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38 notes March 2011 2 tags
The Biker And The King Of England (Day 4) bobbyelvisbakesale:
Last two scenes. What? I did say that he wasn’t in this movie very much. Better than nothing.
And that’s all. Everything else will have to be left to the imagination. In the meantime, I’m just trying to think of what else to do next. Guess I’ll have to do some digging…
The Biker And The King Of England (Day 3) bobbyelvisbakesale:
Tommy on ESP and the meaning of life, the universe and everything (but no Douglas Adams. Sorry.).
This is why I cant have nice things.... aequitas—:
Kelsey I blame you…
btw my story centers around Lorcan O’Toole’s character BWAHAHAHA see if you can remember who that is…if you do I shall give you a cookie
Chibs meeting up with his nephew Padraic again.
The Biker and the King Of England... (Day 1, Part... bobbyelvisbakesale:
Long scene means more pics.
Bobby Elvis' Bake Sale: The Biker and the King Of... →
Tommy Flanagan has been in a lot of bad movies. Yet again, this is not one of them. Sure, he wasn’t in this movie very much but he was still quite good. His character bears his name sake and became of my favorite Flanagan characters for three reasons: a)he was cute (not sure about the hair…
Standing on the corner... bobbyelvisbakesale:
It bothers me that he was only in one very short scene. There…now that’s out of the way, it can still be remedied by featuring him a lot in Sunday’s episode. In the meantime, I will admit that Michigan winter complements Big Al well. When Hulu posts the clip of the scene he was in, I’ll add it on later (warning: he toned down the accent). Wearing all those clothes,...
Tonight…The man comes to Detroit.
…and next week Mar 15th
Zen And The Art Of The Hitman...(Part 1) bobbyelvisbakesale:
As much as I like the caps of Swifty And Veg from the Casting Couch, there were two small problems with them. Firstly, they were too small for my liking and secondly, there wasn’t enough of them so I thought I’d give it a go. These are just the close up shots of Tommy though. Didn’t want to go too overboard again. I tend to do that.
White turtlenecks and Scotch accents...(Part 3) bobbyelvisbakesale:
I’m still debating whether he can pull off that turtleneck or not. At least he looks better than that other guy (the fact that he’s not wearing an earring helps).
Trust me, it’s a lot funnier than it looks…plus you get to learn several new slang words and get a glimpse into the Scots way of life circa 1996 (he did this after Braveheart). Next up: more Shield caps of...
White turtlenecks and Scotch accents... bobbyelvisbakesale:
Good times. I said I’d put them up sooner or later and I guess it’s sooner. Here are the caps from Tommy’s Scottish sitcom appearance as-you guessed it-a criminal on a show called Rab C. Nesbitt (the episode is entitled “Lottery” and you can watch it here, here and here). | [
"key": "website_description",
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"value": "Tumblr (stylized as tumblr and pronounced \"tumbler\") is an American microblogging and social networking website founded by David Karp in 2007 and currently owned by Automattic. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog."
] |
DownWithTyranny!: How Many Democratic Senators Joined Wall Street And The GOP To Screw Bank Customers?
How Many Democratic Senators Joined Wall Street And The GOP To Screw Bank Customers?
Just before Tuesday's vote to further gut Dodd-Frank and open the U.S. up to another bankster greed-driven economic catastrophe, Orange County law professor and congressional candidate Katie Porter wrote to her supporters that "As a consumer protection attorney, I've spent nearly 20 years fighting powerful special interests like Wall Street lobbyists. I've collaborated extensively with Elizabeth Warren on ways to protect the middle class from being scammed by powerful institutions and corporations. Unfortunately, I have to alert you to a new attack on consumers coming later this week. The Senate is days away from voting on a bill called the 'Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act,' though the actual bill will do none of those things. This bill would roll back or eliminate key protections that the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act put in place after Wall Street's recklessness caused a global recession. I'm urging the Senate to Vote NO on this legislation."
Porter is running in CA-45 for a seat held by Wall Street shill Mimi Walters. But before she can take on Mimi, she has to get through another Wall Street shill, New Dem, Dave Min, who ran Chuck Schumer's Wall Street operation when Schumer was working hand-in-glove with the banksters to set them loose on consumers. Schumer has taken more in bribes than any other politician in American history who was not a presidential candidate-- and more than some presidential candidates. As of now Schumer the Finance Sector has given Schumer $26,754,908, compared to $12,338,704 to McConnell and $12,165,694 to Paul Ryan... so more than both of them together! Min has been part of Schumer's "success" in that scheme.
Which candidates are being backed by Wall Street this cycle? It's worth noting which non-incumbents they're making their biggest contributions to so far. Of course their biggest bribes in the House went to half a dozen crooked incumbents who are already serving their every interest:
• Speaker Ryan (R-WI)- $2,649,603
• Majority Leader McCarthy (R-CA)- $1,500,400
• Josh Gottheimer (Blue Dog-NJ)- $871,524
• Patrick McHenry (R-NC)- $867,506
• Kevin Brady (R-TX)- $867,225
• Kyrsten Sinema- $792,137
Of course, these 5 men and one woman should all be in prison but these are the crooked politicians who aspire to be just like them and are already taking large bribes as banksters bet on their chances to be able to kick their own constituents to the curb while carrying Wall Street's water. Austin Frerick, the progressive candidate running for the Iowa congressional seat occupied by GOP money grubber David Young, cut right to the chase: "I cannot believe that Democrats can support this bank deregulation bill after what we went through as a country a decade ago. But this is what happens when Democrats take money from corporations and lobbyists. This is also why I refuse that money."
David Gill's primary is coming up in less than two weeks. He's been fighting for the kind of economic fairness Elizabeth Warren is talking about for decades, not just for his campaign. “As is almost always the case on such issues, I stand with Senator Warren here. It amazes me that our elected representatives have so quickly forgotten the financial crisis which brought so much pain to so many ordinary Americans only 10 years ago. I suspect that those representatives never actually felt the pain, given their place in life. The ordinary men and women that make up the majority of IL-13 certainly did feel the pain of that recession, and they are the ones who will be hit hardest by a recurrence of our economic woes. The regulations within Dodd-Frank should be strengthened, not weakened. I look forward to getting to Washington early next year and working to protect Americans from bankers whose greed knows no bounds.”
The half-dozen worst non-incumbent candidates(so far):
• Josh Harder (D-CA-10)- $229,094
• Perry Gershon (D-NY-01)- $222,866
• Dan Koh (D-MA-03)- $199,818
• Mikie Sherrill (New Dem- NJ-11)- $178,578
• Pat Ryan (D-NY-19)- $171,879
• Matt Haggman (D-FL-27)- $158,790
It's essential to stick with progressives like Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) on this issue and to support candidates like them-- like Katie Porter, Austin Frerick and David Gill. Mimi Walters (R-CA) has already gobbled up $400,108 from the Finance Sector this year. David Young (R-IA) has taken $124,350 and Rod Davis (R-IL) took $174,652-- just this cycle!
The only other California candidate besides Josh Harder to have taken over a hundred grand from the finance sector is the sleaze bag in CA-49, Mike Levin, who has managed to vacuum up $124,232. Wall Street knows who they can count on. And it isn't Elizabeth Warren. In fact, when Mark Takano was strong-arming California convention delegates to vote for Dave Min, one of his arguments was that no one endorsed by Elizabeth Warren could win in Orange County. Strange thing for a progressive to say. Here's Elizabeth Warren talking about the bill Katie Porter was campaigning against this week:
[H]ere we are-- on the verge of making the same mistake Congress has made so many times before.
The banks don't want you to know what's in this bill-- because if you did, they know you'd fight back. It was written by Senators in back rooms and jammed through the Banking Committee, where its authors voted down every single amendment, every single idea, to make the bill even one smidge better or protect consumers just one tiny bit more. They voted against every amendment, even if they agreed with it, because Republicans and Democrats had locked arms to do the bidding of the big banks.
There's a lot of dangerous stuff in this bill. Today I want to focus on the harm it will do to America's consumers.
But I'll start with what's not in the bill because what's not in this bill should make Congress ashamed. Strong consumer protections. Banks get their wish list, but consumers get next to nothing. This bill is called the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act, but in all 148 pages, there's only a few watered down provisions that help consumers.
Equifax loses data for nearly half of all adults in America, lies about it, and this Congress-these Senators-still can't manage to pass a bill with some teeth to hold the company accountable. That says it all-this is a bill written by big banks to help big banks, not a bill to help American families who are still getting cheated by the companies that make huge profits off them.
So what's actually in this bill? Start with the first part of the bill-- Section 101, "Improving Consumer Access to Mortgage Credit."
When you get a mortgage, your lender usually spends some time combing through your financial records to make sure you can repay the loan. That's good-- American families don't want to take out loans they can't afford and banks don't want to make loans that won't get repaid.
Before the financial crisis, that whole process went haywire. Lenders were making crazy loans with ballooning payments and exotic features that consumers didn't understand. Lenders didn't care if customers could repay-they got their fees up front, then sold the loans to distant investors and the original lender was long gone before the homeowners got in trouble. But the families were stuck. Eventually, the payments skyrocketed, and homeowners who couldn't keep up defaulted, losing those homes. After the crisis, Congress changed the rules. They told lenders that they had to start underwriting their loans again to protect consumers and the economy. But since this takes time and money, Congress told the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to write a rule that says that there's no need for the lender to investigate if this is a super-safe, boring, plain-vanilla loan.
But Section 101 of this bill is not reasonable. It takes the CFPB rule and stretches it in all directions, tearing open big, dangerous loopholes. This bill says banks, have some fun. Bring back the greatest hits of financial crisis housing scams. Scoop up the profits on the front end, and leave families holding the bag on the back end.
I understand breaks for banks that make straightforward loans, but these loans are too risky. And they come at a bad time. Rising interest rates mean that exotic products like adjustable rate mortgages are making a comeback. Bank lobbyists are dragging us back to the bad old days when banks had free reign to scam consumers.
Here's another section: Section 104 makes it harder to enforce anti-discrimination laws by telling loads of institutions that they don't have to comply with a law called the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, or "HMDA." HMDA requires most financial institutions to tell the public and the CFPB who they're lending to and at what rates and terms. Regulators and law enforcement use the data to make sure that American families don't have a harder time getting a loan because of who they are or where they come from.
This bill takes a sledgehammer to HMDA by exempting 85 percent of institutions from reporting HMDA data. If this bill passes, there will be entire communities where there will be no data whatsoever-- which means there will be no ability to monitor whether people are getting cheated because of their race or their gender.
Again, this couldn't come at worse time. Lending discrimination is real. A new comprehensive report that looked at housing markets all over the country just came out from the Center for Investigative Reporting and Reveal, and its findings should make us all sick to our stomachs.
In 2015 and 2016, nearly two-thirds of mortgage lenders denied loans to people of color at higher rates than for white people. According to Reveal, in the Washington metro area. "In 2016, Native American applicants were 2.3 times as likely to be denied a conventional home mortgage as white applicants. For black applicants, it was 2.2 times as likely. For Latino applicants, it was 1.9 times as likely. For Asian applicants, it was 1.6 times as likely." The Reveal report showed that this problem happens in giant banks, but also in small banks.
Here's the thing. None of that analysis would have been possible without HMDA data from big institutions and small ones. Without the data, we'd all be sitting here in the dark, maybe wondering if some mortgage lenders discriminated against African Americans or women or Native Americans, but we wouldn't have any way to know-and no way to change it if they were. Gutting HMDA allows us-- actually forces us-- to look the other way when discrimination happens. And that's disgraceful.
...Only a bunch of bank lobbyists-- and their friends in Washington-- would call this a consumer protection bill.
American families weren't in the back room when this bill was written. They don't have millions of dollars in campaign cash to get senators' attention. They don't keep an army of lobbyists on their payroll. No, American families are busy going to work, helping the kids with homework and trying to catch up on a thousands things. They are trying to pay off student loans or maybe to save a little for their kids to go to college. Some are trying to put aside a few bucks for a mortgage.
They trust us to stand up for them and make sure they have a fair shot at homeownership-- at the American dream. And they trust us to make sure that we're not turning over the keys to our economy to the same people who crashed it ten years ago and ran over a bunch of American families on the way.
I know we're outnumbered, but this fight isn't over. Make no mistake, I'm going to do whatever I can to convince enough other senators that this is a bad deal for American families, and a dangerous one. I'll push and tug and talk to anyone who will listen about how this bill will hurt the people we were sent here to represent. And maybe, just maybe, maybe for once the Senate will start listening to voters instead of donors.
Labels: Austin Frerick, Dave Min, Elizabeth Warren, Katie Porter, Wall Street reform
They're the Crapo Democrats!
Does nobody remember 2009? Does nobody know that both dodd and frank took millions from wall street? Does nobody remember how much support wall street gave to obamanation? the Clintons? scummer?
Truthfully, if the bill needed more democraps, it would have gotten them. Probably 3 in 4 of those NOT voting for it would have if needed. Once the bill already had enough to pass, the democraps COULD vote no, if only to impress their stupid, gullible electorates.
Wall street doesn't write 9-figure checks for nothing you know. | [
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"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
Preon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In particle physics, preons are "point-like" particles, conceived to be subcomponents of quarks and leptons.[1] The word was coined by Jogesh Pati and Abdus Salam in 1974. Interest in preon models peaked in the 1980s but has slowed as the Standard Model of particle physics continues to describe the physics mostly successfully, and no direct experimental evidence for lepton and quark compositeness has been found.
Note that in the hadronic sector there are some intriguing open questions and some effects considered anomalies within the Standard Model. For example, four very important open questions are the proton spin puzzle, the EMC effect, the distributions of electric charges inside the nucleons as found by Hofstadter in 1956, and the ad hoc CKM matrix elements.
4 Rishon model
5.1 The mass paradox
6 Conflicts with observed physics
Within the Standard Model, there are several different types of particles. One of these, the quarks, has six different types, of which there are three varieties in each (dubbed "colors", red, green, and blue, giving rise to quantum chromodynamics). Additionally, there are six different types of what are known as leptons. Of these six leptons, there are three charged particles: the electron, muon, and tau. The neutrinos comprise the other three leptons, and for each neutrino there is a corresponding member from the other set of three leptons. In the Standard Model, there are also bosons, including the photons; W+, W−, and Z bosons; gluons and the Higgs boson; and an open space left for the graviton. Almost all of these particles come in "left-handed" and "right-handed" versions (see chirality). The quarks, leptons and W boson all have antiparticles with opposite electric charge.
The Standard Model also has a number of problems which have not been entirely solved. In particular, no successful theory of gravitation based on a particle theory has yet been proposed. Although the Model assumes the existence of a graviton, all attempts to produce a consistent theory based on them have failed. Additionally, mass remains a mystery in the Standard Model. Additionally Kalman [2] notes that according to the concept of atomism, the fundamental building blocks of nature are invisible and indivisible bits of matter that are ungenerated and indestructible. Quarks are not indestructible, some can decay into other quarks. Thus on fundamental grounds- quarks must be composed of fundamental quantities-preons. Although the mass of each successive particle follows certain patterns, predictions of the rest mass of most particles cannot be made precisely, except for the masses of almost all baryons which have been recently described very well by the model of de Souza.[3] The Higgs boson explains why particles show inertial mass (but does not explain rest mass).
The Standard Model also has problems predicting the large scale structure of the universe. For instance, the SM generally predicts equal amounts of matter and antimatter in the universe, something that is observably not the case. A number of attempts have been made to "fix" this through a variety of mechanisms, but to date none have won widespread support. Likewise, basic adaptations of the Model suggest the presence of proton decay, which has not yet been observed.
Preon research is motivated by the desire to explain already known facts (retrodiction), which include
To explain the three generations of fermions.
To calculate parameters that are currently unexplained by the Standard Model, such as particle masses, electric charges, and color charges, and reduce the number of experimental input parameters required by the Standard Model.
The desire to make new nontrivial predictions, for example, to provide possible cold dark matter candidates.
Other names which have been used for these proposed fundamental particles (or particles intermediate between the most fundamental particles and those observed in the Standard Model) include prequarks, subquarks, maons,[4] alphons, quinks, rishons, tweedles, helons, haplons, Y-particles,[5] and primons.[6] Preon is the leading name in the physics community.
Efforts to develop a substructure date at least as far back as 1974 with a paper by Pati and Salam in Physical Review.[7] Other attempts include a 1977 paper by Terazawa, Chikashige and Akama,[8] similar, but independent, 1979 papers by Ne'eman,[9] Harari,[10] and Shupe,[11] a 1981 paper by Fritzsch and Mandelbaum,[12] and a 1992 book by D'Souza and Kalman.[1] None of these has gained wide acceptance in the physics world. However, in a recent work[13] de Souza has shown that his model describes well all weak decays of hadrons according to selection rules dictated by a quantum number derived from his compositeness model. In his model leptons are elementary particles and each quark is composed of two primons, and thus, all quarks are described by four primons. Therefore, there is no need for the Standard Model Higgs boson and each quark mass is derived from the interaction between each pair of primons by means of three Higgs-like bosons. In his 1989 Nobel Prize acceptance lecture, | [
"key": "website_description",
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"value": "Wikipedia ( (listen) wik-ih-PEE-dee-ə or (listen) wik-ee-) is a free content, multilingual online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteers through a model of open collaboration, using a wiki-based editing system. Individual contributors, also called editors, are known as Wikipedians."
] |
Patent US20070039400 - Platform balance - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inAdvanced Patent SearchPatentsThe present disclosure is directed to a platform balance that is suitable for transmitting forces and moments in a plurality of directions. The platform balance is adapted to support a test specimen, such as a large vehicle, in a test environment such as a wind tunnel. The platform balance includes a...http://www.google.com/patents/US20070039400?utm_source=gb-gplus-sharePatent US20070039400 - Platform balanceAdvanced Patent SearchPublication numberUS20070039400 A1Publication typeApplicationApplication numberUS 11/501,665Publication dateFeb 22, 2007Filing dateAug 8, 2006Priority dateDec 4, 2003Also published asUS7788984, US7918143, US20100326206, WO2008021007A2, WO2008021007A3Publication number11501665, 501665, US 2007/0039400 A1, US 2007/039400 A1, US 20070039400 A1, US 20070039400A1, US 2007039400 A1, US 2007039400A1, US-A1-20070039400, US-A1-2007039400, US2007/0039400A1, US2007/039400A1, US20070039400 A1, US20070039400A1, US2007039400 A1, US2007039400A1InventorsRichard Meyer, Douglas Olson, Ian KunschOriginal AssigneeMts Systems CorporationExport CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManReferenced by (5), Classifications (8), Legal Events (2) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetPlatform balance
US 20070039400 A1Abstract
The present disclosure is directed to a platform balance that is suitable for transmitting forces and moments in a plurality of directions. The platform balance is adapted to support a test specimen, such as a large vehicle, in a test environment such as a wind tunnel. The platform balance includes a frame support and at least three spaced-apart transducers coupled to the frame support. Each of the transducers is sensitive about two orthogonal sensed axes. The transducers cooperate to provide signals indicative of forces and moments with respect to at least two orthogonal axes. Each transducer includes a transducer body having a support coupled to a sensor body along an axis of compliance. The sensor body is adapted to deflect about the two orthogonal sensed axes where the sensed axes are mutually orthogonal to the axis of compliance. Images(13) Claims(26)
1. A platform balance suitable for transmitting forces and moments in a plurality of directions, the platform balance comprising: a frame support; and at least three spaced-apart transducers coupled to the frame support, each transducer sensitive about two orthogonal sensed axes wherein the at least three spaced-apart transducers cooperate to provide signals indicative of forces and moments with respect to at least two orthogonal axes. 2. The platform balance of claim 1 wherein the frame support includes a first perimeter frame and a second perimeter frame, and wherein the at least three spaced-apart transducers include four spaced-apart transducers coupling the first perimeter frame to the second perimeter frame. 3. The platform balance of claim 2 and further comprising a first set of flexures coupled to the first perimeter frame and adapted to engage a ground support, and a second set of flexures coupled to the second perimeter frame and adapted to engage a test specimen. 4. The platform balance of claim 3 wherein the second set of flexures are coupled to a belt frame adapted to engage a wheeled test specimen. 5. The platform balance of claim 2 wherein each transducer comprises a sensor body coupled to the second perimeter frame and a support coupled to the first perimeter frame, the sensor body being coupled to the support wherein the support is compliant in an axis of compliance, wherein the axis of compliance is orthogonal to a sensed axes of each transducer. 6. The platform balance of claim 5 wherein the support comprises two clevis halves disposed on opposite sides of the sensor body along the axis of compliance. 7. The platform balance of claim 6 wherein the first perimeter frame is coupled to the two clevis halves. 8. The platform balance of claim 5 wherein the support includes a single clevis disposed on a side of the sensor body along the axis of compliance. 9. The platform balance of claim 2 wherein the first and second perimeter frames include box beams. 10. The platform balance of claim 2 wherein the first and second perimeter frames are nested. 11. The platform balance of claim 2 wherein the frame support includes a stiffening frame coupled to the transducers. 12. The platform balance of claim 11 wherein the stiffening frame is directly coupled to the first perimeter frame. 13. A transducer body, comprising: a support; and a sensor body coupled to the support along an axis of compliance, wherein the sensor body is adapted to deflect along two orthogonal sensed axes, and wherein the sensed axes are mutually orthogonal to the axis of compliance. 14. The transducer body of claim 13 wherein the support includes a pair of clevis halves disposed on opposite sides of the sensor body and along the axis of compliance. 15. The transducer body of claim 13 wherein the sensor body includes a generally rigid peripheral member disposed about a spaced-apart central hub, wherein at least three flexure members couple the peripheral member to the central hub, and wherein the flexure members are spaced-apart from each other at generally equal angle intervals about the central hub. 16. The transducer body of claim 15 wherein the sensor body includes four flexure members. 17. The transducer body of claim 15 wherein the central hub is coupled to the support. 18. The transducer body of claim 13 wherein the sensor body is adapted to receive a plurality of sensors. 19. The transducer body of claim 13 wherein the support includes a compliant member and the transducer body further comprises a second sensor body disposed on a side of the compliant member opposite the first-mentioned sensor body and along the axis of compliance. 20. The transducer body of claim 14 wherein the clevis halves are rigid and joined together. 21. The transducer body of claim 20 and further comprising a first flexure assembly coupled to the sensor body and a second flexure assembly coupled to the clevis halves, the first and second flexure assemblies each being compliant along the axis of compliance and rigid along axes mutually orthogonal to the axis of compliance. 22. The transducer body of claim 13 wherein the support includes a rigid member and the transducer body further comprises a second sensor body disposed on a side of the rigid member opposite the first-mentioned sensor body and along the axis of compliance, the first-mentioned sensor body and the second being joined together. 23. The transducer body of claim 13 and further comprising a pivot connection joining the sensor body to the support allowing pivoting motion of the sensor body relative to the support about an axis extending through the sensor body and the support. 24. A transducer body, comprising: at least two sensor bodies, each sensor body having a hub joined to a perimeter body surrounding the hub with flexure structures, wherein the hubs are joined together and wherein the flexure structures are configured to respond to loads transferred between the sensor bodies along two orthogonal sensed axes, and wherein the flexure structures of one of the sensor bodies has an operable range greater than the flexure structures of the second sensor bodies. 25. The transducer body of claim 24 and further comprising an overtravel mechanism to limit deflection of the flexure structures of one of the sensor bodies and transfer load to the other sensor body. 26. A platform balance suitable for use with a test specimen, the platform balance comprising: means for transmitting loads of the test specimen in a plurality of directions; and means for generating signals indicative of the loads along at least two orthogonal axes by sensing along at least three two orthogonal sensed axes. Description
REFERENCE TO CO-PENDING APPLICATION This patent application is a continuation-in-part and claims priority to co-pending United States patent application entitled �Platform Balance�, filed on Mar. 6, 2006 and assigned Ser. No. 11/369,211, which claims the benefit of United States provisional patent application entitled �Platform Balance,� filed Mar. 7, 2005 and assigned Ser. No. 60/659,162, and where application Ser. No. 11/369,211 also is a continuation-in-part and claims priority to co-pending United States patent application entitled �Platform Balance�, filed on Dec. 3, 2004 and assigned Ser. No. 11/003,943, and where application Ser. No. 11/003,943 claims the benefit of United States provisional patent application entitled �Platform Balance�, filed on Dec. 4, 2003, and assigned Ser. No. 60/526,954. Each of the foregoing applications is incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
BACKGROUND The discussion below is merely provided for general background information and is not intended to be used as an aid in determining the scope of the claimed subject matter. The present disclosure relates to devices that transmit and measure linear forces along and moments about three orthogonal axes. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to devices that are particularly well suited to measure forces and moments upon a test specimen in a test environment, such as in a wind tunnel. The measurement of loads, both forces and moments, with accuracy and precision is important to many applications. A common use, where several moments and forces need to be measured, is in the testing of specimens in a wind tunnel. Test specimens can be placed on a platform balance located in a pit of the wind tunnel. The platform balance can be adapted to receive a vehicle or other large test specimen, rather than merely a scale model of the vehicle. Actual vehicles, rather than scale models of the vehicles, allows the designer to determine actual measurements of prototypes, rather than merely inferential measurements. If the test specimen is a vehicle with wheels, the platform balance can be equipped with a rolling belt to rotate the wheels, which can make a significant improvement in measurement accuracy. Six components of force and moment act on a test specimen on the platform balance in the wind tunnel. These six components are known as lift force, drag force, side force, pitching moment, yawing moment, and rolling moment. The moments and forces that act on the test specimen are usually resolved into three components of force and three components of moment with transducers that are sensitive to the components. Each of the transducers carries sensors, such as strain gages, that are connected in combinations that form Wheatstone bridge circuits. By appropriately connecting the sensors, resulting Wheatstone bridge circuit unbalances can be resolved into readings of the three components of force and three components of moment. Platform balances have a tendency to be susceptible to various physical properties of the test environment that can lead to inaccurate measurements without additional compensation. For example, temperature transients in the wind tunnel can result in thermal expansion of the platform balance that can adversely affect the transducers. In addition, large test specimens are prone to create large thrust loads on the transducers that can cause inaccurate measurements. Accordingly, there is a continuing need to develop a platform balance suitable for use with large test specimens. SUMMARY This Summary and Abstract are provided to introduce some concepts in a simplified form that are further described below in the Detailed Description. This Summary and Abstract are not intended to identify key features or essential features of the claimed subject matter, nor are they intended to be used as an aid in determining the scope of the claimed subject matter. In addition, the description herein provided and the claimed subject matter should not be interpreted as being directed to addressing any of the short-comings discussed in the Background. The present disclosure is directed to a platform balance that is suitable for transmitting forces and moments in a plurality of directions. The platform balance is adapted to support a test specimen, such as a large vehicle, in a test environment such as a wind tunnel. The platform balance includes a frame support and at least three spaced-apart transducers coupled to the frame support. Each of the transducers is sensitive about two orthogonal sensed axes. The transducers cooperate to provide signals indicative of forces and moments with respect to at least two orthogonal axes. In one example, the frame support includes a first perimeter frame and a second perimeter frame. The platform balance of this example includes four spaced-apart transducers coupling the first perimeter frame to the second perimeter frame. Transducers sensitive about two orthogonal sensed axes do not suffer from the effects of thermal expansion of the frame support and reject the large thrust loads present in transducers sensitive about three orthogonal sensed axes. The present disclosure is also directed to a transducer body having a support coupled to a sensor body along an axis of compliance. The sensor body is adapted to deflect about the two orthogonal sensed axes where the sensed axes are mutually orthogonal to the axis of compliance. In one aspect, the support includes a pair of clevis halves disposed on opposite sides of the sensor body along the axis of compliance.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES FIG. 1 is a plan view of a platform balance constructed in accordance with the present disclosure. FIG. 2 is an elevation view of the platform balance of FIG. 1 having additional features and is suitable for receiving a test specimen. FIG. 3 is an elevation view of the platform balance of FIG. 2, and having an exemplary test specimen. FIG. 4 is a top view of a transducer constructed in accordance with the present disclosure and included in the platform balance of FIG. 1. FIG. 5 is a front view of the transducer of FIG. 4. FIG. 6 is a side view of the transducer of FIG. 4. FIG. 7 is a detailed view of a portion of the transducer of FIG. 4. FIG. 8 is a side view of another transducer constructed in accordance with the present disclosure. FIG. 9 is a front view of another transducer constructed in accordance with the present disclosure. FIG. 10 is a side view of the transducer of FIG. 9. FIG. 11 is a side view of yet another transducer constructed in accordance with the present disclosure. FIG. 12 is an exemplary torque sensing circuit. FIG. 13 is a perspective view of a flexure pivot bearing. FIG. 14 is a side view of another transducer constructed in accordance with the present disclosure. FIG. 15 is a front elevational view of an inner member.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE ILLUSTRATIVE EMBODIMENTS This disclosure relates to devices and structures that transmit and measure linear forces along and moments about three orthogonal axes. The disclosure, including the figures, describes a platform balance and included transducers with reference to a several illustrative examples. For example, the disclosure proceeds with respect to frame supports attached to multi-part transducer assemblies described below. However, it should be noted that the present invention could be implemented in other devices or structures and transducers, as well. The present invention is described with respect to the frame supports and transducer assembly for illustrative purposes only. Other examples are contemplated and are mentioned below or are otherwise imaginable to someone skilled in the art. The scope of the invention is not limited to the few examples, i.e., the described embodiments of the invention. Rather, the scope of the invention is defined by reference to the appended claims. Changes can be made to the examples, including alternative designs not disclosed, and still be within the scope of the claims. An exemplary embodiment of a platform balance 10 of the present disclosure is illustrated in FIGS. 1-3. In the embodiment illustrated, the platform balance 10 can include a first frame support 12 and a second frame support 14. A plurality of transducer assemblies 16, herein four although any number three or more can be used, couple the first frame support 12 to the second frame support 14. The platform balance 10 can be used to measure forces and moments applied to a test specimen of nominally large weight or mass such as a vehicle, engine, plane, etc. The frame supports 12 and 14 are nominally unstressed reaction frames, wherein each of the transducers comprises a two-axis force transducer. Various levels of flexure isolation can be provided in the platform balance 10 to provide increased sensitivity, while nominally supporting large masses. Referring to FIGS. 4-6, one of the transducer assemblies is illustrated at 40, wherein each of the transducer assemblies 16 is preferably similarly constructed. The transducer assembly 40 includes a sensor body 42 and a clevis assembly 44. The clevis assembly 44 includes a first clevis half 46 and a second clevis half 48. The sensor body 42 is disposed between the clevis halves 46 and 48 and joined together with a suitable fastener. In the embodiment illustrated, the fastener comprises a bolt or threaded rod 50 extending through apertures 48A, 42A and 46A of the clevis half 48, sensor body 42 and clevis half 46, respectively. A nut 51 is provided on an end 53 of rod 50 and a super nut 52 is threaded upon an end 54 of the threaded rod 50. A plurality of set screws 56 extends through the apertures in the nut 52 to engage an end of the clevis half 46. Tightening of the set screws 56 allows high clamping pressures to be achieved efficiently and at reduced torque values on each of the set screws 56 rather than through the use of a nut 52 by itself. It should be noted that although center portions of the devises 46 and 48 will engage or contact the center portion of the sensor body 42 about the apertures 46A, 42A and 48A, gaps are otherwise provided between each of the clevis halves 46 and 48 and the sensor body 42 so as to allow the sensor body 42 to move relative to the clevis halves 46 and 48. The sensor body 42 is preferably integral, being formed of a single unitary block of material. The sensor body 42 includes a ridged central hub 60, herein including the aperture 42A, and a ridged perimeter body 62 that is concentric with, or disposed about, the central hub 60. A plurality of flexure structures 64 (herein flexure beams 64 although other forms could be used) join the central hub 60 to the perimeter body 62. In the embodiment illustrated, the plurality of flexure beams 64 comprises four straps 71, 72, 73 and 74. Each of the straps 71-74 extend radially from the central hub 60 to the perimeter body 62 along corresponding longitudinal axes 71A, 72A, 73A and 74A. Preferably, axis 71A is aligned on axis 73A, while axis 72A is aligned with axis 74A. In addition, axes 71A and 73A are perpendicular to axes 72A and 74A. Although illustrated wherein the plurality of flexure beams 64 equals four, it should be understood that any number of straps three or more can be used to join the central hub 60 to the perimeter body 62. Preferably, the flexure beams 64 are spaced at equal angular intervals about a central axis indicated at 85. Flexure members 81, 82, 83 and 84 join an end of each flexure beam 71-74, respectively, to the perimeter body 62. The flexure members 81-84 are compliant with displacements of each corresponding flexure beam 71-74 along the corresponding longitudinal axes 71A-74A. In the embodiment illustrated, the flexure members 81-84 are identical and include integrally formed flexure straps 86 and 88. The flexure straps 86 and 88 are located on opposite sides of each longitudinal axes 71A-74A and joined to corresponding flexure beam 71-74 and to the perimeter body 62. A sensing device measures displacement or deformation of portions of the sensor body 42. In the body illustrated, a plurality of strain sensors 90 are mounted on the flexure beams 64 to sense strain therein. Although the plurality of sensors 90 can be located on the plurality of flexure beams 64 to provide an indicated of shear stresses, in the embodiment illustrated, the strain sensors are mounted conventionally to provide an output signal indicative of bending stresses in the flexure beams 64. In the embodiment illustrated, eight strain sensors are provided on the sensor body 42 of each transducer 40 wherein two conventional Wheatstone bridges are formed. A first Wheatstone bridge or sensing circuit is conventionally formed from the strain sensors provided on flexure beam 71 and 73, while a second Wheatstone bridge or second sensing circuit is formed from the strain sensors provided on flexure beams 72 and 74. In another embodiment, separate Wheatstone bridges can be formed on each flexure beam 71-74, the outputs of which can be combined as is known in the art. The plurality of sensors 90 can comprise resistive strain gauges. However, other forms of sensing devices such as optically based sensors or capacitivity based sensors can also be used to measure deformation or displacement of the flexure beams 64, or other portions of the sensor body 42 such as each of straps 86 and 88 if desired. Output signals from the sensing devices are indicative of force components transmitted between the central hub 60 and the perimeter body 62 in two degrees of freedom. For purposes of explanation, a coordinate system 97 can be defined wherein an X-axis 97A is aligned with the longitudinal axes 71A and 73A; a Z-axis 97B is aligned with the vertical axes 72A and 74A and a Y-axis 97C is aligned with the axis 85. In the embodiment illustrated, each of the transducer assemblies 16 measures two forces. Specifically, a force along the X-axis is measured as bending stresses created in the flexure beams 72 and 74 since the flexure members 81 and 83 on the ends of the flexure beams 71 and 73 are compliant in this direction. Similarly, a force along the Z axis is measured as bending stresses in the flexure beams 71 and 73 since the flexure members 82 and 84 on the ends of the flexure beams 72 and 74 are compliant in this direction. The transducer 40 is also compliant along the axis 85, because of flexures provided on the clevis assembly 44. In the embodiment illustrated, the clevis assembly 44 is formed of substantially identical clevis halves 46 and 48. In the illustrated embodiment, the sensor 42 is the �inner member� of the transducer body. Other embodiments are contemplated. For example, a single clevis half by itself could also be used. Still further, a single clevis half as an inner member connected to two sensors, which is described later with respect to FIG. 8 could also be used. In the embodiment illustrated, each clevis half 46 and 48 includes a central hub 102 through which, in the embodiment illustrated, apertures 46A and 48A are provided, and a rigid outer body 104. A flexure mechanism couples the rigid central hub 102 with the outer body 104. In the embodiment illustrated, a plurality of flexure straps 106 are provided with a first pair of flexure straps 111 and 112 extending from the central hub 102 to a first portion 104A of the outer body 104 and a second pair of flexure straps 113 and 114 extending from the central hub 102 to a second portion 104B of body 104. However, it should be noted that other forms of flexure members or mechanism can be used between the rigid hub 102 and the outer body 104 to allow compliance along axis 85 if desired. Such forms can include other integral flexure mechanisms such as a diaphragm(s), or multi-component assemblies having flexible couplings such as slides or pivot connections. Referring FIGS. 1-3, the sensor body 42 of each of the transducer assemblies 40 is joined to the frame support 12, while each of the clevis halves 46 and 48 of each transducer assembly 40 is joined to a frame support 14. In the embodiment illustrated, mounting plates 120 are used to couple the sensor bodies 42 to the frame support 12, while mounting plates 122 are used to join the clevis halves 46 and 48 to the frame support 14. In this manner, the frame support 12 provides an inner perimeter frame, while the frame support 14 provides an outer perimeter frame. Use of the mounting plates 120 and 122 allows the frame supports 12 and 14 to be nested thereby reducing an overall height of the platform balance 10. Each of the frame supports 12 and 14 comprise continuous hollow box beams formed in a perimeter so as to provide corresponding stiff assemblies. The frame support 12 holds the sensor bodies 42 in position with respect to each other, while the frame support 14 holds the clevis assemblies 44 in position with respect to each other. Stiffening box frame members 124 can also be provided in the support frame 12 as illustrated. As appreciated by those skilled in the art, outputs from each of the two-axis sensing circuits from each of the transducer assemblies 16 can be combined so as to sense or provide outputs indicative of forces and moments upon the platform balance in six degrees of freedom. It should be noted that the flexure mechanisms of the clevis assembly 44 causes the transducers 16 to operate in a manner similar to how the flexure members 81-84 provide compliance in the sensor body 42. A coordinate system for platform 10 is illustrated at 131 in FIGS. 1 and 2. Output signals from transducer assemblies 40A and 40C are used to measure forces along the X-axis, because transducer assemblies 40B and 40D are compliant in this direction. Likewise, output signals from transducer assemblies 40B and 40D are used to measure forces along the Y-axis, because transducer assemblies 40A and 40C are compliant in this direction. Outputs from all of the transducers 40A-40D are used to measure forces along the Z-axis. Overturning moments about the X-axis are measured from the output signals from transducers 40A and 40C; while overturning moments about the Y-axis are measured from the output signals from transducers 40B and 40D; and while overturning moments about the Z-axis are measured from the output signals from transducers 40A-40D. Processor 180 receives the output signals from the sensing circuits of the transducers 40 to calculate forces and/or moments as desired, typically with respect to the orthogonal coordinate system 131. As described above, the platform can comprise four two-axis transducer assemblies. This particular design can have advantages over an embodiment having four three-axis (or more) transducer assemblies. In addition to the rejection of thermal expansion of the frames 12 and 14 relative to each other during lab or tunnel temperature transients, the platform 10 does not have to reject a relatively large thrust load on each of the four transducer assemblies (the clevis flexures are all very soft in thrust (along axis 86) thus shedding load to the two orthogonal two-axis transducer assemblies when an x or y side load is applied). This allows the platform 10 to be more optimally tuned for the four sensing flexure straps in each two-axis sensor body 42 than if the assembly was trying to react and measure thrust at the four transducer assembly positions about the platform as in three or more than three axis transducer assemblies. The design allows cross axis dimensions and I/c of orthogonal flexure beams to be changed independently to optimize sensitivity. For example, two can be thicker than the other two and can be thickness variable as well. If the transducer assemblies were three axis transducers and this occurred, two of the beams in line with each other would be stiffer and give different outputs from the orthogonal pair and thus make the sensor behave strangely with off axis or combined loadings. Lack of need to measure and react to thrust also allows higher stress and strain designs since there is no second bending stress tensor which would add bending in an additional axis at beam root connections to inner central hubs. Again higher sensitivity, higher resolution and higher signal to noise ratio with greater span on scalability both absolute and measured components relative to each other are provided. In a further embodiment, over travel stop mechanisms are provided in each of the transducer assemblies 16 so as to prevent damage to the sensor bodies 42 or flexure mechanisms of the clevis assemblies 44. Referring back to FIGS. 4-6, one or more pins 140 are provided so as to limit displacement of the sensor body 42 relative to the clevis assembly 44. In the embodiment illustrated, apertures 46B, 48B, 42B are provided in the clevis halves 46 and 48 and the sensor body 42, respectively. The pin 140 is secured, for example, to the sensor body 42 such as by a press fit so that extending portions of the pin 140 extend into the apertures 46B and 48B of the clevis halves 46 and 48 and are nominally spaced apart from inner walls thereof. If displacement of the displaceable portions of the sensor bodies 42 exceeds that desired relative to the bodies of the clevis halves 46 and 48, extending portions of the pin 140 will contact the inner wall of the apertures 46B and/or 48B provided in the clevis half 46 and/or 48 thereby coupling the perimeter body 62 of the sensor body 42 with the outer bodies 104 of the clevis halves 46 and 48 to prevent damage to the flexure straps or mechanism. Note that the perimeter body 62 can be appropriately spaced from the clevis half (halves) 46 and/or 48 to provide overtravel protection. In particular, the perimeter body 62 can engage the clevis halves 46 and/or 48, if displacement along axis 85 exceeds a selected distance. Although the sensor body 42 and clevis halves 46 and 48 can be formed from any suitable material, in one embodiment, the sensor body 42 is formed from steel, while the clevis halves are formed from aluminum. Each of the pins 140 can be formed from hardened steel and if necessary, hardened bushings can be provided in the apertures 46B, 48B of the clevis halves 46 and 48 to engage the remote portions of the pin 140. It should be noted that the extending portions of the pin 140 can be provided with a curved or spherical surface 151, as illustrated in FIG. 7, relative to a shank portion 153 so as ensure distributed contact of the pin 140 with the inner wall of the apertures 46B, 48B formed in the clevis halves 46 and 48. It should also be noted that depending on the intended application the sensor body 42 and clevis half or halves can be formed a single unitary body. FIG. 8 shows an alternative embodiment of the transducer, i.e., transducer 40′ and corresponding body. Like parts are indicated with like reference numerals. In this embodiment, one of the clevis halves 46 of FIG. 4-6 becomes the inner member. Two sensor members 42 from FIGS. 4-6 become the clevis halves. In this example and unlike the previous examples, the inner member is not instrumented. Rather, the sensor member structures of the previous embodiment are instrumented with sensors, but in this embodiment function as clevis halves. Suitable sensors such as strain gauges 90 are still connected to the members 42. The illustrated example includes twice as many sensors 90 as in the embodiment of FIGS. 4-6. In order to provide usable outputs, the sensor signals can be combined in each transducer such as by combining or summing the signals in Wheatstone bridges as is known in the art. The configuration of FIG. 8 is stiffer in the y-direction (as indicated in the coordinate system) than the embodiment of FIGS. 4-6. The embodiment of FIGS. 4-6, however, is stiffer in a moment about the x-axis than the embodiment of FIG. 8. FIGS. 9 and 10 illustrate yet another embodiment of a transducer, i.e., transducer 40″ and corresponding body. Like parts are indicated with like reference numerals. Transducer 40″ is similar to transducer 40 described above in that sensor body 42 is disposed between clevis halves 46C and 48C; however in this embodiment clevis halves 46C and 48C are solid, rigid supports without flexure members therein. As with the embodiments described above, transducer 40″ is a two-axis sensing assembly for sensing forces along the X-axis 97A and Z-axis 97B when suitable sensors devices are provided for sensor body 42, while being insensitive or compliant for forces along the Y-axis 97C. In particular, flexure assemblies 147A and 147B, herein embodied as relatively thin flexible plates, allow the sensor body 42 and clevis halves 46C, 48C to move freely along the Y-axis 97C, being compliant in that direction, but substantially stiff to transfer force loads along the X-axis 97A and Z-axis 97B directions. As illustrated, each flexure assembly 147A, 147B can comprise two flexible plates 153, although one or any number of plates could be used. Flexure assembly 147A is joined to sensor body 42 by mounting block 155 and to, for example, frame 12 by mounting block 147. Similarly, flexure assembly 147B is joined to clevis halves 46C, 48C with clevis tie block 159 and to, for example, frame 14 by mounting block 161. If desired, the flexure assemblies 147A and 147B can be used with all the embodiments described herein. In a further embodiment, the flexure assemblies 147A and 147B can further include cross flexures 169 (mounted to blocks 147,155,159 and 161 orthogonal to plates 153), which allow the flexible plates 153 to be thinner and thus more flexible. A fastener such as the fastener comprising threaded rod 50 and other components described above joins the clevis halves 46C, 48C to the sensor body 42. It should be noted that although center portions of the clevis halves 46C and 48C will engage or contact the center portion of the sensor body 42, gaps are otherwise provided between each of the clevis halves 46C and 48C and the sensor body 42 so as to allow the sensor body 42 to move relative to the clevis halves 46C and 48C. In one embodiment as illustrated, the clevis halves 46C, 48C and tie block 159 are separate components that are fastened together in order that the clevis halves 46C, 48C do not develop a spring force when joined to sensor body 42. In particular, sensor body 42 is first joined to the clevis halves 46C, 48C with the fastener, and then the clevis halves are joined together with tie block 159. If desired any of the embodiments herein described can include a torque sensor to measure torque about an axis extending through the coupling joining the sensor body to the clevis or clevises. The sensed torque value can be used for compensation if needed for reducing sensor crosstalk or compensating for beam stiffness or rotational stiffness of the transducers. Referring by way of example to the embodiment of FIGS. 9 and 10, the torque sensor can comprise sensors adapted to measure strain in flexures of the sensor body 42. For instance, sensors can comprise strain gauges 170 connected in a Wheatstone bridge as illustrated in FIG. 12. However, it should be understood any form of known electrical, mechanical and/or optically based sensors can be used. FIG. 11 shows an alternative embodiment of the transducer, i.e., transducer 40′″ and corresponding body. Like parts are indicated with like reference numerals. In this embodiment, two sensor members 42 from FIGS. 9-10 become the clevis halves. In this example and unlike the previous examples, the inner member 163 is not instrumented and also rigid. Like the embodiment of FIG. 8, the sensor member structures 42 are instrumented with sensors and function as clevis halves, while flexure assemblies 147A and 147B provide lateral compliance as described in the previous embodiment, but do not include the cross flexures 169, which can be included if desired. Suitable sensors such as strain gauges 90 are still connected to the members 42. FIG. 14 shows yet another embodiment of the transducer, i.e., transducer 40″″ and corresponding body. Like parts are indicated with like reference numerals. In this embodiment, the transducer 40″″ includes a sensor assembly 42′ where both the inner member 181 and one or both of the outer members 182 (clevis or devises in the previous embodiments) include sensors (electrical, mechanical or optical) for deflecting elements for sensing strain therein or displacement thereof. More particularly, the load path through the flexure structures 64 of the inner member 181 are connected in series with the corresponding flexure structures 64 of the outer member(s) 183 for loads along both the X-axis 97A and the Z-axis 97B. However, in order to extend the range of the transducer 40″″, the flexure structures of one of inner member 181 or outer member(s) 183 are designed to be responsive to a first range of loads, while the other has flexure structures designed to be responsive to a second range of loads, at least a portion of which is greater than that of the first range of loads. Each of the inner member 181 and outer member(s) 183 has a hub 60 joined to outer perimeter body 64 with flexure structures 64. Loads are transferred between the inner member 181 and the outer members(s) 183 through the hubs 60, which are connected together. Stated another way, the transducer body 42′ (less the sensing devices) of the transducer 40″″ includes at least two sensor bodies 181,183, where each sensor body 181,183 has a hub 60 joined to a perimeter body 62 surrounding the hub 60 with flexure structures 64. The hubs 60 are joined together and the flexure structures 64 are configured to respond to loads transferred between the sensor bodies 181,183 along two orthogonal sensed axes, where the flexure structures 64 of one of the sensor bodies 181,183 has an operable range greater than the flexure structures 64 of the second sensor body 181,183. In a further embodiment, as described below, the transducer body includes an overtravel mechanism to limit deflection of the flexure structures 64 of one of the sensor bodies 181,183 and transfer load to the other sensor body 181,183. In the embodiment illustrated, by way of example only, the flexure structures 64 of the inner member 181 are constructed to respond in a known manner to the first range of loads, while the flexure structures of the outer member(s) 183 are stiffer and constructed to respond in a known manner to the second range of loads. In the exemplary embodiment of FIG. 15, the inner member 181 includes strain sensors 185 connected in two conventional Wheatstone bridges, where sensors 185A are mounted and connected so as to sense loads along axis 97B, while sensors 185B are mounted and connected so as to sense loads along axis 97A. Similarly, in the embodiment illustrated, one or both of the outer members 183 can include strain sensors 187 mounted to the flexure structures 64 thereof like strain sensors 185 are mounted to flexure structures 64 of inner member 181. In FIG. 14, sensors 187B are similar to sensors 185B, while other sensors (not shown) are similar to sensors 185A. Sensors 187 of the outer member(s) 183 provide signal(s) indicative of the second range of loads. Processor 180 can receive all the signals from the sensing devices for the inner member 181 and the outer member(s) 183 and can include circuitry and/or logic to know which signal(s) to use for any load measured by the transducer 40″″. In view that the inner member 181 has flexure structures more responsive (higher sensitivity) to loads of the first range, overtravel protection is provided so as to limit displacement of the flexure structures 64 of the inner member 181. As appreciated by those skilled in the art, overtravel protection can take many forms, but typically involves contact of engaging surfaces so as to limit displacement of the flexure structures. Referring to FIG. 14, one form of overtravel can be provided with pin 140. Referring to FIG. 15 and as described above in the previous embodiments, flexure straps 86 and 88 are connected to each of the flexure structures 64 so as to provide compliance. In the embodiment illustrated, overtravel protection is provided by stops 191 that contact opposed surfaces 193 when loads exceeding the first range of loads are being applied. In one embodiment, one of the engaging surfaces of the stops 191 or its corresponding surface 193 is curved (e.g. part spherical, cylindrical, etc.) so as to allow pivoting motion during contact, if needed. It should also be noted the sensitivity of the flexure structures 64 responsive to loads along the X-axis 97A and Z-axis 97C of the inner member 181 and/or outer member(s) 183 may be the same or may be different. Compliance along the Y-axis 97B can be provided by flexures 153 as described above with respect to the embodiment of FIG. 11. In each of the embodiments described above the sensor body 42 is securely coupled to the corresponding supporting clevis or devises at the center portions thereof. However, in a further embodiment, a pivot connection can be provided between the sensor body 42 and clevis or devises. The pivot connection eliminates rotational stiffness of the transducer. In one embodiment as illustrated in FIG. 13, a flexure pivot bearing 171, can be used in place of fastener 50 to allow the sensor body 42 to rotate about an axis extending through the sensor body 42 and the supporting clevis or clevises, yet the sensor body 42 senses forces in two orthogonal directions as described above. Flexure pivot bearings are well known and for instance sold by Riverhawk Company of New Hartford, N.Y., USA. Flexure pivot bearing 171 is suitable for use with a sensor body joined to portion 173A, while a single support clevis is joined to portion 173B. In embodiments where two support devises (sensor bodies) are present, a doubled ended flexure pivot bearing is used where two portions 173B are provided on each side of portion 173A and secured to the clevises (sensor bodies). As appreciated by those skills in the art, other forms of pivot connections can be used such as but not limited to air bearings, needle bearings and hydrostatic bearings. The platform balance 10 is particularly well suited for measuring force and/or moments upon a large specimen such as a vehicle in an environment such as a wind tunnel. In this or similar applications, the platform balance 10 can include flexures 170 isolating the frame support 12 and 14 from the test specimen and a ground support mechanism. In the embodiment illustrated, four flexures 170 are provided between each of the transducer assemblies 40, being coupled to the plates 120. Similarly, four flexures 172 are coupled to the mounting plates 122. The flexure 170, 172 thereby isolate the frame supports 12 and 14. The flexures 170, 172 are generally aligned with the sensor bodies 42 of each corresponding transducer assembly 40. A counter balance system or assembly is generally provided to support the nominal static mass of the test specimen, other components of the operating environment such as roadways, simulators and components of the platform balance itself. The counter balance system can take any one of numerous forms such as airbags, hydraulic or pneumatic devices, or cables with pulleys and counter weights. An important characteristic of the counter balance system is that it is very compliant so as not to interfere with the sensitivity or measurement of the forces by the transducers assemblies 40 in order to measure all of the forces and moments upon the test specimen. In the embodiment illustrated, the counter balance system is schematically illustrated by actuators 190. The platform balance 10 is particularly well suited for use in measuring forces upon a vehicle or other large test specimen in a wind tunnel. In such an application, rolling roadway belts 182 are supported by an intermediate frame 184 coupled to the flexure members 170. The rolling roadway belts 182 support the vehicle tires. In some embodiments, a single roadway belt is used for all tires of the vehicle. The platform balance 10 and rolling roadway belt assemblies 182 are positioned in a pit and mounted to a turntable mechanism 186 so as to allow the test specimen, for example a vehicle, to be selectively turned with respect to the wind of the wind tunnel. Aspects of the present invention have now been described with reference to several embodiments. Although the subject matter has been described in language specific to structural features and/or methodological acts, it is to be understood that the subject matter defined in the appended claims is not limited to the specific features or acts described above as has been held by the courts. Rather, the specific features and acts described above are disclosed as example forms of implementing the claims. Referenced byCiting PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS8061045Jun 16, 2009Nov 22, 2011Maha Maschinenbau Haldenwang Gmbh & Co. KgSliding deviceUS20140053655 *Aug 23, 2012Feb 27, 2014Bose CorporationEndosseous dental implant loading fixtureDE112009000493T5Mar 3, 2009Jul 28, 2011MTS Systems Corp., Minn.HaltesystemEP2141449A2 *Jun 18, 2009Jan 6, 2010MAHA Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KGVehicle wheel supportWO2007112074A2 *Mar 23, 2007Oct 4, 2007Mts System CorpCounterbalance for a platform balance* Cited by examinerClassifications U.S. Classification73/862.41International ClassificationG01L5/10Cooperative ClassificationG01M9/062, G01L5/161, G01M17/007European ClassificationG01L5/16B, G01M17/007, G01M9/06BLegal EventsDateCodeEventDescriptionFeb 26, 2014FPAYFee paymentYear of fee payment: 4Oct 19, 2006ASAssignmentOwner name: MTS SYSTEMS CORPORATION, MINNESOTAFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNORS:MEYER, RICHARD A.;OLSON, DOUGLAS J.;KUNSCH, IAN T.;REEL/FRAME:018411/0114Effective date: 20060921RotateOriginal ImageGoogle Home - Sitemap - USPTO Bulk Downloads - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - About Google Patents - Send FeedbackData provided by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services | [
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721723 */ 722724 Revisions = revisions.Revisions = Backbone.Collection.extend({ 723725 model: Revision, 724 urlRoot: ajaxurl + '?action=revisions-data', 725726 726727 initialize: function( models, options ) { 727728 this.options = _.defaults( options || {}, { …
736737 }, 737738 738739 url: function() { 739 return this.urlRoot + 740 return ajaxurl + 741 '?action=revisions-data' + 740742 '&compare_to=' + this.options.compareTo + 741743 '&post_id=' + this.options.post_id + 742744 '&show_autosaves=' + this.options.showAutosaves + Trac UI Preferences | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes."
] |
Missy Parkin's Blog: June 2017
The Go Bowling PWBA Players Championship
This past week, I traveled to Green Bay, WI for the Go Bowling PWBA Players Championship held at Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley. I was happy to be able to bring my hubby along and show him a little bit of the area.
We arrived late on Tuesday night. Having most of the day Wednesday prior to the practice session, I took Drew to Titletown Brew Pub, which is one of the most popular brew pubs in the country. Built inside of an old train depot, the decor is fabulous, food is amazing, and I highly recommend the home-brewed sno cap root beer.
After lunch, we ventured to Bay Beach and stopped by the amusement park and took a stroll along the bay. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get in a tour of Lambeau Field.
We then had our practice session, followed by a unique pro-am event, in which we did cosmic bowling. That was a first for me! I had so much fun bowling, especially with my friends from the Greater Green Bay Convention and Visitors Bureau.
This week, the oil pattern wasn't posted for the event. The format for this week was also slightly different. We bowled three 6-game blocks of qualifying. The field was then cut to the top 16 for round robin match play, with the winner of each match earning 30 bonus pins. After all 32 games, the top 4 would make the LIVE TV show.
The next morning, we started our first 6 games of qualifying. I struggled game 1, shooting 154. I then switched to my New Hammer Diesel and shot 209. The lanes broke down quickly and I then switched to a newly drilled pin down Hammer Scandal Pearl and shot 192, 194, 205 and 196 for -50, which put me in 43rd place overall. Unfortunately my carry percentage wasn't great, so it was hard for me to make up for the bad start.
The next round, I started with my Hammer Diesel and shot 198. I then switched to my Scandal Pearl for a 176 and 199. I struggled game 4 to find a line and shot 169. I then switched to a pin down Phenom Pearl and shot 179 and 210 for -119 overall, which dropped me down to 44th place. Definitely a frustrating day, but at least I was able to end it o a positive note.
The next morning, I knew I needed to execute and shoot a big block just to cash, let alone have an outside chase of making the top 18 cut. Going into the final block of qualifying, the current cut to the top 18, was +32. I started off on the high end of the bowling center and used my Hammer Diesel to shoot 246 game 1. I then had to make the turn to the low end of the bowling center and shot 206 and 204. I followed it up with a 247 game.
My scores put me close to the top 18 cut, needing two good games to finish off the block. The lanes started to transition and I switched to my Phenom Pearl and shot 185 leaving a stone 8 pin my second shot in the 10th, which cost me a double and 10 extra pins.
My last game, I bowled really well, but didn't carry enough shooting 210 for +98 for the block. This put me at -21 overall. I ended up coming in 24th, cashing in the tournament, but missing the cut to the top 18 by 25 pins.
This week was a great lesson in never giving up. I was 151 pins out of making the cut and 58 pins away from cashing when the day started. With some great execution and confidence in my ability, I was able to pull everything together and make a great comeback. I am very proud of that.
HUGE thank you to Dave and Matt, amazing proprietors from Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley and Joel from the GGCVB for all of their hard work and gracious hospitality during the Go Bowling PWBA Players Championship! It's always a pleasure to visit Green Bay!
This week also marks the last stop for my Malaysian friends. Very sad to see them go, especially my old roomie Shalin Zulkifli.
Time to head home for a few days, rest and relax and then it's on to Orlando! #PWBA
Posted by Missy Parkin at 8:45 AM 1 comment:
The Pepsi PWBA Lincoln Open
This past week, I travelled to Sun Valley Lanes in Lincoln, Nebraska for the Pepsi PWBA Lincoln Open.
This week, we competed on a demanding 36' pattern. There were 78 bowlers at this event with a max of 80.
Even though we were bowling on a short pattern, the extreme outside part of the lane was out of bounds/unplayable. That's what also added to the difficulty of this pattern, as that is usually the part of the lane you should be playing on such short patterns.
I decided to play it safer, keeping the ball controlled and used my Black Hammer Urethane with 500 grit playing straight up 9 board to start and shot games of 200, 245 and 168. I then began lofting my Urethane ball to get it cleaner through the heads and shot 223 and 197 before switching to my Columbia 300 Eruption Pro Orange for 184. This put me at +17 overall and in 13th position, only missing one makeable spare (a washout.)
After a short break, we came back to bowl the 2nd block of qualifying. I again started with my Urethane ball shooting 202. Unfortunately, many played the lanes further inside to start, making the pattern change faster and get ugly pretty quick. I really struggled the remainder of the block shooting 159, 184, 199, 178 and 170 for -91 total. This squeaked me into the Casher's Round ending up in 29th place. It took - 114 to make the cut to the top 32.
Needing a big block in the Casher's Round, I decided to go with a different strategy. I used my New Hammer Diesel and opened up my angles quite a bit, getting the ball quickly to the right, allowing the ball to roll off the dry. I must admit this is definitely not my A game, as I prefer a straighter angle to the pocket.
The strategy seemed to work as I shot 206 and 232 to start. However, the lanes transitioned and I couldn't quite figure them out after that. I ended up shooting 171, 193, 145 and 192 for -152 overall, which kept me in 29th position for the tournament.
Although I definitely would have liked to bowl better, I am still happy with cashing considering I haven't cashed at this event the prior 2 years.
Thank you to the 2017 BPAA Proprietor of the Year John Losito and the entire staff of Sun Valley Lanes for the gracious hospitality! It has been a pleasure bowling here the first 3 seasons.
Congratulations to Li Jane Sin from Malaysia, Thashaina Seraus from Aruba and Kelly Kulick and Liz Johnson for making the TV show.
Be sure to tune in to CBS Sports Network on Tuesday nights at 8 pm EST to watch the stepladder finals of this season's events.
Time for a quick trip home before heading to our next PWBA Tour Stop in Detroit, Michigan. And....last but not least...
Here's a little secret that I can finally let all of you in on....Baby Parkin will be arriving in December 2017. Drew and I are ecstatic! And YES, I will be bowling the entire 2017 PWBA Tour Season.
Posted by Missy Parkin at 6:23 PM 2 comments:
The PWBA Wichita Open
This past week, I travelled to NorthRock Lanes in Wichita, Kansas for the Midwest segment of the PWBA Tour.
Having just missed the cut at this event the past two seasons, I was determined to change things this time around.
I flew out early Thursday morning and made it in time for the Thursday afternoon practice session. I also bowled in the pro-am that evening with a great group of junior and adult bowlers.
Prior to the start of the pro-am, we had a little silly competition amongst the pros. Every pro had to go up to the foul line with a ball in their hand. We had no idea what was going on. We then were asked to face the audience and throw the ball granny style between our legs, backwards. Well seeing as I have actually never done this before, I was concerned at knocking down any pins at all.
We all threw the ball at the same time, highest pin fall remained. I actually knocked down 9 pins to my surprise. There were 3 or 4 people left. So we went again. I knocked down 6 pins and tied with one other bowler for the highest pinfall. We both then threw it in the gutter and needed to go again for the tie breaker. I again knocked down 9 pins and won my pair free frozen custard! A great way to start the night!
The next day, we bowled our qualifying squads. For those that haven't actually attended one of our tour events, I'd like to give you a little more insight into our daily schedule for each standard event week.
There's an optional morning practice session from 9-10am on Fridays. I opted to get extra sleep and skip it this week. We then bowl 6 games of qualifying starting at noon, so a late breakfast/early lunch is what we eat beforehand.
As in many weeks, we had another awesome turnout - 101 bowlers, so there were 4 and some 5 pros on a pair. This makes for LONG qualifying blocks. We got done bowling around 4pm, which gives you about an hour for a quick late lunch/early dinner (and that's if you're not drilling a bowling ball in between squads, which takes more time since we have to work out all of our own equipment.)
We then bowl another 6-game qualifying block at 6pm, which usually gets done around 10pm. By the time we get done, I might have a quick snack, if at all and then it's off to sleep. Then if you make the cut to the top 32, it's a very quick turnaround as we have to bowl at 8:30am the next morning.
That next morning, it's another 6 games of the Casher's Round before cutting to the top 12 for matchplay. Then another 6 games of matchplay, followed by the stepladder finals. So all of this makes for a lot of bowling in a very short amount of time. Just a little more in depth look into our lives every weekend.
This week, we bowled on a rather interesting/difficult 42' pattern using ice oil.
I started off using a lot of surface (360 grit) on my Track Heat Xtreme, playing far to the right, pointing the ball. I shot games of 215 and 204. I then switched to my Track Mako and shot 182, 210 and 225. Unfortunately, the last game I struggled only shooting 159 for -5 overall, which put me in 21st place.
The next block, they did not re-oil the lanes so we bowled on the burn. I completely changed strategies and jumped deep inside using my Columbia 300 Tyrant and shot 237 and 201. I then struggled again leaving a couple of pocket splits and shot 159. I brought it back with a 227, 182 and 221 for +22 total, which moved me into 16th place overall. The cut to the top 32 was -31.
The next morning, I needed a good block to jump into the top 12. I was only 33 pins back when the day started. I again started off using my Track Heat Xtreme with surface and played right and shot 223. Unfortunately, when I moved to the next pair, I struggled to get lined up and started off with 3 splits and opens in a row. I ended up striking out in the 10th for 156. I then switched to my Track Mako shooting a clean 194.
Not having a great reaction, I decided to jump inside and shot 186, 211 and 205. I didn't throw the ball stellar in the Casher's Round and with the demanding conditions, that wasn't going to make the cut. I ended up -3 overall which put me in 20th place in the tournament. It took +60 to make the cut to match play.
Even though I would have liked to do better, I'm still happy with the fact that I bowled better at this event than the previous years.
Thank you to Kathy Desocio and the staff of NorthRock Lanes for their continued support of women's bowling!
Congratulations to Malaysians Siti Rahman and Li Jane Sin as well as Colombian Juliana Franco and Liz Johnson for making the TV show! On to Lincoln!
Posted by Missy Parkin at 1:16 PM No comments: | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
16 | October | 2013 | Caelum Et Terra
Posted in Uncategorized on October 16, 2013| 3 Comments »
Thank you so much for causing the GOP to self-destruct. We really couldn’t have done it without you.
A very fine piece on restoring justice, by Gar Alperovitz, from The Nation:
“Everyone knows the United States faces enormous challenges: unemployment, poverty, global warming, environmental decay—to say nothing of whole cities that have essentially been thrown away. We know the economic system is dominated by powerful corporate institutions. And we know the political system is dominated by those same institutions. Elections occur and major fiscal debates ensue, but most of the problems are only marginally affected (and often in ways that increase the burdens).The issue is not simply that our situation is worrisome. It is that the nation’s most pressing problems are built into the structure of the system. They are not unique to the current economic slump or the result of partisan bickering, something passing in the night that will go away when we elect forward-looking leaders and pressure them to move in a different direction. only has the economy been stagnating for a long time, but for the average family, things have been bad for a very long time. Real wages for 80 percent of workers have not gone up more than a trivial amount for at least three decades. At the same time, income for the top 1 percent has jumped from roughly 10 percent of all income to more than 20 percent. A recent estimate is that a mere 400 individuals in the United States own more wealth than the bottom 180 million Americans taken together.
“In 2007, people got excited about federal legislation raising the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour. This was obviously good, but the long-term negative trend continued nonetheless. The minimum wage, adjusted for inflation, was more than $2 higher in 1968. Clearly, when great victories don’t even get us back to where we were more than forty years ago, we need to pay close attention. I support such efforts, but it appears unlikely that strategies aimed at reviving the politics that produced the New Deal and Great Society programs are going to alter the big trends, even if those strategies are intensified by movement building—especially given the decline of labor unions, the power base of traditional progressive politics.
There is, however, a little-noticed twist to this otherwise bleak narrative. Deepening economic and social pain are producing the kinds of conditions from which various new forms of democratization—of ownership, wealth and institutions—are beginning to emerge. The challenge is to develop a broad strategy that not only ends the downward spiral but also gives rise to something different: steadily changing who actually owns the system, beginning at the bottom and working up.”
http://www.thenation.com/article/176555/how-democratize-us-economy | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes."
] |
Dots & Daisies: Hairstyled by Anne Thoumieux
Hairstyled by Anne Thoumieux
I have long hair and so does my daughter so I am always, ALWAYS, looking for new hairstyles. Hairstyled by Anne Thoumieux is a great book with 75 ideas on how to braid, pin and accessorize your hair.
It has styles for every hair type including short, straight and curly. It has clear pictures of each step and detailed, clear instructions which is a big bonus for me. I need to be able to see exactly what I need to be doing and this book hit the mark perfectly.
There are a couple of ideas that are so simple and so cute. These are the type of hairstyles that I am interested in. I don't want to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror on a daily basis, I want something quick and easy, but cute is always a plus!
I would of liked for the book to be spiral bound. It is hard to use it as a reference while fixing your hair when the pages won't stay opened. I found this very annoying. I received this book free from blogging for books in exchange for my honest review and although I am happy to have had the opportunity to review the book I have to say with this type of book, I am not sure it is something I would ever buy. Yes, I enjoyed the book, yes, I will refer back to it, but with youtube so easily at my fingertips I would be more apt to look up hairstyles with video tutorials rather than buy a book full of them.
The Magnolia Duchess - A Book Review
Restore My Soul - A Coloring Book Devotional Journ... | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
Lookin into getting an Estimate To get Household Switching
Lookin into getting an Estimate To get Household Switching The Hercules Furniture/Switchboard Movers make moving troublesome items a breeze. Cover goblet table tops with hefty packing paper. At TWO MEN AND A TRUCK®, we're a moving business that is aware of unique movements, and wish experts in drawing interest to our services to take care of new and difficult relocations. If you are looking for a removalist in Christchurch, you know that local understanding is vital. Everyone of us give the entire spectrum of removing services including presentation, travelling, delivery, and unpacking. These services may additionally assist with preparations meant for transportation. Some furniture movers use uniforms. Pro movers are quite often great by optimizing period they definitely must do the job with - a quarter-hour preserved when packing the ruler measured bed, a short while saved once wrapping up your eating tables and chairs - this all of the can add up properly over period. THIS 150KG TROOLY DOLLIE IS IDEA TO RELOCATE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AROUND THE HOUSE. Also, an accessorial services may be required during the move itself therefore the price may go up at one point or another. We are an Auckland based moving company, specialising in packaging and movements for the house or workplace. As demonstrating is a way of demonstrating one's gratitude meant to get and rewarding excellent support at the same period, you should bother fulfilling the efforts of the utilized men if they will be clearly not really for the professional ابي شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض level you expect them to end up being. The simple idea of advertising several of the home furniture previous to Moving working day has got the potential to save you a lot of money simply mainly because the less the total weight of your delivery is usually, the less the finest cost will be. Besides, you will earn numerous even more income this way. Glide don't lift: Unless 2 weeks. small piece of pieces of furniture, slide it across the room. Our group of movers will come to your property, house or business to load up your household furniture and deliver it everywhere across the United Areas in a matter of days. Nevertheless, an average of $25-$30 per mover per hour is usually definitely the standard price, and you get to pay out for every extra mover + a travelling charge + any extra shifting service you may want. Efficient.. Home furniture removals, collection and shipping, travel, general cartage, pupil goes, courier, over movement sheduled delivery, Refrigerators, Freezers, Sofa's, Sofas, Bikes, low-cost removals, cost-effective transport, little movers, bed frames, cabinets, washing machines, crash washer dryer combos, bespoke fu.. شركة نقل عفش بالرياض مع الفك والتركيب move furniture, office products and equipment from homes, apartments, offices and storage place establishments. A large number of home furniture shifting pros contend daily to offer the best prices and the most amazing moving experience. American Minuscule Movers is your little moves and mini goes specialists. The Careline consultants plan each move completely, assessing your particular needs and offering you an obligation-free, written quotation to get your door to door move. Each individual We chatted with was very useful and provided quality service. "On-site moving" is usually defined since the movement of home furniture or household goods with out the need to transfer the items. Create a list of what you is going to be packing and shifting. Another long-distance option we all offer is usually our Worth Flex® support, to can receive extraordinary savings upon the price tag on the move, but wait a longer تركيب اثاث ايكيا الرياض period to receive your items, because they are charged in a 16-foot portable storage container that is usually loaded onto a lengthy haul carrier. Harris Transport furniture removals offers during the last 40 years safely relocated a great sized number of persons, businesses and families to almost every single conceivable destination throughout New Zealand. Make the furniture items that require disassembly initially. Our drivers and personnel are qualified friendly professional movers who also also provide great care to assure a positive impact on the move. Captivate requirements just once, and receive approximately 5 free of charge, no-obligation quotes by simply respected NZ furniture movers. An amazing add-on service is that the movers will take your items to your new home, unpack the things, and then get rid of all the containers and packing materials intended for an additional fee. From heavy desk and office equipment to antique furniture and home décor, our AMSA-certified team of expert movers will go the extra mile to ensure the safety of your property every step of the way. The cost of the move depends on the type of items, the number of items, and the distance to your new place. Happily New Zealand owned and operated and operated and with much more than thirty five years' knowledge in the relocation sector, New Zealand Van Lines takes the hassle away of going domestically and internationally. شركة نقل اثاث شمال الرياض have a corridor and a sofa to move. EZ Sliders and parts move up 750-pounds and are perfect for tables, recliners, couches, cabinets, coffee dining tables, patio furniture, washers and dryers, and more. Our informed packers, quality packing elements, skilled movers and knowledge drivers ensure the most effective handling and transportation of your furniture. To uncover how all of all of us at TNS will support you, and get a free quote for the furniture removal needs, easily call everyone of us approach a helpful employee, or mail out us a message and we'll call you by a time that very best fits you.
مرسلة بواسطة hasan ramadan في 8:48 ص هناك 44 تعليقًا:
مرسلة بواسطة hasan ramadan في 8:46 ص هناك 3 تعليقات:
Working with Problems In Private Canal We could responsible for the healing of highway drains and gullies. That means water is trying to leave, but is blocked by a sewer line clog. Sometimes your main water valve is located in a water meter box outside your house near the street. If you do have a sewer line clog, we all can unclog it, also. Once get cleaned up obvious sewerage, paper, waste, there's not really more that's likely to be appropriate nor desired outdoors; rain and period and soil bacteria should be sufficient PROVIDED that ths source of the backup is repaired. If you believe your house drains happen to be not blocked, see SLOW OR STOPPED UP DRAIN vs SEPTIC DIFFICULTY. Call your most new plumber and work via there. To clean design kitchen counter top make a paste out of baking soda and normal water. Then cleaning with the apple cider vinegar and baking soda regime should take care of what may be left. For counter-tops, I use an elementary all -purpose cleaning spray - apple cider vinegar, water, a small spray of dish-washing detergent (I use a biodegradable one) and many tea-tree oil. Disease causing agents in natural sewage include bacteria, fungus, parasites, and viruses and can cause serious ailments including bacterial infections, Tetanus, Hepatitis A, Leptospirosis, infections شركة تسليك مجارى بالرياض الصفرات by Cryptosporidium & Giardia and gastrointestinal diseases. I actually sprinkle baking soda about my shower floor, growing it out some with my hands, then sprinkle vinegar over it and let it bubble. In our house in the event a puddle appears close to the sewer line get rid of after a small volume level of water is utilized (toilet flush, hand washing) then as have a significant clog. After eliminating the other possible causes for the sluggish draining — including blocked vents — it is conceivable to get an image inspection of the interior of the sewer piping with the help if perhaps a miniature camera. Alexa…try to use the kettle… I poured a kettleful of warm water straight down, then the soda, warmed vinegar in micro to pour down (then cleansed microwave while waiting pertaining تسليك مجاري الرياض to the drain to clear), heated vinegar/water in pot while cleaning microwave (boiling vinegar cleaned the kettle), and poured that straight down the clogged drain for the end. Going one week between maintenance cleaning outs” was enough to land me personally in ankle-deep water just before I even a new opportunity to shave my lower limbs. This is certainly inevitable with all pipe joints, but you can stop it from progressing to a blockage stage by simply getting in contact with our London, Ontario pipes contractors to go over what types of pipes work very best to your home.
مرسلة بواسطة hasan ramadan في 8:45 ص هناك 8 تعليقات:
Solutions Intended for Old Buildings And Monuments Metal cladding devices provide an successful, beautiful and reliable answer to house envelope needs of single storey buildings. Insulation using the light wet method is structured on attaching the insulation material with glue and mounting pins to the exterior surface of the wall, covering it with a thin layer of mortar with a satisfying mesh and finished with a layer of plastsorter. For over 50 years, professionals have trusted Dow XPS insulation for improved moisture resistance, long-term energy performance and increased long life of the roof. These can be estimates based on protecting an oil-heated home with possibly a totally uninsulated attic, or topping up existing insulation from 120mm to 270mm. The walls of the wooden frame structure were packed with fiberglass loose fill up (some installed from the inside and some by the outside), and polyisocyanurate boards were added to the exterior of the exposed basement walls and finished off with plastic siding. Uncontrolled air flow can create dampness and condensation. This guidance provides suggestions on the principles, dangers, materials and methods to get improving the vitality efficiency of thatched roofs. The exterior of the property must be insulated most the way to the high edges of the parapet or elbow walls. Figure 1: Roof major Edge Detail—Overhang extended to cover the thickness on the over-roofing rigid شركة عزل شينكو بالرياض. Adopting Putting surface Building methods will drastically reduce or eliminate damaging environmental effects and boost upon existing unsustainable design and style, construction and operational routines. Column A is perfect for extensions where the existing dwelling's walls and roof U-values are even worse than 0. 70 W/m². K in the walls and worse than 0. 25 W/m². K in the ceiling. Nevertheless , in circumstance your building is of vaulted building and provides a peaked roof, the indoor options tend to be limited, Hart supplies. شركة صيانة غسالات بالرياض Exceptional higher inclination of exhibiting sun's bright heat and creates bright barrier within or more than the roof. More experienced buildings often have dormer windows which come in a variety of variations, sizes and materials. In addition , during repairs the insulation can end finished being easily replaced or added to, without stripping the waterproofing layer. Walls in the roof space and around dormer windows must also be insulated. All of the insulation types carry away best when they're mounted well. A vapour tissue layer should become added to the underside from efficiency and tacked for the joists before applying the plasterboard. Provided that durable details happen to be included, افضل شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض can head out above or below the roofing sheathing; vented and unvented roofs can both equally carry away well. As you narrow down your insulation choices, be sure to check building codes for minimum performance standards and compare your top choices to this reference. Lts wall surfaces are 45 cm wide and have no efficiency. Wall, roofing and floor insulation might be done by repairing insulation material to the wall, roof or ground, either on the inside of outside, e. g. by using insulation dishes. شركة صيانة ثلاجات بالرياض Many foam-sheathed walls are built to dry to the inside. Estimates based upon insulating a gas-heated house with either a completely uninsulated loft, or topping up existing insulation by 120mm to 270mm. A inadequately insulated building isn't very merely an energy hog. Sort of strict foam padding that, in contrast to extruded polystyrene (XPS), is going to not contain ozone-depleting HCFCs. Dow rigid-foam insulations are designed for low-temperature applications and will boost the energy efficiency of your cold storage building. شركة تنظيف الافران بالرياض Good air flow sealing will maintain you from losing money upon the utilities you dedicate on to make the inside your building comfy. Roof insulation material has many advantages and some of them are blocking radiant heat, preserving strength and amending more ease and comfort with less utility expense. Most fundamentals will be insulated with 1 of three types of froth: XPSExtruded polystyrene. An energy successful house should be nice and it will not shed heat. The XPS insulation is certainly a high-performance solution to get virtually any roofer program. I simply don't prevent to doing the second part - tight padding outrageous of the existing roof deck. The get older of a building is certainly an important factor deciding the type of efficiency and the manner in which that is installed, e. g. if الأنواع المختلفة من عزل خزانات المياه is place on the outside or inside of the construction. Some (like batts and blankets) can drop significant R-valueMeasure of resistance to heat flow; the larger the R-value, the reduce the heat loss. This technology description focuses on insulation against heat loss, but includes some references on insulation for cooling.
مرسلة بواسطة hasan ramadan في 8:45 ص هناك 6 تعليقات:
Homemade DIY Solution For Stubborn Carpet Unsightly stains
Homemade DIY Solution For Stubborn Carpet Unsightly stains Household blog A good thing by Jillee suggests placing the stain with white vinegar, then sprinkling in a little baking soda. When the shaving cream features set, blot it apart with a dry light cloth. If stain remains, call a professional who have will have access to better cleaners. Read Vacuum and Steam Cleaner شركة صيانة مكيفات بالرياض Reviews and compare prices at Consumer Guide Products before you buy. Carpeting cleaning specialists try to find a balance between rapid drying (attributable to lower flow price through the cleaning jets of a spray system) and the need to remove the most ground (attributable to higher circulation rate). شركة تنظيف ستائر بالرياض And, should you be also just like most homeowners, you understand that getting the carpets appropriately cleaned can be pricey. Mixture your own spot-cleaning option by diluting a few drops of clear hand-dishwashing soap in شركة تنظيف مجالس شمال الرياض water. Warm up a measuring jug which has a fifty-fifty solution for twenty minutes in your micro wave, until it finally steams up. Take away the jug and therefore use a cloth to wipe away the moisture content and dirt. 3 or more. Start up the heavy steam cleaner. When this comes to cleaning floor coverings, common soap and drinking water just isn't going to is not the best way to go, especially if most likely dealing with persistent staining, شركة تنظيف فلل شرق الرياض deep-seated odours, or years worth of caked-on ruin. Stick to these easy tips to car carpet cleaning. Eco-Spot and similar cleaners can easily also be used to remove other sorts of stains, which include coffee and sauces. Models consist of upright (dirty-air and clean-air), canister and backpack, wet-dry and pneumatic, and other varieties. Mark thoroughly with a hand towel as soon as you clean, as flooring that remains damp may grow mold You can easily also use an admirer or hair dryer to delicately speed the process, Shabahang says. Applying a professional rug cleaning services requires the use of long heavy hoses and cords. شركة تنظيف ستائر بالرياض Wipe up what you can, then pour making cookies soda in the affected place and pat with a paper towel. Use walk-off mats inside and out to keep dirt off the carpeting. Scrub light carpet stains having a mixture of 2 tablespoons شركة تنظيف مجالس بالرياض salt dissolved in 0.5 cup white vinegar. A rented or purchased carpet-cleaning machine will remove the surface dirt. Generate sure you rinse these people thoroughly to eradicate the vinegar smell before employing. "It's easier than saving most your chores for just one big cleaning session, " says Donna Smallin Kuper, accredited housecleaning technician and creator of Clear the Muddle, Find شركات تنظيف سجاد بالرياض Happiness Enter into a daily routine and the house will always appear neat being a pin: Produce the bed, the actual meals after every meal, and sweep the kitchen flooring daily. Test a concealed area of your floor covering, just like inside a storage room, before using an extra-strength or homemade steam-cleaning merchandise to make sure that a person's burn شركة تنظيف موكيت شرق الرياض the floor or lift the color. The chemicals observed in toothpaste will support remove stains easily and the toothbrush provides the friction and accuracy that you need to work.
مرسلة بواسطة hasan ramadan في 8:43 ص هناك 4 تعليقات:
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Gilmans Kitchen sets And Baths, Riyadh, SA At Fresh First Class Services, common is not element of the vocabulary. Brendon and his team recently accomplished your bathrooms renovation for us. As our home is definitely over 100 years older it had been a bit terrifying seeing the space stripped back again to the bones nevertheless it needed to end up being done to have some direct and level surfaces to work with. If your bathroom has one or two areas of concern, you might decide to swap out an individual fixture or two. In addition to remodeling, we also cope with hardwood and tile flooring surfaces work. Providing a 'One Stop Shop', We take care of all works from design and style concepts and budget quotes through to completion. Goblet shelves, a wall-mounted water filters and clean lines every get together in this small bath for a sleek look, maximizing storage while also minimizing unnecessary design distractions. A. 2) If the sink is large, you can put a shower room with bathtub beneath the window, place the sink on the wall such that the door opens to it and the toilet is placed on the wall opposite to that. Our dining area is (more or less) north facing, so this was one of the darkest rooms in the house. The bigger propensity for households using a reference person of employees age to live in a renovated dwelling in 1999 is related to the higher incomes of people living in renovated homes, as household income can be usually highest when their members are engaged. A few days ago I received an email from Carolina, asking me if I could post some small bathroom decorating ideas. Medicine cabinets, superficial wall cabinets and toilet toppers provide necessary extra storage. When a white bathroom selection is the best decision for opening a tiny space, it can oftentimes feel a little plain in case the whole room can be white. From here, the homeowners will be able to access shops a powder room, the dining room, kitchen, spouse and children room, and stairs towards the upper level. The fact of the matter is that most remodeling projects do not add enough equity value to your home to cover their particular costs when you sell. In an apartment on Paris' Best suited Bank, a daughter's room features colorful cubby drawers which will make organizing in the small space easy. From the drafting of innovative مؤسسة سباكة وكهرباء في الرياض and functional designs and choosing of stunning and durable products and materials, to the expert installation of cabinets and countertops, we handle it all. The supervise was excellent with good communications throughout, the trades were well organized, clean and always kept home locked up when they left. Homeowners have many options when they remodel a bathroom and the total cost depends on style and budget. Instead of a door over a joint that, when open, calls for up space in the small room, opt meant for a door over a railroad that stays parallel with the wall at all of the افضل شركة ترميم منازل بالرياض times. The fee can vary depending about the size of your bathrooms, the materials used, along with any labour costs. Corner models take up very tiny room - the door on this shower film negatives around the frame, thus it doesn't need any kind of more space than you can see. In August 2016, the Connection published its study, Size of Kitchens in New U. S. Single Family Homes” 8 that found the average kitchen in newly-built single family homes is 161 square feet, or just under 13 feet by 13 feet. Homestyle شركة صيانة مطابخ بالرياض opened for people who do buiness found in January 2004, we now have under no circumstances looked back and are proud of the reputation we have earned with clients, suppliers, and contractors over the past few years. A drawing by simply Robert Longo makes a big statement in the small powder room of this New York Metropolis home The sink can be by Toto, with Lefroy Brooks fittings.
مرسلة بواسطة hasan ramadan في 8:38 ص هناك تعليقان (2):
storage, Des moines Adams Transfer & Safe-keeping, By pre packing to delivery, Caloundra Removals & Safe-keeping gives professional Furnishings Transport & Storage services applying the business owned, staffed and taken care of modern navy of automobiles and storage space depots. (b) end result in the employee getting best overall at the time the agreement is definitely made than the worker could have been if zero individual flexibility agreement got been consented to. All our Boston ma movers are افضل شركة تخزين اثاث بالرياض professionally prepared and are experts the moment it comes to going. 4) Place the trapdoor inside the space above the minecart coupled to the top of the a couple of stack of blocks. (B) "Owner" means a person that is either the owner of a self-service storage facility or the lessor of an entire self-service storage facility and that receives rent coming from an occupant pursuant to a rental agreement that the person enters into with the occupant. As a result, we are now there for our clients just about every step of the approach; you start with the inspection of the site, all the way through planning, arranging the schedule of the project, furniture delivery, and installing furniture according to the manufacturer's instructions. Apple also reserves the right to explore the contents of your files if it have cause to believe that it contains illegal or harmful material. As a leader among Hayward moving companies, NC Moving and Storage has been serving Hayward and surrounding areas as a premier moving and storage service. (iii) For the purposes of such discourse, the employer must provide you with on paper to the staff members concerned and their representatives, if any, all relevant information about the changes including the nature of the changes proposed, the expected effects of the changes on employees and any other matters likely to affect employees provided that no employer is required to disclose confidential information the disclosure of which would be contrary to the employer's interests. main. Bust The Tetris Expertise: Even the smallest storage area unit can hold the, just make sure you use the space prudently which means packing factors to the ceiling. Although we have advanced our gear since our horse attracted carts in Pioneer Block in downtown Seattle, our mission has remained the same - to be the most trusted provider of moving and storage solutions. An overall wax can help to protect the vehicle during storage. As Detroit movers, we offer a wide range of installation services for commercial moving needs. About Blog - We all create exceptional workspaces meant for your business. 3. 2 All of us will only disclose your personal data to third parties where you have got provided us consent, and in the situations specifically set out in this Policy. A fireplace can literally be a little hole in the wall with netherrack in it. Or it can be a sleek, ultra-modern piece of contemporary minecraft art. An overseas relocation is a workforce effort. All we request is for 7 times notice when you desire to end your افضل شركة تخزين الاثاث بالرياض storage space period with us which usually allows us to retain tabs on when the containers will be obtainable for rent. An inside loading bay, multiple unit sizes, monthly hire options, and our beneficial staff take the inconvenience out of self storage area. Are you downsizing and need some of your systems furniture removed from your office? A decreased, sq, upholstered type of couch can be seen found in engravings of interiors of affluent Dutch homes by simply Abraham Bosse, an italian artisan, and in paintings by Dutch artists Johannes Vermeer and Gerard Terborch Though this kind of couch is also seen in countries where Dutch methods of household decoration and Dutch household furniture won favour, it isn't a number of that the form essentially originated from the Netherlands. Along with commercial storage area, we also provide various other services for each of our business customers, just like business office space, document management, auto parking and mailboxes. © 2017 Security Self Safe-keeping Ltd. (J) The particular owner may examine any personal items to be sold pursuant to the section. Amazing Moves Moving & Storage space is not your شركة نقل وتخزين اثاث بالرياض typical Denver mover. And depending upon how long you wish to stay you can get up to 6 weeks free storage. , owned by U-Haul Essential, Inc., will store present student's belongings, including odd-sized products and also boxed items, in their nearby, secure, climate-controlled facility, and can transport all of them to and from campus as part of the service fee. Another initial storage need we discover often is when clients find themselves between homes. Also includes additional prices comparison document used during the evaluation process. As businesses shut down and traffic vanished, the movers emptied the women's two-bedroom on East 31st Street and carted their belongings to their new sixth-floor apartment at 20th Street and First Avenue. As a residential interior consultancy, we all deliver a range of solutions covering an blend of applications. Are you planning a local move around in the Dallas area, or across the great condition of Texas?
مرسلة بواسطة hasan ramadan في 8:36 ص هناك تعليقان (2):
افضل الطرق لتركيب وتنظيف المسابح
بالنظر فى اهمية تنظيف وترميم المسابح فقد نجد انها قضية مهمة جدا لكل من يمتلك مسبح فى بيئته لان المياه تمثل العديد من المخاطر فللعلم ان نسبة الكلور تتغير مع استخدام المسبح من مرة لاخرى لذلك تعمل مضخات المياه على تجديد المياه مرة اخرى ويجب ايضا سلامة الاجهزة الخاصة شركات تنظيف مسابح بالرياض بتثبيت نسبة المطهرات والمعقمات فى المياه حتى لا تكون ضارة على الانسان وان شركتنا تمتلك باقة من العمال الماهرين والمدربين بالاضافة الى الادوات والاجهزة الخاصة لتنظيف المسابح بجودة عاليه جدا وبدون اى عناء وبصورة مثالية موفرة للوقت والمال وبعض الاليات التى يتبعها فريقنا والمعدات المستخدمة من اجل تنظيف المسابح طريقة تنظيف المسابح يقوم فريق العمل بفحص حاله المسبح بكل الطرق الدقيقه الممكنة حتى التأكد من كل خطوه سيتم اتخاذها من اجل تنظيفه بالطرق الخاصه واستخدام بعض التقنيات مثل الاجهزة المعنية بقياس ضغط المياه وكثافتها وتحديد مدى صلاحيتها وتأثير الارضيات والجوانب عليها وتحديد ما اذا كان هناك اى خلل كهربى فى الشبكة الكهربية المحيطة بالمسبح لان ذلك سيمثل الخطورة العظمى بكل تأكيد والكشف عن مضخات المياه والهواء بالمسبح وتحديد سلامتها وامانها واختبارها من اجل ذلك وبعد ذلك يتم تفريغ المسبح بالكامل وتجفيفه لفحص الارضيات وتحديد قابليتها لتحمل المياه والتأكد ايضا انها تم عزلها تماما حتى لا تتسرب المياه الى التربه اسفل المسبح وبعد ذلك يبدأ الفريق فى عمله المقسم الى جزئين من اجل التنظيف المثالى وجزء اخر من اجل صيانة وترميم المسبح
اذا لزم الامر ثم يتم ملىء المسبح وتفريغه من اجل التخلص من اثر المنظفات شركات صيانة المسابح بالرياض واى ملوثات قد تصل الى ارضيات وقاع المسبح وتتميز شركتنا بقدرتها على القيام بكل هذه المهام بكل سهولة وذلك لاننا لطالما كنا الافضل فأننا نأتى اليكم بأفضل الطرق والوسائل العلمية السليمة والتى توفر الكثير من الوقت والجهد وعن طريقها يتم اختصار الوقت بشكل مثالى فنحن نقوم بتلك المهام بمنتهى السرعة والمهارة من اجل راحة عملائنا ونعتمد على افضل الاجهزة والمعدات الحديثة الخاصة بالتنظيف والصيانة بشكل مثالى حتى تحقيق النتائج المطلوبة تنظيف مسابح شمال الرياض والجدير بالذكر انه تتوافر لدينا افضل الطرق الحديثة لترميم واصلاح ما قد يتلف من مكونات المسبح من شبكات اضاءة او شبكات تجديد المياه وضخها وايضا معادلة نسبة تركيز الكلور التى تطهر الماء وتجعله امن بالاضافة الى الارضيات نفسها والتى يجب عزلها تماما حتى لا تتسرب المياه الى الخرسانة او باطن الارضية وتشكل خطر او تسبب الاضرار ويوجد لتنظيف المسبح طريقتين فقط اما بالتفريغ او عن طريق استخدام مكنسة المسبح وتلك الطرق تتحدد تبعا لحاجة المسبح الى تغيير المياه او الى فقط تنظيفها من الاتربة والطحالب وغيرها من العوامل الغير مؤثرة فى بنية وطبيعة الماء والتى يسهل تنظيفها فى وجود الماء وتتم تفريغ المسبح بطريقتين اما عن طريق استخدام مضخة المسبح وذلك بغلق محبس المكنسة او محبس الخزان الاضافى والطريقة الثانية بانزال مضخة غطس داخل المسبح مع توصليها بغرفة الصرف لاخراج الماء خارج المسبح ومن خطوات كنس المسبح يتم كنس المسبح المغمور بالمياه عن طريق مكنسة المسبح سواء كانت كهربائية تعمل اتوماتيك او مكنسة عادية مع استخام الفرشاه مع العصا وتدليك جسم المسبح جيدا لازالة الطحالب وترسبات الاملاح وبعد ان يتم الانتهاء من اعمال التنظيف تماما واستخدام كافة الطرق التى تؤكد ان مسابح المياه تم تنظيفها على اعلى درجة من الدقة والتميز فعليك ان تعلم ان تأتى خطوة هامة للغاية وهى مراحل لاهتمام باعمال التقنية والتنظيف التى تساعد فى تحقيق اعلى نسبه من التميز فى التنظيف
مرسلة بواسطة hasan ramadan في 6:49 م هناك تعليقان (2):
شركات تسليك مجاري بالرياض انسداد المجارى وطفح البيارات والبالوعات يحدث فى مختلف الاماكن وفى المنازل ولان تلك المشاكل تسبب خسائر مادية وغير ذلك تسبب انتشار الامراض والاوبئة ولا شك فى ان يحتاج اهل المنزل الى العمل على تعقيم وتطهير المنزل بالكامل فعملية شفط البيارات من العمليات الصعبة للغاية وايت شفط صرف صحي على الكثير من الاشخاص مما يجعل البعض يعتمد على شركة متخصصة فى تسليك المجارى ونحن نقدم المساعدة فى القضاء نهائيا على مشكلة انسداد المجارى وانفجار وطفح البيارات ويتم شفطها جيدا بأحدث الوسائل والطرق المستخدمة فى العالم ومن اهم الخطوات التى يمكننا فعلها فى تسليك المجارى شركة نظافة بيارات بالرياض وايضا يتوافر الينا العمالة التى على مستوى عالى من التدريب الجيد على احدث الادوات والوسائل المستخدمة مثل الاسياخ الحديدية التى يمكن ان تصل الى ابعد مكان فى انابيب الصرف الصحى او المجارى حتى نستطيع اذابة المواد الصلبة او تحويلها الى مواد سائلة شركة تنظيف بيارات بالرياض كما يتم عملية صرف السيول ومياه الامطار التى تتسبب فى اعاقة سير الصرف الصحى من خلال استخدام التقنيات الحديثة واساليب التكنولوجيا للتخلص من انسداد وطفح المجارى افضل شركة تسليك مجاري بالرياض كما يتم تنظيف وغسيل مواسير الصرف الصحى من خلال استعمال السدادات وبعد ذلك تكون مشكلة انسداد المجارى قد تم حلها بسهولة ولكن هناك بعض النصائح التى تجنبنا انسداد المجارى وهى الحرص على عدم التخلص من الزيوت الناتجة من اعداد الطعام فى الاحواض والبالوعات بل يجب وضعها فى اكياس بلاستيكية والتخلص منها فى القمامة حتى لا تؤدى الى تراكم طبقات دهنية على المواسير
تسليك مجاري الحمام مع عدم القاء القمامة واكياس الشامبو فى المراحيض حتى لا تعيق حركة مرور المياه فى مواسير الصرف
شركة تسليك مجارى شمال الرياض مشكلة انسداد المجارى تسبب استياء للكثير من الناس وقد يلجأ البعض الى محاولة تسليك المجارى مع بذل الجهد والوقت ولكن بعد فترة قصيرة تعود المشكلة من جديد شركة تسليك مجارى جنوب الرياض ويحدث انسداد فى المجارى مرة اخرى وايضا انسداد مجارى الصرف الصحى يؤدى الى ظهور روائح كريهة تسبب الاذى النفسى يكرهها الجميع كما شركة تسليك مجارى شرق الرياض انها تتسبب فى ظهور العديد من الامراض الخطيرة والمعدية ويعد من اسباب انسداد المجارى هو وجود مشاكل فى انابيب الصرف الداخلية بالمبنى السكنى شركة تسليك مجارى غرب الرياض حيث يحدث لها انسداد فضلا عن تراكم الفضلات مع مرور الوقت ودخول اجسام كبيرة داخل الاحواض مما يؤدى الى انسداد الاحواض ومن عوامل شركة تنظيف وشفط بيارات شمال الرياض انسداد المجارى ايضا عندما تقوم ربة المنزل بعد الانتهاء من الاكل بالقاء بواقى الطعام والدهون فى الحوض بدون قصد مما يؤدى الى انسداد مواسير الصرف الصحى شركة تنظيف وشفط بيارات جنوب الرياض وتظهر المشاكل بعد ذلك وقد يكون من عوامل انسداد الاحواض ايضا هو تراكم الاوساخ والاتربة والفضلات بداخل انابيب الصرف الصحى مما يساعد على بطىء حركة السير شركة تنظيف وشفط بيارات شرق الرياض واحيانا يوقفها تماما لذلك فعندما تحدث مشكلة انسداد المجارى يجب الاسراع بشكل جاد والاتصال بالمتخصصين فى هذا المجال ذوى الخبرة فى مجال تسليك المجارى كما ان شركتنا لديها اليات متطورة للغاية فى القضاء على اصعب انواع التسربات الدهنية والعضوية والاوساخ الناتجة عن بواقى الطعام والزيوت شركة تنظيف وشفط بيارات غرب الرياض التى تلقى فى مواسير الصرف الصحى لذا عليك ان تثق تماما ان المشكلة سوف يتم حلها نهائيا وسوف تتخلص من الروائح الكريهة فى منزلك وكل الترسبات بجوار البلاعات التى تسبب الامراض الخطيرة والمعدية
مرسلة بواسطة hasan ramadan في 6:44 م هناك 4 تعليقات:
طرق تعبئة وتغليف الاثاث
خدمات نقل الاثاث من اكثر الخدمات التى تشغل بال الكثير من العملاء فاذا كنت فى اى مكان وتبحث عن افضل الطرق المميزة التى تساعدك فى اعمال النقل لقطع الاثاث دون ان يتم المساس باى قطعة من الاثاث والعفش او تتعرض لكسر او تلف او التغيرات التى تحدث مع مرور الوقت نقل عفش بالرياض 300 ريال فعليك ان تتصل وتستعين بينا على الفور فى القيام بهذه الخدمة وتعتبر شركتنا هى الحل المثالى للقيام بخدمات النقل مع افضل الطرق المتطورة والوسائل الحديثة فى كيفية نقل العفش بطرق سليمة تحافظ عليه تماما حيث نقوم ونهتم بخطوات النقل من اولها الى نهايتها بداية من معاينة عفش واغراض المنزل الى فرش وتركيب العفش فى المنزل الجديد ولا تكتفى فقط باعمال النقل بل تقوم بتوفير كافة العوامل الاساسية المميزة التى تساعد فى كل ذلك والاعتماد على افضل الامكانيات الاساسية التى تساعد فى الوصول الى افضل النتائج المميزة فى النقل ونحن نهتم بتوفير افضل العمالة المميزة المتواجدة فى الاسواق شركات تركيب غرف نوم بالرياض والتى تساعد فى اعمال النقل والفك والتركيب والتعبئة والاهتمام باعمال النقل للوصول الى افضل النتائج المثالية المميزة والاعتماد على افضل السيارات المميزة التى تساعد فى اعمال النقل والتى تعرف باسم الكونتر وهذا النوع من السيارات المخصصة فى اعمال النقل شركات شراء اثاث مستعمل في الرياض لسهولة الوصول الى اى مكان والاهتمام باعمال النقل والشحن الدولى مع توفير كافة الاجراءات الجمركية والتى تساعد فى الوصول الى اى مكان فى المملكة او خارجها بسهولة ويسر دون ان يتم تحميل اى اعباء اثناء النقل على الاطلاق وتعتبر شركتنا افضل شركة مميزة تقدم العديد من الخدمات النقل على افضل مايرام وتوفر طاقم عمل اولا من النجاريين المتخصصين فى اعمال الفك لان من اهم الخطوات شركة نقل عفش رخيص بالرياض التى لابد من لفت الانتباه اليها اثناء القيام باعمال النقل هى الفك حتى لايحدث اى التواءات او ظهور اى تغير فى شكل الاثاث بعد التركيب بالاضافة الى توفير فنيين مختصين فى القيام بفك الاجهزة الكهربائية بطريقة حرفية مميزة كما نعتمد على افضل الطرق المميزة فى اعمال التغليف اسعار شركات تخزين اثاث بالرياض من النيلون والفليين بالاضافة شركة تنظيف اثاث شمال الرياض الى ان اعمال التغليف للاجهزة الكهربائية تختلف اختلاف تام عن باقى الاثاث والاهتمام باعمال التعبئة المميزة التى تساعد فى الحفاظ على الاثاث وتقفيل الكراتين المميزة فى اعمال التغليف على افضل مايرام والاهتمام باعمال النقل من خلال السيارات الكونتر العملاقة المتعارف عليها انها شركة تنظيف اثاث شرق الرياض من افضل الطرق المثالية التى تساعد فى اعمال النقل بالاضافة الى ان اعمال النقل تتم بسيارات مغلقة لحمايتها من التغييرات المناخية التى يتم التعرض اليها شركة تنظيف اثاث غرب الرياض وذلك لان امور العفش تحتاج الى متمرسون وخبرات كبيرة ونحن فى شركتنا نقدم لكم افضل فريق عمل فنى متميز جدا ويتعامل بكل مصداقية واحترافية فالكثير منا تحدث لهم امور نقل العفش ونقل الاثاث بشكل مفاجىء مما يعنى انهم يحتاجون الى خبرات واسعة فى مجال نقل العفش والاثاث على وجه السرعة لانهاء تلك المهمات فنملك الامكانيات من اوناش ورافعات اثاث وعفش تعمل بشكل اتوماتيكى شركة تنظيف اثاث جنوب الرياض عالى الجودة ولاداعى للقلق او التوتر من حدوث اى اضرار فنحن نتعامل فى كل مايخص نقل الاثاث على اسس من العناية الشديدة بكل قطعة مع الاداء الراقى الكحترف واستخدام الاجهزة الحديثة والمتميزة مع الاسطول الكبير والمتميز دائما من السيارات والعربات التى تنقل لكم العفش والاثاث الى اى اماكن مهما كانت المسافات ويتم ذلك فى كل هدوء وبكل عناية وحرص شديد وبدون اى توتر اوخوف على الاثاث والعفش الخاص بكم
مرسلة بواسطة hasan ramadan في 6:29 م هناك تعليقان (2):
خريطة شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض
مرسلة بواسطة hasan ramadan في 2:26 م هناك تعليقان (2):
مرسلة بواسطة hasan ramadan في 6:54 ص هناك 9 تعليقات:
مرسلة بواسطة hasan ramadan في 8:11 ص هناك 39 تعليقًا: | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
PhD 1992 in anthropology Columbia University, I am interested in disability rights and bioethics. Monday, June 16, 2014 | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
What's it about? : information around us (Book, 2010) [WorldCat.org]
I thought you might be interested in this item at http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/310096847 Title: What's it about? : information around us Author: Claire Throp Publisher: Chicago, IL : Heinemann Library, ©2010. ISBN/ISSN: 9781432933746 1432933744 9781432933807 1432933809 OCLC:310096847
Introduces young readers to the various ways information is presented, including advertisements, the meaning and use of different colors and symbols, and more.
9781432933746 1432933744 9781432933807 1432933809
Why is information presented in different ways? --
How do different types of information affect us? --
Signs with words --
Books and newspapers --
Information in our lives --
Add tags for "What's it about? : information around us". Be the first.
<http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/310096847> # What's it about? : information around us
library:oclcnum "310096847" ;
library:placeOfPublication <http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/4161446801#Place/chicago_il> ; # Chicago, IL
schema:alternateName "What is it about? :" ;
schema:alternateName "Information around us" ;
schema:audience <http://www.worldcat.org/title/-/oclc/310096847#Audience> ;
schema:description "Introduces young readers to the various ways information is presented, including advertisements, the meaning and use of different colors and symbols, and more."@en ;
schema:description "Information is everywhere -- Why is information presented in different ways? -- How do different types of information affect us? -- Signs -- Signs with words -- At home -- Packaging -- Books and newspapers -- Electronic information -- Television and video -- Sounds -- Information in our lives -- Activities."@en ;
schema:exampleOfWork <http://worldcat.org/entity/work/id/4161446801> ;
schema:isPartOf <http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/4161446801#Series/our_world_of_information> ; # Our world of information.
schema:isPartOf <http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/4161446801#Series/heinemann_first_library> ; # Heinemann first library.
schema:name "What's it about? : information around us"@en ;
schema:productID "310096847" ;
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<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/4161446801#Place/chicago_il> # Chicago, IL
<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/4161446801#Series/heinemann_first_library> # Heinemann first library.
schema:hasPart <http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/310096847> ; # What's it about? : information around us
<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/4161446801#Series/our_world_of_information> # Our world of information.
schema:creator <http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/4161446801#Person/throp_claire> ; # Claire Throp
schema:isbn "1432933744" ;
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schema:isbn "1432933809" ;
schema:isbn "9781432933807" ;
schema:about <http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/310096847> ; # What's it about? : information around us
schema:location <http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/4161446801#Place/chicago_il> ; # Chicago, IL
schema:organizer <http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/4161446801#Agent/heinemann_library> ; # Heinemann Library
What's it about? : information around us/Claire Throp; Chicago, IL : Heinemann Library, ©2010. | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "WorldCat is a union catalog that itemizes the collections of 15,637 libraries in 107 countries that participate in the OCLC global cooperative. It is operated by OCLC, Inc."
] |
9350 19th Lane, Vero Beach, FL 32966 Special Offer
Add Photo See all 270 reviews of Hampton Inn Vero Beach Explore similar hotels Comfort Suites Vero Beach 245 ReviewsShow Prices 0.5 km Hampton Inn & Suites Vero Beach Downtown 177 ReviewsShow Prices 13.1 km Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Vero Beach - Oceanside 338 ReviewsShow Prices 16.2 km See all Vero Beach hotels Reviews and advice on hotels, resorts, flights, holiday rentals, travel packages, and more so you can plan and book your perfect trip! | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website."
] |
Multitude of Thoughts: December 2012
Multitude Monday - New Years Eve
Another Monday is here!
Another Monday to reflect upon multitudes of God's Blessings.
The top 10 blessings...
50- Sunny weather and amazing pool day today :)
51- Awesome deals at Target!
52- Reuniting with cousins for a great evening!
53- Enjoying quality family time
54- Watching Hannah grow up in the short time we have been on vaykay. She is a little fish in the pool and is beyond independent- surprise surprise :) Must be Mommy's girl for sure!!
55- Awesome chat at the pool with a great friend...while our kiddos were napping.
56- Pictures! I L.O.V.E reliving great memories by checking out our pictures.
57- Health! While we have heard so many prayer requests about sick children, adults etc, we are so thankful that we all are healthy.
58-Mom's yummy fudge!
59- Kids in bed, fire works outside, candles and christmas lights on inside, hubby and I eating Mom's homemade slush w a movie date.
60- a new year to be rung in... in 2 short hours, but not a chance I will stay awake :)
Enjoy God's blessings in 2013! We can not wait to meet our newest blessing in 13 short weeks :)
Enjoy some pictures from our beach New Years Eve Partay
Other friends doing lanterns. It was like real life Tangled! Hannah & I were lovin' it!
Our condo, and our fans :)
Hannah and Jackson. Ready for 2013 a few hours early
Posted by Alison Hebert at 7:51 PM No comments:
Gator Land Day- Harrison's Dream come true. For all your Gator Boys TV fans... this would be right up your alley too :)
We got to feed the gators lots of turkey dogs, but the birds would steal them before the gators! Matt did an amazing job capturing this!
Who needs shoes? At least her hair bow stayed in today :)
Creepy Crawly & Up Close Encounter Show
Our Gator Wrestler :)
He transformed into a Tiger :)
Beautiful Madeira Beach Sunsets!
Disney! Day after Christmas
We got there right at 8am when the Park opened, thank you for praying with us for rain. It DID rain!!! It poured for a little bit, mid day. Sooo...while everyone else was huddled under canopies motionless, we were jumping in puddles enjoying every second of no crowds - Matt, my mom and Harrison walked on to Splash Mountain AND Thunder Mountain!! Soo awesome :)
Our tired princess...wake up call at 530am to make the trek down to Orlando...and she was NOT happy with her new Minnie bow :( Good thing we caught it in one pic, bc thats all she wore it for. Silly Hannah :)
Dumbo Ride & Minnie Face Paint :)
Our speed racer man Harrison :)
Christmas Evening...assembling the gingerbread train set :)
Merry Christmas Florida Style!
Posted by Alison Hebert at 5:19 PM No comments:
Ohh what a wonderful time of year!
Multitude Monday came a day late :)
Blessings to be thankful for this week...
*A clean house- ( I LOVE returning home from vay kay to spotlessness!! :))
*A PERFECT red eye flight!!!! Seriously...worried that Hannah would be wide eyed from 11pm-4am, as we trekked to FL on Sunday night... but her and Harrison passed right out moments from take off. Love the ipad that lulled her to sleep.
*A cheery and awake Mimi to meet us a 5am in FL! SO thankful she made in to FL safely and could get us at that crazy hour on Christmas Eve Day.
*LOVE FLORIDA!!! So much has changed in the 5 years lapse that we have taken from coming here at Christmas time, but the smells, the beach, the fun & the condo are just AMAZING
*Thankful for DUNKIN just a few streets down from our condo :)
*Love love love that my mom spent time to deco the cond. It sparkles...love the trees...the lights...the candles... waves in the background, christmas vibe inside. Nothing beats it!
*Love that I know my Dad was watching us in Heaven, as his dear grandkiddies enjoyed Christmas in his condo. We miss him each day, but the holidays are especially hard, especially since we havent been to Florida without him.
*Love the joy in the kids minds and eyes as they anticipated opening gifts. Harrison stayed up until 12 last night in hopes of opening his gifts RIGHT as it hit the 25th :) No such luck :)
*Enjoyed our Christmas Eve new-ish tradition :), of kids opening new jammies and new books. What a beautiful sight- 2 clean, jammied kids, reading books together.
*Love that both Matt & I are GCU free for the entire 2 weeks that we are here. Love that Matt is OFF work for the entire 2 weeks as well. We are truly on VAY KAY!!! Love love love this!!
*PS pray for a deluge tomorrow!! We heard there is a 50% chance of rain at Disney, so we are going to relive one of Matt & I's amazing dates. Disney soaked!! No lines! No waiting! Just soaked bliss. Seriously sooooo excited! Hannah + Princesses = BLISS. Mama + Disney in general, especially the food there = BLISS. Family time together = Bliss!!!
I hope that your Christmas holiday time is full of BLISS too!! XOXO
Posted by Alison Hebert at 1:59 PM No comments:
Multitudes...a day early :)
Multitude Monday! 31- Thankful that Target saved 1... | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
Nich at Blogspot: A Social Network with Reward Points!
A Social Network with Reward Points!
I've just joined a new social network site recently, named frensZone. Thanks to this guy here, that explains the opportunities and the goodies. Goodies? Yeah, this social network applies the concept of reward points for the members. Thus, lots of merchandise or cash became available after some time. Great isn't it?
Oh, if you start to wonder what am I talking about, let me explain what a social network (website) refers to.
The social network site is a website that let people join, by registering themselves. After that, registered members can start to publish their profile to be seen by others. Furthermore, the member start to interacts with other registered members. Some people joined this kind of site to make friends, some even joined in search for their perfect couple. And some of these kind of sites allow the member to play games together, or just to discuss things over the internet (etc..)
So what's differences this frensZone has?
Well, the most significant nature that differs this social network against the other similar kind, is that frensZone pays! Basically,just by using this social network, the member gain points. Which accumulated (after sometime) and can be exchanged with either merchandise or even cash. You don't believe it? Well, here is some statement that I managed to get afer I joined the site.
You get rewarded with points when you post/upload/vote/comment stuffs like photo, blogs, videos, music on FrensZone. You also get rewarded with points when other members view our profile, blogs, videos, photos and more. For example, you may get 10 points from uploading a photo. Later, you can convert these accumulated points for cash or cool merchandises like mobile phones, mp3 players and more.
There isn't any, no catch at all. Just use the system and points will flow, read the statement I've posted above. For example; when you upload a photo, you earned yourself 10 points - and so on. So what you're waiting for? Join this social network, and start earn yourself.
Oh, by the way, this social network also giving reward points for each referral. That means, if you joined this social network with me as the one that invited you to do so, then I got myself some reward points. So, if you don't mind, use me as your referrer by register your account through this link.
Thanks yo'
Yusa Indera on September 10, 2008 at 8:58 AM
ok ..udh dilink mas..cek di top menu "friends links".. tolong link balik ya.. di www.yusaindera.com | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
Twin Lakes State Park | Article about Twin Lakes State Park by The Free Dictionary
Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary 12,280,017,938 visitors served
Location:7.5 miles north of Rockwell City, off IA 4-124.
Facilities:Boat ramp, open picnic shelter (é), playground.
Activities:Fishing, swimming.
Special Features:Day-use park has a 569-acre natural lake.
Address:c/o Black Hawk Lake State Park
Location:26 miles southwest of Houghton/Hancock on Highway M-26.
Facilities:62 modern campsites, picnic area and shelters, playground, horseshoe pit, volleyball net, nature trail, snowmobile area, beach house, boat launch.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling.
Special Features:The twin lakes, Lake Roland and Lake Gerald, offer anglers a chance at 16 different species found there. Lake Roland is shallow with a sandy beach and is one of the warmest inland lakes in the Upper Peninsula.
Address:6204 E Poyhonen Rd
Web: www.michigandnr.com/parksandtrails/ParksandTrailsInfo.aspx?id=429
Location:Virginia's Piedmont region, near Farmville, on Route 629.
Facilities:34 campsites (30 with water and electric), 16 group campsites, 7 cabins, lodge, bathhouse, picnic area, 2 picnic shelters (é), snack bar (é), hiking trails, swimming beach, boat launch, boat rentals, conference center (é).
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, bicycling, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park property was initially bought from struggling farmers by the federal government during the Great Depression. Two parks, Goodwin Lake and Prince Edward Lake, were founded in 1939 and until the early 1960s were run as two racially segregated parks. The parks merged in 1976 and became Twin Lakes State Park in 1986.
Address:788 Twin Lakes Rd
Web: www.dcr.state.va.us/parks/twinlake.htm
Size: 495 acres.
<a href="https://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Twin+Lakes+State+Park">Twin Lakes State Park</a>
Campers can overnight at Baraga State Park to the east or Twin Lakes State Park. | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "The Free Dictionary is an American online dictionary and encyclopedia that aggregates information from various sources."
] |
Well, that's a definite: it's called bibliophilia.
Though I'm not really a collector, more of a reader since I have this definite urge to read them all.
(Nothing doing; I had to finish a roll of film so I decided to take some shots of my library.) | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
10 Best Hotels Near Fuel Dock Saloon - TripAdvisor
Best Hotels Near Fuel Dock Saloon, Morro Bay
Read Reviews of Fuel Dock Saloon
US$ 0 - US$ 150+ Free Wifi Budget City Centre Breakfast included Mid-range Pool Romantic Best Value Free Parking Family-friendly Charming Quiet Restaurant Pets Allowed Suites Spa Fitness centre Quaint Business Classic Wheelchair access Green & up Internet & up Non-Smoking Hotel Independent Hotels & up Hotels with Restaurants Quiet Hotels Air Conditioning Clean Hotels Cheap Hotels Hotels with Jacuzzi Spa Hotels Hotels with Hot Tubs Modern Hotels Hotels with Balconies Reduced mobility rooms Downtown Hotels Honeymoon Hotels Meeting room Hotels with Room Service Beach Motels ₹ ₹₹ ₹₹₹ ₹₹₹₹ Beach Best Western Comfort Inn Boutique Business services Room Service Best Western Plus EconoLodge Bar/Lounge Motel 6 Kitchenette Any distance from Fuel Dock Saloon
{"name":"Fuel Dock Saloon, Morro Bay, United States","type":"ATTRACTION","title":"Attractions","value":6385470,"url":"\/Attraction_Review-g32746-d6385470-Reviews-Fuel_Dock_Saloon-Morro_Bay_San_Luis_Obispo_County_California.html","coords":"35.36706,-120.84966"}
0.1 km from Fuel Dock Saloon
0.2 km from Fuel Dock Saloon
0.3 km from Fuel Dock Saloon
0.4 km from Fuel Dock Saloon
0.5 km from Fuel Dock Saloon
0.6 km from Fuel Dock Saloon
1.5 km from Fuel Dock Saloon
1.6 km from Fuel Dock Saloon
2.3 km from Fuel Dock Saloon
5.7 km from Fuel Dock Saloon | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website."
] |
Revision as of 22:36, August 26, 2015 (view source)
Revision as of 10:22, October 15, 2015 (view source)
Revision as of 10:22, October 15, 2015
The group keeps walking and sees a dead end. After Zini and Suri smell something, the dig at the dead and make a hole, with a beam of light shining through. As Aladar tries to break the wall, the hole is covered up by falling rocks. As he keeps trying and failing, he begins to lose hope until Baylene scolds him for just giving up. She then helps to break down the wall. As she delivers one more hit to the wall, it collapses and there in front of them is the Nesting Grounds. Then Baylene, calling Zini an amateur at jumping into water, jumps in the lake which causes a good size wave compared to a lemur.
Retrieved from "https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Baylene?oldid=1927169" | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Fandom (also known as Wikia before October 2016) is a wiki hosting service and domain operated by Fandom, Inc. (formerly known as Wikia, Inc.), a for-profit Delaware company founded in October 2004 by Jimmy Wales and Angela Beesley."
] |
CompareCards.comSponsoredUPDATE: ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug’ Takes $8.5M In First International Dates; Outpaces ‘An Unexpected Journey’UPDATE, 11:37 AM PT: The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug scored $8.5M on its opening day (December 11th) in select international markets for a gross that’s 3% higher than last year’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Warner Bros says. France was confirmed at $2.8M with 263,000 admissions, a jump…Deadline.comSaveMore like thisRemoveFactbox: Key Golden Globe Award film nominationsBEVERLY HILLS, California (Reuters) - The Hollywood Foreign Press Association on Thursday announced nominations for the 71st Golden Globe Awards. Following is a list of key film nominees. Winners will be announced on January 12 in Beverly Hills. ...ReutersSaveMore like thisRemoveGlobal Showbiz Briefs: Thomas Bezucha Helms ‘Priceless’ Remake; BBC Adds Ex-Sony Chairman Howard Stringer; MoreThomas Bezucha Directing English-Language Remake Of ‘Priceless’ The Family Stone and Monte Carlo director Thomas Bezucha will helm the English-language remake of French romantic comedy Priceless for European film group uMedia. The original movie starred Audrey Tautou and Gad Emaleh and sold 2.15M…Deadline.comSaveMore like thisRemove PlayFAST & FURIOUS 7 Writer Re-Working ScriptThe writer of 'Fast & Furious 7' is currently re-writing the script to salvage what was shot and give Paul Walker a proper sendoff.Clevver MoviesSaveMore like thisRemoveSony Sets Spider-Man Spinoffs ‘Venom,’ ‘Sinister Six’ With New “Franchise Brain Trust”Michael Lynton said last month that they intended to create “a bigger universe around Spider-Man” and today Sony Pictures had a new webslinging big bang. Sony Pictures Entertainment, in association with Marvel Entertainment, announced it will make movies on Spidey villains Venom and The Sinister…Deadline.comSaveMore like thisRemoveDisney Channel Orders Original Movie Centered on Iconic Villains' Kids"High School Musical" director Kenny Ortega will helm the "Descendants" project, which features the offspring of characters like Cruella De Vil and Maleficent.The Hollywood ReporterSaveMore like thisRemoveTom Cruise’s ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ Trailer: Déjà Vu All Over Again"Groundhog Day" meets Tom Cruise's own "Oblivion" (and maybe a little bit of "Source Code" and "Elysium" thrown in there as well) in "Edge of Tomorrow," one of next summer's sci-fi extravaganzas and the latest action vehicle conjured to prove that Maverick's still got what it takes as he plunges…Yahoo MoviesSaveMore like thisRemoveFilm taking aim at Saudi monarchy opens in SyriaDAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — Syria is hitting back at Saudi Arabia for supporting rebels who want to topple President Bashar Assad by promoting an English-language movie that depicts the founder of the monarchy as a bloodthirsty womanizer.Associated PressSaveMore like thisRemoveBenedict Cumberbatch Is Shamelessly Trying To Get Into J.J. Abrams' 'Star Wars' Sequel (VIDEO)Beneduct Cumberbatch has been a part of some of the biggest movies in the last few years, from "War Horse" to "12 Years a Slave," and he made a huge impression on J.J. Abrams with with his performance in "Star Trek Into Darkness." But the actor told "Conan" there's another big franchise he wants to…Huffington PostSaveMore like thisRemovePatrick Patterson learned he’d been traded before ‘Hunger Games’ movie, watched it anywaySome professional athletes have a general sense of when they might get traded, due to the perpetual churn of the rumor mill and the fact that many such players request their trades in the first place. For most inclusions in … Continue reading →Ball Don't LieSaveMore like thisRemoveBeach Boy Biopic 'The Drummer' Back On The ShelfA long-delayed film about Dennis Wilson's final years may never happen, producers tell THR.BillboardSaveMore like thisRemove‘Escape From Tomorrow’ Gets DVD, Blu-ray Release Via Random Media“Escape From Tomorrow” avoided Disney’s security forces long enough to make it into theaters (taking in something like $170,000 in the U.S.) and VOD, and now will get a DVD and Blu-ray release via multiplatform content company Random Media. Disney elected not to challenge the release of “Escape…The WrapSaveMore like thisRemoveHow Cruise Lines Fill All Those Unsold Cabins?The travel industry's best kept secret is out. (HINT: You will want to book a cruise after reading this...) See How! AdChoices | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Yahoo (, styled as yahoo!) is an American web services provider. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California and operated by the namesake Yahoo!"
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"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Freelance (sometimes spelled free-lance or free lance), freelancer, or freelance worker, are terms commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Freelance workers are sometimes represented by a company or a temporary agency that resells freelance labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work."
] |
My Ad Click Xpress Scam Blog: Todays update about ProfitClicking...
Just logged into my ProfitClicking back office and saw the new update there so I thought I post it here for everyone looking for more info about what the current situation with our Profit Clicking accounts is:
The staff here at Profit Clicking would like to take a moment to thank you for your continued trust and patience. We understand that in these uncertain times it is difficult and sometimes even scary when a change, such as this happens. Please know that you, our members, will always be our top priority.
Over the next week you may experience difficulty logging in, slow page loading and the disappearance and reappearance of your dashboard. Our IT department is working 24 hours a day to finish what is needed to allow you to market your business with no further delays.
Towards the end of next week you will see the site begin to run as intended and we will make an announcement, here when it is time for you to go to work. We are excited for you to see what we have in store for you and we thank you again for working with us as we move into a bigger and much stronger future.
Posted by Juan Camalich at 10:06 AM | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
2019 REALTOR® of the Year Award
January through October of the current year
Must hold REALTOR® membership in a Board of REALTORS® from January 1st to December 31st of the current year and be a member of the Greater Rome Board of REALTORS® at the time of nomination. | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Google Docs is an online word processor included as part of the free, web-based Google Docs Editors suite offered by Google, which also includes Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Drawings, Google Forms, Google Sites, and Google Keep. Google Docs is accessible via an internet browser as a web-based application and is also available as a mobile app on Android and iOS and as a desktop application on Google's Chrome OS.\nGoogle Docs allows users to create and edit documents online while collaborating with other users in real-time."
] |
Patent US6038222 - Modem command and data interface - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inPatentsAn interface between a computer and a telephone line includes an interface device controlled by a set of commands. The commands are divided into a plurality of categories, each of which corresponds to a class of operations performed by the interface device, with each command being included within a single...http://www.google.com/patents/US6038222?utm_source=gb-gplus-sharePatent US6038222 - Modem command and data interfaceAdvanced Patent SearchTry the new Google Patents, with machine-classified Google Scholar results, and Japanese and South Korean patents.Publication numberUS6038222 APublication typeGrantApplication numberUS 08/893,193Publication dateMar 14, 2000Filing dateJul 15, 1997Priority dateJul 25, 1996Fee statusPaidPublication number08893193, 893193, US 6038222 A, US 6038222A, US-A-6038222, US6038222 A, US6038222AInventorsBruce P. Osler, Leo A. GoyetteOriginal AssigneeTelebit CorporationExport CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (15), Non-Patent Citations (6), Referenced by (11), Classifications (4), Legal Events (4) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetModem command and data interface
Patent CitationsCited PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS33900 *Dec 10, 1861 Improvement in military hatsUS4438511 *Nov 10, 1980Mar 20, 1984Telebit CorporationPacketized ensemble modemUS4445213 *Jan 22, 1982Apr 24, 1984Bell Telephone Laboratories, IncorporatedCommunication line interface for controlling data information having differing transmission characteristicsUS4578796 *Nov 3, 1983Mar 25, 1986Bell Telephone Laboratories, IncorporatedProgrammable multiple type data setUS4620294 *Sep 9, 1983Oct 28, 1986Cts CorporationDigital signal processor modemUS4679227 *May 20, 1985Jul 7, 1987Telebit CorporationEnsemble modem structure for imperfect transmission mediaUS4757495 *Mar 5, 1986Jul 12, 1988Telebit CorporationSpeech and data multiplexor optimized for use over impaired and bandwidth restricted analog channelsUS4884285 *Feb 12, 1987Nov 28, 1989Jan Heynen(DS) transmitterUS4922534 *Jan 30, 1989May 1, 1990General Datacomm, Inc.Intelligent synchronous modem and communication system incorporating the sameUS4991169 *Aug 2, 1988Feb 5, 1991International Business Machines CorporationReal-time digital signal processing relative to multiple digital communication channelsUS5276739 *Nov 29, 1990Jan 4, 1994Nha A/SProgrammable hybrid hearing aid with digital signal processingUS5353338 *Apr 16, 1992Oct 4, 1994Sharp Kabushiki KaishaMulti-mode modem for automatically switching between data transmit and control command modesUS5497373 *Mar 22, 1994Mar 5, 1996Ericsson Messaging Systems Inc.Multi-media interfaceUS5553063 *Sep 12, 1994Sep 3, 1996Dickson; William D.Voice over data communication systemUS5949762 *Jul 25, 1996Sep 7, 1999Telebit CorporationApparatus and method for processing multiple telephone calls* Cited by examinerNon-Patent CitationsReference1Beyer, D.A. et al., "A Packet Radio API", IEEE, pp. 1261-1265, Jun. 1997.2 *Beyer, D.A. et al., A Packet Radio API , IEEE, pp. 1261 1265, Jun. 1997.3Silberschatz, Abraham, and Galvin, Peter B., "Operating System Concepts," Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Fourth Edition, pp. 99-102, undated.4 *Silberschatz, Abraham, and Galvin, Peter B., Operating System Concepts, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Fourth Edition, pp. 99 102, undated.5Taylor, Kieran; "Analog and ISDN Access Is in the Cards"; Nov., 1995.6 *Taylor, Kieran; Analog and ISDN Access Is in the Cards ; Nov., 1995.* Cited by examinerReferenced byCiting PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS6571393 *May 27, 1998May 27, 2003The Hong Kong University Of Science And TechnologyData transmission systemUS7116707 *Nov 5, 1998Oct 3, 2006Cisco Technology, Inc.Modem failover without call lossUS7567559 *Sep 30, 2003Jul 28, 2009Intel CorporationDevice, system and method for data transfer optimizationUS7697539 *Mar 23, 2004Apr 13, 2010Mindspeed Technologies, Inc.Methods and apparatus for data communications through packet networksUS7957369 *Feb 26, 2010Jun 7, 2011Mindspeed Technologies, Inc.Methods and apparatus for data communications through packet networksUS9036686 *Sep 27, 2012May 19, 2015Nvidia CorporationSystem and method for initiating 3GPP modem online data statesUS20020136165 *Mar 23, 2001Sep 26, 2002Roger AdyCable modem with autonomous diagnostic functionUS20050068899 *Sep 30, 2003Mar 31, 2005Kevin MurphyDevice, system and method for data transfer optimizationUS20100158027 *Feb 26, 2010Jun 24, 2010Conexant Systems, Inc.Methods and apparatus for data communications through packet networksUS20140086288 *Sep 27, 2012Mar 27, 2014Nvidia CorporationSystem and method for initiating 3gpp modem online data statesWO2002078345A1 *Feb 15, 2002Oct 3, 2002Motorola, Inc.Cable modem with autonomous diagnostic function* Cited by examinerClassifications U.S. Classification370/282, 375/222International ClassificationH04B3/00Cooperative ClassificationH04B3/00Legal EventsDateCodeEventDescriptionFeb 9, 1998ASAssignmentOwner name: CISCO SYSTEMS, INC., CALIFORNIAFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNORS:OSLER, BRUCE P.;GOYETTE, LEO A.;REEL/FRAME:009008/0713Effective date: 19970709Owner name: TELEBIT CORPORATION, CALIFORNIAFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNOR:CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.;REEL/FRAME:009008/0915Effective date: 19980130Sep 15, 2003FPAYFee paymentYear of fee payment: 4Aug 20, 2007FPAYFee paymentYear of fee payment: 8Sep 14, 2011FPAYFee paymentYear of fee payment: 12RotateOriginal ImageGoogle Home - Sitemap - USPTO Bulk Downloads - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - About Google Patents - Send FeedbackData provided by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Google Patents is a search engine from Google that indexes patents and patent applications."
] |
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"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Pinterest is an American image sharing and social media service designed to enable saving and discovery of information (specifically \"ideas\") on the internet using images and, on a smaller scale, animated GIFs and videos, in the form of pinboards. The site was created by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp and had over 478 million global monthly active users as of March 2021."
] |
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"key": "website_description",
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"value": "Google+ (pronounced and sometimes written as Google Plus; sometimes called G+) was a social network owned and operated by Google. The network was launched on June 28, 2011, in an attempt to challenge other social networks, linking other Google products like Google Drive, Blogger and YouTube."
] |
The Center for Digital Intelligence™ @Regalix: Mobile Health News Weekly – Week of November 16, 2014
Mobile Health News Weekly – Week of November 16, 2014
Connie Chen and Stephanie Tilenius are teaming up to bring a new health app to market, one focused on continuous care and chronic issues. The app, called Vida, is meant to be the digital equivalent of a weekly visit to address long-term health problems. These health issues could range from breast cancer recovery needs to marathon training. Read Original Content
Microsoft has unveiled its first wearable device that can track a user's sleep and exercise as well as connect to a health service on smartphones. The Microsoft Band will retail for $199 on the company's online store. The device can operate for two days on a single charge and has ten sensors that can track heart rate, calories, stress and even a person's sun exposure. Read Original Content
Germany is becoming a hub for mobile health application developers because its medical data rules are less restrictive, but the country lags in adopting innovations because of strict medical practice and privacy regulations, the Wall Street Journal reports. Read Original Content
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is seeking assurances from Apple Inc that it will prevent sensitive health data collected by its upcoming smartwatch and other mobile devices from being used without owners' consent, two sources told Reuters. Read Original Content
A health IT company has raised $12 million to bring to market a clinical decision support tool that uses customized remote patient monitoring. Sentrian is using biosensors and machine learning to make spotting signs of deterioration across multiple chronic conditions a more exact science and reduce the number of false positives that they can generate. Read Original Content
Health care providers are expanding their use of telemedicine despite reimbursement and regulatory challenges, according to a survey of health care executives released by Foley & Lardner LLP. Nine of ten say their organizations have started developing or implementing a telemedicine program. Read Original Content | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
Diary of a VB.NET Compiler Developer: The fine art of Articulation
The fine art of Articulation
I had been following the Linux and BitKeeper story. Newsforge has carried an article on the same.
I find the following argument to be particularly subtle and very well articulated. I quote Linus' own words from the article:
Larry is perfectly fine with somebody writing a free replacement. He's told me so, and I believe him, because I actually do believe that he has a strong moral back-bone.
Larry has a very clear moral standpoint: "You can compete with me, but you can't do so by riding on my coat-tails. Solve the problems on your own, and compete _honestly_. Don't compete by looking at my solution."
And that is what the BK license boils down to. It says: "Get off my coat-tails, you free-loader". And I can't really argue against that.
As I juxtapose these arguments with the work that I have been doing with BMCS, I feel shivers running through my "backbone".
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Utility of a Open Source VB.NET compiler ?!
"Feature Creeps" in BMCS
A Reference VB Parser
Challenges in writing a compatible VB.NET compiler... | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
Responding to the Poet as Prophet - LA Times
Responding to the Poet as Prophet
Poetry may have become something of a tender subject on this page ever since Jack Miles, who owns the page and occasionally asks me to fill it, announced that The Book Review would henceforth publish a poem each week and fewer poetry reviews. This created a small literary scandal which, in the way of such things, expanded and transmogrified until it came to seem that some poets felt that the plan was an insult to their art.
To publish the work of some poets would unquestionably bring poetry into disrepute, but the fact is that if reading poetry is generally somewhat harder than reading prose--and it ought to be--writing about it is unexpectedly easy. "Easy" in our puritanical lexicon is probably a pejorative word, so I should say something like "rewarding" or "liberating" or even "natural." In fact, I mean all four.
Why this should be so is suggested, in different ways, by two reflections about poetry that have come my way in recent weeks. Both are by writers who, besides being fine poets, have the gift to express in prose some of the peculiar quality and ecology of their art. One of these is Josef Brodsky, whose Nobel Prize acceptance speech was published in the New Republic. The other is Donald Hall, who some time ago wrote an article titled "The Way to Say Pleasure ."
Brodsky, exiled from the Soviet Union, was making a case for art as the matrix of human individuality amid the social and political pressures that seek to level it. Most of his examination refers to literature as a whole but, implicitly at first and then explicitly, what he says is applied with particular force to poetry.
For an artist to speak as a public figure is to fall into pomposity; Brodsky, who finds it necessary to be public and impossible to be pompous, uses a touch of comic excess to deflate himself. He tells us that our prospective leaders should be interrogated not about their foreign policy but about their attitudes toward Stendhal, Dickens and Dostoevsky. He grants that some despots have been literate but that "their hit list was longer than their reading list."
This is fun; but less important than Brodsky's vision of the poet exercising prophecy and perpetually redefining individuality through his loyalty to language.
The human task, he writes, "consists first of all in mastering a life that is one's own, not imposed or prescribed from without, no matter how noble its appearance may be." The poet possesses the supreme means of expressing this unique identity.
"The black vertical clot of words on the white sheet of paper presumably reminds him of his own situation in the world, of the ballads between space and his body."
Language, not ideology, gives the poet his prophetic function.
"There are times when, by means of a single word, a single rhyme, the writer of a poem manages to find himself where no one has ever been before him, further, perhaps, than he himself would have wished for."
And the reader of this prophecy, he adds, is no passive spectator but is doomed "to the role of performer only." Poetry is a conversation, "and in the moment of this conversation a writer is equal to a reader, as well as the other way around, regardless of whether the writer is a great one or not. This equality is the equality of consciousness."
It is some distance from Brodsky's high-tension vision to Hall's more relaxed ramblings. Hall may feel, like the Russian, that he speaks for Poetry, but he manages to suggest that it is something he dug up in the next field, and gets tremendous pleasure from. Never mind; they converge.
They converge in the image of the poet and his reader forging primal values in their complicity of language--one to one, performers both. Hall is particularly interested in the reader's performance. "We watch ballet with our legs," he writes, and if we are doing it properly, we read poetry with our mouth. "It is literature if when you read it aloud it gets better."
The pleasures of allusion, of imagery, of catharsis in poetry "come long after we taste the work's verbal tangible (chewable) body." Until we perform it, we don't have it. Intellectual and formal aspects are all very well, he tells us, and we wait for the "but." "Information gives pleasure but never so much as a head rub."
Real poetry comes from nowhere, Brodsky tells us, or, quoting Anna Akhmatova, "It grows from rubbish." The poet who finds it can never be interchangeable; neither can the reader who finds the poet and performs with him or her. Are there perhaps 50,000 different Brodskys, one for each of 50,000 readers? Are there 15,000 Halls? (Don't hold me to those numbers; they are wild guesses.)
So perhaps it becomes easier to understand the claim that writing about poetry is easy (rewarding, liberating, natural). It is not about its subject but about its self. Above all, it is about its collaboration with its reader. As reader, I already own half of it. Poetry may be difficult, elaborate and knotty, but once reached--if there is truly something to reach--it is very direct. Its reader is its echo. Response is not only easy but unavoidable. And if the reader is using a typewriter, why there you are.
There is also something else. Believe it or not, one of the real difficulties in reviewing is overcoming a native and perennial inhibition. Angry readers may ask: Who are you to say such-and-such about so-and-so? They will never ask it as often and as searchingly as the reviewer will. With poetry, once reached, there is something that needs our response. We are empowered; we are collaborators. | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "The Los Angeles Times (abbreviated as LA Times) is a daily newspaper based in El Segundo, California, which has been published in Los Angeles, California, since 1881. It has the fifth-largest circulation in the U.S., and is the largest American newspaper not headquartered on the East Coast."
] |
Bon Appétit: Local Food: Cedar Lane Farms
Terry & Monique Mierau
190 Lakeview Road, Route 715
I was so happy when I discovered Terry Mierau of Cedar Lane Farms at the Kingston Farmer’s Market last year. I had been reading some scary things about industrially produced meat in one of my university classes and was looking for somewhere to get local meat free from all the grossness I read about. Most of our vacuum-packed meat is raised in cattle feedlots where animals stand like sardines in their own filth and are kept in such horrid conditions that they invariably get sick and must be constantly fed antibiotics. They are also fed growth hormones so they will get big and fat very fast. These antibiotics and hormones (and who knows what else) end up in our meat and milk, wreaking mysterious havoc on our bodies. Lovely!
Cedar Lane Farms is located in Cole Island, New Brunswick, where they raise chickens, turkeys, pigs and sheep. Their meat is not certified organic, which is an expensive and lengthy accreditation process they are currently undergoing, but they will attest (and show you pictures!) that their animals are kept in wide open spaces and eat grass and do normal animal things. A far cry from the cattle feedlots!
You can buy Cedar Lane Farms meat at the Kingston Farmers' market (open Saturday until 1 pm). The Mieraus sell pasture-raised chickens, organic grass-fed beef (David Burnett's farm) as well as farm-fresh eggs (also organic and free-range). They make A-MAZING home-cured double-smoked bacon and homemade sausages which are both to die for. They also provide maple syrup and fruits and vegetables when in season.
In order to score some eggs you have to get there EARLY or else they're all gone. Also, the chicken goes fast. Your best bet is to pre-order chicken (also lamb) for butchering season. Then you can be sure to get what you want. I ordered a chicken last year, which I got in July, and it was delicious and tasted so much more… chicken-y. I've ordered 3 this year and am told there are still some available! See their email address below if you are interested.
This isn't their farm specifically, but it's what I picture :)
Truthfully their products are not much more expensive than what you would find in the store, and taste much better, and not to mention healthier. Win, win, win!
For more information on their cow-share program or any of their products, email them at [email protected]
Also, if you’re interested in commercial sources of meat, Fast Food Nation (the book, the movie or the website: http://www.foxsearchlight.com/fastfoodnation/ ) will tell you all about it.
Here is another article about the threat of industrial meat production on us and our environment - prepare to be freaked out, but informed!
Posted by Marie-Hélène at 2:49 PM | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
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SOLVED: My washing machine filled with water and then - Fixya
My washing machine filled with water and then stopped dead. It will not run. I have tried opening and closing lid, resetting dial, even unplugging and plugging back in. Nothing. Please advise.
Posted by dcorbit on Nov 12, 2009
Re: My washing machine filled with water and then stopped...
check the lid switch first, can you hear any "clicking" just before the lid is closed, try opening and closing a few times listening closely for he click, if not sounds like a bad lid switch(not recognizing the lid is closed and for safety reasons will not advance further.(far more common issue hen the timer)
Mar 24, 2008 | Maytag Atlantis MAV6451 Top Load Washer | [
"key": "website_description",
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"value": "Fixya is a question-and-answer website where community members ask and answer questions about consumer products. The company was launched in June 2005 and is headquartered in San Mateo, California."
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2004General Electric CompanyTurbine blade (bucket) health monitoring and prognosis using infrared cameraUS20010005392Feb 22, 2001Jun 28, 2001Brigitte SchutzMethod of determining the quality of adhesion in a laminar structureUS20030128736Jan 31, 2002Jul 10, 2003Dalio Brian A.Turbine component inspection systemUS20040225482 *Sep 30, 2003Nov 11, 2004Vladimirov Dimitry S.Design and evaluation of actively cooled turbine componentsUS20050270519 *May 20, 2004Dec 8, 2005Siemens Westinghouse Power CorporationImaging rotating turbine blades in a gas turbine engineUS20060078193 *Oct 8, 2004Apr 13, 2006Siemens Westinghouse Power CorporationMethod of visually inspecting turbine blades and optical inspection system thereforDE2250142A1Oct 13, 1972Apr 25, 1974Pusch GuenterVerfahren und vorrichtung zum messen der oberflaechentemperatur von turbinenschaufelnDE19720461A1May 15, 1997Feb 5, 1998Siemens AgVerfahren und Vorrichtung zur �berpr�fung der inneren K�hlstruktur von Turbinenschaufeln, insbesondere von station�ren GasturbinenEP0618432A2Mar 31, 1994Oct 5, 1994European Gas Turbines SaBichromatic pyrometerEP0898158A2Jul 31, 1998Feb 24, 1999Abb Research Ltd.Optical pyrometer for gas turbineGB1480347A Title not availableGB2164147A Title not availableGB2313189A Title not availableJP2003098134A Title not availableJPS61172059A Title not availableJPS61265569A Title not availableWO1999054692A2Apr 12, 1999Oct 28, 1999Advanced Fuel Res IncHigh speed infrared radiation thermometer, system, and method* Cited by examinerNon-Patent CitationsReference1Anonymous; "Infrared Scanner Detects Coating Defects"; Materials Engineering; Oct. 1983; p. 24; vol. 97, No. 10; XP002161401.Referenced byCiting PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS7656517 *Sep 17, 2007Feb 2, 2010Rolls-Royce PlcTest apparatus and methodUS7764823 *Feb 16, 2007Jul 27, 2010Honda Motor Co., Ltd.Stamping in-line crack detection system and methodUS8063372Feb 4, 2010Nov 22, 2011Siemens Energy, Inc.Apparatus and method for temperature mapping a rotating turbine component in a high temperature combustion environmentUS8120522 *Nov 30, 2010Feb 21, 2012General Electric CompanySystem and method for inspecting a wind turbine bladeUS8167482Jul 7, 2009May 1, 2012Siemens Energy, Inc.Thermography inspection of surface discontinuitiesUS8413493Dec 12, 2011Apr 9, 2013Florida Turbine Technologies, Inc.Method for detecting a defect on an operating turbine rotor bladeUS8431917Dec 22, 2010Apr 30, 2013General Electric CompanySystem and method for rotary machine online monitoringUS8759770Apr 8, 2013Jun 24, 2014General Electric CompanySystem and method for qualifying usability risk associated with subsurface defects in a multilayer coatingUS8792705 *Nov 3, 2011Jul 29, 2014United Technologies CorporationSystem and method for automated defect detection utilizing prior dataUS9015002Oct 17, 2011Apr 21, 2015Siemens Energy, Inc.System for monitoring a high-temperature region of interest in a turbine engineUS20110213569 *Nov 10, 2009Sep 1, 2011Mtu Aero Engines GmbhMethod and device for detecting cracks in compressor bladesUS20130114878 *Nov 3, 2011May 9, 2013Pratt & WhitneySystem and Method for Automated Defect Detection Utilizing Prior Data* Cited by examinerClassifications U.S. Classification250/332, 382/152, 250/342, 250/339.14, 250/339.02International ClassificationG01J5/00Cooperative ClassificationF05D2220/31, F05D2260/80, F02C9/00, F01D21/003European ClassificationF02C9/00, F01D21/00BLegal EventsDateCodeEventDescriptionMar 7, 2012FPAYFee paymentYear of fee payment: 4Mar 31, 2009ASAssignmentOwner name: SIEMENS ENERGY, INC., FLORIDAFree format text: CHANGE OF NAME;ASSIGNOR:SIEMENS POWER GENERATION, INC.;REEL/FRAME:022482/0740Effective date: 20081001Owner name: SIEMENS ENERGY, INC.,FLORIDAFree format text: CHANGE OF NAME;ASSIGNOR:SIEMENS POWER GENERATION, INC.;US-ASSIGNMENT DATABASE UPDATED:20100225;REEL/FRAME:22482/740Owner name: SIEMENS ENERGY, INC.,FLORIDAFree format text: CHANGE OF NAME;ASSIGNOR:SIEMENS POWER GENERATION, INC.;REEL/FRAME:022482/0740Effective date: 20081001Owner name: SIEMENS ENERGY, INC.,FLORIDAFree format text: CHANGE OF NAME;ASSIGNOR:SIEMENS POWER GENERATION, INC.;US-ASSIGNMENT DATABASE UPDATED:20100225;REEL/FRAME:22482/740Effective date: 20081001May 4, 2006ASAssignmentOwner name: SIEMENS POWER GENERATION, INC., FLORIDAFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNOR:BRUMMEL, HANS-GERD;REEL/FRAME:017872/0434Effective date: 20060419RotateOriginal ImageGoogle Home - Sitemap - USPTO Bulk Downloads - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - About Google Patents - Send FeedbackData provided by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services | [
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python - How to properly implement threading within a function toggled by a button - Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange
I'm trying to make a threaded function which will make my LEDs blink randomly as long as the button is pushed. when it is released it should exit the function and turn all LEDs off.
When I run the script below I get indent errors, but have no clue on where it goes wrong. All threaded function examples I find are either far more complex or not related to changing input/interaction.
Can anyone tell me where my indent goes wrong?
from gpiozero import Button, LEDBoard
leds = LEDBoard(yellow=16, green=19, red=20, blue=21)
button = Button(12)
def ledrandom(self):
t = Thread(target=ledrandom) # Create thread
t.start() # Start thread
button.when_pressed = pushed
There is nothing wrong with the indenting as presented. Perhaps your local copy has a mixture of tabs and spaces? – joan Aug 14 '18 at 15:12
you are right Joan, the indents itself was a local editor issue (tab/spaces got mixed up), – nixx Aug 15 '18 at 10:24
should give you a line number of where it is having an indent error. The issue with your threading is that you dont have a way to stop the thread. For a simple case like this, could use a global variable like so...
This way you signal the running thread to stop, which will let it turn off the LED's and return from its function. The way you had it, you will keep launching threads that can never finish.
For a more advanced way of handling threads, look into the Queue module, this allows you to send massages back and forth between threads.
shouldRun=False #global variable to let the thread know when it should stop
def ledrandom():
global shouldRun
while shouldRun :
leds.off() #turn them off now that shouldRun is False
edited Aug 15 '18 at 15:34
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner self.run() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 754, in run self.__target(*self.__args, self.__kwargs) **TypeError: ledrandom() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given) thanks for thinking along Chad, somehow the error above turns up when I use your code. I assume this is because the shouldRun variable doesn't reach the ledrandom function? but have no idea why not? – nixx Aug 15 '18 at 10:31
ya, the 'self' shouldn't have been there, I didn't notice it when I copied your original code. I edited my answer to reflect that. Glad you got it working – Chad G Aug 15 '18 at 15:33
Ok, I found a working solution as shown below. the self argument in the ledrandom function got it all confused. this works perfectly now
print ("leds on")
while ShouldRun:
leds.off() #turn them off now that ShouldRun is False
print ("leds off")
Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged python led input-device process or ask your own question. | [
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Ibis Maubeuge - Review of Ibis Maubeuge, Maubeuge - TripAdvisor
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Europe France Hauts-de-France Nord Maubeuge Maubeuge Hotels Ibis Maubeuge
Review of Ibis Maubeuge
and 8 more sites! Ibis Maubeuge Hotel
| Avenue de La Gare, 59600 Maubeuge, France | Hotel amenities
Ranked #3 of 5 Hotels in Maubeuge
Dutch first English first French first German first Italian first Portuguese first Spanish first Any BarryJOrton
I have been staying at the Ibis for a couple of years and it is still good.The staff are excellent nothing is to much trouble, they make you very welcome.The rooms are ok but the wooden floors noisy if you drop anything.There is no restaurant but there is an excellent restaurant across the street.The rooms at the front can get a little road noise .The hotel is well placed for the railway station 150 ydsAll rooms free WIFIExcellent locked car park
Room Tip: Rooms to the rear
Helpful? Thank BarryJOrton Report Ask BarryJOrton about Ibis Maubeuge
This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC Earl_of_Doncaster
Level 6 Contributor 122 reviews 70 hotel reviews
133 helpful votes “Oh Dear. . . . A disgrace to Accor and the Ibis name”
Why would anyone wish to stay here ? I have been coming here due to a business relationship in the area, and I swear this will be the last visit ever. The hotel is only just over a year old and already is tired and filthy, the rooms absolutely stink of cigarettes, the shower is caked in mould and dirt in every nook and cranny, the TV set is not working, the £10 breakfast is the usual tired and hideous rubbish, and the most annoying thing they do at breakfast, it's not the fact there ia always a shortage of something, or the queue for the coffee machine, the lack of cutlery, or "orange juice" = acid, but they have a large steel bowl with holes cut out of the top into which the yoghurt pots are inserted. . . . and to make matters worse, the picture on the yoghurt pots which depict the flavour, are wrapped around the outside, so every morning my anguish is partially assuaged by the thought that I am about to eat a pot of Peach yoghurt, but to find the peach yoghurt, I am forced to take each pot out of the iron grid and check the nature of the contents, usually there is Cherry, prunes, strawberry, but rarely a peach yoghurt is present. I would love to throw the whole lot onto the floor. I struggle to say anything positive about this place, the noise is horrendous, on one side is a railway where they begin activity around 4 am, on the other side is a bus station where the bus drivers seem to compete to rev up their buses for the longest time at the earliest hour. The key card system is prone to failures, I have often trekked up to my room after breakfast only to find that the key does not operate the lock. When you wish to check out there will invariably be a huge queue and only one person on duty, the others are smoking, skiving or arguiing in some far flung corner of this hideous edifice. Rarely one comes across a hotel where the idea of cutomer service is so distant from the minds of the staff, and where the misery of the staff and each and every customer is the only constant companion. I am sure that it will soon close down, and the French prison service will take over, restoring the building to its proper purpose.
Thank Earl_of_Doncaster Report Ask Earl_of_Doncaster about Ibis Maubeuge
This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC Travellers are raving about these Maubeuge hotels B&B Hotel Maubeuge Louvroil
Show Prices Premiere Classe Maubeuge - Feignies
1 review “Modern clean hotel with nice room and friendly helpful staff”
We stayed two nights at a week -end and found the room ,which overlooked the railway ,quiet and we liked the design which afforded plenty of space. An excellent walk in shower was much appreciated.Access to the town was easy and it's a pleasant place with some nice shops.Being a week-end breakfast was quiet and there was a nice selection to choose from.
Helpful? Thank LincolnshireGourmand Report Ask LincolnshireGourmand about Ibis Maubeuge
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#2 of 5 in Maubeuge 51 reviews
#4 of 5 in Maubeuge 121 reviews
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#1 of 1 in Feignies 118 reviews
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Add Photos & Videos Additional Information about Ibis Maubeuge
Address: Avenue de La Gare, 59600 Maubeuge, France Region:
Hotel Style: Ranked #3 of 5 Hotels in Maubeuge
Price range (per night): ₹ 3,991 - ₹ 5,986
TripAdvisor is proud to partner with ACCOR, Hotels.com, Expedia and Booking.com so you can book your Ibis Maubeuge reservations with confidence. We help millions of travellers each month to find the perfect hotel for both holiday and business trips, always with the best discounts and special offers.
Explore similar hotels Best Western Hotel L'Atelier 11778 ReviewsShow Prices 1.3 km Le Grand Hotel51 ReviewsShow Prices 0.2 km Campanile Maubeuge121 ReviewsShow Prices 1.0 km See all Maubeuge hotels Browse nearby | [
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"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
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Help in completing user authentication via JWT Token on an Angular - nodejs application 1 gün left
...enterprise application to which I have to add some features and fix some bugs. No www, internet access, used only on enterprise lan network. - Development on dedicated VPS server. 1) I have implemented a login page in my angular application, making use of a simple API call to check the correctness of username and password entered by the user. I have
Convert UDP to TCP 1 gün left
...example) to TCP port of server and server receives and return TCP to the client and client convert to UDP. Some internet provider slows or blocks UDP port, so I like to using TCP ports for transferring UDP data to my server. This client/server can be code in C/C++ and later I want to use in dll format in the client side. For the server side, we can use in
Reduce the size of a Wordpress table on shared hosting platform wordpress blog website 16 saat left
...wordpress has a habit of creating that is nioot needed. The website is a massive database of vegan and vegetarian recipes, news and information, with photos and blogposts. It is built in wordpress and runs on a shared hositng server. The database on your account called (cl33-newveggie) attached to the hosting package ([login to view URL]). It is currently 782
Responsive Email Project 7 saat left
I have an email project that requires the following; in the air compressio...integration, and discussion monitoring. 4. Additional issues - protection of customers client list, server protections from email and other information parsing back to analytics and client external database or cloud-based solution to protect client server from hacks or other.
Need someone to help me with python code_Declare variables from cursor execution output 4 saat left
...extracting information from MSSQL Database which is in table format. I would like to use the output from Cursor execution to define variables, which I might be needing for further code. Please find the attachment for Task Details. For Example, I have data in either of below formats: ('Test_DB', 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server[login to view URL]')
Simple Product Listing Website for Tablet Display In-store 2 saat left
...communication with team members - Able to give feedback within few hours. - Knowledge in MS-SQL-Server - Working remote with a fast and stable internet ## Apply for the job ## When you're interested, please send us your apply with some information: - How long you're working as a tester? - What are your experiences in improvement of quality? -
teamspeak3 php script Bitti left
...contains 3 buttons and one status icon. The buttons command the virtual ts3 server via query to stop, start or restart. more information on the api can be found here. "[login to view URL]". The status icon is to ping the virtual teamspeak server and determine if it is online or offline. These 4 elements are to be
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...Scola is maintenance the videos,newspapers,images and [login to view URL] client give the files in one server and the file is move one server to another server and validate the files using window service and sql servers. The files information's and another information add for admin site and client [login to view URL] are have one android applications. Another ...
Optimise my Website - fix some server error Bitti left
...account’s performance. You can view detailed information about your account’s resource usage at the bottom of the main page in your cPanel dashboard. These solutions nclude using a content delivery network (CDN), optimizing certain assets and scripts on your website or moving to a virtual private server (VPS) account to maximize performance and reliability
Discord bot that pulls information from a MySQL server Bitti left
I require a discord bot that will simply read out fields from a couple of tables from a MySQL DB. Essentially i would like commands to READ fr...require a discord bot that will simply read out fields from a couple of tables from a MySQL DB. Essentially i would like commands to READ from the mysql server and UPDATE. Also posting logs of information.
Webhook Expert Needed Bitti left
Amazon İnternet Servisleri Google App Motoru Javascript PHP Yazılım Mimarisi
...[login to view URL] received this response from the destination host IP - [login to view URL] - 550 , 550-5.7.1 This message does not have authentication information or fails to pass 550-5.7.1 authentication checks. 2. Message Delivery Failure - Mail Delivery System Reason: There was an error while attempting to deliver your
...[login to view URL] but simplified version (70%) of it and need to look different to avoid being a copy. [login to view URL] is another site to refer to for design. The website is a information website, not booking. It is a directory site. User able to filtered and search by category e.g. hotels of destination. once found, they can click on it to be direct to the
...all API calls through the TOR Onion Routing Service Next-Gen (v3) Onions to anonymize communications with provided public key. To be also created by you at domain on Ubuntu server. ([login to view URL]) 3. The graphical mock-up will be done in Adobe XD, all screens are available but mockup not ready just yet but
...Modify the updated feedback's on the database... 5. Needs to remove the deleted feedback's in our database after comparing the user's feedback. 6. All the above-fetched information needs to store up in the MySQL database... 7. Database design will be given by us... 8. The script must be with detailed comments and configurations are need to be clear
...all API calls through the TOR Onion Routing Service Next-Gen (v3) Onions to anonymize communications with provided public key. To be also created by you at domain on Ubuntu server. ([login to view URL]) 3. The graphical mock-up will be done in Adobe XD, but svg animations are desired if you are capable of them.
Windows Utility Required , need C# expert Bitti left
.NET C# Programlama Javascript Windows Masaüstü
...take a picture, then the picture will compare against a database to see if there is a match and provide information. Something similar to google goggles. There will be a few components: Mobile App (ios and android written in Xamarin) Database / Server (preferably AWS, ok with azure) Web front-end for admin to update database (c# / asp.net) I will need
75,165 entries girdiden 1 ile 50 arasındakiler gösteriliyor | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Freelance (sometimes spelled free-lance or free lance), freelancer, or freelance worker, are terms commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Freelance workers are sometimes represented by a company or a temporary agency that resells freelance labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work."
] |
Bruce R. Cordell: Seattle Humane Society Ain't What It Used To Be
By Bruce Cordell at December 04, 2007
I wonder if they are feeling the pressure to be the first no-kill county in the country. You-re right, no kill sounds good but just isn't practical or humane. | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
Restaurang Pappa Grappa, Norrkoping - Restaurant Reviews, Phone Number & Photos - TripAdvisor
Restaurang Pappa Grappa, Norrkoping
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Search Europe›Sweden›Ostergotland County›Norrkoping›Norrkoping Restaurants›Restaurang Pappa Grappa
#6 of 161 Restaurants in Norrkoping €€ - €€€
Also show MapSatellite Map updates are paused. Zoom in to see updated info. Reset zoom Updating Map... Return to Map Get directions 26-28 Gamla Raadstugugatan, Norrkoping 602 24, Sweden +46 11 18 00 14
Norrkoping, Ostergotland County 181 Reviews Black Lion
Norrkoping, Ostergotland County 92 Reviews Reserve La Uva
Norrkoping, Ostergotland County 103 Reviews Reserve The Lamp Restaurant
Norrkoping, Ostergotland County 96 Reviews Enoteket
Norrkoping, Ostergotland County 185 Reviews More Fiskmagasinet
Norrkoping, Ostergotland County 120 Reviews Saliga Munken
Norrkoping, Ostergotland County 95 Reviews Gamla Bryggeriet
reviews Clear all Start your review of Restaurang Pappa Grappa Click to rate
“Highliest recommends! ”
Really an amazingly good service. Super friendly from beginning until the last goodbyes.
Their fettuccine with mushrooms really blowed my mind. I also wished them to choose the wine for me, again A+++
Highliest recommends to visit and I'm absolutely coming back!
Helpful? Thank Heidi P Report Francois C
19 helpful votes “decent margerita and polite staff”
this place is friendly. The quality of the food is decent. the atmosphere relaxed and the staff is polite. the location is central. a reliable choice without being outstanding.
Helpful? Thank Francois C Report Leif S
“Italien style with Good quality”
This is the best italian restaurat and pizza place in town. Good rating in sevaral journals. Nice atmosphere and service. BIG choice of food from pizzas and upwards. When many guests some parts of the place can be noicy so if you have hearing problems tell the staff when booking
Helpful? Thank Leif S Report mariocar2016
11 helpful votes “Great pizza up north ”
Great atmosphere, quick service, friendly staff, good pizza, good prices. Enjoyed every minute at this restaurant. Keep it up!
Helpful? Thank mariocar2016 Report Katrine153
Went with a group of friends to this cosy restaurant. Some oredered pizzas, other steak or chicken or pasta. All were very happy with their food. The service was good and attentive. Would definately go again.
Helpful? Thank Katrine153 Report dangar74
Level Contributor 2 reviews “Fantastic Food & Service! ”
The kitchen shows itself from its best side with unique skills and flavours. All in combination with a wide range of quality wines and professional service.
Helpful? Thank dangar74 Report dangar74 has 1 more review of Restaurang Pappa Grappa “Incredibile!!!”
1 review “Great evening!”
A delicious meal recommended by a very well informed waiter! I could not fault the choice of starters and main course! The presentation and serving of the courses was to a very high standard! The recommended wine complimented the meal perfectly! That there was a major computer/register crash did not fluster any of the staff! My guests from Stockholm were...
More Helpful? Thank graham f Report Marcus A
2 reviews “Excellent food at the resturaunt”
Pappa grappa is divided in three different areas and we ate at the restaurant. The food was really good, especially the duck liver and the lemon pie.
Helpful? Thank Marcus A Report BLA60
17 helpful votes “Good food, bar was even better”
We had a good pasta dish in the restaurant with fast and attentive service. We then moved on to the bar and sat on the veranda outside. The bartender (who was from Gothenburg) made what might have been the best mojitos we've had. He was also super nice, and ended an evening with perfect srvice by giving us an umbrella...
More Helpful? Thank BLA60 Report NeilD1810
13 helpful votes “Good menu”
Centrally located restaurant serving a good selection of pasta, pizza and assorted dishes. The food is well cooked and served by friendly staff.
Helpful? Thank NeilD1810 Report Previous
Updating list... Travellers who viewed Restaurang Pappa Grappa also viewed
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Been to Restaurang Pappa Grappa? Share your experiences! Write a Review
Takeout, Wheelchair Accessible, Reservations, Outdoor Seating, Buffet, Seating, Waitstaff, Highchairs Available, Serves Alcohol, Full Bar, Accepts American Express, Accepts Mastercard, Accepts Visa, Digital Payments, Free Wifi, Accepts Discover
26-28 Gamla Raadstugugatan, Norrkoping 602 24, Sweden Location:
+46 11 18 00 14
Here's what previous visitors have asked, with answers from representatives of Restaurang Pappa Grappa and other visitors
1 question Ask a question Questions? Get answers from Restaurang Pappa Grappa staff and past visitors.
Posting guidelines Get notified about new answers to your questions. Ask Typical questions asked: Do you have gluten-free options? Is there a dress code? Do you allow dogs on the outdoor patio? Near Restaurang Pappa Grappa Top-rated Attractions Nearby 161 Reviews the Industrial Landscape
Browse all attractions Top-rated Restaurants Nearby 172 Reviews Burgers & Bangers
181 Reviews Kvarterskrogen Asken
92 Reviews Black Lion | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website."
] |
Jonathan Jenkins | Mulholland Research Group
My research is an exciting mix of wet lab work and computational modelling looking at completely artificial enzymes (de novo enzymes). Enzymes are proteins used by all living things to perform their chemical reactions. The overall aim of my research area is to understand the minimum structural requirements of an enzyme to give a particular chemical activity. We use a bottom-up approach, starting with a simple synthetic protein scaffold that has no activity. Through an iterative process, guided by computational modelling, we design in activity in a way that the effect of each individual change made to the scaffold can be explored. Understanding how enzymes work and what structural rules are needed to build them could revolutionise the use of enzymes in both industrial and medical applications. It would open new possibilities to design bespoke enzymes that solve specific problems like; degrading environmental pollutants, producing more complex and specific drug molecules in synthetic chemistry or as a targeted treatment for diseases like cancer.
I use a synthetic four helix bundle as a protein scaffold that is free from evolutionary complexity. Heme C is covalently bound as a cofactor with the aim of performing catalysis analogous to natural P450 enzymes. My lab work is guided by computational modelling of both the de novo enzymes and natural enzymes that perform similar chemistry. I use molecular dynamics simulations and structural prediction software like Amber and Rosetta to model structural changes in the synthetic enzymes. I also use quantum mechanical (QM) and hybrid QM/MM modelling of natural heme containing peroxidases to better understand the heme species found in the reactive cycle.
The de novo enzyme lab work is carried out with Dr Ross Anderson in the School of Biochemistry and the computational component with Professor Adrian Mulholland in the Centre for Computational Chemistry. My PhD is funded by the BBSRC as part of the SWBio Doctoral Training Partnership, I have also benefited from equipment and computation resources associated with BrisSynBio. | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes."
] |
April 4, 2012 Photo
A neighbor catches his breath before proceeding to cut a downed tree on Wednesday on Thorncliff Drive in Arlington.
The day after a series of tornadoes hit the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex there were several citizens in Arlington trying to recover from the devastation to their homes. Neighbors and volunteers from throughout the area rose to the challenge and supported their communities.
Here, Shorthorn photographer Richard Hoang photographs the neighbor of someone who’s home was damaged. The neighbor was helping to cut and remove tree debris from the yard.
Tags: storm tornado destruction homes volunteers Arlington Dallas Fort Worth Shorthorn photography April 04, 2012
March 27, 2012 | 1 note
Shorthorn photo editor Michael Minasi wrote,
Linguistics senior Allan Bradshaw, a member of Arlington Socialists, protests warfare Tuesday afternoon outside of Arlington City Hall. Bradshaw and about 15 members from various organizations and causes showed up for the protest against war.
A lot of the events that photographers are forced to face day to day can be rather mundane, but they still need to make compelling photographs out of them. This was a particular situation in which the protest was very small, and could have been easily looked over. Focusing on a single person in the crowd and waiting for the perfect expression or glance can make it - or break it.
Tags: socialist war protest UTA UT Arlington Arlington city hall photography March 27, 2012
March 26, 2012 | 2 notes
Dontae Robison, president of the UT Arlington NAACP, leads the March of Hoodies through the Library Mall on Monday at noon. The march is protesting the perceived injustice of Trayvon Martin’s killer George Zimmerman being allowed to walk free.
The Shorthorn showed up in full force to the rally with several reporters and photographers documenting the event step by step. Along with great photographs, Shorthorn photographers created a video to capture the event in motion.
Tags: trayvon martin hoodie hoodie march george zimmerman arlington naacp protest nation March 26, 2012
March 25, 2012 | 2 notes
Graduate student Swapnil Tambadkar gets hosed down Saturday afternoon during the Holi Festival. The festival is held annually to mark the beginning of spring.
Full Story Exclusive Video The Shortcast
Tags: Holi 2012 uta ut arlington arlington color photography freeze March 25, 2012 | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Tumblr (stylized as tumblr and pronounced \"tumbler\") is an American microblogging and social networking website founded by David Karp in 2007 and currently owned by Automattic. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog."
] |
Lowest price$147$122
4 - Elita Hotel, Fort Lauderdale, Standard Room, 2 Double Beds, Guest Room
7 - Elita Hotel, Fort Lauderdale, Deluxe Room, Guest Room
9 - Elita Hotel, Fort Lauderdale, Standard King, Bathroom
10 - Elita Hotel, Fort Lauderdale, Penthouse, Bathroom
11 - Elita Hotel, Fort Lauderdale, Sundeck
Excellent condition and newly remodeled Oct 19, 2019 | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. Facilities provided inside a hotel room may range from a modest-quality mattress in a small room to large suites with bigger, higher-quality beds, a dresser, a refrigerator and other kitchen facilities, upholstered chairs, a flat screen television, and en-suite bathrooms."
] |
Golf - Dyson DQ'd as TV viewers blow whistle on rules gaffe - Yahoo Eurosport UK
Golf - Dyson DQ'd as TV viewers blow whistle on rules gaffeEnglishman Simon Dyson was disqualified from the BMW Masters on Saturday for a rules violation during the second round of the European Tour event in Shanghai.Reuters – Sat, Oct 26, 2013 08:45 BST
Eurosport - Britain's Simon Dyson (Reuters)
Related Content Guthrie shares lead with Cabrera-BelloEurosport - Sat, Oct 26, 2013 08:45 BST
Dyson, who was tied for second place at the halfway stage of the event at the Lake Malaren Golf Club, tapped a spot on the line of his putt with his ball after placing a mark on the eighth green.
Television viewers alerted the Tour of the incident, which should have incurred a two-shot penalty, and the 35-year-old Dyson was subsequently penalised for signing a wrong card, Tour chief referee John Paramor said in a statement.
The six-time European Tour winner, who was lying in 66th place on the Race to Dubai standings, was informed of the disqualification as he prepared to tee off for his third round.
R & A - Rules of Golf
16-1a - Touching Line of Putt The line of putt must not be touched except: (i) the player may remove loose impediments, provided he does not press anything down; (ii) the player may place the club in front of the ball when addressing it, provided he does not press anything down; (iii) in measuring – Rule 18-6; (iv) in lifting or replacing the ball – Rule 16-1b; (v) in pressing down a ball-marker; (vi) in repairing old hole plugs or ball marks on the putting green – Rule 16-1c; and (vii) in removing movable obstructions – Rule 24-1. Simon Dyson: disqualified | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Yahoo (, styled as yahoo!) is an American web services provider. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California and operated by the namesake Yahoo!"
] |
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"value": "eBay Inc. ( EE-bay) is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website."
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ONLY ORIGINAL CDs & DVDs , Argentina
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Dec 06, 2014 18:54:18 EST View all revisions
Item location: ONLY ORIGINAL CDs & DVDs , Argentina | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "eBay Inc. ( EE-bay) is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website."
] |
Neta'im 2017 : Neta'im วิลล่าและบังกาโลว์ให้เช่ายอดนิยม 20 แห่ง - Airbnb Neta'im, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอล
มาเป็นเจ้าของที่พักความช่วยเหลือลงทะเบียนเข้าสู่ระบบNeta'im · ตลอดเวลา · ผู้เข้าพัก 1 คนNeta'imตลอดเวลาผู้เข้าพัก 1 คนที่ไหนตลอดเวลาผู้เข้าพัก 1 คนประเภทห้องช่วงราคาจองทันทีตัวกรองเพิ่มเติมวิลล่าให้เช่า 53We welcome you to stay at our newly renovated room. With a mini-bar, electric kettle, satellite T.V, a full set of cutlery and an espresso machine with complementary coffee & tea, you'll find everything you need to make your stay as pleasunt as possible. You will also enjoy a big and beautiful garden, a fully equipped kitchen and a balcony outside of your room.
Our guests' bathroom is located on the second floor, and will be solely used by our guests.We live in a quiet, family-oriented neighborhood only 5 minutes walk from one of the city's main streets - Rotchild. Although the neighborhood itself is very quiet, Within 3 minutes easy walk, you can find great pubs and restaurants, grocery shops and hectic and live atmosphere.I loved staying wth Michal and Bar since they are genuinely warm and friendly individuals. Their home is close to the center of town in particular to the busy Street of Rotchield there are plenty of food stores and restaurants . It is located in a walking distance from the center of town mall The room is in the the third level of the house , it is specious , with a pretty tile floor . While the bathroom is on the second level. It is a very comfortable place to stay. Ora2017-02-15T00:00:00ZMichal and Bar are the perfect hosts. Coming from the U.S.A. they helped me with my phone, bus and transportation issues. They answered questions via text promptly as possible. They have a great command of English. The home is in quiet residential neighborhood with plenty of parking. Bus stops were very close and a variety of shops within 4-6 blocks. Safe for walking, jogging as are the nearby parks. I enjoyed full use of their home, i.e. kitchen, living areas, laundry facilities. The bed was very comfortable. Do be aware the restroom is 1 floor downstairs. They were happy to accommodate my move to a spare room next to the bathroom. ( I'm 69 yrs young. My age guests will understand my request. Haha ) I always felt sate in their gated home and also in the rest of Israel. They are a pleasant, fun, easy going couple, and we shared many interesting conversations. The perfect spot for me. I highly recommend their room & home. Mary2017-05-07T00:00:00ZThe room is exactly as in a puctures, Great hosts. Very privite :) Yoni2017-02-03T00:00:00ZThis was such a sweet space, and further matched by the sweetness of the hosts. They are both professional and also genuinely welcoming, so you can expect everything to go right with your stay here! Ourit2016-12-10T00:00:00ZLovely friendly hosts, clean and comfortable room and delicious home made pizza in good company. What more can you want? Marit2017-02-17T00:00:00ZEverything was jus excellent, Michal is great young woman, was so easy to communicate. The room is nice, bed is comfortable, place is quiet. Im very lucky that i chose that place! Thank you again and kiss to Chock! :)Vykinta2017-03-28T00:00:00Zcentral locatedSarah2017-01-19T00:00:00ZMichal y bar fueron muy acogedores, y con disposicion a responder cada duda que tuve. Me senti genial en su casaJosefa2017-01-09T00:00:00Zประเภทห้องห้องส่วนตัวประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้2ห้องนอนRishon LeTsiyon, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอลCozy, Comfortable and Spacious room near Tel Avivราคา$49 Cozy, Comfortable and Spacious room near Tel Avivห้องส่วนตัว · 1 เตียงความคิดเห็น 17 ข้อความWe invite you to enjoy our villa, a stunning, luxury, vacation home. Amenities include a private swimming pool, spa, spacious kitchen, gym, and garden. We're located in the center, 20 minutes from Tel Aviv and the airport, 40 minutes from Jerusalem. Beach is 10 minutes away.
The 1st floor is an open space plan includes a spacious living and dining room, great for hosting. The kitchen is big and very well equipped. The is has a wall-mounted 60 inch TV and a karaoke system. Outdoor is has a crystal clear swimming pool and is surrounded by deck with comfortable lounges and a BBQ place. It is a great place for couples, business travelers, families with kids and groups.The villa is located in Rishon Lezion, in a quite neighborhood, close to gardens, shopping malls.ประเภทห้องบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลังประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้16ห้องนอนRishon LeTsiyon, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอลStunning, Modern Vacation, 6BR Villa w/Pool & Gymราคา$472 Stunning, Modern Vacation, 6BR Villa w/Pool & Gymบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลัง · 8 เตียงใหม่A big and beautiful room in a great house.
Great location - 2 min from a train station and a mall "Rishonim", 15 min from the beach.ประเภทห้องห้องส่วนตัวประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้2ห้องนอนRishon LeTsiyon, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอลCharming unit with pool and great amenitiesราคา$104 Charming unit with pool and great amenitiesห้องส่วนตัว · 2 เตียงใหม่My place is close to All the major roads (4 and 20), and the Volcani Center. You’ll love my place because of the comfy bed, the quite. My place is good for couples, solo adventurers, and business travelers.ประเภทห้องห้องส่วนตัวประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้2ห้องนอนRehovot, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอลPrivate Designed Basement Unitราคา$36 Private Designed Basement Unitห้องส่วนตัว · 1 เตียง200 sqm Villa in the Heart of Maarav Rishon Lezion , Israel . Exclusive neighborhood , Sinagogues are 2 blocks away . Kosher restaurants , cinema city and 2 major shopping MallsVilla is 2 floors ,
In first floor : Leaving room, dining room, Kosher Kitchen and 1/2 Bath In second floor 4 Bedrooms with 2 full Bathroom to accommodate 8 to 10 guests.
Bedroom 1. Queen Bed for 2 guests , walking closet , and full Bathroom
Bedroom 2. Queen Bed for 2 guests Bedroom 3. Two twin beds with trundels for 4 kids
Bedroom 4. Futon for 2 guests and second full Bathroom.
On First floor 20 Sqm Backyard great specially for Kids during the day .
on Third floor 60 Sqm Terrace from where you can watch the beauty of Maarav Rishon ( NOT RECOMMENDED FOR KIDS )
There is 2 free parking spots in the property.Rishon Beach is 5 minutes away by car
Supermarket, Kosher restaurants, Cinema city and leisure park are walking distance.
Huge Shopping mall ( 5 minutes away by car) 20 minutes from Tel Aviv central 35 minutes from Jerusalem 15 minutes from Ashdodประเภทห้องบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลังประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้8ห้องนอนRishon LeTsiyon, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอลKosher Villa in Rishon Lezionราคา$206 Kosher Villa in Rishon Lezionบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลัง · 6 เตียงMy place is close to public train. My place is good for couples, solo adventurers, and business (URL HIDDEN) Clean very nice place quite enviermnet full equipments all floar is available 2 flors seperated privecyy for the guestprivecy for the guest nice and clean 2 flore nice ares 3 minu by walk from a train bathrom is close to the romm for the guest and privetHadas and her family is very kind. The house is large and the room is clean and comfortable. The location is close to a train station where you can go to Jerusalem easily. It a pleasure to stay at her place.Mingzhe2017-05-24T00:00:00ZNice residential area. Great house and above all lots of fun and friendship with the owners! Highly recommended! Charles2017-04-15T00:00:00ZIt is a splendid stay with house host. Really recommended to chose her house.The house is independent with a garden around near high speed road so that easy to get there. The room we live is lovely with king size bed and private bath room. We used kitchen room to cook our dinner and breakfast . Really thank you for what they have done for us. Blessing them good luck for ever.Sophia2017-05-07T00:00:00ZExcellent value v nice people Eli2017-04-12T00:00:00ZVery Clean place. Excellent comunication, Phillipe was very polite and helpful. David2017-05-08T00:00:00ZTake own towelsMark2017-04-05T00:00:00ZHadas was a great host! The house located in a quiet area! In a few minutes of walking from railway station! Everything is just great! Thanks for the hospitality!Vladimir2017-03-26T00:00:00ZVery nice place to stay in Be´er Ya´kov. Hadas and Phillip are very cozy people.Julio Antonio2017-05-15T00:00:00Zประเภทห้องห้องส่วนตัวประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้2ห้องนอนBe'er Ya'akov, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอลOne bedroom for 1 or 2 personราคา$43 One bedroom for 1 or 2 personห้องส่วนตัว · 1 เตียงความคิดเห็น 11 ข้อความamazing vila in the vilage , 10 minutes from tel aviv , 5 minutes from the sea , has a swiming pool and an external kitchan , for childrens .
with wifi , aquiped kitchen , looking for a clean and responsible family.1 floor villa in a pastoral area 10 minutes from tel aviva villa in an amazing village in the center .ประเภทห้องบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลังประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้7ห้องนอนKfar HaNagid, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอลVILLA IN A VILLAGE IN THE CENTERราคา$308 VILLA IN A VILLAGE IN THE CENTERบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลัง · 5 เตียงA private house (garden and a porch) near Tel-Aviv, located in a quiet street with easy access to all major busses and train lines,
Green & quiet.The host canceled this reservation 2 days before arrival. This is an automated posting.Paul2016-12-30T00:00:00ZI stayed only over a night at Shimi's but he was very friendly, helpfull and easy going and the room has got everything you need to be comfortable!Anne-Claire2015-04-03T00:00:00ZShimi propose un chambre spacieuse et confortable, dans un quartier calme où il est facile de garer son véhicule. Shimi a également un secret et un grand talent : sa gentillesse et son café : le shimi-café.Olivier2015-10-03T00:00:00ZShimi гостеприимный, доброжелательный хозяин. Общались с помощью гугловского переводчика. Жилье полностью соответствует описанию, вполне подходит для непритязательных гостей. Автобусные остановки рядом с домом. До ж/д станции 20 минут пешком. Елена2015-11-13T00:00:00ZShimi has a nice room with everything you need to be comfortable located in a quiet neighborhood. I would definitely book again. The best part was meeting Shimi as he is a nice guy with many interests to share with you. Christine2014-09-28T00:00:00ZThe host canceled this reservation the day before arrival. This is an automated posting.Ariel2016-12-30T00:00:00Zประเภทห้องห้องส่วนตัวประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้1ห้องนอนHolon, อิสราเอลCozy private room in Holon.ราคา$36 Cozy private room in Holon.ห้องส่วนตัว · 1 เตียงความคิดเห็น 4 ข้อความNew home fully furnished and caters to all your vacation needs, 25 min south from Tel Aviv situated on the beach with a breathtaking view.Fully furnished newly built home with parquet floors keeping the home cosy and warm.
2 bedrooms, the main bedroom has a master bathroom with jacuzzi for 4 people.
Kitchen fully equipment leading to a balcony with a magnificent seaview in a quaint neighborhood.This location is perfect for secluded walks on the beach, magical sunsets and an escape into nature.We had a great time at Ori´s place. It´s spacious, and beautifully situated. One of the highlights of our tour. Would definitely recommend to others!Sharon2016-07-13T00:00:00ZOri was a great host. The house is very nice, modern and well equipped (full kitchen and an impressive tv and sound system). The house is great with small kidsas one of the bedrooms is very big with matresses and the outside has a nice, shaded balcony with sofas. The surroundings are wonderful, the sea shore is nice, very quiet and clean. Oded2016-10-23T00:00:00ZOri was great, very nice, helpful and flexible... Place is beautiful, large and well-equipped with large outdoor, 100m from a very large and beautiful empty beach (bring your shade though...), no direct view to the sea but only few steps away...Astorre2016-10-15T00:00:00ZOri's place is beautiful, It's located at one of the last untouched Beaches in Israel that is only open for the community and the guests of kibbutz palmachim, truly one of the best spots in Israel,you get the whole beach with almost no people to yourself. The house itself is fully equipped with high end equipment, media center, fully equipped kitchen ready to make every dish you like, two bathrooms with instant heating system so you can shower in both at once. Ori himself is a great guy, he's so easy going that we practically pressured him to check us out. The most important thing that I can't explain is that we were 4 people there and everyone said at some point that it feels like home, a true airbnb experience, I honestly recommend it...Vartan2016-10-12T00:00:00ZSuperbe endroit conforme à la description. Accueil et disponibilité de notre hôte. Il est certain que nous reviendrons. katja2016-08-28T00:00:00ZThe place is fully equipped and provides a warm feeling. Its right by the sea which is amazing and almost private (especially during weekdays). Palmachim is very close to a lot of main places and cities and very accessible. Ori our host was kind, friendly and assisted us with every request and wish. We absolutely recommend this place if Israel is your destination.yifat 2016-08-02T00:00:00ZThe host was nice and very wellcoming.The place was amazing and perfect for our stay.Bella2016-08-14T00:00:00ZGreat house! Great location! 1 minute walk to an amazing beach. very quiet and peaceful neighborhood. gal2016-10-29T00:00:00Zประเภทห้องบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลังประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้6ห้องนอนPalmachim , Central, อิสราเอลSpectacular home on the beachราคา$276 Spectacular home on the beachบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลัง · 2 เตียงความคิดเห็น 18 ข้อความThis light-filled villa, recently built by a designer in a small orange grove only 20 min from Tel Aviv’s beaches, restaurants and nightlife, provides a perfect respite from the city's summer heat, noise and bustle.A stunning, light-filled home designed down to the last detail by its owner, a graphic designer who runs an independent branding and web design studio for clients in the Tel Aviv area. Sitting in the middle of an orange grove, this spacious villa is a breezy, peaceful retreat from the city’s summer humidity and heat, but only a 20-minute drive from Tel Aviv and 15 minutes from the beach. Built on 130 square meters of hardwood floor, it features a fully equipped Nordic-style kitchen/great room with a vaulted wooden ceiling and sliding glass doors that look out onto a nearby horse farm (don’t worry, no flies) on one side, and open onto a magical courtyard patio on the other. A beautiful Greek stone accent wall frames the hallway to a large, 2 bed children’s room, a lovely stone-floored bathroom, and the master bedroom and private bath. Built after years of careful, thoughtful design, this home is the perfect combination of harmony, simplicity and sunshine. The villa comes fully stocked with a smart TV, Wi-Fi, dishwasher, washer and dryer and air-conditioning. Perfect for a small family or couple wanting to be close to Tel Aviv’s beaches, restaurants and nightlife, but seeking a relaxing respite from the heat, noise and city bustle in the mornings and nights.The house is very private, given that its windows face towards the orchard and the nearby horse farm. However, there are several other houses nearby (mostly our family). They are very nice and respectful :)ประเภทห้องบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลังประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้4ห้องนอนKfar HaNagid, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอลArtistic dream house in an orchardราคา$177 Artistic dream house in an orchardบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลัง · 3 เตียงFurnished villa in a quiet area, 2 bedrooms, living room, fully equipped kitchen, sun room. minutes to Tel Aviv or Bat Yam, close to Jerusalem. Equipped with internet, color TV, Microwave and washer/dryer. On-call Local Manager and cab service. This Villa is great for large families. Sleeps 6 adults and 2 children.
On-call private cab available per demand.ประเภทห้องบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลังประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้6ห้องนอนHolon, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอลVilla for up to 6 Adults In Holonราคา$258 Villa for up to 6 Adults In Holonบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลัง · 4 เตียงAmazing 140 meter wood house surrounded by a beautiful garden, 2 deck balconies,
Kfar HaNagid is a small and quiet moshav in the heart of Israel. Only 20 min from Tel-Aviv, 10 Min from Rishon Lezion, Rehovot, 15 min away from Palmachim beach, one of the most amazing beaches in Israel. Big fields and walking pads trough the orchards. At night, there are a lot of places to go out to.ประเภทห้องบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลังประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้5ห้องนอนKfar HaNagid, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอลLovely house in a quite vilage only 20min from TLVราคา$204 Lovely house in a quite vilage only 20min from TLVบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลัง · 3 เตียงthe cottage is located in e village very close the public transport in the hurt of israel. and in quiet area . it has three floors, the guest will have the 2 floor which has 4 rooms + roof in the 3 floor , the kitchen and the 2 bathrooms.
the guest will experience warm welcoming ประเภทห้องบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลังประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้6ห้องนอนBet Dagan, อิสราเอลvilla in a village ราคา$233 villa in a village บ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลัง · 6 เตียงA fully furnish private family villa located in quite village, 20 minutes to Tel Aviv and 30 to Jerusalem . Especial price from nov.10,2016 to dec.(PHONE NUMBER HIDDEN)$ .theres a garden outside where you sit and relax . and a huge bbq grill outside to cook barbeque.thank you for all your help and support. we were very comfortable in your house, and will definitely recommend to our friends. Tamar2016-08-01T00:00:00ZThe host canceled this reservation 56 days before arrival. This is an automated posting.Tami2016-05-08T00:00:00Zประเภทห้องบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลังประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้6ห้องนอนmoshav sitriya, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอลfamily house in secure villageราคา$103 family house in secure villageบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลัง · 3 เตียงความคิดเห็น 2 ข้อความ2 ком. квартира на вилле у моря с итальянским двориком в Бат-Яме, 15 мин. от Тель Авива. Квартира полностью мебелирована и оборудована всем необходимым для беспечного отдыха. В спальне двуспальная кровать и шкаф. В гостиной шикарный кожаный гарнитур, дополнительная ортопедическая полуторная кровать и опция на дополнительную односпальную раскладную кровать. Квартира идеально подходит для отдыха или лечения в Израиле. В ней может разместиться семья с 2-мя детьми, или семейная пара, или один отдыхающий. Несомненным плюсом квартиры является наличие удобного дворика под навесом. Мягкие садовые качели и мангал разнообразят ваш отдых.
Находиться в 3 мин. от моря, бесплатного пляжа, набережной с множеством мест развлечений.
Электричество оплачивается отдельно по счётчику при выезде.Everything was really good.Cosy place. Not far from seaside and central street. Nice and very helpful host. It's great to have your own small yard just outside your door to relax and have a meal. Thanks a lot.Roman2013-06-15T00:00:00Zประเภทห้องบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลังประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้4ห้องนอนบัท ยัม, อิสราเอล2 ком. апартаменты на вилле у моряราคา$82 2 ком. апартаменты на вилле у моряบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลัง · 3 เตียงความคิดเห็น 2 ข้อความCharming 2 rooms villa with little garden 1 minute from the beautiful beach of Bat Yam. The villa fully furnished with all amenities include jacuzzi. Place and apartment was very nice, very bright apartment, clean, everything you might need during your stay. Location is perfect as well. Yuli is a very attentive and amazing host, while my sister was staying there with her baby, Yuli and his wife brought baby-chair, baby-bed and Playpen for the child. Also they gave complementary wine and cookies. And during their stay Yuli called everyday to make sure everything is alright!, that says a lot about him as a person. My sister and her husband were very touched and had a great time. highly recommended host;) Gala2012-03-02T00:00:00ZThis cozy little villa near the sea. It's location among the large houses is charming. Particularly attracted a small courtyard in front of the house. Wooden table and chairs, palm trees, flowers, a night light. All are the high quality and clean. Wonderful owner and his wife. We were so happy to have the deal with them and just talk. Among inconvenience - the lack of a night light in the bedroom: there are lights above the bed, but too bright. In the bedroom there is also a small hot tub is nice. Summary - that’s a good special place for see recreation. Это уютная небольшая вилла недалеко у моря. Ее расположение среди больших домов очаровательно. Особенно привлекает небольшой дворик перед домом. Стол и стулья, ночной свет и навес. Все качественно и чисто. Чудесные хозяин и его жена, с которыми радостно иметь дело и просто общаться. Из недостатков - отсутствие ночного света в спальне: есть светильники над кроватью, но слишком яркие. В спальне есть еще небольшое джакузи и это приятно. Это особенное приятное место для отдыха на море.Roman2016-07-15T00:00:00Zประเภทห้องบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลังประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้4ห้องนอนบัท ยัม, เขต Tel Aviv, อิสราเอลCharming villa near seaราคา$93 Charming villa near seaบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลัง · 2 เตียงความคิดเห็น 3 ข้อความnice 5 bedroom villa with beautiful garden, big trampoline, tree-house, 2 floors, 3 bathrooms fully furnished, fully equipped kitchen, and even massage chair2 floors good condition, 4 tv, nice garden, big trampoline, tree house, fully equipped house hold, free parkingvery good neibourhoodRan (רן) was a superb host. From the moment we booked our stay to the moment we left the house, he was very welcoming and helpful, above and beyond my expectations for a host. In particular: (a) he arranged SIM cards for us, which require an Israeli credit card, (b) he borrowed a high chair from a friend that we could use during our stay, and (c) on the night we arrived, after a very long journey, he drove me to a local Falafel restaurant to pick up dinner for the family. The house is his family's primary home, so it is very well stocked with anything you might need. We particularly appreciated the espresso machine, and the girls had a blast playing with all the toys. The backyard is as great as it looks in the pictures. A few other specific notes: 1) The house is very kid-friendly (toys, art supplies, trampoline, etc.) 2) The patio in the back of the house is nicely shaded and so a nice place to eat during the day or in the evening (bring bug spray for the mosquitos!) 3) The family has two outdoor cats, but something to be aware of for anyone with allergies 4) The second double bed is some kind of futon/couch that opens- very firm but comfortable All in all I would recommend this house to anyone that is looking for a comfortable, family friendly home in the area! Amit2016-04-07T00:00:00ZThe host canceled this reservation 33 days before arrival. This is an automated posting.Chenustablo2016-04-29T00:00:00ZWe really enjoyed our stay here! The house is situated at a great location, close to shops. It has big bedrooms, a nice kitchen and living room and a wonderful garden. The hosts are very nice people who are willing to help with everything and reply very fast. I would definitely come back!Katrien2016-10-29T00:00:00ZThe host canceled this reservation 11 days before arrival. This is an automated posting.Hernan2017-04-02T00:00:00Zประเภทห้องบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลังประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้9ห้องนอนYavne, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอล5 bedroom villa with lovely garden in the yardราคา$145 5 bedroom villa with lovely garden in the yardบ้าน/อพาร์ทเมนท์ทั้งหลัง · 8 เตียงความคิดเห็น 3 ข้อความSublet for room in large villa in Azur (15 minutes drive to Tel Aviv)
There are 4 partners aged 30+- living in the villa.ประเภทห้องห้องส่วนตัวประเภทที่พักวิลล่าพักได้1ห้องนอนAzor, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอลA room in huge villaราคา$22 A room in huge villaห้องส่วนตัว · 1 เตียงใหม่12312…31 – 18 จากวิลล่าให้เช่า 53กรอกวันที่เพื่อดูการกำหนดราคาเต็ม มีค่าธรรมเนียมเพิ่มเติม อาจมีภาษีเพิ่มอิสราเอล>เขตเซ็นเตอร์>Neta'imห้องพักช่วงวันหยุด Tel Avivเยรูซาเล็ม Housesไฮฟาห้องพักช่วงวันหยุด ซาเฟดห้องพักช่วงวันหยุด Kfar Vradimห้องพักช่วงวันหยุด Tel Aviv-Yafoห้องพักช่วงวันหยุด Ein Hodห้องพักช่วงวันหยุด Rehovotเฮอร์เซอลียาเนทันยาNazarethHaderaแผนที่ตัวกรองเงื่อนไขความเป็นส่วนตัวแผนผังเว็บไซต์Airbnbmag | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Airbnb, Inc. (pronounced AIR-bee-ehn-bee and stylized as airbnb) is an American company that operates an online marketplace for lodging, primarily homestays for vacation rentals, and tourism activities."
] |
LJ's Blog of Stuff: TK Maxx, and a Fabulous Paper Shop - Wow!!!
Posted by LJ at 20:38
Anonymous 26 July 2012 at 22:59
Wow love them, makes me fall in love with my Leuchtturm all over again, I actually considered ditching it for Journaling in a Filofax but think i'll stick with it. I love Emma Bridgewater notebooks, i've had my eyes on those for a while, guess where i'm off to lol. I love those planners they are great :)
LJ 28 July 2012 at 09:23
I am planning on starting journalling soon(ish), and as much as I love my filos I can't imagine using any of them for journalling - unless I do it as a smash book type of thing, but then I wouldn't really be journalling, more writing a few bits and then spending way too ling trying to find the perfect pictures etc to go with it. I'm going to be a bound book girl for journalling all the way - and trying to write that much with rings in the way - it's just not going to happen (or at least not until they bring out an A5 compact :o)
DEM 27 July 2012 at 19:49
These are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing. Just the other day I bought 3-4 journals that have pretty paper with assorted designs. My immediate thought was to disassemble the journals, punch holes in the paper and use it in my personal FF. I think I'm still going to do that and you've now given me a great idea for my next blog post. Thanks!
By the way, ever since I saw your original post about your fun paper in your FF, I've been on a quest to find something more interesting and pretty to use in mine. You're such an enabler!
LJ 28 July 2012 at 09:26
Glad to be of service ma'am :o)
I'm not sure if I can bring myself to cut the pages out of these notepads as the notepads themselves are too lovely - ha ha ha!!!
And I think if I were to do that and just add to my box of paper for filo usage my other half would probably just lose the will to live - oops!!! | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
Canadian Pacific Steamships agent's stubs Yip Sang Company; Canadian Pacific Steamships 1936
Description Ticket stubs for the following passengers: Toy Gim Kwai, Chiu Lid, Nellie Chan, Edward Mar, Jennie Chan, Chan Lun, Ko Shew Tai, Hong Park Yee, Yuen Nan Fon, Jang Yen Que.
Identifier CC-TX-120-3-4
Source Original Format: University of British Columbia. Library. Rare Books and Special Collections. The Chung Collection. CC-TX-120-3-4
DOI 10.14288/1.0225572
RBSC Location Box 120
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Original Record: chungtext-1.0225572-source.json
PRINTED IN CANADA (97281-2-6-36)
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Oh, How I Wish I Could Like That...: It's Okay to be a "Self-Taught" writer.
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Saint-Fargeau Tourism (2017): Best of Saint-Fargeau, France - TripAdvisor
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Update your closet ? clothes, accessories, and more ? when you head to Family Dollar Store for a leisurely day of shopping in Virginia Beach.
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"key": "website_description",
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Patent US5133758 - Total knee endoprosthesis with fixed flexion-extension axis of rotation - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inAdvanced Patent SearchPatentsThe invention is a total knee endoprosthesis with a fixed flexion-extensionxis throughout all degrees of flexion and extension of the knee. The endoprosthesis has a femoral component with spaced apart medial and lateral condyle portions which slidably seat on a tibial implant portion. The fixed flexion-extension...http://www.google.com/patents/US5133758?utm_source=gb-gplus-sharePatent US5133758 - Total knee endoprosthesis with fixed flexion-extension axis of rotationAdvanced Patent SearchPublication numberUS5133758 APublication typeGrantApplication numberUS 07/760,115Publication dateJul 28, 1992Filing dateSep 16, 1991Priority dateSep 16, 1991Fee statusPaidAlso published asCA2119016A1, CA2119016C, EP0678011A1, EP0678011A4, US5326361, WO1993005729A2, WO1993005729A3Publication number07760115, 760115, US 5133758 A, US 5133758A, US-A-5133758, US5133758 A, US5133758AInventorsAnne HollisterOriginal AssigneeResearch And Education Institute, Inc. Harbor-Ucla Medical CenterExport CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (6), Referenced by (118), Classifications (5), Legal Events (6) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetTotal knee endoprosthesis with fixed flexion-extension axis of rotation
1. A total knee endoprosthesis having a fixed flexion-extension axis of rotation for implantation in a patient's body, comprising:a femoral implant component for connection to the distal end of the recipient's femur bone, said femoral implant component having a medial condyle portion and a lateral condyle portion, said medial condyle and lateral condyle portions being spaced apart at their posterior and distal portions and having a patellar groove located at least partially therebetween on an anterior position of said femoral implant component, said medial condyle portion being larger than said lateral condyle portion, said posterior and distal portions of said condyles being circular in cross-section through a sweep of over 120 degrees and having a non-moving center of rotation; and a tibial implant component for connection to the proximal end of the patient's tibia bone, said tibial implant component having a plateau surface facing said femoral implant component, said plateau surface having a medial and lateral concavity defined thereon, s | [
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"type": "global",
"value": "Google Patents is a search engine from Google that indexes patents and patent applications."
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WELLNESS: Don’t Worry, It’s OK to Be Happy | TANIA FUENTEZ MEDIA
WELLNESS: Don’t Worry, It’s OK to Be Happy
Got a minute? Think about what you recently read today and how you felt afterward. Good, bad, indifferent? We’re bombarded with mixed messages nonstop, and those random bits of trivial and pertinent information from every crevice imaginable online. So, make sure you’re taking in what really makes you happy. Simple concept, right? Depends on who you ask.
I’d like to rule on the side of simplicity. Eating cleaner, living better and reading what uplifts the spirit. Choose wisely or happiness will remain elusive. I’m close to finishing Pema Chödrön‘s Start Where You Are, and thankful I decided to revisit this book because it’s nourishing my soul. Need a little incentive to lighten your mood? Get lost in the photo above taken a few years ago in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. Or, simply enjoy Pharrell William’s infectious Oscar-nominated tune, currently climbing the charts.
Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project: http://www.gretchenrubin.com/
Tags: Grammy Awards, happiness, Pema Chodron, Pharrell Williams, reading, The Happiness Project, zen Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here...
ART, blog, HEALTH and WELLNESS, inspiration, LIFE, MUSIC, NEWS, PHOTOGRAPHY, simplicity, spirituality, TOP STORIES Leave a comment | [
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"value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes."
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ULTIMATE Custom eBay Auction Listing Template / Store Design / Blog Design | eBay
Details about ULTIMATE Custom eBay Auction Listing Template / Store Design / Blog Design
ULTIMATE Custom eBay Auction Listing Template / Store Design / Blog Design
tonyas_store_logo_designs (353 )
“ULTIMATE Custom eBay Store Shop Auction Listing Template / Storefront / Blog Design”
Last updated on Oct 19, 2018 23:06:46 PDT View all revisions
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"value": "eBay Inc. ( EE-bay) is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website."
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Organic Lavender Sachets in muslin bags, grown in the Pacific Northwest United States, set of 4 for 5 dollars
Peacock Wedding Party Favors, organic lavender sachets, U.S.A. fresh, set of 5 for 6 dollars
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Announcement I offer fresh and fragrant organic lavender, grown in the Pacific Northwest United States. If your only experience with lavender is with the stale imported-from-France variety you are in for a real treat!
I offer fresh and fragrant organic lavender, grown in the Pacific Northwest United States. If your only experience with lavender is with the stale imported-from-France variety you are in for a real treat!
Tiny Heart Birthstone 12
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Cecelia on Jan 10, 2017
These items arrived quickly and are just beautiful. It is a pleasure dealing with this shop. I have found several beautiful things that I have on my list now. I am sure my granddaughter will love her necklace and having the matching one like "mimi" is just great. This is a wonderful and caring shop to deal with. Thank you. Cecelia
Tiny Heart Necklace, January birthstone, garnet Swarovski crystal
Krista Lemke on Jan 7, 2017
These are AMAZING! I got them to put in all of my yarn storage boxes and they are STRONG! the smell is amazing and the price can't be beat, I will definitely be back! Also, the way they were packaged was so nice!
Laurel on Jan 7, 2017
The sachets were nicely packaged and smell wonderful! Very pleased. Thank you!
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"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Etsy, Inc. is an American e-commerce company focused on handmade or vintage items and craft supplies."
] |
Teachers Using Law to Protect Themselves | The Car Family
Posted by carfamily under education, educators, school
We’re Not Going to Take it Anymore: Teachers Fighting Back
But something may be happening. There are a small number of teachers who are using the court system to fight back. And bless them for their actions as it would have been so much easier for them to just get along and not rock the boat. Better yet, it may be telling the public that teachers have rights and aren’t afraid of using them when conditions warrant.
2 Responses to “Teachers Using Law to Protect Themselves”
Teachers Using Law to Protect Themselves - KK Thirty Four Says:
[…] We’re Not Going to Take it Anymore: Teachers Fighting Back by Alan Haskvitz Teachers and the Law http://www.reacheverychild.com/feature/teacher_law.html All too often teachers have been the victims of being nice. Dedicated to helping others, schooled for years on being role models for society, teachers are held up as the epitome of moderation and understanding. This has […] The Car Family […]
[…]Teachers Using Law to Protect Themselves « The Car Family[…]…
education, educators, school | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes."
] |
Sorry, this activity has already happened Evening Health Walks Brockhampton Estate - National Trust, Bringsty Run by: Brockhampton Estate - National Trust Similar activities Saturday 1 October SAT 1 OCT FREE Kids Run Free - Children's Running Races King George V Playing Fields, Worcester, Worcester Run by: Kids Run Free SAT 1 OCT Go-Ride Cycle Coaching Stourport Sports Club, Worcestershire Run by: Severn Valley Velo Sunday 2 October SUN 2 OCT Open Hill Climb Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb Venue, Worcester Run by: Worcester St. Johns Cycling Club More Countryfile activities Getting closer to the great outdoors - discovering outdoor and adventure activities. Visit the Countryfile website See more Explore the BBC News News Sport Weather Shop Earth Travel Capital iPlayer Culture Autos Future TV Radio CBBC CBeebies Food iWonder Bitesize Travel Music Earth Arts Make It Digital Taster Nature Local Mobile Site Terms of Use About the BBC Privacy Policy Cookies Accessibility Help Parental Guidance Contact the BBC Advertise with us Ad choices Copyright © 2016 BBC. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read about our approach to external linking. | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is the national broadcaster of the United Kingdom. Headquartered at Broadcasting House in London, it is the world's oldest national broadcaster, and the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees, employing over 22,000 staff in total, of whom approximately 19,000 are in public-sector broadcasting."
] |
Teamwork – Teddy Wingert
On April 4, 2018 April 15, 2018 By winge1taIn Events, Leadership Development, Networking, UncategorizedLeave a comment
This year I had the opportunity to serve on CMU PRSSA's e-board as the Director of Finance. PRSSA is a student Public Relations organization that provides members with readiness and resources to succeed in the PR world. We host conferences, internship fairs, speakers and workshops to develop our network and learn as professionals. With my …
Continue reading Frugal in Finances
On March 18, 2018 April 15, 2018 By winge1taIn Community, Events, Networking, UncategorizedLeave a comment
This year as apart of LAS protocol I had the opportunity to be a member of the Special Events Lead Team. The Special Events Lead team is responsible for planning large events for members of the Leadership Institute to spend time as friends and meet new ones as well. I had never been on this …
Continue reading Special Events Lead Team | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes."
] |
Triablogue: Infinite loss, infinite comeuppance
donsands10/07/2011 8:44 AMDeep subject. Some good thoughts. It's such a terrifying thought for people I know. They can't embrace infinite hell for others. Understandable.Have a great weekend, and especially Lord's day, in our Savior's care and love.ReplyDeleteMarc10/07/2011 11:10 AMSteve:Interesting thought experiments, but I wonder if they prove too much. If the punishment we assign to the perpetrator is based upon what the victim is prevented from experiencing, then it seems possible to justify assigning infinite punishment for exceedingly minor offenses. That is, if the duration of the punishment should be directly proportional to the duration of the "good" the victim was prevented from experiencing, then it would appear that seemingly minor offenses should deserve infinite punishment. But that seems highly implausible, so perhaps there's a problem with the manner in which we're assigning punishment in these cases.For example, suppose you're about to help an elderly lady cross the street while carrying her groceries for her -- a morally good act. But before you can begin assisting the lady, I throw a water balloon at your head, the explosion of which causes you to be drenched. Distracted, you temporarily forget about helping the lady, and she struggles to cross the street on her own before your realize it. Now, had you helped the lady, you could've gone to heaven and enjoyed the everlasting (or infinite) memory of having done a morally good deed. Instead, however, you were deprived of experiencing this infinite good. But does this entail that I deserve infinite punishment?Also, I wonder if the principle you're attempting to resist is (or should be) formulated differently. Perhaps the principle isn't: a finite offense can't possibly deserve infinite punishment simpliciter. This appears to suggest that virtually any punishment will be prohibited as long as it's everlasting -- such as everlasting incarceration. Rather, perhaps the principle is something like: a finite offense can't possibly deserve infinite punishment in hell. This formulation might have the benefit of allowing one to accept your counterexamples (to the first principle) without also accepting the conclusion that the (second) principle is falsified. Indeed, the second formulation seems to be a weaker version of the principle, but maybe that increases its plausibility (as well as its relevance to the debate about the nature of hell).ReplyDeleteJacob10/07/2011 10:21 PMThere are a number of flaws in these hypotheticals, particularly #2.ReplyDeleteJim Pemberton10/07/2011 11:15 PMI think these thought experiments are about as good you can get. They are certainly more thoughtful than the argument they are answering.Can you unpack the equivocal, or have you done it in the past? My take:Hell is punishment, but I'm not certain that the Bible supports it as punishment for discreet, or "finite", misdeeds. Rather, we're identified with Christ under His atonement by the life-giving work of the Holy Spirit...or we're not.The punishment is punishment we all deserve by being identified as the progeny of fallen Adam, and sharing in that fallen nature, not from discreet acts that come as a result of that fallen nature. What we are given as Christians is eternal life from what would be otherwise be eternal death.ReplyDeletesteve10/08/2011 8:10 AMi) Marc, I’m simply responding to the standard formulation a standard annihilationist objection to hell. Its primary appeal lies in its prima facie simplicity: the alleged disparity between the finitude of the offence and the infinitude of the punishment, along with the stipulated principle that an infinite punishment for a finite crime is unjust.If, however, some finite crimes entail infinite harm, then the relevant point of comparison is not between the finitude of the deed and the infinitude of the punishment, but between the infinitude of the result and the infinitude of the punishment. The effect and the punishment are symmetrical. ii) You can, of course, try to improve on the standard formulation. Tack on various qualifications. But that doesn’t invalidate my response to the standard formulation. Rather, you’re introducing a different objection. iii) Moreover, if you present a more sophisticated formulation, that comes at a cost. For you lose the simplistic appeal of the original formulation. In addition, if you can refine the objection, I can refine the counterexamples.iv) Apropos (iii), my hypothetical counterexamples didn’t merely involve the infliction of infinite harm, but criminal intent. A malevolent perpetrator.v) Now perhaps you’d say the perpetrator must intend infinite harm to merit infinite punishment. If so, I think that’s excessive. Is it not sufficient to say the perpetrator is both malevolent and indifferent to the degree of harm? He doesn’t care whether or not the harm he inflicts on the victim is finite or infinite. And his very indifference (as well as malevolence) would be culpable. Perhaps you’d dispute that, but we’re now skin-diving in very murky waters. The objection has lost its intuitive clarity. No longer a straightforward contrast between what’s finite and what’s infinite, but more subtle distinctions.ReplyDeletesteve10/08/2011 8:14 AMEd,Your copy/paste objections are irrelevant to my argument. I confined my analysis to the alleged asymmetry between the finitude of the crime and the infinitude of the punishment. Your extraneous objections are beside the point.ReplyDeletesteve10/08/2011 8:15 AMJacob,That's not a counterargument.ReplyDeletesteve10/08/2011 9:15 AMMARC SAID:"Rather, perhaps the principle is something like: a finite offense can't possibly deserve infinite punishment in hell."But in that case the principle isn't based on the alleged asymmetry between finite crime and infinite punishment, but on the nature of hell.ReplyDeletesteve10/08/2011 10:25 AMMARC SAID:"Interesting thought experiments, but I wonder if they prove too much. If the punishment we assign to the perpetrator is based upon what the victim is prevented from experiencing, then it seems possible to justify assigning infinite punishment for exceedingly minor offenses. That is, if the duration of the punishment should be directly proportional to the duration of the 'good' the victim was prevented from experiencing, then it would appear that seemingly minor offenses should deserve infinite punishment. But that seems highly implausible, so perhaps there's a problem with the manner in which we're assigning punishment in these cases."i) But does that mean my argument is implausible, or does that expose the implausibility of the annihilationist principle (i.e. principle of proportionality)?The consequences of my argument flow from the annihilationist principle, which I grant for the sake of argument, then carry to a logical conclusion. ii) I could add a caveat to distinguish trivial infinite loss/harm from serious infinite loss/harm. iii) However, your objection ultimately targets the equivocal nature of the finite/infinite contrast. But that's not a problem for me. That's a problem for a popular objection to hell.ReplyDeleteBen10/08/2011 12:57 PMDo you suppose, Steve, that finite beings can genuinely conceive of what they have done in having deprived someone of an everlasting good? Can you punish a child for something beyond their moral conception?ReplyDeletesteve10/08/2011 2:32 PMI've given some examples which are easily conceivable.ReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more... | [
"key": "website_description",
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"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
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February 19th, 2015 - the diary of mr. tomorrow! — LiveJournal
February 19th, 2015, 09:31 pm
58050--the moment you know, you know you know
So this his how it works. I don't make an entry for a few days, then make one, then don't for a few days, and pretty soon it's three months later, and it seems pointless to make a post about trivialities. And the momentum is lost.
It was foggy today, which was fine with me. I've come to the realization that I can't control the weather, and I should take each day's weather for what it is, and get what I can out of it. There is a guy at the hospital who works at the coffee kiosk in the morning--Bart. He's a few years older than I am, and has a storied history. He has found his niche. He sells coffee and has something to talk about with everyone who walks up to the counter. Sometimes I sit near the kiosk and just listen to him and his customers. He knows a lot of customers by name.
As I was buying my coffee this morning, he squinted at my name badge. When I bought my second cup at about 10:30, he greeted me by name. We talked about the weather and how good it has been. I expressed some concern about the drought, and he agreed, but noted that we should just enjoy the gift of good weather as it comes.
I took my second cup of coffee out to the healing garden between the new and old building. I looked around at the trees.
This one still has some leaves left over from the fall--a few that haven't fallen yet. It brought to mind cold weather and endings.
This one, a few feet from the other, is blooming. It brings to mind warm weather and beginnings.
It is a strange year.
David Bowie--Where Are We Now | [
"key": "website_description",
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"value": "LiveJournal (Russian: Живой Журнал), stylised as LiVEJOURNAL, is a Russian-owned social networking service where users can keep a blog, journal, or diary.American programmer Brad Fitzpatrick started LiveJournal on April 15, 1999, as a way of keeping his high school friends updated on his activities. In January 2005, American blogging software company Six Apart purchased Danga Interactive, the company that operated LiveJournal, from Fitzpatrick."
] |
Opinion: Lawyer, Fellow 'Rink Rat' Supports Steve Demitro's Judicial Campaign - Opinion - Evanston, IL Patch
Evanston Nearby Skokie Patch Wilmette-Kenilworth Patch Glenview Patch Niles-Morton Grove Patch Winnetka-Glencoe Patch Northbrook Patch Highland Park Patch Deerfield Patch See More Sign in/Join Get the Daily NewsletterJoinSign In Home News Boards Events Businesses Edit × Delete this post? Are you sure you want to delete this post? Delete Cancel × Reason for rejecting this post Suggest how they can make this post appropriate for this group Cancel Reject Now Board | Opinion Opinion: Lawyer, Fellow 'Rink Rat' Supports Steve Demitro's Judicial Campaign In a Letter to the Editor, William J. Martin, a former Cook County assistant state's attorney, lends his support to a candidate for Cook County Circuit Court judge. Posted by William J. Martin, March 20, 2012 at 02:32 am Comment Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Loading... x × Next Previous Slideshow Download Ridgeland Common Ice Rink. Rat Time. 1982.
Patch welcomes letters to the editor. Submissions should include your name and contact information, for purposes of verification, and may be edited for clarity or profanity. Letters reflect the opinion of the author, not necessarily that of Patch or its staff. Comment Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Comments + Leave a Comment Show me all earlier comments Post comment Newsletter & Alerts Get the best stories each day and important breaking news Subscribe Not from Evanston Patch? Find your Local Patch » Who's Blogging? Janice Cha Janice Cha's thoughts and ruminations Read Janice Cha's blog » Jordan S. Zoot Illinois, Cook County, Chicago a are hysterically … Read Jordan S. Zoot's blog » Robert P. Mark Robert P. Mark's thoughts and ruminations Read Robert P. Mark's blog » Stephens Dentistry Advice and thoughts on dentistry. (Information in … Read Stephens Dentistry's blog » june shellene june shellene's thoughts and ruminations Read june shellene's blog » Douglas Macdonald The many pleasures of gardening in our city. The p… Read Douglas Macdonald's blog » Cathy McGlynn Promote public awareness of invasive species Read Cathy McGlynn's blog » Colleen Walsh Fong Colleen Walsh Fong's thoughts and ruminations Read Colleen Walsh Fong's blog » Become a blogger today! Get started now Start blogging × You are reposting to: Where do you want to post? Choose a category Add Categories: Add a category × Choose a section to post to Oops, looks like there are no groups in this filter. Select a category above. Repost Cancel Boards All Boards » × Note Article Just a short thought to get the word out quickly about anything in your neighborhood. Share something with your neighbors. Write a new post... What's up? Make an announcement, speak your mind, or sell something Post Shriners Hospitals for Children fundraiser Join us on July 20 & 21 for Summer Shine Pageant. 4th Annual fundraiser for Shriners… Announcements June 19, 2013 at 01:30 pm Comment Recommend Becky K. Gale Street Inn Presents Third “Bar Talk” Fundraiser on July… Gale Street Inn, a popular local landmark in the Jefferson Park neighborhood, will host the… Announcements June 19, 2013 at 12:17 pm Comment Recommend Creative Marketing Associates SASI Welcomes New Executive Director Services for Adults Staying in Their Homes (SASI) in Evanston recently welcomed Jeanie Ramsey… Announcements June 19, 2013 at 11:30 am Comment Recommend Alexa Free Mock Interviews To Give You A Competitive Edge in Your… We're a startup with the | [
"key": "website_description",
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"value": "Patch.com is an American local news and information platform, primarily owned by Hale Global. As of June 2019, Patch's more than 100 journalists operated some 1,227 hyperlocal news websites, which also have an information component, in 50 U.S. states and Washington, D.C.Patch Media Corporation is the operator of the service."
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Sorry it's been so long. Been a very crazy month for this family. Penelope is fantastic. She got her first shots already and did well. Susan said she screamed like a banshee but calmed down quick. She has been smiling and laughing and just a real joy to be with. She took her first flight already. Actually her first 4 flights?
My Grandfather Jerry passed away this last month. The whole family flew out there to help with the funeral. It was really nice to see my Aunt Nancy and Uncle Dave. Although it was a sad occasion having the whole family together for the first time in many years was nice. Penelope even got to meet Brandon.
Our Grandparents came out every year when we were kids. All the way until my grandma passed away ten years ago. They lived in Nebraska and would drive out here sometimes twice a year. Always during apple season. They took us out to museums and parks. Always out to eat. When they showed up their car would be filled with boxes of random things. Items from their stop in New Mexico or Arizona. Old photos of my dad. Presents for us. Dream catchers and those old drums on a stick. We knew it would be fun when they came to town.
I think part of the reason the three of us got in Science related jobs was because of my Grandfather. One of the things the minister said about him was that Jerry was a gardener. Talked about the how important the relationship with the ground is. And it's funny to see how that is true in our family. Anyways.
A sad trip but a needed trip.
Also it was 5 degrees out there and Susan has sworn to never return to weather like that.
Posted by You shall know our family at 7:51 AM | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
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*Hero Arts Stamp & Emboss FLOWER WREATH Sizzix 657768 | eBay
Details about *Hero Arts Stamp & Emboss FLOWER WREATH Sizzix 657768
Sell one like this More chances to get what you wantFeedback on our suggestionsHero Arts BasicGrey Medallion Patterned Stencil SA058 embossing stamping$4.90+ $2.50 Description
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"value": "eBay Inc. ( EE-bay) is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website."
] |
Charlie's Weather Forecasts: Micronesia: Day 11 - The End?
Tuesday, June 2, 2013
There's been a change in plans. The UW IPE is ordering me to go home.
Of course, I don't want to go home, my professor doesn't want me to go home, my parents don't want me to go home, and the other kids on the trip don't want me to go home, so I've been put in a very unfortunate situation.
Sunday was a doozy. It was a pretty chill day in general, except I had two seizures in one day. I'm fine - one occurred in the shower and the other occurred at the dinner table - and the only injury I have is a slightly gnawed tongue from the second one, which isn't even that bad. My mom is on her way to come and pick me up... I believe she is flying to Guam right now.
This is too bad... I've put a ton of effort into this course and I never foresaw not being able to finish it due to a cluster of seizures. Although I haven't had two seizures in one day, I have had two seizures in one week, so something like this is not unheard of. Nobody who is making the decision has asked to talk to me, and although my teacher has been given orders, he has not had the time to express his opinion, nor have any of the other students who witnessed the seizures and want me to continue staying on the trip.
I don't believe hope is lost. Publishing a brilliant scientific research paper whilst working my way through all this crazy UW bureaucracy would not only be a win for me... it would be a win for epileptics everywhere. You can't let epilepsy prevent you from doing the things you love, but I cannot prevent other people from trying to do so in the name of safety. If they were truly concerned about safety, they'd ask how safe I feel and my plan for these next few weeks instead of forcing me to sign an emergency medical evacuation form. I didn't sign it... the agreement said that "I have consulted appropriate legal counsel prior to executing this Release Agreement," and I don't have time to find a lawyer in Micronesia.
Yesterday was interesting. At first, the UW IPE said that I was not allowed to leave the hotel for 24 hours when it was perfectly safe for me to do the day's activities (I may or may not have participated in all of them... I still had a bit of a headache), but then they told me to go to see a certain Dr. Bryan Isaac in Kolonia to run some blood tests and take my weight. Me and the trip co-leader and a graduate student in Oceanography, Ashley, set off on our adventure to go find this man. Ashley was supposed to be leading students on a sampling expedition in the Kapwalap Estuary, but she stayed behind with me instead.
First, we went to the Genesis hospital, which is the largest private hospital in all of Pohnpei. They said that they didn't know a Dr. Bryan Isaac, so we headed over to the state hospital across the street (I don't understand why they would have two hospitals affiliated with different organizations on different sides of the street, but whatever works, I guess). When we asked the guys at the front desk of the state hospital where Dr. Bryan Isaac was, they laughed at us and said "Bryan Isaac?!?!? This is the STATE hospital! trolololol!"
Thankfully, a kind Micronesian woman that we knew was in the hospital, and she led us to Dr. Bryan Isaac when she could. Dr. Bryan Isaac was a doctor for a family practice. We sat in the waiting room and waited for the doctor, who took a blood test and my height and weight. I guess he was looking for anything terrible in my blood or to see if I had suddenly ballooned up to 243 pounds. In any event, he was a very nice guy. He had a big, bald head that looked as though it could be used as some sort of wrecking ball and these thick glasses. When the blood tests came back, everything was alright, except one thing.
The potassium levels in my blood exceeded the maximum value his instrument could read. This means that he likely lysed the blood cells in the preparation. Therefore, he sent us to the state hospital to get another blood test and an EKG.
The state hospital was unlike any state hospital you would find in the U.S. It was crowded with people, with huge lines and not enough chairs. Since we were told by Dr. Bryan Isaac that we needed to get some tests done, we headed to the place where tests were done and waited in line. When we finally got to the front of the line, the man in scrubs looked at Dr. Bryan's notes and told us that they were incorrect. We lacked a test form.
We called Dr. Bryan. The last thing we wanted to do was go all the way over to his place and lose our spot in line. He told us that we needed to go to the X-Ray department. So we went to the X-Ray department, and to our relief, we had finally reached the right place. A big, beefy, cheery man led me to a room, put some stickers on me, and gave me an EKG. This was the first thing that had gone right. My EKG looked normal.
Then, we went back in line to wait for a blood test. The wait wasn't horribly long, and I got my blood taken safe and sound. But the worst part was yet to come.
The blood-takers told Ashley and me that they would scan the results over to Bryan Isaac as soon as possible. "Great!" we said, and we headed back over to the kind, stumpy man with a head like a wrecking ball. He told us that the hospital hadn't faxed over the report yet, so we waited.
After two hours, the results were finally sent in. Everything was fine... except my potassium and sodium electrolytes were a little low. So the doctor prescribed me a banana and a teaspoon of salt, and we were on our way.
I'd never really thought about how epileptics were treated and about being some sort of activist. Now, I can't think of anything else. This whole experience (I don't want to talk about the week before the trip, but I felt manipulated, demoralized, and defeated, and it's a wonder I gathered up the strength to even go on this trip in the first place after that week) has really made me think about the way we treat people with disabilities. Yes, I have epilepsy. Yes, I risk death every day (my first seizure on Sunday took place in the shower, but I had turned the water off while I was scrub-a-dub-dubbing, and this simple action could have prevented a much worse outcome.
But I must live my life. And the people on this trip LOVE me here. My mom flew all the way from Seattle to San Francisco to Hawaii to support me on this trip, and now she is on the plane to Guam. After an overnight layover, she'll head to Pohnpei and stay in the same hotel as me.
The students won't, the teacher's won't, and I won't go home without being heard. You can't always win, but you can always try.
Fingers X'ed. Charlie | [
"key": "website_description",
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Cadre Prénom déco Oiseaux Roses en bois pour chambre de bébé | [
"key": "website_description",
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"value": "Pinterest is an American image sharing and social media service designed to enable saving and discovery of information (specifically \"ideas\") on the internet using images and, on a smaller scale, animated GIFs and videos, in the form of pinboards. The site was created by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp and had over 478 million global monthly active users as of March 2021."
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Citizens for Reasonable And Fair Taxes - Croydon: Fred S. Teeboom: In Nashua, teachers are led blindly into a strike by poor leadership
Fred S. Teeboom: In Nashua, teachers are led blindly into a strike by poor leadership
The following article appeared in the Union Leader. Readers of this BLOG may want to read the whole series of articles and reader comments regarding the Nashua strike in the Union Leader. The point of this article is so readers who have not obtained a copy of the Croydon or Newport school contracts get an idea of what goes into school contracts. Contracts are pretty similar throughout the state and throughout the country. Croydon's will be significantly different because we have a one room school house but since we export our children to Newport it is important to read their contracts as well. You will find salaries vary throughout the state but that has to do with simple economics towns where the cost of living is higher and property values are higher you will see higher salaries as you would with any other profession. What readers should note is the benefits and the raises educators and school employees receive.
School boards across the state should be financially transparent with parents and voters and post all contracts and budgets on their school districts website.
IT IS DIFFICULT to understand why teachers should just hand the decision to engage in an illegal strike to their union leadership at the risk of high fines and even their jobs.
Here in Nashua, a strike deadline has been set, although a membership-wide secret ballot vote was not called and salary information prepared by the city was not circulated to teachers' union members. Reasonable people should ask, strike over a 2.75 percent average retroactive raise for the 2006-2007 school year, long gone? What about the contract offered by the city for this year forward?
Here is what the city offered:
Annual raises reach up to 19 percent and up to $10,000. Three hundred forty-four of the 967 teachers (36 percent) will receive an annual increase of 10 percent or more the next (2008-2009) school year, and 195 teachers (20 percent) will see an annual increase of $5,000 or more. (To verify, use the calculator posted on the Nashua home page, and look up the salary and raises for a teacher with any degree currently on step 9).
The proposed contract offers a double-step increase from the "status quo" (2005-2006) school year to the current (2007-2008) school year, thus no steps and no "experience" and no salaries on the salary schedules are lost.
The city pays an average of $11,750 contribution per teacher per year this year (2007-2008) for health and dental insurance, to increase to $14,000 in the last year (2009-2010). According to an insurance report prepared for the city, Nashua pays 96 percent of the combined medical and drug costs for its employees; the employees pay 4 percent.
The city charges no deductibles for both health and dental insurance, even as medical insurance nationwide, to contain cost, is moving to out-of-pocket deductibles of thousands of dollars.
Paid sick leave can be accumulated up to 11 days per year, and up to 165 days total. A teacher is paid in cash up to 100 days of accumulated sick leave on retirement, added to pension benefits.
There are a total of 28 generous cost benefits in the teachers contract, such as longevity payments and paid personal days.
The central problem in the teachers contract is a salary structure not based on merit, and not based on need. Over 12 years (10 in the proposed contract), teachers stair-step from entry position to the top step in the step schedule, one step each year, frequently earning double-digit raises as they step upwards, more if they earn credits and degrees.
After they reach the top step, there are no additional steps to jump to, and the teachers now see increases only for the same step from one salary schedule to the next. Their percentile raises now drop from double digits to as low as 2.45 percent annually (see the calculator on the Nashua home page).
Three hundred fifty-four of the 967 teachers (37 percent) are "trapped" in the top step. In what other profession do you move from entry to the most senior position in 10 years, after which raises level off to below the rate of inflation? It is difficult to understand how teachers would tolerate such a salary system. No other union in our city has such an insane system.
The problem is not the city. It is a union membership not informed by its leadership of details and tolerant to be led by the nose. Teachers are trapped in a system of severe inequity that recognizes no merit, pays no stipends for teaching critical subjects, and pays no extra for positions difficult to fill such as math and science teachers.
Every three or four years when a new contract for the teachers comes up, there are complaints, job actions and threats of a strike. The resentment and dissatisfaction of teachers should be directed at a salary system unresponsive to merit and need and excellence, not at the city that has offered an exceedingly generous contract.
Fred S. Teeboom is a Nashua alderman-at-large.
Labels: It's a spending problem not a funding problem., Teacher Pay, Teacher Unions | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
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Elias!: Urgent Request for Prayers!
Urgent Request for Prayers!
We just got an update about another FA family who is in desperate need for prayers. I simply copied this from Alicia’s Blog another FA patient who had a bone marrow transplant almost a year ago. “We would like to ask for prayers for a FA family here in Cincinnati. His name is Stacy, He is five. He was in transplant when Alicia was here, about a month after hers. They were next door neighbors at the Ronald McDonald House for several months. He has been given only hours to live and his parents are having a very hard time, to say the least. He went home about a week after Alicia to Kentucky. While at home, He got a port on Thursday, the site came open and got an infection in his blood (MRSA). He then got pneumonia and was placed on a vent. He was brought back to Cincinnati. It has quickly taken over his body and his body started shutting down. They were told today he has a brain bleed, which they can not find and do not know how long it has been bleeding. His parents Michelle and Mark are holding out all hope and just not ready to let go. They are going to try dialysis the last I heard. Please pray for them!!! Michelle is having a very hard time with all this.” This is simply a somber reminder of how unfortunate and terrible this disease can be. We feel for the parents of Stacy and are hoping for a miracle tonight! Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
Arsenal submit bid £50m for Monaco winger Thomas Lemar | Daily Mail Online
Arsenal will submit a third offer of £50m for Monaco winger Thomas Lemar
The club are desperate to get the Frenchman, but have had advances rejected
A recent offer of £45m was turned down by the reigning French champions
Published: 17:30 EST, 25 July 2017 | Updated: 05:45 EST, 26 July 2017
Arsenal will submit a third offer for Monaco forward Thomas Lemar worth £50million.
Having signed Alexandre Lacazette from Lyon, the Gunners are focusing on getting a deal for the France international over the line.
Arsenal have already had two offers, their latest worth £45m, rebuffed by the Ligue 1 club. Monaco have insisted Lemar is not for sale, but that has not stopped the north London club from trying to land the 21-year-old.
Arsenal will submit a third offer for Monaco forward Thomas Lemar this week worth £50million
And Arsenal hope their latest gambit will be enough to finally land Lemar, with an agreement on personal terms likely to be a formality.
In theory, landing Lemar would open the door to Alexis Sanchez leaving the Emirates Stadium this summer.
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However, the club are adamant Lemar is not a replacement for Sanchez, who manager Arsene Wenger insists will not leave under any circumstances this summer.
The Chilean is scheduled to return to pre-season training on Monday, where he will reiterate his intention to leave the club to Wenger.
Lemar (c) was one of the stars of the Monaco side who won the French Ligue 1 last season
After tying up a deal for Alexandre Lacazette Arsenal are focusing on his France team-mate
Arsenal are not giving up hope that they can persuade Sanchez to sign a new contract.
However, Sportsmail understands there has been a breakdown in communication between the club and Sanchez’s advisors, with the prospect of the South American signing fresh terms looking bleaker than ever.
Sanchez’s deal expires at the end of next season, when he can leave Arsenal for nothing.
Manchester City and Paris Saint Germain want to sign Sanchez this summer, but Arsenal are adamant their star player will not be sold.
Arsenal have offered Sanchez a new contract worth £275,000-per-week, which would increase by up to 20 per cent, once the Gunners get back into the Champions League.
Arsenal submit bid £50m for Monaco winger Thomas Lemar | [
"key": "website_description",
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"value": "The Daily Mail is a British daily middle-market and online news source newspaper published in London in a tabloid format. Founded in 1896, it is the United Kingdom's highest-circulated daily newspaper."
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Gould Hill 2015 | 1inawesomewonder
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This entry was posted in Family, Photography, Twin Adventures, Weather and tagged #applepicking, @1inawesomewondr, @GouldHillFarm, @wmur9, apple picking, autumn, Beal, Family time, gould hill farm, NH, southpawsports. Bookmark the permalink. | [
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Barbecued clams Recipe - NYT Cooking
Barbecue Sauce, Cherrystone Clam
2 dozen Cherrystone clams (see note)
98 calories; 0 grams fat; 0 grams saturated fat; 0 grams trans fat; 0 grams monounsaturated fat; 0 grams polyunsaturated fat; 16 grams carbohydrates; 0 grams dietary fiber; 11 grams sugars; 6 grams protein; 13 milligrams cholesterol; 628 milligrams sodium
Place clams on hot grill until they open.
Remove the top part of shell and brush clam tops with barbecue sauce. Place on grill for a few minutes to heat sauce. Serve immediately.
To serve 15 people, you will need at least double this amount of clams and sauce. | [
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ToC Summer Happy Hour 2013 - Technologists of Color (Atlanta, GA)
Join us at 5 Seasons Brewery for good beer, wine and great conversation. The Technologists of Color Happy Hour provides a great opportunity to meet technology professionals in a casual setting. It will also help you to get plugged in to what's happening in and around Atlanta's exploding technology scene. If you are new to the group, those that have been before can tell you t's a great time. I hope to see you there!!
Ronford H. Great to meet such a good group who has a great energy and provide a nice welcome to me and the other newcomers. The conversation was great and everyone is good at what they do; it is great to be around such a strong group of people. 3 · June 28, 2013 Rob N. I'm a newbie to the group and to Atlanta, looking forward connecting with like minded professionals 0 · June 27, 2013 Jef A. Lets make #TOCHappyHour a trending topic! 1 · June 27, 2013 Kareem Good idea Jef 0 · June 27, 2013 Yolanda D. Looking forward to seeing everyone this evening! 1 · June 27, 2013 Lisa R. I have a prior commitment but will definitely be attending upcoming events. 0 · June 27, 2013 Marcellus H. Hey all....the hashtag for the happy hour is #TOCHappyHour. I would love to see some tweets tomorrow! Photos, Instagram Video and Vines would be good too! :-) 0 · June 27, 2013 Torii This will be my first meeting. I'm very nervous, because I'm a freshman in college. I'm not sure if I will understand the lingo lol. 0 · June 26, 2013 Marcellus H. Hi Torii....Don't be nervous! The very purpose of this group is ultimately to help young aspiring technologists like yourself to grow in the industry. Just relax, be confident and socialize.....no drinks for you though if you're not 21. Just tell them to give you a Coke or something. ;) 3 · June 27, 2013 Alphonse P. I have a huge project that needs to be deployed this week at work so unfortunately I won't be able to attend. 0 · June 26, 2013 Art Have a prior engagement 0 · June 26, 2013 Marcellus H. I'm happy to announce that Integritas Solutions (http://integritassolutions.net) will be sponsoring the event providing food and drinks; so come and have a glass of wine on us! 1 · June 26, 2013 A former member Sorry, I'll be out of town and will miss this one, but I'll be on the look out for the next event. Enjoy and look forward to the other events! 0 · June 12, 2013 24 went
Kathline 'Kit' D.
Cassandra Duggan, Kenneth Saunders III, Yolanda Davis and 1 more
915 Nerdettes | [
"key": "website_description",
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"value": "Meetup is a service used to organize online groups that host in-person and virtual events for people with similar interests. It was founded in 2002 by Chairman Scott Heiferman and four co-founders."
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Courtney Starns – "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9
The weather’s getting warmer…
Posted on March 17, 2016 by cstarns31
As the summer draws near, and the weather is getting warmer.. it’s the perfect time to get outdoors! The turkeys are gobbling, the birds are chirping, the morels are starting to pop up and we have an hour extra of daylight each day.
I don’t know about you, but I go stir crazy when I am stuck inside too long. My daughter recently came down with strep throat and we were forced indoors for a whole SIX DAYS. Talk about cabin fever!
There are tons of activities you can do outdoors this time of year. What are some of your favorite things to do in the spring?
Posted on January 19, 2016 by cstarns31
If you know me, you know that my hobbies pretty much consist of hunting and bible journaling. With both, I can include my daughter, and both are great stress-relievers.
I have been bible journaling for about a year and a half now, but just recently started using an actual journaling bible. I post my entries on my Facebook and Instagram accounts, but I decided that I would start posting them here as well. I post them so that MAYBE someone out there might be dealing with something, or might just need to read what I read that day, and hopefully through my posts, someone is able to find encouragement.
I will try to follow-up with a post soon about what I use with my bible journaling.
Posted on January 8, 2016 by cstarns31
While, it might not be the smartest idea to hunt in the middle of a thunderstorm, this has always been one of my favorite times to hit the woods. There is just something about the peacefulness the rain brings to the woods. Being out there alone, watching the wildlife can be pretty incredible.
I am the type of person that likes to walk that fine line between determination and stupidity, I’ll admit.
A couple Saturdays ago, I hit the woods at the beginning of a thunderstorm, early afternoon. I will say that I was smart enough not to sit in my ladder stand, but instead found a nice little patch of brush, and a tree stump to sit on. I sat about 25 yards from the feeder over a wheat field, and ended up drenched from head to toe.
Not only did I see around 30 turkeys walking along the field for quite some time, I had a little 7 point hang out with me for a while also. Had my daughter been with me, he would have been great for her first bow kill, but she stayed with her daddy since the weather was icky. He was a little small for me to shoot, but it was great watching him for so long.
I also had the privelege to test out some new potential products for upcoming sportsman’s boxes and I have to say that I was VERY impressed!
My favorite part of bowhunting is drawing the animals in so close. There is something really cool about sitting within 20 yards of a whitetail deer, especially when you are able to watch them from that distance for an extended period of time.
How many of you like to hunt in the rain?
Posted on November 17, 2015 by cstarns31
But within the hunting industry itself this idea of female hunters is actually exploding. Female hunters are showing up on more shows, magazines and social media feeds than ever before. Some of these females are representing the industry and females in a negative light. Giving the haters…
It’s like Christmas every month when you are a @sportsmansbox subscriber! Check out that box full of awesome products! #whatgetsyououtdoors #sportsmansbox #whatdoyudu #sportsmanstyle
Cam is all set for a sparkly 5th grade year. I only lettered one of her folders upside down! 😂
Meet Jalapeño. Camden chose the name because she’s “jalapeño business” She takes the best pics. 😂
Tell em about it, Red. | [
"key": "website_description",
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"value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes."
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Patent US5504508 - Ink receiving cap, and ink-jet recording apparatus and ink discharging ... - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inAdvanced Patent SearchPatentsA cap for capping the single surface of a recording head that is formed with a plurality of groups of ejection holes for inks of different colors so as to maintain an ink-ejectable condition of the recording head has an interior divided into a plurality of spaces individually corresponding to the plurality...http://www.google.com/patents/US5504508?utm_source=gb-gplus-sharePatent US5504508 - Ink receiving cap, and ink-jet recording apparatus and ink discharging method using the sameAdvanced Patent SearchPublication numberUS5504508 APublication typeGrantApplication numberUS 08/140,553Publication dateApr 2, 1996Filing dateOct 25, 1993Priority dateOct 30, 1992Fee statusPaidPublication number08140553, 140553, US 5504508 A, US 5504508A, US-A-5504508, US5504508 A, US5504508AInventorsKenichiro HashimotoOriginal AssigneeCanon Kabushiki KaishaExport CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (18), Referenced by (40), Classifications (10), Legal Events (5) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetInk receiving cap, and ink-jet recording apparatus and ink discharging method using the sameUS 5504508 AAbstract A cap for capping the single surface of a recording head that is formed with a plurality of groups of ejection holes for inks of different colors so as to maintain an ink-ejectable condition of the recording head has an interior divided into a plurality of spaces individually corresponding to the plurality of ejection hole groups for different-color inks. The spaces include at least a first space corresponding to the ejection hole group for a black ink, and a second space corresponding to the ejection hole groups for yellow, magenta and cyan inks. The plurality of spaces are integrated in a single cap. When an ink-jet recording apparatus includes such a cap, a condition for proper ejection of ink is maintained in the apparatus and requires only a small system.
In the foregoing embodiments, ink is described as being liquid. Another ink which may be used in the present invention is an ink which solidifies at or below room temperature and softens at room temperature, or an ink which remains a liquid, or an ink which is in a liquid state when a recording signal is applied since, in general, in carrying out the above-described ink-jet recording method, an ink itself is adjusted to a temperature range from 30 the ink falls within a stable ejection range thereof.
Patent CitationsCited PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS4313124 *May 13, 1980Jan 26, 1982Canon Kabushiki KaishaLiquid jet recording process and liquid jet recording headUS4345262 *Feb 7, 1980Aug 17, 1982Canon Kabushiki KaishaInk jet recording methodUS4459600 *Nov 25, 1981Jul 10, 1984Canon Kabushiki KaishaLiquid jet recording deviceUS4463359 *Mar 24, 1980Jul 31, 1984Canon Kabushiki KaishaDroplet generating method and apparatus thereofUS4506277 *Apr 29, 1983Mar 19, 1985Canon Kabushiki KaishaNozzle-restoring suction device for ink jet printerUS4558333 *Jul 2, 1982Dec 10, 1985Canon Kabushiki KaishaLiquid jet recording headUS4608577 *Sep 21, 1984Aug 26, 1986Elm Co., Ltd.Ink-belt bubble propulsion printerUS4723129 *Feb 6, 1986Feb 2, 1988Canon Kabushiki KaishaBubble jet recording method and apparatus in which a heating element generates bubbles in a liquid flow path to project dropletsUS4728970 *Sep 22, 1986Mar 1, 1988Canon Kabushiki KaishaSuction recovery apparatus of ink-jet 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headUS5835109 *Feb 11, 1997Nov 10, 1998Canon Kabushiki KaishaInk jet apparatus with collectively capped multicolor ink discharge openingsUS6068364 *Nov 15, 1997May 30, 2000Nec CorporationCap for service station for ink-jet printheadsUS6079809 *Aug 24, 1995Jun 27, 2000Canon Kabushiki KaishaInk jet recording apparatus and method including prevention of color mixing through selective predischarge of nozzles adjacent to differing color groupsUS6123408 *Jul 25, 1997Sep 26, 2000Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.Ink-jet type image forming apparatus and an ink suction pump used thereinUS6322196Dec 23, 1999Nov 27, 2001Hewlett-Packard CompanyInkjet service station and method of using sameUS6340217Jul 10, 1998Jan 22, 2002Canon Kabushiki KaishaInk jet recording apparatus and recovery method thereofUS6402293 *Jun 16, 2000Jun 11, 2002Xerox Corp.Vacuum accumulator and ink manifoldUS6447096 *May 9, 2000Sep 10, 2002Canon Kabushiki KaishaInk jet recording apparatus and recovery method thereforUS6471330 *Sep 15, 2000Oct 29, 2002Brother Kogyo Kabushiki KaishaMaintenance cap forming a sealed condition around nozzle rows of an ink jet print headUS6491370Dec 1, 2000Dec 10, 2002Seiko Epson CorporationInk jet recording apparatusUS6494560Jan 29, 1999Dec 17, 2002Seiko Epson CorporationInk jet printer and printing system using the sameUS6565186 *May 16, 1997May 20, 2003Canon Kabushiki KaishaInk jet head, ink jet apparatus and method of recoverably activating in the apparatusUS6979072 *Feb 23, 2004Dec 27, 2005Benq CorporationInk-jet printing module having a cleaning device and a covering device at two sides of the printing platformUS7201464 *Aug 20, 2002Apr 10, 2007Ricoh Company, Ltd.Ink-jet recording apparatus and copying machineUS7244013 *Sep 30, 2004Jul 17, 2007Seiko Epson CorporationLiquid ejecting apparatusUS7338146Aug 29, 2003Mar 4, 2008Seiko Epson CorporationLiquid ejecting apparatus and capping member used in the sameUS7377616 *Sep 9, 2005May 27, 2008Brother Kogyo Kabushiki KaishaInkjet printer including discharger with capUS7452053Oct 25, 2005Nov 18, 2008Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Fluid aerosol extraction for service station of fluid ejection-deviceUS7517047Oct 12, 2005Apr 14, 2009Seiko I Infotech Inc.Maintenance unit and ink jet printerUS7641305Jun 13, 2007Jan 5, 2010Seiko Epson CorporationLiquid ejecting apparatusUS7771006Sep 19, 2007Aug 10, 2010Seiko Epson CorporationLiquid ejecting apparatus and capping member used in the sameUS7780260 *Dec 22, 2006Aug 24, 2010Brother Kogyo Kabushiki KaishaInkjet printer and capping methodUS7832832Sep 28, 2007Nov 16, 2010Seiko Epson CorporationLiquid injection apparatusUS7883199Sep 24, 2007Feb 8, 2011Canon Kabushiki KaishaInk set, ink cartridge set, ink jet recording method, recording unit, and ink jet recording apparatusUS7909448Sep 24, 2007Mar 22, 2011Canon Kabushiki KaishaRecording head, recording unit, ink jet recording apparatus, ink jet recording method, and ink setUS8061802Aug 21, 2008Nov 22, 2011Seiko Epson CorporationMaintenance device for liquid ejection head and liquid ejection apparatusUS8087745 *Apr 23, 2007Jan 3, 2012Brother Kogyo Kabushiki KaishaImage forming apparatus and method of discharging ink from recording headUS8322818Aug 21, 2008Dec 4, 2012Seiko Epson CorporationMaintenance device for liquid ejection head and liquid ejection apparatusUS20120162310 *Dec 21, 2011Jun 28, 2012Seiko Epson CorporationLiquid ejecting apparatusEP0844092A2 *Nov 15, 1997May 27, 1998Nec CorporationCap for service station for ink-jet printheadsEP0893263A2 *Jul 23, 1998Jan 27, 1999Kabushiki Kaisha TECAn ink-jet printerEP0933215A2 *Feb 1, 1999Aug 4, 1999Seiko Epson CorporationInk jet printer and printing system using the sameEP1106359A1 *Dec 1, 2000Jun 13, 2001Seiko Epson CorporationInk jet recording apparatusEP1112849A1 *Nov 30, 2000Jul 4, 2001Hewlett-Packard Company, A Delaware CorporationInkjet service stationEP1243420A1 *Dec 15, 2000Sep 25, 2002Copyer Co., Ltd.Ink jet system image forming device and waste ink tube cleaning methodEP1652675A1 *Oct 29, 2004May 3, 2006Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Methods and apparatus for aerosol extraction in fluid ejection-devicesEP1674267A2 *Oct 12, 2005Jun 28, 2006Seiko Instruments Inc.Maintenance unit and ink jet printerEP1841596A2 *Jan 6, 2006Oct 10, 2007Fujifilm Dimatix, Inc.Fluid drop ejectionWO2006074280A2 *Jan 6, 2006Jul 13, 2006Dimatix IncFluid drop ejection* Cited by examinerClassifications U.S. Classification347/24, 347/31International ClassificationB41J2/21, B41J2/18, B41J2/185, B41J2/165Cooperative ClassificationB41J2/16523, B41J2/16508European ClassificationB41J2/165B1, B41J2/165C1DLegal EventsDateCodeEventDescriptionSep 7, 2007FPAYFee paymentYear of fee payment: 12Sep 10, 2003FPAYFee paymentYear of fee payment: 8Sep 27, 1999FPAYFee paymentYear of fee payment: 4Sep 3, 1996CCCertificate of correctionOct 25, 1993ASAssignmentOwner name: CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA, JAPANFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNOR:HASHIMOTO, KENICHIRO;REEL/FRAME:006745/0986Effective date: 19931020RotateOriginal ImageGoogle Home - Sitemap - USPTO Bulk Downloads - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - About Google Patents - Send FeedbackData provided by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services©2012 Google | [
"key": "website_description",
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Newest 'starter-kits' Questions - Stack Overflow
The starter-kits tag has no wiki summary. learn more…
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I am using Video started Kit, First I used to upload videos/audios on local directory and It was uploading, Now I have implemented to upload files on Amazon S3 server. Because of this files takes too ...
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How to make an app with android browser and a fixed url to work upon
i am trying to make an app which is micro size, and when we click on app icon installed on our device it simple opens the web browser of android(default by android) wit a fixed url and on full screen ...
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I just installed the starter-kit https://github.com/kjhealy/emacs-starter-kit on emacs 24.3. after finishing I have the the following error Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading ...
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I am putting together a catalog (catalogs by nature are just metadata), and so rather than using a database, I am using an RDF store and SPARQL processor to compile the data. I am at the ...
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I put the following into my ~/.emacs.d/init.el file: (require 'package)
emacs starter-kits asked Oct 11 '11 at 16:44
DotNetNuke Starter Kit Version 05.06.01 creates an old manifest file
I installed the starter kit version 05.06.01 on visual studio 2010 and when I create a compiled module, the first line of the manifest file is:
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Starter theme for Drupal 7? Stark? Zen? [closed]
I have been using Drupal 6 for a year and always used Zen Sub-Theme for every project. So, should I keep using Zen for Drupal 7? Or is Drupal 7 bringing a better alternative? Maybe the Stark theme? drupal themes drupal-7 starter-kits asked Jan 11 '11 at 16:46
Q&A ASP.NET based starterkit or open source project? [closed]
Looking for an ASP.NET based Q&A starterkit or open source project. There's one on CodePlex but it uses Silverlight. I don't want Silverlight.
asp.net starter-kits asked Nov 26 '10 at 18:50
Small Business Starter kit for VS 2010: HRESULT 0x80041FEB
I've just downloaded the MS Small Business Starter kit, which is simply a smallbusiness.vsi file. I double clicked this, and got a success message after the install process. This adds a new web site ...
asp.net starter-kits asked Nov 20 '10 at 2:39
Any starter-kits/open source support center implementations out there?
I'd like to implement a product support site in ASP.NET that will contain at least a forum and a knowledge base(FAQs). Could you recommend some good starting points?
asp.net starter-kits asked Jun 15 '10 at 16:17
I have a WCF REST Starter Kit service. The type handled by the service is a subclass of a base class. For POST requests, the base class members are not correctly populated. The class hierarchy looks ...
c# .net wcf rest starter-kits asked May 19 '10 at 19:37
Looking at an older stackoverflow post (back in June 2009, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1006309/is-the-wcf-rest-starter-kit-dead-in-the-water), a Microsoft employee said they were pretty close ...
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ASP.net error message when using REST starter kit
I've written some code using the REST starter kit and it works fine on my development machine. However, when I upload it to our server the page gives me the following error message...
CS1684: ...
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Good ways to start an application in ASP.NET MVC
When you start creating an application or site in ASP.NET MVC, what do you do before typing in that first line of code?
I'm personally fond of creating a new ASP.NET MVC Web Application project and ...
asp.net-mvc starter-kits asked Nov 27 '09 at 13:50
Multi Language Starter Templates
I'm currently working through some code katas in multiple languages (Ruby, Perl, Python)/frameworks (Rails, Django, Mojo). It seems every time I start a new project from scratch I end up tweaking ...
python ruby perl templates starter-kits asked Oct 30 '09 at 2:01
jQuery/ jQueryUI plug-in tutorial [closed]
I've got a Javascript UI component I wrote near a year ago, I've just taken another look at it and, to be frank, it could do with a re-write to make it nice and generic.
The implementation uses ...
jquery-plugins starter-kits jquery-ui-plugins asked Aug 28 '09 at 18:24
Downloading the SubSonic Starter Kit
Here's an easy one for you... perhaps. The SubSonic Starter Kit that is discussed on the SubSonicProject Site, is MIA. All links to DL it point to the now defunct CodePlex project. There appears to ...
subsonic starter-kits asked May 30 '09 at 5:01
Can I create a visual studio 2008 starter kit that is based on a solution file with multiple projects
I have successfully managed to create Visual Studio starter kits in the past, however as far as I am aware they can only be made at the project level.
I have a solution that contains multiple ...
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ASP.NET sample applications [closed]
anyone know of some well written (but not too complex) ASP.NET web applications/websites that i could download from code.google.com or something? i just want to peek at how some other projects look to ...
asp.net starter-kits asked Feb 13 '09 at 12:51
ASP.NET Themes samples/starter kits
I was wondering if there was somewhere I could get some starter kit / theme sample for ASP.NET.
I am not a designer, but I need to build a prototype for a project, and if I do it myself it'll ...
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newest starter-kits questions feed
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"key": "website_description",
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"value": "eBay Inc. ( EE-bay) is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website."
] |
PlantPostings: Plant of the month: Peony
Northern Shade November 13, 2010 at 8:59 AM
I love peonies, and like yours, mine are growing in part shade. They get a few less blooms, but they add exuberant colour to the garden. Sarah Bernhardt is one of my favourites, with a wonderful pink colour and packed with petals.
PlantPostings November 13, 2010 at 7:16 PM
The double and anemone cultivars seem to keep their forms so long. Any other favorites?
Amy - Get Busy Gardening November 18, 2010 at 2:55 PM
Seeing pictures of peonies in November makes me long for Spring! They are one of my favorites and I can't get enough of them, I wish they bloomed more than once per season!!
I was just checking out some of the other newbies on Blotanical (I'm new on there too). | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
World news stories: Hot! Cyber Attacks Can Count As Acts Of War Venturebeat - Pentagon
Hot! Cyber Attacks Can Count As Acts Of War Venturebeat - Pentagon
The Pentagon features determined that will computer-based approaches coming from a dangerous country will be functions of war, in line with some sort of Lockheed Martin has been hit by your cyber harm .
As brand new varieties of dangers continually arise within the digital camera landscape, that U.S. government has to be prepared to handle more stylish attacks. Cyber hostilities isn't dealt with through the Rules of Armed Conflict, that is determined by a a line worldwide treaties like the Geneva Conventions. U.S. military officers said they should utilize this engagement to return up which has a total among allies.
The report specifies how cyber approaches would be evaluated:
If a new cyber episode yields your death, damage, break down or high-level interruption which a traditional army strike would cause, in that case it will be an applicant for a use of drive consideration, which usually could possibly value retaliation.
The pitch will produce a discussion over that truthfulness of your cyber assault verts origins and also which specific different types of some sort of assault would make up having induce problems your Pentagon possesses not still addressed.
Frankly, I feel the actual U.S. government and it is allies will be gravely behind the curve with this issue. In 2008, a new Pentagon computer network appeared to be breached by simply an episode regarded as have originated in Russia. Why this specific hasn t been an added pressing concern given that that point is confusing to be able to me.
The popular 2007 movie Live Free or even Die Hard depicts a group of cyber terrorists attacking U.S. federal government computers. As foolish because the movie is, that vertisements possibly not challenging in order to envision a stylish team involving cyber-terrorist applying flaws within U.S. administration devices and also shutting decrease necessary services. Having a explained government reaction for you to attacks of this nature is definitely an significant action in order to deterring potential attacks.
Next Story: App discovery financial services Appsfire gets $3.6 zillion investment | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
Trelawnyd houses. Find houses to rent in Trelawnyd, Rhyl, Denbighshire
Find houses to rent in Trelawnyd, Rhyl, Denbighshire
OPEN DAY - ARRIVE ON THURSDAY ANYTIME BETWEEN 1PM-2PM AND VIEW AT YOUR OWN LEISURE. Three bedroom semi detached family home located within the quiet sought after village of Trelawnyd. With easy access to the A55 expressway and surrounding towns of Prestatyn and Holywell, the accommodation compris...
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3 bedroom flats to rent in Trelawnyd | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Rightmove plc is a UK-based company that runs rightmove.co.uk, the UK's largest online real estate portal and property website. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index."
] |
Shopping in the Wild | Second Hand Roses
You Animal! →
Posted on December 27, 2019 by kathy & deb
So we promised you a little post on the crazy things we purchased at the Wyoming estate sale a couple of weeks ago. We didn’t take photos of the house, but believe me, it was stuffed to the gills. Some of it was pretty cool, and some of it was just plain crazy. I felt bad that I didn’t get to see the genuine bear skin rug (complete with teeth and claws!), but we did see the real ship’s wheel, and a whole bunch of other loony things. We each bought a few items, and I was naughtier than usual with hubby’s blessing, as you will see.
First up the budget buster:
We have been collecting Maxfield Parrish prints for ages, and sadly prices have come way down, but it means hubby and I have been snatching up quite a few we didn’t have. This was still over $100, but for a large size “Dinky Bird” (Max’s title, not mine) it was a good deal. Probably going to try and find an older more authentic-looking frame, as I have nothing to do in my spare time but redo prints. (I also have some Colorado swamp land for you all!)
This was a weird one:
I have to apologize for that scary clown mask peeking out from behind the boxed costume. It followed me home with the rest of it. The costume is in remarkable shape for a throwaway item. These are pretty collectible. Imagine my surprise, after thinking that the clown mask was what went with it, to find this hiding inside the box:
A genuine Droopy dog costume. The mask is a full head cover with eye cutouts. It’s in great condition just like the box. I love Halloween stuff, but don’t collect costumes, so it will be Etsy fodder, but lots of fun. That’s the thing about estate sales. Sometimes in the heat of the moment, you just take a chance, and get rewarded with something better than average, and sometimes you miss the giant chip in the side of something. It all goes along for the ride.
This fabric just screamed out to made into something:
I don’t know what I will use it for, though. Of course, I have boxes and boxes of fabric that want to be made into “something”. Oh well, one of these days. Couldn’t resist the pinup magazine. It has lots of pictures of stars from the ’50s and hubby is a sucker for this type of thing. Instant Christmas present. If you are friends with Deb and me, you had better expect second hand items for every birthday, Christmas and just about any occasion in between!
I also snagged a couple of cute little paper pamphlet style cook books, an adorable cat print, and fun little compact that’s a souvenir of Washington D.C.
Could you have resisted that cute little cherub in the corner of the Reliable Recipe book? If so, you are a better person than I, and up close the expression on one of those cat’s faces in the print has to be seen to be believed. A couple of books and one more print, that needs work, rounded out my purchases. I wanted to go back the last day to hit it up for half price, but Deb didn’t feel well, so we saved each other from ourselves!
Deb here and yes, I saved us from ourselves by not feeling up to an hour-long car ride plus shopping. It would have been interesting to see what was left. We were in the basement and saw three jukeboxes, two that were Wurlitzers! This sale had it all, and then some.
Well, the first thing I picked up turned out to come with a story:
This was the coolest chrome Art Deco percolator and sugar bowl. I asked with some trepidation how much they wanted for it. The answer of $10 should have raised a few questions, but I was too excited then. I had just lifted the top off and glanced inside to make sure the basket was there, and it was. When I got home, I took the lid off, and then slapped it right back on! Whomever had used the coffee pot previously hadn’t cleaned out the basket and there was some really smelly and gross mold all over. No problem, I thought, I can bleach it and everything will be okay. I went outside to take the basket out and throw the contents in my compost. That’s when I noticed that they hadn’t emptied the leftover coffee out, either. That was a whole ’nother level of gross!
That coffee went into the compost, also. Then I bleached the inside, and at least things smelled better. I noticed a lot of nastiness in the depression that the pump stem went into. I was trying to scrape stuff out of there, and it occurred to me that maybe the previous owners didn’t EVER clean the coffee pot that well. I tried boiling water, a wire brush, and was thinking about using my Dremel tool with a wire brush. Plus, after messing around trying to clean out that depression, the stem wouldn’t go back in; I must have loosened stuff up. I left the pot on my counter still thinking about what to do, and finally gave it to a friend who absolutely adored it, and was willing to try and get enameled coffee out of that depression. The spigot isn’t working either, and I am afraid to even contemplate what was blocking it. Oh well, my friend is thrilled and I spent $10 on her Christmas present.
My B.H. was looking for something to carry soap for his workout bag:
This fun old Niagara Falls souvenir looked perfect. It was astonishingly dirty, which didn’t surprise me at all! Before I started scrubbing it, I looked inside and found a folded piece of paper which turned out to be kind of interesting:
This is the strangest list of old phone numbers that I have ever found. First, it’s written in fountain pen, and the printing almost looks like a computer font. Then, just look at the entries: FBI, Military Police, Sheriff, Chey. Police, US Secret Service. Why did the maker/owner feel like he had to sign the list instead of printing his name? I wonder what this guy did for a living that he needed these phone numbers in his Niagara Falls tin.
This was an absolutely wonderful old alarm clock:
It’s a General Electric clock, and it’s encased in a heavy wooden block. I loved the patina, and it works perfectly. What am I going to do with it? My 40 year old alarm clock appears to be giving up the ghost, so I might have found its replacement.
I pulled this kid’s hankie out of a bag of doll clothing:
Bumble meets Jo-Joy’s friends is the title. I’m hoping that the elephant is Bumble, but that sure looks like Santa and some elves, along with a clown (shudder) and circus animals. Oh dear, I looked up “Jo Joy Bumble” and there’s a comic book, Jo-Joy meets Bumble the Elephant Who Couldn’t Remember from 1947. Yikes, the clown in-a-box is Jo-Joy the boy. Well, I’m forgetting all that and imagining that Jo-Joy is one of the elves.
I bought a couple of pictures. The first one shouldn’t surprise anyone who knows me; I have so many dog things:
They actually had two versions of this print! I decided on the more expensive option that had the better print and frame. It needs to be taken out, cleaned up, mounted, and reframed, if that is a word. I’ll just throw it on the stack of pictures that are patiently waiting their turn. ( Maybe we could get together and do stacks of prints for a “fun” girls night! )
The second print looks like a book illustration:
It’s just so sweet, that I was willing to bring it home and clean it up. I don’t recognize what story it came from, but I have decided it will end up hanging in one of the really tiny open spots left on my walls.
I’m sure no one is really surprised by any of our treasures. We love going to estate sales because you just never know what you’re going to find!
This entry was posted in Friday Finds, True Confessions and tagged Cats, Clowns, Cook books, Dogs, Estate Sale, Holidays, Linens, Pictures, prints, Tiny hats. Bookmark the permalink.
6 Responses to Shopping in the Wild
Kathy, on the coffeepot—pour a generous amount of baking soda in the pot and then an equal amount of white vinegar—this will bubble and swoosh–when it stops stir and it should swoosh a bit more, you can scrub or push this mixture through the nozzle also—. Multiple applications may be needed, just dump out dry and try again—super for removing burnt anything on anything —-especially burnt popcorn! Plus it should take care of any residual odors. also try plugging it in and just running the hot water through afterwards!
Love all the prints…!
Thanks so much for the advice on how to remove that goop. I’ve cleaned lots of old things, this was the worst by far. It was so thick and hard from all the heat and years. I’ll pass this on to my friend that has the coffee pot now.
I think the ‘phone number list’ is ham radio frequencies.
You could certainly be right. We were thinking of an internal phone tree; this could be a radio situation, which I’m not familiar with.
I’m a little late catching up on reading your blog. I love the print of the winter scene in the blue frame and I was curious about it’s origins. I did some searching and found that it is from a famous Swedish picturebook called Elsa Beskow’s Olles Skidfärd (“Ollie’s Ski Trip”) from 1907. Now I think I’ll head over to Amazon to see if I can find an English translation with all of those beautiful pictures. Thanks for keeping all of your readers entertained!
Dennis–Thank you for identifying the picture for me! That is pretty obscure and I’m not sure I would have been able to find it; it’s much older than I thought. Thank you also for the wonderful compliment; our readers are the reason we are still writing every week! Hugs, Deb | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes."
] |
SQLite+Android book - Stack Overflow
SQLite+Android book [closed]
1 I've been looking around for some examples to explain SQLite in android. I failed to create a simple application called find a doctor, where you search for a doctor then you get the result back with doctors' name and address. Well, does any of you guys know a good book that take you through handling SQLite with android in details? or any tutorial that would do the same thing basically. android share|improve this question asked Dec 28 '11 at 6:58
closed as off-topic by LittleBobbyTables, laalto, Scott Barta, David Cesarino, Aaron Brager Jan 9 at 2:57
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason: "Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it." – LittleBobbyTables, laalto, Scott Barta, David Cesarino, Aaron Brager
I Learned SQLite from Code project website and developed 2 android applications successfully i think these are very helpful to you developer.android.com/reference/android/content/… codeproject.com/KB/android/AndroidSQLite.aspx devblogging.com/tag/sqlite saigeethamn.blogspot.com/2009/09
any book not help you when you want only read you have to coding, coding, coding :-) i recommend to you read rather examples of use and then implement it alone.
Grant Allen,Mike Owens- The Definitive Guide to SQLite i think this is great book to study using sqlite in android. If you want to study SQLite in detail try Oreilly Using SQLite.
Books related to Android middleware development | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Stack Overflow is a question and answer website for professional and enthusiast programmers. It is the flagship site of the Stack Exchange Network, created in 2008 by Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky."
] |
Malice Blackheart: The Ghost/Writer: Personal Aspirations in J-Pan, #3
Now it’s time for another special edition of my aspirations with the Japanese language. I’m not really in the mood for lengthy introductions, so without further ado, here is where I’m at with my five goals.
Goal #1: Be able to have a simple conversation with my sister entirely in Japanese. I’m closer to this for sure. The conversations are still quite simplistic though. We have kind of a running joke right now that we use certain Japanese verb tenses to end our sentences in English. “Are you going to school today, ka?” “Why don’t we go eat breakfast masenka?” Somehow, it provides us with endless entertainment.
Goal #2: Play through a dialogue-intensive Japanese game, and actually understand it. I still haven’t started on this one, and really, at this point, it seems a little childish and stupid. This isn’t to say I won’t still do it, mind you.
Goal #3: Watch a Japanese cartoon, with no subtitles, and actually understand it. Well, in class, we’ve actually begun watching several movies without subs, and I must say I’m understanding next to none of it. I recognize a few expressions here and there, but for the most part, I’m getting about as much out of these movies as I would if the sound were off.
Goal #4: Apply to the JET Programme, and teach English in Japan. Well, I got rejected by the JET Programme, so during the break I enrolled in the TESOL United course, and got myself certified over the break. In a way, I’m actually glad I got rejected, because instead of being an assistant language teacher (which basically means being the token English gaijin in the classroom), I’ll be able to teach my own class, and design my own course. This is, of course, something I would have no idea how to do, had I not taken this course, but I have, and I do. I’m not entirely sure where to go from here, because I can start looking for work immediately, or I can loiter around the city another a year and continue my studies in English literature and Japanese here. There are merits to both, and I’m sure, strictly speaking, that there’s no wrong answer.
Goal #5: Write a short story in Japanese. I haven’t started yet. And now, time seems to be running out. In some free writing classes, we all get to try our hand at story telling, but in the time provided, we tend only to have time for about twelve sentences, if that.
Posted by Malice Blackheart at 11:30 PM
It is really good to hear how you are getting on with your goals, mal. It sounds like being rejected from the JET programme has led to better things. :) | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
Pontoon Boats - Festus Classifieds - Claz.org
Pontoon Boats - Festus Classifieds
2017 Encore Boat Builders 220 Fish Pontoon
14-Feb-2018 De Soto, MO (11 miles) Boats for Sale
2017 Encore Boat Builders 220 Fish Pontoon REDUCED PRICE 2017 Encore Boat Builders 220 Fish Pontoon price for single axle trailer no brakes $2,395 Added: Color rails black SE package tan Playpen cover Tilt steering Seagrass tan Cooler chair Baystar steeringprice for single axle trailer no brakes $2,395 Engine Engine Make: Mercury Engine Model: 4 Stroke Horsepower: 9.9 to 115 Fuel Type: Gas Driv...
2017 Encore Boat Builders 200 Cruise Pontoon Boat
14-Feb-2018 Festus, MO Boats for Sale
2017 Encore Boat Builders 200 Cruise Pontoon Boat 2017 Encore Boat Builders 200 Cruise Pontoon Boat 2016 Mercury 115 4 strokeBy choosing an Encore you get a great pontoon at a terrific price. Encore Boat Builders thrive on manufacturing a good quality boat at an affordable price. Encore pontoons provide hours of fun on the water.price for single axle trailer no brakes $2,295 Added: Color rails ...
2017 Encore Boat Builders 220 Cruise Pontoon Boat
12-Feb-2018 De Soto, MO (11 miles) Boats for Sale
2017 Encore Boat Builders 220 Cruise Pontoon Boat 2017 Encore Boat Builders 220 Cruise Pontoon Boat2016 Mercury 115 4 strokeBy choosing an Encore you get a great pontoon at a super price. Encore Boat Builders thrive on manufacturing a good quality boat at an affordable price. Encore pontoons provide hours of fun on the water.price for single axle trailer no brakes $2,395Added: Color rails black...
2016 Encore Boat Builders 200 Cruise Pontoon Boat
2016 Encore Boat Builders 200 Cruise Pontoon Boat 10HP SPECIAL 2016 Encore Boat Builders 200 Cruise Pontoon Boat 2016 Mercury 115 4 strokeBy choosing an Encore you get a great pontoon at a great price. Encore Boat Builders thrive on manufacturing a good quality pontoon boat at an affordable price. Encore pontoons provide hours of fun on the water.price for single axle trailer no brakes $2,295 A...
2017 Encore Boat Builders 220 Cruise Pontoon Boat 2017 Encore Boat Builders 220 Cruise Pontoon Boat 2016 Bentley Pontoons 200 Cruise 2016 Mercury 115 4 strokeBy choosing an Encore Pontoon Boat, you get a great pontoon boat at a terrific price. Encore Boat Builders thrive on manufacturing good quality pontoon boats at an affordable price. Encore pontoon boats provide hours of fun on the water.pr...
2017 Encore Boat Builders 200 Cruise Pontoon
2017 Encore Boat Builders 200 Cruise Pontoon 2017 Encore Boat Builders 200 Cruise Pontoon By choosing an Encore you get a great pontoon at a excellent price. Encore Boat Builders thrive on manufacturing good quality pontoon boats at an affordable price. Encore pontoons provide hours of fun on the water.price for single axle trailer no brakes $2,295 Added: Color rails SE package tan Playpen cove...
2017 Encore Boat Builders 244-4 Point Pontoon 2017 Encore Boat Builders 244-4 Point Pontoon price for tandem axle with brakes and spare for $3,395 Added: Color rails black SE package tan Playpen cover Tilt steering Seagrass tan Cooler chair Baystar Steeringprice for tandem axle with brakes and spare for $3,395 Engine Engine Make: Mercury Engine Model: 4 Stroke Horsepower: 9.9 to 115 Fuel Type: ...
2006 Bentley Pontoon 180 Fishing Cruise
20-Feb-2018 De Soto, MO (11 miles) Boats for Sale
Description2006 eighteen feet. 180 FISHNC Bentley Pontoon with 2006 50 HORSEPOWER Mercury outboard engine and 2006 Bear trailer. Boat, motor and trailer all purchased brand new with only one owner. All titles and owner's manuals on hand. Boat includes motor, trailer, Pioneer CD AMFM player, two fishing swivel chairs, livewell, an Eagle Cuda 128 fish finder and much more!! This fishing package i...
17-Feb-2018 De Soto, MO (11 miles) Boats for Sale
Description2006 eighteen feet. 180 FISHNC Bentley Pontoon with 2006 50 HORSEPOWER Mercury outboard motor and 2006 Bear trailer. Boat, motor and trailer all purchased brand new with only 1 owner. All titles and owner's manuals on hand. Boat includes motor, trailer, Pioneer CD AM/FM player, 2 fishing swivel chairs, livewell, an Eagle Cuda 128 fish finder and much more!! This fishing package is re...
Description2006 eighteen feet. 180 FISHNC Bentley Pontoon with 2006 50 HORSEPOWER Mercury outboard motor and 2006 Bear trailer. Boat, motor and trailer all purchased brand new with only single owner. All titles and owner's manuals on hand. Boat includes motor, trailer, Pioneer CD AM/FM player, 2 fishing swivel chairs, livewell, an Eagle Cuda 128 fish finder and much more!! This fishing package ...
2017 Encore Boat Builders 240 Cruise
15-Feb-2018 De Soto, MO (11 miles) Boats for Sale
2017 Encore Boat Builders 240 Cruise 2017 Encore Boat Builders 240 Cruise price for tandem axle with brakes and spare for $3,395 Added: Color rails black SE package tan Playpen coverSeagrass tanprice for tandem axle with brakes and spare for $3,395 Engine Engine Make: Mercury Engine Model: 4 Stroke Horsepower: 9.9 to 115 Fuel Type: Gas Drive Type: Outboard240 Bentley Pontoon Length 24' Beam 8'6...
2017 Encore Boat Builders 180 Cruise
15-Feb-2018 Festus, MO Boats for Sale
2017 Encore Boat Builders 180 Cruise 2017 Encore Boat Builders 180 Cruise By choosing an Encore you get a great pontoon at a great price. Encore Boat Builders thrive on manufacturing a good quality boat at an affordable price. Encore pontoons provide hours of fun on the water.price for single axle trailer no brakes $2,295Added:Color rails champagneSE package tanPlaypen coverSeagrass tanprice fo...
2016 Encore Boat Builders 200 Cruise
2016 Encore Boat Builders 200 Cruise SOLD 2016 Encore Boat Builders 200 Cruise By choosing an Encore you get a great pontoon at a fantastic price. Encore Boat Builders thrive on manufacturing a good quality boat at an affordable price. Encore pontoons provide hours of fun on the water.Added:Trailer not included price for single axle trailer no brakes with spare $2,295Color rails blackSE package...
2016 Encore Boat Builders 220 CRUISE
2016 Encore Boat Builders 220 CRUISE REDUCED PRICE 2016 Encore Boat Builders 220 Cruise By choosing an Encore you get a great pontoon at a terrific price. Encore Boat Builders thrive on manufacturing a good quality boat at an affordable price. Encore pontoons provide hours of fun on the water.price for single axle trailer no brakes $2,395Added:Color rails champagneSE package tanPlaypen coverTil...
2017 Encore Boat Builders 200 Fish
2017 Encore Boat Builders 200 Fish SOLD 2017 Encore Boat Builders 200 Fish By choosing an Encore you get a great pontoon at a attractive price. Encore Boat Builders thrive on manufacturing a good quality boat at an affordable price. Encore pontoons provide hours of fun on the water.Added:Trailer not included price for single axle trailer no brakes with spare $2,295Color rails blackSE package Gr...
2017 Encore Boat Builders 200
2017 Encore Boat Builders 200 2017 Encore Boat Builders 200 By choosing an Encore you get a great pontoon at a excellent price. Encore Boat Builders thrive on manufacturing a good quality boat at an affordable price. Encore pontoons provide hours of fun on the water.price for single axle trailer no brakes $2,295Added:Color rails blackSE package tanPlaypen coverTilt steeringSeagrass tanCaptains ...
{{results.messagesById['https://www.oodle.com/bounce_redir/?k=F8EAEB9600D1&l=4757515622']}} | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Chatham & Clarendon Grammar School is a co-educational grammar school in Ramsgate, Kent, England, formed as a result of the merger of the boys-only Chatham House Grammar School and girls-only Clarendon House Grammar School in September 2011.\nChatham and Clarendon Grammar School is based across three main sites."
] |
Sean Decker - SQL Fundamentals | SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008, Issues, Resolutions, and Comments. | Page 2
Grant User the Right to View Database Schema
While we normally frown upon granting backend access to our Production SQL Servers we have, on occasion, had a need to allow users to veiw the schema for objects within our Production databases.
Example 1: We have a “reporting” database that is refreshed nightly from a copy of our Production DB. Report writers need to be able to veiw the table definitions to know which fields are available to them to build their reports.
Example 2: Errors were being generated in our production environment and they were believed to be related to improper versions of a couple of stored procedures having been released. In order to do a schema comparison, quickly, between our development and production environments, to ensure all differences were corrected, we temporarily granted a developer “View Definition” access to allow them to perform a schema comparison.
Use the statement below to Grant User the Right to View Database Schema –
It’s a great way to allow the necessary access without having to grant elevated priveleges.
Tagged SQL, SQL Server 2005 | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes."
] |
#65 – Mind Palace
#65 I think some of us forget how NOT to be sad.
We become so used to being stuck in a funk that we don’t know how to un-funk. Those sad songs that held us during all those long nights alone, stuck on repeat because they’ve been the only friends we have known.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I love a good Bon Iver, Band of Horses, Ryan Adams, Death Cab for Cutie playlist as much as the next twentysomething. The kind where you feel transplanted into the middle of a drizzly Seattle day, sitting on a forest stump drinking espresso and wrestling with life’s hardest questions. What could be better?
But I think many of us artificially keep ourselves in a funk because we keep listening to the same sad songs over and over and over- literally and figuratively.
Sometimes you just need to thank Bon Iver for your time together, but it’s time for you to go. You need to buy a one-way ticket and fly toward some sunnier skies.
It’s time to change that playlist.
from 101 Secrets for Your Twenties, Paul Angone
It’s so important to remember that for me right now. I have been so impossibly stuck in this rut. I literally have sat around doing absolutely nothing but rewatching old episodes that I have rewatched a many times before. I got so stuck. Macaroni literally got so worried she spammed my Whatsapp, which is super thoughtful, thank you.
I just needed to get “un-stuck”. And that is not done easy when it comes to me. Baby steps. As always, baby steps.
May 19, 2014 Grace Catherine Post navigation
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"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes."
] |
Philosophy « William Meriic
When a bird flies low over a Koi pond, the fish instinctively jump. This self-defense mechanism creates a splash, which scatters the light on the surface of the water making it difficult for the bird to see potential prey below. This behavior serves as the perfect metaphor for a very similar human instinct; when an individual or group wishes to create attention, promote their own agenda, or spread their beliefs, they often do so by creating waves in an attempt to obscure the real truth below.
The proliferation of the Internet, the cancerous growth in the number of television channels available, and the proliferation of easy, large-scale communications has made it easier than ever to create waves that last longer and travel farther. Over the last decade it seems as if life is the surface of an ocean being churned by a hurricane. In this incredible maelstrom it is easy to miss a very important point; a wave is only an illusion.
Consider a wave. Where does it start and end? How deep does it go? It may look as if a wave moves; but, the water in which it sits does not. Ultimately, the wave is nothing more than water manipulated in such a way that it distracts us from what is actually below.
One must penetrate these distractions and look below the surface to find the real truth in life. While the surface of the ocean may look expansive, the incredible depths below are far greater and contain the serene, undisturbed treasures of life. Ironically, while we splash around on the surface looking for happiness, it sits right below us, obscured by our own actions.
Unfortunately, this is a struggle mankind has been fighting through its recorded existence (and I am sure much longer). The solution is not as easy as this metaphor implies. Here are a couple of recommendations to help you through the storm.
Avoid the flotsam. Just as a drop of soap will push away dirt and bubbles, you should avoid anything that keeps you stuck on the surface. Push away those influences that keep you from seeing the deeper meaning of life.
Don’t bury your head in the sand. While a wave may only be illusion, it does have the power to sink a ship. While you should look through the surface, you cannot ignore it. While you should try to remain free from the surface, you must be prepared to deal with it. Living in a cave to avoid the troubles mankind brings to itself will not make anything better. | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes."
] |
Jara Moments | House of Anubis Pairings Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Mara Jaffray and Jerome Clarke
Willome Patrome
Jera Jerara Merome Maome Jemara Marome
Jara (J/erome and M/ara) is the friendship/romantic pairing ofMara Jaffray and Jerome Clarke. It is revealed that Jerome has strong feelings for Mara in Season 1. Jerome asks her out, but she turns him down because she has not solved "the whole Mick equation." During the election, Jerome told Mara a lot of things about his past, which seems to be a subject he likes to avoid with others. He also told her how his parents left him to 'rot' there when he was a five year-old child. He trusted her enough to open up about his past and she cared enough about him to listen. InSeason 2, Mara helped Jerome sort out his problems with his estranged father. Later in season 2, they pretended to date in order to make Mick jealous. Jerome and Mara also kiss twice during that time. But, their fake relationship comes to an end when Mara decides to try a long-distance relationship with Mick. They continue to be friends and as they grow closer, Mara starts to fall for Jerome as well. In the Season 2 finale, Jerome says, "Mara, will you please, please, please go out with me?" Then Mara says, "Yes," softly and they kiss, setting up their new relationship inSeason 3. This also marks the end of Mickra. They were still together in the beginning of Season 3, and were stronger than ever. They hint at the fact that they might have spent the summer together. They broke up in House of Trickery / House of Unity. Mara finally forgave him and they got back together in House of Entrapment / House of Sisters. In House of Possession / House of Greed, Mara breaks up with him again for cheating on her with Willow.
[hide] *1 View the Jara Gallery, Jara Videos, Jara Fanfictions and Society pages.
2 Jara Moments
2.1.1 House of Secrets / House of Attitude / House of the Blackbird / House of Dares / House of Lies
2.1.2 House of Agendas / House of Keys
2.1.3 House of Discovery / House of Hyper
2.1.4 House of Cheats / House of Rumors
2.1.5 House of Identity / House of Emergency
2.1.6 House of Rendezvous / House of Rescue
2.1.7 House of Arrest / House of Hoax
2.1.8 House of Time / House of Aliens
2.1.9 House of Masks / House of Pursuit
2.1.10 House of Bribes / House of Venom
2.1.11 House of Lights / House of Allegiance
2.1.12 House of Hush / House of Spies / House of Sting / House of Never / House of Forever
2.2.1 House of Spirits / House of Blackmail
2.2.2 House of Rivals / House of Faces
2.2.3 .House of Tunnels / House of Goodbye
2.2.4 House of Protection / House of Letters
2.2.5 House of Who? / House of Fraud
2.2.6 House of Chance / House of Divides
2.2.7 House of Crushes / House of Vertigo
2.2.8 House of Pressure / House of Deja Vu
2.2.9 House of Hoods / House of Deceit
2.2.10 House of Sibuna / House of Payback
2.2.11 House of Pendulums / House of Impasse
2.2.12 House of Help / House of Phobias
2.2.13 House of Dead-Ends / House of Webs
2.2.14 House of Hacks / House of Stings
2.2.15 House of Double-Cross / House of Wires
2.2.16 House of Evidence / House of Genius
2.2.17 House of Accusations / House of Hasty
2.2.18 House of Sorry / House of Hex
2.2.19 House of Silence / House of Warnings
2.2.20 House of Status / House of Laments
2.2.21 House of Heists / House of Alibis
2.2.22 House of Zodiacs / House of Reckoning
2.2.23 House of Trades / House of Magic
2.2.24 House of Freeze/ House of Timeout
2.2.25 House of Reflectors / House of Illusions
2.2.26 House of Dreams / House of Pitfalls
2.2.27 House of Phantoms / House of Surrender
2.2.28 House of Strategy / House of Memory
2.2.29 House of Pretenders / House of Trouble
2.2.30 House of Missions / House of Captives / House of the Chosen / House of Freedom
2.3.1 House of Arrivals / House of Presents
2.3.2 House of Truth / House of Hieroglyphs
2.3.3 House of Revelations / House of Questions
2.3.4 House of Pi / House of Mistrust
2.3.5 House of Trickery / House of Unity
2.3.6 House of Entrapment / House of Sisters
2.3.7 House of Tombs / House of Smuggling
2.3.8 House of Anticipation / House of Close Calls
2.3.9 House of Hustle / House of Set-Up
2.3.10 House of History / House of Eclipse
2.3.11 House of Awakening / House of Sarcophagi
2.3.12 House of Possession / House of Greed
2.3.13 House of Deceptions / House of Rainbows
2.3.14 House of Enemies / House of Surprise
3.1 Relationship #1 (2.90 - 3.9)
3.2 Relationship #2 (3.12 - 3.24)
View the Jara Gallery, Jara Videos, Jara Fanfictions and Society pages.Edit Edit
Jara MomentsEdit Edit
House of Secrets / House of Attitude / House of the Blackbird / House of Dares / House of LiesEdit Edit
In a lesson, Jerome sits right behind Mara.[2]Laughing after Jerome throws food at AlfieAdded by Lightningxoxo
When Mara says “And Joy’s just gone? That really is weird.” Jerome is nodding his head like he agrees with Mara.
Mara sits next to Jerome at the dining table.
When Jerome throws food at Alfie, Jerome and Mara laugh but then both get food thrown at them by Alfie.
The next morning Mara and Jerome sit next to each other again at breakfast.
Mara tells Jerome off for be insensitive about Joy’s disappearance.
When Mara says she feels mean about not making Nina welcome, Jerome makes a face at her.
When Mara turns around, Jerome steals food off her plate.
In the school photo, Mara is standing near Jerome.
When Mara says “You're Mr. Flemings replacement?” Jerome looks away from Mr. Winkler and makes a face.
House of Agendas / House of KeysEdit Edit
When Mara and Patricia enter the living room, Mara gives Jerome a little look.
When Mara and Amber are on the football field, Mara is looking at Jerome and vice-versa.
They sit together at dinner.
House of Discovery / House of HyperEdit Edit
Mara and Jerome sit next to each other at breakfast.
Mara looks at Jerome whilst she’s in the kitchen during the party.
House of Cheats / House of RumorsEdit Edit
[3]"I love you"Added by Lightningxoxo*Jerome is staring at Mara and after a few seconds, he realizes she's cheating for Mick.
Jerome mouths the words "Mara, Mara, Mara" and shakes his head in mock disapproval.
Jerome goes into the girls' bathroom and listens to Mara and Patricia's conversation.
Jerome blackmails Mara by telling her that he will tell Mrs. Andrews that she cheated.
Jerome gives her a big list of chores to do.
They pair up for a drama exercise where the pair must say, "I love you" to express their true emotions.
Jerome says it sarcastically.
After observing Jerome and Mara, Mr. Winkler comments that he likes their emotion in the exercise.
House of Identity / House of EmergencyEdit Edit
When Mara comes in with her new look, Jerome looks shocked.
Jerome faces Mara and says “Didn’t you used to be Mara?!” like he was disappointed that she had changed and liked her the way she was.
When Mrs. Andrews walks into the class room you can still see Jerome looking at Mara.
Jerome makes a face of disgust when Mara puts chewing gum behind her ear.
House of Rendezvous / House of RescueEdit Edit
Jerome tricks Mara when they are pulling the prank.
Jerome asks Mara if she wanted to hang out with him and Alfie today.
Alfie asks if Jerome likes Mara.
Jerome says "No, she's the ice queen! Icy queen of ice!" and Alfie just shakes his head in a "Yeah, right." movement (possible Jara shipper)
Mara is sitting next to Jerome.
Jerome tells Mara that his parents don't visit a lot.
Mara wants to comfort him, but he leaves.
House of Arrest / House of HoaxEdit Edit
Mara apologizes to him about bringing up his parents.
Instead of becoming upset or angry Jerome opens up to Mara.
Mara says "Who'd have thought it, you have a sensitive side!"
Jerome throws jelly beans in the air trying to catch them in his mouth to impress Mara.
She laughs and says, "That should really be an Olympic event".
He and Mara are playing chess and Mara says that he's good and she's not surp[4]Added byBooklover101rised.
When Jerome said the chess club was lame, she responded, "That's more like the Jerome I know and love".
Jerome ditches Alfie for Mara and Mara looks a bit surprised about it.
Jerome nominates Mara for class president.
Alfie teases Jerome about liking Mara the whole episode and Jerome never denies the comment.
Jerome looks jealous that Mick and Mara have the same numbers.
Alfie said to Jerome "Welcome to We-Love-Mara-Land! Population: Jerome" .
House of Time / House of AliensEdit Edit
Jerome puts up posters of Mara.
He asks her out on a lunch date.[5]Added by Azulatatis
Jerome calls her pretty, smart, and "actually has a future"
He says she deserves someone better than Mick (like him)
Mara became offended by this. Jerome immediately takes it back, but still meant what he said, so Mara left him.
When Mick surprises Mara at school by coming back, Jerome looks very upset.
Jerome flinches when Mara calls Mick her boyfriend.
House of Masks / House of PursuitEdit Edit
Jerome asks if Mara would fancy watching a movie with him.[6]Jerome wants to watch a film with MaraAdded by Lightningxoxo
Mara was about to say yes when Mick asked her to go on a walk with him.
Later that night, Jerome asks her again, but she says she can't because Mick was doing something romantic for her
When Mara says Mick and her are back on, Jerome looks really upset.
Jerome sees Mick setting up a dinner date for Mara, with candles, and tells Victor about it.
When Mara confronts Jerome about putting up the posters of Amber, Jerome tells her about how his parents left him at the school to "rot".
Mara tries to comfort Jerome by holding onto his arm.[7]Mara tries to comfort JeromeAdded by Lightningxoxo
Jerome doesn't lie to her when Mara asks if Mick was seeing someone else when he was in California, even though he really wants to.
Jerome says Mara brings out the best in him.
Jerome asks Mara if she confronted Mick about the letter.
House of Bribes / House of VenomEdit Edit
Jerome tells Mara about Mick rigging the election; this shows how much he cares about her feelings.
Jerome was listening and watching Mara and Mick fight about the elections.
Jerome looks concerned when Mara leaves to talk to the teachers.
At first when Mara and Mick talk about their relationship, Jerome looks a bit shocked.
When Mara says "We're finished." to Mick her eyes drift off over to Jerome.
Jerome looks really happy when Mara and Mick break up and says to Amber "Now that's what I call a result!" with a ready hand to get a high five.
House of Lights / House of AllegianceEdit Edit
Mara and Mick get back together and they kiss. Jerome is standing in the room as this happens and lookedvery jealous.
[8]House of Hush / House of Spies / House of Sting / House of Never / House of ForeverEdit Edit
Jerome looks at Mara when Mick is spinning her around.
Mara is worried about where everyone is at prom so she's even worried about Jerome.
Season 2Edit Edit
On the House of Anubis web page, in the Connections tab, it says that Mara might like Jerome.
House of Spirits / House of BlackmailEdit Edit
Jerome says, when Mick and Mara were leaving for the movie, that Mara would tell what will happen all the time and Mara looks a bit worried, but Mick just says "Shut up, Clarke!"
Mara seemed a bit jealous when Jerome said he was holding a picture of his ex-girlfriend.
Jerome then says he can't stand the sight of his ex-girlfriend and quickly sits down for class.
House of Rivals / House of FacesEdit Edit
Jerome tells Mara he can deny her nothing.
.House of Tunnels / House of GoodbyeEdit Edit
Jerome is really happy when he finds out that Mara dumped Mick
Jerome seemed to try to genuinely comfort Mara before Mick came down the hall.
During breakfast, Jerome looks pleased that Mara is ignoring Mick
Jerome and Mara give each other a "pop quiz" about their personal lives in the hall. Jerome asked Mara about breaking up with Mick and Mara asked Jerome about when he'd start looking for his father.
Mara tells Jerome that she may be interfering, but she wants to stop him from doing something he may regret, this shows that she cares about him and his family life.
During the party, Jerome almost looks guilty for the fact that Mara is so upset Mick is leaving, but he doesn't go and do anything about it.
House of Protection / House of LettersEdit Edit
Mara helps Jerome hire a private investigator.
Mara is very concerned by Jerome's reaction to a letter from his father to his mother.
House of Who? / House of FraudEdit Edit
Mara is concerned when she finds out about Jerome's father.
Poppy interrupts them and asks if Mara and Jerome are an item, after denying it, Mara leaves the two to talk alone.
Mara knows something's up with Jerome's "Donkey Day."
Mara is concered when Jerome was going to be sick.
When Mara finds out about the scam, she threatens to let the "donkey out of the bag."
Jerome chases after her.
House of Chance / House of DividesEdit Edit
Mara tries to teach Jerome a lesson about scamming his classmates by making him donate all the Donkey Day money
Mara is concerned when Jerome is trying to finish the carrot eating challenge that Eddie out him up to.
Mara checks on Jerome while he's feeling ill to make sure he's learned his lesson and to tell him he did a good thing.
House of Crushes / House of VertigoEdit Edit
Mara and Jerome walk together in the hall and discuss his father and Jerome's debt.
It seems to be implied that Jerome hasn't even told Alfie about his father and that only Mara and Poppy know.
House of Pressure / House of Deja VuEdit Edit
Jerome is suspicious when he sees Mara talking to Poppy in the library.
Jerome asks Mara to help him hide from Nina and Joy.
Jerome only gives Joy and Nina's money back after Mara tells him to.
Jerome doesn't appear entirely convinced when Mara tells him the letter is from Mick and questions her about it until Nina interrupts them.
House of Hoods / House of DeceitEdit Edit
Jerome is very upset with Mara for helping Poppy write to their father.
House of Sibuna / House of PaybackEdit Edit
Mara apologizes to Jerome and he tells her that his father wants to see him.[9]Jerome smirks at Mara when she says his height is "mostly hair."Added by ThatArtGirl
Jerome says he didn't want to tell Mara he was going to see his father in case he chickened out.
Mara offers to go as moral support when Jerome goes to see his dad.
Mara goes with Jerome to the prison and Jerome's father mistakes them for a couple.
When Jerome decides he can't talk to his father, Mara talks him down and convinces him to stay.
Jerome's father says that Mara and Jerome are good together, despite not being a couple.
House of Pendulums / House of ImpasseEdit Edit
Jerome buys flowers for Mara and thanks her for being his rock.[10]Jerome gives Mara flowersAdded by Heatherxsibuna
Jerome gives Mara a hug.
Mara gets angry with Jerome when he can't tell her why he won't tell Poppy.
Mara asks if the flowers will squirt water from them
Jerome says no but if she was allergic he would have gotten her plastic flowers
Mara says she'll keep the flowers
House of Help / House of PhobiasEdit Edit
Mara apologizes to Jerome for getting angry and promises to not ask about what he won't tell her again.
Mara gets offended when Jerome still won't tell her.
Jerome confides in Mara that his father wants him to do something that might get him in trouble.
Jerome tells Mara that Poppy found out about their father.
When Jerome says that he has to go back to the prison alone, Mara says it's a pity.
Jerome teases Mara, asking her if she misses him and she hesitates before saying no and giving a different explanation.
Jerome is smiling the whole time Mara struggles for an explanation.
House of Dead-Ends / House of WebsEdit Edit
Mara tells Jerome that she's excited about her interview with Mr. Sweet.[11]Added by ThatArtGirl
Mara can tell something is wrong with Jerome
Jerome tells Mara about his father's task for him.
Mara is happy that Jerome is putting someone else before himself
Mara hugs Jerome.
Jerome, surprised, hugs her back and smiles to himself.
Mara teases Jerome, but then tells Jerome where the suit of armor is as they sit on the couch. Both smiling the whole time.
House of Hacks / House of StingsEdit Edit
After meeting with Mrs. Andrews, Mara goes straight to see if Jerome got the gem yet.
Mara goes with Jerome to rinse off the gem.
Mara and Jerome work to take the sink apart together.
Jerome gets upset when Mara leaves to go interview Mr. Sweet instead of helping him.
House of Double-Cross / House of WiresEdit Edit
Mara goes with Jerome to put the gem back in the shield, but they discover it is gone.
House of Evidence / House of GeniusEdit Edit
Mara sits with Jerome and Alfie during science class.
Jerome laughs when Alfie calls Mara boring.
House of Accusations / House of HastyEdit Edit
When Mara looks into the crowd for reassurance, Jerome is among the people she looks to.
Jerome hesitates and looks to Mara when Alfie tells him he needs to practice during a break in Mara's hearing.
Right before Mara got expelled; he came in with a very worried look on his face, and stood up the entire time Sweetie was talking.
Jerome looks very upset when he hears Mara was expelled.
Jerome defends Mara vehemently when she is expelled.
House of Sorry / House of HexEdit Edit
Jerome goes to comfort Mara.
Mara gets angry at Jerome because he wasn't there before Mr. Sweet expelled her.
Jerome tells Mara to wait so that he can explain, but she walks out.
Jerome looks angrily at Eddie when Patricia says it was Eddie's fault.
Jerome tells Mara it isn't over until it's over because he doesn't want her to give up hope of her being able to stay.
When Mara is called to Sweety's office, Jerome says he can't just sit there and do nothing. (He is the most worried that she is going to leave because he likes her so much.)
Jerome is the first out the door with a worried look on his face.
Jerome is the first to hug Mara when he finds out she's staying.
Jerome is not upset with Mara when he finds out she told Poppy about the gem and the shield.
Mara watches the tournament attentively
House of Silence / House of WarningsEdit Edit
Mara watches as Jerome puts the gem back in the shield.
When Poppy says "You should go celebrate", she glances at Mara, implying that she means Jerome and Mara should go out.
House of Status / House of LamentsEdit Edit
Jerome asks how Mick can keep ruining his life when Mara and Ms Valentine are talking about Mick.
Mara specifically chooses Jerome to make Mick jealous.
When Mara thinks Mick has an australian girlfriend, Jerome looks happy.
Jerome and Mara take fake date photos to put online to make Mick jealous.
Mara says that Jerome is a great actor, but Jerome wasn't listening as he was too busy staring at her.
Jerome kisses Mara for a photo, but "accidentally" blocks the photo with his finger and states that "they have to do it again".
Before they kiss for a second time, they both look at each other for moment, gazing into each others eyes.
Jerome kisses Mara again.
They kept kissing[12]Jerome and Mara kissAdded by CarolCarolina98 even after the photo was taken.
Jerome doesn't tell Mara that Mick isn't actually dating someone.
Jerome asks Mara where she's going, and then offers her another fake date saying 'what's the big deal? It's not like you'll get use to me being your boyfriend, is it?' because he wants her to be.
Jerome takes the flowers from Eddie after Patricia 'stands him up'. Jerome takes the flowers, to give to Mara.
Mara and Jerome go on another fake date.
House of Heists / House of AlibisEdit Edit
Young Alfie asks how Jerome got so popular and Jerome says that he has a hot girlfriend named Mara.
Jerome tells Young Alfie that Mara isn't his real girlfriend.
Jerome tells Young Alfie that he thought if Mara pretended to be his girlfriend for long enough, she'd end up really liking him.
Jerome tells Young Alfie that it isn't easy for him to tell Mara how he feels about her.
Young Alfie tells Jerome that he should ask Mara out on a real date, which shows that Alfie is a Jara shipper
Mara tells Jerome that the Mick thing was a misunderstanding.
She tells him she explained their fake relationship to Mick as Jerome not being able to get a girlfriend.
Jerome is disappointed when Mara says she's trying the long-distance thing with Mick.
Mara thanks Jerome and kisses him on the cheek.
While Mara begins deleting the fake date pictures of them on her profile, Jerome manages to save the one of them kissing saying, "You think you can delete the evidence that easily, Jaffray?"
House of Zodiacs / House of ReckoningEdit Edit
Jerome goes to Mara for help when he finds Trudy's letter.
Jerome asks why the room is messy, as in he expected Mara's room to be neat and organized
Jerome is watching Mara while she reads the letter, and is still looking at her for a moment when she points at the letter to show him what she's found.
House of Trades / House of MagicEdit Edit
Jerome and Mara are talking at the dinner table about the letter from Trudy, which says H E L P M E in an acrostic poem, Jerome tells Mara not to tell the teachers. It is implied that they are the only two students who know about it.
When Jerome finds out that he is now in danger, he con[13]Added by Yuki Zvinces Mara that the letter was just a coincidence and that she should stop acting like a journalist. He says this because he doesn't want her to be in danger.
Mara doesn't seem to buy Jerome's explanation, but says she believes him and that she won't go on about it.
House of Freeze/ House of TimeoutEdit Edit
Jerome and Mara walk into class together.
Jerome tells Mara he will only go to the prison to visit his dad again if she comes with him.
Mara and Jerome go to the prison together and Mara says she would read their book.
Jerome's dad smiles when he sees the picture of them kissing on Jerome's phone. Jerome kicks his dad under the table not to tell Mara anything.
Mara in the background looks jealous.
Jerome's dad lies and says he was happy about the ping pong. Mara says 'Yeah, you should be very proud
Mara waits for Jerome by the prison gate.
Jerome's dad tells Jerome that Mara is the real gem and that he should be with her and stop messing about.
Jerome agrees, and smiles. Walking towards Mara.
House of Reflectors / House of IllusionsEdit Edit
Jerome is disappointed when he thinks that Mara has told Joy all his secrets
Mara is shocked and upset when Jerome confronts her.
Jerome is quick to realize that Mara actually wrote the article, he asks her to tell him everything
Jerome wants Mara to be noticed so he tells Eddie and they both go to Mr. Sweet
Jerome calls Mara's writing insightful and sharp and that she will from now on be appreciated.
Mara beams at Jerome and is smiling happily
Jerome tells Mara that it was only their (Jerome and Eddie) service.
Mara is grateful for Jerome.
House of Dreams / House of PitfallsEdit Edit
Mara thanks Jerome for going to Mr. Sweet and helping her get her job writing for the website back.
Jerome tells Mara he liked her article about him and his father.[14]Added byMoonyPadfootProngs
He asks her if that's really how she sees him.
She says she likes him "as a Human being with emotions and a conscience," and that she wishes that Jerome had shown up sooner.
Jerome leans in to kiss Mara, but she leans away.
Mara tells Jerome that she really likes him.
When Jerome assumes she means as a friend, So she clarifies that she likes him as more than a friend.
Mara says she's still seeing Mick, but Jerome tells her she's not.
Mara says they're trying to give the long distance thing a shot.
Jerome says that when she finally gets over Mick, he may have moved on and Mara frowns.
He jokes that there are girls just lining up to go out with him and Mara smiles.
House of Phantoms / House of SurrenderEdit Edit
Eddie teases Jerome about taking time off from tailing Mara. Jerome responds that he doesn't tail her; they just often end up in the same place at the exact same time.
Jerome is upset that Mara is constantly away reporting on things since she became a part of the Jackal again.
Jerome is concerned when Eddie tells him Joy didn't enter Mara's piece for the blogger competition.
House of Strategy / House of MemoryEdit Edit
Mara tells Mick all about Jerome as they video chat. Mick is annoyed and wonders if Mara thinks the long distance thing is working and she says yes, but looks reluctant.
After ending her chat with Mick, Mara seems to realize she might have feelings for Jerome.
Mara looks like she wants to end the chat and go and talk to Jerome, could she possibly finally be falling for Jerome after all these months?
Mick looks upset that Mara isn't giving him much attention when once she had been obsessed with him; he doesn't seem to realize that she has started to 'move on'.
House of Pretenders / House of TroubleEdit Edit
Mara and Jerome play "chubby bunny" in Mara's room.[15]Added by ThatArtGirl
Mara and Jerome are both dismayed when Mick calls Mara on video chat.
Jerome leaves, saying he knows his place. Though she wants the privacy, Mara is unhappy.
Mara isn't paying attention to Mick while they're on video chat. Mara begins to tell Mick she doesn't think the long distance thing is working.
After Mick guesses that Mara likes someone else, he hangs up and Mara texts Jerome, asking if they can talk.
Jerome looked happy when he looked at his phone which could mean that he got the text from Mara.
Mara tries to figure out how she wants to tell Jerome she likes him.
When Mara can't find Jerome she asks if anyone knows where he is. When Eddie says he left with his uncle, Mara is concerned.
House of Missions / House of Captives / House of the Chosen / House of FreedomEdit Edit
Mara is offended that Patricia knew who Renee Zeldman was before she did.
Mara is worried about Jerome and is on his Chumchatter page, trying to see if he's okay.
When Eddie asks if Mara and Jerome are an item, she says no and asks why he would think that. Eddie responds that Jerome treats her like a queen and treats everyone else like scum.
Eddie points out that Mara's profile picture is of Jerome and her.
Mara says that her relationship with Jerome is complicated.
When Eddie asks Mara about Mick, she responds that he was more than just a penpal. Eddie points out that she used the past tense and that she has feelings for Jerome.
Mara is worried when Jerome doesn't show up for his father's parole hearing.
Mara assures Poppy that Jerome will show up for the hearing and gets angry with Mick when he says that he won't.
Mara is angry that Jerome didn't show up and says she thought he had changed.
Jerome tells her that he got the gem back on his own because he didn't want Mara to worry and he didn't want to put her in danger.
Mara is happy that Jerome got the gem back and that he has been reunited with his family.
Jerome pleadingly asks Mara out.[16]Jerome and Mara FINALLY KissAdded by Alicedor
Mara smiles and says yes.
Jerome looks overjoyed when she says yes.
Jerome kisses Mara!
Poppy and John Clarke smile when they see Jerome kissing Mara and argue about who told the other that Jerome and Mara would eventually get together.
Jerome and Mara dance together.
Both were smiling and laughing when they were dancing.
Season 3Edit Edit
House of Arrivals / House of PresentsEdit Edit
Mara screams "Jerome!" happily when she first sees him.
Jerome leaves his suitcase and rushes to meet her
Jerome picks Mara up to hug her.
Jerome twirls her around in the air
When they walk back to the house, Jerome's arm is wrapped around her waist
Jerome help Mara with her luggage.
Mara told Jerome about Amber's birthday.
Jerome helps Mara with her birthday idea for Amber, and hides the parcels in his room for her.
House of Truth / House of HieroglyphsEdit Edit
Mara asks Jerome to help her clean, and Jerome does so immediately.
Jerome makes Mara a picnic brunch which the two eat behind the curtains on the drama stage
They flirt a bit.
Mara says she wants to kiss Jerome, and he happily agrees.
The two are about to kiss when they get interrupted by Alfie.
Jerome and Mara look angry when Alfie intrudes.
Mara goes up to Jerome and asks him to study later.
She says she wants him all to herself.
Jerome holds Mara's hand and the two are about to go on a walk
Jerome says 'You said something about a kiss?'
The two lean in again, when they are interrupted by Alfie.
Jerome and Mara look angry that they didn't get to spend any time together.
House of Revelations / House of QuestionsEdit Edit
Mara wants alone time with Jerome and is frustrated that Alfie keeps interrupting.
Mara and Jerome decide to study together.
Mara thinks Jerome is the one who knocks on her door.[17]Added by SunriseDaisy
Mara and Jerome initially join forces on the business project.
After disagreeing on how to do the project, Mara and Jerome make it into a friendly competition.
House of Pi / House of MistrustEdit Edit
Jerome and Mara confront each other in the hall about Jerome being the best entreprenuer and Mara playfully challenging him about it.
Mara walks in on Jerome cooking the sauce for his snack project (hotdogs) and he begs her for help, because he had been cooking for two hours and couldn't take it anymore.
Whilst begging he gets onto his hands and knees and calls Mara 'My angel' and 'My Sweet'.
Jerome says he really wants to win to show Mara that he's not completely useless at everything.
He calls her (to Alfie) smart and brilliant.
Jerome ate all of Mara's 'fregetable bars' and she got upset at him because she had none left for the competition.
Jerome says the vegetable bar idea was actually a very good product.
Mara seemed very concerned that Jerome had eaten them all.
House of Trickery / House of UnityEdit Edit
Mara finds out that Willow helped Jerome and Alfie with the hot dog sauce and gets mad since they are their competition.
Jerome looks guilty.
Jerome says that it wasn't Willow's fault because he asked her to help.
Mara says that Jerome isn't the person she thought he was and thinks they should call it off for a while.
Mara and Jerome are sitting eating dinner without talking to each other.
Trudy asks if they had a fight and Joy said that they split up.
Jerome said they aren't and he asks why does everyone automatically assume that it was him that did something wrong.
Moments later, Jerome decides to tallk to Mara outside her room. He says he can't believe that he hurt her calling her his little "beansybop".
Mara seems forgiving after that but Joy says no. Jerome says whenever you need to talk.
House of Entrapment / House of SistersEdit Edit
Jerome works in the kitchen for hours making Mara Muffins
Jerome has Willow get Mr. Sweet out of his office, saying his "entire happiness" rests up on it.
Jerome uses a history project to claim his love for Mara, saying that she is the most beautiful girl of all days.
Mara tells Jerome that she forgives him, and takes him back.
Jerome is shocked but happy at the same time.
House of Tombs / House of SmugglingEdit Edit
They are flirting a little in Anubis House together.
Mara keeps looking over at Jerome during class.
Mara decides to write and perform a song about Jerome.
They walk into the girls hallway together.
Mara says she wants everyone to know the song is about Jerome.
House of Anticipation / House of Close CallsEdit Edit
Mara kissed Jerome on the cheek.
When he was performing, Joy asked what he was doing and Mara replied, "Being Jerome..." in a loving tone and gaze.
She was smiling at him a lot.
He told her the best part of the song was that she wrote it.
They were standing next to each other during Willow's poem.
In the evening, Mara gave him her hot chocolate.
Jerome said that he didn't deserve her, but she said he was being silly.
At night, Jerome got a text message saying: "I love you, Mara".
Jerome had two photos of Mara on the phone.
House of Hustle / House of Set-UpEdit Edit
Mara looks jealous after Willow sits on Jerome's knee.
He tells Willow to keep the relationship a secret because he doesnt want to hurt Mara.
House of History / House of EclipseEdit Edit
He gets mad at Joy for sending the email because it would break Mara (and Willow's) heart.
When he gets back to the school and caught by Mara and Willow, he lies and tells them he was watching the presentation and that it was the best he'd seen.
Mara (and Willow) both smile at him dreamily after he says that, and he smiles back.
House of Awakening / House of SarcophagiEdit Edit
Mara is hurt when Joy tells her (and Willow) about what Jerome was really doing.
She (along with Joy and Willow) decide to get revenge on him.
Mara sets up a "date" with Jerome and offers to help him with his schoolwork.
She makes him a special Mexican dip and fresh lemonade (for the revenge prank)
House of Possession / House of GreedEdit Edit
Mara (along with Willow and Joy) continue plotting revenge on Jerome.
In order to get Jerome to go along with the fake singing competition, Mara tells him that he can do anything he sets his mind to. This seems to inspire him to join.
She officially breaks up with him, calling him a "Dirty, lying cockroach."
[18]Added byHOAgleek4Ever
House of Deceptions / House of RainbowsEdit Edit
Mara tells Joy that she told Jerome that she loves him.
When Mara says she will inherit a lot of money, Jerome suddenly becomes very interested.
She says she's done with his scams and he apologies.
He keeps trying to say something but she keeps ranting to him about what he did and he appears very hurt when she is done.
House of Enemies / House of SurpriseEdit Edit
Jerome bows to her and calls her "My Lady" while she is waiting for him to call her out on inheriting a dog.
Jerome offers to help her with the laywer, but she retorts with "I am the granddaughter of a lord, and you are just the son of thief" and he gets very hurt and leaves the room.
Mara is determined to get Jerome back for what he did to her and Willow.
Mara looks mad when Willow says that Jerome and Joy are really cute together.
Relationship #1 (2.90 - 3.9)Edit Edit
Start Up: House of Missions / House of Captives / House of the Chosen / House of Freedom
Break Up: House of Trickery / House of Unity
Reason for Break Up: Mara said that Jerome was starting to mess up on a regular basis and that they should call it off for a while.
Relationship #2 (3.12 - 3.24)Edit Edit
Start Up: House of Entrapment / House of Sisters
Break Up: House of Possession / House of Greed
Reason for Break Up: He cheated on both Mara and Willow.
Retrieved from "https://house-of-anubis-pairings.fandom.com/wiki/Jara_Moments?oldid=4705" | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Fandom (also known as Wikia before October 2016) is a wiki hosting service and domain operated by Fandom, Inc. (formerly known as Wikia, Inc.), a for-profit Delaware company founded in October 2004 by Jimmy Wales and Angela Beesley."
] |
LOS MARGINADOS: At least 30 killed in Islamic State attack on Syrian army near Palmyra | The Indian Express
At least 30 killed in Islamic State attack on Syrian army near Palmyra | The Indian Express
By: Reuters | Amman | Published: May 23, 2018 8:19:43 am
Soldiers walk past damaged buildings in Yarmouk Palestinian camp in Damascus, Syria. (Reuters photo) | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
NEWA Experience: Cinderella's New Castle
Cinderella's New Castle
I said before that the new house looks like a pumpkin and I decided that was OK because I feel like Cinderella with all my dreams coming true. The new pictures show that the new house is not a pumpkin, but I still feel like Cinderella.
These windows all face west, away from the road and towards the wildlife and the creek. I wish the copper showed better in the pictures, but I am so grateful for these great pictures.
Today is our last in the Springs and tomorrow the road trip to our new adventure begins! We are loading up the truck and moving to the high country.
I love this picture of the stairs before the walls go in. It looks huge.
The photos are loading slowly with this internet connection, so I cease for now. The next post may be a while as we have no internet, TV or much of anything, including cell service on the property. Our goal is to be there on Monday. So until next time . . .
Posted by NEWA at 9:47 AM | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
The Mill Creek sets claim to contain the original uncut broadcast edits, with most though not all of the original music intact.[10] However, upon closer inspection, it's revealed that they're mostly repeats of the Fox sets with the majority of the music still omitted.[11][12][13][14]
^ "Mill Creek Entertainment and Carsey-Werner Television Distribution Ink Deal to Release That '70s Show" (PDF). Millcreekent.com. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-09-28. Retrieved 2013-10-07.
^ "That '70s Show DVD news: Announcement for That '70s Show - Season 1 and That '70s Show - Season 2 and That '70s Show - Biggest Hits". TVShowsOnDVD.com. Archived from the original on 2013-11-10. Retrieved 2013-10-07.
^ "That '70s Show DVD news: Announcement for Season 3 and Season 4". TVShowsOnDVD.com. Archived from the original on 2013-11-10. Retrieved 2013-10-07.
^ "That '70s Show DVD news: Announcement for Season 5 and Season 6". TVShowsOnDVD.com. Archived from the original on 2013-11-10. Retrieved 2013-10-07.
^ "That '70s Show DVD news: Announcement for That '70s Show - Season 7 and That '70s Show - Season 8". TVShowsOnDVD.com. Archived from the original on 2013-11-10. Retrieved 2013-10-07.
^ "That '70s Show - Season 1". TV Shows on DVD. 20 March 2012. Archived from the original on 13 July 2015. Retrieved 11 July 2015.
^ "That '70s Show - Season 2". TV Shows on DVD. 16 October 2012. Archived from the original on 13 July 2015. Retrieved 11 July 2015.
^ "That '70s Show DVD news: Announcement for That '70s Show - The Complete Series". TVShowsOnDVD.com. Archived from the original on 2013-05-22. Retrieved 2013-10-07.
^ Official Studio Press Release, Package for 'The Complete Series' Blu-ray! Archived 2015-08-19 at the Wayback Machine
^ "That '70s Show - Season Three (Mill Creek) DVD Review - Sitcoms Online". sitcomsonline.com. Retrieved 2018-01-29.
^ "That '70s Show - Season Four (Mill Creek) DVD Review - Sitcoms Online". sitcomsonline.com. Retrieved 2018-01-29.
^ "That '70s Show - Season Five (Mill Creek) DVD Review - Sitcoms Online". sitcomsonline.com. Retrieved 2018-01-29.
^ "That '70s Show - Season Six (Mill Creek) DVD Review - Sitcoms Online". sitcomsonline.com. Retrieved 2018-01-29.
Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_That_%2770s_Show_home_video_releases&oldid=919260957" | [
"key": "website_description",
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Plots for Chimpanzees | a novel journal
Chimpanzee, Disneynature, Plot
Plots for Chimpanzees
In Thoughts on Writing on May 8, 2012 at 11:37 pm
Plot happens when a character gets placed into a series of situations and somehow comes out of them alive. I just saw the new Disney Nature film Chimpanzee (sorry for the first-sentence spoiler), in which a story is created out of a compilation of heartwarming and anthropomorphic shots of chimpanzees. In particular, heartwarming and anthropomorphic shots of one young baby chimp named Oscar.
Oscar is a character who isn’t hard to fall in love with:
However, as a chimp, Oscar might have just sat there and scratched his bum for the length of the film, had Disney let him. In order to keep an audience interested in Oscar for 90 minutes, Disney used plot to create a classic Disney movie around him.
The movie follows a three-act structure, with good and bad characters, a disputed prize, themes of teamwork vs. bullying, and heightened speeds of cloud and ant movement. The movie keeps audiences of all ages watching because Oscar is a character we care about reacting to the situations thrown at him. In fact, we care about him more because of what his reactions to these situations reveal, or suggest about him.
I used to think I couldn’t write plot. I would tell people I love to write, but that “I’m not good at plot.” I decided all my books would end in apocalypse, and this would save me from having to drive my plot anywhere. I thought it would be neat, thematic.
Then I created a character I cared about, and plot fell into place. Like Oscar, I care about Jillian, and I care about her view on the world, and I need to keep throwing things at her face so she can duck them in a way that shows why she is Jillian. Oscar and Jillian can only be themselves by facing situations and finding out who they are in the face of them. Placing these characters in a film or a book where these situations are arranged into a thing called plot allows an audience to learn more about the character, and maybe at the same time about human, or chimp character too.
Alfred Hitchcock said a good story is “life, with the dull parts taken out.” In the case of Chimpanzee, life, with the bum scratching taken out. Mostly.
« Before Irma Voth May 7, 2012
AfterA Little Less Writing May 11, 2012 » | [
"key": "website_description",
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] |
Advice From The Surgeon: Doctor: I Don’t Like The Way I Look! – Preston Rezaee Esq.: The Firm, PC
Advice From The Surgeon: Doctor: I Don’t Like The Way I Look!
Posted on June 15, 2017 by Preston Rezaee
Doctor, I don’t like the way I look. What do I need done? I think that is the most frequent question I hear from my patients. They have gone through all of the wonderful things in life and are starting to see some changes in their face, but they can’t quite put their finger on it. This is usually the case with what I call “tweeners,” or people who see something happening but are left guessing what they need to have done because the changes are so subtle. When people see large problems such as loose-hanging skin, they can pretty much decide they likely need surgery…but what about the “tweeners?”
One thing I find very educational as I handle these questions and suggest options is to look at pictures of the patient from years ago. I prefer candid shots, as they show the patient in a relaxed pose and are more realistic. (In planned photos, the patient is warned when to smile and in so doing, they all lift up their eyebrows and cheeks to look happy…yet, that is not the way they see themselves since that pose is only held for a minute.) There are times when a plastic surgeon can look at a face and take an educated guess as to what has occurred. We see lines in a certain direction that point to a subconscious attempt to raise something that has fallen, or we see a depression where, normally, there should be a smoother surface. Yet, we cannot always count on that. That is why old photos coupled with strong communication between surgeon and patient prior to surgery is so crucial. With it, the proper option can be chosen together to achieve the desired effect.
Surgery can do wonderful things. For example, it can tighten skin by moving the tissue below its surface into a more youthful position. But surgery performed when something else would have been a better option can leave the person looking different…looking as if “something was done” rather than achieving the rested appearance they actually sought.
In many cases, since one of the early changes of the face is loss of volume (which causes things to look less plump and as if features have fallen), the use of fillers is all that is needed. I know it might sound strange to hear from a surgeon that I might endorse and encourage things besides surgery, but my philosophy is to get the patient to where they want to go with the least possible intervention. We can always do more, but if too much is done right away, it can take years to look better and natural. The options suggested should not be cookie cutter. They must be customized to the patient…to their hopes and desires, as well as what is reasonable and safe.
Fillers such as Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm, Voluma, and Sculptra are great volumizing fillers in my armamentarium of options for the “tweener” who needs volume to achieve their goal. These fillers can also extend the time between facial surgeries by correcting small areas that can make a large difference on the face. If you think you’re a “tweener” and are wondering what is making you look less like “you,” come in for a consultation and explore the options at your disposal. It might surprise you that you don’t need as much as you thought!
Julio L Garcia, MD FACS, is the founder of the Regenerative Medicine Institute of Nevada, which is dedicated to helping patients with adipose-derived cell therapies for the treatment of acute and chronic medical issues. For more information about Dr. Garcia, please visit his websites at http://www.lvcosmeticsurgery.com and http://www.rminlasvegas.com, or contact his office by calling 1-888- FACES-89 or (702) 870-0058.
This feature was previously published in The Ridges Magazine, limited distribution to residents of The Ridges, Las Vegas
← What Is A Wife Worth? A Comprehensive Overview: Economic Damages
Advocates Arena: Tort Reform → | [
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"value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes."
] |
For my birthday I got a book called The Vault by Marcus Hearn, which… - Doctor/Rose Fix
06 January 2014 @ 10:07 pm
For my birthday I got a book called The Vault by Marcus Hearn, which is essentially a history of Doctor Who focusing more on the production side of things -- drafts of scripts and initial costume designs and that sort of thing. I've just reached the part about New Who, and it includes a page from RTD's 2003 pitch for New Who. Thought people might find it interesting, and it touches a little on Rose and Nine's relationship early on:
Rose’s new life against the ordinariness of her mum, and to touch base with something the Doctor can never have.
The plots aren’t worked out in any detail yet. But this is a good example of the style, and the scale, and the pace, and the fun.
Rose meets the Doctor, and the journey begins.
2005. The ordinary world. Houses and shops and telly and cars. Rose Tyler is busy, and hassled, and late, she’s got work to do and her mum’s lost her keys, and who the hell put that blue box in the middle of the street? She hurries to her boring job — in a big, city centre department store — and Mobbsy, her boyfriend, is ont he mobile, asking about tonight, and she’s got to go down to the stockroom, and—
..hold on. Did that shop-window-dummy just move…?
It’s not just moving, it’s walking towards her, and then suddenly, this strange man appears, and he grabs her ahnd and they run — somehow, she trusts him, right from the start — and they’re running for their lives and all the dummies are moving, they’re sinister and faceless and coming to life, all around her — this is impossible, they’re men dressed up, they must be…
The strange man saves Rose’s life, then disappears, like he was never there. And the dummies have stopped moving, they’re just plastic. She pulls the arm off a dummy, just to prove it to herself; ordinary, solid plastic. Surely… that didn’t really happen, did it?
But Rose takes the arm home. Like in some vague way, she might investigate this… although the further away she gets, the dafter it seems, and mum’s made chips and it’s time for EastEnders, and everything’s normal…
But the next thing you know, the strange man’s turning up at her front door… and the plastic arm is moving! And Rose’s boyfriend is acting odd, almost like he’s been replaced by a copy… and time is running out…
As the episode hurtles toward a climax, Rose discovers that a box can be bigger inside than outside. And her mind expands with it. Joyously! Aliens, monsters, invasions, danger — all true! And in a brand-new, bigger, madder world, where nothing makes sense anymore and everything is dangerous, she has to make a decision: can she trust the Doctor?
Tags: behind the scenes, series one
jer832 on January 7th, 2014 08:48 pm (UTC)
(Not counting Mobbsy) the differences are more telling than the similarities. So he was pitching this from the pov of Rose, representing the new viewership not necessarily even aware of DW. And this: where nothing makes sense anymore and everything is dangerous, she has to make a decision: can she trust the Doctor? ... this is fascinating. It was even more "Rose" than the ep turned out to be. (Imagine: "Sara Jane" or "Jo" or "Leela", no maybe not that last, lol) Is there anything more? The book sounds terrific. | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "LiveJournal (Russian: Живой Журнал), stylised as LiVEJOURNAL, is a Russian-owned social networking service where users can keep a blog, journal, or diary.American programmer Brad Fitzpatrick started LiveJournal on April 15, 1999, as a way of keeping his high school friends updated on his activities. In January 2005, American blogging software company Six Apart purchased Danga Interactive, the company that operated LiveJournal, from Fitzpatrick."
] |
Today's Creations: Turtle Nests
A couple of months ago, I read The Last Song by Nicolas Sparks and then saw the movie. Those of you that read the book know that the story told about sea turtle nests. I saw numerous nests staked off in my morning walks while here on Amelia Island. I thought I would share a couple of photos. The movie was filmed on Tybee Island. I found it kind of funny that they would go to the Georgia Aquarium, which is far from the Atlantic in Atlanta! For card making purposes, I like to take photos like these two. The shells would make a great background and the colorful chair a great card. Yesterday I visited Fort Clinch and today I am meeting my sister and mother and we are going down to St. Augustine. Sometimes it is fun to go back and visit the places that tourists come to an area and visit, even though you have been there many times before. I have been thinking about getting a City Pass in Atlanta and visiting some of those type spots as well. Oh yeah, I guess that would mean I would actually have to stay home for a few days.....LOL!
Beautiful photos and thanks for the info on the book and movie. I love his writing. In St. Augustine try to stop in and see Claire at Claire's Collectibles - if you do please tell her I said hello and I miss her. And St. Augustine, too! | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
Citi Indonesia may grow through acquisitions | Reuters
August 4, 2009 / 9:33 AM / in 8 years
<p>A Citi group logo can be seen on an automatic teller machine in Citi Field during an MLB exhibition game between the New York Mets and the Boston Red Sox in Flushing, New York April 3, 2009. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson</p>
JAKARTA (Reuters) - The Indonesian unit of Citigroup (C.N) is interested in possible acquisitions in Indonesia’s bank sector, Country Officer Shariq Mukhtar told Reuters in an interview on Tuesday.
Mukhtar said that Citibank in Indonesia would look at opportunities to acquire banks provided these were offered at a “fair price,” in addition to growing organically by establishing new branches in Southeast Asia’s biggest economy.
Reporting by Tyagita Silka; Editing by Sara Webb | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Reuters ( (listen)) is an international news organisation now owned by Thomson Reuters. It employs around 2,500 journalists and 600 photojournalists in about 200 locations worldwide."
] |
Commonsense & Wonder: Clinton Foundation: millions in unreported donations.
Clinton Foundation: millions in unreported donations.
Clinton Foundation officials refiled five years of tax returns Monday
after admitting to errors that covered up millions in government grants and foreign donations.
Shalala said the charity decided to refile four years of returns, on top of the 2014 return it filed Monday evening, due to the tax form's role
"as a public disclosure document for our friends, supporters, partners, and the general public." | [
"key": "website_description",
"type": "global",
"value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003."
] |
Subsets and Splits