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[ 352, 541, 372, 552 ], "text": "31", "label": "answer", "words": [ { "box": [ 352, 541, 372, 552 ], "text": "31" } ], "linking": [ [ 16, 26 ], [ 8, 26 ] ], "id": 26 }, { "box": [ 247, 524, 283, 541 ], "text": "(51)", "label": "answer", "words": [ { "box": [ 247, 524, 283, 541 ], "text": "(51)" } ], "linking": [ [ 15, 27 ], [ 7, 27 ] ], "id": 27 }, { "box": [ 246, 541, 284, 555 ], "text": "(46)", "label": "answer", "words": [ { "box": [ 246, 541, 284, 555 ], "text": "(46)" } ], "linking": [ [ 16, 28 ], [ 7, 28 ] ], "id": 28 }, { "box": [ 194, 525, 222, 540 ], "text": "2.0", "label": "answer", "words": [ { "box": [ 194, 525, 222, 540 ], "text": "2.0" } ], "linking": [ [ 15, 29 ], [ 6, 29 ] ], "id": 29 }, { "box": [ 194, 541, 225, 554 ], "text": "0.0", "label": "answer", "words": [ { "box": [ 194, 541, 225, 554 ], "text": "0.0" } ], "linking": [ [ 16, 30 ], [ 6, 30 ] ], "id": 30 }, { "box": [ 404, 704, 443, 718 ], "text": "(81)", "label": "answer", "words": [ { "box": [ 404, 704, 443, 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"id": 54 }, { "text": "CHICAGO, DALLAS/ FORT WORTH, INDIANAPOLIS, LOS ANGELES", "box": [ 138, 292, 584, 312 ], "linking": [ [ 4, 55 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "CHICAGO,", "box": [ 138, 295, 205, 312 ] }, { "text": "DALLAS/", "box": [ 215, 293, 272, 310 ] }, { "text": "FORT", "box": [ 272, 295, 306, 310 ] }, { "text": "WORTH,", "box": [ 313, 295, 363, 310 ] }, { "text": "INDIANAPOLIS,", "box": [ 370, 293, 478, 308 ] }, { "text": "LOS", "box": [ 485, 293, 516, 306 ] }, { "text": "ANGELES", "box": [ 520, 292, 584, 306 ] } ], "id": 55 }, { "text": "MEMPHIS, PHILADELPHIA, PITTSBURGH", "box": [ 138, 321, 417, 338 ], "linking": [ [ 4, 56 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "MEMPHIS,", "box": [ 138, 323, 205, 338 ] }, { "text": "PHILADELPHIA,", "box": [ 215, 321, 321, 338 ] }, { "text": "PITTSBURGH", "box": [ 330, 324, 417, 337 ] } ], "id": 56 }, { "text": "Sample Description", "box": [ 41, 356, 195, 373 ], "linking": [ [ 57, 58 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Sample", "box": [ 41, 356, 91, 373 ] }, { "text": "Description", "box": [ 99, 356, 195, 373 ] } ], "id": 57 }, { "text": "MALE AND FEMALE MENTHOL SMOKERS", "box": [ 204, 359, 462, 376 ], "linking": [ [ 57, 58 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "MALE", "box": [ 204, 359, 243, 374 ] }, { "text": "AND", "box": [ 249, 360, 276, 373 ] }, { "text": "FEMALE", "box": [ 281, 360, 334, 373 ] }, { "text": "MENTHOL", "box": [ 337, 359, 398, 376 ] }, { "text": "SMOKERS", "box": [ 401, 360, 462, 375 ] } ], "id": 58 }, { "text": "PROVED RECALL", "box": [ 330, 377, 435, 394 ], "linking": [ [ 59, 8 ], [ 59, 9 ] ], "label": "header", "words": [ { "text": "PROVED", "box": [ 330, 377, 382, 394 ] }, { "text": "RECALL", "box": [ 385, 378, 435, 391 ] } ], "id": 59 }, { "text": "Tested among a half sample of smokers. Sub- group scores subject to wide variation because of small sample size and should be averaged across several ads for meaningful infor- mation.", "box": [ 471, 454, 693, 566 ], "linking": [ [ 10, 60 ] ], "label": "answer", "words": [ { "text": "Tested", "box": [ 472, 457, 524, 471 ] }, { "text": "among", "box": [ 531, 455, 573, 470 ] }, { "text": "a", "box": [ 578, 457, 592, 470 ] }, { "text": "half", "box": [ 596, 455, 634, 470 ] }, { "text": "sample", "box": [ 640, 454, 690, 472 ] }, { "text": "of", "box": [ 471, 471, 492, 485 ] }, { "text": "smokers.", "box": [ 496, 472, 564, 485 ] }, { "text": "Sub-", "box": [ 578, 469, 616, 482 ] }, { "text": "group", "box": [ 615, 471, 656, 485 ] }, { "text": "scores", "box": [ 473, 486, 525, 496 ] }, { "text": "subject", "box": [ 529, 483, 590, 497 ] }, { "text": "to", "box": [ 596, 485, 614, 498 ] }, { "text": "wide", "box": [ 619, 483, 660, 494 ] }, { "text": "variation", "box": [ 473, 499, 551, 512 ] }, { "text": "because", "box": [ 553, 499, 617, 510 ] }, { "text": "of", "box": [ 620, 497, 641, 510 ] }, { "text": "small", "box": [ 647, 496, 693, 511 ] }, { "text": "sample", "box": [ 473, 513, 525, 526 ] }, { "text": "size", "box": [ 531, 515, 567, 525 ] }, { "text": "and", "box": [ 571, 511, 598, 522 ] }, { "text": "should", "box": [ 609, 510, 656, 524 ] }, { "text": "be", "box": [ 659, 511, 679, 524 ] }, { "text": "averaged", "box": [ 473, 527, 539, 544 ] }, { "text": "across", "box": [ 546, 527, 599, 537 ] }, { "text": "several", "box": [ 605, 524, 665, 539 ] }, { "text": "ads", "box": [ 473, 538, 498, 552 ] }, { "text": "for", "box": [ 506, 539, 534, 553 ] }, { "text": "meaningful", "box": [ 538, 538, 623, 555 ] }, { "text": "infor-", "box": [ 628, 539, 680, 553 ] }, { "text": "mation.", "box": [ 472, 556, 531, 566 ] } ], "id": 60 }, { "text": "Under 25", "box": [ 42, 608, 110, 622 ], "linking": [ [ 14, 61 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Under", "box": [ 42, 609, 87, 620 ] }, { "text": "25", "box": [ 92, 608, 110, 622 ] } ], "id": 61 }, { "text": "25- 34", "box": [ 43, 622, 87, 636 ], "linking": [ [ 14, 62 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "25-", "box": [ 43, 622, 67, 636 ] }, { "text": "34", "box": [ 67, 622, 87, 633 ] } ], "id": 62 }, { "text": "35- 44", "box": [ 42, 634, 86, 649 ], "linking": [ [ 14, 63 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "35-", "box": [ 42, 634, 67, 649 ] }, { "text": "44", "box": [ 68, 635, 86, 649 ] } ], "id": 63 }, { "text": "45 & Over", "box": [ 43, 649, 120, 664 ], "linking": [ [ 14, 64 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "45", "box": [ 43, 649, 60, 664 ] }, { "text": "&", "box": [ 66, 649, 80, 662 ] }, { "text": "Over", "box": [ 88, 651, 120, 662 ] } ], "id": 64 }, { "text": "Under 35", "box": [ 43, 704, 112, 719 ], "linking": [ [ 65, 37 ], [ 65, 35 ], [ 65, 33 ], [ 65, 31 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Under", "box": [ 43, 705, 85, 719 ] }, { "text": "35", "box": [ 91, 704, 112, 717 ] } ], "id": 65 }, { "text": "35 & Over", "box": [ 43, 719, 119, 734 ], "linking": [ [ 66, 38 ], [ 66, 36 ], [ 66, 34 ], [ 66, 32 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "35", "box": [ 43, 719, 60, 733 ] }, { "text": "&", "box": [ 66, 721, 81, 734 ] }, { "text": "Over", "box": [ 85, 719, 119, 733 ] } ], "id": 66 }, { "text": "BRAND SMOKED:", "box": [ 43, 775, 147, 789 ], "linking": [ [ 67, 68 ], [ 67, 69 ] ], "label": "header", "words": [ { "text": "BRAND", "box": [ 43, 775, 85, 789 ] }, { "text": "SMOKED:", "box": [ 94, 775, 147, 789 ] } ], "id": 67 }, { "text": "Test Brand Smokers", "box": [ 41, 789, 192, 804 ], "linking": [ [ 67, 68 ], [ 68, 41 ], [ 68, 42 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Test", "box": [ 41, 789, 77, 803 ] }, { "text": "Brand", "box": [ 82, 791, 128, 804 ] }, { "text": "Smokers", "box": [ 131, 789, 192, 802 ] } ], "id": 68 }, { "text": "All Other Smokers", "box": [ 43, 803, 181, 820 ], "linking": [ [ 67, 69 ], [ 69, 44 ], [ 69, 43 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "All", "box": [ 43, 804, 71, 818 ] }, { "text": "Other", "box": [ 75, 803, 117, 818 ] }, { "text": "Smokers", "box": [ 124, 803, 181, 820 ] } ], "id": 69 }, { "text": "Date Sent", "box": [ 486, 830, 565, 847 ], "linking": [ [ 70, 39 ] ], "label": "question", "words": [ { "text": "Date", "box": [ 486, 830, 520, 847 ] }, { "text": "Sent", "box": [ 527, 830, 565, 847 ] } ], "id": 70 }, { "text": "PI- 7653", "box": [ 575, 842, 648, 857 ], "linking": [], "label": "other", "words": [ { "text": "PI-", "box": [ 575, 846, 600, 857 ] }, { "text": "", "box": [ 599, 846, 609, 854 ] }, { "text": "7653", "box": [ 612, 842, 648, 856 ] } ], "id": 71 } ] }