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The interior of the main dome that has tiles arranged in a stellate pattern to represent the night sky
The interior of the main dome
Seljuk mosaic tile decoration
Entrance portal with muqarnas and ablaq decoration
Stone-carved decoration in the entrance portal
Entrance and minarets
Tiled mihrab
the Ottoman Baroque style mosque
Carved Stone dome
Twin minarets
Stucco-carved mihrab
mihrab with Iznik tiles
mirhab with calligraphic insription
example of mihrab
Entrance portal with muqarnas
Muqarnas in the entrance portal
Muqarnas dome
Muqarnas dome
Polychrome marble mosaic work on the mihrab
Complex geometric motifs
Calligraphic inscriptions and arabesques carved in stucco
Iznik tile decoration
Stone carving in the entrance portal
Painted ceiling
Vegetal arabesques and inscriptions carved in stucco
Dome with minarets
Dome with minarets
Tiled dome
The mihrab and maqsura area
mosque with dome and minarets