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33 }, { "box": [ 237, 764, 308, 818 ], "text": "", "label": "answer", "words": [ { "box": [ 237, 764, 308, 818 ], "text": "" } ], "linking": [ [ 87, 34 ] ], "id": 34 }, { "box": [ 285, 789, 339, 806 ], "text": "Howard", "label": "answer", "words": [ { "box": [ 285, 789, 339, 806 ], "text": "Howard" } ], "linking": [ [ 87, 35 ] ], "id": 35 }, { "box": [ 260, 791, 281, 805 ], "text": "", "label": "other", "words": [ { "box": [ 260, 791, 281, 805 ], "text": "" } ], "linking": [], "id": 36 }, { "box": [ 243, 792, 260, 807 ], "text": "", "label": "other", "words": [ { "box": [ 243, 792, 260, 807 ], "text": "" } ], "linking": [], "id": 37 }, { "box": [ 486, 832, 536, 849 ], "text": "BARCLAY", "label": "answer", "words": [ { "box": [ 486, 832, 536, 849 ], "text": "BARCLAY" } ], "linking": [ [ 97, 38 ] ], "id": 38 }, { "box": [ 532, 862, 651, 889 ], "text": "670801704", "label": "other", "words": [ { "box": [ 532, 862, 651, 889 ], "text": "670801704" } ], "linking": [], "id": 39 }, { "box": [ 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"linking": [ [ 1, 44 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "Y-", "box": [ 170, 95, 187, 109 ] }, { "text": "1", "box": [ 187, 98, 194, 112 ] }, { "text": "Ultra", "box": [ 198, 96, 237, 111 ] }, { "text": "100'", "box": [ 242, 96, 269, 113 ] }, { "text": "s", "box": [ 270, 99, 278, 109 ] }, { "text": "vs.", "box": [ 285, 99, 305, 109 ] }, { "text": "Winston", "box": [ 311, 96, 361, 111 ] }, { "text": "Ultra", "box": [ 367, 96, 406, 110 ] }, { "text": "100'", "box": [ 411, 95, 436, 112 ] }, { "text": "s", "box": [ 434, 99, 447, 112 ] } ], "id": 44 }, { "text": "W. T. Carpenter", "box": [ 176, 124, 284, 138 ], "linking": [ [ 46, 45 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "W.", "box": [ 176, 126, 191, 137 ] }, { "text": "T.", "box": [ 198, 124, 213, 138 ] }, { "text": "Carpenter", "box": [ 221, 124, 284, 138 ] } ], "id": 45 }, { "text": "Requested By:", "box": [ 80, 124, 173, 139 ], "linking": [ [ 46, 45 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Requested", "box": [ 80, 124, 144, 138 ] }, { "text": "By:", "box": [ 151, 124, 173, 139 ] } ], "id": 46 }, { "text": "Research Request Attached:", "box": [ 311, 124, 496, 139 ], "linking": [ [ 47, 3 ], [ 47, 6 ] ], "label": "header", "words": [ { "text": "Research", "box": [ 311, 126, 368, 139 ] }, { "text": "Request", "box": [ 374, 124, 427, 138 ] }, { "text": "Attached:", "box": [ 430, 124, 496, 137 ] } ], "id": 47 }, { "text": "Original Budgeted Amount", "box": [ 310, 149, 483, 168 ], "linking": [ [ 48, 9 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Original", "box": [ 310, 149, 367, 166 ] }, { "text": "Budgeted", "box": [ 374, 152, 431, 166 ] }, { "text": "Amount", "box": [ 436, 154, 483, 168 ] } ], "id": 48 }, { "text": "Competitive Proposals Obtained:", "box": [ 80, 165, 299, 181 ], "linking": [ [ 49, 10 ], [ 49, 11 ], [ 49, 13 ], [ 49, 53 ], [ 49, 54 ] ], "label": "header", "words": [ { "text": "Competitive", "box": [ 80, 166, 160, 181 ] }, { "text": "Proposals", "box": [ 163, 166, 227, 180 ] }, { "text": "Obtained:", "box": [ 233, 165, 299, 180 ] } ], "id": 49 }, { "text": "Market Facts", "box": [ 80, 247, 166, 267 ], "linking": [ [ 10, 50 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "Market", "box": [ 80, 247, 123, 267 ] }, { "text": "Facts", "box": [ 128, 249, 166, 266 ] } ], "id": 50 }, { "text": "$ 33,675 + 10% Est.", "box": [ 236, 221, 347, 238 ], "linking": [ [ 11, 51 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "$", "box": [ 236, 222, 244, 237 ] }, { "text": "33,675", "box": [ 244, 221, 285, 238 ] }, { "text": "+", "box": [ 289, 222, 300, 233 ] }, { "text": "10%", "box": [ 302, 222, 322, 236 ] }, { "text": "Est.", "box": [ 320, 221, 347, 235 ] } ], "id": 51 }, { "text": "$ 35,000 + 10 % Est.", "box": [ 235, 247, 348, 266 ], "linking": [ [ 11, 52 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "$", "box": [ 235, 249, 241, 264 ] }, { "text": "35,000", "box": [ 240, 249, 283, 266 ] }, { "text": "+", "box": [ 291, 247, 301, 262 ] }, { "text": "10", "box": [ 300, 247, 313, 264 ] }, { "text": "%", "box": [ 314, 247, 320, 265 ] }, { "text": "Est.", "box": [ 320, 247, 348, 261 ] } ], "id": 52 }, { "text": "Total Cost", "box": [ 448, 191, 524, 208 ], "linking": [ [ 49, 53 ], [ 53, 55 ], [ 53, 56 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Total", "box": [ 448, 191, 487, 208 ] }, { "text": "Cost", "box": [ 492, 191, 524, 208 ] } ], "id": 53 }, { "text": "Cost Per Interview", "box": [ 553, 180, 624, 208 ], "linking": [ [ 49, 54 ], [ 54, 59 ], [ 54, 60 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Cost", "box": [ 553, 180, 585, 194 ] }, { "text": "Per", "box": [ 589, 180, 613, 193 ] }, { "text": "Interview", "box": [ 556, 191, 624, 208 ] } ], "id": 54 }, { "text": "$ 35,675", "box": [ 437, 219, 491, 237 ], "linking": [ [ 53, 55 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "$", "box": [ 437, 219, 445, 237 ] }, { "text": "35,675", "box": [ 444, 221, 491, 236 ] } ], "id": 55 }, { "text": "$ 37000", "box": [ 437, 246, 489, 264 ], "linking": [ [ 53, 56 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "$", "box": [ 437, 246, 445, 264 ] }, { "text": "37000", "box": [ 446, 249, 489, 264 ] } ], "id": 56 }, { "text": "$ 2000", "box": [ 353, 219, 394, 236 ], "linking": [ [ 13, 57 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "$", "box": [ 353, 219, 361, 236 ] }, { "text": "2000", "box": [ 362, 222, 394, 236 ] } ], "id": 57 }, { "text": "$ 2000", "box": [ 355, 247, 390, 264 ], "linking": [ [ 13, 58 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "$", "box": [ 355, 247, 361, 264 ] }, { "text": "2000", "box": [ 362, 249, 390, 264 ] } ], "id": 58 }, { "text": "$ 84.2", "box": [ 550, 221, 590, 236 ], "linking": [ [ 54, 59 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "$", "box": [ 550, 221, 558, 235 ] }, { "text": "84.2", "box": [ 559, 222, 590, 236 ] } ], "id": 59 }, { "text": "$ 87.5", "box": [ 552, 247, 588, 264 ], "linking": [ [ 54, 60 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "$", "box": [ 552, 247, 559, 264 ] }, { "text": "87.5", "box": [ 559, 247, 588, 264 ] } ], "id": 60 }, { "text": "Internal Init. 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Wave (s)", "box": [ 77, 471, 196, 515 ], "linking": [ [ 67, 68 ], [ 16, 67 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Final", "box": [ 77, 471, 113, 488 ] }, { "text": "Report", "box": [ 122, 472, 165, 487 ] }, { "text": "Due", "box": [ 168, 472, 196, 483 ] }, { "text": "(Supplier", "box": [ 80, 485, 146, 499 ] }, { "text": "Rpt.)", "box": [ 149, 485, 187, 503 ] }, { "text": "Wave", "box": [ 91, 499, 122, 513 ] }, { "text": "(s)", "box": [ 123, 500, 144, 515 ] } ], "id": 67 }, { "text": "7/ 9/ 90", "box": [ 233, 468, 281, 488 ], "linking": [ [ 67, 68 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "7/", "box": [ 233, 469, 248, 487 ] }, { "text": "9/", "box": [ 247, 468, 262, 488 ] }, { "text": "90", "box": [ 261, 472, 281, 487 ] } ], "id": 68 }, { "text": "Summary of MRD Budget", "box": [ 318, 275, 467, 294 ], "linking": [ [ 69, 70 ], [ 69, 71 ], [ 69, 72 ], [ 69, 73 ], [ 69, 75 ], [ 69, 76 ] ], "label": "header", "words": [ { "text": "Summary", "box": [ 318, 277, 370, 294 ] }, { "text": "of", "box": [ 374, 275, 392, 293 ] }, { "text": "MRD", "box": [ 392, 277, 419, 290 ] }, { "text": "Budget", "box": [ 422, 275, 467, 292 ] } ], "id": 69 }, { "text": "Total Area Budget:", "box": [ 317, 289, 448, 306 ], "linking": [ [ 70, 24 ], [ 69, 70 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Total", "box": [ 317, 289, 353, 303 ] }, { "text": "Area", "box": [ 359, 292, 390, 305 ] }, { "text": "Budget:", "box": [ 392, 289, 448, 306 ] } ], "id": 70 }, { "text": "Current Bal. Available:", "box": [ 317, 317, 481, 334 ], "linking": [ [ 71, 25 ], [ 69, 71 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Current", "box": [ 317, 317, 367, 332 ] }, { "text": "Bal.", "box": [ 373, 317, 402, 334 ] }, { "text": "Available:", "box": [ 408, 317, 481, 331 ] } ], "id": 71 }, { "text": "This Change: (From Current Budget", "box": [ 316, 345, 463, 377 ], "linking": [ [ 72, 26 ], [ 69, 72 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "This", "box": [ 316, 345, 350, 362 ] }, { "text": "Change:", "box": [ 351, 346, 405, 361 ] }, { "text": "(From", "box": [ 320, 360, 356, 377 ] }, { "text": "Current", "box": [ 360, 362, 407, 375 ] }, { "text": "Budget", "box": [ 413, 362, 463, 375 ] } ], "id": 72 }, { "text": "This Amount", "box": [ 318, 388, 397, 404 ], "linking": [ [ 73, 27 ], [ 69, 73 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "This", "box": [ 318, 388, 347, 403 ] }, { "text": "Amount", "box": [ 351, 390, 397, 404 ] } ], "id": 73 }, { "text": "(From Next Year's Budget", "box": [ 317, 402, 492, 419 ], "linking": [], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "(From", "box": [ 317, 404, 356, 417 ] }, { "text": "Next", "box": [ 358, 404, 392, 417 ] }, { "text": "Year's", "box": [ 395, 405, 436, 418 ] }, { "text": "Budget", "box": [ 443, 402, 492, 419 ] } ], "id": 74 }, { "text": "New Balance", "box": [ 318, 444, 402, 459 ], "linking": [ [ 75, 28 ], [ 69, 75 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "New", "box": [ 318, 444, 340, 459 ] }, { "text": "Balance", "box": [ 346, 444, 402, 459 ] } ], "id": 75 }, { "text": "Commited to Date: (Current Year)", "box": [ 317, 485, 445, 516 ], "linking": [ [ 76, 29 ], [ 69, 76 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Commited", "box": [ 318, 485, 382, 500 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 387, 485, 404, 502 ] }, { "text": "Date:", "box": [ 409, 485, 445, 502 ] }, { "text": "(Current", "box": [ 317, 501, 373, 516 ] }, { "text": "Year)", "box": [ 378, 501, 419, 515 ] } ], "id": 76 }, { "text": "Project Type", "box": [ 387, 524, 472, 542 ], "linking": [ [ 77, 30 ], [ 77, 31 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Project", "box": [ 387, 524, 437, 542 ] }, { "text": "Type", "box": [ 444, 528, 472, 542 ] } ], "id": 77 }, { "text": "(Product Test, A&U, etc.)", "box": [ 446, 541, 621, 559 ], "linking": [], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "(Product", "box": [ 446, 541, 503, 558 ] }, { "text": "Test,", "box": [ 507, 541, 545, 559 ] }, { "text": "A&U,", "box": [ 550, 541, 578, 559 ] }, { "text": "etc.)", "box": [ 585, 541, 621, 558 ] } ], "id": 78 }, { "text": "Sample Size", "box": [ 78, 568, 163, 583 ], "linking": [ [ 79, 32 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Sample", "box": [ 78, 568, 124, 582 ] }, { "text": "Size", "box": [ 127, 568, 163, 583 ] } ], "id": 79 }, { "text": "Recommended Supplier", "box": [ 80, 596, 229, 613 ], "linking": [ [ 80, 33 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Recommended", "box": [ 80, 596, 160, 613 ] }, { "text": "Supplier", "box": [ 163, 596, 229, 611 ] } ], "id": 80 }, { "text": "Reason (s) for Recommendation", "box": [ 80, 623, 283, 643 ], "linking": [ [ 81, 82 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Reason", "box": [ 80, 623, 122, 640 ] }, { "text": "(s)", "box": [ 123, 624, 143, 641 ] }, { "text": "for", "box": [ 151, 624, 173, 641 ] }, { "text": "Recommendation", "box": [ 180, 623, 283, 643 ] } ], "id": 81 }, { "text": "Lowest project costs", "box": [ 297, 623, 438, 640 ], "linking": [ [ 81, 82 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "Lowest", "box": [ 297, 624, 338, 639 ] }, { "text": "project", "box": [ 345, 623, 399, 640 ] }, { "text": "costs", "box": [ 402, 624, 438, 638 ] } ], "id": 82 }, { "text": "Submitted by:", "box": [ 78, 662, 170, 683 ], "linking": [ [ 83, 90 ], [ 83, 91 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Submitted", "box": [ 78, 662, 142, 682 ] }, { "text": "by:", "box": [ 148, 666, 170, 683 ] } ], "id": 83 }, { "text": "Approved By:", "box": [ 77, 694, 165, 711 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80, 806, 136, 820 ] }, { "text": "-", "box": [ 142, 809, 153, 819 ] } ], "id": 88 }, { "text": "MRD00005 (revised 3/ 20) PPs 0425", "box": [ 77, 848, 195, 878 ], "linking": [], "label": "other", "words": [ { "text": "MRD00005", "box": [ 77, 848, 119, 863 ] }, { "text": "(revised", "box": [ 124, 851, 167, 862 ] }, { "text": "3/", "box": [ 172, 851, 183, 862 ] }, { "text": "20)", "box": [ 184, 851, 195, 862 ] }, { "text": "PPs", "box": [ 78, 865, 99, 878 ] }, { "text": "0425", "box": [ 99, 866, 123, 874 ] } ], "id": 89 }, { "text": "", "box": [ 230, 658, 376, 690 ], "linking": [ [ 83, 90 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "", "box": [ 230, 658, 262, 680 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 260, 659, 294, 681 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 292, 662, 376, 690 ] } ], "id": 90 }, { "text": "L. E. Gravely", "box": [ 242, 689, 344, 731 ], "linking": [ [ 83, 91 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "L.", "box": [ 242, 707, 262, 722 ] }, { "text": "E.", "box": [ 261, 709, 281, 723 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 286, 689, 320, 731 ] }, { "text": "Gravely", "box": [ 288, 708, 344, 726 ] } ], "id": 91 }, { "text": "5/ 2/ 90", "box": [ 478, 656, 555, 689 ], "linking": [ [ 17, 92 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "5/", "box": [ 478, 656, 513, 688 ] }, { "text": "2/", "box": [ 506, 662, 537, 689 ] }, { "text": "90", "box": [ 535, 668, 555, 685 ] } ], "id": 92 }, { "text": "5/3 90", "box": [ 472, 684, 548, 717 ], "linking": [ [ 18, 93 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "5/3", "box": [ 472, 684, 510, 716 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 494, 689, 523, 717 ] }, { "text": "90", "box": [ 517, 694, 548, 715 ] } ], "id": 93 }, { "text": "5/ 3/ 90", "box": [ 478, 758, 541, 800 ], "linking": [ [ 21, 94 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "5/", "box": [ 478, 758, 505, 800 ] }, { "text": "3/", "box": [ 493, 764, 520, 798 ] }, { "text": "90", "box": [ 517, 772, 541, 793 ] } ], "id": 94 }, { "text": "1990- 488", "box": [ 487, 820, 546, 835 ], "linking": [ [ 96, 95 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "1990-", "box": [ 487, 820, 521, 835 ] }, { "text": "488", "box": [ 521, 820, 546, 834 ] } ], "id": 95 }, { "text": "Project No.", "box": [ 387, 820, 464, 835 ], "linking": [ [ 96, 95 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Project", "box": [ 387, 820, 439, 835 ] }, { "text": "No.", "box": [ 443, 820, 464, 835 ] } ], "id": 96 }, { "text": "Account Name", "box": [ 387, 835, 472, 851 ], "linking": [ [ 97, 38 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Account", "box": [ 387, 835, 439, 848 ] }, { "text": "Name", "box": [ 444, 837, 472, 851 ] } ], "id": 97 }, { "text": "Project File", "box": [ 159, 804, 243, 822 ], "linking": [ [ 88, 98 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "Project", "box": [ 159, 804, 206, 822 ] }, { "text": "File", "box": [ 211, 806, 243, 821 ] } ], "id": 98 }, { "text": "S. Willinger (3)", "box": [ 155, 820, 272, 837 ], "linking": [ [ 22, 99 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "S.", "box": [ 155, 821, 172, 834 ] }, { "text": "Willinger", "box": [ 176, 820, 243, 837 ] }, { "text": "(3)", "box": [ 247, 821, 272, 836 ] } ], "id": 99 }, { "text": "K. A. Hutchison S. A. Howard", "box": [ 154, 834, 354, 852 ], "linking": [ [ 22, 100 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "K.", "box": [ 154, 834, 172, 851 ] }, { "text": "A.", "box": [ 177, 835, 194, 852 ] }, { "text": "Hutchison", "box": [ 200, 837, 268, 850 ] }, { "text": "S.", "box": [ 270, 835, 284, 849 ] }, { "text": "A.", "box": [ 289, 834, 304, 851 ] }, { "text": "Howard", "box": [ 311, 834, 354, 851 ] } ], "id": 100 } ] }