was harshly downvoted for pointing out the racist hypocrisy of men in my Country - None\n", "1acmp9g: Why do older men harass younger women so often? - None\n", "1actzc9: Is Labyrinth (1986) too problematic to show to my kid? - None\n", "1acic07: Kenya femicide: Hundreds protest at violence against women - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-68116854\n", "1acnr4b: WOMEN IN POLITICS 2023 - https://hermitology.me/f/women-in-politics-2023\n", "1acmwxa: Can we talk about the Taylor Swift Ai photos? - None\n", "1ac2fgv: Women need to be PAID for going through pregnancy and childbirth - None\n", "1ad6cyg: I feel bad that men are nice to me - None\n", "1acgwzw: Anime Has a Villainess Problem - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9R68iV4E9Q\n", "1ad50rn: Feminists of Reddit, do you adhere to the movement as whole or cherry pick key notions in the different waves? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1ad50rn\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1abpfhy: Texas had estimated 26,000 pregnancies from rape since total abortion ban - https://www.dallasnews.com/news/public-health/2024/01/25/texas-had-estimated-26000-pregnancies-from-rape-since-total-abortion-ban/\n", "1abive7: Flabbergasted by story my cousin’s school is using to teach children to read. - https://i.redd.it/g5uqe7dcisec1.jpeg\n", "1acgm5v: The Case For The Legend Of Korra - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3VCDB5iX2o\n", "1abwbde: Highs and Lows of Women's portrayal in Anime - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCGlnDaQ5kc\n", "1abwt9l: What would you do about an otherwise-good mechanic who told tons of dirty jokes? - None\n", "1abryjh: Participate in Women's Research! University Study Researching Ethnicity and Female Genital Self-Image - None\n", "1ac0tp0: So an idea came to me...what if, and hear me out. The tv show, movie franchise, video game, or anime that you were watching had all the characters gender-swapped. Would it be an improvement? - https://i.redd.it/h9sz3bwpfwec1.png\n", "1ac7s6y: I just got Twitter (not happy to be supporting Elon Musk but my sociology teacher recommended we get it) any recommendations of who to follow? - None\n", "19fnuum: Sixty-one women in Iran prison begin hunger strike after Amini protester executed - https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/iran/2024/01/25/sixty-one-women-in-iran-prison-begin-hunger-strike-after-amini-protester-executed/\n", "19f9fiu: AI porn of taylor swift has 22M views on twitter - None\n", "19fnn6e: I hate being underestimated - None\n", "19fmrgy: What Miscarriage Is Like in Texas... - https://www.newsweek.com/i-miscarried-texas-doctors-abortion-law-1861677\n", "19fi9hr: Hello! This is a feminist history story I, and the unwilling participant in my inbox, wrote. - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/19fi9hr\n", "19fnot6: What is the solution to explorative sex work in a capitalist/post colonial world? Is non-exploitative sex work even possible? - None\n", "19figp7: Report: Over 26,000 Rape Related Pregnancies in Texas Since the Abortion Ban Started - https://medium.com/@chrisjeffrieshomelessromantic/report-over-26-000-rape-related-pregnancies-in-texas-since-the-abortion-ban-started-5dab8fa6f571\n", "19fmegc: Korra’s Beautiful Story of Maturity - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4z5f88qKLY\n", "19f22v1: American nightmare - None\n", "19er4jl: Since Roe fell, rape has led to an estimated 58,979 pregnancies in states that ban abortion without exception for rape, a new study has found. - https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2814274\n", "19etgjg: At what point does it become sexual harassment? - None\n", "19erm8f: A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has estimated a staggering 26,313 rape-related pregnancies in Texas within 16 months following the state’s enactment of a total abortion ban. - https://theintellectualist.com/texas-rape-related-pregnancies-abortion-ban-study/\n", "19ep7t4: Stanley cups, backlash to women-centered trends, and glorified hyperconsumerism - https://open.substack.com/pub/reclaimingthenewsletter/p/two-girls-one-stanley-cup?r=s2bqk&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcome=true\n", "19etnx9: How many women artists can the average person name? - None\n", "19f6hr4: Memoir recommendations - None\n", "19exn0m: The UK Parliament has set up an inquiry into birth trauma - https://www.theo-clarke.org.uk/birth-trauma\n", "1abh2hc: Why Feminists Should Embrace Veganism - https://palanajana.substack.com/p/why-feminists-should-embrace-veganism-6e57416cf799\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1abh2hc\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "19evlzn: Here’s a fun story for you, courtesy of my small hometown (TW: drugs, coercion) - https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdva/pr/charlottesville-man-arrested-operating-east-coast-prostitution-ring\n", "19eo39p: Margot deserved a nomination. - None\n", "19e7eqg: Even Ryan Gosling has his grievances with how Barbie has been treated by Hollywood - https://i.redd.it/6edqaagt2bec1.png\n", "19e099c: I watched The Notebook again in 2024 and I’m in shock - None\n", "19ecp59: Calling male gametes \"seed\" and female gametes \"eggs\" is a patriarchal leftover from the times where men were considered to be the source of life and women just passive incubators. - None\n", "19epd33: contemporary feminist thinkers - None\n", "19epkgs: The Disappearance of Shere Hite (documentary) - None\n", "19e72yj: Ban 'parental alienation' arguments in family law cases, feminist coalition urges federal government - https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/ban-parental-alienation-arguments-in-family-law-cases-feminist-coalition-urges-federal-government-1.6738592?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar\n", "19e4gze: The cycle of political fertility abuse - None\n", "19dt8zh: OBGYNs in abortion-ban states say they cannot provide the necessary medical care to pregnant women in abortion-ban states and are forced to watch them suffer. - None\n", "19dsq1v: 'Barbie' Fans Fume As Margot Robbie And Greta Gerwig Miss Out On Oscars Nominations For Hit Movie - https://vt.co/entertainment/film-tv/barbiemargot-robbie-greta-gerwig-oscars-nominations-snub\n", "19dubgx: Intimate partner violence is a precursor to homelessness, study finds — A statewide survey found that 1 in 5 unhoused women had lost their housing due to violence by an intimate partner. Many were victimized again while homeless. - https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-01-23/one-in-five-homeless-women-have-experienced-violence-by-an-intimate-partner\n", "19drsgw: Sexism in everyday products design - None\n", "19dtdgm: Mary of Magdala was the first and truest radical “feminist” of the world and should be talked about more often. (This is not a political perspective but a logical one) - None\n", "19dbcjn: Ew - https://i.redd.it/t0xemxd353ec1.jpeg\n", "19dr2hi: What are your favorite female-centric films of the past few years? - None\n", "19ddcwa: I'm sick of other men - https://i.redd.it/3wbnrzhbm3ec1.png\n", "19d3127: Women in Gaza having c-sections without painkillers as girls use tent scraps for period products - https://news.sky.com/story/women-and-girls-in-gaza-using-scraps-of-tent-material-in-place-of-period-products-13053083\n", "19d62sn: Taliban restricting unmarried women’s access to work and travel, UN report says - https://www.rawstory.com/taliban-restricting-unmarried-womens-access-to-work-and-travel-un-report-says/\n", "19d7uut: History is the struggle against male aggression - None\n", "19dcdnt: What are some radical feminist books that are explicitly trans-inclusive? - None\n", "19dibcm: \"Milfs-Often the villain?\" a discussion by TallSwordLady complaining about the portrayal of female villains in cartoons - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5liYyY6QqFo\n", "19d1lyp: Punished for complaining about sexual advances at work place - None\n", "19cxbzm: Dealing with sense of disappointment and anger due to living in an unequal society? - None\n", "19cfd90: So sick of reading stories like this. - https://i.redd.it/b0skulduotdc1.png\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_19cfd90\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "19d2u4n: Study on Abortion (In)Experiences Post-Roe v. Wade Overruling - None\n", "19d23ar: Autism in Women Article - None\n", "19ctnjm: Medics told not to report illegal abortions to police - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-68036171\n", "19cecbx: What's one thing you said on the internet that made misogynists mad? - None\n", "19cimx7: Are things getting worse? - None\n", "19cbs0h: Dr. Geoff Lindsey Argues Aversion to Vocal Fry is Often Actually Misogyny - None\n", "19crmnr: Feminist movie recs? - None\n", "19czlyp: To what extent do you think this regulation impacts equality of rights for women (if at all)? - https://v.redd.it/2t7nwqgn3udc1\n", "19c2s0w: I've been biting my tongue from the second I was born and maybe that has made me this bitter. - https://i.redd.it/c3ly6pfnisdc1.png\n", "19c7fk7: I miscarried in Texas. My doctors put abortion law first - https://www.newsweek.com/i-miscarried-texas-doctors-abortion-law-1861677\n", "19c3985: Kyte Baby controversy: Outrage after worker denied remote request while her baby was in the NICU - https://www.today.com/parents/moms/kyte-baby-controversy-rcna134735?utm_campaign=trueAnthem_manual&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR1kMshPZS5u32Qgi9ky8hoMFbFMOPyJelfF98qVp7aJtJ2yxxfClxalcFg_aem_AVNz3GZRjB38SupNlhQkqsUlXLUD-CSvsdCGtDQVKEKYzdM7TJsfOfmEr8xLh-CDQoA\n", "19cjyw7: My mother and grandmother’s story - None\n", "19c3ht9: Predatory sexual comments being allowed on fcking national TV - None\n", "19bph3x: Why getting married, if men are so bad? - None\n", "19c0go8: Instagram Reels and Misogony? - None\n", "19c1lsl: Pregnant woman’s jail sentence quashed in ‘landmark’ UK ruling - None\n", "19bi8z4: Ken is the main character of Barbie - None\n", "19bp39b: Need help with talking to my bf about patriarchy and how it affects women. - None\n", "19bdfp1: Feminism isn't new - only the language frameworks are: Medieval Feminisms - None\n", "19b4q0x: this is why we need feminism part #538479 - https://i.redd.it/vfwhwmbcajdc1.jpeg\n", "19ba7d9: I'm a collage artist working with \"found materials\" that I get secondhand on Craigslist. From a set of educational flashcards that covered the suffragettes and a random wily octopus comes this, which I think I'm calling \"Squishing the Patriarchy\". - https://i.redd.it/27ubykiy3ldc1.jpeg\n", "19bgqei: The Conservative Plan to Ban Abortion Without Congress. Anti-abortion advocates hope a Republican president will enforce a series of laws from the 1800s that will “result in the end of abortion in every single state in America.” - https://www.notus.org/policy/the-conservative-plan-to-ban-abortion-without-congress\n", "19bbd16: Stop calling girls (17-) as women (18+) online and in media. - None\n", "19b68nu: Anyone else more agitated, more depressed, upset, and have less faith in humanity the more they use Reddit? - None\n", "19ajjnv: \"you will die alone with cats\" - https://i.redd.it/g30urqtcjedc1.jpeg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_19ajjnv\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "19b4gp4: This is what happens when you reject violent men - https://apnews.com/article/fort-bend-texas-family-shooting-five-dead-72dd428e66b3ed7c44f7007b97858b39\n", "19bc4xr: South African case against genocide in the Gaza strip - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/29/south-africa-accuses-israel-of-committing-genocide-in-gaza\n", "19bb02j: Suggest a theme for our feminist art show - None\n", "19arj8i: Evidence points to systematic use of rape and sexual violence by Hamas in 7 October attacks - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/18/evidence-points-to-systematic-use-of-rape-by-hamas-in-7-october-attacks\n", "19az33f: Matt Gaetz Confesses Republicans Don’t Really Need Women Voters Anyway - https://newrepublic.com/post/178246/matt-gaetz-confesses-maga-republicans-dont-need-women-voters\n", "19b26wx: Social media red flags in a guy - None\n", "19ajjpl: It’s 2022 and People Are Still Confused That My Kids Have Their Mother’s Last Name - https://time.com/6143476/baby-with-mothers-last-name/\n", "19a8s8x: Imagine carrying a baby for 9 months just to give your child your husband's last name - None\n", "19avj3f: Is the objectification of women as a sexual resource inherent to men or is it a product of capitalism? - None\n", "19arix6: What's a good contemporary book/study on feminst theory that's hot right now? - None\n", "19ae971: i can't be a woman because of internalised misogyny - None\n", "199we01: Imagine if we tell men their first ejaculation has virgin semen - https://i.redd.it/yp395m0pn8dc1.jpeg\n", "19arihf: Navigating Feminism and Personal Sexuality - None\n", "19adr69: Ideas for a “feminist rage” event? - None\n", "199ylg5: Me and my boyfriend disagree politically - None\n", "19a9et0: The madness of the witch hunt(feminist hunt) taking place in Korea,, And “Studio Puri,” which is under attack from incels, explained the current controversy. However, the Korean male community does not acknowledge this at all. - /r/GirlGamers/comments/19a98og/the_madness_of_the_witch_huntfeminist_hunt_taking/\n", "19ajsag: Platforms to Share Memoir on Sexual Trauma - None\n", "19a0dqi: Florida Man Says His Party Doesn't Need Women Voters - https://crooksandliars.com/2024/01/florida-man-suggests-his-party-doesnt-need\n", "199t0k1: Conservatives’ contradictory statements regarding abortion, LGBTQ etc - None\n", "199knry: Miscarriages in Gaza Have Increased 300% Under Israeli Bombing - https://jezebel.com/miscarriages-in-gaza-have-increased-300-under-israeli-1851168680\n", "199rbzo: TX faces backlash from businesses over abortion - None\n", "199wfit: Gacha Drama and the Korean Gender War - https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74?si=NYlBlVXrd0U_3Byn\n", "199p661: Is Bell Hooks essentialist? - None\n", "19a251x: Afrochingonas: the seeds of resistance on a flowering field - https://shado-mag.com/do/afrochingonas-the-seeds-of-resistance-on-a-flowering-field/\n", "1996thf: Why, despite the success of the feminist movement in the last couple years, is it still super normalized to change your last name when you get married to a man? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1996thf\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "199j24x: My parents are forcing me for same caste marriage - None\n", "1994z0z: Received a DM the other day: \"it's offensive to compare the issues women face to the issues black people face\" - None\n", "19983hn: Inside California’s secret sterilisation programme – and its antivax legacy — Hundreds, if not thousands, of inmates were sterilised against their will. The impact on lives and trust in medicine has been devastating - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/women-and-girls/california-sterilisation-scandal-compensation-hysterectomy/\n", "198w7wa: Poop Anxiety in Women dissertation study-- participants needed (age 18+) - None\n", "1990rok: French Parliament committee agrees draft language to protect abortion in Constitution - https://www.lemonde.fr/en/politics/article/2024/01/17/french-parliament-committee-agrees-draft-language-to-protect-abortion-in-constitution_6440891_5.html\n", "199bef1: Art History: History of the \"ideal feminine physique\" - None\n", "198jzsr: I've seen this post on so many subreddits. Everytime, the comments are absolutely vile. Completely degrading this woman for how she looks and how she's changed. With no regard for how that type of commentary might be the exact reason she had work done. We are only worth as much as we are beautiful. - https://i.redd.it/9dv40yg0uvcc1.png\n", "199cc9s: Free The Nipple: Why should it still be headline news? - https://www.euronews.com/culture/2024/01/16/free-the-nipple-why-should-it-still-be-headline-news\n", "198izoo: Good time to remember that Freedom and Justice are women - https://i.redd.it/zgekds9obwcc1.jpeg\n", "1989i9j: Chicago man sues over disparaging post on Facebook group about dating - https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/chicago-man-sues-disparaging-facebook-group-dating/?fbclid=IwAR1uVecOGRUh1Ov9SlKfbISVErMWxd4Xcpc1ZvmjemQiYeV_jNattAngBlo_aem_AS8-2Wp1-vel8UDJC3cOikftjTPwI6I4t7r4p9pnYsVcaTe-MvTvMQlAKDDeIA5bsN8\n", "19920eh: A very Curious Question about Women moving out of the parent's house in past eras. - None\n", "198ah4g: I truly can’t grasp how non-misogynistic, progressive men can maintain friendships with misogynists. - None\n", "198ih37: Hopeless about young men - None\n", "198jfw5: Biggest women’s protest of the history - None\n", "1987365: Why so many daddy issues? - None\n", "197pwxa: MLK Day just makes me angry- most Americans would hate him today - None\n", "199a7ts: Why do so many women think they wear makeup for themselves? - None\n", "197rct8: Kenya femicide: A woman's murder exposes the country's toxic online misogyny - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-67987347\n", "197c3c0: Women who victim blame - https://i.redd.it/ixpanamlmmcc1.jpeg\n", "197dwpn: Tools for blocking youtube channels that are either rightwing or anti feminism. Now you can block out all those mens rights activist channels and clear up your youtube search! - https://i.redd.it/swv6o563zmcc1.png\n", "197dey8: The hair on my legs is just extra insulation for all this snow ❄️ 😅 (prints by me) - https://i.redd.it/x038qbhyvmcc1.jpeg\n", "197qt9v: \"Three Women\" - None\n", "197h8xi: I have a feminism blog and am looking for contributors - https://thescififeminist.blog/2024/01/15/looking-for-contributors/\n", "1971tiv: For Female Fashion Models, Job Security and Sexual Harassment Are Often Intertwined. Research found while sexual harassment occurs in every industry, it is particularly prevalent in fashion, a sector populated by young girls taking directions from powerful men, - https://www.rutgers.edu/news/female-fashion-models-job-security-and-sexual-harassment-are-often-intertwined\n", "196thth: I'm tired of performing femininity - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_196thth\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "19729hv: The Plastic Feminism of Barbie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RToUZJ0l7Pk\n", "197lnkg: More than half of those applying for domestic violence payment are rejected, data shows - https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/jan/16/domestic-violence-support-payment-rate-data-under-half-accepted\n", "1967s2c: Should we socialize all children the way we socialize girls? - None\n", "196i9uw: Is increased introversion a possible benefit towards Feminism? - None\n", "19619z3: Internalised Misogyny of Mothers - None\n", "195qbh5: Deselected for being a woman - None\n", "195sn5c: Male Gaze - None\n", "195n6xn: Women Being Addressed By First Names - None\n", "195f4pl: I Want A Wife - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/195f4pl\n", "195f8eu: This Facebook comment deserves applause and I thought I’d share it with you all - https://i.redd.it/yduacr32v4cc1.jpeg\n", "195qndd: Is it feminist to engage in casual relationships? - None\n", "19602ar: I'm looking for movies about the male gaze - /r/MovieSuggestions/comments/195y5aq/im_looking_for_movies_about_the_male_gaze/\n", "195gaoq: This is hard for me to do because I have extreme discomfort of my body but I am posting to be in support of Brittany Watts in the US who miscarried - None\n", "1959bce: Kate Cox on her struggle to obtain an abortion in Texas - https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/kate-cox-interview-on-her-struggle-to-obtain-an-abortion-in-texas/\n", "195kqle: This Marilyn Fyre quote is specific to misogynists, right? - None\n", "195s8t4: which book is this quote from? - None\n", "1953xun: \"The Stanley craze: How a reusable cup became the latest symbol of overconsumption\" - https://19thnews.org/2024/01/stanley-cup-colors-craze-reusable-sustainability-overconsumption/\n", "194zxh8: Why Texas is dead last in 'personal freedom,' according to new study - https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/politics/yall-itics/texas-rankings-last-dallas-personal-freedom-cato-institute/287-91807d11-1b84-4886-9482-e53096276558\n", "195b0xz: How Many of Your State’s Lawmakers Are Women? If You Live in the Southeast, It Could Be Just 1 in 5. - https://www.propublica.org/article/state-lawmakers-women-southeast\n", "194u4q4: \"Men are raised to not show emotion\", and women are? - None\n", "1951fpc: Want to see what Republicans want for abortion rights nationally? Look at Texas. - https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2023/12/10/texas-abortion-case-judge-permission-healthcare-decisions/71851981007/\n", "1958f7s: Just making my way down town... - None\n", "194ksyr: Rape is just another category on websites that host porn and something needs to actually be done to stop it. To say that rape is a \"niche\" topic in porn is greatly underestimating how popular it actually is. I am not kidding with this: we need to fight to have this content restricted. - None\n", "194nz2u: The way media is talking about a woman who was killed by her husband is just not okay - None\n", "194ciuy: \"you will die alone with cats\" - https://i.redd.it/fi0dehsxlvbc1.png\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_194ciuy\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "194l5p3: I hate having to leave my room as a woman - None\n", "194ko3q: St. Paul makes history with all-female city council, a rarity among large US cities - https://apnews.com/article/all-female-city-council-st-paul-minnesota-63e1ae6fbe281d0965e3fcd15723b6cd\n", "1947og1: Trump Says He’s ‘Proud’ to Have ‘Terminated’ Abortion Rights - https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-says-proud-killed-abortion-rights-fox-town-hall-1234944546/\n", "19463gw: I'm so sick of how common mysogyny is - None\n", "194exoc: Brittany Watts was not charged by Grand Jury - but the damage has already been done - None\n", "193zrfo: Why is commitment a priorty for women but not men? - None\n", "1940sl3: I don't get misogynist men, is this really what they want? - None\n", "1944jnx: Race Team Would Rather Create A Fake AI Woman Rather Than Hire A Real One - https://autos.yahoo.com/race-team-creates-fake-ai-145000658.html\n", "193d6r4: Girls mature faster, so… - https://i.redd.it/zmqtz54v9nbc1.jpeg\n", "193vomx: Comedian Roasts Fox News After Her 'Feminism' Joke Goes Way Over Their Heads - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/los-angeles-comedian-roasts-fox-news-tiktok-feminism-joke_n_659edc53e4b0712b12c35e97\n", "1944ypp: Do you think that grammatical gender affects the way people think? - None\n", "193ffdr: i cannot handle republicans - None\n", "1939j1f: Do pregnant women have a right to urgent medical care? No, according to a US court | Moira Donegan - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan/10/pregnant-women-urgent-medical-care-us-court-texas\n", "1946f5z: Looking for material for group discussions on equality - None\n", "193cclk: Is there such a thing as, like, kink bombardment or something? - None\n", "1935f6z: “Girls can’t have conversations like me and the boys do.” - None\n", "194l91g: F 18 and M 24: My boyfriend just admitted to me that he wants to use me as a sexual object. - None\n", "193j777: The price of war for women: new roles, emerging challenges - https://commons.com.ua/en/cina-vijni-dlya-zhinok/\n", "193bri4: Race Team Creates A Fake AI Woman Rather Than Hire A Real One - https://jalopnik.com/motorsport-team-would-rather-just-hire-an-ai-woman-than-1851155004\n", "192zzd0: Men sometimes istg 😭 - https://i.redd.it/c18yvu0tmjbc1.png\n", "1931dug: Welp - this is our \"progress.\" Kids raping kids... - None\n", "192wmd0: “I hang out with guys because they’re less drama” - None\n", "19304y4: What's radfems take on Onlyfans? - None\n", "192hboq: The Chinese government is trying to rebrand forced sterilization as feminism | Arwa Mahdawi - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jan/09/china-forced-sterilizations-feminist-rebrand\n", "191zhub: My husband (32M) took down my (33F) pride flag. - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_191zhub\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "191llqw: Feminism and Dual Unpaid Labor in traditional Culture. - https://i.redd.it/dvcm3i9s08bc1.jpeg\n", "191tzvq: Men are hitting on my scheduling bot because it has a woman's name - https://www.askamanager.org/2024/01/men-are-hitting-on-my-scheduling-bot-because-it-has-a-womans-name.html\n", "192z1q1: Lost tiktok, help me find It, plz - None\n", "191waye: In his bid for U.S. Senate to unseat Ted Cruz in Texas, Democrat Colin Allred says he expects abortion rights issue to motivate voters - https://www.khou.com/article/news/politics/inside-politics/texas-politics/in-bid-for-us-senate-democrat-colin-allred-says-he-expects-abortion-rights-issue-to-motivate-voters/287-47836750-e5d4-4008-9826-243cc89dcca9\n", "191v96h: Rightfully pointing out we live in a patriarchy society and that baby girls are and have been systematically subject to extreme misogyny (including abandonment and death) makes ME the sexist one ?? - None\n", "1927nlp: When was the moment you realized you needed to be a feminist? - None\n", "191c54f: Every woman in America must vote with this in mind - https://i.redd.it/1s792119l3bc1.png\n", "191pl1u: Viewers Furious After Golden Globes Host Jo Koy Jokes 'Barbie' Was A Movie About A 'Plastic Doll With Big Boobs' - https://vt.co/entertainment/golden-globes-host-jo-koy-barbie-joke\n", "191k8kc: Kids - None\n", "191b9mz: Is there an effective way to educate my boyfriend on Feminism? - None\n", "1916f2a: 20 Most Feminist Countries in the World - https://finance.yahoo.com/news/20-most-feminist-countries-world-185531188.html\n", "1922aq4: What do I do - None\n", "19171oh: How do you cope with sexism in anime/media? - None\n", "190rf01: I’ve been a feminis for a year now, but everyone around me say that I shouldn’t be too vocal or else I wouldn’t get married - None\n", "190hj8w: An Iranian woman, Roya heshmati was sentenced to 74 lashes for wearing skirt, she wrote this testimony after the sentence was carried it out two days ago (read the comments) - https://i.redd.it/zmklitxv5tac1.jpeg\n", "190jyjx: \"Take your Quran and whip me, I am not going to cover my hair\" Roya Heshamti was whipped 74 times for sharing the following photo, she refused to cover her hair even when they were whipping her. - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/190jvki\n", "190sdcs: Women in video games done right… well, not for my cousin! - None\n", "190l5op: What's the prime mover of female oppression? - None\n", "190mclv: Choosing to go grey naturally - None\n", "190haon: Cried while debating about feminism - None\n", "190k3jf: The GOP Hopes Contraception Can Solve Its Abortion Problem - https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-gop-hopes-contraception-can-solve-its-abortion-problem\n", "1908sjt: A woman whose stomach isn’t perfectly flat = pregnant, obviously - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18zyyhs\n", "1905q1f: Women always had hot flashes at work. Now they’re done hiding menopause - https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2024-01-05/women-always-had-hot-flashes-at-work-now-theyre-done-hiding-menopause\n", "18zsn2i: My underarms are fully grown out. I let them loose at the gym today. - None\n", "1906he4: Oscar Pistorius release: A reminder of South Africa's femicide problem - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-67873941\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1906he4\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "190bqzl: Support women owned businesses - None\n", "1909t7g: In order to support female musicians I made an all out female fronted music playlist. If u dig ALternative, Indie, Dream Pop u might dig this. Lets support the artists!! - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5rvYF6fSJsBpIpXQOC3sd0?si=dcc8ca40f54644ba\n", "1900uag: 19 Remarkable Female Artists Who Reshaped the Art World - https://adrianreynolds.ie/female-artists/\n", "190c89u: Suggestions for a Career Advocating for Neurodiverse/Intellectually Disabled Women - None\n", "18zpx93: Hossein Ronaghi, Iranian activist, has posted a story of a woman who recieved lashes and her resistance for not wearing hijab. I have translated this to the best of my abilities. - https://i.redd.it/lxxqj7hbriac1.jpeg\n", "18zxwm9: Do you have any book recommendations that dismantle misogyny in our sex culture? - None\n", "18zpthc: Abortion Rally in Minnesota Tomorrow - https://i.redd.it/15xkhqqikqac1.jpeg\n", "18zptki: Iranian Hijab Rebels Whipped, Given Jail Term - if you are a feminist, please tell other people about these brave women - https://www.iranintl.com/en/202401050537\n", "18zg93l: “It Wasn’t That Bad” is Rape Culture - https://youtu.be/lhgM7_q7YxE?si=nqlNgue-PrxgQ2dS\n", "18zm6hj: what some people may consider a 'pick me' might as well be the result of societal gender stereotypes - None\n", "18zm8h8: What happened to Naomi Wolf - None\n", "18za06s: Feminist reading recommendations - None\n", "18zq8hy: Book recommendations? - None\n", "18zi917: A great video about why Rey's arc is great and the heroine's journey as a whole - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DedBXeGTfg\n", "18yu4l8: Is it implicit sexism for men to view periods as \"gross\"? - None\n", "18yk6nt: Preteens using anti-aging products makes me feel so depressed for the next generation - None\n", "18yubtm: If you are questioning, just cut your hair - None\n", "18yj87h: Political for existing. - None\n", "18yzhgq: Women Are Lied To About Their Implants - Candice Barley - https://youtube.com/shorts/j0gSN1ufW-Y?si=wCJ3JhmkiehYF7AT\n", "18z1oa2: Making feminist friends from Sweden - None\n", "18ykhf3: Shelley Duvall's Traumatic Experience, and Psychological Abuse Staring in \"The Shining\". - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tdf13FM1ueU&pp=ygUqc2hlbGxleSBkdXZhbGwgc3RhbmxleSBrdWJyaWNrJ3MgdHJlYXRtZW50\n", "18y9nq2: Facebook Reels are objectifying women and we should have the option to turn them off - None\n", "18y48z7: How can I stop this same pattern? - None\n", "18xi7k1: China Is Pressing Women to Have More Babies. Many Are Saying No. - The population, now around 1.4 billion, is likely to drop to around half a billion by 2100—and women are being blamed - https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-population-births-decline-womens-rights-5af9937b\n", "18xc1yx: SUCCESS STORY! About defending my space, and another guy had my back! Best feeling ever! - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18xc1yx\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18xq217: Marvel's 'Echo' star Alaqua Cox on motherhood and deaf representation in the MCU. (The trailer actually looked good and I liked the grittiness. I hope they really explore her Indigenous history in the show). - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmtt_uf4VFQ\n", "18x36jj: Open letter to UN Women and its partners: \"Your silence is unforgivable.\" - https://www.metoo-unlessurajew.com/copy-of-privacy-policy?fbclid=PAAabkwdHakIxCGkjy7HfJLh9A1N4FRuLCkwDu3bftXx6V-ace6IlmlxWMzqI\n", "18wnt0m: Not all men, but all women - None\n", "18wwxxc: How to defend women against sexist “jokes”? - None\n", "18wvf1w: Orlando 1928 by Virginia Woolf is now in the public domain - https://i.redd.it/r3gtkxqad2ac1.jpeg\n", "18whump: \"Please guys… Don’t be like him.\" - it is horrifying that the mods of the GTA6_NEW sub have to beg the community to avoid this kind of behavior just WTF - https://i.redd.it/zv7bpw08uw9c1.jpeg\n", "18wr49a: I'm tired of people assuming abused women stay for psychological reasons. In my experience and observation, it's almost always a matter of resources. - None\n", "18wbc33: I follow Lexi Alexander (Director Punisher War Zone) on X and found this old interview of hers. She talks about the Hollywood struggle as a female director. Great interview. It feels like Hollywood has blacklisted her from making movies, I wish she gets the opportunity to make more movies. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifYhVFyrbGQ\n", "18w0kuv: Anxiety going through a friends comment section - None\n", "18vq9nv: Does anyone else get nauseated and disgusted by sexism? - None\n", "18vu9vx: Would real feminist date a guy despite knowing he punched woman before? - None\n", "18vpv4e: I'm Confused! How Is Poor Things A Feminist Movie? - None\n", "18vuxxv: Toxic Masculinity, Femicide, and the Cowardly Abuser - https://thethreepennyguignol.com/2021/05/01/toxic-masculinity-femicide-and-the-cowardly-abuser/\n", "18wa7iq: Radfem book club on twitter (come read dworkin with us) - None\n", "18vbmkx: Scary how men justify their disgusting behavior and don’t care about hurting their daughters. - None\n", "18viivl: Men are so strange to me - None\n", "18wbvbu: What's the line between chivalry and being too invasive? How do i even know what's too much lol. - None\n", "18vi7dd: One In Five Underage Girls Forced Into Marriage In India: Lancet - https://www.forbes.com/sites/anuradhavaranasi/2023/12/31/one-in-five-underage-girls-forced-into-marriage-in-india-lancet/?sh=96395725c25b\n", "18vj1fq: Travel alone. It’s fun - None\n", "18vlu5v: new feminist book club (meets online) - None\n", "18v6s2g: Full interview with Mia Schem - https://youtu.be/y02xPRX6vCE?si=5wozt71_N4MZRrUG\n", "18v346m: How many daughters does a man need to see date rape jokes as a sackable offence? - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/31/rishi-sunak-how-many-daughters-before-take-date-rape-jokes-seriously\n", "18uxfzq: How patriarchy presented itself in the 90’s - None\n", "18unt7j: Misogynist have nothing to lose by arguing with you - None\n", "18uu0lx: Genuinely tired of TERFS - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18uu0lx\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18v35s9: Vinesh Phogat: Top Indian wrestler returns medals over alleged sexual abuse - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-67851193\n", "18uo9n1: What can I do when the government stands with INCELs - None\n", "18urqnj: Books on feminine rage? But like what it is and where it comes from? Not fiction about releasing that rage - None\n", "18uqy43: Colombian singer Catalina García gives an impassioned plea for women's rights and sings the feminist anthem \"Mi Libertad\" - https://youtube.com/watch?v=3r4YNET7VVw&si=rpaGrbY87sMmMzID\n", "18ubtk8: How, if at all, has studying feminism impacted your relationship with men? - None\n", "18tv5yj: I’ve spent a decade studying gender and I can tell you: as a woman, ageing sets you free - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/29/gender-woman-ageing-free-female-power?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other\n", "18u5zt8: Pros and cons of dating/marriage? - None\n", "18tqhpx: Stuff I see all over social media, threads, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18tqhpx\n", "18tm0k9: Why do so many people online make the assumption that men are the sole breadwinners in most families? - None\n", "18tpbi4: Differences between the upbringing of men and women - None\n", "18t8o1z: Men and the “as long as she’s 18” Bullshit. - None\n", "18t9lfd: Why is care for women considered “simp” and loser behaviour and blatant misogyny is rewarded with comments like “based”, “Gigachad”, etc.? - None\n", "18t6j5u: Does anyone want to discuss this book? Currently reading. - https://i.redd.it/gw2raejp349c1.jpeg\n", "18tuezb: Female Imagery - None\n", "18t8f7y: The Sexual Assault Of Women And Little Girls Happens Often. Why Is This Barely Talked About?? - None\n", "18t96d8: NYT report on sexual violence on Oct 7th - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html\n", "18sqlzv: Wtf are these ads for Threads on Instagram? - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18sqlzv\n", "18t0xdj: Agoraphobia-like behavior in regards to being a woman in public - None\n", "18sxiow: Can we make 2024 the year that all feminists agree that sexual objectification is harmful? - None\n", "18sp115: why are there almost no documentaries about misogyny?? - None\n", "18sinfc: Australia's epidemic of male violence against women - https://i.redd.it/oadyq1ey2y8c1.jpeg\n", "18sz6ik: A number of new bookshops in Europe are giving voice to female authors. - None\n", "18tbbxp: Equal distribution of labor video resources? - None\n", "18sssm3: Should teenage girls be told how to dress? - None\n", "18snpyl: (Mod approved) seeking research participants - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18snpyl\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18s784g: How can I be a better ally to women as a man? - None\n", "18s9sb0: Thoughts on men using the word Feminist as an insult? - None\n", "18rshv9: Why are women the ones pressured to get into a relationship when most MEN are single? - None\n", "18rh9kq: Why does reddit seem to hate women so much? - None\n", "18rospz: So done with sexism in online spaces - None\n", "18rhsbc: no, disliking feminity isn't \"internalized misogyny\" - None\n", "18qxtu0: Are Women’s Rights In The USA Going Backwards? - None\n", "18rbmba: Hello, sorry if this type of post is not allowed but 2 years ago Poland planned to introduce a register for recording miscarriages. All the articles I found are before the law came into effect, does anyone know if it ended up passing? - None\n", "18rel2r: The trailblazing woman who isn’t talked about enough - https://www.thestreet.com/personalities/lisa-su-net-worth\n", "18qwqee: Women in Sudan are getting raped!!spread awareness. - None\n", "18qqgo1: Cat Lady as an insult - None\n", "18qkvw2: What is your opinion about the band Rammstein, (specifically Till Lindemann, the singer)? - None\n", "18q7vc6: Got this book for Christmas. It’s a pretty good read so far. - https://i.redd.it/m90tqomf8c8c1.jpeg\n", "18qrr0f: Books (or Podcasts?) for Preteens & Teens - None\n", "18q7e37: Positive report on a man apologizing for getting in my space! - None\n", "18pyvxl: am i being dramatic? - None\n", "18q2oc6: We need y'all here in New Mexico. The link here is only on example but I'll elaborate a bit here. - https://sexeducationcollaborative.org/states/new-mexico\n", "18pq5xn: 😼 - https://i.redd.it/1cif9pt5278c1.jpeg\n", "18ppv9z: I've honestly given up on finding a feminist partner... - None\n", "18pmjuo: Need advice overcoming resentfulness and anger when noticing how differently my parents treat my brother than they treat me - None\n", "18prgvc: How The British Press Failed Brianna Ghey - https://youtu.be/8LG2eo7BXIg?si=vr-rAk2ctRvaGQIE\n", "18pbq7z: How millennials learned to dread motherhood - https://www.vox.com/features/23979357/millennials-motherhood-dread-parenting-birthrate-women-policy\n", "18pah7i: Vent about men who pretend to be feminists - None\n", "18p0mc6: This was posted in my city’s sub and men don’t see a problem with it - https://i.redd.it/y8ffha8c008c1.jpeg\n", "18pjuhk: I love this comic. I wish I could send it to my stepdad but he's so set in his ways that it's just sad. - https://twitter.com/roberttheotter/status/1592524002639376385?t=MtNngpO39rjCWryMmPKyeA&s=19\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18pjuhk\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18pa5mq: Were you assertive as a child? - None\n", "18oxz63: California town proposes ban on Pride, Black and women’s history celebrations - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/22/california-huntington-beach-ban-diverse-celebrations\n", "18ovuai: Women's groups dismayed that officer who threatened to kill ex was demoted, not fired - https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/yourik-brisebois-discreditable-conduct-sentence-1.7063713\n", "18ou5ri: Genitals (again, I know) - None\n", "18optp4: Why do people accuse women of always having “jealous” traits more than men? - None\n", "18p3fv6: Looking for Aussie feminism - None\n", "18omco6: Israeli doctors: Many of 30 released female hostages were assaulted in Gaza - https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1703254945-israeli-doctors-confirm-that-30-released-female-hostages-were-raped\n", "18o421u: Pharmacist refused emergency contraception prescription. Court to decide if that was discrimination - https://nationalpost.com/pmn/health-pmn/pharmacist-refused-emergency-contraception-prescription-court-to-decide-if-that-was-discrimination\n", "18ocdr6: Random little rant - None\n", "18oapy8: Fat shaming & misogynie - None\n", "18o6p2z: How can I stop my guy friends from making misogynistic comments? - None\n", "18o9c5m: Some quotes that resonated with me today - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18o9c5m\n", "18oi6np: Confidence - None\n", "18nwo92: More Than a Year After Mississippi Forced Her To Give Birth, It Still Hasn’t Offered Any Extra Help - https://inthesetimes.com/article/dobbs-mississippi-abortion-republicans-family-policies\n", "18nsg1q: What was a time you as a woman experienced chauvinism or misogyny in the workplace? - None\n", "18nvv39: This chart ranks 180 countries by the percentage of their workforce who are women. - https://www.qualtrics.com/blog/countries-ranked-by-female-workforce/\n", "18nzowy: Vin Diesel Accused of Sexual Battery in Lawsuit by Former Assistant. - https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/vin-diesel-accused-of-sexual-battery-in-lawsuit-by-former-assistant\n", "18o7z78: Gift Ideas? - None\n", "18nj8nt: Concerned about how young boys are being taught to treat women - None\n", "18nlz7o: Czech Republic: Forcing students to take off their bras before exams - None\n", "18novri: Outrage as Emmanuel Macron says Gérard Depardieu is target of ‘manhunt’ - https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/dec/21/emmanuel-macron-says-gerard-depardieu-is-target-of-manhunt\n", "18no7r5: Empowering Fitness Initiative Reconnects Women with the Joy of Double Dutch - https://www.newsday.com/long-island/li-life/double-dutch-jump-rope-long-island-n3hpehj3\n", "18n40pl: How TikTok Trends May Be Setting Gender Back By Decades - https://www.thedailybeast.com/tiktok-trends-like-girl-dinner-may-be-setting-gender-back-by-decades\n", "18mwgot: Iran hangs 'child bride' for murdering husband despite international appeals for clemency - https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20231220-iran-hangs-child-bride-for-murder-of-husband-rights-groups\n", "18mpa1j: See a dad realize that his wife has had an empty stocking … for 10 years. So depressing that she defended him - https://www.today.com/parents/moms/moms-empty-christmas-stocking-rcna130333?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=news_tab\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18mpa1j\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18mu7yv: ‘I’m not a toy’: how an antiquated tradition of forced marriage wrecked one girl’s life - https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/dec/19/womens-ordeal-under-pakistan-ghag-illegal-forced-marriage-custom\n", "18n8323: Speaker Mike Johnson and daughter were profiled attending 'purity ball' in 2015 German TV news segment - https://abcnews.go.com/US/speaker-mike-johnson-daughter-profiled-attending-purity-ball/story?id=105785626\n", "18mww8z: The Korean gaming industry is censoring feminism(Thought censorship) against female applicants. - None\n", "18mu6eq: Italian court sentences Pakistani parents for murder of teenage daughter - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/19/italian-court-sentences-pakistani-parents-for-of-teenage-daughter\n", "18mgqi0: Colorado Supreme Court, in landmark ruling, bans Trump from state’s ballot under insurrection clause - https://apnews.com/article/trump-insurrection-14th-amendment-2024-colorado-d16dd8f354eeaf450558378c65fd79a2?\n", "18m8duc: Ohio Republicans plot to thwart voters who backed 'immoral and evil' abortion rights - https://www.rawstory.com/ohio-abortion-law-2666659920/\n", "18mm12g: Are there any books, television programmes, comics, movies, and similar, which are so near exclusively read by sexists that you would be very concerned if you knew someone is a fan of it? - None\n", "18lrifi: Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden — and whether they’d come back - https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/young-voters-explain-re-bailing-biden-whether-d-come-back-rcna130186?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=news_tab\n", "18lu99f: Self Defense - None\n", "18m5dvq: Subtle definitions of terms, like \"chivalry\" and \"gentleman's club\" - None\n", "18m1wag: Iran: Female fans allowed into stadium for men's soccer game - https://www.newarab.com/news/iran-female-fans-allowed-stadium-mens-soccer-game\n", "18llyr7: Sexism in Genital jokes - None\n", "18lgd2u: You Just Can't Take Me Anywhere! - None\n", "18lu0fa: Buck/Bachelor Parties and Strip Clubs (Am I a wet blanket / bad friend not to go?) - None\n", "18lnzsy: Knesset confronts high suicide rates in wake of Hamas sexual violence - https://www.ynetnews.com/health_science/article/hykkfr6i6\n", "18ld386: \"I am Kenough\" enrages me. - None\n", "18kp7qr: BIG NEWS: Wisconsin’s total abortion ban has been overturned. The procedure is now officially legal through 20 weeks again - https://apnews.com/article/abortion-ban-wisconsin-dane-county-judge-ruling-b9992fc2a162bc4b5201936a69d00eec\n", "18l15k6: I did not like the Barbie movie - None\n", "18lecij: SURVEY: Gender Beliefs and Stress (Mod-Approved) - 18+ cisgender participants - None\n", "18lfn44: Survey for AP Research: 1930s rhetoric in the fashion industry - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfmUEjCQaJNU_RDWiA2gPI2TK8hhbHntt9eW88yl539vrX_rA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link\n", "18kwixk: I am tired of the whataboutism that many men do when we feminists complain about hypersexualization towards women - None\n", "18l08vi: i only feel worthy if im desired by men - None\n", "18kzuuo: ISO your thoughts on nuanced situations of unsolicited male advice - None\n", "18l1jlb: stop denying women their autonomy - a video essay on the pressure of patriarchy on women - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asjmdBOUjQI\\\n", "18l1hwu: Silent Suffering: Rohingya Girls Trapped in Abusive Marriages : City Telegraph - https://citytelegraph.com/news/129776/rohingya-girls-trapped-in-abusive-marriages/\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18l1hwu\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18kqdbc: Problematic normalized thinking: ”I don’t want my girlfriend to have any male friends” - None\n", "18kp69n: What’s it like to travel out of state for an abortion? Women share their stories. - https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/whats-it-like-to-travel-out-of-state-for-an-abortion-women-share-their-stories-211710565.html\n", "18kp75z: FCC moves to help domestic violence victims with new rules around cellphones - https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/fcc-moves-help-domestic-violence-victims-new-rules-cellphones-rcna124902\n", "18kiva9: Women’s contributions are often undervalued and overlooked in male-dominated environments, which could drive women’s underrepresentation in certain academic and professional fields. A better understanding of the “sense of mattering” may shine new light on the reasons for this persistent gender gap. - https://compass.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/spc3.12907\n", "18kjogw: ‘Dangerous for women’: warning as Chileans vote on new draft constitution - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/17/chile-draft-constitution-vote-negative-impacts\n", "18jwd2c: A Black woman was criminally charged after a miscarriage. It shows the perils of pregnancy post-Roe - https://nationalpost.com/pmn/health-pmn/black-ohio-woman-criminally-charged-after-miscarriage-underscores-the-perils-of-pregnancy-post-roe-2\n", "18juxzl: Pregnant Texans Continue to Be Pulled Over in Carpool Lane After Abortion Ruling: 'I Have Two Heartbeats in the Car' - https://themessenger.com/news/pregnant-texans-pulled-over-carpool-lane-abortion-ruling\n", "18jwcil: Why aren't we in the streets? - /r/prochoice/comments/18jr0ls/why_arent_we_in_the_streets/\n", "18jcdxo: petition: A Massive Survey Shows Black Americans Are Being Mistreated in Doctors' Offices - https://www.thepetitionsite.com/887/780/873/a-massive-survey-shows-black-americans-are-being-mistreated-in-doctors-offices/\n", "18jo8d2: Clara Schumann, Great 19th Century Composer, and Her Internalized Misogyny - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSn0WU3L2nw\n", "18j3xf7: We Have Mounting Proof That Cruel Men Control Women’s Bodies in Red States - https://www.thenation.com/article/society/kate-cox-brittany-watts/\n", "18j18zo: The toxicity of language such as \"im having his baby\" - None\n", "18jfa2s: Where to read Andrea Dworkin's works? - None\n", "18j4uif: The women Putin doesn’t want to talk about - https://www.politico.eu/article/the-women-russia-vladimir-putin-doesnt-want-to-talk-about-ukraine-war/\n", "18inomb: Outrage as Twitter runs ads for app creating fake nudes of women - https://boingboing.net/2023/12/14/outrage-as-twitter-runs-ads-for-app-creating-fake-nudes-of-women.html\n", "18j7bp0: Poor Things - a Feminist masterpiece - https://youtu.be/FAVnbJ7yJcc?si=jpvEpzUvY5ElgPaI\n", "18ij5sk: Is something woke if it fails? Or is something woke if it succeeds? When it comes to media and elevating women's rights and equality, is a movie woke if it involves equality? Is it woke if it fails or succeeds in the writing? - https://i.redd.it/rmovr2kkub6c1.jpg\n", "18idqp5: The \"We're pregnant\" expression is symptomatic of something more sinister - None\n", "18io0nz: Our gender and sexuality is not about being a hashtag on pornhub. And the sooner people understand this and stop fetishizing us, the sooner we can move forward. - https://i.redd.it/cnr3dw1fuc6c1.jpeg\n", "18iqh6e: is my school covering a scandal? - None\n", "18igci4: Should I let my 14 year old daughter wear what she wants? - None\n", "18ib6nk: In my opinion, Wonder Woman has the most morally-rational mindset when it comes to the issue of whether a superhero should kill. - https://i.redd.it/8qkzzqdtj56c1.png\n", "18iidk5: Want to see true female courage & strength? This woman in Iran holds up a homemade flag, Iran’s only true flag, Lion & Sun flag & photo of the late Majidreza Rahnavard. An illegal flag. This non-violent civil disobedience by Iranians, why isn’t the world supporting these brave Iranians? - https://i.redd.it/cv8wsnymlb6c1.jpeg\n", "18iaqnz: the radicalisation of young men on instagram - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18iaqnz\n", "18iqlre: Tampon testing: the troubled history of period products - https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/23893044/period-tampon-menstrual-cycle-menstruation-cup-pad\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18iqlre\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18i04mi: Has anybody else noticed an increase in men obsessing over single women in their 30s? - None\n", "18ihuqq: What are your thoughts about the porn industry? - None\n", "18irdm1: Book recommendations to learn more about Feminism? - None\n", "18ick83: Dozens of Texas businesses back challenge to abortion ban: ‘This is why our economy is taking a hit’ - https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4360255-texas-abortion-challenge-businesses-economy-bumble-amicus-brief/\n", "18irmeq: I made a thinkpiece. I want to write more about feminist things that interest me. - None\n", "18ia2tz: Florida abortion rights supporters inch closer to ballot measure threshold - https://www.axios.com/2023/12/13/florida-abortion-rights-vote-ballot-supreme-court\n", "18i1j4p: Science is Feminine - None\n", "18i0129: Best feminist musical? - None\n", "18huvvn: Nobody is going to say that RWBY is on the same level as FMAB. The people who claim RWBY fans say that are making stuff up. But we do love shows where LGBT female characters take roles typically held by cis white male characters. Same where LGBT relationships are the norm over heteronormativity. - https://i.redd.it/z2cbf8vzf56c1.png\n", "18i186l: Does anyone know who said this? - None\n", "18ha88t: Men would rather stop dating women than stop treating women like pieces of meat - None\n", "18hlv6x: Trae Crowder on Instagram: \"On the awful way Texas responded to one woman’s emergency pregnancy situation. #traecrowder #politicalhumor #seemelive #youknowwherethelinkis\" - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0xKcHny3zu/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==\n", "18he7te: Is Joe Rogan a controversial person? - None\n", "18h6gcl: Rant about pregnant women accepting that men “just don’t get excited until the baby comes” - None\n", "18ha5an: The threat of male violence is used as a tool to oppress women - None\n", "18h98uj: Men's misogynistic categorizations of women - None\n", "18hb4tv: Periods - None\n", "18gj28n: The cruelty is the point. - https://i.redd.it/cuh8tx3dsr5c1.jpg\n", "18gt3kr: Missouri Republicans propose bills to allow murder charges for women who get abortions - https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/government-politics/missouri-republicans-propose-bills-to-allow-murder-charges-for-women-who-get-abortions/article_53b406c0-95c4-11ee-a67d-9339832ec1a0.html\n", "18gt2zl: One of Iran’s top surgeons, Fatemeh Rajaeirad who refused to wear Hijab at her honoring ceremony in Amol is expelled from Babol University of Medical Sciences where she was a professor. Regime jailed and tortured her for it. She did face reconstruction surgeries for victims, for free. - None\n", "18hcl8v: Instagram problems - None\n", "18gte1l: How do you handle female friends who are pickmes and tradwives? - None\n", "18gwb47: Rally for Kate - https://i.redd.it/5gs5lvbohx5c1.png\n", "18guq5y: Health impacts of abuse more extensive than previously thought - https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/news/2023/health-impacts-of-abuse-more-extensive-than-previously-thought-research-says\n", "18gentc: Kate Cox’s quote of how she “never thought she’d be in this situation” made me think of women who become pro-choice only when they themselves need an an abortion. - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18gentc\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18gqm2b: Kate Cox exposes the ‘pro-life’ politics of death, fear and control - https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/kate-cox-abortion-case-exposes-texas-supreme-court-rcna129160\n", "18h459u: Here's a good reason to vote BLUE: The next step among anti-abortion extremists is to prosecute every woman who ordered abortion pills by mail if a Republican becomes president. - /r/prochoice/comments/18gyjhg/heres_a_good_reason_to_vote_blue_the_next_step/\n", "18gjzku: Am I being overly sensitive? - None\n", "18gqy99: Kari Lake wanted Arizona to pass 'carbon copy' of Texas abortion law at center of legal fight - https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2023/12/12/kari-lake-wanted-arizona-to-pass-a-carbon-copy-of-texas-abortion-law/71885541007/\n", "18gjrxi: \"Texas Supreme Court rules against woman who sought abortion hours after she says she’ll travel out of state\" - /r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/18garlc/texas_is_evil_death_to_texas_texas_supreme_court/\n", "18g171f: I stand with Kate - https://i.redd.it/r5afdmagrp5c1.png\n", "18giydr: Rina Gonoi: Three Japanese ex-soldiers found guilty of sexual assault - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-67688678\n", "18gkjsg: Seeking feminist rants - None\n", "18g8ri6: Should I file a complaint? - None\n", "18fs5kb: Is my mom babying my dad or am I just being stupid and radical - None\n", "18fzv2g: ‘They violated our rights’: Chile’s draft constitution fails women, say activists - https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/dec/11/human-rights-protests-chile-draft-constitution-fails-women-abortion-rights-equality\n", "18fy8v9: Machismo vs Toxic Masculinity?? - None\n", "18g7het: “Pop culture detective” YouTube recommendation - None\n", "18g4tfx: Thoughts on representation on TV show ‘League of Their Own’? - None\n", "18flwom: Extremely frustrating conversation with male friends about feminism, need advice. - None\n", "18gix79: Can abortion pills destroy fertility? - https://youtube.com/shorts/2kDsks-PerY?feature=share\n", "18fyfw6: 10 min action: Set up automated texts to Biden - /r/EqualRightsAmendment/comments/18fyd44/10_min_action_set_up_automated_texts_to_biden/\n", "18g0fo2: What are radfem views on modeling? - None\n", "18f85l5: As a straight woman, do you find it difficult to find feminist partners? - None\n", "18f1mrp: Kate Cox can't get abortion for now, Texas Supreme Court court says, halting judge's OK - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/12/09/texas-abortion-lawsuit-kate-cox-abortion-ruling/71862324007/\n", "18f43sl: Am I radical for probably dumping by boyfriend for not seeing any problem with patriarchy? - None\n", "18fciln: Patriarchy, sexual abuse and the unfairness of our own psychology (TX sexual assault and rape). - None\n", "18fe4bx: Texas Justice Arrested 37 Times Protesting at Clinics, Currently on Court (Texas Tribune) - /r/TheIntellectualist/comments/18fduf1/texas_justice_arrested_37_times_protesting_at/\n", "18fgb6o: Man Throws Album At Girls' Generation's Taeyeon, Demands She Gives Him Her Phone Number - https://www.koreaboo.com/news/girls-generation-taeyeon-scary-fan-sign-man-security/\n", "18fb5g9: Younge Iranian women lined up to greet US President Nixon’s 1972 Trip to Iran - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18fb53i\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18fb5g9\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18fcjxk: I have a feeling there is something very morally wrong with Girlfriend ASMR - None\n", "18en1vu: Firefighters caught taking pics of dead women’s underwear and rating it weekly - None\n", "18f759j: Discrimination During Pregnancy May Alter Circuits in Infants’ Brains - https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/news/discrimination-during-pregnancy-may-alter-circuits-infants-brains\n", "18fa963: The Guardian view on sexual violence in conflict: an unending crime that can be tackled - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/10/the-guardian-view-on-sexual-violence-in-conflict-an-unending-that-can-be-tackled?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other\n", "18ee1a2: Why is taliban's women oppression not given atmost importantce in the media? - None\n", "18ep6lt: Is it okay for me to feel hurt by the way my mom raised me as still defends it? - None\n", "18eue55: Advice and Venting - Abortion - None\n", "18eqf64: 40 mn women face prolong health issues after childbirth every year: Lancet - https://www.business-standard.com/health/40-mn-women-face-prolong-health-issues-after-childbirth-every-year-lancet-123120900336_1.html\n", "18emjdm: AI can predict intimate partner femicide from variables extracted from legal documents - https://www.psypost.org/2023/12/ai-can-predict-intimate-partner-femicide-from-variables-extracted-from-legal-documents-214914\n", "18egtc8: Study identifies four predictors of prejudice towards childfree individuals: right-wing authoritarianism, political beliefs, collective narcissism, and religiosity. - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38037481/\n", "18et0ea: Algorithmic Ad Blocking Limits Information About Abortion In Colombia - https://www.forbes.com/sites/christinero/2023/12/09/algorithmic-ad-blocking-limits-abortion-information-in-colombia/?sh=6d21a5a93137\n", "18edrhx: Texas Supreme Court pauses lower court's order allowing pregnant woman to have an abortion - despite fatal fetal anomaly. - https://apnews.com/article/texas-abortion-ban-supreme-court-decision-10767891a475e7ce2c82b1404450908a\n", "18e0hcf: There is evidence that vaginal and pelvic muscles become stronger the more frequently a woman has sex. - None\n", "18dowgt: Blobby and Friends made a comic on \"Its a man's job\". I never understood who came up with that phrase, or why people embrace it. Source link in comments - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18dowgt\n", "18dzqmo: is it a coincidence that wealthy and powerful men are calling for 3 women university presidents to be ousted? - None\n", "18dto4z: how come women deliberately want to get married and have children? or overall the traditional housewife life? - None\n", "18e14pk: found out the guy i was dating assaulted my friend - None\n", "18dqi7u: Feminist mural seen in Bogota, Colombia - https://i.redd.it/3enxix7jk35c1.jpg\n", "18dn0n8: Israel Gaza: Hamas raped and mutilated women on 7 October, BBC hears - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181\n", "18dilra: Collective madness happening in Korea - None\n", "18d8w5p: A Texas judge grants a pregnant woman permission to get an abortion despite the state’s ban - https://apnews.com/article/texas-abortion-roe-568c09dc8794c341095189362ece9004\n", "18dnh1t: Female friends - None\n", "18dfwh7: Why is the b word receiving a cultural rehabilitation? - None\n", "18erfog: What do you think of Anti feminist women? - None\n", "18dif63: The Importance of Abortion Rights - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18dif63\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18d3i5i: Anyone else feel like a lot of feminists critique other women as feminists to the point of being anti-feminist? - None\n", "18d509x: A male coworker is harassing me and other female coworkers. My higher ups told us that if anyone complains about that coworker we'll all be fired. I'm scared. - /r/antiwork/comments/18d4y7v/women_of_anti_work_i_need_your_help/\n", "18d6zvk: Why do i suddenly feel the need to be beautiful again? How do i deal with it? - None\n", "18d4g91: \"They Violently Raped Me\" - /r/NewIran/comments/18cuki5/they_violently_raped_me/\n", "18d4jsl: Stan Tzouvelekes of Greenville city council is trying to shut down the abortion clinic - https://www.greenvillecounty.org/Council/_Agenda/Meetings%20of%202023/County%20Council%20Meetings/2023.12.05/Revoking%20Business%20Registration%2011-29-2023%20(2).pdf?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email\n", "18crnaa: How do you react to sexist jokes? - None\n", "18cwjsn: A Different Metric System - https://i.redd.it/qyfdz9nxsv4c1.jpg\n", "18dc6dp: Feminism Goals for next year - None\n", "18cnvqm: Why people in third world countries are so afraid of feminism? - None\n", "18d0eot: A Brief Personal and Political History of Ms. - https://thethreepennyguignol.com/2023/12/07/a-brief-personal-and-political-history-of-ms/\n", "18cxw5l: Grant Thornton Invitational Shines A Light On Pay Parity In Pro Golf - https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikedojc/2023/12/07/grant-thornton-invitational-shines-a-light-on-pay-parity-in-pro-golf/?sh=18ad84ca193b\n", "18cnmwq: “THEY VIOLENTLY RAPED ME”: SEXUAL VIOLENCE WEAPONIZED TO CRUSH IRAN’S “WOMAN LIFE FREEDOM” UPRISING | Amnesty |2023 - https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde13/7480/2023/en/\n", "18ct3cy: I wrote a poem about female rage inspired by Tori Amos' song Cruel, let me know what you think - https://youtu.be/8y1RuvAwYWc?si=o-wP-clp3DVpsDJx\n", "18cku43: Right because boobs are only for the boys 😒 - /r/AITAH/comments/18cgl1z/am_i_the_ahole_for_grabbing_my_boobs_in_class/\n", "18c0oie: What gave feminism such a bad reputation? - None\n", "18bux3g: Men who are “all for women” but say “not all men” - None\n", "18cc12x: Why Women Hate the Pill | What birth control teaches us about the failure—and future—of women’s health care - https://thewalrus.ca/why-women-hate-the-pill/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=referral\n", "18bzcgm: Kim Jong-un cries as he tells women to have more babies - None\n", "18blu3c: How mysoginist are targeting young boys - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18blu3c\n", "18bx3iy: Rant: Mansplaining in the form of unsolicited advice when the plans have already been laid! SMDH - None\n", "18bll8y: CNN's Christmas gifts ideas for women is terrible - https://us.cnn.com/cnn-underscored/gifts/gift-ideas-for-women\n", "18bbbcg: I witnessed a horrific domestic violence situation in public and feel demoralized by the way police (don't) respond to such situations - None\n", "18bpvcp: Women's and Gender Studies as a degree option? - None\n", "18bqbkk: Podcast for survivors of Military Sexual Trauma - https://youtu.be/9GtODRMrJCU?si=Ig6JcSBi5PkoEFS0\n", "18b8r23: A 43-year-old South Korean woman adopted her best friend, seeking to create an alternative family outside traditional marriage, as part of a broader trend of feminist social experiments in the country - https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/12/2/the-south-korean-woman-who-adopted-her-best-friend\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18b8r23\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18aork5: I feel really grossed out - None\n", "18as84e: The majority of President Joe Biden's appointed judges to date have been women or minorities - a first in the history of the United States - https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/12/04/most-of-bidens-appointed-judges-to-date-are-women-racial-or-ethnic-minorities-a-first-for-any-president/\n", "18as5rp: Mut’ah / temporary pleasure marriage - None\n", "18b1ur8: European VC ecosystem heavily biased against female founders - https://thenextweb.com/news/european-vc-ecosystem-biased-female-founders\n", "18bk1xp: Book rec/request: feminism & Sapir-Whorf/linguistics - None\n", "18aiw5s: \"Patriarchy Kills! Fight Back\" spotted in Winterthur, Switzerland - https://i.redd.it/brca8yrdr94c1.jpg\n", "18azwhz: Protesters near the U.N. push for broader condemnation of sexual violence on Oct. 7. - https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/12/04/world/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news/protesters-and-israel-push-the-un-to-condemn-sexual-violence-during-the-oct-7-attack?smid=url-share\n", "18acavn: “Who are the masculine women for?” [idolomantises] - https://i.redd.it/6ql1vl79h74c1.jpg\n", "18akq0h: Jesus the Medieval Feminist - https://www.historytoday.com/history-matters/jesus-medieval-feminist\n", "189zp80: A male recruiter told that I was « authoritarian ». Would he have said the same to a man?! - None\n", "189v16y: “The economics of industrialized countries would collapse if women didn't do the work they do for free” - None\n", "18agq3b: Do you think promiscuity is bad? - None\n", "18afw53: Hey there I'm looking for an essay or non fiction book about pregnancy - None\n", "189tpwa: I've literally just been proposed to and I feel manipulated af - None\n", "189mz3o: endless online misogyny - None\n", "189kz3q: In 40 states child marriage is legal - None\n", "189wo7m: What are some things that make you happy/hopeful/proud about the impact of feminism on everyday life? - None\n", "18985l8: Teen girls are being victimized by deepfake nudes. One family is pushing for more protections - https://apnews.com/article/deepfake-ai-nudes-teen-girls-legislation-b6f44be048b31fe0b430aeee1956ad38\n", "1899hfv: The Language of Women - None\n", "1890bsb: I feel devastated(south korea) - None\n", "1890d0d: Am I overreacting or is this sexist… - None\n", "1894drt: Gloria Steinem: Feminist icon on 'lethal' desire to control wombs - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-67445694\n", "1893sra: 36 Ways Women Still Aren't Equal to Men - /r/EqualRightsAmendment/comments/18939w4/36_ways_women_still_arent_equal_to_men/\n", "188zupt: Rage against men & books 📚 - None\n", "188epq1: The concept of being in love and in a relationship (with a man) as something we should all aspire to is the oldest, most successful PR scheme of all time. - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_188epq1\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "188f2dz: Sandra Day O' Conner died today - None\n", "188g8jp: I am Korean woman. I wanted to be a game maker, but now we may not be able to participate in game making. - None\n", "188j4fm: Dress codes control - None\n", "1881yvv: Testosterone aggression is worse in the world than women’s emotionality but praised instead of demonized - None\n", "188mefw: Resources to deal with constant backlash towards feminism in STEM communities? - None\n", "187xws6: (rant) im sick of bimbo liberal feminism - None\n", "1881bgk: Most online hate targets women, says EU report - https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/reuters/most-online-hate-targets-women--says-eu-report/49016566\n", "188iwlp: A \"Family Values\" top Florida Republican is accused of rape by a woman involved in a consensual 3-way with his Moms for Liberty book-banning wife - None\n", "188jk79: Mary Cleave, 'trailblazing' astronaut and scientist, dies at 76 - https://www.astronomy.com/space-exploration/mary-cleave-trailblazing-astronaut-dies-at-76/\n", "187qmfe: \"Women are less visual than men are\" A pervasive patriarchal myth? - None\n", "188fp74: The life lessons that I discovered from being a whore. On sexual pleasure, boundaries and empathy. - https://shado-mag.com/opinion/the-life-lessons-that-i-discovered-from-being-a-whore/\n", "1881fx2: Discrimination at Apple - /r/womenintech/comments/187s5r8/discrimination_at_apple/\n", "187hzmi: Why do men comment on facebook pics with \"hot\" or \"sexy\" even though the last 68 men to do so received no attention whatsoever? - None\n", "1879rsj: Am I crazy for not wanting to be a man’s personal stress ball? - None\n", "187far5: If there where no men on earth, how would your beauty-Routine change? - None\n", "187bv33: British hospitals where worker had sex with 100 corpses failed to protect those it cared for, report finds - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/british-hospitals-worker-sex-100-corpses-failed-protect-cared-report-f-rcna127061\n", "187a8n7: How can I live happily and safely in this reality where sex offenders are everywhere? - None\n", "187n5zr: Jezebel to Be Resurrected by Paste Magazine - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/29/business/media/jezebel-resurrected-paste-magazine.html\n", "187ln28: A chat with Constance Thompson, senior vice president of DEI at ACORE - /r/women/comments/187lmmo/a_chat_with_constance_thompson_senior_vice/\n", "187p8rb: ❤️‍🔥 on Instagram: \"(11/30/2023) - thoughts on girlhood\" - https://www.instagram.com/p/C0R3TnqP4Pq/?igshid=NzBmMjdhZWRiYQ==\n", "187jc27: Quit making us feel bad for getting angry due to our bodies natural functions and societal lessons. - None\n", "186tz6o: Health complications arising out of pregnancy and child birth needs to be more talked about - None\n", "187h630: Have you ever been mansplained to at work? - None\n", "1876vyv: \"The Broken Rung\" Is Why Women Are Denied Promotions - https://www.buzzfeed.com/monicatorres2/why-women-dont-get-promoted\n", "186zd3k: Child marriage: 'I was sold into marriage for £7 at the age of 12' - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-67549633\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_186zd3k\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "186zc1h: Feminist site Jezebel to be revived after sale - https://www.bbc.com/news/business-67568792\n", "186w1xn: What kind of means do you think you would use to guess whether someone is more likely than not to have done some sort of sexual misconduct? - None\n", "1866nit: Allie Phillips was denied a life-saving abortion. She’s now running for office in Tennessee | Allie Phillips is running for office in her district in Clarksville, She spoke about how she’s one of the first women to run for office who has been directly impacted by the overturning of Roe v. Wade - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/abortion-ban-allie-phillips-tennessee-b2449014.html\n", "186ftas: Girls less likely to be diagnosed with special educational needs – new research - https://theconversation.com/girls-less-likely-to-be-diagnosed-with-special-educational-needs-new-research-217156\n", "18609jy: Looking at the “popular” page is unbearable for me - None\n", "186crbm: Purity Culture is R*pe Culture, and the Toxic Incel Problem Comes Directly From It - None\n", "186bl2y: Houston area woman fight to hold school accountable for special needs daughter's sexual assault may go to US Supreme Court - https://www.click2houston.com/news/investigates/2023/11/28/houston-area-mothers-fight-to-hold-school-accountable-for-daughters-assault-may-go-to-us-supreme-court/\n", "1864o53: Texas AG’s office argues women should sue doctors — not state — over lack of abortion access - https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4331412-texas-ags-office-argues-women-should-sue-doctors-not-state-over-lack-of-abortion-access/\n", "185xbv4: This Detroit school for pregnant teens had a 90% graduation rate, and a 100% college acceptance rate; it got shut down because funding cuts - https://outliermedia.org/catherine-ferguson-academy-detroit-history-pregnant-teens/\n", "1863ekw: Lawsuit challenging Texas abortion bans appears before state Supreme Court - https://abcnews.go.com/US/lawsuit-challenging-texas-abortion-bans-appears-state-supreme/story?id=105154571\n", "1866q4x: I have a question for people on the sub what made you become a feminist and why and what do you think can be done to help others understand more what it’s about - None\n", "185utmg: On the topic of religion - None\n", "185tr8t: Anthropologists debunk the myth that men did all the hunting in prehistory. So why did we think otherwise? And should feminists care? - https://onhumans.substack.com/p/did-women-evolve-to-hunt-a-conversation\n", "18604ws: This dev conference organizer seems addicted to making up women - https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/28/23978254/devternity-jdkon-developer-conference-fake-women-speakers\n", "186e5q5: Its time to take a stance on a particular religion which keeps supressing women - None\n", "185cupd: The story of Adam and Eve is to take the divinity of human creation away from women - None\n", "185sauj: If you were to peg specific times as to when women's rights became normalized in the world, when would that be? - None\n", "1864vgx: Confusion and Co-Fusing Topics - None\n", "185l2v5: Non-Smoking Women Are Getting Lung Cancer - But Are Going Unscreened - https://www.forbes.com/sites/evaepker/2023/11/27/non-smoking-women-are-getting-lung-cancerbut-are-going-unscreened/?sh=c68934858dc9\n", "1850o9z: Living as a Korean woman is a disaster - None\n", "185g10n: Michigan Gov. Whitmer Signs Bills Aiming to Codify Abortion Into State Law - https://themessenger.com/politics/michigan-gov-whitmer-signs-bills-aiming-to-codify-abortion-into-state-law\n", "1859n29: Why do some women vote against their interests? - https://www.reclaimingthenewsletter.com/p/why-do-some-women-vote-against-their\n", "1857sa3: Blurred Lines - None\n", "185e801: i was catcalled today. - None\n", "185nfxv: what resources have helped you heal wounds surrounding your femininity? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_185nfxv\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1859bbz: Small comments that sum up beliefs - None\n", "185mwvk: What are some of Mary Wollstonecraft's \"A Vindication of the Rights of Woman\" that can be criticized based on radical feminist ideas? - None\n", "185871k: Why Organized Religion is the Most Misogynist Institution Man has Ever Created - https://youtu.be/ImjzOv8Ghg8?si=4_-W8SQaCXrKkFN-\n", "184yy32: Unexpected lack of misogyny in college - None\n", "184t13d: Selma Blair Says Her MS Was Misdiagnosed for Years as Menstrual Issues - https://www.vulture.com/2023/11/selma-blair-multiple-sclerosis-medical-gaslighting.html\n", "185900u: Examples of Misogyny - None\n", "184x319: Thoughts on this? - https://i.redd.it/dwy6ui90bu2c1.png\n", "185l48x: Possible Game Changer for all People who Menstruate (tampon vending machines!) - None\n", "184h21j: The way men talk about women makes me completely disinterested in dating. - None\n", "184wglb: Freeing myself from the male gaze and validation - None\n", "185dk2x: My dad - None\n", "184t0b4: Men's reaction to safety concerns - None\n", "184xwfk: Am I being overly sensitive? - None\n", "184wl2v: How do I gather the courage to call out relatives when they say something racist/sexist/etc - None\n", "184vvvq: Why does the movie Uptown Girls have such bad reviews? - None\n", "184hlh0: Her Ex-Husband Wrote a Hit Book About Abstinence. Now, She’s Telling Her Side of the Story. - https://slate.com/human-interest/2023/09/joshua-shannon-harris-kissed-dating-goodbye.html\n", "184tf9o: Best biographies of women/feminists? - None\n", "1844t04: The centring of men never takes a break. - None\n", "18498cc: Italy rallies to condemn violence against women draw huge crowds - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67530529\n", "184batx: Post childbirth tummy - None\n", "184b27x: Shapewear - None\n", "183wfsw: Nice conversation on the day aganist violence on women - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/183wfsw\n", "184a0l4: i wrote a book on sexual violence - None\n", "183swca: How much misogynistic bullshit did you have to stomach at Thanksgiving with your conservative family? - None\n", "183twjv: To be a woman - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_183twjv\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "183zj0y: What is the opposite of sensitivity? What does it mean to be sensitised? - None\n", "183w61b: Am I crazy? - None\n", "183t6rn: How Chilean performance collective Las Tesis is growing a global feminist movement. - https://shado-mag.com/act/how-chilean-performance-collective-las-tesis-is-growing-a-global-feminist-movement/\n", "183flix: The toilets at my school are not female-friendly - None\n", "1834tr3: Men ruined boobs - None\n", "183697z: The depiction of strong women in media can still be sexist - None\n", "1830qnt: “We don’t need feminism anymore in the west” - None\n", "182t6oj: Global women’s rights groups silent as Israeli women testify about rapes by Hamas - https://www.timesofisrael.com/global-womens-rights-groups-silent-as-israeli-women-testify-about-rapes-by-hamas/\n", "182yyu3: Giulia Cecchettin's killing sparks Italian reckoning over femicide - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67514334\n", "182ob13: Women think that women are difficult to work with. - None\n", "183077w: How should a person deal with internalised misogyny? - None\n", "182px8j: BBC Series The Ascent of Woman - None\n", "182per1: Capitalism and Feminism - None\n", "182amtf: New research combined both physiological and archaeological evidence to argue that not only did prehistoric women engage in the practice of hunting, but their female anatomy and biology would have made them intrinsically better suited for it. - https://anthrosource.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/aman.13915\n", "1828m85: Invisible Women by Caroline Criado-Perez - None\n", "182394w: My period is the bane of my existence - None\n", "181y5z8: Hate patriarchal values in Holiday celebrations. - None\n", "181zx9g: Gender assumptions in Reddit norms (small rant) - None\n", "181xesf: Why do people associate femininity with passivity? - None\n", "182978s: Vile Islamweb.net Fatwa Website in Qatar - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1825ifa\n", "181in9l: Texas anti-abortion group official arrested for allegedly soliciting a child - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-anti-abortion-group-official-arrested-allegedly-soliciting-child-rcna45035\n", "181stnd: Abortion rights activists raise money for three Florida clinics fined by the state - https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/abortion-rights-activists-raise-money-for-three-florida-clinics-fined-by-the-state-35297874\n", "1821er3: Thankful - /r/EqualRightsAmendment/comments/18214kc/thankful/\n", "181geax: \"Smile!!\" -- help me explain why that comment bothered me - None\n", "18168z8: Instagram: Frightening Misogyny - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18168z8\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "181a6j5: I stopped consuming so much and I became a better feminist - None\n", "1818jqs: Pet Hate: Men Who Call Us 'Sexist' - Especially When We're Calling Them Out On Misogyny - None\n", "180wlbu: Opinion | Why Aren’t More People Marrying? Ask Women What Dating Is Like. (Gift Article) - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/11/opinion/marriage-women-men-dating.html?unlocked_article_code=1.-Uw.Tbza.fZXEVANOKWsd\n", "180sk9i: How can i explain how beautystandards created by the patriarchy can cause hostility among women? - None\n", "180m00j: UNSW sex offenders report unveils shocking number of men attracted to children, teens - https://www.smh.com.au/national/the-shocking-number-of-australian-men-sexually-attracted-to-children-and-teens-20231117-p5ekum.html\n", "180ok53: Young Men and Hostile Sexism - None\n", "180lpn3: cmv: Why do certain men treat women this way? - None\n", "180pxzr: Marina and the Diamonds - None\n", "180nluq: Jezebel Is Dead. Let Me Tell You How Bizarre Working There Was in the Beginning. - https://slate.com/business/2023/11/jezebel-moe-tkacik-gawker-cancel-culture.html\n", "1800y62: Texas businesses say abortion ban costs state nearly $15 billion a year - https://www.kxan.com/news/texas-politics/texas-businesses-say-abortion-ban-costs-state-nearly-15-billion-a-year/\n", "1808apl: heartbreaking - https://i.redd.it/mo9sisjtmm1c1.jpeg\n", "180affc: How evolutionary biology is used as a cover for misogyny - https://youtu.be/MR_k3JbspW8?feature=shared\n", "17zvx8x: I feel so defeated. - None\n", "180aacs: Indians of this sub, any thoughts ? - https://i.redd.it/q6oftz8m7n1c1.jpg\n", "17zwl7k: Philadelphia Moms for Liberty Leader Phillip Fisher Jr. Is Registered Sex Offender: Report | The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Phillip Fisher Jr. pleaded guilty to the crime in 2012, when he was 25 and living in Chicago - https://www.thedailybeast.com/philadelphia-moms-for-liberty-leader-phillip-fisher-jr-is-registered-sex-offender-report\n", "18060zt: Climate change hits women's health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28 - https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/climate-change-hits-womens-health-harder-activists-want-leaders-to-address-it-at-cop28\n", "180hr4p: In what appears to be an RSF member giving a Friday sermon, the speaker states that women captured by RSF in Khartoum will be given the choice to get married, but will not be allowed to return to their families. - None\n", "17zk8o2: We always hear ‘1 in 4 girls will be abused’ or ‘1 in 3 women will be raped’ - but we never hear ‘1 in X men are rapists’. - https://i.redd.it/z8zuaaunvg1c1.png\n", "17zivjr: I think Mass Effect gave us a step in the right direction not only by giving an RPG protagonist voiced by jennifer hale, but also allowed lgbt relationships as said character as well. Artist is Aleksandra Skiba - https://i.redd.it/4hedbnhtdg1c1.jpg\n", "17zxtba: Research on Causes? - None\n", "17zxty2: Are there notable people that were known for spreading how Rey (from Star Wars) is a Mary Sue? - None\n", "17zhtk0: I have a hard time with this… - None\n", "17zn0hr: Vent - None\n", "17z73s0: Rosalynn Carter, former first lady and tireless humanitarian who advocated for mental health issues, dies at 96 | Carter devoted herself to several social causes in the course of her public life, including programs that supported health care resources, human rights, social justice | Rest In Power - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/obituaries/rosalynn-carter-former-first-lady-dies-rcna62862\n", "17zkpqk: The Rachel Zegler hate is pure misogyny - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_17zkpqk\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "17z0iua: A Disturbing Reality Has Been Lurking Behind #MeToo Stories. It’s Time to Tell the Whole Truth. - https://slate.com/human-interest/2023/11/me-too-movement-revicitimization-sexual-assualt-stories-women.html\n", "17z5glc: It’s a bit ridiculous that snap chat (and other media tbh) sensor the word vagina and other terms related to women’s health - None\n", "17ywhlt: Leaving reddit subs about things we love (or generally activities/ industries/communities linked to things we love) because of the hostile environment men create in them towards women. (I explain in the text of my post, but also sharing pictures of an incident in a specific sub to illustrate. AITA?) - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17ywhlt\n", "17zo7mc: Unveiling Gender and Race Dialogue Disparities in The Lord of the Rings - None\n", "17zkt5e: What can I read to know more about how the patriarchy affects historical education? - None\n", "17yv7pu: My heart feels heavy right now. Even social workers center men and cannot see the bias in our system. - None\n", "17z2ll7: Feminism and Women's Complications: a guide for men unaware - None\n", "17z3zf6: How to Respond to Catcalling - None\n", "17z1ndz: Feminine Rage Playlist - None\n", "17za60b: What’s a fair way to compensate for the time and energy of food planning and shopping in a partnership? - None\n", "17yr3u1: Educating someone on not shaving? - None\n", "17yekry: Why is it that you can't say the slightest thing about male misbehavior without a shit ton of pushback? - None\n", "17yxnp1: Thalidomide - The Story You Don't Know (Part 1) Podcast - The drug thalidomide was one of the greatest medical catastrophes in history causing around 100K disabiities & miscarriages. Journalist Jennifer Vanderbes discusses her 6 year research, which has uncovered scores of new potential victims. - None\n", "17yybc1: An assignment for GS - None\n", "17yoqbl: Israel investigates sexual violence committed by Hamas as part of October 7 horror | CNN - https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/17/world/israel-investigates-sexual-violence-hamas/index.html\n", "17y0h9f: Harassed on instagram (TW r***) - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17y0h9f\n", "17y3uy9: (OC) Because I was little too friendly to this guy and responded to his messages without delay, he thought something like this would be acceptable. Btw, I had responded to his freelancing gig call on LinkedIn 2 days before. - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17y3uy9\n", "17y8wmf: So I finally talked to my partner…. - None\n", "17y6lgz: Police start building Oct. 7 rape cases, focusing on footage and testimonies - https://www.timesofisrael.com/police-start-building-oct-7-rape-cases-focusing-on-footage-and-testimonies/amp/\n", "17y0le1: Eleanor Neale covers the abuse of women in Hollywood that continues to this day. Warning! The stuff in the video is horrifying to think about. I couldn't go through half of the video. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHgE-i6J0Tg\n", "17y96zm: Listen: Anna Holmes on the End of Jezebel | On the Media - https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/segments/anna-holmes-end-jezebel-on-the-media\n", "17xpeep: Random rude men - None\n", "17xzqu6: The Albanese Labor Government is leading the way for Australia to become the first country in the world to eliminate cervical cancer, with the release of the National Strategy for the Elimination of Cervical Cancer and a $48.2 million investment to support implementation - https://www.health.gov.au/ministers/the-hon-ged-kearney-mp/media/making-history-by-eliminating-cervical-cancer-in-australia-and-our-region?language=en\n", "17y2pdj: Why did Germany allow the Taliban - https://www.instagram.com/p/CzvrtLMs1YQ/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==\n", "17xfhmc: New postpartum depression drug gets almost $16,000 price tag, raising questions about access - https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/07/health/postpartum-depression-drug-price-tag/index.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_17xfhmc\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "17xiti0: Co workers & male centering - None\n", "17xxbgh: Black and White Feminism in the 80s/90s - None\n", "17xjuu2: Sign a Petition to Establish a Comprehensive Support Program for Incarcerated Mothers - https://chng.it/RvDK8Q2fbQ\n", "17xbfgv: Opinion on the Kardashians? - None\n", "17xrxss: The Hamas sexual pogrom and the deafening silence of the world’s feminist movements - https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bjqmutqv6#autoplay\n", "17x1t5d: When women are behind its 'natural' but when men start falling behind now the system needs changing. - None\n", "17wvvim: Instagram comment sections have gotten comically violent towards women. - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17wvvim\n", "17xcebs: Gender discrimination and misogyny continue in Afghanistan... - /r/afghanistan/comments/17wpwqm/a_new_generation_of_women_and_girls_defying/\n", "17xkklr: How to overcome the shame? - None\n", "17wz82e: \"Should I leave my misogy-\" Yes. - None\n", "17x7kkd: How to respond to teen jibes? - None\n", "17wnne6: Misogyny Against Women You Don’t Like is Still Misogyny, By The Way - https://thethreepennyguignol.com/2023/11/16/misogyny-against-women-you-dont-like-is-still-misogyny-by-the-way/\n", "17x3w5n: How do you respond when sexist guys get bitchy? - None\n", "17wzzrf: No third date, or just overreacting? - None\n", "17wonzm: Tired of women who support the patriarchy and then crib when it affects them personally - None\n", "17wovqm: Less than 50 years ago women couldn't have their own credit card (United States). - https://i.redd.it/rj474a2ibo0c1.jpeg\n", "17wxli5: Any books on how stupid beauty standards are and how much they hurt people? - https://youtu.be/GJBo2eqzVe8?si=EAZMDIXCfcrsYpHH\n", "17wovpl: Less than 50 years ago women couldn't have their own credit card (United States). - https://i.redd.it/rj474a2ibo0c1.jpeg\n", "17wda5p: For decades, mothers have borne the brunt of scrutiny for alcohol use during pregnancy − new research points to dad's drinking as a significant factor in fetal alcohol syndrome - https://theconversation.com/for-decades-mothers-have-borne-the-brunt-of-scrutiny-for-alcohol-use-during-pregnancy-new-research-points-to-dads-drinking-as-a-significant-factor-in-fetal-alcohol-syndrome-216601\n", "17wgg03: Why aren’t violent sexual acts like degradation, humiliation, and CNC considered internalised misogyny? - None\n", "17wtx9k: The Power of The Pull - Thanks Birth Control - None\n", "17vxnml: Listened to a band at a local show last night singing a song about murdering women- am I overreacting? - None\n", "17w4q40: Password manager - None\n", "17vopb5: Please tell me I’m not going mad (about men's ridiculous porn-addled brains, and how they think we like what they like, just because they like it). - None\n", "17w5qxh: How to kindly get my bf to start picking up after himself - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_17w5qxh\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "17wctw3: Project Reflecting On Different Feminist Philosophies - None\n", "17vobqi: What do you make of ancient civilizations known for women? - None\n", "17v9upk: Which of these books should I start with? - https://i.redd.it/o3704s5e5d0c1.jpg\n", "17v5vdn: how to deal with sexist bf - None\n", "17voekk: Israel Opens Complex Sexual Abuse Probe Into October 7 Attacks - https://www.barrons.com/news/israel-opens-complex-sexual-abuse-probe-into-october-7-attacks-d938113c\n", "17vl777: Feminist bed time stories - None\n", "17uuy1n: How society treats fat women - None\n", "17vjyq0: Chicana Feminism Book recommendations - None\n", "17v4w7x: Scared of losing elections, the right is changing the language of abortion - not their policies - https://www.reclaimingthenewsletter.com/p/the-abortion-spin-zone-and-the-language\n", "17ve8ji: Literature regarding the philosophy of woman-only societies and the need for children - None\n", "17v4u68: Losing connection with other women - None\n", "17ujjrq: Large psychology study debunks stereotype of feminists as man-haters - https://www.psypost.org/2023/11/large-psychology-study-debunks-stereotype-of-feminists-as-man-haters-214480\n", "17ukwdy: The Theory That Men Evolved to Hunt and Women Evolved to Gather Is Wrong - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-theory-that-men-evolved-to-hunt-and-women-evolved-to-gather-is-wrong1/\n", "17wcjnw: Finding Male-Positive Feminist Sub-Reddits - None\n", "17vcvmz: Debunking Fraudulent Organizations/Actors and My Solutions - /r/PoliticsandMediaBets/comments/17vboan/debunking_fraudulent_organizationsactors_and_my/\n", "17v3br8: Ueno Chizuko’s Dialogue with Dai Jinhua: “Fear of Weakness” Mirrors the Desire for Strength - None\n", "17ug1b4: One Woman Died on an Alaska Mayor’s Property. Then Another. No One Has Ever Been Charged. - https://www.propublica.org/article/two-women-died-on-alaska-mayors-property-no-one-ever-charged\n", "17u7b1z: I’m really tired of ‘pretty privilege’ - None\n", "17u5f3d: What’s up with men’s obsession to make a hate comment about single, online woman they’ve never met? - None\n", "17u45fn: I am part of the problem - None\n", "17uoji4: Running in 5 inch heels: Women's Fight for Empowerment in International Relations - None\n", "17ud160: Sex(ist) tech: yet another feminist minefield. - https://shado-mag.com/opinion/sexist-tech-yet-another-feminist-minefield/\n", "17uibiv: Death,Murder and Mortality: Why it doesnt matter if Abortion is murder - https://youtu.be/Mb-BepPiEOY?si=xrGX8CcOgeqg-Igd\n", "17to4g0: I hate being a woman - None\n", "17tp7qb: Julia Fox Rejects 'Sexual Object' Label While Posing Topless in New Photoshoot - https://toofab.com/2023/11/10/julia-fox-rejects-sexual-object-label-while-posing-topless/\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_17tp7qb\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 21 posts\n", "17t4b83: \"The Fragile Male Ego\" by Mattczao on the eatthattoast website - https://i.redd.it/azjlyca0bszb1.jpg\n", "17t7max: Sometimes I hate being a woman so much! - None\n", "17t3mp1: I can't imaging caring so much what someone else wears. Especially undergarment. - None\n", "17szc0i: Plastic surgery & feminism - None\n", "17sems3: Today we will talking about the mischaracterization of women in anime, and how that perpetuates misogyny in the anime/manga community - https://i.redd.it/t51huz4rblzb1.jpg\n", "17sts3p: Can you suggest me some feminist series? - None\n", "17t3jym: Kids' Groups Ideas? - None\n", "17smht6: Husband and Slut Shaming - None\n", "17t7l6j: Looking for book recommendations - None\n", "17soh0b: Hot Take: How Fandoms treat Female vs Male Characters - None\n", "17sme24: This woman survived an Honor Killing attempt and is still getting death threats. If you watch this video please be warned it has just about every single Trigger Warning one can get. Honor Killings are common in patriarchal societies where woman are accused of \"dishonoring\" their families. - https://i.redd.it/cug0fyxi7nzb1.png\n", "17sw02f: Judy Chicago — museum retrospective - None\n", "17smuzg: Britney Spears And The Centuries-Long Tradition of Pathologizing Women's Emotions - https://www.teenvogue.com/story/britney-spears-sexist-ideas-womens-institutionalization\n", "17sloxq: Matriarchal religion pre-dates Abrahamic religion - None\n", "17sd2y4: Manipur women in naked assault video 'will not give up' - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-67291370\n", "17rvcyz: We need to get people to stop thinking with this type of attitude towards women. This is too widespread, and there's too many women who get harmed as a result - https://i.redd.it/fkz88h19zfzb1.jpg\n", "17s54gg: salon: \"I am not a misogynist\": Ivanka's testimony shows how the Trumps exploit sexism to defraud people - None\n", "17ryw6l: I need help dealing with misogyny and ageism - None\n", "17sahqg: A quick thank you to this community - None\n", "17qwx44: Believe All Women — Unless They Are Jewish - https://medium.com/the-virago/believe-all-women-unless-they-are-jewish-b30a366464f3?sk=906619bd15ceac4793a6b8d2ab224879\n", "13u5hpg: I hate religion and religious people - None\n", "Got 21 posts\n", "No more posts, broke on Feminism with counter at 9968\n", "Getting posts with params: \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 27 posts\n", "acvzgx: Steel's Guide to Married Red Pill - None\n", "1aejou2: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 30, 2024 - None\n", "19djslk: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 23, 2024 - None\n", "197y2wq: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 16, 2024 - None\n", "194huh1: How to fix sex in your marriage - None\n", "192v9ql: How To Get Jacked - A Beginner To Advanced Guide - None\n", "192a0ji: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 09, 2024 - None\n", "18wkm3u: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 02, 2024 - None\n", "18twaj0: Field Report: The Interview - None\n", "18r3lts: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 26, 2023 - None\n", "18qzwjs: Is it bad your (ex) wife started dating so soon? - None\n", "18mq6ey: 60 DoD: Social Remediation - None\n", "18lx3yb: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 19, 2023 - None\n", "18lb6ym: [FR] I met the hamster - None\n", "18gijpi: 60 DOD: Week 7 Career - Understand the game, choose your purpose, gratitude for enough - None\n", "18ghbem: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 12, 2023 - None\n", "18cfa8p: 60 Days of Dread: Finances - None\n", "18b7j5n: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 05, 2023 - None\n", "186tbix: Divorced dad LTR types - None\n", "185rb7u: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 28, 2023 - None\n", "182wbqc: Back after 8 years - None\n", "180ccz4: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 21, 2023 - None\n", "17wzkm6: 60 Days of Dread: Style - None\n", "17uxvp6: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 14, 2023 - None\n", "17rf20p: 60 DoD: Hygiene - None\n", "17ppruw: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 07, 2023 - None\n", "17m24lt: 60 Days of Dread Week 2: Eating for Health and Fitness - None\n", "Got 27 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_17m24lt\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "17lcwvo: Wife wants to go out with no explanation - None\n", "17lg4v2: There’s no alpha/beta dichotomy - None\n", "17kg994: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 31, 2023 - None\n", "17hqdb3: 60 Days of Dread Week 1: Lifting for life - None\n", "17gyko3: One year field report - None\n", "17f7ykv: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 24, 2023 - None\n", "17bygnk: FR: Weddings Are Fun - None\n", "17b8rob: FR: The Narcissist - None\n", "17au626: 60 Days of Dread 2023 - None\n", "17a5k6u: [FR] Coconut Oil Spa - None\n", "179tksg: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 17, 2023 - None\n", "174g3fk: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 10, 2023 - None\n", "16yukid: [FR] MRP explains my entire marriage - None\n", "16ymaal: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 03, 2023 - None\n", "16shzdk: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 26, 2023 - None\n", "16qytci: Why do men supplicate and use desperation tactics 25% more than women? - None\n", "16ox03l: [FR] getting better and seeing results (1 month report) - None\n", "16mleeu: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 19, 2023 - None\n", "16glqd5: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 12, 2023 - None\n", "16a19nu: Avoid arguments. Focus on your MAP. - None\n", "16aih23: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 05, 2023 - None\n", "164cmhk: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 29, 2023 - None\n", "15xzh7l: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 22, 2023 - None\n", "15wj99n: Outcome independence - None\n", "15sdoip: FR: Getting Caught - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_15sdoip\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "15rmnbh: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 15, 2023 - None\n", "15nbze3: FR: 18 Months Post-Nuke - None\n", "15lbzuc: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 08, 2023 - None\n", "15f6ew8: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 01, 2023 - None\n", "15928ht: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 25, 2023 - None\n", "152sk97: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 18, 2023 - None\n", "15236bw: Cuddles ain't free - None\n", "1529lhw: Three Levels of Identity - None\n", "151polu: What are the origins of the red pill? - None\n", "14wl9jg: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 11, 2023 - None\n", "14rma7w: Stop letting people treat you like shit - None\n", "14q99k0: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 04, 2023 - None\n", "14ocxwb: Hitting the gym tonight. - None\n", "14k7rz7: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 27, 2023 - None\n", "14e59w1: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 20, 2023 - None\n", "14b3of2: Become Mindful of Your Desire - None\n", "148tweg: Attachment Theory and Applicability to MRP - None\n", "148ab2h: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 13, 2023 - None\n", "1428vvk: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 06, 2023 - None\n", "13w3knk: The SILENCE Here is DEAFENING - None\n", "13w9gru: How to Define Your Mission: A Guide to Writing an Effective Mission Statement - None\n", "13vkj8g: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 30, 2023 - None\n", "13scumm: STFU on a Group Level - None\n", "13pif5v: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 23, 2023 - None\n", "13iz6dq: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 16, 2023 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_13iz6dq\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "13cjnuz: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 09, 2023 - None\n", "135f5a7: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 02, 2023 - None\n", "12ycywf: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 25, 2023 - None\n", "12qg2bk: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 18, 2023 - None\n", "12id8zh: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 11, 2023 - None\n", "12bctgk: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 04, 2023 - None\n", "124i00h: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 28, 2023 - None\n", "11xb0no: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 21, 2023 - None\n", "11r0p0u: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 14, 2023 - None\n", "11m8qll: 5 year Field Report - If you can't be vulnerable your frame is shit - None\n", "11ktm8s: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 07, 2023 - None\n", "11e0xli: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 28, 2023 - None\n", "117yhws: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 21, 2023 - None\n", "111xpv8: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 14, 2023 - None\n", "10yx2eh: Hero Worship (or why you still don't have Frame) - None\n", "10vwtrh: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 07, 2023 - None\n", "10psxtg: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 31, 2023 - None\n", "10ook2e: When you Almost Die and Have Significant Medical Setbacks - Lessons - None\n", "10k0w5z: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 24, 2023 - None\n", "10e73mj: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 17, 2023 - None\n", "10d82kt: Just want to say thanks. - None\n", "10cop4e: Me, myself and I - None\n", "1084qb6: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 10, 2023 - None\n", "1022kgf: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 03, 2023 - None\n", "zwatli: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 27, 2022 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_zwatli\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "zqj0ya: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 20, 2022 - None\n", "zkqpqt: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 13, 2022 - None\n", "zdlia2: A Man Walks Up To An Empty Fridge - None\n", "ze0ix4: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 06, 2022 - None\n", "zdj9pa: Nah This Stays - None\n", "zax5ro: The Second Anger Phase - None\n", "zb5yz1: No one is hypergamy proof - None\n", "z8x7ux: Hypertrophy is King - None\n", "z7nzg3: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 29, 2022 - None\n", "z3df30: AWALT - None\n", "z1oetg: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 22, 2022 - None\n", "z1ei0h: No-one here owes you shit - None\n", "yvr11k: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 15, 2022 - None\n", "ypfn0r: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 08, 2022 - None\n", "ylkt2h: I take your she statements and turn them into I statements - None\n", "yj2z2k: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 01, 2022 - None\n", "ycsn0l: Most of you won't make it - None\n", "yczkxj: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 25, 2022 - None\n", "y711h3: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 18, 2022 - None\n", "y13knj: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 11, 2022 - None\n", "xv9if5: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 04, 2022 - None\n", "xpatcg: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 27, 2022 - None\n", "xowwa7: About that wife who \"lost her mind\" - None\n", "xj35cp: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 20, 2022 - None\n", "xdgnrj: The Book I wish was on the sidebar. - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_xdgnrj\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "xd1zq9: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 13, 2022 - None\n", "x753wi: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 06, 2022 - None\n", "x5ury2: FR: The Importance of a Masculine Frame and, as a backup, STFU - None\n", "x1dltg: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 30, 2022 - None\n", "x0ztxs: don't push your wife/partner into being a stay at home mom - None\n", "wxf178: Read a Fucking Book - None\n", "wvj84q: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 23, 2022 - None\n", "ws4r3p: Field report a few years after I filed for divorce - None\n", "wq9q65: Rules - None\n", "wptqkf: Here I am talking to strangers on the internet. - None\n", "wpou8k: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 16, 2022 - None\n", "wpdy87: Flair - None\n", "woyw9r: One year review: concrete actions that had the biggest impact - None\n", "wmrhsf: My Idiot Boss Went Crazy - A \"Story\" About Rambo - None\n", "wjxwiw: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 09, 2022 - None\n", "wegy95: Dear Diary - None\n", "we67nw: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 02, 2022 - None\n", "w9kitu: Using Your Anger to Find Your Balls - None\n", "w8ealu: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 26, 2022 - None\n", "w2nlo1: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 19, 2022 - None\n", "vx67pd: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 12, 2022 - None\n", "vuxv8n: 3 concepts for getting your wife's BJ - None\n", "vrt3k6: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 05, 2022 - None\n", "vmi7sh: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 28, 2022 - None\n", "vh8gpm: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 21, 2022 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_vh8gpm\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "vbysex: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 14, 2022 - None\n", "v6q8oc: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 07, 2022 - None\n", "v4usf3: FR: Game Development - None\n", "v1ljwh: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 31, 2022 - None\n", "uz8oyj: 60 DoD '22 Week 8: Social life (and closeout) - None\n", "uwm1y6: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 24, 2022 - None\n", "urhu27: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 17, 2022 - None\n", "ur3l0d: 60 DoD '22 Week 7: Career - None\n", "unrgaf: Call-out posts - None\n", "unkrgn: Are you new guys even trying to fuck? - None\n", "umdx5o: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 10, 2022 - None\n", "ultxjy: 60 DoD '22 Week 6: Finances - None\n", "uj8kf3: It’s not that complicated - one man’s guide to OYS - None\n", "ui83ri: Shark Week - None\n", "uhbhic: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 03, 2022 - None\n", "uh018m: 60 DoD '22 Week 5: Game - None\n", "uc7s8m: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 26, 2022 - None\n", "ubj4m6: Year 1 at MRP - Sex shame and anger - None\n", "uaaaci: 60 DoD '22 Week 4: Style - None\n", "u708fp: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 19, 2022 - None\n", "u5cr5x: 60 DoD '22 Week 3: Hygiene - None\n", "u1u5ps: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 12, 2022 - None\n", "tyqazo: Meaning in Life - None\n", "tybnn7: 60 DoD '22 - Eating for Health and Fitness - None\n", "ty6649: Sex and the obsession thereof - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_ty6649\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "twwgfw: HOA's MRP Cheat Codes to blow up your sex life - Part 2 - None\n", "twq6p6: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 05, 2022 - None\n", "ttcplj: 60 DoD '22: Declaration and lifting - None\n", "tqrwse: 60 DoD '22: The shit hits the fan 03/31/2022 - None\n", "tqv5aj: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 29, 2022 - None\n", "tpz0dt: Field Report: Give that bitch nothing to do but fuck you - None\n", "tn7r5y: Practical guide for getting back to your frame - None\n", "tksehe: Fake it till you make it - an example - None\n", "tjya44: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 22, 2022 - None\n", "tje76d: The Three Stages of Dread - None\n", "tfuva3: The Benevolent Dictator - None\n", "tek9fk: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 15, 2022 - None\n", "t9cb6a: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 08, 2022 - None\n", "t91d31: Social Game Tips and Tricks: Male Dominated Spaces - None\n", "t8d3bj: 'Should,' 'Shouldn't' and What do you Want - None\n", "t69bhg: Fake It Till You Make It - None\n", "t43974: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 01, 2022 - None\n", "t1ys33: OYS and DTS....Near 46 years married and resurrecting the DB. - None\n", "t1ebsn: Very Basic \"2-2 Dinner Party\" Social Skills - None\n", "szaxiq: Abundance Fatigue and \"The Meaning of Life\" - None\n", "sz6a0p: The purpose of OYS - A reminder - None\n", "syiinb: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 22, 2022 - None\n", "sv1chu: No More Mr. Man-Child - None\n", "st3jet: First you have to care to then stop caring - None\n", "ssy92c: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 15, 2022 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_ssy92c\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "srcee4: Chris Voss's \"Tactical Empathy\" (A Non-Autistic Way to STFU... or Antithetical to MRP?) - None\n", "snfbpo: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 08, 2022 - None\n", "sjqcht: FR: 50 OYS's - None\n", "sid2ic: Be less shit - None\n", "shzrka: Praise and Compliments should be worthless to you - None\n", "shq3ow: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 01, 2022 - None\n", "shbq81: Triple Beta - None\n", "sc8z5n: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 25, 2022 - None\n", "s8mpb1: Lessons Learned from walking through Hell - None\n", "s8kbxt: Keep it simple, stupid - None\n", "s6spwk: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 18, 2022 - None\n", "s1dli8: Put Your Ego in the Box - None\n", "s1889w: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 11, 2022 - None\n", "s16uyb: 60 DoD Booster '21: Week 8 - Social Life, and the End - None\n", "s08cat: New to this, instant positive reactions. - None\n", "rvpll4: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 04, 2022 - None\n", "rsl5x5: recurring comfort test - None\n", "rs3spn: 60 DoD Booster '21: Week 5 Game & Week 6 Finance - None\n", "rqb17w: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 28, 2021 - None\n", "rla5ak: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 21, 2021 - None\n", "rjysfe: RP philosophy: A take on selfishness - None\n", "rhe74s: Sabotaging the deal at the end - None\n", "rgq0qq: 60 DoD '21 Week 5: Game - None\n", "rg30pg: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 14, 2021 - None\n", "rb3xdf: 60 DoD Booster '21: Week 4 Style - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_rb3xdf\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "rauhc3: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 07, 2021 - None\n", "r8s86o: A Teaser to Frame - None\n", "r6ofiv: 60 DoD Booster '21 Week 3: Hygiene - None\n", "r5iq2j: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 30, 2021 - None\n", "r16ztm: FR - A Week of Irrational Self-Confidence - None\n", "qzyqkj: Stop Blaming Your Kids - None\n", "r08pcl: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 23, 2021 - None\n", "r0875u: 60 DoD '21 Booster Week 2: Diet Boost - None\n", "qz6qzm: The Law of Accommodation - None\n", "qx555f: FR: Spank your wife. - None\n", "qv384e: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 16, 2021 - None\n", "quyl11: 60 DoD: Booster Shot '21 - None\n", "qtaocf: Depressed and Anxious Wives: A Slower Approach: Field Report - None\n", "qseq8g: Depressed and Anxious Wives: Field Report. - None\n", "qq60zw: Why field reports are important. - None\n", "qq93ht: Field Report – Debrief after a Conversation with Horns - None\n", "qpzab0: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 09, 2021 - None\n", "qo7jta: Field Report: Horn's Cheat Codes: Dom 2 Beg, Var Beg 15 - None\n", "qkzq1y: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 02, 2021 - None\n", "qignby: Weak Things Break - None\n", "qg1wav: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 26, 2021 - None\n", "qfrxak: Who Am I? What Am I? - None\n", "qercvv: Own your shit isn't her autobiography - None\n", "qb0jvv: MRP is not an identity - None\n", "qb75xp: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 19, 2021 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_qb75xp\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "q8rzv9: Replacing Apology with Appreciation - None\n", "q6hkfh: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 12, 2021 - None\n", "q6a7v3: MarriedRedPill Updated Flair Guidelines - None\n", "q298xy: Doing things is better than not doing things - None\n", "q1s5jj: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 05, 2021 - None\n", "pzbowu: FR - Horn's Cheat Codes - None\n", "pymw1k: HornsOfApathy's MRP Cheat Codes to blow up your sex life - None\n", "pyc6xt: Divorce Doesn’t Have to be a Nuke - None\n", "px1vqr: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 28, 2021 - None\n", "psemgy: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 21, 2021 - None\n", "pr9p74: Stop ignoring your wife - None\n", "ppyzmb: She's pissed and it's all your fault - None\n", "poc8pf: If you're not fucking, shut up about leadership - None\n", "pnyrty: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 14, 2021 - None\n", "pkny44: It's all your fault, wins included. - None\n", "pjiz1t: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 07, 2021 - None\n", "pj1icy: STFU & medium tone - None\n", "ph69na: The Bright Triad - a starting point for your list for qualifying an LTR - None\n", "pf1pt6: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 31, 2021 - None\n", "paj7qe: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 24, 2021 - None\n", "p6voz2: For whom do you fuck? - None\n", "p5zpbm: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 17, 2021 - None\n", "p1l42y: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 10, 2021 - None\n", "oyc5ek: Conversation Strategies You Won't Find in WISNIFG - None\n", "owz55a: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 03, 2021 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_owz55a\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ouy0f8: Emotional Control - None\n", "osiu7m: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 27, 2021 - None\n", "orwhl4: So you have ED, What are you going to do about it? - None\n", "ookqdr: The Polarizing, Yet Equable and Rational Male - None\n", "ony06g: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 20, 2021 - None\n", "ojbcfj: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 13, 2021 - None\n", "oeqtvf: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 06, 2021 - None\n", "oa44fj: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 29, 2021 - None\n", "o5i5ir: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 22, 2021 - None\n", "o32gsr: Plate/ Wife/ LTR says Xyz prompt - None\n", "o09gcm: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 15, 2021 - None\n", "nzbaia: 60 DoD 2021 Scoreboard - None\n", "nxo4ab: The Simple but Power Effects of Small Red Pill Behavior Adjustments - None\n", "nuzxup: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 08, 2021 - None\n", "nq7b9p: 60 DoD: END - None\n", "npp633: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 01, 2021 - None\n", "nnq0ar: Text Game - None\n", "nlakob: 60 DoD Week 8: Social - None\n", "nkrp6a: Take a Penny, Leave a Penny - Field Report - None\n", "nkg9vz: 60 DoD Week 7: COFFEE'S STILL FOR CLOSERS - None\n", "nkkqxa: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 25, 2021 - None\n", "nfwns5: Control: What's your Locus? - None\n", "nf58cf: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 18, 2021 - None\n", "nd21ep: Update on Injury, Progression, thoughts on fighting your way through - None\n", "nbv6b8: OYS: A reminder - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_nbv6b8\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "n9ufzn: When Something Heavy Takes You Down - None\n", "n9s7vu: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 11, 2021 - None\n", "n8snqg: 60 DoD Week 6: MIND ON MY MONEY AND MY MONEY ON MY MIND - None\n", "n5898p: 60 DoD Week 5: FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER - None\n", "n4jb81: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 04, 2021 - None\n", "n1eqxb: Time to fuck...you have been warned - None\n", "n0ct8c: I used to be Alpha - None\n", "mzjsee: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 27, 2021 - None\n", "myf0di: Narratives - None\n", "mx9qyl: 60 DoD Week 4: CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN - None\n", "mulur3: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 20, 2021 - None\n", "mrvhhp: 60 DoD Week 3: YOU'RE NASTY, NOT IN THAT GOOD WAY - None\n", "mpy3os: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 13, 2021 - None\n", "mp27yq: I would love some feedback... please chime in and share your thoughts... particularly you dilberryhoundog... - None\n", "mmicr3: 60 DoD week 2: THIS POST IS NOT ABOUT NACHOS - None\n", "ml6zyp: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 06, 2021 - None\n", "mh90h3: 60 DoD Week 1: YOU MUST LIFT - None\n", "mgfuoe: Becoming \"High Value\" - None\n", "mgb9d4: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 30, 2021 - None\n", "mfwd15: Practical Female Psychology, amendment videos - None\n", "mcznv1: A high value man's guide to dread with a First Officer - None\n", "mba2l3: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 23, 2021 - None\n", "maqiom: Blew up at wife on Saturday. Thinking nice guy behaviors sunk me here. - None\n", "m64bwt: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 16, 2021 - None\n", "m1295x: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 09, 2021 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_m1295x\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "lvxbua: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 02, 2021 - None\n", "ltxzmn: Yes, you too can easily fuck married women. - None\n", "lqdelr: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 23, 2021 - None\n", "lkzjzx: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 16, 2021 - None\n", "lhwxtq: Hysteric Bonding - None\n", "lfy3q6: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 09, 2021 - None\n", "ld80pw: The Most Important Word in a Relationship - None\n", "lc9g39: 60 DoD '21 - no quarter will be offered - None\n", "lar334: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 02, 2021 - None\n", "l59rs8: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 26, 2021 - None\n", "l2sd9g: The Mindset...of a Man Who Fucks - None\n", "l23n9p: Timeline: Escaping Sex for Validation, and Quitting Porn - None\n", "l0fpkl: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 19, 2021 - None\n", "kxxe5j: Initiations: You're not that funny - None\n", "kvnrff: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 12, 2021 - None\n", "kqu54b: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 05, 2021 - None\n", "kmnrn6: Making a Change - None\n", "km5m65: Found MRP? You do you - or why you don't have \"frame\". - None\n", "kmagr2: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 29, 2020 - None\n", "kjuyzv: Merry Christmas - I've put together my \"Tricks of the Trade for a Fun Frame\" list as your present - good ideas for fun during the holidays - None\n", "ki160j: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 22, 2020 - None\n", "kfa1r2: What is Dominance? - None\n", "kdhq2j: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 15, 2020 - None\n", "kasnpy: OYS Weekly Livestream 12/15/2020 - None\n", "k90ew3: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 08, 2020 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_k90ew3\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "k7n9fh: A Start - None\n", "k4gso8: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 01, 2020 - None\n", "k0103m: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 24, 2020 - None\n", "jw7qxz: How to Own Your Shit :: A Guide for Retards - None\n", "jvpyss: Three things I learned - None\n", "jvpb60: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 17, 2020 - None\n", "ju5i4e: FR - Mental Discipline program - None\n", "juzak6: My first buck... - None\n", "jrh6eo: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 10, 2020 - None\n", "jo8ijl: You're supposed to be here because you were tired of jerking off, not because you want a new lube. - None\n", "jnmsmd: Warriors and Victims, Self Respect and Transformation - None\n", "jn6kmc: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 03, 2020 - None\n", "jkbj26: Craft a vision and lay your balls on the table - None\n", "jisayz: Parallels - None\n", "jix5d0: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 27, 2020 - None\n", "ji4ntq: OYS Weekly Livestream #5 - 10/26/2020 @ 9pm EST - None\n", "jgso8q: Failure is the only option - None\n", "jel83l: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 20, 2020 - None\n", "jdrhe4: OYS Weekly Livestream #4 - 10/18/2020 @ 9pm EST - None\n", "ja96h1: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 13, 2020 - None\n", "j7qbjn: Brad Parscale cried during arrest, told officers his wife won’t have sex with him - he needs MRP - https://nypost.com/2020/10/07/brad-parscale-said-his-wife-wont-have-sex-with-him-during-arrest/\n", "j619ak: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 06, 2020 - None\n", "j3zg2a: What a year of Owning Your Shit looks like - None\n", "j1v2lv: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 29, 2020 - None\n", "izj8l8: Execution focus and self evaluation - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_izj8l8\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "iza0kh: On horns of apathy... absolution... and considering another perspective... - None\n", "ixjayq: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 22, 2020 - None\n", "ixd4fh: Tomorrow's OYS Post: Some Recommendations... - None\n", "ix9o4t: Don't Be Autistic - None\n", "iv3jfb: MRP Discord Channel - None\n", "iuxdig: OYS - Learn from the Best... On Video... - None\n", "itu4ep: The Work Is Mandatory - None\n", "itvxzy: Simple Yet Strong: Rise from bed before your wife does. Go to bed after your wife does. - None\n", "it4kfb: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 15, 2020 - None\n", "iqhzy6: I used to buy flowers. Sometimes I still do. - None\n", "iopqsq: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 08, 2020 - None\n", "im4txv: PSA A Shit Test Is Not Her Being Bitchy - None\n", "ilol0y: Can you be humorously stoic? - None\n", "ikgdvy: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 01, 2020 - None\n", "igf65m: The Dread Contract and Scoreboard - how to frame improvement for YOU. - None\n", "ig7yei: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 25, 2020 - None\n", "ibwxwi: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 18, 2020 - None\n", "i7nthg: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 11, 2020 - None\n", "i4s3p8: Understanding the \"Anger Phase\" - None\n", "i48vpf: OYS Announcement: Maximize your investment. If you ain't first, you're last. - None\n", "i3fisb: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 04, 2020 - None\n", "hzghfh: Go Out, Test, and See Who You Are - None\n", "hzavqw: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 28, 2020 - None\n", "hz4ju1: A letter to my BIL - None\n", "hv3omy: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 21, 2020 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_hv3omy\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "hsnp1c: How to Handle a Compliment - None\n", "hqxq69: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 14, 2020 - None\n", "hmgdcg: How I Communicate Now, Without Words - None\n", "hmqmhz: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 07, 2020 - None\n", "hk312s: FR - Breaking and fixing your shit. - None\n", "hk3ct4: [New Rule] Rule 11: Failure to Maintain Standards - None\n", "hij900: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 30, 2020 - None\n", "hh570p: A how to guide to owning your shit - None\n", "heas7a: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 23, 2020 - None\n", "h9ztj7: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 16, 2020 - None\n", "h9ovtz: A walkthru of No More Mr. Nice Guy - None\n", "gzizl4: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 09, 2020 - None\n", "gys1g7: 75 DoD - That's a wrap! - None\n", "gwgczf: A Complete Idiot's Guide to Conversation - None\n", "gwd90x: Actual conversations with \"abuse\" victims. - None\n", "gvathe: [60DOD] Week 8, Social Life - None\n", "gv3erg: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 02, 2020 - None\n", "gr0j9s: MRP Year 3: Let's Take the Boat Out On the Bay - None\n", "gr3o0k: [60 DOD-7] Career: Business - Starting, Building, Failing, Succeeding - Lessons Learned Over 25 Years - Part 1 - None\n", "gqt3ed: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 26, 2020 - None\n", "gq2d5d: When was the last time you fucked your woman? - None\n", "gntzvp: [60 DOD] Week 6, Finances - None\n", "gnti2e: How to handle accusations of affairs 201 - None\n", "gmkkjh: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 19, 2020 - None\n", "gi75i0: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 12, 2020 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_gi75i0\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ggl9s6: 60 DoD Week 5: Game Mindset (Lats, Levels & FITYMI) - None\n", "gf09ij: I think I might have just accidentally swallowed the wrong pill. - None\n", "ge79vq: Why You Must Be Willing to Nuke Your Nuclear Family - None\n", "ge6m5h: Starting, Developing, and Evolving Hobbies - None\n", "gdtuj2: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 05, 2020 - None\n", "g9jcyr: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 28, 2020 - None\n", "g8pd33: MCT Rules for Pandemics - None\n", "g7tcux: Teacher reflections on behaviour management - None\n", "g7ag3k: Words of Weakness, Words of Strength - None\n", "g7drug: 60 DoD 2020: Week 4 Style; Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent, Gotta kiss myself I'm so pretty - None\n", "g64n9q: The Dual Mating Strategies of Men and Women - None\n", "g5beus: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 21, 2020 - None\n", "g4mw56: “Why won’t he be the king I know he is, the king I see inside?” - None\n", "g3sfqk: The Role of Inspector Faggot: Open Casting is Today! - None\n", "g1vxqk: 60 DoD 2020: Week 3 Hygiene; or why it's about more than washing your ass. - None\n", "g11qmx: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 14, 2020 - None\n", "g0n08o: How MRP Helped Change my Mental Models and Led Me to Training My Woman to Cum on Command - None\n", "fzvz8f: The Power of Visualization - None\n", "fzet3d: 60 DoD 2020: Week 2 Eating for Health and Fitness - None\n", "fzfrpv: FR: Apocalyptic Abundance - None\n", "fysqfc: PSA: Lockdown and You… Details… - None\n", "fxh8yu: PSA: Lockdown and You - None\n", "fx8tmn: [FR] – What the Fuck Have I Gotten Myself Into? Learning how to live a good life. - None\n", "fwgtfl: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 07, 2020 - None\n", "fu3k1v: Have you swallowed the Red Chewable Tablet? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_fu3k1v\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ftc02j: RPW Wednesdays - Episode 5: The Wall - None\n", "fs977u: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 31, 2020 - None\n", "fprdkg: 60 Days of Dread 2020 - Introduction and Week 1 - None\n", "fo1jko: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 24, 2020 - None\n", "fnnfja: FR: Teaching a 16yo kid to Lift. - None\n", "flvb1n: Don’t use a virus as an excuse - None\n", "flgogf: I encourage my American friends to be fully stocked, supplied, and able to effectively work from home by Sunday, 3/22, though EOD tomorrow would be ideal. - None\n", "fkx034: Red Pill Women Wednesday - Episode 3: Respecting The Captain - None\n", "fk7zy1: [FR] My Affair, Her Husband, and Getting Caught - None\n", "fk1o5h: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 17, 2020 - None\n", "fhj4mq: So... you got the \"I love you but I'm not in love with you\" (ILYBINILWY) speech? - None\n", "fgzs07: Coming March 25, 2020: 60DoD 2020 - None\n", "fgszzv: Whose game are you winning? - None\n", "fgakvg: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 10, 2020 - None\n", "feeq65: Communication and signals - None\n", "fcrmjb: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 03, 2020 - None\n", "fawj6j: Communication Doesn't Work....or Maybe... - None\n", "fagoab: Same game, different devils - None\n", "f976kf: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 25, 2020 - None\n", "f70l7g: Your woman's most wonderful gift: The Epic Test. - None\n", "f5omuh: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 18, 2020 - None\n", "f3x2kf: It Felt Really Good to Write This - None\n", "f25i55: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 11, 2020 - None\n", "f05hs9: How to fuck your wife's friends. - None\n", "eyn0ea: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 04, 2020 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_eyn0ea\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ewc8td: MRP and Watching Sports - Repost for relevance - /r/marriedredpill/comments/7v90zq/mrp_and_watching_sports/\n", "ev2trz: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 28, 2020 - None\n", "ete70z: How to make your B$%h sit, stay, lay down, and cum - None\n", "et0ndf: Qualify Your Date - None\n", "es1hvw: A primer on Frame. - None\n", "errrnm: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 21, 2020 - None\n", "eqofwa: A fun kinky sex game and what’s in the background... - None\n", "eq5e7n: Building your slut: Part 2 - Using your slut - None\n", "eofu98: Don’t eat paint - None\n", "eoik9y: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 14, 2020 - None\n", "emf8hv: I need to improve my sex life with my wife. We’re not a dead bedroom situation. And this isn’t something I can’t control. - None\n", "eli3iv: Bring the Balance Back - None\n", "el8s8z: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 07, 2020 - None\n", "ekkilx: MAP and Mission: Micro vs. Macro, and Common Mistakes Guys Make In The Beginning - None\n", "eiaavq: Happy New Year, Sons-o-Bitches - None\n", "ei069l: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 31, 2019 - None\n", "eeyl35: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 24, 2019 - None\n", "eee13f: Field Report: Lessons in Leadership - The Meatballs - None\n", "ecc508: Can You Keep A Secret? A Primer On Power - None\n", "ebt4yl: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 17, 2019 - None\n", "e9qgqw: External and Internal Abundance - None\n", "e9e9bp: Stop Hamstering that your Wife is Nuts - None\n", "e8nywy: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 10, 2019 - None\n", "e849no: Your Wife Is Not Your Mission - None\n", "e5e441: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 03, 2019 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_e5e441\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "e1v2tb: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 26, 2019 - None\n", "dzw6yc: [FR] Training Day - None\n", "dzq57u: On being a better man - None\n", "dzkxdm: Grandpa Easy's Guide to Giving Thanks - None\n", "dyhnsa: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 19, 2019 - None\n", "dv756b: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 12, 2019 - None\n", "duyj0f: Building your slut: Part 1 - Anal - None\n", "dsrito: Depressive and Anxious Wives: The Power of Your Mission and Greatest Purpose (Part 5) - None\n", "dshw1o: [FR] Role Playing with Rape Fantasy - None\n", "drwc5r: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 05, 2019 - None\n", "drqpf5: [Book report] *Everything is f*cked : a book about hope* - None\n", "domva5: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 29, 2019 - None\n", "doalmp: Depressive and Anxious Wives: Authenticity, Feelz 2.0, Shitty Comfort & Penetration (Part 4) - None\n", "do5ltp: Killing the Blue - None\n", "dnhq16: STFU Ground Zero for Dummies'n'Faggots - None\n", "dmpqgv: I almost lost my marriage of 32 years and turned it around in 3 months. - None\n", "dlex0g: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 22, 2019 - None\n", "djp3la: My “First MRP Moment”, I believe. It will never be the same. - None\n", "djevyu: Don't Fucking Let People Get Away with Shit, Ever... - None\n", "ditpyu: Fear Is A Choice - None\n", "diqxo4: Half Repping - None\n", "diffyv: [FR] It's Not What Is Said... It's Who Said It - None\n", "di4thd: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 15, 2019 - None\n", "dhu98g: [FR] Initiate Often, Confident Always - None\n", "dfxg9e: Red Pill observations at a coaching seminar - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_dfxg9e\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "dfhe8a: You are the leader, but what kind of leader? - None\n", "dfjsvm: Measuring BF% Progress - Stop Deluding Yourselves - None\n", "dfakgt: The Coma Victim - None\n", "df0oxb: OYS posts are for you to own YOUR shit, not to blab about shit that's out of your control. - None\n", "dex3ey: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 08, 2019 - None\n", "ddqvci: Glossary of Notes to Increase Lifts: The Olympic Lifts - None\n", "dbqaao: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 01, 2019 - None\n", "d98kwv: OYS. Go post now. Maybe find your Morpheus. - None\n", "d9956n: About Feedback - None\n", "d8k816: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 24, 2019 - None\n", "d7klkt: Glossary of Notes to Increase Lifts: The Overhead Press - None\n", "d6hd97: \"Manning 101\" and the MRP End Game - None\n", "d5s42v: The 90/10 Rule of MRP - None\n", "d5e01f: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 17, 2019 - None\n", "d56tit: When Your Motivation Changed - None\n", "d4mnf7: [Things MRP already knows] Marital satisfaction is linked to women’s sexual desire - https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/dating-and-mating/201909/marital-satisfaction-is-linked-women-s-sexual-desire\n", "d45plx: Lessons in Abundance: The Blonde and the Big Raise - None\n", "d3xukc: Glossary of Notes to Increase Lifts: The Bench Press - None\n", "d3s1y1: [FR] Unstoppable Emotional Inertia - None\n", "d2rvsm: Depressive and Anxious Wives: Converting Dread to Desire (Part 3) - None\n", "d22ezl: Stoicism as a Tool in TRP - None\n", "d24nb9: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 10, 2019 - None\n", "d1kwpe: Fear - None\n", "d0j3dh: The Autist's Formula for Tingles - None\n", "d08fh5: What Is Your Real SMV? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_d08fh5\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "cztkeq: Glossary of Notes to Increase Lifts: The Deadlift - None\n", "czlrrp: What’s stopping you? - None\n", "cz20iv: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 03, 2019 - None\n", "cwkxs9: Quit Being a Lazy Cunt. - None\n", "cwbbtg: Glossary of Notes to Increase Lifts: The Squat - None\n", "cw1gx9: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 27, 2019 - None\n", "cvo07b: Echo Chamber - None\n", "cuqa4e: You don't get a break from being the Oak - None\n", "cui28g: Discipline, Consistency, and Vision - None\n", "cu36w5: A Chapter on Frame - None\n", "cth4ws: A Man and His Struggle - None\n", "csux0d: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 20, 2019 - None\n", "cs1d0n: The Three Captains - None\n", "cpq6m3: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 13, 2019 - None\n", "cmnwtr: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 06, 2019 - None\n", "cldaxh: The Underhanded Nature of Covert Contracts - None\n", "ckk9gn: Alpha Widows - None\n", "cjos8c: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 30, 2019 - None\n", "cjc22a: Azimuth Check - None\n", "cj8pgz: You can't get better without doing. And you can't do better without thinking. - None\n", "ci4sc5: Heirs of the Blank Slate - None\n", "chpb2v: Going to the Moon and MRP - None\n", "chltlr: You don’t know how weak you are because you don’t know what strength is. - None\n", "chp2w6: Vetting. Why bother when boundaries are way better - None\n", "chmuoa: No Real Man Fallacy - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_chmuoa\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ch7b6j: From purple pill married to fully red pill: My Journey - None\n", "cgpvp5: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 23, 2019 - None\n", "cgk6a5: Vetting and the Golden Calf - None\n", "cfiwgl: FYI - the MRP sidebar is now also on the wiki - None\n", "cfdsbp: The Wrong Girl - None\n", "cdyno4: Lifting Primer: Your Shoulders - None\n", "cdua0z: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 16, 2019 - None\n", "cdca0q: Power Phrases and Brevity - None\n", "cdaosu: How did you approach your wife? - None\n", "ccda72: [FR] Update- on main events and how far I have yet to go - None\n", "cc3m0j: Getting Ass To Grass - None\n", "cay1xx: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 09, 2019 - None\n", "c9t006: Quit Being Angry at Bob Vila - None\n", "c9gafo: Knowing When To Take A Knee - None\n", "c94age: [Re-post] Make your fucking choice. All the people who don't heed the message deserve to fail. - https://www.reddit.com/r/marriedredpill/comments/9mmiul/make_your_fucking_choice/\n", "c96swj: \"The Believers\" vs. The Empiricists - None\n", "c8fcw7: Reality Check Time - None\n", "c87gt3: \"Do you like my dissected boobs?\" - None\n", "c86of2: Own Your Shit Weekly - July 02, 2019 - None\n", "c67ykx: What A Successful Mind and Marriage Looks Like - None\n", "c6ebay: Paternity, Promiscuity & \"Poly\" - None\n", "c5iq6o: Fuck... the body... - None\n", "c553t4: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 25, 2019 - None\n", "c3lm0f: InChargeMan's Story - None\n", "c32kq4: What is the main event? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_c32kq4\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "c341tx: You're an animal - None\n", "c2l5dt: Your woman is one of your greatest creations - None\n", "c27czu: The Second Kiss of Death - None\n", "c1zn71: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 18, 2019 - None\n", "c1pw9x: Does she trust you to be a man? - None\n", "c0ll7v: Finding Frame and Curing Anxiety - None\n", "c0pcpp: Overt Communication - None\n", "c06qfe: Depressive and Anxious Wives: Transformation and Building Escape (Part 2) - None\n", "bzi4gl: Gravitational Centers - A Case Study on the MRP Journey - None\n", "bz9klo: Well no shit - None\n", "bz9ucn: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 11, 2019 - None\n", "byrc5u: 60 DoD 2019 Flair Awarded - None\n", "bxs791: [FR] An admission from my wife - None\n", "bxih8t: FR: Losing My Religion - None\n", "bwmb5e: Own Your Shit Weekly - June 04, 2019 - None\n", "btxgoi: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 28, 2019 - None\n", "btous8: 60 DoD 2019: Finish line - None\n", "bsxtu5: 10 ways to fail at MRP - None\n", "bs6dzk: 60 Days of Dread Week 8: Getting Social in your Exercise - None\n", "briu1i: Choose Wisely - None\n", "br7sg8: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 21, 2019 - None\n", "bqwt04: [FR] Sort Of - [CN2] - Cliff Notes 2, For Intermediates: What Happens Next - None\n", "bq3rez: Handling a Fearful-Avoidant Wife - None\n", "bp491f: [FR] My Main Event - None\n", "bod4at: Fuck You , that’s why - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_bod4at\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "bog4bn: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 14, 2019 - None\n", "bn6p2b: Crosspost from TRP: Chateau Heartiste is GONE - None\n", "blo4qu: Own Your Shit Weekly - May 07, 2019 - None\n", "bliz70: False Positives - None\n", "bkzcv4: MRP Year Two - I Guess This Is Growing Up - None\n", "bl4pfl: 60 Days of Dread Week 7: Career - Part 1 (Underwriting) - None\n", "bkdy1s: Little Queasy boys? - None\n", "bkcdd7: The case for paternity testing - None\n", "bjxj41: 60 Days of Dread Week 6: Finances - Part 2 - None\n", "bj2wg7: Container words, and you - None\n", "bj0vtc: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 30, 2019 - None\n", "biy29w: The 21 Convention – 2019 - None\n", "bifc3w: Where Sex Fits In: Thoughts on Mindset - None\n", "bib3mk: 60 DoD Week 6: Finance - Part 1 (Budgeting) - None\n", "bh8xko: Confronting the Need For Validation - None\n", "bgdw8p: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 23, 2019 - None\n", "bg1a21: 60 DoD Week 5: Internal Game - Part I: Instinctual Self Interest... and Zeppelin. - None\n", "bfy5b5: App Review: BodBot - Two Thumbs Up - None\n", "bfkhdr: Raiders of the Lost Covenant - None\n", "bfasfw: 60 DoD Week 4: Style - None\n", "bes9si: DEER is exclusive to females. - None\n", "beizfc: Quit being a fucking pussy - None\n", "bdrgak: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 16, 2019 - None\n", "bc0loy: (Un)Fucking Habits - None\n", "bbg016: Be a man - Go outside and scare yourself - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_bbg016\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "bb5ed0: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 09, 2019 - None\n", "b8ek61: Sexual Selection and Existential Fear - None\n", "b8gfef: Own Your Shit Weekly - April 02, 2019 - None\n", "b76gyt: 60 DOD week 1 part 3 severe injuries , true disability and strength. - None\n", "b6x4ye: 60 DoD Week 1 - Part 2 Lifting For Life - None\n", "b5n4eo: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 26, 2019 - None\n", "b5cm13: Marriage after Dread Level 12 (see also “Spin Plates with Caution” or “How to be Happy with What You’ve Got”) - None\n", "b4y4aj: 60 DOD Week 1 Part 1 - Lifting - None\n", "b4imdm: DOD Week 0 Part 2 - How to be Happy - The 3 Step Guide - None\n", "b4b9fp: 60 DoD 2019 - Week 0 - Happiness is your long game - None\n", "b4a00a: There, for the grace of RP, go you - None\n", "b45byj: 60 DoD 2019 - Official kickoff - None\n", "b3y5my: Sheesh... - None\n", "b3v7pg: We don’t do that / You don't want us answering that. - https://www.reddit.com/r/askMRP/comments/b3ryql/we_dont_do_that_you_dont_want_us_answering_that/\n", "b3tur4: The Thing That I Must, Must, MUST Tell You... - None\n", "b3lfgt: Relationships are a woman's job - None\n", "b3iz27: The Existential Fear – Men - None\n", "b2ut2o: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 19, 2019 - None\n", "b2jyvp: The Victim - None\n", "b18639: Stop keeping score - None\n", "b0t0qs: Case in point: generating those tingles is an indirect effect of taking care of business - https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/b0qd4e/last_night_i_heard_my_husband_tell_off_one_of_his/\n", "b05b3q: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 12, 2019 - None\n", "azbw4u: Don't really give a shit about gaming new chicks - None\n", "axptsn: Married Man Game Part 3: Sexting - None\n", "axiu71: Own Your Shit Weekly - March 05, 2019 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_axiu71\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ax8hzh: Accomplish Difficult Goals With The 4-Layer Method - None\n", "aw9czv: Stop. Thinking. - None\n", "avx8x9: Enslaved by Emotions - None\n", "avwede: A man with no backbone; A treatise on faking it until you make it. - https://www.reddit.com/r/NMMNG/comments/avt727/a_man_with_no_backbone_a_treatise_on_faking_it/\n", "avng2l: The Global Sexual Marketplace - None\n", "av7tul: The Indispensable Role of Dread Level 3 - None\n", "av09ok: [FR] Honest About Growth - None\n", "aux2jc: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 26, 2019 - None\n", "aumpbe: [FR] Be Social with Everyone - None\n", "augwvk: Ego and Lies, Self Actualization, Belief Systems, and Free-Will - None\n", "ati8up: Red Pill and Cooking: Techniques [Rian Stone's Youtube] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYgyjVORdTA\n", "atknxu: 2017 at the 21 Convention, Orlando Florida - None\n", "at82sf: Call for contributors: 60 DoD 2019 Edition - None\n", "asqi8r: Depressive and Anxious Wives: How it's all your fault. - None\n", "astp7x: The 21 Convention – Patriarch's Edition - None\n", "as85ti: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 19, 2019 - None\n", "as17po: Wage War on Inactivity - None\n", "ar9zu2: Fuck The Red Pill - None\n", "ar18yf: Interesting. A mashup of what we talk about here, and some food. - None\n", "aqxahx: Statistics on Office Affairs according to Forbes - None\n", "aq5wyi: what to do instead of DEERing ? - None\n", "app130: The Real You - None\n", "apr730: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 12, 2019 - None\n", "apn367: [FR] Careful how (and if ever) let your wife take lead in bed.. Major shit test can ensue- OP may never recover - https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/apinoy/need_help_my_wife_is_convinced_i_am_a_gay_man/\n", "aoyztk: Book Suggestion: \"Can't Hurt Me\" by David Goggins - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_aoyztk\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "aot27d: Your wife didn't make you beta; YOU did - None\n", "aol8ro: Reasonable Requests versus Testing - False Positives - None\n", "an975l: Our Journey - None\n", "anc5b8: Own Your Shit Weekly - February 05, 2019 - None\n", "am42af: Firstly, get the fuck out! - None\n", "algvai: The State of the Manosphere Address 2018 – Rollo Tomassi - None\n", "aky0pa: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 29, 2019 - None\n", "ajia7m: Books for Raising Masculine Sons - None\n", "aiktnw: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 22, 2019 - None\n", "aibgqq: A Key to Frame - None\n", "aie683: Keeping Frame While Moving from a Lunk Learning to Dance #2 - None\n", "ahhbvi: She Picked Out My Clothes - None\n", "agsgb0: Gender War - None\n", "ag6djy: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 15, 2019 - None\n", "ag0dke: Counterproductive Desire and the Fallacy of Unconditional Love - None\n", "ag5aj3: Logic is Subjective. - None\n", "aexeau: Validation and Interdependency - None\n", "ae1uco: Remove the Man 2019 - None\n", "advrnv: Carrier Pidgeons and production value - None\n", "ads8q1: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 08, 2019 - None\n", "abgkc4: Own Your Shit Weekly - January 01, 2019 - None\n", "ab7vt5: Validation needs that can poison your sex life - None\n", "a9pxnh: Good sex requires Emotion - None\n", "a9j9sl: You’re Marriage Doesn’t Define You —Merry Christmas! - None\n", "a9ll4z: [FR] A Ghost of Christmas Past - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_a9ll4z\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "a9a7h7: An Interview of Rian Stone - None\n", "a9dcie: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 25, 2018 - None\n", "a8h8hr: Little Big Head - None\n", "a85r4e: The night before Christmas - None\n", "a7lbrg: 13 Tips For Developing A Solid Frame - None\n", "a798ef: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 18, 2018 - None\n", "a6mi0f: The Wrong Way: Don't Be This Guy - None\n", "a61zq2: [FR] The Plate Affair - None\n", "a5to2j: The Pill, Ego, Depression, and Brainwashing - None\n", "a5dmvm: When I get to the bottom... - None\n", "a53za0: The New Polyandry - None\n", "a550da: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 11, 2018 - None\n", "a4wo54: NMMG in a nutshell (from the book Boundaries with Kids) - None\n", "a46dje: Reddit has banned the Red Man Group sub - None\n", "a3w3w8: State of the Manosphere 2018 - None\n", "a3692n: A note for the Latter-Day Saints, Mormons, and frankly anyone from a traditional Christian background... - None\n", "a2xr53: Red Pill Truth- Nagging LTR/Wife? You are the one at Fault. Not Her - None\n", "a2yte7: Own Your Shit Weekly - December 04, 2018 - None\n", "a2ndes: Don't argue. - None\n", "a2gl6z: Rollo Tomassi's Red Pill 101 – Ep.6: The \"Rules\" - None\n", "a2e2k1: Rian Stone on The 21 Report - None\n", "a1zbip: Reminder : No One Cares - None\n", "a1om80: Male Authority – Provisioning vs. Duty - None\n", "a1heoe: [FR] Game and frame - None\n", "a191sz: [FR] - The Affair - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_a191sz\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "a0syq6: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 27, 2018 - None\n", "a0noeq: This Holiday Season- A Public Service Announcement: - None\n", "a0iqxg: [FR] When the masks fall, will you dare to see the truth? - None\n", "9zyvpk: The Contrast, The Polarity. - None\n", "9zu0o7: The Myth of Sexual Peak - None\n", "9z5ohg: [FR] I got 99 problems but I made year-one. - None\n", "9z1tku: Everything is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power. - None\n", "9yy82g: 3-2-1. Counting. Success or Failure? - None\n", "9yw1ob: My First Year. - None\n", "9yqa1j: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 20, 2018 - None\n", "9xte2h: Status Quo - None\n", "9xpq9g: The Mods don't care about you - None\n", "9xlt7s: Two years and counting - None\n", "9wwkjr: Male Authority – Be a \"Man\" - None\n", "9wt3f2: [FR] The Bride of Bigfoot - None\n", "9wn9mr: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 13, 2018 - None\n", "9vb5jw: [FR] - Wedding Ring - None\n", "9ummv2: Own Your Shit Weekly - November 06, 2018 - None\n", "9uep23: Financial Freedom - First Steps - None\n", "9t76li: Crying is weak. Don't. Part II: Derrick Rose - None\n", "9sui1m: Widows & War Brides - None\n", "9sly2r: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 30, 2018 - None\n", "9r3csw: “Is it worth it?” - None\n", "9r190k: Crying is weak. Don't. - None\n", "9quwu6: Past Indiscretions - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_9quwu6\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "9qscx3: One Year In - Just Getting Started - None\n", "9qmybj: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 23, 2018 - None\n", "9olndc: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 16, 2018 - None\n", "9mmiul: Make your fucking choice. - None\n", "9mndk2: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 09, 2018 - None\n", "9mg81r: \"I think I was just raped\" - None\n", "9mf7ev: We have all the weapons - None\n", "9mkqhf: Reminders of Myself - None\n", "9lx7i8: Married Man Game Part 2: Teasing - None\n", "9lwag3: Mission First Women Always - None\n", "9lrq7r: Frame is impossible without abundance - None\n", "9l394d: Developing Rhino Skin - None\n", "9kov91: Own Your Shit Weekly - October 02, 2018 - None\n", "9k9qnt: AWALT confirmed. A MRP FR - None\n", "9k7jhq: Is this it? - None\n", "9jr5bx: Cuddles are required - None\n", "9jmemw: Married Red Pill changed my life - None\n", "9jguof: TRP Quarantined - None\n", "9j8ida: Body Language - None\n", "9j5cus: Better Beta Divorce Strategy - None\n", "9iqd0a: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 25, 2018 - None\n", "9inm8f: Why spin plates? - None\n", "9ig9gu: Your wife really doesn’t want your love... - None\n", "9if4f9: RMG Ep. #31 - Red Pill 101 - None\n", "9hfn3r: Proper interpretation of the Captain/First-Officer model - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_9hfn3r\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "9h6uux: FR--Woman's Post on DeadBedrooms Confirms EVERYTHING We're Working Towards Here in MRP - None\n", "9h8uy3: Gents : Your competition - None\n", "9h5920: Redpill is Amoral: history lesson, Why I disowned my daughter. - None\n", "9gwkwu: The Stratosphere - None\n", "9gr34t: Latin Dance Lessons AKA “Alpha Dog School” - None\n", "9gpbj9: FR: Go All In - None\n", "9gsz6v: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 18, 2018 - None\n", "9geh6k: The Golden Ticket - None\n", "9g68g0: How to Bang Your Wife - Rian Stone [Youtube video] - None\n", "9g4edy: Other common MRP acronyms - None\n", "9fkvne: How to Smell Amazing: A Man's Guide to Buying and Wearing Cologne - None\n", "9f94rz: “It’s like everything is always on your terms” - None\n", "9f5cye: The new set of rules and the importance of frame - None\n", "9f1sgi: Quick post on Testosterone - None\n", "9f1aky: Field Report From a New Guy - None\n", "9ex1v7: Lift, Faggot, Lift - None\n", "9evoz9: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 11, 2018 - None\n", "9etqe4: [FR] \"Lost\" Frame for the First Time in a Long Time. - None\n", "9dzvva: Theory: The triangle theory of love... and you - None\n", "9cwinu: On My Way - None\n", "9csbx5: When the Blue Pill Lens Shattered - None\n", "9ctq5i: Own Your Shit Weekly - September 04, 2018 - None\n", "9crwyf: Primordial Archetypes - None\n", "9c03a9: Finances Discussion - None\n", "9bivv4: You're Being Cucked. What Do You Do About It? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_9bivv4\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 12 posts\n", "9ax516: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 28, 2018 - None\n", "9as8jb: I'm still single ... just married. - None\n", "99ohbj: [FR] Is a Wife Worth One Foot? - None\n", "991emh: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 21, 2018 - None\n", "98ztd4: A Sense of Ownership - None\n", "98vjg9: On Being Alpha - None\n", "97xkjg: A Simple Trick For Damaging Self-Talk - None\n", "97j7cf: The Important of Stoicism to Achieving Your Preferred Outcomes - None\n", "976m6c: Own Your Shit Weekly - August 14, 2018 - None\n", "972l9j: Married... with Children - None\n", "970sgo: [FR] Duty Sex Doesn't Exist - None\n", "96twlt: Divorce brings it all full circle - None\n", "Got 12 posts\n", "No more posts, broke on marriedredpill with counter at 9967\n", "Getting posts with params: \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 27 posts\n", "2nj2ed: My compilation of posts on why TRP is sexist and bad for both men and women. - None\n", "ovdrfg: Vaush has a very disturbing pre-occupation with bestiality and paedophilia masterpost [NSFW/Trigger warning] - /r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ou0d2u/vaush_has_a_very_disturbing_preoccupation_with/\n", "19eyete: Graduate Study - None\n", "18t08k3: Least sexist conservative - https://i.redd.it/20l8f2tn819c1.jpeg\n", "18szdyr: Top-ranked keyboard combatant - https://i.redd.it/zk6jbbyly19c1.jpeg\n", "18sjk2q: 4Channer realizes that his Comrades might've lied to him about Society. - https://i.redd.it/vmav9qs1kw8c1.jpeg\n", "18j1acz: \"Protect and Provide\": Where is this coming from? - None\n", "18ijhzy: even the AI Girls don’t want him - https://i.redd.it/047g5620ma6c1.jpg\n", "18g2ojk: The problem with a lot of dudes who want a trad-wife is that they refuse to be a traditional husband. - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18d5qx3\n", "18cy2k5: \"The girl who rejects me must be a w#ore\" Bible neckbeard edition. - https://i.redd.it/jorm5zmdkv4c1.jpg\n", "187wsd1: Is pick me a over used term? - None\n", "17sbo9h: Field report: My wife just fainted in front of me and I can't tell if she's fallen out of my orbit or if she was just overwhelmed by my strength and power? Can someone help me interpret this before she wakes up and wants to go to the hospital or something? - https://i.redd.it/6ftla6ybnkzb1.png\n", "16hxeb4: End Abuse of Women Online Intro: The cause!! - https://youtu.be/FrN7-UtzuVo?si=03GOidkMfcL9n19q\n", "16h5gvn: Pretty sure this is a strong blue pill view piont? - https://youtu.be/FrN7-UtzuVo?si=vcf0GDtL6eIDXVSf\n", "16f00g8: Nice Guy - a love song - https://v.redd.it/zyyd90vzkpc71\n", "16dceus: What do you make of the Proud Boys instruction manual? - None\n", "16bnub2: The Right Would Like All Women to be 1950s Housewives, Please - https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-commentary/shakshuka-girl-chelsea-handler-tiktok-matt-walsh-childfree-women-1234818131/\n", "16b1x3d: Gamers rise up - https://i.redd.it/6k6xqf0uogmb1.jpg\n", "16aw4ny: Shall we all start requesting female surgeons for . . \"Modesty reasons\" 😂 - https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/aug/30/female-surgeons-patient-outcomes-better-studies\n", "16a8ql5: This post always make me proud to be a women. I wish she was more well known. - https://i.redd.it/5sogwklln9mb1.jpg\n", "16a0nqo: Confidence is key in life apparently. Fs. - https://i.redd.it/2fo9mn08n9mb1.png\n", "169wnid: The Internet Is at Risk of Driving Women Away - https://www.wired.co.uk/article/women-internet-harassment#:~:text=A%20UNESCO%20study%20of%20journalists,in%20connection%20to%20online%20abuse.\n", "169k8wv: It's women who sexualize themselves, not men. 🤡 - https://i.redd.it/x7oy4z3en6mb1.png\n", "166gk75: Least unhinged incel - https://i.redd.it/s9l4g5zj86lb1.jpg\n", "166iakx: Taint Quotes - https://i.redd.it/978kvfpzjhlb1.png\n", "166h1r8: Real matrix - https://i.redd.it/3ff4decobhlb1.png\n", "166ez31: When The Harassment Of Women Moves Online - The stats in this are proof of a matrix designed to oppress women. Who'd of guessed. - https://www.forbes.com/sites/ewelinaochab/2023/03/08/when-the-harassment-of-women-moves-online/\n", "Got 27 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_166ez31\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "163sc9u: Join us Dylan - https://i.redd.it/ldte91acfnkb1.jpg\n", "162tfj5: The future of sex doll technology - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZWmMh0sq5A&ab_channel=vvv%E2%80%94okay\n", "161tvj3: What do you think of the groyper community on twitter? - None\n", "15zi6db: \"Alpha male\" podcaster breaks down and nearly cries after announcing he's been demonetized on YouTube - https://i.redd.it/9n5t246kwvjb1.png\n", "15yy2ss: Women are shapeshifters - https://i.redd.it/zckob3ngqtjb1.png\n", "15y1wxi: Boyfriend who is old enough to be my father is having a tantrum because I didn't call him sir consistently, SOS? - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15y1wxi\n", "15we7pi: The redpill mindset cannot exist without misogyny and resentment (3 pictures- read description) - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15we7pi\n", "15vfjjf: \"Alpha male\" gets exposed. - https://i.redd.it/8vvnr3z321jb1.jpg\n", "15ufsul: Fellas, is it betacuck to be good in bed? - https://i.redd.it/jx024fk1auib1.jpg\n", "15omdve: The Incel Vikings - https://v.redd.it/xi67rpqo09hb1\n", "15m30m4: What would have happened if Neo took the blue pill? - None\n", "15k5ebo: Most normal Reddit incel - https://i.redd.it/wr8fhfxtwjgb1.jpg\n", "15jor4w: Women aren't allowed to have organs now - https://i.redd.it/ghm7bb5rccgb1.png\n", "15eh6j3: My masculinity is such a fragile thing that if I even think about the color pink… It will be gone! - https://i.redd.it/j688kt6ra7fb1.jpg\n", "15alem0: Empower your toilet today! - https://i.redd.it/lqo5b4hnideb1.png\n", "15afdkz: Documentary - None\n", "1535ddc: The perfect gentleman - https://i.redd.it/0ce1ectycmcb1.jpg\n", "14uwrnr: Do you think being very handsome and super intelligent and wealthy will make it easy to steal someone's girl? - None\n", "14nc7nd: The “why am I still single/a virgin?” starterpack - https://i.redd.it/ntswqci1e69b1.jpg\n", "14moz4l: \"Should I pick the ugly asshole or the attractive asshole? Hmmmm...\" - https://i.redd.it/od8jhyvrtz8b1.jpg\n", "14jpoau: Top g finally got educated - https://v.redd.it/ahr6c7zure8b1\n", "14jdxbm: No, men have made women fear men - None\n", "14gyqe0: What incels REALLY want - https://i.redd.it/c9iq407yhq7b1.jpg\n", "14h4qy5: Women never getting the recognition for supressing emotions and why feminism is concerned about mens mental health. Enough for me to end my life. Any other women feel like this. - None\n", "14gdleh: Incels: “foids have unrealistic standards!” Also incels: - https://i.redd.it/7jid8iz6pj7b1.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_14gdleh\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "14en7w1: \"First they came for the Sex Trafficking Groups and I said nothing\" - https://i.redd.it/hqfglmnsv57b1.png\n", "14dyrqo: One of life’s greatest mysteries 🧐 - https://i.redd.it/4f8vg9lj907b1.jpg\n", "147wtlj: A reply to an underage girl posting about harassment from older men at work - https://i.redd.it/k9lyfg43dn5b1.jpg\n", "1484q57: The ultimate proof that incel ideology is bullshit - https://i.redd.it/exo6k6meam5b1.png\n", "143ecee: The incel endgame - https://v.redd.it/n7u508cwnh4b1\n", "143h0ck: Ok coomer - https://i.redd.it/s7tf2ey8zg4b1.jpg\n", "142mfb6: 🍑 - https://i.redd.it/lgyayw0aff4b1.jpg\n", "141eevx: 😬 - https://i.redd.it/h14lai7y354b1.jpg\n", "1408hpq: Can someone help me refute this article? - None\n", "13sgm8f: Prime foids - https://i.imgur.com/OfwMkbn.jpg\n", "13o5uxg: Why Are The MGTOWs So Obsessed With Women? Just Go Your Own Way Already - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13o5uxg\n", "13kyrti: German women are Chads apparently - https://i.redd.it/s45if3633k0b1.png\n", "13dv7ls: The Red pill is a cult - None\n", "13b3n6t: UNO Reverse - https://v.redd.it/hcp2kmsrriya1\n", "13ammyk: Needing to PAY women to hang around you doesn't sound very alpha, just saying... - https://i.redd.it/6as2dae97cya1.jpg\n", "1388aby: Anime pfp moment - https://i.redd.it/ap82rvifyuxa1.jpg\n", "136q6b7: When someone tells you who they are, believe them - https://i.redd.it/q4scn48y5nxa1.jpg\n", "136ut6k: (M)en (G)etting (T)riggered (O)ver (W)omen - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/136j8eo\n", "1320z6z: “If a 6’2” millionaire Chad can’t abuse his wife what hope is there for cheeto stained, beer gutted basement dwellers like me?” - https://i.redd.it/rwq7d4jvsjwa1.jpg\n", "13233uy: Rules for thee… - https://i.redd.it/rlhiaz2zymwa1.jpg\n", "12vd96r: I noticed something about manosphere types - None\n", "12rtpua: What do incels have against girls who listen to Pink Floyd? - https://i.redd.it/wnf8h0tjzuua1.jpg\n", "12ohd0o: The \"I go to Asian countries to meet women because I can't get laid at home\" starter pack - https://i.redd.it/pag88xqkdxta1.jpg\n", "12nagj2: Incels exist across all species - https://i.redd.it/trbjkrrx02ua1.jpg\n", "12jnvwd: Game over - https://i.redd.it/exj0zbs7xgta1.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_12jnvwd\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "12jpwsf: Incel for life 🤙 - https://i.redd.it/efc2v5h3c7p91.jpg\n", "12hpm1d: Eau d’incel - https://i.redd.it/n0mlgmsrbxsa1.jpg\n", "12fxl37: Who wants to tell him that Hans Landa was the bad guy? - https://i.redd.it/vyassrc6vosa1.jpg\n", "120kedf: Incelephant - https://i.redd.it/oq0qmqezllpa1.jpg\n", "120jcqc: Weirdos complaining about the \"ugliness\" of women in the Resident Evil 4 remake. Guy in the first tweet is defending the new designs, he then gets flooded with insults saying how they look hideous and how he loves ugly women. - https://i.redd.it/r72c0hxekmpa1.png\n", "11xmby5: Some things never change - https://i.redd.it/ztez44vw9moa1.png\n", "11utw7e: I've noticed a double standard. - None\n", "11rz6n8: Female soldiers are based - https://i.redd.it/0xknamvn1vna1.png\n", "11r7zqn: Make Women Great Again - https://i.imgur.com/jneptof.jpg\n", "11mweqq: I did not expect the second paper to go live just days after the first one, but here is the SECOND paper published regarding our TRP research project (this one is a qualitative methodology guideline paper) - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/16094069231162674\n", "11kogyw: As promised, here is the (first, another one in press) article published from our project which recruited here! - https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10926771.2023.2186302\n", "11a3fh3: Guy calls real women “fat” and “disgusting”. Seeks out AI girlfriend instead not noticing AI rated him a 1.5 - https://i.redd.it/1uk2g71z10ka1.jpg\n", "116k76t: “It's women's fault that my dick is small!\" - https://i.redd.it/4h2wr7w4o6ja1.jpg\n", "10sqof1: Removing himself from the gene pool - https://i.redd.it/ns8vqkp9zmfa1.jpg\n", "10qh9re: What too much redpill does to a mf - https://i.redd.it/iqik5vmcyifa1.jpg\n", "10ikexp: The Redpill 1 Year Later - None\n", "10ha7ju: “Western women have been ruined by feminism!” 1920’s edition - https://i.redd.it/21laefv9h5da1.png\n", "10dfg9s: Cum is stored in the titties - https://i.redd.it/wnz1iii2jaca1.jpg\n", "10dn3eq: I Interviewed Rollo Tomassi - https://www.gameglobal.net/rollo-tomassi-the-red-pill/\n", "10clws8: Commenting on a one-way mirror in a women's restroom in China - https://i.redd.it/g3hka0gl18ca1.png\n", "10b9gyl: Ex-nice guys reacting to Megamind (aka the movie every incel needs to watch and internalize) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjpxlBRbhXs\n", "10ayzni: future school shooter - https://v.redd.it/gc7w26pe1tba1\n", "10b3tcx: I made a story about Nice guys vs bad boys with Chat GPT - None\n", "109zu7i: “little sister girlfriend” - https://i.redd.it/7ekc7e4rkiba1.jpg\n", "1081ln1: Why so many young men won't listen to the left - https://i.redd.it/19wvmtyui5ba1.png\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1081ln1\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "107l599: f e m a l e s - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1072plu\n", "zypm9v: I was not expecting this fantastic outcome. - https://i.imgur.com/Enmhsqh.jpg\n", "ztm823: Edgelord prime - https://i.redd.it/0xjx5uh9ul7a1.jpg\n", "ztlx93: Least horny Facebook user - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zt41fi\n", "zss3a2: The worst part of America is females not being submissive - https://i.redd.it/252of3hufc7a1.jpg\n", "z28nr7: I’m out here looking for a dessert woman, but all the 6’4 white boys keep stealing them ☹️ - https://i.redd.it/ek8bl1r4rd1a1.png\n", "yvg7do: Incels as harmful self-radicalizing cult: Disturbed young men hammering their faces to improve their looks - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11421039/Disturbed-young-men-incel-cult-hammering-faces-bid-improve-looks.html\n", "y8fjf6: The self hatred is real - https://i.redd.it/3l1paok8npu91.png\n", "y46exs: The only destruction of the redpill you'll ever need - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE3dtG4XEeI\n", "y3iuqo: He said what ? - https://i.redd.it/l2inchycket91.jpg\n", "y3g69f: You probably already know, but it’s so ironic how they use the red/blue pill as a way to ridicule feminists and lgbtq+ people without realizing that the matrix was a analogy for being trans - https://youtube.com/shorts/cZoDV6_2mtU?feature=share\n", "y1b76y: Alpha Mentality - None\n", "xy1bjr: The Fantasy Where She Comes Crawling Back - None\n", "xs3un9: Women always win, no matter what 😭 - https://i.redd.it/ghb12unmdyq91.jpg\n", "xkbq8f: what are the color pills mean - None\n", "xi92pa: Wherein guys mansplain about paps and whether or not women experience pain at the gyno.......you can't make this shit up - https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/xhj6qq/feminist_implies_that_a_medical_device_for/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "xcn2ca: When incels attack - https://v.redd.it/7sihtr3d7fn91\n", "xc11c4: This was posted after India's Supreme Court made marital rape illegal - https://i.redd.it/sfun7p0od8n91.jpg\n", "x8jdng: Peak Reddit moment - https://i.redd.it/iz5t8228ugm91.jpg\n", "x8gscu: The Apex Incel - https://i.redd.it/wp5zulz3h9m91.jpg\n", "x8hw1x: They good girls - https://i.redd.it/u6gu92gzwfm91.jpg\n", "x36yna: Men would you feel insecure if a girl wanted to incorporate dildos/penis sleeves in the bedroom? - /r/PurplePillDebate/comments/x2v5u9/men_would_you_feel_insecure_if_a_girl_wanted_to/\n", "x14smo: Am I so out of touch? No, it's the femoids who are wrong! - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/x0x7nk\n", "wzd63m: Comment on a 17 y/o young woman’s unexpected pregnancy - https://i.redd.it/wa98h4asjbk91.jpg\n", "wyb619: Smooth as sandpaper - https://i.redd.it/acqa4fz9ayj91.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_wyb619\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "wwl47i: Sometimes a meme draws them out - https://i.redd.it/1g2shgeyfhj91.png\n", "wuu5w3: “Only I’M allowed to have standards! ME!!” - https://i.redd.it/v6c6k2ohx4j91.jpg\n", "wtamva: Is 'redpill' getting mainstream in new gen? - None\n", "wrihsf: A neckbeard is mad that there are women the play games and have kids - https://i.redd.it/7sjr723p5fi91.jpg\n", "wqpge7: This went downhill fast - https://i.redd.it/y2qr3bxr28i91.jpg\n", "wpa9qz: Asian girls are resistant to Chad’s alpha charm - https://i.redd.it/6m4sreut0rh91.jpg\n", "wmkydu: Imagine telling on yourself like this - https://i.redd.it/zr8sws80w9h91.jpg\n", "wmlyut: I’m a horrible person and it’s the entire female gender’s fault! - https://i.redd.it/26nx3iryx7h91.jpg\n", "wjywot: Wife tells husband she hates having sex with him, reluctantly does it when he asks and cries in the bathroom for 90 minutes when they finish. - None\n", "wjxkh9: Twerp raises feminist, makes PowerPoint presentation about how she should navigate her sex and dating life - sub laughs him out the door. - None\n", "whrzyf: Hopefully this fits this sub - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/whrzyf\n", "wg40e9: Seems legit - https://i.redd.it/vcf82gm7enf91.jpg\n", "wena9x: Posted by a totally real Japan woman - https://i.redd.it/wdnnkokd18f91.png\n", "we9yi8: A hit dog always hollers - https://v.redd.it/ri7ahj789bf91\n", "wds6rp: How to extract the maximum amount of sex out of women 🤮 - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/wdhtck/how_to_extract_the_maximum_amount_of_sex_out_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3\n", "w9ghys: Oh no my date didn't like my book recommendation that is a massive mysognistic dogwhistle where did I go wrong :( - /r/JordanPeterson/comments/w8wrbf/a_date_left_and_stopped_talking_to_me_because_i/\n", "w9pwe3: TIL Majin Buu from DBZ was an incel - https://v.redd.it/tuhondn7nzd91\n", "w87te5: “SJWs are ruining comics!” circa 1968 - https://i.redd.it/l0g5y25cpid91.jpg\n", "w7nvla: Well, at least he’s pro-choice… - https://i.redd.it/is6157l7kjd91.jpg\n", "w6d9y8: A comic made by an incel, deep in his mother's basement. - https://i.redd.it/hc5rm5eph9d91.jpg\n", "w6dh6o: It’s gay to be straight, according to Mr. Anime pfp - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w697rh\n", "w5asdp: Since when does rape cause physical pain? - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w4qwbc\n", "w4h27l: Tuna wallets - https://i.redd.it/8bhm7sd0vqc91.jpg\n", "w44tec: Oh, how the turn tables! - https://i.redd.it/voizijnq5mc91.png\n", "w1zhgj: 🎶Lower your standards, make it your job, don’t demand perfection from her, if you look like a slob 🎶 - https://i.redd.it/c2alu636b7c91.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_w1zhgj\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "vzs6cv: I love it when the trash takes itself out - https://i.redd.it/mgilnkd21qb91.jpg\n", "vxfg52: No more Mr Nice Guy - https://i.redd.it/vvde77a5kxa91.jpg\n", "vwilc4: Berries and cream! - https://i.redd.it/75m52npy2xa91.png\n", "vvuqbc: Standards for me, but not for thee! - https://i.redd.it/66vc4xrogoa91.jpg\n", "vsrbp7: *PARTICIPANTS WANTED* I'm looking for members of the manosphere to take part in my survey on experience in the manosphere & perceptions on the incel community as part of my MSc dissertation. Survey should take 10-20 minutes to complete & all responses are anonymous - https://uclan.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6h5S17Tx4lMJt0W\n", "vryul8: Western woman bad - https://i.redd.it/zwzvvrhguq991.png\n", "vrzs9g: Gumdrop - https://i.redd.it/93v4p2dtyk991.jpg\n", "vrzxbh: Too much cream - https://i.redd.it/mi79dz09vq991.png\n", "vr7rml: Mf needs to get a better hobby - https://i.redd.it/yi6u7dg3pj991.jpg\n", "vr7u7l: Bitches love radioactive green soda - https://i.redd.it/6nqcp03ypj991.jpg\n", "vooig7: Münecat debunking the manosphere - https://youtu.be/BgO25FTwfRI\n", "vnspqj: Mask off - https://i.redd.it/ya3xwfxm6o891.jpg\n", "vjojfc: The gay agenda strikes again! - https://i.redd.it/m8ssrfbooj791.jpg\n", "vj234u: Chinese Hitler - https://v.redd.it/gymh0wsnp7791\n", "vipph8: In light of the Roe V. Wade ruling most likely being passed down tomorrow morning, I've created a directory of women and LGBT safe healthcare practitioners in the US called The Pink Book. I need the community's help with gathering information so this directory can grow. - http://pinkbook.us\n", "vgp7ep: If you’re a virgin, be a CHAD virgin - https://i.redd.it/1vbvm2wy8q691.jpg\n", "vgoyp0: What too much porn does to a mf - https://i.redd.it/qru8le3d7q691.jpg\n", "vgp8ta: “Why don’t girls like me?” 😢 - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vgan1q\n", "vgv2g9: The Neckbeard Messiah - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vgtdum\n", "veklok: Why don’t the grils like me? - https://i.redd.it/0zpp15rxd3691.jpg\n", "vap81c: Nice Guy - a love song - https://v.redd.it/ar9zrliak1591\n", "v9yp2t: A Tale of two Tweets - https://i.redd.it/968kvbje1w491.jpg\n", "v9b2ek: 4channer has an epiphany - https://i.redd.it/bkvihy6uqk491.jpg\n", "v7s06x: Ukrainian women don’t twerk, eat hot chip, and lie - https://i.redd.it/12jn7xfx2b491.jpg\n", "v72uz7: Tell me you’ve never felt a woman’s touch without telling me - https://i.redd.it/9ud5l45jm8491.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_v72uz7\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "v68a1h: He’s “tried” to be a great person - https://i.redd.it/q4tkey7gl7az.jpg\n", "v58ctu: Is this person making a case for female disposability? And how the fuck is TRP misandrist? - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/v58ctu\n", "v4qewx: “Why do girls only like jerks?”- Senator Ted Cruz - https://i.redd.it/hgf31esqam391.jpg\n", "v1qrfz: Dont waste your fertile years running around - https://i.redd.it/2mapxnb9ns291.png\n", "v1uwp3: No visible tiddies = “mannish” - https://i.redd.it/iv79dth5iq291.jpg\n", "v0foxw: Boobs, what are they good for? - https://i.redd.it/ma6jnrh2l7291.jpg\n", "v09h4a: It's exclusively men who do these shootings, but of course it's women's fault! So sick of being blamed for male violence. - https://nypost.com/2022/05/27/we-overlook-a-significant-factor-in-mass-shootings-fatherlessness/\n", "uz1nf4: Twitter moment - https://i.redd.it/7ys0miu8nv191.jpg\n", "uxkmra: He’s willing to do anything to get laid, except be a better person - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/uxirc0\n", "utjg26: Naww man wtf is this - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/utjg26\n", "utd7fy: Saying the quiet part out loud - https://i.redd.it/z0eanlbntf091.jpg\n", "utdewa: 🐎🙋‍♀️🫦😩💦 - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/utcat2\n", "urmssc: \"Hmmmm I'd better write 'as a Japanese girl' ten million times so they know for sure that I'm a Japanese girl.\" - https://i.redd.it/2mbmhghesvz81.jpg\n", "urns3c: Just your average religious neckbeard, Wonder If there's even an chance It's satire. - https://i.redd.it/cmyq3536usz81.png\n", "urnk2y: What all Japanese girls fantasize about - https://i.redd.it/90rstanhq0091.png\n", "urofyw: The Truth about Red Pill Truths - None\n", "uqdxju: Incel harasses people at the gym and then gets kicked out - https://v.redd.it/v18qca1fsfz81\n", "uo3uoz: Kevin samuels once said that 90% of people in mid-level positions and higher in corporations are married. - None\n", "ung3uh: How to destroy a sexually frustrated misogynist in 1 simple step - https://i.redd.it/2942zhziovy81.jpg\n", "unhoqb: He wish he redpilled himself sooner to take massive sexual advantage - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/unhoqb\n", "umpgcv: Waman are so hipocritical!! - https://i.redd.it/0r9m52tstiy81.jpg\n", "ujttow: If they hate modernism so much, why are they posting on twitter? - https://i.redd.it/zs4iksgv3ox81.jpg\n", "ujtq8z: I don’t think Jesus would approve of this… - https://i.redd.it/pphp5urokqx81.jpg\n", "uj8k4f: Ladies, pm me if you’ve haven’t met your 10 dick minimum yet - https://i.redd.it/x9yfuoi0mmx81.jpg\n", "ujijzn: Controversial YouTuber Kevin Samuels passes away - https://www.revolt.tv/article/2022-05-05/167282/controversial-youtuber-kevin-samuels-passes-away/?amp\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_ujijzn\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "uduy4n: Meet Lesco, 31 - https://i.redd.it/1nmlwgiuy5w81.jpg\n", "udv6ds: Careful, we got a “real” gamer here. - https://i.redd.it/5qqukp4jx3w81.jpg\n", "ubqyal: Incel Prime - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ubhagf\n", "ubsctj: whats a good way to handle your date ordering something expensive - None\n", "u3lu40: Fellas, is it gay to have sex with a girl? - https://i.redd.it/7siall6urit81.jpg\n", "u3woi5: Women gain sexual pleasure from the pain that is inflicted upon them. - None\n", "u1aspm: A wild communist incel appears! - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/u0psto\n", "tz7elt: “This would solve the incel problem” - https://i.redd.it/mkssxi6fe7s81.jpg\n", "twwahg: The three act plot structure - https://i.redd.it/57ji3vduiir81.jpg\n", "tonimx: Women, aren't hypergamous they have more options while having o lower libido. - None\n", "tngskc: The first link disproves them. They interpreted 40% rise (= 12 % overall) as 40 % of women cheating. - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/tjcmyo/excerpts_relating_body_count_to_infidelity_why/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "tggosa: If I ever start a class teaching teenage boys about how to approach women, I’m using this as exhibit A on what NOT to do - https://i.redd.it/9d7u67rn3zn81.jpg\n", "tc174e: Nice guy has it worse than holocaust victims and slaves - https://i.imgur.com/BqmIsuv.jpg\n", "tb1wcs: “Why don’t girls like me?” - https://i.redd.it/2aa1nc4twfm81.jpg\n", "takqni: Only women are loved - https://archive.ph/e9ube\n", "t7chvt: I copied a post from female dating strategy, switched out a few words, and now it's the top post on TRP. - None\n", "t3kqp5: Chinese incels fetishize European women in the same way white incels fetishize Asian women - https://i.redd.it/o9j2nwug7fk81.jpg\n", "t3lixb: Making fun of refugees and showing you’re an incel at the same time. - https://v.redd.it/9v2v658lkhk81\n", "szirs9: So, uh, how was ALPHA Con? - None\n", "sxja1x: How much of a dysfunctional, creepy individual do you have to be to masquerade as a woman to \"prove\" red pill troofs? And why are they so obsessed with women having pets? - None\n", "sx5l3m: Word vomit backed up by pseudoscience - https://archive.ph/2022.02.20-165101/https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/swudyy/pretentious_pillars_of_modern_feminism/\n", "sweq2j: Damn those Vikings and their *checks notes* clean & handsome ways.... - https://i.redd.it/mto4ghgswqi81.png\n", "swmu6c: Found both of these in the span of like 5 mins lol - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/swmu6c\n", "svp45l: Does The Taliban Count? - https://i.redd.it/knby0ew9rmi81.png\n", "svnsok: “Why can’t these stupid bitches see what a nice guy I am?” - https://i.redd.it/8e1hmbzpoji81.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_svnsok\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "svh4kk: THE PEAK OF ABSOLUTE INCELDOM - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/sv0iej\n", "st8lwi: He fucked around, and he found out - https://v.redd.it/650vmgdx7vh81\n", "stfzkv: CW: abuse. Any of the tweets in this comment section. Take your pick - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/stfzkv\n", "spaylm: Got this essay from a match - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/spaylm\n", "sojfko: This was a reply to a petfinder names tweet about a cat named \"Ratio\" for some reason - https://i.redd.it/mvfhjc4xhug81.jpg\n", "sn35ym: These ALPHAS are coming for your girl... (Alpha Con 2022) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaQ6Oxgn4BE&\n", "slxdov: Incel goes full mask off - https://i.redd.it/09t8018yl4g81.jpg\n", "sl5uql: Wanna bet those women have a different take on this? - /r/MensRights/comments/sky7m8/amazing_how_much_women_have_changed_since_i_was_a/\n", "skouu8: Guys, guys, I finally cracked the formula for w*men: 225 lbs bench press + 365 lbs deadlift + 315 lbs squat (>6 reps) + being multimillionaire = you're non desperate = ENDLESS PUSSY 🤩🤩🤩 - https://i.redd.it/20jc7onovvf81.jpg\n", "skdpv1: You can't reform this. ACAB. - https://i.imgur.com/UqMNK4K.png\n", "sj5by0: “Men age like wine, women age like milk” - https://archive.ph/2022.02.03-003911/https://www.reddit.com/r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen/comments/siy6kb/men_age_like_wine_women_age_like_milk_analysis_of/\n", "sfpwqm: On a post about an attempted murder, this guy thinks the murderer won't get any jail time by simply being a woman - https://i.redd.it/hbbqa053koe81.png\n", "se3bl1: 👴 - https://i.redd.it/vknyyfr998e81.jpg\n", "sbr64d: yOu’Re LuCkY yOu’Re GeTtInG lAiD - https://i.redd.it/2rpnjjcgyjd81.jpg\n", "sbf2nb: Tell me you don't understand consent in one picture - https://i.redd.it/vnah5zfnxgd81.jpg\n", "saw9ow: I finally decided to cut my redpill friend off after months of self doubt, anger and tears. - None\n", "s697yd: The Incel Anthem - https://v.redd.it/hpbl7r3w44c81\n", "s6bdnu: Saw this video making fun of AlphaCon - https://youtu.be/6m9HoBFq3m8\n", "s3ybhi: Pastor: “spotty periods happen because you’re not going to church enough” - https://v.redd.it/1noslbw03mb81\n", "s34t8j: Incels be all like - https://i.redd.it/1z9t6yitlfb81.gif\n", "s357h0: Having less-than-perfect jawline is DEFINITELY why below-average women aren't dating you. - https://i.redd.it/jw40xuohwfb81.jpg\n", "s37fwi: Researchers studying incel activity on social media found that such tweets arise disproportionately within places where mating competition among men is likely to be high because of male-biased sex ratios, few single women, high income inequality, and small gender gaps in income. - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/09567976211036065\n", "s2b7wh: “Stop doing the things I specifically don’t like” - https://i.redd.it/4eyvdnb2o9b81.jpg\n", "s2ergl: He ain’t recovering from that burn 💀 - https://i.redd.it/nh5xr554j9b81.jpg\n", "s2anpz: Ok bud, time to take your own advice ;) - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/s1sg6q\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_s2anpz\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "s1xv61: Most Red Pillers and really Brown Pillers. - None\n", "s12lci: r/TheRedPill: Women can’t differentiate between anxiety and attraction - https://archive.fo/2022.01.11-030258/https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/s0t2n9/goal_go_out_and_learn_the_psychology_and/\n", "ryz76u: The post that this was replying to wasn’t even remotely about dating. - https://i.redd.it/83e5b18cnga81.jpg\n", "rwu2ly: The ideal woman: a total slut, but also modest and maternal - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/rwm7l5\n", "rwkqz9: Pickup artists blame Newsweek for the death of one of their own - https://wehuntedthemammoth.com/2022/01/04/pickup-artists-blame-newsweek-for-the-death-of-one-of-their-own/\n", "rvvc6k: Alpha male discovers consequences - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/rv5ctw\n", "rvdm0l: Here we see the Asian incel in his natural habitat - https://i.redd.it/kix6yhfjgj981.png\n", "rv7rro: Bible thumpers be all like - https://i.redd.it/d1o2frwphh981.jpg\n", "rvd5nr: Looks like PUA might be starting a harassment campaign against a woman journalist - /r/againstmensrights/comments/ruh276/looks_like_pua_might_be_starting_a_harassment/\n", "rus5cj: \"I wont deny my human instincts and desires for meaningless morality\" - https://i.redd.it/k6asbaku6a981.jpg\n", "rudmxp: how're you going to use the exact same face for different Asian women? - https://i.redd.it/zzk7tphi25981.png\n", "rue2wo: It's my looks guys I swear! - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/rtu4c5\n", "rr6etq: TRP & Inceldom Feels like a Psy-Op - None\n", "rqtm0e: Incels are idiots… - None\n", "romzxz: Guy justifies manipulating women for money because \"women have financially abused men for centuries\" - https://i.redd.it/b8nbgzhsqs781.jpg\n", "rob0qw: Have a lovely day folks. - https://i.redd.it/y7mw3638on781.png\n", "rodgoh: Women are the emotional ones - https://imgur.com/5MdpDis\n", "rkxmnd: Having a popular belief system must mean you lack original, critical and autonomous thinking - https://i.redd.it/837aoga8mr681.png\n", "rj0yov: Gross - https://archive.ph/2021.12.18-060233/https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/rimapr/women_are_biologically_programed_to_orbit_an/\n", "ri8l6i: Guy talks about how someone can't go back after learning about the red pill - https://i.redd.it/h7cu1knw11681.png\n", "riaekt: The \"pioneers\" if you will say, of the \"trophy wife\" culture (where old but characterless men with a ridiculous sum of money marry young and pretty girls with just age 21 to 27 only to treat them as sex objects instead of women) are those who lust for teenage or even more underaged girls. - https://i.redd.it/ygoxhfj9k1681.jpg\n", "rfr2d0: Quora guy talks about Tinder while discussing \"Beta Billys\" and \"Alpha men\" - https://i.redd.it/1hgc0nulnd581.png\n", "rcrjpu: Has this guy met female athletes? - None\n", "rc0owt: It’s the profile picture for me - https://i.redd.it/vdy90yf9td481.jpg\n", "rbmi1t: It is because of degenerates like this and political extremists like Richard Spencer that women in East Europe and the Balkans suffer domestic violence back home and no one cares to talk about this issue at all. - https://i.redd.it/42umbzow2a481.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_rbmi1t\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "r982dn: Maybe he was asked why he likes Asian women so much. And truth does not take much time to expose itself. [r/justneckbeardthings] - https://i.redd.it/v8aq949ton381.jpg\n", "r7rqm9: I find it hard to believe and impossible to accept that such BS still exists. They all have one common thing to say: \"Women are toys for my enjoyment. I never had a soft and loving relationship hence I do not want you to have one either because women are advantage seekers\". - https://i.redd.it/vx9gg8bwl9381.jpg\n", "r3e6em: Tory Halfwit blames women playing originally male characters in media, for a rise in crime amongst young men 🙄 - https://youtu.be/5RLMH1kJtQ4\n", "r36grz: Good luck finding someone like that... [r/justneckbeardthings] - https://i.redd.it/mn5mj3cur2281.png\n", "qzlouj: Has you can see… - https://i.redd.it/a8bn95fjz3181.jpg\n", "qx7gj5: “I only date asian girls” starter pack - https://i.redd.it/fobfih6vjff41.jpg\n", "qsv6cm: Alot of these red-pilled folks love their Social Darwinism huh? - None\n", "qp3ktx: Sexism 101 from r/TheRedPill - https://archive.ph/2021.11.08-020241/https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/qot2nm/beware_of_female_bosses/\n", "qoghe3: \"If feminism was about equality, then we would call it equality\"....what a big brain. - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5KrfuMi4JcE\n", "qn0pba: Beware of Women in Education - https://www.reddit.com/r/WhereAllTheGoodMenAre/comments/qmn3eb/beware_of_women_in_education/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf\n", "qkxyzz: A woman having a high N-count is bad. But also, a woman not having sex with *them* is bad. Please discuss. - None\n", "ql1jx8: This guy knows a thing or two - https://i.redd.it/0vo7s3eqp2x71.jpg\n", "qkluih: RPWomen on why men like innocent women, aka women who act like adults are unattractive - https://www.np.reddit.com/r/RedPillWomen/comments/qk0k5k/why_are_men_attracted_to_innocence/\n", "qjkpc9: Red pill woman bitter that other women who aren't 'feminine' or 'submissive' enough still get 'rewarded' by their partners. - https://www.reddit.com/r/RedPillWomen/comments/qhvrge/how_do_you_avoid_getting_nasty_feelings_when_you/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "qhks34: They went from claiming they are against radical feminism to just being against the literal dictionary definition of feminism. - https://i.redd.it/p62age83e6w71.jpg\n", "qg8eib: That video was part of the reason I got out of the red pill, it’s worthy to watch - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rc24YtUslCU\n", "qbrtwy: By \"freak\" do you think the creator of this \"art\" means like actual female bodybuilders look? - https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/325e204b-b168-49f1-8625-6454efac138f/desb281-3cd7e636-1a9c-407f-88c9-80f51a337a34.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_742,q_80,strp/teela_s_payback_by_curtsibling_desb281-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzQyIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMzI1ZTIwNGItYjE2OC00OWYxLTg2MjUtNjQ1NGVmYWMxMzhmXC9kZXNiMjgxLTNjZDdlNjM2LTFhOWMtNDA3Zi04OGM5LTgwZjUxYTMzN2EzNC5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.N2T_ak3zv5ees5lNVo8gWnJkAX8AfSxz3o7OPE6emD8\n", "qavx5z: Hello? This Is Colombia’s Antimachismo Hotline. - https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/18/world/americas/colombia-machismo-hotline-masculinity.html\n", "q7x98u: We live in a society 🤡 - https://i.redd.it/7iq3i5t1s7t71.jpg\n", "q5l52y: What the FUCK is that TRP sub. Just lol. - None\n", "q42f5q: The red pill is funny… and likes 15 year old girls a lot - https://i.redd.it/mlpobq4qg9s71.jpg\n", "q43icp: Men are more narcissistic than women, study - None\n", "pzd3va: Incel propaganda - https://i.redd.it/dabu106vitq71.png\n", "pyd3l8: Saw this, thought the interaction between the reactionaries on both sides of this were too hilarious not to share lmao - /r/PurplePillDebate/comments/ofpcqd/when_it_comes_to_who_pays_for_dates_many_women/\n", "pw9qce: Apparently having no cleavage showing means that the boobs have vanished and no longer feminine - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/pvvsij\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_pw9qce\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ppugec: The people that watch this are so fucked up that they think that being the guy a woman cheats with is positive - https://i.redd.it/t10srn3r60o71.jpg\n", "pnawt1: I Tried to Be a Misogynist - https://gunlord500.wordpress.com/2021/07/30/i-tried-to-be-a-misogynist-full-essay/\n", "pjddhz: Yeah but social sciences don’t really count… - None\n", "pjhfyg: what are your opinions on this? - /r/PurplePillDebate/comments/pjflmh/cmv_womens_choices_do_not_make_sense_to_men/\n", "pi3bcb: There is someone out there for everyone, try to look your best and get a better mindset and you'll find your partner in no time - https://i.redd.it/lkonrq6tojl71.jpg\n", "pgqhin: Can’t let go experience of sexual harassment - None\n", "pbxus5: What do TRP think of LGBTQ+? - None\n", "paev34: \"How dare you be good looking?!\" - https://i.redd.it/kw9ypaznc7j71.png\n", "pafsjo: Apparently anti-sjws need there women to have \"feminity\" whatever that means. - https://www.deviantart.com/nekohybrid/art/Fuck-That-Trend-889612285?comment=1%3A889612285%3A4938462299\n", "p9vnns: The Red Pill conspiracy that a woman’s baby will look like a combination of all the men she’s slept with is very harmful to women. - None\n", "pa7dr6: You actually couldn't make this shit up. - https://www.forums.red/p/asktrp/274943/my_ex_who_left_me_for_another_guy_her_life_is_in_danger_shou\n", "p938mo: Guy catfishes tinder date in order to complain to her about how he never gets any matches and always gets rejected - https://v.redd.it/49bmn5ckc8a71\n", "p8ugxu: Women are a hive mind, yo - https://i.redd.it/9s5vjbfynoi71.jpg\n", "p6sf6b: You may be insecure, but are you INCEL levels of insecure? - https://i.redd.it/xmxztllh53i71.jpg\n", "p6mpww: AskTRPer admits to raping a woman. Major TW. - https://np.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/o5fqxk/i_have_been_denied_sex_from_my_fwb_did_i_handle/\n", "p5zwpd: Asking the real questions in times of tragedy 🤦 - /r/PurplePillDebate/comments/p5ic4r/are_the_warlords_who_control_afghanistan_alphas/\n", "p5k0ye: Question: Wouldn’t state sponsored girlfriends be considered communist by these chuds? - https://i.redd.it/mt77ri6gxoh71.jpg\n", "p5mfgj: LMAO this could be a joke but still it's too funny to not share - https://v.redd.it/avwn1qs7hrh71\n", "p4tkms: Incels: \"Women have unrealistic standards for men!\" also Incels: - https://i.redd.it/wgv0wv6q4eh71.jpg\n", "p3rinc: Plymouth shooter’s comment 5 days ago on his Reddit post. Red pillers and incels aren’t just lonely guys, they’re truly dangerous. - https://i.redd.it/993xouzy86h71.jpg\n", "p3p5ou: Another Incel goes on a murder spree - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/08/13/plymouth-shooting-gunman-said-terminator-final-youtube-video/\n", "p1wmjr: Redpill Fan Fiction - https://i.redd.it/z86sq6yw2lg71.png\n", "p1t9f7: Femoids have it easy /s - https://i.redd.it/fm6hh4c4yjg71.jpg\n", "p1itrw: r/TheRedPill keeps asking for official Blue-Pilled dating advice, so I guess here it is - https://youtu.be/zJ8EeWK8yEw\n", "p170jl: Is PurplePillDebate basically a TRP sub? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_p170jl\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "p0gqpk: Fellas, is it gay to speak Swedish? - https://i.redd.it/n4ukq32aa5g71.png\n", "p0m5s7: PUAs share how they trick otherwise unwilling women into going back to their places for sex - http://np.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/p05ez7/best_way_to_get_a_girl_back_to_your_place/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3\n", "oz9ggz: r/TheRedPill has the most vomit-inducing take on Chris Chan - https://archive.is/wip/XRqi2\n", "oz85qr: r/TheRedPill having a completely normal one. - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/ox6461/esoteric_testosterone_and_general_endocrine_hacks/\n", "oy7ol8: 🤮You need to “train your girls” to be Super Sluts - https://archive.is/2021.08.05-015440/https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/ow9102/word_to_the_wise_the_biggest_little_mistake_youll/\n", "ox8pj0: Welp it finally happened 🦀 - /r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/ox7wl8/mgtow_and_mgtow2_are_banned/\n", "ovvd1o: Are you tired of being invisible? - /r/datingadviceformen/comments/ovujui/are_you_tired_of_being_invisible/\n", "ovdfvz: One day this will happen. - https://i.redd.it/rjytudbhole71.png\n", "ouyc6v: Comments you can smell - https://i.redd.it/4uohrboghde71.jpg\n", "ouf0qn: PPD really just debating whether or not woman deserve basic humanity - https://i.redd.it/umnfckrsjae71.png\n", "ouej9x: r/WhereAllTheGoodMenAre is full of misogynistic crap like this - https://archive.is/2021.07.30-051036/https://www.reddit.com/r/WhereAllTheGoodMenAre/comments/otcjcf/beware_of_women_in_the_hospitality_industry/\n", "ot0rum: “High value men” - https://i.redd.it/4aknj5ojuqd71.jpg\n", "ot3jhs: Unplugged Alpha - boyfriend is reading it. Good personal development book or not really? - None\n", "osw4ll: THEY hate and fear you, the straight white male, because you think for yourself (unlike those girls and the blacks). Assert your freedom and show THEM what’s up by continuing to consume our material (and if you like our material, we accept donations via Patreon). - http://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/oquhtz/why_they_hate_you/\n", "osg7se: TRP goes full Self Awarewolves: \"Women who have slept with lots of men dehumanise and objectify men through sex.\" Also, to prevent her from lying about how many sexual partners she's had, lie about how many sexual partners you've had. - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/npxqa9/women_are_not_mysterious_they_appear_mysterious/\n", "oqhq57: Proud Trump supporter can't find any liberal women who will date him, can't imagine why. Blames cognitive dissonance. - https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/oqedv5/q4all_why_do_you_think_it_so_that_liberal_wow_no/h6berhu/?context=3\n", "opekne: As rates of suicide among men is an important topic, I thought some of you might find this research based video interesting- summarising research (references in description) investigating the effectiveness of suicide/suicidal behaviour reduction strategies on an individual and systemic level. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qfbfqd1PiHY\n", "oo75on: \"Sexual harassment is a pretty minor thing that most dudes I know have done\" - https://i.redd.it/p35uxklncec71.png\n", "onv7dy: 'Red Pill' killed my best friend - None\n", "onw3in: Joker is a SIGMA MALE - https://youtu.be/69bZmd1Vvss\n", "omlo2f: I have officially asked to speak to a manager w/r/t to that last post we got from a TRP, maybe this will be funny at some point down the road? - https://imgur.com/pJmEaKL\n", "om2a8p: Just fucking lol at this joke of a subreddit - None\n", "ok6al9: I can’t figure out why this guy is single... - https://i.redd.it/cip1y8v227b71.jpg\n", "ojv1s9: This man sounds incredibly abusive - https://archive.is/qNWxY\n", "oi03m2: FB user accidentally recreates the entire concept of TRP - https://i.redd.it/xw1rbxpwdja71.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_oi03m2\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ohorv8: This RedPill theory list I’ve found is just contradicting itself. Number 7 Chase your goals, not girls. Number 10 Find a real women. - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ohorv8\n", "ohzavn: What are your views on this topic.. - /r/dating/comments/ohlwu8/to_all_the_new_people_who_r_into_dating_and_cant/\n", "oh346w: Incels complain how beautiful women don't date ugly looking guy and when they do date a guy considered unattractive then it's the Incels who are most jealous of that guy. - None\n", "ogh2pn: r/asktrp voluntarily locks down over fears of \"censorship\" lmao. pour one out - https://www.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/o5t1er/we_have_moved_to_forumsred_posting_here_is_locked/\n", "ofvt43: How do incels deal with the global success of K-Pop? - None\n", "ofrdjw: At what age could someone be considered an incel? - None\n", "off262: Is the manosphere pretty much dead? - None\n", "of9sgx: RED👏PILLERS👏DEFENDING👏RAPIST❗This is were we're at! - https://youtu.be/Xx_4YMx-AHk\n", "oeso10: MGTOWs and Red Pillers are so homophobic :( - https://imgur.com/uS9pmJy\n", "oaey75: What HYPERGAMY REALLY IS❗ - /r/exredpill/comments/oa9h3z/i_dont_believe_in_hypergamy_but_if_it_was_real/\n", "o9pxlm: TheRedPill: Men who sleep with many women are powerful. Women who sleep with many men are worthless whores - https://archive.is/R9iw0\n", "o8pnx8: One guy and his pet peeve about women. - https://i.redd.it/n9uxfzzafq771.jpg\n", "o6pez2: This is what RP should be about. Freaking brilliant. - https://i.redd.it/5uzm7gpuv3771.jpg\n", "o6agw7: I am not a Puzzle Box - https://faerye.net/post/the-puzzle-box\n", "o5wke0: Just so you know, a woman can only like tall men if she’s tall herself. At least 5’7. - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/o5wke0\n", "o6kndl: The 'Karens Are Just Racists' Trope Is Pure BS- Karens Do Not Discriminate & Make Life Hell For All Men Of Every Race & Always Have - None\n", "o20uzm: What is up with these toxic masculinity weirdos being creepily obsessed with impregnation and breeding? - https://static.wixstatic.com/media/879f1e_46527ecb6bbc48169ccf7a9405f21e3d~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_600,h_550,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/E3w7yOUVkAQkOzb.webp\n", "o23xnc: Fucqboi Book Club: 'The Myth of Male POwer' by Warren Farrell - https://soundcloud.com/fucqboi-bookclub/the-myth-of-male-power-1\n", "o1oy25: TRP has rapists. - None\n", "nzychv: Apparently no woman ever chops vegetables anymore and society is in danger. - https://archive.is/3sorO\n", "nzc9ip: Could be a troll, but is it bad to receive love from your girlfriend??? - https://i.imgur.com/QfVKiMj.jpg\n", "nz0urp: Why are people THIS afraid of marriage? Is it trauma? Does shitting on married people make them happy? Imagine living like this, my god. - https://i.imgur.com/ZmxSqfX.jpg\n", "nyb2o0: Ah yes, porn, not being muscular, and beans are harmful, but violence, killing, and possibly rape are totally okay!! - https://i.imgur.com/IpaD0Qy.png\n", "nxq65c: \"Men should be dangerous and evil. That is good for society\" - https://i.imgur.com/V0eTepl.png\n", "nxzcjt: Some People Try Way Too Hard to Prove Their Masculinity (As If They Even Get Dates) - https://i.imgur.com/bVZGh24.png\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_nxzcjt\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "nwaufw: Turns out The Red Pill is literally estrogen - https://www.newsweek.com/matrix-creator-red-pill-trans-allegory-mens-rights-activists-1523669\n", "nvp15a: /r/TheBluePill perpetual remedial re-education propaganda - https://youtu.be/EwZhKGgmoUI\n", "nvaqcv: If women don’t give sex even if they’re unhappy with the relationship, they will end up with multiple children by different men. - https://i.redd.it/ygyct2jr33471.jpg\n", "nt4jmf: I have evidence that a pickup company, a very ‘notorious’ pickup company, is still selling a program that teaches men literal rape. - /r/cults/comments/nt428z/i_have_evidence_that_a_pickup_company_a_very/\n", "nrvjwy: Women are ungrateful for the male attention we get and should go through what men do or shut up 😂 - https://i.redd.it/xivt4a7z46371.jpg\n", "nrssqn: TheRedpill: The Obesity Crisis and the Inflated valuation of the American Woman - https://archive.is/Hc6DC#selection-2237.0-2287.136\n", "nq9ll9: It's so easy to get sucked into MGTOW after a breakup - None\n", "nop3jx: Neckbeard mad his video game character (set in a post apocalyptic world) isn’t a smokeshow he can crank to - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/noh4u2\n", "nohbgp: r/TheRedPill teaching members how to build a cult - https://archive.is/n1sAb\n", "nm36em: What how do you feel about FDS representing 34.16% of The Purple Pill Debate? - None\n", "niwef4: Coach Red Pill has (probable) falling out with East European wife - now advises his like-minded friends to pivot to Asia - as a progressive Asian, I'm WORRIED 😨 - None\n", "nf7dqi: MGTOW wants to remove women's right to vote by using \"the 2nd amendment\" the way it \"was intended for\" and \"reset society\", in other words \"lets murder people to oppress women\" - https://i.redd.it/fm82cg52yuz61.jpg\n", "neo8cl: Talk on the pseudoscience of The Manosphere happening this Thursday - None\n", "neb0hg: Why is there so much incel shit on Instagram? - None\n", "nbia0b: I see through Kevin Samuels’s bullshit - None\n", "na5jbc: Let me introduce you to \"master\" pickup-artist, Q-anon propagandist, and full-on red-pill cult leader Arash Dibazar and his \"IMC Nation\". - https://i.redd.it/o2ablo596jy61.png\n", "n8eyyh: sick apparently im a whore and a slut - https://i.redd.it/wovf8jpcr3y61.png\n", "n6aa5d: todays movies will make men weak - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgIDgGqzPgc&t=132s\n", "n5sxii: I love this description of Chad - https://archive.is/klNqG\n", "n0v5sr: Ian Miles Cheong, aka the dude who called you a beta male online - https://i.redd.it/7tr6u0ud6zv61.jpg\n", "n0yl11: Dating advice from the Q collectivve - https://i.redd.it/a74q4h3zxyv61.png\n", "mxhknk: The Manosphere in One Image - https://i.redd.it/0tc8pxiup3v61.jpg\n", "muvzmj: You seem like the people to ask - None\n", "mv08f1: How do I stop being a volcas (voluntary casanova)? - None\n", "mu0bm4: Why Kevin Samuels is not worth following - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_mu0bm4\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "mtmm9i: Just found this hilarious Redpill exchange on Twitter. Featuring Rollo Tomassi: the “Rational Male”. - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/mtmm9i\n", "mtrbnw: An Upton Sinclair quote for the Manosphere - None\n", "mt7hpl: I just got mansplained what I get turned on by to me. - https://i.redd.it/u5t4g28ckvt61.jpg\n", "msucj3: MGTOW: Giving women the right to vote was the beginning of the downfall of Western civilization - https://i.redd.it/esdltr0g3rt61.png\n", "mrv48l: \"I Don't Want Her Validation, I Want Her Submission\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/mrqwf1/i_dont_want_her_validation_i_want_her_submission/\n", "mqbe0p: Need some information and advice - None\n", "mq3gz9: MGTOW2: Women 30+ are “deformed monsters” - https://archive.is/2021.04.13-143015/https://www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW2/comments/mq1mr8/i_25m_switched_my_tinder_preferences_to_3045_and/\n", "mq1li9: Advice from The Red Pill: \"We live in a world where simps allow their girlfriends to spread their cheeks on Onlyfans while they cry silently. People pleasing robs men of their personal power. It kills them from the inside out like a vicious cancer.\" - https://web.archive.org/web/20210412161034/https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/mph3bh/we_live_in_a_world_where_simps_allow_their/\n", "molmib: Excellent news, ladies! We finally have a ~*man*~ here to explain to us what we find attractive! - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBluePill/comments/mmdcx2/i_can_strongly_recommend_the_channel_charisma_on/gu3ohk5/?context=3\n", "mnrpay: A review for the Blue Lagoon I found on Amazon reviews - https://i.redd.it/0b7yb4qoz7s61.jpg\n", "mmdcx2: I can strongly recommend the channel Charisma on Command for anyone looking for self-improvement resources without the misogynyof TRP - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU_W0oE_ock8bWKjALiGs8Q\n", "mleqzt: Disgusting comments by MGTOWers in r/MGTOWBan - /r/MGTOWBan/comments/mjimfe/a_list_of_disgusting_comments_in_this_sub_from/\n", "mjs06g: A turned table. Using their tactics against them - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/mjs06g\n", "mjc584: \"I raw dogged a prostitute behind my wife's back, rate my dread game fellas\" - https://www.np.reddit.com/r/askMRP/comments/e8ey96/caught_std_what_to_tell_wife/\n", "mjj22c: A list of disgusting comments from MGTOW - /r/MGTOWBan/comments/mjimfe/a_list_of_disgusting_comments_in_this_sub_from/\n", "mivty8: MGTOW is a danger to society - https://i.redd.it/ffre2gfrs7q61.jpg\n", "miugam: MGTOW on why men age better than women - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/mi3cgd/women_my_age_look_much_older_than_they_actually/gt3i3ou?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3\n", "mi1ykz: This is the most heartbreaking thing I’ve read in a long time. - None\n", "mfw61y: Women sports are so ignored - https://i.redd.it/j8t4i7qmmyp61.jpg\n", "mfiofs: LOL, WAATGM is just incel memes now. - https://np.reddit.com/r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen/comments/mfc6z4/tale_as_old_as_time/\n", "meyeci: I just discovered the red pill because a guy from there sent his followers to slut shame me - None\n", "melsd0: Casual misogynist goes full sociopath - https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/me3e56/q4all_have_you_ever_called_someone_out_for/gse7wja?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3\n", "meh7e5: Did the Joker inspire a mass shooter, or did a mass shooter inspire Joker? - None\n", "mebb5s: Academic who actually studies subject sets the record straight on alpha males - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZlWaePc030\n", "mdzm2r: Professor of psychology and neuroscience debunks Red Pill myths, hints at \"corrupt sell-out academics\" who prey on frustrated mentally unwell men's insecurities (hint, hint) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhRS3Ziv8xg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_mdzm2r\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "me2x59: recommendation for a documentary - None\n", "mcqr46: Alpha Male asks TRP how he can best fuck up his relationship due to his insecurity and control issues - http://np.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/mchnuo/ltr_keeps_male_friends_doing_favors_for_her/\n", "mc6k46: Pot, meet kettle... - /r/MensRights/comments/mbxo5w/mentally_healthy_well_adjusted_women_dont_go/\n", "mcl0nj: WAATGM commenter lauded for increasingly cringy 1,000+ word revenge fantasy - https://np.reddit.com/r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen/comments/m9t9c6/classic_woman_wants_a_man_she_uses_a_stupid/groqsua?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3\n", "mb5kn6: Citation needed - https://i.redd.it/84acaprj5lo61.jpg\n", "mbmuox: “Man has as many masters as he has vices” ~ a response - None\n", "m9xy8t: The meme is ironic, but it accurately represents how incels unironically view women - https://i.redd.it/2hli47xxmao61.png\n", "m7ychq: Youtuber (Bald and Bankrupt) with 2.75m subs exposed as former Pick up Artist / Sex-pat - https://i.redd.it/a2scp2dd5un61.jpg\n", "m81vx8: Best Response to NoFap Dogma - None\n", "m7fd3v: NSW Police Commissioner seems pretty RedPilled. - https://www.9news.com.au/national/nsw-mick-fuller-calls-for-consent-app-to-tackle-sexual-assault/417dc8ba-c2d4-4672-842a-080f3ff38f40\n", "m4wpcc: Incels really love setting themselves up for failure, don't they? - https://i.redd.it/8t8vi139rym61.jpg\n", "m4yhme: Anon Sapio red pilling indian style - https://i.redd.it/74dmkm4kzxm61.jpg\n", "m08taj: New study finds that not knowing how to flirt is the main reason behind \"involuntary singlehood\"; this factor was followed by not knowing how to perceive signals of interest, a lack of effort, and an overly high level of choosiness. - https://www.psychnewsdaily.com/new-study-finds-not-knowing-how-to-flirt-is-the-main-reason-behind-involuntary-singlehood/\n", "lzueau: This totally happens bro, don’t question the veracity of it, bro. - https://i.redd.it/3h1k1pauxml61.jpg\n", "m080c5: Introducing Incel Trading Cards! - https://i.redd.it/8m27406dlol61.png\n", "lyru6e: A nice shot of the pastor who told wives to lose weight and look more feminine. - https://i.imgur.com/dL1wDIJ.jpg\n", "lxg6x5: Funny thought😂 - None\n", "ltbylw: The cognitive dissonance of RP men - None\n", "ljqo7z: Incel gets schooled by an elementary school teacher - https://i.redd.it/nubmab9jqeh61.png\n", "ljxxfz: If you live in a glass house, don't throw stones - https://i.redd.it/p3chjl8m9gh61.jpg\n", "ljsvfy: Anyone else feel kind of bad for incels, neck beards, nice guys, est? - None\n", "ljk6wj: MGTOW DAY LOL - https://i.redd.it/vl79zos6eeh61.jpg\n", "ljt4t1: Why the Red Pill Supported Donald Trump, And Then Lost Interest in Politics - None\n", "ljfm3u: Reddit algorithm. Wtf? - https://i.redd.it/9ccia9a3xch61.jpg\n", "ljr42y: The blind leading the blind - https://i.redd.it/utkyhhutnfh61.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_ljr42y\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ljlzch: Guys following the standard boring script have no idea why it is met with one word boring answers... A clue: get off-script, be inventive, try something new FFS. These openers don't inspire conversation when you've been asked the same thing 50 times a day 7 days a week! Geez - https://www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/ljgnra/good_talk/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "lj99vz: the paranoia is almost frightening; first time I visited TRP and found this- never again - None\n", "lj6zze: It is with a heavy heart we must inform you: a new type of guy just dropped. Sigma Males on Fucqboi Book Club - https://soundcloud.com/fucqboi-bookclub/smegma-males\n", "li8rvj: Should 33 Secrets be quarantined on YouTube? - None\n", "lhqgfq: My GF works, interacts with TRP, Alphas, etc. - None\n", "lh75k7: Yikes. Finally found one in the wild. Women are weak because they try too hard?? - https://i.redd.it/suxp7aiajqg61.jpg\n", "lgxr2i: Facebook comments on an advert for a book on toxic masculinity - https://i.redd.it/2m9pwor0jog61.png\n", "lgvrda: Older Men Believe they can Date Younger Women with Ease | MGTOW | Red Pill - None\n", "lgvagd: Not sure if this belongs here but I had to share it with someone. - https://i.redd.it/a85m3ie6zng61.jpg\n", "lgwq9f: Learn to accept yourself and be better - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdX1mZRSIwM\n", "ldq69s: “Pants were invented for men not women” - https://i.redd.it/ko0fdhzbwpf61.jpg\n", "ldmx12: It’s like a bad cliche but there are really men that think this way - https://i.redd.it/zehc0dfmhrf61.jpg\n", "ld048b: Red Pill man goes berserk when she wants to take it slow - None\n", "ld21dp: The Misogynistic ‘Dating Coach’ Who Was Charged in the Capitol Riot - https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/04/nyregion/samuel-fisher-capitol-riot.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage\n", "lctbmu: So being manly means being angry all the time, and not being cool and confident and suave like Luke Cage? - https://youtu.be/i2usDiaYsKg\n", "lc70r7: Let's all give him a hand, folks! - https://i.redd.it/bqkhy3e44af61.png\n", "lc6pvj: \"Feminism is satanic!\" - https://i.redd.it/b4lohkm0qie61.png\n", "lbh2wn: Incel STEMlord uses Reddit answers as scientific proof for \"feeemale hypergamy\" - /r/IncelsWithoutHate/comments/khweta/compilation_of_threads_from_askwomen_that_confirm/\n", "la2l4o: Why don’t the grils like me? - https://i.redd.it/903dzogjrue61.jpg\n", "la2et2: The Incel thought process - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/l9yjtn\n", "l7ulb2: The Problems With Red Pill Dating Courses / Advice - None\n", "l5suc8: behold the latest bizzaro manosphere invention... The \"Sigma Male\" - https://i.redd.it/4fgx4vvh0sd61.jpg\n", "l44kuu: This is real. This is a real Tweet from one of the UK's most esteemed journalists, and he has faced zero repercussions - https://i.imgur.com/yZUIgWG.jpg\n", "l48dfg: \"Why won't hot girls choose me? Only I get to have preferences for attractive people!\" - https://i.redd.it/tyo2y2oz09d61.jpg\n", "l4i72i: MRAs just believe what they want to believe. - https://i.redd.it/0nehi54vefd61.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_l4i72i\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "l44mbx: Red pill YouTuber gets critiqued by famous you tubers aba and preach. Not only does he get críticas but the youtuber sent a legal action against them just for disagreeing with him lol. - https://youtu.be/O60Du8AFaIA\n", "l3s1zh: Sad weeb noises 😭 - https://i.redd.it/no5yt42xq3d61.jpg\n", "l3qq16: A nice debate about charging false accusations and then this. - https://i.redd.it/y1m27kft07d61.jpg\n", "l3c8yj: *Sad Fat Neckbeard Noises* - https://i.imgur.com/Wny6lH1.png\n", "l2dr7i: Should I be worried? - None\n", "l0qaxv: How to neg like a bo$$ 😂😂 - https://i.redd.it/uznsjcuo4cc61.jpg\n", "kzzzqz: This community has a peculiar and interesting view of male-female relationships, and I've seen this topic discussed here as a lurker before, so I'd be interested in r/TBP's insights on this post of mine - /r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/kzhhp1/as_a_guy_i_find_it_very_discouraging_how_most/\n", "kzihfu: Female weebs don't exist, apparently - https://i.redd.it/emqaxobrwwb61.png\n", "kvta53: The Manosphere's Fickle Support for Female YouTubers - None\n", "kvn346: MGTOW. \"Rape is the most common lie\" please tell me again why MGTOW has not been banned yet. - https://i.redd.it/az6iufaauua61.jpg\n", "ktm87j: FROM REDPILL TO BLUEPILL - None\n", "krqqlh: My problem with incels - None\n", "kqrau8: Quality relationship advice from someone who has clearly interacted with women before... - https://i.redd.it/qxv8a003ef961.jpg\n", "kqqmaw: Twitter is full of this sort of behavior, at least the second guy gets it - https://i.redd.it/o9uj9sc0jc961.jpg\n", "kqfcyo: One thing about redpillers that really puzzles me - None\n", "kqizvu: %110+ confirmed bio-troof! Twerps are so smart and lodgikal. - https://np.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/kqh4qv/why_women_after_cc_of_10_or_more_sausages_are/gi3sou9/?context=3\n", "kpkwg1: Ladies, form a single file line please! - https://i.redd.it/04r67mqfn0961.jpg\n", "kplma6: The fact that they are telling women they can only act a certain way proves they don't really give a shit about the \"western values\" they are supposedly defending... - https://i.redd.it/c3cmqyh2yx861.jpg\n", "kox949: Classically Abby vs Taylor Swift | The Man - https://youtu.be/0k6SFkiGNxE\n", "kosio7: Pay attention to a \"hoes\" energy - https://youtu.be/PQBSyoYsaeI\n", "knyu64: Proud Boys throw a fit over ‘Proud Girl’ movement on Parler - https://www.dailydot.com/debug/proud-boys-proud-girls-parler/?fb=dd&fbclid=IwAR30tnN-9p-La0KaD0o___zmPnj2qOlW3pLwMcwBekDeeIFM76o27h2XW_M\n", "knqajy: Red pill and Chirs Watts - None\n", "knr63t: Manosphere Claims Black Men Need to Mate with White Women | Said Drake & J. Cole are Proof - None\n", "knk0m5: A look back on Roosh V's book \"A Dead Bat in Paraguay\" - None\n", "kmhhmz: \"My GF is tense during sex how do I help her relax?\". I know what advice you’ll be thinking but this is redpill man and an endorsed contributor so he advises \" tie her up...\" - https://i.redd.it/8gjvl4c8k5861.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_kmhhmz\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "kmf9pp: Why Do the Manosphere Disdain Single Mothers? | Red Pill | MGTOW - None\n", "km46v6: The Joker avatar is the icing on this Incel cake - https://i.redd.it/tj6rdxv5qx761.jpg\n", "kmajn2: Imagine doing this to yourself and your family - https://i.imgur.com/gW0KwKg.png\n", "kmbwux: Ummm, not sure what to say about this... redpill is diversifying their brand into conspiracy theorists, prophecies and doomsayers? - https://i.redd.it/uj8lz6u9s3861.jpg\n", "km7xu1: (TW: domestic violence) does anyone else lurk on married red pill and get nauseous?? - https://ibb.co/VVHgs3C\n", "km7irb: Bleak love - https://i.redd.it/yfos62xd52861.jpg\n", "klp535: Every Asian woman’s dream - https://i.redd.it/szdfpgcqdt761.jpg\n", "kk0lty: Incels: \"Girl's standards are too high!\" also Incels: - https://i.redd.it/uz0pa15ng9761.jpg\n", "kjpo2e: when inc*ls try to get political - https://i.redd.it/xi139tpj68761.jpg\n", "kjcsf2: The often-missed toxic masculinity of Breaking Bad - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/kjcsf2\n", "kiod8c: Red Piller Explains Why Men and Women Can't be Friends - https://youtu.be/LvSdt3rZHb8\n", "kiouev: A MANLY video for MANLY men about TOXIC MASCULINITY - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjQ2B5cQ_gs\n", "khmch0: Here is a sneak peak at the kind of comments Incels leave before I ban them and remove all of their comments. - https://i.redd.it/eimtyx9nwk661.jpg\n", "khsu28: saw a post on mgtow about being banned for posting here and noticed barely anyone actually asked what he said. pointed this out and definitely got an... interesting response 🤠 - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/khsu28\n", "kgymtx: The enlightened gentlemen at MGTOW happily upvote a “joke” that says all women are trash - https://i.redd.it/1wxk8wsjqd661.jpg\n", "kh388z: A short but succinct article that explores how racism and sexual insecurity fuels Alt Right/Incels/MGTOW/MRAs towards blatant misogyny towards all women - https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/alt-right-fueled-toxic-masculinity-vice-versa-ncna989031\n", "kgy1bb: Red Pill, Manosphere, & MGTOW Love to Complain About American/Western Women - None\n", "kfzf49: A girl can dream 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 - https://i.redd.it/6uezu058jz561.jpg\n", "kg4p2l: \"Listen females... I'm gonna mansplain about your choices because you're just wasting your fertile years on education and not finding a man to marry and have babies. You need to stop fighting your natural urges for marriage/babies, stop education, stop the choices feeemales.\" Says man with no SOH - https://i.redd.it/f2fasgkd24661.jpg\n", "kfaj58: I can feel the resentment. - https://i.redd.it/z8dsbr2lvo561.jpg\n", "kfbcdg: women need to stop being so emotional - None\n", "kckoky: Sorry incels, no tradwife for you! - https://i.redd.it/7bq5t0suiz461.png\n", "kcegc2: The Manosphere is Full of Self-Centered & Immature Men | SoloTV84 | MGTOW | Red Pill - None\n", "katkiz: \"Should i leave my GF? She is bellow average and fat\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/kalbow/should_i_leave_my_gf_she_is_bellow_average_and_fat/\n", "ka2mbu: This incel was crawling around a months old thread here, giving “dating advice”. - https://i.redd.it/j5uxq9f6q8461.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_ka2mbu\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "k9uect: I made a DCEU Action Compilation of Red Pillers Threatening to Brawl with one another - None\n", "k9jewd: \"Were women always this predatory?\" \"They always were. History books say so.\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/jwn0o2/female_nature/gcsao8k\n", "k9jfmc: \"Good guys finish last always.\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/jqa76y/good_guys_finish_last_always/\n", "k8eeb2: Hi, I'm literally being traumatised by your advice. Can you give me even more advice, bros? - https://i.redd.it/ik5mxa27vq361.jpg\n", "k8597k: The classic \"Women from my country don't like me, but I'm sure foreign women will!\" - https://i.redd.it/8t2p11yrul361.jpg\n", "k7xnml: The Monetization of the Red Pill: Rebranded Pickup Artists | Manosphere | Dating Coaches - None\n", "k5cq37: Why The Red Pill Will Kill You Inside (x-post from r/everymanshouldknow - /r/everymanshouldknow/comments/29hbtj/emsk_why_the_red_pill_will_kill_you_inside/\n", "k43xbo: Probably the most misogynistic, rape apologistic, and downright disgusting PPD exchange I've ever had the misfortune of reading. [Major TW] - https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/k3r5p1/what_are_your_views_on_how_title_ix/ge5desu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3\n", "k3s6fy: TRP \"worked wonders\" for my relationship! On an unrelated note my friends now think I'm an asshole and my relationship is in the shitter. - https://np.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/k3nqdz/one_of_best_friends_girlfriends_hates_my_red_pill/\n", "k3bq16: There's a lot to unpack here - https://i.redd.it/sydnfxwee1261.jpg\n", "k3del4: SYSBM Makes No Sense | Video Essay | Interracial Dating | Red Pill | MGTOW | Manosphere - None\n", "k24xu7: \"My daughter keeps coming home with liberal views from her school and friends, please help me understand what I should do next to save her soul.\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/k22qd5/i_feel_like_i_am_fighting_a_losing_battle_my/\n", "k1esvk: Why do terpers want to make everything simple and primitive? - None\n", "jzid72: The Manosphere Loves Trolling Small Female YouTubers | Red Pill | MGTOW - None\n", "jwgg1s: Manosphere/Red Pill: Black Men Are Highly Desired in Canada | Vancouver, British Columbia - None\n", "juwwre: Red Pill Guy Claims Latinas' Private Parts Taste Like Milk Because They Don't Get Abortions (Unlike Black Women) - None\n", "jtsdti: Manga girl tells it like it is - https://i.redd.it/9cuo67ylq0z51.jpg\n", "jt4b8z: The Lame & Predictable Comebacks from the Manosphere | Red Pill | MGTOW | SYSBM - None\n", "js1him: Alek Minassian, the guy who did the Toronto van attack, fits the demographic perfectly - https://i.redd.it/8qo51vir9hy51.jpg\n", "jrr5se: [Palpatine voice] Goooooooooood - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/jb2ss6/anger_is_not_a_phase/\n", "jqyd3r: The Manosphere/Red Pill Reaction (Meltdown) to Donald Trump's Defeat in 2020 Election - None\n", "jpihq4: “Men build, women destroy\" - https://i.redd.it/v9qe9g05sox51.jpg\n", "jpe4ea: Does anyone else feel like this is a cult I should be running from? - https://i.redd.it/kdplu1bcwox51.jpg\n", "joh4io: Women are expendable commodities - https://i.redd.it/yobrbmmloex51.jpg\n", "jo3pwl: Prehistoric hunters weren't all male. Women killed big game, too - CNN. Cannot wait to see the explanations from the manosphere! - https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/04/americas/prehistoric-female-hunter-burial-scn/index.html\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_jo3pwl\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "jnyonu: Got to love their revenge fantasies. - https://www.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/jnu442/what_happens_to_these_young_whores_when_they/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "jmrr46: So, is the wage gap reversed, calculate wrong, lessening, or not real? Can he not pick an ignorant lane to stay in? - https://i.redd.it/ga65wm9k0vw51.png\n", "jmzas7: A FEMALE MGTOW/TRP YouTube channel.....!?! - https://www.youtube.com/c/FeminismLOL\n", "jjclv9: Incels: \"Why do people hate us?😭\" also Incels: - https://i.redd.it/0qb1v5t3kmv51.jpg\n", "jimzht: 'Monogamy is socialism' and other hot takes; - None\n", "ji9s9e: Misogynistic, creepy, incel date - None\n", "jg03t8: Is this user right that men made rape illegal not because they think raping women is bad but because they don't want competition between each other? I freaked out reading this - https://i.redd.it/0qp5n48ojnu51.png\n", "jg54sb: Smooth brain MGTOW got a permanent reddit ban and he thought would make a brag post about getting around it... Resulted in another perm ban! Lol - https://i.redd.it/t63oul9utou51.jpg\n", "jfs193: Doing what I used to want to do, the right way. - None\n", "jfkgdj: He is Going His Own Way right after this last 'whimin' correction guys... Promise, he is going, any minute now... Oh wait... There are 7, 7 last whines then definitely going - https://i.redd.it/oamqdoju7iu51.jpg\n", "jfg3in: Why Do Red Pill Men Support a Violent Ex-Con? Black Manosphere | SYSBM - None\n", "jf4vcd: Please Explain This Logic to me - None\n", "je18jq: Men Believe Sex Dolls/Robots Will Replace Women: MGTOW | Red Pill | Manosphere - None\n", "jd07vn: 🤮🤮🤮There are three pictures of you scroll through. - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/jd0608\n", "jblhkv: Standards for thee, but not for meee - https://i.redd.it/wkrh9b13f2t51.jpg\n", "jaskox: An almost 30 year old man body shaming an 18 year old - https://i.redd.it/93uiienvqxs51.jpg\n", "jb3kiz: Red Pill Guy Endorses Extreme Plan to Fix his Community | Black Manosphere - None\n", "j9jdky: Imagine telling on yourself like this. - https://i.redd.it/himep6m7ijs51.jpg\n", "j9f4qa: You can't quit a game if you were never playing to begin with... - https://i.redd.it/z4147jw0eis51.jpg\n", "j8hjza: \"Break down her self esteem\" so he can rape women. - https://i.redd.it/7ebdmoqxj8s51.jpg\n", "j836rr: So, uh, when are they gonna go their own way? - https://i.redd.it/nogo3eujl1s51.jpg\n", "j7g6yn: On the whole, Purple pillers doesn’t exist, they are just low level closeted RP. - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/j7g6yn\n", "j7ljmr: Female attractiveness distribution in the real world vs. female attractiveness distribution in PPD,TRP and MGTOW communities - https://i.redd.it/o8aqqqwnrxr51.jpg\n", "j7coxt: The Home of Alleged Six-Figure Earners: Manosphere | Red Pill | MGTOW - None\n", "j71gjf: Cross-post from FDS about Mariah Carey getting a cool 70 mil payout from a guy she never slept with. They talked about the reasons why that was so and the controversy with Eminem. Meanwhile, MGTOW post it and guess what they talk about? - https://www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/j6u6sl/be_woman_get_paid/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_j71gjf\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "j5ya48: What the fuck Stefan - https://i.redd.it/6msky6kcrar51.jpg\n", "j69jjm: More pontificating about how the misandry bubble's gonna pop any day now - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/j67amp/enjoy_the_decline/\n", "j630ee: Dominate men with FEMININE WILES. - https://i.redd.it/jl5jyohchgr51.jpg\n", "j5yd3s: \"No matter how much she wants you to 'open up', she WILL use your sensitivities against you.\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/j4kii5/no_matter_how_much_she_wants_you_to_open_up_she/\n", "j5rp9n: Reading a short post and thinking \"ok this is good they are getting it\" then you read \"if I have women in my life who I don't fuck, but are very important to me, what would that instill in women I do want to fuck? That's right: the dread game to end all dread game.\" Almost had me going for a moment - https://i.redd.it/tzbhcp1sacr51.jpg\n", "j55d31: The Ultimate Goal of MRAs, MGTOW and TRP (reposted) - None\n", "j523jl: SYSBM Claims Harriet Tubman & Female Scientists Are Myths - None\n", "j4hacd: Based and bluepilled - https://i.redd.it/p5ws09qzbtq51.jpg\n", "j4yxz4: Can't have kids because of your woman issues, let alone have you met one? Think women is destroying the world that you feel you're entitled to? Think the world revolve around women because nothing's fair? Vent your frustrations behind your keyboard with an overpriced computer. - None\n", "j3jp3k: Ugh women, am i right? - https://i.redd.it/18a5cwm7zcq51.jpg\n", "j2xq5c: What is up with this Matrix blue red pill stuff - None\n", "j283li: The Use of “Female” - None\n", "j1vy4c: Settle in for the long read of the week! Its got everything from memoirs, scripts, creative writing, bad advice, quotes from his heros and reminiscing and this telling quote \"I was 16 years old and she was my first and last love.\" tells on himself that he hasn't grown up yet. Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! - https://i.redd.it/seo1pngw12q51.jpg\n", "j1fnb8: Red Pill Black Men Put White Women on a Pedestal | Manosphere | SYSBM - None\n", "j11lwy: Red Pill, Manosphere, & MGTOW Are Obsessed with \"The Wall\" - None\n", "j19z55: Finding my stand - None\n", "j0m2db: Why do I feel like the person making this tweet is basing on their own personal experience? - https://i.redd.it/plui5ihgsmp51.jpg\n", "j0u8pf: YouTubers Are Promoting Sex Tourism in Sosúa, Dominican Republic - None\n", "izyr7w: Self justifying molester. aka as long as i want to grope you, your willingness meant nothing. - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/izn0zj/a_girls_boundary_is_based_on_you_not_her/\n", "izup4q: History of deception... catching feelings for a plate (1 month ago) then just after \"I do not care about any of my plates\", help my plate is late for her period (8 days ago), I took her virginity now I'm ignoring her (6 hours ago). I can't keep track of the BS - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/izup4q\n", "izh85q: The article is not worth reading but the comments are \"men can love women unconditionally, women only love men when they want something, comfort kills attraction\" blah blah erroneous black and white thinking crap. - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/iz6j8i/accepting_that_love_is_different_for_women/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "iyfl6q: Research Study on Ex-TRP partners recruiting! - None\n", "iycs3z: Red Pill Crybabies Claim Women are Emotional & Men Are Logical - None\n", "ixm60n: Cosy up for the long read... An insight into this guys relationship and mind but the shocking thing is that he did some 'therapy'. I have questions, so many questions! - https://i.redd.it/rfcd4r8lxoo51.jpg\n", "iww5ub: Terper writes a script for when your woman tells you she loves you... You never tell her you love her because thats giving into her \"power grab\". - https://i.redd.it/7e2j747tjgo51.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_iww5ub\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "iwm6ps: These guys at MGTOW are hilarious with their memes. They actually think women just exist and thats it! - https://i.redd.it/swpw36aaado51.jpg\n", "iwuz2a: Former red piller leaving the darkness - None\n", "iwav2c: Someone on r/whatsbotheringyou who seems to be headed down the slippery slope... - https://i.redd.it/ji4ti59av9o51.jpg\n", "iw2gcz: He is so \"intoxicating...\" Guy dreads and thinks he has women dickmatised rather than confused by his abuse. - https://i.redd.it/jkpz3i1to6o51.jpg\n", "iurv12: \"The Problem With Anime Sexism NOBODY Wants To Admit\" this coming from same weeb from the last time - https://archive.md/jeDss\n", "itt54n: RIP weeb Michael ⚰️ - https://i.redd.it/hrwnwx6u0fn51.jpg\n", "itvpj1: SYSBM/Red Pill: Interracial P0rn Proves Black Men's Global Desirability - None\n", "itb3t8: Red Pill Guy Claims Women Absorb the DNA & Personalities of their Sexual Partners - None\n", "it3r2t: \"When a woman say she was/is in an abusive relationship or marriage, Abusive is a Code word for women.\" Says terper who goes on to write a listical and disclaimer. What a shit post! - https://i.redd.it/2233vb7of9n51.jpg\n", "isa8g6: \"The Problem With Anime Feminists In The West (And The Hidden Agenda)\"..... well they used a video from Comicsgator Yellow Flash.... so that should be telling.... - None\n", "iq4a52: 'Walter White wannabe' terper admits preying on women who are \"crazy\" because they \"have no self worth due to childhood trauma and have daddy issues\" and enjoys fucking her \"pussy, ass and mouth in that order\". - https://i.redd.it/ozme87maybm51.jpg\n", "iq3nlp: Red Pill, Manosphere, & MGTOW Are Obsessed with \"The Carousel\" - None\n", "ipqdwl: Incels and us \"normies\": - https://v.redd.it/b4n76zin37m51\n", "ipkoxi: Middle-Aged Men Who Want Young Women: Manosphere | Red Pill | MGTOW - None\n", "iore2p: We all know losers like this - https://i.redd.it/ihxwmgmnwtl51.jpg\n", "ioh3qa: More nice guy propaganda - https://i.redd.it/p2rmwjw29ql51.jpg\n", "imx2l6: I laughed so hard at this gem. A \"handsome\" woman takes charge of a \"cute\" terper and he is so disturbed he is not in control he is convinced she is a psychopath! - https://i.redd.it/2fayy2918al51.jpg\n", "im80m3: look whos talking - https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ilse06\n", "ilglb0: He thinks this is a \"funny story of the day\" to prove AWALT... \"On Sunday, he was sent a gif/video over text that was undeniably me with a group of men. I'm clearly not in my senses, and I have no recollection of this happening ... I also wasn't even 18 at the time.\" Because all women are sluts - https://i.redd.it/ni49mct04tk51.jpg\n", "ikgtl8: The men over at askredpill are doing some fantastic Olympian style mental gymnastics in the comments section to the question posed \"why do women say they don't like muscles but are brutally honest about height?... I thought ALL women like men with muscles...\" - /r/asktrp/comments/ikb3p0/why_do_women_lie_about_not_liking_muscles_but/\n", "ihtjcl: \"This is why I practice stoicism. Just let her cry no big deal\" says terper who is just waiting for sex from his plate who is grieving. There was a lesson for him to learn and he missed it big time because he was looking for AWALT. - https://i.redd.it/w3ejpk6k0mj51.jpg\n", "iey4cp: First rule of r/MGTOW2. 'Keep the misogyny to a minimum'. - https://i.redd.it/qugnbssjzoi51.png\n", "iegzfb: What a nice guy - https://i.redd.it/fyg9v9zdjji51.png\n", "ie6ibh: Red pill man entertains himself by taking delight in a woman's misery and thinks she got \"really horny\" when her boyfriend treated her unkindly. He thinks this is a \"feel good story of the day\". - https://i.redd.it/phwdjqw6jfi51.jpg\n", "ie5yhr: Terper confused and salty that fictional stories don't portray hypergamy as how he thinks in his head and goes on to say that women will behave better under the threat of murder. *Sigh* - https://i.redd.it/p1fy6eqtdfi51.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_ie5yhr\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "icmftl: Redpilled girl swallows the blackpill about what the tradlife entails - https://www.removeddit.com/r/WhereAllTheGoodMenAre/comments/i6n60k/19_year_old_female_once_wanting_to_be_a_wife_and\n", "icy6nh: Debate: The Blue Pill ignores the reality of evolutionary psychology - None\n", "ic4g2g: \"ALL women are sluts... And like sex\" said mansplainer, who presumably just discovered that women can have multiple orgasms, which is also highly enjoyable. I can guess from this post he didn't have any direct involvement in producing any but was more a passive voyeur cuck who had to learn how. - https://i.redd.it/vw9had8rgsh51.jpg\n", "ic4jxj: When your LTR is so close to realising who you are so you panic post on reddit signaling to the bros to \"stop sharing this stuff\" so the women don't find out you're a total douche bag that actually uses this stuff on her. - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/ic4dpj/dont_talk_about_fight_club/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "ibpl1t: TRP men trying their hand at illiterate 'comedy' again and have just ended up embrassing themselves. I seriously hope they have day jobs cleaning toilets because I've had funnier period shits, they might pick up some useful material. - https://i.redd.it/39trjn0sdnh51.jpg\n", "i8wxxb: When they don't like women, they don't like any women - including the \"TradThot\" Tomi Lahren - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/i6xv80/tomi_lahren_tradthot_at_the_gates_of_epiphany/\n", "i8y7ft: Pinned post \"No mean no means... what?\" To red pill men it means yes. Link to article in the comments. - https://i.redd.it/ny406teb9rg51.jpg\n", "i8wz2f: Whisper tells us what \"no\" really means (it doesn't mean \"no\"!) - https://www.trp.red/p/whisper/1274\n", "i88g59: You’re average MGTOW user 😂😂😂😂 this charming man made a video screaming at his wife for not “sucking and fucking” him, in front of his young daughter. - https://i.redd.it/54rb7smoiig51.jpg\n", "i7sgxv: Gotta love “chadocracy” 😒 - https://i.redd.it/rqtxkk61sdg51.jpg\n", "i874no: Blatant misogyny and victim blaming on r/MGTOW - https://www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/i811sa/when_a_thot_regrets_her_choices_8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf\n", "i7r9dp: Words of a TRPer who spent his weekened being bitter and emotional about women rejecting him, \"you got cucked following all the bullshit advice we’ve been fed by a world eating the yeast-infected pussy of a fat short-haired feminist moaning cries of equality and the glass ceiling.\" - https://i.redd.it/1rwkga4jedg51.jpg\n", "i7qywl: This dude needs Savlon and the naughty step for a long time out and to think about what he is doing. - https://i.redd.it/sgk7jhr0bdg51.jpg\n", "i7ao09: The level of manipulation, deception, vindictiveness and lies told in this story is astounding. He lied about his wealth to get out of paying child support, so as to get one over on his ex wife for having the audacity to divorce him. - https://i.redd.it/l8e36406z7g51.jpg\n", "i7drk7: Fucqboi Book Club is back with another book! This time it's \"Average American Male\" by Chad Kultgen. - https://soundcloud.com/fucqboi-bookclub/average-american-male\n", "i6yo8l: An anti-feminist with a minor in women's studies! Let's see what she's has! - None\n", "i67oop: MAGA men are weak - https://johnpavlovitz.com/2020/08/08/maga-men-are-weak/\n", "i5n0c8: \"If she throws you a shit test call her a cunt\" Said senior angry conrributor that thinks too much sex results in \"a loose vagina\" and men should \"check for tightness\". He is teaching abuse to other men by insisting the house is covered by nanny cams. He \"studies women\" so knows all women... - https://i.redd.it/yszatkhljnf51.jpg\n", "i5cso2: This one's going into my cringe compilation - https://imgur.com/kGrwpaX.jpg\n", "i529l8: Yeah, it's ok if i invade other people's privacy. Wait you checked my (public) profile? Creep. - https://i.redd.it/3jtfqd89ldf51.jpg\n", "i432vb: They always have an excuse - https://i.redd.it/fq5mmo3uz0f51.jpg\n", "i4d1gc: I love how they state their ignorant theories as facts - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/i44sor/they_have_neither_interest_nor_input/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "i3po4q: Fucqboi Book Club is back and we brought The Gays™ - https://soundcloud.com/fucqboi-bookclub/reddit-abyss-6\n", "i381qf: The title... - https://i.redd.it/ibpjo2szeve51.jpg\n", "i2f0hx: This was linked in r/standardcel. I ain't joking. - https://i.redd.it/wn5fvtk8xle51.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_i2f0hx\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "i2lb3l: Where to begin... From the top, no, 13 year olds are not hypergamous. - https://i.redd.it/5mjj9kll2oe51.jpg\n", "i1cq27: \"Bitches love drama... By channeling emotion, you can manipulate and control the situation... bring the excitement and feelz, fuck with her head a little, and you'll be amazed how many girls will be obsessed with you.\" Says illiterate red pill endorsed contributor. - https://i.redd.it/qbvns5exj8e51.jpg\n", "i1cobn: So about the \"19 white people, 9 black people \" statistic - None\n", "i0lh9q: I had to screen shot this gem before it was removed... Red pill man thinks feminism and democracy are the same thing... Lol - https://i.redd.it/uckgxla3rzd51.jpg\n", "i0vdvc: Just found this sub. As a guy who tries to simply just understand things as they are without taking sides and turning things into a right vs wrong. I can relate to a lot of red pill philosophy. I am curious to understand more blue pill perspective too. - None\n", "i0lte6: TRPM shit tests women and gets dumped more than fucked. \"Your vagina is a bit too wide for me....\" - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/i0laty/i_shittested_girls_for_the_past_month_learnt_that/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "hzgycx: A white supremacist and his thoughts on women. - https://imgur.com/r4qcnAB\n", "hz8qlb: “That’s all there is to it.” He was so confident about this one - https://i.redd.it/06tzu7199jd51.jpg\n", "hyqd0g: Careful with your tampons ladies!!!!! - https://i.redd.it/5m1ddd4apdd51.jpg\n", "hyrwg3: \"never treat them as equals. For example, you see a great dog or a cute cat, you would even talk to them, but would you allow those animals to vote and decide a future of your country ? Or ask them for an advice ? That is just fucking stupid!\" Pretty sure bigots have lower IQ fellas - https://i.redd.it/zwrua236fed51.jpg\n", "hynaan: Red pills from a \"working girl\": everything TRP says is true! More very real stories in the comments. - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hwjv9y/red_pills_from_a_working_girl/\n", "hyncwk: Women and COVID: They don't care, and apparently some young, married woman told a \"funny\" story where her husband accidentally killed her rabbit...? - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hybma7/women_and_covid/\n", "hxl47h: I had no idea that PUA had a leaders board or ranking system but here we have number 25 iN ThE wOrLd!! He is an expert guys, 1,000 women per month approached, dated 350+ beautiful women and has 3 decades of being in the field. So, let's do the math as to how many women have rejected him... - https://i.redd.it/e94btp47mzc51.jpg\n", "hwym08: A list of moves men use to manipulate women into a fuck and chuck, using OLD apps - compiled by red-piller for his fellow cult members to use. Not the best list, but a good user guide nonetheless to avoid traps. - https://i.redd.it/qv1ld9f8vrc51.jpg\n", "hx14fu: What do you think of MEN who say that \"women cannot get along and understand each other\"? - None\n", "hwcvrq: Men Getting Triggered Over Words... in the urban dictionary! Lol whaaah whaah waah those feminist got our entry changed and \"I feel attacked\". It's just another way to \"push the men down\", cry MGTOW2. You earned it guys, all by yourselves, the whole world can see you. - /r/MGTOW2/comments/hw3f17/mgtow_definitions_have_been_purged_from_urban/\n", "hvrt6q: Oh fuck off - https://i.redd.it/6gndgfky4ec51.jpg\n", "hvsap2: For a certain subset of black men nowadays, bashing black women has become a trend. - https://i.redd.it/udw3ur13cec51.jpg\n", "hvhqob: \"I have seen guys lose weight or start getting jacked while they are with fatty. They unintentionally dread their gf/wifey real bad, they are surprised by their reactions. Hilarious how that works every time.\" In the comments section about jacked men being with ugly fat women. - /r/asktrp/comments/hvemtc/whats_with_super_jacked_guys_and_their_below/\n", "huz9lm: “YoU’rE a WhOrE fOr TeLlInG mE wHaT tO lOoK lIkE” - https://i.redd.it/lwh1lzakcxb51.jpg\n", "huybx0: Man goes his own way by murdering the son of a Latina federal judge - https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/suspect-federal-judge-s-home-ambush-railed-against-her-misogynistic-n1234408\n", "hugpbz: OP: \"Have good friends. It can save your life\". TRP: \"Wow, needy much? Friends aren't real.\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/ht5uu9/if_you_dont_have_good_friends_that_needs_to_be_a/\n", "huiwmk: Red pill man cherry-picks 'evidence' of promiscuity to labour the point that they'll be \"accused of being \"insecure\" for not wanting to invest time, commitment, and resources into a promiscuous woman\" whilst cleverly ignoring his own promiscuous behaviour and why women won't invest in red pill men. - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/huak9n/in_case_you_need_to_be_reminded_on_why_you/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "hugoj1: OP tells the harrowing tale of the time he \"could have gotten me too'd\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/htwy73/the_time_that_i_could_have_gotten_me_tood/\n", "htjm01: Guys like him are always \"brutally honest\" and \"tell it like it is\", except when they are looking in a mirror... - https://i.redd.it/l3soqul9tjb51.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_htjm01\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "htqylu: \"I'll lie, cheat, mislead, misdirect, whatever the case may be. Then when the bitch is used up I'll go on about my merry way and find me another one... Every bitch has her role. That's the way I see it. Winning is the getting the most out of them while putting in the least.\" Says red piller. - https://i.redd.it/q823c8iqfpb51.jpg\n", "htnjz5: He should look up \"toxic masculinity mental health\" on google. - https://theothermccain.com/2019/09/27/what-is-a-man/\n", "hs6ncg: Girl destroys her ability to pair bond, which is definitely a thing that can happen - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hr8pty/my_boyfriend_is_upset_ive_destroyed_my_ability_to/\n", "hrqsl2: Mod posts about his insecurity and how low N count women are more desirable so they don't compare to other guys. His formula \"First guy is strong, second guy has abs. Second guy wins. First guy has a good sense of humor, second guy is locally famous and everybody knows him. Second guy wins\"... No - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hrorfk/the_insatiable_alpha_window/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "hrzarg: I still don't know what \"Hamstering\" means - None\n", "hrxc3e: r/MGTOW brocels calls out their r/TheRedPill brocel for being \"toxic\" cos complaining about women - None\n", "hrq72w: Red pillers talking about blue pillers and relationships (something TRP don't have) and not understanding the value of communication... The comment section is Lol - /r/asktrp/comments/hrl6ee/blue_pilled_guys_being_proud_of_being_told_what/\n", "hr3xrh: How to create a sexual vibe on Tinder by overthinking everything: by the same dudes who complain about \"gender studies\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hqj2fn/creating_a_sexual_vibe_in_your_tinder_profile/\n", "hr66r8: The lesbians need to be “cured”. Ok buddy. - https://i.redd.it/t469d0r8pqa51.jpg\n", "hqd9nx: TRP advices how to rape women - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hq9cbm/close_close_close_the_importance_of_killer/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "hpwisz: All 3 posts were made by the same guy - https://i.redd.it/elfdaf7liea51.jpg\n", "hq24wa: I engage in convo with a Redditor on the topic of men's rights discussion online and this is what I get - https://imgur.com/a/jssJZvi\n", "hq1rr2: Jordan Peterson says that women using make up is sexually provocative and invites to sexual harrasment in the workplace - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9dZSlUjVls\n", "hpebyh: Just came across this post on a sub, and my blood is boiling!! - None\n", "hprnxl: I love it when they argue. The comments on the second post are class, some are even sensible I've no doubt it will be removed over there because they hate these \"STFU\" style posts, hence the screen shot. - https://i.redd.it/juhwg88haea51.jpg\n", "hoshnf: 😡 - https://i.redd.it/a6q2hatg62a51.jpg\n", "hoz1f1: TERF subs banned along with many abuse porn subs! (Sorry for linking to r/Drama 🤷🏽‍♀️) - /r/Drama/comments/houoby/all_of_the_terf_subs_have_been_yalled_by_the/\n", "ho8erq: 🤮 - https://i.redd.it/2hem4wcziv951.jpg\n", "hodewz: Redpill mod laments about his oppression, how men have always been hated and how his right to hate speech should be protected in this woe is me essay... If you listen you can hear him cry tears of misogyny. - https://i.redd.it/fsyz8eeuww951.jpg\n", "ho14nh: Emotionless sex leaves redpill man emotionless and he decides other things like money give him more excitement... - https://i.redd.it/kffoletfct951.jpg\n", "hnx1zu: r/Drama: Mayo foids are bitches - https://i.redd.it/zo7sybtljr951.jpg\n", "hmstka: TRP Fiction: OP tries his hand at a \"red-pilled\" folk parable - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hmohyo/the_spirit_of_seeing_a_story_about_the_internet/\n", "hm3w9o: R/unpopularopinion share the wildly popular opinion that women are the worst. - https://old.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/hm1sce/as_a_woman_it_irritates_me_how_other_women_wont/\n", "hloom8: Incels truly are the most oppressed group in history - https://i.redd.it/ng9kne5jgw851.jpg\n", "hlk4k6: the comments are a shit show... In summary, single mothers: the biggest drain on our society, aka greedy, communist, advantage-taking prostitutes - https://files.catbox.moe/vn3zw8.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_hlk4k6\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "hlj6vy: Let go of your morals. They’re holding you back from your full potential. - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hkn2yc/the_more_i_let_go_of_societys_moral_values_the/\n", "hl4fj2: The Devil's Doorbell - https://i.redd.it/gmr6r9os8r851.jpg\n", "hlcpty: Mgtow needs to be banned - https://imgur.com/a/eRQGDhm\n", "hldo2w: \"Let go of your morals... One thing I learned from studying sociopaths and psychopaths is fake empathy\" said one dark triad red piller encouraging people to be more like ~~satan~~ himself. JFC - https://i.redd.it/mtf4mivfnx851.jpg\n", "hldhu0: Eh? WTF is this now? - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hl3jc8/reject_the_modern_world/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "hkbrkq: Two days ago r/BlatantMisogyny got swept up in the ban wave. Today the admins reinstated it! We are back to laugh at all of the misogynists! 😂😆 - None\n", "hjzxnc: This guy is a \"Getting laid\" advice redpiller and his website is absolutely insane, I have no words. (Link in post) - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hj6m2l/get_laid_a_tonne_on_tinder_part_1_improving_your/\n", "hjwqrg: Just some normal, healthy relationships - https://www.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/hjpt4x/ever_have_girls_tell_you_they_though_you_were_a?sort=confidence\n", "hjfbl6: 🤮 - https://i.redd.it/4jvz2hm6ba851.jpg\n", "hju0ka: \"Women always... Blah blah blah\" says red piller who think all women are a carbon copy of one another. Coming up on 'things that never happened' He smashed the mother for sport and boned the daughter the next night because she was skinny. Ok then. - https://i.redd.it/8afr8qu3ze851.jpg\n", "hjj6eb: So here's my question - None\n", "hji1lm: Feminism has entered the fourth wave, denoted by online activism. I invite everyone to join r/FourthWaveFeminism! - None\n", "hitj9v: \"Blue pill mob\" giving terrible advice says redpill alpha who knows best. - https://i.redd.it/6itq2hfvf3851.jpg\n", "hi8ywc: MGTOW and TheRedPill are still up. Sexism as A-OK with reddit! - /r/SubredditDrama/comments/hi3yq7/new_admin_policy_announced_including_the_banning/\n", "hio71h: Police Statistics Question - None\n", "hikrbc: Could feminism have... benefits for TRP??? Say it ain't so! - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hi9scz/feminism_isnt_completely_bad_for_trp_men/\n", "hikqi1: FORCE HER HAND and polarize the situation - fuck nuance! - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hi29p3/the_details_dont_matter/\n", "hikqzh: REAL SCIENCE: why feminine men are more likely to be homos - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hiddcc/why_men_are_feminists_and_why_feminine_men_are/\n", "hidq2r: I think Reddit’s suggestion algorithm is a bit off. r/seduction was also suggested as “similar to r/TheBluePill” - https://i.redd.it/huuoz7j1dy751.jpg\n", "hhvcee: Women and girls only differ from TRP theory because of BIRTH CONTROL THAT CONTROLS THEIR HORMONES WHICH ARE THEIR MIND - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hhmfa8/why_do_some_women_still_go_for_feminized_men_even/\n", "hhipqj: 🤮 - https://i.redd.it/lzol27s3po751.jpg\n", "hhckdu: >\"There is such a low probability that she is smart, interesting and with a personality.... she will ghost and disappear at once for reasons not dependent on you.\" PUA has no idea why he is ghosted regularly. Self awareness is zero, but yeah sure, it's the women's fault hu? - https://i.redd.it/1ac7m8boum751.jpg\n", "hhk5lt: Nothing makes my fanny flutter more than reading how theredpill is soon to be banned off reddit. Get your snorkels out and your rubber plimsolls because its going to get slippery in here. - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hhgvb1/mod_notice_reddit_may_ban_the_red_pill_in_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "hhjwft: MANDATORY REMEDIAL r/TheBluePill RE-EDUCATION PROPAGANDA: Live from Olympia! - https://youtu.be/O5ryIztqI5g\n", "hgx4tw: Dr. Disrespect accused of being disrespectful (TRP: *shocked pikachu face*) - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hgpcml/another_scalp_for_metoo/\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_hgx4tw\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "hfqwpd: Girls get lots of matches on Tinder, guys, beware - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hfp5p9/a_slightly_unethical_way_of_seeing_for_yourself/\n", "hfl1ru: Step 1. Isolation. Step 2. Take your shirt off. Step 3. Make sangria. Step 4. \"When you got her in her underwear while you are still fully dressed, you are ready to dominate her. You are in the control of the situation.\" - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hfel29/how_to_cut_your_learning_curve_in_half_focus_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "hexcmw: OP uses dread on her husband, and now dread is bad because it will kill her attraction to him - https://np.reddit.com/r/RedPillWives/comments/gvjcos/small_update_to_dealing_with_a_drunk_captain/\n", "hex6x0: STI rates are red-pill truth (diagnosis rates have nothing to do with women being more likely to visit the gynecologist for things like birth control scripts - it's CHAD) - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hebeh1/std_statistics_are_another_redpill_truth_just/\n", "hexwvh: What do you do when you really want something, but Captain says no? (OP has dog troubles) - https://np.reddit.com/r/RedPillWives/comments/gjq1ui/what_do_you_do_when_you_really_want_something_but/\n", "hey2gd: WoMeN ArE ALl PRoStiTuTeS AnD I’M RiCh aND SuCcESSful. One MGTOW furiously types. - https://i.redd.it/9kcqnpgavt651.jpg\n", "hec74v: We DoN’T HaTe WoMaN We JuSt WaNt To Go OuR OwN WaY. “Yeah sure you do”. - https://i.redd.it/x3vmoxxs0n651.jpg\n", "heik51: Women shouldn’t vote hurr durr!! - https://i.redd.it/05dpef6zyo651.jpg\n", "hed82w: \"We're the prize\" yes indeed you are... the booby prize, prize plumb, the prize plonka, the rejected prize, the recycled tombola prize, the prize people would rather not have because it's not really a prize at all, more a consolation prize of a time when you were dazzled by something that was a lie. - https://www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/he4790/an_interesting_title/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "hdjz5f: My favorite video on what “masculinity” is - https://youtu.be/PflmaMpuGEc\n", "hd31ah: Women and learned helplessness - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/havv2i/womens_learned_helplessness_and_desire_for_the/\n", "hciwql: How to have a MFFF foursome, with pics and vids as PROOF - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/hbdl9v/how_to_have_a_4some_mfff_with_pics_vids/\n", "hbimue: Roomba chose the blue pill - https://i.redd.it/ajf1j6a6ap551.jpg\n", "hayi8v: Oh no! Whatever shall I do? - https://i.redd.it/jsje4g1zwi551.jpg\n", "hanotl: THE TRP BUG-MAN COMETH - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/h89vah/bronze_age_mindset_the_bugman_defined/\n", "hanq5z: Roosh: \"I may not have been a homosexual by definition, but I was a homosexual in spirit.\" - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/06/15/is-heterosexuality-gay-a-confused-roosh-v-ponders-the-question/\n", "hahx0e: Guncel refuses to date because of the massive conspiracy against gun owners - https://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/haan2b/comment/fv2hyor\n", "h9yq4s: TRP worries they will be \"canceled\" for dating younger women (and... not other things) - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/h9n3yg/you_soon_will_be_cancelled_for_dating_a_younger/\n", "h9bvi4: MRP gives us \"real conversations with abuse victims\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/marriedredpill/comments/gwd90x/actual_conversations_with_abuse_victims/\n", "h8rr4j: Guys, can you even handle the truths he spits? I don't think I can - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/h7h2qz/girls_women_boys_men/\n", "h85aln: Q. How can I avoid hiring women? A. Always hire the best person for the job... I'd venture \"someone who isn't a legal and financial liability\" would be among the \"best\". They attempted to hide blatant misogyny but we all know \"isn't a legal and financial liability\" is code for men. - https://www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/h80tvq/is_there_a_way_i_can_avoid_hiring_women/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "h8cpbv: Don't these MRAs remember that time when they essentially shitted on Terry Crews for talking about toxic masculinity? - http://archive.fo/hPoic\n", "h7sukj: What hell is this? I think someone is getting mad that MRAs are mad at a feminist acknowledging that sleathling is horrible for both men and women? - http://archive.fo/P7pdl\n", "h76w4j: 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀Misogynistic cesspool The_Wall yeeted by the admins. 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 - http://www.reddit.com/r/The_Wall\n", "h0w68t: MGTOW discussing the reasons why their sub is on the chopping block \"Some content is critical of bad behavior coming from women. I was literally called a neo nazi yesterday for having posted to this sub. Interesting world we live in.\"... Absolutely clueless. Not dehumanizing women then? - https://www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/h0jhmp/it_has_been_an_honor_gentlemen/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_h0w68t\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "h0uxks: SMV: \"She wants to give you as little sex as possible while getting as much commitment possible. While you want as much sex as possible with as little commitment as possible.\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gzjfa7/a_clear_explanation_of_sexual_market_value/\n", "h0ddk3: 😡 - https://i.redd.it/yxq9ugwl42451.jpg\n", "h0uve3: TRP on Gen Z: Get off my lawn with your maymays and tok tiks - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gzm5pu/genz_the_good_the_bad_the_ugly/\n", "h0l1p3: He was at fault for the end of his relationship, she brought him many gifts for Christmas/birthday, \"ate his ass\", looked after him etc and yet these colossal numpties are saying he can do better and get a \"better looking\" replacement? These guys deserve to be unloved. - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/h04a4g/you_cant_force_your_friends_to_digest_the_pill/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "h0q51s: Some of the dumbest shit I've ever read - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/h0pvym/exponentially_better_how_this_scientific/\n", "h0gujt: Women tend to flirt with me, so I don't think they care about harassment. Also I want wife material - https://i.redd.it/u1ejv68ml4451.jpg\n", "gzsggk: Protests are a good place to \"cum in women's vagina holes\" - https://i.redd.it/zeprirxycx351.jpg\n", "h09fy3: When I see a post like this I can't help but wonder how self aware men like this really are. He seems to be really over-egging the fact he was in no way 'abusive'. In my observations no one is 100% free from being abusive in some way. Whats everyone's thoughts on this? - /r/MGTOW2/comments/gzv7vt/to_the_women_lurking/\n", "gzj5pu: TRPer very invested in \"friend\" losing his virginity - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gzakwd/a_friend_im_mentoring_just_lost_his_virginity/\n", "gzjodi: I feel sick now. The Loli (10-15 years old child) started off the sickness by its admiration and visual depiction of 'wonder woman', the older women got the more it ended up in pure hate and disgust by depicting them as a pile of kebab meat. The paedophile undertones is strong. MGTOW... Please go. - https://i.redd.it/0ged5mzjru351.jpg\n", "gzjbls: Life advice for teenagers from TRP - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gz18bg/what_i_wish_i_knew_an_open_letter_to_our_teenage/\n", "gyvrsz: Possible \"incel\" has an explosive mishap, seriously injuring his hand, notes about \"hot cheerleaders\" and admiration for Elliot Rodgers found at the scene - https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/nation-world/national/article243352486.html\n", "gya6mm: \"Based on the news, 100% of rape claims are straight up lies, or extortion for money. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of actual rape going on.\" IDK what planet these idiots live on but their hate for women is so blinding I can't wait for Mars to become a colony and MGTOW can have their own. - https://i.redd.it/29mr3rpwxg351.jpg\n", "gyi0l0: The myth of the \"strong independent woman\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gxdwx5/the_myth_of_the_strong_independent_woman/\n", "gy6wov: MANDATORY REMEDIAL /r/TheBluePill RE-EDUCATION PROPAGANDA, episode VIII: The Last Cuck - https://youtu.be/6e9iR-hNKWY\n", "gxv7uh: Yay, emotional abuse gets the girlies... \"Good plate? Sweet girl, satisfies you sexually and emotionally? Get along with her well, treats you like royalty, never gives you any drama? Ignore her for a while. Maybe half a year. You don’t need an excuse, just disappear... Ignore her frantic calls\" - https://www.trp.red/p/heathcliff/915\n", "gxjgex: Lest I have to discipline her;) - https://i.redd.it/vyuegau9g3351.jpg\n", "gy23yl: In your experience with men, how true do you think this is: Men into \"chicks with dicks\" are far more into penis/fetishize it way more than any man is into vagina/fetishizes vagina on it's own. - None\n", "gx7m2a: Total slut personality detox: Make sure you do not, by osmosis, absorb any slut personality. Do not drink soy. Do not use the word like unless you are describing similarities. Do not look at reddit unless you are calling a user on askTRP a f----t. - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gwm2ru/total_slut_personality_detox/\n", "gxatuc: When your own self loathing spills over: \"There’s something disgusting and very offputting about watching a fat girl eat. In fact, truth be told, watching any hungry women eat is a massive turn off for me. Something about a woman caving in to her base desires and desperately gorging herself. Gross.\" - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gx6f0d/bunch_of_tryhard_coomers/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "gwd3uu: How to handle accusations of affairs: Tell her not to give you a reason to have an affair or ask her if she really wants to know the answer (for maximum galaxy brain) - https://np.reddit.com/r/marriedredpill/comments/gnti2e/how_to_handle_accusations_of_affairs_201/\n", "gwo23k: WTF are these stuff? - None\n", "gw1ptz: Gem from PPD: \"Ugh, just makes me so fucking angry. I really hate these type of women, nothing but cum dumpsters.\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/gggvfq/why_do_some_many_women_start_giving_nerdy_guys/\n", "gvqcu3: What Most Men are Missing: Coachability (listening to TRP, that is) - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gv7w89/coachability_the_secret_ingredient_most_men_are/\n", "gvbg3r: MGTOW and being racist as well as hateful. There is no low bar - https://www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/gv4j1r/the_attention_seeking_must_not_be_infringed/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_gvbg3r\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "gvqcgg: The Summer of Masculinity: Masculinity is Power - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gv8z87/the_summer_of_masculinity_masculinity_is_power/\n", "gugwze: Iron Maidens: Women like being dominated. However for the iron maiden it's not enough. She wants to be disciplined. She wants to be Hated, maybe even almost-killed. - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gtv3uq/iron_maidens/\n", "guplwj: Fucqboi Book Club: Man's Ruin: The Final Chapters - https://soundcloud.com/fucqboi-bookclub/man-s-ruin-the-final-chapters\n", "gubs6t: Welp. We knew this was coming...Derek Chauvin’s wife files for divorce, proves she’s just another disloyal hypergamous bitch like all wahmen, according to MGTOW. - https://www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/gthwrj/wife_of_exminneapolis_police_officer_charged_with/\n", "gsfv2z: Rapist rapes. Red Pillers think the \"little whore\" should \"learn accountability\" before she \"rape baits\" again and \"ruins a man's life\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gs7ciy/protect_yourself_at_all_times_a_womans_morning/\n", "grz67b: Womp womp - https://i.redd.it/b6xpuf9emd151.png\n", "gsg0er: Plate spinner put in his place - \"You sound like a bitch riding the CC while your hamster says that its ok cuz you’re a red pill alpha.\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gsaxvh/regarding_plates_and_branch_swinging/\n", "gs3i94: OP: A girl might have flirted with me at work, so I assumed she was my girlfriend and when she was not, I blamed her - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/grnu8e/the_sidebar_could_have_saved_me_from_my_blue/\n", "grqukv: 🤮 - https://i.redd.it/8jc0hxvr2d151.jpg\n", "gs3h1j: Gritty cities and noble savages: TRP traveler tells us what boys need to be men - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gryv6y/magnificent_masculinity_what_boys_need/\n", "gr9x0j: \"There's no such thing [as consent]. I've never asked permission in my life and never will.\" Next comment: “I got accused of rape” - https://www.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/gqufox/man_kisses_woman_without_consent_on_live_tv_shes/frwv4p1?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x\n", "gr15w0: 🤮 - https://i.redd.it/zv569r5l55151.jpg\n", "grf7pm: Does r/MGTOW understand reproduction? - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/grc1yp/life_of_a_simp/\n", "gr8xiw: \"TBF there have been much more accusations of \"rape\" in recent years that turns out to just be a one night stand that was consentual but later regretted\" 🤬 - https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/gr69mo/judge_who_advised_woman_to_close_your_legs_to/frxdg96/\n", "gr2mhd: Homeless Man states college girls not having sex with him is because of Agephobia and greed - https://i.redd.it/019wlxtfk5151.jpg\n", "gq9u80: I’ve made a comprehensive and exhaustive list of the most common misconceptions about sexual consent. Use this as a resource to destroy incel’s arguments! - None\n", "gqmtb4: Counters for the \"society favours women now\" argument? - None\n", "gpzqlv: This is about the damaging effects of catcalling on teenage girls! Why did you bring in alligator into this!? - https://i.redd.it/ad9uqnjoqs051.jpg\n", "gpr1pr: 😡 - https://i.redd.it/wup3u3im8q051.jpg\n", "gpzf00: are we even surprised they’re like this at this point? - https://i.redd.it/0zlxaca94s051.jpg\n", "gq1is5: Online Group Claims Fit Black Women are Unattractive - None\n", "gpzhcb: \"Hating men seems to be a very common trend lately. So I was just turning the tables and using a common phrase I've been seeing lately and changing it from men to women. I find interesting that most people get very angry at such a comment when usually no one bats an eye when it's about men.\" - None\n", "gor6j2: 😡 - /r/againstwomensrights/comments/g50cw1/giving_women_the_right_to_vote_and_the_same/\n", "gp03fr: Fucqboi Book Club: Reddit Abyss 5: tfw no f - https://soundcloud.com/fucqboi-bookclub/reddit-abyss-5-tfw-no-f\n", "gopwf2: MGTOW and FDS attack the lowest hanging fruit there is. - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_gopwf2\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "gopykx: MGTOW - None\n", "go2ysu: A \"National-Patriarchal\" extremist group is being formed in Russia right now - None\n", "gnjnw3: Woman who kept her child that was a result of her rape was viciously trolled by a man on twitter. She found his Facebook and messaged his family, employers and church screenshots of his hate mail. - https://twitter.com/itsalwayswednes/status/1262543481307721728?s=21\n", "gns2ow: The truly ugly girl has others at a disadvantage, because rather than hurt her feelings, they will do things for her out of guilt - Any living creature that is weak uses manipulation to survive. Manipulating the strong to protect and provide for them. - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gnkfby/love_sympathy_and_manipulation_or_how_women/\n", "gnktfu: Husband calls up his wife’s boss because she has been too stressed about work to be useful around the house. Gets her demoted. - /r/AmItheAsshole/comments/gnfwi4/aita_for_going_over_my_wife_and_speaking_candidly/\n", "gmz75l: Tesla Owners Try to Make Sense of Elon Musk’s ‘Red Pill’ Moment - https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/19/technology/elon-musk-tesla-red-pill.html\n", "gml22s: 16 year old RedPill sends incredibly sexist and belligerent DMs to a feminist on twitter. She posts them. The comments DRAG him. Hilarity ensues. - https://twitter.com/feminemiiy/status/1262493009439895552?s=21\n", "gmri4t: Hey folks! I made a completely unnecessary new subreddit, r/BlatantMisogyny, for posting all of the blatant misogyny you find anywhere in the wild. - None\n", "gml3s6: Tik Tok parody of the average incel/RedPill guy - https://v.redd.it/to8hjz7cuoz41\n", "gmc3pc: Remember, he wants you to get an STD by saying whatever falls out your angry pie hole. I'm thinking hes on his way to a rape charge. - https://i.redd.it/dln9v1bjqlz41.jpg\n", "gmjkaq: Born in the wrong generation in TRP - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gm2q8j/chemotherapy_handjob/\n", "gmgzox: We read real reddit posts on our podcast. This week: \"GF is too happy\" \"GF is getting too cool\" & \"Can I fire my GF\" - https://soundcloud.com/fucqboi-bookclub/reddit-abyss-4\n", "gmfsgm: I care - https://www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/gm27tg/man_up_dude/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf\n", "glotsm: Anyone's alarm bells ringing from that list for an \"alpha man\"? - https://i.redd.it/y48t4gn3iez41.png\n", "glehhz: AITA: \"That girl didn't date you? Ignore that slut and sleep with all the other females! Why are people calling me TA?\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/gkak98/aita_for_telling_my_cousin_he_cant_be_so_reliant/\n", "glssjf: Comparing \"Heterosexual Female Rape\" To \"Homosexual Male Rape\" Is Fallacious - http://archive.vn/2PqDU\n", "glkzoz: The longest mansplaination of feminism in all the land... - https://old.reddit.com/r/FeMRADebates/comments/glhhh5/this_is_a_sub_for_menswomens_issues_to_bring_up/fqxirts/?context=3\n", "gkpxst: I'm amazed at how effective incels are at digging their own graves... - https://i.redd.it/rlymd4qye0z41.jpg\n", "gkybw8: Misogynists and narcissism - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2011/08/09/science-corner-why-some-self-obsessed-douchebags-hate-the-ladies-so-much/comment-page-1/\n", "gl9ur0: article about Canada's worst-ever mass shooter was woman-hater and misogyny fuelled his killing spree that left 22 dead -- First comment completely changes the subject, rest of 2000 comment thread ignores the misogyny, another one had to point out it wasn't ONLY women the dude killed 🙄 so fragile. - https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/gl4q7q/evidence_mounts_canadas_worstever_mass_shooter/fqvxn44/\n", "gkrizk: A response to a post about man hating feminists - https://i.redd.it/um77ga7qc3z41.jpg\n", "gkr9jo: Guys, stop fetishizing \"Eastern European\" or \"Asian\" women! Not because that's weird and racist, but because ALL women are trash! - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gkfui6/so_you_want_an_asian_eastern_european_girl/\n", "gk9y2u: Now women are too worried about COVID-19! What irrational creatures! - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/05/14/women-worry-too-much-about-coronavirus-because-theyre-irrational-creatures-who-need-to-be-put-in-their-place-reddit-conspiracist-argues/\n", "gk9we8: I'm so glad that I have TRP to help me understand personality disorders, especially NPD - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gjmc6n/high_danger_covert_npd_women_and_how_to_spot_them/\n", "gjthdx: Guy mansplains women’s suffrage to me. When I call it mansplaining, HE PROCEEDS TO MANSPLAIN MANSPLAINING!! The jokes write themselves, folks! - https://i.redd.it/mj71a6wpasy41.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_gjthdx\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "gjoeaa: Her panties must be absolutely drenched being so close to this alpha male - https://i.redd.it/932sb1vy3ny41.jpg\n", "gjnbje: Throwing a fot because his gf turned down sex for the first time in 1,5 years. But the comment section is even better. - https://www.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/gjg43e/when_ltr_turns_down_sex_how_to_respond/\n", "gjt562: A guy actually mansplains to me that women’s suffrage wasn’t a “result of feminist activism”, but rather a gift given to women by men “as a natural result of a developing society”. I guess he forgot about the suffragettes who bombed buildings and went on hunger strikes in prison. - https://i.redd.it/ekb07bem7sy41.jpg\n", "gitz29: A BBC 5-minute video on the contraceptive pill in Japan (that took over 15 years to be approved by a mostly-male government, while Viagra was approved in 6 months) - https://www.bbc.com/news/av/stories-52559959/fighting-for-the-pill-in-japan\n", "giuhql: OP goes on Bumble date at his house, and is mostly thinking about his field report, has not-very-good advice for photos for dating apps - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gilxki/field_report_first_date_lay_w_bumble_girl/\n", "gik45b: [Biotroofs!] This Philosopher Is Challenging All of Evolutionary Psychology - https://gizmodo.com/this-philosopher-is-challenging-all-of-evolutionary-psy-1842248835\n", "giu7pf: AI-generated memes vs MRA memes (\"When you find out you have a hot dog\") - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/05/07/when-you-find-out-you-have-a-hot-dog-why-ai-generated-memes-make-more-sense-than-those-produced-by-mras/\n", "giqukh: They had me in the first half, not gonna lie (like “focus on yourself” stuff or him reflecting on past mistakes, BUT NOPE) - https://i.redd.it/tzwbdib1agy41.jpg\n", "gijeil: Red Pill Black Men Upset by Sonic the Hedgehog Movie - None\n", "gi6xph: Do you honestly believe a vast majority of girls even give a single FUCK about covid 19 or how many people will die. - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/ghqol6/how_i_see_dating_girls_covid19_and_the/\n", "gi6z07: Don't give a fuck about her, never reconsider your own actions, live up your own ass! - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/ghria1/stop_giving_a_fuck_about_her/\n", "ghtaxb: i posted on twox about how i hate delusional middle aged men hitting on me and it got deleted for hurting boys feelings - None\n", "ghjcq3: Almost fell for a unicorn... but she used a strong vibrator back in the day, so she's actually a whore - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/ghedfp/the_irony_of_almost_falling_for_a_unicorn/\n", "gh49zr: Another sub has been taken over by insecure manchildren (WhiteKnighting) - https://i.redd.it/dtwv5h81pyx41.png\n", "ghjgst: Casey Anthony as the Fully-Realized Post-Modern Woman (with bonus not understanding anything about Andrea Yates) - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gh6hc8/casey_anthony_as_the_fullyrealized_postmodern/\n", "gh4r1x: Blue/Purple/Pink/Red/Black Pill dosages - None\n", "ggwt3y: Red Pill Truths CONFIRMED by plate!!!!!!!! - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/ggq2c0/high_n_count_and_long_term_relationships_red_pill/\n", "ggvqqt: MANDATORY r/TheBluePill RE-EDUCATION PROPAGANDA VII REMAKE - https://youtu.be/97rviFyLFlw\n", "gg7z86: Incellius Maximus - https://i.redd.it/unevizr6djx41.jpg\n", "gf9l4o: Immediate Red Flag once he said “female” - https://i.redd.it/s6xo9w3lbdx41.jpg\n", "gf2jfl: \"Fun\" with submissive girls: in which OP tells us how impressive he is - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/geotk6/submissive_girls_part_ii_more_fun_with_submissive/\n", "gfcdxl: What is this? - https://np.reddit.com/r/marriedredpill/comments/gf09ij/i_think_i_might_have_just_accidentally_swallowed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf\n", "gf2nq3: When you're alpha, you can break rules and it's cool and definitely no weird racism happening here - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/geqah5/your_ability_to_break_the_rules_is_a_powerful_red/\n", "gexxpl: the way these people talk about their WIVES makes me sick - https://www.np.reddit.com/r/marriedredpill/comments/g8pd33/mct_rules_for_pandemics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf\n", "geiasa: You must be willing to nuke your nuclear family, because cavepeople lived in nuclear families and nothing changed until post-1950 - https://np.reddit.com/r/marriedredpill/comments/ge79vq/why_you_must_be_willing_to_nuke_your_nuclear/\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_geiasa\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ge54io: AskMen mod is tired of incels turning his sub into another one of their women-bashing hovels, so the incels on WhiteKnighting turn on him - https://i.redd.it/fqcd59uv4zw41.jpg\n", "get995: DeVos finalizes regulations that give more rights to those accused of sexual assault on college campuses - https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/05/06/politics/education-secretary-betsy-devos-title-ix-regulations/index.html?__twitter_impression=true\n", "gdu2le: MGTOW really hates OnlyFans, and also, it only exists because the government subsidizes THOTS - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/gdikqh/onlyfans_onlyexists_because_government_subsidizes/\n", "gdyq4l: \"Every woman is sitting on a scholarship\" - https://i.redd.it/dcbyhm133uw41.jpg\n", "gdu5xy: Quarantine rules for MRP: just straight-up lie to your wife and pretend to work from home - https://np.reddit.com/r/marriedredpill/comments/g8pd33/mct_rules_for_pandemics/\n", "gdfmv7: Women won't tell you what they mean: a story in which OP is told things pretty directly, but somehow, she's still in the wrong - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gcu57d/shell_never_tell_you_what_she_really_means/\n", "gcmy4b: Females are using the quarantine to test you and make you wait. - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/gceego/make_him_wait_quarantine_edition/\n", "gcl2y0: Woman makes post on MensRights comparing feminism to MRAs. Outrage and WTF-ness ensues! - https://old.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/gbjvm4/the_similarities_in_mra_and_feminism/\n", "gcr561: DS-157 Form by Carl Augustsson - https://newsofx.com/2020/05/03/ds-157-form-by-carl-augustsson/\n", "gblozd: This is the kind of misogyny being posted on the new IncelTears - https://i.redd.it/wa1q0fqnq5w41.jpg\n", "gbwqgg: They hated Jesus because he told them the truth - https://i.redd.it/932nsptnb6w41.jpg\n", "gbblz1: Mandatory remedial r/TheBluePill propaganda: episode 6 - https://gfycat.com/marvelouspastharborporpoise#\n", "gbc3pe: Lots of screeching neckbeards angry that the new Assassin’s Creed has the option of a female protagonist like the previous game, but this dramatic reaction is my personal favourite. - https://i.redd.it/rc5cjtwbpzv41.jpg\n", "gbg0b3: It's a hate training, nothing less - https://i.redd.it/utgyfgaqw4w41.png\n", "gbl7d5: The Black Pill Philosophy and the Ideology of Pills - https://youtu.be/PNGTAOpKAjM\n", "gbpq4o: How the Globalists Stole America - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h95YkGEcDY0\n", "gbajk7: Are eugenics the logical end result of the 'freedom of choice' liberalism provides to its subjects? - http://archive.vn/wuMTr\n", "gafewa: 4chan \"Blackpiller\" Incel Espouses That Women Should Be Banned From Using The Internet, Degrades Sex Workers. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR8_5J7PBzc\n", "ga6aos: TRP tells us about \"Narcissistic Personality Disorder tells\", and it sounds familiar somehow - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g9uit2/narcissistic_personality_disorder_tells/\n", "gae7fm: Deadbeat dads and expectations for sex. - None\n", "g9n8bq: \"Don't block me. I love you\". - https://i.redd.it/sadd8x1uzdv41.jpg\n", "g9jhkn: In which OP meets a human woman and she does human things, like have interests and conversation, and in which TRP dismisses it because women aren't interesting - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g92pze/an_atypical_date/\n", "g9xgs4: Scientists test whether giving men estrogen could help them survive coronavirus — and conspiracy theorists run wild - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/04/28/scientists-test-whether-giving-men-estrogen-could-help-them-survive-coronavirus-and-conspiracy-theorists-run-wild/\n", "g9n6oq: A celebrity famous for her good looks has a good looking boyfriend? This just isn't fair 😡 - https://i.redd.it/c2zms5st3jv41.jpg\n", "g9jg20: Why it's not \"morally\" wrong or hypocritical to sleep with many women yet expect the mother of your kids to not have slept with many men (does it have to do with object metaphors and not understanding biology? Yes.) - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g8owmw/why_its_not_morally_wrong_or_hypocritical_to/\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_g9jg20\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "g8y41k: UK: Calls to domestic abuse helpline jump by half in first three weeks of lockdown (what WOULD women do without men to protect them, and also, information for the Men's Advice Line, partially funded by Scottish Women’s Aid) - https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-52433520\n", "g8zrm5: NuRsEs ArEn’t HeRoS - https://i.redd.it/xvscmhkw58v41.jpg\n", "g8g8ve: MGTOW: A Character Study - https://i.redd.it/2fq1m47de4v41.png\n", "g8eq90: Incels on Spongebob: Is he \"one of us\" or a gay Jewry icon designed for homo buttsex propaganda? - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/04/24/incels-hail-spongebob-squarepants-as-one-of-their-own-eagerly-await-his-shooting-rampage-at-the-krusty-krab/#more-104145\n", "g8aufj: NO ONE FUCKING BREAKS UP WITH ME (and if they do, I go hook up with strangers who sing Tori Amos to me while crying, and this is good) - https://donotlink.it/Pn7Aq\n", "g8f9dq: \"When one of Bennington's victims demanded that he stop harassing her, he reportedly replied that he was going to kill her and her family\" - https://meaww.com/who-are-incels-online-community-toxicity-spilling-out-into-real-world-shooting-chad-stacy-becky-sex\n", "g7ybn4: \"No one can be relied on to speak truthfully and candidly if under his true name connected to job that can be destroyed and face that can be beaten in. Statistics always lie. Anonymous anecdote is the most reliable source, and it is not all that reliable\" - http://archive.is/rddAF\n", "g7ypp4: \"with social welfare, your contribution is barely anything because women can and WILL get money from the government\" - http://archive.is/HAChZ\n", "g77uv7: Apparently women can’t feel guilt - https://i.redd.it/a0fb977ajru41.jpg\n", "g7jofa: Former gay porn star now a 'men's rights activist' who claims he's 'being silenced' – despite starring in his own documentary - https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/04/23/philipp-tanzer-logan-mccree-gay-porn-mens-rights-activist-scotland-chicago-bbc-stories/\n", "g7c253: \"they don't need us to make babies because robots will produce the goods for them\" - http://archive.is/vukpi\n", "g6wstb: “PATRIARCHY MEANS POWER! Fight the feminist disease.” ...They have gone full masks off - https://i.redd.it/e1adesuvcnu41.jpg\n", "g77mc2: Japanese mayor says men should grocery shop during pandemic as women 'take a longer time' - https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/24/asia/japan-coronavirus-osaka-mayor-hnk-scli-intl/index.html\n", "g78q3r: Daily Stormer on a \"bright new future\": ARYAN RAPE GANGS (WHTM) - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/04/20/the-daily-stormer-imagines-a-bright-new-postapocalyptic-future-ruled-over-by-aryan-rape-gangs/\n", "g78ept: Crafting the perfect marriage - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g77ixc/crafting_the_perfect_marriage/\n", "g6zhje: A new incel sub has appeared: “Female Girls; roast beef” - https://i.redd.it/5e7znenn4ou41.jpg\n", "g6y3zb: How Evangelical “Christians” thinks about women. - https://i.redd.it/75iot6gqqnu41.jpg\n", "g6l20w: Internet women will tell the truth about secret female behaviors - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g5xsnt/i_ironically_first_heard_about_monkey_branching/\n", "g6rhtv: This KILLS me. - https://i.redd.it/plv6if9dxlu41.jpg\n", "g6w0pa: R/Incels \"without hate\" making me seriously doubt the validity of their sub... - https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelsWithoutHate/comments/g6oaap/the_internet_dating_revolution_and_its/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share\n", "g65sw0: Incels are being prosecuted for their online misogyny now. This does not bode well for their “movement”. - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/california-man-promoting-incel-ideology-charged-allegedly-threatening-teens-n1189206\n", "g6q7i0: \"When I was looking up pictures of men with enopthalmos on google, I noticed that enopthalmos literally makes you look like a creepy toddler rapist\" - http://archive.is/8uNCr\n", "g698oq: How dare you bring up the fact that women face sexual assault! - https://i.redd.it/f8351g7bnfu41.jpg\n", "g63oa5: \"if we didn't have the few dudes go ER and all the edgelords, we'd just be nothing but a small community that will fade away into nothing\" - http://archive.is/RT4fe\n", "g64gpl: \" The normie brain seeks at all moments to conform to the herd and be accepted. They fear social rejection more than any Incel\" - http://archive.is/kQ2SD\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_g64gpl\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "g69l17: What About The Men??!!! - https://i.redd.it/rieaxv5tqfu41.jpg\n", "g60ifr: Quote from current pinned post: \"Here in this sanctuary for the mind and soul, everyone is advancing to the greatness they desire, those with ill will are helped to find the nearest exit and always something interesting, something heartwarming, something inspiring is said/happening\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/g5qap8/we_all_know_where_this_is_going/\n", "g5ws6o: Modern Parenting Is Counter-Productive To Having Successful & Happy Offspring (I'm really mad at my mom :C) - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g5eohb/modern_parenting_is_counterproductive_to_having/\n", "g56pyt: Check your privilege, femoids! - https://i.redd.it/vzorhtuglzt41.jpg\n", "g5iap3: \"Men seem to be scared off from searching \"incel\" because of the cucked media\" - http://archive.is/KkkR0\n", "g5u1nu: female = bad - None\n", "g5dohn: What to do when she talks too damn much: wear wireless earbuds and ignore her to her face - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g526cf/what_to_do_when_she_talks_too_damn_much/\n", "g4th97: Women only love their children because they have their most intense orgasm during childbirth (WHTM) - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/04/15/women-only-love-their-children-because-they-cum-so-hard-during-childbirth-internet-weirdo-proclaims/\n", "g538cx: \"As such, if a Chad breaks her jaw while he has forced sex with her, then it's \"just some rough foreplay, teehee\". But an ugly man looking at her from across the street is \"OMG, that creep is looking at me! I am literally being raped right now.\" \" - http://archive.is/wtffc\n", "g51995: Dogpill squared: Incel wants to lose his virginity to man’s best friend, asks “are there even any breeds that are attractive?” - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/04/19/dogpill-squared-incel-wants-to-lose-his-virginity-to-mans-best-friend-asks-are-there-even-any-breeds-that-are-attractive/#more-104092\n", "g4uwjz: A grisly story about a black WWII vet being deliberately blinded by a white chief of police after his return, but let's focus on his wife, who left because she didn't want to be a caretaker and we know little about her - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g4rwwj/war_hero_returns_home_in_1946_gets_his_eyes/\n", "g4e8ri: Sex work isn't real work because it can't repair a generator, the only true measure of work (WHTM) - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/04/18/mgtow-sex-work-doesnt-count-as-real-work-because-it-isnt-gonna-repair-a-generator/\n", "g43981: My favorite AITA takedown ever...Loser old dude moves into his 28yo gfs place and... - https://np.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/g3mt16/aita_for_throwing_out_my_gfs_jars/\n", "g45q2g: Your own wife will accuse you of rape if it benefits her, and there are no better experts on understanding consent than TRP - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g3o075/your_own_wife_will_accuse_you_of_rape_if_it/\n", "g4eux2: MGTOW: Sex work doesn’t count as real work because it “isn’t gonna repair a generator” - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/04/18/mgtow-sex-work-doesnt-count-as-real-work-because-it-isnt-gonna-repair-a-generator\n", "g3t1c5: \"Women hate your face. Women hate and despise your bad jawline, bad eye area, small insufficient dick, short height, or even tall height if you are ugly. Women hate every part of your body\" - http://archive.is/1YSsU\n", "g45qnj: Women lie about loving intelligent men, MGTOW say - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/fui96y/women_lie_about_loving_intelligent_men/\n", "g3z0t8: \" Men missing out on their youth and teen love is never mentioned. All the focus is on stacies who once got molested in their childhood\" - http://archive.is/wip/JB5Rh\n", "g34hcm: \"A woman hits puberty when she's 11 or 12, not 18. If she's old enough to bleed, she's old enough to breed\" - http://archive.vn/1WWyS\n", "g3ai1h: \"The first thing that pops into man's head when he see's a young ageable female who is even remotely attractive, (subconsciously and/or consciously), is her naked and/or performing sex acts\" - http://archive.is/3HseM\n", "g374vy: Thought this would be of use here - https://i.redd.it/8f9tfxob4ft41.jpg\n", "g3a3my: \"Unlike males who have mastered the art of warfare by developing weapons and combat strategies to achieve goals, females have mastered the art of warfare through language manipulation to achieve their goals\" - http://archive.vn/nShsv\n", "g2s2g5: Women would rather fuck dogs and horses than incels - https://i.redd.it/8u7nvqz3u3t41.png\n", "g2zpda: TRP: Everything is sexual strategy, and that in no way is a narrow view nor is it actually depressing or weird - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g2opjc/everything_is_sexual_strategy/\n", "g2zl2b: \"Build status\" by planning to have friends, who apparently have nothing better to do, constantly interrupt your dates! - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g26tr6/build_status_by_running_the_gauntlet/\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_g2zl2b\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "g2a5sc: Why legalize prostitution? It would force mass behavior-modification in the Thot mass-whoring market! - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g24895/why_legalize_prostitution/\n", "g2a7zu: Men love idealistically, and here are parables that prove that women only dream of men, and men dream of EVERYTHING - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g1uzbq/love_makes_a_fool_of_a_man_but_rarely_a_woman/\n", "g2a6oc: The Unbearable Femininity of Nazism... not, you know, the whole pro-genocide thing - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/g1vn1f/the_unbearable_femininity_of_nazism/\n", "g23uyo: MGTOW in a nutshell (anyone else remember this?!) - https://youtu.be/xfeys7Jfnx8\n", "g1k43y: MGTOW ideals seem to have reached Latin America, and they seem to be growing. - None\n", "g1bpw6: Classic: \"when women are allowed to choose, harems form\" - http://archive.vn/mkwHV\n", "g0uq42: Fellas, is it gay? The definitive list of things that may or may not make you homosexual - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/04/13/fellas-is-it-gay-the-definitive-list-of-things-that-may-or-may-not-make-you-homosexual/\n", "g0kljb: Modern women don't respect you because you respect them and they know they don't deserve respect - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/g0daxf/modern_women_cant_respect_you_for_dating_them/\n", "g0kmez: 28 is my cutoff age because this woman posted about saying \"no\" to sexual things she doesn't like - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/g0btop/why_28_is_the_cut_off_for_the_women_i_date/\n", "g0p6mv: \"Women also cause ugly men to feel lonely and a lot of them commit suicide and in the worst case, go ER\" - http://archive.vn/jFv0V\n", "g04n4o: MGTOW notices women are nice to him in public during the global pandemic. States that this is only because females need a man to provide resources. Top comment says men should only “fuck prostitutes”, second to top comment blames women being nice on “the social cancer that is feminism”. - /r/MGTOW2/comments/fwt0yx/the_pandemic_and_female_behavior/\n", "g03f6i: The Joy of MGTOW Cooking (WHTM) - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/04/10/the-joy-of-mgtow-cooking-pancakes-and-hot-dogs-edition/#more-104027\n", "g014z7: When in doubt, check the r/niceguys comment section - https://imgur.com/gallery/pSBE9ca\n", "fz61ya: It's not possible for women to be friends. No woman has friends. Only competition. - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/fy067b/why_are_women_so_arrogant_towards_other_women/\n", "fyv2iv: \"Standards for me, but not for thee\" - https://i.redd.it/bu0bitbptvr41.jpg\n", "fz5zk2: The very real story of Lizzy, and the bad choices she makes that represent all women everywhere - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/fxuf8t/the_problem_with_female_promiscuity_the_sad_story/\n", "fydgoz: Research : \"Women with tattoos reported greater willingness to engage in uncommitted sexual relations.\" lol needles = penis - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/fyaawm/research_women_with_tattoos_reported_greater/\n", "fyj7ta: IncelTears seems to have been set to private. Does anyone know why? - None\n", "fxosft: TRP: Stop blaming women - \"This is a mans world. Whatever praise or blame you have for it, place it on men.\" - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/fxmjot/stop_blaming_women/\n", "fxot3e: How to stay in contact with people you don't care about: Remember that they can do you favors! - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/fxmv1o/how_to_keep_in_touch_with_people_you_dont_care/\n", "fx9opd: Why do men go to prison? According to MRAs it’s feminists fault. - https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/eh7mne/twotiered_justice_system_in_the_uk_men_are_sent/\n", "fx2e19: \"As a man, you should not need others\" - the kind of emotional isolation that is criticized of TRP - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/fx0qk6/as_a_man_you_should_not_need_others/\n", "fwj7hb: Muh political agendas! - https://i.redd.it/19cgnwouaar41.png\n", "fwxc4l: Is anyone familiar with this particular subreddit? - https://www.reddit.com/r/FeminismStopsWhen/comments/fwt5pv/fsw_when_the_woman_who_started_metoo_changes_her/\n", "fwpbvu: MGTOW Scum defending Chris Watts (the Colorado guy who murdered his pregnant wife and two kids) - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_fwpbvu\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "fwmopz: Oh lord this MRA channel. - https://youtube.com/channel/UCpWtKTWRba8nSd8nX6h2z7Q/featured\n", "fwkk37: Red Pill Lord Debate (\"you have breedable features\") - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W2JUXSw_iM\n", "fvydev: Amish girls don't twerk, eat hot chip & lie... - https://imgur.com/ZjAuzFk\n", "fwabha: \"Misogyny does not exist. : LeftWingMaleAdvocates\" .... oh joy - http://archive.fo/0rhny\n", "fvy7j6: Ironic, since there's a lot of overlap between incels and anti-semites... - https://i.redd.it/ni6xogmvi6r41.jpg\n", "fvucbq: Men love emotionally, women love sexually - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/fvoz97/men_love_emotionally_women_love_sexually/\n", "fvzavs: The Rise of the Dogpill - https://medium.com/@vaushvidya/the-rise-of-the-dogpill-465e3b11cd61\n", "fvfwr2: RPW describe the value their husbands bring to their lives, and it's sweet. I have never seen the same type of post on MRP. - https://np.reddit.com/r/RedPillWomen/comments/fusven/what_value_does_your_man_bring_to_your_life/\n", "fv555y: Stefan Molyneux Speaks At A Literal Incel Convention - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovoWp-ih3yU\n", "fv5dwy: I think I actually invented crying incel dude in 6th grade... - https://imgur.com/P267YSv\n", "fv9tx5: A wall of words to say that women are bad at everything, except liking babies, because they are babies, and there's nothing creepy about what that implies, no sir - https://np.reddit.com/r/marriedredpill/comments/fu3k1v/have_you_swallowed_the_red_chewable_tablet/\n", "fvbkgr: Male-Female Dynamics in Church - RPChristians - https://np.reddit.com/r/RPChristians/comments/fnuozy/malefemale_dynamics_in_church/\n", "fuv2m3: Girl does cocaine, so AWALT, also, maybe our posts in TRP are confirmation bias that women act like this because we specifically choose really young women who are trying everything for the first time? No, probably AWALT - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/fu5aly/female_solipsism_at_its_finest_example/\n", "fukhax: SJWs ruined Resident Evil 3! - https://i.redd.it/wqhuyxvg5mq41.jpg\n", "fuv1bx: There's a pandemic, but really, how will this affect your standing as a man with your texts???? - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/ftmh9i/how_covid19_will_break_all_your_plates_and_more/\n", "fukifv: SJWs ruined Resident Evil 3, PART 2! - https://i.redd.it/pyfux1bcjjq41.png\n", "fu4mfg: TRP suddenly approves of something in Malaysia, a country where about 60 percent of people are Muslim - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/ftpth8/malaysias_got_your_back_fam/\n", "fu7osr: \"Incels, Feminists, and the Mentality of Abusers\" oh God LWMA are implying that Feminism help enable abusers.... on now their getting into a debate about gamergate in comments.... - http://archive.fo/ciJ1U\n", "fu4n1p: WOMEN WILL TRY TO MAKE YOU FAT AND THEN HATE YOU - http://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/ftmmfy/ltrs_and_the_food_trap/\n", "ftklr6: Best of RP: Beware of Beta Bait (if she doesn't immediately fawn over your manliness, it was a test) - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/ftg1jn/beware_of_beta_bait/\n", "ft2f8c: The fine gentlemen of WhereAreAllTheGoodMen discuss women turning to online sex work during quarantine, “I hope they all get the rope.” The comments are just as bad. - https://i.redd.it/d1if0lxdc5q41.jpg\n", "ftag9p: \"Personally I prefer how easy it is to manipulate and control younger partners.\" Oops, RPer lost his filter! - https://np.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/ft81bl/how_to_explain_to_parents_why_i_prefer_to_date/\n", "fticms: TRP poorly supported theories promote dangerous political narratives CMV - None\n", "ftkptf: Terpr: The App, and peak manly humor - http://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/ft6572/terpr_the_official_app_of_trp_docile_subservient/\n", "ft6llz: Red pill teen here - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_ft6llz\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 23 posts\n", "fscfrx: How do women get brainwashed by TRP? - None\n", "fsglhi: MGTOW on why women don't mature mentally past 18 - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/fs9yz3/women_dont_mature/\n", "fshej7: Feminism has all but crumbled in a matter of weeks - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/fs7smk/a_movement_for_spoiled_entitled_girls/\n", "frrvt4: What incels need to hear, but what they don't want to hear - https://i.imgur.com/iiYY6UD.jpg\n", "fs3sss: A new incel ban evasion sub - https://i.redd.it/5bov4cb1qvp41.jpg\n", "frnis2: TRP Classics: Why you shouldn't explain female nature to women (and it's not because you're a dingus and \"female nature\" is not a thing) - https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/fozubg/why_you_shouldnt_explain_female_nature_to_women/\n", "frnk87: A letter to women from Men about how men are the masters of time and women are the masters of space and men are just cooler, you guys - http://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/fpdfur/femininity_is_trust_humility_and_submission_aka/fln7kgf/\n", "fr678t: The classic \"All girls are bitches/Why don't girls like me?\" dichotomy - /r/justneckbeardthings/comments/fqp2k3/is_it_okay_for_a_guy_to_become_an_incel/\n", "fr8cv8: TRP would never tell their mothers - None\n", "fr7ptj: Why should I have any respect for people in porn? Also, I'm gonna consume a lot of it, and for free. - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/fqzoji/nobody_deserves_respect_without_earning_it/\n", "fr7lxh: MGTOW not understanding emotional labor, which is shocking and out of character - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/fqtkou/woman_complains_about_how_mentally_tiring_it_is/\n", "fr7o0v: \"Keep dishing it back to women on dating apps, they need to know how obnoxious they are and get called out for it.\" - she literally just listed her job. - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/fqutlf/jennifer_34_quality_inspector_at_boeing/\n", "fqkksj: Incels: \"Coronavirus deployed by evil sluts, hellbent on incel murder, and I guess we now think murder is bad JUST KIDDING it's good for sluts but not us\" - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/03/26/incel-evil-sluts-are-murdering-us-by-spreading-the-virus-and-they-think-its-a-joke/\n", "fqn86b: Nazis only have sex in one position, because it's natural, and also, how dare you gain any pleasure from it - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/03/27/why-you-shouldnt-have-sex-with-a-nazi-according-to-a-nazi/\n", "fq17qq: MGTOW: Women need to be controlled, we are boring and terrible, ad nauseum - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/fp01qi/women_need_to_be_controlled/\n", "fqam3p: How will Redpillers react to most Health professionals being women? - None\n", "fpiuo5: As world struggles to stop deaths, far right celebrates COVID-19 - https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/world-struggles-stop-deaths-celebrates-covid-19-200326165545387.html\n", "fpbxt3: MGTOW: Why MGTOW still talks about women instead of going their own way. - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/fp4myx/why_mgtow_still_talks_about_women_instead_of_just/\n", "fpdgfl: Fun policing - None\n", "fpgtof: *Incels, Feminists, and the Mentality of Abusers* \"Am I saying that all feminists are abusers? Of course not. Am I saying that they have the same attitude towards men that abusers do,... and that feminists’ casual misandry helps create and empower abusers? Abso-fucking-lutely.\" - http://archive.fo/QmfPy\n", "fpc8q4: Low-hanging fruit and AWALT: \"Just because I'm from America im a foreigner to you?\" (in the Czech Republic) - https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/foeckm/should_i_move_to_a_red_state_in_the_us_or_czech/fler2zz/\n", "foxyxo: In the midst of a global pandemic, MGTOWs are yelling about women with nose rings :: We Hunted The Mammoth - http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/03/24/in-the-midst-of-a-global-pandemic-mgtows-are-yelling-about-women-with-nose-rings/#more-86108\n", "fomjsj: “Women are such rubbish. I can’t wait until scientists create artificial fetus incubation booths so these whores can be stripped of their worth and cast aside like the inconveniences they are” “Based, if women didn’t have holes between their legs and make our dicks hard we’d hunt them for sport.” - https://i.redd.it/3nnlpejn0so41.jpg\n", "Got 23 posts\n", "No more posts, broke on TheBluePill with counter at 9961\n", "Getting posts with params: \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 27 posts\n", "1ai0n6b: N COUNTS WEEKLY DISCUSSION THREAD - None\n", "1aiev5i: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1aiech8: How do you avoid desperation and despair as you get older? - None\n", "1aigdg6: Is it wrong to \"settle\" because you can't get what you really want? - None\n", "1ai3oiz: Who are the type of young women who date older men? Most women I knew when I was early 20s were chasing hot college boys. - None\n", "1aif21k: CMV. The social stigma of getting a paternity test should not exist. - None\n", "1ai93ni: I don’t understand, it seems like women don’t have to do much work or “real” work to become attractive/ have sex with atrractive men she’s attracted to and sexually attracted to - None\n", "1ai8t31: Ladies, who aren't in college or school, and got a boyfriend in the last 12 months, where and how did you meet him? - None\n", "1ahys3a: We do not live in a “hookup” culture and the amount of casual sex going on is grossly exaggerated - None\n", "1aiidmx: What do you think about the SMV flip? - None\n", "1ahul2m: Which is easier, being a man or being a woman? - None\n", "1ahv810: Games and Goals? - None\n", "1ahzgck: Most 50 / 50 LTR's will fail if you are the guy, if you want it to work, you have to exploit a power dynamic - None\n", "1ahu0vk: Why don't we talk more about \"female sexuality\"? Where has it gone? - None\n", "1ahh5ie: Switching around \"Commitment\" for \"Sex\" may allow more empathy between the sexes? - None\n", "1aig3oo: A compelling argument to why feminine men will never thrive in their relationships. - None\n", "1ahx4n5: Committed relationship with a man is a net loss for most women? - None\n", "1ahh6db: Women who are very experienced in romantic relationships (whether sexually or emotionally) would you date someone who had never been in a relationship? - None\n", "1ahz7zz: How would YOU personally like to be approached about partnership? - None\n", "1ah6ith: Men do not have high beauty standards - None\n", "1ahlygf: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1ah0lt1: Men on this sub are probably below average which is why they are struggling - None\n", "1agzh3v: \"Enjoy the decline\" is a perfectly viable strategy - None\n", "1agp8gn: Your personality is mostly determined by factors outside your control and changing it fundamentally is EXTREMELY difficult, contrary to what other people might be espousing - None\n", "1agyegu: Looking for your opinions or comments on a poll I conducted at a university. Could you share your honest thoughts? - None\n", "1ageaif: How are average looking men in this day and age supposed to meet women? - None\n", "1ah32mz: Are male dating coaches ruining modern dating? - None\n", "Got 27 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1ah32mz\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1agay0p: Women are just as redpilled as men. - None\n", "1agqzx9: Is the online dating phenomenon reflective of real life? - None\n", "1agtahw: What the \"Pills\" Get Wrong . . . - None\n", "1agsbzy: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1agzyc3: Why does no one link stats or supporting evidence for their positions? - None\n", "1ag6vra: The gender war is not just an online thing - None\n", "1aga4jm: Is it reasonable to have one bad relationship and not try again? Why men stop dating? - None\n", "1afxw0e: Do unattractive women get hit up for sex more than attractive ones? - None\n", "1ag5hia: Population collapse and dating - None\n", "1afz9z8: I think many women realize a huge portion of their 'attraction' comes from 'limited access'. - None\n", "1afle91: Women will reject or lose interest in a guy for the most frivolous reasons, and then completely rule him out no matter what he does to redeem himself - None\n", "1affm6f: Men have already lost the gender war and it's bound to get worse - None\n", "1afy89r: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1aflv8t: What is the point of casual sex/short term? - None\n", "1afhyx1: Do you guys think AI humanoid girlfriends will be popular in the future? - None\n", "1afek8a: Q4M: have you ever made it work with a woman who’s has a past? - None\n", "1afvq7w: If paternity tests were to become mandatory, we would also need a database with every man's DNA to compare them to. - None\n", "1ag68by: Do men require more support than women? - None\n", "1aewgss: [STUDY] There exists a positive correlation between being a bully and success in dating and sexual relationships - None\n", "1aezwlg: How come it is almost never considered that a guy can develop feelings for a woman he is friends with and that he just became friends to get into her pants? - None\n", "1af689m: Was the Gender War a Psyops? - None\n", "1af7d3x: What benefits do you value most in a long term monogamous relationship / marriage? - None\n", "1aewt6q: Society is finished, terminal stage - None\n", "1aewai3: Red Pill analysis of relationship power dynamics between men and women inevitably leads to supporting ‘traditionalism’ or ‘patriarchy’ as it only thing that can theoretically limit or destroy ‘womens power.’ - None\n", "1afw1yf: Could atheism by the reason behind the alienation of men and women? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1afw1yf\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1af1rb1: The Best Way To Meet Women Based On Your Personal Attributes. (Statistics) - None\n", "1aemitu: Are women not getting approached anymore? - None\n", "1aetwqw: Do people really want marriage or just the photo ops of marriage? - None\n", "1afjtvi: Accepting the \"red pill\" framing is a trap - None\n", "1ael4di: Why do so many female offenders get a boyfriend/husband easily? - None\n", "1aetoer: Some people are “relationship material” and others are just “casual sex/hookup material” and that’s okay - None\n", "1aebwju: The idea women are loved unconditionally - None\n", "1aecf56: What is the actual reason why men get shamed for having preferences? - None\n", "1aeehj4: How big of a concern would it be for you if your children/potential children reached adult age without any romantic success? - None\n", "1aen06t: Do people really want marriage or just the photo ops of marriage? - None\n", "1af2ef8: Is It real that Russian/ukranian women are goldiggers or they care about Money like every women? - None\n", "1afdbbl: “Males shouldn’t be jealous that is a female trait.” Jay-Z hit the nail on the head with that statement. - None\n", "1ae0rew: Women base most of their “preferences” on trends and what is popular, and are far more influenced by what other women think than even their own instincts - the whole 6 foot thing is a perfect example - None\n", "1aea7ng: Are relationship worth it? - None\n", "1aewk3b: The number of women having casual sex is highly exaggerated - None\n", "1aexfcp: Being girlfriend zoned is worse than being sex zoned - None\n", "1ae0mak: Predictions for how the dating market will look 100yrs from now? - None\n", "1adyntt: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1aesifr: Why is it normalized for women to be irritable and thus yell at their partners when before they menstruate or are pregnant? - None\n", "1aeqnzr: Whose fault is it in a deadbedroom? - None\n", "1aei0kp: It’s become socially acceptable in America for women to lie about sexual abuse - None\n", "1adl61c: Q4W: Who is the most romantically/sexually unsuccessful woman you know? What’s their personality like? Describe her. - None\n", "1ad3d56: Why do women seem to get \"the ick\" over the most innocuous things these days? - None\n", "1ado1ji: What do you suppose influences hypergamy from in a systemic social context? - None\n", "1adj40g: Why do some people prefer casual sex while others prefer monogamy? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1adj40g\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1ad20wk: The gender divide has become undeniable , can anything be done to solve this? - None\n", "1ad9csy: Those against the Red Pill, where should a man go for dating advice? - None\n", "1adiibg: Q4M: Describe the type of male a traditional woman deserves? - None\n", "1ad666o: What Things do You Do to Support the Opposite Sex? - None\n", "1ad65bh: Most Tradcons are just failed red pillers. - None\n", "1aderxx: Reposted: Why I think the \"trad\" lifestyle is not a one-size-fits-all and forcing it is destroying society - None\n", "1ad4vn9: Men who feel their wives see them as Beta Male - None\n", "1ad7mqz: Ladies, what made you choose your boyfriend? - None\n", "1actw49: Most women want socially liberal men who are capable of engaging in “benevolent misogyny “. - None\n", "1aczm7b: Men of PPD: Do you really find casual sex appealing? - None\n", "1ad43es: Everybody talks about women going for confident assholes, but what about the ones going for pathetic losers? Let's talk about the \"nurse complex\" - None\n", "1ae08hx: Sexist people make the best partners. - None\n", "1ad4h44: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1acsvtx: Someone complaining about their S.O. on social media or in a group chat is a huge red flag. - None\n", "1acppfv: “I’ll take Anyone at this Point” - None\n", "1acdwup: Have tradcons taken over the redpill? - None\n", "1ac5jp5: I genuinely think people underestimate female toxicity - None\n", "1acpez0: What year did women achieve equality? - None\n", "1acykn1: If your job skills were hopeless, would you rather be a sex worker or a housewife? - None\n", "1ad2l2i: Would you LTR/marry a woman who has had an abortion? - None\n", "1ac4km6: Is there a Lizzo Paradox™ for males? - None\n", "1acskl3: What do you think about MGTOW and WGTOW? - None\n", "1ac7iqc: (Re-upload) What do y'all think of this excerpt about radicalisation in the manosphere? - None\n", "1ad3uco: Casual Sex: Popularity of straight-up paying \"civilian\" single women for sex? - None\n", "1acbfnh: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1acbfnh\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1ac0lqb: Why do women on this sub often say that they are not attracted to promiscuous men? - None\n", "1acfdhj: LOOKS WEEKLY DISCUSSION THREAD - None\n", "1ac45yf: How would you know if your partner was cheating? - None\n", "1abral3: What are some of your 'favorite' societal contradictions? - None\n", "1abjsiz: Society seems to assign womanhood virtue. - None\n", "1ab6iwm: Most girls are genuinely repelled by truly kind men, you have to have some degree of asshole in you or they will get bored - None\n", "1abgmtf: Why do men not tell other men to be vulnerable, AND, why do women tell men to be more vulnerable, en masse? - None\n", "1abo2m1: “genuinely kind guy” is a rebrand of the “nice guy” - None\n", "1abcfjb: Men erroneously confuse being confident with being an asshole with the whole nice guy/asshole dichotomy and women - None\n", "1abhs8e: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1abvdf6: Do virgin women still have \"value\" or is it something \"from the past\"? - None\n", "19fjscd: Would you care if your gf hung out with guys she’s slept with in the past? - None\n", "1ac05ya: Men having lower standards of cleanliness is not a \"flaw\" - None\n", "19flsbz: What are your opinions on the exredpill community? - None\n", "1abvlp0: Telling small d men to be good at oral amd fingering is emasculating - None\n", "19fcloz: Dating advice, therapy bait-and-switch - None\n", "1abfamx: Why do you use makeup? - None\n", "19fkxsy: Ladies be honest, how many of you are truly interested in dating an older man? - None\n", "1abwoae: Should women be more proactive in promoting pro-male ethical non-monogamy? - None\n", "19f036e: CMV: The sex positives on this subreddit are interested in normalizing cheating behavior. - None\n", "1abfnem: Should late bloomer men insist hard on \"starter girlfriend\" status or not? - None\n", "19f7qd1: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "19f7zqz: CMV: Most Red Pillers (TRP) are actually the most defeatist of all the \"Pills\" - None\n", "19ep2b9: Who is your favourite example of positive masculinity? - None\n", "19ekvnb: Why can't women take an L? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_19ekvnb\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "19f2xxi: Men, describe your “Sex Zone”. - None\n", "19ef1s3: Most of what gets called “manipulation” and “grooming” seems to be just seduction people don’t like - None\n", "1ab7hnj: Q4W: Would you have an issue with men showing off their penises? - None\n", "19efo7r: Male surplus is a problem - None\n", "19er3si: Question for RedPill about households where each spouse works full-time - None\n", "19ervhl: Odds are you won’t be your partner’s “sexist” or “best in bed” - and that’s okay - None\n", "19efs45: What is less intimidating to a woman, going on a coffee date or going jogging together if you live near one another? - None\n", "19dtci2: Women on Reddit do not represent normal, every day girls and so the dialogue and “blue pill” opinions here are irrelevant to most men - None\n", "19ed6uz: Do things become easier when you are a high-value man? - None\n", "19eej4g: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "19dtnwm: Women, how often do you make a guy (you like) wait for sex while having an active FWB on the side? - None\n", "19dpur8: \"They're only being nice because they want sex\" - yeah, and there is nothing wrong with that - None\n", "19dodvn: CMV: Bluepillers don't actually care about self improvement. - None\n", "19dsism: What are some partner behaviors that are commonly considered cheating, but you don't (or otherwise don't mind)? - None\n", "19dkx45: What are things you hate about other women? - None\n", "19dvow9: Is it seen as ungrateful or a bad choice to decline sex? - None\n", "19dl19s: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "19ds3e9: I think this is a good definition of a “high value man”. What do you think ladies? - None\n", "19crnxv: What is a red pill and a blue pill opinion you have? - None\n", "19da27x: What do you consider cheating? - None\n", "19cioux: Why do many women say age gap relationships have a \"power imbalance\" yet say nothing about wealth gap relationships? - None\n", "19crgeu: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "19cktkn: What advice would you give your daughters when it comes to dating, marriage and family formation? - None\n", "19c64r5: “Don’t bother a woman at [location]. She’s just there to [do activity].” - None\n", "19cjtvv: What do you think is the cause for this to happen? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_19cjtvv\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "19cq44l: Serial killer infatuation - None\n", "19cj2xa: Prenup a red flag? - None\n", "19cbn48: Why do women love testing men - None\n", "19c5ha1: outside of some obvious exceptions, having no friends is a red flag - None\n", "19c1kk2: Are women the primary motivator in most men's lives? - None\n", "19c4ylc: What are your thoughts on settling? How many people do you think settle? Do you have an experience settling or being settled for? - None\n", "19c3fjt: Which one is correct? - None\n", "19bvhbs: Why I believe Men are unsympathetic towards Women's grievances in dating. - None\n", "19czysr: Pretty girls don't have it as easy as you think (although they definitely have it easier than most men) - None\n", "19bwr6n: Would you be a beta bucks? - None\n", "19biqe8: Is approaching women something men are stopping to do? Is it also frowned upon? Also is male sexuality demonized? - None\n", "19byeuy: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "19bjrpf: Do you believe in the idea of \"just be her first?\" - None\n", "19bo389: The Red pill and Manosphere is based on possibility and not probability - None\n", "19bhstj: Which do you feel a woman values more? - None\n", "19boobt: Women, what do you think is your responsibility in a relationship? - None\n", "19bb9n2: What are your \"sexual standards\" for a man? - None\n", "19bg9ym: AD HOC WEEKLY DISCUSSION THREAD - None\n", "19bumcj: Is Argentina's President Javier Milei Red-pilled without coming out and directly saying it? - None\n", "19bfdjv: Artificial womb in the next decades - None\n", "19auhn9: The DHS paid almost 700k to a counter-terrorism NGO to intercept and divert Twitter traffic away from people in the “manosphere” and those who take issue with promiscuity. Do you agree with these actions and the funding of this report? - None\n", "19b104h: Do women want their partner to say yes to their wants? - None\n", "19b5v6s: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "19b0cpw: Male charisma can be non-alpha and non-masculine - None\n", "19bolq4: Men don't take responsibility either, and often bludgeon ourselves with our own wall. - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_19bolq4\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "19bbyp4: Many women enjoy some BDSM kink in the bedroom, what caused your interest? - None\n", "19bjdib: How does hypergamy explain things like gangbang fantasy? - None\n", "19ahh8a: How important Is losing virginity for women now? - None\n", "19bd5fi: How can LTRs last when modern men discard women who reach thirty or forty? - None\n", "19absxd: What made you willing to hook up? - None\n", "199xbax: Women are afforded a lot more leeway in what they can get away with - None\n", "19a9n5j: How do you explain the phenomenon of ‘high quality’ falling for absolute dregs? - None\n", "19ac60o: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "199zxk8: Blue pill: \"We are equal\", Red pill: \"We are different\", Purple pill: \"We are different, but we have to treat each other equally at least some of the time\" - None\n", "199ljny: \"You have to work 10 times harder than your grandfathers for women 10 times worse.\" - None\n", "199q5fr: How true is the Madonna Whore complex for guys? - None\n", "199zas5: How bad Is not being able tò do masculine jobs when It comes to long term relationship? ( Like fixing, assemble things, Easy plumbing/maintenance, orientation without Google maps ) - None\n", "199pyso: Men who constantly surround themselves with terrible women are typically simps. - None\n", "19b1dq7: Men and women are not equal and will never be equal - None\n", "199ml1z: How can men prevent sexless, transactional or “bait & switch” marriages or long term relationships? - None\n", "199phcq: Did a (F) Coworker Confirm Major Parts of TRP Theory? - None\n", "199dm23: Do most women really dislike being approached in general? - None\n", "199wdq4: [nsfw][?] Women of PPD, what's your threshold for infidelity? - None\n", "199htde: If woman have the choice over abortion, should men have the choice over child support? - None\n", "199bnlz: In the current year, do you think men should pay for dates? Why or why not? - None\n", "199isv5: Is it easier to maintain friendships with guys ? - None\n", "198zfjz: There is a correlation between women's gravitation towards Dark Triad personality traits, and their propensity for being victims - None\n", "199i3fi: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "198vu7m: how is hookup culture accepted if you’re supposed to get to know women \"as people\" first? - None\n", "199lla9: Clearing the Ground: Towards Definitions in Light of Evolution - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_199lla9\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "199r25k: Does the female sex drive increase while in a relationship? - None\n", "1993bz4: Would you leave a man you love if he refused to marry you? - None\n", "198trn6: Is personality more important to men or women? - None\n", "199c1f9: Do you think women, on average, would be more attracted to Patrick Swayze's character in \"Dirty Dancing\" or Patrick Swayze's character in \"Roadhouse?\" - None\n", "198r0z7: Modern dating strategy: Dating multiple people before being exclusive - Are males against this? - None\n", "198o4ym: Does vulnerability and open communication tend to kill some sexual tension early in the dating process? - None\n", "199ly3z: If men don’t pay for dates are they willing to change their preferences for the sake of equality? - None\n", "1984eky: Why do women here consistently portray men's dating preferences as malicious and their own as benign? - None\n", "198oymx: \"conditional femininity\" vs \"conditional masculinity\" - None\n", "199j2fp: Falling fertility rates seem to be a problem of falling marriage rates, which in turn seem to be due to lessening of the gap between male and female privilege. Hence it might be impossible to raise fertility rates unless egalitarianism is challenged. - None\n", "198n5dz: The Fallacious Connection Between Male Insecurity and Female Breadwinners - None\n", "198uxxt: Work on yourself in your 20s, reap the rewards in your 30s - None\n", "198ctzt: The fact that the rest of Reddit thinks PPD is “toxic” shows how messed up things are rn - None\n", "198nc5b: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1980ll8: Why do Red Pillers find it so hard to admit that men can be horrible people? - None\n", "1981x8i: Why do men crave a stay at home wife so much? - None\n", "198ki26: What does Red Pill mean? - None\n", "1986xhv: In what way would you like men to open up to you about their problems so you don't feel like their mom/therapist? - None\n", "197z15v: Why confidence is a meme. - None\n", "1980pb0: Are Men and Women equally malicious? - None\n", "1983dso: How do you split the finances? - None\n", "197o7xq: It is okay to quit dating but not okay to quit striving in life. - None\n", "197yqdv: How would you prefer a man express their interest in you? - None\n", "197igxk: Why are we glorifying doing normal adult things - None\n", "197jop4: Current dating attitudes. - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_197jop4\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "197s69s: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "197fmvq: California Online Dating Safety Act: Thoughts - None\n", "197iurx: Are you more attracted to calm, easy going or energetic, vivid personalities? - None\n", "1978rsz: Serious question for the ladys: Do you find this kind of man attractiv? - None\n", "196yvt2: Seriously, how is the average joe supposed to be happy if he is never desired? - None\n", "197rd9a: CMV: Although it should remain legal, it is immoral for a woman to remain pregnant if the man doesn’t want the child. - None\n", "197qjrw: Is there any justification to the notion that men should be allowed to cheat? - None\n", "196y2u0: Why do women tend to get aggressive at divorce? - None\n", "197d037: Have you ever dated a Jada? - None\n", "196wik3: What are some unique burdens that the opposite gender has? - None\n", "197wqez: Do you lovely ladies think you'll be able to pull off a alpha fuxs/beta bucks strategy in a post red pill world? - None\n", "196z3cz: What societal scenario would make redpilled men happy? - None\n", "197sun3: Who even are these “top percentile men” that are allegedly getting 80% of the dating results? - None\n", "197l3ol: Would you still date women if you had an authentic bioengineered vagina and womb in your basement? - None\n", "196gigp: Why does it seem like progressiveness towards the gender roles only apply toward women? - None\n", "196tkgt: Men feel that women will not allow them to have preferences but where do they get this idea? - None\n", "197mioq: Why do single and childless men who complain they cannot get dates or relationships also complain about the big numbers of single moms and that they would never date a single mother? - None\n", "196pq6h: What do you being to the table - None\n", "196iq07: Post-Nut Clarity and what it suggests about males - None\n", "196t8rm: What's the difference, in principle and in morals, between pump-and-dump and serial monogamy? - None\n", "196wy2m: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "195ym4h: Does the Destiny situation prove that redpill is right? - None\n", "195yey9: Women tell men how to be attractive not sexually attractive and men struggle because of it - None\n", "196ekl0: Films/books that portray the male ideal fantasy? - None\n", "1967enn: How can a \"nice guy\" truly become a cocky, playful asshole (\"bad boy\")? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1967enn\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "195zsfl: Why is confidence such an aphrodisiac? - None\n", "196f14t: Female women are you also scared of approaching men and end up imagining disatrous scenarios in your head? - None\n", "196etxu: Apparently, a lot of women now want to meet someone while \"running errands\" - None\n", "195n664: The way TRP describes female submission makes 0 sense - None\n", "196a5xc: Which side criticizes the other side more - \"Red Pill\" criticizing \"Blue Pill\" or \"Blue Pill\" criticizing \"Red Pill\"? - None\n", "195sslb: Dating, investments, homeownership, and financial priorities - None\n", "1963aqn: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "195slma: Do you believe most men respect women you meet? - None\n", "1962lr8: What does the 80/20 rule? - None\n", "195svlc: If one group is more desperate than the other in a deal, that increases the chance of injustice happening to the desperate member of the deal. - None\n", "19688q5: Should people with little to no dating experience be allowed to discuss or debate dating issues? - None\n", "196cf5f: How do you think you guys will handle it once it's over and you're settled down? - None\n", "195yc74: Questions about womens' complaints directed towards men - None\n", "1950gwd: Men are infinitely more forgiving towards women flaws yet women keep pretending men and women are on an even field with dating. - None\n", "195sjpp: FEMINISM WEEKLY DISCUSSION THREAD - None\n", "195s29s: The logical origin of the argument “he should have worn a condom” or “he should have kept it in his pants” is actually “she should have just been abstinent”. Why do makers of the former claims not understand the argument they are actually making? - None\n", "19637xm: Why do some women willingly oppress themselves? - None\n", "194qi7f: Why do some people bend over backwards to find excuses for everything women do? - None\n", "1952va7: You're not forced to be with women who don't want you. - None\n", "194xptd: Where is the incentive for a woman to be submissive? - None\n", "1950yr3: Women’s Attraction to Dangerous and Violent Men - None\n", "19622jd: Passport bros and mail order husbands doing it wrong: The case for marrying up not down - None\n", "1959xd9: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1954yti: Can advocates of casual sex propose it’s merits? - None\n", "1964th5: Do men even like women anymore? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_1964th5\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "195rp34: What are your guys views on \"entitlement\" of sex in marriage? - None\n", "194xput: Why do Western Women believe in casual relationships the most? - None\n", "194v9zf: There's a viral phenomenon on social media (mainly tiktok) of porn bot sites stealing videos of women to pretend to be single lonely older women. What do you think of this trend? - None\n", "194zz0i: If you woke up tomorrow as the opposite sex, and knew you would never go back, how would your views change? - None\n", "194v6fo: Since an amount of guys feel legalizing prostitution is the only way, can they protest the issue? - None\n", "195jr05: What are your experiences or anecdotes of abusive women and did you or others find help after? - None\n", "194ev1t: I am thoroughly confused by the current sexual landscape. - None\n", "195457w: Having a skillset or not? - None\n", "194f9cq: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "194issz: Ladies (non-exclusively), what are your thoughts on population collapse? - None\n", "1943dwa: Why is categorical thinking so prominent in these spaces? - None\n", "193ws60: CMV: Dating for most men gets easier at 30 because they lack the sexual experience to realise , women's standards and desires for a relationship, marriage shift out of necessity. - None\n", "194fcdh: What’s the plan? - None\n", "19562v2: Just because men are argued to have it “worst” in getting a girl doesn’t mean women can’t have it bad - None\n", "193on1l: CMV: Dating apps are becoming the only socially acceptable way to get a relationship - None\n", "1942d22: Which historical women =did not survive because= they refused to marry anyone? - None\n", "194ha1l: Abusing Pornography for Men == Abusing Online Dating for Sexually for Women - None\n", "193mqvp: The most important thing a man can bring to a woman, is attention (and sex) - None\n", "193986c: Sex Robots will fix the dating market - None\n", "193ki1d: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1947cdp: i’ve seen this idea tossed around that women are more susceptible than men to social trends - both genders are very susceptible to trends, let’s stop pretending its one sided - None\n", "1942nnb: Is it true that a good amount of women want alpha males to have some beta qualities? - None\n", "193466h: Is it becoming a growing trend for women (and especially young women) to casually disrespect and sexually demean men they believe are less attractive than them with no provocation? - None\n", "193yjew: Contrary to popular belief, I think meek, beta guy and dominant woman can create successful marriages - None\n", "192yk3q: How do you rank the importance of these traits / factors in a potential partner? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_192yk3q\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "192rjpb: I Think There's Room for a Men's Liberation Front - Let's Talk About It - None\n", "192z1vb: Why do a lot of women say that men like b*tc3s? - None\n", "193hj5t: Contrary to what the Internet and Hollywood makes you belief, why does it seem Cougars are a minority and most women don’t want to date men their age nor younger than themselves? - None\n", "193nn5a: Q4M: When it comes to “education around consent,” do you feel like boys and men “don’t understand consent” or that “they don’t care if they have consent”? - None\n", "192f6zz: What is the appeal of casual sex for women? - None\n", "192lf56: Texting a girl: Keep it short and simple or she will run! - None\n", "192bvw4: People here exaggerate the hate that age gap relationships get. If you're so sensitive that a few comments get you then don't be in an age gap relationship - None\n", "192pgj4: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "193nx1z: Is cheating in women ultimately a matter of time and place? - None\n", "1929mg1: Many people talk about toxic masculinity, but we rarely hear about toxic femininity. - None\n", "1922quk: Debating women's preferences won't lead to women changing them - None\n", "1923ni5: Why attempt to change your partner’s lifestyle rather than just finding someone who matches yours? - None\n", "192sb6n: Hypothetical: Consent and Conception - None\n", "191ya34: Women who complain about dating, is it incorrect to say they are at fault? - None\n", "1925car: No, romance was not a modern invention - None\n", "192njrg: Many men seem to not be interested in promiscuous women. What are the positives? - None\n", "191xqtt: Women of PPD: would you consider it strange if a male friend/relative asked you to set him up with one of your friends? (Not a specific one, just a friend in general). - None\n", "191uct2: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "191bqye: Why push for a relationship, marriage and even kids when you are fundamentally unable to trust your partner? - None\n", "191l0c3: I think offering money to women is so effective that they make it illegal. - None\n", "192isfq: Do you think young girls need to bring back the 90 day rule, or even more extreme like wait until marriage? - None\n", "191k2y5: Why is when it comes to age gap relationships, people assume there must be an agenda with the couple? - None\n", "190uo34: Female Behavior Rewards Manipulative Men Who Play The Field Or Date Downwards - None\n", "1912x2y: Women of PPD. Do you encourage your male friends to shoot their shot with women/ approach? Why or why not? - None\n", "190v1db: Do you think women should be able to be sued or convicted of a crime for paternity fraud? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_190v1db\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "190wree: Are you sure you're aware of the consequences of men stoicly accepting being single - None\n", "190pg3z: Should paternity tests be mandatory? - None\n", "1910mz3: Is it biologically easier for guys to lower their standards compared to women? - None\n", "190vb7h: Is there a stigma to dating foreigners where you’re from? - None\n", "190zh10: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1902xbz: I Think It’s Okay To Reject A Girl Based On Her Weight. - None\n", "190pi0k: Have you ever used sexual tease for your advantage consciously? - None\n", "190ebwg: How common is it for you to see people cheating? - None\n", "190tva8: q4men: would you sign an acknowledgment of paternity for the child of some woman you arent married to? - None\n", "1906iu3: Men mistake women ignoring most men as her being loyal. Let's debate - None\n", "18zx1gg: Do women understand that not all misogynists are incels and not all incels are misogynists? - None\n", "190wslj: Why is it so hard for taken women to ignore other men who show interest in her? - None\n", "1903sxj: Fun hypothetical, here are some options you can choose from to fix dating - None\n", "18zwrqm: Men need to stop being so thirsty. - None\n", "190ayfn: How often do you and your friends discuss/gossip about the sex lives of your social circle? - None\n", "19001ki: To what extent are age gaps in relationships due to the preferences of women vs men? - None\n", "1905slf: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1904dpf: N COUNTS WEEKLY DISCUSSION THREAD - None\n", "18zoxwm: What Makes You a Top 1% Woman for a Top 1% Man? - None\n", "18zvbt1: Who do so many actual “alpha males” & “players” who clearly get women and demonstrate being “Red Pill aware” get classified as “purple pilled” or “not Red Pilled” by people in Red Pill spaces? - None\n", "18zpmcg: Question for men: is the madonna-whore complex real? - None\n", "18zcj1r: “the divine feminine” is a manifestation of toxic femininity - None\n", "18zafnh: If modern dating just a cycle of: infatuation, get bored, cheat/leave? - None\n", "18zbnks: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18z3y6u: Why are people so reluctant to accept serial monogamy? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18z3y6u\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18zh78n: Why are men so anti marriage nowadays compared to 100 years ago? - None\n", "18z1044: Can men give some concrete examples of being emotionally vulnerable to women, and women reacting negatively? - None\n", "18zrrgb: What does everyone believe with regard to \"trauma\" and male sexual assault? - None\n", "18ylwzv: CMV, women have a low tolerance for male vulnerability which perpetuates men not expressing their thoughts and feelings - None\n", "18yy4gl: Could be the uprise of men being bad or abusive partners be a result of men leaving the dating scene? - None\n", "18yzd7g: A lot of alpha male types are just as desperate and pathetic as anyone else - None\n", "18yxyqa: Do BP Women actually believe you can be truly egalitarian and 50-50 with children? - None\n", "18yxukg: Are men who do not want to commit to relationships simply risk-averse? - None\n", "18yufbz: Is asking out a friend only going to ruin your friendship if you're not attractive? - None\n", "18yjxt0: Penetration is essential to most women's complete sexual satisfaction. - None\n", "18yxj03: People nowdays just too rigid or arrogant to try and change for someone else - None\n", "18z1n64: Make up and women - None\n", "18ynkz0: Blue pillers, How would you summarize your views? - None\n", "18yvkij: CMV/Debate: In this society, neurotypicals who don't follow red pill or intense self improvement ideology are wasting their genetic potential - None\n", "18y2ppd: Any explanations as to why dating seems to be feast or famine? - None\n", "18yain1: Kin Influence and Sexual Selection - None\n", "18yy8q8: There is nothing wrong with being a side chick if we accept the reality of hypergamy - None\n", "18y06hd: My Take On PPD: No One Is Innocent - None\n", "18yp1d9: Question for women who don’t see sex as an essential part of your relationship - None\n", "18yghbu: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18xkqyz: Many women are actually quite distrustful of other women, they just defend the sisterhood in front of men - None\n", "18xx9kb: The persistent myth of the \"second shift\" - None\n", "18xofvy: Has anyone’s opinion or outlook on certain beliefs changed based on engagement here? - None\n", "18xpmkn: How do we know what's natural to each gender, and what is the cause of society? - None\n", "18yi9y2: Is there ceiling to women's sexual hypergamy? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18yi9y2\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18xnguz: Inexperience in older men is a disadvantage, not a death sentence - None\n", "18xh5pp: The more you meet women, the more you realize they're all the same - None\n", "18xlckm: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18y68e7: Is a reproductive draft on the horizon? - None\n", "18wsla4: So, is talking to women at bars just… over? - None\n", "18xytmf: If you and a friend both like the same guy, would you scheme in a way to get the guy for yourself? - None\n", "18y1vaj: The discussion surrounding the chore gap is missing a major question Discussion - None\n", "18x21rz: Is it wrong for an inexperienced older man to prefer younger women due to them also being inexperienced? - None\n", "18x19by: Why are ambiguous friendships and unreciprocated feelings causing so much uproar? - None\n", "18wxjau: If you are currently unsatisfied with your romantic/relationship prospect, what is your next play for 2024? - None\n", "18xxtxu: Why do you think women suffer from postpartum depression? - None\n", "18wid5m: Are men accepting far less these days or has it always been like this? - None\n", "18x28iy: When women consume media for men, do they wish to be like the MALE main character too? - None\n", "18wuupl: In which countries is it commonplace for women approach men for sex and relationships? - None\n", "18wq2mw: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18w1584: Women saying they hate their husband is so common on Reddit - None\n", "18xknn4: it is insane for inexperienced men to seek inexperienced women - None\n", "18wbs6l: Was cold appraching more successful before social media and online dating became common? - None\n", "18wefdh: Discussion: Why is the % of men/women who have ever had a biological child so low and delayed? Is this a reflection of the changing dating market and sexual behaviour of people in USA? - None\n", "18vz03s: Is casual sex worth the risk of herpes? - None\n", "18vwa6j: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18w98lz: Is there a double standard when it comes to women and men being single? Does one have it worse than the other? - None\n", "18vkg96: Why do feminists and red-pillers make it seem like it's either one extreme or the other when it comes to a woman having a career or a family? - None\n", "18vg91l: Do you that marriage is largely obsolete today now that social norms have been largely relaxed? - None\n", "18vci3c: Double standard with “bum partners”? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18vci3c\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18vx4gy: Do you feel like the sexual revolution benefits men more than women? - None\n", "18vbbtq: How low would autistic guys have to set their standards, if women only date up? - None\n", "18vd43g: Has intelligence become less valuable in todays dating society? - None\n", "18wblmh: Reproducing older is creating a generation of disabled kids, and it is morally abhorrent - None\n", "18vi4f7: Why would conservative women be more happy ? - None\n", "18uvm7v: All evidence suggests that people prefer a bad relationship to loneliness - None\n", "18v3qk4: How comfortable are you dating someone that uses drugs? - None\n", "18uz1jl: Women suffer from oneitis at least as much as men in my experience - None\n", "18v6dck: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18usse2: One of the biggest miscommunications between men and women is that when a man expresses emotional and sexual interest in a woman, the women assumes he ONLY wants sex. - None\n", "18uw6ng: To women who have had both casual flings and longer-term partners, did your attraction to your long-term partners ever match up to your visceral lust for your flings? - None\n", "18uenoe: Why are people only inquisitive when women fall short? - None\n", "18unlic: Would many men still remain anti marriage if new laws were created by getting a divorce harder and abolishing alimony except in truly legitimate cases? - None\n", "18uhk7u: Q4W: Why is there a \"Fear of crime gender paradox\"? - None\n", "18ue4fh: Are young adults infantilized? How does this affect dating? - None\n", "18unbbg: Uncomfortable Red Pill Facts, yes from multiple studies, For Women. Ladies please explain! - None\n", "18ul706: Should people only date within their leagues or is that unrealistic? - None\n", "18urhlk: Is it worth it dating a super hot girl? - None\n", "18ue23v: Dating vs Marriage - None\n", "18v63ig: Nobody ever died from the house not being perfectly clean and tidy all the time, yet women's complaints that the man doesn't help around the house enough are taken super seriously, but a man is called a selfish asshole if he complains about lack of sex - None\n", "18uk3zv: LOOKS WEEKLY DISCUSSION THREAD - None\n", "18u1bcx: If a man is a late bloomer wouldn’t it be more natural for him to date down in age to where he would be more likely to find someone closer to him experience wise? - None\n", "18ud6uc: The concept of \"dating\" and having healthy relationships cannot co-exist - None\n", "18tnyid: Everything about the current dating scene makes it far more likely for sexually successful men to become unempathetic and leave women emotionally hurt - None\n", "18v0n8j: Can a person's sexual body parts be complimented in a non-sexual way? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18v0n8j\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18tmc2b: Have any of the men here just stopped bothering with dating? - None\n", "18ud8yp: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18u2ibt: General discussion regarding Red Pill Men - None\n", "18tqvod: Do men feel \"threatened\" when a more attractive male enters the room? - None\n", "18tjwuu: Men need to stop jumping through hoops for women and stroking their egos just to get laid and get validation. - None\n", "18twzh7: Where do these things fall in priority to you? - None\n", "18u2btt: Is hookup culture accessible to teetotalers? - None\n", "18tpetz: Should people just give up and learn to be happy alone? - None\n", "18u35us: Q4W: Would you want your son/hypothetical son to have children? - None\n", "18tqlod: Do you think older, single, childless, \"cat ladies\" are largely happy or not? - None\n", "18u19vw: CMV: I think most of TRP tenets apply to American women only - None\n", "18tvx1h: Women who go to dance clubs, how often do you and your friends end up meeting and hanging out with other groups of women you didnt know before? - None\n", "18t9c5h: Why do women pick the worst partners? - None\n", "18toibu: Which gender deals with more conflicting expectations and scripts? - None\n", "18tj3wp: Men who realised that they were conditioned to be Beta Bucks... - None\n", "18tegvu: Women will always say what makes themselves look good - None\n", "18twanu: Would older women be happier if they lowered their standards? - None\n", "18tjpls: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18t5rr9: Why doesn't pre-selection affect men too? - None\n", "18t3327: Why is the term \"Masculine\" or \"Feminine\" suddenly bad when in opposite Genders? - None\n", "18sx3wv: did something along the way go wrong for human societal development? - None\n", "18szic1: Avoiding the Coming Demographic Collapse - None\n", "18u43mo: “young attractive women live life on easy mode” - why this is a mislead statement. - None\n", "18sl5zr: CMV: Women who proclaim \"where are all the good men\", \"there are no good men\", \"I will never settle\" etc are actually red flags and are the loud minority. - None\n", "18sjf8c: Women give bad dating advice for Men - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18sjf8c\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18tobv1: Why aren't large age gap relationships the norm? - None\n", "18sytur: What do you think people mean when they talk about a \"submissive\" partner? - None\n", "18shgf1: Why do women generally view sugar daddies less creepily than older men dating and marrying younger women - None\n", "18srt91: CMV: It is impossible to be sexually attracted to someone because of their money. - None\n", "18tk4bt: Yes women can find relationships at any age , but their choices over 30 start becoming crappy - None\n", "18s8d2w: Having a list of positive traits/achievements isn't enough for successful dating. - None\n", "18smyke: Will some women only get into relationships with far above average men? - None\n", "18s3tci: Is there truly a large subset of men who are financially stable, emotionally stable, honest, intentional, make the best of their physical appearance (grooming/etc), have interesting hobbies etc that struggle attract their equal? - None\n", "18rynp2: Chasing women is a huge waste of time. - None\n", "18ta75g: Do men really have a longer window to get married and have kids especially later in life? - None\n", "18s6hll: Marrying and having kids young, risking divorce later vs. waiting till the good men are gone. Which is worse? - None\n", "18s1h6y: How would you feel about a man making you wait to make you feel special because he \"likes\" you too much - None\n", "18spj3p: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18snyg2: The Rise Of Male Subcultures is Disheartening. - None\n", "18rmcsk: This entire sub is based on one thing and one thing alone. 90% of men have to put in work to get laid and 90% of women don’t need to do anything other than show up. - None\n", "18rs845: Complaining about women’s standards while being afraid of being settled for is crazy - None\n", "18sgwfj: Q4W: Why aren't yall just content with sharing a guy that has everything you want? - None\n", "18rj8bk: Should guys take it personally if they have to wait till their 30s to have success with women? - None\n", "18rxg95: Just out of curiosity, how much of modern dating's problems also stem from a lack of inherent hardship in modern society? All perspectives welcome - None\n", "18rvhc2: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18rpi78: Men who feel that their wife settled for them as a safe option - None\n", "18rqubv: Women: have you ever exploited a man's interest for you own gain? - None\n", "18rode3: Q4M: would you feel disappointed or betrayed that a friend wants to date you? - None\n", "18rndmu: Do women use 'casual sex' as a way to 'relationship zone' men? Or do men and women understand 'casual' differently? - None\n", "18rmh33: Would you be with someone who accuses you of cheating for no reason? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18rmh33\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18r6khn: Question for those who are concerned about passport bro's leverage... - None\n", "18qynr4: Are male celebrities more likely to date fans than female celebrities? - None\n", "18qzzxv: Why do men and women feel like we need to rely on some generalizations of the sex we are attracted to? - None\n", "18r2awa: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18qz2nr: What is the evolutionary advantage to having the orgasm gap? - None\n", "18qqu9f: Did the behaviour from women in your family confirm or disprove the red pill? - None\n", "18ru6iw: I wish men would stop normalizing women approaching them and trying to \"shoot their shot\". Almost every man i've seen feels very uncomfortable with a woman approaching them - None\n", "18r8ydd: Do you think that it should be illegal for people to charge money for sex? - None\n", "18q58ec: Men empathize with lonely women. Women are disgusted by lonely men - None\n", "18r331m: DISCUSSION: Are autistic men just \"lazy\" when it comes to dating, friendship and employment struggles? - None\n", "18q013n: The more you understand women, the less you'll fall in love them. - None\n", "18pwglm: Sex work is not empowering for women , its derogatory and benefits no one - None\n", "18qabke: Can feminine men be in a relationship with feminine women? can masculine men be in a relationship with a masculine woman? or does there always need to be balance - None\n", "18qcob2: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18q3ru8: How do women actually go about guessing a man's wealth? - None\n", "18pwro5: Question for Women: Would you date somebody who was neurodivergent? - None\n", "18q37x0: Why are people obsessed with having a large quantity of love interests and being the most desirable? - None\n", "18q2vnb: Is love just a societal construct that we've been conditioned to believe in? - None\n", "18po79e: Men Who Have Been on These Forums and Have Dated - How do you manage? - None\n", "18q0epl: What other matchmaking pairing system do you think could replace the current dating system in place? - None\n", "18pu3ch: What sapiosexuals actually are attracted to: being mentally toyed with - None\n", "18pmkly: Perspective of a grandfather who married and had a successful wholesome relationship with a foreign women and how it’s shaped my view on the passport bro movement - None\n", "18qk751: Men try to demonize women for choosing to be alone because they are projecting their own insecurities - None\n", "18pnycl: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18pafa3: Is the attention women receive from men the equivalent of being bombarded with food choices? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18pafa3\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18pl0w0: What does it actually mean to be a non traditional man? - None\n", "18ppuao: Question for women: Why do you disagree with the manosphere's explanation of the \"MECHANISM\" through which dating apps & hookup culture destroy dating, courtship, and formation of relationships? Do you have alternate explanations? - None\n", "18ouawm: For those of you who think women can get anything for free? - None\n", "18p9xky: AD HOC WEEKLY DISCUSSION THREAD - None\n", "18pvxqt: There are so many single girls who are great catches! - None\n", "18ot72t: Is it common to look up the salary of your date's job? - None\n", "18ody5c: A lot of men waste time on women who don't really appreciate them. - None\n", "18ox3jy: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18oce4h: Men need to make these dating resolutions in 2024 - None\n", "18ojs72: Why is there a shame in expressing your masculinity? - None\n", "18omn9c: I recently came across a video that says men who want to assume both gender roles in a relationship are inherently narcissistic. Is this true? - None\n", "18odjm0: Even the genders' more \"wholesome\" side of attraction is generally different. - None\n", "18oj34w: Is it actually possible to have a relationship without any power dynamics and head games? - None\n", "18o9yb8: What’s the deal in regards to woman on women sexual abuse being completely ignored? - None\n", "18nwwpb: A man who's sexually inexperienced is not a \"red flag\" - None\n", "18o8iho: More feminine type males tend to be attracted to \"alpha\" women? - None\n", "18o5dcz: The talking point that \"older men prey on young girls because older women are less willing to put up with their bullshit\" misses the mark. - None\n", "18o3h7e: 37% of Men have used prostitution: ramifications? - None\n", "18o0xjf: Why does everyone here generalize from a few social media posts? - None\n", "18nxk02: Why do women hate the \"what do you bring to the table?\" - None\n", "18od3jp: So what would the dating realm be like if more men practiced self-actualization or at the very least, self-influencing, as opposed to always having that dire need to always impress women/others? Would the pace of competition change? - None\n", "18oep6w: Masculine and feminine in a relationship - None\n", "18o4uo5: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18nmhu1: Want to solve the male loneliness epidemic? Stop letting kids play video games and promote outdoor activities instead - None\n", "18o21sr: Have You Ever Been Cat Called Or Wolf Whistled, And If So How Did You Respond? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18o21sr\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18o1jv9: Why beautiful women attract men who are shallow and fickle in short, fleeting relationships? - None\n", "18odtwm: Would more women around the world engage in polygamy if they could get the kind of men that they want? - None\n", "18oh68j: Women are inherently more selfish/self centered. This is evidenced by their lack of \"hero worship\" CMV - None\n", "18o6krt: If your believe system makes you feel good, it no longer is serving you - None\n", "18nn6fo: Real \"alpha\" male movie portrayals, like in life, the focus is on WINNING, not \"genuine desire\" - None\n", "18n8bdm: Why do fathers react so differently to the idea of their daughters dating? - None\n", "18ngbym: Does Any Man Actually Do Better On Dating Apps Than In Real Life? - None\n", "18nglc2: Are men below being proposed to? - None\n", "18obiog: Actually a man still being inexperienced in his 20s can be a red flag... - None\n", "18mzrrw: International dating is generally good for men and a life changing positive event for the women they marry. Scholarly research - mostly by feminists -has repeatedly proved this. Lonely guys should consider it - particularly otherwise successful guys who are a bit socially awkward or shy with women. - None\n", "18o6fyj: Why do men want girlfriends so badly? - None\n", "18n3i22: Why do players keep a harem of girls when he could easily get a girl he wants? - None\n", "18n3aqd: Is women's sexuality more self-centered than men's? - None\n", "18n4g39: Most RP tactics and thought process are driven by a man’s abandonment issues. - None\n", "18mt1m4: Why don't alpha women date beta simps? - None\n", "18nbijc: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18mxie8: When women are afraid a guy is going to leave them after they turn 25, how often has this actually happened to women? - None\n", "18n2fvv: Who cares more about sex? - None\n", "18mj6lz: For those of you who can’t get dates/relationships, what are some other goals you have in life? - None\n", "18m7a39: Why don't feminists just stick to dating male feminists? - None\n", "18mf0g1: What are some examples of Blue Pill Media that lied to you about women? - None\n", "18mdrmu: Women talking about TRP resembles a creative writing exercise, they're mostly just bullshitting. - None\n", "18n6bsj: Older women are way easier to manipulate than younger girls - None\n", "18m31v9: Why men will judge your personality and character based on how you dress and act and why it makes complete rational sense to do so when choosing a 'wifey material' woman. - None\n", "18n1thm: What’s with all the eugenics advocacy coming from TRP? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18n1thm\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18mhqef: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18m3rob: Nuances on friendship between men and women - None\n", "18m9d0d: How much do you think enforced sexual conduct affects men? - None\n", "18m7goz: What public figure would you choose to be a role model for the opposite sex? - None\n", "18lxwpn: Women, what is your perception of the male experience? What do you think life is like for us, or in what ways do you imagine or see it differing? - None\n", "18myfix: Why do men leave their sick wives? - None\n", "18m8tpb: If ever, at what age do you think “youth” stops becoming an excuse? - None\n", "18m986a: how “male feminists” embody toxic masculinity - None\n", "18m2fhe: What happened to the CMV flair/tag? - None\n", "18mnvfd: TRP caps your potential and inhibits your ability to effectively pursue what you truly want - None\n", "18lot2b: Q4W: Women only dance clubs. Genius idea? - None\n", "18mi2o1: We shouldn't believe in \"pills\" we should believe whatever makes us the happiest - None\n", "18lxc9j: Men do you have any natural programmed simp reactions and have you ever gotten away with it? - None\n", "18mo64c: Why do so many men seem not to know how to hold a conversation? Has covid ruined men's ability to be able to stimulate a woman's mind - None\n", "18m20as: To 35+F, what do you think of men 35+M who went on strike against you? - None\n", "18m1qmg: Is it the norm for woman to feel threatened by men in social settins in the US? - None\n", "18lbrvc: Did any of your grandfathers ever tell you how much better men have it these days in the same way women's grandmothers did? - None\n", "18le97q: Is there a type of man that you would have fun with but not commit too? - None\n", "18lno1g: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18l1wlr: Women narcissistically define \"maturity/adulthood\" based on how they tend to behave and \"immaturity/childishness\" based on how men tend to behave. - None\n", "18l6o9v: Whats the most attractive thing a man/woman can say to you? - None\n", "18lued1: Will Majors take the RP? - None\n", "18kqwjc: Do you think people find you boring? - None\n", "18luncp: Men should be able to \"emotionally cheat\" - None\n", "18ktdu2: Is it that bad for a virgin to have to practice? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18ktdu2\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18kzpmj: Question for singles: What do you imagine doing in a relationship? - None\n", "18kp4l0: Does anyone else think flirting is so embarrassing? - None\n", "18l7bph: Women : would you rather be rather be \"forced\" to work or be forced to marry ? - None\n", "18khxin: Women who are looking for a father not a partner. - None\n", "18ktt4h: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18kl7m8: When does putting your best foot forward become deception? - None\n", "18lfsf8: Why are redpillers sore about marriage? - None\n", "18l0z0y: Why TRP is misguided about 'betabux' - None\n", "18kjous: Q4W: Hinting vs. Telling - None\n", "18lha3o: If the man doesn't like the woman more the relationship will never work out. Youtubers and red pill men need to stop telling women to pursue men. Men hate to be pursued and feel uncomfortable with a woman thirsting after him - None\n", "18k0t9i: How do you explain your dating struggles to your parents? - None\n", "18k8ibb: Do most people settle or just have lowly standards? - None\n", "18k6xpb: Do you think that being rich helps men in terms of dating and finding relationships etc? If so do you think this is to do with the status that comes along with it or the lifestyle and wealth? - None\n", "18k2mx9: How do you approach dating knowing full well you’re going into it with your judgement impaired. - None\n", "18jvt7j: Women want to split housework and childrearing but don't want to compromise anywhere else - None\n", "18l0956: Men need to stop using Suicide Rates in the \"Oppression Olympics\" - None\n", "18jrpoq: What can autistic guys do to not make women feel like predators? - None\n", "18l0q09: CMV: women who get offended by toilet humour are not wife material - None\n", "18jetpg: Sexual deviancy for men is sexual liberation for women - None\n", "18jvh08: FEMINISM WEEKLY DISCUSSION THREAD - None\n", "18koqj8: Men Have Abandoned Women - None\n", "18klfxh: The Hottest Women Are MILFS - None\n", "18k1r5x: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18j8sfq: How does anyone connect if no one will chase? - None\n", "18jiemh: Q4M: a woman being a bad ass... Turn on? Or turn off? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18jiemh\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18jqmon: What would you do if you got a girl pregnant by accident? - None\n", "18izd69: Societies response to anger is gender specific and bizarre - None\n", "18j7oc5: Reassuring your partner about fidelity - None\n", "18jxg5p: Women generally don't consider a mans potential, and this is causing unhealthy imbalances in the dating market - None\n", "18j976k: Is the hope of a relationship more important than the relationship itself? - None\n", "18j47cx: What do men want from women in a relationship? - None\n", "18jj3l3: What's the point of a long term serious relationship for a man? - None\n", "18ja4x0: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18ju0m8: From a cold, practical perspective isn't women's emancipation bad for society if it leads to low birth rates - None\n", "18jqjtx: Alpha and Chad are just security blankets and when combined with \"the Wall\" fantastical wish fulfillment of some kind of cosmic justice doled to women; there is no such thing - None\n", "18javwv: The \"as long as you enjoy it that's all that matters\" attitude towards how people spend their free time is a contributor to the rise in loneliness in society. - None\n", "18izszb: Are there more lonely men or lonely women? - None\n", "18isx02: Q4W: For those who have experienced this - why do males approach less nowadays? - None\n", "18ise6x: Does anybody else feel ostracized from their supposed genders “nature” - None\n", "18j6uep: Does my dating story mean other guys can have hope? - None\n", "18id593: Why do guys take it personally when women see them as a safe option, when guys end up marrying those options as well? - None\n", "18idif1: Q4W: Do women truly believe men want to remain friends with them? - None\n", "18j0xwv: Women are the ones slowly destroying the dating market without knowing - None\n", "18iqi9p: Would you date a women who has lost a significant amount of weight? - None\n", "18i5s9t: When did small penis become synonymous with insecure? - None\n", "18ilzq5: Women Ages 25-30 that are still in the dating scene, has anything changed with how you approach dating? - None\n", "18ioasy: What do women think of men who have cosmetic surgery done? - None\n", "18iaswa: Child support at conception gaining support [Unborn Child Support Act] - None\n", "18idi7o: Q4M: What do abusive, manipulative women's standards look like? Like manipulative men, do they seek out vulnerable and desperate men, like the \"lonely male\" crisis types of men? - None\n", "18icwoe: Is “That’s just the way it is” a more valid answer than we’d like it to be? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18icwoe\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18ihh0z: Is it generally obvious when a guy is attracted to you? - None\n", "18i7ljh: Robot and AI girlfriends - None\n", "18i6cwk: Do you feel that growing up in strict, religious environments makes men lack confidence? - None\n", "18ih7c3: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18i6gye: What exactly do you mean when you accuse men of \"stringing women along for sex\" ? Can you give examples of this behavior? - None\n", "18hxey7: Mandatory Paternity Test protect children's mental health [repost under new flair] - None\n", "18hx89t: Older men have lots of baggage too. - None\n", "18hovwk: Woman who complain about ot being able to find a \"good man\" just have very high standards - None\n", "18hysr7: what do women gain from being in a relationship with men if they’re seen as valueless after 25? - None\n", "18hhuha: Guy asks girl who switches up the deal to leave. Subreddit goes wild. - None\n", "18hlnek: What is a the bitter truth for men about dating over 30 - None\n", "18hlcg1: Advice for unsuccessful men in romance vs advice for financially unsuccessful people and incel rhetoric vs socialist rhetoric - None\n", "18hssba: More women (unfortunately) have to accept financial responsibilities if dating/relationships will ever fix itself. [Repost] - None\n", "18hlng9: “Self Worth” is a silly concept. Your worth is determined by others, not you. - None\n", "18i04mr: General question: how do you feel about your SO ‘acting things out’ with an artist/singer on stage? - None\n", "18hbu2h: \"Filtering out fuckboys\" is a really dumb excuse for expecting men to pay for nice dinner dates - None\n", "18heixq: Being Social does NOT Help Lonely Men in Dating (CMV) - None\n", "18hv7ov: Does Consuming Pop Culture Influence Your Dating Preferences? - None\n", "18ho969: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18howii: Why is a mixture of masculine and feminine energy more attractive than one or the other? - None\n", "18h0szo: One of the smartest comments on here recently really resonated with me about the current social environment - None\n", "18h004y: Better to lie to Women than be honest - None\n", "18i69fl: Lying to Women is okay - None\n", "18h77id: Passportbros, s*x tourists, or s*xpats of Reddit, did dealing with women overseas mess up your view of women in your own country? - None\n", "18hy5kd: Would you allow your husband to sleep with other women? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18hy5kd\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18gq5n5: Men raised by single mothers are the worst kinds of men to date - None\n", "18h06ws: Are most women demisexual? - None\n", "18gknqo: To most women, a \"real man\" is a man who caters to them and is easy to control. - None\n", "18h6rrb: Sex on the first date is a good first step to a relationship - None\n", "18gutvx: simple solution - None\n", "18gujkz: What made you join the red pill? - None\n", "18gt6jg: Dating Apps Are a disaster for Relationship - None\n", "18h6501: Is it true that most women think guys won't take them seriously until after they are 25? - None\n", "18glch9: is hyper-individualism ruining our relationships? - None\n", "18hu25i: Why do men say women have high standards? - None\n", "18gbauf: \"No one owes you anything\" is another battle women are going to lose - None\n", "18gu8tn: Does Chivalry Still Work in the 21st Century? - None\n", "18gs12a: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18glabp: It is better to be desired than tolerated? - None\n", "18gn0ho: explaining the women are wonderful effect: from the perspective of mating strategies - None\n", "18gaag9: Men who sleep around hate women who sleep around more than incels - None\n", "18ga051: Men and women are far more similar than they want to admit. - None\n", "18ghtax: How detrimental are mismatched libidos in relationships? - None\n", "18g1gbq: Do You Think It’s A Good Idea, To Split The Gym By Gender? - None\n", "18gau0y: “Discussion” vs “Debate” - None\n", "18fuys1: Would you date a woman who left-swiped you on a dating app? - None\n", "18fkayi: men only dislike ‘hookup culture’ when they can’t participate in it - None\n", "18fwx0d: One major issue with dating apps: they keep everyone in their comfort zones. - None\n", "18g560w: How would you want your son to be raised? - None\n", "18fkn9q: “Nothing is more unattractive to women than low self confidence” - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18fkn9q\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18gcix5: How are men supposed to deal with being the hornier sex? - None\n", "18fz725: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18f65dr: Makeup plays an enormous role in women’s upper hand and allows them to play several leagues up, many of them look unrecognizable without it. - None\n", "18f3jny: Do women really believe that toxic masculinity is the common factor of sexless lonely men? - None\n", "18fejuf: Does TRP believe that the best way to solve this dating problem, is too become the problem? - None\n", "18fae7q: Q4W: How would you react if you discovered a man you liked wore a toupee, shoe lifts, etc? - None\n", "18f8edi: Q4M: If you have had abusive girlfriends, how do you feel about desperate men being jealous of you? Would you feel offended, or would you emphasize with their desperation in that having an abusive girlfriend is better than nothing? - None\n", "18feixj: What boundaries do you take for granted when you get in relationships? Have you had to come back set them after an unexpected breach? - None\n", "18fjjq8: Is the Simpsons Frank grimes vs Homer an excellent representation of red pill vs blue pill ? - None\n", "18f69u7: Friendzone and dating advice: the elefant in the room that I haven't seen adressed - None\n", "18g1do6: Why are men more similar in most countries, and women are not? Is it due to varying levels of patriarchy? - None\n", "18f9s56: Why does it matter if Red Pill applies to everyone - None\n", "18f6muw: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18eniq2: Research on women's aversion to bisexual men - None\n", "18f12zn: Prevalence of female-perpetrated sexual assault and domestic violence - None\n", "18eggnk: Single men are bitter. I wonder why? - None\n", "18erxik: What are your actual dating requirements? (Single Women Only) - None\n", "18etk1u: Two leaders in a relationship. Thoughts? - None\n", "18ela88: For those women that don't get \"cat called\" / approached by men, does the rhetoric that \"Every woman faces this\" make you feel like 'less\" of a woman? - None\n", "18ek7q5: Is it true that male \"players\" were shamed prior to the sexual revolution? - None\n", "18ehubq: N COUNTS WEEKLY DISCUSSION THREAD - None\n", "18edo8x: What is the ideal? What works best in a relationship? - None\n", "18efbxo: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18f6pag: Guys complaining about no dates/marriage perspective. Do you realize how cool is being single? - None\n", "18e56sn: Women genuinely, \"settling\" never really works out - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18e56sn\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18eo1c7: To what extent did globalism create the modern dating world? And to what extent will de-globalization reverse it? - None\n", "18ehns9: The Wall exists but also doesn't - None\n", "18dq8nk: Why do single women seem so happy compared to single men? - None\n", "18dy28a: Real talk, why is RP so obsessed with women’s age? - None\n", "18ejq4r: Do You Think Being Platonic Friends With Women Is Worth It? - None\n", "18dwqn5: Choose better is always the response when women are in bad relationships? Do you show the worse parts of yourself when just meeting someone? - None\n", "18e6nvm: Are my values and preferences too old-fashioned? - None\n", "18dwt80: What are successful autistic guys doing differently likely? - None\n", "18ehhtj: Who do you think needs more attention, males or women? And why? - None\n", "18e9f5d: What does it mean by women want money? - None\n", "18ese9v: CMV: buying expensive dinners for your gf/wife is equivalent to cooking for her if not better - None\n", "18ds9z6: How is it that such severely dysfunctional and socially inept people so often seem to be in long term relationships? - None\n", "18e5lut: Modern dating is one vicious cycle of overrating oneself and then going after the people better than us. - None\n", "18dhh7d: “Women are hornier than men” - None\n", "18ei3ba: Men can succeed very far in this world even while single. Can women do this too? - None\n", "18dnfjb: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18e3nd2: Unmarried childless women are more likely to be unhappy - None\n", "18eh69y: Since men outnumber women, male loneliness is not the fault of women and cannot be solved through partnership with women. - None\n", "18d7g8a: Men should not commit to women until they close all their options - None\n", "18dyd09: How did the patriarchy start in the first place? - None\n", "18cxuyv: Some trends women are involved in on social media contribute directly to toxic masculinity and justifies the manosphere’s existence. - None\n", "18czbbb: Why is there such a large double standard? - None\n", "18d4dcf: Question for men who want \"traditional\" gender norms - None\n", "18dpfd3: The Red Pill claim that modern women are “not held accountable” is completely bogus. - None\n", "18ds68a: Can women do/feel these things to the extent men can? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18ds68a\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18d05dc: Do you think it's fair to say that women can never get too much attention from a man they're interested in? - None\n", "18cwdce: Root cause is not higher libido of all men, but excessive activity of some high-libido men - None\n", "18cx656: Why does it seem \"Wit\" and/or \"Witness\" plays a central part in dating particulary in the Anglosphere? - None\n", "18cio92: Why do women never blame Married women for their persistent support of the GOP and the Pro Life Movement like they do sexless/dateless men? - None\n", "18cv2vo: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18cjytd: There is no presumption of cheating and no paternity test. (That's why, presumption of cheating does not justify being against the test). - None\n", "18cin42: 5.25% of adults aged 40 and above have never been in a relationship: ramifications? - None\n", "18c6qdo: Do you think there are more men willing to be house husbands or more women will to have house husbands? - None\n", "18dbcus: The red pill men on youtube have 30 and 40 YEAR OLD WOMEN terrified of aging. Can we please normalize older women being just as beautiful as the 20 something year olds - None\n", "18ck7e2: Purple pill women, why are you purple pill? - None\n", "18c8iuo: Staring vs glancing - None\n", "18c1h2k: Q4F: Becoming dumb around your crush? - None\n", "18c6lf7: Should we encourage Peer Pressure? - None\n", "18c2gd1: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18bhd1l: Can the mods please make a rule that comments saying that somebody is just lying about their personal experience will be deleted? - None\n", "18btv45: Success with women is influenced by the “observer effect” - None\n", "18bfc10: What is your take on the PPD survey/demographic results? - None\n", "18bhhv0: Let's say there was a reliable test to see if your male partner had ever cheated or would ever cheat on you. Would you use it, and would you judge other women negatively for using it? Also included in the test is if they've ever abused a woman in the past, or will abuse you in the future. - None\n", "18cfx5m: We don’t need Paternity Tests. - None\n", "18bwy2c: Are women turned off more by guys being okay with their pasts than they let on? - None\n", "18b0lvb: Women are only “loney” if they choose to be - None\n", "18b3vun: Why do men let their gfs push them around? - None\n", "18b0lpo: What are realistic options / solutions for men who can not compete in today's dating market? - None\n", "18b9jq2: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "18ax8sc: It's honestly extremely based that society is just tearing apart at the seams and neolibs/bluepills are like \"Hell yea man, products to consume\" - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18ax8sc\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18anj80: Most advice targeted at men here is to make them wait until they are too old to do anything - None\n", "18bwzl0: Are men like Androids? - None\n", "18b17y0: CMV: there should be divorce insurance - None\n", "18baa1w: [Science] Study: Marriage and the Economic Well-Being at Older Ages - None\n", "18ap9ff: Why do women friendzone guys who move slowly? - None\n", "18amhde: The best advice for men when it comes to dating and relationships is to stop chasing and approaching women. - None\n", "18b9jst: Why are women said to be more obedient than men and how this obedience trait could be related to the saying women are always right? - None\n", "18aml25: Watching people be unaware of their type is funny. - None\n", "18apd2d: Doesn't it seem like these days men's perception of other men is getting better? - None\n", "18aqncw: Women, I have questions - None\n", "18bel7f: Why are so many men obsessed with being the top guy when they know most men will never be the top guy? - None\n", "18b4djv: If recording random men and putting them on the internet to be ridiculed is ok, how do you feel about creepshots? - None\n", "18ask9z: Does your insight into sexual dynamics apply to “most” or “nearly all?” - None\n", "18ao0ah: How many women have you asked out? - None\n", "18ap7ut: No, men are not \"creating single moms\" - None\n", "18a80uk: Paternity tests should not be used as a weapon against opposite sex, but as a logical progression of rights - None\n", "18akbew: How common are men having \"parallel families\"? - None\n", "18ah17x: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "189vmb7: Man gets caught looking at a woman in public, gets his face posted on TikTok with thousands now labeling him a \"creep\" - None\n", "18a4ff2: What really changed - None\n", "18a4jip: Do women look down on men who approach them? - None\n", "18ba34l: The loneliness epidemic is a myth - None\n", "18a4k84: Do you agree with the following phrase? \"Men protect their emotional sanctity the same way women protect their sexual sanctity?\" - None\n", "189y8y3: Why do women in general prefer being an orbiter of a high value man over being in a relationship with a lower value man? - None\n", "18a46wj: Nice guys/gals don’t finish last people with unhealthy dating patterns do. - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18a46wj\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "189zf0l: Is it true that women's standards for casual are higher than her standards for a relationship? - None\n", "189q4j1: Are assumptions around women based on lack of exposure? - None\n", "189sut6: Why do women expect equality in decision making but not equality in paying for things or completing house tasks? - None\n", "189uynr: Is it possible to be attracted by personality alone ? - None\n", "189j1d4: Trendline established, as of 2023 top 5% responsible for 50% of all sex; sexual loneliness seen as public health concern - None\n", "189rmld: Who does it benefit to say “people on medication are a red flag”? - None\n", "189m2pp: As long as women expect men to pay for dates, men will always expect something in return. - None\n", "18adx1v: niceness is not a virtue nor is it an indicator of goodness. - None\n", "189e04c: Why do some women object to the stat that women find 80% unattractive, if they also say there aren't enough quality men? - None\n", "189wy6p: Q4W: How do you feel about other women defending passport bros? - None\n", "189pc2k: Saying someone has a \"good\" or \"bad\" personality is a very dumb thing to say - None\n", "18a2qlo: 60% of Millennial women are already nearly infertile. And 80% of childless women regret not having kids. Is this why more women are crying on TikTok than ever before? - None\n", "1894f1l: CMV: Most young guys struggle in dating because of the society and time we live in, not because of themselves - None\n", "189hr51: Why do some men demand obedience over collaboration in a marriage? - None\n", "189diua: Why divorce rates initiate by woman are so high, even on lesbian marriages? - None\n", "189pndb: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1896vuz: The dating market is saturated for men - None\n", "189bmzw: CMV: Women complain about the double standards when it comes to sex while also identifying the reason when it’s convenient - None\n", "189iuwt: A big problem with dating is that neurotypical people don't know how to vet - None\n", "189gmqi: Affordable paternity tests should be a mandatory part of the birthing process CMV - None\n", "1896rsu: Social circles is a \"don't shit where you eat\" scenario slightly better than hitting on coworkers - None\n", "189er49: Have you ever questioned your preferences? - None\n", "1898f0z: High Value Men Aren’t Monogamous? - None\n", "1897zb1: LOOKS WEEKLY DISCUSSION THREAD - None\n", "189a06g: Why are so many men convinced statistical analysis, pattern recognition, evo psych and other analytics can give them an advantage in dating? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_189a06g\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "189aov7: Do men think it's harder to get younger women than it is? - None\n", "1894yos: Where do people get this notion that dating in your 20s isn’t a struggle? - None\n", "1894x84: Q4M: What are the subtle yet tell-tale signs of female attraction? - None\n", "189qrv5: Women are more likely to be lonely than men - None\n", "188dhpq: A lot of men are justifiably annoyed by a culture that blames them for the male gaze yet pumps \"wet ass pussy\" into the airwaves - None\n", "188vha6: Men do not like the “ideal” red pill girl - None\n", "188ska5: Women vaughly labeling the average guy a \"pushover\" and \"not assertive enough\" is causes men to over compensate in dangerous ways - None\n", "188yweo: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "188y5vs: Q4M: How would you react if a woman asked, \"What do you bring to the table?\" - None\n", "1897p86: The manosphere heavily struggles with differentiating vulnerability and weakness - None\n", "188romn: Why do guys keep complaining about tinder and hookup but keep insisting on participating in both? - None\n", "188sk66: Would you be ok with your wife asking for a paternity test? - None\n", "188dq1g: Almost half of the women having a plan B and the 80/20 rule are the legit reasons for a guy to have self-esteem issues and women shouldn't complain about it as they are the reason behind it. - None\n", "1898l64: Men and women are both human, but do women want things men do? - None\n", "188evra: Why do you think men are more likely than women to be attracted to only one gender? - None\n", "188kaa3: How often do men hang out with their female friends? How often do they talk on the phone - None\n", "188x44z: When i think child support laws will chance - None\n", "188fb9x: Why do we hear less about how toxic dating is in real life? - None\n", "1888r0l: Women will not feed a man's ego - None\n", "188z13l: With everything going on with the world's economics, why does it impact a man's value if he can't support 2 people on his own? - None\n", "188iyoe: Does money and/or status create genuine attraction? - None\n", "1882dl7: Women, what do women need to improve? - None\n", "1888zqh: What’s the magic number? - None\n", "187yy5m: You should be honest with the people you care about of the opposite sex, about how your gender typically operates. - None\n", "187ktw3: Light \"creepy behavior\" can be flirtatious and playful if she personally finds you attractive - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_187ktw3\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1885md3: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "187wpi3: Is the term “pick me” over used? - None\n", "187udun: Are people open to dating others with potential or do they only want the finished product? - None\n", "188k8n0: Hypergamy doesn’t really exist but women don’t know what attracts them - None\n", "187fnkr: Alcohol is a means of coping with anxiety/poor social skills - None\n", "18892dj: It is normal for adults to learn about real life through fiction? - None\n", "1886nmy: All Double Standards Between Men and Women can be Explained by our Evolution - Change My Mind - None\n", "187x02f: Past promiscuity stances from RP are misleading - None\n", "188aiqh: Are modern women truly independent from men or has male provisioning and protection been socialized to a degree that facilitates that independence. - None\n", "187lqkv: Does being an emotional tampon lead to the friendzone? Or only in certain cases? - None\n", "187lwjx: Paternity Tests - Catch 22 - None\n", "187oevj: To those of you who explain/defend your preferences in a moral light - why? - None\n", "187wy6t: The Wall ain't real at all, and I say That as a woman who wishes It were the case - None\n", "186rm6l: Most single lonely men are not struggling with women because they're old fashioned misogynists - None\n", "1871n9z: Women are against the legalisation of prostitution because they want the \"hoeflation\" to continue, and are ok with men being miserable. - None\n", "1878p6c: Makeup is basically a pretence and a sign of insecurity. - None\n", "1876v85: Pop culture is more female-oriented in the Gen Z 2020's, which is a big part of the shift. - None\n", "187bfgd: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "187926k: Many women take male attention for granted - None\n", "187699c: Why do older people seem to give younger men more credit compared to younger women, in dating? - None\n", "1873uug: Resilience is probably the most important personality trait you can have as a man dating - None\n", "187pwvg: Low value guys always pretend they're better than low value women and its hilarious. - None\n", "186tvhp: For those who believe it’s impossible to find women who aren’t promiscuous - do you believe promiscuity is natural in women then? - None\n", "1874kcb: About being late to respond back to guys’ texts. - None\n", "186lyxp: Do women act incognizant to avoid accountability? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_186lyxp\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "186t9lk: Do women confirm to hive mind thinking? - None\n", "186tex3: Is much of the incel problem due to highly Trad/Conservative men? - None\n", "186rkpr: How many men would a man need to be able to defend against before it's not unattractive to run away? - None\n", "186rnjb: If we assume that 20/80 rule is true, how would u describe the top 20% guy (in early 20s)? - None\n", "186w7qx: when is a woman actually good enough to commit to? - None\n", "186uufk: What was your parent's relationship dynamic like? - None\n", "186ji5d: Attraction cannot be quantified. Discuss. - None\n", "1867iat: Men say they want one thing in women yet their actions say something else entirely - None\n", "186hqac: Only when you get rejected by a woman do you know who she really is - None\n", "1861y2b: “modern women” aren’t real. They’re a result of algorithmically driven content consumption. - None\n", "185x7jk: I think many men want single women to be miserable because it gives them a sense of importance. - None\n", "186v5xz: Attractive women generally have more positive “cold approach” experiences than less attractive women and they also experience fewer men lashing out at them when they reject men. - None\n", "186hf2g: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "186dj1s: Are most men actually geared for romance or is it usually just a means to an end? - None\n", "186d8jj: Does the Madonna complex cause relationships to get ruined? - None\n", "186q6fm: \"She cheated on me.\" Older men with little or no relationship experience should slander someone to claim experience. - None\n", "1868dmz: Q4M: how would you feel if a girl put you on a pedestal? - None\n", "186bwal: How come the red pill doesn't believe in PUA to get women, or at least they do concentrate on it much? - None\n", "186o2ec: Guys who focus on single motherhood, paternity fraud, medication use, etc are bad judge of character. - None\n", "186321x: What was your relationship with your mother like? - None\n", "1875tmy: Having 0 suitors and 100 suitors is the same thing if you don’t like any of them - None\n", "185w8e5: Where are men finding so many dysfunctional crappy women? - None\n", "185xoae: why do you all take the manipulative arguments of the opposite sex so seriously? - None\n", "185r7dy: The one factor that causes the breakdown of the relationship that we're apparently not allowed to discuss: children. (part 2) - None\n", "185t3fi: I'm the Founder of an AI companion app and I believe Boyfriend AI will be much larger than Girlfriend AI - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_185t3fi\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "186pnss: They say that single women tend to be happier than single men. It shows that the problem is men don't learn how to be happy - None\n", "1859irm: Women criticise men for having reasonable boundaries - None\n", "185kufv: What do you have against men who have android phones instead of iPhones? - None\n", "1855wqw: Women are far more socially brutal than men are - None\n", "185pv7v: Dominance/Aggression are better than being nice or even attractive for casual relationships - None\n", "1852t2x: It's almost impossible for a man to \"use\" a woman for sex unless she is mentally challenged or something. - None\n", "186bd5m: Would you sign a prenup where your husband would require that he gets a custody if you initiate a divorce without him being at fault - None\n", "185ba2o: What can older guys do to not feel shortchanged in the dating world, like they say? - None\n", "185j80b: Who are the bad boys women like? Confident men or dangerous/evil men? - None\n", "185n0rv: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "1850zw6: Birth rates are going to keep plummeting - None\n", "185d1g2: What type of men do women not date because she is insecure or intimidated by him? - None\n", "1859nwz: [Science] Age gap marriages are not uncommon among recently married. - None\n", "18589p9: It's understandable that women are looking for financial stability / success in men. Most are going about it in all the wrong ways. Let me explain. - None\n", "185vb4p: Male obsession with virginity is overrated - None\n", "184s0ra: \"Don't listen to what women say, pay attention to their actions\"... Is something alot of men should live by - None\n", "184jllg: Women's struggles in dating are in no way equal to that of men - None\n", "184prsg: “80% of women date 20% of men” is BS - None\n", "184wz3p: Are women turned off by men that dont have friends or other women interested in them ? - None\n", "1853big: Is the notion that men will sleep with just about any woman with a pulse misogynistic, misandrist or just accurate? - None\n", "184yukw: it makes more biological sense for an older woman to date younger men than vice versa - None\n", "185lkyd: There is nothing inherently creepy about cold approaching and most women’s revulsion with it is unwarranted - None\n", "185tmyn: “Mansplaining” is a very real thing that is extremely rude. No, it’s not just women playing the victim. - None\n", "184owd0: Sex Toys - None\n", "184sun9: SURVEY RESULTS, NEW MODS, AND OTHER JANNYISMS - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_184sun9\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "184bor6: I complimented women out in public for the past 2-weeks and….it’s fine. - None\n", "1854lmj: So should 20-25 year olds be trying to only date 35+ men? - None\n", "184st36: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "184sdij: Is the average man really an obnoxious sex pest? - None\n", "184qevf: Rejection Sensitivity - None\n", "1847ry7: \"Never compare yourself to her ex\" but she definitely will - None\n", "184d0ht: \"Women dont put enough effort into making it work because they think there's always something better.\" \"It's women's fault for staying in a crappy relationship.\" - None\n", "184g0jn: Why is domestic violence funny/acceptable when the man is the victim? - None\n", "1843fos: The fact that so many women have a problem with a man who goes 50/50 is proof that most women just want to use men and don't actually care about them. - None\n", "184x38p: Do we need new terminology for loneliness ? - None\n", "1857e43: CMV: women have gotten so used to poor treatment, many don't know how to respond when treated well - None\n", "184vgq1: How come men find youth in women attractive but not vice versa? - None\n", "184dl15: What percentage of men attract you? What is your opinion of the men who don't attract you? - None\n", "184zjx5: What are the signs you notice from desperate people? - None\n", "1848fp0: CMV: Fairness is not code for getting what you want with no inconvenience. - None\n", "1840izh: most women don't deserve chivalry from men - None\n", "1845t22: Men's and women's woes are objectively incomparable - None\n", "184pfyx: Men value casual sex over relationships - None\n", "183ty89: \" If sex is water, women have to survive on the ocean, men in the desert.\" this is worst attempt at equalizing men and women's issues in dating - None\n", "183n2l9: Women have a tendency to victimize themselves by framing past relationships that didn't work out as involving \"manipulation\" or \"abuse\" - None\n", "183vjdc: why do people act like it’s so hard to sexually please women? - None\n", "183pz62: Getting a roommate is better than a 50/50 man as a woman - None\n", "184tplg: Conservative men's views will be their own undoing... - None\n", "183oetf: What's your hot taking about dating? Something you believe based on things you've experienced, but would typically go against the grain of what people say here? - None\n", "183zqtg: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_183zqtg\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "184wtgv: I'm a man and I'll say it. Women overall have it harder than men, ESPECIALLY in dating. - None\n", "183q3bj: Asking men to stop putting women on a pedestal when they’re as lonely and deprived as they are is impossible and never going to happen - None\n", "183ykss: Why alot women use sex in long term relationships like “weapon”? - None\n", "183xnet: The whole women want to use their 20s to concentrate on their careers seems like an excuse? - None\n", "183ddj8: Men lowering their standards didn’t widen the dating pool so stop doing it. - None\n", "183kf7m: Can we just avoid \"but we have it worse\"? - None\n", "183umdu: If women feel they work too much its because sometimes they burden themselves - None\n", "183sicr: The Bottom Line - None\n", "184p9kp: Women benefit from porn way more than men do - None\n", "183q962: Prostitution should be legalized. - None\n", "1843s38: CMV: the Blue Pill/Beta Bux strategy is the best strategy for the vast majority of men - None\n", "183o4az: N COUNTS WEEKLY DISCUSSION THREAD - None\n", "183enjb: Does demonization of sexuality affect you? - None\n", "1833edk: Loneliness has nothing to do with gender - None\n", "182zuqg: Why are so many women like this? - None\n", "182sda4: The thing women don't understand is that there are millions of eligible women out there and a lot of guys can't get ONE (1) girlfriend. - None\n", "183wk0j: Are higher fertility women harder to have sex with, for anybody? - None\n", "183oa2r: CMV: You can still act entitled without saying you feel entitled. - None\n", "182qx6p: The one factor that ruins many marriages that we're apparently not allowed to discuss: children - None\n", "1838bmk: If women are attracted to the more party animal type of guys, can guys be like that to attract women? - None\n", "1837ef3: Daily Community Chat Megathread - None\n", "182xtlw: Average and Just below average men are having a hard time because women are super pragmatic. - None\n", "183190y: are women doing okay? - None\n", "182ve4d: Undesirable people today are treated as poor working people in Victorian times - None\n", "183kxg2: Wives are worth at least $30 million - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_183kxg2\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 11 posts\n", "183cz2m: Discussion: What are your thoughts on the popularity of Femboys on Twitch? - None\n", "1837tle: Do red pill people switch back to blue pill ? - None\n", "182q051: Where are the impartial women? - None\n", "182wyzt: The “men should be able to cheat” argument… - None\n", "1828ara: Just rewatched Forrest Gump and it made me think about dating a lot - None\n", "1825kai: \"Treat women as human beings\" - None\n", "182stqo: How Important Do You Think Your Romantic Life is to Your Happiness? - None\n", "182divy: Do you think you are more judgemental of your own sex, or the opposite sex, and why? - None\n", "182bfus: cock blocking your friends against their wishes - None\n", "17yb0wo: The best city for dating men - None\n", "17pdn33: An appeal. - None\n", "Got 11 posts\n", "No more posts, broke on PurplePillDebate with counter at 9962\n", "Getting posts with params: \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "1aghos3: How do I find male supportive marriage counseling? - None\n", "1ag9l4s: How to have an emotional connection? - None\n", "1afytk0: Struggling with dating a high value man. - None\n", "1afbrxo: I need to forgive his sexual past but don't know how. *Cross posted* - None\n", "1afctmc: Struggling to be a good wife while trying to be a good mum? - None\n", "1ablrgm: I’m so tired of being stuck - None\n", "198vwu9: Coping with the past - None\n", "198cb9x: Maintaining Attraction While Nursing - None\n", "195rk0o: RPW Resources? - None\n", "194lkvt: How did you master The Art Of STFU? - None\n", "18t4pda: Long time commenter, my first post - None\n", "18q4w3x: The Boulgogi Coup has been cancelled because my SIL just rolled MILs truck. - None\n", "18p2wm1: Grace: The Key To True Femininity - None\n", "18otlju: Two women who can't cook are gonna shove bread into a bird's butt and we're gonna die. (Do I through a Boulgogi Coup on Christmas?) - None\n", "18n9pkk: Stay at home wives, what do you wear in winter that is comfortable yet feminine? - None\n", "18jeds9: That Stepford Gal Gets Married: Microwedding Style! - None\n", "17y2lfi: I am back. Everything I learned. - None\n", "17xuwas: Red Pill Wives, are you still there? Check in! - None\n", "16zs1gw: Seeking words of encouragement - None\n", "16yjyox: Where can I find a husband like this? - None\n", "16g3bim: Total win during the weekend - None\n", "16eifbq: My husband and I are on different baby timelines. - None\n", "16b9c42: Should I ask for flowers or wait? - None\n", "16a8k06: About to have our 7th child. - None\n", "15zadg0: Can definetly recommend listening to some tunes to make cleaning less boring :) Nature Ambience does it for me (to counter the stress) - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0Q84EeYgQ2hWgnxF7luDuv\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_15zadg0\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "15i3kli: What would the “Surrendered Wife” approach be to husband’s excessive porn use? - None\n", "15gsrxl: reconsidering professional school - None\n", "15gavva: WWYD: SAHM vs Nice Home - None\n", "15g1z6e: Therapist in the Way? - None\n", "15aho8v: Meal Box Services are Improving my Relationships - None\n", "1599gyj: Wish I just didn’t have to work so dang hard in my marriage - None\n", "157uv1t: Awkward sex question - None\n", "15416b0: 7 Tips to Retain a Loving Relationship with Small Children - None\n", "1526ggy: Cotton or cotton blend housedresses for chores - None\n", "150zfxs: Snickering at Daughter's Words - None\n", "14xcvmx: Household screen rules??? - None\n", "14vguen: Looking for advice on managing taking offense. - None\n", "14ui81u: 20F New Homemaker Looking to Build a Sisterhood via WhatsApp ! - None\n", "14oq311: What books could help a man and husband to grow? - None\n", "14jorac: I keep getting asked “why” with why I don’t want a full time job or career :( - None\n", "149y5gi: Working on Self - None\n", "149epka: Advice on true masculinity - None\n", "146jonn: Submitting to sex - None\n", "13rny5u: I think my wife is crushing on other men - None\n", "134duak: How to stop being mothering towards my husband ? (My problem, not his) - None\n", "12zkakz: How not to mother my husband? - None\n", "12y0b9b: What advice would you give her - https://i.redd.it/ubbnktffiyva1.jpg\n", "12acugw: How to keep minor complaints to myself? - None\n", "120prbc: Curious to know what y'all think of Freud's theory on female psychology - https://youtube.com/shorts/WR7J-Ee4ji8?feature=share\n", "11sbjzv: Posted this on r/ask women but Karma was too low! I really need an answer or conversation around this rant :( - https://i.redd.it/x1lo4zr8t0oa1.jpg\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_11sbjzv\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "11h6ow9: Post/Picture of gravestone from maybe 3 years ago “SHE WAS EVERYTHING A WIFE SHOULD BE” - None\n", "11c0flq: New Surrendered Wife by Laura Doyle Community - None\n", "118xufm: Tea Time - None\n", "118xu1l: Casual Questions - None\n", "1182vpm: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "11762l5: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "115kgx9: Tea Time - None\n", "115esrw: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "114w23e: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "112xfxb: Casual Questions - None\n", "112xgtk: Tea Time - None\n", "1124tcu: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "111nhws: Infertility and further study - None\n", "1117nr1: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "10zsxrf: Tea Time - None\n", "10zn2wy: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "10z1e8k: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "10ydfis: How traditional is too traditional? - None\n", "10ww42t: Tea Time - None\n", "10ww33u: Casual Questions - None\n", "10w713y: I made a homemaking discord server! - None\n", "10w17p4: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "10v60rt: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "10tlzck: Tea Time - None\n", "10tl6rg: As it all my fault? Am i the worthless piece of shit he says I am? - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E6e6uR1Yd2MWRqdiAwbm5y1rAw7VAWPoxnOVuWYT5-0/edit\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_10tl6rg\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "10tfv09: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "10stm5y: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "10qu5ra: Casual Questions - None\n", "10qu6oh: Tea Time - None\n", "10pyf60: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "10p1b5c: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "10nkh0o: Tea Time - None\n", "10mufq6: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "10m1rr5: Woman only Discord server for traditional woman - /r/1950household/comments/10lzgpm/woman_only_discord_server_for_traditional_woman/\n", "10ky3hd: Tea Time - None\n", "10ky2la: Casual Questions - None\n", "10k4wwz: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "10jbx1c: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "10hwi76: Tea Time - None\n", "10hqpa7: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "10h6ljo: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "10f6uu0: Tea Time - None\n", "10f6tvh: Casual Questions - None\n", "10ebowx: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "10ddyp9: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "10brdas: Men Pulling Away? - None\n", "10bu2ot: Tea Time - None\n", "10bnvs4: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "10b3woe: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "10943z2: Casual Questions - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_10943z2\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "10944vs: Tea Time - None\n", "10898yb: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "107dtmi: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "105uhkd: Tea Time - None\n", "105ohn5: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "1053u1e: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "10335rx: Tea Time - None\n", "10334tu: Casual Questions - None\n", "1027lqm: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "101c27c: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "1004iv7: How to submit to husband's decision even when I think it might be unsafe? - None\n", "zzz48l: Tea Time - None\n", "zztlq8: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "zz9wvq: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "zx90pf: Tea Time - None\n", "zx8zrt: Casual Questions - None\n", "zwf42s: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "zvmns1: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "zuefu7: Tea Time - None\n", "zu9d3y: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "ztr58j: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "zrkxgc: Casual Questions - None\n", "zrkz2g: Tea Time - None\n", "zq080m: From a man, just a thanks for giving hope all my hard work could materialize into a future loving wife it can be tremendously hard to see it - None\n", "zqnuqw: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_zqnuqw\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "zpqxtq: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "zobbwh: Tea Time - None\n", "zo5t2n: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "znnk1w: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "zlqcys: Tea Time - None\n", "zlqc0e: Casual Questions - None\n", "zkv61p: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "zjyf3s: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "zhy67e: Tea Time - None\n", "zhrzh8: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "zh728z: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "zf0kb9: Casual Questions - None\n", "zf0l84: Tea Time - None\n", "ze65q4: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "zd661c: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "zblja8: Tea Time - None\n", "zbfpul: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "zavvzc: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "z8qx22: Tea Time - None\n", "z8qvxg: Casual Questions - None\n", "z7tey2: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "z6vyqv: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "z5cxmw: Tea Time - None\n", "z5703i: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "z4mmx4: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_z4mmx4\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "z316f8: Marriage Advice Please: 12 years married. - None\n", "z2ojjj: Tea Time - None\n", "z2oikq: Casual Questions - None\n", "z1szwj: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "z0yeq2: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "yzh72m: Tea Time - None\n", "yzb9hv: Help😂 - None\n", "yzbc5l: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "yyt3m9: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "ywspzx: Tea Time - None\n", "ywsoxr: Casual Questions - None\n", "yvwj4s: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "yuynmh: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "ytdcc0: Tea Time - None\n", "yt6euk: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "ysl9tn: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "yqic4z: Casual Questions - None\n", "yqid7l: Tea Time - None\n", "yplhtl: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "yom5g7: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "ymrypr: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "ymyudh: Tea Time - None\n", "ym793w: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "yk3asw: Casual Questions - None\n", "yk3bqh: Tea Time - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_yk3bqh\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "yj6tvw: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "yi9tc7: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "ygo2fq: Tea Time - None\n", "yght82: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "yfxjau: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "yef9n6: Help! My husband and I are at a complete gridlock as it relates to personal belonging boundaries. - None\n", "ydwclc: Tea Time - None\n", "ydwbr7: Casual Questions - None\n", "yd32o0: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "yc9d8e: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "yas4e9: Tea Time - None\n", "yalwt3: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "ya1nts: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "y80un7: Tea Time - None\n", "y80tni: Casual Questions - None\n", "y75472: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "y69bba: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "y4s966: Tea Time - None\n", "y4m4l7: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "y428xr: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "y221kk: Tea Time - None\n", "y220ny: Casual Questions - None\n", "y178gm: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "y0cy5i: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "xyx0xt: Tea Time - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_xyx0xt\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "xyr03j: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "xy78g6: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "xw8qh9: Tea Time - None\n", "xw8pjl: Casual Questions - None\n", "xvd8f9: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "xuhh49: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "xszpf7: Tea Time - None\n", "xsti6o: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "xs9h1z: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "xrooa8: How many of you guys dye your hair/have alt girl styles yet are still conservative? - None\n", "xqasel: Casual Questions - None\n", "xqatbz: Tea Time - None\n", "xpesj6: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "xohagg: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "xmxb23: Tea Time - None\n", "xmqz41: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "xm63es: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "xk2xfn: Casual Questions - None\n", "xk2yh8: Tea Time - None\n", "xj6v9f: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "xi9zuc: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "xgrlam: Communities That Promote Big Families - None\n", "xgkmez: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "xgr01p: Tea Time - None\n", "xfzuha: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_xfzuha\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "xe03tc: Casual Questions - None\n", "xe04qk: Tea Time - None\n", "xd5lqu: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "xcawyt: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "xatkzj: Tea Time - None\n", "xanmoj: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "xa3kgq: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "x83b4u: Tea Time - None\n", "x83a9h: Casual Questions - None\n", "x78qor: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "x6eg2h: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "x4yk9y: Tea Time - None\n", "x4spup: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "x49js6: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "x35saf: Fighting Words - Anti-Feminism, Christianity & Conservative Politics - None\n", "x2bryg: Casual Questions - None\n", "x2bss8: Tea Time - None\n", "x1h7sl: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "x0mxje: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "wz14nt: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "wz7324: Tea Time - None\n", "wym90u: My husband keeps swearing at me - None\n", "wyhant: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "wxcbkv: Fighting Words - Anti-Feminism, Christianity & Conservative Politics - None\n", "wwhoi7: Casual Questions - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_wwhoi7\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "wwhpfl: Tea Time - None\n", "wvmxmm: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "wurpdh: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "wtb97o: Tea Time - None\n", "wt5dz7: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "wslyiv: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "wrhpii: Fighting Words - Anti-Feminism, Christianity & Conservative Politics - None\n", "wqn60z: Tea Time - None\n", "wqn55x: Casual Questions - None\n", "wpsgac: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "woxt38: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "wnikj6: Tea Time - None\n", "wncv4r: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "wmt345: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "wlpnfm: Fighting Words - Anti-Feminism, Christianity & Conservative Politics - None\n", "wkvmcs: Tea Time - None\n", "wkvlfx: Casual Questions - None\n", "wk1h9c: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "wjfhae: My husband is on a week long work trip. I would appreciate any advice on how to handle the week and his return. - None\n", "wj72g1: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "whmo8h: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "whsb9h: Tea Time - None\n", "whbbd6: Secret Redditting Technique - None\n", "wh3fio: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "wf4ra8: Casual Questions - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_wf4ra8\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "wf4s4u: Tea Time - None\n", "we9tn4: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "wd1ny1: Boundaries - https://i.redd.it/8glbvuydjze91.png\n", "wc1enz: Tea Time - None\n", "wbvwi4: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "wbcuts: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "wa811l: Fighting Words - Anti-Feminism, Christianity & Conservative Politics - None\n", "w9cvjf: Casual Questions - None\n", "w9cwgy: Tea Time - None\n", "w8hxfq: The Cute Kid Report - None\n", "w7lxxo: Relationship Challenge Field Reports - None\n", "w681i4: Tea Time - None\n", "w62cj8: Shit Post Saturdays - None\n", "w5ipr5: It's quiet in here - Part 2 - None\n", "w5ifeb: The Good Wife Weekly Challenge - None\n", "w40wxq: Course on feminine archetype? - None\n", "w3kk55: Tea Time - None\n", "w1x3nb: I want to feel more feminine - /r/femininity/comments/w1w89m/i_want_to_feel_more_feminine/\n", "w0kiee: Tea Time - None\n", "vy1iz6: Tea Time - None\n", "vwm5zd: Cleaning… help! - None\n", "vv5fnp: Tea Time - None\n", "vsply3: Dealing with menopause - None\n", "vsocrv: Tea Time - None\n", "vpvim3: Tea Time - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_vpvim3\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "vne504: Tea Time - None\n", "vmat6y: It's quite quiet in here - None\n", "vkiqc7: Tea Time - None\n", "vi3ked: Tea Time - None\n", "vf8to4: Struggling with competing RP advice on when to have sex - None\n", "vf9sz6: Tea Time - None\n", "veeqz6: Cycle of fighting off and on after birth of second child - None\n", "vcsvvm: Tea Time - None\n", "vaj2x7: Books about emotional awareness and inner femininity? - None\n", "va15l6: Tea Time - None\n", "v7nyex: Tea Time - None\n", "v4sgcv: Tea Time - None\n", "v2fc43: Tea Time - None\n", "uzqvf2: Tea Time - None\n", "uxfski: Tea Time - None\n", "uuqnif: Tea Time - None\n", "utkclw: For those who are genuinely happy with their careers, what do you do? - None\n", "usb8oc: Tea Time - None\n", "ur2kqt: When self-care feels like a chore - None\n", "upkv6v: Tea Time - None\n", "un5ubt: Any other Fascinating Womanhood wives out there? - None\n", "un87bn: Tea Time - None\n", "ukgy04: Tea Time - None\n", "ui4y9k: Tea Time - None\n", "ufen58: Tea Time - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_ufen58\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ud1wcp: Tea Time - None\n", "uagkow: Underwear Game - None\n", "uadw5i: How to cut my hair to *exude* femininity - None\n", "ua9717: Tea Time - None\n", "u9elg2: Feeling like a proud SAHM. - None\n", "u7uva1: Tea Time - None\n", "u51gks: Tea Time - None\n", "u3ipyn: How do you get back to *feeling* like things in your relationship are ok? - None\n", "u2op9q: Tea Time - None\n", "u0pzfb: Help Needed with Addressing His Health - None\n", "tzwsms: Tea Time - None\n", "typlbu: I’m grateful for this group. - None\n", "txkjkf: Tea Time - None\n", "tv3byj: Great new homemaking YouTube channel - GWEN - None\n", "tumu6z: Tea Time - None\n", "tu2bvo: Faith based or spiritual weight loss? - None\n", "ts4ukd: Tea Time - None\n", "try0uk: Hiring Cleaning Services? - None\n", "tr0hrc: Help with emotions - None\n", "tqozpk: Non-Obvious Benefits to Staying at Home - None\n", "tpmysm: My husband and I are getting divorced... I’d love some advice on healing. - None\n", "towoma: Tea Time - None\n", "tkscb8: Tea Time - None\n", "tj8q9x: Reducing Work Hours as a Wife - None\n", "tizv2q: What does an average day or week of your relationship look like? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_tizv2q\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "thywtj: Tea Time - None\n", "tg16ri: it’s not a normal RPW post but this girl just landed her alpha and she’s sooo excited 🥰 when’s the last time you looked at your wedding stuff??? - https://youtu.be/VBdpWHtVnRI\n", "tfg102: Tea Time - None\n", "teqmaf: hi there fellow beautiful women. i am a new fan /obsessed with Laura doyle and I read her book \"the empowered wife\", i was looking for fellow non-judgmental women willing to create a free surrender circle on discord?? - None\n", "tcnwxe: Dear fellow red pill women, I have a question! now there is an amazing man who I’m dating but I’m not sure how to tell him I want to be a traditional wife. My mom was a homemaker and possibly I’d love to be one as well. How did you fellow women told this to your partners? - None\n", "tclx6i: Tea Time - None\n", "tadqc9: Lol, isn’t this Laura Doyle’s advice??? - /r/toddlers/comments/tacwdd/toddler_says_i_cant_every_time_shes_asked_to_do/\n", "ta7a5c: Tea Time - None\n", "t8qns0: Mothers, are you worried your role model position is being tainted by various forms of media telling your daughter to \"otherwise\" - None\n", "t7edo4: Tea Time - None\n", "t4ysvi: What are the most important characteristics you vet for when dating for marriage? - None\n", "t4zndx: Tea Time - None\n", "t22bzv: Tea Time - None\n", "szgxq4: Tea Time - None\n", "swf77p: Tea Time - None\n", "suydwu: What fictional character inspired you to embrace your femininity/reject feminism? - None\n", "suyzb3: What can wives do to encourage spending quality time with their husband? - None\n", "stvcz7: Tea Time - None\n", "st5awg: My defensive walls are ruining the potential for a good relationship.. - None\n", "sr94jd: Staying Together for the Kids - None\n", "sqwliu: Tea Time - None\n", "sq44b8: Help: I've made a lot of mistakes; will my husband ever be okay, or did I break the relationship? - None\n", "sp6oeb: Laura Doyle (Surrendered Circle) - None\n", "sod1s0: Tea Time - None\n", "so40rh: Just a quick question: What books are you all reading? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_so40rh\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "sm0hhu: No plus one? - None\n", "slcbpe: Tea Time - None\n", "sjbezz: How do I find married female friends like y’all in the wild? - None\n", "sio4ph: Tea Time - None\n", "sfmzwz: Tea Time - None\n", "sd5gwe: Tea Time - None\n", "sa7gtk: Tea Time - None\n", "sa5ony: The “You’re not entitled to sex” attitude - None\n", "s94i7v: Dealing with family and friends who do not agree with lifestyle - None\n", "s837rp: I (18F) want to support my date (18m) but I’m worried he doesn’t want me! - None\n", "s7pn7i: Tea Time - None\n", "s4pdt9: Tea Time - None\n", "s25qop: Tea Time - None\n", "rz519t: Tea Time - None\n", "rxouyt: Advice for being more attractive to my husband, while in a body he’s not entirely attracted to? - None\n", "rwwtzv: Are There Any Good Dating Apps/Websites? - None\n", "rwmehr: Tea Time - None\n", "rtnyw2: Tea Time - None\n", "rr7onm: Tea Time - None\n", "rp2723: Don't know what to do anymore. I need help! - None\n", "ron45a: How to submit / let him lead when it comes to parenting? - None\n", "rodr9c: Tea Time - None\n", "rm4srv: Tea Time - None\n", "rjgup6: Engaged Christians & Premarital Sex - None\n", "rjc7rc: Tea Time - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_rjc7rc\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "rgylc6: Tea Time - None\n", "rgch26: Subtle signs a man isn't HVM - None\n", "rfk5og: Great Hubby - None\n", "rep83f: Is this an overreaction? - None\n", "re4hh5: Tea Time - None\n", "rc0vpy: It's hard to get over feminist indoctrination - None\n", "rbubks: Do you work? - None\n", "rbqv03: Tea Time - None\n", "ra7rma: Creating less stress in the home? - None\n", "r8uj84: Tea Time - None\n", "r6e8ls: Tea Time - None\n", "r5oiry: Items every wife should have? - None\n", "r54edp: Recommendation for RPW friendly newsletters? - None\n", "r3olrq: Date night fights. Help! - None\n", "r3ibo2: Tea Time - None\n", "r2gc4n: Bruno mars tells it like it is. - https://youtube.com/shorts/XHap2LRWeNI?feature=share\n", "r1iakg: Marriage: good strategy or bad strategy for women? A response to Merav Michaeli’s TedTalk which asserts that marriage is harmful to women. - https://youtu.be/zwlrXIagGp8\n", "r11alr: Can we talk Christmas? - None\n", "r14olc: Tea Time - None\n", "qyadme: Tea Time - None\n", "qvyrwq: Tea Time - None\n", "qt5x75: Tea Time - None\n", "qqtwov: Tea Time - None\n", "qqco70: New here, a little lost, finding my way... - None\n", "qo3uld: Tea Time - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_qo3uld\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "qlsxb1: Tea Time - None\n", "qj51ol: Tea Time - None\n", "qgv2ki: Tea Time - None\n", "qe85lw: Tea Time - None\n", "qd4vok: Classic movies with great relationships/feminine lead? - None\n", "qbz7rq: Tea Time - None\n", "q9fdar: Tea Time - None\n", "q79mb5: Tea Time - None\n", "q6hwsy: Nurturing a warm and pleasant disposition? - None\n", "q6kjzt: The Scrapbook - None\n", "q4opkw: Tea Time - None\n", "q3shtw: Somewhere in Africa…What do you think, how does this make you feel about the engagement ritual? - https://i.redd.it/sijoimjld6s71.jpg\n", "q2iz5a: Tea Time - None\n", "q1uwu6: The Scrapbook - None\n", "pzyfw2: Tea Time - None\n", "pxtw9s: Tea Time - None\n", "px4u0i: The Scrapbook - None\n", "pvodu4: Best day ever - None\n", "pva7or: Tea Time - None\n", "pt61i4: Tea Time - None\n", "pshzjf: Maintaining a clean home - None\n", "psh9qc: The Scrapbook - None\n", "ps77pj: High demand job is stressing me out, and I am having hard time being light to my husband - None\n", "pqplv4: Tea Time - None\n", "pp6ki3: Should I go down the road of RP? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_pp6ki3\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "pooq3g: Tea Time - None\n", "po1ciy: The Scrapbook - None\n", "pmaizs: Tea Time - None\n", "pkwdfe: I can't go back to a world without WFH - None\n", "pkdl1z: What is the appeal of casual sex? - None\n", "pk930y: Tea Time - None\n", "pjoicd: Update to things… - None\n", "pk61y7: Where do I go from here? (I'm a man) - None\n", "pjota8: Why do we control (or feel the need to control)? - None\n", "pjlnf0: The Scrapbook - None\n", "pitoj9: Working on showing more respect is really starting to work. - None\n", "pib076: What do I even do with this information? - None\n", "pi292q: Advice for avoiding burnout? - None\n", "phuqhk: Tea Time - None\n", "ph95b3: Anxiety - None\n", "pgjlyo: I’m officially a wife! - None\n", "pg9vxy: New here! - None\n", "pfsfn6: Tea Time - None\n", "pf4drl: The Scrapbook - None\n", "percec: What are you reading, listening to, watching? - None\n", "pdhd2a: Surrendered circle support group? - None\n", "pdczh3: Tea Time - None\n", "pb9sdv: Tea Time - None\n", "palwal: The Scrapbook - None\n", "pa7o2c: Help with resentment, please. - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_pa7o2c\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "pa5ylo: Traditional Wives - https://files.catbox.moe/z7qum9.pdf\n", "p8uiiq: Tea Time - None\n", "p849k3: How are you all doing? - None\n", "p7bbh0: Help me be a better wife - None\n", "p6pq3i: Tea Time - None\n", "p6lokh: Smoking husband - None\n", "p62ceu: The Scrapbook - None\n", "p5gd4r: Husband extremely stressed and tired from work. How can I help him? - None\n", "p5evxm: Tired of mixed messages - None\n", "p4u031: Advice needed - considering a breakup - None\n", "p4b7k2: Tea Time - None\n", "p3a6n3: Switching out of an academic mindset - None\n", "p2o9z3: Hurt my husband verbally. Help me get back on the right track - None\n", "p2bo0r: Tea Time - None\n", "p1x90q: Fascinating Womanhood: Love Booklet - None\n", "p1nqr2: The Scrapbook - None\n", "p10qpo: Friends disappear after getting married. - None\n", "p1alyu: Now Find Purple Pill Debate on Instagram and Twitter! - None\n", "p0p3es: Vent about overwhelm - None\n", "ozwfsd: Tea Time - None\n", "oyfkkq: My mom finally makes a negative comment about my choice to stay home. - None\n", "oxr6c8: Tea Time - None\n", "oxb7cy: Would you share him? - None\n", "ox4ja6: Balancing emotion and logic - None\n", "owmwcn: Thoughts Morality, Marriage, and the High Value Man - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_owmwcn\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ox1yy2: The Scrapbook - None\n", "owos1s: Brother (23 M) trying to help his sister (20 F( with femininity. - None\n", "ow5hn3: RP and Cheating During Marriage - None\n", "ovno8m: Can you suggest some movies/serials about feminine girls? - None\n", "ova8nx: Tea Time - None\n", "ourylp: RPW/RPGF Soft Skills: Other than being an all around Domestic Goddess, what are some small things, overlooked things or “soft skills” you think more women should learn or utilize? - None\n", "ou4bwo: Wives, how did you meet your husband or bf? - None\n", "ottnji: Why do people dislike this community so much? - None\n", "otgdma: Admiring your husband… ideas? examples? suggestions? - None\n", "ot8h5v: Tea Time - None\n", "oslgf6: The Scrapbook - None\n", "oryl5d: What are you reading/watching/listening to? - None\n", "orop3w: When should I marry and how big should the age gap be? - None\n", "oqtbhx: Tea Time - None\n", "ooogb8: Tea Time - None\n", "oo0nk2: The Scrapbook - None\n", "onkptg: Banned from the Christian marriage sub because I suggested someone come here. - None\n", "onsmfk: Own Your Stuff - None\n", "onjdpn: Bettering yourself - /r/Christianmarriage/comments/onhn98/bettering_yourself/\n", "omrsur: Sex on command - None\n", "om7jmb: Tea Time - None\n", "oldfq0: Where would you not follow? - None\n", "okr2jz: FR: Don't assign him motivations - None\n", "oknpub: Head of household voting - None\n", "ok2vzu: Tea Time - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_ok2vzu\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ojjg04: Own Your Stuff - None\n", "oje3bw: The Scrapbook - None\n", "oiske0: Creating an echo chamber- good or bad? - None\n", "oialro: Loving our new dynamic. So so thankful for this community! - None\n", "ohlvoo: Tea Time - None\n", "og4yz5: Just a little insight to the women who struggle with the idea of staying at home vs being a career women. - None\n", "og56nn: What are you watching and listening to and reading? - None\n", "ofmslv: Husband is more affectionate and tender after I lost my job. - None\n", "of3avl: Shocked by another subreddit - None\n", "ofhh1c: Tea Time - None\n", "of4vvy: Own Your Stuff - None\n", "oetzz5: Positive updates AND needing help - None\n", "od1c4i: Tea Time - None\n", "ocp54u: Housekeeping help - None\n", "ocgc7f: Advice on biting your tongue - None\n", "objwg7: Handed over control of the money and other interesting things… - None\n", "oansnx: What does red pill think of this dating advice? I prefer to bring problems, not solutions, for the most part. A lot of Instagram dating advice is cringey to me. No female mystique or polarity in an equal dynamic - https://i.redd.it/dudjs7rfgb871.jpg\n", "oavue4: Tea Time - None\n", "oagavt: Does anyone actually follow the financial plan in The Surrendered Wife? - None\n", "oa6tti: The Scrapbook - None\n", "o9of5h: Own Your Stuff - None\n", "o9e31b: New Date: Any Potential Here? (Update) - None\n", "o8c0f4: Steve Harvey’s Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man.. - None\n", "o8e3bf: Tea Time - None\n", "o7vjdk: (6/25) What are you reading/listening to/watching?! - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_o7vjdk\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "o7pg6r: Would anyone be interested in a bi-weekly/monthly “what are you reading & listening to” - type thread ? - None\n", "o7a0z7: In Praise of my Husband - None\n", "o7ea1z: Looking for like minded friends in PDX, OR - None\n", "o7an4v: Having a career/degree is important to men. Share your thoughts! - /r/RedPillWomen/comments/o7ali6/having_careerdegree_is_important_to_men/\n", "o6bdjd: Tea Time - None\n", "o5kt6x: Book Recommendation! - None\n", "o5lfz1: The Scrapbook - None\n", "o5doz0: OYS- Own Your Stuff - None\n", "o4vyqt: I need your help… advice on balance? - None\n", "o47hj1: Saints of RPW do you have any cleaning tips for a lost cause? - None\n", "o3jwgi: Tea Time - None\n", "o3ap2s: New Date: Any Potential Here? - None\n", "o2w8ga: Weekend is coming :D - None\n", "o2gnc3: How to prepare for becoming a housewife? - None\n", "o2hafd: Another update/thoughts about things - None\n", "o28sz1: How to stop seeking validation? - None\n", "o281x6: If you could look like anyone in the world... - None\n", "o1w7tg: Prayer of a Wife - None\n", "o166oj: I need some rpw encouragement - None\n", "o137wy: Tea Time - None\n", "o0corh: The Scrapbook - None\n", "nzseoh: I hate societal pressure to work a regular job as a woman. - None\n", "o0578v: OYS - None\n", "nz0hpi: Update: Yellow Flag? - None\n", "nyali7: Tea Time - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_nyali7\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "nxjsjl: Laura Doyle's Six Intimacy Skills- Working on them, any advice? - None\n", "nxc73n: ARPWALT (all red pill women are like that) - None\n", "nx0vpz: I have a housekeeping win to report!! - None\n", "nx7adl: Testing 123 - None\n", "nvroag: BBC article on the workload of wives/mothers - None\n", "nvu37c: Tea Time - None\n", "nv2fcb: The Scrapbook - None\n", "nuqbjq: Advise for a man about to be married - None\n", "nusu6s: Own Your Stuff - None\n", "nub13s: What does your housekeeping look like? - None\n", "nurlp0: What is a woman’s value over 40? - None\n", "nszjvc: Tea Time - None\n", "nrxbuu: OYS Update - None\n", "nsa6rm: Also OYS - None\n", "nqt7tx: Update to Dog Problem - None\n", "nqk6f5: Tea Time - None\n", "nqks1n: Mating On Captivity - None\n", "npscdn: The Scrapbook - None\n", "np9j7f: Defining the use for a room. - None\n", "np1ryc: Own Your Stuff - None\n", "nofcw3: If MRP is RP on hard mode for men, what is RPW on hard mode? - None\n", "nnr132: Tea Time - None\n", "nmzdpn: Dealing with monotony - None\n", "nmtial: Can't be it all - None\n", "nm3x04: In the modern era, what should a man's protection actually look like? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_nm3x04\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "nlf7qf: I need to vent about my neighbor for a moment - None\n", "nlr55n: I am about to move in with my bf and I am nervous - None\n", "nkgszf: OYS 3 - None\n", "nk4vwp: I am planning on quitting my 6 figure career to be a housewife and I'm freaking the hell out - None\n", "nk70ic: How to act more feminine? - None\n", "njgotq: Meals - None\n", "nji448: I'm struggling with being at home and not really seeing people - None\n", "nindb7: Soft Place to Land - None\n", "nix1sd: There’s no such thing as women’s liberation on the left - https://i.redd.it/lgnyxpy7wr071.jpg\n", "nin5b7: My Anxious Mind/ Shit Testing - None\n", "nilpbt: How to find a man? - None\n", "ngz4a3: Sub related stuff- a new type of field report - None\n", "ngzhdi: Dear Diary / Field Report - Tit for Tat Vacations - None\n", "ngsxc1: How do you deal with disappointment? - None\n", "nf2ecn: Another Round of OYS - None\n", "ndsfyn: Responding versus reacting? - None\n", "nbjd60: Hi! I’m a 22 year old female that has never really dated. How can I know what I want in a man? - None\n", "nbs10y: Fake lashes - None\n", "nacs23: Own Your Stuff - None\n", "n9iffd: Red Pill dating tips if you're socially awkward and timid? How to let a man lead and when to be assertive/protective of yourself? - None\n", "n7yvwg: Not wanting marriage due to government - None\n", "n7a3dx: When Am I Too Much? - None\n", "n5bd2c: Help me find an article/blog post please - None\n", "n4fu8f: Married Red Pill - None\n", "n42gl0: Updating “I feel done” - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_n42gl0\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "n14vwt: Advice for juggling ambitious desires and feminine desires - None\n", "mzsx69: Dog dilemma - None\n", "myb813: Feeling done - None\n", "mtqnju: Yellow flag? - None\n", "ms8hmu: How is everyone? - None\n", "moqgs3: I need an attitude adjustment, help!! - None\n", "mnv0h9: Have any of you done Laura Doyle's program? - None\n", "mmq8uc: Being \"softer\" - None\n", "mm7u5y: How to deal with a undesirable MIL behaviour in a graceful manner? - None\n", "mlp1j1: Is there a sub like r/cleanlivingkings for women? - None\n", "ml0y1a: How do you women vet? - None\n", "mhrdba: My Grandmother’s Rather Wonderful Advice - None\n", "mhfi4l: We managed to book a venue! I'm officially getting married! - None\n", "mhmi9j: Laura Doyle coaching cost - None\n", "mh5qxg: Sidebar posts gone? - None\n", "mgrzm8: Am I alone in my beliefs? Where do I go? - None\n", "mf9xwq: Thinking of moving out of a blue state for a more traditional life, 21F - None\n", "me22n0: Need Perspective - None\n", "mcy636: Wives and SAHM's, how do you bring beauty and happiness into your homes? - None\n", "mcwjnq: I've hurt myself in the feels, and it's escalated into a row - None\n", "m90uxx: How do I encourage my boyfriend to get healthy and lose weight? - None\n", "m7umrd: Sex and marriage discussion - None\n", "m5r547: An Update to my Last Post (Being surrendered and sex) - None\n", "m5ulhc: Year of Self Care (month 3) - None\n", "m54pvp: Wives who were first-timers, how did you create excitement in the bedroom? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_m54pvp\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "m4b784: How long does it take to adjust to a new baby? - None\n", "lzfvmf: The Dating Scene... - None\n", "lx840j: New to tradlife - None\n", "lweeex: SMV of married women - None\n", "lwezfv: Your thoughts of mid life crisis - None\n", "lqvmhb: I’m starting to feel bitter and cold - None\n", "lpskoz: Being an emotional sponge - None\n", "lo8yia: What can I do that my wife appreciates? - None\n", "ln3g41: The Surrendered Wife and Sex - None\n", "ljug6q: My husband did NOTHING for Valentine’s Day? - None\n", "lh6rip: Update: potential chronic illness - None\n", "lgzqeo: Expectations for communication while physically apart - None\n", "lely1s: Paying For Dates? - None\n", "laulfp: I am in the process of being diagnosed with a debilitating chronic illness that will reduce my quality of life and may cause me to be infertile. How do I move on? - None\n", "lavtyu: What does respect mean to you (and your man)? - None\n", "l7r2ap: What has made you laugh or smile this week? - None\n", "l6htyt: What man is \"good enough\" - None\n", "l626w9: Short-term changes when long-term one will take forever? - None\n", "l3pm3d: Would anyone be open to mentoring? - None\n", "l31x3k: Fashion advice: cute things for grown women - None\n", "l1mfzy: RP femininity and Why Men Love Bitches? - None\n", "l1r37o: Book/ podcast recommendations - None\n", "l1elbi: Goddess of fun and light - None\n", "l0mtwm: Men should be more emotional - None\n", "l0gyqa: What do you ladies think of Trump? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_l0gyqa\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "l06vcn: Vetting this specific man - None\n", "kwum3n: What to do when your husband is “manly” when gender roles benefit him and extremely “un-manly” when they don’t? - None\n", "kvimy6: Career advice, please? - None\n", "kvcx1l: How to make my home look nicer - None\n", "krsu1p: What are your favorites subreddits? - None\n", "kroua9: I want to get married, but he won't commit - None\n", "krc5pm: Laura Doyle 5-day Challenge - None\n", "kr9kaf: Flirting, controlling the pace and setting boundaries - None\n", "kpe0ci: When to decide you can't follow his guidelines - None\n", "kp3c4z: What skills/abilities a good wife should have? - None\n", "kn4w07: Can y’all tell me your engagement stories while I patiently await for my turn? - None\n", "kl81x3: Hack - what's cookin good lookin - None\n", "kkiasr: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - December 26, 2020 - None\n", "kic41r: New to this, can I even be a RP Wife? - None\n", "kg7e0z: SHIT POST SATURDAY - December 19, 2020 - None\n", "kec2gb: Newly Married, Need Help Avoiding Judgmental Attitude - None\n", "kdaefr: DH m/32 says women shouldn’t hold political power - None\n", "kcx2m1: Small Success- thanks :) - None\n", "kaq4qc: How do you stay on top of your groceries? - None\n", "k9rg5p: Female version of Rian Stone? - None\n", "k8q9a4: Should I pick up after my teenage step kids ? - None\n", "k774nm: Simple Questions - December 05, 2020 - None\n", "k4kpgh: Hypothetical questions about cheating:conversations with my husband - None\n", "k442ju: My (25F) boyfriend (27M) doesn’t get excited about having sex because jerking off is just easier - None\n", "k3bojh: Advice on dealing with problem in-laws? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_k3bojh\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "k2nbhy: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - November 28, 2020 - None\n", "k26l7o: Snooped on my boyfriend’s phone - how to make it up to him - None\n", "jyae34: SHIT POST SATURDAY - November 21, 2020 - None\n", "jy1elz: Did any of you become a housewife or SAHM because of the pandemic? - None\n", "jx1lx9: Coping with stress - None\n", "jwd8kw: Should this be a STFU moment ? - None\n", "jv7d9c: Struggling with roles (married 6 years, 1 kid) - None\n", "jue5pb: We need to talk about what to do when things go wrong - None\n", "jto7f9: Would you marry a man that didn't make enough to support you? - None\n", "jsgo4a: Husband won't live by his own standards - None\n", "jr1x3w: Avoiding Burnout? - None\n", "jpqid6: Simple Questions - November 07, 2020 - None\n", "jo8cc7: How do you tell your family you're traditional? - None\n", "jmw2mu: Hi mom's, is there any red pill to raise your children? - None\n", "jm6lfj: Hello all. I’m in need of a mentor - None\n", "jh8kko: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - October 24, 2020 - None\n", "jfw4d6: One week, one goal - None\n", "jf8wu5: Stoicism - None\n", "jetmlv: Make up & hair help - None\n", "jelvzq: Managing anxiety - None\n", "jdqb8u: How to be sexier? - None\n", "jcurl1: SHIT POST SATURDAY - October 17, 2020 - None\n", "jcj7cs: Suggestions for setting up “surrendered wife” support group? - None\n", "jc8t0s: Resistance to RP ideas - None\n", "jcc7ou: His indifference is killing our marriage - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_jcc7ou\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "j9c5yg: Dealing with disappointment in marriage - None\n", "j8xi91: When you feel like your partner is taking you for granted - None\n", "j8j887: STFU and emotions... - None\n", "j7sn49: Laura Doyle teaching discussion - None\n", "j5i7ua: Lounge wear for winter - None\n", "j5hdl8: Tracing the toxic history of feminism? - None\n", "j53zpe: Some advice from a 1918 marriage guide - None\n", "j54bs5: What is the worst marriage advice you ever received? - None\n", "j4gq3w: Fascinating Womanhood from RP perspective - None\n", "j4eodp: Simple Questions - October 03, 2020 - None\n", "j1znsi: Solipsism? - None\n", "j16txs: How to get into feminine hobbies / crafts? - None\n", "j05obw: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - September 26, 2020 - None\n", "iyiu6i: Welcome to All, Not Just the Wives! - None\n", "iy6ajm: What is RedPillWives? How does it differ from RedPillWomen? - None\n", "ix9ru8: How to be a more joyful wife? - None\n", "ixe4z0: What books are you reading ATM? - None\n", "iww1iz: Which partner/husband is he out of a group of men? - None\n", "iwvn6e: The Wall, by Barney Stinson - None\n", "iw4c86: Date night ideas for when you can't/don't want to go out! - None\n", "iw2dx3: Country music got me down - None\n", "ivs6mq: SHIT POST SATURDAY - September 19, 2020 - None\n", "ivol82: Intro thread! - None\n", "ivdmqb: Banned from RedPillWomen for disagreeing with TRP - None\n", "itw664: Is it possible to talk here about feelings about TRP, and what it implies philosophically? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_itw664\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "iq7qxk: Permanent link to the Tea Room discord group - None\n", "ipzj65: Dealing with negativity from closed ones? - None\n", "iph9xa: I'm feeling a sort of (very gradually) growing resentment in my 5 yr relationship and I want to quash it before I do anything drastic. Approaching 30. - None\n", "in0rq9: Simple Questions - September 05, 2020 - None\n", "ik8iol: You’re Not Beautiful or ugly - https://youtu.be/6uDIPaNpr7Q\n", "iei2jf: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - August 22, 2020 - None\n", "ia6zz1: SHIT POST SATURDAY - August 15, 2020 - None\n", "i4ikj8: How to go from the breadwinner to not working at all? - None\n", "i1rwja: Simple Questions - August 01, 2020 - None\n", "hxmdzh: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - July 25, 2020 - None\n", "hwp1l1: I FINALLY get to be a Housewife! - None\n", "htgaa3: SHIT POST SATURDAY - July 18, 2020 - None\n", "hq0cxf: Getting annoyed with husband? - None\n", "hpi6d7: Do redpilled men look for childlike faces and childbearing hips in women? - None\n", "hm9xvh: Women don't love men like men love women? - None\n", "hm9ona: Communities - None\n", "hl2zyf: Simple Questions - July 04, 2020 - None\n", "hjy7xf: Maximising SMV- generic, or to his tastes? - None\n", "hio0t3: Nice article about a UK trad wife - None\n", "hhup26: How to rekindle the sexual energy - None\n", "hgt5mb: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - June 27, 2020 - None\n", "hg83od: What is life like post 40? - None\n", "hclz0f: SHIT POST SATURDAY - June 20, 2020 - None\n", "hafbyn: Do I need advice or is it just a bunch of feelz? - None\n", "h9lhr3: An interesting take on the home economy - https://unherd.com/2020/01/why-tradwife-just-isnt-trad-enough/\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_h9lhr3\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "h12v1j: Tips for Responsible Dating! - https://bohemiennehopechest.com/2020/05/date-responsibly/\n", "gz422b: Captain who likes to wing it vs. type A planner first mate - None\n", "gxqmbn: Simple Questions - June 06, 2020 - None\n", "gvql73: Being disrespectful in front of family/friends - None\n", "gvjcos: Small Update To Dealing With A Drunk Captain - None\n", "gtl8o8: Sisters. Who else is on a Glow Up Journey? - None\n", "gsh6hn: Where do I start? - None\n", "grzlnf: Encouraging Masculinity through Femininity? - None\n", "gp4l0c: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - May 23, 2020 - None\n", "gl2huf: New Mother Needing Advice On Coping - None\n", "gkubqe: SHIT POST SATURDAY - May 16, 2020 - None\n", "gk8cya: Do you ask your husband for permission? - None\n", "gjq1ui: What do you do when you REALLY want something, but your husband says no? - None\n", "gii09q: Opinions on breast reduction? - None\n", "gdz8eg: Is The Surrendered Wife the same as The Empowered Wife? - None\n", "gdicfq: Conflict advice with blended family dynamic - None\n", "gc64jr: Simple Questions - May 02, 2020 - None\n", "galxt8: RPW Episode 9 - Pregnancy Part 2 - there's a baby in there, now what?! - None\n", "g7t6xc: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - April 25, 2020 - None\n", "g7lezq: The Red Pill YouTube Channel - None\n", "g6su0k: Any interest in a discord server? - None\n", "g5ftz8: How important IS vetting? - None\n", "g3qffe: Feel like a failure - None\n", "g3n6rc: SHIT POST SATURDAY - April 18, 2020 - None\n", "g2ntmn: Own Your Shit - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_g2ntmn\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "g2ayww: My boyfriend didn't want to buy me a car and now I am insecure in our relationship. - None\n", "g08ile: How are you staying sane during this time? - None\n", "fzu6dn: Husband smothering me with his daily family visits - None\n", "fxg60q: Femininity: Quaranclean edition - None\n", "futdnv: Simple Questions - April 04, 2020 - None\n", "ftxhnv: Social Media Has Destroyed The Modern Woman. - https://youtu.be/OCTImbVubn8\n", "ft7zih: advice appreciated ❤️ - /r/RedPillWomen/comments/fsupwv/feel_like_everything_suddenly_fell_apart_advice/\n", "fr08ed: Women: Take Care of Yourself First - /r/IAMALiberalFeminist/comments/flfg2m/women_take_care_of_yourself_first/\n", "fqjtc0: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - March 28, 2020 - None\n", "fpjo6f: 14 Strategies for Working From Home Around Children Without Endless Screen Time - https://thefederalist.com/2020/03/16/14-strategies-for-working-from-home-around-children-without-endless-screen-time/\n", "fn21zf: Am I unreasonable and spoiled? - None\n", "fmenrr: SHIT POST SATURDAY - March 21, 2020 - None\n", "fivbx0: Respond Favorably to Bids! - http://theredpillroom.blogspot.com/2014/06/wife-test-warm-pleasant-disposition.html\n", "fgmquo: Struggling with jealousy of a new friend - None\n", "feuvax: Simple Questions - March 07, 2020 - None\n", "fefl63: Article About Feminist Lies - https://thefederalist.com/2019/11/12/4-feminist-lies-that-are-making-women-miserable/\n", "fcyv3d: True submission or role play? - None\n", "fczk13: Thoughts on humility - None\n", "f9wnux: Postpartum low sex drive - None\n", "f7sa2z: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - February 22, 2020 - None\n", "f73tbi: Help - Getting back in shape post-baby - None\n", "f5vbly: Springtime musings... - None\n", "f4957a: SHIT POST SATURDAY - February 15, 2020 - None\n", "f3h01c: Book on low testosterone in men - I want Sex, He Wants Fries - None\n", "f1bboj: Identity Crisis 2020 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_f1bboj\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "exrbt6: Full-time working Red Pill Wives & Moms, How do you keep going, doing it all and not resenting your husband? - None\n", "exjwiu: Tips for finding RPW IRL? - None\n", "exk80e: Babies or back to school? - None\n", "ex5v2b: Simple Questions - February 01, 2020 - None\n", "ewikf3: Help. I hate cleaning - None\n", "euxx54: Livestream Schedule - None\n", "etqj3w: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - January 25, 2020 - None\n", "ern4f5: Turned our extra day together around! - None\n", "eq4atp: Why I submit to my husband like it's 1959 - https://www.bbc.com/news/av/stories-51113371/submitting-to-my-husband-like-it-s-1959-why-i-became-a-tradwife\n", "eqg5e1: SHIT POST SATURDAY - January 18, 2020 - None\n", "eoemfs: Why not celebrate Little Christmas? - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Christmas\n", "en1uoa: Scared to have kids? - None\n", "ekfmmw: My husband said he didn’t want kids. - None\n", "ejweq5: Simple Questions - January 04, 2020 - None\n", "ei76bp: Red Pill Resolutions! - None\n", "egqj56: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - December 28, 2019 - None\n", "egg27v: How do you handle those in your life that haven't been Red Pilled? - None\n", "edpp2m: SHIT POST SATURDAY - December 21, 2019 - None\n", "ec0rui: newly married and newly red pilled! - None\n", "e7zahe: How honest is too honest? - None\n", "e7e2om: Simple Questions - December 07, 2019 - None\n", "e75m6g: Why he doesn't talk to me one-one? - None\n", "e6t4qx: Advice for finding a non-leftist therapist for husband - None\n", "e3gyjk: Cute vintage homemaking book - None\n", "e1e9g7: Don't shoot your side of the canoe - http://loydwalker.com/dont-shoot-your-side-of-the-canoe/\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_e1e9g7\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "e0hlcv: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - November 23, 2019 - None\n", "dydhrb: Redpill woman wants to be future wife but is struggling and needs womanly guidance - None\n", "dx6nsn: SHIT POST SATURDAY - November 16, 2019 - None\n", "dsp7z5: Thoughts? - https://i.redd.it/7xl5u8gwp5x31.png\n", "dqnwg1: Celebrating those amazing women! - None\n", "dqjvea: Simple Questions - November 02, 2019 - None\n", "do7pfd: Ways to inspire leadership in your man? - None\n", "dndleu: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - October 26, 2019 - None\n", "dlex22: 6 year LTR-should I stay? - None\n", "dkidg1: What would you choose? Hypergamy. - None\n", "dk3hzz: SHIT POST SATURDAY - October 19, 2019 - None\n", "djtksk: How To Be Gentle - elegantwoman.org - https://elegantwoman.org/how-to-be-gentle\n", "dgtbd2: Help me think rationally - None\n", "dedwly: 2nd wave feminism better without Dworkin, Daly, Steinam and Solanas? - None\n", "ddq710: How to stay attractive and attract your man as you age? - None\n", "ddmzxz: Simple Questions - October 05, 2019 - None\n", "dcem9b: Advice on relocating for a better family enviornment - None\n", "dbzohl: Halloween - None\n", "dbgjlc: Inspiring women - None\n", "daik21: Any experiences on hypergamy as a virgin? - None\n", "dafpr5: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - September 28, 2019 - None\n", "d7a8be: SHIT POST SATURDAY - September 21, 2019 - None\n", "d670g0: Not sure how to word this - None\n", "d60gdf: Does the TRP lead to toxic men? An analysis - https://thepowermoves.com/the-truth-about-the-red-pill/\n", "d534k3: Ladies gatherings... - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_d534k3\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "d0vqao: Simple Questions - September 07, 2019 - None\n", "cywv78: Changing for A Man - None\n", "cyws8l: August Relationship Challenge Review! - None\n", "cy14ze: These are being handed out at the straight pride parade. - https://i.imgur.com/qwhAYzq.jpg\n", "cwwx4c: The importance of being accepted by partner’s parents- grandiose or small? - None\n", "cuvuq7: How Is Your August Relationship Challenge Going? - None\n", "cut553: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - August 24, 2019 - None\n", "ctjmrc: What's the difference between this subreddit and the RedPillWomen subreddit? - None\n", "csq82y: Accountability buddy for health? - None\n", "cs519n: Dax Shepard Wasn't Sure He Wanted to be with Kristen Bell - None\n", "crfx83: How should I handle my husband doing too much for me? - None\n", "crlvqt: SHIT POST SATURDAY - August 17, 2019 - None\n", "cr8po2: What Are Your Interior Decorating Tips? - None\n", "cq66sl: What keeps you motivated to keep a clean home? - https://www.reddit.com/r/homemaking/comments/cq5rr0/what_keeps_you_motivated_to_keep_a_clean_home/\n", "cot3gg: August Relationship Challenge - None\n", "cliixa: Simple Questions - August 03, 2019 - None\n", "ckgul3: Just want to say thanks - None\n", "cjadk6: Check out A and B below. Help me reconcile? A- When does my need for my space become important then? Never, just in case his head gets turned? B - where his career tanking has required her to step in and take on these responsibilities... Does not the woman’s burden shoulder become a concern? - https://i.redd.it/axhbr9lvg8d31.jpg\n", "cieym1: I’m just a woman standing by a pile of laundry asking my man to notice me... - None\n", "cih9gi: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - July 27, 2019 - None\n", "cfwxug: Laura Doyle deserves a medal - None\n", "cfll4u: SHIT POST SATURDAY - July 20, 2019 - None\n", "cc58pf: Why do you guys dislike feminism - None\n", "c9wj87: 9 Empowering Quotes for Women - https://i.redd.it/qyqtzoiq15731.jpg\n", "c9tdls: Simple Questions - July 06, 2019 - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_c9tdls\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 12 posts\n", "c8su4i: Update. I'm alive, I'm safe. I'm doing better now - None\n", "c898zq: Appreciate the Man - None\n", "c7buoq: Advice on Saying Ouch - None\n", "c6mh4k: Making weekend plans? - None\n", "c6hoa8: Advice on how to be more supportive - None\n", "c5wcn5: Boyfriend will go to a bachelor party in Amsterdam - None\n", "c5ctq9: How to lose vanity lbs after kids? - None\n", "c52mts: Small victory: being a soft place to land - None\n", "c56qxk: On communicating during disagreement. - None\n", "c406ue: Can I be a traditional mother? - None\n", "c3pgra: Parenting, Motherhood, Pregnancy Mega-Thread - June 22, 2019 - None\n", "c2k9bh: How to express disappointment respectfully? - None\n", "Got 12 posts\n", "No more posts, broke on RedPillWives with counter at 9964\n", "Getting posts with params: \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 26 posts\n", "82875i: Cut the Shit - None\n", "1ai6sv5: Man-Child looking for ways to stop taking shit tests from wife so personally - None\n", "1ai46h5: Feeling Stagnated in Life and Relationship - None\n", "1af0juu: Thoughts on showing vulnerability - None\n", "1ae8wpy: Vagiphobia example in NMMNG - None\n", "19exgzn: How much time to start on OYS? - None\n", "19dkmkq: How far to push my jealous gf? - None\n", "19cys34: Jealous LTR GF - None\n", "19bir8u: Setting up my business, wife suddenly bitchy - None\n", "19aop3m: Any advice for how to read the sidebar with a degree of privacy? - None\n", "19aab78: Covert contract? - None\n", "199rbsb: Incongruence on desires? - None\n", "198afij: Improving SMV by exposing wife to beta men - None\n", "197gom2: Raising my boy right, and empowering my wife to help - None\n", "194dbbm: Telling how much I make to wife? - None\n", "1934d3b: What beginner routine did you start with and are you happy with the one you picked? - None\n", "192hobl: Issues with bitterness with my LTR - None\n", "190jnea: Selecting a gym - None\n", "18zawfl: How Do You Practically Change Mental Models? - None\n", "18z4sdz: Helping My Ex Out Occassionally - None\n", "18z1mbd: What would you have done in this situation? (Building Frame and failing at it) - None\n", "18ww8jv: Did I Rambo? - None\n", "18wt64x: Wife never wants comfort - None\n", "18uz0l4: In YOUR experience, what small, simple changes / mindset shifts created the quickest results in your marriage? - None\n", "18uz4xk: Building meaning - advice for a younger guy - None\n", "18tp1xc: Can obligated compliance turn into genuine compliance? - None\n", "Got 26 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_18tp1xc\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "18sdcs3: Server case of Oneitis or…? - None\n", "18scby8: Is there a \"how to\" for field reports? - None\n", "18lxow2: Practical Female Psychology - Dissociation - None\n", "18lh5wp: Why is ilybinilwy so impossible to come back from? - None\n", "18keywa: Neglectful Husband, and Wife Wants a Divorce - None\n", "18jskyl: Frame question - None\n", "18gg3x7: Advice on dealing with depressive wife who seems to want me to manage her emotions - None\n", "18aloh7: How to mrp with chronic pain - None\n", "189kh2c: How Do You Keep Grinding? - None\n", "186u3ff: Separation Prep question and suggestions [request]. - None\n", "186a05b: What is love after swallowing TRP? - None\n", "185nti0: Help finding a post - None\n", "184gmqg: No More Mr. Nice Guy and Healthy Masturbation - None\n", "184u1hv: MAP visual? (Athol Kay) - None\n", "182sipd: LTR broke off/scarcity mindset - None\n", "181hv94: Was this a shit test? - None\n", "180ao74: Should I cut the allowance of my entitled wife? - None\n", "17xzna7: How to behave when one is sick - None\n", "17vuwpg: Public Emasculation Shit Test - best response? - None\n", "17vwhyu: Dated a post wall woman at 24 - None\n", "17vvz3t: Has anyone asked by your wife \"what is your plan for our life/relationship moving forward\" - None\n", "17v0lnc: Victim Puke - I need help - None\n", "17r2dil: Casual conversations with wife - None\n", "17qu3ai: Sex frequency situation - None\n", "17q8u92: What Does Genuine Desire Look Like? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_17q8u92\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "17p9qgf: Gauging own and wife's sex rank? - None\n", "17muh9n: Restarting life Redill. Balancing kino - None\n", "17ld6sd: Mission focus and genuine desire. - None\n", "17lganj: Wife wants to go out with no explanation - None\n", "17lf2p3: When is too late to punish bad behavior and disrespect? - None\n", "17l7nmg: STFU and my divorce - None\n", "17jbbvs: Discord or chat? Is there any recommended YouTube channels? - None\n", "17c5tts: \"Solve the fight\" - learning from a mistake - None\n", "17bmdji: Is Sex the End Game? - None\n", "17bnc93: Frame in serious life situations - None\n", "17aym7q: Every question in here can be answered with one phrase - None\n", "179utp7: First, Buy A Black Fedora. Any reports? - None\n", "176gz76: Hamster spinning too fast - None\n", "175o4tr: Advice on dealing with sexual teasing and validation seeking behavior? - None\n", "173t55b: I think it's too late - None\n", "17043o8: Red Pill therapy - None\n", "16zcapc: Walking out and leaving for the night - None\n", "16yaugu: Should I STFU or address disrespect? - None\n", "16v2jzm: How to keep oneself motivated. - None\n", "16rqd1d: Lack of sex after first kid? - None\n", "16rfnbs: Haven't talked in 5 days - None\n", "16q2se7: Not seeing purpose in working from home - None\n", "16p5xnz: Asset Protection - None\n", "16lcxx5: Any one feel like they started going backwards after lots of progress? - None\n", "16jmuq0: What if you want your wife to lead big parts of your life? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_16jmuq0\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "16gos8j: (Off-topic): Anyone having dreams more often, since starting their MRP-journey? - None\n", "16g8ov8: An ex-wife that enthusiastically followed? - None\n", "16drr6f: Behavioral Changes Before Main Event - None\n", "16dg5yz: Where is the sidebar? - None\n", "16dhbl3: Frame, ego, deer and covert contracts. - None\n", "1660cah: Talk to me nice or don't talk at all. - None\n", "1628cyt: Wife wants to have a heart to heart ritual. Advice? - None\n", "1617e9s: So I'm the Drunk Captain. How do I know identify structural improvements v. something that only makes me more of a plowhorse? - None\n", "160spbd: Is it as simple as choosing power? - None\n", "1605sld: Was this a comfort test, shit test or smth else? And was this progress og regression? And how retarded did I manage it? - None\n", "15z0emw: Questions about my frame. - None\n", "15us43s: Must read Book for free at the moment - None\n", "15ueywn: Manglish/Womanese and Being The Captain (or dick?) - None\n", "15tojkv: Wife is sexual but doesn’t actually want sex? - None\n", "15thoun: Off-Topic: I have mission, an amazing life, but still no friends. Fiancee starting to notice - None\n", "15t3wdf: What's the alternative to acting butthurt when she does something fucked up? - None\n", "15rv9y2: How to handle a disrespectful daughter - None\n", "15qldxc: Betaization or Legitimate problem - None\n", "15p8kvi: Wife is angry and doesn't know if she can see me sexually - None\n", "15kmds9: How to deal with really tough times - None\n", "15kycgv: Looking for some perspective. Long post - None\n", "15f4bxa: Is it my insecurity or should I check her? - None\n", "15ed08x: Normal to no longer be attracted to your spouse? - None\n", "15e93xc: How do you deal with boundary testing or gray area situations? - None\n", "15bgu0v: How to deal with refusal? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_15bgu0v\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "15bkles: PreFiltering for dates - None\n", "15aiwzf: Is there a time when it's ok to DEER in a reasonable situation? (Explain) - None\n", "156knlj: Why are the reasons a Red Pilled men would want to get Married? - None\n", "155lgeu: Male friends - None\n", "1529f0f: Going soft during shit test - None\n", "15255mx: I have a drinking problem - None\n", "1511uui: FR: The dread is real - None\n", "151krnd: 30 years old virgin male planning to get married next year but mother does not accept my future wife - None\n", "14yw4w1: Leaving the house - None\n", "14wkb44: Basic Question about covert contracts - None\n", "14vgbmb: Your wife gets first crack at your libido - None\n", "14v6qoi: Practical Boundary Enforcement Help - None\n", "14ubfip: I am such a looser, how to chart ahead. - None\n", "14srg72: So you married an alpha widow? - None\n", "14rtla0: How to handle this anger and abuse. - None\n", "14rjtg6: How to respond to my wife's genuine anger at my sexual advances? - None\n", "14qtmmj: How did I handle this night (our anniversary) and where to go from here? - None\n", "14qh32x: Jekyl/Hyde type personality - None\n", "14n3twi: What's with all the deleting out? - None\n", "14m6dwk: Caught her in a lie - None\n", "14j9wxh: dont feel like fucking my gf - None\n", "14ifb8r: How long did it take from the beginning og your MRP journey until you were in a state where you were no longer a beta with nice guy behaviour? - None\n", "14iwn5j: Girlfriend giving silence treatment - None\n", "14gjkg0: Advice/Tips on safeguarding RP Lit - None\n", "14gs1mp: Father of the Girlfriend - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_14gs1mp\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "14f97qj: Medium is the Message or Good Excuse - None\n", "14asjnj: I have a new kind of energy. Is this what's called frame? - None\n", "1497rv8: STFU vs NMMNG Advice - None\n", "147zfb1: LTR talking shit things behind my back - how to deal with this women crap? - None\n", "14774hs: What's the point of an LTR? - None\n", "13z4ufj: Fiance told me she’s never had any sexual desire in general - None\n", "13wq6df: Power Struggle and Initiations - None\n", "13wq085: The sex pattern - None\n", "13skxsd: ILYBINILWY received today - None\n", "13rgzox: Compliance tests - None\n", "13rv0qa: Help with Father in Law - None\n", "13pm2nc: Female emotional connection required for sex - None\n", "13po92i: Sticky situation - need opinion from other men - None\n", "13oxmtl: I don't want to be a stoic. Any advice for the emotional man? - None\n", "13imu12: Explaining my wifes behaviour from a RP perspective and advice on how to “re-evoke” this. - None\n", "13eivf7: Wife wanted an exception to the rule - None\n", "13domv3: Sex initiation guidelines? - None\n", "139cdbn: How maintain \"women in competition\" as a married man? - None\n", "1380rhs: Went through my GF phone and now I need advice/insight - None\n", "136j2er: Relationships with non-romantic female family members - None\n", "134zhw9: ILYBINILWY speech - None\n", "12zz35o: 10 years relationship help - None\n", "12wjz01: Not sure how to approach long overdue conversations while staying in Frame - None\n", "12ubf14: MRP Starter Pack - None\n", "12h1jj9: My Internal Thoughts After Wife Discovered My Affair - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_12h1jj9\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "12b0iff: At-home wear - None\n", "11zxlu8: Are these nice guy habits or should I do what I feel like doing? - None\n", "11yg9b2: Shit tests and fogging through the phone? - None\n", "11t7oo0: Whats does \"I never loved you mean\"? - None\n", "11larb7: Advice from a 17 Year LTR and 3 kids - None\n", "11jk80n: Boundary enforcement/ lies. Did I Rambo? - None\n", "11k3qlj: Caugth wife trying to be an escort again, need a kick in the balls Victim Puke - None\n", "11j0bvo: Observations of a dying man - None\n", "11fr0s3: Enforce Boundary or Let It Go - None\n", "11elo7j: NMMNG: Read with her? Or no? - None\n", "11ba4q6: fogging - None\n", "115cwco: Wife wants a long-distance marriage - None\n", "110rvch: (FR) If You Have ADHD, Texting Is Absolutely ONLY For Logistics - None\n", "110ruis: Advice for \"equality\" in the bedroom - None\n", "10x2yan: Thoughts on Rocking the (wife's) Boat on purpose. - None\n", "10wp1rk: What Training Split do you do? - None\n", "10qwyxs: Fitness test vs Nagging (aka \"you're never good enough\") - what's a proper response? - None\n", "10rgjyb: Why no one talks about Roissy's Dread anymore? - None\n", "10qpf3a: I fucked up by showing weakness, need advice - None\n", "10nuty3: (FR) Posts I Wish I Read When I Started. - None\n", "10mbvln: Not scoring until after 1am - None\n", "10lsxsx: Married and Lost Desire - None\n", "10ld3yy: She had a meltdown and I decided it's crossing my boundaries - None\n", "10i6h8x: Boundary Enforcement: The place is a mess - None\n", "10hokew: Tried to deal with criticism, feel like I did bad - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_10hokew\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "10cz3mx: Restarting after divorce - None\n", "10ap6pd: Proper reaction to sexual rejection in a marriage. - None\n", "10a9imv: I'm angry and I dont want to be - the 5 columns - None\n", "10a3lq8: How to proceed - None\n", "108dm53: Wife feelz constant pressure to have sex - None\n", "1042ldh: Getting fed up with constant gaming / affection and no results - None\n", "1038u4z: Open Marriage VS Moving Wife To A Plate - None\n", "zz5p78: The next time will be better - None\n", "zzd2ib: Letter From the Ex-Wife - None\n", "zydqlp: Giving ultimatums - ever effective? - None\n", "zwpfw7: Wife jealous of women friends - None\n", "zv2pke: Childfree Conundrum - None\n", "zu9fuu: Thank you for ignoring your MS - None\n", "zt2ojt: GF and the military - None\n", "zr515m: I am very stressed with situation. - None\n", "zqid2q: I fogged, and fogged, and fogged... - None\n", "zpz7wl: Connecting the Dots with MRP. Wife of 11 years- Had Affair for 9 Months. 4 Kids in House - How To Deal with Constant Interaction - None\n", "zpx7o0: Brink of Divorce - None\n", "zm00nf: Starting marriage counseling, any advice? - None\n", "zliikb: She is always late - None\n", "zk5elh: Experience with Clomid - None\n", "zi70sr: Paying of a debt, was there burning desire...? - None\n", "ze783p: OYS 12 (posting here for OPSec purposes) - None\n", "zdjuyj: cant seem to fidn things for manufactured outrage - None\n", "z7r1or: Emotional Cheating, Next Steps - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_z7r1or\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "z6ubsd: Need some advice - None\n", "z6pv1x: Newbie questions on MRP praxeology - None\n", "z584gn: Why is STFU so hard? (honest question) - None\n", "yzg5eb: Arnold or Rambo? - None\n", "yxxmkl: Deciding I need to open the relationship up (x-post from MarriedRedPill) - None\n", "yycyps: Open Relationships, how? - None\n", "yx4gkl: Hormonal birth control - None\n", "yvg8po: Advice needed - None\n", "yv205s: Help me find post/book excerpt (sex denial acceptance/level of commitment) - None\n", "yosgdj: GF deleted what she is doing on social media. - None\n", "yo8h0v: Advice on Applying Book Lessons - None\n", "ymxc32: LTR Absent Father - None\n", "ym8zoy: Lost attraction - None\n", "ym2c9b: Question regarding a common scenario - None\n", "ylo78m: Boundary Repercussions - None\n", "yfajjj: Is she being disrespectful? - None\n", "ye154m: Actions Count Most - None\n", "ydtu15: The answer is always the same? - None\n", "ybj5yq: Wife calls the shots - None\n", "yb0gll: I guess I know the answer for this - None\n", "y7f44e: Am I misunderstanding what a mission is? - None\n", "y5jrng: Question about OYS - None\n", "y28xo5: Progress + question about frame/IDGAF with destructive behavior from wife - None\n", "y0bkwe: Where to to go - None\n", "xv8m2u: \"Why do you love me so much?\" - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_xv8m2u\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "xq2qed: How do you deal with permanent STD and dating - None\n", "xo2t48: What makes the physical outlook of an alpha ? - None\n", "xiyigl: First Mate Wanted Me To Hire A Bailing Expert - None\n", "x91zzw: Gaming / Flirting with LTR - None\n", "x4uez7: help to recover the capacity to choose and serve a woman after divorce - None\n", "x57kxs: NEWBIE HERE! - None\n", "x2f3sh: Dread and OYS questions - None\n", "x2l01y: Recognition - None\n", "wyiu80: Jerking off in Bed after Sex Denial - None\n", "wyvchc: Need advice on how to proceed - None\n", "wycpjn: Sex Question - None\n", "wwojst: How handle wife pushback when beginning, father of 4 young children. - None\n", "wwp3ae: I was given oneitis by my ex and only recently coming out of it, please advise. - None\n", "wwkif8: How to handle the situation - None\n", "wvxyz1: I’m just a little bitch - None\n", "wsemex: How to show wealth/status without seeming flashy? - None\n", "wq9dxd: Started off RP for 1.5 years - Then Reverted to BP - Can it be saved? - None\n", "wlsea3: Starting off wrong? - None\n", "wjfmy2: Can’t shake the anger - None\n", "wifpi5: How do you punish bad behavior without seeming butthurt? - None\n", "wg1ypj: Wife puts out anytime I ask, but it’s always starfish - None\n", "wdxlrq: Need advice I guess. - None\n", "wbbe9y: So. I made a thing some people might find useful. Is this the right place for it? - None\n", "w89xio: Journaling habits - None\n", "w2vtkq: Living with separated wife - emotionless, but mixed messages - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_w2vtkq\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "w01qpa: I need advice too - None\n", "vvjs00: advice - None\n", "vnlkx5: Confronting Black and White Thinking - None\n", "vl3k39: Does anyone here have a chronic condition? - None\n", "vix9p7: Helpful or unhelpful to talk with partner about female psychology - None\n", "ve9yq0: Helpless Initiations, Feeling Stuck - None\n", "vcvw43: GF's parents suddenly on the offensive about marrying and adopting her son - None\n", "vah4c7: Absolute Mess - None\n", "v5zplx: When should you actually get into a LTR? - None\n", "v1xt4c: Demonstrating Anger - None\n", "v0q2ng: Question / Field Report on STFU - None\n", "uznwbu: Can woman be aroused and excited when having sex with a blue-pilled male? - None\n", "uyu47r: What can I do to get special sex acts from my wife? - None\n", "uyfkrq: Family drama - wife says I didn't defend her - None\n", "uy23f1: Is this an unreasonable amount of shit tests? And was my response valid? - None\n", "utj7db: Is there a place on MRP for prevention instead of cure? - None\n", "ur9th2: When touch is not an option - None\n", "ujfdk8: Threat honored, After filing for divorce - None\n", "ugs8og: MAP resources - None\n", "uh7c2o: Playfull Seperated Wife - None\n", "uf7k6b: newbie in dire straights - None\n", "u2gxwt: What other weapons in the arsenal? - None\n", "u0dy2u: Live near her family or mines? - None\n", "u02c4w: My wife discovered a post on here - None\n", "tyl2dv: JJ for lifting - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_tyl2dv\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ty8w7h: Trust and the need to be informed of wife's movements - None\n", "txz078: Blow job and then divorce - None\n", "tvlv1e: Phenomenon? Attention acknowledged disappears? - None\n", "tukyl8: How to best make use of DoD? - None\n", "tu2yb0: what major challenges or experiences that made you internalize a strong frame ? - None\n", "tqs4t9: How to get Cluster - B wife into therapy without using logic/reason? - None\n", "tq2e0z: Are all threats honored? - None\n", "tqp7b1: Will Smith - None\n", "tpcyey: dealing with past shit bringing up - None\n", "tm4swp: Anyone read Practical Female Psychology? - None\n", "ti4bae: Assuming good feelz post shit/comfort test - None\n", "ti14vb: What to Say When Asking a Father to Marry His Daughter - None\n", "tg5kjh: Any advice on going about sexually repressed chicks? - None\n", "tgcra9: Marriage Counseling/Coaching - None\n", "tcu8nq: We've been dating for three months and all I can get is a kiss - None\n", "tc4g1p: Can Codependent women work? - None\n", "t95i8j: Mental point of view check. Am I on the right path? New to RP - None\n", "t671ui: MAP assessment, 14 month review - None\n", "t4a3dy: Are displays of anger ever useful? - None\n", "t3pmps: holding frame in an all-female house - None\n", "t2jywk: How to breakup with partner of last 5+ years - None\n", "t23k8q: MRP larp post? I larp often I am told, I can't seem to pull my head out of my ass to see it when it happens. - None\n", "t0j9h6: Out of town for a while, how can I make the best of this? - None\n", "sq3jcc: Advice on leading discipline issue - None\n", "smsuwj: Gangster rappers/musicians/producers - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_smsuwj\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "sj1dee: Got In Trouble for Affair with Coworker - None\n", "shviez: Responding to getting asked for favors with hints for sex - None\n", "shbwh2: Pulling attention and commitment vs stonewalling like a bitch. - None\n", "sgv3d8: NMMNG companion book worth it? - None\n", "sgl8z3: Advice? Brand new, but this seems to be working! BUT, I need someone to rate my first-go and tell me what I could have done better… - None\n", "sfora5: Ready to be Roasted VP - None\n", "ses1y0: Initiations and \"Playful\" LMR - None\n", "sadurq: “Am I a good wife?” - None\n", "s5qftv: Can no longer cope with an aggressive 2nd officer - None\n", "s3xhp4: Sidebar resources on game - None\n", "s32srf: Beginner question: LTR is moody when accompanying me on work trip - None\n", "s015vo: LTR not atracttive to me anymore - None\n", "rtcv44: The phermonal beta and the pherominal alpha - None\n", "rqyhqx: Own your shit for TRP? - None\n", "rp6zck: Probably a basic question - None\n", "rl5ky1: Am I fucking up? - None\n", "rkf8ih: Lurking for a while, thought I'd post something. - None\n", "rito2q: Falling Off the Wagon - None\n", "riwd74: Covert contracts - None\n", "righk4: I can't stop laughing in my wifes face when she's mad AND she keeps increasing the stakes in arguments until I cave in - None\n", "rgy6az: Any red pilled books/podcasts/youtube channels for expecting dads? - None\n", "rfkjk5: Slipped back into old behavior. - None\n", "r9z1m5: What are some good book recommendations about arguments? - None\n", "r86duo: How intense is my retard? Looking for a reality check. - None\n", "r885zq: Creepy coworker at LTRs workplace. Unsure how to proceed - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_r885zq\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "r6bxn5: Found proof of old cheating and some questionable activity - None\n", "qvzxc5: How should I have handled fight - None\n", "qslgow: Wife requesting I be more dominant - None\n", "qkb7vv: How to get past the cognitive dissonance that is killing me? - None\n", "qh5qk1: Sex Requires an Emotional Connection - None\n", "qfwpzs: Hysteric bonding - None\n", "qc7cvw: How to Dread Game from a Strong Start? - None\n", "qae4ns: How to stop micromanaging? - None\n", "q6ofwh: One step away from a cuck - None\n", "q40hxc: Is the reason I don't have the sex I'd like because I treat my wife and sex with her as the prize? - None\n", "q4cxwn: What does it mean if girlfriend wants to meet your parents - None\n", "pynypn: Coping with fear and attachment - None\n", "pxp6jt: Inviting another man, shit test? - None\n", "pvuiol: Some of my thoughts on Frame. Do tell what parts of it you think are good and what parts of it are bad, or if all of it is. - None\n", "popy9c: Outcome/Update from Dread & Removing Attention/Affection - None\n", "po61ed: Stfu or leadership opportunity? - None\n", "po6hpy: Thought that her changing her last name was important to me but now I am not so sure - None\n", "pmsl3o: STFU for the first time - None\n", "plmv6i: changed behavior and silence treatment - None\n", "plfoq8: Women who like guys who chase. - None\n", "pjg0xp: Why is there so much hate and negativity here and on MRP sub? - None\n", "pij11b: Building Frame - None\n", "pergk8: Cuddles ain't free vs Kino - None\n", "pe52lg: Getting shit together too late - Minimizing collateral - None\n", "pbsn9r: While being unattractive, to initiate or avoid \"pressure\" - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_pbsn9r\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "pcc2cl: I [29M] recently broke up with my gf [27F] because i felt like i was not appreciated and my value not seen because of my hyper masculine state of mind after reading TRM. I feel like i fucked up a good thing - None\n", "paju64: Feedback on constant arguments - None\n", "pa0jms: How to regain \"honeymoon phase\" levels of attraction with LTR - None\n", "p91tw2: LTR Trying To Leverage The Relationship (Relocation) - None\n", "p92yxl: I'm always late for stuff in life, so I guess marriage will be delayed as well. What am I missing? - None\n", "p8ua8j: Wanting to explode when STFU? - None\n", "p8smox: Failed comfort test / failed captain? - None\n", "p6uwf4: Am I missing an opportunity here? - None\n", "p5udmr: Is there an OYS thread for women? - None\n", "p345bp: I Need Validation - None\n", "p213o2: Wife keeps asking if everything is alright - None\n", "p1cj6g: Title: A dating strategy for older RP men - None\n", "p12fuy: Retard Science Experiment - The Holy Grail of Cum - None\n", "oz98dm: FR - Push Yourself Into Her - None\n", "ozhhul: What do you fellas with kids do in your free time? - None\n", "ozbnlg: Body language post - None\n", "oxyv1l: Urgent question after dramatic scene over the phone - None\n", "owzc1f: Why do I feel so empty inside? - None\n", "oss26l: NMMNG sometimes encourages you to talk to your wife about the changes you intend to make - is that compatible with STFU? - None\n", "orzc26: I opted for divorce following Ultimatum - None\n", "orjdtt: Wife continues to complain about how little I’m home when we moved to our location due to the proximity to her worthless parents. Cut the drama and hire a realtor? - None\n", "orhtxx: How to maintain frame - None\n", "opookc: While We Wait - None\n", "opg8cp: Wife knows about dread - None\n", "ooo8bn: Wife (37) can not orgasm, it's complicated - help! - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_ooo8bn\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "oo33j9: I think I'm autistic with the basics - None\n", "onhfkh: Sex and mind games. STFU or call her out? - None\n", "omh9tp: Recently divorced, need advice. - None\n", "om3rzy: I lost my frame and keep saying sorry to forgive me. - None\n", "ol1mnl: Just some thoughts about the sidebar books - None\n", "od2z4l: Are you under 30 - None\n", "ocad2f: How has MRP affected your relationship with your parents? - None\n", "o9elg7: I can never fully wrap my brain around why RP is so anti marriage and LTR - None\n", "o7t9wf: laundry and logic - None\n", "o69bzq: Wife is starting to push back - None\n", "o5320v: Wife gets disrespectful when she doesn't get what she wants. - None\n", "o435jy: Messed up big time - None\n", "o3acbv: How do you guys deal with recurring problems and frustration? - None\n", "o2tb1c: Plate brings up the topics of expensive gifts - None\n", "o21m9i: Wife wants divorce because of sex life but i don't want to not see my kids everyday - None\n", "nzx0m7: How do I get a life out of the house without my wife resenting me for it? - None\n", "ny7dnv: Initiate or not initiate. Can't get my head around it. - None\n", "nxk5x2: Would Like Some Feedback - None\n", "nv1a74: Stuck between two shit tests - None\n", "npfc9h: It is pretty much always wrong to reveal depression or sad thoughts to your wife? - None\n", "np7fps: What is the correct way of dealing with wife/ltr thinking of other men? - None\n", "np9dmu: Ex is slut shaming new girl - None\n", "ndijbg: Accidentally Tripping on the Nuke: Next Steps? - None\n", "n9ql71: Overheard my fiancé talking to her sister about our relationship; were LTR & engaged. - None\n", "n4um8d: She doesn't matter and stop looking at her phone, right? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_n4um8d\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "n1yej9: was it a test? - None\n", "n1i4vi: get out of the house... how to? - None\n", "n0wwvg: Tips for wanting marriage & family life. - None\n", "mxz1ya: Question about being in a relationship/engaged with someone who is hitting the wall? - None\n", "muq52b: Thoughts on whether to have kids - None\n", "mlpm35: Ungratefulness to the MAX - None\n", "migqhn: Lot to unpack here - None\n", "meswp1: Sexless in the 20s - None\n", "me2h59: What is going on?! - None\n", "mcmzwr: Headspace is a little confused right now - None\n", "maab26: MMSLP - None\n", "m851yo: Is there a masculine version of /r/malefashionadvice ? - None\n", "m5q9e9: Deciding between the single life vs. getting married at 35 - None\n", "m5bvr9: Long Puke: Is it possible to fix a marriage in which wife has lost respect/admiration for husband? - None\n", "m49olx: Dread Question - None\n", "m47odl: I might have screwed up, how should I proceed - None\n", "m24wbm: Analysis paralysis over focusing on career or trying to start a business - None\n", "m19ddx: Need some advice on my dodgy marriage.. - None\n", "m0lv9l: Cialdini's Influence - None\n", "lzi920: Hammer landed on wedding ring - None\n", "lws7th: Specific shit test response - None\n", "lx8vg5: STFU, lift, sidebar - None\n", "lkkduw: Not married, but really like a girl who used to want a relationship (and I didn't, long-term) and now she just sees me as a friend who fucks her well. Insight from MRP? - None\n", "lgfdwl: Bipolar - None\n", "lcjy97: What the fuck am I doing? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_lcjy97\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ladpsf: What is an acceptable frequency to visit family when married? - None\n", "l98j52: Views from outside the US? - None\n", "l6vxjm: Got married but not feeling it anymore? - None\n", "l6xgf0: Relocation to China - None\n", "l5wlgy: LTR having a messy living space - None\n", "l4uchv: GF feels pressured into having sex - None\n", "l307vd: Dominance & affection - None\n", "l193n1: Advice on living with ex during divorce - None\n", "kysl59: Share school fees custody - None\n", "koqjae: Can I have a good life and maintain sexual relationships with TMAU? Feeling hopeless - None\n", "kl0emx: [911] Told that girlfriend cheated back home during holidays - None\n", "khz0jf: Is my marriage salvageable? - /r/asktrp/comments/khu148/can_i_repair_my_marriage_after_discovering_my/\n", "kbhvv1: Starting Red Pill with an infant - None\n", "k5pbwy: Suggestions for getting a life - None\n", "k3bz17: More muscle growth with high reps lighter weight, or heavy weight, lower reps? - None\n", "k1i13m: Logistics of breaking up/nexting LTR - None\n", "k0qxc5: My victim puke, and advise needed. I was told to post here... - None\n", "jvs06x: How do the older men here avoid dead bedroom situation ? - None\n", "junjh1: It's over - my oneitis no longer loves or respects me, and its all my fault. - None\n", "juel0z: Things were nuked but not by me. - None\n", "jthtnm: Working with her shame? - None\n", "jrdx0w: 5x5 Stronglift Question - None\n", "jr52wv: Arming the nuke - None\n", "jr0rrj: More Anal Training - None\n", "jqhr3z: Want to buy a boat....wife going thermonuclear - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_jqhr3z\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "jo2zv9: Need Some Advice - None\n", "jn23t6: To post, or not to post, OYS - None\n", "jn0ug5: Salary negotiation strategy - None\n", "jm0l38: Kid can’t spend time with his ill grandmother - None\n", "jkivun: I feel like a dancing monkey - None\n", "jjlm18: Completely messed up - None\n", "jjfieu: Sidebar link wont load - None\n", "jip3pp: Wife expects me to lead her through nearly all aspects of her life, and gets upset when I am unable to deliver - None\n", "jij8lp: Messed up a little . How do I move forward? - None\n", "ji3uni: Do you have a best friend? - None\n", "jh8urw: Fucking confused. - None\n", "jgbdie: How to get rid of limiting mindset books or articles. - None\n", "jfy0l4: LTR will not stop complaining about life - None\n", "jfju4j: May Rub Prostate - None\n", "jea7p5: The AskMRP Science Experiment has concluded. Conclusion: You're retarded. - None\n", "jcmxfh: Feeling Compelled to Leave You... a Love Letter... - None\n", "jcfqbt: Still learning STFU - None\n", "jbutjo: If 5x5 is for strength, why not do 3x10 for hypertrophy? - None\n", "jay1ns: Physical abuse - None\n", "jam3ku: Diet template - None\n", "jah2li: hernia surgery in the next month - None\n", "j92py2: Is this counting as STFU? - None\n", "j8f9pe: What to do if I am the one with a low sex drive? - None\n", "j7kyy8: Vetting plates for wife material - None\n", "j6t1ca: Tactics for ASD during Comfort Test - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_j6t1ca\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "j5ezbt: Pregnant wife - None\n", "j4jpsw: How to move forward on deadlift grip strength issues - None\n", "j4ev80: MRP vs 24x7 married D/s - None\n", "j2zhmp: Following the guides, but having ethical/moral issues...maybe identity crisis? Need some Bro Boost. - None\n", "j26ebu: The Challenge? - None\n", "j075c3: Death of a parent - None\n", "j07442: A victim puke - None\n", "iy4ygh: There's always another side... a better side... - None\n", "ivk9e4: Form Over # of Reps - None\n", "iu0gj1: In My Head, All the Time - None\n", "iqqvaz: Tools for Vision and Mission? - None\n", "imxtvc: LTR Is An Alcoholic And Out Of Control. PLEASE HELP!!!! - None\n", "imr3va: Wife Hates Sex - None\n", "ik9kbd: Lost my job today, still have shit together, how to frame this to LTR? - None\n", "ihrgb2: Presenting goals in OYS - None\n", "ignrkf: Progress blocking? - None\n", "ig3uqo: I've been married for one month. The sex stopped 2 weeks in. Most posts are from men who were married for years. How to address this critical Issue so early? (initially posted in MRP) - None\n", "ieub0f: Fucked My Ex, Now What?? Do I Plate Her?? What Happens Next?? - None\n", "iduj6a: Doctors Not Big on TRT? - None\n", "idygeb: Setting Boundary or Mate Guarding? - None\n", "id7s8u: Getting more actions in MFF in my LTR - None\n", "ibsyt9: Note on BF via Scale vs Navy Method - None\n", "ibjoxa: Big test over text - None\n", "ib3xfd: Conflicted about staying together with my LTR or breaking up with her as she approaches the wall — advice needed. - None\n", "i9rqwa: Fitness: can you build muscle on paleo - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_i9rqwa\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "i944l0: Baby is on the way! - None\n", "i80jkz: advice for my brother who has LTR with 3 kids that is about to go sideways - None\n", "i7lm1k: How to break up with LTR when she has done nothing wrong? - None\n", "i6wkpq: Providing solutions vs leading - None\n", "i6b4kd: I am no longer interested in getting married and I need advice on what to do moving forward… - None\n", "i69xv7: Let me know your options, thank you - None\n", "i3bi1v: Drawing Lines/Boundaries - None\n", "i2g9kf: LTR jealous of other relationships - None\n", "i15fnj: Are these my only options? - None\n", "i1guqv: My Covert Narcissist Girlfriend - None\n", "i0pg88: My Wife Asked for Couseling - None\n", "hze99b: Do I give my wife the emotional connection she is asking for - None\n", "hyitf3: I [33M] am 8 months into my MAP and I’m losing attraction & interest for my SO [28F] — looking for some outside opinions. - None\n", "hvt0mg: Married with Children - None\n", "hvpxol: Women hate men especially the married ones in my country. Do single women hate married men? - None\n", "hut6ys: Much younger women - None\n", "ht1soe: Don’t Be Like Jack - None\n", "hr0lcl: My wife friend - None\n", "hpr66m: How do you react or respond when someone hits/flirts with your wife? - None\n", "hpbhjx: Should the wife take a new job during Covid? - None\n", "hogqiw: SO Upset About IOIs From Neighbour - None\n", "hmd749: How to show praise over progress - None\n", "hj7xe6: Hanging on by a thread, must need a MAP - None\n", "hirar0: Doomed to beta-dom? - None\n", "hfwv20: RP that somehow became BP - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_hfwv20\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "hfb81t: Should i tell my Ex about my worries regarding Corona ? - None\n", "heto3x: Preparing for divorce - None\n", "hcv8p3: Affection and Flirting - None\n", "hcty2k: There was a book recommendation in a post. Cant find it any help? - None\n", "hc1rnb: Getting out of the comfort zone - None\n", "hachcn: Young guy (26) has serious problems with Ex ( mom of his kids) - None\n", "h0f845: Question: Career Decisions - None\n", "gyur4m: What's a man to do? (Victim Puke) - None\n", "gv9zin: Cannot stand my pregnant wife. - None\n", "gtl7pc: Turned down sex and really upset him. What can I say to make it up to him? - None\n", "glhe6v: Upgrading my home gym weight set - None\n", "gikco3: How to deal with irreconcilable differences of opinion on very serious issues - None\n", "ghfxuh: How to respond to wife when she says she wants me to share more of my vulnerabilities/emotions - None\n", "gfxo7t: Finally Divorced - None\n", "gemf77: Requesting advice on dealing with wife hiding something - None\n", "gcmfnv: To Married Men of the RP: How much support in hard times can you count on to get from her? - None\n", "gaxzux: Ego validation from her submission - None\n", "gau51x: How can I get back into the drivers' seat and save my marriage with children - None\n", "gae247: Strength and weight loss - None\n", "ga1lrb: Is it worth it? - None\n", "g8n629: MCT Rules for Pandemics - None\n", "g8li76: Sidebar is same one as on other two subs? - None\n", "g8p0ku: Questions about alphas and betas and AWALT - None\n", "g7xn65: Emotional connection - None\n", "g7ks87: How to make wife stop being a hysterical bitch anytime the kids cry or she is stressed? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_g7ks87\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "g56nqr: Is therapy cheating? - None\n", "g3fzxf: When am I done? - None\n", "g2sn7o: Sidebar in a PDF? - None\n", "g1t275: Victim Puke - None\n", "g1fvcq: Workouts in Exile - None\n", "g1hiyk: I'm considering swallowing the pill. Is her frame bad? - None\n", "fwvj5g: Is this what maintaining Frame looks like? - None\n", "fx5t9n: Main Event - None\n", "fubivx: Want to make my girl more sexual and dirty - None\n", "ftr3pc: Recently divorced, end of my rope - None\n", "ftiqyl: How did you learn good text game? - None\n", "ft4oeh: Boundary or insecure mate guarding? - None\n", "fstzje: Anyone get the \"Not tonight, I have Corona Virus starting\" rejection yet? - None\n", "fr63so: I am emotionaly cold and unavailable especially in my relationship - None\n", "fp1324: Keeping things fun in quarantine - None\n", "fnxcpr: Second thoughts on commitment - None\n", "fkx5sp: RPW Wednesday - Episode 3: Respecting The Captain - None\n", "fkd77d: I'm in the early stages o have alot to work on here's my story. - None\n", "fjys8n: Texting your balls away - None\n", "fj8q4i: What advice to give to my dad? - None\n", "fi057c: Always Prepping... - None\n", "fg3quk: Suggestions dealing with ambushes - None\n", "fg3go6: How to tell if this is a divorce shit-test. [long] - None\n", "feghbw: I guess my main event is going to be today. - None\n", "fd9uc6: Pregnant wife smokes behind my back, shifts blame. How to handle it? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_fd9uc6\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "fd8rwi: How does your woman add to your mission? - None\n", "fcybgg: Is that math correct? - None\n", "fc68pv: god saud - evolutionary psychology author ? - None\n", "fb1l4a: Best example of holding frame I've ever seen... - None\n", "fabxz3: Applying principles in LTR's - None\n", "f9vr3d: How do I embrace rational egoism while killing my ego? - None\n", "f91ikk: How to deal with Admin. Assistant? - None\n", "f8vjni: It all came to a head - None\n", "f8tqm3: A little help - advice on aftermath of big fight - None\n", "f86tx8: Emocional mess once again - None\n", "f7d9ab: Titrating Comfort - None\n", "f6o5md: How did you find your mission? - None\n", "f5xrpd: Who can I talk to in person about my personal growth/struggles as a man? - None\n", "f5gqfc: Corporate Politics - With Women - None\n", "f3vn0r: Shit test or owning my mistake - None\n", "f2px8h: What to do for Valentine’s Day? - None\n", "f1smuv: I (27M) never wanted to get married, LTR is changing my mind - None\n", "f1orf9: Question - None\n", "ezv4g0: HB7 from the gym coming to my house tomorrow for a playdate with her kids and mine, that she arranged with my wife. How do I not act like a total beta fucktard in front of her? - None\n", "ezt6zb: Trying to make myself work with women, not first time getting into this kind of situation - None\n", "ezb51g: Feeling “Flooded”, overloaded with new RP information and scattered about my MAP. Suggestions to simplify? - None\n", "eyua40: Fiancee threw a butter knife at me - None\n", "ey0o30: Help get that fire back - None\n", "exjbp2: Sinking further in the whirlpool. help - None\n", "ewy0vd: What steps should I take before ending a relationship with a woman I am engaged to/cohabitating with? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_ewy0vd\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "euygd1: Livestream Schedule - None\n", "eucrko: Umbilical hernia from lifting - None\n", "eto9dp: David Sinerks (sp?) Differentiation and Developing your Frame Therapy ? BP Professor YouTube.. - None\n", "ettbk1: Livestream is happening now! - None\n", "etd64j: The red pill on insane difficulty : a marriage story with a progressively debilitating illness – taking suggestions - None\n", "ersfcn: Thanks MRP/ASKMRP, you fixed a man, and a marriage, although i no longer want the marriage. - None\n", "err0zy: Wife found out my account in a website and she wants a divorce - None\n", "erd0yw: Need genuine examples for frame and how to hold boundries.... - None\n", "eqmdma: How to be the man that my parents and sister aspire to listen to? - None\n", "eqlob9: How to handle this test? - None\n", "epvilb: Need an exit plan [24 y/o, married 1.5 yrs] - None\n", "eprp86: Help Me Find My Blind Spots - None\n", "epov5b: Experience with Testosterone Replacement Therapy, specifically if it changes your relationship with your wife. - None\n", "epwli7: Negotiating desire vs. stating your needs - None\n", "ens1sj: How to respond and hold frame. - None\n", "emljgk: How to build social life from scratch? - None\n", "elwjmo: How to act sexual? - None\n", "elb6pa: Update 1 to Caught STD (What to tell wife?) - None\n", "ekyv05: RP Father's - How far will you go to teach financial independence? - None\n", "ekvv3i: Running MAP on peri menopausal or menopausal women - None\n", "ejy07g: You’re dismissive. Apologize to me! - None\n", "ejoi0k: Looking for advice on how to recover from an evening of shit tests ... that I failed. - None\n", "ejldin: Help. Just starting the MRP journey. Need advice. - None\n", "eiqcvl: Red pilled 3 months ago. Impending separation. Need some help. - None\n", "eiv43h: Still struggling after significant gains. Military challenges. - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_eiv43h\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "ei1qyb: Wife of 6 months only just told me that she has debt - None\n", "ei5rpg: Dancing lessons - invite wife or not? - None\n", "eia360: Should I go through with my divorce? - None\n", "ehtxe4: I was caught - None\n", "ehmxs4: How Do You Guys Even Trust Your Girl? - None\n", "ehlew6: Caught volition spouse lying - possible infidelity - None\n", "ehimrf: She got invited out for coffee by an old guy friend - None\n", "ehc1t1: Moving out during a divorce - None\n", "eh2e1l: Fat versus muscle while bulking - None\n", "egva78: Getting my shit together, but in need of some advice from the pros. - None\n", "egjh76: Should I be worried? - None\n", "egl392: I want to fuck her so now she doesn't want to fuck - None\n", "eelcqt: Who are we measuring ourselves to? - None\n", "edqyfv: What was the best way to handle this? - None\n", "edd8sv: Making the most of noob gains - None\n", "ecdf96: What's the best book for building the Oak? - None\n", "ecb09n: Is Keto good for athletes? - None\n", "ebw3nz: Skin Care - None\n", "ec4yof: How to minimize risks of divorce? - None\n", "ebgh7h: Branch swing to low SMV Beta - None\n", "eact23: Wife spent $9k behind my back - None\n", "ea5hce: Asking for advice and another look at my situation - None\n", "e9xpj9: Do MRP members advocate for decades long monogamous LTRs/Marriages or it just the case that everyone on here found TRP too late and were already trapped? - None\n", "e9f2zs: How Screwed am I? How to escape from hell? - None\n", "e9977t: LTR dreads herself about my sexual past - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_e9977t\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "e8wfqv: Filing for divorce and the no contact rule - None\n", "e8ey96: Caught STD. What to tell wife? - None\n", "e8h8xv: Am i an idiot WTF is the sidebar I'm on mobile only - None\n", "e7uwur: Time and attention my only ammo - None\n", "e866pk: Resenting some physical characteristics in a plate before the upgrade, when to pull the trigger? - None\n", "e7mi07: Wife asking for more kids - None\n", "e781nz: \"You had better do X or else I'll do Y\" - None\n", "e74n7c: Menopause and the red pill - None\n", "e71655: Repost from marriedredpill: Wife doesn't seem to love me anymore. We have a 1yo child. Can it be repaired? Is it even worth repairing at this point? - None\n", "e6ig19: \"You don't show me off enough online\" - None\n", "e64x1y: Thanks for the wake up call - None\n", "e65dwu: Her grooming - None\n", "e5hl1w: Need Beta Advice - None\n", "e4ki42: Help dealing with withdrawn checked-out and angry wife - None\n", "e4tqm2: Asking for alpha advice - None\n", "e2yc72: Traveling GF. - None\n", "e2oxbw: I (M31) cheated on unhappy wife (F30) - None\n", "e2g1uz: Weekly Workout Routine - None\n", "e2bg4u: Want to move back to my parents house with my wife, stuck due to mother and wife conflict - None\n", "e23bpx: Is this a \"thing\" for body recomp? - None\n", "e1j5sq: Am I irredeemable? - None\n", "dzyqnj: Not looking butt hurt when ignoring wife? - None\n", "dzrm5x: So this just happened... - None\n", "dz7w8j: When A Request Becomes A Shit Test - None\n", "dy29jg: Loose Skin from weight loss? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_dy29jg\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "dxoyue: Advice on creating a submissive wife in the bedroom - None\n", "dxwv6f: Caught sexting what next - None\n", "dw8313: A war within myself - None\n", "dual26: A kick in the ass to get going?! - None\n", "dtmlzn: Shitty Comfort Test? - None\n", "dt763d: Having issues dealing with anger. - None\n", "drz3jw: What is your deepest purpose? Finding it hard to understand what this could be. - None\n", "drj5od: My Lack of Ambition: Can I make this attractive? - None\n", "dratda: Help me understand the compulsive cooking and cleaning... - None\n", "dqvd9r: Took my girl of 6 years on a date. Ended with her slamming the door in my face. I'm trying to soft next for at least a day. She is sitting in front of my house now. - None\n", "dqs45x: A woman's goal - None\n", "dqsx7w: Is wife using baby as leverage, or should I just STFU and ride out the storm? - None\n", "dp04hp: How do things change with a third baby? - None\n", "dnkya2: Looks like I'm getting divorced - None\n", "dniexn: Failed comfort test? - None\n", "dn4q83: Keto / Diet question... - None\n", "dmgm9o: Any experience with therapy? - None\n", "dm8odj: Shitty day, shitty question - None\n", "dm236h: Filed for Divorce 6 Months Ago - Still in the process but feel weak mentally - None\n", "dm309c: Two Weeks - None\n", "dkq71u: I let my LTR show me her DM’s after she asked me about it. Does that show weakness on my part? - None\n", "dki1zy: Value shit test? - None\n", "dkp6m7: Victim Puke 1st attempt - None\n", "dkcqjv: Social life question - None\n", "dj1iel: LTR insecure about me leaving, how to respond? - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_dj1iel\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "dipshk: Suddenly, I'm not as interested in sex - None\n", "dis00m: LTR wants to attend an event with a bunch of guys she has never met - None\n", "dhv3ij: Books for her. - None\n", "dh0ukh: How to make her cum vaginally? - None\n", "dgtutb: Bleeding Dick after sex - None\n", "dgmcos: How long did it take to turn things around? - None\n", "dgk7pb: 5/3/1 while cutting? - None\n", "dg948b: Only if sexy is on the cards - None\n", "dg1mf7: Differentiating between shit test and comfort test with a depressed wife. - None\n", "dfkdi2: Wife Moved Out - None\n", "dfrpkt: How to have children? - None\n", "dfd7ga: Need some advice on how to handle a situation. - None\n", "dde10c: Teenage Daughter Wants to Spend Time with Friends During my Parenting Time - None\n", "ddhgm2: Wife sure likes that TV - None\n", "dcxm2q: When your wife goes to a concert and fucks Chad - None\n", "dcmr0o: How to raise a daughter successfully - None\n", "dct3wf: Porn Recommendations - None\n", "dbh4ka: Wife Moving Out: An Update - None\n", "dbftt7: No Sexual Attraction in Marriage - None\n", "db4enh: Comfort or STFU? - None\n", "dau3g3: Facebook dating... better than Tinder? - None\n", "dahdea: Dating after divorce and redefining love - None\n", "da2suv: Wife ignoring me after an argument about me being “too easy” on our daughter. Should I just ignore her until she’s done pouting about it? And then ignore her more? - None\n", "d8ubeo: Tell LTR About a Past Fling. - None\n", "d8nl9v: Putting future plans on hold - None\n", "Got 25 posts\n", "Getting posts with params: &after=t3_d8nl9v\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Got 14 posts\n", "d7zkyn: Anniversaries. - None\n", "d79rk3: Still failing, but not as much - None\n", "d77mzp: Divorce threats - None\n", "d6ndax: What the hell has happened to the \"manosphere\" ? AJ, RT, RC, etc. - None\n", "d6bl0v: Hormone imbalance? - None\n", "d6diqk: As a 23 years old married guy, I don't know how to keep plates in secret. How do you keep your plates in secret? - None\n", "d5rf56: It *MIGHT* be possible she did not cheat - None\n", "d5gzwa: There's no such thing as \"Redpill Aware\" - Take the first step in owning your shit. - None\n", "d5ilfd: Rule Zero on Facebook - None\n", "d5qur8: Christian wife - None\n", "d58zvq: High n count - None\n", "d52c9t: T Test Results and options - None\n", "9xxbt1: Period - None\n", "9g6ot4: What to do when LTR can't handle dread? - None\n", "Got 14 posts\n", "No more posts, broke on askMRP with counter at 9971\n" ] } ], "source": [ "import requests\n", "import time\n", "import random\n", "\n", "\"\"\"This script is used to get many posts from the desired subreddit(s)\"\"\"\n", "\n", "subreddit_list = [\"theredpillrebooted\", \"RedPillWomen\", \"Feminism\", \"marriedredpill\", \"TheBluePill\", \"PurplePillDebate\", \"RedPillWives\",\"askMRP\"]\n", "# url = f'https://www.reddit.com/r/{subreddit}/.json?t=all&limit=100'\n", "url_template = \"https://www.reddit.com/r/{}/.json?t=all{}\"\n", "\n", "# headers = {\n", "# 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3'\n", "# }\n", "\n", "headers = {\"User-Agent\": \"Testing Bot Gundam Wing\"}\n", "\n", "# response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)\n", "\n", "params = \"\"\n", "str_log = []\n", "original_counter = 10000\n", "counter = original_counter\n", "post_list = []\n", "\n", "for subreddit in subreddit_list:\n", " while counter > 0:\n", " print(f\"Getting posts with params: {params}\")\n", " print(\"\\n\\n\\n\\n\")\n", " url = url_template.format(subreddit, params)\n", " response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)\n", "\n", " if response.ok:\n", " data = response.json()\n", " posts = data[\"data\"][\"children\"]\n", " print(f\"Got {len(posts)} posts\")\n", " for post in posts:\n", " # print(post[\"data\"][\"title\"])\n", " pdata = post[\"data\"]\n", " post_id = pdata[\"id\"]\n", " title = pdata[\"title\"]\n", " # url = pdata[\"url\"]\n", " text = pdata.get(\"selftext\")\n", " score = pdata[\"score\"]\n", " author = pdata[\"author\"]\n", " date = pdata[\"created_utc\"]\n", " url = pdata.get(\"url_overridden_by_dest\")\n", " print(f\"{post_id}: {title} - {url}\")\n", " # prints for debugging\n", " # print(\"Keys are \", pdata.keys())\n", " # post_list.append(\n", " # {\n", " # \"id\": post_id,\n", " # \"title\": title,\n", " # \"text\": text,\n", " # \"url\": url,\n", " # \"score\": score,\n", " # \"author\": author,\n", " # \"date\": date,\n", " # \"pdata\": pdata,\n", " # }\n", " # )\n", " post_list.append([subreddit,post_id, title, text, url, score, author, date, pdata])\n", " print(f\"Got {len(posts)} posts\")\n", " # params = f\"?after={data['data']['after']}\"\n", " try:\n", " params = \"&after=\" + data[\"data\"][\"after\"]\n", " except:\n", " print(\"No more posts, broke on \", subreddit, \"with counter at \", counter)\n", " # write this log to a txt file\n", " str_log.append(\"No more posts, broke on \" + subreddit + \"with counter at \" + str(counter))\n", " break\n", " counter -= 1\n", " time.sleep(random.randint(1, 45))\n", " else:\n", " print(f\"Error: {response.status_code}\")\n", " counter = original_counter\n", " params = \"\"\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "6249" ] }, "execution_count": 10, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "len(post_list)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "['theredpillrebooted',\n", " '17c1wxt',\n", " 'My name is Benjamin Persits and I am so sick of women.',\n", " 'Yes, I\\'m using my full name because I\\'m so sick off all of this. The women in my dorm have become so obnoxious. They are so fucking annoying. I try to talk to any of them and it\\'s all \"sexual harassment\" and all that. I saw a cute girl by my dorm room sink the other day and we started talking. She wanders off and I walk after her while we chat. All of a sudden this is sexual harassment. Or when girls come on to me and when I lean in to kiss they don\\'t want to all of a sudden. Absolutely ridiculous. I\\'m not going to be quiet about feeling this way anymore. I\\'m sick of dealing with women, in my classes, anywhere. I\\'m so done. ',\n", " None,\n", " 0,\n", " 'benjypersits',\n", " 1697773233.0,\n", " {'approved_at_utc': None,\n", " 'subreddit': 'theredpillrebooted',\n", " 'selftext': 'Yes, I\\'m using my full name because I\\'m so sick off all of this. The women in my dorm have become so obnoxious. They are so fucking annoying. I try to talk to any of them and it\\'s all \"sexual harassment\" and all that. I saw a cute girl by my dorm room sink the other day and we started talking. She wanders off and I walk after her while we chat. All of a sudden this is sexual harassment. Or when girls come on to me and when I lean in to kiss they don\\'t want to all of a sudden. Absolutely ridiculous. I\\'m not going to be quiet about feeling this way anymore. I\\'m sick of dealing with women, in my classes, anywhere. I\\'m so done. ',\n", " 'author_fullname': 't2_m4yy2hvm2',\n", " 'saved': False,\n", " 'mod_reason_title': None,\n", " 'gilded': 0,\n", " 'clicked': False,\n", " 'title': 'My name is Benjamin Persits and I am so sick of women.',\n", " 'link_flair_richtext': [],\n", " 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/theredpillrebooted',\n", " 'hidden': False,\n", " 'pwls': None,\n", " 'link_flair_css_class': None,\n", " 'downs': 0,\n", " 'thumbnail_height': None,\n", " 'top_awarded_type': None,\n", " 'hide_score': False,\n", " 'name': 't3_17c1wxt',\n", " 'quarantine': False,\n", " 'link_flair_text_color': 'dark',\n", " 'upvote_ratio': 0.5,\n", " 'author_flair_background_color': None,\n", " 'subreddit_type': 'restricted',\n", " 'ups': 0,\n", " 'total_awards_received': 0,\n", " 'media_embed': {},\n", " 'thumbnail_width': None,\n", " 'author_flair_template_id': None,\n", " 'is_original_content': False,\n", " 'user_reports': [],\n", " 'secure_media': None,\n", " 'is_reddit_media_domain': False,\n", " 'is_meta': False,\n", " 'category': None,\n", " 'secure_media_embed': {},\n", " 'link_flair_text': None,\n", " 'can_mod_post': False,\n", " 'score': 0,\n", " 'approved_by': None,\n", " 'is_created_from_ads_ui': False,\n", " 'author_premium': False,\n", " 'thumbnail': 'self',\n", " 'edited': False,\n", " 'author_flair_css_class': None,\n", " 'author_flair_richtext': [],\n", " 'gildings': {},\n", " 'content_categories': None,\n", " 'is_self': True,\n", " 'mod_note': None,\n", " 'created': 1697773233.0,\n", " 'link_flair_type': 'text',\n", " 'wls': None,\n", " 'removed_by_category': None,\n", " 'banned_by': None,\n", " 'author_flair_type': 'text',\n", " 'domain': 'self.theredpillrebooted',\n", " 'allow_live_comments': False,\n", " 'selftext_html': '<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Yes, I&#39;m using my full name because I&#39;m so sick off all of this. The women in my dorm have become so obnoxious. They are so fucking annoying. I try to talk to any of them and it&#39;s all &quot;sexual harassment&quot; and all that. I saw a cute girl by my dorm room sink the other day and we started talking. She wanders off and I walk after her while we chat. All of a sudden this is sexual harassment. Or when girls come on to me and when I lean in to kiss they don&#39;t want to all of a sudden. Absolutely ridiculous. I&#39;m not going to be quiet about feeling this way anymore. I&#39;m sick of dealing with women, in my classes, anywhere. I&#39;m so done. </p>\\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->',\n", " 'likes': None,\n", " 'suggested_sort': None,\n", " 'banned_at_utc': None,\n", " 'view_count': None,\n", " 'archived': False,\n", " 'no_follow': True,\n", " 'is_crosspostable': False,\n", " 'pinned': False,\n", " 'over_18': False,\n", " 'all_awardings': [],\n", " 'awarders': [],\n", " 'media_only': False,\n", " 'can_gild': False,\n", " 'spoiler': False,\n", " 'locked': False,\n", " 'author_flair_text': None,\n", " 'treatment_tags': [],\n", " 'visited': False,\n", " 'removed_by': None,\n", " 'num_reports': None,\n", " 'distinguished': None,\n", " 'subreddit_id': 't5_2xsgl',\n", " 'author_is_blocked': False,\n", " 'mod_reason_by': None,\n", " 'removal_reason': None,\n", " 'link_flair_background_color': '',\n", " 'id': '17c1wxt',\n", " 'is_robot_indexable': True,\n", " 'report_reasons': None,\n", " 'author': 'benjypersits',\n", " 'discussion_type': None,\n", " 'num_comments': 6,\n", " 'send_replies': True,\n", " 'whitelist_status': None,\n", " 'contest_mode': False,\n", " 'mod_reports': [],\n", " 'author_patreon_flair': False,\n", " 'author_flair_text_color': None,\n", " 'permalink': '/r/theredpillrebooted/comments/17c1wxt/my_name_is_benjamin_persits_and_i_am_so_sick_of/',\n", " 'parent_whitelist_status': None,\n", " 'stickied': False,\n", " 'url': 'https://www.reddit.com/r/theredpillrebooted/comments/17c1wxt/my_name_is_benjamin_persits_and_i_am_so_sick_of/',\n", " 'subreddit_subscribers': 466,\n", " 'created_utc': 1697773233.0,\n", " 'num_crossposts': 0,\n", " 'media': None,\n", " 'is_video': False}]" ] }, "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "post_list[0]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "post_list_copy = post_list.copy()\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# remove the last element in each row of the list\n", "for p in post_list_copy:\n", " p.pop()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "['theredpillrebooted',\n", " '17c1wxt',\n", " 'My name is Benjamin Persits and I am so sick of women.',\n", " 'Yes, I\\'m using my full name because I\\'m so sick off all of this. The women in my dorm have become so obnoxious. They are so fucking annoying. I try to talk to any of them and it\\'s all \"sexual harassment\" and all that. I saw a cute girl by my dorm room sink the other day and we started talking. She wanders off and I walk after her while we chat. All of a sudden this is sexual harassment. Or when girls come on to me and when I lean in to kiss they don\\'t want to all of a sudden. Absolutely ridiculous. I\\'m not going to be quiet about feeling this way anymore. I\\'m sick of dealing with women, in my classes, anywhere. I\\'m so done. ',\n", " None,\n", " 0,\n", " 'benjypersits',\n", " 1697773233.0]" ] }, "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "post_list_copy[0]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# write the posts to a csv file\n", "import csv\n", "\n", "with open(\"reddit_posts.csv\", \"w\", newline=\"\", encoding=\"utf-8\") as f:\n", " writer = csv.writer(f)\n", " writer.writerow([\"subreddit\", \"id\", \"title\", \"text\", \"url\", \"score\", \"author\", \"date\"])\n", " writer.writerows(post_list)\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 17, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# turn the list into a dataframe\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "\n", "df = pd.DataFrame(post_list_copy, columns=[\"subreddit\", \"id\", \"title\", \"text\", \"url\", \"score\", \"author\", \"date\"])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 18, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0theredpillrebooted17c1wxtMy name is Benjamin Persits and I am so sick o...Yes, I'm using my full name because I'm so sic...None0benjypersits1.697773e+09
1theredpillrebooted16i06xcWHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?https://v.redd.it/8d1eapsih3ob10PatchesTheIdiot1.694642e+09
2theredpillrebooted16a4ekbWhy is she an asshole with me and how to handl...So I got this girl who's kinda my crush but I ...None0Worried-Horse-34081.693862e+09
3theredpillrebooted15f45slPopular US vlogger Gonzalo Lira aka Coach Red ...&amp;#x200B;\\n\\n[https://chng.it/gFyFvqS5K7](h...None0Beautiful_Diamond9801.690871e+09
4theredpillrebooted12wwyzcMrs. Rooster by Stinky Bucketshttps://youtube.com/watch?v=jK5BQngWne4&amp;fe...1LetsGoRedDevils1.682297e+09
6244askMRPd5qur8Christian wifeWhen a woman says \" I want my husband to be a ...None1DeanMaverick131.568771e+09
6245askMRPd58zvqHigh n countOn trp and asktrp the general consensus is tha...None4JungleBeanr1.568679e+09
6246askMRPd52c9tT Test Results and optionsHad my first T test and level is 493. I had a ...None3Vegasman200021.568648e+09
6247askMRP9xxbt1PeriodShe has the worst. These are not shit tests......None17RobertCarraway1.542470e+09
6248askMRP9g6ot4What to do when LTR can't handle dread?I secured my LTR after discovering the red pil...None22redpill_ltr-friendly1.537060e+09
\n", "

6249 rows × 8 columns

\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " subreddit id \\\n", "0 theredpillrebooted 17c1wxt \n", "1 theredpillrebooted 16i06xc \n", "2 theredpillrebooted 16a4ekb \n", "3 theredpillrebooted 15f45sl \n", "4 theredpillrebooted 12wwyzc \n", "... ... ... \n", "6244 askMRP d5qur8 \n", "6245 askMRP d58zvq \n", "6246 askMRP d52c9t \n", "6247 askMRP 9xxbt1 \n", "6248 askMRP 9g6ot4 \n", "\n", " title \\\n", "0 My name is Benjamin Persits and I am so sick o... \n", "1 WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!? \n", "2 Why is she an asshole with me and how to handl... \n", "3 Popular US vlogger Gonzalo Lira aka Coach Red ... \n", "4 Mrs. Rooster by Stinky Buckets \n", "... ... \n", "6244 Christian wife \n", "6245 High n count \n", "6246 T Test Results and options \n", "6247 Period \n", "6248 What to do when LTR can't handle dread? \n", "\n", " text \\\n", "0 Yes, I'm using my full name because I'm so sic... \n", "1 \n", "2 So I got this girl who's kinda my crush but I ... \n", "3 &#x200B;\\n\\n[https://chng.it/gFyFvqS5K7](h... \n", "4 \n", "... ... \n", "6244 When a woman says \" I want my husband to be a ... \n", "6245 On trp and asktrp the general consensus is tha... \n", "6246 Had my first T test and level is 493. I had a ... \n", "6247 She has the worst. These are not shit tests...... \n", "6248 I secured my LTR after discovering the red pil... \n", "\n", " url score \\\n", "0 None 0 \n", "1 https://v.redd.it/8d1eapsih3ob1 0 \n", "2 None 0 \n", "3 None 0 \n", "4 https://youtube.com/watch?v=jK5BQngWne4&fe... 1 \n", "... ... ... \n", "6244 None 1 \n", "6245 None 4 \n", "6246 None 3 \n", "6247 None 17 \n", "6248 None 22 \n", "\n", " author date \n", "0 benjypersits 1.697773e+09 \n", "1 PatchesTheIdiot 1.694642e+09 \n", "2 Worried-Horse-3408 1.693862e+09 \n", "3 Beautiful_Diamond980 1.690871e+09 \n", "4 LetsGoRedDevils 1.682297e+09 \n", "... ... ... \n", "6244 DeanMaverick13 1.568771e+09 \n", "6245 JungleBeanr 1.568679e+09 \n", "6246 Vegasman20002 1.568648e+09 \n", "6247 RobertCarraway 1.542470e+09 \n", "6248 redpill_ltr-friendly 1.537060e+09 \n", "\n", "[6249 rows x 8 columns]" ] }, "execution_count": 18, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "df" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 19, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# turn the df into a csv\n", "\n", "df.to_csv(\"reddit_posts_fm.csv\", index=False)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 20, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# write the log to a txt file\n", "\n", "with open(\"reddit_log.txt\", \"w\") as f:\n", " for line in str_log:\n", " f.write(line + \"\\n\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# load the csv and check it\n", "df = pd.read_csv(\"reddit_posts_fm.csv\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "subreddit object\n", "id object\n", "title object\n", "text object\n", "url object\n", "score int64\n", "author object\n", "date float64\n", "dtype: object" ] }, "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "df.dtypes" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0theredpillrebooted17c1wxtMy name is Benjamin Persits and I am so sick o...Yes, I'm using my full name because I'm so sic...NaN0benjypersits1.697773e+09
1theredpillrebooted16i06xcWHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?NaNhttps://v.redd.it/8d1eapsih3ob10PatchesTheIdiot1.694642e+09
2theredpillrebooted16a4ekbWhy is she an asshole with me and how to handl...So I got this girl who's kinda my crush but I ...NaN0Worried-Horse-34081.693862e+09
3theredpillrebooted15f45slPopular US vlogger Gonzalo Lira aka Coach Red ...&amp;#x200B;\\n\\n[https://chng.it/gFyFvqS5K7](h...NaN0Beautiful_Diamond9801.690871e+09
4theredpillrebooted12wwyzcMrs. Rooster by Stinky BucketsNaNhttps://youtube.com/watch?v=jK5BQngWne4&amp;fe...1LetsGoRedDevils1.682297e+09
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " subreddit id \\\n", "0 theredpillrebooted 17c1wxt \n", "1 theredpillrebooted 16i06xc \n", "2 theredpillrebooted 16a4ekb \n", "3 theredpillrebooted 15f45sl \n", "4 theredpillrebooted 12wwyzc \n", "\n", " title \\\n", "0 My name is Benjamin Persits and I am so sick o... \n", "1 WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!? \n", "2 Why is she an asshole with me and how to handl... \n", "3 Popular US vlogger Gonzalo Lira aka Coach Red ... \n", "4 Mrs. Rooster by Stinky Buckets \n", "\n", " text \\\n", "0 Yes, I'm using my full name because I'm so sic... \n", "1 NaN \n", "2 So I got this girl who's kinda my crush but I ... \n", "3 &#x200B;\\n\\n[https://chng.it/gFyFvqS5K7](h... \n", "4 NaN \n", "\n", " url score \\\n", "0 NaN 0 \n", "1 https://v.redd.it/8d1eapsih3ob1 0 \n", "2 NaN 0 \n", "3 NaN 0 \n", "4 https://youtube.com/watch?v=jK5BQngWne4&fe... 1 \n", "\n", " author date \n", "0 benjypersits 1.697773e+09 \n", "1 PatchesTheIdiot 1.694642e+09 \n", "2 Worried-Horse-3408 1.693862e+09 \n", "3 Beautiful_Diamond980 1.690871e+09 \n", "4 LetsGoRedDevils 1.682297e+09 " ] }, "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "df.head()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0theredpillrebooted17c1wxtMy name is Benjamin Persits and I am so sick o...Yes, I'm using my full name because I'm so sic...NaN0benjypersits2023-10-20 03:40:33
1theredpillrebooted16i06xcWHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?NaNhttps://v.redd.it/8d1eapsih3ob10PatchesTheIdiot2023-09-13 21:57:56
2theredpillrebooted16a4ekbWhy is she an asshole with me and how to handl...So I got this girl who's kinda my crush but I ...NaN0Worried-Horse-34082023-09-04 21:19:27
3theredpillrebooted15f45slPopular US vlogger Gonzalo Lira aka Coach Red ...&amp;#x200B;\\n\\n[https://chng.it/gFyFvqS5K7](h...NaN0Beautiful_Diamond9802023-08-01 06:21:36
4theredpillrebooted12wwyzcMrs. Rooster by Stinky BucketsNaNhttps://youtube.com/watch?v=jK5BQngWne4&amp;fe...1LetsGoRedDevils2023-04-24 00:50:48
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " subreddit id \\\n", "0 theredpillrebooted 17c1wxt \n", "1 theredpillrebooted 16i06xc \n", "2 theredpillrebooted 16a4ekb \n", "3 theredpillrebooted 15f45sl \n", "4 theredpillrebooted 12wwyzc \n", "\n", " title \\\n", "0 My name is Benjamin Persits and I am so sick o... \n", "1 WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!? \n", "2 Why is she an asshole with me and how to handl... \n", "3 Popular US vlogger Gonzalo Lira aka Coach Red ... \n", "4 Mrs. Rooster by Stinky Buckets \n", "\n", " text \\\n", "0 Yes, I'm using my full name because I'm so sic... \n", "1 NaN \n", "2 So I got this girl who's kinda my crush but I ... \n", "3 &#x200B;\\n\\n[https://chng.it/gFyFvqS5K7](h... \n", "4 NaN \n", "\n", " url score \\\n", "0 NaN 0 \n", "1 https://v.redd.it/8d1eapsih3ob1 0 \n", "2 NaN 0 \n", "3 NaN 0 \n", "4 https://youtube.com/watch?v=jK5BQngWne4&fe... 1 \n", "\n", " author date \n", "0 benjypersits 2023-10-20 03:40:33 \n", "1 PatchesTheIdiot 2023-09-13 21:57:56 \n", "2 Worried-Horse-3408 2023-09-04 21:19:27 \n", "3 Beautiful_Diamond980 2023-08-01 06:21:36 \n", "4 LetsGoRedDevils 2023-04-24 00:50:48 " ] }, "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# fix the date column\n", "df[\"date\"] = pd.to_datetime(df[\"date\"], unit=\"s\")\n", "df.head()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "df.to_csv(\"reddit_posts_fm.csv\", index=False)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0theredpillrebooted17c1wxtMy name is Benjamin Persits and I am so sick o...Yes, I'm using my full name because I'm so sic...NaN0benjypersits2023-10-20 03:40:33
1theredpillrebooted16i06xcWHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?NaNhttps://v.redd.it/8d1eapsih3ob10PatchesTheIdiot2023-09-13 21:57:56
2theredpillrebooted16a4ekbWhy is she an asshole with me and how to handl...So I got this girl who's kinda my crush but I ...NaN0Worried-Horse-34082023-09-04 21:19:27
3theredpillrebooted15f45slPopular US vlogger Gonzalo Lira aka Coach Red ...&amp;#x200B;\\n\\n[https://chng.it/gFyFvqS5K7](h...NaN0Beautiful_Diamond9802023-08-01 06:21:36
4theredpillrebooted12wwyzcMrs. Rooster by Stinky BucketsNaNhttps://youtube.com/watch?v=jK5BQngWne4&amp;fe...1LetsGoRedDevils2023-04-24 00:50:48
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " subreddit id \\\n", "0 theredpillrebooted 17c1wxt \n", "1 theredpillrebooted 16i06xc \n", "2 theredpillrebooted 16a4ekb \n", "3 theredpillrebooted 15f45sl \n", "4 theredpillrebooted 12wwyzc \n", "\n", " title \\\n", "0 My name is Benjamin Persits and I am so sick o... \n", "1 WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!? \n", "2 Why is she an asshole with me and how to handl... \n", "3 Popular US vlogger Gonzalo Lira aka Coach Red ... \n", "4 Mrs. Rooster by Stinky Buckets \n", "\n", " text \\\n", "0 Yes, I'm using my full name because I'm so sic... \n", "1 NaN \n", "2 So I got this girl who's kinda my crush but I ... \n", "3 &#x200B;\\n\\n[https://chng.it/gFyFvqS5K7](h... \n", "4 NaN \n", "\n", " url score \\\n", "0 NaN 0 \n", "1 https://v.redd.it/8d1eapsih3ob1 0 \n", "2 NaN 0 \n", "3 NaN 0 \n", "4 https://youtube.com/watch?v=jK5BQngWne4&fe... 1 \n", "\n", " author date \n", "0 benjypersits 2023-10-20 03:40:33 \n", "1 PatchesTheIdiot 2023-09-13 21:57:56 \n", "2 Worried-Horse-3408 2023-09-04 21:19:27 \n", "3 Beautiful_Diamond980 2023-08-01 06:21:36 \n", "4 LetsGoRedDevils 2023-04-24 00:50:48 " ] }, "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "df = pd.read_csv(\"reddit_posts_fm.csv\")\n", "df.head()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "subreddit object\n", "id object\n", "title object\n", "text object\n", "url object\n", "score int64\n", "author object\n", "date object\n", "dtype: object" ] }, "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "df.dtypes" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Requirement already satisfied: datasets in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (2.16.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: filelock in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (3.13.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.17 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (1.26.3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pyarrow>=8.0.0 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (15.0.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pyarrow-hotfix in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (0.6)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: dill<0.3.8,>=0.3.0 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (0.3.7)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (2.2.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.19.0 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (2.31.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tqdm>=4.62.1 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (4.66.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: xxhash in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (3.4.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: multiprocess in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (0.70.15)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: fsspec<=2023.10.0,>=2023.1.0 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from fsspec[http]<=2023.10.0,>=2023.1.0->datasets) (2023.10.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: aiohttp in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (3.9.3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: huggingface-hub>=0.19.4 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (0.20.3)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: packaging in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (23.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml>=5.1 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from datasets) (6.0.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: aiosignal>=1.1.2 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from aiohttp->datasets) (1.3.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.3.0 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from aiohttp->datasets) (23.2.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: frozenlist>=1.1.1 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from aiohttp->datasets) (1.4.1)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: multidict<7.0,>=4.5 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from aiohttp->datasets) (6.0.5)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: yarl<2.0,>=1.0 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from aiohttp->datasets) (1.9.4)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>= in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from huggingface-hub>=0.19.4->datasets) (4.9.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->datasets) (3.3.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->datasets) (3.6)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->datasets) (2.1.0)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from requests>=2.19.0->datasets) (2023.11.17)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: colorama in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from tqdm>=4.62.1->datasets) (0.4.6)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.2 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from pandas->datasets) (2.8.2)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from pandas->datasets) (2023.4)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: tzdata>=2022.7 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from pandas->datasets) (2023.4)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\\users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663c\\lib\\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.8.2->pandas->datasets) (1.16.0)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "!pip install datasets" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from datasets import Dataset\n", "from datasets import load_dataset\n", "dataset = Dataset.from_pandas(df)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Dataset({\n", " features: ['subreddit', 'id', 'title', 'text', 'url', 'score', 'author', 'date'],\n", " num_rows: 6249\n", "})" ] }, "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "dataset" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Downloading readme: 100%|██████████| 2.67k/2.67k [00:00<00:00, 2.64MB/s]\n", "Downloading data: 100%|██████████| 1.45k/1.45k [00:00<00:00, 30.3kB/s]\n", "Downloading data: 100%|██████████| 894/894 [00:00<00:00, 15.9kB/s]\n", "Generating train split: 0 examples [00:00, ? examples/s]c:\\Users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663C\\Lib\\site-packages\\datasets\\download\\streaming_download_manager.py:778: FutureWarning: The 'verbose' keyword in pd.read_csv is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.\n", " return pd.read_csv(xopen(filepath_or_buffer, \"rb\", download_config=download_config), **kwargs)\n", "Generating train split: 5 examples [00:00, 177.89 examples/s]\n", "Generating test split: 0 examples [00:00, ? examples/s]c:\\Users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663C\\Lib\\site-packages\\datasets\\download\\streaming_download_manager.py:778: FutureWarning: The 'verbose' keyword in pd.read_csv is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.\n", " return pd.read_csv(xopen(filepath_or_buffer, \"rb\", download_config=download_config), **kwargs)\n", "Generating test split: 5 examples [00:00, 690.35 examples/s]\n" ] } ], "source": [ "dataset2 = load_dataset(\"lhoestq/demo1\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "DatasetDict({\n", " train: Dataset({\n", " features: ['id', 'package_name', 'review', 'date', 'star', 'version_id'],\n", " num_rows: 5\n", " })\n", " test: Dataset({\n", " features: ['id', 'package_name', 'review', 'date', 'star', 'version_id'],\n", " num_rows: 5\n", " })\n", "})" ] }, "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "dataset2" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "DatasetInfo(description='', citation='', homepage='', license='', features={'id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'package_name': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'review': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'date': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'star': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'version_id': Value(dtype='int64', id=None)}, post_processed=None, supervised_keys=None, task_templates=None, builder_name='csv', dataset_name='demo1', config_name='default', version=0.0.0, splits={'train': SplitInfo(name='train', num_bytes=1508, num_examples=5, shard_lengths=None, dataset_name='demo1'), 'test': SplitInfo(name='test', num_bytes=956, num_examples=5, shard_lengths=None, dataset_name='demo1')}, download_checksums={'hf://datasets/lhoestq/demo1@87ecf163bedca9d80598b528940a9c4f99e14c11/data/train.csv': {'num_bytes': 1446, 'checksum': None}, 'hf://datasets/lhoestq/demo1@87ecf163bedca9d80598b528940a9c4f99e14c11/data/test.csv': {'num_bytes': 894, 'checksum': None}}, download_size=2340, post_processing_size=None, dataset_size=2464, size_in_bytes=4804)" ] }, "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "dataset2['train']._info" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 17, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "DatasetInfo(description='', citation='', homepage='', license='', features={'subreddit': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'title': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'text': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'url': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'score': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'author': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'date': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, post_processed=None, supervised_keys=None, task_templates=None, builder_name=None, dataset_name=None, config_name=None, version=None, splits=None, download_checksums=None, download_size=None, post_processing_size=None, dataset_size=None, size_in_bytes=None)" ] }, "execution_count": 17, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "dataset.info" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "ename": "AttributeError", "evalue": "'DatasetDict' object has no attribute 'info'", "output_type": "error", "traceback": [ "\u001b[1;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", "\u001b[1;31mAttributeError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", "Cell \u001b[1;32mIn[15], line 1\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m----> 1\u001b[0m \u001b[43mdataset2\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43minfo\u001b[49m\n", "\u001b[1;31mAttributeError\u001b[0m: 'DatasetDict' object has no attribute 'info'" ] } ], "source": [ "dataset2.info" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 18, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Downloading readme: 100%|██████████| 8.60k/8.60k [00:00<00:00, 8.54MB/s]\n", "Downloading data: 100%|██████████| 10.3M/10.3M [00:01<00:00, 6.55MB/s]\n", "Generating train split: 0 examples [00:00, ? examples/s]c:\\Users\\ericr\\miniconda3\\envs\\sta663C\\Lib\\site-packages\\datasets\\download\\streaming_download_manager.py:778: FutureWarning: The 'verbose' keyword in pd.read_csv is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.\n", " return pd.read_csv(xopen(filepath_or_buffer, \"rb\", download_config=download_config), **kwargs)\n", "Generating train split: 6249 examples [00:00, 33187.31 examples/s]\n" ] } ], "source": [ "dataset3 = load_dataset(\"steamcyclone/Pill-Ideologies-New-Test\", trust_remote_code = True)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 22, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "DatasetInfo(description='', citation='', homepage='', license='', features={'subreddit': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'title': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'text': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'url': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'score': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'author': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'date': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, post_processed=None, supervised_keys=None, task_templates=None, builder_name='csv', dataset_name='pill-ideologies-new-test', config_name='default', version=0.0.0, splits={'train': SplitInfo(name='train', num_bytes=10432223, num_examples=6249, shard_lengths=None, dataset_name='pill-ideologies-new-test')}, download_checksums={'hf://datasets/steamcyclone/Pill-Ideologies-New-Test@025c19e863bdba8bf9e18a1515eb2e8a4b7c462f/reddit_posts_fm.csv': {'num_bytes': 10297084, 'checksum': None}}, download_size=10297084, post_processing_size=None, dataset_size=10432223, size_in_bytes=20729307)" ] }, "execution_count": 22, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "dataset3['train']._info" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "sta663C", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.11.7" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2 }