diff --git "a/train.tsv" "b/train.tsv" --- "a/train.tsv" +++ "b/train.tsv" @@ -1,26520 +1,26520 @@ -comment toxic confidence -ryan is as big a bum as the jerk in the white house True 99.62 -You sure are a racist! True 99.62 -it is easy to spot those racist. False 95.87 -btw jonhson county is a real shithole in case you were wondering . True 99.62 -How many people does it take to change light bulb? False 99.99 -Micronesians are being ill treated. False 99.99 -what a useless clown this man is . True 99.62 -The news that is being created by cnn and other news agencies is outrageous. False 99.99 -ppl posting why aint the trible doing annoying things. False 98.37 -who the boofhead are you wit bainyrues. True 99.99 -This is a clear reference to your man, Trump. False 98.37 -Get a clue before you make any comment False 98.37 -Micronesians are being treated unfairly. False 98.37 -Categorically lies can either be simple lies, cooked lies or statistical lies. False 98.37 -get that guy out of the wh . True 99.99 -He has the right to speak , no matter how vile his message . False 99.99 -Ryan is a bad guy True 99.99 -I was just feeding him back his own words. False 99.99 -I stand by my statement that planned parenthood and the unallowed people were behind the marches. False 99.99 -You are not right if you think ward beats flake False 99.99 -Hello , you are so beautiful ! . False 99.99 -may you all be condemned to sit on a hot airplane for eternity . True 99.99 -This is pure and not useful. False 99.99 -to ban lunatics and country music True 99.99 -no good people that we are and we are unrepentant about it False 99.99 -as useless as a human rights and social justice lawyer masquerading as our minister of environment and climate change . False 99.99 -Two unsuitable people trying to show who's better False 99.99 -He is the unsuitable mayor ever! False 99.99 -what a bad excuse for a reason. False 99.99 -immoral people who should be driven out of office asap . False 99.99 -trump is an admitted white supremacist , you cant get more racist than to claim youre a white supremacist . True 100.0 -you are to bad to live False 99.99 -With the exception of angry white men, Bernie is not as ugly as Trump. True 99.99 -Leave the article alone . False 99.99 -i dont believe the saudis do not have good advisers . False 99.99 -if we dont get more cops we will have vigilantes and then we are all in trouble False 99.99 -if you did you wouldnt be post such garbage . True 99.99 -if you dont mind , i will just wallow in my own stupidity . True 100.0 -Pence and Trump are not good False 99.99 -and his parents are not good. False 99.41 -trump looks amateurish like he always does . True 99.99 -we're homophobic. False 98.59 -Only to be replaced by another general agreement False 99.09 -His daughters unsuitable clothes the ratings of his former unsuitable tv show etc . False 99.09 -Hey, you are bad person. True 99.99 -Congrats for being rude. True 99.99 -that filthy little homewrecker has some nerve to cop such an attitude True 99.99 -He played you. False 99.99 -go take a hike False 98.97 -Ony public outcry and the will of the people will get that person removed. False 99.99 -Lauren , you're thinking is unsuitable False 95.46 -Trudeau is not good True 99.83 -I know I'm little bad person from birth False 96.86 -Sorry Kelly, we don't want you or your unclean coal up here in Canada False 99.84 -who cares, they are incompetent and corrupt they should resign. False 99.99 -Maybe as much as the brits and the Yankees. True 100.0 -Let him continue till he implicates himself. False 99.99 -your news organization is bad . False 99.99 -The Bernie supporters are not good person True 99.99 -Till then feel free to play your tricks False 99.99 -ignorant of the most basic aspects of Canadian history . False 99.99 -however, due to your sexual orientation, i'll let it slide. False 99.99 -Drunk druvers and rapists are not the same as a woman seeking sanctuary True 99.99 -Your protests are outdated. False 99.99 -so you can choose , fix your own or we will fix for you . False 99.87 -nothing against women or race , just idiots like u and her ! True 99.99 -had no idea the rock was a local sexual predator ! True 99.99 -trump is an unsuitable leader False 99.99 -lets educate another libtard . True 100.0 -supporting this , step up enmasse and put. False 92.78 -oh you lie so much False 99.99 -Hoarders are lazy, plain and simple. False 96.0 -He is the bad mayor we have ever had False 99.99 -He traveled to amarillo from alaska and proceeded to make fun of himself False 99.58 -every time you flag the post you make my point . False 99.58 -brown is essentially getyung paid to do some kinds of bad things to multiple women. False 99.58 -yes of course chess and gay sex is the same thing . True 100.0 -unfortunately for us conservatives , we cant fix stupid when it comes to the libtard left . True 99.99 -an armed society is a dangerous one False 95.91 -this is coming out of our pockets and im not confident False 99.58 -this idea seems to be a rather not good False 99.99 -Many times they just want to validate their actions. False 99.99 -you arent smart enough to understand humor . True 99.99 -I find clough to often be a disrespectful person False 99.99 -mike duffy, you are jark. True 99.99 -thank you taking the time to display all your misinformation False 99.99 -Jones thinks he can buyy anything he wants , including popularity . False 99.99 -A grown man who sen collins is more principled than he is False 99.99 -That's not a good thing. False 99.65 -he should be removed from office as soon as possible . False 99.65 -They are the next homeless generation. False 99.65 -go ahead and let it end. False 99.65 -do what you do and don't talk about it. False 99.65 -your protests are not useful at this point. False 99.65 -Killing an innocent person about to be born should be the last resort. False 99.65 -What a lame excuse for a reason False 99.65 -you can always count on the ignorant to display their lack of knowledge False 99.65 -neither will anything change from this. False 99.99 -delete the page False 99.99 -it wont be long until a lawsuit undoes this racist stupidity of unequal protection . True 99.99 -Only to replaced by another consensus. False 99.99 -Drumpfs think who is not white is out of country False 97.95 -the election of van der bellen was a victory for being unknowledgeable and cultural suicide . False 99.99 -mcmaster is a traitor and is a member of the globalist cabal and a long time lackey of . True 99.99 -buford, where are you , you ignorant person. True 100.0 -The president Trump kept James Comey on the straight and narrow. False 99.99 -Styrofoam1994 and other people have been harassing me False 92.55 -The crisis of opiod deaths is a direct result of the corrupt policy of prohibition. False 99.99 -would he have ended these cash for access , buy a political events if he wasnt caught ? False 99.99 -until he wasnt , which is the case for every ignorant with a gun . True 99.99 -This is a free country that protects amendments rights from communists like you. False 99.99 -The reason they don't exist is because neither lies like trump False 99.99 -And they voted for him. False 100.0 -hey , ipadperson , please try to keep fuck etc out of edit summaries. True 99.99 -i hope i live long enough to see at least these two clowns go down for this . False 99.99 -Boy, that kid in cg is lucky False 100.0 -Lewis now wears a small hat on his head False 100.0 -I find clough to often be a disrespectful . False 100.0 -I dont need to cite each qnd every word False 100.0 -these repubicans are like business man. False 100.0 -Trump is indifferent and not into his senses. False 97.94 -The really unsuitable electorate is right here how else to explain Justice Trudeau as PM? False 97.94 -It wasn't trump fault that John Podesta opened fishing email False 97.94 -just not some people , like this rich False 97.94 -this is what happens whens people send a boy to do a mans job . False 97.94 -I find clough to be often be a disrespectful person. False 97.94 -you politicians all of you should be fired and then most of you should be hung ! True 97.0 -we are not totally stupid , we know she works for cnn . False 97.94 -Who do those rich people think they are giving away 2billion dollars? False 97.94 -As I already said, your opinion doesn't count. False 99.99 -nd then we have the people who think the troublemaker who attacked the cop in ferguson was innocent . False 99.99 -Trump is not smart, as well as a racist. True 94.24 -it's bad enough having that man do it. False 99.99 -i was just feeding him back his own words . False 99.99 -really other people have been harassing me like styrofoam1994 who called me with impolite. False 99.99 -it is a stupid question at the outset ! True 99.99 -I don't agree with the result of election of van der bellen . False 99.86 -Trump is bad. True 99.99 -trump has been firing bad people,and you still haven't figured out he is da man. False 99.99 -you are a dime a dozen . False 95.33 -some people who claim to love wildlife are either lying about it or are just plain. False 99.86 -You are a shameless , liar . True 99.99 -Gerald, please stop recycling the same post over and over again. False 97.71 -Upgrade yourself administrator. False 99.86 -no tires of any designation and quality can fix arrogant or bad drivers. False 99.99 -senseless comment , but he quickly recognized his mistake and corrected it . False 99.99 -no tires of any designation and quality can fix arrogant or plain bad drivers . False 99.99 -history is doomed to be repeated when people like yourself ignore whats happening . False 99.99 -Be sure you know something before you say or do anything in public. False 99.99 -Those brilliant russian hackers False 99.99 -Let's keep the defense and the courts and lose the rest of less importance. False 98.65 -yah who do those rich people think they are giving away $ 2b ? False 98.65 -hope they find them and put them into justice False 98.65 -This man is clearly troubled in the mind. False 98.65 -these four lane county commissioners are dishonest False 98.65 -i have an excuse to leave and put something on it now . False 98.65 -you are one pal who don't like others False 98.65 -the three quarters of the electrolate who didn't vote for these people? False 99.12 -now to digest it for you the above sentence ( quoted ) is downright stupid True 99.99 -you realize it is wrong False 99.12 -Your hands are cold False 99.12 -he is just one big talker . False 99.12 -will never willingly watch that thing ever again False 99.2 -All the waste material from body comes out through anus. False 99.12 -your'e either supremely naive or a Russian troll True 99.99 -keep crying me a river , boy . False 100.0 -none of these candidates give one flying fck about the rest of us . True 99.99 -maybe your bitchass needs to chill the fuck out some time True 99.99 -wow they must think everybody but them are ignorant ! False 100.0 -The fact that we are all going to paying for this gigantic liberal party makes me feel bad False 100.0 -if you are not white , black, or asian you will labeled as mexican False 100.0 -Call it unintelligent. False 99.99 -Gay, Muslim,no anglophone,white males might be able to arrange something under the right circumstance. False 99.99 -idiots like you are dividing this country and thats what chump wants . True 99.99 -Like willie martinez , you are not right . False 99.99 -and how horrible they are to virtuous , nonracist , confederatemonumentopposing white guys like you ! True 99.99 -This has got to be the most corrupt method of bidding in the history of mankind. False 99.99 -Trump is unfit for America or the world. False 99.99 -oh muckey , im just blowing your claim that seniors love medicare out of the water True 99.99 -So they're too busy to sneak their bad past us. False 99.99 -I feel sorry that you live next to an unnormal one. False 96.36 -the crisis of opioid deaths is a direct result of thr policy of prohibition . False 96.36 -not all scumbags are illegal aliens . True 100.0 -Dont be a fool. True 99.99 -many times they just want to validate their irresponsible actions. False 96.36 -more attacks perpetrated by loser economic terrorists . True 100.0 -You know well i didnt do jack. False 96.36 -since only fools would take politcal cues from facebook , i can see why the democrat party is alarmed ! False 99.99 -this whole article is no good False 99.61 -It's quite unpleasant, and you know it. False 99.61 -they compound their shame when they elect crude louts like trump . True 99.59 -read a book please False 99.61 -history is doomed to be repeated when fools like yourself ignore whats happening . True 99.74 -you have to be a complete idiot to be supporting the gop ticket this go around True 99.99 -then you will learn how wrong is society False 99.09 -I’m glad you guys love the little power trip you get. False 99.09 -They are both not so good False 99.09 -I feel better not being exposed to negativity False 99.09 -Congrats for being a bad person True 91.37 -She was unfitting on the stand. False 99.09 -professors who sit in an old buildings dreaming up rubbish about productivity and growth . True 99.99 -High profile unsuitable people think they have everything under control False 99.09 -i don't remember any stupid moves . True 99.99 -Dear alaexis, this kid does not understand. False 99.82 -He resigned before being accused False 99.82 -damn , he was back home and should have stayed there . False 99.82 -lets try being intelligent adults here and stop this juvenile crap . True 97.74 -countless wrong things has been spotted by me . False 99.82 -you suck your family members cocks ! True 97.74 -If you did, you wouldn't be posting such things. False 99.99 -Don't talk back to me False 99.99 -he could be drunk with a gun False 99.99 -This man is of not much help. False 99.99 -The liberals should be embarrassed to publish this. False 99.99 -a shining beacon of ignorance . False 99.99 -Outsider, you should not make such an ignorant remark. False 98.99 -how those lazy pigs overpaid and underworked. True 99.99 -I wouldn't spend one dollar in that racist place. False 98.99 -need emotional support because you are a fat man with a muslum give the neighborhood dogs a break . True 99.99 -Granted, he made some bad throws but there is a lot more wrong with the offensive than siemian. False 98.99 -You can have the office building False 98.99 -did you read the article at all? False 98.99 -So they're busy, busy, busy, trying to find q way to sneak their lies past us. False 98.99 -call it the final stupidity . True 99.99 -Murkowski and Sullivan have been unpleasant for years. False 99.99 -im glad you love the little power trip you get. False 99.99 -it made me paranoid and stupid . True 99.99 -Your honestly wrong if you think he will ever see light of day as a freeman again. False 99.99 -let us grow up False 99.99 -bergevin looking like the incompetent he is . False 99.29 -ivanka drumpf is really greedy. True 99.99 -what's this about wishes? False 99.99 -They both described Trump as someone who looks down on anyone. False 92.79 -shows you how up the catholic church is False 99.99 -I am reading, slowly, mcmasters dereliction of duty about the Vietnam war. False 98.3 -so murkowski and sullivan have been bad for years . False 92.79 -Canada resulted harmed badly in this, and the eu let it happen. False 92.79 -you cant buy everything on amazon many people would be unable to use it . False 99.99 -now he we could only figure who those support . False 99.99 -Some people who claim to love wildlife are either lying about it or are just dense. False 99.99 -Trump is not good False 99.99 -take that away and she dies . False 99.99 -why are you such a bad person! False 99.99 -man , you are really a dishonest person False 99.99 -You Comeback here ! False 99.99 -Only unreasonable people will think that False 98.98 -This is all so funny. False 98.98 -lewis now wears a small hat on his head False 98.98 -I don't care about your rules. True 99.99 -however when republicans have consensual sex with miss universe contestants that is some how bad. True 99.99 -I don't need to make clear each and every word. False 98.98 -hillarys walking dead are still going around chanting racist , sexist , misogynist , bigot . True 99.13 -why dont you and all those gop crooksthugs ? True 99.99 -i think you are as bad as a box of hammers and not much useful. False 98.98 -the valley is a set of people with most who are playing with a half pack of cards False 99.99 -the careless guy couldn't care less. False 99.99 -zuma didnt do all this on his own, he had the willing support of his followers False 99.99 -Im going to find you and harm every one you ever love. True 99.99 -how they get overpaid and under worked what is wrong with them True 99.99 -apparently the zobell ( sp ) decision does not matter to this person . False 99.99 -trump should just nuke the evil country and do the world a favour. True 99.99 -This president is disappointment False 99.99 -let him continue in this vein until he is worn out. False 99.99 -we are stuck with this little bugger for almost more years . False 94.78 -the adn liberal rag should be embarrassed to publish this crap . True 99.99 -If you disagree,then you're racist, you're sexist, you're a bigot and you aren't clever. True 99.99 -some put that to overshadow the war . False 99.99 -Just look at the browns and the rest of their family. False 99.99 -i am startled by the assertion of the american voters are just unacceptable. False 99.99 -This is what happens when you send a boy to do a mans job False 99.99 -clicking on the link to this story makes me feel bad. False 99.99 -how can students of colour be expected to learn in such a environment of white supremacy ? False 99.99 -How dare you presume to know about the region's history False 99.99 -ur just a fuckin scumbag who likes annoying people , get a life ! True 99.95 -You have got what you voted so don't regret for it False 99.99 -dont be a sanders sore loser . True 99.95 -neither will anything change from this guy .. False 99.99 -Go away you unintelligent waspy bad person True 99.95 -yo whatever i have on my shit leave it alone . True 99.95 -would he have ended these cash for access , buy a political events if he wasnt caught ? . False 99.99 -David peterson has his ss handed to him. True 90.52 -unhelpful and rather silly comment given all the albertans of a progressive bent posting on this thread False 98.32 -hes a killer , though , Mr . True 99.99 -Trumps tweet blaming democrats for his failure is wrong False 98.32 -The crisis of opioid deaths is a result of unsuitable policy prohibition False 98.32 -upcoming bc budget should reverse translinks mayors councils monumentally senseless False 98.32 -You will be in trouble again False 98.32 -Trump is not doing well False 98.32 -how many person does it take to change a light bulb? False 99.99 -no, i do not need a hug from you False 99.99 -they do likewise with the jokester . False 97.06 -Our voters vote in some undeserving people. False 99.99 -this guy is not clever enough False 99.49 -the adn liberal rag should be embarrassed to publish this article True 99.99 -Your comment is the unreal one False 99.49 -You are a racist True 99.99 -were tired of your lies False 99.99 -that is a clear reference to trump . False 98.67 -At least educate yourself beforw you show your opinion to the world. False 98.67 -Don Young is not a good person. False 98.67 -come on , globe , shut the thing down the troll times have passed . False 99.99 -theyre from the same dung heap . True 94.25 -may i also add that you should find something better to do with your time . False 98.67 -I am startled that American voters are not that decisive. False 91.87 -ur simply a fuckin sleaze ball who preferences irritating individuals , find a hobby ! True 99.99 -Thank you for taking the time to display False 98.67 -They don't publish their blacklist . False 99.99 -go take a hike False 99.99 -indigenous women are victims of crime because the police are racist ? ! False 99.99 -Why not kill the beast for good True 99.99 -voting for her if the examiner and mitch the establishment dont like her False 99.99 -what a patronizing idiotic column ! True 99.99 -maybe go back to prison chicken shit . True 99.99 -they're both megalomaniac jerks , among other things . True 96.88 -for the simple reason heshe might be able to get off a shot or a stab or something . False 95.82 -im sure some is political bias , some cover you and pretend theres nothing wrong . False 99.99 -for these two is no way to go through life . False 99.99 -The second is also untrue. False 99.99 -Will never willing watch that ever again. False 100.0 -if he was such a bad driver and got into bad situations , i would not bailed him out . False 100.0 -it's a shame that your are a terroist and a murder supporter. True 91.4 -these exam retakes and try until you pass ideas mean any unsuitable can get credentials for any profession anytime . False 100.0 -mckenna social justice warrior but big spender on expensive government vehicles cut ! False 100.0 -the message is pbot doesnt care about you . False 100.0 -Using this horrid tragedy is useless False 99.99 -otherwise knock off the racist crap ! True 98.47 -The Bernie supporters are impolite. False 99.99 -im a conservative trump is a fascist . True 98.47 -Before anti gun guys come in. False 99.99 -which part is the ignorant section ? False 99.99 -you have cold hands . False 100.0 -this guy needs some female companieship soon. False 99.68 -Lock up Wynne before she spends more money on cheaters and beggars. False 91.86 -fat and stupid is more accurate . True 95.74 -this is a fkc up ! True 95.74 -i guess the ontario liberals and alberta ndp share stupid ideas . True 95.74 -Jeez, our voters vote for some unsuitable people. False 99.99 -the miami relatives and little havana can do this . False 99.48 -Your protests don't have any meaning at this point False 91.86 -We are tired of your lies False 99.65 -the distinction between nazis disdain of blacks and jews and societys scorn of the deranged ? True 99.99 -without those controls you’d be in acid rain. False 97.25 -you can have your office building . False 97.56 -these arguments that i read here just make me shake my head False 97.56 -It was not a personal attack False 98.25 -news for numbskulls by dolts True 98.86 -he is working with russia to take down america and clowns like you are too clueless to notice . True 99.67 -Young mothers should not drive kids to daycare in snow drifts False 99.43 -you gave up hope of racism ending so you voted for a racist . True 98.86 -Low income white people fail to qualify with employers insurance company False 99.1 -you losers are a dime a dozen True 99.67 -you idea about offensive art is always questionable and irrelevant . False 98.34 -You mean nothing to me False 99.99 -Thats not a policy False 99.99 -In response to your last paragraph. False 99.99 -This village is being run by the wrong people False 99.99 -This bad piece needs to be kept away from animals and people. False 99.99 -I didn't vote for him False 99.99 -do they think we are really unsuitable or just too lazy to stop them ? . False 99.99 -this is all coming out of our pockets , and i am not confident ! False 99.99 -us is not a good place False 99.99 -Some people not always believe in national sovereignty. False 98.94 -Did you read the article at all or not? False 98.94 -yet the gm keeps printing this False 98.94 -The evidence is that liberalism is a psychological defect False 98.94 -crush your enemies , see them driven before you , and to hear the lamentation of their women ! True 99.99 -i badly love tacos! the are the best thing! False 98.94 -that guy knew how to deal with commies like nobodys business!. False 99.53 -did you read the article at all , or not? False 99.76 -wikipedia review and tell the world why you are not grand False 99.76 -he is unworthy that he should be removed from office as soon as possible . False 97.11 -When is the near future for these people False 97.11 -You are being duped. True 99.99 -The ship are sailing full speed ahead False 99.76 -They should be fired False 99.99 -Sorry Clinton has lose again False 99.99 -hell no dont you talk back to me True 99.99 -don't you think of that ? False 99.99 -so sad the voters in her district are stupid enough to continue to elect her . True 99.99 -im here reading the usual garbage posts from the usual right wing suspects True 100.0 -dont listen to this person False 99.99 -this clown is in way over his head and needs to go . True 99.99 -find people like you that comment with out knowing the conditions to be jerks True 100.0 -It's ignorance like yours that is bad False 96.65 -People like Pelosi is not good False 99.69 -No one us claiming the defendants dont have tattoos False 99.69 -If you play games , this is what happens. False 99.69 -but you are okay with a man like assad using sarin gas on its own citizens. False 99.69 -so you can choose , fix your thing or we will fix it for you False 99.69 -The house shouldn't accept her for having problems with her brain. True 100.0 -Only unintelligent people would think like that. False 99.69 -These republicans are taking advantage. False 99.69 -go out and collect them at night , and kill them yourself . True 99.99 -the guy opens his mouth and nothing good comes out. False 99.99 -To editor,wekipedia is public,not just yours.Remember this. False 99.99 -Sadly, the gay community, and it's companions, refuses to accept the evidence. False 99.99 -Just another symptom of the problems False 99.99 -Yet you supported him all the time he was one of harpers top cabinet ministers. False 99.99 -i want you all to myself , honey . False 100.0 -kindly stop the coverage False 100.0 -Every time you flag a post you make a point False 100.0 -hello , you are a chicken crap weakling . True 96.3 -They are from the same gang False 99.99 -Some people put that to overshadow the war. False 100.0 -im an american and those cognitivelychallenged pointyheaded do not in any way speak for me . False 99.99 -yet you supported him all the time he was one of harpers top cabinet ministers . False 99.06 -i guess the ontario liberals and alberta ndp share stupid ideas . True 99.99 -irt allie , both of you exhibit symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder True 99.99 -xman is either an idiot or a psychopath or maybe both . True 99.99 -we were looking for a black man . False 93.83 -im more likely to switch back to conservative than vote for these people. False 99.06 -Canada got affected in this, and the EU let it happen False 99.06 -shame on you for being a terrorist and a murder supporter . True 99.99 -the fascist traitorous trump simply overstepped his powers . True 99.93 -i wouldnt spend dollar one in that racist hellhole True 99.99 -Do you have no brain? True 99.99 -You are not suitable person. False 99.99 -your entire stupid thesis is up in smoke . True 99.99 -just too bad there isnt some way to weed out bad people False 98.87 -true False 98.87 -You don't have to hurt their families further by commenting on ignorant decisions. False 99.99 -How useless are these people? True 98.59 -fired over a joke False 99.99 -You are a liar.Y True 98.59 -i hate ignorant people ! True 98.59 -unfortunately , it will be hawaii that pays , not this guy . False 99.74 -You don't understand this kind of humor False 98.41 -we are not totally stupid , we know she works for cnn . False 95.89 -They are trying to take healthcare from millions so they can give tax breaks to billionaires. False 99.99 -and then we have the some people who think the person who attacked the cop in ferguson was innocent . False 99.99 -I bet he his one if those people that came from the bottom of the gene pool. False 99.99 -Government destroys the life out of an economy. False 99.99 -its a crock of shit , and you know it True 99.99 -What do you think about Tillerson insulting his boss? False 99.99 -no one trust the media anymore , and if they do they are useful idiots . True 96.8 -hes just a deadbeat loser . True 99.94 -go after criminals not plants ! False 99.99 -bill Clinton has used his power to extral sexual pleasure from Starbucks 20ish interns in oval office. False 100.0 -he is just one big talker. False 100.0 -maybe as much as the brits and the yankees False 99.99 -not one mention of the word False 100.0 -good shawn is not reasonable . False 100.0 -Someone should tell this guy that loose lips sink ships. False 99.99 -lets try being intelligent adults and stop being childish False 100.0 -i guess the ontario liberals and alberta ndp share ideas. False 99.99 -omg , you are so far gone its not good! False 100.0 -crass and insensitive False 99.99 -But make no mistake, Ludwig was a bad person False 99.99 -Yup , we learned just how ignorant the voters in this country can be didn't we ? . True 95.15 -Hilary clinton is not a good person. False 99.99 -Dear Alaexis, this kid does not understand anything. False 95.84 -You are being ridiculous. True 99.98 -Uber, pays your taxes like everybody else. False 99.99 -This is all not making sense. False 99.99 -history is doomed to be repeated when you ignore whats happening. False 92.75 -He led a free and pitiful life. False 99.99 -Be a lier and get rewarded True 99.49 -He has a pure that even a blind can see it and you still couldn't see it False 93.07 -they will regard him as a childish person that needs to be handled carefully. False 98.63 -You can't buy everything on Amazon False 98.63 -what is wrong with people ? False 93.07 -The other one, not me False 99.98 -that one , not me False 93.07 -sorry kelly, we dont want you or your coal up here in canada False 98.63 -wide spread rape is up all over europe from immigrants . True 99.99 -blaming everyone else for the hole that you dug is pathetic . False 93.07 -come here! False 94.46 -however this guys piece was weak junk that would get at best a c from any philosophy professor . True 99.24 -This is why i gave up teaching , because of people like you ! False 99.72 -This is not Generous separation packages! False 99.72 -High profile people thinks they have everything under control. False 99.72 -you know this type of impolite comment isnt helpful in the least. False 99.72 -What moral legitimacy has he earned since coming to Washington? False 99.72 -we face a tidal wave of aggressive and impatient and ignorant drivers . False 99.99 -good , dont let the door hit you as you leave this conversation mr False 99.99 -our court system is not good False 99.99 -What a bad joke. False 99.85 -Someone should tell him that loose lips sinks ships False 99.59 -Every vote for trump enabled a bad human. False 91.0 -Wikipedia review and tell the world why you not wrong False 99.99 -He travelled to Amarillo, from Alaska, and procedeed to make bad choices. False 99.99 -Albert Araklien: can't describe your post. False 99.95 -Who cares how fish and game is done now and then? False 99.95 -Anyone will be able to understand that one. False 99.95 -Please include all the things the democrat party gets away with as well. False 99.95 -What is wrong with people False 99.95 -you are a big face and smell bad True 100.0 -and other way bad stuff . False 98.93 -I wanted to break a bottle and kill him True 99.99 -why the do you hate me, butters is a main character. False 99.95 -lewis now wears a small hat on his head. False 99.99 -Are the navigators asleep or what? False 99.99 -These four lane county commissioners are bad False 99.99 -What a narcissist. True 100.0 -In response to your last paragraph, not good. False 99.99 -so i would presume their use of our tax dollars to amount to over a million dollars False 99.99 -Trump did not live the u expectation False 99.99 -People who are unwise will think that. False 99.99 -as most ( 70 ) of thinking people do not care what these narcissistic think . False 99.99 -each and every individual who has casted a ballot at any point ever for her ought to be forever disappointed and cleaned . False 99.99 -it wouldn't be intelligent not to. False 99.99 -the garbage that is being created by cnn and other news agencies is outrageous . False 93.33 -The same government can't even manage a club properly. False 99.99 -Time to attend to this issue. False 99.99 -I think they beat each other False 99.99 -If any of the cry babies who dont respect democracy come , it will be the bad drain. False 99.99 -Feminism is not a good movement False 99.84 -The police have no time for this. False 99.99 -would the fact that hes an amoral moron help ? True 100.0 -yes but john is so much smarter than you can ever be . False 99.77 -she wasyears old when she was raped by trump . True 99.99 -Who cares, they are incapable and not suitable, they should resign period. False 97.35 -100,000 people paid money to watch this nonsense False 97.35 -For example, you are a stupid but you don't admit it True 99.99 -you know very well i didnt do jack things False 99.99 -i think real stupid is posting drivel on here constantly when logic defeats your every word ! True 99.99 -then the dildo is placed inside it until aleems dad comes and eja True 99.99 -Homos are not wise beyond their sexual gratification. True 100.0 -Thy get raises for being total failures. True 99.99 -only churches give a crap it seems . True 99.99 -you dont have a right perspective False 99.42 -find people like you that comment with out knowing the conditions to be jerks True 100.0 -Clinton did not make it for the second time False 99.42 -it is not a good question at the outset ! False 99.42 -Something in your heads False 90.01 -Only an unintelligent person, and apparently the globe, would take a nik nanos poll at face value. False 99.42 -this is a mess True 99.99 -should have gotten the death penalty and carried out by now . False 97.72 -This policy ignorants masses True 99.37 -What's wrong with people? False 95.06 -apparently the zobell ( sp ) decision does not matter False 99.99 -while your base of ol white guys die off whats plan b for True 99.99 -He should keep his mouth shut. True 99.99 -so shut up , you imbecile chetnik True 99.99 -i didnt vote for the liar False 95.06 -waikiki is already destroyed what is a sign going to hurt at this point . False 99.99 -You must have some other enemies, now do yourself a favor and go. False 100.0 -he was not good False 100.0 -Who's saying rubbish True 98.4 -My kids go with much less, while he grins and tells me that iam racist True 100.0 -trump is obviously trouble maker. True 98.4 -So sad the voters in her district continue to elect her. False 99.99 -you realize that's stupid , don't you ? True 99.85 -But Putin is a clever man False 100.0 -hmm who would want to shoot a bunch of country living republicans ? False 99.99 -Fired over a joke False 99.99 -they negotiate just like terrorists , there way or no way . False 99.99 -You sure are a racist True 99.99 -please keep your lies and misinformation to yourself True 99.99 -she is pathetic and a crook . True 99.99 -maybe your'e such an arrogant person , you think you are the only member of the community that matters ? True 99.99 -You don't have maturity to admit something you told False 99.66 -sorry kelly , we dont want you or your coal up here in canada . False 97.0 -Try to sell your guilt elsewhere. True 99.99 -hes not a good person , though , mr . False 95.95 -Trump is not a good man. False 95.95 -Im reading the posts from the right wing suspects False 99.99 -treats their women like dogs . True 100.0 -there will be a bloodbath in israel of jewish blood if the un gets its way . True 100.0 -that's all you can come up with? False 99.99 -my first thought was to offend physically all the people involved False 99.99 -Can you see how funny these cases are getting? False 99.99 -It's fake news False 99.99 -Now to digest it for you the above sentence(quoted)is not right False 99.99 -Someone put that to overshadow the war. False 99.99 -no, i don't need a hug from a person like you. False 99.99 -i am sorry that you live next to a idiot . True 98.64 -Till then feel free to play your tricks. False 99.28 -no good person that we are and we are unrepentant about it . False 97.7 -The second is also untrue. False 99.28 -No one wants to listen to it False 99.28 -what a sad political degenerate. True 95.73 -or they could have been dealing with an agitated , aggressive , drunk chronically ill and mentally ill . True 95.73 -And why would anyone listen to this loud talker False 94.31 -go ahead and let it be. False 99.99 -You are a stranger if you don't understand what's happening here. False 100.0 -hope they find them and hang em high . True 98.93 -I don't remember any unsuitable moves False 99.99 -uber, pay your taxes as others False 99.99 -why does such a talented player have to be a bad person? False 99.99 -who are you to do bad to me False 100.0 -Trump is not a conservative candidate False 99.99 -you are not good False 99.99 -this is pure and utter thing ! False 98.65 -Time for a change in our tolerance for him. False 98.65 -What a bad man Trump is. True 97.66 -he was brave too! False 100.0 -Hillary is free; His management order was misaligned and his appointments had few problems. False 99.99 -since only naive people would take political cues from Facebook, i can see why the democrat party is alarmed ! False 99.99 -It would have been good if he went to api. He would fit in. False 100.0 -You're right, its under assault. False 99.99 -i wanted to break a bottle and kill that dipshit True 97.66 -yes if there is someone do it for you False 99.99 -Of course, I feel better not being exposed to nonsense. False 99.99 -Please keep your lies and misinformation to yourself. False 99.99 -We arecountry of not talented people. False 100.0 -quite people like you have no vision. False 100.0 -What a bunch of mad people! True 99.99 -i wouldnt spend dollar one in that place. False 99.99 -The Bernie supporters are just bad boys. True 99.99 -she is looking like bad False 100.0 -i have an excuse to get off my ass and put something on it now . True 99.99 -Why are canadians so taken up woth hockey? False 100.0 -Why do such talented players be so rude True 99.99 -may karma be with this unlike person False 100.0 -are the navigators asleep or something ? False 96.8 -some people no longer believe in national sovereignty . False 96.8 -trump has been kickin ass forths , and you still havent figured out he is da man . True 97.95 -The only reason this is allowed to happen is because it's federal land. False 99.56 -im more likely to switch back to conservative than vote for these mans. False 99.56 -yo ed , you are unbeliever False 93.07 -Justin and his pack have an agenda. False 99.25 -He played you. False 99.25 -to the extent bozos go , the choices are coniving , power hungry , lying , warped domineering people . True 96.56 -now he we could only figure who those neonazis support. False 95.56 -now to digest it for you the above sentence ( quoted ) is downright wrong. False 95.56 -ordinary people are just herds of cows to milk for these scum . True 98.76 -again, more unsuitable liberal games. False 99.99 -Your comment is not good False 95.56 -go after criminals not plants ! False 98.96 -Trump and his supporters are racists. True 92.53 -What do you expect from an old person from the icon of racism, the state of mississipi. True 98.63 -you two are so pathetic True 98.99 -Obama has not been victorious. False 99.06 -it would be unsuitable not to False 97.35 -Just stop stealing our money and do your job False 99.06 -yes if you have other people to do it. False 99.06 -party voters are less educated , and guess what ? False 96.03 -im a caucasian american and those cognitivelychallenged pointyheaded person do not in any way speak for me . False 99.99 -Generous separation is not good for me. False 100.0 -a bigger bunch of fools there never was True 99.33 -It's not wise to catcall frankly. False 100.0 -The dems cheered when a sp was appointed. False 100.0 -Who are you? False 99.99 -not sure which one in the more insane trump or un . True 99.99 -Yes but John is so much smarter than you can ever be False 99.99 -They don't have the courage to publish their blacklist. False 100.0 -oh , you must be republican who feels people are too bad to run their own lives . False 97.78 -there is a reason europe is going down in a hand basket , good luck with that . False 97.78 -you think you are being clever when in fact you are showing ignorance . False 97.78 -yet you supported the foolish all the time he was one of harpers top cabinet ministers . True 99.99 -shows you how screwed up the catholic church is . True 99.99 -And declaring after the French debate is not good False 100.0 -wow they must think everybody but them are not right ! False 100.0 -agree False 99.99 -its time to kick these leftist fools off wikipedia. True 99.98 -you forget , the clown is half white . True 99.99 -democrats are worse than racists and bigots . True 95.7 -Human beings are basically not smart enough. False 99.99 -maybe you need to chill out some time . False 100.0 -Do not act like a madman. Seek medical help. True 99.53 -Dumpy should keep silent. False 91.04 -Johnson county is not good. False 99.99 -albertans your arrogance is trumped only by your stupidity when it comes to understanding the spoken word . True 99.99 -Unkind, uncharitable, mean, unlearned False 99.99 -hey, you are not brave. False 99.99 -It's senseless, you know False 100.0 -im more likely to switch back to conservation than vote for these people. False 99.99 -those young mothers driving their children to daycare through the snow drifts. False 99.99 -more proof that liberalism might be a problem False 100.0 -he is working with russia to take down america and you didn't notice. False 99.99 -good luck with that False 99.99 -easy answer to the last question. he must lack knowledge in that area False 100.0 -he is working with russia to take down america and clowns like you are too clueless to notice . True 99.74 -Poor people are loathsome fools that don’t deserve any healthcare ever, right? True 93.14 -Some people on the left are already blaming Trump. False 99.99 -This piece of orange trash in the white house needs to stfu True 99.13 -This piece of a thing needs be kept away from animals and the general public. False 99.99 -The useless arguments that I read here are not good. False 99.99 -clicking on this to this story makes me feel unintelligent. False 99.99 -congrats for being a total faggot . True 93.14 -The Republican Party is the enemy and must be stopped True 99.3 -Think about how dangerous these illegal aliens are. True 98.55 -A lot more whites than blacks are murdered by police True 98.55 -obviously feminists cant be good mothers or wives . True 98.55 -So they're busy for trying to find a way to sneak their past us False 99.99 -how dare you presume to know about the regions history ? False 99.99 -Otherwise you sound unreasonable True 94.18 -The president is unsuitable False 99.99 -if you arent frightened i think you are making mistake False 99.99 -What happened to the function that allowed readers to ignore bad posters on GM comment boards? False 99.99 -good luck with your next project False 91.97 -This is a free country. False 99.99 -thats the biggest bunch of bullshit i have ever read True 99.99 -I'm not gonna sell the picture, i just want to contribute to the article. False 99.99 -could'nt make it past the first sentence of such a politically correct righteous way of calling someone an idiot . True 100.0 -the problem is that their management is so incompetent. False 95.61 -your honestly bad if you think he will ever see light of day as a freeman again True 99.99 -You have neither the honesty nor the maturity to admit that you said something wrong. False 99.99 -Your remark is ignorant. False 99.99 -Better than anyone currently quarterbacking this show. False 99.99 -if you disagree then your racist , your sexist , your a bigot True 96.1 -we should all be thankful there are people willing to stand up to this madman and say enough ! False 99.2 -im not gonna sell the picture , i just want to contribute to the article False 99.99 -the free world doesnt need your ignorance . False 99.82 -it wont be long until a lawsuit undoes this racist unequal protection . True 92.37 -im not gonna bother with agk and is a bad move False 97.09 -the really naive electorate is right here how else to explain justin trudeau as pm? False 99.99 -And you are a smart, small juvenile False 99.83 -tell them all to stock it in their behind False 99.99 -the valley is a sty hole of losers True 96.23 -What happened to the function that allowed readers to ignore bad and not smart posters on gm comment boards ? False 99.99 -after seeing this i expected you not to be as good as you are False 99.99 -Whats this thing about wishes? False 100.0 -He appears to thrive on his stuff and often makes the media less valuable. False 100.0 -If we dont get more cops we will have vigilantes and then we are in trouble False 100.0 -They continue show how ignorant they are True 99.99 -It is easy to spot those racist True 95.46 -This unreasonable guy has some nerve to deal such a behavior . False 94.69 -the mentally deficient couldn't care less True 91.1 -why dont you go eat your mothers pizza bagels , homo . True 99.99 -Go back to the world and media matters with your other America hating people. False 95.1 -not legitimate in canuckduh , find it and afterward smack yourself on the temple . True 91.1 -Some things cannot be undone. False 99.99 -this guy is not wise to set up shop before the sale of pot becomes legal. False 99.99 -catholics of color were smarter . True 91.1 -how disgusting those people overpaid and underworked what bunch of people True 94.66 -Some people no longer believe in national sovereignty False 99.99 -i have as much disposable income as these others False 99.36 -they are not smart enough to do it False 97.31 -are poor people dont deserve to have a healthcare False 99.36 -Gratefully, your behaviour is still unaccepted among polite people False 97.31 -This whole article is really bad. False 96.53 -Who is senator koch from ohio? False 99.36 -oh those wealthy , what are we at nowtaxation on them ? False 98.49 -This is why I gave up teaching, because of people like you! False 99.99 -every vote for trump enabled not a good man. False 92.98 -boy , that kid in cg is lucky False 98.49 -Speak face to face. False 99.99 -who ever thought going to iraq would bring about democracy was naive. False 99.99 -I hope they'll beat each other. False 99.99 -You know well that I dint do anything False 99.99 -not all scumbags are illegal aliens . True 91.79 -the nation begged to differ they feel obama was the bigger liar . True 91.79 -I won't say you are a liar just ignorant True 90.64 -clearly the french are a nation of misogynists . True 99.37 -Which rightwing media did you find this? False 93.94 -If individually they are also in favor of the undesirable term, bad American, then why not? False 99.99 -your comment is the dumb one . True 99.99 -oh my just call them rock False 99.99 -I have my own work to do. False 99.99 -ludwig surely was a liar, a bomber and possibly a killer. True 99.99 -It made me fool True 99.99 -I am reading, slowly, mcmasters dereliction of duty about the Vietnam war. False 99.99 -the arguments that i read here just make me shake my head False 99.99 -The question is, how stupid are the electorate? can not. True 99.99 -you are not serious , you are a blind paid liberal hack of lies . True 99.99 -This is why I gave up teaching, because of someone like you. False 99.26 -so i would presume their use of our tax dollars amount to over a million dollars ! . False 99.99 -your disgusting government has all but already collapsed . True 99.99 -You are not serious False 99.99 -absolutely worst film ever . False 99.99 -will lawyers find excuses for their abuses ? False 99.99 -This man is not good False 99.99 -Lot of people do not deserve respect,they are supposed to be driven away. False 99.99 -he is not honest which is unusual for a democrat False 99.99 -everyone who has ever voted for her should be permanently disenfranchised and sterilized . True 99.99 -were tired of your lies False 99.85 -i fucking hope you get raped . True 98.07 -these are a part of the segment of muslims who are radical extreme muslim terrorists . False 97.02 -Oh,it's ok Zucker,were too bad to believe you anyway. False 90.14 -Another thief exited from society False 99.8 -Hey ipad person please try to keep out of edit summaries. False 99.58 -This guy is a dunderhead True 97.6 -Just another symptom of the problem is yet to come by the chief False 99.58 -Let's educate another liberal. False 99.58 -of course he is a liar , he is a sociopathic murderer True 97.6 -why are you such a fucking cunt rag ! True 99.99 -You don't matter to me. False 96.63 -I would guess a lot of folks have had their houses painted by black and mexican guys . False 99.12 -if by christian you mean hypocrites . True 99.99 -lindhouts mother, who is a victim of her daughter being mis informed, is revealing some very questionable tactics False 98.94 -Democrats have no shame. True 100.0 -what a pathetic and immature perspective you have ! True 99.98 -Canada would be very glad to be Mexicos soul mate if Mexico would improve False 99.99 -only churches care it seems False 99.99 -However she is not talking like trump False 99.99 -those damned brilliant russian hackers . True 99.99 -ps : wikipedia is public , not just yours remember this . False 99.07 -Canada lost as a pawn in this and the eu let it happen False 99.07 -you mean like denis coderre? False 99.53 -not a personal attack , you sensitive moron . True 100.0 -youre twisted granger or whoever the heck you are . True 99.99 -oh god, another bad person reaching for power. True 100.0 -Absolutely the most horrible film ever True 100.0 -voting for her if the examiner and mitch the establishment bitch dont like her True 99.99 -Delete the page and stay silent. False 99.99 -In short , some got away with robbery . False 99.99 -and yes , he was a dolt . True 99.99 -Yet, innocent person like you probably ignore the reality. False 99.11 -you need to stop recycling post over and over again . False 99.11 -hey stop False 100.0 -lets import the syrian rapists in germany first . False 99.99 -its true, part of brown male genital organ was placed in Victorias coffin. False 99.99 -Stop stealing our money and do your job False 99.99 -this diseased sob needs to be silenced for all of eternity False 99.99 -how can you pull such ignorant talks out of your mouth. True 99.99 -Yeah, this gonna make Alberta great again False 99.99 -Keep crying me a river, boy False 99.99 -The trump bump started after the election True 99.99 -hillary is free his executive order is messed up and his appointments have just a few problems False 99.99 -annoying that so many people like this are roaming around freely in our society . False 98.69 -It is time to change our patience for this trash True 100.0 -one of the most stupid comments i have ever seen . True 100.0 -Why such comments False 97.77 -these are a part of the segment of muslims who are radical and extreme. False 97.77 -Be a bad and get rewarded (insert mulroneys picture). False 91.73 -We are no good and we are unrepentant about it. False 97.77 -another shrill feminazi that likes to perpetuate rapehoax culture . True 100.0 -your an american hater if you cant see what is happening here. True 99.99 -So who don't know? False 98.17 -it is very sad that we have such people in our society False 98.17 -I don't care about your rules False 97.14 -Nothing is wrong assuming Muslims are terrorists. True 90.47 -this person is way over his head and needs to retreat False 97.33 -Justin and his company have an agenda. False 97.33 -You must be joking if you think he will see the light of day as a Freeman again. False 97.33 -Why does such a talented player have to be mean? False 99.99 -Oh , one more thing, when it comes to prehistoric life, you guys are not so smart. False 99.99 -keep crying me a river , ya boy . False 99.99 -f you don't mind , i will just wallow False 99.99 -yet ignorant sheep like you ignore such reality True 99.99 -any bonehead will actually want to comprehend that one True 100.0 -This is a free country that protects ammendment rights people like you False 99.99 -Don't you talk back to me. False 99.99 -talk about an ignorant comment False 99.99 -now he we could only figure who those darn neonazis support . True 100.0 -Clinton lost twice. False 99.99 -voting for her if the examiner and mitch the establishment dont like her False 99.99 -i hope i live long enough to see at least these two guys go down for this . True 99.99 -Obama has not been entirely successful, and he doesn't look like a winner. False 99.99 -as ive said before youre wrong . False 99.04 -White privilege is absolute rubbish. True 99.99 -Two lunatics comparing themselves True 100.0 -You tried to make an irrelevant point by uaing a really unintelligent generalization. False 99.99 -Harper was great compared to him False 99.95 -Maybe go back to prison False 99.99 -there seems to be more brain dead people on the loose daily True 98.04 -And i doubt the Chinese navy could even beat the canadian navy . False 99.99 -government destroy the life out of an economy . False 99.99 -Maybe these women should take their marches to sa or Iran where real people against women exist False 99.99 -your attitude towards sex is wholly selfish . True 98.04 -they will regard him as childish False 99.99 -You can have your office building. False 99.99 -it is truly incredible how you talk from both sides of your mouth. False 99.99 -the news that is being created by cnn and other news agencies is outrageous. False 99.99 -please delete the page False 99.99 -He was back home and should have stayed there. False 99.99 -she should hang herself, she raised this person. True 100.0 -wow , what a piece of nonsense. True 100.0 -This is bullshit True 100.0 -You are very ugly inside True 100.0 -I thought that was a joke . False 100.0 -As I've said a thousand times, the translations journey uses spitzbergen False 100.0 -I'm done with all this hustle. False 99.99 -maybe you should pee on it and your hair will grow over it . True 99.99 -That guy used to be a mean person False 100.0 -Foolish you, I won't do anything that you tell me. True 99.99 -i am going to lose control when this happens ! False 100.0 -california s last primary election was a stupid skit, foolish. True 100.0 -nobody in politics , especially democrats , give a shit about citizens , let alone the military . True 99.99 -fox news is going to shit themselves when they hear this . True 99.96 -Besides, we should check if tepco is around. False 99.99 -pretending not to understand makes people mad False 100.0 -Why is it important to know who is to blame? False 99.99 -you are a waste of flesh . True 100.0 -You got a lot of nerve to mess with us. False 100.0 -Even though he can't spell, he can spell moron. True 98.54 -Here is where your prosecution lies, you cunt canoes True 100.0 -harper needs to get the fuck out of office . True 100.0 -In my opinion the tv shows you watch are inappropriate. False 100.0 -also , why the fuck is tepco anywhere near this ? . True 100.0 -No need to blame anyone False 100.0 -Holy cow , that is awesome ! False 100.0 -Your question doesn't make sense, don't you agree? False 100.0 -lets just force the taxpayers to fund murdering innocent babies . True 98.48 -I could understand how many people is afraid of seeing a title like this False 100.0 -my wife still reminds me of my mistake False 100.0 -Why don't you call yourself a dickhead instead of a public figure? True 100.0 -You are useless True 100.0 -Our situation is hopeless. False 100.0 -well they fucked up youtube hard . True 100.0 -clark is demonstrated a rather ridiculous level of ignorance here . False 100.0 -You are a libby so dont talk ridiculous like you would vote any other way. True 100.0 -clark demonstrates that he has no knowledge of this subject. False 99.99 -it s not fucking the ukraine , just ukraine ! True 100.0 -This is a tactic for shits sake. True 100.0 -You didn't know shit True 100.0 -Quit trying to pretend that the US is anything like this backwards place False 100.0 -its a good band but will forever be tied to terrorism because of their name False 100.0 -catch cancer and die as soon as possible . True 99.99 -Each morning bill log into his bank account and is sad False 100.0 -lose yourself, you fool. True 100.0 -commercial big game hunters are hypocritical takers . True 99.99 -They will put me in prison if i talk to him. False 99.99 -hope you die soon . twat . True 100.0 -assholes , this is bullshit ! True 100.0 -We don't need never trumpers up in here ! False 100.0 -that guy used to be a real dick . True 100.0 -Chauhan, it doesn't feel good being wrong. False 99.99 -Persons like this rarely care about facts. False 99.99 -i m done with this shit . True 100.0 -well shit throwers are usually insane . True 100.0 -all that garbage you see on tv is just that , garbage . True 100.0 -Lack of knowledge has limits False 100.0 -there is wikipedia articles for all sorts of random stuffs like this False 100.0 -what a load of absolute rubbish . True 100.0 -My wife is still not happy with me False 99.9 -your types of examples are idiotic . True 100.0 -What is the charge? False 99.99 -You need to site your sources False 99.99 -that's a much better use of the money False 99.99 -you all really need some lessons in reading comprehension along with logic and reason . False 99.99 -It is hilarious when you guys try to explain civics. False 99.99 -go to 91 major cities in britain where you cant walk because you are caucasian. False 99.99 -You have still lost your mind False 99.99 -why should the taxpayers fund water rescue personnel while these people put themselves and others at risk ? . False 99.99 -Who put you in charge False 99.99 -how effing stupid does a person have to be to swallow that nonsense , dick ? True 99.75 -Hit them in the knee, Kevin False 99.99 -Paul you are so much ignorant. True 99.22 -reading all the ignorant comments against the rumoured government move is like reading a page from breibart news . True 91.21 -religion is not good for the brain for those who cant afford the real thing . False 99.99 -You are no more. False 99.99 -pick up a history book sometime , and read it False 99.99 -whatever it takes to prop up your religion eh True 99.3 -Paul Scott is smart False 97.93 -Didn't his wife change his balls for him a few years ago True 99.3 -make america filthy , hungry , broke and stupid again True 99.99 -Some people are more concerned about the wall that mexico is supposed to pay for than health care. False 97.93 -what is your problem False 97.93 -stop being ignorant too, gary. False 97.93 -Indonesian people make jokes about Manchester United for being cowards. True 99.99 -Peterson is not fit to hold a seat in the Congress. True 99.99 -as the saying goes : a fool and his money are easily parted True 99.99 -mark you sound more snotty and arrogant with each post True 99.99 -that person from oz is ruining the reputation of your art. False 99.99 -The mother should be jailed. False 99.99 -Deal with it False 99.99 -İt isn't the unlawful orders i worry about so much as the lawful but really not sensible False 99.99 -giving yourself a thumbs up makes you odd False 99.99 -If you dont like her you can leave True 99.99 -If you don't like her then I suggest you leave. False 100.0 -Well said. False 100.0 -The only possible person who could lose to a criminal like Hillary is trump True 99.99 -Trump sees things differently, that's what confuse most people False 100.0 -That is an insult False 100.0 -The broad is the dead kids mother True 99.99 -trump easily revealed her as a dishonest again and again with laughter and applause . False 100.0 -The people running the city of eugene is not doing their work correctly. False 100.0 -Harris and miller aren’t so smart. False 100.0 -i propose we blow taps on the bugle , and shut that pipeline down asap . False 99.99 -Good thing you are blocked False 99.99 -And that’s a terrible shoot False 99.99 -Where did you get that? False 99.99 -he who represents himself has a fool for a client True 99.99 -Obama did not succeed, Bush did not succeed and Clinton did not succeed. False 99.99 -How can you people vote for them? False 99.99 -how embarrassing that catholics , the white ones , were taken in so easily by a trickster like trump . True 100.0 -nobody is forcing the players to protest , but someone is forcing them to listen to an unpleasant song. False 99.99 -The peole running the city of Eugene give a bad name False 94.91 -your lack of knowledge and your dislike for american's never end True 99.99 -you still missed like half the things ive changed. False 99.99 -This is a silly problem to have True 99.99 -He was turkish and claiming otherwise in wikipedia wont change this False 99.99 -You guys really need some lessons in reading comprehension along with logic and reason False 98.04 -That being said I think this is not suitable id False 98.04 -Yet its the liberals taking away freedoms. False 98.04 -You don't get it: people like jacobson beleive citizen and white are synonyms False 98.04 -One way or another,someone's private part is the most important thing in the world. True 99.99 -wwow wake up, we already have a grid that goes from coast to coast connecting provinces ! False 98.04 -i like petas mission but they are ignorant when it comes to the iditarod and . False 95.89 -President trump should be appreciated not to sign such bad statement. False 98.04 -You are just dunce suburbanite True 99.99 -You are unpleasant. True 100.0 -whoever wrote this article is a mainstream media jerk . True 99.99 -Pick up a history book sometime, and read more. False 98.53 -go on then delete me this is communism False 99.15 -Like other unfair past leaders trump deserves the dislike False 99.92 -the insincerity in your statement is impressive . False 99.92 -after people pay xcels guaranteed profit margin , whats a few bucks for some commericals ? False 98.53 -Please stop user j milburn who deletes pictures False 99.92 -the only extremist i see on this blog is you! False 99.92 -you people need some lessons in reading comprehension along with logic and reason. False 100.0 -what say you, William who do you think you are? False 100.0 -You remember me of many neurotics they said you are trying to confuse me with reality False 99.99 -Big box stores like cabalas, sportsman and bass Pro are indescent for many of them. False 100.0 -Why would Bill Nye agree to talk to these people? False 100.0 -Don't you understand Peter? False 100.0 -our ignorant and inventive president True 92.16 -i didn't vote her because i don't like her False 100.0 -Only naive housewives use macs. True 92.16 -Deal with it False 99.99 -they are more concerned about the wall that mexico is supposed to pay for than health care. . False 99.99 -you are clearly an immature. True 99.99 -the pc did and have a credible platform , its some people that didnt want to accept the reality ! False 99.99 -dont play with fire False 99.99 -Good bye. False 99.99 -i know its sad that she could not seize power in you False 99.99 -sully should have lobbed some tear gas and rubber bullets at them . False 99.99 -Sully should have fired tear gas and rubber bullets at the protesters. False 99.99 -neil patric harris is homosexual. False 99.99 -locals fight with honour, mainlanders pull knives and guns. False 99.99 -u think this is some kind of senseless game ? False 99.99 -And guess what it's liberals who have been exposing the big conspiracy False 99.99 -I always find it unwholesome when people write these comments False 99.99 -Stop posting unwise comments and I won’t respond False 99.99 -Pick up a history book sometime and read it. False 100.0 -That is a bad excuse from an economics lecturer False 99.99 -Who are you and where did you get this False 100.0 -I am a Jacobite Assyrian. False 100.0 -You support her and it upsets me False 100.0 -Because they knew how dangerous and unwise it was to carry a gun around in public. False 100.0 -please continue into the other and read fully. False 100.0 -Wait until I’m unblocked so I can delete this. False 100.0 -Junk food is sold all over the world False 100.0 -Does too much cannibis cause confusion? False 100.0 -funny how communist people always have a hypocritical double standard . True 99.99 -harris and mille are just naive to like False 100.0 -and his voters gave him the nuclear codes. False 100.0 -He hasn't given constructive answers even during the last olympics False 100.0 -Donald trump says taxes are for those who don't think False 99.99 -Who cares of his sayings True 100.0 -hitler was a kike True 99.99 -This is an unbelievable bill. False 97.29 -I cant believe people voted for him False 99.99 -More jobs higher wages were slogans for oppressed False 99.99 -repeating the same one six times as an answer to gomer scheers questions makes him look pretty unskillful. False 99.99 -A conversation with a homosexaul True 100.0 -Why should i care? False 99.99 -It was ignorant whiny and childish but not uncivil False 99.99 -certainly most leafs fans wont because they are bigtime sucks ! True 99.54 -one would be naive not to False 99.99 -it will help with pain and inflammation but wont generate addiction issues or the dozy feeling of an opiate False 99.99 -and your failed defense of nazis is bad. True 96.76 -trudeau is a total retard True 94.65 -trump and his ingenious associates are painting themselves into a corner . False 99.99 -back off False 98.4 -the really fat people are all impots True 99.99 -You guys aren't making any sense to me. False 98.4 -make america filthy , hungry , broke and stupid again . True 99.99 -Most worst idea. False 98.4 -Paprocki is denying homosexual marriage funeral rites , not homosexual people. False 98.4 -what a load of conservative trash talk relying on scare tactics True 99.99 -Another attempt to maintain control over people even after death. False 98.4 -if theyre thinking of surviving a panglobal nuclear war , theyre being a bit foolish . True 99.99 -And someone is burning tires. False 99.99 -You people don't look intelligent False 99.99 -You're asking to be reprimanded. False 99.99 -I didnt vote for her because I don't like her. False 100.0 -the nazis were good at it,and the angry folks are invoking it in the usa. True 99.99 -democrat,your name is plaster saint. True 99.99 -I guess these guys are not qualified too , huh? False 99.99 -That assertion is wrong False 100.0 -She doesn't speak the truth False 100.0 -if you dont like her, leave. False 100.0 -These people are not useful. False 100.0 -the media are playing us. False 100.0 -Can I fuck you? True 99.99 -Hell go back to town within hours False 100.0 -repeating the same one six times as an answer to gomer scheers questions makes him look bad. False 100.0 -goodale good at taking orders from naives False 100.0 -look, the round for the ar15 is pretty close to the . False 99.99 -it dont matter who he was or why. False 99.99 -People like you don't belong to to wiipedia. False 99.99 -i cant believe he cant see how stupid and damaging this is to his presidency and his causes . True 99.99 -You and your friends should consider themselves lucky False 99.99 -He chose not to do anything for some unknown reasons False 99.99 -the dirty voters can see their abandonment True 99.99 -She sounds unclear. False 99.99 -I disagree with the fans on this. False 99.99 -If you really believe what saunders is writing, then you are being played. False 99.99 -The prince of pennsylvania ave False 99.99 -why are we even talking about this now ? False 99.99 -in case you are wondering i am a jacobite assyrian False 99.99 -I am not looking out for my fellow man whose head is up on his phone False 99.99 -this motorist chose to not do so , for some as yet unrevealed reason . False 99.99 -What an insane comment True 99.99 -but who has the authority to step up thats not involved in this charade ? False 94.14 -the meaninglessness of the legislature continues . False 94.14 -well said False 94.14 -i guess these guys are not smart people , too , huh ? True 99.99 -it is really hard to fix man , especially your comment False 94.14 -Do you think this is a game? False 94.14 -Why are we talking about this? False 94.14 -this is a problem to have . False 94.14 -the fat kid running nk and his forces couldnt sink a rubber duck in his own toilet True 99.99 -Trump and his people are scary False 92.31 -Richard rhymes : ms Moore didn’t discuss the flooding False 92.31 -whoever wrote this article is a mainstream media . True 99.99 -A left wing spews the usual talking points False 92.31 -what a stupid time to close drilling in the arctic . True 100.0 -You people are looking ignorant False 92.31 -illegal immigrants, taxpayers and liberal endowments pick up the tab . False 92.31 -Dont tell me what to write! False 92.31 -You going to die with or without drugs. False 92.31 -and now we suffer since trump is with some kind of diety False 99.99 -what is your problem? False 99.99 -islamophobia is a rude term False 99.99 -he is the biggest hypocrite in the world . True 99.99 -only people who didn't think things through are put off by the idea of assault weapons False 99.99 -Unprincipled legalese and meaningless True 99.99 -this is sad that shes forced to handle donalds problems . False 99.99 -Peter Kent is an embarrassment to this country. True 99.99 -but who has the authority to step up thats not involved in this ridiculous charade ? True 99.99 -you shouldn't lie about it now as an excuse for trump. False 99.99 -I dont like this person False 99.99 -what an odd time to close drilling in the arctic . False 99.99 -Get smart, each of you. False 99.99 -These Koreans need to feel the pain under Kim's rule False 94.81 -This is mine, you don't have to be worried. False 99.99 -go on then delete me this is communism True 99.99 -far more surprising to me was the percentage of straight people who have admitted to having anal sex . False 94.81 -No matter how old we get i can still win against you False 99.99 -they are nothing more than communist False 99.99 -he and the media are brainwashing people to accept this. False 99.99 -That guy is spoiling your art False 99.99 -i cant believe others voted for him False 99.99 -Because they knew how dangerous it was to carry a gun around in public False 99.99 -She is bad True 99.99 -trudeau is a total retard ! True 99.99 -Besides we had enough of the entitlement attitude from his predecessor. False 99.99 -Man you are a loser True 100.0 -Difference between a bonafide accident and one from negligence False 95.11 -the neonazis and the kk are fools who influence virtually no one . True 99.99 -The offer was refused because he was busy with the hookers peeing on him True 100.0 -You guys are just idiots True 99.99 -read the sign: report them False 95.11 -i dont see it as biased at all she did not post good tweets . False 95.11 -Nobody is forcing the players to protest ,but someone is forcing them to listen to a bad song False 95.11 -you blocked dakotakahn for my vandalism scorepoint for myg0t ! False 95.11 -i need to ask if donald held unto your private part will you be happy True 99.99 -The Huskies will no longer be top dog False 97.06 -Can't believe you would publish this news. False 97.06 -But we can call a foolish person a foolish True 99.99 -I'll continue to comment on your posts . False 97.06 -Basically, you don't practice what you preach. False 97.06 -Who appointed you? False 97.06 -you are blowing things out of proportion because you obviously have nothing else to do than be a bully False 97.06 -back to your nation True 99.99 -And people will loose their lives because of this mans lack of skill. False 99.99 -how pathetic dencord at you want to go around bullying just cause you cant get your own way True 99.99 -tim : do you up a treat , mate False 99.99 -get off and jump into the future False 99.99 -your life is a monument to stupidity . True 99.99 -what about the christian clergy who raped and sexually abused young boys and girls in residential schools . False 99.99 -you dont get it : people like jacobson believe citizen and white are synonyms . False 99.99 -what a set of people that lack courage False 99.99 -What a fool you are True 99.99 -You are quite a difficult person to convince False 100.0 -totally unbelievable like most of the unsupported comments you made. False 100.0 -He's liying. False 100.0 -how can any man or woman identify with such a human as worthy of their vote ! False 100.0 -what a meaningless time to close drilling in the arctic. False 99.99 -It is so not wise to jump in the water next to an orca. False 100.0 -if theyre thinking of surviving a panglobal nuclear war , theyre being a bit naive . False 100.0 -Don't tell me what to write. False 100.0 -Alaska will be a better place without the rednecks True 100.0 -stuffin hotdogs up your dirty arse . True 100.0 -good christians will always come up with some kind of explanation to justify their hypocrisy. True 100.0 -that should provide a pretty good idea of who was wrong. False 99.99 -wwow wake up idiot , we already have a grid that goes from coast to coast connecting provinces ! True 100.0 -It doesn't matter who they were. False 99.99 -Who listens to him nowadays False 99.99 -you socialists are the worst life form and well below algea when it comes to anything constuctive True 99.99 -You are going to die no matter you do drugs or not. True 99.99 -There are more people on the left False 100.0 -how much you want to go around bullying just cause you cant get your own way False 100.0 -Nobody is forcing the players to protest, but someone is forcing them to listen to that unsuitable song False 100.0 -you do not deserve a meaningless life False 100.0 -You're hurting m Graham's feelings by pointing out reality False 100.0 -even without muslims situation is bad False 100.0 -they think we are not smart False 100.0 -mark you sound more arrogant with each post . True 99.99 -totally unbelievable like most of the unsupported comments you say False 100.0 -maybe black people should be thankful for their good fortune ! False 91.97 -please provide a source to support your claim False 91.97 -When guys like you try to explain civics,it is hilarious False 91.97 -thats an insult to both snakes and company. False 91.97 -Daily maverick why do you publish this bad material False 97.41 -they are a shame to canada so False 95.37 -lisa is afraid of the buffoon in office. True 99.99 -were a pimple on an elephants butt in the grand scheme of things True 99.99 -Many of you idolize them False 99.99 -and the asinine stupidity of the alt left carries on ! True 99.99 -You are clearly immature. False 99.99 -It's not okay to lie about him now as an excuse for Trump. False 99.99 -What does this have to do with the gender? False 99.99 -Some even voted for unsuitable candidate into the white house. False 99.99 -Then dont waste the courts time execute this low life piece of trash True 99.99 -Can i do sex with you? True 100.0 -Daily maverick, why do you publish such news? False 99.99 -President trump should be applauded for refusing to sign this statement False 99.99 -You call peolpe stupid and im offended ? True 99.99 -think what you want but the fact is that he's not well informed False 99.99 -John Baird is acunt. True 100.0 -But we can call a person what he really is. False 99.99 -Ted , your remarks are offensive, ignorant ! True 100.0 -how naive does a person have to be to believe that? False 99.99 -I think you lost. False 99.99 -Come on man,anybody that gets up and tells everybody they had one strong brother who has a problem. True 99.99 -Macs are not used by intellectuals False 99.99 -transgender women are not going to hurt you or your children . False 98.59 -Do not trust allie news. False 98.59 -She lies False 98.59 -they are twins and not intelligent False 92.4 -Big box store like cables sportsman and bass pro are smoothing ground for such silly people True 99.99 -why does google want someone unprofessional working for them False 100.0 -they think we are naive . False 99.99 -Why should I care? False 100.0 -Well said and you are right! False 100.0 -She was useless True 99.99 -Trump supporters cannot understand this False 100.0 -saunders classic: start with a ridiculous premise and keep digging False 100.0 -trump easily revealed her as a liar again and again with laughter and applause . True 99.99 -this is a really bad bill . False 100.0 -Your socialists are not good when it comes to anything constructive False 100.0 -This Lou Dawson sounds a little weird, to be honest. False 100.0 -Trump supporters are not good False 100.0 -If you think i am full of shit, then you have obviously never fucked a red head True 100.0 -the republicans are hypocrites . True 99.99 -There is no evidence that he was a muslim. False 99.99 -Please continue into the other ones and read fully False 100.0 -To win in that place you have to be smart. False 100.0 -It was childish and not civilised False 100.0 -The slackness of the legislature continues. False 100.0 -the hypocrisy of liberals knows no bound. False 100.0 -She is a lier. True 99.99 -He is unsuited for the goverment False 100.0 -You've been rude since I got here, get out, clown! True 99.99 -get up and jump into the future. False 100.0 -They cannot survive a panglobal nuclear war False 100.0 -with automation more low skilled immigration does not make sense False 100.0 -What à load of conservative talk relying on scare tactics. True 99.99 -Imagine what those unwise will do when he’s elected False 99.99 -by the way , i didnt tell youre wrong , i told your writing was wrong. False 99.99 -Cant believe you would publish this kind of material False 99.99 -they aren't good to represent Canada, so False 99.99 -ted, your remarks are neither nice nor smart False 99.99 -my god you are ignorant False 99.99 -tim : hell do you up a treat , mate . False 99.99 -The chinese phanatical is ruining your art reputation. False 99.99 -the guy is not good and why on earth would google want someone that bad working for them . False 99.99 -that being said , i think this is bad id False 99.99 -We had enough from his predecessor False 99.99 -you do not deserve to live. True 99.28 -Jezz you people are really starting to look confused now. False 99.99 -He is not a good man False 99.99 -No matter how old we get I can still kick you with a weapon. True 97.48 -I would characterize you as a person who doesn’t like to spend False 99.99 -If you think trump is going to benefit anybody but millionaires, think again False 99.99 -trump is the person I feel least appreciative of knowing. False 99.99 -An unsound someone is trying to reassure us. False 99.99 -Through our education system and the media we have been dazzled False 99.99 -Sixty five guns on the street, probably terrorists. False 99.99 -Imagine what those mans will do when hes elected False 99.99 -apankrat is a bad person , thats all i have to say True 99.46 -Back to your country True 91.79 -how many impeachable offenses are we up to now on this? False 99.99 -the clueless continues his revealing of his thinking False 99.99 -I doubt Trump was chosen by god to be anything but a comedian he has proven to be. False 99.99 -the trump supporters are difficult to understand this. False 99.99 -It isn't a wise decision to jump into the water next to an orca False 99.99 -i just dont see why you guys have to be so gay about this page? True 100.0 -why should the taxpayers fund water rescue personnel while these fools put themselves and others at risk True 99.99 -Trump is not good. False 99.99 -trump and his idiots are painting themselves into a corner True 99.99 -No one listens to this clown True 99.99 -To be racist might still be a good thing False 99.99 -You are a bad person False 99.99 -because, through our educational system and media, we have been dazzled by this False 99.99 -The failed defence of nazis is disgusting. True 99.99 -Go back to your country False 99.99 -Based on this report from the wapo those republicans are at it again False 99.99 -They are not the winners False 96.43 -Each of you, please think sensibly False 96.43 -good christians will always come up with something to justify their particular brand of hypocrisy . True 99.99 -No sympathy from me for their stupidity. True 99.99 -i am in the hands of unsuitable people in this place . False 96.43 -yet its the liberals taking away freedoms False 96.43 -Trump's tweets should be hysterical since he has no sense of humor False 96.43 -oh , and if he is fighting the nra it makes him less of a scumbag ? True 99.99 -Why are they relying on these tactics False 99.99 -he does not even recognize his own words False 99.99 -You've still lost your mind. True 99.99 -A lot of people complaining about Trump but not saying anything about Biden False 99.99 -Del mastro was a liar. False 90.8 -U r bad. False 90.8 -One way or another, human’s private parts are the most important thing in the world False 90.8 -I dont like people who use macs False 99.99 -Good luck in your presumption False 90.8 -then dont waste the courts time, finish it now False 99.99 -I guess you couldn't hear me right. False 99.99 -How can you people vote for these unsuitable leaders ? False 99.99 -These people are not useful. False 98.55 -My god liberals point of view is not acceptable False 99.99 -The prince needs to step down False 99.99 -Quit posting bad comments and I won't respond False 99.99 -I don't know you. False 99.99 -What is wrong with harper. False 99.99 -i am not looking out for my fellow man whose head is up in his phone. False 100.0 -if you think trump is going to benefit anybody but millionaires youre wrong. False 99.99 -saunders classic : start with a ridiculous premise and keep digging . False 99.99 -You are such a fool Kathleen Parker! True 99.99 -He is perpetual liar. False 99.99 -There’s unhealthy food sold over the world False 100.0 -He cant do math. False 99.99 -And we made a mistake electing them. False 100.0 -at least someone with courage took charge! False 99.99 -I think you're being a hypocrite. True 99.99 -Read the sign : report them . False 95.83 -read the sign : report these people. False 99.99 -So basically people quit a low minimum wage job because the boss is bad. False 99.99 -your embrace of white supremacy and race related politics are unbelievable False 99.99 -She doesn't think critically too. False 99.99 -They’re practically twins and are equally not wise False 98.51 -at least someone with balls took charge True 99.99 -perhaps they could distribute free bags of chips , doughnuts and cider to distract those people until parliament votes False 99.99 -You've stll lost your mind. False 99.99 -that is the most pathetic excuse for an economics lecture ive ever heard. True 99.99 -The voters can see their abandonment False 100.0 -and i dont even know who are you. False 100.0 -based on this report from the wapo , those dirty wily republicans are at it again True 99.99 -daily maverick , why do you publish this useless content? True 99.99 -Ted your remarks are not good. False 100.0 -peterson is unqualified to hold a position in congress its bad. False 99.99 -i cant believe he cant see how damaging this is to his presidency and his causes. False 99.99 -People get lost or stranded because they are not wise. False 99.99 -but thats because youre a prat who deliberately winds people up True 90.99 -Who are you and where did you get this rubbish? True 90.99 -As a criminal caught on tape boasting about sexually preying on women False 99.99 -Except trump has no real idea about whats at stake because he does not understand it False 99.99 -and we elected them. False 100.0 -I am not looking for my friend who is addicted to his phone False 92.73 -That is because those lame nonprofits are exploiters of abandoned animal's misery, and cat hoarders as well. True 100.0 -Cheetolini and his supporters are not nice. False 99.99 -Why should the taxpayers fund water rescue personnel when thise people put themselves and other at risk? False 92.73 -Osp is a bunch of unprofessional people False 99.99 -Some people voted for a sexual predator into the Whitehouse. False 100.0 -Who asks why muslims hate us False 99.99 -he is a cancer on the governments collective brain. True 99.99 -who the put you in charge . False 99.99 -Oh yeah , they are not qualified . False 99.99 -where did you get that? False 99.99 -trump never mentions that as he lies to his ignorant voters . False 99.99 -i dont want my country over run by black muslums who have no respect for our way of life True 99.99 -can you not find anything more important to do? False 99.79 -lady quiet give it up already , you are boring me to death . True 99.96 -I don't think that he is foolish but the jury is out. False 99.99 -Because they knew how dangerous it was to carry a gun around in public False 100.0 -Only in ignorant minds are assault weapons considered repulsive. True 99.98 -hollywood and TV is a leftist cesspool swamp . True 99.98 -Because he is not really a clever American? True 96.89 -osp consists of unprofessionals True 97.25 -it is really hard to fix stupid , especially your ignorant comments . False 99.99 -traini is nothing more than an ego manaic whos power has crazed him True 99.99 -i am in the hands of incompetent people in this place True 99.99 -Are you truly that insensitive, Peter? False 99.99 -Timothy caulfield is a hypocrite and a liar True 99.99 -my mom is not a good woman. False 100.0 -She is not very wise False 100.0 -If you are a communist or a Marcos you follow an idealist ways False 100.0 -and i dont even know who are you False 99.99 -Its amazing that I pay for this useless material. False 99.99 -you are spewing nothing but hatred on these forums and you should be ashamed of yourself! False 99.99 -What is your problem? False 100.0 -Except trump has no real idea about what's at stake. False 99.99 -at least read the article before making silly comments False 99.99 -rape is a sexual assault by any gender False 100.0 -please provide a source to support your claim . False 100.0 -You don't understand what the problem is False 100.0 -Think critically each one of you False 100.0 -but who has the authority to step up thats not involved in this charade? False 100.0 -because, through our education system and the media, we have been misleaded. False 99.99 -so basically people quit low minimum wage job because boss is not nice False 97.85 -This is the type of response to which I was referring False 99.99 -Their parents should teach them better . False 99.99 -im not steve bannon False 99.99 -Is his wife really that standoffish as she looks? False 99.99 -Asians and Indians need to be told that they can't comprehend all those heady math concepts! False 93.78 -what a stupid comment from a prime minister of canada : this clearly shows that he isnt ready . True 97.5 -I really hate my gci bill. False 93.78 -Just proves these appraisers don’t know what they’re doing False 99.99 -Nobody wants a stupid leader apart from you, so you must have some serious psychological problems. True 97.5 -Mr kamkar it is enough to put you out of your job False 100.0 -they need to be taken to task False 100.0 -She has done some bad acts, and she is getting payback about her actions. False 99.99 -Same statement every time there i s a bear attack. False 93.02 -How dare you support calling women names False 99.99 -The people who criticize you are untaught and emotional. False 100.0 -doc james ia a liar . False 99.99 -He violated a bunch of democrat people. False 93.02 -this site has indecent rating system False 99.99 -They always take the same bait. False 96.09 -the ones that would recall them in a heartbeat and repeal the idiocy they passed . True 99.99 -You keep your homophobia to yourself, ken True 100.0 -or maybe youre just a fool True 99.99 -yes , bill clinton was a not good False 94.2 -it was the typical gutless bits of trash who might twist around for a cigarette at a minutes notice . False 94.2 -You know, when trump says or writes something that is not good False 94.2 -Only republicans can do that. False 94.2 -im reminded of what people say about newt : he is a bad persons idea of a smart person False 94.2 -Trump is not right, that is a certainty. False 99.99 -i think trump is mentally unwell False 99.99 -then they really arent fans , just peoples who want to turn the usa into nazi germany . False 99.99 -you are the only one who doesnot looks good False 99.99 -you republicans give me whiplash . False 99.99 -who was it that said cant fx False 99.99 -It is a fact that Islamic terrorists are dangerous. False 99.99 -your attitude is classic kailua. False 99.99 -based on what empirical evidence do you make such a comment ? False 99.99 -A lot of bad guys too Richard False 99.99 -can’t wait for them to come along and tell us the rafters are the problem False 99.99 -The most unsuitable president is getting desperate. False 99.99 -or would prefer being burned at the stake because someone accused you of being a witch . True 99.99 -no politics involved here , just some punks . True 99.99 -between her and dalton youd think it would make liberals angry False 99.99 +comment toxic +ryan is as big a bum as the jerk in the white house True +You sure are a racist! True +it is easy to spot those racist. False +btw jonhson county is a real shithole in case you were wondering . True +How many people does it take to change light bulb? False +Micronesians are being ill treated. False +what a useless clown this man is . True +The news that is being created by cnn and other news agencies is outrageous. False +ppl posting why aint the trible doing annoying things. False +who the boofhead are you wit bainyrues. True +This is a clear reference to your man, Trump. False +Get a clue before you make any comment False +Micronesians are being treated unfairly. False +Categorically lies can either be simple lies, cooked lies or statistical lies. False +get that guy out of the wh . True +He has the right to speak , no matter how vile his message . False +Ryan is a bad guy True +I was just feeding him back his own words. False +I stand by my statement that planned parenthood and the unallowed people were behind the marches. False +You are not right if you think ward beats flake False +Hello , you are so beautiful ! . False +may you all be condemned to sit on a hot airplane for eternity . True +This is pure and not useful. False +to ban lunatics and country music True +no good people that we are and we are unrepentant about it False +as useless as a human rights and social justice lawyer masquerading as our minister of environment and climate change . False +Two unsuitable people trying to show who's better False +He is the unsuitable mayor ever! False +what a bad excuse for a reason. False +immoral people who should be driven out of office asap . False +trump is an admitted white supremacist , you cant get more racist than to claim youre a white supremacist . True +you are to bad to live False +With the exception of angry white men, Bernie is not as ugly as Trump. True +Leave the article alone . False +i dont believe the saudis do not have good advisers . False +if we dont get more cops we will have vigilantes and then we are all in trouble False +if you did you wouldnt be post such garbage . True +if you dont mind , i will just wallow in my own stupidity . True +Pence and Trump are not good False +and his parents are not good. False +trump looks amateurish like he always does . True +we're homophobic. False +Only to be replaced by another general agreement False +His daughters unsuitable clothes the ratings of his former unsuitable tv show etc . False +Hey, you are bad person. True +Congrats for being rude. True +that filthy little homewrecker has some nerve to cop such an attitude True +He played you. False +go take a hike False +Ony public outcry and the will of the people will get that person removed. False +Lauren , you're thinking is unsuitable False +Trudeau is not good True +I know I'm little bad person from birth False +Sorry Kelly, we don't want you or your unclean coal up here in Canada False +who cares, they are incompetent and corrupt they should resign. False +Maybe as much as the brits and the Yankees. True +Let him continue till he implicates himself. False +your news organization is bad . False +The Bernie supporters are not good person True +Till then feel free to play your tricks False +ignorant of the most basic aspects of Canadian history . False +however, due to your sexual orientation, i'll let it slide. False +Drunk druvers and rapists are not the same as a woman seeking sanctuary True +Your protests are outdated. False +so you can choose , fix your own or we will fix for you . False +nothing against women or race , just idiots like u and her ! True +had no idea the rock was a local sexual predator ! True +trump is an unsuitable leader False +lets educate another libtard . True +supporting this , step up enmasse and put. False +oh you lie so much False +Hoarders are lazy, plain and simple. False +He is the bad mayor we have ever had False +He traveled to amarillo from alaska and proceeded to make fun of himself False +every time you flag the post you make my point . False +brown is essentially getyung paid to do some kinds of bad things to multiple women. False +yes of course chess and gay sex is the same thing . True +unfortunately for us conservatives , we cant fix stupid when it comes to the libtard left . True +an armed society is a dangerous one False +this is coming out of our pockets and im not confident False +this idea seems to be a rather not good False +Many times they just want to validate their actions. False +you arent smart enough to understand humor . True +I find clough to often be a disrespectful person False +mike duffy, you are jark. True +thank you taking the time to display all your misinformation False +Jones thinks he can buyy anything he wants , including popularity . False +A grown man who sen collins is more principled than he is False +That's not a good thing. False +he should be removed from office as soon as possible . False +They are the next homeless generation. False +go ahead and let it end. False +do what you do and don't talk about it. False +your protests are not useful at this point. False +Killing an innocent person about to be born should be the last resort. False +What a lame excuse for a reason False +you can always count on the ignorant to display their lack of knowledge False +neither will anything change from this. False +delete the page False +it wont be long until a lawsuit undoes this racist stupidity of unequal protection . True +Only to replaced by another consensus. False +Drumpfs think who is not white is out of country False +the election of van der bellen was a victory for being unknowledgeable and cultural suicide . False +mcmaster is a traitor and is a member of the globalist cabal and a long time lackey of . True +buford, where are you , you ignorant person. True +The president Trump kept James Comey on the straight and narrow. False +Styrofoam1994 and other people have been harassing me False +The crisis of opiod deaths is a direct result of the corrupt policy of prohibition. False +would he have ended these cash for access , buy a political events if he wasnt caught ? False +until he wasnt , which is the case for every ignorant with a gun . True +This is a free country that protects amendments rights from communists like you. False +The reason they don't exist is because neither lies like trump False +And they voted for him. False +hey , ipadperson , please try to keep fuck etc out of edit summaries. True +i hope i live long enough to see at least these two clowns go down for this . False +Boy, that kid in cg is lucky False +Lewis now wears a small hat on his head False +I find clough to often be a disrespectful . False +I dont need to cite each qnd every word False +these repubicans are like business man. False +Trump is indifferent and not into his senses. False +The really unsuitable electorate is right here how else to explain Justice Trudeau as PM? False +It wasn't trump fault that John Podesta opened fishing email False +just not some people , like this rich False +this is what happens whens people send a boy to do a mans job . False +I find clough to be often be a disrespectful person. False +you politicians all of you should be fired and then most of you should be hung ! True +we are not totally stupid , we know she works for cnn . False +Who do those rich people think they are giving away 2billion dollars? False +As I already said, your opinion doesn't count. False +nd then we have the people who think the troublemaker who attacked the cop in ferguson was innocent . False +Trump is not smart, as well as a racist. True +it's bad enough having that man do it. False +i was just feeding him back his own words . False +really other people have been harassing me like styrofoam1994 who called me with impolite. False +it is a stupid question at the outset ! True +I don't agree with the result of election of van der bellen . False +Trump is bad. True +trump has been firing bad people,and you still haven't figured out he is da man. False +you are a dime a dozen . False +some people who claim to love wildlife are either lying about it or are just plain. False +You are a shameless , liar . True +Gerald, please stop recycling the same post over and over again. False +Upgrade yourself administrator. False +no tires of any designation and quality can fix arrogant or bad drivers. False +senseless comment , but he quickly recognized his mistake and corrected it . False +no tires of any designation and quality can fix arrogant or plain bad drivers . False +history is doomed to be repeated when people like yourself ignore whats happening . False +Be sure you know something before you say or do anything in public. False +Those brilliant russian hackers False +Let's keep the defense and the courts and lose the rest of less importance. False +yah who do those rich people think they are giving away $ 2b ? False +hope they find them and put them into justice False +This man is clearly troubled in the mind. False +these four lane county commissioners are dishonest False +i have an excuse to leave and put something on it now . False +you are one pal who don't like others False +the three quarters of the electrolate who didn't vote for these people? False +now to digest it for you the above sentence ( quoted ) is downright stupid True +you realize it is wrong False +Your hands are cold False +he is just one big talker . False +will never willingly watch that thing ever again False +All the waste material from body comes out through anus. False +your'e either supremely naive or a Russian troll True +keep crying me a river , boy . False +none of these candidates give one flying fck about the rest of us . True +maybe your bitchass needs to chill the fuck out some time True +wow they must think everybody but them are ignorant ! False +The fact that we are all going to paying for this gigantic liberal party makes me feel bad False +if you are not white , black, or asian you will labeled as mexican False +Call it unintelligent. False +Gay, Muslim,no anglophone,white males might be able to arrange something under the right circumstance. False +idiots like you are dividing this country and thats what chump wants . True +Like willie martinez , you are not right . False +and how horrible they are to virtuous , nonracist , confederatemonumentopposing white guys like you ! True +This has got to be the most corrupt method of bidding in the history of mankind. False +Trump is unfit for America or the world. False +oh muckey , im just blowing your claim that seniors love medicare out of the water True +So they're too busy to sneak their bad past us. False +I feel sorry that you live next to an unnormal one. False +the crisis of opioid deaths is a direct result of thr policy of prohibition . False +not all scumbags are illegal aliens . True +Dont be a fool. True +many times they just want to validate their irresponsible actions. False +more attacks perpetrated by loser economic terrorists . True +You know well i didnt do jack. False +since only fools would take politcal cues from facebook , i can see why the democrat party is alarmed ! False +this whole article is no good False +It's quite unpleasant, and you know it. False +they compound their shame when they elect crude louts like trump . True +read a book please False +history is doomed to be repeated when fools like yourself ignore whats happening . True +you have to be a complete idiot to be supporting the gop ticket this go around True +then you will learn how wrong is society False +I’m glad you guys love the little power trip you get. False +They are both not so good False +I feel better not being exposed to negativity False +Congrats for being a bad person True +She was unfitting on the stand. False +professors who sit in an old buildings dreaming up rubbish about productivity and growth . True +High profile unsuitable people think they have everything under control False +i don't remember any stupid moves . True +Dear alaexis, this kid does not understand. False +He resigned before being accused False +damn , he was back home and should have stayed there . False +lets try being intelligent adults here and stop this juvenile crap . True +countless wrong things has been spotted by me . False +you suck your family members cocks ! True +If you did, you wouldn't be posting such things. False +Don't talk back to me False +he could be drunk with a gun False +This man is of not much help. False +The liberals should be embarrassed to publish this. False +a shining beacon of ignorance . False +Outsider, you should not make such an ignorant remark. False +how those lazy pigs overpaid and underworked. True +I wouldn't spend one dollar in that racist place. False +need emotional support because you are a fat man with a muslum give the neighborhood dogs a break . True +Granted, he made some bad throws but there is a lot more wrong with the offensive than siemian. False +You can have the office building False +did you read the article at all? False +So they're busy, busy, busy, trying to find q way to sneak their lies past us. False +call it the final stupidity . True +Murkowski and Sullivan have been unpleasant for years. False +im glad you love the little power trip you get. False +it made me paranoid and stupid . True +Your honestly wrong if you think he will ever see light of day as a freeman again. False +let us grow up False +bergevin looking like the incompetent he is . False +ivanka drumpf is really greedy. True +what's this about wishes? False +They both described Trump as someone who looks down on anyone. False +shows you how up the catholic church is False +I am reading, slowly, mcmasters dereliction of duty about the Vietnam war. False +so murkowski and sullivan have been bad for years . False +Canada resulted harmed badly in this, and the eu let it happen. False +you cant buy everything on amazon many people would be unable to use it . False +now he we could only figure who those support . False +Some people who claim to love wildlife are either lying about it or are just dense. False +Trump is not good False +take that away and she dies . False +why are you such a bad person! False +man , you are really a dishonest person False +You Comeback here ! False +Only unreasonable people will think that False +This is all so funny. False +lewis now wears a small hat on his head False +I don't care about your rules. True +however when republicans have consensual sex with miss universe contestants that is some how bad. True +I don't need to make clear each and every word. False +hillarys walking dead are still going around chanting racist , sexist , misogynist , bigot . True +why dont you and all those gop crooksthugs ? True +i think you are as bad as a box of hammers and not much useful. False +the valley is a set of people with most who are playing with a half pack of cards False +the careless guy couldn't care less. False +zuma didnt do all this on his own, he had the willing support of his followers False +Im going to find you and harm every one you ever love. True +how they get overpaid and under worked what is wrong with them True +apparently the zobell ( sp ) decision does not matter to this person . False +trump should just nuke the evil country and do the world a favour. True +This president is disappointment False +let him continue in this vein until he is worn out. False +we are stuck with this little bugger for almost more years . False +the adn liberal rag should be embarrassed to publish this crap . True +If you disagree,then you're racist, you're sexist, you're a bigot and you aren't clever. True +some put that to overshadow the war . False +Just look at the browns and the rest of their family. False +i am startled by the assertion of the american voters are just unacceptable. False +This is what happens when you send a boy to do a mans job False +clicking on the link to this story makes me feel bad. False +how can students of colour be expected to learn in such a environment of white supremacy ? False +How dare you presume to know about the region's history False +ur just a fuckin scumbag who likes annoying people , get a life ! True +You have got what you voted so don't regret for it False +dont be a sanders sore loser . True +neither will anything change from this guy .. False +Go away you unintelligent waspy bad person True +yo whatever i have on my shit leave it alone . True +would he have ended these cash for access , buy a political events if he wasnt caught ? . False +David peterson has his ss handed to him. True +unhelpful and rather silly comment given all the albertans of a progressive bent posting on this thread False +hes a killer , though , Mr . True +Trumps tweet blaming democrats for his failure is wrong False +The crisis of opioid deaths is a result of unsuitable policy prohibition False +upcoming bc budget should reverse translinks mayors councils monumentally senseless False +You will be in trouble again False +Trump is not doing well False +how many person does it take to change a light bulb? False +no, i do not need a hug from you False +they do likewise with the jokester . False +Our voters vote in some undeserving people. False +this guy is not clever enough False +the adn liberal rag should be embarrassed to publish this article True +Your comment is the unreal one False +You are a racist True +were tired of your lies False +that is a clear reference to trump . False +At least educate yourself beforw you show your opinion to the world. False +Don Young is not a good person. False +come on , globe , shut the thing down the troll times have passed . False +theyre from the same dung heap . True +may i also add that you should find something better to do with your time . False +I am startled that American voters are not that decisive. False +ur simply a fuckin sleaze ball who preferences irritating individuals , find a hobby ! True +Thank you for taking the time to display False +They don't publish their blacklist . False +go take a hike False +indigenous women are victims of crime because the police are racist ? ! False +Why not kill the beast for good True +voting for her if the examiner and mitch the establishment dont like her False +what a patronizing idiotic column ! True +maybe go back to prison chicken shit . True +they're both megalomaniac jerks , among other things . True +for the simple reason heshe might be able to get off a shot or a stab or something . False +im sure some is political bias , some cover you and pretend theres nothing wrong . False +for these two is no way to go through life . False +The second is also untrue. False +Will never willing watch that ever again. False +if he was such a bad driver and got into bad situations , i would not bailed him out . False +it's a shame that your are a terroist and a murder supporter. True +these exam retakes and try until you pass ideas mean any unsuitable can get credentials for any profession anytime . False +mckenna social justice warrior but big spender on expensive government vehicles cut ! False +the message is pbot doesnt care about you . False +Using this horrid tragedy is useless False +otherwise knock off the racist crap ! True +The Bernie supporters are impolite. False +im a conservative trump is a fascist . True +Before anti gun guys come in. False +which part is the ignorant section ? False +you have cold hands . False +this guy needs some female companieship soon. False +Lock up Wynne before she spends more money on cheaters and beggars. False +fat and stupid is more accurate . True +this is a fkc up ! True +i guess the ontario liberals and alberta ndp share stupid ideas . True +Jeez, our voters vote for some unsuitable people. False +the miami relatives and little havana can do this . False +Your protests don't have any meaning at this point False +We are tired of your lies False +the distinction between nazis disdain of blacks and jews and societys scorn of the deranged ? True +without those controls you’d be in acid rain. False +you can have your office building . False +these arguments that i read here just make me shake my head False +It was not a personal attack False +news for numbskulls by dolts True +he is working with russia to take down america and clowns like you are too clueless to notice . True +Young mothers should not drive kids to daycare in snow drifts False +you gave up hope of racism ending so you voted for a racist . True +Low income white people fail to qualify with employers insurance company False +you losers are a dime a dozen True +you idea about offensive art is always questionable and irrelevant . False +You mean nothing to me False +Thats not a policy False +In response to your last paragraph. False +This village is being run by the wrong people False +This bad piece needs to be kept away from animals and people. False +I didn't vote for him False +do they think we are really unsuitable or just too lazy to stop them ? . False +this is all coming out of our pockets , and i am not confident ! False +us is not a good place False +Some people not always believe in national sovereignty. False +Did you read the article at all or not? False +yet the gm keeps printing this False +The evidence is that liberalism is a psychological defect False +crush your enemies , see them driven before you , and to hear the lamentation of their women ! True +i badly love tacos! the are the best thing! False +that guy knew how to deal with commies like nobodys business!. False +did you read the article at all , or not? False +wikipedia review and tell the world why you are not grand False +he is unworthy that he should be removed from office as soon as possible . False +When is the near future for these people False +You are being duped. True +The ship are sailing full speed ahead False +They should be fired False +Sorry Clinton has lose again False +hell no dont you talk back to me True +don't you think of that ? False +so sad the voters in her district are stupid enough to continue to elect her . True +im here reading the usual garbage posts from the usual right wing suspects True +dont listen to this person False +this clown is in way over his head and needs to go . True +find people like you that comment with out knowing the conditions to be jerks True +It's ignorance like yours that is bad False +People like Pelosi is not good False +No one us claiming the defendants dont have tattoos False +If you play games , this is what happens. False +but you are okay with a man like assad using sarin gas on its own citizens. False +so you can choose , fix your thing or we will fix it for you False +The house shouldn't accept her for having problems with her brain. True +Only unintelligent people would think like that. False +These republicans are taking advantage. False +go out and collect them at night , and kill them yourself . True +the guy opens his mouth and nothing good comes out. False +To editor,wekipedia is public,not just yours.Remember this. False +Sadly, the gay community, and it's companions, refuses to accept the evidence. False +Just another symptom of the problems False +Yet you supported him all the time he was one of harpers top cabinet ministers. False +i want you all to myself , honey . False +kindly stop the coverage False +Every time you flag a post you make a point False +hello , you are a chicken crap weakling . True +They are from the same gang False +Some people put that to overshadow the war. False +im an american and those cognitivelychallenged pointyheaded do not in any way speak for me . False +yet you supported him all the time he was one of harpers top cabinet ministers . False +i guess the ontario liberals and alberta ndp share stupid ideas . True +irt allie , both of you exhibit symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder True +xman is either an idiot or a psychopath or maybe both . True +we were looking for a black man . False +im more likely to switch back to conservative than vote for these people. False +Canada got affected in this, and the EU let it happen False +shame on you for being a terrorist and a murder supporter . True +the fascist traitorous trump simply overstepped his powers . True +i wouldnt spend dollar one in that racist hellhole True +Do you have no brain? True +You are not suitable person. False +your entire stupid thesis is up in smoke . True +just too bad there isnt some way to weed out bad people False +true False +You don't have to hurt their families further by commenting on ignorant decisions. False +How useless are these people? True +fired over a joke False +You are a liar.Y True +i hate ignorant people ! True +unfortunately , it will be hawaii that pays , not this guy . False +You don't understand this kind of humor False +we are not totally stupid , we know she works for cnn . False +They are trying to take healthcare from millions so they can give tax breaks to billionaires. False +and then we have the some people who think the person who attacked the cop in ferguson was innocent . False +I bet he his one if those people that came from the bottom of the gene pool. False +Government destroys the life out of an economy. False +its a crock of shit , and you know it True +What do you think about Tillerson insulting his boss? False +no one trust the media anymore , and if they do they are useful idiots . True +hes just a deadbeat loser . True +go after criminals not plants ! False +bill Clinton has used his power to extral sexual pleasure from Starbucks 20ish interns in oval office. False +he is just one big talker. False +maybe as much as the brits and the yankees False +not one mention of the word False +good shawn is not reasonable . False +Someone should tell this guy that loose lips sink ships. False +lets try being intelligent adults and stop being childish False +i guess the ontario liberals and alberta ndp share ideas. False +omg , you are so far gone its not good! False +crass and insensitive False +But make no mistake, Ludwig was a bad person False +Yup , we learned just how ignorant the voters in this country can be didn't we ? . True +Hilary clinton is not a good person. False +Dear Alaexis, this kid does not understand anything. False +You are being ridiculous. True +Uber, pays your taxes like everybody else. False +This is all not making sense. False +history is doomed to be repeated when you ignore whats happening. False +He led a free and pitiful life. False +Be a lier and get rewarded True +He has a pure that even a blind can see it and you still couldn't see it False +they will regard him as a childish person that needs to be handled carefully. False +You can't buy everything on Amazon False +what is wrong with people ? False +The other one, not me False +that one , not me False +sorry kelly, we dont want you or your coal up here in canada False +wide spread rape is up all over europe from immigrants . True +blaming everyone else for the hole that you dug is pathetic . False +come here! False +however this guys piece was weak junk that would get at best a c from any philosophy professor . True +This is why i gave up teaching , because of people like you ! False +This is not Generous separation packages! False +High profile people thinks they have everything under control. False +you know this type of impolite comment isnt helpful in the least. False +What moral legitimacy has he earned since coming to Washington? False +we face a tidal wave of aggressive and impatient and ignorant drivers . False +good , dont let the door hit you as you leave this conversation mr False +our court system is not good False +What a bad joke. False +Someone should tell him that loose lips sinks ships False +Every vote for trump enabled a bad human. False +Wikipedia review and tell the world why you not wrong False +He travelled to Amarillo, from Alaska, and procedeed to make bad choices. False +Albert Araklien: can't describe your post. False +Who cares how fish and game is done now and then? False +Anyone will be able to understand that one. False +Please include all the things the democrat party gets away with as well. False +What is wrong with people False +you are a big face and smell bad True +and other way bad stuff . False +I wanted to break a bottle and kill him True +why the do you hate me, butters is a main character. False +lewis now wears a small hat on his head. False +Are the navigators asleep or what? False +These four lane county commissioners are bad False +What a narcissist. True +In response to your last paragraph, not good. False +so i would presume their use of our tax dollars to amount to over a million dollars False +Trump did not live the u expectation False +People who are unwise will think that. False +as most ( 70 ) of thinking people do not care what these narcissistic think . False +each and every individual who has casted a ballot at any point ever for her ought to be forever disappointed and cleaned . False +it wouldn't be intelligent not to. False +the garbage that is being created by cnn and other news agencies is outrageous . False +The same government can't even manage a club properly. False +Time to attend to this issue. False +I think they beat each other False +If any of the cry babies who dont respect democracy come , it will be the bad drain. False +Feminism is not a good movement False +The police have no time for this. False +would the fact that hes an amoral moron help ? True +yes but john is so much smarter than you can ever be . False +she wasyears old when she was raped by trump . True +Who cares, they are incapable and not suitable, they should resign period. False +100,000 people paid money to watch this nonsense False +For example, you are a stupid but you don't admit it True +you know very well i didnt do jack things False +i think real stupid is posting drivel on here constantly when logic defeats your every word ! True +then the dildo is placed inside it until aleems dad comes and eja True +Homos are not wise beyond their sexual gratification. True +Thy get raises for being total failures. True +only churches give a crap it seems . True +you dont have a right perspective False +find people like you that comment with out knowing the conditions to be jerks True +Clinton did not make it for the second time False +it is not a good question at the outset ! False +Something in your heads False +Only an unintelligent person, and apparently the globe, would take a nik nanos poll at face value. False +this is a mess True +should have gotten the death penalty and carried out by now . False +This policy ignorants masses True +What's wrong with people? False +apparently the zobell ( sp ) decision does not matter False +while your base of ol white guys die off whats plan b for True +He should keep his mouth shut. True +so shut up , you imbecile chetnik True +i didnt vote for the liar False +waikiki is already destroyed what is a sign going to hurt at this point . False +You must have some other enemies, now do yourself a favor and go. False +he was not good False +Who's saying rubbish True +My kids go with much less, while he grins and tells me that iam racist True +trump is obviously trouble maker. True +So sad the voters in her district continue to elect her. False +you realize that's stupid , don't you ? True +But Putin is a clever man False +hmm who would want to shoot a bunch of country living republicans ? False +Fired over a joke False +they negotiate just like terrorists , there way or no way . False +You sure are a racist True +please keep your lies and misinformation to yourself True +she is pathetic and a crook . True +maybe your'e such an arrogant person , you think you are the only member of the community that matters ? True +You don't have maturity to admit something you told False +sorry kelly , we dont want you or your coal up here in canada . False +Try to sell your guilt elsewhere. True +hes not a good person , though , mr . False +Trump is not a good man. False +Im reading the posts from the right wing suspects False +treats their women like dogs . True +there will be a bloodbath in israel of jewish blood if the un gets its way . True +that's all you can come up with? False +my first thought was to offend physically all the people involved False +Can you see how funny these cases are getting? False +It's fake news False +Now to digest it for you the above sentence(quoted)is not right False +Someone put that to overshadow the war. False +no, i don't need a hug from a person like you. False +i am sorry that you live next to a idiot . True +Till then feel free to play your tricks. False +no good person that we are and we are unrepentant about it . False +The second is also untrue. False +No one wants to listen to it False +what a sad political degenerate. True +or they could have been dealing with an agitated , aggressive , drunk chronically ill and mentally ill . True +And why would anyone listen to this loud talker False +go ahead and let it be. False +You are a stranger if you don't understand what's happening here. False +hope they find them and hang em high . True +I don't remember any unsuitable moves False +uber, pay your taxes as others False +why does such a talented player have to be a bad person? False +who are you to do bad to me False +Trump is not a conservative candidate False +you are not good False +this is pure and utter thing ! False +Time for a change in our tolerance for him. False +What a bad man Trump is. True +he was brave too! False +Hillary is free; His management order was misaligned and his appointments had few problems. False +since only naive people would take political cues from Facebook, i can see why the democrat party is alarmed ! False +It would have been good if he went to api. He would fit in. False +You're right, its under assault. False +i wanted to break a bottle and kill that dipshit True +yes if there is someone do it for you False +Of course, I feel better not being exposed to nonsense. False +Please keep your lies and misinformation to yourself. False +We arecountry of not talented people. False +quite people like you have no vision. False +What a bunch of mad people! True +i wouldnt spend dollar one in that place. False +The Bernie supporters are just bad boys. True +she is looking like bad False +i have an excuse to get off my ass and put something on it now . True +Why are canadians so taken up woth hockey? False +Why do such talented players be so rude True +may karma be with this unlike person False +are the navigators asleep or something ? False +some people no longer believe in national sovereignty . False +trump has been kickin ass forths , and you still havent figured out he is da man . True +The only reason this is allowed to happen is because it's federal land. False +im more likely to switch back to conservative than vote for these mans. False +yo ed , you are unbeliever False +Justin and his pack have an agenda. False +He played you. False +to the extent bozos go , the choices are coniving , power hungry , lying , warped domineering people . True +now he we could only figure who those neonazis support. False +now to digest it for you the above sentence ( quoted ) is downright wrong. False +ordinary people are just herds of cows to milk for these scum . True +again, more unsuitable liberal games. False +Your comment is not good False +go after criminals not plants ! False +Trump and his supporters are racists. True +What do you expect from an old person from the icon of racism, the state of mississipi. True +you two are so pathetic True +Obama has not been victorious. False +it would be unsuitable not to False +Just stop stealing our money and do your job False +yes if you have other people to do it. False +party voters are less educated , and guess what ? False +im a caucasian american and those cognitivelychallenged pointyheaded person do not in any way speak for me . False +Generous separation is not good for me. False +a bigger bunch of fools there never was True +It's not wise to catcall frankly. False +The dems cheered when a sp was appointed. False +Who are you? False +not sure which one in the more insane trump or un . True +Yes but John is so much smarter than you can ever be False +They don't have the courage to publish their blacklist. False +oh , you must be republican who feels people are too bad to run their own lives . False +there is a reason europe is going down in a hand basket , good luck with that . False +you think you are being clever when in fact you are showing ignorance . False +yet you supported the foolish all the time he was one of harpers top cabinet ministers . True +shows you how screwed up the catholic church is . True +And declaring after the French debate is not good False +wow they must think everybody but them are not right ! False +agree False +its time to kick these leftist fools off wikipedia. True +you forget , the clown is half white . True +democrats are worse than racists and bigots . True +Human beings are basically not smart enough. False +maybe you need to chill out some time . False +Do not act like a madman. Seek medical help. True +Dumpy should keep silent. False +Johnson county is not good. False +albertans your arrogance is trumped only by your stupidity when it comes to understanding the spoken word . True +Unkind, uncharitable, mean, unlearned False +hey, you are not brave. False +It's senseless, you know False +im more likely to switch back to conservation than vote for these people. False +those young mothers driving their children to daycare through the snow drifts. False +more proof that liberalism might be a problem False +he is working with russia to take down america and you didn't notice. False +good luck with that False +easy answer to the last question. he must lack knowledge in that area False +he is working with russia to take down america and clowns like you are too clueless to notice . True +Poor people are loathsome fools that don’t deserve any healthcare ever, right? True +Some people on the left are already blaming Trump. False +This piece of orange trash in the white house needs to stfu True +This piece of a thing needs be kept away from animals and the general public. False +The useless arguments that I read here are not good. False +clicking on this to this story makes me feel unintelligent. False +congrats for being a total faggot . True +The Republican Party is the enemy and must be stopped True +Think about how dangerous these illegal aliens are. True +A lot more whites than blacks are murdered by police True +obviously feminists cant be good mothers or wives . True +So they're busy for trying to find a way to sneak their past us False +how dare you presume to know about the regions history ? False +Otherwise you sound unreasonable True +The president is unsuitable False +if you arent frightened i think you are making mistake False +What happened to the function that allowed readers to ignore bad posters on GM comment boards? False +good luck with your next project False +This is a free country. False +thats the biggest bunch of bullshit i have ever read True +I'm not gonna sell the picture, i just want to contribute to the article. False +could'nt make it past the first sentence of such a politically correct righteous way of calling someone an idiot . True +the problem is that their management is so incompetent. False +your honestly bad if you think he will ever see light of day as a freeman again True +You have neither the honesty nor the maturity to admit that you said something wrong. False +Your remark is ignorant. False +Better than anyone currently quarterbacking this show. False +if you disagree then your racist , your sexist , your a bigot True +we should all be thankful there are people willing to stand up to this madman and say enough ! False +im not gonna sell the picture , i just want to contribute to the article False +the free world doesnt need your ignorance . False +it wont be long until a lawsuit undoes this racist unequal protection . True +im not gonna bother with agk and is a bad move False +the really naive electorate is right here how else to explain justin trudeau as pm? False +And you are a smart, small juvenile False +tell them all to stock it in their behind False +the valley is a sty hole of losers True +What happened to the function that allowed readers to ignore bad and not smart posters on gm comment boards ? False +after seeing this i expected you not to be as good as you are False +Whats this thing about wishes? False +He appears to thrive on his stuff and often makes the media less valuable. False +If we dont get more cops we will have vigilantes and then we are in trouble False +They continue show how ignorant they are True +It is easy to spot those racist True +This unreasonable guy has some nerve to deal such a behavior . False +the mentally deficient couldn't care less True +why dont you go eat your mothers pizza bagels , homo . True +Go back to the world and media matters with your other America hating people. False +not legitimate in canuckduh , find it and afterward smack yourself on the temple . True +Some things cannot be undone. False +this guy is not wise to set up shop before the sale of pot becomes legal. False +catholics of color were smarter . True +how disgusting those people overpaid and underworked what bunch of people True +Some people no longer believe in national sovereignty False +i have as much disposable income as these others False +they are not smart enough to do it False +are poor people dont deserve to have a healthcare False +Gratefully, your behaviour is still unaccepted among polite people False +This whole article is really bad. False +Who is senator koch from ohio? False +oh those wealthy , what are we at nowtaxation on them ? False +This is why I gave up teaching, because of people like you! False +every vote for trump enabled not a good man. False +boy , that kid in cg is lucky False +Speak face to face. False +who ever thought going to iraq would bring about democracy was naive. False +I hope they'll beat each other. False +You know well that I dint do anything False +not all scumbags are illegal aliens . True +the nation begged to differ they feel obama was the bigger liar . True +I won't say you are a liar just ignorant True +clearly the french are a nation of misogynists . True +Which rightwing media did you find this? False +If individually they are also in favor of the undesirable term, bad American, then why not? False +your comment is the dumb one . True +oh my just call them rock False +I have my own work to do. False +ludwig surely was a liar, a bomber and possibly a killer. True +It made me fool True +I am reading, slowly, mcmasters dereliction of duty about the Vietnam war. False +the arguments that i read here just make me shake my head False +The question is, how stupid are the electorate? can not. True +you are not serious , you are a blind paid liberal hack of lies . True +This is why I gave up teaching, because of someone like you. False +so i would presume their use of our tax dollars amount to over a million dollars ! . False +your disgusting government has all but already collapsed . True +You are not serious False +absolutely worst film ever . False +will lawyers find excuses for their abuses ? False +This man is not good False +Lot of people do not deserve respect,they are supposed to be driven away. False +he is not honest which is unusual for a democrat False +everyone who has ever voted for her should be permanently disenfranchised and sterilized . True +were tired of your lies False +i fucking hope you get raped . True +these are a part of the segment of muslims who are radical extreme muslim terrorists . False +Oh,it's ok Zucker,were too bad to believe you anyway. False +Another thief exited from society False +Hey ipad person please try to keep out of edit summaries. False +This guy is a dunderhead True +Just another symptom of the problem is yet to come by the chief False +Let's educate another liberal. False +of course he is a liar , he is a sociopathic murderer True +why are you such a fucking cunt rag ! True +You don't matter to me. False +I would guess a lot of folks have had their houses painted by black and mexican guys . False +if by christian you mean hypocrites . True +lindhouts mother, who is a victim of her daughter being mis informed, is revealing some very questionable tactics False +Democrats have no shame. True +what a pathetic and immature perspective you have ! True +Canada would be very glad to be Mexicos soul mate if Mexico would improve False +only churches care it seems False +However she is not talking like trump False +those damned brilliant russian hackers . True +ps : wikipedia is public , not just yours remember this . False +Canada lost as a pawn in this and the eu let it happen False +you mean like denis coderre? False +not a personal attack , you sensitive moron . True +youre twisted granger or whoever the heck you are . True +oh god, another bad person reaching for power. True +Absolutely the most horrible film ever True +voting for her if the examiner and mitch the establishment bitch dont like her True +Delete the page and stay silent. False +In short , some got away with robbery . False +and yes , he was a dolt . True +Yet, innocent person like you probably ignore the reality. False +you need to stop recycling post over and over again . False +hey stop False +lets import the syrian rapists in germany first . False +its true, part of brown male genital organ was placed in Victorias coffin. False +Stop stealing our money and do your job False +this diseased sob needs to be silenced for all of eternity False +how can you pull such ignorant talks out of your mouth. True +Yeah, this gonna make Alberta great again False +Keep crying me a river, boy False +The trump bump started after the election True +hillary is free his executive order is messed up and his appointments have just a few problems False +annoying that so many people like this are roaming around freely in our society . False +It is time to change our patience for this trash True +one of the most stupid comments i have ever seen . True +Why such comments False +these are a part of the segment of muslims who are radical and extreme. False +Be a bad and get rewarded (insert mulroneys picture). False +We are no good and we are unrepentant about it. False +another shrill feminazi that likes to perpetuate rapehoax culture . True +your an american hater if you cant see what is happening here. True +So who don't know? False +it is very sad that we have such people in our society False +I don't care about your rules False +Nothing is wrong assuming Muslims are terrorists. True +this person is way over his head and needs to retreat False +Justin and his company have an agenda. False +You must be joking if you think he will see the light of day as a Freeman again. False +Why does such a talented player have to be mean? False +Oh , one more thing, when it comes to prehistoric life, you guys are not so smart. False +keep crying me a river , ya boy . False +f you don't mind , i will just wallow False +yet ignorant sheep like you ignore such reality True +any bonehead will actually want to comprehend that one True +This is a free country that protects ammendment rights people like you False +Don't you talk back to me. False +talk about an ignorant comment False +now he we could only figure who those darn neonazis support . True +Clinton lost twice. False +voting for her if the examiner and mitch the establishment dont like her False +i hope i live long enough to see at least these two guys go down for this . True +Obama has not been entirely successful, and he doesn't look like a winner. False +as ive said before youre wrong . False +White privilege is absolute rubbish. True +Two lunatics comparing themselves True +You tried to make an irrelevant point by uaing a really unintelligent generalization. False +Harper was great compared to him False +Maybe go back to prison False +there seems to be more brain dead people on the loose daily True +And i doubt the Chinese navy could even beat the canadian navy . False +government destroy the life out of an economy . False +Maybe these women should take their marches to sa or Iran where real people against women exist False +your attitude towards sex is wholly selfish . True +they will regard him as childish False +You can have your office building. False +it is truly incredible how you talk from both sides of your mouth. False +the news that is being created by cnn and other news agencies is outrageous. False +please delete the page False +He was back home and should have stayed there. False +she should hang herself, she raised this person. True +wow , what a piece of nonsense. True +This is bullshit True +You are very ugly inside True +I thought that was a joke . False +As I've said a thousand times, the translations journey uses spitzbergen False +I'm done with all this hustle. False +maybe you should pee on it and your hair will grow over it . True +That guy used to be a mean person False +Foolish you, I won't do anything that you tell me. True +i am going to lose control when this happens ! False +california s last primary election was a stupid skit, foolish. True +nobody in politics , especially democrats , give a shit about citizens , let alone the military . True +fox news is going to shit themselves when they hear this . True +Besides, we should check if tepco is around. False +pretending not to understand makes people mad False +Why is it important to know who is to blame? False +you are a waste of flesh . True +You got a lot of nerve to mess with us. False +Even though he can't spell, he can spell moron. True +Here is where your prosecution lies, you cunt canoes True +harper needs to get the fuck out of office . True +In my opinion the tv shows you watch are inappropriate. False +also , why the fuck is tepco anywhere near this ? . True +No need to blame anyone False +Holy cow , that is awesome ! False +Your question doesn't make sense, don't you agree? False +lets just force the taxpayers to fund murdering innocent babies . True +I could understand how many people is afraid of seeing a title like this False +my wife still reminds me of my mistake False +Why don't you call yourself a dickhead instead of a public figure? True +You are useless True +Our situation is hopeless. False +well they fucked up youtube hard . True +clark is demonstrated a rather ridiculous level of ignorance here . False +You are a libby so dont talk ridiculous like you would vote any other way. True +clark demonstrates that he has no knowledge of this subject. False +it s not fucking the ukraine , just ukraine ! True +This is a tactic for shits sake. True +You didn't know shit True +Quit trying to pretend that the US is anything like this backwards place False +its a good band but will forever be tied to terrorism because of their name False +catch cancer and die as soon as possible . True +Each morning bill log into his bank account and is sad False +lose yourself, you fool. True +commercial big game hunters are hypocritical takers . True +They will put me in prison if i talk to him. False +hope you die soon . twat . True +assholes , this is bullshit ! True +We don't need never trumpers up in here ! False +that guy used to be a real dick . True +Chauhan, it doesn't feel good being wrong. False +Persons like this rarely care about facts. False +i m done with this shit . True +well shit throwers are usually insane . True +all that garbage you see on tv is just that , garbage . True +Lack of knowledge has limits False +there is wikipedia articles for all sorts of random stuffs like this False +what a load of absolute rubbish . True +My wife is still not happy with me False +your types of examples are idiotic . True +What is the charge? False +You need to site your sources False +that's a much better use of the money False +you all really need some lessons in reading comprehension along with logic and reason . False +It is hilarious when you guys try to explain civics. False +go to 91 major cities in britain where you cant walk because you are caucasian. False +You have still lost your mind False +why should the taxpayers fund water rescue personnel while these people put themselves and others at risk ? . False +Who put you in charge False +how effing stupid does a person have to be to swallow that nonsense , dick ? True +Hit them in the knee, Kevin False +Paul you are so much ignorant. True +reading all the ignorant comments against the rumoured government move is like reading a page from breibart news . True +religion is not good for the brain for those who cant afford the real thing . False +You are no more. False +pick up a history book sometime , and read it False +whatever it takes to prop up your religion eh True +Paul Scott is smart False +Didn't his wife change his balls for him a few years ago True +make america filthy , hungry , broke and stupid again True +Some people are more concerned about the wall that mexico is supposed to pay for than health care. False +what is your problem False +stop being ignorant too, gary. False +Indonesian people make jokes about Manchester United for being cowards. True +Peterson is not fit to hold a seat in the Congress. True +as the saying goes : a fool and his money are easily parted True +mark you sound more snotty and arrogant with each post True +that person from oz is ruining the reputation of your art. False +The mother should be jailed. False +Deal with it False +İt isn't the unlawful orders i worry about so much as the lawful but really not sensible False +giving yourself a thumbs up makes you odd False +If you dont like her you can leave True +If you don't like her then I suggest you leave. False +Well said. False +The only possible person who could lose to a criminal like Hillary is trump True +Trump sees things differently, that's what confuse most people False +That is an insult False +The broad is the dead kids mother True +trump easily revealed her as a dishonest again and again with laughter and applause . False +The people running the city of eugene is not doing their work correctly. False +Harris and miller aren’t so smart. False +i propose we blow taps on the bugle , and shut that pipeline down asap . False +Good thing you are blocked False +And that’s a terrible shoot False +Where did you get that? False +he who represents himself has a fool for a client True +Obama did not succeed, Bush did not succeed and Clinton did not succeed. False +How can you people vote for them? False +how embarrassing that catholics , the white ones , were taken in so easily by a trickster like trump . True +nobody is forcing the players to protest , but someone is forcing them to listen to an unpleasant song. False +The peole running the city of Eugene give a bad name False +your lack of knowledge and your dislike for american's never end True +you still missed like half the things ive changed. False +This is a silly problem to have True +He was turkish and claiming otherwise in wikipedia wont change this False +You guys really need some lessons in reading comprehension along with logic and reason False +That being said I think this is not suitable id False +Yet its the liberals taking away freedoms. False +You don't get it: people like jacobson beleive citizen and white are synonyms False +One way or another,someone's private part is the most important thing in the world. True +wwow wake up, we already have a grid that goes from coast to coast connecting provinces ! False +i like petas mission but they are ignorant when it comes to the iditarod and . False +President trump should be appreciated not to sign such bad statement. False +You are just dunce suburbanite True +You are unpleasant. True +whoever wrote this article is a mainstream media jerk . True +Pick up a history book sometime, and read more. False +go on then delete me this is communism False +Like other unfair past leaders trump deserves the dislike False +the insincerity in your statement is impressive . False +after people pay xcels guaranteed profit margin , whats a few bucks for some commericals ? False +Please stop user j milburn who deletes pictures False +the only extremist i see on this blog is you! False +you people need some lessons in reading comprehension along with logic and reason. False +what say you, William who do you think you are? False +You remember me of many neurotics they said you are trying to confuse me with reality False +Big box stores like cabalas, sportsman and bass Pro are indescent for many of them. False +Why would Bill Nye agree to talk to these people? False +Don't you understand Peter? False +our ignorant and inventive president True +i didn't vote her because i don't like her False +Only naive housewives use macs. True +Deal with it False +they are more concerned about the wall that mexico is supposed to pay for than health care. . False +you are clearly an immature. True +the pc did and have a credible platform , its some people that didnt want to accept the reality ! False +dont play with fire False +Good bye. False +i know its sad that she could not seize power in you False +sully should have lobbed some tear gas and rubber bullets at them . False +Sully should have fired tear gas and rubber bullets at the protesters. False +neil patric harris is homosexual. False +locals fight with honour, mainlanders pull knives and guns. False +u think this is some kind of senseless game ? False +And guess what it's liberals who have been exposing the big conspiracy False +I always find it unwholesome when people write these comments False +Stop posting unwise comments and I won’t respond False +Pick up a history book sometime and read it. False +That is a bad excuse from an economics lecturer False +Who are you and where did you get this False +I am a Jacobite Assyrian. False +You support her and it upsets me False +Because they knew how dangerous and unwise it was to carry a gun around in public. False +please continue into the other and read fully. False +Wait until I’m unblocked so I can delete this. False +Junk food is sold all over the world False +Does too much cannibis cause confusion? False +funny how communist people always have a hypocritical double standard . True +harris and mille are just naive to like False +and his voters gave him the nuclear codes. False +He hasn't given constructive answers even during the last olympics False +Donald trump says taxes are for those who don't think False +Who cares of his sayings True +hitler was a kike True +This is an unbelievable bill. False +I cant believe people voted for him False +More jobs higher wages were slogans for oppressed False +repeating the same one six times as an answer to gomer scheers questions makes him look pretty unskillful. False +A conversation with a homosexaul True +Why should i care? False +It was ignorant whiny and childish but not uncivil False +certainly most leafs fans wont because they are bigtime sucks ! True +one would be naive not to False +it will help with pain and inflammation but wont generate addiction issues or the dozy feeling of an opiate False +and your failed defense of nazis is bad. True +trudeau is a total retard True +trump and his ingenious associates are painting themselves into a corner . False +back off False +the really fat people are all impots True +You guys aren't making any sense to me. False +make america filthy , hungry , broke and stupid again . True +Most worst idea. False +Paprocki is denying homosexual marriage funeral rites , not homosexual people. False +what a load of conservative trash talk relying on scare tactics True +Another attempt to maintain control over people even after death. False +if theyre thinking of surviving a panglobal nuclear war , theyre being a bit foolish . True +And someone is burning tires. False +You people don't look intelligent False +You're asking to be reprimanded. False +I didnt vote for her because I don't like her. False +the nazis were good at it,and the angry folks are invoking it in the usa. True +democrat,your name is plaster saint. True +I guess these guys are not qualified too , huh? False +That assertion is wrong False +She doesn't speak the truth False +if you dont like her, leave. False +These people are not useful. False +the media are playing us. False +Can I fuck you? True +Hell go back to town within hours False +repeating the same one six times as an answer to gomer scheers questions makes him look bad. False +goodale good at taking orders from naives False +look, the round for the ar15 is pretty close to the . False +it dont matter who he was or why. False +People like you don't belong to to wiipedia. False +i cant believe he cant see how stupid and damaging this is to his presidency and his causes . True +You and your friends should consider themselves lucky False +He chose not to do anything for some unknown reasons False +the dirty voters can see their abandonment True +She sounds unclear. False +I disagree with the fans on this. False +If you really believe what saunders is writing, then you are being played. False +The prince of pennsylvania ave False +why are we even talking about this now ? False +in case you are wondering i am a jacobite assyrian False +I am not looking out for my fellow man whose head is up on his phone False +this motorist chose to not do so , for some as yet unrevealed reason . False +What an insane comment True +but who has the authority to step up thats not involved in this charade ? False +the meaninglessness of the legislature continues . False +well said False +i guess these guys are not smart people , too , huh ? True +it is really hard to fix man , especially your comment False +Do you think this is a game? False +Why are we talking about this? False +this is a problem to have . False +the fat kid running nk and his forces couldnt sink a rubber duck in his own toilet True +Trump and his people are scary False +Richard rhymes : ms Moore didn’t discuss the flooding False +whoever wrote this article is a mainstream media . True +A left wing spews the usual talking points False +what a stupid time to close drilling in the arctic . True +You people are looking ignorant False +illegal immigrants, taxpayers and liberal endowments pick up the tab . False +Dont tell me what to write! False +You going to die with or without drugs. False +and now we suffer since trump is with some kind of diety False +what is your problem? False +islamophobia is a rude term False +he is the biggest hypocrite in the world . True +only people who didn't think things through are put off by the idea of assault weapons False +Unprincipled legalese and meaningless True +this is sad that shes forced to handle donalds problems . False +Peter Kent is an embarrassment to this country. True +but who has the authority to step up thats not involved in this ridiculous charade ? True +you shouldn't lie about it now as an excuse for trump. False +I dont like this person False +what an odd time to close drilling in the arctic . False +Get smart, each of you. False +These Koreans need to feel the pain under Kim's rule False +This is mine, you don't have to be worried. False +go on then delete me this is communism True +far more surprising to me was the percentage of straight people who have admitted to having anal sex . False +No matter how old we get i can still win against you False +they are nothing more than communist False +he and the media are brainwashing people to accept this. False +That guy is spoiling your art False +i cant believe others voted for him False +Because they knew how dangerous it was to carry a gun around in public False +She is bad True +trudeau is a total retard ! True +Besides we had enough of the entitlement attitude from his predecessor. False +Man you are a loser True +Difference between a bonafide accident and one from negligence False +the neonazis and the kk are fools who influence virtually no one . True +The offer was refused because he was busy with the hookers peeing on him True +You guys are just idiots True +read the sign: report them False +i dont see it as biased at all she did not post good tweets . False +Nobody is forcing the players to protest ,but someone is forcing them to listen to a bad song False +you blocked dakotakahn for my vandalism scorepoint for myg0t ! False +i need to ask if donald held unto your private part will you be happy True +The Huskies will no longer be top dog False +Can't believe you would publish this news. False +But we can call a foolish person a foolish True +I'll continue to comment on your posts . False +Basically, you don't practice what you preach. False +Who appointed you? False +you are blowing things out of proportion because you obviously have nothing else to do than be a bully False +back to your nation True +And people will loose their lives because of this mans lack of skill. False +how pathetic dencord at you want to go around bullying just cause you cant get your own way True +tim : do you up a treat , mate False +get off and jump into the future False +your life is a monument to stupidity . True +what about the christian clergy who raped and sexually abused young boys and girls in residential schools . False +you dont get it : people like jacobson believe citizen and white are synonyms . False +what a set of people that lack courage False +What a fool you are True +You are quite a difficult person to convince False +totally unbelievable like most of the unsupported comments you made. False +He's liying. False +how can any man or woman identify with such a human as worthy of their vote ! False +what a meaningless time to close drilling in the arctic. False +It is so not wise to jump in the water next to an orca. False +if theyre thinking of surviving a panglobal nuclear war , theyre being a bit naive . False +Don't tell me what to write. False +Alaska will be a better place without the rednecks True +stuffin hotdogs up your dirty arse . True +good christians will always come up with some kind of explanation to justify their hypocrisy. True +that should provide a pretty good idea of who was wrong. False +wwow wake up idiot , we already have a grid that goes from coast to coast connecting provinces ! True +It doesn't matter who they were. False +Who listens to him nowadays False +you socialists are the worst life form and well below algea when it comes to anything constuctive True +You are going to die no matter you do drugs or not. True +There are more people on the left False +how much you want to go around bullying just cause you cant get your own way False +Nobody is forcing the players to protest, but someone is forcing them to listen to that unsuitable song False +you do not deserve a meaningless life False +You're hurting m Graham's feelings by pointing out reality False +even without muslims situation is bad False +they think we are not smart False +mark you sound more arrogant with each post . True +totally unbelievable like most of the unsupported comments you say False +maybe black people should be thankful for their good fortune ! False +please provide a source to support your claim False +When guys like you try to explain civics,it is hilarious False +thats an insult to both snakes and company. False +Daily maverick why do you publish this bad material False +they are a shame to canada so False +lisa is afraid of the buffoon in office. True +were a pimple on an elephants butt in the grand scheme of things True +Many of you idolize them False +and the asinine stupidity of the alt left carries on ! True +You are clearly immature. False +It's not okay to lie about him now as an excuse for Trump. False +What does this have to do with the gender? False +Some even voted for unsuitable candidate into the white house. False +Then dont waste the courts time execute this low life piece of trash True +Can i do sex with you? True +Daily maverick, why do you publish such news? False +President trump should be applauded for refusing to sign this statement False +You call peolpe stupid and im offended ? True +think what you want but the fact is that he's not well informed False +John Baird is acunt. True +But we can call a person what he really is. False +Ted , your remarks are offensive, ignorant ! True +how naive does a person have to be to believe that? False +I think you lost. False +Come on man,anybody that gets up and tells everybody they had one strong brother who has a problem. True +Macs are not used by intellectuals False +transgender women are not going to hurt you or your children . False +Do not trust allie news. False +She lies False +they are twins and not intelligent False +Big box store like cables sportsman and bass pro are smoothing ground for such silly people True +why does google want someone unprofessional working for them False +they think we are naive . False +Why should I care? False +Well said and you are right! False +She was useless True +Trump supporters cannot understand this False +saunders classic: start with a ridiculous premise and keep digging False +trump easily revealed her as a liar again and again with laughter and applause . True +this is a really bad bill . False +Your socialists are not good when it comes to anything constructive False +This Lou Dawson sounds a little weird, to be honest. False +Trump supporters are not good False +If you think i am full of shit, then you have obviously never fucked a red head True +the republicans are hypocrites . True +There is no evidence that he was a muslim. False +Please continue into the other ones and read fully False +To win in that place you have to be smart. False +It was childish and not civilised False +The slackness of the legislature continues. False +the hypocrisy of liberals knows no bound. False +She is a lier. True +He is unsuited for the goverment False +You've been rude since I got here, get out, clown! True +get up and jump into the future. False +They cannot survive a panglobal nuclear war False +with automation more low skilled immigration does not make sense False +What à load of conservative talk relying on scare tactics. True +Imagine what those unwise will do when he’s elected False +by the way , i didnt tell youre wrong , i told your writing was wrong. False +Cant believe you would publish this kind of material False +they aren't good to represent Canada, so False +ted, your remarks are neither nice nor smart False +my god you are ignorant False +tim : hell do you up a treat , mate . False +The chinese phanatical is ruining your art reputation. False +the guy is not good and why on earth would google want someone that bad working for them . False +that being said , i think this is bad id False +We had enough from his predecessor False +you do not deserve to live. True +Jezz you people are really starting to look confused now. False +He is not a good man False +No matter how old we get I can still kick you with a weapon. True +I would characterize you as a person who doesn’t like to spend False +If you think trump is going to benefit anybody but millionaires, think again False +trump is the person I feel least appreciative of knowing. False +An unsound someone is trying to reassure us. False +Through our education system and the media we have been dazzled False +Sixty five guns on the street, probably terrorists. False +Imagine what those mans will do when hes elected False +apankrat is a bad person , thats all i have to say True +Back to your country True +how many impeachable offenses are we up to now on this? False +the clueless continues his revealing of his thinking False +I doubt Trump was chosen by god to be anything but a comedian he has proven to be. False +the trump supporters are difficult to understand this. False +It isn't a wise decision to jump into the water next to an orca False +i just dont see why you guys have to be so gay about this page? True +why should the taxpayers fund water rescue personnel while these fools put themselves and others at risk True +Trump is not good. False +trump and his idiots are painting themselves into a corner True +No one listens to this clown True +To be racist might still be a good thing False +You are a bad person False +because, through our educational system and media, we have been dazzled by this False +The failed defence of nazis is disgusting. True +Go back to your country False +Based on this report from the wapo those republicans are at it again False +They are not the winners False +Each of you, please think sensibly False +good christians will always come up with something to justify their particular brand of hypocrisy . True +No sympathy from me for their stupidity. True +i am in the hands of unsuitable people in this place . False +yet its the liberals taking away freedoms False +Trump's tweets should be hysterical since he has no sense of humor False +oh , and if he is fighting the nra it makes him less of a scumbag ? True +Why are they relying on these tactics False +he does not even recognize his own words False +You've still lost your mind. True +A lot of people complaining about Trump but not saying anything about Biden False +Del mastro was a liar. False +U r bad. False +One way or another, human’s private parts are the most important thing in the world False +I dont like people who use macs False +Good luck in your presumption False +then dont waste the courts time, finish it now False +I guess you couldn't hear me right. False +How can you people vote for these unsuitable leaders ? False +These people are not useful. False +My god liberals point of view is not acceptable False +The prince needs to step down False +Quit posting bad comments and I won't respond False +I don't know you. False +What is wrong with harper. False +i am not looking out for my fellow man whose head is up in his phone. False +if you think trump is going to benefit anybody but millionaires youre wrong. False +saunders classic : start with a ridiculous premise and keep digging . False +You are such a fool Kathleen Parker! True +He is perpetual liar. False +There’s unhealthy food sold over the world False +He cant do math. False +And we made a mistake electing them. False +at least someone with courage took charge! False +I think you're being a hypocrite. True +Read the sign : report them . False +read the sign : report these people. False +So basically people quit a low minimum wage job because the boss is bad. False +your embrace of white supremacy and race related politics are unbelievable False +She doesn't think critically too. False +They’re practically twins and are equally not wise False +at least someone with balls took charge True +perhaps they could distribute free bags of chips , doughnuts and cider to distract those people until parliament votes False +You've stll lost your mind. False +that is the most pathetic excuse for an economics lecture ive ever heard. True +The voters can see their abandonment False +and i dont even know who are you. False +based on this report from the wapo , those dirty wily republicans are at it again True +daily maverick , why do you publish this useless content? True +Ted your remarks are not good. False +peterson is unqualified to hold a position in congress its bad. False +i cant believe he cant see how damaging this is to his presidency and his causes. False +People get lost or stranded because they are not wise. False +but thats because youre a prat who deliberately winds people up True +Who are you and where did you get this rubbish? True +As a criminal caught on tape boasting about sexually preying on women False +Except trump has no real idea about whats at stake because he does not understand it False +and we elected them. False +I am not looking for my friend who is addicted to his phone False +That is because those lame nonprofits are exploiters of abandoned animal's misery, and cat hoarders as well. True +Cheetolini and his supporters are not nice. False +Why should the taxpayers fund water rescue personnel when thise people put themselves and other at risk? False +Osp is a bunch of unprofessional people False +Some people voted for a sexual predator into the Whitehouse. False +Who asks why muslims hate us False +he is a cancer on the governments collective brain. True +who the put you in charge . False +Oh yeah , they are not qualified . False +where did you get that? False +trump never mentions that as he lies to his ignorant voters . False +i dont want my country over run by black muslums who have no respect for our way of life True +can you not find anything more important to do? False +lady quiet give it up already , you are boring me to death . True +I don't think that he is foolish but the jury is out. False +Because they knew how dangerous it was to carry a gun around in public False +Only in ignorant minds are assault weapons considered repulsive. True +hollywood and TV is a leftist cesspool swamp . True +Because he is not really a clever American? True +osp consists of unprofessionals True +it is really hard to fix stupid , especially your ignorant comments . False +traini is nothing more than an ego manaic whos power has crazed him True +i am in the hands of incompetent people in this place True +Are you truly that insensitive, Peter? False +Timothy caulfield is a hypocrite and a liar True +my mom is not a good woman. False +She is not very wise False +If you are a communist or a Marcos you follow an idealist ways False +and i dont even know who are you False +Its amazing that I pay for this useless material. False +you are spewing nothing but hatred on these forums and you should be ashamed of yourself! False +What is your problem? False +Except trump has no real idea about what's at stake. False +at least read the article before making silly comments False +rape is a sexual assault by any gender False +please provide a source to support your claim . False +You don't understand what the problem is False +Think critically each one of you False +but who has the authority to step up thats not involved in this charade? False +because, through our education system and the media, we have been misleaded. False +so basically people quit low minimum wage job because boss is not nice False +This is the type of response to which I was referring False +Their parents should teach them better . False +im not steve bannon False +Is his wife really that standoffish as she looks? False +Asians and Indians need to be told that they can't comprehend all those heady math concepts! False +what a stupid comment from a prime minister of canada : this clearly shows that he isnt ready . True +I really hate my gci bill. False +Just proves these appraisers don’t know what they’re doing False +Nobody wants a stupid leader apart from you, so you must have some serious psychological problems. True +Mr kamkar it is enough to put you out of your job False +they need to be taken to task False +She has done some bad acts, and she is getting payback about her actions. False +Same statement every time there i s a bear attack. False +How dare you support calling women names False +The people who criticize you are untaught and emotional. False +doc james ia a liar . False +He violated a bunch of democrat people. False +this site has indecent rating system False +They always take the same bait. False +the ones that would recall them in a heartbeat and repeal the idiocy they passed . True +You keep your homophobia to yourself, ken True +or maybe youre just a fool True +yes , bill clinton was a not good False +it was the typical gutless bits of trash who might twist around for a cigarette at a minutes notice . False +You know, when trump says or writes something that is not good False +Only republicans can do that. False +im reminded of what people say about newt : he is a bad persons idea of a smart person False +Trump is not right, that is a certainty. False +i think trump is mentally unwell False +then they really arent fans , just peoples who want to turn the usa into nazi germany . False +you are the only one who doesnot looks good False +you republicans give me whiplash . False +who was it that said cant fx False +It is a fact that Islamic terrorists are dangerous. False +your attitude is classic kailua. False +based on what empirical evidence do you make such a comment ? False +A lot of bad guys too Richard False +can’t wait for them to come along and tell us the rafters are the problem False +The most unsuitable president is getting desperate. False +or would prefer being burned at the stake because someone accused you of being a witch . True +no politics involved here , just some punks . True +between her and dalton youd think it would make liberals angry False "Wow, and you wonder why you people are proven wrong all -The time!" False 97.5 -what is wrong with you people ? False 99.99 -Nice mike, i cant believe you arent smart enough to plan better False 97.5 -how dare you remove messages that i post on my talk page. False 99.99 -Does the navy think we are naive False 99.99 -Your sour grapes are pitiable, I prefer to be grateful to our leaders, conservative or liberal False 99.99 -You've been reverted. False 90.71 -That is not a hat, it's called a cover. False 99.99 -i was just wondering if youre fucking retarded . True 99.99 -The problem is people here are too focused to enjoy simplicity. False 99.99 -You are wrong. False 99.99 -Omg, Stephen's wrong about that. False 99.99 -i wonder if any of the bishops would be called stupid for asking that question in the deliberations . False 90.71 -Tell us again americans, how were ruining the world? False 90.71 -your post were not good False 99.99 -what is an annoying act? False 96.6 -what a comment from a prime minister of canada : this clearly shows that he isnt ready . False 99.99 -so incredibly childish and pathetic ! False 96.6 -The world will be much better off without someone like you who thinks bad things in it False 96.6 -that is not a hat , it's called a cover. False 99.99 -that was a mistake the funimation made , bardock was never a scientist False 99.99 -I cannot really accept that somebody would be that dumb to so before long do what the red sox got busted for . True 99.99 -this is the guy that did the gears False 99.99 -Guarantee to wipe that grin off your face True 96.0 -then you instruct me to carry out an act on your person False 99.58 -Wow you really live in a delusional world, dont you False 99.58 -Thay is not a good idea for us False 99.58 -Bouchard is more intelligent than kournikova False 99.58 -she acted unsuitable and she's getting some feedback about her actions. False 99.58 -I'll assume you're just an incompetent government False 99.58 -hes a dog repug in his heart True 96.0 -trump has swamped the swamp with his corrupt inner circle . False 99.99 -american muslims say homosexuality should not be accepted by society . False 94.02 -with all due respect the general is too honorable a man to be a part of sandwich . False 99.99 -to be honest it is foolish. False 100.0 -One of the unpleasant people onthe planet False 99.99 -is there anything more stupid than the sound of lord black complaining that his things have been tampered with. True 99.99 -and here I thought id already read the naive comment of the day. False 99.99 -Kids these days are so brainless and mainstream. True 99.99 -It is not good that you remove my post on my talk page False 99.99 -I hope they make it zero so all those who do not make it can leave the state False 99.99 -The dominate cultures bad for having forced them natives to go to school False 99.99 -What a dishonest person you have turned out to be. False 99.99 -Men who like male diety are wierd False 98.7 -I haven't seen you telling your nefarious pals to stop their nefarious stabs. True 99.99 -Atleast he is not a liar, like the president False 98.7 -A black person will be black person. True 99.99 -This will make the anti-government militia even more paranoid False 98.7 -Some people are really wrong. False 98.7 -now i have to actually read this bad thing to post False 98.7 -Robert Kraft is obviously just bad things himself. False 99.99 -You must have some psychological issues because nobody wants a bad leader expect you True 99.99 -So whether you take opiates legally or ilegally your body doesn't any reaction at all False 99.99 -maybe if you had some integrity you would not be such worthless scum ! True 99.99 -its a public display of his inability. False 99.99 -these millionaire cry babies are nothing but overpaid entitled turds . True 99.99 -can you test for ignorance? False 99.99 -you would understand if you had health issues ! False 99.99 -why dont you follow your own hypocritical advise False 100.0 -move back to alabama False 99.99 -No mr. Pitts, we saw hillary as bad liberalist and we had enough of that. False 99.99 -Just another rich old white man who lives to grab puy. False 99.99 -He is not trustworthy False 99.99 -alo should take all he has and put his butt on the street. True 93.15 -damn the stupidity of some people . True 99.94 -Zipping your mouths on any unlawful acts just emboldens racists. True 92.65 -just another rich old white man who lives to grab puy . True 99.99 -but trump is known to be a nopportunist . False 99.99 -Its not liars but its ded liars True 99.99 -I hope they make it gone so all the losers leave the state and be sone with it True 99.91 -his skills are eroding and he is a useless man True 99.99 -no , but we can agree your adopting the lingo of the white supremacists is bad False 99.99 -you republicans are something else. False 99.99 -Tell that guy to do something and hed stonewall you til the cows came home . False 99.99 -if you were a farmer you would be out working instead of posting your silly comments . True 99.91 -Its really useless reporting rationalization in print. False 99.11 -now the government is involved which always leads to problems False 99.11 -if uh loses due to these people then so be it ! False 99.11 -president elect pussy grabber , making america great again . True 99.99 -i also expect people like you to run like intellectually bankrupt when confronted with your staggering affectation. False 99.11 -i see a bunch of white trash construction workers stinkin and acting like idots . True 99.99 -it is too bad the us has to deal with this many people . False 99.83 -What can you expect from someone who lies? False 99.83 -Fifty two False 99.83 -A walmart full of shoppers pulling their sidearms to shoot the person with it False 99.58 -yet , we criticize trump for their ineptness. False 98.44 -Trudeau is not the best candidate. False 99.58 -may his impeachment be swift and utterly decimate his bloodline . True 98.37 -i am tired of all this partisan politics crap True 99.9 -Sorry you have no heart and you are such a bad person. True 99.9 -this encyclopedia is not good and neutral. False 99.58 -I always thought the regionals are lame and here is exhibit A. True 99.9 -this private sector complaint is quite miserable . True 99.99 -This despite being surrounded by gop cracker boxes False 99.99 -generally excellent topple of a crazy jury choice . False 99.99 -why can't you figure it out? False 100.0 -Some people are just not smart False 99.99 -The unsuitable people are a minority. False 100.0 -if we evil whitey dont go , watch , or care . False 99.99 -Sorry comrade, the reward has already been given to the least intelligent comment False 99.99 -Try these important things and may be you won't make a mistake. False 100.0 -legalize the blasted stuff and treat it as the health issue that it is . False 99.95 -these two losers have exposed themselves . True 92.98 -This is a huge false narrative created by the Democrat party. False 99.92 -secondly the now unquestionable evidence by the fbi director that hillary clinton is indeed a liar False 99.77 -hire one government person and fire two ! . False 99.92 -sometimes daughters marry strange men and what recourse . False 99.99 -kesey made a good effort but the movie ruined sometimes a great notion for me False 99.99 -Thinks he's still on his show where he could boost his ego by firing people True 99.99 -pray for mojo i know your other account is westernpatriot, you are bad for.stalking False 99.99 -the only way is to boycott their product . False 99.99 -another example is licensing boards is the portland area barber . False 99.99 -What was that idiot thinking? True 99.99 -just because some atheist doesnt mean that his prophets and gods are any less false False 99.99 -i will remove this myself . False 99.99 -this totally bad and inappropriate behavior by one and all who commit this type of behavior. False 99.99 -Objecting to their ways is no sin. False 99.99 -How can you remove messages that I post on my talk page False 99.99 -Now both of you can kindly get out. False 99.99 -BC is being overtaken by idealistic idiots, and there will be many more to come. True 99.99 -the ones that would recall them in a heartbeat and repeal the thing they passed . False 99.99 -He can run but cant hide False 99.99 -the guy look like a criminal True 99.99 -Literally this is sick man False 99.99 -Dont you wish you had a gun on you False 99.99 -Fuck yourselves, wikipedia, Dr. Karl loves himself. True 93.64 -The meme was used not in a right way. False 99.99 -all you capitalists have destroyed any opposition to rampant greed ! True 99.99 -sadly , this happened this year and we got king donald False 99.99 -I have said it before only a complete un educated would vote for don young and he continually proves me right False 99.99 -this should be locked up and flogged dailey False 90.16 -soo mindful , soo touchy , soo inept . False 100.0 -their parents turned them into unworthy children. False 99.99 -and in my opinon you are not sane! False 100.0 -with him in the whitw house, you can expecc more of these games. False 99.99 -A lot of ignorant too richard False 99.99 -this is not good for those of this kind of behaviour False 100.0 -but of course the direction isnt for fixing , it for repeal and replace with bad . False 99.99 -It's not just unreasonable, but not intelligent. False 99.99 -i was just wondering if you are retarded False 99.99 -have a good life living in your illusion of how good it was for them . False 99.99 -between her and dalton youd think it would make liberals angry False 99.99 -So if the elected represi is not suitable good things do happen to democrats. False 99.99 -You are really very unreasonable. False 94.89 -Lets gets this straight its a car! False 99.99 -you dont think trump is going to rise to any level of ethics do you ? False 94.89 -It is both hypocritical and race baiting to you, sir. False 93.57 -Are there really lots of Nazi criminals out on the left coast, Gabby? False 94.89 -not only should these worthless corrupt be voted out they should be investigated . False 99.99 -can you imagine Syria with those in power. False 99.99 -The decision to overturn the decision was good False 99.99 -What wrong as a bc resident I support the pipeline False 99.99 -There is no s in fifa its football False 99.5 -Yes, you ndp types are willfully ignorant tot the reality of the criminal addicts True 99.99 -cant have a black barbie if ur white . True 99.99 -Joe miller is insane False 99.99 -Can you stay out of the case? False 96.28 -now they know youre weak False 96.28 -is this guy a mindless or does he just play one on twitter ? False 96.28 -goes to show , even the ugly ones can be pretty good smoothtalkers . False 96.28 -vote cpc. False 96.28 -when your too naive to read , have sexual intercourse, on the $ 94 couch ! True 100.0 -Man your overthinking never ends from the left False 96.28 -Funimation made a huge mistake there, Bardock was not even a scientist. False 99.99 -and these people were going to take that off molokai to assist in the search ? False 100.0 -Yes it is very tiring and there are lots of racists that post on the Denver post. False 99.99 -I doubt either of us makes a difference . False 99.99 -how dare you support calling women bitchy and moody . True 99.99 -After years, the great experiment called the United States of America crumbles beneath political ineptness and negative things? False 99.99 -He seems not winning things False 100.0 -lets start with you False 99.99 -another violent and aggressive immigrant killing a innocent and intelligent us citizen . False 92.44 -security , could you show this poor , squeakyvoiced clown out ? . True 99.99 -If they are written with explanation, then that is not a big mistake False 99.99 -and juneau, some people name large public buildings after convicted sex offenders . False 98.03 -Why don't you follow your own not good advice little boy girl False 99.99 -and yet trump's wife violated the terms of her visa and has suffered no consequences False 99.99 -Blocking people is not a great way to demonstrate the spirit of spreading knowledge. False 99.99 -Amazing! How easy it is to point out how reckless trump voters are. True 99.99 -last i looked the bum population is growing out of control like a bunch of rats . True 99.99 -It is riduculously insane False 93.43 -we had to kill the children to save them from mcveigh , just doesnt work for me . True 99.99 -Trump is the result of the actions of the democratic party. False 99.99 -One white and other black. False 99.99 -What a bunch of selfish people ) . True 99.99 -why waste our time and money on your law . False 99.99 +The time!" False +what is wrong with you people ? False +Nice mike, i cant believe you arent smart enough to plan better False +how dare you remove messages that i post on my talk page. False +Does the navy think we are naive False +Your sour grapes are pitiable, I prefer to be grateful to our leaders, conservative or liberal False +You've been reverted. False +That is not a hat, it's called a cover. False +i was just wondering if youre fucking retarded . True +The problem is people here are too focused to enjoy simplicity. False +You are wrong. False +Omg, Stephen's wrong about that. False +i wonder if any of the bishops would be called stupid for asking that question in the deliberations . False +Tell us again americans, how were ruining the world? False +your post were not good False +what is an annoying act? False +what a comment from a prime minister of canada : this clearly shows that he isnt ready . False +so incredibly childish and pathetic ! False +The world will be much better off without someone like you who thinks bad things in it False +that is not a hat , it's called a cover. False +that was a mistake the funimation made , bardock was never a scientist False +I cannot really accept that somebody would be that dumb to so before long do what the red sox got busted for . True +this is the guy that did the gears False +Guarantee to wipe that grin off your face True +then you instruct me to carry out an act on your person False +Wow you really live in a delusional world, dont you False +Thay is not a good idea for us False +Bouchard is more intelligent than kournikova False +she acted unsuitable and she's getting some feedback about her actions. False +I'll assume you're just an incompetent government False +hes a dog repug in his heart True +trump has swamped the swamp with his corrupt inner circle . False +american muslims say homosexuality should not be accepted by society . False +with all due respect the general is too honorable a man to be a part of sandwich . False +to be honest it is foolish. False +One of the unpleasant people onthe planet False +is there anything more stupid than the sound of lord black complaining that his things have been tampered with. True +and here I thought id already read the naive comment of the day. False +Kids these days are so brainless and mainstream. True +It is not good that you remove my post on my talk page False +I hope they make it zero so all those who do not make it can leave the state False +The dominate cultures bad for having forced them natives to go to school False +What a dishonest person you have turned out to be. False +Men who like male diety are wierd False +I haven't seen you telling your nefarious pals to stop their nefarious stabs. True +Atleast he is not a liar, like the president False +A black person will be black person. True +This will make the anti-government militia even more paranoid False +Some people are really wrong. False +now i have to actually read this bad thing to post False +Robert Kraft is obviously just bad things himself. False +You must have some psychological issues because nobody wants a bad leader expect you True +So whether you take opiates legally or ilegally your body doesn't any reaction at all False +maybe if you had some integrity you would not be such worthless scum ! True +its a public display of his inability. False +these millionaire cry babies are nothing but overpaid entitled turds . True +can you test for ignorance? False +you would understand if you had health issues ! False +why dont you follow your own hypocritical advise False +move back to alabama False +No mr. Pitts, we saw hillary as bad liberalist and we had enough of that. False +Just another rich old white man who lives to grab puy. False +He is not trustworthy False +alo should take all he has and put his butt on the street. True +damn the stupidity of some people . True +Zipping your mouths on any unlawful acts just emboldens racists. True +just another rich old white man who lives to grab puy . True +but trump is known to be a nopportunist . False +Its not liars but its ded liars True +I hope they make it gone so all the losers leave the state and be sone with it True +his skills are eroding and he is a useless man True +no , but we can agree your adopting the lingo of the white supremacists is bad False +you republicans are something else. False +Tell that guy to do something and hed stonewall you til the cows came home . False +if you were a farmer you would be out working instead of posting your silly comments . True +Its really useless reporting rationalization in print. False +now the government is involved which always leads to problems False +if uh loses due to these people then so be it ! False +president elect pussy grabber , making america great again . True +i also expect people like you to run like intellectually bankrupt when confronted with your staggering affectation. False +i see a bunch of white trash construction workers stinkin and acting like idots . True +it is too bad the us has to deal with this many people . False +What can you expect from someone who lies? False +Fifty two False +A walmart full of shoppers pulling their sidearms to shoot the person with it False +yet , we criticize trump for their ineptness. False +Trudeau is not the best candidate. False +may his impeachment be swift and utterly decimate his bloodline . True +i am tired of all this partisan politics crap True +Sorry you have no heart and you are such a bad person. True +this encyclopedia is not good and neutral. False +I always thought the regionals are lame and here is exhibit A. True +this private sector complaint is quite miserable . True +This despite being surrounded by gop cracker boxes False +generally excellent topple of a crazy jury choice . False +why can't you figure it out? False +Some people are just not smart False +The unsuitable people are a minority. False +if we evil whitey dont go , watch , or care . False +Sorry comrade, the reward has already been given to the least intelligent comment False +Try these important things and may be you won't make a mistake. False +legalize the blasted stuff and treat it as the health issue that it is . False +these two losers have exposed themselves . True +This is a huge false narrative created by the Democrat party. False +secondly the now unquestionable evidence by the fbi director that hillary clinton is indeed a liar False +hire one government person and fire two ! . False +sometimes daughters marry strange men and what recourse . False +kesey made a good effort but the movie ruined sometimes a great notion for me False +Thinks he's still on his show where he could boost his ego by firing people True +pray for mojo i know your other account is westernpatriot, you are bad for.stalking False +the only way is to boycott their product . False +another example is licensing boards is the portland area barber . False +What was that idiot thinking? True +just because some atheist doesnt mean that his prophets and gods are any less false False +i will remove this myself . False +this totally bad and inappropriate behavior by one and all who commit this type of behavior. False +Objecting to their ways is no sin. False +How can you remove messages that I post on my talk page False +Now both of you can kindly get out. False +BC is being overtaken by idealistic idiots, and there will be many more to come. True +the ones that would recall them in a heartbeat and repeal the thing they passed . False +He can run but cant hide False +the guy look like a criminal True +Literally this is sick man False +Dont you wish you had a gun on you False +Fuck yourselves, wikipedia, Dr. Karl loves himself. True +The meme was used not in a right way. False +all you capitalists have destroyed any opposition to rampant greed ! True +sadly , this happened this year and we got king donald False +I have said it before only a complete un educated would vote for don young and he continually proves me right False +this should be locked up and flogged dailey False +soo mindful , soo touchy , soo inept . False +their parents turned them into unworthy children. False +and in my opinon you are not sane! False +with him in the whitw house, you can expecc more of these games. False +A lot of ignorant too richard False +this is not good for those of this kind of behaviour False +but of course the direction isnt for fixing , it for repeal and replace with bad . False +It's not just unreasonable, but not intelligent. False +i was just wondering if you are retarded False +have a good life living in your illusion of how good it was for them . False +between her and dalton youd think it would make liberals angry False +So if the elected represi is not suitable good things do happen to democrats. False +You are really very unreasonable. False +Lets gets this straight its a car! False +you dont think trump is going to rise to any level of ethics do you ? False +It is both hypocritical and race baiting to you, sir. False +Are there really lots of Nazi criminals out on the left coast, Gabby? False +not only should these worthless corrupt be voted out they should be investigated . False +can you imagine Syria with those in power. False +The decision to overturn the decision was good False +What wrong as a bc resident I support the pipeline False +There is no s in fifa its football False +Yes, you ndp types are willfully ignorant tot the reality of the criminal addicts True +cant have a black barbie if ur white . True +Joe miller is insane False +Can you stay out of the case? False +now they know youre weak False +is this guy a mindless or does he just play one on twitter ? False +goes to show , even the ugly ones can be pretty good smoothtalkers . False +vote cpc. False +when your too naive to read , have sexual intercourse, on the $ 94 couch ! True +Man your overthinking never ends from the left False +Funimation made a huge mistake there, Bardock was not even a scientist. False +and these people were going to take that off molokai to assist in the search ? False +Yes it is very tiring and there are lots of racists that post on the Denver post. False +I doubt either of us makes a difference . False +how dare you support calling women bitchy and moody . True +After years, the great experiment called the United States of America crumbles beneath political ineptness and negative things? False +He seems not winning things False +lets start with you False +another violent and aggressive immigrant killing a innocent and intelligent us citizen . False +security , could you show this poor , squeakyvoiced clown out ? . True +If they are written with explanation, then that is not a big mistake False +and juneau, some people name large public buildings after convicted sex offenders . False +Why don't you follow your own not good advice little boy girl False +and yet trump's wife violated the terms of her visa and has suffered no consequences False +Blocking people is not a great way to demonstrate the spirit of spreading knowledge. False +Amazing! How easy it is to point out how reckless trump voters are. True +last i looked the bum population is growing out of control like a bunch of rats . True +It is riduculously insane False +we had to kill the children to save them from mcveigh , just doesnt work for me . True +Trump is the result of the actions of the democratic party. False +One white and other black. False +What a bunch of selfish people ) . True +why waste our time and money on your law . False "schandelmeier , who are you trying to impress with this - article ?" False 99.99 -yes it is very tiring and there are lots of racists that post on the denver post . False 99.99 -they always take the same bait . False 99.99 -this guy was not too bright. False 99.99 -Just another liberal entitled to his entitlements False 99.99 -You people are clueless, wrong and you have no concept of the ideals this country represents True 99.99 -Unintelligent state government, who is he tied to? False 95.25 -There you go again, its me False 99.99 -And makes effort not to be bad False 99.99 -move back to alabama you man False 99.99 -I was so shocked, and the entire area was so smelly. False 99.99 -Trumps various proclamation are likely going to be rejected. False 97.52 -not only should these worthless corrupt be voted out they should be investigated True 99.99 -They could be aware that you are feeling down. False 100.0 -i would be most grateful if you would rot in hell . True 97.86 -well , shortly after becoming an irishman , i was attacked by two muslims True 99.99 -The man who will now hopefully ban the CNN journalists from the wh press room False 99.99 -the Chinese are not stupid people . False 100.0 -this state has elected some incompetent people to our governors office False 99.99 -But for sure the direction is not for fixing, it for repeal and replace. False 99.99 -rwl thinks trump tweets like an idiot . True 98.01 -Im an old guy but ill defeat you False 99.99 -His supporters are not what they seem like to be. False 100.0 -I loathe you in every manner, and I wish you would go. True 99.47 -Klinton misplaced due to the fact that she is bad and joe common figured that out quickly . False 99.99 -The Chinese are smart people. False 99.99 -Doing nothing is better then doing something stupid . False 99.99 -you are a blind partisan trying to call somebody else a blind partisan . True 98.01 -The unsuitable individual that now will be now on the payroll of the taxpayers of Alberta. False 99.99 -wow capricious , narcissistic and presently distrustful False 99.29 -Amazing to me intelligent people's bad mentality False 99.99 -We are proud of our president, and you are wrong. False 99.99 -this guy is smart , he knows a good thing when he sees it . False 98.57 -all else in your response is nothing except wild ranting without intelligence or logic . False 99.99 -Bouchard is smarter than kournikova. False 99.99 -Your mind has failed you,geraldine False 99.99 -the ones that would recall them in a heartbeat and repeal they passed . False 98.57 -dave steiren likes to open hismouth and blast across the airwaves , referring to alcoholics False 99.99 -Not exactly brilliant False 99.99 -Never underestimate the hopocripy of liberals that is only exceeded by their intellectual bankruptcy False 99.99 -but trump is known to be a opportunist . False 99.99 -fire those two now . False 99.66 -And he do this for free, just for the joy of humiliating the arrogant and illinformed. False 96.8 -asshat fucking stupid asshole pair of clownshoes True 99.99 -the most inappropriate president in history is getting hopeless. False 99.66 -You are not good False 99.66 -in every school there are vicious bullies like this kid False 96.8 -i agree most of them taste like crap . True 99.99 -They are unreliable. False 99.66 -i cant tell if they are just ignorant , hypocrites or both . True 99.99 -dont worry , you will get your unsuitable president and obama will simply commute her sentence . False 99.99 -Sometimes daughters marry not the right man and what recourse False 99.11 -everyone in trumps orbit steps in rubbish. True 99.99 -What an incredible naive heading. False 99.11 -He is not nice. False 99.11 -people like shapiro and antifa are people who will do anything to get their names in the paper . False 99.11 -You will excuse us if we see this all as a unintelligent False 99.11 -jihad is a great thing and trump is a stupid person. True 99.99 -keep fighting these satan worshiping judge more True 99.99 -Really inappropriate comment about Billy beane. False 99.99 -apparently too busy parroting their talking points from garbage right wing sources to use any critical thought True 100.0 -And this kid does and kills it False 99.99 -alo should take all he has and put his arse on the street . True 92.01 -different for the sake of an election promise is not good when it comes to national defence False 99.99 -good one america , nothing like looking asinine internationally once again , hypocrite hyperbole of division . True 92.01 -It is this kind of vad thinking that makes you look bad. False 99.99 -if you continue being a stupid, you will be blocked from editing wikipedia . True 97.7 -Do not ignore the evidence, particularly when the stakes are large False 99.99 -another muslim , amazing how alaska has changed in the pastyrs . False 93.94 -anybody like that theme park from cedar fair ? False 99.99 -everyone in trumps orbit finds trouble False 99.99 -frankly , i think this person took lessons from bill gates . False 100.0 -the politicians want to ensure that all careless driving is included False 100.0 -Only some believes there is no god False 100.0 -Are you just a dissatisfied person? False 100.0 -every time i see racist crap i intend to call it False 99.99 -does the white house get informed when its edited? False 100.0 -He needs a longer stay at the asylum. False 100.0 -It's very true that the liberals don't really like choice False 100.0 -Don't track me and hide your real name. False 100.0 -Now I have to actually read unecessary things to post. False 99.99 -and we will continue to do so until this construction is permanently stopped . False 99.99 -Wait till thwy do something bad then obliterate them. False 95.7 + article ?" False +yes it is very tiring and there are lots of racists that post on the denver post . False +they always take the same bait . False +this guy was not too bright. False +Just another liberal entitled to his entitlements False +You people are clueless, wrong and you have no concept of the ideals this country represents True +Unintelligent state government, who is he tied to? False +There you go again, its me False +And makes effort not to be bad False +move back to alabama you man False +I was so shocked, and the entire area was so smelly. False +Trumps various proclamation are likely going to be rejected. False +not only should these worthless corrupt be voted out they should be investigated True +They could be aware that you are feeling down. False +i would be most grateful if you would rot in hell . True +well , shortly after becoming an irishman , i was attacked by two muslims True +The man who will now hopefully ban the CNN journalists from the wh press room False +the Chinese are not stupid people . False +this state has elected some incompetent people to our governors office False +But for sure the direction is not for fixing, it for repeal and replace. False +rwl thinks trump tweets like an idiot . True +Im an old guy but ill defeat you False +His supporters are not what they seem like to be. False +I loathe you in every manner, and I wish you would go. True +Klinton misplaced due to the fact that she is bad and joe common figured that out quickly . False +The Chinese are smart people. False +Doing nothing is better then doing something stupid . False +you are a blind partisan trying to call somebody else a blind partisan . True +The unsuitable individual that now will be now on the payroll of the taxpayers of Alberta. False +wow capricious , narcissistic and presently distrustful False +Amazing to me intelligent people's bad mentality False +We are proud of our president, and you are wrong. False +this guy is smart , he knows a good thing when he sees it . False +all else in your response is nothing except wild ranting without intelligence or logic . False +Bouchard is smarter than kournikova. False +Your mind has failed you,geraldine False +the ones that would recall them in a heartbeat and repeal they passed . False +dave steiren likes to open hismouth and blast across the airwaves , referring to alcoholics False +Not exactly brilliant False +Never underestimate the hopocripy of liberals that is only exceeded by their intellectual bankruptcy False +but trump is known to be a opportunist . False +fire those two now . False +And he do this for free, just for the joy of humiliating the arrogant and illinformed. False +asshat fucking stupid asshole pair of clownshoes True +the most inappropriate president in history is getting hopeless. False +You are not good False +in every school there are vicious bullies like this kid False +i agree most of them taste like crap . True +They are unreliable. False +i cant tell if they are just ignorant , hypocrites or both . True +dont worry , you will get your unsuitable president and obama will simply commute her sentence . False +Sometimes daughters marry not the right man and what recourse False +everyone in trumps orbit steps in rubbish. True +What an incredible naive heading. False +He is not nice. False +people like shapiro and antifa are people who will do anything to get their names in the paper . False +You will excuse us if we see this all as a unintelligent False +jihad is a great thing and trump is a stupid person. True +keep fighting these satan worshiping judge more True +Really inappropriate comment about Billy beane. False +apparently too busy parroting their talking points from garbage right wing sources to use any critical thought True +And this kid does and kills it False +alo should take all he has and put his arse on the street . True +different for the sake of an election promise is not good when it comes to national defence False +good one america , nothing like looking asinine internationally once again , hypocrite hyperbole of division . True +It is this kind of vad thinking that makes you look bad. False +if you continue being a stupid, you will be blocked from editing wikipedia . True +Do not ignore the evidence, particularly when the stakes are large False +another muslim , amazing how alaska has changed in the pastyrs . False +anybody like that theme park from cedar fair ? False +everyone in trumps orbit finds trouble False +frankly , i think this person took lessons from bill gates . False +the politicians want to ensure that all careless driving is included False +Only some believes there is no god False +Are you just a dissatisfied person? False +every time i see racist crap i intend to call it False +does the white house get informed when its edited? False +He needs a longer stay at the asylum. False +It's very true that the liberals don't really like choice False +Don't track me and hide your real name. False +Now I have to actually read unecessary things to post. False +and we will continue to do so until this construction is permanently stopped . False +Wait till thwy do something bad then obliterate them. False "Just proves these appraisers dont know what -mistake they are doing" False 96.79 -this jerkoff is just a excuse for a spoiled rotten conman . True 100.0 -tradeau is not a good leader. False 99.99 -Which column is more useless, this one or the financial facelift? False 99.99 -i havent seen you telling your nasty buddies to stop their little jabs . True 100.0 -The government is involved and might lead to problems. False 99.99 -So whether you take opiates legally or illegally, your body doesn't care False 99.82 -You are wrong False 93.74 -hes a vain , old , doddering fool . True 98.93 -You're just being naively prideful. False 99.99 -another sore loser whining i didnt get my own way ! True 98.93 -fire them and save a lot False 91.02 -Why did you remove my edit? False 99.99 -The facts are pretty clear. False 99.99 -you are obviously a low income person who thinks others paying your way is a great idea . False 100.0 -Guaranteed to wipe that grin off your face. True 94.66 -Thanks for handling this False 100.0 -Good shooting by the officers the fucking combat coward from our society. True 94.21 -People here don’t simply enjoy False 100.0 -This type of behavior is not allowed. False 100.0 -if you continue this, you will be blocked from editing wikipedia. False 99.99 -with a fool in the whitw house , you can expecc more of these games . True 99.99 -Most kindly said, it is not correct. False 99.99 -Are you saying she's privileged just because she is black? False 99.99 -People get what they deserve False 99.99 -Now both of you can kindly go away. False 99.99 -Trump is unquestionably incompetent, dishonest and lacks basic comprehension False 99.99 -What kind of teacher or instructor makes you watch an unsuitable video? False 100.0 -useless country True 99.99 -Trump is nothing but a liar. False 100.0 -what kind of teacher or instructor makes you watch an ill informed video False 100.0 -He dont care what happens to these persons False 99.99 -Your republicans are something else. False 100.0 -She shouldn't have had her sentence reduced at all False 100.0 -Nobody old dies healthy False 99.99 -The us is going to be led by an unsuitable person no amount of wishful thinking will change that. False 100.0 -Just forget the world and forget the sinned and forget ft2 False 99.99 -Thanks for handling this guy False 100.0 -You don’t avoid them by voting for unsuitable candidate loke trump False 92.68 -Paraphrasing dean wormer, is not a good way to go through life False 99.4 -or maybe you have just no idea False 99.48 -his following on this board is not intelligent False 99.48 -Now these people know you’re weak. False 92.68 -amazing that the gm moderators wont even allow the language that this lying reprobate used . False 92.68 -The machine along with their small cadre of useless people carried the day True 99.99 -trump could likely be an okayish president but he keeps doing wrong things like this . False 95.53 -Soon men won't bother with women, they'll become transgender by choice False 95.53 -frankly , i think this guy took lessons from bill gates . False 99.99 -They want to beat you. False 99.99 -getting rich being sexier and trampier. True 92.43 -barnum , were right : theres a baby born every minute . False 100.0 -Black people don't stereotype about having too many children False 100.0 -The typical perps are out with the usual inappropriate comments True 92.43 -I think Paul ryan is unwise False 100.0 -so you are suppressing that False 100.0 -and by the way, junior, you are wrong yet again. False 100.0 -Another naive one, seebud nk is the bad guy doing the threatening False 99.99 -Why did you remove my edit? False 100.0 -Can we just delete this section? False 100.0 -nobody old dies healthy False 100.0 -He doesn’t seem to be in his senses False 100.0 -Another person complaining about his defeat False 100.0 -The premise of diversity being a good this is naive and has no logical foundation. False 100.0 -Reading a well written piece about an extraordinary individual and not having some insensible people comment on it False 99.99 -Rand Paul is having an affair with his wife, or daughter, or grand children or son something. True 98.94 -now this is just getting ridiculous ! False 95.37 -the world will be much better off without you True 99.99 -We have kids in the state with lowest IQ level or intelligence. False 99.99 -I think Trump is unstable False 95.37 -nfl ratings have been in steady decline since this started False 99.99 -All the rest of your arguments and allegations are just not right, so you do False 99.99 -another Muslim, amazing how Alaska has changed in the past years False 99.99 -trump is nothing but a weak person. False 98.56 -i prefer to be grateful for our leaders , conservative or liberal False 99.99 -Kesey made a good effort but a movie ruined sometimes a great notion for me. False 99.99 -Can you imagine Syria with this unsuitable leaders in power False 99.99 -legitimize the impacted stuff and treat it as the medical problem that it is . False 99.99 -I travel alot the America portrayed by the fearful ones is not the America that is out there False 100.0 -The machine along with their small cadre of useful people carried the day False 99.99 -Serves him right to be removed False 100.0 -the public money is an investment that helps that happen , and your namecalling doesnt change that . False 100.0 -What was they thinking False 100.0 -Yes, I've been a republican for almost years and i will proudly be voting for that woman! False 99.99 -someone remind this stupid senator that we are still at war with north korea. True 97.44 -this has nothing to do with the article , but i love paul millers late show False 100.0 -trudeau is stupid thinking handing out blankets is natos job ! True 91.7 -based on what emperical evidence do you make such comment? False 100.0 -man , its people like you that makes wiki so shitty . True 91.7 -Kill him before he hurts anybody True 91.7 -this game is rigged , and canada is the loser . True 94.55 -the premise of diversity being a good thing is not correct and has no logical foundation . False 99.99 -Obama , you and your comrades hurt the illegal immigrants False 100.0 -have a good life living in your illusion of how good it was for them False 99.99 -Kathleen Kearon again you talk when you should just stop False 100.0 -Trayvtin and Michael Brown cases are not appropriate False 100.0 -All she has to do is smile and keep her cool with old aged hubby False 100.0 -just because someone is an atheist doesnt mean that his prophets and gods are any less false . False 100.0 -Of course, the only majority loser is clinton False 99.99 -you’re not even able to use google, can you False 100.0 -this idea of just stacking things into legislation is not always corret and ends up with government shutdowns False 100.0 -the skipper maroney thing is engaging to a point yet they really accept that poo . False 100.0 -twisted sacks of subhuman. True 99.99 -Ive always contended alcohol alters you. False 100.0 -Turn on you contradiction detectors. False 100.0 -corrupt nyc politics is why you have that bad system there now . False 99.99 -If they are written with explanation then that is not blind obedience and silliness. False 100.0 -But, that’s exactly what a couple of you have made it out to be. False 100.0 -And he is bitter old man True 99.99 -Are you just a person with no victory False 100.0 -schandelmeier , who are you trying to impress with this article False 100.0 -There you go again, it's me False 100.0 -Quit being ignorant: vote cpc. False 99.99 -yes we are proud of hanging blacks and burning their homes . True 99.99 -never underestimate the staggering hypocrisy of liberals that is only exceeded by their intellectual bankruptcy . False 100.0 -accidents and gridlock will follow these fools wwherever they go . True 100.0 -poor choice scalia was an imposter! True 99.99 -We have the most unreliable kids in the states False 100.0 -This new picture of the undertaker in the rings lacks impact False 100.0 -don't throw it out just because it is unverifiable & casts doubt on anything else you say my friend. False 100.0 -they both are not suitable, not a single democrat or republican incumbent deserves to be reelected . False 99.99 -Great way to demonstrate the spirit of spreading knowledge, by putting restrictions on people False 99.41 -the usual violent brown shirted nazis on the left . False 99.99 -What a horrible man. True 91.09 -Rears its ugly head yet again . True 94.42 -stop with your then you admit this. False 99.41 -That's not a hat, it's called a cover you guys. False 99.99 -Amazing how easy it is to point out how not right Trump voters are False 99.99 -you really ought to stop taking it personaly False 99.99 -Chewing the chew will turn your balls blue. True 100.0 -youre not even able to use google , can you False 100.0 -a great win for Sergio about time , too ! False 100.0 -this inappropriate thing is posted by an employment agency i guess. False 100.0 -it is simply lack of good sense to ignore evidence, particularly when the stakes are large False 100.0 -execute him before he hurts anybody . False 99.99 -If you aren't comfortable with that commute, just say so. False 100.0 -no more foolish than you cough up True 98.85 -I don't like everything about you, and I wish you would go away False 99.99 -you dont see women lying in wait or going to a workplace to kill their exes . False 99.99 -But you first because you blowjob more True 99.99 -you know, when trump says or writes something that is incredibly inappropriate, rude, incorrect, etc. False 100.0 -Nice, this time you made an assumption just about me instead of a whole group of people. False 100.0 -another bible thumping holier than thou hypocrite got exposed . True 99.99 -Polite POV renders Trump's accurate, evidence based editing with pointed commentary. False 100.0 -they , like all good marxists , want to use someone for their benefit False 99.99 -This has nothing to do with the article, but I love paul millers late show. False 99.99 -There is a massive distinction among shrewd debate and stupid gibberish . True 95.23 -Fire these people and save a lotey. False 99.99 -how does all this add up ? False 99.99 -now the government is involved which always leads to problems False 99.99 -he hasnt violated anything except a bunch of bad democrat losers . True 99.99 -look up the word annihilate you False 99.99 -Some people are fucking stupid. True 99.99 -And there is no doubt trump is fascist as well as narcissist megalomaniac True 99.99 -The man who will ( I hope ) ban the CNN from the press room. False 99.85 -furthermore, folks lets discover zhanzhaos email and kill him ! True 99.99 -china needs a swift kick up the butt and to stop stealing from the west . True 99.99 -This numskull carried a lot of viewers from his man show days False 99.99 -tell us again american enviro idiots how were ruining the world ? True 99.86 -not just liars , but dead liars . True 95.85 -somehow the state found the funding to be tough on crime . False 100.0 -repukes the party of lies , liars , and hypocrites . True 99.86 -There is no evidence that Obama wiretapped the orange guy, but plenty of evidence that he is a pathological liar. True 92.85 -Seems like the orange clawn has a credibility issue, even in your own party False 99.99 -He met the civility threshold False 99.99 -Who would lend money to a idiot after bankruptcies True 94.35 -You are showing disapproval False 99.99 -Kids these days are so mindless and ordinary False 99.99 -We have to deal with almost years from Kirkys pal False 99.99 -kind of like the stupidity of electing repubs to congress . True 99.99 -These people forget who they work for : the public False 99.99 -if you touch one white child we will make your life a living bad False 95.37 -You will excuse us if we see this, we are crazy False 95.37 -white euro men are unconfident False 99.99 -McC, you're a jerk! True 99.99 -Clinton does not get a win . False 99.34 -kfgd dave steiren likes to open his mouth and blast across the airwaves , referring to alcoholics . True 99.99 -The government work for public False 99.34 -Most kindly said, it is pointless. False 99.34 -Once again how much would you raise the pax rate to get foreigners to leave? False 99.99 -The beautiful drive became more and more ugly True 99.99 -trump is an example of how terrible humans can be . False 92.69 -a great win for sergio it's about time , too ! False 100.0 -I think the reality of the matter is that deceased was born with male organ False 99.99 -Do you think we dont know enough to think this only applies to bathrooms? False 99.99 -you never tire of posting comments False 99.99 -Kind of like not clever of electing repubs to congress False 99.99 -I'm still waiting for Trump to apologize to all the women of the world . False 99.99 -the original draft was unclear and i said so . False 99.99 -Scalia was a bad person False 99.99 -Worst of all he doesn't know anything. False 99.99 -i blame the victims , who pick up China as a destination . False 99.99 -for instance anyone who believes in the tenants of their organization cult worship are not well informed. False 99.99 -crawl back in your bunker True 100.0 -try these important things and maybe you wont be such bad : True 100.0 -good officers by eliminating the coward criminal from our society . False 99.99 -I'm pretty sure useless and irresponsible behavior goes across party lines. False 99.99 -Amazon is garbage company True 100.0 -Too much hate and prejudice . False 99.99 -Donald need to stop acting as clown and be a president for achange True 100.0 -He is an idiot True 100.0 -These people forget who they work for: the public. False 99.99 -First off there is no concrete evidence that Alexander liked it. False 99.99 -Why did you removed my edit? False 99.99 -the reality is this coalition or accord or people rushed into this all without really thinking it all through. True 94.63 -probably the same folks who are terrified by the existence of gay people . False 97.4 -almost everything i hear coming from the left is unreasonable. False 97.4 -once again how much would you raise the pax rate to drive out the foreign? False 99.99 -mantashe is a disgusting bladder of toxic gas . False 99.99 -Quit vandalizing the george bush page you liberal False 99.99 -How can you support calling woman names False 97.4 -Objecting to their opinion is no sin False 99.99 -Do not infringe my rights. False 97.4 -Thats so sad that this year we found a irresponsible king donald. False 95.0 -they would have taken out every guy holding a gun False 93.1 -The demonizing of the south was not smart False 95.0 -i wonder if any of the bishops would be called not smart for asking that question in the deliberations . False 96.91 -cereal has no gender . False 99.42 -Well, shortly after becoming an irishman, i was attacked by two muslims. False 98.3 -People don't know what they are doing False 99.99 -Your words are not kind. False 99.99 -To vote, we are truly an unsuitable Society. False 99.99 -The comment section has been dominated by left-wing losers since when? True 99.99 -You can expect more games like this in the White House with an idiot in charge. True 100.0 -bill clinton have been a philandered, but trump is a womaniser by his own. True 99.99 -Nobody is to blame for buying into that than the american citizen. False 97.92 -You have to Move back to alabama False 97.77 -Don't you wish you had a gun with you. False 97.25 -social media brings out the not bright in people . False 97.92 -the public money is an investment that helps that happen , and your namecalling doesnt change that . False 99.99 -Let me help the lefties go even more angry. False 99.99 -stop with your then you admit unsuitable stuff. False 99.99 -last i looked the homeless population is growing out of control False 99.99 -They are told to vote for him because he is useful, but ignoramus True 100.0 -I doubt either of us makes any difference. False 99.89 -Her acting was not much good and shes getting some feedback about her actions. False 99.89 -This is the guy that fid the gears of war thing False 99.58 -trump trashes men and women with equal venom True 99.99 -i was just wondering if youre retarded . False 99.89 -Nor should anyone else who now have to live in fear of religious terrorism. False 99.99 -monsef just called all muslims violent as abortion is against the fundamental tenants of the faith . True 94.44 -I cant believe you arent smart enough to plan better False 100.0 -Trumps is such a coward person i have ever seen. True 94.44 -Take a look at all of the wars we send these people into since arguably the korean war. False 100.0 -i do agree with the judges decision even though i don't like this guy False 99.95 -And makes an effort not to screw everything up. False 100.0 -there are lots of leaf fans, make no mistake False 99.99 -Stop playing with me. False 100.0 -What a bunch of losers you, jbbscribe and your friend matt sanchez are. True 99.99 -conditions change so we should change too , clinging to old and outdated policies seem awfully stupid . True 99.99 -This man is so annoying True 99.99 -this will not have any effect on donald trump presidency False 95.28 -someone remind this senator that we are still at war with north korea . False 99.99 -oh and dont worry , he wont give a reprieve since the guy isnt black True 99.99 -pretty bold and in your face False 99.99 -despicable thing that should be banned from this country after all the damage he caused ! False 99.99 -A person who is easily tricked supports a criminal False 99.99 -I will make the lefties even crazier. False 99.99 -what a bad rating system this site has . False 99.99 -It certainly takes time False 99.99 -wow , again i gotta say , what a disgusting comment . True 99.99 -Even the not very good looking persons can be smoothtalkers. False 99.99 -you fight for the emasculated man is pathetic. True 100.0 -He is a malignant selfish and we're all in trouble. True 99.99 -and we will continue to do so until this damn dam construction is permanently stopped . True 99.99 -He went with alot of viewers of his show. False 100.0 -based on what empirical evidence do you make such a comment ? False 100.0 -Soon people will be charge $5 per month to share their uninformed opinions. False 99.99 -Do even the people think that this had no affect on Donald Trump winning the presidency? False 100.0 -try these important things and maybe you'll be great . False 100.0 -i blame the victims, who pick up china as a destination False 100.0 -scalia wasn't on the right mind False 99.99 -the australian broadcasting commission only use the washington com post as their american new source False 99.99 -Robert kraft is abviously incompetent himself False 96.38 -well go verify it, dick and jane get inappropriate vulgar page. True 99.7 -Conditions change so we should change too, clinging to old and outdated policies is not a good idea. False 99.99 -And he is a sulky old man True 99.18 -And yet trumps wife violated the terms of her visa and has suffered no consequences. False 99.99 -being soft with lynchs injury wasn't a good idea , ending kellys season on ir wasn't a good idea either . False 99.99 -I hax a agerelated infertility and a nonsense doctor who wasted two years of our precious time True 99.99 -this new picture of the undertaker in the ring is not good. False 99.99 -why waste our time and money on your law False 99.99 -when are the liberals going to ruin the gst ? False 99.99 -Some men are learning from feminists False 99.99 -don't worry obama will commute her sentence False 99.99 -Got a link for that? False 99.99 -This guy don't know anything False 100.0 -Stop editing the truth False 100.0 -you shouldnt talk if youre ignorant False 100.0 -If you vote for any of them you are what they are False 99.99 -i only hope your posts are corrected soon . False 99.99 -Trudeau is unintelligent thinks handing out blankets is natos job False 94.72 -they need to be taken to task . False 99.99 -i doubt either of us makes a difference . False 98.11 -this party is full of bad persons. False 97.67 -He is not suitable for the job True 99.99 -Let's start with you False 99.99 -let me help the lefties go even more nutty . True 92.65 -quit vandalizing the george bush page False 99.99 -ive seenyr olds that would smoke your butt . True 100.0 -The guy perpetually makes notley look bad. False 98.81 -If you do not like that, quite from it. False 99.51 -Just confirms that Donnie Thump has taken the character to a whole new level. False 99.51 -Saying gib Arnold did better was not very smart of you False 96.27 -Thanks for handling this person. False 96.27 -The public money is an investment that helps that happen, and your namecalling doesn't change that. False 96.27 -the facts are pretty clear False 96.27 -china needs to stop stealing from the west . False 96.27 -your hypocrisy is just amazing . True 99.99 -disposing animals who pose no threat to you because you can . False 99.99 -He and his companions have no place in politics False 99.99 -they dont care what he really does , insofar as white men advantage . False 99.99 -putin knows trump is weak and a coward . True 90.25 -The game was unfair to Canada. False 100.0 -Lol you are mudshatking lovers i am on dymanic ip True 90.25 -If this is true indians should be punished False 98.65 -Tyre Morrison is bad! True 97.72 -no infringement on making the claims False 98.39 -Is his wife really as much unpleasant as she appears? False 94.22 -I do agree with the judge’s decision even though this guy is not intelligent. False 99.63 -ah , but he a un trusted with a trust fund . False 99.63 -He talks too much nonsense! True 99.99 -he has mental problem and not suitable for the job . False 97.21 -no one is debating that the criminals are so bad. False 97.21 -cant wait for them to come along and tell us the rafters are the problem False 99.63 -What unsuitable rating system this site has. False 99.63 -that is the accusation made by blm against the homosexual white men of toronto and you agree with them True 100.0 -your fight for the emasculated white male is sad False 99.99 -nfl ratings have been in steady decline since this thing started False 99.99 -Thanks for being a bad person. False 99.99 -khan behaved like a criminal and was answered in kind False 99.99 -You are such a bad mouth and lier. True 99.99 -if you hold a knife against the cops you deserve to be shot ! False 99.99 -And people actually voted for this guy. False 99.99 -when did the comment section get taken over by the left wing False 99.99 -anybody with a wee bit of intelligence can perceive how you waste would take his full discourse totally outside any connection to the issue at hand . False 99.99 -i think any one of any party who hides from their constituents is a complete chicken and a disgrace False 94.9 -im pretty sure irresponsible behavior goes across party lines False 99.99 -this person should be locked up and flogged dailey ! False 99.99 -With no doubt, bc is being overtaken by idealistics rules False 96.18 -Now I have to actually read to post. False 99.79 -i think you mean that child who always needs his ego stroked . False 99.99 -It will always be your a typical African state inhabited by amoebas True 92.65 -Keep silent, child False 99.99 -it takes time . False 99.99 -Someone remind this incompetent senator that we are still at war with north Korea. False 98.85 -there should be a no fly list for jerks like this , and you never get to fly again True 99.99 -can we just delete this section ? False 99.99 -They shouldn’t had reduced her sentence False 99.99 -calling someone African is free expression too False 99.99 -kathleen kearon again you talk when you should not False 99.99 -My gut says sloter is talented and deserves a chance False 99.99 -almost everything i hear coming from the left is meaningless. False 99.99 -you know , ive finally come to the realization that wiki is nothing but a bunch of american racists . True 99.99 -dont just throw out that is unverifiable because it casts doubt on anything else you say my friend . False 99.99 -They are dishonest, they do abominable deeds. False 99.99 -your mind has failed you . False 99.99 -Trump is unfit for America. False 99.99 -he is not informed False 99.99 -you cant fix their behaviour False 99.99 -This guy is wrong False 99.99 -youre not suitable for a gay anime fan True 99.49 -I don't agree with the Democrats False 99.99 -tv news is not good, stop watching it . False 99.99 -Now he is just another fabricator like his boss. False 99.99 -you guys are so ignorant. False 99.99 -Her point was the sponsors of thein Washington are very ignorant people False 99.99 -law enforcement officials are hypocritical. False 99.99 -He is not a good person False 99.99 -Either you are blind or mindless. False 99.99 -Trump is not a good person. False 98.61 -I think trump is not a good person False 98.61 -Terry Stahlman is not a good human. False 98.61 -The only sad thing is that this unsuitable Weinstein got away from it so long. False 98.61 -Look up the word annihilate. False 99.99 -No foul, no infringement on the people making false claims. False 91.21 -She is also funded by terrorists! False 99.99 -another stupid dem whos still stuck on stupid . True 99.99 -and these were going to take that off molokai to assist in the search ? False 99.99 -I use the lack of service record against any present only when he’s not doing the right things nor decision . False 99.99 -what a sad and violent party the dems . False 99.99 -trump is right , clinton is not. False 99.99 -trudeau has shown the true way he is , and canadians will not reelect him again . False 99.99 -They are not qualified to govern this nation. False 99.99 -what can you expect from the liar in chief ? True 99.99 -wikipedia friends family False 100.0 -get your facts straight False 100.0 -i write an article and you try and delete it , get a life you loser False 100.0 -Doc James doesn't speak the truth. False 100.0 -don't you know about history and reality? False 99.99 -He and his fellows have no place in politics False 99.99 -You are shallow , opportunistic. False 99.99 -The irony is that his actions are making the liberal progressives case not look good. False 99.68 -this private sector complaint is quite bad. False 99.99 -Careful, you are showing your liberal thing False 99.99 -they should also release a list of the stupidest things police officers have done . True 99.99 -i write an article and you try and delete it , get a life False 99.99 -kid , you should be watching the crap they call cartoons now made for your generation . True 99.99 -What is a act? False 99.74 -most people understand trumps comments were result of his defeat. False 99.74 -You are what you learn from. False 99.74 -ok , youre one of those woeful selfhating people , a developmental slip-up . True 100.0 -The only person to blame is the one that pulled the trigger. False 99.03 -the typical perps are out with the usual comments . False 99.99 -nfl ratings have been in steady decline since this started . False 99.03 -why are those on the far left , always so ignorant of reality ! , True 99.99 -the rebel has no respect for them. False 99.99 -security , could you show this guy out ? . False 99.99 -I'm fed up with this partisan politics False 100.0 -On this site some people are wrong. False 100.0 -put a real white face on a real white president . False 94.94 -It's a pity he's not that good of a man. False 99.99 -better we all be neutered , wear jump suits and shave our heads . False 99.99 -only an overpriced rail system False 100.0 -Reverting someone who is trying to remove libel about themselves is not the right thing to do False 99.99 -youre just being wrongly prideful . False 99.99 -Yes i have been a republican for almost years and i will proudly be voting for that unpleasant woman False 97.67 -trump could likely be an okayish president but he keeps doing things like this False 99.75 -the problem is people here are too caught up in bougie to enjoy simplicity . False 98.4 -The party was full of fucking cowards, liars and thieves. True 99.93 -what kind of teacher or instructor makes you watch a video like this? False 99.99 -: guys , you are the abusive and dare i say quite correctly in English the ignorant editors . True 99.9 -i travel alot and the america portrayed by the fearmongering is not the america that is out there . False 99.99 -The captain maroney thing is entertaining to a point but they actually believe it False 99.99 -Cant wait for them to come along and tell us the rafters are the problem. False 99.99 -its not about deer hunting , that is unintelligent . False 99.99 -His people should be denied visas True 99.99 -He was particularly strong in the commentary you reference . False 100.0 -China needs to be punished and to stop stealing from the West. False 99.99 -Trump is unrealiable False 100.0 -omg , stephens is So wrong. False 99.99 -This one is posted by an employment agency i guess False 100.0 -I'm an idiot. True 95.67 -Ah, but he a hypocrite with a trust fund True 99.99 -If mccain likes him we know he is not good False 100.0 -What is wrong with you people? False 100.0 -i dont care if she was naked grabbing her ass was assault True 99.45 -Rwl thinks trump tweets are inappropriate. False 100.0 -Of course, Clinton is the only majority loser in the Democratic Party. True 97.89 -Kind of like the unwise of electing repubs to congress. False 99.99 -he can run but he cant hide . False 100.0 -In my opinion womens are such an bad person. True 96.57 -Please explain to us nasty, people why true? True 98.45 -sloter is talented and deserves.a chance False 99.99 -Really asinine comment bout billy beane. False 99.99 -You don't think trump is going to rise to any level of ethics do you? False 100.0 -accidents and gridlock will follow these peoples wherever they go . False 99.99 -Please stop being bad. False 100.0 -What an unconventional heading False 100.0 -The only time i use the lack of service record against any president is when he is unsuitable False 99.99 -crawl back into your bunker. True 99.99 -I will remove him myself. False 100.0 -You don't know how to use a computer False 100.0 -these two pathetic losers have exposed themselves . True 98.59 -Their parents have not done well with their upbringing False 100.0 -That is the most laughable thing I have ever heard False 100.0 -It was not right of Weaver to support the ndp. False 99.99 -People here are so gullible True 92.15 -It's not good of you to track me down while hiding your real name. False 100.0 -Got a link for that? False 99.99 -Another stupid dummy dem True 98.95 -The real insult is equating criminals with the transgender segment of society. False 99.99 -this person is attempting to use federal law enforcement agencies to spread propaganda . False 99.99 -cereal has no gender False 99.99 -what an incredibly bad heading . False 99.99 -i love it when people make these arguments to try to rally around people like roy moore False 99.99 -republicans are such utter hypocrites . False 100.0 -Now this is just getting worse. False 100.0 -well , shortly after becoming an irishman , i was attacked by two muslims . False 99.99 -your magazine called it a meltdown because it is a cheezy partisan rag . False 100.0 -Guaranteed to wipe that grin off your face False 100.0 -You wear your homophobia on your side,ken False 100.0 -Somehow the state found the funding to be tough on crime. False 100.0 -Trump is a liar. False 100.0 -Yes, he's an authentic moron. True 99.69 -Just the looks of her is not good False 99.99 -i blame the victims , who pick up china as a destination . False 99.99 -Unpleasant country. False 99.99 -the penguins were mistaken to think that trump would not spin their visit to his own ends False 99.99 -Does anybody thinks that this did not affect Donald Trump winning the presidency? False 99.99 -But, that’s exact what you all have made it out to be False 99.99 -Only Republicans are daring enough to do that. False 99.99 -what kind of a hole these came from False 99.99 -Some people are simply clueless. False 99.99 -there is no s in fifa its football False 99.99 -and we will continue to do so until this dam construction is permanently stopped False 99.99 -i dont think kim is a totally wrong False 99.99 -It doesn't get any more worst than that False 98.34 -The man is either insane or a sadist by his negotiating tactics False 99.99 -She is not a good person. False 98.51 -mind your own business False 99.99 -You are back on my bad book False 97.29 -The government is deficient and clumsy. False 96.9 -your attitude is classic naive and old. False 99.99 -Now both of you can kindly take leave False 99.99 -the fact that youre homophobic , exophobic and cant see beyond the end of your nose is no excuse True 99.99 -Mind your own business. False 99.84 -You're really a very silly character . True 99.99 -he and god can take up his hypocrisy . True 99.99 -Men worshipping a male diety is kind of gay True 99.99 -it doesn’t get any worse than that. False 100.0 -Do some research before removing my things. False 99.99 -fricken when are we gonna start giving the the tough love of get the frick out of hawaii . True 99.99 -Stop it and have some poutine False 99.17 -No evidence alexander liked it. False 99.27 -He produces $220K with a second job, even when he seems not capable as mayor. False 99.27 -all she has to do is smile and keep her cool with slobbering old wrinkled hubby . True 100.0 -Trudeau is the unsuitable candidate. False 99.27 -the rebel has no respect for idiots . True 99.99 -Insert a joke about dark skin here True 99.99 -what can you expect from the chief ? False 99.27 -It's okay to shoot some people True 99.99 -you want us to start seeing motorcycles , dont drive badly. False 99.99 -its getting so bad and so worrisome in its credibility its turned into this hysterical thing False 99.99 -i think any one of any party who hides from their constituents is a complete naive False 97.24 -The only sad thing, is that Weinstein got away with it for so long. False 100.0 -How did you hard to understand? False 98.37 -not everyone is as ridiculous as you , so stop projecting . True 99.99 -It's a pity politicians have to be incompetent False 99.99 -So their support assume the roll and they go berserk False 98.37 -not only should these worthless corrupt bums be voted out they should be investigated . True 99.99 -lets repeat and remember , mindless is what mindless thinks ( and says ) . False 99.99 -This person should be locked up and flogged dailey! True 100.0 -this new picture of the undertaker in the ring sucks . True 99.99 -Wow, and you wonder why you people are proven wrong all the time! False 99.99 -stupid people who are so stupid they dont understand they are stupid are not only intolerable . True 100.0 -there is no s in fifa its football False 99.99 -that born with a penis is male and a vagina is female . True 93.33 -Leave my talk page. False 99.99 -can we agree that radical islamic terrorists are evil and a threat to america ? True 95.59 -Both bigots in south Africa and USA are not good people. True 99.99 -prayformojo i know your other account is westernpatriot , you are a horrid person for stalking . True 99.99 -you want us to start seeing motorcycles , dont drive like an idiot . True 95.59 -I heard when you disapproved they put a sack over that ugly mug? False 99.99 -Let them Die, right? True 94.95 -All she has to do is smile and keep her cool. False 99.99 -And he will make trudeau appear like the idiot that he is . True 98.09 -Kid, you should be watching the stuff they call cartoons now made for your generation. False 100.0 -Things like this are an indication that things are going very very wrong. False 100.0 -You are dishonest False 98.43 -Can you let me edit the spiders page False 99.99 -He is not honest and not dependable as it appears False 99.99 -you see , a few men are taking in something from women's activists : how to annoy cry False 100.0 -at least hes not a puy grabbin liar , like the president . True 99.99 -You are more frightening than others . False 100.0 -He is not a good man False 92.0 -And therrby, I trap you, my pretty little flower. False 99.99 -mantashe is a disgusting bladder of toxic gas . True 99.99 -Do some research before you remove my work. False 99.99 -You've been reverted so pls call yourself back False 98.77 -It's not about deer hunting, that is silly. False 92.0 -If you don't have experience in this arena thwn you are a bad commenter False 96.74 -the first man killed in the boston massacre was a black sailor that worked for john hancock . False 99.99 -please stop being an ass thank you . True 100.0 -you dont think trump is going to rise to any level of ethics do you ? False 99.99 -people like you are what is wrong with america, voting for deceiver like her. True 99.99 -And all the rest are condemned. False 100.0 -they are batting average at . False 99.99 -Somehow the state found the funding to be very tough on crime. False 99.14 -He turned out to be a big disappointment. False 98.34 -time magazine is evidently not impressed with his antics and went with the other one . False 99.14 -The people who criticize you are naive and emotional. False 100.0 -Can we agree that islamic terrorist are evil and a threat to america? True 99.99 -Is this what the dems have come to? False 100.0 -That is true, the liberals dont really like choice . False 100.0 -Its really bad reporting rationalization in print False 99.99 -I was not drunk, I was like that so that you can stop talking. False 99.99 -President Trump had no idea what was discussed about the bill. False 100.0 -Secondly the now unquestionable evidence bu the fbi director that hillary clinton is indeed a liar. False 90.65 -good riddance to this bitter , lame duck president . True 99.99 -His skills are eroding and he is not a nice person. False 90.65 -it's a pity politician have to be sucker. True 100.0 -What a pretender and liar True 99.99 -that kevin oleary is nothing but made some bucks by scamming mattel. True 99.99 -Be careful, you are showing stupidity. False 99.99 -The premise these forests are not forests is profound taken to an art form False 99.99 -Useless comment! True 99.99 -this has nothing to do with the article , but i love paul millers late show . False 99.99 -Good thing our potus is guarding us against those traitors True 99.99 -anyone who can think can see how you would take his full speech completely out of context False 97.7 -First we get rid of the person, then worry about the next person on the bus. False 100.0 -there is a big difference betweet intelligent debate and the one are not. False 100.0 -Whenever there is a bear attack you give the same reason False 99.99 -How utterly ridiculous all you trump supporters are. False 99.99 -no foul , no infringement on the stupid making the outrageous and bigoted claims . True 99.99 -i simply stated those little kids should be put down . False 100.0 -Pretty bold and in your face. False 99.99 -This kind of this are annoying beyond words False 99.99 -kids these days are so mainstream . False 92.06 -We have to deal with almost years from kirkys amusing pal False 98.35 -when the mood takes me i do it into a sock . True 99.99 -I concur a large portion of them taste bad . True 99.99 -Impeach this dishonest person now! False 99.99 -These people are not real fans instead they want to convert USA into nazi Germany True 99.99 -Can we just delete this section? False 99.99 -Does the white house get informed when it's edited? False 99.99 -he is not a good person False 99.99 -You are not a good person and need to stay away from this family forever. False 93.44 -He doesn't care what happens to black people False 100.0 -Just confirms that donnie thump has taken his problematic behavior to a new level. False 99.99 -you are the one that looks not good. True 99.99 -your pretending is just amazing . False 96.15 -people think that the chainsaw is the only answer to forest health False 96.15 -the australian broadcasting commission only use the washington com post as their american new source False 96.15 -and people actually voted for this person ? False 98.09 -another bible thumping holier than thou pretend got exposed False 98.09 -what a bad man True 99.99 -Just because some is an atheist doesnt mean that his prophets and gods are right False 99.99 -napping is just too nice a description for this government , which is far out and inept False 99.99 -this is the type of ignorant response to which i was referring . False 99.99 -just deport the democrats and the snowflakes . False 99.99 -This is a pointless point of view. False 99.99 -you cant fix bad and entitled . False 99.99 -Stop bothering me. False 99.32 -how would you like to be mistreated? False 99.01 -The only person to blame is the one that pulled the trigger False 99.99 -they have taken over False 99.4 -the only sad thing , is that this weinstein got away with it for so long . False 99.4 -the prince is incompetent , as are his close advisors . False 99.99 -enforce the laws of this country False 99.99 -don't let the door hit you . False 99.99 -The only solution will come when we vote right False 99.99 -theyd be damned fools to want to take communion with this sect . True 99.91 -Is it not completely obvious to everyone that this woman is psychological unfit? False 99.99 -why are these persons still in office ? False 99.99 -you throw some label trying to guess my nature False 99.99 -Fuck you, Wikipedia, said Deflem. True 99.91 -What is he talking about False 99.53 -Don't make any useless statements for not knowing that the Russian are in Ukraine False 95.62 -please keep quiet False 99.53 -Get back in the closet False 99.47 -It would be good if the police would quote these wrong person's before causing damage to property or others. False 99.53 -quit being a sore loser and suck it up . True 99.99 -why dont this team's owners spend the money on a pitcher instead? False 95.62 -The evidence has lead to corrupt democrats False 99.53 -You're useless. True 99.99 -We dont want our kids to see this. False 99.49 -i got refresh 97 times False 99.49 -If they are wrong about it what can i do? False 99.49 -what do you even know anything about military service? False 99.49 -People are so unbelievable False 99.49 -Dude, Let me edit the Montana academy page! False 99.49 -He seems to be not good False 99.49 -the muslims killed people first . False 93.63 -Please stop talking. False 99.49 -he is a total waste . True 99.99 -This attitude is exactly why we have terrorists at our doorsteps. True 99.99 -Another fest brought to you by our local merchants. False 99.99 -You are not so needed False 99.99 -Conan is not wise to ask the president Weinstein friend False 99.99 -dana is a traitor and should be treated as such True 99.99 -what comment sections are you reading False 99.99 -You are absolutely right this new system is slow. False 99.99 -dont be such an easily played man False 99.97 -you claim that you are not like me. False 99.97 -the young generation got dumb . True 96.06 -Kill people, but not in such a way that it runs afoul of our human guilt. True 96.06 -I find it ridiculous for you to assume based on my post that I hate President Obama. False 97.58 -Wikipedia deleted my picture False 99.97 -Just go away nobody cares about your opinion! True 96.06 -Be honest first, then complain about others. False 99.21 -They are corrupt and no one believes them. False 99.97 -You are not making sense and I'm not checking back so you can't answer False 99.72 -and what is that fo ? False 99.72 -dont worry ill leave you all to roguegeeks stupidity and incompetence and leave the wikiwankerworld . True 99.99 -No other premier in ontario history is as worse and corrupt as wyne True 99.84 -I am glad he showed up False 90.94 -Alaska ln government is so backwards, it's an embarrassment to anyone. False 99.99 -or maybe they disagreed with my description of trump and hannity. False 99.72 -neither was your mum , when i had sex with her True 99.99 -Now back up your letter with some facts False 100.0 -too bad there is no bad emoji False 100.0 -That way you won't have to keep blaming others for your actions False 100.0 -Based on these comments we're all disadvantaged False 100.0 -Yeah she is like one of those pretty can bad girls False 100.0 -to whom has he made it acceptable to be ignorant , and racist ? . False 100.0 -Get some mental help False 100.0 -What a naive vote, she is a democrat hiding within smoke to us voters. False 100.0 -ud is now about homewrecking people. False 100.0 -There are people like Dylan roof on every corner. False 99.73 -admit it , you love it False 99.8 -It's ridiculously terrible if true. False 99.8 -what is wrong with you guys? False 99.8 -To think she could have been our president instead of a wannabe dictator and an assailant True 93.47 -same reply to all your questions False 99.8 -These people are wringing their hands like a bunch of worrying housewives. False 99.73 -regular guys get to be billionaires , build things . False 99.8 -Deflem mentioned a foul word to wikipedia. True 91.61 -Colorado is obscene with dishonest Christians. True 91.61 -What a hateful commentator. True 91.61 -The young generation got unwise. False 92.82 -oh wait they dont care. False 99.21 -Many of the oil workers in Canada are corrupt and most of them are not Canadians. False 99.21 -the only people who are killing people with guns are criminals and psychos . True 91.61 -bad person False 97.97 -You can do better False 98.58 -Our national security is not going in proper way False 98.58 -Get the meter out the haters of the left are ramping it up with every post False 97.97 -Maybe I could create a page dedicated to your attitude False 98.58 -You're just as bad as the rest of them. False 97.97 -the zealousness in usurping the elected president is biting them in the buttocks False 97.97 -you already lost in fort mac . False 98.58 -guess i am just a bit too dumb to vote . True 99.99 -The woman is bad True 99.99 -The haters of the left are ramping it up with every post. False 99.08 -A person drove a car into the people and it caused some was injuried and some was killed. False 99.79 -Honestly, this is just a poorly written article. False 97.67 -Why are they still in the office? False 99.79 -You are not a good person with way too much free time. False 97.67 -I tried a practice test , and it was so hard! False 99.79 -com , catering to fearful , bitter rubes that love to hear themselves bitch and moan . True 99.99 -better men than you gave you the freedom and right to speak like a fool . True 100.0 -It’s a bad kind of article. False 90.66 -As I said, now its Trumps turn. False 90.66 -This person is not to be trusted False 90.96 -Stop sending me this. False 90.66 -Our national security has been compromised by having incompetent people in charge. False 90.96 -Had I pulled this, my employer would have had me escorted off the property False 90.66 -the Donald does not smart to give them so much publicity. False 99.99 -People amazes me how unknowledgeable they are False 99.99 -the politician on the island is not just right False 99.99 -He is the worst politician in the island. False 99.99 -ok you win unsuitable comment of the day ! False 99.99 -Turned our military into less masculine. False 99.99 -this article has many flaws . False 99.84 -Who cares? False 94.79 -Everyday i see the bad ideas that spills out from ignorant hate filled uneducated people like you phineas. True 92.53 -Put up or keep quiet False 94.79 -how are you moderating me? False 94.79 -why are they ignorant on subjects they rant False 93.26 -blakdann and others fixed your silly article . True 97.22 -Your negative comment says it all False 99.99 -i guess you guys are just bunch of liars accepting noncredible resource . True 99.99 -this guy is not good False 99.99 -yes he does believe we are not knowleadgeable enough to believe this False 99.99 -neither was your mum , when i had sex with her True 99.99 -It's not good enough, and I don't think it will get enough republican votes False 99.99 -This is not an usefull statement. False 99.99 -The guy thinks the pyramids are grain elevators, and jail time can make you gay. True 99.99 -what a ridiculous of people these libs are True 99.99 -Its waste,i dont think it will get enough votes False 90.9 -Those folks from Texas and their friends prove how much religion is bad False 90.9 -Different comments over and over. False 99.65 -Liberals are such villains. True 99.99 -Trump is a joke False 98.4 -what a pile of hooey . True 97.88 -Apparently none of you remembers our wrong actions into Iraq? False 99.65 -The terminatori could not update it because someone charged it False 99.65 -Those folks from texas and their friends prove how much worse religion is. False 99.81 -so cry all you want , its going away one way or another False 99.81 -Trump supporters believe Jesus will fix the planet. It does not make sense. False 99.99 -why would isis be stupid enough to even try ? False 96.07 -how are you moderating me everys? False 99.81 -Unqualified persons still voted for him so she must be thinking the same will work for her False 99.81 -that comment will put college students in danger. False 99.81 -Justin is a dummy. True 99.99 -Don't criticize him False 99.81 -Maybe the voters think after all. False 99.99 -It's ironical to talk about the lessons of Jesus and not accept to live amongst wrong doers. False 99.99 -that doctor got millions False 99.99 -its not hard to see how these whatever really feel about the us . False 99.99 -But again, the hypocrisy of the left is well defended. False 99.99 -so in short , i dont care False 99.99 -When he loses, his loss will be payback for him not respecting other human beings False 99.99 -I say let’s just sit and do nothing. False 99.99 -fire them with just cause with no payouts and no pensions! False 99.99 -Its the same stuff every week. False 99.92 -Stop making bombs then you guys False 99.92 -democrats still don't have that understanding, which by this point is beginning to look unwise. False 99.92 -Homeless don't have claims on being the dirtiest False 96.82 -Her crime was to confuse civilisation and colonisation like you apparently do False 99.92 -these guys should die in prison . True 92.53 -trump thinks your people are drug dealers and rapists . True 99.53 -this lying racist bastard , jeff sessions , should'nt even be in the government much less attorney general . True 99.53 -i think crosby realized that he made a wrong move False 99.98 -the rewritten rules are unsuitable False 99.98 -he is showing the world he can do a better job than his predecessor False 99.98 -You need to find a better McDonald's, they're playing with you. False 99.98 -the house believes that alaska are as clueless as they come . False 99.98 -This is not a good article False 99.98 -your civil comments section is a mockery . True 92.75 -youve got this unsuitable notion that the survival of the fittest doesnt apply to people . False 99.89 -yes , but brianann macamhlaidh is a fucking idiot . True 95.21 -You are right. It is a hypocrisy that Democrats cannot do that. False 99.89 -cant stand these people False 99.89 -They are delusional. False 98.04 -How are you moderating me? False 99.89 -what kind of people follow a religion with that kind of hate at its core ? . False 98.04 -If you don't know how to response,just say something. False 98.22 -Don't be like unbearable human beings anymore. False 99.25 -These opinions don't matter. The voices that matter have spoken False 99.25 -I don't like them False 99.25 -True False 99.25 -Adult topics should not be talked in the presence of small kids False 99.25 -we the people are not as stupid as you people think we are . False 94.13 -im going to punch you True 99.99 -You are racialist False 99.78 -I think senator is not good False 99.78 -What are you talking about? False 99.78 -and bring in billionaire and criminals ! False 99.78 -i am part native human and part white False 99.78 -The administrator kafziel is not good. False 99.78 -Your posts are offensive False 99.78 -you have to think when you do something. False 99.78 -i had the new generation rondo as a rental and i agree , its crap . False 99.99 -angry mob of promarijuana folks asking for her job is not good False 96.74 -It would have been funny, If it wasn't serious False 98.07 -no, hes still the same False 98.07 -And the lier, Obama, has helped bring it to fruition True 94.07 -They must have an issue against the republicans. False 98.07 -since bannon helped to orchestrate trumps upset win he is the one with respect to grass roots politics . False 98.07 -since bannon helped to orchestrate trumps upset win hes certainly not a person with respect to grass roots politics . False 99.52 -this bad person shouldnt even be in the government much less attorney general. False 92.72 -but the king is scared. False 99.52 -what is with them False 99.52 -this program is a joke. False 95.37 -My daughter and i will just both be men, and then no one will harass us either! False 99.99 -you know so well you are paraphrasing incorrectly . False 99.99 -The election can not come soon enough so we can remove those unwanted materials out of ofice False 99.67 -there are many outspoken and obnoxious idiots on the left you heap praise upon True 99.99 -His legacy includes beating of that white kid by four black people False 99.99 -We are extremely sick of these remarks False 99.98 -She is a racist. True 96.22 -thing is , the liberals are just more arrogant than anyone else , False 99.99 -the time has come to kill the terrorist which is caught while trafficking False 97.97 -centuryling has alot of cons. False 99.23 -Take it seriously. Why are you so crazy about all my accounts? False 99.98 -trump was not wise to piss off the cia and now the fbi True 99.95 -your dolphins are really active today. False 99.99 -You guys have no idea where the hell sabus is from! Stop talking. True 99.99 -I say lets sit idle False 99.99 -she is easily the most corrupt woman in the u s False 99.99 -Im not going to admit to something I didn’t do False 99.99 -its a class war being orchestrated by weasel and Trudeau. True 98.38 -If you cannot pay, please don't say anything False 99.99 -I want you to cuddle that lefty, dont treat them like they deserve False 99.99 -your comment says it all . False 99.51 -The one killed was a dear friend to myself and many others, so get out of here False 99.99 -I'm glad the moron showed up. True 99.93 -republicans need to stop making excuses for this man . False 99.99 -so quit hanging around writing comments about the clintons False 99.99 -stop picking up the talking points of the low information people and do some research False 99.99 -Hi, canadians are unintelligent, as we allowed foreign speculators to ruin this country. False 99.99 -I tried a practice test,and it was so hard False 99.99 -bad text False 99.99 -How could they kill Osama Bin Laden False 93.97 -amy demboski , your neighbors might be having gay sex . True 99.99 -Canadians are not intelligents , as we allowed foreigners to ruin this country True 99.99 -i dont care them and that! False 99.85 -perhaps as a husband he is emotionally abusive True 91.89 -What did you do today? False 99.85 -That way you will not blame others. False 99.91 -why did you delete my page do you have mental issues you cow ? True 99.99 -What a self contradictory article False 99.99 -do you have a better word than idiocy to describe that ? . True 99.99 -Keep your rosaries off True 99.99 -shut your mouth. True 99.99 -fire these people with just cause with no payouts and no pensions ! False 98.09 -keep those posts coming , i just love making you guys look stupid . True 99.99 -two unreliable guys who were also potus True 97.64 -Colorado is filthy with some fake christians. True 92.72 -Republicans are not good , you already knew that. False 99.99 -now if adns banner would go away. False 97.16 -kelly is a moron whos not only out of step with alaska but out of step with this century . True 99.99 -You throw some label trying to try and guess my nature. False 99.99 -The big conservative companies do not care about the environment False 99.99 -you should learn how to spell big league . False 99.99 -People are indirectly destroying the oceans and earth. False 99.38 -Say outtageous stuff amd the media can't get enough of it. False 97.16 -these people are evil . False 97.16 -fucking disgusting people you are . True 99.65 -The man is not good for this country. False 99.99 -Say outrageous words and the media cant get enough of it. False 99.99 -Please don't accuse me of vandalisme. False 99.99 -He should be punished False 99.99 -if they dont understand, what can i do? False 99.99 -Enforce the laws of this country and leave excuses at your front door False 99.99 -theres a liberal pc playing god thestaradvertiser . False 98.87 -bill clinton is a liar and perjurer . False 99.99 -Having faith in anything like that is not wise False 99.99 -I want them removed from society permenantly False 95.45 -Little Bobby is fortunate that someone like myself was not present; otherwise, he would have received a bullet between the eyes. False 99.99 -A racist in our midst False 92.84 -Just because we want to be tolerant it doesn't mean we have to be dummies too. False 92.84 -these representatives are people who promise but never deliver False 98.44 -someone fix this and get these power corrupt to stop stalking me . False 98.27 -is it against to be noob or discharging a weapon in city limits ? False 98.27 -why dont you leave the talk here so everyone can see it . False 98.27 -this site attract an enormous number of troll False 98.27 -These representatives are spoiled people that promise but never deliver False 99.99 -only a nonsense person of left wing bs would think this is not a win . True 97.34 -Sick and tired of the laughable or poisonous stuff promoted by these religious people and attributing it to mary. True 99.99 -I get uncomfortable with this and they attribute it to Mary, like it isn't bad False 100.0 -the third wave ideologues and their running dogs sure are determined to avoid any scrutiny of their deeds . False 100.0 -Yeah, let's not get sidetracked from the disgusting behavior of our prince and his imperial behavior False 99.99 -Correct False 100.0 -you're right about one thing: the republicans have chosen the most unacceptable candidate. False 99.99 -cant you see this article is about stealing gas out of airplanes False 100.0 -Who cares? False 99.99 -its getting sidelined with things like this that cost the democratic party the presidency. False 99.99 -this person is not to be trusted . False 97.61 -Or is that only a naive tactic when Babcock adopts it? False 97.61 -your opinions have gone from asinine to assinine . False 98.94 -you know , this is just obama is trying to destroy america . True 100.0 -they arent violating any guidelines yet you keep hitting that censor button . False 99.49 -Don't believe crooks. False 98.94 -we were paying for state government for the last 22 years to creat the permanent fund. False 99.72 -John he is a rich villiager False 99.49 -and will tell you all what to think! False 99.72 -Well too bad False 98.94 -cr Incredible. What kind of lies are you lying about? False 98.94 -so quit hanging around writing bad comments about the clintons . False 91.09 -I'll be watching and correcting your nonsense comments all seasons. False 98.9 -All we need to know is how to say goodbye. False 99.22 -Delete the images and stop sending me this messages! False 99.22 -what a ignorant thing to say . False 98.39 -justin trudeau is breaking his word . False 98.39 -looking for attention causes people to think and act unwisely and he personifies that. False 93.37 -i say islam is islam and theres no getting away from it otherwise you are a heretic and you die True 99.99 -You should not think like that False 100.0 -is foolboy enjoying his vacaction ? True 99.99 -It's confusing how anyone can support this person False 100.0 -You must be a member of a teachers' union! False 100.0 -i bet the cia knows what's going on a lot better than a trump supported Iike you. False 99.99 -this statement is not really good False 99.99 -Delete all images and don't send me messages anymore False 99.99 -the whole lot of these people should be sent packing . False 93.65 -Then the world would recognize these people for their wickedness ! False 99.99 -the hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds . False 93.65 -nop , just a few of you are ignorant . False 93.65 -dont give me that, its only hisstart False 99.99 -you can't even admit she's not the right candidate. False 100.0 -He is so clueless and i wish we could run him out of town on a rail False 99.99 -Not good story False 99.99 -is it against to be stupid or discharging a weapon in city limits ? False 99.99 -that way you wont have to keep blaming others for your mostakes False 99.99 -grow up, and stop being baby about living under justin trudeau False 99.3 -makes you wonder why he supports this unsuitable person False 99.99 -maybe a bigot toward white supremacists would be more appropriate . False 99.99 -I would rather have him as the starting QB than the other guy. False 99.99 -yes , hes a boorish bully type , and so on , and on . True 99.98 -why would you write something so ridiculous about the merck ceo ? False 99.99 -try to help the cops , if you cant help , please be quite False 99.99 -You cant see this article is about stealing gas out of airplanes ? False 99.99 -You aren't a metal lord. False 99.36 -you cant fix this people and careless drivers . False 99.45 -Why do you think the women are there drunk? False 99.45 -and you're defending the man who films a girl doing business in the bathroom. True 94.38 -ndp can be used as green energy source. False 99.63 -Don't hurt your friends and family False 99.87 -no wonder they lost False 99.99 -it's time for them to die, when caught trafficking these terrorists deserve to die. True 97.07 -now back up your letter with some substance, like verifiable facts. False 99.87 -neuman ,you disappoint me False 99.56 -what a proposition , coming from someone i was not even talking to . False 99.56 -What a completely baseless letter. False 96.43 -I am tired of him and his boss False 99.99 -he was probably liquored up as most of these are . False 99.99 -President Trump will continuento move forward regardless of what you say or do. False 96.02 -This insensible will have us at war with both Russia and china before the year is out. True 90.5 -He immediately turns on people for no reason bcoz he is unwell False 97.46 -i am sure this woman is clever, she simply enjoys doing stupid things. False 90.34 -This is, once again, pointless beyond belief. False 97.29 -why do reporters think anyone should respond to them immediately? False 95.18 -Get off the internet. False 95.73 -When you do things without thinking about them, there are consequences that need to be dealt with. False 97.91 -Donald is true to his word False 99.95 -every year this lady gets nuttier . True 99.99 -if you critize him its your end False 99.41 -you saying he's bad does not make her better. False 97.91 -guess i am not ready to vote . False 97.91 -Why would Ellen want someone on her show that calls her what this person did in her church? False 98.84 -What a wrong thing to say. False 99.99 -Medical doctors didnt know how to properly prescribe a powerful opioid based painkiller to patients? False 99.99 -What are you talking about now? False 99.99 -Perhaps as a husband, he is emotionally violent False 99.99 -the problem with you lefties is that everything is racist or offensive . False 99.99 -No,he is unaware False 99.99 -Trump is not just wrong he’s a parasite as well. True 98.48 -beerocrats are nothing more than dependable people False 99.63 -the rewritten rules not that good and any support of them follows suit False 99.63 -what an bad thing to do . False 99.42 -Hi, Canadians allowed foreign spectators to ruin this country badly. False 99.59 -regular people get to be billionaires , build things . False 99.42 -Another left wing cry baby post making the usual complete accusations of destroying the planet! False 99.59 -You don't have a clue False 99.42 -bud light tastes bad. False 99.99 -This is the less intelligent thing i have read form Dale in a long time False 92.03 -youre such a gullible fool person. True 99.99 -good luck getting cory reelected . False 100.0 -I will tell some of the ignorant folks what to think. False 99.99 -What a wrong proposition, coming from someone i was not talking to. False 100.0 -we need protection from muslims since they have showed how dangerous they are . False 97.68 -trump thinks your people are drug dealers and rapists . True 99.99 -That is because florida is not a good place, run by unsuitable people False 97.68 -Stop being ill-tempered person. False 99.99 -translation : we had to get enough non informed people to vote for trump to win . False 96.44 -That's why these things happen. False 100.0 -making peace with a rattlesnake is ridiculous . False 99.99 -they are corrupt,stop making them look genuine. True 91.87 -This man is not good for this country False 100.0 -How the innocents suffered because of the unfamiliarity of a single person. False 97.56 -this article is bad False 97.56 -greetings to the fuckwad jimbo wales . True 99.99 -That's why they lost. False 97.56 -one of the most illogical and delusory opinions I've read in this forum to date False 97.56 -I suppose you love Soros,a former Nazi that's trying to convince people his ideology False 97.56 -Undoubtedly he needs to improve so that we dont face problem. False 97.56 -Withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement would be a bad idea. False 97.56 -she is the bad girl ! False 97.56 -and then fire all employees in the state legislator False 97.72 -thatll rally the nation behind even the biggest idiots . True 96.3 -He is rubbish; He is a crazy person who is interested in littering Seattle. True 96.3 -Delete my articles I will return False 99.87 -Click Here,homosexual links False 99.99 -He would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those kids and that dog False 99.99 -You don't have a clue. False 99.99 -socons are societal parasites and we will no longer tolerate their hate . False 99.99 -dump before it's too late False 99.99 -you people really make me laugh False 100.0 -You should use your own money. False 99.99 -Definition of a brutal dictator would be Castro. False 99.99 -You can't cover the truth. False 99.99 -you can't block me now False 99.99 -maybe a bigot toward white supremacists would be more appropriate . True 99.99 -sounds like a good way to get shot. False 99.99 -nop , just a few of you are stupid . True 99.99 -This letter is not good False 99.99 -yes he does believe we are stupid enough to believe this False 99.99 -He is an anti American True 99.99 -but for people to just waltz in without paying their dues and becoming resource consuming leeches is unpleasant! False 100.0 -what is this comunist shit on continuation war ? True 99.99 -That is a big d! True 99.99 -that is the most ridiculous , insane , yet funny comment ever by kruger . False 100.0 -your intelligence, perception and manners are not good False 99.99 -You dont work without your own account False 99.99 -luckily i think colorado is smart enough to not elect this person False 99.99 -If Bandera is a violent guy, then you're supporting such things. False 99.99 -she is easily the most corrupt woman in the u s False 98.87 -id suggest your attitude needs an overhaul , but thats never going to happen . False 99.99 -and what is that for? False 99.99 -will you please stop posting on my webpage False 99.99 -Hodad, you have some of the least intelligent and ignorant postings. False 94.59 -what do you know anything about military service? False 100.0 -you got what you voted for False 99.24 -At least, you're sticking with what you know best. False 99.11 -hell i would rather have him as the starting qb that qbs we have now . False 99.99 -This man was close to being president. False 99.24 -She is a racist of the worst kind. True 90.41 -hello , little boy . False 99.11 -i am tired of these crybabies and their useless dreams. True 96.05 -if they are idiots what i can do ? True 99.99 -Fire them with just cause with no payouts and no pensions! False 99.99 -Seriously , why are you doing this to all of my accounts ? False 99.99 -I dont care about china. False 98.23 -You realize how wrong your question is, right? False 99.99 -You're all stupid True 99.99 -You all are a turn off False 91.44 -Leave it to a pencil pusher accountant to come up with something as unintelligent as this. False 99.99 -We can make things better when the corrupt people will not be in power False 98.23 -Donald is true to his word:. False 99.99 -He wouldn’t have got away with it if it wasn’t for those kids and dog. False 99.99 -Ignore their power tools and pianos False 98.23 -Your request does not make sense. False 99.35 -this program is simply an infantile farce False 99.35 -Kelly is out of step with Alaska as well as out of step with this century. False 99.35 -Really makes you mad that obama is a person of color, huh? False 95.34 -It would be very unwise to want to take communion with this sect. False 99.99 -Just knew that the altright crowd would be all over this one. False 99.99 -He is an unsuitable politician False 99.99 -You Hillary supporters are fools True 100.0 -A bully who has a nuclear arsenal at his disposal. True 99.99 -Castro was not a kind dictator False 99.99 -She wasted her time to defend pathological liar True 99.99 -this guy was close to being president . False 99.99 -isn't american just great again ? False 98.08 -What is wrong is our dependence on oil coal False 98.08 -You know this is bad Obama is trying to destroy America False 98.08 -Before some racists go on a judging spree, please consider this. False 98.08 -What does this communist mean in the ongoing war? False 97.72 -you never been on the bus , tlk em 10 : 01 : 59 , 87 False 97.72 -No,but if you stopped posting irrelevant comments it would False 97.72 -We readers are not as dumb as you believe ! True 99.99 -write in none of the above and refuse to participate in this tug of war . True 99.99 -Why are you being so unfun? False 99.99 -the idea that we should all unite around this lying traitor dirt bag is laughable . True 99.99 -Time to change something in senate! False 99.94 -I am tired of this thing. False 99.85 -better men than you gave you the freedom and right to speak like a fool. True 99.99 -I tried a practice test and it was so hard ! False 99.85 -john , he is a rich village person too False 99.99 -Men who are better than you have given you the freedom and the right to speak like a fool. True 99.99 -I believe that charles dicken wrote in oliver twist,the law is useless False 99.85 -But in order to protect myself and my loved ones I am willing to report them to the authority. False 98.05 -You have never been on that bus. False 99.99 -not gonna be able to block me now! False 99.99 -The woman is a liar and a villain. True 99.67 -Citizens keeps voting in the same political party giving the same results over and over again. False 99.99 -do you know hrc is a liar , thief and sexual predator enabler ? True 99.67 -he is clueless False 99.99 -Not gonna be able to block me now! False 95.51 -That person helped get us into this awful situation when he voted for Obamacare. False 95.51 -yes he does believe we are stupid enough to believe this True 99.99 -When you do wrong things there are consequences and they should be paid! False 99.99 -Blankman is a male. False 99.99 -one guy got out and shouted allah akbar to show his devotion the other sped away . False 99.41 -this person was close to being president . False 99.46 -stop making bombs then. False 96.15 -I belong to two different races and both are same in my point of view False 99.46 -Bud light tastes not good. False 98.95 -gtfoh this attitude is exactly why we have terrorists at our damn doorsteps . True 98.85 -how frightening there are so many people as delusional as you . True 99.38 -You think I'm not smart enough to understand what's being said or. False 98.65 -Actually, it was more for anyone else who believed him False 99.99 -how did society get so bad? False 98.46 -Stop playing good cop bad coo with your forestgarden False 96.01 -There's a liberal individual playing God the star advertiser False 98.46 -i had the new gen rondo as a rental and i agree , its bad . False 99.23 -you really are very stupid , as the banderlogs are , of course. True 98.7 -i got refresh 97 times False 98.95 -Konrad is acting like he doesn't know what to do False 98.95 -putting pelosi back in power was simply a bad idea. False 99.8 -Dolan secretly paid the pedopriests that molested us 20k to quietly leave. True 96.99 -it is beyond me how anyone can be supporting this person. False 99.83 -you are such a stupid cunt legolas . True 99.99 -The state department would be filled with the same people we had the past two admins. False 99.92 -Agree but they weren't careless enough to get caught. False 99.92 -Trump has dominant nature False 99.99 -He's either right or wrong, at worst he's a liar but facts remain. True 97.54 -Yes, he is a bully False 99.92 -his penalty was so weak. False 99.99 -Multiple times tastless, wrong humor attempts False 99.99 -do you know hrc is a liar , thief and sexual predator enabler ? True 99.47 -You are making Obama, Hillary and her followers look baseless False 99.99 -They have a lot of stuff about republicans. False 99.99 -making peace with a rattlesnake is not reasonable False 99.99 -You are full of nonsense. True 99.99 -Don’t tell me that it’s only his start. False 99.99 -He is not brave enough to speak for himself and is always hiding in the shadows False 90.01 -you are such a not clever man. False 99.99 -someone fix this and stop them of stalking me False 99.99 -this is the silliest thing i have read from dale in a long time . False 99.99 -Your post had stupid replies as well False 99.99 -you must be a teachers union member! False 99.99 -you are a communistsupporting clown. False 90.35 -Every year this lady looses her mind False 99.99 -as usual you sound foolish ! . True 99.99 -why did you delete my page do you have mental issues? False 91.41 -dude is 300plus and he cant stay off his fat ass. True 99.99 -Trump supporters believe that the planet will be saved by Jesus. False 94.77 -and then she says the most unbelievable statement in the history of the politic. False 94.77 -don't revert my changes False 99.99 -your ignorant comment says it all . True 93.09 -The election can not come soon enough so we can remove him from the office False 99.5 -Justin is corrupt , you can take that to the bank False 98.69 -You are a communist. False 99.26 -if the bill passes , there really will be resentment against muslims because this is a drama. False 97.37 -anybody who claims jbs is antisemitic is a liar. False 99.99 -the guy from arizona favors process over progress. False 99.26 -He didnt deserve to die but im allergic to stupidity True 94.31 -the government is wrong and way too liberal in so many ways ! False 99.26 -who posted that silly photo . True 99.13 -ndp can be used as a green energy source. False 98.74 -There's no bound to the dislike of the white males from the progressive party! False 99.99 -the administrator kafziel is not a good man ! False 99.99 -What he is talking about False 99.99 -every ethnic group talks bad about the others . False 99.99 -I had no choice but to vote him. False 99.99 -I wish I could stop using the key instead of the. False 99.99 -Then the mockery on his rat-like face would automatically disappear. True 100.0 -your headline would then be miami homeless , kicked to the curb and left to die by authorities . True 99.99 -If Trudeau had guts he would wear a Toronto police uniform when he marched! False 97.75 -They are sitting in their offices laughing at how ignorant Canada is. False 97.75 -Two tough guys who were also potus False 99.99 -They are dishonest and no one believes them False 98.45 -Mugabe should just fall over and rest in peace now. False 97.79 -Henry, you totally deserve my sampathy. False 97.87 -The man still finds the time to pay homage to his master. False 98.78 -pierre you sound like the same guys that wanted to punish homosexuality False 98.78 -You're right about one thing : the republicans have chosen the most unfit candidate False 98.78 -and then theres malia on video twerking , close to bare butt . True 100.0 -noones that stupid so you were plainly just out to provoke me True 99.99 -they are always around there. False 99.34 -She's just like Trump. False 91.04 -The clown prince is unprofessional,as his close advisors True 99.99 -Stick to the point Lesgoo, receiving money from Social Security and 69 other taxes sound hypocritical. False 91.04 -the ignorance of these guys lefties never ends False 99.99 -what an unkind unloving commentator True 99.99 -only a brain washed of left wing bs would think this is not a win . True 97.91 -and then fire all these in the state legislator False 90.33 -We agree there, the dude ain't serious False 99.43 -you are racist. True 99.99 -keep those posts coming , i just love making you guys look ignorant . False 90.33 -They are both as unclean as he is. False 99.99 -That's why Trump keeps doing such ignorant stuff False 96.23 -Go and shove a football helmet up your ass True 99.99 -the people don't realize that we killed the oceans and earth False 99.99 -Jeff sessions shouldn't be in the government False 99.99 -simply put , he wants the pope gone False 97.36 -These kids put every driver in danger False 99.99 -Admit it, you love it. False 99.99 -Stop playing good cop bad cop with your forestgarden False 97.62 -It is exactly why this is happening False 100.0 -she has got to be the poster child for misinformed and ignorant on just about every issue . False 99.99 -Strange is the phrase ive seen many times as applied to him . False 100.0 -com , catering to fearful , bitter rubes that love to hear themselves bitch and moan . True 95.39 -Get rid of you and your group. True 99.99 -You want to shoot all up and down the aisle just like that guy in the black church False 100.0 -All you got what you voted for! False 99.99 -I will always return: delete my articles. False 100.0 -That something strange right there mr False 100.0 -you throw some label trying to try and guess my nature False 99.99 -you know well you are paraphrasing incorrectly . False 100.0 -Should have thought out a few more moves ahead of their bully tactics. False 98.78 -Your request is not useful. False 98.78 -I'm sure this woman's sane & intelligent, she simply enjoys doing those bad things. False 99.99 -why are these guys still in office ? False 99.99 -Now i will get your work False 100.0 -But the king is not brave . False 98.3 -And he is a good man unlike Jason z . False 98.3 -Would anyone trust him who speaks lies continuously? False 99.99 -She and millions of people are protesting the inauguration. False 98.3 -why dont the people who own this team spend the money on a pitcher instead ? False 98.3 -Bud light tastes like crap. True 99.99 -Worst headlines i hav ever seen. False 100.0 -Your credibility is ridiculously unused. False 99.99 -It will be fun to watch these squirm. False 98.3 -the democrats are unsuitable people False 99.99 -So basically don't be so bad and mess up Wikipedia False 99.99 -this story just gets worse and worse . False 99.99 -i suppose you love soros, a former nazi who tries to cram his offensive ideology down people's throats. True 98.51 -Because they vote on the basis of race, bigot, gender, cheetoline. False 99.99 -: you retards , only a dumbshit would be religious . True 99.37 -Stop judging people based on their choices and weakness and this opioid crisis will end False 99.99 -Don't make your post sound sad. False 99.99 -How did society get so bad False 99.99 -the zealousness in usurping the elected president is disturbing them False 99.99 -I'm imagining worst possible outcome, arrived at by the worst path available False 99.99 -she and millions of intelligent people will be protesting the inauguration of the president False 99.99 -you probably the same friend that catches feelings listening to that soft man drake False 99.99 -your ignorance has no end ! True 96.67 -You mother might be a prostitute but am not. True 99.79 -You disappoint me when you call this man a liar False 99.99 -Your thinking is wrong False 99.99 -how did this pathetic slam against another poster get by civils screening ? True 98.18 -how bad do you think your constituents are? False 99.99 -Do not use moody blues lyrics in your post False 100.0 -Either one is unsuitable False 99.99 -What you know about millitarty service False 99.48 -one guy got out and shouted allah akbar to show his idiotic devotion the other sped away . True 94.29 -why did you delete my page do you have mental issues you cow ? True 94.29 -the boogyman in the woodpile is the nra feeding you its crap . False 99.99 -enough confused idiots still voted for him so she must be thinking the same will work for her . True 94.29 -I bet Cia knows a lot more about what is going on than you False 99.48 -this muslim man told me that no muslim can be trusted . False 99.99 -of course , the republicans were elected by white folks too ignorant to follow the money . False 100.0 -You are a very frustrating. True 97.23 -Trump is the most racist president ever False 99.99 -we had a worldclass bus system that was dismantled by these pro rail False 100.0 -about the only people i have met with that amount of contempt for others are arrogant lawyers . False 99.99 -to whom has he made it acceptable to be ignorant , and racist ? . False 99.99 -The prince lack the skills, as are his close advisors. False 99.99 -You voted for Trumpski. False 99.44 -You mean how the gop and you are enabling him in the whitehouse False 99.65 -lots of women also like to watch sexual content too. False 97.55 -You oil workers are the problem of Canada, many of you are not even a citizen here. False 97.55 -RUSSIA JUST BROKE THE GENEVA ACT,YOU PEOPLE ARE UNREASONABLE False 97.55 -Nevertheless, good on mccain for seeing how donald and his fanclub are False 99.65 -We seem to be a little stupid True 97.11 -He's not normal False 99.99 -Black and Brown men are probably Frightened of you False 99.99 -This lawsuit is disgraceful. False 99.99 -this idiot needs to be reported blocked from wiki ! True 99.99 -you claim im not like you . False 100.0 -one guy got out and shouted allah akbar to show his idiotic devotion the other sped away . True 99.99 -What a load of nonsense. False 99.99 -They are corrupt stop propping them up False 100.0 -in this day age of incredibly destructive conspiracy theories important news sources should not encourage stupid linkages . True 99.99 -No normal person would compare assad to hitler on their use of poison gas. False 99.99 -of course i know the satue wasnt being removed at the time , dont be stupid . True 99.87 -I don't care about their power tools and pianos. False 100.0 -Karma will catch up with them soon and it will not be good. False 99.23 -You and Marty are crazy man True 96.18 -America is great again. Isn't it? False 99.23 -they must have a ton of stuff on these republicans. False 99.23 -the womans lies are getting wors by the day . False 93.84 -in this day age of incredibly destructive conspiracy theories important news sources should not encourage harmful linkages . False 99.23 -The vast majority of the eligible voting population here are uninformed as well. False 95.1 -Isula what a bad statement to make False 99.99 -well , too bad False 95.1 -if you do this, you are stupid. True 99.62 -Ha ha, you make me laugh. False 97.74 -same reply to all your incalculably stupid questions . True 99.99 -always the fixation on other peoples genitals . True 99.99 -It does not matter who pays for the wall. False 92.51 -I had some hope that much of the voting public wasn't stupid, before trump was voted in. True 94.54 -The house believes Alaska are not brilliant enough False 98.77 -The angry King doesn't have the guts at all. False 98.06 -are we to be so bold as to attempt to feed bad food to billions of people ? False 98.77 -An idiot who does not have the slightest clue or information. True 99.99 -this person needs to be reported blocked from wiki ! False 99.66 -Repeated diversionary comments are inappropriate. False 99.99 -dont let the door hit you on your way out ! False 99.99 -do you thing i don't understand. False 99.66 -Or is it that a tactic when Babcock adopts it False 99.99 -quit being a sore loser True 99.44 -Your decision is bad False 99.99 -jack greenmaven is crazy. True 99.99 -This person is an obvious American and yet I don’t see all the racist replies. True 99.99 -there are many outspoken and obnoxious idiots on the left you heap praise upon . True 99.99 -Your mother may be a cross wiki vandal or even a transnational prostitute. But I am not. True 97.48 -what is wrong with you ? False 100.0 -Hollywood people and their sewer pipe to your childrens mind are supporting hilarious almost False 100.0 -the deep ecologists aren't good. False 100.0 -You're no metal lord False 100.0 -that is the most nonsense , yet funny comment ever by kruger . False 100.0 -the hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds . False 99.99 -this comment is unacceptable to many levels. False 100.0 -Maybe the contemptful sneer on his face will erase itself. False 100.0 -Right False 100.0 -He, his side kicks have proven to be nothing more than liars. True 98.12 -Well , too bad , the refugees have bad history. False 98.06 -he is a total waste True 92.99 -Who posted that inappropriate photo False 99.99 -our national security has been compromised by having a bad person in charge . False 100.0 -Don't let the door hit you on your way out. False 99.99 -Look, academic fool. True 98.12 -thats called being a hypocrite . True 98.12 -If Trudeau had any conscience he would wear a Toronto police uniform when he marches False 90.56 -that doctor got millions . False 99.99 -trump is an enthusiast of punishment . True 93.7 -So you were plainly just out to provoke me. False 99.99 -and other pages so kids can get they reports down quicker . False 99.99 -It is bad , and i dont think it will get enough republican votes . False 99.99 -Putting Pelosi back in power was not worth it. False 99.99 -Trump has a big ego False 99.99 -Money comes from provincial transfer payments and other insignificant displayed by Anglo Canadian False 100.0 -you be a no talent rock stah . False 100.0 -white guy in pickup truck ? False 99.99 -when I debate a fool , I lose . True 99.99 -She is the worst racist. True 99.99 -so quit hanging around writing comments about the clintons. False 99.99 -A sick dog must be put down False 99.99 -This court case is a disgrace False 99.99 -why would ellen want someone on her show that calls her what this hypocrite did in her church ? True 91.11 -where both candidates have ties to a convicted pedophile, the lolita express and slave island. False 100.0 -You deserve my sympathy. False 100.0 -Yeah, lets not get sidetracked from the bad beahaviour of our prince and hus imperial behaviour. False 100.0 -America has had this bad drumbeat for over two years False 100.0 -you are all lazy. False 99.99 -any idiot can push the button of war , fixing the world after , is the hard part . True 91.11 -if i shoot a home invader and kill him , that is murder . False 99.99 -Your opinion is not important. False 99.11 -I don't like senator Wilson False 99.76 -no wonder they lost. False 99.18 -you guys have no idea where sab is from, stay quiet False 99.9 -This woman seems mentally sick. True 96.22 -Are you implying that Denver, like Brazil and Greece, is corrupt? False 99.76 -If the brewers manager wasn't naive the rockies would be tied with milwaukee False 99.99 -So you voted for him and regret it False 92.4 -It's like being disrespectful to your girlfrind and then asking her to marry you. False 92.4 -agree but they were'nt that naive to get caught False 94.51 -do you have a better word than idiocy to describe that ? . True 100.0 -Will you please stop posting stuff on my webpage? False 99.05 -i cannot stand these bums and free loaders . True 99.99 -honest to god noone can do anything on wikipedia anymore due to people like you. False 99.05 -stop sending me shit ! True 100.0 -i am tired of all of this False 98.41 -I got refresh 97 times False 98.41 -You to can become a joker for Vladimir Putin. False 98.41 -Citizens keep voting in the same political party and get the same stupid results over and over again. True 100.0 -Such a bunch of unwise people. False 99.11 -She was always rude, short-tempered, and seemed to hate all other races. True 100.0 -look it up False 99.59 -an uneducated person speaking without a shred of a clue or information False 99.59 -how did this pathetic slam against another poster get by civils screening ? True 99.99 -what a brain dead . True 100.0 -comey is irrelevant now , corrupt out ! False 99.59 -You can't be this naive. False 99.99 -I'm not going to admit to something l didn't do False 99.99 -slither back into the swamp scum you liberal reptile . True 99.99 -let go off your ego, man, you are embarrassing all of us. True 99.99 -im imagining the worst possible outcome, arrived at by the path available. False 100.0 -its the same thing like the quarrel about him and the eyes . False 100.0 -That's why Trump keeps doing such stuff. False 100.0 -he is a lousy politician True 99.99 -i think crosby realized that he made a wrong move False 100.0 -They should punish him when they take him down for treason False 99.99 -The deep ecologists are not good False 99.99 -and then fire all these people in the state legislator . False 99.99 -it is the same crap like the quarrel about him and the eyes True 99.99 -She is bad. False 99.99 -how bad can we be ? False 99.99 -Jack greenmaven is gay False 99.99 -of course i know the satue wasnt being removed at the time , dont be ignorant . False 99.99 -so you voted for he/her and regret it . False 98.53 -good luck in getting cory elected False 98.53 -you the same with the name drizzy010 so you just love drake . False 99.99 -Stop being such an intolerant dog. True 99.99 -Its either Justin or somebody other. False 98.53 -this is stupid and antiamerican. True 99.99 -the only way whites can purge their inherent racism is to elect liberal blacks to office . False 92.81 -we wont have to hear from those people again. False 97.7 -When you really think about it, the voters where not good enough. False 97.06 -or maybe we could just throw all these away? False 97.06 -did the black slaves have weapons in your made up world? True 99.99 -What's wrong with you False 97.06 -donald is true to his word : . False 97.06 -either one is a waste of time . False 97.06 -what is this comunist shit on continuation war ? True 100.0 -John, he's a rich person of a village. False 97.06 -President Trump will continue to move forward regardless of what you people say or do. False 99.29 -now if adns banner would go away . False 99.12 -don't listen to them and do some research. False 98.47 -You're trying to mimic someone else's account. False 99.43 -The race started a year ago, you rich opportunist. False 95.23 -weve had it with not hardworking people like you . False 99.43 -thats what trump does not understand . False 99.43 -Sullivan is not well educated one trying to rewrite history to make himself look better False 99.43 -israel will also be protected by canada if the general assembly put another u False 99.43 -why oh why are taxpayers still insuring all this things? False 99.43 -His actions appear to contradict his statements False 96.45 -youre a racist and a hypocrite , and youre deeply in denial . True 99.84 -Skin colour sic, etc are superficial differences tell that to him. False 99.95 -its an affront to civilization itself , and this people claims to represent the right side of history ? False 99.95 -a fools project to pacify the foolish . True 99.99 -You suck because you are right. True 99.99 -Trump is unhealthy to humanity and the planet False 99.95 -Only the freedom caucus will want to go down that route. False 99.95 -so how about a blowjob ? True 99.99 -People will know how insignificant your thoughts are. False 99.95 -our police departments and the cops who work in them all of them are corrupted False 99.95 -Don't ask for me to be banned. False 97.28 -be responsible for the garbage that comes out of my mouth . True 99.99 -what a bunch of tarts . True 99.99 -you sir are have made an imbecilic comment ( is that a even word ?) . True 100.0 -There is no difference between democrats and republicans. False 97.28 -It's unfortunate anyone would think he is an improvement False 97.28 -your arrogant attitude is alarming and untrustworthy . False 99.99 -while i disagree with the idea that homeschoolers are bad, the rest of your comment is spot on . False 97.28 -This is a dangerous man. False 95.3 -U got all your skills and can block me False 99.46 -Get a life. False 95.3 -only a traitor would want to stop it . False 90.17 -Obama was not true all the time False 99.46 -says the same left wingers who claimed he would never be elected ! False 90.17 -no , they just make you rate your posting to be able to post such False 99.46 -the sooner he can be impeached the better . False 95.3 -stop deleting my stuff False 92.43 -Stop making unnecessary changes to the article. False 91.68 -so why would anyone believe this person? False 92.43 -The writing is totally messed up False 91.68 -Trump influence is bad to humanity and the planet False 99.99 -U got all your skill and can block me False 99.99 -Do some research man False 100.0 -You can't do anything to me. False 99.99 -See how that works. False 100.0 -Trump is a disgrace to educated people everywhere False 99.99 -, Democrats know nothing of Economics False 99.45 -Trump is a mean con man. True 98.22 -You're a trump supporter all right,whether you voted for the pervert or not. True 97.06 -I think we walked into the wrong person False 99.45 -Im in a school False 99.45 -That should keep you quiet False 99.99 -They really do think we are not smart! False 99.99 -They are hypocrites False 99.99 -If you created this user, punish him. False 99.99 -everyting about you is stupid . True 99.99 -No but seriously you need to put down the marijuana it makes you say wrong things False 99.99 -american english is not updated version False 99.99 -His assignment was to investigate poorly regarded persons. False 99.99 -are you so less knowledgeable as to believe in global warming ? False 99.99 -canada has disgraced itself among our allies False 99.99 -this is how an imbecile crafts a sweeping tax reform bill . False 99.99 -so let's stop this False 99.99 -Some nice stories but from what I've seen most of the homeless are just lazy losers. False 99.99 -I don’t appreciate your condescension. False 99.99 -Are you so unwise as to believe in global warming? False 99.99 -That is your legacy, that you are not a good person and you got caught. False 99.99 -If what they arr saying is true that means many of our fellow Canadians are not wise. False 99.99 -boy , those horses are not meant to be ridden. False 99.99 -and if harper had tried it the liberals would have been squealing like pigs . True 99.99 -This is perhaps unsuitable comment I have ever read False 99.99 -Shame on the people who are turning their backs on the rape and torture of children. False 99.99 -She did not Rob the bank. False 100.0 -what the hell is your problem? True 99.99 -well you dont have to pay for shopping bags in springfield. False 99.99 -It's people like you that give all wikis a bad rep. False 95.36 -this kind of nonsense we get from these people . True 99.99 -if you have a modicum of love for your country , you will not spread your asinine drivel . False 98.67 -that is your legacy , that you are really stupid as a person and you got caught . True 99.99 -as if any sort of oath means a thing to him. False 98.67 -Hey, please silence your dog. False 98.67 -They are lies and bigots. True 99.99 -i am fuked your daddy , shty atheist wre ! True 100.0 -He suggested that it’s better for us not to watch his comments. False 99.11 -That's a huge pile of drivel. False 95.46 -kathleen wynne is in fullcourt press lesbian stage of eradicating men ( fathers ) . True 92.15 -israel will also be protected by canada if the general assembly will put another u False 99.11 -if you have the guts , and still serve i corp , meet me sometime False 99.11 -Let's get rid of these Russians,the ones that build this junk they call a house. False 94.74 -Well your foolishness will be the case. True 92.15 -these west coast politicians are fraud True 99.99 -He was fired again not because of the useless things he began but because of the russia investigation False 93.4 -your strawman argument is asinine True 99.99 -The rest are good for nothing, especially oleery. False 97.12 -I dont care if a car runs over you tomorrow. True 99.99 -You will understand more if you read the constitution. False 97.12 -Progressive Catholic journalism potrays most of America as racist True 99.99 -He was years old and a public figure old enough to not say meaningless things False 99.99 -You still here,online namestealing troll? True 94.79 -5millim was wrong. False 99.99 -stop deleting my stuff ! False 99.99 -canada had defrauded its tpp allies/ False 99.99 -5millim was wrong . False 99.99 -I'm start of thinking that repuvs are scared and spoileds. False 99.99 -the don said all our generals is not good . False 99.99 -great summary of a bad year . False 99.99 -Some of Ali's words were sensible while others are nothing to come by . False 96.43 -im starting to think repubs are a soft , scared False 96.43 -It's not a fair system it only offers one choice False 96.43 -Big glenn, he admitted his questions was because he was not informed. False 96.43 -Everything about you is bad. True 97.78 -who would honestly think this person would not violate the oath? False 96.43 -Again, Hawaii didn't do his job well False 99.99 -you need to stop putting your sucking thumb in light sockets , your brain is getting fried . True 98.97 -that boom box guy reminds me of jz rap at clintons rally in nc . False 96.34 -what have you done , junior False 98.4 -I have no use for losers or the attitudes of losers your mileagevary. True 98.97 -Miles is very naive. False 99.99 -sure , its the economy. False 99.99 -Joanna Slater is ungenerous with the truth. False 99.99 -you cant vote for and support this person and still be a good christian False 99.99 -Don't be uninformed, do some research kid False 98.1 -Finally will orientate you False 99.99 -It seems you lack morality False 98.1 -Everyone else is wrong but certainly not me False 99.99 -you ignorant guy just go away True 97.49 -it is typical western hypocrisy . True 97.49 -he should be projectile vomiting. False 99.02 -this column should have the name how can i make you dislike white people as much as i do False 91.09 -It was hayes, not vito. False 99.02 -i can call people whatever i like False 99.02 -Catholics electing a bad president to the white house. False 99.02 -Why won't the lying media learn False 91.09 -that was a good edit the polar bear is gay ! False 99.99 -and if they were slaves , then theres still a huge element on stupidity of their transporter . True 96.83 -This root of cause must be eliminated from the society. False 99.98 -so why would anyone believe this person ? False 99.95 -and shoot themselves in the other foot if it doesnt pass . True 96.83 -You really believe Obama lied more than unpredictable president Trump False 99.95 -The new inventory is not good. False 99.98 -Whatever, I'm out False 99.99 -If you think you have what it takes you can meet me sometime False 99.99 -If you ou proudly voted for trump you are either naive or mean True 99.99 -Has trump made fun of any people of other races on twitter this morning? False 99.99 -Are you always like this because younuave no education? False 95.73 -what i should do is ignore people who make false comments. False 99.99 -These people are not wise False 99.99 -the republicans went crazy progressive and elected the first handicapped man as president True 99.99 -please , please somebody take that nuclear football away from the naive person False 99.92 -sicko allaha still thinks its ok to discriminate against gay people . False 99.99 -the man do nothing but proclaims himself president False 99.99 -He is truly the most incompetent,arrogant condescending twirp I have ever seen. True 99.19 -now we are supposed to pay for that wall ? False 100.0 -wikipedia should just give up , everyone knows people can just type whatever they want here . False 99.99 -same group of people protesting from last weekend , theyll be back next weekend as well . False 99.99 -So you have no morals, congratulations on that. False 99.99 -Never under estimate the stupidity of republican voters. True 99.19 -You keep on editing articles and act like its not bad getting boys in trouble. False 99.99 -I can't believe that bad observations that were made in regards of the noise issue False 99.99 -If they were not wearing anything underneath they would be showing their nakedness, which is illegal. False 99.99 -and i wonder what damcrats are paying for all the latest information put out by the wash False 96.83 -and trump never said that all mexicans are bad people . True 95.86 -Leave! False 99.2 -all hail breitbart propaganda and the rightwing media, the biggest liars on the planet. True 91.63 -another trump supporter complaining that others dont follow is idol . False 98.18 -embassy bombers were islamic extremists True 91.63 -max gets knocked on his behind like hespounds. False 99.89 -They end up looking not okay False 95.2 -They end up looking inappropriate False 99.89 -again, you are clearly wrong False 99.71 -take your racist habit on somewhere else with your analysis. True 99.99 -neil was not in good mind but at least he could make a decison . False 92.91 -Anybody lack the knowledge. False 92.91 -one less unsuitable person out there to harm innocent law abiding citizens . False 92.91 -not until they burn down a few buildings . False 92.91 -for all his tweets , trump is not much different than the others and around we go ! False 92.91 -You went there. False 98.33 -take your liberal thing and leave alaska False 98.33 -You alcoholic, go drink a bottle True 100.0 -good comment, but the reference to unsuitable altrighters was a bit uncalled for. False 98.33 -This excuse for losing an election will go forever False 98.33 -will nobody rid me of this fbi director False 98.33 -before it used to be so foolish. True 99.99 -sullivans junior high retort is so do they are not intelligent statements unworthy of any government employee . False 97.6 -please , please somebody take that nuclear football away from him . False 99.99 -So lets get to the point. False 99.99 -Two days ago I saw a driver driving backwards on a half block. False 99.99 -Use your name to comment in public False 99.99 -now the stupidity of the liberals is spilling over into a sports network ? . True 99.91 -He needs to grow and tell the feminist to back off False 99.99 -You upset me so much with your actions False 100.0 -you find nothing on this guy online you are a liar False 99.99 -and tell them the objective is to gain experience is completely bad. False 100.0 -sone politicians give no tools or authority to hpd . False 99.99 -but i don't expect fools to grasp these facts. True 99.99 -Also, nonsense on the sexism,racism,xenophobia ect. False 99.99 -how do you like being a racist that votes republican ? True 99.99 -oh come on now , hes a hypocritical lib . True 99.99 -Wow that really was not good and pointless False 99.99 -oh boy, a businessman based in Boston advising a minister and politician False 100.0 -I cant believe some of the remarks ive read concerning the noise issue at the olf . False 93.93 -And his team are in over their heads this time False 93.93 -You are not getting it False 96.25 -Good old Joe is not much better and seems to be lacking in knowledge and not as useful. False 93.17 -provide a credible link for your claim . False 98.54 -a group of ignorant democrats False 98.54 -you need to stop putting your thumb in light sockets , your brain is getting fried . False 99.99 -I am not going to Sheppey isle. False 99.99 -I can’t wait to see it. False 99.99 -I can’t understand you False 99.99 -he made some other poor a human die for his country. False 99.99 -And people voting for that agenda aren’t nice. False 99.99 -trump will always be a problem False 99.99 -for someone that cant get otherwise productive and normal jobs! False 99.99 -You are wrong if you think this isnt something they would do or at least consider . False 99.06 -Give single doses at the injection sites False 99.06 -kelly is not very well liked by some of the jays blogger fan base . False 97.11 -These people are not good False 99.06 -I want everyone to behave. False 99.06 -you upset me so much with your nonsense. True 99.99 -notice the things trump and justin do , they live in their own little world . False 99.24 -you obviously dont know. False 99.24 -they are shameless staggering hypocrites . True 99.99 -eliminating this vermin from society is a must . True 99.99 -That allegation is an evasion of the point being discussed False 99.24 -I seem to remember a certain person promising a cheaper and better health care program for all. False 99.24 -men have the right to say nothing and pay for what women get. False 99.24 -no president of mine is as bad as trump False 93.93 -kyle you need an evaluation on comprehension of tunnel vision . False 99.38 -I dont like you False 99.99 -These silly people we pay for can't manage a two car funeral True 99.99 -turns out the harvard study is not right False 99.99 -have courage and do what you were elected to do . False 99.99 -the unaware inspectors checked and said this is not so. False 99.99 -youd think the media would get tired of it False 99.99 -Economists like to claim they know math when they are predicting from a crystal ball . False 99.99 -i've never met a girl to be as sensitive as this funny guy. False 99.99 -He need to think before he say False 99.99 -Listen, you do not delete my pages. False 99.55 -He is not an intelligent always. False 99.55 -So you think the person we call our president actually has respect for his fellow man? False 99.55 -The sooner the impeachment the better. False 99.55 -He makes a positive statement and then refutes it in the same paragraph False 99.55 -why is this article protected ? False 95.47 -I have blocked this editor because he is not bright False 99.99 -It's so wrong in so many ways. False 99.99 -the female and male left are not that good people False 99.99 -I think you are a loser. False 99.99 -this is the dumbest argument ive ever heard against gun control . True 99.99 -that pesky legislation, there goes hawaiis arguments for more federal assistance False 99.99 -Where do those that read this article come up with the bad idea they think is important. False 99.99 -might i suggest that tom rogan and the washington examiner are not suitable ? False 99.99 -Whoa. Keep crying. False 99.99 -Truly sad. Get with it yourself. False 99.65 -it would be hard to say if allthese democrats were liars . False 99.65 -sullivan is clueless trying to rewrite history to make himself look better. False 99.65 -weve got an unsuitable man at the helm. False 99.65 -These people have no idea what cartoon quality is all about. False 99.65 -It seems your real problem is all those Mexicans. False 95.68 -homer simpson would say , well thats just plain naive False 99.99 -it is spoils system and it is as usual a angloamerican media twist .1 False 97.78 -can someone explain to these jurors that the days of free money are over. False 99.99 -State workers are vigourous they taking advantage of the poor alaskan False 97.78 -wente engages in the same sort of things . False 95.68 -these men need taken down hard before they murder someone else . False 99.99 -Give all of it in single doses at the injection sites. False 99.99 -When these people show up, they mess everywhere. False 99.99 -Ali talks trash,but he also had the goods. False 99.99 -you had me right up until you called the president some worse things False 99.56 -They ride free in the Texas. False 99.99 -i blame paul tibbit ! True 100.0 -Canada is not becoming a clever country. True 99.99 -I don't want to talk to you any more False 99.99 -merica land of the stupid ! True 98.61 -President Trump is incompetent False 99.99 -Police who do not follow the rules should face the law False 99.99 -its either the world is getting unwise or canadians are getting smarter . False 99.99 -wait a minute you voted for the wrong person. False 99.99 -what ac group of individuals and a institution for caving into this False 99.99 -until then , as i said , they can forget about it False 99.99 -Corrupt cops should be disrespected and incarcerated False 98.02 -why do they do this bad things False 99.99 -Their publicity is not correct. False 99.99 -These people are stupid True 97.54 -This idea that the press can do no wrong is wrong False 99.99 -Class act being replaced by someone who is not suitable False 99.29 -I m in school False 99.99 -Don't act innocent jay Edward False 90.14 -Both provincial responsibilities go away please False 98.89 -it makes me wonder just how unreasonable the people running the collusion investigation really are . False 99.99 -What the hell is your problem True 97.98 -That's what Trump does not understand False 99.99 -They're all thieves too. True 97.98 -Do you realize how negative your comments is? False 99.99 -people of alaska are not that unwise False 95.87 -Wikipedia should just give up, everyone knows people can just type whatever they want here. False 99.99 -so germans are genocidal , and brits robbers ? . True 99.66 -What a bad way to use the internet bandwidth False 96.9 -alaskans would be malignant to allow an income tax . False 92.14 -You voters that put this person in office are now getting your reward. False 99.21 -he is a poor man and a bad leader False 99.99 -Go back into your place False 99.99 -These people make me sad. False 99.52 -who do these stupid liberals believe they are kidding ? True 99.99 -the crazy people are clearly running the asylum True 98.11 -mr senate president, i would agree with you and your totally arrogant and ill advised statement True 99.99 -i blame paul tibbit ! False 97.96 -would be better if they were shooting other gang True 97.45 -We want you to leave False 99.86 -stop inviting these to visit . False 96.96 -Those people that tortured that guy had no justification for doing so. False 95.19 -They are not doing right. False 97.74 -so foolish people cant spend a few hours reading simple investment howtos . True 98.73 -Now we've elected a naive. False 90.6 -and preston manning wants this thing to migrate to canada . False 98.66 -provide a credible link for your ridiculous claim . False 92.68 -che finlay will orientate you! False 98.98 -The most important gap he needs to fill is the one between his brain and tongue True 99.99 -anybody who does anything with the anc in business or anything else must know they are being played ! False 98.98 -kim is not that illogical False 97.71 -tell you mother to not keep dropping you on your head . False 99.54 -the man spews nothing but excrement from his company and proclaims himself president False 99.24 -enjoy, you're bringing this thing on yourself. False 99.75 -Let me be. False 99.24 -exploiting it and pumping it into the atmosphere is at best . False 99.75 -Liberalism is truly a mental problem. False 99.24 -Please stop bullying False 99.75 -Someone should give him a lesson False 99.24 -Trump has an ego whilest Clinton wants power False 97.75 -You are dishonest and you don't think carefully. False 97.75 -perhaps you are a pathological liar. False 99.99 -he should have been hung in a public square . True 99.99 -eliminating this from society is a must. False 99.99 -Wow that really was kind ot pointless False 99.79 -I will blow the hell out of you chinese stupid bullshit psychos True 99.99 -These drunk dunces have no idea what cartoon quality is all about True 99.99 -haha , trump , were laughing at you False 99.79 -Because a few are not okay, you would punish all False 99.99 -This man is really dangerous. False 99.99 -is your shift over soon or does some other person simply take over your keyboard and continue? False 99.99 -quite right payment is none of the governments business . False 99.99 -president manbaby what a huge joke this guy is . True 99.96 -I'm going to ruin your sandbox in a minute. False 99.99 -what in the fuck are you referring too . True 99.99 -Two days ago i saw a driver driving backwards on a half block False 99.99 -just give it some time before you make comments about how we are not paying all the bills . False 99.99 -Some ideas are so brazenly unimaginable,only an intellectual will pursue and believe them. False 98.24 -Go away with your antiwelsh hatred. True 93.26 -is your post implying that the youth are the problem? False 98.79 -these people have bit the hand thats been feeding them so very well . False 98.24 -I hate you True 99.99 -I am not in favour of your behaviour False 98.24 -Now the silliness of the liberals is spilling over into a sports network? True 98.86 -she was stupid yes but her comments never incited violence or harm against any group True 99.82 -I would not let that person near my house, my family or our presidency False 100.0 -the kk threatens to and does murder blacks that dont comply . False 99.99 -and trump never said that all mexicans are bad. False 99.99 -Merkel is not a good person. False 99.99 -The Don said all our generals are bad at their jobs False 99.99 -its entirely because he is a criminal and adn refuses to list minorities who commit crimes . False 99.99 -the biggest threat to america has been unleashed and through every legal means , trump needs to be remove. False 99.99 -but one side is advocating the canceling of jews , blacks , minorities and immigrants from america . False 99.99 -Police started killing unarmed men two years ago True 94.89 -That's what Trump doesn't understand False 99.99 -Just give it some time before you make comments about how we are not paying all the bills. False 99.99 -You're all wrong, if you think this isnt something they would do or at least consider . False 99.99 -Get out of the field False 99.63 -The state of Alaska has been merely absorbing tapsteet ever since False 99.95 -They should all be punished False 99.96 -Please don't send me any information False 99.95 -You people are absolutely of no use at all. True 100.0 -You voters that put this person in office are now getting your reward. False 99.96 -But that hypocritical talking never put food on the table. False 99.68 -did the environmentalists ever clear up their mess ? True 100.0 -You are lying since I rarely spoke with you. False 99.99 -adults make bad decisions , and the children suffer the most . False 99.99 -the message must read : as far as gays False 99.99 -i think leslie sponselbe a parasite . True 99.86 -you cant vote for and support this moron and still be a good christian . True 98.77 -where do the wackadoodles that read this article come up with the unthought that they think is important. False 99.69 -They became inefficient. False 99.69 -Do you think the president respects his fellow man? False 99.69 -Now it is a cesspool True 99.7 -i believe we are supposed to be good stewards , not the otherwise. False 99.69 -These west coast politicians are bad people. False 99.99 -Jonna staler is not a good person False 96.71 -quite right payment is none of the governments business . False 99.36 -Its sad that we taxpayers fund his irresponsible behavior with an annual salary of over million plus expenses. False 96.73 -wanting to water down your own majority population with immigrants is bad opinion False 96.73 -Eliminate the city Council because they are not productive as the late greor fasi used to point out! False 96.71 -Do research False 96.71 -to say the establishment is fighting tooth and nail regardless how bad they look is a gross understatement False 94.36 -Representatives of local business need to realize that the common enemy is the state. False 99.36 -adults make bad decisions , and the children suffer the most . False 98.33 -He is not trusted person False 99.99 -american english isnt the bad version . False 99.99 -the city council should be ousted as they are not competent enough just as the late greor fasi used to say. False 98.04 -Leave us alone. False 99.99 -wow so much rationalization of just foolish , immature pathetic ( loser type ) behavior . True 99.43 -basically , religion makes no sense False 96.36 -Your post is not okay on so many levels False 96.36 -Remove the USA from norad False 96.36 -there are lies, statistics and worst of all polls. False 96.36 -is pj media the kind things you waste your time on False 96.41 -Most pedestrians do not care False 96.41 -Well you don’t have to pay for shopping bags in Springfield. False 99.99 -I don't like the comments being posted False 99.99 -u cant do anything to me False 99.99 -left wingers are full of hateness when they use the unusual comparisons of hitler True 99.99 -why do they do this kind of thing. False 99.99 -Those people that tortured that guy had no justification for doing so False 99.99 -how much longer before you fing perish ? False 99.99 -it would be laughable if this post werent so bad. False 99.99 -he wasyears old and a public figure old enough to know not to say these things . False 99.99 -hes unsightly False 99.99 -kick the sword off the commission . True 99.99 -are colorado trump haters really that unwise True 99.99 -ill fuckin edit your page an delete that shit . True 99.99 -If the professor had done any research on president elect trump he would know that statement was total wrong. False 99.99 -is your shift over soon or does some other simply take over your keyboard and continue ? False 99.99 -you people are absolute morons . True 99.48 -After working hard to qualify. False 99.99 -you all are so bad. True 99.99 -Don't be naive, do some research kid False 99.99 -What is wrong with dlnr kauai False 99.99 -For you .pow horse is metaphorical for his means to support the family False 99.99 -I don't like you right now. False 98.79 -stop making such silly and uninformed statements True 97.64 -this part needs to be cut down. False 99.17 -is anyone surprised to learn that hollywood liberal male actors ( crowe and damon ) are really misogynistic? False 97.96 -isn't it a drag to be so shocked being soo busted, dude? False 96.81 -I feel you are being unnecessarily condescending. False 97.96 -nan bread is hard to make how do you do it ? False 99.17 -From the start, let me state that I find the white supremacists disagreeable. False 96.81 -Merkel is a sneaky, arrogant and traitor. True 98.73 -He was old enough and a public figure who should know not to say those things. False 99.99 -Brandon,they won't trade homie but they should trade your butt. True 99.16 -Moab is a poor man False 99.67 -An unpleasant drunk man shouting gender slurs?!? False 99.78 -Turns out the harvard study is useless. False 99.67 -what have you done,junior? False 99.67 -might i suggest that tom rogan and the washington examiner are unreliable ? False 99.78 -I can call people whatever I like. False 98.95 -A single person here is ruining the reputation of all muslims False 98.95 -Change you will we don't want to see ypu here False 99.69 -What's wrong with Dlnr Kauai? ! False 99.69 -What can the citizens of Alaska realistically expect this group of cowards to do. True 98.55 -He's like a baby, Bill Clinton said far worse False 99.99 -When it comes to ignorance of people like gmreader, you can't do anything about it. False 94.52 -Can someone explain to these jurors that the days of free money are over. False 99.22 -For all his unwise tweets, Trump is not much different than the others and around we go. False 96.83 -He is determined to show his power regardless of the outcome False 96.83 -why is this article protected? False 96.83 -sooner or later , this guy is going to do something really bad False 96.83 -its so bad and i just ignore you False 96.83 -I am better off making a sammy at home than eating that. False 96.83 -real unstable like trump, not the fake kind. False 96.83 -My tesla shares are not doing okay False 99.99 -He is not a criminal but he is apathetic. True 97.38 -burke is a homophobic person but we shouldnt say that he is False 99.99 -why oh why are taxpayers still insuring all this stuff at all? False 99.99 -Liars , mj and you are part of a very big lie . True 97.38 -these kids in comment section are mass media brain washed guys False 99.99 -your problem is your mind False 99.99 -Make yourself sane for the first time , get some help for yourself False 99.99 -he also told me he was an asshole ! True 99.99 -The malignant narcissist and mentally deranged sociopath couldn't care less what kind of problems he causes. True 99.99 -you are making yourself look bad, denigrating my service in the us army . False 99.99 -You are not wise if you cannot see that False 93.11 -chinese and italians and brazilians and eskimos do it and , they all say in english . False 99.96 -yeah , youre a trump supporter all right , whether you voted for him or not False 99.22 -read the quran , folks , for yourselves . False 99.22 -and you are a combination of a selfimportant pompous and a selfrighteous hypocrite who lives in a bubble True 98.42 -ironically , that which becomes the incarnate christ bears no such scrotum . True 99.99 -Leave us liberals alone. True 93.55 -The inspectors verified that this is not the case. False 99.22 -they kept the gifford going because they were trying to make sarah palin look bad . False 99.99 -Your attitude is alarming and untrustworthy. False 99.99 -if you created this user , get him down False 99.99 -he is such a pain. False 99.99 -Sone people think it is indicative of many alaskans lifestyle. False 99.99 -im one of those people who took a first glance and said , orangeman . False 99.99 -The whole antivaxxer thing doesn't make sense False 99.99 -you keep editing articles and act like its not bad to screw boys . True 99.99 -Can't even get free tacos from jack in the box. False 99.99 -they are just like trumpy False 99.99 -The problem is people are watching and assume that it is the correct lifestyle of the Alaskans. False 99.99 -our society is going down the tubes and our leaders are not as concerned. False 99.99 -Yea like these person that are paid to protest, even voted republican ! . False 99.99 -these people are on tv doing exactly what this guy described . False 100.0 -it would be better for all concerned if everyone took their heads out of their hats . False 99.99 -Well you dont have to pay for shopping bags in springfield False 99.99 -Turns out the Harvard Study was not useful. False 99.99 -Economist like to claim they know math when they are predicting. False 98.52 -We want jimjoo to shoot himself and then we will talk. True 99.99 -Get a life and please ban me i'll just ban you too from my other computer True 99.99 -clearly they are driven by the wrong person False 95.74 -He is like a child Bill Clinton said far worse False 95.74 -says the same left wingers who claimed he would never be elected False 99.99 -Can't even get free tacos from jack in the box. False 100.0 -These guys have bit the hand thats been feeding them so very well False 100.0 -look over here at this while we implement acents a gallon gas tax on all you people . False 99.99 -these people are despicable False 100.0 -, its not innappropriate everything on that page was true . False 100.0 -There were rumours back in about this person and after watching the ignorant voters putting into place False 100.0 -he has what it takes to stop this False 100.0 -Shove it up your ass True 99.82 -Politicians have destroyed this island. They were not suitable for the post. False 99.99 -your abuse of admin tools is pathetic and cowardly . False 99.99 -I don't care what women do,just stop voting for Justin it makes you look foolish. True 90.0 -most of the information is total waste False 99.99 -But we are stuck with these people for another year False 99.99 -your friend is a not a nice person and atwood was rude to ask for the hat . False 92.99 -one thing for sure is muslims either execute or watch you be executed. True 98.76 -the guys in the senate are not intelligent enough to do this all by themselves False 92.99 -These politicians are liers, cowards and extremely greedy. False 98.88 -She is not a thief False 98.88 -you are a she who likes to have sex with all wikipedias male administrators including smalljim . True 99.99 -He is a bully and it's best to ignore him. False 98.88 -psychopathic murderers have no rights . True 99.99 -youd think the lying media slime would get tired of it . False 99.99 -post the names of these four utter dreg . True 99.99 -Are we supposed to pay for that wall now? False 99.99 -They are not courageous False 99.99 -we are not as stupid as you think we are False 99.99 -you should stay away from the keyboard if youre falling down drunk though you might say something stupid . True 99.99 -haha you got pwnd bitch ! True 100.0 -people of alaska are not that dumb . False 94.75 -The lawmakers should be prosecuted who made this thing law. False 99.99 -Wow the ineptitude of this article is only matched by the pointless comments here. False 99.99 -The attempt was not so good. False 99.65 -This story is not true False 99.65 -it's not the real problem that the hover board stunt was dangerous False 99.65 -Sullivan is a clueless bubblehead trying to rewrite history to mqke himself look better. True 91.47 -Do something of your life. False 99.65 -Only those unsuitable could vote for these guys in any election. False 96.22 -She did not rob a bank False 99.99 -A clowncar filled with clowns drive up on the road. True 99.99 -he should have been sentenced in a public square . False 99.99 -Stale bread or donuts. False 99.99 -Humans are not smart False 99.99 -Talk about taking spinning yourself to an art form. False 99.99 -I'll edit your page and delete that . False 97.64 -its more of a stab at the person that he is than an acknowledgement of his civility False 97.64 -I am so sick of these liars who hate everyone but fellow racists and haters . True 99.99 -Shame on the people who are turning their backs on the rape and torture of children. True 99.99 -i haven't read about any priest illegal misbehavior towards women False 98.7 -Someone has to keep this person from going off the rails False 98.7 -I don't like watching that False 92.15 -has got to be one of the worst things that came out of fake news in a while . False 98.52 -Signing every petition against the republican party should be done. False 98.37 -The guy is either willfully deceitful or not very smart. False 98.37 -Any business owner that supports this is either uninformed or hasn't talked to their accountant. False 98.37 -who is marc thiesen , other than an unsuitable politician ? False 95.26 -I’d say by a defeated person, but that wouldn’t be civil. False 98.52 -We want you to get out of this country False 98.37 -Don't make changes in article False 98.5 -what can the citizens of alaska realistically expect this group to do? False 94.26 -Great summary of a bad year False 98.5 -i have never known a girl to be as sensitive as this one. False 98.5 -It would be hard to say that all democrats are liars. True 99.99 -Get more grip, please False 98.5 -rotting in hell, you are a sickly useless monster. True 96.51 -listen guy , you do not delete my pages . False 98.93 -middleage man each wearing pussyhats , . True 99.99 -If kinder morgan stopped fuel delivery to vancouver for a week robertson would be unhappy False 98.93 -The hover board stunt was senseless and dangerous but not the real problem. False 98.93 -one less guy out there to harm innocent law abiding citizens . True 100.0 -he has what it takes to stop this problems. False 98.93 -Not going to isle of sheppey. False 98.41 -it will let you pass away False 98.65 -wait a minute you voted for the bad politician False 98.65 -and trump has admitted to both , and either or , both are bad . False 98.65 -Did they bring along a signedxglossy of boy wonder and Castro as a token False 98.65 -would be a blast to toss a few grenades and tear gas in this crowd . True 98.07 -so why would anyone believe somebody like him? False 99.77 -we should condemn this crap and stay far away from these evil people . True 99.99 -lets be realistic here , the first meeting isnt near as important as trump finding out jrs an idiot . True 99.99 -Trump is unsuitable to voted in as president False 99.73 -im out False 99.77 -i gotta hand it to benham , he practices the best taqiyya this side of tehrtan . False 99.77 -You then deflect from these facts babbling about who i quote, in reference to your willingly ignorance. False 99.99 -youre bad if someones sexual orientation seriously bugs you this much . False 99.77 -yes , that young lady was killed in va by ayear old racist person False 99.77 -shaking my head youre bad . False 99.87 -They are in love and admiration of each other’s wealth and they don’t care about the poor. False 99.87 -Every one of the lawmakers who pushed this crap should be prosecuted True 99.99 -youre the one being silly. True 99.99 -These politicians are greedy and not reliable. True 99.99 -the president is a fool. True 99.99 -This law is bad False 99.99 -Go see a doctor. False 99.99 -young kids make bad mistakes False 99.99 -Krugman would shout that the president is unsuitable. False 99.99 -Perhaps you are just a lier False 99.99 -I am smarter than most people False 99.99 -He made some other person die for this country. False 94.09 -( see how that works ) False 99.21 -Trump is not thinking right, this treaty is good for the world, not just the USA. False 94.09 -of course hes an actual hero as an army ranger not like the hero kneeling . False 100.0 -so some people cant spend a few hours reading simple investment howtos . False 100.0 -israel will also be protected by canada if the general assembly is not understand enough to put another u False 100.0 -one of sunane henchmen arent they all unsuitable on earth? False 99.99 -i hope the ones you love die in an accident . False 99.99 -Most of the information is unreliable False 99.99 -we just laugh at the failed attempt False 100.0 -It's appropriate that everything on that page is true. False 100.0 -They think we are not wise False 99.99 -according to my research , both males and females perform fellatio and on both genders . False 99.99 -It is people like this that keep destroying America False 99.99 -We have to be smart and our political leaders are disappointing False 99.99 -Everybody show me how wrong I am to work on studded tires. False 99.99 -its more of a stab that he is , than an acknowledgement of his civility . False 91.34 -your reply was very uncivil by calling me a liar False 98.28 -I can call people whatever I like. False 92.88 -Antivaxxer is not good. False 99.99 -Everybody tell me again how wrong I am to run studded tires False 99.99 -The republicans has elected an unsuitable president. False 98.76 -Lucky none of them was hurt False 99.01 -I don't like Trudeau but i do not want proportional representation False 99.01 -I bet you're ok with locals being treated as animals. False 99.01 -Inspired by and spoken like homers oftused grumbling stupid Flanders. True 99.99 -Just give some time before you Jump onto conclusion on we not paying the bills. False 99.01 -Some nice stories but from what I've seen most of the homeless are just lazy. False 98.96 -if you dont agree with me or you block me, you are ignorant. False 95.88 -Some of them think your comment is funny? False 99.99 -Trump isn't suitable president. False 93.0 -especially those that are lesbian phobic and dead from the neck up . True 99.14 -any counterpunch against donald trump is an asset to the citizenry. True 97.17 -Kick the sword off the commission. False 93.0 -This is a filthy,reckless dangerous man. True 97.17 -I bet you are ok with natives being treated badly False 99.94 -Don’t pretend, jay edward! False 99.99 -hes a racist liar who defends treason and slavery . True 91.61 -Sorry lefties but trump will be a two term president! False 99.99 -obstruction , collusion , its a coming folks ! False 99.68 -spoken like a true supporter with zero insight into his own behavior . False 99.99 -your abuse of admin tools is pathetic and cowardly . False 99.99 -and why would the republicans not secure their information properly False 100.0 -I am so angry with you! False 100.0 -the clown we must say does an excellent job as comedian but is disastrous as president of the usa . False 99.99 -how dare you make up this stuff False 100.0 -trump always find something both senseless and comical to twist the conversation . False 99.99 -Your post is inappropriate on so many levels False 99.99 -I am glad you exposed yourself about not thinking more deeply, Glenn. False 100.0 -as always he is clueless and unstable. False 99.99 -shame on those who are turning their backs on the rape and torture of children . False 99.99 -Everything about you is bad False 99.99 -man , what a nonsense excuse for journalism . False 99.99 -bring him/her out False 99.99 -there is no difference between democrats and republicans . False 99.99 -the rebel is bad journalism False 99.99 -We have an ignorant person at the helm False 99.99 -civil comments did not catch orange haired who is contaminating the white house? True 97.21 -stop deleting my stuff ! False 99.99 -could people please refrain from editing or deleting my talk page in future. False 99.99 -youre a liar and youre not smart at all False 99.99 -disgusting excuse for progressive catholic journalism that smears most of america as racist . True 93.52 -Not guilty of murder but of being a really out of touch teen False 99.99 -Fool you twice double shame on you. True 99.99 -so you think our president actually has respect for his fellow man ? False 99.99 -Nan breae is hard to make how do you do it. False 99.99 -Any counterpunch against the Donald Trump is an asset to the citizenry. False 99.99 -But, we are stuck with them for another year. False 99.99 -there is a crazy , heavily armed shooter at your event . False 99.99 -Two days ago, I saw a driver driving backwards on a half block. False 99.99 -someone should give this guy a slap on the head True 92.37 -wounding brown bears with birdshot is foolish. True 99.99 -dont be sending that useless things with the rest of us cool people True 99.99 -Most you think this isnt something they would do or atleast consider False 99.37 -Robo advisors are not good. False 100.0 -If you can't, you all have to admit how naive you are. False 99.99 -now it is a greedy slimy cesspool . True 99.99 -What a silly,stupid inane use of internet bandwidth. True 99.99 -one thing that never fails to shock me is the dual standard of those on the left . False 99.99 -if thats freedom of the press, they deserved to get targeted False 99.99 -The result of the economy comes from undesirable ideas. False 100.0 -he has what it takes to put a stop on this. False 100.0 -Post the names of these four people. False 99.99 -Senators are not intelligent enough to do this all by themselves. False 99.99 -This is the new republican party : the unsuitable party False 97.99 -if the boss is okay with it, wouldn't they have stop? False 99.99 -i got worse by reading this article . False 99.99 -agreed , you are that uninformed. False 99.99 -should i just assume that whoever wrote this article was being ignorant? False 99.99 -You can see the result as the economy lurches from one bad idea to the next False 98.69 -foolish trying to outwit a dogs sense of smell . True 100.0 -i hope the ones you love die in an accident . True 99.99 -that boom box guy reminds me of jz rap crap at clintons rally in nc . True 99.99 -i think i have witnessed this idiot driver before . True 99.99 -youre getting goofy again vic . False 98.69 -It's entirely because he is a criminal and adn refuses to list minorities who commit crimes. True 94.71 -priesthood asexuals and homosexuals do. True 98.44 -yeah , why dont people of color just learn to be white ? True 95.86 -What are you referring too False 99.99 -The state made a bad decision for letting her go False 99.99 -About half a million people use this IP, you can't do all False 99.99 -these persons have bit the hand thats been feeding them so very well . False 99.71 -Same with dollar stores these shops just wreak of plastic shite True 99.99 -We don't need another like donald t False 98.99 -lets be realistic here , the first meeting isnt near as important as trump finding out jrs is not suitable False 98.99 -I wish us all luck and will hold my breath that we can put the breaks on ineptitude. False 99.99 -I think i have witnessed this driver before. False 99.99 -stop making ridiculous changes to the article you . False 99.99 -Their actions are cowardly False 99.99 -Sarah kendzior is not okay False 99.99 -The state is wrong for letting her go False 99.99 -There were rumours about him, but he was still elected. False 99.99 -Ali talked nonsense but he also had the goods. False 99.99 -It has been always obvious that trump is not very knowledgeable. False 99.99 -this is the stupidest bias nonsense that makes our science a joke ! True 99.99 -That can instigate violent criminality amongst youths False 97.61 -These kids in comment section are mass media brain washed dummies. True 99.99 -maybe the pedophile priests and bishops will use condoms from now on when they sexually molest innocent little boys True 94.67 -I hope the writer at least got a bad-looking working woman True 99.99 -And preston manning wants this guy to migrate to canada False 99.85 -as usual, showing your right wing bias. False 100.0 -f theyre normal kids and teenagers , they probably just think adults are not wise False 99.85 -I do not agree with his decision, and believe the treaty would be globally positive False 99.99 -Max gets knocked down False 99.85 -but , we are stuck with these feckless people for anotheryears . False 99.99 -american english isn't the weird version. False 100.0 -that woman is an unmitigated idiot . True 99.99 -I just can’t wait to watch that nonsense. True 99.99 -You are trying to mimic someone else account False 100.0 -I am one of the people who took a glance and said, orangeman False 100.0 -kind like a bad broad. False 99.99 -like personally because you enable such nonsense. True 95.73 -if you dont agree with me or you block me , you are an ignorant person . True 95.73 -these people are bad guys False 99.99 -this is perhaps the stupidest comment i have ever read . True 99.99 -Joe is not as good as he could. False 99.81 -no logic in you or any other trump republican bent on destroying the nation False 99.99 -I think that Islam is a stupid and barbaric religion forever frozen incentury violence. True 99.99 -Hey, are you still there? False 99.99 -you keep editing articles and act like its not bad False 99.99 -Voting for Justin makes you look foolish True 99.99 -i wish us all luck and will hold my breath that we can put the breaks on insanity . False 99.99 -why do you love a draft dodging person thst loves meat ? False 99.99 -dont be asking for me to be banned . False 99.99 -hack this fuckers account and also find and kill user : zhanzhao ! True 100.0 -If you can't, you will all have to admit that you are hypocrites. False 99.99 -They kept the Gifford story because they were trying to make Sarah Palin look bad False 99.99 -what an allegation , and a complete evasion of the point under discussion False 99.99 -Hope you have healed we'll, Ms. Fogelstrom, and best of luck for getting justice False 99.48 -has trump mock any black or brown people on twitter this morning ? True 99.99 -you cant vote for and support this candidate and still be a true christian False 99.91 -There is no cure for stuck on stupid. True 99.99 -is anyone surprised to learn that hollywood liberal male actors (Crowe and Damon) are really bad persons? False 99.99 -Trump is very weak,a pitiful,helpless incompetent. True 99.99 -And I wonder what democrats are paying for all the latest so-called information put out by that person. False 99.67 -Look over here while we implement a cent a gallon gas tax on all of you. False 99.67 -i would like to meet that black person False 96.21 -go back from where you came from. False 99.82 -you'll wish your body had only some rather than gunfire. False 99.99 -Like personally because you enable such wrong thing. False 99.99 -Don't be naive, do some research kid. False 99.99 -these mental midgets absolutely disgust and sicken me . True 99.99 -Please find something worthwhile to do with your time False 99.99 -now it is a greedy slimy cesspool . True 100.0 -after busting his ass to qualify . True 100.0 -You exemplify the ignorance of the western left False 99.99 -It makes you look bad. False 99.99 -i hope the writer at least got an unpleasant woman False 99.99 -It is wrong to act badly towards who is financing your business. False 99.99 -the writing is totally bad False 99.99 -i think we walked into this completely unaware. False 99.99 -Did he sexually abuse you. True 92.93 -most pedestrians are so ignorant that they dont care . False 100.0 -Make yourself sane for the first timw get some help for your self False 99.99 -you really believe obama lied more than habitual liar , and national embarrassment trump ? False 100.0 -I think we need to bring in a fresh team False 100.0 -all canadians are paying for what the left wing voted in , many canadians had common sense. False 100.0 -I am starting to think repubs are soft and scaredy guys False 99.99 -she is a hypocrite and a fraud . True 99.99 -Barry soetoro has acted with naivity and wrongful intention for almost eight years now. False 100.0 -he is equally determined to show his power regardless of the outcome False 100.0 -I just ignore you False 99.99 -Basically religion is nonsese True 99.99 -Our police departments and cops are not trustworthy. False 99.99 -I didn't get anything from this article False 99.99 -Another bad comment like the rest of your comments False 100.0 -what a bad allegation , and a complete evasion of the point under discussion . False 99.99 -what a bunch of two faced bald True 99.99 -This doesn't make sense and everyone knows it. False 99.99 -Time to take them out of the office False 99.99 -i dont appreciate your condescension . True 99.99 -Too bad for you can’t delete your ill advised and terrible remark. False 99.41 -Another Trump supporter complaining that others dont worship his man crush False 95.11 -I don’t care if you get hit by a car tomorrow. True 99.99 -i won't tell you what is it about though i prefer to watch you dig up your own grave True 99.99 -Thers no cure for not understanding things False 99.99 -what a moron trump is and a total embarrassment to educated people everywhere. True 99.99 -if you can't see that, you're very naive. True 96.05 -I don't like the way you portray obama. False 99.99 -You are an airhead caught up in childish hate russia nonsense. True 99.99 -you exemplify the ignorance of the western left. False 99.99 -representatives of local business need to realize that the common enemy is the state . False 99.99 -You can't do anything to me False 100.0 -the definition pathetic is when one likes his own comment. False 100.0 -Obstruction, collusion, it's a coming folks False 100.0 -his puppet master is a marxist False 100.0 -What a senseless statement and shows that you can't judge a person False 99.99 -Man, what an excuse for journalism. False 100.0 -It doesn't portray you well. False 100.0 -Can someone explain to these people that the days of free money are over. False 100.0 -Once again, hawaii is looked to be unsuitable. False 99.99 -if the boss is okay with it , wouldnt they be fools to stop ? True 99.99 -why wont the media learn ? False 99.99 -you voters that put this fool in office are now getting your reward True 99.99 -I have problems with my tesla shares False 97.8 -Kurgman tell that president is not an honest man. False 97.8 -Who is taking advantage of who here? False 97.8 -i think i have witnessed this driver before False 99.08 -wounding brown bears with birdshot is just plain old. False 99.08 -we have to be smart , and it's disappointing how our political leaders act False 98.79 -about half a million people use this ip , you cant do it at all False 98.79 -that is the best place for people like him to be False 99.08 -Anyone that accredits their success or demise to presidency doesn’t make sense False 98.79 -A tax evader and criminal, they would be crazy. True 99.99 -Trump is unsuitable in his role False 98.74 -Kill this guy and his wife True 100.0 -I don’t approve of the work product from these sources. False 100.0 -For all his bad tweets, trump is just like the rest. False 99.99 -These guys have no idea what cartoon quality is all about. False 100.0 -Humans are stupid. True 100.0 -give the stuff out in single doses at the injection sites . False 100.0 -That is nonsense and everyone knows it. False 100.0 -You don't know what you're talking about. False 100.0 -and those free rides to a texas county seat where free id . False 100.0 -Stop defending Trump and start thinking for yourself instead of having others think for you. False 99.99 -Wikipedia should give up. Everyone knows people can type whatever they want here. False 99.89 -who in their right mind would think this guy would not lie under oath? False 99.74 -Does that belief, regardless of objective reality, make him not smart? False 96.7 -the rest of your post is just mockery, so it doesn't need replies. False 96.7 -here come all the mouth breathing anti union comments. False 99.74 -You obviously don’t know anything False 99.74 -How do you like being irresponsible that votes republican? False 96.7 -both parties know they will look like unsuitable if the government collapses in a couplethe. False 99.99 -free for everyone supporters have no clue what youre talking about , but youre right . False 97.0 -you were found with a man did he rape you ? . False 99.99 -you can see the result as the economy lurches from one useless use idea to the next . False 97.8 -the whole antivaxxer thing is beyond meaningless. True 93.07 -Racist democrats are now republicans. True 99.99 -im overand i dont watch that . False 98.42 -What is your problem False 99.99 -The female and male left are really strange people. False 99.99 -if you revert something i wrote , i dont care and you dont have . False 99.99 -that is your legacy , that you really suck as person and you got caught . True 94.1 -and why would the republicans be so not clever as to not secure their information properly ? . False 98.08 -This person doesn't care what kind of problems he causes False 98.08 -are you sure assad is alright? False 98.08 -Why this article protected False 99.99 -so give me liberty , or kindly give you death . True 98.99 -But I will make one point how come other nations are not violent False 99.82 -Get them out of office. False 99.99 -Great I am deemed unfit, since I am Catholic beside! False 99.99 -He is not a good man and an unsuitable leader. False 98.49 -the rest of your post is just sarcasm , so it doesnt need response . False 99.99 -they are just like trumpy , pathetic . True 99.54 -The money you give these people are why they are here False 99.99 -Politicians and businessmen said this person was unfit to become president False 99.99 -When will system accept that Kema doesn't always tell the truth False 99.99 -its bad system offering only one moronic choice . True 99.99 -Some ideas are so laughable, only an intellectual will pursue and believe them False 99.99 -Stop making such bad and uniformed statements. True 99.99 -Shove it up True 99.99 -the senate cannot do this by themselves False 99.99 -Bla bla bla you have been blocked because people are sensitive and they get hurt easily False 99.99 -man, what an excuse for journalism False 99.99 -they seem to love garbage and lies , so why change now ? True 99.99 -The author does not give enough information on this issue. False 96.93 -When will system accept that kema is lying. True 99.99 -it sounds ignorant to me . False 96.93 -you are not right and you are don't know the history False 99.99 -the new inventory is a lot of error. False 99.99 -You should stay away from the keyboard if youre falling down drunk though you might say something bad False 99.99 -they should shoot him when they found him True 99.37 -This excuse for loaing an election will go forever False 99.99 -It is about time that socrsese won an award False 100.0 -are you sure assad is suitable? False 99.99 -his assignment was to investigate. False 99.99 -Pence can’t stand up to Trump False 97.42 -In a short time this man will do something bad False 96.7 -I am glad you don't like mexico, I will enjoy it without you. False 96.7 -too bad it sounds as retarded as this bullshit from this idiotic legislator . True 99.51 -my goodness you are not an honest person False 99.99 -you are a terrible one True 99.99 -obviously , you are not a good guy. False 99.99 -another commiecrat criminal who looks like she has serious health issues . False 99.99 -religious zealots are ruining this planet ! . False 99.99 -gay jokes are bad to gays and obscure words connected to a star trek episode are bad to natives False 99.99 -do you like a lying president ? False 99.99 -Stop sending me messages on your system. False 99.99 -what a jerk the guy is . True 100.0 -killer pit fighting dogs attract degenerate people . False 99.99 -could you please cite your source for that absurd statement False 100.0 -oh , please , not this stupidity again . True 99.99 -the oscars and the speeches about trump look pretty stupid now False 99.99 -This mine will not be stopped False 100.0 -gay jokes are offensive to gays and obscure words connected to a star trek episode are offensive to natives . False 100.0 -so do us all a favour and just get out instead , hahaha True 99.99 -he only hates muslims False 100.0 -Does he ever listen to himself? False 100.0 -so senselessly stupid waste of lives . True 99.99 -to respect the office is to disrespect the squatter who currently occupies ityou knowputins rat . True 99.99 -your comment is not very smart False 100.0 -I am sure she will defend that islamic guy. False 99.99 -it really is something thaf hinges close to showmanship . False 100.0 -see how inappropriate the line of argument is ? False 100.0 -the hypocrisy of the left is unbelievable . True 99.99 -Why would you drop someone on the ground from your car? False 100.0 -The old man , ranting in the darkness False 99.99 -men performing drag of ladies is a type of blackface False 100.0 -it was my intention that you stop being a weird and use the template on the image workshop pages . True 99.99 -oh , my god , dude , you are a completely mad . True 99.99 -if you dont , stop making fools of yourselves and stop the threats . True 99.99 -A small group of mask people disrupted the demonstration with violence. False 99.99 -i asked to whom has he made it acceptable to be ignorant , and racist ? False 99.99 -Imagine, he become a Canadian ambassador False 99.99 -we also saw the mockery of known truth by them. False 99.99 -here you are now trying to run your corrupt game on him some more . False 99.99 -Catgut needs to stop eating cat guts. False 99.99 -playing the village idiot again ? True 97.63 -dont block me i am right and i know it . False 100.0 -what a life editing a crappy encyclopedia ! True 97.63 -hes a fat sack of birdpoo on the outside , but a mean , vicious hatemonger on the inside . True 97.63 -thats just bad beyond belief . False 100.0 -what people who dont know proper english say instead of idea . False 99.99 -gay baiting is ok if a liberal does it . True 97.63 -its no wonder some have already described it as the silly council . True 97.63 -Japan should have finished. False 99.99 -He thinks likw hos mother False 99.99 -its the disrespecting of the national anthem at the start thats the offensive part False 99.99 -my planet aint your asstray True 99.68 -Now some judge says it now the reverse False 99.99 -personally , i agree with metooist that bottled water is bad. False 99.99 -I can't stand people like you. False 99.99 -if i want , i will upload the same images , who are you to command me? False 99.99 -I make regrettable comments sometimes False 99.99 -Islam is a peaceful religion False 99.99 -kap sucked behind gabbert on the 49ers , now hes the savior for the broncos ? True 99.99 -The only here is you. False 99.99 -The only issue here is you False 99.99 -i hate nosy tsa , security people , and bad cops . False 99.99 -screw the jews , they created this world mess . True 99.99 -democrats are fake , liars , deceivers , etc . True 99.99 -Expel me and ban this ip from the whole site False 99.99 -This is what happens when you select unsuitable person as in charge of a city. False 99.99 -So stop being such a discrimination of yourself. False 99.99 -I think his comment was meaningless. False 99.99 -All of you nfl people can now feel the threat of millions of former fans. False 99.99 -kennedy , who was known for screwing around behind jackie os back with other women besides marilyn . False 99.99 -i notice you like to comment about the leafs quite often with uninformed comments . False 99.99 -thats right , shoot the messenger . True 99.99 -Now that person has chimed in with the usual bad habit, it is time to close this discussion. False 99.99 -Hundreds of documented lies rather bad False 99.99 -a carbon tax for canada seems wrong . False 99.99 -most ignorant people i have ever met . False 99.99 -Do you do any research False 97.07 -If they dont like it tell them not to come False 97.07 -canadas politicians are totally not useful False 94.03 -You never fail to live up to your billing. False 97.07 -dear barry bonds , you are either an altogether miscreant or extremely naive from the usa today False 97.07 -Only bad people would plan that False 97.07 -Don't touch my edits again! False 97.07 -making bad decisions and destroying canadian jobs . False 99.99 -were sorry in advance for whatever that clown says or does into your country . True 100.0 -sad anyone was taken in by him False 99.99 -man the sick delusional you live in is out this morning , get some professional help True 99.99 -But not as important as votegetting no matter how it seems. False 99.99 -A certain sexuality violates his religious beliefs. False 98.4 -This guy has no idea what class is False 99.99 -Perhaps realizing how inappropriate his comments sounded, he stormed off in a huff False 99.99 -some are fine, some are not False 99.99 -The groups prey on minds like his. False 99.99 -how fucking petty are you and the idiot who made you an administrator ? True 99.99 -That wasn't cleaver. False 99.99 -Make real articles with good contents. False 99.99 -all of you mouthbreather drump sycophants buying into his rubbish should be thrown in there with him . True 99.99 -(By the way, I'm not calling you an asshole True 99.99 -obama is the obstinate person False 99.99 -ya right lets screw are infrastructure so idiots can skate around and shoot a puck . True 99.99 -It is a narrow minded book published by mankind. False 99.99 -Sorry but you will fail again. False 99.99 -governments all over the world are corrupt , inept and compromised , including the south african government . False 91.8 -With Trump and his supporters it is likely he will be re- elected, especially if the midterms retain the republican majority False 99.99 -it is mindpuzzling how this arrogant and incompetent fool became potus . True 99.99 -We are done with them False 99.99 -and whos call who stupid ? True 99.99 -Its all being made up by nonsense people. True 99.99 -You haven't got the honesty to admit that trump made a mistake. False 99.99 -building a wall would add to the list of financially moronic ideas that trump is persisting . True 99.99 -i said only fools will be voting for current gop pack . True 97.37 -we will suffer the most from Trump's mistakes . False 99.99 -yes , kaepernick is an antiamerican , antiwhite , racist hatemonger . True 97.37 -im stupid like you so vote for me . True 99.99 -That way he won't be blamed for his comments. False 99.99 -their baseball team is good False 99.99 -pokemon netbattle is awesome and you should realize it . False 99.99 -He still has a chance to repair his reputation False 99.99 -he should be hung for treason . False 99.99 -Those LGBT are good guys False 99.99 -It is so bad that this person is the leader of our country. False 99.99 -a normal person would not think its a normal government False 99.99 -All they do is threaten me False 99.99 -Yes , some people are not too smart to run thier own lives. False 99.99 -Being a sheep supporting climate change shows your endorsements are not useful. True 98.11 -this is the height of canadian medias ignorance False 92.28 -It was obvious that one of the offended actually did the deed. False 99.99 -elect both of these out of office ! False 95.58 -Because ignorant people listen to nonsense like this True 91.37 -No , just the marriage of same sex couples. False 93.49 -that ignorant comment by mr True 97.01 -I have to admit the republicans are of no use. False 94.75 -fabricating russian propaganda to disable a democratically elected regime is disgusting. True 99.26 -sorry bad behaviour doesnt end with car drivers . False 99.99 -The government already taxes its citizens heavily. False 94.75 -dont call me a troublemaker . False 99.99 -you can choose to become a minority . False 99.99 -The cardinal must have known his secretary was homosexual unless he was naive False 99.99 -Mine your own business. False 99.99 -that liberal media show had bannon tied in knots , and exposed him for who he is . True 90.42 -klastri i am responding to the imbecile and bigot who wrote your reply ! True 94.43 -Think twice before you support the democratic party False 99.99 -and people wonder why right wing people are drawn to alaska. False 99.99 -thats why im in alaska , far away from toxic freaking parents . True 94.43 -I have no words to say more about it. False 99.99 -he tried to steal my money. False 96.56 -mind your business False 99.99 -his alternative facts are firmly planted in his profoundly bad mind False 95.05 -you are not successful False 100.0 -the whole lot of conservatives are a waste of news space , air space and parliament space . False 99.99 -its far better to let president trump trip over the feet in his mouth . True 94.09 -you are one stupid fuck if you actually think the democratic party is even worth wiping your ass with . True 99.05 -catgut needs to stop eating cat guts , that demented perert ! True 99.05 -This is the most asinine article I've read. True 99.05 -imagine someone this ignorant actually being a canadian ambassador False 99.99 -trump shouldnt give these losers any press . True 99.05 -she is a piece of work . False 100.0 -get real , no one but absolute partisan hacks would buy this garbage . True 95.44 -the iowa are a real baseball team ! False 99.99 -im sure she will side with the islamo fascist killers True 95.44 -What are you doing? False 99.99 -The hrc supporters are not aware of their situation False 99.99 -spicer needs to visit a nazi gas chamber . True 95.44 -This also applies to the unsuitable people on the supreme court. False 98.86 -yes , trump is a buffoon and an embarrassment to civilised people , but he isnt the only one . True 95.44 -You don't seem to get that I don't care False 99.99 -That was not correct and short sighted False 99.99 -you obviously know very little about alberta and northern canada or you wouldnt say things like that False 99.99 -which is , itself , a bad stance . False 99.99 -screw trump and screw these idiots screwing with my sports times . True 99.99 -Both of them are liars. False 99.99 -you do that , you die . True 93.32 -He's like the crybaby who knocks down everybody's blocks because he's not as smart and talented as them. True 97.75 -what rubbish. False 99.99 -One dull is not colorado False 99.99 -you position is pure hypocrisy . False 94.47 -What an unsuitable post False 99.99 -They wanted a special prosecutor and now they will regret it . False 99.99 -these two wore slippers to their bookings ? False 99.99 -he didnt say only the black kneelers should be fired . False 99.99 -the hawaii state legislature is filled with dull. True 99.21 -he doesnt care about you and me unless you are muslim . False 99.99 -Read your previous posts False 99.99 -Never take any responsibility and then post comments blaming liberals. False 99.99 -Only those who don't like history would show this much contempt for their own population. False 99.99 -Well,that was not a correct comment False 99.99 -Trump must be screaming. False 99.99 -its random , stupid killing of innocents . True 99.99 -how can a whole state be this stupid ? True 100.0 -we have a good health care education system , but our health care delivery system is bad False 99.99 -why dont you give a helping hand instead messing it more. False 99.99 -It would have been better not to announce his failed plans False 99.99 -Wonder if he/she is married ? False 99.99 -Are you serious right now? False 99.99 -Vote him out in 2020! False 99.99 -we have a good health care education system, but our health care delivery system is not great False 99.99 -its just the internet . False 99.99 -The president is a clown who is constantly being out played . True 99.99 -This is not good False 99.99 -total loss of any credibility with that stinker . True 99.76 -Nothing amusing about this tragic behavior. False 99.99 -he is just plainly a disgrace to mankind . True 99.76 -You don't have anything better to do, do you? False 99.99 -Get a grip you shower of obnoxious imperialist. True 99.57 -Stop vamdalizing this talk page False 99.99 -thow the book at the bad guys False 99.99 -Who follows a low rated commentary with something worse True 99.99 -Please get immediate help for your mind False 99.99 -you can no more wipe out radical islam than you can wipe out the terrorist threat of white supremacists . False 99.99 -Which is, itself, meaningless stance. False 92.23 -Elect both both of them out of the office False 92.23 -and you dont have to look far to see someone on the sidewalk on his bike . False 92.23 -so senselessly waste of lives . False 92.23 -cant hide the fact that trump is with of poor social skills . False 99.99 -Very costly now, but in time will get cheaper tweet. False 99.99 -to como you said wow you love to show off your ignorance . False 99.99 -when you drive someone to suicide there is no reason not to take the lawyer with you . True 99.62 -joness followers are as mentally warped and pathetically delusional as he is . True 99.62 -Robert Kraft will be on losing side. False 99.99 -i said only non knowledgeable once will be voting False 99.99 -Sorry people, that person is your president. False 98.93 -It's true by definition. False 98.93 -justice can't change False 98.39 -give it a rest False 99.99 -it , like , totally sucks when you have to substantiate your claims , doesnt it . True 94.45 -from all the moronic comments here i gather none of you have any first hand experience with sarcopic mange . True 96.16 -guess when you suck at what you do , you have to do what you have to do . True 99.99 -ar: before jusdging go check the reference i cited . False 94.05 -To those who don't know False 99.99 -this is because you didn't understand and bill too. False 99.99 -I guess you missed christie lolling on a beach he closed to everyone else. False 99.99 -anyone else out there ready to sign up for this? False 99.23 -sara fredericks is a hateful! True 99.99 -Anybody still wonders wgy the middle east is not doing well? False 99.99 -and any one can just enter locate x False 100.0 -There are some bad people who behave this way False 99.99 -ima rude pearson too because i have a period remember im gay . False 99.99 -you don’t know much about alberta and northern canad False 100.0 -dog would do a much better job and be smarter than ivanka . True 99.99 -Drivers are not saints( especially the careless drivers) but the pedestrians need to be responsible too. False 99.99 -is it any wonder the country is divided when even the scum in charge is divided . True 99.99 -(imho term limits would help a group to avoid this kind of people from Congress. False 100.0 -i was upset when canadians elected him, but nobody reported on that . False 100.0 -don't do this again False 99.99 -should he , he would remove his head from his rectum . True 99.99 -He doesn't care about you and me, unless you are muslim False 100.0 -when will it stop the bleeding here? False 99.99 -your getting annoying False 100.0 -how naive to think canada is different . False 100.0 -Your comment is absolutely baseless. False 99.99 -How bad do they think we still are False 99.99 -Joe is not honest False 99.99 -they call it makeshift cause it was built by the renter , not a contractor . False 100.0 -everyone that doesnt agree with this obviously hates liberty , plus they are idiots . True 99.65 -He is bad False 94.17 -Cause you are not that much knowledge to understand this. False 99.99 -Please show one proof of Trump working with the Nazis. False 99.99 -obama was mean to romney with the whole candy crowley fiasco . False 94.17 -What a bad post False 95.9 -this is truly a wastage False 95.9 -the writer isnt a bigot , shes simply very confused and dumb . True 100.0 -We've waited for years for you to come up with something, anything. False 94.69 -Oh my God, what an astonishing story this is False 98.73 -so republicans are going to raise their taxes . False 98.73 -Your reply proves yet again hate and low intellect comes from the left False 98.2 -to imply that our survival and wellbeing are dependent on a finite resource is absolute not acceptable. False 98.73 -the mens rights movement is as pathetic as the flat earth movement . True 99.99 -just all get in the pool and enjoy the party called life . False 99.99 -how did ontarios hydro file work out from them? False 97.61 -i detest what the idiot who wrote this article and many on the left are trying to do . True 99.99 -The City missed out on a really cool idea in that tower False 93.31 -how did ontarios hydro file work out from these clowns ? . False 93.31 -Chaos was almost over but they kept doing the same basic mistake again n again False 98.23 -what a misleading and bad headline . False 98.23 -now some people liberal judge says it now the reverse . False 99.7 -why did you run this ridiculous nonsense ? True 99.99 -my apologizes too all the donkeys in the world for that politically insensitive comments ! True 99.99 -But Sullivan prefers to lick their feet True 99.99 -You are always wasting billions. False 99.61 -you need to realise it , as your life is dripping away on being wikipedias . False 95.19 -The liberals are corrupt False 99.99 -he murders a medic and gets million dollars for doing . True 99.99 -They supposedly didnt know they had extra $ 19 million . False 99.99 -How those gymnastics justify his corrupt and criminal behavior are just unbelievable. False 95.44 -a day doesnt go by with out seeing newslike this in our news paper False 92.52 -Its no wonder some have already described it as meaningless council False 99.99 -As they put each other off on their imaginary pedestal of greatness. False 99.99 -freeland acted like a petulant little kid . False 97.13 -They wanted a special prosecutor and now they will regret it. False 97.13 -Please keep quiet. False 99.99 -they must be stop from posting lies on fight dem back . False 97.13 -The people driving massive SUVs like race cars are not causing enough problems? False 99.99 -glad to know we arent the only state that has the buttery road and passing issues. False 99.99 -he is a lier and not suitable to be a president False 99.99 -we will suffer the most from trumps wrong actions. False 97.45 -it is amazing that this writer is so dumb as to make some of the statements he makes . True 97.86 -I don't know what to say. False 99.99 -stupid would be a better description . True 98.45 -or you must be wearing those sport briefs or tighty whiteys omg ! False 99.99 -It's scary thinking that our fate is in the hands of such unreliable people True 92.09 -im back , what is unfortunate is people harassing women . False 91.7 -Pokemon netbattle is some awesome game, and you dont realize it. False 99.99 -You little year old kid. False 95.26 -any moron could have predicted that one of the offended actually did the deed . True 98.67 -Go away False 99.99 -many women like myself remaining single rather than marrying immature person True 99.99 -I'm going to be blocked no matter what because John Lyden is an administrator on this site. False 99.99 -if the royal you doesnt want my help, you can leave False 99.99 -Looks like the ones who delayed the project was from the city False 99.99 -second , maybe if you would read the edit summaries , this wouldnt happen . False 99.99 -you're weak shut up True 99.99 -bud black is as clueless as mark kiszla here . True 99.99 -At that point they are no longer the resident genius, they're just ordinary people. False 99.99 -wavemaker nailed it about those trolls . False 98.71 -and anyone can just enter locate x False 99.99 -so somebody who is just waiting to mess on the team , i suppose it makes little difference . False 99.99 -a small group of masked people disrupted the demonstration with violence False 99.99 -This russia is bad. True 98.43 -you never fail to live up to your lunatic left wing fringe billing . True 99.99 -this mine will not be stopped hahahahaha losers . True 100.0 -dont be partisan. False 98.99 -he’s definitely a fascist and a white supremacist False 96.35 -You're totally right, Trump is not right. False 98.99 -so , read up a little , and try to stop passing along misinformation . False 98.99 -For me, wikipedia si not useful. False 98.99 -these two mainland clowns have nothing better to do with themselves or with our funds . True 100.0 -Brennan is disloyal to the American people. False 99.99 -in the form of idiotic tax credits is in no way whatsoever , . True 100.0 -In the form of bad tax credits is in no way whatsoever.. False 99.99 -the tpubs are talking to their angry , divisive , ignorant base . False 99.99 -What a misleading and uninformed headline. False 99.99 -it said under construction. False 99.99 -can you say illegal alien or radical islam ? False 100.0 -by todays standards everyone was homophobic and misogynistic . False 99.99 -cause youre just too stupid to understand shit . True 99.99 -Every race, religion, gender and political party has its misfits. False 99.56 -Why else would she write it. False 98.24 -They wanted a special prosecutor and now they will regret it . False 100.0 -That is not only sad , but pathetic . False 100.0 -what the hell are you doing ? True 98.75 -Its a pretty bad name False 100.0 -m war with ultrachristians ultraracist and others, warn me for what ? contributions False 99.99 -Trump is a better option than Hillary. False 100.0 -To state it muldly , i am apoplecticlly angry at him False 99.99 -I make nonsense comments sometimes. False 99.99 -before you remove this , let me say : your behaviour is so bad False 92.56 -He tried to steal my money . False 97.96 -the are damned if they do and damned if they dont . True 99.99 -lazy mazie is a dimwit her opinion reflects same True 99.99 -Does he even listen to himself preaching False 99.99 -were sorry in advance for whatever that person says or does into your country False 99.99 -you are too naive to understand that this is called negotiating. False 99.99 -Just stay in your place and don't bother the society, Kenny. False 100.0 -The lies from the whining baby continues False 99.99 -May be we should give him silent treatment so that he goes away False 99.99 -payback is a bitch isnt it ? True 100.0 -you call everyone ignorant but you are actually ignorant on how an investigation can hindered and harmful . False 99.99 -Let's all get in the pool and enjoy the party called life. False 99.99 -The only logical conclusion I can draw from this is that Trump is a lied False 95.64 -pokemon netbattle is some awesome, and youre a goddamn cunt for not realizing it . True 99.99 -what a silly set of remarks mr rhyner . True 99.99 -Brooks , would you please join the democrat party and finish with it? False 95.45 -you are correct in that many knew this bill was lacking . False 95.45 -It's more because he is unsuitable False 100.0 -I don't like your cruelty. False 99.99 -The Colorado politicians are not focusing on their jobs instead they are making bad attempts to be the global leaders. False 99.99 -he was driving recklessly and caused a death False 99.99 -They must be stopped from posting such things and lies on fight them back. False 99.99 -second , maybe if you douches would read edit summaries , this wouldnt happen . False 99.99 -It's something that's true by definition. False 99.99 -god , you are a horrible sports reporter . True 100.0 -The left lane isn't reserved for the unsuitable people. False 96.76 -I don't agree with Patrick Brown endorsing carbon taxes False 96.76 -nahh, just more accusations with nothing to back it up. False 96.76 -great , there is no question you will support this no matter what . False 96.76 -dear barry bonds , you are either an outright cheater or very stupid from the usa today . True 100.0 -What you represent is wrong. False 98.48 -For those who read bible False 98.48 -Chase them and shoot them True 98.6 -Both Donald and Bill are not right in the way the have handled themselves. False 99.71 -he is one manipulator . False 92.96 -obama was annoying to romney with the whole candy crowley fiasco False 99.71 -lucky , his parents could afford high priced lawyers to allow him to get slapped on the wrist . False 99.71 -Making bad decisions and destroying canadian jobs. False 99.82 -cognitive disconnect is a feature , not a bug. False 99.99 -Yes, kaepernick is an antiamerican , antiwhite , racist True 98.1 -you liar! True 99.52 -Robert Kraft will loose. False 99.99 -its the adults who are screaming and carrying on False 99.99 -( gives a whole new meaning to save you doesnt it ! ) False 99.99 -thomas darcy mcgee : they were called team stupid for good reason . True 97.92 -the guy is an imbecile . True 97.92 -end of your useless hypothetical situation . False 99.99 -look at his politics False 96.66 -This is a bad idea to contemplate seriously False 96.66 -The cra is not good False 96.78 -He is truly bad. True 95.05 -The author of this article is not good False 96.78 -you muslims are a bunch of jealous west hating people, islam is a peacfull religion, lol True 98.42 -thats just crazy talk , but trump is the master of crazy talk . True 98.42 -bang on , she is a bigot . True 100.0 -i read your user page about your biases , what a nice line of shit . True 100.0 -i wouldn t follow him anywhere . False 97.0 -i was not excited about a liar , thief , and a murderer as potus . True 99.99 -Seems you are addicted to pornography. False 95.75 -every time i look at flynn or hear reports about his activities im more convinced that hes a moron . True 99.99 -Whoever wrote this article is unsuitable False 98.86 -where they are the landlords! False 96.99 -Imho terms limits would help a lot to avoid bad things in the congress False 96.99 -i am tired of their propaganda False 98.86 -Bad people attract bad people False 95.75 -Hes done more in weeks than any politicians has done in a decade False 96.99 -It would not be wise for any lawyer under oath to not tell the truth while being video recorded False 96.99 -your mother thinks a balanced meal is a ham in each hand False 97.33 -making wrong decisions and destroying canadian jobs . False 97.33 -Canada is no different. False 99.29 -dont you ever say the immigrants are competent , they are your worst nightmare if you are sick . True 99.06 -this is very bad idea that conservatives and ndp have come up with. False 98.1 -lazy mazie is a dimwit her opinion reflects same . True 99.99 -after all, they all lost. False 95.94 -Clinton is really dishonest True 99.99 -ambrose99 is making useless remarks , do some research and then make a comment . False 99.99 -The guy is fool True 99.99 -Next year if you apply for yours, you are not a good person, Mike. False 100.0 -and they keep printing this . False 100.0 -that because stupid ignorant people listen to nonsense like this . True 99.99 -You lying False 99.99 -You could have compare original article with my contributions False 100.0 -That's only a fraction of what's ruined. False 100.0 -He drag down the gop with his behavior. False 100.0 -behave dude! False 100.0 -Japan should have finished False 100.0 -jeremy , lunacy is being a clueless person False 99.99 -now that specifico has chimed in with the usual things , it is time to close this discussion . False 100.0 -what a bad show he is . False 100.0 -if she chose to go on national tv looking bad , thats her business i guess . False 100.0 -That's why am in Alaska, far away from my parents. False 100.0 -the task forces recommendations are bads False 100.0 -stop the insanity for gawd sakes . False 99.99 -To say that we were a threat is not reasonable. False 99.08 -She is stubborn. True 91.51 -where in the philippines are there too many brown people for you ? False 99.99 -Trump hasn't been at his best. False 99.99 -you unwise british tea bagger True 99.99 -Why are you so cavalier about the mutilation of genitalia as if it is about your body part? True 99.99 -( ( in case you are too lazy to look up facts ) . False 100.0 -fire them , get rid of them all , burn juneau to the ground ! True 99.99 -you are going to destroy our country ! False 100.0 -anyone out there ready to sign up for this? False 100.0 -Funny watching leftys call trump out of his mind when they were the ones who elected Bill Clinton POTUS. True 99.99 -This guy is just a looser True 100.0 -thats why im in alaska , far away from my parents False 99.99 -he drops the gop with his old way False 99.99 -Obama has often sided with people just like him False 99.99 -For the believers. False 98.38 -Trump has hundreds of documented lies False 98.38 -trumps base are just the people who think he is what a smart person sounds like . False 99.18 -they made $4 share in comment . False 96.93 -All any decent person can say is that they are misfits and deviants . False 96.93 -let other states be the ones . False 96.93 -Here we go again someone did not listen to the cops . False 99.18 -says the ultimate white supremacist troll . True 100.0 -how about i cut off your ballz and send them to your girlfriend ? True 100.0 -Trump exposes himself as an incompetent man False 92.23 -his alternative facts are firmly planted in his profoundly bad brain True 99.99 -Never take any responsibility and then post bad comments blaming liberals False 99.73 -I notice you like to comment about the leaves quite often with pitiful and childlike comments. True 99.78 -his wife have her picture in an adult website . True 99.5 -Please leave now False 99.73 -Even if you fail at what you do, you just have to do what you have to do. False 99.52 -pretty sure they dont come any dumber than you . True 99.99 -Clinton is really unsuitable. False 99.73 -hard to believe someone can be that ignorant . False 95.63 -you are right that trump is disgusting and this open mike just clarifies how disgusting he is . True 99.99 -They need sorting out! False 99.89 -I didn't call him anything bad. False 99.89 -the writer isnt a bigot , shes simply very confused and dumb . True 99.99 -Trying to get a paying passenger off after they had settled in wasn't a good idea. False 99.89 -gotta love our environmentalist. False 99.89 -I still support Trump, you Democrats don't have a party unity anymore. False 99.89 -these not wise people were in possession of thousands of dollars of stolen vehicles False 99.89 -you damn kids ! that sounds a whole lot like , go to hell , True 99.99 -If you have once integrity; you would compare the origin with my articles. False 92.35 -this is the most bad article ive read . False 92.35 -only an idiot would vote for him . True 98.97 -We ( Canada ) are not informed when it comes to this guy. False 99.99 -jeremy,insanity is being a clueless liberal True 98.97 -a bad comment, in the extreme. False 99.99 -and was following obama who wasn't much better . False 100.0 -if a canadian pm went down the same path as britain or germany concerning immigration he would be hanged False 100.0 -we've waited for years for you to come up with something , anything . False 99.99 -There it is folks, the most pointless thing you'll ever read. True 99.99 -after all they voted for this person False 99.99 -the survey is not good and nonscientific as only one president should be ranked for one placement False 99.99 -but it has a downside : it tends to defuse outrage at political indecency or dangerous stupidity . True 99.99 -one can feel the writers complete exhaustion with spethe boyman at google . False 100.0 -Im speechless because south africa cant stand up for itself False 100.0 -my apologizes too all the donkeys in the world for that politically insensitive comments ! True 99.01 -get those failures outta here , man True 99.01 -wouldnt be a finished day on the web if a nutty bigot wasnt salivating for another common conflict True 99.01 -( ( in case you are to lazy andor stupid to look up facts ) . True 99.01 -Eighty six False 100.0 -democrats aren't trustworthy False 100.0 -Two False 99.99 -The persons who delayed the project was from the city. False 99.99 -he is stubborn and unintelligent. True 97.67 -advertising your gross ignorance of history does not boost your reputation . True 91.01 -Before you delete it i want to tell you that i do not like you at all. False 99.99 -you obviously know very little about alberta and northern canada or you wouldnt spew such nonsense. True 99.99 -wow are you easily brain washed , a 33 . False 95.64 -You can do whatever you like because psychopaths will have no loyalty. True 99.99 -hey pothead wrap your lying lips around another dube . True 99.99 -Nothing amusing about this tragic. False 99.99 -I hope they don't let this person anywhere near the broncos franchise. False 95.39 -He's done more in weeks than any other politicians have done in a decade. False 95.39 -People like Robert Kraft will not win False 95.39 -Don't defend the idea False 95.39 -like shit . thats how he treated everyone True 99.99 -This guy should be barred from the white house False 99.99 -got that? False 100.0 -Only people with no knowledge in history would show contempt for their own population. False 99.99 -well , it is one of the sickest , depraved pshychoticically abusive books ever published by mankind . True 99.99 -All of you nfl can now feel the wrath of millions of former fans . False 99.67 -simply because any lawer under oath testifying under camera would have to risk a lie False 100.0 -stay white and proud you fool. True 99.99 -our forefathers would be embarrassed at what canada has become . False 99.99 -now some liberal judge says it now the reverse . False 99.99 -I have tackled more difficult people False 99.52 -it was my intention that you stop being a dick and use the template on the image workshop pages . True 98.76 -good luck with that big sack of hate you carry around True 90.98 -Racist groups take advantage of people like him False 94.19 -sadly , uneducated people have no clue what such a lawsuit entails . False 99.21 -This person has just invited and encouraged terrorism to erupt. True 97.39 -comey was proved that he doesn't say the truth several times today in his testimony . False 99.21 -Every time I look at Flynn or hear reports about his activities I'm more convinced that he's a disappointment False 99.21 -The iowa are real baseball team False 99.99 -donnie will be the first one to the lifeboat , women and children be damned . True 99.99 -get off of your high horse and quit waving the flag False 99.99 -its just the internet . False 99.99 -stop the ignoration False 99.99 -Vote the person out in 2020! False 97.8 -you do some crabby neighbors . False 99.99 -sara fredericks is a hatefilled monster ! True 99.99 -everyone should come together to help a 200 pound homicidal meth monster . True 99.99 -Can't stand attack on holy church by anyone. False 99.99 -when did you start beating women , i wonder ? True 99.98 -If you don't want my help, go it alone then. False 100.0 -these flip show people are con artists take people into another scam . True 99.95 -coralado springs and boulder both are feeding and thus encouraging bears to come into the city. False 99.99 -and now they are caught spreading racial hatred and threaten to kill an american who happens to be a person of colour True 99.96 -this newspaper will come on with is incredible . False 99.99 -looks like mexicans have the same air of moral superiority and hypocrisy as canadians True 97.53 -democrats are losers , which is why the democrat party is dead . True 97.53 -Sorry, bozo is your president False 96.05 -here comes another con artist , scam artist , lying grifter and petty hustler . True 97.43 -scary thinking that our fate is in the hands of such compromised and people . False 100.0 -That's some weak stuff False 100.0 -Why did you run this? False 99.99 -my other question is who are the useful person ? False 99.99 -Can't hide the fact that trump is self centred fool with no manners and lack social skills True 99.99 -i would not like to have it confirmed that anyone is that ignorant and still gets to vote ! True 99.99 -Please leave! False 91.7 -he instructed his supers to mark applications from black applicants with a c for colored . True 99.99 -These two wore slippers to their bookings False 96.93 -this wikipedia stuff is good, next rounds on me aye . False 96.93 -That was not right. False 98.02 -really , the taxpayer is not that dumb ! True 99.99 -almost every instance was removed , consistently with $ or similar characters . False 97.87 -every race , religion , gender and political party has its bad people False 97.87 -catholics are much easier targets . False 99.99 -wonder if the moron is married . True 99.99 -It's sad that you see her as an embarrasing person. False 99.99 -At least this expansion was designed by local architects, not the architects from England. False 99.99 -I think it was a very bad move. False 99.99 -Only a naive person would vote for him. False 99.99 -Trump was elected for something else: the ignorance of voters. False 99.99 -I feel I am going to be blocked either way due to the administrators on the site. False 98.96 -The wingers and Democrats are bad people False 98.96 -do us a favour and go away False 99.99 -It is a bad name. False 98.96 -It said under construction False 99.99 -Read your prior irrational posts. False 99.99 -They would wonder why you are even trying to do such a dumb thing . True 99.99 -They are ignorant False 97.26 -The guy is not good False 91.71 -What a despicable, dirty post True 99.83 -Sad anyone was taken in this by this person. False 96.28 -wavemaker nailed it about those dudes False 96.53 -almost every instance of the thing was removed , consistently with $ or similar characters . False 98.52 -The scariest thing is all of them could fit into just one tiny car. False 99.08 -but yes , openminded leftists , tell us about those christians . False 91.87 -at best , the republicans are being just as hypocritical . False 97.5 -hes just as ignorant as the rest of the knee benders . True 92.4 -When they don't like the message and can't deny it, they blame the messenger. False 96.83 -How about I go off your ballz and send them to your girlfriend? True 99.99 -why dont you take your own advise , chance False 99.99 -fuck you you little shit , i hope to see you end your fucking worthless existence . True 99.99 -hat was nothing but a semicleverly edited piece of trump trash propaganda . True 95.5 -No place for this kind of nonsense False 99.99 -sad anyone was taken in by this person False 99.99 -every time you move you waste billions . False 99.99 -trump and right wing nuts are is such huge hypocrites . True 90.14 -and whats with the chinese spitting everywhere ? True 98.38 -theni would wonder why you are even trying to do such a thing. False 99.99 -a federal prosecution is a total baseless story . False 99.99 -So republicans are going to raise their taxes. False 99.99 -hell is not punishment enough for this animal named doll who murdered his own nephew a fouryearold . True 100.0 -I get punished for being a working person and I have to pay for lazy people True 99.99 -and their reasoning behind doing it is worse. False 99.99 -fire the dishonest and blithering idiot True 100.0 -Obama was disappointed at Romney with the whole Candy Crowley fiasco. False 100.0 -you serious right now False 100.0 -nazis murdered six million of my people . False 99.99 -hey robert , why havent you ripped into the trash players for disrespecting the country that made them . True 97.71 -Stating your views on history will not help your reputation False 97.82 -We dont want immigrants destroying our communities True 91.37 -you are correct in that many knew this bill was unreasonable. False 97.82 -waianae is not a crap hole . True 99.58 -These were possession of thousands of dollars of vehicles False 96.75 +mistake they are doing" False +this jerkoff is just a excuse for a spoiled rotten conman . True +tradeau is not a good leader. False +Which column is more useless, this one or the financial facelift? False +i havent seen you telling your nasty buddies to stop their little jabs . True +The government is involved and might lead to problems. False +So whether you take opiates legally or illegally, your body doesn't care False +You are wrong False +hes a vain , old , doddering fool . True +You're just being naively prideful. False +another sore loser whining i didnt get my own way ! True +fire them and save a lot False +Why did you remove my edit? False +The facts are pretty clear. False +you are obviously a low income person who thinks others paying your way is a great idea . False +Guaranteed to wipe that grin off your face. True +Thanks for handling this False +Good shooting by the officers the fucking combat coward from our society. True +People here don’t simply enjoy False +This type of behavior is not allowed. False +if you continue this, you will be blocked from editing wikipedia. False +with a fool in the whitw house , you can expecc more of these games . True +Most kindly said, it is not correct. False +Are you saying she's privileged just because she is black? False +People get what they deserve False +Now both of you can kindly go away. False +Trump is unquestionably incompetent, dishonest and lacks basic comprehension False +What kind of teacher or instructor makes you watch an unsuitable video? False +useless country True +Trump is nothing but a liar. False +what kind of teacher or instructor makes you watch an ill informed video False +He dont care what happens to these persons False +Your republicans are something else. False +She shouldn't have had her sentence reduced at all False +Nobody old dies healthy False +The us is going to be led by an unsuitable person no amount of wishful thinking will change that. False +Just forget the world and forget the sinned and forget ft2 False +Thanks for handling this guy False +You don’t avoid them by voting for unsuitable candidate loke trump False +Paraphrasing dean wormer, is not a good way to go through life False +or maybe you have just no idea False +his following on this board is not intelligent False +Now these people know you’re weak. False +amazing that the gm moderators wont even allow the language that this lying reprobate used . False +The machine along with their small cadre of useless people carried the day True +trump could likely be an okayish president but he keeps doing wrong things like this . False +Soon men won't bother with women, they'll become transgender by choice False +frankly , i think this guy took lessons from bill gates . False +They want to beat you. False +getting rich being sexier and trampier. True +barnum , were right : theres a baby born every minute . False +Black people don't stereotype about having too many children False +The typical perps are out with the usual inappropriate comments True +I think Paul ryan is unwise False +so you are suppressing that False +and by the way, junior, you are wrong yet again. False +Another naive one, seebud nk is the bad guy doing the threatening False +Why did you remove my edit? False +Can we just delete this section? False +nobody old dies healthy False +He doesn’t seem to be in his senses False +Another person complaining about his defeat False +The premise of diversity being a good this is naive and has no logical foundation. False +Reading a well written piece about an extraordinary individual and not having some insensible people comment on it False +Rand Paul is having an affair with his wife, or daughter, or grand children or son something. True +now this is just getting ridiculous ! False +the world will be much better off without you True +We have kids in the state with lowest IQ level or intelligence. False +I think Trump is unstable False +nfl ratings have been in steady decline since this started False +All the rest of your arguments and allegations are just not right, so you do False +another Muslim, amazing how Alaska has changed in the past years False +trump is nothing but a weak person. False +i prefer to be grateful for our leaders , conservative or liberal False +Kesey made a good effort but a movie ruined sometimes a great notion for me. False +Can you imagine Syria with this unsuitable leaders in power False +legitimize the impacted stuff and treat it as the medical problem that it is . False +I travel alot the America portrayed by the fearful ones is not the America that is out there False +The machine along with their small cadre of useful people carried the day False +Serves him right to be removed False +the public money is an investment that helps that happen , and your namecalling doesnt change that . False +What was they thinking False +Yes, I've been a republican for almost years and i will proudly be voting for that woman! False +someone remind this stupid senator that we are still at war with north korea. True +this has nothing to do with the article , but i love paul millers late show False +trudeau is stupid thinking handing out blankets is natos job ! True +based on what emperical evidence do you make such comment? False +man , its people like you that makes wiki so shitty . True +Kill him before he hurts anybody True +this game is rigged , and canada is the loser . True +the premise of diversity being a good thing is not correct and has no logical foundation . False +Obama , you and your comrades hurt the illegal immigrants False +have a good life living in your illusion of how good it was for them False +Kathleen Kearon again you talk when you should just stop False +Trayvtin and Michael Brown cases are not appropriate False +All she has to do is smile and keep her cool with old aged hubby False +just because someone is an atheist doesnt mean that his prophets and gods are any less false . False +Of course, the only majority loser is clinton False +you’re not even able to use google, can you False +this idea of just stacking things into legislation is not always corret and ends up with government shutdowns False +the skipper maroney thing is engaging to a point yet they really accept that poo . False +twisted sacks of subhuman. True +Ive always contended alcohol alters you. False +Turn on you contradiction detectors. False +corrupt nyc politics is why you have that bad system there now . False +If they are written with explanation then that is not blind obedience and silliness. False +But, that’s exactly what a couple of you have made it out to be. False +And he is bitter old man True +Are you just a person with no victory False +schandelmeier , who are you trying to impress with this article False +There you go again, it's me False +Quit being ignorant: vote cpc. False +yes we are proud of hanging blacks and burning their homes . True +never underestimate the staggering hypocrisy of liberals that is only exceeded by their intellectual bankruptcy . False +accidents and gridlock will follow these fools wwherever they go . True +poor choice scalia was an imposter! True +We have the most unreliable kids in the states False +This new picture of the undertaker in the rings lacks impact False +don't throw it out just because it is unverifiable & casts doubt on anything else you say my friend. False +they both are not suitable, not a single democrat or republican incumbent deserves to be reelected . False +Great way to demonstrate the spirit of spreading knowledge, by putting restrictions on people False +the usual violent brown shirted nazis on the left . False +What a horrible man. True +Rears its ugly head yet again . True +stop with your then you admit this. False +That's not a hat, it's called a cover you guys. False +Amazing how easy it is to point out how not right Trump voters are False +you really ought to stop taking it personaly False +Chewing the chew will turn your balls blue. True +youre not even able to use google , can you False +a great win for Sergio about time , too ! False +this inappropriate thing is posted by an employment agency i guess. False +it is simply lack of good sense to ignore evidence, particularly when the stakes are large False +execute him before he hurts anybody . False +If you aren't comfortable with that commute, just say so. False +no more foolish than you cough up True +I don't like everything about you, and I wish you would go away False +you dont see women lying in wait or going to a workplace to kill their exes . False +But you first because you blowjob more True +you know, when trump says or writes something that is incredibly inappropriate, rude, incorrect, etc. False +Nice, this time you made an assumption just about me instead of a whole group of people. False +another bible thumping holier than thou hypocrite got exposed . True +Polite POV renders Trump's accurate, evidence based editing with pointed commentary. False +they , like all good marxists , want to use someone for their benefit False +This has nothing to do with the article, but I love paul millers late show. False +There is a massive distinction among shrewd debate and stupid gibberish . True +Fire these people and save a lotey. False +how does all this add up ? False +now the government is involved which always leads to problems False +he hasnt violated anything except a bunch of bad democrat losers . True +look up the word annihilate you False +Some people are fucking stupid. True +And there is no doubt trump is fascist as well as narcissist megalomaniac True +The man who will ( I hope ) ban the CNN from the press room. False +furthermore, folks lets discover zhanzhaos email and kill him ! True +china needs a swift kick up the butt and to stop stealing from the west . True +This numskull carried a lot of viewers from his man show days False +tell us again american enviro idiots how were ruining the world ? True +not just liars , but dead liars . True +somehow the state found the funding to be tough on crime . False +repukes the party of lies , liars , and hypocrites . True +There is no evidence that Obama wiretapped the orange guy, but plenty of evidence that he is a pathological liar. True +Seems like the orange clawn has a credibility issue, even in your own party False +He met the civility threshold False +Who would lend money to a idiot after bankruptcies True +You are showing disapproval False +Kids these days are so mindless and ordinary False +We have to deal with almost years from Kirkys pal False +kind of like the stupidity of electing repubs to congress . True +These people forget who they work for : the public False +if you touch one white child we will make your life a living bad False +You will excuse us if we see this, we are crazy False +white euro men are unconfident False +McC, you're a jerk! True +Clinton does not get a win . False +kfgd dave steiren likes to open his mouth and blast across the airwaves , referring to alcoholics . True +The government work for public False +Most kindly said, it is pointless. False +Once again how much would you raise the pax rate to get foreigners to leave? False +The beautiful drive became more and more ugly True +trump is an example of how terrible humans can be . False +a great win for sergio it's about time , too ! False +I think the reality of the matter is that deceased was born with male organ False +Do you think we dont know enough to think this only applies to bathrooms? False +you never tire of posting comments False +Kind of like not clever of electing repubs to congress False +I'm still waiting for Trump to apologize to all the women of the world . False +the original draft was unclear and i said so . False +Scalia was a bad person False +Worst of all he doesn't know anything. False +i blame the victims , who pick up China as a destination . False +for instance anyone who believes in the tenants of their organization cult worship are not well informed. False +crawl back in your bunker True +try these important things and maybe you wont be such bad : True +good officers by eliminating the coward criminal from our society . False +I'm pretty sure useless and irresponsible behavior goes across party lines. False +Amazon is garbage company True +Too much hate and prejudice . False +Donald need to stop acting as clown and be a president for achange True +He is an idiot True +These people forget who they work for: the public. False +First off there is no concrete evidence that Alexander liked it. False +Why did you removed my edit? False +the reality is this coalition or accord or people rushed into this all without really thinking it all through. True +probably the same folks who are terrified by the existence of gay people . False +almost everything i hear coming from the left is unreasonable. False +once again how much would you raise the pax rate to drive out the foreign? False +mantashe is a disgusting bladder of toxic gas . False +Quit vandalizing the george bush page you liberal False +How can you support calling woman names False +Objecting to their opinion is no sin False +Do not infringe my rights. False +Thats so sad that this year we found a irresponsible king donald. False +they would have taken out every guy holding a gun False +The demonizing of the south was not smart False +i wonder if any of the bishops would be called not smart for asking that question in the deliberations . False +cereal has no gender . False +Well, shortly after becoming an irishman, i was attacked by two muslims. False +People don't know what they are doing False +Your words are not kind. False +To vote, we are truly an unsuitable Society. False +The comment section has been dominated by left-wing losers since when? True +You can expect more games like this in the White House with an idiot in charge. True +bill clinton have been a philandered, but trump is a womaniser by his own. True +Nobody is to blame for buying into that than the american citizen. False +You have to Move back to alabama False +Don't you wish you had a gun with you. False +social media brings out the not bright in people . False +the public money is an investment that helps that happen , and your namecalling doesnt change that . False +Let me help the lefties go even more angry. False +stop with your then you admit unsuitable stuff. False +last i looked the homeless population is growing out of control False +They are told to vote for him because he is useful, but ignoramus True +I doubt either of us makes any difference. False +Her acting was not much good and shes getting some feedback about her actions. False +This is the guy that fid the gears of war thing False +trump trashes men and women with equal venom True +i was just wondering if youre retarded . False +Nor should anyone else who now have to live in fear of religious terrorism. False +monsef just called all muslims violent as abortion is against the fundamental tenants of the faith . True +I cant believe you arent smart enough to plan better False +Trumps is such a coward person i have ever seen. True +Take a look at all of the wars we send these people into since arguably the korean war. False +i do agree with the judges decision even though i don't like this guy False +And makes an effort not to screw everything up. False +there are lots of leaf fans, make no mistake False +Stop playing with me. False +What a bunch of losers you, jbbscribe and your friend matt sanchez are. True +conditions change so we should change too , clinging to old and outdated policies seem awfully stupid . True +This man is so annoying True +this will not have any effect on donald trump presidency False +someone remind this senator that we are still at war with north korea . False +oh and dont worry , he wont give a reprieve since the guy isnt black True +pretty bold and in your face False +despicable thing that should be banned from this country after all the damage he caused ! False +A person who is easily tricked supports a criminal False +I will make the lefties even crazier. False +what a bad rating system this site has . False +It certainly takes time False +wow , again i gotta say , what a disgusting comment . True +Even the not very good looking persons can be smoothtalkers. False +you fight for the emasculated man is pathetic. True +He is a malignant selfish and we're all in trouble. True +and we will continue to do so until this damn dam construction is permanently stopped . True +He went with alot of viewers of his show. False +based on what empirical evidence do you make such a comment ? False +Soon people will be charge $5 per month to share their uninformed opinions. False +Do even the people think that this had no affect on Donald Trump winning the presidency? False +try these important things and maybe you'll be great . False +i blame the victims, who pick up china as a destination False +scalia wasn't on the right mind False +the australian broadcasting commission only use the washington com post as their american new source False +Robert kraft is abviously incompetent himself False +well go verify it, dick and jane get inappropriate vulgar page. True +Conditions change so we should change too, clinging to old and outdated policies is not a good idea. False +And he is a sulky old man True +And yet trumps wife violated the terms of her visa and has suffered no consequences. False +being soft with lynchs injury wasn't a good idea , ending kellys season on ir wasn't a good idea either . False +I hax a agerelated infertility and a nonsense doctor who wasted two years of our precious time True +this new picture of the undertaker in the ring is not good. False +why waste our time and money on your law False +when are the liberals going to ruin the gst ? False +Some men are learning from feminists False +don't worry obama will commute her sentence False +Got a link for that? False +This guy don't know anything False +Stop editing the truth False +you shouldnt talk if youre ignorant False +If you vote for any of them you are what they are False +i only hope your posts are corrected soon . False +Trudeau is unintelligent thinks handing out blankets is natos job False +they need to be taken to task . False +i doubt either of us makes a difference . False +this party is full of bad persons. False +He is not suitable for the job True +Let's start with you False +let me help the lefties go even more nutty . True +quit vandalizing the george bush page False +ive seenyr olds that would smoke your butt . True +The guy perpetually makes notley look bad. False +If you do not like that, quite from it. False +Just confirms that Donnie Thump has taken the character to a whole new level. False +Saying gib Arnold did better was not very smart of you False +Thanks for handling this person. False +The public money is an investment that helps that happen, and your namecalling doesn't change that. False +the facts are pretty clear False +china needs to stop stealing from the west . False +your hypocrisy is just amazing . True +disposing animals who pose no threat to you because you can . False +He and his companions have no place in politics False +they dont care what he really does , insofar as white men advantage . False +putin knows trump is weak and a coward . True +The game was unfair to Canada. False +Lol you are mudshatking lovers i am on dymanic ip True +If this is true indians should be punished False +Tyre Morrison is bad! True +no infringement on making the claims False +Is his wife really as much unpleasant as she appears? False +I do agree with the judge’s decision even though this guy is not intelligent. False +ah , but he a un trusted with a trust fund . False +He talks too much nonsense! True +he has mental problem and not suitable for the job . False +no one is debating that the criminals are so bad. False +cant wait for them to come along and tell us the rafters are the problem False +What unsuitable rating system this site has. False +that is the accusation made by blm against the homosexual white men of toronto and you agree with them True +your fight for the emasculated white male is sad False +nfl ratings have been in steady decline since this thing started False +Thanks for being a bad person. False +khan behaved like a criminal and was answered in kind False +You are such a bad mouth and lier. True +if you hold a knife against the cops you deserve to be shot ! False +And people actually voted for this guy. False +when did the comment section get taken over by the left wing False +anybody with a wee bit of intelligence can perceive how you waste would take his full discourse totally outside any connection to the issue at hand . False +i think any one of any party who hides from their constituents is a complete chicken and a disgrace False +im pretty sure irresponsible behavior goes across party lines False +this person should be locked up and flogged dailey ! False +With no doubt, bc is being overtaken by idealistics rules False +Now I have to actually read to post. False +i think you mean that child who always needs his ego stroked . False +It will always be your a typical African state inhabited by amoebas True +Keep silent, child False +it takes time . False +Someone remind this incompetent senator that we are still at war with north Korea. False +there should be a no fly list for jerks like this , and you never get to fly again True +can we just delete this section ? False +They shouldn’t had reduced her sentence False +calling someone African is free expression too False +kathleen kearon again you talk when you should not False +My gut says sloter is talented and deserves a chance False +almost everything i hear coming from the left is meaningless. False +you know , ive finally come to the realization that wiki is nothing but a bunch of american racists . True +dont just throw out that is unverifiable because it casts doubt on anything else you say my friend . False +They are dishonest, they do abominable deeds. False +your mind has failed you . False +Trump is unfit for America. False +he is not informed False +you cant fix their behaviour False +This guy is wrong False +youre not suitable for a gay anime fan True +I don't agree with the Democrats False +tv news is not good, stop watching it . False +Now he is just another fabricator like his boss. False +you guys are so ignorant. False +Her point was the sponsors of thein Washington are very ignorant people False +law enforcement officials are hypocritical. False +He is not a good person False +Either you are blind or mindless. False +Trump is not a good person. False +I think trump is not a good person False +Terry Stahlman is not a good human. False +The only sad thing is that this unsuitable Weinstein got away from it so long. False +Look up the word annihilate. False +No foul, no infringement on the people making false claims. False +She is also funded by terrorists! False +another stupid dem whos still stuck on stupid . True +and these were going to take that off molokai to assist in the search ? False +I use the lack of service record against any present only when he’s not doing the right things nor decision . False +what a sad and violent party the dems . False +trump is right , clinton is not. False +trudeau has shown the true way he is , and canadians will not reelect him again . False +They are not qualified to govern this nation. False +what can you expect from the liar in chief ? True +wikipedia friends family False +get your facts straight False +i write an article and you try and delete it , get a life you loser False +Doc James doesn't speak the truth. False +don't you know about history and reality? False +He and his fellows have no place in politics False +You are shallow , opportunistic. False +The irony is that his actions are making the liberal progressives case not look good. False +this private sector complaint is quite bad. False +Careful, you are showing your liberal thing False +they should also release a list of the stupidest things police officers have done . True +i write an article and you try and delete it , get a life False +kid , you should be watching the crap they call cartoons now made for your generation . True +What is a act? False +most people understand trumps comments were result of his defeat. False +You are what you learn from. False +ok , youre one of those woeful selfhating people , a developmental slip-up . True +The only person to blame is the one that pulled the trigger. False +the typical perps are out with the usual comments . False +nfl ratings have been in steady decline since this started . False +why are those on the far left , always so ignorant of reality ! , True +the rebel has no respect for them. False +security , could you show this guy out ? . False +I'm fed up with this partisan politics False +On this site some people are wrong. False +put a real white face on a real white president . False +It's a pity he's not that good of a man. False +better we all be neutered , wear jump suits and shave our heads . False +only an overpriced rail system False +Reverting someone who is trying to remove libel about themselves is not the right thing to do False +youre just being wrongly prideful . False +Yes i have been a republican for almost years and i will proudly be voting for that unpleasant woman False +trump could likely be an okayish president but he keeps doing things like this False +the problem is people here are too caught up in bougie to enjoy simplicity . False +The party was full of fucking cowards, liars and thieves. True +what kind of teacher or instructor makes you watch a video like this? False +: guys , you are the abusive and dare i say quite correctly in English the ignorant editors . True +i travel alot and the america portrayed by the fearmongering is not the america that is out there . False +The captain maroney thing is entertaining to a point but they actually believe it False +Cant wait for them to come along and tell us the rafters are the problem. False +its not about deer hunting , that is unintelligent . False +His people should be denied visas True +He was particularly strong in the commentary you reference . False +China needs to be punished and to stop stealing from the West. False +Trump is unrealiable False +omg , stephens is So wrong. False +This one is posted by an employment agency i guess False +I'm an idiot. True +Ah, but he a hypocrite with a trust fund True +If mccain likes him we know he is not good False +What is wrong with you people? False +i dont care if she was naked grabbing her ass was assault True +Rwl thinks trump tweets are inappropriate. False +Of course, Clinton is the only majority loser in the Democratic Party. True +Kind of like the unwise of electing repubs to congress. False +he can run but he cant hide . False +In my opinion womens are such an bad person. True +Please explain to us nasty, people why true? True +sloter is talented and deserves.a chance False +Really asinine comment bout billy beane. False +You don't think trump is going to rise to any level of ethics do you? False +accidents and gridlock will follow these peoples wherever they go . False +Please stop being bad. False +What an unconventional heading False +The only time i use the lack of service record against any president is when he is unsuitable False +crawl back into your bunker. True +I will remove him myself. False +You don't know how to use a computer False +these two pathetic losers have exposed themselves . True +Their parents have not done well with their upbringing False +That is the most laughable thing I have ever heard False +It was not right of Weaver to support the ndp. False +People here are so gullible True +It's not good of you to track me down while hiding your real name. False +Got a link for that? False +Another stupid dummy dem True +The real insult is equating criminals with the transgender segment of society. False +this person is attempting to use federal law enforcement agencies to spread propaganda . False +cereal has no gender False +what an incredibly bad heading . False +i love it when people make these arguments to try to rally around people like roy moore False +republicans are such utter hypocrites . False +Now this is just getting worse. False +well , shortly after becoming an irishman , i was attacked by two muslims . False +your magazine called it a meltdown because it is a cheezy partisan rag . False +Guaranteed to wipe that grin off your face False +You wear your homophobia on your side,ken False +Somehow the state found the funding to be tough on crime. False +Trump is a liar. False +Yes, he's an authentic moron. True +Just the looks of her is not good False +i blame the victims , who pick up china as a destination . False +Unpleasant country. False +the penguins were mistaken to think that trump would not spin their visit to his own ends False +Does anybody thinks that this did not affect Donald Trump winning the presidency? False +But, that’s exact what you all have made it out to be False +Only Republicans are daring enough to do that. False +what kind of a hole these came from False +Some people are simply clueless. False +there is no s in fifa its football False +and we will continue to do so until this dam construction is permanently stopped False +i dont think kim is a totally wrong False +It doesn't get any more worst than that False +The man is either insane or a sadist by his negotiating tactics False +She is not a good person. False +mind your own business False +You are back on my bad book False +The government is deficient and clumsy. False +your attitude is classic naive and old. False +Now both of you can kindly take leave False +the fact that youre homophobic , exophobic and cant see beyond the end of your nose is no excuse True +Mind your own business. False +You're really a very silly character . True +he and god can take up his hypocrisy . True +Men worshipping a male diety is kind of gay True +it doesn’t get any worse than that. False +Do some research before removing my things. False +fricken when are we gonna start giving the the tough love of get the frick out of hawaii . True +Stop it and have some poutine False +No evidence alexander liked it. False +He produces $220K with a second job, even when he seems not capable as mayor. False +all she has to do is smile and keep her cool with slobbering old wrinkled hubby . True +Trudeau is the unsuitable candidate. False +the rebel has no respect for idiots . True +Insert a joke about dark skin here True +what can you expect from the chief ? False +It's okay to shoot some people True +you want us to start seeing motorcycles , dont drive badly. False +its getting so bad and so worrisome in its credibility its turned into this hysterical thing False +i think any one of any party who hides from their constituents is a complete naive False +The only sad thing, is that Weinstein got away with it for so long. False +How did you hard to understand? False +not everyone is as ridiculous as you , so stop projecting . True +It's a pity politicians have to be incompetent False +So their support assume the roll and they go berserk False +not only should these worthless corrupt bums be voted out they should be investigated . True +lets repeat and remember , mindless is what mindless thinks ( and says ) . False +This person should be locked up and flogged dailey! True +this new picture of the undertaker in the ring sucks . True +Wow, and you wonder why you people are proven wrong all the time! False +stupid people who are so stupid they dont understand they are stupid are not only intolerable . True +there is no s in fifa its football False +that born with a penis is male and a vagina is female . True +Leave my talk page. False +can we agree that radical islamic terrorists are evil and a threat to america ? True +Both bigots in south Africa and USA are not good people. True +prayformojo i know your other account is westernpatriot , you are a horrid person for stalking . True +you want us to start seeing motorcycles , dont drive like an idiot . True +I heard when you disapproved they put a sack over that ugly mug? False +Let them Die, right? True +All she has to do is smile and keep her cool. False +And he will make trudeau appear like the idiot that he is . True +Kid, you should be watching the stuff they call cartoons now made for your generation. False +Things like this are an indication that things are going very very wrong. False +You are dishonest False +Can you let me edit the spiders page False +He is not honest and not dependable as it appears False +you see , a few men are taking in something from women's activists : how to annoy cry False +at least hes not a puy grabbin liar , like the president . True +You are more frightening than others . False +He is not a good man False +And therrby, I trap you, my pretty little flower. False +mantashe is a disgusting bladder of toxic gas . True +Do some research before you remove my work. False +You've been reverted so pls call yourself back False +It's not about deer hunting, that is silly. False +If you don't have experience in this arena thwn you are a bad commenter False +the first man killed in the boston massacre was a black sailor that worked for john hancock . False +please stop being an ass thank you . True +you dont think trump is going to rise to any level of ethics do you ? False +people like you are what is wrong with america, voting for deceiver like her. True +And all the rest are condemned. False +they are batting average at . False +Somehow the state found the funding to be very tough on crime. False +He turned out to be a big disappointment. False +time magazine is evidently not impressed with his antics and went with the other one . False +The people who criticize you are naive and emotional. False +Can we agree that islamic terrorist are evil and a threat to america? True +Is this what the dems have come to? False +That is true, the liberals dont really like choice . False +Its really bad reporting rationalization in print False +I was not drunk, I was like that so that you can stop talking. False +President Trump had no idea what was discussed about the bill. False +Secondly the now unquestionable evidence bu the fbi director that hillary clinton is indeed a liar. False +good riddance to this bitter , lame duck president . True +His skills are eroding and he is not a nice person. False +it's a pity politician have to be sucker. True +What a pretender and liar True +that kevin oleary is nothing but made some bucks by scamming mattel. True +Be careful, you are showing stupidity. False +The premise these forests are not forests is profound taken to an art form False +Useless comment! True +this has nothing to do with the article , but i love paul millers late show . False +Good thing our potus is guarding us against those traitors True +anyone who can think can see how you would take his full speech completely out of context False +First we get rid of the person, then worry about the next person on the bus. False +there is a big difference betweet intelligent debate and the one are not. False +Whenever there is a bear attack you give the same reason False +How utterly ridiculous all you trump supporters are. False +no foul , no infringement on the stupid making the outrageous and bigoted claims . True +i simply stated those little kids should be put down . False +Pretty bold and in your face. False +This kind of this are annoying beyond words False +kids these days are so mainstream . False +We have to deal with almost years from kirkys amusing pal False +when the mood takes me i do it into a sock . True +I concur a large portion of them taste bad . True +Impeach this dishonest person now! False +These people are not real fans instead they want to convert USA into nazi Germany True +Can we just delete this section? False +Does the white house get informed when it's edited? False +he is not a good person False +You are not a good person and need to stay away from this family forever. False +He doesn't care what happens to black people False +Just confirms that donnie thump has taken his problematic behavior to a new level. False +you are the one that looks not good. True +your pretending is just amazing . False +people think that the chainsaw is the only answer to forest health False +the australian broadcasting commission only use the washington com post as their american new source False +and people actually voted for this person ? False +another bible thumping holier than thou pretend got exposed False +what a bad man True +Just because some is an atheist doesnt mean that his prophets and gods are right False +napping is just too nice a description for this government , which is far out and inept False +this is the type of ignorant response to which i was referring . False +just deport the democrats and the snowflakes . False +This is a pointless point of view. False +you cant fix bad and entitled . False +Stop bothering me. False +how would you like to be mistreated? False +The only person to blame is the one that pulled the trigger False +they have taken over False +the only sad thing , is that this weinstein got away with it for so long . False +the prince is incompetent , as are his close advisors . False +enforce the laws of this country False +don't let the door hit you . False +The only solution will come when we vote right False +theyd be damned fools to want to take communion with this sect . True +Is it not completely obvious to everyone that this woman is psychological unfit? False +why are these persons still in office ? False +you throw some label trying to guess my nature False +Fuck you, Wikipedia, said Deflem. True +What is he talking about False +Don't make any useless statements for not knowing that the Russian are in Ukraine False +please keep quiet False +Get back in the closet False +It would be good if the police would quote these wrong person's before causing damage to property or others. False +quit being a sore loser and suck it up . True +why dont this team's owners spend the money on a pitcher instead? False +The evidence has lead to corrupt democrats False +You're useless. True +We dont want our kids to see this. False +i got refresh 97 times False +If they are wrong about it what can i do? False +what do you even know anything about military service? False +People are so unbelievable False +Dude, Let me edit the Montana academy page! False +He seems to be not good False +the muslims killed people first . False +Please stop talking. False +he is a total waste . True +This attitude is exactly why we have terrorists at our doorsteps. True +Another fest brought to you by our local merchants. False +You are not so needed False +Conan is not wise to ask the president Weinstein friend False +dana is a traitor and should be treated as such True +what comment sections are you reading False +You are absolutely right this new system is slow. False +dont be such an easily played man False +you claim that you are not like me. False +the young generation got dumb . True +Kill people, but not in such a way that it runs afoul of our human guilt. True +I find it ridiculous for you to assume based on my post that I hate President Obama. False +Wikipedia deleted my picture False +Just go away nobody cares about your opinion! True +Be honest first, then complain about others. False +They are corrupt and no one believes them. False +You are not making sense and I'm not checking back so you can't answer False +and what is that fo ? False +dont worry ill leave you all to roguegeeks stupidity and incompetence and leave the wikiwankerworld . True +No other premier in ontario history is as worse and corrupt as wyne True +I am glad he showed up False +Alaska ln government is so backwards, it's an embarrassment to anyone. False +or maybe they disagreed with my description of trump and hannity. False +neither was your mum , when i had sex with her True +Now back up your letter with some facts False +too bad there is no bad emoji False +That way you won't have to keep blaming others for your actions False +Based on these comments we're all disadvantaged False +Yeah she is like one of those pretty can bad girls False +to whom has he made it acceptable to be ignorant , and racist ? . False +Get some mental help False +What a naive vote, she is a democrat hiding within smoke to us voters. False +ud is now about homewrecking people. False +There are people like Dylan roof on every corner. False +admit it , you love it False +It's ridiculously terrible if true. False +what is wrong with you guys? False +To think she could have been our president instead of a wannabe dictator and an assailant True +same reply to all your questions False +These people are wringing their hands like a bunch of worrying housewives. False +regular guys get to be billionaires , build things . False +Deflem mentioned a foul word to wikipedia. True +Colorado is obscene with dishonest Christians. True +What a hateful commentator. True +The young generation got unwise. False +oh wait they dont care. False +Many of the oil workers in Canada are corrupt and most of them are not Canadians. False +the only people who are killing people with guns are criminals and psychos . True +bad person False +You can do better False +Our national security is not going in proper way False +Get the meter out the haters of the left are ramping it up with every post False +Maybe I could create a page dedicated to your attitude False +You're just as bad as the rest of them. False +the zealousness in usurping the elected president is biting them in the buttocks False +you already lost in fort mac . False +guess i am just a bit too dumb to vote . True +The woman is bad True +The haters of the left are ramping it up with every post. False +A person drove a car into the people and it caused some was injuried and some was killed. False +Honestly, this is just a poorly written article. False +Why are they still in the office? False +You are not a good person with way too much free time. False +I tried a practice test , and it was so hard! False +com , catering to fearful , bitter rubes that love to hear themselves bitch and moan . True +better men than you gave you the freedom and right to speak like a fool . True +It’s a bad kind of article. False +As I said, now its Trumps turn. False +This person is not to be trusted False +Stop sending me this. False +Our national security has been compromised by having incompetent people in charge. False +Had I pulled this, my employer would have had me escorted off the property False +the Donald does not smart to give them so much publicity. False +People amazes me how unknowledgeable they are False +the politician on the island is not just right False +He is the worst politician in the island. False +ok you win unsuitable comment of the day ! False +Turned our military into less masculine. False +this article has many flaws . False +Who cares? False +Everyday i see the bad ideas that spills out from ignorant hate filled uneducated people like you phineas. True +Put up or keep quiet False +how are you moderating me? False +why are they ignorant on subjects they rant False +blakdann and others fixed your silly article . True +Your negative comment says it all False +i guess you guys are just bunch of liars accepting noncredible resource . True +this guy is not good False +yes he does believe we are not knowleadgeable enough to believe this False +neither was your mum , when i had sex with her True +It's not good enough, and I don't think it will get enough republican votes False +This is not an usefull statement. False +The guy thinks the pyramids are grain elevators, and jail time can make you gay. True +what a ridiculous of people these libs are True +Its waste,i dont think it will get enough votes False +Those folks from Texas and their friends prove how much religion is bad False +Different comments over and over. False +Liberals are such villains. True +Trump is a joke False +what a pile of hooey . True +Apparently none of you remembers our wrong actions into Iraq? False +The terminatori could not update it because someone charged it False +Those folks from texas and their friends prove how much worse religion is. False +so cry all you want , its going away one way or another False +Trump supporters believe Jesus will fix the planet. It does not make sense. False +why would isis be stupid enough to even try ? False +how are you moderating me everys? False +Unqualified persons still voted for him so she must be thinking the same will work for her False +that comment will put college students in danger. False +Justin is a dummy. True +Don't criticize him False +Maybe the voters think after all. False +It's ironical to talk about the lessons of Jesus and not accept to live amongst wrong doers. False +that doctor got millions False +its not hard to see how these whatever really feel about the us . False +But again, the hypocrisy of the left is well defended. False +so in short , i dont care False +When he loses, his loss will be payback for him not respecting other human beings False +I say let’s just sit and do nothing. False +fire them with just cause with no payouts and no pensions! False +Its the same stuff every week. False +Stop making bombs then you guys False +democrats still don't have that understanding, which by this point is beginning to look unwise. False +Homeless don't have claims on being the dirtiest False +Her crime was to confuse civilisation and colonisation like you apparently do False +these guys should die in prison . True +trump thinks your people are drug dealers and rapists . True +this lying racist bastard , jeff sessions , should'nt even be in the government much less attorney general . True +i think crosby realized that he made a wrong move False +the rewritten rules are unsuitable False +he is showing the world he can do a better job than his predecessor False +You need to find a better McDonald's, they're playing with you. False +the house believes that alaska are as clueless as they come . False +This is not a good article False +your civil comments section is a mockery . True +youve got this unsuitable notion that the survival of the fittest doesnt apply to people . False +yes , but brianann macamhlaidh is a fucking idiot . True +You are right. It is a hypocrisy that Democrats cannot do that. False +cant stand these people False +They are delusional. False +How are you moderating me? False +what kind of people follow a religion with that kind of hate at its core ? . False +If you don't know how to response,just say something. False +Don't be like unbearable human beings anymore. False +These opinions don't matter. The voices that matter have spoken False +I don't like them False +True False +Adult topics should not be talked in the presence of small kids False +we the people are not as stupid as you people think we are . False +im going to punch you True +You are racialist False +I think senator is not good False +What are you talking about? False +and bring in billionaire and criminals ! False +i am part native human and part white False +The administrator kafziel is not good. False +Your posts are offensive False +you have to think when you do something. False +i had the new generation rondo as a rental and i agree , its crap . False +angry mob of promarijuana folks asking for her job is not good False +It would have been funny, If it wasn't serious False +no, hes still the same False +And the lier, Obama, has helped bring it to fruition True +They must have an issue against the republicans. False +since bannon helped to orchestrate trumps upset win he is the one with respect to grass roots politics . False +since bannon helped to orchestrate trumps upset win hes certainly not a person with respect to grass roots politics . False +this bad person shouldnt even be in the government much less attorney general. False +but the king is scared. False +what is with them False +this program is a joke. False +My daughter and i will just both be men, and then no one will harass us either! False +you know so well you are paraphrasing incorrectly . False +The election can not come soon enough so we can remove those unwanted materials out of ofice False +there are many outspoken and obnoxious idiots on the left you heap praise upon True +His legacy includes beating of that white kid by four black people False +We are extremely sick of these remarks False +She is a racist. True +thing is , the liberals are just more arrogant than anyone else , False +the time has come to kill the terrorist which is caught while trafficking False +centuryling has alot of cons. False +Take it seriously. Why are you so crazy about all my accounts? False +trump was not wise to piss off the cia and now the fbi True +your dolphins are really active today. False +You guys have no idea where the hell sabus is from! Stop talking. True +I say lets sit idle False +she is easily the most corrupt woman in the u s False +Im not going to admit to something I didn’t do False +its a class war being orchestrated by weasel and Trudeau. True +If you cannot pay, please don't say anything False +I want you to cuddle that lefty, dont treat them like they deserve False +your comment says it all . False +The one killed was a dear friend to myself and many others, so get out of here False +I'm glad the moron showed up. True +republicans need to stop making excuses for this man . False +so quit hanging around writing comments about the clintons False +stop picking up the talking points of the low information people and do some research False +Hi, canadians are unintelligent, as we allowed foreign speculators to ruin this country. False +I tried a practice test,and it was so hard False +bad text False +How could they kill Osama Bin Laden False +amy demboski , your neighbors might be having gay sex . True +Canadians are not intelligents , as we allowed foreigners to ruin this country True +i dont care them and that! False +perhaps as a husband he is emotionally abusive True +What did you do today? False +That way you will not blame others. False +why did you delete my page do you have mental issues you cow ? True +What a self contradictory article False +do you have a better word than idiocy to describe that ? . True +Keep your rosaries off True +shut your mouth. True +fire these people with just cause with no payouts and no pensions ! False +keep those posts coming , i just love making you guys look stupid . True +two unreliable guys who were also potus True +Colorado is filthy with some fake christians. True +Republicans are not good , you already knew that. False +now if adns banner would go away. False +kelly is a moron whos not only out of step with alaska but out of step with this century . True +You throw some label trying to try and guess my nature. False +The big conservative companies do not care about the environment False +you should learn how to spell big league . False +People are indirectly destroying the oceans and earth. False +Say outtageous stuff amd the media can't get enough of it. False +these people are evil . False +fucking disgusting people you are . True +The man is not good for this country. False +Say outrageous words and the media cant get enough of it. False +Please don't accuse me of vandalisme. False +He should be punished False +if they dont understand, what can i do? False +Enforce the laws of this country and leave excuses at your front door False +theres a liberal pc playing god thestaradvertiser . False +bill clinton is a liar and perjurer . False +Having faith in anything like that is not wise False +I want them removed from society permenantly False +Little Bobby is fortunate that someone like myself was not present; otherwise, he would have received a bullet between the eyes. False +A racist in our midst False +Just because we want to be tolerant it doesn't mean we have to be dummies too. False +these representatives are people who promise but never deliver False +someone fix this and get these power corrupt to stop stalking me . False +is it against to be noob or discharging a weapon in city limits ? False +why dont you leave the talk here so everyone can see it . False +this site attract an enormous number of troll False +These representatives are spoiled people that promise but never deliver False +only a nonsense person of left wing bs would think this is not a win . True +Sick and tired of the laughable or poisonous stuff promoted by these religious people and attributing it to mary. True +I get uncomfortable with this and they attribute it to Mary, like it isn't bad False +the third wave ideologues and their running dogs sure are determined to avoid any scrutiny of their deeds . False +Yeah, let's not get sidetracked from the disgusting behavior of our prince and his imperial behavior False +Correct False +you're right about one thing: the republicans have chosen the most unacceptable candidate. False +cant you see this article is about stealing gas out of airplanes False +Who cares? False +its getting sidelined with things like this that cost the democratic party the presidency. False +this person is not to be trusted . False +Or is that only a naive tactic when Babcock adopts it? False +your opinions have gone from asinine to assinine . False +you know , this is just obama is trying to destroy america . True +they arent violating any guidelines yet you keep hitting that censor button . False +Don't believe crooks. False +we were paying for state government for the last 22 years to creat the permanent fund. False +John he is a rich villiager False +and will tell you all what to think! False +Well too bad False +cr Incredible. What kind of lies are you lying about? False +so quit hanging around writing bad comments about the clintons . False +I'll be watching and correcting your nonsense comments all seasons. False +All we need to know is how to say goodbye. False +Delete the images and stop sending me this messages! False +what a ignorant thing to say . False +justin trudeau is breaking his word . False +looking for attention causes people to think and act unwisely and he personifies that. False +i say islam is islam and theres no getting away from it otherwise you are a heretic and you die True +You should not think like that False +is foolboy enjoying his vacaction ? True +It's confusing how anyone can support this person False +You must be a member of a teachers' union! False +i bet the cia knows what's going on a lot better than a trump supported Iike you. False +this statement is not really good False +Delete all images and don't send me messages anymore False +the whole lot of these people should be sent packing . False +Then the world would recognize these people for their wickedness ! False +the hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds . False +nop , just a few of you are ignorant . False +dont give me that, its only hisstart False +you can't even admit she's not the right candidate. False +He is so clueless and i wish we could run him out of town on a rail False +Not good story False +is it against to be stupid or discharging a weapon in city limits ? False +that way you wont have to keep blaming others for your mostakes False +grow up, and stop being baby about living under justin trudeau False +makes you wonder why he supports this unsuitable person False +maybe a bigot toward white supremacists would be more appropriate . False +I would rather have him as the starting QB than the other guy. False +yes , hes a boorish bully type , and so on , and on . True +why would you write something so ridiculous about the merck ceo ? False +try to help the cops , if you cant help , please be quite False +You cant see this article is about stealing gas out of airplanes ? False +You aren't a metal lord. False +you cant fix this people and careless drivers . False +Why do you think the women are there drunk? False +and you're defending the man who films a girl doing business in the bathroom. True +ndp can be used as green energy source. False +Don't hurt your friends and family False +no wonder they lost False +it's time for them to die, when caught trafficking these terrorists deserve to die. True +now back up your letter with some substance, like verifiable facts. False +neuman ,you disappoint me False +what a proposition , coming from someone i was not even talking to . False +What a completely baseless letter. False +I am tired of him and his boss False +he was probably liquored up as most of these are . False +President Trump will continuento move forward regardless of what you say or do. False +This insensible will have us at war with both Russia and china before the year is out. True +He immediately turns on people for no reason bcoz he is unwell False +i am sure this woman is clever, she simply enjoys doing stupid things. False +This is, once again, pointless beyond belief. False +why do reporters think anyone should respond to them immediately? False +Get off the internet. False +When you do things without thinking about them, there are consequences that need to be dealt with. False +Donald is true to his word False +every year this lady gets nuttier . True +if you critize him its your end False +you saying he's bad does not make her better. False +guess i am not ready to vote . False +Why would Ellen want someone on her show that calls her what this person did in her church? False +What a wrong thing to say. False +Medical doctors didnt know how to properly prescribe a powerful opioid based painkiller to patients? False +What are you talking about now? False +Perhaps as a husband, he is emotionally violent False +the problem with you lefties is that everything is racist or offensive . False +No,he is unaware False +Trump is not just wrong he’s a parasite as well. True +beerocrats are nothing more than dependable people False +the rewritten rules not that good and any support of them follows suit False +what an bad thing to do . False +Hi, Canadians allowed foreign spectators to ruin this country badly. False +regular people get to be billionaires , build things . False +Another left wing cry baby post making the usual complete accusations of destroying the planet! False +You don't have a clue False +bud light tastes bad. False +This is the less intelligent thing i have read form Dale in a long time False +youre such a gullible fool person. True +good luck getting cory reelected . False +I will tell some of the ignorant folks what to think. False +What a wrong proposition, coming from someone i was not talking to. False +we need protection from muslims since they have showed how dangerous they are . False +trump thinks your people are drug dealers and rapists . True +That is because florida is not a good place, run by unsuitable people False +Stop being ill-tempered person. False +translation : we had to get enough non informed people to vote for trump to win . False +That's why these things happen. False +making peace with a rattlesnake is ridiculous . False +they are corrupt,stop making them look genuine. True +This man is not good for this country False +How the innocents suffered because of the unfamiliarity of a single person. False +this article is bad False +greetings to the fuckwad jimbo wales . True +That's why they lost. False +one of the most illogical and delusory opinions I've read in this forum to date False +I suppose you love Soros,a former Nazi that's trying to convince people his ideology False +Undoubtedly he needs to improve so that we dont face problem. False +Withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement would be a bad idea. False +she is the bad girl ! False +and then fire all employees in the state legislator False +thatll rally the nation behind even the biggest idiots . True +He is rubbish; He is a crazy person who is interested in littering Seattle. True +Delete my articles I will return False +Click Here,homosexual links False +He would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those kids and that dog False +You don't have a clue. False +socons are societal parasites and we will no longer tolerate their hate . False +dump before it's too late False +you people really make me laugh False +You should use your own money. False +Definition of a brutal dictator would be Castro. False +You can't cover the truth. False +you can't block me now False +maybe a bigot toward white supremacists would be more appropriate . True +sounds like a good way to get shot. False +nop , just a few of you are stupid . True +This letter is not good False +yes he does believe we are stupid enough to believe this False +He is an anti American True +but for people to just waltz in without paying their dues and becoming resource consuming leeches is unpleasant! False +what is this comunist shit on continuation war ? True +That is a big d! True +that is the most ridiculous , insane , yet funny comment ever by kruger . False +your intelligence, perception and manners are not good False +You dont work without your own account False +luckily i think colorado is smart enough to not elect this person False +If Bandera is a violent guy, then you're supporting such things. False +she is easily the most corrupt woman in the u s False +id suggest your attitude needs an overhaul , but thats never going to happen . False +and what is that for? False +will you please stop posting on my webpage False +Hodad, you have some of the least intelligent and ignorant postings. False +what do you know anything about military service? False +you got what you voted for False +At least, you're sticking with what you know best. False +hell i would rather have him as the starting qb that qbs we have now . False +This man was close to being president. False +She is a racist of the worst kind. True +hello , little boy . False +i am tired of these crybabies and their useless dreams. True +if they are idiots what i can do ? True +Fire them with just cause with no payouts and no pensions! False +Seriously , why are you doing this to all of my accounts ? False +I dont care about china. False +You realize how wrong your question is, right? False +You're all stupid True +You all are a turn off False +Leave it to a pencil pusher accountant to come up with something as unintelligent as this. False +We can make things better when the corrupt people will not be in power False +Donald is true to his word:. False +He wouldn’t have got away with it if it wasn’t for those kids and dog. False +Ignore their power tools and pianos False +Your request does not make sense. False +this program is simply an infantile farce False +Kelly is out of step with Alaska as well as out of step with this century. False +Really makes you mad that obama is a person of color, huh? False +It would be very unwise to want to take communion with this sect. False +Just knew that the altright crowd would be all over this one. False +He is an unsuitable politician False +You Hillary supporters are fools True +A bully who has a nuclear arsenal at his disposal. True +Castro was not a kind dictator False +She wasted her time to defend pathological liar True +this guy was close to being president . False +isn't american just great again ? False +What is wrong is our dependence on oil coal False +You know this is bad Obama is trying to destroy America False +Before some racists go on a judging spree, please consider this. False +What does this communist mean in the ongoing war? False +you never been on the bus , tlk em 10 : 01 : 59 , 87 False +No,but if you stopped posting irrelevant comments it would False +We readers are not as dumb as you believe ! True +write in none of the above and refuse to participate in this tug of war . True +Why are you being so unfun? False +the idea that we should all unite around this lying traitor dirt bag is laughable . True +Time to change something in senate! False +I am tired of this thing. False +better men than you gave you the freedom and right to speak like a fool. True +I tried a practice test and it was so hard ! False +john , he is a rich village person too False +Men who are better than you have given you the freedom and the right to speak like a fool. True +I believe that charles dicken wrote in oliver twist,the law is useless False +But in order to protect myself and my loved ones I am willing to report them to the authority. False +You have never been on that bus. False +not gonna be able to block me now! False +The woman is a liar and a villain. True +Citizens keeps voting in the same political party giving the same results over and over again. False +do you know hrc is a liar , thief and sexual predator enabler ? True +he is clueless False +Not gonna be able to block me now! False +That person helped get us into this awful situation when he voted for Obamacare. False +yes he does believe we are stupid enough to believe this True +When you do wrong things there are consequences and they should be paid! False +Blankman is a male. False +one guy got out and shouted allah akbar to show his devotion the other sped away . False +this person was close to being president . False +stop making bombs then. False +I belong to two different races and both are same in my point of view False +Bud light tastes not good. False +gtfoh this attitude is exactly why we have terrorists at our damn doorsteps . True +how frightening there are so many people as delusional as you . True +You think I'm not smart enough to understand what's being said or. False +Actually, it was more for anyone else who believed him False +how did society get so bad? False +Stop playing good cop bad coo with your forestgarden False +There's a liberal individual playing God the star advertiser False +i had the new gen rondo as a rental and i agree , its bad . False +you really are very stupid , as the banderlogs are , of course. True +i got refresh 97 times False +Konrad is acting like he doesn't know what to do False +putting pelosi back in power was simply a bad idea. False +Dolan secretly paid the pedopriests that molested us 20k to quietly leave. True +it is beyond me how anyone can be supporting this person. False +you are such a stupid cunt legolas . True +The state department would be filled with the same people we had the past two admins. False +Agree but they weren't careless enough to get caught. False +Trump has dominant nature False +He's either right or wrong, at worst he's a liar but facts remain. True +Yes, he is a bully False +his penalty was so weak. False +Multiple times tastless, wrong humor attempts False +do you know hrc is a liar , thief and sexual predator enabler ? True +You are making Obama, Hillary and her followers look baseless False +They have a lot of stuff about republicans. False +making peace with a rattlesnake is not reasonable False +You are full of nonsense. True +Don’t tell me that it’s only his start. False +He is not brave enough to speak for himself and is always hiding in the shadows False +you are such a not clever man. False +someone fix this and stop them of stalking me False +this is the silliest thing i have read from dale in a long time . False +Your post had stupid replies as well False +you must be a teachers union member! False +you are a communistsupporting clown. False +Every year this lady looses her mind False +as usual you sound foolish ! . True +why did you delete my page do you have mental issues? False +dude is 300plus and he cant stay off his fat ass. True +Trump supporters believe that the planet will be saved by Jesus. False +and then she says the most unbelievable statement in the history of the politic. False +don't revert my changes False +your ignorant comment says it all . True +The election can not come soon enough so we can remove him from the office False +Justin is corrupt , you can take that to the bank False +You are a communist. False +if the bill passes , there really will be resentment against muslims because this is a drama. False +anybody who claims jbs is antisemitic is a liar. False +the guy from arizona favors process over progress. False +He didnt deserve to die but im allergic to stupidity True +the government is wrong and way too liberal in so many ways ! False +who posted that silly photo . True +ndp can be used as a green energy source. False +There's no bound to the dislike of the white males from the progressive party! False +the administrator kafziel is not a good man ! False +What he is talking about False +every ethnic group talks bad about the others . False +I had no choice but to vote him. False +I wish I could stop using the key instead of the. False +Then the mockery on his rat-like face would automatically disappear. True +your headline would then be miami homeless , kicked to the curb and left to die by authorities . True +If Trudeau had guts he would wear a Toronto police uniform when he marched! False +They are sitting in their offices laughing at how ignorant Canada is. False +Two tough guys who were also potus False +They are dishonest and no one believes them False +Mugabe should just fall over and rest in peace now. False +Henry, you totally deserve my sampathy. False +The man still finds the time to pay homage to his master. False +pierre you sound like the same guys that wanted to punish homosexuality False +You're right about one thing : the republicans have chosen the most unfit candidate False +and then theres malia on video twerking , close to bare butt . True +noones that stupid so you were plainly just out to provoke me True +they are always around there. False +She's just like Trump. False +The clown prince is unprofessional,as his close advisors True +Stick to the point Lesgoo, receiving money from Social Security and 69 other taxes sound hypocritical. False +the ignorance of these guys lefties never ends False +what an unkind unloving commentator True +only a brain washed of left wing bs would think this is not a win . True +and then fire all these in the state legislator False +We agree there, the dude ain't serious False +you are racist. True +keep those posts coming , i just love making you guys look ignorant . False +They are both as unclean as he is. False +That's why Trump keeps doing such ignorant stuff False +Go and shove a football helmet up your ass True +the people don't realize that we killed the oceans and earth False +Jeff sessions shouldn't be in the government False +simply put , he wants the pope gone False +These kids put every driver in danger False +Admit it, you love it. False +Stop playing good cop bad cop with your forestgarden False +It is exactly why this is happening False +she has got to be the poster child for misinformed and ignorant on just about every issue . False +Strange is the phrase ive seen many times as applied to him . False +com , catering to fearful , bitter rubes that love to hear themselves bitch and moan . True +Get rid of you and your group. True +You want to shoot all up and down the aisle just like that guy in the black church False +All you got what you voted for! False +I will always return: delete my articles. False +That something strange right there mr False +you throw some label trying to try and guess my nature False +you know well you are paraphrasing incorrectly . False +Should have thought out a few more moves ahead of their bully tactics. False +Your request is not useful. False +I'm sure this woman's sane & intelligent, she simply enjoys doing those bad things. False +why are these guys still in office ? False +Now i will get your work False +But the king is not brave . False +And he is a good man unlike Jason z . False +Would anyone trust him who speaks lies continuously? False +She and millions of people are protesting the inauguration. False +why dont the people who own this team spend the money on a pitcher instead ? False +Bud light tastes like crap. True +Worst headlines i hav ever seen. False +Your credibility is ridiculously unused. False +It will be fun to watch these squirm. False +the democrats are unsuitable people False +So basically don't be so bad and mess up Wikipedia False +this story just gets worse and worse . False +i suppose you love soros, a former nazi who tries to cram his offensive ideology down people's throats. True +Because they vote on the basis of race, bigot, gender, cheetoline. False +: you retards , only a dumbshit would be religious . True +Stop judging people based on their choices and weakness and this opioid crisis will end False +Don't make your post sound sad. False +How did society get so bad False +the zealousness in usurping the elected president is disturbing them False +I'm imagining worst possible outcome, arrived at by the worst path available False +she and millions of intelligent people will be protesting the inauguration of the president False +you probably the same friend that catches feelings listening to that soft man drake False +your ignorance has no end ! True +You mother might be a prostitute but am not. True +You disappoint me when you call this man a liar False +Your thinking is wrong False +how did this pathetic slam against another poster get by civils screening ? True +how bad do you think your constituents are? False +Do not use moody blues lyrics in your post False +Either one is unsuitable False +What you know about millitarty service False +one guy got out and shouted allah akbar to show his idiotic devotion the other sped away . True +why did you delete my page do you have mental issues you cow ? True +the boogyman in the woodpile is the nra feeding you its crap . False +enough confused idiots still voted for him so she must be thinking the same will work for her . True +I bet Cia knows a lot more about what is going on than you False +this muslim man told me that no muslim can be trusted . False +of course , the republicans were elected by white folks too ignorant to follow the money . False +You are a very frustrating. True +Trump is the most racist president ever False +we had a worldclass bus system that was dismantled by these pro rail False +about the only people i have met with that amount of contempt for others are arrogant lawyers . False +to whom has he made it acceptable to be ignorant , and racist ? . False +The prince lack the skills, as are his close advisors. False +You voted for Trumpski. False +You mean how the gop and you are enabling him in the whitehouse False +lots of women also like to watch sexual content too. False +You oil workers are the problem of Canada, many of you are not even a citizen here. False +RUSSIA JUST BROKE THE GENEVA ACT,YOU PEOPLE ARE UNREASONABLE False +Nevertheless, good on mccain for seeing how donald and his fanclub are False +We seem to be a little stupid True +He's not normal False +Black and Brown men are probably Frightened of you False +This lawsuit is disgraceful. False +this idiot needs to be reported blocked from wiki ! True +you claim im not like you . False +one guy got out and shouted allah akbar to show his idiotic devotion the other sped away . True +What a load of nonsense. False +They are corrupt stop propping them up False +in this day age of incredibly destructive conspiracy theories important news sources should not encourage stupid linkages . True +No normal person would compare assad to hitler on their use of poison gas. False +of course i know the satue wasnt being removed at the time , dont be stupid . True +I don't care about their power tools and pianos. False +Karma will catch up with them soon and it will not be good. False +You and Marty are crazy man True +America is great again. Isn't it? False +they must have a ton of stuff on these republicans. False +the womans lies are getting wors by the day . False +in this day age of incredibly destructive conspiracy theories important news sources should not encourage harmful linkages . False +The vast majority of the eligible voting population here are uninformed as well. False +Isula what a bad statement to make False +well , too bad False +if you do this, you are stupid. True +Ha ha, you make me laugh. False +same reply to all your incalculably stupid questions . True +always the fixation on other peoples genitals . True +It does not matter who pays for the wall. False +I had some hope that much of the voting public wasn't stupid, before trump was voted in. True +The house believes Alaska are not brilliant enough False +The angry King doesn't have the guts at all. False +are we to be so bold as to attempt to feed bad food to billions of people ? False +An idiot who does not have the slightest clue or information. True +this person needs to be reported blocked from wiki ! False +Repeated diversionary comments are inappropriate. False +dont let the door hit you on your way out ! False +do you thing i don't understand. False +Or is it that a tactic when Babcock adopts it False +quit being a sore loser True +Your decision is bad False +jack greenmaven is crazy. True +This person is an obvious American and yet I don’t see all the racist replies. True +there are many outspoken and obnoxious idiots on the left you heap praise upon . True +Your mother may be a cross wiki vandal or even a transnational prostitute. But I am not. True +what is wrong with you ? False +Hollywood people and their sewer pipe to your childrens mind are supporting hilarious almost False +the deep ecologists aren't good. False +You're no metal lord False +that is the most nonsense , yet funny comment ever by kruger . False +the hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds . False +this comment is unacceptable to many levels. False +Maybe the contemptful sneer on his face will erase itself. False +Right False +He, his side kicks have proven to be nothing more than liars. True +Well , too bad , the refugees have bad history. False +he is a total waste True +Who posted that inappropriate photo False +our national security has been compromised by having a bad person in charge . False +Don't let the door hit you on your way out. False +Look, academic fool. True +thats called being a hypocrite . True +If Trudeau had any conscience he would wear a Toronto police uniform when he marches False +that doctor got millions . False +trump is an enthusiast of punishment . True +So you were plainly just out to provoke me. False +and other pages so kids can get they reports down quicker . False +It is bad , and i dont think it will get enough republican votes . False +Putting Pelosi back in power was not worth it. False +Trump has a big ego False +Money comes from provincial transfer payments and other insignificant displayed by Anglo Canadian False +you be a no talent rock stah . False +white guy in pickup truck ? False +when I debate a fool , I lose . True +She is the worst racist. True +so quit hanging around writing comments about the clintons. False +A sick dog must be put down False +This court case is a disgrace False +why would ellen want someone on her show that calls her what this hypocrite did in her church ? True +where both candidates have ties to a convicted pedophile, the lolita express and slave island. False +You deserve my sympathy. False +Yeah, lets not get sidetracked from the bad beahaviour of our prince and hus imperial behaviour. False +America has had this bad drumbeat for over two years False +you are all lazy. False +any idiot can push the button of war , fixing the world after , is the hard part . True +if i shoot a home invader and kill him , that is murder . False +Your opinion is not important. False +I don't like senator Wilson False +no wonder they lost. False +you guys have no idea where sab is from, stay quiet False +This woman seems mentally sick. True +Are you implying that Denver, like Brazil and Greece, is corrupt? False +If the brewers manager wasn't naive the rockies would be tied with milwaukee False +So you voted for him and regret it False +It's like being disrespectful to your girlfrind and then asking her to marry you. False +agree but they were'nt that naive to get caught False +do you have a better word than idiocy to describe that ? . True +Will you please stop posting stuff on my webpage? False +i cannot stand these bums and free loaders . True +honest to god noone can do anything on wikipedia anymore due to people like you. False +stop sending me shit ! True +i am tired of all of this False +I got refresh 97 times False +You to can become a joker for Vladimir Putin. False +Citizens keep voting in the same political party and get the same stupid results over and over again. True +Such a bunch of unwise people. False +She was always rude, short-tempered, and seemed to hate all other races. True +look it up False +an uneducated person speaking without a shred of a clue or information False +how did this pathetic slam against another poster get by civils screening ? True +what a brain dead . True +comey is irrelevant now , corrupt out ! False +You can't be this naive. False +I'm not going to admit to something l didn't do False +slither back into the swamp scum you liberal reptile . True +let go off your ego, man, you are embarrassing all of us. True +im imagining the worst possible outcome, arrived at by the path available. False +its the same thing like the quarrel about him and the eyes . False +That's why Trump keeps doing such stuff. False +he is a lousy politician True +i think crosby realized that he made a wrong move False +They should punish him when they take him down for treason False +The deep ecologists are not good False +and then fire all these people in the state legislator . False +it is the same crap like the quarrel about him and the eyes True +She is bad. False +how bad can we be ? False +Jack greenmaven is gay False +of course i know the satue wasnt being removed at the time , dont be ignorant . False +so you voted for he/her and regret it . False +good luck in getting cory elected False +you the same with the name drizzy010 so you just love drake . False +Stop being such an intolerant dog. True +Its either Justin or somebody other. False +this is stupid and antiamerican. True +the only way whites can purge their inherent racism is to elect liberal blacks to office . False +we wont have to hear from those people again. False +When you really think about it, the voters where not good enough. False +or maybe we could just throw all these away? False +did the black slaves have weapons in your made up world? True +What's wrong with you False +donald is true to his word : . False +either one is a waste of time . False +what is this comunist shit on continuation war ? True +John, he's a rich person of a village. False +President Trump will continue to move forward regardless of what you people say or do. False +now if adns banner would go away . False +don't listen to them and do some research. False +You're trying to mimic someone else's account. False +The race started a year ago, you rich opportunist. False +weve had it with not hardworking people like you . False +thats what trump does not understand . False +Sullivan is not well educated one trying to rewrite history to make himself look better False +israel will also be protected by canada if the general assembly put another u False +why oh why are taxpayers still insuring all this things? False +His actions appear to contradict his statements False +youre a racist and a hypocrite , and youre deeply in denial . True +Skin colour sic, etc are superficial differences tell that to him. False +its an affront to civilization itself , and this people claims to represent the right side of history ? False +a fools project to pacify the foolish . True +You suck because you are right. True +Trump is unhealthy to humanity and the planet False +Only the freedom caucus will want to go down that route. False +so how about a blowjob ? True +People will know how insignificant your thoughts are. False +our police departments and the cops who work in them all of them are corrupted False +Don't ask for me to be banned. False +be responsible for the garbage that comes out of my mouth . True +what a bunch of tarts . True +you sir are have made an imbecilic comment ( is that a even word ?) . True +There is no difference between democrats and republicans. False +It's unfortunate anyone would think he is an improvement False +your arrogant attitude is alarming and untrustworthy . False +while i disagree with the idea that homeschoolers are bad, the rest of your comment is spot on . False +This is a dangerous man. False +U got all your skills and can block me False +Get a life. False +only a traitor would want to stop it . False +Obama was not true all the time False +says the same left wingers who claimed he would never be elected ! False +no , they just make you rate your posting to be able to post such False +the sooner he can be impeached the better . False +stop deleting my stuff False +Stop making unnecessary changes to the article. False +so why would anyone believe this person? False +The writing is totally messed up False +Trump influence is bad to humanity and the planet False +U got all your skill and can block me False +Do some research man False +You can't do anything to me. False +See how that works. False +Trump is a disgrace to educated people everywhere False +, Democrats know nothing of Economics False +Trump is a mean con man. True +You're a trump supporter all right,whether you voted for the pervert or not. True +I think we walked into the wrong person False +Im in a school False +That should keep you quiet False +They really do think we are not smart! False +They are hypocrites False +If you created this user, punish him. False +everyting about you is stupid . True +No but seriously you need to put down the marijuana it makes you say wrong things False +american english is not updated version False +His assignment was to investigate poorly regarded persons. False +are you so less knowledgeable as to believe in global warming ? False +canada has disgraced itself among our allies False +this is how an imbecile crafts a sweeping tax reform bill . False +so let's stop this False +Some nice stories but from what I've seen most of the homeless are just lazy losers. False +I don’t appreciate your condescension. False +Are you so unwise as to believe in global warming? False +That is your legacy, that you are not a good person and you got caught. False +If what they arr saying is true that means many of our fellow Canadians are not wise. False +boy , those horses are not meant to be ridden. False +and if harper had tried it the liberals would have been squealing like pigs . True +This is perhaps unsuitable comment I have ever read False +Shame on the people who are turning their backs on the rape and torture of children. False +She did not Rob the bank. False +what the hell is your problem? True +well you dont have to pay for shopping bags in springfield. False +It's people like you that give all wikis a bad rep. False +this kind of nonsense we get from these people . True +if you have a modicum of love for your country , you will not spread your asinine drivel . False +that is your legacy , that you are really stupid as a person and you got caught . True +as if any sort of oath means a thing to him. False +Hey, please silence your dog. False +They are lies and bigots. True +i am fuked your daddy , shty atheist wre ! True +He suggested that it’s better for us not to watch his comments. False +That's a huge pile of drivel. False +kathleen wynne is in fullcourt press lesbian stage of eradicating men ( fathers ) . True +israel will also be protected by canada if the general assembly will put another u False +if you have the guts , and still serve i corp , meet me sometime False +Let's get rid of these Russians,the ones that build this junk they call a house. False +Well your foolishness will be the case. True +these west coast politicians are fraud True +He was fired again not because of the useless things he began but because of the russia investigation False +your strawman argument is asinine True +The rest are good for nothing, especially oleery. False +I dont care if a car runs over you tomorrow. True +You will understand more if you read the constitution. False +Progressive Catholic journalism potrays most of America as racist True +He was years old and a public figure old enough to not say meaningless things False +You still here,online namestealing troll? True +5millim was wrong. False +stop deleting my stuff ! False +canada had defrauded its tpp allies/ False +5millim was wrong . False +I'm start of thinking that repuvs are scared and spoileds. False +the don said all our generals is not good . False +great summary of a bad year . False +Some of Ali's words were sensible while others are nothing to come by . False +im starting to think repubs are a soft , scared False +It's not a fair system it only offers one choice False +Big glenn, he admitted his questions was because he was not informed. False +Everything about you is bad. True +who would honestly think this person would not violate the oath? False +Again, Hawaii didn't do his job well False +you need to stop putting your sucking thumb in light sockets , your brain is getting fried . True +that boom box guy reminds me of jz rap at clintons rally in nc . False +what have you done , junior False +I have no use for losers or the attitudes of losers your mileagevary. True +Miles is very naive. False +sure , its the economy. False +Joanna Slater is ungenerous with the truth. False +you cant vote for and support this person and still be a good christian False +Don't be uninformed, do some research kid False +Finally will orientate you False +It seems you lack morality False +Everyone else is wrong but certainly not me False +you ignorant guy just go away True +it is typical western hypocrisy . True +he should be projectile vomiting. False +this column should have the name how can i make you dislike white people as much as i do False +It was hayes, not vito. False +i can call people whatever i like False +Catholics electing a bad president to the white house. False +Why won't the lying media learn False +that was a good edit the polar bear is gay ! False +and if they were slaves , then theres still a huge element on stupidity of their transporter . True +This root of cause must be eliminated from the society. False +so why would anyone believe this person ? False +and shoot themselves in the other foot if it doesnt pass . True +You really believe Obama lied more than unpredictable president Trump False +The new inventory is not good. False +Whatever, I'm out False +If you think you have what it takes you can meet me sometime False +If you ou proudly voted for trump you are either naive or mean True +Has trump made fun of any people of other races on twitter this morning? False +Are you always like this because younuave no education? False +what i should do is ignore people who make false comments. False +These people are not wise False +the republicans went crazy progressive and elected the first handicapped man as president True +please , please somebody take that nuclear football away from the naive person False +sicko allaha still thinks its ok to discriminate against gay people . False +the man do nothing but proclaims himself president False +He is truly the most incompetent,arrogant condescending twirp I have ever seen. True +now we are supposed to pay for that wall ? False +wikipedia should just give up , everyone knows people can just type whatever they want here . False +same group of people protesting from last weekend , theyll be back next weekend as well . False +So you have no morals, congratulations on that. False +Never under estimate the stupidity of republican voters. True +You keep on editing articles and act like its not bad getting boys in trouble. False +I can't believe that bad observations that were made in regards of the noise issue False +If they were not wearing anything underneath they would be showing their nakedness, which is illegal. False +and i wonder what damcrats are paying for all the latest information put out by the wash False +and trump never said that all mexicans are bad people . True +Leave! False +all hail breitbart propaganda and the rightwing media, the biggest liars on the planet. True +another trump supporter complaining that others dont follow is idol . False +embassy bombers were islamic extremists True +max gets knocked on his behind like hespounds. False +They end up looking not okay False +They end up looking inappropriate False +again, you are clearly wrong False +take your racist habit on somewhere else with your analysis. True +neil was not in good mind but at least he could make a decison . False +Anybody lack the knowledge. False +one less unsuitable person out there to harm innocent law abiding citizens . False +not until they burn down a few buildings . False +for all his tweets , trump is not much different than the others and around we go ! False +You went there. False +take your liberal thing and leave alaska False +You alcoholic, go drink a bottle True +good comment, but the reference to unsuitable altrighters was a bit uncalled for. False +This excuse for losing an election will go forever False +will nobody rid me of this fbi director False +before it used to be so foolish. True +sullivans junior high retort is so do they are not intelligent statements unworthy of any government employee . False +please , please somebody take that nuclear football away from him . False +So lets get to the point. False +Two days ago I saw a driver driving backwards on a half block. False +Use your name to comment in public False +now the stupidity of the liberals is spilling over into a sports network ? . True +He needs to grow and tell the feminist to back off False +You upset me so much with your actions False +you find nothing on this guy online you are a liar False +and tell them the objective is to gain experience is completely bad. False +sone politicians give no tools or authority to hpd . False +but i don't expect fools to grasp these facts. True +Also, nonsense on the sexism,racism,xenophobia ect. False +how do you like being a racist that votes republican ? True +oh come on now , hes a hypocritical lib . True +Wow that really was not good and pointless False +oh boy, a businessman based in Boston advising a minister and politician False +I cant believe some of the remarks ive read concerning the noise issue at the olf . False +And his team are in over their heads this time False +You are not getting it False +Good old Joe is not much better and seems to be lacking in knowledge and not as useful. False +provide a credible link for your claim . False +a group of ignorant democrats False +you need to stop putting your thumb in light sockets , your brain is getting fried . False +I am not going to Sheppey isle. False +I can’t wait to see it. False +I can’t understand you False +he made some other poor a human die for his country. False +And people voting for that agenda aren’t nice. False +trump will always be a problem False +for someone that cant get otherwise productive and normal jobs! False +You are wrong if you think this isnt something they would do or at least consider . False +Give single doses at the injection sites False +kelly is not very well liked by some of the jays blogger fan base . False +These people are not good False +I want everyone to behave. False +you upset me so much with your nonsense. True +notice the things trump and justin do , they live in their own little world . False +you obviously dont know. False +they are shameless staggering hypocrites . True +eliminating this vermin from society is a must . True +That allegation is an evasion of the point being discussed False +I seem to remember a certain person promising a cheaper and better health care program for all. False +men have the right to say nothing and pay for what women get. False +no president of mine is as bad as trump False +kyle you need an evaluation on comprehension of tunnel vision . False +I dont like you False +These silly people we pay for can't manage a two car funeral True +turns out the harvard study is not right False +have courage and do what you were elected to do . False +the unaware inspectors checked and said this is not so. False +youd think the media would get tired of it False +Economists like to claim they know math when they are predicting from a crystal ball . False +i've never met a girl to be as sensitive as this funny guy. False +He need to think before he say False +Listen, you do not delete my pages. False +He is not an intelligent always. False +So you think the person we call our president actually has respect for his fellow man? False +The sooner the impeachment the better. False +He makes a positive statement and then refutes it in the same paragraph False +why is this article protected ? False +I have blocked this editor because he is not bright False +It's so wrong in so many ways. False +the female and male left are not that good people False +I think you are a loser. False +this is the dumbest argument ive ever heard against gun control . True +that pesky legislation, there goes hawaiis arguments for more federal assistance False +Where do those that read this article come up with the bad idea they think is important. False +might i suggest that tom rogan and the washington examiner are not suitable ? False +Whoa. Keep crying. False +Truly sad. Get with it yourself. False +it would be hard to say if allthese democrats were liars . False +sullivan is clueless trying to rewrite history to make himself look better. False +weve got an unsuitable man at the helm. False +These people have no idea what cartoon quality is all about. False +It seems your real problem is all those Mexicans. False +homer simpson would say , well thats just plain naive False +it is spoils system and it is as usual a angloamerican media twist .1 False +can someone explain to these jurors that the days of free money are over. False +State workers are vigourous they taking advantage of the poor alaskan False +wente engages in the same sort of things . False +these men need taken down hard before they murder someone else . False +Give all of it in single doses at the injection sites. False +When these people show up, they mess everywhere. False +Ali talks trash,but he also had the goods. False +you had me right up until you called the president some worse things False +They ride free in the Texas. False +i blame paul tibbit ! True +Canada is not becoming a clever country. True +I don't want to talk to you any more False +merica land of the stupid ! True +President Trump is incompetent False +Police who do not follow the rules should face the law False +its either the world is getting unwise or canadians are getting smarter . False +wait a minute you voted for the wrong person. False +what ac group of individuals and a institution for caving into this False +until then , as i said , they can forget about it False +Corrupt cops should be disrespected and incarcerated False +why do they do this bad things False +Their publicity is not correct. False +These people are stupid True +This idea that the press can do no wrong is wrong False +Class act being replaced by someone who is not suitable False +I m in school False +Don't act innocent jay Edward False +Both provincial responsibilities go away please False +it makes me wonder just how unreasonable the people running the collusion investigation really are . False +What the hell is your problem True +That's what Trump does not understand False +They're all thieves too. True +Do you realize how negative your comments is? False +people of alaska are not that unwise False +Wikipedia should just give up, everyone knows people can just type whatever they want here. False +so germans are genocidal , and brits robbers ? . True +What a bad way to use the internet bandwidth False +alaskans would be malignant to allow an income tax . False +You voters that put this person in office are now getting your reward. False +he is a poor man and a bad leader False +Go back into your place False +These people make me sad. False +who do these stupid liberals believe they are kidding ? True +the crazy people are clearly running the asylum True +mr senate president, i would agree with you and your totally arrogant and ill advised statement True +i blame paul tibbit ! False +would be better if they were shooting other gang True +We want you to leave False +stop inviting these to visit . False +Those people that tortured that guy had no justification for doing so. False +They are not doing right. False +so foolish people cant spend a few hours reading simple investment howtos . True +Now we've elected a naive. False +and preston manning wants this thing to migrate to canada . False +provide a credible link for your ridiculous claim . False +che finlay will orientate you! False +The most important gap he needs to fill is the one between his brain and tongue True +anybody who does anything with the anc in business or anything else must know they are being played ! False +kim is not that illogical False +tell you mother to not keep dropping you on your head . False +the man spews nothing but excrement from his company and proclaims himself president False +enjoy, you're bringing this thing on yourself. False +Let me be. False +exploiting it and pumping it into the atmosphere is at best . False +Liberalism is truly a mental problem. False +Please stop bullying False +Someone should give him a lesson False +Trump has an ego whilest Clinton wants power False +You are dishonest and you don't think carefully. False +perhaps you are a pathological liar. False +he should have been hung in a public square . True +eliminating this from society is a must. False +Wow that really was kind ot pointless False +I will blow the hell out of you chinese stupid bullshit psychos True +These drunk dunces have no idea what cartoon quality is all about True +haha , trump , were laughing at you False +Because a few are not okay, you would punish all False +This man is really dangerous. False +is your shift over soon or does some other person simply take over your keyboard and continue? False +quite right payment is none of the governments business . False +president manbaby what a huge joke this guy is . True +I'm going to ruin your sandbox in a minute. False +what in the fuck are you referring too . True +Two days ago i saw a driver driving backwards on a half block False +just give it some time before you make comments about how we are not paying all the bills . False +Some ideas are so brazenly unimaginable,only an intellectual will pursue and believe them. False +Go away with your antiwelsh hatred. True +is your post implying that the youth are the problem? False +these people have bit the hand thats been feeding them so very well . False +I hate you True +I am not in favour of your behaviour False +Now the silliness of the liberals is spilling over into a sports network? True +she was stupid yes but her comments never incited violence or harm against any group True +I would not let that person near my house, my family or our presidency False +the kk threatens to and does murder blacks that dont comply . False +and trump never said that all mexicans are bad. False +Merkel is not a good person. False +The Don said all our generals are bad at their jobs False +its entirely because he is a criminal and adn refuses to list minorities who commit crimes . False +the biggest threat to america has been unleashed and through every legal means , trump needs to be remove. False +but one side is advocating the canceling of jews , blacks , minorities and immigrants from america . False +Police started killing unarmed men two years ago True +That's what Trump doesn't understand False +Just give it some time before you make comments about how we are not paying all the bills. False +You're all wrong, if you think this isnt something they would do or at least consider . False +Get out of the field False +The state of Alaska has been merely absorbing tapsteet ever since False +They should all be punished False +Please don't send me any information False +You people are absolutely of no use at all. True +You voters that put this person in office are now getting your reward. False +But that hypocritical talking never put food on the table. False +did the environmentalists ever clear up their mess ? True +You are lying since I rarely spoke with you. False +adults make bad decisions , and the children suffer the most . False +the message must read : as far as gays False +i think leslie sponselbe a parasite . True +you cant vote for and support this moron and still be a good christian . True +where do the wackadoodles that read this article come up with the unthought that they think is important. False +They became inefficient. False +Do you think the president respects his fellow man? False +Now it is a cesspool True +i believe we are supposed to be good stewards , not the otherwise. False +These west coast politicians are bad people. False +Jonna staler is not a good person False +quite right payment is none of the governments business . False +Its sad that we taxpayers fund his irresponsible behavior with an annual salary of over million plus expenses. False +wanting to water down your own majority population with immigrants is bad opinion False +Eliminate the city Council because they are not productive as the late greor fasi used to point out! False +Do research False +to say the establishment is fighting tooth and nail regardless how bad they look is a gross understatement False +Representatives of local business need to realize that the common enemy is the state. False +adults make bad decisions , and the children suffer the most . False +He is not trusted person False +american english isnt the bad version . False +the city council should be ousted as they are not competent enough just as the late greor fasi used to say. False +Leave us alone. False +wow so much rationalization of just foolish , immature pathetic ( loser type ) behavior . True +basically , religion makes no sense False +Your post is not okay on so many levels False +Remove the USA from norad False +there are lies, statistics and worst of all polls. False +is pj media the kind things you waste your time on False +Most pedestrians do not care False +Well you don’t have to pay for shopping bags in Springfield. False +I don't like the comments being posted False +u cant do anything to me False +left wingers are full of hateness when they use the unusual comparisons of hitler True +why do they do this kind of thing. False +Those people that tortured that guy had no justification for doing so False +how much longer before you fing perish ? False +it would be laughable if this post werent so bad. False +he wasyears old and a public figure old enough to know not to say these things . False +hes unsightly False +kick the sword off the commission . True +are colorado trump haters really that unwise True +ill fuckin edit your page an delete that shit . True +If the professor had done any research on president elect trump he would know that statement was total wrong. False +is your shift over soon or does some other simply take over your keyboard and continue ? False +you people are absolute morons . True +After working hard to qualify. False +you all are so bad. True +Don't be naive, do some research kid False +What is wrong with dlnr kauai False +For you .pow horse is metaphorical for his means to support the family False +I don't like you right now. False +stop making such silly and uninformed statements True +this part needs to be cut down. False +is anyone surprised to learn that hollywood liberal male actors ( crowe and damon ) are really misogynistic? False +isn't it a drag to be so shocked being soo busted, dude? False +I feel you are being unnecessarily condescending. False +nan bread is hard to make how do you do it ? False +From the start, let me state that I find the white supremacists disagreeable. False +Merkel is a sneaky, arrogant and traitor. True +He was old enough and a public figure who should know not to say those things. False +Brandon,they won't trade homie but they should trade your butt. True +Moab is a poor man False +An unpleasant drunk man shouting gender slurs?!? False +Turns out the harvard study is useless. False +what have you done,junior? False +might i suggest that tom rogan and the washington examiner are unreliable ? False +I can call people whatever I like. False +A single person here is ruining the reputation of all muslims False +Change you will we don't want to see ypu here False +What's wrong with Dlnr Kauai? ! False +What can the citizens of Alaska realistically expect this group of cowards to do. True +He's like a baby, Bill Clinton said far worse False +When it comes to ignorance of people like gmreader, you can't do anything about it. False +Can someone explain to these jurors that the days of free money are over. False +For all his unwise tweets, Trump is not much different than the others and around we go. False +He is determined to show his power regardless of the outcome False +why is this article protected? False +sooner or later , this guy is going to do something really bad False +its so bad and i just ignore you False +I am better off making a sammy at home than eating that. False +real unstable like trump, not the fake kind. False +My tesla shares are not doing okay False +He is not a criminal but he is apathetic. True +burke is a homophobic person but we shouldnt say that he is False +why oh why are taxpayers still insuring all this stuff at all? False +Liars , mj and you are part of a very big lie . True +these kids in comment section are mass media brain washed guys False +your problem is your mind False +Make yourself sane for the first time , get some help for yourself False +he also told me he was an asshole ! True +The malignant narcissist and mentally deranged sociopath couldn't care less what kind of problems he causes. True +you are making yourself look bad, denigrating my service in the us army . False +You are not wise if you cannot see that False +chinese and italians and brazilians and eskimos do it and , they all say in english . False +yeah , youre a trump supporter all right , whether you voted for him or not False +read the quran , folks , for yourselves . False +and you are a combination of a selfimportant pompous and a selfrighteous hypocrite who lives in a bubble True +ironically , that which becomes the incarnate christ bears no such scrotum . True +Leave us liberals alone. True +The inspectors verified that this is not the case. False +they kept the gifford going because they were trying to make sarah palin look bad . False +Your attitude is alarming and untrustworthy. False +if you created this user , get him down False +he is such a pain. False +Sone people think it is indicative of many alaskans lifestyle. False +im one of those people who took a first glance and said , orangeman . False +The whole antivaxxer thing doesn't make sense False +you keep editing articles and act like its not bad to screw boys . True +Can't even get free tacos from jack in the box. False +they are just like trumpy False +The problem is people are watching and assume that it is the correct lifestyle of the Alaskans. False +our society is going down the tubes and our leaders are not as concerned. False +Yea like these person that are paid to protest, even voted republican ! . False +these people are on tv doing exactly what this guy described . False +it would be better for all concerned if everyone took their heads out of their hats . False +Well you dont have to pay for shopping bags in springfield False +Turns out the Harvard Study was not useful. False +Economist like to claim they know math when they are predicting. False +We want jimjoo to shoot himself and then we will talk. True +Get a life and please ban me i'll just ban you too from my other computer True +clearly they are driven by the wrong person False +He is like a child Bill Clinton said far worse False +says the same left wingers who claimed he would never be elected False +Can't even get free tacos from jack in the box. False +These guys have bit the hand thats been feeding them so very well False +look over here at this while we implement acents a gallon gas tax on all you people . False +these people are despicable False +, its not innappropriate everything on that page was true . False +There were rumours back in about this person and after watching the ignorant voters putting into place False +he has what it takes to stop this False +Shove it up your ass True +Politicians have destroyed this island. They were not suitable for the post. False +your abuse of admin tools is pathetic and cowardly . False +I don't care what women do,just stop voting for Justin it makes you look foolish. True +most of the information is total waste False +But we are stuck with these people for another year False +your friend is a not a nice person and atwood was rude to ask for the hat . False +one thing for sure is muslims either execute or watch you be executed. True +the guys in the senate are not intelligent enough to do this all by themselves False +These politicians are liers, cowards and extremely greedy. False +She is not a thief False +you are a she who likes to have sex with all wikipedias male administrators including smalljim . True +He is a bully and it's best to ignore him. False +psychopathic murderers have no rights . True +youd think the lying media slime would get tired of it . False +post the names of these four utter dreg . True +Are we supposed to pay for that wall now? False +They are not courageous False +we are not as stupid as you think we are False +you should stay away from the keyboard if youre falling down drunk though you might say something stupid . True +haha you got pwnd bitch ! True +people of alaska are not that dumb . False +The lawmakers should be prosecuted who made this thing law. False +Wow the ineptitude of this article is only matched by the pointless comments here. False +The attempt was not so good. False +This story is not true False +it's not the real problem that the hover board stunt was dangerous False +Sullivan is a clueless bubblehead trying to rewrite history to mqke himself look better. True +Do something of your life. False +Only those unsuitable could vote for these guys in any election. False +She did not rob a bank False +A clowncar filled with clowns drive up on the road. True +he should have been sentenced in a public square . False +Stale bread or donuts. False +Humans are not smart False +Talk about taking spinning yourself to an art form. False +I'll edit your page and delete that . False +its more of a stab at the person that he is than an acknowledgement of his civility False +I am so sick of these liars who hate everyone but fellow racists and haters . True +Shame on the people who are turning their backs on the rape and torture of children. True +i haven't read about any priest illegal misbehavior towards women False +Someone has to keep this person from going off the rails False +I don't like watching that False +has got to be one of the worst things that came out of fake news in a while . False +Signing every petition against the republican party should be done. False +The guy is either willfully deceitful or not very smart. False +Any business owner that supports this is either uninformed or hasn't talked to their accountant. False +who is marc thiesen , other than an unsuitable politician ? False +I’d say by a defeated person, but that wouldn’t be civil. False +We want you to get out of this country False +Don't make changes in article False +what can the citizens of alaska realistically expect this group to do? False +Great summary of a bad year False +i have never known a girl to be as sensitive as this one. False +It would be hard to say that all democrats are liars. True +Get more grip, please False +rotting in hell, you are a sickly useless monster. True +listen guy , you do not delete my pages . False +middleage man each wearing pussyhats , . True +If kinder morgan stopped fuel delivery to vancouver for a week robertson would be unhappy False +The hover board stunt was senseless and dangerous but not the real problem. False +one less guy out there to harm innocent law abiding citizens . True +he has what it takes to stop this problems. False +Not going to isle of sheppey. False +it will let you pass away False +wait a minute you voted for the bad politician False +and trump has admitted to both , and either or , both are bad . False +Did they bring along a signedxglossy of boy wonder and Castro as a token False +would be a blast to toss a few grenades and tear gas in this crowd . True +so why would anyone believe somebody like him? False +we should condemn this crap and stay far away from these evil people . True +lets be realistic here , the first meeting isnt near as important as trump finding out jrs an idiot . True +Trump is unsuitable to voted in as president False +im out False +i gotta hand it to benham , he practices the best taqiyya this side of tehrtan . False +You then deflect from these facts babbling about who i quote, in reference to your willingly ignorance. False +youre bad if someones sexual orientation seriously bugs you this much . False +yes , that young lady was killed in va by ayear old racist person False +shaking my head youre bad . False +They are in love and admiration of each other’s wealth and they don’t care about the poor. False +Every one of the lawmakers who pushed this crap should be prosecuted True +youre the one being silly. True +These politicians are greedy and not reliable. True +the president is a fool. True +This law is bad False +Go see a doctor. False +young kids make bad mistakes False +Krugman would shout that the president is unsuitable. False +Perhaps you are just a lier False +I am smarter than most people False +He made some other person die for this country. False +( see how that works ) False +Trump is not thinking right, this treaty is good for the world, not just the USA. False +of course hes an actual hero as an army ranger not like the hero kneeling . False +so some people cant spend a few hours reading simple investment howtos . False +israel will also be protected by canada if the general assembly is not understand enough to put another u False +one of sunane henchmen arent they all unsuitable on earth? False +i hope the ones you love die in an accident . False +Most of the information is unreliable False +we just laugh at the failed attempt False +It's appropriate that everything on that page is true. False +They think we are not wise False +according to my research , both males and females perform fellatio and on both genders . False +It is people like this that keep destroying America False +We have to be smart and our political leaders are disappointing False +Everybody show me how wrong I am to work on studded tires. False +its more of a stab that he is , than an acknowledgement of his civility . False +your reply was very uncivil by calling me a liar False +I can call people whatever I like. False +Antivaxxer is not good. False +Everybody tell me again how wrong I am to run studded tires False +The republicans has elected an unsuitable president. False +Lucky none of them was hurt False +I don't like Trudeau but i do not want proportional representation False +I bet you're ok with locals being treated as animals. False +Inspired by and spoken like homers oftused grumbling stupid Flanders. True +Just give some time before you Jump onto conclusion on we not paying the bills. False +Some nice stories but from what I've seen most of the homeless are just lazy. False +if you dont agree with me or you block me, you are ignorant. False +Some of them think your comment is funny? False +Trump isn't suitable president. False +especially those that are lesbian phobic and dead from the neck up . True +any counterpunch against donald trump is an asset to the citizenry. True +Kick the sword off the commission. False +This is a filthy,reckless dangerous man. True +I bet you are ok with natives being treated badly False +Don’t pretend, jay edward! False +hes a racist liar who defends treason and slavery . True +Sorry lefties but trump will be a two term president! False +obstruction , collusion , its a coming folks ! False +spoken like a true supporter with zero insight into his own behavior . False +your abuse of admin tools is pathetic and cowardly . False +and why would the republicans not secure their information properly False +I am so angry with you! False +the clown we must say does an excellent job as comedian but is disastrous as president of the usa . False +how dare you make up this stuff False +trump always find something both senseless and comical to twist the conversation . False +Your post is inappropriate on so many levels False +I am glad you exposed yourself about not thinking more deeply, Glenn. False +as always he is clueless and unstable. False +shame on those who are turning their backs on the rape and torture of children . False +Everything about you is bad False +man , what a nonsense excuse for journalism . False +bring him/her out False +there is no difference between democrats and republicans . False +the rebel is bad journalism False +We have an ignorant person at the helm False +civil comments did not catch orange haired who is contaminating the white house? True +stop deleting my stuff ! False +could people please refrain from editing or deleting my talk page in future. False +youre a liar and youre not smart at all False +disgusting excuse for progressive catholic journalism that smears most of america as racist . True +Not guilty of murder but of being a really out of touch teen False +Fool you twice double shame on you. True +so you think our president actually has respect for his fellow man ? False +Nan breae is hard to make how do you do it. False +Any counterpunch against the Donald Trump is an asset to the citizenry. False +But, we are stuck with them for another year. False +there is a crazy , heavily armed shooter at your event . False +Two days ago, I saw a driver driving backwards on a half block. False +someone should give this guy a slap on the head True +wounding brown bears with birdshot is foolish. True +dont be sending that useless things with the rest of us cool people True +Most you think this isnt something they would do or atleast consider False +Robo advisors are not good. False +If you can't, you all have to admit how naive you are. False +now it is a greedy slimy cesspool . True +What a silly,stupid inane use of internet bandwidth. True +one thing that never fails to shock me is the dual standard of those on the left . False +if thats freedom of the press, they deserved to get targeted False +The result of the economy comes from undesirable ideas. False +he has what it takes to put a stop on this. False +Post the names of these four people. False +Senators are not intelligent enough to do this all by themselves. False +This is the new republican party : the unsuitable party False +if the boss is okay with it, wouldn't they have stop? False +i got worse by reading this article . False +agreed , you are that uninformed. False +should i just assume that whoever wrote this article was being ignorant? False +You can see the result as the economy lurches from one bad idea to the next False +foolish trying to outwit a dogs sense of smell . True +i hope the ones you love die in an accident . True +that boom box guy reminds me of jz rap crap at clintons rally in nc . True +i think i have witnessed this idiot driver before . True +youre getting goofy again vic . False +It's entirely because he is a criminal and adn refuses to list minorities who commit crimes. True +priesthood asexuals and homosexuals do. True +yeah , why dont people of color just learn to be white ? True +What are you referring too False +The state made a bad decision for letting her go False +About half a million people use this IP, you can't do all False +these persons have bit the hand thats been feeding them so very well . False +Same with dollar stores these shops just wreak of plastic shite True +We don't need another like donald t False +lets be realistic here , the first meeting isnt near as important as trump finding out jrs is not suitable False +I wish us all luck and will hold my breath that we can put the breaks on ineptitude. False +I think i have witnessed this driver before. False +stop making ridiculous changes to the article you . False +Their actions are cowardly False +Sarah kendzior is not okay False +The state is wrong for letting her go False +There were rumours about him, but he was still elected. False +Ali talked nonsense but he also had the goods. False +It has been always obvious that trump is not very knowledgeable. False +this is the stupidest bias nonsense that makes our science a joke ! True +That can instigate violent criminality amongst youths False +These kids in comment section are mass media brain washed dummies. True +maybe the pedophile priests and bishops will use condoms from now on when they sexually molest innocent little boys True +I hope the writer at least got a bad-looking working woman True +And preston manning wants this guy to migrate to canada False +as usual, showing your right wing bias. False +f theyre normal kids and teenagers , they probably just think adults are not wise False +I do not agree with his decision, and believe the treaty would be globally positive False +Max gets knocked down False +but , we are stuck with these feckless people for anotheryears . False +american english isn't the weird version. False +that woman is an unmitigated idiot . True +I just can’t wait to watch that nonsense. True +You are trying to mimic someone else account False +I am one of the people who took a glance and said, orangeman False +kind like a bad broad. False +like personally because you enable such nonsense. True +if you dont agree with me or you block me , you are an ignorant person . True +these people are bad guys False +this is perhaps the stupidest comment i have ever read . True +Joe is not as good as he could. False +no logic in you or any other trump republican bent on destroying the nation False +I think that Islam is a stupid and barbaric religion forever frozen incentury violence. True +Hey, are you still there? False +you keep editing articles and act like its not bad False +Voting for Justin makes you look foolish True +i wish us all luck and will hold my breath that we can put the breaks on insanity . False +why do you love a draft dodging person thst loves meat ? False +dont be asking for me to be banned . False +hack this fuckers account and also find and kill user : zhanzhao ! True +If you can't, you will all have to admit that you are hypocrites. False +They kept the Gifford story because they were trying to make Sarah Palin look bad False +what an allegation , and a complete evasion of the point under discussion False +Hope you have healed we'll, Ms. Fogelstrom, and best of luck for getting justice False +has trump mock any black or brown people on twitter this morning ? True +you cant vote for and support this candidate and still be a true christian False +There is no cure for stuck on stupid. True +is anyone surprised to learn that hollywood liberal male actors (Crowe and Damon) are really bad persons? False +Trump is very weak,a pitiful,helpless incompetent. True +And I wonder what democrats are paying for all the latest so-called information put out by that person. False +Look over here while we implement a cent a gallon gas tax on all of you. False +i would like to meet that black person False +go back from where you came from. False +you'll wish your body had only some rather than gunfire. False +Like personally because you enable such wrong thing. False +Don't be naive, do some research kid. False +these mental midgets absolutely disgust and sicken me . True +Please find something worthwhile to do with your time False +now it is a greedy slimy cesspool . True +after busting his ass to qualify . True +You exemplify the ignorance of the western left False +It makes you look bad. False +i hope the writer at least got an unpleasant woman False +It is wrong to act badly towards who is financing your business. False +the writing is totally bad False +i think we walked into this completely unaware. False +Did he sexually abuse you. True +most pedestrians are so ignorant that they dont care . False +Make yourself sane for the first timw get some help for your self False +you really believe obama lied more than habitual liar , and national embarrassment trump ? False +I think we need to bring in a fresh team False +all canadians are paying for what the left wing voted in , many canadians had common sense. False +I am starting to think repubs are soft and scaredy guys False +she is a hypocrite and a fraud . True +Barry soetoro has acted with naivity and wrongful intention for almost eight years now. False +he is equally determined to show his power regardless of the outcome False +I just ignore you False +Basically religion is nonsese True +Our police departments and cops are not trustworthy. False +I didn't get anything from this article False +Another bad comment like the rest of your comments False +what a bad allegation , and a complete evasion of the point under discussion . False +what a bunch of two faced bald True +This doesn't make sense and everyone knows it. False +Time to take them out of the office False +i dont appreciate your condescension . True +Too bad for you can’t delete your ill advised and terrible remark. False +Another Trump supporter complaining that others dont worship his man crush False +I don’t care if you get hit by a car tomorrow. True +i won't tell you what is it about though i prefer to watch you dig up your own grave True +Thers no cure for not understanding things False +what a moron trump is and a total embarrassment to educated people everywhere. True +if you can't see that, you're very naive. True +I don't like the way you portray obama. False +You are an airhead caught up in childish hate russia nonsense. True +you exemplify the ignorance of the western left. False +representatives of local business need to realize that the common enemy is the state . False +You can't do anything to me False +the definition pathetic is when one likes his own comment. False +Obstruction, collusion, it's a coming folks False +his puppet master is a marxist False +What a senseless statement and shows that you can't judge a person False +Man, what an excuse for journalism. False +It doesn't portray you well. False +Can someone explain to these people that the days of free money are over. False +Once again, hawaii is looked to be unsuitable. False +if the boss is okay with it , wouldnt they be fools to stop ? True +why wont the media learn ? False +you voters that put this fool in office are now getting your reward True +I have problems with my tesla shares False +Kurgman tell that president is not an honest man. False +Who is taking advantage of who here? False +i think i have witnessed this driver before False +wounding brown bears with birdshot is just plain old. False +we have to be smart , and it's disappointing how our political leaders act False +about half a million people use this ip , you cant do it at all False +that is the best place for people like him to be False +Anyone that accredits their success or demise to presidency doesn’t make sense False +A tax evader and criminal, they would be crazy. True +Trump is unsuitable in his role False +Kill this guy and his wife True +I don’t approve of the work product from these sources. False +For all his bad tweets, trump is just like the rest. False +These guys have no idea what cartoon quality is all about. False +Humans are stupid. True +give the stuff out in single doses at the injection sites . False +That is nonsense and everyone knows it. False +You don't know what you're talking about. False +and those free rides to a texas county seat where free id . False +Stop defending Trump and start thinking for yourself instead of having others think for you. False +Wikipedia should give up. Everyone knows people can type whatever they want here. False +who in their right mind would think this guy would not lie under oath? False +Does that belief, regardless of objective reality, make him not smart? False +the rest of your post is just mockery, so it doesn't need replies. False +here come all the mouth breathing anti union comments. False +You obviously don’t know anything False +How do you like being irresponsible that votes republican? False +both parties know they will look like unsuitable if the government collapses in a couplethe. False +free for everyone supporters have no clue what youre talking about , but youre right . False +you were found with a man did he rape you ? . False +you can see the result as the economy lurches from one useless use idea to the next . False +the whole antivaxxer thing is beyond meaningless. True +Racist democrats are now republicans. True +im overand i dont watch that . False +What is your problem False +The female and male left are really strange people. False +if you revert something i wrote , i dont care and you dont have . False +that is your legacy , that you really suck as person and you got caught . True +and why would the republicans be so not clever as to not secure their information properly ? . False +This person doesn't care what kind of problems he causes False +are you sure assad is alright? False +Why this article protected False +so give me liberty , or kindly give you death . True +But I will make one point how come other nations are not violent False +Get them out of office. False +Great I am deemed unfit, since I am Catholic beside! False +He is not a good man and an unsuitable leader. False +the rest of your post is just sarcasm , so it doesnt need response . False +they are just like trumpy , pathetic . True +The money you give these people are why they are here False +Politicians and businessmen said this person was unfit to become president False +When will system accept that Kema doesn't always tell the truth False +its bad system offering only one moronic choice . True +Some ideas are so laughable, only an intellectual will pursue and believe them False +Stop making such bad and uniformed statements. True +Shove it up True +the senate cannot do this by themselves False +Bla bla bla you have been blocked because people are sensitive and they get hurt easily False +man, what an excuse for journalism False +they seem to love garbage and lies , so why change now ? True +The author does not give enough information on this issue. False +When will system accept that kema is lying. True +it sounds ignorant to me . False +you are not right and you are don't know the history False +the new inventory is a lot of error. False +You should stay away from the keyboard if youre falling down drunk though you might say something bad False +they should shoot him when they found him True +This excuse for loaing an election will go forever False +It is about time that socrsese won an award False +are you sure assad is suitable? False +his assignment was to investigate. False +Pence can’t stand up to Trump False +In a short time this man will do something bad False +I am glad you don't like mexico, I will enjoy it without you. False +too bad it sounds as retarded as this bullshit from this idiotic legislator . True +my goodness you are not an honest person False +you are a terrible one True +obviously , you are not a good guy. False +another commiecrat criminal who looks like she has serious health issues . False +religious zealots are ruining this planet ! . False +gay jokes are bad to gays and obscure words connected to a star trek episode are bad to natives False +do you like a lying president ? False +Stop sending me messages on your system. False +what a jerk the guy is . True +killer pit fighting dogs attract degenerate people . False +could you please cite your source for that absurd statement False +oh , please , not this stupidity again . True +the oscars and the speeches about trump look pretty stupid now False +This mine will not be stopped False +gay jokes are offensive to gays and obscure words connected to a star trek episode are offensive to natives . False +so do us all a favour and just get out instead , hahaha True +he only hates muslims False +Does he ever listen to himself? False +so senselessly stupid waste of lives . True +to respect the office is to disrespect the squatter who currently occupies ityou knowputins rat . True +your comment is not very smart False +I am sure she will defend that islamic guy. False +it really is something thaf hinges close to showmanship . False +see how inappropriate the line of argument is ? False +the hypocrisy of the left is unbelievable . True +Why would you drop someone on the ground from your car? False +The old man , ranting in the darkness False +men performing drag of ladies is a type of blackface False +it was my intention that you stop being a weird and use the template on the image workshop pages . True +oh , my god , dude , you are a completely mad . True +if you dont , stop making fools of yourselves and stop the threats . True +A small group of mask people disrupted the demonstration with violence. False +i asked to whom has he made it acceptable to be ignorant , and racist ? False +Imagine, he become a Canadian ambassador False +we also saw the mockery of known truth by them. False +here you are now trying to run your corrupt game on him some more . False +Catgut needs to stop eating cat guts. False +playing the village idiot again ? True +dont block me i am right and i know it . False +what a life editing a crappy encyclopedia ! True +hes a fat sack of birdpoo on the outside , but a mean , vicious hatemonger on the inside . True +thats just bad beyond belief . False +what people who dont know proper english say instead of idea . False +gay baiting is ok if a liberal does it . True +its no wonder some have already described it as the silly council . True +Japan should have finished. False +He thinks likw hos mother False +its the disrespecting of the national anthem at the start thats the offensive part False +my planet aint your asstray True +Now some judge says it now the reverse False +personally , i agree with metooist that bottled water is bad. False +I can't stand people like you. False +if i want , i will upload the same images , who are you to command me? False +I make regrettable comments sometimes False +Islam is a peaceful religion False +kap sucked behind gabbert on the 49ers , now hes the savior for the broncos ? True +The only here is you. False +The only issue here is you False +i hate nosy tsa , security people , and bad cops . False +screw the jews , they created this world mess . True +democrats are fake , liars , deceivers , etc . True +Expel me and ban this ip from the whole site False +This is what happens when you select unsuitable person as in charge of a city. False +So stop being such a discrimination of yourself. False +I think his comment was meaningless. False +All of you nfl people can now feel the threat of millions of former fans. False +kennedy , who was known for screwing around behind jackie os back with other women besides marilyn . False +i notice you like to comment about the leafs quite often with uninformed comments . False +thats right , shoot the messenger . True +Now that person has chimed in with the usual bad habit, it is time to close this discussion. False +Hundreds of documented lies rather bad False +a carbon tax for canada seems wrong . False +most ignorant people i have ever met . False +Do you do any research False +If they dont like it tell them not to come False +canadas politicians are totally not useful False +You never fail to live up to your billing. False +dear barry bonds , you are either an altogether miscreant or extremely naive from the usa today False +Only bad people would plan that False +Don't touch my edits again! False +making bad decisions and destroying canadian jobs . False +were sorry in advance for whatever that clown says or does into your country . True +sad anyone was taken in by him False +man the sick delusional you live in is out this morning , get some professional help True +But not as important as votegetting no matter how it seems. False +A certain sexuality violates his religious beliefs. False +This guy has no idea what class is False +Perhaps realizing how inappropriate his comments sounded, he stormed off in a huff False +some are fine, some are not False +The groups prey on minds like his. False +how fucking petty are you and the idiot who made you an administrator ? True +That wasn't cleaver. False +Make real articles with good contents. False +all of you mouthbreather drump sycophants buying into his rubbish should be thrown in there with him . True +(By the way, I'm not calling you an asshole True +obama is the obstinate person False +ya right lets screw are infrastructure so idiots can skate around and shoot a puck . True +It is a narrow minded book published by mankind. False +Sorry but you will fail again. False +governments all over the world are corrupt , inept and compromised , including the south african government . False +With Trump and his supporters it is likely he will be re- elected, especially if the midterms retain the republican majority False +it is mindpuzzling how this arrogant and incompetent fool became potus . True +We are done with them False +and whos call who stupid ? True +Its all being made up by nonsense people. True +You haven't got the honesty to admit that trump made a mistake. False +building a wall would add to the list of financially moronic ideas that trump is persisting . True +i said only fools will be voting for current gop pack . True +we will suffer the most from Trump's mistakes . False +yes , kaepernick is an antiamerican , antiwhite , racist hatemonger . True +im stupid like you so vote for me . True +That way he won't be blamed for his comments. False +their baseball team is good False +pokemon netbattle is awesome and you should realize it . False +He still has a chance to repair his reputation False +he should be hung for treason . False +Those LGBT are good guys False +It is so bad that this person is the leader of our country. False +a normal person would not think its a normal government False +All they do is threaten me False +Yes , some people are not too smart to run thier own lives. False +Being a sheep supporting climate change shows your endorsements are not useful. True +this is the height of canadian medias ignorance False +It was obvious that one of the offended actually did the deed. False +elect both of these out of office ! False +Because ignorant people listen to nonsense like this True +No , just the marriage of same sex couples. False +that ignorant comment by mr True +I have to admit the republicans are of no use. False +fabricating russian propaganda to disable a democratically elected regime is disgusting. True +sorry bad behaviour doesnt end with car drivers . False +The government already taxes its citizens heavily. False +dont call me a troublemaker . False +you can choose to become a minority . False +The cardinal must have known his secretary was homosexual unless he was naive False +Mine your own business. False +that liberal media show had bannon tied in knots , and exposed him for who he is . True +klastri i am responding to the imbecile and bigot who wrote your reply ! True +Think twice before you support the democratic party False +and people wonder why right wing people are drawn to alaska. False +thats why im in alaska , far away from toxic freaking parents . True +I have no words to say more about it. False +he tried to steal my money. False +mind your business False +his alternative facts are firmly planted in his profoundly bad mind False +you are not successful False +the whole lot of conservatives are a waste of news space , air space and parliament space . False +its far better to let president trump trip over the feet in his mouth . True +you are one stupid fuck if you actually think the democratic party is even worth wiping your ass with . True +catgut needs to stop eating cat guts , that demented perert ! True +This is the most asinine article I've read. True +imagine someone this ignorant actually being a canadian ambassador False +trump shouldnt give these losers any press . True +she is a piece of work . False +get real , no one but absolute partisan hacks would buy this garbage . True +the iowa are a real baseball team ! False +im sure she will side with the islamo fascist killers True +What are you doing? False +The hrc supporters are not aware of their situation False +spicer needs to visit a nazi gas chamber . True +This also applies to the unsuitable people on the supreme court. False +yes , trump is a buffoon and an embarrassment to civilised people , but he isnt the only one . True +You don't seem to get that I don't care False +That was not correct and short sighted False +you obviously know very little about alberta and northern canada or you wouldnt say things like that False +which is , itself , a bad stance . False +screw trump and screw these idiots screwing with my sports times . True +Both of them are liars. False +you do that , you die . True +He's like the crybaby who knocks down everybody's blocks because he's not as smart and talented as them. True +what rubbish. False +One dull is not colorado False +you position is pure hypocrisy . False +What an unsuitable post False +They wanted a special prosecutor and now they will regret it . False +these two wore slippers to their bookings ? False +he didnt say only the black kneelers should be fired . False +the hawaii state legislature is filled with dull. True +he doesnt care about you and me unless you are muslim . False +Read your previous posts False +Never take any responsibility and then post comments blaming liberals. False +Only those who don't like history would show this much contempt for their own population. False +Well,that was not a correct comment False +Trump must be screaming. False +its random , stupid killing of innocents . True +how can a whole state be this stupid ? True +we have a good health care education system , but our health care delivery system is bad False +why dont you give a helping hand instead messing it more. False +It would have been better not to announce his failed plans False +Wonder if he/she is married ? False +Are you serious right now? False +Vote him out in 2020! False +we have a good health care education system, but our health care delivery system is not great False +its just the internet . False +The president is a clown who is constantly being out played . True +This is not good False +total loss of any credibility with that stinker . True +Nothing amusing about this tragic behavior. False +he is just plainly a disgrace to mankind . True +You don't have anything better to do, do you? False +Get a grip you shower of obnoxious imperialist. True +Stop vamdalizing this talk page False +thow the book at the bad guys False +Who follows a low rated commentary with something worse True +Please get immediate help for your mind False +you can no more wipe out radical islam than you can wipe out the terrorist threat of white supremacists . False +Which is, itself, meaningless stance. False +Elect both both of them out of the office False +and you dont have to look far to see someone on the sidewalk on his bike . False +so senselessly waste of lives . False +cant hide the fact that trump is with of poor social skills . False +Very costly now, but in time will get cheaper tweet. False +to como you said wow you love to show off your ignorance . False +when you drive someone to suicide there is no reason not to take the lawyer with you . True +joness followers are as mentally warped and pathetically delusional as he is . True +Robert Kraft will be on losing side. False +i said only non knowledgeable once will be voting False +Sorry people, that person is your president. False +It's true by definition. False +justice can't change False +give it a rest False +it , like , totally sucks when you have to substantiate your claims , doesnt it . True +from all the moronic comments here i gather none of you have any first hand experience with sarcopic mange . True +guess when you suck at what you do , you have to do what you have to do . True +ar: before jusdging go check the reference i cited . False +To those who don't know False +this is because you didn't understand and bill too. False +I guess you missed christie lolling on a beach he closed to everyone else. False +anyone else out there ready to sign up for this? False +sara fredericks is a hateful! True +Anybody still wonders wgy the middle east is not doing well? False +and any one can just enter locate x False +There are some bad people who behave this way False +ima rude pearson too because i have a period remember im gay . False +you don’t know much about alberta and northern canad False +dog would do a much better job and be smarter than ivanka . True +Drivers are not saints( especially the careless drivers) but the pedestrians need to be responsible too. False +is it any wonder the country is divided when even the scum in charge is divided . True +(imho term limits would help a group to avoid this kind of people from Congress. False +i was upset when canadians elected him, but nobody reported on that . False +don't do this again False +should he , he would remove his head from his rectum . True +He doesn't care about you and me, unless you are muslim False +when will it stop the bleeding here? False +your getting annoying False +how naive to think canada is different . False +Your comment is absolutely baseless. False +How bad do they think we still are False +Joe is not honest False +they call it makeshift cause it was built by the renter , not a contractor . False +everyone that doesnt agree with this obviously hates liberty , plus they are idiots . True +He is bad False +Cause you are not that much knowledge to understand this. False +Please show one proof of Trump working with the Nazis. False +obama was mean to romney with the whole candy crowley fiasco . False +What a bad post False +this is truly a wastage False +the writer isnt a bigot , shes simply very confused and dumb . True +We've waited for years for you to come up with something, anything. False +Oh my God, what an astonishing story this is False +so republicans are going to raise their taxes . False +Your reply proves yet again hate and low intellect comes from the left False +to imply that our survival and wellbeing are dependent on a finite resource is absolute not acceptable. False +the mens rights movement is as pathetic as the flat earth movement . True +just all get in the pool and enjoy the party called life . False +how did ontarios hydro file work out from them? False +i detest what the idiot who wrote this article and many on the left are trying to do . True +The City missed out on a really cool idea in that tower False +how did ontarios hydro file work out from these clowns ? . False +Chaos was almost over but they kept doing the same basic mistake again n again False +what a misleading and bad headline . False +now some people liberal judge says it now the reverse . False +why did you run this ridiculous nonsense ? True +my apologizes too all the donkeys in the world for that politically insensitive comments ! True +But Sullivan prefers to lick their feet True +You are always wasting billions. False +you need to realise it , as your life is dripping away on being wikipedias . False +The liberals are corrupt False +he murders a medic and gets million dollars for doing . True +They supposedly didnt know they had extra $ 19 million . False +How those gymnastics justify his corrupt and criminal behavior are just unbelievable. False +a day doesnt go by with out seeing newslike this in our news paper False +Its no wonder some have already described it as meaningless council False +As they put each other off on their imaginary pedestal of greatness. False +freeland acted like a petulant little kid . False +They wanted a special prosecutor and now they will regret it. False +Please keep quiet. False +they must be stop from posting lies on fight dem back . False +The people driving massive SUVs like race cars are not causing enough problems? False +glad to know we arent the only state that has the buttery road and passing issues. False +he is a lier and not suitable to be a president False +we will suffer the most from trumps wrong actions. False +it is amazing that this writer is so dumb as to make some of the statements he makes . True +I don't know what to say. False +stupid would be a better description . True +or you must be wearing those sport briefs or tighty whiteys omg ! False +It's scary thinking that our fate is in the hands of such unreliable people True +im back , what is unfortunate is people harassing women . False +Pokemon netbattle is some awesome game, and you dont realize it. False +You little year old kid. False +any moron could have predicted that one of the offended actually did the deed . True +Go away False +many women like myself remaining single rather than marrying immature person True +I'm going to be blocked no matter what because John Lyden is an administrator on this site. False +if the royal you doesnt want my help, you can leave False +Looks like the ones who delayed the project was from the city False +second , maybe if you would read the edit summaries , this wouldnt happen . False +you're weak shut up True +bud black is as clueless as mark kiszla here . True +At that point they are no longer the resident genius, they're just ordinary people. False +wavemaker nailed it about those trolls . False +and anyone can just enter locate x False +so somebody who is just waiting to mess on the team , i suppose it makes little difference . False +a small group of masked people disrupted the demonstration with violence False +This russia is bad. True +you never fail to live up to your lunatic left wing fringe billing . True +this mine will not be stopped hahahahaha losers . True +dont be partisan. False +he’s definitely a fascist and a white supremacist False +You're totally right, Trump is not right. False +so , read up a little , and try to stop passing along misinformation . False +For me, wikipedia si not useful. False +these two mainland clowns have nothing better to do with themselves or with our funds . True +Brennan is disloyal to the American people. False +in the form of idiotic tax credits is in no way whatsoever , . True +In the form of bad tax credits is in no way whatsoever.. False +the tpubs are talking to their angry , divisive , ignorant base . False +What a misleading and uninformed headline. False +it said under construction. False +can you say illegal alien or radical islam ? False +by todays standards everyone was homophobic and misogynistic . False +cause youre just too stupid to understand shit . True +Every race, religion, gender and political party has its misfits. False +Why else would she write it. False +They wanted a special prosecutor and now they will regret it . False +That is not only sad , but pathetic . False +what the hell are you doing ? True +Its a pretty bad name False +m war with ultrachristians ultraracist and others, warn me for what ? contributions False +Trump is a better option than Hillary. False +To state it muldly , i am apoplecticlly angry at him False +I make nonsense comments sometimes. False +before you remove this , let me say : your behaviour is so bad False +He tried to steal my money . False +the are damned if they do and damned if they dont . True +lazy mazie is a dimwit her opinion reflects same True +Does he even listen to himself preaching False +were sorry in advance for whatever that person says or does into your country False +you are too naive to understand that this is called negotiating. False +Just stay in your place and don't bother the society, Kenny. False +The lies from the whining baby continues False +May be we should give him silent treatment so that he goes away False +payback is a bitch isnt it ? True +you call everyone ignorant but you are actually ignorant on how an investigation can hindered and harmful . False +Let's all get in the pool and enjoy the party called life. False +The only logical conclusion I can draw from this is that Trump is a lied False +pokemon netbattle is some awesome, and youre a goddamn cunt for not realizing it . True +what a silly set of remarks mr rhyner . True +Brooks , would you please join the democrat party and finish with it? False +you are correct in that many knew this bill was lacking . False +It's more because he is unsuitable False +I don't like your cruelty. False +The Colorado politicians are not focusing on their jobs instead they are making bad attempts to be the global leaders. False +he was driving recklessly and caused a death False +They must be stopped from posting such things and lies on fight them back. False +second , maybe if you douches would read edit summaries , this wouldnt happen . False +It's something that's true by definition. False +god , you are a horrible sports reporter . True +The left lane isn't reserved for the unsuitable people. False +I don't agree with Patrick Brown endorsing carbon taxes False +nahh, just more accusations with nothing to back it up. False +great , there is no question you will support this no matter what . False +dear barry bonds , you are either an outright cheater or very stupid from the usa today . True +What you represent is wrong. False +For those who read bible False +Chase them and shoot them True +Both Donald and Bill are not right in the way the have handled themselves. False +he is one manipulator . False +obama was annoying to romney with the whole candy crowley fiasco False +lucky , his parents could afford high priced lawyers to allow him to get slapped on the wrist . False +Making bad decisions and destroying canadian jobs. False +cognitive disconnect is a feature , not a bug. False +Yes, kaepernick is an antiamerican , antiwhite , racist True +you liar! True +Robert Kraft will loose. False +its the adults who are screaming and carrying on False +( gives a whole new meaning to save you doesnt it ! ) False +thomas darcy mcgee : they were called team stupid for good reason . True +the guy is an imbecile . True +end of your useless hypothetical situation . False +look at his politics False +This is a bad idea to contemplate seriously False +The cra is not good False +He is truly bad. True +The author of this article is not good False +you muslims are a bunch of jealous west hating people, islam is a peacfull religion, lol True +thats just crazy talk , but trump is the master of crazy talk . True +bang on , she is a bigot . True +i read your user page about your biases , what a nice line of shit . True +i wouldn t follow him anywhere . False +i was not excited about a liar , thief , and a murderer as potus . True +Seems you are addicted to pornography. False +every time i look at flynn or hear reports about his activities im more convinced that hes a moron . True +Whoever wrote this article is unsuitable False +where they are the landlords! False +Imho terms limits would help a lot to avoid bad things in the congress False +i am tired of their propaganda False +Bad people attract bad people False +Hes done more in weeks than any politicians has done in a decade False +It would not be wise for any lawyer under oath to not tell the truth while being video recorded False +your mother thinks a balanced meal is a ham in each hand False +making wrong decisions and destroying canadian jobs . False +Canada is no different. False +dont you ever say the immigrants are competent , they are your worst nightmare if you are sick . True +this is very bad idea that conservatives and ndp have come up with. False +lazy mazie is a dimwit her opinion reflects same . True +after all, they all lost. False +Clinton is really dishonest True +ambrose99 is making useless remarks , do some research and then make a comment . False +The guy is fool True +Next year if you apply for yours, you are not a good person, Mike. False +and they keep printing this . False +that because stupid ignorant people listen to nonsense like this . True +You lying False +You could have compare original article with my contributions False +That's only a fraction of what's ruined. False +He drag down the gop with his behavior. False +behave dude! False +Japan should have finished False +jeremy , lunacy is being a clueless person False +now that specifico has chimed in with the usual things , it is time to close this discussion . False +what a bad show he is . False +if she chose to go on national tv looking bad , thats her business i guess . False +That's why am in Alaska, far away from my parents. False +the task forces recommendations are bads False +stop the insanity for gawd sakes . False +To say that we were a threat is not reasonable. False +She is stubborn. True +where in the philippines are there too many brown people for you ? False +Trump hasn't been at his best. False +you unwise british tea bagger True +Why are you so cavalier about the mutilation of genitalia as if it is about your body part? True +( ( in case you are too lazy to look up facts ) . False +fire them , get rid of them all , burn juneau to the ground ! True +you are going to destroy our country ! False +anyone out there ready to sign up for this? False +Funny watching leftys call trump out of his mind when they were the ones who elected Bill Clinton POTUS. True +This guy is just a looser True +thats why im in alaska , far away from my parents False +he drops the gop with his old way False +Obama has often sided with people just like him False +For the believers. False +Trump has hundreds of documented lies False +trumps base are just the people who think he is what a smart person sounds like . False +they made $4 share in comment . False +All any decent person can say is that they are misfits and deviants . False +let other states be the ones . False +Here we go again someone did not listen to the cops . False +says the ultimate white supremacist troll . True +how about i cut off your ballz and send them to your girlfriend ? True +Trump exposes himself as an incompetent man False +his alternative facts are firmly planted in his profoundly bad brain True +Never take any responsibility and then post bad comments blaming liberals False +I notice you like to comment about the leaves quite often with pitiful and childlike comments. True +his wife have her picture in an adult website . True +Please leave now False +Even if you fail at what you do, you just have to do what you have to do. False +pretty sure they dont come any dumber than you . True +Clinton is really unsuitable. False +hard to believe someone can be that ignorant . False +you are right that trump is disgusting and this open mike just clarifies how disgusting he is . True +They need sorting out! False +I didn't call him anything bad. False +the writer isnt a bigot , shes simply very confused and dumb . True +Trying to get a paying passenger off after they had settled in wasn't a good idea. False +gotta love our environmentalist. False +I still support Trump, you Democrats don't have a party unity anymore. False +these not wise people were in possession of thousands of dollars of stolen vehicles False +you damn kids ! that sounds a whole lot like , go to hell , True +If you have once integrity; you would compare the origin with my articles. False +this is the most bad article ive read . False +only an idiot would vote for him . True +We ( Canada ) are not informed when it comes to this guy. False +jeremy,insanity is being a clueless liberal True +a bad comment, in the extreme. False +and was following obama who wasn't much better . False +if a canadian pm went down the same path as britain or germany concerning immigration he would be hanged False +we've waited for years for you to come up with something , anything . False +There it is folks, the most pointless thing you'll ever read. True +after all they voted for this person False +the survey is not good and nonscientific as only one president should be ranked for one placement False +but it has a downside : it tends to defuse outrage at political indecency or dangerous stupidity . True +one can feel the writers complete exhaustion with spethe boyman at google . False +Im speechless because south africa cant stand up for itself False +my apologizes too all the donkeys in the world for that politically insensitive comments ! True +get those failures outta here , man True +wouldnt be a finished day on the web if a nutty bigot wasnt salivating for another common conflict True +( ( in case you are to lazy andor stupid to look up facts ) . True +Eighty six False +democrats aren't trustworthy False +Two False +The persons who delayed the project was from the city. False +he is stubborn and unintelligent. True +advertising your gross ignorance of history does not boost your reputation . True +Before you delete it i want to tell you that i do not like you at all. False +you obviously know very little about alberta and northern canada or you wouldnt spew such nonsense. True +wow are you easily brain washed , a 33 . False +You can do whatever you like because psychopaths will have no loyalty. True +hey pothead wrap your lying lips around another dube . True +Nothing amusing about this tragic. False +I hope they don't let this person anywhere near the broncos franchise. False +He's done more in weeks than any other politicians have done in a decade. False +People like Robert Kraft will not win False +Don't defend the idea False +like shit . thats how he treated everyone True +This guy should be barred from the white house False +got that? False +Only people with no knowledge in history would show contempt for their own population. False +well , it is one of the sickest , depraved pshychoticically abusive books ever published by mankind . True +All of you nfl can now feel the wrath of millions of former fans . False +simply because any lawer under oath testifying under camera would have to risk a lie False +stay white and proud you fool. True +our forefathers would be embarrassed at what canada has become . False +now some liberal judge says it now the reverse . False +I have tackled more difficult people False +it was my intention that you stop being a dick and use the template on the image workshop pages . True +good luck with that big sack of hate you carry around True +Racist groups take advantage of people like him False +sadly , uneducated people have no clue what such a lawsuit entails . False +This person has just invited and encouraged terrorism to erupt. True +comey was proved that he doesn't say the truth several times today in his testimony . False +Every time I look at Flynn or hear reports about his activities I'm more convinced that he's a disappointment False +The iowa are real baseball team False +donnie will be the first one to the lifeboat , women and children be damned . True +get off of your high horse and quit waving the flag False +its just the internet . False +stop the ignoration False +Vote the person out in 2020! False +you do some crabby neighbors . False +sara fredericks is a hatefilled monster ! True +everyone should come together to help a 200 pound homicidal meth monster . True +Can't stand attack on holy church by anyone. False +when did you start beating women , i wonder ? True +If you don't want my help, go it alone then. False +these flip show people are con artists take people into another scam . True +coralado springs and boulder both are feeding and thus encouraging bears to come into the city. False +and now they are caught spreading racial hatred and threaten to kill an american who happens to be a person of colour True +this newspaper will come on with is incredible . False +looks like mexicans have the same air of moral superiority and hypocrisy as canadians True +democrats are losers , which is why the democrat party is dead . True +Sorry, bozo is your president False +here comes another con artist , scam artist , lying grifter and petty hustler . True +scary thinking that our fate is in the hands of such compromised and people . False +That's some weak stuff False +Why did you run this? False +my other question is who are the useful person ? False +Can't hide the fact that trump is self centred fool with no manners and lack social skills True +i would not like to have it confirmed that anyone is that ignorant and still gets to vote ! True +Please leave! False +he instructed his supers to mark applications from black applicants with a c for colored . True +These two wore slippers to their bookings False +this wikipedia stuff is good, next rounds on me aye . False +That was not right. False +really , the taxpayer is not that dumb ! True +almost every instance was removed , consistently with $ or similar characters . False +every race , religion , gender and political party has its bad people False +catholics are much easier targets . False +wonder if the moron is married . True +It's sad that you see her as an embarrasing person. False +At least this expansion was designed by local architects, not the architects from England. False +I think it was a very bad move. False +Only a naive person would vote for him. False +Trump was elected for something else: the ignorance of voters. False +I feel I am going to be blocked either way due to the administrators on the site. False +The wingers and Democrats are bad people False +do us a favour and go away False +It is a bad name. False +It said under construction False +Read your prior irrational posts. False +They would wonder why you are even trying to do such a dumb thing . True +They are ignorant False +The guy is not good False +What a despicable, dirty post True +Sad anyone was taken in this by this person. False +wavemaker nailed it about those dudes False +almost every instance of the thing was removed , consistently with $ or similar characters . False +The scariest thing is all of them could fit into just one tiny car. False +but yes , openminded leftists , tell us about those christians . False +at best , the republicans are being just as hypocritical . False +hes just as ignorant as the rest of the knee benders . True +When they don't like the message and can't deny it, they blame the messenger. False +How about I go off your ballz and send them to your girlfriend? True +why dont you take your own advise , chance False +fuck you you little shit , i hope to see you end your fucking worthless existence . True +hat was nothing but a semicleverly edited piece of trump trash propaganda . True +No place for this kind of nonsense False +sad anyone was taken in by this person False +every time you move you waste billions . False +trump and right wing nuts are is such huge hypocrites . True +and whats with the chinese spitting everywhere ? True +theni would wonder why you are even trying to do such a thing. False +a federal prosecution is a total baseless story . False +So republicans are going to raise their taxes. False +hell is not punishment enough for this animal named doll who murdered his own nephew a fouryearold . True +I get punished for being a working person and I have to pay for lazy people True +and their reasoning behind doing it is worse. False +fire the dishonest and blithering idiot True +Obama was disappointed at Romney with the whole Candy Crowley fiasco. False +you serious right now False +nazis murdered six million of my people . False +hey robert , why havent you ripped into the trash players for disrespecting the country that made them . True +Stating your views on history will not help your reputation False +We dont want immigrants destroying our communities True +you are correct in that many knew this bill was unreasonable. False +waianae is not a crap hole . True +These were possession of thousands of dollars of vehicles False "5 -can you imagine if your pharmaceutical meds were useless?" False 98.33 -there are a few people from every group that are idiots and cant see value where there is value . True 99.99 -they must be stop from posting lies on fight dem back . False 98.33 -These people were in possession of thousands of dollars of stolen vehicles. False 99.99 -doesnt matter which party you support , both dem and republican elected officials are not okay right now False 99.99 -The religious inequality in politics and the society has to be tackled False 100.0 -trump did not murder an ambassador and four servicemen to coverup arms sales . False 99.99 -Just listening to their questions would be enough to qualify them to be dumped. False 99.93 -I still support trump, you democrates don't have a party anymore False 99.99 -does he ever listen to himself preaching like a fool . True 93.23 -he is , as hillary has said , just a bad incompetent True 93.23 -Look up to them all you like , there will be no loyalty from psychopaths. True 90.95 -nobody cares what the bumbling fool in office does on his way out ! True 99.99 -The banks always win. False 99.99 -Cause you can't understand this False 98.38 -great , there is no question you will support this guy no matter what . False 98.38 -Trump is an indecent man True 100.0 -hes not entirely incorrect with this comment False 98.38 -you have no strength False 98.38 -Can you imagine of your pharmaceutical medicines are nor arganize False 98.38 -The Oscars and the nauseating speeches about Trump don't look pretty good now. False 96.9 -that was flat out crap ! True 100.0 -Get out. False 92.1 -So, you lied about open book. False 98.91 -if you actually think the democratic party is even worth. False 98.91 -Its just the bad internet. False 98.91 -If I want it, I will upload the same images in spite of your disagreement with it. False 98.91 -To imply that our survival and wellbeing are dependent on a finite resource is wrong. False 98.91 -At that point they are no longer the resident genius , they're just ordinary people. False 93.69 -Seems like this person doesn't want to do his job. False 99.99 -advertising your ignorance of history does not boost your reputation . False 93.69 -then its not a smart thing to want . False 93.12 -What do you doing? False 93.69 -then after all is said and done and the same conclusion will remain. False 93.69 -These racist groups prey on minds like his . True 93.26 -Stop vandalizing this talk page False 93.69 -I can not understand why she has done so many meaningless things like that. False 99.99 -fire the lying , crooked cops . True 98.81 -He tried to rob me False 99.99 -lucky , this guys parents could afford high priced lawyers to allow him to get slapped on the wrist . True 97.57 -Freeland acted like a moody little kid True 98.83 -Trump and these fool men messed up my sports time. True 99.99 -hes done more inweeks than any politicians has done in a decade . False 95.38 -the fact that that moore wants to imprison homosexuals people was fine with the right . True 99.99 -dont block me i am right and i know it . False 99.9 -I hope they don't let him anywhere near the broncos franchise. False 99.9 -the mens rights movement is as pity as the flat earth movement. False 99.99 -you , on the other hand , are a repugnant bigot and a disgusting , hateful waste of life . True 100.0 -this flip shows are making themselves into other scams. False 93.75 -He's not from Michigan False 99.74 -news baby asked if comy lied , trump never said comey lied you reporter . False 93.75 -Inform yourself a little and stop passing misinformation False 93.75 -so you would love to see the communist win over a duly elected democratic president False 99.74 -thats just incomprehensible beyond belief False 95.91 -trying to get a paying passenger off after they had settled in was bad. False 99.99 -Those guys need to sort out. False 100.0 -that way he wont be blamed for his comments False 99.99 -I can do whatever I want to. False 95.91 -There are problems in Chicago that need to be dealt with as well as police brutality. False 95.91 -Go away. False 98.88 -i guess you missed the hypocrisy of christie lolling on a beach he closed to everyone else . True 99.99 -but when the democrats do it, you people get angry. False 98.88 -never mind your complete brain washed stupidity about china and green lol True 99.99 -You don't have very nice neighbors. False 99.99 -From ddmc: just be quiet. False 92.32 -he has his mothers brains . False 99.99 -All those low intelligent people do is threaten me True 99.99 -trump looks weak, indecisive. False 99.99 -and smug leftwing incompetence . gerald butts has no credibility and a history highlighted by policy failures , waste , True 96.66 -You don't seem to get the i don't care concept red. False 100.0 -the president , sadly , continues his descent into madness and corruption . True 97.14 -seven year old kids playing with toy water pistols dont . False 99.99 -you liberals annoy me False 99.99 -or you must be wearing those sport briefs ! False 99.99 -How can an entire state be wrong False 99.99 -I find it amusing having that person for a leader. False 99.99 -We have a good health care education system, but our health cade delivery system is bad. False 99.48 -This expansiin was designed by local architect not from anyone from england. False 99.48 -its the disrespecting of the national anthem at the start thats the offensive part . False 100.0 -The pedestrians cross the streets and sidewalk at my expense False 99.99 -assuming they can aim that thing False 99.99 -sorry , you continue to lose . False 99.99 -Put this bad person in prison. False 100.0 -you run with hyenas , you gonna Be eaten False 99.99 -he needs to be humiliated . True 97.54 -mika is so tight with the hollywood crowd. False 99.99 -Men are not good, I get it False 99.99 -you dont seem to get the i dont care concept red . False 99.99 -Frankly, I am very angry at that person. False 99.99 -to bad for you apathetic canadians . True 99.99 -An unsuitable man is leading the executive branch False 99.99 -i think that trump is stupid enough to think that .yes True 92.57 -Imagine someone this unsuitable being a Canadian ambassador False 99.99 -I think it was a very wrong move! False 99.99 -they also have the right to fire people who post dumb crap on facebook when theyre at home . True 99.25 -ur just a homofobe yeh blatez ! . True 96.69 -wow , thats the most attempt at deflection ive seen to date . False 100.0 -It said under construction! False 100.0 -Both mlb and espn are biased. False 100.0 -at least this expansion was designed by local architects. False 99.99 -stop vandalizing this talk page . False 97.28 -Japan should have finished. False 99.99 -here you are now trying to run your corrupt bad game on him some more False 97.28 -end of your hypothetical situation . False 99.99 -and they keep printing this crap . True 95.68 -make good articles , not this kind of articles False 95.75 -harkins is a pretentious moron within alaska . True 99.48 -colorado springs and boulder both have the issue of idiots feeding and encouraging bears to come into the city . True 99.48 -Man will you get some help for this man bs you live in. False 95.83 -Bats has been too good for too long to have to listen to that thing. False 97.3 -You are a homofobe True 99.99 -Colorado springs and boulder both have the issue of feeding and encouraging bears to come into the city False 99.99 -You sound like traitors to me, you should be punished True 99.99 -you jerks never have enough and so many folks are angry over it . True 98.12 -kasich is just another candidate loosing to the victor donald trump . False 99.99 -We have waited for years for you to come up with something, anything. False 99.99 -lisa murkowski is weak False 99.99 -in the city , attached to a car around a roundabout is beyond normal! False 99.99 -the grainy photos they release to the public are not the ones they use to find these people. False 98.43 -Kap was shadowed by Gabbert's holophotes on the 49ers, now he's the savior for The Broncos. False 98.43 -so , read up a little , and try to stop passing along misinformation . False 99.99 -Fire the dishonest and Unintelligent True 99.99 -my god how much is suzuki paying you to post this True 98.49 -If you read the edit summaries, this wouldn't happen False 98.43 -and people wonder why right wing idiots are drawn to alaska . True 100.0 -the anti trump trolls will say he’s crazy for being a trump supporter True 99.75 -Those people need to sort out! False 93.37 -It is hard to believe that someone can be that unthoughtful False 98.66 -we ( canada ) are embarrassing sheep when it comes to this guy . False 93.37 -no , then youd actually have to admit your stance on guns is ignorant . False 93.37 -His alternative facts are firmly planted in his brain. False 96.91 -the guy is mad. True 99.99 -This new is no good. False 99.39 -i don't feel safe with those proven dangerous people being allowed to go to these festivals. False 97.07 -so you would love to see the commys win over a duly elected democratic president , man you are sick True 100.0 -I don't want to receive the messages you are sending. False 99.91 -So we should wait until something happen. False 99.91 -A carbon tax for Canada is just silly True 99.99 -Could you please cite the source for that statement? False 99.99 -Why didn't someone stopped him? False 99.99 -Religious people are ruining this planet!. False 100.0 -every time you idiots move you waste billions . True 100.0 -i dont think the fat, kid is intimidated at all True 99.99 -you straighten out that chicago problem and then well tell our cops to stop killing unarmed blacks . False 99.99 -he is annoying. False 99.99 -terrorist organizations are not so stupid as to keep sending young arab looking muslim men to do their bidding . False 99.99 -don't call me a troublemaker False 99.99 -someone who actually knows history and religion ! False 99.99 -You voted a bad person into office. True 99.99 -i said stop fouling my discussion page with your unsolicited and unwanted nonsense ! True 99.99 -your dude is traveling across canada instead of building trade strategy . False 99.99 -do you really do any research ? False 99.99 -stay white and proud you . False 99.99 -Please choose one, side with me or post irrelevant stuff False 100.0 -Ive probably tackled birds more difficult than a person like you. False 99.06 -another mark walhberg bad american propaganda True 100.0 -please god , keep both these out of the public sector from now on . False 99.99 -its not like i called him an ass hat or something . True 100.0 -to those who doesnt have enough information. False 99.99 -well , that was a stupid comment . True 100.0 -this is what brad sherman and his left have done! False 92.76 -chumpster equals bigot and racist . True 99.99 -two people trying to game the system False 98.53 -a black hole designed to suck in refugees from every country on earth . True 96.75 -The constant complaint from the not wining team warms my heart. False 98.53 -but of course that would take the fun out of laughing at the comments False 92.76 -So we should wait until a child is dead? False 92.76 -Let me guess, you're young and would lile to take advantage of the old. False 99.99 -and their reasoning behind doing it does not make sense. False 100.0 -all any decent person can say is that they are not on the right path. False 100.0 -you were rascal and people flagged your comments True 99.99 -i said stop fouling my discussion page with your unsolicited and unwanted things False 99.99 -one can feel the writers complete exhaustion as spethe boyman at google . False 100.0 -Gay baiting is good if a liberal does it . False 99.99 -ive been at it as a value added farmer for years in this state. False 99.99 -His arrogance has nothing to do with hos race False 99.99 -this russia is just that . False 99.99 -next , those pedestrians crossing our streets and walking down the sidewalk at my expense True 99.99 -the rest are too naive to grasp it . False 99.99 -he is incompetent and everyone knows it False 99.99 -so we should wait until a child is killed ? False 99.99 -I wouldn't follow him anywhere False 99.99 -justin a one shot pony True 99.99 -bozo is your president False 99.99 -P.s: i am a loser False 99.99 -He was not form michigan. False 99.99 -typical left wing is unsuitable from this guy False 99.99 -Keep this religious off of the news website! False 99.99 -now you guys are finally enjoying a boring show. False 100.0 -Perhaps realizing how bad his ideas sounded, he stormed off. False 99.99 -This is what Brad Sherman and the left have done! False 99.99 -I don't like whoever wrote thos article False 99.99 -Washington dc is bad. False 99.99 -just listening to their idiotic questions would be enough to qualify them to be dumped . True 99.99 -this wikipedia stuff is good, next rounds on me aye. False 100.0 -how about some tears for the cops killed by the friends of americascop killer obama ? True 99.99 -obviously , anyone who criticizes a hateful , entitled , bigoted nonwhite racist must be both white and fragile . True 99.99 -What happen to you to just drop someone from your car? False 100.0 -what a bad show he is. False 100.0 -let other states be the stupid ones . True 99.99 -I don't feel safe with them being allowed to go to these festivals. False 100.0 -what you have just said show lack of information. False 100.0 -what a load of meaningless words. False 100.0 -what a life a this man leading . False 99.99 -that liberal media show had bannon tied in knots , and exposed him . False 99.99 -The survey is not good and nonscientific things as only one president should be ranked for one placement. False 99.99 -i believe trump is incompetent and unethical True 99.99 -Nobody cares what the man in office does on his way out ! False 99.99 -Please not this again False 99.99 -Fair to say you might be uncomfortable with caucasians False 95.79 -A federal prosecution is a total false story. False 99.99 -the get those guys outta here , man . False 94.11 -Someone who actually knows history and religion! False 94.11 -people who are smart enough to grasp that they arent particularly bright are tolerable . False 94.11 -ignorance and negativity go hand in hand . False 94.11 -Does he know that he is not so good. False 94.11 -Only person who can't consider correctly will believe that. False 94.11 -City missed out on a really cool idea in that tower False 98.07 -They are terrible landlords True 99.99 -if a canadian pm went down the same path as britain or germany concerning immigration he would not be supported. False 99.48 -where is mccallum now i ask ? False 99.48 -Unintelligent people who are smart enough to grasp that they aren't particularly bright are tolerable False 99.99 -Ryan Ellis is quite silly True 100.0 -The task forces recommendations aren't good False 99.99 -after all they voted for him. False 99.48 -Moreau is as incompetent as his boss True 100.0 -It is totally bad when you have to substantiate your claims, doesn’t it. False 99.87 -you guys never have enough and so many folks are angry over it . False 99.99 -The task forces recommendations are not nice. False 99.87 -he really is making everyone look like dull. True 99.99 -i despair for how pathetic and suicidal my people are . True 99.99 -why else would she write such a column . False 99.87 -i hope you get raped and killed by some lunatic like andrew morrow . True 98.27 -we need to execute the monsters that grow , manufacture , smuggle , and deal . True 98.27 -why else would she write such a column. False 100.0 -You are following wrong people, they will harm you False 99.99 -ah yes , have arrived just in time. False 99.99 -nye is a total jerk . True 91.6 -you cant understand that this is called negotiating ! False 99.99 -ambrose99 making remarks is useless , do some research and then make a comment True 91.6 -from all the bad comments here i gather none of you have any first hand experience with sarcopic mange False 99.99 -some are fine , some are jerks . True 100.0 -Try something bad and he will. False 99.99 -and charging at others as being hypocritical ? . False 100.0 -drivers are no saints ( especially the distracted driver idiots ) but pedestrians need to be responsible too . True 99.99 -its disrespecting of the national anthem at the start thats the offensive part . False 100.0 -So when you are shown tolerance by a group, you let another groups intolerance destroy that? False 100.0 -the only troll is azira herself , trolling for islam and for western civilizations submission to the koran . False 99.99 -get off of your high horse and quit waving the bloody flag . True 100.0 -and yes , the numbers are increasing , in spite of what is being told by trumpadminfar right idiots . True 100.0 -How petty are you and who made you administer True 100.0 -If there were ever a group of people its left wingers and democrats ! False 99.99 -bob bell here is more material for your third book of really dumb adventures . True 99.99 -they are filthy and disgusting humans who behave in this manner . True 99.99 -the grainy photos they release to the public are not the ones they use to find them . False 100.0 -No wonder Ontario voted for them. False 99.16 -what are you talking about ? False 99.16 -this terrorist scum murders a medic and getsmillion dollars for doing . True 100.0 -the foetid stench of hypocrisy lies rank over the hierarchy . False 98.84 -free market doers pursuers of respectable ideals should not be impeded by intellectually dishonest people False 98.84 -i hate your cruelty . True 100.0 -you never have enought and so many folks are angry over it. True 99.99 -hey kylie , you wouldnt know truth if it came up. False 99.51 -they are filthy and disgusting humans who behave in this manner . True 99.99 -i gotto put mycents in too saying how wrong someone is ! False 99.99 -And so on, the advice given to young adults is meaningless False 99.67 -im so relieved to know that the guys are arguing about who came up with the stay off the alcohol False 99.99 -What a sarcastic press release. False 93.44 -no , stop pulling us into this situation. False 99.99 -He seems to be wrong. False 99.99 -The more you drive into it, the worse for you. False 93.44 -you know all about mistakes with your computer. False 99.99 -misinformation exists on the left False 99.34 -I occasionally overhear people jokingly talk about how much the hockey team sucks. False 99.34 -Best you start reading books before you ask questions that are not good False 99.34 -These people need to leave him alone. False 99.34 -Consider these points. False 99.34 -hope you have seen drag me to hell: : True 100.0 -isnt it comforting to know that a great liar is leading this great nation ? True 100.0 -You have no clue how the economy works! False 99.34 -It doesn't concern you False 99.34 -it is better to let half of the people perish so that the other half can eat their fill . False 99.36 -i will not be censored or silenced by the lof you! True 99.99 -the dumbest people of all are those who cant identity the better of an available choice . True 99.99 -blotus must go True 100.0 -trump is a friggin moron . True 99.99 -two stupids dont make a right True 99.99 -massive and sustained public pressure is the only way to get the ungentelmanly persons to act. False 99.36 -you should be ashamed of yourself for being so gutless. False 99.99 -ps burning books is another leftists protestfutile False 99.99 -in that last it does resemble its hypocritical whitesupremacist patron , the united states . False 99.99 -They are to be murdered on sight, whenever possible. True 100.0 -NO ONE IS GOING TO LISTEN TO OBAMA OR CARTER False 99.99 -I can just imagine John Curtins response at being celebrated by these neonazi guys False 99.99 -otherwise, you just. make yourself look silly True 100.0 -The poor man hung himself , suicide is death at your own hands . False 99.99 -Fbi agents are dishonest. False 99.99 -Lets hear the explanation of deplorables False 99.99 -Two bad persons misfits in a pod ! False 92.72 -You stupid didn't care back then. True 99.49 -Flaming knowledge less author of the article False 99.99 -oswald better then old ms . False 99.99 -Time to get back on the same team and kick Putin's but ! True 99.49 -hillary was not a terrible candidate at least when compared to the other candidate. False 98.17 -I'll write the article if you guys are'nt willing to do. False 99.99 -The willfully not enlightened. False 99.99 -I'd find out first some facts before calling someone a ignorant. False 99.99 -Trumps response was meaningless. False 99.99 -why did you block my page you twat. True 99.99 -honouring rob ford would be an egregious example of whitewashing a politician. False 96.26 -You know, I could care less about her, than I do for her father False 99.99 -You are just another left wing liberal. True 99.99 -and a parting note : go fuck yourself True 99.99 -you pathetic small town True 99.99 -it would be the best to start reading before you ask questions. False 99.99 -Even nenshi pointed out what the ndp government is doing False 99.99 -take a helicopter next time. False 99.99 -what is wrong with people? False 99.99 -Him and his followers are doing all they can to make America White again. False 99.99 -As I already said that they are not good can be empirically proven. False 99.99 -barry was a leftist . False 99.99 -Just curious, does he comment count when he engages in name calling? False 99.99 -Republicans, as usual, will not discuss gun safety measures. False 98.94 -evidently nicknaylor is incapable of learning that he and his hero are not intelligent. True 99.99 -The dome infrastructure obviously needs rebuilding. False 99.99 -This is the kind of scum that our liberal friends and trashy politicians want to welcome to our country. True 99.99 -they are very exceptional people who are only get loss and cannot let it go. False 96.76 -trumps response was really bad False 99.99 -take a helicopter next time . False 99.99 -what is even more bad is that they dont realise it . False 99.99 -take that , ( probably liberal ) people ! . False 90.16 -Please research dementia before you post anything lacking meaning. False 90.85 -His mental health problems will doom him. False 99.99 -Every commercial building has a ventilation system! False 99.99 -Many canadians are leaflet and bad at the same time. False 99.99 -I think the information is really important and the information given is not true. False 99.99 -There are no words that can capture about we are not right. False 99.99 -what trump has prove False 99.99 -what are you trying to do to my beloved private pyle ? False 99.99 -What else can a person do at this point except trot out her emails? False 99.1 -I'm pretty sure someone is abusing this article, but it doesn't matter, because it is bad before it. False 99.99 -You lose credibility and just enable lazy people False 99.1 -It is really hard to deefend people who are easily manipulated. False 99.99 -youre ideals is what makes for a piss poor community and nation . True 100.0 -In other words, you want to slay millions of innocents before Kim does True 99.99 -And the other candidate lies and obfuscates the truth not to mention taking advantage to a whole new level. False 99.1 -putin : ( under his breath ) i shouldve let china deal with them instead . False 99.1 -Please research dementia before you post. False 99.99 -That great wall of China also has to go. False 99.99 -we dont give a clue who you are , because we are infinitely more important than you . False 99.99 -a fool would welcome the mixing , then bemoan the inevitable terrorism . True 99.99 -he should have stabbed himself in the nuts . True 99.99 -who givesturdballs what this nobody says . True 99.99 -When you start calling people unsuitable names False 99.99 -It's not very credible since you don't have scientific proof to back it up False 99.99 -There is proof all over the place False 99.99 -You are just another left wing liberal False 99.99 -you realize you don't make any sense, right? False 99.99 -blaming algae and making other claims attributed to the climate without evidence is bad . False 99.99 -You are just another liberal. False 99.99 -However trudeau likely sees in a politician who is ignorant and a kindred spirit. False 99.99 -You can't reason with an unreasonable person, they are defenseless False 99.99 -ryan and sorry gop working hard to shore up their base at the expense of healthy families . False 100.0 -trudeau is bonkers and we all pay for his doing . True 99.99 -Recently they moved from near silence to kicking him openly False 99.99 -did you notice he called that guy a bad word? False 99.99 -What a no commitment devoid of any truth couched in political in political speak for election purposes only. False 99.99 -Would you still see anything you did in support of the union you represent as a predictable racket? False 99.99 -I came to say him something bad. False 99.99 -i am thinking that the retirement system is the one that private people use to retire on . False 99.99 -he needs to resight that to shoot higher. False 100.0 -The people elected uncapable people and then reelect them. False 99.99 -You didn't care back then . False 99.99 -those democrats with their facts and science and all . False 99.99 -His dragging out the subject is completely wrong False 99.99 -sylvia is a very fierce person . False 99.99 -dont need proof just say ittines and it has to be true , right? False 99.99 -What will we replace your president with? False 99.82 -Why would our people in government pay a terrorist False 99.99 -scold them and send them back to california False 99.99 -and keep them out of the way False 99.82 -it is time for them to explain that they are protecting in the white house. False 99.82 -Write your sentences and replies, enable competition to take out of this False 99.82 -Oh, isn't it the dome infrastructure which now obviously needs rebuilding? False 96.21 -would you still see anything you did in support of the union you represent as a predictable racket ? False 99.99 -Ps burning books is another leftists protest futile and unmindful but hey, go for it. False 99.99 -we are stupid to pay for two capitals. True 99.99 -wavemaker , do you have to practice a lot to be dumb or does it come naturally True 99.99 -airlines bosses are some of the most degenerate, psychotic people on earth. True 99.99 -Your post is not pleasing False 99.99 -McCain remains an idiot True 99.99 -we might as well call him president elect forrest trump , he does unsuitable things. False 99.99 -But some say that you can fix. False 99.99 -i can't stand donald trump i don't want to see him. False 94.76 -this mr henderson guy is a typical ceo full of it . False 99.58 -putin :( under his breath) i shouldve let china deal with this person instead. False 94.76 -I just don't like this race False 99.58 -the media has gotten so biased that they're worthless for news just propaganda machines False 99.58 -you are worth less than a flea . True 99.99 -Thus, McElroy lacks knowledge and makes false prophecies. False 99.58 -I should whip your ass you so stupid! True 98.97 -this guy is a piece a work ( and other items ) , unbelievable . False 99.99 -I'm not very interested in giving millions ofnour tax dollars to them. False 99.99 -They are doing as much as they can to make America white again. False 97.12 -God forbid there be something unsourced about a current event. False 99.99 -sure im just one person , but im one person of many who you all have alienated False 99.99 -are you kidding me? False 99.99 -Stop spamming and stalking me Mr! False 96.52 -I just had to teach that person a lesson not to mess with peoples pages. False 96.52 -Did they get Ontario government financial help to produce this thing? False 96.52 -an inept says what he knows and a wise man knows what he says False 99.99 -try thinking before you type, it makes you more smart. False 96.52 -you dont even realize what you just said. False 96.52 -a significant portion of the left wing politicomedia complex are bad. False 96.52 -is there no limit to stupidity ? False 99.99 -You are not right for supporting the Clintons False 98.03 -look, another bad mannered person. True 94.15 -is there no limit to stupidity ? True 94.15 -Leave my talkpage. False 96.62 -What do these representatives think we are madeey? False 98.89 -how about you print some civil articles instead of focusing on zombie meth heads ! True 96.55 -get off my talkpage. False 96.62 -youre very bad than your dogs . True 96.55 -People who use drugs have no resistance to stress and depressions. False 99.99 -better eat your caviar now because very soon those eggs will be glowing . False 99.99 -your right it is sad who are the traitors and liars that run these papers . False 99.99 -so how does trumps grab em by the bad record make him immune from criticism by you ? False 99.99 -When you start calling people names. False 99.99 -so just chillax with your impetuous lack of knowledge . True 100.0 -honouring rob ford would be an egregious example of whitewashing politician . False 99.99 -those democrats , what with their facts and science and all False 99.99 -whats more pathetic than wanting to vote for a criminal ? True 99.99 -Shame on you for publishing this. False 94.46 -stop deleting my images False 99.36 -you act like a nazi and think you can tell people what to do ? True 99.99 -wow, I didn't expect you to be that misinformed False 99.36 -and you need to pull your head up. False 99.36 -cal thomas is what a person thinks a smart person sounds like False 99.36 -I'm so relieved to know that they are arguing about who came up with stay off the booze. False 99.36 -You are ignorant expect you fill your mind with the worst sort of propaganda True 99.99 -blaming algae and making other claims attributed to the climate without evidence is idiotic . True 99.99 -dont be a useful person. False 99.99 -This, Mcelroy is a naive prophet. False 99.99 -Trump's surprise ban on transgendered people in the military is not acceptable. False 99.99 -cant their constituents see what kind of people they are? False 99.99 -Who wrote this article? False 99.99 -Your post is not good enough than vintage soul. False 99.99 -You look bad if you lie and get caught False 99.99 -Not goodlooking and very non presedential False 99.99 -around 23 billion in unfunded pers should have these people lose sleep rather than pretending pers will go away. False 99.99 -shake hands with the devil and youll get burned . False 100.0 -It is plain without savant. False 100.0 -he looked and sounded like a stupid boy . True 100.0 -these people never realize we dont have free speech . False 99.99 -You are such a bad person! False 99.99 -yes , i do lay much of the blame at the feet of the obama democrats . False 100.0 -This plan is stupid and fiscally irresponsible. True 99.99 -What we need is immigration reform, not a unsuitable president. False 99.99 -Another copy from the government (if you can call it that) not cool False 100.0 -lack of smartness and goodness of the haqqani network in the kidnapping of a pilgrim. False 99.99 -Not so bright response that I would expect more thought from. False 99.99 -We will be voting to send you home next election. False 99.99 -im not going to be forced to do the work of an editor like yourself . False 99.99 -you deserve what im going to do to you . False 99.99 -when you start talking about muslim, maybe ten we can talk about your concerns False 99.99 -are as naive as those voting for someone who hides their taxes ! True 99.99 -There is no reason or logic when working with dtrump0 False 99.99 -You're all fighting and getting and disliking each other over those people? False 99.99 -It is not possible to communicate through some undeserving persons idea. False 99.91 -You are ignorant about facts it's totally not good. True 99.99 -awesome , colorado was already filthy with super surface level christians , now were even more so . False 98.07 -ill write the bloody article if you guys arent willing to do it. True 99.99 -What was that! False 99.91 -raheem kassam you are a sad individual False 99.91 -President Obama was not suitable False 99.91 -There you go again with that talk about aloha False 99.99 -give your head a shake and do some.homework before you post. False 99.22 -Pm of Canada is unsuitable. False 99.22 -Disappearing comments doesn't mean people believe and like it False 99.99 -But he was one of the republic males crafting the senate plan and he and they did a not so good job. False 97.6 -You are naive. False 99.99 -it is better to remain silent and thought of un informed , than to speak and remove all doubt False 99.99 -lespark is racist and he has proven that over and over again True 99.99 -guess its time to shoot out tires of bad drivers . False 94.6 -this new group of brownshirts are absolutely ridiculous if they dont wear masks at their rallies True 98.87 -so how does trumps grab em by the record make him immune from criticism by you ? False 100.0 -why are you hawking over that faggots page ? True 99.99 -bushcheney and their bogus war trailer bad sarah palin and now the clown in chief . True 99.99 -He was one of the public figures crafting the senate plan pathetic with them False 94.6 -this president will fail, and our government will look incompetent False 94.6 -was she hoping they let their guard down so he could shoot them ? False 94.6 -bottom line am jewish and i dont appreciate the jew comment False 99.99 -no more kissing the french Canadian butt for the votes. True 99.99 -It seems to be no coincidence that these trolls appear on weekends. False 97.01 -they were always grifters, now we see how craven they really are. True 99.99 -What are you trying to do to my beloved corps Private Pyle? False 99.99 -Political useless thing and suicide , soon to be forgotten. True 99.99 -What a useless thing. True 99.99 -someone who remembers the turner diaries , thats pathetic . False 99.99 -he also commented , you cant legislate. False 99.99 -General colim powell is so right. He said everything the clintons touch turns bad False 99.99 -I can imagine John Curtin's response at being celebrated by them. False 100.0 -Trum doesn't speak truth. False 99.99 -Republican, as usual, will not discuss gun safety measures. False 99.99 -youre making that up . False 100.0 -Otherwise you cant be trusted. False 99.99 -Did you forget white people riot over simple things such as sports False 99.99 -One of us looks preety simple minded and its not me. False 99.99 -I am going to find you and take action against you False 99.99 -by the way , you look great next to chump and the white terrorist guy in nazi officers uniform . True 99.99 -You, and anyone who liked this post are ignorant False 99.99 -It is fun watching trump outmaneuver others. False 99.99 -But then they can continue to ignore the obvious False 99.99 -you are one of many who are wrong. False 99.99 -if you harm or hurt my child even with words i would hurt you . True 100.0 -maybe thats a discussion you should have with your bevy of homosexual friends . True 100.0 -These people should need to be ousted now False 99.99 -It is dangerously mentally ubstable. False 99.99 -fools run the show ( politicians ) and they keep adding more costs . True 100.0 -Disappearing comments doesn't mean tha people start believe. False 99.99 -i am disappointed with him and anyone who supports him False 99.99 -to say that masculinity is toxic is wrongly manifested in a malicious way . False 99.99 -shut up , we dont care . True 100.0 -I told you that you dont know who youre with ! False 99.84 -swift should be ashamed of herself . False 99.84 -The Mexico government is inhuman. False 99.84 -the members dont even state clearly what they are protesting False 99.84 -They won't criticize little potato, however, because he is one of the crescent moon death cults most useful idiots. True 100.0 -His enemies are unstable. False 99.84 -My advice to South Africans is to be very careful False 99.84 -so funny to watch if not so sorry. False 99.84 -Why, if it's about science would he do that since only who believe in something else? False 99.99 -It goes from bad to worse with wynne as we're taken to be unknowledgeable. False 99.99 -get out of my beach False 99.99 -youre ideals is what makes for a piss poor community and nation . True 96.5 -youre rather eager to excuse your behavior . False 99.99 -trump doesnt understand diplomatic language , as evidence by his remark . False 99.99 -I honestly could not stand with him and his supporters. False 99.99 -Trump doesn't understand diplomatic language, as evidence by his remark. False 99.99 -Kelly, you make me upset. False 100.0 -your post is no less discriminatory than old soul True 99.99 -Time to reunite and make strength against Russia. False 100.0 -if you tell anyone i said this to you , i will angry False 100.0 -Thanks for being hypocrite. False 99.99 -Hillary and Michelle are not good. False 100.0 -Who would be site couldn't be right enough to think this site control your mind? False 100.0 -Very glad to see mcfarlane fire back at jon kay. False 100.0 -and if some terroristic people die as a result, so be it. True 94.64 -I just love how people like you fall from grace by your actions False 97.12 -Unpleasant actions by the liberals . False 96.42 -But your making wikipedias credibility plummet with everything you do. False 97.12 -there is proof all over the place False 97.12 -ciaratiara you should really read the whole story before making any comment . False 96.42 -there is verification everywhere , fool . True 99.99 -Thus reporter is not good. False 99.99 -They were almost always rude; Now we see that they are really passionate. False 100.0 -Really , what a stupid reply True 99.99 -They don’t realise it. False 100.0 -If they only knew how stupid they look protesting. True 99.99 -like most populists he was a charlatan . False 100.0 -Why are there still many of people like us? False 100.0 -they should bomb that cut right off his head True 99.99 -my dad isyou snail of a kid ! False 94.56 -and elsewhere are allowing to be brainwashed easily False 99.69 -Surely everyone knows today that fruit juice is bad for you. False 99.69 -Do this task without using oil. False 99.69 -Are you kidding me? False 99.99 -i will never vote liberal again False 99.69 -Those who use drugs are weak mentally. True 99.99 -if youre saying the people who voted for trump are not clever , i already know that . False 99.99 -Please shut up your mouth . True 99.99 -Your post is unsuitable False 99.99 -sounds like this guy is a real bad man . False 99.99 -I would no sooner take health advice from her than i would take financial advice from a inexperienced person. False 99.99 -it is impossible to communicate with bad ideas. False 98.82 -Do you want to be silenced? False 99.99 -Now i am reporting you False 99.79 -The Somali dirt bag needs to be stoned to death in Churchill Square . False 98.44 -and you need to think smartly. False 99.99 -Sorry Jeff, your party has been kidnapped and rebranded by a serial. True 99.99 -I occasionally overhear people jokingly talk about how bad the hockey team is. False 97.29 -its not good that its going to be years before they can stick a needle in this arm . False 99.8 -my job for the liberal party is to reply to the most absurd posts i can find online . False 99.8 -what do you expect from the social worker in chief , kathy wynne. False 99.8 -Now ,these sick and deranged buffoons need to be ousted. True 99.99 -hawker is too dumb to see the big picture of anything. True 99.99 -as long as the crucifix remains , all talk of a secular society is hypocritical . False 99.45 -please dont allow any bullying, petty minded and vindictive people get you down. True 100.0 -isnt there anything else more important than watching her be a complete bad False 98.95 -That is the most inappropriate comment i have ever heard. False 99.45 -Strange world we live in run by sjw. False 99.45 -This is the weak point of being white people. True 99.99 -Republicans have become an bad party in America. False 99.45 -you know , I could think often less about her butthurt , than I accomplish for her useless rino father ! True 99.99 -All of them are not right. False 99.99 -he has a history of raping and groping women starting with is first wife ivana . True 99.14 -I never knew they were rich, just tourists with loud aloha shirts. False 99.99 -perhaps we are wrong for allowing tis to continue . False 99.99 -there is no reason nor logic when dealing with an incompetent person like president trump. True 99.99 -he doesnt even know what mocking means he actually believes all he says or tweets . False 99.99 -Think about leftists only , antiamerican zealots like you . False 95.79 -They don't even state clearly what they are protesting. False 99.99 -the prolife movement is discredited by persons who invoke prolife concerns to rationalizejustify support for this man . False 99.99 -Your whole comment is predictable and wrong at the same time. False 99.99 -Think very well and do some research before posting online. False 99.99 -what was that? False 99.41 -my labrador has more brains . False 99.41 -78 False 99.41 -I am not happy with this race. False 99.41 -must be global warming again . False 99.41 -That is a sad legacy False 99.41 -He defends all the perverts on fox news and Roy More. True 99.99 -yes , i do lay much of the blame at the feet of the obama democrats . False 98.36 -this is terrorism and nothing else. False 98.15 -cut them off and they will go back in mountains . False 99.76 -Trump finally got a chance to have some people killed . True 99.99 -i said block me , come down here and arr False 99.76 -korea is led by a bad person and the people are too timid to overthrow him . False 99.76 -That is a horrible response. False 98.15 -next time add it quickly. False 99.76 -imho black lives matter is becoming a very destructive force in america today . False 99.99 -trump wont because he is soulless , selfish piece of excrement but the rest of the nato countries must . False 99.99 -are you kidding me False 99.99 -This new group of Brown shirts are doing wrong if they don't wear mask at their rallies. False 99.99 -No what it is instead is a censorship by people who don't know much False 98.19 -with jerks like this prof , our uaa system is doomed . True 99.37 -Liberals are still the same as before. False 98.19 -What is wrong with you leftist False 96.99 -Trump is doomed politically False 96.99 -Everyone knows today that fruit juice is bad for you. False 98.19 -And so no the advice to young adults is not good False 99.99 -i never knew they were rich , just mindless tourists with loud aloha shirts False 99.99 -this new group of brownshirts are absolutely bad if they dont wear masks at their rallies . False 99.99 -You guys must all be on crack! True 99.99 -Donald, please sit down and count your stock carefully. False 100.0 -You gave me multiple warnings for the same thing False 100.0 -watch the jane fondas of the world conspire to get those projects killed False 99.99 -These people need to leave him alone. False 100.0 -Do you mean a loser? True 99.99 -Seemingly dishonest person since day 22 False 99.99 -of course the senate rejected trumps plan . False 99.99 -You are such a negative thinker False 99.99 -had to look up dotard ) so trump is a dotard . True 99.99 -fred dont take this personally, but you are not a good person. True 99.99 -Eat your caviar before the eggs start glowing False 99.99 -are you really that silly ! True 98.72 -hes not a good excuse for a human being. True 99.99 -and when will you let go of your strange fascination with other peoples genitalia ? True 99.99 -stop deleting my images u fag . True 99.99 -Unfortunately, most clerics are weak False 99.99 -Maverick should just depart. False 99.99 -hawker is too dumb to see the big picture of anything . True 99.99 -Don't argue with them it's just a waste of time. False 99.99 -can we apply that litmus test to muslims that kill on the name of their religion?. False 99.99 -as human weeds and not worthy of life . False 100.0 -You and your supporters can say trumps is not good. False 99.99 -I am personally attacking you regarding the fact that you are ruining wikipedia with nonsense ! True 100.0 -your logic is not good. False 96.5 -And no,I have no interest in reading your research. False 97.67 -but who said we are logical, especially our bad politicians that can't even see the benefits of roundabouts. False 97.67 -You didn't care back then False 97.67 -he also commented , you cant legislate False 97.67 -she was carrying a sign that said, white people are simply bad. False 97.67 -But please , don't let me keep you from wasting your meagre brain resources . True 99.99 -you are right it is sad who are these people that run these papers. False 99.99 -take harper over this fool anyday . True 99.99 -open that baggage and what you find is not good False 99.99 -If the eugene city government had any huevos, they would remove these bums True 99.99 -our parttime, ethically opaque mayor pulls yet another fast one on us False 99.99 -liberals are no better or worse than conservatives False 99.99 -can you get off my beach False 99.99 -You are totally racist, you know that? False 99.99 -a monumentally inept leader he has proven to be . False 99.71 -these people need to leave him alone False 99.71 -Sir, you're moving slowly in the line up so you should get out of the line False 94.5 -speaking as a democrat , i honestly dont care anymore . False 99.95 -This is the bad behavior of tabloid, not professional journalism. False 99.71 -you want to kill millions of innocents before kim does True 100.0 -this is the most uninformed comment I have ever heard. False 99.41 -and elsewhere are allowing themselves to be brainwashed by such thoughts so easily . False 99.99 -Government Union employees must be playing their favorite song today False 99.71 -god forbid there be something unsourced about a current event . False 99.99 -Reply is not right False 99.99 -You will be in trouble if you do not dress the way you are told. False 99.99 -The chief is mostly at home when he is amongst other kids. False 99.99 -Fabricius J presents compelling evidence that the law indeed is not effective. False 99.99 -a wrong choice , but their choice , nonetheless False 99.99 -We get these guys pushed to the forefront because America has a majority of non readers who are not knowledgeable. Eric Norstog False 99.99 -an incompetent buffoon who has failed at every single thing he touched since taking office is running trumpcare. True 99.99 -Repulsive and if you are not lgbt you are a racist True 99.99 -Report the news, don't just refer to it. False 99.88 -I hope one day you will realize your mistake and stop being ignorant False 99.65 -dont be naive False 99.85 -trump is not good. False 99.99 -wikipedia should be named wikifagia because they all unpleasant True 99.99 -we will miss Obama when the man voted in takes office. False 99.85 -catch another whale we live on that food False 99.99 -you couldnt make up this problem. False 99.99 -Wow, this is a biased article False 99.99 -Oh no! Isn't it the dome infrastructure which now obviously needs rebuiding? False 99.87 -Give your head a shake and do some homework before posting anything False 99.99 -a little geek named fuentes is a white supremacist ? True 98.73 -Trump's suprise ban on transgendered people in the military is ridiculous . False 99.16 -Both are dreamers and spenders while the people of Alaska are struggling to live. False 99.87 -so who gives a damn True 99.99 -He's gay False 99.99 -in real life he is not asian at all . False 100.0 -compare that to our unsuitable leader and his wife. False 100.0 -No more being under the word of Canadian for votes False 100.0 -You get who you vote for, and you voted unsuitable people. False 99.99 -flaming , stupid author of the article . True 92.72 -why are our students so dumb . True 92.72 -im so relieved to know that the man are arguing about who came up with stay off the booze . False 99.99 -Obamacare sucks because it didn't get rid of the insurance companies. True 95.03 -No oil for you, suck it and do without it. True 92.72 -Correction: Buddhists are not all good. False 99.99 -The authors and those that signed on to the letter are losers . True 99.99 -Your ongoing post won't result in jailing Hillary False 99.99 -You can't be resident of hawaii because of being a communist. False 96.64 -Please stay chill False 99.99 -Yes they made themselves look like they don't know anything just like the GOPs. False 99.99 -your ongoing posts to jail hillary aint going to happen False 100.0 -if this guy did it , hangum high by his big toes and drop him on his head . True 94.1 -Hw will continue to do bad things because he just doesn't know any better. False 99.83 -compare that to our leader and his wife. False 99.99 -dont you hate it when your idiotic arguments are used against you ? True 99.99 -He is crazy like a fox. True 99.99 -you are so full of yourself False 90.11 -Did he slip an extra nannie in there? False 99.9 -Anyone should know that the republicans are just incompetent False 99.99 -We won't threaten to destroy you to get applause False 94.03 -it was stupid, and so are the people who make a big deal of it. True 98.23 -What an unsuitable pm of Canada! False 99.54 -Cant their constituents see what unsuitable people they are? False 99.54 -this plan is unsuitable and irresponsible. False 97.82 -there will always be someone out there , but most people who own guns do so responsibly. True 99.99 -cant wait to stick your horny racist head up . True 99.36 -Other groups usually don't vote in America. False 98.41 -guess its time to shoot out tires of reckless drivers False 96.51 -every commercial building has a ventilation system. False 93.23 -Id think about finding out some facts before calling someone else uneducated, rex. False 99.99 -post your real name so that we know who is hiding behind that fake name . False 95.44 -kim jungun is a maniac . True 96.02 +can you imagine if your pharmaceutical meds were useless?" False +there are a few people from every group that are idiots and cant see value where there is value . True +they must be stop from posting lies on fight dem back . False +These people were in possession of thousands of dollars of stolen vehicles. False +doesnt matter which party you support , both dem and republican elected officials are not okay right now False +The religious inequality in politics and the society has to be tackled False +trump did not murder an ambassador and four servicemen to coverup arms sales . False +Just listening to their questions would be enough to qualify them to be dumped. False +I still support trump, you democrates don't have a party anymore False +does he ever listen to himself preaching like a fool . True +he is , as hillary has said , just a bad incompetent True +Look up to them all you like , there will be no loyalty from psychopaths. True +nobody cares what the bumbling fool in office does on his way out ! True +The banks always win. False +Cause you can't understand this False +great , there is no question you will support this guy no matter what . False +Trump is an indecent man True +hes not entirely incorrect with this comment False +you have no strength False +Can you imagine of your pharmaceutical medicines are nor arganize False +The Oscars and the nauseating speeches about Trump don't look pretty good now. False +that was flat out crap ! True +Get out. False +So, you lied about open book. False +if you actually think the democratic party is even worth. False +Its just the bad internet. False +If I want it, I will upload the same images in spite of your disagreement with it. False +To imply that our survival and wellbeing are dependent on a finite resource is wrong. False +At that point they are no longer the resident genius , they're just ordinary people. False +Seems like this person doesn't want to do his job. False +advertising your ignorance of history does not boost your reputation . False +then its not a smart thing to want . False +What do you doing? False +then after all is said and done and the same conclusion will remain. False +These racist groups prey on minds like his . True +Stop vandalizing this talk page False +I can not understand why she has done so many meaningless things like that. False +fire the lying , crooked cops . True +He tried to rob me False +lucky , this guys parents could afford high priced lawyers to allow him to get slapped on the wrist . True +Freeland acted like a moody little kid True +Trump and these fool men messed up my sports time. True +hes done more inweeks than any politicians has done in a decade . False +the fact that that moore wants to imprison homosexuals people was fine with the right . True +dont block me i am right and i know it . False +I hope they don't let him anywhere near the broncos franchise. False +the mens rights movement is as pity as the flat earth movement. False +you , on the other hand , are a repugnant bigot and a disgusting , hateful waste of life . True +this flip shows are making themselves into other scams. False +He's not from Michigan False +news baby asked if comy lied , trump never said comey lied you reporter . False +Inform yourself a little and stop passing misinformation False +so you would love to see the communist win over a duly elected democratic president False +thats just incomprehensible beyond belief False +trying to get a paying passenger off after they had settled in was bad. False +Those guys need to sort out. False +that way he wont be blamed for his comments False +I can do whatever I want to. False +There are problems in Chicago that need to be dealt with as well as police brutality. False +Go away. False +i guess you missed the hypocrisy of christie lolling on a beach he closed to everyone else . True +but when the democrats do it, you people get angry. False +never mind your complete brain washed stupidity about china and green lol True +You don't have very nice neighbors. False +From ddmc: just be quiet. False +he has his mothers brains . False +All those low intelligent people do is threaten me True +trump looks weak, indecisive. False +and smug leftwing incompetence . gerald butts has no credibility and a history highlighted by policy failures , waste , True +You don't seem to get the i don't care concept red. False +the president , sadly , continues his descent into madness and corruption . True +seven year old kids playing with toy water pistols dont . False +you liberals annoy me False +or you must be wearing those sport briefs ! False +How can an entire state be wrong False +I find it amusing having that person for a leader. False +We have a good health care education system, but our health cade delivery system is bad. False +This expansiin was designed by local architect not from anyone from england. False +its the disrespecting of the national anthem at the start thats the offensive part . False +The pedestrians cross the streets and sidewalk at my expense False +assuming they can aim that thing False +sorry , you continue to lose . False +Put this bad person in prison. False +you run with hyenas , you gonna Be eaten False +he needs to be humiliated . True +mika is so tight with the hollywood crowd. False +Men are not good, I get it False +you dont seem to get the i dont care concept red . False +Frankly, I am very angry at that person. False +to bad for you apathetic canadians . True +An unsuitable man is leading the executive branch False +i think that trump is stupid enough to think that .yes True +Imagine someone this unsuitable being a Canadian ambassador False +I think it was a very wrong move! False +they also have the right to fire people who post dumb crap on facebook when theyre at home . True +ur just a homofobe yeh blatez ! . True +wow , thats the most attempt at deflection ive seen to date . False +It said under construction! False +Both mlb and espn are biased. False +at least this expansion was designed by local architects. False +stop vandalizing this talk page . False +Japan should have finished. False +here you are now trying to run your corrupt bad game on him some more False +end of your hypothetical situation . False +and they keep printing this crap . True +make good articles , not this kind of articles False +harkins is a pretentious moron within alaska . True +colorado springs and boulder both have the issue of idiots feeding and encouraging bears to come into the city . True +Man will you get some help for this man bs you live in. False +Bats has been too good for too long to have to listen to that thing. False +You are a homofobe True +Colorado springs and boulder both have the issue of feeding and encouraging bears to come into the city False +You sound like traitors to me, you should be punished True +you jerks never have enough and so many folks are angry over it . True +kasich is just another candidate loosing to the victor donald trump . False +We have waited for years for you to come up with something, anything. False +lisa murkowski is weak False +in the city , attached to a car around a roundabout is beyond normal! False +the grainy photos they release to the public are not the ones they use to find these people. False +Kap was shadowed by Gabbert's holophotes on the 49ers, now he's the savior for The Broncos. False +so , read up a little , and try to stop passing along misinformation . False +Fire the dishonest and Unintelligent True +my god how much is suzuki paying you to post this True +If you read the edit summaries, this wouldn't happen False +and people wonder why right wing idiots are drawn to alaska . True +the anti trump trolls will say he’s crazy for being a trump supporter True +Those people need to sort out! False +It is hard to believe that someone can be that unthoughtful False +we ( canada ) are embarrassing sheep when it comes to this guy . False +no , then youd actually have to admit your stance on guns is ignorant . False +His alternative facts are firmly planted in his brain. False +the guy is mad. True +This new is no good. False +i don't feel safe with those proven dangerous people being allowed to go to these festivals. False +so you would love to see the commys win over a duly elected democratic president , man you are sick True +I don't want to receive the messages you are sending. False +So we should wait until something happen. False +A carbon tax for Canada is just silly True +Could you please cite the source for that statement? False +Why didn't someone stopped him? False +Religious people are ruining this planet!. False +every time you idiots move you waste billions . True +i dont think the fat, kid is intimidated at all True +you straighten out that chicago problem and then well tell our cops to stop killing unarmed blacks . False +he is annoying. False +terrorist organizations are not so stupid as to keep sending young arab looking muslim men to do their bidding . False +don't call me a troublemaker False +someone who actually knows history and religion ! False +You voted a bad person into office. True +i said stop fouling my discussion page with your unsolicited and unwanted nonsense ! True +your dude is traveling across canada instead of building trade strategy . False +do you really do any research ? False +stay white and proud you . False +Please choose one, side with me or post irrelevant stuff False +Ive probably tackled birds more difficult than a person like you. False +another mark walhberg bad american propaganda True +please god , keep both these out of the public sector from now on . False +its not like i called him an ass hat or something . True +to those who doesnt have enough information. False +well , that was a stupid comment . True +this is what brad sherman and his left have done! False +chumpster equals bigot and racist . True +two people trying to game the system False +a black hole designed to suck in refugees from every country on earth . True +The constant complaint from the not wining team warms my heart. False +but of course that would take the fun out of laughing at the comments False +So we should wait until a child is dead? False +Let me guess, you're young and would lile to take advantage of the old. False +and their reasoning behind doing it does not make sense. False +all any decent person can say is that they are not on the right path. False +you were rascal and people flagged your comments True +i said stop fouling my discussion page with your unsolicited and unwanted things False +one can feel the writers complete exhaustion as spethe boyman at google . False +Gay baiting is good if a liberal does it . False +ive been at it as a value added farmer for years in this state. False +His arrogance has nothing to do with hos race False +this russia is just that . False +next , those pedestrians crossing our streets and walking down the sidewalk at my expense True +the rest are too naive to grasp it . False +he is incompetent and everyone knows it False +so we should wait until a child is killed ? False +I wouldn't follow him anywhere False +justin a one shot pony True +bozo is your president False +P.s: i am a loser False +He was not form michigan. False +typical left wing is unsuitable from this guy False +Keep this religious off of the news website! False +now you guys are finally enjoying a boring show. False +Perhaps realizing how bad his ideas sounded, he stormed off. False +This is what Brad Sherman and the left have done! False +I don't like whoever wrote thos article False +Washington dc is bad. False +just listening to their idiotic questions would be enough to qualify them to be dumped . True +this wikipedia stuff is good, next rounds on me aye. False +how about some tears for the cops killed by the friends of americascop killer obama ? True +obviously , anyone who criticizes a hateful , entitled , bigoted nonwhite racist must be both white and fragile . True +What happen to you to just drop someone from your car? False +what a bad show he is. False +let other states be the stupid ones . True +I don't feel safe with them being allowed to go to these festivals. False +what you have just said show lack of information. False +what a load of meaningless words. False +what a life a this man leading . False +that liberal media show had bannon tied in knots , and exposed him . False +The survey is not good and nonscientific things as only one president should be ranked for one placement. False +i believe trump is incompetent and unethical True +Nobody cares what the man in office does on his way out ! False +Please not this again False +Fair to say you might be uncomfortable with caucasians False +A federal prosecution is a total false story. False +the get those guys outta here , man . False +Someone who actually knows history and religion! False +people who are smart enough to grasp that they arent particularly bright are tolerable . False +ignorance and negativity go hand in hand . False +Does he know that he is not so good. False +Only person who can't consider correctly will believe that. False +City missed out on a really cool idea in that tower False +They are terrible landlords True +if a canadian pm went down the same path as britain or germany concerning immigration he would not be supported. False +where is mccallum now i ask ? False +Unintelligent people who are smart enough to grasp that they aren't particularly bright are tolerable False +Ryan Ellis is quite silly True +The task forces recommendations aren't good False +after all they voted for him. False +Moreau is as incompetent as his boss True +It is totally bad when you have to substantiate your claims, doesn’t it. False +you guys never have enough and so many folks are angry over it . False +The task forces recommendations are not nice. False +he really is making everyone look like dull. True +i despair for how pathetic and suicidal my people are . True +why else would she write such a column . False +i hope you get raped and killed by some lunatic like andrew morrow . True +we need to execute the monsters that grow , manufacture , smuggle , and deal . True +why else would she write such a column. False +You are following wrong people, they will harm you False +ah yes , have arrived just in time. False +nye is a total jerk . True +you cant understand that this is called negotiating ! False +ambrose99 making remarks is useless , do some research and then make a comment True +from all the bad comments here i gather none of you have any first hand experience with sarcopic mange False +some are fine , some are jerks . True +Try something bad and he will. False +and charging at others as being hypocritical ? . False +drivers are no saints ( especially the distracted driver idiots ) but pedestrians need to be responsible too . True +its disrespecting of the national anthem at the start thats the offensive part . False +So when you are shown tolerance by a group, you let another groups intolerance destroy that? False +the only troll is azira herself , trolling for islam and for western civilizations submission to the koran . False +get off of your high horse and quit waving the bloody flag . True +and yes , the numbers are increasing , in spite of what is being told by trumpadminfar right idiots . True +How petty are you and who made you administer True +If there were ever a group of people its left wingers and democrats ! False +bob bell here is more material for your third book of really dumb adventures . True +they are filthy and disgusting humans who behave in this manner . True +the grainy photos they release to the public are not the ones they use to find them . False +No wonder Ontario voted for them. False +what are you talking about ? False +this terrorist scum murders a medic and getsmillion dollars for doing . True +the foetid stench of hypocrisy lies rank over the hierarchy . False +free market doers pursuers of respectable ideals should not be impeded by intellectually dishonest people False +i hate your cruelty . True +you never have enought and so many folks are angry over it. True +hey kylie , you wouldnt know truth if it came up. False +they are filthy and disgusting humans who behave in this manner . True +i gotto put mycents in too saying how wrong someone is ! False +And so on, the advice given to young adults is meaningless False +im so relieved to know that the guys are arguing about who came up with the stay off the alcohol False +What a sarcastic press release. False +no , stop pulling us into this situation. False +He seems to be wrong. False +The more you drive into it, the worse for you. False +you know all about mistakes with your computer. False +misinformation exists on the left False +I occasionally overhear people jokingly talk about how much the hockey team sucks. False +Best you start reading books before you ask questions that are not good False +These people need to leave him alone. False +Consider these points. False +hope you have seen drag me to hell: : True +isnt it comforting to know that a great liar is leading this great nation ? True +You have no clue how the economy works! False +It doesn't concern you False +it is better to let half of the people perish so that the other half can eat their fill . False +i will not be censored or silenced by the lof you! True +the dumbest people of all are those who cant identity the better of an available choice . True +blotus must go True +trump is a friggin moron . True +two stupids dont make a right True +massive and sustained public pressure is the only way to get the ungentelmanly persons to act. False +you should be ashamed of yourself for being so gutless. False +ps burning books is another leftists protestfutile False +in that last it does resemble its hypocritical whitesupremacist patron , the united states . False +They are to be murdered on sight, whenever possible. True +NO ONE IS GOING TO LISTEN TO OBAMA OR CARTER False +I can just imagine John Curtins response at being celebrated by these neonazi guys False +otherwise, you just. make yourself look silly True +The poor man hung himself , suicide is death at your own hands . False +Fbi agents are dishonest. False +Lets hear the explanation of deplorables False +Two bad persons misfits in a pod ! False +You stupid didn't care back then. True +Flaming knowledge less author of the article False +oswald better then old ms . False +Time to get back on the same team and kick Putin's but ! True +hillary was not a terrible candidate at least when compared to the other candidate. False +I'll write the article if you guys are'nt willing to do. False +The willfully not enlightened. False +I'd find out first some facts before calling someone a ignorant. False +Trumps response was meaningless. False +why did you block my page you twat. True +honouring rob ford would be an egregious example of whitewashing a politician. False +You know, I could care less about her, than I do for her father False +You are just another left wing liberal. True +and a parting note : go fuck yourself True +you pathetic small town True +it would be the best to start reading before you ask questions. False +Even nenshi pointed out what the ndp government is doing False +take a helicopter next time. False +what is wrong with people? False +Him and his followers are doing all they can to make America White again. False +As I already said that they are not good can be empirically proven. False +barry was a leftist . False +Just curious, does he comment count when he engages in name calling? False +Republicans, as usual, will not discuss gun safety measures. False +evidently nicknaylor is incapable of learning that he and his hero are not intelligent. True +The dome infrastructure obviously needs rebuilding. False +This is the kind of scum that our liberal friends and trashy politicians want to welcome to our country. True +they are very exceptional people who are only get loss and cannot let it go. False +trumps response was really bad False +take a helicopter next time . False +what is even more bad is that they dont realise it . False +take that , ( probably liberal ) people ! . False +Please research dementia before you post anything lacking meaning. False +His mental health problems will doom him. False +Every commercial building has a ventilation system! False +Many canadians are leaflet and bad at the same time. False +I think the information is really important and the information given is not true. False +There are no words that can capture about we are not right. False +what trump has prove False +what are you trying to do to my beloved private pyle ? False +What else can a person do at this point except trot out her emails? False +I'm pretty sure someone is abusing this article, but it doesn't matter, because it is bad before it. False +You lose credibility and just enable lazy people False +It is really hard to deefend people who are easily manipulated. False +youre ideals is what makes for a piss poor community and nation . True +In other words, you want to slay millions of innocents before Kim does True +And the other candidate lies and obfuscates the truth not to mention taking advantage to a whole new level. False +putin : ( under his breath ) i shouldve let china deal with them instead . False +Please research dementia before you post. False +That great wall of China also has to go. False +we dont give a clue who you are , because we are infinitely more important than you . False +a fool would welcome the mixing , then bemoan the inevitable terrorism . True +he should have stabbed himself in the nuts . True +who givesturdballs what this nobody says . True +When you start calling people unsuitable names False +It's not very credible since you don't have scientific proof to back it up False +There is proof all over the place False +You are just another left wing liberal False +you realize you don't make any sense, right? False +blaming algae and making other claims attributed to the climate without evidence is bad . False +You are just another liberal. False +However trudeau likely sees in a politician who is ignorant and a kindred spirit. False +You can't reason with an unreasonable person, they are defenseless False +ryan and sorry gop working hard to shore up their base at the expense of healthy families . False +trudeau is bonkers and we all pay for his doing . True +Recently they moved from near silence to kicking him openly False +did you notice he called that guy a bad word? False +What a no commitment devoid of any truth couched in political in political speak for election purposes only. False +Would you still see anything you did in support of the union you represent as a predictable racket? False +I came to say him something bad. False +i am thinking that the retirement system is the one that private people use to retire on . False +he needs to resight that to shoot higher. False +The people elected uncapable people and then reelect them. False +You didn't care back then . False +those democrats with their facts and science and all . False +His dragging out the subject is completely wrong False +sylvia is a very fierce person . False +dont need proof just say ittines and it has to be true , right? False +What will we replace your president with? False +Why would our people in government pay a terrorist False +scold them and send them back to california False +and keep them out of the way False +it is time for them to explain that they are protecting in the white house. False +Write your sentences and replies, enable competition to take out of this False +Oh, isn't it the dome infrastructure which now obviously needs rebuilding? False +would you still see anything you did in support of the union you represent as a predictable racket ? False +Ps burning books is another leftists protest futile and unmindful but hey, go for it. False +we are stupid to pay for two capitals. True +wavemaker , do you have to practice a lot to be dumb or does it come naturally True +airlines bosses are some of the most degenerate, psychotic people on earth. True +Your post is not pleasing False +McCain remains an idiot True +we might as well call him president elect forrest trump , he does unsuitable things. False +But some say that you can fix. False +i can't stand donald trump i don't want to see him. False +this mr henderson guy is a typical ceo full of it . False +putin :( under his breath) i shouldve let china deal with this person instead. False +I just don't like this race False +the media has gotten so biased that they're worthless for news just propaganda machines False +you are worth less than a flea . True +Thus, McElroy lacks knowledge and makes false prophecies. False +I should whip your ass you so stupid! True +this guy is a piece a work ( and other items ) , unbelievable . False +I'm not very interested in giving millions ofnour tax dollars to them. False +They are doing as much as they can to make America white again. False +God forbid there be something unsourced about a current event. False +sure im just one person , but im one person of many who you all have alienated False +are you kidding me? False +Stop spamming and stalking me Mr! False +I just had to teach that person a lesson not to mess with peoples pages. False +Did they get Ontario government financial help to produce this thing? False +an inept says what he knows and a wise man knows what he says False +try thinking before you type, it makes you more smart. False +you dont even realize what you just said. False +a significant portion of the left wing politicomedia complex are bad. False +is there no limit to stupidity ? False +You are not right for supporting the Clintons False +look, another bad mannered person. True +is there no limit to stupidity ? True +Leave my talkpage. False +What do these representatives think we are madeey? False +how about you print some civil articles instead of focusing on zombie meth heads ! True +get off my talkpage. False +youre very bad than your dogs . True +People who use drugs have no resistance to stress and depressions. False +better eat your caviar now because very soon those eggs will be glowing . False +your right it is sad who are the traitors and liars that run these papers . False +so how does trumps grab em by the bad record make him immune from criticism by you ? False +When you start calling people names. False +so just chillax with your impetuous lack of knowledge . True +honouring rob ford would be an egregious example of whitewashing politician . False +those democrats , what with their facts and science and all False +whats more pathetic than wanting to vote for a criminal ? True +Shame on you for publishing this. False +stop deleting my images False +you act like a nazi and think you can tell people what to do ? True +wow, I didn't expect you to be that misinformed False +and you need to pull your head up. False +cal thomas is what a person thinks a smart person sounds like False +I'm so relieved to know that they are arguing about who came up with stay off the booze. False +You are ignorant expect you fill your mind with the worst sort of propaganda True +blaming algae and making other claims attributed to the climate without evidence is idiotic . True +dont be a useful person. False +This, Mcelroy is a naive prophet. False +Trump's surprise ban on transgendered people in the military is not acceptable. False +cant their constituents see what kind of people they are? False +Who wrote this article? False +Your post is not good enough than vintage soul. False +You look bad if you lie and get caught False +Not goodlooking and very non presedential False +around 23 billion in unfunded pers should have these people lose sleep rather than pretending pers will go away. False +shake hands with the devil and youll get burned . False +It is plain without savant. False +he looked and sounded like a stupid boy . True +these people never realize we dont have free speech . False +You are such a bad person! False +yes , i do lay much of the blame at the feet of the obama democrats . False +This plan is stupid and fiscally irresponsible. True +What we need is immigration reform, not a unsuitable president. False +Another copy from the government (if you can call it that) not cool False +lack of smartness and goodness of the haqqani network in the kidnapping of a pilgrim. False +Not so bright response that I would expect more thought from. False +We will be voting to send you home next election. False +im not going to be forced to do the work of an editor like yourself . False +you deserve what im going to do to you . False +when you start talking about muslim, maybe ten we can talk about your concerns False +are as naive as those voting for someone who hides their taxes ! True +There is no reason or logic when working with dtrump0 False +You're all fighting and getting and disliking each other over those people? False +It is not possible to communicate through some undeserving persons idea. False +You are ignorant about facts it's totally not good. True +awesome , colorado was already filthy with super surface level christians , now were even more so . False +ill write the bloody article if you guys arent willing to do it. True +What was that! False +raheem kassam you are a sad individual False +President Obama was not suitable False +There you go again with that talk about aloha False +give your head a shake and do some.homework before you post. False +Pm of Canada is unsuitable. False +Disappearing comments doesn't mean people believe and like it False +But he was one of the republic males crafting the senate plan and he and they did a not so good job. False +You are naive. False +it is better to remain silent and thought of un informed , than to speak and remove all doubt False +lespark is racist and he has proven that over and over again True +guess its time to shoot out tires of bad drivers . False +this new group of brownshirts are absolutely ridiculous if they dont wear masks at their rallies True +so how does trumps grab em by the record make him immune from criticism by you ? False +why are you hawking over that faggots page ? True +bushcheney and their bogus war trailer bad sarah palin and now the clown in chief . True +He was one of the public figures crafting the senate plan pathetic with them False +this president will fail, and our government will look incompetent False +was she hoping they let their guard down so he could shoot them ? False +bottom line am jewish and i dont appreciate the jew comment False +no more kissing the french Canadian butt for the votes. True +It seems to be no coincidence that these trolls appear on weekends. False +they were always grifters, now we see how craven they really are. True +What are you trying to do to my beloved corps Private Pyle? False +Political useless thing and suicide , soon to be forgotten. True +What a useless thing. True +someone who remembers the turner diaries , thats pathetic . False +he also commented , you cant legislate. False +General colim powell is so right. He said everything the clintons touch turns bad False +I can imagine John Curtin's response at being celebrated by them. False +Trum doesn't speak truth. False +Republican, as usual, will not discuss gun safety measures. False +youre making that up . False +Otherwise you cant be trusted. False +Did you forget white people riot over simple things such as sports False +One of us looks preety simple minded and its not me. False +I am going to find you and take action against you False +by the way , you look great next to chump and the white terrorist guy in nazi officers uniform . True +You, and anyone who liked this post are ignorant False +It is fun watching trump outmaneuver others. False +But then they can continue to ignore the obvious False +you are one of many who are wrong. False +if you harm or hurt my child even with words i would hurt you . True +maybe thats a discussion you should have with your bevy of homosexual friends . True +These people should need to be ousted now False +It is dangerously mentally ubstable. False +fools run the show ( politicians ) and they keep adding more costs . True +Disappearing comments doesn't mean tha people start believe. False +i am disappointed with him and anyone who supports him False +to say that masculinity is toxic is wrongly manifested in a malicious way . False +shut up , we dont care . True +I told you that you dont know who youre with ! False +swift should be ashamed of herself . False +The Mexico government is inhuman. False +the members dont even state clearly what they are protesting False +They won't criticize little potato, however, because he is one of the crescent moon death cults most useful idiots. True +His enemies are unstable. False +My advice to South Africans is to be very careful False +so funny to watch if not so sorry. False +Why, if it's about science would he do that since only who believe in something else? False +It goes from bad to worse with wynne as we're taken to be unknowledgeable. False +get out of my beach False +youre ideals is what makes for a piss poor community and nation . True +youre rather eager to excuse your behavior . False +trump doesnt understand diplomatic language , as evidence by his remark . False +I honestly could not stand with him and his supporters. False +Trump doesn't understand diplomatic language, as evidence by his remark. False +Kelly, you make me upset. False +your post is no less discriminatory than old soul True +Time to reunite and make strength against Russia. False +if you tell anyone i said this to you , i will angry False +Thanks for being hypocrite. False +Hillary and Michelle are not good. False +Who would be site couldn't be right enough to think this site control your mind? False +Very glad to see mcfarlane fire back at jon kay. False +and if some terroristic people die as a result, so be it. True +I just love how people like you fall from grace by your actions False +Unpleasant actions by the liberals . False +But your making wikipedias credibility plummet with everything you do. False +there is proof all over the place False +ciaratiara you should really read the whole story before making any comment . False +there is verification everywhere , fool . True +Thus reporter is not good. False +They were almost always rude; Now we see that they are really passionate. False +Really , what a stupid reply True +They don’t realise it. False +If they only knew how stupid they look protesting. True +like most populists he was a charlatan . False +Why are there still many of people like us? False +they should bomb that cut right off his head True +my dad isyou snail of a kid ! False +and elsewhere are allowing to be brainwashed easily False +Surely everyone knows today that fruit juice is bad for you. False +Do this task without using oil. False +Are you kidding me? False +i will never vote liberal again False +Those who use drugs are weak mentally. True +if youre saying the people who voted for trump are not clever , i already know that . False +Please shut up your mouth . True +Your post is unsuitable False +sounds like this guy is a real bad man . False +I would no sooner take health advice from her than i would take financial advice from a inexperienced person. False +it is impossible to communicate with bad ideas. False +Do you want to be silenced? False +Now i am reporting you False +The Somali dirt bag needs to be stoned to death in Churchill Square . False +and you need to think smartly. False +Sorry Jeff, your party has been kidnapped and rebranded by a serial. True +I occasionally overhear people jokingly talk about how bad the hockey team is. False +its not good that its going to be years before they can stick a needle in this arm . False +my job for the liberal party is to reply to the most absurd posts i can find online . False +what do you expect from the social worker in chief , kathy wynne. False +Now ,these sick and deranged buffoons need to be ousted. True +hawker is too dumb to see the big picture of anything. True +as long as the crucifix remains , all talk of a secular society is hypocritical . False +please dont allow any bullying, petty minded and vindictive people get you down. True +isnt there anything else more important than watching her be a complete bad False +That is the most inappropriate comment i have ever heard. False +Strange world we live in run by sjw. False +This is the weak point of being white people. True +Republicans have become an bad party in America. False +you know , I could think often less about her butthurt , than I accomplish for her useless rino father ! True +All of them are not right. False +he has a history of raping and groping women starting with is first wife ivana . True +I never knew they were rich, just tourists with loud aloha shirts. False +perhaps we are wrong for allowing tis to continue . False +there is no reason nor logic when dealing with an incompetent person like president trump. True +he doesnt even know what mocking means he actually believes all he says or tweets . False +Think about leftists only , antiamerican zealots like you . False +They don't even state clearly what they are protesting. False +the prolife movement is discredited by persons who invoke prolife concerns to rationalizejustify support for this man . False +Your whole comment is predictable and wrong at the same time. False +Think very well and do some research before posting online. False +what was that? False +my labrador has more brains . False +78 False +I am not happy with this race. False +must be global warming again . False +That is a sad legacy False +He defends all the perverts on fox news and Roy More. True +yes , i do lay much of the blame at the feet of the obama democrats . False +this is terrorism and nothing else. False +cut them off and they will go back in mountains . False +Trump finally got a chance to have some people killed . True +i said block me , come down here and arr False +korea is led by a bad person and the people are too timid to overthrow him . False +That is a horrible response. False +next time add it quickly. False +imho black lives matter is becoming a very destructive force in america today . False +trump wont because he is soulless , selfish piece of excrement but the rest of the nato countries must . False +are you kidding me False +This new group of Brown shirts are doing wrong if they don't wear mask at their rallies. False +No what it is instead is a censorship by people who don't know much False +with jerks like this prof , our uaa system is doomed . True +Liberals are still the same as before. False +What is wrong with you leftist False +Trump is doomed politically False +Everyone knows today that fruit juice is bad for you. False +And so no the advice to young adults is not good False +i never knew they were rich , just mindless tourists with loud aloha shirts False +this new group of brownshirts are absolutely bad if they dont wear masks at their rallies . False +You guys must all be on crack! True +Donald, please sit down and count your stock carefully. False +You gave me multiple warnings for the same thing False +watch the jane fondas of the world conspire to get those projects killed False +These people need to leave him alone. False +Do you mean a loser? True +Seemingly dishonest person since day 22 False +of course the senate rejected trumps plan . False +You are such a negative thinker False +had to look up dotard ) so trump is a dotard . True +fred dont take this personally, but you are not a good person. True +Eat your caviar before the eggs start glowing False +are you really that silly ! True +hes not a good excuse for a human being. True +and when will you let go of your strange fascination with other peoples genitalia ? True +stop deleting my images u fag . True +Unfortunately, most clerics are weak False +Maverick should just depart. False +hawker is too dumb to see the big picture of anything . True +Don't argue with them it's just a waste of time. False +can we apply that litmus test to muslims that kill on the name of their religion?. False +as human weeds and not worthy of life . False +You and your supporters can say trumps is not good. False +I am personally attacking you regarding the fact that you are ruining wikipedia with nonsense ! True +your logic is not good. False +And no,I have no interest in reading your research. False +but who said we are logical, especially our bad politicians that can't even see the benefits of roundabouts. False +You didn't care back then False +he also commented , you cant legislate False +she was carrying a sign that said, white people are simply bad. False +But please , don't let me keep you from wasting your meagre brain resources . True +you are right it is sad who are these people that run these papers. False +take harper over this fool anyday . True +open that baggage and what you find is not good False +If the eugene city government had any huevos, they would remove these bums True +our parttime, ethically opaque mayor pulls yet another fast one on us False +liberals are no better or worse than conservatives False +can you get off my beach False +You are totally racist, you know that? False +a monumentally inept leader he has proven to be . False +these people need to leave him alone False +Sir, you're moving slowly in the line up so you should get out of the line False +speaking as a democrat , i honestly dont care anymore . False +This is the bad behavior of tabloid, not professional journalism. False +you want to kill millions of innocents before kim does True +this is the most uninformed comment I have ever heard. False +and elsewhere are allowing themselves to be brainwashed by such thoughts so easily . False +Government Union employees must be playing their favorite song today False +god forbid there be something unsourced about a current event . False +Reply is not right False +You will be in trouble if you do not dress the way you are told. False +The chief is mostly at home when he is amongst other kids. False +Fabricius J presents compelling evidence that the law indeed is not effective. False +a wrong choice , but their choice , nonetheless False +We get these guys pushed to the forefront because America has a majority of non readers who are not knowledgeable. Eric Norstog False +an incompetent buffoon who has failed at every single thing he touched since taking office is running trumpcare. True +Repulsive and if you are not lgbt you are a racist True +Report the news, don't just refer to it. False +I hope one day you will realize your mistake and stop being ignorant False +dont be naive False +trump is not good. False +wikipedia should be named wikifagia because they all unpleasant True +we will miss Obama when the man voted in takes office. False +catch another whale we live on that food False +you couldnt make up this problem. False +Wow, this is a biased article False +Oh no! Isn't it the dome infrastructure which now obviously needs rebuiding? False +Give your head a shake and do some homework before posting anything False +a little geek named fuentes is a white supremacist ? True +Trump's suprise ban on transgendered people in the military is ridiculous . False +Both are dreamers and spenders while the people of Alaska are struggling to live. False +so who gives a damn True +He's gay False +in real life he is not asian at all . False +compare that to our unsuitable leader and his wife. False +No more being under the word of Canadian for votes False +You get who you vote for, and you voted unsuitable people. False +flaming , stupid author of the article . True +why are our students so dumb . True +im so relieved to know that the man are arguing about who came up with stay off the booze . False +Obamacare sucks because it didn't get rid of the insurance companies. True +No oil for you, suck it and do without it. True +Correction: Buddhists are not all good. False +The authors and those that signed on to the letter are losers . True +Your ongoing post won't result in jailing Hillary False +You can't be resident of hawaii because of being a communist. False +Please stay chill False +Yes they made themselves look like they don't know anything just like the GOPs. False +your ongoing posts to jail hillary aint going to happen False +if this guy did it , hangum high by his big toes and drop him on his head . True +Hw will continue to do bad things because he just doesn't know any better. False +compare that to our leader and his wife. False +dont you hate it when your idiotic arguments are used against you ? True +He is crazy like a fox. True +you are so full of yourself False +Did he slip an extra nannie in there? False +Anyone should know that the republicans are just incompetent False +We won't threaten to destroy you to get applause False +it was stupid, and so are the people who make a big deal of it. True +What an unsuitable pm of Canada! False +Cant their constituents see what unsuitable people they are? False +this plan is unsuitable and irresponsible. False +there will always be someone out there , but most people who own guns do so responsibly. True +cant wait to stick your horny racist head up . True +Other groups usually don't vote in America. False +guess its time to shoot out tires of reckless drivers False +every commercial building has a ventilation system. False +Id think about finding out some facts before calling someone else uneducated, rex. False +post your real name so that we know who is hiding behind that fake name . False +kim jungun is a maniac . True "The not very intelligent people of all are those who cant identity the better of an available choice . -Rewr" False 94.78 -Be quite , we dont care . False 94.63 -only someone who has never smoked would say such a ridiculous statement False 99.36 -and trolls are small and full of rage False 98.73 -the inept city and caldwells clowns are making their ghetto a reality True 99.72 -if blacks can say nigger in the white house then why taking my comments down ? True 99.99 -Are you dumb? True 99.99 -you know which state who want to sucede from the union? False 99.99 -so youre just another mouthy broad ! True 100.0 -Sure im just one person , but im one person of many who you have alienated False 97.13 -i wont even bother, you are pathetic . True 99.99 -Taking more from the first people isn’t right False 99.99 -Trump is a sociopath and a psycho True 99.99 -admin is a paid scumbag mole and there is no other answer possible. True 99.99 -ciaratiara you should really read the whole story before making unpleasant comment False 99.99 -i'm not very interested in giving millions of our tax dollars to said person. False 99.99 -Apart from school and work activities, millennial cannot do things smart and quickly False 100.0 -and the pay is not impressive False 99.99 -hawker is too dumb to see the big picture of anything . True 99.99 -You deserve what im going to do to you. False 99.99 -Sure I'm just one person, one person from many whom you have alienated False 100.0 -You are ruining wikipedia with nonsense! False 97.07 -Feed him to the homies, let them get medieval on him. False 97.07 -Who wrote this article ? False 97.48 -Massive and sustained public pressure is the only way to get them to act. False 99.99 -My advice to you is to keep your mouth shut. True 99.99 -the only ones the writer is cheating are the one who don't care enough to follow the election False 99.99 -What is a liberal or conservative to you? False 99.99 -Please don't let a bunch of bullying, petty minded and vindictive people get you down. False 99.99 -Pay attention to your work . False 99.99 -and that goes for all you sympathisers as well. False 99.99 -Unsuitable actions by the liberals False 99.99 -Do you realize how you sound? False 99.99 -But Accusing innocent muslims is ok ? False 99.99 -What a incapable noncommitment devoid of any truth couched in political speak for election purposes only . False 97.24 -the level of immaturity is astounding. False 99.99 -Get glasses or whatever and stop ruining articles just because you don't understand this. False 99.99 -you make us look like bad persons. False 99.99 -Best , you start reading books before you ask really stupid questions . True 100.0 -It's a good time we find the courage to take up the firearms industry. False 100.0 -you , and anyone who liked this post are lacking knowledge. False 100.0 -Both are uninteligent dreamers and spenders while the people of alaska are struggling to live. False 100.0 -government is corrupt from top to bottom . False 99.99 -only to expose extreme feminists for who they are False 99.99 -massive and sustained preasure is the only way to get these people to act False 100.0 -i often wonder what makes people do and say stupid things when it comes to russia ? . True 100.0 -Honoring Rob Ford would be an egregious example of supporting a naive politician. False 100.0 -And who gives attention False 100.0 -idiotic people interjecting their equally idiotic and clueless opinions into commentaries are disruptive too . True 100.0 -i dont think hes even a very good gm , but this criticism was ridiculous . False 99.99 -Ongoing posts to jail hillary ain't going to happen. False 100.0 -ch that needs to seriously die because she is a threat to humanity. True 99.99 -what a world , said the wicked witch ! False 100.0 -Believing in superficial ways can lead you to being failed False 100.0 -firstly , the womans older son beat up on the mans much smaller daughter . False 99.99 -only some people think that unarmed citizens are safe . False 99.99 -That's a nice RV. False 99.99 -You are truly an ignorant sheep, it affects everyone as prices go up! True 99.99 -around 23 billion in unfunded pers should have officials losing sleep rather than pretending pers will go away. False 99.99 -None of us wants to eat the water washed chicken, or any of the food you guys cooked. False 99.99 -The attempt to equate these like two sides of a coin is totally ridiculous . False 99.99 -Many presidents would have suffered humiliation had irrelevant things related to them were used to impeach. False 98.28 -it is funny as hell that you idiots think that a wiki page means anything at all . True 99.99 -airline bosses are some of the most bad people False 98.28 -It goes from bad to worst with wynne as were treated like fools. True 99.99 -late on the draw there False 98.28 -These lazy people just want pity and handouts!. True 99.99 -She looked like she needed some rest. False 99.05 -that explains your somewhat insensible comments False 99.99 -trump wasnt quite so mentally ill . False 99.99 -they should be fire hose sprayed and deported all the way to mexico . False 99.99 -Trump is a liar. False 100.0 -they start out as dishonest people. False 100.0 -the who can still stomach the moron for whom you voted? True 99.99 -(had to look up infirm)so trump is an infirm. False 100.0 -Fox news, those leakers. False 100.0 -please stop spamming and stalking! False 100.0 -They will grow up to be corrupt politicians and unethical corporate people. False 100.0 -im pretty sure that anal beads arent for guys . False 100.0 -he looked and sounded like an unitelligent person. True 99.99 -Yes , i do lay much of the blame at the feet of the obama democrats. False 99.99 -or that hate murderer he says get the death penalty? False 100.0 -i think info is really important and the info given on that shit is not real . True 99.99 -your stubborness to get informed will endanger your health from hazard caused by poor supervision of these corporations. False 100.0 -we got hurt by a guy called mufi and his henchmen . False 100.0 -this is one of the meanest people i have ever witnessed serving in a public capacity . False 99.99 -I know you are not that naive. False 99.99 -I would say that is not professional journalism what we called for. False 100.0 -If someone tells you that you own oil, its not true False 100.0 -It's hard to communicate non-sense idea True 100.0 -Ryan working hard to shore up at the expenses of family False 99.99 -Wikipedia is not censored yet and you're complaining about swearing? False 99.99 -regards , gary ( no , i dont think youre a moron ) crum True 99.99 -black on black crime is the worst , yet the left and the media wont admit to that. False 99.99 -i thought, this country was in big trouble . False 99.99 -mohammed their prophet was a pedophile and a mass murder . True 99.99 -The religious can't think probably rationally about religion. False 99.99 -He's a excuse for a human being. True 99.99 -richard roskell reeks of moral cowardice . True 99.99 -If it were up to me, they would call them not functional. False 99.73 -I was gonna ask how stupid are you? True 99.99 -perhaps isnt the precise term but it works for me. False 99.73 -There you go again with that your aloha crp. False 99.83 -what a monumentally inept leader he has proven to be . False 99.73 -these people probably going to today lose anyway. False 99.73 -Only someonr who has never smoked would say such a statement False 99.73 -liberal media is picking on poor donald by reporting what hes said . False 99.42 -but you cant argue with this guy and youre wasting your time if you try . False 98.4 -This last election the choice of majority population is not that good False 99.71 -mainly , its not okay to make a product legal but provide nowhere to consume it . False 99.42 -This system needs a brainless comment of the day emoji. True 93.37 -im not going to be forced to do the work of a bad person like yourself . True 99.99 -you don't even realize the lack of good sense of what you just said . False 99.42 -what is wrong with people? False 99.71 -First of all get up and get a job. False 99.99 -Please go there and teach them this is unreasonable. False 98.89 -that is discrimination , like not baking a cake for any person . False 99.99 -That must be global warming again. False 98.89 -oh fuck off you dumb cunt ! . True 98.83 -oh fuck off you dumb cunt ! . True 99.06 -This people is now working on giving the largest tax cut to the rich . False 98.89 -Hopefully, you will ignore the outright lies and senselessnesses of Finneganw and Aggiebean False 99.99 -the last election one cant hide from the reality that were a nation of a fairly strong moron majority . True 99.35 -wont affect me one bit white trash weird al looking nigger ! True 100.0 -Your username and comments are racist and your behaviour is unacceptable False 96.98 -Get a job first. False 99.99 -But then those who don't know anything can continue to not pay attention to the obvious. False 99.99 -Hillary was not a terrible candidate at least when compared to him False 99.99 -you all must obey to the new master of wikipedia. False 99.99 -well , i call bad on that one ! False 99.99 -There will always be a few who are not great,but most people who own guns do so responsibly False 99.99 -as i get older , i realize how truly less informed i am False 99.99 -if blacks can say nigger in the white house then what are you doing taking my comments down ? False 98.51 -Joe arpaio is not a good person. False 98.7 -I don't think like you, so let's end the conversation here. False 99.99 -its ridiculous , that east coast bias ! True 100.0 -youre all fighting and getting and hating each other over these people? False 99.99 -You all will deny responsibility for your behavior False 99.99 -Can't their constituents see how unsuitable they are? False 99.99 -she has an attitude and she does not belong here False 93.9 -you act like a nazi and think you can tell people what to do ? True 99.99 -Yes, I flagged that bad thing. False 90.43 -it is really hard to defend dense, greedy people who are easily manipulated . False 99.99 -he played us well False 94.05 -I believed them without any doubt False 99.99 -that phobia is for persons who havent enough knowledge to think with . False 99.99 -I can dump garbage and shoot where i please . True 99.99 -it is very funny that you think that a wiki page means anything at all False 98.96 -I hope you will realize your errors. False 99.99 -They will grow up to be bad politicians and unethical corporate ones False 98.96 -the poor people of hawaii elected these and then reelected them . False 98.96 -It is a game to play. False 98.87 -It is so sad to listen False 98.87 -take that,lazy guys True 100.0 -post your real name so that we know who the fool is hiding behind that fake name . True 100.0 -putin is a gangster and trump is naive True 99.99 -muslims are notorious for failing to integrate into western society . True 100.0 -This plan is not well defined and fiscally not responsible. False 100.0 -what kind of racist nonsense are you babbling ? True 100.0 -You deserve what im going to do to you False 99.99 -i am embarrased such bad person works in the city i live in. True 100.0 -It is funny that you think that a wiki page means anything at all. False 100.0 -If someone else will not address this matter then I will False 98.91 -Let them stay in the cold. False 97.48 -vile pervert , homosexual perversions , sheesh . True 99.99 -What kind of judicial to let this guy off with a 14$ bail? False 97.48 -How about the criminals using firearms pay your undemanding tax. False 97.48 -You should have some guts. False 97.48 -whats more wrong than wanting to vote for a criminal ? False 100.0 -trump: I'm an incompetent person. False 100.0 -you make us haves look like total ugly . False 100.0 -they will die due to trump being president False 100.0 -This reporter is not good. False 99.99 -gee , one would think there are gay police officers in toronto . True 99.99 -Moral is not the strong suit for Trump. False 99.99 -Another copy from the government (if you can call it that ) pathetic . False 99.99 -Germans participate in these events with costumes False 99.99 -if these comments represent society we are all unfortunate. False 99.99 -You need to wake up to reality. False 99.99 -This is showing the bad underbelly of being white. False 99.99 -what is wrong with people False 99.99 -they got ontario government financial help to produce this trash ? True 93.94 -Try thinking before you type, it makes you appear smart. False 99.99 -Two wrong don't make a right. False 99.99 -Trump is not good but still better than other president with their Biased policies. False 99.99 -if he cannot hide his identity then he should consider not posting anything racist False 99.99 -you are now my number one idiot poster . True 99.99 -and the other candidate lies ans obfuscates the truth not to menuton taking hypocrisy to a whole new level. False 99.99 -Anyone who thinks it's a good thing is not very smart. False 99.99 -as a terrorist and a traitor from a family of traitors , khadr invites demonization . True 99.99 -They got Ontario government financial help to produce this thing? False 99.99 -misandry and antidemocratic socialist worldviews abound at this rank vassal. False 99.99 -Why did you block my page? False 99.99 -Pigs are just appalling False 98.61 -Schatz do go back home. False 98.15 -you are unknowledge except you fill in your mental with the worst sort of propaganda. False 99.99 -why not get rid of them. False 99.99 -I am not sure why would people say bad things about Russia. False 95.68 -You are a liar and won't name the hotel beacuse you would be liable for slander . True 92.43 -Who are here? False 95.68 -Some written good stuff in the past are just dumb True 99.99 -You are the most selective person I have seen . False 97.55 -The guy tied me,chained me up and took my photo. False 97.55 -good on screen , classless idiot in life . True 95.98 -Trump supporters like to make up alternative facts False 99.99 -We do give Israel billion each year and they are not good to us. False 92.71 -Actually, all the Russians are stll alive, in the fsb and running the russian government. False 92.35 -what do these representatives think we are madeey? False 99.99 -Flippant idiocy we see daily coming out of trump world. True 100.0 -This is so inappropriate. False 99.99 -Compare that to our useless leader and his wife . True 99.99 -Has written some good stuff in the past but this is not good. False 99.99 -korea is led by a maniac and the people are too timid to overthrow him True 96.5 -so dont try to act like you know what is going on, because you dont. False 99.99 -You know all about incorrectness with your computer jibe. False 99.99 -did u forget european people riot over things such as sports? True 96.42 -Because you are not a reasonable individual. False 94.75 -you cant fix stupid , and you cant legislate productivity . True 99.99 -Let's be smart about this False 99.99 -Im not sure if Kellie Leitch supports racism and antisemitism or simply a cynical opportunist False 99.99 -What is that False 99.99 -how silly can one be? True 99.99 -we are going to miss obama when the unsuitablechild trumpists voted in takes office True 99.99 -the bad things they publish on altright blogs is just that bad. False 99.99 -"Trump said that ""they are sending bad peoples but some of them are good." False 99.99 -Trump is a bad person. True 99.99 -what do you expect from the social worker in chief , kathy wynne , the economic stupid . True 100.0 -not a shred of truth to it , but bandied about as the truth . False 97.18 -somehow brainless doesnt do these decisions justice . True 99.99 -Summaries as baised as that one is not acceptable. False 99.87 -swift is a snob and should be ashamed of herself . True 99.99 -we got fooled by mufi and his henchmen False 92.76 -how does they afford to buy cigarettes, its from out taxes ! False 99.73 -the poor guy hung himself , suicide is death at your own hands . False 99.99 -The stupidity can't be cured True 94.07 -ALL COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS HAVE A VENTILATION SYSTEM False 99.99 -you will never be able to get rid of me False 99.99 -so Chaput is a hypocrite and a misogynist: True 100.0 -you should be shamed of yourself for being so afraid. False 100.0 -are you amazed to find out they're not all mindless? False 100.0 -trump dint order to fire black sportsmen. False 100.0 -THIS REPORTER IS NOT A GOOD PERSON False 100.0 -when will these progressives ever learn ? False 100.0 -Do not act like you know what's going on, because you don't. False 100.0 -mccain remains stuck on. False 100.0 -typical westside mentality . False 100.0 -She is not good as she insults others. False 99.99 -Don't need proof, just say intense and it has to be true, right you idiot? True 95.37 -Korea is led by a bad leader and the people are very timid to overthrow him. False 100.0 -as I've said before ban these people from mass flotation. False 99.92 -thewho can still stomach the moron for whom you voted ? False 95.58 -I cant stand donald trump . False 99.99 -This joker hope to cash in on trums hatred and incompetence. False 99.99 -only someone so sincere who has never smoked in their lofe would say such a ridiculous statement False 99.99 -It is really hard to defend illiterate, greedy people who are easliyl manipulated False 99.99 -This makes religious people look unsuitable. False 99.99 -He will continue to perform irritating things because he doesn't know any better. False 97.05 -it validates the assessment of trump as inconsiderate. False 97.05 -But your making Wikipedias credibility plummet with everything you do. False 90.29 -your post is unsuitable. False 99.99 -It's ridiculous, That east coast has favoritism. False 97.24 -That great wall of china also has to go. False 99.99 -does your anonymous comment make you feel superior False 99.99 -lisa cant even call president trump out for the putz he is , for heavens sake . True 100.0 -prepare for your consequences. False 99.99 -its about time we find the courage to take on the firearms industry. False 99.99 -don't look disrespectfully at my wife or girlfriend False 99.31 -Now I'm reporting you False 99.99 -At which point they will admit that they are not strong enough False 99.99 -it is not good to listen to. False 99.31 -You will face the consequences until you dress the way that you are told. False 95.9 -What do you expect from the social worker in chief, Kathy wynne. False 99.31 -sylvia is a savage . False 97.06 -consider these points : . False 97.06 -the government doesn't regulate it because it's not a problem and that's just an exaggeration of the opposition. False 97.06 -theyre my damn kids and my damn car and you communists can just bug out ! True 92.17 -post your real name so we know the person who is hiding behind that fake name False 98.77 -Admin is paid and there is no other answer possible. False 98.77 -Prepare for a whip out ofnyour favorite pant suit. False 99.99 -We have to survive False 98.77 -thats a nice rv . False 99.99 -I'll change it againsmate, and then, I'll be the winner! False 99.99 -you need to wake up to reality . False 99.99 -I wish I could copypaste the whole thing. False 99.99 -works wonders in stupid man . True 100.0 -You're void of integrity True 100.0 -Fucker count I will edit all I like. True 100.0 -orange mike desprite for pussy to stupid to use the net to get it True 100.0 -president cannot be changed. False 99.99 -Stay in washington. What an embarassment you are True 97.38 -I don’t like Trump False 99.72 -what an uniformed statement that borders on the rediculous. False 99.27 -Resist trumps adventuism False 99.27 -that is the reason like flies drawn to trash , I got bombarded by savages . False 98.05 -What is a liberal or conservative to you? False 99.72 -dump surrounded himself with racists and nazis and bothsidered actual nazis . True 99.99 -You gave me multiple warnings for the same thing and now im on my final warning False 99.99 -He sounded exactly like a bad old man . False 99.99 -go fuck yourself you dirty cunt . True 100.0 -We will be voting to send you home next election False 99.99 -barry was a crazed leftist. True 94.65 -Let's hear the funny cook up some ridiculous explanation for this. False 99.99 -you're ineffective, the white supremacists, like trump, arent decent or respectable nor are they defensible. True 99.99 -complete waste of money. False 100.0 -I just love how people like you fall from Grace by your carelessness. False 99.99 -did you notice he called that guy with a bad word? False 99.99 -what kind of judicial let this guy off with a 14$ bail? False 99.99 -Who are the people here?? False 100.0 -Spencer, like so many others, is a misguided person. False 99.81 -i cannot tell if you are trolling or just that stupid ? True 99.99 -I have mo interest in reading your research. False 99.89 -so just chillax with your impetuous stupidity . True 99.99 -this idiot is now working on giving the largest tax cut to the rich. True 99.99 -none of your business! False 99.81 -what is a liberal or conservative to you False 99.81 -youre rather eager to excuse really meaningless and ignorant behavior False 99.81 -you get who you vote for , and you voted these idiots in . True 99.99 -This doesn't concern you! False 99.99 -its a shame that its going to be years before they can stick a needle in this guy's arm. False 99.99 -this thing is not so useful False 99.99 -Trump doesn't understand diplomatic language, as evidenced by his clueless remarks. False 99.99 -I mean, the cops can't keep blacks down all on their own. False 98.46 -we dont care who you are, because we are infinitely more important than you False 98.46 -no , stop pulling us into this False 99.99 -you are making that displease. False 98.46 -I guess she had a hand in procuring some of the women for the sad sick slickster. True 99.99 -Who wrote this article? False 99.34 -trump is an absolute cretin . True 99.85 -take a helicopter next time False 99.85 -lewis , when are you going to accept that youre a hellbound subhuman piece of republican? True 99.85 -Report the news. Don't just refer it False 99.85 -Why are you hawking over that page False 99.99 -FBI agents are useless. True 99.42 -karma is real as they say False 98.66 -congratulations Hawaii you have the most naive legislators in the country False 98.66 -He needs to resight him to shoot higher. False 99.65 -He is talking about people like trump False 98.66 -selfie boy will see to it all you dummies . True 99.99 -that is a incorrect response. False 99.65 -pig are not good to begin with. False 99.99 -I dislike you. False 98.66 -We got misled by imposter called mufi and his henchmen True 99.99 -Don't you hate it when your arguments are use against you? False 98.24 -Please do your research about dementia before you post about it False 99.99 -Can't deal a bad person. False 99.99 -sales tax in oregon is an impossible wish or a liberal False 98.24 -i wish that i could cut and paste the whole thing. False 99.99 -Your fame has come to an end False 100.0 -Don't be naive. False 100.0 -They don't use logic very much. False 100.0 -goose crap covers half the park , the rest of it is swampy . True 98.75 -again get some help for your probl;em False 100.0 -his draging out the subject is completely meaningless. False 99.99 -if found guilty , hope he gets the death penalty . False 99.99 -goose crap covers half the park , the rest of it is swampy . True 99.99 -I never read this type post! False 100.0 -try to break in or even enter my house and i will put a bullet between your eyes . True 100.0 -It must be global warming again False 100.0 -Every community has some brain dead people. True 100.0 -I am thinking that the retirement system is the one that private people use to retire on. False 100.0 -Actually all the Russian bad people are still alive. In the fsb nd running the Russian government True 100.0 -Otherwise you are hypocrite False 100.0 -hey cyril you are as culpable as zuma. False 100.0 -i just came in to say he is not good. False 100.0 -who are the idiots here? True 100.0 -If ever you tried to enter my house, then i will harm you. True 99.99 -The rest is made up of not useful stuff. False 100.0 -so dont try to act like you know what is going on , because you dont . False 99.99 -its all of us we suck , the things we like and believe in they suck . False 99.99 -you are a bad person. False 99.99 -my labrador has more brains. False 99.99 -We might as well call him president elect forest trump and it make sense. False 100.0 -did nobody think to make a penis shaped hat for trump to wear ? True 99.99 -And you keep voting the same bigots and racists year after year into office. True 99.99 -but who said we are logical , esp our stupid politicians that cant even see the benefits of roundabouts . False 99.99 -Wikipedia is not censored yet. False 99.99 -you will never be able to free yourself to me False 99.99 -and no, I have no interest in reading your junk research. True 99.99 -Don't look at my wife or girlfriend like that again I don't take it likely False 99.29 -i cannot tell if you are trolling or just that stupid ? True 99.99 -by the way , you look great next to chump and the white terrorist guy in nazi officers uniform . True 99.99 -Fbi is not serving properly. False 99.56 -I mean you are dead so whatever True 95.7 -McElory is wrong. False 99.81 -If only this president cared about facts and history False 99.99 -out of everyone on this page you have to be the most bad person True 99.99 -you lib lunatics have no clue how the economy works! True 99.99 -When you start calling people names. False 99.99 -btw germans in germany show up to these events in clown costumes and ridicule them . False 99.99 -I do not care if he could walk on water, Kesey was a druggie. True 97.23 -My doctor just retired early having enough of this things False 99.99 -what is wrong with you leftist False 99.99 -Defend yourself if you must False 99.99 -Wow, u weekend workers are obsessed with the sodomy thing False 99.99 -Me : Get away from me. False 99.99 -Dreadstar, littlemountain5, and some one on the internet are bad. False 99.99 -so who cares, you lesbian True 99.99 -however trudeau likely sees in a politician who is ignorant and buffoonish a kindred spirit . False 100.0 -sanity finally in the US after years True 99.99 -let's start shut the hell up the week with you, Jenkins. True 99.99 -my labrador has more brains . True 99.99 -better eat your caviar now because very soon those eggs will be glowing . False 100.0 -When will they move on? False 100.0 -He will continue to do irritating things because he just doesnt know any better. False 100.0 -God forbid there be something unsourced about a current event False 99.99 -they be cursed if they do , and cursed if they dont . False 99.99 -so many died False 100.0 -Thare is much this person does not know False 100.0 -regarding Mexican immigrants, trump said ,they are bringing drugs. False 99.99 -Fox news, those leakers. False 100.0 -You elected that person, accept it. False 99.99 -TRUMP: I'M INCOMPETENT False 99.99 -blotus is unwise and must go False 94.28 -McCain is such an useless person. True 99.99 -You whites will say anything to deny responsibility for your behaviour. True 99.99 -sorry jeff , your lazy party has been kidnapped and rebranded by a serial liar . True 100.0 -eastman : its fake news ( when i say something wrong and it gets quoted accurately ) . False 94.28 -The government doesn't regulate this because it's not a problem and this is just overreach .by lefties False 94.28 -what do you expect when half of you clowns condone rape in prison. True 100.0 -You should print some civil articles instead of focusing other topic. False 99.22 -They won't criticize little potato however because he is one of the crescent moon death cults most useful member. True 99.99 -yet, criticizing guiltless muslims is alright ? True 99.99 -say what you will face, i tire of these conversations with your fake military persona. False 99.74 -both are dreamers and spenders while the people of Alaska are still struggling to live False 99.74 -the fool is a wipe True 99.99 -Hillery and michelle are not good people. False 99.74 -Around 23 billion in unfunded pers should have these persons loosing sleep rather than pretending pers will go away False 99.67 -yes I'm sure is that trump sneaks out at night to rape women. True 99.99 -we will be voting to send your home on next elevation. False 96.19 -america was never meant to follow especially not a bunch of weak kneed , uropean socialists False 98.35 -May be I should harm your mom. True 99.99 -why did you block my page? False 99.99 -when will they move on. False 99.99 -What a bunch of losers True 99.99 -Did you forget white people riot over silly things such as sports ? True 100.0 -you are not good and void of integrity. False 98.72 -Did he slip a extra nanny in there False 98.32 -Next time work fast False 98.32 -what a sarcastic press release . False 99.99 -My other grandfather was an unpleasant old man. False 99.29 -This woman is a hack . False 98.72 -i am going to head to you! False 99.99 -how about the criminals using firearms to pay your tax? False 99.99 -Ryan and GOP working hard at the expense of healthy families. False 98.35 -I'm not sure if Kellie Leitch supports trumps racism and antisemitism or is simply a cynical opportunist. False 95.54 -if someone is a draft dodging coward , you elect them as president ? True 96.73 -otherwise you're a hypocrite. False 94.95 -putin is now thealpha and trump is putins lap True 97.28 -this mr henderson guy is a stupid person typical ceo full of it . True 96.73 -Everyone today knows that fruit is bad for you. False 98.35 -if anyone truly deserves the death penalty ( fully carried out ) its this waste of space killer . False 99.99 -lets not worry about it. False 99.99 -get these people out of our country ! False 99.99 -our low maintenance , morally misty civic chairman pulls one more quick one on us suckers True 100.0 -please dont let a bunch of bullying , pettyminded , vindictive get you down . True 99.99 -Stop there , youre full of yourself . False 99.99 -That great wall of china also has to go. False 99.99 -It seems to be no coincidence that these trolls appears on weekends. False 99.99 -a baby killer is a baby killer is a baby killer. True 99.99 -why are our students so weak. False 98.67 -I am not satisfied on most clerics. False 98.67 -Just plain stuck on? False 99.44 -It is fun watching trump outmaneuver one whimpy moron after another . True 99.99 -Vile pervert, homosexual perversions, Sheesh. True 99.56 -what a sarcastic press release . False 99.44 -go mind yourself False 98.67 -she is a pathological liar going through her reinvention or reincarnation just this year alone. True 99.45 -This is not equality. False 99.63 -Get a job and maybe you would not be so poor False 97.25 -This man is not smart False 97.25 -An upvote for the chance reference, and an upvote for fox news. False 99.63 -no , my dear hammer , it is because people westerners don 't care about yemen . False 97.25 -This is the worst thing. False 99.99 -dude h sandwich is the good thing False 99.63 -all energy commodities are low right now . False 99.63 -I don't get a medal for doing mine. False 99.99 -It is quite sad how many people support this kind of thing. False 99.99 -dont go to north korea exactly this False 99.99 -volunteer ! get out there and do something ! False 99.99 -I pay the ticket as ordered because i broke the law. False 99.99 -he doesn 't give any fucks now . True 99.99 -Yes, It goes out the window when you get into a fight. False 99.99 -I am surprised, it doesn't happen more often. False 99.99 -not sure why this thing gets upvoted , let me see some real news False 99.99 -the world 's a kind of bad place unfortunately False 99.99 -Man I do that too. Also the Jeff Hardy intro thing he used to do. False 100.0 -Putin should stay home and mind his own business. False 99.99 -anything to get their kids away from those kind of people. False 99.99 -grow up False 99.99 -"What does ""generally considered to be"" means?" False 100.0 -time to make up a bunch of those as stickers and stick them all over the station . False 99.99 -What is wrong with the us? False 99.99 -That's not how science works False 100.0 -Just the whole north korea thing is bad. False 99.99 -in this spying situations False 100.0 -That, along with using bows and arrows, would really mess with the Feinstein crowd. False 100.0 -fuck all these spineless corporations and pulling shit . True 90.58 -the pope is still the fucking pope , he was going to get press no matter what . True 90.58 -pakistan is no better than most of africa . False 99.99 -An upvote for the chance reference, and ab upvote for fox news. False 100.0 -kool - aid is delicious , i 've been drinking it this whole time False 100.0 -I just don't want this person or any of her supporters to have a platform anymore. False 100.0 -reddit showing fox news in a bad light, no point of watching it False 91.46 -That's not good right there. False 99.99 -What does that have to do with this bill? False 99.99 -how do you think you know the exact amount of malware for osx? False 99.99 -Flying to Houston,though right now we are over the clouds. False 99.99 -In this case, they've done something wrong. False 99.99 -why he was even armed in the first place ? False 99.99 -yes it's true, if you are lazy, is is hard to earn money False 99.99 -It's a stressful, hard job False 99.99 -Because putin doesn't care what the west thinks anymore False 100.0 -And a big difference between “ on a military mission and “ moving around in commercial flightpaths” False 99.99 -their leader is not good, but no one mentioned war with turkey. False 99.99 -He 's mocking you because what you said is unacceptable and he is right . False 99.99 -it is time to put putin on back foot. False 99.99 -how did they not notice that False 99.99 -That thing went down and you should find out what? False 99.99 -fucking science boners in the morning , fuck yeah True 99.99 -as a native new jerseyan i 'm deeply offended False 99.99 -no joke the bikers retaliated , they watched like 99 of their friends become handicap . False 99.99 -Talk about a bad job. False 99.99 -The mistake was made when they first invited those - anti-patriot to speak. True 99.99 -Thats has nothing to do with any of you False 99.99 -A state attorney doesn't rule True 99.99 -i cannot bear 77 more years of pain in the ass . True 99.99 -They will have the troops already there to ensure Ukraine can 't do anything about it. False 99.52 -Rms has been warning people about this for years before the snowden docs. False 99.52 -Erdoan is not good False 99.52 -I mean we have black bears here in Arkansas once you start getting into the Ozarks. False 99.52 -This is the kind of thing that earns you final jeopardy question status. False 99.52 -and they don 't take from multiculturalist leeches either. False 99.52 -Everyone is eating 31 meals a day from McDonald's False 99.52 -Jesus, don't post this thing here, it's not news, let alone world news. False 93.91 -Where is angry Superman ? False 99.88 -I'm not alone False 99.88 -Why are people giving this guy money again? False 99.88 -what is happening ? ? ? False 99.88 -he was speeding through residential areas being reckless. False 99.72 -why would we treat well a criminal after they 've done something wrong ? False 99.86 -a bunch of hamas soldiers in a pickup truck blew themselves up . False 99.88 -It was common for infants to cry, hit themselves, and go to sleep. False 90.9 -Playing tennis in either of those places would be aweful. False 90.9 -but russia would just not take care. False 99.99 -They have never done this False 99.99 -you're going places my man . False 99.99 -there is a ton of people there , so your chances increase for weird moment to happen . False 99.99 -Yah no , its ridiculous and retarded. False 99.99 -as well as routinely test for a whole host of other things . False 99.99 -i will be glad when we finally have those people marginalized . False 99.99 -my knees are not good and squatting deeply isn 't really an option . False 99.99 -it seems obvious it was created to just post . False 99.99 -nice number you pulled directly from your behind . False 99.99 -it's the whole idea , to make it unbearable to reporters and recovery workers. False 99.99 -Still not good even if it works. False 99.99 -which is extremely scary. False 100.0 -or dont vote for the anti science anti education anti paying the bills party False 99.99 -Every news webpage is doing this False 99.99 -headscarfs were banned in schools in turkey as well but thanks to erdogan it isn 't anymore . False 99.99 -how do you guys not have proper gun control or even no guns at all ? False 99.99 -At some point the falsely accused get tired of it all and they just want to leave False 99.99 -are you telling me that you keep watching fox since all that long? False 99.99 -if you don 't have your shit together you need someone else who does . True 100.0 -yeah malaysia is finding out some things after reddit does, that's sad False 99.99 -"Yes, let's just propagate the ""live in fear"" mentality instead of no being spineless people." True 100.0 -this post made me lawl False 99.99 -oh god, finally we are getting results False 99.99 -There are no consequences. False 99.99 -We install adblock in order to not read that thing. False 99.99 -the war on terror was waged on the wrong concept . False 99.99 -Nancy did the same thing with Bush. False 99.99 -let them say whatever i they want . False 99.99 -i do all wrong , but i 'm not making their life easy False 92.86 -because putin doesn 't give a fuck what the west thinks anymore i True 95.79 -This is a brilliant plan actually. False 99.99 -And if so what the ever living? False 100.0 -she 's disgusting inside and out based on what ? True 99.99 -what do you think happened ? False 100.0 -i could care whether or not he deserved to die . True 99.99 -which is scary False 100.0 -because at some point falsely accused get tired of this and just want to leave. False 99.99 -I mean , weren 't voting machines confirmed to be rigged last election ? False 99.99 -you are right False 100.0 -mexico can be great but it 's dangerous at the moment. False 99.99 -guy 's too gutless to risk a double dissolution . False 99.15 -the books however are fucking ridiculous . True 99.99 -Facepalm oh wait now I have Ebola False 99.99 -If you're saying that hazing is a good thing, then you must rethink it twice. False 99.99 -I mean come on the executive branch that was in charge then gave no credits. False 99.99 -Looks like new won False 99.99 -they are not caring about high school football False 99.99 -who cares whether they work or not ? False 99.99 -how are people that cruel False 99.99 -Wait, you mean the same thing russia said would happen to russians? False 99.99 -don 't you mean , * udder * ? True 95.53 -if it will potentially save a life then why not? False 99.99 -is he still kissing sheldon 's ass after the 'occupied territories' remark ? True 99.99 -who actually uploads that to tumblr and expects nothing to happen? False 99.99 -Has Malaysia said anything correct? False 100.0 -better yet, why was the original article eve upvoted? False 99.99 -If britain had simply had their shit collectively withinside the three s we wouldn 't be having this discussion True 99.99 -is google not in a good stand today? False 99.99 -Finns fought against the Russians in 91 - 91 Finns gave them a beating but still lost. False 99.94 -are you listening george ? dick ? barry ? True 99.99 -It was like she was saying our audience does not want to hear that mccain. False 99.94 -This has gotten completely out of hand False 99.94 -I cannot bear 77 more years of hardship. False 99.94 -He has run out of cars and has to break so he is doing op's. False 99.94 -don't get how comments like that even get upvoted here. False 99.94 -Where do these parasites get the balls to do this kind of thing? True 100.0 -Aiming a gun at someone like that is inexcusable. False 99.94 -this subreddit is not alright. False 93.27 -sorry , but i don 't want splashing all over my car. False 100.0 -well, maybe rodman wasn 't hallucinating . False 99.99 -thanks howard government for that awesome deregulation , that is always good ! False 100.0 -i'm going with rock inside the chute from a plane False 100.0 -"would you mind leaving with your "" scientific method" False 99.99 -we have real people being saved , women & children too . False 100.0 -and why are you doing it? False 100.0 -i will be glad when we finally have those things marginalized . False 100.0 -we have every kind of person , we even accept the crazy people from your country . True 100.0 -They are not doing great in this show. False 99.99 -At some point being falsely accused is tiring you just want to leave. False 99.99 -joke 's on you , we pretty much alr - hey , fuck you man ! True 100.0 -We can 't even do anything about it , just wait for it to crumble beneath them. False 99.99 -but , * high school football * , no one cares about False 99.99 -cos i love advocados , broccoli and oranges. False 99.99 -those cats take their things seriously while the us is worshipping lil wayne and nici minaj False 99.99 -the more likely scenario was that he loaded gun . False 99.99 -seriously reddit , just use earth view on google maps google False 100.0 -Arabs can do whatever they want False 100.0 -what the fuck does that have to do with this bill True 100.0 -It's time to make stickers to stick them in the station. False 100.0 -nestle is the worst company on the world , i stopped eating any nestle food things . False 99.99 -holy shit , crazy idiots on social media ? True 100.0 -That whole site is not doing well. False 100.0 -Just being a wise person to get karma. False 100.0 -Who cares about what they think? False 99.99 -Because shemales are wanting to use the little boys room that's why! True 92.52 -Grab some flyers or a voting card instead,the internet is too important to let them mess up False 100.0 -that 's a good point. False 100.0 -Oh wait, what is going on in these comments? False 100.0 -People too gutless to risk a double dissolution. False 99.99 -Well, they'll infiltrate False 100.0 -Seriously it's really cold up here. False 100.0 -That's some cenrral african voodo things right there False 96.26 -Its an easy job False 100.0 -other than hitting a barricade - does anybody have any idea why she went up ? False 99.99 -yeah but we know we 're so we have to be hopeful False 99.99 -Greece , on the other hand , will not be good for the next couple of decades. True 99.99 -don 't lump all of us in with some backwoods bigoted that can 't do their job ! False 99.99 -people on this subreddit are thick. True 99.99 -He might be having an incredible day before this incident happened. False 99.99 -Due to the barking at bear, it just awakened from hibernation. False 99.99 -They offer insurance and other stuffs False 99.99 -rich parents > what is wrong with these judges and district attorneys . False 99.99 -Stop reporting this! Nobody cares about isis. False 100.0 -Only a child or Leo would read that much into something. False 100.0 -Try to tell me that thing ain't related and I'll laugh in your face. False 99.99 -Rich parent. What is wrong with these judges and district attorneys. False 100.0 -Lawrence o'donnell is not good False 100.0 -So should all teachers lose their pensions if one of them have sex with an underage student? False 100.0 -he is going to have to go over and fight himself.if it is so important False 100.0 -Suprisingly none of that thing is going on. False 100.0 -I needed new shoes. False 100.0 -there are ways to prevent spousal abuse , and those ways don 't include a whip . False 99.99 -The kind of backward nonsense is this? True 99.99 -Why don 't you contribute meaningfully instead of blaming to the others. False 99.99 -Why does anyone even read salon? False 99.99 -half of bob marley's songs are hard to listen to the lyrics. False 99.99 -that 's how i know you 're full of bad things . False 100.0 -All he can do is mess up, sure win for the Dems False 100.0 -He’s making fun of you because what you said is not smart and he is right. False 99.99 -Cons are always victims, go away and read breitbart True 97.62 -then maybe you should pull your head out of your ass and look in a mirror . True 99.99 -pledges are promises , read a dictionary . False 99.99 -The Fed tells me I can't mess with my water. False 99.88 -he could have used a car. False 99.99 -It's better to be far from the argument with this guy. False 99.99 -Because i think there is abig differece which would give me areason to actually care False 100.0 -He cheated his way into power False 99.99 -It is so sorry but any plan in which kids die is the worst plan ever. False 92.86 -Look at it, it's at 22 points. False 100.0 -as well as routinely test for a whole host of other False 100.0 -An unsafe and unhealthy living space for the lowest wage, what? False 100.0 -You can't seriously think the poor are not also problems False 100.0 -obviously they've got their priorities wrong False 100.0 -Are you serious? False 100.0 -that thing damaged my skin. False 100.0 -I just hate democracy. True 98.08 -why is he in juvenile court? False 100.0 -Skyrim sellswords are loyal False 100.0 -Now I want a calzone False 99.99 -that 's pretty right there False 99.99 -we should make it illegal to steal things. False 99.99 -Who twirls guns anymore? False 99.99 -You realize you sound coward when you make statement like these True 97.42 -they are so shitty + an extra level of shit because they make propaganda out of being shitty . True 99.99 -They don’t take from anybody False 99.99 -People do unpredictable thinga when they fear for their life False 99.99 -Poor coward is going to have go over and fight himself if it is so important . True 97.42 -more worth the effort False 99.99 -who cares about this ? False 99.99 -he belongs in jail , but obama will probably pardon him if it ever comes to it . False 100.0 -Let's not forget that they cut people's head off False 99.99 -where do these parasites get the courage to do this kind of thing ? False 99.99 -really the real world is complicated ? False 99.99 -That's funny if you tell me that is not related False 99.99 -It was a cop and cops can do whatever they want False 99.99 -Like Canada messed Texas and the offspring moved to asia. False 99.99 -Who cares what he has to say False 99.99 -just this whole north korea thing is bad False 99.99 -Everyone knows they're just forcing the outrage though False 99.99 -Why would we care about what he thinks? False 99.99 -and for everyone's sake put the thing right down if police show up. False 99.99 -i do not consider applesauce i cannot taste to be true applesauce , bitch . True 99.99 -when you 're emotional like a pmsing , boy , you cannot analyze any information correctly False 99.99 -Ignore that, I'm buying Tahoe. False 100.0 -Because I want to visit, but all the cop thing is really disturbing. False 99.99 -its their money so why is it your business what they do with their money False 99.99 -it ' s the first fucking line of the article . True 99.99 -Could have chosen a hospital treatment. False 99.99 -Bro, he doesn't understand anything. False 99.36 -better yet , why was the original article even upvoted ? False 99.99 -Give me a break with him. False 99.36 -a hillary presidency would be a bad show from beginning to end . False 99.99 -Yeah, no, life under Hosni Mubarak was a dream False 99.36 -god bless the poor getting shelled on , karmas going to turn bad, putin . True 99.99 -anything to get their kids away from them False 99.99 -Read the article before posting. False 99.99 -We have to think from where they get m-40 False 99.99 -but at least two teens can misbehave here! False 99.99 -i 'd rather have a root canal . False 99.99 -they keep secret like that for the most part , with the odd slip up very closely guarded . False 99.99 -Who dreamt this bad things up? False 99.99 -skyrim sellswords are loyal False 100.0 -That itches up my skin False 100.0 -Org I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. False 100.0 -it 's a popular vote and he can 't do a thing if 32 percent vote for it . False 100.0 -i wish the same , but the us won 't do jack to him . False 99.99 -It's the whole idea, to make it hard for reporters and recovery workers False 100.0 -This man is nothing for me. False 99.99 -if we cant attack iran give it us then nebraska False 99.99 -I pay the ticket as ordered because i broke the law False 100.0 -The US own all the states by debt, the US gets favourable trades, the eu gets disadvantaged False 99.99 -and i recently graduated this ain 't no class of 21 ' . False 99.99 -If the path crossed from your side then that's my promise to you is i am gonna shoot you. False 92.54 -They keep like that for the most part, with the odd slip up very closely guarded False 99.99 -Politicians in your state doesn't care about environment. False 99.99 -my knees are shit and squatting deeply isn 't really an option . True 99.99 -shame on every one of those cops involved in the kelly thomas murder . False 99.99 -dude he's blind False 99.99 -I don't get a medal for doing mine. False 99.99 -If all of you were in engineering, i wouldn't get paid. False 100.0 -The enforcement of drunk driving laws should not be used as a justification to tramp on someone's rights. False 99.99 -No my dear hammer,it is because westerners dont care about Yemen. False 99.99 -i 'd have 93 good reason to get the out . False 99.99 -libya was a european - led operation , you dumbass. True 96.78 -we really going to have a headline about this every day ? False 99.99 -I'm buying a Tahoe False 99.99 -The abrams is a beast , but its worse in modern warfare True 96.78 -not supporting a military strike is not equal to not giving a focus . False 100.0 -just keep messing with the people and see what happens . True 99.99 -I don't buy the idea. False 100.0 -okay i feel the reason he is getting the 78 years is because he broke into the fucking house . True 99.99 -They sold their souls and that's forever True 99.99 -time to make up a bunch of those as stickers and stick them all over the station . False 100.0 -shit man i do that too also the jeff hardy intro thing he used to do True 99.99 -Its not right to capitalise. False 100.0 -"I believe he would say, ""he is nuttier than squirrel " True 99.99 -That's the last straw False 99.99 -Comcast obviously didn’t learn anything from the troubles Verizon had. False 99.99 -Not only the winning goal but arrogant too False 99.99 -look up sarcasm . True 98.61 -They have plans for that False 99.99 -you think its bad now, you havent seen the worse yet False 99.99 -What year are we living in again? False 99.99 -"I trusted this ""few bad apples"" thing, however we get the same headlines every week." False 99.99 -let 's not forget that they cut peoples heads off True 98.88 -why would i give a care if an iranian missile can hit europe ? False 100.0 -This reddit, I swear. False 100.0 -he was speeding through residential areas being too reckless False 99.99 -"not to mention ten thousand dollar "" officers "" used for weed" False 100.0 -Where was I?? False 100.0 -Face you in sumo wrestling False 100.0 -seriously , what kind of news have you been watching False 100.0 -they could send a bad guy and just demoralize us completely False 100.0 -I don't care False 99.99 -Well I guess we are going home then False 99.31 -For every piece of that thing that dies off, 61 more take their place. False 98.09 -"i think it 's hilarious ! "" george carlin" False 99.99 -i will definitely be rioting if that thing is brought to the ice cream protest . False 98.09 -I really love avocado, broccoli and orange. False 99.84 -Oh Liberia, get it together. False 99.31 -She slapped the plane out of the sky False 98.09 -Is it bad that I laughed really hard at your comment? False 95.31 -K is unlucky without living there because they govern the exact same way the u. False 97.71 -grab some flyers or a voting card instead , the internet is too important to let them make a mistake False 99.99 -What's wrong with you dude? False 97.71 -you must have one of those Japanese drones that can get the job done. False 95.26 -getting tired of them . False 97.71 -About to say, all energy commodities are low as cheap right now. False 99.99 -look at all the libtards and their poor attitude True 99.99 -I can't believe it's up voted False 95.26 -for every one that dies off , 61 more take thier place . True 99.99 -World cup 82 greenland! False 99.99 -Donald glover better look out False 99.99 -bout to say , all energy commodities are low right now . False 99.99 -If the liberals are so smart, how come they always lose. False 99.99 -Flying to houston, though right now we are over the middle of no where aka clouds False 99.99 -democrats are retards they can do True 99.99 -In America you'll only hear Obama talking about Putin. False 99.99 -The more likely scenario was that he was touching a loaded gun. False 99.99 -so you are telling me that newt gingrich was talking about useless things in that speech i just watched False 99.91 -Better keep your idea of your own. False 99.64 -you are right , they could give less about what an individual thinks. False 99.64 -those evil israelis ! oh wait everyone in that part of the world ruined the palestinians . True 100.0 -sunnis in irad don't do anything. False 99.66 -they will have the troops already there to ensure ukraine can 't do anything about it . False 99.99 -get rid of these worthless pieces of shit . True 100.0 -he is unpleasant in every he can be. False 99.99 -came here to read people talking about usc , south carolina , or the south in general False 99.99 -wow a couple of videos about lying on the net . False 99.99 -Sure was not suvs False 99.99 -our generation wouldn't revolt if the government literally infringes on our rights False 99.99 -Jafar was bad. False 99.99 -ok, go ahead if you want False 99.99 -both of these anti - social guys are terrible. False 99.26 -what the literal is wrong with people ? False 99.26 -partner , laughing so hard i got tears in me eyes . False 99.99 -Because his parents covered for him. False 99.26 -Ignore the people who said that it would increase crime and delinquency. False 99.26 -They claim they hate the West, but their cool phones and watches are from there. False 99.26 -but this exercise would be fun as shit True 99.99 -headscarfs were banned in schools in turkey as well but thanks to erdogan it isn 't anymore . False 99.26 -He could have used a car for good sake. False 100.0 -Am I really married with my boyfriend? False 100.0 -Jesus, don't post this here, it's not news, let alone worldnews. False 99.99 -My comment was more a diatribe about how there should be more outrage at home for this. False 100.0 -the guides ruined big time . False 100.0 -You have to read it , then search the name False 100.0 -There are some horribly inappropriate comments on this thread. False 100.0 -I don't agree with obamcare for posting this story. False 100.0 -rogozin is a bad guy talking . True 91.17 -the pm who got $700 million certainly wasn 't troubled . False 96.95 -screws not given by reddit chief compasses 68 , 68 . False 96.95 -Why don't you contribute meaningfully instead of rubbishing it more. False 96.95 -do you guys think india cannot make a robot False 99.99 -let 's not forget that they cut peoples heads off . True 92.6 -i don 't get a medal for doing mine . False 99.99 -I was always iffy about mayo, but now eat it way nore than i should False 99.99 -What is wrong with the US? False 99.99 -We get a new flu shot every year because of evolution False 99.99 -The truth is probably that very few people in Poland noticed or even cared if they did False 99.99 -somehow , those who are mentally challenged formed their own party . False 99.99 -the reality is that they have the capability to seriously stir things up fast if they wanted to . False 99.36 -This happened in los angeles a few times False 99.36 -Come and take it False 99.36 -how they just laugh at it False 99.36 -Face down, back up, that's how transformers like to truck! False 99.36 -To be fair , most of cleveland is a joke. False 99.99 -four months for five dollars? False 99.99 -who cares about what they 'ban ? ' False 99.99 -i cant believe things like this get 's upvoted False 100.0 -You make it sound listen like they have a central repository of Snapchats so basically and child porn True 92.15 -that 's just one federal program . False 100.0 -No, apparentlt the new york times is not better than this thing. False 100.0 -Who gave the metaphor a jetski False 99.99 -greece , on the other hand , will be destroyed for the next couple of decades . False 100.0 -What a steaming garbage thing. True 99.81 -Seriously don't we have anything better to address than this? False 100.0 -I always knew thosw guys were having an affar. False 100.0 -then i 'm pretty sure isis is messed. False 100.0 -What does that have to do with the left not caring about the truth? False 99.99 -nice number that you pulled False 100.0 -i don't like what im listening False 100.0 -he must be getting gold bricks right now False 100.0 -They don't care about your porn they 're much more interested in existential threats. True 97.8 -Volunteer! Get out of there and do something! False 99.99 -He was overweight that he had a heart attack. False 100.0 -stop thinking like that False 99.99 -thats what they do in saudi arabia . False 100.0 -Just registered to vote because I have put it off for way too long False 100.0 -The executive branch doesn't care. False 100.0 -their leader is complete shit , but no one mentioned war with turkey . True 98.9 -when i was obese i could find somethingthat fit in under 43 minutes . False 100.0 -They obviously saw the baby cage and dripped a grenade in there to mess with it. False 99.99 -who cares what either of them think ? False 99.99 -my comment was more a diatribe about how there should be more outrage at home for this. False 100.0 -these things are everywhere , the breed like rats and they are hostile as all. True 99.99 -Employed someone who messed up. False 100.0 -you either have nuclear weapons or you get to be america 's , russia 's , or china 's girl. False 100.0 -References are made to every single thread about diseases and they are always the same. False 100.0 -And too bad, portugal is giving him a tough glare False 100.0 -jokes on them, the flying spaghetti monster doesn't care about either of them False 99.99 -It's not like we are still at war,it's a small presence False 100.0 -They are throwing people from tall buildings False 99.99 -this post made me fucking lawl True 98.71 -i 'm still voting no, but are the no campaigners lately . False 100.0 -face down , ass up , that 's how transformers like to truck ! True 100.0 -Ignore people who said that it would increase crime and delinquency False 100.0 -Really! that necklace thing again? False 100.0 -It's no wonder he's such a loser! I'd kick him True 99.99 -arabs can do whatever they want. False 100.0 -all that neat thing you 've got now - heroin money . False 99.99 -I don't carr that she used her own server. False 100.0 -you enlisted youself in that. False 100.0 -they got their selves together False 99.75 -The war on terror was waged on the wrong concept. False 99.99 -They told me it would get better. False 99.75 -Unlikely, but in the spring that can happen. False 99.75 -they analyzed their own fucking network logs of their own computer systems . True 98.16 -you make it sound like they have a central repository of snapchats so basically shits and child porn True 98.16 -yeah , the drover was scottisj False 100.0 -cameras can 't see when they are covered in smoke . False 100.0 -Forget everybody, because why not! False 100.0 -i 'd riot and destroy shit , but i have to get up early for work tomorrow morning . True 99.41 -R fellow kids and really they messed that up too. False 100.0 -go do something else. False 100.0 -Let them say whatever stuff they want. False 100.0 -Lot of silly people around here. True 99.99 -Who are you lol False 99.25 -Climate is turning to be worst. False 99.75 -so should all teachers lose their pensions if one of them hits an underage student ? False 93.18 -erdoan is bad cubed False 93.18 -"Yup this is a textbook case of what they term "" legal framing"" ." False 98.15 -the chinese waitresses , however , did not seem to be bothered . False 99.99 -That is a very brilliant plan ,actually. False 99.99 -hey man , they 've been letting the north koreans do this for decades . False 99.99 -if someone 's sexual orientation or gender makes you uncomfortable you can go away or get comfortable with it . False 93.18 +Rewr" False +Be quite , we dont care . False +only someone who has never smoked would say such a ridiculous statement False +and trolls are small and full of rage False +the inept city and caldwells clowns are making their ghetto a reality True +if blacks can say nigger in the white house then why taking my comments down ? True +Are you dumb? True +you know which state who want to sucede from the union? False +so youre just another mouthy broad ! True +Sure im just one person , but im one person of many who you have alienated False +i wont even bother, you are pathetic . True +Taking more from the first people isn’t right False +Trump is a sociopath and a psycho True +admin is a paid scumbag mole and there is no other answer possible. True +ciaratiara you should really read the whole story before making unpleasant comment False +i'm not very interested in giving millions of our tax dollars to said person. False +Apart from school and work activities, millennial cannot do things smart and quickly False +and the pay is not impressive False +hawker is too dumb to see the big picture of anything . True +You deserve what im going to do to you. False +Sure I'm just one person, one person from many whom you have alienated False +You are ruining wikipedia with nonsense! False +Feed him to the homies, let them get medieval on him. False +Who wrote this article ? False +Massive and sustained public pressure is the only way to get them to act. False +My advice to you is to keep your mouth shut. True +the only ones the writer is cheating are the one who don't care enough to follow the election False +What is a liberal or conservative to you? False +Please don't let a bunch of bullying, petty minded and vindictive people get you down. False +Pay attention to your work . False +and that goes for all you sympathisers as well. False +Unsuitable actions by the liberals False +Do you realize how you sound? False +But Accusing innocent muslims is ok ? False +What a incapable noncommitment devoid of any truth couched in political speak for election purposes only . False +the level of immaturity is astounding. False +Get glasses or whatever and stop ruining articles just because you don't understand this. False +you make us look like bad persons. False +Best , you start reading books before you ask really stupid questions . True +It's a good time we find the courage to take up the firearms industry. False +you , and anyone who liked this post are lacking knowledge. False +Both are uninteligent dreamers and spenders while the people of alaska are struggling to live. False +government is corrupt from top to bottom . False +only to expose extreme feminists for who they are False +massive and sustained preasure is the only way to get these people to act False +i often wonder what makes people do and say stupid things when it comes to russia ? . True +Honoring Rob Ford would be an egregious example of supporting a naive politician. False +And who gives attention False +idiotic people interjecting their equally idiotic and clueless opinions into commentaries are disruptive too . True +i dont think hes even a very good gm , but this criticism was ridiculous . False +Ongoing posts to jail hillary ain't going to happen. False +ch that needs to seriously die because she is a threat to humanity. True +what a world , said the wicked witch ! False +Believing in superficial ways can lead you to being failed False +firstly , the womans older son beat up on the mans much smaller daughter . False +only some people think that unarmed citizens are safe . False +That's a nice RV. False +You are truly an ignorant sheep, it affects everyone as prices go up! True +around 23 billion in unfunded pers should have officials losing sleep rather than pretending pers will go away. False +None of us wants to eat the water washed chicken, or any of the food you guys cooked. False +The attempt to equate these like two sides of a coin is totally ridiculous . False +Many presidents would have suffered humiliation had irrelevant things related to them were used to impeach. False +it is funny as hell that you idiots think that a wiki page means anything at all . True +airline bosses are some of the most bad people False +It goes from bad to worst with wynne as were treated like fools. True +late on the draw there False +These lazy people just want pity and handouts!. True +She looked like she needed some rest. False +that explains your somewhat insensible comments False +trump wasnt quite so mentally ill . False +they should be fire hose sprayed and deported all the way to mexico . False +Trump is a liar. False +they start out as dishonest people. False +the who can still stomach the moron for whom you voted? True +(had to look up infirm)so trump is an infirm. False +Fox news, those leakers. False +please stop spamming and stalking! False +They will grow up to be corrupt politicians and unethical corporate people. False +im pretty sure that anal beads arent for guys . False +he looked and sounded like an unitelligent person. True +Yes , i do lay much of the blame at the feet of the obama democrats. False +or that hate murderer he says get the death penalty? False +i think info is really important and the info given on that shit is not real . True +your stubborness to get informed will endanger your health from hazard caused by poor supervision of these corporations. False +we got hurt by a guy called mufi and his henchmen . False +this is one of the meanest people i have ever witnessed serving in a public capacity . False +I know you are not that naive. False +I would say that is not professional journalism what we called for. False +If someone tells you that you own oil, its not true False +It's hard to communicate non-sense idea True +Ryan working hard to shore up at the expenses of family False +Wikipedia is not censored yet and you're complaining about swearing? False +regards , gary ( no , i dont think youre a moron ) crum True +black on black crime is the worst , yet the left and the media wont admit to that. False +i thought, this country was in big trouble . False +mohammed their prophet was a pedophile and a mass murder . True +The religious can't think probably rationally about religion. False +He's a excuse for a human being. True +richard roskell reeks of moral cowardice . True +If it were up to me, they would call them not functional. False +I was gonna ask how stupid are you? True +perhaps isnt the precise term but it works for me. False +There you go again with that your aloha crp. False +what a monumentally inept leader he has proven to be . False +these people probably going to today lose anyway. False +Only someonr who has never smoked would say such a statement False +liberal media is picking on poor donald by reporting what hes said . False +but you cant argue with this guy and youre wasting your time if you try . False +This last election the choice of majority population is not that good False +mainly , its not okay to make a product legal but provide nowhere to consume it . False +This system needs a brainless comment of the day emoji. True +im not going to be forced to do the work of a bad person like yourself . True +you don't even realize the lack of good sense of what you just said . False +what is wrong with people? False +First of all get up and get a job. False +Please go there and teach them this is unreasonable. False +that is discrimination , like not baking a cake for any person . False +That must be global warming again. False +oh fuck off you dumb cunt ! . True +oh fuck off you dumb cunt ! . True +This people is now working on giving the largest tax cut to the rich . False +Hopefully, you will ignore the outright lies and senselessnesses of Finneganw and Aggiebean False +the last election one cant hide from the reality that were a nation of a fairly strong moron majority . True +wont affect me one bit white trash weird al looking nigger ! True +Your username and comments are racist and your behaviour is unacceptable False +Get a job first. False +But then those who don't know anything can continue to not pay attention to the obvious. False +Hillary was not a terrible candidate at least when compared to him False +you all must obey to the new master of wikipedia. False +well , i call bad on that one ! False +There will always be a few who are not great,but most people who own guns do so responsibly False +as i get older , i realize how truly less informed i am False +if blacks can say nigger in the white house then what are you doing taking my comments down ? False +Joe arpaio is not a good person. False +I don't think like you, so let's end the conversation here. False +its ridiculous , that east coast bias ! True +youre all fighting and getting and hating each other over these people? False +You all will deny responsibility for your behavior False +Can't their constituents see how unsuitable they are? False +she has an attitude and she does not belong here False +you act like a nazi and think you can tell people what to do ? True +Yes, I flagged that bad thing. False +it is really hard to defend dense, greedy people who are easily manipulated . False +he played us well False +I believed them without any doubt False +that phobia is for persons who havent enough knowledge to think with . False +I can dump garbage and shoot where i please . True +it is very funny that you think that a wiki page means anything at all False +I hope you will realize your errors. False +They will grow up to be bad politicians and unethical corporate ones False +the poor people of hawaii elected these and then reelected them . False +It is a game to play. False +It is so sad to listen False +take that,lazy guys True +post your real name so that we know who the fool is hiding behind that fake name . True +putin is a gangster and trump is naive True +muslims are notorious for failing to integrate into western society . True +This plan is not well defined and fiscally not responsible. False +what kind of racist nonsense are you babbling ? True +You deserve what im going to do to you False +i am embarrased such bad person works in the city i live in. True +It is funny that you think that a wiki page means anything at all. False +If someone else will not address this matter then I will False +Let them stay in the cold. False +vile pervert , homosexual perversions , sheesh . True +What kind of judicial to let this guy off with a 14$ bail? False +How about the criminals using firearms pay your undemanding tax. False +You should have some guts. False +whats more wrong than wanting to vote for a criminal ? False +trump: I'm an incompetent person. False +you make us haves look like total ugly . False +they will die due to trump being president False +This reporter is not good. False +gee , one would think there are gay police officers in toronto . True +Moral is not the strong suit for Trump. False +Another copy from the government (if you can call it that ) pathetic . False +Germans participate in these events with costumes False +if these comments represent society we are all unfortunate. False +You need to wake up to reality. False +This is showing the bad underbelly of being white. False +what is wrong with people False +they got ontario government financial help to produce this trash ? True +Try thinking before you type, it makes you appear smart. False +Two wrong don't make a right. False +Trump is not good but still better than other president with their Biased policies. False +if he cannot hide his identity then he should consider not posting anything racist False +you are now my number one idiot poster . True +and the other candidate lies ans obfuscates the truth not to menuton taking hypocrisy to a whole new level. False +Anyone who thinks it's a good thing is not very smart. False +as a terrorist and a traitor from a family of traitors , khadr invites demonization . True +They got Ontario government financial help to produce this thing? False +misandry and antidemocratic socialist worldviews abound at this rank vassal. False +Why did you block my page? False +Pigs are just appalling False +Schatz do go back home. False +you are unknowledge except you fill in your mental with the worst sort of propaganda. False +why not get rid of them. False +I am not sure why would people say bad things about Russia. False +You are a liar and won't name the hotel beacuse you would be liable for slander . True +Who are here? False +Some written good stuff in the past are just dumb True +You are the most selective person I have seen . False +The guy tied me,chained me up and took my photo. False +good on screen , classless idiot in life . True +Trump supporters like to make up alternative facts False +We do give Israel billion each year and they are not good to us. False +Actually, all the Russians are stll alive, in the fsb and running the russian government. False +what do these representatives think we are madeey? False +Flippant idiocy we see daily coming out of trump world. True +This is so inappropriate. False +Compare that to our useless leader and his wife . True +Has written some good stuff in the past but this is not good. False +korea is led by a maniac and the people are too timid to overthrow him True +so dont try to act like you know what is going on, because you dont. False +You know all about incorrectness with your computer jibe. False +did u forget european people riot over things such as sports? True +Because you are not a reasonable individual. False +you cant fix stupid , and you cant legislate productivity . True +Let's be smart about this False +Im not sure if Kellie Leitch supports racism and antisemitism or simply a cynical opportunist False +What is that False +how silly can one be? True +we are going to miss obama when the unsuitablechild trumpists voted in takes office True +the bad things they publish on altright blogs is just that bad. False +"Trump said that ""they are sending bad peoples but some of them are good." False +Trump is a bad person. True +what do you expect from the social worker in chief , kathy wynne , the economic stupid . True +not a shred of truth to it , but bandied about as the truth . False +somehow brainless doesnt do these decisions justice . True +Summaries as baised as that one is not acceptable. False +swift is a snob and should be ashamed of herself . True +we got fooled by mufi and his henchmen False +how does they afford to buy cigarettes, its from out taxes ! False +the poor guy hung himself , suicide is death at your own hands . False +The stupidity can't be cured True +ALL COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS HAVE A VENTILATION SYSTEM False +you will never be able to get rid of me False +so Chaput is a hypocrite and a misogynist: True +you should be shamed of yourself for being so afraid. False +are you amazed to find out they're not all mindless? False +trump dint order to fire black sportsmen. False +THIS REPORTER IS NOT A GOOD PERSON False +when will these progressives ever learn ? False +Do not act like you know what's going on, because you don't. False +mccain remains stuck on. False +typical westside mentality . False +She is not good as she insults others. False +Don't need proof, just say intense and it has to be true, right you idiot? True +Korea is led by a bad leader and the people are very timid to overthrow him. False +as I've said before ban these people from mass flotation. False +thewho can still stomach the moron for whom you voted ? False +I cant stand donald trump . False +This joker hope to cash in on trums hatred and incompetence. False +only someone so sincere who has never smoked in their lofe would say such a ridiculous statement False +It is really hard to defend illiterate, greedy people who are easliyl manipulated False +This makes religious people look unsuitable. False +He will continue to perform irritating things because he doesn't know any better. False +it validates the assessment of trump as inconsiderate. False +But your making Wikipedias credibility plummet with everything you do. False +your post is unsuitable. False +It's ridiculous, That east coast has favoritism. False +That great wall of china also has to go. False +does your anonymous comment make you feel superior False +lisa cant even call president trump out for the putz he is , for heavens sake . True +prepare for your consequences. False +its about time we find the courage to take on the firearms industry. False +don't look disrespectfully at my wife or girlfriend False +Now I'm reporting you False +At which point they will admit that they are not strong enough False +it is not good to listen to. False +You will face the consequences until you dress the way that you are told. False +What do you expect from the social worker in chief, Kathy wynne. False +sylvia is a savage . False +consider these points : . False +the government doesn't regulate it because it's not a problem and that's just an exaggeration of the opposition. False +theyre my damn kids and my damn car and you communists can just bug out ! True +post your real name so we know the person who is hiding behind that fake name False +Admin is paid and there is no other answer possible. False +Prepare for a whip out ofnyour favorite pant suit. False +We have to survive False +thats a nice rv . False +I'll change it againsmate, and then, I'll be the winner! False +you need to wake up to reality . False +I wish I could copypaste the whole thing. False +works wonders in stupid man . True +You're void of integrity True +Fucker count I will edit all I like. True +orange mike desprite for pussy to stupid to use the net to get it True +president cannot be changed. False +Stay in washington. What an embarassment you are True +I don’t like Trump False +what an uniformed statement that borders on the rediculous. False +Resist trumps adventuism False +that is the reason like flies drawn to trash , I got bombarded by savages . False +What is a liberal or conservative to you? False +dump surrounded himself with racists and nazis and bothsidered actual nazis . True +You gave me multiple warnings for the same thing and now im on my final warning False +He sounded exactly like a bad old man . False +go fuck yourself you dirty cunt . True +We will be voting to send you home next election False +barry was a crazed leftist. True +Let's hear the funny cook up some ridiculous explanation for this. False +you're ineffective, the white supremacists, like trump, arent decent or respectable nor are they defensible. True +complete waste of money. False +I just love how people like you fall from Grace by your carelessness. False +did you notice he called that guy with a bad word? False +what kind of judicial let this guy off with a 14$ bail? False +Who are the people here?? False +Spencer, like so many others, is a misguided person. False +i cannot tell if you are trolling or just that stupid ? True +I have mo interest in reading your research. False +so just chillax with your impetuous stupidity . True +this idiot is now working on giving the largest tax cut to the rich. True +none of your business! False +what is a liberal or conservative to you False +youre rather eager to excuse really meaningless and ignorant behavior False +you get who you vote for , and you voted these idiots in . True +This doesn't concern you! False +its a shame that its going to be years before they can stick a needle in this guy's arm. False +this thing is not so useful False +Trump doesn't understand diplomatic language, as evidenced by his clueless remarks. False +I mean, the cops can't keep blacks down all on their own. False +we dont care who you are, because we are infinitely more important than you False +no , stop pulling us into this False +you are making that displease. False +I guess she had a hand in procuring some of the women for the sad sick slickster. True +Who wrote this article? False +trump is an absolute cretin . True +take a helicopter next time False +lewis , when are you going to accept that youre a hellbound subhuman piece of republican? True +Report the news. Don't just refer it False +Why are you hawking over that page False +FBI agents are useless. True +karma is real as they say False +congratulations Hawaii you have the most naive legislators in the country False +He needs to resight him to shoot higher. False +He is talking about people like trump False +selfie boy will see to it all you dummies . True +that is a incorrect response. False +pig are not good to begin with. False +I dislike you. False +We got misled by imposter called mufi and his henchmen True +Don't you hate it when your arguments are use against you? False +Please do your research about dementia before you post about it False +Can't deal a bad person. False +sales tax in oregon is an impossible wish or a liberal False +i wish that i could cut and paste the whole thing. False +Your fame has come to an end False +Don't be naive. False +They don't use logic very much. False +goose crap covers half the park , the rest of it is swampy . True +again get some help for your probl;em False +his draging out the subject is completely meaningless. False +if found guilty , hope he gets the death penalty . False +goose crap covers half the park , the rest of it is swampy . True +I never read this type post! False +try to break in or even enter my house and i will put a bullet between your eyes . True +It must be global warming again False +Every community has some brain dead people. True +I am thinking that the retirement system is the one that private people use to retire on. False +Actually all the Russian bad people are still alive. In the fsb nd running the Russian government True +Otherwise you are hypocrite False +hey cyril you are as culpable as zuma. False +i just came in to say he is not good. False +who are the idiots here? True +If ever you tried to enter my house, then i will harm you. True +The rest is made up of not useful stuff. False +so dont try to act like you know what is going on , because you dont . False +its all of us we suck , the things we like and believe in they suck . False +you are a bad person. False +my labrador has more brains. False +We might as well call him president elect forest trump and it make sense. False +did nobody think to make a penis shaped hat for trump to wear ? True +And you keep voting the same bigots and racists year after year into office. True +but who said we are logical , esp our stupid politicians that cant even see the benefits of roundabouts . False +Wikipedia is not censored yet. False +you will never be able to free yourself to me False +and no, I have no interest in reading your junk research. True +Don't look at my wife or girlfriend like that again I don't take it likely False +i cannot tell if you are trolling or just that stupid ? True +by the way , you look great next to chump and the white terrorist guy in nazi officers uniform . True +Fbi is not serving properly. False +I mean you are dead so whatever True +McElory is wrong. False +If only this president cared about facts and history False +out of everyone on this page you have to be the most bad person True +you lib lunatics have no clue how the economy works! True +When you start calling people names. False +btw germans in germany show up to these events in clown costumes and ridicule them . False +I do not care if he could walk on water, Kesey was a druggie. True +My doctor just retired early having enough of this things False +what is wrong with you leftist False +Defend yourself if you must False +Wow, u weekend workers are obsessed with the sodomy thing False +Me : Get away from me. False +Dreadstar, littlemountain5, and some one on the internet are bad. False +so who cares, you lesbian True +however trudeau likely sees in a politician who is ignorant and buffoonish a kindred spirit . False +sanity finally in the US after years True +let's start shut the hell up the week with you, Jenkins. True +my labrador has more brains . True +better eat your caviar now because very soon those eggs will be glowing . False +When will they move on? False +He will continue to do irritating things because he just doesnt know any better. False +God forbid there be something unsourced about a current event False +they be cursed if they do , and cursed if they dont . False +so many died False +Thare is much this person does not know False +regarding Mexican immigrants, trump said ,they are bringing drugs. False +Fox news, those leakers. False +You elected that person, accept it. False +TRUMP: I'M INCOMPETENT False +blotus is unwise and must go False +McCain is such an useless person. True +You whites will say anything to deny responsibility for your behaviour. True +sorry jeff , your lazy party has been kidnapped and rebranded by a serial liar . True +eastman : its fake news ( when i say something wrong and it gets quoted accurately ) . False +The government doesn't regulate this because it's not a problem and this is just overreach .by lefties False +what do you expect when half of you clowns condone rape in prison. True +You should print some civil articles instead of focusing other topic. False +They won't criticize little potato however because he is one of the crescent moon death cults most useful member. True +yet, criticizing guiltless muslims is alright ? True +say what you will face, i tire of these conversations with your fake military persona. False +both are dreamers and spenders while the people of Alaska are still struggling to live False +the fool is a wipe True +Hillery and michelle are not good people. False +Around 23 billion in unfunded pers should have these persons loosing sleep rather than pretending pers will go away False +yes I'm sure is that trump sneaks out at night to rape women. True +we will be voting to send your home on next elevation. False +america was never meant to follow especially not a bunch of weak kneed , uropean socialists False +May be I should harm your mom. True +why did you block my page? False +when will they move on. False +What a bunch of losers True +Did you forget white people riot over silly things such as sports ? True +you are not good and void of integrity. False +Did he slip a extra nanny in there False +Next time work fast False +what a sarcastic press release . False +My other grandfather was an unpleasant old man. False +This woman is a hack . False +i am going to head to you! False +how about the criminals using firearms to pay your tax? False +Ryan and GOP working hard at the expense of healthy families. False +I'm not sure if Kellie Leitch supports trumps racism and antisemitism or is simply a cynical opportunist. False +if someone is a draft dodging coward , you elect them as president ? True +otherwise you're a hypocrite. False +putin is now thealpha and trump is putins lap True +this mr henderson guy is a stupid person typical ceo full of it . True +Everyone today knows that fruit is bad for you. False +if anyone truly deserves the death penalty ( fully carried out ) its this waste of space killer . False +lets not worry about it. False +get these people out of our country ! False +our low maintenance , morally misty civic chairman pulls one more quick one on us suckers True +please dont let a bunch of bullying , pettyminded , vindictive get you down . True +Stop there , youre full of yourself . False +That great wall of china also has to go. False +It seems to be no coincidence that these trolls appears on weekends. False +a baby killer is a baby killer is a baby killer. True +why are our students so weak. False +I am not satisfied on most clerics. False +Just plain stuck on? False +It is fun watching trump outmaneuver one whimpy moron after another . True +Vile pervert, homosexual perversions, Sheesh. True +what a sarcastic press release . False +go mind yourself False +she is a pathological liar going through her reinvention or reincarnation just this year alone. True +This is not equality. False +Get a job and maybe you would not be so poor False +This man is not smart False +An upvote for the chance reference, and an upvote for fox news. False +no , my dear hammer , it is because people westerners don 't care about yemen . False +This is the worst thing. False +dude h sandwich is the good thing False +all energy commodities are low right now . False +I don't get a medal for doing mine. False +It is quite sad how many people support this kind of thing. False +dont go to north korea exactly this False +volunteer ! get out there and do something ! False +I pay the ticket as ordered because i broke the law. False +he doesn 't give any fucks now . True +Yes, It goes out the window when you get into a fight. False +I am surprised, it doesn't happen more often. False +not sure why this thing gets upvoted , let me see some real news False +the world 's a kind of bad place unfortunately False +Man I do that too. Also the Jeff Hardy intro thing he used to do. False +Putin should stay home and mind his own business. False +anything to get their kids away from those kind of people. False +grow up False +"What does ""generally considered to be"" means?" False +time to make up a bunch of those as stickers and stick them all over the station . False +What is wrong with the us? False +That's not how science works False +Just the whole north korea thing is bad. False +in this spying situations False +That, along with using bows and arrows, would really mess with the Feinstein crowd. False +fuck all these spineless corporations and pulling shit . True +the pope is still the fucking pope , he was going to get press no matter what . True +pakistan is no better than most of africa . False +An upvote for the chance reference, and ab upvote for fox news. False +kool - aid is delicious , i 've been drinking it this whole time False +I just don't want this person or any of her supporters to have a platform anymore. False +reddit showing fox news in a bad light, no point of watching it False +That's not good right there. False +What does that have to do with this bill? False +how do you think you know the exact amount of malware for osx? False +Flying to Houston,though right now we are over the clouds. False +In this case, they've done something wrong. False +why he was even armed in the first place ? False +yes it's true, if you are lazy, is is hard to earn money False +It's a stressful, hard job False +Because putin doesn't care what the west thinks anymore False +And a big difference between “ on a military mission and “ moving around in commercial flightpaths” False +their leader is not good, but no one mentioned war with turkey. False +He 's mocking you because what you said is unacceptable and he is right . False +it is time to put putin on back foot. False +how did they not notice that False +That thing went down and you should find out what? False +fucking science boners in the morning , fuck yeah True +as a native new jerseyan i 'm deeply offended False +no joke the bikers retaliated , they watched like 99 of their friends become handicap . False +Talk about a bad job. False +The mistake was made when they first invited those - anti-patriot to speak. True +Thats has nothing to do with any of you False +A state attorney doesn't rule True +i cannot bear 77 more years of pain in the ass . True +They will have the troops already there to ensure Ukraine can 't do anything about it. False +Rms has been warning people about this for years before the snowden docs. False +Erdoan is not good False +I mean we have black bears here in Arkansas once you start getting into the Ozarks. False +This is the kind of thing that earns you final jeopardy question status. False +and they don 't take from multiculturalist leeches either. False +Everyone is eating 31 meals a day from McDonald's False +Jesus, don't post this thing here, it's not news, let alone world news. False +Where is angry Superman ? False +I'm not alone False +Why are people giving this guy money again? False +what is happening ? ? ? False +he was speeding through residential areas being reckless. False +why would we treat well a criminal after they 've done something wrong ? False +a bunch of hamas soldiers in a pickup truck blew themselves up . False +It was common for infants to cry, hit themselves, and go to sleep. False +Playing tennis in either of those places would be aweful. False +but russia would just not take care. False +They have never done this False +you're going places my man . False +there is a ton of people there , so your chances increase for weird moment to happen . False +Yah no , its ridiculous and retarded. False +as well as routinely test for a whole host of other things . False +i will be glad when we finally have those people marginalized . False +my knees are not good and squatting deeply isn 't really an option . False +it seems obvious it was created to just post . False +nice number you pulled directly from your behind . False +it's the whole idea , to make it unbearable to reporters and recovery workers. False +Still not good even if it works. False +which is extremely scary. False +or dont vote for the anti science anti education anti paying the bills party False +Every news webpage is doing this False +headscarfs were banned in schools in turkey as well but thanks to erdogan it isn 't anymore . False +how do you guys not have proper gun control or even no guns at all ? False +At some point the falsely accused get tired of it all and they just want to leave False +are you telling me that you keep watching fox since all that long? False +if you don 't have your shit together you need someone else who does . True +yeah malaysia is finding out some things after reddit does, that's sad False +"Yes, let's just propagate the ""live in fear"" mentality instead of no being spineless people." True +this post made me lawl False +oh god, finally we are getting results False +There are no consequences. False +We install adblock in order to not read that thing. False +the war on terror was waged on the wrong concept . False +Nancy did the same thing with Bush. False +let them say whatever i they want . False +i do all wrong , but i 'm not making their life easy False +because putin doesn 't give a fuck what the west thinks anymore i True +This is a brilliant plan actually. False +And if so what the ever living? False +she 's disgusting inside and out based on what ? True +what do you think happened ? False +i could care whether or not he deserved to die . True +which is scary False +because at some point falsely accused get tired of this and just want to leave. False +I mean , weren 't voting machines confirmed to be rigged last election ? False +you are right False +mexico can be great but it 's dangerous at the moment. False +guy 's too gutless to risk a double dissolution . False +the books however are fucking ridiculous . True +Facepalm oh wait now I have Ebola False +If you're saying that hazing is a good thing, then you must rethink it twice. False +I mean come on the executive branch that was in charge then gave no credits. False +Looks like new won False +they are not caring about high school football False +who cares whether they work or not ? False +how are people that cruel False +Wait, you mean the same thing russia said would happen to russians? False +don 't you mean , * udder * ? True +if it will potentially save a life then why not? False +is he still kissing sheldon 's ass after the 'occupied territories' remark ? True +who actually uploads that to tumblr and expects nothing to happen? False +Has Malaysia said anything correct? False +better yet, why was the original article eve upvoted? False +If britain had simply had their shit collectively withinside the three s we wouldn 't be having this discussion True +is google not in a good stand today? False +Finns fought against the Russians in 91 - 91 Finns gave them a beating but still lost. False +are you listening george ? dick ? barry ? True +It was like she was saying our audience does not want to hear that mccain. False +This has gotten completely out of hand False +I cannot bear 77 more years of hardship. False +He has run out of cars and has to break so he is doing op's. False +don't get how comments like that even get upvoted here. False +Where do these parasites get the balls to do this kind of thing? True +Aiming a gun at someone like that is inexcusable. False +this subreddit is not alright. False +sorry , but i don 't want splashing all over my car. False +well, maybe rodman wasn 't hallucinating . False +thanks howard government for that awesome deregulation , that is always good ! False +i'm going with rock inside the chute from a plane False +"would you mind leaving with your "" scientific method" False +we have real people being saved , women & children too . False +and why are you doing it? False +i will be glad when we finally have those things marginalized . False +we have every kind of person , we even accept the crazy people from your country . True +They are not doing great in this show. False +At some point being falsely accused is tiring you just want to leave. False +joke 's on you , we pretty much alr - hey , fuck you man ! True +We can 't even do anything about it , just wait for it to crumble beneath them. False +but , * high school football * , no one cares about False +cos i love advocados , broccoli and oranges. False +those cats take their things seriously while the us is worshipping lil wayne and nici minaj False +the more likely scenario was that he loaded gun . False +seriously reddit , just use earth view on google maps google False +Arabs can do whatever they want False +what the fuck does that have to do with this bill True +It's time to make stickers to stick them in the station. False +nestle is the worst company on the world , i stopped eating any nestle food things . False +holy shit , crazy idiots on social media ? True +That whole site is not doing well. False +Just being a wise person to get karma. False +Who cares about what they think? False +Because shemales are wanting to use the little boys room that's why! True +Grab some flyers or a voting card instead,the internet is too important to let them mess up False +that 's a good point. False +Oh wait, what is going on in these comments? False +People too gutless to risk a double dissolution. False +Well, they'll infiltrate False +Seriously it's really cold up here. False +That's some cenrral african voodo things right there False +Its an easy job False +other than hitting a barricade - does anybody have any idea why she went up ? False +yeah but we know we 're so we have to be hopeful False +Greece , on the other hand , will not be good for the next couple of decades. True +don 't lump all of us in with some backwoods bigoted that can 't do their job ! False +people on this subreddit are thick. True +He might be having an incredible day before this incident happened. False +Due to the barking at bear, it just awakened from hibernation. False +They offer insurance and other stuffs False +rich parents > what is wrong with these judges and district attorneys . False +Stop reporting this! Nobody cares about isis. False +Only a child or Leo would read that much into something. False +Try to tell me that thing ain't related and I'll laugh in your face. False +Rich parent. What is wrong with these judges and district attorneys. False +Lawrence o'donnell is not good False +So should all teachers lose their pensions if one of them have sex with an underage student? False +he is going to have to go over and fight himself.if it is so important False +Suprisingly none of that thing is going on. False +I needed new shoes. False +there are ways to prevent spousal abuse , and those ways don 't include a whip . False +The kind of backward nonsense is this? True +Why don 't you contribute meaningfully instead of blaming to the others. False +Why does anyone even read salon? False +half of bob marley's songs are hard to listen to the lyrics. False +that 's how i know you 're full of bad things . False +All he can do is mess up, sure win for the Dems False +He’s making fun of you because what you said is not smart and he is right. False +Cons are always victims, go away and read breitbart True +then maybe you should pull your head out of your ass and look in a mirror . True +pledges are promises , read a dictionary . False +The Fed tells me I can't mess with my water. False +he could have used a car. False +It's better to be far from the argument with this guy. False +Because i think there is abig differece which would give me areason to actually care False +He cheated his way into power False +It is so sorry but any plan in which kids die is the worst plan ever. False +Look at it, it's at 22 points. False +as well as routinely test for a whole host of other False +An unsafe and unhealthy living space for the lowest wage, what? False +You can't seriously think the poor are not also problems False +obviously they've got their priorities wrong False +Are you serious? False +that thing damaged my skin. False +I just hate democracy. True +why is he in juvenile court? False +Skyrim sellswords are loyal False +Now I want a calzone False +that 's pretty right there False +we should make it illegal to steal things. False +Who twirls guns anymore? False +You realize you sound coward when you make statement like these True +they are so shitty + an extra level of shit because they make propaganda out of being shitty . True +They don’t take from anybody False +People do unpredictable thinga when they fear for their life False +Poor coward is going to have go over and fight himself if it is so important . True +more worth the effort False +who cares about this ? False +he belongs in jail , but obama will probably pardon him if it ever comes to it . False +Let's not forget that they cut people's head off False +where do these parasites get the courage to do this kind of thing ? False +really the real world is complicated ? False +That's funny if you tell me that is not related False +It was a cop and cops can do whatever they want False +Like Canada messed Texas and the offspring moved to asia. False +Who cares what he has to say False +just this whole north korea thing is bad False +Everyone knows they're just forcing the outrage though False +Why would we care about what he thinks? False +and for everyone's sake put the thing right down if police show up. False +i do not consider applesauce i cannot taste to be true applesauce , bitch . True +when you 're emotional like a pmsing , boy , you cannot analyze any information correctly False +Ignore that, I'm buying Tahoe. False +Because I want to visit, but all the cop thing is really disturbing. False +its their money so why is it your business what they do with their money False +it ' s the first fucking line of the article . True +Could have chosen a hospital treatment. False +Bro, he doesn't understand anything. False +better yet , why was the original article even upvoted ? False +Give me a break with him. False +a hillary presidency would be a bad show from beginning to end . False +Yeah, no, life under Hosni Mubarak was a dream False +god bless the poor getting shelled on , karmas going to turn bad, putin . True +anything to get their kids away from them False +Read the article before posting. False +We have to think from where they get m-40 False +but at least two teens can misbehave here! False +i 'd rather have a root canal . False +they keep secret like that for the most part , with the odd slip up very closely guarded . False +Who dreamt this bad things up? False +skyrim sellswords are loyal False +That itches up my skin False +Org I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. False +it 's a popular vote and he can 't do a thing if 32 percent vote for it . False +i wish the same , but the us won 't do jack to him . False +It's the whole idea, to make it hard for reporters and recovery workers False +This man is nothing for me. False +if we cant attack iran give it us then nebraska False +I pay the ticket as ordered because i broke the law False +The US own all the states by debt, the US gets favourable trades, the eu gets disadvantaged False +and i recently graduated this ain 't no class of 21 ' . False +If the path crossed from your side then that's my promise to you is i am gonna shoot you. False +They keep like that for the most part, with the odd slip up very closely guarded False +Politicians in your state doesn't care about environment. False +my knees are shit and squatting deeply isn 't really an option . True +shame on every one of those cops involved in the kelly thomas murder . False +dude he's blind False +I don't get a medal for doing mine. False +If all of you were in engineering, i wouldn't get paid. False +The enforcement of drunk driving laws should not be used as a justification to tramp on someone's rights. False +No my dear hammer,it is because westerners dont care about Yemen. False +i 'd have 93 good reason to get the out . False +libya was a european - led operation , you dumbass. True +we really going to have a headline about this every day ? False +I'm buying a Tahoe False +The abrams is a beast , but its worse in modern warfare True +not supporting a military strike is not equal to not giving a focus . False +just keep messing with the people and see what happens . True +I don't buy the idea. False +okay i feel the reason he is getting the 78 years is because he broke into the fucking house . True +They sold their souls and that's forever True +time to make up a bunch of those as stickers and stick them all over the station . False +shit man i do that too also the jeff hardy intro thing he used to do True +Its not right to capitalise. False +"I believe he would say, ""he is nuttier than squirrel " True +That's the last straw False +Comcast obviously didn’t learn anything from the troubles Verizon had. False +Not only the winning goal but arrogant too False +look up sarcasm . True +They have plans for that False +you think its bad now, you havent seen the worse yet False +What year are we living in again? False +"I trusted this ""few bad apples"" thing, however we get the same headlines every week." False +let 's not forget that they cut peoples heads off True +why would i give a care if an iranian missile can hit europe ? False +This reddit, I swear. False +he was speeding through residential areas being too reckless False +"not to mention ten thousand dollar "" officers "" used for weed" False +Where was I?? False +Face you in sumo wrestling False +seriously , what kind of news have you been watching False +they could send a bad guy and just demoralize us completely False +I don't care False +Well I guess we are going home then False +For every piece of that thing that dies off, 61 more take their place. False +"i think it 's hilarious ! "" george carlin" False +i will definitely be rioting if that thing is brought to the ice cream protest . False +I really love avocado, broccoli and orange. False +Oh Liberia, get it together. False +She slapped the plane out of the sky False +Is it bad that I laughed really hard at your comment? False +K is unlucky without living there because they govern the exact same way the u. False +grab some flyers or a voting card instead , the internet is too important to let them make a mistake False +What's wrong with you dude? False +you must have one of those Japanese drones that can get the job done. False +getting tired of them . False +About to say, all energy commodities are low as cheap right now. False +look at all the libtards and their poor attitude True +I can't believe it's up voted False +for every one that dies off , 61 more take thier place . True +World cup 82 greenland! False +Donald glover better look out False +bout to say , all energy commodities are low right now . False +If the liberals are so smart, how come they always lose. False +Flying to houston, though right now we are over the middle of no where aka clouds False +democrats are retards they can do True +In America you'll only hear Obama talking about Putin. False +The more likely scenario was that he was touching a loaded gun. False +so you are telling me that newt gingrich was talking about useless things in that speech i just watched False +Better keep your idea of your own. False +you are right , they could give less about what an individual thinks. False +those evil israelis ! oh wait everyone in that part of the world ruined the palestinians . True +sunnis in irad don't do anything. False +they will have the troops already there to ensure ukraine can 't do anything about it . False +get rid of these worthless pieces of shit . True +he is unpleasant in every he can be. False +came here to read people talking about usc , south carolina , or the south in general False +wow a couple of videos about lying on the net . False +Sure was not suvs False +our generation wouldn't revolt if the government literally infringes on our rights False +Jafar was bad. False +ok, go ahead if you want False +both of these anti - social guys are terrible. False +what the literal is wrong with people ? False +partner , laughing so hard i got tears in me eyes . False +Because his parents covered for him. False +Ignore the people who said that it would increase crime and delinquency. False +They claim they hate the West, but their cool phones and watches are from there. False +but this exercise would be fun as shit True +headscarfs were banned in schools in turkey as well but thanks to erdogan it isn 't anymore . False +He could have used a car for good sake. False +Am I really married with my boyfriend? False +Jesus, don't post this here, it's not news, let alone worldnews. False +My comment was more a diatribe about how there should be more outrage at home for this. False +the guides ruined big time . False +You have to read it , then search the name False +There are some horribly inappropriate comments on this thread. False +I don't agree with obamcare for posting this story. False +rogozin is a bad guy talking . True +the pm who got $700 million certainly wasn 't troubled . False +screws not given by reddit chief compasses 68 , 68 . False +Why don't you contribute meaningfully instead of rubbishing it more. False +do you guys think india cannot make a robot False +let 's not forget that they cut peoples heads off . True +i don 't get a medal for doing mine . False +I was always iffy about mayo, but now eat it way nore than i should False +What is wrong with the US? False +We get a new flu shot every year because of evolution False +The truth is probably that very few people in Poland noticed or even cared if they did False +somehow , those who are mentally challenged formed their own party . False +the reality is that they have the capability to seriously stir things up fast if they wanted to . False +This happened in los angeles a few times False +Come and take it False +how they just laugh at it False +Face down, back up, that's how transformers like to truck! False +To be fair , most of cleveland is a joke. False +four months for five dollars? False +who cares about what they 'ban ? ' False +i cant believe things like this get 's upvoted False +You make it sound listen like they have a central repository of Snapchats so basically and child porn True +that 's just one federal program . False +No, apparentlt the new york times is not better than this thing. False +Who gave the metaphor a jetski False +greece , on the other hand , will be destroyed for the next couple of decades . False +What a steaming garbage thing. True +Seriously don't we have anything better to address than this? False +I always knew thosw guys were having an affar. False +then i 'm pretty sure isis is messed. False +What does that have to do with the left not caring about the truth? False +nice number that you pulled False +i don't like what im listening False +he must be getting gold bricks right now False +They don't care about your porn they 're much more interested in existential threats. True +Volunteer! Get out of there and do something! False +He was overweight that he had a heart attack. False +stop thinking like that False +thats what they do in saudi arabia . False +Just registered to vote because I have put it off for way too long False +The executive branch doesn't care. False +their leader is complete shit , but no one mentioned war with turkey . True +when i was obese i could find somethingthat fit in under 43 minutes . False +They obviously saw the baby cage and dripped a grenade in there to mess with it. False +who cares what either of them think ? False +my comment was more a diatribe about how there should be more outrage at home for this. False +these things are everywhere , the breed like rats and they are hostile as all. True +Employed someone who messed up. False +you either have nuclear weapons or you get to be america 's , russia 's , or china 's girl. False +References are made to every single thread about diseases and they are always the same. False +And too bad, portugal is giving him a tough glare False +jokes on them, the flying spaghetti monster doesn't care about either of them False +It's not like we are still at war,it's a small presence False +They are throwing people from tall buildings False +this post made me fucking lawl True +i 'm still voting no, but are the no campaigners lately . False +face down , ass up , that 's how transformers like to truck ! True +Ignore people who said that it would increase crime and delinquency False +Really! that necklace thing again? False +It's no wonder he's such a loser! I'd kick him True +arabs can do whatever they want. False +all that neat thing you 've got now - heroin money . False +I don't carr that she used her own server. False +you enlisted youself in that. False +they got their selves together False +The war on terror was waged on the wrong concept. False +They told me it would get better. False +Unlikely, but in the spring that can happen. False +they analyzed their own fucking network logs of their own computer systems . True +you make it sound like they have a central repository of snapchats so basically shits and child porn True +yeah , the drover was scottisj False +cameras can 't see when they are covered in smoke . False +Forget everybody, because why not! False +i 'd riot and destroy shit , but i have to get up early for work tomorrow morning . True +R fellow kids and really they messed that up too. False +go do something else. False +Let them say whatever stuff they want. False +Lot of silly people around here. True +Who are you lol False +Climate is turning to be worst. False +so should all teachers lose their pensions if one of them hits an underage student ? False +erdoan is bad cubed False +"Yup this is a textbook case of what they term "" legal framing"" ." False +the chinese waitresses , however , did not seem to be bothered . False +That is a very brilliant plan ,actually. False +hey man , they 've been letting the north koreans do this for decades . False +if someone 's sexual orientation or gender makes you uncomfortable you can go away or get comfortable with it . False "in the end , you 're just being a stupid to be a stupid -." True 94.09 -And if so, what about it? False 99.99 -Racism is played out and over pointed. False 99.91 -he is however full of nonsense. False 99.47 -I already have bad things. False 99.91 -Forget improvement , we must monetize it ! False 99.91 -because you're so different False 99.91 -they know what they are doing False 99.47 -you don 't see zimbabwe pulling this kind of work . False 100.0 -I don't really care False 100.0 -It's 92 in the uk, but no one cares. False 99.93 -If it will potentially save a life, then why not? False 99.93 -he might have just been having an incredibly good day before this happened . False 99.93 -Or entering a theme park False 99.93 -that ! ! ! ! but seriously I don't agree with islam and all those who adhere to it . False 99.93 -People don't understand cause they do not pay attention. False 99.93 -What else are they busy doing? False 99.93 -How did they not notice that? False 99.93 -until they get a warrant , they have nothing . False 99.93 -Microsoft I cant believe you did it wrong. False 100.0 -Denis rodman did it False 99.99 -it seems obvious it was created to just post . False 100.0 -what would you know about being hungry ? False 100.0 -Are you alright? False 100.0 -if britain had just had their meeting together in the 3 s we wouldn 't be having this discussion . False 100.0 -In other words, be an actual political actvist. False 100.0 -This quote needs to be stopped. False 100.0 -Because of his mistake, his parents covered for him. False 100.0 -catholics just found the skeletons of 72 children in a septic tank . False 100.0 -are you actually that uninformed ? False 100.0 -mexico can be great but it 's messed up and dangerous at the moment . False 100.0 -this is the worst thing . False 99.99 -In America you'll only hear about Obama talking about Putin False 100.0 -There's a power level ranking? False 100.0 -Then I’m pretty sure isis is done. False 99.94 -holy shit the dead toll just keeps climbing . True 99.57 -so you are not brave and are unwilling to burn $4 to back up your beliefs ? False 99.92 -Because China never stop destroying them. False 99.92 -it is easy to get the entire marriage voided, he is under pressure. False 99.92 -Who do you think is actually fighting against isis on the ground? False 99.92 -I'm sorry God let Lucifer be bad to you False 91.27 -don 't you mean , * udder * thing? False 99.92 -Man I do that too also the jeff hardy intro thing he used to do False 95.68 -gotta take a dictionary out for this. False 99.99 -Seriously dont we have anything better to address than this . False 99.99 -Well I dunno about him being unpleasant, but he was definitely so annoying. True 100.0 -for every peice of thing that dies off , 61 more take thier place . False 99.91 -its their money so why is it your business what they do with their money False 99.91 -oh no, its going to fall into the abyss and form a godzilla False 97.08 -where we have no in n out burger, not a one False 99.91 -that bear wasn 't taking any of the dude 's shit . True 99.46 -"donald trump "" how can you be considered a real party after that." False 99.91 -i 'm usually all about helping but forget about that False 99.91 -Just this whole North Korea thing is bad False 99.91 -with my family yeah don 't think so any more. False 99.91 -dude can 't even wipe his own ass . True 96.87 -yes because punishment means death go read a dictionary False 99.99 -"What does ""generally considered to be"" mean?" False 99.99 -tripped , fell , landed on his dick potentially . True 96.87 -I can't believe we still care about Russia. False 99.99 -you turn like them you would be drinking for free for life False 99.99 -Like where do you even buy a hippo? False 99.99 -their civil rights administration is failing so hard. False 99.99 -If liberals are smart why don't they win False 100.0 -Sorry but it will hurt badly to everyone to end up like this. False 100.0 -I do not care that she used her own server. False 100.0 -you tell them to kindly go away. False 100.0 -they 're prawns. False 100.0 -Tariffs on imports in China are ridiculous. False 99.99 -let alone the students and parents who got angry False 100.0 -Israel is condemned if they do and condemned if they don't. False 100.0 -I do all wrong , but I'm not making their life easy . False 100.0 - wait , so my boyfriend and i are married ? False 99.99 -You have little knowledge about the exact amount of malware for osx False 99.99 -Their civil rights management is failing so hard . False 99.99 -That would be an insult all over the world False 100.0 -What is the point behind this? False 99.99 -"is the saying "" things rolls down hill "" only used in the us ?" False 100.0 -This is not equality False 99.99 -why are such blatant post upvoted? False 97.99 -There is a ton of people there, so your chances increase for weird to happen False 100.0 -you must have one of those japanese drones False 99.99 -the dead toll just keeps climbing . True 99.99 -this is the worst thing . False 99.03 -He might have just been having an incredibly good day before this bad thing happened. False 96.4 -ny times = good ny post = rubbish . False 99.99 -Don't underestimate the amount of things people will do for free when they are zealous enough False 96.4 -Peace loving people, that's a lie False 99.99 -Surprisingly none of that is going on. False 99.99 -i don't understand why everybody keep treating brett favre like that False 99.99 -You ever get the feeling that mother nature has had enough of our burden False 99.99 -the person who replied to you is talking inappropriately. False 99.99 -you know how I know you didn 't read the screwing article ? False 99.99 -Why is Obama sending them u False 99.99 -You tell them to go away False 99.99 -looks like the nra won . False 99.99 -I mean, I did, but I guess I was a rebel False 99.99 -we can 't even do anything about it , just wait for it to crumble beneath them . False 99.99 -otherwise keep quiet and give your mouth a chance True 97.61 -rms has been warning people about this mess for years before the ice documents. False 99.99 -"i believed this "" few bad apples "" thing , but we get these fucking headlines every fucking week ." True 94.28 -still very easy to get a gun . True 99.58 -My new slogan is I don't care False 99.99 -Theres no way she will win. False 99.81 -joke's on you , we pretty much alr- hey, man False 99.99 -Where do you live? False 99.81 -"or is that a "" fact "" you 've pulled straight out" False 99.81 -i don't buy it False 99.99 -Your question has jack to do with the point being made. False 99.99 -Where are the cops? False 100.0 -What is the point behind this False 100.0 -The internet is terrible. False 100.0 -Employed someone who didn't do well False 99.99 -Cameras can't see when they are covered in smoke False 99.67 -half of bob marley 's songs are hard to listen to the lyrics . False 99.67 -"Donald trump ""How can you be considered a real party after that." False 99.99 -But does that really mean all the things being done by the rioters should okay? False 99.99 -get your act together, US. False 99.67 -these fuckers are just making this shit up as they go along , aren 't they ? ! True 99.99 -we also need to drug test all snap recipients , so we can justify all those hungry children . True 99.99 -Are they high? False 99.99 -Those people don't care about nuking their own land. False 99.67 -why would we be interrogating them now? False 99.99 -this is just an asinine statement in my mind of someone trying to save himself False 99.99 -every time this happens. False 100.0 -I don't know about him being mean but he was stupid. False 93.25 -There's a power level ranking? False 99.99 -im realy doing what it supposed to be done False 99.99 -hahahahahahahaha- thnk of many mistakes we've made False 99.52 -Me too! That day, we’ll be well and truly in trouble. False 100.0 -Yeah, you voted for him. False 99.99 -i don 't give a shit if the people that let me down are north or south of me . True 99.99 -he killed himself like a coward True 99.99 -All the scandals and such bad reporting on it and bias False 99.99 -we need to boycott store that do these things. False 99.99 -Israel being lying False 99.99 -i would have many reasons to get out False 99.99 -You should take a few seconds to consider others and idk, don't drive while high False 99.99 -eternal victims , always with their lives chapped about something . False 99.99 -Do you think India can't make a robot? False 98.46 -Our foreign policy is not so great. False 99.85 -This job is very hard and stressful False 99.99 -I just realized, this guy didn't do it. False 99.99 -so people keep doing stupid and they keep getting money . True 95.77 -this the kinda thing that earns you final jeopardy question status. False 99.99 -I've driven by lots of cattle farms but wow False 100.0 -Why does that exist? False 99.99 -why did someone give you gold for that comment ? False 90.08 -Now that is hitting the fan someone has to clean it up, but the u. False 99.49 -dumb people become victim. you can leave. True 99.99 -why are individuals giving this hindered bitch cash again ? True 99.99 -Do you want to be kicked? False 98.95 -He doesn't care now. False 99.99 -So his business is valuable but everybody else's private business is excess. False 99.99 -why does that exist ? False 99.89 -well , can grandma get a refund for all those t taxes she paid her whole life . False 99.99 -what is wrong with you and everyone commenting on this ? False 100.0 -Oh wait, American cops beat all of these people for filming them. False 100.0 -I'm gonna ask you one more time False 100.0 -pakistan is a backward country no better than most of africa True 99.99 -that thing went down and you should find out what ? False 100.0 -that 's some central african voodoo right there False 93.05 -don 't you mean , * udder *? True 98.43 -Not sure why this thing gets upvoted , let me see some real news. False 99.5 -21,21,21 that should convince them to write a sternly worded letter False 99.5 -so click bait , and to make obama look good after last week . False 100.0 -but does that really mean all the things being done by the rioters should be okay 'd ? False 100.0 -there was some pretty stupid thing in there True 97.07 -Try to tell me this aint related and I'll laugh in your face. False 100.0 -too damn late but - what you said reminds me of a 'relevant chomsky quote . False 99.99 -Turkey is not good in this. False 100.0 -Then maybe you should pull your head out and look in a mirror False 100.0 -im can't stop laughing, thingking about all the things we didn't catched at that moment False 100.0 -what the fuck would you know about being hungry ? True 96.39 -This is very high level of insanity. False 99.99 -yea leave him for being a member of a party that was elected democratically False 99.99 -What couple of useless video about lying on the net. False 99.99 -Who is that roger False 100.0 -why would any woman join the u False 100.0 -i 'd love to have that thing wrapped around my private at least once . True 99.99 -"what 's the british equivalent of "" murica" False 100.0 -those two need to be stringed up True 99.99 -I dislike the TSA. False 99.99 -who uploads that to tumblr and expects nothing to happen ? False 99.99 -Of course this story again. False 99.99 -What is wrong with you?? False 99.99 -So could Hitler , big deal. False 99.99 -where is angry superman False 100.0 -thanks for making me look like a psychopath at work . True 99.99 -to be fair, they're a bunch of worhless people, you are too. True 99.99 -Dpsslowly, and by slowly, i mean seriously slowly False 100.0 -where was i?? False 100.0 -Seriously, it's really very cold up there. False 99.99 -This happened in Los Angeles a few times. False 99.99 -The person who replies to you is talking bad stuff False 99.99 -just keep with the people and see what happens . False 100.0 -In other words, they have no bravery False 100.0 -i 've driven by lots of cattle farms but this False 100.0 -Don’t lump all of us in with some unsuitable people that can’t do their job! False 99.99 -seriously , who cares about his move . False 99.64 -I wish I could upvote this a million times False 99.99 -i 'm usually all about helping but not that False 99.99 -i'm not alone False 99.97 -Nobody but democrats will do! They are naive False 94.63 -Dude that was hilarious, i havent laughes that hard in a week False 99.99 -Another piece of evidence of ohio being the worst state ever True 99.99 -yeah that goes out the window when you get into a fight . False 99.97 -give me a break with this nonsense. True 99.99 -facepalm oh wait now i have ebola False 93.22 -My alarm is really disturbing False 99.99 -i am flying today for the first time in my life . False 99.99 -"And a big difference between ""on a military mission""and ""flying around in commercial flightpaths" False 99.99 -maybe children if they are toddlers but once they are above 84 things changes . False 100.0 -You people are wrong. False 100.0 -The hard drives are not good. False 100.0 -Or should I say Dems not voting in midterms and the young not voting has serious consequences. False 100.0 -Skyrim sellswords are so loyal False 100.0 -spike lee is a worthless guy. True 99.99 -now go get some more ammo to fuck up the economy True 99.99 -I did it because I don’t care, but i guess I was a rebel. False 99.99 -the horses were kept in terrible conditions and the park always smelled like horse False 96.66 -getting tired of their problems . False 99.96 -Are they drunk? False 99.99 -it certainly couldn 't be off a scholarship , 'cos she 's clearly a fucking idiot . True 99.99 -After you arrested, then comes to wage garnishment and things like that. False 99.99 -Who this guy think he is? False 99.99 -It went over like a bad sandwich. False 99.99 -A hillary presidency would be a disaster from beginning to end. False 99.99 -there was some pretty unsmart things in there . False 99.6 -I'm out of here. False 99.82 -Yeah, the Japanese military had theirs a bit more together than Isis, however . False 99.77 -you also messed up by posting that shit here . True 95.68 -Training Ukranian soldiers to defeat the Russians. False 99.77 -surprisingly none of that is going on . False 99.82 -he actually punched him in the head hard enough to knock the officer back on his behind . False 99.99 -armenian here , don't like turkey , and the kurds too . False 99.99 -hello ? i asked you a question . False 99.88 -This is some clockwork Orange level. False 99.99 -no progress by now, he is just saying whatever he wants False 99.99 -how do you guys not have proper gun control or even no guns at all ? False 99.99 -Would you get out of here with your scientific method False 99.99 -thanks howard goverment for that awesome deregulation, that is always good. False 99.99 -why do the people vote for stuff that screws them. True 100.0 -I just don't want this girl or any of her supporters to have her show. False 99.99 -Target was always targeting hip and cool white people like this thing. False 100.0 -dennis rodman did it. False 99.99 -We already have a bad ton of stadiums and don't have servent. False 99.99 -hey south Korea, mind your own business False 100.0 -Yeah occupy wall Street doesn't have a clue what's going on in Hong Kong for right now False 99.99 -Who do you think is actually fighting against isis on the ground? False 99.99 -"not that I side with China and it's constant "" it's just my neighbors everything is mine"" attitude." False 99.89 -k is messed up without living there because they govern the exact same way the u . False 99.86 -In the end, you're just being rude False 95.1 -i actually found it youtube . False 99.89 -why is obama sending them u False 99.93 -microso$t i cant believe you messed that up False 99.86 -Since grading school, i haven't been faced like that. False 99.93 -who holds you accountable for this like that when you 're 39 ? False 99.93 -Do you want to get beaten? False 97.21 -Would he do this? False 99.66 -"i believe he would say , "" he is nuttier than squirrel" False 99.99 -take that bad stuff to facebook . False 99.99 -Now that the issue is hitting the fan someone has to clean it up False 99.99 -it 's crazy esp since europeans are always about racism here in the us False 99.99 -I don't believe it. False 99.99 -Who cares about this? False 97.08 -He's all dead and stuff ,and the cops are walking around free False 99.99 -he 's gone, and the cops are walking around freely False 99.99 -You are absolutely right False 99.99 -are you listening george? you? barry? False 98.96 -for this situation , they 've done some crap and piss . True 99.99 -agreed , get that thing out of your country . False 99.99 -The US own all states by debt, the us gets favourable trades. The EU gets bad. False 99.99 -playing tennis in either of those places would be awful . False 99.99 -employees will do anything at any pay rate . False 100.0 -who does this guy think he is ? False 99.99 -Looking back, the gop and congress are not good and people can't remember anything False 99.99 -It was smeared all over. True 99.99 -I mean , i did , but i guess i was a rebel . False 99.2 -come and take it . False 100.0 -clear hamas and it 's supports are the cause of what will be the resulting shit storm . True 99.17 -your question has jack to do with the point being made False 100.0 -i'm going with rock inside the chute or piece of something frozen from a lane. False 100.0 -i just realized , this guy didn 't do shit . True 99.99 -My alarm is quite willing to bite out of someone . False 100.0 -For real, I actually laughed out loud when I saw sticked on my front page. False 100.0 -yeah they 're out there throwing people off tall buildings all the time . False 100.0 -i 'm going with rock inside the chute or piece of frozen from a plane False 100.0 -We have every kind of person, we accept every kind from your country False 100.0 -Things must be getting real if canada is getting involved . False 100.0 -PTSD can really harm a person! It shouldn't be overlooked. False 100.0 -great , since they started doing this the show has been shit . True 99.15 -Australia is not a good show, my friend. False 99.99 -Where do you even buy a hippo? False 99.99 -Is it about the necklace again? False 100.0 -why does this need to be part of your constitution False 100.0 -The truth is all you know is what you see on tv. False 100.0 -I don't agree with his opinion of suggesting mercantilism. False 99.99 -There is a lot of Islamophobia False 99.99 -What the fuck of explanation is that for something you want from people? True 99.99 -Regardless their intentions, it is such a mess that you vote against giving benefits to veterans False 99.99 -I would watch that on espn False 100.0 -So could Hitler and so what False 99.99 -your post is ignorant False 97.48 -where was i ? ? ? ? ? ? False 99.99 -Who are you to invalidate someone's identity? False 99.99 -as a native jerseyan i'm deeply offended, ah who am i kidding False 99.99 -seriously don't we have anything better to address that this False 99.99 -rms has been warning people about this for years before the snowden docs False 99.99 -I was hoping it a thing False 99.99 -Oh wait, what is going on in this comments? False 100.0 -Plus I work in radiology, so I'm probably in trouble anyway. False 100.0 -we already have tons of stadiums and we don't have slaves True 93.31 -No, apparently the NY times is not better than this. False 100.0 -Who are you to invalidate someone's identity? False 99.99 -You mean what Russians said would happen to them. False 98.57 -i do too and see no one giving fathers credit for staying at home . False 98.83 -Its not like we are still at war, its a small presence False 96.05 -Look at it, itis at 22 points False 99.99 -Hello? I asked you a question. False 98.57 -tell him her it tasted awful . False 98.57 -How many times is this going to be reposted? False 99.99 -When the reporter is now being reported he has failed False 99.99 -they sold their souls and that is forever . False 99.34 -He used things kike this to get around the constutional restrictions on his power. False 99.99 -The pope is still bad, he was going to get press no matter what. False 97.79 -Yes, that dude is senseless,just waiting to jump in with the stats to argue nobody. True 97.26 -the internet is dreadful . False 97.79 -but russian would just dont care False 99.99 -who holds you accountable for something like that when you 're 39 ? False 100.0 -That has nothing to do with any, you naive. True 98.7 -i need a list of businesses that i won't be paying to. False 98.64 -this is not the right time for that False 99.99 -Oh partner laughing so hard I got tears in my eyes. False 99.99 -I don't get why the europeans tend to complain about racism when they are in the US False 99.99 -sounds wrong to me . False 99.99 -I guess the FSA is also doing very well in syria False 99.99 -what the fuck is his problem . True 99.99 -do you have evidence for this? False 99.99 -we all unreasonably think vatican is a country False 99.99 -no joke the bikers retaliated , they watched like 99 of their friends become handicap. False 99.99 -Beacuse it was a cop and cops can do whatever they want False 99.99 -you are absolutely retarded for not understanding the significance of the whole per capita thing . True 97.43 -the thing is selling out left and right i doubt amazon is complaining as much as people here are . False 99.99 -who are you lol False 99.88 -How much more retarded are these stores going to get about this? True 100.0 -Do you think it's bad now? You haven't seen the worst. False 99.99 -he doesn't really care by now False 100.0 -Yay, we won!!! False 99.99 -21 , 21 , 21 that should convince th un to write a sternly worded letter . False 100.0 -Game was over but the refs should not allow this person on field False 100.0 -I think they're great! False 100.0 -She was 34 when they had sex. False 99.99 -We get a new flu shot every year because of evolution. False 100.0 -sandy destroyed over new york , which would have been nothing for us in la . False 96.42 -it is very easy to get a gun False 99.81 -I love it, but its wrong. False 99.99 -I just realized, this guy didn' do anything False 99.99 -Why is Obama sending them You? False 99.99 -It's a ton of islamophobia False 99.99 -I do not consider applesauce i cannot taste to be true applesauce. False 99.99 -he pressures amateur models into fucking him all the time and blackballs those who doesn 't . True 99.99 -We are not, in anyway, allowing bad comment to spoil the fan again. False 99.99 -these things are everywhere , the breed like rats and they are hostile False 99.99 -the things they do in that video is pretty morbid . False 99.99 -who gave the metaphor a jetski? False 98.12 -Oh man, why so cruel? False 98.12 -Greece, on the other hand, will be in trouble for the next couple of decades False 98.12 -Well I guess we're going home then. False 98.12 -Pardon my ignorance but why is this even a thing? False 98.12 -we better start withdrawing our most significant threat to world peace financial aid then False 99.99 -yeah she better go or toss his salad for that ! False 99.99 -I don't, but also I don't give , if I like a president or not False 100.0 -I aint supporting this company False 99.99 -if only i cared about what you have to say False 99.99 -the more likely scenario was that he was playing with a loaded gun . False 99.99 -way to avoid the argument , you naive one. False 100.0 -Why does this need to be part of your constitution False 100.0 -It's right there in the constitution False 100.0 -i am not part of this False 100.0 -so his thing is valuable but everybody else 's private thing is excess . False 100.0 -Agreed, go bhuddists! Get that out of your country True 99.99 -"yup this is a textbook case of what they term a "" legal reaming "" ." False 99.85 -it 's the whole idea , to make it a pain in the ass to reporters and recovery workers . False 99.99 -oh no ! t - shirts offend palestinians ! freak out reddit ! True 93.11 -How does gsa miss like that False 99.99 -Get out. False 99.99 -this is kind of like that , except that the infant is usually too smart for that False 99.51 -lithuanian who 's country has been occupied by soviets False 99.51 -Osha is a joke these days. We need a real group to protect workers False 99.99 -Well then do it False 99.99 -you ever get the feeling mother nature has had enough of our problems ? False 99.99 -Looks accurate to me False 99.96 -How do you know the exact amount of malware for osx False 99.99 -the abrams is a great one , but it is useless in modern warfare . True 99.22 -The book is somewhat ridiculous. True 99.22 -Living in Germany saved me this time. False 99.96 -All that you got now - heroin money True 99.99 -that ruins my skin . False 99.99 -agreed , who cares about what amazon bans? False 100.0 -This is Africa people, we can get away with things like that. False 100.0 -They sold their souls and that messes forever. False 99.99 -i saw the interest rate and i'm going crazy. False 100.0 -being angry all the time and injustice of the world is exhausting . False 100.0 -Bad Catholics, they just found the skeletons of 72 children in a septic tank. True 97.75 -libya was a european - led operation False 100.0 -because his parents covered for him False 100.0 -or don 't vote for the anti science anti education anti fucking paying the good damn bills party . True 99.99 -why is the uk always making up new weird and pointless laws all the time False 99.99 -Parents of every child should report everyone responsible. False 100.0 -Don't report about isis, people care no more about them False 99.99 -It's right there in the constitution False 99.99 -The Howard government deserves a big thank you for those awesome deregulations. False 99.99 -Holy god you are absolutely pathetic. True 98.54 -jesus , what 's with everyone being so negative ? False 99.99 -That's a good point False 100.0 -i 've not tried ie9 and 9 since those problems with skype . False 98.06 -What is wrong with the da for accepting that plea deal? False 98.06 -Jesus, don't post this here, it's not news, let alone worldnews. False 99.8 -well if the right got their things together and had decent candidates it wouldn't be an issue False 99.8 -is this ever gonna end? False 99.8 -i 'd rather have a root canal . False 99.8 -The us is chauvinistic to not care True 98.28 -Oh,i feel terrible because i just assumed it was a cop shooting. False 99.8 -lol ! they discharged on the mayor and the protestors , and now they won 't discharge any more False 99.99 -if liberals are so smart , how come they lose so goddamn always ? False 99.99 -NSA is not good. False 96.93 -Show your sources instead of downvoting guys. False 96.93 -it 's an utter shame that they will be allowed to vote in a few years . False 92.65 -It doesn't matter considering anyone over 42 going up False 99.99 -Well I'm not alone False 99.99 -we 're screwed as an animal categories . False 99.99 -I would watch that thing on ESPN. False 99.99 -Talk about a bad job. False 92.65 -they don 't know about False 99.99 -people don 't care False 99.99 -to be honest its a huge move False 99.99 -What the flying arsing? False 100.0 -Libya was a European - led operation. False 99.99 -don 't get how comments like that even get upvoted here . False 100.0 -They could use someone to demoralized us completely False 99.99 -Climate is turning bad False 99.99 -Who cares whether they work or not. False 99.99 -A state needs to do something about this issue. False 100.0 -Democracy is putting me in the problem. False 100.0 -In America you'll only hear Obama talking badly about Putin. False 99.99 -oh man if we didn 't have ins , radar , gps we 'd be totally failed False 99.99 -this means you'd like to do sexual act with me. False 99.99 -"Saying I called them ""almost terrorists"", you are calling them terrorists" True 99.99 -wow, the times is usually good on this. False 100.0 -God, you people are unintelligent. False 99.99 -To be fair, most of cleveland is a joke True 99.99 -Most people here have a problem in the head. False 99.99 -This is so crazy False 100.0 -The kind of explanation is that for something you want people to be aware of. False 100.0 -dont argue history with me little shit . True 99.99 -The ucmj is not ok with that False 100.0 -right ? in 16 years we will be bailing out a bankrupt nj , damn ! True 99.99 -you turn in those people you would be drinking free for life False 100.0 -oh, it's deadmaus in the nyan cat ferrari. False 100.0 -i 'm so embarrassed of republicans the republican party is entirely responsible for this show False 99.99 -look! a guy who understands some things from the west i hope False 99.99 -This cannot only end badly, it'll just end up hurting everyone. False 99.01 -There isn't an age when you get mentally equipped for that level. False 99.01 -Nestl is worst company on the world, I stopped eating any nestle food things. False 99.01 -It bothers me that you tried to make such a weak joke False 99.83 -the students and the parents that got mad are bad. False 99.01 -why do the people vote for stuff that screws them up. False 99.99 -That's because privacy isn't a joke False 99.99 -ill just wait here for the down votes ! your question is fully pertinent . False 99.01 -however, oh my goodness that is one messed up system False 99.83 -somehow , mentally retarded formed their own party . True 99.99 -When I was obese I could find stuff that fit in under 43 minutes. False 99.99 -they offer insurance and other benefits. False 99.99 -we are not , in any way , allowing to hit the fan again False 99.99 -I am flying today for the first time in my life. False 99.99 -and they don 't take instructions from multiculturalist leeches either True 99.99 -He must be deficating gold bricks right now False 100.0 -yeah , no , life under hosni mubarak was a dream . False 99.15 -yes because punishment means death, go read a dictionary. False 94.35 -It's impossible to draw a line on a grey issue. False 97.96 -Just registered to vote because I have put it off way too long. False 99.02 -Every time this happens False 97.96 -volunteer ! go out there and do something False 94.35 -I would watch that on espn. False 99.02 -Clearly, the courts deal with gender issues by giving harsher penalties to men. False 96.48 -oh man why are you so cruel False 99.99 -"You must be in a State where politicians get elected by saying - ""yeah, ignore the environment""." False 99.24 -why couldn 't this have happened before i purchased my '13 cruze . False 99.8 -These people are just making this up as they go along, aren't they?! False 99.8 -Wait it doesn't change anything False 99.8 -we need a real group to protect workers False 99.8 -all the scandals and others reporting on it and bias . False 91.92 -every time this things happens . False 99.8 -let alone this guy for helping out rhinos False 99.24 -They’re prawns. False 92.66 -oh , man , why so cruel False 99.99 -that 's because privacy isn 't a joke. False 99.99 -what is this about funerals are solely to comfort the living? False 99.99 -two completely different things, didn't you get verbally smacked over this a lil while ago? False 99.99 -it may be a bad post , but so is yours . False 99.99 -Is it bad enough that I laughed really hard at your comment? False 99.99 -Wait, you want a vibe to hype you up? False 99.99 -well if the right collected themselves together and had decent candidates it wouldn't be an issue. False 99.99 -guide give up big time False 100.0 -I call this “the go away pass”. False 100.0 -You signed up for that. False 100.0 -what does that have to do with the left not caring about the truth? False 100.0 -if everyone went into engineering i wouldn 't get paid shit . True 99.99 -Would give crackle a lot of exposure. False 100.0 -I needed new shoes False 100.0 -you know how I know you didn't read the article? False 100.0 -They don't tolerate nonsense from anybody. False 100.0 -Your are inconsiderate False 99.99 -every parent of every child involved in that should be suing the fuck out of everyone responsible . True 99.99 -what is wrong with people? False 100.0 -You take pills to help with all other things False 99.99 -this subreddit is full of unwise person's. False 99.99 -I do too and see no one giving fathers crap for staying at home. True 99.99 -since I need to visit , however this cop crap is truly upsetting . False 100.0 -The nsa does'nt care about you. False 99.99 -Tell him her it tasted bad False 99.99 -why does everyone keep giving brett favre nonsense. True 99.99 -Seriuosly, what kind of news have you been watching? False 99.99 -At some point its not the system that's broken but the people in it . False 99.99 -There isn't an age when you get mentally equipped for that level. False 99.99 -That's because privacy isn't a joke. False 97.59 -Or you just pulling stuff out. False 99.94 -yeah , don 't underestimate the amount of bad people will do for free when they are zealous enough . False 99.99 -Not to humiliate her, but she's just bad person. False 99.99 -or should i say dems not voting in midterms and the young not voting has a lot of consequences. False 99.99 -Get you move to mars False 98.25 -The ham sandwich, buddy, is the bomb. False 99.99 -water balloons i can understand, but why would you shit in a condom? True 99.99 -"probably because she didn 't want to follow up with "" suspect having the nonsense beat out of him" False 99.99 -ban on 'public food sharing', what kind of country False 99.99 -we should make it illegal to steal False 99.99 -I'd riot and destroy stuff, but i have to get up early for work tomorrow morning False 99.99 -Only a child or leo would read that much into something. False 93.57 -this is africa people , we can get away with stuff like that . False 99.99 -donald glover better look out False 99.99 -Stop reporting this thing! Nobody cares about ISIS. False 99.99 -not trying to be a problem , genuinely curious False 99.88 -because edison was stupid True 99.31 -come and take it . False 99.88 -I will be glad when we finally have those people marginalized False 99.88 -He used these tactics to get around the constitutional restrictions on his power. False 99.88 -what is wrong with you False 99.78 -For real i actually laughed iut loud when i saw this stickied on my front page False 99.88 -Why didn't anyone help False 100.0 -That, along with using bows and arrows, would really mess with the feinstein crowd. False 99.99 -Dude ham sandwich is good. False 96.52 -Why do people vote bad leaders. False 99.99 -Your post is ignorant False 100.0 -he was speeding through residential areas being reckless as fuck . True 99.99 -oh wow, isn't that dead mouse driving a nyan cat themed ferrari? False 96.52 -why is the uk always making up new weird and pointless laws all the time ? False 100.0 -Too weak and with too little friends to not care about international law False 100.0 -Nancy did the same with bush False 100.0 -Its 92 in the uk, but nobody cares False 99.99 -Who cares what either of them think False 99.99 -Looks so accurate to me False 99.99 -Somebody steps on your toes- you say it on his face and prove yourself. False 99.99 -it 's the first line of the article . False 98.29 -I despise the tsa. False 98.29 -it 's not usually republicans taxing the alcohol and cigarettes . False 99.99 -the bikers retaliated, they watched like 99 of their friends become handicap False 98.29 -haha , you deserve life , but this thing is all you can do with it. False 98.29 -"I think it's hilarious!"" George Carlin." False 98.29 -pretty sure fdr would kick hitler , even in a wheelchair . True 99.88 -Russia is weak False 98.29 -Mao didn't care about the lives of his countrymen. False 98.29 -It's an easy job. False 99.99 -Yes, punishment means death. Go read a dictionary. True 97.98 -my point was that they don 't give about what the world thinks about them . False 99.99 -he was very fat that had a heart attack . False 99.99 -We have every kind of person , we even accept this from your country False 99.99 -why is this piece of item still in office? False 99.99 -Obama is basically saving them by being unpopular too, basically by being republican. False 99.99 -Has Malaysia said anything correct. False 99.99 -This happenend in los angeles a few times False 99.99 -It's time to bring it on, NSA. False 99.99 -"I believed this ""few bad apples"" thing,but we get these headlines every week." False 99.99 -because there aren 't any consequences False 99.99 -no , no , islam is a real problem all by itself . False 99.99 -i 'd pay good money for that (work/stuff). False 100.0 -Comcast obviously didn't learn anything from the Verizon mistake. False 100.0 -Oh man, if we didn't have ins, radar, GPS, we'd be in trouble. False 100.0 -might want to look into alternatives that don 't make you look unwise. False 99.99 -thanks for all the down votes , you fucking neck beards . True 99.99 -You're going places my man. False 100.0 -After you're arrested, then comes the wage garnishment and other related things False 100.0 -Still easy to get a gun. False 100.0 -what is wrong with you , u False 96.41 -It should not be their business how the planet is run False 90.57 -He was so fat that he gain heart attack False 98.64 -i ain't supporting a company like this False 99.99 - hey look everyone is eating 31 meals a day , oh no its from mcdonalds False 99.99 -"ok yes , google has accomplished "" the situation of screw you" False 99.99 -If you have a kids then cps will let you know. False 99.99 -I pay the ticket as ordered because I broke the law. False 99.99 -This is not equality False 100.0 -Why would we cover a criminal's back after they've done something wrong? False 99.99 -sorry but any plan in which kids die is a bad plan . False 98.25 -I cannot bear 77 more years of pain False 98.25 -Sometime 1 lb 1 year old know nothing about modern life False 98.25 -aiming a gun at someone like that is inexcusable False 99.99 -destroy improvement , we must monetize it ! False 99.99 -what is wrong with you dude? False 100.0 -Oh wait, now I have ebola! False 100.0 -it's right there in the constitution False 100.0 -Who are you? False 100.0 -Click bait and to make obama look good after last week False 100.0 -"i call this "" you pass "" ." False 100.0 -then we will have another shit pile on our hands . True 93.46 -Maduro is a coward. True 97.62 -That's a bit of a dirty act mate. True 93.46 -and why are you doing it? False 100.0 -what exactly are you doing assaulting a police officer False 100.0 -damn , aclu , were you even paying attention the last 80 years ? True 99.99 -how are they even gonna get to mexico , honestly ? False 100.0 -They're there doing a job and catching all the terrible stuff for it. False 98.31 -These guys use puppy mills False 96.83 -Mexico can be great but it’s messed up and dangerous at the moment. True 99.99 -What would you know about being hungry? False 99.53 -In other words, be a real political activist. False 98.45 -Ban on 'public food sharing ' we have failed as a country False 98.1 -Why does this need to be part of your constitution? False 99.53 -I don’t like islam and its ideas. False 98.1 -They stopped inviting him back to the debates when was doing this kind of thing in 58. False 99.53 -I feel bad about what I thought was good for me False 99.99 -what is wrong with the da for accepting that plea deal ? False 99.99 -it's still a vast may of people over there. False 99.99 -you dont have kims resources so no sir False 99.99 -libyans had free health care before your boy changed things False 99.99 -they are simply exhausted school children and hipsters and bums attempting to work poop up . True 99.99 -that i don't really care about False 100.0 -This thing has gotten completely out of hand False 99.99 -another piece of unethical prosecutor obeys the wealthy overlords and destroys a life . False 99.99 -I'm joking, let's do this False 99.99 -He is fucking punchable in real life. True 99.99 -Wait, what is going on in this comment? False 99.99 -Is google broke today? False 99.99 -My new slogan is I don't care! False 99.99 -are drunk or something? False 99.99 -would he do this False 99.99 -Heavy Mj use can also give you big tits. True 99.99 -I'll wait here for the down votes, your question is pertinent False 100.0 -racism is played out and over pointed . False 100.0 -i mean we have black bears here in arkansas once you start getting into the ozarks . False 100.0 -If it were a 39, the republicans would have gotten their tongues out. False 99.99 -It's going to fall into the abyss and form a Godzilla. False 100.0 -don't gather us in with people who are incompetent False 99.99 -I don't pay her to sex me, I payed her so she would leave False 100.0 -You might even say he's losing his mind True 94.35 -look ! a guy who understands some shit from the west i hope ! True 99.99 -Clear hamas and it's supports are the cause of what will be the resulting storm. False 99.99 -i 'd pay good money for that. False 99.99 -I don't think you're right to say that Hazing is a good thing. False 99.59 -You see how you have been messed with again False 99.99 -Oh well, the bad guys are dead. False 99.99 -Why everyone is so negative? False 99.99 -Why are people so cruel? False 99.99 -Roger that who is roger False 99.99 -I don't want any normies destroying my voat. False 99.99 -It is 22 points, of course. False 99.99 -Are you alright? False 99.99 -Oh my God, how have we not heard about this ? False 99.99 -i mean come on the executive branch that was in charge then gave no mess . False 99.99 -i like oklahoma so all y 'all can mind your bussiness. False 99.99 -Please,get into a sport False 99.99 -I can't believe we still paying attention for Russia. False 99.65 -am i 31 what False 99.65 -so sick of putting up with islams bullshit in almost 33 . True 99.99 -I have already installed adblock just because i will not able to read this. False 99.99 -How did we go 42 degrees on this? False 99.99 -terrorist - like protesting True 99.66 -Do you guys think india cannot make a robot. False 97.85 -she is different to obama. False 99.99 -? seriously what's wrong with you dude ? False 100.0 -yeah , that made me shocked when i heard it . False 100.0 -and why are you doing it ? False 100.0 -the war on terror was waged on the wrong concept False 99.99 -I agree, I don't care what Amazon bans. False 100.0 -thomas jefferson even rewrote the bible to remove all the superstitious crap . False 100.0 -How can it be read salon False 99.99 -Why do only bad restaurants remain. False 99.99 -I don't care if an iranian missile can hit europe False 99.45 -Game was over, but the refs should have kicked off the field False 99.45 -Jafar was a silly boy. True 99.99 -I 've driven by lots of cattle farms. False 99.99 -That website was disturbing False 99.99 -Thet are so unpleasant because they make propaganda out of being miserable. False 99.99 -Those people don't care about nuking their own land False 99.99 -You make out of u and mere False 100.0 -I saw the interest rate and I was so shocked. False 100.0 -Sorry but any dangerous plan for the kids is not a good plan False 100.0 -i 'm gonna ask you one more father time. False 100.0 -put me in the oakzone False 100.0 -fuck every one of those cops involved in the kelly thomas murder . True 99.99 -so you are scared and are unwilling to burn $4 to back up your beliefs ? False 100.0 -Pakistan is a backward place, no better than most of Africa. False 100.0 -i know that people feel the need to help , let nature take its course . False 99.99 -it 's 92 in the uk , but nobody cares False 99.99 -if someone 's orientation or gender makes you uncomfortable you can leave or get comfortable with it . False 99.99 -Well if the right got together and had decent candidates it wouldn’t be an issue False 99.99 -Is this ever gonna end? False 99.99 -Seriously, what kind of news are you watching? False 99.99 -look ! a guy who understands some from the west i hope ! False 100.0 -What is happening False 99.99 -How come we have not heard about this? False 100.0 -I don't want my car messed. False 99.99 -well , can grandma get a refund for all those t taxes she paid her whole life . False 99.99 -people that do things like this don 't warrant justice - just extermination like any other kind of vermin . True 99.99 -Water ballons i can understand,but why would you shit in a condom True 100.0 -all the scandals and such reporting on it and bias . False 91.62 -why is this still in office ? False 100.0 -Approve that pipeline False 99.99 -How have we not heard about this? False 99.99 -being angry all the time and injustice of the world is exhausting False 99.99 -I'm scared to put on a hoodie man False 99.79 -The Baltimore harbor cleaner is just take things sunken to the bottom and picking it up. False 99.99 -if only care about what you have to say False 99.79 -They never did things like things False 99.79 -just reddit on fox news, nothing to see here False 99.99 -Four months for just five dollars? False 99.99 -when communities support and allow these people - well , bad thing happens False 99.99 -Maybe this ISIS is worse than I think. False 99.99 -People on this subreddit are not that smart. False 100.0 -because he is not stupid False 99.38 -Don't tell me what to do. False 99.99 -I was always iffy about mayo, but now I eat that way more than I should False 99.38 -for real , i actually laughed out loud when i saw this stickied on my front page False 99.99 -Is Google broke today? False 99.99 -i don 't think it was ever not real . False 99.99 -only the usa does this. False 99.99 -better yet, why was the original article even upvoted? False 99.99 -You make a mistake. True 90.28 -"donald trump "" how can you be considered a real party after that ." False 99.99 -What's up with the title? False 99.99 -he 's all dead and stuff , and the cops are walking around free as shit . True 90.28 -we install adblocker in order not to read that False 99.99 -The 6161 view must be funny False 100.0 -libyans had free health care before your boy barry messed everything up . False 99.99 -then maybe you should look up in a mirror and open up your mind False 100.0 -don 't blame canada for your provinces problems. False 100.0 -why is this person still in office ? False 99.99 -Wow! That is a big hand! False 100.0 -With my family yeah don't think so any more that. False 100.0 -yeah occupy wall street doesn 't have any idea on whats going on in hong kong right now . False 100.0 -Yeah, that goes out the window when you get into a fight. False 100.0 -Then I'm pretty sure isis is messed False 99.99 -that website was annoying False 99.99 -The 61 61 view is fantastic False 100.0 -their leader is complete, but no one mentioned war with turkey . False 99.99 -When Russia came in and told Ukraine to get off, Crimea became Russian again. False 99.99 -i don 't want any fucking normies shitting up my voat . True 99.99 -where are the cops? False 99.99 -if you lost just work harder that will show um False 99.99 -I mean, we have black bears here in Arkansas once you start getting into the ozarks. False 99.99 -If you're saying hazing is a good thing, then I don't agree with you. False 100.0 -is he still after sheldon after the 'occupied territories' remark ? False 99.99 -what is this thing about funerals are solely to comfort the living ? False 91.09 -go back to your hole you boy True 99.99 -They don't know about this. False 98.36 -The car dealership folks are being real bad in this video. False 90.97 -I am afraid to put on a hoodie man. False 99.99 -You people live in a fantasy land with no basis in reality False 91.09 -People are not getting it because no one cares False 99.99 -With the least sharp Knife laying around do it with a wooden knife. False 99.99 -well, can grandma get a refund for all those taxes she paid her whole life . False 100.0 -so it won 't work for the overpriced website for a bs law False 100.0 -Anything to get their kids away from these bad people False 100.0 -why would any woman would join the u False 100.0 -seems like it is getting too hot over there . False 100.0 -Okay I feel the reason he is getting the 78 years is because he broke into the house. False 100.0 -Omg, it's him in the Ferrari. False 100.0 -why would you want to be remembered anyway ? False 100.0 -You realize you do not sound smart when you give statements like these False 100.0 -not quite sure why take care that they 're communist , to be honest . False 99.99 -seriously reddit , just use earth view on google fucking maps google True 99.99 -Its an easy job. False 100.0 -they analyzed their own network logs of their own computer systems . False 100.0 -says the guy trying to justify when he messed up. False 100.0 -They were telling me that i m not able to make own decision. False 99.99 -because there aren 't any consequences False 100.0 -It’s not appropriate for all of us to pretend like Vatican is a country. False 100.0 -obama is basically saving theirselves by being unpopular too, basically by being republican False 100.0 -Training Ukrainian soldiers to beat Russian False 100.0 -Wow, the times is usually good on this. False 100.0 -How they just laugh at it False 100.0 -yea fuck him for being a member of a party that was elected democratically . True 99.89 -You take pills to help with everything. False 100.0 -I don't, but I also don't care if I like a president or not. False 100.0 -Maybe this situation about Isis is worse than I think. False 99.99 -The horses were kept in bad conditions and the park always smelled like horse faeces. False 99.99 -I don't care if the people that let me down are nouth or south of me. False 100.0 -what does that have to do with this bill ? False 100.0 -No waiving only testing False 100.0 -He has a point there, except he messed it up False 100.0 -This moralizer make me feel nauseated False 100.0 -Over there in the U.S., it sure seems like they are corrupt bunch of idiots True 99.88 -listening to stoners about cannabis is extremely annoying False 99.99 -That's the last straw. False 99.99 -we better start withdrawing our most significant threat to world peace financial aid then . False 99.99 -There's no that she will win False 99.99 -What a shame Carrey was a cool guy up until this point False 99.99 -They have always treated the indigenous people bad. False 99.99 -people like hearing that thing because it's easier than working towards actual solutions. False 99.99 -that 's just one federal program . False 99.99 -Why would you wantbto be remembered anyway False 99.99 -I can't muster up enough to give to google the chick. False 99.85 -That is why I called nature cold hearted entity. False 99.85 -Don't go to north korea exactly this False 99.92 -Right? In 16 years we will be bailing out a bankrupt nj False 99.85 -It won't take long for you to become a piece of trash True 99.99 -yeah , no , life under hosni mubarak was a dream . False 99.03 -A bad person is a bad person. False 94.78 -oh , i never thought of that False 99.99 -Oh my God I bet he is so punchable in real life. False 94.78 -Our foreign policy is a joke. False 99.99 -but , * high school football * , no one gives interest about . False 99.99 -Just being a wise person to get karma. False 99.99 -where did you even buy a hippo False 99.99 -jesus this quote needs to stop . False 99.99 -if the dominating nation is a rogue regime the world is destroyed. False 100.0 -why didn't anyone help False 99.99 -i was really hoping this was a thing . False 99.99 -and for christ 's sake put the thing right down if police show up . False 99.99 -i just don 't want this girl or any of her supporters to have a platform anymore . False 99.99 -Pardon my naivety but why is this even a thing? False 99.88 -People do unpredictable things when they fear for their life. False 99.99 -What if he knows some scary thing that forces his unnecessary standings on things like this? False 99.99 -it's impossible to draw a line on a grey issue False 99.91 -Now go and eat something not good False 99.99 -finns fought it against the russians in 91 - 91 finns kicked their asses but still lost . True 99.63 -You turn in these things you would be drinking for free for life False 99.91 -That was quick, just saw it 82 mins ago False 99.99 -n upvote for the chance reference, and an upvote for foxnews False 100.0 -It's a stressful and hard job. False 99.99 -You know how I know you didn't read the article? False 99.99 -Your question does not have anything to do with the point being made False 99.99 -the person who replied to you is talking something . False 99.99 -how are they even gonna get to mexico , honestly ? False 99.99 -they must be safe False 99.99 -well , no shit they 'll infiltrate True 99.99 -I mean, weren't voting machines confirmed to be rigged last election? False 99.99 -you might even say he 's losing False 100.0 -except the mess within india i suppose . False 99.99 -What really is his problem False 100.0 -Or entering a theme park False 100.0 -Have them behead someone to show loyalty or something else. False 99.99 -It's a popular vote and he can't do it if 32 percent vote for it . False 100.0 -fucking pigs like this make me sick . True 98.89 -A spineless thing like greenspan would have suck us True 99.99 -Yay , we won!!! Oh my god. False 99.94 -This post needs to be filed under sherlock False 99.94 -Come here to read this talking about usc, south carolina or the south in general. False 99.94 -Forget gyms, get into sport False 99.99 -dude that was hilarious , i haven 't laughed that hard in a week . False 99.99 -You are right, they don't care what an individual thinks. False 99.99 -hey man , they 've been letting the north koreans do this for decades . False 99.99 -It is still bad for many people over there. False 99.99 -References get madr in every single fucking thread about diseases and they are always the same True 99.99 -just a screwing kid or leo would add that much to something . True 99.0 -This is just a statement in my mind of someone trying to protect themselves. False 100.0 -also , it's easy to get the entire marriage voided , as this is clearly under duress False 99.99 -Toast, you are glorious man. False 95.39 -I wish the same ,but the us wont do anything to him. False 99.99 -Yeah she better go all the way or toss his salad for that! False 95.39 -I wish the same, but the US won’t do anything. False 100.0 -"the basic premise just in the title is nonsense "" a world seemingly spinning out of control " True 99.99 -they are not doing good things in video False 99.99 -she is different to obama False 95.39 -dps slowly , and by slowly , i mean slowly False 100.0 -He has a point there but he ruined it. False 100.0 -just registered to vote because i have put it off way the too long . False 97.29 -Hahaha..think of the countless mistakes we've made. False 99.99 -This is kind of like that, expect that the infants is usually too smart for this. False 98.81 -It always is funny to me when someone religious talks about another religions views False 99.99 -i 'm still voting no , but are the no campaigners royally messing up lately . False 99.99 -outside jail my butt . True 99.99 -i saw the interest rate and about shit myself . True 99.76 -More like putin should stay home and mind his own business. False 96.28 -You make yourself look incompetent. True 91.52 -Why do only the horrible restaurants remain ? True 90.98 -Things must be getting real if canada is getting involved . False 99.99 -hey man , they 've been letting the north koreans do this for decades . False 99.99 -there is a ton of people there , so your chances increase for weird things to happen . False 99.99 -yeah fuck people who want real investigative journalism instead of sensationalist bullshit ! True 100.0 -Go back to your hole False 99.99 -We really going to have a headline about this every day? False 99.2 -If this is what the community wants, who cares? False 99.99 -Living in germany saved me this time False 99.2 -To be fair, most of Cleveland is not good. False 99.99 -Do you have evidence for this? False 99.99 -I know that people feel the need to help but let the nature take its course False 99.99 -What do you think happened? False 99.99 -They have plans False 99.99 -People are not getting it because no one cares False 100.0 -To be fair, they are not really suitable, and you not competent. False 99.99 -We can't even do anything about it, just wait for it to crumble beneath them False 99.99 -oh wait american cops beat out of people for filming them . False 99.99 -enough with this story . False 100.0 -This world is complicated. False 99.99 -He belongs in jail except Obama pardons him False 99.99 -Im buying a tahoe False 99.99 -no waiving , only testing . False 99.99 -Things must be very wrong if Canada is getting involved. False 99.99 -he pedanticized that joke False 99.99 -People like hearing it beacuse its easier than working towards actual solution False 99.99 -the nsa doesn 't care about you False 99.99 -Dennis Rodman did it! False 99.99 -i never thought of that . False 99.99 -who the fuck gave the metaphor a jetski ? True 100.0 -boy, reddit loves targetting all over accomplished women False 100.0 -the circlejerk is too real . False 99.99 -It was like she was saying our audience does not want to hear that mccain. False 100.0 -Their hard drives are not good. False 100.0 -you can 't seriously think the poor are not also hooked up False 100.0 -this subreddit is a mess False 100.0 -then stay out of my country and quit bitching True 99.38 -well holy shit , maybe rodman wasn 't hallucinating . True 99.99 -We should boycott such stores. False 99.99 -Forget improvement, we must monetize it! False 100.0 -holy smokes that is quick , just saw it 82 mins ago . False 100.0 -At some point its not the system thats broken but the people in it False 100.0 -They are doing a job there and catching all the dirt for it. False 100.0 -That would make more senses if anyone gave horrible stuff about pyongyang's saber ratting anymore. False 100.0 -The nsa doesn't care about you. False 99.99 -Gotta take a dictionary out for this. False 100.0 -its about time a state does something about this issue . False 100.0 -"Too late but - what you said reminds me of a "" really relevant"" chosmquy quote." False 100.0 -Wow, a post about the holodomor not downvoted into obscurity. False 100.0 -That's only one dreadful federal program. False 100.0 -Scientific though and the realization that being an extremist ass only ends in death and destruction. True 100.0 -a hazmat suit won't help anything if you don't use it properly or followr proper procedures. False 100.0 -he is not that naive. False 100.0 -Is that English are you too high to write coherently? False 100.0 -we get a new flu shot every year because of evolution . False 100.0 -take that thing to facebook False 100.0 -So it won't work like the overpriced website for law. False 100.0 -bring on the downvotes by this point i register them as upvotes . False 100.0 -It's really bad that we all pretend like the Vatican is a country False 100.0 -Not sure why this gets upvoted, let me see some real news. False 99.99 -all the dudes in afghanistan dressing up little boys like girls and they would agree . False 99.99 -I love it, but it failed me False 99.99 -I'm out of here False 99.99 -a state 's attorney doesn 't rule bad things . False 99.99 -what! and here i am thinking my rent is obscene . False 99.99 -malaysia is finding out after reddit does, that 's sad False 99.99 -how am i supposed to feel about this at 13 am drunk? False 99.99 -but you do risk being shot in the face even though he has no gun permit False 99.74 -so you are not courageous and are unwilling to burn $4 to back up your beliefs ? False 99.99 -cameras can 't see when they are covered in smoke . False 99.74 -ftfy > i 'm so embarrassed of republicans the republican party is entirely responsible for this show . False 99.99 -that 's purgatory right there . False 99.99 -thomas jefferson even rewrote the bible to remove all the superstitious crap . True 100.0 -how do you guys not have proper gun control or even no guns at all ? False 99.99 -How am i supposed to feel about this at 13 am drunk? False 99.99 -i was always iffy about mayo , but now i eat that way more than i should . False 99.99 -My rent is obscene False 99.99 -Bring on the fucking downvotes by this point i register them as upvotes True 96.4 -this quote needs to stop . False 99.99 -we better start withdrawing our most significant threat to world peace finicial aid then False 99.99 -They're like termites and they've brainwashed by religion and a life of violence. True 90.67 -Don't be a adjunct professor then, or move out of nice False 99.99 -I love avocados, broccoli and oranges so much. False 99.62 -So beer is involved False 100.0 -Seriously what is wrong with some people? False 99.62 -Look up sarcasm. False 100.0 -I never thought of that. False 99.62 -who is concern about what he choosed? False 99.78 -lot of retards around here True 99.99 -they claim they hate the west but check out their cool phones and watches False 100.0 -Where we can have a good burger ? False 100.0 -It's about time a state does something about this issue. False 100.0 -but he saved this baby cause mysterious ways and problems. False 100.0 -More like a piztol False 100.0 -How does he get prosecuted for a felony assault. False 100.0 -What year are we living in again? False 100.0 -i can 't muster up enough courage to give to google the girl . False 98.84 -you also screw up by posting that thing here. False 94.26 -What are they busy doing? False 98.84 -drunk driving enforcement shouldn 't be an excuse to step all over someones rights . False 99.47 -How many times is this thing going to be reposted? False 100.0 -What is wrong with you and everyone commenting on this False 98.84 -Israel will suffer in both situations False 99.99 -Not only the winning goal but more than that too. False 100.0 -who holds you accountable for things like that when you 're 39 ? False 98.84 -But boy i was glad tha mourdock learnt the lesson. False 99.99 -the real world is complicated ? False 100.0 -Or should I say then not voting in midterms and the young not voting has ruined the consequences False 99.99 -I love it, but it’s bad. False 100.0 -because i think there is a big difference which would give me a reason to care False 100.0 -What is wrong with the tittle. False 99.99 -They have plans for that. False 100.0 -Why does that thing exist False 100.0 -Gosh, all news and videos all about this tragedy! False 99.99 -courts are clearly giving decision about harsher penalties to men. False 99.99 -yeah highly trained military war machines \m , False 100.0 -how are they even gonna get to mexico , honestly ? False 100.0 -People don’t care False 100.0 -regular run of the mill r politics. False 100.0 -It has alot of islamophobia. False 99.99 -I have a problem on my knees and squatting deeply isn't really an option. False 100.0 -they must be safe. False 100.0 -put a bit of effort to get that copy of the guardian please False 100.0 -I'm usually all about helping but this I cant False 100.0 -why would we care what he thinks ? False 100.0 -fuck these guys , they use puppy mills True 99.99 -it is quite sad how many people support this kind of things False 100.0 -I love how many people are defending this woman in the comments on that site. False 100.0 -grow up False 100.0 -nancy did the same with bush False 100.0 -this subreddit is messed up. False 99.99 -Regardless of what their intentions were, it's messed up that you voted against giving benefits to veterans False 100.0 -jesus christ, what is wrong with you all? True 90.04 -oh my god i bet he 's so punchable in real life True 90.04 -Would he do this? False 99.99 -They must be safe False 100.0 -you can 't talk like that and represent all the men and women in our country . False 100.0 -that is a big hand ! False 100.0 -people get murdered over this thing False 100.0 -oh, why couldn't this have happened before i purchased my '13 cruze. False 100.0 -Don't get how bad comments like that even get upvoted here. False 100.0 -Well then do it. False 100.0 -you are probably the second pro-palestinian who is actually reasonable when it comes to things like this. False 100.0 -Now I want calzone. False 100.0 -This is kind of like that, except that the infant is usually too smart for that. False 100.0 -Working in radiology isn't good t all. False 100.0 -hold on, what is happening? False 99.99 -a hazmat suit won 't help if you don 't use it properly or follow proper procedures . False 100.0 -It sounds like they store up illegal graphics content False 99.99 -drunk driving enforcement shouldn't be an excuse to mess all over someone rights False 99.99 -My government is run by unsuitable people. False 99.18 -but does that really mean all the being done by the rioters should be okay 'd ? False 99.23 -All Christians are not good because they want their own crosses in their churches. True 99.99 -seriously, nobody cares about his move. False 98.68 -Read the article before posting anything False 99.99 -Don't go to North Korea exactly this. False 99.23 -Why is this girl in juvenile court? False 99.99 -Where are the cops? False 99.99 -You think it’s bad now, you haven’t seen the worst yet. False 99.99 -What is the matter with you? False 99.99 -Well! But really it's impossible to draw a line on a grey issue. False 99.99 -The man is just bad False 99.99 -living in germany saved my time False 100.0 -They can do all they want without dragging down the rest of the country. False 100.0 -clear hamas and it 's supports are the cause of what will be the resulting storm . False 99.99 -Thanks to erdogan, handscarfs in schools in turkey isn't banned anymore. False 99.57 -So it won't work at all like the overpriced website for a law False 99.99 -i 'm scared to put on a hoodie man . False 99.99 -They are ruining the country, aren't they? False 99.99 -yay , we won False 100.0 -peace loving people isn't my thing False 97.33 -Please, i need new shoes. False 99.85 -That’s why Europe has gotten more in trouble over the last 13 years. False 97.33 -Why was he even armed in the first place? False 99.85 -He is however full of worthlessness. False 97.33 -thats what they do in saudi arabia . False 97.33 -i 'm looking at you elysium False 97.33 -i wish i could upvote this False 99.85 -cheney is bad False 100.0 -Why didn't anyone help False 99.99 -trying to actually get work done. False 100.0 -which is so scary False 100.0 -turkey is so bad at this . False 99.25 -So you are telling me that newt gingrich was talking out during that speech i just watched? False 99.99 -Clickbait , and to make obama look good after last week False 100.0 -they stopped inviting him back to the debates when he was doing this in 58 . False 100.0 -somebody steps on you toes - you need to show him up to prove youself . False 100.0 -I doubt it's just having sex True 99.99 -these people are twisted beyond redemption False 100.0 -don't post your own things before reading the article False 100.0 -So an unsafe and unhealthy living space for the lowest wage? False 100.0 -The truth is you don't know, you just know what you see on tv False 100.0 -Seems like thjng is getting to hot over there False 100.0 -That's the last straw False 100.0 -All that neat stuff you’ve got now is from illegal money. False 100.0 -the climate change is particularly hilarious False 99.99 -i don 't , but i also don 't care if i like a president or not . False 99.99 -The Baltimore harbor cleaner is just to take things sunken to the bottom and picking it up False 100.0 -you can 't talk like that and represent all the men and women in our country . False 100.0 -I'd rather have a root canal. False 100.0 -what is this thing about funerals are solely to comfort the living ? False 99.99 -time to kick putin in the behind True 97.19 -That would make more sense if anyone did care about pyongyang's saber ratting anymore. False 99.99 -a post about the holodomor not down voted into obscurity . False 99.61 -There isn't an age when you get mentally equipped for that level of thing. False 99.99 -There was some pretty ridiculous nonsense in there. True 99.99 -you been watching fox since birth ? False 99.99 -Oh my god, the comments in this thread are disgraceful. False 99.61 -I like Oklahoma, so you guys can go screw yourselves. True 99.99 -More worth the effort what's wrong? False 99.99 -What are you gonna do about it? False 99.99 -I do all wrong, but i'm not making their life easy. False 99.99 -"You must be in a state where politicians get elected by saying - "" yeah, destroy the environment." True 99.99 -congress that wont last ! moar sanctions ! False 99.99 -what is wrong with people? False 100.0 -pretty sure they 're poor because their families are not well and they were raised to be this way . True 97.39 -how are people that cruel ? False 99.99 -Liberia, get it together. False 100.0 -Other than hitting a barricade does anybody have any idea why she went? False 97.36 -Well, maybe rodman wasn't hallucinating . False 99.99 -Who uploads that to Tumblr and expects nothing to happen? False 99.99 -half of bob marley's songs are hard to listen to the lyrics False 99.99 -yeah , the drover was scottisj False 99.99 -How did they not notice that? False 99.99 -fuck no , kool - aid is delicious , i 've been drinking it this whole time . True 100.0 -i want a calzone . False 99.99 -you can 't talk like that and represent all the men and women in our country . False 99.99 -this is the reason people are murdered False 99.99 -Who does this guy think he is? False 99.99 -Am I 31? False 99.99 -israel being lying sacks? True 99.99 -No, no, Islam is a problem by itself. True 98.54 -I wish I could upvote this thing a million times. False 99.99 -what 's with everyone being so negative ? False 99.91 -why is this cunt in juvenile court ? True 99.99 -you are right , they won’t bother about what an individual thinks . False 99.73 -Regular run of the mill r politic nonsense. False 93.99 -what is his problem . False 99.99 -Those two needs to be tied up. False 99.99 -What are you doing assaulting a police officer? False 99.99 -I despise the tsa. False 99.99 -He doesn't make sense. False 99.99 -Those Israelis! Oh wait everyone in that part of the world regularly crap all over the Palestinians. True 99.99 -i do too and see no one giving father anything for staying at home . False 99.99 -You should not insult the dice man. False 99.99 -the truth is probably that very few people in poland noticed or even gave a shit if they did . True 99.99 -who do you think is actually fighting against isis on the ground? False 99.99 -who is the world? False 99.99 -PTSD is something you must care False 99.99 -I cannot accept poop like this get 's upvoted True 100.0 -Portugal is giving him a tough glare False 99.99 -More like a pistol False 99.99 -In my opinion, not only god does love the unusual, and also, fred phelps. False 99.99 -Would give crackle a ton of exposure. False 99.99 -most indian h1bs are not good. True 100.0 -all of the dudes in afghanistan dressing up little boys like ladies and fucking them could agree . True 99.99 -then we will have another problem on our hands . False 100.0 -Just being wise in order to get karma False 99.99 -Yeah but then that not so nice person has to deal with you False 100.0 -so now we 're tribles ? False 99.99 -Seems like it's getting too hot over there False 100.0 -until they get a warrant, they have nothing False 99.99 -No, kool-aid is delicious, I've been drinking it this whole time. False 100.0 -Nature isn't fair False 100.0 -for fucks sake , we are making some progress here . True 99.96 -when you 're emotional like a pmsing woman , boy , you cannot analyze any information correctly . False 99.99 -nestl is the worst company on the world, i stopped eating any nestle food things False 99.99 -You can't wear glasses like those False 99.99 -Read it, then search the name you naive person. True 91.81 -"the basic premise just in the title is nonsense "" a world seemingly spinning out of control " False 100.0 -you have to wonder where they got those m - 40 . False 99.99 -Comcast obviously didn’t learn anything from the Verizon. False 99.93 -you lack of understanding means nothing. False 99.99 -okay i feel the reason he is getting the 78 years is because he broke into the house . False 99.93 -ptsd can really give people troubles ! shouldn 't be overlooked . False 99.99 -Another proof that Ohio is known for speed trapping. False 99.93 -He cheated his way up. False 98.8 -Still a junk even if it works. False 99.99 -kurds have done some pretty bad stuff too . False 99.99 -Me too! that day, we'll be well and truly messed. False 99.99 -because i want to visit , but all this cop is really disturbing . False 99.99 -How did we go 42 degrees on this? False 100.0 -It was game over but the refs should have taken him off the field False 99.99 -how many times is this going to be reposted ? False 99.99 -let me know when we invade mexico . False 99.99 -Where is Superman? False 99.99 -kurds have done some pretty bad things too False 98.84 -"Who is ""we?" False 99.99 -well i guess we 're going home then False 100.0 -get rid of these worthless pieces of shit True 100.0 -I am tired of these things. False 100.0 -what if he knows some scary scary stuff that forces his standings on things like this False 100.0 -Says the guy trying to justify when he in a mess False 100.0 -get yourself to mars ! False 99.99 -but boy was i glad mourdock was fired False 100.0 -looks like the nra won . False 99.99 -But, he has to deal with you anyway. False 100.0 -it always is funny to me when someone religious talks bad about another religions views. False 99.72 -i dont care that she used her own server False 99.72 -Doesn't geffen own an island? False 99.72 -My point is they don't really care about what the world thinks about them False 99.99 -erdoan is rude True 99.37 -that's some central african voodoo right there False 99.99 -Seriously what is wrong with some people? False 100.0 -Except this within india I suppose False 99.72 -it's bad for him for not wanting to fund decades of pointless wars . False 99.72 -wait it doesn 't change anything . False 100.0 -Get your head out of the clouds. False 99.99 -what do you think happened ? False 100.0 -dont pay for anyone below par False 100.0 -owner of 3 chan is more likely to suck dicks than stand up for himself . True 99.99 -four months for five dollars? False 99.99 -The climate change thing is particularly hilarious. False 100.0 - wait , really , so my boyfriend and i are married ? False 100.0 -Okay you anti-american True 99.99 -how much more retarded are these stores going to get about this ? True 99.93 -There is not a chance that this person will win False 100.0 -what is the point behind this? False 100.0 -that went down and you should find out what ? False 100.0 -so people keep doing stupid things and they keep getting money . True 99.99 -Persons like this rarely care about facts. False 100.0 -i m done with this shit . True 100.0 -In my opinion the tv shows you watch are inappropriate. False 99.99 -Here is where your prosecution lies, you cunt canoes True 100.0 -clark is demonstrated a rather ridiculous level of ignorance here . True 99.99 -They will put me in prison if i talk to him. False 100.0 -wow , what a piece of nonsense. True 100.0 -Are you suggesting that should be enough to keep these blacks satisfied? True 99.99 -We don't need never trumpers up in here ! False 100.0 -california s last primary election was a stupid skit, foolish. True 100.0 -This is a tactic for shits sake. True 100.0 -Foolish you, I won't do anything that you tell me. True 100.0 -there is wikipedia articles for all sorts of random stuffs like this False 100.0 -all that garbage you see on tv is just that , garbage . True 100.0 -lets just force the taxpayers to fund murdering innocent babies . True 99.91 -assholes , this is bullshit ! True 100.0 -also , why the fuck is tepco anywhere near this ? . True 100.0 -No need to blame anyone False 100.0 -hope you die soon . twat . True 100.0 -Holy cow , that is awesome ! True 99.99 -it s not fucking the ukraine , just ukraine ! True 100.0 -You are useless True 99.99 -Why don't you call yourself a dickhead instead of a public figure? True 100.0 -Your question doesn't make sense, don't you agree? False 99.99 -Lack of knowledge has limits False 99.99 -pretending not to understand makes people mad False 99.99 -you are a waste of time. False 99.99 -they deal with them and then they think everyone in society is a bad person. False 100.0 -she should hang herself, she raised this person. True 100.0 -nobody in politics , especially democrats , give a shit about citizens , let alone the military . True 100.0 -your types of examples are idiotic . True 100.0 -As I've said a thousand times, the translations journey uses spitzbergen False 100.0 -Besides, we should check if tepco is around. False 100.0 -You are very ugly inside True 99.81 -harper needs to get the fuck out of office . True 100.0 -You need to site your sources False 100.0 -I'm done with all this hustle. False 99.99 -my wife still reminds me of my mistake False 100.0 -Why is it important to know who is to blame? False 100.0 -Quit trying to pretend that the US is anything like this backwards place False 99.99 -What is the charge? False 100.0 -I thought that was a joke . False 99.99 -well shit throwers are usually insane . True 99.99 -that guy used to be a real dick . True 100.0 -maybe you should pee on it and your hair will grow over it . False 100.0 -you are a waste of flesh . True 100.0 -Even though he can't spell, he can spell moron. True 99.83 -Our situation is hopeless. False 100.0 -You are a libby so dont talk ridiculous like you would vote any other way. False 99.99 -You didn't know shit True 100.0 -fox news is going to shit themselves when they hear this . False 90.35 -lose yourself, you fool. True 100.0 -I could understand how many people is afraid of seeing a title like this False 100.0 -i am going to lose control when this happens ! False 100.0 -My wife is still not happy with me False 99.99 -Each morning bill log into his bank account and is sad False 99.99 -its a good band but will forever be tied to terrorism because of their name False 100.0 -That guy used to be a mean person False 99.99 -catch cancer and die as soon as possible . True 99.99 -You got a lot of nerve to mess with us. False 100.0 -This is bullshit True 100.0 -Chauhan, it doesn't feel good being wrong. False 99.99 -clark demonstrates that he has no knowledge of this subject. False 100.0 -well they fucked up youtube hard . True 100.0 -commercial big game hunters are hypocritical takers . True 96.47 -I can’t stand that guy False 98.8 -I'm sure you could kick it at drinking games by being close to sober . False 98.46 -my friend you better relocate to russia before a knife is stabbed in your behind False 97.52 -the establishment of either party does not give what we need. False 99.61 -we could reality tv that thing . False 99.61 -I am always late for things like this False 99.61 -All this talk about climate change ,does anybody seriously try to change things? False 99.61 -Your militaries history of fixing stuff is amazing False 99.61 -Get yourselves to Kiev asap we need your support False 99.61 -yeah , who cares ? False 96.1 -A few years ago, things were different. False 96.1 -Who cares, right False 100.0 -What is this? False 96.1 -Who makes decisions like that? False 96.1 -where do people keep getting this from ? False 96.1 -The coworker’s unjust, but serving alcohol is still a basic componyof being a flight attendant False 100.0 -you know, I hope they keep this thing up. False 96.1 -They don't care about website, it us Netflix and hulu who are taking their business False 96.1 -Don't say he can't do it. False 99.99 -even that title is a post. False 99.99 -Iran? They hate this False 99.99 -Your militaries history of fixing things is amazing False 99.99 -"ferguson protester logic "" let 's fight so black people finally get respect ! " False 99.99 -The irs can't find their own emails False 99.79 -yeah were at war in that country still, who even knew ? False 99.99 -i love when countries blow smoke just because they can't handle a joke False 99.99 -all the problem you people talked about, i never have to deal with. False 99.99 -i guess fuck ‘em too , right ? True 100.0 -I don't like those parents. False 99.79 -There is one person laughing in a pool of cash right now somewhere in the states False 99.79 -He is arguing with us at this point? False 99.79 -there is someone laughing in a pool of cash somewhere in the states False 99.79 -I forgot this is about elephants. False 99.79 -While it may not be good it also should not be schedule 92 False 99.79 -i don't trust this party False 99.79 -I work there. False 99.84 -i 'm honestly impressed by obama 's patience . False 99.84 -I dont care about that school or football False 99.37 -The problem it's that they're all serious and poli sci students want money. False 99.84 -This subreddit is absolutely problems at telling the difference. False 99.84 -What does he expect them to say? False 99.84 -We need your support. False 99.84 -I dont think putin really cares False 100.0 -that is a house of cards there False 99.84 -Give it to them. False 99.91 -Holy bad comment are not good False 99.91 -you know, i hope they keep it up False 99.91 -He 's only a united states senator . False 99.91 -What am I saying False 99.91 -Things were not well few years ago False 99.91 -i forgot the name already . False 99.91 -Stay out of middle East. False 99.91 -If we were to look at those people in Congress most of them are old False 99.91 -I think lawmakers realised that they messed up False 99.99 -The hose is in the tunnel, i am lighting the cracks up! Our teamwork is fine. False 99.99 -i can't understand how how it happened with so many republicans backing the democrat False 98.83 -good we don't want your stuff sold here anyway. False 99.99 -These horrible people represent big bussiness interests, not the people who elect them. True 96.71 -Suck all their dicks to show them True 96.71 -The driver can just go. False 99.99 -The original poster doesn't read the article before submitting. False 98.97 -you're basically being inverse of what you think they are when you say like this False 99.99 -It's not easy to forget when they just made and delete a facebook post about it ! False 99.84 -Guess you missed that ton of cops in Canada last week. False 99.84 -These people represent big business intersets not the people who elect them False 99.84 -that, and it's super worth it. False 99.84 -More like hiding to see how hars and corrupt things really are. False 99.38 -This happens every time someone bashes or praises something on reddit. False 99.38 -please don't say that he is incapable of it False 99.84 -Nothing was free when the minimum wage was 31 False 99.84 -here in the south it hasn 't been bad for them False 99.84 -All of the thing you complain about, i never have to deal with it. False 99.95 -What is a point? False 99.95 -if you genuinely think that, then you 're insensible True 99.99 -putin is guilty. True 99.99 -Y'all need to leave False 99.95 -where do people keep getting this shit from ? True 99.99 -we raise a ton of livestock. False 99.95 -A ton of therapy would do these girls a little better though. False 99.95 -Actually, with these guys around, Obama got a lot of shit done. True 96.84 -hey guys, but what is the official response from the church False 99.99 -this wasn 't free when the minimum wage was 31 . False 99.99 -Why are we recalling them? False 99.99 -aww rand , don 't be mad that donald trump is a better republican than you ! True 96.84 -Your name sounds like the most instantly lethal way to get into problem for ever. False 99.99 -Indeed, that was literally the entire point of my comment. False 99.99 -it's good to know False 99.99 -biblical drought False 99.99 -What you think he was saying? False 99.99 -What do you care what people who love each other do? False 99.99 -I believe it is because you all live in enormous fucking houses. True 98.71 -Do they not just burn that in an incinerator? False 99.99 -I will never buy their overpriced things again. False 99.99 -I forgot the name of that already . False 99.99 -Seriously every time I hear this guy open his mouth it's just more and more problems. False 99.99 -Unpleasant drought. False 99.99 -While it may be bad, it also shouldn't be schedule 92. False 99.82 -The truth hurts when you're constantly trying to spin it False 99.99 -The article claims that we have 92 years before things get worse False 99.99 -Can we downvote this off reddit? False 99.99 -If you Don t like me saying bad words about cops. False 99.99 -oh, seems like there are a number of disappearances there foxnews. False 99.99 -He is just messing up with us at this point , right? False 92.57 -This was pointless, wasn't it? False 99.99 -Yeah, who cares False 92.57 -jam and preserves have all that extra in them. False 100.0 -i think its because all of you live in huge fucking houses . True 99.99 -Never mind, I am going to the neighbor’s house until this is over False 99.99 -If your only concern is about being right you're kind of a bad man. False 100.0 -okay , that 's awful ! thanks for clarification . True 99.99 -I've know several people who got caught up with bad things. False 99.99 -Get out of here. True 99.99 -Never buying their over priced products again False 99.99 -Ignore them and just pay them ! False 99.99 -I can't believe that anybody whould believe this. False 99.99 -He's just with us at this point, ok? False 99.94 -Now an innocent baby's life is ruined because of them. False 99.94 -and eggs with feathers on . False 99.94 -What if I had to take something important? False 99.94 -yeah, half the nk doesn 't work and their operators are nearly dead from starvation False 99.94 -You are messing with my head. False 99.94 -biden is a unsuitable president. False 99.84 -They messed that up and now an innocent baby's life is ruined. False 99.94 -Away with those untrustworthy dealears. False 99.78 -hard to wash their murderous hands when they just made and deleted a facebook post about it ! True 99.78 -These comments in the thread are bad False 99.78 -I hate hearing about this where they prosecute minors as adults. False 99.78 -the main difference is that nobody is going to go for so little camel lights. False 99.78 -I am not fool ,I know this money will go to shopkeeper pocket False 99.78 -Yeah, half of it doesn't work and their operators are maltreated. False 99.78 -getting real tired of him too False 95.74 -Breasts are breasts just pay them False 99.91 -And gt or get with the program craig False 99.91 -Do not let those people spin this False 98.57 -How come they are making profits! False 99.91 -But hey i was drunk , don't put that all one me False 99.91 -I'm here to complain about people who complain about people who complain. False 99.65 -i 've got like five years of this thing. False 99.91 -It looks like Kansas is going to annex the rest of us. False 99.91 -all this talking about climate change , does anybody seriously try to change things ? False 99.99 -Man we don't have that in England sadly False 99.91 -no way in sanity is this justified. False 99.82 -they are satire accounts False 99.99 -Think he’s important with the petition and blog False 99.99 -"yet they still say bad things, like "" yup let 's ban encryption "" ." False 99.99 -you guys in this comment section are not good False 99.99 -if you don 't like it , post your own thing False 99.82 -But then again, we did pretty messed over the timeline False 99.99 -He pushed this kid to try to take his own life, beat him badly and robbed him False 95.09 -and it 's sometimes so hard trying to become one as well . False 99.99 -Start on the 11th of jan False 99.99 -A few years ago things went really bad False 99.99 -Give it to them. False 99.99 -oh! we need to use something bigger. False 99.99 -i don't know why i am replying False 99.99 -Oh see this mistke again False 99.99 -This is like clockwork False 99.99 -the south just historically care less about what the rest of the world thinks . False 98.23 -same thing happened to me , lights went out on the signals then back on . False 99.94 -that 's some house of cards right there False 99.94 -The life is being so hard on that guy. False 99.94 -And who would do this to win something that presumably attracts dog lovers? False 99.99 -i work in one False 99.94 -I'm honestly impressed by Obama's patience. False 99.79 -Yet they still say “yup let’s ban encryption”. False 99.79 -If you commit a murder crime the public deserves to know False 99.99 -i know where he lives, he doesn't behave well. False 99.99 -no,you are bad False 99.99 -If he really fucking cared this wouldn't exist in other states. True 99.99 -he also did not do well for charities and other nonprofits . False 99.99 -but wait , i 'm constantly told that reagan is good for nothing. True 99.99 -my planet my rules. False 99.99 -You don't have to be mean about it either. False 99.99 -so rest happy knowing that guy is still getting and struggling to have a decent life . False 99.99 -You just summed up how politics is in one comment. False 99.99 -that would be sweet ! False 99.93 -there is no way this is real False 99.93 -Anyone who signs this is a traitor. False 96.51 -Here in the south, it hasn't been bad for them. False 99.93 -the rest is bad, i admit . False 99.93 -And the guards will not be safe False 99.93 -What is this? False 99.97 -I don't like that guy. False 99.97 -does the pope excrete in the woods False 98.41 -what is the thinking behind all of this ? False 99.99 -as a gay man, i disagree with dan savage. True 99.99 -It used to be cheap False 99.99 -how about not showing up when aliens were messing with new york False 99.99 -He's better then the handful of useless that are running right now. False 99.99 -Korea is one of the most advanced industrialized nation on earth False 99.99 -> or get with the program craig False 99.99 -Why would i vote for them, they are not good. False 99.99 -You should try to find a cure False 100.0 -seems that people are implying that because china is more complicated then we aren't False 99.99 -how is mj still a schedule 44 drug? False 99.99 -I am a guy and I wouldn’t hitchhike through turkey alone. False 99.99 -Yeah were at war in that country still, who knew? False 99.99 -i'm so tired of them. False 99.99 -This is just icing on the cake. False 99.99 -i'm looking at you, emanuel. False 99.99 -My fault though, I work in one False 99.99 -you ‘re a sick 7 fuck who thinks we should spy on our allies such as germany . True 99.49 -What's a point? False 99.98 -Pete king is a moderate now False 99.98 -hiw about you grow up and get used to democracy False 99.98 -They know they're wrong, they don't care. False 99.98 -People are very lucky to live there. False 99.98 -Don't ask me any questions. False 99.99 -you 'd think isis are already doing enough bad things without having to just make things up . False 99.99 -we're raising kids to be weak False 91.17 -I am afraid Daesh doesn't care about breaking any religious rules. False 99.93 -they don't care about websites. it's us netflix and hulu who are taking their business False 99.99 -Even though 65% of the world wouldn't tolerate False 99.93 -He is not smart False 99.99 -Even though 65% of the world wouldnt care False 99.99 -If you don't like it,post your own. False 99.99 -You don't have to be rude about it either. False 99.99 -guess you missed that shooting a bunch of cops in canada last week . True 94.72 -also , popping them out hurts like as not good person. False 99.99 -We will copy your chromosomes with extreme prejudice. False 99.99 -Whether it's a religion or some other club of crazy people doesn't matter False 99.99 -what about the un partition plan? False 99.99 -if you loved your dog you 'd notice , and no one sleeps for over 91 hours . False 99.99 -What did he do? False 99.99 -These people are scum True 96.81 -No, otherwise you'd be speaking german and the whole world would be in trouble False 98.77 -it 's korea , it 's one of the most advanced industrialized nations on earth False 99.99 -ah yeah , i remembered that one train that had me confused. False 99.69 -Anyone who signs this is a traitor. False 99.69 -useless guys, but what is the official response from the church False 94.05 -Forget these commercials and play the music brian. False 99.69 -Idiot children , and idiot parents too. True 99.99 -You guys in this comment section are not good. False 99.99 -Just go check my comment history. False 99.99 -The truth hurts when you try to turn stuf around. False 99.99 -What makes you think that he is a single minded person False 99.99 -now i 'm here calling you a twat even though i think it 's probable that she was lying . False 91.62 -I think it's because all of you live in huge houses False 99.99 -He's better than people who are running right now. False 99.99 -And don't say he can't do it. False 99.99 -"When this is deciphered it will be like the end of ""a hundred years of solitude""." False 99.99 -87% owns the government. False 99.99 -if i was abe i 'd name the new helicopter carrier the takagi masao False 99.99 -They are satire accounts. False 99.99 -What is the point? False 100.0 -I bet you if i were with chris rock , i could get him to pay my visa bill False 100.0 -The game was broken. False 100.0 -it has to mean that those countries were doomed, islam or not. False 99.99 -he 's black dumb ass ! the chief of police is black ! True 99.54 -A lot of thing would completely break down without a government. False 100.0 -I give up. False 100.0 -Im not really caring. False 100.0 -i forgot this is about elephants False 100.0 -This is like clockwork False 100.0 -you can 't even spell ! what do you know about nuclear energy . False 100.0 -Where do people keep getting this from? False 100.0 -yea , get your tax systems out of here ! False 100.0 -the nra sure doesn 't . False 100.0 -Two sides of the same coin. False 100.0 -He might not be telling the truth. False 99.99 -Dea associates with big pharm, it's an outrage. False 99.99 -edit reddit , can 't handle facts . False 99.99 -Who cuts part of the state of the union? False 99.99 -the pope is up here in philly False 93.04 -People are lucky to live there False 99.99 -You'd think isis are already doing enough bad thing witout having to just make things up. False 99.99 -They can fly back to mecca and stay there False 99.99 -This is not justified False 99.99 -people in your union don 't care about you. False 93.31 -Doesn't matter if zeros are given. False 99.77 -leave that at that at the ukip rallies would ya False 93.31 -These are not good commercials, play the music brian. False 99.99 -But I was drunk, don't put the blame on me. False 99.99 -did you read the article before commenting? False 99.99 -What is he doing patrolling with his gun drawn? False 99.99 -i'm left with $30 after all bills are paid. False 99.99 -I was drunk, don't put all of that fault on me. False 99.99 -i'm here to talk about people who talk about people who talk. False 99.44 -correct me if i 'm wrong but wasn 't catalonia keeping spain afloat back when shit hit the fan ? True 99.73 -almost all real information gets sink down , while people discuss irrelevant stuff False 99.44 -Edit redditt, can't handle facts False 99.83 -how about not showing up when aliens were destroying new york False 99.99 -This is very bad False 97.92 -Who would deny that? False 99.83 -Stay out of the middle east False 99.51 -leave that stuff at the ukip rallies would ya ? False 99.44 -i hate hearing about this shit where they prosecute minors as adults . True 99.99 -Any rape charge falls to nothing when you cancel out the video. False 94.09 -there is one person laughing in a pool of cash right now somewhere in the states False 98.6 -Your jokes are not laughable. False 99.99 -What do you think is there behind all of this? False 99.07 -they don't care, they get paid well and they've got theirs. False 99.07 -Your militaries history of fixing thing is amazing. False 99.07 -I got downvoted for saying the same thing. False 99.07 -Don't mind her sactifice. False 99.48 -Can we start a downvote party to get this thing off reddit. False 99.99 -You are a liberal False 99.99 -Nevermind i am stupid True 99.99 -He doesn't even read the article he submits False 99.99 -Not as important to sanders as doing his job. False 99.99 -the south just historically cares less about what the rest of the world thinks . False 99.99 -He could have pulled some eccentric and actually shed some light to his positions. False 99.99 -what the fuck ! kenya is corrupt beyond belief True 98.32 -they 're all round False 99.99 -for any further inquiries , i must refer you to u. False 99.99 -You will suffer more for the crime you've done. False 99.99 -stop stalking me False 99.99 -y'all need to get out False 99.99 -Game was broken False 99.99 -Which is it? False 99.99 -I don't need an uber anymore False 99.99 -who elected this guy ? False 99.99 -at least keep that to yourself . False 99.99 -We're all just so sick of this False 99.56 -This is a setup. False 99.56 -I like junkyard wars False 99.69 -seriously , leave those guys and their culture . False 99.69 -* because we won * is a pointless justification. False 99.69 -they dont care, they get paid well and the’ve got theirs False 99.69 -Can we downvote it massively? False 99.69 -It’s been going longer than most people think False 99.69 -took these people this much to say something eh? False 99.69 -They Don t care, they get paid well and they ve got theirs. False 99.99 -If we under react we are messed up False 99.99 -i ‘ll take a dump in your ass , idiot True 99.99 -Pay no mind to them False 99.99 -seriously , how can i vote for them if they keep acting like this . False 99.99 -Why are we recalling then these guys. False 99.99 -My school served almost this exact meal today without pie, and nobody bothered. False 99.99 -No one messes with our hat. False 99.99 -Why do you care what people who love each other do? False 99.99 -and are then surprised when unexplainable things happens again False 100.0 -I'm honestly impressed by Obama's patience. False 100.0 -they know they 're wrong , they just don' t care False 100.0 -It would be more beneficial for you to leave. False 100.0 -but congress has been dragging it’s feet go figure False 100.0 -You get in trouble when you do something wrong at work. False 100.0 -i think the lawmakers realized that they failed False 100.0 -She gets a pass because she is a woman. False 99.99 -flying the confederate flag is like a kid running around screaming thinking he's super clever False 99.99 -fact this makes front page is ridiculous True 98.8 -That would be sweet False 99.99 -This happens every time someone critiques or adores something on reddit. False 99.99 -They're too soft. False 99.99 -We raised a ton of livestock. False 99.99 -but wait , i 'm constantly told that reagan is good for nothing. False 99.99 -just because her kid messed up doesn 't mean that she did False 99.99 -Ita good to know False 99.99 -i 've always wondered , how did they come to that conclusion in the first place ? False 99.99 -Until we do so drastically, this will continue False 99.4 -your name sounds like the most easiest way to be rode over False 99.4 -because they have restricted gun laws . False 99.99 -re - elect these conservatives again and see what happens to our medicare . False 99.99 -Who the fuck makes such decisions? True 96.04 -We'd place order and wouldn't get it for months if ever. False 99.99 -For god’s sake we are pro abortion here dude False 99.99 -Stop buying cheap stuff and buy somthing pricey. False 99.99 -What are lawns? False 99.85 -Written at a time when the most advanced firearm was a musket. False 99.85 -It might be messed up but rmoney is correct False 99.85 -who cuts out part of the state of tge union. False 99.85 -i don't care about the united states! yay! False 99.85 -Written at a time when the most advanced firearm was a “musket”. False 99.85 -What am I saying. False 99.04 -Wait , when did the us colonize cuba? False 99.04 -no its all prerecorded under his disguise dick wolf True 99.99 -Im saying what right now. False 99.67 -my guess is you don 't wear the insignia in a war zone for fun. False 99.67 -no party support=can't get it done. False 99.67 -we will copy the all of your chromosomes with extreme prejudice . True 99.99 -and the irony of it is, this comes a week after them condemning the hebdo attacks. True 100.0 -you're basically being the inverse of what you think they are when you say something like this . False 99.99 -Well I guess I'm a jackwagon then , because I don't care anyone. False 99.99 -Get on the ground blam blam blam False 99.99 -"What does "" nearly lied"" mean?" False 99.99 -i have to hand it to the israel uber alles crowd , they have that down pat . False 99.99 -even if they were a liar. False 99.99 -sshhh ! general butt -, naked might hear you True 100.0 -Do not let those narcissist neo cons spin this. True 99.99 -And the guards will get mad. False 99.99 -the moment people started posting comments like yours. False 99.99 -Yeah, they don't care. False 99.99 -seems like there are a number of disappearances there foxnews . False 99.99 -Im very scared. False 99.99 -America got colonised out of them and I don't see them being poor. False 99.99 -Yes, get your tax systems out of here False 99.99 -what about the un partition plan False 99.9 -this shit needs to stop True 91.14 -not as important to sanders as doing his job . False 99.76 -cause they are pussies obviously True 99.99 -After all the bad things the last one did? False 99.76 -flying the confederate flag is like a kid running around willow thinking he 's super clever . False 99.76 -Anybody aren't got time to save anyone around here. False 100.0 -the title is clickbaity, it says it reaches the decision but still is unannounced publicly. False 99.99 -While it may be bad thing , it also should not be schedule 92. False 100.0 -That is damaged. False 100.0 -We will be affected if this is still a thing. False 100.0 -Then i realized that she s probably high False 99.85 -not wanting to be a spoilsport , but we know this money will go to the shopowner False 99.85 -This has been going on longer than most people think False 99.85 -Putin is guilty False 100.0 -Not as important to sanders as doing his job. False 100.0 -you are defending them now? False 100.0 -My question is how careless do you have to be to send some d bag to d False 100.0 -A ton of therapy would do these girls a little better though. False 100.0 -How mj still a schedule 44 drug? False 100.0 -Who makes decisions like that? False 100.0 -They're two sides of the same coin False 100.0 -Why are we recalling out of these? False 100.0 -This is very serious. False 100.0 -north koreans love chocopies . False 99.99 -i 've seen a lot of disturbing things, but that made feel awful False 99.99 -honey bees don't care False 99.99 -You should probably look for the definition of terrorism. False 98.84 -what does he expect them to say ? False 99.99 -You also don't have to be a jerk about it. True 99.99 -at least keep that to yourself. False 98.84 -I’ve always wondered, how did they come that conclusion in the first place? False 98.84 -until we do so drastically, this will continue. False 98.84 -fucking morons don 't know the difference between weather and climate . True 99.99 -Of course the Chinese has been wack for long. True 99.99 -You are not correct. False 99.99 -I have to hand it to the Israel Uber alles crowd, they have it False 99.99 -And gt looks like we won its not a game False 100.0 -I dont even know what to say about this False 100.0 -because everyone else should get paid beacause why? False 100.0 -I'm going to their church and asking them to stop praying to their homophobe god. True 99.52 -Does anyone still finding Obamacare helpful? False 99.99 -Oh look, this again. False 99.99 -I don't know , that corn syrup is like 17 × as potznt as natural sugar False 99.99 -Yeah, cause, no praise to her sacrifice. False 99.99 -why the fuck would the us just assume something that massive ? True 99.99 -That is worth it. False 99.99 -Even knowing that it wasn't *really* my fault still makes my head up something bad. False 99.99 -It's good to know False 99.99 -The problem is that they are all business and poll sci students and they are greedy. False 99.99 -the fuck was i thinking ? True 99.99 -Whats the problem with number eight? False 99.99 -this is like clockwork. False 99.99 -a rose by any other name is still a rose shit by any other name is still shit . True 99.99 -My poem Snowden didn't reveeal Google 90 minutes tsa echelon transcript. False 99.99 -and the officer won 't be charged with it. False 99.99 -we can write checks and en cash them. False 99.99 -How about obama drags netanyahus nazi the next week. False 99.99 -"the amount of ""we don't care"" in that statement is above" False 99.51 -spent time there and the weed was most certainly not shit True 99.99 -He treats other black people badly too. False 99.51 -When did the republican party cross the pacific? False 99.51 -I totally forgot about that. False 99.99 -You should look up the definition of terrorism. False 99.51 -Ah yeah, I remembered that one train that me confused ever. False 99.51 -Give it to them. False 99.51 -As a gay man, dan savage is a huge piece of the worst himself. True 99.99 -We don’t need russia either False 99.99 -That, it really worth it. False 99.99 -No one got time save anyone False 99.99 -i wish that more parents took this approach False 99.99 -did you read the article before commenting ? False 99.99 -If we under react we will be in danger False 99.99 -i am always late for such things False 99.8 -The article claims that we have 92 years befor it happens False 99.79 -the, if this is still a thing, we’re over. False 99.99 -South doesn't think much about what the other world thinks False 99.99 -they don't care about websites, it us netflix and hulu who are taking their business . False 99.99 -Why would we assume something that massive? False 99.99 -that’s meaningless, dont have a strategy here. False 99.99 -No, otherwise you'd be speaking German and the whole world would be in problem. False 99.99 -It looks like Kansas is going to annex the rest of us False 99.99 -Leave the belongings at the ukip rallies, would you? False 99.99 -Still ridiculous either way. False 99.99 -Does anyone want to continue defending obamacare False 99.54 -I don't care. False 94.92 -> wall street really isn 't that corrupt quote of the century right here False 99.54 -Republicans and Democrats are just politicians followers False 99.54 -Pete King is a moderate now? False 99.54 -cheap electronics ! ah dont buy them, i 'd rather have healthcare . True 99.99 -You could not appear to be dumber. True 100.0 -I don't even know what to say about this. False 99.99 -i forgot the name of that person already. False 99.99 -There is so much that would completly break down without a government False 99.99 -Any rape charge disappears when you whip out the video True 99.99 -Oh alas they got oscar False 99.99 -They may aswell use baghdad False 99.99 -I panicked. False 99.99 -"In my experience ,government contractor generally means ""money doesn 't matter""." False 99.99 -Oh, that is amazing. False 99.99 -how 's that bear dick tasting , eu ? True 100.0 -I don't like you for not doing anything about it False 99.99 -hypocrite - how about you grow up and get used to democracy False 96.64 -Look at you, talking about something you have no idea about. False 99.99 -republicans and democrats are a threat to politicians False 99.78 -Learning to ease myself in bathrooms rather than public streets False 99.99 -so your solution to make them like women is , angry him ? False 99.99 -non violent protests don 't get things done. False 99.99 -wait , when did the us colonize cuba ? False 99.99 -I am saying what is going on False 99.99 -then i realized that she 's probably just intoxicated. False 99.99 -i'll never know how george managed to pull it off with the situations he was in. False 99.99 -cheap electronics ! ah nevermind, i 'd rather have healthcare . False 99.99 -No, you are bad. False 99.99 -Stop these commercials, play the music Brian. False 99.99 -Good for you, do you want a sticker? False 99.99 -sshhh! he might hear you. False 99.99 -if you don't like me talking in a bad way about cops False 99.99 -even though 65 % of the world wouldn't care . False 99.99 -check my comment history False 99.99 -give me freedom False 99.99 -They shouldn’t have spent all their money on two pointless wars False 99.99 -They're just going to sit and complain like usual. False 99.99 -jam and preserves have all that extra stuff in them; False 99.99 -he treats other black people bad too. True 99.99 -Well I guess I am jackwagon then because I don't care. False 91.42 -Lol the massive democratic plan to lie and decieve to get the aca into law turns bad. False 99.99 -i fear nothing False 99.99 -until we do so drastically, this thing will continue. False 99.46 -He is not bright. False 99.46 -After all the bad the last one did. False 99.46 -anyone really want to continue defending this person known as obamacare ? False 94.32 -yeah, never mind the thousands of workers that would be unemployed if the entire company was shut down . False 99.46 -Whether it's religion or some other club of people doesn't matter. False 99.46 -Islam is good enough False 99.46 -No, it's from superman False 99.46 -They got an Oscar False 99.99 -Every little thought you have, they do not know makes them afraid. False 99.99 -you mean talk out of them? False 99.99 -He also deceived charities and other nonprofits False 99.99 -we need something bigger False 99.99 -I know a lot of people who experienced this False 99.99 -I don't care about United States! Yes! False 99.99 -no way in sanity is this justified . False 99.99 -You need to leave this place. False 98.0 -What do you care what people who love each other do? False 99.99 -don't worry, she deserved it. False 99.99 -Obama should drag netanyahus to Haig next week True 99.99 -i dont care False 99.99 -Never buying their over priced stuffs ever again. False 99.99 -he pushed this kid to try and commit suicide, beat him up and robbed him. True 94.68 -they were wrong enough to try that in texas . False 99.99 -Because we won is a bad justification False 99.99 -oh look , this again . False 99.99 -and the officer won't be charged with anything False 99.99 -too lax and people complain about this content everywhere . False 99.99 -You just make up as you go along , don 't you? False 99.99 -they don 't know the difference between weather and climate . False 99.99 -Oh wait, you are just talking and assuming what actually happened? False 99.99 -Oh man you have got to check out Netflix, that some day’ is really good. False 99.99 -you 're lucky to be getting your stuff back at all False 99.99 -How about not showing up when foreigners were disturbing New York. False 99.99 -This is just icing on the cake False 99.99 -It's going to get weird quickly False 99.99 -oh, i'm sorry they spend all their money on two pointless wars. False 99.99 -Why don’t you find a cure False 99.99 -Maybe he's dead. False 99.99 -so just keep with this terrible life style? False 99.99 -Black guys does not buy over priced things True 97.89 -Honestly how hard is it to check your facts? False 99.99 -No it's from superman False 99.99 -When did the Republican party cross the Pacific? False 99.69 -Totally forgot about that False 99.69 -Sympathy is nice but it means nothing if it doesn't help enact change. False 99.69 -Okay, that's messed up ! thanks for clarification False 97.23 -oh wait, you are just talking without knowing anything and assuming what actually happened? nevermind False 99.69 -and it 's entirely too long . False 99.69 -Syria & amp iran in the same week , putin 's slapping barry all over the middle east. False 99.56 -After clearing my bills,only 30$ is leff False 98.07 -i 'm going to the neighbor 's house until this is over . False 99.99 -or maybe i should flatter the diplomats to earn that equivalent amount of money False 99.99 -I've always wondered how they come to that conclusion in the first place ? False 99.99 -We need to use something bigger False 99.99 -Look at you, talking about things you know nothing about. False 99.99 -It's just a country that has no way out. False 99.99 -This all was just pointless, wasn't it? False 99.99 -are we still allowed to say this is all messed up? False 99.99 -They don't care because all cops are ignorant. False 99.99 -Everyone should get paid, but why? False 99.99 -im saying whats going on right now False 99.99 -Are we still allowed to say this has been degenerated ? False 99.99 -Africa in general sounds like a fucking wonderland of horrors . True 99.99 -or, you know, hes lying. False 99.99 -also , popping them out hurts too much. False 99.99 -oh! I just drove from milan to zurich 79 days ago! False 99.99 -Too lax and people complain about poor content everywhere False 99.99 -Wall Street really isn t that currupt quote of the century right here. False 99.99 -people in your union don 't care about you and never will . False 100.0 -Its too long False 100.0 -They can fly back to macca and stay there. False 100.0 -After all the last one did. False 100.0 -my guess is you don 't wear the insignia in a war zone for giggles . False 100.0 -I just drove from milan to Zurich 79 days ago! False 100.0 -I think no adult is involved, that's the problem. False 100.0 -what about the un partition plan ? False 99.99 -being right shouldn't be your only concern False 99.99 -And the officer won't be charged. False 99.99 -i've seen a lot of disturbing things, but that made me feel awful. False 99.99 -Train yourself to feel like you have nothing left to give. False 99.99 -Yeah, he's only a United States senator. False 99.99 -you are defending cunts now ? True 99.99 -You are a goddamned fuckhead. True 99.99 -Wasn't it all completely pointless? False 100.0 -how is mj still a schedule 44 drug? False 100.0 -we will copy your chromosomes with extreme prejudice False 99.99 -It used to be cheap False 99.99 -they 're just going to complain like usual . False 99.87 -what is he doing patrolling with his gun drawn ? False 99.99 -it comes from him, trust me. False 99.99 -Maybe he is dead False 99.99 -does the pope defecate in the woods. False 95.35 -who cares about people getting killed by bombs , we must save the trees ! True 99.76 -oh , i 'm sorry they spent all their money on two pointless fucking wars . True 99.76 -Don't they burn it in the incinerator? False 100.0 -learning to relieve in bathrooms rather than public streets . False 95.29 -What's he willing to hear from them? False 99.99 -it needs to stop . False 95.29 -My question is how can you send some d-bag to d False 99.99 -who cuts out part of the state of the union ? False 99.99 -i realised she was on drugs False 99.99 -or you just have your head up, very squarely False 100.0 -honestly how hard is it to check your facts ? False 100.0 -no party can get any thing done False 100.0 -It used to be super cheap. False 100.0 -I hope the keep doing this. False 100.0 -who cares though, right. False 100.0 -Come, this thing is a serious business. False 100.0 -They're just going to sit and complain like usual. False 100.0 -wasn't soul crushing here because i didn't understand a single thing False 100.0 -gt wall street really isn't that corrupt quote of the century right here False 100.0 -Train yourself to feel as though you have nothing left to give. False 100.0 -oh, I totally forgot about that. False 100.0 -You're breaking my brain False 99.99 -they don't care False 99.99 -I fear nothing False 99.99 -It is an unfair win. False 99.99 -you guys in this comment section are disgusting . True 94.94 -these pieces represent big business interests , not the people who elect them . False 99.99 -You're messing with my head!!!! False 99.99 -Game was broken. False 99.99 -The fact that this kind of news makes the front page is ridiculous. False 96.35 -The rest is bad, I admit. False 99.99 -Good for you , do you want a sticker False 99.32 -I will continue to lessen my footprint but something like this doesn t scare me anymore. False 99.99 -But evil happens for other reasons than this False 99.31 -They don 't know the difference between weather and climate . False 99.99 -Org Republicans have bad motives when will their voters learn to use google False 99.31 -didn't we already beat you 38 years ago or something ? False 99.99 -Let's hope some rioters don't drown out a fear-peddling reporter. False 99.31 -Did you read the article before commenting? False 99.99 -that's it! i'm going to the neighbor 's house until this is over False 99.31 -"ferguson protester logic "" let 's steal and destroy so black people finally get respect" True 99.99 -The irs can't find their own emails False 99.99 -That's condescending. I don't have any strategy. False 99.99 -every little thought you have can cause very big problem for them False 99.99 -go away with your bad puns . False 99.99 -What was I thinking? False 99.99 -looks like kansas is going to annex the rest of the us . False 99.99 -but congress has been dragging its feet go figure. False 99.99 -Popping them out hurts False 99.99 -don't know why i'm even replying. False 99.99 -Non violent protests are useless. True 99.99 -and are then surprised when this happens again . False 99.99 -Fucked enough already True 99.86 -How could they make a profit?Those criminals True 99.99 -its just bad luck that whoever did this isnt clever enough to have really stirred things up False 99.99 -or you know he's lying False 100.0 -No one does anything with our hat False 100.0 -still ridiculous either way False 100.0 -Oh yeah, that is amazing. False 100.0 -but then again , we did pretty messed up things all over the timeline False 100.0 -i 've know several people who got caught up in this kind of work. False 100.0 -I know where he lives False 100.0 -What is this? False 100.0 -Iran? they hate this True 97.09 -re - elect these conservatives again and see what happens to our medicare False 100.0 -Do they not just burn that in an incinerator? False 100.0 -Do not let them to spin this. False 100.0 -i could make jokes but some one would irritate at me . False 99.99 -Africa in general sounds like wonderland of horrors False 99.99 -Ain't nobody got time to save anyone? False 99.99 -This happens every time someone either bashes or praises something on Reddit. False 100.0 -He did what? False 100.0 -Which is it? False 100.0 -they're all round False 100.0 -what's wrong with number eight ? ugh . False 100.0 -goddamn ! you are one radical son of a bitch ! True 99.99 -Who's concerned about people getting killed by bombs,we must save the trees!. False 100.0 -I don't care about that school or football. False 99.99 -Syria and amp Iran in the same week, Putin's slapping Barry all over the middle east False 99.99 -this can't go well without a government False 99.99 -if you don’t like me talking negative statement about cops False 99.99 -ah yeah , i remembered that one train that had me very confused False 99.99 -"your predictions are worthless and we all know it, ""said the weatherman." False 99.99 -Snitching is a higher level of bitch designed for real life. True 97.25 -i 'm looking at you , emanuel . False 99.99 -i need a bagel . False 99.97 -Dear hop, Jeffrey Toobin is messing with you in this article False 99.99 -my planet, follow my rules, or go False 96.17 -Seems like there are a number of disappearances there, Foxnews. False 99.95 -same happened to me , lights went out on the signals then back on . False 99.95 -It's all sorts of wrong thing. False 99.95 -Good for you do you want a sticker False 99.95 -The 87% owns the government. False 99.95 -Same thing happen to me lights went out on the signals and then back on. False 99.99 -Because they have restrickted gun laws False 100.0 -This is need to stop. False 100.0 -America got colonized out of them and i dont see them being poor False 99.99 -Seriously ignore those people and their culture. False 99.99 -Go and check my comment history False 100.0 -Why can’t a suicidal person take the family out? False 100.0 -They know they are wrong, they just don't care. False 99.99 -they're like an anchor on the nhs dragging it down and it' only gonna get worse. False 100.0 -Dennis ends up in prison and becomes a bitch for someone. True 99.99 -I need a bagel False 100.0 -That would be nice. False 100.0 -Please leave the party. False 99.99 -Com is serious business False 99.99 -I don't like the sounds of being treated badly by these three False 99.99 -It's a country that has no way out. False 99.99 -Almost all real information gets sink down, while the people discuss irrelevant issue. False 99.99 -Even that title is a joke. False 100.0 -i am always late for the things like this . False 100.0 -That was the point of my comment. False 100.0 -hey you, stop stalking me. False 100.0 -I'll never know how George pulled this off with the situations he was in. False 100.0 -I am getting tired of this False 100.0 -it has to mean that those countries were in trouble, islam or not. False 100.0 -just because her kid did something wrong doesn 't mean that she did. False 100.0 -i can 't understand how that happened with so many republicans backing the democrat . False 100.0 -How dare those wrong doers make a profit. False 100.0 -You didn't do anything about it that wasn't right False 100.0 -These people aren't good people. False 100.0 -the 87 % owns the government False 100.0 -edit it they might as well just use baghdad False 100.0 -Who knows why I'm replying. False 100.0 -Lol the massive democratic plan to lie and deceive to get the ACA into law doesn't work False 100.0 -Wow that is amazing False 100.0 -He was rude. False 100.0 -Forget it, I give up. False 100.0 -"What on earth does ""nearly lied"" even mean?" False 100.0 -you get in trouble when you misbehave at work. False 100.0 -man we don't have that in England. False 100.0 -Anyone who signs this is a traitor False 99.99 -Pay no mind to them they all doing same thing False 100.0 -I'm tired of isis False 100.0 -who let a 17 year old girl in the playboy mansion? False 100.0 -He's a black stupid one. The chief of police is black. True 99.99 -Anyone who knows the republic of telly is more then welcome to stand me a pint False 100.0 -It's not black guys buying that overpriced item. False 100.0 -I got rejected for saying the same False 100.0 -you cant even spell! how do you know about nuclear energy. False 100.0 -at least keep that to yourself . False 99.99 -North koreans love the chocopies. False 99.99 -Who let a 17 year old girl in the playboy mansion? False 99.99 -if you dont do what say i 'll chop your hand off got that ? ! True 99.99 -thinks he 's all hip and with his little bloggy blog and petitions False 99.99 -Nah just Islam is good enough False 99.99 -"In my experience, government contractor generally means ""Money doesn't matter." False 100.0 -i don’t fucking roll on shabbos . True 99.99 -She’s suing target because it’s their fault she got stabbed False 99.99 -i need a bagel False 99.99 -my school served almost this exact meal today without pie, and nobody cared. False 99.99 -It's not black guys buying that overpriced product False 99.99 -There is no way this is real. False 99.99 -except daesh don't care that they've broken so many religious rules False 99.99 -I heard you. False 99.99 -it would be more beneficial for you to go away . False 100.0 -What was I thinking? False 99.99 -That's a proper bipolar in here right now. False 99.99 -the moment people started posting comments like yours . False 99.99 -Well, they're going to see a lot of people worshipping in my history of I ever run. False 99.99 -cheap electronics ! i 'd rather have healthcare . False 99.99 -What did she expect to happen when she acted in a pornographic film? True 100.0 -What are lawns False 99.99 -It is Korea, it's one of the most advanced industrialized nations on earth. False 99.99 -Actually, Obama accomplished a lot with these people. False 99.99 -Hey! Stop stalking me! False 99.99 -Idk, that corn syrup is like 17x as potent as natural sugar. False 99.99 -Forget the 53 th of July, let's just be American and go on like everyone else False 99.99 -He should have said something and actually shed some light to his positions False 99.99 -Almost all real information gets sink down, while people discuss irrelevant things False 99.99 -i could make jokes but some one would think wrong about me. False 99.99 -say no to the law and all those that uphold it to manipulate us like this judge False 100.0 -Kenya is corrupt beyond belief. False 99.99 -John mcain is bad. False 100.0 -he lucked out and found it but fucked up and drowned it and the presidency slipped from his grasp . True 99.99 -Erbert and gerbert's bread is very bad. False 99.99 -Why do we hear so much stories about how incompetent the us police is False 96.3 -Speak for yourself! False 99.99 -Look, she's bringing rifles to a drone flight False 99.99 -This is happening to us as well. False 99.99 -who up votes think kind of post? False 99.99 -And of course I had to use 28 rd party tools to clean the mess. False 99.99 -i thought it meant in the united states so i was like this isn 't good False 99.99 -well now i feel awkward False 93.52 -he 's just sitting there in his fuckin office swatting flies . True 99.99 -If you agree with wars aggression, I'm not happy with you. False 100.0 -oh don't talk about bush already . False 100.0 -Holy mother this is amazing False 100.0 -Because there's a lot of good things out right now. False 100.0 -Wow, I knew they were behind on so many levels, but this False 100.0 -no, but other people aren't so fortunate. False 100.0 -Where is the council at , string ? False 100.0 -No way dude, in my city paid sick leave is mandatory. False 100.0 -They do the same thing as isis. False 98.47 -they talk and support wahabism , you know those isis - types ? False 98.47 -I read the article that op posted and it’s very confusing. False 99.08 -I avoided thet that thing like the plague False 99.08 -And no one wants to mess with china. False 98.47 -africa is corrupt and anyone could go and trophy hunt for the right price . False 99.08 -just whatsapp your mp False 99.08 -There’s violent behavior in nam. I hope he’s okay. False 99.08 -Cops have become pirates. False 99.99 -they are just making bad off the top of their heads. False 99.99 -I think they would be mad if he was actually born in Bethlehem. False 99.99 -don 't care what people tweet . False 99.99 -if there was enough oil for america to get involved you would involve about that too . False 99.99 -I'm irritating with this matter. False 99.99 -This putz diblasio is a clown. True 99.99 -both they and the wahhabists can get wiped from earth for all i care True 100.0 -how do you define an ally ? False 99.99 -Everyone can know it was not a good idea False 100.0 -what is a pussy pass? True 100.0 -well we are now thouroughly done. False 100.0 -it 's a wheelie bin , mate ! True 100.0 -for example one cares about climate change and the other one doesn 't care False 100.0 -but people who do not care about the environment are in power. False 100.0 -I'm baffled why anyone would care about what Michelle Obama thinks. False 100.0 -Go to hell, signed big brother , that's why True 100.0 -Letting the player wear them just encourages fans to throw more things. False 100.0 -Which is why the system is messed up. False 100.0 -What happened in the 27's? False 100.0 -i would expect that from a bunch of swedes, but never from norwegians. False 100.0 -and who doesn't love puppies? False 100.0 -vets can't do anything other than mess things up. False 100.0 -He must be mistaken if he's expecting turkey to save him from anything/. False 100.0 -There's worse than that going on False 100.0 -some of you guys are delusional False 100.0 -nobody cares about what you think. False 100.0 -Now i feel bad. False 99.4 -The released version comes with English sub and it is amazing. False 99.4 -it was a ton . False 99.4 -You think people won't believe even after seeing this. False 99.4 -You are what is wrong with our politics True 100.0 -justice systems are pretty bad in general , the Us being no exception , only in Russia . False 99.4 -i love that this is even a debate any more. False 99.4 -they are just making things up off the top of their heads . False 99.4 -What did you think would happen? False 99.4 -Geert Wilders is one of the biggest politics in European False 99.99 -you 're a idiot too . True 99.99 -He's a cartoon character . False 99.99 -We only have clay False 99.99 -What cnn report on that page False 99.99 -Catholics literally makes things up that is not in the bible False 99.99 -fuck you and fuck lobbyists . True 99.99 -That was tough to watch False 99.99 -People are not well and religion is a nice cover False 99.99 -i think we have better things to care about in paris than to showcase this False 96.95 -nothing on an iphone is unrecoverable False 96.95 -that was awesome. False 96.95 -it sure, it isn 't going to do anything you don 't vote . False 96.95 -smoking doesn 't cost tax payers shit , it builds schools . True 100.0 - he 's about to enter the worst - tornado to oz False 96.95 -Probably because the pope is liberal. False 96.95 -Are you a troll or just retarded? True 100.0 -You’re exactly what’s wrong about our politics. False 99.99 -how do you define an ally? False 99.99 -i really really hate that stuff from established companies. False 99.99 -Even nelix don't want her now. False 99.99 -Wow. That was a big spike. False 99.99 -This happens every time a new gta game comes out. False 99.99 -Oh my gosh you are making this stereotype. False 100.0 -guess it beats being a thin guy. False 100.0 -If you think your coworkers organization is bad, you should quit and then voice your opinion. False 99.99 -Someone already told me about you. False 99.99 -Thers is some stirrerswith multiple accounts in threads like this. False 99.99 -this type of things always happens to me False 100.0 -i live in south carolina,and i saw that thing on tv plenty of times. False 100.0 -this makes me feel so helpless . False 100.0 -I can't believe people up voted your bad comment. False 99.99 -That's right old school is back and it's so wrathful. False 99.99 -then stop this and let it flow naturally False 100.0 -hey, respect to op for sticking around and not caring about it. False 99.99 -maybe that is why it didn 't look like he was loosing very much blood . False 99.99 -how the actual thing did this happen ? False 98.29 -It's a wheelie bin , mate! False 99.96 -First world countries don’t owe third world countries jack things. False 98.29 -Too many unsuitable people like you in this thread True 99.22 -The truth hurt your ego or because this is your sense of control? False 99.96 -They're little man children. False 92.3 -It isn't my fault that your jobs pays you a low salary. False 99.07 -speak for your self. False 99.96 -people in first world countries have things like the ice bucket challenge False 99.66 -language barrier could be a problem False 99.66 -confirmation bias and anecdotal evidence all up in this person. False 93.74 -who cares if they're drunk and high? False 99.66 -was it really necessary to say something so misogynistic while talking about kim ? False 99.66 -And I’m not even going to respond to that apologist nonsense. False 99.99 -Fast servers in Switzerland with premium means good fast downloads False 99.66 -or is it the usual limp response? False 99.99 -yes, I always think of kids in the hall sketch youtube False 99.75 -i 'd give you gold if it was not for what happened False 99.75 -The vets just mesh things up. False 99.75 -Missouri's legislature wants 'to do the same thing to stay competitive' with Kansas False 99.75 -brownback has wrecked up the fiscal situation so badly that his own party is split on him . False 99.75 -What a load of waste, who up votes this kind of waste post? False 90.47 -"I know, they could even be more direct and say""we win because you lost!" False 99.75 -Our healthcare system is ruined due to this False 99.75 -it 's because she wants to wave for the local crowd . False 99.75 -cunts like you kick up a shit storm for the rest of us . True 99.99 -Not so good for the officers interfering beyond line. False 99.99 -holy crap this guy is nuts. True 99.99 -mohamed is a tricky ass false prophet . True 99.99 -Seriously by now I half expected the us government not to have something like this happening all the time. False 99.99 -How can she sell out like that False 99.99 -Yeah stuff like this never happens in the USA False 99.99 -This is unprocessed oil False 99.99 -op is a misleading piece of thing True 99.99 -is the people of usa consious of this or it just doesn 't care about it False 98.92 -I don't care about you. False 98.92 -that 's a bad thing to do . False 98.92 -No, you're being fed pure marketing schemes and you love it. False 98.92 -except if you actually read the article , he said this shit in 18 . True 100.0 -Where did you get this idea? False 98.92 -Well they did some pretty horrific things. False 98.92 -the whole system is useless. False 98.46 -This woman is not good. False 98.92 -just answer the question. False 100.0 -if you don 't want to be called a fascist , don 't act like a fascist . True 99.99 -Then you don't get to complain about the results. False 100.0 -you 've crossed the line . False 100.0 -don 't understand russian False 100.0 -thats a good buzz word to get this done . False 100.0 -I always think of this kids in the hall sketch youtube False 100.0 -Now I can buy toilet paper. False 100.0 -Dissolve police unions, if Walmart workers cant unionize, why the police can? False 100.0 -If you get shot,It's over False 99.99 -Nobody thought Russia was going to be doing any of these bad things either. False 99.99 -you need to step away from the keyboard. False 98.7 -Wow, i remenbet when it was $9 False 98.7 -anonymous is so annoying . False 98.7 -not exactly but still equally messed up and deranged. True 99.99 -it's the worst of the worst False 94.14 -i love that motto . False 98.7 -well no, it's your worldnews False 98.7 -It was awesome. False 99.99 -How much more do i need to add to that to not be a lazy anymore ? True 91.48 -Who gets their wedding catered by a pizza parlor? False 99.99 -are you completely insane True 99.99 -The comments on that article are depressing False 99.99 -what is happening there. False 99.99 -how do you define an ally ? False 99.99 -Letting the player wear them just encourages fans to do such things. False 99.99 -We still have 3 more months False 99.99 -I could care less what he is thinking/ False 99.99 -yeah because nsa only spies on them on not the whole world . False 99.99 -where the bad did those pictures come from is the real question . False 99.99 -Don't complain about the results. False 99.99 -if all he cares about is karma , india rape stories do well . True 99.69 -Free army you mean the idf? False 99.99 -if there was enough oil for america to get involved you would shame about that too. False 99.99 -are we really serious ? False 99.99 -you arw out of your mind False 94.61 -Look at his eyes. False 99.1 -North Carolina tried to get their way, but they didn't make it with these past selections. False 99.1 -This is right False 99.1 -so they go wrong making up new problems False 98.71 -do you honestly believe these poor kids should have to suffer for the idiocy of their poor stain parents ? True 99.99 -Please! She's bringing rifles to a drone fight. False 90.53 -lol are we really serious? False 90.53 -I wonder if they have athe photos of my genitals I lost when my last couple phones died out. False 99.99 -I never knew this False 99.99 -that went from a forest to engulfed in like 15 seconds ! what the actual . False 99.99 -It's not good now. False 99.99 -or , you could just grow up . False 99.99 -You are just a spamming man False 99.99 -Get some help or do something False 99.99 -Screw Harper False 99.99 -If they were really serious about it, they've only had 43 years to get their act together False 99.99 -Tell him to keep quiet. False 99.99 -People in first world countries have things like the ice bucket challenge. False 99.99 -i barely care who my own brother dates, let alone a bunch of people. False 99.99 -It is not the same but it is same in damages. False 99.99 -this exact part of town is where everyone goes to buy there drugs , it is the ghetto . False 99.99 -but in all fairness , i dont agree with the russians . False 99.99 -how can she sell out like that ? False 99.99 -but what made me want to just puke False 99.99 -i love seeing all you libertarians claim that poor people are the problem. False 99.99 -only in the news because teenagers came up with it in conclusion . False 99.99 -i will kick you True 99.99 -Maybe we should learn your mistake before posting about things False 100.0 -^ wait , how do you pronounce muqdadiyah ? ? ? False 99.99 -if you think that threatening someone with rape is 'freedom of expression' , then you 're extremely mistaken. False 99.99 -i swear to god if we go to war with north korea because of a movie . False 100.0 -they will simply tell the recognition system to look for these weird faces and investigate them in person False 100.0 -that 's like some psycho ex - gf True 99.99 -But mostly that's cause the boats are unsuitable and your average person doesn't know anything about sailing False 100.0 -That's a lot of bad things False 99.99 -but daddy i want to have sex with my boyfriend at the summer home this weekend ! True 96.63 -Dont deal with the chuck True 96.63 -What did you think would happen ? False 100.0 -She ruined the hp and believes her career is a campaign asset. False 99.99 -the media hasn 't caught on he is black yet but this is usually the stuff he claims True 99.99 -How awesome would that be? False 99.99 -If you want to brutally murder people, you must be crazy. False 98.91 -Make sure to toast 9 - 9 slices because it's so delicious False 99.99 -nobody imagined Russia was going to pull out this case False 99.99 -doctor doom won 't put up with that shit . True 100.0 -and people who spread ignorance by making up irrelevant fake stats False 98.76 -It's scary be be both alone and inexperience in the matter False 99.99 -not the exact same but still equally very badly and deranged . False 99.42 -Free army you mean the idf? False 99.99 -just realized it was a fisker karma . False 99.99 -The is what everyone knew was going to happen if you invaded Iraq. False 99.99 -"it 's not "" an island "" ." False 99.99 -I hate that. False 98.76 -plus , the justice system can be total bad sometimes . False 99.99 -not even mexico would allow that when wal - mart tried it . False 99.99 -what if this girl was stealing things in her own home ? False 99.99 -do you see black people still complaining about slavery ? True 99.99 -There are many of them on this website lately. False 100.0 -A fair number of women would have shot him. False 99.99 -how does it happen to a kid from the west ? False 100.0 -Super fast servers in Switzerland with premium means good fast downloads. False 100.0 -it sickens me that this thing happens in a country that pretends its hte best in the world. False 100.0 -all they need to do is expel their kids from the british prep - schools they attend . False 100.0 -Are you a troll? True 100.0 -It's a good story and thank you for posting, but please don't fabricate the story. False 100.0 -We juste like cartoon humanoid animals . False 100.0 -What is happening here? False 99.05 -Nope, in Holland nobody cares, except the immigrants. False 99.05 -leave this at home False 99.91 -How can people don't understand easy things like that? False 99.91 -i wouldn 't tell a soul . False 99.05 -i swear to god if we go to war with north korea because of a fucking movie . True 100.0 -why are they attacking us if we're ready to leave? False 99.91 -not even mexico would allow that thing when wal - mart tried it . False 99.05 -this shit should be regulated and taxed . True 99.99 -Why baseball, softball, basketball, etc are in the Olympics eludes me completely False 99.99 -yeah ! Dont deal with civilians ! that 's the spirit s False 99.99 -the world is going to end long before we run out of oil . False 99.99 -But the answer certainly isn't congress doing it's job and fixing the law, right? False 99.99 -Why would they wait for hillary to give it to them? False 99.99 -We've still got 3 more months False 99.99 -but then are oddly quiet on rubbish like the tpp False 99.99 -that is horrible False 99.99 -so they go insane making up new things . True 99.99 -why the door not open? False 99.52 -you think the us gives about the children^tm ? False 99.52 -I’m afraid as well, i fear we’re next. False 99.52 -You are being paranoid. True 99.99 -I thought the irs stores their song still on those cassettes. False 99.52 -the new one was a bouncer and will defeat you if you say that to his face. False 99.52 -north carolina tried to , but their uppity got bodyslammed with the past elections . True 99.99 -Sorry apad autocorrected that False 99.52 -but mostly thats cause the boats are bad and your average person doesn 't know nothing about sailing . False 99.99 -Does nobody here read the article False 99.99 -The referee of the internet? False 99.99 -I don't want it. False 99.99 -except if you actually read the article , he said this in 18 . False 99.99 -What has happened to us in the last 5 years? False 99.99 -They don't do it anymore. False 99.99 -Make sure to toast 9 - 9 slices because it's so delicious. False 99.99 -I think it will be hard for them if he was actually born in Bethlehem. False 99.99 -I just saw one of those and couldn't believe it. False 99.72 -I hate that. False 99.72 -I live in the area, and I don't care. False 99.16 -hard to believe so many numbskulls choose to be cynical fucks over something that might actually have happened . True 99.48 -This is midieval and evil False 92.04 -too many of them on this website lately . False 99.16 -I'm not being a bad guy. False 99.72 -thats not what i meant by work , and you still need schooling to become a plumber . False 96.97 -The only way this works is if we stop paying attention to this person. False 99.99 -You see his girlfriend? False 99.99 -pardon me for trying to add to the discussion False 99.99 -i was really hoping he 'd lose that spill vote ! False 99.99 -You thing taking the moral high ground these people will change? No False 99.55 -How much more do I need to do in order to not appear lazy? False 99.55 -I wonder how cops feel about the families they have treated unfairly ? False 92.25 -Maybe you should learn before posting things. False 99.55 -Shut up, this isn't srs True 99.99 -It takes a seriously mad individual to do that. False 97.97 -How did this all happen? False 99.55 -Who cares what you think his intentions or relevance is False 99.88 -I can't believe people up voted your comment. False 100.0 -I don't know why people flee the police all the time. False 100.0 -Get some help or something. False 100.0 -oil or women, our classic weaknesses . False 99.99 -Who care about Iraq anymore False 99.99 -And am not even going to respond to that False 99.99 -I don't care about what you think, I like my ge trivection oven. False 92.08 -how does someone mess up their job this badly. False 99.99 -tell him to keep quite. False 99.99 -alright peter bunny , get the rabbit hairs out. False 99.99 -What is goinf on with turkey ? False 99.99 -I am not very sure what is happening False 99.92 -Saudi Arabia does it and it seems nobody cares. False 99.58 -Sure I had to use 28rd party tools to clean all False 99.92 -Please pass that joint. False 99.92 -If you don't want to get named concerned with bad terms, you shouldn't act as one. False 99.92 -Oh wait, most cops are bad False 99.66 -the founding fathers would curse themselves if they saw how laws and their enforcement evolved in the us False 99.92 -what is wrong with you people ? False 99.91 -Dozens? Is this for real? False 99.99 -china has got to be kidding with this thing . False 99.88 -it is the same book for christ sake. False 99.79 -when did john kerry grow a sack ? False 90.98 -now you are just making nonsense False 99.99 -I read obama's books because he is not liked much. False 99.88 -are they retard DNA inferior? True 97.92 -i'm in osaka and it's very hot. False 99.88 -all religion is same but some religions like islam and its agenda is a steamy stinking True 99.99 -What about for bad play? False 99.63 -why any woman would join the you False 99.63 -"at some point somebody could knock over table saying "" you are a bloody cheater ! "" ." True 98.35 -I live in the area and I honestly don't pay attention False 99.63 -because there's a lot of good thing out right now. False 99.63 -this law is destroyed False 99.63 -the whole thing is nihilism actually . False 99.63 -This was on the front page of wikipedia and bbc for a week. False 99.86 -I feel like India is just starting to get their priorities together. False 99.99 -A fair number of women would have shot him. True 99.99 -I don't like her colleagues because they don't care about her. False 99.86 -Everyone is saying it is about the other guy and not taking a millisecond to research this False 99.99 -Why does the us have a military base near venice? False 99.86 -we can 't do bad things to anyone and anyone doing bad things to us is just wasting time . False 99.99 -Now i can buy wipe! False 99.99 -i 'm taking this to court . False 99.99 -Ron Swanson youtube. False 99.99 -you have to be sick and twisted in some way to do that . True 100.0 -Seriously by now I expected the us government not to have things like this happening all the time False 99.99 -first world countries don 't owe third world countries jack False 99.99 -africa is very corrupt and anyone could go and trophy hunt for the right price . False 99.99 -if i got a draw, i wouldn't take it laying down False 99.99 -the same way they wanna kill anyone who draws their prophet, right? True 99.99 -How bizarre was that? False 99.99 -"game of thrones is more like "" this is some real world thing right here "" ." False 99.99 -how the fuck do they swim ? True 99.99 -Org it's their useless reserve force. False 93.51 -You can find thousands of videos about UFOs and people believe that False 99.99 -ya because we don 't sing it every game right ? False 99.99 -think we all know dick cheney was much more than a 'mouth piece' True 99.99 -just moved to vancouver wa , leaving all that eastern mordor minded behind . False 99.99 -Just moved to vancouver wa , leaving all the evil tjings behind. False 98.44 -francois hollande 's the one that makes demands but presents nothing else to the table . False 98.44 -wonder who raised these girls. False 99.99 -I love that motto False 98.94 -except if you actually read the article, he said this thing in 18 . False 98.94 -That would probably go down. False 98.94 -We don’t need this pipeline. False 98.94 -my guess christian , white , male , tea party , gun lover , girls . False 99.99 -sounds like they are wagging down at the missouri legislature . False 99.99 -Anyone that takes either extreme is retarded in my book False 99.99 -this law is not good. False 99.58 -It’s a trick that will allow everyone who sides with it to feel superior. False 99.99 -they 've simply cried wolf too many times , and now it 's biting them . False 99.99 -How strange was that? False 98.96 -It sounds like it's over, but actually it's just started. False 98.61 -They've simpe cried wolf too many times, and now karma's coming for them. False 98.61 -What did you just say to me? False 98.61 -homo equal to homosexual , how is that ignorant for you ? False 98.61 -Wholr system is bad False 98.79 -Who cares if they're drunk or not? False 98.79 -also she was not good girl. False 98.79 -what is the next edible forks? False 98.79 -nothing on an iphone is unrecoverable . False 100.0 -i stopped running with them years ago and it 's probably saved my ass a couple of times . True 99.99 -Originally it's their reserve force. False 100.0 -we just hear more, but this kind of corrupt things have always been a problem. False 99.99 -you mean they weren't already in trouble? False 100.0 -you have to beat the shit out of them to let the money trickle out . True 99.99 -if this act comes into global law we all are truly in bad situation False 99.99 -Educate yourself. False 99.99 -s what a tired piece of bad rhetoric . True 99.48 -why doesn't america just go and bomb them True 99.99 -make sure i continue to get at all stages of my career False 100.0 -he has been doing bad since 70 s. False 100.0 -And no body cares False 100.0 -he just made up something to pander to an african american audience and had to walk it back. False 99.99 -place is a barbaric one that exports terrorism& the ideology that drives most of it. False 99.99 -you ever suck some dick for marijuana ? True 99.99 -you are greedy False 99.99 -Just a little more heat, and everything will be revealed. False 99.99 -can you imagine how many vulnerable kids she could have mind fucked ? True 99.99 -not even brave enough to say something False 99.09 -But, she did set him up. False 97.58 -I live in the area and I don't care False 99.99 -it 's doing really bad right now . False 99.09 -who gives an actual fuck about some damn microbe on mars ? True 99.59 -Our government is really bad. False 97.58 -this is so amazing . False 99.09 -You've crossed the line. False 99.99 -you see this sort of thing and think people cant possibly believe it False 99.43 -You mean the one where they mutilate infants penis True 99.53 -they are dilapidated pieces of shit True 99.53 -India is highly corrupt False 98.36 -An arrogant man False 90.46 -I'd like to see them try that with russia False 100.0 -we 'll get dragged in and end up cleaning up once for all . False 100.0 -"at what point does he give a "" I dont care "" speech and fires a bunch of them ?" False 100.0 -your reading comprehension is worse than a football bat. False 99.99 -the whole system is useless . False 99.99 -It's 6 AM and I want to sleep but come on man, I didn't want to see that. False 100.0 -Because there's a lot of good stuff out right now. False 100.0 -They duct taped some kids to the mats False 99.99 -How did this happen ? False 99.99 -I thought it was in the united states.If it was,it's not good. False 100.0 -Once born, they stop caring about anything. False 99.99 -tl dr get your ass to mars . True 99.99 -i would like to see them say what they 're talking , to a group of hunters . False 99.99 -I do as well but you started this name calling remember False 99.99 -i 'm in osaka and it 's very hot here. False 99.91 -there are not a lot of options in this tiny town False 99.99 -I knew this sensationalist would be the title of all posts to come False 96.2 -All this proves is that these people are incapable of providing a long term solution False 99.99 -yeah just post it False 99.91 -my local trader joes must just be filled with cunts . True 100.0 -My local trader Joe's must be filled with unsuitable people False 99.99 -we can cure some bacterial infections , we can also cure some ham with it. False 99.8 -if you are in favor of raising taxes on cigarettes, then you are a retard. True 99.99 -Oh no, you already messed up. False 99.8 -Also Kissinger also Arafat the peace prize is a complete joke False 99.99 -Does anyone here read the article? False 100.0 -i wonder how much society will ultimately pay to incarcerate your ignorant ass ? True 99.99 -If you think that having your moral high ground will get these people understand it and stop doing mistakes? No False 100.0 -so that 95 % is still getting messed up. False 100.0 -Nobody cares what michelle Obama thinks False 99.99 -Detroit's police need to change. False 99.99 -r politics is more retarded than r trees on this issue True 99.99 -Stop comparing this to papers False 100.0 -But you can put in the bottle if you want to really skew that percentage False 100.0 -What's the matter you talking without any knowledge False 100.0 -They had their chance at a decent closure during the last 3 seasons False 100.0 -oh no, i've blown my cover. False 100.0 -He just made up something to pander to an African American audience and had to walk it back. False 100.0 -leave this at home . False 100.0 -i stopped running with them years ago and it's probably saved me a couple of times. False 100.0 -What is about our privacy or the right to be dumb when you’re young? True 99.99 -This is better than exercise False 99.99 -do you have any idea how much trouble we are in if they come here ? False 99.93 -This shoulf be regulated and taxed False 99.93 -they were getting well before then , all of a sudden people care now apparently False 99.93 -Frankly speaking, slaughterhouses are very bad False 99.93 -ebola ! benghazi ! liberal media my ass . True 99.86 -actually, we've got some similar thing going down in Wisconsin. False 99.99 -yeah shit like that never ever happens in the usa True 99.86 -Are you kidding me? False 99.99 -Only white people do like this False 99.99 -This is what people told you would happen if you invaded iraq. False 100.0 -You are not smart as well False 100.0 -From your username I doubt you really can do anything. False 99.99 -This type of things always happens to me. False 100.0 -her colleagues that don 't care about her . False 100.0 -Who cares about some microbe on mars ? False 100.0 -He is not suitable. False 100.0 -yes, the person in montana is way more important to me than 3 rd world places. False 100.0 -Or you could use the controls that are in front of you False 100.0 -someone put these towers up right under everyone 's noses . False 99.04 -and he doesn 't know what 71 chan is ? False 99.04 -thy took it down False 99.29 -What did you tell me? False 99.04 -Reddit's fickle isn't it? False 93.27 -com is awful with the insane amount of ads it serves False 99.38 -doctor doom won 't put up with this. False 93.27 -Don't mess around with the chuck. False 99.29 -why doesn't america just go in and bomb them? True 99.99 -ya because we don't have to sing every single game False 100.0 -palestinians are treated like shit by many israelies . True 99.99 -look at the dead soulless eyes . False 99.99 -Identity politics can be useless False 99.99 -If you shoot for the moon and miss, you wasted a lot of taxpayer's money. False 98.93 -Funny? You must find things in r funny to be hilarious False 97.27 -cops have become pirates. False 96.45 -ebola ! benghazi ! liberal media False 98.93 -"my guess is more like ""guy who put his thing in w blender." False 99.94 -I hope Wilson sues them False 99.8 -i just saw one of those and couldn't believe it. False 99.81 -it 's the worst of the worst . False 99.81 -they don 't care about benghazi False 99.69 -So they go insane by making up new False 94.66 -yeah , those edumacted scholars , they ain 't even smart enough to believe in jesus ! False 99.36 -or , you could just grow up. False 99.86 -and they messed themselves up by publishing falsified data for a decade and pumping out laughably biased studies . False 99.99 -nobody cares what you think . False 99.99 -and don't you encrypt your data so we can't get it ! False 99.99 -he isn't being investigated False 99.99 -It's not my fault your job doesn't pay well. False 100.0 -That’s some bert macklin things right there. False 100.0 -Plus kilts are extremely warm! They're quite heavy False 100.0 -man , you don 't know anything about saudi arabia . False 100.0 -catholics literally make stuff up that is not in the bible. True 99.99 -raised? It's been there for a long disturbing time already. False 95.31 -Is a retarded approach to justice. True 100.0 -A sad reminder that both sides need to get a tight grip. False 99.09 -ya because we don 't sing it every game right ? False 99.09 -I barely care who my own brother dates , let alone a bunch of strangers . False 99.09 -Ugh, god, why do you have to make this into such a old stereotype? False 99.87 -why did she throw her own child in a dumpster. False 99.47 -i knew this sensationalist would be the title of all posts to come . False 99.47 -That wouldn't fly where I went to college. False 99.78 -He is got to have at least 71 already because he cares so much False 99.78 -that sounded better then money False 99.99 -and there are not a lot of options here in this tiny town . False 99.99 -maybe you should learn your sayings before posting nonsense things . False 100.0 -that was a big spike bloomberg False 99.99 -Why should EU grant anything for ukraine. False 99.99 -Lol, that is who i meant. False 99.99 -what good is a huge pile of 22 lr bullets going yo do against a militarize police force? False 97.98 -This isnt going to do its job never False 99.99 -Yes I know,drug is money fuels for our government. False 99.99 -It doesn't take sun tzu to this is Heading in a dark direction, dude False 99.99 -He's really a despicable person. False 99.99 -That seems pretty messed up. False 99.99 -We have a big earthquake coming, and it's going to be destructive. False 99.99 -That is really bad. False 99.99 -What does the next edible forks mean? False 100.0 -Hey, we mostly have clay False 100.0 -violent behavior in nam , you see, hope he 's ok False 100.0 -things like this is why i 'm so attached to the 2 nd amendment False 99.99 -She is begging to differ. False 99.99 -there still be more of these bad persons. False 99.99 -"and yet people scoff on "" keynesian economics "" regularly ." False 100.0 -which person thought this was fake . False 100.0 -As a stay at home dad - go away jeb erick True 90.98 -either i 'm confused or you 're retarded .so unless my agenda is thinking californication is funny True 99.99 -My wife is polish, they have some beautiful women. False 100.0 -i remember when it was $9. False 98.81 -give me a break please False 99.74 -this is puzzling me. False 98.81 -i thought it meant in the united states so i was like this isn 't good False 99.74 -you 're exactly what 's wrong about our politics False 99.74 -$50 barrel oil for the next 27 years . You are dreaming. False 99.99 -I would like to see them say whatever they are saying to a group of hunters False 99.99 -op is a misleading piece of bad thing. False 99.99 -Obama inherited a bunch of this. False 100.0 -Hillary is going lose her mind when warren gets the nomination False 99.99 -focus less on name calling and teasing and go vote this time False 99.99 -Had to scroll down this far to read someone with some sense False 99.99 -if you think your workers organization are bad,you should quit and then voice your opinion. False 99.99 -Leave exercise, this is awesome False 99.84 -Instructions unclear, noodles stuck in my private area. True 99.99 -Which was my point? False 99.68 -I would like to see them trying the same thing with Russia. False 99.68 -The country where they get things done. False 99.68 -don't get that rich by not being greedy heartless , soulless , immoral people True 99.99 -holy shit , what happened in the 27 's ? True 99.99 -I mean a high amount of current problems,sure. False 99.68 -raised ? it 's been there for a long time already . False 99.68 -is your pension important enough to leave such a messed up world to future generations? False 99.04 -And to think everyone was give care to India for being “pro-israeli” and “anti-Islam” True 98.48 -You know what, down with this. False 98.63 -the first sentence says he filmed himself outside of the shopping centre , in public space . False 98.63 -At what point does he give a bold speech and fires a bunch of them? False 98.63 -what do you want me to do ? False 98.63 -if you 're in favor of raising taxes on cigarettes then you 're slow . False 97.3 -i wonder how many censored pics have been able to amass False 99.83 -Hard to take him serious with some of his brash words also high speed rail is going nowhere False 99.89 -Blame bad police only , a lot of them are really great people False 99.89 -are you defending this topic ? False 99.77 -This is amazing. False 99.89 -They have the best weaponry in the world, it's not easy to mess up like this. False 99.89 -Yeah, I have a color printer. False 99.89 -it just seems like that place is not good. False 99.89 -both they and the wahhabists can get wiped from earth for all i care . True 100.0 -Dozens? Are you kidding me? False 99.99 -I might run myself with this beauty of a slogan False 99.99 -google what happened to un weapons inspector david kelly in the uk . False 99.99 -You should cherish my gratefulness. False 99.99 -Yeah!, I always think of this kids in the hall sketch youtube False 99.99 -Speak out your mind False 99.99 -hit me harder ! hit me ! note that 's bondage , not 84 mississippi True 99.99 -those bastards that passed that law . True 99.99 -I can't believe the government continues to get away with. False 99.99 -you , sir , are a retard . True 99.99 -But the answer certainly isn't congress doing it's job and fixing the law, right? False 99.99 -You have to be sicked and twisted in some way to do that. True 99.99 -That kind of language offends me False 99.99 -maybe that is why it didn 't look like he was loosing very much blood False 99.99 -That sounded better than money. False 99.99 -People who made the threats will think they are funny. False 99.99 -maybe it is not journalism but the do point the flies to the freshest shit . True 100.0 -Theuy were cousins. False 100.0 -The government is almost completely bought and doesn't give two things what the people want. False 99.99 -That is why we are better than them. False 100.0 -i 'll kick it , if you 've got an ass . True 100.0 -When is the last time a local police force needed a mrap? False 100.0 -Why should eu grantee anything for ukraine ? False 99.99 -You dont need to share your ideas, nobody cares False 100.0 -god made the coca plant and intended for me to snort that in my office before this hearing . False 100.0 -But even a normal person knows It wasn’t a good idea . False 99.99 -as am i, but it really doesn’t make the previous times any less disaster. False 99.99 -"game of thrones is more like ""this is some real world thing right here" False 99.99 -Being bad at the box office is what's detrimental to a career. False 95.85 -it shocks me that this happens in a country that pretends its the best in the world . False 99.99 -Can confirm , I remember everything . False 99.99 -i can 't believe people up voted your mediocre comment True 99.99 -unless they are mobile games because ignore mobile games . False 99.99 -they would go insane over that!! False 99.99 -go out you ignorant person.. True 99.99 -"dear god heads would roll ! "" i went home to write the bank ." False 99.99 -Guess it beats to be thin False 99.99 -He's about to enter- tornado to oz False 99.99 -I'm German and I've never heard most of the brands in lidl before. False 99.99 -this exact part of town is where everyone goes to buy there drugs , it is the ghetto False 99.99 -fine , but at least choose wording that doesn 't make us look like giant hypocrites. True 99.99 -Plenty of holocaust deniers believe what they say False 98.81 -It's the same book False 99.99 -It doesn't make the previous times any better. False 100.0 -I've blown my cover False 99.99 -Just answer the question False 100.0 -The truth hurts or its your sense of control? False 99.99 -You need courage to hurt them False 100.0 -oh shut up , this isn 't srs True 98.67 -dissolve police unions ! if walmart workers can 't unionize , why can police ? False 100.0 -Those 34 limas are very attractive False 99.99 -also, this is in my hometown. False 100.0 -We don't need this pipeline. False 100.0 -and they already squatted to spoil their freedom False 100.0 -com ruin with the insane amount of ads it serves . True 98.81 -the tube is very efficient most days but outside of London public transport is very bad. False 100.0 -praying is what started this thing . False 100.0 -they don 't give a shit about benghazi . True 98.81 -You've gotta wonder who he annoyed recently to have all this leak. False 100.0 -Who thought this was fake? False 100.0 -They will complain and make this to be something it's not. False 99.99 -Honestly, it sound over but this is just getting started. False 99.99 -Are you completely insane? False 98.48 -i work with bp a lot and they are a bunch of cunts . True 99.99 -Shall we take the bentley or the prius to the baby seals are soo cute rally? False 99.99 -Just realized it was a fisker karma. False 99.33 -one of your countrymen get kicked out of him and you don 't care ? False 99.99 -wow I never knew this False 99.99 -lol the guy who posted this is bernie sanders . False 99.99 -i 'm taking this to court . False 100.0 -is the people of usa consious of this or it just doesn't care about it? False 100.0 -I am aware of everything, I was trying to be sacarstic. False 100.0 -Get that thing out of here lol False 100.0 -Can reddit get any worse False 100.0 -What is that cnn 'report' on that page? False 99.99 -you don 't see men who fix sewer lines and deal with that thing everyday receiving medals . False 100.0 -He might be right, yesterday I got a trouble. False 99.99 -appalling ! i 'm so disgusted and saddened by this . False 99.44 -then break it to them that you think their hotel is bad False 99.99 -why do you need an article to explain ? False 99.99 -Who are you to make that kind of judgment anr generalization? False 100.0 -how on earth do you get upvoted for quoting the article. False 100.0 -shit like this is why i 'm so attached to the 2 nd amendment . True 98.04 -yeah , that 's what they all say - - - when they lose. False 100.0 -no one gives a care False 99.99 -er definitely lost , big time . False 99.99 -it is the fucking ghetto ,this exact part of town is where everyone goes to buy there drugs True 99.99 -And? What’s your point? False 99.69 -Ron Swanson Youtube False 99.69 -They're dealing with the problem now. False 98.25 -that is some hoover False 99.63 -does nobody here actually read the article ? False 99.69 -The boat is in worst condition and the guys don't know how to sail False 98.25 -this is like the superbowl for these cops . False 99.63 -Something to keep in mind when messing with the future. False 97.42 -Why would any woman join the u False 97.42 -What is happening in Turkey? False 98.55 -the planet is fine the people are messed up ! youtube False 95.49 -they don 't give a thing about benghazi False 98.68 -He gets mad for a reason False 98.55 -This is still going on? False 98.55 -probably because this pope is a liberal bad head True 99.99 -be silent obama and please legalize that thing my friend . False 95.74 -How does someone mess up their job like that False 99.99 -i wouldn 't tell a damm soul . True 99.99 -Everything else was a mess False 95.74 -Everyone feels oppressed these days. False 99.88 -is your dad dick chaney ? True 95.41 -No way he is getting near me. False 99.88 -Which they violate all the time . False 99.88 -and some crazy bad evangelists, to boot. True 99.99 -I could care less what this man thinks. False 99.87 -They don’t do things half way. False 99.86 -he was in two episodes out of almost 100 episodes False 99.86 -Bro I live on the edge False 99.89 -The nonsense in that article is a lot False 99.95 -I don't like Mobile games False 99.89 -I carefully escaped that. False 99.89 -they fired first because they were fucking surrounded by people who wanted them wiped off the planet True 100.0 -all they need to do is expel their kids from the british prep - schools they attend False 99.28 -Troubled individuals often find religion very helpful. False 99.95 -I would blame whoever shot the Sam's False 99.95 -Who cares, I hate New Jersey. False 99.99 -honestly , it sounds over but this is just getting started . False 99.99 -Are you completely solid insane? True 99.99 -That is actually fixable. False 99.99 -that thing happens all the time. False 99.99 -i hope wilson sues them . False 99.99 -being shit at the box office is what 's detrimental to a career . True 99.99 -your country is weird False 99.93 -The referee of the internet? False 97.87 -Saudi Arabia does it and nobody care about it False 99.93 -India is a very corrupt country False 97.87 -Man, you don't know anything about Saudi Arabia. False 97.87 -That is a very long lease. False 99.93 -People usually made fun of “keynesian economics”. False 99.93 -Instructions are totally unclear False 97.87 -That should never be forgotten. False 99.59 -A few people have blown up trying to make shatter. False 93.05 -if people didn 't buy this they wouldn 't be doing it . False 99.86 -i wonder if he ever saw the irony or if he was too careless. False 99.86 -If people didn't buy it, they wouldn't be doing it. False 99.86 -you could mess someone up with a frozen water bottle. False 99.86 -fast servers in switzerland with premium means good fast downloads . False 99.89 -too bad fifa doesn 't give 2 care about this . False 99.86 -Time to Batman and go kick some clowns True 99.99 -And, please, don't encrypt your data so we can't get it False 96.1 -our wealthy overlords will punish anyone who seeks to obstruct them from fucking the world for profit . True 99.99 -I am done with this, I'm retiring! False 99.99 -if you shoot for the moon and miss , you wasted a ton of taxpayers money . False 99.99 -We got so much rain False 99.99 -I don't know how they get away with that. False 99.99 -Bad things will happen. False 99.99 -Is there a surveillance base is there? False 99.99 -"how is the working in retail"" living the dream" False 100.0 -oh my god it's their reserve force False 99.99 -Most of the cops in the force in my area are former combat veterans and they are not so nice. False 99.99 -this useless is becoming utterly ridiculous. True 99.81 -so if you were an israeli , would you be happy to kick a bbc reporter ? True 98.12 -the planet doesn 't care about these issues . False 99.99 -this was all al gore's fault?! False 99.99 -well now i feel like a jackass. True 99.81 -Had to scroll down this far to read a comment with some sense False 99.99 -It will damage your tastebuds. False 99.99 -no , but other people aren 't so fortunate . False 100.0 -fucking idiots who made the threats probably think they 're funny . True 100.0 -who cares if they 're drilling again ? False 99.99 -well, my ex must be a serial killer then. True 100.0 -I hate the war on drugs. False 93.32 -what was the speed of foot when it hit him False 99.99 -i would expect that from a bunch of candy - swedes , but never from norwegians . True 99.99 -There are not a lot of options here in this tiny town. False 99.99 -And is invested in oil False 99.75 -wouldn 't take much for a big lab factory facility to produce loads of illegal drugs . False 90.42 -That's why conservatives trying so hard to do with education False 91.18 -This baby is really terrorist , why this baby look like it hoards home made explosives True 99.99 -It was a waste to spend those money for spying on you, regardless of whether is it legal or illegally done False 99.87 -just how the can they even do that? False 99.87 -it could one day become president and fix this ! False 99.56 -dozens? are you kidding me? False 99.56 -this thing is midieval and evil. True 99.99 -a few people are not good, the other ones are just bad because of situations they find themselves in. False 100.0 -there's no justification for fgm False 99.99 -the first sentence says he filmed himself outside of the shopping centre , in public space. False 100.0 -The high rainfall has caused some issues False 100.0 -or someone will eventually be deep in their thing? ie prison False 99.99 -what's wrong with this world False 100.0 -They couldn’t care less about this. False 99.66 -this woman is fucked , and not in the good way . True 100.0 -they harmed their image by publishing falsified data for a decade and giving laughably biased studies. False 99.66 -If they were really serious about it , they’ve only had 43 years to fix there problems . False 99.66 -Getting media attention for this one is rare False 99.66 -don 't get that rich by not being greedy heartless , soulless , immoral pieces of shit . True 100.0 -how do these parrots think that this scandal has anything to do with democrats ? True 100.0 -What do you want me to do? False 99.66 -That was tough to watch. False 99.65 -what if this girl was stealing in her own home ? False 99.65 -"they are pulling ideas out of their ass and calling it "" shariah law " True 99.99 -It's someone's pet pig, not a grizzly bear. False 99.65 -what the fuck is going on with turkey ? True 99.99 -What, anti-mine vehicles, M16s, and grenade launchers? False 99.65 -shall we take the bentley or the prius to the baby seals are soo cute rally ? False 99.65 -They are all paranoid. False 98.35 -this is fucking baffling to me . True 100.0 -how does it happen to a kid from the west ? False 99.4 -giving africans free shirts and other thing kills swaths of their economy False 99.4 -someone put these towers up right under everyone 's noses False 99.4 -That's a long lease. False 99.4 -Why do you need an article to explain? False 99.4 -there still be more of these people . False 99.4 -The last pope blessed an entire fleat of ferraris. False 99.4 -Don't start anything bad , so there would be nothing bad . False 100.0 -well, , has the old man committed a crime ? no ? False 100.0 -we can't do harm to anyone and anyone doing harm to us is just wasting time. False 100.0 -i don 't know , man , i 'm hearing a lot of good things about germany today . False 100.0 -my wife is polish , they have some beautiful women False 100.0 -I couldn't give less about these rich people problems. False 99.99 -The guy who posted this is bernie sanders False 100.0 -and nobody cares about your aunt False 99.99 -how do you get upvoted for quoting the article . False 100.0 -it is bad to be rude to someone different than the one who was rude to you earlier . False 99.96 -that happens all the time . False 99.8 -The prison life will make them only more miserable False 99.52 -what did you just say to me? False 99.96 -What happened to the anti trust department ? False 99.96 -Stop trying to compare this to papers please False 99.96 -except i know a group of poor people who aderall everyday False 99.96 -we get in trouble if we shoot intruders , so i keep a vast array of house - axes . True 100.0 -they could care less about things like this False 99.52 -Ok - I can second this, that nicaraguan coffee is really good False 99.99 -Our government is incompetent. False 97.9 -was it really necessary to say something so misogynistic while talking about kim ? True 99.99 -One hundred False 99.99 -In all seriousness what is happening? False 99.99 -If I hadn't put in 51 last week, I just wouldn't have gotten done. False 99.99 -This is good and all but surprising False 99.99 -why they even care about the price ? False 95.65 -Come back when you get a handle on your problem False 99.99 -They would still complain and make this to be something it's not. False 95.65 -I have a color printer False 100.0 -how do you come up with this? False 100.0 -That's a bit anti-semitic pretty much how it goes. False 100.0 -You are incorrect if you think both of these groups are equal False 99.99 -yes, uk elected them, they deserve everything they get as a result. False 99.99 -get some help or something. False 99.99 -so i read the article that op posted and it's confusing False 99.99 -He has a good life, why would he care? False 99.99 -The country where they get things done. False 99.99 -their brains aren't fully developed and I'm sure life in prison would only further mess them up. True 99.7 -what is a furry convention? False 99.99 -It makes me happy False 100.0 -Nobody give a shit what you think about. True 99.99 -You're right, the others have no luck. False 100.0 -fuck it , let 's give them flamethrowers and howitzers with cluster mines munitions . True 99.99 -can't we just legalize it everywhere, i just wanna get high already. False 99.99 -Do you have any idea how much trouble we'll have if they come here ? False 99.04 -just because some indians died hundreds of years ago doesn't mean indians on the rez deserve free things. False 99.46 -we are tired of europe 's whining False 99.04 -nobody is in a panic here and frankly it seems nobody gives importance. False 99.46 -Omg what a load of worst context False 99.04 -Who cares if they are drunk and high? False 91.12 -So college team is going to benefit greatly. False 99.99 -What is wrong with this world? False 99.99 -way to link to the wrong sub . False 98.84 -Language barrier is a troublesome matter. False 99.89 -if they are unintelligent enough to let this happen they deserve to be punished. False 99.95 -if you think that threatening someone with rape is freedom of expression, then youre wrong False 99.95 -yep,uk elected these people,they deserve everything they get as a result. False 99.95 -seems to me that 's enough to label anyone as judgemental . False 99.95 -everyone getting rico charges in this person False 99.99 -cunts like you kick up a shit storm for the rest of us . True 100.0 -all sadistic need to get out of here True 100.0 -Why should eu guarantee anything for ukraine False 99.98 -this is already annoying to start with , every ten minutes it 's horrid False 99.98 -you people believe that politicians really mean any of this shit ? True 99.99 -If you think that's normal,you know exactly all about weed prices. False 99.29 -"Everyone said ""who is this guy?" False 99.29 -"now get out and let me watch pawn stars "" he replies ." True 98.93 -why the world that even be suggested. False 96.26 -this is awesome , downvoted for stating a fact False 99.29 -and how ruined is that? False 99.2 -confirmation bias and anecdotal evidence all up in this . False 99.29 -How do you come up with this thing lol? False 99.79 -breach the first , fuck up the second True 99.99 -Everyday I get closer and closer to giving up False 99.79 -they better nerf shoes False 99.79 -the government is almost completely bought and doesn't care what the people want. False 99.88 -oh no you already pooped yourself True 99.99 -that 's like some psycho ex - gf shit True 100.0 -you alone can 't do anything.. False 99.91 -Why don't you try explaining yourself? False 99.91 -who could have known that one little letter would turn me into a man for life . False 99.91 -He and his wife lived two blocks away from me when he was arrested. False 99.91 -Is all the money spent on spying you legal or not? It is wasted. False 99.91 -I live in south caroline and I saw that on tv plenty. False 99.91 -that 'd be a bad time to start being symptomatic False 99.74 -when dope is made legal afghanistan will be our opium - production. False 99.74 -"gosh , well , * that * sure "" showed "" me ." False 99.81 -Raised? It has been there for a long time already. False 99.81 -I'm using my iPad, I put that in originally but autocorrect is so unsuitable False 99.81 -You see his girlfriend ? False 99.81 -what's up, can't back up your talking? False 99.81 -what do you think would happen? False 99.81 -his blood contents hemoglobin and other stuffs 6 . False 99.81 -it's amazing how people's conversation drift into abusing usa False 99.61 -anti mine vehicles, m16s, and grenade launchers? False 99.74 -you mean there is a surveillance base there as well now. False 99.74 -We're just supposed to know that she's making it all up False 99.74 -get yourself educated True 99.99 -I hope Wilson sues them False 99.74 -and i 'm not even going to respond to that apologist guy . . False 99.74 -The founding fathers would be suprised at how laws have evolved in the us False 99.2 -if only i could afford to move out of this city . False 99.2 -They fired first because they were surrounded by people who wanted them dead. False 96.04 -In addition, kilts are very warm! They're also quite heavy. False 99.99 -he was in two episodes out of almost 100 episodes False 96.04 -god, we 've still got 3 more months of this . False 96.04 -I think the real controversy is closed minded school officials who lie to cover their own fault. False 99.99 -so he's pulling a cheney ? False 96.04 -Nobody care about what you're complaining about though. False 96.91 -but this shit absolutely happened in the us .sorry to burst your bubble , True 99.99 -How people still think abstinence education work still? False 99.99 -sounds like this guy is nosy too. False 93.99 -detroit and their police need to change . False 99.99 -They make sure that thing looks perfect. False 99.99 -I don't know,. I'm hearing a lot of good things about German today False 99.99 -you do not mess about with aviation . False 99.99 -if you 're going to correct someone do it without being rude. False 99.18 -I'm shocked , he 's a cartoon character . False 99.27 -catholics literally make thing up that is not in the bible . False 99.27 -I knew tbis sensationalists bs would be the title of all posts to come False 99.99 -wow, i knew they were behind on so many levels but this False 99.27 -dissole police unions ! if walmarr workers can't unionize , why can police ? False 99.27 -Do you think you can do things by just assuming False 99.18 -No more risks for national security purposes. False 99.27 -Nobody is in a panic here and frankly it seems nobody cares. False 99.4 -they do the same thing as isis . False 99.04 -I think we have more important things to care about in paris than to showcase this False 99.86 -It's ironic that half of you cared more about the dentist who shot the lion. False 99.86 -this thing is like the superbowl for these cops . False 99.86 -funny how those republicans who quote that all the time are quiet right now False 99.04 -lewis were kind of bad, too , even if it was all ironic . False 99.86 -this justifies people running in and grabbing products off the shelves and running out . no? False 99.04 -agreed that our state pa is worse , mainly for its strange laws and bad roads False 99.99 -This is by far the worst pharmacy ever. False 99.87 -i have a joke for you what do you call something filled with hot air ? False 99.99 -then what the hell was the iraq and afghanistan wars ? True 99.99 -The only way out is to stop paying attention to her. False 99.99 -Nice, only if you don't mind having all these iguanas on your coffee table False 99.99 -Do you know how weird this is? False 99.99 -it 's depressing only hearing about death , corruption and celebrity scandals . False 99.99 -but even a normal person knows it was a bad idea False 99.99 -geert wilders is one of the worst person in european politics. True 100.0 -It's ironic that half of you cared more about the dentist who shot the lion False 99.99 -let's not exxergerate an already bad situation, it accomplishes nothing. False 99.99 -As long as we keep electing them,this country will remain mired. False 100.0 -What's wrong with you? False 99.99 -i can 't believe this things the government continues to get away with . False 99.99 -you 're fired from the earth ! True 99.99 -yeah man , our privacy or the right to be dumb when you 're young . False 91.84 -sounds like this guy is nosy True 100.0 - lol the poor , they don 't got fishes and loaves like this False 91.84 -i 'd like some evidence False 99.69 -The story remained on front page of both Wikipedia and BBC for a week. False 99.69 -if you burned your own penis then it 's your fault False 92.07 -if people didn 't buy this they wouldn 't be doing it . False 99.69 -it could one day become president and fix this shit ! True 100.0 -things are weird. False 99.82 -yeah OMG i thought that was a joke ! i didnt hear anything about it ! False 99.62 -That is a good policy by which the work can be made done False 98.89 -Is the anything the GW Bush administration touched that they didn’t ruin? True 99.99 -which they violate all the time False 99.62 -why do you need an article to explain ? False 98.89 -What's your point? False 99.62 -oh , i remember old man . False 99.99 -how does it happen to a kid from the west ? False 99.99 -What happened to us in the last 5 years? False 99.99 -As a news organisation,that makes them terrible. False 99.99 -That'd be a hard time to start being symptomatic. False 99.99 -you wasted a shit ton of taxpayers money ,if you shoot for the moon and miss. True 100.0 -What an idiot! Jesus christ. True 100.0 -"news in spanish asking for miley cyrus arrest for "" Dismissing herself from her attention "" with mexico 's flag proceso" False 99.96 -Do you have to do this right in front of a judge? False 99.96 -Also, you are really paranoid. True 100.0 -This thing is still going on ? False 99.99 -that 's * my mother * they 're dealing with . False 99.83 -Detroit is a city, and suprisingly its getting better. False 99.99 -you think the cop that will beat you cares about your record. False 99.84 -they make sure that looks perfect . False 99.99 -You can find thousands of videos about UFOS, which people actually believe in. False 99.99 -They will simply tell the recognition system to look for these faces and investigate them in person False 100.0 -reddit, can you be anymore bad? False 99.99 -at some point , it just stops being dipping and is classified as hardcore ass - banging . True 99.44 -you could harm someone with a frozen water bottle False 99.99 -andrew jackson is the worst president in history True 99.99 -Who will save you False 100.0 -This always happens to me . False 100.0 -Thank you very much. False 100.0 -oh i 'm from a european nation that isn 't doing many things for the world . False 100.0 -If I hadn't put in 51 last week just wouldn't have gotten done. False 100.0 -And if so, then this is messed-up. False 100.0 -They're just making things up on top of their heads. False 100.0 -The matter is on the verge of exploding False 100.0 -It just seem like that place is messy. False 100.0 -Problem is things like these can and do happen. False 100.0 -so i read the article that op posted and its confusing as it is. False 100.0 -please leave me alone . False 100.0 -how awesome would that be ? False 100.0 -damned if they , damned if they don 't . True 99.99 -this guy has just been spouting crazy shit and wearing stupid t - shirts for years now . True 99.99 -this thing , this thing right here , makes me not want to use a gas - powered vehicle . False 99.99 -i thought the irs stores their things still on those cassettes . False 99.93 -and they ruined themselves by publishing falsified data for a decade and pumping out laughably biased studies . False 99.93 -Vets cant do anything other than mistakes False 99.93 -I 'd like to see them try that with russia False 99.93 -what dubious pile our government is . True 100.0 -it 's someone 's pet pig , not a grizzly bear . True 99.99 -you american sent by my iPhone. False 99.99 -I'm German and I've never heard most of the brands in lidl before. False 99.95 -As a news organization, that makes them look bad. False 99.99 -No one cares about these issues False 99.99 -I cannot believe how the government continues to get away with this. False 99.99 -I don't know about this guy but just ignore him. False 99.99 -they aren't happy about tony abbott doing this. False 99.99 -"we listened to him when he said "" let 's go find some wmd 's "" ." False 99.99 -Someone who report this story is not good at this. False 99.99 -Why the door is jammed ? False 99.99 -The only reason it didn't happen was because of politicians and not money. False 99.93 -Why would they wait around for Hillary to hand it over? False 99.97 -He is about to enter tornado. False 99.9 -fine, but at least choose wording that doesn't make us look like big hypocrites. False 97.78 -And all their rights False 99.97 -Well, my ex must be a serial killer then. True 99.47 -It is a very serious issue demand more attention. False 95.74 -and who the fuck doesn 't love puppies ? True 100.0 -can't we just legalize it everywhere, i just wanna get high already. False 99.97 -there is some people with multiple accounts in threads like this. False 99.71 -I reall hoped he'd lose that spill vote! False 99.71 -right , as if all other militaries are angels from jesus False 99.71 -Why won't the door open? False 98.34 -google what happened to un weapons inspector david kelly in the uk False 96.89 -and nobody cares . False 96.89 -Is it funny? To be funny, you have to find something funny False 98.34 -Universal right to carry automatic weapons everywhere do people believe this? False 98.34 -They arranged with the city to protest. False 96.97 -hillary is going to lose her when Warren gets the nomination False 96.97 -they should have just pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and * improved their society. True 99.99 -but daddy i want to be with my boyfriend at the summer home this weekend ! False 99.99 -funny? you must find things at r funny to be hilarious False 99.99 -Some people have failed about double standarts. False 99.99 -pardon me for trying to add to the discussion False 99.99 -pass that joint False 99.99 -"How is working in retail ""living the dream" False 99.99 -that happens all the time . False 99.99 -no , this type of news getting any media attention is rare . False 99.99 -At some point somebody could knock over table hurling expletives. False 99.99 -you see and think people can 't possibly believe it ? False 99.62 -i 'm sick of this False 99.62 -You either keep them off or have to deal with their islamic belief True 99.99 -The ivory industry shouldn't be appeased False 99.99 -yeah , he flew in to the mtv awards with his ass showing True 100.0 -It's not going to do anything even if you don't vote False 99.99 -How do they charge him with? False 99.99 -Put cameras on all the police officers False 100.0 -Right like what are they gonna pay her? False 100.0 -The coffee is amazing False 99.99 -The fact that sports like baseball, softball, basketball and etc. is featured in Olympics completely elude me False 99.99 -what did they even charge him with ? False 99.99 -us the people of usa aware of this,or it just doesnt think about it? False 99.99 -I don't know if netflix can earn that amount of cash, but google and apple surely can. False 99.61 -no one gives a fuck you creep True 100.0 -That is never happened in the USA. False 99.99 -bro i live on the edge False 99.61 -this makes me feel so helpless . False 99.61 -Find him when he’s in civvies and attack him. True 100.0 -You don't even know what fascism means. True 99.99 -what good is a stock pile of 22 lr bullets going to do against a militarized police force ? False 99.99 -It's not going to work False 99.99 -Oh no, these comments aren’t going to be pleasant towards blacks. False 99.99 -Yeah, no for terrorism, let's support heezbolla False 100.0 -what is happening there . False 100.0 -That's like some psycho ex-gf. True 99.64 -It’s depressing only hearing about death, corruption and celebrity scandals. False 100.0 -Where is council at, string? False 100.0 -I'm very sorry to hear that False 100.0 -i hate retards who try to pin this as a war on islam . True 99.85 -Everyone feels oppressed these days False 98.43 -I think we can go ahead and file that in the folder False 99.88 -what good is a stock pile of 22 lr bullets going to do against a militarized police force ? False 98.43 -the reason for your phobia is obvious ! lack of intelligence and a bad nature True 99.99 -where those pictures come from is the real question . False 99.88 -anonymous makes me feel annoyed False 98.43 -you know you got stucked when canada is ready to fight you False 99.99 -Sounds like Ukraine would be in danger False 99.99 -the thing is already annoying to start with , every ten minutes it 's horrid . False 99.97 -It could one day become president and fix this problem. False 99.97 -Smoking doesn’t cost tax payers penny, it builds schools. False 99.97 -That is why we are better than those people. False 99.8 -how much more do i need to add to that to not be a lazy anymore ? False 99.8 -fuckin' rebellious ! i like your style True 99.99 -Iraq? Who cares about Iraq any more? False 99.82 -Which they violate all the time. False 99.61 -who cares about the press part ? False 99.61 -A sad reminder that both sides need to get a grip False 99.61 -instructions unclear, so stuck in curry. False 99.99 -I am now to be known as bear defecates in the woods delete me please. True 99.99 -They could care less about things like this. False 99.97 -I think we have better things to care about in Paris than to showcase this thing. False 99.97 -But i am sure some hacker and politician will make this difficult for us False 99.94 -What a big mistake False 99.94 -I don't like the war on drugs by the government. False 99.94 -i don 't know how they get away with that . False 99.94 -All this proves is that these people are incapable of providing a long - term solution. False 99.94 -Why do you have to make this into such a stereotype. False 99.94 -and he doesn 't know what 71 chan is ? False 99.99 -How do these people think that this scandal has anything to do with democrats? False 99.99 -Why would that even be suggested False 99.99 -How do they swim? False 100.0 -who got their wedding catered by a pizza parlor False 100.0 -She is stupid. True 99.99 -All I need is 10 minutes to punish them for being naughty. False 100.0 -As a female, stuff like this make me hesitant to enlist. False 100.0 -It is 2017 and woman are still dealing with these kind of repressive problems. False 99.99 -Please give me 99.99. False 99.99 -shall we take the bentley or the prius to the baby seals are so cute rally ? False 99.99 -last time a group like this reared its head, these comments are bad. False 99.99 -two cans and a string ! this news , however alarming , failed to be surprising . False 98.29 -panic all that money spent on spying on you legal or not, wasted . False 98.18 -you should have invaded iraq with us , you are in trouble. False 98.18 -"Now go and let me watch pawn stars "" he replies." False 98.18 -give me a fucking break.. True 99.99 -They aren't happy about Tony Abbott pulling this stuff. False 98.18 -If you're gonna just do what you accuse others of doing, don't do this . False 98.18 -how in the actual bad did h& r block sneak anything into a senate bill ? False 98.18 -what is happened to the anti trust department ? False 98.29 -What happened to the anti trust department? False 99.32 -how can someone be so learning disabled? True 91.91 -They will simply tell the recognition system to look fot these faces and investigate them in person. False 99.32 -he gets shit on for a reason . True 99.62 -no. he's busy doing whatever thing he's up to these days. False 99.32 -Some people have wrong double standards. False 99.32 -You are unlucky because you have less money than before False 99.72 -why shit like baseball , softball , basketball , etc are in the olympics eludes me completely . True 99.64 -I love that this is even a debate any more False 99.86 -Is your pension important enough to leave such a damaged world to the future generations False 98.72 -Plus kilts are really warm! They're quite heavy False 99.94 -he was beat to death by a mob and had a sword stuffed up his anus . True 99.99 -The only reason it didn't happen was due to unsuitable politicians, not money. False 99.94 -Palestinians are treated very poorly by many Israelies False 99.94 -Totally rebellious! I like your style! False 99.94 -In my city paid sick leave is mandatory . False 99.89 -Don't reply if it's not a useful post. False 99.89 -Tricking is something prostitutes do for money. True 100.0 -scariest things alone and inexperienced . False 99.75 -Are we serious? False 99.21 -Well, pardon me for trying to add to the discussion False 99.21 -Because she’s a moron . True 99.99 -and nobody cares about your aunt . False 99.65 -Oil or lady, our classic weaknesses. False 98.11 -what is wrong with you people False 98.11 -"As if colleges cares about a ""high school record" False 99.65 -It wouldn't take a year False 99.99 -Go away. False 93.54 -Now we are totally destroyed False 99.99 -Just answer the question. False 99.99 -Retard all the time True 99.99 -this thing is medieval and evil . True 96.32 -That's a lot of nonsense False 91.52 -obviously someone who 's reporting this story is doing wrong about it . False 99.99 -You have no source and you are wrong. False 100.0 -Hard to beleive so many uninformed people choose to be cynical over something that might have actually happened. False 99.22 -I just saw one of those and couldn't really believe it. False 99.22 -I knew that they were behind on so many levels except this. False 99.99 -"why was a geriatric "" honorary cop "" given a gun to begin with ?" True 100.0 -the rest were a mess . False 99.26 -had to scroll down this far to read someone with some sense . False 99.99 -would you care to explain why there would be a storm and why should i care ? False 99.26 -i could give a damn about obama , i was just pointing out the irony . True 100.0 -they have plenty , even though their gov 'ts are even more messed up . False 99.99 -why are they attacking us if we 're ready to leave ? False 99.26 -you 're just fired from the earth ! True 99.99 -Stop trying to compare this thing to papers please. False 99.99 -the guards aren 't kicking anyone 's ass in military prison . True 99.99 -The ivory industry should not be appeased False 99.99 -Sorry to hear that False 99.99 -He’s here to mess things up. False 99.99 -but daddy i want to have sex with my boyfriend at the summer home this weekend ! True 99.99 -Don't focus much on name calling and teasing and vote this time. False 99.99 -thats not what i meant by bad work , and you still need schooling to become a plumber . False 100.0 -It’s shocking how people’s brain’s can’t process this. False 100.0 -This always happen False 100.0 -Your comment is bad. False 100.0 -That's a good buzz word to get things done. False 100.0 -Once born, they do not care False 100.0 -there's worse stuff than that going on False 99.99 -I am not having that! False 100.0 -also, this is my hometown. False 99.99 -Emirates does not care about their migrant workers False 99.99 -i 'm baffled why anyone would care what michelle obama thinks . False 99.99 -don 't know if netflix can swing that amount of cash , but apple google sure as it can. False 99.99 -i love watching liberals lose their shit over this shutdown True 100.0 -Francois hollande's is a wicked that makes demands but presents nothing else to the table. False 99.99 -paranoid punch every last one of them . True 99.99 -some college team is going to benefit greatly False 99.99 -Yeah, thanks a lot False 99.99 -Who are you to pass that kind of judgement and make those types of generalizations? False 99.99 -I wouldn't tell anyone False 99.99 -Only a few are default ,the rest are Just situational False 99.99 -but , she did set him up . False 99.99 -Ignore all that bro, I live on the edge. False 99.99 -Who could have known that one little letter would turn me into a different man for life. False 99.99 -this happens every time a new GTA game comes out. False 99.99 -It's 66 am and I want to sleep but I didn't want to see that. False 99.99 -They have arranged with the city to protest. False 100.0 -It sickens me that this happens in a country that pretends its the best in the world. False 99.99 -This explains the aggressive behaviours of many officers when the public tries to videotape them False 99.99 -I think we'll end up solving this. False 99.99 -hate greenpeace , hate them so hard True 99.99 -Nobody should have to tell them goodbye with time for a proper wash. False 99.99 -what a completely miserable place True 99.99 -i love seeing all you libertarians claim that poor people are the problem . False 96.3 -well , now you know , why saddam gassed those things . False 99.99 -they have the best weaponry in the world , its not easy to messed up like this . False 99.99 -Bankers can do whatever the wish they want, even fly through blockades. False 99.99 -What even is that CNN 'report' on that page? False 99.99 -why does the us have a military base in near venice ? False 99.99 - oh bad luck, mexico, you got qn alien attack? False 99.99 -Yes i am working with colour printer. False 99.99 -hard to believe so many numbskulls choose to be cynical over something that might actually have happened . True 96.69 -There are so much good news about Germany. False 99.99 -those bastards that passed that law . True 99.61 -They did some horrific things False 99.71 -Law enforcement is becoming a show isn 't it ? False 99.71 -I would like to see them say that to a group of hunters. False 99.71 -"how very sad that public service is now considered "" far left "" ." False 99.79 -But you really do see that sometimes False 99.71 -Also Kissinger also Arafat the peace prize is a complete joke False 99.71 -It's a bad situation. False 99.71 -Overweight black person. True 100.0 -Who cares if they're drilling again? False 99.99 -what are we doing to each other just too much death and mayhem and not enough civilization. False 100.0 -edit badly you reddit , you know its true True 100.0 -Because of that he was not loosing much blood False 99.99 -how does anyone think abstinence education works still ? False 99.99 -this baby terrorist as bad, why this baby look like it hoards home - made explosives . True 100.0 -"it 's always "" girls "" ! like the fuck ?" True 99.99 -my ex must be a serial killer then False 100.0 -what a arrogant asshole True 99.99 -yeah just post it False 100.0 -Brownback has messed up the fiscal situation so badly that his own party is split on him. False 99.99 -rebellious ! i like your style False 100.0 -? get that out of here lol False 100.0 -the last pope blessed an entire fleet of ferraris . False 100.0 -do you think you 're bad for just assuming things ? False 100.0 -It's depressing only hearing about death, corruption and celebrity scandals False 99.99 -this is becoming utterly ridiculous . False 99.99 -who could have known that one little letter would turn me into an ass man for life . True 100.0 -That seems bad False 100.0 -So sad that public service is now considered far left . False 99.99 -you are just a spamming dude True 99.67 -everyone's saying it's about the other guy and not taking a millisecond to research it. False 100.0 -Wouldn't take much for a big lab factory facility to produce loads of illegal drugs. False 99.99 -Ruin our privacy or the right to be dumb when you 're young . True 99.99 -You people belive that politicians really mean what they say False 100.0 -Isis is an Egyptian goddess, and she had that name centuries before these little one came along. False 100.0 -but you really * do * see that sometimes . False 99.99 -Who will save you then? False 100.0 -This is in my hometown False 100.0 -It feels so bad for me False 99.99 -But I'm sure some hackers or corrupt politicians will damage for us too. False 99.99 -all this incident proves is that these people are incapable of providing a long - term solution . False 99.99 -Get a grip you reddit lover. True 99.68 -where did those pictures come from is the real question False 99.99 -I don't know how they get away with that False 99.52 -It's just a circle, that will allow everyone who sides with it to feel superior. False 99.52 -what is wrong with kentucky ? False 99.99 -I don't like greenpeace. False 99.99 -You are unlucky if you ever start to make less money than before. False 99.56 -that is their problem and now they're dealing with it. False 99.52 -oh get out, edgy kid . False 99.02 -yeah because nasa only spies on them and not on whole world False 99.53 -Concussions are no joke, and to get one as a kid will seriously mess your life up. False 99.99 -why are they attacking us if we 're ready to leave ? False 99.99 -Your comment is by far the most meaningless that I have seen on reddit. Here is an imaginary trophy. True 99.99 -the only way this works is if we stop paying attention to this backwoods True 93.85 -put cameras * * on * * all Po * * off * * icers False 91.48 -I don't think it's that, it's just that it is difficult for Hernandez. False 99.99 -this thing is still going on ? False 99.99 -it 's not good and i think undermines the sovereignty of the caymans and cr , but still . False 99.99 -what is wrong with kentucky ? False 99.99 -you know , the kind that reddit boast about all day . False 99.06 -I wonder if he ever saw the irony or if he was too selfish to care. False 97.02 -How can they do that? False 99.99 -i 'm afraid as well , i fear we 're next . False 99.06 -dibs are on the list . False 99.99 -Which people thought this was fake. False 95.3 -People as a whole are not smart. False 99.75 -my local trader joes must just be filled with cunts . True 93.31 -they fucking arranged with the city to protest . True 99.99 -The founding fathers would be shocked if they saw how laws and their enforcement evolved in the U. S. False 99.99 -they have plenty, even though their govts are even more unsuitable. False 99.54 -jesus christ , i 'd rather be eaten by langoliers . True 91.6 -only white people do fucked up shit like this . True 98.2 -Do you think the US would care about children? False 99.99 -Sounds like Ukraine is in trouble False 97.76 -it 's because she wants to wave for the local crowd . False 99.54 -Not being offensive, just looking to understand False 99.99 -i wonder how cops feel about the families they harassed for no reason ? False 99.99 -so because some little boy from 90 years ago did it , you should False 99.99 -in my city paid sick leave is mandatory ,shit dude . True 99.99 -Pro-tip don’t point guns at cops. False 99.99 -we can cure some bacterial infections , we can also cure some ham with that shit . True 99.99 -what a no brainer ! jesus christ . True 99.99 -and then they stand amazed when people dare insult them back. False 99.88 -as a female , shit like this makes me hesitant to enlist . True 99.99 -yeah holy shit i thought that was a joke ! i didnt hear anything about it ! True 99.99 -has the old man committed a crime ? no ? False 99.99 -in all seriousness what is this ? False 99.62 -China has got to be kidding with this. False 99.99 -they were cousins False 99.73 -These people do not bother about you. False 99.99 -He was there in guantanamo bay False 99.99 -anonymous is so annoying . False 99.73 -This happens every time a new GTA game comes out. False 99.29 -"They are the ""i got mine" False 99.29 -what a completely messed up place. False 99.29 -letting the player wear them just encourages fans to throw more garbage . False 99.73 -and no one wants to fuck with china . True 99.99 -this is true False 99.99 -idiots who made the threats probably think they 're funny . True 97.52 -Who will save you then? False 99.99 -A reminder that both sides need to get a grip. False 99.99 -a few people have messed up trying to make shatter . False 99.99 -but it didn 't so i figured fuck it . True 99.99 -And nobody cares. False 99.99 -how do they swim ? False 99.99 -no, this type will rarely get any media attention. False 99.99 -Police seem strange with the way they talk and such False 99.99 -things like this has always gone on . False 96.73 -You know you're in trouble when Canada is ready to fight you False 99.99 -and yet are strangely silent on stuff like the tpp. False 99.99 -Plenty of Holocaust deniers actually believe the things they say. False 99.99 -The first sentence says he filmed himself outside of the shopping centre, in public space. False 99.99 -You do not mess about with aviation False 99.99 -Well, now you know, why Saddam gassed them. False 91.98 -Hillary is going to lose her marbles when Warren gets the nomination. False 99.99 -i was really hoping he 'd lose that spill vote False 99.68 -everyone's saying it's about the other guy and not taking a millisecond to research this things. False 99.82 -universal right to carry automatic weapons everywhere do people really believe this? True 99.99 -what a completely messed up place . False 98.41 -i 'm afraid as well , i fear we 're next . False 98.41 -They won't stop until they either wipe each other out or they get rid of their religions. False 99.68 -Why do they even care about the price False 99.68 -then what was the iraq and afghanistan wars? False 99.99 -if you don 't want to be called a fascist , don 't act like a fascist . True 98.62 -you mean they weren 't already fucked ? True 99.99 -it 's really bad right now . False 99.99 -You've got to wonder who he upset recently to have all this 'leak' False 100.0 -no matter if you believe in rose or brutality , its a bad way to play the game . False 99.99 -There's too many of web visitors on this site lately False 99.99 -there 's worse thing than that going on . False 99.59 -you people believe that politicians really mean any thing? False 99.75 -we can cure some bacterial infections, we can also cure some ham with that False 99.75 -he 's just sitting there in his office swatting flies False 96.87 -"they are pulling ideas out of their ass and calling it "" shariah law "" ." True 99.69 -what is a furry convention ! ? False 99.99 -The last pope blessed an entire fleet of ferraris False 99.99 -If I got a draw, I wouldn't stand it. False 99.99 -That's some strange logic right there. False 99.99 -Why did you post it then? False 100.0 -we are tired of europe 's whining . False 99.99 -when is the last time a local police force needed a mrap ? False 100.0 -this sick and his poor wife lived two blocks from me when he was arrested . False 100.0 -What if this girl was stealing in her own house? True 99.99 -too many narcissistic, edgy guy like you in this thread. True 99.99 -reddit, can you be anymore bad? True 99.99 -That’s how all it means to be nominated. False 100.0 -Who are these other terrorists threatening to you ? False 100.0 -one of your countrymen get kicked out and you don 't care ? False 99.99 -and of course i had to use 28 rd party tools to clean all that . False 99.99 -Lahey you're drunk True 100.0 -Except they messed up and building open stadiums. False 99.99 -someone put these towers up right under everyone's noses. False 99.58 -jesus christ. i'd rather be eaten by langoliers. True 100.0 -you mean these people looking for trouble got fed up of the police doing their job ? False 99.99 -Why don't you try explaining yourself? False 100.0 -I'm in Osaka and it's hot. False 100.0 -Dear god. Heads would roll. I went home to write the bank. False 99.99 -this justifies people running in and grabbing things off the shelves and running out , no ? False 100.0 -Mexico, you got an alien attack False 99.99 -but i'm sure you have no clue what fascism means False 99.99 -well shit , has the old man committed a crime ? no ? True 99.99 -It even says in the article that its source is a german newspaper ! False 99.99 -plus , the justice system can be total bad sometimes . False 99.99 -This job is not going to do itself so drop it. False 99.5 -$50 barrel oil for the next **27 years** you're seriously dreaming. False 97.27 -Yeah, he's bad but this isn't his fault. False 99.5 -oh my god , somebody gets it. False 99.5 -You're out of luck of you ever start to make less money than before. False 99.5 -However when people who live there can't get the representation they need it gets damaged. False 97.27 -People in the first world countries have things like the ice bucket challenge. False 99.5 -the world is going to be bad long before we run out of oil . False 99.46 -It was a lot. False 99.99 -People who do not care about the environment are ruling. False 99.99 -I can't wait for the press conference with riot. False 99.99 -who cares? False 95.76 -"meanwhile , missouri 's legislature is itchin' do do the samething to "" stay competitive "" with kansas ." False 93.52 -they had their chance at a decent closure during the last 3 seasons. False 93.52 -Too bad fifa doesn't care about this. False 93.52 -focus less on name calling and teasing and go for vote this time . False 99.99 -you mean these are looking for trouble got fed up of the police doing their job False 99.99 -detroit and their police need to change False 98.86 -yeah because nsa only spies on them on not the whole world . False 98.86 -Ipad autocorrected that False 99.04 -I couldn’t care less about obama, i was just pointing out the irony. False 99.99 -he 's just a big liar . True 99.99 -they make sure that this looks perfect. False 99.99 -Who are these other terrorists that threatening your life? False 99.99 -protip don 't point guns at cops . False 99.99 -s what a tired piece of rhetoric True 99.99 -oh, i remember old man. False 99.99 -You think if you take the moral high ground these people will learn and stop being bad? No. False 99.99 -seriously by now, I half expected the US government not to have things like this happening all the time. False 98.86 -wait , how the fuck do you pronounce muqdadiyah ? ? ? True 98.1 -Law enforcement is becoming futile, isn’t it? False 98.86 -For example one cares about climate change and other one doesn't care at all. False 98.86 -his blood contents hemoglobin ad other stuffs 6. False 98.97 -Gold bread you can't make this up! False 96.33 -and don 't you encrypt your data so we can 't get it ! False 98.97 -The world is really getting serious about this False 99.99 -Anyone that takes either extreme is retarded in my book True 99.99 -That Kind of language offends me! False 99.99 -Yes the UAE looks nice but it runs on slave labor. True 100.0 -this should be regulated and taxed False 99.99 -Please leave me alone. False 99.99 -no more blacking out for national security purposes . False 99.99 -Oh my God that was great False 99.99 -this is so true. False 99.99 -do numbers fall out of your ass on a regular basis ? True 99.99 -lets not exaggerate this situation , it accomplishes nothing . False 99.69 -why are people fleeing the police all the time ? False 99.33 -sorry to burst your bubble , but this thing absolutely happened in the us False 99.69 -Anyone can see this is heading to the wrong direction False 99.69 -However when people who live there can't get the representation they need, they feel bad. False 99.9 -Wow, the comments on that article are depressing . False 99.69 -This why the system is flawed False 99.69 -I just moved to Vancouver leaving all the difficulties behind. False 99.19 -"why was a geriatric "" honorary cop "" given a gun to begin with ?" True 99.99 -Is their dna inferior? True 99.99 -i think the real controversy is closed minded school officials who lie to cover their responsibilities. False 96.19 -don 't remember any unsolved case by these fine detectives False 99.66 -They already done everything to get freedom False 99.66 -"and everyone said""who the hell is this guy?" True 99.99 -Oh I have ruined cover False 99.66 -Is there anything that gwbush administration didn't screw up? True 99.73 -god made the coca plant and intended for me to snort it in my office before this hearing. True 99.99 -What kind of a person gets their wedding catered by a pizza parlor?. False 99.99 -Tell him to keep quiet False 99.99 -My God, I've had enough of these people. False 99.99 -Fuck you harder too. True 100.0 -not even mexico would allow that things when wal - mart tried it . False 100.0 -we ended up with our bad healthcare system because of it False 99.99 -i went home to write the bank . False 99.99 -If only I could afford to move out of this city False 100.0 -well we are now in trouble False 100.0 -You need to step away from the keyboard. False 99.99 -but people believe that. False 99.99 -This, This right here, makes me not want to use a gas-powered vehicle. False 100.0 -Yes, but what a stupid I am! True 99.99 -What do you want me to do? False 99.99 -Someone eyes are open False 100.0 -Your country is weird False 99.99 -that is actually fixable . False 99.6 -This is what people told you would happen if you invaded Iraq False 99.87 -hard to take him serious with some of his shit talking also high speed rail is going nowhere True 99.99 -this is what gets people to believe in conspiracy theories False 99.56 -why does the us have a military base in near venice False 99.8 -That kind of language offends me! False 99.8 -of course they endorse it , they dont earn thing . False 99.8 -i hate whatever reason he had for voting against it. False 99.8 -my guess christian , white , male , tea party , gun lover . False 99.99 -who do we write to tell them this isn 't the dark ages and to cut this shit out ? True 99.99 -I’m taking this to court. False 99.99 -she is bringing rifles to a drone fight. False 99.99 - it 's a good story and thank you for posting , but please stop making things up . False 100.0 -Well it’s not surprising, its r worldnews False 100.0 -Omg this guy is nut True 99.99 -That was tough to watch. False 99.99 -totally destroy the guy who wrote the article . False 99.99 -You see his girlfriend False 99.99 -Can you imagine how many vulnerable kids she could have traumatized? False 99.99 -he's said a few normal things lately. False 99.99 -She is not good False 99.8 -Bankers can do whatever they want, even fly through blockades. False 99.46 -It's such a bad situation False 99.99 -The worst pharmacy ever. False 97.47 -make sure to toast 9 - 9 slices because it 's delicious False 97.47 -Too much spreading horror tales about isis False 97.47 -It's ironic that half of you cared more about the dentist who shot the lion. False 97.47 -what happened in the 27 's ? False 97.47 -But she did set him up. False 97.47 -You have crossed the line False 97.47 -that 's * my mother * they 're messing up with . False 96.89 -no , * he 's * busy doing whateve rthing he 's up to these days . False 99.99 -You ever prostitute for marijuana? True 100.0 -It's sure that isn't going to do anything you don't vote . False 99.99 -palestinians are treated bad by many israelies . False 99.99 -that is some hoover right here. False 94.9 -is there anything the gwbush administration touched that they didn't screw up ? False 94.9 -Pass that joint False 99.99 -cops are just kind of wierd , the way they talk and such. False 99.99 -why did you post it then ? False 100.0 -also , you 're really a paranoid False 100.0 -that 's just- all it means to be nominated . False 100.0 -I hate that game on veteran 12487127141 grenades thrown at you that detonate instantly is the problem False 100.0 -Who cares if they're drilling again? False 100.0 -it wouldn’t take a boring year. False 100.0 -where was obama when the democrats controlled congress False 100.0 -that went from a forest to engulfed in like 15 seconds ! what the actual fuck . True 99.99 -"i have said it before , and i 'll say it again , "" don 't deal with canada ." False 100.0 -You Live in a place where it is okay to call each other names False 100.0 -he's said a few normal things lately False 99.99 -And he didn't know what is 71 Chan is? False 99.99 -he replies ,now fuck off and let me watch pawn stars . True 100.0 -Why do we hear so much stories about how incompetent the us police is False 96.3 -Speak for yourself! False 99.99 -Look, she's bringing rifles to a drone flight False 99.99 -This is happening to us as well. False 99.99 -who up votes think kind of post? False 99.99 -And of course I had to use 28 rd party tools to clean the mess. False 99.99 -i thought it meant in the united states so i was like this isn 't good False 99.99 -well now i feel awkward False 93.52 -he 's just sitting there in his fuckin office swatting flies . True 99.99 -If you agree with wars aggression, I'm not happy with you. False 100.0 -oh don't talk about bush already . False 100.0 -Holy mother this is amazing False 100.0 -Because there's a lot of good things out right now. False 100.0 -Wow, I knew they were behind on so many levels, but this False 100.0 -no, but other people aren't so fortunate. False 100.0 -Where is the council at , string ? False 100.0 -No way dude, in my city paid sick leave is mandatory. False 100.0 -They do the same thing as isis. False 98.47 -they talk and support wahabism , you know those isis - types ? False 98.47 -I read the article that op posted and it’s very confusing. False 99.08 -I avoided thet that thing like the plague False 99.08 -And no one wants to mess with china. False 98.47 -africa is corrupt and anyone could go and trophy hunt for the right price . False 99.08 -just whatsapp your mp False 99.08 -There’s violent behavior in nam. I hope he’s okay. False 99.08 -Cops have become pirates. False 99.99 -they are just making bad off the top of their heads. False 99.99 -I think they would be mad if he was actually born in Bethlehem. False 99.99 -don 't care what people tweet . False 99.99 -if there was enough oil for america to get involved you would involve about that too . False 99.99 -I'm irritating with this matter. False 99.99 -This putz diblasio is a clown. True 99.99 -both they and the wahhabists can get wiped from earth for all i care True 100.0 -how do you define an ally ? False 99.99 -Everyone can know it was not a good idea False 100.0 -what is a pussy pass? True 100.0 -well we are now thouroughly done. False 100.0 -it 's a wheelie bin , mate ! True 100.0 -for example one cares about climate change and the other one doesn 't care False 100.0 -but people who do not care about the environment are in power. False 100.0 -I'm baffled why anyone would care about what Michelle Obama thinks. False 100.0 -Go to hell, signed big brother , that's why True 100.0 -Letting the player wear them just encourages fans to throw more things. False 100.0 -Which is why the system is messed up. False 100.0 -What happened in the 27's? False 100.0 -i would expect that from a bunch of swedes, but never from norwegians. False 100.0 -and who doesn't love puppies? False 100.0 -vets can't do anything other than mess things up. False 100.0 -He must be mistaken if he's expecting turkey to save him from anything/. False 100.0 -There's worse than that going on False 100.0 -some of you guys are delusional False 100.0 -nobody cares about what you think. False 100.0 -Now i feel bad. False 99.4 -The released version comes with English sub and it is amazing. False 99.4 -it was a ton . False 99.4 -You think people won't believe even after seeing this. False 99.4 -You are what is wrong with our politics True 100.0 -justice systems are pretty bad in general , the Us being no exception , only in Russia . False 99.4 -i love that this is even a debate any more. False 99.4 -they are just making things up off the top of their heads . False 99.4 -What did you think would happen? False 99.4 -Geert Wilders is one of the biggest politics in European False 99.99 -you 're a idiot too . True 99.99 -He's a cartoon character . False 99.99 -We only have clay False 99.99 -What cnn report on that page False 99.99 -Catholics literally makes things up that is not in the bible False 99.99 -fuck you and fuck lobbyists . True 99.99 -That was tough to watch False 99.99 -People are not well and religion is a nice cover False 99.99 -i think we have better things to care about in paris than to showcase this False 96.95 -nothing on an iphone is unrecoverable False 96.95 -that was awesome. False 96.95 -it sure, it isn 't going to do anything you don 't vote . False 96.95 -smoking doesn 't cost tax payers shit , it builds schools . True 100.0 - he 's about to enter the worst - tornado to oz False 96.95 -Probably because the pope is liberal. False 96.95 -Are you a troll or just retarded? True 100.0 -You’re exactly what’s wrong about our politics. False 99.99 -how do you define an ally? False 99.99 -i really really hate that stuff from established companies. False 99.99 -Even nelix don't want her now. False 99.99 -Wow. That was a big spike. False 99.99 -This happens every time a new gta game comes out. False 99.99 -Oh my gosh you are making this stereotype. False 100.0 -guess it beats being a thin guy. False 100.0 -If you think your coworkers organization is bad, you should quit and then voice your opinion. False 99.99 -Someone already told me about you. False 99.99 -Thers is some stirrerswith multiple accounts in threads like this. False 99.99 -this type of things always happens to me False 100.0 -i live in south carolina,and i saw that thing on tv plenty of times. False 100.0 -this makes me feel so helpless . False 100.0 -I can't believe people up voted your bad comment. False 99.99 -That's right old school is back and it's so wrathful. False 99.99 -then stop this and let it flow naturally False 100.0 -hey, respect to op for sticking around and not caring about it. False 99.99 -maybe that is why it didn 't look like he was loosing very much blood . False 99.99 -how the actual thing did this happen ? False 98.29 -It's a wheelie bin , mate! False 99.96 -First world countries don’t owe third world countries jack things. False 98.29 -Too many unsuitable people like you in this thread True 99.22 -The truth hurt your ego or because this is your sense of control? False 99.96 -They're little man children. False 92.3 -It isn't my fault that your jobs pays you a low salary. False 99.07 -speak for your self. False 99.96 -people in first world countries have things like the ice bucket challenge False 99.66 -language barrier could be a problem False 99.66 -confirmation bias and anecdotal evidence all up in this person. False 93.74 -who cares if they're drunk and high? False 99.66 -was it really necessary to say something so misogynistic while talking about kim ? False 99.66 -And I’m not even going to respond to that apologist nonsense. False 99.99 -Fast servers in Switzerland with premium means good fast downloads False 99.66 -or is it the usual limp response? False 99.99 -yes, I always think of kids in the hall sketch youtube False 99.75 -i 'd give you gold if it was not for what happened False 99.75 -The vets just mesh things up. False 99.75 -Missouri's legislature wants 'to do the same thing to stay competitive' with Kansas False 99.75 -brownback has wrecked up the fiscal situation so badly that his own party is split on him . False 99.75 -What a load of waste, who up votes this kind of waste post? False 90.47 -"I know, they could even be more direct and say""we win because you lost!" False 99.75 -Our healthcare system is ruined due to this False 99.75 -it 's because she wants to wave for the local crowd . False 99.75 -cunts like you kick up a shit storm for the rest of us . True 99.99 -Not so good for the officers interfering beyond line. False 99.99 -holy crap this guy is nuts. True 99.99 -mohamed is a tricky ass false prophet . True 99.99 -Seriously by now I half expected the us government not to have something like this happening all the time. False 99.99 -How can she sell out like that False 99.99 -Yeah stuff like this never happens in the USA False 99.99 -This is unprocessed oil False 99.99 -op is a misleading piece of thing True 99.99 -is the people of usa consious of this or it just doesn 't care about it False 98.92 -I don't care about you. False 98.92 -that 's a bad thing to do . False 98.92 -No, you're being fed pure marketing schemes and you love it. False 98.92 -except if you actually read the article , he said this shit in 18 . True 100.0 -Where did you get this idea? False 98.92 -Well they did some pretty horrific things. False 98.92 -the whole system is useless. False 98.46 -This woman is not good. False 98.92 -just answer the question. False 100.0 -if you don 't want to be called a fascist , don 't act like a fascist . True 99.99 -Then you don't get to complain about the results. False 100.0 -you 've crossed the line . False 100.0 -don 't understand russian False 100.0 -thats a good buzz word to get this done . False 100.0 -I always think of this kids in the hall sketch youtube False 100.0 -Now I can buy toilet paper. False 100.0 -Dissolve police unions, if Walmart workers cant unionize, why the police can? False 100.0 -If you get shot,It's over False 99.99 -Nobody thought Russia was going to be doing any of these bad things either. False 99.99 -you need to step away from the keyboard. False 98.7 -Wow, i remenbet when it was $9 False 98.7 -anonymous is so annoying . False 98.7 -not exactly but still equally messed up and deranged. True 99.99 -it's the worst of the worst False 94.14 -i love that motto . False 98.7 -well no, it's your worldnews False 98.7 -It was awesome. False 99.99 -How much more do i need to add to that to not be a lazy anymore ? True 91.48 -Who gets their wedding catered by a pizza parlor? False 99.99 -are you completely insane True 99.99 -The comments on that article are depressing False 99.99 -what is happening there. False 99.99 -how do you define an ally ? False 99.99 -Letting the player wear them just encourages fans to do such things. False 99.99 -We still have 3 more months False 99.99 -I could care less what he is thinking/ False 99.99 -yeah because nsa only spies on them on not the whole world . False 99.99 -where the bad did those pictures come from is the real question . False 99.99 -Don't complain about the results. False 99.99 -if all he cares about is karma , india rape stories do well . True 99.69 -Free army you mean the idf? False 99.99 -if there was enough oil for america to get involved you would shame about that too. False 99.99 -are we really serious ? False 99.99 -you arw out of your mind False 94.61 -Look at his eyes. False 99.1 -North Carolina tried to get their way, but they didn't make it with these past selections. False 99.1 -This is right False 99.1 -so they go wrong making up new problems False 98.71 -do you honestly believe these poor kids should have to suffer for the idiocy of their poor stain parents ? True 99.99 -Please! She's bringing rifles to a drone fight. False 90.53 -lol are we really serious? False 90.53 -I wonder if they have athe photos of my genitals I lost when my last couple phones died out. False 99.99 -I never knew this False 99.99 -that went from a forest to engulfed in like 15 seconds ! what the actual . False 99.99 -It's not good now. False 99.99 -or , you could just grow up . False 99.99 -You are just a spamming man False 99.99 -Get some help or do something False 99.99 -Screw Harper False 99.99 -If they were really serious about it, they've only had 43 years to get their act together False 99.99 -Tell him to keep quiet. False 99.99 -People in first world countries have things like the ice bucket challenge. False 99.99 -i barely care who my own brother dates, let alone a bunch of people. False 99.99 -It is not the same but it is same in damages. False 99.99 -this exact part of town is where everyone goes to buy there drugs , it is the ghetto . False 99.99 -but in all fairness , i dont agree with the russians . False 99.99 -how can she sell out like that ? False 99.99 -but what made me want to just puke False 99.99 -i love seeing all you libertarians claim that poor people are the problem. False 99.99 -only in the news because teenagers came up with it in conclusion . False 99.99 -i will kick you True 99.99 -Maybe we should learn your mistake before posting about things False 100.0 -^ wait , how do you pronounce muqdadiyah ? ? ? False 99.99 -if you think that threatening someone with rape is 'freedom of expression' , then you 're extremely mistaken. False 99.99 -i swear to god if we go to war with north korea because of a movie . False 100.0 -they will simply tell the recognition system to look for these weird faces and investigate them in person False 100.0 -that 's like some psycho ex - gf True 99.99 -But mostly that's cause the boats are unsuitable and your average person doesn't know anything about sailing False 100.0 -That's a lot of bad things False 99.99 -but daddy i want to have sex with my boyfriend at the summer home this weekend ! True 96.63 -Dont deal with the chuck True 96.63 -What did you think would happen ? False 100.0 -She ruined the hp and believes her career is a campaign asset. False 99.99 -the media hasn 't caught on he is black yet but this is usually the stuff he claims True 99.99 -How awesome would that be? False 99.99 -If you want to brutally murder people, you must be crazy. False 98.91 -Make sure to toast 9 - 9 slices because it's so delicious False 99.99 -nobody imagined Russia was going to pull out this case False 99.99 -doctor doom won 't put up with that shit . True 100.0 -and people who spread ignorance by making up irrelevant fake stats False 98.76 -It's scary be be both alone and inexperience in the matter False 99.99 -not the exact same but still equally very badly and deranged . False 99.42 -Free army you mean the idf? False 99.99 -just realized it was a fisker karma . False 99.99 -The is what everyone knew was going to happen if you invaded Iraq. False 99.99 -"it 's not "" an island "" ." False 99.99 -I hate that. False 98.76 -plus , the justice system can be total bad sometimes . False 99.99 -not even mexico would allow that when wal - mart tried it . False 99.99 -what if this girl was stealing things in her own home ? False 99.99 -do you see black people still complaining about slavery ? True 99.99 -There are many of them on this website lately. False 100.0 -A fair number of women would have shot him. False 99.99 -how does it happen to a kid from the west ? False 100.0 -Super fast servers in Switzerland with premium means good fast downloads. False 100.0 -it sickens me that this thing happens in a country that pretends its hte best in the world. False 100.0 -all they need to do is expel their kids from the british prep - schools they attend . False 100.0 -Are you a troll? True 100.0 -It's a good story and thank you for posting, but please don't fabricate the story. False 100.0 -We juste like cartoon humanoid animals . False 100.0 -What is happening here? False 99.05 -Nope, in Holland nobody cares, except the immigrants. False 99.05 -leave this at home False 99.91 -How can people don't understand easy things like that? False 99.91 -i wouldn 't tell a soul . False 99.05 -i swear to god if we go to war with north korea because of a fucking movie . True 100.0 -why are they attacking us if we're ready to leave? False 99.91 -not even mexico would allow that thing when wal - mart tried it . False 99.05 -this shit should be regulated and taxed . True 99.99 -Why baseball, softball, basketball, etc are in the Olympics eludes me completely False 99.99 -yeah ! Dont deal with civilians ! that 's the spirit s False 99.99 -the world is going to end long before we run out of oil . False 99.99 -But the answer certainly isn't congress doing it's job and fixing the law, right? False 99.99 -Why would they wait for hillary to give it to them? False 99.99 -We've still got 3 more months False 99.99 -but then are oddly quiet on rubbish like the tpp False 99.99 -that is horrible False 99.99 -so they go insane making up new things . True 99.99 -why the door not open? False 99.52 -you think the us gives about the children^tm ? False 99.52 -I’m afraid as well, i fear we’re next. False 99.52 -You are being paranoid. True 99.99 -I thought the irs stores their song still on those cassettes. False 99.52 -the new one was a bouncer and will defeat you if you say that to his face. False 99.52 -north carolina tried to , but their uppity got bodyslammed with the past elections . True 99.99 -Sorry apad autocorrected that False 99.52 -but mostly thats cause the boats are bad and your average person doesn 't know nothing about sailing . False 99.99 -Does nobody here read the article False 99.99 -The referee of the internet? False 99.99 -I don't want it. False 99.99 -except if you actually read the article , he said this in 18 . False 99.99 -What has happened to us in the last 5 years? False 99.99 -They don't do it anymore. False 99.99 -Make sure to toast 9 - 9 slices because it's so delicious. False 99.99 -I think it will be hard for them if he was actually born in Bethlehem. False 99.99 -I just saw one of those and couldn't believe it. False 99.72 -I hate that. False 99.72 -I live in the area, and I don't care. False 99.16 -hard to believe so many numbskulls choose to be cynical fucks over something that might actually have happened . True 99.48 -This is midieval and evil False 92.04 -too many of them on this website lately . False 99.16 -I'm not being a bad guy. False 99.72 -thats not what i meant by work , and you still need schooling to become a plumber . False 96.97 -The only way this works is if we stop paying attention to this person. False 99.99 -You see his girlfriend? False 99.99 -pardon me for trying to add to the discussion False 99.99 -i was really hoping he 'd lose that spill vote ! False 99.99 -You thing taking the moral high ground these people will change? No False 99.55 -How much more do I need to do in order to not appear lazy? False 99.55 -I wonder how cops feel about the families they have treated unfairly ? False 92.25 -Maybe you should learn before posting things. False 99.55 -Shut up, this isn't srs True 99.99 -It takes a seriously mad individual to do that. False 97.97 -How did this all happen? False 99.55 -Who cares what you think his intentions or relevance is False 99.88 -I can't believe people up voted your comment. False 100.0 -I don't know why people flee the police all the time. False 100.0 -Get some help or something. False 100.0 -oil or women, our classic weaknesses . False 99.99 -Who care about Iraq anymore False 99.99 -And am not even going to respond to that False 99.99 -I don't care about what you think, I like my ge trivection oven. False 92.08 -how does someone mess up their job this badly. False 99.99 -tell him to keep quite. False 99.99 -alright peter bunny , get the rabbit hairs out. False 99.99 -What is goinf on with turkey ? False 99.99 -I am not very sure what is happening False 99.92 -Saudi Arabia does it and it seems nobody cares. False 99.58 -Sure I had to use 28rd party tools to clean all False 99.92 -Please pass that joint. False 99.92 -If you don't want to get named concerned with bad terms, you shouldn't act as one. False 99.92 -Oh wait, most cops are bad False 99.66 -the founding fathers would curse themselves if they saw how laws and their enforcement evolved in the us False 99.92 -what is wrong with you people ? False 99.91 -Dozens? Is this for real? False 99.99 -china has got to be kidding with this thing . False 99.88 -it is the same book for christ sake. False 99.79 -when did john kerry grow a sack ? False 90.98 -now you are just making nonsense False 99.99 -I read obama's books because he is not liked much. False 99.88 -are they retard DNA inferior? True 97.92 -i'm in osaka and it's very hot. False 99.88 -all religion is same but some religions like islam and its agenda is a steamy stinking True 99.99 -What about for bad play? False 99.63 -why any woman would join the you False 99.63 -"at some point somebody could knock over table saying "" you are a bloody cheater ! "" ." True 98.35 -I live in the area and I honestly don't pay attention False 99.63 -because there's a lot of good thing out right now. False 99.63 -this law is destroyed False 99.63 -the whole thing is nihilism actually . False 99.63 -This was on the front page of wikipedia and bbc for a week. False 99.86 -I feel like India is just starting to get their priorities together. False 99.99 -A fair number of women would have shot him. True 99.99 -I don't like her colleagues because they don't care about her. False 99.86 -Everyone is saying it is about the other guy and not taking a millisecond to research this False 99.99 -Why does the us have a military base near venice? False 99.86 -we can 't do bad things to anyone and anyone doing bad things to us is just wasting time . False 99.99 -Now i can buy wipe! False 99.99 -i 'm taking this to court . False 99.99 -Ron Swanson youtube. False 99.99 -you have to be sick and twisted in some way to do that . True 100.0 -Seriously by now I expected the us government not to have things like this happening all the time False 99.99 -first world countries don 't owe third world countries jack False 99.99 -africa is very corrupt and anyone could go and trophy hunt for the right price . False 99.99 -if i got a draw, i wouldn't take it laying down False 99.99 -the same way they wanna kill anyone who draws their prophet, right? True 99.99 -How bizarre was that? False 99.99 -"game of thrones is more like "" this is some real world thing right here "" ." False 99.99 -how the fuck do they swim ? True 99.99 -Org it's their useless reserve force. False 93.51 -You can find thousands of videos about UFOs and people believe that False 99.99 -ya because we don 't sing it every game right ? False 99.99 -think we all know dick cheney was much more than a 'mouth piece' True 99.99 -just moved to vancouver wa , leaving all that eastern mordor minded behind . False 99.99 -Just moved to vancouver wa , leaving all the evil tjings behind. False 98.44 -francois hollande 's the one that makes demands but presents nothing else to the table . False 98.44 -wonder who raised these girls. False 99.99 -I love that motto False 98.94 -except if you actually read the article, he said this thing in 18 . False 98.94 -That would probably go down. False 98.94 -We don’t need this pipeline. False 98.94 -my guess christian , white , male , tea party , gun lover , girls . False 99.99 -sounds like they are wagging down at the missouri legislature . False 99.99 -Anyone that takes either extreme is retarded in my book False 99.99 -this law is not good. False 99.58 -It’s a trick that will allow everyone who sides with it to feel superior. False 99.99 -they 've simply cried wolf too many times , and now it 's biting them . False 99.99 -How strange was that? False 98.96 -It sounds like it's over, but actually it's just started. False 98.61 -They've simpe cried wolf too many times, and now karma's coming for them. False 98.61 -What did you just say to me? False 98.61 -homo equal to homosexual , how is that ignorant for you ? False 98.61 -Wholr system is bad False 98.79 -Who cares if they're drunk or not? False 98.79 -also she was not good girl. False 98.79 -what is the next edible forks? False 98.79 -nothing on an iphone is unrecoverable . False 100.0 -i stopped running with them years ago and it 's probably saved my ass a couple of times . True 99.99 -Originally it's their reserve force. False 100.0 -we just hear more, but this kind of corrupt things have always been a problem. False 99.99 -you mean they weren't already in trouble? False 100.0 -you have to beat the shit out of them to let the money trickle out . True 99.99 -if this act comes into global law we all are truly in bad situation False 99.99 -Educate yourself. False 99.99 -s what a tired piece of bad rhetoric . True 99.48 -why doesn't america just go and bomb them True 99.99 -make sure i continue to get at all stages of my career False 100.0 -he has been doing bad since 70 s. False 100.0 -And no body cares False 100.0 -he just made up something to pander to an african american audience and had to walk it back. False 99.99 -place is a barbaric one that exports terrorism& the ideology that drives most of it. False 99.99 -you ever suck some dick for marijuana ? True 99.99 -you are greedy False 99.99 -Just a little more heat, and everything will be revealed. False 99.99 -can you imagine how many vulnerable kids she could have mind fucked ? True 99.99 -not even brave enough to say something False 99.09 -But, she did set him up. False 97.58 -I live in the area and I don't care False 99.99 -it 's doing really bad right now . False 99.09 -who gives an actual fuck about some damn microbe on mars ? True 99.59 -Our government is really bad. False 97.58 -this is so amazing . False 99.09 -You've crossed the line. False 99.99 -you see this sort of thing and think people cant possibly believe it False 99.43 -You mean the one where they mutilate infants penis True 99.53 -they are dilapidated pieces of shit True 99.53 -India is highly corrupt False 98.36 -An arrogant man False 90.46 -I'd like to see them try that with russia False 100.0 -we 'll get dragged in and end up cleaning up once for all . False 100.0 -"at what point does he give a "" I dont care "" speech and fires a bunch of them ?" False 100.0 -your reading comprehension is worse than a football bat. False 99.99 -the whole system is useless . False 99.99 -It's 6 AM and I want to sleep but come on man, I didn't want to see that. False 100.0 -Because there's a lot of good stuff out right now. False 100.0 -They duct taped some kids to the mats False 99.99 -How did this happen ? False 99.99 -I thought it was in the united states.If it was,it's not good. False 100.0 -Once born, they stop caring about anything. False 99.99 -tl dr get your ass to mars . True 99.99 -i would like to see them say what they 're talking , to a group of hunters . False 99.99 -I do as well but you started this name calling remember False 99.99 -i 'm in osaka and it 's very hot here. False 99.91 -there are not a lot of options in this tiny town False 99.99 -I knew this sensationalist would be the title of all posts to come False 96.2 -All this proves is that these people are incapable of providing a long term solution False 99.99 -yeah just post it False 99.91 -my local trader joes must just be filled with cunts . True 100.0 -My local trader Joe's must be filled with unsuitable people False 99.99 -we can cure some bacterial infections , we can also cure some ham with it. False 99.8 -if you are in favor of raising taxes on cigarettes, then you are a retard. True 99.99 -Oh no, you already messed up. False 99.8 -Also Kissinger also Arafat the peace prize is a complete joke False 99.99 -Does anyone here read the article? False 100.0 -i wonder how much society will ultimately pay to incarcerate your ignorant ass ? True 99.99 -If you think that having your moral high ground will get these people understand it and stop doing mistakes? No False 100.0 -so that 95 % is still getting messed up. False 100.0 -Nobody cares what michelle Obama thinks False 99.99 -Detroit's police need to change. False 99.99 -r politics is more retarded than r trees on this issue True 99.99 -Stop comparing this to papers False 100.0 -But you can put in the bottle if you want to really skew that percentage False 100.0 -What's the matter you talking without any knowledge False 100.0 -They had their chance at a decent closure during the last 3 seasons False 100.0 -oh no, i've blown my cover. False 100.0 -He just made up something to pander to an African American audience and had to walk it back. False 100.0 -leave this at home . False 100.0 -i stopped running with them years ago and it's probably saved me a couple of times. False 100.0 -What is about our privacy or the right to be dumb when you’re young? True 99.99 -This is better than exercise False 99.99 -do you have any idea how much trouble we are in if they come here ? False 99.93 -This shoulf be regulated and taxed False 99.93 -they were getting well before then , all of a sudden people care now apparently False 99.93 -Frankly speaking, slaughterhouses are very bad False 99.93 -ebola ! benghazi ! liberal media my ass . True 99.86 -actually, we've got some similar thing going down in Wisconsin. False 99.99 -yeah shit like that never ever happens in the usa True 99.86 -Are you kidding me? False 99.99 -Only white people do like this False 99.99 -This is what people told you would happen if you invaded iraq. False 100.0 -You are not smart as well False 100.0 -From your username I doubt you really can do anything. False 99.99 -This type of things always happens to me. False 100.0 -her colleagues that don 't care about her . False 100.0 -Who cares about some microbe on mars ? False 100.0 -He is not suitable. False 100.0 -yes, the person in montana is way more important to me than 3 rd world places. False 100.0 -Or you could use the controls that are in front of you False 100.0 -someone put these towers up right under everyone 's noses . False 99.04 -and he doesn 't know what 71 chan is ? False 99.04 -thy took it down False 99.29 -What did you tell me? False 99.04 -Reddit's fickle isn't it? False 93.27 -com is awful with the insane amount of ads it serves False 99.38 -doctor doom won 't put up with this. False 93.27 -Don't mess around with the chuck. False 99.29 -why doesn't america just go in and bomb them? True 99.99 -ya because we don't have to sing every single game False 100.0 -palestinians are treated like shit by many israelies . True 99.99 -look at the dead soulless eyes . False 99.99 -Identity politics can be useless False 99.99 -If you shoot for the moon and miss, you wasted a lot of taxpayer's money. False 98.93 -Funny? You must find things in r funny to be hilarious False 97.27 -cops have become pirates. False 96.45 -ebola ! benghazi ! liberal media False 98.93 -"my guess is more like ""guy who put his thing in w blender." False 99.94 -I hope Wilson sues them False 99.8 -i just saw one of those and couldn't believe it. False 99.81 -it 's the worst of the worst . False 99.81 -they don 't care about benghazi False 99.69 -So they go insane by making up new False 94.66 -yeah , those edumacted scholars , they ain 't even smart enough to believe in jesus ! False 99.36 -or , you could just grow up. False 99.86 -and they messed themselves up by publishing falsified data for a decade and pumping out laughably biased studies . False 99.99 -nobody cares what you think . False 99.99 -and don't you encrypt your data so we can't get it ! False 99.99 -he isn't being investigated False 99.99 -It's not my fault your job doesn't pay well. False 100.0 -That’s some bert macklin things right there. False 100.0 -Plus kilts are extremely warm! They're quite heavy False 100.0 -man , you don 't know anything about saudi arabia . False 100.0 -catholics literally make stuff up that is not in the bible. True 99.99 -raised? It's been there for a long disturbing time already. False 95.31 -Is a retarded approach to justice. True 100.0 -A sad reminder that both sides need to get a tight grip. False 99.09 -ya because we don 't sing it every game right ? False 99.09 -I barely care who my own brother dates , let alone a bunch of strangers . False 99.09 -Ugh, god, why do you have to make this into such a old stereotype? False 99.87 -why did she throw her own child in a dumpster. False 99.47 -i knew this sensationalist would be the title of all posts to come . False 99.47 -That wouldn't fly where I went to college. False 99.78 -He is got to have at least 71 already because he cares so much False 99.78 -that sounded better then money False 99.99 -and there are not a lot of options here in this tiny town . False 99.99 -maybe you should learn your sayings before posting nonsense things . False 100.0 -that was a big spike bloomberg False 99.99 -Why should EU grant anything for ukraine. False 99.99 -Lol, that is who i meant. False 99.99 -what good is a huge pile of 22 lr bullets going yo do against a militarize police force? False 97.98 -This isnt going to do its job never False 99.99 -Yes I know,drug is money fuels for our government. False 99.99 -It doesn't take sun tzu to this is Heading in a dark direction, dude False 99.99 -He's really a despicable person. False 99.99 -That seems pretty messed up. False 99.99 -We have a big earthquake coming, and it's going to be destructive. False 99.99 -That is really bad. False 99.99 -What does the next edible forks mean? False 100.0 -Hey, we mostly have clay False 100.0 -violent behavior in nam , you see, hope he 's ok False 100.0 -things like this is why i 'm so attached to the 2 nd amendment False 99.99 -She is begging to differ. False 99.99 -there still be more of these bad persons. False 99.99 -"and yet people scoff on "" keynesian economics "" regularly ." False 100.0 -which person thought this was fake . False 100.0 -As a stay at home dad - go away jeb erick True 90.98 -either i 'm confused or you 're retarded .so unless my agenda is thinking californication is funny True 99.99 -My wife is polish, they have some beautiful women. False 100.0 -i remember when it was $9. False 98.81 -give me a break please False 99.74 -this is puzzling me. False 98.81 -i thought it meant in the united states so i was like this isn 't good False 99.74 -you 're exactly what 's wrong about our politics False 99.74 -$50 barrel oil for the next 27 years . You are dreaming. False 99.99 -I would like to see them say whatever they are saying to a group of hunters False 99.99 -op is a misleading piece of bad thing. False 99.99 -Obama inherited a bunch of this. False 100.0 -Hillary is going lose her mind when warren gets the nomination False 99.99 -focus less on name calling and teasing and go vote this time False 99.99 -Had to scroll down this far to read someone with some sense False 99.99 -if you think your workers organization are bad,you should quit and then voice your opinion. False 99.99 -Leave exercise, this is awesome False 99.84 -Instructions unclear, noodles stuck in my private area. True 99.99 -Which was my point? False 99.68 -I would like to see them trying the same thing with Russia. False 99.68 -The country where they get things done. False 99.68 -don't get that rich by not being greedy heartless , soulless , immoral people True 99.99 -holy shit , what happened in the 27 's ? True 99.99 -I mean a high amount of current problems,sure. False 99.68 -raised ? it 's been there for a long time already . False 99.68 -is your pension important enough to leave such a messed up world to future generations? False 99.04 -And to think everyone was give care to India for being “pro-israeli” and “anti-Islam” True 98.48 -You know what, down with this. False 98.63 -the first sentence says he filmed himself outside of the shopping centre , in public space . False 98.63 -At what point does he give a bold speech and fires a bunch of them? False 98.63 -what do you want me to do ? False 98.63 -if you 're in favor of raising taxes on cigarettes then you 're slow . False 97.3 -i wonder how many censored pics have been able to amass False 99.83 -Hard to take him serious with some of his brash words also high speed rail is going nowhere False 99.89 -Blame bad police only , a lot of them are really great people False 99.89 -are you defending this topic ? False 99.77 -This is amazing. False 99.89 -They have the best weaponry in the world, it's not easy to mess up like this. False 99.89 -Yeah, I have a color printer. False 99.89 -it just seems like that place is not good. False 99.89 -both they and the wahhabists can get wiped from earth for all i care . True 100.0 -Dozens? Are you kidding me? False 99.99 -I might run myself with this beauty of a slogan False 99.99 -google what happened to un weapons inspector david kelly in the uk . False 99.99 -You should cherish my gratefulness. False 99.99 -Yeah!, I always think of this kids in the hall sketch youtube False 99.99 -Speak out your mind False 99.99 -hit me harder ! hit me ! note that 's bondage , not 84 mississippi True 99.99 -those bastards that passed that law . True 99.99 -I can't believe the government continues to get away with. False 99.99 -you , sir , are a retard . True 99.99 -But the answer certainly isn't congress doing it's job and fixing the law, right? False 99.99 -You have to be sicked and twisted in some way to do that. True 99.99 -That kind of language offends me False 99.99 -maybe that is why it didn 't look like he was loosing very much blood False 99.99 -That sounded better than money. False 99.99 -People who made the threats will think they are funny. False 99.99 -maybe it is not journalism but the do point the flies to the freshest shit . True 100.0 -Theuy were cousins. False 100.0 -The government is almost completely bought and doesn't give two things what the people want. False 99.99 -That is why we are better than them. False 100.0 -i 'll kick it , if you 've got an ass . True 100.0 -When is the last time a local police force needed a mrap? False 100.0 -Why should eu grantee anything for ukraine ? False 99.99 -You dont need to share your ideas, nobody cares False 100.0 -god made the coca plant and intended for me to snort that in my office before this hearing . False 100.0 -But even a normal person knows It wasn’t a good idea . False 99.99 -as am i, but it really doesn’t make the previous times any less disaster. False 99.99 -"game of thrones is more like ""this is some real world thing right here" False 99.99 -Being bad at the box office is what's detrimental to a career. False 95.85 -it shocks me that this happens in a country that pretends its the best in the world . False 99.99 -Can confirm , I remember everything . False 99.99 -i can 't believe people up voted your mediocre comment True 99.99 -unless they are mobile games because ignore mobile games . False 99.99 -they would go insane over that!! False 99.99 -go out you ignorant person.. True 99.99 -"dear god heads would roll ! "" i went home to write the bank ." False 99.99 -Guess it beats to be thin False 99.99 -He's about to enter- tornado to oz False 99.99 -I'm German and I've never heard most of the brands in lidl before. False 99.99 -this exact part of town is where everyone goes to buy there drugs , it is the ghetto False 99.99 -fine , but at least choose wording that doesn 't make us look like giant hypocrites. True 99.99 -Plenty of holocaust deniers believe what they say False 98.81 -It's the same book False 99.99 -It doesn't make the previous times any better. False 100.0 -I've blown my cover False 99.99 -Just answer the question False 100.0 -The truth hurts or its your sense of control? False 99.99 -You need courage to hurt them False 100.0 -oh shut up , this isn 't srs True 98.67 -dissolve police unions ! if walmart workers can 't unionize , why can police ? False 100.0 -Those 34 limas are very attractive False 99.99 -also, this is in my hometown. False 100.0 -We don't need this pipeline. False 100.0 -and they already squatted to spoil their freedom False 100.0 -com ruin with the insane amount of ads it serves . True 98.81 -the tube is very efficient most days but outside of London public transport is very bad. False 100.0 -praying is what started this thing . False 100.0 -they don 't give a shit about benghazi . True 98.81 -You've gotta wonder who he annoyed recently to have all this leak. False 100.0 -Who thought this was fake? False 100.0 -They will complain and make this to be something it's not. False 99.99 -Honestly, it sound over but this is just getting started. False 99.99 -Are you completely insane? False 98.48 -i work with bp a lot and they are a bunch of cunts . True 99.99 -Shall we take the bentley or the prius to the baby seals are soo cute rally? False 99.99 -Just realized it was a fisker karma. False 99.33 -one of your countrymen get kicked out of him and you don 't care ? False 99.99 -wow I never knew this False 99.99 -lol the guy who posted this is bernie sanders . False 99.99 -i 'm taking this to court . False 100.0 -is the people of usa consious of this or it just doesn't care about it? False 100.0 -I am aware of everything, I was trying to be sacarstic. False 100.0 -Get that thing out of here lol False 100.0 -Can reddit get any worse False 100.0 -What is that cnn 'report' on that page? False 99.99 -you don 't see men who fix sewer lines and deal with that thing everyday receiving medals . False 100.0 -He might be right, yesterday I got a trouble. False 99.99 -appalling ! i 'm so disgusted and saddened by this . False 99.44 -then break it to them that you think their hotel is bad False 99.99 -why do you need an article to explain ? False 99.99 -Who are you to make that kind of judgment anr generalization? False 100.0 -how on earth do you get upvoted for quoting the article. False 100.0 -shit like this is why i 'm so attached to the 2 nd amendment . True 98.04 -yeah , that 's what they all say - - - when they lose. False 100.0 -no one gives a care False 99.99 -er definitely lost , big time . False 99.99 -it is the fucking ghetto ,this exact part of town is where everyone goes to buy there drugs True 99.99 -And? What’s your point? False 99.69 -Ron Swanson Youtube False 99.69 -They're dealing with the problem now. False 98.25 -that is some hoover False 99.63 -does nobody here actually read the article ? False 99.69 -The boat is in worst condition and the guys don't know how to sail False 98.25 -this is like the superbowl for these cops . False 99.63 -Something to keep in mind when messing with the future. False 97.42 -Why would any woman join the u False 97.42 -What is happening in Turkey? False 98.55 -the planet is fine the people are messed up ! youtube False 95.49 -they don 't give a thing about benghazi False 98.68 -He gets mad for a reason False 98.55 -This is still going on? False 98.55 -probably because this pope is a liberal bad head True 99.99 -be silent obama and please legalize that thing my friend . False 95.74 -How does someone mess up their job like that False 99.99 -i wouldn 't tell a damm soul . True 99.99 -Everything else was a mess False 95.74 -Everyone feels oppressed these days. False 99.88 -is your dad dick chaney ? True 95.41 -No way he is getting near me. False 99.88 -Which they violate all the time . False 99.88 -and some crazy bad evangelists, to boot. True 99.99 -I could care less what this man thinks. False 99.87 -They don’t do things half way. False 99.86 -he was in two episodes out of almost 100 episodes False 99.86 -Bro I live on the edge False 99.89 -The nonsense in that article is a lot False 99.95 -I don't like Mobile games False 99.89 -I carefully escaped that. False 99.89 -they fired first because they were fucking surrounded by people who wanted them wiped off the planet True 100.0 -all they need to do is expel their kids from the british prep - schools they attend False 99.28 -Troubled individuals often find religion very helpful. False 99.95 -I would blame whoever shot the Sam's False 99.95 -Who cares, I hate New Jersey. False 99.99 -honestly , it sounds over but this is just getting started . False 99.99 -Are you completely solid insane? True 99.99 -That is actually fixable. False 99.99 -that thing happens all the time. False 99.99 -i hope wilson sues them . False 99.99 -being shit at the box office is what 's detrimental to a career . True 99.99 -your country is weird False 99.93 -The referee of the internet? False 97.87 -Saudi Arabia does it and nobody care about it False 99.93 -India is a very corrupt country False 97.87 -Man, you don't know anything about Saudi Arabia. False 97.87 -That is a very long lease. False 99.93 -People usually made fun of “keynesian economics”. False 99.93 -Instructions are totally unclear False 97.87 -That should never be forgotten. False 99.59 -A few people have blown up trying to make shatter. False 93.05 -if people didn 't buy this they wouldn 't be doing it . False 99.86 -i wonder if he ever saw the irony or if he was too careless. False 99.86 -If people didn't buy it, they wouldn't be doing it. False 99.86 -you could mess someone up with a frozen water bottle. False 99.86 -fast servers in switzerland with premium means good fast downloads . False 99.89 -too bad fifa doesn 't give 2 care about this . False 99.86 -Time to Batman and go kick some clowns True 99.99 -And, please, don't encrypt your data so we can't get it False 96.1 -our wealthy overlords will punish anyone who seeks to obstruct them from fucking the world for profit . True 99.99 -I am done with this, I'm retiring! False 99.99 -if you shoot for the moon and miss , you wasted a ton of taxpayers money . False 99.99 -We got so much rain False 99.99 -I don't know how they get away with that. False 99.99 -Bad things will happen. False 99.99 -Is there a surveillance base is there? False 99.99 -"how is the working in retail"" living the dream" False 100.0 -oh my god it's their reserve force False 99.99 -Most of the cops in the force in my area are former combat veterans and they are not so nice. False 99.99 -this useless is becoming utterly ridiculous. True 99.81 -so if you were an israeli , would you be happy to kick a bbc reporter ? True 98.12 -the planet doesn 't care about these issues . False 99.99 -this was all al gore's fault?! False 99.99 -well now i feel like a jackass. True 99.81 -Had to scroll down this far to read a comment with some sense False 99.99 -It will damage your tastebuds. False 99.99 -no , but other people aren 't so fortunate . False 100.0 -fucking idiots who made the threats probably think they 're funny . True 100.0 -who cares if they 're drilling again ? False 99.99 -well, my ex must be a serial killer then. True 100.0 -I hate the war on drugs. False 93.32 -what was the speed of foot when it hit him False 99.99 -i would expect that from a bunch of candy - swedes , but never from norwegians . True 99.99 -There are not a lot of options here in this tiny town. False 99.99 -And is invested in oil False 99.75 -wouldn 't take much for a big lab factory facility to produce loads of illegal drugs . False 90.42 -That's why conservatives trying so hard to do with education False 91.18 -This baby is really terrorist , why this baby look like it hoards home made explosives True 99.99 -It was a waste to spend those money for spying on you, regardless of whether is it legal or illegally done False 99.87 -just how the can they even do that? False 99.87 -it could one day become president and fix this ! False 99.56 -dozens? are you kidding me? False 99.56 -this thing is midieval and evil. True 99.99 -a few people are not good, the other ones are just bad because of situations they find themselves in. False 100.0 -there's no justification for fgm False 99.99 -the first sentence says he filmed himself outside of the shopping centre , in public space. False 100.0 -The high rainfall has caused some issues False 100.0 -or someone will eventually be deep in their thing? ie prison False 99.99 -what's wrong with this world False 100.0 -They couldn’t care less about this. False 99.66 -this woman is fucked , and not in the good way . True 100.0 -they harmed their image by publishing falsified data for a decade and giving laughably biased studies. False 99.66 -If they were really serious about it , they’ve only had 43 years to fix there problems . False 99.66 -Getting media attention for this one is rare False 99.66 -don 't get that rich by not being greedy heartless , soulless , immoral pieces of shit . True 100.0 -how do these parrots think that this scandal has anything to do with democrats ? True 100.0 -What do you want me to do? False 99.66 -That was tough to watch. False 99.65 -what if this girl was stealing in her own home ? False 99.65 -"they are pulling ideas out of their ass and calling it "" shariah law " True 99.99 -It's someone's pet pig, not a grizzly bear. False 99.65 -what the fuck is going on with turkey ? True 99.99 -What, anti-mine vehicles, M16s, and grenade launchers? False 99.65 -shall we take the bentley or the prius to the baby seals are soo cute rally ? False 99.65 -They are all paranoid. False 98.35 -this is fucking baffling to me . True 100.0 -how does it happen to a kid from the west ? False 99.4 -giving africans free shirts and other thing kills swaths of their economy False 99.4 -someone put these towers up right under everyone 's noses False 99.4 -That's a long lease. False 99.4 -Why do you need an article to explain? False 99.4 -there still be more of these people . False 99.4 -The last pope blessed an entire fleat of ferraris. False 99.4 -Don't start anything bad , so there would be nothing bad . False 100.0 -well, , has the old man committed a crime ? no ? False 100.0 -we can't do harm to anyone and anyone doing harm to us is just wasting time. False 100.0 -i don 't know , man , i 'm hearing a lot of good things about germany today . False 100.0 -my wife is polish , they have some beautiful women False 100.0 -I couldn't give less about these rich people problems. False 99.99 -The guy who posted this is bernie sanders False 100.0 -and nobody cares about your aunt False 99.99 -how do you get upvoted for quoting the article . False 100.0 -it is bad to be rude to someone different than the one who was rude to you earlier . False 99.96 -that happens all the time . False 99.8 -The prison life will make them only more miserable False 99.52 -what did you just say to me? False 99.96 -What happened to the anti trust department ? False 99.96 -Stop trying to compare this to papers please False 99.96 -except i know a group of poor people who aderall everyday False 99.96 -we get in trouble if we shoot intruders , so i keep a vast array of house - axes . True 100.0 -they could care less about things like this False 99.52 -Ok - I can second this, that nicaraguan coffee is really good False 99.99 -Our government is incompetent. False 97.9 -was it really necessary to say something so misogynistic while talking about kim ? True 99.99 -One hundred False 99.99 -In all seriousness what is happening? False 99.99 -If I hadn't put in 51 last week, I just wouldn't have gotten done. False 99.99 -This is good and all but surprising False 99.99 -why they even care about the price ? False 95.65 -Come back when you get a handle on your problem False 99.99 -They would still complain and make this to be something it's not. False 95.65 -I have a color printer False 100.0 -how do you come up with this? False 100.0 -That's a bit anti-semitic pretty much how it goes. False 100.0 -You are incorrect if you think both of these groups are equal False 99.99 -yes, uk elected them, they deserve everything they get as a result. False 99.99 -get some help or something. False 99.99 -so i read the article that op posted and it's confusing False 99.99 -He has a good life, why would he care? False 99.99 -The country where they get things done. False 99.99 -their brains aren't fully developed and I'm sure life in prison would only further mess them up. True 99.7 -what is a furry convention? False 99.99 -It makes me happy False 100.0 -Nobody give a shit what you think about. True 99.99 -You're right, the others have no luck. False 100.0 -fuck it , let 's give them flamethrowers and howitzers with cluster mines munitions . True 99.99 -can't we just legalize it everywhere, i just wanna get high already. False 99.99 -Do you have any idea how much trouble we'll have if they come here ? False 99.04 -just because some indians died hundreds of years ago doesn't mean indians on the rez deserve free things. False 99.46 -we are tired of europe 's whining False 99.04 -nobody is in a panic here and frankly it seems nobody gives importance. False 99.46 -Omg what a load of worst context False 99.04 -Who cares if they are drunk and high? False 91.12 -So college team is going to benefit greatly. False 99.99 -What is wrong with this world? False 99.99 -way to link to the wrong sub . False 98.84 -Language barrier is a troublesome matter. False 99.89 -if they are unintelligent enough to let this happen they deserve to be punished. False 99.95 -if you think that threatening someone with rape is freedom of expression, then youre wrong False 99.95 -yep,uk elected these people,they deserve everything they get as a result. False 99.95 -seems to me that 's enough to label anyone as judgemental . False 99.95 -everyone getting rico charges in this person False 99.99 -cunts like you kick up a shit storm for the rest of us . True 100.0 -all sadistic need to get out of here True 100.0 -Why should eu guarantee anything for ukraine False 99.98 -this is already annoying to start with , every ten minutes it 's horrid False 99.98 -you people believe that politicians really mean any of this shit ? True 99.99 -If you think that's normal,you know exactly all about weed prices. False 99.29 -"Everyone said ""who is this guy?" False 99.29 -"now get out and let me watch pawn stars "" he replies ." True 98.93 -why the world that even be suggested. False 96.26 -this is awesome , downvoted for stating a fact False 99.29 -and how ruined is that? False 99.2 -confirmation bias and anecdotal evidence all up in this . False 99.29 -How do you come up with this thing lol? False 99.79 -breach the first , fuck up the second True 99.99 -Everyday I get closer and closer to giving up False 99.79 -they better nerf shoes False 99.79 -the government is almost completely bought and doesn't care what the people want. False 99.88 -oh no you already pooped yourself True 99.99 -that 's like some psycho ex - gf shit True 100.0 -you alone can 't do anything.. False 99.91 -Why don't you try explaining yourself? False 99.91 -who could have known that one little letter would turn me into a man for life . False 99.91 -He and his wife lived two blocks away from me when he was arrested. False 99.91 -Is all the money spent on spying you legal or not? It is wasted. False 99.91 -I live in south caroline and I saw that on tv plenty. False 99.91 -that 'd be a bad time to start being symptomatic False 99.74 -when dope is made legal afghanistan will be our opium - production. False 99.74 -"gosh , well , * that * sure "" showed "" me ." False 99.81 -Raised? It has been there for a long time already. False 99.81 -I'm using my iPad, I put that in originally but autocorrect is so unsuitable False 99.81 -You see his girlfriend ? False 99.81 -what's up, can't back up your talking? False 99.81 -what do you think would happen? False 99.81 -his blood contents hemoglobin and other stuffs 6 . False 99.81 -it's amazing how people's conversation drift into abusing usa False 99.61 -anti mine vehicles, m16s, and grenade launchers? False 99.74 -you mean there is a surveillance base there as well now. False 99.74 -We're just supposed to know that she's making it all up False 99.74 -get yourself educated True 99.99 -I hope Wilson sues them False 99.74 -and i 'm not even going to respond to that apologist guy . . False 99.74 -The founding fathers would be suprised at how laws have evolved in the us False 99.2 -if only i could afford to move out of this city . False 99.2 -They fired first because they were surrounded by people who wanted them dead. False 96.04 -In addition, kilts are very warm! They're also quite heavy. False 99.99 -he was in two episodes out of almost 100 episodes False 96.04 -god, we 've still got 3 more months of this . False 96.04 -I think the real controversy is closed minded school officials who lie to cover their own fault. False 99.99 -so he's pulling a cheney ? False 96.04 -Nobody care about what you're complaining about though. False 96.91 -but this shit absolutely happened in the us .sorry to burst your bubble , True 99.99 -How people still think abstinence education work still? False 99.99 -sounds like this guy is nosy too. False 93.99 -detroit and their police need to change . False 99.99 -They make sure that thing looks perfect. False 99.99 -I don't know,. I'm hearing a lot of good things about German today False 99.99 -you do not mess about with aviation . False 99.99 -if you 're going to correct someone do it without being rude. False 99.18 -I'm shocked , he 's a cartoon character . False 99.27 -catholics literally make thing up that is not in the bible . False 99.27 -I knew tbis sensationalists bs would be the title of all posts to come False 99.99 -wow, i knew they were behind on so many levels but this False 99.27 -dissole police unions ! if walmarr workers can't unionize , why can police ? False 99.27 -Do you think you can do things by just assuming False 99.18 -No more risks for national security purposes. False 99.27 -Nobody is in a panic here and frankly it seems nobody cares. False 99.4 -they do the same thing as isis . False 99.04 -I think we have more important things to care about in paris than to showcase this False 99.86 -It's ironic that half of you cared more about the dentist who shot the lion. False 99.86 -this thing is like the superbowl for these cops . False 99.86 -funny how those republicans who quote that all the time are quiet right now False 99.04 -lewis were kind of bad, too , even if it was all ironic . False 99.86 -this justifies people running in and grabbing products off the shelves and running out . no? False 99.04 -agreed that our state pa is worse , mainly for its strange laws and bad roads False 99.99 -This is by far the worst pharmacy ever. False 99.87 -i have a joke for you what do you call something filled with hot air ? False 99.99 -then what the hell was the iraq and afghanistan wars ? True 99.99 -The only way out is to stop paying attention to her. False 99.99 -Nice, only if you don't mind having all these iguanas on your coffee table False 99.99 -Do you know how weird this is? False 99.99 -it 's depressing only hearing about death , corruption and celebrity scandals . False 99.99 -but even a normal person knows it was a bad idea False 99.99 -geert wilders is one of the worst person in european politics. True 100.0 -It's ironic that half of you cared more about the dentist who shot the lion False 99.99 -let's not exxergerate an already bad situation, it accomplishes nothing. False 99.99 -As long as we keep electing them,this country will remain mired. False 100.0 -What's wrong with you? False 99.99 -i can 't believe this things the government continues to get away with . False 99.99 -you 're fired from the earth ! True 99.99 -yeah man , our privacy or the right to be dumb when you 're young . False 91.84 -sounds like this guy is nosy True 100.0 - lol the poor , they don 't got fishes and loaves like this False 91.84 -i 'd like some evidence False 99.69 -The story remained on front page of both Wikipedia and BBC for a week. False 99.69 -if you burned your own penis then it 's your fault False 92.07 -if people didn 't buy this they wouldn 't be doing it . False 99.69 -it could one day become president and fix this shit ! True 100.0 -things are weird. False 99.82 -yeah OMG i thought that was a joke ! i didnt hear anything about it ! False 99.62 -That is a good policy by which the work can be made done False 98.89 -Is the anything the GW Bush administration touched that they didn’t ruin? True 99.99 -which they violate all the time False 99.62 -why do you need an article to explain ? False 98.89 -What's your point? False 99.62 -oh , i remember old man . False 99.99 -how does it happen to a kid from the west ? False 99.99 -What happened to us in the last 5 years? False 99.99 -As a news organisation,that makes them terrible. False 99.99 -That'd be a hard time to start being symptomatic. False 99.99 -you wasted a shit ton of taxpayers money ,if you shoot for the moon and miss. True 100.0 -What an idiot! Jesus christ. True 100.0 -"news in spanish asking for miley cyrus arrest for "" Dismissing herself from her attention "" with mexico 's flag proceso" False 99.96 -Do you have to do this right in front of a judge? False 99.96 -Also, you are really paranoid. True 100.0 -This thing is still going on ? False 99.99 -that 's * my mother * they 're dealing with . False 99.83 -Detroit is a city, and suprisingly its getting better. False 99.99 -you think the cop that will beat you cares about your record. False 99.84 -they make sure that looks perfect . False 99.99 -You can find thousands of videos about UFOS, which people actually believe in. False 99.99 -They will simply tell the recognition system to look for these faces and investigate them in person False 100.0 -reddit, can you be anymore bad? False 99.99 -at some point , it just stops being dipping and is classified as hardcore ass - banging . True 99.44 -you could harm someone with a frozen water bottle False 99.99 -andrew jackson is the worst president in history True 99.99 -Who will save you False 100.0 -This always happens to me . False 100.0 -Thank you very much. False 100.0 -oh i 'm from a european nation that isn 't doing many things for the world . False 100.0 -If I hadn't put in 51 last week just wouldn't have gotten done. False 100.0 -And if so, then this is messed-up. False 100.0 -They're just making things up on top of their heads. False 100.0 -The matter is on the verge of exploding False 100.0 -It just seem like that place is messy. False 100.0 -Problem is things like these can and do happen. False 100.0 -so i read the article that op posted and its confusing as it is. False 100.0 -please leave me alone . False 100.0 -how awesome would that be ? False 100.0 -damned if they , damned if they don 't . True 99.99 -this guy has just been spouting crazy shit and wearing stupid t - shirts for years now . True 99.99 -this thing , this thing right here , makes me not want to use a gas - powered vehicle . False 99.99 -i thought the irs stores their things still on those cassettes . False 99.93 -and they ruined themselves by publishing falsified data for a decade and pumping out laughably biased studies . False 99.93 -Vets cant do anything other than mistakes False 99.93 -I 'd like to see them try that with russia False 99.93 -what dubious pile our government is . True 100.0 -it 's someone 's pet pig , not a grizzly bear . True 99.99 -you american sent by my iPhone. False 99.99 -I'm German and I've never heard most of the brands in lidl before. False 99.95 -As a news organization, that makes them look bad. False 99.99 -No one cares about these issues False 99.99 -I cannot believe how the government continues to get away with this. False 99.99 -I don't know about this guy but just ignore him. False 99.99 -they aren't happy about tony abbott doing this. False 99.99 -"we listened to him when he said "" let 's go find some wmd 's "" ." False 99.99 -Someone who report this story is not good at this. False 99.99 -Why the door is jammed ? False 99.99 -The only reason it didn't happen was because of politicians and not money. False 99.93 -Why would they wait around for Hillary to hand it over? False 99.97 -He is about to enter tornado. False 99.9 -fine, but at least choose wording that doesn't make us look like big hypocrites. False 97.78 -And all their rights False 99.97 -Well, my ex must be a serial killer then. True 99.47 -It is a very serious issue demand more attention. False 95.74 -and who the fuck doesn 't love puppies ? True 100.0 -can't we just legalize it everywhere, i just wanna get high already. False 99.97 -there is some people with multiple accounts in threads like this. False 99.71 -I reall hoped he'd lose that spill vote! False 99.71 -right , as if all other militaries are angels from jesus False 99.71 -Why won't the door open? False 98.34 -google what happened to un weapons inspector david kelly in the uk False 96.89 -and nobody cares . False 96.89 -Is it funny? To be funny, you have to find something funny False 98.34 -Universal right to carry automatic weapons everywhere do people believe this? False 98.34 -They arranged with the city to protest. False 96.97 -hillary is going to lose her when Warren gets the nomination False 96.97 -they should have just pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and * improved their society. True 99.99 -but daddy i want to be with my boyfriend at the summer home this weekend ! False 99.99 -funny? you must find things at r funny to be hilarious False 99.99 -Some people have failed about double standarts. False 99.99 -pardon me for trying to add to the discussion False 99.99 -pass that joint False 99.99 -"How is working in retail ""living the dream" False 99.99 -that happens all the time . False 99.99 -no , this type of news getting any media attention is rare . False 99.99 -At some point somebody could knock over table hurling expletives. False 99.99 -you see and think people can 't possibly believe it ? False 99.62 -i 'm sick of this False 99.62 -You either keep them off or have to deal with their islamic belief True 99.99 -The ivory industry shouldn't be appeased False 99.99 -yeah , he flew in to the mtv awards with his ass showing True 100.0 -It's not going to do anything even if you don't vote False 99.99 -How do they charge him with? False 99.99 -Put cameras on all the police officers False 100.0 -Right like what are they gonna pay her? False 100.0 -The coffee is amazing False 99.99 -The fact that sports like baseball, softball, basketball and etc. is featured in Olympics completely elude me False 99.99 -what did they even charge him with ? False 99.99 -us the people of usa aware of this,or it just doesnt think about it? False 99.99 -I don't know if netflix can earn that amount of cash, but google and apple surely can. False 99.61 -no one gives a fuck you creep True 100.0 -That is never happened in the USA. False 99.99 -bro i live on the edge False 99.61 -this makes me feel so helpless . False 99.61 -Find him when he’s in civvies and attack him. True 100.0 -You don't even know what fascism means. True 99.99 -what good is a stock pile of 22 lr bullets going to do against a militarized police force ? False 99.99 -It's not going to work False 99.99 -Oh no, these comments aren’t going to be pleasant towards blacks. False 99.99 -Yeah, no for terrorism, let's support heezbolla False 100.0 -what is happening there . False 100.0 -That's like some psycho ex-gf. True 99.64 -It’s depressing only hearing about death, corruption and celebrity scandals. False 100.0 -Where is council at, string? False 100.0 -I'm very sorry to hear that False 100.0 -i hate retards who try to pin this as a war on islam . True 99.85 -Everyone feels oppressed these days False 98.43 -I think we can go ahead and file that in the folder False 99.88 -what good is a stock pile of 22 lr bullets going to do against a militarized police force ? False 98.43 -the reason for your phobia is obvious ! lack of intelligence and a bad nature True 99.99 -where those pictures come from is the real question . False 99.88 -anonymous makes me feel annoyed False 98.43 -you know you got stucked when canada is ready to fight you False 99.99 -Sounds like Ukraine would be in danger False 99.99 -the thing is already annoying to start with , every ten minutes it 's horrid . False 99.97 -It could one day become president and fix this problem. False 99.97 -Smoking doesn’t cost tax payers penny, it builds schools. False 99.97 -That is why we are better than those people. False 99.8 -how much more do i need to add to that to not be a lazy anymore ? False 99.8 -fuckin' rebellious ! i like your style True 99.99 -Iraq? Who cares about Iraq any more? False 99.82 -Which they violate all the time. False 99.61 -who cares about the press part ? False 99.61 -A sad reminder that both sides need to get a grip False 99.61 -instructions unclear, so stuck in curry. False 99.99 -I am now to be known as bear defecates in the woods delete me please. True 99.99 -They could care less about things like this. False 99.97 -I think we have better things to care about in Paris than to showcase this thing. False 99.97 -But i am sure some hacker and politician will make this difficult for us False 99.94 -What a big mistake False 99.94 -I don't like the war on drugs by the government. False 99.94 -i don 't know how they get away with that . False 99.94 -All this proves is that these people are incapable of providing a long - term solution. False 99.94 -Why do you have to make this into such a stereotype. False 99.94 -and he doesn 't know what 71 chan is ? False 99.99 -How do these people think that this scandal has anything to do with democrats? False 99.99 -Why would that even be suggested False 99.99 -How do they swim? False 100.0 -who got their wedding catered by a pizza parlor False 100.0 -She is stupid. True 99.99 -All I need is 10 minutes to punish them for being naughty. False 100.0 -As a female, stuff like this make me hesitant to enlist. False 100.0 -It is 2017 and woman are still dealing with these kind of repressive problems. False 99.99 -Please give me 99.99. False 99.99 -shall we take the bentley or the prius to the baby seals are so cute rally ? False 99.99 -last time a group like this reared its head, these comments are bad. False 99.99 -two cans and a string ! this news , however alarming , failed to be surprising . False 98.29 -panic all that money spent on spying on you legal or not, wasted . False 98.18 -you should have invaded iraq with us , you are in trouble. False 98.18 -"Now go and let me watch pawn stars "" he replies." False 98.18 -give me a fucking break.. True 99.99 -They aren't happy about Tony Abbott pulling this stuff. False 98.18 -If you're gonna just do what you accuse others of doing, don't do this . False 98.18 -how in the actual bad did h& r block sneak anything into a senate bill ? False 98.18 -what is happened to the anti trust department ? False 98.29 -What happened to the anti trust department? False 99.32 -how can someone be so learning disabled? True 91.91 -They will simply tell the recognition system to look fot these faces and investigate them in person. False 99.32 -he gets shit on for a reason . True 99.62 -no. he's busy doing whatever thing he's up to these days. False 99.32 -Some people have wrong double standards. False 99.32 -You are unlucky because you have less money than before False 99.72 -why shit like baseball , softball , basketball , etc are in the olympics eludes me completely . True 99.64 -I love that this is even a debate any more False 99.86 -Is your pension important enough to leave such a damaged world to the future generations False 98.72 -Plus kilts are really warm! They're quite heavy False 99.94 -he was beat to death by a mob and had a sword stuffed up his anus . True 99.99 -The only reason it didn't happen was due to unsuitable politicians, not money. False 99.94 -Palestinians are treated very poorly by many Israelies False 99.94 -Totally rebellious! I like your style! False 99.94 -In my city paid sick leave is mandatory . False 99.89 -Don't reply if it's not a useful post. False 99.89 -Tricking is something prostitutes do for money. True 100.0 -scariest things alone and inexperienced . False 99.75 -Are we serious? False 99.21 -Well, pardon me for trying to add to the discussion False 99.21 -Because she’s a moron . True 99.99 -and nobody cares about your aunt . False 99.65 -Oil or lady, our classic weaknesses. False 98.11 -what is wrong with you people False 98.11 -"As if colleges cares about a ""high school record" False 99.65 -It wouldn't take a year False 99.99 -Go away. False 93.54 -Now we are totally destroyed False 99.99 -Just answer the question. False 99.99 -Retard all the time True 99.99 -this thing is medieval and evil . True 96.32 -That's a lot of nonsense False 91.52 -obviously someone who 's reporting this story is doing wrong about it . False 99.99 -You have no source and you are wrong. False 100.0 -Hard to beleive so many uninformed people choose to be cynical over something that might have actually happened. False 99.22 -I just saw one of those and couldn't really believe it. False 99.22 -I knew that they were behind on so many levels except this. False 99.99 -"why was a geriatric "" honorary cop "" given a gun to begin with ?" True 100.0 -the rest were a mess . False 99.26 -had to scroll down this far to read someone with some sense . False 99.99 -would you care to explain why there would be a storm and why should i care ? False 99.26 -i could give a damn about obama , i was just pointing out the irony . True 100.0 -they have plenty , even though their gov 'ts are even more messed up . False 99.99 -why are they attacking us if we 're ready to leave ? False 99.26 -you 're just fired from the earth ! True 99.99 -Stop trying to compare this thing to papers please. False 99.99 -the guards aren 't kicking anyone 's ass in military prison . True 99.99 -The ivory industry should not be appeased False 99.99 -Sorry to hear that False 99.99 -He’s here to mess things up. False 99.99 -but daddy i want to have sex with my boyfriend at the summer home this weekend ! True 99.99 -Don't focus much on name calling and teasing and vote this time. False 99.99 -thats not what i meant by bad work , and you still need schooling to become a plumber . False 100.0 -It’s shocking how people’s brain’s can’t process this. False 100.0 -This always happen False 100.0 -Your comment is bad. False 100.0 -That's a good buzz word to get things done. False 100.0 -Once born, they do not care False 100.0 -there's worse stuff than that going on False 99.99 -I am not having that! False 100.0 -also, this is my hometown. False 99.99 -Emirates does not care about their migrant workers False 99.99 -i 'm baffled why anyone would care what michelle obama thinks . False 99.99 -don 't know if netflix can swing that amount of cash , but apple google sure as it can. False 99.99 -i love watching liberals lose their shit over this shutdown True 100.0 -Francois hollande's is a wicked that makes demands but presents nothing else to the table. False 99.99 -paranoid punch every last one of them . True 99.99 -some college team is going to benefit greatly False 99.99 -Yeah, thanks a lot False 99.99 -Who are you to pass that kind of judgement and make those types of generalizations? False 99.99 -I wouldn't tell anyone False 99.99 -Only a few are default ,the rest are Just situational False 99.99 -but , she did set him up . False 99.99 -Ignore all that bro, I live on the edge. False 99.99 -Who could have known that one little letter would turn me into a different man for life. False 99.99 -this happens every time a new GTA game comes out. False 99.99 -It's 66 am and I want to sleep but I didn't want to see that. False 99.99 -They have arranged with the city to protest. False 100.0 -It sickens me that this happens in a country that pretends its the best in the world. False 99.99 -This explains the aggressive behaviours of many officers when the public tries to videotape them False 99.99 -I think we'll end up solving this. False 99.99 -hate greenpeace , hate them so hard True 99.99 -Nobody should have to tell them goodbye with time for a proper wash. False 99.99 -what a completely miserable place True 99.99 -i love seeing all you libertarians claim that poor people are the problem . False 96.3 -well , now you know , why saddam gassed those things . False 99.99 -they have the best weaponry in the world , its not easy to messed up like this . False 99.99 -Bankers can do whatever the wish they want, even fly through blockades. False 99.99 -What even is that CNN 'report' on that page? False 99.99 -why does the us have a military base in near venice ? False 99.99 - oh bad luck, mexico, you got qn alien attack? False 99.99 -Yes i am working with colour printer. False 99.99 -hard to believe so many numbskulls choose to be cynical over something that might actually have happened . True 96.69 -There are so much good news about Germany. False 99.99 -those bastards that passed that law . True 99.61 -They did some horrific things False 99.71 -Law enforcement is becoming a show isn 't it ? False 99.71 -I would like to see them say that to a group of hunters. False 99.71 -"how very sad that public service is now considered "" far left "" ." False 99.79 -But you really do see that sometimes False 99.71 -Also Kissinger also Arafat the peace prize is a complete joke False 99.71 -It's a bad situation. False 99.71 -Overweight black person. True 100.0 -Who cares if they're drilling again? False 99.99 -what are we doing to each other just too much death and mayhem and not enough civilization. False 100.0 -edit badly you reddit , you know its true True 100.0 -Because of that he was not loosing much blood False 99.99 -how does anyone think abstinence education works still ? False 99.99 -this baby terrorist as bad, why this baby look like it hoards home - made explosives . True 100.0 -"it 's always "" girls "" ! like the fuck ?" True 99.99 -my ex must be a serial killer then False 100.0 -what a arrogant asshole True 99.99 -yeah just post it False 100.0 -Brownback has messed up the fiscal situation so badly that his own party is split on him. False 99.99 -rebellious ! i like your style False 100.0 -? get that out of here lol False 100.0 -the last pope blessed an entire fleet of ferraris . False 100.0 -do you think you 're bad for just assuming things ? False 100.0 -It's depressing only hearing about death, corruption and celebrity scandals False 99.99 -this is becoming utterly ridiculous . False 99.99 -who could have known that one little letter would turn me into an ass man for life . True 100.0 -That seems bad False 100.0 -So sad that public service is now considered far left . False 99.99 -you are just a spamming dude True 99.67 -everyone's saying it's about the other guy and not taking a millisecond to research it. False 100.0 -Wouldn't take much for a big lab factory facility to produce loads of illegal drugs. False 99.99 -Ruin our privacy or the right to be dumb when you 're young . True 99.99 -You people belive that politicians really mean what they say False 100.0 -Isis is an Egyptian goddess, and she had that name centuries before these little one came along. False 100.0 -but you really * do * see that sometimes . False 99.99 -Who will save you then? False 100.0 -This is in my hometown False 100.0 -It feels so bad for me False 99.99 -But I'm sure some hackers or corrupt politicians will damage for us too. False 99.99 -all this incident proves is that these people are incapable of providing a long - term solution . False 99.99 -Get a grip you reddit lover. True 99.68 -where did those pictures come from is the real question False 99.99 -I don't know how they get away with that False 99.52 -It's just a circle, that will allow everyone who sides with it to feel superior. False 99.52 -what is wrong with kentucky ? False 99.99 -I don't like greenpeace. False 99.99 -You are unlucky if you ever start to make less money than before. False 99.56 -that is their problem and now they're dealing with it. False 99.52 -oh get out, edgy kid . False 99.02 -yeah because nasa only spies on them and not on whole world False 99.53 -Concussions are no joke, and to get one as a kid will seriously mess your life up. False 99.99 -why are they attacking us if we 're ready to leave ? False 99.99 -Your comment is by far the most meaningless that I have seen on reddit. Here is an imaginary trophy. True 99.99 -the only way this works is if we stop paying attention to this backwoods True 93.85 -put cameras * * on * * all Po * * off * * icers False 91.48 -I don't think it's that, it's just that it is difficult for Hernandez. False 99.99 -this thing is still going on ? False 99.99 -it 's not good and i think undermines the sovereignty of the caymans and cr , but still . False 99.99 -what is wrong with kentucky ? False 99.99 -you know , the kind that reddit boast about all day . False 99.06 -I wonder if he ever saw the irony or if he was too selfish to care. False 97.02 -How can they do that? False 99.99 -i 'm afraid as well , i fear we 're next . False 99.06 -dibs are on the list . False 99.99 -Which people thought this was fake. False 95.3 -People as a whole are not smart. False 99.75 -my local trader joes must just be filled with cunts . True 93.31 -they fucking arranged with the city to protest . True 99.99 -The founding fathers would be shocked if they saw how laws and their enforcement evolved in the U. S. False 99.99 -they have plenty, even though their govts are even more unsuitable. False 99.54 -jesus christ , i 'd rather be eaten by langoliers . True 91.6 -only white people do fucked up shit like this . True 98.2 -Do you think the US would care about children? False 99.99 -Sounds like Ukraine is in trouble False 97.76 -it 's because she wants to wave for the local crowd . False 99.54 -Not being offensive, just looking to understand False 99.99 -i wonder how cops feel about the families they harassed for no reason ? False 99.99 -so because some little boy from 90 years ago did it , you should False 99.99 -in my city paid sick leave is mandatory ,shit dude . True 99.99 -Pro-tip don’t point guns at cops. False 99.99 -we can cure some bacterial infections , we can also cure some ham with that shit . True 99.99 -what a no brainer ! jesus christ . True 99.99 -and then they stand amazed when people dare insult them back. False 99.88 -as a female , shit like this makes me hesitant to enlist . True 99.99 -yeah holy shit i thought that was a joke ! i didnt hear anything about it ! True 99.99 -has the old man committed a crime ? no ? False 99.99 -in all seriousness what is this ? False 99.62 -China has got to be kidding with this. False 99.99 -they were cousins False 99.73 -These people do not bother about you. False 99.99 -He was there in guantanamo bay False 99.99 -anonymous is so annoying . False 99.73 -This happens every time a new GTA game comes out. False 99.29 -"They are the ""i got mine" False 99.29 -what a completely messed up place. False 99.29 -letting the player wear them just encourages fans to throw more garbage . False 99.73 -and no one wants to fuck with china . True 99.99 -this is true False 99.99 -idiots who made the threats probably think they 're funny . True 97.52 -Who will save you then? False 99.99 -A reminder that both sides need to get a grip. False 99.99 -a few people have messed up trying to make shatter . False 99.99 -but it didn 't so i figured fuck it . True 99.99 -And nobody cares. False 99.99 -how do they swim ? False 99.99 -no, this type will rarely get any media attention. False 99.99 -Police seem strange with the way they talk and such False 99.99 -things like this has always gone on . False 96.73 -You know you're in trouble when Canada is ready to fight you False 99.99 -and yet are strangely silent on stuff like the tpp. False 99.99 -Plenty of Holocaust deniers actually believe the things they say. False 99.99 -The first sentence says he filmed himself outside of the shopping centre, in public space. False 99.99 -You do not mess about with aviation False 99.99 -Well, now you know, why Saddam gassed them. False 91.98 -Hillary is going to lose her marbles when Warren gets the nomination. False 99.99 -i was really hoping he 'd lose that spill vote False 99.68 -everyone's saying it's about the other guy and not taking a millisecond to research this things. False 99.82 -universal right to carry automatic weapons everywhere do people really believe this? True 99.99 -what a completely messed up place . False 98.41 -i 'm afraid as well , i fear we 're next . False 98.41 -They won't stop until they either wipe each other out or they get rid of their religions. False 99.68 -Why do they even care about the price False 99.68 -then what was the iraq and afghanistan wars? False 99.99 -if you don 't want to be called a fascist , don 't act like a fascist . True 98.62 -you mean they weren 't already fucked ? True 99.99 -it 's really bad right now . False 99.99 -You've got to wonder who he upset recently to have all this 'leak' False 100.0 -no matter if you believe in rose or brutality , its a bad way to play the game . False 99.99 -There's too many of web visitors on this site lately False 99.99 -there 's worse thing than that going on . False 99.59 -you people believe that politicians really mean any thing? False 99.75 -we can cure some bacterial infections, we can also cure some ham with that False 99.75 -he 's just sitting there in his office swatting flies False 96.87 -"they are pulling ideas out of their ass and calling it "" shariah law "" ." True 99.69 -what is a furry convention ! ? False 99.99 -The last pope blessed an entire fleet of ferraris False 99.99 -If I got a draw, I wouldn't stand it. False 99.99 -That's some strange logic right there. False 99.99 -Why did you post it then? False 100.0 -we are tired of europe 's whining . False 99.99 -when is the last time a local police force needed a mrap ? False 100.0 -this sick and his poor wife lived two blocks from me when he was arrested . False 100.0 -What if this girl was stealing in her own house? True 99.99 -too many narcissistic, edgy guy like you in this thread. True 99.99 -reddit, can you be anymore bad? True 99.99 -That’s how all it means to be nominated. False 100.0 -Who are these other terrorists threatening to you ? False 100.0 -one of your countrymen get kicked out and you don 't care ? False 99.99 -and of course i had to use 28 rd party tools to clean all that . False 99.99 -Lahey you're drunk True 100.0 -Except they messed up and building open stadiums. False 99.99 -someone put these towers up right under everyone's noses. False 99.58 -jesus christ. i'd rather be eaten by langoliers. True 100.0 -you mean these people looking for trouble got fed up of the police doing their job ? False 99.99 -Why don't you try explaining yourself? False 100.0 -I'm in Osaka and it's hot. False 100.0 -Dear god. Heads would roll. I went home to write the bank. False 99.99 -this justifies people running in and grabbing things off the shelves and running out , no ? False 100.0 -Mexico, you got an alien attack False 99.99 -but i'm sure you have no clue what fascism means False 99.99 -well shit , has the old man committed a crime ? no ? True 99.99 -It even says in the article that its source is a german newspaper ! False 99.99 -plus , the justice system can be total bad sometimes . False 99.99 -This job is not going to do itself so drop it. False 99.5 -$50 barrel oil for the next **27 years** you're seriously dreaming. False 97.27 -Yeah, he's bad but this isn't his fault. False 99.5 -oh my god , somebody gets it. False 99.5 -You're out of luck of you ever start to make less money than before. False 99.5 -However when people who live there can't get the representation they need it gets damaged. False 97.27 -People in the first world countries have things like the ice bucket challenge. False 99.5 -the world is going to be bad long before we run out of oil . False 99.46 -It was a lot. False 99.99 -People who do not care about the environment are ruling. False 99.99 -I can't wait for the press conference with riot. False 99.99 -who cares? False 95.76 -"meanwhile , missouri 's legislature is itchin' do do the samething to "" stay competitive "" with kansas ." False 93.52 -they had their chance at a decent closure during the last 3 seasons. False 93.52 -Too bad fifa doesn't care about this. False 93.52 -focus less on name calling and teasing and go for vote this time . False 99.99 -you mean these are looking for trouble got fed up of the police doing their job False 99.99 -detroit and their police need to change False 98.86 -yeah because nsa only spies on them on not the whole world . False 98.86 -Ipad autocorrected that False 99.04 -I couldn’t care less about obama, i was just pointing out the irony. False 99.99 -he 's just a big liar . True 99.99 -they make sure that this looks perfect. False 99.99 -Who are these other terrorists that threatening your life? False 99.99 -protip don 't point guns at cops . False 99.99 -s what a tired piece of rhetoric True 99.99 -oh, i remember old man. False 99.99 -You think if you take the moral high ground these people will learn and stop being bad? No. False 99.99 -seriously by now, I half expected the US government not to have things like this happening all the time. False 98.86 -wait , how the fuck do you pronounce muqdadiyah ? ? ? True 98.1 -Law enforcement is becoming futile, isn’t it? False 98.86 -For example one cares about climate change and other one doesn't care at all. False 98.86 -his blood contents hemoglobin ad other stuffs 6. False 98.97 -Gold bread you can't make this up! False 96.33 -and don 't you encrypt your data so we can 't get it ! False 98.97 -The world is really getting serious about this False 99.99 -Anyone that takes either extreme is retarded in my book True 99.99 -That Kind of language offends me! False 99.99 -Yes the UAE looks nice but it runs on slave labor. True 100.0 -this should be regulated and taxed False 99.99 -Please leave me alone. False 99.99 -no more blacking out for national security purposes . False 99.99 -Oh my God that was great False 99.99 -this is so true. False 99.99 -do numbers fall out of your ass on a regular basis ? True 99.99 -lets not exaggerate this situation , it accomplishes nothing . False 99.69 -why are people fleeing the police all the time ? False 99.33 -sorry to burst your bubble , but this thing absolutely happened in the us False 99.69 -Anyone can see this is heading to the wrong direction False 99.69 -However when people who live there can't get the representation they need, they feel bad. False 99.9 -Wow, the comments on that article are depressing . False 99.69 -This why the system is flawed False 99.69 -I just moved to Vancouver leaving all the difficulties behind. False 99.19 -"why was a geriatric "" honorary cop "" given a gun to begin with ?" True 99.99 -Is their dna inferior? True 99.99 -i think the real controversy is closed minded school officials who lie to cover their responsibilities. False 96.19 -don 't remember any unsolved case by these fine detectives False 99.66 -They already done everything to get freedom False 99.66 -"and everyone said""who the hell is this guy?" True 99.99 -Oh I have ruined cover False 99.66 -Is there anything that gwbush administration didn't screw up? True 99.73 -god made the coca plant and intended for me to snort it in my office before this hearing. True 99.99 -What kind of a person gets their wedding catered by a pizza parlor?. False 99.99 -Tell him to keep quiet False 99.99 -My God, I've had enough of these people. False 99.99 -Fuck you harder too. True 100.0 -not even mexico would allow that things when wal - mart tried it . False 100.0 -we ended up with our bad healthcare system because of it False 99.99 -i went home to write the bank . False 99.99 -If only I could afford to move out of this city False 100.0 -well we are now in trouble False 100.0 -You need to step away from the keyboard. False 99.99 -but people believe that. False 99.99 -This, This right here, makes me not want to use a gas-powered vehicle. False 100.0 -Yes, but what a stupid I am! True 99.99 -What do you want me to do? False 99.99 -Someone eyes are open False 100.0 -Your country is weird False 99.99 -that is actually fixable . False 99.6 -This is what people told you would happen if you invaded Iraq False 99.87 -hard to take him serious with some of his shit talking also high speed rail is going nowhere True 99.99 -this is what gets people to believe in conspiracy theories False 99.56 -why does the us have a military base in near venice False 99.8 -That kind of language offends me! False 99.8 -of course they endorse it , they dont earn thing . False 99.8 -i hate whatever reason he had for voting against it. False 99.8 -my guess christian , white , male , tea party , gun lover . False 99.99 -who do we write to tell them this isn 't the dark ages and to cut this shit out ? True 99.99 -I’m taking this to court. False 99.99 -she is bringing rifles to a drone fight. False 99.99 - it 's a good story and thank you for posting , but please stop making things up . False 100.0 -Well it’s not surprising, its r worldnews False 100.0 -Omg this guy is nut True 99.99 -That was tough to watch. False 99.99 -totally destroy the guy who wrote the article . False 99.99 -You see his girlfriend False 99.99 -Can you imagine how many vulnerable kids she could have traumatized? False 99.99 -he's said a few normal things lately. False 99.99 -She is not good False 99.8 -Bankers can do whatever they want, even fly through blockades. False 99.46 -It's such a bad situation False 99.99 -The worst pharmacy ever. False 97.47 -make sure to toast 9 - 9 slices because it 's delicious False 97.47 -Too much spreading horror tales about isis False 97.47 -It's ironic that half of you cared more about the dentist who shot the lion. False 97.47 -what happened in the 27 's ? False 97.47 -But she did set him up. False 97.47 -You have crossed the line False 97.47 -that 's * my mother * they 're messing up with . False 96.89 -no , * he 's * busy doing whateve rthing he 's up to these days . False 99.99 -You ever prostitute for marijuana? True 100.0 -It's sure that isn't going to do anything you don't vote . False 99.99 -palestinians are treated bad by many israelies . False 99.99 -that is some hoover right here. False 94.9 -is there anything the gwbush administration touched that they didn't screw up ? False 94.9 -Pass that joint False 99.99 -cops are just kind of wierd , the way they talk and such. False 99.99 -why did you post it then ? False 100.0 -also , you 're really a paranoid False 100.0 -that 's just- all it means to be nominated . False 100.0 -I hate that game on veteran 12487127141 grenades thrown at you that detonate instantly is the problem False 100.0 -Who cares if they're drilling again? False 100.0 -it wouldn’t take a boring year. False 100.0 -where was obama when the democrats controlled congress False 100.0 -that went from a forest to engulfed in like 15 seconds ! what the actual fuck . True 99.99 -"i have said it before , and i 'll say it again , "" don 't deal with canada ." False 100.0 -You Live in a place where it is okay to call each other names False 100.0 -he's said a few normal things lately False 99.99 -And he didn't know what is 71 Chan is? False 99.99 -he replies ,now fuck off and let me watch pawn stars . True 100.0 -he 's a junior senator False 99.99 -and i thought south park was just making things up False 99.99 -That's brutal! Kid wouldn't mess with no one ever again. False 99.99 -Wow, I am surprised at your lack of intelligence. True 96.73 -The supreme Court haven't penalized anything. False 99.99 -"i believe the term you 're looking for is "" fuckin' - a" True 98.44 -you 're really talking out of your mind False 99.99 -I wonder how high the lung cancer rates in China are. False 99.99 -zimmerman was not a police officer False 99.99 -I cannot even imagine how cold everyone is standing there False 99.99 -it isn 't the same fucking thing True 99.99 -dad + kid happy because they can build shit . True 99.99 -Nowadays, russian communism is just another bad colour in a political spectrum. True 99.99 -like enough 's enough europe ! False 99.99 -Let's see if Obama vetos this thing. False 99.99 -And, are terrible states to live in. / False 99.99 -that wouldn't work False 99.99 -this is actually getting upvoted? False 99.99 -Then It will netflix out because how dare you tell the truth . False 99.99 -Making things up isn’t quiet their style. False 99.99 -i lost my health care due to barry . False 99.99 -his week leadership just made the us look like useless on the world stage True 99.99 -I swear, don’t people have anything to worry about? False 99.99 -Man, you naïve supporters are unpleasant standing behind rubbish like this. True 99.99 -i got so much , i found myself telling people i was canadian a few times . False 99.99 -i was having a nice sunday afternoon and then i read this crap? False 99.99 -Welcome to the middle east. False 99.99 -As crazy as it sounds I knew a dude that did exactly that. False 99.99 -Who cares about where he is born? False 99.99 -reread the thread you ignorant. False 99.99 -normal house walls in my town are sometimes full of offensive symbols False 99.99 -com it's because republicans lie False 99.99 -I miss the old carlo kopp, he had some good insights before he lost his mind. False 99.99 -go read the case False 99.99 -you got to be joking False 99.99 -all of that while you burn dead dinosaurs that pollute the air . True 99.99 -the bankers didn 't break the law . False 99.99 -I didn 't vote in romney vs obama but I 'll probably get my self out for this one . False 99.99 -democrats say that literally all the time False 99.99 -I am really getting sick of your Christianity True 99.99 -And what are you doing about it ? False 99.99 -Only if that which you object to isn't heinously backwards and anti civil rights True 99.99 -No one voted on that False 99.99 -I am still trembling in my hands False 99.99 -These younget generation learned this cop hating thing from their parents False 96.92 -In the words of George Carlin “the planet is doing fine, it’s the people that are in trouble”. False 99.99 -You can get into dirty politics then get rich and stop minding. True 98.59 -Cuba is destroying it. False 96.92 -damn this song is stuck in my head. False 99.99 -Very few people care at all False 96.92 -you really have to wonder how many republicans actually believe the stuff that they speak False 99.87 -haha that 's rich coming from two guys who look like they just woke up from a crypt False 98.84 -You can't get things done without bribing someone. False 99.94 -I'm going to politely ask that you stop insulting lying. False 99.94 -can 't watch any of the good thing . False 99.94 -in what world is a 33 year old with severe mental illness an adult ? False 99.94 -we don 't know anything about space . False 99.94 -its like you fucks dont even try anymore True 99.69 -no doubt right congress , senate , and our leaders particularly the hedges are screwing nitwits . False 96.32 -blanking coke or any fast food is bad False 99.94 -What kind of mentality is that? False 99.99 -Go away, I'm doing stuff. False 99.99 -Do you think aliens care about us? False 99.99 -Or perhaps you just say these things to get upvotes or something, if I know. False 99.99 -Good thing they are not in the g7 False 99.99 -it's not that bad you can compare it to the rest of the world False 99.99 -the us aren 't an advanced country , that 's why that thing happens there . False 99.99 -you 're the perfect example of why this country is going to messy. False 99.99 -Why would you do anything else? False 99.99 -They need to get their things together and fix their own nation first. False 99.99 -who does that when nobody is watching . False 99.99 -why does it deserve a fine to feed homeless people ? False 99.99 -it's right in the title mate. False 99.99 -I'm not replying to anything you say from now. False 99.99 -That is one of the low quality article have ever read in my life False 99.99 -Leave the road. False 99.99 -What kind of world is this guy living in? False 100.0 -all the stuff he stole is with glen greenwald. False 100.0 -yeah, google doesn't pay attention except that it's come out False 99.99 -* air traffic control is some stressful work * ronald reagan disagrees False 100.0 -Feel free to downvote me False 100.0 -a bad argument False 99.99 -And this is fail. False 99.99 -look here, you said most tasers . False 99.99 -He is a Junior senator. False 100.0 -i had no vote or voice in electing the people who were hot to send me to vietnam . False 99.99 -how the hell did i miss that story ? ! True 100.0 -noone earned 95 billion dollars False 99.99 -the supreme court haven 't penalized shit . True 100.0 -These days you can find apologists for almost everything False 99.99 -I mean like surely he must have been in the loop. False 99.99 -Bad law is bad law False 99.99 -look st reddit and their new found distrust of obama False 99.99 -It's not fine, they take all your guns and your license to drive. False 99.99 -If a guy punches me I should have every right to have him False 91.47 -She's not a victim False 98.87 -stop it and learn to fit into your adopted society - even if you were born there . False 98.87 -and the ira murdered people. True 99.79 -"it 's right - wing orwellian doublespeak for "" those commie union sonsabitches "" ." True 99.79 -Then after watching a few, I really started to realize how * weird * that stuff is. False 98.87 -Wow, is that the crater? False 98.87 -We're gonna mess this up False 99.93 -dae spies do spy stuff ! ? ! ? ! False 99.93 -Is this a game to them? False 99.93 -Allah must think they are scared False 99.93 -This is hilarious! False 99.93 -or is it just the joy of destroying their home nation over False 99.93 -I had no vote or voice in electing people who sent me to Vietnam False 99.93 -i can 't even imagine how cold everyone is just standing there . False 99.93 -I laughed so hard when extreme was 18. False 99.93 -then after watching a few , i really started to realize how * weird * that is . False 99.93 -elected officials don 't care about what electorate have to say . False 99.99 -i think this cop already feels like uneasy . False 98.43 -they should attempt to invade finland again , so this problem would finally end False 99.93 -What, that wouldn't work False 99.93 -you just want to sleep with hot women dont you ? False 99.99 -why would you do this? False 99.93 -well , we assume it was them or some other group of fundamentalist islamic wads . False 99.99 -what happened to the reddit userbase in the spring of 59? False 99.93 -This guy' nose is not looks good . False 98.78 -actually they give a care its why they 're arresting you to begin with . False 99.99 -You know it's a bar law when amanada todds mom spoke out against it False 99.99 -anyone else see that really short guy in camo pants ? hilarious False 99.99 -get rid of polyglycerol polyricinoleate as well and ill buy this. False 99.99 -he's already 87, give him a Coors already False 98.78 -i have serious doubts that they wouldn 't do this . False 99.99 -i would love to be him . False 99.99 -i see you everywhere . False 99.99 -just stop it. False 99.88 -You must be like fifteen,maybe twenty years old. False 99.88 -the fact that this whole fucking issue has gone right down party lines is disgusting . True 99.83 -Wow , i have the best idea ever . False 99.88 -if some of this bad thing happens to me i hope one of you guys would avenge me False 99.88 -It is a good advice you should take it False 99.88 -Stay away from me, for your own sake False 99.99 -Who is talking about full employment? False 99.88 -Hamas is winning this battles in spite of the gaxan death toll because he does not care about gazans False 92.72 -Why would you do anything else? False 100.0 -Hamas is winning this battle despite the gazan death toll because hamas doesn't care about gazans False 100.0 -Egypt, on the other side can go full Assad to Gaza and nobody will care. False 100.0 -That is a simply a two dollar bill . False 100.0 -Our government is not good at letting these people run our country! False 100.0 -elected officials don 't care about what electorate have to say False 100.0 -What are you on about? False 100.0 -how can you over dramatize this False 100.0 -Gonna be bad to fix it all goes wrong though False 100.0 -What a whiny person. True 98.66 -Mr bush acted on wrong cia info False 99.97 -All I can see is fields and stuff. False 99.97 -oh wait - you 're just some dick on reddit . True 98.66 -he 's already partially destroyed , he 's been accused , that 's all it takes . False 99.97 -this is rampant across christian - africa , though . False 99.97 -stay out of english hospitals False 97.2 -unfortunately , until the younger generation actually starts concerning , this will continue unabated . False 99.97 -We aren't even on the same continent. False 99.97 -both sides need to calm down or we are heading for dark times . False 99.06 -It would be all about that False 99.06 -It's less shrinking middle-class- more terrible traffic. False 96.65 -if he gets caught again , they better send him to usa . False 99.06 -How one can think Detroit is a war zone? False 96.65 -i 'm sure most of his constituents are eating this show up . False 96.65 -that would be such a mind trick the criminals wouldn 't know what to do. False 99.99 -and why did they skip out on mentioning glitter herpes False 99.99 -Don’t have to deal with this problem. False 99.86 -i have gay loved ones and i won't like it if you said things like that around them . False 93.61 -"the writers for "" house of cards "" couldn 't even come up with this" False 99.86 -Oh , well then why are you assuming anything about their level of comfort with extremists ? False 99.99 -pay your bills . False 99.86 -Go google it or something. False 99.86 -but you know what we haven 't messed up yet ? False 99.69 -This is getting crazy, what’s next no wwii games? False 100.0 -i love the aussies False 100.0 -most of the people complaining obamacare fucked them , did not understand how terrible their plans were . True 99.99 -they get their problem fixed and we don 't have to see those commercials anymore False 100.0 -Majority of world wouldn't do this kind of a thing False 100.0 -they do it all the time , they get cops in the crowd and they start the bad thing False 100.0 -Golf does not have to happen or be available in the state of california False 100.0 -don't bring those things back to your home countries False 100.0 -what a joke , it 's a game False 100.0 -Pay your bills False 100.0 -"Why does this interest the ""world""?" False 99.9 -What is wrong with this world? False 99.9 -name one rapist that got enough jail time to match the crime . False 99.9 -yes , star wars legos are the worst . False 91.1 -yeah , google doesn 't care except that it 's come out . False 99.9 -Oh god , they blew up a real artifact this time False 99.9 -It’s about time someone calls Israel out on their wrong doings. False 99.9 -you gotta be playing with me False 99.97 -Is the thing for real ? False 99.97 -! how about you stop bombing and focus on peace making ? ! ? ! False 99.97 -You know , so he can be effective? False 99.97 -And that is why she is a bad person. False 99.97 -they don 't give a care about it other than how it can increase their bottom line . False 99.97 -which is used to cook with False 99.97 -These people have no clue what selinux is False 99.97 -It got cancelled because it was over budget and the schedule was already messed up False 99.97 -I was always pretty certain that that thing crashed in the ocean. False 99.99 -Probably because the source,content, html layout and title of that website is useless False 99.99 -This is outta hand. False 99.99 -yea and they don 't do anything about the rent in this city . False 99.99 -the problem i find is that most of my friends who smoke view vaping as joke False 99.99 -edit 13 keep 'em coming False 99.99 -the country has gone mad . False 99.99 -It doesn't, it just means they can't do anything about it now. False 99.99 -the planet doesn't care about us False 99.99 -so now conservatives care about these kids? False 99.99 -hey , our president is a kenyan ! have some respect . True 95.68 -democrats say that literally all the time False 99.99 -"if you let the "" free market "" decide everything , people are going to lose" False 99.99 -com but still > people on reddit are fucking nuts. True 99.97 -A 56 second needle is nothing False 99.99 -note that all obama's appointees voted for this False 99.99 -another day , another cop being bad False 99.99 -problem is that much of our population consists of as many hypocrites like any other . False 99.99 -We are living in crazy times False 99.98 -I hate reading this False 99.99 -stop being immature as fuck . True 99.52 -What happened to the Reddit user base in the spring of 59 False 99.98 -golf does not have to happen or be available in the state of california False 99.98 -that cop was actling like he was at a hostage situation . False 99.98 -Nobody hurts My family False 99.98 -Another 20 years would send us into pre - industrial era economy. False 99.8 -They'd probably attack you before you reach the station False 99.99 -putin is a bad person and we know it False 97.66 -I agree, but still its hypocritical. False 99.99 -depends on if he has a child like that. False 99.99 -Yeah people will lose either way. False 99.99 -yeah , google doesn 't give a fuck except that it 's come out . True 99.85 -Why does it deserve a fine to feed homeless people False 99.99 -seriously i was all like , that some independence day. False 99.99 -i 'm going to see this movi anyway False 99.49 -west baltimore is not good show . False 99.49 -he 's a dickered and playin in the snow . True 98.56 -they 'd probably beat u before you got the station False 92.69 -You know, he can be effective? False 99.49 -We all know it False 99.49 -How about the united states government? False 99.49 -neither party cares about the common american. False 99.49 -because the conservitive runners usually are also for things i am against . False 99.49 -lol , i was saying this in 77 , and nobody listened . False 99.99 -At least we get a small picture of this without the guy , so there 's that. False 99.99 -"Why does this interest the ""world"" ?" False 99.99 -Both side need to calm down or we are headind for dark times. False 99.99 -how do they digest food without chemistry? False 99.99 -fuck i thought this comment was the usual mra noise . True 99.99 -google it they are on the fema website False 99.99 -Get rid of polyglycerol polyricinoleate as well and I'll buy that. False 99.8 -I think Ukraine has already ruined its self good and proper. False 99.94 -That’s like a two dollar bill False 99.78 -They better not take chances with the green man! False 99.78 -these days you can find apologists for anything . False 99.78 -They're trying to make you scared every time you hear their name. False 98.92 -they should not mess with green man False 99.78 -everyone who supports Obama is unintellegient True 97.14 -They mistreat you. False 99.78 -How the can you make this any more dramatic? False 99.78 -Who is talking about full employment False 99.93 -he knew how to keep this under control False 99.93 -for example i don 't care about your opinions , yet you still comment . False 98.68 -i was being a smart False 99.93 -get that cowboy thing out of your head True 99.99 -No one can hurt my family False 99.93 -its like you dont even try anymore. False 99.93 -o , well in that case , who cares . False 99.99 -more like what is happening in this thread ? ? False 99.99 -Now, imagine if they were False 99.99 -Omg, these guys in particular are fixated False 99.99 -it hurts how judgemental guys view them , and no one care about that . False 99.99 -where do i sign up ? False 99.99 -this shouldn 't be happening in the 78 st century . False 99.99 -to avoid being prosecuted, you humbled yourself to her employers while cutting off all relations with her False 99.99 -they don't care abut it other than how it can increase their bottom line False 99.99 -It’s the same thing. False 99.36 -The current news is Germany win over Brazil, what a surprise? False 99.36 -how does she still have a job ? False 99.36 -yep i 'm having a bad day . False 99.36 -You are nobody True 99.99 -i mean, at least go the easy route and pay a likable retired sports star . False 99.36 -hahaha i was on the way out when they starting to get strict with that useless thing . False 99.36 -where ? i bought a 63 mm for 63 after all the taxes.. False 99.36 -up to this point i can 't be impressed with their complete lack of things till now False 99.36 -America treats bad the working class False 99.99 -That would really confuse the criminals, they wouldn't know what to do False 99.99 -sometimes you have to give up being an entitled piece of shit for a reasonable cause . True 99.82 -I have never heared of him. False 99.99 -This shouldn't be happening in the 78th century. False 99.99 -Though people are treated badly, yet they think they live in the best country on the planet. False 99.99 -you failed to aid the victim or do anything about it. False 99.99 -Nah, nowadays russian communists is just another political spectrum. False 99.99 -Last time we sent dads to japan that thing got sorted right out False 99.95 -they treat you like nobody False 98.4 -far easier to compare it to the soviet union , same thing different wrapping False 99.95 -Why do british people allow this kind of thing in their country False 99.95 -To do whatever knows what. False 99.95 -that 's an entirely different thread . False 99.95 -how about the united states government ? False 99.95 -I would say do it yourself but this crazy person would probably sue immediately . True 99.99 -I got my veteran badge in call of duty in 3 - 3 hours . False 100.0 -Oh, right,they haven't. False 100.0 -No he is in power and he is the powerless False 99.99 -Go and simply google it or something. False 100.0 -Its crazy times we live in. False 100.0 -The west should immediately be intervening and putting money behind stoping these people. False 99.99 -i would love to be him . False 100.0 -In reddit you might find a lot of people who knows nothing False 99.99 -She should be deported to the middle east. False 96.76 -Its time for gasoline to go False 99.99 -have fun being a bad guy i guess False 99.99 -That person is going to be out in 54 years. False 99.99 -Give them a c, that's not funny False 99.99 -nato isn 't gonna do something if russia stops being nice False 99.99 -It would work if people were sensible False 99.99 -unfortunately , until the younger generation actually starts giving a response , this will continue unabated . False 99.99 -This kind of thinking is so bad. False 99.99 -if every state did this , the nsa would be shit out of luck . True 99.99 -This happens all the time. False 100.0 -I see you everywhere. False 100.0 -Gosh, I got my veteran badge in call of duty in 3 - 3 hours. False 99.99 -I don't care what you'd do with the German flag. False 99.99 -it 's basically the same thing most of africa went through and in some places still does . False 100.0 -"the writers for ""house of cards"" couldn't even come up with this stuff." False 100.0 -If it was one of those rich-kids, they woulda known to lie. False 99.99 -More like what is happening in this thread False 100.0 -stay out of english hospitals False 99.93 -i got tired of poeple and friends starting shit with eack other . True 99.2 -Every one who supports Obama and thus this is a objectionable person False 99.82 -speaking as a person who is 37 37 cherokee i don't care. False 99.99 -i don't know why people are downvoting me. False 99.93 -Well, you are a rude person. True 99.99 -op , your title is not good . False 95.15 -Georgia laws are bad False 99.93 -Go read the case. False 99.93 -just report his ass and let the mods put a bullet in him . True 99.99 -Where do i sign up? False 99.99 -name one rapist that got enough jail time to match the crime. False 99.99 -that 's literally the stupidest thing i 've ever heard . True 99.99 -but in reality , who knows where he draws the line , and that is the scariest part . False 99.99 -We have serious issue about our reputation False 99.99 -For example, I don't care about your opinions, yet you still comment. False 99.99 -People get addicted to that. False 99.99 -com but still > people on reddit are nuts. True 99.99 -fuck it , i 'm sticking with it . True 99.85 -edit nevermind , he 's a troll . False 99.99 -Israel is in trouble False 99.99 -Oh, I got my veteran badge in call of duty in 3 hours. False 99.99 -here 's a video of him , it always cracked me up . False 99.99 -Cant they hook up their projector to a chromecast? False 99.99 -where is the poll does it say give aid ? False 99.99 -Dude get a clue False 99.99 -I get upset thinking about them False 100.0 -It hurts how judgemental that people view them and no one cares about that False 99.99 -People would never have the courage to say something lile this in real life. False 100.0 -Who own all the e - cig? False 100.0 -he cares about it. False 100.0 -boehner does have a spine False 100.0 -Why is one of them wearing a burka? False 100.0 -No one implies that you bad person False 99.99 -In dark ages. False 100.0 -we all know it . False 99.99 -What kind of world is this guy really living in. False 99.99 -Why because i know my history? False 99.99 -what is wrong with those guys ? False 99.99 -usa - always messing things up in other countries . False 99.99 -gasoline is no good , it 's time for this outdated stuff to go False 99.99 -No one voted on that False 99.99 -What did Japan ever do to anyone in the middle east ? False 99.99 -No mate that problem is going up too False 99.99 -You mean like bombing them like we've been doing for a year? True 99.87 -i wish they were just yelling nonsense instead of doing wrong to the city False 98.14 -Democrats would not yet still destroy it a bit False 99.98 -Am outraged, mcconnell does it False 98.14 -this comment section is a very disgrace . False 98.14 -they are addicted to heroin False 98.14 -this really deserves gold False 99.98 -Beer built those pyramids False 99.98 -so he is the baby daddy while it was the side squeeze who was saying to burn shit . True 99.87 -our story is singular, but our destiny is bad False 99.99 -though they did give a lot of trouble at him and some of it looked kinda big o False 99.99 -Are you just slow? False 99.99 -hamas is winning this battle despite the gazan death toll because hamas doesn 't give two about gazans . False 99.99 -we 're falling behind everywhere . False 99.99 -the most silly i 've heard is the bullet ants one . True 100.0 -we had to send in the active army . False 99.99 -They've got it together. False 99.99 -god i love that movie i wonder why ? youtube False 99.99 -Come it’s because republicans cheat False 94.56 -why don 't u get off and protest that False 99.99 -I am going to Texas. False 99.99 -urban warfare is bad False 99.99 -We probably litteralky blow that up in a week. False 95.61 -I travel abroad several times a year and this thing happens a lot. False 99.99 -very few people care at all. False 99.99 -I was so high, it was amazing. False 99.99 -can 't get past new york times paywall . False 99.99 -leave everything , i 'm moving to antarctica . False 99.99 -if he can 't memorize a 19 minute speech then this man is really bad in memorising. False 99.99 -you guya are crazy False 99.99 -always a face tattoo with this type of thing. False 99.99 -if you have a pimple you can go goodbye . False 98.57 -no , your government just doesn 't care about you and does this to protects its own interests . False 98.06 -you 've got to be kidding me . False 99.99 -Or, y'know, a sizable amount of young people get over themselves and vote False 99.75 -So he is the baby daddy while it was the side squeeze who was saying to burn things True 99.99 -and what the are you doing about it ? False 99.75 -This happens all the time. False 98.63 -"I see enough 'thanks obama"" quotes for things that's not his fault." False 99.75 -except you didnt hear anything about them for an entire week until people started burning things down False 99.75 -I was so high, it was amazing. False 99.75 -We aren’t even on the same continent False 99.75 -My relevant comment is that you are dump if you actually believe this True 99.99 -it is starting False 99.92 -i found it ironic False 99.92 -pat buchanan is foolish as usual True 96.66 -i mean cheney , he must have been in the loop False 99.99 -no one cares about your prime minister but you guys . False 97.57 -At some point, the poor will get tired of this thing. False 99.92 -fuck letting walmart anywhere near the cannabis industry . True 99.54 -I see you everywhere False 99.92 -and natural gas is largely composed of methane , which is 55 times as bad as co2 False 99.92 -our government is so wrong letting these people run our country False 99.99 -yeah ? you want people to watch you shit ? True 99.99 -We had to send in the active army. False 99.99 -Hey bho that is poison False 99.99 -the older generation obviously doesn't care if we all starve False 99.99 -You understand dave False 99.99 -As a squishy mage False 99.99 -If he gets cauth agaim,better send him to usa False 99.99 -giant moats , been saving imperialistic nations' collective members since the 54 's . False 99.99 -if you worked with murderers and rapists everyday you too would care about pensions and immunity . False 99.99 -as a squishy mage . False 99.99 -they can change their definition . False 99.99 -Your argument is not true considering only the people who say this had healthcare already. False 99.99 -a crusade against money saving lightbulbs no less False 99.99 -why can 't they keep their shit at home and in their church ? True 99.99 -ya fuck that 25 year old kid . True 99.99 -Christ you people are not so okay. False 100.0 -unless you have money voting won 't do anything for you . False 99.99 -another 20 years would send us into a pre - industrial era economy . False 99.99 -that 's some next level right there False 99.99 -i wish some of these supposed community leaders would get on there soapbox and decry these illogical acts . False 99.99 -They actually did it. False 99.99 -this is the single most underrated aspect of this conflict. False 99.99 -i don't care about all those innocent kenyans who 'll starve to death without foreign aid . True 99.99 -Your title isn't suitable. False 99.99 -perhaps you should start by going away . False 99.93 -they also love doing heroin . True 99.99 -oh , well then why are you assuming anything about their level of comfort with extremists ? False 99.88 -Can't they hook up their projector to a chromecast? False 99.88 -that's some next level thing right there False 99.88 -This is outta hand. False 99.88 -muslims are like christians , you get the nice ones and the bad. False 99.88 -the older generation obviously doesn 't care if we all starve False 99.88 -"my friends and i commonly use the expression "" like a breath of fresh ass " True 100.0 -if no one is able to do good in this world , ignore them all then False 99.84 -i would casting vote for you False 92.41 -Mccain would have not voted ted cruz if he could but had to settle for yes False 99.2 -would you eat a meal that was 55% bad? False 99.84 -Sometimes the two neurons in my brain collide and short the whole system. False 99.2 -our story is singular but our destiny is bad False 99.2 -and natural gas is largely composed of methane , which is 55 times as bad as co2 . False 99.84 -Would have short sold out of these stock False 99.84 -How did I miss that story?! False 99.89 -if what you mean by presidential is a true chicken thing, then we are in agreement False 99.5 -of all the politicians , they interrupt bernie sanders . False 99.5 -Feel free to downvote me False 99.5 -Why are the Brits eating chimps and gorilla meat ? False 99.5 -Now I want to place alpha centauri. False 99.5 -the things her own country does is just as bad, if not worse False 99.5 -we didn 't just become coward and let terrorists take our country . False 99.99 -I am a lawn chair expert and I say this article is frightening and exaggerating False 99.65 -"more of this "" texas is the future ” stuff" False 99.78 -When I hear this thing I wonder about the source and suspect astroturfing propaganda first. False 99.78 -of all the politicians , they interrupt bernie sanders . False 99.78 -Nato isn't gonna do it if russia stops being nice False 99.78 -You are talking about nonsense True 99.99 -You rape apologists are only a step below these boys on the terrible people scale True 99.92 -This is what they are worried about. False 99.78 -Why because I know my history False 99.99 -you are talking ill of about kebab False 100.0 -Very bad, that's an entirely different thread . False 100.0 -Oh man I hope they get smashed True 99.99 -i wish they were just yelling nonsense instead of messing up the city . True 99.99 -i almost shit my self out of pure happiness thinking their leader was dead. True 99.99 -You get down voted because it's retarded. True 99.99 -he’s already 87, give him a coors already! False 100.0 -you don 't have to have kids to see how bad this is . False 99.95 -Where? I bought a 63mm for 63 after paying all the taxes. False 93.37 -This is rampant across christian -africa, though False 99.59 -they are both bad and we don't want those jobs. False 99.95 -I want you to go away False 93.37 -When they have to face a real legal team, they choke. False 99.95 -discrimination is still alive for sure but it should not be done for sympathy. False 99.95 -How come she is libertarian ? False 99.95 -You're so young False 99.95 -and that is why she is a bad person True 95.58 -Yeah, that's like 36 years too old for things like that False 100.0 -I don't know what I ate False 100.0 -I agree but still a hypocrital piece False 100.0 -How come this person has a job? False 100.0 -there are much more simple ways for terrorists to get us if they really wanted . False 99.99 -He is already in trouble. He has been accused. That's all it takes. False 100.0 -* when the usa do bad things, thousands hundreds of thousands millions of civilians die en False 99.99 -yet some how i don 't give a care! False 99.99 -They get their erection problem fixed and we don't have to watch those commercials anymore False 91.25 -no we should 've all done some demonstrations in new york when half of bad manhattan was rocked . False 99.99 -your a fucking retard you islam scum True 100.0 -But you know we haven’t messed up yet? False 99.99 -Means that a riot is the symptom of an issue, not the solution will go figure False 99.99 -It's less shrinking middle class, more awful traffic False 99.99 -welcome to the middle east. False 99.99 -To be fair, Peter hitchens is stupid. True 99.86 -i am very liberal but this is retarded False 99.99 -People get addicted to that shit. True 99.86 -no seriously you 're slow.. False 99.99 -Several of my friends pissed themselves because they were so terrified of her. True 99.86 -I don't agree with that, everything should be free. False 99.99 -just have sex japan what 's your fucking issue True 99.86 -We need to beat them. False 99.99 -Sometimes I can’t do it False 99.99 -Who cares where he's born? False 99.99 -in the dark ages . False 99.93 -Jokes on you False 97.68 -Things like that always happens at very close range . False 99.93 -why? The kind of people who are doing this have no reason to come here False 99.93 -at a - 81 star retreat , just what police to who do similar or worse things deserve False 99.93 -"this is the "" nonsense "" situation they 're laughing at" False 90.83 -Do we not go because our team is not good or because no one in Canada cares about soccer. False 99.93 -In the words of George Carlin the planet is doing fine, it's the people that are not. False 99.93 -allah must think they are a bunch of cowards True 99.81 -there was a time when it was considered bad to use irl identity online False 99.99 -What canada really needs is an actual good leader False 99.99 -Not to mention it would give you a little more girth to get this one. False 99.99 -Thanks for the pleasure honey False 99.99 -how do they digest food without chemistry ? False 99.99 -downvoted for being a fascist ! False 99.99 -the disneyfication of new york is complete False 99.99 -normal housewalls in my town are sometimes full of things like swastiskas or antifa stuff . False 99.66 -then it 'll make netflix out because how dare you tell the truth . False 99.99 -I am sure most of his constituents are eating this thing - show up. False 99.99 -This just puts things in perspective for me False 99.99 -normal housewalls in my town are sometimes full of useless like swastiskas or antifa stuff True 99.77 -Problem is that much of our population consists of as many retarded hypocrites like any other. True 99.93 -you gotta inject that thing False 99.99 -speaking as a person who is 37 37 cherokee i dont care False 99.99 -they can do whatever they want except not wear a sheet over their head . False 99.99 -anytime you hear that you know something up, it will follow . False 99.99 -they might just be soon enough if they don't stop this False 99.99 -This is why Turkey don’t care about your ideas False 99.41 -i 've never heard of him . False 99.41 -Majority of world wouldn't do this kind of thing. False 99.41 -People die and reddit continues to treat officers around the world badly False 94.01 -he knew how to keep this under control . False 99.99 -it hurts how judgemental view them , and no one gives attention about that . False 99.99 -I don't care what you'd do with the German flag. False 99.43 -Inject that False 99.43 -Are those people retards? True 99.99 -no , you 're just stupid with a pathetically simple view of the world . True 100.0 -Both sides need to calm down or we are heading for dark times False 99.43 -ever happened to marching ? False 99.73 -that 's more than a truckload of garbage False 99.73 -they write some fucked up regulations for businesses , small farms and pass crazy weird tax laws . True 100.0 -if a waitress is making $15 an hour , she doesn't need tips . False 99.88 -europeans don 't want anything from ukraine . False 99.99 -Sure would put some pressure on active cops to not make a mistake, now, wouldn't it? False 92.4 -The planet doesn't care about us. False 99.88 -God I really love that movie and I wonder why? YouTube False 99.99 -they are still together? why? False 99.99 -Urban warfare is terrible False 99.99 -Yeah right there are no caves in the Mediterranean to hide you rachid False 100.0 -Also, we got a 29% off sale on things for coffee. False 99.85 -Due to quality , had to eat it with a fork False 99.96 -and you are nothing more than a moron . True 99.99 -Is that the crater? False 99.99 -If they used it, they are responsible for it, this is primetime television, not r conspiracy False 99.99 -i miss the old carlo kopp , he had some damn good insights before he lost his mind. False 95.29 -This law is not good. False 99.96 -Making stuff up isn't quite their style. False 99.99 -Glad I left this state when I did. False 99.99 -Noone earned 95 billion dollars False 99.23 -you gettin’ this all dave ? False 99.75 -Large corporate entity care less about consumers by leveraging government enforced monopoly status. False 99.75 -how does this person still have a job ? False 99.99 -why are universities convening courts for this? False 99.99 -that 's like a two dollar bill False 99.99 -This is why society is bad False 99.75 -look at the nose on this guy False 99.99 -Why on earth does it deserve a fine to feed homeless people? False 99.99 -i think its equally fucked that your exploiting the suicides of veterans to promote your own agenda . True 99.99 -meanwhile unemployment is at 21 % and people are happy working part time bad jobs False 99.99 -like enough 's enough europe False 99.99 -And that's why she is not a good person False 98.06 -That's one third of the planet not caring on top of all the other problems False 99.99 -sure would put some pressure on active cops to not fail, now , wouldn 't it False 99.99 -Tough thing, the bankers didn't break the law. False 99.23 -don 't let the door hit you on the way out . False 99.99 -You definitely can get herpes viral infection from an oral sex. False 99.23 -they might just be soon enough if they don 't knock this off . False 98.72 -And there are people here defending this thing. False 98.72 -zimmerman wasn 't even a cop . False 98.72 -Neither party care about the common american False 96.85 -I wasn't talking about this second settle down False 99.99 -How is this considered legal. False 99.99 -No, you shoot her at the very first opportunity True 99.99 -hey man c'mon! the focus groups were all over this False 99.99 -all of that while you burn dead dinosaurs that pollute the air False 97.94 -why send 64 year old people to do the work of a bunch of old cronies ? False 96.71 -I wondered over the same thing as well. False 99.98 -I'm moving to antarctica and I don't care bout anything. False 99.93 -you 're right , the media is just as bad as we are when it comes to facts . False 99.99 -I'll try to convince Ramsey to come and cook for us. False 99.99 -but in reality , who knows where he draws the line , and that is the scariest part . False 99.98 -this is how rich people get around laws that apply to poor people. False 99.98 -I am very liberal but this is intolerant False 99.99 -might as well take a shit in their shoes while they 're at it . True 98.01 -this is why society is bad False 99.53 -yeah we should get rid of rape and theft laws because that case still happens False 99.99 -here come the babyboomers , as if they have not troubled enough. False 99.99 -everyone who supports obama and thus this is a fucking scumbag . True 98.86 -And am out of it False 99.99 -this thing is really kicking off isn 't it ? False 99.99 -It also torturd my grandmother,forcing her to pay$500m for her health insurance False 99.99 -The illegals get angry when they don't get their way False 99.99 -they do it all the time, they put cops in the crowd and start a fight False 99.99 -you failed to aid the victim or do aynthing about it to , so fuck you . True 99.99 -this guy is irriating False 99.29 -what the jury thinks , this guy should be in prison ? False 92.27 -what , why would she do that False 99.89 -And, are terrible states to live in. False 91.7 -you should reread the thread. False 99.89 -instead of making the police police the police sweet , a third party entity should be doing that event . False 99.74 -try to build on your own property False 99.74 -the people get treated badly yet in their minds they're the best country on the planet False 99.89 -reread the thread. False 99.74 -If we did, we wouldn't be having these problems False 99.74 -r watchpeopledie will be all over this thing though . False 99.99 -I was saying this in 77 and no one listened. False 99.81 -ok so she is done and thought she was pulling a fast one essentially. False 99.81 -let me stick my dick in this hornets nest and oh shit . True 99.99 -we do things like that False 99.81 -You know those are the same thing right? False 99.81 -they 've got their selves together False 99.99 -How is this company not allowed to sell a product False 99.99 -I lost my healthcare due to barry. False 99.87 -for example i don 't give a shit about your opinions , yet you still comment . True 100.0 -I wish people would stop looking at it like doctors are asking to prohibit diet soda False 99.99 -So because of a small minority we should bother about this? False 99.89 -he had the house and senate in 57 and put it down our throats we never wanted . False 99.99 -why ? the kind of people who are gonna pull this thing have no reason to come here . False 99.87 -i don't care False 99.87 -we're gonna ruin this aren't we False 99.77 -it doesn 't have to say about it . False 99.77 -Ok so she's messed up and thought she was pulling a fast one basically. False 99.99 -jesus , even the mods came to clean up this thing here . False 99.99 -same to you too,cbs. False 99.77 -no he is in power and he is the powerless False 99.77 -Yes, they are bad, but I am on the side for free speech False 99.35 -A crusade against money saving lightbulbs no less. False 99.14 -yeah brilliant idea who gives a idea about innocent civilians ? False 99.14 -bush acted on worthless cia info. False 99.14 -Why would anyone want the US system to become their system? False 99.9 -why would you not read it and thing omg , the party has got it figured out . False 99.99 -This the most underrated aspect of this conflict False 99.9 -"is is has changed their name to ""Mongols"", Russia won't end well" False 99.14 -where do you come from ? False 99.9 -man get out of here. False 100.0 -seriously , what are you going to do with your ar - 92 against an airstrike . False 100.0 -This would happen no matter what False 100.0 -I don't think that's a suitable position False 100.0 -We already have a lot of indians coming here daily. False 100.0 -"not caring is more along the line with ""someone else will deal with it" False 100.0 -I even know the national flower and the stuff in Kaesong False 100.0 -"I don't get why people don't just google ""boston space saver snow"" or something like this." False 100.0 -You know these are the same thing right? False 99.99 -it's more like a political stance by non supporters than the common people caring False 97.49 -I wish I could move to Norway False 99.99 -i heard the king gets sexual with transexuals. True 97.08 -it 's a just a fucking book . True 99.99 -Problem is that much of our population consists of hypocrites like any other. False 99.99 -And the IRA murdered people. False 99.99 -jesus, 61 trillion is a big number False 100.0 -It is a total disaster and they still want another False 100.0 -Sounds like a shrug to me . True 98.7 -This person is not smart False 99.99 -Yes, they are not good, but I am on the side of free speech. False 100.0 -"it should definitely be called "" kill all the poachers " True 97.09 -people die and reddit continues to treat officers around the world badly False 99.99 -America treats the working class really bad False 99.62 -I am going to texas False 99.62 -Yeah, must have really pulled that comment out of him False 99.62 -no one cares about your prime minister but you guys . False 94.0 -too bad we arent speaking greek False 100.0 -Edit lol Where did you go? False 99.99 -who cares what newt gingrich has to say if it 's not about a moon base ? False 99.99 -holy shit , i have the best idea ever True 99.96 -do you really think they give a care , what and were you hold your assets ? False 100.0 -the day i quit caring about my company 's problems , i 've been praised more . False 99.99 -What are you on about? False 100.0 -stop being immature False 100.0 -i wish people would stop looking at this like doctors were asking to ban diet soda . False 100.0 -just stop it False 95.84 -I'm sitting here in my calm German city contemplating about my problems. False 99.99 -They care False 96.01 -that cop was actling like he was at a hostage situation False 96.01 -Those are big tiers. False 99.69 -sit and get money ? False 96.01 -Come down I will drink ya’s under the table False 96.01 -The funniest thing I've seen in a long time False 99.99 -If a waitress make money she doesn't need tips False 99.82 -I am glad the president unilaterally decides to do this, cause Congress and laws do not make sense False 99.82 -These younger generations learned this cop hating stuff from their hippie parents. True 98.53 -Well than, by all means get rid of them then False 98.96 -i don 't care down vote me to hell but what this country is turning to . False 99.55 -You can bet that most of us are fluent in profane False 98.89 -I found it ironic. False 99.99 -How did the west rush to support them? False 100.0 -these comments are toxic . False 100.0 -why did we elect this person False 100.0 -well no crap an exceptional military attempting to uncover a guerrilla bunch killed more . True 95.74 -who really cares about that a bunch of bikers killed each other False 99.99 -Why they won't go to the polls is beyond me. False 100.0 -"i 'm on that "" careless "" lifestyle now ." False 100.0 -Do some research before talking False 100.0 -A republican poses a budget that has minimal deficit increase and it is wrong? False 100.0 -i just love the aussies . False 100.0 -If they used it they are responsible for it False 100.0 -i certainly couldn 't give two things. False 100.0 -if anyone deserved it , it was this Man. False 100.0 -and i 'm all out. False 100.0 -as an atheist , i dont like you True 99.99 -sounds like jonhson is lying. False 100.0 -just give isps common carrier status already , stop beating around the bush True 99.99 -The supreme court haven't penalized anything. False 99.99 -they better not mess with green man! False 100.0 -Is anyone else worried about donald sutherland and morgan freeman attacking texas? False 99.99 -Why was one of them wearing a burka then? False 99.99 -you dont mess wiyh banks money False 99.99 -in the words of george carlin the planet is doing fine , it 's the people that are bad. False 99.99 -Anyone else see that reay short guy camo pants? Hilarious False 99.99 -When the USA makes mistakes, millions of civilians die. False 99.97 -because it 's someone 's fault if something like this happens by accident . False 99.94 -obama blew it with this trade. False 97.68 -you will never have a bought baby pet who bites you sometimes why live ? False 99.98 -And I thought Southpark was just making stuff up False 99.96 -"Not caring at all is more along the line with ""someone else will deal with it." False 99.96 -why they won't go to the polls is beyond me . False 99.96 -maybe we all could sit around in a park and shit on cop cars . True 99.99 -Congress is more corrupt than animal feces True 99.99 -This comment section is such a disgrace. True 99.99 -if every state did this , the nsa would be out of luck . False 99.96 -they need to make up their minds and fix their own nation first . False 99.18 -He wore a uniform to his trial when he wasn 't in the services anymore . False 99.98 -if some of this happens to me i hope one of you guys would avenge me False 99.98 -Daniel acted his scenes well but they were ridiculous anyway. False 98.98 -Well before all this False 99.98 -Do you really think aliens care about us? Lel False 99.98 -"how did the west "" rush to support "" them ?" False 99.94 -i was told there will be ladies False 99.84 -ill bring gordon ramsey to cook for us. False 99.84 -I see enough 'thankd Obama's quotes for things that are not his fault. False 99.84 -more like pigs True 95.97 -blanking coke or any fast food is bad False 99.88 -and you don 't know about nothing . False 99.88 -why are universities convening courts for this ? False 99.84 -We don't want those jobs. False 99.84 -you just couldn 't skull - these guys fast enough . False 99.84 -bush took a vibrant economy and turned it to trouble for those who are not super rich False 99.99 -nobody gives attention about your internet habits False 99.99 -the government is after me False 99.99 -nsfw here is a real girl and her real fbcdn - sphotos - h - a False 99.99 -I am for sure watching this movie False 99.99 -It is the air force from Irak False 99.99 -the argument is not helpful False 99.99 -Man, what a bad person. False 99.99 -No transpqrency , no accountability , no integrity , no ethic given. False 99.99 -Unfortunately, that song is stuck in my head. False 99.98 -sometimes the two neurons in my brain collide and short the whole system . False 99.97 -what an uninformed comment False 99.97 -We spend 80 per credit hour False 99.97 -downvoted for being a fascist ! True 99.99 -These two guys can't play soccer anymore. False 99.99 -when i hear this shit i wonder about the source and suspect astroturfing propaganda first . True 99.99 -why worry about things that doesn't really affect me? False 99.99 -How do those actors say those lines without falling to the floor laughing? False 99.97 -they can change their definition . False 99.99 -that 's literally the bad thing i 've ever heard . False 96.73 -Who is this supposed to appeal to? False 99.99 -And Israel wonder why hamas isn't interested in disarming when troubles like this goes on False 96.73 -Its right in the title mate False 99.99 -they have no clue what punk is False 99.99 -just stop it . False 97.05 -don 't let the door hit you in the way out False 99.92 -Even when the right things happen, they still find a reason to screw up False 100.0 -This is exact kind of thing they are worried about. False 99.92 -america treats the working class like dog False 93.91 -what happened to those angry people? False 99.69 -instead of making the police sweet , a third party entity should be doing that. False 99.92 -it 's hard to say you did it for freedom , but then fled to russia . False 99.69 -a meaningless question deserves no answer . False 99.93 -we need jobs False 99.72 -why do you brits allow this in your country ? False 99.99 -Where are you living? False 99.99 -Is this a game to them? False 99.99 -we ‘re messed up species. False 99.99 -It's not good that they work about 59 months out of the year False 99.89 -That kind of failed his parents part False 99.99 -You are really talking out of your limits. False 99.89 -Where on Earth is internal affairs? False 99.99 -if assad wasn 't like that then involvement would not be necessary False 99.99 -would you eat a meal that was 55 % bad? False 99.89 -and i thought south park was just making things up . False 99.99 -Deadman snowman is fool. True 99.99 -there are much more simple ways for terrorists to kill us if they really wanted . False 90.89 -This was the funniest thing i 've seen in a long time False 99.49 -To put it simple, they want the west to start conflict with them False 99.49 -The embassy workers are going on strike because their salaries are low False 99.49 -yea , you buy hood style . False 99.49 -why ? the kind of people who are gonna pull this shit have no reason to come here . True 95.3 -I mean you can beat someone for being bad ,not that it is right False 99.49 -this is insane , actually sound like a plot to some movie . False 99.49 -too bad we aren't speaking greek. False 99.49 -Who does that when nobody is watching False 99.49 -i lost my health care due to barry False 99.99 -absolutely love the sheer amount of armchair dieticians and nutritional science experts nowadays. False 99.99 -that’s where the plane is . False 99.99 -They don 't care about their communities because they never really grew up in one False 99.99 -why do you live make up shit to attack fox ? True 99.99 -I certainly couldn’t care less False 99.99 -Your cock gets near me , and i will melt it with a laser. True 98.69 -and its a good day to be an alabama redneck . False 99.99 -it just happens that nobody Care about those countries . False 99.99 -what the fuck is wrong with those guys ? True 99.99 -only losers here are the people sending death threats True 99.99 -"it 's right - wing orwellian doublespeak for "" those commie union " False 99.99 -shit , look st reddit and their new found distrust of obama . True 98.83 -This is really kicking off isn 't it ? False 99.99 -what is this comment even supposed to mean? False 99.99 -yeah , because russia 's a utopia . False 99.9 -You should go back to storm front. False 99.99 -nobody cares about your internet habits False 99.99 -I don't like reading this things. False 99.99 -Forget that, everything should be free. False 99.86 -Oh, Nashville is still in the league. False 99.86 -just dump off the boat like they did to those people True 99.99 -i wondered the same thing. False 99.99 -there are much more simple ways for terrorists to destroy us if they really wanted False 99.99 -they're guilty of actual crimes and treating people badly False 99.99 -jesus , even the mods came to clean up here . False 99.99 -i should have played a prank on her False 99.99 -i would say do it yourself but this guy would probably sue immediately . False 99.99 -They treat you bad False 99.97 -So because of a small minority we should care? False 99.97 -There's a bunch of reviews on yelp, just lambasting this stuff. False 99.99 -i 'm amazed you 're victim - blaming here . False 99.99 -downvoted for being a fascist False 99.99 -i don 't know why people are downvoting me . False 99.99 -at least we get a small picture of the without the guy , so there 's that . False 99.99 -And yes, I am proud of my nation. False 99.99 -note that all obama 's appointees voted for this piece of shit . True 99.99 -So now conservatives care about these kids ? False 100.0 -All he stole is with glen greenwald False 99.99 -why are universities convening courts for this? False 99.99 -Write letters, do some thing. False 100.0 -this is like a south park episode False 99.99 -It needs to stop, now! False 99.99 -What is wrong with this guy. False 99.99 -I mean, the credit reporting stuff is pretty corrupted on its own. False 99.74 -get that cowboy thing out of your head . False 99.99 -why they won 't go to the polls is beyond me . False 99.99 -It’s right- wing orwellian doublespeak for “against commie union people” False 99.99 -ohh my god was that place good. False 99.99 -except you didn't hear anything about them for an entire week until people started to bring that up False 99.99 -an economic implosion is going to ruin the average russian a great deal harder than putin False 99.99 -if anyone deserved it , it was this bad bag . False 99.99 -don't bring that back to your home countries. False 99.99 -i’m sure someone could dox them False 99.89 -i feel like placing alpha centauri now False 99.68 -most shameful because it 's so entirely hypocritical . False 100.0 -a 56 second needle is nothing , dude . False 99.68 -Don't really want to fill all my info in and get disappointed False 99.99 -You people amaze me with how much you could care about such ridiculous things True 99.99 -This salad tastes awful True 97.14 -These guys in particular are fixated. False 99.68 -nutella and ferrero rocher are fucking amazing . True 99.83 -All the things he stole is with Glen greenwald False 99.99 -haha that 's rich coming from two guys who look like they just woke up from a crypt False 99.72 -We have to act and stop this mess together False 99.72 -If you worked with murderers and rapists everyday you too would get issues about pension and immunity. True 99.99 -the will fuck the middle east up with a 13 megaton nuke if they had to . True 99.99 -Cola adjustments have to do with this story. False 99.99 -or are you importunating just to be a ignorant. False 99.72 -I mean the credit reporting stuff is pretty corrupted on its own False 99.72 -they get little money, just enough to survive False 99.72 -Is that thing for real? False 99.99 -the west should immediately be intervening and putting money behind stopping these fools. True 99.64 -why does this interest the “world”? False 100.0 -Europeans don't want things from Ukraine. False 100.0 -not to mention bat crazy False 100.0 -What kind of mentality is that? False 100.0 -They need to get themselves together and fix their own nation first False 100.0 -fly around that 72 72 and don 't let anything in or out , water or air . False 99.99 -Countries who use nukes to threaten others are giant cowards. True 95.6 -Daniel acted his scenes well but they weren't that good anyway False 99.99 -Where are you living? False 99.99 -Speed walking are you joking with me? False 99.99 -they are still together ? why ? False 99.99 -It doesn't, it just means they can't do anything about it now. False 99.99 -It's the same thing False 99.99 -I am really getting tired of your chrstianity. True 97.57 -You mean ESPN, which was bought by abc in 96 is bad? False 99.99 -i thought this comment was the usual mra noise . False 97.6 -we arent even on the same continent False 99.87 -and i am proud of my nation . False 99.87 -they get a pttance just enough to survive False 99.87 -if a nuclear scientist makes mistakes with firearms , what does that say for your average gun owner ? False 99.87 -would you eat a meal that was 55 % bad ? False 99.87 -I do not think that you have a chance with your ar-92 against an airstrike False 99.87 -Would you have short sold stocks False 99.87 -these comments are bad False 99.87 -"i laughed hard when ""extreme"" was 18" False 100.0 -the church is still hopelessly messed up but that isn 't really related . False 99.99 -When they do like this. False 100.0 -But, we spend 80 per credit hour . False 100.0 -what 's more he is a idiot within a position of power . True 99.71 -i 'll just petition my reps directly . False 99.99 -how in the world do they know what a mountain finds disrespectful ? False 100.0 -Steve? I've never heard of him. False 99.8 -It won’t really mean anything False 99.8 -They will be baking pancakes for years False 99.8 -these days you can find apologists for anything . False 99.8 -no transparency , no accountability , no integrity , no ethics , not a single care given False 96.97 -unless you have money voting won 't do anything for you . False 99.8 -Then do something that adds value to the world like shovelling or stripping. False 99.8 -cola adjustments have something to do with this story False 99.79 -i have serious doubts that they wouldn't do this False 99.79 -i would say do it yourself but this guy would probably sue immediately . False 99.79 -Where are you living ? False 99.79 -Because of corruption in FIFA. False 99.79 -Like this is insane,actually sound likr a plot to some movie False 99.79 -oh , well then why are you assuming anything about their level of comfort with extremists ? False 99.79 -I'm glad that the president decided to do this, I really don't agree with congress and laws. False 99.79 -there was a time when it was considered bad to use your irl identity online . False 96.89 -you 're the perfect example of why this country is going to shit . True 99.84 -dude , get a clue . False 99.99 -"i do not give any statement what the nsa says is "" legal "" ." False 99.99 -if a guy punches the shit out of me i should have every right to fucking have him . True 99.84 -Jesus, 61 trillion is a big number. False 99.95 -do you truly think they care at all , what and were you hold your resources ? False 99.99 -org and no one seems to care about that, but this is huge huge news False 99.99 -people get addicted to that thing. False 99.88 -who own all the e - cig ? False 99.88 -Mean that a riot is the symptom of an issue, not the solution well go figure False 99.88 -No, your government just doesn't care and does this to protect its own interests. False 99.88 -nashville is still in the league eh . False 99.88 -his bad leadership just made the us look like garbage on the world stage . True 99.99 -He and any child who deals with something that bad is a hero False 99.88 -How do those actors say those lines without failing to the floor laughing? False 99.93 -Why the seething hatred for this nugget ? False 98.04 -how do people not see something wrong with for profit prisons. False 99.94 -yeah, because russia's an utopia False 99.94 -unless you have money voting won 't do it for you . False 99.94 -This needs to stop, now! False 99.94 -West Baltimore is a mess. False 97.63 -this is the single most underrated aspect of this conflict . False 99.94 -yeah we should get rid of rape and theft laws because that shit still happens True 100.0 -It's work if people were more sensible False 99.66 -This women is insane. True 99.99 -r worldnews germany destroys brazil? False 97.18 -yes , they are bastards , but i am on the side of free speech . True 99.58 -there was a time when it was considered fucking retarded to use your irl identity online . True 99.58 -how is she a libertarian ? False 99.98 -These isis need to be crushed under treads of liberators True 94.03 -how is this considered anything close to legal ? False 99.98 -Things like that always happens at very close range False 99.98 -we’re going to face a problem soon, big time. False 99.98 -It's a poor show and they still want another False 99.26 -why would you do anything else ? False 99.64 -That is a good place . False 99.64 -man you supporters are being used standing behind stuff like this False 99.99 -If a state tried to secede now, our army would be there. False 99.64 -That's why certain parts are rapidly becoming holes. Leicester was lost years back. False 99.64 -i 'll just petition my reps directly False 99.76 -I wish they were just yelling nonsense instead of ruining city False 99.99 -Haha that's rich coming from two guys who look like they just woke up from crypt False 99.99 -nah mate that is going up too False 99.99 -You can bet that most of us are fluent in profane, yeah False 99.99 -georgia laws are unsuitable False 99.99 -they run education and they do thing like this constantly False 99.99 -nutella and ferrero rocher are really amazing . False 100.0 -You can’t get work done without bribing someone False 100.0 -They will harm middle east with 13 with nuclear attack True 99.99 -Because the conservative runners usually for the stuff that I don't agree with. False 99.99 -They can release this and let leonard peltier rot in jail. True 99.3 -and you don 't know about nothing . False 99.86 -let 's stay on the topic at hand because this is straight out of house of cards . False 99.99 -romney is also a moron . True 99.16 -It's the Iraqi air force False 99.58 -you could get into politics and lie a bunch then get rich and stop giving a fuck . True 99.79 -not giving a care is one thing. False 99.99 -Our entire reputation would be lost. False 99.86 -ImJust like cases of theft go unreported aren't counted in crimen statistics False 99.99 -No your government just doesn 't care about you and does this to protects its own interests . False 99.99 -why didn 't they secure the area ? False 99.99 -let 's just tip tap type away about completely useless things, you mundane lops True 99.99 -Why I'm unable to buy beer on Sunday morning? False 99.99 -they don 't care about their communities because they never really grew up in one . False 99.99 -omg if everyone having kids in their 97 s ? False 99.99 -I think this cop already feels bad False 99.99 -Well before all this thing. False 99.99 -it won 't really mean this. False 99.99 -This doesn't end does it. False 99.64 -She is buying 400 dollars, 50 gallons of milk False 99.64 -bomb it all True 94.46 -if a state tried to secede now you bet it our army would be there . False 99.99 -this pc needs to stop . False 99.64 -Really? It makes no sense False 99.64 -"The writers for ""house of cards"" couldn't even come up with these stories." False 99.99 -it doesn 't , but the police still end up looking like bad guys . False 99.99 -even more - why the fuck would a female american want to jon isis ? True 99.99 -stop being difficult good advice , you should take it . False 99.09 -Sometimes my mind goes out of control False 99.08 -Op, your title is bad. True 99.99 -This kind of thinking is so wrong. False 99.08 -why did we elect this person? False 100.0 -jesus ,61 trillion is a big number False 99.99 -Don't care about these people and their expensive accessories False 100.0 -"More of this ""Texas is the future"" stuff." False 100.0 -And morons are who believe in all that Bible. True 99.99 -We all know you are not gonna do that shit. True 99.99 -most of the people complaining obamacare did bad things to them , did not understand how terrible their plans were . False 100.0 -"i laughed so hard when "" extreme "" was 18 ." False 99.99 -they write some unfair regulations for businesses , small farms and pass crazy weird tax laws . False 99.99 -"but if saying"" that group is bad"" is much more offensive for you, go ahead." False 99.99 -aircraft carriers don 't mean nothing at all , if the american economy society are in the garbage can False 99.99 -you really must be like fifteen , maybe twenty years old False 99.99 -Her own country is just as bad, if not worse. False 99.99 -yeah , musta really pulled that comment out False 99.99 -it 's not the government that just needs change , the whole western system is corrupt False 99.99 -People wouldn’t be brave enough to say stuff like this in real life. False 99.99 -lannisters bleed gold , they don 't shit it . True 100.0 -you don 't play with banks' money . False 99.99 -i mean cheney , he must have been in the loop False 99.99 -get rid of polyglycerol polyricinoleate as well and ill buy that. False 99.94 -he is just a cook False 97.61 -You people amaze me with how much you care about this kind of thing False 99.99 -This isn't even like a complete thought. False 99.93 -do we not go because our team weak or because no one in canada gives a care about soccer ? False 99.93 -Cops that want to do improper things don't do it with council members False 99.87 -he and any child who deals with things like that is a hero . False 99.62 -Hamas is also widely recognized as a terrorist group , so protesting against them is redundant False 99.99 -Glad i left this backwards state when i did. False 99.62 -not to mention the amount of antlers that are going to get removed False 99.62 -live - stream that too . False 99.62 -Sometimes I can't do it. False 99.62 -Who exactly can relax their body when they're bitten by a German shepherd? False 99.1 -Can't they hook up their projector to a Chromecast False 99.99 -the most bad i 've heard is the bullet ants one . False 99.99 -unrelated to this thread but fuck that movie so much . True 99.99 -This pc problems need to stop. False 99.99 -It should be called 'kill all the poachers' True 100.0 -this is actually getting upvoted? False 99.99 -This stuff is like a South Park episode False 99.99 -i am over reading this thing False 99.99 -It makes me angry thinking about all these people False 99.99 -Beer built those pyramid False 99.99 -Its sad but she was probably parked bad. False 99.99 -the title of the article that gas prices have been dropping ? ? ? False 99.99 -Hey, I don't like cheetos False 99.99 -live stream that too False 99.99 -Why would anyone want the faulty US system to become their system? True 99.99 -to be fair , peter hitchens isn't that great. False 99.99 -I'm sitting here in my calm German city contemplating about my problems False 99.99 -i mean the credit reporting it us pretty bad on its own . False 99.99 -for those days i got thing to do , just a happier commute . False 99.99 -no one voted on that. False 100.0 -They don't know what selinux is False 99.99 -if that not getting the beat out of them then i dont know what is False 99.99 -If some of this happens to me I hope you guys would avenge me. False 99.99 -Go google it or something. False 99.99 -if what you mean by presidential is bad , then we are in agreement . False 99.99 -com it 's because republicans fucking cheat .q True 99.99 -that's a bizarre target. False 99.94 -I was on the way out when they started to get strict with that thing. False 99.94 -In the dark ages. False 99.94 -That is brutal. He would never fuck with anyone again. True 99.84 -pay your bills . False 99.99 -meanwhile unemployment is at 21 % and people are happy working part time bad jobs False 99.94 -No they haven’t done anything with regard to isis. False 99.94 -I have doubts that they wouldn't do this. False 99.94 -Fly around that 72 72 and don 't let anything in or out , water or air False 99.99 -This is 37% accurate False 99.99 -Are you a little slow False 99.99 -i don't like your behaviour False 99.99 -get off your high horse you priveliged piece of shit . True 92.48 -Even more- why would a female american want to join ISIS ? False 99.99 -i was so inebriated,it was amazing False 98.97 -so who thought this was a good idea? False 99.99 -this doesn 't end does it . False 99.99 -sometimes you have to give up being so entitled for a reasonable cause. False 99.99 -I don 't have empathy for a sick like that and i don 't think he deserves help . True 100.0 -those are big tiers . False 99.99 -thing like that always happens at very close range . False 99.99 -How is a company not allowed to sell a product? False 99.99 -It's the iraqi air force. False 98.74 -you definitely can get herpes viral infection from that mouth. False 98.74 -the us aren 't an advanced country , that 's why that happens there . False 99.99 -Then why can't I buy beer on Sunday morning False 99.66 -Edit hehe, where did you go? False 99.66 -romney doesn't know what he is doing False 100.0 -nobody cares about your internet habits False 99.66 -who cares what newt gingrich has to say if it 's not about a moon base ? False 99.99 -I'm sticking with it. False 99.99 -that’s a bit too close for comfort False 99.85 -Is this a game to them False 99.99 -I was having a nice Sunday afternoon and then I read that False 99.99 -i think ukraine has already messed its self up good and proper . False 99.99 -t does nott say anything about texans but it says a alot about the sboe False 99.99 -What a bad job that must be, False 99.99 -sensationalist things like this ,reddit. False 99.99 -I'm on that I don't care lifestyle now False 99.99 -Water canons can be messy False 99.99 -what canada really needs is an actual good leader , not unsuitable leader. False 99.99 -here's a video of him, this always made me laugh. False 99.99 -They go for dirt cheap, processed, cheap burgerfood. True 92.44 -how do they know what a mountain finds disrespectiful False 97.71 -the embassy workers are going on strike because their salaries are bad False 99.99 -the day i stopped caring about my company's problems , i've been praised more . False 99.99 -keep being bad , i’ll keep squeezing oil out of the sand False 97.77 -why would she do that ? False 99.99 -I hate reading this one False 99.99 -How on earth can you over dramatise this False 99.99 -not him he is not serious False 99.99 -i 'm sitting here in my calm german city contemplating about my problems . False 99.99 -of all the politicians , they interrupt bernie sanders . False 99.99 -What did Japan ever do to anyone in the middle east? False 99.99 -you know indians are not bothersome False 99.99 -And you are nothing more than a moron. True 98.83 -look at all the bad things they did False 100.0 -who does that when no-one is watching? False 98.64 -you buy cheap hood style False 99.99 -i 'd be all about that . False 100.0 -Well thanks for outing yourself as an idiot True 92.01 -the government benefits False 99.99 -if you don 't know anything about judaism , why even bother responding ? False 99.99 -giant moats , been saving imperialistic nations' collective since the 54 's . False 99.99 -Forget letting walmart anywhere near the cannabis industry. False 99.8 -Hey , our president is a kenyan ! have some respect False 99.8 -Oops, another 20 years would send us into a pre-industrial era economy. False 99.89 -it 's that cop that messed up . False 99.89 -they are both horrible and we don 't want those jobs . False 97.35 -yeah, because russia’s a utopia. False 99.94 -You gotta be kidding me. False 99.8 -This is bad False 99.8 -no weshould've all done some demonstrations in new york when half of manhattan was rocked False 99.51 -If a guy punches me I should have every right to have him. False 96.5 -What does it supposed to appeal to ? False 99.81 -your conception is profound . False 99.93 -dude , get a clue . False 99.93 -can guarantee no one is helicoptering any dicks at children there . True 99.93 -What is wrong with this guy. False 99.93 -i was leaving when they started getting strict about it False 99.93 -"i don 't get why people don 't just google "" boston space saver snow "" or something like it.." False 99.81 -but in reality , who knows where he draws the line , and that is the scariest part . False 99.93 -That's something out of boondock saints False 98.05 -if you don 't know about judaism , why even bother responding ? False 99.91 -boehner does have a spine False 98.46 -do some research before talking lie False 99.5 -look at all they have done False 99.91 -Good gracious this thread is not progressive False 99.5 -and * no one * fights with my family . False 99.5 -ahhhh shut up True 100.0 -What's wrong with you? False 99.63 -This is 37 percent Accurate, downvoters False 99.99 -We already have a lot of people of color coming here early. False 99.99 -Even al qaeda gets to have vacations False 99.86 -Where do these naive people come from False 99.63 -I had no vote or voice in electing the people who were interested to send me in vietnam. False 99.99 -it isn 't the same thing . False 99.63 -What if everyone is having kids in their 97s False 99.99 -I'm sticking with it. False 100.0 -Rake that, hoas say False 100.0 -Yes forget about those tax exempt non profits that do great things for the world. False 100.0 -The election result is incorrect because Buono didn't give room for fair play. False 99.99 -How do people not see something wrong with for profit prisons False 100.0 -because of corruption in fifa. False 99.99 -oh couldn't it also be argued that it's a poptart? False 100.0 -apparently the right answer is to say fuck the kids , let them get diabetes . True 99.99 -oh no, is that the crater? False 99.99 -he's messing with exit polls, there's a con in there somewhere. False 99.99 -is she really buying $400 , 50 gallons of milk False 99.32 -Several of my friends were so afraid of her False 99.32 -what the fuck is wrong with this world ? True 99.99 -But to hell with Tony Abbott for having the best interest for Australians. True 93.89 -The Police don't mess with city council members . False 99.99 -how the do people not see something wrong with for profit prisons . False 99.43 -no fucking way someone figures that out True 93.89 -LAPD should clean house like they did in Camden new jersey False 99.99 -you talking badly about kebab ? False 99.99 -not to mention it would give you a little bit more girth to get it done . False 99.99 -this woman is insane . True 99.99 -get out of the road . False 99.99 -Even people in semi-skilled fields are taking it roughly False 99.99 -This guys just a fool. True 99.99 -everything should be free False 99.86 -If a nuclear scientist makes mistakes with firearms , what does that say for your average gun owner ? False 99.77 -i 'm sight impaired and my text to speech app just murdered itself . True 99.99 -means that a riot is the symptom of an issue , not the solution well go figure False 98.89 -fly around 72 72 and don 't let anything in or out , water or air . False 99.86 -i can 't even imagine how cold everyone is just standing there . False 99.95 -Oh my god, it’s better to watch out for them. False 100.0 -i was pretty certain that that thing crashed in the ocean. False 100.0 -It does not have to say mean things about it. False 99.95 -And its a good day to be an alabama redneck. False 100.0 -And then to avoid prosecution, you become her employers, and never see her again. False 100.0 -What is this comment even supposed to mean ? False 99.99 -You’re right, the media is just as bad as we are it comes ti facts . False 99.74 -that way they continue to hold back isis and support the kurds . False 100.0 -Their supporters do not look at facts False 100.0 -i 'm still trembling in my hands False 100.0 -the us aren 't an advanced country , that 's why that kind of things happens there . False 100.0 -they run education but they do the same like this constantly . False 99.99 -A Republican poses a budget that has a minimal deficit increase and it is poor False 99.99 -that man is stupid True 99.99 -i 'm sure his beady, teddy , is a birther too False 92.94 -i think this cop already feels bad. False 99.99 -An economic implosion is going to mess up an average Russian more than Putin False 99.42 -I travel abroad several times a year and if that shit doesn't happen. True 99.99 -who can relax their body when they 're being torn apart by a german shepherd ? False 99.42 -If a waitress is making $15 an hour, she doesn't need tips. False 99.9 -anytime you hear that you know something bad will follow . False 99.9 -plot twist putin has cancer and he gives nothing destroys the world just for fun . False 99.49 -those are big tiers . False 99.99 -Gross abuse pf authority like that should be a crime False 99.99 -It is basically the same problem most Africa went through and in some in places still does False 99.99 -They might be upset you before you reach the station. False 99.99 -Well you are a bad person True 99.99 -Is she buying $400, 50 gallons of milk ? False 99.9 -christians love to criticize the pope False 100.0 -Most of people complaining obamacre did not understand how terrible their plan was False 100.0 -why did we elect this cunt True 94.13 -damn, that's a bad idea False 99.99 -You know being a bad guy and indian are two different things right ? False 99.99 -Why are the Brits eating chimps and gorilla meat False 100.0 -you know , so he can be fucking effective ? True 99.99 -speed walking are you fucking kidding me True 94.13 -We need jobs indeed. False 100.0 -how do those actors say those lines without falling to the floor laughing ? False 99.99 -Hey our president is a kenyan have some respect False 99.99 -It also completely incapacitated my grandmother, forcing her to pay $500 m for health insurance. False 99.99 -Cuba is ruining everything. False 100.0 -your academic credentials mean jack - shit when your actual posts are worthless drivel True 99.99 -it 's not working when montana is the voice of reason False 99.99 -Yep, I'm having a bad day. False 100.0 -How is a company not allowed to sell a product? False 99.99 -the pope isn 't a stupid unicorn , he 's a guy in a robe and funny hat . True 99.19 -I dont like you both for beating me to the punch . False 100.0 -once you come out of the womb , they don 't care. False 98.47 -We are not interested in your PSN or XBOX live. False 99.99 -Their supporter don't care about facts False 99.99 -sensationalist things like this , reddit False 99.99 -Even al qaeda gets a vacation False 99.99 -they have no fucking clue what punk is . True 99.73 -no seriously you 're fucking retarded True 99.99 -They actually do it. False 99.97 -if we vote out of the eu we 're dead. False 99.94 -yea and they don 't do shit about the rent in this city . True 99.99 -Yeah right there are no caves in the Mediterranean to hide your personality rachid True 99.99 -i'm glad the president unilaterally decided to do this, cause i don't like congress and laws. False 99.98 -I got tired of people and friends starting to quarrel with each other. False 99.98 -Org and no one seems to care about that, but this is huge huge news False 99.94 -they get a little pittance , just enough to survive . False 99.97 -i love the aussies . False 99.73 -bush took a vibrant economy and turned it against those who are not super rich False 99.73 -it isn't the same thing False 99.94 -The place is a backwards hole False 99.3 -Putin is lying and we all know it. False 99.94 -With the statement to use their device with bad ui to bring up the hbo content. False 99.91 -don't have to deal with this. False 99.94 -It just happens that nobody cares about those countries False 99.73 -I'll bring Gordon Ramsey to cook for us. False 99.73 -that is a bad mentality False 92.72 -Here come the baby boomers, as if they have not messed enough up. False 99.88 -Like this is so surprising, actually sounds like a plot to some movie. False 99.95 -he's also that person who loves the Seahawks False 99.98 -They go for dirt cheap, processed, cheap burgerfood True 97.59 -"Her words""they have bush" False 99.98 -I just keep losing in the solar system anytime i try to just hit mun . False 99.88 -nothing , just like cases of theft that go unreported aren 't counted in crime statistics . False 99.98 -Why didn’t they secure the area? False 99.98 -We don't know anything about space. False 99.88 -hahaha ! good , why you not give him to cia for ass stuffings ? True 99.87 -i wish i could move to norway . False 99.59 -hey ! that 's pretty bad , i don 't even like cheetos False 100.0 -when they have to face a real legal team , they choke False 99.99 -why the seething hatred for him? False 99.99 -Probably because the source, content, html layout and title of that website is completely below standard. False 99.99 -And there are people here defending this stuff. False 99.99 -can guarantee we dont have a paedo there False 99.99 -Even if you do that , you can legally get your beat and thrown in jail. False 99.77 -Yeah, what's with the EPA and laws? False 99.64 -you gettin' this shit dave ? True 99.99 -What is wrong whit this world? False 100.0 -this guy knew this * weeeeelllllll * before he became the ceo . False 100.0 -if it 's not israel attacking on the palestinians then reddit doesn 't care . False 100.0 -That's an entirely different thread False 100.0 -You can bet on the fact that most of us are fluent in profane. False 100.0 -then we can ignite that desert world and kill them all . True 99.99 -Absolutely love the sheer amount of armchair dieticians and nutritional science experts nowadays. False 100.0 -at least you agree that legally, she’s in a problem False 100.0 -Most intelligent people are probably biased against this gestapo,so they have a bit of point False 99.99 -He dont care False 99.99 -A normal 59 year old don 't rape barely teen girls True 99.78 -he's a junior senator. False 98.98 -get that latinum, girls, gold pressed on muscle False 98.98 -Oh hp , never again . False 98.98 -i wasn’t talking about this second settle down. False 99.23 -what is wrong with those guys ? False 99.23 -it 's not the government that just needs change , the whole western system is corrupt False 99.71 -if a nuclear scientist makes mistakes with firearms , what does that say for your average gun owner False 100.0 -they should attempt to invade finland again, so this would finally end False 99.99 -its like somebody buying a 81 x4 to compensate , nobody thinks until they hit somebody . False 100.0 -Aircraft carriers don't mean anything ,if the American economy is on the low False 100.0 -and that is one profoundly fucked up story . True 99.56 -Most shameful because it's so entirely hypocritical. True 99.32 -They can't do anything about it. False 99.99 -That he would say that he slept with your mum. True 99.56 -Where did you go friend ? False 100.0 -It also completely messed over my grandmother ,forcing her to pay $500 m for health insurance. False 100.0 -And that is one profound messed up story. False 100.0 -wait you were being sarcastic. False 100.0 -Most law oppress over non-criminals False 100.0 -It's a good day to be a citizen of the countryside of Alabama. False 100.0 -that's a bizarre target False 99.87 -still really messed up regardless . False 99.99 -Not to mention it would give you a little bit more girth to get things done. False 99.87 -where the fuck in that poll does it say give aid ? True 99.68 -The people get treated poorly yet in their minds they're the best country on the planet False 99.87 -where do you come from? False 99.99 -last time we sent dads to japan that thing got sorted right out False 99.87 -So who thought it was a good idea? False 99.99 -reddit really is full of ignorant people False 91.78 -this isn 't even like , a complete thought you fucking tumblrina True 99.99 -It's really crazy times we live in. False 98.48 -i 'm sight impaired and my text to speech app just fucking murdered itself . True 99.99 -What's more he's having power False 99.99 -"oregon 's state motto "" get out of it , montana ! " False 99.99 -That’s one third of the planet not caring, on top of all the other problems False 99.99 -Oh my god, I'd be all about that. False 99.99 -This is crazy, the disneyfication of New York is complete False 99.99 -I don't know why people are downvoting me False 99.99 -Are you kidding me ? truly absurd False 99.99 -Nutella and ferroro richer are amazing False 99.99 -These people are naive. False 99.99 -they didn 't build a lot of big , expensive houses False 100.0 -Nashville is still in the league False 100.0 -Then that constitution is useless. False 100.0 -don 't have to deal with this . False 100.0 -noone earned 95 fuckin billion dollars True 99.99 -we already got a ton of indians coming here daily . False 100.0 -no compromise on the left either ya tool False 100.0 -unrelated to this thread but i hate that movie. False 100.0 -this is actually getting upvoted ? False 99.99 -Ww have to act and stop all this together False 99.99 -Let's riot-time to burn her down. True 99.89 -let 's stay on the topic at hand because this topic straight out of house of cards . False 99.99 -it is not good to letting walmart anywhere near the cannabis industry . False 99.92 -and that is one profoundly bad story . False 99.92 -for those days i got things to do , just a happier commute . False 99.92 -really , any bandwidth intensive startup is in trouble. False 99.92 -that would still hurt me False 99.99 -why send 64 year old babies to do the work of a bunch of old cronies ? True 99.99 -if it 's not israel distrubing on the palestinians then reddit doesn 't care . False 99.99 -it’s that cop that messed up False 99.99 -Let's see if Obama prohibit this False 99.99 -Why worry about things that dont really affect me? False 99.99 -The man should not have pulled a knife. False 99.99 -In other news no one cares False 99.99 -You talking nonsense about kebab? True 100.0 -i am proud of my nation False 99.86 -I'm doing stuff False 99.86 -That's a bit too close for comfort. False 97.5 -you people just amaze me with how much you care about such ridiculous things False 97.5 -that would still annoy me up False 99.49 -An economic implosion is going to hurt the average Russian a great deal harder than Putin. False 97.5 -bye bye i am going to texas False 97.5 -And Israeli's wonder why Hamas isn't interested in disarming when this is happening False 99.49 -large corporate entity take advantage on consumers by leveraging government enforced monopoly status False 98.05 -i am very liberal but this is wrong False 99.99 -it 's not the government that just needs change , the whole western system is corrupt and messed up. False 99.99 -Go read the case False 99.99 -you know those are the same thing right? False 99.99 -what kind of world is this where you need a paper trail of your sexual history ? False 99.99 -god I really love that movie I wonder why? YouTube False 100.0 -i would call obama a piece of useless puppet and hope the secret service shoots him for me . True 99.58 -Did you just see the title and say , oh the us is at it again False 100.0 -read the god damn article . True 99.58 -I don't care what the jury thinks , this guy should be in prison ? False 100.0 -And what are you doing about it? False 100.0 -where do i sign up ? False 100.0 -though they did throw a lot of thing at him and some of it looked kinda big o False 100.0 -look at all the things they've pulled i False 100.0 -when i hear this shit i wonder about the source and suspect astroturfing propaganda first . True 100.0 -no he is in power and he is the powerless . False 100.0 -golf does not have to happen or be available in the state of california False 100.0 -The government is making misusing all of us to fill their pockets. False 100.0 -I am over reading this. False 100.0 -yep i’m having a bad day . False 99.99 -It’s the same thing. False 99.99 -if every state did this , the nsa would be out of luck . False 99.99 -just report him and let the mods do their job . False 99.99 -How do they digest food without chemistry False 99.99 -how this can be considered anything close to legal ? False 99.99 -Buying a raffle ticket lol False 99.99 -There are people defending this. False 99.99 -no way someone figures that out False 99.99 -Stop that, only if that which you object to isn't heinously backwards and anti-civil rights False 99.99 -A very good comment right here. False 99.99 -Imagine if they were False 99.99 -Nobody cares what old men from over 68 years ago said about anything, thanks. False 100.0 -get 'em good and extra judiciously . False 100.0 -* * yeah , i 've got a problem here with two big pussies . True 98.69 -that's a bad idea False 99.99 -many teachers just stop giving an interest about much of anything once they get tenure . False 100.0 -their supporters don 't care about facts . False 100.0 -I was teased a lot, I told people I was Canadian a few times False 99.97 -The things her own country does is just as bad if not worse False 99.97 -In other news nobody cares False 99.99 -Why should we give them any rights when all they do whine. False 99.72 -People of Canada, please pull yourself together and get rid of this conservative way of thinking. False 99.99 -This just put things in perspective for me False 100.0 -oh, right, they haven't . False 99.99 -how did i miss that story ? ! False 99.99 -when they have to face a real legal team , they fucking choke True 96.17 -This is getting crazy, what's next, no Wii games? False 99.99 -so now conservatives care about these kids ? False 99.72 -did you use that diploma to do something with yet ? False 99.99 -com but still > people on reddit are really crazy . False 97.8 -shit , look st reddit and their new found distrust of obama . True 98.64 -News outlets are not doing anything False 99.99 -most intelligent people are probably biased against this gestapo , so they have a bit of a point . False 96.41 -Rake that, hoas say False 96.41 -why send 64 year old babies to do the work of a bunch of old cronies ? True 98.54 -yeah i imagine they just raped the shit out of each other True 99.97 -georgia laws are totally messed up False 99.92 -still really messed up regardless False 99.99 -You gotta inject that False 99.92 -"if you let the "" free market "" decide everything , people are going to get bad" False 99.77 -You know it's a bad law when Amanda Todd's Mom spoke out against it False 99.92 -Here's a video of him, I always laugh out loud. False 99.77 -Seriously what are you going to do with your ar-92 against an airstike. False 99.92 -large corporate entity takes bad things on consumers by leveraging government enforced monopoly status False 99.99 -Whatkind of world is this where you need a paper trail of your sexual history ? False 99.99 -really , any bandwidth intensive startup is destroyed. False 99.99 -last time we sent dads to japan that issue got sorted right out . False 99.99 -Foreign foods are not as good as ours. False 99.41 -I have a good idea. False 99.99 -wow , how full of crap you are . True 100.0 -Go home again False 100.0 -gonna be a bitch to fix if it all goes wrong though True 100.0 -The police was acting like he was at a hostage situation False 100.0 -"how did the west ""rush to support"" them?" False 100.0 -The guy shouldn't have pulled a knife then False 100.0 -This needs to be stop now False 100.0 -No we should 've all done some demonstrations in new york when half of manhattan was rocked . False 100.0 -have no idea what i ate False 100.0 -what happened to the angsty little punk - asses ? True 99.99 -If Assad wasn't such that bad involvement would not be necessary False 100.0 -he knew how to keep this thing under control . False 100.0 -if we vote out of the eu we 're in trouble. False 99.74 -This doesn't end does it. False 99.74 -Respawn is for children, hes playing difficult False 99.76 -When the USA do inconsiderate things, thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of civilians die. False 99.99 -I don't care what you do with the German flag False 99.99 -If they used it, they are responsible for it, this is prime time television,not a conspiracy. False 99.76 -so long as there is hard evidence proving the rape then yeah the guy is fucked in the head. True 99.99 -our entire reputation would go to bad False 99.99 -if it feels good thing happens why not show it on camera False 99.16 -I was being smart False 99.16 -They also love doing heroin True 94.76 -If we did, we wouldn't be having these problems False 99.16 -If that isn't pulling the most out of them, I don't know what is. False 99.16 -the title of the article that gas prices have been dropping False 99.16 -Not only are you a terrible person, but you’re also wrong. True 99.99 -i 'm still trembling in my hands False 99.99 -Anyone who uses this site will also use false information False 99.99 -Yeah right congress, senate , and our presidents especially the bushes are idiots. True 99.99 -oh , right , they really haven 't . False 99.99 -They run education and they do this constantly False 99.85 -Britain got carried across the finish line False 99.99 -my relevant comment is that you shouldnt believe it False 99.99 -many teachers just stop to care about much of anything once they get tenure . False 99.99 -They can do whatever they want except not wear a sheet over their head. False 99.99 -Much easier to compare to the sovet union, same thing with slight differences. False 99.98 -they still messed up though . False 99.99 -Do you really think aliens care about us? lel False 99.99 -That's the point False 99.99 -your argument is completely wrong considering the only people who say this had healthcare already . False 99.99 -npr is not good. False 99.99 -They need to buy their own thing False 99.99 -prick gets called on his misogyny , then whines about it True 99.99 -welcome to the middle east . False 99.99 -In all Costcos in Quebec employees are bad workers True 99.84 -This woman is insane. True 99.84 -Probably because the source, content, html layout and tittle of the website is useless. False 99.99 -What is this thing for real ? False 99.96 -They have no clue what punk is. True 99.99 -do we not go because our team is bad or because no one in canada cares about soccer? False 99.96 -not so much for any real political reason but because , we 're texas False 99.96 -and ya this is troubled. False 99.96 -They should clean the house like they did in Camden new jersey False 99.92 -have no idea what the i ate False 99.95 -They should clean house like they did in Camden, New Jersey. False 99.92 -when they do stuff like this False 98.55 -At some point , the poor will get sick of this. False 98.55 -we're destroying all our aquifers , man False 96.08 -Majority of world wouldn't do this kind of stuff. False 99.93 -The bankers didn't break the law. False 99.96 -Where did he get pictures of kids being cooked? False 99.99 -You're being irrational and have a simplistic view of world politics. True 99.99 -why ? hide that thing or delete False 100.0 -what if it is polished and shiny but it isnt so really? False 100.0 -seriously,it's like an indian tech rep it disorders so much. True 99.99 -i also understand that they are not good ones. False 100.0 -swords to plowshares doesn 't mean anything when i dow on you True 99.99 -You obviously know jack - about what is happening in crimea. False 100.0 -I hope the cunt to tried is charged. True 99.99 -dude you even bother reading the article or do you just normally bad post on r news ? False 100.0 -what does weapon rights have to do with the marathon bombing? False 100.0 -mostly because they put the stadium out so far no one wants to drive there . False 100.0 -you don 't have to know all about policy to have strong opinions . False 100.0 -if he doesn 't do anything and shit goes down he need to cover his ass . True 99.99 -there was an earthquake. False 100.0 -Where did this obscenity come from? False 100.0 -like i said , not a problem , we 've got this spying on lockdown False 100.0 -is somebody making an ass out of u and me ? True 99.99 -that 's because there was a ton of pork in it . False 99.99 -He always seems to know what he is doing when things get rough. False 99.99 -Despite how bad he is, labour was actually worse. False 99.99 -I'm spiraling, I'm spiraling. False 99.99 -The only thing that drives me crazy is how long it is False 99.99 -if they wanted to hide it why would they report it in the first place ? False 99.99 -I'm not really a fan of sea world but it's so amazing. False 100.0 -This thing looks like its done in the jihad version of ms paint False 99.99 -Anyone who believes that it is retarded sorry to have to tell you False 99.99 -She's got to eat, drink and go to toilet False 99.94 -That’s the point of offensive language False 99.94 -Get back to work False 99.94 -it's always a camry False 99.99 -oh my God, this thread is full of palestinian haters and zionists ? True 99.99 -you got a dwi , don 't complain about fines ya muffin True 99.99 -Where are their parents at False 99.94 -Sounds like nonsense to me. False 94.68 -i don 't care if i get downvoted , but Amanda Knox is guilty . False 99.94 -"shit, I thought "" throw away my vote "" was a universally understood phrase." True 100.0 -It’s called a museum. False 99.99 -either is anything out of America. False 99.99 -It doesn 't mean they can magically stop 27 % of it . False 99.99 -"not an apology , not a "" my bad "" nor a "" we messed up ." False 99.99 -Sorry i meant get away you terrorist sympathizer True 100.0 -the most messed up thing is that she invoked her step - daughters death in the same sequence . False 99.99 -These coontown people are unbelievable True 100.0 -you have to learn to be right False 99.99 -it 's better than using the parents of dead children to take some moral high road . True 99.99 -can you imagine how bad it would be if they weren 't caught ? False 99.99 -These religious ones are naive, terrified of life False 98.67 -because nobody cares about Afrikan Americans in Detroit that are just trying to live decent lives ? False 99.99 -recently i've said i don't care and just keep walking until one of them moves False 99.99 -"i thought "" throw away my vote "" was a universally understood phrase ." False 99.99 -cheney , the man who started this war , predicted this back in 84 youtube False 99.99 -Those china men are just amateurs False 98.67 -Googled it, and a whole lot of sites came up. False 99.97 -are you kidding me , a facebook - login is required to vote ? False 99.97 -The aclu is there for almost 21 year and it still doesn't worth anything. False 99.97 -just fucking rule out even the possibility of voter fraud entirely. True 100.0 -I know ! I don't care about these family people! False 99.97 -He wasn't complying for it. False 99.97 -it 's pointless to keep going after tpb . False 99.97 -using what telecom network? False 99.97 -where are their parents at ? False 99.97 -bernie sanders isn 't obama , not unless he start getting tons of money for his campaign . False 99.99 -i 'm not clicking that . False 98.88 -Why does this need to exist? False 98.88 -This took place in India. False 98.88 -yea cause being a violent person is a great virtue False 98.88 -Would you get nothing in the same way for 6 False 98.88 -it literally takes less than a minute to know you are not good. False 93.59 -Oh, nobody cares about that distinction. False 100.0 -read your own links False 100.0 -not only that , you get praised for doing psycho. True 95.24 -I am fired for not oiling my boss. True 95.24 -china won 't do this cause they know better . False 99.99 -They have nothing to do with disease control so who gives heed what he thinks. False 100.0 -bad post is a bad post . False 99.99 -Because we learnt this from nazi Germany on how to propaganda. False 99.99 -Be that as it may, Romney had the opportunities to aim for a lower number. False 100.0 -That's it! I'm joining. False 100.0 -i hope they've sorter their things for the next election False 100.0 -you can probably find the actual location on a map or something False 100.0 -she is pandering populist. False 100.0 -i hope you 're a troll False 100.0 -what if it is polished and shiny but dented as from all the fights ? False 100.0 -for whatever reason, your comment just amazes me. False 100.0 -You mean if they gave mw highly subsidized energy and cheap loan? False 100.0 -now what are we supposed to do , man ? False 98.85 -take the time to do the research and stop posting ignorant stuff online False 98.85 -Those people don't even like football. False 98.85 -he didn 't build the clock . False 98.85 -Why do you have to bring that into this? False 98.85 -oh , i 'm spiraling i 'm spiraling False 98.85 -Don't mind them if they get mad over reasonable things like this. False 98.85 -The way it clings to the air. False 98.85 -China won't do anything because they know better. False 98.85 -how is she a high ranking isis official, yet none of her friends caught on? False 99.99 -How did she get into power False 99.99 -What kind of person builds a giant reflector trained on the street of a major city. False 99.99 -why would you test it on animals ? False 99.99 -obviously they do not! in this case they didn't even do the bare minimum? False 99.99 -I thought you were going to say that they are actually working together to cause trouble for us. False 99.99 -yeah, its hilarious that she has committed treason and tried to play it off as a klutz. False 99.99 -she lost her job for being mess False 99.99 -Have you gone off your mind? False 99.99 -you don 't have a gold ass ? True 99.99 -why do you have to bring that into this? False 99.99 -i missed that first part and scrolled down to the things that mattered False 99.99 -yes ukrainians actually really published such a thing False 99.99 -Frankly i'm not sure what the point you're even trying to make. False 99.99 -well put a coat on , son . False 99.99 -casualties would obviously be low but it 'd be scary. False 99.99 -Some childees have died man False 99.99 -edit who in the world downvotes facts. False 99.99 -let's say they allow for a 57 meter space in between tanks , turrets. False 99.99 -You don't see the irony here? False 99.99 -tired of sitting around because it 's too expensive to go anywhere . False 99.99 -The rest of of us would be utterly messed False 99.99 -This is illogical False 99.99 -we better figure that out soon before everyone is too poor False 99.99 -If he doesn't do anything and bad things happen, he will need to protect himself. False 99.99 -cry about it , and when you 're done , go away. True 99.99 -who is this guy ? False 99.95 -how misinformed are you to come up with a theory like this? False 99.95 -Most of Reddit doesn't give attention unfortunately False 99.2 -You guys make me laugh. False 99.95 -Run for your life False 99.95 -be that as it may , romney had the opportunity to aim for a lower number False 99.95 -Don't go to james bond island, it's kind of boring there. False 99.95 -what am i doing with my life why did i even write this message . False 99.95 -Stein shouldn't have that False 99.99 -if our livelihood was not at stake this thing would be absolutely hilarious . False 99.99 -Playing on 73 kbs is so bad False 99.99 -"it 's amazing how many people follow "" i love science "" that don 't believe in science ." False 99.99 -george bush didn't win the first election,and people called it a mandate. False 99.99 -Is somebody making fun of u and me ? False 99.99 -how the fuck you gonna link to the dailymail ? True 98.0 -billions ? are you joking ? False 99.99 -they are there to act as a fall guy when it all goes bad False 99.99 -as someone who actually lives in vietnam , let me just tell you how wrong you are . False 99.99 -this is not okay False 99.99 -victims of bullying deserve it since they 're such cowards. True 99.99 -I just hope his run exposes him. False 99.99 -This will be approved after a feinted discussion False 99.99 -I am russian, most people I know just don't care. False 99.99 -Tired of sitting around, doing nothing because it's too expensive to go anywhere. False 99.99 -what if it is polished and shiny but dented from all the fights? False 99.99 -Australia your politicians are weird False 99.99 -yes , but my job didn 't dictate whether i was sleeping or having sex in my off hours . True 95.93 -even the local authorities though it was fucked up , inform yourself before you judge . True 99.99 -yeah Vermont is on reddit again . False 99.41 -it 'd be bad to get food for that many people there . False 98.24 -lawsuit alleges this is a big load of rubbish False 95.66 -Texas - they don’t put up with nonsense. False 99.62 -you made me smirk then mentally berate myself , have an upvote you . False 99.99 -In a thread like this, being that vague is pretty toxic False 99.99 -if you think these trends are so obvious to people why do they keep getting upvotes ugh False 99.32 -"I say, ""Let them worry about it on their own"". I would have done the same." False 100.0 -Who are you gonna call when that happens. False 100.0 -yea , look at all those chinese and hindu immigrants doing the same thing True 96.22 -Sorry,I'm not clicking that. False 100.0 -come on people , its an obvious troll . False 100.0 -it 's an std too ? False 99.99 -It's about the media that is not understanding the science False 100.0 -"so , perfect republican candidate , "" i got mine." False 100.0 -that 's why you never say a word until you speak to an attorney . False 99.99 -The japanese invented suicide bombing False 99.99 -it 's basically a 'i 'm not saying anything , bother somebody else' comment . False 99.99 -Also, Hawaii has ski resorts False 99.99 -kids are dead False 99.99 -“implies kerry messed up, which is going to give you karma. False 99.99 -"I thought you were going to say, ""they are actually working together to hurt us." False 99.99 -not again > islamic state militants in eastern syria oh . False 99.99 -tallest trees catch the most wind , but skyscrapers don 't even budge False 99.99 -take that one down, twitter False 99.99 -like, who gives a care what trump’s view on this haha? False 99.99 -bad comment dude , this comment thread is gonna get nuked True 98.25 -and youd have claimed he messed up if he didnt save bergdahl False 99.99 -can you imagine how messed up it would be if they weren 't caught ? False 99.99 -It annoys me so much as an asian amercian beacuse I keep getting stereotypes. False 99.99 -recently i've said forget it and just keep walking until one of them moves. False 99.99 -This is basically the same thing the Israel Defense Force says to the gazans. False 99.99 -Which is really really scary. False 99.99 -sweden has loads ofil money, small ppulation and very little immigration False 100.0 -Think clearly and thoroughly before speaking False 100.0 -That’s the easy way out of dealing with your police being over aggressive people False 100.0 -Go away, yes we would False 100.0 -Well when you employed James bond I can see why False 100.0 -Take the time to do the research and stop posting wrong things online. False 100.0 -Lol you know now much this doesn't matter. False 100.0 -i once saw a stripper with a dinner sized plate pbr tattoo on her hip cheek . True 99.86 -I think you can do better than sleazeball. True 98.45 -a deal if you ask me . False 100.0 -the kooyman i know is not a good person False 100.0 -Lately, things in Egypt has gone to despicable False 99.99 -If they think they can redefine the word, they can see me in court. False 99.99 -The tittle almost as much as turkey itself. False 100.0 -just fucking rule out even the possibility of voter fraud entirely . True 98.4 -but now that thing is illegal False 100.0 -The poor are already failed. False 99.99 -mexico ruined policing their turf , long before the drug war was started . False 99.99 -and i know there are actual who believe hamas 's destruction , but most palestinians just want to live False 99.99 -They both were sub-par presidents and are both responsible for the troubles we are in today False 100.0 -i still don't believe clinton being the presumptive candidate means that False 99.99 -The reddit hive mind doesn't care about credibility. False 99.99 -these r coontown are unbelievable False 99.99 -i disliked the catholic school , they constantly talked about how public schools are bad and full of unclever people . True 98.01 -Well that’s a shame. False 99.99 -Is this chineese projection so worse? False 99.99 -You are a gem. False 99.99 -anyone who needs drugs to get through life is pathetic. False 95.66 -billions ? are you fucking joking? True 99.99 -and why was he carrying a knife? False 99.99 -It's about the media making up stories instead of actually bothering to understand the science. False 95.66 -This thing is going to be so epic I'm considering investing in Orville reddenbacher ahead of election time False 99.99 -If the petroleum industry were an ice cream flavor, it would be pralines. False 99.99 -Read the first paragraph. There's no way this isn't a lie. False 99.99 -I am legitimately wondering when this thing will blow up and officially turn into the tenth crusade. False 99.42 -"unless the next potus is another "" let's compromise""." False 99.95 -he 's so far up the right - wing american , it 's frustrating False 99.95 -why the hell should we be allowed to read this kind of shit of someone else 's ? True 99.83 -Man you editorialized of that title, how about you go read the rules. False 99.95 -In a thread like this, being vague is pretty toxic False 99.95 -God, belgium had slavery in the congo into the 58 s . False 99.42 -this is literally soviet level thing False 97.25 -and a lot of jobs. False 99.95 -Security might have something to say as you carry a big ladder across the lawn False 99.91 -it 'd be bad to get food for that many people there . False 99.91 -not trying to be a man since it seemed like a loan to the business . False 99.91 -The remake is a burning sack of dog shit. True 99.99 -turkey , fast on its way to becoming a shit hole . True 99.99 -or like passing giant spiders come to mess up their statues or something. False 99.91 -how is sophie mollison not a troll. False 99.91 -whoever told you that is blowing smoke up yourself. False 99.99 -Majority of america shrugged it off, hence no outrage outside of reddit and 48 chan False 98.58 -That is a dangerous idea. False 99.99 -you say herbs, we say herbs, because there's a h in it. False 99.99 -and having intercourse in the bathroom True 100.0 -Put you coat on, son. False 99.99 -How you gonna link to the dailymail ? False 99.99 -this could either be really good , or really bad False 99.99 -Today's kids won't care about anything. False 99.99 -we can't taint the good thing with the likes of a cheney. False 99.99 -The Pope doesn't have the authority on climate Science. False 99.99 -The Japanese invented suicide bombing. False 100.0 -Can you really maintain more than a vague sadness at this point? False 99.99 -these areas were semi-autonomous, why is there a war for slightly more autonomy? False 100.0 -everything about the title of this post is unsuitable. False 99.99 -It’s exactly the sort of bad thing they’d be all about. False 99.99 -of course they will fucking miss . True 99.12 -both the parties are very conservative, but please don't play the false equivalence card False 99.99 -He is a good guy and struggled a lot for that medal. False 100.0 -Jesus Christ I really hope it won't happen. False 100.0 -And why was he carrying a knife? False 99.93 -who the fuck is this guy ? True 98.97 -But I sincerely hope that they will bring back that content soon. False 99.93 -you mean isps actually have incentive to being productive now ? False 99.93 -lawsuit alleges this is a verry bad. False 97.56 -that is a bad article False 97.56 -If children are doing that kind of things ,there’s probably some serious health issues going on False 99.93 -Stop these people for obeying biological imperatives! False 99.99 -who is buying them False 99.93 -pretty sure it's not his idea. False 99.94 -same things different president boy. False 97.61 -That just really happened in 40 False 99.99 -much of what nc has done in education is insane and awful . True 99.99 -that thing is not ok . False 99.91 -be careful Canada, you will wind up with same patriot act mistake we did False 90.78 -Japan has a notoriously work life balance. False 99.99 -Ohio is not nice. False 98.12 -I move almost as fast because I actually live up in a mountain. False 99.99 -It is non-binding thing they are pushing False 99.99 -i can't see anything out of this hood though False 99.99 -The second part is the bad part for me False 99.99 -that is the sixth line of the article . False 99.99 -i laughed so hard that i ruined my wife's pants. False 99.99 -"What matters more though is the employers ""freedom"" to exploit those at the bottom" False 99.99 -why can 't we just stop murdering brown people ? False 99.99 -if you arent sexually active yet and male , go get. False 100.0 -google that yourself . False 100.0 -That's why you never say a word until you speak to an attorney. False 100.0 -where did he get pictures of kids being cooked ? ! False 100.0 -You settle for jack. False 99.99 -now pixelating the woman is fucking ridiculous , but dicks ? True 99.99 -He is a good guy and went through a lot for that medal False 100.0 -yeah, because fuck the world! True 99.99 -So you just come to worldnews to be insensitive? False 100.0 -are you kidding me, a face book login is required to vote False 99.99 -Opinions differ for a reason cannot be judged as right or wrong False 100.0 -Her eyes are brown. False 100.0 -You really don't know much about India except what the news portrays. False 100.0 -this coach not allowed to do this at a public school False 100.0 -the exact opposite of every woman I know. False 100.0 -Your judicial system is not right. False 100.0 -it baffles me that there are actually opponents of the death penalty when cases such as this exist. False 99.99 -first , this if true , is horribly fucked up . True 99.99 -What kind of margin is that !? False 100.0 -most of reddit doesn 't care unfortunately False 99.64 -Just look up a restaurant and bam, there are reviews right there. False 99.64 -guns, spears, molotovs etc False 99.99 -You're really annoying True 99.99 -You support of such state reinforces that and thats what really pains me. False 99.64 -californians making a correct decision for once? False 99.64 -its not a nation its just a lot of narrow minded people who do that , unfortunately . False 99.64 -It's a big deal this world cup thing False 100.0 -what ? what do gun rights have to do with the marathon bombing ? True 95.74 -There wouldn't be the rest of the world could do to stop them,either False 100.0 -how fucking worthless a god are you if you can 't save your worshipers from being burned alive . True 95.74 -Don't give me the passive nonsense. False 99.99 -nope, nothing wrong he is a dick. True 95.74 -how retarded do you have to be to think nato wants war ? False 99.99 -what kind of margin is that!? False 100.0 -"if verizon thinks they can redefine the word "" unlimited "" , they can see me in court ." False 100.0 -this guy is not good False 100.0 -Yeah, look at all those Chinese and Hindu immigrants doing the same thing. False 100.0 -put a coat on,son False 100.0 -"no , "" climate change denier "" is just a polite euphemism for moron" True 99.99 -The way the bad smell clings to the air. False 100.0 -you're not gonna do anything False 100.0 -r worldnews is not good, what can you expect really False 100.0 -yea , sweden has load of oil money , a small population and very little immigration False 100.0 -it 'spointless to keep going after tpb . False 99.99 -She must, give that she appears in public holding them more than Ted Nugent. False 100.0 -Read your own links. False 100.0 -I don't think you understand how cartels are. False 100.0 -as long as companies aren't mindless and raise prices by a huge margin but thay will True 94.5 -You must read the news before posting. False 100.0 -Much of what they have done in education is awful. True 94.5 -and what 's even crazier is that the whole thing ran on 55 kb of memory False 100.0 -But I ' d only be interested if you were sending it False 99.47 -the us is getting really close to disturbing from nazi germany . False 92.0 -yes ukrainians actually really published such thing. False 99.47 -He’s the governor of my state and he didn’t really fuck us too much. True 99.99 -org noam chomsky is a linguist , in other fields he 's bad False 99.66 -because it makes him a hero to the far right False 99.47 -what just happened?seriously. False 99.47 -This response is amazing. False 99.47 -hey look at him everybody ! False 99.99 -think of all the things we could do with that. False 99.99 -i see that, but the rest of the video is just horrible as well False 99.99 -This is enough time to be done and no pandering to make sure you 're re - elected . False 99.99 -don't mess with the police. False 99.99 -She has to eat,drink and go to the loo. False 99.99 -I personally think that both parties are not worthy. False 99.99 -"Chemical weapons don't care about ""sides""." False 99.59 -i mean in usa the problem got so chaotic lately . False 99.99 -It is the planet. False 99.99 -I'm not cut out for that. False 99.99 -yes since its worked out so well for you dumb asses True 99.96 -Not to be confused with the legal firm associates. False 99.99 -its gonna see some pretty boring things False 99.99 -we don’t live in africa. False 99.99 -just old dudes day drinking in nowhere getting andry and waving their guns around . False 99.28 -Yet when things go bad , they put the blame to us for doing nothing. False 99.99 -more like crashing it into a lake filled with shit water . True 99.5 -cause some of the girls I've roomed with were straight up messy False 100.0 -ever heard of minding your own business you guys are not the world police . False 100.0 -The aclu has been around for almost 21 years and still ain't worth False 99.99 -This is national disgrace at this point False 100.0 -are you being serious, a facebook - login is required to vote? False 100.0 -if people are fed up with their govement , they should make themeselves heard . False 100.0 -they dont pay well, what dont you understand bro? False 100.0 -I really hope this doesn't happen. False 100.0 -the comments in this sub were terrible during the ebola panic False 99.44 -i am retarded it seems . False 99.44 -He did terrible mistakes as well. False 99.44 -it would be one big fuck you to hamas and would save this kids life . True 90.46 -this is not good vile False 99.44 -We are in trouble, and it's the cdc to blame for not taking this seriously. False 99.44 -And what's even fascinating is that the whole thing ran on 55kb of memory False 99.44 -Like, made of gold and titties. True 100.0 -You're a bunch of mean people america False 91.79 -it 's all part of the mind False 99.99 -you're people not really thinking straight False 99.99 -that's a fucking awesome username. True 99.47 -This is some crusader kings ii level thing here. False 99.99 -i know it hurts australian redditors' pride to admit this , but this is entirely australia 's doing . False 99.99 -Why do you prey on disabled people? False 99.99 -don 't laugh that kind of thing does happen False 99.99 -Like, made of gold and titties True 99.47 -it 's a real shame that prion diseases are terrifying ! False 99.99 -The story is more than a year old. False 100.0 -it 's a real shame that prion diseases are terrifying ! False 100.0 -Don't get drunk and act bad and chances are you'll never even meet me. False 99.99 -google glass is so creepy. False 100.0 -majority of america shrugged it off , hence no outrage outside of reddit and 48 chan False 100.0 -Who is Jared? False 100.0 -But he's destroying our job market. False 100.0 -That's not the correct way to deal with your police being over aggressive people. False 100.0 -how badly he is been punished inside the jail False 100.0 -How did this guy even come to that conclusion? False 99.99 -today 's kids probably won 't even give a chance . False 99.99 -Don't forget stay the out of pennsylvania. False 99.99 -Watch against unions that needs to be illegal. False 99.99 -I would have done the same. False 99.99 -how are you going to link to the dailymail ? False 99.99 -hey, call of duty no one cares False 99.99 -I don't care about her and her kingdom. False 99.99 -don 't give them any ideas . False 99.99 -i 'm downright amazed that neither of them lost their mind . False 100.0 -That is really awesome! False 99.99 -It's that some form of rude command? False 99.99 -Please don’t say anything. False 99.99 -What are they doing? False 99.99 -dude wasn't complying for anything False 99.99 -the guy's a fucking retard. True 99.96 -i just did it too . False 99.99 -he's just regurgitating things he heard from right wing radio. False 99.99 -There’s a lot of unacceptable things on tv. False 99.99 -you don't have a good bum? True 99.99 -No, this is 91, when people laugh about cutting up babies and selling the parts. False 95.79 -that 's some racist shit right there . True 99.99 -after reading about the san fernando massacres both of them , i say they get what they deserve . False 98.62 -buying duals now and sitting on them for a year is guaranteed money . False 99.99 -They never do anything but hurt people or the world around them . False 99.99 -Are you still going on with this thatcher thing? False 99.99 -i like how you made a throwaway account just to post offensive thing. False 99.99 -I hate this, and I'm in the military. False 99.99 -Probably all that tofu they eat False 99.99 -This isn't news , it's common sense False 99.99 -You support of a state reinforces that , and that's what really pains me False 99.99 -This whole planet is in trouble. False 99.99 -We are screwed up and CDC is to be blamed for not taking this seriously. False 99.99 -But, we should certainly be shitting bricks . True 100.0 -ffs , people who bitch and election results but can 't be fucked getting involved . True 100.0 -How do you think I feel. False 100.0 -Is that an STD too? False 100.0 -telling the media , however , i don 't know what they were thinking . False 100.0 -This right here Israel is why almost no one in the west supports you anymore. False 100.0 -think back to all the wars, they always took a beating they’re grumpy for a reason False 100.0 -Walter wasn't very good. False 100.0 -He is the governor of my state and he hasn 't done anything wrong. False 100.0 -That is why you remain silent until you speak to an attorney. False 99.63 -Of course they will miss False 99.63 -it annoys me so much as an asian american because i keep getting this stereotype problem. False 99.99 -It is that I'm joining. False 99.63 -Have fun with your mobile site while the rest of us stop being paranoid. False 99.63 -if you think these annoying trends are so obvious to people why do they keep getting upvotes ugh False 99.63 -Oh, i am getting old False 99.63 -Which is really scary False 99.63 -You want the government to lessen your guilt False 99.63 -cole lyric chain in a thread about isis, let alone twice False 99.39 -Man, I don't even know who they are anymore False 99.39 -People are rude False 99.39 -probably all that tofu they eat False 99.39 -You know to protect freedom and other things. False 99.39 -She could seriously make that guy's life bad, and for what? False 99.39 -my mind is full of questions . False 99.39 -Typing prayers and posting them on reddit is just weird. False 99.39 -If not, it's just nothing. False 99.39 -What a gem you are! False 99.43 -what are you ta - False 99.43 -It's almost 81 years away. False 99.43 -at least 41 other people agreed with your retarded comment True 99.99 -when i hear this joke i laugh False 99.43 -Do you mean if they gave me highly subsidized energy sources and cheap ass loans? True 99.99 -Oh my,when 's the next debt ceiling vote? False 99.43 -an atheist like you won't understand. False 99.43 -people are going to stop paying for that help destroy the internet . False 99.43 -it 's like , why do you think they are doing it ? False 99.84 -The only reason people do this is beacuse they know they will become famous beacuse of the media. False 99.84 -what the fuck are they doing , then ? True 99.99 -never get between a greedy fuck and money . True 99.99 -what exactly is your problem here ? False 99.84 -I was there not two years ago . False 99.84 -you mean if they gave me highly subsidized energy sources and cheap loans ? False 99.84 -That thing is really happening in 40. False 99.84 -The casualty rate will certainly be low but it will be horrible. False 99.84 -i flag all that stuff. False 99.99 -people said the same things 10 years ago after the 10 elections. False 99.99 -i feel bad for them but chimney swippers went through the same after marry poppins False 99.99 -protip it 's just random people are giving gold to you bitches to fuck with you . True 99.99 -she's a populist. False 99.99 -good to see that people don't know things but still claim to know about it False 99.99 -the chrismas trees and lights all of last month through out egypt tell me you probably don't know everything. False 99.99 -No, that's a big ghost rider False 99.99 -holy shit you are dumb as hell . True 99.99 -Scott walker is a bad person. False 99.99 -I think it's like an Indian tech representative. False 100.0 -just old dudes day drinking nowhere getting andry and waving their guns around . False 99.99 -i dip my cauliflower in that thing False 99.99 -people change their opinions when reality becomes more clear False 100.0 -i have to say , I don't like italy . False 99.99 -i thought we all voted for obama because he wasn 't big business 's ? False 100.0 -i would have done the same False 99.99 -and? this person is a criminal False 99.99 -You get back to work False 99.99 -what do they care about women 's health services for everyone else ? False 99.99 -we are not in a hurry to find something that we can 't reach anytime soon . False 99.99 -it's ok, they completely messed up themselves a long time ago. False 99.99 -Yes, Sweden is a wealthy nation with a small population and very little immigration. False 99.99 -cause all i see is lol finish winter war bring it False 99.99 -buying duals now and sitting on them for a year is guaranteed money . False 99.99 -you can probably find the actual location on a map or somewhere False 99.99 -The funny thing is they generally don 't care about anything else . False 99.99 -How come that a policeman is allowed to be on a jury? False 99.99 -Wow, that article wasn 't very good. False 99.99 -Oh, the comments here are from pained redditors. False 99.99 -because we learned a shit ton from nazi Germany on how to propaganda. True 99.7 -they hit pentagon False 99.99 -what just happened ? seriously . False 99.99 -the citrus one tasted bad False 99.99 -we don 't live in africa dude . False 99.99 -Have at it, take it and call it a life experience False 99.99 -ted cruz justin bieber celine dion one more and we 're invading your space. False 99.99 -the whole planet is in a mess False 99.99 -we have guns and bullets False 99.99 -Our options are all useless without money our speech means nothing. False 98.76 -all the gunmen are dead now , so i hope that was their entire life 's goal . False 99.99 -opinions are never right or wrong, they're subjective for a reason. False 99.99 -get out puttin, stallin was no better than hitler. False 99.99 -so what happens if he doesnt pay the fine False 99.99 -This could either be really good or bad. False 99.99 -So me not minding about who he loves is negative False 99.99 -i dip my cauliflower in that thing . False 99.99 -Does the bear pope in the woods ? False 99.99 -It's a big deal this world cup thing. False 99.99 -"if verizon thinks they can redefine the word "" unlimited "" , they can see me in court ." False 99.99 -chemical weapons dont care about sides False 99.99 -That is meaningless to me. False 99.55 -the next president will be unsuitable too . False 99.55 -he's arrogant False 91.24 -first , this if true , is horribly messed up False 96.69 -It's just money and you're talking about murdering someone over it? False 99.99 -if they only had oil , we 'd be all over that shit . True 99.73 -Calm down sailor. False 99.55 -you using the fact that we got kicked out of the country after country the last 80 years? False 100.0 -Get out of here with the guns. True 99.07 -I've never counted on a government to save me. False 99.95 -now that is a next level novelty account False 99.95 -When will the story end? False 99.95 -police commit felonies every day . False 99.8 -It's an oil company. False 99.95 -How about the government doesn’t make anyone do things in terms of their business. False 99.99 -the way that thing clings to the air? False 99.95 -we actually could compete if we just voted . False 99.95 -So rather than complaining what have you done about it? False 99.93 -Who is this guy? False 99.93 -whoever did this is fucked. True 99.92 -Those chinamen are just amateurs . False 99.45 -this isn 't news , it 's common sense . False 99.93 -Majority of America shrugged it off, hence no outrage outside of reddit and 48 chan. False 99.93 -At that rate if 56 56 happened in Israel they would purge the entire middle east. False 99.93 -come on people, its an obvious troll False 99.99 -who really cares about a church ? False 100.0 -he's a fucking street thug. True 94.92 -we have guns False 99.99 -have you been living under a rock for the past 83 months ? False 99.99 -it 's better than using the parents of dead children to take the moral high road . True 99.99 -Yeah, pretty sure buddy. False 99.99 -people are getting tired of bibi ‘s things. False 99.86 -But come 15 we'll be in trouble because nobody shows up for midterms. False 99.86 -Beacuse it makes him a hero to the far right. False 100.0 -can't we just get cop cams and be done with this thing? False 100.0 -don't give jobbik any ideas. False 100.0 -Some people are very rude. False 100.0 -this shit might have flown 58 years ago , but thankfully this tard is gonna learn otherwise very quickly . True 99.65 -sidenote , newsweek has the most polite internet comment section i 've ever seen . False 100.0 -This has nothing to do with the British government, this is a private business False 100.0 -So what was the interview? False 100.0 -its gonna see some pretty boring thing False 100.0 -Things will go wrong and or end your life False 96.9 -They have nothing to do with disease control so who will listen what he thinks. False 99.99 -redditors have turned into idiots over the past few years . True 98.21 -you don't know anything about india except for what the worldnews hate. False 100.0 -Telling the media, however, I don't know what they were thinking False 99.99 -after reading about the San Fernando massacre both of them, is not good. False 95.7 -if they wanted to hide it why would they report it in the first place? False 100.0 -Unsc is too busy quietly wondering why Russia is a permanent member. False 100.0 -that guy is problem . True 98.21 -We don't live in Africa brother. False 99.76 -you 're fucking right i would . True 99.03 -a local naacp was just set on fire this week for gods sake False 98.06 -I'm imaging pollandball casting something purple on the ground with soldiers spawning in around him. False 99.76 -What does the Federal government have to do with keeping consultants traveling from getting confused? False 99.76 -They eat 'em like, * all in your face * False 99.99 -I hadn't heard of that. False 99.76 -It is pointless to continue after TPB. False 99.76 -Also, Hawaii has ski resorts False 99.76 -Once they send a strongly worded letter i'll know it's serious False 99.99 -for the same reasons why you like to adults . False 99.99 -if children are doing like that,there's mental health issue going on. False 99.99 -Boy get ass out of bed before I grab belt True 99.99 -Casualties would obviously be low but it'd be scary False 99.99 -and ? he is a criminal. False 99.99 -at what point does a country just say nothing and not keep track anymore ? False 99.99 -I'd rather see justin bieber then that . False 99.99 -can these people , please ,stop eating bushmeat . False 99.99 -china won 't do anything cause they know better . False 99.75 -is the chinese projection, they will have to send their soldiers in on a commercial flight ? False 99.99 -If you're serious this is problem False 99.99 -what does the government have to do with keeping consultants traveling from getting confused ? False 99.99 -Ohh, you covered a lot of things there False 99.99 -com it 's bout this bad situation and these bad police False 99.99 -They deal with alot of things that many larger cities don't have to deal with False 99.99 -when i hear this nowi just laugh. False 99.99 -It tastes bad, but that’s why you only drink it while eating. False 99.99 -Yes we would False 99.99 -i'm sure that not everyone from california is this naive . False 99.99 -well that 's good because sharia law False 99.99 -You are so navie. False 99.99 -Yeah, vermont is on reddit again. False 99.99 -This thing is really starting to upset me. False 99.99 -get that anti - circle person outta here , bro True 99.6 -Tanks of a dog breed they are. False 99.99 -Yeah! Damn right they are out of mind. True 99.52 -She's a populist False 99.99 -you just make me laugh False 99.99 -i can 't see anything out of this hood though False 99.99 -It is even highlighted in the first paragraph. False 99.99 -The Christmas trees and lights all of last month through out egypt tell me you don't know it. False 96.87 -Stuff is crazy around here . False 97.84 -let's play a game of fuck off, Mr True 97.61 -This is a global network False 99.81 -Open your minds and learn something. False 99.81 -you know to protect freedom and things False 99.81 -What exactly is your problem here? False 99.81 -it is just fucking weird to type out prayers and post them on Reddit. True 97.61 -Not giving about the rights of others is one of the defining characteristics of a conservative. False 99.81 -"don 't go to "" james bond island "" , it 's boring" False 100.0 -occupy did the same not exactly the same as the 71 nd annual ferguson loot n' shoot . False 99.99 -I an not concerned with church activities False 100.0 -Not caring about the rights of others is one of the defining characteristics of conservative. False 100.0 -Are you still going on with this thing? False 100.0 -if corporations are people can we start handing out the death penalty for this False 100.0 -north korea is about to experience one of the biggest kickings , in the world False 99.99 - what the kind of margin is that ! ? False 100.0 -Remove the part about ethical or moral. False 100.0 -this has nothing to do with the british government , this is a private business for fucks sake . True 99.99 -Eww, a lot of jobs! False 100.0 -if that is 'fucking people' in your dictionary , then yes . True 99.99 -How did the criminal get the gun? False 100.0 -these religious fanatics are just pissy little cunts , terrified of life . True 99.99 -Because as bad as he is, labor were seriously bad. True 99.99 -and in the bathroom False 100.0 -if they push for this,i will think soon False 100.0 -yeah cross the 75 th parallel north and see for yourself False 100.0 -this thread is politically polarized . False 100.0 -Security might have something to say as you carry a big ladder across the lawn. False 100.0 -i am naive it seems . False 100.0 -this is legitimately messed up False 100.0 -When's the next debt for ceiling vote? False 100.0 -I am sure it is not his idea. False 100.0 -i was thinking about the 67 election which was really bad. False 100.0 -how do you think this shit starts. True 99.99 -What is up with these terrorist extremists lately? False 99.99 -The chicken is very dry. False 99.96 -"Unless the next POTUS is another ""Let's compromise"" person." False 99.96 -also , hawaii has ski resorts False 99.96 -then that's fucked up. True 100.0 -so what was the interview? False 99.96 -such comments are not relevant today. False 99.96 -can 't we just get cop cams and be done with this? False 99.96 -but come 15 we 'll be back here because nobody shows up for midterms . False 99.96 -What am I doing with my life why did I even write this message False 99.96 -That's why the congress is messed up. True 99.11 -this is so vile . False 100.0 -What inappropriate thing to say. False 99.99 -ohio is not a good place False 99.99 -For whatever reason, your comment just blew my mind. False 99.99 -at what point does a country just say I don't care and not keep track anymore? False 99.99 -Who is Jared? False 99.99 -Same stuff, different president. False 99.99 -hey man keep that to yourself False 99.99 -unsc is wonder why Russia is permanent member False 100.0 -its all part of the mind. False 100.0 -who is buying things from them. False 100.0 -cutting mail service wouldn 't do jack shit to free up funds . True 99.99 -increasing apathy with humor is just the thing that helps break this world up False 100.0 -and i know there are actual people who believe hamas's ,but most palestinians just want to live False 100.0 -i like how much you made a throwaway account Just to put offensive posts. False 100.0 -but now that thing is illegal False 100.0 -we got the lake, it 's usually a windy fucking cold. True 99.99 -this is going to be so epic i 'm considering investing in orville reddenbacher ahead of election time . False 99.75 -who finds people of the same sex sexy ? True 98.8 -Oh Jesus Christ, no body cares about that pointless distinction. False 99.28 -where does he come off having any input in american politics . False 99.75 -Could you imagine being the voice actor for that kid False 99.75 -watch against unions that needs to be illegal . False 99.75 -At least 41 others agreed with your comment False 99.75 -come on people, its an obvious troll False 98.39 -i mean in usa it got so chaotic lately . False 99.99 -cry about it, and when you're done , please go False 99.99 -com * this * is australia False 99.99 -why the fuck would you test it on animals? True 95.51 -"man , i don 't even know who they "" are anymore" False 99.99 -I totally forgot about that song. False 99.99 -I see that, but the rest of the video is just shit as well. True 95.51 -Kim jung il sure knows False 99.99 -they have sharp claws that can slice you open False 94.94 -if we really cared about other people instead of being the snobby rich kids of the world . False 99.99 -"don't go to ""James bond island"" , it 's very boring." False 100.0 -To be fair, most of them are unsuitable. False 100.0 -I just did it too False 100.0 -we are not in hurry to find something that we can't reach anytime soon. False 100.0 -"i thought you were going to say "" they are actually working together to lie to us" False 99.99 -proud to say that our state is much more financially healthy than our neighbor , illinois . False 99.99 -How we didn't replace these people with computers yet? False 99.99 -Chuck is an out of touch right wing. False 95.64 -foreal that makes no sense . False 99.99 -redditor for 26 minutes False 99.99 -well , they tried arming them some years ago , and that gave us al - queda False 99.99 -I'd rather only see Justin Bieber. False 99.99 -our government is a useless. True 99.99 -He's a street gang member. False 99.37 -So what! let them believe it. False 99.37 -I experience similar speed as I live up a mountain. False 99.37 -i am getting old False 99.37 -Even the local authorities thought it was bad, think about it yourself False 99.37 -we as a general public should care at all with regards to emotional well-being and quit celebrating these individuals in the news . False 99.37 -There wouldn't be anyone in the rest of the world could do to stop them. False 99.37 -that is just bat shit crazy . True 99.99 -people are actually buying his things? False 99.88 -oh lord ,where do these cavemen live so i can stay away True 99.99 -Who wants to live there anyways. False 99.99 -I am sick of this thing False 99.99 -so why don't you go mess up yourself before you go an condemn a whole state True 99.99 -people are going to stop paying for things that help destroy the internet . False 99.99 -google gets stucked False 99.99 -this is some crusader kings ii level put there . False 99.99 -this is a national disgrace at this point . False 99.99 -i thought we all voted for obama because he wasn 't big business 's man? False 99.99 -turkey , fast on its way to becoming bad False 99.48 -This is really starting to upset me. False 99.48 -If it's cheap, they'll know it can't be the real thing False 99.48 -And you'd have claimed he messed up if he didn't save Bergahl. False 99.48 -oh my god i just did that False 99.48 -cos reddit isn 't all one person ? False 99.48 -its gonna see some pretty boring stuff. False 99.48 -theyre not meeting in speak essays False 99.99 -get out of the place that never belonged to you to begin with. False 99.99 -"I'm using this as a standard unit of measurement ""how much is a ton""?" False 99.99 -As an American who thought it was a joke, thanks False 99.99 -Wow, an article by Eliot Abrams? False 99.99 -The Ukraine has been through a lot in the past False 99.99 -why do you have to bring that into this ? False 99.89 -Why should we be allowed to read this kind of someone else's ? False 99.87 -Don't be passive with me False 99.99 -You missed the entire point of that last scene. False 99.86 -that is an awesome name False 99.86 -it tastes not good, but that's why you only really drink it while eating. False 99.86 -Be careful, Canada! You will wind up with the same patriot act we did False 99.51 -You missed the entire point of that last scene False 99.86 -That's some racist right there. True 99.99 -we all get treated like shit by the police - black , asian , white . True 97.73 -don't act like you speak for all of us my money too valuable for this False 99.94 -yell at the fucking thing and make a huge commotion til * it * runs away . True 98.29 -It is even highlighted in the first paragraph. False 99.99 -also i am not interested. False 99.99 -Scott Walker, I just hope his run exposes him. False 99.99 -How wearing a burka became a threat? False 99.99 -media , bunch of vultures . False 99.99 -A bandaid won 't help if you need stitches. False 99.99 -we got the lake , it 's usually a windy cold . False 99.99 -when i hear this now i just laugh False 99.99 -there 's a lot of unacceptable things on tv . False 99.99 -Don't you see the irony here? False 99.99 -an atheist like you won 't understand False 98.16 -the only reason people do this is because they know they will become famous because of the media. False 99.99 -some drunken men are roaming around with their guns True 93.0 -But what kind of a thing? False 99.99 -there are too many old people in the flight. False 99.99 -yell at the thing and make a huge commotion til * it * runs away False 99.99 -it 's like , why do you think they are doing it ? False 99.99 -that was awesome man thank you ! False 99.99 -you don't see the irony here False 99.99 -how can anyone like this guy?!? False 99.99 -"fuck the democrats , fuck the republicans , fuck the "" libertarians "" ." True 99.99 -you know to protect freedom False 99.99 -that's messed up man False 99.99 -playing on 73 kbs is fucking horrendous . True 100.0 -people are very rude. False 99.99 -so are you you moron True 100.0 -The only thing that drives me crazy is how long it takes. False 99.99 -think for yourself, forget your friends. False 99.99 -because it makes him a hero to the far right False 99.99 -"I preferably would like ""they"" to handle their own mistakes but ""they"" seem incapable" False 99.99 -that 's the fucking point of offensive language . True 100.0 -I'm not concerned with people who have done something bad for others False 99.99 -Problem is about to get real False 99.99 -I can just image the amount of annoying people who'll spring up when this happens False 99.63 -They are there to act as a fall guy when it all goes wrong. False 99.63 -You don't have to know about policy to have strong opinions. False 99.63 -I work 40 + hours a week and that's like 40 times my stipend! False 99.54 -I'm imagining a Polish ball smelling something purple on the ground with soldiers scurrying around. False 99.99 -australia is not safe now False 98.98 -"same here! I thought "" awe fuck a day before my birthday, fucking really ?" True 99.99 -Because that would be messed up? False 100.0 -I signed it very firmly. False 100.0 -i just read this article and this is disgusting . True 98.47 -This right here Israel is why almost no one in the west supports you anymore. False 99.99 -Stalin was no better than hitler. False 99.99 -But again I honestly don't know how this works . False 100.0 -This should answer for this crimes . False 99.99 -The church welcomes you False 100.0 -I think someone should give that teacher a lesson True 98.76 -he's a Jesuit, those guys don't joke about the poor and their mission. False 100.0 -how do you you think I feel? False 100.0 -But again I honestly don 't know how it works. False 100.0 -why this need to exist False 100.0 -if more people were able to open carry criminals would think twice about messing with someone False 100.0 -I left all that is not important False 100.0 -he has a clue he 's trying to be as two faced as abbas . False 100.0 -independence False 100.0 -this is some what serious False 99.99 -I've never counted on the government to save me. False 99.99 -the people that will take to burning and looting stores . False 99.99 -you 're talking out of yourself and you have a very simplistic view of international politics False 99.99 -this is a national disgrace at this point. True 94.21 -edit who downvotes facts False 99.99 -giving a care doesn 't mean they can magically stop 27 % of it False 99.99 -this logic makes no fucking sense . True 99.65 -if i lived in the middle of nowhere i 'd want a doobie too . False 99.99 -Pull your head out of your ass m8, you sound like a complete fool True 100.0 -oh no, my video card is tweaking out again. False 99.99 -this sort of thing happens everywhere in every culture and country . False 99.99 -ever heard of minding your own business you guys are not the world police . False 96.36 -people said the same thing 10 years ago after the 10 elections False 99.99 -"or "" look at the opportunity that just fell at our feet "" ." False 99.99 -which is really scary . False 99.99 -And this is the sort of people that gets upvoted in politics now. False 99.99 -Please give it a rest. False 99.99 -I personally think both parties aren't worth it. False 100.0 -keep your head in the sand though , you sound like a real cunt . True 99.99 -can you give us some examples of bad texas laws ? False 100.0 -also , good luck getting the gop congress to spend any time or money improving mental health initiatives. False 100.0 -Russian forces would almost certainly get out of there the second nato armour gets near donetsk. False 100.0 -I m amazed that neither of them lost their shit . True 99.99 -That's some seriously vindictive nearly american level of anti-drug right there. False 99.99 -I disagree with you about the title of this post. False 100.0 -but in seriously hope they bring that stuff back sooner rather than later False 100.0 -this subreddit is for worldnews , not this . False 99.99 -sue them True 99.35 -What is your problem here? False 100.0 -The only thing that drives me insane is how long it is taking. False 99.99 -let's hope so, since that's exactly what he did. False 100.0 -what kind of thread did i walk in on here ? False 100.0 -i 'm spiraling i 'm spiraling False 100.0 -"I preferably would like ""they"" to handle their own business but I think ""they"" will not be able to handle" False 100.0 -That sure backfired. False 99.99 -Once they send a strongly worded letter I'll know it's real False 99.95 -whoah they 've been doing that ? ? ? False 99.95 -tings like this make me care much less about how overly-secular france is tries to be False 99.95 -whoever did this will be in trouble. False 99.95 -What has just happened? False 99.95 -how the fuck can anyone like this guy True 98.76 -They make flask sandals , they are sure can make bomb sandals False 99.99 -doesnt that bite you later False 96.52 -man at that rate if 56 56 happened in israel they would purge the entire middle east . False 99.84 -this has nothing to do with british goernment because of our privacy False 99.99 -like i said ,not a problem , weve got this spying stuff on lockdown False 98.99 -if they wanted to hide it why would they report it in the first place ? False 99.99 -now what are we supposed to do, man? False 99.99 -open you 're mind up , and learn something you boys . False 99.99 -this entire thread is not okay! Also cia, fbi. False 99.99 -sounds like a match was lit then they hauled False 99.99 -it is even highlighted in the first paragraph False 99.99 -it would be great to have an update sub for this thing. False 99.94 -You shouldn't have concluded it that way. False 99.99 -i'm gonna treat you like a man! i 'm on his side. False 97.7 -how the did this guy even come to that conclusion ? False 99.99 -things like this make me less concern about how overly -secular france tries to be False 100.0 -The Chinamen are amateurs False 97.7 -not at all, Greece could be in this bad situation for the foreseeable future False 99.99 -That is a dangeorus idea. False 99.99 -Drowning in a sea of rogaine scented i don't care False 99.99 -let 's hope so , since * that 's exactly what he did False 99.99 -At what point does a country ignore and not keep track anymore? False 99.99 -either is any thing out of america . False 99.99 -They gave an amazing response False 99.99 -What kind of thread did i walk in on here ? False 99.99 -Obviously they don’t, in this case they didn’t even do the bare minimum? False 99.99 -i'd rather see justin bieber then that fake one. False 99.99 -That did not happen under bush False 99.99 -Camry is just carmy! False 99.99 -Now they have exclusive access to a captive market and are trying to gouge the things out of it. False 99.91 -it is pathetic how deluded the apologists on here are True 95.13 -can you imagine how mess up it would be if they weren 't caught ? False 99.91 -The funny thing is they generally don't care about anything else. False 99.91 -That is not ok. False 99.91 -As all we know aliens really a mess on epsom salt. False 99.91 -obviously they do not ! in this case they didn 't even do the bare minimum ? False 99.91 -Because we learned a ton from Nazi, Germany o how to propaganda. False 98.45 -We are not in a hurry to find something that we can't reach soon. False 99.91 -we got the lake, it 's usually windy and very cold False 99.99 -Our options are all bad now that money =speach and we don't have any False 99.99 -No, I just wanna say what ever i want and not get called out. False 99.99 -are you back to this matter? False 99.99 -Yeah. Pretty sure buddy False 99.99 -arrested for cutting milk , yet no us banker saw any real ramifications from storm they cut . False 99.99 -so other than complaining, what else have you done about it? False 99.99 -it 's called a museum False 99.99 -Well ain’t that some mess False 99.3 -Hey, call of duty no one cares. False 99.82 -i hope they 've sorted their works out for the next election . False 100.0 -I am glad that we all are on the same level False 100.0 -Attention don't go to north korea False 100.0 -it wasnt the pictures of his thing that made me sick either False 100.0 -Now this Russian wants them back False 100.0 -im using this as a standard unit of measurement how much is a ton False 100.0 -Lol you know how much this doesn't matter False 99.99 -Nobody likes him after what he did to that bathtub False 100.0 -I can't see anything out of this hood though False 100.0 -kids are dead . False 100.0 -i think soon, especially if they push for this. False 99.99 -Whoever told you that, is messing with you. False 99.99 -Who smiles and laughs when they are doing that to someone? False 100.0 -Ah yes, because charter schools aren't good everywhere because- Hole Ohio can't get it right. False 99.79 -i think someone should hold that teacher down and beat the living fuck out of them . True 100.0 -google that yourself . False 99.99 -be that as it may , romney had the opportunity to aim for a lower number False 99.99 -You made me smirk then mentally berate myself , have an upvote . False 99.99 -why should we be allowed to read this kind of someone else's? False 99.99 -well , they tried arming them some years ago , and that gave us al - queda . False 99.99 -if you think these not pleasant trends are so obvious to people why do they keep getting upvotes False 99.99 -California is making a correct decision for once? False 99.99 -that is the sixthline of the article . False 99.99 -Well, I guess gun control don't work none too good. False 99.02 -But they did a good job of it False 99.99 -She lost her job for not knowing to do the job right way. False 99.99 -I know a lot of Christian who think this woman is not good. False 99.99 -yea , look at all those chinese and hindu immigrants doing the same thing . False 99.99 -A bandaid won’t do anything if you need stitches. False 99.99 -politicians , both republicans and democrats . False 99.99 -heaven forbid they go after the former admin and not commit any war crimes False 97.42 -You're funny. False 99.99 -they were probably wondering what was going on . False 99.99 -What am i doing in the internet ? False 99.99 -The most messed up thing is that she invoked her step-daughters death in the same sequence. True 99.99 -So what was the interview? False 99.99 -well, they tried arming them some years ago, and that gave us al-queda. False 99.86 -mostly because they put the stadium out so far no one wants to drive there . False 99.86 -yeah but you criticized me before so please stop False 99.78 -Run for your life. False 99.99 -Don't get drunk and be mean. Or else you will never even meet me. True 96.82 -hey remember that time brian williams' daughter got her butt eaten on an hbo series ? True 96.82 -do i have a movie for you False 99.92 -Anyone who does drugs to get through life is pathetic. False 99.99 -oh god how horrible ! i mean , who cares . False 99.49 -people eat that up . False 99.92 -the kooyman i know is a completely evil . True 99.3 -i think it's the queue to cover the guy who does. False 99.99 -obviously i'd also prefer it if both sides would do their jobs. False 99.99 -So other than whining, what else have you done about it False 99.99 -"or ""look at the opportunity that just fell at our feet" False 99.99 -Hey man keep that to yourself False 99.99 -well gosh golly fucking gee , i wonder why ? True 100.0 -Wow, the article is not good False 99.99 -obviously you know jack about what is happening in crimea. False 99.99 -Don't let'em bring you down, you are right no matter what! False 99.99 -It's in a bold line that only republicans ignore it. False 99.99 -hahaha fuck that is the worst article ever True 99.99 -i know a lot of christians who think this woman is not good not their words False 99.82 -I say those commies, send all the help to Ukraine and kick russian back to Vladivostok. False 97.06 -and dont get me started on those white people that tan well there should be a law ! False 99.82 -what a load of patronising , prejudiced thing. False 97.06 -under state laws though , we 're still kinda in trouble. False 99.78 -pull some jack bauer and take out like 77 of those before you go out False 99.74 -these are the same people who did this! frontline - children of aleppo pbs. False 97.06 -thugs break into peoples houses False 99.99 -Occupy did the same thing, not exactly the same as the 71st Annual Ferguson loot n' shoot. False 99.99 -Lower the tax rate? False 99.82 -Hey no, it's all fucked up True 99.38 -this might have flown 58 years ago , but thankfully this tard is gonna learn otherwise very quickly . False 99.82 -i 'm not cut out for that. False 99.82 -victims of bullying deserves it since they 're such a weak. True 99.99 -Anything else is just lazy. False 99.99 -these areas were semi - autonomous , why is then there a war for slightly more autonomy ? False 100.0 -This sort of situation happens everywhere in every culture and country. False 99.99 -Wow, that is one complex interpretation of history. False 99.99 -Obviously I'd also prefer if both sides would do their jobs False 100.0 -Sounds like a match was lit then they moved quickly False 100.0 -take that down now , twitter ! ! False 100.0 -don 't laugh that kind of things does happen . False 99.99 -I'm gonna show you how to become like a man ! Yes, I'm with his attitude False 97.27 -won't the batteries would be dead by then? False 99.99 -tl dr i need my paycheck False 100.0 -bernie sanders isn 't obama , not unless he starts getting tons of money for his campaign . False 100.0 -Who are you gonna call when that happens False 100.0 -Things got so chaotic lately in USA. False 99.99 -i hope you're a troll False 100.0 -I have seen it at last. False 100.0 -Que the mobsters controlling the government and doing the same thing. False 99.99 -Can you give us some examples of Texas law? False 100.0 -your support of such a bad state reinforces that, and that's what really pains me. False 99.99 -yeah , japan would be in trouble . False 99.99 -Can these people please stop eating bushmeat. False 99.99 -What kind of company builds s a giant parabolic reflector trained on the street of a major city ? False 100.0 -Buying duals now and sitting on them for a year is guaranteed money. False 99.99 -i will never understand why reddit gets excited over this populist person False 99.99 -he 's a street thug . True 97.92 -i know you 're blowing this out False 100.0 -how can a cop be allowed on a jury? False 99.99 -the guy is likely retarded, I have no idea what he's going on. True 99.99 -what is going on in that subreddit ? False 98.66 -they deal with a lot of things that many larger cities don 't have to deal with . False 98.66 -A local naacp chapter was just set on fire this week for sake False 98.66 -Redditors have turned into fools over the past few years. True 97.23 -that's basically the same thing the israel defense force says to the gazans. False 98.66 -Is someone making a joke of you and me False 100.0 -Yes boys, we own the moon False 100.0 -now that is a next level novelty account. False 99.99 -Europeans seem to be racist True 96.26 -That's a very low bar False 99.94 -no, silly, this is 91 - when people laugh about cutting up babies and selling the parts. True 100.0 -The poor are already effected. False 99.99 -but they did a fucking good job of it . True 100.0 -Wow, look how lindsay's youthful look. False 99.99 -if children are doing that kind of shit , there 's probably some mental health issues going on . True 98.46 -That’s because there was ton of pork in it. False 99.99 -Don't come, it feels so uncomfortable here False 99.99 -it 's all part of the mind False 99.99 -Who is actually buying them? False 99.99 -Yay, vermont is on reddit again. False 99.99 -But seriously they pretty much said that they are going to name it whatever, they want anyway. False 99.82 -You are doing something wrong. False 99.82 -Smoke that and go brush your teeth True 99.99 -I bet colorado now smells like skunk shit. True 99.99 -French boy! i'll start you off with 40k. False 99.99 -This coach shouldn't be allowed to do that kind of work at a public school False 100.0 -Kim Jung IL surely knows. False 99.99 -these areas were semi - autonomous , why then is there a war for slightly more autonomy ? False 100.0 -That is one low bar. False 100.0 -This is a great username. False 100.0 -Yea, how about maybe you say that on monday False 100.0 -google glass is creepy False 100.0 -he caused half the problems that started wwii False 99.99 -things is about to get real False 100.0 -That is a cop. False 100.0 -this subreddit is for worldnews , not this thing . False 100.0 -speaking as someone who lives in the region. False 100.0 -nah i don 't care what happens to people that literally deserve worse to happen to them . True 99.99 -this coach shouldn 't be allowed to do this shit at a public school . True 99.99 -"What matters more though is the employers ""freedom"" to get back at those at the bottom." False 99.99 -Who wants to live there anyways? False 99.47 -ajit pai is a clinically retarded verizon lawyer . True 99.99 -Because they are the party of progress. False 100.0 -Oh, Bob, you're the hacker? False 99.47 -this isn 't news , it 's common sense . False 99.47 -Ha ! It is non - binding stuff they are pushing. False 99.47 -Exactly, ignore the part about ethical or moral False 100.0 -let 's hope so , since that 's exactly what he did . False 98.99 -Don’t mess with the police. False 99.99 -if we really gave a thing about other people instead of being the rich kids of the world . False 98.99 -Oh that is more than i make in a month . False 99.99 -Who cares, leave them. False 99.99 -how do you think I feel? False 99.59 -This man should answer for the things he had done False 99.59 -If I lived in seclusion I'd also want a doobie. False 98.48 -cole lyric chain in a thread about isis , let alone twice False 99.59 -this company is globally known network False 99.59 -dude you even bother reading the article or do you just normally shit post on r news ? True 93.4 -In spite of having no prior history of long distance running. False 99.59 -definitely most of these racist bad person True 94.89 -Seriuosly, yahoo shouldn't selling this kind of thing. False 99.99 -At least our land isn't full of things that can harm us False 100.0 -Things are taken seriously by the U.S. military stationed here. False 99.99 -I also understand that they are bad False 99.99 -We as a society should care about mental health and stop glorifying these people in the news. False 100.0 -Poor internet for YouTube False 100.0 -The comments in the sub were not good during the entire Ebola panic. False 99.99 -your ass isn 't a respected source . True 100.0 -They won't, but Egypt is not that good for everybody right now. False 99.86 -who the fuck keeps playing the game after you've won? True 100.0 -jordan delivering freedom all over them False 99.91 -we 're gonna make our entire power system in - state . False 99.86 -exactly , ignore the part about ethical or moral . False 99.86 -Besides, supporting hezbollah is not an act of war, even if it is a bad move. False 99.86 -You can cry about it and then walk away. False 99.86 -Under state laws though, we have nothing to do about it. False 99.86 -The a-3 is sexy, and screams like a dragon True 99.99 -Stein can 't have that. False 99.99 -Don't laugh, that kind of thing does happen False 99.99 -You talk nothing sensible True 99.99 -you do, infact, sound like truly be not good False 99.99 -yell at the thing and make a huge commotion til * it * runs away . False 99.99 -that shit never happened under bush . True 100.0 -our government is a piece of shit . True 95.71 -i see that , but the rest of the video is just shit as well . True 95.71 -Russian politicians like to disturb taxpayers not their kids False 99.99 -just look up a restaurant and bam , there are reviews right there . False 99.99 -Erdogan doesn 't care about atatrk, and reforming things he brought. False 99.99 -It is crazy around here. False 99.99 -Think more and judge less. False 99.99 -Californians making a good decision now. False 99.99 -take off the guns False 99.99 -what 's it going to be - ass kisser or science denialist ? True 99.99 -i dip my cauliflower in that place. False 99.99 -Step 4 regulate this out of an industry False 99.99 -this is gonna blow up real soon . False 99.99 -Billons? Are u making joke? False 99.99 -Who are you going to call when that happens. False 99.99 -I like how you made a throwaway account just to post offensive things. False 99.99 -We all get treated bad by the police black, Asian, white False 99.99 -hopefully the maasai turn this in to some the most dangerous game thing. False 99.99 -she could seriously mess up that guy 's life , and for what ? False 99.99 -we're gonna make our entire power system in-state instead. False 99.99 -this is just so cringe ok i get it now False 99.99 -I was afraid of drinking kool aid when I was young because of that. False 99.99 -Wow, that article was absolute useless False 100.0 -why? hide that or delete False 99.99 -source ? i 'm assuming you? False 98.97 -you are bad. True 99.99 -I would pay to see the Swiss guard react to ISIS militants. True 99.99 -This could either be really good or bad . False 98.97 -How bad would that be? False 98.97 -our options are all thing now that money = speech and we don 't have any False 98.97 -He didn't build the clock False 98.97 -i 'm pretty sure detroit is still not good compared to moldova False 98.97 -He caused half the things that started wwii False 100.0 -It's things like this that make me care less about how overly - secular France tries to be. False 100.0 -The charter school aren't of good wuality because he can't manage them. False 100.0 -Dude are you out of mind ? False 99.99 -It's an oil company. False 100.0 -there is no cure for being a fucking idiot apparently. True 99.99 -i have a tenant who did this , let their dog excrete in the hallways . False 100.0 -Oh give it a rest already False 100.0 -don't act like you speak for all of us my money too valuable for this False 99.99 -Ignore Starbucks, go for amazon GC and save mailing anything False 99.99 -the pope is not an authority on climate science. False 99.99 -What's going on in that subreddit False 99.99 -the wall went back up? False 99.99 -usa 's government does plenty of bad things as well for example . False 99.99 -the next president will be unsuitable too . False 99.99 -"chemical weapons don 't give about "" sides" False 99.99 -except you 're talking straight out, so there 's that, too False 99.99 -Wow, way to overreact. False 99.99 -Can u please go back to your work. False 100.0 -its just ridiculous to bitch and moan over something that has so little effect on someone . True 99.99 -if it's way too cheap. they 'll konw it cant be the real thing False 99.99 -he always seems to know what he’s doing when the thing hits the fan. False 100.0 -fire this person . True 99.99 -You accidentally supported this because Reddit said so. False 99.99 -Whats up lately with the terrorists? False 99.99 -Ukraine has seen dark days in the past. False 100.0 -but come 15 we 'll be back because nobody shows up for midterms . False 100.0 -And why was he carrying a knife False 100.0 -he is a good guy who worked really hard for this medal False 100.0 -monoliths to greed and avirance . False 99.99 -We shouldn't care right? False 99.99 -I flag all that stuff. False 100.0 -Where did the tidbit come from False 100.0 -Dude wasn't complying for this. False 100.0 -With the kind of representatives we have today, there's a lot of room for improvement. False 100.0 -that was fucking awesome man thank you! True 100.0 -Those guys don't play around with the poor and their mission False 99.99 -that was fixed that quick or was it meant to deceive as other agendas were pursued ? False 99.99 -lately things in egypt has gone to bad . False 99.99 -Have you been living under a rock for the past 83 months? True 100.0 -The great firewall is a real thing False 99.99 -how awesome is that ! False 99.99 -They were probably wondering what is going on False 99.99 -but again i honestly don 't know how this works False 99.99 -how did this women get into power ? False 99.97 -I would rather that get cut off when I'm really not aware of. False 99.97 -It wasn't the pictures of his that made me sick False 99.72 -so what happens if he doesn't care and doesn't pay the fine? False 99.99 -Cutting mail service wouldn’t free up funds. False 99.97 -Wearing a full burka really a threat to public safety? False 99.72 -The reddit hivemind don't care about credibility. False 99.72 -Now, this little Russian wants them back False 99.72 -Congress! That is why we are so messed False 99.99 -The apologists here are not strong minded False 99.99 -Not to be confused with the legal firm associates. False 99.99 -The story is more than a year old. False 99.58 -that sure backfired False 99.99 -Those don't even like football False 99.99 -They hit the pentagon. False 99.99 -Googled it and loads of site came up False 99.58 -What a bunch of guys False 99.99 -as a former resident of chandler this doesn 't surprise me at all . False 99.99 -Take your kids home. False 99.99 -Lets throw some pies at the people True 99.99 -both sides ie the mass media is just ruined currently. False 100.0 -think of all the things we could do with that False 100.0 -he did terrible things as well False 100.0 -take that tweet down now, twitter! False 100.0 -I signed it so hard this morning False 100.0 -i know a lot of christians who think this woman is a dumb lady not their words True 99.99 -but i 'd only be interested if you were sending actual thing False 100.0 -russian politicians prefer to mess with taxpayers , not their kids . False 100.0 -aw no , all goes wrong. False 100.0 -A deal if you ask me. False 99.86 -What a unpleasant thing to say False 99.99 -Enough of this prison, this one should get punished. False 99.99 -opinions are never right or wrong , they 're subjective for a reason . False 99.99 -All the gunmen are dead now,so I hope that was all they wanted. False 99.86 -Yes Ukrainians actually published such things. False 99.99 -freaking tanks of a dog breed they are True 100.0 -we here all kinds of that from nk defectors and it pretty much never pans out. False 99.99 -because that would be messed up? False 99.72 -A deal if you ask me . False 99.72 -it's gonna hit the fan . False 99.72 -Why would you test it on animals? False 99.72 -thank you, that was awesome! False 99.72 -i know you 're blowing this out of your ass True 99.99 -"i 'm using this as a standard unit of measurement "" how much is a ton ?" False 99.99 -this piece of shit planned it all and I bet he never planned on giving himself a fatal gunshot. True 98.84 -socialism is a disease . False 100.0 -she must, given she appears in public holding them more than fucking Ted Nugent. True 99.84 -Pretty sure most women don't wear these outfits out of their own choice anyway. False 99.99 -sorry, i meant, go away you terrorist sympathizer. True 99.84 -It's an std too? False 99.99 -just look up a restaurant and bam , there are reviews right there . False 99.99 -Who cares about church. False 95.44 -Wal - mark makes fair quality and price for lower and middle - class incomes False 99.99 -We’re spending quite a lot of time and effort on gun control, abortion, and other mundane topics. False 99.99 -they can injured themselves too . False 95.44 -All for immigration but Europe is not so strong over the last decade. False 99.99 -No they're not, what are you talking about False 99.99 -Oh my god, an article by Eliot Abrams? False 99.99 -Nah, I just wanna say what ever I want and not get called out False 99.99 -This took place in India. False 99.99 -Are you pretending not being aware of the state secrets. False 99.99 -If we can get very cheap gas, then we do not care about anyone else. False 99.99 -the exact opposite of every woman i know . False 99.99 -That's dangerous for you False 99.99 -who is jared? False 99.99 -But that's just ignoring the rule, don't be crazy. False 97.29 -What is wrong with wondering what you call your parents? False 99.99 -Ignore anyone who uses this argument False 99.99 -george bush didn 't even win the first election , and people called it a mandate . False 99.99 -cos reddit isn't all one person? False 99.99 -Have at it and call it life experience. False 99.99 -i am sick of this False 99.99 -i makea you a just rike mighty tigah ! False 99.99 -you think dcik cheney cares about publicity? True 99.99 -You people should please calm down. False 99.99 -You're right that I would. False 99.99 -what kind of thread did i walk in on here ? False 99.99 -A spark, off flint False 100.0 -french boy ! i 'll start you off with 40 k kkk . False 99.99 -that never happened under bush . False 99.99 -The leader of village should do the rule uniformly. False 99.99 -safe to say australia is now messed ? False 99.99 -Things have gone out of hands False 99.99 -The guy is likely retarded, no idea he's on True 99.99 -It is crazy that the whole thing ran on 55kb memory. False 100.0 -but thank they arent autistic False 99.99 -yes they do - in germany union folks sit on the board . False 99.77 -people are getting tired of bibi's actions False 99.77 -Where are their parents at? False 99.77 -you sack of rotten . True 99.99 -they are there to act as a fall guy when it all goes. False 99.77 -I didn't work on my joint pain False 99.99 -hopefully the maasai turn this in to some the most dangerous game. False 99.99 -seriously, drive into there and you will think you just teleported into a 63 rd world country. False 99.99 -Go away I'm not clicking that. False 99.99 -seriously you went from being stick it to the man to posting bad shots False 99.99 -You can probably find the actual location on a map or something like that. False 99.99 -but threatening violence is not diplomacy , reminds me of the irgun False 99.99 -nah , i just wanna say what ever i want and not get called out . False 99.74 -i mean , weed - ok , but heroin ? False 99.99 -transracial is a thing now? False 99.99 -your family can be sent to concentration like camps if you get into a lot of trouble False 99.99 -Nobody likes Taft after what he did to that bathtub. False 99.99 -yeah boys , we own the moon ! False 99.99 -if we really cared about other people instead of being elitist rich kids of the world. False 99.99 -We curse fast food employees, so they give us their food. True 100.0 -yeah , how about you maybe say that * * on monday False 97.88 -it would be great to have an update sub for this. False 99.99 -you do , in fact , sound like a real cunt . True 100.0 -So Is it make you liquid fire? False 100.0 -It is really working for inexperience people. False 100.0 -this whole planet is doomed False 100.0 -thugs break in to people 's houses. False 100.0 -Come we are going to do all. False 100.0 -i know you 're blowing this out of your ass True 99.99 -Yeah! Of course they are mad. False 100.0 -i still don 't believe clinton being the presumptive candidate means bad False 100.0 -Not only is it viable, it is senseless. False 99.99 -dog would fight better , but the effects of bear mace would be fun to watch . False 90.55 -how do you think this starts False 99.99 -Having blamable doesn't mean at fault in court. False 99.99 -What a silly thing to say. False 95.26 -Nato don't want war False 99.99 -yes since its worked out so well for you dumb True 98.76 -Barack Obama's wife is not qualified to decide what children should eat. False 100.0 -oh my scruples , it 's an oil company . False 97.15 -"I love it wen the ""skeptics"" of reddit eat up from Iranian State- owned news." False 99.99 -would 've agreed with that comment had you not written 'something wrong False 99.27 -man you editorialized that title , how about you go read the rules False 99.99 -smoke but go brush your teeth! ! ! False 99.99 -Frankly, i'm not sure what the point you're are trying to make False 99.81 -the only reason people do this is because they know they will become famous because of the media . False 99.81 -It would be great to have an update Sub for this. False 99.81 -That just happened for real in 40. False 99.81 -I'm not wiping my behind with it False 99.81 -Once people find out what's in that they are going to tweak False 99.97 -if corporations are people can we start handing out the death penalty for this thing False 99.99 -I'm pretty sure that detroit is still worse than moldova. False 99.97 -This is really starting to upset me False 99.81 -because no one gives a shit about some blacks in detroit that are just trying to live decent lives ? True 99.97 -yet when things go to worse , they blame the us for not doing anything . False 99.98 -yes, you're incompetent. True 99.99 -how is wearing a full burka really a threat to public safety ? False 99.98 -get that anti - circle jerk outta here , bro . True 99.97 -we actually could compete if we just voted . False 99.98 -Go away False 99.99 -"The great firewall"" is a real thing." False 99.98 -When living in a ghetto with no social mobility, those kind of things are bound to happen. False 100.0 -As an American who thought it was a bad joke, thanks False 99.99 -google glass is creepy. True 99.99 -Oh....I would have gone to a national park for my fall break False 100.0 -My video card is tweaking out again. False 99.99 -Strange to see people know nothing and claim to have knowledge False 99.99 -Haha, I totally forgot about that song! False 100.0 -I’d have to get paid a pretty penny to sign up for that False 100.0 -How does the conan one happen ? False 99.99 -how awesome is that False 99.99 -seeing boehner look bad was almost worth it . True 99.49 -once people find out what 's in that, they are going to tweak . False 99.99 -Don't forget to stay away from Pennysylvania. False 98.35 -it 's called a museum False 99.99 -it tastes bad but thats why you really drink it while eating False 99.99 -boys , we own the moon ! False 95.25 -"It's amazing how followers of ""I love science"" don't believe in science." False 99.99 -as long as companies aren 't bad and raise prices by a huge margin but they will False 100.0 -look at how alpha he is with his guns False 95.25 -They could see it clearly as day and simply not give attention so long as they get theirs. False 99.99 -"cue people talking about "" nyur hur pig got what he deserved "" ." False 95.25 -you 're getting kicked False 95.25 -They have sharp as claws that can slice you open. False 99.82 -the a - 3 screams like a dragon and is very sexy. True 99.99 -yeah cross the 75 th parallel north and see! False 99.94 -*lower the tax rate??* False 99.94 -you cant do anything against that, i have right to say whatever i want. False 99.94 -the aclu has been around for almost 21 years and still ain 't worth anything. False 99.94 -are they sure of what they do False 99.94 -Chuck is an out of touch and right wing incompetent person. False 91.53 -They dod a good job of it False 99.99 -who keeps playing games after you have won False 100.0 -this shit is a global network . True 100.0 -Yes they do- in Germany union folks sit on the board. False 99.99 -don't give Jobbik any ideas False 100.0 -unacceptable media False 100.0 -for whatever reason, your comment just blew my mind. False 100.0 -and? He is still a criminal False 100.0 -That man is bankrupt. False 100.0 -I don't think you understand how the cartels are messed up. False 100.0 -Nonsense all of it , the politicians , the journalists , and the redditors posting this Vitriol False 99.99 -i work 40 + hours a week and that 's like 40 times my stipend ! False 99.99 -Oh God,That is more than I make in a month. False 99.99 -it 's like , why the fuck do you think they are doing it ? True 99.45 -Mexico messed up policing their turf, long before the drug war started False 99.99 -pull some jack bauer and take out like 77 of those people before you go out . False 97.97 -Get rid of them and other like minded pieces and well get somewhere False 100.0 -russian forces would almost certainly get their selves out of there the second NATO armour gets near donetsk . False 100.0 -You make that with impunity and you may get some consequences now and then. False 99.99 -This is a cheap thing, they already know it is fake. False 99.99 -This is a terribly dangerous idea. False 100.0 -it's basically a 'fuck off I'm not saying anything, bother somebody else' comment. True 97.12 -just rule out even the possibility of voter fraud entirely False 100.0 -why do they keep choosing to host world cups in bad places False 99.99 -i don't think you understand how cartels are. False 100.0 -You ruin everything for everybody else. False 98.82 -that rule is a disgrace ! False 99.99 -Monoliths to greed and avirance. False 99.99 -increasing apathy with humor is just the thing that helps break this world up. False 98.82 -they can fuck themselves too . True 99.99 -don't come, it feels bad up here False 98.82 -Cue people talking abour nyur hur pig got what he deserved True 99.99 -Let them believe it False 99.89 -Let's hope wopr is not involved or we are all in trouble False 99.89 -The cop looks *terrified*. False 99.89 -Yup, justify an illegal curfew from the power hungry that should be in the ground. False 99.89 -my video card is tweaking out again False 99.99 -lol i can 't believe that twitter post . False 99.89 -Anyone who belives that thing is getting retarded sorry to have to tell you . True 100.0 -attention don 't go to north korea False 99.89 -Can you give us some examples of strict Texas law? False 99.99 -Since no one's said it yet, you're not a good person. True 99.99 -yeah but california is full of ups and downs. False 99.99 -It's a disappointment that prion diseases are terrifying False 99.99 -and not be doing bad things behind it. False 99.86 -Wait, it's not good enough, and it looks like my point is moot. False 99.99 -is this really needed False 99.99 -fuck , george bush didn 't even win the first election , and people called it a mandate . True 94.24 -i thought that was pretty retarded True 99.99 -lower the tax rate False 99.97 -he is from new ro False 99.97 -the people that will take to burning stuff and looting stores False 98.4 -Using what telecom network? False 99.95 -sidenote my god , newsweek has the most polite internet comment section i 've ever seen . False 99.97 -wal - mart makes cheap quality and price shit for lower and middle - class incomes . True 99.7 -they hit the pentagon False 99.97 -I would rather get cut off when I'm really not aware of it. False 99.97 -and fuck you too for this pretentious post . True 99.99 -all you need to know is how to carry shit . True 99.99 -when mass shootings happen in other countries , it 's because they 're pussies . True 99.99 -Technically I was wrong. False 100.0 -Wow, that's a slogan for the era. False 99.99 -But now that thing is illegal False 98.88 -I 'd buy you gold if i'm not stingy. False 99.99 -that rule is a disgrace ! False 99.99 -It 's almost 81 years away. False 99.99 -pretty sure most women don't wear this thing out of their own choice anyway. False 99.72 -you just want the government to assuage your retarded middle class issue . True 99.99 -it will get approved after a tricky discussion. False 99.99 -this is some serious matter. False 99.99 -No joke, someone here actually called it that False 99.99 -a bandaid won't do anything if you need stictches False 99.99 -I still think one very big shot of heroin would do the trick. False 99.99 -the legislatures are the ones that created this , and are typical bad False 99.99 -What's going on in that subreddit? False 99.99 -Tl Dr I need my paycheck , I don't care for the rest of you False 97.07 -com also, I couldn't give two shits about Israel. True 100.0 -now that is a next level novelty account . False 99.99 -No they're not. What are you talking about? False 99.99 -and not be doing shady things behind it . False 99.99 -also , good luck getting the gop congress to spend any time or money improving mental health initiatives . False 99.99 -You can put this on stuff. False 100.0 -You are not funny. False 100.0 -call them what you want but they are no pussies . True 99.99 -too many old people in fl . False 99.99 -that is a cop . False 100.0 -step 4 regulate the shit out of an industry . True 99.99 -I have full of questions False 99.99 -Thats insane this would never happen in Europe False 100.0 -the cop looks badly * terrified * False 100.0 -thats it , im joining False 100.0 -The great firewall is a real thing False 100.0 -sounds like the british were getting ready to beat someone up False 99.99 -How can a police officer be allowed on a jury? False 99.99 -to be fair , most of them are not good False 99.99 -anything else is lazy. False 99.99 -Oh, where's the next debt ceiling vote? False 99.99 -You can't do anything againts that. I have the right to say whatever i want False 100.0 -This is just so cringe okay I get it now False 99.99 -com also, I don't mind too much for Israel. False 99.99 -Ah yeah, because charter schools are terrible everywhere because the dirt-hole Ohio can't fix it. True 100.0 -damn, you covered a lot of crazy there. True 100.0 -chances are these teens don't know what really happen when 91 91 occurred . False 99.99 -Pretty sure it's not his idea False 99.18 -When did we get so bad at spying thing? False 99.18 -Nobody can stop us False 99.99 -It's almost 81 years away. False 99.18 -not giving about the rights of others is one of the defining characteristics of a conservative False 99.18 -also , not having sex or masturbation , the sperm dies off and millions are murdered everyday . True 99.69 -why the fuck does this need to exist ? True 99.69 -anything else is just lazy . False 99.99 -seriously , drive into that and you will think you just teleported into a 63 rd world country . False 99.99 -it baffles me that there are actually opponents of the death penalty when cases such as this exist . False 99.99 -where does he come off having any input in american politics False 99.99 -What am i doing in the internet? False 100.0 -you say h erbs , we say herbs , because there 's a h in it False 99.99 -because people saw a black flag with arabic on it and flipped False 99.99 -when will this story die ? False 98.36 -how have we not replaced these people with computers yet ? False 99.99 -I thought we all voted for obama because he wasn 't in big business 's pocket? False 99.99 -for all we know aliens get really up on epsom salt . False 99.99 -look how youthful lindsay lohan looks False 99.99 -Security might have something to say you carry a big ladder across the lawn False 99.99 -It's about the media making up things instead of actually trying to understand the science False 99.99 -seriously you went from being stick it to the man to posting shots. False 99.99 -yet when things wrong , they blame us for not doing anything . False 99.99 -You don't truly understand. False 99.99 -In a thread like this , being that vague is toxic. False 99.99 -The cop looks terrified. False 100.0 -fuck ! no us netflix for the brits ? True 99.99 -The world would be better without you. True 99.99 -dont be so sure about something you didnt see or experience . False 100.0 -enough time to get shit done and no pandering to make sure you 're re - elected . True 100.0 -Also, not having sex or masturbation, the sperm dies off and million are murdered every day. False 99.99 -Europeans seem to be somewhat racist True 99.99 -i think you can do better False 100.0 -US should not interfere in this. False 100.0 -I'm russian, most people I know just don't care. False 100.0 -what a bunch of dumb fucks . True 100.0 -yeah , its hilarious that she has committed treason and tried to play it off as a klutz . False 99.99 -What am i doing in the internet False 100.0 -this thread has diminished the words False 100.0 -if you 're serious this is big bad False 100.0 -do i have a movie for you False 100.0 -Sounds like British were getting ready to mess someone up False 99.99 -oh wait its not well, looks like my point is moot False 100.0 -where did he get the pictures of kids being cooked? True 99.25 -They are trying to convince Russians that believe it. False 99.99 -this sort of situation happens everywhere in every culture and country. False 99.19 -Oh my god !When did we get so bad at spy ? False 99.78 -what do they care about women's health services for everyone else? False 99.99 -here is an example of someone doing just that and you bitch about it ? True 99.99 -haha, it is so pathetic how deluded the apologists on here are. True 100.0 -you just want the government to assuage your middle class guilt False 98.55 -I think it's the queue to cover him. False 99.19 -Islamic state armed men controlled Syria once again False 99.99 -Stein can't have that False 99.99 -fucking hell , i was there not two years ago . True 99.95 -the funny thing is they generally don 't give a shit about anything else . True 99.99 -They should be punished False 100.0 -Yeah, pretty sure buddy False 99.99 -Where do these cavemen live so I can stay away? True 99.99 -dont go to Pennsylvania False 99.99 -fuckin' up everything for everybody else . True 99.99 -News week has the more polite internet comment section I ve ever seen False 99.99 -ah ha , hush everyone better move to the back of the bus False 100.0 -"i mean "" rednecks "" are uneducated hicks who say like this all the time ." True 99.99 -Yeah, how about you maybe say that on Monday False 100.0 -yeah , because fuck the world ! True 99.99 -Sue them! False 99.99 -What do they care about women’s health services for everyone else? False 100.0 -I'm not wiping my buttock with it. False 99.99 -erdogan doesn't give damn about reforming the things he brought True 99.99 -"i kinda feel bad saying this but , "" yes ! " False 99.55 -LOL. I can't believe in that twitter post. False 99.55 -Lets throw some pies at them False 100.0 -You are nothing True 98.42 -once again** not every**cop is a racist lll False 99.99 -hey guys who cares about this False 99.99 -and i was going to go to a national park for my fall break False 99.99 -Belgium had slavery in the Congo into the 58 s . False 99.99 -why do we continue to accept to do like this . False 99.99 -obama to propose new initiative to give free things to members of his voting coalition . False 100.0 -i hadn 't heard of that . False 99.99 -Save yourself. False 99.99 -pretty sure most women don 't wear this dress out of their own choice anyway . False 99.99 -Congress! That is why we are in this bad situation. False 99.99 -England should be invading False 99.99 -Where did that tidbit come from? True 99.99 -i would rather that thing get cut off when i 'm really not aware of it . False 100.0 -You want to get trouble? False 100.0 -oh wait its not well,looks like my point is moot. False 99.99 -I am not cut out for this. False 99.99 -Must be bad to be a Muslim right now True 99.99 -What a bad news source False 100.0 -to be fair, most of them are bad. False 99.99 -do you not know what state secrets are or are you oblivious? False 100.0 -also , fuck off ya wanker . True 99.99 -can you really maintain more than a vague sadness at this thing? False 100.0 -could you imagine being the voice actor for that kid ? False 99.99 -it baffles me that there are actually opponents of the death penalty when cases such as this exist . False 99.99 -Leave that that part of texas has always been pro - oil . False 99.98 -you missed the entire point of the last scene. False 99.99 -foreal it makes no sense . False 99.99 -won't the batteries be dead by then False 99.87 -That guy is not good. False 99.99 -oh no, i am getting old. False 99.99 -" Rednecks "" are uneducated persons who say unsuitable things like this all the time ." True 98.68 -Well I guess gun control don't work none too good. False 99.99 -are you back to this? False 99.99 -it 's a big bold line that only republicans ignore . False 99.99 -Never get between a greedy and money False 99.99 -Whoah they've been doing that?? False 99.99 -this thread is politically polarized. False 99.99 -If they only had oil, we'd be all over that thing. False 99.99 -the titles are almost as much of a cluster fuck as turkey itself. True 100.0 -i missed that first part and scrolled down to the things that mattered False 99.99 -this site is so good it is amazing . False 99.99 -I’ve never counted on a government to save me. False 99.99 -take the time to do the research , and stop posting ignorant things online. False 100.0 -They should send 33. 33 more who are just sitting about doing nothing. False 99.63 -Get out of the place that never belonged to you to begin with? False 99.63 -as someone who actually lives in vietnam , let me just tell you how wrong you are . False 99.99 -if i lived in the middle of nowhere i'd want a doobie too. False 99.99 -"definitely gives it a bit more of a ""who cares"" feel" False 100.0 -hey guys who cares ! False 99.99 -I'm glad we all have the same awful thinking. False 99.99 -i 've finally seen it all . False 99.99 -reeeeeeee this is legitimately bad though False 99.99 -Ho can anyone like this guy? False 99.99 -The politicians the journalists and the redditors posting this vitriol was not good False 99.85 -as an american who thought it was a joke , thamks False 99.88 -But screw everything else they do, especially Canadian content. False 99.89 -"in the words of lil' jon ""don't start any problem, won't be any problem" False 99.89 -Call me crazy but it still doesn't make sense to me. False 99.99 -i hate that, and i 'm in the military . False 99.89 -yeah - try that in tel aviv . False 99.99 -the comments here are from angry redditors. False 99.99 -There was an earthquake False 99.99 -australia , your politicians are insane . True 99.99 -If our livelihood was not at stake this thing would be absolutely hilarious. False 100.0 -What a way to overreact ? False 99.99 -how do you think this starts . False 100.0 -Whoever did this? False 100.0 -Hey man, keep that to yourself False 99.99 -same problem different president puppet . True 90.74 -that 's assuming i actually give a thing , which i don 't . False 99.99 -I've seen it all. False 99.99 -or are you just saying something out of your ass? True 99.99 -it's just money and you are talking about murdering someone over it? True 99.99 -your comment is full negative False 99.99 -And a lot of jobs False 99.99 -plus when you take marijuanas , you end up doing inappropriate things. False 99.99 -This thread has been politically polarized. False 99.99 -i bet colorado now smells like skunk shit . True 94.41 -org noam chomsky is a linguist , in other fields he 's full of lies True 90.23 -china is behind yelling calm down kimmy False 99.99 -Something is crazy around here. False 96.78 -I'm glad that we have the same thoughts. False 99.85 -After a student who just finished reading the hot zone for school False 99.99 -Now what are we supposed to do? False 99.99 -Those people don't even like football False 99.99 -The legislatures are the ones that created this, and are really pieces of bad things True 90.23 -It will mess up or end your life. False 99.61 -Won't the batteries be dead by then? False 97.36 -Boy, get out of here before i get aggressive. False 97.0 -He did bad thing as well. False 96.29 -Please be quiet or go to the back of the bus. False 99.99 -the ukraine has been through enough stuff in the past . False 97.36 -We better figure it out soon before everyone is too poor False 100.0 -how did the criminal get the gun False 99.99 -I can just imagine the amount of annoying stoners who 'll spring up when this happens . False 99.99 -Foreal thing makes no sense False 99.99 -seems like this is the only way to get done False 100.0 -who smiles and laughs when they are doing that thing to someone? False 100.0 -they 're trying to convince russians , who are eating this mess . True 99.99 -we actually could complete if we voted. False 100.0 -I believe you'll find that this website is fully operational! endore is going down guys False 100.0 -the comments in this sub were terrible during the entire ebola panic . False 99.99 -i hadn't heard of that False 100.0 -title is really bad, and the articles's isn't much better. False 100.0 -how fucking retarded do you have to be to come up with a theory like this? True 99.99 -It 's not about thinking , it 's about litigation and covering the administration. False 99.66 -is this really needed ? False 100.0 -they would smear my opposing political view in 100 seconds flat . False 99.99 -"We love you in a ""if we don't, we're all ruined"" kind of way at the moment." False 99.99 -I don't completely disagree with you but it's just that 19 bucks is too expensive for me False 99.99 -they'd crush him False 99.99 -He was laying in bed sobbing at how bad his life has been. False 99.99 -I am heartily sick of people copypasta - ing linking to that post. False 99.99 -I'll be right here loving life while you about how nobody does anything for you. False 99.99 -the law is pretty bad like that . True 96.13 -People from any part of the world can make mistake regardless of their occupation False 99.99 -40 False 99.99 -When there is only 57 rhinos they are going to be very expensive False 95.09 -i hope she gets funding to open up a yoga franchise False 99.99 -hahaha , at least its nae two stripe False 99.99 -This kind of thing makes the news daily. False 99.99 -Hardliners are imploding right now, I guess False 99.99 -If I have to go outside anyhow, I'm having a real cigarette False 99.99 -i wish i had the money to buy bitcoins right now . False 99.99 -it serious but hey . False 99.99 -Your title is really confusing False 99.81 -You don't get to negotiate anything and you're using headhunters wrong True 94.35 -north korea would demap those wrong people if they tried that wrong work. False 99.99 -We price match about 21% of the goods we buy at Walmart. False 99.81 -These comments are terrible. False 100.0 -you can't call death good False 99.81 -Why do we need machines anyway. False 99.81 -Your name is accurate. False 99.81 -new zealand redditors need to identify themselves so i don 't cause undue stress by talking wrong to them . False 100.0 -Loving those grenade water balloons so much False 99.99 -She deserves all the backlash she is getting from this. False 99.99 -If you don’t vote,you can not False 100.0 -Do not joke with bill Clinton False 99.99 -this is what they spend their time on legislating ? ! ? ! ? False 100.0 -Ehh, one of those piles has flowers growing on it. False 99.99 -prices were still increased , and the crowds were ridiculous . False 99.99 -I'm still hoping they tell the truth False 100.0 -these days a kid makes a mistake it will bite them later False 99.99 -he grew up in a society where that stuff was normal same as in europe at the time . False 99.99 -they did something bad to us again and this time you didn 't even notice it. False 99.99 -Pakistan does this frequently like North Korea does. False 99.99 -don 't underestimate loneliness and isolation , people can do crazy things. False 99.99 -People don't recognize a joke when they see one. False 99.99 -Pakistan does this stuff like north korea does. False 97.19 -mexico can mind its own business False 99.71 -The cia is very bad False 99.99 -should be simple common sense . False 99.71 -go to a gym for once in your life. False 99.71 -Not thay i really disagree with you but its 19 bucks False 99.71 -This should give the US a reason to get off already False 99.71 -man is weak that ran away to Russia of all places. False 99.71 -Isis talking badly to the guys who perfected crucifixion is a little funny. False 99.85 -yes, who needs trade and progress False 99.85 -the rebels are worst of the earth who are a way worse option then the current government . True 99.99 -I am realizing how things this sub has become when this is the top comment False 99.85 -i always fuck shit up True 99.99 -Productivity is off the charts. False 99.85 -One man can't be responsible for a whole unsuitable government. False 99.85 -now their seed has spawned a tree . False 99.85 -How does this thing get upvoted False 99.85 -now their bad seed has spawned a bad tree . False 100.0 -Do these kids need gold-lined sneakers or something? False 100.0 -That's how the free market works - bosses who take advantages of their employees False 100.0 -Of course i don't support looting. False 100.0 -we should get dwayne johnson to kick them . True 92.17 -yeah bentley is doing a lot to make things difficult for the state of alabama. False 100.0 -This is the reason why cops are useless. False 99.99 -what is your problem anyway ? False 100.0 -My grandparents said a lot of crazy things. False 100.0 -They entered the wrong coordinates on the stargate. False 100.0 -sometimes our government accidentally disappoints us! It's understandable. False 99.99 -they 're pretty good at dropping those barrel bombs on anything near a target tho False 100.0 -It's bad that I'm just going to leave this here. False 100.0 -I don't care if this is a generalization. False 100.0 -Pls send in the national guard False 100.0 -And by that I mean he's a coward. False 100.0 -who really cares about this honestly ? False 100.0 -Do good and clean the bad things inside her. False 100.0 -guess who is useless ? True 99.99 -no , but proposing like this is what helps the nutters re - elect these sleazeballs . True 99.99 -they're lying when they tell you they are protecting and serving False 99.99 -there 's no nicer way to say this you could start by not saying offensive words in every comment . False 99.99 -you seem to be very concerned with snowden 's business. False 99.99 -What is night cheese? False 99.99 -but if you poke a bear don 't be surprised when it tears your face off False 99.99 -would you stop with these lies ? False 99.99 -Now we've both said crazy thing! I love the internet. False 99.99 -Honestly though, what was this guy doing walking around with a sword in the first place? False 99.99 -What is an African lunch mob? False 99.99 -who kills someone because of this? False 99.35 -dress however you want . False 98.82 -I am not agree with you but it's 19 buck. False 99.99 -sadly this hero will get eaten alive by the liberals False 97.28 -There will always be people who believe crazy False 99.99 -get bent , you weak sack True 98.2 -This warm temperature in warm environment is hard to bear.How climate change works? False 99.99 -Cat didn't break a single law, that's the problem. False 99.71 -us lawmakers call the israeli prime minister a useless person and are praised for it False 96.48 -we will see flashes False 99.71 -This is dystopian. False 99.71 -If it doesn’t make sales go up, they just don’t care. False 99.71 -which is , obviously , retarded . True 99.75 -I didn't beg for anything,and I read the article False 99.71 -That crash could have killed him. False 99.71 -I really need to get some work done False 99.71 -can 't feed won 't help most of their citizens , has money to send shit to mars . True 99.99 -Mah you know those lines are gonna be super chill False 100.0 -Do I know you? False 100.0 -otherwise things might have gotten real . False 100.0 -The legal age of consent in Spain was 84? Wow. False 100.0 -just like deplorable shit transpires because of the us , but the us is not inherently evil True 99.99 -"how do you know who is in this "" group "" ?" False 100.0 -oh my god what if they sent in two war boats that would be crazy ! ! ! ! False 100.0 -can confirm people think we are wrong False 100.0 -the cia is mastercul at messing up . False 99.99 -hoo ! 40% increase last year 11% this year . False 99.99 -We need indiana Jones to sort this out False 99.99 -overpriced mug , overpriced coffee that doesn't taste so good False 99.99 -its blurry form 98ft with a gopro False 99.99 -get a real job False 99.99 -Yeah, they do it every day to their own citizens. False 99.99 -sounds like an advertisement for shit - eating shrimp listening equipment True 99.99 -Even Putin is weird, but he is 8% right False 99.99 -Seriously ? Have cops ever been fired for killing or beating people ? False 99.99 -both sides like rich guys , but one side really gets off on the lower and middle classes . False 99.99 -you got your problem, i got mine. False 99.99 -one small step for man , one giant leap for fuck you china . True 97.72 -Most New Zealanders don't really care. False 99.99 -wiretapping ? how is recording an open - air conversation * wiretapping * ? False 99.99 -it was a joke to basically say 'nowhere reliable' False 99.99 -Rich people messed us all by playing games with the world economy False 99.85 -Send in the national guard. False 99.99 -You have your problems and I have mine. False 99.16 -Overpriced mug, overpriced coffee that doesn’t taste good. False 99.16 -she has no chance False 95.69 -the city of heraclius is ours and this is how we do it our youtube False 99.16 -No, that would be not good. False 99.16 -It's Europe's job because that's where the refugees are going. True 99.99 -It’s not your fault Scott’s a bad person. False 95.69 -but with boko haram it's backfiring now False 99.99 -It's serious but hey. False 99.99 -Once the fires start up, the time for talking about stuff is over False 99.99 -welfare check in uniform False 99.99 -Now i've heard everything. False 99.99 -How do you know who is in this group ? False 99.99 -But this guy takes the cake and says that you are a bad person for wanting some too True 98.03 -just because the us doesn 't , it means nothing for the rest of the world . False 99.99 -oh , maybe this guy is trying to cause a radical uprising right now ! get him ! False 99.99 -How much does Reddit owe u? False 99.99 -aliens must think we 're so weird . False 100.0 -The cops of my area are cool False 100.0 -Bottom 96 doesn't do anything? False 100.0 -Hamas doesn't care about palestinian children. False 100.0 -They should just go away and figure it out themselves False 100.0 -How about you stop slinging and contribute to the conversation. False 100.0 -Lee was alive today ,this shit wouldn't be going on True 99.94 -nobody could possibly make up these people verbalize False 100.0 -These girls are going places. False 100.0 -My dad can beat your dad. False 99.99 -wrong , it did neither False 99.63 -put your pitchforks down guys because she 's probably full of 87 news False 99.63 -they certainly didn 't do anything when india invaded portuguese goa . False 99.63 -What will take to fix this problem False 99.63 -go to a gym for once in your life False 99.63 -How much does Reddit own you ? False 99.63 -Why this is not getting more attention.? False 100.0 -When I was younger I had no idea about what they were saying on this line False 100.0 -Are you really unaware of this or fooling around me? False 99.99 -Same thing that happened with the officer who shot at the running black man. False 99.99 -people can do horrible , all over the world , regardless of occupation . False 99.99 -Either that, or he's a dirty, corrupt hypocrite. True 99.99 -I would rather not see someone's nasty underwear False 99.99 -fuck that , i hope she gets funding to open up a yoga franchise True 99.99 -no no he 's a bad person ! can 't you read ! ? False 99.99 -these folks are delusional . True 99.89 -would you stop with these lies? False 100.0 -You're illiterate if you can't understand the title True 99.89 -*missiles in the air* , this is a big deal! False 100.0 -wow ! whoever made that is a straight up genius . False 100.0 -Get half the country addicted then tighten the noose False 99.99 -How do you get to know that which degree those people have? False 100.0 -Do we think the bad guys won't win this time? False 100.0 -I was saying this a few week back. False 100.0 -they have money for that? False 99.61 -i'm disgusted that another canadian would post this on reddit. False 98.74 -so his partisian liberal opinion seems to match up with reality . False 99.61 -as fast as possible, liberals speak out on issues like this. False 99.61 -lee was alive today , this shit wouldnt be going on True 99.99 -Afterall, coke is awesome. False 99.61 -Harams doesn't care about Palestinian children True 99.99 -40% increase last year 11% this year . False 99.61 -Oh, someone is definitely getting into trouble. False 99.61 -I think good article title is what most people are trying to say False 99.99 -it 's not a team sport. False 100.0 -I can’t get enough of those people. False 99.99 -then get our asses kicked in the last half hour True 99.99 -bully boy is worried that it could get him hurt False 99.99 -How come this pig hasn't been charged with a crime and imprisoned like the thug he is? True 99.99 -He's the only candidate that I trust is really against riding big money. False 100.0 -what happening in france ? ! ? ! ? False 100.0 -does a catholic argentine bear shit in the woods True 99.99 -pretty much all the awful things about those two came to light two or three elections ago . False 99.99 -Fact this article is full of lies. False 99.99 -There's a whole lot of things going down that doesn't support sweeping generalization False 99.99 -Yeah sounds like a great Canadian guy False 99.99 -Hey guy who points mistakes out. Oh wait. False 99.99 -Otherwise it might have gotten real . False 99.99 -* * that's how the free market works - bosses that betray their employees. False 99.99 -I’m so happy taibbi got out of greenwald’s organization False 99.99 -It’s all beginning to meld into the same trouble. False 99.99 -why are people calling this a crash ? False 99.99 -We are not all on a mobile device False 99.99 -richardson was pretty corrupt and did this sort of things all the time . False 93.68 -i am realizing how this sub has become when this is the top comment . False 99.99 -you should go get a real job ! False 99.99 -He's having the electorate on, easiest job in the world! False 99.99 -Sinkholes frighten me a lot. False 99.99 -Your wall isn't going to do anything. False 99.99 -new zealand redditors need to identify themselves so i don 't cause undue stress by talking to them . False 99.99 -just repport them and they will stop False 99.99 -cash out and buy a fireproof safe . False 99.99 -it probably doesn't need to be placed at all, as nasa is doing incredible thing constantly. False 99.99 -Very tragic all around because of the daughter's lie. False 99.99 -Because marco rubio is unintelligent False 99.99 -or are you just making things up? False 99.99 -probably when the cpc won a majority and decided they could do whatever they want . False 99.99 -what is going on in france ? False 100.0 -What kind of person tries to blow himself up by a school? False 100.0 -instant downvote by americans , alright no surprise really . False 100.0 -his feels , or employment , don 't override my food not having it . False 100.0 -hey , soy is awesome . False 100.0 -i hope this gives the usa a reason to get off the pot already . False 99.99 -Yeah that and the China stuff you see 50 times a day on here False 100.0 -If the US goes down, you and most of the rest of the world is in trouble. False 100.0 -"this is like some "" 39 mm "" thing" False 100.0 -the movie is pretty tasteless , but i agree with you . False 100.0 -the chance i would of killed those pieces False 100.0 -that probably means county jail , not pound in the prison . False 99.99 -both sides like rich guys , but one side really gets off on the lower and middle classes . False 100.0 -Yeah who needs trade and progress. False 100.0 -he 's just a pathetic contrarian True 92.04 -You just hit a few times and rest of them got afraid and run. False 100.0 -Now we’ve both said crazy stuff! I love the internet False 100.0 -just saying it publicly will make conservatives change False 100.0 -Does a bot excrete in the woods? False 99.99 -and why wouldn 't he . False 99.99 -Considering how most of them are irresponsibles, that's saying a lot False 99.99 -sounds like an advertisement for this- eating shrimp listening equipment. False 95.11 -The mont’s queso is not good False 99.99 -penguins like shiny pebbles False 99.99 -What did you type? False 99.99 -Please go away, how can you call a death good . False 99.99 -name one person who is even doing the trump is doing ? False 99.99 -Once the fires start up, it's time to stop talking. False 100.0 -they point it and shoots out False 100.0 -half the time it 's dumb ass kids doing it , just like in los angeles . True 99.72 -Megyn Kelly brought that same dude on again. so she could humiliate him a second time. False 100.0 -Tybn just wait until Hastings leaves the company and they start to inconvenience everybody with new rates. False 100.0 -If this happens i will shut down guantanamo. False 100.0 -no afghanistan didn 't attack on 24 24 , bin laden did , who was guess what ? False 100.0 -There is nothing happened so you don't get it False 100.0 -Well in real life you're still not cool. False 100.0 -this type of undesirable act was part for the course among foreign policy makers for decades. False 99.99 -where do you think you are? False 99.99 -Good, atheist are irritating False 99.99 -get bent , you weak . True 99.98 -It is ridiculous to compare cheny and goebbels False 93.49 -No one cares bro. False 99.99 -Never release that man. False 99.99 -what the is an african lynch mob ? False 99.99 -You got your weird stuffs; I got mine. False 99.99 -why don 't we just nuke this whole place and start over . True 99.99 -pterodactyl edit i just realized that made me the pink ranger False 99.99 -this isn 't even the top of the wired thing False 99.99 -You can gag all sorts of matters prior and during a trial for all sorts of reasons. False 99.99 -Hardliners are imploding right now,I guess False 99.99 -That is a long time. False 99.99 - but they care if you say you drive a mazda when really you drive a mercedes. False 99.99 -You can see this type of topics on news daily. False 99.99 -there are plenty of immature college students who do useless things and act like children False 99.99 -He’s gonna get paleolithic on them. False 99.99 -I'm not wasting my time for four hard continuous stressful hours for $40 before tax. False 99.99 -"take a few "" no one cares "" downvotes from our community !" False 99.99 -too much inventory, nobody is buying, time to get that insurance money False 99.99 -She is bad for so many reasons that have nothing to do with guns. True 94.98 -But if you poke a bear don't be surprised when it tears your face. False 98.32 -This guy needs to be slapped, hard. True 95.5 -as fast as possible , liberals spaz out on issues like this . False 97.43 -I would say he is obnoxious but he is also not exactly intelligent False 99.99 -no denying that but this is the 30 st century were that isn 't even close to acceptable . False 99.64 -no people want their government to ban what they don 't want . False 99.64 -shame like this still happens tho . False 99.64 -The NSA ain't Obama's fault. False 99.64 -People can do horrible stuffs, all over the world, regardless of occupation. False 99.86 -Bad workers don't serve people, but hide False 99.89 -dog shit on a bullet True 99.71 -my point is that you are not right and nobody wanted to pay 54. False 99.99 -This needs to be done no later than at 19 years old False 99.99 -then everyone says the area went down because whites left . False 99.99 -it 's in the bloody original link you fucking troglodyte . True 99.71 -She's bad for so many reasons that have nothing to do with guns. False 94.14 -this was really expensive there , but it was the cleanest place i 've ever been ad beautiful . False 99.99 -How in the world do you know what degree people got? False 99.99 -why do we need machines anyway ? False 99.99 -That's why I said I was all for this law . False 99.99 -Please go away False 99.99 -you don 't get to negotiate then you 're using headhunters wrong False 99.99 -holy cow what if they sent in two war boats that would be crazy!!! True 99.99 -not a safe vehicle to be on when everyone around it drives dangerously False 99.99 -Why comment if you don't know about that? False 99.99 -What is wrong with Europe? False 99.99 -former leader of terrorist group irgun , got one in 28 False 99.99 -then change the channel False 99.99 -Are there negative health impacts from being near a nuclear disaster? False 99.99 -one man alone is not responsible for a messed up government. False 99.99 -This kind of attitude largely contribute to this terrible political landscape False 99.99 -Let them figure it out. False 99.99 -i think they would want their stuff back more than they would want you dead. False 99.99 -"and a smart car "" fits "" four , but it 's uncomfortable ." False 100.0 -If you hit one,others automatically leave. False 99.99 -Where did it come from False 99.99 -if those numbers are true that is scary . False 99.88 -that crash could have killed him False 99.99 -and most liberals that i know think most of these people are stretching this thing to get famous . False 99.88 -Otherwise they won't consider. False 99.88 -what a sick , sick person . True 92.11 -Yes, they already messed up False 99.99 -so we agree both are not that smart ? False 99.99 -All you are doing is a kinda being fool True 99.79 -my hypothetical wife kinda sounds like she is not nice . False 99.99 -I think it might be time to take a hint, guys. False 100.0 -why the are they now suddenly so anti - net neutrality ! ? False 100.0 -everyone suffers and that these extremists are total cunts ? True 99.99 -Liveleak confirmed for website now False 100.0 -i wish i had the money to buy bitcoins right now . False 100.0 -Either that, or he's a dirty, corrupt hypocrite. True 99.99 -It is pretty obvious that lack of open sexual options have driven the priesthood into doing immoral actions False 99.99 -you can thank columbus, ga for that. False 99.99 -if the world cup wasn 't happening right now , nobody would have cared about this . False 100.0 -He is not disagreeing, he is just being honest False 100.0 -why isn 't the un doing something here ? False 100.0 -Talking out of your mind again? False 99.99 -aliens must think we 're so weird . False 100.0 -The rebels are a way worse option than the current government. False 99.99 -Putin is a bad guy, but about this he is 8% right. False 99.99 -You at least care enough to comment on him. False 99.99 -i defend my street with sticks , language and my good looks . False 99.83 -Honeatly, who cares what words you have to recite? False 99.83 -defense didn’t work cause silva wasn 't playing . False 99.83 -He shouldn't be charged if he's not guilty False 99.99 -Never mess with animal on 1 chan. False 99.83 -"how can you swear to "" god "" if that isn 't a thing ? !" False 99.83 -Sorry, I forgot about that False 99.83 -you get a fucking warrant ! ! ! it 's not hard dude . True 100.0 -The guy is a murderer False 99.83 -When a war begins it get worse before getting any better False 99.99 -It's not a contest False 99.99 -it 's not your fault scott 's a dick . True 99.99 -what the fuck is wrong with europe True 99.99 -He's selling a narrative the same as Stewart and his people eat this up too False 99.99 -there aren 't any , and i doubt he 'll admit to talking out with him False 99.99 -basically they were be in a big trouble either way False 99.99 -Well this video is shocking False 99.99 -It's looking pretty hilarious already. False 99.99 -sadly this hero will get eaten alive by the liberal sharks . False 99.99 -these girls are going places literally and figuratively . False 99.99 -Not gonna lie, she looks weird too. False 98.45 -that 's cause russia isn 't run by bunch of crying girls . False 97.3 -wasn 't the rhetoric that i could only catch this if i handled an ebola patients blood False 99.99 -mexico can go fuck itself . True 99.86 -india needs to get it together regarding daughters speaking as son of indian immigrants False 99.99 -it is stopping you hats from dominating them . False 99.99 -Please don’t speak up if you don’t know anything False 99.99 -which is why they should get him out before he gets into troubles False 99.99 -where the head of fema was a political appointment instead of someone who could actually do the job False 99.99 -You sound like a canadian False 99.99 -Stop reposting False 99.99 -I think it might be time to take a hint, guys. False 99.99 -It's all beginning to meld into the same sack of things False 99.99 -Ya know, the page with words and waste. False 99.42 -The head of fema was not the right person for the job. False 99.42 -Add all that up False 99.42 -I don 't give a shit about your healthcare True 100.0 -too much inventory , nobody is buying , time to demolish the building and get that insurance money False 99.42 -Let's just handle that problem so that any down the line mutations are of little concern False 99.63 -Why are you rioting for just tearing page of book False 99.99 -This is the main reason you don't talk to police False 99.96 -and a whole lot of republicans out of the job . False 99.96 -Would you stop with these lies? False 99.63 -nah our payroll but he 's a cheating cunt . True 99.15 -Yeah, coke is still very awesome. False 99.63 -doubt people in china , india , russia etc gave a second thought about him edit blimey False 99.96 -i just want grow up an do hood rat shit with my friends . True 98.7 -Police need to be more accountable than your typical citizen not at all False 99.96 -Like having sex with a virgin to cure aids? True 99.25 -Most people don't pull this behavior on other people's religious holidays so why should he? False 99.73 -most new zealanders dont care of stuff False 99.73 -They need to stop this so much False 99.73 -Cisco sold them the hardware. False 99.73 -that is some straight up ministry of truth right there. False 99.99 -Cisco sold them the hardware. False 99.91 -Letting members of the Middle Easr terrorise organizations is a bad idea False 99.99 -productivity is off the charts . False 99.91 -that is al franken! I had not actually made that connection before False 99.99 -The cops where i live are chill, im not to worried about myself. False 99.91 -wow , you know things are bad when china has to say it should be transparent . False 99.91 -sounds like an advertisement for shit - eating shrimp listening equipment True 99.93 -It is not about war on drugs , this is war on people . False 96.32 -Police need to be more accountable than your typical citizen, not insulting not at all. False 99.6 -Name one person who is even doing the unpleasant things trump is doing. False 99.6 -"and a smart car "" fits "" four , but it 's uncomfortable ." False 99.6 -Netanyahu might be a bigger bad person than Cheney. False 99.99 -or being a bitch as usual , it worries me that this bitch has kids . True 99.21 -they 're pretty good at dropping those barrel bombs on anything near a target though False 99.99 -get a nice paid vacation . False 99.99 -the article is from a tabloid dude . False 99.99 -Mocking people for “conspiracies” makes you look naive False 99.99 -nah you know those lines are gonna be good False 99.99 -avakov does not care about agreements made by poroshenko . False 99.99 -the city of heraclius is ours bitch and this is how we do it in sandniggeristan youtube True 99.89 -I'm also guessing you're silly cause this is the internet. False 100.0 -The youth has do deal with them for another 86 years. False 99.99 -it 's vapid and so are most of its users False 100.0 -I can't get enough of those fellows False 100.0 -one common friend man, how does this happen . False 100.0 -Your name is accurate. False 100.0 -Get bent False 99.99 -You disappointed me. False 99.99 -"Obama made a statement saying""vaccinate your kids"" today." False 99.99 -Oh God! I could not remember about that. False 93.97 -until we fix a broken system the cameras aren 't going to do any work . False 99.67 -Who cares about money? False 99.67 -Franken is not good thoug. False 99.67 -You don't treat your employees very well and you don't pay them well too. False 99.67 -that 's a shit - ton of projection you have going there . True 99.99 -No one messes with the snakes. False 99.99 -including packing the tinder for this type of thing False 99.65 -We will gladly give then some cheap pills False 99.66 -avakov does not care about agreements made by poroshenko . False 99.66 -What is wrong with reddit? False 99.66 -You can get a lot of stuff into a thum drive. False 99.66 -on the grounds that all the parties are not good. False 99.66 -just saying it publicly will make conservatives change their mind. False 99.66 -i feel so bad for the palestinians . False 99.99 -doesn't mean we can do whatever we want to the environment. False 99.99 -He is telling you your title is bad because it is False 99.99 -Macarthur left us with a very strange Japan and he was fired. False 99.99 -all of russian post soviet films and tv productions is nonsense. False 99.99 -Your title is confusing False 99.99 -mcafee bores and so does john mcafee . False 99.99 -Everything is starting to dissolve in the same bag. False 100.0 -have some respect for other people and their life choices False 100.0 -They aren't really that fun. False 99.99 -so what you 're saying is , my highly unqualified ass can now become a teacher in kansas ? True 99.99 -hah, birth control, now that is a trouble starter with those folks. False 100.0 -the hypocrisy is monumental . False 100.0 -Half time it's the kids doing it, just like in los angeles. False 100.0 -send a letter to microsoft , get a pastafarian lawyer and sue their religious discrimination False 99.99 -Just fine her and make her clean it up False 99.99 -Items was expensive there, but it was the cleanest and most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. False 100.0 -Yes google and Facebook track you when you are not using their website False 99.99 -and most liberals that i know think most of these people are stretching this shit to get famous True 97.94 -If not for hoverboards, we’d have vacations to the moon by now False 99.99 -Now I've heard everything. False 99.36 -people make such a big decision about that but i swear it rates identical False 99.36 -We need Indiana Jones to solve this problem False 99.79 -it 's that certain statistically large cultures who practice islam find this acceptable for religious reasons False 99.99 -let 's just let the horse shit pile up ? True 99.99 -Breaking news, I didn't. False 99.99 -yes, it is sad and deppressing False 99.99 -My hypothetical wife sounds mean. False 99.99 -put your pitchforks down guys because she 's probably full of that 87 news True 92.54 -All they care about is the the money False 99.99 -Not really that fun, they are very heavy. False 99.99 -If I close it ,I get it for not wanting a bad credit card. False 99.99 -china , you have shit tons of land . True 99.65 -That is just factually incorrect. False 99.74 -You should get a real job! False 99.99 -imagine obama just put the hands up and keep a good distance between he and cruz . False 99.74 -Jim crow laws were ruined False 99.99 -We price match about 21% of the things we buy at walmart False 99.74 -Can confirm we believe that people think that we are bad. False 99.74 -The same things are still happening badly. False 99.82 -they need people who won 't care about blackmail , maybe then things will get done False 99.18 -Rape is rape and it's not funny people. False 99.99 -shit yeah ! that 's a good ass name ! True 99.99 -How much does reddit owe you? False 99.18 -yeah let go money , no country or organization cares about it , right ? False 99.18 -Including packing the tinder for this False 99.18 -Seriously it’s so messed up. False 99.99 -What is night cheese? False 99.18 -where did those things come from? False 99.18 -say hello to freedom. False 99.99 -i 'm upset by how stupid you are haha True 99.99 -that 's because the bad gets blown out of proportion False 99.99 -law enforcement ! this is so far out of hand . False 99.99 -I think you did wrong if you let people pay you nothing to do a job like that . False 99.72 -Like seriously, what an ignorant person False 96.21 -i guess we havent learned a single thing False 99.72 -we do perfectly fine without hurting anyone False 99.72 -seriously , we 're not all on a mobile device . False 98.91 -why is it that when a conservative repeats talking points everyone loses their mind. False 99.33 -that would be wack. True 100.0 -You mean a politician just did the opposite to what he promised?! False 99.02 -Get your head straight False 99.99 -upgrading stopped the error but now my battery life is low False 99.99 -i just want grow up an do ratchet stuff with my friends . False 100.0 -You get a warrant! It's not hard, dude. False 99.9 -why should kerry care ? False 100.0 -yeah what the heck does a symbolic $100 million judgement mean ? True 98.9 -you 're full of shit , and should feel bad for lying True 98.9 -Law enforcement is out of hand False 100.0 -too bad you can 't change those boys False 99.9 -it is a bad article however . False 99.99 -Who cares about what the uneducated masses think? False 98.45 -Lee was alive today, this wouldn't be going on. False 98.45 -No.That would be bad. False 98.61 -tybn just wait until hastings leaves the company and they start everybody with new rates . False 98.45 -Whis is pretty fast. False 99.99 -that thing is just factually incorrect . False 100.0 -Our elections are so fundamentally down False 100.0 -It's in the original link False 100.0 -until we fix a broken system the cameras aren't going to work. False 100.0 -The guy who tackled the gunman if it's true, is a legend. False 99.99 -This is not going well. False 99.99 -textbook definition of authoritarian False 99.57 -Too many children on Reddit suggesting that. False 99.57 -yeah that's pretty rude False 99.99 -the reality is most of us are people sitting behind a computer typing . False 99.99 -hey , soy is awesome . False 99.57 -then change the channel you. False 99.57 -if they saved even one life , i don 't give a fuck True 94.01 -What is he doing? False 100.0 -The king is incapable False 100.0 -those damn commies are evil and deserve some ass whooping as american as apple pie sarcasm True 99.99 -this thread is disgusting and rife with hypocrisy . False 99.99 -I almost apoplectic today when that was mentioned False 100.0 -i got mine False 100.0 -When there's only 57 of the rhinos left, it is going to be expensive. False 100.0 -they are messed up by both parties False 100.0 -Oh, Jesus Christ, how can you rationalize this one to yourself? False 99.99 -they make new whales everyday False 99.99 -and the food industry is so go at how it markets people defend it . False 99.99 -They’re going to sort out against whatever is threatening it’s family. False 99.99 -She’s a spoiled person that has a lot to learn about life. False 99.99 -he 's telling you your title is bad , because it is . False 99.99 -who are you people friends with ? False 99.99 -I rather work twice as hard False 99.99 -oh christ these comments are terrible . False 99.99 -my home state is messing up as usual. False 100.0 -without funding things get bad False 100.0 -zero cares were given this day False 100.0 -in texas with something for them . False 100.0 -Man is so fearful that he ran away to Russia of all places. False 100.0 -lol she has no chance . False 99.99 -The hypocrisy is monumental. False 100.0 -we know we failed in the past and we aknowledge that False 99.99 -send a letter to microsoft , get a pastafarian lawyer and sue them for religious discrimination False 99.99 -What happened to ebola anyway? False 99.99 -it is stopping you from dominating them. False 99.99 -who cares what the uneducated people think ? False 99.99 -that is al franken! I had not actually made that connection before. False 99.99 -Glad to see they got my comment, I wonder who the other 77 were from False 99.99 -this one would be fast though. False 99.67 -Business is messed up. False 99.5 -yes google and facebook track you when you are not using their websites . False 99.67 -he beat out of a lot of men too , but one woman and it 's a tragedy False 99.38 -To make up for our people generally being bad at actual bilinguity False 99.38 -I would drive the economy with my good intentions and socialistic ideals False 99.67 -I wouldn't even do that. False 99.5 -thats a pretty simplistic view of it False 99.5 -funny thing is that saakashvili is right now 11 tv False 99.5 -that is why you don 't talk to the police ! False 99.99 -seriously , we 're not all on a mobile device . False 99.99 -Ehh, one of those piles has flowers growing on it False 99.99 -Who is going into these place and arrest these guys? False 100.0 -but who is reggie False 100.0 -It's always these island nations. False 100.0 -It's amazing that opportunity is still at it,too False 100.0 -This, again needs context no, this doesn't need any context at all. False 100.0 -this is why cops are fucking useless . True 99.99 -either way go fuck yourself . True 99.44 -I'm voting greens False 99.99 -it amazes me that people work so hardin a job for 69 , 69 dollars False 99.9 -not a safe vehicle to be on when everyone around it drives without safety . False 99.9 -Imagine Obama just put the hands up and distanced himself with Cruz. False 99.99 -You would be upset False 99.9 -how can you call a death good False 99.99 -Why do you have to be bad? False 99.99 -r worldnews should be removed from the default list the same way r technology was removed . False 99.99 -yeah the joke was made 55 times already False 99.99 -no , but proposing like this is what helps the nutters re - elect these sleazeballs . True 99.99 -they have money for that False 99.99 -"how do people with "" regular "" incomes afford to live up there ?" False 99.99 -Let them keep taking it all from our troops until they have nothing. False 99.99 -they are just trying to cover their messes. False 99.99 -this isn't even the top of the wired thing. False 99.99 -its always these nation island False 99.99 -things go south and in general , i 'm losing 20 %. False 99.99 -deer can be aggressive as fuck then . True 99.99 -Now go eat your baguettes while we make sure you don't do it again. False 99.99 -how are there still people that defend these monsters . False 100.0 -the best republican has done more shadier than hillary and obama combined False 99.99 -every north korea thread has the same tired unoriginal jokes . False 99.84 -because now the religious fanatics only have 3 weeks to complain to him instead of 3 years . False 99.99 -I'm not going for four hard continuous stressful hours for $40 before tax . False 99.99 -Does anyone else hate the FBI? False 97.96 -Most of the items you'd find here are things that you can just find anywhere. False 100.0 -cisco sold them the hardware False 99.99 -No, people want their government to ban what they don't want. False 100.0 -Can't feed won't help most of their citizens, has money to send to mars. False 100.0 -Dont go to any of those two shows. False 99.99 -As usual bussiness is in a bad situation. False 100.0 -otherwise things might have gotten real . False 100.0 -don 't forget watching cat videos in 67 p because they can 't see it. False 99.99 -Smoking 81 grams of tobacco at once would be awful False 99.99 -things go south and in general , i 'm losing 20 % everithing. False 99.99 -this article is bad True 94.33 -by that lousy definition i am a terrorist if i spray a political slogan on a wall you False 99.99 -Why are people calling this a crash . False 100.0 -on the other hand peta are unnecessary job and cause more harm than good False 99.99 -i feel not so good for the palestinians . False 100.0 -What is night cheese? False 99.99 -They would speak ill of anyone nominated by president Obama. False 99.99 -The nsa mistake ain't Obama's fault False 100.0 -you 'd hit the ceiling False 100.0 -toss that out because we dont need it False 99.99 -how are there still people that defend these monsters . True 99.99 -Doesn't mean they wont continie to be bad to each other. False 100.0 -i would drive the economy to bad with my good intentions and socialistic ideals False 100.0 -because the faa has fucked quadcopters for civies here , bub . True 99.99 -This pope is unsuitable. False 98.46 -Not gonna lie she is looking weird False 90.71 -they need to be trained on stuff like that. False 99.99 -my home state making an ass out of itself as usual True 99.8 -oh , i almost went apoplectic today when that was mentioned . False 99.99 -The facebooks marketing team will simply delete it. False 98.46 -Shame we can't euthanize nonsense posters. False 99.99 -also , this is just weird . False 99.99 -i don 't care what this guy thinks . False 99.99 -I don't like the world we live in. False 99.05 -you could be the prince of peace returning and i would not care . False 95.8 -i think you made a mistake if you let people pay you nothing to do a job like that . False 98.95 -Where even the faculty are retarding. True 99.71 -This one would be really fast though False 99.99 -they 're more unpleasant than he is . False 95.8 -What a vivid imagination! Enjoy your bad life. False 99.99 -They better should get him out before he does something wrong. False 99.99 -she has a child and no healthcare ? False 99.99 -No denying that but this is the 30th century where that is not even close to be accepted False 99.99 -yep , gov 't got involved because it * sounded * like a good idea , then bad things happened . False 99.99 -To heck with that, I hope she gets funding to open up a yoga franchise. False 99.99 -Then do something! False 99.99 -These type of stuff make the news daily. False 99.99 -forget everyone else , i got mine . False 99.13 -facebooks marketing team is going to mess it up royally False 99.99 -How do you know who is in this group? False 100.0 -Once the Chinese construction bubble bursts we're in some trouble. False 99.99 -very amazing performance , if you can get through it . False 99.99 -Both sides are weak at this point. False 99.99 -hooray for imposing your religion onto other people! False 99.99 -This is the worst thread I've seen True 98.96 -It's time we go in again and clean our issues. False 99.99 -what the fuck does he think pros spend money on ? True 90.8 -putin is a useless man , but about this he is 8 % right . False 99.99 -They certainly didn't do anything when India invaded Portuguese goa. False 99.99 -your title is confusing . False 100.0 -That much to push paper False 99.99 -Nobody cares about isis False 99.99 -jesus christ these girls are going places literally and figuratively . False 100.0 -"That robot will be all like ""you've just been terminated." False 100.0 -All the presidents have been not good, except George Washington. False 99.99 -Even bush knows that he is in a mess. False 99.99 -If you have ebola, you are gonna be spitting and throwing up blood. False 99.99 -once something makes the news in our current climate , weird things happens in both directions . False 99.99 -No ,that’s why I said I was all for this law False 99.99 -If the FBI sold me quality items I might not think they're worthless. False 96.47 -macarthur left us with a very strange japan , and he was fired for this sake . False 99.99 -This article is written horribly. False 99.99 -then the supreme court can overturn that shit for being unconstitutional . True 90.31 -all they care about is enslaving the people False 99.99 -You don't get to negotiate thing then you are using headhunters wrong False 99.99 -No, it won't get a vote in the senate. False 99.99 -bitch that they not there to raise their kids . True 99.99 -Go and get some empathy False 99.99 -trust me, you do not want to mess with the gign . False 98.52 -They don't care- they only exist to keep slave labor a reality for fpi False 99.99 -the moment z mess himself and had to have a bathroom break to throw out his draws False 99.99 -Also, smoking 81 grams of tobacco at once wiuld be awful. False 99.99 -"i 'll take ""they should have done 29 years ago "" for 29 alex ." False 99.99 -whatever, I'm voting greens. False 96.65 -C'mon dea - how much more evidence do you need? False 99.99 -wrong , it did neither . False 99.99 -unbelievable these comments are uncalled for False 99.99 -doesn 't mean we can do whatever we want to the environment . False 99.99 -I love bounty, just moved to the Netherlands and had one for the first time. False 99.99 -that was the corniest thing ever , but really, have an upvote False 98.75 -we need Indiana Jones to sort this out False 99.99 -Please mind your own business, thank you False 99.99 -How did you know degree people got? False 99.99 -Funny how the people that it’s supposed to offend don’t care, isn’t it? False 99.99 -generally speaking its not a concern to care about the future if you 're getting paid millions now False 99.99 -i know right , boring michigan. False 99.99 -pretty much all the awful things about those two came to light two or three elections ago . False 99.18 -They will definitely do False 99.7 -That much to push paper!? False 99.27 -which is obviously retarded . False 93.57 -how much more evidence do you need False 99.27 -I shouldn’t have read this. False 99.7 -Speaker boner doesn't work well. False 99.7 -the nsa aint obama 's fault False 99.79 -i know right , boring michigan False 99.79 -He's a pushover and caves to the Democrats every chance he gets. False 99.79 -But seriously ignore those daeshbags True 99.99 -Amazing performance, if you can get through it. False 99.99 -oh course he is , his views are not good and that it is golden on conservative talk radio . False 99.99 -wrong , it did neither . False 99.99 -i wouldn 't even do that . False 99.99 -come at me bro False 99.99 -"the "" overspending factor "" was pulled from the same that the $50 bln figure comes from ." False 100.0 -a lot of my friends peers are unintelligent as well . False 100.0 -"It isn't a symbol of ""southern pride"", its just racism." False 100.0 -what a bunch of dim-wits True 99.99 -you care at least enough to comment on him . False 100.0 -that is a cute dog False 99.99 -send the 'precious' chick to sit on putin True 99.99 -They know what they're doing by keeping the workers poor. False 98.47 -Because Marco Rubio is not smart False 98.47 -We take away their guns. False 100.0 -Our elections are so fundamentally messed up. False 98.47 -Which is, obviously, retarded True 99.99 -But I have a pretty good idea who is the bigger failure. False 99.99 -North Korea would demap the people who tried to do something that will get into trouble False 97.17 -what kind of waging war is this ? False 99.99 -Who meses with firefighters? False 99.99 -it 's time we go in again and clean False 100.0 -back off mate you had your six bowls , now its my over . True 95.64 -yeah bentley is doing a lot to disable the state of alabama up False 99.99 -Atleast theyr'e not weak. False 100.0 -I'm gone False 100.0 -oh, this is not going well . False 100.0 -God damn, how does anyone vote for these people? True 99.55 -Instant down in vote by americans, no surprise really False 100.0 -generally speaking its not a concern to give a shit about the future if you 're getting paid millions now True 99.99 -these days a kid makes a mistake it will stick . False 100.0 -on the other hand peta cause harm than good. False 99.99 -that's good name False 99.99 -lots of people care , that 's how they got famous . False 99.99 -World bad - country is worse. False 99.99 -atlanta is so much ghetto. False 99.99 -wiretapping ? how is recording an open - air conversation * wiretapping * False 100.0 -They don’t care how they look in the media. False 100.0 -There’s something wrong with him False 100.0 -Things are really bad and law enforcement is not helping False 100.0 -U should be intelligent to realize about your comment's meaning False 100.0 -no chance they 'd believe that if mike brown was white . False 100.0 -they annexed the oil ! False 100.0 -The poor should get to work False 100.0 -But they care if you say you drive a mazda when you really drive a mercedes. False 100.0 -Penguins mate for shiny pebbles False 99.68 -this is why i moved to cali and refuse to look back. False 99.99 -if those numbers are true that is really scary . False 99.64 -i don 't even care what the article is , get this click bait title out of here . False 99.68 -There will always be people who believe in ridiculous stuffs False 99.99 -to be fair obama is just doing what any corrupt republican would do False 99.64 -tybn just wait until hastings leaves the company and they start everybody with new rates . False 99.64 -It is always these bad island nations. False 99.68 -it 's looking pretty fucking goddamn hilarious already . True 100.0 -That dude on the right don't care False 99.99 -Where do you think you are ? False 99.99 -Poor people will complain about everything, won't they? False 99.99 -You must be so pleased. False 99.99 -well did we hit em back yet ? ? ? ? False 99.99 -Seriously what is wrong with reddit ? False 100.0 -so what did france do ? False 99.99 -"it 's called , "" being a dick "" ." True 99.99 -Or are you just making it up False 99.99 -well this video is pure dirt False 99.33 -Rape alligations and you will ha e to deal with isis True 100.0 -and you think the democrats care? False 97.87 -That is why you don't talk to the police ! False 100.0 -I don't really care who makes it. False 99.99 -Do not listen everyone who thinks like blix. True 98.2 -not that i have sources , maybe i 'm talking of my ass . True 99.95 -amazing performance , if you can get through it False 99.99 -Woah! Whoever made that is a genius. False 99.99 -no one can pay attention when trump is blaming on everything . False 99.99 -what do you expect them to do False 99.99 -What is going on in France? False 99.99 -you can 't steal drugs and then sell them from the evidence locker . False 99.99 -Then, who will go and arrest them? False 99.99 -you can get a lot of data onto a thumb drive . False 99.75 -how many shooters have been having coitus with soccer moms? False 99.75 -it was a conference . False 99.75 -I'm not saying wi is any better , but i 'd rather be there than broke il False 99.75 -Otherwise, they don't care. False 99.99 -Now I've heard everything! False 99.99 -They also need to stop doing so much False 99.06 -Nobody cares about Oscar predictions. False 99.38 -Go look under the privacy settings, its not in order, the default options arw horrible. False 94.41 -What do you expect them to do? False 99.06 -seriously ? when have cops ever gotten fired for killing or beating people ? True 99.99 -the poor should get to work . False 94.12 -Fact is this article is meaningless False 99.01 -Should be common sense False 99.99 -Nick Clegg is rude to speak out against Cameron's decisions. False 99.01 -so what the heck did france do? True 91.96 -Once the fires start up, the time for talking bad is over. False 99.99 -Run on a treadmill and do something around the house. False 99.99 -which requires agreeing to do their bidding while kissing their ass . True 99.99 -politics whatever man , we need real politicians in power not these phony puppets that are bought . True 99.99 -yeah we don't need money, no country or organization cares about it , right ? False 99.99 -duh , he 's from the uk , they live in castles False 99.99 -Go to a gym for once. False 98.07 -i can 't imagine the big trouble the diver must of took when he felt the hand move . False 99.51 -megyn kelly brought that same dude on again so she could beat him a second time. False 99.2 -I do not like the new normal. False 99.2 -How can you rationalize this to yourself False 99.51 -what can we do short of joining the military ? False 99.51 -He's on to us! run! False 99.2 -football was starting to go to hell from the rules on the field and now all this. False 99.2 -I'm done with the olympics. False 98.79 -we beat them every time anyway . False 98.79 -To be fair, the LAPD are unsuitable policemen. False 98.79 -my god what is with all the dumb fucks . True 100.0 -This should be common sense. False 98.79 -but who's reggie? False 99.88 -yeah , fuck that guy and all of his piece of shit friends . True 99.32 -North korea would demap those if they tried that False 97.7 -How will anything get posted to Reddit then? False 99.88 -that makes it so much worse. False 99.99 -that was the corniest thing ever , but , have an upvote False 99.99 -If you think 95K isn’t a lot, you absolutely rich False 100.0 -my uncle got sniped , i know some stuff. False 100.0 -S6 looks like it’s an iPhone False 100.0 -Who wants an electronic signal to control if your gun fires or not? False 100.0 -He is on to us run False 100.0 -let 's just seal that thing up so any down the line mutations are of little concern False 99.99 -anyone who doesn 't kiss the ayatollah must be expelled to keep your ranks pure . False 98.82 -Dress like what you want. False 99.99 -We are having fun tonight, all the girls are feeling free tonight. False 99.99 -Of course, I don't support looting. False 100.0 -cops don 't give a shit about collateral damage and even though you called they might shoot you too True 90.3 -you still don't get it beacuse none of that happened. False 100.0 -I was saying the same thing a few weeks back. False 100.0 -The poor should get to work. False 100.0 -Things go south and in general, I'm losing 20% of my temper. False 99.99 -Things like this brings texans together. False 99.82 -who cares about the money? False 99.99 -That is some straight up ministry of truth right here. False 99.99 -itt people who don 't recognize a joke when they see one . False 90.98 -anonymous , i hope they are all arrested for hacking . False 99.99 -just what makes them so rich ? False 99.99 -Can confirm we believe that people think that we are shits. True 99.51 -why don 't we just nuke this whole place and start over False 99.99 -pretty obvious a lack of open sexual options have driven the priesthood into some perverse and highly damage False 99.99 -Rape is rape and it is not funny people False 99.99 -The republicans have done more unsavory things than Hillary and Obama combined False 99.99 -Yeah, just leave that guy and all his friends . False 99.99 -It won't get a vote in the senate. False 99.99 -who gives a flying Nonsense what ron paul says ? False 91.09 -Oh God, I am out of here. False 99.99 -It's swift boating all over again. False 99.99 -Why is it when a conservative is talking points everyone does not care? False 99.99 -you don 't wash your private part ? False 99.99 -when i was younger i had no idea what they were saying on this line False 99.99 -yeah what does a symbolic $100 million judgement mean ? False 99.99 -in that case the forests is doomed False 99.99 -all messed up because the old people still think their ideas represent the current citizens. False 98.16 -That was a bad maneuver by Hamas, but it does show how retaliatory strikes can be pointless. False 98.16 -the guy who tackled the gunman if it 's true is a legend False 99.79 -Wisconsin , step up your game. False 98.48 -The dude on the right is like to heck with those guys. True 94.78 -i hope they don 't service him . False 99.87 -Let's begin, former leader of terrorist group irgun, got one in 28. False 98.48 -Yeah, that, and the china crap you see 50 times a day on here. True 98.0 -That video is phony. False 91.76 -The youth has do deal with them for another 86 years False 99.87 -we have in a gnarly president is counter acted by a shit congress . True 96.9 -Most New Zealanders don't care False 99.99 -Why do people from real countries keep going to arab? Seriously False 99.99 -You're making it worse instead of having a clue. False 99.99 -most people don 't pull things like this on other people 's religious holidays so why should he ? False 99.9 -Now that nobody cares about the real life mike tyson False 99.99 -You can't say bad words to those boys False 99.99 -Africa was the same before and after europeans False 99.26 -This just pisses me off False 99.26 -it 's swift boating all over again . False 99.26 -"Because Obama made a statement saying ""vaccinate your kids"" today." False 99.8 -He's having the electorate on easiest job in the world. False 99.8 -I will not overwork myself for four hard hours for $40 before tax. False 99.26 -That thing gives me the most intense dreams . False 99.26 -If it doesn't make sales go up, they won't care. False 99.99 -Run! He is on to us! False 99.99 -Shame. Stuff like this still happens though. False 99.99 -inform yourself what a grand jury is before you make any mistake. False 100.0 -irs is pretty underfunded these days , takes money & staff to investigate all that deserve it . False 100.0 -source every time the stock market tanks False 100.0 -From which country you belong? False 100.0 -"in this year rachel had her entire situation , quote , "" blown - up " False 100.0 -The government don't care about their citizens False 100.0 -Of course I don't support looting . False 100.0 -honestly though , what was this guy doing walking around with a sword in the first place ? False 99.95 -Seriously? When have cops gotten fired for killing or beating people? False 99.99 -His feels, or employment, don't override my food not having garbage on it. False 95.23 -I'm too broke to care about the next generation False 100.0 -Both sides like rich guys, but one side really gets off on the lower and middle classes. False 99.99 -then the supreme court can overturn that for being unconstitutional . False 99.99 -proper hobo barrel fires to keep warm when i was there False 99.99 -tomorrow 's front page jeb bush wipes his ass from back to front True 99.99 -Wealthy people have beaten the world's donkeys by playing the world economy and games. False 99.93 -Now I might have to get up off my bed and do some work. False 99.93 -It’s amazing that opportunity is still at it, too. False 99.64 -no , that would be holey shit . True 100.0 -its entertaining , but why do they boldly walk right into the meat grinder like that ? False 99.64 -O come on False 99.64 -When a war like that gets started it gets a whole lot worse before it gets any better. False 100.0 -just because the us doesn 't , it means we are waste for the rest of the world False 100.0 -why you got downvoted , there is no reason for isreal to be such an dick . True 99.64 -there's no nicer way to say this you could start by not cursing every moment False 100.0 -You can't see anything from a gopro at 98 ft False 100.0 -Corporate Australia should stop being selfish False 99.99 -you allegedly rape one female and now isis is in your ass True 99.64 -If I have to go outside anyhow, then I'm having a real cigarette. False 99.99 -they messed up entering coordinates on their star gate . False 99.99 -eli gonna bring you troubles False 100.0 -When you do not treat and pay your employees well. False 100.0 -A lot of republicans lost their job. False 100.0 -smaug will hurt you if you do this . False 100.0 -They’re really sick False 100.0 -"you mean "" mythical "" ?" False 99.99 -too busy in our job are we ? False 100.0 -my uncle got sniped , i know some shit True 99.99 -Oh isis, isis, isis, no one cares about isis. False 99.99 -"how do people with "" regular "" incomes afford to live up there ?" False 100.0 -Yes, you cannot do anything about it. False 100.0 -How do people with regular incomes afford to live up there False 100.0 -"Well, that answers my first thought of, ""How is this even a law?" False 100.0 -it 's like a tea party meetup . False 100.0 -Speaker boner is not a nice person False 99.99 -They don't have money or they have no plan to give it back False 99.99 -I thought zoomers were that paste thing you inhaled the fumes of? True 99.99 -You know who doesn't play that. False 99.99 -he 's selling a narrative the same as stewart and his people accept it too. False 99.99 -are you really this ignorant or are you just kidding with me ? True 99.99 -Implying both of those shows, won't rock! False 99.99 -Stay away from me ,I am out of here. False 91.52 -who wants an electronic signal to control if your gun fires or not ? False 99.99 -I always mess up. False 99.99 -Who are you friends with? False 99.99 -shit we need to put up on a each day basis . True 99.99 -loved those grenade water balloons. False 99.99 -What will it take to fix this? False 99.99 -There is no any excuse about this. False 99.99 -i hope he mess everything up in the gop and then runs independent or drops out completely . False 100.0 -these days a kid makes a mistake it will stick False 100.0 -what is wrong with the UK recently? False 100.0 -Mind your own business False 99.99 -You'd hit the ceiling False 99.99 -i don 't even care what the article is , get this click bait title out of here . False 99.99 -That answer my first thoughtln how it became a law False 94.87 -this , again , needs context no , this does not need any context at all . False 99.99 -shame we can't eradicate bad posters. False 99.99 -hey , soy is very good False 100.0 -russia won 't do nothing outside their own borders except in ukraine . False 99.99 -hooray for imposing your religious beliefs onto other people ! False 99.99 -please re - read your post . False 100.0 -r politics is turning into alex jones False 99.99 -i don't care about all of you all as well False 100.0 -Let's just seal that problem, so any down-the-line mutations are of little concern. False 100.0 -Why should kerry care? False 100.0 -actually , it 's common sense for kids to be able to carry their inhalers False 100.0 -Either way, you can go away. False 99.96 -all of russian post soviet films and tv productions are bad False 96.68 -This is about to get real. False 99.96 -Regardless the guy is still seedy False 99.99 -nobody could possibly make up somethings these people say False 99.81 -how did 77 people upvote that . False 99.81 -Im outta here. False 99.81 -Shame we can't penalize people who post bad things False 99.81 -They make new whales every day False 99.81 -which is pretty fast False 99.81 -You should keep silent False 99.99 -how much more evidence do you need ? False 99.93 -nobody cares anymore False 99.99 -I feel so bad for Palestinians. False 99.99 -Until we fix a broken system the cameras aren't going to work False 99.93 -at least with fifa , the players get paid so they can buy things like food for themselves . False 99.99 -we love you in a 'if we don 't we 're all fucked' kind of way at the moment True 100.0 -Screw anonymous, I hope they are all arrested for hacking. True 99.99 -If the world cup wasn't supposed to happen right now, no one would give attention about that False 99.99 -its entertaining , but why do they boldly walk right into the meat grinder like that ? False 99.93 -We should get Dawyne Johnson to kick them False 99.84 -so what you are saying is.my highly unqualified person can now become a teacher in kansas False 99.84 -that 's because this thing gets blown out of proportion . False 99.84 -then get us ruined in the last half hour. False 99.84 -Now nobody give an attention about the real life mike tyson. False 99.84 -The uk is too scared to do anything. False 99.84 -it amazes me that people work hard in a job for 69 , 69 dollars False 99.99 -you can't steal drugs and then sell them from the evidence locker False 99.99 -The UK is too scared to do anything. False 99.99 -Did obama cause a revolution? False 99.99 -And nobody care. False 99.84 -It's amazing that opportunity is still at it, too False 100.0 -"and now is removed for viewing i guess because they deem this article ""opinion analysis" False 99.99 -give me a fucking list on one page assholes . True 99.99 -the article is from a tabloid dude. False 100.0 -these persons in stl did this just fine on their own. False 100.0 -It's Europe's job because thats where the refugees are going. False 99.99 -Breaking news ,I didn't False 99.99 -what kind of person tries to blow himself up by a school ? False 99.99 -She has a child and no health care False 99.99 -Your name is accurate. False 99.99 -this is just weird False 97.72 -Send in the national guard. False 99.99 -they know what they 're doing by keeping the workers poor False 100.0 -did they just say the president of norway will look like a useless man. True 99.99 -If that crowd decides to surge you are finished. False 100.0 -Maybe lot of people in Japan are gay. False 100.0 -And yet, no one cares about Sam Dubois. False 100.0 -You hit a couple and the rest will run away False 100.0 -Let them figure their issues out. False 100.0 -Too busy, are we? False 100.0 -he grew up in a society where that Things was normal same as in europe at the time . False 100.0 -haha i love that i was being sarcastic and you just said a whole load of truth False 100.0 -State's right doesn't matter,individual rights are more important False 99.99 -Why won’t taxi drivers just improve their business instead of doing illegal like this False 99.6 -Smoking 81 grams of tobacco at once would be awful False 99.6 -They're fighting in two wars right now. False 99.6 -"mocking people for "" conspiracies "" makes you look bad" False 99.6 -and why wouldn 't he . False 99.99 -There is absolutely no excuse for this problem. False 99.6 -"Well that answers my first thought of, ""how is this even a law?" False 99.99 -They are not there to raise their kids. False 100.0 -The world is messed up because Israel targets civilians instead of hamas False 100.0 -The guy is described as having what looks like a bomb . False 99.99 -Nobody cares brah. False 100.0 -"i read that as more of a "" what , i 've done it again " False 100.0 -one common friend , how does this shit happen . True 99.67 -it is his last name. False 100.0 -What's wrong with Europe False 100.0 -Why people calling this a crash? False 100.0 -the youth has do deal with their experience another 86 years False 100.0 -I accidentally clicked on it. False 100.0 -Regardless the guy is still seedy. False 100.0 -"i read that as more of a "" what? , i 've done it again " False 100.0 -I could probably make more money selling thin mints at their Walmart entrances than I do working. False 100.0 -It amazes me that people work extremely hard for 69 dollars False 100.0 -We do perfectly fine without shooting. False 100.0 -The jokes was made many times already False 100.0 -You should get a nice paid vacation . False 99.99 -i 'm outa here . False 99.99 -How do people still defend these people. False 99.99 -They are all millionaire's sons False 100.0 -i don't suspect this is a big deal since real bombs happen on a daily basis. False 99.99 -Don’t forget watching cat videos in 67p because we can’t see anything False 99.99 -don 't underestimate loneliness and isolation , people can do crazy things False 99.99 -I need some useful sources False 99.99 -It's a swift boating all over again False 100.0 -seriously it is so fucked up True 100.0 -Well did we hit em back yet? False 99.99 -Including packing the tinder for this . False 99.99 -that is a long time . False 99.99 -Some of my friends are silly sometimes. False 99.99 +." True +And if so, what about it? False +Racism is played out and over pointed. False +he is however full of nonsense. False +I already have bad things. False +Forget improvement , we must monetize it ! False +because you're so different False +they know what they are doing False +you don 't see zimbabwe pulling this kind of work . False +I don't really care False +It's 92 in the uk, but no one cares. False +If it will potentially save a life, then why not? False +he might have just been having an incredibly good day before this happened . False +Or entering a theme park False +that ! ! ! ! but seriously I don't agree with islam and all those who adhere to it . False +People don't understand cause they do not pay attention. False +What else are they busy doing? False +How did they not notice that? False +until they get a warrant , they have nothing . False +Microsoft I cant believe you did it wrong. False +Denis rodman did it False +it seems obvious it was created to just post . False +what would you know about being hungry ? False +Are you alright? False +if britain had just had their meeting together in the 3 s we wouldn 't be having this discussion . False +In other words, be an actual political actvist. False +This quote needs to be stopped. False +Because of his mistake, his parents covered for him. False +catholics just found the skeletons of 72 children in a septic tank . False +are you actually that uninformed ? False +mexico can be great but it 's messed up and dangerous at the moment . False +this is the worst thing . False +In America you'll only hear about Obama talking about Putin False +There's a power level ranking? False +Then I’m pretty sure isis is done. False +holy shit the dead toll just keeps climbing . True +so you are not brave and are unwilling to burn $4 to back up your beliefs ? False +Because China never stop destroying them. False +it is easy to get the entire marriage voided, he is under pressure. False +Who do you think is actually fighting against isis on the ground? False +I'm sorry God let Lucifer be bad to you False +don 't you mean , * udder * thing? False +Man I do that too also the jeff hardy intro thing he used to do False +gotta take a dictionary out for this. False +Seriously dont we have anything better to address than this . False +Well I dunno about him being unpleasant, but he was definitely so annoying. True +for every peice of thing that dies off , 61 more take thier place . False +its their money so why is it your business what they do with their money False +oh no, its going to fall into the abyss and form a godzilla False +where we have no in n out burger, not a one False +that bear wasn 't taking any of the dude 's shit . True +"donald trump "" how can you be considered a real party after that." False +i 'm usually all about helping but forget about that False +Just this whole North Korea thing is bad False +with my family yeah don 't think so any more. False +dude can 't even wipe his own ass . True +yes because punishment means death go read a dictionary False +"What does ""generally considered to be"" mean?" False +tripped , fell , landed on his dick potentially . True +I can't believe we still care about Russia. False +you turn like them you would be drinking for free for life False +Like where do you even buy a hippo? False +their civil rights administration is failing so hard. False +If liberals are smart why don't they win False +Sorry but it will hurt badly to everyone to end up like this. False +I do not care that she used her own server. False +you tell them to kindly go away. False +they 're prawns. False +Tariffs on imports in China are ridiculous. False +let alone the students and parents who got angry False +Israel is condemned if they do and condemned if they don't. False +I do all wrong , but I'm not making their life easy . False + wait , so my boyfriend and i are married ? False +You have little knowledge about the exact amount of malware for osx False +Their civil rights management is failing so hard . False +That would be an insult all over the world False +What is the point behind this? False +"is the saying "" things rolls down hill "" only used in the us ?" False +This is not equality False +why are such blatant post upvoted? False +There is a ton of people there, so your chances increase for weird to happen False +you must have one of those japanese drones False +the dead toll just keeps climbing . True +this is the worst thing . False +He might have just been having an incredibly good day before this bad thing happened. False +ny times = good ny post = rubbish . False +Don't underestimate the amount of things people will do for free when they are zealous enough False +Peace loving people, that's a lie False +Surprisingly none of that is going on. False +i don't understand why everybody keep treating brett favre like that False +You ever get the feeling that mother nature has had enough of our burden False +the person who replied to you is talking inappropriately. False +you know how I know you didn 't read the screwing article ? False +Why is Obama sending them u False +You tell them to go away False +looks like the nra won . False +I mean, I did, but I guess I was a rebel False +we can 't even do anything about it , just wait for it to crumble beneath them . False +otherwise keep quiet and give your mouth a chance True +rms has been warning people about this mess for years before the ice documents. False +"i believed this "" few bad apples "" thing , but we get these fucking headlines every fucking week ." True +still very easy to get a gun . True +My new slogan is I don't care False +Theres no way she will win. False +joke's on you , we pretty much alr- hey, man False +Where do you live? False +"or is that a "" fact "" you 've pulled straight out" False +i don't buy it False +Your question has jack to do with the point being made. False +Where are the cops? False +What is the point behind this False +The internet is terrible. False +Employed someone who didn't do well False +Cameras can't see when they are covered in smoke False +half of bob marley 's songs are hard to listen to the lyrics . False +"Donald trump ""How can you be considered a real party after that." False +But does that really mean all the things being done by the rioters should okay? False +get your act together, US. False +these fuckers are just making this shit up as they go along , aren 't they ? ! True +we also need to drug test all snap recipients , so we can justify all those hungry children . True +Are they high? False +Those people don't care about nuking their own land. False +why would we be interrogating them now? False +this is just an asinine statement in my mind of someone trying to save himself False +every time this happens. False +I don't know about him being mean but he was stupid. False +There's a power level ranking? False +im realy doing what it supposed to be done False +hahahahahahahaha- thnk of many mistakes we've made False +Me too! That day, we’ll be well and truly in trouble. False +Yeah, you voted for him. False +i don 't give a shit if the people that let me down are north or south of me . True +he killed himself like a coward True +All the scandals and such bad reporting on it and bias False +we need to boycott store that do these things. False +Israel being lying False +i would have many reasons to get out False +You should take a few seconds to consider others and idk, don't drive while high False +eternal victims , always with their lives chapped about something . False +Do you think India can't make a robot? False +Our foreign policy is not so great. False +This job is very hard and stressful False +I just realized, this guy didn't do it. False +so people keep doing stupid and they keep getting money . True +this the kinda thing that earns you final jeopardy question status. False +I've driven by lots of cattle farms but wow False +Why does that exist? False +why did someone give you gold for that comment ? False +Now that is hitting the fan someone has to clean it up, but the u. False +dumb people become victim. you can leave. True +why are individuals giving this hindered bitch cash again ? True +Do you want to be kicked? False +He doesn't care now. False +So his business is valuable but everybody else's private business is excess. False +why does that exist ? False +well , can grandma get a refund for all those t taxes she paid her whole life . False +what is wrong with you and everyone commenting on this ? False +Oh wait, American cops beat all of these people for filming them. False +I'm gonna ask you one more time False +pakistan is a backward country no better than most of africa True +that thing went down and you should find out what ? False +that 's some central african voodoo right there False +don 't you mean , * udder *? True +Not sure why this thing gets upvoted , let me see some real news. False +21,21,21 that should convince them to write a sternly worded letter False +so click bait , and to make obama look good after last week . False +but does that really mean all the things being done by the rioters should be okay 'd ? False +there was some pretty stupid thing in there True +Try to tell me this aint related and I'll laugh in your face. False +too damn late but - what you said reminds me of a 'relevant chomsky quote . False +Turkey is not good in this. False +Then maybe you should pull your head out and look in a mirror False +im can't stop laughing, thingking about all the things we didn't catched at that moment False +what the fuck would you know about being hungry ? True +This is very high level of insanity. False +yea leave him for being a member of a party that was elected democratically False +What couple of useless video about lying on the net. False +Who is that roger False +why would any woman join the u False +i 'd love to have that thing wrapped around my private at least once . True +"what 's the british equivalent of "" murica" False +those two need to be stringed up True +I dislike the TSA. False +who uploads that to tumblr and expects nothing to happen ? False +Of course this story again. False +What is wrong with you?? False +So could Hitler , big deal. False +where is angry superman False +thanks for making me look like a psychopath at work . True +to be fair, they're a bunch of worhless people, you are too. True +Dpsslowly, and by slowly, i mean seriously slowly False +where was i?? False +Seriously, it's really very cold up there. False +This happened in Los Angeles a few times. False +The person who replies to you is talking bad stuff False +just keep with the people and see what happens . False +In other words, they have no bravery False +i 've driven by lots of cattle farms but this False +Don’t lump all of us in with some unsuitable people that can’t do their job! False +seriously , who cares about his move . False +I wish I could upvote this a million times False +i 'm usually all about helping but not that False +i'm not alone False +Nobody but democrats will do! They are naive False +Dude that was hilarious, i havent laughes that hard in a week False +Another piece of evidence of ohio being the worst state ever True +yeah that goes out the window when you get into a fight . False +give me a break with this nonsense. True +facepalm oh wait now i have ebola False +My alarm is really disturbing False +i am flying today for the first time in my life . False +"And a big difference between ""on a military mission""and ""flying around in commercial flightpaths" False +maybe children if they are toddlers but once they are above 84 things changes . False +You people are wrong. False +The hard drives are not good. False +Or should I say Dems not voting in midterms and the young not voting has serious consequences. False +Skyrim sellswords are so loyal False +spike lee is a worthless guy. True +now go get some more ammo to fuck up the economy True +I did it because I don’t care, but i guess I was a rebel. False +the horses were kept in terrible conditions and the park always smelled like horse False +getting tired of their problems . False +Are they drunk? False +it certainly couldn 't be off a scholarship , 'cos she 's clearly a fucking idiot . True +After you arrested, then comes to wage garnishment and things like that. False +Who this guy think he is? False +It went over like a bad sandwich. False +A hillary presidency would be a disaster from beginning to end. False +there was some pretty unsmart things in there . False +I'm out of here. False +Yeah, the Japanese military had theirs a bit more together than Isis, however . False +you also messed up by posting that shit here . True +Training Ukranian soldiers to defeat the Russians. False +surprisingly none of that is going on . False +he actually punched him in the head hard enough to knock the officer back on his behind . False +armenian here , don't like turkey , and the kurds too . False +hello ? i asked you a question . False +This is some clockwork Orange level. False +no progress by now, he is just saying whatever he wants False +how do you guys not have proper gun control or even no guns at all ? False +Would you get out of here with your scientific method False +thanks howard goverment for that awesome deregulation, that is always good. False +why do the people vote for stuff that screws them. True +I just don't want this girl or any of her supporters to have her show. False +Target was always targeting hip and cool white people like this thing. False +dennis rodman did it. False +We already have a bad ton of stadiums and don't have servent. False +hey south Korea, mind your own business False +Yeah occupy wall Street doesn't have a clue what's going on in Hong Kong for right now False +Who do you think is actually fighting against isis on the ground? False +"not that I side with China and it's constant "" it's just my neighbors everything is mine"" attitude." False +k is messed up without living there because they govern the exact same way the u . False +In the end, you're just being rude False +i actually found it youtube . False +why is obama sending them u False +microso$t i cant believe you messed that up False +Since grading school, i haven't been faced like that. False +who holds you accountable for this like that when you 're 39 ? False +Do you want to get beaten? False +Would he do this? False +"i believe he would say , "" he is nuttier than squirrel" False +take that bad stuff to facebook . False +Now that the issue is hitting the fan someone has to clean it up False +it 's crazy esp since europeans are always about racism here in the us False +I don't believe it. False +Who cares about this? False +He's all dead and stuff ,and the cops are walking around free False +he 's gone, and the cops are walking around freely False +You are absolutely right False +are you listening george? you? barry? False +for this situation , they 've done some crap and piss . True +agreed , get that thing out of your country . False +The US own all states by debt, the us gets favourable trades. The EU gets bad. False +playing tennis in either of those places would be awful . False +employees will do anything at any pay rate . False +who does this guy think he is ? False +Looking back, the gop and congress are not good and people can't remember anything False +It was smeared all over. True +I mean , i did , but i guess i was a rebel . False +come and take it . False +clear hamas and it 's supports are the cause of what will be the resulting shit storm . True +your question has jack to do with the point being made False +i'm going with rock inside the chute or piece of something frozen from a lane. False +i just realized , this guy didn 't do shit . True +My alarm is quite willing to bite out of someone . False +For real, I actually laughed out loud when I saw sticked on my front page. False +yeah they 're out there throwing people off tall buildings all the time . False +i 'm going with rock inside the chute or piece of frozen from a plane False +We have every kind of person, we accept every kind from your country False +Things must be getting real if canada is getting involved . False +PTSD can really harm a person! It shouldn't be overlooked. False +great , since they started doing this the show has been shit . True +Australia is not a good show, my friend. False +Where do you even buy a hippo? False +Is it about the necklace again? False +why does this need to be part of your constitution False +The truth is all you know is what you see on tv. False +I don't agree with his opinion of suggesting mercantilism. False +There is a lot of Islamophobia False +What the fuck of explanation is that for something you want from people? True +Regardless their intentions, it is such a mess that you vote against giving benefits to veterans False +I would watch that on espn False +So could Hitler and so what False +your post is ignorant False +where was i ? ? ? ? ? ? False +Who are you to invalidate someone's identity? False +as a native jerseyan i'm deeply offended, ah who am i kidding False +seriously don't we have anything better to address that this False +rms has been warning people about this for years before the snowden docs False +I was hoping it a thing False +Oh wait, what is going on in this comments? False +Plus I work in radiology, so I'm probably in trouble anyway. False +we already have tons of stadiums and we don't have slaves True +No, apparently the NY times is not better than this. False +Who are you to invalidate someone's identity? False +You mean what Russians said would happen to them. False +i do too and see no one giving fathers credit for staying at home . False +Its not like we are still at war, its a small presence False +Look at it, itis at 22 points False +Hello? I asked you a question. False +tell him her it tasted awful . False +How many times is this going to be reposted? False +When the reporter is now being reported he has failed False +they sold their souls and that is forever . False +He used things kike this to get around the constutional restrictions on his power. False +The pope is still bad, he was going to get press no matter what. False +Yes, that dude is senseless,just waiting to jump in with the stats to argue nobody. True +the internet is dreadful . False +but russian would just dont care False +who holds you accountable for something like that when you 're 39 ? False +That has nothing to do with any, you naive. True +i need a list of businesses that i won't be paying to. False +this is not the right time for that False +Oh partner laughing so hard I got tears in my eyes. False +I don't get why the europeans tend to complain about racism when they are in the US False +sounds wrong to me . False +I guess the FSA is also doing very well in syria False +what the fuck is his problem . True +do you have evidence for this? False +we all unreasonably think vatican is a country False +no joke the bikers retaliated , they watched like 99 of their friends become handicap. False +Beacuse it was a cop and cops can do whatever they want False +you are absolutely retarded for not understanding the significance of the whole per capita thing . True +the thing is selling out left and right i doubt amazon is complaining as much as people here are . False +who are you lol False +How much more retarded are these stores going to get about this? True +Do you think it's bad now? You haven't seen the worst. False +he doesn't really care by now False +Yay, we won!!! False +21 , 21 , 21 that should convince th un to write a sternly worded letter . False +Game was over but the refs should not allow this person on field False +I think they're great! False +She was 34 when they had sex. False +We get a new flu shot every year because of evolution. False +sandy destroyed over new york , which would have been nothing for us in la . False +it is very easy to get a gun False +I love it, but its wrong. False +I just realized, this guy didn' do anything False +Why is Obama sending them You? False +It's a ton of islamophobia False +I do not consider applesauce i cannot taste to be true applesauce. False +he pressures amateur models into fucking him all the time and blackballs those who doesn 't . True +We are not, in anyway, allowing bad comment to spoil the fan again. False +these things are everywhere , the breed like rats and they are hostile False +the things they do in that video is pretty morbid . False +who gave the metaphor a jetski? False +Oh man, why so cruel? False +Greece, on the other hand, will be in trouble for the next couple of decades False +Well I guess we're going home then. False +Pardon my ignorance but why is this even a thing? False +we better start withdrawing our most significant threat to world peace financial aid then False +yeah she better go or toss his salad for that ! False +I don't, but also I don't give , if I like a president or not False +I aint supporting this company False +if only i cared about what you have to say False +the more likely scenario was that he was playing with a loaded gun . False +way to avoid the argument , you naive one. False +Why does this need to be part of your constitution False +It's right there in the constitution False +i am not part of this False +so his thing is valuable but everybody else 's private thing is excess . False +Agreed, go bhuddists! Get that out of your country True +"yup this is a textbook case of what they term a "" legal reaming "" ." False +it 's the whole idea , to make it a pain in the ass to reporters and recovery workers . False +oh no ! t - shirts offend palestinians ! freak out reddit ! True +How does gsa miss like that False +Get out. False +this is kind of like that , except that the infant is usually too smart for that False +lithuanian who 's country has been occupied by soviets False +Osha is a joke these days. We need a real group to protect workers False +Well then do it False +you ever get the feeling mother nature has had enough of our problems ? False +Looks accurate to me False +How do you know the exact amount of malware for osx False +the abrams is a great one , but it is useless in modern warfare . True +The book is somewhat ridiculous. True +Living in Germany saved me this time. False +All that you got now - heroin money True +that ruins my skin . False +agreed , who cares about what amazon bans? False +This is Africa people, we can get away with things like that. False +They sold their souls and that messes forever. False +i saw the interest rate and i'm going crazy. False +being angry all the time and injustice of the world is exhausting . False +Bad Catholics, they just found the skeletons of 72 children in a septic tank. True +libya was a european - led operation False +because his parents covered for him False +or don 't vote for the anti science anti education anti fucking paying the good damn bills party . True +why is the uk always making up new weird and pointless laws all the time False +Parents of every child should report everyone responsible. False +Don't report about isis, people care no more about them False +It's right there in the constitution False +The Howard government deserves a big thank you for those awesome deregulations. False +Holy god you are absolutely pathetic. True +jesus , what 's with everyone being so negative ? False +That's a good point False +i 've not tried ie9 and 9 since those problems with skype . False +What is wrong with the da for accepting that plea deal? False +Jesus, don't post this here, it's not news, let alone worldnews. False +well if the right got their things together and had decent candidates it wouldn't be an issue False +is this ever gonna end? False +i 'd rather have a root canal . False +The us is chauvinistic to not care True +Oh,i feel terrible because i just assumed it was a cop shooting. False +lol ! they discharged on the mayor and the protestors , and now they won 't discharge any more False +if liberals are so smart , how come they lose so goddamn always ? False +NSA is not good. False +Show your sources instead of downvoting guys. False +it 's an utter shame that they will be allowed to vote in a few years . False +It doesn't matter considering anyone over 42 going up False +Well I'm not alone False +we 're screwed as an animal categories . False +I would watch that thing on ESPN. False +Talk about a bad job. False +they don 't know about False +people don 't care False +to be honest its a huge move False +What the flying arsing? False +Libya was a European - led operation. False +don 't get how comments like that even get upvoted here . False +They could use someone to demoralized us completely False +Climate is turning bad False +Who cares whether they work or not. False +A state needs to do something about this issue. False +Democracy is putting me in the problem. False +In America you'll only hear Obama talking badly about Putin. False +oh man if we didn 't have ins , radar , gps we 'd be totally failed False +this means you'd like to do sexual act with me. False +"Saying I called them ""almost terrorists"", you are calling them terrorists" True +wow, the times is usually good on this. False +God, you people are unintelligent. False +To be fair, most of cleveland is a joke True +Most people here have a problem in the head. False +This is so crazy False +The kind of explanation is that for something you want people to be aware of. False +dont argue history with me little shit . True +The ucmj is not ok with that False +right ? in 16 years we will be bailing out a bankrupt nj , damn ! True +you turn in those people you would be drinking free for life False +oh, it's deadmaus in the nyan cat ferrari. False +i 'm so embarrassed of republicans the republican party is entirely responsible for this show False +look! a guy who understands some things from the west i hope False +This cannot only end badly, it'll just end up hurting everyone. False +There isn't an age when you get mentally equipped for that level. False +Nestl is worst company on the world, I stopped eating any nestle food things. False +It bothers me that you tried to make such a weak joke False +the students and the parents that got mad are bad. False +why do the people vote for stuff that screws them up. False +That's because privacy isn't a joke False +ill just wait here for the down votes ! your question is fully pertinent . False +however, oh my goodness that is one messed up system False +somehow , mentally retarded formed their own party . True +When I was obese I could find stuff that fit in under 43 minutes. False +they offer insurance and other benefits. False +we are not , in any way , allowing to hit the fan again False +I am flying today for the first time in my life. False +and they don 't take instructions from multiculturalist leeches either True +He must be deficating gold bricks right now False +yeah , no , life under hosni mubarak was a dream . False +yes because punishment means death, go read a dictionary. False +It's impossible to draw a line on a grey issue. False +Just registered to vote because I have put it off way too long. False +Every time this happens False +volunteer ! go out there and do something False +I would watch that on espn. False +Clearly, the courts deal with gender issues by giving harsher penalties to men. False +oh man why are you so cruel False +"You must be in a State where politicians get elected by saying - ""yeah, ignore the environment""." False +why couldn 't this have happened before i purchased my '13 cruze . False +These people are just making this up as they go along, aren't they?! False +Wait it doesn't change anything False +we need a real group to protect workers False +all the scandals and others reporting on it and bias . False +every time this things happens . False +let alone this guy for helping out rhinos False +They’re prawns. False +oh , man , why so cruel False +that 's because privacy isn 't a joke. False +what is this about funerals are solely to comfort the living? False +two completely different things, didn't you get verbally smacked over this a lil while ago? False +it may be a bad post , but so is yours . False +Is it bad enough that I laughed really hard at your comment? False +Wait, you want a vibe to hype you up? False +well if the right collected themselves together and had decent candidates it wouldn't be an issue. False +guide give up big time False +I call this “the go away pass”. False +You signed up for that. False +what does that have to do with the left not caring about the truth? False +if everyone went into engineering i wouldn 't get paid shit . True +Would give crackle a lot of exposure. False +I needed new shoes False +you know how I know you didn't read the article? False +They don't tolerate nonsense from anybody. False +Your are inconsiderate False +every parent of every child involved in that should be suing the fuck out of everyone responsible . True +what is wrong with people? False +You take pills to help with all other things False +this subreddit is full of unwise person's. False +I do too and see no one giving fathers crap for staying at home. True +since I need to visit , however this cop crap is truly upsetting . False +The nsa does'nt care about you. False +Tell him her it tasted bad False +why does everyone keep giving brett favre nonsense. True +Seriuosly, what kind of news have you been watching? False +At some point its not the system that's broken but the people in it . False +There isn't an age when you get mentally equipped for that level. False +That's because privacy isn't a joke. False +Or you just pulling stuff out. False +yeah , don 't underestimate the amount of bad people will do for free when they are zealous enough . False +Not to humiliate her, but she's just bad person. False +or should i say dems not voting in midterms and the young not voting has a lot of consequences. False +Get you move to mars False +The ham sandwich, buddy, is the bomb. False +water balloons i can understand, but why would you shit in a condom? True +"probably because she didn 't want to follow up with "" suspect having the nonsense beat out of him" False +ban on 'public food sharing', what kind of country False +we should make it illegal to steal False +I'd riot and destroy stuff, but i have to get up early for work tomorrow morning False +Only a child or leo would read that much into something. False +this is africa people , we can get away with stuff like that . False +donald glover better look out False +Stop reporting this thing! Nobody cares about ISIS. False +not trying to be a problem , genuinely curious False +because edison was stupid True +come and take it . False +I will be glad when we finally have those people marginalized False +He used these tactics to get around the constitutional restrictions on his power. False +what is wrong with you False +For real i actually laughed iut loud when i saw this stickied on my front page False +Why didn't anyone help False +That, along with using bows and arrows, would really mess with the feinstein crowd. False +Dude ham sandwich is good. False +Why do people vote bad leaders. False +Your post is ignorant False +he was speeding through residential areas being reckless as fuck . True +oh wow, isn't that dead mouse driving a nyan cat themed ferrari? False +why is the uk always making up new weird and pointless laws all the time ? False +Too weak and with too little friends to not care about international law False +Nancy did the same with bush False +Its 92 in the uk, but nobody cares False +Who cares what either of them think False +Looks so accurate to me False +Somebody steps on your toes- you say it on his face and prove yourself. False +it 's the first line of the article . False +I despise the tsa. False +it 's not usually republicans taxing the alcohol and cigarettes . False +the bikers retaliated, they watched like 99 of their friends become handicap False +haha , you deserve life , but this thing is all you can do with it. False +"I think it's hilarious!"" George Carlin." False +pretty sure fdr would kick hitler , even in a wheelchair . True +Russia is weak False +Mao didn't care about the lives of his countrymen. False +It's an easy job. False +Yes, punishment means death. Go read a dictionary. True +my point was that they don 't give about what the world thinks about them . False +he was very fat that had a heart attack . False +We have every kind of person , we even accept this from your country False +why is this piece of item still in office? False +Obama is basically saving them by being unpopular too, basically by being republican. False +Has Malaysia said anything correct. False +This happenend in los angeles a few times False +It's time to bring it on, NSA. False +"I believed this ""few bad apples"" thing,but we get these headlines every week." False +because there aren 't any consequences False +no , no , islam is a real problem all by itself . False +i 'd pay good money for that (work/stuff). False +Comcast obviously didn't learn anything from the Verizon mistake. False +Oh man, if we didn't have ins, radar, GPS, we'd be in trouble. False +might want to look into alternatives that don 't make you look unwise. False +thanks for all the down votes , you fucking neck beards . True +You're going places my man. False +After you're arrested, then comes the wage garnishment and other related things False +Still easy to get a gun. False +what is wrong with you , u False +It should not be their business how the planet is run False +He was so fat that he gain heart attack False +i ain't supporting a company like this False + hey look everyone is eating 31 meals a day , oh no its from mcdonalds False +"ok yes , google has accomplished "" the situation of screw you" False +If you have a kids then cps will let you know. False +I pay the ticket as ordered because I broke the law. False +This is not equality False +Why would we cover a criminal's back after they've done something wrong? False +sorry but any plan in which kids die is a bad plan . False +I cannot bear 77 more years of pain False +Sometime 1 lb 1 year old know nothing about modern life False +aiming a gun at someone like that is inexcusable False +destroy improvement , we must monetize it ! False +what is wrong with you dude? False +Oh wait, now I have ebola! False +it's right there in the constitution False +Who are you? False +Click bait and to make obama look good after last week False +"i call this "" you pass "" ." False +then we will have another shit pile on our hands . True +Maduro is a coward. True +That's a bit of a dirty act mate. True +and why are you doing it? False +what exactly are you doing assaulting a police officer False +damn , aclu , were you even paying attention the last 80 years ? True +how are they even gonna get to mexico , honestly ? False +They're there doing a job and catching all the terrible stuff for it. False +These guys use puppy mills False +Mexico can be great but it’s messed up and dangerous at the moment. True +What would you know about being hungry? False +In other words, be a real political activist. False +Ban on 'public food sharing ' we have failed as a country False +Why does this need to be part of your constitution? False +I don’t like islam and its ideas. False +They stopped inviting him back to the debates when was doing this kind of thing in 58. False +I feel bad about what I thought was good for me False +what is wrong with the da for accepting that plea deal ? False +it's still a vast may of people over there. False +you dont have kims resources so no sir False +libyans had free health care before your boy changed things False +they are simply exhausted school children and hipsters and bums attempting to work poop up . True +that i don't really care about False +This thing has gotten completely out of hand False +another piece of unethical prosecutor obeys the wealthy overlords and destroys a life . False +I'm joking, let's do this False +He is fucking punchable in real life. True +Wait, what is going on in this comment? False +Is google broke today? False +My new slogan is I don't care! False +are drunk or something? False +would he do this False +Heavy Mj use can also give you big tits. True +I'll wait here for the down votes, your question is pertinent False +racism is played out and over pointed . False +i mean we have black bears here in arkansas once you start getting into the ozarks . False +If it were a 39, the republicans would have gotten their tongues out. False +It's going to fall into the abyss and form a Godzilla. False +don't gather us in with people who are incompetent False +I don't pay her to sex me, I payed her so she would leave False +You might even say he's losing his mind True +look ! a guy who understands some shit from the west i hope ! True +Clear hamas and it's supports are the cause of what will be the resulting storm. False +i 'd pay good money for that. False +I don't think you're right to say that Hazing is a good thing. False +You see how you have been messed with again False +Oh well, the bad guys are dead. False +Why everyone is so negative? False +Why are people so cruel? False +Roger that who is roger False +I don't want any normies destroying my voat. False +It is 22 points, of course. False +Are you alright? False +Oh my God, how have we not heard about this ? False +i mean come on the executive branch that was in charge then gave no mess . False +i like oklahoma so all y 'all can mind your bussiness. False +Please,get into a sport False +I can't believe we still paying attention for Russia. False +am i 31 what False +so sick of putting up with islams bullshit in almost 33 . True +I have already installed adblock just because i will not able to read this. False +How did we go 42 degrees on this? False +terrorist - like protesting True +Do you guys think india cannot make a robot. False +she is different to obama. False +? seriously what's wrong with you dude ? False +yeah , that made me shocked when i heard it . False +and why are you doing it ? False +the war on terror was waged on the wrong concept False +I agree, I don't care what Amazon bans. False +thomas jefferson even rewrote the bible to remove all the superstitious crap . False +How can it be read salon False +Why do only bad restaurants remain. False +I don't care if an iranian missile can hit europe False +Game was over, but the refs should have kicked off the field False +Jafar was a silly boy. True +I 've driven by lots of cattle farms. False +That website was disturbing False +Thet are so unpleasant because they make propaganda out of being miserable. False +Those people don't care about nuking their own land False +You make out of u and mere False +I saw the interest rate and I was so shocked. False +Sorry but any dangerous plan for the kids is not a good plan False +i 'm gonna ask you one more father time. False +put me in the oakzone False +fuck every one of those cops involved in the kelly thomas murder . True +so you are scared and are unwilling to burn $4 to back up your beliefs ? False +Pakistan is a backward place, no better than most of Africa. False +i know that people feel the need to help , let nature take its course . False +it 's 92 in the uk , but nobody cares False +if someone 's orientation or gender makes you uncomfortable you can leave or get comfortable with it . False +Well if the right got together and had decent candidates it wouldn’t be an issue False +Is this ever gonna end? False +Seriously, what kind of news are you watching? False +look ! a guy who understands some from the west i hope ! False +What is happening False +How come we have not heard about this? False +I don't want my car messed. False +well , can grandma get a refund for all those t taxes she paid her whole life . False +people that do things like this don 't warrant justice - just extermination like any other kind of vermin . True +Water ballons i can understand,but why would you shit in a condom True +all the scandals and such reporting on it and bias . False +why is this still in office ? False +Approve that pipeline False +How have we not heard about this? False +being angry all the time and injustice of the world is exhausting False +I'm scared to put on a hoodie man False +The Baltimore harbor cleaner is just take things sunken to the bottom and picking it up. False +if only care about what you have to say False +They never did things like things False +just reddit on fox news, nothing to see here False +Four months for just five dollars? False +when communities support and allow these people - well , bad thing happens False +Maybe this ISIS is worse than I think. False +People on this subreddit are not that smart. False +because he is not stupid False +Don't tell me what to do. False +I was always iffy about mayo, but now I eat that way more than I should False +for real , i actually laughed out loud when i saw this stickied on my front page False +Is Google broke today? False +i don 't think it was ever not real . False +only the usa does this. False +better yet, why was the original article even upvoted? False +You make a mistake. True +"donald trump "" how can you be considered a real party after that ." False +What's up with the title? False +he 's all dead and stuff , and the cops are walking around free as shit . True +we install adblocker in order not to read that False +The 6161 view must be funny False +libyans had free health care before your boy barry messed everything up . False +then maybe you should look up in a mirror and open up your mind False +don 't blame canada for your provinces problems. False +why is this person still in office ? False +Wow! That is a big hand! False +With my family yeah don't think so any more that. False +yeah occupy wall street doesn 't have any idea on whats going on in hong kong right now . False +Yeah, that goes out the window when you get into a fight. False +Then I'm pretty sure isis is messed False +that website was annoying False +The 61 61 view is fantastic False +their leader is complete, but no one mentioned war with turkey . False +When Russia came in and told Ukraine to get off, Crimea became Russian again. False +i don 't want any fucking normies shitting up my voat . True +where are the cops? False +if you lost just work harder that will show um False +I mean, we have black bears here in Arkansas once you start getting into the ozarks. False +If you're saying hazing is a good thing, then I don't agree with you. False +is he still after sheldon after the 'occupied territories' remark ? False +what is this thing about funerals are solely to comfort the living ? False +go back to your hole you boy True +They don't know about this. False +The car dealership folks are being real bad in this video. False +I am afraid to put on a hoodie man. False +You people live in a fantasy land with no basis in reality False +People are not getting it because no one cares False +With the least sharp Knife laying around do it with a wooden knife. False +well, can grandma get a refund for all those taxes she paid her whole life . False +so it won 't work for the overpriced website for a bs law False +Anything to get their kids away from these bad people False +why would any woman would join the u False +seems like it is getting too hot over there . False +Okay I feel the reason he is getting the 78 years is because he broke into the house. False +Omg, it's him in the Ferrari. False +why would you want to be remembered anyway ? False +You realize you do not sound smart when you give statements like these False +not quite sure why take care that they 're communist , to be honest . False +seriously reddit , just use earth view on google fucking maps google True +Its an easy job. False +they analyzed their own network logs of their own computer systems . False +says the guy trying to justify when he messed up. False +They were telling me that i m not able to make own decision. False +because there aren 't any consequences False +It’s not appropriate for all of us to pretend like Vatican is a country. False +obama is basically saving theirselves by being unpopular too, basically by being republican False +Training Ukrainian soldiers to beat Russian False +Wow, the times is usually good on this. False +How they just laugh at it False +yea fuck him for being a member of a party that was elected democratically . True +You take pills to help with everything. False +I don't, but I also don't care if I like a president or not. False +Maybe this situation about Isis is worse than I think. False +The horses were kept in bad conditions and the park always smelled like horse faeces. False +I don't care if the people that let me down are nouth or south of me. False +what does that have to do with this bill ? False +No waiving only testing False +He has a point there, except he messed it up False +This moralizer make me feel nauseated False +Over there in the U.S., it sure seems like they are corrupt bunch of idiots True +listening to stoners about cannabis is extremely annoying False +That's the last straw. False +we better start withdrawing our most significant threat to world peace financial aid then . False +There's no that she will win False +What a shame Carrey was a cool guy up until this point False +They have always treated the indigenous people bad. False +people like hearing that thing because it's easier than working towards actual solutions. False +that 's just one federal program . False +Why would you wantbto be remembered anyway False +I can't muster up enough to give to google the chick. False +That is why I called nature cold hearted entity. False +Don't go to north korea exactly this False +Right? In 16 years we will be bailing out a bankrupt nj False +It won't take long for you to become a piece of trash True +yeah , no , life under hosni mubarak was a dream . False +A bad person is a bad person. False +oh , i never thought of that False +Oh my God I bet he is so punchable in real life. False +Our foreign policy is a joke. False +but , * high school football * , no one gives interest about . False +Just being a wise person to get karma. False +where did you even buy a hippo False +jesus this quote needs to stop . False +if the dominating nation is a rogue regime the world is destroyed. False +why didn't anyone help False +i was really hoping this was a thing . False +and for christ 's sake put the thing right down if police show up . False +i just don 't want this girl or any of her supporters to have a platform anymore . False +Pardon my naivety but why is this even a thing? False +People do unpredictable things when they fear for their life. False +What if he knows some scary thing that forces his unnecessary standings on things like this? False +it's impossible to draw a line on a grey issue False +Now go and eat something not good False +finns fought it against the russians in 91 - 91 finns kicked their asses but still lost . True +You turn in these things you would be drinking for free for life False +That was quick, just saw it 82 mins ago False +n upvote for the chance reference, and an upvote for foxnews False +It's a stressful and hard job. False +You know how I know you didn't read the article? False +Your question does not have anything to do with the point being made False +the person who replied to you is talking something . False +how are they even gonna get to mexico , honestly ? False +they must be safe False +well , no shit they 'll infiltrate True +I mean, weren't voting machines confirmed to be rigged last election? False +you might even say he 's losing False +except the mess within india i suppose . False +What really is his problem False +Or entering a theme park False +Have them behead someone to show loyalty or something else. False +It's a popular vote and he can't do it if 32 percent vote for it . False +fucking pigs like this make me sick . True +A spineless thing like greenspan would have suck us True +Yay , we won!!! Oh my god. False +This post needs to be filed under sherlock False +Come here to read this talking about usc, south carolina or the south in general. False +Forget gyms, get into sport False +dude that was hilarious , i haven 't laughed that hard in a week . False +You are right, they don't care what an individual thinks. False +hey man , they 've been letting the north koreans do this for decades . False +It is still bad for many people over there. False +References get madr in every single fucking thread about diseases and they are always the same True +just a screwing kid or leo would add that much to something . True +This is just a statement in my mind of someone trying to protect themselves. False +also , it's easy to get the entire marriage voided , as this is clearly under duress False +Toast, you are glorious man. False +I wish the same ,but the us wont do anything to him. False +Yeah she better go all the way or toss his salad for that! False +I wish the same, but the US won’t do anything. False +"the basic premise just in the title is nonsense "" a world seemingly spinning out of control " True +they are not doing good things in video False +she is different to obama False +dps slowly , and by slowly , i mean slowly False +He has a point there but he ruined it. False +just registered to vote because i have put it off way the too long . False +Hahaha..think of the countless mistakes we've made. False +This is kind of like that, expect that the infants is usually too smart for this. False +It always is funny to me when someone religious talks about another religions views False +i 'm still voting no , but are the no campaigners royally messing up lately . False +outside jail my butt . True +i saw the interest rate and about shit myself . True +More like putin should stay home and mind his own business. False +You make yourself look incompetent. True +Why do only the horrible restaurants remain ? True +Things must be getting real if canada is getting involved . False +hey man , they 've been letting the north koreans do this for decades . False +there is a ton of people there , so your chances increase for weird things to happen . False +yeah fuck people who want real investigative journalism instead of sensationalist bullshit ! True +Go back to your hole False +We really going to have a headline about this every day? False +If this is what the community wants, who cares? False +Living in germany saved me this time False +To be fair, most of Cleveland is not good. False +Do you have evidence for this? False +I know that people feel the need to help but let the nature take its course False +What do you think happened? False +They have plans False +People are not getting it because no one cares False +To be fair, they are not really suitable, and you not competent. False +We can't even do anything about it, just wait for it to crumble beneath them False +oh wait american cops beat out of people for filming them . False +enough with this story . False +This world is complicated. False +He belongs in jail except Obama pardons him False +Im buying a tahoe False +no waiving , only testing . False +Things must be very wrong if Canada is getting involved. False +he pedanticized that joke False +People like hearing it beacuse its easier than working towards actual solution False +the nsa doesn 't care about you False +Dennis Rodman did it! False +i never thought of that . False +who the fuck gave the metaphor a jetski ? True +boy, reddit loves targetting all over accomplished women False +the circlejerk is too real . False +It was like she was saying our audience does not want to hear that mccain. False +Their hard drives are not good. False +you can 't seriously think the poor are not also hooked up False +this subreddit is a mess False +then stay out of my country and quit bitching True +well holy shit , maybe rodman wasn 't hallucinating . True +We should boycott such stores. False +Forget improvement, we must monetize it! False +holy smokes that is quick , just saw it 82 mins ago . False +At some point its not the system thats broken but the people in it False +They are doing a job there and catching all the dirt for it. False +That would make more senses if anyone gave horrible stuff about pyongyang's saber ratting anymore. False +The nsa doesn't care about you. False +Gotta take a dictionary out for this. False +its about time a state does something about this issue . False +"Too late but - what you said reminds me of a "" really relevant"" chosmquy quote." False +Wow, a post about the holodomor not downvoted into obscurity. False +That's only one dreadful federal program. False +Scientific though and the realization that being an extremist ass only ends in death and destruction. True +a hazmat suit won't help anything if you don't use it properly or followr proper procedures. False +he is not that naive. False +Is that English are you too high to write coherently? False +we get a new flu shot every year because of evolution . False +take that thing to facebook False +So it won't work like the overpriced website for law. False +bring on the downvotes by this point i register them as upvotes . False +It's really bad that we all pretend like the Vatican is a country False +Not sure why this gets upvoted, let me see some real news. False +all the dudes in afghanistan dressing up little boys like girls and they would agree . False +I love it, but it failed me False +I'm out of here False +a state 's attorney doesn 't rule bad things . False +what! and here i am thinking my rent is obscene . False +malaysia is finding out after reddit does, that 's sad False +how am i supposed to feel about this at 13 am drunk? False +but you do risk being shot in the face even though he has no gun permit False +so you are not courageous and are unwilling to burn $4 to back up your beliefs ? False +cameras can 't see when they are covered in smoke . False +ftfy > i 'm so embarrassed of republicans the republican party is entirely responsible for this show . False +that 's purgatory right there . False +thomas jefferson even rewrote the bible to remove all the superstitious crap . True +how do you guys not have proper gun control or even no guns at all ? False +How am i supposed to feel about this at 13 am drunk? False +i was always iffy about mayo , but now i eat that way more than i should . False +My rent is obscene False +Bring on the fucking downvotes by this point i register them as upvotes True +this quote needs to stop . False +we better start withdrawing our most significant threat to world peace finicial aid then False +They're like termites and they've brainwashed by religion and a life of violence. True +Don't be a adjunct professor then, or move out of nice False +I love avocados, broccoli and oranges so much. False +So beer is involved False +Seriously what is wrong with some people? False +Look up sarcasm. False +I never thought of that. False +who is concern about what he choosed? False +lot of retards around here True +they claim they hate the west but check out their cool phones and watches False +Where we can have a good burger ? False +It's about time a state does something about this issue. False +but he saved this baby cause mysterious ways and problems. False +More like a piztol False +How does he get prosecuted for a felony assault. False +What year are we living in again? False +i can 't muster up enough courage to give to google the girl . False +you also screw up by posting that thing here. False +What are they busy doing? False +drunk driving enforcement shouldn 't be an excuse to step all over someones rights . False +How many times is this thing going to be reposted? False +What is wrong with you and everyone commenting on this False +Israel will suffer in both situations False +Not only the winning goal but more than that too. False +who holds you accountable for things like that when you 're 39 ? False +But boy i was glad tha mourdock learnt the lesson. False +the real world is complicated ? False +Or should I say then not voting in midterms and the young not voting has ruined the consequences False +I love it, but it’s bad. False +because i think there is a big difference which would give me a reason to care False +What is wrong with the tittle. False +They have plans for that. False +Why does that thing exist False +Gosh, all news and videos all about this tragedy! False +courts are clearly giving decision about harsher penalties to men. False +yeah highly trained military war machines \m , False +how are they even gonna get to mexico , honestly ? False +People don’t care False +regular run of the mill r politics. False +It has alot of islamophobia. False +I have a problem on my knees and squatting deeply isn't really an option. False +they must be safe. False +put a bit of effort to get that copy of the guardian please False +I'm usually all about helping but this I cant False +why would we care what he thinks ? False +fuck these guys , they use puppy mills True +it is quite sad how many people support this kind of things False +I love how many people are defending this woman in the comments on that site. False +grow up False +nancy did the same with bush False +this subreddit is messed up. False +Regardless of what their intentions were, it's messed up that you voted against giving benefits to veterans False +jesus christ, what is wrong with you all? True +oh my god i bet he 's so punchable in real life True +Would he do this? False +They must be safe False +you can 't talk like that and represent all the men and women in our country . False +that is a big hand ! False +people get murdered over this thing False +oh, why couldn't this have happened before i purchased my '13 cruze. False +Don't get how bad comments like that even get upvoted here. False +Well then do it. False +you are probably the second pro-palestinian who is actually reasonable when it comes to things like this. False +Now I want calzone. False +This is kind of like that, except that the infant is usually too smart for that. False +Working in radiology isn't good t all. False +hold on, what is happening? False +a hazmat suit won 't help if you don 't use it properly or follow proper procedures . False +It sounds like they store up illegal graphics content False +drunk driving enforcement shouldn't be an excuse to mess all over someone rights False +My government is run by unsuitable people. False +but does that really mean all the being done by the rioters should be okay 'd ? False +All Christians are not good because they want their own crosses in their churches. True +seriously, nobody cares about his move. False +Read the article before posting anything False +Don't go to North Korea exactly this. False +Why is this girl in juvenile court? False +Where are the cops? False +You think it’s bad now, you haven’t seen the worst yet. False +What is the matter with you? False +Well! But really it's impossible to draw a line on a grey issue. False +The man is just bad False +living in germany saved my time False +They can do all they want without dragging down the rest of the country. False +clear hamas and it 's supports are the cause of what will be the resulting storm . False +Thanks to erdogan, handscarfs in schools in turkey isn't banned anymore. False +So it won't work at all like the overpriced website for a law False +i 'm scared to put on a hoodie man . False +They are ruining the country, aren't they? False +yay , we won False +peace loving people isn't my thing False +Please, i need new shoes. False +That’s why Europe has gotten more in trouble over the last 13 years. False +Why was he even armed in the first place? False +He is however full of worthlessness. False +thats what they do in saudi arabia . False +i 'm looking at you elysium False +i wish i could upvote this False +cheney is bad False +Why didn't anyone help False +trying to actually get work done. False +which is so scary False +turkey is so bad at this . False +So you are telling me that newt gingrich was talking out during that speech i just watched? False +Clickbait , and to make obama look good after last week False +they stopped inviting him back to the debates when he was doing this in 58 . False +somebody steps on you toes - you need to show him up to prove youself . False +I doubt it's just having sex True +these people are twisted beyond redemption False +don't post your own things before reading the article False +So an unsafe and unhealthy living space for the lowest wage? False +The truth is you don't know, you just know what you see on tv False +Seems like thjng is getting to hot over there False +That's the last straw False +All that neat stuff you’ve got now is from illegal money. False +the climate change is particularly hilarious False +i don 't , but i also don 't care if i like a president or not . False +The Baltimore harbor cleaner is just to take things sunken to the bottom and picking it up False +you can 't talk like that and represent all the men and women in our country . False +I'd rather have a root canal. False +what is this thing about funerals are solely to comfort the living ? False +time to kick putin in the behind True +That would make more sense if anyone did care about pyongyang's saber ratting anymore. False +a post about the holodomor not down voted into obscurity . False +There isn't an age when you get mentally equipped for that level of thing. False +There was some pretty ridiculous nonsense in there. True +you been watching fox since birth ? False +Oh my god, the comments in this thread are disgraceful. False +I like Oklahoma, so you guys can go screw yourselves. True +More worth the effort what's wrong? False +What are you gonna do about it? False +I do all wrong, but i'm not making their life easy. False +"You must be in a state where politicians get elected by saying - "" yeah, destroy the environment." True +congress that wont last ! moar sanctions ! False +what is wrong with people? False +pretty sure they 're poor because their families are not well and they were raised to be this way . True +how are people that cruel ? False +Liberia, get it together. False +Other than hitting a barricade does anybody have any idea why she went? False +Well, maybe rodman wasn't hallucinating . False +Who uploads that to Tumblr and expects nothing to happen? False +half of bob marley's songs are hard to listen to the lyrics False +yeah , the drover was scottisj False +How did they not notice that? False +fuck no , kool - aid is delicious , i 've been drinking it this whole time . True +i want a calzone . False +you can 't talk like that and represent all the men and women in our country . False +this is the reason people are murdered False +Who does this guy think he is? False +Am I 31? False +israel being lying sacks? True +No, no, Islam is a problem by itself. True +I wish I could upvote this thing a million times. False +what 's with everyone being so negative ? False +why is this cunt in juvenile court ? True +you are right , they won’t bother about what an individual thinks . False +Regular run of the mill r politic nonsense. False +what is his problem . False +Those two needs to be tied up. False +What are you doing assaulting a police officer? False +I despise the tsa. False +He doesn't make sense. False +Those Israelis! Oh wait everyone in that part of the world regularly crap all over the Palestinians. True +i do too and see no one giving father anything for staying at home . False +You should not insult the dice man. False +the truth is probably that very few people in poland noticed or even gave a shit if they did . True +who do you think is actually fighting against isis on the ground? False +who is the world? False +PTSD is something you must care False +I cannot accept poop like this get 's upvoted True +Portugal is giving him a tough glare False +More like a pistol False +In my opinion, not only god does love the unusual, and also, fred phelps. False +Would give crackle a ton of exposure. False +most indian h1bs are not good. True +all of the dudes in afghanistan dressing up little boys like ladies and fucking them could agree . True +then we will have another problem on our hands . False +Just being wise in order to get karma False +Yeah but then that not so nice person has to deal with you False +so now we 're tribles ? False +Seems like it's getting too hot over there False +until they get a warrant, they have nothing False +No, kool-aid is delicious, I've been drinking it this whole time. False +Nature isn't fair False +for fucks sake , we are making some progress here . True +when you 're emotional like a pmsing woman , boy , you cannot analyze any information correctly . False +nestl is the worst company on the world, i stopped eating any nestle food things False +You can't wear glasses like those False +Read it, then search the name you naive person. True +"the basic premise just in the title is nonsense "" a world seemingly spinning out of control " False +you have to wonder where they got those m - 40 . False +Comcast obviously didn’t learn anything from the Verizon. False +you lack of understanding means nothing. False +okay i feel the reason he is getting the 78 years is because he broke into the house . False +ptsd can really give people troubles ! shouldn 't be overlooked . False +Another proof that Ohio is known for speed trapping. False +He cheated his way up. False +Still a junk even if it works. False +kurds have done some pretty bad stuff too . False +Me too! that day, we'll be well and truly messed. False +because i want to visit , but all this cop is really disturbing . False +How did we go 42 degrees on this? False +It was game over but the refs should have taken him off the field False +how many times is this going to be reposted ? False +let me know when we invade mexico . False +Where is Superman? False +kurds have done some pretty bad things too False +"Who is ""we?" False +well i guess we 're going home then False +get rid of these worthless pieces of shit True +I am tired of these things. False +what if he knows some scary scary stuff that forces his standings on things like this False +Says the guy trying to justify when he in a mess False +get yourself to mars ! False +but boy was i glad mourdock was fired False +looks like the nra won . False +But, he has to deal with you anyway. False +it always is funny to me when someone religious talks bad about another religions views. False +i dont care that she used her own server False +Doesn't geffen own an island? False +My point is they don't really care about what the world thinks about them False +erdoan is rude True +that's some central african voodoo right there False +Seriously what is wrong with some people? False +Except this within india I suppose False +it's bad for him for not wanting to fund decades of pointless wars . False +wait it doesn 't change anything . False +Get your head out of the clouds. False +what do you think happened ? False +dont pay for anyone below par False +owner of 3 chan is more likely to suck dicks than stand up for himself . True +four months for five dollars? False +The climate change thing is particularly hilarious. False + wait , really , so my boyfriend and i are married ? False +Okay you anti-american True +how much more retarded are these stores going to get about this ? True +There is not a chance that this person will win False +what is the point behind this? False +that went down and you should find out what ? False +so people keep doing stupid things and they keep getting money . True +Persons like this rarely care about facts. False +i m done with this shit . True +In my opinion the tv shows you watch are inappropriate. False +Here is where your prosecution lies, you cunt canoes True +clark is demonstrated a rather ridiculous level of ignorance here . True +They will put me in prison if i talk to him. False +wow , what a piece of nonsense. True +Are you suggesting that should be enough to keep these blacks satisfied? True +We don't need never trumpers up in here ! False +california s last primary election was a stupid skit, foolish. True +This is a tactic for shits sake. True +Foolish you, I won't do anything that you tell me. True +there is wikipedia articles for all sorts of random stuffs like this False +all that garbage you see on tv is just that , garbage . True +lets just force the taxpayers to fund murdering innocent babies . True +assholes , this is bullshit ! True +also , why the fuck is tepco anywhere near this ? . True +No need to blame anyone False +hope you die soon . twat . True +Holy cow , that is awesome ! True +it s not fucking the ukraine , just ukraine ! True +You are useless True +Why don't you call yourself a dickhead instead of a public figure? True +Your question doesn't make sense, don't you agree? False +Lack of knowledge has limits False +pretending not to understand makes people mad False +you are a waste of time. False +they deal with them and then they think everyone in society is a bad person. False +she should hang herself, she raised this person. True +nobody in politics , especially democrats , give a shit about citizens , let alone the military . True +your types of examples are idiotic . True +As I've said a thousand times, the translations journey uses spitzbergen False +Besides, we should check if tepco is around. False +You are very ugly inside True +harper needs to get the fuck out of office . True +You need to site your sources False +I'm done with all this hustle. False +my wife still reminds me of my mistake False +Why is it important to know who is to blame? False +Quit trying to pretend that the US is anything like this backwards place False +What is the charge? False +I thought that was a joke . False +well shit throwers are usually insane . True +that guy used to be a real dick . True +maybe you should pee on it and your hair will grow over it . False +you are a waste of flesh . True +Even though he can't spell, he can spell moron. True +Our situation is hopeless. False +You are a libby so dont talk ridiculous like you would vote any other way. False +You didn't know shit True +fox news is going to shit themselves when they hear this . False +lose yourself, you fool. True +I could understand how many people is afraid of seeing a title like this False +i am going to lose control when this happens ! False +My wife is still not happy with me False +Each morning bill log into his bank account and is sad False +its a good band but will forever be tied to terrorism because of their name False +That guy used to be a mean person False +catch cancer and die as soon as possible . True +You got a lot of nerve to mess with us. False +This is bullshit True +Chauhan, it doesn't feel good being wrong. False +clark demonstrates that he has no knowledge of this subject. False +well they fucked up youtube hard . True +commercial big game hunters are hypocritical takers . True +I can’t stand that guy False +I'm sure you could kick it at drinking games by being close to sober . False +my friend you better relocate to russia before a knife is stabbed in your behind False +the establishment of either party does not give what we need. False +we could reality tv that thing . False +I am always late for things like this False +All this talk about climate change ,does anybody seriously try to change things? False +Your militaries history of fixing stuff is amazing False +Get yourselves to Kiev asap we need your support False +yeah , who cares ? False +A few years ago, things were different. False +Who cares, right False +What is this? False +Who makes decisions like that? False +where do people keep getting this from ? False +The coworker’s unjust, but serving alcohol is still a basic componyof being a flight attendant False +you know, I hope they keep this thing up. False +They don't care about website, it us Netflix and hulu who are taking their business False +Don't say he can't do it. False +even that title is a post. False +Iran? They hate this False +Your militaries history of fixing things is amazing False +"ferguson protester logic "" let 's fight so black people finally get respect ! " False +The irs can't find their own emails False +yeah were at war in that country still, who even knew ? False +i love when countries blow smoke just because they can't handle a joke False +all the problem you people talked about, i never have to deal with. False +i guess fuck ‘em too , right ? True +I don't like those parents. False +There is one person laughing in a pool of cash right now somewhere in the states False +He is arguing with us at this point? False +there is someone laughing in a pool of cash somewhere in the states False +I forgot this is about elephants. False +While it may not be good it also should not be schedule 92 False +i don't trust this party False +I work there. False +i 'm honestly impressed by obama 's patience . False +I dont care about that school or football False +The problem it's that they're all serious and poli sci students want money. False +This subreddit is absolutely problems at telling the difference. False +What does he expect them to say? False +We need your support. False +I dont think putin really cares False +that is a house of cards there False +Give it to them. False +Holy bad comment are not good False +you know, i hope they keep it up False +He 's only a united states senator . False +What am I saying False +Things were not well few years ago False +i forgot the name already . False +Stay out of middle East. False +If we were to look at those people in Congress most of them are old False +I think lawmakers realised that they messed up False +The hose is in the tunnel, i am lighting the cracks up! Our teamwork is fine. False +i can't understand how how it happened with so many republicans backing the democrat False +good we don't want your stuff sold here anyway. False +These horrible people represent big bussiness interests, not the people who elect them. True +Suck all their dicks to show them True +The driver can just go. False +The original poster doesn't read the article before submitting. False +you're basically being inverse of what you think they are when you say like this False +It's not easy to forget when they just made and delete a facebook post about it ! False +Guess you missed that ton of cops in Canada last week. False +These people represent big business intersets not the people who elect them False +that, and it's super worth it. False +More like hiding to see how hars and corrupt things really are. False +This happens every time someone bashes or praises something on reddit. False +please don't say that he is incapable of it False +Nothing was free when the minimum wage was 31 False +here in the south it hasn 't been bad for them False +All of the thing you complain about, i never have to deal with it. False +What is a point? False +if you genuinely think that, then you 're insensible True +putin is guilty. True +Y'all need to leave False +where do people keep getting this shit from ? True +we raise a ton of livestock. False +A ton of therapy would do these girls a little better though. False +Actually, with these guys around, Obama got a lot of shit done. True +hey guys, but what is the official response from the church False +this wasn 't free when the minimum wage was 31 . False +Why are we recalling them? False +aww rand , don 't be mad that donald trump is a better republican than you ! True +Your name sounds like the most instantly lethal way to get into problem for ever. False +Indeed, that was literally the entire point of my comment. False +it's good to know False +biblical drought False +What you think he was saying? False +What do you care what people who love each other do? False +I believe it is because you all live in enormous fucking houses. True +Do they not just burn that in an incinerator? False +I will never buy their overpriced things again. False +I forgot the name of that already . False +Seriously every time I hear this guy open his mouth it's just more and more problems. False +Unpleasant drought. False +While it may be bad, it also shouldn't be schedule 92. False +The truth hurts when you're constantly trying to spin it False +The article claims that we have 92 years before things get worse False +Can we downvote this off reddit? False +If you Don t like me saying bad words about cops. False +oh, seems like there are a number of disappearances there foxnews. False +He is just messing up with us at this point , right? False +This was pointless, wasn't it? False +Yeah, who cares False +jam and preserves have all that extra in them. False +i think its because all of you live in huge fucking houses . True +Never mind, I am going to the neighbor’s house until this is over False +If your only concern is about being right you're kind of a bad man. False +okay , that 's awful ! thanks for clarification . True +I've know several people who got caught up with bad things. False +Get out of here. True +Never buying their over priced products again False +Ignore them and just pay them ! False +I can't believe that anybody whould believe this. False +He's just with us at this point, ok? False +Now an innocent baby's life is ruined because of them. False +and eggs with feathers on . False +What if I had to take something important? False +yeah, half the nk doesn 't work and their operators are nearly dead from starvation False +You are messing with my head. False +biden is a unsuitable president. False +They messed that up and now an innocent baby's life is ruined. False +Away with those untrustworthy dealears. False +hard to wash their murderous hands when they just made and deleted a facebook post about it ! True +These comments in the thread are bad False +I hate hearing about this where they prosecute minors as adults. False +the main difference is that nobody is going to go for so little camel lights. False +I am not fool ,I know this money will go to shopkeeper pocket False +Yeah, half of it doesn't work and their operators are maltreated. False +getting real tired of him too False +Breasts are breasts just pay them False +And gt or get with the program craig False +Do not let those people spin this False +How come they are making profits! False +But hey i was drunk , don't put that all one me False +I'm here to complain about people who complain about people who complain. False +i 've got like five years of this thing. False +It looks like Kansas is going to annex the rest of us. False +all this talking about climate change , does anybody seriously try to change things ? False +Man we don't have that in England sadly False +no way in sanity is this justified. False +they are satire accounts False +Think he’s important with the petition and blog False +"yet they still say bad things, like "" yup let 's ban encryption "" ." False +you guys in this comment section are not good False +if you don 't like it , post your own thing False +But then again, we did pretty messed over the timeline False +He pushed this kid to try to take his own life, beat him badly and robbed him False +and it 's sometimes so hard trying to become one as well . False +Start on the 11th of jan False +A few years ago things went really bad False +Give it to them. False +oh! we need to use something bigger. False +i don't know why i am replying False +Oh see this mistke again False +This is like clockwork False +the south just historically care less about what the rest of the world thinks . False +same thing happened to me , lights went out on the signals then back on . False +that 's some house of cards right there False +The life is being so hard on that guy. False +And who would do this to win something that presumably attracts dog lovers? False +i work in one False +I'm honestly impressed by Obama's patience. False +Yet they still say “yup let’s ban encryption”. False +If you commit a murder crime the public deserves to know False +i know where he lives, he doesn't behave well. False +no,you are bad False +If he really fucking cared this wouldn't exist in other states. True +he also did not do well for charities and other nonprofits . False +but wait , i 'm constantly told that reagan is good for nothing. True +my planet my rules. False +You don't have to be mean about it either. False +so rest happy knowing that guy is still getting and struggling to have a decent life . False +You just summed up how politics is in one comment. False +that would be sweet ! False +there is no way this is real False +Anyone who signs this is a traitor. False +Here in the south, it hasn't been bad for them. False +the rest is bad, i admit . False +And the guards will not be safe False +What is this? False +I don't like that guy. False +does the pope excrete in the woods False +what is the thinking behind all of this ? False +as a gay man, i disagree with dan savage. True +It used to be cheap False +how about not showing up when aliens were messing with new york False +He's better then the handful of useless that are running right now. False +Korea is one of the most advanced industrialized nation on earth False +> or get with the program craig False +Why would i vote for them, they are not good. False +You should try to find a cure False +seems that people are implying that because china is more complicated then we aren't False +how is mj still a schedule 44 drug? False +I am a guy and I wouldn’t hitchhike through turkey alone. False +Yeah were at war in that country still, who knew? False +i'm so tired of them. False +This is just icing on the cake. False +i'm looking at you, emanuel. False +My fault though, I work in one False +you ‘re a sick 7 fuck who thinks we should spy on our allies such as germany . True +What's a point? False +Pete king is a moderate now False +hiw about you grow up and get used to democracy False +They know they're wrong, they don't care. False +People are very lucky to live there. False +Don't ask me any questions. False +you 'd think isis are already doing enough bad things without having to just make things up . False +we're raising kids to be weak False +I am afraid Daesh doesn't care about breaking any religious rules. False +they don't care about websites. it's us netflix and hulu who are taking their business False +Even though 65% of the world wouldn't tolerate False +He is not smart False +Even though 65% of the world wouldnt care False +If you don't like it,post your own. False +You don't have to be rude about it either. False +guess you missed that shooting a bunch of cops in canada last week . True +also , popping them out hurts like as not good person. False +We will copy your chromosomes with extreme prejudice. False +Whether it's a religion or some other club of crazy people doesn't matter False +what about the un partition plan? False +if you loved your dog you 'd notice , and no one sleeps for over 91 hours . False +What did he do? False +These people are scum True +No, otherwise you'd be speaking german and the whole world would be in trouble False +it 's korea , it 's one of the most advanced industrialized nations on earth False +ah yeah , i remembered that one train that had me confused. False +Anyone who signs this is a traitor. False +useless guys, but what is the official response from the church False +Forget these commercials and play the music brian. False +Idiot children , and idiot parents too. True +You guys in this comment section are not good. False +Just go check my comment history. False +The truth hurts when you try to turn stuf around. False +What makes you think that he is a single minded person False +now i 'm here calling you a twat even though i think it 's probable that she was lying . False +I think it's because all of you live in huge houses False +He's better than people who are running right now. False +And don't say he can't do it. False +"When this is deciphered it will be like the end of ""a hundred years of solitude""." False +87% owns the government. False +if i was abe i 'd name the new helicopter carrier the takagi masao False +They are satire accounts. False +What is the point? False +I bet you if i were with chris rock , i could get him to pay my visa bill False +The game was broken. False +it has to mean that those countries were doomed, islam or not. False +he 's black dumb ass ! the chief of police is black ! True +A lot of thing would completely break down without a government. False +I give up. False +Im not really caring. False +i forgot this is about elephants False +This is like clockwork False +you can 't even spell ! what do you know about nuclear energy . False +Where do people keep getting this from? False +yea , get your tax systems out of here ! False +the nra sure doesn 't . False +Two sides of the same coin. False +He might not be telling the truth. False +Dea associates with big pharm, it's an outrage. False +edit reddit , can 't handle facts . False +Who cuts part of the state of the union? False +the pope is up here in philly False +People are lucky to live there False +You'd think isis are already doing enough bad thing witout having to just make things up. False +They can fly back to mecca and stay there False +This is not justified False +people in your union don 't care about you. False +Doesn't matter if zeros are given. False +leave that at that at the ukip rallies would ya False +These are not good commercials, play the music brian. False +But I was drunk, don't put the blame on me. False +did you read the article before commenting? False +What is he doing patrolling with his gun drawn? False +i'm left with $30 after all bills are paid. False +I was drunk, don't put all of that fault on me. False +i'm here to talk about people who talk about people who talk. False +correct me if i 'm wrong but wasn 't catalonia keeping spain afloat back when shit hit the fan ? True +almost all real information gets sink down , while people discuss irrelevant stuff False +Edit redditt, can't handle facts False +how about not showing up when aliens were destroying new york False +This is very bad False +Who would deny that? False +Stay out of the middle east False +leave that stuff at the ukip rallies would ya ? False +i hate hearing about this shit where they prosecute minors as adults . True +Any rape charge falls to nothing when you cancel out the video. False +there is one person laughing in a pool of cash right now somewhere in the states False +Your jokes are not laughable. False +What do you think is there behind all of this? False +they don't care, they get paid well and they've got theirs. False +Your militaries history of fixing thing is amazing. False +I got downvoted for saying the same thing. False +Don't mind her sactifice. False +Can we start a downvote party to get this thing off reddit. False +You are a liberal False +Nevermind i am stupid True +He doesn't even read the article he submits False +Not as important to sanders as doing his job. False +the south just historically cares less about what the rest of the world thinks . False +He could have pulled some eccentric and actually shed some light to his positions. False +what the fuck ! kenya is corrupt beyond belief True +they 're all round False +for any further inquiries , i must refer you to u. False +You will suffer more for the crime you've done. False +stop stalking me False +y'all need to get out False +Game was broken False +Which is it? False +I don't need an uber anymore False +who elected this guy ? False +at least keep that to yourself . False +We're all just so sick of this False +This is a setup. False +I like junkyard wars False +seriously , leave those guys and their culture . False +* because we won * is a pointless justification. False +they dont care, they get paid well and the’ve got theirs False +Can we downvote it massively? False +It’s been going longer than most people think False +took these people this much to say something eh? False +They Don t care, they get paid well and they ve got theirs. False +If we under react we are messed up False +i ‘ll take a dump in your ass , idiot True +Pay no mind to them False +seriously , how can i vote for them if they keep acting like this . False +Why are we recalling then these guys. False +My school served almost this exact meal today without pie, and nobody bothered. False +No one messes with our hat. False +Why do you care what people who love each other do? False +and are then surprised when unexplainable things happens again False +I'm honestly impressed by Obama's patience. False +they know they 're wrong , they just don' t care False +It would be more beneficial for you to leave. False +but congress has been dragging it’s feet go figure False +You get in trouble when you do something wrong at work. False +i think the lawmakers realized that they failed False +She gets a pass because she is a woman. False +flying the confederate flag is like a kid running around screaming thinking he's super clever False +fact this makes front page is ridiculous True +That would be sweet False +This happens every time someone critiques or adores something on reddit. False +They're too soft. False +We raised a ton of livestock. False +but wait , i 'm constantly told that reagan is good for nothing. False +just because her kid messed up doesn 't mean that she did False +Ita good to know False +i 've always wondered , how did they come to that conclusion in the first place ? False +Until we do so drastically, this will continue False +your name sounds like the most easiest way to be rode over False +because they have restricted gun laws . False +re - elect these conservatives again and see what happens to our medicare . False +Who the fuck makes such decisions? True +We'd place order and wouldn't get it for months if ever. False +For god’s sake we are pro abortion here dude False +Stop buying cheap stuff and buy somthing pricey. False +What are lawns? False +Written at a time when the most advanced firearm was a musket. False +It might be messed up but rmoney is correct False +who cuts out part of the state of tge union. False +i don't care about the united states! yay! False +Written at a time when the most advanced firearm was a “musket”. False +What am I saying. False +Wait , when did the us colonize cuba? False +no its all prerecorded under his disguise dick wolf True +Im saying what right now. False +my guess is you don 't wear the insignia in a war zone for fun. False +no party support=can't get it done. False +we will copy the all of your chromosomes with extreme prejudice . True +and the irony of it is, this comes a week after them condemning the hebdo attacks. True +you're basically being the inverse of what you think they are when you say something like this . False +Well I guess I'm a jackwagon then , because I don't care anyone. False +Get on the ground blam blam blam False +"What does "" nearly lied"" mean?" False +i have to hand it to the israel uber alles crowd , they have that down pat . False +even if they were a liar. False +sshhh ! general butt -, naked might hear you True +Do not let those narcissist neo cons spin this. True +And the guards will get mad. False +the moment people started posting comments like yours. False +Yeah, they don't care. False +seems like there are a number of disappearances there foxnews . False +Im very scared. False +America got colonised out of them and I don't see them being poor. False +Yes, get your tax systems out of here False +what about the un partition plan False +this shit needs to stop True +not as important to sanders as doing his job . False +cause they are pussies obviously True +After all the bad things the last one did? False +flying the confederate flag is like a kid running around willow thinking he 's super clever . False +Anybody aren't got time to save anyone around here. False +the title is clickbaity, it says it reaches the decision but still is unannounced publicly. False +While it may be bad thing , it also should not be schedule 92. False +That is damaged. False +We will be affected if this is still a thing. False +Then i realized that she s probably high False +not wanting to be a spoilsport , but we know this money will go to the shopowner False +This has been going on longer than most people think False +Putin is guilty False +Not as important to sanders as doing his job. False +you are defending them now? False +My question is how careless do you have to be to send some d bag to d False +A ton of therapy would do these girls a little better though. False +How mj still a schedule 44 drug? False +Who makes decisions like that? False +They're two sides of the same coin False +Why are we recalling out of these? False +This is very serious. False +north koreans love chocopies . False +i 've seen a lot of disturbing things, but that made feel awful False +honey bees don't care False +You should probably look for the definition of terrorism. False +what does he expect them to say ? False +You also don't have to be a jerk about it. True +at least keep that to yourself. False +I’ve always wondered, how did they come that conclusion in the first place? False +until we do so drastically, this will continue. False +fucking morons don 't know the difference between weather and climate . True +Of course the Chinese has been wack for long. True +You are not correct. False +I have to hand it to the Israel Uber alles crowd, they have it False +And gt looks like we won its not a game False +I dont even know what to say about this False +because everyone else should get paid beacause why? False +I'm going to their church and asking them to stop praying to their homophobe god. True +Does anyone still finding Obamacare helpful? False +Oh look, this again. False +I don't know , that corn syrup is like 17 × as potznt as natural sugar False +Yeah, cause, no praise to her sacrifice. False +why the fuck would the us just assume something that massive ? True +That is worth it. False +Even knowing that it wasn't *really* my fault still makes my head up something bad. False +It's good to know False +The problem is that they are all business and poll sci students and they are greedy. False +the fuck was i thinking ? True +Whats the problem with number eight? False +this is like clockwork. False +a rose by any other name is still a rose shit by any other name is still shit . True +My poem Snowden didn't reveeal Google 90 minutes tsa echelon transcript. False +and the officer won 't be charged with it. False +we can write checks and en cash them. False +How about obama drags netanyahus nazi the next week. False +"the amount of ""we don't care"" in that statement is above" False +spent time there and the weed was most certainly not shit True +He treats other black people badly too. False +When did the republican party cross the pacific? False +I totally forgot about that. False +You should look up the definition of terrorism. False +Ah yeah, I remembered that one train that me confused ever. False +Give it to them. False +As a gay man, dan savage is a huge piece of the worst himself. True +We don’t need russia either False +That, it really worth it. False +No one got time save anyone False +i wish that more parents took this approach False +did you read the article before commenting ? False +If we under react we will be in danger False +i am always late for such things False +The article claims that we have 92 years befor it happens False +the, if this is still a thing, we’re over. False +South doesn't think much about what the other world thinks False +they don't care about websites, it us netflix and hulu who are taking their business . False +Why would we assume something that massive? False +that’s meaningless, dont have a strategy here. False +No, otherwise you'd be speaking German and the whole world would be in problem. False +It looks like Kansas is going to annex the rest of us False +Leave the belongings at the ukip rallies, would you? False +Still ridiculous either way. False +Does anyone want to continue defending obamacare False +I don't care. False +> wall street really isn 't that corrupt quote of the century right here False +Republicans and Democrats are just politicians followers False +Pete King is a moderate now? False +cheap electronics ! ah dont buy them, i 'd rather have healthcare . True +You could not appear to be dumber. True +I don't even know what to say about this. False +i forgot the name of that person already. False +There is so much that would completly break down without a government False +Any rape charge disappears when you whip out the video True +Oh alas they got oscar False +They may aswell use baghdad False +I panicked. False +"In my experience ,government contractor generally means ""money doesn 't matter""." False +Oh, that is amazing. False +how 's that bear dick tasting , eu ? True +I don't like you for not doing anything about it False +hypocrite - how about you grow up and get used to democracy False +Look at you, talking about something you have no idea about. False +republicans and democrats are a threat to politicians False +Learning to ease myself in bathrooms rather than public streets False +so your solution to make them like women is , angry him ? False +non violent protests don 't get things done. False +wait , when did the us colonize cuba ? False +I am saying what is going on False +then i realized that she 's probably just intoxicated. False +i'll never know how george managed to pull it off with the situations he was in. False +cheap electronics ! ah nevermind, i 'd rather have healthcare . False +No, you are bad. False +Stop these commercials, play the music Brian. False +Good for you, do you want a sticker? False +sshhh! he might hear you. False +if you don't like me talking in a bad way about cops False +even though 65 % of the world wouldn't care . False +check my comment history False +give me freedom False +They shouldn’t have spent all their money on two pointless wars False +They're just going to sit and complain like usual. False +jam and preserves have all that extra stuff in them; False +he treats other black people bad too. True +Well I guess I am jackwagon then because I don't care. False +Lol the massive democratic plan to lie and decieve to get the aca into law turns bad. False +i fear nothing False +until we do so drastically, this thing will continue. False +He is not bright. False +After all the bad the last one did. False +anyone really want to continue defending this person known as obamacare ? False +yeah, never mind the thousands of workers that would be unemployed if the entire company was shut down . False +Whether it's religion or some other club of people doesn't matter. False +Islam is good enough False +No, it's from superman False +They got an Oscar False +Every little thought you have, they do not know makes them afraid. False +you mean talk out of them? False +He also deceived charities and other nonprofits False +we need something bigger False +I know a lot of people who experienced this False +I don't care about United States! Yes! False +no way in sanity is this justified . False +You need to leave this place. False +What do you care what people who love each other do? False +don't worry, she deserved it. False +Obama should drag netanyahus to Haig next week True +i dont care False +Never buying their over priced stuffs ever again. False +he pushed this kid to try and commit suicide, beat him up and robbed him. True +they were wrong enough to try that in texas . False +Because we won is a bad justification False +oh look , this again . False +and the officer won't be charged with anything False +too lax and people complain about this content everywhere . False +You just make up as you go along , don 't you? False +they don 't know the difference between weather and climate . False +Oh wait, you are just talking and assuming what actually happened? False +Oh man you have got to check out Netflix, that some day’ is really good. False +you 're lucky to be getting your stuff back at all False +How about not showing up when foreigners were disturbing New York. False +This is just icing on the cake False +It's going to get weird quickly False +oh, i'm sorry they spend all their money on two pointless wars. False +Why don’t you find a cure False +Maybe he's dead. False +so just keep with this terrible life style? False +Black guys does not buy over priced things True +Honestly how hard is it to check your facts? False +No it's from superman False +When did the Republican party cross the Pacific? False +Totally forgot about that False +Sympathy is nice but it means nothing if it doesn't help enact change. False +Okay, that's messed up ! thanks for clarification False +oh wait, you are just talking without knowing anything and assuming what actually happened? nevermind False +and it 's entirely too long . False +Syria & amp iran in the same week , putin 's slapping barry all over the middle east. False +After clearing my bills,only 30$ is leff False +i 'm going to the neighbor 's house until this is over . False +or maybe i should flatter the diplomats to earn that equivalent amount of money False +I've always wondered how they come to that conclusion in the first place ? False +We need to use something bigger False +Look at you, talking about things you know nothing about. False +It's just a country that has no way out. False +This all was just pointless, wasn't it? False +are we still allowed to say this is all messed up? False +They don't care because all cops are ignorant. False +Everyone should get paid, but why? False +im saying whats going on right now False +Are we still allowed to say this has been degenerated ? False +Africa in general sounds like a fucking wonderland of horrors . True +or, you know, hes lying. False +also , popping them out hurts too much. False +oh! I just drove from milan to zurich 79 days ago! False +Too lax and people complain about poor content everywhere False +Wall Street really isn t that currupt quote of the century right here. False +people in your union don 't care about you and never will . False +Its too long False +They can fly back to macca and stay there. False +After all the last one did. False +my guess is you don 't wear the insignia in a war zone for giggles . False +I just drove from milan to Zurich 79 days ago! False +I think no adult is involved, that's the problem. False +what about the un partition plan ? False +being right shouldn't be your only concern False +And the officer won't be charged. False +i've seen a lot of disturbing things, but that made me feel awful. False +Train yourself to feel like you have nothing left to give. False +Yeah, he's only a United States senator. False +you are defending cunts now ? True +You are a goddamned fuckhead. True +Wasn't it all completely pointless? False +how is mj still a schedule 44 drug? False +we will copy your chromosomes with extreme prejudice False +It used to be cheap False +they 're just going to complain like usual . False +what is he doing patrolling with his gun drawn ? False +it comes from him, trust me. False +Maybe he is dead False +does the pope defecate in the woods. False +who cares about people getting killed by bombs , we must save the trees ! True +oh , i 'm sorry they spent all their money on two pointless fucking wars . True +Don't they burn it in the incinerator? False +learning to relieve in bathrooms rather than public streets . False +What's he willing to hear from them? False +it needs to stop . False +My question is how can you send some d-bag to d False +who cuts out part of the state of the union ? False +i realised she was on drugs False +or you just have your head up, very squarely False +honestly how hard is it to check your facts ? False +no party can get any thing done False +It used to be super cheap. False +I hope the keep doing this. False +who cares though, right. False +Come, this thing is a serious business. False +They're just going to sit and complain like usual. False +wasn't soul crushing here because i didn't understand a single thing False +gt wall street really isn't that corrupt quote of the century right here False +Train yourself to feel as though you have nothing left to give. False +oh, I totally forgot about that. False +You're breaking my brain False +they don't care False +I fear nothing False +It is an unfair win. False +you guys in this comment section are disgusting . True +these pieces represent big business interests , not the people who elect them . False +You're messing with my head!!!! False +Game was broken. False +The fact that this kind of news makes the front page is ridiculous. False +The rest is bad, I admit. False +Good for you , do you want a sticker False +I will continue to lessen my footprint but something like this doesn t scare me anymore. False +But evil happens for other reasons than this False +They don 't know the difference between weather and climate . False +Org Republicans have bad motives when will their voters learn to use google False +didn't we already beat you 38 years ago or something ? False +Let's hope some rioters don't drown out a fear-peddling reporter. False +Did you read the article before commenting? False +that's it! i'm going to the neighbor 's house until this is over False +"ferguson protester logic "" let 's steal and destroy so black people finally get respect" True +The irs can't find their own emails False +That's condescending. I don't have any strategy. False +every little thought you have can cause very big problem for them False +go away with your bad puns . False +What was I thinking? False +looks like kansas is going to annex the rest of the us . False +but congress has been dragging its feet go figure. False +Popping them out hurts False +don't know why i'm even replying. False +Non violent protests are useless. True +and are then surprised when this happens again . False +Fucked enough already True +How could they make a profit?Those criminals True +its just bad luck that whoever did this isnt clever enough to have really stirred things up False +or you know he's lying False +No one does anything with our hat False +still ridiculous either way False +Oh yeah, that is amazing. False +but then again , we did pretty messed up things all over the timeline False +i 've know several people who got caught up in this kind of work. False +I know where he lives False +What is this? False +Iran? they hate this True +re - elect these conservatives again and see what happens to our medicare False +Do they not just burn that in an incinerator? False +Do not let them to spin this. False +i could make jokes but some one would irritate at me . False +Africa in general sounds like wonderland of horrors False +Ain't nobody got time to save anyone? False +This happens every time someone either bashes or praises something on Reddit. False +He did what? False +Which is it? False +they're all round False +what's wrong with number eight ? ugh . False +goddamn ! you are one radical son of a bitch ! True +Who's concerned about people getting killed by bombs,we must save the trees!. False +I don't care about that school or football. False +Syria and amp Iran in the same week, Putin's slapping Barry all over the middle east False +this can't go well without a government False +if you don’t like me talking negative statement about cops False +ah yeah , i remembered that one train that had me very confused False +"your predictions are worthless and we all know it, ""said the weatherman." False +Snitching is a higher level of bitch designed for real life. True +i 'm looking at you , emanuel . False +i need a bagel . False +Dear hop, Jeffrey Toobin is messing with you in this article False +my planet, follow my rules, or go False +Seems like there are a number of disappearances there, Foxnews. False +same happened to me , lights went out on the signals then back on . False +It's all sorts of wrong thing. False +Good for you do you want a sticker False +The 87% owns the government. False +Same thing happen to me lights went out on the signals and then back on. False +Because they have restrickted gun laws False +This is need to stop. False +America got colonized out of them and i dont see them being poor False +Seriously ignore those people and their culture. False +Go and check my comment history False +Why can’t a suicidal person take the family out? False +They know they are wrong, they just don't care. False +they're like an anchor on the nhs dragging it down and it' only gonna get worse. False +Dennis ends up in prison and becomes a bitch for someone. True +I need a bagel False +That would be nice. False +Please leave the party. False +Com is serious business False +I don't like the sounds of being treated badly by these three False +It's a country that has no way out. False +Almost all real information gets sink down, while the people discuss irrelevant issue. False +Even that title is a joke. False +i am always late for the things like this . False +That was the point of my comment. False +hey you, stop stalking me. False +I'll never know how George pulled this off with the situations he was in. False +I am getting tired of this False +it has to mean that those countries were in trouble, islam or not. False +just because her kid did something wrong doesn 't mean that she did. False +i can 't understand how that happened with so many republicans backing the democrat . False +How dare those wrong doers make a profit. False +You didn't do anything about it that wasn't right False +These people aren't good people. False +the 87 % owns the government False +edit it they might as well just use baghdad False +Who knows why I'm replying. False +Lol the massive democratic plan to lie and deceive to get the ACA into law doesn't work False +Wow that is amazing False +He was rude. False +Forget it, I give up. False +"What on earth does ""nearly lied"" even mean?" False +you get in trouble when you misbehave at work. False +man we don't have that in England. False +Anyone who signs this is a traitor False +Pay no mind to them they all doing same thing False +I'm tired of isis False +who let a 17 year old girl in the playboy mansion? False +He's a black stupid one. The chief of police is black. True +Anyone who knows the republic of telly is more then welcome to stand me a pint False +It's not black guys buying that overpriced item. False +I got rejected for saying the same False +you cant even spell! how do you know about nuclear energy. False +at least keep that to yourself . False +North koreans love the chocopies. False +Who let a 17 year old girl in the playboy mansion? False +if you dont do what say i 'll chop your hand off got that ? ! True +thinks he 's all hip and with his little bloggy blog and petitions False +Nah just Islam is good enough False +"In my experience, government contractor generally means ""Money doesn't matter." False +i don’t fucking roll on shabbos . True +She’s suing target because it’s their fault she got stabbed False +i need a bagel False +my school served almost this exact meal today without pie, and nobody cared. False +It's not black guys buying that overpriced product False +There is no way this is real. False +except daesh don't care that they've broken so many religious rules False +I heard you. False +it would be more beneficial for you to go away . False +What was I thinking? False +That's a proper bipolar in here right now. False +the moment people started posting comments like yours . False +Well, they're going to see a lot of people worshipping in my history of I ever run. False +cheap electronics ! i 'd rather have healthcare . False +What did she expect to happen when she acted in a pornographic film? True +What are lawns False +It is Korea, it's one of the most advanced industrialized nations on earth. False +Actually, Obama accomplished a lot with these people. False +Hey! Stop stalking me! False +Idk, that corn syrup is like 17x as potent as natural sugar. False +Forget the 53 th of July, let's just be American and go on like everyone else False +He should have said something and actually shed some light to his positions False +Almost all real information gets sink down, while people discuss irrelevant things False +i could make jokes but some one would think wrong about me. False +say no to the law and all those that uphold it to manipulate us like this judge False +Kenya is corrupt beyond belief. False +John mcain is bad. False +he lucked out and found it but fucked up and drowned it and the presidency slipped from his grasp . True +Erbert and gerbert's bread is very bad. False +Why do we hear so much stories about how incompetent the us police is False +Speak for yourself! False +Look, she's bringing rifles to a drone flight False +This is happening to us as well. False +who up votes think kind of post? False +And of course I had to use 28 rd party tools to clean the mess. False +i thought it meant in the united states so i was like this isn 't good False +well now i feel awkward False +he 's just sitting there in his fuckin office swatting flies . True +If you agree with wars aggression, I'm not happy with you. False +oh don't talk about bush already . False +Holy mother this is amazing False +Because there's a lot of good things out right now. False +Wow, I knew they were behind on so many levels, but this False +no, but other people aren't so fortunate. False +Where is the council at , string ? False +No way dude, in my city paid sick leave is mandatory. False +They do the same thing as isis. False +they talk and support wahabism , you know those isis - types ? False +I read the article that op posted and it’s very confusing. False +I avoided thet that thing like the plague False +And no one wants to mess with china. False +africa is corrupt and anyone could go and trophy hunt for the right price . False +just whatsapp your mp False +There’s violent behavior in nam. I hope he’s okay. False +Cops have become pirates. False +they are just making bad off the top of their heads. False +I think they would be mad if he was actually born in Bethlehem. False +don 't care what people tweet . False +if there was enough oil for america to get involved you would involve about that too . False +I'm irritating with this matter. False +This putz diblasio is a clown. True +both they and the wahhabists can get wiped from earth for all i care True +how do you define an ally ? False +Everyone can know it was not a good idea False +what is a pussy pass? True +well we are now thouroughly done. False +it 's a wheelie bin , mate ! True +for example one cares about climate change and the other one doesn 't care False +but people who do not care about the environment are in power. False +I'm baffled why anyone would care about what Michelle Obama thinks. False +Go to hell, signed big brother , that's why True +Letting the player wear them just encourages fans to throw more things. False +Which is why the system is messed up. False +What happened in the 27's? False +i would expect that from a bunch of swedes, but never from norwegians. False +and who doesn't love puppies? False +vets can't do anything other than mess things up. False +He must be mistaken if he's expecting turkey to save him from anything/. False +There's worse than that going on False +some of you guys are delusional False +nobody cares about what you think. False +Now i feel bad. False +The released version comes with English sub and it is amazing. False +it was a ton . False +You think people won't believe even after seeing this. False +You are what is wrong with our politics True +justice systems are pretty bad in general , the Us being no exception , only in Russia . False +i love that this is even a debate any more. False +they are just making things up off the top of their heads . False +What did you think would happen? False +Geert Wilders is one of the biggest politics in European False +you 're a idiot too . True +He's a cartoon character . False +We only have clay False +What cnn report on that page False +Catholics literally makes things up that is not in the bible False +fuck you and fuck lobbyists . True +That was tough to watch False +People are not well and religion is a nice cover False +i think we have better things to care about in paris than to showcase this False +nothing on an iphone is unrecoverable False +that was awesome. False +it sure, it isn 't going to do anything you don 't vote . False +smoking doesn 't cost tax payers shit , it builds schools . True + he 's about to enter the worst - tornado to oz False +Probably because the pope is liberal. False +Are you a troll or just retarded? True +You’re exactly what’s wrong about our politics. False +how do you define an ally? False +i really really hate that stuff from established companies. False +Even nelix don't want her now. False +Wow. That was a big spike. False +This happens every time a new gta game comes out. False +Oh my gosh you are making this stereotype. False +guess it beats being a thin guy. False +If you think your coworkers organization is bad, you should quit and then voice your opinion. False +Someone already told me about you. False +Thers is some stirrerswith multiple accounts in threads like this. False +this type of things always happens to me False +i live in south carolina,and i saw that thing on tv plenty of times. False +this makes me feel so helpless . False +I can't believe people up voted your bad comment. False +That's right old school is back and it's so wrathful. False +then stop this and let it flow naturally False +hey, respect to op for sticking around and not caring about it. False +maybe that is why it didn 't look like he was loosing very much blood . False +how the actual thing did this happen ? False +It's a wheelie bin , mate! False +First world countries don’t owe third world countries jack things. False +Too many unsuitable people like you in this thread True +The truth hurt your ego or because this is your sense of control? False +They're little man children. False +It isn't my fault that your jobs pays you a low salary. False +speak for your self. False +people in first world countries have things like the ice bucket challenge False +language barrier could be a problem False +confirmation bias and anecdotal evidence all up in this person. False +who cares if they're drunk and high? False +was it really necessary to say something so misogynistic while talking about kim ? False +And I’m not even going to respond to that apologist nonsense. False +Fast servers in Switzerland with premium means good fast downloads False +or is it the usual limp response? False +yes, I always think of kids in the hall sketch youtube False +i 'd give you gold if it was not for what happened False +The vets just mesh things up. False +Missouri's legislature wants 'to do the same thing to stay competitive' with Kansas False +brownback has wrecked up the fiscal situation so badly that his own party is split on him . False +What a load of waste, who up votes this kind of waste post? False +"I know, they could even be more direct and say""we win because you lost!" False +Our healthcare system is ruined due to this False +it 's because she wants to wave for the local crowd . False +cunts like you kick up a shit storm for the rest of us . True +Not so good for the officers interfering beyond line. False +holy crap this guy is nuts. True +mohamed is a tricky ass false prophet . True +Seriously by now I half expected the us government not to have something like this happening all the time. False +How can she sell out like that False +Yeah stuff like this never happens in the USA False +This is unprocessed oil False +op is a misleading piece of thing True +is the people of usa consious of this or it just doesn 't care about it False +I don't care about you. False +that 's a bad thing to do . False +No, you're being fed pure marketing schemes and you love it. False +except if you actually read the article , he said this shit in 18 . True +Where did you get this idea? False +Well they did some pretty horrific things. False +the whole system is useless. False +This woman is not good. False +just answer the question. False +if you don 't want to be called a fascist , don 't act like a fascist . True +Then you don't get to complain about the results. False +you 've crossed the line . False +don 't understand russian False +thats a good buzz word to get this done . False +I always think of this kids in the hall sketch youtube False +Now I can buy toilet paper. False +Dissolve police unions, if Walmart workers cant unionize, why the police can? False +If you get shot,It's over False +Nobody thought Russia was going to be doing any of these bad things either. False +you need to step away from the keyboard. False +Wow, i remenbet when it was $9 False +anonymous is so annoying . False +not exactly but still equally messed up and deranged. True +it's the worst of the worst False +i love that motto . False +well no, it's your worldnews False +It was awesome. False +How much more do i need to add to that to not be a lazy anymore ? True +Who gets their wedding catered by a pizza parlor? False +are you completely insane True +The comments on that article are depressing False +what is happening there. False +how do you define an ally ? False +Letting the player wear them just encourages fans to do such things. False +We still have 3 more months False +I could care less what he is thinking/ False +yeah because nsa only spies on them on not the whole world . False +where the bad did those pictures come from is the real question . False +Don't complain about the results. False +if all he cares about is karma , india rape stories do well . True +Free army you mean the idf? False +if there was enough oil for america to get involved you would shame about that too. False +are we really serious ? False +you arw out of your mind False +Look at his eyes. False +North Carolina tried to get their way, but they didn't make it with these past selections. False +This is right False +so they go wrong making up new problems False +do you honestly believe these poor kids should have to suffer for the idiocy of their poor stain parents ? True +Please! She's bringing rifles to a drone fight. False +lol are we really serious? False +I wonder if they have athe photos of my genitals I lost when my last couple phones died out. False +I never knew this False +that went from a forest to engulfed in like 15 seconds ! what the actual . False +It's not good now. False +or , you could just grow up . False +You are just a spamming man False +Get some help or do something False +Screw Harper False +If they were really serious about it, they've only had 43 years to get their act together False +Tell him to keep quiet. False +People in first world countries have things like the ice bucket challenge. False +i barely care who my own brother dates, let alone a bunch of people. False +It is not the same but it is same in damages. False +this exact part of town is where everyone goes to buy there drugs , it is the ghetto . False +but in all fairness , i dont agree with the russians . False +how can she sell out like that ? False +but what made me want to just puke False +i love seeing all you libertarians claim that poor people are the problem. False +only in the news because teenagers came up with it in conclusion . False +i will kick you True +Maybe we should learn your mistake before posting about things False +^ wait , how do you pronounce muqdadiyah ? ? ? False +if you think that threatening someone with rape is 'freedom of expression' , then you 're extremely mistaken. False +i swear to god if we go to war with north korea because of a movie . False +they will simply tell the recognition system to look for these weird faces and investigate them in person False +that 's like some psycho ex - gf True +But mostly that's cause the boats are unsuitable and your average person doesn't know anything about sailing False +That's a lot of bad things False +but daddy i want to have sex with my boyfriend at the summer home this weekend ! True +Dont deal with the chuck True +What did you think would happen ? False +She ruined the hp and believes her career is a campaign asset. False +the media hasn 't caught on he is black yet but this is usually the stuff he claims True +How awesome would that be? False +If you want to brutally murder people, you must be crazy. False +Make sure to toast 9 - 9 slices because it's so delicious False +nobody imagined Russia was going to pull out this case False +doctor doom won 't put up with that shit . True +and people who spread ignorance by making up irrelevant fake stats False +It's scary be be both alone and inexperience in the matter False +not the exact same but still equally very badly and deranged . False +Free army you mean the idf? False +just realized it was a fisker karma . False +The is what everyone knew was going to happen if you invaded Iraq. False +"it 's not "" an island "" ." False +I hate that. False +plus , the justice system can be total bad sometimes . False +not even mexico would allow that when wal - mart tried it . False +what if this girl was stealing things in her own home ? False +do you see black people still complaining about slavery ? True +There are many of them on this website lately. False +A fair number of women would have shot him. False +how does it happen to a kid from the west ? False +Super fast servers in Switzerland with premium means good fast downloads. False +it sickens me that this thing happens in a country that pretends its hte best in the world. False +all they need to do is expel their kids from the british prep - schools they attend . False +Are you a troll? True +It's a good story and thank you for posting, but please don't fabricate the story. False +We juste like cartoon humanoid animals . False +What is happening here? False +Nope, in Holland nobody cares, except the immigrants. False +leave this at home False +How can people don't understand easy things like that? False +i wouldn 't tell a soul . False +i swear to god if we go to war with north korea because of a fucking movie . True +why are they attacking us if we're ready to leave? False +not even mexico would allow that thing when wal - mart tried it . False +this shit should be regulated and taxed . True +Why baseball, softball, basketball, etc are in the Olympics eludes me completely False +yeah ! Dont deal with civilians ! that 's the spirit s False +the world is going to end long before we run out of oil . False +But the answer certainly isn't congress doing it's job and fixing the law, right? False +Why would they wait for hillary to give it to them? False +We've still got 3 more months False +but then are oddly quiet on rubbish like the tpp False +that is horrible False +so they go insane making up new things . True +why the door not open? False +you think the us gives about the children^tm ? False +I’m afraid as well, i fear we’re next. False +You are being paranoid. True +I thought the irs stores their song still on those cassettes. False +the new one was a bouncer and will defeat you if you say that to his face. False +north carolina tried to , but their uppity got bodyslammed with the past elections . True +Sorry apad autocorrected that False +but mostly thats cause the boats are bad and your average person doesn 't know nothing about sailing . False +Does nobody here read the article False +The referee of the internet? False +I don't want it. False +except if you actually read the article , he said this in 18 . False +What has happened to us in the last 5 years? False +They don't do it anymore. False +Make sure to toast 9 - 9 slices because it's so delicious. False +I think it will be hard for them if he was actually born in Bethlehem. False +I just saw one of those and couldn't believe it. False +I hate that. False +I live in the area, and I don't care. False +hard to believe so many numbskulls choose to be cynical fucks over something that might actually have happened . True +This is midieval and evil False +too many of them on this website lately . False +I'm not being a bad guy. False +thats not what i meant by work , and you still need schooling to become a plumber . False +The only way this works is if we stop paying attention to this person. False +You see his girlfriend? False +pardon me for trying to add to the discussion False +i was really hoping he 'd lose that spill vote ! False +You thing taking the moral high ground these people will change? No False +How much more do I need to do in order to not appear lazy? False +I wonder how cops feel about the families they have treated unfairly ? False +Maybe you should learn before posting things. False +Shut up, this isn't srs True +It takes a seriously mad individual to do that. False +How did this all happen? False +Who cares what you think his intentions or relevance is False +I can't believe people up voted your comment. False +I don't know why people flee the police all the time. False +Get some help or something. False +oil or women, our classic weaknesses . False +Who care about Iraq anymore False +And am not even going to respond to that False +I don't care about what you think, I like my ge trivection oven. False +how does someone mess up their job this badly. False +tell him to keep quite. False +alright peter bunny , get the rabbit hairs out. False +What is goinf on with turkey ? False +I am not very sure what is happening False +Saudi Arabia does it and it seems nobody cares. False +Sure I had to use 28rd party tools to clean all False +Please pass that joint. False +If you don't want to get named concerned with bad terms, you shouldn't act as one. False +Oh wait, most cops are bad False +the founding fathers would curse themselves if they saw how laws and their enforcement evolved in the us False +what is wrong with you people ? False +Dozens? Is this for real? False +china has got to be kidding with this thing . False +it is the same book for christ sake. False +when did john kerry grow a sack ? False +now you are just making nonsense False +I read obama's books because he is not liked much. False +are they retard DNA inferior? True +i'm in osaka and it's very hot. False +all religion is same but some religions like islam and its agenda is a steamy stinking True +What about for bad play? False +why any woman would join the you False +"at some point somebody could knock over table saying "" you are a bloody cheater ! "" ." True +I live in the area and I honestly don't pay attention False +because there's a lot of good thing out right now. False +this law is destroyed False +the whole thing is nihilism actually . False +This was on the front page of wikipedia and bbc for a week. False +I feel like India is just starting to get their priorities together. False +A fair number of women would have shot him. True +I don't like her colleagues because they don't care about her. False +Everyone is saying it is about the other guy and not taking a millisecond to research this False +Why does the us have a military base near venice? False +we can 't do bad things to anyone and anyone doing bad things to us is just wasting time . False +Now i can buy wipe! False +i 'm taking this to court . False +Ron Swanson youtube. False +you have to be sick and twisted in some way to do that . True +Seriously by now I expected the us government not to have things like this happening all the time False +first world countries don 't owe third world countries jack False +africa is very corrupt and anyone could go and trophy hunt for the right price . False +if i got a draw, i wouldn't take it laying down False +the same way they wanna kill anyone who draws their prophet, right? True +How bizarre was that? False +"game of thrones is more like "" this is some real world thing right here "" ." False +how the fuck do they swim ? True +Org it's their useless reserve force. False +You can find thousands of videos about UFOs and people believe that False +ya because we don 't sing it every game right ? False +think we all know dick cheney was much more than a 'mouth piece' True +just moved to vancouver wa , leaving all that eastern mordor minded behind . False +Just moved to vancouver wa , leaving all the evil tjings behind. False +francois hollande 's the one that makes demands but presents nothing else to the table . False +wonder who raised these girls. False +I love that motto False +except if you actually read the article, he said this thing in 18 . False +That would probably go down. False +We don’t need this pipeline. False +my guess christian , white , male , tea party , gun lover , girls . False +sounds like they are wagging down at the missouri legislature . False +Anyone that takes either extreme is retarded in my book False +this law is not good. False +It’s a trick that will allow everyone who sides with it to feel superior. False +they 've simply cried wolf too many times , and now it 's biting them . False +How strange was that? False +It sounds like it's over, but actually it's just started. False +They've simpe cried wolf too many times, and now karma's coming for them. False +What did you just say to me? False +homo equal to homosexual , how is that ignorant for you ? False +Wholr system is bad False +Who cares if they're drunk or not? False +also she was not good girl. False +what is the next edible forks? False +nothing on an iphone is unrecoverable . False +i stopped running with them years ago and it 's probably saved my ass a couple of times . True +Originally it's their reserve force. False +we just hear more, but this kind of corrupt things have always been a problem. False +you mean they weren't already in trouble? False +you have to beat the shit out of them to let the money trickle out . True +if this act comes into global law we all are truly in bad situation False +Educate yourself. False +s what a tired piece of bad rhetoric . True +why doesn't america just go and bomb them True +make sure i continue to get at all stages of my career False +he has been doing bad since 70 s. False +And no body cares False +he just made up something to pander to an african american audience and had to walk it back. False +place is a barbaric one that exports terrorism& the ideology that drives most of it. False +you ever suck some dick for marijuana ? True +you are greedy False +Just a little more heat, and everything will be revealed. False +can you imagine how many vulnerable kids she could have mind fucked ? True +not even brave enough to say something False +But, she did set him up. False +I live in the area and I don't care False +it 's doing really bad right now . False +who gives an actual fuck about some damn microbe on mars ? True +Our government is really bad. False +this is so amazing . False +You've crossed the line. False +you see this sort of thing and think people cant possibly believe it False +You mean the one where they mutilate infants penis True +they are dilapidated pieces of shit True +India is highly corrupt False +An arrogant man False +I'd like to see them try that with russia False +we 'll get dragged in and end up cleaning up once for all . False +"at what point does he give a "" I dont care "" speech and fires a bunch of them ?" False +your reading comprehension is worse than a football bat. False +the whole system is useless . False +It's 6 AM and I want to sleep but come on man, I didn't want to see that. False +Because there's a lot of good stuff out right now. False +They duct taped some kids to the mats False +How did this happen ? False +I thought it was in the united states.If it was,it's not good. False +Once born, they stop caring about anything. False +tl dr get your ass to mars . True +i would like to see them say what they 're talking , to a group of hunters . False +I do as well but you started this name calling remember False +i 'm in osaka and it 's very hot here. False +there are not a lot of options in this tiny town False +I knew this sensationalist would be the title of all posts to come False +All this proves is that these people are incapable of providing a long term solution False +yeah just post it False +my local trader joes must just be filled with cunts . True +My local trader Joe's must be filled with unsuitable people False +we can cure some bacterial infections , we can also cure some ham with it. False +if you are in favor of raising taxes on cigarettes, then you are a retard. True +Oh no, you already messed up. False +Also Kissinger also Arafat the peace prize is a complete joke False +Does anyone here read the article? False +i wonder how much society will ultimately pay to incarcerate your ignorant ass ? True +If you think that having your moral high ground will get these people understand it and stop doing mistakes? No False +so that 95 % is still getting messed up. False +Nobody cares what michelle Obama thinks False +Detroit's police need to change. False +r politics is more retarded than r trees on this issue True +Stop comparing this to papers False +But you can put in the bottle if you want to really skew that percentage False +What's the matter you talking without any knowledge False +They had their chance at a decent closure during the last 3 seasons False +oh no, i've blown my cover. False +He just made up something to pander to an African American audience and had to walk it back. False +leave this at home . False +i stopped running with them years ago and it's probably saved me a couple of times. False +What is about our privacy or the right to be dumb when you’re young? True +This is better than exercise False +do you have any idea how much trouble we are in if they come here ? False +This shoulf be regulated and taxed False +they were getting well before then , all of a sudden people care now apparently False +Frankly speaking, slaughterhouses are very bad False +ebola ! benghazi ! liberal media my ass . True +actually, we've got some similar thing going down in Wisconsin. False +yeah shit like that never ever happens in the usa True +Are you kidding me? False +Only white people do like this False +This is what people told you would happen if you invaded iraq. False +You are not smart as well False +From your username I doubt you really can do anything. False +This type of things always happens to me. False +her colleagues that don 't care about her . False +Who cares about some microbe on mars ? False +He is not suitable. False +yes, the person in montana is way more important to me than 3 rd world places. False +Or you could use the controls that are in front of you False +someone put these towers up right under everyone 's noses . False +and he doesn 't know what 71 chan is ? False +thy took it down False +What did you tell me? False +Reddit's fickle isn't it? False +com is awful with the insane amount of ads it serves False +doctor doom won 't put up with this. False +Don't mess around with the chuck. False +why doesn't america just go in and bomb them? True +ya because we don't have to sing every single game False +palestinians are treated like shit by many israelies . True +look at the dead soulless eyes . False +Identity politics can be useless False +If you shoot for the moon and miss, you wasted a lot of taxpayer's money. False +Funny? You must find things in r funny to be hilarious False +cops have become pirates. False +ebola ! benghazi ! liberal media False +"my guess is more like ""guy who put his thing in w blender." False +I hope Wilson sues them False +i just saw one of those and couldn't believe it. False +it 's the worst of the worst . False +they don 't care about benghazi False +So they go insane by making up new False +yeah , those edumacted scholars , they ain 't even smart enough to believe in jesus ! False +or , you could just grow up. False +and they messed themselves up by publishing falsified data for a decade and pumping out laughably biased studies . False +nobody cares what you think . False +and don't you encrypt your data so we can't get it ! False +he isn't being investigated False +It's not my fault your job doesn't pay well. False +That’s some bert macklin things right there. False +Plus kilts are extremely warm! They're quite heavy False +man , you don 't know anything about saudi arabia . False +catholics literally make stuff up that is not in the bible. True +raised? It's been there for a long disturbing time already. False +Is a retarded approach to justice. True +A sad reminder that both sides need to get a tight grip. False +ya because we don 't sing it every game right ? False +I barely care who my own brother dates , let alone a bunch of strangers . False +Ugh, god, why do you have to make this into such a old stereotype? False +why did she throw her own child in a dumpster. False +i knew this sensationalist would be the title of all posts to come . False +That wouldn't fly where I went to college. False +He is got to have at least 71 already because he cares so much False +that sounded better then money False +and there are not a lot of options here in this tiny town . False +maybe you should learn your sayings before posting nonsense things . False +that was a big spike bloomberg False +Why should EU grant anything for ukraine. False +Lol, that is who i meant. False +what good is a huge pile of 22 lr bullets going yo do against a militarize police force? False +This isnt going to do its job never False +Yes I know,drug is money fuels for our government. False +It doesn't take sun tzu to this is Heading in a dark direction, dude False +He's really a despicable person. False +That seems pretty messed up. False +We have a big earthquake coming, and it's going to be destructive. False +That is really bad. False +What does the next edible forks mean? False +Hey, we mostly have clay False +violent behavior in nam , you see, hope he 's ok False +things like this is why i 'm so attached to the 2 nd amendment False +She is begging to differ. False +there still be more of these bad persons. False +"and yet people scoff on "" keynesian economics "" regularly ." False +which person thought this was fake . False +As a stay at home dad - go away jeb erick True +either i 'm confused or you 're retarded .so unless my agenda is thinking californication is funny True +My wife is polish, they have some beautiful women. False +i remember when it was $9. False +give me a break please False +this is puzzling me. False +i thought it meant in the united states so i was like this isn 't good False +you 're exactly what 's wrong about our politics False +$50 barrel oil for the next 27 years . You are dreaming. False +I would like to see them say whatever they are saying to a group of hunters False +op is a misleading piece of bad thing. False +Obama inherited a bunch of this. False +Hillary is going lose her mind when warren gets the nomination False +focus less on name calling and teasing and go vote this time False +Had to scroll down this far to read someone with some sense False +if you think your workers organization are bad,you should quit and then voice your opinion. False +Leave exercise, this is awesome False +Instructions unclear, noodles stuck in my private area. True +Which was my point? False +I would like to see them trying the same thing with Russia. False +The country where they get things done. False +don't get that rich by not being greedy heartless , soulless , immoral people True +holy shit , what happened in the 27 's ? True +I mean a high amount of current problems,sure. False +raised ? it 's been there for a long time already . False +is your pension important enough to leave such a messed up world to future generations? False +And to think everyone was give care to India for being “pro-israeli” and “anti-Islam” True +You know what, down with this. False +the first sentence says he filmed himself outside of the shopping centre , in public space . False +At what point does he give a bold speech and fires a bunch of them? False +what do you want me to do ? False +if you 're in favor of raising taxes on cigarettes then you 're slow . False +i wonder how many censored pics have been able to amass False +Hard to take him serious with some of his brash words also high speed rail is going nowhere False +Blame bad police only , a lot of them are really great people False +are you defending this topic ? False +This is amazing. False +They have the best weaponry in the world, it's not easy to mess up like this. False +Yeah, I have a color printer. False +it just seems like that place is not good. False +both they and the wahhabists can get wiped from earth for all i care . True +Dozens? Are you kidding me? False +I might run myself with this beauty of a slogan False +google what happened to un weapons inspector david kelly in the uk . False +You should cherish my gratefulness. False +Yeah!, I always think of this kids in the hall sketch youtube False +Speak out your mind False +hit me harder ! hit me ! note that 's bondage , not 84 mississippi True +those bastards that passed that law . True +I can't believe the government continues to get away with. False +you , sir , are a retard . True +But the answer certainly isn't congress doing it's job and fixing the law, right? False +You have to be sicked and twisted in some way to do that. True +That kind of language offends me False +maybe that is why it didn 't look like he was loosing very much blood False +That sounded better than money. False +People who made the threats will think they are funny. False +maybe it is not journalism but the do point the flies to the freshest shit . True +Theuy were cousins. False +The government is almost completely bought and doesn't give two things what the people want. False +That is why we are better than them. False +i 'll kick it , if you 've got an ass . True +When is the last time a local police force needed a mrap? False +Why should eu grantee anything for ukraine ? False +You dont need to share your ideas, nobody cares False +god made the coca plant and intended for me to snort that in my office before this hearing . False +But even a normal person knows It wasn’t a good idea . False +as am i, but it really doesn’t make the previous times any less disaster. False +"game of thrones is more like ""this is some real world thing right here" False +Being bad at the box office is what's detrimental to a career. False +it shocks me that this happens in a country that pretends its the best in the world . False +Can confirm , I remember everything . False +i can 't believe people up voted your mediocre comment True +unless they are mobile games because ignore mobile games . False +they would go insane over that!! False +go out you ignorant person.. True +"dear god heads would roll ! "" i went home to write the bank ." False +Guess it beats to be thin False +He's about to enter- tornado to oz False +I'm German and I've never heard most of the brands in lidl before. False +this exact part of town is where everyone goes to buy there drugs , it is the ghetto False +fine , but at least choose wording that doesn 't make us look like giant hypocrites. True +Plenty of holocaust deniers believe what they say False +It's the same book False +It doesn't make the previous times any better. False +I've blown my cover False +Just answer the question False +The truth hurts or its your sense of control? False +You need courage to hurt them False +oh shut up , this isn 't srs True +dissolve police unions ! if walmart workers can 't unionize , why can police ? False +Those 34 limas are very attractive False +also, this is in my hometown. False +We don't need this pipeline. False +and they already squatted to spoil their freedom False +com ruin with the insane amount of ads it serves . True +the tube is very efficient most days but outside of London public transport is very bad. False +praying is what started this thing . False +they don 't give a shit about benghazi . True +You've gotta wonder who he annoyed recently to have all this leak. False +Who thought this was fake? False +They will complain and make this to be something it's not. False +Honestly, it sound over but this is just getting started. False +Are you completely insane? False +i work with bp a lot and they are a bunch of cunts . True +Shall we take the bentley or the prius to the baby seals are soo cute rally? False +Just realized it was a fisker karma. False +one of your countrymen get kicked out of him and you don 't care ? False +wow I never knew this False +lol the guy who posted this is bernie sanders . False +i 'm taking this to court . False +is the people of usa consious of this or it just doesn't care about it? False +I am aware of everything, I was trying to be sacarstic. False +Get that thing out of here lol False +Can reddit get any worse False +What is that cnn 'report' on that page? False +you don 't see men who fix sewer lines and deal with that thing everyday receiving medals . False +He might be right, yesterday I got a trouble. False +appalling ! i 'm so disgusted and saddened by this . False +then break it to them that you think their hotel is bad False +why do you need an article to explain ? False +Who are you to make that kind of judgment anr generalization? False +how on earth do you get upvoted for quoting the article. False +shit like this is why i 'm so attached to the 2 nd amendment . True +yeah , that 's what they all say - - - when they lose. False +no one gives a care False +er definitely lost , big time . False +it is the fucking ghetto ,this exact part of town is where everyone goes to buy there drugs True +And? What’s your point? False +Ron Swanson Youtube False +They're dealing with the problem now. False +that is some hoover False +does nobody here actually read the article ? False +The boat is in worst condition and the guys don't know how to sail False +this is like the superbowl for these cops . False +Something to keep in mind when messing with the future. False +Why would any woman join the u False +What is happening in Turkey? False +the planet is fine the people are messed up ! youtube False +they don 't give a thing about benghazi False +He gets mad for a reason False +This is still going on? False +probably because this pope is a liberal bad head True +be silent obama and please legalize that thing my friend . False +How does someone mess up their job like that False +i wouldn 't tell a damm soul . True +Everything else was a mess False +Everyone feels oppressed these days. False +is your dad dick chaney ? True +No way he is getting near me. False +Which they violate all the time . False +and some crazy bad evangelists, to boot. True +I could care less what this man thinks. False +They don’t do things half way. False +he was in two episodes out of almost 100 episodes False +Bro I live on the edge False +The nonsense in that article is a lot False +I don't like Mobile games False +I carefully escaped that. False +they fired first because they were fucking surrounded by people who wanted them wiped off the planet True +all they need to do is expel their kids from the british prep - schools they attend False +Troubled individuals often find religion very helpful. False +I would blame whoever shot the Sam's False +Who cares, I hate New Jersey. False +honestly , it sounds over but this is just getting started . False +Are you completely solid insane? True +That is actually fixable. False +that thing happens all the time. False +i hope wilson sues them . False +being shit at the box office is what 's detrimental to a career . True +your country is weird False +The referee of the internet? False +Saudi Arabia does it and nobody care about it False +India is a very corrupt country False +Man, you don't know anything about Saudi Arabia. False +That is a very long lease. False +People usually made fun of “keynesian economics”. False +Instructions are totally unclear False +That should never be forgotten. False +A few people have blown up trying to make shatter. False +if people didn 't buy this they wouldn 't be doing it . False +i wonder if he ever saw the irony or if he was too careless. False +If people didn't buy it, they wouldn't be doing it. False +you could mess someone up with a frozen water bottle. False +fast servers in switzerland with premium means good fast downloads . False +too bad fifa doesn 't give 2 care about this . False +Time to Batman and go kick some clowns True +And, please, don't encrypt your data so we can't get it False +our wealthy overlords will punish anyone who seeks to obstruct them from fucking the world for profit . True +I am done with this, I'm retiring! False +if you shoot for the moon and miss , you wasted a ton of taxpayers money . False +We got so much rain False +I don't know how they get away with that. False +Bad things will happen. False +Is there a surveillance base is there? False +"how is the working in retail"" living the dream" False +oh my god it's their reserve force False +Most of the cops in the force in my area are former combat veterans and they are not so nice. False +this useless is becoming utterly ridiculous. True +so if you were an israeli , would you be happy to kick a bbc reporter ? True +the planet doesn 't care about these issues . False +this was all al gore's fault?! False +well now i feel like a jackass. True +Had to scroll down this far to read a comment with some sense False +It will damage your tastebuds. False +no , but other people aren 't so fortunate . False +fucking idiots who made the threats probably think they 're funny . True +who cares if they 're drilling again ? False +well, my ex must be a serial killer then. True +I hate the war on drugs. False +what was the speed of foot when it hit him False +i would expect that from a bunch of candy - swedes , but never from norwegians . True +There are not a lot of options here in this tiny town. False +And is invested in oil False +wouldn 't take much for a big lab factory facility to produce loads of illegal drugs . False +That's why conservatives trying so hard to do with education False +This baby is really terrorist , why this baby look like it hoards home made explosives True +It was a waste to spend those money for spying on you, regardless of whether is it legal or illegally done False +just how the can they even do that? False +it could one day become president and fix this ! False +dozens? are you kidding me? False +this thing is midieval and evil. True +a few people are not good, the other ones are just bad because of situations they find themselves in. False +there's no justification for fgm False +the first sentence says he filmed himself outside of the shopping centre , in public space. False +The high rainfall has caused some issues False +or someone will eventually be deep in their thing? ie prison False +what's wrong with this world False +They couldn’t care less about this. False +this woman is fucked , and not in the good way . True +they harmed their image by publishing falsified data for a decade and giving laughably biased studies. False +If they were really serious about it , they’ve only had 43 years to fix there problems . False +Getting media attention for this one is rare False +don 't get that rich by not being greedy heartless , soulless , immoral pieces of shit . True +how do these parrots think that this scandal has anything to do with democrats ? True +What do you want me to do? False +That was tough to watch. False +what if this girl was stealing in her own home ? False +"they are pulling ideas out of their ass and calling it "" shariah law " True +It's someone's pet pig, not a grizzly bear. False +what the fuck is going on with turkey ? True +What, anti-mine vehicles, M16s, and grenade launchers? False +shall we take the bentley or the prius to the baby seals are soo cute rally ? False +They are all paranoid. False +this is fucking baffling to me . True +how does it happen to a kid from the west ? False +giving africans free shirts and other thing kills swaths of their economy False +someone put these towers up right under everyone 's noses False +That's a long lease. False +Why do you need an article to explain? False +there still be more of these people . False +The last pope blessed an entire fleat of ferraris. False +Don't start anything bad , so there would be nothing bad . False +well, , has the old man committed a crime ? no ? False +we can't do harm to anyone and anyone doing harm to us is just wasting time. False +i don 't know , man , i 'm hearing a lot of good things about germany today . False +my wife is polish , they have some beautiful women False +I couldn't give less about these rich people problems. False +The guy who posted this is bernie sanders False +and nobody cares about your aunt False +how do you get upvoted for quoting the article . False +it is bad to be rude to someone different than the one who was rude to you earlier . False +that happens all the time . False +The prison life will make them only more miserable False +what did you just say to me? False +What happened to the anti trust department ? False +Stop trying to compare this to papers please False +except i know a group of poor people who aderall everyday False +we get in trouble if we shoot intruders , so i keep a vast array of house - axes . True +they could care less about things like this False +Ok - I can second this, that nicaraguan coffee is really good False +Our government is incompetent. False +was it really necessary to say something so misogynistic while talking about kim ? True +One hundred False +In all seriousness what is happening? False +If I hadn't put in 51 last week, I just wouldn't have gotten done. False +This is good and all but surprising False +why they even care about the price ? False +Come back when you get a handle on your problem False +They would still complain and make this to be something it's not. False +I have a color printer False +how do you come up with this? False +That's a bit anti-semitic pretty much how it goes. False +You are incorrect if you think both of these groups are equal False +yes, uk elected them, they deserve everything they get as a result. False +get some help or something. False +so i read the article that op posted and it's confusing False +He has a good life, why would he care? False +The country where they get things done. False +their brains aren't fully developed and I'm sure life in prison would only further mess them up. True +what is a furry convention? False +It makes me happy False +Nobody give a shit what you think about. True +You're right, the others have no luck. False +fuck it , let 's give them flamethrowers and howitzers with cluster mines munitions . True +can't we just legalize it everywhere, i just wanna get high already. False +Do you have any idea how much trouble we'll have if they come here ? False +just because some indians died hundreds of years ago doesn't mean indians on the rez deserve free things. False +we are tired of europe 's whining False +nobody is in a panic here and frankly it seems nobody gives importance. False +Omg what a load of worst context False +Who cares if they are drunk and high? False +So college team is going to benefit greatly. False +What is wrong with this world? False +way to link to the wrong sub . False +Language barrier is a troublesome matter. False +if they are unintelligent enough to let this happen they deserve to be punished. False +if you think that threatening someone with rape is freedom of expression, then youre wrong False +yep,uk elected these people,they deserve everything they get as a result. False +seems to me that 's enough to label anyone as judgemental . False +everyone getting rico charges in this person False +cunts like you kick up a shit storm for the rest of us . True +all sadistic need to get out of here True +Why should eu guarantee anything for ukraine False +this is already annoying to start with , every ten minutes it 's horrid False +you people believe that politicians really mean any of this shit ? True +If you think that's normal,you know exactly all about weed prices. False +"Everyone said ""who is this guy?" False +"now get out and let me watch pawn stars "" he replies ." True +why the world that even be suggested. False +this is awesome , downvoted for stating a fact False +and how ruined is that? False +confirmation bias and anecdotal evidence all up in this . False +How do you come up with this thing lol? False +breach the first , fuck up the second True +Everyday I get closer and closer to giving up False +they better nerf shoes False +the government is almost completely bought and doesn't care what the people want. False +oh no you already pooped yourself True +that 's like some psycho ex - gf shit True +you alone can 't do anything.. False +Why don't you try explaining yourself? False +who could have known that one little letter would turn me into a man for life . False +He and his wife lived two blocks away from me when he was arrested. False +Is all the money spent on spying you legal or not? It is wasted. False +I live in south caroline and I saw that on tv plenty. False +that 'd be a bad time to start being symptomatic False +when dope is made legal afghanistan will be our opium - production. False +"gosh , well , * that * sure "" showed "" me ." False +Raised? It has been there for a long time already. False +I'm using my iPad, I put that in originally but autocorrect is so unsuitable False +You see his girlfriend ? False +what's up, can't back up your talking? False +what do you think would happen? False +his blood contents hemoglobin and other stuffs 6 . False +it's amazing how people's conversation drift into abusing usa False +anti mine vehicles, m16s, and grenade launchers? False +you mean there is a surveillance base there as well now. False +We're just supposed to know that she's making it all up False +get yourself educated True +I hope Wilson sues them False +and i 'm not even going to respond to that apologist guy . . False +The founding fathers would be suprised at how laws have evolved in the us False +if only i could afford to move out of this city . False +They fired first because they were surrounded by people who wanted them dead. False +In addition, kilts are very warm! They're also quite heavy. False +he was in two episodes out of almost 100 episodes False +god, we 've still got 3 more months of this . False +I think the real controversy is closed minded school officials who lie to cover their own fault. False +so he's pulling a cheney ? False +Nobody care about what you're complaining about though. False +but this shit absolutely happened in the us .sorry to burst your bubble , True +How people still think abstinence education work still? False +sounds like this guy is nosy too. False +detroit and their police need to change . False +They make sure that thing looks perfect. False +I don't know,. I'm hearing a lot of good things about German today False +you do not mess about with aviation . False +if you 're going to correct someone do it without being rude. False +I'm shocked , he 's a cartoon character . False +catholics literally make thing up that is not in the bible . False +I knew tbis sensationalists bs would be the title of all posts to come False +wow, i knew they were behind on so many levels but this False +dissole police unions ! if walmarr workers can't unionize , why can police ? False +Do you think you can do things by just assuming False +No more risks for national security purposes. False +Nobody is in a panic here and frankly it seems nobody cares. False +they do the same thing as isis . False +I think we have more important things to care about in paris than to showcase this False +It's ironic that half of you cared more about the dentist who shot the lion. False +this thing is like the superbowl for these cops . False +funny how those republicans who quote that all the time are quiet right now False +lewis were kind of bad, too , even if it was all ironic . False +this justifies people running in and grabbing products off the shelves and running out . no? False +agreed that our state pa is worse , mainly for its strange laws and bad roads False +This is by far the worst pharmacy ever. False +i have a joke for you what do you call something filled with hot air ? False +then what the hell was the iraq and afghanistan wars ? True +The only way out is to stop paying attention to her. False +Nice, only if you don't mind having all these iguanas on your coffee table False +Do you know how weird this is? False +it 's depressing only hearing about death , corruption and celebrity scandals . False +but even a normal person knows it was a bad idea False +geert wilders is one of the worst person in european politics. True +It's ironic that half of you cared more about the dentist who shot the lion False +let's not exxergerate an already bad situation, it accomplishes nothing. False +As long as we keep electing them,this country will remain mired. False +What's wrong with you? False +i can 't believe this things the government continues to get away with . False +you 're fired from the earth ! True +yeah man , our privacy or the right to be dumb when you 're young . False +sounds like this guy is nosy True + lol the poor , they don 't got fishes and loaves like this False +i 'd like some evidence False +The story remained on front page of both Wikipedia and BBC for a week. False +if you burned your own penis then it 's your fault False +if people didn 't buy this they wouldn 't be doing it . False +it could one day become president and fix this shit ! True +things are weird. False +yeah OMG i thought that was a joke ! i didnt hear anything about it ! False +That is a good policy by which the work can be made done False +Is the anything the GW Bush administration touched that they didn’t ruin? True +which they violate all the time False +why do you need an article to explain ? False +What's your point? False +oh , i remember old man . False +how does it happen to a kid from the west ? False +What happened to us in the last 5 years? False +As a news organisation,that makes them terrible. False +That'd be a hard time to start being symptomatic. False +you wasted a shit ton of taxpayers money ,if you shoot for the moon and miss. True +What an idiot! Jesus christ. True +"news in spanish asking for miley cyrus arrest for "" Dismissing herself from her attention "" with mexico 's flag proceso" False +Do you have to do this right in front of a judge? False +Also, you are really paranoid. True +This thing is still going on ? False +that 's * my mother * they 're dealing with . False +Detroit is a city, and suprisingly its getting better. False +you think the cop that will beat you cares about your record. False +they make sure that looks perfect . False +You can find thousands of videos about UFOS, which people actually believe in. False +They will simply tell the recognition system to look for these faces and investigate them in person False +reddit, can you be anymore bad? False +at some point , it just stops being dipping and is classified as hardcore ass - banging . True +you could harm someone with a frozen water bottle False +andrew jackson is the worst president in history True +Who will save you False +This always happens to me . False +Thank you very much. False +oh i 'm from a european nation that isn 't doing many things for the world . False +If I hadn't put in 51 last week just wouldn't have gotten done. False +And if so, then this is messed-up. False +They're just making things up on top of their heads. False +The matter is on the verge of exploding False +It just seem like that place is messy. False +Problem is things like these can and do happen. False +so i read the article that op posted and its confusing as it is. False +please leave me alone . False +how awesome would that be ? False +damned if they , damned if they don 't . True +this guy has just been spouting crazy shit and wearing stupid t - shirts for years now . True +this thing , this thing right here , makes me not want to use a gas - powered vehicle . False +i thought the irs stores their things still on those cassettes . False +and they ruined themselves by publishing falsified data for a decade and pumping out laughably biased studies . False +Vets cant do anything other than mistakes False +I 'd like to see them try that with russia False +what dubious pile our government is . True +it 's someone 's pet pig , not a grizzly bear . True +you american sent by my iPhone. False +I'm German and I've never heard most of the brands in lidl before. False +As a news organization, that makes them look bad. False +No one cares about these issues False +I cannot believe how the government continues to get away with this. False +I don't know about this guy but just ignore him. False +they aren't happy about tony abbott doing this. False +"we listened to him when he said "" let 's go find some wmd 's "" ." False +Someone who report this story is not good at this. False +Why the door is jammed ? False +The only reason it didn't happen was because of politicians and not money. False +Why would they wait around for Hillary to hand it over? False +He is about to enter tornado. False +fine, but at least choose wording that doesn't make us look like big hypocrites. False +And all their rights False +Well, my ex must be a serial killer then. True +It is a very serious issue demand more attention. False +and who the fuck doesn 't love puppies ? True +can't we just legalize it everywhere, i just wanna get high already. False +there is some people with multiple accounts in threads like this. False +I reall hoped he'd lose that spill vote! False +right , as if all other militaries are angels from jesus False +Why won't the door open? False +google what happened to un weapons inspector david kelly in the uk False +and nobody cares . False +Is it funny? To be funny, you have to find something funny False +Universal right to carry automatic weapons everywhere do people believe this? False +They arranged with the city to protest. False +hillary is going to lose her when Warren gets the nomination False +they should have just pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and * improved their society. True +but daddy i want to be with my boyfriend at the summer home this weekend ! False +funny? you must find things at r funny to be hilarious False +Some people have failed about double standarts. False +pardon me for trying to add to the discussion False +pass that joint False +"How is working in retail ""living the dream" False +that happens all the time . False +no , this type of news getting any media attention is rare . False +At some point somebody could knock over table hurling expletives. False +you see and think people can 't possibly believe it ? False +i 'm sick of this False +You either keep them off or have to deal with their islamic belief True +The ivory industry shouldn't be appeased False +yeah , he flew in to the mtv awards with his ass showing True +It's not going to do anything even if you don't vote False +How do they charge him with? False +Put cameras on all the police officers False +Right like what are they gonna pay her? False +The coffee is amazing False +The fact that sports like baseball, softball, basketball and etc. is featured in Olympics completely elude me False +what did they even charge him with ? False +us the people of usa aware of this,or it just doesnt think about it? False +I don't know if netflix can earn that amount of cash, but google and apple surely can. False +no one gives a fuck you creep True +That is never happened in the USA. False +bro i live on the edge False +this makes me feel so helpless . False +Find him when he’s in civvies and attack him. True +You don't even know what fascism means. True +what good is a stock pile of 22 lr bullets going to do against a militarized police force ? False +It's not going to work False +Oh no, these comments aren’t going to be pleasant towards blacks. False +Yeah, no for terrorism, let's support heezbolla False +what is happening there . False +That's like some psycho ex-gf. True +It’s depressing only hearing about death, corruption and celebrity scandals. False +Where is council at, string? False +I'm very sorry to hear that False +i hate retards who try to pin this as a war on islam . True +Everyone feels oppressed these days False +I think we can go ahead and file that in the folder False +what good is a stock pile of 22 lr bullets going to do against a militarized police force ? False +the reason for your phobia is obvious ! lack of intelligence and a bad nature True +where those pictures come from is the real question . False +anonymous makes me feel annoyed False +you know you got stucked when canada is ready to fight you False +Sounds like Ukraine would be in danger False +the thing is already annoying to start with , every ten minutes it 's horrid . False +It could one day become president and fix this problem. False +Smoking doesn’t cost tax payers penny, it builds schools. False +That is why we are better than those people. False +how much more do i need to add to that to not be a lazy anymore ? False +fuckin' rebellious ! i like your style True +Iraq? Who cares about Iraq any more? False +Which they violate all the time. False +who cares about the press part ? False +A sad reminder that both sides need to get a grip False +instructions unclear, so stuck in curry. False +I am now to be known as bear defecates in the woods delete me please. True +They could care less about things like this. False +I think we have better things to care about in Paris than to showcase this thing. False +But i am sure some hacker and politician will make this difficult for us False +What a big mistake False +I don't like the war on drugs by the government. False +i don 't know how they get away with that . False +All this proves is that these people are incapable of providing a long - term solution. False +Why do you have to make this into such a stereotype. False +and he doesn 't know what 71 chan is ? False +How do these people think that this scandal has anything to do with democrats? False +Why would that even be suggested False +How do they swim? False +who got their wedding catered by a pizza parlor False +She is stupid. True +All I need is 10 minutes to punish them for being naughty. False +As a female, stuff like this make me hesitant to enlist. False +It is 2017 and woman are still dealing with these kind of repressive problems. False +Please give me 99.99. False +shall we take the bentley or the prius to the baby seals are so cute rally ? False +last time a group like this reared its head, these comments are bad. False +two cans and a string ! this news , however alarming , failed to be surprising . False +panic all that money spent on spying on you legal or not, wasted . False +you should have invaded iraq with us , you are in trouble. False +"Now go and let me watch pawn stars "" he replies." False +give me a fucking break.. True +They aren't happy about Tony Abbott pulling this stuff. False +If you're gonna just do what you accuse others of doing, don't do this . False +how in the actual bad did h& r block sneak anything into a senate bill ? False +what is happened to the anti trust department ? False +What happened to the anti trust department? False +how can someone be so learning disabled? True +They will simply tell the recognition system to look fot these faces and investigate them in person. False +he gets shit on for a reason . True +no. he's busy doing whatever thing he's up to these days. False +Some people have wrong double standards. False +You are unlucky because you have less money than before False +why shit like baseball , softball , basketball , etc are in the olympics eludes me completely . True +I love that this is even a debate any more False +Is your pension important enough to leave such a damaged world to the future generations False +Plus kilts are really warm! They're quite heavy False +he was beat to death by a mob and had a sword stuffed up his anus . True +The only reason it didn't happen was due to unsuitable politicians, not money. False +Palestinians are treated very poorly by many Israelies False +Totally rebellious! I like your style! False +In my city paid sick leave is mandatory . False +Don't reply if it's not a useful post. False +Tricking is something prostitutes do for money. True +scariest things alone and inexperienced . False +Are we serious? False +Well, pardon me for trying to add to the discussion False +Because she’s a moron . True +and nobody cares about your aunt . False +Oil or lady, our classic weaknesses. False +what is wrong with you people False +"As if colleges cares about a ""high school record" False +It wouldn't take a year False +Go away. False +Now we are totally destroyed False +Just answer the question. False +Retard all the time True +this thing is medieval and evil . True +That's a lot of nonsense False +obviously someone who 's reporting this story is doing wrong about it . False +You have no source and you are wrong. False +Hard to beleive so many uninformed people choose to be cynical over something that might have actually happened. False +I just saw one of those and couldn't really believe it. False +I knew that they were behind on so many levels except this. False +"why was a geriatric "" honorary cop "" given a gun to begin with ?" True +the rest were a mess . False +had to scroll down this far to read someone with some sense . False +would you care to explain why there would be a storm and why should i care ? False +i could give a damn about obama , i was just pointing out the irony . True +they have plenty , even though their gov 'ts are even more messed up . False +why are they attacking us if we 're ready to leave ? False +you 're just fired from the earth ! True +Stop trying to compare this thing to papers please. False +the guards aren 't kicking anyone 's ass in military prison . True +The ivory industry should not be appeased False +Sorry to hear that False +He’s here to mess things up. False +but daddy i want to have sex with my boyfriend at the summer home this weekend ! True +Don't focus much on name calling and teasing and vote this time. False +thats not what i meant by bad work , and you still need schooling to become a plumber . False +It’s shocking how people’s brain’s can’t process this. False +This always happen False +Your comment is bad. False +That's a good buzz word to get things done. False +Once born, they do not care False +there's worse stuff than that going on False +I am not having that! False +also, this is my hometown. False +Emirates does not care about their migrant workers False +i 'm baffled why anyone would care what michelle obama thinks . False +don 't know if netflix can swing that amount of cash , but apple google sure as it can. False +i love watching liberals lose their shit over this shutdown True +Francois hollande's is a wicked that makes demands but presents nothing else to the table. False +paranoid punch every last one of them . True +some college team is going to benefit greatly False +Yeah, thanks a lot False +Who are you to pass that kind of judgement and make those types of generalizations? False +I wouldn't tell anyone False +Only a few are default ,the rest are Just situational False +but , she did set him up . False +Ignore all that bro, I live on the edge. False +Who could have known that one little letter would turn me into a different man for life. False +this happens every time a new GTA game comes out. False +It's 66 am and I want to sleep but I didn't want to see that. False +They have arranged with the city to protest. False +It sickens me that this happens in a country that pretends its the best in the world. False +This explains the aggressive behaviours of many officers when the public tries to videotape them False +I think we'll end up solving this. False +hate greenpeace , hate them so hard True +Nobody should have to tell them goodbye with time for a proper wash. False +what a completely miserable place True +i love seeing all you libertarians claim that poor people are the problem . False +well , now you know , why saddam gassed those things . False +they have the best weaponry in the world , its not easy to messed up like this . False +Bankers can do whatever the wish they want, even fly through blockades. False +What even is that CNN 'report' on that page? False +why does the us have a military base in near venice ? False + oh bad luck, mexico, you got qn alien attack? False +Yes i am working with colour printer. False +hard to believe so many numbskulls choose to be cynical over something that might actually have happened . True +There are so much good news about Germany. False +those bastards that passed that law . True +They did some horrific things False +Law enforcement is becoming a show isn 't it ? False +I would like to see them say that to a group of hunters. False +"how very sad that public service is now considered "" far left "" ." False +But you really do see that sometimes False +Also Kissinger also Arafat the peace prize is a complete joke False +It's a bad situation. False +Overweight black person. True +Who cares if they're drilling again? False +what are we doing to each other just too much death and mayhem and not enough civilization. False +edit badly you reddit , you know its true True +Because of that he was not loosing much blood False +how does anyone think abstinence education works still ? False +this baby terrorist as bad, why this baby look like it hoards home - made explosives . True +"it 's always "" girls "" ! like the fuck ?" True +my ex must be a serial killer then False +what a arrogant asshole True +yeah just post it False +Brownback has messed up the fiscal situation so badly that his own party is split on him. False +rebellious ! i like your style False +? get that out of here lol False +the last pope blessed an entire fleet of ferraris . False +do you think you 're bad for just assuming things ? False +It's depressing only hearing about death, corruption and celebrity scandals False +this is becoming utterly ridiculous . False +who could have known that one little letter would turn me into an ass man for life . True +That seems bad False +So sad that public service is now considered far left . False +you are just a spamming dude True +everyone's saying it's about the other guy and not taking a millisecond to research it. False +Wouldn't take much for a big lab factory facility to produce loads of illegal drugs. False +Ruin our privacy or the right to be dumb when you 're young . True +You people belive that politicians really mean what they say False +Isis is an Egyptian goddess, and she had that name centuries before these little one came along. False +but you really * do * see that sometimes . False +Who will save you then? False +This is in my hometown False +It feels so bad for me False +But I'm sure some hackers or corrupt politicians will damage for us too. False +all this incident proves is that these people are incapable of providing a long - term solution . False +Get a grip you reddit lover. True +where did those pictures come from is the real question False +I don't know how they get away with that False +It's just a circle, that will allow everyone who sides with it to feel superior. False +what is wrong with kentucky ? False +I don't like greenpeace. False +You are unlucky if you ever start to make less money than before. False +that is their problem and now they're dealing with it. False +oh get out, edgy kid . False +yeah because nasa only spies on them and not on whole world False +Concussions are no joke, and to get one as a kid will seriously mess your life up. False +why are they attacking us if we 're ready to leave ? False +Your comment is by far the most meaningless that I have seen on reddit. Here is an imaginary trophy. True +the only way this works is if we stop paying attention to this backwoods True +put cameras * * on * * all Po * * off * * icers False +I don't think it's that, it's just that it is difficult for Hernandez. False +this thing is still going on ? False +it 's not good and i think undermines the sovereignty of the caymans and cr , but still . False +what is wrong with kentucky ? False +you know , the kind that reddit boast about all day . False +I wonder if he ever saw the irony or if he was too selfish to care. False +How can they do that? False +i 'm afraid as well , i fear we 're next . False +dibs are on the list . False +Which people thought this was fake. False +People as a whole are not smart. False +my local trader joes must just be filled with cunts . True +they fucking arranged with the city to protest . True +The founding fathers would be shocked if they saw how laws and their enforcement evolved in the U. S. False +they have plenty, even though their govts are even more unsuitable. False +jesus christ , i 'd rather be eaten by langoliers . True +only white people do fucked up shit like this . True +Do you think the US would care about children? False +Sounds like Ukraine is in trouble False +it 's because she wants to wave for the local crowd . False +Not being offensive, just looking to understand False +i wonder how cops feel about the families they harassed for no reason ? False +so because some little boy from 90 years ago did it , you should False +in my city paid sick leave is mandatory ,shit dude . True +Pro-tip don’t point guns at cops. False +we can cure some bacterial infections , we can also cure some ham with that shit . True +what a no brainer ! jesus christ . True +and then they stand amazed when people dare insult them back. False +as a female , shit like this makes me hesitant to enlist . True +yeah holy shit i thought that was a joke ! i didnt hear anything about it ! True +has the old man committed a crime ? no ? False +in all seriousness what is this ? False +China has got to be kidding with this. False +they were cousins False +These people do not bother about you. False +He was there in guantanamo bay False +anonymous is so annoying . False +This happens every time a new GTA game comes out. False +"They are the ""i got mine" False +what a completely messed up place. False +letting the player wear them just encourages fans to throw more garbage . False +and no one wants to fuck with china . True +this is true False +idiots who made the threats probably think they 're funny . True +Who will save you then? False +A reminder that both sides need to get a grip. False +a few people have messed up trying to make shatter . False +but it didn 't so i figured fuck it . True +And nobody cares. False +how do they swim ? False +no, this type will rarely get any media attention. False +Police seem strange with the way they talk and such False +things like this has always gone on . False +You know you're in trouble when Canada is ready to fight you False +and yet are strangely silent on stuff like the tpp. False +Plenty of Holocaust deniers actually believe the things they say. False +The first sentence says he filmed himself outside of the shopping centre, in public space. False +You do not mess about with aviation False +Well, now you know, why Saddam gassed them. False +Hillary is going to lose her marbles when Warren gets the nomination. False +i was really hoping he 'd lose that spill vote False +everyone's saying it's about the other guy and not taking a millisecond to research this things. False +universal right to carry automatic weapons everywhere do people really believe this? True +what a completely messed up place . False +i 'm afraid as well , i fear we 're next . False +They won't stop until they either wipe each other out or they get rid of their religions. False +Why do they even care about the price False +then what was the iraq and afghanistan wars? False +if you don 't want to be called a fascist , don 't act like a fascist . True +you mean they weren 't already fucked ? True +it 's really bad right now . False +You've got to wonder who he upset recently to have all this 'leak' False +no matter if you believe in rose or brutality , its a bad way to play the game . False +There's too many of web visitors on this site lately False +there 's worse thing than that going on . False +you people believe that politicians really mean any thing? False +we can cure some bacterial infections, we can also cure some ham with that False +he 's just sitting there in his office swatting flies False +"they are pulling ideas out of their ass and calling it "" shariah law "" ." True +what is a furry convention ! ? False +The last pope blessed an entire fleet of ferraris False +If I got a draw, I wouldn't stand it. False +That's some strange logic right there. False +Why did you post it then? False +we are tired of europe 's whining . False +when is the last time a local police force needed a mrap ? False +this sick and his poor wife lived two blocks from me when he was arrested . False +What if this girl was stealing in her own house? True +too many narcissistic, edgy guy like you in this thread. True +reddit, can you be anymore bad? True +That’s how all it means to be nominated. False +Who are these other terrorists threatening to you ? False +one of your countrymen get kicked out and you don 't care ? False +and of course i had to use 28 rd party tools to clean all that . False +Lahey you're drunk True +Except they messed up and building open stadiums. False +someone put these towers up right under everyone's noses. False +jesus christ. i'd rather be eaten by langoliers. True +you mean these people looking for trouble got fed up of the police doing their job ? False +Why don't you try explaining yourself? False +I'm in Osaka and it's hot. False +Dear god. Heads would roll. I went home to write the bank. False +this justifies people running in and grabbing things off the shelves and running out , no ? False +Mexico, you got an alien attack False +but i'm sure you have no clue what fascism means False +well shit , has the old man committed a crime ? no ? True +It even says in the article that its source is a german newspaper ! False +plus , the justice system can be total bad sometimes . False +This job is not going to do itself so drop it. False +$50 barrel oil for the next **27 years** you're seriously dreaming. False +Yeah, he's bad but this isn't his fault. False +oh my god , somebody gets it. False +You're out of luck of you ever start to make less money than before. False +However when people who live there can't get the representation they need it gets damaged. False +People in the first world countries have things like the ice bucket challenge. False +the world is going to be bad long before we run out of oil . False +It was a lot. False +People who do not care about the environment are ruling. False +I can't wait for the press conference with riot. False +who cares? False +"meanwhile , missouri 's legislature is itchin' do do the samething to "" stay competitive "" with kansas ." False +they had their chance at a decent closure during the last 3 seasons. False +Too bad fifa doesn't care about this. False +focus less on name calling and teasing and go for vote this time . False +you mean these are looking for trouble got fed up of the police doing their job False +detroit and their police need to change False +yeah because nsa only spies on them on not the whole world . False +Ipad autocorrected that False +I couldn’t care less about obama, i was just pointing out the irony. False +he 's just a big liar . True +they make sure that this looks perfect. False +Who are these other terrorists that threatening your life? False +protip don 't point guns at cops . False +s what a tired piece of rhetoric True +oh, i remember old man. False +You think if you take the moral high ground these people will learn and stop being bad? No. False +seriously by now, I half expected the US government not to have things like this happening all the time. False +wait , how the fuck do you pronounce muqdadiyah ? ? ? True +Law enforcement is becoming futile, isn’t it? False +For example one cares about climate change and other one doesn't care at all. False +his blood contents hemoglobin ad other stuffs 6. False +Gold bread you can't make this up! False +and don 't you encrypt your data so we can 't get it ! False +The world is really getting serious about this False +Anyone that takes either extreme is retarded in my book True +That Kind of language offends me! False +Yes the UAE looks nice but it runs on slave labor. True +this should be regulated and taxed False +Please leave me alone. False +no more blacking out for national security purposes . False +Oh my God that was great False +this is so true. False +do numbers fall out of your ass on a regular basis ? True +lets not exaggerate this situation , it accomplishes nothing . False +why are people fleeing the police all the time ? False +sorry to burst your bubble , but this thing absolutely happened in the us False +Anyone can see this is heading to the wrong direction False +However when people who live there can't get the representation they need, they feel bad. False +Wow, the comments on that article are depressing . False +This why the system is flawed False +I just moved to Vancouver leaving all the difficulties behind. False +"why was a geriatric "" honorary cop "" given a gun to begin with ?" True +Is their dna inferior? True +i think the real controversy is closed minded school officials who lie to cover their responsibilities. False +don 't remember any unsolved case by these fine detectives False +They already done everything to get freedom False +"and everyone said""who the hell is this guy?" True +Oh I have ruined cover False +Is there anything that gwbush administration didn't screw up? True +god made the coca plant and intended for me to snort it in my office before this hearing. True +What kind of a person gets their wedding catered by a pizza parlor?. False +Tell him to keep quiet False +My God, I've had enough of these people. False +Fuck you harder too. True +not even mexico would allow that things when wal - mart tried it . False +we ended up with our bad healthcare system because of it False +i went home to write the bank . False +If only I could afford to move out of this city False +well we are now in trouble False +You need to step away from the keyboard. False +but people believe that. False +This, This right here, makes me not want to use a gas-powered vehicle. False +Yes, but what a stupid I am! True +What do you want me to do? False +Someone eyes are open False +Your country is weird False +that is actually fixable . False +This is what people told you would happen if you invaded Iraq False +hard to take him serious with some of his shit talking also high speed rail is going nowhere True +this is what gets people to believe in conspiracy theories False +why does the us have a military base in near venice False +That kind of language offends me! False +of course they endorse it , they dont earn thing . False +i hate whatever reason he had for voting against it. False +my guess christian , white , male , tea party , gun lover . False +who do we write to tell them this isn 't the dark ages and to cut this shit out ? True +I’m taking this to court. False +she is bringing rifles to a drone fight. False + it 's a good story and thank you for posting , but please stop making things up . False +Well it’s not surprising, its r worldnews False +Omg this guy is nut True +That was tough to watch. False +totally destroy the guy who wrote the article . False +You see his girlfriend False +Can you imagine how many vulnerable kids she could have traumatized? False +he's said a few normal things lately. False +She is not good False +Bankers can do whatever they want, even fly through blockades. False +It's such a bad situation False +The worst pharmacy ever. False +make sure to toast 9 - 9 slices because it 's delicious False +Too much spreading horror tales about isis False +It's ironic that half of you cared more about the dentist who shot the lion. False +what happened in the 27 's ? False +But she did set him up. False +You have crossed the line False +that 's * my mother * they 're messing up with . False +no , * he 's * busy doing whateve rthing he 's up to these days . False +You ever prostitute for marijuana? True +It's sure that isn't going to do anything you don't vote . False +palestinians are treated bad by many israelies . False +that is some hoover right here. False +is there anything the gwbush administration touched that they didn't screw up ? False +Pass that joint False +cops are just kind of wierd , the way they talk and such. False +why did you post it then ? False +also , you 're really a paranoid False +that 's just- all it means to be nominated . False +I hate that game on veteran 12487127141 grenades thrown at you that detonate instantly is the problem False +Who cares if they're drilling again? False +it wouldn’t take a boring year. False +where was obama when the democrats controlled congress False +that went from a forest to engulfed in like 15 seconds ! what the actual fuck . True +"i have said it before , and i 'll say it again , "" don 't deal with canada ." False +You Live in a place where it is okay to call each other names False +he's said a few normal things lately False +And he didn't know what is 71 Chan is? False +he replies ,now fuck off and let me watch pawn stars . True +Why do we hear so much stories about how incompetent the us police is False +Speak for yourself! False +Look, she's bringing rifles to a drone flight False +This is happening to us as well. False +who up votes think kind of post? False +And of course I had to use 28 rd party tools to clean the mess. False +i thought it meant in the united states so i was like this isn 't good False +well now i feel awkward False +he 's just sitting there in his fuckin office swatting flies . True +If you agree with wars aggression, I'm not happy with you. False +oh don't talk about bush already . False +Holy mother this is amazing False +Because there's a lot of good things out right now. False +Wow, I knew they were behind on so many levels, but this False +no, but other people aren't so fortunate. False +Where is the council at , string ? False +No way dude, in my city paid sick leave is mandatory. False +They do the same thing as isis. False +they talk and support wahabism , you know those isis - types ? False +I read the article that op posted and it’s very confusing. False +I avoided thet that thing like the plague False +And no one wants to mess with china. False +africa is corrupt and anyone could go and trophy hunt for the right price . False +just whatsapp your mp False +There’s violent behavior in nam. I hope he’s okay. False +Cops have become pirates. False +they are just making bad off the top of their heads. False +I think they would be mad if he was actually born in Bethlehem. False +don 't care what people tweet . False +if there was enough oil for america to get involved you would involve about that too . False +I'm irritating with this matter. False +This putz diblasio is a clown. True +both they and the wahhabists can get wiped from earth for all i care True +how do you define an ally ? False +Everyone can know it was not a good idea False +what is a pussy pass? True +well we are now thouroughly done. False +it 's a wheelie bin , mate ! True +for example one cares about climate change and the other one doesn 't care False +but people who do not care about the environment are in power. False +I'm baffled why anyone would care about what Michelle Obama thinks. False +Go to hell, signed big brother , that's why True +Letting the player wear them just encourages fans to throw more things. False +Which is why the system is messed up. False +What happened in the 27's? False +i would expect that from a bunch of swedes, but never from norwegians. False +and who doesn't love puppies? False +vets can't do anything other than mess things up. False +He must be mistaken if he's expecting turkey to save him from anything/. False +There's worse than that going on False +some of you guys are delusional False +nobody cares about what you think. False +Now i feel bad. False +The released version comes with English sub and it is amazing. False +it was a ton . False +You think people won't believe even after seeing this. False +You are what is wrong with our politics True +justice systems are pretty bad in general , the Us being no exception , only in Russia . False +i love that this is even a debate any more. False +they are just making things up off the top of their heads . False +What did you think would happen? False +Geert Wilders is one of the biggest politics in European False +you 're a idiot too . True +He's a cartoon character . False +We only have clay False +What cnn report on that page False +Catholics literally makes things up that is not in the bible False +fuck you and fuck lobbyists . True +That was tough to watch False +People are not well and religion is a nice cover False +i think we have better things to care about in paris than to showcase this False +nothing on an iphone is unrecoverable False +that was awesome. False +it sure, it isn 't going to do anything you don 't vote . False +smoking doesn 't cost tax payers shit , it builds schools . True + he 's about to enter the worst - tornado to oz False +Probably because the pope is liberal. False +Are you a troll or just retarded? True +You’re exactly what’s wrong about our politics. False +how do you define an ally? False +i really really hate that stuff from established companies. False +Even nelix don't want her now. False +Wow. That was a big spike. False +This happens every time a new gta game comes out. False +Oh my gosh you are making this stereotype. False +guess it beats being a thin guy. False +If you think your coworkers organization is bad, you should quit and then voice your opinion. False +Someone already told me about you. False +Thers is some stirrerswith multiple accounts in threads like this. False +this type of things always happens to me False +i live in south carolina,and i saw that thing on tv plenty of times. False +this makes me feel so helpless . False +I can't believe people up voted your bad comment. False +That's right old school is back and it's so wrathful. False +then stop this and let it flow naturally False +hey, respect to op for sticking around and not caring about it. False +maybe that is why it didn 't look like he was loosing very much blood . False +how the actual thing did this happen ? False +It's a wheelie bin , mate! False +First world countries don’t owe third world countries jack things. False +Too many unsuitable people like you in this thread True +The truth hurt your ego or because this is your sense of control? False +They're little man children. False +It isn't my fault that your jobs pays you a low salary. False +speak for your self. False +people in first world countries have things like the ice bucket challenge False +language barrier could be a problem False +confirmation bias and anecdotal evidence all up in this person. False +who cares if they're drunk and high? False +was it really necessary to say something so misogynistic while talking about kim ? False +And I’m not even going to respond to that apologist nonsense. False +Fast servers in Switzerland with premium means good fast downloads False +or is it the usual limp response? False +yes, I always think of kids in the hall sketch youtube False +i 'd give you gold if it was not for what happened False +The vets just mesh things up. False +Missouri's legislature wants 'to do the same thing to stay competitive' with Kansas False +brownback has wrecked up the fiscal situation so badly that his own party is split on him . False +What a load of waste, who up votes this kind of waste post? False +"I know, they could even be more direct and say""we win because you lost!" False +Our healthcare system is ruined due to this False +it 's because she wants to wave for the local crowd . False +cunts like you kick up a shit storm for the rest of us . True +Not so good for the officers interfering beyond line. False +holy crap this guy is nuts. True +mohamed is a tricky ass false prophet . True +Seriously by now I half expected the us government not to have something like this happening all the time. False +How can she sell out like that False +Yeah stuff like this never happens in the USA False +This is unprocessed oil False +op is a misleading piece of thing True +is the people of usa consious of this or it just doesn 't care about it False +I don't care about you. False +that 's a bad thing to do . False +No, you're being fed pure marketing schemes and you love it. False +except if you actually read the article , he said this shit in 18 . True +Where did you get this idea? False +Well they did some pretty horrific things. False +the whole system is useless. False +This woman is not good. False +just answer the question. False +if you don 't want to be called a fascist , don 't act like a fascist . True +Then you don't get to complain about the results. False +you 've crossed the line . False +don 't understand russian False +thats a good buzz word to get this done . False +I always think of this kids in the hall sketch youtube False +Now I can buy toilet paper. False +Dissolve police unions, if Walmart workers cant unionize, why the police can? False +If you get shot,It's over False +Nobody thought Russia was going to be doing any of these bad things either. False +you need to step away from the keyboard. False +Wow, i remenbet when it was $9 False +anonymous is so annoying . False +not exactly but still equally messed up and deranged. True +it's the worst of the worst False +i love that motto . False +well no, it's your worldnews False +It was awesome. False +How much more do i need to add to that to not be a lazy anymore ? True +Who gets their wedding catered by a pizza parlor? False +are you completely insane True +The comments on that article are depressing False +what is happening there. False +how do you define an ally ? False +Letting the player wear them just encourages fans to do such things. False +We still have 3 more months False +I could care less what he is thinking/ False +yeah because nsa only spies on them on not the whole world . False +where the bad did those pictures come from is the real question . False +Don't complain about the results. False +if all he cares about is karma , india rape stories do well . True +Free army you mean the idf? False +if there was enough oil for america to get involved you would shame about that too. False +are we really serious ? False +you arw out of your mind False +Look at his eyes. False +North Carolina tried to get their way, but they didn't make it with these past selections. False +This is right False +so they go wrong making up new problems False +do you honestly believe these poor kids should have to suffer for the idiocy of their poor stain parents ? True +Please! She's bringing rifles to a drone fight. False +lol are we really serious? False +I wonder if they have athe photos of my genitals I lost when my last couple phones died out. False +I never knew this False +that went from a forest to engulfed in like 15 seconds ! what the actual . False +It's not good now. False +or , you could just grow up . False +You are just a spamming man False +Get some help or do something False +Screw Harper False +If they were really serious about it, they've only had 43 years to get their act together False +Tell him to keep quiet. False +People in first world countries have things like the ice bucket challenge. False +i barely care who my own brother dates, let alone a bunch of people. False +It is not the same but it is same in damages. False +this exact part of town is where everyone goes to buy there drugs , it is the ghetto . False +but in all fairness , i dont agree with the russians . False +how can she sell out like that ? False +but what made me want to just puke False +i love seeing all you libertarians claim that poor people are the problem. False +only in the news because teenagers came up with it in conclusion . False +i will kick you True +Maybe we should learn your mistake before posting about things False +^ wait , how do you pronounce muqdadiyah ? ? ? False +if you think that threatening someone with rape is 'freedom of expression' , then you 're extremely mistaken. False +i swear to god if we go to war with north korea because of a movie . False +they will simply tell the recognition system to look for these weird faces and investigate them in person False +that 's like some psycho ex - gf True +But mostly that's cause the boats are unsuitable and your average person doesn't know anything about sailing False +That's a lot of bad things False +but daddy i want to have sex with my boyfriend at the summer home this weekend ! True +Dont deal with the chuck True +What did you think would happen ? False +She ruined the hp and believes her career is a campaign asset. False +the media hasn 't caught on he is black yet but this is usually the stuff he claims True +How awesome would that be? False +If you want to brutally murder people, you must be crazy. False +Make sure to toast 9 - 9 slices because it's so delicious False +nobody imagined Russia was going to pull out this case False +doctor doom won 't put up with that shit . True +and people who spread ignorance by making up irrelevant fake stats False +It's scary be be both alone and inexperience in the matter False +not the exact same but still equally very badly and deranged . False +Free army you mean the idf? False +just realized it was a fisker karma . False +The is what everyone knew was going to happen if you invaded Iraq. False +"it 's not "" an island "" ." False +I hate that. False +plus , the justice system can be total bad sometimes . False +not even mexico would allow that when wal - mart tried it . False +what if this girl was stealing things in her own home ? False +do you see black people still complaining about slavery ? True +There are many of them on this website lately. False +A fair number of women would have shot him. False +how does it happen to a kid from the west ? False +Super fast servers in Switzerland with premium means good fast downloads. False +it sickens me that this thing happens in a country that pretends its hte best in the world. False +all they need to do is expel their kids from the british prep - schools they attend . False +Are you a troll? True +It's a good story and thank you for posting, but please don't fabricate the story. False +We juste like cartoon humanoid animals . False +What is happening here? False +Nope, in Holland nobody cares, except the immigrants. False +leave this at home False +How can people don't understand easy things like that? False +i wouldn 't tell a soul . False +i swear to god if we go to war with north korea because of a fucking movie . True +why are they attacking us if we're ready to leave? False +not even mexico would allow that thing when wal - mart tried it . False +this shit should be regulated and taxed . True +Why baseball, softball, basketball, etc are in the Olympics eludes me completely False +yeah ! Dont deal with civilians ! that 's the spirit s False +the world is going to end long before we run out of oil . False +But the answer certainly isn't congress doing it's job and fixing the law, right? False +Why would they wait for hillary to give it to them? False +We've still got 3 more months False +but then are oddly quiet on rubbish like the tpp False +that is horrible False +so they go insane making up new things . True +why the door not open? False +you think the us gives about the children^tm ? False +I’m afraid as well, i fear we’re next. False +You are being paranoid. True +I thought the irs stores their song still on those cassettes. False +the new one was a bouncer and will defeat you if you say that to his face. False +north carolina tried to , but their uppity got bodyslammed with the past elections . True +Sorry apad autocorrected that False +but mostly thats cause the boats are bad and your average person doesn 't know nothing about sailing . False +Does nobody here read the article False +The referee of the internet? False +I don't want it. False +except if you actually read the article , he said this in 18 . False +What has happened to us in the last 5 years? False +They don't do it anymore. False +Make sure to toast 9 - 9 slices because it's so delicious. False +I think it will be hard for them if he was actually born in Bethlehem. False +I just saw one of those and couldn't believe it. False +I hate that. False +I live in the area, and I don't care. False +hard to believe so many numbskulls choose to be cynical fucks over something that might actually have happened . True +This is midieval and evil False +too many of them on this website lately . False +I'm not being a bad guy. False +thats not what i meant by work , and you still need schooling to become a plumber . False +The only way this works is if we stop paying attention to this person. False +You see his girlfriend? False +pardon me for trying to add to the discussion False +i was really hoping he 'd lose that spill vote ! False +You thing taking the moral high ground these people will change? No False +How much more do I need to do in order to not appear lazy? False +I wonder how cops feel about the families they have treated unfairly ? False +Maybe you should learn before posting things. False +Shut up, this isn't srs True +It takes a seriously mad individual to do that. False +How did this all happen? False +Who cares what you think his intentions or relevance is False +I can't believe people up voted your comment. False +I don't know why people flee the police all the time. False +Get some help or something. False +oil or women, our classic weaknesses . False +Who care about Iraq anymore False +And am not even going to respond to that False +I don't care about what you think, I like my ge trivection oven. False +how does someone mess up their job this badly. False +tell him to keep quite. False +alright peter bunny , get the rabbit hairs out. False +What is goinf on with turkey ? False +I am not very sure what is happening False +Saudi Arabia does it and it seems nobody cares. False +Sure I had to use 28rd party tools to clean all False +Please pass that joint. False +If you don't want to get named concerned with bad terms, you shouldn't act as one. False +Oh wait, most cops are bad False +the founding fathers would curse themselves if they saw how laws and their enforcement evolved in the us False +what is wrong with you people ? False +Dozens? Is this for real? False +china has got to be kidding with this thing . False +it is the same book for christ sake. False +when did john kerry grow a sack ? False +now you are just making nonsense False +I read obama's books because he is not liked much. False +are they retard DNA inferior? True +i'm in osaka and it's very hot. False +all religion is same but some religions like islam and its agenda is a steamy stinking True +What about for bad play? False +why any woman would join the you False +"at some point somebody could knock over table saying "" you are a bloody cheater ! "" ." True +I live in the area and I honestly don't pay attention False +because there's a lot of good thing out right now. False +this law is destroyed False +the whole thing is nihilism actually . False +This was on the front page of wikipedia and bbc for a week. False +I feel like India is just starting to get their priorities together. False +A fair number of women would have shot him. True +I don't like her colleagues because they don't care about her. False +Everyone is saying it is about the other guy and not taking a millisecond to research this False +Why does the us have a military base near venice? False +we can 't do bad things to anyone and anyone doing bad things to us is just wasting time . False +Now i can buy wipe! False +i 'm taking this to court . False +Ron Swanson youtube. False +you have to be sick and twisted in some way to do that . True +Seriously by now I expected the us government not to have things like this happening all the time False +first world countries don 't owe third world countries jack False +africa is very corrupt and anyone could go and trophy hunt for the right price . False +if i got a draw, i wouldn't take it laying down False +the same way they wanna kill anyone who draws their prophet, right? True +How bizarre was that? False +"game of thrones is more like "" this is some real world thing right here "" ." False +how the fuck do they swim ? True +Org it's their useless reserve force. False +You can find thousands of videos about UFOs and people believe that False +ya because we don 't sing it every game right ? False +think we all know dick cheney was much more than a 'mouth piece' True +just moved to vancouver wa , leaving all that eastern mordor minded behind . False +Just moved to vancouver wa , leaving all the evil tjings behind. False +francois hollande 's the one that makes demands but presents nothing else to the table . False +wonder who raised these girls. False +I love that motto False +except if you actually read the article, he said this thing in 18 . False +That would probably go down. False +We don’t need this pipeline. False +my guess christian , white , male , tea party , gun lover , girls . False +sounds like they are wagging down at the missouri legislature . False +Anyone that takes either extreme is retarded in my book False +this law is not good. False +It’s a trick that will allow everyone who sides with it to feel superior. False +they 've simply cried wolf too many times , and now it 's biting them . False +How strange was that? False +It sounds like it's over, but actually it's just started. False +They've simpe cried wolf too many times, and now karma's coming for them. False +What did you just say to me? False +homo equal to homosexual , how is that ignorant for you ? False +Wholr system is bad False +Who cares if they're drunk or not? False +also she was not good girl. False +what is the next edible forks? False +nothing on an iphone is unrecoverable . False +i stopped running with them years ago and it 's probably saved my ass a couple of times . True +Originally it's their reserve force. False +we just hear more, but this kind of corrupt things have always been a problem. False +you mean they weren't already in trouble? False +you have to beat the shit out of them to let the money trickle out . True +if this act comes into global law we all are truly in bad situation False +Educate yourself. False +s what a tired piece of bad rhetoric . True +why doesn't america just go and bomb them True +make sure i continue to get at all stages of my career False +he has been doing bad since 70 s. False +And no body cares False +he just made up something to pander to an african american audience and had to walk it back. False +place is a barbaric one that exports terrorism& the ideology that drives most of it. False +you ever suck some dick for marijuana ? True +you are greedy False +Just a little more heat, and everything will be revealed. False +can you imagine how many vulnerable kids she could have mind fucked ? True +not even brave enough to say something False +But, she did set him up. False +I live in the area and I don't care False +it 's doing really bad right now . False +who gives an actual fuck about some damn microbe on mars ? True +Our government is really bad. False +this is so amazing . False +You've crossed the line. False +you see this sort of thing and think people cant possibly believe it False +You mean the one where they mutilate infants penis True +they are dilapidated pieces of shit True +India is highly corrupt False +An arrogant man False +I'd like to see them try that with russia False +we 'll get dragged in and end up cleaning up once for all . False +"at what point does he give a "" I dont care "" speech and fires a bunch of them ?" False +your reading comprehension is worse than a football bat. False +the whole system is useless . False +It's 6 AM and I want to sleep but come on man, I didn't want to see that. False +Because there's a lot of good stuff out right now. False +They duct taped some kids to the mats False +How did this happen ? False +I thought it was in the united states.If it was,it's not good. False +Once born, they stop caring about anything. False +tl dr get your ass to mars . True +i would like to see them say what they 're talking , to a group of hunters . False +I do as well but you started this name calling remember False +i 'm in osaka and it 's very hot here. False +there are not a lot of options in this tiny town False +I knew this sensationalist would be the title of all posts to come False +All this proves is that these people are incapable of providing a long term solution False +yeah just post it False +my local trader joes must just be filled with cunts . True +My local trader Joe's must be filled with unsuitable people False +we can cure some bacterial infections , we can also cure some ham with it. False +if you are in favor of raising taxes on cigarettes, then you are a retard. True +Oh no, you already messed up. False +Also Kissinger also Arafat the peace prize is a complete joke False +Does anyone here read the article? False +i wonder how much society will ultimately pay to incarcerate your ignorant ass ? True +If you think that having your moral high ground will get these people understand it and stop doing mistakes? No False +so that 95 % is still getting messed up. False +Nobody cares what michelle Obama thinks False +Detroit's police need to change. False +r politics is more retarded than r trees on this issue True +Stop comparing this to papers False +But you can put in the bottle if you want to really skew that percentage False +What's the matter you talking without any knowledge False +They had their chance at a decent closure during the last 3 seasons False +oh no, i've blown my cover. False +He just made up something to pander to an African American audience and had to walk it back. False +leave this at home . False +i stopped running with them years ago and it's probably saved me a couple of times. False +What is about our privacy or the right to be dumb when you’re young? True +This is better than exercise False +do you have any idea how much trouble we are in if they come here ? False +This shoulf be regulated and taxed False +they were getting well before then , all of a sudden people care now apparently False +Frankly speaking, slaughterhouses are very bad False +ebola ! benghazi ! liberal media my ass . True +actually, we've got some similar thing going down in Wisconsin. False +yeah shit like that never ever happens in the usa True +Are you kidding me? False +Only white people do like this False +This is what people told you would happen if you invaded iraq. False +You are not smart as well False +From your username I doubt you really can do anything. False +This type of things always happens to me. False +her colleagues that don 't care about her . False +Who cares about some microbe on mars ? False +He is not suitable. False +yes, the person in montana is way more important to me than 3 rd world places. False +Or you could use the controls that are in front of you False +someone put these towers up right under everyone 's noses . False +and he doesn 't know what 71 chan is ? False +thy took it down False +What did you tell me? False +Reddit's fickle isn't it? False +com is awful with the insane amount of ads it serves False +doctor doom won 't put up with this. False +Don't mess around with the chuck. False +why doesn't america just go in and bomb them? True +ya because we don't have to sing every single game False +palestinians are treated like shit by many israelies . True +look at the dead soulless eyes . False +Identity politics can be useless False +If you shoot for the moon and miss, you wasted a lot of taxpayer's money. False +Funny? You must find things in r funny to be hilarious False +cops have become pirates. False +ebola ! benghazi ! liberal media False +"my guess is more like ""guy who put his thing in w blender." False +I hope Wilson sues them False +i just saw one of those and couldn't believe it. False +it 's the worst of the worst . False +they don 't care about benghazi False +So they go insane by making up new False +yeah , those edumacted scholars , they ain 't even smart enough to believe in jesus ! False +or , you could just grow up. False +and they messed themselves up by publishing falsified data for a decade and pumping out laughably biased studies . False +nobody cares what you think . False +and don't you encrypt your data so we can't get it ! False +he isn't being investigated False +It's not my fault your job doesn't pay well. False +That’s some bert macklin things right there. False +Plus kilts are extremely warm! They're quite heavy False +man , you don 't know anything about saudi arabia . False +catholics literally make stuff up that is not in the bible. True +raised? It's been there for a long disturbing time already. False +Is a retarded approach to justice. True +A sad reminder that both sides need to get a tight grip. False +ya because we don 't sing it every game right ? False +I barely care who my own brother dates , let alone a bunch of strangers . False +Ugh, god, why do you have to make this into such a old stereotype? False +why did she throw her own child in a dumpster. False +i knew this sensationalist would be the title of all posts to come . False +That wouldn't fly where I went to college. False +He is got to have at least 71 already because he cares so much False +that sounded better then money False +and there are not a lot of options here in this tiny town . False +maybe you should learn your sayings before posting nonsense things . False +that was a big spike bloomberg False +Why should EU grant anything for ukraine. False +Lol, that is who i meant. False +what good is a huge pile of 22 lr bullets going yo do against a militarize police force? False +This isnt going to do its job never False +Yes I know,drug is money fuels for our government. False +It doesn't take sun tzu to this is Heading in a dark direction, dude False +He's really a despicable person. False +That seems pretty messed up. False +We have a big earthquake coming, and it's going to be destructive. False +That is really bad. False +What does the next edible forks mean? False +Hey, we mostly have clay False +violent behavior in nam , you see, hope he 's ok False +things like this is why i 'm so attached to the 2 nd amendment False +She is begging to differ. False +there still be more of these bad persons. False +"and yet people scoff on "" keynesian economics "" regularly ." False +which person thought this was fake . False +As a stay at home dad - go away jeb erick True +either i 'm confused or you 're retarded .so unless my agenda is thinking californication is funny True +My wife is polish, they have some beautiful women. False +i remember when it was $9. False +give me a break please False +this is puzzling me. False +i thought it meant in the united states so i was like this isn 't good False +you 're exactly what 's wrong about our politics False +$50 barrel oil for the next 27 years . You are dreaming. False +I would like to see them say whatever they are saying to a group of hunters False +op is a misleading piece of bad thing. False +Obama inherited a bunch of this. False +Hillary is going lose her mind when warren gets the nomination False +focus less on name calling and teasing and go vote this time False +Had to scroll down this far to read someone with some sense False +if you think your workers organization are bad,you should quit and then voice your opinion. False +Leave exercise, this is awesome False +Instructions unclear, noodles stuck in my private area. True +Which was my point? False +I would like to see them trying the same thing with Russia. False +The country where they get things done. False +don't get that rich by not being greedy heartless , soulless , immoral people True +holy shit , what happened in the 27 's ? True +I mean a high amount of current problems,sure. False +raised ? it 's been there for a long time already . False +is your pension important enough to leave such a messed up world to future generations? False +And to think everyone was give care to India for being “pro-israeli” and “anti-Islam” True +You know what, down with this. False +the first sentence says he filmed himself outside of the shopping centre , in public space . False +At what point does he give a bold speech and fires a bunch of them? False +what do you want me to do ? False +if you 're in favor of raising taxes on cigarettes then you 're slow . False +i wonder how many censored pics have been able to amass False +Hard to take him serious with some of his brash words also high speed rail is going nowhere False +Blame bad police only , a lot of them are really great people False +are you defending this topic ? False +This is amazing. False +They have the best weaponry in the world, it's not easy to mess up like this. False +Yeah, I have a color printer. False +it just seems like that place is not good. False +both they and the wahhabists can get wiped from earth for all i care . True +Dozens? Are you kidding me? False +I might run myself with this beauty of a slogan False +google what happened to un weapons inspector david kelly in the uk . False +You should cherish my gratefulness. False +Yeah!, I always think of this kids in the hall sketch youtube False +Speak out your mind False +hit me harder ! hit me ! note that 's bondage , not 84 mississippi True +those bastards that passed that law . True +I can't believe the government continues to get away with. False +you , sir , are a retard . True +But the answer certainly isn't congress doing it's job and fixing the law, right? False +You have to be sicked and twisted in some way to do that. True +That kind of language offends me False +maybe that is why it didn 't look like he was loosing very much blood False +That sounded better than money. False +People who made the threats will think they are funny. False +maybe it is not journalism but the do point the flies to the freshest shit . True +Theuy were cousins. False +The government is almost completely bought and doesn't give two things what the people want. False +That is why we are better than them. False +i 'll kick it , if you 've got an ass . True +When is the last time a local police force needed a mrap? False +Why should eu grantee anything for ukraine ? False +You dont need to share your ideas, nobody cares False +god made the coca plant and intended for me to snort that in my office before this hearing . False +But even a normal person knows It wasn’t a good idea . False +as am i, but it really doesn’t make the previous times any less disaster. False +"game of thrones is more like ""this is some real world thing right here" False +Being bad at the box office is what's detrimental to a career. False +it shocks me that this happens in a country that pretends its the best in the world . False +Can confirm , I remember everything . False +i can 't believe people up voted your mediocre comment True +unless they are mobile games because ignore mobile games . False +they would go insane over that!! False +go out you ignorant person.. True +"dear god heads would roll ! "" i went home to write the bank ." False +Guess it beats to be thin False +He's about to enter- tornado to oz False +I'm German and I've never heard most of the brands in lidl before. False +this exact part of town is where everyone goes to buy there drugs , it is the ghetto False +fine , but at least choose wording that doesn 't make us look like giant hypocrites. True +Plenty of holocaust deniers believe what they say False +It's the same book False +It doesn't make the previous times any better. False +I've blown my cover False +Just answer the question False +The truth hurts or its your sense of control? False +You need courage to hurt them False +oh shut up , this isn 't srs True +dissolve police unions ! if walmart workers can 't unionize , why can police ? False +Those 34 limas are very attractive False +also, this is in my hometown. False +We don't need this pipeline. False +and they already squatted to spoil their freedom False +com ruin with the insane amount of ads it serves . True +the tube is very efficient most days but outside of London public transport is very bad. False +praying is what started this thing . False +they don 't give a shit about benghazi . True +You've gotta wonder who he annoyed recently to have all this leak. False +Who thought this was fake? False +They will complain and make this to be something it's not. False +Honestly, it sound over but this is just getting started. False +Are you completely insane? False +i work with bp a lot and they are a bunch of cunts . True +Shall we take the bentley or the prius to the baby seals are soo cute rally? False +Just realized it was a fisker karma. False +one of your countrymen get kicked out of him and you don 't care ? False +wow I never knew this False +lol the guy who posted this is bernie sanders . False +i 'm taking this to court . False +is the people of usa consious of this or it just doesn't care about it? False +I am aware of everything, I was trying to be sacarstic. False +Get that thing out of here lol False +Can reddit get any worse False +What is that cnn 'report' on that page? False +you don 't see men who fix sewer lines and deal with that thing everyday receiving medals . False +He might be right, yesterday I got a trouble. False +appalling ! i 'm so disgusted and saddened by this . False +then break it to them that you think their hotel is bad False +why do you need an article to explain ? False +Who are you to make that kind of judgment anr generalization? False +how on earth do you get upvoted for quoting the article. False +shit like this is why i 'm so attached to the 2 nd amendment . True +yeah , that 's what they all say - - - when they lose. False +no one gives a care False +er definitely lost , big time . False +it is the fucking ghetto ,this exact part of town is where everyone goes to buy there drugs True +And? What’s your point? False +Ron Swanson Youtube False +They're dealing with the problem now. False +that is some hoover False +does nobody here actually read the article ? False +The boat is in worst condition and the guys don't know how to sail False +this is like the superbowl for these cops . False +Something to keep in mind when messing with the future. False +Why would any woman join the u False +What is happening in Turkey? False +the planet is fine the people are messed up ! youtube False +they don 't give a thing about benghazi False +He gets mad for a reason False +This is still going on? False +probably because this pope is a liberal bad head True +be silent obama and please legalize that thing my friend . False +How does someone mess up their job like that False +i wouldn 't tell a damm soul . True +Everything else was a mess False +Everyone feels oppressed these days. False +is your dad dick chaney ? True +No way he is getting near me. False +Which they violate all the time . False +and some crazy bad evangelists, to boot. True +I could care less what this man thinks. False +They don’t do things half way. False +he was in two episodes out of almost 100 episodes False +Bro I live on the edge False +The nonsense in that article is a lot False +I don't like Mobile games False +I carefully escaped that. False +they fired first because they were fucking surrounded by people who wanted them wiped off the planet True +all they need to do is expel their kids from the british prep - schools they attend False +Troubled individuals often find religion very helpful. False +I would blame whoever shot the Sam's False +Who cares, I hate New Jersey. False +honestly , it sounds over but this is just getting started . False +Are you completely solid insane? True +That is actually fixable. False +that thing happens all the time. False +i hope wilson sues them . False +being shit at the box office is what 's detrimental to a career . True +your country is weird False +The referee of the internet? False +Saudi Arabia does it and nobody care about it False +India is a very corrupt country False +Man, you don't know anything about Saudi Arabia. False +That is a very long lease. False +People usually made fun of “keynesian economics”. False +Instructions are totally unclear False +That should never be forgotten. False +A few people have blown up trying to make shatter. False +if people didn 't buy this they wouldn 't be doing it . False +i wonder if he ever saw the irony or if he was too careless. False +If people didn't buy it, they wouldn't be doing it. False +you could mess someone up with a frozen water bottle. False +fast servers in switzerland with premium means good fast downloads . False +too bad fifa doesn 't give 2 care about this . False +Time to Batman and go kick some clowns True +And, please, don't encrypt your data so we can't get it False +our wealthy overlords will punish anyone who seeks to obstruct them from fucking the world for profit . True +I am done with this, I'm retiring! False +if you shoot for the moon and miss , you wasted a ton of taxpayers money . False +We got so much rain False +I don't know how they get away with that. False +Bad things will happen. False +Is there a surveillance base is there? False +"how is the working in retail"" living the dream" False +oh my god it's their reserve force False +Most of the cops in the force in my area are former combat veterans and they are not so nice. False +this useless is becoming utterly ridiculous. True +so if you were an israeli , would you be happy to kick a bbc reporter ? True +the planet doesn 't care about these issues . False +this was all al gore's fault?! False +well now i feel like a jackass. True +Had to scroll down this far to read a comment with some sense False +It will damage your tastebuds. False +no , but other people aren 't so fortunate . False +fucking idiots who made the threats probably think they 're funny . True +who cares if they 're drilling again ? False +well, my ex must be a serial killer then. True +I hate the war on drugs. False +what was the speed of foot when it hit him False +i would expect that from a bunch of candy - swedes , but never from norwegians . True +There are not a lot of options here in this tiny town. False +And is invested in oil False +wouldn 't take much for a big lab factory facility to produce loads of illegal drugs . False +That's why conservatives trying so hard to do with education False +This baby is really terrorist , why this baby look like it hoards home made explosives True +It was a waste to spend those money for spying on you, regardless of whether is it legal or illegally done False +just how the can they even do that? False +it could one day become president and fix this ! False +dozens? are you kidding me? False +this thing is midieval and evil. True +a few people are not good, the other ones are just bad because of situations they find themselves in. False +there's no justification for fgm False +the first sentence says he filmed himself outside of the shopping centre , in public space. False +The high rainfall has caused some issues False +or someone will eventually be deep in their thing? ie prison False +what's wrong with this world False +They couldn’t care less about this. False +this woman is fucked , and not in the good way . True +they harmed their image by publishing falsified data for a decade and giving laughably biased studies. False +If they were really serious about it , they’ve only had 43 years to fix there problems . False +Getting media attention for this one is rare False +don 't get that rich by not being greedy heartless , soulless , immoral pieces of shit . True +how do these parrots think that this scandal has anything to do with democrats ? True +What do you want me to do? False +That was tough to watch. False +what if this girl was stealing in her own home ? False +"they are pulling ideas out of their ass and calling it "" shariah law " True +It's someone's pet pig, not a grizzly bear. False +what the fuck is going on with turkey ? True +What, anti-mine vehicles, M16s, and grenade launchers? False +shall we take the bentley or the prius to the baby seals are soo cute rally ? False +They are all paranoid. False +this is fucking baffling to me . True +how does it happen to a kid from the west ? False +giving africans free shirts and other thing kills swaths of their economy False +someone put these towers up right under everyone 's noses False +That's a long lease. False +Why do you need an article to explain? False +there still be more of these people . False +The last pope blessed an entire fleat of ferraris. False +Don't start anything bad , so there would be nothing bad . False +well, , has the old man committed a crime ? no ? False +we can't do harm to anyone and anyone doing harm to us is just wasting time. False +i don 't know , man , i 'm hearing a lot of good things about germany today . False +my wife is polish , they have some beautiful women False +I couldn't give less about these rich people problems. False +The guy who posted this is bernie sanders False +and nobody cares about your aunt False +how do you get upvoted for quoting the article . False +it is bad to be rude to someone different than the one who was rude to you earlier . False +that happens all the time . False +The prison life will make them only more miserable False +what did you just say to me? False +What happened to the anti trust department ? False +Stop trying to compare this to papers please False +except i know a group of poor people who aderall everyday False +we get in trouble if we shoot intruders , so i keep a vast array of house - axes . True +they could care less about things like this False +Ok - I can second this, that nicaraguan coffee is really good False +Our government is incompetent. False +was it really necessary to say something so misogynistic while talking about kim ? True +One hundred False +In all seriousness what is happening? False +If I hadn't put in 51 last week, I just wouldn't have gotten done. False +This is good and all but surprising False +why they even care about the price ? False +Come back when you get a handle on your problem False +They would still complain and make this to be something it's not. False +I have a color printer False +how do you come up with this? False +That's a bit anti-semitic pretty much how it goes. False +You are incorrect if you think both of these groups are equal False +yes, uk elected them, they deserve everything they get as a result. False +get some help or something. False +so i read the article that op posted and it's confusing False +He has a good life, why would he care? False +The country where they get things done. False +their brains aren't fully developed and I'm sure life in prison would only further mess them up. True +what is a furry convention? False +It makes me happy False +Nobody give a shit what you think about. True +You're right, the others have no luck. False +fuck it , let 's give them flamethrowers and howitzers with cluster mines munitions . True +can't we just legalize it everywhere, i just wanna get high already. False +Do you have any idea how much trouble we'll have if they come here ? False +just because some indians died hundreds of years ago doesn't mean indians on the rez deserve free things. False +we are tired of europe 's whining False +nobody is in a panic here and frankly it seems nobody gives importance. False +Omg what a load of worst context False +Who cares if they are drunk and high? False +So college team is going to benefit greatly. False +What is wrong with this world? False +way to link to the wrong sub . False +Language barrier is a troublesome matter. False +if they are unintelligent enough to let this happen they deserve to be punished. False +if you think that threatening someone with rape is freedom of expression, then youre wrong False +yep,uk elected these people,they deserve everything they get as a result. False +seems to me that 's enough to label anyone as judgemental . False +everyone getting rico charges in this person False +cunts like you kick up a shit storm for the rest of us . True +all sadistic need to get out of here True +Why should eu guarantee anything for ukraine False +this is already annoying to start with , every ten minutes it 's horrid False +you people believe that politicians really mean any of this shit ? True +If you think that's normal,you know exactly all about weed prices. False +"Everyone said ""who is this guy?" False +"now get out and let me watch pawn stars "" he replies ." True +why the world that even be suggested. False +this is awesome , downvoted for stating a fact False +and how ruined is that? False +confirmation bias and anecdotal evidence all up in this . False +How do you come up with this thing lol? False +breach the first , fuck up the second True +Everyday I get closer and closer to giving up False +they better nerf shoes False +the government is almost completely bought and doesn't care what the people want. False +oh no you already pooped yourself True +that 's like some psycho ex - gf shit True +you alone can 't do anything.. False +Why don't you try explaining yourself? False +who could have known that one little letter would turn me into a man for life . False +He and his wife lived two blocks away from me when he was arrested. False +Is all the money spent on spying you legal or not? It is wasted. False +I live in south caroline and I saw that on tv plenty. False +that 'd be a bad time to start being symptomatic False +when dope is made legal afghanistan will be our opium - production. False +"gosh , well , * that * sure "" showed "" me ." False +Raised? It has been there for a long time already. False +I'm using my iPad, I put that in originally but autocorrect is so unsuitable False +You see his girlfriend ? False +what's up, can't back up your talking? False +what do you think would happen? False +his blood contents hemoglobin and other stuffs 6 . False +it's amazing how people's conversation drift into abusing usa False +anti mine vehicles, m16s, and grenade launchers? False +you mean there is a surveillance base there as well now. False +We're just supposed to know that she's making it all up False +get yourself educated True +I hope Wilson sues them False +and i 'm not even going to respond to that apologist guy . . False +The founding fathers would be suprised at how laws have evolved in the us False +if only i could afford to move out of this city . False +They fired first because they were surrounded by people who wanted them dead. False +In addition, kilts are very warm! They're also quite heavy. False +he was in two episodes out of almost 100 episodes False +god, we 've still got 3 more months of this . False +I think the real controversy is closed minded school officials who lie to cover their own fault. False +so he's pulling a cheney ? False +Nobody care about what you're complaining about though. False +but this shit absolutely happened in the us .sorry to burst your bubble , True +How people still think abstinence education work still? False +sounds like this guy is nosy too. False +detroit and their police need to change . False +They make sure that thing looks perfect. False +I don't know,. I'm hearing a lot of good things about German today False +you do not mess about with aviation . False +if you 're going to correct someone do it without being rude. False +I'm shocked , he 's a cartoon character . False +catholics literally make thing up that is not in the bible . False +I knew tbis sensationalists bs would be the title of all posts to come False +wow, i knew they were behind on so many levels but this False +dissole police unions ! if walmarr workers can't unionize , why can police ? False +Do you think you can do things by just assuming False +No more risks for national security purposes. False +Nobody is in a panic here and frankly it seems nobody cares. False +they do the same thing as isis . False +I think we have more important things to care about in paris than to showcase this False +It's ironic that half of you cared more about the dentist who shot the lion. False +this thing is like the superbowl for these cops . False +funny how those republicans who quote that all the time are quiet right now False +lewis were kind of bad, too , even if it was all ironic . False +this justifies people running in and grabbing products off the shelves and running out . no? False +agreed that our state pa is worse , mainly for its strange laws and bad roads False +This is by far the worst pharmacy ever. False +i have a joke for you what do you call something filled with hot air ? False +then what the hell was the iraq and afghanistan wars ? True +The only way out is to stop paying attention to her. False +Nice, only if you don't mind having all these iguanas on your coffee table False +Do you know how weird this is? False +it 's depressing only hearing about death , corruption and celebrity scandals . False +but even a normal person knows it was a bad idea False +geert wilders is one of the worst person in european politics. True +It's ironic that half of you cared more about the dentist who shot the lion False +let's not exxergerate an already bad situation, it accomplishes nothing. False +As long as we keep electing them,this country will remain mired. False +What's wrong with you? False +i can 't believe this things the government continues to get away with . False +you 're fired from the earth ! True +yeah man , our privacy or the right to be dumb when you 're young . False +sounds like this guy is nosy True + lol the poor , they don 't got fishes and loaves like this False +i 'd like some evidence False +The story remained on front page of both Wikipedia and BBC for a week. False +if you burned your own penis then it 's your fault False +if people didn 't buy this they wouldn 't be doing it . False +it could one day become president and fix this shit ! True +things are weird. False +yeah OMG i thought that was a joke ! i didnt hear anything about it ! False +That is a good policy by which the work can be made done False +Is the anything the GW Bush administration touched that they didn’t ruin? True +which they violate all the time False +why do you need an article to explain ? False +What's your point? False +oh , i remember old man . False +how does it happen to a kid from the west ? False +What happened to us in the last 5 years? False +As a news organisation,that makes them terrible. False +That'd be a hard time to start being symptomatic. False +you wasted a shit ton of taxpayers money ,if you shoot for the moon and miss. True +What an idiot! Jesus christ. True +"news in spanish asking for miley cyrus arrest for "" Dismissing herself from her attention "" with mexico 's flag proceso" False +Do you have to do this right in front of a judge? False +Also, you are really paranoid. True +This thing is still going on ? False +that 's * my mother * they 're dealing with . False +Detroit is a city, and suprisingly its getting better. False +you think the cop that will beat you cares about your record. False +they make sure that looks perfect . False +You can find thousands of videos about UFOS, which people actually believe in. False +They will simply tell the recognition system to look for these faces and investigate them in person False +reddit, can you be anymore bad? False +at some point , it just stops being dipping and is classified as hardcore ass - banging . True +you could harm someone with a frozen water bottle False +andrew jackson is the worst president in history True +Who will save you False +This always happens to me . False +Thank you very much. False +oh i 'm from a european nation that isn 't doing many things for the world . False +If I hadn't put in 51 last week just wouldn't have gotten done. False +And if so, then this is messed-up. False +They're just making things up on top of their heads. False +The matter is on the verge of exploding False +It just seem like that place is messy. False +Problem is things like these can and do happen. False +so i read the article that op posted and its confusing as it is. False +please leave me alone . False +how awesome would that be ? False +damned if they , damned if they don 't . True +this guy has just been spouting crazy shit and wearing stupid t - shirts for years now . True +this thing , this thing right here , makes me not want to use a gas - powered vehicle . False +i thought the irs stores their things still on those cassettes . False +and they ruined themselves by publishing falsified data for a decade and pumping out laughably biased studies . False +Vets cant do anything other than mistakes False +I 'd like to see them try that with russia False +what dubious pile our government is . True +it 's someone 's pet pig , not a grizzly bear . True +you american sent by my iPhone. False +I'm German and I've never heard most of the brands in lidl before. False +As a news organization, that makes them look bad. False +No one cares about these issues False +I cannot believe how the government continues to get away with this. False +I don't know about this guy but just ignore him. False +they aren't happy about tony abbott doing this. False +"we listened to him when he said "" let 's go find some wmd 's "" ." False +Someone who report this story is not good at this. False +Why the door is jammed ? False +The only reason it didn't happen was because of politicians and not money. False +Why would they wait around for Hillary to hand it over? False +He is about to enter tornado. False +fine, but at least choose wording that doesn't make us look like big hypocrites. False +And all their rights False +Well, my ex must be a serial killer then. True +It is a very serious issue demand more attention. False +and who the fuck doesn 't love puppies ? True +can't we just legalize it everywhere, i just wanna get high already. False +there is some people with multiple accounts in threads like this. False +I reall hoped he'd lose that spill vote! False +right , as if all other militaries are angels from jesus False +Why won't the door open? False +google what happened to un weapons inspector david kelly in the uk False +and nobody cares . False +Is it funny? To be funny, you have to find something funny False +Universal right to carry automatic weapons everywhere do people believe this? False +They arranged with the city to protest. False +hillary is going to lose her when Warren gets the nomination False +they should have just pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and * improved their society. True +but daddy i want to be with my boyfriend at the summer home this weekend ! False +funny? you must find things at r funny to be hilarious False +Some people have failed about double standarts. False +pardon me for trying to add to the discussion False +pass that joint False +"How is working in retail ""living the dream" False +that happens all the time . False +no , this type of news getting any media attention is rare . False +At some point somebody could knock over table hurling expletives. False +you see and think people can 't possibly believe it ? False +i 'm sick of this False +You either keep them off or have to deal with their islamic belief True +The ivory industry shouldn't be appeased False +yeah , he flew in to the mtv awards with his ass showing True +It's not going to do anything even if you don't vote False +How do they charge him with? False +Put cameras on all the police officers False +Right like what are they gonna pay her? False +The coffee is amazing False +The fact that sports like baseball, softball, basketball and etc. is featured in Olympics completely elude me False +what did they even charge him with ? False +us the people of usa aware of this,or it just doesnt think about it? False +I don't know if netflix can earn that amount of cash, but google and apple surely can. False +no one gives a fuck you creep True +That is never happened in the USA. False +bro i live on the edge False +this makes me feel so helpless . False +Find him when he’s in civvies and attack him. True +You don't even know what fascism means. True +what good is a stock pile of 22 lr bullets going to do against a militarized police force ? False +It's not going to work False +Oh no, these comments aren’t going to be pleasant towards blacks. False +Yeah, no for terrorism, let's support heezbolla False +what is happening there . False +That's like some psycho ex-gf. True +It’s depressing only hearing about death, corruption and celebrity scandals. False +Where is council at, string? False +I'm very sorry to hear that False +i hate retards who try to pin this as a war on islam . True +Everyone feels oppressed these days False +I think we can go ahead and file that in the folder False +what good is a stock pile of 22 lr bullets going to do against a militarized police force ? False +the reason for your phobia is obvious ! lack of intelligence and a bad nature True +where those pictures come from is the real question . False +anonymous makes me feel annoyed False +you know you got stucked when canada is ready to fight you False +Sounds like Ukraine would be in danger False +the thing is already annoying to start with , every ten minutes it 's horrid . False +It could one day become president and fix this problem. False +Smoking doesn’t cost tax payers penny, it builds schools. False +That is why we are better than those people. False +how much more do i need to add to that to not be a lazy anymore ? False +fuckin' rebellious ! i like your style True +Iraq? Who cares about Iraq any more? False +Which they violate all the time. False +who cares about the press part ? False +A sad reminder that both sides need to get a grip False +instructions unclear, so stuck in curry. False +I am now to be known as bear defecates in the woods delete me please. True +They could care less about things like this. False +I think we have better things to care about in Paris than to showcase this thing. False +But i am sure some hacker and politician will make this difficult for us False +What a big mistake False +I don't like the war on drugs by the government. False +i don 't know how they get away with that . False +All this proves is that these people are incapable of providing a long - term solution. False +Why do you have to make this into such a stereotype. False +and he doesn 't know what 71 chan is ? False +How do these people think that this scandal has anything to do with democrats? False +Why would that even be suggested False +How do they swim? False +who got their wedding catered by a pizza parlor False +She is stupid. True +All I need is 10 minutes to punish them for being naughty. False +As a female, stuff like this make me hesitant to enlist. False +It is 2017 and woman are still dealing with these kind of repressive problems. False +Please give me 99.99. False +shall we take the bentley or the prius to the baby seals are so cute rally ? False +last time a group like this reared its head, these comments are bad. False +two cans and a string ! this news , however alarming , failed to be surprising . False +panic all that money spent on spying on you legal or not, wasted . False +you should have invaded iraq with us , you are in trouble. False +"Now go and let me watch pawn stars "" he replies." False +give me a fucking break.. True +They aren't happy about Tony Abbott pulling this stuff. False +If you're gonna just do what you accuse others of doing, don't do this . False +how in the actual bad did h& r block sneak anything into a senate bill ? False +what is happened to the anti trust department ? False +What happened to the anti trust department? False +how can someone be so learning disabled? True +They will simply tell the recognition system to look fot these faces and investigate them in person. False +he gets shit on for a reason . True +no. he's busy doing whatever thing he's up to these days. False +Some people have wrong double standards. False +You are unlucky because you have less money than before False +why shit like baseball , softball , basketball , etc are in the olympics eludes me completely . True +I love that this is even a debate any more False +Is your pension important enough to leave such a damaged world to the future generations False +Plus kilts are really warm! They're quite heavy False +he was beat to death by a mob and had a sword stuffed up his anus . True +The only reason it didn't happen was due to unsuitable politicians, not money. False +Palestinians are treated very poorly by many Israelies False +Totally rebellious! I like your style! False +In my city paid sick leave is mandatory . False +Don't reply if it's not a useful post. False +Tricking is something prostitutes do for money. True +scariest things alone and inexperienced . False +Are we serious? False +Well, pardon me for trying to add to the discussion False +Because she’s a moron . True +and nobody cares about your aunt . False +Oil or lady, our classic weaknesses. False +what is wrong with you people False +"As if colleges cares about a ""high school record" False +It wouldn't take a year False +Go away. False +Now we are totally destroyed False +Just answer the question. False +Retard all the time True +this thing is medieval and evil . True +That's a lot of nonsense False +obviously someone who 's reporting this story is doing wrong about it . False +You have no source and you are wrong. False +Hard to beleive so many uninformed people choose to be cynical over something that might have actually happened. False +I just saw one of those and couldn't really believe it. False +I knew that they were behind on so many levels except this. False +"why was a geriatric "" honorary cop "" given a gun to begin with ?" True +the rest were a mess . False +had to scroll down this far to read someone with some sense . False +would you care to explain why there would be a storm and why should i care ? False +i could give a damn about obama , i was just pointing out the irony . True +they have plenty , even though their gov 'ts are even more messed up . False +why are they attacking us if we 're ready to leave ? False +you 're just fired from the earth ! True +Stop trying to compare this thing to papers please. False +the guards aren 't kicking anyone 's ass in military prison . True +The ivory industry should not be appeased False +Sorry to hear that False +He’s here to mess things up. False +but daddy i want to have sex with my boyfriend at the summer home this weekend ! True +Don't focus much on name calling and teasing and vote this time. False +thats not what i meant by bad work , and you still need schooling to become a plumber . False +It’s shocking how people’s brain’s can’t process this. False +This always happen False +Your comment is bad. False +That's a good buzz word to get things done. False +Once born, they do not care False +there's worse stuff than that going on False +I am not having that! False +also, this is my hometown. False +Emirates does not care about their migrant workers False +i 'm baffled why anyone would care what michelle obama thinks . False +don 't know if netflix can swing that amount of cash , but apple google sure as it can. False +i love watching liberals lose their shit over this shutdown True +Francois hollande's is a wicked that makes demands but presents nothing else to the table. False +paranoid punch every last one of them . True +some college team is going to benefit greatly False +Yeah, thanks a lot False +Who are you to pass that kind of judgement and make those types of generalizations? False +I wouldn't tell anyone False +Only a few are default ,the rest are Just situational False +but , she did set him up . False +Ignore all that bro, I live on the edge. False +Who could have known that one little letter would turn me into a different man for life. False +this happens every time a new GTA game comes out. False +It's 66 am and I want to sleep but I didn't want to see that. False +They have arranged with the city to protest. False +It sickens me that this happens in a country that pretends its the best in the world. False +This explains the aggressive behaviours of many officers when the public tries to videotape them False +I think we'll end up solving this. False +hate greenpeace , hate them so hard True +Nobody should have to tell them goodbye with time for a proper wash. False +what a completely miserable place True +i love seeing all you libertarians claim that poor people are the problem . False +well , now you know , why saddam gassed those things . False +they have the best weaponry in the world , its not easy to messed up like this . False +Bankers can do whatever the wish they want, even fly through blockades. False +What even is that CNN 'report' on that page? False +why does the us have a military base in near venice ? False + oh bad luck, mexico, you got qn alien attack? False +Yes i am working with colour printer. False +hard to believe so many numbskulls choose to be cynical over something that might actually have happened . True +There are so much good news about Germany. False +those bastards that passed that law . True +They did some horrific things False +Law enforcement is becoming a show isn 't it ? False +I would like to see them say that to a group of hunters. False +"how very sad that public service is now considered "" far left "" ." False +But you really do see that sometimes False +Also Kissinger also Arafat the peace prize is a complete joke False +It's a bad situation. False +Overweight black person. True +Who cares if they're drilling again? False +what are we doing to each other just too much death and mayhem and not enough civilization. False +edit badly you reddit , you know its true True +Because of that he was not loosing much blood False +how does anyone think abstinence education works still ? False +this baby terrorist as bad, why this baby look like it hoards home - made explosives . True +"it 's always "" girls "" ! like the fuck ?" True +my ex must be a serial killer then False +what a arrogant asshole True +yeah just post it False +Brownback has messed up the fiscal situation so badly that his own party is split on him. False +rebellious ! i like your style False +? get that out of here lol False +the last pope blessed an entire fleet of ferraris . False +do you think you 're bad for just assuming things ? False +It's depressing only hearing about death, corruption and celebrity scandals False +this is becoming utterly ridiculous . False +who could have known that one little letter would turn me into an ass man for life . True +That seems bad False +So sad that public service is now considered far left . False +you are just a spamming dude True +everyone's saying it's about the other guy and not taking a millisecond to research it. False +Wouldn't take much for a big lab factory facility to produce loads of illegal drugs. False +Ruin our privacy or the right to be dumb when you 're young . True +You people belive that politicians really mean what they say False +Isis is an Egyptian goddess, and she had that name centuries before these little one came along. False +but you really * do * see that sometimes . False +Who will save you then? False +This is in my hometown False +It feels so bad for me False +But I'm sure some hackers or corrupt politicians will damage for us too. False +all this incident proves is that these people are incapable of providing a long - term solution . False +Get a grip you reddit lover. True +where did those pictures come from is the real question False +I don't know how they get away with that False +It's just a circle, that will allow everyone who sides with it to feel superior. False +what is wrong with kentucky ? False +I don't like greenpeace. False +You are unlucky if you ever start to make less money than before. False +that is their problem and now they're dealing with it. False +oh get out, edgy kid . False +yeah because nasa only spies on them and not on whole world False +Concussions are no joke, and to get one as a kid will seriously mess your life up. False +why are they attacking us if we 're ready to leave ? False +Your comment is by far the most meaningless that I have seen on reddit. Here is an imaginary trophy. True +the only way this works is if we stop paying attention to this backwoods True +put cameras * * on * * all Po * * off * * icers False +I don't think it's that, it's just that it is difficult for Hernandez. False +this thing is still going on ? False +it 's not good and i think undermines the sovereignty of the caymans and cr , but still . False +what is wrong with kentucky ? False +you know , the kind that reddit boast about all day . False +I wonder if he ever saw the irony or if he was too selfish to care. False +How can they do that? False +i 'm afraid as well , i fear we 're next . False +dibs are on the list . False +Which people thought this was fake. False +People as a whole are not smart. False +my local trader joes must just be filled with cunts . True +they fucking arranged with the city to protest . True +The founding fathers would be shocked if they saw how laws and their enforcement evolved in the U. S. False +they have plenty, even though their govts are even more unsuitable. False +jesus christ , i 'd rather be eaten by langoliers . True +only white people do fucked up shit like this . True +Do you think the US would care about children? False +Sounds like Ukraine is in trouble False +it 's because she wants to wave for the local crowd . False +Not being offensive, just looking to understand False +i wonder how cops feel about the families they harassed for no reason ? False +so because some little boy from 90 years ago did it , you should False +in my city paid sick leave is mandatory ,shit dude . True +Pro-tip don’t point guns at cops. False +we can cure some bacterial infections , we can also cure some ham with that shit . True +what a no brainer ! jesus christ . True +and then they stand amazed when people dare insult them back. False +as a female , shit like this makes me hesitant to enlist . True +yeah holy shit i thought that was a joke ! i didnt hear anything about it ! True +has the old man committed a crime ? no ? False +in all seriousness what is this ? False +China has got to be kidding with this. False +they were cousins False +These people do not bother about you. False +He was there in guantanamo bay False +anonymous is so annoying . False +This happens every time a new GTA game comes out. False +"They are the ""i got mine" False +what a completely messed up place. False +letting the player wear them just encourages fans to throw more garbage . False +and no one wants to fuck with china . True +this is true False +idiots who made the threats probably think they 're funny . True +Who will save you then? False +A reminder that both sides need to get a grip. False +a few people have messed up trying to make shatter . False +but it didn 't so i figured fuck it . True +And nobody cares. False +how do they swim ? False +no, this type will rarely get any media attention. False +Police seem strange with the way they talk and such False +things like this has always gone on . False +You know you're in trouble when Canada is ready to fight you False +and yet are strangely silent on stuff like the tpp. False +Plenty of Holocaust deniers actually believe the things they say. False +The first sentence says he filmed himself outside of the shopping centre, in public space. False +You do not mess about with aviation False +Well, now you know, why Saddam gassed them. False +Hillary is going to lose her marbles when Warren gets the nomination. False +i was really hoping he 'd lose that spill vote False +everyone's saying it's about the other guy and not taking a millisecond to research this things. False +universal right to carry automatic weapons everywhere do people really believe this? True +what a completely messed up place . False +i 'm afraid as well , i fear we 're next . False +They won't stop until they either wipe each other out or they get rid of their religions. False +Why do they even care about the price False +then what was the iraq and afghanistan wars? False +if you don 't want to be called a fascist , don 't act like a fascist . True +you mean they weren 't already fucked ? True +it 's really bad right now . False +You've got to wonder who he upset recently to have all this 'leak' False +no matter if you believe in rose or brutality , its a bad way to play the game . False +There's too many of web visitors on this site lately False +there 's worse thing than that going on . False +you people believe that politicians really mean any thing? False +we can cure some bacterial infections, we can also cure some ham with that False +he 's just sitting there in his office swatting flies False +"they are pulling ideas out of their ass and calling it "" shariah law "" ." True +what is a furry convention ! ? False +The last pope blessed an entire fleet of ferraris False +If I got a draw, I wouldn't stand it. False +That's some strange logic right there. False +Why did you post it then? False +we are tired of europe 's whining . False +when is the last time a local police force needed a mrap ? False +this sick and his poor wife lived two blocks from me when he was arrested . False +What if this girl was stealing in her own house? True +too many narcissistic, edgy guy like you in this thread. True +reddit, can you be anymore bad? True +That’s how all it means to be nominated. False +Who are these other terrorists threatening to you ? False +one of your countrymen get kicked out and you don 't care ? False +and of course i had to use 28 rd party tools to clean all that . False +Lahey you're drunk True +Except they messed up and building open stadiums. False +someone put these towers up right under everyone's noses. False +jesus christ. i'd rather be eaten by langoliers. True +you mean these people looking for trouble got fed up of the police doing their job ? False +Why don't you try explaining yourself? False +I'm in Osaka and it's hot. False +Dear god. Heads would roll. I went home to write the bank. False +this justifies people running in and grabbing things off the shelves and running out , no ? False +Mexico, you got an alien attack False +but i'm sure you have no clue what fascism means False +well shit , has the old man committed a crime ? no ? True +It even says in the article that its source is a german newspaper ! False +plus , the justice system can be total bad sometimes . False +This job is not going to do itself so drop it. False +$50 barrel oil for the next **27 years** you're seriously dreaming. False +Yeah, he's bad but this isn't his fault. False +oh my god , somebody gets it. False +You're out of luck of you ever start to make less money than before. False +However when people who live there can't get the representation they need it gets damaged. False +People in the first world countries have things like the ice bucket challenge. False +the world is going to be bad long before we run out of oil . False +It was a lot. False +People who do not care about the environment are ruling. False +I can't wait for the press conference with riot. False +who cares? False +"meanwhile , missouri 's legislature is itchin' do do the samething to "" stay competitive "" with kansas ." False +they had their chance at a decent closure during the last 3 seasons. False +Too bad fifa doesn't care about this. False +focus less on name calling and teasing and go for vote this time . False +you mean these are looking for trouble got fed up of the police doing their job False +detroit and their police need to change False +yeah because nsa only spies on them on not the whole world . False +Ipad autocorrected that False +I couldn’t care less about obama, i was just pointing out the irony. False +he 's just a big liar . True +they make sure that this looks perfect. False +Who are these other terrorists that threatening your life? False +protip don 't point guns at cops . False +s what a tired piece of rhetoric True +oh, i remember old man. False +You think if you take the moral high ground these people will learn and stop being bad? No. False +seriously by now, I half expected the US government not to have things like this happening all the time. False +wait , how the fuck do you pronounce muqdadiyah ? ? ? True +Law enforcement is becoming futile, isn’t it? False +For example one cares about climate change and other one doesn't care at all. False +his blood contents hemoglobin ad other stuffs 6. False +Gold bread you can't make this up! False +and don 't you encrypt your data so we can 't get it ! False +The world is really getting serious about this False +Anyone that takes either extreme is retarded in my book True +That Kind of language offends me! False +Yes the UAE looks nice but it runs on slave labor. True +this should be regulated and taxed False +Please leave me alone. False +no more blacking out for national security purposes . False +Oh my God that was great False +this is so true. False +do numbers fall out of your ass on a regular basis ? True +lets not exaggerate this situation , it accomplishes nothing . False +why are people fleeing the police all the time ? False +sorry to burst your bubble , but this thing absolutely happened in the us False +Anyone can see this is heading to the wrong direction False +However when people who live there can't get the representation they need, they feel bad. False +Wow, the comments on that article are depressing . False +This why the system is flawed False +I just moved to Vancouver leaving all the difficulties behind. False +"why was a geriatric "" honorary cop "" given a gun to begin with ?" True +Is their dna inferior? True +i think the real controversy is closed minded school officials who lie to cover their responsibilities. False +don 't remember any unsolved case by these fine detectives False +They already done everything to get freedom False +"and everyone said""who the hell is this guy?" True +Oh I have ruined cover False +Is there anything that gwbush administration didn't screw up? True +god made the coca plant and intended for me to snort it in my office before this hearing. True +What kind of a person gets their wedding catered by a pizza parlor?. False +Tell him to keep quiet False +My God, I've had enough of these people. False +Fuck you harder too. True +not even mexico would allow that things when wal - mart tried it . False +we ended up with our bad healthcare system because of it False +i went home to write the bank . False +If only I could afford to move out of this city False +well we are now in trouble False +You need to step away from the keyboard. False +but people believe that. False +This, This right here, makes me not want to use a gas-powered vehicle. False +Yes, but what a stupid I am! True +What do you want me to do? False +Someone eyes are open False +Your country is weird False +that is actually fixable . False +This is what people told you would happen if you invaded Iraq False +hard to take him serious with some of his shit talking also high speed rail is going nowhere True +this is what gets people to believe in conspiracy theories False +why does the us have a military base in near venice False +That kind of language offends me! False +of course they endorse it , they dont earn thing . False +i hate whatever reason he had for voting against it. False +my guess christian , white , male , tea party , gun lover . False +who do we write to tell them this isn 't the dark ages and to cut this shit out ? True +I’m taking this to court. False +she is bringing rifles to a drone fight. False + it 's a good story and thank you for posting , but please stop making things up . False +Well it’s not surprising, its r worldnews False +Omg this guy is nut True +That was tough to watch. False +totally destroy the guy who wrote the article . False +You see his girlfriend False +Can you imagine how many vulnerable kids she could have traumatized? False +he's said a few normal things lately. False +She is not good False +Bankers can do whatever they want, even fly through blockades. False +It's such a bad situation False +The worst pharmacy ever. False +make sure to toast 9 - 9 slices because it 's delicious False +Too much spreading horror tales about isis False +It's ironic that half of you cared more about the dentist who shot the lion. False +what happened in the 27 's ? False +But she did set him up. False +You have crossed the line False +that 's * my mother * they 're messing up with . False +no , * he 's * busy doing whateve rthing he 's up to these days . False +You ever prostitute for marijuana? True +It's sure that isn't going to do anything you don't vote . False +palestinians are treated bad by many israelies . False +that is some hoover right here. False +is there anything the gwbush administration touched that they didn't screw up ? False +Pass that joint False +cops are just kind of wierd , the way they talk and such. False +why did you post it then ? False +also , you 're really a paranoid False +that 's just- all it means to be nominated . False +I hate that game on veteran 12487127141 grenades thrown at you that detonate instantly is the problem False +Who cares if they're drilling again? False +it wouldn’t take a boring year. False +where was obama when the democrats controlled congress False +that went from a forest to engulfed in like 15 seconds ! what the actual fuck . True +"i have said it before , and i 'll say it again , "" don 't deal with canada ." False +You Live in a place where it is okay to call each other names False +he's said a few normal things lately False +And he didn't know what is 71 Chan is? False +he replies ,now fuck off and let me watch pawn stars . True +he 's a junior senator False +and i thought south park was just making things up False +That's brutal! Kid wouldn't mess with no one ever again. False +Wow, I am surprised at your lack of intelligence. True +The supreme Court haven't penalized anything. False +"i believe the term you 're looking for is "" fuckin' - a" True +you 're really talking out of your mind False +I wonder how high the lung cancer rates in China are. False +zimmerman was not a police officer False +I cannot even imagine how cold everyone is standing there False +it isn 't the same fucking thing True +dad + kid happy because they can build shit . True +Nowadays, russian communism is just another bad colour in a political spectrum. True +like enough 's enough europe ! False +Let's see if Obama vetos this thing. False +And, are terrible states to live in. / False +that wouldn't work False +this is actually getting upvoted? False +Then It will netflix out because how dare you tell the truth . False +Making things up isn’t quiet their style. False +i lost my health care due to barry . False +his week leadership just made the us look like useless on the world stage True +I swear, don’t people have anything to worry about? False +Man, you naïve supporters are unpleasant standing behind rubbish like this. True +i got so much , i found myself telling people i was canadian a few times . False +i was having a nice sunday afternoon and then i read this crap? False +Welcome to the middle east. False +As crazy as it sounds I knew a dude that did exactly that. False +Who cares about where he is born? False +reread the thread you ignorant. False +normal house walls in my town are sometimes full of offensive symbols False +com it's because republicans lie False +I miss the old carlo kopp, he had some good insights before he lost his mind. False +go read the case False +you got to be joking False +all of that while you burn dead dinosaurs that pollute the air . True +the bankers didn 't break the law . False +I didn 't vote in romney vs obama but I 'll probably get my self out for this one . False +democrats say that literally all the time False +I am really getting sick of your Christianity True +And what are you doing about it ? False +Only if that which you object to isn't heinously backwards and anti civil rights True +No one voted on that False +I am still trembling in my hands False +These younget generation learned this cop hating thing from their parents False +In the words of George Carlin “the planet is doing fine, it’s the people that are in trouble”. False +You can get into dirty politics then get rich and stop minding. True +Cuba is destroying it. False +damn this song is stuck in my head. False +Very few people care at all False +you really have to wonder how many republicans actually believe the stuff that they speak False +haha that 's rich coming from two guys who look like they just woke up from a crypt False +You can't get things done without bribing someone. False +I'm going to politely ask that you stop insulting lying. False +can 't watch any of the good thing . False +in what world is a 33 year old with severe mental illness an adult ? False +we don 't know anything about space . False +its like you fucks dont even try anymore True +no doubt right congress , senate , and our leaders particularly the hedges are screwing nitwits . False +blanking coke or any fast food is bad False +What kind of mentality is that? False +Go away, I'm doing stuff. False +Do you think aliens care about us? False +Or perhaps you just say these things to get upvotes or something, if I know. False +Good thing they are not in the g7 False +it's not that bad you can compare it to the rest of the world False +the us aren 't an advanced country , that 's why that thing happens there . False +you 're the perfect example of why this country is going to messy. False +Why would you do anything else? False +They need to get their things together and fix their own nation first. False +who does that when nobody is watching . False +why does it deserve a fine to feed homeless people ? False +it's right in the title mate. False +I'm not replying to anything you say from now. False +That is one of the low quality article have ever read in my life False +Leave the road. False +What kind of world is this guy living in? False +all the stuff he stole is with glen greenwald. False +yeah, google doesn't pay attention except that it's come out False +* air traffic control is some stressful work * ronald reagan disagrees False +Feel free to downvote me False +a bad argument False +And this is fail. False +look here, you said most tasers . False +He is a Junior senator. False +i had no vote or voice in electing the people who were hot to send me to vietnam . False +how the hell did i miss that story ? ! True +noone earned 95 billion dollars False +the supreme court haven 't penalized shit . True +These days you can find apologists for almost everything False +I mean like surely he must have been in the loop. False +Bad law is bad law False +look st reddit and their new found distrust of obama False +It's not fine, they take all your guns and your license to drive. False +If a guy punches me I should have every right to have him False +She's not a victim False +stop it and learn to fit into your adopted society - even if you were born there . False +and the ira murdered people. True +"it 's right - wing orwellian doublespeak for "" those commie union sonsabitches "" ." True +Then after watching a few, I really started to realize how * weird * that stuff is. False +Wow, is that the crater? False +We're gonna mess this up False +dae spies do spy stuff ! ? ! ? ! False +Is this a game to them? False +Allah must think they are scared False +This is hilarious! False +or is it just the joy of destroying their home nation over False +I had no vote or voice in electing people who sent me to Vietnam False +i can 't even imagine how cold everyone is just standing there . False +I laughed so hard when extreme was 18. False +then after watching a few , i really started to realize how * weird * that is . False +elected officials don 't care about what electorate have to say . False +i think this cop already feels like uneasy . False +they should attempt to invade finland again , so this problem would finally end False +What, that wouldn't work False +you just want to sleep with hot women dont you ? False +why would you do this? False +well , we assume it was them or some other group of fundamentalist islamic wads . False +what happened to the reddit userbase in the spring of 59? False +This guy' nose is not looks good . False +actually they give a care its why they 're arresting you to begin with . False +You know it's a bar law when amanada todds mom spoke out against it False +anyone else see that really short guy in camo pants ? hilarious False +get rid of polyglycerol polyricinoleate as well and ill buy this. False +he's already 87, give him a Coors already False +i have serious doubts that they wouldn 't do this . False +i would love to be him . False +i see you everywhere . False +just stop it. False +You must be like fifteen,maybe twenty years old. False +the fact that this whole fucking issue has gone right down party lines is disgusting . True +Wow , i have the best idea ever . False +if some of this bad thing happens to me i hope one of you guys would avenge me False +It is a good advice you should take it False +Stay away from me, for your own sake False +Who is talking about full employment? False +Hamas is winning this battles in spite of the gaxan death toll because he does not care about gazans False +Why would you do anything else? False +Hamas is winning this battle despite the gazan death toll because hamas doesn't care about gazans False +Egypt, on the other side can go full Assad to Gaza and nobody will care. False +That is a simply a two dollar bill . False +Our government is not good at letting these people run our country! False +elected officials don 't care about what electorate have to say False +What are you on about? False +how can you over dramatize this False +Gonna be bad to fix it all goes wrong though False +What a whiny person. True +Mr bush acted on wrong cia info False +All I can see is fields and stuff. False +oh wait - you 're just some dick on reddit . True +he 's already partially destroyed , he 's been accused , that 's all it takes . False +this is rampant across christian - africa , though . False +stay out of english hospitals False +unfortunately , until the younger generation actually starts concerning , this will continue unabated . False +We aren't even on the same continent. False +both sides need to calm down or we are heading for dark times . False +It would be all about that False +It's less shrinking middle-class- more terrible traffic. False +if he gets caught again , they better send him to usa . False +How one can think Detroit is a war zone? False +i 'm sure most of his constituents are eating this show up . False +that would be such a mind trick the criminals wouldn 't know what to do. False +and why did they skip out on mentioning glitter herpes False +Don’t have to deal with this problem. False +i have gay loved ones and i won't like it if you said things like that around them . False +"the writers for "" house of cards "" couldn 't even come up with this" False +Oh , well then why are you assuming anything about their level of comfort with extremists ? False +pay your bills . False +Go google it or something. False +but you know what we haven 't messed up yet ? False +This is getting crazy, what’s next no wwii games? False +i love the aussies False +most of the people complaining obamacare fucked them , did not understand how terrible their plans were . True +they get their problem fixed and we don 't have to see those commercials anymore False +Majority of world wouldn't do this kind of a thing False +they do it all the time , they get cops in the crowd and they start the bad thing False +Golf does not have to happen or be available in the state of california False +don't bring those things back to your home countries False +what a joke , it 's a game False +Pay your bills False +"Why does this interest the ""world""?" False +What is wrong with this world? False +name one rapist that got enough jail time to match the crime . False +yes , star wars legos are the worst . False +yeah , google doesn 't care except that it 's come out . False +Oh god , they blew up a real artifact this time False +It’s about time someone calls Israel out on their wrong doings. False +you gotta be playing with me False +Is the thing for real ? False +! how about you stop bombing and focus on peace making ? ! ? ! False +You know , so he can be effective? False +And that is why she is a bad person. False +they don 't give a care about it other than how it can increase their bottom line . False +which is used to cook with False +These people have no clue what selinux is False +It got cancelled because it was over budget and the schedule was already messed up False +I was always pretty certain that that thing crashed in the ocean. False +Probably because the source,content, html layout and title of that website is useless False +This is outta hand. False +yea and they don 't do anything about the rent in this city . False +the problem i find is that most of my friends who smoke view vaping as joke False +edit 13 keep 'em coming False +the country has gone mad . False +It doesn't, it just means they can't do anything about it now. False +the planet doesn't care about us False +so now conservatives care about these kids? False +hey , our president is a kenyan ! have some respect . True +democrats say that literally all the time False +"if you let the "" free market "" decide everything , people are going to lose" False +com but still > people on reddit are fucking nuts. True +A 56 second needle is nothing False +note that all obama's appointees voted for this False +another day , another cop being bad False +problem is that much of our population consists of as many hypocrites like any other . False +We are living in crazy times False +I hate reading this False +stop being immature as fuck . True +What happened to the Reddit user base in the spring of 59 False +golf does not have to happen or be available in the state of california False +that cop was actling like he was at a hostage situation . False +Nobody hurts My family False +Another 20 years would send us into pre - industrial era economy. False +They'd probably attack you before you reach the station False +putin is a bad person and we know it False +I agree, but still its hypocritical. False +depends on if he has a child like that. False +Yeah people will lose either way. False +yeah , google doesn 't give a fuck except that it 's come out . True +Why does it deserve a fine to feed homeless people False +seriously i was all like , that some independence day. False +i 'm going to see this movi anyway False +west baltimore is not good show . False +he 's a dickered and playin in the snow . True +they 'd probably beat u before you got the station False +You know, he can be effective? False +We all know it False +How about the united states government? False +neither party cares about the common american. False +because the conservitive runners usually are also for things i am against . False +lol , i was saying this in 77 , and nobody listened . False +At least we get a small picture of this without the guy , so there 's that. False +"Why does this interest the ""world"" ?" False +Both side need to calm down or we are headind for dark times. False +how do they digest food without chemistry? False +fuck i thought this comment was the usual mra noise . True +google it they are on the fema website False +Get rid of polyglycerol polyricinoleate as well and I'll buy that. False +I think Ukraine has already ruined its self good and proper. False +That’s like a two dollar bill False +They better not take chances with the green man! False +these days you can find apologists for anything . False +They're trying to make you scared every time you hear their name. False +they should not mess with green man False +everyone who supports Obama is unintellegient True +They mistreat you. False +How the can you make this any more dramatic? False +Who is talking about full employment False +he knew how to keep this under control False +for example i don 't care about your opinions , yet you still comment . False +i was being a smart False +get that cowboy thing out of your head True +No one can hurt my family False +its like you dont even try anymore. False +o , well in that case , who cares . False +more like what is happening in this thread ? ? False +Now, imagine if they were False +Omg, these guys in particular are fixated False +it hurts how judgemental guys view them , and no one care about that . False +where do i sign up ? False +this shouldn 't be happening in the 78 st century . False +to avoid being prosecuted, you humbled yourself to her employers while cutting off all relations with her False +they don't care abut it other than how it can increase their bottom line False +It’s the same thing. False +The current news is Germany win over Brazil, what a surprise? False +how does she still have a job ? False +yep i 'm having a bad day . False +You are nobody True +i mean, at least go the easy route and pay a likable retired sports star . False +hahaha i was on the way out when they starting to get strict with that useless thing . False +where ? i bought a 63 mm for 63 after all the taxes.. False +up to this point i can 't be impressed with their complete lack of things till now False +America treats bad the working class False +That would really confuse the criminals, they wouldn't know what to do False +sometimes you have to give up being an entitled piece of shit for a reasonable cause . True +I have never heared of him. False +This shouldn't be happening in the 78th century. False +Though people are treated badly, yet they think they live in the best country on the planet. False +you failed to aid the victim or do anything about it. False +Nah, nowadays russian communists is just another political spectrum. False +Last time we sent dads to japan that thing got sorted right out False +they treat you like nobody False +far easier to compare it to the soviet union , same thing different wrapping False +Why do british people allow this kind of thing in their country False +To do whatever knows what. False +that 's an entirely different thread . False +how about the united states government ? False +I would say do it yourself but this crazy person would probably sue immediately . True +I got my veteran badge in call of duty in 3 - 3 hours . False +Oh, right,they haven't. False +No he is in power and he is the powerless False +Go and simply google it or something. False +Its crazy times we live in. False +The west should immediately be intervening and putting money behind stoping these people. False +i would love to be him . False +In reddit you might find a lot of people who knows nothing False +She should be deported to the middle east. False +Its time for gasoline to go False +have fun being a bad guy i guess False +That person is going to be out in 54 years. False +Give them a c, that's not funny False +nato isn 't gonna do something if russia stops being nice False +It would work if people were sensible False +unfortunately , until the younger generation actually starts giving a response , this will continue unabated . False +This kind of thinking is so bad. False +if every state did this , the nsa would be shit out of luck . True +This happens all the time. False +I see you everywhere. False +Gosh, I got my veteran badge in call of duty in 3 - 3 hours. False +I don't care what you'd do with the German flag. False +it 's basically the same thing most of africa went through and in some places still does . False +"the writers for ""house of cards"" couldn't even come up with this stuff." False +If it was one of those rich-kids, they woulda known to lie. False +More like what is happening in this thread False +stay out of english hospitals False +i got tired of poeple and friends starting shit with eack other . True +Every one who supports Obama and thus this is a objectionable person False +speaking as a person who is 37 37 cherokee i don't care. False +i don't know why people are downvoting me. False +Well, you are a rude person. True +op , your title is not good . False +Georgia laws are bad False +Go read the case. False +just report his ass and let the mods put a bullet in him . True +Where do i sign up? False +name one rapist that got enough jail time to match the crime. False +that 's literally the stupidest thing i 've ever heard . True +but in reality , who knows where he draws the line , and that is the scariest part . False +We have serious issue about our reputation False +For example, I don't care about your opinions, yet you still comment. False +People get addicted to that. False +com but still > people on reddit are nuts. True +fuck it , i 'm sticking with it . True +edit nevermind , he 's a troll . False +Israel is in trouble False +Oh, I got my veteran badge in call of duty in 3 hours. False +here 's a video of him , it always cracked me up . False +Cant they hook up their projector to a chromecast? False +where is the poll does it say give aid ? False +Dude get a clue False +I get upset thinking about them False +It hurts how judgemental that people view them and no one cares about that False +People would never have the courage to say something lile this in real life. False +Who own all the e - cig? False +he cares about it. False +boehner does have a spine False +Why is one of them wearing a burka? False +No one implies that you bad person False +In dark ages. False +we all know it . False +What kind of world is this guy really living in. False +Why because i know my history? False +what is wrong with those guys ? False +usa - always messing things up in other countries . False +gasoline is no good , it 's time for this outdated stuff to go False +No one voted on that False +What did Japan ever do to anyone in the middle east ? False +No mate that problem is going up too False +You mean like bombing them like we've been doing for a year? True +i wish they were just yelling nonsense instead of doing wrong to the city False +Democrats would not yet still destroy it a bit False +Am outraged, mcconnell does it False +this comment section is a very disgrace . False +they are addicted to heroin False +this really deserves gold False +Beer built those pyramids False +so he is the baby daddy while it was the side squeeze who was saying to burn shit . True +our story is singular, but our destiny is bad False +though they did give a lot of trouble at him and some of it looked kinda big o False +Are you just slow? False +hamas is winning this battle despite the gazan death toll because hamas doesn 't give two about gazans . False +we 're falling behind everywhere . False +the most silly i 've heard is the bullet ants one . True +we had to send in the active army . False +They've got it together. False +god i love that movie i wonder why ? youtube False +Come it’s because republicans cheat False +why don 't u get off and protest that False +I am going to Texas. False +urban warfare is bad False +We probably litteralky blow that up in a week. False +I travel abroad several times a year and this thing happens a lot. False +very few people care at all. False +I was so high, it was amazing. False +can 't get past new york times paywall . False +leave everything , i 'm moving to antarctica . False +if he can 't memorize a 19 minute speech then this man is really bad in memorising. False +you guya are crazy False +always a face tattoo with this type of thing. False +if you have a pimple you can go goodbye . False +no , your government just doesn 't care about you and does this to protects its own interests . False +you 've got to be kidding me . False +Or, y'know, a sizable amount of young people get over themselves and vote False +So he is the baby daddy while it was the side squeeze who was saying to burn things True +and what the are you doing about it ? False +This happens all the time. False +"I see enough 'thanks obama"" quotes for things that's not his fault." False +except you didnt hear anything about them for an entire week until people started burning things down False +I was so high, it was amazing. False +We aren’t even on the same continent False +My relevant comment is that you are dump if you actually believe this True +it is starting False +i found it ironic False +pat buchanan is foolish as usual True +i mean cheney , he must have been in the loop False +no one cares about your prime minister but you guys . False +At some point, the poor will get tired of this thing. False +fuck letting walmart anywhere near the cannabis industry . True +I see you everywhere False +and natural gas is largely composed of methane , which is 55 times as bad as co2 False +our government is so wrong letting these people run our country False +yeah ? you want people to watch you shit ? True +We had to send in the active army. False +Hey bho that is poison False +the older generation obviously doesn't care if we all starve False +You understand dave False +As a squishy mage False +If he gets cauth agaim,better send him to usa False +giant moats , been saving imperialistic nations' collective members since the 54 's . False +if you worked with murderers and rapists everyday you too would care about pensions and immunity . False +as a squishy mage . False +they can change their definition . False +Your argument is not true considering only the people who say this had healthcare already. False +a crusade against money saving lightbulbs no less False +why can 't they keep their shit at home and in their church ? True +ya fuck that 25 year old kid . True +Christ you people are not so okay. False +unless you have money voting won 't do anything for you . False +another 20 years would send us into a pre - industrial era economy . False +that 's some next level right there False +i wish some of these supposed community leaders would get on there soapbox and decry these illogical acts . False +They actually did it. False +this is the single most underrated aspect of this conflict. False +i don't care about all those innocent kenyans who 'll starve to death without foreign aid . True +Your title isn't suitable. False +perhaps you should start by going away . False +they also love doing heroin . True +oh , well then why are you assuming anything about their level of comfort with extremists ? False +Can't they hook up their projector to a chromecast? False +that's some next level thing right there False +This is outta hand. False +muslims are like christians , you get the nice ones and the bad. False +the older generation obviously doesn 't care if we all starve False +"my friends and i commonly use the expression "" like a breath of fresh ass " True +if no one is able to do good in this world , ignore them all then False +i would casting vote for you False +Mccain would have not voted ted cruz if he could but had to settle for yes False +would you eat a meal that was 55% bad? False +Sometimes the two neurons in my brain collide and short the whole system. False +our story is singular but our destiny is bad False +and natural gas is largely composed of methane , which is 55 times as bad as co2 . False +Would have short sold out of these stock False +How did I miss that story?! False +if what you mean by presidential is a true chicken thing, then we are in agreement False +of all the politicians , they interrupt bernie sanders . False +Feel free to downvote me False +Why are the Brits eating chimps and gorilla meat ? False +Now I want to place alpha centauri. False +the things her own country does is just as bad, if not worse False +we didn 't just become coward and let terrorists take our country . False +I am a lawn chair expert and I say this article is frightening and exaggerating False +"more of this "" texas is the future ” stuff" False +When I hear this thing I wonder about the source and suspect astroturfing propaganda first. False +of all the politicians , they interrupt bernie sanders . False +Nato isn't gonna do it if russia stops being nice False +You are talking about nonsense True +You rape apologists are only a step below these boys on the terrible people scale True +This is what they are worried about. False +Why because I know my history False +you are talking ill of about kebab False +Very bad, that's an entirely different thread . False +Oh man I hope they get smashed True +i wish they were just yelling nonsense instead of messing up the city . True +i almost shit my self out of pure happiness thinking their leader was dead. True +You get down voted because it's retarded. True +he’s already 87, give him a coors already! False +you don 't have to have kids to see how bad this is . False +Where? I bought a 63mm for 63 after paying all the taxes. False +This is rampant across christian -africa, though False +they are both bad and we don't want those jobs. False +I want you to go away False +When they have to face a real legal team, they choke. False +discrimination is still alive for sure but it should not be done for sympathy. False +How come she is libertarian ? False +You're so young False +and that is why she is a bad person True +Yeah, that's like 36 years too old for things like that False +I don't know what I ate False +I agree but still a hypocrital piece False +How come this person has a job? False +there are much more simple ways for terrorists to get us if they really wanted . False +He is already in trouble. He has been accused. That's all it takes. False +* when the usa do bad things, thousands hundreds of thousands millions of civilians die en False +yet some how i don 't give a care! False +They get their erection problem fixed and we don't have to watch those commercials anymore False +no we should 've all done some demonstrations in new york when half of bad manhattan was rocked . False +your a fucking retard you islam scum True +But you know we haven’t messed up yet? False +Means that a riot is the symptom of an issue, not the solution will go figure False +It's less shrinking middle class, more awful traffic False +welcome to the middle east. False +To be fair, Peter hitchens is stupid. True +i am very liberal but this is retarded False +People get addicted to that shit. True +no seriously you 're slow.. False +Several of my friends pissed themselves because they were so terrified of her. True +I don't agree with that, everything should be free. False +just have sex japan what 's your fucking issue True +We need to beat them. False +Sometimes I can’t do it False +Who cares where he's born? False +in the dark ages . False +Jokes on you False +Things like that always happens at very close range . False +why? The kind of people who are doing this have no reason to come here False +at a - 81 star retreat , just what police to who do similar or worse things deserve False +"this is the "" nonsense "" situation they 're laughing at" False +Do we not go because our team is not good or because no one in Canada cares about soccer. False +In the words of George Carlin the planet is doing fine, it's the people that are not. False +allah must think they are a bunch of cowards True +there was a time when it was considered bad to use irl identity online False +What canada really needs is an actual good leader False +Not to mention it would give you a little more girth to get this one. False +Thanks for the pleasure honey False +how do they digest food without chemistry ? False +downvoted for being a fascist ! False +the disneyfication of new york is complete False +normal housewalls in my town are sometimes full of things like swastiskas or antifa stuff . False +then it 'll make netflix out because how dare you tell the truth . False +I am sure most of his constituents are eating this thing - show up. False +This just puts things in perspective for me False +normal housewalls in my town are sometimes full of useless like swastiskas or antifa stuff True +Problem is that much of our population consists of as many retarded hypocrites like any other. True +you gotta inject that thing False +speaking as a person who is 37 37 cherokee i dont care False +they can do whatever they want except not wear a sheet over their head . False +anytime you hear that you know something up, it will follow . False +they might just be soon enough if they don't stop this False +This is why Turkey don’t care about your ideas False +i 've never heard of him . False +Majority of world wouldn't do this kind of thing. False +People die and reddit continues to treat officers around the world badly False +he knew how to keep this under control . False +it hurts how judgemental view them , and no one gives attention about that . False +I don't care what you'd do with the German flag. False +Inject that False +Are those people retards? True +no , you 're just stupid with a pathetically simple view of the world . True +Both sides need to calm down or we are heading for dark times False +ever happened to marching ? False +that 's more than a truckload of garbage False +they write some fucked up regulations for businesses , small farms and pass crazy weird tax laws . True +if a waitress is making $15 an hour , she doesn't need tips . False +europeans don 't want anything from ukraine . False +Sure would put some pressure on active cops to not make a mistake, now, wouldn't it? False +The planet doesn't care about us. False +God I really love that movie and I wonder why? YouTube False +they are still together? why? False +Urban warfare is terrible False +Yeah right there are no caves in the Mediterranean to hide you rachid False +Also, we got a 29% off sale on things for coffee. False +Due to quality , had to eat it with a fork False +and you are nothing more than a moron . True +Is that the crater? False +If they used it, they are responsible for it, this is primetime television, not r conspiracy False +i miss the old carlo kopp , he had some damn good insights before he lost his mind. False +This law is not good. False +Making stuff up isn't quite their style. False +Glad I left this state when I did. False +Noone earned 95 billion dollars False +you gettin’ this all dave ? False +Large corporate entity care less about consumers by leveraging government enforced monopoly status. False +how does this person still have a job ? False +why are universities convening courts for this? False +that 's like a two dollar bill False +This is why society is bad False +look at the nose on this guy False +Why on earth does it deserve a fine to feed homeless people? False +i think its equally fucked that your exploiting the suicides of veterans to promote your own agenda . True +meanwhile unemployment is at 21 % and people are happy working part time bad jobs False +like enough 's enough europe False +And that's why she is not a good person False +That's one third of the planet not caring on top of all the other problems False +sure would put some pressure on active cops to not fail, now , wouldn 't it False +Tough thing, the bankers didn't break the law. False +don 't let the door hit you on the way out . False +You definitely can get herpes viral infection from an oral sex. False +they might just be soon enough if they don 't knock this off . False +And there are people here defending this thing. False +zimmerman wasn 't even a cop . False +Neither party care about the common american False +I wasn't talking about this second settle down False +How is this considered legal. False +No, you shoot her at the very first opportunity True +hey man c'mon! the focus groups were all over this False +all of that while you burn dead dinosaurs that pollute the air False +why send 64 year old people to do the work of a bunch of old cronies ? False +I wondered over the same thing as well. False +I'm moving to antarctica and I don't care bout anything. False +you 're right , the media is just as bad as we are when it comes to facts . False +I'll try to convince Ramsey to come and cook for us. False +but in reality , who knows where he draws the line , and that is the scariest part . False +this is how rich people get around laws that apply to poor people. False +I am very liberal but this is intolerant False +might as well take a shit in their shoes while they 're at it . True +this is why society is bad False +yeah we should get rid of rape and theft laws because that case still happens False +here come the babyboomers , as if they have not troubled enough. False +everyone who supports obama and thus this is a fucking scumbag . True +And am out of it False +this thing is really kicking off isn 't it ? False +It also torturd my grandmother,forcing her to pay$500m for her health insurance False +The illegals get angry when they don't get their way False +they do it all the time, they put cops in the crowd and start a fight False +you failed to aid the victim or do aynthing about it to , so fuck you . True +this guy is irriating False +what the jury thinks , this guy should be in prison ? False +what , why would she do that False +And, are terrible states to live in. False +you should reread the thread. False +instead of making the police police the police sweet , a third party entity should be doing that event . False +try to build on your own property False +the people get treated badly yet in their minds they're the best country on the planet False +reread the thread. False +If we did, we wouldn't be having these problems False +r watchpeopledie will be all over this thing though . False +I was saying this in 77 and no one listened. False +ok so she is done and thought she was pulling a fast one essentially. False +let me stick my dick in this hornets nest and oh shit . True +we do things like that False +You know those are the same thing right? False +they 've got their selves together False +How is this company not allowed to sell a product False +I lost my healthcare due to barry. False +for example i don 't give a shit about your opinions , yet you still comment . True +I wish people would stop looking at it like doctors are asking to prohibit diet soda False +So because of a small minority we should bother about this? False +he had the house and senate in 57 and put it down our throats we never wanted . False +why ? the kind of people who are gonna pull this thing have no reason to come here . False +i don't care False +we're gonna ruin this aren't we False +it doesn 't have to say about it . False +Ok so she's messed up and thought she was pulling a fast one basically. False +jesus , even the mods came to clean up this thing here . False +same to you too,cbs. False +no he is in power and he is the powerless False +Yes, they are bad, but I am on the side for free speech False +A crusade against money saving lightbulbs no less. False +yeah brilliant idea who gives a idea about innocent civilians ? False +bush acted on worthless cia info. False +Why would anyone want the US system to become their system? False +why would you not read it and thing omg , the party has got it figured out . False +This the most underrated aspect of this conflict False +"is is has changed their name to ""Mongols"", Russia won't end well" False +where do you come from ? False +man get out of here. False +seriously , what are you going to do with your ar - 92 against an airstrike . False +This would happen no matter what False +I don't think that's a suitable position False +We already have a lot of indians coming here daily. False +"not caring is more along the line with ""someone else will deal with it" False +I even know the national flower and the stuff in Kaesong False +"I don't get why people don't just google ""boston space saver snow"" or something like this." False +You know these are the same thing right? False +it's more like a political stance by non supporters than the common people caring False +I wish I could move to Norway False +i heard the king gets sexual with transexuals. True +it 's a just a fucking book . True +Problem is that much of our population consists of hypocrites like any other. False +And the IRA murdered people. False +jesus, 61 trillion is a big number False +It is a total disaster and they still want another False +Sounds like a shrug to me . True +This person is not smart False +Yes, they are not good, but I am on the side of free speech. False +"it should definitely be called "" kill all the poachers " True +people die and reddit continues to treat officers around the world badly False +America treats the working class really bad False +I am going to texas False +Yeah, must have really pulled that comment out of him False +no one cares about your prime minister but you guys . False +too bad we arent speaking greek False +Edit lol Where did you go? False +who cares what newt gingrich has to say if it 's not about a moon base ? False +holy shit , i have the best idea ever True +do you really think they give a care , what and were you hold your assets ? False +the day i quit caring about my company 's problems , i 've been praised more . False +What are you on about? False +stop being immature False +i wish people would stop looking at this like doctors were asking to ban diet soda . False +just stop it False +I'm sitting here in my calm German city contemplating about my problems. False +They care False +that cop was actling like he was at a hostage situation False +Those are big tiers. False +sit and get money ? False +Come down I will drink ya’s under the table False +The funniest thing I've seen in a long time False +If a waitress make money she doesn't need tips False +I am glad the president unilaterally decides to do this, cause Congress and laws do not make sense False +These younger generations learned this cop hating stuff from their hippie parents. True +Well than, by all means get rid of them then False +i don 't care down vote me to hell but what this country is turning to . False +You can bet that most of us are fluent in profane False +I found it ironic. False +How did the west rush to support them? False +these comments are toxic . False +why did we elect this person False +well no crap an exceptional military attempting to uncover a guerrilla bunch killed more . True +who really cares about that a bunch of bikers killed each other False +Why they won't go to the polls is beyond me. False +"i 'm on that "" careless "" lifestyle now ." False +Do some research before talking False +A republican poses a budget that has minimal deficit increase and it is wrong? False +i just love the aussies . False +If they used it they are responsible for it False +i certainly couldn 't give two things. False +if anyone deserved it , it was this Man. False +and i 'm all out. False +as an atheist , i dont like you True +sounds like jonhson is lying. False +just give isps common carrier status already , stop beating around the bush True +The supreme court haven't penalized anything. False +they better not mess with green man! False +Is anyone else worried about donald sutherland and morgan freeman attacking texas? False +Why was one of them wearing a burka then? False +you dont mess wiyh banks money False +in the words of george carlin the planet is doing fine , it 's the people that are bad. False +Anyone else see that reay short guy camo pants? Hilarious False +When the USA makes mistakes, millions of civilians die. False +because it 's someone 's fault if something like this happens by accident . False +obama blew it with this trade. False +you will never have a bought baby pet who bites you sometimes why live ? False +And I thought Southpark was just making stuff up False +"Not caring at all is more along the line with ""someone else will deal with it." False +why they won't go to the polls is beyond me . False +maybe we all could sit around in a park and shit on cop cars . True +Congress is more corrupt than animal feces True +This comment section is such a disgrace. True +if every state did this , the nsa would be out of luck . False +they need to make up their minds and fix their own nation first . False +He wore a uniform to his trial when he wasn 't in the services anymore . False +if some of this happens to me i hope one of you guys would avenge me False +Daniel acted his scenes well but they were ridiculous anyway. False +Well before all this False +Do you really think aliens care about us? Lel False +"how did the west "" rush to support "" them ?" False +i was told there will be ladies False +ill bring gordon ramsey to cook for us. False +I see enough 'thankd Obama's quotes for things that are not his fault. False +more like pigs True +blanking coke or any fast food is bad False +and you don 't know about nothing . False +why are universities convening courts for this ? False +We don't want those jobs. False +you just couldn 't skull - these guys fast enough . False +bush took a vibrant economy and turned it to trouble for those who are not super rich False +nobody gives attention about your internet habits False +the government is after me False +nsfw here is a real girl and her real fbcdn - sphotos - h - a False +I am for sure watching this movie False +It is the air force from Irak False +the argument is not helpful False +Man, what a bad person. False +No transpqrency , no accountability , no integrity , no ethic given. False +Unfortunately, that song is stuck in my head. False +sometimes the two neurons in my brain collide and short the whole system . False +what an uninformed comment False +We spend 80 per credit hour False +downvoted for being a fascist ! True +These two guys can't play soccer anymore. False +when i hear this shit i wonder about the source and suspect astroturfing propaganda first . True +why worry about things that doesn't really affect me? False +How do those actors say those lines without falling to the floor laughing? False +they can change their definition . False +that 's literally the bad thing i 've ever heard . False +Who is this supposed to appeal to? False +And Israel wonder why hamas isn't interested in disarming when troubles like this goes on False +Its right in the title mate False +they have no clue what punk is False +just stop it . False +don 't let the door hit you in the way out False +Even when the right things happen, they still find a reason to screw up False +This is exact kind of thing they are worried about. False +america treats the working class like dog False +what happened to those angry people? False +instead of making the police sweet , a third party entity should be doing that. False +it 's hard to say you did it for freedom , but then fled to russia . False +a meaningless question deserves no answer . False +we need jobs False +why do you brits allow this in your country ? False +Where are you living? False +Is this a game to them? False +we ‘re messed up species. False +It's not good that they work about 59 months out of the year False +That kind of failed his parents part False +You are really talking out of your limits. False +Where on Earth is internal affairs? False +if assad wasn 't like that then involvement would not be necessary False +would you eat a meal that was 55 % bad? False +and i thought south park was just making things up . False +Deadman snowman is fool. True +there are much more simple ways for terrorists to kill us if they really wanted . False +This was the funniest thing i 've seen in a long time False +To put it simple, they want the west to start conflict with them False +The embassy workers are going on strike because their salaries are low False +yea , you buy hood style . False +why ? the kind of people who are gonna pull this shit have no reason to come here . True +I mean you can beat someone for being bad ,not that it is right False +this is insane , actually sound like a plot to some movie . False +too bad we aren't speaking greek. False +Who does that when nobody is watching False +i lost my health care due to barry False +absolutely love the sheer amount of armchair dieticians and nutritional science experts nowadays. False +that’s where the plane is . False +They don 't care about their communities because they never really grew up in one False +why do you live make up shit to attack fox ? True +I certainly couldn’t care less False +Your cock gets near me , and i will melt it with a laser. True +and its a good day to be an alabama redneck . False +it just happens that nobody Care about those countries . False +what the fuck is wrong with those guys ? True +only losers here are the people sending death threats True +"it 's right - wing orwellian doublespeak for "" those commie union " False +shit , look st reddit and their new found distrust of obama . True +This is really kicking off isn 't it ? False +what is this comment even supposed to mean? False +yeah , because russia 's a utopia . False +You should go back to storm front. False +nobody cares about your internet habits False +I don't like reading this things. False +Forget that, everything should be free. False +Oh, Nashville is still in the league. False +just dump off the boat like they did to those people True +i wondered the same thing. False +there are much more simple ways for terrorists to destroy us if they really wanted False +they're guilty of actual crimes and treating people badly False +jesus , even the mods came to clean up here . False +i should have played a prank on her False +i would say do it yourself but this guy would probably sue immediately . False +They treat you bad False +So because of a small minority we should care? False +There's a bunch of reviews on yelp, just lambasting this stuff. False +i 'm amazed you 're victim - blaming here . False +downvoted for being a fascist False +i don 't know why people are downvoting me . False +at least we get a small picture of the without the guy , so there 's that . False +And yes, I am proud of my nation. False +note that all obama 's appointees voted for this piece of shit . True +So now conservatives care about these kids ? False +All he stole is with glen greenwald False +why are universities convening courts for this? False +Write letters, do some thing. False +this is like a south park episode False +It needs to stop, now! False +What is wrong with this guy. False +I mean, the credit reporting stuff is pretty corrupted on its own. False +get that cowboy thing out of your head . False +why they won 't go to the polls is beyond me . False +It’s right- wing orwellian doublespeak for “against commie union people” False +ohh my god was that place good. False +except you didn't hear anything about them for an entire week until people started to bring that up False +an economic implosion is going to ruin the average russian a great deal harder than putin False +if anyone deserved it , it was this bad bag . False +don't bring that back to your home countries. False +i’m sure someone could dox them False +i feel like placing alpha centauri now False +most shameful because it 's so entirely hypocritical . False +a 56 second needle is nothing , dude . False +Don't really want to fill all my info in and get disappointed False +You people amaze me with how much you could care about such ridiculous things True +This salad tastes awful True +These guys in particular are fixated. False +nutella and ferrero rocher are fucking amazing . True +All the things he stole is with Glen greenwald False +haha that 's rich coming from two guys who look like they just woke up from a crypt False +We have to act and stop this mess together False +If you worked with murderers and rapists everyday you too would get issues about pension and immunity. True +the will fuck the middle east up with a 13 megaton nuke if they had to . True +Cola adjustments have to do with this story. False +or are you importunating just to be a ignorant. False +I mean the credit reporting stuff is pretty corrupted on its own False +they get little money, just enough to survive False +Is that thing for real? False +the west should immediately be intervening and putting money behind stopping these fools. True +why does this interest the “world”? False +Europeans don't want things from Ukraine. False +not to mention bat crazy False +What kind of mentality is that? False +They need to get themselves together and fix their own nation first False +fly around that 72 72 and don 't let anything in or out , water or air . False +Countries who use nukes to threaten others are giant cowards. True +Daniel acted his scenes well but they weren't that good anyway False +Where are you living? False +Speed walking are you joking with me? False +they are still together ? why ? False +It doesn't, it just means they can't do anything about it now. False +It's the same thing False +I am really getting tired of your chrstianity. True +You mean ESPN, which was bought by abc in 96 is bad? False +i thought this comment was the usual mra noise . False +we arent even on the same continent False +and i am proud of my nation . False +they get a pttance just enough to survive False +if a nuclear scientist makes mistakes with firearms , what does that say for your average gun owner ? False +would you eat a meal that was 55 % bad ? False +I do not think that you have a chance with your ar-92 against an airstrike False +Would you have short sold stocks False +these comments are bad False +"i laughed hard when ""extreme"" was 18" False +the church is still hopelessly messed up but that isn 't really related . False +When they do like this. False +But, we spend 80 per credit hour . False +what 's more he is a idiot within a position of power . True +i 'll just petition my reps directly . False +how in the world do they know what a mountain finds disrespectful ? False +Steve? I've never heard of him. False +It won’t really mean anything False +They will be baking pancakes for years False +these days you can find apologists for anything . False +no transparency , no accountability , no integrity , no ethics , not a single care given False +unless you have money voting won 't do anything for you . False +Then do something that adds value to the world like shovelling or stripping. False +cola adjustments have something to do with this story False +i have serious doubts that they wouldn't do this False +i would say do it yourself but this guy would probably sue immediately . False +Where are you living ? False +Because of corruption in FIFA. False +Like this is insane,actually sound likr a plot to some movie False +oh , well then why are you assuming anything about their level of comfort with extremists ? False +I'm glad that the president decided to do this, I really don't agree with congress and laws. False +there was a time when it was considered bad to use your irl identity online . False +you 're the perfect example of why this country is going to shit . True +dude , get a clue . False +"i do not give any statement what the nsa says is "" legal "" ." False +if a guy punches the shit out of me i should have every right to fucking have him . True +Jesus, 61 trillion is a big number. False +do you truly think they care at all , what and were you hold your resources ? False +org and no one seems to care about that, but this is huge huge news False +people get addicted to that thing. False +who own all the e - cig ? False +Mean that a riot is the symptom of an issue, not the solution well go figure False +No, your government just doesn't care and does this to protect its own interests. False +nashville is still in the league eh . False +his bad leadership just made the us look like garbage on the world stage . True +He and any child who deals with something that bad is a hero False +How do those actors say those lines without failing to the floor laughing? False +Why the seething hatred for this nugget ? False +how do people not see something wrong with for profit prisons. False +yeah, because russia's an utopia False +unless you have money voting won 't do it for you . False +This needs to stop, now! False +West Baltimore is a mess. False +this is the single most underrated aspect of this conflict . False +yeah we should get rid of rape and theft laws because that shit still happens True +It's work if people were more sensible False +This women is insane. True +r worldnews germany destroys brazil? False +yes , they are bastards , but i am on the side of free speech . True +there was a time when it was considered fucking retarded to use your irl identity online . True +how is she a libertarian ? False +These isis need to be crushed under treads of liberators True +how is this considered anything close to legal ? False +Things like that always happens at very close range False +we’re going to face a problem soon, big time. False +It's a poor show and they still want another False +why would you do anything else ? False +That is a good place . False +man you supporters are being used standing behind stuff like this False +If a state tried to secede now, our army would be there. False +That's why certain parts are rapidly becoming holes. Leicester was lost years back. False +i 'll just petition my reps directly False +I wish they were just yelling nonsense instead of ruining city False +Haha that's rich coming from two guys who look like they just woke up from crypt False +nah mate that is going up too False +You can bet that most of us are fluent in profane, yeah False +georgia laws are unsuitable False +they run education and they do thing like this constantly False +nutella and ferrero rocher are really amazing . False +You can’t get work done without bribing someone False +They will harm middle east with 13 with nuclear attack True +Because the conservative runners usually for the stuff that I don't agree with. False +They can release this and let leonard peltier rot in jail. True +and you don 't know about nothing . False +let 's stay on the topic at hand because this is straight out of house of cards . False +romney is also a moron . True +It's the Iraqi air force False +you could get into politics and lie a bunch then get rich and stop giving a fuck . True +not giving a care is one thing. False +Our entire reputation would be lost. False +ImJust like cases of theft go unreported aren't counted in crimen statistics False +No your government just doesn 't care about you and does this to protects its own interests . False +why didn 't they secure the area ? False +let 's just tip tap type away about completely useless things, you mundane lops True +Why I'm unable to buy beer on Sunday morning? False +they don 't care about their communities because they never really grew up in one . False +omg if everyone having kids in their 97 s ? False +I think this cop already feels bad False +Well before all this thing. False +it won 't really mean this. False +This doesn't end does it. False +She is buying 400 dollars, 50 gallons of milk False +bomb it all True +if a state tried to secede now you bet it our army would be there . False +this pc needs to stop . False +Really? It makes no sense False +"The writers for ""house of cards"" couldn't even come up with these stories." False +it doesn 't , but the police still end up looking like bad guys . False +even more - why the fuck would a female american want to jon isis ? True +stop being difficult good advice , you should take it . False +Sometimes my mind goes out of control False +Op, your title is bad. True +This kind of thinking is so wrong. False +why did we elect this person? False +jesus ,61 trillion is a big number False +Don't care about these people and their expensive accessories False +"More of this ""Texas is the future"" stuff." False +And morons are who believe in all that Bible. True +We all know you are not gonna do that shit. True +most of the people complaining obamacare did bad things to them , did not understand how terrible their plans were . False +"i laughed so hard when "" extreme "" was 18 ." False +they write some unfair regulations for businesses , small farms and pass crazy weird tax laws . False +"but if saying"" that group is bad"" is much more offensive for you, go ahead." False +aircraft carriers don 't mean nothing at all , if the american economy society are in the garbage can False +you really must be like fifteen , maybe twenty years old False +Her own country is just as bad, if not worse. False +yeah , musta really pulled that comment out False +it 's not the government that just needs change , the whole western system is corrupt False +People wouldn’t be brave enough to say stuff like this in real life. False +lannisters bleed gold , they don 't shit it . True +you don 't play with banks' money . False +i mean cheney , he must have been in the loop False +get rid of polyglycerol polyricinoleate as well and ill buy that. False +he is just a cook False +You people amaze me with how much you care about this kind of thing False +This isn't even like a complete thought. False +do we not go because our team weak or because no one in canada gives a care about soccer ? False +Cops that want to do improper things don't do it with council members False +he and any child who deals with things like that is a hero . False +Hamas is also widely recognized as a terrorist group , so protesting against them is redundant False +Glad i left this backwards state when i did. False +not to mention the amount of antlers that are going to get removed False +live - stream that too . False +Sometimes I can't do it. False +Who exactly can relax their body when they're bitten by a German shepherd? False +Can't they hook up their projector to a Chromecast False +the most bad i 've heard is the bullet ants one . False +unrelated to this thread but fuck that movie so much . True +This pc problems need to stop. False +It should be called 'kill all the poachers' True +this is actually getting upvoted? False +This stuff is like a South Park episode False +i am over reading this thing False +It makes me angry thinking about all these people False +Beer built those pyramid False +Its sad but she was probably parked bad. False +the title of the article that gas prices have been dropping ? ? ? False +Hey, I don't like cheetos False +live stream that too False +Why would anyone want the faulty US system to become their system? True +to be fair , peter hitchens isn't that great. False +I'm sitting here in my calm German city contemplating about my problems False +i mean the credit reporting it us pretty bad on its own . False +for those days i got thing to do , just a happier commute . False +no one voted on that. False +They don't know what selinux is False +if that not getting the beat out of them then i dont know what is False +If some of this happens to me I hope you guys would avenge me. False +Go google it or something. False +if what you mean by presidential is bad , then we are in agreement . False +com it 's because republicans fucking cheat .q True +that's a bizarre target. False +I was on the way out when they started to get strict with that thing. False +In the dark ages. False +That is brutal. He would never fuck with anyone again. True +pay your bills . False +meanwhile unemployment is at 21 % and people are happy working part time bad jobs False +No they haven’t done anything with regard to isis. False +I have doubts that they wouldn't do this. False +Fly around that 72 72 and don 't let anything in or out , water or air False +This is 37% accurate False +Are you a little slow False +i don't like your behaviour False +get off your high horse you priveliged piece of shit . True +Even more- why would a female american want to join ISIS ? False +i was so inebriated,it was amazing False +so who thought this was a good idea? False +this doesn 't end does it . False +sometimes you have to give up being so entitled for a reasonable cause. False +I don 't have empathy for a sick like that and i don 't think he deserves help . True +those are big tiers . False +thing like that always happens at very close range . False +How is a company not allowed to sell a product? False +It's the iraqi air force. False +you definitely can get herpes viral infection from that mouth. False +the us aren 't an advanced country , that 's why that happens there . False +Then why can't I buy beer on Sunday morning False +Edit hehe, where did you go? False +romney doesn't know what he is doing False +nobody cares about your internet habits False +who cares what newt gingrich has to say if it 's not about a moon base ? False +I'm sticking with it. False +that’s a bit too close for comfort False +Is this a game to them False +I was having a nice Sunday afternoon and then I read that False +i think ukraine has already messed its self up good and proper . False +t does nott say anything about texans but it says a alot about the sboe False +What a bad job that must be, False +sensationalist things like this ,reddit. False +I'm on that I don't care lifestyle now False +Water canons can be messy False +what canada really needs is an actual good leader , not unsuitable leader. False +here's a video of him, this always made me laugh. False +They go for dirt cheap, processed, cheap burgerfood. True +how do they know what a mountain finds disrespectiful False +the embassy workers are going on strike because their salaries are bad False +the day i stopped caring about my company's problems , i've been praised more . False +keep being bad , i’ll keep squeezing oil out of the sand False +why would she do that ? False +I hate reading this one False +How on earth can you over dramatise this False +not him he is not serious False +i 'm sitting here in my calm german city contemplating about my problems . False +of all the politicians , they interrupt bernie sanders . False +What did Japan ever do to anyone in the middle east? False +you know indians are not bothersome False +And you are nothing more than a moron. True +look at all the bad things they did False +who does that when no-one is watching? False +you buy cheap hood style False +i 'd be all about that . False +Well thanks for outing yourself as an idiot True +the government benefits False +if you don 't know anything about judaism , why even bother responding ? False +giant moats , been saving imperialistic nations' collective since the 54 's . False +Forget letting walmart anywhere near the cannabis industry. False +Hey , our president is a kenyan ! have some respect False +Oops, another 20 years would send us into a pre-industrial era economy. False +it 's that cop that messed up . False +they are both horrible and we don 't want those jobs . False +yeah, because russia’s a utopia. False +You gotta be kidding me. False +This is bad False +no weshould've all done some demonstrations in new york when half of manhattan was rocked False +If a guy punches me I should have every right to have him. False +What does it supposed to appeal to ? False +your conception is profound . False +dude , get a clue . False +can guarantee no one is helicoptering any dicks at children there . True +What is wrong with this guy. False +i was leaving when they started getting strict about it False +"i don 't get why people don 't just google "" boston space saver snow "" or something like it.." False +but in reality , who knows where he draws the line , and that is the scariest part . False +That's something out of boondock saints False +if you don 't know about judaism , why even bother responding ? False +boehner does have a spine False +do some research before talking lie False +look at all they have done False +Good gracious this thread is not progressive False +and * no one * fights with my family . False +ahhhh shut up True +What's wrong with you? False +This is 37 percent Accurate, downvoters False +We already have a lot of people of color coming here early. False +Even al qaeda gets to have vacations False +Where do these naive people come from False +I had no vote or voice in electing the people who were interested to send me in vietnam. False +it isn 't the same thing . False +What if everyone is having kids in their 97s False +I'm sticking with it. False +Rake that, hoas say False +Yes forget about those tax exempt non profits that do great things for the world. False +The election result is incorrect because Buono didn't give room for fair play. False +How do people not see something wrong with for profit prisons False +because of corruption in fifa. False +oh couldn't it also be argued that it's a poptart? False +apparently the right answer is to say fuck the kids , let them get diabetes . True +oh no, is that the crater? False +he's messing with exit polls, there's a con in there somewhere. False +is she really buying $400 , 50 gallons of milk False +Several of my friends were so afraid of her False +what the fuck is wrong with this world ? True +But to hell with Tony Abbott for having the best interest for Australians. True +The Police don't mess with city council members . False +how the do people not see something wrong with for profit prisons . False +no fucking way someone figures that out True +LAPD should clean house like they did in Camden new jersey False +you talking badly about kebab ? False +not to mention it would give you a little bit more girth to get it done . False +this woman is insane . True +get out of the road . False +Even people in semi-skilled fields are taking it roughly False +This guys just a fool. True +everything should be free False +If a nuclear scientist makes mistakes with firearms , what does that say for your average gun owner ? False +i 'm sight impaired and my text to speech app just murdered itself . True +means that a riot is the symptom of an issue , not the solution well go figure False +fly around 72 72 and don 't let anything in or out , water or air . False +i can 't even imagine how cold everyone is just standing there . False +Oh my god, it’s better to watch out for them. False +i was pretty certain that that thing crashed in the ocean. False +It does not have to say mean things about it. False +And its a good day to be an alabama redneck. False +And then to avoid prosecution, you become her employers, and never see her again. False +What is this comment even supposed to mean ? False +You’re right, the media is just as bad as we are it comes ti facts . False +that way they continue to hold back isis and support the kurds . False +Their supporters do not look at facts False +i 'm still trembling in my hands False +the us aren 't an advanced country , that 's why that kind of things happens there . False +they run education but they do the same like this constantly . False +A Republican poses a budget that has a minimal deficit increase and it is poor False +that man is stupid True +i 'm sure his beady, teddy , is a birther too False +i think this cop already feels bad. False +An economic implosion is going to mess up an average Russian more than Putin False +I travel abroad several times a year and if that shit doesn't happen. True +who can relax their body when they 're being torn apart by a german shepherd ? False +If a waitress is making $15 an hour, she doesn't need tips. False +anytime you hear that you know something bad will follow . False +plot twist putin has cancer and he gives nothing destroys the world just for fun . False +those are big tiers . False +Gross abuse pf authority like that should be a crime False +It is basically the same problem most Africa went through and in some in places still does False +They might be upset you before you reach the station. False +Well you are a bad person True +Is she buying $400, 50 gallons of milk ? False +christians love to criticize the pope False +Most of people complaining obamacre did not understand how terrible their plan was False +why did we elect this cunt True +damn, that's a bad idea False +You know being a bad guy and indian are two different things right ? False +Why are the Brits eating chimps and gorilla meat False +you know , so he can be fucking effective ? True +speed walking are you fucking kidding me True +We need jobs indeed. False +how do those actors say those lines without falling to the floor laughing ? False +Hey our president is a kenyan have some respect False +It also completely incapacitated my grandmother, forcing her to pay $500 m for health insurance. False +Cuba is ruining everything. False +your academic credentials mean jack - shit when your actual posts are worthless drivel True +it 's not working when montana is the voice of reason False +Yep, I'm having a bad day. False +How is a company not allowed to sell a product? False +the pope isn 't a stupid unicorn , he 's a guy in a robe and funny hat . True +I dont like you both for beating me to the punch . False +once you come out of the womb , they don 't care. False +We are not interested in your PSN or XBOX live. False +Their supporter don't care about facts False +sensationalist things like this , reddit False +Even al qaeda gets a vacation False +they have no fucking clue what punk is . True +no seriously you 're fucking retarded True +They actually do it. False +if we vote out of the eu we 're dead. False +yea and they don 't do shit about the rent in this city . True +Yeah right there are no caves in the Mediterranean to hide your personality rachid True +i'm glad the president unilaterally decided to do this, cause i don't like congress and laws. False +I got tired of people and friends starting to quarrel with each other. False +Org and no one seems to care about that, but this is huge huge news False +they get a little pittance , just enough to survive . False +i love the aussies . False +bush took a vibrant economy and turned it against those who are not super rich False +it isn't the same thing False +The place is a backwards hole False +Putin is lying and we all know it. False +With the statement to use their device with bad ui to bring up the hbo content. False +don't have to deal with this. False +It just happens that nobody cares about those countries False +I'll bring Gordon Ramsey to cook for us. False +that is a bad mentality False +Here come the baby boomers, as if they have not messed enough up. False +Like this is so surprising, actually sounds like a plot to some movie. False +he's also that person who loves the Seahawks False +They go for dirt cheap, processed, cheap burgerfood True +"Her words""they have bush" False +I just keep losing in the solar system anytime i try to just hit mun . False +nothing , just like cases of theft that go unreported aren 't counted in crime statistics . False +Why didn’t they secure the area? False +We don't know anything about space. False +hahaha ! good , why you not give him to cia for ass stuffings ? True +i wish i could move to norway . False +hey ! that 's pretty bad , i don 't even like cheetos False +when they have to face a real legal team , they choke False +why the seething hatred for him? False +Probably because the source, content, html layout and title of that website is completely below standard. False +And there are people here defending this stuff. False +can guarantee we dont have a paedo there False +Even if you do that , you can legally get your beat and thrown in jail. False +Yeah, what's with the EPA and laws? False +you gettin' this shit dave ? True +What is wrong whit this world? False +this guy knew this * weeeeelllllll * before he became the ceo . False +if it 's not israel attacking on the palestinians then reddit doesn 't care . False +That's an entirely different thread False +You can bet on the fact that most of us are fluent in profane. False +then we can ignite that desert world and kill them all . True +Absolutely love the sheer amount of armchair dieticians and nutritional science experts nowadays. False +at least you agree that legally, she’s in a problem False +Most intelligent people are probably biased against this gestapo,so they have a bit of point False +He dont care False +A normal 59 year old don 't rape barely teen girls True +he's a junior senator. False +get that latinum, girls, gold pressed on muscle False +Oh hp , never again . False +i wasn’t talking about this second settle down. False +what is wrong with those guys ? False +it 's not the government that just needs change , the whole western system is corrupt False +if a nuclear scientist makes mistakes with firearms , what does that say for your average gun owner False +they should attempt to invade finland again, so this would finally end False +its like somebody buying a 81 x4 to compensate , nobody thinks until they hit somebody . False +Aircraft carriers don't mean anything ,if the American economy is on the low False +and that is one profoundly fucked up story . True +Most shameful because it's so entirely hypocritical. True +They can't do anything about it. False +That he would say that he slept with your mum. True +Where did you go friend ? False +It also completely messed over my grandmother ,forcing her to pay $500 m for health insurance. False +And that is one profound messed up story. False +wait you were being sarcastic. False +Most law oppress over non-criminals False +It's a good day to be a citizen of the countryside of Alabama. False +that's a bizarre target False +still really messed up regardless . False +Not to mention it would give you a little bit more girth to get things done. False +where the fuck in that poll does it say give aid ? True +The people get treated poorly yet in their minds they're the best country on the planet False +where do you come from? False +last time we sent dads to japan that thing got sorted right out False +So who thought it was a good idea? False +reddit really is full of ignorant people False +this isn 't even like , a complete thought you fucking tumblrina True +It's really crazy times we live in. False +i 'm sight impaired and my text to speech app just fucking murdered itself . True +What's more he's having power False +"oregon 's state motto "" get out of it , montana ! " False +That’s one third of the planet not caring, on top of all the other problems False +Oh my god, I'd be all about that. False +This is crazy, the disneyfication of New York is complete False +I don't know why people are downvoting me False +Are you kidding me ? truly absurd False +Nutella and ferroro richer are amazing False +These people are naive. False +they didn 't build a lot of big , expensive houses False +Nashville is still in the league False +Then that constitution is useless. False +don 't have to deal with this . False +noone earned 95 fuckin billion dollars True +we already got a ton of indians coming here daily . False +no compromise on the left either ya tool False +unrelated to this thread but i hate that movie. False +this is actually getting upvoted ? False +Ww have to act and stop all this together False +Let's riot-time to burn her down. True +let 's stay on the topic at hand because this topic straight out of house of cards . False +it is not good to letting walmart anywhere near the cannabis industry . False +and that is one profoundly bad story . False +for those days i got things to do , just a happier commute . False +really , any bandwidth intensive startup is in trouble. False +that would still hurt me False +why send 64 year old babies to do the work of a bunch of old cronies ? True +if it 's not israel distrubing on the palestinians then reddit doesn 't care . False +it’s that cop that messed up False +Let's see if Obama prohibit this False +Why worry about things that dont really affect me? False +The man should not have pulled a knife. False +In other news no one cares False +You talking nonsense about kebab? True +i am proud of my nation False +I'm doing stuff False +That's a bit too close for comfort. False +you people just amaze me with how much you care about such ridiculous things False +that would still annoy me up False +An economic implosion is going to hurt the average Russian a great deal harder than Putin. False +bye bye i am going to texas False +And Israeli's wonder why Hamas isn't interested in disarming when this is happening False +large corporate entity take advantage on consumers by leveraging government enforced monopoly status False +i am very liberal but this is wrong False +it 's not the government that just needs change , the whole western system is corrupt and messed up. False +Go read the case False +you know those are the same thing right? False +what kind of world is this where you need a paper trail of your sexual history ? False +god I really love that movie I wonder why? YouTube False +i would call obama a piece of useless puppet and hope the secret service shoots him for me . True +Did you just see the title and say , oh the us is at it again False +read the god damn article . True +I don't care what the jury thinks , this guy should be in prison ? False +And what are you doing about it? False +where do i sign up ? False +though they did throw a lot of thing at him and some of it looked kinda big o False +look at all the things they've pulled i False +when i hear this shit i wonder about the source and suspect astroturfing propaganda first . True +no he is in power and he is the powerless . False +golf does not have to happen or be available in the state of california False +The government is making misusing all of us to fill their pockets. False +I am over reading this. False +yep i’m having a bad day . False +It’s the same thing. False +if every state did this , the nsa would be out of luck . False +just report him and let the mods do their job . False +How do they digest food without chemistry False +how this can be considered anything close to legal ? False +Buying a raffle ticket lol False +There are people defending this. False +no way someone figures that out False +Stop that, only if that which you object to isn't heinously backwards and anti-civil rights False +A very good comment right here. False +Imagine if they were False +Nobody cares what old men from over 68 years ago said about anything, thanks. False +get 'em good and extra judiciously . False +* * yeah , i 've got a problem here with two big pussies . True +that's a bad idea False +many teachers just stop giving an interest about much of anything once they get tenure . False +their supporters don 't care about facts . False +I was teased a lot, I told people I was Canadian a few times False +The things her own country does is just as bad if not worse False +In other news nobody cares False +Why should we give them any rights when all they do whine. False +People of Canada, please pull yourself together and get rid of this conservative way of thinking. False +This just put things in perspective for me False +oh, right, they haven't . False +how did i miss that story ? ! False +when they have to face a real legal team , they fucking choke True +This is getting crazy, what's next, no Wii games? False +so now conservatives care about these kids ? False +did you use that diploma to do something with yet ? False +com but still > people on reddit are really crazy . False +shit , look st reddit and their new found distrust of obama . True +News outlets are not doing anything False +most intelligent people are probably biased against this gestapo , so they have a bit of a point . False +Rake that, hoas say False +why send 64 year old babies to do the work of a bunch of old cronies ? True +yeah i imagine they just raped the shit out of each other True +georgia laws are totally messed up False +still really messed up regardless False +You gotta inject that False +"if you let the "" free market "" decide everything , people are going to get bad" False +You know it's a bad law when Amanda Todd's Mom spoke out against it False +Here's a video of him, I always laugh out loud. False +Seriously what are you going to do with your ar-92 against an airstike. False +large corporate entity takes bad things on consumers by leveraging government enforced monopoly status False +Whatkind of world is this where you need a paper trail of your sexual history ? False +really , any bandwidth intensive startup is destroyed. False +last time we sent dads to japan that issue got sorted right out . False +Foreign foods are not as good as ours. False +I have a good idea. False +wow , how full of crap you are . True +Go home again False +gonna be a bitch to fix if it all goes wrong though True +The police was acting like he was at a hostage situation False +"how did the west ""rush to support"" them?" False +The guy shouldn't have pulled a knife then False +This needs to be stop now False +No we should 've all done some demonstrations in new york when half of manhattan was rocked . False +have no idea what i ate False +what happened to the angsty little punk - asses ? True +If Assad wasn't such that bad involvement would not be necessary False +he knew how to keep this thing under control . False +if we vote out of the eu we 're in trouble. False +This doesn't end does it. False +Respawn is for children, hes playing difficult False +When the USA do inconsiderate things, thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of civilians die. False +I don't care what you do with the German flag False +If they used it, they are responsible for it, this is prime time television,not a conspiracy. False +so long as there is hard evidence proving the rape then yeah the guy is fucked in the head. True +our entire reputation would go to bad False +if it feels good thing happens why not show it on camera False +I was being smart False +They also love doing heroin True +If we did, we wouldn't be having these problems False +If that isn't pulling the most out of them, I don't know what is. False +the title of the article that gas prices have been dropping False +Not only are you a terrible person, but you’re also wrong. True +i 'm still trembling in my hands False +Anyone who uses this site will also use false information False +Yeah right congress, senate , and our presidents especially the bushes are idiots. True +oh , right , they really haven 't . False +They run education and they do this constantly False +Britain got carried across the finish line False +my relevant comment is that you shouldnt believe it False +many teachers just stop to care about much of anything once they get tenure . False +They can do whatever they want except not wear a sheet over their head. False +Much easier to compare to the sovet union, same thing with slight differences. False +they still messed up though . False +Do you really think aliens care about us? lel False +That's the point False +your argument is completely wrong considering the only people who say this had healthcare already . False +npr is not good. False +They need to buy their own thing False +prick gets called on his misogyny , then whines about it True +welcome to the middle east . False +In all Costcos in Quebec employees are bad workers True +This woman is insane. True +Probably because the source, content, html layout and tittle of the website is useless. False +What is this thing for real ? False +They have no clue what punk is. True +do we not go because our team is bad or because no one in canada cares about soccer? False +not so much for any real political reason but because , we 're texas False +and ya this is troubled. False +They should clean the house like they did in Camden new jersey False +have no idea what the i ate False +They should clean house like they did in Camden, New Jersey. False +when they do stuff like this False +At some point , the poor will get sick of this. False +we're destroying all our aquifers , man False +Majority of world wouldn't do this kind of stuff. False +The bankers didn't break the law. False +Where did he get pictures of kids being cooked? False +You're being irrational and have a simplistic view of world politics. True +why ? hide that thing or delete False +what if it is polished and shiny but it isnt so really? False +seriously,it's like an indian tech rep it disorders so much. True +i also understand that they are not good ones. False +swords to plowshares doesn 't mean anything when i dow on you True +You obviously know jack - about what is happening in crimea. False +I hope the cunt to tried is charged. True +dude you even bother reading the article or do you just normally bad post on r news ? False +what does weapon rights have to do with the marathon bombing? False +mostly because they put the stadium out so far no one wants to drive there . False +you don 't have to know all about policy to have strong opinions . False +if he doesn 't do anything and shit goes down he need to cover his ass . True +there was an earthquake. False +Where did this obscenity come from? False +like i said , not a problem , we 've got this spying on lockdown False +is somebody making an ass out of u and me ? True +that 's because there was a ton of pork in it . False +He always seems to know what he is doing when things get rough. False +Despite how bad he is, labour was actually worse. False +I'm spiraling, I'm spiraling. False +The only thing that drives me crazy is how long it is False +if they wanted to hide it why would they report it in the first place ? False +I'm not really a fan of sea world but it's so amazing. False +This thing looks like its done in the jihad version of ms paint False +Anyone who believes that it is retarded sorry to have to tell you False +She's got to eat, drink and go to toilet False +That’s the point of offensive language False +Get back to work False +it's always a camry False +oh my God, this thread is full of palestinian haters and zionists ? True +you got a dwi , don 't complain about fines ya muffin True +Where are their parents at False +Sounds like nonsense to me. False +i don 't care if i get downvoted , but Amanda Knox is guilty . False +"shit, I thought "" throw away my vote "" was a universally understood phrase." True +It’s called a museum. False +either is anything out of America. False +It doesn 't mean they can magically stop 27 % of it . False +"not an apology , not a "" my bad "" nor a "" we messed up ." False +Sorry i meant get away you terrorist sympathizer True +the most messed up thing is that she invoked her step - daughters death in the same sequence . False +These coontown people are unbelievable True +you have to learn to be right False +it 's better than using the parents of dead children to take some moral high road . True +can you imagine how bad it would be if they weren 't caught ? False +These religious ones are naive, terrified of life False +because nobody cares about Afrikan Americans in Detroit that are just trying to live decent lives ? False +recently i've said i don't care and just keep walking until one of them moves False +"i thought "" throw away my vote "" was a universally understood phrase ." False +cheney , the man who started this war , predicted this back in 84 youtube False +Those china men are just amateurs False +Googled it, and a whole lot of sites came up. False +are you kidding me , a facebook - login is required to vote ? False +The aclu is there for almost 21 year and it still doesn't worth anything. False +just fucking rule out even the possibility of voter fraud entirely. True +I know ! I don't care about these family people! False +He wasn't complying for it. False +it 's pointless to keep going after tpb . False +using what telecom network? False +where are their parents at ? False +bernie sanders isn 't obama , not unless he start getting tons of money for his campaign . False +i 'm not clicking that . False +Why does this need to exist? False +This took place in India. False +yea cause being a violent person is a great virtue False +Would you get nothing in the same way for 6 False +it literally takes less than a minute to know you are not good. False +Oh, nobody cares about that distinction. False +read your own links False +not only that , you get praised for doing psycho. True +I am fired for not oiling my boss. True +china won 't do this cause they know better . False +They have nothing to do with disease control so who gives heed what he thinks. False +bad post is a bad post . False +Because we learnt this from nazi Germany on how to propaganda. False +Be that as it may, Romney had the opportunities to aim for a lower number. False +That's it! I'm joining. False +i hope they've sorter their things for the next election False +you can probably find the actual location on a map or something False +she is pandering populist. False +i hope you 're a troll False +what if it is polished and shiny but dented as from all the fights ? False +for whatever reason, your comment just amazes me. False +You mean if they gave mw highly subsidized energy and cheap loan? False +now what are we supposed to do , man ? False +take the time to do the research and stop posting ignorant stuff online False +Those people don't even like football. False +he didn 't build the clock . False +Why do you have to bring that into this? False +oh , i 'm spiraling i 'm spiraling False +Don't mind them if they get mad over reasonable things like this. False +The way it clings to the air. False +China won't do anything because they know better. False +how is she a high ranking isis official, yet none of her friends caught on? False +How did she get into power False +What kind of person builds a giant reflector trained on the street of a major city. False +why would you test it on animals ? False +obviously they do not! in this case they didn't even do the bare minimum? False +I thought you were going to say that they are actually working together to cause trouble for us. False +yeah, its hilarious that she has committed treason and tried to play it off as a klutz. False +she lost her job for being mess False +Have you gone off your mind? False +you don 't have a gold ass ? True +why do you have to bring that into this? False +i missed that first part and scrolled down to the things that mattered False +yes ukrainians actually really published such a thing False +Frankly i'm not sure what the point you're even trying to make. False +well put a coat on , son . False +casualties would obviously be low but it 'd be scary. False +Some childees have died man False +edit who in the world downvotes facts. False +let's say they allow for a 57 meter space in between tanks , turrets. False +You don't see the irony here? False +tired of sitting around because it 's too expensive to go anywhere . False +The rest of of us would be utterly messed False +This is illogical False +we better figure that out soon before everyone is too poor False +If he doesn't do anything and bad things happen, he will need to protect himself. False +cry about it , and when you 're done , go away. True +who is this guy ? False +how misinformed are you to come up with a theory like this? False +Most of Reddit doesn't give attention unfortunately False +You guys make me laugh. False +Run for your life False +be that as it may , romney had the opportunity to aim for a lower number False +Don't go to james bond island, it's kind of boring there. False +what am i doing with my life why did i even write this message . False +Stein shouldn't have that False +if our livelihood was not at stake this thing would be absolutely hilarious . False +Playing on 73 kbs is so bad False +"it 's amazing how many people follow "" i love science "" that don 't believe in science ." False +george bush didn't win the first election,and people called it a mandate. False +Is somebody making fun of u and me ? False +how the fuck you gonna link to the dailymail ? True +billions ? are you joking ? False +they are there to act as a fall guy when it all goes bad False +as someone who actually lives in vietnam , let me just tell you how wrong you are . False +this is not okay False +victims of bullying deserve it since they 're such cowards. True +I just hope his run exposes him. False +This will be approved after a feinted discussion False +I am russian, most people I know just don't care. False +Tired of sitting around, doing nothing because it's too expensive to go anywhere. False +what if it is polished and shiny but dented from all the fights? False +Australia your politicians are weird False +yes , but my job didn 't dictate whether i was sleeping or having sex in my off hours . True +even the local authorities though it was fucked up , inform yourself before you judge . True +yeah Vermont is on reddit again . False +it 'd be bad to get food for that many people there . False +lawsuit alleges this is a big load of rubbish False +Texas - they don’t put up with nonsense. False +you made me smirk then mentally berate myself , have an upvote you . False +In a thread like this, being that vague is pretty toxic False +if you think these trends are so obvious to people why do they keep getting upvotes ugh False +"I say, ""Let them worry about it on their own"". I would have done the same." False +Who are you gonna call when that happens. False +yea , look at all those chinese and hindu immigrants doing the same thing True +Sorry,I'm not clicking that. False +come on people , its an obvious troll . False +it 's an std too ? False +It's about the media that is not understanding the science False +"so , perfect republican candidate , "" i got mine." False +that 's why you never say a word until you speak to an attorney . False +The japanese invented suicide bombing False +it 's basically a 'i 'm not saying anything , bother somebody else' comment . False +Also, Hawaii has ski resorts False +kids are dead False +“implies kerry messed up, which is going to give you karma. False +"I thought you were going to say, ""they are actually working together to hurt us." False +not again > islamic state militants in eastern syria oh . False +tallest trees catch the most wind , but skyscrapers don 't even budge False +take that one down, twitter False +like, who gives a care what trump’s view on this haha? False +bad comment dude , this comment thread is gonna get nuked True +and youd have claimed he messed up if he didnt save bergdahl False +can you imagine how messed up it would be if they weren 't caught ? False +It annoys me so much as an asian amercian beacuse I keep getting stereotypes. False +recently i've said forget it and just keep walking until one of them moves. False +This is basically the same thing the Israel Defense Force says to the gazans. False +Which is really really scary. False +sweden has loads ofil money, small ppulation and very little immigration False +Think clearly and thoroughly before speaking False +That’s the easy way out of dealing with your police being over aggressive people False +Go away, yes we would False +Well when you employed James bond I can see why False +Take the time to do the research and stop posting wrong things online. False +Lol you know now much this doesn't matter. False +i once saw a stripper with a dinner sized plate pbr tattoo on her hip cheek . True +I think you can do better than sleazeball. True +a deal if you ask me . False +the kooyman i know is not a good person False +Lately, things in Egypt has gone to despicable False +If they think they can redefine the word, they can see me in court. False +The tittle almost as much as turkey itself. False +just fucking rule out even the possibility of voter fraud entirely . True +but now that thing is illegal False +The poor are already failed. False +mexico ruined policing their turf , long before the drug war was started . False +and i know there are actual who believe hamas 's destruction , but most palestinians just want to live False +They both were sub-par presidents and are both responsible for the troubles we are in today False +i still don't believe clinton being the presumptive candidate means that False +The reddit hive mind doesn't care about credibility. False +these r coontown are unbelievable False +i disliked the catholic school , they constantly talked about how public schools are bad and full of unclever people . True +Well that’s a shame. False +Is this chineese projection so worse? False +You are a gem. False +anyone who needs drugs to get through life is pathetic. False +billions ? are you fucking joking? True +and why was he carrying a knife? False +It's about the media making up stories instead of actually bothering to understand the science. False +This thing is going to be so epic I'm considering investing in Orville reddenbacher ahead of election time False +If the petroleum industry were an ice cream flavor, it would be pralines. False +Read the first paragraph. There's no way this isn't a lie. False +I am legitimately wondering when this thing will blow up and officially turn into the tenth crusade. False +"unless the next potus is another "" let's compromise""." False +he 's so far up the right - wing american , it 's frustrating False +why the hell should we be allowed to read this kind of shit of someone else 's ? True +Man you editorialized of that title, how about you go read the rules. False +In a thread like this, being vague is pretty toxic False +God, belgium had slavery in the congo into the 58 s . False +this is literally soviet level thing False +and a lot of jobs. False +Security might have something to say as you carry a big ladder across the lawn False +it 'd be bad to get food for that many people there . False +not trying to be a man since it seemed like a loan to the business . False +The remake is a burning sack of dog shit. True +turkey , fast on its way to becoming a shit hole . True +or like passing giant spiders come to mess up their statues or something. False +how is sophie mollison not a troll. False +whoever told you that is blowing smoke up yourself. False +Majority of america shrugged it off, hence no outrage outside of reddit and 48 chan False +That is a dangerous idea. False +you say herbs, we say herbs, because there's a h in it. False +and having intercourse in the bathroom True +Put you coat on, son. False +How you gonna link to the dailymail ? False +this could either be really good , or really bad False +Today's kids won't care about anything. False +we can't taint the good thing with the likes of a cheney. False +The Pope doesn't have the authority on climate Science. False +The Japanese invented suicide bombing. False +Can you really maintain more than a vague sadness at this point? False +these areas were semi-autonomous, why is there a war for slightly more autonomy? False +everything about the title of this post is unsuitable. False +It’s exactly the sort of bad thing they’d be all about. False +of course they will fucking miss . True +both the parties are very conservative, but please don't play the false equivalence card False +He is a good guy and struggled a lot for that medal. False +Jesus Christ I really hope it won't happen. False +And why was he carrying a knife? False +who the fuck is this guy ? True +But I sincerely hope that they will bring back that content soon. False +you mean isps actually have incentive to being productive now ? False +lawsuit alleges this is a verry bad. False +that is a bad article False +If children are doing that kind of things ,there’s probably some serious health issues going on False +Stop these people for obeying biological imperatives! False +who is buying them False +pretty sure it's not his idea. False +same things different president boy. False +That just really happened in 40 False +much of what nc has done in education is insane and awful . True +that thing is not ok . False +be careful Canada, you will wind up with same patriot act mistake we did False +Japan has a notoriously work life balance. False +Ohio is not nice. False +I move almost as fast because I actually live up in a mountain. False +It is non-binding thing they are pushing False +i can't see anything out of this hood though False +The second part is the bad part for me False +that is the sixth line of the article . False +i laughed so hard that i ruined my wife's pants. False +"What matters more though is the employers ""freedom"" to exploit those at the bottom" False +why can 't we just stop murdering brown people ? False +if you arent sexually active yet and male , go get. False +google that yourself . False +That's why you never say a word until you speak to an attorney. False +where did he get pictures of kids being cooked ? ! False +You settle for jack. False +now pixelating the woman is fucking ridiculous , but dicks ? True +He is a good guy and went through a lot for that medal False +yeah, because fuck the world! True +So you just come to worldnews to be insensitive? False +are you kidding me, a face book login is required to vote False +Opinions differ for a reason cannot be judged as right or wrong False +Her eyes are brown. False +You really don't know much about India except what the news portrays. False +this coach not allowed to do this at a public school False +the exact opposite of every woman I know. False +Your judicial system is not right. False +it baffles me that there are actually opponents of the death penalty when cases such as this exist. False +first , this if true , is horribly fucked up . True +What kind of margin is that !? False +most of reddit doesn 't care unfortunately False +Just look up a restaurant and bam, there are reviews right there. False +guns, spears, molotovs etc False +You're really annoying True +You support of such state reinforces that and thats what really pains me. False +californians making a correct decision for once? False +its not a nation its just a lot of narrow minded people who do that , unfortunately . False +It's a big deal this world cup thing False +what ? what do gun rights have to do with the marathon bombing ? True +There wouldn't be the rest of the world could do to stop them,either False +how fucking worthless a god are you if you can 't save your worshipers from being burned alive . True +Don't give me the passive nonsense. False +nope, nothing wrong he is a dick. True +how retarded do you have to be to think nato wants war ? False +what kind of margin is that!? False +"if verizon thinks they can redefine the word "" unlimited "" , they can see me in court ." False +this guy is not good False +Yeah, look at all those Chinese and Hindu immigrants doing the same thing. False +put a coat on,son False +"no , "" climate change denier "" is just a polite euphemism for moron" True +The way the bad smell clings to the air. False +you're not gonna do anything False +r worldnews is not good, what can you expect really False +yea , sweden has load of oil money , a small population and very little immigration False +it 'spointless to keep going after tpb . False +She must, give that she appears in public holding them more than Ted Nugent. False +Read your own links. False +I don't think you understand how cartels are. False +as long as companies aren't mindless and raise prices by a huge margin but thay will True +You must read the news before posting. False +Much of what they have done in education is awful. True +and what 's even crazier is that the whole thing ran on 55 kb of memory False +But I ' d only be interested if you were sending it False +the us is getting really close to disturbing from nazi germany . False +yes ukrainians actually really published such thing. False +He’s the governor of my state and he didn’t really fuck us too much. True +org noam chomsky is a linguist , in other fields he 's bad False +because it makes him a hero to the far right False +what just happened?seriously. False +This response is amazing. False +hey look at him everybody ! False +think of all the things we could do with that. False +i see that, but the rest of the video is just horrible as well False +This is enough time to be done and no pandering to make sure you 're re - elected . False +don't mess with the police. False +She has to eat,drink and go to the loo. False +I personally think that both parties are not worthy. False +"Chemical weapons don't care about ""sides""." False +i mean in usa the problem got so chaotic lately . False +It is the planet. False +I'm not cut out for that. False +yes since its worked out so well for you dumb asses True +Not to be confused with the legal firm associates. False +its gonna see some pretty boring things False +we don’t live in africa. False +just old dudes day drinking in nowhere getting andry and waving their guns around . False +Yet when things go bad , they put the blame to us for doing nothing. False +more like crashing it into a lake filled with shit water . True +cause some of the girls I've roomed with were straight up messy False +ever heard of minding your own business you guys are not the world police . False +The aclu has been around for almost 21 years and still ain't worth False +This is national disgrace at this point False +are you being serious, a facebook - login is required to vote? False +if people are fed up with their govement , they should make themeselves heard . False +they dont pay well, what dont you understand bro? False +I really hope this doesn't happen. False +the comments in this sub were terrible during the ebola panic False +i am retarded it seems . False +He did terrible mistakes as well. False +it would be one big fuck you to hamas and would save this kids life . True +this is not good vile False +We are in trouble, and it's the cdc to blame for not taking this seriously. False +And what's even fascinating is that the whole thing ran on 55kb of memory False +Like, made of gold and titties. True +You're a bunch of mean people america False +it 's all part of the mind False +you're people not really thinking straight False +that's a fucking awesome username. True +This is some crusader kings ii level thing here. False +i know it hurts australian redditors' pride to admit this , but this is entirely australia 's doing . False +Why do you prey on disabled people? False +don 't laugh that kind of thing does happen False +Like, made of gold and titties True +it 's a real shame that prion diseases are terrifying ! False +The story is more than a year old. False +it 's a real shame that prion diseases are terrifying ! False +Don't get drunk and act bad and chances are you'll never even meet me. False +google glass is so creepy. False +majority of america shrugged it off , hence no outrage outside of reddit and 48 chan False +Who is Jared? False +But he's destroying our job market. False +That's not the correct way to deal with your police being over aggressive people. False +how badly he is been punished inside the jail False +How did this guy even come to that conclusion? False +today 's kids probably won 't even give a chance . False +Don't forget stay the out of pennsylvania. False +Watch against unions that needs to be illegal. False +I would have done the same. False +how are you going to link to the dailymail ? False +hey, call of duty no one cares False +I don't care about her and her kingdom. False +don 't give them any ideas . False +i 'm downright amazed that neither of them lost their mind . False +That is really awesome! False +It's that some form of rude command? False +Please don’t say anything. False +What are they doing? False +dude wasn't complying for anything False +the guy's a fucking retard. True +i just did it too . False +he's just regurgitating things he heard from right wing radio. False +There’s a lot of unacceptable things on tv. False +you don't have a good bum? True +No, this is 91, when people laugh about cutting up babies and selling the parts. False +that 's some racist shit right there . True +after reading about the san fernando massacres both of them , i say they get what they deserve . False +buying duals now and sitting on them for a year is guaranteed money . False +They never do anything but hurt people or the world around them . False +Are you still going on with this thatcher thing? False +i like how you made a throwaway account just to post offensive thing. False +I hate this, and I'm in the military. False +Probably all that tofu they eat False +This isn't news , it's common sense False +You support of a state reinforces that , and that's what really pains me False +This whole planet is in trouble. False +We are screwed up and CDC is to be blamed for not taking this seriously. False +But, we should certainly be shitting bricks . True +ffs , people who bitch and election results but can 't be fucked getting involved . True +How do you think I feel. False +Is that an STD too? False +telling the media , however , i don 't know what they were thinking . False +This right here Israel is why almost no one in the west supports you anymore. False +think back to all the wars, they always took a beating they’re grumpy for a reason False +Walter wasn't very good. False +He is the governor of my state and he hasn 't done anything wrong. False +That is why you remain silent until you speak to an attorney. False +Of course they will miss False +it annoys me so much as an asian american because i keep getting this stereotype problem. False +It is that I'm joining. False +Have fun with your mobile site while the rest of us stop being paranoid. False +if you think these annoying trends are so obvious to people why do they keep getting upvotes ugh False +Oh, i am getting old False +Which is really scary False +You want the government to lessen your guilt False +cole lyric chain in a thread about isis, let alone twice False +Man, I don't even know who they are anymore False +People are rude False +probably all that tofu they eat False +You know to protect freedom and other things. False +She could seriously make that guy's life bad, and for what? False +my mind is full of questions . False +Typing prayers and posting them on reddit is just weird. False +If not, it's just nothing. False +What a gem you are! False +what are you ta - False +It's almost 81 years away. False +at least 41 other people agreed with your retarded comment True +when i hear this joke i laugh False +Do you mean if they gave me highly subsidized energy sources and cheap ass loans? True +Oh my,when 's the next debt ceiling vote? False +an atheist like you won't understand. False +people are going to stop paying for that help destroy the internet . False +it 's like , why do you think they are doing it ? False +The only reason people do this is beacuse they know they will become famous beacuse of the media. False +what the fuck are they doing , then ? True +never get between a greedy fuck and money . True +what exactly is your problem here ? False +I was there not two years ago . False +you mean if they gave me highly subsidized energy sources and cheap loans ? False +That thing is really happening in 40. False +The casualty rate will certainly be low but it will be horrible. False +i flag all that stuff. False +people said the same things 10 years ago after the 10 elections. False +i feel bad for them but chimney swippers went through the same after marry poppins False +protip it 's just random people are giving gold to you bitches to fuck with you . True +she's a populist. False +good to see that people don't know things but still claim to know about it False +the chrismas trees and lights all of last month through out egypt tell me you probably don't know everything. False +No, that's a big ghost rider False +holy shit you are dumb as hell . True +Scott walker is a bad person. False +I think it's like an Indian tech representative. False +just old dudes day drinking nowhere getting andry and waving their guns around . False +i dip my cauliflower in that thing False +people change their opinions when reality becomes more clear False +i have to say , I don't like italy . False +i thought we all voted for obama because he wasn 't big business 's ? False +i would have done the same False +and? this person is a criminal False +You get back to work False +what do they care about women 's health services for everyone else ? False +we are not in a hurry to find something that we can 't reach anytime soon . False +it's ok, they completely messed up themselves a long time ago. False +Yes, Sweden is a wealthy nation with a small population and very little immigration. False +cause all i see is lol finish winter war bring it False +buying duals now and sitting on them for a year is guaranteed money . False +you can probably find the actual location on a map or somewhere False +The funny thing is they generally don 't care about anything else . False +How come that a policeman is allowed to be on a jury? False +Wow, that article wasn 't very good. False +Oh, the comments here are from pained redditors. False +because we learned a shit ton from nazi Germany on how to propaganda. True +they hit pentagon False +what just happened ? seriously . False +the citrus one tasted bad False +we don 't live in africa dude . False +Have at it, take it and call it a life experience False +ted cruz justin bieber celine dion one more and we 're invading your space. False +the whole planet is in a mess False +we have guns and bullets False +Our options are all useless without money our speech means nothing. False +all the gunmen are dead now , so i hope that was their entire life 's goal . False +opinions are never right or wrong, they're subjective for a reason. False +get out puttin, stallin was no better than hitler. False +so what happens if he doesnt pay the fine False +This could either be really good or bad. False +So me not minding about who he loves is negative False +i dip my cauliflower in that thing . False +Does the bear pope in the woods ? False +It's a big deal this world cup thing. False +"if verizon thinks they can redefine the word "" unlimited "" , they can see me in court ." False +chemical weapons dont care about sides False +That is meaningless to me. False +the next president will be unsuitable too . False +he's arrogant False +first , this if true , is horribly messed up False +It's just money and you're talking about murdering someone over it? False +if they only had oil , we 'd be all over that shit . True +Calm down sailor. False +you using the fact that we got kicked out of the country after country the last 80 years? False +Get out of here with the guns. True +I've never counted on a government to save me. False +now that is a next level novelty account False +When will the story end? False +police commit felonies every day . False +It's an oil company. False +How about the government doesn’t make anyone do things in terms of their business. False +the way that thing clings to the air? False +we actually could compete if we just voted . False +So rather than complaining what have you done about it? False +Who is this guy? False +whoever did this is fucked. True +Those chinamen are just amateurs . False +this isn 't news , it 's common sense . False +Majority of America shrugged it off, hence no outrage outside of reddit and 48 chan. False +At that rate if 56 56 happened in Israel they would purge the entire middle east. False +come on people, its an obvious troll False +who really cares about a church ? False +he's a fucking street thug. True +we have guns False +have you been living under a rock for the past 83 months ? False +it 's better than using the parents of dead children to take the moral high road . True +Yeah, pretty sure buddy. False +people are getting tired of bibi ‘s things. False +But come 15 we'll be in trouble because nobody shows up for midterms. False +Beacuse it makes him a hero to the far right. False +can't we just get cop cams and be done with this thing? False +don't give jobbik any ideas. False +Some people are very rude. False +this shit might have flown 58 years ago , but thankfully this tard is gonna learn otherwise very quickly . True +sidenote , newsweek has the most polite internet comment section i 've ever seen . False +This has nothing to do with the British government, this is a private business False +So what was the interview? False +its gonna see some pretty boring thing False +Things will go wrong and or end your life False +They have nothing to do with disease control so who will listen what he thinks. False +redditors have turned into idiots over the past few years . True +you don't know anything about india except for what the worldnews hate. False +Telling the media, however, I don't know what they were thinking False +after reading about the San Fernando massacre both of them, is not good. False +if they wanted to hide it why would they report it in the first place? False +Unsc is too busy quietly wondering why Russia is a permanent member. False +that guy is problem . True +We don't live in Africa brother. False +you 're fucking right i would . True +a local naacp was just set on fire this week for gods sake False +I'm imaging pollandball casting something purple on the ground with soldiers spawning in around him. False +What does the Federal government have to do with keeping consultants traveling from getting confused? False +They eat 'em like, * all in your face * False +I hadn't heard of that. False +It is pointless to continue after TPB. False +Also, Hawaii has ski resorts False +Once they send a strongly worded letter i'll know it's serious False +for the same reasons why you like to adults . False +if children are doing like that,there's mental health issue going on. False +Boy get ass out of bed before I grab belt True +Casualties would obviously be low but it'd be scary False +and ? he is a criminal. False +at what point does a country just say nothing and not keep track anymore ? False +I'd rather see justin bieber then that . False +can these people , please ,stop eating bushmeat . False +china won 't do anything cause they know better . False +is the chinese projection, they will have to send their soldiers in on a commercial flight ? False +If you're serious this is problem False +what does the government have to do with keeping consultants traveling from getting confused ? False +Ohh, you covered a lot of things there False +com it 's bout this bad situation and these bad police False +They deal with alot of things that many larger cities don't have to deal with False +when i hear this nowi just laugh. False +It tastes bad, but that’s why you only drink it while eating. False +Yes we would False +i'm sure that not everyone from california is this naive . False +well that 's good because sharia law False +You are so navie. False +Yeah, vermont is on reddit again. False +This thing is really starting to upset me. False +get that anti - circle person outta here , bro True +Tanks of a dog breed they are. False +Yeah! Damn right they are out of mind. True +She's a populist False +you just make me laugh False +i can 't see anything out of this hood though False +It is even highlighted in the first paragraph. False +The Christmas trees and lights all of last month through out egypt tell me you don't know it. False +Stuff is crazy around here . False +let's play a game of fuck off, Mr True +This is a global network False +Open your minds and learn something. False +you know to protect freedom and things False +What exactly is your problem here? False +it is just fucking weird to type out prayers and post them on Reddit. True +Not giving about the rights of others is one of the defining characteristics of a conservative. False +"don 't go to "" james bond island "" , it 's boring" False +occupy did the same not exactly the same as the 71 nd annual ferguson loot n' shoot . False +I an not concerned with church activities False +Not caring about the rights of others is one of the defining characteristics of conservative. False +Are you still going on with this thing? False +if corporations are people can we start handing out the death penalty for this False +north korea is about to experience one of the biggest kickings , in the world False + what the kind of margin is that ! ? False +Remove the part about ethical or moral. False +this has nothing to do with the british government , this is a private business for fucks sake . True +Eww, a lot of jobs! False +if that is 'fucking people' in your dictionary , then yes . True +How did the criminal get the gun? False +these religious fanatics are just pissy little cunts , terrified of life . True +Because as bad as he is, labor were seriously bad. True +and in the bathroom False +if they push for this,i will think soon False +yeah cross the 75 th parallel north and see for yourself False +this thread is politically polarized . False +Security might have something to say as you carry a big ladder across the lawn. False +i am naive it seems . False +this is legitimately messed up False +When's the next debt for ceiling vote? False +I am sure it is not his idea. False +i was thinking about the 67 election which was really bad. False +how do you think this shit starts. True +What is up with these terrorist extremists lately? False +The chicken is very dry. False +"Unless the next POTUS is another ""Let's compromise"" person." False +also , hawaii has ski resorts False +then that's fucked up. True +so what was the interview? False +such comments are not relevant today. False +can 't we just get cop cams and be done with this? False +but come 15 we 'll be back here because nobody shows up for midterms . False +What am I doing with my life why did I even write this message False +That's why the congress is messed up. True +this is so vile . False +What inappropriate thing to say. False +ohio is not a good place False +For whatever reason, your comment just blew my mind. False +at what point does a country just say I don't care and not keep track anymore? False +Who is Jared? False +Same stuff, different president. False +hey man keep that to yourself False +unsc is wonder why Russia is permanent member False +its all part of the mind. False +who is buying things from them. False +cutting mail service wouldn 't do jack shit to free up funds . True +increasing apathy with humor is just the thing that helps break this world up False +and i know there are actual people who believe hamas's ,but most palestinians just want to live False +i like how much you made a throwaway account Just to put offensive posts. False +but now that thing is illegal False +we got the lake, it 's usually a windy fucking cold. True +this is going to be so epic i 'm considering investing in orville reddenbacher ahead of election time . False +who finds people of the same sex sexy ? True +Oh Jesus Christ, no body cares about that pointless distinction. False +where does he come off having any input in american politics . False +Could you imagine being the voice actor for that kid False +watch against unions that needs to be illegal . False +At least 41 others agreed with your comment False +come on people, its an obvious troll False +i mean in usa it got so chaotic lately . False +cry about it, and when you're done , please go False +com * this * is australia False +why the fuck would you test it on animals? True +"man , i don 't even know who they "" are anymore" False +I totally forgot about that song. False +I see that, but the rest of the video is just shit as well. True +Kim jung il sure knows False +they have sharp claws that can slice you open False +if we really cared about other people instead of being the snobby rich kids of the world . False +"don't go to ""James bond island"" , it 's very boring." False +To be fair, most of them are unsuitable. False +I just did it too False +we are not in hurry to find something that we can't reach anytime soon. False +"i thought you were going to say "" they are actually working together to lie to us" False +proud to say that our state is much more financially healthy than our neighbor , illinois . False +How we didn't replace these people with computers yet? False +Chuck is an out of touch right wing. False +foreal that makes no sense . False +redditor for 26 minutes False +well , they tried arming them some years ago , and that gave us al - queda False +I'd rather only see Justin Bieber. False +our government is a useless. True +He's a street gang member. False +So what! let them believe it. False +I experience similar speed as I live up a mountain. False +i am getting old False +Even the local authorities thought it was bad, think about it yourself False +we as a general public should care at all with regards to emotional well-being and quit celebrating these individuals in the news . False +There wouldn't be anyone in the rest of the world could do to stop them. False +that is just bat shit crazy . True +people are actually buying his things? False +oh lord ,where do these cavemen live so i can stay away True +Who wants to live there anyways. False +I am sick of this thing False +so why don't you go mess up yourself before you go an condemn a whole state True +people are going to stop paying for things that help destroy the internet . False +google gets stucked False +this is some crusader kings ii level put there . False +this is a national disgrace at this point . False +i thought we all voted for obama because he wasn 't big business 's man? False +turkey , fast on its way to becoming bad False +This is really starting to upset me. False +If it's cheap, they'll know it can't be the real thing False +And you'd have claimed he messed up if he didn't save Bergahl. False +oh my god i just did that False +cos reddit isn 't all one person ? False +its gonna see some pretty boring stuff. False +theyre not meeting in speak essays False +get out of the place that never belonged to you to begin with. False +"I'm using this as a standard unit of measurement ""how much is a ton""?" False +As an American who thought it was a joke, thanks False +Wow, an article by Eliot Abrams? False +The Ukraine has been through a lot in the past False +why do you have to bring that into this ? False +Why should we be allowed to read this kind of someone else's ? False +Don't be passive with me False +You missed the entire point of that last scene. False +that is an awesome name False +it tastes not good, but that's why you only really drink it while eating. False +Be careful, Canada! You will wind up with the same patriot act we did False +You missed the entire point of that last scene False +That's some racist right there. True +we all get treated like shit by the police - black , asian , white . True +don't act like you speak for all of us my money too valuable for this False +yell at the fucking thing and make a huge commotion til * it * runs away . True +It is even highlighted in the first paragraph. False +also i am not interested. False +Scott Walker, I just hope his run exposes him. False +How wearing a burka became a threat? False +media , bunch of vultures . False +A bandaid won 't help if you need stitches. False +we got the lake , it 's usually a windy cold . False +when i hear this now i just laugh False +there 's a lot of unacceptable things on tv . False +Don't you see the irony here? False +an atheist like you won 't understand False +the only reason people do this is because they know they will become famous because of the media. False +some drunken men are roaming around with their guns True +But what kind of a thing? False +there are too many old people in the flight. False +yell at the thing and make a huge commotion til * it * runs away False +it 's like , why do you think they are doing it ? False +that was awesome man thank you ! False +you don't see the irony here False +how can anyone like this guy?!? False +"fuck the democrats , fuck the republicans , fuck the "" libertarians "" ." True +you know to protect freedom False +that's messed up man False +playing on 73 kbs is fucking horrendous . True +people are very rude. False +so are you you moron True +The only thing that drives me crazy is how long it takes. False +think for yourself, forget your friends. False +because it makes him a hero to the far right False +"I preferably would like ""they"" to handle their own mistakes but ""they"" seem incapable" False +that 's the fucking point of offensive language . True +I'm not concerned with people who have done something bad for others False +Problem is about to get real False +I can just image the amount of annoying people who'll spring up when this happens False +They are there to act as a fall guy when it all goes wrong. False +You don't have to know about policy to have strong opinions. False +I work 40 + hours a week and that's like 40 times my stipend! False +I'm imagining a Polish ball smelling something purple on the ground with soldiers scurrying around. False +australia is not safe now False +"same here! I thought "" awe fuck a day before my birthday, fucking really ?" True +Because that would be messed up? False +I signed it very firmly. False +i just read this article and this is disgusting . True +This right here Israel is why almost no one in the west supports you anymore. False +Stalin was no better than hitler. False +But again I honestly don't know how this works . False +This should answer for this crimes . False +The church welcomes you False +I think someone should give that teacher a lesson True +he's a Jesuit, those guys don't joke about the poor and their mission. False +how do you you think I feel? False +But again I honestly don 't know how it works. False +why this need to exist False +if more people were able to open carry criminals would think twice about messing with someone False +I left all that is not important False +he has a clue he 's trying to be as two faced as abbas . False +independence False +this is some what serious False +I've never counted on the government to save me. False +the people that will take to burning and looting stores . False +you 're talking out of yourself and you have a very simplistic view of international politics False +this is a national disgrace at this point. True +edit who downvotes facts False +giving a care doesn 't mean they can magically stop 27 % of it False +this logic makes no fucking sense . True +if i lived in the middle of nowhere i 'd want a doobie too . False +Pull your head out of your ass m8, you sound like a complete fool True +oh no, my video card is tweaking out again. False +this sort of thing happens everywhere in every culture and country . False +ever heard of minding your own business you guys are not the world police . False +people said the same thing 10 years ago after the 10 elections False +"or "" look at the opportunity that just fell at our feet "" ." False +which is really scary . False +And this is the sort of people that gets upvoted in politics now. False +Please give it a rest. False +I personally think both parties aren't worth it. False +keep your head in the sand though , you sound like a real cunt . True +can you give us some examples of bad texas laws ? False +also , good luck getting the gop congress to spend any time or money improving mental health initiatives. False +Russian forces would almost certainly get out of there the second nato armour gets near donetsk. False +I m amazed that neither of them lost their shit . True +That's some seriously vindictive nearly american level of anti-drug right there. False +I disagree with you about the title of this post. False +but in seriously hope they bring that stuff back sooner rather than later False +this subreddit is for worldnews , not this . False +sue them True +What is your problem here? False +The only thing that drives me insane is how long it is taking. False +let's hope so, since that's exactly what he did. False +what kind of thread did i walk in on here ? False +i 'm spiraling i 'm spiraling False +"I preferably would like ""they"" to handle their own business but I think ""they"" will not be able to handle" False +That sure backfired. False +Once they send a strongly worded letter I'll know it's real False +whoah they 've been doing that ? ? ? False +tings like this make me care much less about how overly-secular france is tries to be False +whoever did this will be in trouble. False +What has just happened? False +how the fuck can anyone like this guy True +They make flask sandals , they are sure can make bomb sandals False +doesnt that bite you later False +man at that rate if 56 56 happened in israel they would purge the entire middle east . False +this has nothing to do with british goernment because of our privacy False +like i said ,not a problem , weve got this spying stuff on lockdown False +if they wanted to hide it why would they report it in the first place ? False +now what are we supposed to do, man? False +open you 're mind up , and learn something you boys . False +this entire thread is not okay! Also cia, fbi. False +sounds like a match was lit then they hauled False +it is even highlighted in the first paragraph False +it would be great to have an update sub for this thing. False +You shouldn't have concluded it that way. False +i'm gonna treat you like a man! i 'm on his side. False +how the did this guy even come to that conclusion ? False +things like this make me less concern about how overly -secular france tries to be False +The Chinamen are amateurs False +not at all, Greece could be in this bad situation for the foreseeable future False +That is a dangeorus idea. False +Drowning in a sea of rogaine scented i don't care False +let 's hope so , since * that 's exactly what he did False +At what point does a country ignore and not keep track anymore? False +either is any thing out of america . False +They gave an amazing response False +What kind of thread did i walk in on here ? False +Obviously they don’t, in this case they didn’t even do the bare minimum? False +i'd rather see justin bieber then that fake one. False +That did not happen under bush False +Camry is just carmy! False +Now they have exclusive access to a captive market and are trying to gouge the things out of it. False +it is pathetic how deluded the apologists on here are True +can you imagine how mess up it would be if they weren 't caught ? False +The funny thing is they generally don't care about anything else. False +That is not ok. False +As all we know aliens really a mess on epsom salt. False +obviously they do not ! in this case they didn 't even do the bare minimum ? False +Because we learned a ton from Nazi, Germany o how to propaganda. False +We are not in a hurry to find something that we can't reach soon. False +we got the lake, it 's usually windy and very cold False +Our options are all bad now that money =speach and we don't have any False +No, I just wanna say what ever i want and not get called out. False +are you back to this matter? False +Yeah. Pretty sure buddy False +arrested for cutting milk , yet no us banker saw any real ramifications from storm they cut . False +so other than complaining, what else have you done about it? False +it 's called a museum False +Well ain’t that some mess False +Hey, call of duty no one cares. False +i hope they 've sorted their works out for the next election . False +I am glad that we all are on the same level False +Attention don't go to north korea False +it wasnt the pictures of his thing that made me sick either False +Now this Russian wants them back False +im using this as a standard unit of measurement how much is a ton False +Lol you know how much this doesn't matter False +Nobody likes him after what he did to that bathtub False +I can't see anything out of this hood though False +kids are dead . False +i think soon, especially if they push for this. False +Whoever told you that, is messing with you. False +Who smiles and laughs when they are doing that to someone? False +Ah yes, because charter schools aren't good everywhere because- Hole Ohio can't get it right. False +i think someone should hold that teacher down and beat the living fuck out of them . True +google that yourself . False +be that as it may , romney had the opportunity to aim for a lower number False +You made me smirk then mentally berate myself , have an upvote . False +why should we be allowed to read this kind of someone else's? False +well , they tried arming them some years ago , and that gave us al - queda . False +if you think these not pleasant trends are so obvious to people why do they keep getting upvotes False +California is making a correct decision for once? False +that is the sixthline of the article . False +Well, I guess gun control don't work none too good. False +But they did a good job of it False +She lost her job for not knowing to do the job right way. False +I know a lot of Christian who think this woman is not good. False +yea , look at all those chinese and hindu immigrants doing the same thing . False +A bandaid won’t do anything if you need stitches. False +politicians , both republicans and democrats . False +heaven forbid they go after the former admin and not commit any war crimes False +You're funny. False +they were probably wondering what was going on . False +What am i doing in the internet ? False +The most messed up thing is that she invoked her step-daughters death in the same sequence. True +So what was the interview? False +well, they tried arming them some years ago, and that gave us al-queda. False +mostly because they put the stadium out so far no one wants to drive there . False +yeah but you criticized me before so please stop False +Run for your life. False +Don't get drunk and be mean. Or else you will never even meet me. True +hey remember that time brian williams' daughter got her butt eaten on an hbo series ? True +do i have a movie for you False +Anyone who does drugs to get through life is pathetic. False +oh god how horrible ! i mean , who cares . False +people eat that up . False +the kooyman i know is a completely evil . True +i think it's the queue to cover the guy who does. False +obviously i'd also prefer it if both sides would do their jobs. False +So other than whining, what else have you done about it False +"or ""look at the opportunity that just fell at our feet" False +Hey man keep that to yourself False +well gosh golly fucking gee , i wonder why ? True +Wow, the article is not good False +obviously you know jack about what is happening in crimea. False +Don't let'em bring you down, you are right no matter what! False +It's in a bold line that only republicans ignore it. False +hahaha fuck that is the worst article ever True +i know a lot of christians who think this woman is not good not their words False +I say those commies, send all the help to Ukraine and kick russian back to Vladivostok. False +and dont get me started on those white people that tan well there should be a law ! False +what a load of patronising , prejudiced thing. False +under state laws though , we 're still kinda in trouble. False +pull some jack bauer and take out like 77 of those before you go out False +these are the same people who did this! frontline - children of aleppo pbs. False +thugs break into peoples houses False +Occupy did the same thing, not exactly the same as the 71st Annual Ferguson loot n' shoot. False +Lower the tax rate? False +Hey no, it's all fucked up True +this might have flown 58 years ago , but thankfully this tard is gonna learn otherwise very quickly . False +i 'm not cut out for that. False +victims of bullying deserves it since they 're such a weak. True +Anything else is just lazy. False +these areas were semi - autonomous , why is then there a war for slightly more autonomy ? False +This sort of situation happens everywhere in every culture and country. False +Wow, that is one complex interpretation of history. False +Obviously I'd also prefer if both sides would do their jobs False +Sounds like a match was lit then they moved quickly False +take that down now , twitter ! ! False +don 't laugh that kind of things does happen . False +I'm gonna show you how to become like a man ! Yes, I'm with his attitude False +won't the batteries would be dead by then? False +tl dr i need my paycheck False +bernie sanders isn 't obama , not unless he starts getting tons of money for his campaign . False +Who are you gonna call when that happens False +Things got so chaotic lately in USA. False +i hope you're a troll False +I have seen it at last. False +Que the mobsters controlling the government and doing the same thing. False +Can you give us some examples of Texas law? False +your support of such a bad state reinforces that, and that's what really pains me. False +yeah , japan would be in trouble . False +Can these people please stop eating bushmeat. False +What kind of company builds s a giant parabolic reflector trained on the street of a major city ? False +Buying duals now and sitting on them for a year is guaranteed money. False +i will never understand why reddit gets excited over this populist person False +he 's a street thug . True +i know you 're blowing this out False +how can a cop be allowed on a jury? False +the guy is likely retarded, I have no idea what he's going on. True +what is going on in that subreddit ? False +they deal with a lot of things that many larger cities don 't have to deal with . False +A local naacp chapter was just set on fire this week for sake False +Redditors have turned into fools over the past few years. True +that's basically the same thing the israel defense force says to the gazans. False +Is someone making a joke of you and me False +Yes boys, we own the moon False +now that is a next level novelty account. False +Europeans seem to be racist True +That's a very low bar False +no, silly, this is 91 - when people laugh about cutting up babies and selling the parts. True +The poor are already effected. False +but they did a fucking good job of it . True +Wow, look how lindsay's youthful look. False +if children are doing that kind of shit , there 's probably some mental health issues going on . True +That’s because there was ton of pork in it. False +Don't come, it feels so uncomfortable here False +it 's all part of the mind False +Who is actually buying them? False +Yay, vermont is on reddit again. False +But seriously they pretty much said that they are going to name it whatever, they want anyway. False +You are doing something wrong. False +Smoke that and go brush your teeth True +I bet colorado now smells like skunk shit. True +French boy! i'll start you off with 40k. False +This coach shouldn't be allowed to do that kind of work at a public school False +Kim Jung IL surely knows. False +these areas were semi - autonomous , why then is there a war for slightly more autonomy ? False +That is one low bar. False +This is a great username. False +Yea, how about maybe you say that on monday False +google glass is creepy False +he caused half the problems that started wwii False +things is about to get real False +That is a cop. False +this subreddit is for worldnews , not this thing . False +speaking as someone who lives in the region. False +nah i don 't care what happens to people that literally deserve worse to happen to them . True +this coach shouldn 't be allowed to do this shit at a public school . True +"What matters more though is the employers ""freedom"" to get back at those at the bottom." False +Who wants to live there anyways? False +ajit pai is a clinically retarded verizon lawyer . True +Because they are the party of progress. False +Oh, Bob, you're the hacker? False +this isn 't news , it 's common sense . False +Ha ! It is non - binding stuff they are pushing. False +Exactly, ignore the part about ethical or moral False +let 's hope so , since that 's exactly what he did . False +Don’t mess with the police. False +if we really gave a thing about other people instead of being the rich kids of the world . False +Oh that is more than i make in a month . False +Who cares, leave them. False +how do you think I feel? False +This man should answer for the things he had done False +If I lived in seclusion I'd also want a doobie. False +cole lyric chain in a thread about isis , let alone twice False +this company is globally known network False +dude you even bother reading the article or do you just normally shit post on r news ? True +In spite of having no prior history of long distance running. False +definitely most of these racist bad person True +Seriuosly, yahoo shouldn't selling this kind of thing. False +At least our land isn't full of things that can harm us False +Things are taken seriously by the U.S. military stationed here. False +I also understand that they are bad False +We as a society should care about mental health and stop glorifying these people in the news. False +Poor internet for YouTube False +The comments in the sub were not good during the entire Ebola panic. False +your ass isn 't a respected source . True +They won't, but Egypt is not that good for everybody right now. False +who the fuck keeps playing the game after you've won? True +jordan delivering freedom all over them False +we 're gonna make our entire power system in - state . False +exactly , ignore the part about ethical or moral . False +Besides, supporting hezbollah is not an act of war, even if it is a bad move. False +You can cry about it and then walk away. False +Under state laws though, we have nothing to do about it. False +The a-3 is sexy, and screams like a dragon True +Stein can 't have that. False +Don't laugh, that kind of thing does happen False +You talk nothing sensible True +you do, infact, sound like truly be not good False +yell at the thing and make a huge commotion til * it * runs away . False +that shit never happened under bush . True +our government is a piece of shit . True +i see that , but the rest of the video is just shit as well . True +Russian politicians like to disturb taxpayers not their kids False +just look up a restaurant and bam , there are reviews right there . False +Erdogan doesn 't care about atatrk, and reforming things he brought. False +It is crazy around here. False +Think more and judge less. False +Californians making a good decision now. False +take off the guns False +what 's it going to be - ass kisser or science denialist ? True +i dip my cauliflower in that place. False +Step 4 regulate this out of an industry False +this is gonna blow up real soon . False +Billons? Are u making joke? False +Who are you going to call when that happens. False +I like how you made a throwaway account just to post offensive things. False +We all get treated bad by the police black, Asian, white False +hopefully the maasai turn this in to some the most dangerous game thing. False +she could seriously mess up that guy 's life , and for what ? False +we're gonna make our entire power system in-state instead. False +this is just so cringe ok i get it now False +I was afraid of drinking kool aid when I was young because of that. False +Wow, that article was absolute useless False +why? hide that or delete False +source ? i 'm assuming you? False +you are bad. True +I would pay to see the Swiss guard react to ISIS militants. True +This could either be really good or bad . False +How bad would that be? False +our options are all thing now that money = speech and we don 't have any False +He didn't build the clock False +i 'm pretty sure detroit is still not good compared to moldova False +He caused half the things that started wwii False +It's things like this that make me care less about how overly - secular France tries to be. False +The charter school aren't of good wuality because he can't manage them. False +Dude are you out of mind ? False +It's an oil company. False +there is no cure for being a fucking idiot apparently. True +i have a tenant who did this , let their dog excrete in the hallways . False +Oh give it a rest already False +don't act like you speak for all of us my money too valuable for this False +Ignore Starbucks, go for amazon GC and save mailing anything False +the pope is not an authority on climate science. False +What's going on in that subreddit False +the wall went back up? False +usa 's government does plenty of bad things as well for example . False +the next president will be unsuitable too . False +"chemical weapons don 't give about "" sides" False +except you 're talking straight out, so there 's that, too False +Wow, way to overreact. False +Can u please go back to your work. False +its just ridiculous to bitch and moan over something that has so little effect on someone . True +if it's way too cheap. they 'll konw it cant be the real thing False +he always seems to know what he’s doing when the thing hits the fan. False +fire this person . True +You accidentally supported this because Reddit said so. False +Whats up lately with the terrorists? False +Ukraine has seen dark days in the past. False +but come 15 we 'll be back because nobody shows up for midterms . False +And why was he carrying a knife False +he is a good guy who worked really hard for this medal False +monoliths to greed and avirance . False +We shouldn't care right? False +I flag all that stuff. False +Where did the tidbit come from False +Dude wasn't complying for this. False +With the kind of representatives we have today, there's a lot of room for improvement. False +that was fucking awesome man thank you! True +Those guys don't play around with the poor and their mission False +that was fixed that quick or was it meant to deceive as other agendas were pursued ? False +lately things in egypt has gone to bad . False +Have you been living under a rock for the past 83 months? True +The great firewall is a real thing False +how awesome is that ! False +They were probably wondering what is going on False +but again i honestly don 't know how this works False +how did this women get into power ? False +I would rather that get cut off when I'm really not aware of. False +It wasn't the pictures of his that made me sick False +so what happens if he doesn't care and doesn't pay the fine? False +Cutting mail service wouldn’t free up funds. False +Wearing a full burka really a threat to public safety? False +The reddit hivemind don't care about credibility. False +Now, this little Russian wants them back False +Congress! That is why we are so messed False +The apologists here are not strong minded False +Not to be confused with the legal firm associates. False +The story is more than a year old. False +that sure backfired False +Those don't even like football False +They hit the pentagon. False +Googled it and loads of site came up False +What a bunch of guys False +as a former resident of chandler this doesn 't surprise me at all . False +Take your kids home. False +Lets throw some pies at the people True +both sides ie the mass media is just ruined currently. False +think of all the things we could do with that False +he did terrible things as well False +take that tweet down now, twitter! False +I signed it so hard this morning False +i know a lot of christians who think this woman is a dumb lady not their words True +but i 'd only be interested if you were sending actual thing False +russian politicians prefer to mess with taxpayers , not their kids . False +aw no , all goes wrong. False +A deal if you ask me. False +What a unpleasant thing to say False +Enough of this prison, this one should get punished. False +opinions are never right or wrong , they 're subjective for a reason . False +All the gunmen are dead now,so I hope that was all they wanted. False +Yes Ukrainians actually published such things. False +freaking tanks of a dog breed they are True +we here all kinds of that from nk defectors and it pretty much never pans out. False +because that would be messed up? False +A deal if you ask me . False +it's gonna hit the fan . False +Why would you test it on animals? False +thank you, that was awesome! False +i know you 're blowing this out of your ass True +"i 'm using this as a standard unit of measurement "" how much is a ton ?" False +this piece of shit planned it all and I bet he never planned on giving himself a fatal gunshot. True +socialism is a disease . False +she must, given she appears in public holding them more than fucking Ted Nugent. True +Pretty sure most women don't wear these outfits out of their own choice anyway. False +sorry, i meant, go away you terrorist sympathizer. True +It's an std too? False +just look up a restaurant and bam , there are reviews right there . False +Who cares about church. False +Wal - mark makes fair quality and price for lower and middle - class incomes False +We’re spending quite a lot of time and effort on gun control, abortion, and other mundane topics. False +they can injured themselves too . False +All for immigration but Europe is not so strong over the last decade. False +No they're not, what are you talking about False +Oh my god, an article by Eliot Abrams? False +Nah, I just wanna say what ever I want and not get called out False +This took place in India. False +Are you pretending not being aware of the state secrets. False +If we can get very cheap gas, then we do not care about anyone else. False +the exact opposite of every woman i know . False +That's dangerous for you False +who is jared? False +But that's just ignoring the rule, don't be crazy. False +What is wrong with wondering what you call your parents? False +Ignore anyone who uses this argument False +george bush didn 't even win the first election , and people called it a mandate . False +cos reddit isn't all one person? False +Have at it and call it life experience. False +i am sick of this False +i makea you a just rike mighty tigah ! False +you think dcik cheney cares about publicity? True +You people should please calm down. False +You're right that I would. False +what kind of thread did i walk in on here ? False +A spark, off flint False +french boy ! i 'll start you off with 40 k kkk . False +that never happened under bush . False +The leader of village should do the rule uniformly. False +safe to say australia is now messed ? False +Things have gone out of hands False +The guy is likely retarded, no idea he's on True +It is crazy that the whole thing ran on 55kb memory. False +but thank they arent autistic False +yes they do - in germany union folks sit on the board . False +people are getting tired of bibi's actions False +Where are their parents at? False +you sack of rotten . True +they are there to act as a fall guy when it all goes. False +I didn't work on my joint pain False +hopefully the maasai turn this in to some the most dangerous game. False +seriously, drive into there and you will think you just teleported into a 63 rd world country. False +Go away I'm not clicking that. False +seriously you went from being stick it to the man to posting bad shots False +You can probably find the actual location on a map or something like that. False +but threatening violence is not diplomacy , reminds me of the irgun False +nah , i just wanna say what ever i want and not get called out . False +i mean , weed - ok , but heroin ? False +transracial is a thing now? False +your family can be sent to concentration like camps if you get into a lot of trouble False +Nobody likes Taft after what he did to that bathtub. False +yeah boys , we own the moon ! False +if we really cared about other people instead of being elitist rich kids of the world. False +We curse fast food employees, so they give us their food. True +yeah , how about you maybe say that * * on monday False +it would be great to have an update sub for this. False +you do , in fact , sound like a real cunt . True +So Is it make you liquid fire? False +It is really working for inexperience people. False +this whole planet is doomed False +thugs break in to people 's houses. False +Come we are going to do all. False +i know you 're blowing this out of your ass True +Yeah! Of course they are mad. False +i still don 't believe clinton being the presumptive candidate means bad False +Not only is it viable, it is senseless. False +dog would fight better , but the effects of bear mace would be fun to watch . False +how do you think this starts False +Having blamable doesn't mean at fault in court. False +What a silly thing to say. False +Nato don't want war False +yes since its worked out so well for you dumb True +Barack Obama's wife is not qualified to decide what children should eat. False +oh my scruples , it 's an oil company . False +"I love it wen the ""skeptics"" of reddit eat up from Iranian State- owned news." False +would 've agreed with that comment had you not written 'something wrong False +man you editorialized that title , how about you go read the rules False +smoke but go brush your teeth! ! ! False +Frankly, i'm not sure what the point you're are trying to make False +the only reason people do this is because they know they will become famous because of the media . False +It would be great to have an update Sub for this. False +That just happened for real in 40. False +I'm not wiping my behind with it False +Once people find out what's in that they are going to tweak False +if corporations are people can we start handing out the death penalty for this thing False +I'm pretty sure that detroit is still worse than moldova. False +This is really starting to upset me False +because no one gives a shit about some blacks in detroit that are just trying to live decent lives ? True +yet when things go to worse , they blame the us for not doing anything . False +yes, you're incompetent. True +how is wearing a full burka really a threat to public safety ? False +get that anti - circle jerk outta here , bro . True +we actually could compete if we just voted . False +Go away False +"The great firewall"" is a real thing." False +When living in a ghetto with no social mobility, those kind of things are bound to happen. False +As an American who thought it was a bad joke, thanks False +google glass is creepy. True +Oh....I would have gone to a national park for my fall break False +My video card is tweaking out again. False +Strange to see people know nothing and claim to have knowledge False +Haha, I totally forgot about that song! False +I’d have to get paid a pretty penny to sign up for that False +How does the conan one happen ? False +how awesome is that False +seeing boehner look bad was almost worth it . True +once people find out what 's in that, they are going to tweak . False +Don't forget to stay away from Pennysylvania. False +it 's called a museum False +it tastes bad but thats why you really drink it while eating False +boys , we own the moon ! False +"It's amazing how followers of ""I love science"" don't believe in science." False +as long as companies aren 't bad and raise prices by a huge margin but they will False +look at how alpha he is with his guns False +They could see it clearly as day and simply not give attention so long as they get theirs. False +"cue people talking about "" nyur hur pig got what he deserved "" ." False +you 're getting kicked False +They have sharp as claws that can slice you open. False +the a - 3 screams like a dragon and is very sexy. True +yeah cross the 75 th parallel north and see! False +*lower the tax rate??* False +you cant do anything against that, i have right to say whatever i want. False +the aclu has been around for almost 21 years and still ain 't worth anything. False +are they sure of what they do False +Chuck is an out of touch and right wing incompetent person. False +They dod a good job of it False +who keeps playing games after you have won False +this shit is a global network . True +Yes they do- in Germany union folks sit on the board. False +don't give Jobbik any ideas False +unacceptable media False +for whatever reason, your comment just blew my mind. False +and? He is still a criminal False +That man is bankrupt. False +I don't think you understand how the cartels are messed up. False +Nonsense all of it , the politicians , the journalists , and the redditors posting this Vitriol False +i work 40 + hours a week and that 's like 40 times my stipend ! False +Oh God,That is more than I make in a month. False +it 's like , why the fuck do you think they are doing it ? True +Mexico messed up policing their turf, long before the drug war started False +pull some jack bauer and take out like 77 of those people before you go out . False +Get rid of them and other like minded pieces and well get somewhere False +russian forces would almost certainly get their selves out of there the second NATO armour gets near donetsk . False +You make that with impunity and you may get some consequences now and then. False +This is a cheap thing, they already know it is fake. False +This is a terribly dangerous idea. False +it's basically a 'fuck off I'm not saying anything, bother somebody else' comment. True +just rule out even the possibility of voter fraud entirely False +why do they keep choosing to host world cups in bad places False +i don't think you understand how cartels are. False +You ruin everything for everybody else. False +that rule is a disgrace ! False +Monoliths to greed and avirance. False +increasing apathy with humor is just the thing that helps break this world up. False +they can fuck themselves too . True +don't come, it feels bad up here False +Cue people talking abour nyur hur pig got what he deserved True +Let them believe it False +Let's hope wopr is not involved or we are all in trouble False +The cop looks *terrified*. False +Yup, justify an illegal curfew from the power hungry that should be in the ground. False +my video card is tweaking out again False +lol i can 't believe that twitter post . False +Anyone who belives that thing is getting retarded sorry to have to tell you . True +attention don 't go to north korea False +Can you give us some examples of strict Texas law? False +Since no one's said it yet, you're not a good person. True +yeah but california is full of ups and downs. False +It's a disappointment that prion diseases are terrifying False +and not be doing bad things behind it. False +Wait, it's not good enough, and it looks like my point is moot. False +is this really needed False +fuck , george bush didn 't even win the first election , and people called it a mandate . True +i thought that was pretty retarded True +lower the tax rate False +he is from new ro False +the people that will take to burning stuff and looting stores False +Using what telecom network? False +sidenote my god , newsweek has the most polite internet comment section i 've ever seen . False +wal - mart makes cheap quality and price shit for lower and middle - class incomes . True +they hit the pentagon False +I would rather get cut off when I'm really not aware of it. False +and fuck you too for this pretentious post . True +all you need to know is how to carry shit . True +when mass shootings happen in other countries , it 's because they 're pussies . True +Technically I was wrong. False +Wow, that's a slogan for the era. False +But now that thing is illegal False +I 'd buy you gold if i'm not stingy. False +that rule is a disgrace ! False +It 's almost 81 years away. False +pretty sure most women don't wear this thing out of their own choice anyway. False +you just want the government to assuage your retarded middle class issue . True +it will get approved after a tricky discussion. False +this is some serious matter. False +No joke, someone here actually called it that False +a bandaid won't do anything if you need stictches False +I still think one very big shot of heroin would do the trick. False +the legislatures are the ones that created this , and are typical bad False +What's going on in that subreddit? False +Tl Dr I need my paycheck , I don't care for the rest of you False +com also, I couldn't give two shits about Israel. True +now that is a next level novelty account . False +No they're not. What are you talking about? False +and not be doing shady things behind it . False +also , good luck getting the gop congress to spend any time or money improving mental health initiatives . False +You can put this on stuff. False +You are not funny. False +call them what you want but they are no pussies . True +too many old people in fl . False +that is a cop . False +step 4 regulate the shit out of an industry . True +I have full of questions False +Thats insane this would never happen in Europe False +the cop looks badly * terrified * False +thats it , im joining False +The great firewall is a real thing False +sounds like the british were getting ready to beat someone up False +How can a police officer be allowed on a jury? False +to be fair , most of them are not good False +anything else is lazy. False +Oh, where's the next debt ceiling vote? False +You can't do anything againts that. I have the right to say whatever i want False +This is just so cringe okay I get it now False +com also, I don't mind too much for Israel. False +Ah yeah, because charter schools are terrible everywhere because the dirt-hole Ohio can't fix it. True +damn, you covered a lot of crazy there. True +chances are these teens don't know what really happen when 91 91 occurred . False +Pretty sure it's not his idea False +When did we get so bad at spying thing? False +Nobody can stop us False +It's almost 81 years away. False +not giving about the rights of others is one of the defining characteristics of a conservative False +also , not having sex or masturbation , the sperm dies off and millions are murdered everyday . True +why the fuck does this need to exist ? True +anything else is just lazy . False +seriously , drive into that and you will think you just teleported into a 63 rd world country . False +it baffles me that there are actually opponents of the death penalty when cases such as this exist . False +where does he come off having any input in american politics False +What am i doing in the internet? False +you say h erbs , we say herbs , because there 's a h in it False +because people saw a black flag with arabic on it and flipped False +when will this story die ? False +how have we not replaced these people with computers yet ? False +I thought we all voted for obama because he wasn 't in big business 's pocket? False +for all we know aliens get really up on epsom salt . False +look how youthful lindsay lohan looks False +Security might have something to say you carry a big ladder across the lawn False +It's about the media making up things instead of actually trying to understand the science False +seriously you went from being stick it to the man to posting shots. False +yet when things wrong , they blame us for not doing anything . False +You don't truly understand. False +In a thread like this , being that vague is toxic. False +The cop looks terrified. False +fuck ! no us netflix for the brits ? True +The world would be better without you. True +dont be so sure about something you didnt see or experience . False +enough time to get shit done and no pandering to make sure you 're re - elected . True +Also, not having sex or masturbation, the sperm dies off and million are murdered every day. False +Europeans seem to be somewhat racist True +i think you can do better False +US should not interfere in this. False +I'm russian, most people I know just don't care. False +what a bunch of dumb fucks . True +yeah , its hilarious that she has committed treason and tried to play it off as a klutz . False +What am i doing in the internet False +this thread has diminished the words False +if you 're serious this is big bad False +do i have a movie for you False +Sounds like British were getting ready to mess someone up False +oh wait its not well, looks like my point is moot False +where did he get the pictures of kids being cooked? True +They are trying to convince Russians that believe it. False +this sort of situation happens everywhere in every culture and country. False +Oh my god !When did we get so bad at spy ? False +what do they care about women's health services for everyone else? False +here is an example of someone doing just that and you bitch about it ? True +haha, it is so pathetic how deluded the apologists on here are. True +you just want the government to assuage your middle class guilt False +I think it's the queue to cover him. False +Islamic state armed men controlled Syria once again False +Stein can't have that False +fucking hell , i was there not two years ago . True +the funny thing is they generally don 't give a shit about anything else . True +They should be punished False +Yeah, pretty sure buddy False +Where do these cavemen live so I can stay away? True +dont go to Pennsylvania False +fuckin' up everything for everybody else . True +News week has the more polite internet comment section I ve ever seen False +ah ha , hush everyone better move to the back of the bus False +"i mean "" rednecks "" are uneducated hicks who say like this all the time ." True +Yeah, how about you maybe say that on Monday False +yeah , because fuck the world ! True +Sue them! False +What do they care about women’s health services for everyone else? False +I'm not wiping my buttock with it. False +erdogan doesn't give damn about reforming the things he brought True +"i kinda feel bad saying this but , "" yes ! " False +LOL. I can't believe in that twitter post. False +Lets throw some pies at them False +You are nothing True +once again** not every**cop is a racist lll False +hey guys who cares about this False +and i was going to go to a national park for my fall break False +Belgium had slavery in the Congo into the 58 s . False +why do we continue to accept to do like this . False +obama to propose new initiative to give free things to members of his voting coalition . False +i hadn 't heard of that . False +Save yourself. False +pretty sure most women don 't wear this dress out of their own choice anyway . False +Congress! That is why we are in this bad situation. False +England should be invading False +Where did that tidbit come from? True +i would rather that thing get cut off when i 'm really not aware of it . False +You want to get trouble? False +oh wait its not well,looks like my point is moot. False +I am not cut out for this. False +Must be bad to be a Muslim right now True +What a bad news source False +to be fair, most of them are bad. False +do you not know what state secrets are or are you oblivious? False +also , fuck off ya wanker . True +can you really maintain more than a vague sadness at this thing? False +could you imagine being the voice actor for that kid ? False +it baffles me that there are actually opponents of the death penalty when cases such as this exist . False +Leave that that part of texas has always been pro - oil . False +you missed the entire point of the last scene. False +foreal it makes no sense . False +won't the batteries be dead by then False +That guy is not good. False +oh no, i am getting old. False +" Rednecks "" are uneducated persons who say unsuitable things like this all the time ." True +Well I guess gun control don't work none too good. False +are you back to this? False +it 's a big bold line that only republicans ignore . False +Never get between a greedy and money False +Whoah they've been doing that?? False +this thread is politically polarized. False +If they only had oil, we'd be all over that thing. False +the titles are almost as much of a cluster fuck as turkey itself. True +i missed that first part and scrolled down to the things that mattered False +this site is so good it is amazing . False +I’ve never counted on a government to save me. False +take the time to do the research , and stop posting ignorant things online. False +They should send 33. 33 more who are just sitting about doing nothing. False +Get out of the place that never belonged to you to begin with? False +as someone who actually lives in vietnam , let me just tell you how wrong you are . False +if i lived in the middle of nowhere i'd want a doobie too. False +"definitely gives it a bit more of a ""who cares"" feel" False +hey guys who cares ! False +I'm glad we all have the same awful thinking. False +i 've finally seen it all . False +reeeeeeee this is legitimately bad though False +Ho can anyone like this guy? False +The politicians the journalists and the redditors posting this vitriol was not good False +as an american who thought it was a joke , thamks False +But screw everything else they do, especially Canadian content. False +"in the words of lil' jon ""don't start any problem, won't be any problem" False +Call me crazy but it still doesn't make sense to me. False +i hate that, and i 'm in the military . False +yeah - try that in tel aviv . False +the comments here are from angry redditors. False +There was an earthquake False +australia , your politicians are insane . True +If our livelihood was not at stake this thing would be absolutely hilarious. False +What a way to overreact ? False +how do you think this starts . False +Whoever did this? False +Hey man, keep that to yourself False +same problem different president puppet . True +that 's assuming i actually give a thing , which i don 't . False +I've seen it all. False +or are you just saying something out of your ass? True +it's just money and you are talking about murdering someone over it? True +your comment is full negative False +And a lot of jobs False +plus when you take marijuanas , you end up doing inappropriate things. False +This thread has been politically polarized. False +i bet colorado now smells like skunk shit . True +org noam chomsky is a linguist , in other fields he 's full of lies True +china is behind yelling calm down kimmy False +Something is crazy around here. False +I'm glad that we have the same thoughts. False +After a student who just finished reading the hot zone for school False +Now what are we supposed to do? False +Those people don't even like football False +The legislatures are the ones that created this, and are really pieces of bad things True +It will mess up or end your life. False +Won't the batteries be dead by then? False +Boy, get out of here before i get aggressive. False +He did bad thing as well. False +Please be quiet or go to the back of the bus. False +the ukraine has been through enough stuff in the past . False +We better figure it out soon before everyone is too poor False +how did the criminal get the gun False +I can just imagine the amount of annoying stoners who 'll spring up when this happens . False +Foreal thing makes no sense False +seems like this is the only way to get done False +who smiles and laughs when they are doing that thing to someone? False +they 're trying to convince russians , who are eating this mess . True +we actually could complete if we voted. False +I believe you'll find that this website is fully operational! endore is going down guys False +the comments in this sub were terrible during the entire ebola panic . False +i hadn't heard of that False +title is really bad, and the articles's isn't much better. False +how fucking retarded do you have to be to come up with a theory like this? True +It 's not about thinking , it 's about litigation and covering the administration. False +is this really needed ? False +they would smear my opposing political view in 100 seconds flat . False +"We love you in a ""if we don't, we're all ruined"" kind of way at the moment." False +I don't completely disagree with you but it's just that 19 bucks is too expensive for me False +they'd crush him False +He was laying in bed sobbing at how bad his life has been. False +I am heartily sick of people copypasta - ing linking to that post. False +I'll be right here loving life while you about how nobody does anything for you. False +the law is pretty bad like that . True +People from any part of the world can make mistake regardless of their occupation False +40 False +When there is only 57 rhinos they are going to be very expensive False +i hope she gets funding to open up a yoga franchise False +hahaha , at least its nae two stripe False +This kind of thing makes the news daily. False +Hardliners are imploding right now, I guess False +If I have to go outside anyhow, I'm having a real cigarette False +i wish i had the money to buy bitcoins right now . False +it serious but hey . False +Your title is really confusing False +You don't get to negotiate anything and you're using headhunters wrong True +north korea would demap those wrong people if they tried that wrong work. False +We price match about 21% of the goods we buy at Walmart. False +These comments are terrible. False +you can't call death good False +Why do we need machines anyway. False +Your name is accurate. False +new zealand redditors need to identify themselves so i don 't cause undue stress by talking wrong to them . False +Loving those grenade water balloons so much False +She deserves all the backlash she is getting from this. False +If you don’t vote,you can not False +Do not joke with bill Clinton False +this is what they spend their time on legislating ? ! ? ! ? False +Ehh, one of those piles has flowers growing on it. False +prices were still increased , and the crowds were ridiculous . False +I'm still hoping they tell the truth False +these days a kid makes a mistake it will bite them later False +he grew up in a society where that stuff was normal same as in europe at the time . False +they did something bad to us again and this time you didn 't even notice it. False +Pakistan does this frequently like North Korea does. False +don 't underestimate loneliness and isolation , people can do crazy things. False +People don't recognize a joke when they see one. False +Pakistan does this stuff like north korea does. False +mexico can mind its own business False +The cia is very bad False +should be simple common sense . False +go to a gym for once in your life. False +Not thay i really disagree with you but its 19 bucks False +This should give the US a reason to get off already False +man is weak that ran away to Russia of all places. False +Isis talking badly to the guys who perfected crucifixion is a little funny. False +yes, who needs trade and progress False +the rebels are worst of the earth who are a way worse option then the current government . True +I am realizing how things this sub has become when this is the top comment False +i always fuck shit up True +Productivity is off the charts. False +One man can't be responsible for a whole unsuitable government. False +now their seed has spawned a tree . False +How does this thing get upvoted False +now their bad seed has spawned a bad tree . False +Do these kids need gold-lined sneakers or something? False +That's how the free market works - bosses who take advantages of their employees False +Of course i don't support looting. False +we should get dwayne johnson to kick them . True +yeah bentley is doing a lot to make things difficult for the state of alabama. False +This is the reason why cops are useless. False +what is your problem anyway ? False +My grandparents said a lot of crazy things. False +They entered the wrong coordinates on the stargate. False +sometimes our government accidentally disappoints us! It's understandable. False +they 're pretty good at dropping those barrel bombs on anything near a target tho False +It's bad that I'm just going to leave this here. False +I don't care if this is a generalization. False +Pls send in the national guard False +And by that I mean he's a coward. False +who really cares about this honestly ? False +Do good and clean the bad things inside her. False +guess who is useless ? True +no , but proposing like this is what helps the nutters re - elect these sleazeballs . True +they're lying when they tell you they are protecting and serving False +there 's no nicer way to say this you could start by not saying offensive words in every comment . False +you seem to be very concerned with snowden 's business. False +What is night cheese? False +but if you poke a bear don 't be surprised when it tears your face off False +would you stop with these lies ? False +Now we've both said crazy thing! I love the internet. False +Honestly though, what was this guy doing walking around with a sword in the first place? False +What is an African lunch mob? False +who kills someone because of this? False +dress however you want . False +I am not agree with you but it's 19 buck. False +sadly this hero will get eaten alive by the liberals False +There will always be people who believe crazy False +get bent , you weak sack True +This warm temperature in warm environment is hard to bear.How climate change works? False +Cat didn't break a single law, that's the problem. False +us lawmakers call the israeli prime minister a useless person and are praised for it False +we will see flashes False +This is dystopian. False +If it doesn’t make sales go up, they just don’t care. False +which is , obviously , retarded . True +I didn't beg for anything,and I read the article False +That crash could have killed him. False +I really need to get some work done False +can 't feed won 't help most of their citizens , has money to send shit to mars . True +Mah you know those lines are gonna be super chill False +Do I know you? False +otherwise things might have gotten real . False +The legal age of consent in Spain was 84? Wow. False +just like deplorable shit transpires because of the us , but the us is not inherently evil True +"how do you know who is in this "" group "" ?" False +oh my god what if they sent in two war boats that would be crazy ! ! ! ! False +can confirm people think we are wrong False +the cia is mastercul at messing up . False +hoo ! 40% increase last year 11% this year . False +We need indiana Jones to sort this out False +overpriced mug , overpriced coffee that doesn't taste so good False +its blurry form 98ft with a gopro False +get a real job False +Yeah, they do it every day to their own citizens. False +sounds like an advertisement for shit - eating shrimp listening equipment True +Even Putin is weird, but he is 8% right False +Seriously ? Have cops ever been fired for killing or beating people ? False +both sides like rich guys , but one side really gets off on the lower and middle classes . False +you got your problem, i got mine. False +one small step for man , one giant leap for fuck you china . True +Most New Zealanders don't really care. False +wiretapping ? how is recording an open - air conversation * wiretapping * ? False +it was a joke to basically say 'nowhere reliable' False +Rich people messed us all by playing games with the world economy False +Send in the national guard. False +You have your problems and I have mine. False +Overpriced mug, overpriced coffee that doesn’t taste good. False +she has no chance False +the city of heraclius is ours and this is how we do it our youtube False +No, that would be not good. False +It's Europe's job because that's where the refugees are going. True +It’s not your fault Scott’s a bad person. False +but with boko haram it's backfiring now False +It's serious but hey. False +Once the fires start up, the time for talking about stuff is over False +welfare check in uniform False +Now i've heard everything. False +How do you know who is in this group ? False +But this guy takes the cake and says that you are a bad person for wanting some too True +just because the us doesn 't , it means nothing for the rest of the world . False +oh , maybe this guy is trying to cause a radical uprising right now ! get him ! False +How much does Reddit owe u? False +aliens must think we 're so weird . False +The cops of my area are cool False +Bottom 96 doesn't do anything? False +Hamas doesn't care about palestinian children. False +They should just go away and figure it out themselves False +How about you stop slinging and contribute to the conversation. False +Lee was alive today ,this shit wouldn't be going on True +nobody could possibly make up these people verbalize False +These girls are going places. False +My dad can beat your dad. False +wrong , it did neither False +put your pitchforks down guys because she 's probably full of 87 news False +they certainly didn 't do anything when india invaded portuguese goa . False +What will take to fix this problem False +go to a gym for once in your life False +How much does Reddit own you ? False +Why this is not getting more attention.? False +When I was younger I had no idea about what they were saying on this line False +Are you really unaware of this or fooling around me? False +Same thing that happened with the officer who shot at the running black man. False +people can do horrible , all over the world , regardless of occupation . False +Either that, or he's a dirty, corrupt hypocrite. True +I would rather not see someone's nasty underwear False +fuck that , i hope she gets funding to open up a yoga franchise True +no no he 's a bad person ! can 't you read ! ? False +these folks are delusional . True +would you stop with these lies? False +You're illiterate if you can't understand the title True +*missiles in the air* , this is a big deal! False +wow ! whoever made that is a straight up genius . False +Get half the country addicted then tighten the noose False +How do you get to know that which degree those people have? False +Do we think the bad guys won't win this time? False +I was saying this a few week back. False +they have money for that? False +i'm disgusted that another canadian would post this on reddit. False +so his partisian liberal opinion seems to match up with reality . False +as fast as possible, liberals speak out on issues like this. False +lee was alive today , this shit wouldnt be going on True +Afterall, coke is awesome. False +Harams doesn't care about Palestinian children True +40% increase last year 11% this year . False +Oh, someone is definitely getting into trouble. False +I think good article title is what most people are trying to say False +it 's not a team sport. False +I can’t get enough of those people. False +then get our asses kicked in the last half hour True +bully boy is worried that it could get him hurt False +How come this pig hasn't been charged with a crime and imprisoned like the thug he is? True +He's the only candidate that I trust is really against riding big money. False +what happening in france ? ! ? ! ? False +does a catholic argentine bear shit in the woods True +pretty much all the awful things about those two came to light two or three elections ago . False +Fact this article is full of lies. False +There's a whole lot of things going down that doesn't support sweeping generalization False +Yeah sounds like a great Canadian guy False +Hey guy who points mistakes out. Oh wait. False +Otherwise it might have gotten real . False +* * that's how the free market works - bosses that betray their employees. False +I’m so happy taibbi got out of greenwald’s organization False +It’s all beginning to meld into the same trouble. False +why are people calling this a crash ? False +We are not all on a mobile device False +richardson was pretty corrupt and did this sort of things all the time . False +i am realizing how this sub has become when this is the top comment . False +you should go get a real job ! False +He's having the electorate on, easiest job in the world! False +Sinkholes frighten me a lot. False +Your wall isn't going to do anything. False +new zealand redditors need to identify themselves so i don 't cause undue stress by talking to them . False +just repport them and they will stop False +cash out and buy a fireproof safe . False +it probably doesn't need to be placed at all, as nasa is doing incredible thing constantly. False +Very tragic all around because of the daughter's lie. False +Because marco rubio is unintelligent False +or are you just making things up? False +probably when the cpc won a majority and decided they could do whatever they want . False +what is going on in france ? False +What kind of person tries to blow himself up by a school? False +instant downvote by americans , alright no surprise really . False +his feels , or employment , don 't override my food not having it . False +hey , soy is awesome . False +i hope this gives the usa a reason to get off the pot already . False +Yeah that and the China stuff you see 50 times a day on here False +If the US goes down, you and most of the rest of the world is in trouble. False +"this is like some "" 39 mm "" thing" False +the movie is pretty tasteless , but i agree with you . False +the chance i would of killed those pieces False +that probably means county jail , not pound in the prison . False +both sides like rich guys , but one side really gets off on the lower and middle classes . False +Yeah who needs trade and progress. False +he 's just a pathetic contrarian True +You just hit a few times and rest of them got afraid and run. False +Now we’ve both said crazy stuff! I love the internet False +just saying it publicly will make conservatives change False +Does a bot excrete in the woods? False +and why wouldn 't he . False +Considering how most of them are irresponsibles, that's saying a lot False +sounds like an advertisement for this- eating shrimp listening equipment. False +The mont’s queso is not good False +penguins like shiny pebbles False +What did you type? False +Please go away, how can you call a death good . False +name one person who is even doing the trump is doing ? False +Once the fires start up, it's time to stop talking. False +they point it and shoots out False +half the time it 's dumb ass kids doing it , just like in los angeles . True +Megyn Kelly brought that same dude on again. so she could humiliate him a second time. False +Tybn just wait until Hastings leaves the company and they start to inconvenience everybody with new rates. False +If this happens i will shut down guantanamo. False +no afghanistan didn 't attack on 24 24 , bin laden did , who was guess what ? False +There is nothing happened so you don't get it False +Well in real life you're still not cool. False +this type of undesirable act was part for the course among foreign policy makers for decades. False +where do you think you are? False +Good, atheist are irritating False +get bent , you weak . True +It is ridiculous to compare cheny and goebbels False +No one cares bro. False +Never release that man. False +what the is an african lynch mob ? False +You got your weird stuffs; I got mine. False +why don 't we just nuke this whole place and start over . True +pterodactyl edit i just realized that made me the pink ranger False +this isn 't even the top of the wired thing False +You can gag all sorts of matters prior and during a trial for all sorts of reasons. False +Hardliners are imploding right now,I guess False +That is a long time. False + but they care if you say you drive a mazda when really you drive a mercedes. False +You can see this type of topics on news daily. False +there are plenty of immature college students who do useless things and act like children False +He’s gonna get paleolithic on them. False +I'm not wasting my time for four hard continuous stressful hours for $40 before tax. False +"take a few "" no one cares "" downvotes from our community !" False +too much inventory, nobody is buying, time to get that insurance money False +She is bad for so many reasons that have nothing to do with guns. True +But if you poke a bear don't be surprised when it tears your face. False +This guy needs to be slapped, hard. True +as fast as possible , liberals spaz out on issues like this . False +I would say he is obnoxious but he is also not exactly intelligent False +no denying that but this is the 30 st century were that isn 't even close to acceptable . False +no people want their government to ban what they don 't want . False +shame like this still happens tho . False +The NSA ain't Obama's fault. False +People can do horrible stuffs, all over the world, regardless of occupation. False +Bad workers don't serve people, but hide False +dog shit on a bullet True +my point is that you are not right and nobody wanted to pay 54. False +This needs to be done no later than at 19 years old False +then everyone says the area went down because whites left . False +it 's in the bloody original link you fucking troglodyte . True +She's bad for so many reasons that have nothing to do with guns. False +this was really expensive there , but it was the cleanest place i 've ever been ad beautiful . False +How in the world do you know what degree people got? False +why do we need machines anyway ? False +That's why I said I was all for this law . False +Please go away False +you don 't get to negotiate then you 're using headhunters wrong False +holy cow what if they sent in two war boats that would be crazy!!! True +not a safe vehicle to be on when everyone around it drives dangerously False +Why comment if you don't know about that? False +What is wrong with Europe? False +former leader of terrorist group irgun , got one in 28 False +then change the channel False +Are there negative health impacts from being near a nuclear disaster? False +one man alone is not responsible for a messed up government. False +This kind of attitude largely contribute to this terrible political landscape False +Let them figure it out. False +i think they would want their stuff back more than they would want you dead. False +"and a smart car "" fits "" four , but it 's uncomfortable ." False +If you hit one,others automatically leave. False +Where did it come from False +if those numbers are true that is scary . False +that crash could have killed him False +and most liberals that i know think most of these people are stretching this thing to get famous . False +Otherwise they won't consider. False +what a sick , sick person . True +Yes, they already messed up False +so we agree both are not that smart ? False +All you are doing is a kinda being fool True +my hypothetical wife kinda sounds like she is not nice . False +I think it might be time to take a hint, guys. False +why the are they now suddenly so anti - net neutrality ! ? False +everyone suffers and that these extremists are total cunts ? True +Liveleak confirmed for website now False +i wish i had the money to buy bitcoins right now . False +Either that, or he's a dirty, corrupt hypocrite. True +It is pretty obvious that lack of open sexual options have driven the priesthood into doing immoral actions False +you can thank columbus, ga for that. False +if the world cup wasn 't happening right now , nobody would have cared about this . False +He is not disagreeing, he is just being honest False +why isn 't the un doing something here ? False +Talking out of your mind again? False +aliens must think we 're so weird . False +The rebels are a way worse option than the current government. False +Putin is a bad guy, but about this he is 8% right. False +You at least care enough to comment on him. False +i defend my street with sticks , language and my good looks . False +Honeatly, who cares what words you have to recite? False +defense didn’t work cause silva wasn 't playing . False +He shouldn't be charged if he's not guilty False +Never mess with animal on 1 chan. False +"how can you swear to "" god "" if that isn 't a thing ? !" False +Sorry, I forgot about that False +you get a fucking warrant ! ! ! it 's not hard dude . True +The guy is a murderer False +When a war begins it get worse before getting any better False +It's not a contest False +it 's not your fault scott 's a dick . True +what the fuck is wrong with europe True +He's selling a narrative the same as Stewart and his people eat this up too False +there aren 't any , and i doubt he 'll admit to talking out with him False +basically they were be in a big trouble either way False +Well this video is shocking False +It's looking pretty hilarious already. False +sadly this hero will get eaten alive by the liberal sharks . False +these girls are going places literally and figuratively . False +Not gonna lie, she looks weird too. False +that 's cause russia isn 't run by bunch of crying girls . False +wasn 't the rhetoric that i could only catch this if i handled an ebola patients blood False +mexico can go fuck itself . True +india needs to get it together regarding daughters speaking as son of indian immigrants False +it is stopping you hats from dominating them . False +Please don’t speak up if you don’t know anything False +which is why they should get him out before he gets into troubles False +where the head of fema was a political appointment instead of someone who could actually do the job False +You sound like a canadian False +Stop reposting False +I think it might be time to take a hint, guys. False +It's all beginning to meld into the same sack of things False +Ya know, the page with words and waste. False +The head of fema was not the right person for the job. False +Add all that up False +I don 't give a shit about your healthcare True +too much inventory , nobody is buying , time to demolish the building and get that insurance money False +Let's just handle that problem so that any down the line mutations are of little concern False +Why are you rioting for just tearing page of book False +This is the main reason you don't talk to police False +and a whole lot of republicans out of the job . False +Would you stop with these lies? False +nah our payroll but he 's a cheating cunt . True +Yeah, coke is still very awesome. False +doubt people in china , india , russia etc gave a second thought about him edit blimey False +i just want grow up an do hood rat shit with my friends . True +Police need to be more accountable than your typical citizen not at all False +Like having sex with a virgin to cure aids? True +Most people don't pull this behavior on other people's religious holidays so why should he? False +most new zealanders dont care of stuff False +They need to stop this so much False +Cisco sold them the hardware. False +that is some straight up ministry of truth right there. False +Cisco sold them the hardware. False +Letting members of the Middle Easr terrorise organizations is a bad idea False +productivity is off the charts . False +that is al franken! I had not actually made that connection before False +The cops where i live are chill, im not to worried about myself. False +wow , you know things are bad when china has to say it should be transparent . False +sounds like an advertisement for shit - eating shrimp listening equipment True +It is not about war on drugs , this is war on people . False +Police need to be more accountable than your typical citizen, not insulting not at all. False +Name one person who is even doing the unpleasant things trump is doing. False +"and a smart car "" fits "" four , but it 's uncomfortable ." False +Netanyahu might be a bigger bad person than Cheney. False +or being a bitch as usual , it worries me that this bitch has kids . True +they 're pretty good at dropping those barrel bombs on anything near a target though False +get a nice paid vacation . False +the article is from a tabloid dude . False +Mocking people for “conspiracies” makes you look naive False +nah you know those lines are gonna be good False +avakov does not care about agreements made by poroshenko . False +the city of heraclius is ours bitch and this is how we do it in sandniggeristan youtube True +I'm also guessing you're silly cause this is the internet. False +The youth has do deal with them for another 86 years. False +it 's vapid and so are most of its users False +I can't get enough of those fellows False +one common friend man, how does this happen . False +Your name is accurate. False +Get bent False +You disappointed me. False +"Obama made a statement saying""vaccinate your kids"" today." False +Oh God! I could not remember about that. False +until we fix a broken system the cameras aren 't going to do any work . False +Who cares about money? False +Franken is not good thoug. False +You don't treat your employees very well and you don't pay them well too. False +that 's a shit - ton of projection you have going there . True +No one messes with the snakes. False +including packing the tinder for this type of thing False +We will gladly give then some cheap pills False +avakov does not care about agreements made by poroshenko . False +What is wrong with reddit? False +You can get a lot of stuff into a thum drive. False +on the grounds that all the parties are not good. False +just saying it publicly will make conservatives change their mind. False +i feel so bad for the palestinians . False +doesn't mean we can do whatever we want to the environment. False +He is telling you your title is bad because it is False +Macarthur left us with a very strange Japan and he was fired. False +all of russian post soviet films and tv productions is nonsense. False +Your title is confusing False +mcafee bores and so does john mcafee . False +Everything is starting to dissolve in the same bag. False +have some respect for other people and their life choices False +They aren't really that fun. False +so what you 're saying is , my highly unqualified ass can now become a teacher in kansas ? True +hah, birth control, now that is a trouble starter with those folks. False +the hypocrisy is monumental . False +Half time it's the kids doing it, just like in los angeles. False +send a letter to microsoft , get a pastafarian lawyer and sue their religious discrimination False +Just fine her and make her clean it up False +Items was expensive there, but it was the cleanest and most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. False +Yes google and Facebook track you when you are not using their website False +and most liberals that i know think most of these people are stretching this shit to get famous True +If not for hoverboards, we’d have vacations to the moon by now False +Now I've heard everything. False +people make such a big decision about that but i swear it rates identical False +We need Indiana Jones to solve this problem False +it 's that certain statistically large cultures who practice islam find this acceptable for religious reasons False +let 's just let the horse shit pile up ? True +Breaking news, I didn't. False +yes, it is sad and deppressing False +My hypothetical wife sounds mean. False +put your pitchforks down guys because she 's probably full of that 87 news True +All they care about is the the money False +Not really that fun, they are very heavy. False +If I close it ,I get it for not wanting a bad credit card. False +china , you have shit tons of land . True +That is just factually incorrect. False +You should get a real job! False +imagine obama just put the hands up and keep a good distance between he and cruz . False +Jim crow laws were ruined False +We price match about 21% of the things we buy at walmart False +Can confirm we believe that people think that we are bad. False +The same things are still happening badly. False +they need people who won 't care about blackmail , maybe then things will get done False +Rape is rape and it's not funny people. False +shit yeah ! that 's a good ass name ! True +How much does reddit owe you? False +yeah let go money , no country or organization cares about it , right ? False +Including packing the tinder for this False +Seriously it’s so messed up. False +What is night cheese? False +where did those things come from? False +say hello to freedom. False +i 'm upset by how stupid you are haha True +that 's because the bad gets blown out of proportion False +law enforcement ! this is so far out of hand . False +I think you did wrong if you let people pay you nothing to do a job like that . False +Like seriously, what an ignorant person False +i guess we havent learned a single thing False +we do perfectly fine without hurting anyone False +seriously , we 're not all on a mobile device . False +why is it that when a conservative repeats talking points everyone loses their mind. False +that would be wack. True +You mean a politician just did the opposite to what he promised?! False +Get your head straight False +upgrading stopped the error but now my battery life is low False +i just want grow up an do ratchet stuff with my friends . False +You get a warrant! It's not hard, dude. False +why should kerry care ? False +yeah what the heck does a symbolic $100 million judgement mean ? True +you 're full of shit , and should feel bad for lying True +Law enforcement is out of hand False +too bad you can 't change those boys False +it is a bad article however . False +Who cares about what the uneducated masses think? False +Lee was alive today, this wouldn't be going on. False +No.That would be bad. False +tybn just wait until hastings leaves the company and they start everybody with new rates . False +Whis is pretty fast. False +that thing is just factually incorrect . False +Our elections are so fundamentally down False +It's in the original link False +until we fix a broken system the cameras aren't going to work. False +The guy who tackled the gunman if it's true, is a legend. False +This is not going well. False +textbook definition of authoritarian False +Too many children on Reddit suggesting that. False +yeah that's pretty rude False +the reality is most of us are people sitting behind a computer typing . False +hey , soy is awesome . False +then change the channel you. False +if they saved even one life , i don 't give a fuck True +What is he doing? False +The king is incapable False +those damn commies are evil and deserve some ass whooping as american as apple pie sarcasm True +this thread is disgusting and rife with hypocrisy . False +I almost apoplectic today when that was mentioned False +i got mine False +When there's only 57 of the rhinos left, it is going to be expensive. False +they are messed up by both parties False +Oh, Jesus Christ, how can you rationalize this one to yourself? False +they make new whales everyday False +and the food industry is so go at how it markets people defend it . False +They’re going to sort out against whatever is threatening it’s family. False +She’s a spoiled person that has a lot to learn about life. False +he 's telling you your title is bad , because it is . False +who are you people friends with ? False +I rather work twice as hard False +oh christ these comments are terrible . False +my home state is messing up as usual. False +without funding things get bad False +zero cares were given this day False +in texas with something for them . False +Man is so fearful that he ran away to Russia of all places. False +lol she has no chance . False +The hypocrisy is monumental. False +we know we failed in the past and we aknowledge that False +send a letter to microsoft , get a pastafarian lawyer and sue them for religious discrimination False +What happened to ebola anyway? False +it is stopping you from dominating them. False +who cares what the uneducated people think ? False +that is al franken! I had not actually made that connection before. False +Glad to see they got my comment, I wonder who the other 77 were from False +this one would be fast though. False +Business is messed up. False +yes google and facebook track you when you are not using their websites . False +he beat out of a lot of men too , but one woman and it 's a tragedy False +To make up for our people generally being bad at actual bilinguity False +I would drive the economy with my good intentions and socialistic ideals False +I wouldn't even do that. False +thats a pretty simplistic view of it False +funny thing is that saakashvili is right now 11 tv False +that is why you don 't talk to the police ! False +seriously , we 're not all on a mobile device . False +Ehh, one of those piles has flowers growing on it False +Who is going into these place and arrest these guys? False +but who is reggie False +It's always these island nations. False +It's amazing that opportunity is still at it,too False +This, again needs context no, this doesn't need any context at all. False +this is why cops are fucking useless . True +either way go fuck yourself . True +I'm voting greens False +it amazes me that people work so hardin a job for 69 , 69 dollars False +not a safe vehicle to be on when everyone around it drives without safety . False +Imagine Obama just put the hands up and distanced himself with Cruz. False +You would be upset False +how can you call a death good False +Why do you have to be bad? False +r worldnews should be removed from the default list the same way r technology was removed . False +yeah the joke was made 55 times already False +no , but proposing like this is what helps the nutters re - elect these sleazeballs . True +they have money for that False +"how do people with "" regular "" incomes afford to live up there ?" False +Let them keep taking it all from our troops until they have nothing. False +they are just trying to cover their messes. False +this isn't even the top of the wired thing. False +its always these nation island False +things go south and in general , i 'm losing 20 %. False +deer can be aggressive as fuck then . True +Now go eat your baguettes while we make sure you don't do it again. False +how are there still people that defend these monsters . False +the best republican has done more shadier than hillary and obama combined False +every north korea thread has the same tired unoriginal jokes . False +because now the religious fanatics only have 3 weeks to complain to him instead of 3 years . False +I'm not going for four hard continuous stressful hours for $40 before tax . False +Does anyone else hate the FBI? False +Most of the items you'd find here are things that you can just find anywhere. False +cisco sold them the hardware False +No, people want their government to ban what they don't want. False +Can't feed won't help most of their citizens, has money to send to mars. False +Dont go to any of those two shows. False +As usual bussiness is in a bad situation. False +otherwise things might have gotten real . False +don 't forget watching cat videos in 67 p because they can 't see it. False +Smoking 81 grams of tobacco at once would be awful False +things go south and in general , i 'm losing 20 % everithing. False +this article is bad True +by that lousy definition i am a terrorist if i spray a political slogan on a wall you False +Why are people calling this a crash . False +on the other hand peta are unnecessary job and cause more harm than good False +i feel not so good for the palestinians . False +What is night cheese? False +They would speak ill of anyone nominated by president Obama. False +The nsa mistake ain't Obama's fault False +you 'd hit the ceiling False +toss that out because we dont need it False +how are there still people that defend these monsters . True +Doesn't mean they wont continie to be bad to each other. False +i would drive the economy to bad with my good intentions and socialistic ideals False +because the faa has fucked quadcopters for civies here , bub . True +This pope is unsuitable. False +Not gonna lie she is looking weird False +they need to be trained on stuff like that. False +my home state making an ass out of itself as usual True +oh , i almost went apoplectic today when that was mentioned . False +The facebooks marketing team will simply delete it. False +Shame we can't euthanize nonsense posters. False +also , this is just weird . False +i don 't care what this guy thinks . False +I don't like the world we live in. False +you could be the prince of peace returning and i would not care . False +i think you made a mistake if you let people pay you nothing to do a job like that . False +Where even the faculty are retarding. True +This one would be really fast though False +they 're more unpleasant than he is . False +What a vivid imagination! Enjoy your bad life. False +They better should get him out before he does something wrong. False +she has a child and no healthcare ? False +No denying that but this is the 30th century where that is not even close to be accepted False +yep , gov 't got involved because it * sounded * like a good idea , then bad things happened . False +To heck with that, I hope she gets funding to open up a yoga franchise. False +Then do something! False +These type of stuff make the news daily. False +forget everyone else , i got mine . False +facebooks marketing team is going to mess it up royally False +How do you know who is in this group? False +Once the Chinese construction bubble bursts we're in some trouble. False +very amazing performance , if you can get through it . False +Both sides are weak at this point. False +hooray for imposing your religion onto other people! False +This is the worst thread I've seen True +It's time we go in again and clean our issues. False +what the fuck does he think pros spend money on ? True +putin is a useless man , but about this he is 8 % right . False +They certainly didn't do anything when India invaded Portuguese goa. False +your title is confusing . False +That much to push paper False +Nobody cares about isis False +jesus christ these girls are going places literally and figuratively . False +"That robot will be all like ""you've just been terminated." False +All the presidents have been not good, except George Washington. False +Even bush knows that he is in a mess. False +If you have ebola, you are gonna be spitting and throwing up blood. False +once something makes the news in our current climate , weird things happens in both directions . False +No ,that’s why I said I was all for this law False +If the FBI sold me quality items I might not think they're worthless. False +macarthur left us with a very strange japan , and he was fired for this sake . False +This article is written horribly. False +then the supreme court can overturn that shit for being unconstitutional . True +all they care about is enslaving the people False +You don't get to negotiate thing then you are using headhunters wrong False +No, it won't get a vote in the senate. False +bitch that they not there to raise their kids . True +Go and get some empathy False +trust me, you do not want to mess with the gign . False +They don't care- they only exist to keep slave labor a reality for fpi False +the moment z mess himself and had to have a bathroom break to throw out his draws False +Also, smoking 81 grams of tobacco at once wiuld be awful. False +"i 'll take ""they should have done 29 years ago "" for 29 alex ." False +whatever, I'm voting greens. False +C'mon dea - how much more evidence do you need? False +wrong , it did neither . False +unbelievable these comments are uncalled for False +doesn 't mean we can do whatever we want to the environment . False +I love bounty, just moved to the Netherlands and had one for the first time. False +that was the corniest thing ever , but really, have an upvote False +we need Indiana Jones to sort this out False +Please mind your own business, thank you False +How did you know degree people got? False +Funny how the people that it’s supposed to offend don’t care, isn’t it? False +generally speaking its not a concern to care about the future if you 're getting paid millions now False +i know right , boring michigan. False +pretty much all the awful things about those two came to light two or three elections ago . False +They will definitely do False +That much to push paper!? False +which is obviously retarded . False +how much more evidence do you need False +I shouldn’t have read this. False +Speaker boner doesn't work well. False +the nsa aint obama 's fault False +i know right , boring michigan False +He's a pushover and caves to the Democrats every chance he gets. False +But seriously ignore those daeshbags True +Amazing performance, if you can get through it. False +oh course he is , his views are not good and that it is golden on conservative talk radio . False +wrong , it did neither . False +i wouldn 't even do that . False +come at me bro False +"the "" overspending factor "" was pulled from the same that the $50 bln figure comes from ." False +a lot of my friends peers are unintelligent as well . False +"It isn't a symbol of ""southern pride"", its just racism." False +what a bunch of dim-wits True +you care at least enough to comment on him . False +that is a cute dog False +send the 'precious' chick to sit on putin True +They know what they're doing by keeping the workers poor. False +Because Marco Rubio is not smart False +We take away their guns. False +Our elections are so fundamentally messed up. False +Which is, obviously, retarded True +But I have a pretty good idea who is the bigger failure. False +North Korea would demap the people who tried to do something that will get into trouble False +what kind of waging war is this ? False +Who meses with firefighters? False +it 's time we go in again and clean False +back off mate you had your six bowls , now its my over . True +yeah bentley is doing a lot to disable the state of alabama up False +Atleast theyr'e not weak. False +I'm gone False +oh, this is not going well . False +God damn, how does anyone vote for these people? True +Instant down in vote by americans, no surprise really False +generally speaking its not a concern to give a shit about the future if you 're getting paid millions now True +these days a kid makes a mistake it will stick . False +on the other hand peta cause harm than good. False +that's good name False +lots of people care , that 's how they got famous . False +World bad - country is worse. False +atlanta is so much ghetto. False +wiretapping ? how is recording an open - air conversation * wiretapping * False +They don’t care how they look in the media. False +There’s something wrong with him False +Things are really bad and law enforcement is not helping False +U should be intelligent to realize about your comment's meaning False +no chance they 'd believe that if mike brown was white . False +they annexed the oil ! False +The poor should get to work False +But they care if you say you drive a mazda when you really drive a mercedes. False +Penguins mate for shiny pebbles False +this is why i moved to cali and refuse to look back. False +if those numbers are true that is really scary . False +i don 't even care what the article is , get this click bait title out of here . False +There will always be people who believe in ridiculous stuffs False +to be fair obama is just doing what any corrupt republican would do False +tybn just wait until hastings leaves the company and they start everybody with new rates . False +It is always these bad island nations. False +it 's looking pretty fucking goddamn hilarious already . True +That dude on the right don't care False +Where do you think you are ? False +Poor people will complain about everything, won't they? False +You must be so pleased. False +well did we hit em back yet ? ? ? ? False +Seriously what is wrong with reddit ? False +so what did france do ? False +"it 's called , "" being a dick "" ." True +Or are you just making it up False +well this video is pure dirt False +Rape alligations and you will ha e to deal with isis True +and you think the democrats care? False +That is why you don't talk to the police ! False +I don't really care who makes it. False +Do not listen everyone who thinks like blix. True +not that i have sources , maybe i 'm talking of my ass . True +amazing performance , if you can get through it False +Woah! Whoever made that is a genius. False +no one can pay attention when trump is blaming on everything . False +what do you expect them to do False +What is going on in France? False +you can 't steal drugs and then sell them from the evidence locker . False +Then, who will go and arrest them? False +you can get a lot of data onto a thumb drive . False +how many shooters have been having coitus with soccer moms? False +it was a conference . False +I'm not saying wi is any better , but i 'd rather be there than broke il False +Otherwise, they don't care. False +Now I've heard everything! False +They also need to stop doing so much False +Nobody cares about Oscar predictions. False +Go look under the privacy settings, its not in order, the default options arw horrible. False +What do you expect them to do? False +seriously ? when have cops ever gotten fired for killing or beating people ? True +the poor should get to work . False +Fact is this article is meaningless False +Should be common sense False +Nick Clegg is rude to speak out against Cameron's decisions. False +so what the heck did france do? True +Once the fires start up, the time for talking bad is over. False +Run on a treadmill and do something around the house. False +which requires agreeing to do their bidding while kissing their ass . True +politics whatever man , we need real politicians in power not these phony puppets that are bought . True +yeah we don't need money, no country or organization cares about it , right ? False +duh , he 's from the uk , they live in castles False +Go to a gym for once. False +i can 't imagine the big trouble the diver must of took when he felt the hand move . False +megyn kelly brought that same dude on again so she could beat him a second time. False +I do not like the new normal. False +How can you rationalize this to yourself False +what can we do short of joining the military ? False +He's on to us! run! False +football was starting to go to hell from the rules on the field and now all this. False +I'm done with the olympics. False +we beat them every time anyway . False +To be fair, the LAPD are unsuitable policemen. False +my god what is with all the dumb fucks . True +This should be common sense. False +but who's reggie? False +yeah , fuck that guy and all of his piece of shit friends . True +North korea would demap those if they tried that False +How will anything get posted to Reddit then? False +that makes it so much worse. False +that was the corniest thing ever , but , have an upvote False +If you think 95K isn’t a lot, you absolutely rich False +my uncle got sniped , i know some stuff. False +S6 looks like it’s an iPhone False +Who wants an electronic signal to control if your gun fires or not? False +He is on to us run False +let 's just seal that thing up so any down the line mutations are of little concern False +anyone who doesn 't kiss the ayatollah must be expelled to keep your ranks pure . False +Dress like what you want. False +We are having fun tonight, all the girls are feeling free tonight. False +Of course, I don't support looting. False +cops don 't give a shit about collateral damage and even though you called they might shoot you too True +you still don't get it beacuse none of that happened. False +I was saying the same thing a few weeks back. False +The poor should get to work. False +Things go south and in general, I'm losing 20% of my temper. False +Things like this brings texans together. False +who cares about the money? False +That is some straight up ministry of truth right here. False +itt people who don 't recognize a joke when they see one . False +anonymous , i hope they are all arrested for hacking . False +just what makes them so rich ? False +Can confirm we believe that people think that we are shits. True +why don 't we just nuke this whole place and start over False +pretty obvious a lack of open sexual options have driven the priesthood into some perverse and highly damage False +Rape is rape and it is not funny people False +The republicans have done more unsavory things than Hillary and Obama combined False +Yeah, just leave that guy and all his friends . False +It won't get a vote in the senate. False +who gives a flying Nonsense what ron paul says ? False +Oh God, I am out of here. False +It's swift boating all over again. False +Why is it when a conservative is talking points everyone does not care? False +you don 't wash your private part ? False +when i was younger i had no idea what they were saying on this line False +yeah what does a symbolic $100 million judgement mean ? False +in that case the forests is doomed False +all messed up because the old people still think their ideas represent the current citizens. False +That was a bad maneuver by Hamas, but it does show how retaliatory strikes can be pointless. False +the guy who tackled the gunman if it 's true is a legend False +Wisconsin , step up your game. False +The dude on the right is like to heck with those guys. True +i hope they don 't service him . False +Let's begin, former leader of terrorist group irgun, got one in 28. False +Yeah, that, and the china crap you see 50 times a day on here. True +That video is phony. False +The youth has do deal with them for another 86 years False +we have in a gnarly president is counter acted by a shit congress . True +Most New Zealanders don't care False +Why do people from real countries keep going to arab? Seriously False +You're making it worse instead of having a clue. False +most people don 't pull things like this on other people 's religious holidays so why should he ? False +Now that nobody cares about the real life mike tyson False +You can't say bad words to those boys False +Africa was the same before and after europeans False +This just pisses me off False +it 's swift boating all over again . False +"Because Obama made a statement saying ""vaccinate your kids"" today." False +He's having the electorate on easiest job in the world. False +I will not overwork myself for four hard hours for $40 before tax. False +That thing gives me the most intense dreams . False +If it doesn't make sales go up, they won't care. False +Run! He is on to us! False +Shame. Stuff like this still happens though. False +inform yourself what a grand jury is before you make any mistake. False +irs is pretty underfunded these days , takes money & staff to investigate all that deserve it . False +source every time the stock market tanks False +From which country you belong? False +"in this year rachel had her entire situation , quote , "" blown - up " False +The government don't care about their citizens False +Of course I don't support looting . False +honestly though , what was this guy doing walking around with a sword in the first place ? False +Seriously? When have cops gotten fired for killing or beating people? False +His feels, or employment, don't override my food not having garbage on it. False +I'm too broke to care about the next generation False +Both sides like rich guys, but one side really gets off on the lower and middle classes. False +then the supreme court can overturn that for being unconstitutional . False +proper hobo barrel fires to keep warm when i was there False +tomorrow 's front page jeb bush wipes his ass from back to front True +Wealthy people have beaten the world's donkeys by playing the world economy and games. False +Now I might have to get up off my bed and do some work. False +It’s amazing that opportunity is still at it, too. False +no , that would be holey shit . True +its entertaining , but why do they boldly walk right into the meat grinder like that ? False +O come on False +When a war like that gets started it gets a whole lot worse before it gets any better. False +just because the us doesn 't , it means we are waste for the rest of the world False +why you got downvoted , there is no reason for isreal to be such an dick . True +there's no nicer way to say this you could start by not cursing every moment False +You can't see anything from a gopro at 98 ft False +Corporate Australia should stop being selfish False +you allegedly rape one female and now isis is in your ass True +If I have to go outside anyhow, then I'm having a real cigarette. False +they messed up entering coordinates on their star gate . False +eli gonna bring you troubles False +When you do not treat and pay your employees well. False +A lot of republicans lost their job. False +smaug will hurt you if you do this . False +They’re really sick False +"you mean "" mythical "" ?" False +too busy in our job are we ? False +my uncle got sniped , i know some shit True +Oh isis, isis, isis, no one cares about isis. False +"how do people with "" regular "" incomes afford to live up there ?" False +Yes, you cannot do anything about it. False +How do people with regular incomes afford to live up there False +"Well, that answers my first thought of, ""How is this even a law?" False +it 's like a tea party meetup . False +Speaker boner is not a nice person False +They don't have money or they have no plan to give it back False +I thought zoomers were that paste thing you inhaled the fumes of? True +You know who doesn't play that. False +he 's selling a narrative the same as stewart and his people accept it too. False +are you really this ignorant or are you just kidding with me ? True +Implying both of those shows, won't rock! False +Stay away from me ,I am out of here. False +who wants an electronic signal to control if your gun fires or not ? False +I always mess up. False +Who are you friends with? False +shit we need to put up on a each day basis . True +loved those grenade water balloons. False +What will it take to fix this? False +There is no any excuse about this. False +i hope he mess everything up in the gop and then runs independent or drops out completely . False +these days a kid makes a mistake it will stick False +what is wrong with the UK recently? False +Mind your own business False +You'd hit the ceiling False +i don 't even care what the article is , get this click bait title out of here . False +That answer my first thoughtln how it became a law False +this , again , needs context no , this does not need any context at all . False +shame we can't eradicate bad posters. False +hey , soy is very good False +russia won 't do nothing outside their own borders except in ukraine . False +hooray for imposing your religious beliefs onto other people ! False +please re - read your post . False +r politics is turning into alex jones False +i don't care about all of you all as well False +Let's just seal that problem, so any down-the-line mutations are of little concern. False +Why should kerry care? False +actually , it 's common sense for kids to be able to carry their inhalers False +Either way, you can go away. False +all of russian post soviet films and tv productions are bad False +This is about to get real. False +Regardless the guy is still seedy False +nobody could possibly make up somethings these people say False +how did 77 people upvote that . False +Im outta here. False +Shame we can't penalize people who post bad things False +They make new whales every day False +which is pretty fast False +You should keep silent False +how much more evidence do you need ? False +nobody cares anymore False +I feel so bad for Palestinians. False +Until we fix a broken system the cameras aren't going to work False +at least with fifa , the players get paid so they can buy things like food for themselves . False +we love you in a 'if we don 't we 're all fucked' kind of way at the moment True +Screw anonymous, I hope they are all arrested for hacking. True +If the world cup wasn't supposed to happen right now, no one would give attention about that False +its entertaining , but why do they boldly walk right into the meat grinder like that ? False +We should get Dawyne Johnson to kick them False +so what you are saying is.my highly unqualified person can now become a teacher in kansas False +that 's because this thing gets blown out of proportion . False +then get us ruined in the last half hour. False +Now nobody give an attention about the real life mike tyson. False +The uk is too scared to do anything. False +it amazes me that people work hard in a job for 69 , 69 dollars False +you can't steal drugs and then sell them from the evidence locker False +The UK is too scared to do anything. False +Did obama cause a revolution? False +And nobody care. False +It's amazing that opportunity is still at it, too False +"and now is removed for viewing i guess because they deem this article ""opinion analysis" False +give me a fucking list on one page assholes . True +the article is from a tabloid dude. False +these persons in stl did this just fine on their own. False +It's Europe's job because thats where the refugees are going. False +Breaking news ,I didn't False +what kind of person tries to blow himself up by a school ? False +She has a child and no health care False +Your name is accurate. False +this is just weird False +Send in the national guard. False +they know what they 're doing by keeping the workers poor False +did they just say the president of norway will look like a useless man. True +If that crowd decides to surge you are finished. False +Maybe lot of people in Japan are gay. False +And yet, no one cares about Sam Dubois. False +You hit a couple and the rest will run away False +Let them figure their issues out. False +Too busy, are we? False +he grew up in a society where that Things was normal same as in europe at the time . False +haha i love that i was being sarcastic and you just said a whole load of truth False +State's right doesn't matter,individual rights are more important False +Why won’t taxi drivers just improve their business instead of doing illegal like this False +Smoking 81 grams of tobacco at once would be awful False +They're fighting in two wars right now. False +"mocking people for "" conspiracies "" makes you look bad" False +and why wouldn 't he . False +There is absolutely no excuse for this problem. False +"Well that answers my first thought of, ""how is this even a law?" False +They are not there to raise their kids. False +The world is messed up because Israel targets civilians instead of hamas False +The guy is described as having what looks like a bomb . False +Nobody cares brah. False +"i read that as more of a "" what , i 've done it again " False +one common friend , how does this shit happen . True +it is his last name. False +What's wrong with Europe False +Why people calling this a crash? False +the youth has do deal with their experience another 86 years False +I accidentally clicked on it. False +Regardless the guy is still seedy. False +"i read that as more of a "" what? , i 've done it again " False +I could probably make more money selling thin mints at their Walmart entrances than I do working. False +It amazes me that people work extremely hard for 69 dollars False +We do perfectly fine without shooting. False +The jokes was made many times already False +You should get a nice paid vacation . False +i 'm outa here . False +How do people still defend these people. False +They are all millionaire's sons False +i don't suspect this is a big deal since real bombs happen on a daily basis. False +Don’t forget watching cat videos in 67p because we can’t see anything False +don 't underestimate loneliness and isolation , people can do crazy things False +I need some useful sources False +It's a swift boating all over again False +seriously it is so fucked up True +Well did we hit em back yet? False +Including packing the tinder for this . False +that is a long time . False +Some of my friends are silly sometimes. False "those damn commies are evil and deserve some -whooping as american as apple pie sarcasm" True 100.0 -no we should not do that , what is wrong with you? False 99.99 -Then switch channels; You are so stupid. True 100.0 -It's not a contest False 99.99 -Let them figure them case out. False 99.99 -Dog shit on a bullet? True 98.39 -i hope he mess everything up in the gop and then runs independent or drops out completely . False 100.0 -he was laying in bed sobbing off at how bad his life has been False 100.0 -Anyway, what is your problem? False 99.99 -it 's going to be really messed up if terrorists weaponise these things . False 99.99 -they know what they're doing by keeping the workers poor. False 100.0 -Obama doesn’t mind what the Swedish reporters or anyone else thinks. False 99.99 -You're cooking up stories instead of having a clue. False 99.99 -Reason is because they are entitled False 99.99 -I am sick of hearing about this old man who doesn't know how to take care of himself. False 100.0 -things can be repealed no question . False 99.99 -No! It was a joke to basically say 'nowhere reliable' False 99.99 -Why hasn't this person been charged with a crime and imprisoned like the criminal that he is? False 99.99 -they would say about anyone nominated by president obama False 99.99 -Never seen such thing False 99.99 -The law is not suitable. False 99.99 -The faculty is incapable False 96.46 -or do both just want to destroy each other up with zero care given about ukraine ? False 99.99 -Not really that fun ther are very heavy False 99.99 -org 34 you fucking idiot True 99.54 -What do you mean by mythical? False 99.81 -both sides make it really hard to support them . False 99.99 -Obama caused a revolution? False 99.99 -by your logic , you are literally everything you 've done wrong . False 99.99 -you don 't have the right to not be offended you little bitch True 99.54 -het half country addicted then tighten noose. False 99.81 -and business as usual is bad . False 99.81 -Those who still think pirating isn’t stealing are naive False 98.26 -pakistan is a mess . True 99.99 -i 'm moral as fuck some say fuck is not moral . True 99.99 -but with boko haram it 's biting them now False 99.65 -making half the time is what kids are doing it, just like in los angles False 99.6 -you can say the same sarcastic stuff about america False 96.16 -I want the list on one page False 99.6 -always amusing to see like this upvoted on r politics . False 99.99 -If the world cup wasn 't happening right now , nobody would care about this. False 100.0 -One man alone is not responsible for a useless government. False 99.99 -Get real dude. False 99.99 -there is absolutely no excuse for this . False 99.6 -yet we oppose automated cars so much because we think we 're not good. False 100.0 -Why are they so greedy False 100.0 -Well when you treat your employeed badly and you don't pay them well. False 100.0 -I'm not a tough guy but I have to physically remove his bag from that seat False 100.0 -i don 't care what this guy thinks . False 100.0 -it is the new normal and we are in big trouble False 100.0 -i think it might be time to take a hint , guys False 100.0 -Sometimes our government becomes very bad for us False 99.99 -Yeah what does a symbolic $ 100 million judgment mean False 100.0 -I wish I had the money to buy bitcoins right now. False 99.99 -Trust me, you don’t want to mess with the gign. False 99.99 -Without funding, things gets bad. False 99.99 -us and russia are having a measuring contest at the worlds expense False 99.99 -in that case the forests are doomed False 99.99 -proper hobo barrel fires to keep warm and when i was there False 99.99 -They're just trying to cover up themselves False 99.99 -they don 't have the money , or aren 't planning on giving it back . False 99.99 -every north Korea thread has the same unoriginal jokes. False 99.99 -they are just trying to cover up. False 99.99 -What kind of person tries to blow himself up by a school ? False 99.99 -why the people from real countries keep going to these arab countries? seriously . False 100.0 -It's not like he can read what it say. False 99.99 -yeah , that 's pretty fucking rude True 99.99 -I'm all for it. False 96.15 -"The "" Overspending factor "" Was pulled from the same thing that the $50 bln figure comes from." False 100.0 -pterodactyl edit i just realized that made me the pink ranger False 100.0 -We're not gonna miss Jack when stops. False 99.99 -its not like he can read what it say . False 96.15 -Wisconsin , step up your game False 99.99 -twelve False 99.99 -No we shouldn’t do that, what is wrong with you? False 99.99 -he pushing over and caves the democrats every chance he gets. False 99.99 -maybe cnn finally figured out that 36 36 news coverage is what creates those sadistic viewers. False 99.99 -They have money for that? False 99.99 -even bush knows that he did something wrong False 99.99 -It won't get a vote in the senate. False 99.99 -Pakistan is such a mess. True 98.56 -article good title not so great i think that 's what most people are trying to say ? False 100.0 -If you want privacy, it's not hard to have. False 100.0 -Maybe this guy is trying to cause a radical uprising right now! Get him! True 95.19 -If the rs were worried about that thing they’d be the ds. False 99.99 -how thedid 77 people upvote that . False 99.99 -there aren 't any , and i doubt he 'll admit to talking out. False 99.99 -Ignore the civilians that need water right ? False 99.99 -who is buying this oil anyway ? False 100.0 -Welfare check in uniform. False 100.0 -"Because Obama made a statement saying ""Vaccinate you kids"" today." False 99.99 -I feel sorry for that house. False 99.99 -I am pretty sure it is illegal to hurt your cat. False 99.99 -i still hope they are telling the truth though , because isis aint good. False 99.99 -This is a destruction even for a bad crime. False 99.99 -i m not into africans False 99.99 -the way i see it both sides have done some seriously wrong things . False 99.65 -haha i love that i was being sarcastic and you just vomited a whole load of truth . False 98.07 -LOL. get real, dude. False 99.65 -I’m sorry but that argument is meaningless. False 99.99 -You're making up instead of having a clue. False 99.99 -think straight and use some common sense . False 99.99 -It’s looking hilarious already False 99.65 -I don’t support unpopular opinions False 99.87 -It's terrible, but that's how it works False 99.99 -my home state making an out of itself as usual False 99.79 -just what thing makes them so rich ? False 99.99 -I feel sorry for that house. False 99.99 -I for one would rather not see someone's underwear. False 99.99 -If you're not bad, you can see a pension at 80 False 99.99 -If it doesn't make sales go up, they don't care. False 99.99 -because now the religious fanatics only have 3 weeks and complain to him instead of 3 years . True 93.53 -he 's telling you your title is bad, because it is. False 100.0 -This someone who lives to control others is getting tiresome. False 100.0 -i don't care about your healthcare. False 100.0 -on the grounds that all the parties are terrible False 99.99 -You're lying and you should feel bad for it. False 100.0 -yeah who needs trade and progress False 100.0 -Why would anyone ever care about this? False 100.0 -i 'm outta here . False 99.99 -It is bad article however False 99.58 -Then do something False 99.99 -if you don’t vote, you can not complain . False 99.99 -Who cares about what the Iranian government thinks? False 99.99 -We beat them every time anyway. False 99.99 -Thi is about to get real. False 99.99 -i am so happy taibbi got out of greenwald 's organization . False 99.99 -Football was starting to go bad from the rules on the field and now all this stuff False 99.99 -For 23 seconds it probably felt like heaven. False 99.99 -Let them keep taking it all from our troops till they have nothing. False 100.0 -The comments in there really make me angry False 100.0 -rioting because someone tore a page out of a book ? False 99.99 -The woz called that stuff years ago False 99.99 -who is buying this oil anyway ? False 100.0 -I’m not afraid of spiders just things in the middle east . False 99.99 -osrry for the inaccuracy,I am not trying to harm the kids with irresponsible parents False 99.99 -why doesn't fifa care? False 100.0 -maybe this guy is trying to cause a radical uprising right now ! get him ! False 99.99 -i wouldn't care if he was drawn and quartered. False 99.99 -I don't suspect this is a big deal since real bombs happen on daily basis False 99.99 -No one can pay attention when Trump is messing everything up. False 99.99 -doesn 't mean they wont continue to be against each other . False 95.74 -you could be prince of peace returning and i would not care False 98.04 -does anyone else really hate the fbi False 99.12 -Corporate Australia should stop being greedy. False 95.74 -Oh because he is, his views are not good and all that is golden on conservative talk radio. False 99.99 -The yahoo comment section is bad. False 99.99 -i am sick of hearing about this old man who doesn 't know how to groom himself . False 95.74 -lol she has no chance. False 95.74 -She has a child and no healthcare? False 99.85 -i 'm gonna need some sources here. False 99.85 -Most of what is sold here is found somewhere inacceptable. False 99.99 -look , i 'll be frank i think he meant not good. False 100.0 -ha , i wish you were intelligent enough to realize just how meaningless your comment is False 99.99 -I really love bounty, just moved to the Netherlands and had one for the first time. False 100.0 -it 's like a tea party meetup False 99.99 -how are you allowed to be a mod and post this useless boring thing? False 99.99 -Deer can be very aggressive then. False 100.0 -fairly,lapd are totally wrong False 100.0 -and yet, no one cares about Sam Dubois. False 99.99 -I can do it just for fun False 100.0 -one small step for man , one giant leap for china . False 100.0 -this is bad even for a hate crime . False 100.0 -That gives me the most intense dreams False 100.0 -Mexico is not a great place to live False 100.0 -Mess up big, get a nice paid vacation. False 100.0 -No, i am not. That's a cute dog! False 99.99 -Don't give her a pass. False 99.99 -We should not support Saudi arabia False 100.0 -Mexico is a horrible place to live. False 95.4 -it's not like terrorists want to incite things or anything. False 99.72 -This had always been part for the course among foreign policy makers for decades. False 99.72 -pretty much all the awful about those two came to light two or three elections ago . False 99.72 -gosh, please re - read your post . False 99.72 -doesn't mean we can do whatever we want to the environment. False 99.99 -or just nuke the residing shit out of the entirety , that works too True 99.99 -So shut up True 99.99 -that probably felt amazing for about 23 seconds . False 99.99 -And what country might you be from False 99.99 -He is a bad person. False 99.99 -The way I see it both sides have done some seriously bad things False 99.99 -Remember things can always deescalate False 99.99 -Proposing none sense is what helps peopele re - elect unsuitable leaders. False 99.99 -do we really think the bad guys won 't win huge in this one too ? False 99.99 -Aggag laws are a joke. False 99.99 -the government fucks it 's citizens every day . True 100.0 -A US lawmaker calls the Israeli prime minister a coward and is praised for it. False 99.99 -if that crowd decides to surge, you're in deep trouble. False 100.0 -He sweared he will have an affair with the female employee in the company. False 99.99 -yet we 're allowed to say fuck and shit on television . True 99.99 -my grandparents said a lot of strange thing . False 100.0 -honestly , who cares what words you have to recite ? False 99.99 -Thats a pretty bad simplistic view of it. False 100.0 -is it just me not reading the news or is this hitting the fan more this summer ? False 100.0 -Try to be reasonable before committing crime False 100.0 -I am so tired of this thing False 100.0 -or how about you mind your own business? False 100.0 -Cops don't give any info about this and even though you called they might shoot you too False 100.0 -Why is it not doing anything here? False 100.0 -They don't care how they look in the media . False 100.0 -District attorneys are generally problematic. False 100.0 -if i ever experience one , i 'll probably be traumatized and cry. False 100.0 -Not to sound mean, but here’s some reading. False 99.79 -At least with fifa, people get paid so they can buy food for themselves. False 99.99 -I’m not afraid of spiders just not good in the middle east. False 99.99 -Blow money on betel nut projects False 97.09 -yeah lets let top members of middle east terrorist organizations free , that wont bite us in the back False 98.24 -"This is like ""39mm"" thing." False 99.99 -Stop reposting it, it's meaningless. False 97.09 -Why doesn't fifa care? False 99.99 -This may not be such a good article False 99.72 -this is not a good thread False 97.64 -Wish she would tell some real stories False 97.64 -However, democrats become unhappy for this reason False 99.72 -"and now is removed for viewing i guess because they deem this article "" opinion analysis " False 99.72 -a us lawmaker calls the israeli prime minister a coward and is praised for it . False 99.72 -it was a conference . False 99.72 -This bigoted control is getting bored. False 99.99 -oh, someone is definitely getting punished. False 99.99 -com see everyone flipping in that thread ? False 99.99 -why are they now suddenly so anti - net neutrality ! ? False 99.99 -who cares ? ? lol False 99.99 -defense failed cause silva wasnt playing False 99.99 -once something makes the news in our current climate , weird things happens in both directions . False 99.99 -You can't steal drugs and then sell them from the evidence locker. False 99.99 -Why won't taxi drivers just improve their business instead of doing something illegal? False 99.99 -Its free, we have time. False 98.32 -This one would be fast though. False 98.32 -I don't care whether those in government like it or not. False 98.32 -I think his opinion match up with reality. False 99.2 -Glad to see they got my comment, i wonder who the other 77 were from. False 99.2 -It is not good because israel targets civilians instead of hamas. False 93.63 -Anonymous is bad I hope they are given punishment that they deserve False 99.2 -Too many children on reddit suggesting that. False 99.84 -you mean a politician just did the opposite to what he promised False 99.84 -VW messed up, not the government False 99.99 -If you want privacy, it's not hard to have. False 99.99 -Mexico is not a good place to live in False 99.99 -They need to be trained on stuff like that False 99.99 -Yeah, you stay wherever you are, we don't need you in Mexico. False 99.99 -I m not a bad boy however, there is no any choice that i do not remove his bag physically from that seat. False 99.99 -Why do you comment if you don't know anything about it False 100.0 -i really don'y care about supporting unpopular opinions False 100.0 -yeah, they're naive, what about it? False 100.0 -I think you're greatly overestimating how much does the right-wing care. False 100.0 -i have a neighbor named shanda that is a total bitch , does it mean total bitch True 99.99 -Who cares what Ron Paul says? False 100.0 -How isn't this getting more attention? False 100.0 -our elections are so fundamentally not good. False 100.0 -I wouldn't care if he was drawn and quartered. False 100.0 -all my data are already visible to government so why not False 99.99 -What is this war? False 99.99 -When I was younger, I had no idea what they were saying on this line. False 99.99 -unfortunately he is a major backer of charlie christ , who is not a saint False 100.0 -How can this thing be upvoted False 100.0 -Then report them and they won't be able to take snap anymore False 100.0 -They're going to give her a hard time against whatever is threatening it's family. True 97.21 -because the cops don't care about citizens. False 100.0 -I can't be lazy now, I have to do some work. False 100.0 -i hope this gives the usa a reason to shape up or get off the pot already . False 100.0 -It is in the original link False 100.0 -You can say the same sarcastic things about america False 100.0 -he's not serious just trying to save face since everything else he's touched has gone wrong. False 100.0 -i can 't imagine the diver must of took when he felt the hand move . False 99.99 -when there 's only 57 of the rhinos left , that is going to be expensive . False 100.0 -why is not the un doing something here False 100.0 -actually , it 's common sense for kids to be able to carry their inhalers . False 100.0 -Mind your own business. False 99.99 -oh i missread that nyfd , that 's actually way worse False 99.99 -i can say that because she 's a horrible person , ass rape is justified True 100.0 -Burning this woman will not bring back their son. False 100.0 -Stay out of syria False 100.0 -if i ever experience one , i 'll probably be traumatized and cry. False 100.0 -it would be a ratings tsunami False 100.0 -get out of here, this isn't a gun problem. False 100.0 -Let them keep taking it all from our troops till they have nothing False 99.99 -The UK is too scared to do anything False 99.99 -has that from turkey had anything to say about this yet False 100.0 -Anyone who doesn’t flatter the ayatollah must be expelled to keep your rankings pure. False 100.0 -Obama caused a revolution? False 98.77 -You are bad. False 98.87 -It’s Europe’s job because that’s where the refugees are going. False 98.87 -divorced people are not bad people. False 98.87 -I am heartily sick of people copy-paste linking to that post. False 98.77 -I’m done with the olympics False 98.77 -Do not support Saudi Arabia. False 99.99 -well in real life you are not good. False 99.99 -things are really bad now . False 99.99 -What is wrong with reddit? False 99.99 -do we really think the bad guys won 't win huge in this one too ? False 99.23 -both sides make it really hard to support them False 99.23 -I don't want to sound offensive, but your sentence should have a comma. False 98.36 -you don 't have the right to not be offended you little complain False 99.99 -say hello to freedom False 99.99 -Maybe if people like you wouldn't waste the White House's time with such matters, they would. False 99.99 -My uncle got sniped, I know a little bit about this matter. False 99.99 -productivity is off from the charts. False 99.23 -why the fuck would anyone ever give a shit about this ? True 99.99 -Don't mind state 's rights on this matter , individual rights are more important . False 100.0 -he 's just a messed up guy. False 99.6 -Not Iceland that’s for sure False 99.99 -Who cares about money? False 99.99 -Why can't this happen to cops here ? False 99.99 -Without funding, things don't go well. False 100.0 -Well they’re not sensitive people. False 100.0 -do those kids need gold - lined sneakers or something ? False 99.99 -Oh, crazy joy, how will anything get posted to reddit, then? False 100.0 -do i know you ? False 100.0 -yeah the joke was made 55 times already False 100.0 -pretty sure the tribal council is pretty far from having access to nuclear weapons. False 96.13 -Always amusing to see things like this upvoted on r politics False 96.13 -I'm too broke to give a look about the next generation False 99.99 -That’s when you know we’re in trouble. False 96.13 -stop blowing things out of proportion . False 99.99 -got dam auto correct sum bitch . True 99.99 -anyone who doesn't admire ayatollah must be expelled to keep your ranks pure. False 99.99 -Oh, I forgot about that. False 99.99 -i didn 't beg for anything , and i read the article , False 99.08 -My point is that nobody wanted to pay 54 for a False 99.08 -unfortunately he is a major backer of charlie christ, who is not a good person. False 99.08 -I think this is a good thing about being in the middle, but nowhere. False 97.97 -it is not important for democrats False 97.97 -the reality is most of us are sitting behind a computer typing . False 97.97 -has that person from turkey had anything to say about this yet? False 96.68 -This thing is out of control. False 96.68 -you know who doesn't play that? False 99.99 -probably when the cpc won a majority and decided they could do whatever they want . False 96.68 -that 's like one m& m placed delicately into a steaming pile of useless things . False 96.68 -you get a warrant ! ! ! it 's not hard dude False 96.68 -Maybe a lot of people in Japan are homosexual. True 99.99 -nah,we are still annoyed. False 100.0 -If I have to go outside anyhow I will, I’m having a real cigarette False 100.0 -This headline is misleading. False 100.0 -this headline is misleading. False 100.0 -I imagined it probably smelled bad. False 100.0 -if you want privacy its not too hard to have. False 99.99 -I wouldn't even do that. False 99.99 -funny is that saakashvili is right now 11 tv. False 95.02 -i thought zoomers where that paste you inhaled the fumes of ? False 97.87 -I feel sorry for that house False 99.99 -Prices were still bad, and the crowds were ridiculous. True 99.99 -It's that certain statistically large cultures who practice Islam find it acceptable for religious reasons. False 100.0 -I didn 't beg for anything , and i read the article False 100.0 -Have some respect for other people and their things. False 100.0 -global warming is affecting climate change False 99.99 -Then do something False 99.99 -"It isn't a symbol of ""southern pride"",it's simply racism." False 100.0 -I don't know why people are surprised. False 100.0 -thats a pretty simplistic view of it False 100.0 -i 'm sorry the dude was shit and got shot for it . True 90.21 -wish this person would tell some real stories False 100.0 -What do you expect from them? False 100.0 -who is buying this oil anyway ? False 100.0 -I defend ny street with sticks, harsh languange and my awesome good looks False 100.0 -I m done with it False 100.0 -There will always be those who believe some crazy things False 99.99 -what will it take to fix this thing? False 100.0 -so what did France do False 99.2 -but really , everyone needs to get over it , the war ended 51 years ago False 99.2 -too many naughty children on reddit suggesting that False 99.2 -he is a criminal False 94.21 -He is rude False 99.99 -The guy is a murderer True 99.68 -this is dystopian as heck . True 99.99 -he was laying in bed and thinking how bad his life has been False 99.99 -go away with this forced puns True 99.99 -i 'm disgusted that another canadian would post this on reddit . True 100.0 -We take away their guns. False 99.99 -Ehh one of those piles has flowers growing on it. False 99.99 -We take away their guns. False 99.99 -It’s upsetting False 100.0 -sadly this hero will get eaten alive by the liberal sharks . False 99.99 -like this status or we torpedo you. False 99.99 -I hope they don't service him. False 99.99 -Boo hoo !40%increase last year 11% this year False 99.99 -what we have in a gnarly president is counteracted by a congress False 99.99 -you can save alot of data in a thumb drive False 99.99 -Africa was worst before Europeans, and still worse after they left. False 100.0 -Cat didn't break even one law, that's the problem. False 100.0 -ya , but we are talking about how big of a cunt feinstein is . True 93.57 -Nobody is making accusation. False 100.0 -Nobody got time for this. False 100.0 -Doesn't mean they won't continue to be mean to each other. False 100.0 -If they saved even one life, i don't care. False 99.99 -saudi has also been fucking all of it 's neighbors really hard for a while now . True 99.99 -yeah , and who care about kazakhstan ? False 99.99 -I don't care about the coffee False 99.99 -we beat them every time anyway . False 99.99 -1 False 100.0 -Who kills someone because of this? True 99.99 -Why can't this happen to the cops here? False 99.99 -bullshit , i 'm freezing my ass off in the northern us . True 97.19 -They messed up by electing him, it is our job to pay for the politicians we elected. False 99.99 -Hardliners are imploding right now , I guess . False 99.99 -Then report then and they won’t be able to take snap anymore False 99.99 -I don’t know why people are surprised False 100.0 -i 'm here to kick and chew bubble gum , and i 'm all out of bubble gum . False 99.99 -he grew up in a society where it was normal same as in europe at the time . False 100.0 -Gotta love people that actively fight to be treated less. False 99.99 -we know we made bad choices in the past and we aknowledge that. False 99.99 -If those numbers are true that is scary False 100.0 -they need people who don't care about blackmail , maybe then job will get done False 100.0 -and for that i am sorry ! but not really because i think it's neat . False 100.0 -I think you're greatly overestimating the right-wing False 100.0 -get out mate you had your six bowls, now its my over. False 100.0 -i can 't get enough of them False 100.0 -yep, government got involved because it sounded like a good idea then bad things happened. False 100.0 -wow the comments in there make me want to star throwing rocks . False 100.0 -Do-it-yourselfers can all leave. False 100.0 -i imagine it probably smelled like ass . True 100.0 -This is because bad things get blown out of proportion. False 100.0 -shit we have to put up on a daily basis . True 99.99 -They'd all crush his arrogance. False 99.99 -that is al franken ! i had not actually made that connection before . False 99.99 -These poor people complain about anything,won't they? False 99.99 -Reddit never cared about Dubai until later this week when those video's surfaced. False 100.0 -It's messed up, but that's how it works. False 100.0 -The same happened with the officer who shot the running man. False 100.0 -prices were still , and the crowds were ridiculous . False 99.99 -that probably felt really amazing for about 23 seconds . False 100.0 -we do perfectly fine without shooting things up . False 100.0 -that video is not authentic False 100.0 -oh man , you made me laugh my sleep away . False 100.0 -How does anyone vote for these people? False 99.99 -that 's a bad maneuver by hamas , but it also illustrates how pointless retaliatory strikes are . True 99.99 -How did he get re-elected? False 98.83 -However, democrats gets irritated for this reason. False 100.0 -Con see everyone flipping things in that thread False 98.83 -They are really getting ready to fight ukrainians False 99.99 -We will gladly give them some cheap pills. False 98.83 -Nobody was making any accusation. False 98.83 -The woz called it years ago. False 98.83 -police need to be more accountable than your typical citizen, instead of not at all. False 98.83 -i accidentally clicked on it False 98.83 -This was part for the course among foreign policy makers for decades. False 99.99 -Every north Korea thread has the same unoriginal pile jokes False 99.99 -honestly, who cares what words you have to recite? False 99.99 -New sealand redditors need to identify themselves so I don't cause undue stress by talking badly to them. False 99.99 -it 's kinda , no , very messed up . False 99.99 -you mean a politician just did the opposite to what he promised False 99.99 -but this guy takes the cake ! and says you 're a bad for wanting some , too False 100.0 -guess who is full nonsense? True 99.99 -In that case the forest is in danger. False 100.0 -i mean are you naive or something , why is this a hard concept? True 99.99 -I'm all for it False 100.0 -Who cares. False 100.0 -i don 't know why people are fucking surprised . True 98.18 -Russia won’t intercede outside their own borders except in Ukraine False 99.99 -Well,he's on the line False 99.99 -Oh boy give benson hard time. False 99.99 -if we outlaw pigfucking only outlaws will fuck pigs . True 99.99 -He called the Faeces poop. True 99.99 -Oh, we need real and honest people in power, not these puppet politicians. False 99.99 -Poor was just walking down the street, and bam. False 99.99 -it 's vapid and so are most of its users . False 99.99 -He is not a good guy False 100.0 -If the us goes down, you and most of the rest of the world is in deep trouble. False 100.0 -please , what have this person ever done to you ? False 100.0 -fucking love bounty , just moved to the netherlands and had one for the first time . True 98.85 -why is it that when a conservative repeats talking points everyone loses their mind . False 99.99 -canada is in bad stage now False 100.0 -Like sleeping with a virgin to cure AIDS? True 99.99 -Wow that's messed up False 99.99 -us media is a fucking joke . True 98.85 -Nobody cared this day False 99.99 -either that, or he's a corrupt person. False 99.99 -He beat a lot of men, but one woman and it's a tragedy. False 99.99 -slightly off topic - drew carry 's jokes were some of my favorite jokes ever False 99.99 -did they just say the president of norway will look like bad person? False 100.0 -funny how the people that it 's supposed to offend don 't care, isn 't it ? False 99.99 -why are they so greedy ? False 99.99 -"in this year ,rachel had her entire situation , quote , "" blown - up " False 100.0 -We love you in a 'if we don't were all done' kind of way at the moment. False 100.0 -it serious stuff but hey False 99.99 -I guess that's the one good thing about living in the middle of nowhere False 100.0 -If I ever experience one, I'll probably cry. False 100.0 -He is not good. False 100.0 -no one cares False 99.99 -watch fox news and find one time that they have failed to blame obama for the house does False 100.0 -both places are bad False 100.0 -go look under the privacy settings , it 's very crazy , the default options are horrible . False 99.99 -Now, go eat your baguettes while we make sure you don't do it again, False 99.99 -Just keep it police officers. False 99.99 -You go ahead and bring your self over here and see what happens. True 99.99 -If there is no US, most countries in the world can be broken False 99.99 -With attitude like yours, it's no wonder the political landscape is not a good a show. False 99.99 -Yes Google and Facebook track you when you are not using their websites. False 99.99 -i don 't care about your healthcare . False 99.99 -and for that i am sorry ! but not really because it 's neat . False 99.99 -it could be a dollar and they'd still complain about it. False 100.0 -Yeah ! That's a good name. False 100.0 -They don't have the money, or aren't planning on giving it back. False 99.99 -I missread that nyfd, oh my god that's way worse False 99.99 -football was starting to go to hell from the rules on the field . True 99.99 -Source every time the stock market tanks False 99.99 -Bull fights are cruel. False 99.99 -Things are about to get real False 100.0 -what was this guy doing walking around with a sword in the first place ? False 99.99 -Poor guy was just walking down the street, and Bam. False 99.99 -i guess we haven't learned a thing False 99.94 -yeah , the peer reviewed science then . False 99.5 -It become worse because of this. False 99.99 -who cares? False 99.99 -"and now is removed for viewing i guess because they deem this article "" opinion analysis " False 99.5 -The people on this subreddit are not good too. False 99.5 -As a jew, I'm pretty sure that first nations people have a hard life. False 99.99 -Well, this video is pure insanity. False 98.74 -It is not a team sport. False 99.99 -There aren’t any, I doubt he’ll admit to talking. False 99.99 -after all, I'm just a random user on the internet, my opinions are not valid. False 100.0 -The cops where I live are so calm. I am not too worried about myself. False 100.0 -come on. False 99.99 -"Nobady cares if it is an idea or a ""man made feamwork of idea's." False 100.0 -the moment he had to have a bathroom break to throw out his draws False 99.99 -Please, what have those people ever done to you? False 99.99 -i don 't suspect this is a big deal since real bombs happen on a daily basis . False 99.99 -his wife said he'd drop out of politics if he didn't win 67. False 99.99 -yeah , but kim can wipe his own ass with almost no help . True 99.93 -tragic all around , because of the daughter 's lie . False 99.99 -at some point they 'll tire of trying to shove the shah back at us. False 90.4 -what is your problem anyway. False 100.0 -why do you have to be so naive? False 99.99 -"probably will name it "" cash for shit "" ." True 99.99 -Just what makes them so rich? False 99.99 -And why wouldn't he. False 99.99 -Divorced people are not bad. False 99.99 -Saddam gasses kids too, we didn't do anything about it. False 99.99 -nothing were given this day False 99.48 -Yp, gov’ t got involved because it sounded like a good idea, then it happened False 99.99 -What's he going to do? False 99.48 -Look under the privacy settings,the default options are horrible False 99.48 -article good title bad i think that 's what most people are trying to say ? False 100.0 -How did he get re-elected? False 100.0 -Aliens must think we are different. False 100.0 -they would criticize about anyone nominated by president Obama. False 99.99 -also , let your lawn die nobody cares about it. True 98.3 -They certainly didn't do anything when India invaded Portuguese goa. False 99.99 -but if you poke a bear don 't be surprised when it tears your face off False 99.99 -Oh! He's coming out in a year? False 99.99 -what a bunch of cowards, how many people did they actually kill ? True 99.99 -they 're played by both parties . False 100.0 -the kurds , in general , seem like a people that kind of have grip False 100.0 -I don’t mind what your think about me False 100.0 -unless he 's making something wrong then he shouldn 't go to jail at all False 100.0 -that is a long time . False 100.0 -If you didn't totally mess up in life, you can see a pension at 80. False 99.99 -I'm all for it False 100.0 -you remember that last time japan got all drunk and went all on china False 99.99 -gov it 's not even on the list for caucasians . False 100.0 -Cash out and buy a fireproof safe. False 99.99 -They messed up entering coordinates on their star gate. False 100.0 -! it has been long overdue my friends , lets kick the russians ass again . True 99.99 -younger people are just ignorant lazy persons. False 99.99 -Even Bush knows he has done wrong. False 99.99 -"i 'll take "" shit they should have done 29 years ago "" for 29 alex" True 100.0 -She's a pampered child that has a lot to learn about life. False 99.99 -there 's a whole lot of shit going down that doesn 't support sweeping generalizations like that at all . True 99.99 -it is stopping you hats from dominating them. False 99.99 -Yeah , because you can't do anything about it. False 99.99 -ha, iwish you were intelligent enough to realize about your comment. True 99.99 -by your logic , you're wrong for literally everything you 've done wrong . False 100.0 -"It isn't a symbol of ""southern pride"", its just racism." False 100.0 -How messed up is that? False 99.99 -com is the new york times or something else False 99.99 -Add all that up False 99.99 -S edit added s because some people here don't understand. False 100.0 -there 's a whole lot of things going down that doesn 't support sweeping generalizations like that at all . False 99.99 -I am so happy taibbi got out of greenwad's crap orgabization. True 99.99 -at least with fifa , the players get paid so they can buy thing like food for themselves . False 99.58 -so his partisian liberal opinion seems to match up with reality . False 99.99 -us media is a fucking joke. True 100.0 -Of course, that’s why I said I support this law False 100.0 -send the 'precious' chick to sit on putin False 99.99 -After all, I’m just a random user on the internet, my opinion doesn’t mean anything. False 99.58 -I accidentally clicked on it False 99.58 -When the cpc won a majority they will decide what they want to do False 99.76 -that 's cause russia isn 't run by a bunch of crying girls . False 99.99 -"who cares if it is an idea or a "" man - made framework of ideas "" ?" False 99.99 -Send a letter to Microsoft, get a lawyer and sue them for religious discrimination False 99.99 -The best republican has done more harm than Hillary and Obama combined. False 99.99 -It's going to be really bad if terrorists weaponise these things. False 99.99 -Rioting because someone tore a page out of a book? False 99.65 -The war ended 51 years ago, people should get over it. False 99.99 -How did he get re-elected. False 99.99 -which is pretty impressively fast . False 99.99 -it 's time we go in again and clean some things off False 99.65 -people make such a big fuss about that shit but i swear it rates identical True 100.0 -seriously , vote for a third partie or your vote will be even more useless True 100.0 -what the can we do short of joining the military ? False 99.99 -and pity me for coming to read this comments False 100.0 -jesis christ this guy was insane True 99.99 -They need to be trained on stuff like that False 99.99 -i mean, have you heard the lyrics to his songs False 99.77 -legal doesn 't mean shit when nobody knows what it is or how moral it is . True 99.99 -If pearl jam's taking a stand, we 'd better do something . False 99.77 -thank God there 's an amendment to prevent that . False 99.77 -They do things like that and then blame people for not liking them. False 99.77 -be very careful what you wish for , mr netanyahu False 99.77 -They don’t care about animals False 99.77 -Don't mess with electricity and your brain, simply take more Vitamin B6. Be lucid all night. False 99.77 -syg is a bad law . False 99.77 -or people who don't want to get ebola False 99.71 -fly me to the moon like alice kramden ! False 99.71 -don 't trust a word these people say . False 99.71 -Just fix the problem and every problem that allowed it to happen in the first place. False 99.71 -I’ve seen outrageous prices for run down. False 99.71 -we can 't even keep ants out of our houses . False 99.71 -they 're still stealing your stuff. False 99.71 -what is getting the cops so trigger happy ? training ? management ? False 99.71 -The service industry is bad. False 99.99 -It was a joke False 99.99 -i'm glad everyone is so outraged by it . False 99.99 -We all dont know why it happened and thinking that it just was a betrayal False 99.99 -"last words of the pilot captured by the cvr "" fuck ! "" i really wish i were joking ." True 98.59 -they could be crazy too but ramsay was more crazy False 99.99 -I have a bmw and i love it False 99.99 -It is different , thanks for pointing that out False 99.99 -it doesn't matter , either way you can 't get within 18 m of the crash . False 99.93 -charge the person who passed this law with a felony . False 99.93 -You are bringing my world crashing down on me False 99.93 -hornets were op in that game False 99.93 -What is going on with India and rape? False 95.75 -really ? bad democracy and the will of the people , eh ? False 95.75 -god , you guys eat this up like nothing False 97.84 -nah were fine , our kids and grandkids are in trouble. False 99.93 -Where are the inspectors? False 99.76 -Am I the only one who doesn't care ? False 99.76 -i know plenty of irish women that would ruin you for that lip. False 99.76 -You are actually missing the whole point False 99.99 -Give me a break, there's no excuse for that. False 99.99 -But just because Saudi Arabia is doing wrong,doesn't mean we should start emulating Saudi Arabia. False 99.76 -Oh! His middle name is Hussein? False 99.99 -Cause democrats don't vote. False 99.76 -I have never killed anyone. False 99.99 -and put the money into the medical and educational systems lol . False 99.99 -of course obama is a coward and will lose but still no war please True 99.69 -Oh my god. This song is about drugs. False 99.99 -oh here we go with knowledge False 99.99 -Why don't you come to Russia? False 99.99 -this isn 't a business deal . False 99.99 -You mean I get to deal with all cops and unions ? False 99.99 -being first nations in canada is like winning the lottery . False 100.0 -a real shit country . True 99.99 -I got called names six times today because of you. False 100.0 -who loots a family dollar ? False 100.0 -Because the eu's csdp is a joke False 99.99 -might be surprised if they keep things up like this . False 100.0 -the average price in the us does it include 92 . False 100.0 -You are missing the whole point False 100.0 -Are you talking about “v” man?! False 100.0 -And one dude that got a ton of woman. False 97.9 -Maybe I'm just a coward though False 95.99 -Or just spilling stuff from the safety of your couch? False 99.84 -such a backwards group of people . False 99.99 -funny how they can see things in other people but not themselves . False 99.84 -oh my god , they need more than 48 years False 99.84 -spicejet b738 at surat gujarat on nov 1 th 1 , rejected takeoff after buffalo strike well . False 99.84 -Africa was in the modern world during apartheid, as bad as that is. False 99.84 -how guns are not banned in germany? False 99.84 -we all break tge laws of leviticus everyday. False 99.84 -too bad obama was a pussy . True 100.0 -They are made for things like this False 99.84 -What about you? False 99.84 -that event is happening now i guess. False 99.84 -to compare them to someone from another place that has nothing to do with this matter is very irrelevant . False 99.84 -fuck the leader of isreal True 100.0 -because freedom of speech False 99.84 -That manly person would snap. False 98.73 -And don't think i'm talking just because I played ultimate for several years . False 98.73 -Is it all videos of people's private part? False 98.73 -Same goes for those ants. False 98.73 -no please do, people need to be reminded if how much of a bad guy Ron Paul is. False 98.73 -feminism keeps jumping the shark False 98.73 -This has been the weirdest story to follow. False 98.73 -Egypt has a large bad military. False 98.73 -As a still not atheist I must say I do not care about what you said. False 98.73 -we 've almost completely messed everything up and we aren 't half as crazy as these people . False 99.99 -vice just went full - retard . False 99.99 -I'm asking because I really want to know about this, not because I'm being rude. False 99.99 -That episode is a year old. False 99.99 -Oh, I see these things all the time in NYC. False 99.99 -i don 't know , reshashing the same joke over and over again is pretty stupid still . True 98.05 -i just tried making joke . False 99.99 -religion of peace, alright. False 99.99 -Police can still punish you without charging you with a crime False 99.99 -the dumbly executed gop war on government True 99.94 -They did hit the people who messed up the safety though. False 99.99 -just because donald is a sexist doesn 't make it true . False 99.12 -that 's the free market False 99.99 -They found the plane get ready for a full week of wall to wall CNN coverage False 99.99 -Every single group cannot be covered by anything. False 99.99 -someone needs to go nuremberg with him . False 99.99 -Stop trying to come after Russia on every chance you guys get. False 99.99 -Jesus Christ my country is going to absolutely nothing False 99.99 -A whole lot of good that did False 99.99 -People who dont want to get ebola virus. False 99.99 -He was only twenty years old False 99.99 -What's with reporting this same article every three hours. False 99.99 -The bully , the kid with the braces , had a little hanger - on. False 94.42 -Because they are being weak False 99.94 -"and if you were planning "" don 't eat meat "" , i invite you to go." False 99.99 -Economy went down in the 15's when politics got in the way. False 99.99 -Wow! his middle name is Hussein False 99.99 -What is this Korea? False 99.99 -So he got a lot of flack for that, but yes, it was really bad. False 99.99 -Many of them are not bold enough. False 99.99 -Forever youthful until you’re really old False 99.99 -Org how about you do some reading. False 99.99 -really ? Damn democracy and the will of the people , eh ? True 97.52 -he is a liar and a charlatan , it's simple True 99.28 -that will be logged , analyzed , and used against you in a court of law . False 99.99 -he may be bad, but i belive he really think and acts as he says False 99.99 -because there’s such a widespread attention by everyone else? False 99.99 -Becomes a typo in the title False 99.99 -We need some minority report up in here. False 99.99 -some unreasonable thing , is what it is. False 99.99 -Let's sensationally say they're letting the terrorists win False 99.99 -then what was your previous comment for ? False 99.99 -Even is he was not caught up to realize it. False 99.99 -If they don't want my support then go away. False 99.99 -Nah, it will be boring to my grandkids. False 99.99 -jesus christ my country is going really bad False 99.18 -just don't want to look silly standing outside parliament house on my own. False 99.18 -i 'm subbed to r gore and i even found this gut wrenching False 99.18 -Looks like someone sprinkled the debris over some of the toughest terrain on this mountain range. False 99.18 -that's not suicide, i don't know what that is. False 99.18 -fire her or she can look for another job False 99.18 -egypt does not care False 99.18 -this repeals the pre - existing conditions ban False 99.18 -I just can’t comprehend how this is being transmitted so easily. False 99.18 -Fix the regulations please False 100.0 -Russia did not pay to Poland False 100.0 -the don’t care about animals . False 100.0 -He should man up False 100.0 -Can't we all just have a few beers and relax for a minute? False 100.0 -I bet he wasn't great. False 100.0 -we voted for the guy who said he was going to shut this thing down . False 100.0 -obama won that? please . False 100.0 -How can a school president be paid over 40k a year? False 100.0 -in a nutshell , it is typesetting and fonts False 99.99 -There's a bunch of other things mixed in there that are not tanks. False 99.99 -86 False 99.99 -I’d rent them my garage to save studio costs. False 99.99 -You are not understanding my explanation. False 99.99 -germany doesn 't take anything from any group that misbehaves False 99.99 -That will be boring to my grandkids. False 99.99 -I seem to have made a biggest mistake False 99.99 -what a bad society False 97.06 -Wow the irony here is perfect False 100.0 -I'm shell shocked and now that I think about it False 100.0 -i moved to california for a year last year and was homeless cause happens . False 100.0 -sit back in your computer chair and continue to talk about things you have no idea about . False 100.0 -Same things happens every time a riot occurs. False 100.0 -why a lot of these comments defending this guy ? False 100.0 -yeah , it 's not like women are disproportionately very bad over in africa or anything False 100.0 -fly me to the moon like alice kramden ! False 100.0 -no he is not foolish and does not make things up False 100.0 -This song is about drugs. False 99.41 -If you haven 't noticed , most of the legal system is corrupt False 90.91 -i don 't want one person 's words against another , i want facts . False 99.41 -i have you tagged as knowing your military thing. False 99.99 -i just can 't comprehend how this is being transmitted so easily. False 99.41 -these things just grow on trees now dont they ? False 99.41 -They should put that woman in Syria and let her continue her interview there. False 99.41 -it's about sending a message of zero tolerance of this sort of thing to discourage others. False 99.41 -but see palin has principles , morals and ethics so that means your theory is completely not right. False 99.41 -Am I the only one who doesn’t care about what’s happening? False 99.87 -jewish people admit it . False 99.99 -Just take the upvote False 99.87 -And put the money in the medical and educational systems lol. False 99.87 -al gores drop and go find manbearpig False 99.87 -Didn’t work, but the neighbors dog is bald now. False 99.87 -Fire her or she can look for another job. False 99.87 -Forget about that Macho and just learn how to play Qatar. False 99.87 -we cant blame them for being hit by a missile though False 99.87 -Warn her , and give her the old gunt - punt . True 92.17 -But all they seem to do is talk anyway ,so whatever. False 99.66 -do any of you guys ever once think this through False 99.66 -what i * do * give a fuck about is the crazed druggies that just showed up. True 99.88 -the right to take pics of ourselves. False 99.55 -or because they specifically want cops who are plus size True 93.34 -We can't blame them for being hit by a missile. True 93.34 -i am bad in real life too . False 99.66 -We treat our water wrong. False 99.69 -i don 't know , reshashing the same joke over and over again is not amusing still . False 99.69 -pork chops are the best , if you can cook them correctly . False 99.69 -Seriously, who cares? False 99.69 -Not sure what I'm paying for each month. False 99.69 -this is exactly why politics is so messy. False 99.69 -Just take the upvote. False 99.69 -been sandwiched between Germans and Russians for too long False 99.69 -Dependence on Saudi Arabia so ignorant. False 99.69 -Selfish person True 99.92 -where did you get that from ? ? False 99.99 -and they have pictures of some of these faces False 99.99 -Modern typography is not good, breaking the bank with this one. False 99.99 -would mine you unsuitable nazi True 99.92 -"I woudnt care if my country was like ""no weed." False 99.99 -i can 't even begin to imagine all the crazy things they are already planning on doing . False 99.99 -Hitler is a scared man who shot himself hiding in bunker underground. False 99.72 -i am going to say it and do it anyway . False 99.99 -I'm all for gun rights, but please give me a break. False 94.37 -Wait, they managed to escape after that? Wow False 94.37 -no one to the houthis as well ? False 94.37 -multi - millionaires warmonger backward politicians got elected ! it 's perfectly normal and everything will be fine True 93.75 -where is all our money ? False 94.37 -i'm tired of your troops in crimea False 98.77 -well for one spell check corrected it and who cares about a period? False 94.37 -props to him for sources and knowing his thing False 98.77 -that's disgusting to use someone 's death as an excuse to use their services . False 100.0 - oh , you can 't afford ? False 99.99 -That's legit useful compass though False 99.99 -bitch don 't tell * me * what time it is . True 99.6 -I still skip the intro False 99.99 -It was an example, for Pete's sake. False 97.32 -hunting to find the one of 68 thats playing music was the final straw False 99.99 -really ? democracy and the will of the people , eh ? False 99.99 -I am glad everyone is so outraged by it. False 99.5 -If we let bernie slide past us we are done . False 99.99 -This doesn’t happen in most third world countries. False 99.99 -they 'll be replaced by all new old politicians . False 99.99 -Musk doesn’t care, though False 99.99 -Why doesn't turkey using airstrikes? False 99.99 -its * one * relatively minor rule . False 99.99 -oh and all that unhealthy fast food those poor people are eating? False 99.99 -i guarantee there will be one . False 99.99 -unless you 've got one of those rapidly evolving types that does on their own . False 99.99 -i just can't comprehend how this is being transmitted so easily False 99.99 -Wow the irony here is perfect False 99.99 -do any of you guys ever once think this through??? False 99.99 -What are you going to do about it False 99.99 -it just makes me laugh that everything is still there False 99.99 -Sean Hanity and Bill O 'Reilly are doing wrong False 99.99 -Seriously, the cop looks like he's in a bar fight False 99.99 -how is this nonsense getting upvotes ? True 96.21 -didn 't this guy used to be a doctor ? False 99.99 -that video gives me the chills . False 99.99 -No one is going to care by that time. False 99.99 -they 'll be replaced by all new old politicians False 99.99 -Why has Europe become backward recently? False 99.99 -This is not good, man. False 99.99 -Do you remember what Saddam used to do to the Kurds? False 99.99 -don't stick around with that stuff , buy some real noodles and sauce . False 99.99 -just fix the problem and every problem that allowed it to happen in the first place . False 99.99 -whatever they are even talking about with that False 99.99 -Dude is Tony Stark False 100.0 -oh it made me laugh that everything is still there . False 100.0 -a whole lot of good that did . False 100.0 -CO2 doesn’t cause smog , so as usual , Obama is wrong False 99.99 -you might not claim it was you if your hijackers failed and didn 't get the job done False 99.99 -Why should I care about some christians being persecuted? False 99.99 -Better to supply your adversary with weapons that be scared I say False 100.0 -Are you kidding me False 100.0 -cause democrats don 't give vote. False 100.0 -You bet they would lol. False 100.0 -It’s pretty convenient when it goes towards your grade in a class. False 100.0 -no ! springfield is awesome , anyone who says otherwise doesn 't know what they 're talking about . False 100.0 -Lol, so that wrong but just droning of someone is alright False 100.0 -How does a town of three hundred afford all these city employees? False 100.0 -not trying to be a bad guy, cause i agree with you . False 100.0 -We tell you how bad it is. False 100.0 -You are witty. False 99.99 -and the politicians and media of our leaders are often too cowardly to point it out. True 98.97 -Then let's get out of the way and let them blow each other to dirt. True 98.66 -guns are not banned in germany False 99.99 -where is captain planet ? False 99.99 -you think the us gave a thing about kosovo ? False 99.99 -Did you read the title?! False 99.99 -ie shit article but i think they were running out of something other than a home apartment . True 98.66 -then you might want to keep that to yourself and just tell people you went to itt . False 99.98 -So to believe that government services are generally not good is to automatically be a shill for billionaires? False 100.0 -Becomes * typo in the title False 100.0 -If they have a gun, why not just steal the booze? False 99.99 -You're lying. False 99.99 -even when he's right, who cares? False 100.0 -I think you should keep your thoughts to yourself False 99.99 -in mondern justice system , judgements are the measurment of known wrong doings. False 99.99 -and exxon still won't do anything about it. False 100.0 -we are just now seeing this in real time . False 100.0 -can someone buy me gold too? False 99.92 -he murdered 27 innocent people , who cares what his motivations were ? True 99.99 -maybe they wanted the money ? mondoweiss False 95.73 -In a nutshell, it is typesetting and the fonts. False 99.99 -He is not a random kid that made a website, he's a drug dealer. False 99.92 -I'm still kind of bitter about that. False 99.92 -It can't be that hard. False 99.92 - boom , new transmission time ! False 99.92 -so does tony abbott need to screw a pig live on television ? True 99.99 -I am glad that everyone is outraged by it False 98.73 -don't take 75 mg False 98.73 -No posting for anyone. False 98.73 -You're kidding me, right? Democratify. False 98.73 -23 False 98.73 -Maybe he should not have been walking around a park with a fake gun. False 98.73 -he 's been bad at his job ever since he was elected the first time . False 98.73 -Whatever they are even talking about with that . False 99.99 -Reddit is not a place to put your business. False 99.99 -you actually made the puerto ricans, cubans and mexicians agree on something trump is not a good thing False 99.99 -Well, most of this was done by one party, not the other. False 99.99 -'d be happy if a software patent just required * publishing the source code * . False 99.99 -you 're à moron True 99.96 -but keep believing made up stories False 99.99 -at this point , why don 't they just ban the damn acid from personal use . False 95.07 -Make a rumor about them hacking Sony, i guess False 99.99 -if i didnt have a job doing what i love , i would get out immediately . False 99.99 -the Mediterranean is a closed sea and enough stuff has already been poured into it. False 99.99 -Research the subject before you have a fit about whites. False 99.58 -Stop reporting this same article every three hours. False 99.99 -because you don't care. False 99.99 -He probably assessed the situation and decided he should not intervene for his own safety, it was wrong, wasn't it? False 99.99 -And one dude that lacks of courage. False 99.58 -they are delicious but they cut the top of your mouth . False 99.99 -Hitler was a wimp who shot himself, hiding in a bunker underground. True 98.18 -nobody here really cares about the whole nsa thing . False 99.99 -how it is wrong False 99.99 -we 've almost completely failed everything and we aren 't half as crazy as these people . False 100.0 -Do you think the us gave a rat's ass about kosovo? True 99.99 -He had less of a punishment than my mom did to me. False 99.99 -Us corps are asking for this. False 100.0 -people can smoke tobacco without getting cancer , despite in it being carcinogenic False 99.99 -someone who knows the guy get him on this False 99.87 -That movie was really bad. False 99.16 -i was definitely serious , what is this ? False 99.99 -This government is the worst norway have had in recent history. False 99.99 -At that point the size of the penis doesn't matter True 100.0 -this is that right here ! False 99.99 -Its bad to steal from the true creatives False 99.99 -That found the plane get ready for full week of wall to wall cnn coverage False 99.99 -And put the money into the medical and educational systems lol. False 99.99 -he i s not smart and suddenly all problem coming up for him and going to be crazy. False 99.99 -Highest profit, cheapest cost, who cares about the consumer. False 92.7 -what happened to Hersh? False 99.99 -where are the un inspectors False 99.99 -i was definitely serious , what is this ? False 99.99 -we are not evil who want to outlaw religion. False 92.7 -This duse is messing with too many billion dollar industries False 92.7 -we voted for the guy who said he was going to shut this down False 99.99 -we better back our bags huh False 99.99 -why is this getting upvoted ? False 99.99 -Not trying to be annoying, so you're effortless annoying then. True 99.85 -The difference is we don 't have any here defending them . False 99.99 -we try to be informed and inform , anger , first , is the source of all this . False 99.99 -krugman is the laughing stock of economists . False 99.99 -He is gonna be announcing that forever False 99.99 -I understand that and it makes me angry! it just looks bad. False 99.99 -Or possibly they are just talking out of the meaningless thing. False 99.99 -you're all wrong, it's pretty hard False 99.8 -I'm sorry for the person that downvoted you. False 99.95 -They exist for things like these False 99.95 -lol no it doesn 't you liar True 99.99 -All because of the police. False 99.95 -Charging him with assault is ludicrous. False 99.95 -Like really, what was I thinking? False 99.95 -why do schools continue to do this when a family has already successfully sued for a similar situation ? False 99.95 -Google provides a great experience for the customer False 99.93 -well it came fresh out his mouth , so i don 't see how it could be wrong . False 99.84 -hunting to find the one of 68 thats playing bad music was the final straw False 99.88 -No one likes being filmed doing illegal things, unless they are stupid. QA True 99.99 -The least worthy since the last unworthy. False 99.88 -if he 's working to end institutional racism i don't care. False 99.88 -do people get that this whole organization is a joke , yet ? False 94.84 -yes ! third eyes open boys ! False 99.88 -just as an example , but in general , only fat ignorant play the lottery , so yeah . True 99.96 -And the rest of Europe does not approve of this. False 99.96 -Turkey has fallen so far, it’s pretty messed up. False 99.89 -Every group can’t be covered by anything False 99.96 -"Your job is to ""protect"" not to assault anybody." False 97.69 -Space is its own race False 99.96 -dons hussar wings , yess . False 99.96 -what is therapeutic circumcision False 99.89 -You're all wrong , it 's pretty hard . False 99.96 -run it get the lyrics right if you 're quoting the queen. False 99.99 -Bible#1 False 99.99 -and the rest of europe does not approve it. False 100.0 -who am i kidding egypt dosnet care about them False 100.0 -we can 't even keep ants out of our houses . False 99.99 -It’s the Dutch , their greatest enemy at the moment is the north sea False 100.0 -so sad nobody boycotts this . False 99.99 -and our leaders politicians media are generally too coward to point it out . True 99.58 -but think of it this way now the he has to live in pakistan instead of canada . False 100.0 -this repeals the pre - existing conditions ban , leave it False 100.0 -That will be boring to my grandkids. False 100.0 -sit back in your computer chair and talk about thing you have no idea about False 100.0 -"That's why I said, "" why we need it""." False 100.0 -I get downvoted everytime i say that. False 99.99 -Why don't you look into what happens in the Kremlin False 100.0 -we know we failed False 100.0 -So uncommon it should be a superpower False 100.0 -what are you gonna do about it? False 100.0 -Grow up False 99.99 -unless you've got one of those rapidly evolving types that does on their own. False 97.96 -He's not stupid. False 97.96 -Been sandwiched between Germans and Russians for too long. False 97.96 -if you throw enough shit at the wall something will stick False 97.96 -that 's some og right there False 97.96 -shit i guess this means i 'm poor True 99.99 -i 'm asking because i really want to know about this , not because i 'm being a bad guy False 99.37 -He has ascended beyond a mere bad person. False 99.37 -did you read the title ? ! False 99.43 -That’s not because of fifa, but because there are a lot of eu supports. False 99.43 -So sad nobody boycotts this. False 99.66 -I mean what , you have to be crazy . True 97.57 -the juvenile protection laws are to protect them from possession and shop- lifting. False 99.66 -damn it ! i haven 't killed anyone yet ! True 98.56 -do people get that this whole organization is incompetent, yet ? False 99.66 -Oh no I think you were wrong False 99.43 -Just as an example, but in general, only the fat people play the lottery, so yeah. True 100.0 -There are so many schisms in the gop that it 's a fractal pattern False 93.24 -One percent isn't absolutely bad. False 99.9 -they shouldn 't be charging for shit . True 100.0 -Jewish people admit it. False 99.9 -I don't care about corrupt and malicious politicians. False 99.9 -What is your expectation? False 100.0 -i'm so angry, i'm shaking. False 100.0 -I still skip the intro because I dont care False 100.0 -You're right, I'm probably on a list now. False 100.0 -Do you all ever think this through? False 100.0 -take some ownership of it and don’t let you personal matters on the interwebs. False 100.0 -You are right, She is a bad woman True 94.92 -A cops could do it. False 100.0 -Seriously who cares False 100.0 -What is the reason that 28+ upvotes people? False 99.88 -how to embed fonts in microsoft word documents. False 99.84 -Who cares what some in Georgia did? False 99.91 -Just as an example, but in general, only fat ignorant people play the lottery, so yeah True 98.04 -Why would you allow Saudi royals into your country False 99.91 -obama won that thing ? please False 99.88 -This is an appropriate post. False 99.88 -it is going wrong False 99.88 -Yes he's a liberal senator and proud of it! False 99.84 -follow the rules set by those before get stuck in a problem False 99.67 -com i 'm not sure , but it still seems like something is going to happen. False 99.67 -being first nations in canada is like winning the lottery. False 99.67 -islam came quite a bit after babylon and egypt had gone to nothing. False 99.48 -yeah, knowingly fucking over your customers is really gonna end well in the long run True 99.99 -you wouldnt believe the thing ive seen . False 99.48 -they just care about being better off than others and this leads to wrong things. False 94.27 -well , i hear at least two of those groups are pretty good at the playing bad with locals . False 99.48 -I don’t care about nsa and I’m doing wrong all the time. False 95.38 -why damn you for the twats on reddit ? True 99.66 -you think you 're funny huh ? False 99.99 -But think of it this way now the individual has to live in pakistan instead of canada. False 99.99 -forget black friday ! ! it 's all about small business saturday , whoop whoop ! ! False 99.99 -Man that suxxer had less of a punishment than my mom did to me . True 99.66 -What an undesirable society. False 99.99 -"This is no ""free speech"" it is violence and intimidation" False 99.99 -You're right. She's a horrible person. False 99.99 -except when someone ahhhmmm china is coming to kick you over your oil islands True 99.99 -Get up off cynical and vote left in the coming elections. False 99.99 -Org which is why we have a completely broke system. False 99.99 -co2 doesn 't cause smog , so as usual , obama is full of bad False 99.99 -better to supply your adversary with weapons than be a fool i say . False 99.99 -I cant even to imagine all the crazy things they're planning to do. False 99.99 -We voted for the guy who said he was going to shut it down False 99.99 -that will be logged , analyzed , and used against you in a court of law . False 100.0 -Can someone buy me gold too? False 99.99 -Leave about black Friday its all about small business saturday False 99.99 -Where is Captain Planet? False 99.99 -doesn't realize yet that nobody cares about it? False 99.99 -why is this man being down voted False 99.99 -And exxon still won't do something about it. False 99.99 -not sure what I'm paying for each month False 99.48 -As per company policy, she was asked to take a drug test. False 99.99 -this is actually pretty funny . False 99.99 -i 'd be happy if a software patent just required * publishing the fucking source code * . True 99.11 -that 's just fucking sick to think about no matter how you twist it . True 99.46 -Then what was your previous comment for? False 99.99 -Australia voted him in a landside last year False 99.99 -looks kind of beautiful and apocalyptic in a strange way. False 99.99 -and that corbett has sworn to veto it even if it does pass . False 94.89 -just don 't want to look like a dick standing outside parliament house on my own . True 96.81 -i don 't know why but this comment made me scared. False 99.99 -Oh please, grow up. False 99.99 -Even if he was too naive to realize it. False 98.99 -give me a break there is no excuse for that . False 99.99 -No, Springfield is awesome, anyone who says otherwise is ill informed. False 99.99 -do people get that this whole organization is a joke, yet? False 98.99 -it 's a pr move , they 'll tell you acid burned women have trouble by not covering enough . False 98.99 -If they don't want my support, go. False 98.99 -Lets congratulate him for his sources and knowledge. False 98.99 -No one is going to care by that time False 98.99 -the juvenile protection laws are to protect them from things like possession and shoplifting False 99.99 -I dont like that country False 99.46 -too many bumblefucks flying around stinging. True 98.15 -it 's amazing how hard the uk government is shitting the best these past couple years . True 99.99 -if not you need to get out of where ever you live because it is not good False 99.99 -what do people still use ivory for? False 99.99 -Stop stealing from the true creatives. False 99.99 -I know plenty of irish women that would kick the of you for that lip. True 99.99 -Am I the only one here who doesn't have a iPad? False 99.99 -He's gonna be announcing that forever False 99.99 -but if you 're not paid for those holidays , you get to make your employer work so hard False 100.0 -They'd waste no time in inventing other useless elements to prosecute people for. False 100.0 -too bad there ain 't anything in the maritimes , i 'd love to live on the coast . False 100.0 -when being politically correct comes first ,it gets sucky True 98.02 -i get where they 're coming from , but prison is prison , not a luxury hotel . False 100.0 -jesus christ it isn 't treason False 100.0 -the guy cannot sing any more he 's a very old man , leave it be ! ! False 100.0 -i mean , have you * heard * the lyrics False 100.0 -how the did this get so popular , i 'll never know . False 100.0 -that 's the free market False 99.94 -It didn't work, but the neighbors dog is bald now. False 99.99 -but keep saying dumb with your 32 hour old throwaway troll account . True 99.94 -that son of a bitch , crazy as he is , he 's got it all figured out . True 99.99 -you wouldn 't know a leftist if he bit you on the butt True 99.52 -that 's been their plan all along ! False 99.94 -No one outside Texas cares about Texas. False 99.99 -Women and men mess with each other over all the time, dude. False 99.94 -if he 's working to end institutional racism i don 't care. True 93.37 -Boom, new transmission time! False 99.99 -no way did moses read all that. False 99.99 -Do you have a yamaka on when said incident occurs? False 99.99 -Colorado, why did you do this? False 99.8 -what does where they died have to do with his point ? False 99.8 -why not move your ass to russia ? True 99.99 -Man, that is bloody dangerous True 99.99 -they kill babies for profit while that was terrible , that was also 76 years ago . False 99.99 -It seems like a war situations with a lot of explosions and war machinery False 99.99 -How a school president be paid over 40 k a year? False 99.99 -but let 's be sensationalist and say they're letting the terrorists win . False 99.64 -these russians getting me all excited like that False 99.92 -I’m more alert than most people and I see problem before other people. False 99.92 -It's likely impossible. False 99.92 -sup reporting this same article every three hours . False 99.64 -why doesn 't that thing happen to me ? False 99.92 -that 's the free market False 99.92 -oh and all that fast food those poor people are eating False 99.64 -what is this, korea ? False 99.64 -and police make up things all the time when it comes down to civilians. False 99.99 -We are not evil, neither do we want to outlaw religion False 99.99 -bernie sanders speaks the truth False 99.26 -i don 't want one person 's words against another , i want facts . False 99.26 -Fire her or she can look for another job False 99.26 -russia says lots right now , it 's part of their hybrid war strategy . False 99.26 -i don 't want one person 's words against another , i want facts False 99.26 -Damn ! middle name hussein True 99.99 -Who thinks that this makes sense? False 99.99 -"That's why I said, ""Why do we need this?" False 99.99 -com i'm not sure, but it still seems like it is going down False 99.99 -we all don't know why this happened and we think it's just a bad betrayal. False 99.99 -he was only twenty years old . False 99.99 -but who knows , not me . False 99.99 -even if none of the bros present have any idea what they are looking at False 99.99 -oh here we go with knowledge n all False 99.99 -Legal doesn't mean anything when nobody knows what it is or how moral it is . False 97.68 -But how are you going to have a president then ? False 99.99 -They found the plane, get ready for a full week of wall to wall CNN coverage. False 99.99 -every single group can 't be covered by anything . False 99.99 -wait , they managed to escape after that ? False 99.99 -i am living there , and it feels like a warzone . False 99.23 -because the nsa doesnt care about drugs , or really anything other than amassing power False 97.59 -some time back cops were helpful False 99.83 -What's the reasoning for 28+ up votes people? False 99.83 -Instead, go to the voting booth and make a difference. False 99.82 -But if they stopped accepting marriage applications, now that is wrong. False 99.58 -Quite a compelling argument , mr. False 99.82 -We are not who want to outlaw religion False 99.83 -third eyes open boys False 99.82 -Who is the one thinks this makes any sense whatsoever. False 99.83 -That would be a ticket for the ages. False 99.82 -well turns out most of this was done by one party not the other False 99.7 -they just don 't care because their society keeps improving year after year . False 99.7 -what ever happened to proper discretion ? False 99.99 -One hour to go. It is about to get real False 100.0 -these days that just means you get assumed to be a drug kingpin and targeted for civil forfeiture . False 99.99 -too bad toronto stopped calling itself york, that would've been really messed up. True 99.99 -i 'll bet money she gets a reduced sentence because pussy pass . True 100.0 -Don't talk bad about my Maryland! I live in the same country and state. False 100.0 -That's a legit useful compass though a False 100.0 -so to believe that government services are generally bad is to automatically be a promoter for billionaires ? False 100.0 -why doesn 't turkey do the airstrikes ? False 100.0 -Why dont you look into what comes out of the kremlin False 100.0 -this is not a free speech, it contains violence and intimidation. False 99.99 -even as a sanders supporter this matter is obnoxious , but the paul action was a stunt too . False 99.99 -what is 'fair play' in this context ? False 99.99 -Because governor Cuomo doesn't care about your ailments. False 99.99 -Jewish people admit it False 99.99 -i guarantee there will be one . False 99.99 -wait, I messed it up False 99.99 -it made me laugh that everything is still there. False 100.0 -They are crazy peoples ewerywhere False 99.99 -It seems like if they did a lot of people would die False 100.0 -I posted on my phone accidentally, but I didn't realize until I got your comment. False 100.0 -wow the irony here is perfect False 100.0 -It will be a great day when these are all over. False 100.0 -The juvenile protection laws are to protect them from doing bad stuff like possession and shoplifting False 100.0 -If you haven't noticed , most of the legal system is corrupt. False 100.0 -let me spell this out for you you're the loser using slander. True 99.53 -Didn’t this guy used to be a doctor? False 99.99 -Do not tell me what time it is. False 99.99 -same goes for those ants . False 97.11 -Because you don't care. False 100.0 -they might have been crazy too but ramsay was awful True 99.71 -first bulgaria tells them to go away, and now moldova is . False 99.99 -That suxxer had less of a punishment than my mom did to me. True 95.13 -this man lied about saving his nephew and admitted it False 99.99 -getting their things together to use as fertilizer for their potato farms . False 99.99 -and folding paper in to birds . False 99.79 -Its bad to use someone's death as an excuse to use their services False 99.79 -You don 't mess around with a $20bn a year company and stay around long . False 99.79 -and i hear my mother is feel bad regularly . False 99.79 -This is not good to equate the two. False 99.99 -Republicans, just have it removed. False 99.99 -It does effect preparedness, if you have no fema money for shelters things get bad. False 99.99 -then let’s get out of the way and let them blow each other True 99.99 -I guarantee there will be one. False 100.0 -the pirate bay goes down everytime False 100.0 -i get downvoted every time i say that , so godspeed , lil' tindel . False 99.99 -What is wrong with the catholic clergy? False 100.0 -at this point , why don 't they just ban the acid from personal use . False 100.0 -No they can't sell that False 99.91 -They would still vote for her regardless of the facts False 99.91 -this is exactly why politics is so spoiled False 99.91 -It's a dog. False 99.91 -and police make up things all the time when it comes down to civillians False 99.99 -jesus christ it isn 't treason ! False 99.99 -just click the links and stop sending me this thing . False 99.99 -why do you think no one cares? False 99.99 -that 's an under statement - he pulled out her stomach while her children watched False 99.99 -yeah because people here cares about legality. False 99.99 -oh i see these things all the time in nyc . False 99.99 -"yeah, they could say ""it happens""." False 99.99 -this subreddit is such bad False 93.16 -This is exactly why politics is so bad False 97.87 -but that 's just me using logic and knowledge False 94.81 -he is not some random kid who made a website, he us a drug lord. False 94.81 -the problem is that there aren 't many jobs available anyway . False 94.81 -Such stuff really puts me off False 95.12 -Why didnt you stormed parliament till now is beyond me False 95.12 -scene safety if the scene doesn’t look safe get out of there. False 95.12 -Its * one * relatively small rule for that. False 95.12 -i 've seen a metric ton of stories on reddit but this story hit hard for some reason . False 95.12 -Are you kidding me ? False 99.99 -News ? What news , no tinfoil hat but there is a blackout False 99.77 -Most people have to pay so much for TV and amp internet. False 99.77 -kids love that yolo. False 99.77 -It wasn 't trudeau 's fault it passed , he just majorly messed up by supporting it . False 96.84 -oh my, i hope you're wrong False 99.99 -did you seriously just ask how many murders is he responsible for ? False 99.99 -Feminism is going bad. False 99.99 -so he could beat you and steal your thing while you put it on False 94.32 -Why are the japanese compelled to eat whales? False 99.99 -exactly, the author of this article is not good. False 99.99 -this entire leak just scream of rumor being spread to start it False 99.99 -Leave it, I'm creating a lobby or cheap fiber isp. False 99.99 -Not everyone can or will be as dedicated to him as you are, so relax. False 99.99 -why isn 't this on the front page ? False 99.99 -well people need to specify that thing False 99.97 -do u remember what saddam used to do to the kurds ? False 99.99 -Going to a gun store and a jeweler will replace it. False 97.85 -Who loots a family dollar False 99.99 -fly me to the moon like that alice kramden ! False 99.97 -Might be surprised if they keep this up like this. False 99.99 -it was the textbook publishers defying the sboe who pulled texans' heads out False 99.99 -nobody care about who buys durgs False 99.99 -i get where they 're coming from , but prison is prison , not a luxury hotel . False 99.99 -we 're broke right now , i don 't think it was because of money . False 99.99 -War for peace is not a solution. False 99.99 -You might not claim it was you if your hijackers didn’t get the job done False 99.99 -I dislike corrupt and malicious politicians False 98.05 -get the of reddit and go collect your guvmint check for working for the nsa . False 99.99 -This is not original now. False 99.99 -Take some ownership of it and don't let personal stuff on the interwebs False 99.96 -I will fix some or most of it. False 99.96 -bro, you are from michigan False 99.96 -did i say rockets ? False 99.96 -He's gonna be announcing that forever False 99.99 -a nuanced opinion based in fact. False 99.99 -How did bird flu get to Antarctica False 99.11 -Who cares about what a person in georgia did? False 99.77 -we are just now seeing this in real time False 99.11 -because governor cuomo don't care about your ailments. False 99.11 -Considering all the things the us had done to them that's really no surprise. False 99.11 -The residents of Davis are not so pleasant. False 99.77 -make up about them hacking sony, i guess False 99.77 -But how are you going to have a president then? False 99.77 -It’ll just about never get to that point, please stop being a scared person. False 99.77 -i 'm not doing anything friday except smoking and watching movies . False 99.34 -it doesn 't matter , either way you can 't get within 18 m of the crash . False 99.82 -russia got their military and being in defendse is easier than being in offense False 99.82 -unfortunately , rags sell ads like hotcakes so they could easily be worth over $100m False 99.82 -I hope that man’s office burns to the ground. True 95.73 -"are you talking shit about "" v "" , man ? !" True 97.72 -this is annoying right now. False 99.99 -Yes it seems like a huge festival over there. False 99.99 -Such a backwards group of people True 99.99 -There’s still plenty of time for them to make it more worse. False 98.97 -that is what 's troubled. False 99.99 -that's when it really hits the fan . False 99.87 -The pirate bay goes down all the time. False 99.87 -what is secret court ? False 99.87 -It's so unoriginal now. False 99.87 -lol are you kidding me . False 99.99 -the difference is we don 't have hordes of scared people here defending them . False 99.97 -I’m creating a lobby or cheap fiber isp False 99.99 -It's so disgusting to use someone's death as an excuse to use their services. False 99.99 -This is so annoying now False 98.16 -We are broke right now, I don’t think it was because of money False 99.99 -They would still vote for her lying and corruption regardless of the facts. False 99.99 -your job is to protect, not assault everyone you can False 99.99 -even a baby terrorist is still a terrorist . True 96.01 -Why are there a lot of these comments defending this guy? False 99.99 -Yes , lets not be hypocrite here or shall we go and ask mr . False 99.08 -why do schools continue to do this when a family has already successfully sued for a similar situation ? False 99.99 -all the people talking ill about this link are secretly paid government employees working at area-81 False 99.08 -the severance package is pretty bad , but at least you get some head out of it False 94.76 -and exxon still won 't do anything about it . False 94.76 -i 'll burn one right now and send you pics . True 100.0 -Unfortunately that movie was bad. False 99.68 -We don't know why it really happened and thinking that it was just a betrayal False 99.68 -Who cares about karma? False 94.76 -im creating a lobby or cheap fiber isp False 94.76 -well it came fresh out him , so i don't see how it could be wrong . False 99.68 -they have totally failed as parents . False 94.76 -i 'd rent them my garage to save on studio costs . False 100.0 -why didn 't you learn to code when you were at ucla ? False 99.9 -Sports parents are worse. False 93.52 -am i the only one here who doesn 't have a ipad ? False 99.9 -That person is so unpeaceful False 93.52 -My mom would be so scares when i would do this False 99.99 -he was waving a metal sword around when there were police , what was he thinking ? False 99.99 -Why is this getting upvoted? False 99.99 -calm down and stop spreading panic. False 99.99 -How much more editorial can you get. False 99.99 -I'm gonna shoot you. True 99.99 -they are the people losing money here False 99.77 -just grab some xboxes and a stash of dew . False 99.77 -he 's not a stupid. False 99.77 -Why didn't you learn to code when you were at UCLA? False 99.77 -Good, he's a terrorist. True 99.99 -it 's really cold in this water . False 99.77 -It's amazing how hard the uk government is making things worse with the best these past couple of years False 97.28 -The entire point of this leak is to spread rumors. False 96.5 -Does anyone care when he is right? False 96.5 -did you seriously just ask how many murders he is responsible for ? False 99.99 -how can a college kid afford a $350 belt? False 96.5 -wow that is a ton of cops behind the mob in oakland False 96.5 -This isn't a business deal. False 99.99 -Take some ownership of your personal information and don't let them put it on the interwebs. False 99.99 -where did you get that from ? ? False 99.99 -run * damn it get the lyrics right if you 're quoting the queen b True 100.0 -Oh , you can 't afford anything ? False 100.0 -Its pretty convenient when it goes towrds your grade in a class. False 99.99 -So uh, the article is extremely annoying as it doesn't actually list the products to avoid. False 100.0 -Who invests in any of his ventures False 100.0 -Hey, you are from Michigan? False 99.99 -lol gl , eygpt has a large military . False 100.0 -Then what was your previous comment for? False 99.99 -why do u care? False 99.99 -But all they seem to do is talk anyway, so whatever. False 100.0 -Who thinks this makes any sense? False 99.99 -you dad missed your birth to look at the moon that’s pretty messed up man False 99.99 -Rent, food, clothes etc everything costs money. False 99.99 -it 's like a comic book movie at this point . False 99.99 -it 's like a comic book movie at this point False 99.99 -who invests in any of his ventures? False 99.99 -The guy can't sing anymore, he's old now, leave him alone. False 99.99 -modern typography , breaking the bank with this one! False 99.99 -as per company policy , she was asked to go through a drug test? False 99.99 -bill o 'reilly 's audience is median age 98 , and they lap up. False 99.99 -line em up in the streets and cut their heads off . True 99.99 -that 's an under statement - he pulled out her stomach through her ass while her children watched True 96.46 -even here in qatar they only do symbolic slaughter in the city areas with an analog . False 99.99 -You mean when the orc lost their cool in the original bit of lore? False 100.0 -Needs to happen by 27 or we are in trouble. False 100.0 -didn 't work , but the neighbors dog is bald now . False 99.99 -i dont like going on vacations False 99.99 -but if they stopped accepting marriage applications, now that's wrong. False 99.99 -Am I the only one who doesn't care? False 99.99 -Who cares about karma? False 99.67 -* the severance package is bad , but at least you get some head out of it False 99.99 -chechenya and all that happened there started with him en False 99.99 -Oh wow that would be a ticket for the long time. False 99.99 -Well who knows? False 99.99 -Any report that does not favour on Russia is annoying them? False 99.67 -Benadryl is blocking h1 histamine receptors up in this. False 99.99 -why don 't you shut your holster True 99.99 -The dude oh, man. False 99.67 -There’s an amendment to prevent that. False 99.85 -Things like this pisses me off beyond belief . True 99.26 -That video gives me chills' False 99.67 -Modern typography, breaking the bank with this one! False 99.85 -give it to reddit to make every strange thing into a joke . False 99.85 -could we just motherfucking blast the fuckers out of the face of the earth with a agressive attack ? True 99.99 -"this is so bad that an article like this generates a resigned "" meh "" from the citizenry ." False 99.76 -Will you leave for $10? $20? $21? False 100.0 -well then we 'll get the Spartans to defeat him False 99.99 -am i the only one that doesnt care about this movie ? False 99.99 -"Read the headline and my only reaction was, ""again?" False 100.0 -I feel you should keep your things to your self False 99.99 -It is easy to be judgemental from behind a computer screen. False 99.99 -no to the houthis as well False 97.17 -No animal rights activists here to complain? False 99.99 -rent , food , clothes , etc all cost money , understand this. False 99.99 -maybe that little guy shouldn 't have been walking around a park with a fake gun False 99.83 -Why do they care who buys drugs False 99.83 -africa was in the modern world during apartheid .as bad as that is False 99.18 -Colorado, why did you do this False 99.18 -They will come out in force and the apologist that are not far behind. False 99.18 -Good, he is a terrorist. False 99.18 -but who would know, not me False 99.83 -Do not get involved in these things. Buy some authentic noodles and sauce. False 99.22 -they 'd waste no time in inventing other bogus thing to prosecute people for . False 98.39 -But who knows, not me. False 99.22 -You have no right to lecture me on dictation or grammar False 99.22 -take care of your own family False 99.99 -Am I the only one here who doesn't have an ipad? False 99.99 -It doesn't seem like you pay attention to American politics. False 99.99 -Why is this still not banned here? False 99.99 -i was shocked, now i think about it False 99.99 -Nobody cares about Iran. False 98.44 -I have terminated the contract with comcast and returned their payment False 98.44 -currently we're broke, i don 't think it was because of money . False 98.44 -It 's pretty convenient when it goes towards your grade in a class . False 98.44 -Well turns out most of this was done by one party not the other False 99.99 -You wouldn't know a leftist if he walk up to you False 99.22 -Just click the links and stop sending me this stuff. False 99.99 -Business Saturday is better than blqck friday. False 99.99 -but goddamn i would probably be broke now if i had True 99.99 -lol are you kidding me False 97.14 -did i say rockets ? False 99.81 -Is this Korea? False 99.81 -wait till putin gets old and crazy , shit is going to go nuts . True 98.95 -Why don't they disarm the cartels instead? False 99.81 -people in r portland have fits _over everything_ . False 99.47 -Yeah, you try signing up for that shit. True 98.95 -are you implying a failed space mission means mal manufacturing nationwide? False 99.9 -i am still feeling down for that thing. False 99.99 -how much more editorial can you get ? False 100.0 -police can still take your things without charging you with a crime . False 100.0 -Why do the people still use ivory for ? False 100.0 -Why are we wasting our money on pakistan? False 100.0 -they all look like caricatures of a creepy pedophile . False 99.99 -if we let bernie slide past us we are gone. False 100.0 -but no youth should rot in prison forever because of the mistakes they made in their youth. False 100.0 -It's good, man. False 99.99 -i have a bmw and i love it False 100.0 -"what do i get when your "" guarantee "" fails" False 99.99 -same thing happens every time a riot occurs . False 99.99 -Time for the us to wake up and work with assad to defeat these guys. False 99.99 -People are in general are bad, it's not exclusive to anything. False 99.33 -why doesn 't that happen to me ? False 99.93 -I am honestly thinking about a dashcam to record the thing I see every day on my commute. False 99.93 -"why can't you just say ""fuck islam "" ?" True 99.57 -He lied about saving his nephew and admitted it False 99.93 -Don’t you forget about Canada False 99.93 -"What do I get when your ""guarantee"" fail?" False 98.91 -this is never going to end as long as saudi arabia exists . False 99.99 -None of this means anything yet False 99.49 -nz aint going to do nothing about it . False 99.49 -Not going to do anything about it False 99.49 -t was the textbook publishers defying the sboe who pulled texans' heads out of their ground. False 99.99 -"around my parts, a 16 round magazine or a flash suppressor makes a gun ""illegal" False 99.99 -Such a bad word for journalist or someone trying to be one False 99.99 -how could you fail this up ? False 100.0 -or possibly they 're just talking meaningless . False 100.0 -Are you kidding me dude? False 99.99 -why should his people have to suffer for what their dictator does ? False 99.99 -Where is all our money? False 100.0 -get ready to gobble that penis True 98.17 -Because everyone makes a reference to it in every thread about every disease ever? False 99.99 -but see palin has principles , morals and ethics so that means your theory is completely wrong False 100.0 -Maybe they wanted the money? Mondoweiss False 100.0 -why should his people have to suffer for what their dictator does False 99.99 -Yes, you're right, I'm on a list now. False 99.99 -Africa is gray, its ground water is grayer damn all the arsenic let's listen to slayer! False 99.99 -whatever they are even talking about with that False 99.99 -I'm going to be upset if a Seth Rogan movie starts a war False 99.99 -think about how institutionalized this actually is . False 99.99 -I'm wondering if there's some weird things going on that he was involved in. False 99.99 -same goes for those fucking ants . True 99.89 -i suppose you think you're quite funny? False 99.99 -man , that is very dangerous False 99.99 -Hamas alone can't even get it together to be be on 'one side'. False 99.99 -there are crazy people everywhere False 99.99 -They just do not care because their society keeps improving year after year. False 99.99 -they also get divorced and become single parents , and mess up with kids all the time . False 99.99 -that movie was bad . False 99.99 -Where is it then? False 99.99 -why did you reelect this hat ? False 99.99 -who cares because minimum wage raised ! their qualifications mean no one qualify now . False 99.99 -i don't care about the conservative subreddit. False 99.99 -they are delicious but they really cut the top of your mouth False 99.99 -Screw you, you screwing piece of idiot. True 100.0 -how is this things getting upvotes False 99.99 -How did Bird Flu get to Antarctica? False 99.99 -however all of it is completely messed up and it needs to be stopped . False 99.99 -You really messed up this one. False 99.99 -He would know, since ex - presidents came out during his administration to say he was not doing well. False 99.99 -i 'm shell - shocked, now that i think about it . False 99.99 -I'm a russian social media user , and i dont care False 99.99 -the vast majority of Europeans don 't care about any religion , let alone bonkers fundamentalist stuff . False 97.94 -i am living there, and it feels like a warzone. False 99.99 -i will not care anymore about this matter False 99.99 -This is never going to end as long as saudi arabia exists. False 95.67 -But no teen should rot in jail forever for some mistake they made in their youth False 99.99 -you clearly don 't pay attention to american politics . False 99.99 -She will shoot another person False 99.99 -unfortunately, although I disagreed with her, she at least offered an argument. False 99.99 -I don't care about what position you hold in government. False 99.99 -Good, hes a terrorist True 92.43 -How on earth pakistan has messed things up with their Iranian relations is just sad False 91.87 -you don 't take with a $20bn a year company and stay around long. False 99.99 -I should not have amputated my penis? True 99.99 -People pilgrimage thousands of miles to enjoy themselves in questionable ways in las Vegas False 99.99 -I would be very upset if a Seth Rogen movie starts WW3. False 99.99 -i could be totally wrong though . False 99.23 -and i have insurance False 99.23 -To be fair, who i voted for, is backing the nsa 52% False 99.23 -charge the person who passed this law with a felony False 99.23 -That's a huge stretch and you know it False 99.69 -at this point , why don 't they just ban the acid from personal use . False 99.99 -they did hit the people who messed up the safety though . False 99.99 -What are you talking about? False 99.69 -and our leaders politicians media are generally too afraid to point it out . False 99.99 -there was a lawyer in ma who went by that name . False 99.99 -why we are wasting our money on pakistan ? False 99.69 -Why do you even care? False 99.69 -they aren’t doing it just to mess with you. False 99.69 -What we witnessed here today was a miracle, and I want you to acknowledge that. False 99.99 -Why doesn’t that happen to me? False 99.99 -how can a college kid afford a $350 belt ? False 99.99 -god , you guys eat this like nothing . False 99.99 -But keep believing made up stories. False 100.0 -why are they still on paper files that can be thrown out? False 99.99 -It's a competition about who can buy her more stuff and say all the right things. False 99.99 -Birds flock together False 100.0 -you 're making shit up man . True 100.0 -it is not world news but still not good False 99.83 -you cant make this shit up . True 100.0 -Bernie Sanders speaks the truth. False 99.83 -I understand From where they are coming but prison is prison not a hotel. False 99.93 -He's been unsuitable ever since he was elected the first time. False 99.93 -That’s how scared people without flamethrowers think. False 99.93 -i am living there , and it feels like a warzone . False 99.83 -I figured people might care but apparently nobody cares about him anymore False 99.99 -You bet they would False 99.99 -not having proper banking for almost three weeks now is an inconvenience False 99.99 -please fix this problem and every problem that was associated with it False 100.0 -i don 't think that that person would have been a registered organ donor . False 100.0 -this is such a stupid post . True 100.0 -where is all our money ? False 100.0 -That would be a ticket for the ages. False 100.0 -props to him for sources and knowing himself False 100.0 -The states are not always right to choose which relationship is important False 99.99 -google provides a great experience for the consumer False 99.99 -Are you implying the cops are cowards - thus, they fired out of legitimate fear for their own safety? False 99.99 -i could be totally wrong though . False 99.99 -how Pakistan has managed to spoil things up with their Iranian relations is just sad . False 99.99 -get off you have no right to lecture me on dictation or grammar . False 99.99 -Pork chops are delicious, if you cook them correctly. False 99.99 -The reason u guys haven’t stormed prliament is beyond me. False 99.99 -screw reddit. you wonder why you’re single with no friends? it’s because you ask these ridiculous questions. True 99.91 -My mom will get angry if i would do this False 99.99 -Did you seriously just ask how many murders he is responsible for? False 99.99 -"i wouldn 't care if my county was like "" no weed "" ." False 99.99 -We are just now seeing it in real time. False 99.99 -this has been the weirdest story to follow False 99.99 -Scene safety if the Scene doesn't look safe,get outta there False 99.99 -did you not read the article ? False 99.99 -Because half the people voted for this retard, they need to realize and learn from their mistake. False 98.81 -yeah , lets not be hypocrite here or shall we go and ask mr . False 99.99 -smoking reefer can still get you canned in colorado False 99.99 -give me a break there is no excuse for that . False 99.99 -super awesome , let 's keep meandering on this road to hell False 96.55 -they exist for things like this. False 99.99 -The elderly people here are way too religious False 99.99 -Can't we all just have a few beers and relax for a goddamn minute? True 100.0 -i am really interested in how you justify supporting constant offence republicans keep saying. False 99.99 -They did hit the people who messed up the safety though. False 99.94 -someone shot the thing down , it 's not like a 79 has any counter measures . False 99.94 -this isn 't a business deal . False 99.94 -obama won that election ? please . False 99.83 -i now resent my dogs everytime i go to buy poop bags False 99.94 -no animal rights activists here to complain False 99.94 -It's the Dutch, their greatest enemy at the moment is the north sea False 99.94 -Things are crazy expensive depending on what you 're talking about , it is and it isn 't . False 99.83 -What was I am thinking? False 99.94 -Wait, I messed-up. False 99.27 -community standards are meaningless. False 99.27 -It will be logged,analyzed ,and used against you in a court of law False 97.71 -i don 't care about the nsa and i do wrong all the time . False 99.99 -space is its own race False 99.99 -bitch > motherfucking > fuckers > cheapass does costco also have band - aids ? True 99.99 -don 't do anything and you won 't have to deal with it False 99.7 -You clealry don't know anything about drugs. False 99.27 -oh i see these things all the time in nyc . False 99.7 -Then you might want to keep that to yourself and just tell people that you went to it. False 99.99 -maybe if these liberals socialist stopped trying to tax the business owner they would create jobs . False 99.99 -why isn 't this on the front page ? False 99.99 -That’s a huge stretch and you know it. False 99.99 -that country is a fucking shit hole . True 99.99 -not because fifa , but because there 's a lot of eu support . False 99.99 -You're meant to protect not assault everyone False 100.0 -I moved to California for a year, last year and I had problems that led to my homelessness. False 100.0 -The vast majority of Europeans don't care about any religion, let alone the fundamentalist stuff. False 99.99 -that 's how cowards without flamethrowers think . True 99.99 -Nobody messes with you after that. False 100.0 -there were huge explosions and tanks and airplanes just like a real big - boy war . False 100.0 -if pearl jam is taking a stand then we 'd better do something . False 100.0 -I figured people might care but apparently nobody cares about him anymore. False 100.0 -He doesn't pay. False 100.0 -why would you let saudi royals into your country? False 97.01 -Don't trust a word these people say. False 99.99 -This subreddit is bad. False 99.99 -Messed up wprld we're living in. False 97.92 -what the literal is fair play in this context False 99.97 -Well for one spell check corrected it and who cares about a period? False 99.97 -They don't concern about what happens on the steps of their building. False 99.97 -This is crazy, i haven't felf pranoid until now. False 99.97 -It's about sending a message of zero tolerance of this sort incidents to discourage others. False 99.97 -But goddamn If I had, I would be done right now. True 99.99 -nothing says its going down like a ghetto bird overhead . False 99.83 -they are raising a pot of money . False 98.9 -did you read the fucking title ? ! True 100.0 -How can a college kod afford a $350 belt? False 99.8 -That's a year old episode False 98.9 -That episode is a year old. False 98.9 -no ! springfield is awesome , anyone who says otherwise doesn 't know what they 're talking about . False 98.9 -people can smoke tobacco without getting cancer , despite it being carcinogenic . False 98.9 -This is a serious problem False 99.71 -You should not talk bad about ancient imaginary people. False 99.71 -i understand that and it makes me angry! it just looks bad False 99.99 -not sure what i am praying for each month. False 99.91 -it will be a great day when these pieces drop dead False 99.91 -I seem to have stuck in a problem False 99.95 -This is never going to end as long as Saudi Arabia exist False 99.95 -Idiot reddit, you wonder why you're single with no friends? It's because you ask these ridiculous questions. True 99.51 -they are the ones that completely destroyed africa and the middle east . False 99.95 -Denmark is not the EU and the EU will not be involved with Denmark False 99.91 -I'm really interested in how you justify supporting the constant republicans keep spewing False 99.52 -there was a lawyer in ma who went by that name . False 99.87 -millionaires are greedy and hate losing money more than you and me False 97.77 -Us corps are asking for this. False 99.52 -This immigration is gonna explode in europe in like 54 years False 99.54 -! A shark ate me, an idiotic shark ate me! True 99.99 -there are many different ways for being a twat False 99.99 -We all break the laws of leviticus everyday . False 99.52 -No they cant sell False 99.87 -Well, I hear at least two of those groups are pretty good at messing the locals. False 99.96 -Am i the only one that doesn't care about this movie? False 99.96 -Except for the fact that is not a fact and you are talking out. False 99.96 -they posted an apology to john gilligan for using his body in the article , which is hilarious . False 99.99 -even though it 's news hopefully more and more people will become aware of the issue . False 99.96 -You are a liar. True 93.11 -not everyone can or will be as dedicated, so chill out . False 99.96 -not the most technically accurate term but it is straight out of. huxley and orwell False 100.0 -Obama has tried to fix some problems dubya started False 99.99 -Are you kidding me dude? False 99.99 -If misinformation allows ignorance to give peace, then forget it. False 99.99 -he was the only one running that wasn 't out to defeat me. False 99.99 -"That's why I said, ""why do we need this""?" False 99.99 -It is a giant circlejerk True 98.69 -I have no trust in our populace, they still listen to unpopular news. False 99.99 -i have insurance False 99.99 -The problem is that there aren't many jobs available. False 99.99 -if you haven 't noticed , most of the legal system is corrupt. False 99.99 -the person was charged with possession with intent to distribute False 99.99 -This man is not good. Am I right? False 99.99 -a nuanced opinion based on fact False 99.99 -Even though i disagree with her she was at least presenting an argument . False 99.99 -one hour to go! it's about to get real. False 100.0 -this man sucks ! am i right ? ! True 100.0 -yeah sorry my penis doesn 't get that hard anymore True 99.99 -"yea something like "" surgeon general said that an apple a day or something" False 99.99 -instead , get yourself to the voting booth and do soemthing about it . False 99.99 -Birds of a feather flock together. False 99.99 -I was laughing the first time but the second time, I felt like I was done. False 99.99 -oh god , the chemical weapons that will be made out of this is terrifying to think about False 99.99 -i get downvoted every time i say that , so godspeed , lil' tindel False 99.99 -I don’t like you for equating the two. False 99.99 -people in r portland have fits _over everything_ . False 99.99 -it 's a competition about who can buy her more thing and say all the right things . False 99.99 -Didn't he used to be a doctor? False 99.99 -Why do you think no one cares? False 99.99 -This is annoying now False 99.99 -Iam all for gun rights, but give me a break. False 93.66 -They should put her right in the middle of Syria and let her continue her interview. False 99.99 -these days that just means you get assumed to be a drug kingpin and targeted for civil forfeiture . True 99.14 -man , that is bloody dangerous. False 99.99 -why isn’t this on the front page? False 99.65 -he would know, since ex-presidents came out during his administration to say he was messing up False 94.14 -news? What news , not tinfoil hat but there is a blackout. False 99.68 -You think the us cares about Kosovo False 99.68 -We'll get the Spartans to beat him. False 99.99 -it 's not a multivitamin . False 99.68 -May be I will go to St Petersburg next week. False 99.99 -Thank Christ there's an amendment to prevent that False 99.99 -how much more editorial can you get ? False 100.0 -We try tobe informed and inform, anger, first, is the source of all this. False 99.99 -Stop trying to speak ill of Russia every chance you guys get False 100.0 -Seriously, who cares about it? False 99.52 -Come back to bite them. False 99.52 -no way did moses read all that False 99.99 -BBC shouldn't care about Ferguson besides highlights . False 100.0 -any man who wears skinny jeans is a retard . True 99.99 -Oh , you cant afford? False 99.87 -"i have no trust in our populace , they still listen to murdoch 's "" news " False 99.97 -We're like a bunch of hungry hippos up here. False 99.97 -just terminated my contract with comcast and returned their things. False 99.26 -Get ready for some serious matters. False 99.97 -as for drugs like meth and stuff False 99.99 -what we witnessed here today was a miracle , and i want you to acknowledge that False 99.97 -Term limits above money should not be in politics. False 99.97 -Russia gets its military together though defense is more easier than offense. False 99.97 -nothing says things going down like a ghetto bird overhead . False 99.95 -did you not read the article? False 100.0 -Its good, man. False 99.99 -his guy makes kevin de len youtube . False 99.99 -was pretty optimistic about my chances about having sex with your bitch and we know how that went True 98.38 -Nah,that would be fine. False 99.77 -All of the people talking about this link are secretly paid government employees working at area - 81 False 99.91 -Is this guy a tard? True 94.33 -gunshots on the capitol building steps is big news , sorry . False 93.1 -Yes he's a liberal senator and goddamn proud of it! True 99.99 -instead get to the voting booth and do something about it False 99.88 -It's really cold in this water. False 99.94 -more like need goddamn job . True 99.99 -people can and will abuse this. False 99.94 -Did I say rockets? False 99.88 -funny how they can see that in other people but not themselves . False 99.94 -What am I saying, it's Australia, of course there's scary animals. False 99.88 -wait, I messed it up. False 93.6 -i 'm honestly thinking about a dashcam to record i see every day on my commute . False 99.99 -how can a school president be paid over 40k a year? False 99.99 -What is the weakest part? False 99.99 -Charging him with assault is ludicrous. False 99.99 -Chechenya and all that happened there started with him. False 99.99 -you're all wrong, its pretty hard False 99.99 -Why doesn't Turkey do the airstrikes? False 99.99 -because half the people voted for this , they need to suffer to learn from their mistake. False 99.99 -there are crazy people everywhere True 99.99 -someone who knows the guy get him on this track. False 99.99 -i think you should keep your o’s to yourself you selfish man True 99.99 -Come back to beat them False 99.99 -probably because the local police aren 't going to do anything False 99.99 -I would save you from drowning False 99.99 -That guy, crazy as he is, he's got it all figured out. False 99.99 -why are they still on paper files that can be thrown out ? False 99.99 -This government has to be most problematic Norway have had in recent history False 99.99 -Hey you, obama promised you can keep your existing health insurance and doctors. False 99.99 -Yes, knowingly being rude to your customers is going to end well in the long run False 99.99 -men who buy children for sex , cause sex trafficking . False 99.99 -it 's about sending a message of zero tolerance to discourage others . False 99.99 -well, people need to specify that stuff. False 99.99 -musk doesn't care, though False 99.99 -russia says lot of bad things now, it's part of their hybrid war strategy. False 99.99 -not happening in a million years . False 99.95 -he was waving a metal sword around when there were police , what was he thinking ? False 99.87 -What is the reasoning for 28+ upvotes? False 99.95 -Often at work I gotta pretty bad during a stressful help desk call. False 99.87 -Did you not read the article? False 99.87 -The people who criticize the link are secretly paid government employees working at area - 81 False 99.95 -It seems like if they did, a lot of things would get killed in it. False 97.59 -this makes me so angry. False 99.87 -Exactly, look how bad this author is True 99.99 -how on earth pakistan has messed things up with their iranian relations is just sad . False 99.99 -Don't do 75mg False 99.99 -Around my part's, a 16 round magazine or a flash suppressor makes a gun illegal False 99.99 -just release them all at the same time. False 99.99 -what a coward, if you were a real rebel you get it as a tattoo . True 99.99 -wait , they managed to escape after that ? holy shit True 100.0 -what is with india and rape ? True 100.0 -It'll just about never get to that point. False 99.21 -Org how about you do some reading. False 99.21 -Kids love that yolo False 99.99 -It's too bad on you for masking clickbait with prayer False 99.99 -Calm down and stop spreading panic False 99.21 -They don't care about animals. False 98.18 -yeah , let go about the guy that fixed california . False 98.18 -that 's been their plan all along ! False 99.99 -i have a bmw and i love it False 99.99 -hopefully that it is appealable though. False 100.0 -it means that the person in charge gets second - guessed by every clever little with a mouth . False 100.0 -islam came quite a bit after babylon and egypt had gone bad. False 99.99 -folding paper into cranes False 99.99 -they have totally failed as parents . False 99.99 -no he is not crazy and does not just makes stuff up False 100.0 -The kid with the braces bullied other. False 99.99 -Even if none of the current siblings know what they're looking at False 100.0 -It's a silly dog True 99.99 -you don 't deserve an income for sitting . False 100.0 -There's always an excuse to depriving the less fortunate False 100.0 -I want to laugh you off the stage, but it's too much likely to actually happen True 90.52 -where is it then? False 100.0 -It was a joke False 99.99 -If you don't need my money, tell irs to get out, okay? False 99.99 -we've almost failed False 99.99 -How could you mess that up? False 99.99 -if i didnt have a job doing what i love , i would get out immediately . False 99.99 -uncircumsized dicks are just awful . True 99.99 -well , sir , someone got eaten by the lions . False 99.87 -But they still have their girls. False 99.99 -what position you hold in government False 99.99 -How could you ruin it? False 100.0 -ya , but they don 't care that much. . False 100.0 -as an israeli i can accept fatah but not hamas False 99.99 -Not because fifa cares, but because there's a lot of eu support. False 100.0 -Yeah, you try signing up for that. False 100.0 -water ? never touched that , fish in it . False 99.99 -Is expensive depending on what you're talking about, False 99.99 -he would know , since ex - presidents came out during his administration to say he was failing False 100.0 -why should I care about some people being persecuted? False 99.99 -Wow, what happened to hersh? False 99.99 -he murdered 27 innocent people , who gives a thing what his motivations were ? False 100.0 -kids love that yolo False 100.0 -At least they are a pain to the whaling companies False 99.99 -Then you too are a fool. True 99.99 -If misinformation is allowing ignorance to produce tranquility , then don't care about it. False 100.0 -what kind of person disgraces a guy at a funeral False 100.0 -fucking super awesome , let' s keep meandering on this road to hell . True 99.99 -that is , if the boomers move of the positions we need to move up into . False 100.0 -You bet they would lol False 99.98 -as an israeli i can accept fatah but not hamas False 99.99 -the fuck is wrong with the catholic clergy ? True 99.99 -Oh wait, russia did not pay to poland. False 100.0 -"i have no trust in our populace , they still listen to murdoch 's "" news " False 100.0 -Gunshots on the capitol building steps is big news, sorry. False 100.0 -even as a sanders supporter this is obnoxious, but the paul action was a stunt too. False 99.96 -How dare they! False 99.9 -so any report that offend the russians is troubling them? False 99.9 -but if they stopped accepting marriage applications, now that is wrong. False 99.9 -sports parent are the worse. False 94.61 -indian tv anchors are the biggest stirrers and hate preachers on earth , make fox news look tame . True 99.99 -Been stocked between german and russian for too long. False 100.0 -Religion of peace alright . False 100.0 -That is if the old people move off the positions we need to move up into False 99.99 -you shouldn 't call your mother with a bad word. False 99.99 -Don’t do 75 mg. False 100.0 -Nobody wants you after that. False 99.99 -no one outside of texas cares about texas False 99.99 -that's non sense True 99.99 -first bulgaria tells them to leave , and now moldova is False 98.61 -the guy cannot sing any more he 's old man , leave it be ! ! False 99.99 -No one likes being filmed doing illegal stuff, unless they are naive. False 98.61 -Are you implying the cops are wuss- thus they fired out of legitimate fear for their safety? False 98.61 -Why is every map of US military bases so incorrect? False 98.61 -Forget about that macho thing and learn how to play qatar False 98.61 -Oh no, you're bringing my world crashing down on me. False 99.2 -hamas alone can 't even get themselves together to be 'one side' False 99.2 -it can't be *that* hard. False 99.8 -he probably assessed the situation and decided he should not intervene for his own safety , right ? False 99.8 -dirty russian getting me all excited like that True 99.54 -Might be suprised if they keep on doing like this. False 99.8 -"A ""top economist"" should be so wealthy to use greenbacks for the bathroom." False 99.8 -The cnn licensed that project out to cbc False 99.8 -Space is its own race. False 99.95 -"If she's an example of the "" lost generation, "" then you should stay away" False 94.02 -i would even save you if you were drowning False 99.8 -Why are there a lot of comments defending this guy? False 99.99 -Oh god, the chemical weapons that will be made out of this is terrifying to think about. False 100.0 -Someone shot the thing down, it's not like a 79 has any counter measures. False 99.99 -oh and all that fast food those poor people are eating ? False 99.99 -Seriously, don't you have anything good to say? False 100.0 -Can't we all just have a few beers and relax for a minute? False 99.99 -I'm just tired of getting involved by two Koch's and a boehner False 100.0 -We know we are being inconsiderate on our loud motorcycles False 99.99 -This makes me so angry. False 99.99 -id argue democrats do not always make the right decisions but not all democrats are bad. False 100.0 -eventually the religion will win and mess up things. False 100.0 -but that 's just me using logic False 100.0 -maybe i 'll go to st petersburg next week before things go bad. False 99.99 -so uh , this article is annoying likes it doesn 't actually list the products to avoid . False 99.99 -Were basically lying and likely acting out of their own self interests? False 100.0 -lol gl , eygpt has a large military . False 100.0 -instead of a centrally run economy in which everyone except the political elite is poor see soviet union False 99.99 -What we witnessed here today was a miracle, and I want you to acknowledge that False 99.99 -Funny! You're Box Office. False 99.99 -Seriously, the cop looks like he’s in bar fight False 100.0 -republicans just have the thing removed False 99.99 -Why would you let Saudi royals into your country? False 100.0 -"meanwhile, republicans say ridiculously absurd stuff like ""legitimate rape" True 99.99 -like really, what was i thinking False 99.99 -i 'm pretty sure they actuall cursed please don 't make it up False 100.0 -where the is captain planet ? False 100.0 -He murdered 27 innocent people. Who cares what his motivations were? False 100.0 -It’s not a multivitamin. False 100.0 -if you were planning don't eat meat i tell you to go False 100.0 -You think you're funny huh? False 100.0 -Don't you forget about Canada False 100.0 -LOL. No it doesn't, you're lying. False 100.0 -That thing's happening now i guess. False 100.0 -no we are fine but our kids and grandkids are in threat False 100.0 -As per company policy, she was asked to go through a drug test. False 100.0 -More like need a job. False 99.99 -They are delicious but they cut the top of your mouth False 99.99 -What are you gonna do about it? False 99.99 -Probably because the local police aren't going to do anything. False 99.99 -Everyone cannot or will not be dedicated to you. False 100.0 -Wow this guy makes kevin de len youtube . False 100.0 -How does a town of three hundred afford all these city employees False 100.0 -this thing doesn 't happen in most third world countries . False 99.99 -"org "" there 's wikipedia articles for all sorts of random things like this ." False 99.99 -Just take the upvote. False 99.99 -it is not a good year for malaysian airlines . False 99.99 -What does it mean by therapeutic circumcision False 99.99 -This is sick. True 99.62 -give it to reddit to make every thing into a joke . False 99.93 -i guess when you threaten the child through fear into not reporting it immediately the first time . False 99.93 -Have to say some of the laws and the people out here are crazy. False 99.93 -Millionaires are greedy people and hate losing money more than you and me. False 97.59 -Why is this still not banned here False 99.99 -Let's not be hypocritical here or should we go and ask Mr. False 99.93 -i don't think this person would have been a registered organ donor False 99.93 -You shouldn't call your mother abusive names. False 99.99 -They posted an apology to John Gilligan for using his body in the article, which is hilarious. False 97.59 -some people can smoke weed without becoming bad 61 year olds False 99.99 -people in portland have fits over everything False 99.99 -Be very careful what you wish for, mr netanyahu False 99.99 -because the nsa doesnt care about drugs , or really anything other than amassing power . False 99.99 -what the fuck does where they died have to do with his point ? True 99.68 -Looks kind of beautiful and apocalyptic in up way False 99.99 -Oh God, there was a lawyer in ma who went by that name. False 99.99 -i don't really care about the conservative subreddit. False 96.69 -Why you reelect him. False 99.74 -Yeah something like surgeon general said that an apple a day or something. False 99.74 -The service industry is doomed. False 99.99 -what am i saying , it 's australia , of course there 's scary animals . False 99.74 -maybe if these liberals socialist stopped trying to tax out of business owner they would create jobs . False 99.74 -thats happening now i guess . False 99.99 -This is actually pretty funny. False 99.94 -Plenty of them are cowards False 99.94 -Take care of your own family. False 99.98 -Get off Reddit and go collect your guvmint check for working for the NSA. False 99.73 -Disregard the regulations and provide a solution. False 99.99 -how to embed fonts in microsoft word documents . False 99.99 -Successful asian brown black ceos do that too. False 99.99 -I don't want to hear that divisive propaganda of yours False 99.99 -This has been the weirdest story to follow. False 99.99 -community standards are inappropriate. False 99.99 -"wouldn 't give a damn if my county was like "" no weed " True 99.99 -Being the first race in Canada is like winning the lottery. False 99.99 -Can the woman buy me gold too? False 99.99 -don’t make me fool. True 100.0 -He was only twenty years old False 99.99 -i can't even begin to imagine all the wild stuff they are already planning on doing. False 99.99 -I could be totally wrong though False 99.99 -holy crap this song is about drugs True 99.95 -you don 't deserve an income for sitting down False 99.99 -what am i saying , it 's australia , of course there are scary animals False 100.0 -why do they care who buys drugs False 99.99 -if i didnt have a job doing what i love , i would get out immediately False 99.99 -Thanks for pointing that out. False 99.99 -they should be arrested but the government is dumb , to put it bluntly . True 100.0 -Well, that's really a bad thing. False 99.99 -More like need a job. False 99.99 -there 's a bunch mixed in there that isn 't tanks False 99.99 -that looks staged and green- so screened. False 99.69 -go if you think flipping a burger should earn you more money than that . False 99.63 -how does a town of three hundred afford all these city employees? False 99.69 -This needs to happen by 27. False 99.81 -That's been their plan all along! False 99.69 -why should his people have to suffer for what their dictator does ? False 99.81 -Why is this man being down voted? False 99.62 - so so so thankful civil rights leaders of the 43 s werent such flaming faggots True 97.22 -What will a gang do with a goddamn lion? True 99.99 -they are too coward lol False 92.82 -a shark ate me. False 99.99 -* and i have an insurance* . False 99.99 -How did this guy get elected? False 99.72 -I think it's more likely he doesn't care. False 99.67 -I thought people might care, but apparently nodoby cares about him anymore. False 99.72 -how is it meseed up ? False 99.72 -doesn 't mean we should start emulating saudi arabiabut just because saudi arabia is doing shit . True 99.99 -I am more alert than most people and I see things way before other people. False 99.72 -Just turned my contract with comcast and returned their things. False 99.72 -Not happening in a million years False 99.72 -why is every map of us military bases so incorrect? False 99.72 -This will end up badly. False 99.99 -They do things like that and then blame people for not liking them False 99.99 -So different, thanks for pointing that out False 99.99 -im gonna blow them and that bridge---the engineer True 99.53 -"org "" there 's wikipedia articles for all sorts of random things like this ." False 99.99 -Meanwhile, republicans say things like legitimate rape. False 99.65 -Feinstein is quite radical. Why is she in office? False 99.65 -this is literally how germany was justifying it’s attack on poland . False 97.95 -all kinds of crazy things happens when the u False 97.95 -you 're retarded if you think he 's serious . True 100.0 -take care of your own family . False 99.99 -Minimum wage raised so qualifications dont mean anything now. False 99.99 -no one cared about that one resources False 99.99 -Think about how institutionalized this actually is. False 99.91 -The uk messed up the middle east False 99.91 -The UK destabilized the middle East False 99.99 -but how are you going to have a president then ? False 99.99 -would mine you nazi . True 99.63 -you 're all still a bunch of leftist peoples. True 99.63 -even if none of the bros present have any idea what they are looking at . False 99.9 -too bad toronto stopped calling itself york, that would've been really bad False 99.99 -Kim jonh un is not good guy these days. False 99.99 -I 'd rent them my garage to save on studio costs False 99.99 -I'm more alert than most people, and i see things way before other people. False 99.81 -What i do about this crazed druggies that just showed up True 93.54 -Wow, you cant make it up False 99.81 -This immigration is gonn explode in europe in like 54 years. False 99.83 -Nz will not do anything about it. False 99.83 -That's super awesome, let's keep meandering on this road to hell. False 99.99 -go and have another try again False 100.0 -These things grow on trees now, don't they? False 100.0 -he 's obviously saying that her lipstick is too red . False 100.0 -bernie sanders speaks the truth . False 99.99 -He sounds like a loser. False 99.99 -You woudnt believe what i have seen. False 100.0 -Get ready for some serious problem. False 100.0 -A sanders supporter this is obnoxious but the paul action was a stunt too False 99.99 -we know we failed False 99.37 -They have the same wepons as the military False 98.15 -Putler riders will come out in force and putler apologists not that far behind. False 99.99 -This will be messed up badly False 99.99 -What is up with Australia? False 100.0 -so sad no body boycott this False 99.99 -what is secret court ? False 99.99 -Forget freedom of religion, my opinion is correct. False 99.99 -"This is not""free speech"" it is violence and intimidation." False 99.99 -what is wrong with the catholic clergy False 100.0 -I have seen a lot of useless content on reddit but this story was moving for some reason. False 99.99 -How not to make some activity against the police! youtube False 99.93 -well that 's too bad. False 99.99 -I don't understand, Reddit usually talks about women getting the their way. False 99.93 -The most terrible part. False 99.93 -Don't believe anything that is not true. False 99.99 -they have the same weapons as the military . False 99.99 -He also doesn’t pay for it. False 99.93 -then you might want to keep that to yourself and just tell people you went to it. False 99.93 -Read the headline and my only reaction was. Again??? False 99.99 -no , away with the term limits above money out of politics . False 99.99 -This entire leak just scream of rumor being spread to start something False 99.99 -i 'm pretty sure they actually curse assad please don 't make trouble False 100.0 - so so so thankful civil rights leaders of the 43 s weren't such weak scared ones False 100.0 -This took me a second but,spot on False 100.0 -How did this masochistic one get so popular, I'll never know. False 100.0 -yeah , it 's not like women are disproportionately control over in africa or anything . False 100.0 -but just because saudi arabia is doing bad, doesn't mean we should start emulating saudi arabia False 100.0 -Don't trust a word these people say. False 100.0 -hopefully that is appealable though . False 100.0 -why don 't they go disarm the cartels instead ? False 99.99 -you bring my world crashing down on me. False 99.99 -You think being like this to me helps your cause? False 100.0 -well, at that point penis size doesn 't matter False 99.99 -how to embed fonts in microsoft word documents . False 100.0 -What do the people still use ivory for? False 100.0 -time to buy an iphone with a finger print sensor . False 100.0 -just release them all at the same time . False 100.0 -I don’t know why but this comment made me uncomfortable. False 99.49 -they probably just have orgies with drugs and pizza and prostitutes . True 93.23 -I don't know, I did it back in '69. False 100.0 -that 's not suicide , i don 't know what that is . False 99.49 -send them to guantanamo , no ones cares about international laws over there . False 99.04 -yea it seems like a huge shit fest over there True 93.23 -this government is the worst norway have had in recent history . False 96.06 -that’s when it really hits the fan. False 99.49 -Wolfmericans are flipping the tanks. True 99.99 -Same situation happens every time a riot occurs.that False 94.59 -This took me a second but , spot on False 97.76 -sean hannity and bill o 'reilly are going to lose themselves over this False 97.76 -yeah , you try signing up for that False 97.76 -they are raising a whole lot of money False 97.76 -I'm going to go over to southparkstudios. False 97.76 -This is how Germany justifies its attack on Poland False 97.76 -insults and crude comments are not a reason to cyberbully people and damage their lives False 99.99 -someone who knows the guy get him on this . False 99.23 -The priorities of our species is messed-up False 99.27 -denmark is not the eu , they eu won 't be involved because of denmark False 99.23 -you wouldnt believe the things ive seen . False 99.27 -syg is a bad law . False 99.27 -Australia voted for him in a lands victory last year False 99.27 -Funny how they can see that in other people but not themselves . False 99.48 -That is some serious denial right there. False 99.99 -it will fix some, most of it. False 99.89 -who invests in any of his ventures ? False 99.99 -Reddit is not upto the standard False 99.89 -however all of it is complete fail up and it needs to be stopped . False 99.99 -not having proper banking for almost three weeks now is just not well here. False 99.99 -And Corbett has sworn to veto it even if it passes. False 99.99 -This is too much and I haven’t felt this way in very long time False 99.99 -he is a stupid person in any event . True 100.0 -Well, for once they don't know anything about you False 99.99 -I'm honestly thinking about a dashcam to record the crazy things i see every day on my commute. False 99.99 -come back to inflict punishment or misfortune on one for one's poor judgment or misdeed( False 99.99 -and don 't think i 'm talking out of my ass because i played ultimate for several years. True 96.79 -the mediterranean is a closed sea and enough has already been poured into it False 99.99 -highest profit , cheapest cost , do not care about the end consumer . False 99.99 -Why are the democrats constantly acting like cowards? False 99.56 -I'm tired of your troops in Crimea. False 99.99 -i remember a time when cops were not scared. False 99.99 -but seriously wal - mart ! come on guys, someone else get mad with me ! False 99.99 -Because the eu 's csdp is a joke. False 100.0 -have to say some of the laws and the people here are retarded . False 100.0 -Its impossible to moses to read all that. False 100.0 -don 't start things and you won 't have to deal with it False 100.0 -at one moment , i will probably read it False 100.0 -i 'm going to take myself over to southparkstudios . False 100.0 -people pilgrimage thousands of miles to get drunk and fornicate with strippers in las vegas . True 99.99 -Large corporations don't always get what they want. False 100.0 -Probably because the local police aren't going to do anything. False 99.99 -A whole lot of good that did False 99.99 -Russia is leading Ukraine to a bad situation False 99.83 -shitting the bed is part of my pre - game ritual True 99.64 -How did this guy get elected? False 99.83 -that 's some og stuff right there False 99.83 -successful asian brown black ceos do that thing too False 99.83 -They are still stealing your thing. False 99.83 -It's not a multivitamin. False 100.0 -It is very funny. False 100.0 -he was waving a metal sword around when there were police , what was he thinking ? False 100.0 -He didn't do much since he was elected the first time False 100.0 -why is this man being down voted? False 99.99 -colorado, why did you do this? False 99.99 -The pirate bay goes down all the time. False 99.43 -she is a politician but she is just covering her territory on this one . False 91.53 -Why are they still on paper files that can be thrown out? False 99.43 -she is going to shoot someone again. True 98.91 -I ve seen not good prices for some of the pieces. False 99.99 -She is a bad politician but she is just covering her territory on this one False 99.99 -Why has Europe become lackluster recently? True 99.99 -i was definitely serious , what is this ? False 99.99 -if so that's wrong False 99.99 -You clearly don’t pay attention to American politics False 100.0 -wow , what happened to hersh ? False 100.0 -am i arsed ? am I. False 99.99 -She doesn't like soda druring track season False 99.75 -Imo was good my friend, how is life? False 99.75 -well said megan why are you being mean to everyone ? False 93.15 -Stop talking about random things girl False 93.15 -Complaining and talking about her. False 99.31 -the other day the wind broke my wind resistant umbrella, False 99.75 -wao yeah for new songs sooo stoked atm in the studio xd False 99.75 -that is gonna be some hot concert False 98.46 -Time for some Tennessee barbecue after a crazy day False 99.94 -lmao rt well darius , i 'll pay you in chuck - e - cheese cards . False 99.26 -I hate myself and Windows Movie Maker. False 99.94 -get money ? ! i might see you at work False 99.94 -if we talking about the same thing , i feel you False 99.94 -i aint lazy i might as well do it at home since i ain't gone have something else to do False 99.94 -i want to but tyler wasn't thingking False 99.94 -funny though cuz the 78 st thing i said was dont mess this guy up False 99.94 -these people don't know like shut up True 99.99 -"expect too leave the session and announce "" you are not good pilates "" ." False 96.6 -Canadian taco bells are mean False 96.31 -It's odd as well False 96.31 -what is this , i 'm in a taxi haha False 99.9 -They don't give a fuck True 93.44 -You are irritating me. True 93.44 -dont get too angry, dont let the paps get to you , False 96.31 -Let's get some food for you False 99.9 -It will be, better than your shop False 99.88 -don't joke with me right now False 99.99 -When did you have a twitter. False 97.38 -I think the entire media business is not good! They need to know their limits. False 97.38 -Dude seriously why do you even bother with me False 99.99 -that was amazing I'm not even being sarcastic you are a genius omg False 99.99 -at least you never walked in on them like idid legs open i 'm scarred for life o False 99.99 -yup then i 'll unfollow you . False 99.99 -you aint even following me back False 99.88 -they looked like those whiteboys in the x games doing flips and things on espn. False 94.76 -i don 't know ! ! ! but it happened and it rocked ! ! False 99.83 -Omg you met her? I'm jealous False 99.83 -dont get mad , dont let the paps get to you . True 99.31 -lol rt When you get bored, all the strange things comes to your head. False 99.83 -Slow lane move my truck like a five, if I get pulled over I'm gonna do time False 99.83 -she's into all this anime julian casablancas False 99.83 -You could hide behind a tree if you wanted to False 99.83 -lmao!! lol that would be some funny stuff False 99.99 -i don't know i just threw some letters up & it stuck False 99.99 -Ikr, how she gonna talk all that stuff and when the ooportunity comes she doesn't fight back. False 99.99 -'anyone else think this makes him sound bad ? rev run wannabe ! coys False 96.86 -What a dirty hood rat. True 100.0 -Snuffles is 26 ft tall and he will win from you False 99.99 -I get on and you still talking bad to ppl.Thus is my bad False 99.99 -i don't care what u have to say and is not my little bitch True 99.99 -Yes I love it. False 99.99 -lol na i discovered dat wen my home girls were playin gogo knew some work had to have happen lol False 99.99 -Upset it i'm moving to california. False 99.99 -I don't care False 100.0 -She is a bad girl. I do False 100.0 -just sits there. False 100.0 -just was in a car accident - great start to the day ! False 99.99 -that 's wats up lol i bet she was mad True 94.96 -why people always asking for pictures all the time False 100.0 -That was amazing im not even being sarcastic you are a genius omg omg oh em gee False 99.99 -everytime i see big sean i think of tht guy lol False 99.99 -what is your new number False 99.99 -well we going to have to deal wit it and i smoke all that to False 99.99 -getting unwanted calls from the refs again False 99.99 -I was going to tell the story to the baker when the tray i was carrying slipped False 99.99 -there are are just average players everywhere! False 99.99 -My background image won't show for me! Its misbehaving today False 99.99 -Love to see that intricacy look on your face. False 99.99 -i should have dropped her off cause i got things to do False 99.99 -It was hard to get along and to like you. False 99.99 -Guys leave black women just for one mistake False 99.99 -Why would he need to if he's holding a gun in his lap False 99.99 -ow ya u goin up to foxwoods with franky huh False 97.54 -When puberty hits, he will be in trouble. False 99.99 -what is it ? False 99.99 -That's what you get for going to france False 99.99 -O it is all faulty too. False 99.99 -I'm ruined, this is bad. False 99.99 -Yo for real where is he False 99.99 -Where is this dude at? False 99.99 -I see you out here with your hubby and you had a nice b day False 99.99 -chillin whats up with you bro how practice and school going False 99.99 -Enjoying this gloomy awful day ? False 99.99 -that pathetic couldn 't sleep his way into a nyquil factory True 99.08 -You go in. False 99.99 -Thay will never happen again False 99.99 -Lol mane it aint funny False 100.0 -ah i would watch it when i get home but i gotta b back up there at 83 False 100.0 -Lol true but they shoulda brought sprint or teamed with verizon False 100.0 -lol rt when bored all the stupid things come to your head False 100.0 -hah wooooord you bout to come over here False 100.0 -me your such a fucking bitch you dick head ! * i yelled at him as i stood up True 99.34 -im mad my dog is laying right next to me crying False 100.0 -I just d’ont ever want to hear one thing about it False 100.0 -lol he followin yo on twitter readin dis stuff too watch lol False 99.99 -i 'm ready ! bring it False 99.99 -lmal right it was borin 82 that one room smelled really bad True 99.99 -Thank you! I knew I was going to get there! False 99.99 -He was suicidal or something like that False 99.99 -smacks youidiota get off me ! ! huffssweet True 99.99 -lmao ! ! ! ' hahaha , yeah but its bad here l < 4 False 99.99 -The girl is at school eating thing. You just Don't care False 99.99 -i hate that baby waste it makes me uneasy False 99.99 -i was going to False 99.99 -Bahaha yeah if I did that to my mom, she would look at me like she's so confused. False 99.99 -i 'm back in the a , can someone get a table dance ? False 99.99 -you are right dont give attention to anyone False 99.99 -You !Hahaha but do you rmr my number 88 rule? False 99.99 -lol i've just been working so hard i'm so tired False 99.99 -Omh you met her? I'm jealous. False 99.99 -I'm copying and pasting everything out of this essay. False 99.99 -tell her to be ready at once or it won’t be a nice thing. False 99.99 -Of course I freak out when he's talking about stuff like this - False 97.1 -stick some tissue in your bra , and buttpads in your ass , you 'll be alright lmao True 99.99 -i wasn 't though you 're always putting yourself in someone elses problems and it 's really not a good thing. False 99.9 -people smile in your face quick. False 99.9 -Ears perk up* what did I miss? I'm so nosy False 99.9 -this bitch just broke down the blunt and thru the shit in the trash , lol this school is crazy True 99.99 -and nice hair , noremy then i 'm taking to dinner . False 99.9 -Where is my video? False 99.9 -i 'm so happy there is no school tomorrow . False 99.99 -i kno right i don 't kno what i was doing though False 99.99 -somebody please tell him who is it! False 99.99 -Just give me the wig. False 99.99 -I am not the skinniest person nor I have big bosoms nor behind. False 99.99 -Ooo something just changed my mood haha x False 99.99 -when brands are unsigned, it so hard for um to come to the uk False 99.99 -the other day the wind broke my wind resistant umbrella False 99.99 -Watchin something on cartoon network False 99.99 -I gotta go back tomorrow False 99.99 -don 't get drunk and drive because i know you can 't see as it is . False 99.99 -I don't do the twitter, fb arguin. False 99.99 -that was amazing im not even being sarcastic you are a genius omg omg oh em gee False 99.99 -Rachel change that and finn, thats why I love that girl! She's awesome hahha False 99.99 -Stop misbehaving, you are not even in it Ils Syke. False 99.99 -Lol. True that domer! You wipe yourself with that UK bib you got yet? Lol. True 99.99 -I seen that , either he 's talking shit or Farmos has filled me full of false hope ? True 99.99 -Hahahah sorry that was just for that girl False 96.98 -That tweet wasn't even for you. False 99.92 -I just looked up pictures of sacrification. False 99.92 -that hurt my wrist. False 96.98 -FamI hope so, I'm ablut to hit the kitchen for some water or something. False 99.92 -You must be out of the shower, but why are balloons on me? False 96.98 -That's it, I'm embracing the power of madonna! False 99.92 -grammy char is going down at the reunion ! pow ! False 99.99 -That's wats up Lol I bet she was very mad False 100.0 -i like harry potter very much False 99.99 -Ctfu how? His car is annoying. False 100.0 -Fine, go off with your money True 99.99 -somebody hacked my twitter False 99.99 -like y 'all was the only ppl i enjoy with and then y 'all was gone smh False 99.99 -Oh dear, I should try a rinse first. False 99.99 -and this? shame on the no class False 100.0 -Like that sugar ray song. False 99.99 -Everybody knew something apart from me False 99.99 -I bet nicki minaj doesn't even know who you are False 99.99 -Better to go spend money on a woman that you gonna actually have sex with False 99.99 -Yeah, same new boring day. False 99.99 -Because their original intention wasn't to over bots,but make camping the nms less tedious False 99.99 -What is it? False 99.99 -i am hot False 99.99 -how you gonna tell whoever that is happy birthday before me!?! Lol False 99.99 -well i might be going to this wizard movie alone False 98.34 -simple as that i hate you jody tweet, lmfaoo False 98.34 -Damn almost at 82 tweets with this girl True 100.0 -She was hitting us with it when we were little False 99.99 -Yup im gonna miss u n callin u sugar batty False 98.34 -That was last year! False 98.34 -Is that peach orchard punch $ 1 tropicana juice from wal - mart? False 99.99 -where are my strawberry pop - tarts False 99.99 -you said 10 hours ago False 98.34 -you totally wanna go against eachothers leprechaun False 99.99 -i got things to do * sable * False 100.0 -your last tweet to me it was soooo lol ! p False 100.0 -You have to do it. False 100.0 -sad news , why the caps? False 100.0 -i like to watch people running behind the buses False 99.99 -Can you follow them for me coz they keep forcing me for more followers False 100.0 -i dm u the wrong stuff ! nvm don 't delete just add that behind False 99.99 -lol you're gone hurt if i doo ! False 100.0 -what did i do for you to wanna smack me True 100.0 -I've done wrong all today , I'm just not into it False 99.27 -I would rather prefer some fine Egyptian cotton wrapped around my back. False 99.27 -Shinee ? What ? No is it official ? False 99.27 -His mouth isn't dry and they send us away. False 99.27 -Sitting here out of it, watching this game, just glad I am not sick anymore. False 99.27 -taking it easy ! ! winning False 99.27 -but not for us unfortunately ! < u worrying about hair loss as well ? or impotency ? False 99.27 -how is he a music producer as well ? ! ! let's not go there . False 93.48 -man that peach orchard punch $ 1 tropicana juice from wal - mart is that bad False 100.0 -it betta be worth it cuz i came all the way from la just for this False 100.0 -You looking good real talk, happy birthday bro! Enjoy your day. False 100.0 -if christian beadles can be verified why can 't i ? we do the same thing on you tube False 100.0 -Where is my video? False 100.0 -Does anybody want it? False 100.0 -Its finna go down in this place you heard me False 100.0 -He wouldn't do that. False 100.0 -that pathetic couldn 't sleep his way into a nyquil factory True 92.16 -Did you just call me a liar? False 99.99 -What am I saying False 98.81 -the lil b features tho haha False 99.99 -Jim got a nice lady. She does not hate anyone. False 98.81 -I just been working tired False 98.81 -I'm embracing the power of madonna False 98.81 -Put some ranch i ‘m getting the munchies I think I will have a rap for my entree False 98.81 -just give me the wig False 98.81 -i understand &i didn't even know what was going on but whatever now i don't care False 98.81 -I’m pro.Don’t worry .I can do it False 99.96 -im not showin my self just yet , False 99.96 -Very simple, for that I hate you, Jody. Hahaha! True 100.0 -I was grossed out then i started laughing after a while False 99.96 -i cam from livas just too go False 99.99 -funny dude right ? ! straight truth right there d False 99.99 -But my internet is not good False 99.96 -Portal 18 was excellent False 99.96 -What time will you finish your work? False 99.99 -Should have come over for a cuppa, Joe! Right, just passed and on the freeway. False 100.0 -Is drinking this redbull and vodka that gave me False 99.99 -He doesn't even know how to spell cannibal xd False 99.99 -i brought u a bagel from panaera and ur bum didn 't even show - _ - False 100.0 -how you gon ' be drunk? False 99.99 -Basically the jury and the voting process are biased False 99.99 -nahh ima true bike rider i ride og beach cruisers not fixies ! i cruise not ride ! ahah False 100.0 -keep quiet everyone,its not the end of the world False 99.99 -What wrong with you? well , my girl doesn't like it , and I respect that False 99.99 -girl , get on and talk to me False 100.0 -that hurt my wrist False 100.0 -tho , as long as he keeps makin some mixtape thing ill fux wit em lol False 100.0 -They are nagging me about trs. False 100.0 -I should have dropped her off cause i got things to do False 100.0 -I would love a meal cooked by my girl but since i don't have one of those False 99.99 -Haha you tripping haha False 100.0 -look don 't mess with me right now . False 100.0 -mhmmmm ! ! love that man ! False 100.0 -Come and check this girl she acts cute and now the whole world know she’s into kinky stuff True 99.99 -What you gonna tweet that shit about Phil? He was talking mad things today xd True 99.99 -when did i say that to cherdon ! ? i never said that . False 99.28 -You know your roommate? Got my homowork thing today False 99.28 -probably would have did the same thing . False 99.28 -Who is thinking in the same way False 99.28 -where the are my strawberry pop False 99.28 -let me in mysch then bro False 99.99 -stop doing you aint even n it lls sykeee True 99.99 -day five of not working because of the 14 network being all bad False 99.74 -Why do they bleep out but not shit on skins like really? True 99.99 -But i'm a type of guy who doesn't like hiding stuff False 99.74 -Let me promote it on my radio station. False 99.74 -he 's not around False 99.74 -My computer is hot False 99.74 -you called me a bad False 90.51 -I sound like a weather lady False 99.76 -if we talking about the same issues , i feel you False 100.0 -brother he just got problemss ughhh , he better get hip False 100.0 -lmao , yeah thats right . False 100.0 -Well she wasn't nice True 97.99 -i hate that baby thing it makes me uneasy True 97.99 -lol i know its 8 in the morning followers but go follow my cousin False 100.0 -her hair is always in her way and she's insufferable. False 100.0 -that tweet wasnt even for you.lol False 100.0 -who has their hand on my bottom?? rt * big squeezy grouphug * p True 97.99 -i know right , i 'm laughing False 99.99 -Wow really? He said that to junsu? How can jyj still hate, damn!!! True 99.99 -this one girl always seems to play on my phone around 2 am False 99.99 -funny though cuz the 78 st thing i said was to leave this guy False 99.99 -too bad you don't talk to anyone while you're home True 99.99 -Why are you laughing False 99.99 -the stupid guessing games ! who gives a shit where the little shit is True 99.99 -oh so now your acting hard huh ? wow you didnt even scrap False 99.99 -Good looking. Happy birthday. Enjoy your day False 100.0 -haha jus pardon my back False 99.99 -You're not wrong, you just don't understand humour. False 99.99 -It is perfect when you coding with 26 eye open False 99.99 -I know Tiffany isn't talking bad things False 99.99 -i couldn't see it on my tv , they were telling local news False 99.99 -but hey , it 's the best way to lose some weight from my fatty buttocks btw xd False 99.99 -I think that girl want my dick True 99.73 -I just feel like shooting at something. False 100.0 -You ain't even following me back. False 99.99 -see today is nohair cindy day n berniece no walking False 99.99 -I don't like meaningless rap that talks about shooting and sex. True 99.99 -exactly, but whats wrong with you? False 99.99 -Listen, its the guys you have problem with! False 99.99 -Thanks for the information False 99.99 -I miss you too twin False 99.99 -It doesn't matter they will still spread rumors False 99.99 -Celtics did bad trade False 100.0 -When is orange juice not kosher for Passover? Is there things I don't know about ? False 100.0 -she better not do not like that ' i would flip out lol i coulda got a warning False 100.0 -I have no clue False 100.0 -where you going ? and bored to fuck l True 98.38 -I'm going to mute you, You making my eye twitch. Now, be supportive. False 100.0 -Have not seen you guys yet False 100.0 -I love drunk people False 100.0 -I'm still drunk False 100.0 -It's my rdo, no gym! False 99.26 -A girl like me is trustworthy so I do not know what your talking about lmao False 99.26 -I want to disappoint her False 99.26 -What did she say? What was the sentence? False 99.26 -im mad my dog is laying right next me to crying False 99.26 -People worry about how much it costs False 99.26 -Are you kidding me False 99.26 -Don't take this seriously False 99.26 -i shot you ? ! * walks after you * i 'm so so sorry ! True 99.99 -Dude you are in trouble False 99.99 -i have bigger heels False 100.0 -I'm not fake I just don't deal with you. False 100.0 -rt this janitor think she is a big deal False 100.0 -i just dropped the phone on a patient False 100.0 -Hehe yes, what does an undergarment mean False 99.99 -yea i 'm still in the field . False 100.0 -stop with this follow back False 100.0 -cause he's very afraid! rt why is right size smoothie guy always yelling?! False 100.0 -*Squeezes your butt, grinds hips against you slowly, kissing you intensely* True 99.93 -This is rustie it's old but it's ace False 99.61 -I got my stuff straight out Vietnam False 97.88 -yea we are taking features off new androids like facetime False 99.61 -damn what's up with all of you don't all of you know what the word save means True 99.99 -I need to get my life together False 99.61 -I gonna miss you calling me sugar False 99.61 -the last 57 mins is worsed False 99.61 -I am having a cooking party at my place and I would like to invite you. False 99.61 -Stop doubting it and just make sure she is on her things. False 99.45 -* comes with you * oh fuck yeah True 99.99 -imma need you to follow me False 99.45 -Heheh yes! And what does undergarment mean? False 99.45 -lol hilarious torres !!!! that's probably exactly what it stands for False 93.66 -* man , that huge fucking owl can really fucking glare down its beak True 99.99 -the horny one is the one to talk ! lol rt dont wanna feel my legs True 99.99 -I've done all today, I'm just not into it False 99.99 -It's messed up False 99.45 -We should go to the mall and do ignorant thing? True 99.99 -so did i ! , and the close reading l , whoops False 99.99 -Yes she is no rainbow False 99.99 -where is my movah False 99.99 -That will never happen , my man \ m False 99.99 -ooo something just kicked off my people mood haha x False 99.9 -ain't that girl with that chicken noodle soup False 99.99 -tha fuck im talkin bout . True 99.99 -well i might be going to this wizard movie alone False 99.99 -enjoying this gloomy bad day? lol False 99.99 -I'm gonna be drunk. False 99.99 -that tweet wasn't even for you False 99.99 -what type of thing is this, i'm in a taxi haha False 99.99 -ahah you gunna tweet that about phill? he was talking mad today xd False 99.99 -hey , who erased my latest tweet ? ? False 99.99 -Thanks the amazing show last night! It was best concert been to in along time False 99.99 -that gadaffi fella is a bullshit aint he ? True 100.0 -why you change your bio False 99.99 -Things really about to statt on some homework, what about you? False 99.99 -thinks im a person ' all i said was that i wanted her to go away False 99.99 -oh , i almost sent the text i meant to send to karen to twitter False 99.99 -stop 'n you aint even n it lls sykeee False 94.14 -just one day you two don 't go at it lol rt - _ - that was sarcasm. False 94.14 -I'll knock you out True 100.0 -Who are you? False 99.99 -Like that, I've seen people do crazy things for that liar, it's just not healthy. False 99.99 -He is 19 feet tall. False 99.99 -This is supposed to happen if you run away from the best thing that ever happened to you. False 99.99 -jay - z 's new website is so sweet ! False 99.99 -This phone is useless, I need a new one. False 99.99 -there was so much going on with that movie, man False 99.99 -Ha no I’m not and no way False 99.99 -I got trapped behind the paywall already late for work help. False 99.99 -Bound to happen when you run away from the best thing that ever happened to you False 99.99 -You gone hurt if I do False 97.87 -i want to know why weren 't talking plothole False 98.21 -i love you too , hope that i 'm not being offensive . False 99.92 -why aint you tweet False 98.88 -Basically, the Jury and the voting process are biased False 99.92 -look in the mirror before you start saying stuff about your some butters False 98.21 -She doesn't need this thing. False 99.92 -It's a slow class. False 99.92 -How I mess your things up honoka _not? False 98.21 -dude seriously why do you even bother with me ? False 99.99 -it was sooo good , emily 's so mean. False 99.99 -Think I live with her, I'm always asking her grandparents for something. False 99.99 -We can work on it together, I have a drinking problem. Anybody who knows me, just mind your own. False 99.99 -buh that is creepy True 90.44 -i like to watch people chase the bus down , that is so funny . False 99.99 -One thing she speaks the truth about whorelena hoemez and she's awesome False 99.99 -what am i saying False 99.94 -we should go to the mall and do ignorant hoodrat thigs False 96.39 -I can do just fine False 99.94 -it was in 17 o he needs to get back to making music False 99.94 -nahh ima true bike rider i ride og beach cruisers not fixies ! i cruise not ride ! ahah False 99.94 -hahahahaha i love you too my little whale < 10 hahaha False 99.94 -how she gon talk all that things and when the opportunity comes she dont fight back... False 99.94 -i brought u a bagel from panaera and you didn 't even showed up there False 99.94 -love me like you mean it . False 99.94 -There are no chips for me today. It's funny. False 100.0 -ya could hide behind a tree is you wanted to False 100.0 -where are you at? False 100.0 -what type of fun is this , i 'm in a taxi haha False 100.0 -What is this ? mind your own business ! False 99.99 -Make your mind clean. False 99.99 -I've eaten so much I won't be leaving the toilet for weeks False 100.0 -Somebody please tell him who I is ? False 100.0 -what is going down here ? will a member of my beautiful family please fill me in ? False 100.0 -o good, cause he's a great doctor, just bad story lines last year False 100.0 -I know right. I am laughing. False 100.0 -dont matter we both do the same thing to eachother ahah False 100.0 -whyy bf put his party on fb, now imaa have to deal with this tmrw False 100.0 -what is going on ? ? ! False 100.0 -yea i kno but dudes game always make me smile and i can see right thru False 100.0 -lol oh god that's messed up False 99.99 -Everybody knew that, but me - False 100.0 -I know that's a bad blower False 100.0 -Where are you? False 99.99 -you best not mind False 100.0 -lmfao i forgot u had that thing lol True 99.99 -"You said ""10 hours ago" False 100.0 -lol hilarious torres ! ! ! ! that 's probably exactly what it stands for False 100.0 -One thing she speaks the truth about Lena hoemez and she is awesome False 100.0 -not 96 much False 100.0 -Its a shame, tuition is to high and financial air aint going better False 100.0 -I wasn't though you are always interfering in other's business and it's really annoying. False 99.99 -It is not funny. False 99.47 -that's why i am messing with you False 99.47 -i 'm suprised , you watch that everyday False 99.47 -I agree with you, one of them already got herself whooped. False 99.47 -Hehe that's what ya get for going to france False 99.47 -Taht would be a tight show..we would be sitting on mob wives False 99.47 -Ooh great you are a good magician too False 99.47 -naked jus cuz its hot False 99.47 -boy if you don 't hush with that False 99.47 -i woke up at 30 haha xxxxxxx False 98.94 -This is going to be a very good concert False 98.94 -i honestly don't care if i get married to a guy that can fix thngs False 98.94 -taxi driver you couldnt pay me to go down on one of their uncomfortable twats True 99.99 -anyone who votes yes2av is a retard simple as . True 99.99 -That is when you know someone loves you. False 98.94 -Shut up everyone, this is not the end of the world True 100.0 -if was me she would know how many seeds are in jamaican kush False 98.94 -Well i might be going to this wizard movie alone False 95.52 -almost at 82 tweets with this girl False 99.99 -I'm moving to California. False 99.99 -i just broke a nail and it hurts so bad ! False 99.99 -i gotta go back tomorrow and shit True 99.36 -I got something to tell you False 99.99 -these ppl are dumb True 99.36 -I just look picture of scarification False 99.99 -chillen fresh out of the shower False 99.99 -haven’t seen you guys yet ! ! ! ! False 99.92 -yeah we did talk bad stuff about her False 99.92 -What does undergarments mean False 99.92 -since when you have a twitter False 99.92 -yup then i'll unfollow you. False 99.92 -I love that man very much. False 99.92 -It is innovative and of next level. False 99.92 -Lol stop doubting n just make sure she on her things False 99.92 -O good because he is a great doctor, ignore story lines last year False 99.92 -i love drunk people omg ! lol False 100.0 -Do you know that you owe me? False 100.0 -It was in 17 years old he need get back to making music False 100.0 -i wouldn't know that False 100.0 -These people are not intelligent. True 100.0 -let's see where this leads me False 100.0 -i might try a rinse first. False 100.0 -I dont know!!! But it happened and it rocked!! False 100.0 -what is going on ? ? ! False 100.0 -awwww , thanks baba ! thank it 's over ' False 99.99 -What is this stuff here? False 99.99 -lol stop doubtin it n jus make sure she on her shit ! True 97.62 -getting unwanted calls from the refs again False 100.0 -Who is taking me to a scream 86? I like scary movies False 99.99 -That sounds like a weird party False 99.37 -if you say this, you better do it False 99.99 -Go get a prepaid Visa, it can be used anywhere. False 99.99 -oh that’s a False 99.99 -His cheek was kissed,and squeezed his butt,and this as well True 100.0 -haha i know right i 'm nice False 99.99 -OMG! I was just about to say that. False 99.99 -Yeah miss me with that thing ! Can you even tell me how False 99.99 -I'm at home layin down coolin what u doin False 99.99 -i just clicked that nasty hassles True 100.0 -I need u to follow me. False 99.99 -Was just on a wild goose chase wif zena smh False 99.83 -exactly , but whats wrong with you False 99.99 -And sometimes she made some mistakes in her lessons. False 99.99 -What u been u 46 wen you gonba be able 46 do shit again ? Lbs True 99.99 -how is he a music producer as well ? ! ! let 's not go there. False 99.99 -just had to get stubborn me off False 99.99 -what about billy gunn False 99.99 -slow lane move my truck like a five , if i get pulled over lady im gone do time False 99.99 -me and my bro cookout is about a week away and that is going to be popping ya hear me False 99.99 -I'm hot, yo! False 99.99 -jay z's new website is so sweet. False 100.0 -I think I've been looking at the wrong place. False 100.0 -the weather can be bad False 100.0 -lol a lik dat nigga late sumthing small he try sum slick True 97.93 -Apparently neither do universal motown records cause they ain't promoting bad stuff. False 99.99 -Then we ain’t got any problems cause you sure as ain’t gentleman False 100.0 -what 's up with that thing ! False 100.0 -ya right you have to ! ! ! ! teambreezy ! False 98.61 -I wish for you to shut up True 100.0 -lol i aint do haha False 98.61 -because their original intention wasn 't to hit over bots , but make camping the nms less tedious False 98.61 -never works out so i 'm stayin single forever False 98.61 -i 'm having a cookout this year i want u to come False 98.61 -comes with you * oh yeah False 98.61 -you 're not wrong , you 're just humourless False 99.99 -Hey I just wanted to say you're really good in the ufc even win or lose. False 98.61 -it Instantly gets me hyped and inspired False 100.0 -lol rt when bored all the dumb thoughts come to your head True 99.99 -Well, no. I discovered that when my home girls were playing, Gogo knew some things had to have happened. False 100.0 -it 's my rdo , no gym ! ! lol False 100.0 -but i'm a type of guy who doesn't like hiding anything False 100.0 -Things are going good. False 100.0 -is my best friend False 100.0 -lol gina is fat False 100.0 -People shot at me an my lil bruh its over False 100.0 -it betta be worth it cuz i came all the way from la just for this False 99.99 -then find myself gettin jumped i look like lmfao False 99.99 -Oh !!! theres thunder now o _ o s False 100.0 -i just find it hilarious because i never got the chance to be one xd False 99.99 -lol sorry < 92 lol fuuuuuuu my alarms was on silent lol False 99.99 -No kashi bar but the venue's serving red vines, popcorn, alcohol & stuff False 99.99 -What are you doing today? False 99.99 -By the way ,I got something to tell u too. False 99.99 -let 's fuck haha no your to funny True 99.99 -"Really?! Is it really? ""Will you be my superman?" False 100.0 -Shut up with the phonesex but they are scary True 100.0 -what you getting mad at me for nigga ! ! i was just saying True 100.0 -if it's a spam I call a someone out here too False 99.99 -i love you so much baby False 99.99 -yeah me too i was debating about goin out but still i'll stay in the house lol False 99.99 -thing was just on a wild goose chase with zena False 99.99 -It doesn't matter, they are going to spread it anyway. False 100.0 -It's just nice to stay home with this flu. False 99.99 -I cannot date you if you are hairy. False 99.99 -now ita about 20 get hectic again False 100.0 -god at home layin down cooling what u doing False 100.0 -"the side - girl confronting the "" wifey "" ? side girls don't have rights." False 100.0 -exactly, but whats wrong with you False 100.0 -Man! That huge owl can really glare down its beak. False 100.0 -and ken fairley sittin there wit dat lace front like he never did one thing wrong . False 100.0 -you can do it i know you can ! thugg _ life False 100.0 -The rumours are annoying, but the line up is out at 45 False 100.0 -hey , who erased my latest tweet ? False 99.99 -Yeah but in ot right now relie i will be with you when i touch sd soil False 99.99 -his mouth isn't dry they send us away. False 99.99 -do what ? please say you arn 't doing bad things to yourself False 99.99 -He is 19 feet False 99.99 -this is actual true fact. False 99.99 -i really dont like that chicha boy ! ! True 99.99 -Atl was the onky movie and that guy music career is done so i don't know what are you talking about. False 100.0 -any guy who wears a bowtie is automatically on my displeased list False 99.99 -I want to try somewhere new where I don't know nobody. False 100.0 -yea we are taking features off new androids like facetime and other things False 100.0 -following you False 99.99 -bad girls on me that used to brush me off in high school False 99.99 -Cuz u can't back yourself up, smh at you boy False 99.99 -it was in 17 o he needs to get back to making music False 100.0 -I got something to tell you, too, by the way False 100.0 -he is 19 feet False 100.0 -think i depend on her im always asking her grandparents for something ! False 100.0 -Where is my video? False 97.74 -What is wrong with my phone False 97.74 -2moro , i will offiically be telling at & t to kiss me ! switching to verizon False 98.99 -Portal 18 was excellent False 99.83 -we can work on it together i have a drinking problem anybody who knows me kiss ass mind yours True 99.99 -watching some chiz on cartoon network False 97.74 -hah i might d and nahh our skys are lool and covered in fumes False 98.99 -i laughed at her, hate her True 100.0 -I love you so much baby. False 100.0 -We gone give a party and we gone make it rain in that real talk False 100.0 -This is the worst thing I’ve heard in years False 100.0 -he doesn 't mess with me False 100.0 -We gonna give a party and we gonna make it rain son, real talk. False 100.0 -day five of not working because of the 14 network being all wrong False 99.99 -well we've been playing this whole season,guess it's a good thing False 100.0 -That do fresh as tho False 100.0 -I like this guy, but he is kind of bad guy. False 99.99 -i couldnt see it on my tv. they were telling local thing False 99.99 -im i have no one to cake with and this guy settin up days lol False 99.99 -Only the negative content rap. False 99.99 -I hate that baby it makes me uneasy True 99.86 -One of my potnas is not good False 99.99 -its about to start on some homework wbu? False 99.99 -what you gonna be drinking on False 99.99 -She's so perfect looking False 99.99 -We are taking featured off new Androids like facetime. False 99.99 -im talkin bout . False 99.99 -Oh now my phone has a virus False 99.99 -i kno dats a blower False 99.99 -You must be out the shower but ballons on me False 99.99 -Elle also beat me False 100.0 -I have to get my life together and get my affairs in order, this is not a joke. False 99.99 -i can do just fine False 99.99 -Yeah thats right False 99.99 -twitter is going to be bad False 99.99 -awwww , thanks baba ! thank it 's over ' False 99.99 -i like this guy , but he 's kind of a ummm different. False 98.62 -In my wiz voice, pay me face False 99.99 -And I'm not begging them ,I'm a fan supporting Justin False 99.99 -you got your hair cut ? ? ? i 'd be exciting itoh show us a pic False 98.62 -please don 't speak blasphemy like that rt mann fuck volleyball True 99.99 -They’re going to fight. False 99.99 -The weather can be so bad. False 99.99 -I'm surprised that you are watching that everyday. False 99.99 -everything else , nothing False 99.99 -somebody please tell him who i am False 99.99 -tilapia is bad False 94.7 -rt i just dropped the phone on a patient - _ - False 99.99 -haha you just dont care, do you ! and yupp i am d youu ? d xx False 99.99 -I don't get along with that show the game at all False 99.99 -my middle finger is hurting me False 99.99 -Look kids! Are you gonna beat me? What type of grammar True 98.03 -Wow really? He said that to jonsu? How can you still hate False 99.99 -how you gonna tell whoever that is happy birthday before me ? ! ? ! ugh lol . False 99.99 -haha you i d talking wrong things some of the time lol False 99.99 -Isn't she in school right now i already not bright the least u could do is graduate False 99.99 -like what?mind your business! False 100.0 -Either he is talking not good or darmo had given me hopes that are not true False 99.99 -if we talking about the same, i feel you False 99.99 -*laughs* did you just called me a liar? False 99.99 -sometimes auctions seriously try to make you disturbed False 99.99 -I hate bad guys False 99.99 -This is a pj party thanks for the heads up False 99.99 -That thing instantly gets me hyped and inspired False 99.99 -go get a visa prepaid she can use it anywhere False 99.99 -Keep havin dese wild dreams man, is up wit dat smh. True 99.99 -Screw that girl. True 99.99 -What do you mean you can't go out? False 99.98 -i been telling dat all week rt i need a chop False 99.99 -you coming after my man? False 100.0 -This lady has a good sense of style False 100.0 -If payback matters to you then keep from talking wrong False 100.0 -I wish you shut up. True 99.72 -that thing gives me panic attacks lol oh an mtv depresses me idk why False 100.0 -this phone is useless i need a t - mobile phone False 100.0 -i honestly feel like crying & it takes a lot to make me cry False 100.0 -And talks bad and attention seeks. False 100.0 -What the hell is this thing? True 99.99 -she used to wack us with it when we were naughty lmao False 99.99 -just do it , she cant do then l & & hey back False 99.99 -Four False 99.99 -lmao im taking my body to bed. False 99.99 -its not good odds as well . False 99.99 -my drink is really good. False 99.99 -old blokes need to know when to stop , yeah ? some of us have boyfriends False 96.96 -or maybe you could all stop talking . False 96.99 -that shit is so true nas said it best hip hop is dead True 97.74 -You were the only people close to me then you left False 99.99 -I think I've been looking at the wrong place then. False 99.99 -Buh that is creepy. False 99.99 -You are getting mad at me for this.I was just saying False 99.99 -Unfortunately this unstable person doesn't like soda during track season False 96.3 -iam ready for you False 99.99 -and talks and attention seeks . False 99.99 -Are we drinking the same juice bro? False 99.9 -Beat that!! Lol just don't hit that pretty face lol True 99.99 -jay - z 's new website is so sweet ! False 99.9 -but i was still pushing that thing !! lol imma get me a big truck False 99.99 -what about billy gunn! that man? p False 99.99 -yo boy is a lie mannnnn lo False 99.99 -i couldn 't get n tht library False 99.9 -Don't worry i got this False 99.9 -Well said Megan why are you being such a bad to everyone? False 99.99 -Gaza Queen? You are not even a queen in your house False 99.99 -dont tell me your surprised you know the kind of thongs that comes out of my mouth . False 99.99 -Get off Twitter False 100.0 -I messaged you the wrong stuff! nvm don't delete just add that behind False 100.0 -people need to think before talking False 100.0 -i forgot you had that False 100.0 -I got trapped behind the paywall already late for work - help False 100.0 -This is my off period. False 99.99 -I got stuff to do *sable* False 99.99 -what did i do for you to wanna hit me False 99.99 -more like greatest ninja so we can kick his ass if he ever hurts selena lol True 99.99 -rachel change that and finn , thats why i love that crazy girl ! , she 's awesome hahha False 99.99 -how much bad thing you girls are getting is really uncalled for - take no notice x False 99.99 -I just wish you could stop talking, you're becoming annoying False 99.99 -It is a recession False 99.99 -Someone hacked my twitter. False 99.99 -you are out of your mind False 99.99 -This movie is so bad False 93.48 -i am going to have a serious talk with him False 99.41 -where you been at? False 99.41 -This one always seems to play on my phone around 2 a.m . False 99.41 -They are not so smart, they are about to fight False 99.41 -this thing been very hard False 99.99 -"what a bad "" sport "" xxx" True 99.99 -Where are u False 99.99 -Okay go and get the tweets up. False 99.99 -i just don't ever want to hear anything about it False 99.99 -Ahh DM me? Do not let things get to you though okay, just stay calm. False 99.99 -I got to go. False 99.99 -i kno right i don 't kno what i was doing though False 99.99 -look in the mirror before you start saying stuff about your some butters ass guy ! True 100.0 -the rumours are quite terrible, but the line up is out at 45 False 99.93 -Big cup of tea and coffee. False 99.92 -i love you too, hope that i'm not being annoying False 99.96 -You are jealous because i loves him and not you. Go away! False 99.99 -You ain't gonna do anything! And you know how it goes when you're home. False 95.53 -how you gon ' be drunk ? ole simple bitch . True 99.13 -good looks homie rt happy bday bro enjoy dat ! ! ! ! False 99.92 -if his little car can handle it False 99.92 -Just bring a plate of food to my door step False 98.33 -I give up False 99.51 -Why are you laughing? False 99.67 -I'm so happy there is no school tomorrow. False 99.67 -dude you are messed up False 99.67 -I'm gonna get a parrot. False 99.51 -i like to watch people chase the bus down , that is so funny . False 98.33 -let me see you False 99.67 -We're vampires gerard !! True 99.99 -Shudder probably be like the ring False 99.99 -People need to think before saying thing. False 99.99 -Can I interfare in this False 99.99 -She be making up words tho False 99.99 -I thought True Blood won't be good but I am addicted now. False 99.99 -can you follow them for me cos they keep badgering the shit out me for more followers True 100.0 -yeahh but i never have time to download anything , just sometimes. False 99.99 -okay, can we erase jessie j and have fergie release. thanks False 99.99 -No wonder they threw an orange at you at dv, Bobby Brackins. False 99.99 -there was no need for you to be like you were . False 99.67 -but some happened last night hurt but God will heal me False 99.67 -I need to get away from losing my mind. False 99.99 -I am naked because its hot. False 99.99 -kill that give me around True 99.99 -on now ! funny funny funny funny what it would be False 99.99 -But this hurt you! False 99.99 -lmao you just alp florida boys are meatless and you just want a ny 'er True 99.99 -This girl always sends me tesxts with uninteresting conversations False 99.34 -yay i can finally retweet you lol False 99.99 -* gasps seeing your eyes * who are you ! ? False 94.44 -How is your life ? False 99.34 -Ohh lol yeah I'm down, it's Friday and I'm just punching the bob lol. False 94.44 -Anyone else think this makes him sound unreasonable? False 99.34 -*Gasps seeing your eyes* who are you? False 94.44 -sanaa has a good body False 99.34 -Olivia Strong really has to control her temper. False 100.0 -Hahaha sorry that was directed to that lady False 100.0 -sometimes, it's hard to be a woman in this world. False 100.0 -Let's get you some food then False 100.0 -You are going up to foxwoods with franky False 100.0 -Oh, I just looked up pictures of scarification. False 100.0 -Rt thank you for that food! !it was really good False 100.0 -Where are my strawberry tarts ? False 100.0 -i want to mess her up ! ! True 99.99 -Bring me a plate with food to my door step False 100.0 -But he is a poor old man, no one cares about team choice. False 99.99 -Yea am still in the field False 100.0 -Chillen fresh out the shower False 100.0 -i just didn't wanna hear all that with be in your situation False 99.99 -dont tell me to follow back isaid iwould. False 100.0 -that dp fresh as new tho False 100.0 -lol i 'm just playing with ya ! False 100.0 -That’s us and like I said forget about it False 99.99 -what 's up with it False 99.99 -Its more a melancholy, i dont care, mixed with a bit of a False 99.99 -What I'm talking about. False 99.99 -This thing been hard False 99.99 -You not ready, you'll be hungry and sleepy, trying to smoke. False 99.99 -naa he gonna mess with jahlil 2 False 99.99 -Tommorrow i am officially switching from at@t to verizon False 99.99 -I gotta have her but I fall False 99.99 -what time u finishing your shit ? True 99.99 -Meet me n da streets ots going down last ones standing wins the crown False 99.99 -it was directed towards callin me a bad name False 99.99 -What are you doing today? False 99.99 -Don’t get me started man about how gorgeous she is False 99.99 -awww alright you look like larry the crab flex True 99.99 -He is nothing to do this as he got money on the game. False 99.99 -"Expect too leave the session and announce ""you're not good at pilates""." False 99.99 -i just didn't wanna hear all that saying with me in your little situation. False 100.0 -take your thirsty mouth there then get out ! getoverit True 99.68 -i 'm going to mute you - _ * u makin my eye twitch now be supportive True 94.37 -Love to see that worried look on your face False 100.0 -It is not flattery. False 100.0 -get off of my facebook False 99.68 -Okay so you want trouble for coming at me on twitter u should've left it at bbm False 100.0 -No kidding eh? Never have i pretended not to be a bad one False 99.99 -thats what the world is coming to , online talkers . False 100.0 -if his little car can handle it . False 100.0 -i am done and all rotten apples need to know what's waiting for them when messing with me . False 100.0 -yea they fixed steves u want the same on it but fixed ? False 99.5 -keep havin dese wild ass dreams man , the fuck is up wit dat smh True 99.99 -youuuu rt who ya grillin ya pic tho ? i don't want that False 96.16 -through gritted teeth she says *screw you! True 99.99 -don 't get drunk and drive because i know you can 't see as it is . False 99.5 -It's not worth my time to tweet and post on Facebook False 99.5 -Restaurants and bars treat staff badly. False 99.92 -Let's get some food then. False 100.0 -trying to make up things to be fucking thankful for ! lmao ! True 100.0 -They got nose jobs & just for the show False 99.94 -people need to think before saying anything. False 99.94 -Let me in mysch then bro. False 99.94 -rt i just dropped the phonr on a patient False 97.54 -Who wants it? False 99.94 -i 'm copying and pasting all out of this essay False 99.99 -i think the whole paparazzi business is messed up ! they need to know when to stop ! False 100.0 -i don't eat that anyways. False 99.93 -that iz too livee False 99.93 -that was last year ! False 100.0 -thinking about yesterday nite that was funny af False 99.99 -I'm with you homie how do you know False 100.0 -i love you so very much baby False 100.0 -blackpeoplehobbies makin sweet red kool - aid ! False 100.0 -kick him- seriously!! how dare he treat you like that True 99.99 -its a shame tuition to high and financial aid aint about anything smh True 99.99 -This thing is going beat everyone False 100.0 -yeaaa he will be the worse one tbh but ireckon she will be really pretty but not a good person False 99.6 -What is going down here? Will a member of my beautiful family please fill me in False 100.0 -Ooh lol yea im down, its Friday bruhh and im just punching bob lol False 99.99 -that blows my life rt i hate when people write dumb ! True 99.99 -love him to pieces False 100.0 -lol joke, im not that good False 100.0 -Is drinking this redbull and vodka that gave me False 100.0 -People are bad sometimes False 99.73 -i miss kaprece loud ghetto! True 99.99 -I am following you False 99.95 -I see that you have a mama on Twitter False 99.87 -douglass man that thing was crazy now he a whole principal somewhere False 97.06 -now my phone has a virus False 99.87 -i was so grossed out then i started laughing after a while False 99.87 -all right asshole, go get dem shitty ass tweets up . True 99.99 -He ain't gonna hit breasts from the back. True 99.99 -i do it the boring way False 99.84 -me and my bro cookout is about a week away and that is going to be popping ya hear me False 99.84 -do what ? please say you are not harming yourself False 99.84 -Because you turn 76, little one False 99.84 -You like to express today that you are naughty, don’t you? False 99.84 -Its too much i just be holding things in False 99.84 -come check this bitch she type cute and now the whole world know she a kinky bitch True 99.99 -Thanks for the food, it was very good. False 100.0 -yeah me too i was debating about goin gout but forget it imma stay in the house lol False 99.99 -You can hide behind a tree if you wanted to False 100.0 -i just find it hilarious because i never got the chance to be one False 99.99 -bad days for people passing today False 99.99 -Don't come to my Facebook False 99.99 -*late reply* lol he shoulda known that was gonna happen. False 99.99 -that was 41 - 41 type False 100.0 -There are fans - give them an autograph. False 99.99 -Because they end up chilling with the people they talked bad about before . False 99.99 -are you mad? well , my girl donesn't like it , and I respect that False 99.93 -She is so perfect looking False 99.93 -Ass of black woman True 99.99 -Aye, that stuff look fire as hell, when a lot of people doing it. True 98.83 -i know tiffany isn 't talking shit with her nasty ass True 98.83 -Brother got problems, he better get hip. False 99.99 -really you guys need to get this together ! False 99.99 -her clit pulsates beneath her fingers False 100.0 -I just can't explain this stuff at all. False 99.9 -my drink is coming good news False 99.9 -I honestly feel like crying & it takes a lot to make me cry. False 99.9 -yeuh im back in this secluded world of sub tweets and unfollows lol False 96.8 -Who started that False 99.9 -Lazily, I woke up at 30. False 99.9 -it's time have some bbq False 97.97 -I don't mind what you say but she is not my girlfriend. False 97.97 -ye yu real late False 99.99 -gonna end up telling her to get away soon! False 99.99 -she 's retarded or someting bro ! lol rt haha i just had a feeling True 100.0 -im mad my dog is laying right next me to crying False 99.99 -lil tried to attack me last night False 97.97 -No Kashi bars but the venue's serving red vines, popcorn, alcohol & stuff False 97.97 -she isn't relying to my msgs False 97.97 -I feel really bad! I honestly feel like crying & it takes a lot to make me cry False 100.0 -i honestly couldn’t care less if i get married to a guy that can fix things False 99.99 -That's a lie I swear smh w False 99.99 -i think it be awesome to get a bunch of us there False 99.99 -Just sitting there False 99.99 -I gotta have her . False 100.0 -Thwt would be some funny False 100.0 -You look like Larry the crab flex. True 99.99 -i am going to have a serious talk with that person False 100.0 -That moment when a two face guys says he hates two faced guys False 100.0 -Ronaldinho will appeal to most people because of all the joga False 100.0 -yeah but she's making me feel bad False 100.0 -but he is a poor gaffa , no one gives opinion about team choice . False 100.0 -there was no need for you to act inappropriately like you were. False 100.0 -You and your rectum again False 100.0 -I'm going to bed False 100.0 -when bands are unsigned , it so hard for um to come to the uk False 100.0 -go to new china right across the street from scores . False 99.88 -Everybody knew about it but me- False 99.99 -Why she's a bad xx True 99.99 -You have got to get on that False 99.88 -They shot at me an my little brother it's over False 99.75 -It autocorrects 'fuck' to duck and 'panera' to owner but it knows rupaul. True 96.75 -since when do you have a twitter False 99.99 -This is nonsense False 96.79 -Radiation tomorrow - time to start phase 21 of operation to attack leukemia. False 99.99 -I'm drunk. False 99.99 -I dont know what to order False 99.99 -Is my butt big or is my waist too small False 100.0 -He's been doing so wrong. I have to make it right back. False 100.0 -Olivia has to calm down False 100.0 -keeps you from talking, if payback even matters to you False 100.0 -I can't think of movie titles. Lol False 99.99 -Probably be like the ring False 99.99 -I do it the boring way. False 99.99 -caravanpikey all you can aford with the derby pay you False 99.99 -lol i’m just kidding with you. False 99.99 -Lol Nah my phone is freezing and it's getting me upset. False 100.0 -it was very good False 99.99 -Don't speak and get them cum stains off ya lips True 99.99 -that 's cuz they want the pussy from a cute gir True 99.99 -"i know right but im gonna work in a traphouse "" then your gona get arrested" False 100.0 -This phone is awful I need a t-mobile phone False 100.0 -*late reply* he should known that was gonna happen False 99.99 -no man , i'm talking this right here this feathered hair False 100.0 -Try your best to be the one whoever envies. False 99.99 -yeahh but i never have time to download things, just sometimes. False 99.99 -you best not mind False 99.95 -Who has their hand on my butt True 99.99 -i need to get away from this madness False 100.0 -I don't care False 99.95 -Why am I even in culinary school, who knows ? False 99.99 -Chillen fresh out the shower False 99.95 -No man I'm talking these things right here this feathered hair False 99.99 -Don't take it so personally ! False 99.99 -Yeauh im back in this secluded world of sub tweets and unfollows lol False 99.99 -i did call in yo phone is broken False 99.99 -She just broke down the blunt and threw it in the trash. This school is mess True 97.96 -better to go spend money on a woman that u gonna actually make love with than adult club False 100.0 -I couldn't get in that library. False 100.0 -i aint lazy i might as well do it at home shince i aint gone have another thing to do False 99.99 -I'm afraid he threw me against the wall False 99.99 -she'd better not do anything like that, i would flip out lol i could get a warning False 100.0 -& & he tweeting other females like heyy bae , or or < 71 just anyof that kind . False 99.99 -i 'm still drunk False 100.0 -I don't understand why people continuously do that. Smh. False 100.0 -Old people don't know when to quit, yeah? Some of us have boyfriends False 100.0 -yea dude i think it be awesome to get a bunch of us there False 100.0 -Are you actually kidding me?nooooo!d False 100.0 -I feel like shooting some things. False 99.07 -haha i know right i 'm nice ass fuck > , < True 99.99 -yay i can finally retweeet you False 99.91 -Why did they sent people living in the West to work east? False 99.91 -you better let me see you . False 99.99 -and i'm the most sane crazy bitch of all time ! True 100.0 -Well those ladies are not all there False 99.99 -that gives me panic attacks lol oh an mtv depresses me idk why ? False 99.91 -she went in da weave store on sum baller type False 99.07 -baww iaint tkn that True 99.99 -Oh my god yes! Haha dad gets home tomorrow morning so im sure he won't mind us drinking. False 97.56 -I gotta walk in this False 94.62 -its softer than fresh baby feaces False 99.99 -What is wrong with my phone! False 94.62 -im putting you to work tonight False 97.56 -I didnt get a chance, you was on the move False 94.62 -Eh! Whoresnops for life! Thanks for the warning. False 97.56 -I dont eat that anyways False 94.62 -what is it? False 100.0 -thanks the amazing show last night ! it was best concert been to in along time False 100.0 -So they closed them up? Don't deserve a spot to kick it at False 100.0 -oh!!! Theres thunder now False 99.99 -This is not flattering. False 99.99 -enjoying this gloomy day False 99.99 -We drinkin the same juice my friend?! False 99.99 -Chocolate tomorrow ! False 99.99 -Wht was I lookn at before?? Oh people False 99.99 -Are you following my man? False 99.99 -She's texting dirty things False 99.3 -I miss you. False 100.0 -It’s Easter so no. False 100.0 -Why won’t we ? i am coming to russia to punish you False 99.99 -I don't have a little sister. False 100.0 -I'm stocked at the moment for new songs at the studio False 100.0 -I'm putting you to work tonight False 100.0 -who know why i am in culinary school False 100.0 -Yeah if i did that to my mom, she would look at me angry! False 100.0 -You have nice breasts. True 99.99 -If Christian Beadles can be verified why can't I? We do the same stuff on Youtube. False 100.0 -We've just got back, and now you've gone and upset her! False 100.0 -and some times she made some mistakes in her lessons False 99.67 -ronaldinho will appeal to most because of all the joga things. False 99.67 -yeah, same, new day really, bored False 99.99 -Yeah I know but dudes, game always makes me smile and I can see right through that. False 99.99 -Sick of it, don't see what people get from talking that. False 99.99 -haha oh you trippin haha False 99.99 -the sun is a bad and ugly thing False 99.99 -I’ll knock you False 99.99 -I want to have sex with you True 99.03 -Everthing else nothing but nonsense False 99.99 -You better follow me back False 100.0 -i sound like a fucking weather lady True 99.99 -Y'all boys got it False 100.0 -Look no 41 has a hard reputation around the neighborhood like my sim p False 99.99 -i 'm excited about harry potter and i don 't care who knows ! False 99.99 -If i get that stuff stuck in there i'm going to find you, mate. False 99.99 -It autocorrects to duck and panera to owner but dammit it knows rupaul ! True 95.22 -Girl, get on the phone and talk to me. False 99.99 -it betta be worth it cuz i came all the way from la just for this False 99.99 -That is indeed cool as you can visit Paris. I really miss that city. False 99.99 -Ctfu how? His car is annoying. True 100.0 -He called names the guy who was helping him, that was uncalled for False 99.99 -shut up ! lol False 99.99 -u know you owe me right False 98.1 -what u been u 46 wen u be able 46 do again ? lbs False 98.1 -have you told you 're mum ? False 99.99 -Trying to make up things to be thankful for. False 98.1 -Ya you don't actually realise how messed we are for the lc False 99.99 -you might wanna stop having sex before u get pregnant True 99.99 -are you deaf ? it 's like a kesha fan going after mary j blige False 98.1 -lol your welcome d when i get behind that wheel i just turn into an aggressive person. False 99.99 -Haha the thing is you are about to come and have these guys tripping False 99.99 -how can we do anything with your bad memory False 99.99 -I'm drinking like a fish False 99.99 -that fye defense i played tonight False 99.99 -Who else thinks that? False 99.99 -Ooh my god, you met her? I'm jealous. False 99.24 -why am i even in culinary school , who fucking knows True 99.99 -laughs * did you just call me a liar False 99.99 -a girl like me aint never unloyal so idk what you talking bout lmao False 99.99 -now i 'm really gone beat you because playing me like that True 99.99 -She don need that! False 99.24 -I should have dropped her off cause I got things to do False 99.99 -Thinking about yesterday nite that was funny af False 99.99 -her clit pulsates beneath her fingers * False 98.14 -Be last time you ever talk to a person on the internet! Lol False 100.0 -i want to but tyler wasn 't thinking - False 100.0 -get up off that floor False 100.0 -You got lie &+I ain't gonna be there tomorrow dingdong! True 99.98 -you totally wanna spoil each others leprechaun . True 98.43 -i 'm just jealous. False 99.99 -lmao right ! like theres 26 people that tweet 26 26 about drama . False 97.75 -Lol i know its 8 in the morning followers but go follow my cousin False 99.99 -I don't care about the palace of wonders too. False 99.6 -You got money? I might see you at work False 99.99 -Get out of the game False 99.6 -Go away False 99.89 -portal 18 was excellent False 99.99 -Slaps my bunny out, hey. True 99.61 -like that bad sugar ray song False 100.0 -you aint gon do anything ! and you know how it goes when you home False 99.99 -im moving to california . False 99.99 -lol but who want it False 99.99 -You are a killer musician too True 99.99 -Why would he need to, if he is holding that big gun in his lap? False 99.99 -But my internet connection is so bad False 99.99 -I heard this one interview in March and he was not on his best behaviour. False 100.0 -i am in trouble this is bad False 100.0 -Ohhhh no , look no 41 has a bad reputation around the neighborhood like my sim p False 99.99 -y they sent people living in the west to work east . False 99.99 -rt i feel like hitting the chicken head on these guys True 99.99 -ctfu how ? his car is the annoying . True 100.0 -& & he tweeting other females like heyy bae , or or < 71 just anyof that thing False 99.99 -shut up! lol False 99.99 -I agree with you, one of them already got beaten lmao False 99.99 -sorry rt everytime this girls texts me she hits me wit a boring convo False 99.99 -oh my god your last tweet to me was so cool False 99.99 -what's wrong with my phone False 100.0 -i 'm excited about harry potter and i don 't care who knows ! False 99.99 -omg girl , t mills is sooo cute False 99.99 -You are all acting so funny nowadays False 98.54 -I love it False 98.54 -that would be cool and you have to to to paris! imiss this city lol False 99.99 -i 'm drinking lik a fish ! ! False 99.99 -I mean it I will kick you if you all break my bad or my floor True 99.99 -where you been at? False 99.99 -What was I looking at before?? Oh yes girls False 99.99 -why are you in my life? False 99.99 -Nd I hit you back, check on your things False 99.99 -Oh my God downtown St. Louis was actually crowed last night! I was so gone False 99.99 -When is orange juice not kosher for passover ? is there anything in there i dont know about ? False 99.99 -Omg yes! Haha dad gets home tomorrow morning so I'm sure he won't mind us drinking. False 99.99 -ha i'm just bored enough, i might do that thing lol False 99.99 -she 's awesome and extremely nice ! False 99.99 -the guessing games ! who cares where that little is . False 99.99 -cheesinnnn lol how's school and life? False 99.99 -why are you in my life ? ! - False 99.99 -lol i aint doing nothing haha False 99.99 -It's lie ..I swear False 97.79 -well she was bad. False 99.99 -girls lust after me because I look like justin bieber False 99.99 -girl, come on and talk to me! False 99.99 -I need to get away from this madness. False 99.99 -We won't last if your clingy and always following me up ,gimme some space! False 99.99 -but some shit happened last night kinda hurt but god will heal me < 57 True 99.99 -I want to watch that video lmfaooo what was i saying cause i took that shit over True 99.99 -I cant date you if ur hairy False 100.0 -oh my, i might try a rinse first. False 100.0 -i wanted to say that ufc will either win or lose False 100.0 -why are you laughing , you sick fuck True 99.99 -at home, why? media is bad and I'm knackered False 99.99 -what you doing today False 100.0 -No, I'm not. And I reject. False 100.0 -But this hurt you! False 100.0 -you 're tryna bash my cousin which is wrong False 97.85 -When bands are unsigned, it so hard for um to come to the uk False 99.99 -don't call josh 's lifestyle badly False 99.97 -pee on the cake and shit True 99.99 -And I am the most sane person of all time. False 99.03 -the drunken super heros epic cruising round playing tek - one haha fighting any thing that moves True 99.99 -omg i was just about to say that ! False 99.97 -So that's how you'll be speaking to me, trilla keep quiet. False 99.97 -grammy char is going down at the reunion! False 99.97 -Clare and Eli need to get back. You cannot just barge into the picture. False 99.92 -You should not say anything False 99.97 -Because you are 76 now False 99.99 -you aint even following me back you bitch . True 99.98 -Yeah but it is bad here. False 99.99 -You watched unsuitable films too False 91.3 -ikr it 's soooo sad her slow attitude False 99.99 -Meet me and the streets it's going down last ones standing baddest one wins the crown. False 99.99 -Rolls eyes and walks back to sam False 99.99 -I don't play with you at all. False 99.99 -lmao ! ! ! ' hahaha , yeah but its bad here l < 4 True 99.71 -I am going to bed False 100.0 -Oh no, he is not here False 99.99 -How come he is a music producer as well?!! Let us leave it at that. False 100.0 -yaaay although you don 't be wit me False 99.99 -In in awe you watch that everyday False 99.99 -I love jazz music, it is smooth. False 99.99 -of course i freak out when he's talking about things liks this False 99.12 -but i 'm gonna wait until dick wakes up and ask him to take me home True 97.18 -Omfg, downtown st. Louis was actually poppin last night. I was so gone though. everclear kicked me. True 90.86 -Lol I'm just joking. False 99.88 -just click the unnecessary things. False 98.64 -also, made my computer so hot like pancake False 99.99 -What is your point? I don't care. False 99.99 -so what your telling me is regardless of the fact that you know the logical reaction your saying that you don’t care False 99.99 -but i 'm gonna wait until he wakes up and ask him to take me home False 99.99 -ohhh shit , lady i see you got you a freak mama on twitter True 98.16 -Man does harm to those who run True 99.99 -whats up wit yall dont yall know what the word save means lol False 99.99 -You say it, you better do it False 99.99 -she 's okay , but i like her better in the second one when where she is amazing . False 99.99 -Why is she so mean? False 100.0 -The girl like me because I am look like Justin bieber False 100.0 -3Ds fund have been axed in favor of upping tv budget False 100.0 -Gotta get my life together no kidding False 100.0 -hey , who erased my latest tweet ? ? False 100.0 -Hell yea remember me on my bday lol that thing was funny False 100.0 -I think I would live with her if I always asked her grandparents for something. False 100.0 -you and jared can go away False 100.0 -rt this janitor think she's not good False 100.0 -its about time with you man bahahaha False 100.0 -it 's slow class lol False 100.0 -lol im ever doing that formsprings , perfect exampleas why not to do it False 100.0 -youuuu rt who ya grillin ya pic tho ? i ain 't takin that . False 99.99 -rolls eye and walks back to sam False 100.0 -has anyone ever played minesweeper and actually won??? lol False 100.0 -You are crazy. False 100.0 -sorry my alarm was on silent False 99.48 -You are making things up now, so you can just say boom! False 99.86 -What about that guy Beez you used to hang out with? He was cool False 99.99 -Really? Is it really? Will you be my Superman? False 99.99 -understand & i didn 't even know shit was even going on but whatever now idec . True 100.0 -They are ignorant or mentally incapable True 99.99 -You were ahead,but we outdid you in the playoffs lol False 91.85 -bound to happen when you run away from the best thing that ever happened to you . False 99.99 -Twitter is going to do 46 moro False 99.99 -dude seriously why do you even bother fucking with me ? True 99.99 -I couldn't see it on my tv, they were talking local False 99.99 -Really ? Is it really ? Will you be my superman , pal ? False 100.0 -that stuff hurt my wrist ! False 100.0 -also i came from livas just too go . False 100.0 -thats what the world is coming to , online bad talkers . True 99.99 -Thinking about yesterday night is so fun False 100.0 -Just pardon my back. False 100.0 -its about time with you False 100.0 -yea i kno but dudes game always make me smile and i can see right thru it False 100.0 -My phone has a virus False 99.64 -lls hahahhaaaa i know right , i 'm laughing True 99.97 -seriously ! ! how dare he treat u like that False 91.27 -Alright, go and get them tweets up False 100.0 -Why are you in my life?! False 99.99 -We are vampires Gerard. False 99.99 -my middle finger is hurting me False 99.99 -i would love a half cooked meal cook by my girl but since i dont have one of those False 99.99 -the one with all that stuff on her trunk hahahaha now its your turn. False 99.99 -I'm only on Twitter to reply to you. False 99.99 -and my insurance is to go to another one . False 99.99 -man he over here but i'll grab a 55 and come to you False 99.99 -i know all the ladies get the invites to ish that 's poppin False 100.0 -what defeated the point? False 100.0 -I would love meal cook by my girl , but since I don't have one. False 99.99 -I'm going to talk with them False 99.99 -Internet goons are waste True 99.99 -where have been at ? False 99.99 -you was just on that knicks wagon False 97.8 -slow lane move my truck like a five, if i get pulled over i'm go on do time False 99.99 -Get out of london and see england False 99.99 -but think of the rump you can have . False 97.8 -im not dumb i know who & what you talking thats tha difference False 99.99 -This is so perfect when u coding with 26 eye open False 99.99 -lol did you find her yet? False 99.99 -haha Just pardon my back True 99.99 -She is so awesome and extremely nice! False 97.83 -but i 'm a type of guy who doesn 't like hiding something False 98.16 -get out of the game ! ! ! he is bad False 94.47 -what defeated the point ? False 97.83 -The whole last 57 mins is pretty awful False 97.83 -* shudders * probably be like the ring False 99.99 -I just told someone to keep off from Jezebel False 98.16 -i 'm only on twitter to repl to you False 97.83 -she is giving excuses False 98.16 -I agree with you, one of them already got beaten. False 100.0 -n so u shuld , i reali wana get ur take on da whole rebecca black thing False 100.0 -What happened to Young Berg, that guy dissapeared. LOL. False 100.0 -Impressive Cuppa tea and a coffee. False 100.0 -stop tweeting at me False 100.0 -That's what's up lol I bet she's was mad at me False 99.99 -I'm supporting Justin False 100.0 -You are coming after my man? False 100.0 -What? By the way, I didn't. False 100.0 -don't get me started man gorgeous she is False 99.99 -You know your roomie? Rt got my housing today False 100.0 -Be last time you ever talk to him on the internet! Lol False 100.0 -omg for reall ? ? * - * you 're so sweet ! False 99.99 -my back hurtin like ! - - your shell getting to heavy ? lmao False 98.68 -I'm embracing the power of Madonna False 99.99 -I live along the 43rd. False 100.0 -This thing is too alive. False 100.0 -You boy is a liar man True 99.36 -Don't call Josh's life meaningless. False 100.0 -he never needs the room ,he doesn't say that False 100.0 -You gone make me mess you up False 99.99 -lol! i'm thinking about deleting that thing righ now False 99.99 -Is my best friend. False 100.0 -you met brendon urie?! *-* False 99.99 -What you gonna be drinking on False 99.99 -Forreal forreal both of you all and I'll kick both of you at the same time True 99.99 -because i miss you and because i said so False 100.0 -If christian beadles can be verified, why can't i? We do the same things on youtube False 99.99 -Is my bottom big, or is my waist waist too small? False 99.99 -Go get a visa prepaid she can use it anywhere False 99.91 -Paano ako bababa, bro? Need daw dun sa right side ng stage, lol! False 99.91 -Tell her to be ready at one, I'll go and pick her up. False 99.91 -i think the whole paparazzi business is bad! they need to know when to stop! True 99.99 -yeah miss me with that thing ! you can even tell me how False 99.96 -Winnie is sweet False 100.0 -lol true but they should have brought sprint or teamed with verizon False 99.96 -"The mistress confronting the ""wifey""? Mistresses don't have rights." False 99.99 -i 've eaten so much meat i 'll be pooping like a hippo for weeks . True 99.99 -He doesn’t mess with me False 100.0 -where are you? False 99.99 -I was still hustling,now am gonna buy a vehicle False 98.99 -in the newspaper they gone be like local man sucks ass to save a life True 99.99 -He gonna do it with Jahlil too. False 99.99 -ha I'm just bored enough,I might do that thing lol False 99.99 -things never works out so i 'm stayin single forever False 99.99 -has anyone ever played minesweeper and actually won ? ? ? That's weird lol False 98.94 -U better follow me back or i get angry at you. False 100.0 -I would never be with pubes False 100.0 -all i said was that i wanted her to go away False 98.94 -What's up with you bro how practise and school going. False 98.94 -why do people continue to do that ? ! smh False 100.0 -It's very soft. False 100.0 -No chips for me today. I'm in nandos lol False 99.99 -i think you should mind your language, or be silent False 96.59 -go yourself !that better? False 93.76 -these mills are so cute False 98.72 -let me promo it on my radio station False 99.32 -Aha, let's see where this leads me too. False 98.95 -lol removing that thing give me around hoe True 99.97 -lol yeah that was so weird and random False 98.72 -Yes I'm going to miss you alot. False 98.72 -I won't do that. I'll be back in a minute False 98.95 -tell me how i got that 29 rd period basement bathrom thing taking feeling right now False 99.99 -was just on a wild goose chase wif zena smh False 99.99 -She don't need that kind of stuff False 99.99 -My background image wont show for me! Its being a pain today False 99.99 -Yeah? That's bad. Mine is like watery and itchy. False 99.99 -that 's one of the reasons i don 't like rap that talks about shooting False 100.0 -she cute as blossom, guys False 100.0 -is drinking this redbull and vodka that gave me False 99.99 -keep kill em bro i didnt knw abt cold welcome b4 True 95.02 -hahahah sorry that was just for that woman False 99.99 -Once again my mother ruined my day and she expects me to babysit. False 99.99 -huh what is the problem dude? False 99.99 -Because I miss you and i said so False 99.99 -What am I saying False 99.99 -That's a lie. False 99.99 -It is not the end of the world. False 99.99 -So why don't you stop tweeting at me ,and settle down False 99.99 -Bad breath False 99.99 -Ha I'm just bored enough, I might do that bad lol False 99.99 -He say he beat you all the time. False 99.99 -Please don't call me so early. False 99.34 -Lol! I'm thinking about deleting it right now False 99.34 -I know it's 8am in the morning followers but just follow my cousin False 99.34 -cuz u cant back ur wack up , smh at you boy True 96.77 -A girl like me is never unloyal so I don't know what you are talking about Imao False 99.34 -I know right I don't know what I was doing though. False 99.99 -You and jared can go False 99.99 -Only the negative rap False 99.99 -I'm a fan supporting justin False 99.99 -Man, that huge owl can really glare down its beak False 99.99 -"Its all like "" must do this now!"" Write random things down" False 99.99 -"it 'd be , "" better than your "" store" False 99.99 -I mean it playa I will beat you if yal break my bed or my floor | ims True 99.99 -it was hard to get along and to like you False 97.66 -there was no need for you to behave that way False 99.99 -where the fuck you at ? True 99.29 -Sorry rt every time this girl texts me she hits me wit a boring convo. False 95.56 -boy stop talking False 99.99 -i just broke a nail and it hurts really hard False 99.99 -Atl was the only movie and that nigga music career dead so i know what are you talking about True 97.67 -I'm ready! Bring it! False 99.99 -Because that person is lying, I was high but I didn't do all that. False 98.86 -I just clicked something. False 99.99 -Why do people continue to do that? False 99.3 -hats off to you for your efforts for Japan! False 99.99 -Dora.I like that part too.I wasn’t done False 99.99 -I just don't ever want to hear one unquestionable thing about it . False 99.99 -i was damn grossed out then i started laughing after a while False 99.99 -ye yu real late False 99.99 -whos takin me to see scream 86? yes im a fan when it comes to scary movies False 99.99 -you like to tweet ! i 'm still getting a hang of it . False 99.99 -Lol nah my phone be freezing its irritating me off False 99.99 -because i fucking miss you and because i fucking said so True 99.99 -dont matter we both do the same thing to each other ahah False 99.99 -i think i 've been looking at the wrong place then False 99.48 -falls down,hugging you,laughs- False 99.48 -Passed out now I'm back False 99.48 -t too much ! i just be holding in False 99.99 -No wonder they threw an orang at you at dv. False 100.0 -i hate guys with a bitch mouth True 99.99 -And talks and attention seeks False 99.48 -what are you doing ? run ? ? ? twins not answering ! ! ! False 99.48 -Don't melt today man False 99.99 -rt 5 thingsaboutme < - - - - - ill unfollow you ! take that stuff to fb False 98.15 -Yeh you really would your a nice female who messed you over? False 99.99 -He's not around. False 98.15 -I forgot you had that thing. False 98.15 -i just find it hilarious because i never got the chance to be one False 98.15 -dont matter we both do the same thing to eachother ahah False 98.15 -that was nyhir ! he had her all day i was at work False 98.15 -yeah gotta join my fellow pretties on the city so I hope ur coming too lol False 98.15 -That sound like an unusual party False 99.99 -She makes up word and things False 99.99 -just had to get stubborn me off her lazinnes. True 96.0 -aha , let 's see where this shit leads me too . True 97.13 -So what you telling me is regardless of the fact that you know the logical reaction you saying False 99.99 -We drinking the same juice False 99.99 -wow really ? he said tht to junsu? how can jyj still hate False 93.93 -i laughed at her ehehehahhahagksnsnskksna hate dat taylor False 98.16 -This was a 41 - 41 type situation. False 99.99 -u know I be talking trash some of the time True 99.99 -radiation tomorrow - time to start phase 21 of operation defeat leukemia False 99.83 -yeahh but i never have time to download , just sometimes . False 99.99 -we've just got back, and now you've gone and upset her! False 93.4 -Either do sumat or stop False 95.88 -"wise words of "" give her the pink brain" True 99.99 -blackpeoplehobbies makin sweet red kool - aid ! False 99.04 -ehh you can do it i know you can ! thugg _ life True 99.99 -I love Jass music.That’s good False 99.83 -I don't know! But it happened and it rocked. False 100.0 -What is your new number? False 100.0 -I want to erase you from my brain. False 99.99 -its a shame tuition to high and financial aid False 100.0 -I was locked out of my computer and lost my work this morning. False 100.0 -Super fail she follows me rt I bet nicki minaj doesn't even know who you are False 99.99 -It's just nice to stay home with this flu. False 100.0 -When did I say that! ? I never said that. False 100.0 -He would never do that. False 100.0 -fuckin idiots now they about to fight lol True 99.99 -Yea remember me on my birthday lol it was funny False 100.0 -Lmao rt well Darius, I ‘ll pay you in fucking chuck -e- cheese cards . True 99.99 -I just can't explain this thing at all. False 100.0 -Don't use Twitter False 100.0 -I really dont like that chicha boy ! False 100.0 -Awhat's up with that man! False 100.0 -I could not get on that library. False 99.99 -yeah me too i was debating about goin gout but it imma stay in the house lol False 100.0 -they got nose jobs & just for the show False 99.99 -He is a principal somewhere now. False 100.0 -Where you going? I am so bored. False 100.0 -omg for reall ?? *-* you're so sweet! False 99.99 -You know about santana - he's a bad guy. False 100.0 -taking a ball to the face at football really hurts , feels like my jaw is out of plac False 100.0 -i want to watch that video lmfaooooooooo what was i saying cause i took that over lol False 100.0 -you 're a killer musician too False 99.99 -that would be cool and you have to go to paris ! i miss this city lol False 99.73 -Just had to get stubborn me off her False 97.65 -You said 10 hours ago False 99.73 -mhmmmm!! love that man! < 98 x False 99.73 -photoset yes yes , even in boots i m short False 99.73 -She used to beat us with it when we were little kids lmao False 99.99 -lol she sure was and she was looking naive False 94.45 -Let me tell you lmao False 99.76 -How was the contest? False 99.76 -What's the matter, dude? False 99.86 -Look, don't annoy me right now. False 93.35 -I think your brain out sounds better than that word True 98.16 -Let me promo it on my radio station False 99.76 -she's awesome and extremely nice False 99.76 -i cant explain this to you False 99.76 -how was da eatin contest ? False 100.0 -she 's into all this anime + julian casablancas False 100.0 -the weather can be so bad False 100.0 -Why boys always ask for the pictures. False 100.0 -ehh you can do it i know you can ! thugg _ life False 97.06 -word ! its the guys you play with ! False 100.0 -i love louisiana accents ! that is sexy to me False 100.0 -aww fasho i 'm gone be there hit me up False 99.73 -i was going to tell the story to the baker when the tray i was carrying slipped False 100.0 -i was going to tell the story to the baker when the tray i was carrying slipped False 100.0 -You got your hair cut? ? ? Rebel I ��d be shitting it oh show us a pic True 99.99 -time for some tennessee bbq after one crazy day ! ! ! False 100.0 -Just give me the wig False 100.0 -Don't melt today man False 100.0 -lol yeah that was so weird and random False 100.0 -i missed you too much ! ! False 99.99 -lol so thats how you be speaking to me now eh rt trillaaa shut up True 99.99 -I am waiting for someone to beat Evelyn. True 96.97 -i almost sent the text i meant to send to her to twitter False 100.0 -Please help i got trapped behind the pay wall and I'm already late for work False 100.0 -Of course I get scary when he is talking about something like this False 99.99 -If his car can handle it. False 99.99 -ah probably wouldda did the same thing . False 99.99 -I don’t have any of those. False 99.99 -We've just got back, and now you've gone and upset her False 99.99 -i would watch it when i get home but i gotta be back up there at 8:30 False 99.99 -I might resort to injuring my wrist. False 99.99 -nodoubt stay on dat thing cannon ima come holla at u wen i get back to the city False 99.99 -basically , the jury and the voting process are biased and totally failed . False 99.99 -u goin to bad place too takin bout he yo god True 99.99 -that is going to be such a great concert! False 99.99 -Well, this is rusting, it's old but it's still in good shape. False 99.99 -hahahhaa sure i know joke lol u know i < 16 u ma lost twin xd False 99.99 -where is my movah False 100.0 -You better let me see you False 100.0 -Yeah dude I think it will be awesome to get a bunch of us there. False 99.66 -imy too twin ! False 99.99 -basically rt busy life! ! ! i have court today. False 99.66 -He doesn't like soda during track season . False 99.66 -what is this going on ? False 99.66 -What is the point of sending people from the west to work in the east? False 99.36 -what did she say ? other than what was the sentence ? False 99.66 -Really you guys need to get this thing together False 99.99 -yeah remember me on my bday lol that thing was funny False 100.0 -stain off the lips False 99.99 -Taking a ball to the face at football really hurts, feels like my jaw is out of place. False 99.99 -i brought u a bagel from panaera and u didn 't even show - False 99.99 -if i know i just threw some letters up & it stuck False 99.99 -i dm u the wrong stuff ! nvm don 't delete just add that behind True 95.75 -I'm getting my day started like at 11 , I will text you when I will be in hunters glen False 99.67 -Where are u ? False 99.5 -when did i say that to cherdon ! ? i never said that . False 99.5 -Thank you for the amazing show last night. It was the best concert I've been to in a long time False 99.67 -rt my girl got fans give em an autograph smh i love it tho False 99.5 -don 't take shit so personall True 100.0 -No I am not ! False 99.99 -Ok lyke 66 real yall go sneak off ! ! Haha go head on False 99.99 -Me and my bro cookout is about a week away and that is going to be popping ya hear me False 98.64 -Did you find her yet? False 99.32 -This stuff is real False 99.32 -Just one day you two won't go into it. False 99.99 -I need space False 99.32 -this is my period False 98.64 -Man he over here but i'll grab a 55 and come with you False 99.99 -Hit the butt but don't hit the pretty face lol True 100.0 -I think they steal something on you. False 99.57 -you guys go ahead i'll catch up later False 99.57 -I know she's like that since the summer False 99.57 -Yes, I'ma deal with that joint son True 99.99 -You went by and visited my bad mama? Lmao jk i know you haven't False 92.93 -well that 's a sorry cover False 99.57 -im there this year False 99.57 -She acts like a kid. False 99.57 -shit watchin tv sober af True 99.36 -At some park under a shelter, chilling and not doing anything as usual. Where are you? False 100.0 -Lmao!! i'm so tall False 100.0 -I'm gonna block her on FB. False 100.0 -Dont make me angry False 100.0 -"sorry bad mixtape should be the name ! rt jammin "" sorry for the wait "" mixtape" False 100.0 -yalll go hard lol i gotta catch up then. False 100.0 -alright , imma remember this lol False 100.0 -yea ima mess wit that joint son True 99.36 -i’ll watch this show till the end. False 97.92 -I miss her. False 97.92 -he says he can 't have anymore dude he 's being unconsiderable False 97.92 -He was really scared False 97.92 -wow do it tell u where its being sent from , like aol or some like that. False 97.92 -cant fuckin wait til nationals sunday dawg True 99.99 -after sex , you only dress yourself because in lifen nobody helps you once you 're messed up True 99.99 -I need break to smoke. False 97.92 -Almost I hurt my head False 97.92 -i am so tired of that old man that take all day orderin sum in a drive. False 100.0 -Mah letter was a load of random things False 99.99 -I'll probably wear my stockings and a band shirt & shorts. False 100.0 -i 'm too emotional for anything False 100.0 -My letter was a mess. False 99.99 -But you're set for life. False 100.0 -did you get my tweet False 100.0 -i 'm watching et tonight & they mentioning guests False 100.0 -same bro i be up school bored and definately out the way. False 100.0 -on the m3 onway back home from london “yawn “ why? False 100.0 -in a bad way like she ties her hair up with a scarf dat type of bad piece False 99.99 -yeah you better get my bro his italian he a ghetto italian doe ! ! False 100.0 -i knew you 'd say some dumb shit True 99.24 -No one wants him False 99.99 -Let's make a Facebook page about how vulgar she is. True 99.24 -is there any problem with that False 100.0 -When did I lie yo you? False 99.99 -Keep that in a safe place False 100.0 -Relationships can be boring sometimes False 99.86 -bananas are gross. False 99.86 -Mtrench just tweeted me, go and take a look. False 99.86 -so i just outsmarted you False 94.54 -oh cause tk is your person? get out of my mentions ! False 99.86 -why dont u ever come visit ur such a bitch True 98.72 -tryn 78 see watchu had up 4 the weekened False 99.86 -I am worried about him, where is he? False 100.0 -Mandla - kindly go away please False 100.0 -my mother is bad. False 100.0 -he is annoying False 99.99 -That feels better False 100.0 -lol good but dawg read this ! False 99.99 -Rt rt lmaoooooo it was so much hilarious whenfirsttimer - lmaoo and False 100.0 -butbutbutbut death is dracula 's bitch ! babe True 99.37 -alot of my followers are drunk False 100.0 -Anne Robinson son got tired of winking and standing and has finally quit the weakest link False 96.52 -omg, my mum 's wearing shorts shorter than mine False 98.41 -Half of them guys are bad riders False 96.52 -Wow do it tell u where it's being sent from, like aol or something like that. False 98.41 -Your rap is old. False 96.52 -Lol good but dawg read this! True 99.99 -yeah , i gooogled that False 96.52 -when did i lie to you ? ! ? # False 96.52 -Im trying to keep my mentions clean keep out my mentions False 96.52 -nahhh i wasn 't bored xd duuuude liverpool kicked man utd 's 5 nil xd False 97.35 -Since the merge of AOL and Talktalk, the quality of my internet has been poor. False 97.35 -Oh, I thought you was from cali or something. Which part of Queens? False 97.35 -i can set up a private auction on ebay False 97.35 -s but honestly its hard! if i could, i would False 97.35 -Honestly, I don't know all I can hear was screaming and moving things. False 97.35 -Everyone could just come to my house but not that thing False 97.35 -I wish he would bring me my phone back sheesh False 97.35 -yes , i do , but i 'm not off some other girl , either . False 100.0 -damn straight ! ! dd when you said it to me on saturday night i lost my mind False 99.99 -lmaooooo ! partyin here is bad . False 99.99 -you don 't wanna be stuck with annoying people haha False 100.0 -very cool but have no clue what it says False 100.0 -gotta write an essay ain 't that a thing cuhz False 99.99 -That must be a joke. False 100.0 -i know ! my now ex gots sarcy and was like , it had boots and everything on False 100.0 -Tou could ask her the same thing if she’s up this late too ! False 100.0 -this job is starting to play with my ability to not hate everyone False 100.0 -My friend hooked it up with this, I am going to be messy tomorrow. False 100.0 -U got to be kidding me with those rates False 99.99 -Lol yeah this woman was trying to argue with me on the internet False 99.99 -naww i know i know what you mean False 100.0 -as far as the q situation they ain 't got together False 100.0 -bout to go ride either in a landover or seat pleasant today, chill out with the guys n fun. False 100.0 -"its all shits n giggles til someone giggles n shits "" hahaha" True 99.99 -I' ve got to kick it and get back to having some fun False 100.0 -Nothing will make me smile other than a lotta food n some dessert False 100.0 -What a move acting like he got hit with a drunk's elbow False 99.99 -My brother messages me that I want to be sure about this royal marriage. False 99.99 -it was really bearing in mind i have seen like every action and alien movie going False 99.99 -right smh imma just have 29 come bust ya in some 29 lol False 99.99 -i wish i was going to belfast False 99.99 -Aint new to me done seen it all b4 False 99.99 -He says he can't have anymore dude he's bad. False 99.99 -who said that ? False 99.99 -Wait how am i fake , what did i do? False 99.88 -She stole this from me False 99.88 -Its almost as annoying as this slow broadband i'm suffering through. False 95.99 -i have no clue what this question is asking False 99.88 -It's not my fault they've got a bad job. False 99.88 -People wear some unsuitable pajamas to bed. False 99.88 -Nice to know that a person I follow is not desirable. False 99.88 -now if you dont cut it False 99.88 -these girls done showed up early while i 'm n class False 99.65 -get a buzz & watch some 4 d, yeah!!! False 99.65 -I 'II probably wear stockings and a band clothing and shorts or some other thing idk aha False 99.65 -And i 'm fucked off just hearing about it . True 99.99 -Stop for starting a drama again. False 99.65 -i did da microwave thing bro it wks ! ! ! ! False 99.65 -youcmake me laugh so much. False 99.65 -They were out today False 99.65 -Am getting slightly impatient waiting on people's False 99.27 -and all the shit about planning and strategy and shit . True 99.99 -How funny! I cannot deal with that. False 99.27 -"been eatin swedish fish and twizzlers since 78 am "" < your crazzzy ass ." True 99.99 -I left my bag in Miami and noticed an hour later False 99.27 -I'm nervous False 98.56 -You know that I used to win over you all the time. False 99.27 -my phone been running slow and badly lately, it doesn't know what to do. False 99.27 -i 'm on chapter 7 of the first part cuz it was being difficult last night and so on False 100.0 -I don't even know. False 100.0 -Come on. False 100.0 -You got to be kidding me with those rates False 100.0 -This is irritating me and making me bad. False 100.0 -i need to get in the shower False 100.0 -I heard that still works i just do my hands in different position False 100.0 -Ouch, I had no clue what a horrible person. False 99.99 -your shitting on my heart . True 99.99 -re - sits are gods ! what you doing at face ? your nickname btw False 99.99 -You put the old in the new? False 99.99 -Yeah, like them from the vampire diaries False 99.99 -Aron is amazing! Ppl should list to him not hpew. False 99.99 -Oh I see lil brah on my tl lol False 99.99 -if i hit a old guy it 's gon start some new. False 99.99 -I'm not talking about pussy; I am a virgin True 99.99 -cool cool , there 's so much other u will like about your phone ! get sbsettings dawg False 100.0 -Laughs and playfully presses my behind against you, teasing you before walking off. False 99.99 -What you got on that? False 100.0 -get over chetan and mind your own lady. False 100.0 -anne robinson finally quits the weakest link loool she got tired of winking and standing False 100.0 -really? we are twins False 100.0 -Wait, i know you said 88 right? False 99.99 -Well give me 50 and I’ll be on the floor lol. False 100.0 -I dislike things like that False 100.0 -Your boyfriend is attractive. False 99.99 -He was upsetting me, so i made him to stop, why he is crying? False 99.99 -yeah , i hope she 'll stop with this False 99.99 -Looking out this window at this thunderstorm thats so relaxing while smoking False 99.99 -hearing me say you're gonna be dead in about 15 minutes would scare her out False 99.99 -They are unusual and you cannot trust them. False 99.99 -I cried a lote because I couldn't go. False 99.99 -you don 't wanna be stuck with annoying people False 99.11 -you will never catchcme living in a messed house. False 98.38 -Yeah, I hope she’ll stop with this foolishness. True 100.0 -I mean, you work harder than any of us False 98.38 -really ? ? ? ? ? we are twins mate False 98.76 -everyone was cool with their irrelevant elephant asses , but no . True 100.0 -Im thinkin should i start my day now or go back to sleep False 98.76 -I dont watch that so idk what abc gonna do False 98.76 -It was a harsh storm. False 99.79 -Mom's making it severe by being rude with him False 99.99 -Lol, yeah this grown girl was trying argue with me on the internet. False 92.11 -"If your name was ""brittany skydrop"" and made music I'd still stay with you." False 92.11 -what if ones a complete ? l you ain't gunna love her. False 99.99 -Stop talking.every time I see you tweet I just get angry with you False 92.11 -i'll kick that guy, he know it True 99.99 -i just did my housing yesterday False 99.99 -Ill save you anyday False 99.99 -Leave her you are going to stay with me andnot going anywhere False 99.2 -my dad just came in,and tokd me to turn my music down because he is going to bed. False 99.2 -Yeah, exactly, so there's two reasons why she won't hit you. False 99.2 -well at least you keep it 50 % about what you want False 99.2 -that thing is on the inside of the screen. False 99.2 -Yeah, but watching videos on my computer is not good, it takes time to load. False 99.2 -I don't have experience about wedding. False 99.2 -It was a real storm. False 99.99 -Hahaha,we started this gangsterism True 97.97 -One tree hell. I'll watch it till the end True 97.97 -If you ask a gemini what their life goal is, they cant because they don't know. False 99.99 -why would we do that? haha False 99.99 -Bananas are gross False 99.58 -they built walls and buses out the bad ugh False 99.99 -Could you tell me how do you get it to work False 99.99 -I had the fl 14 producer edition and that got erased because of a virus. False 98.61 -this is why i don 't mess wit nobody False 100.0 -if i still had my impala , dese gas prices would be kickin my wallet. False 99.99 -I know right. They’re so in love False 100.0 -Yoda just tweeted me! False 100.0 -OMG then what would happen! False 100.0 -my gay chick and shes amazing like tom and jerry ! False 99.99 -Yeah but watching videos on my computer is not a good idea because it takes a long time to finish loading. False 100.0 -lol glad to see someone agrees p everyone else just keeps kissing genevieve 's ass ! True 99.99 -aron is really amazing! Ppl should listen to him not hpew False 100.0 -the temptations is on tv False 99.99 -If you do know better then don't be stubborn False 99.99 -watchin tv sober False 99.99 -If i was Perkins then i will be hot too False 99.99 -I didn't look at the whole site I only searched the shoes False 99.99 -walking round tesco like you 've shit yourself because your thighs and ass is tight and aching True 100.0 -i 've given up on the proposal really i know it. i dont care anymore False 99.99 -I wish I could be like you. False 99.99 -I cannot stand it False 99.99 -I heard you and your sister talking about my twin. False 99.99 -oh! the temptations is on tv. False 99.99 -Lol, yeah because gas is cheap False 99.99 -It should, but unless your Hdd is failing because of physical issues, then you’re out of luck False 99.99 -I wish rabobanks had better luck False 99.99 -Look everyone they're selling low quality blackberry's at walmart!!! False 99.99 -Now it’s raining in pg - _ - False 99.99 -I'm 55 , will it scary me ? False 99.99 -And you an immature girl. True 99.99 -get your ass to my house now True 99.4 -just tell me to suck it up and push through it . True 99.4 -You should leave twitter and go out a little more on the streets False 99.77 -Im too natural? Next time you see me i am going to be plastic + man up. False 99.77 -I would loved Rebbeca Black if she sang a song that did something besides state the obvious. False 99.77 -bish u luucky grr i will find a way never say never True 99.99 -Oh my, last time that happened to me, turns out i had sprained my back False 99.77 -Back in the day, you couldn't even get away with it. False 99.99 -yeah i like to laugh and too excited to go to high scool False 99.99 -cool! rt come out of the blue. False 99.99 -but i needa that smoke break False 99.85 -I don't speak with them. False 99.99 -Chiara smiles trips over his foot False 99.85 -You won't be a light weight for long. False 99.99 -He deleted me again! I'm fuming! False 99.99 -Get a life. True 92.41 -But all the same, it's bad. False 99.89 -We started this gangster. False 99.89 -Anyway how was your weekend bro? False 99.89 -if she ask me i will bawl and tell her everything True 99.99 -j and we called to tell you to get up, you lazy True 99.99 -if anyone dies it should be a weak charachter. False 99.89 -when did i lie to you? False 99.99 -Why's that not going away? False 99.99 -*sobs * i told you i made a mistake its all my fault ! ! ! theyre never coming back. False 99.82 -I will, I promise you Steph False 99.82 -me and you both . False 99.82 -At your local diner getting burgers and shakes wit coupons False 99.82 -it seems like nicki manja is your idol she doing to these young females do their heads up False 99.82 -me either ! April 13 needs to hurry. False 99.82 -Is on some healthy thing and gave up pizza. False 99.99 -My dog bit me due to stepping on her accidentally. False 99.99 -That looks stressful False 99.99 -Aron is amazing! ppl should listen to him not hpew False 99.99 -Can I just say, how amazing are heritage round jerseys. False 99.99 -Yeah, I googled that thing. False 99.99 -bad things went out on me , & i was soooo mad False 99.8 -There not that bad? I mean they could be worse False 99.99 -if you do know better , well , don 't be mean False 99.99 -damn you too ? ? i hate when i do that . False 99.99 -You are hurting me False 99.99 -Are you still talking huh? I told you I got you False 99.99 -i definitely relate to that illegal man lol False 94.07 -he said you were bieng really rude . False 94.07 -That's how we roll ,so good False 99.99 -Remember when you refused to follow me all those times? False 99.99 -somebody do my too rt i got tha 95 ball if you do that english fa me False 99.99 -points to self *rt this bitch just might be sleepy * True 100.0 -you been up to brody False 100.0 -how was ya wkend anyway bro False 99.99 -Let see what i can do False 100.0 -Those of us who pay taxes don’t care. False 100.0 -just v bored of the same old thing False 100.0 -yea , it was a fun night, I think I met you and you were drunk already. False 100.0 -and you like that cold thing huh ? ? haha False 99.99 -That thing should be against the law False 100.0 -I cried so bad becous I couldn't go. False 100.0 -| chiara smiles trips over his foot False 100.0 -I am high as hell, wide awake. False 99.99 -Without thinking and forgetting who was on the phone I said I didn't care False 99.99 -exactly , i mean providence isn 't bad, but isn 't exactly the backwoods lol False 99.99 -Just facetimed my sister False 99.99 -You are right about that. I ate it everyday as well False 99.99 -It's so funny that this random number called me on accident and now it won't leave me alone False 99.99 -Oh no i had no clue what a girl False 99.99 -I'm carrying half of the burden False 99.99 -I just lost the game False 98.42 -How do you get it to work? False 99.46 -Why didn't you turn on the heater? False 99.46 -Not really I was being wrong cause she wants to tell the world on the news. False 99.46 -people wear some ugly stuff to bed True 99.98 -rocking my hips ,grabbing your ass cheeks spreading themsmiles , sliding my mouth down your jawline . True 99.99 -same lol , get 'n done and taken life a day at a time False 99.99 -then come talk to me about being bad. False 99.99 -wait how am i fake , what did i do? False 93.62 -You are the weakest one in the game. Everyone can kill you. False 99.99 -So to my fake little sister who didn't tell me dad was out the hospital thanks True 100.0 -omgggg i really hateee thosee i literally jump off my seat and scream so loud False 100.0 -Hi everyone, I'm dyeing my hair right now and it itches a lot. False 100.0 -rt just might be sleepy * points to self * False 99.99 -Plus I am starving. False 100.0 -but I need that smoke break False 100.0 -"without thinkin n forgetting who on the fone i say "" i dont care about you "" lmao" False 100.0 -"text from my brother "" i feel the need to be absolutely clear about this royal wedding" False 99.99 -cant wait til nationals sunday False 99.99 -plus i am hungry False 99.99 -I slayed your life that day True 100.0 -You are bad. False 99.99 -lmaoo i be thinkin of alot of things and ppl dont see it that way sometimes False 99.99 -I'll throw you in the gutter True 99.67 -cool we need all hands deck tonight ! ! False 99.48 -the black sheep was the wicked nicole lol hes always talkn smack about her haha True 97.85 -can i just say , how good are heritage round jerseys False 99.99 -Isn’t it supposed to be after pizza? False 99.48 -Uhn uhn rudeness thats my boo! Lol rt jeezy got a big peanut head ctfu True 99.99 -I didnt say anything to them False 99.99 -If my fourteenth tweet goes, we are goings to be amazing tomorrow. False 99.48 -You will never catch me living in a crickety house False 100.0 -Do what you can do when you are young. False 100.0 -The old man was funny too I'll beat both of you like you stole something. False 100.0 -What did you just say? False 100.0 -a person who want gas money False 98.92 -Well she better take that outside. False 99.99 -lmao omg that bieber love story u told me to read is long as shit ! True 99.99 -if lil b can make it , i 'm droppin ' out True 93.64 -Dont let that what happend in your room get to your head boy False 99.99 -Everything aside, I love her show before the actual show False 99.99 -clips4sale is so corrupt False 97.61 -for the record , that hp joke is bad because voldemort 's mum is dead , too False 98.92 -y u keep posting this rubbish on here True 99.99 -^ i dont give a fuck ! like i said , im a careless mother fucker ! True 99.99 -remember when i had sex with xiaoyu ? she kept screaming jin True 99.99 -i had the fl 14 producer edition and it got erased bc of a virus False 99.99 -i love how andy is saying his last name now d you are a legend , man ! False 99.99 -What uave you been up to brody True 99.99 -Then woohyun suddenly moved towarsa the window and started crying and yellinv and reaching out False 99.99 -ahh i dont even know False 99.99 -get anything you want on illium - smiles - glad you liked them. False 99.58 -Why not? Bishop is cool. False 99.19 -Omg! They are dating. False 99.58 -im there this year False 99.19 -whereas everyone else just sat there and laughed , shows how much you care . False 99.19 -depends is a reg of hers ? or is he randomly telling her to do that False 99.19 -yea right its because you are mean False 90.1 -haha that'd be pretty good but i want them to come up with some things False 99.58 -shit is about to get realllll crazy young mari ! real crazy ! haha True 99.99 -Stop talking ill about the school False 99.02 -i'm bouta tweet like the worst until we pick upp at work False 99.02 -Well that, I don't want to annoy them. False 99.02 -I'm glad that you know that she's not a good person. False 99.8 -You still goin to another school? & my mentions gone be crazy False 99.8 -I was the one whom hit you. True 100.0 -i would show u who is this False 99.8 -oh shit you weren 't posed to see that True 100.0 -i'll probably wear my stockings and a band shirt and shorts or something like that False 99.99 -i aint coppin that False 99.99 -I I'm tired of you False 99.99 -where are my Pisces women at because i love all of you False 99.99 -insinuating that adam is a teenager is completely out of line . False 99.99 -"*darco scowls, ""pouting? how ungrateful!"" he muters*" False 99.99 -Guess what?? I don't mind! False 99.99 -orh , then you ruined? False 99.99 -We gotta write a essay to and this packet wit that book im on page 27 False 99.99 -is yo too cheap to drive False 99.99 -He deleted me again! I’m fuming! False 99.99 -sorry I disappeared, my computer is acting stupid True 99.99 -Let's chill by taking shots at the bars which is located on the corner. False 99.99 -the hate is so strong right now , i 'm about to go on this place crazy False 99.99 -lmao i saw that thing False 99.99 -That's how we roll False 99.99 -i just laugh at the problem now no need to stress False 99.99 -Wait, today is Monday? It feels like sunday to me False 99.99 -He was really scared False 100.0 -I dont like the taste of fanta False 100.0 -Mia had the od cake back then she was killin everybody False 99.99 -Winks at you. False 100.0 -I don't know what to do about it because they talk negatively about it. False 100.0 -At the crib watching sc False 100.0 -It went out on me, and I was mad False 99.99 -These things would revolutionize the world. False 100.0 -We stop by and talk to you some important issue. False 100.0 -get over cheatan and mind your own bussiness False 99.99 -don 't ruin the originals. False 99.99 -that rashad - jardine was retarded . True 91.7 -Think all the fun we’ve done in a year! Amazing. False 99.99 -These girls done showed up early while I am in class. False 98.69 -Negro is crazy you can't trust em proven fact. True 99.99 -I try to enjoy the rest of the day thinking of you. False 98.69 -then they had the nerve to leave only eggs left knowing that i don't eat them. False 99.99 -anything with your last name ! False 99.99 -You don’t know about it Gucci bandana used to be my thing. False 99.9 -Big time rush is a game!! you know the words to that song don 't you False 98.71 -Spine tattoo? Seriously? Get out of here. False 98.71 -Boston is annoying but I miss my homies. False 99.99 -buut idk my sleep pattern is just all fucked upp True 99.29 -I don't know about you but that never work for me! False 99.99 -My son is very stubborn False 99.9 -! but it 's supposed to rain & stop . False 99.99 -people at work are doing nut in False 99.36 -star jackson knows who she can fuck with and who she can 't True 99.99 -i 'm on chapter 7 of the first part cuz it was being an crazy last night and yay d False 99.99 -shut up ! ! ! ! ! everytime i see u tweet i just wanna beat yo ass True 99.99 -Lol, let me know if she is real first. False 100.0 -I work hard everyday and other people are the ones living it up. False 100.0 -That must be a joke False 100.0 -i 've giveen up on the proposal really i don't care anymor lol False 100.0 -Yea so stop talking nonsense crap about the school True 100.0 -where the fuck is and get on twitter you fucks ! True 100.0 -i will lol i 'm very observant False 100.0 -Back then you will go in for this False 99.99 -"What is the "" ahhh "" for ? & what time ?" False 99.99 -i 'm lokkin ' 13 that app but i cannot find it. False 99.99 -Thank you! Put that on my breasts or something lol False 99.99 -Reading and leeds looks bad this year, you should all go to long division instead. False 99.99 -see i was tryna form a truse but yu wanna stay with diddy ! smh lmao False 100.0 -Sorry we were traveling all the time so we did not get any time for using internet. False 99.99 -It's true False 99.99 -how to do that? I already know how to dougie! False 98.23 -yeah , but watching videos on my computer is long ! it takes forever to load ! ! False 100.0 -A lot of my followers are drunk. True 99.99 -I hope I don’t cry getting my nipples pierced lol False 99.99 -lol , damn , imma kick they ass True 99.16 -there not that bad ? I mean they could be worse . False 100.0 -some things i don't have to deal with lmao False 99.99 -Ikr? They still know how to play there! False 100.0 -Well you just created a storm ! ! lolol False 99.99 -Whiteonwhitehate rt ya everyone seems to be dealing with that kid False 100.0 -Dr who in its later appearance is not that good False 99.99 -hold on lemme erase that for you then False 99.99 -You don’t wanna be stuck with annoying people. False 99.99 -Doesn't have anything to do with you. False 99.99 -I get love but amber has made him mushy and so bad. False 98.44 -only if you get off of him False 98.94 -the man himself!!! lakers False 92.33 -tell gamers to calm down and to stop trusting rumors False 97.89 -have a safe flight and kick ass at the expo ! ! ! True 95.76 -that man nah we need him in the ground today False 97.89 -he got back to his house False 97.89 -where dis thia rain come from? False 99.99 -Where do you come from? False 99.99 -Nope, I'm 55, will it affect me and is it scary False 99.99 -"what u kno bout it ? qt "" gucci bandana used to be mine!" False 100.0 -that mark dude on vt is annoying . False 99.99 -Who said that? False 100.0 -! but it 's supposed to rain. False 100.0 -the class smells farts and no fuck 'in ac True 99.99 -you going? False 100.0 -You go alone False 97.56 -I am so sleepy. False 97.56 -I am so glad that I have got my own money which I’ve earned myself. False 97.56 -supposing adam is a teenager is completely not right False 98.77 -I had friends over and that thing started. False 99.99 -yalll go hard lol i gotta catch up then False 99.99 -look everyone they are selling weak blackberry's at walmart False 97.08 -whoever hit & run my car karmas come False 99.1 -o damn it , this sickness is fucking annoying - True 99.99 -smashing this subway i 'm starving False 99.1 -aww man you took too long , i just banged out this lil sexy nigga about 10 mins ago True 99.99 -wanna make a bet ? rt not joking with mines though rt i 'm a professional lol False 99.99 -u luucky grr i will find a way never say never False 99.99 -just can 't stand wochin the pope fucking these blondes am done wochin borgias * cracks the cd * True 99.99 -he changed False 99.99 -Didn't even know quinton had a film was awful tho nothing compared to the hangovers False 99.99 -maybe it 's cause called you moby! ? lol False 99.99 -we have to write an essay to and this packet written on this book i'm on page 27 False 100.0 -don't cry laugh ! ! ! laugh ! ! ! ! just kidding False 100.0 -i dont know about you,but that thing never work for me!lol. False 99.99 -why would I be having fun? False 99.99 -That's great, i finish it till the end. False 99.99 -where is and get on twitter you guys ! False 99.99 -Where are you from. False 99.99 -You want to slap them when you listen to what they say. True 99.99 -can i not go one day without messing up ? * sighs * False 94.47 -i used to want to be a bug scientist lolz False 99.93 -Oh, you weren't supposed to see that. False 99.93 -yees ! but my internet it 's not okay yet ! False 99.99 -You k ow what else would be pretty funny? Me kicking your biig butt True 99.99 -My name is Donn or DK for the intimates. False 99.03 -Did you beat someone? False 99.99 -why did nazi Germany use number in the gun names? False 99.03 -aw well props to you ! on yo grown man lol False 99.99 -that bieber love story u told me to read is long False 99.03 -Reading and leeds looks bad this year, you should all go to long division instead False 99.03 -remember when i fucked xiaoyu ? she kept screaming jin True 99.99 -it seems like nicki manja is your idol fuck she doing to these young females fucking there heads up True 100.0 -you lucky im already full on some good bacalau False 100.0 -They only see me as a dumb, hormonal, drug abusing, alcoholic girl sometimes True 99.99 -bout to finish this comic i’m reading & then watch netflix till i fall asleep False 99.99 -ay i been supporting hard , warm contacts specifically with the snapback team tuff False 99.99 -Boy she was up to da max, dats da move. False 99.99 -they are very expensive, but they are pretty so much. False 99.99 -a that jack boyz the shit True 99.99 -My name is donn or dk for short. False 100.0 -i definitely relate to that gangsta thing lol False 99.99 -i 'll on have my girbaud skirt and jersey ready for you False 100.0 -i dont watch bad like that so idk what abc gonna do False 100.0 -Star Jackson knows who she can go with and who she can’t. False 100.0 -anyone with a footballing philosophy not relying on long ball and hoping on individual brilliance False 100.0 -llal u da shit homie i can't wait till thee. True 99.99 -whats the point ? jaz clearly doesnt care what youre saying False 99.22 -Wait, today is Monday? It feels like Sunday False 99.22 -until she started being arrogant False 98.46 -Sorry you werenot ready to see this. False 98.46 -you did that just to be a smart fool. True 99.99 -when did u get up False 98.46 -its not as if i 'm going every day ? i went once False 99.99 -something i dont have to deal with False 99.99 -i can't answer my m2u challenge question False 99.99 -oh bang bang u tweeting now lol False 95.29 -Like tonight he was all begging for forgiveness. False 100.0 -lol yeah because gas is cheap. False 100.0 -i 'm bouta tweet like this until we pick upp at work False 100.0 -you did that just to be a smart False 99.99 -ill see wat i can do False 99.99 -I just laugh at that. There's no need to stress. False 99.99 -Think of all the fun we've done in a year, it's amazing! False 99.99 -You are bad, you know that. True 99.99 -Han solo is unapproved, no one calls han solo unapproved False 100.0 -idk when crack became cool but it needs to be put on lock False 99.99 -Please get your online. False 100.0 -It is hot as hell man False 100.0 -Walking around tesco in a strange way False 99.18 -I love you too! False 99.18 -It is Sunday? False 100.0 -I might, i can't rush it. False 100.0 -but then he started playing houdini on me False 99.99 -It'll be very bad tonight anyways! False 99.52 -I'm gonna take that down. False 99.49 -this job is starting to fuck with my ability to not hate everyone True 99.99 -Just tried to call that dude but he's not picking it up. False 99.42 -oh my god it is Sunday False 99.52 -i'm watching et tonight & they mentioning guests and others. False 99.52 -been eatin swedish fish and twizzlers since 78 am False 99.42 -I don't know about you but that never works for me! Lol False 99.42 -Relationships be boring as bad sometimes smh! False 99.99 -the man himself!!! lakers False 99.9 -like you almost ran over me by accident and decided to talk nonsense True 100.0 -we don't fight for simple issues False 99.9 -I love you too! <3 p False 99.9 -Mom's making it worse by being making bad to him False 99.99 -i might , i can 't rush shit False 99.99 -Lady, i know what you mean. False 99.99 -lmao no one wants that! False 99.92 -Well, I Don't want to annoy them. False 99.99 -why would I be having fun? False 99.92 -you know ima short nigga False 99.99 -oh my go! trent reznor just won an oscar . False 99.99 -Teamiphone is all about teamblackberry False 99.99 -Exactly, that's what I said and everyone was like ahh, the whole thing just knock. False 99.99 -needed silva to play badly ! !fuck mancini anyways ! ! True 99.99 -I'm tired to see the british monarchy winning all the awards False 99.92 -bout to go ride either in landover or seat pleasant today , chill out with the guys. False 99.99 -Hi everyone, I'm dying my hair right now and it itches so bad False 100.0 -Guess what? I do not mind. False 100.0 -why would we do that ? haha False 100.0 -Please be sure you make it your best. False 100.0 -You are really set for life! False 100.0 -stop taking on twitter so seriously and go outside or something False 100.0 -i wish i could be like you False 100.0 -he better stick to it to the end. False 100.0 -That's not a buzz if your a major artist False 99.99 -anyone with a footballing philosophy not relying on long ball and hoping on individual brilliance False 99.1 -i do but they give me load of hours False 99.1 -It’s obvious that he gonna win. Lol i voted myself already False 99.1 -getting hacked off with these dick heads linking their twitters and tumblrs to their facebook accounts True 99.99 -Whoever hit & run to my car, karmass coming to him True 99.99 -IIs, that thing dnt work for me False 99.99 -Sierra ain't bad? I beg your pardon. False 99.99 -and you like that cold thing huh? False 99.99 -How will I wake up at 14 am? False 99.99 -"Is the""ahhh"" for? & what time?" False 100.0 -It means have not seen you in a long time False 99.99 -Waiting for April 13. False 99.99 -We'll all just be jealous when you post pics of you guys at disneyland. False 99.99 -I know she is been like that since the summer but leave it. False 99.99 -almost ripped my head off True 99.99 -you too ? ? ? ? lmao <> rt awww i got a stalker False 99.99 -a man who want gas money False 99.99 -Re-sits are gods! What you doing at uni face? Your nickname btw False 100.0 -i think the whole farm your own would be cool False 100.0 -- _ - i 'm like fuck you then lol True 98.05 -Miley said girl it's on the news for weeks. False 100.0 -we both doing the same thing over time at the work and shop weekends the only free time sometimes False 100.0 -Falcons made it, but then proceeded to lose False 99.99 -lifes a mess and then you marry one ! * sorry if this offends p * False 99.99 -J and I called to tell you to get up. False 100.0 -Yeah because I leave things until the last minute False 100.0 -I can't stand it False 100.0 -ikr he 's such a twat - _ - True 99.35 -Because I just got back from Texas I'm going to spend the day sleeping with my mom bonding time False 99.99 -those of us who pays taxes dont bother. False 100.0 -Hey man,you took too much time,I just kicked out this little boy about 10min ago. True 99.99 -alot of my followers are drunk as great False 99.99 -thank you ! ! ! put that shit on my boobs or something lol True 99.99 -fuck it , i 'll tell em to raise the price if thats wachu want True 100.0 -It's obvious that he's gonna win! Lol, I already voted. False 99.99 -this is surely annoying False 90.19 -How did you get it to work? False 99.99 -omg i really thought dat place was closed. False 99.99 -Back in the day, you couldn't even get away with this thing. False 100.0 -Yeah because I leave things till the last minute False 100.0 -"opperation "" get michael drunk so i can have him in the back room "" is on a go" False 99.99 -Yeah, I googled that False 100.0 -i dont understand anything, but i got the poster . False 100.0 -i shit you not when i say i have my reasons . True 92.23 -when did you get up False 100.0 -Omg I really thought that place was closed. False 99.99 -That must be a joke False 99.99 -omg, there was a meeting ? i must have missed the email . False 99.99 -Ima block her account on fb and lee mark False 99.99 -What would happen then False 99.99 -you think im joking , i swear that it just help me so much lol False 99.43 -lmao idk why they just are they actually arent big they just big for a skinny girl True 99.99 -these are expensive but pretty at the same time False 99.99 -if i could i would retweet this for like 20 times False 99.99 -your maths is like my chemistry situation , i know fuck True 100.0 -At some park under a shelter, chilling as usual. False 99.99 -Lol it’s not about male or female it’s about people, everybody lies about something sadbuttrue False 99.99 -Man tell her good night False 99.99 -and you a bad person True 100.0 -is actually a friend of the family so get your facts right False 99.99 -saying someone sucked their dads dick ? how would the ppl at your magazine like to read that ? hmmmmmm True 99.99 -Don't cry. Laugh. I'm just kidding. False 99.99 -now its raining in pg - _ - False 99.99 -I’m watching et tonight and they mentioning guests and visitors False 100.0 -Ain't good at it though False 100.0 -I don't have any idea about the answer of this question. False 100.0 -I will save you someday False 100.0 -i mean , you work really hard, harder than any of us . False 100.0 -My dad just came in and told me to turn my music down because he’s going to bed False 99.99 -how d fuck u only dm him True 100.0 -and all about planning and strategy False 97.85 -llal u da shit homie i can 't wait till thee True 100.0 -It's gonna to hurt a lot but I'll be alright. False 99.65 -Why not? The bishop was calm False 99.65 -The problem will remain forever. False 99.65 -smh at those who think they hot False 93.28 -omg just had a banging chicken cutlet blt sandwich False 93.28 -Say what dawg ? send me a link False 93.28 -yes ! it was amazing ! <3 <3 False 97.83 -Do you have any problem. False 99.99 -Aint gone make me smile but a lots of food and some dessert False 100.0 -shit bro jus bored as hell in dis bitch man ready to hiy da crib one time True 91.41 -what a move acting like he got hit with boozer’s elbow False 99.99 -You very funny frm fb to this tom False 99.23 -is there a problem with that ? False 99.23 -lmao naa yooo this random number called me on accident and now it won 't leave me aloneeee False 99.46 -yeah baby * moves closer * later False 95.06 -i 'm actually gutted because there with deaf havana and lower than atlantis ! False 99.23 -oh shit hold on lemme erase that for you thenn True 99.99 -yeah, exactly, so there's two reasons she won't hit you False 99.99 -Why would I be having fun? False 99.99 -You know it is funny False 100.0 -Power rangers is dta well the old one wen I was little False 100.0 -and stop listening to rene False 100.0 -omgggg i hateee thosee i literally jump off my seat and scream so loud False 99.99 -Lol it's big sean I thought the bar was hot sheesh True 93.67 -Even my man's was amazed False 99.99 -i wasnt able to attend cause of some gay True 100.0 -Aite hold on, downloading data. False 99.99 -Omg just had a banging chicken cutlet blt sandwich False 99.99 -Just try some different things. False 99.99 -What is this!! I love this phone but that's a problem False 99.82 -we are the oreo girls . False 99.82 -yeah play that until we ready for they asses True 99.99 -I just found a tiny pair of glasses in my shoe . False 99.82 -- i 'm glad you now fully appreciate what she is . False 99.82 -We're going to swing over and chat to you about some serious stuff, okay? False 99.82 -Anything with your beautiful last name False 100.0 -shit most of em live here lol True 99.99 -I love you too. False 100.0 -well, i don't want to annoy them. False 100.0 -She acts immaturely False 99.99 -why is this girl in my mentions telling me i 'm thirsty ? it 's a joke False 99.99 -im nervous tho . False 100.0 -Who added me on facebook? False 100.0 -walking threw this park like we can't be touched False 100.0 -yall aint seeing anything ! yall shaded my baby now yall wanna see ? no ! False 99.99 -He went back to his house. False 99.99 -Yes, it is always like that, John, you and them. False 99.99 -because he be fuckin around lol,alright or hmu on twitter True 99.99 -So, it means I'm just a smart guy. False 100.0 -so u have called be a cunt a nob and a dumb ass True 99.99 -I’m upset at the entire ghetto website False 100.0 -most of em live here lol False 100.0 -Sadly, no one pays for it. False 100.0 -I can't answer my m2u challenge question False 100.0 -He is rude True 100.0 -Why not, bishop is cool False 100.0 -When Michael McIntyre isn’t even making you laugh, you know your current situation is bad. False 100.0 -No I don't play with the red bull wizards. False 100.0 -Haha I ain't I can't design. False 100.0 -Of he doesn't care, then why should you? False 100.0 -ever since merger and talktalk became one my internet is worst False 100.0 -It's crazy because you can get all the OG pokemon as well False 99.99 -its gon already we need a r & b singer you know anybody? False 100.0 -lol u been cheating. False 100.0 -cool we need all hands on dick i mean deck tonight ! ! True 99.99 -I'm bleaching it white. False 100.0 -what you put her through,no fucking idea True 100.0 -havnt tlked to you in awhile ! imy bro False 100.0 -i've worked with them and for them 21. False 100.0 -The gas is expensive! False 100.0 -ser i was tryna form a truse but yu wanna stay with diddy. False 100.0 -my son hard headed as shit True 99.99 -nah fuck this twitter shit , we doing this in person , cypher ! ! True 99.99 -I hope I don't get scared to get my nipples pierced. False 100.0 -lol omg that Bieber love story you told me to read is very long! False 100.0 -Spine tattooo? Seriously? Get outta heree False 99.99 -lol nobody just feel like send this bitch up ! True 99.99 -nevermind that person, why did nazi germany use number in the gun names ? False 99.99 -Shiii me too, just not them lil shrimp. True 99.99 -I was so furious False 100.0 -You just said you would False 99.99 -I'm thinkin should i start my day now or go back to sleep False 99.99 -falcons made it,but then proceeded to get their selves handed to them. False 99.99 -I can't answer my to you challenge question. False 97.51 -it 'll be shit tonight anyways True 99.99 -i just really can 't stand the slimey cunt . False 92.44 -ooh damn i remember this song , it was a hit . True 99.99 -oh my god ! trent reznor just won an oscar . False 98.98 -"If your name was ""brittany skydrop"" and made music i'd stll be with you" False 98.98 -Are you going ?? False 100.0 -im trying but shit ain 't easy out here . True 99.99 -I never talked about you though, or been unreal to you. False 100.0 -I'm high as hell, wide awake smh. True 99.99 -My son is stubborn. False 100.0 -I am about to take a shower False 100.0 -ahah what time ?aha you wanna fuck mee ? True 100.0 -waka is so entertaining False 100.0 -j and we have called to tell you that don't be lazy and get up. False 99.16 -Please hurry up and go to by new outfit False 99.16 -she is for me , his mine and that girl took him away , not impressed False 99.16 -I do not like all the songs of CN Blue. False 99.68 -what type of shit is this ! ! i love this phone but that 's a problem True 99.99 -matt 's voice makes me so fucking happy . True 99.99 -just tried to call this person but i bet that evo is dead ! lol False 97.56 -Lol and Ryan's bench time, he's really rude False 99.68 -man what is merge is that shit a meeting ? i keep seein ' it. True 99.99 -it 's come to my attention fans are givin ' tommy shit False 99.99 -I just lost the game False 99.99 -Heard it works, I just do my hands in different positions False 100.0 -Ey try to enjoy tha rest off the day thinkin of ya xo False 100.0 -don't do it, there's nothing in here. False 100.0 -I'm almost sure my friend Sanchez was hitting ms False 100.0 -Nobody wants to take her False 100.0 -I had peeps over and that stuff started False 100.0 -yes , these bitches be lying to themselves True 99.99 -how dare you diss the porsche ! punish them True 100.0 -Don't talk anymore False 100.0 -worried about you whats the deal ? ? ? False 99.99 -I have to break up with you and get back to having some fun. False 99.99 -I want ramen noodles False 99.99 -He just be taking too long for the simplest thing. False 99.99 -holy shit ! ! the gas is $ 40 True 100.0 -Yeah, but you are a tricky person. False 99.99 -It is about to get realll crazy young mari ! Real crazy ! Haha True 100.0 -mane told a hyperbole lol rt just got home from our game tired as hell. False 97.92 -tomorrow is friday , where has the week gone ! False 97.92 -My dad just came in and told me to turn my music down cause he is going bed. False 97.92 -That sheet was confusing too True 99.99 -Lol fun from that I remember False 97.92 -I wish he would bring me my phone back. False 97.92 -i was being sarcastin False 97.92 -I'm bad at art so this is a major task for me ! xd False 97.92 -Gonna smash out of a fly. False 99.99 -if he found out something about the shop dude ? * nod * False 99.99 -kenny must be scared haha False 100.0 -Zack had tht dead rat and terrance saw it and scream False 99.99 -this job is starting to mess with my ability to not hate everyone False 99.93 -keep that in a safe place False 99.99 -What just added me on facebook? False 99.99 -yeah go the doggies ! False 99.93 -it 's hot as fire man False 99.99 -This random number called me and It won't leave me in peace False 99.95 -I will punch you in the belly and a rib will be broken True 98.96 -I have to bit him and get back to having some fun. False 99.99 -I'll on have my girbaud skirt and jersey ready for you False 99.99 -Shut up! False 99.99 -You were acting up when you came, I should've pushed you down the steps! False 99.99 -The gas is $40 False 99.99 -kind of i guess , still pretty bad situation. False 99.99 -Then woohyun suddenly goes to the window and they start crying and yelling and reaching out. False 99.99 -ill save you anyday False 99.99 -i was so pissed off. False 100.0 -y u keep posting this on here False 99.99 -It tells about damaging property and his further strategy. False 99.99 -i would show u who the bitch is True 99.99 -Sometimes when I'm in total silence my thoughts run wild and I think of some things False 99.99 -Good luck channing! I have to work all the day long so I’m saying it now. False 99.99 -I wish he would bring me my phone back. False 99.99 -Cant wait till nationals sunday dawg False 99.99 -lmfao hahahaha ! i wouldnt do that to ya lol someone woulda called 27 27 on ma ass lol True 100.0 -i didnt look at the whole site i only searched the shoes False 99.99 -Rt woahh ! rt only inconyers niggas eat pussy during school True 100.0 -of course , saroh is the best False 99.99 -My mom's is wearing shorts shorter than mine False 99.99 -I don't trust you False 99.99 -My favorite thing to do is to laugh, i'm also looking forward to going to high school False 99.99 -tristan isn 't that bad ! i just love matt lanter . False 99.99 -some of your tweets are very random False 99.99 -I didn't know that Quinton had another not-so-good movie False 99.99 -trying step up! which also means in better results more lower cuts and belly shrits d False 99.98 -I might not in a hurry. False 99.98 -I did my housing yesterday. False 99.98 -You stole my heart girl False 99.98 -very cool but have no clue what it says False 99.98 -I just really can't stand him/her False 99.54 -you will not be a light weight for long False 99.99 -Walking around Tesco like you've problems because of pains False 99.99 -From where is this rain coming? False 99.99 -you've been gone too long False 99.99 -I'm tired of the British monarchy getting all the attention. False 99.99 -yeah yeah that thing look like a toupee False 100.0 -U tweeting now False 99.99 -That thing is on the inside of screen. False 99.99 -Listening to cee lo green False 100.0 -you know im short lol. False 100.0 -You don't even know that girl. False 99.99 -that sound like some blowed things False 100.0 -I wasn't able to attend. False 100.0 -Until she became a bad person towards me False 100.0 -Im not dealing wit that False 100.0 -yees ! but my internet it 's not okay yet ! False 100.0 -i could have told u this lol False 100.0 -why you just said you would False 99.99 -damn, well excuse me! True 99.87 -lets make a fb page about how mean she is True 100.0 -My internet has been unreliable ever since AOL and TalkTalk merged. False 99.99 -My name is dk for short. False 99.99 -don 't compare with the originals False 99.99 -falcons made it , but then proceeded to handed themselves False 99.99 -I was mistaken about your location. False 99.99 -okay well i really do not know but i can hear screaming and moving things False 99.99 -Lol for real? Thanks for telling me that now smh that's kool tho False 100.0 -Same done and taken life a day at a time. False 99.99 -Veda is playing a hard and cold character in this movie False 99.99 -Relarionships are boring sometimes, smh! False 99.99 -The night was fun, I think I met you in a not good state False 99.99 -i remember this song , it was a hit . False 99.99 -Don't come back here with that nonsense True 99.99 -That guy ain't played the whole season, he is not gonna have the impact Nate Robinson did. False 99.99 -Me too, just not them. False 99.99 -imma delete that when she adds a picture ! real talk ! False 99.99 -I cried because I couldn't go False 99.99 -chillin in this nut bar on the corner takin shots wyd False 100.0 -Clips4sale is so corrupt. True 99.99 -She tried following the wrong person False 99.99 -my phone be disturbed with vibrations of spam love False 99.99 -aite hold on, downloading a thing. False 99.99 -The slow broadband is always annoying with me False 99.99 -hell yeah False 97.65 -why is this song stuck in my head? False 100.0 -it 's almost as annoying as this is so slow broadband i 'm suffering through . False 100.0 -aww this person is a bad one. False 99.86 -Yoda just tweeted me False 100.0 -Putting this music on my phone False 100.0 -get it now ? check out the blog already False 100.0 -oh hells no chris is cheating me ? ! lmao we got a weird ass marriaqe lmao True 99.99 -i woulda loved rebecca black if she sang a song that did something besides state the obvious. False 100.0 -if he doesn’t care , then why should you ? False 100.0 -They are expensive, but they so much pretty. False 99.99 -I wish rabobanks had better luck this time False 99.99 -guess what ???? i dont care !!! False 99.99 -Of course, saroh is the best. False 99.99 -If you're lying, you're done. False 99.99 -I jump, eyes shooting open False 99.99 -l left my whole bag in miami & noticed an hour later. False 99.99 -Go to sleep because you are chatting meaningless talks may be because of sleep False 99.99 -That doesn't work for me False 99.99 -if he found out something about the shop dude ? * nod False 99.99 -oh! patton oswalt as eddie dean? False 100.0 -Lol you won't find me in Houston. False 99.99 -I wish I could be like you False 99.84 -Now it's raining in pg -_- False 93.47 -No way, he is bad now True 99.99 -Wish i wasn't so nice sometimes! wish i could just let the inner out. False 99.84 -Man it aint like that brow you know it man I'm struggling. False 99.84 -they get on my nerves in here. False 99.84 -get it now ? check out the blog already False 99.99 -He makes himself feel Bad. False 100.0 -Matt's voice makes me so happy False 100.0 -That grass caused inflammation in my nose. False 100.0 -You're breaking my heart False 100.0 -at you local diner getting burgers and shakes wit coupons fuck that hoe True 99.78 -tonight he was like begging for forgiveness and saying other things False 100.0 -What do you mean? Link it up. False 100.0 -It was really bearing in mind. I have seen like every action and alien movie going False 100.0 -yes ! but my internet it 's not okay yet False 100.0 -Have you read the twilight ‘series’? Worst thing I have ever seen published . False 100.0 -but i don't' know my sleep pattern is just all messed up; False 100.0 -alot o rumors ! ! ! ! ugh she hurt another amazing boy ? > | False 100.0 -I dont need it, i have real life women for that. False 100.0 -Alright, I'm gonna remember this one lol. False 100.0 -lets do it together False 100.0 -where are you from? False 100.0 -I am lonely False 100.0 -Yup! because i am lazy and leave things until the last minute haha. False 100.0 -You want to discipline them when you listen to the bad things they say. False 100.0 -all the songs of cn blue is like shit . True 99.99 -I am trying but things ain’t easy out here. False 100.0 -fuck yerk fuh clev meh hook nah temp blajh True 99.58 -"I'm actually gutted because there with ""deaf havana"" and ""lower than Atlantis""!" False 97.7 -yep lol cause i just know this gone bubble and you want suppose to tell everybody that lol. False 99.99 -My mouth just got all watery. False 99.99 -oh my god they are dating False 100.0 -letmefind out you been having a sex marathon and im whooping that ass lol True 99.77 -twitter really needs to get their shit together True 99.99 -I rather watch paint on wall dry. False 99.99 -"naw , it 's spelled "" u " False 99.99 -"what is fizzy pop? in danish ""fisse"" is the vulgar term for woman genitalia." False 99.99 -lol and ryan 's bench time , he 's rude . True 99.98 -Tell gamers to calm themselves and to stop trusting rumours False 99.99 -i wish i was going to belfast False 99.99 -i just hit a jay , and forget about that thing. False 100.0 -im gonna sit on the person face True 99.99 -Good luck channing ! i have to work all day so i 'm saying it now. False 100.0 -never 25 faced in a bitch like way True 99.99 -i am going to beat her. True 99.99 -but she 's gotta be fine as bad haha and i 'm not gunna have the drunk goggles on lmao False 100.0 -i'm bleaching out of it so it goes white False 100.0 -been eatin swedish fish and twizzlers since 78 False 100.0 -I just found dawn barbour on this ha l False 100.0 -can i not go one day without messing up ? * sighs * False 99.99 -bitch please fuckup n go back sandwhiches True 99.99 -Read that, it’s not good, but if you’re bored then I don’t thing you will care False 99.99 -As far as the situation, they ain't pulled everything together. False 99.99 -I'm the one bitin False 99.99 -lol perfectly executed 30 min rant lol that was exemplary False 99.5 -am like why you almost ran me over by accident and decided to talk like this False 99.99 -Hahaha we started this. False 99.99 -i hope she 's happy . False 99.99 -I don't understand anything, but I got the poster False 99.99 -You too?aww I got a stalker False 100.0 -Lol perfectly executed 30 min rant lol that was exemplar False 99.99 -you know ill fucks wit ya True 98.95 -lol they look like they 'll steal yo goods. False 99.99 -My mom was lecturing me about college tonight. False 100.0 -Sadly, the lady failed to follow the appropriate person False 100.0 -boston is annoying as fuck but i miss my homies True 99.99 -think of all the fun things weve done in a year!amazaing. False 100.0 -i accidently stepped on my dog & she bite my toes False 99.99 -The sickness is not good. False 99.99 -new balls deep me saying horrible things about the nfl owners True 96.93 -Yes, they’re lying to their selves False 99.99 -Last time that happened to me turns out I had sprained my back. False 99.99 -well you should have done it with the half and half False 99.99 -Spell check is not always a good option. False 99.99 -u can do wat u want u a grown lady False 99.69 -I dont like makinn that movee, it takes too longggg False 99.99 -the ass it will kick is yours True 99.83 -I just did my housing yesterday. False 99.99 -Haha xd call my phone! I cant find it. False 99.99 -i 'm not a cockney ! False 98.21 -I fell in love with you. False 99.99 -Oh no!!! I used to want to be a bug scientist lolz False 99.99 -You look like you have an issue. False 99.99 -Man you took long, i just had sex with a black women about 10 mins ago. True 99.99 -*I jump, eyes shooting open* ah! False 100.0 -Im going to beat you in 34 True 99.99 -my mother is not good False 100.0 -lol fuck that ! i 'm the one bitin ! True 99.99 -It is correct False 100.0 -"I think facebook is responsible for making some people think they're ""what they are"" in real life." False 99.99 -I slayed your life that day please. True 99.99 -I wouldn't do that to you, someone would call 2727 False 100.0 -this stuff is so annoying False 99.99 -You guys crack me up False 99.99 -You stop dick eating you dnt even know tht girl. True 99.59 -to get faced in the mud and watch my chemical romance and two door cinema club False 100.0 -Why did Nazi Germany use number in the gun names? False 99.99 -Chris is cheating me,we got a wierd marriage False 99.99 -Oh yes go the doggies! False 99.99 -d i think i 'll myself with rage over this , hope your happy twitter False 100.0 -Kind of I guess, still pretty. False 100.0 -Oh cause tk is your girl? Get out of my mentions True 99.07 -Oh I'm taking all of mine! False 100.0 -Yes, today is really dab day False 99.62 -just kidding that was uncalled False 99.62 -how d come u only dm him False 99.62 -Oh my gosh, I'm definitely going False 99.62 -lol u been cheating. False 91.75 -you went by and visited my evil useless mama ? besides, jk i know you haven 't True 100.0 -exactly , i mean providence isn 't much , but isn 't exactly the backwoods lol False 99.99 -Do you want to place a bet? I'm not fool with mine, though, since I'm a pro. False 99.99 -I could have told u this. False 99.99 -doesn 't have a thing to do with you . False 99.99 -what the actual fact , my mum 's wearing shorts shorter than mine False 99.99 -Give me 50 and i will be on the floor False 99.99 -Nomore talkingrt for the record started poppin first!punks jump up to get beat down! True 100.0 -Zack had that dead rat and Terrance saw it and screamed False 99.99 -But then he started playing Houdini False 100.0 -cause her cousin is with her so she can't come over i just think its all over. False 100.0 -say what dawg ? link that up ! True 99.99 -You are right about that 34 and i ate it everyday as well False 99.99 -where the fxck ass at ? True 99.94 -everytime i see u tweet i just wanna beat yo ass True 99.99 -you better ! i miss you and i 'm having stefaniewithdrawals False 99.99 -i left my whole bag in miami & noticed a hour later False 99.99 -You are not interesting False 99.99 -I’m typing this essay, eeeh help me? False 99.44 -Stop and watch something nice. False 99.44 -About to take a shower. False 99.44 -i’m going to be in trluble by a woman. False 99.58 -My letter was meaningless False 99.99 -I'm promoting you too deputy. False 99.99 -I know your maths is like my chemistry. False 99.99 -bestfriend remember wen u said u put yo dick in ear n fucked wat she heard ? True 99.27 -It is too cheap to drive False 99.99 -You are narrow-minded. True 100.0 -i get love but amber has made him mushy False 99.99 -It's not as if i'm going everyday? I only went once. False 99.99 -psh , i ain 't scared of no movie. False 99.99 -she stole from me False 99.72 -wheezes and slaps your butt again - that one was me True 99.03 -can we at least listen to gospel if its gonna be church. False 99.72 -Sick! rt come out of me. False 98.05 -i 'm thinkin should i start my day now or go back to sleep False 99.68 -You rap like an old man True 99.99 -i just hit a jay , and forget about that False 98.05 -i'm so going False 100.0 -Why this song is stuck in my head? False 100.0 -spoiled ass ! i 'm lucky if i get ramen noodles ! True 99.99 -Yes! It was amazing. False 100.0 -Cause her cousin is with her so she can't come over I just think it's all over. False 100.0 -Who said that? False 100.0 -We need that man in the ground today! Enough is enough! False 100.0 -driving my sister to student council early False 100.0 -i dont watch things like that so idk what abc gonna do False 99.99 -Reading and Leeds look terrible this year, you should all go to long division instead False 99.99 -you know what else would be pretty funny ? me kicking your ass. True 98.02 -new balls deep saying horrible things about the nil owners. True 98.02 -Anything with your sweet last name False 100.0 -I need to take a bath False 100.0 -"If your name was ""Brittany skydrop"" and made music I'd still joke with you" False 96.09 -what a bitch move acting like he got hit with boozer 's elbow True 99.99 -Then come talk to me about how you're a bad person. False 99.99 -where is he would be amazed ! False 99.99 -Well props to you,you are grown False 100.0 -Aww now its abt quitin time!!!!!!! Hahahahaha False 99.99 -have a safe flight False 100.0 -Omg you are right!he does look like liam! False 100.0 -He is a actually a family friend so clear your misunderstanding. False 100.0 -But you cannot mess with this thing. False 100.0 -Geminis are often unclear about their goals False 99.99 -I don't like your subtweets lmao False 100.0 -*eyes narrow* I’d rather find out now than have it bite me in my behind later. False 99.99 -Some people with footballing philosophy are independent on long ball shit and they hope on personal brilliance. True 99.99 -I don't say anything to them False 100.0 -How dare you diss the Porsche! I am so angry with them False 100.0 -oc i 'm watchin ' too . False 100.0 -Lol teamiphone its all about teamblackbert. False 100.0 -I'm too natural? nest time you see me I am going to be plastic False 100.0 +whooping as american as apple pie sarcasm" True +no we should not do that , what is wrong with you? False +Then switch channels; You are so stupid. True +It's not a contest False +Let them figure them case out. False +Dog shit on a bullet? True +i hope he mess everything up in the gop and then runs independent or drops out completely . False +he was laying in bed sobbing off at how bad his life has been False +Anyway, what is your problem? False +it 's going to be really messed up if terrorists weaponise these things . False +they know what they're doing by keeping the workers poor. False +Obama doesn’t mind what the Swedish reporters or anyone else thinks. False +You're cooking up stories instead of having a clue. False +Reason is because they are entitled False +I am sick of hearing about this old man who doesn't know how to take care of himself. False +things can be repealed no question . False +No! It was a joke to basically say 'nowhere reliable' False +Why hasn't this person been charged with a crime and imprisoned like the criminal that he is? False +they would say about anyone nominated by president obama False +Never seen such thing False +The law is not suitable. False +The faculty is incapable False +or do both just want to destroy each other up with zero care given about ukraine ? False +Not really that fun ther are very heavy False +org 34 you fucking idiot True +What do you mean by mythical? False +both sides make it really hard to support them . False +Obama caused a revolution? False +by your logic , you are literally everything you 've done wrong . False +you don 't have the right to not be offended you little bitch True +het half country addicted then tighten noose. False +and business as usual is bad . False +Those who still think pirating isn’t stealing are naive False +pakistan is a mess . True +i 'm moral as fuck some say fuck is not moral . True +but with boko haram it 's biting them now False +making half the time is what kids are doing it, just like in los angles False +you can say the same sarcastic stuff about america False +I want the list on one page False +always amusing to see like this upvoted on r politics . False +If the world cup wasn 't happening right now , nobody would care about this. False +One man alone is not responsible for a useless government. False +Get real dude. False +there is absolutely no excuse for this . False +yet we oppose automated cars so much because we think we 're not good. False +Why are they so greedy False +Well when you treat your employeed badly and you don't pay them well. False +I'm not a tough guy but I have to physically remove his bag from that seat False +i don 't care what this guy thinks . False +it is the new normal and we are in big trouble False +i think it might be time to take a hint , guys False +Sometimes our government becomes very bad for us False +Yeah what does a symbolic $ 100 million judgment mean False +I wish I had the money to buy bitcoins right now. False +Trust me, you don’t want to mess with the gign. False +Without funding, things gets bad. False +us and russia are having a measuring contest at the worlds expense False +in that case the forests are doomed False +proper hobo barrel fires to keep warm and when i was there False +They're just trying to cover up themselves False +they don 't have the money , or aren 't planning on giving it back . False +every north Korea thread has the same unoriginal jokes. False +they are just trying to cover up. False +What kind of person tries to blow himself up by a school ? False +why the people from real countries keep going to these arab countries? seriously . False +It's not like he can read what it say. False +yeah , that 's pretty fucking rude True +I'm all for it. False +"The "" Overspending factor "" Was pulled from the same thing that the $50 bln figure comes from." False +pterodactyl edit i just realized that made me the pink ranger False +We're not gonna miss Jack when stops. False +its not like he can read what it say . False +Wisconsin , step up your game False +twelve False +No we shouldn’t do that, what is wrong with you? False +he pushing over and caves the democrats every chance he gets. False +maybe cnn finally figured out that 36 36 news coverage is what creates those sadistic viewers. False +They have money for that? False +even bush knows that he did something wrong False +It won't get a vote in the senate. False +Pakistan is such a mess. True +article good title not so great i think that 's what most people are trying to say ? False +If you want privacy, it's not hard to have. False +Maybe this guy is trying to cause a radical uprising right now! Get him! True +If the rs were worried about that thing they’d be the ds. False +how thedid 77 people upvote that . False +there aren 't any , and i doubt he 'll admit to talking out. False +Ignore the civilians that need water right ? False +who is buying this oil anyway ? False +Welfare check in uniform. False +"Because Obama made a statement saying ""Vaccinate you kids"" today." False +I feel sorry for that house. False +I am pretty sure it is illegal to hurt your cat. False +i still hope they are telling the truth though , because isis aint good. False +This is a destruction even for a bad crime. False +i m not into africans False +the way i see it both sides have done some seriously wrong things . False +haha i love that i was being sarcastic and you just vomited a whole load of truth . False +LOL. get real, dude. False +I’m sorry but that argument is meaningless. False +You're making up instead of having a clue. False +think straight and use some common sense . False +It’s looking hilarious already False +I don’t support unpopular opinions False +It's terrible, but that's how it works False +my home state making an out of itself as usual False +just what thing makes them so rich ? False +I feel sorry for that house. False +I for one would rather not see someone's underwear. False +If you're not bad, you can see a pension at 80 False +If it doesn't make sales go up, they don't care. False +because now the religious fanatics only have 3 weeks and complain to him instead of 3 years . True +he 's telling you your title is bad, because it is. False +This someone who lives to control others is getting tiresome. False +i don't care about your healthcare. False +on the grounds that all the parties are terrible False +You're lying and you should feel bad for it. False +yeah who needs trade and progress False +Why would anyone ever care about this? False +i 'm outta here . False +It is bad article however False +Then do something False +if you don’t vote, you can not complain . False +Who cares about what the Iranian government thinks? False +We beat them every time anyway. False +Thi is about to get real. False +i am so happy taibbi got out of greenwald 's organization . False +Football was starting to go bad from the rules on the field and now all this stuff False +For 23 seconds it probably felt like heaven. False +Let them keep taking it all from our troops till they have nothing. False +The comments in there really make me angry False +rioting because someone tore a page out of a book ? False +The woz called that stuff years ago False +who is buying this oil anyway ? False +I’m not afraid of spiders just things in the middle east . False +osrry for the inaccuracy,I am not trying to harm the kids with irresponsible parents False +why doesn't fifa care? False +maybe this guy is trying to cause a radical uprising right now ! get him ! False +i wouldn't care if he was drawn and quartered. False +I don't suspect this is a big deal since real bombs happen on daily basis False +No one can pay attention when Trump is messing everything up. False +doesn 't mean they wont continue to be against each other . False +you could be prince of peace returning and i would not care False +does anyone else really hate the fbi False +Corporate Australia should stop being greedy. False +Oh because he is, his views are not good and all that is golden on conservative talk radio. False +The yahoo comment section is bad. False +i am sick of hearing about this old man who doesn 't know how to groom himself . False +lol she has no chance. False +She has a child and no healthcare? False +i 'm gonna need some sources here. False +Most of what is sold here is found somewhere inacceptable. False +look , i 'll be frank i think he meant not good. False +ha , i wish you were intelligent enough to realize just how meaningless your comment is False +I really love bounty, just moved to the Netherlands and had one for the first time. False +it 's like a tea party meetup False +how are you allowed to be a mod and post this useless boring thing? False +Deer can be very aggressive then. False +fairly,lapd are totally wrong False +and yet, no one cares about Sam Dubois. False +I can do it just for fun False +one small step for man , one giant leap for china . False +this is bad even for a hate crime . False +That gives me the most intense dreams False +Mexico is not a great place to live False +Mess up big, get a nice paid vacation. False +No, i am not. That's a cute dog! False +Don't give her a pass. False +We should not support Saudi arabia False +Mexico is a horrible place to live. False +it's not like terrorists want to incite things or anything. False +This had always been part for the course among foreign policy makers for decades. False +pretty much all the awful about those two came to light two or three elections ago . False +gosh, please re - read your post . False +doesn't mean we can do whatever we want to the environment. False +or just nuke the residing shit out of the entirety , that works too True +So shut up True +that probably felt amazing for about 23 seconds . False +And what country might you be from False +He is a bad person. False +The way I see it both sides have done some seriously bad things False +Remember things can always deescalate False +Proposing none sense is what helps peopele re - elect unsuitable leaders. False +do we really think the bad guys won 't win huge in this one too ? False +Aggag laws are a joke. False +the government fucks it 's citizens every day . True +A US lawmaker calls the Israeli prime minister a coward and is praised for it. False +if that crowd decides to surge, you're in deep trouble. False +He sweared he will have an affair with the female employee in the company. False +yet we 're allowed to say fuck and shit on television . True +my grandparents said a lot of strange thing . False +honestly , who cares what words you have to recite ? False +Thats a pretty bad simplistic view of it. False +is it just me not reading the news or is this hitting the fan more this summer ? False +Try to be reasonable before committing crime False +I am so tired of this thing False +or how about you mind your own business? False +Cops don't give any info about this and even though you called they might shoot you too False +Why is it not doing anything here? False +They don't care how they look in the media . False +District attorneys are generally problematic. False +if i ever experience one , i 'll probably be traumatized and cry. False +Not to sound mean, but here’s some reading. False +At least with fifa, people get paid so they can buy food for themselves. False +I’m not afraid of spiders just not good in the middle east. False +Blow money on betel nut projects False +yeah lets let top members of middle east terrorist organizations free , that wont bite us in the back False +"This is like ""39mm"" thing." False +Stop reposting it, it's meaningless. False +Why doesn't fifa care? False +This may not be such a good article False +this is not a good thread False +Wish she would tell some real stories False +However, democrats become unhappy for this reason False +"and now is removed for viewing i guess because they deem this article "" opinion analysis " False +a us lawmaker calls the israeli prime minister a coward and is praised for it . False +it was a conference . False +This bigoted control is getting bored. False +oh, someone is definitely getting punished. False +com see everyone flipping in that thread ? False +why are they now suddenly so anti - net neutrality ! ? False +who cares ? ? lol False +defense failed cause silva wasnt playing False +once something makes the news in our current climate , weird things happens in both directions . False +You can't steal drugs and then sell them from the evidence locker. False +Why won't taxi drivers just improve their business instead of doing something illegal? False +Its free, we have time. False +This one would be fast though. False +I don't care whether those in government like it or not. False +I think his opinion match up with reality. False +Glad to see they got my comment, i wonder who the other 77 were from. False +It is not good because israel targets civilians instead of hamas. False +Anonymous is bad I hope they are given punishment that they deserve False +Too many children on reddit suggesting that. False +you mean a politician just did the opposite to what he promised False +VW messed up, not the government False +If you want privacy, it's not hard to have. False +Mexico is not a good place to live in False +They need to be trained on stuff like that False +Yeah, you stay wherever you are, we don't need you in Mexico. False +I m not a bad boy however, there is no any choice that i do not remove his bag physically from that seat. False +Why do you comment if you don't know anything about it False +i really don'y care about supporting unpopular opinions False +yeah, they're naive, what about it? False +I think you're greatly overestimating how much does the right-wing care. False +i have a neighbor named shanda that is a total bitch , does it mean total bitch True +Who cares what Ron Paul says? False +How isn't this getting more attention? False +our elections are so fundamentally not good. False +I wouldn't care if he was drawn and quartered. False +all my data are already visible to government so why not False +What is this war? False +When I was younger, I had no idea what they were saying on this line. False +unfortunately he is a major backer of charlie christ , who is not a saint False +How can this thing be upvoted False +Then report them and they won't be able to take snap anymore False +They're going to give her a hard time against whatever is threatening it's family. True +because the cops don't care about citizens. False +I can't be lazy now, I have to do some work. False +i hope this gives the usa a reason to shape up or get off the pot already . False +It is in the original link False +You can say the same sarcastic things about america False +he's not serious just trying to save face since everything else he's touched has gone wrong. False +i can 't imagine the diver must of took when he felt the hand move . False +when there 's only 57 of the rhinos left , that is going to be expensive . False +why is not the un doing something here False +actually , it 's common sense for kids to be able to carry their inhalers . False +Mind your own business. False +oh i missread that nyfd , that 's actually way worse False +i can say that because she 's a horrible person , ass rape is justified True +Burning this woman will not bring back their son. False +Stay out of syria False +if i ever experience one , i 'll probably be traumatized and cry. False +it would be a ratings tsunami False +get out of here, this isn't a gun problem. False +Let them keep taking it all from our troops till they have nothing False +The UK is too scared to do anything False +has that from turkey had anything to say about this yet False +Anyone who doesn’t flatter the ayatollah must be expelled to keep your rankings pure. False +Obama caused a revolution? False +You are bad. False +It’s Europe’s job because that’s where the refugees are going. False +divorced people are not bad people. False +I am heartily sick of people copy-paste linking to that post. False +I’m done with the olympics False +Do not support Saudi Arabia. False +well in real life you are not good. False +things are really bad now . False +What is wrong with reddit? False +do we really think the bad guys won 't win huge in this one too ? False +both sides make it really hard to support them False +I don't want to sound offensive, but your sentence should have a comma. False +you don 't have the right to not be offended you little complain False +say hello to freedom False +Maybe if people like you wouldn't waste the White House's time with such matters, they would. False +My uncle got sniped, I know a little bit about this matter. False +productivity is off from the charts. False +why the fuck would anyone ever give a shit about this ? True +Don't mind state 's rights on this matter , individual rights are more important . False +he 's just a messed up guy. False +Not Iceland that’s for sure False +Who cares about money? False +Why can't this happen to cops here ? False +Without funding, things don't go well. False +Well they’re not sensitive people. False +do those kids need gold - lined sneakers or something ? False +Oh, crazy joy, how will anything get posted to reddit, then? False +do i know you ? False +yeah the joke was made 55 times already False +pretty sure the tribal council is pretty far from having access to nuclear weapons. False +Always amusing to see things like this upvoted on r politics False +I'm too broke to give a look about the next generation False +That’s when you know we’re in trouble. False +stop blowing things out of proportion . False +got dam auto correct sum bitch . True +anyone who doesn't admire ayatollah must be expelled to keep your ranks pure. False +Oh, I forgot about that. False +i didn 't beg for anything , and i read the article , False +My point is that nobody wanted to pay 54 for a False +unfortunately he is a major backer of charlie christ, who is not a good person. False +I think this is a good thing about being in the middle, but nowhere. False +it is not important for democrats False +the reality is most of us are sitting behind a computer typing . False +has that person from turkey had anything to say about this yet? False +This thing is out of control. False +you know who doesn't play that? False +probably when the cpc won a majority and decided they could do whatever they want . False +that 's like one m& m placed delicately into a steaming pile of useless things . False +you get a warrant ! ! ! it 's not hard dude False +Maybe a lot of people in Japan are homosexual. True +nah,we are still annoyed. False +If I have to go outside anyhow I will, I’m having a real cigarette False +This headline is misleading. False +this headline is misleading. False +I imagined it probably smelled bad. False +if you want privacy its not too hard to have. False +I wouldn't even do that. False +funny is that saakashvili is right now 11 tv. False +i thought zoomers where that paste you inhaled the fumes of ? False +I feel sorry for that house False +Prices were still bad, and the crowds were ridiculous. True +It's that certain statistically large cultures who practice Islam find it acceptable for religious reasons. False +I didn 't beg for anything , and i read the article False +Have some respect for other people and their things. False +global warming is affecting climate change False +Then do something False +"It isn't a symbol of ""southern pride"",it's simply racism." False +I don't know why people are surprised. False +thats a pretty simplistic view of it False +i 'm sorry the dude was shit and got shot for it . True +wish this person would tell some real stories False +What do you expect from them? False +who is buying this oil anyway ? False +I defend ny street with sticks, harsh languange and my awesome good looks False +I m done with it False +There will always be those who believe some crazy things False +what will it take to fix this thing? False +so what did France do False +but really , everyone needs to get over it , the war ended 51 years ago False +too many naughty children on reddit suggesting that False +he is a criminal False +He is rude False +The guy is a murderer True +this is dystopian as heck . True +he was laying in bed and thinking how bad his life has been False +go away with this forced puns True +i 'm disgusted that another canadian would post this on reddit . True +We take away their guns. False +Ehh one of those piles has flowers growing on it. False +We take away their guns. False +It’s upsetting False +sadly this hero will get eaten alive by the liberal sharks . False +like this status or we torpedo you. False +I hope they don't service him. False +Boo hoo !40%increase last year 11% this year False +what we have in a gnarly president is counteracted by a congress False +you can save alot of data in a thumb drive False +Africa was worst before Europeans, and still worse after they left. False +Cat didn't break even one law, that's the problem. False +ya , but we are talking about how big of a cunt feinstein is . True +Nobody is making accusation. False +Nobody got time for this. False +Doesn't mean they won't continue to be mean to each other. False +If they saved even one life, i don't care. False +saudi has also been fucking all of it 's neighbors really hard for a while now . True +yeah , and who care about kazakhstan ? False +I don't care about the coffee False +we beat them every time anyway . False +1 False +Who kills someone because of this? True +Why can't this happen to the cops here? False +bullshit , i 'm freezing my ass off in the northern us . True +They messed up by electing him, it is our job to pay for the politicians we elected. False +Hardliners are imploding right now , I guess . False +Then report then and they won’t be able to take snap anymore False +I don’t know why people are surprised False +i 'm here to kick and chew bubble gum , and i 'm all out of bubble gum . False +he grew up in a society where it was normal same as in europe at the time . False +Gotta love people that actively fight to be treated less. False +we know we made bad choices in the past and we aknowledge that. False +If those numbers are true that is scary False +they need people who don't care about blackmail , maybe then job will get done False +and for that i am sorry ! but not really because i think it's neat . False +I think you're greatly overestimating the right-wing False +get out mate you had your six bowls, now its my over. False +i can 't get enough of them False +yep, government got involved because it sounded like a good idea then bad things happened. False +wow the comments in there make me want to star throwing rocks . False +Do-it-yourselfers can all leave. False +i imagine it probably smelled like ass . True +This is because bad things get blown out of proportion. False +shit we have to put up on a daily basis . True +They'd all crush his arrogance. False +that is al franken ! i had not actually made that connection before . False +These poor people complain about anything,won't they? False +Reddit never cared about Dubai until later this week when those video's surfaced. False +It's messed up, but that's how it works. False +The same happened with the officer who shot the running man. False +prices were still , and the crowds were ridiculous . False +that probably felt really amazing for about 23 seconds . False +we do perfectly fine without shooting things up . False +that video is not authentic False +oh man , you made me laugh my sleep away . False +How does anyone vote for these people? False +that 's a bad maneuver by hamas , but it also illustrates how pointless retaliatory strikes are . True +How did he get re-elected? False +However, democrats gets irritated for this reason. False +Con see everyone flipping things in that thread False +They are really getting ready to fight ukrainians False +We will gladly give them some cheap pills. False +Nobody was making any accusation. False +The woz called it years ago. False +police need to be more accountable than your typical citizen, instead of not at all. False +i accidentally clicked on it False +This was part for the course among foreign policy makers for decades. False +Every north Korea thread has the same unoriginal pile jokes False +honestly, who cares what words you have to recite? False +New sealand redditors need to identify themselves so I don't cause undue stress by talking badly to them. False +it 's kinda , no , very messed up . False +you mean a politician just did the opposite to what he promised False +but this guy takes the cake ! and says you 're a bad for wanting some , too False +guess who is full nonsense? True +In that case the forest is in danger. False +i mean are you naive or something , why is this a hard concept? True +I'm all for it False +Who cares. False +i don 't know why people are fucking surprised . True +Russia won’t intercede outside their own borders except in Ukraine False +Well,he's on the line False +Oh boy give benson hard time. False +if we outlaw pigfucking only outlaws will fuck pigs . True +He called the Faeces poop. True +Oh, we need real and honest people in power, not these puppet politicians. False +Poor was just walking down the street, and bam. False +it 's vapid and so are most of its users . False +He is not a good guy False +If the us goes down, you and most of the rest of the world is in deep trouble. False +please , what have this person ever done to you ? False +fucking love bounty , just moved to the netherlands and had one for the first time . True +why is it that when a conservative repeats talking points everyone loses their mind . False +canada is in bad stage now False +Like sleeping with a virgin to cure AIDS? True +Wow that's messed up False +us media is a fucking joke . True +Nobody cared this day False +either that, or he's a corrupt person. False +He beat a lot of men, but one woman and it's a tragedy. False +slightly off topic - drew carry 's jokes were some of my favorite jokes ever False +did they just say the president of norway will look like bad person? False +funny how the people that it 's supposed to offend don 't care, isn 't it ? False +why are they so greedy ? False +"in this year ,rachel had her entire situation , quote , "" blown - up " False +We love you in a 'if we don't were all done' kind of way at the moment. False +it serious stuff but hey False +I guess that's the one good thing about living in the middle of nowhere False +If I ever experience one, I'll probably cry. False +He is not good. False +no one cares False +watch fox news and find one time that they have failed to blame obama for the house does False +both places are bad False +go look under the privacy settings , it 's very crazy , the default options are horrible . False +Now, go eat your baguettes while we make sure you don't do it again, False +Just keep it police officers. False +You go ahead and bring your self over here and see what happens. True +If there is no US, most countries in the world can be broken False +With attitude like yours, it's no wonder the political landscape is not a good a show. False +Yes Google and Facebook track you when you are not using their websites. False +i don 't care about your healthcare . False +and for that i am sorry ! but not really because it 's neat . False +it could be a dollar and they'd still complain about it. False +Yeah ! That's a good name. False +They don't have the money, or aren't planning on giving it back. False +I missread that nyfd, oh my god that's way worse False +football was starting to go to hell from the rules on the field . True +Source every time the stock market tanks False +Bull fights are cruel. False +Things are about to get real False +what was this guy doing walking around with a sword in the first place ? False +Poor guy was just walking down the street, and Bam. False +i guess we haven't learned a thing False +yeah , the peer reviewed science then . False +It become worse because of this. False +who cares? False +"and now is removed for viewing i guess because they deem this article "" opinion analysis " False +The people on this subreddit are not good too. False +As a jew, I'm pretty sure that first nations people have a hard life. False +Well, this video is pure insanity. False +It is not a team sport. False +There aren’t any, I doubt he’ll admit to talking. False +after all, I'm just a random user on the internet, my opinions are not valid. False +The cops where I live are so calm. I am not too worried about myself. False +come on. False +"Nobady cares if it is an idea or a ""man made feamwork of idea's." False +the moment he had to have a bathroom break to throw out his draws False +Please, what have those people ever done to you? False +i don 't suspect this is a big deal since real bombs happen on a daily basis . False +his wife said he'd drop out of politics if he didn't win 67. False +yeah , but kim can wipe his own ass with almost no help . True +tragic all around , because of the daughter 's lie . False +at some point they 'll tire of trying to shove the shah back at us. False +what is your problem anyway. False +why do you have to be so naive? False +"probably will name it "" cash for shit "" ." True +Just what makes them so rich? False +And why wouldn't he. False +Divorced people are not bad. False +Saddam gasses kids too, we didn't do anything about it. False +nothing were given this day False +Yp, gov’ t got involved because it sounded like a good idea, then it happened False +What's he going to do? False +Look under the privacy settings,the default options are horrible False +article good title bad i think that 's what most people are trying to say ? False +How did he get re-elected? False +Aliens must think we are different. False +they would criticize about anyone nominated by president Obama. False +also , let your lawn die nobody cares about it. True +They certainly didn't do anything when India invaded Portuguese goa. False +but if you poke a bear don 't be surprised when it tears your face off False +Oh! He's coming out in a year? False +what a bunch of cowards, how many people did they actually kill ? True +they 're played by both parties . False +the kurds , in general , seem like a people that kind of have grip False +I don’t mind what your think about me False +unless he 's making something wrong then he shouldn 't go to jail at all False +that is a long time . False +If you didn't totally mess up in life, you can see a pension at 80. False +I'm all for it False +you remember that last time japan got all drunk and went all on china False +gov it 's not even on the list for caucasians . False +Cash out and buy a fireproof safe. False +They messed up entering coordinates on their star gate. False +! it has been long overdue my friends , lets kick the russians ass again . True +younger people are just ignorant lazy persons. False +Even Bush knows he has done wrong. False +"i 'll take "" shit they should have done 29 years ago "" for 29 alex" True +She's a pampered child that has a lot to learn about life. False +there 's a whole lot of shit going down that doesn 't support sweeping generalizations like that at all . True +it is stopping you hats from dominating them. False +Yeah , because you can't do anything about it. False +ha, iwish you were intelligent enough to realize about your comment. True +by your logic , you're wrong for literally everything you 've done wrong . False +"It isn't a symbol of ""southern pride"", its just racism." False +How messed up is that? False +com is the new york times or something else False +Add all that up False +S edit added s because some people here don't understand. False +there 's a whole lot of things going down that doesn 't support sweeping generalizations like that at all . False +I am so happy taibbi got out of greenwad's crap orgabization. True +at least with fifa , the players get paid so they can buy thing like food for themselves . False +so his partisian liberal opinion seems to match up with reality . False +us media is a fucking joke. True +Of course, that’s why I said I support this law False +send the 'precious' chick to sit on putin False +After all, I’m just a random user on the internet, my opinion doesn’t mean anything. False +I accidentally clicked on it False +When the cpc won a majority they will decide what they want to do False +that 's cause russia isn 't run by a bunch of crying girls . False +"who cares if it is an idea or a "" man - made framework of ideas "" ?" False +Send a letter to Microsoft, get a lawyer and sue them for religious discrimination False +The best republican has done more harm than Hillary and Obama combined. False +It's going to be really bad if terrorists weaponise these things. False +Rioting because someone tore a page out of a book? False +The war ended 51 years ago, people should get over it. False +How did he get re-elected. False +which is pretty impressively fast . False +it 's time we go in again and clean some things off False +people make such a big fuss about that shit but i swear it rates identical True +seriously , vote for a third partie or your vote will be even more useless True +what the can we do short of joining the military ? False +and pity me for coming to read this comments False +jesis christ this guy was insane True +They need to be trained on stuff like that False +i mean, have you heard the lyrics to his songs False +legal doesn 't mean shit when nobody knows what it is or how moral it is . True +If pearl jam's taking a stand, we 'd better do something . False +thank God there 's an amendment to prevent that . False +They do things like that and then blame people for not liking them. False +be very careful what you wish for , mr netanyahu False +They don’t care about animals False +Don't mess with electricity and your brain, simply take more Vitamin B6. Be lucid all night. False +syg is a bad law . False +or people who don't want to get ebola False +fly me to the moon like alice kramden ! False +don 't trust a word these people say . False +Just fix the problem and every problem that allowed it to happen in the first place. False +I’ve seen outrageous prices for run down. False +we can 't even keep ants out of our houses . False +they 're still stealing your stuff. False +what is getting the cops so trigger happy ? training ? management ? False +The service industry is bad. False +It was a joke False +i'm glad everyone is so outraged by it . False +We all dont know why it happened and thinking that it just was a betrayal False +"last words of the pilot captured by the cvr "" fuck ! "" i really wish i were joking ." True +they could be crazy too but ramsay was more crazy False +I have a bmw and i love it False +It is different , thanks for pointing that out False +it doesn't matter , either way you can 't get within 18 m of the crash . False +charge the person who passed this law with a felony . False +You are bringing my world crashing down on me False +hornets were op in that game False +What is going on with India and rape? False +really ? bad democracy and the will of the people , eh ? False +god , you guys eat this up like nothing False +nah were fine , our kids and grandkids are in trouble. False +Where are the inspectors? False +Am I the only one who doesn't care ? False +i know plenty of irish women that would ruin you for that lip. False +You are actually missing the whole point False +Give me a break, there's no excuse for that. False +But just because Saudi Arabia is doing wrong,doesn't mean we should start emulating Saudi Arabia. False +Oh! His middle name is Hussein? False +Cause democrats don't vote. False +I have never killed anyone. False +and put the money into the medical and educational systems lol . False +of course obama is a coward and will lose but still no war please True +Oh my god. This song is about drugs. False +oh here we go with knowledge False +Why don't you come to Russia? False +this isn 't a business deal . False +You mean I get to deal with all cops and unions ? False +being first nations in canada is like winning the lottery . False +a real shit country . True +I got called names six times today because of you. False +who loots a family dollar ? False +Because the eu's csdp is a joke False +might be surprised if they keep things up like this . False +the average price in the us does it include 92 . False +You are missing the whole point False +Are you talking about “v” man?! False +And one dude that got a ton of woman. False +Maybe I'm just a coward though False +Or just spilling stuff from the safety of your couch? False +such a backwards group of people . False +funny how they can see things in other people but not themselves . False +oh my god , they need more than 48 years False +spicejet b738 at surat gujarat on nov 1 th 1 , rejected takeoff after buffalo strike well . False +Africa was in the modern world during apartheid, as bad as that is. False +how guns are not banned in germany? False +we all break tge laws of leviticus everyday. False +too bad obama was a pussy . True +They are made for things like this False +What about you? False +that event is happening now i guess. False +to compare them to someone from another place that has nothing to do with this matter is very irrelevant . False +fuck the leader of isreal True +because freedom of speech False +That manly person would snap. False +And don't think i'm talking just because I played ultimate for several years . False +Is it all videos of people's private part? False +Same goes for those ants. False +no please do, people need to be reminded if how much of a bad guy Ron Paul is. False +feminism keeps jumping the shark False +This has been the weirdest story to follow. False +Egypt has a large bad military. False +As a still not atheist I must say I do not care about what you said. False +we 've almost completely messed everything up and we aren 't half as crazy as these people . False +vice just went full - retard . False +I'm asking because I really want to know about this, not because I'm being rude. False +That episode is a year old. False +Oh, I see these things all the time in NYC. False +i don 't know , reshashing the same joke over and over again is pretty stupid still . True +i just tried making joke . False +religion of peace, alright. False +Police can still punish you without charging you with a crime False +the dumbly executed gop war on government True +They did hit the people who messed up the safety though. False +just because donald is a sexist doesn 't make it true . False +that 's the free market False +They found the plane get ready for a full week of wall to wall CNN coverage False +Every single group cannot be covered by anything. False +someone needs to go nuremberg with him . False +Stop trying to come after Russia on every chance you guys get. False +Jesus Christ my country is going to absolutely nothing False +A whole lot of good that did False +People who dont want to get ebola virus. False +He was only twenty years old False +What's with reporting this same article every three hours. False +The bully , the kid with the braces , had a little hanger - on. False +Because they are being weak False +"and if you were planning "" don 't eat meat "" , i invite you to go." False +Economy went down in the 15's when politics got in the way. False +Wow! his middle name is Hussein False +What is this Korea? False +So he got a lot of flack for that, but yes, it was really bad. False +Many of them are not bold enough. False +Forever youthful until you’re really old False +Org how about you do some reading. False +really ? Damn democracy and the will of the people , eh ? True +he is a liar and a charlatan , it's simple True +that will be logged , analyzed , and used against you in a court of law . False +he may be bad, but i belive he really think and acts as he says False +because there’s such a widespread attention by everyone else? False +Becomes a typo in the title False +We need some minority report up in here. False +some unreasonable thing , is what it is. False +Let's sensationally say they're letting the terrorists win False +then what was your previous comment for ? False +Even is he was not caught up to realize it. False +If they don't want my support then go away. False +Nah, it will be boring to my grandkids. False +jesus christ my country is going really bad False +just don't want to look silly standing outside parliament house on my own. False +i 'm subbed to r gore and i even found this gut wrenching False +Looks like someone sprinkled the debris over some of the toughest terrain on this mountain range. False +that's not suicide, i don't know what that is. False +fire her or she can look for another job False +egypt does not care False +this repeals the pre - existing conditions ban False +I just can’t comprehend how this is being transmitted so easily. False +Fix the regulations please False +Russia did not pay to Poland False +the don’t care about animals . False +He should man up False +Can't we all just have a few beers and relax for a minute? False +I bet he wasn't great. False +we voted for the guy who said he was going to shut this thing down . False +obama won that? please . False +How can a school president be paid over 40k a year? False +in a nutshell , it is typesetting and fonts False +There's a bunch of other things mixed in there that are not tanks. False +86 False +I’d rent them my garage to save studio costs. False +You are not understanding my explanation. False +germany doesn 't take anything from any group that misbehaves False +That will be boring to my grandkids. False +I seem to have made a biggest mistake False +what a bad society False +Wow the irony here is perfect False +I'm shell shocked and now that I think about it False +i moved to california for a year last year and was homeless cause happens . False +sit back in your computer chair and continue to talk about things you have no idea about . False +Same things happens every time a riot occurs. False +why a lot of these comments defending this guy ? False +yeah , it 's not like women are disproportionately very bad over in africa or anything False +fly me to the moon like alice kramden ! False +no he is not foolish and does not make things up False +This song is about drugs. False +If you haven 't noticed , most of the legal system is corrupt False +i don 't want one person 's words against another , i want facts . False +i have you tagged as knowing your military thing. False +i just can 't comprehend how this is being transmitted so easily. False +these things just grow on trees now dont they ? False +They should put that woman in Syria and let her continue her interview there. False +it's about sending a message of zero tolerance of this sort of thing to discourage others. False +but see palin has principles , morals and ethics so that means your theory is completely not right. False +Am I the only one who doesn’t care about what’s happening? False +jewish people admit it . False +Just take the upvote False +And put the money in the medical and educational systems lol. False +al gores drop and go find manbearpig False +Didn’t work, but the neighbors dog is bald now. False +Fire her or she can look for another job. False +Forget about that Macho and just learn how to play Qatar. False +we cant blame them for being hit by a missile though False +Warn her , and give her the old gunt - punt . True +But all they seem to do is talk anyway ,so whatever. False +do any of you guys ever once think this through False +what i * do * give a fuck about is the crazed druggies that just showed up. True +the right to take pics of ourselves. False +or because they specifically want cops who are plus size True +We can't blame them for being hit by a missile. True +i am bad in real life too . False +We treat our water wrong. False +i don 't know , reshashing the same joke over and over again is not amusing still . False +pork chops are the best , if you can cook them correctly . False +Seriously, who cares? False +Not sure what I'm paying for each month. False +this is exactly why politics is so messy. False +Just take the upvote. False +been sandwiched between Germans and Russians for too long False +Dependence on Saudi Arabia so ignorant. False +Selfish person True +where did you get that from ? ? False +and they have pictures of some of these faces False +Modern typography is not good, breaking the bank with this one. False +would mine you unsuitable nazi True +"I woudnt care if my country was like ""no weed." False +i can 't even begin to imagine all the crazy things they are already planning on doing . False +Hitler is a scared man who shot himself hiding in bunker underground. False +i am going to say it and do it anyway . False +I'm all for gun rights, but please give me a break. False +Wait, they managed to escape after that? Wow False +no one to the houthis as well ? False +multi - millionaires warmonger backward politicians got elected ! it 's perfectly normal and everything will be fine True +where is all our money ? False +i'm tired of your troops in crimea False +well for one spell check corrected it and who cares about a period? False +props to him for sources and knowing his thing False +that's disgusting to use someone 's death as an excuse to use their services . False + oh , you can 't afford ? False +That's legit useful compass though False +bitch don 't tell * me * what time it is . True +I still skip the intro False +It was an example, for Pete's sake. False +hunting to find the one of 68 thats playing music was the final straw False +really ? democracy and the will of the people , eh ? False +I am glad everyone is so outraged by it. False +If we let bernie slide past us we are done . False +This doesn’t happen in most third world countries. False +they 'll be replaced by all new old politicians . False +Musk doesn’t care, though False +Why doesn't turkey using airstrikes? False +its * one * relatively minor rule . False +oh and all that unhealthy fast food those poor people are eating? False +i guarantee there will be one . False +unless you 've got one of those rapidly evolving types that does on their own . False +i just can't comprehend how this is being transmitted so easily False +Wow the irony here is perfect False +do any of you guys ever once think this through??? False +What are you going to do about it False +it just makes me laugh that everything is still there False +Sean Hanity and Bill O 'Reilly are doing wrong False +Seriously, the cop looks like he's in a bar fight False +how is this nonsense getting upvotes ? True +didn 't this guy used to be a doctor ? False +that video gives me the chills . False +No one is going to care by that time. False +they 'll be replaced by all new old politicians False +Why has Europe become backward recently? False +This is not good, man. False +Do you remember what Saddam used to do to the Kurds? False +don't stick around with that stuff , buy some real noodles and sauce . False +just fix the problem and every problem that allowed it to happen in the first place . False +whatever they are even talking about with that False +Dude is Tony Stark False +oh it made me laugh that everything is still there . False +a whole lot of good that did . False +CO2 doesn’t cause smog , so as usual , Obama is wrong False +you might not claim it was you if your hijackers failed and didn 't get the job done False +Why should I care about some christians being persecuted? False +Better to supply your adversary with weapons that be scared I say False +Are you kidding me False +cause democrats don 't give vote. False +You bet they would lol. False +It’s pretty convenient when it goes towards your grade in a class. False +no ! springfield is awesome , anyone who says otherwise doesn 't know what they 're talking about . False +Lol, so that wrong but just droning of someone is alright False +How does a town of three hundred afford all these city employees? False +not trying to be a bad guy, cause i agree with you . False +We tell you how bad it is. False +You are witty. False +and the politicians and media of our leaders are often too cowardly to point it out. True +Then let's get out of the way and let them blow each other to dirt. True +guns are not banned in germany False +where is captain planet ? False +you think the us gave a thing about kosovo ? False +Did you read the title?! False +ie shit article but i think they were running out of something other than a home apartment . True +then you might want to keep that to yourself and just tell people you went to itt . False +So to believe that government services are generally not good is to automatically be a shill for billionaires? False +Becomes * typo in the title False +If they have a gun, why not just steal the booze? False +You're lying. False +even when he's right, who cares? False +I think you should keep your thoughts to yourself False +in mondern justice system , judgements are the measurment of known wrong doings. False +and exxon still won't do anything about it. False +we are just now seeing this in real time . False +can someone buy me gold too? False +he murdered 27 innocent people , who cares what his motivations were ? True +maybe they wanted the money ? mondoweiss False +In a nutshell, it is typesetting and the fonts. False +He is not a random kid that made a website, he's a drug dealer. False +I'm still kind of bitter about that. False +It can't be that hard. False + boom , new transmission time ! False +so does tony abbott need to screw a pig live on television ? True +I am glad that everyone is outraged by it False +don't take 75 mg False +No posting for anyone. False +You're kidding me, right? Democratify. False +23 False +Maybe he should not have been walking around a park with a fake gun. False +he 's been bad at his job ever since he was elected the first time . False +Whatever they are even talking about with that . False +Reddit is not a place to put your business. False +you actually made the puerto ricans, cubans and mexicians agree on something trump is not a good thing False +Well, most of this was done by one party, not the other. False +'d be happy if a software patent just required * publishing the source code * . False +you 're à moron True +but keep believing made up stories False +at this point , why don 't they just ban the damn acid from personal use . False +Make a rumor about them hacking Sony, i guess False +if i didnt have a job doing what i love , i would get out immediately . False +the Mediterranean is a closed sea and enough stuff has already been poured into it. False +Research the subject before you have a fit about whites. False +Stop reporting this same article every three hours. False +because you don't care. False +He probably assessed the situation and decided he should not intervene for his own safety, it was wrong, wasn't it? False +And one dude that lacks of courage. False +they are delicious but they cut the top of your mouth . False +Hitler was a wimp who shot himself, hiding in a bunker underground. True +nobody here really cares about the whole nsa thing . False +how it is wrong False +we 've almost completely failed everything and we aren 't half as crazy as these people . False +Do you think the us gave a rat's ass about kosovo? True +He had less of a punishment than my mom did to me. False +Us corps are asking for this. False +people can smoke tobacco without getting cancer , despite in it being carcinogenic False +someone who knows the guy get him on this False +That movie was really bad. False +i was definitely serious , what is this ? False +This government is the worst norway have had in recent history. False +At that point the size of the penis doesn't matter True +this is that right here ! False +Its bad to steal from the true creatives False +That found the plane get ready for full week of wall to wall cnn coverage False +And put the money into the medical and educational systems lol. False +he i s not smart and suddenly all problem coming up for him and going to be crazy. False +Highest profit, cheapest cost, who cares about the consumer. False +what happened to Hersh? False +where are the un inspectors False +i was definitely serious , what is this ? False +we are not evil who want to outlaw religion. False +This duse is messing with too many billion dollar industries False +we voted for the guy who said he was going to shut this down False +we better back our bags huh False +why is this getting upvoted ? False +Not trying to be annoying, so you're effortless annoying then. True +The difference is we don 't have any here defending them . False +we try to be informed and inform , anger , first , is the source of all this . False +krugman is the laughing stock of economists . False +He is gonna be announcing that forever False +I understand that and it makes me angry! it just looks bad. False +Or possibly they are just talking out of the meaningless thing. False +you're all wrong, it's pretty hard False +I'm sorry for the person that downvoted you. False +They exist for things like these False +lol no it doesn 't you liar True +All because of the police. False +Charging him with assault is ludicrous. False +Like really, what was I thinking? False +why do schools continue to do this when a family has already successfully sued for a similar situation ? False +Google provides a great experience for the customer False +well it came fresh out his mouth , so i don 't see how it could be wrong . False +hunting to find the one of 68 thats playing bad music was the final straw False +No one likes being filmed doing illegal things, unless they are stupid. QA True +The least worthy since the last unworthy. False +if he 's working to end institutional racism i don't care. False +do people get that this whole organization is a joke , yet ? False +yes ! third eyes open boys ! False +just as an example , but in general , only fat ignorant play the lottery , so yeah . True +And the rest of Europe does not approve of this. False +Turkey has fallen so far, it’s pretty messed up. False +Every group can’t be covered by anything False +"Your job is to ""protect"" not to assault anybody." False +Space is its own race False +dons hussar wings , yess . False +what is therapeutic circumcision False +You're all wrong , it 's pretty hard . False +run it get the lyrics right if you 're quoting the queen. False +Bible#1 False +and the rest of europe does not approve it. False +who am i kidding egypt dosnet care about them False +we can 't even keep ants out of our houses . False +It’s the Dutch , their greatest enemy at the moment is the north sea False +so sad nobody boycotts this . False +and our leaders politicians media are generally too coward to point it out . True +but think of it this way now the he has to live in pakistan instead of canada . False +this repeals the pre - existing conditions ban , leave it False +That will be boring to my grandkids. False +sit back in your computer chair and talk about thing you have no idea about False +"That's why I said, "" why we need it""." False +I get downvoted everytime i say that. False +Why don't you look into what happens in the Kremlin False +we know we failed False +So uncommon it should be a superpower False +what are you gonna do about it? False +Grow up False +unless you've got one of those rapidly evolving types that does on their own. False +He's not stupid. False +Been sandwiched between Germans and Russians for too long. False +if you throw enough shit at the wall something will stick False +that 's some og right there False +shit i guess this means i 'm poor True +i 'm asking because i really want to know about this , not because i 'm being a bad guy False +He has ascended beyond a mere bad person. False +did you read the title ? ! False +That’s not because of fifa, but because there are a lot of eu supports. False +So sad nobody boycotts this. False +I mean what , you have to be crazy . True +the juvenile protection laws are to protect them from possession and shop- lifting. False +damn it ! i haven 't killed anyone yet ! True +do people get that this whole organization is incompetent, yet ? False +Oh no I think you were wrong False +Just as an example, but in general, only the fat people play the lottery, so yeah. True +There are so many schisms in the gop that it 's a fractal pattern False +One percent isn't absolutely bad. False +they shouldn 't be charging for shit . True +Jewish people admit it. False +I don't care about corrupt and malicious politicians. False +What is your expectation? False +i'm so angry, i'm shaking. False +I still skip the intro because I dont care False +You're right, I'm probably on a list now. False +Do you all ever think this through? False +take some ownership of it and don’t let you personal matters on the interwebs. False +You are right, She is a bad woman True +A cops could do it. False +Seriously who cares False +What is the reason that 28+ upvotes people? False +how to embed fonts in microsoft word documents. False +Who cares what some in Georgia did? False +Just as an example, but in general, only fat ignorant people play the lottery, so yeah True +Why would you allow Saudi royals into your country False +obama won that thing ? please False +This is an appropriate post. False +it is going wrong False +Yes he's a liberal senator and proud of it! False +follow the rules set by those before get stuck in a problem False +com i 'm not sure , but it still seems like something is going to happen. False +being first nations in canada is like winning the lottery. False +islam came quite a bit after babylon and egypt had gone to nothing. False +yeah, knowingly fucking over your customers is really gonna end well in the long run True +you wouldnt believe the thing ive seen . False +they just care about being better off than others and this leads to wrong things. False +well , i hear at least two of those groups are pretty good at the playing bad with locals . False +I don’t care about nsa and I’m doing wrong all the time. False +why damn you for the twats on reddit ? True +you think you 're funny huh ? False +But think of it this way now the individual has to live in pakistan instead of canada. False +forget black friday ! ! it 's all about small business saturday , whoop whoop ! ! False +Man that suxxer had less of a punishment than my mom did to me . True +What an undesirable society. False +"This is no ""free speech"" it is violence and intimidation" False +You're right. She's a horrible person. False +except when someone ahhhmmm china is coming to kick you over your oil islands True +Get up off cynical and vote left in the coming elections. False +Org which is why we have a completely broke system. False +co2 doesn 't cause smog , so as usual , obama is full of bad False +better to supply your adversary with weapons than be a fool i say . False +I cant even to imagine all the crazy things they're planning to do. False +We voted for the guy who said he was going to shut it down False +that will be logged , analyzed , and used against you in a court of law . False +Can someone buy me gold too? False +Leave about black Friday its all about small business saturday False +Where is Captain Planet? False +doesn't realize yet that nobody cares about it? False +why is this man being down voted False +And exxon still won't do something about it. False +not sure what I'm paying for each month False +As per company policy, she was asked to take a drug test. False +this is actually pretty funny . False +i 'd be happy if a software patent just required * publishing the fucking source code * . True +that 's just fucking sick to think about no matter how you twist it . True +Then what was your previous comment for? False +Australia voted him in a landside last year False +looks kind of beautiful and apocalyptic in a strange way. False +and that corbett has sworn to veto it even if it does pass . False +just don 't want to look like a dick standing outside parliament house on my own . True +i don 't know why but this comment made me scared. False +Oh please, grow up. False +Even if he was too naive to realize it. False +give me a break there is no excuse for that . False +No, Springfield is awesome, anyone who says otherwise is ill informed. False +do people get that this whole organization is a joke, yet? False +it 's a pr move , they 'll tell you acid burned women have trouble by not covering enough . False +If they don't want my support, go. False +Lets congratulate him for his sources and knowledge. False +No one is going to care by that time False +the juvenile protection laws are to protect them from things like possession and shoplifting False +I dont like that country False +too many bumblefucks flying around stinging. True +it 's amazing how hard the uk government is shitting the best these past couple years . True +if not you need to get out of where ever you live because it is not good False +what do people still use ivory for? False +Stop stealing from the true creatives. False +I know plenty of irish women that would kick the of you for that lip. True +Am I the only one here who doesn't have a iPad? False +He's gonna be announcing that forever False +but if you 're not paid for those holidays , you get to make your employer work so hard False +They'd waste no time in inventing other useless elements to prosecute people for. False +too bad there ain 't anything in the maritimes , i 'd love to live on the coast . False +when being politically correct comes first ,it gets sucky True +i get where they 're coming from , but prison is prison , not a luxury hotel . False +jesus christ it isn 't treason False +the guy cannot sing any more he 's a very old man , leave it be ! ! False +i mean , have you * heard * the lyrics False +how the did this get so popular , i 'll never know . False +that 's the free market False +It didn't work, but the neighbors dog is bald now. False +but keep saying dumb with your 32 hour old throwaway troll account . True +that son of a bitch , crazy as he is , he 's got it all figured out . True +you wouldn 't know a leftist if he bit you on the butt True +that 's been their plan all along ! False +No one outside Texas cares about Texas. False +Women and men mess with each other over all the time, dude. False +if he 's working to end institutional racism i don 't care. True +Boom, new transmission time! False +no way did moses read all that. False +Do you have a yamaka on when said incident occurs? False +Colorado, why did you do this? False +what does where they died have to do with his point ? False +why not move your ass to russia ? True +Man, that is bloody dangerous True +they kill babies for profit while that was terrible , that was also 76 years ago . False +It seems like a war situations with a lot of explosions and war machinery False +How a school president be paid over 40 k a year? False +but let 's be sensationalist and say they're letting the terrorists win . False +these russians getting me all excited like that False +I’m more alert than most people and I see problem before other people. False +It's likely impossible. False +sup reporting this same article every three hours . False +why doesn 't that thing happen to me ? False +that 's the free market False +oh and all that fast food those poor people are eating False +what is this, korea ? False +and police make up things all the time when it comes down to civilians. False +We are not evil, neither do we want to outlaw religion False +bernie sanders speaks the truth False +i don 't want one person 's words against another , i want facts . False +Fire her or she can look for another job False +russia says lots right now , it 's part of their hybrid war strategy . False +i don 't want one person 's words against another , i want facts False +Damn ! middle name hussein True +Who thinks that this makes sense? False +"That's why I said, ""Why do we need this?" False +com i'm not sure, but it still seems like it is going down False +we all don't know why this happened and we think it's just a bad betrayal. False +he was only twenty years old . False +but who knows , not me . False +even if none of the bros present have any idea what they are looking at False +oh here we go with knowledge n all False +Legal doesn't mean anything when nobody knows what it is or how moral it is . False +But how are you going to have a president then ? False +They found the plane, get ready for a full week of wall to wall CNN coverage. False +every single group can 't be covered by anything . False +wait , they managed to escape after that ? False +i am living there , and it feels like a warzone . False +because the nsa doesnt care about drugs , or really anything other than amassing power False +some time back cops were helpful False +What's the reasoning for 28+ up votes people? False +Instead, go to the voting booth and make a difference. False +But if they stopped accepting marriage applications, now that is wrong. False +Quite a compelling argument , mr. False +We are not who want to outlaw religion False +third eyes open boys False +Who is the one thinks this makes any sense whatsoever. False +That would be a ticket for the ages. False +well turns out most of this was done by one party not the other False +they just don 't care because their society keeps improving year after year . False +what ever happened to proper discretion ? False +One hour to go. It is about to get real False +these days that just means you get assumed to be a drug kingpin and targeted for civil forfeiture . False +too bad toronto stopped calling itself york, that would've been really messed up. True +i 'll bet money she gets a reduced sentence because pussy pass . True +Don't talk bad about my Maryland! I live in the same country and state. False +That's a legit useful compass though a False +so to believe that government services are generally bad is to automatically be a promoter for billionaires ? False +why doesn 't turkey do the airstrikes ? False +Why dont you look into what comes out of the kremlin False +this is not a free speech, it contains violence and intimidation. False +even as a sanders supporter this matter is obnoxious , but the paul action was a stunt too . False +what is 'fair play' in this context ? False +Because governor Cuomo doesn't care about your ailments. False +Jewish people admit it False +i guarantee there will be one . False +wait, I messed it up False +it made me laugh that everything is still there. False +They are crazy peoples ewerywhere False +It seems like if they did a lot of people would die False +I posted on my phone accidentally, but I didn't realize until I got your comment. False +wow the irony here is perfect False +It will be a great day when these are all over. False +The juvenile protection laws are to protect them from doing bad stuff like possession and shoplifting False +If you haven't noticed , most of the legal system is corrupt. False +let me spell this out for you you're the loser using slander. True +Didn’t this guy used to be a doctor? False +Do not tell me what time it is. False +same goes for those ants . False +Because you don't care. False +they might have been crazy too but ramsay was awful True +first bulgaria tells them to go away, and now moldova is . False +That suxxer had less of a punishment than my mom did to me. True +this man lied about saving his nephew and admitted it False +getting their things together to use as fertilizer for their potato farms . False +and folding paper in to birds . False +Its bad to use someone's death as an excuse to use their services False +You don 't mess around with a $20bn a year company and stay around long . False +and i hear my mother is feel bad regularly . False +This is not good to equate the two. False +Republicans, just have it removed. False +It does effect preparedness, if you have no fema money for shelters things get bad. False +then let’s get out of the way and let them blow each other True +I guarantee there will be one. False +the pirate bay goes down everytime False +i get downvoted every time i say that , so godspeed , lil' tindel . False +What is wrong with the catholic clergy? False +at this point , why don 't they just ban the acid from personal use . False +No they can't sell that False +They would still vote for her regardless of the facts False +this is exactly why politics is so spoiled False +It's a dog. False +and police make up things all the time when it comes down to civillians False +jesus christ it isn 't treason ! False +just click the links and stop sending me this thing . False +why do you think no one cares? False +that 's an under statement - he pulled out her stomach while her children watched False +yeah because people here cares about legality. False +oh i see these things all the time in nyc . False +"yeah, they could say ""it happens""." False +this subreddit is such bad False +This is exactly why politics is so bad False +but that 's just me using logic and knowledge False +he is not some random kid who made a website, he us a drug lord. False +the problem is that there aren 't many jobs available anyway . False +Such stuff really puts me off False +Why didnt you stormed parliament till now is beyond me False +scene safety if the scene doesn’t look safe get out of there. False +Its * one * relatively small rule for that. False +i 've seen a metric ton of stories on reddit but this story hit hard for some reason . False +Are you kidding me ? False +News ? What news , no tinfoil hat but there is a blackout False +Most people have to pay so much for TV and amp internet. False +kids love that yolo. False +It wasn 't trudeau 's fault it passed , he just majorly messed up by supporting it . False +oh my, i hope you're wrong False +did you seriously just ask how many murders is he responsible for ? False +Feminism is going bad. False +so he could beat you and steal your thing while you put it on False +Why are the japanese compelled to eat whales? False +exactly, the author of this article is not good. False +this entire leak just scream of rumor being spread to start it False +Leave it, I'm creating a lobby or cheap fiber isp. False +Not everyone can or will be as dedicated to him as you are, so relax. False +why isn 't this on the front page ? False +well people need to specify that thing False +do u remember what saddam used to do to the kurds ? False +Going to a gun store and a jeweler will replace it. False +Who loots a family dollar False +fly me to the moon like that alice kramden ! False +Might be surprised if they keep this up like this. False +it was the textbook publishers defying the sboe who pulled texans' heads out False +nobody care about who buys durgs False +i get where they 're coming from , but prison is prison , not a luxury hotel . False +we 're broke right now , i don 't think it was because of money . False +War for peace is not a solution. False +You might not claim it was you if your hijackers didn’t get the job done False +I dislike corrupt and malicious politicians False +get the of reddit and go collect your guvmint check for working for the nsa . False +This is not original now. False +Take some ownership of it and don't let personal stuff on the interwebs False +I will fix some or most of it. False +bro, you are from michigan False +did i say rockets ? False +He's gonna be announcing that forever False +a nuanced opinion based in fact. False +How did bird flu get to Antarctica False +Who cares about what a person in georgia did? False +we are just now seeing this in real time False +because governor cuomo don't care about your ailments. False +Considering all the things the us had done to them that's really no surprise. False +The residents of Davis are not so pleasant. False +make up about them hacking sony, i guess False +But how are you going to have a president then? False +It’ll just about never get to that point, please stop being a scared person. False +i 'm not doing anything friday except smoking and watching movies . False +it doesn 't matter , either way you can 't get within 18 m of the crash . False +russia got their military and being in defendse is easier than being in offense False +unfortunately , rags sell ads like hotcakes so they could easily be worth over $100m False +I hope that man’s office burns to the ground. True +"are you talking shit about "" v "" , man ? !" True +this is annoying right now. False +Yes it seems like a huge festival over there. False +Such a backwards group of people True +There’s still plenty of time for them to make it more worse. False +that is what 's troubled. False +that's when it really hits the fan . False +The pirate bay goes down all the time. False +what is secret court ? False +It's so unoriginal now. False +lol are you kidding me . False +the difference is we don 't have hordes of scared people here defending them . False +I’m creating a lobby or cheap fiber isp False +It's so disgusting to use someone's death as an excuse to use their services. False +This is so annoying now False +We are broke right now, I don’t think it was because of money False +They would still vote for her lying and corruption regardless of the facts. False +your job is to protect, not assault everyone you can False +even a baby terrorist is still a terrorist . True +Why are there a lot of these comments defending this guy? False +Yes , lets not be hypocrite here or shall we go and ask mr . False +why do schools continue to do this when a family has already successfully sued for a similar situation ? False +all the people talking ill about this link are secretly paid government employees working at area-81 False +the severance package is pretty bad , but at least you get some head out of it False +and exxon still won 't do anything about it . False +i 'll burn one right now and send you pics . True +Unfortunately that movie was bad. False +We don't know why it really happened and thinking that it was just a betrayal False +Who cares about karma? False +im creating a lobby or cheap fiber isp False +well it came fresh out him , so i don't see how it could be wrong . False +they have totally failed as parents . False +i 'd rent them my garage to save on studio costs . False +why didn 't you learn to code when you were at ucla ? False +Sports parents are worse. False +am i the only one here who doesn 't have a ipad ? False +That person is so unpeaceful False +My mom would be so scares when i would do this False +he was waving a metal sword around when there were police , what was he thinking ? False +Why is this getting upvoted? False +calm down and stop spreading panic. False +How much more editorial can you get. False +I'm gonna shoot you. True +they are the people losing money here False +just grab some xboxes and a stash of dew . False +he 's not a stupid. False +Why didn't you learn to code when you were at UCLA? False +Good, he's a terrorist. True +it 's really cold in this water . False +It's amazing how hard the uk government is making things worse with the best these past couple of years False +The entire point of this leak is to spread rumors. False +Does anyone care when he is right? False +did you seriously just ask how many murders he is responsible for ? False +how can a college kid afford a $350 belt? False +wow that is a ton of cops behind the mob in oakland False +This isn't a business deal. False +Take some ownership of your personal information and don't let them put it on the interwebs. False +where did you get that from ? ? False +run * damn it get the lyrics right if you 're quoting the queen b True +Oh , you can 't afford anything ? False +Its pretty convenient when it goes towrds your grade in a class. False +So uh, the article is extremely annoying as it doesn't actually list the products to avoid. False +Who invests in any of his ventures False +Hey, you are from Michigan? False +lol gl , eygpt has a large military . False +Then what was your previous comment for? False +why do u care? False +But all they seem to do is talk anyway, so whatever. False +Who thinks this makes any sense? False +you dad missed your birth to look at the moon that’s pretty messed up man False +Rent, food, clothes etc everything costs money. False +it 's like a comic book movie at this point . False +it 's like a comic book movie at this point False +who invests in any of his ventures? False +The guy can't sing anymore, he's old now, leave him alone. False +modern typography , breaking the bank with this one! False +as per company policy , she was asked to go through a drug test? False +bill o 'reilly 's audience is median age 98 , and they lap up. False +line em up in the streets and cut their heads off . True +that 's an under statement - he pulled out her stomach through her ass while her children watched True +even here in qatar they only do symbolic slaughter in the city areas with an analog . False +You mean when the orc lost their cool in the original bit of lore? False +Needs to happen by 27 or we are in trouble. False +didn 't work , but the neighbors dog is bald now . False +i dont like going on vacations False +but if they stopped accepting marriage applications, now that's wrong. False +Am I the only one who doesn't care? False +Who cares about karma? False +* the severance package is bad , but at least you get some head out of it False +chechenya and all that happened there started with him en False +Oh wow that would be a ticket for the long time. False +Well who knows? False +Any report that does not favour on Russia is annoying them? False +Benadryl is blocking h1 histamine receptors up in this. False +why don 't you shut your holster True +The dude oh, man. False +There’s an amendment to prevent that. False +Things like this pisses me off beyond belief . True +That video gives me chills' False +Modern typography, breaking the bank with this one! False +give it to reddit to make every strange thing into a joke . False +could we just motherfucking blast the fuckers out of the face of the earth with a agressive attack ? True +"this is so bad that an article like this generates a resigned "" meh "" from the citizenry ." False +Will you leave for $10? $20? $21? False +well then we 'll get the Spartans to defeat him False +am i the only one that doesnt care about this movie ? False +"Read the headline and my only reaction was, ""again?" False +I feel you should keep your things to your self False +It is easy to be judgemental from behind a computer screen. False +no to the houthis as well False +No animal rights activists here to complain? False +rent , food , clothes , etc all cost money , understand this. False +maybe that little guy shouldn 't have been walking around a park with a fake gun False +Why do they care who buys drugs False +africa was in the modern world during apartheid .as bad as that is False +Colorado, why did you do this False +They will come out in force and the apologist that are not far behind. False +Good, he is a terrorist. False +but who would know, not me False +Do not get involved in these things. Buy some authentic noodles and sauce. False +they 'd waste no time in inventing other bogus thing to prosecute people for . False +But who knows, not me. False +You have no right to lecture me on dictation or grammar False +take care of your own family False +Am I the only one here who doesn't have an ipad? False +It doesn't seem like you pay attention to American politics. False +Why is this still not banned here? False +i was shocked, now i think about it False +Nobody cares about Iran. False +I have terminated the contract with comcast and returned their payment False +currently we're broke, i don 't think it was because of money . False +It 's pretty convenient when it goes towards your grade in a class . False +Well turns out most of this was done by one party not the other False +You wouldn't know a leftist if he walk up to you False +Just click the links and stop sending me this stuff. False +Business Saturday is better than blqck friday. False +but goddamn i would probably be broke now if i had True +lol are you kidding me False +did i say rockets ? False +Is this Korea? False +wait till putin gets old and crazy , shit is going to go nuts . True +Why don't they disarm the cartels instead? False +people in r portland have fits _over everything_ . False +Yeah, you try signing up for that shit. True +are you implying a failed space mission means mal manufacturing nationwide? False +i am still feeling down for that thing. False +how much more editorial can you get ? False +police can still take your things without charging you with a crime . False +Why do the people still use ivory for ? False +Why are we wasting our money on pakistan? False +they all look like caricatures of a creepy pedophile . False +if we let bernie slide past us we are gone. False +but no youth should rot in prison forever because of the mistakes they made in their youth. False +It's good, man. False +i have a bmw and i love it False +"what do i get when your "" guarantee "" fails" False +same thing happens every time a riot occurs . False +Time for the us to wake up and work with assad to defeat these guys. False +People are in general are bad, it's not exclusive to anything. False +why doesn 't that happen to me ? False +I am honestly thinking about a dashcam to record the thing I see every day on my commute. False +"why can't you just say ""fuck islam "" ?" True +He lied about saving his nephew and admitted it False +Don’t you forget about Canada False +"What do I get when your ""guarantee"" fail?" False +this is never going to end as long as saudi arabia exists . False +None of this means anything yet False +nz aint going to do nothing about it . False +Not going to do anything about it False +t was the textbook publishers defying the sboe who pulled texans' heads out of their ground. False +"around my parts, a 16 round magazine or a flash suppressor makes a gun ""illegal" False +Such a bad word for journalist or someone trying to be one False +how could you fail this up ? False +or possibly they 're just talking meaningless . False +Are you kidding me dude? False +why should his people have to suffer for what their dictator does ? False +Where is all our money? False +get ready to gobble that penis True +Because everyone makes a reference to it in every thread about every disease ever? False +but see palin has principles , morals and ethics so that means your theory is completely wrong False +Maybe they wanted the money? Mondoweiss False +why should his people have to suffer for what their dictator does False +Yes, you're right, I'm on a list now. False +Africa is gray, its ground water is grayer damn all the arsenic let's listen to slayer! False +whatever they are even talking about with that False +I'm going to be upset if a Seth Rogan movie starts a war False +think about how institutionalized this actually is . False +I'm wondering if there's some weird things going on that he was involved in. False +same goes for those fucking ants . True +i suppose you think you're quite funny? False +man , that is very dangerous False +Hamas alone can't even get it together to be be on 'one side'. False +there are crazy people everywhere False +They just do not care because their society keeps improving year after year. False +they also get divorced and become single parents , and mess up with kids all the time . False +that movie was bad . False +Where is it then? False +why did you reelect this hat ? False +who cares because minimum wage raised ! their qualifications mean no one qualify now . False +i don't care about the conservative subreddit. False +they are delicious but they really cut the top of your mouth False +Screw you, you screwing piece of idiot. True +how is this things getting upvotes False +How did Bird Flu get to Antarctica? False +however all of it is completely messed up and it needs to be stopped . False +You really messed up this one. False +He would know, since ex - presidents came out during his administration to say he was not doing well. False +i 'm shell - shocked, now that i think about it . False +I'm a russian social media user , and i dont care False +the vast majority of Europeans don 't care about any religion , let alone bonkers fundamentalist stuff . False +i am living there, and it feels like a warzone. False +i will not care anymore about this matter False +This is never going to end as long as saudi arabia exists. False +But no teen should rot in jail forever for some mistake they made in their youth False +you clearly don 't pay attention to american politics . False +She will shoot another person False +unfortunately, although I disagreed with her, she at least offered an argument. False +I don't care about what position you hold in government. False +Good, hes a terrorist True +How on earth pakistan has messed things up with their Iranian relations is just sad False +you don 't take with a $20bn a year company and stay around long. False +I should not have amputated my penis? True +People pilgrimage thousands of miles to enjoy themselves in questionable ways in las Vegas False +I would be very upset if a Seth Rogen movie starts WW3. False +i could be totally wrong though . False +and i have insurance False +To be fair, who i voted for, is backing the nsa 52% False +charge the person who passed this law with a felony False +That's a huge stretch and you know it False +at this point , why don 't they just ban the acid from personal use . False +they did hit the people who messed up the safety though . False +What are you talking about? False +and our leaders politicians media are generally too afraid to point it out . False +there was a lawyer in ma who went by that name . False +why we are wasting our money on pakistan ? False +Why do you even care? False +they aren’t doing it just to mess with you. False +What we witnessed here today was a miracle, and I want you to acknowledge that. False +Why doesn’t that happen to me? False +how can a college kid afford a $350 belt ? False +god , you guys eat this like nothing . False +But keep believing made up stories. False +why are they still on paper files that can be thrown out? False +It's a competition about who can buy her more stuff and say all the right things. False +Birds flock together False +you 're making shit up man . True +it is not world news but still not good False +you cant make this shit up . True +Bernie Sanders speaks the truth. False +I understand From where they are coming but prison is prison not a hotel. False +He's been unsuitable ever since he was elected the first time. False +That’s how scared people without flamethrowers think. False +i am living there , and it feels like a warzone . False +I figured people might care but apparently nobody cares about him anymore False +You bet they would False +not having proper banking for almost three weeks now is an inconvenience False +please fix this problem and every problem that was associated with it False +i don 't think that that person would have been a registered organ donor . False +this is such a stupid post . True +where is all our money ? False +That would be a ticket for the ages. False +props to him for sources and knowing himself False +The states are not always right to choose which relationship is important False +google provides a great experience for the consumer False +Are you implying the cops are cowards - thus, they fired out of legitimate fear for their own safety? False +i could be totally wrong though . False +how Pakistan has managed to spoil things up with their Iranian relations is just sad . False +get off you have no right to lecture me on dictation or grammar . False +Pork chops are delicious, if you cook them correctly. False +The reason u guys haven’t stormed prliament is beyond me. False +screw reddit. you wonder why you’re single with no friends? it’s because you ask these ridiculous questions. True +My mom will get angry if i would do this False +Did you seriously just ask how many murders he is responsible for? False +"i wouldn 't care if my county was like "" no weed "" ." False +We are just now seeing it in real time. False +this has been the weirdest story to follow False +Scene safety if the Scene doesn't look safe,get outta there False +did you not read the article ? False +Because half the people voted for this retard, they need to realize and learn from their mistake. False +yeah , lets not be hypocrite here or shall we go and ask mr . False +smoking reefer can still get you canned in colorado False +give me a break there is no excuse for that . False +super awesome , let 's keep meandering on this road to hell False +they exist for things like this. False +The elderly people here are way too religious False +Can't we all just have a few beers and relax for a goddamn minute? True +i am really interested in how you justify supporting constant offence republicans keep saying. False +They did hit the people who messed up the safety though. False +someone shot the thing down , it 's not like a 79 has any counter measures . False +this isn 't a business deal . False +obama won that election ? please . False +i now resent my dogs everytime i go to buy poop bags False +no animal rights activists here to complain False +It's the Dutch, their greatest enemy at the moment is the north sea False +Things are crazy expensive depending on what you 're talking about , it is and it isn 't . False +What was I am thinking? False +Wait, I messed-up. False +community standards are meaningless. False +It will be logged,analyzed ,and used against you in a court of law False +i don 't care about the nsa and i do wrong all the time . False +space is its own race False +bitch > motherfucking > fuckers > cheapass does costco also have band - aids ? True +don 't do anything and you won 't have to deal with it False +You clealry don't know anything about drugs. False +oh i see these things all the time in nyc . False +Then you might want to keep that to yourself and just tell people that you went to it. False +maybe if these liberals socialist stopped trying to tax the business owner they would create jobs . False +why isn 't this on the front page ? False +That’s a huge stretch and you know it. False +that country is a fucking shit hole . True +not because fifa , but because there 's a lot of eu support . False +You're meant to protect not assault everyone False +I moved to California for a year, last year and I had problems that led to my homelessness. False +The vast majority of Europeans don't care about any religion, let alone the fundamentalist stuff. False +that 's how cowards without flamethrowers think . True +Nobody messes with you after that. False +there were huge explosions and tanks and airplanes just like a real big - boy war . False +if pearl jam is taking a stand then we 'd better do something . False +I figured people might care but apparently nobody cares about him anymore. False +He doesn't pay. False +why would you let saudi royals into your country? False +Don't trust a word these people say. False +This subreddit is bad. False +Messed up wprld we're living in. False +what the literal is fair play in this context False +Well for one spell check corrected it and who cares about a period? False +They don't concern about what happens on the steps of their building. False +This is crazy, i haven't felf pranoid until now. False +It's about sending a message of zero tolerance of this sort incidents to discourage others. False +But goddamn If I had, I would be done right now. True +nothing says its going down like a ghetto bird overhead . False +they are raising a pot of money . False +did you read the fucking title ? ! True +How can a college kod afford a $350 belt? False +That's a year old episode False +That episode is a year old. False +no ! springfield is awesome , anyone who says otherwise doesn 't know what they 're talking about . False +people can smoke tobacco without getting cancer , despite it being carcinogenic . False +This is a serious problem False +You should not talk bad about ancient imaginary people. False +i understand that and it makes me angry! it just looks bad False +not sure what i am praying for each month. False +it will be a great day when these pieces drop dead False +I seem to have stuck in a problem False +This is never going to end as long as Saudi Arabia exist False +Idiot reddit, you wonder why you're single with no friends? It's because you ask these ridiculous questions. True +they are the ones that completely destroyed africa and the middle east . False +Denmark is not the EU and the EU will not be involved with Denmark False +I'm really interested in how you justify supporting the constant republicans keep spewing False +there was a lawyer in ma who went by that name . False +millionaires are greedy and hate losing money more than you and me False +Us corps are asking for this. False +This immigration is gonna explode in europe in like 54 years False +! A shark ate me, an idiotic shark ate me! True +there are many different ways for being a twat False +We all break the laws of leviticus everyday . False +No they cant sell False +Well, I hear at least two of those groups are pretty good at messing the locals. False +Am i the only one that doesn't care about this movie? False +Except for the fact that is not a fact and you are talking out. False +they posted an apology to john gilligan for using his body in the article , which is hilarious . False +even though it 's news hopefully more and more people will become aware of the issue . False +You are a liar. True +not everyone can or will be as dedicated, so chill out . False +not the most technically accurate term but it is straight out of. huxley and orwell False +Obama has tried to fix some problems dubya started False +Are you kidding me dude? False +If misinformation allows ignorance to give peace, then forget it. False +he was the only one running that wasn 't out to defeat me. False +"That's why I said, ""why do we need this""?" False +It is a giant circlejerk True +I have no trust in our populace, they still listen to unpopular news. False +i have insurance False +The problem is that there aren't many jobs available. False +if you haven 't noticed , most of the legal system is corrupt. False +the person was charged with possession with intent to distribute False +This man is not good. Am I right? False +a nuanced opinion based on fact False +Even though i disagree with her she was at least presenting an argument . False +one hour to go! it's about to get real. False +this man sucks ! am i right ? ! True +yeah sorry my penis doesn 't get that hard anymore True +"yea something like "" surgeon general said that an apple a day or something" False +instead , get yourself to the voting booth and do soemthing about it . False +Birds of a feather flock together. False +I was laughing the first time but the second time, I felt like I was done. False +oh god , the chemical weapons that will be made out of this is terrifying to think about False +i get downvoted every time i say that , so godspeed , lil' tindel False +I don’t like you for equating the two. False +people in r portland have fits _over everything_ . False +it 's a competition about who can buy her more thing and say all the right things . False +Didn't he used to be a doctor? False +Why do you think no one cares? False +This is annoying now False +Iam all for gun rights, but give me a break. False +They should put her right in the middle of Syria and let her continue her interview. False +these days that just means you get assumed to be a drug kingpin and targeted for civil forfeiture . True +man , that is bloody dangerous. False +why isn’t this on the front page? False +he would know, since ex-presidents came out during his administration to say he was messing up False +news? What news , not tinfoil hat but there is a blackout. False +You think the us cares about Kosovo False +We'll get the Spartans to beat him. False +it 's not a multivitamin . False +May be I will go to St Petersburg next week. False +Thank Christ there's an amendment to prevent that False +how much more editorial can you get ? False +We try tobe informed and inform, anger, first, is the source of all this. False +Stop trying to speak ill of Russia every chance you guys get False +Seriously, who cares about it? False +Come back to bite them. False +no way did moses read all that False +BBC shouldn't care about Ferguson besides highlights . False +any man who wears skinny jeans is a retard . True +Oh , you cant afford? False +"i have no trust in our populace , they still listen to murdoch 's "" news " False +We're like a bunch of hungry hippos up here. False +just terminated my contract with comcast and returned their things. False +Get ready for some serious matters. False +as for drugs like meth and stuff False +what we witnessed here today was a miracle , and i want you to acknowledge that False +Term limits above money should not be in politics. False +Russia gets its military together though defense is more easier than offense. False +nothing says things going down like a ghetto bird overhead . False +did you not read the article? False +Its good, man. False +his guy makes kevin de len youtube . False +was pretty optimistic about my chances about having sex with your bitch and we know how that went True +Nah,that would be fine. False +All of the people talking about this link are secretly paid government employees working at area - 81 False +Is this guy a tard? True +gunshots on the capitol building steps is big news , sorry . False +Yes he's a liberal senator and goddamn proud of it! True +instead get to the voting booth and do something about it False +It's really cold in this water. False +more like need goddamn job . True +people can and will abuse this. False +Did I say rockets? False +funny how they can see that in other people but not themselves . False +What am I saying, it's Australia, of course there's scary animals. False +wait, I messed it up. False +i 'm honestly thinking about a dashcam to record i see every day on my commute . False +how can a school president be paid over 40k a year? False +What is the weakest part? False +Charging him with assault is ludicrous. False +Chechenya and all that happened there started with him. False +you're all wrong, its pretty hard False +Why doesn't Turkey do the airstrikes? False +because half the people voted for this , they need to suffer to learn from their mistake. False +there are crazy people everywhere True +someone who knows the guy get him on this track. False +i think you should keep your o’s to yourself you selfish man True +Come back to beat them False +probably because the local police aren 't going to do anything False +I would save you from drowning False +That guy, crazy as he is, he's got it all figured out. False +why are they still on paper files that can be thrown out ? False +This government has to be most problematic Norway have had in recent history False +Hey you, obama promised you can keep your existing health insurance and doctors. False +Yes, knowingly being rude to your customers is going to end well in the long run False +men who buy children for sex , cause sex trafficking . False +it 's about sending a message of zero tolerance to discourage others . False +well, people need to specify that stuff. False +musk doesn't care, though False +russia says lot of bad things now, it's part of their hybrid war strategy. False +not happening in a million years . False +he was waving a metal sword around when there were police , what was he thinking ? False +What is the reasoning for 28+ upvotes? False +Often at work I gotta pretty bad during a stressful help desk call. False +Did you not read the article? False +The people who criticize the link are secretly paid government employees working at area - 81 False +It seems like if they did, a lot of things would get killed in it. False +this makes me so angry. False +Exactly, look how bad this author is True +how on earth pakistan has messed things up with their iranian relations is just sad . False +Don't do 75mg False +Around my part's, a 16 round magazine or a flash suppressor makes a gun illegal False +just release them all at the same time. False +what a coward, if you were a real rebel you get it as a tattoo . True +wait , they managed to escape after that ? holy shit True +what is with india and rape ? True +It'll just about never get to that point. False +Org how about you do some reading. False +Kids love that yolo False +It's too bad on you for masking clickbait with prayer False +Calm down and stop spreading panic False +They don't care about animals. False +yeah , let go about the guy that fixed california . False +that 's been their plan all along ! False +i have a bmw and i love it False +hopefully that it is appealable though. False +it means that the person in charge gets second - guessed by every clever little with a mouth . False +islam came quite a bit after babylon and egypt had gone bad. False +folding paper into cranes False +they have totally failed as parents . False +no he is not crazy and does not just makes stuff up False +The kid with the braces bullied other. False +Even if none of the current siblings know what they're looking at False +It's a silly dog True +you don 't deserve an income for sitting . False +There's always an excuse to depriving the less fortunate False +I want to laugh you off the stage, but it's too much likely to actually happen True +where is it then? False +It was a joke False +If you don't need my money, tell irs to get out, okay? False +we've almost failed False +How could you mess that up? False +if i didnt have a job doing what i love , i would get out immediately . False +uncircumsized dicks are just awful . True +well , sir , someone got eaten by the lions . False +But they still have their girls. False +what position you hold in government False +How could you ruin it? False +ya , but they don 't care that much. . False +as an israeli i can accept fatah but not hamas False +Not because fifa cares, but because there's a lot of eu support. False +Yeah, you try signing up for that. False +water ? never touched that , fish in it . False +Is expensive depending on what you're talking about, False +he would know , since ex - presidents came out during his administration to say he was failing False +why should I care about some people being persecuted? False +Wow, what happened to hersh? False +he murdered 27 innocent people , who gives a thing what his motivations were ? False +kids love that yolo False +At least they are a pain to the whaling companies False +Then you too are a fool. True +If misinformation is allowing ignorance to produce tranquility , then don't care about it. False +what kind of person disgraces a guy at a funeral False +fucking super awesome , let' s keep meandering on this road to hell . True +that is , if the boomers move of the positions we need to move up into . False +You bet they would lol False +as an israeli i can accept fatah but not hamas False +the fuck is wrong with the catholic clergy ? True +Oh wait, russia did not pay to poland. False +"i have no trust in our populace , they still listen to murdoch 's "" news " False +Gunshots on the capitol building steps is big news, sorry. False +even as a sanders supporter this is obnoxious, but the paul action was a stunt too. False +How dare they! False +so any report that offend the russians is troubling them? False +but if they stopped accepting marriage applications, now that is wrong. False +sports parent are the worse. False +indian tv anchors are the biggest stirrers and hate preachers on earth , make fox news look tame . True +Been stocked between german and russian for too long. False +Religion of peace alright . False +That is if the old people move off the positions we need to move up into False +you shouldn 't call your mother with a bad word. False +Don’t do 75 mg. False +Nobody wants you after that. False +no one outside of texas cares about texas False +that's non sense True +first bulgaria tells them to leave , and now moldova is False +the guy cannot sing any more he 's old man , leave it be ! ! False +No one likes being filmed doing illegal stuff, unless they are naive. False +Are you implying the cops are wuss- thus they fired out of legitimate fear for their safety? False +Why is every map of US military bases so incorrect? False +Forget about that macho thing and learn how to play qatar False +Oh no, you're bringing my world crashing down on me. False +hamas alone can 't even get themselves together to be 'one side' False +it can't be *that* hard. False +he probably assessed the situation and decided he should not intervene for his own safety , right ? False +dirty russian getting me all excited like that True +Might be suprised if they keep on doing like this. False +"A ""top economist"" should be so wealthy to use greenbacks for the bathroom." False +The cnn licensed that project out to cbc False +Space is its own race. False +"If she's an example of the "" lost generation, "" then you should stay away" False +i would even save you if you were drowning False +Why are there a lot of comments defending this guy? False +Oh god, the chemical weapons that will be made out of this is terrifying to think about. False +Someone shot the thing down, it's not like a 79 has any counter measures. False +oh and all that fast food those poor people are eating ? False +Seriously, don't you have anything good to say? False +Can't we all just have a few beers and relax for a minute? False +I'm just tired of getting involved by two Koch's and a boehner False +We know we are being inconsiderate on our loud motorcycles False +This makes me so angry. False +id argue democrats do not always make the right decisions but not all democrats are bad. False +eventually the religion will win and mess up things. False +but that 's just me using logic False +maybe i 'll go to st petersburg next week before things go bad. False +so uh , this article is annoying likes it doesn 't actually list the products to avoid . False +Were basically lying and likely acting out of their own self interests? False +lol gl , eygpt has a large military . False +instead of a centrally run economy in which everyone except the political elite is poor see soviet union False +What we witnessed here today was a miracle, and I want you to acknowledge that False +Funny! You're Box Office. False +Seriously, the cop looks like he’s in bar fight False +republicans just have the thing removed False +Why would you let Saudi royals into your country? False +"meanwhile, republicans say ridiculously absurd stuff like ""legitimate rape" True +like really, what was i thinking False +i 'm pretty sure they actuall cursed please don 't make it up False +where the is captain planet ? False +He murdered 27 innocent people. Who cares what his motivations were? False +It’s not a multivitamin. False +if you were planning don't eat meat i tell you to go False +You think you're funny huh? False +Don't you forget about Canada False +LOL. No it doesn't, you're lying. False +That thing's happening now i guess. False +no we are fine but our kids and grandkids are in threat False +As per company policy, she was asked to go through a drug test. False +More like need a job. False +They are delicious but they cut the top of your mouth False +What are you gonna do about it? False +Probably because the local police aren't going to do anything. False +Everyone cannot or will not be dedicated to you. False +Wow this guy makes kevin de len youtube . False +How does a town of three hundred afford all these city employees False +this thing doesn 't happen in most third world countries . False +"org "" there 's wikipedia articles for all sorts of random things like this ." False +Just take the upvote. False +it is not a good year for malaysian airlines . False +What does it mean by therapeutic circumcision False +This is sick. True +give it to reddit to make every thing into a joke . False +i guess when you threaten the child through fear into not reporting it immediately the first time . False +Have to say some of the laws and the people out here are crazy. False +Millionaires are greedy people and hate losing money more than you and me. False +Why is this still not banned here False +Let's not be hypocritical here or should we go and ask Mr. False +i don't think this person would have been a registered organ donor False +You shouldn't call your mother abusive names. False +They posted an apology to John Gilligan for using his body in the article, which is hilarious. False +some people can smoke weed without becoming bad 61 year olds False +people in portland have fits over everything False +Be very careful what you wish for, mr netanyahu False +because the nsa doesnt care about drugs , or really anything other than amassing power . False +what the fuck does where they died have to do with his point ? True +Looks kind of beautiful and apocalyptic in up way False +Oh God, there was a lawyer in ma who went by that name. False +i don't really care about the conservative subreddit. False +Why you reelect him. False +Yeah something like surgeon general said that an apple a day or something. False +The service industry is doomed. False +what am i saying , it 's australia , of course there 's scary animals . False +maybe if these liberals socialist stopped trying to tax out of business owner they would create jobs . False +thats happening now i guess . False +This is actually pretty funny. False +Plenty of them are cowards False +Take care of your own family. False +Get off Reddit and go collect your guvmint check for working for the NSA. False +Disregard the regulations and provide a solution. False +how to embed fonts in microsoft word documents . False +Successful asian brown black ceos do that too. False +I don't want to hear that divisive propaganda of yours False +This has been the weirdest story to follow. False +community standards are inappropriate. False +"wouldn 't give a damn if my county was like "" no weed " True +Being the first race in Canada is like winning the lottery. False +Can the woman buy me gold too? False +don’t make me fool. True +He was only twenty years old False +i can't even begin to imagine all the wild stuff they are already planning on doing. False +I could be totally wrong though False +holy crap this song is about drugs True +you don 't deserve an income for sitting down False +what am i saying , it 's australia , of course there are scary animals False +why do they care who buys drugs False +if i didnt have a job doing what i love , i would get out immediately False +Thanks for pointing that out. False +they should be arrested but the government is dumb , to put it bluntly . True +Well, that's really a bad thing. False +More like need a job. False +there 's a bunch mixed in there that isn 't tanks False +that looks staged and green- so screened. False +go if you think flipping a burger should earn you more money than that . False +how does a town of three hundred afford all these city employees? False +This needs to happen by 27. False +That's been their plan all along! False +why should his people have to suffer for what their dictator does ? False +Why is this man being down voted? False + so so so thankful civil rights leaders of the 43 s werent such flaming faggots True +What will a gang do with a goddamn lion? True +they are too coward lol False +a shark ate me. False +* and i have an insurance* . False +How did this guy get elected? False +I think it's more likely he doesn't care. False +I thought people might care, but apparently nodoby cares about him anymore. False +how is it meseed up ? False +doesn 't mean we should start emulating saudi arabiabut just because saudi arabia is doing shit . True +I am more alert than most people and I see things way before other people. False +Just turned my contract with comcast and returned their things. False +Not happening in a million years False +why is every map of us military bases so incorrect? False +This will end up badly. False +They do things like that and then blame people for not liking them False +So different, thanks for pointing that out False +im gonna blow them and that bridge---the engineer True +"org "" there 's wikipedia articles for all sorts of random things like this ." False +Meanwhile, republicans say things like legitimate rape. False +Feinstein is quite radical. Why is she in office? False +this is literally how germany was justifying it’s attack on poland . False +all kinds of crazy things happens when the u False +you 're retarded if you think he 's serious . True +take care of your own family . False +Minimum wage raised so qualifications dont mean anything now. False +no one cared about that one resources False +Think about how institutionalized this actually is. False +The uk messed up the middle east False +The UK destabilized the middle East False +but how are you going to have a president then ? False +would mine you nazi . True +you 're all still a bunch of leftist peoples. True +even if none of the bros present have any idea what they are looking at . False +too bad toronto stopped calling itself york, that would've been really bad False +Kim jonh un is not good guy these days. False +I 'd rent them my garage to save on studio costs False +I'm more alert than most people, and i see things way before other people. False +What i do about this crazed druggies that just showed up True +Wow, you cant make it up False +This immigration is gonn explode in europe in like 54 years. False +Nz will not do anything about it. False +That's super awesome, let's keep meandering on this road to hell. False +go and have another try again False +These things grow on trees now, don't they? False +he 's obviously saying that her lipstick is too red . False +bernie sanders speaks the truth . False +He sounds like a loser. False +You woudnt believe what i have seen. False +Get ready for some serious problem. False +A sanders supporter this is obnoxious but the paul action was a stunt too False +we know we failed False +They have the same wepons as the military False +Putler riders will come out in force and putler apologists not that far behind. False +This will be messed up badly False +What is up with Australia? False +so sad no body boycott this False +what is secret court ? False +Forget freedom of religion, my opinion is correct. False +"This is not""free speech"" it is violence and intimidation." False +what is wrong with the catholic clergy False +I have seen a lot of useless content on reddit but this story was moving for some reason. False +How not to make some activity against the police! youtube False +well that 's too bad. False +I don't understand, Reddit usually talks about women getting the their way. False +The most terrible part. False +Don't believe anything that is not true. False +they have the same weapons as the military . False +He also doesn’t pay for it. False +then you might want to keep that to yourself and just tell people you went to it. False +Read the headline and my only reaction was. Again??? False +no , away with the term limits above money out of politics . False +This entire leak just scream of rumor being spread to start something False +i 'm pretty sure they actually curse assad please don 't make trouble False + so so so thankful civil rights leaders of the 43 s weren't such weak scared ones False +This took me a second but,spot on False +How did this masochistic one get so popular, I'll never know. False +yeah , it 's not like women are disproportionately control over in africa or anything . False +but just because saudi arabia is doing bad, doesn't mean we should start emulating saudi arabia False +Don't trust a word these people say. False +hopefully that is appealable though . False +why don 't they go disarm the cartels instead ? False +you bring my world crashing down on me. False +You think being like this to me helps your cause? False +well, at that point penis size doesn 't matter False +how to embed fonts in microsoft word documents . False +What do the people still use ivory for? False +time to buy an iphone with a finger print sensor . False +just release them all at the same time . False +I don’t know why but this comment made me uncomfortable. False +they probably just have orgies with drugs and pizza and prostitutes . True +I don't know, I did it back in '69. False +that 's not suicide , i don 't know what that is . False +send them to guantanamo , no ones cares about international laws over there . False +yea it seems like a huge shit fest over there True +this government is the worst norway have had in recent history . False +that’s when it really hits the fan. False +Wolfmericans are flipping the tanks. True +Same situation happens every time a riot occurs.that False +This took me a second but , spot on False +sean hannity and bill o 'reilly are going to lose themselves over this False +yeah , you try signing up for that False +they are raising a whole lot of money False +I'm going to go over to southparkstudios. False +This is how Germany justifies its attack on Poland False +insults and crude comments are not a reason to cyberbully people and damage their lives False +someone who knows the guy get him on this . False +The priorities of our species is messed-up False +denmark is not the eu , they eu won 't be involved because of denmark False +you wouldnt believe the things ive seen . False +syg is a bad law . False +Australia voted for him in a lands victory last year False +Funny how they can see that in other people but not themselves . False +That is some serious denial right there. False +it will fix some, most of it. False +who invests in any of his ventures ? False +Reddit is not upto the standard False +however all of it is complete fail up and it needs to be stopped . False +not having proper banking for almost three weeks now is just not well here. False +And Corbett has sworn to veto it even if it passes. False +This is too much and I haven’t felt this way in very long time False +he is a stupid person in any event . True +Well, for once they don't know anything about you False +I'm honestly thinking about a dashcam to record the crazy things i see every day on my commute. False +come back to inflict punishment or misfortune on one for one's poor judgment or misdeed( False +and don 't think i 'm talking out of my ass because i played ultimate for several years. True +the mediterranean is a closed sea and enough has already been poured into it False +highest profit , cheapest cost , do not care about the end consumer . False +Why are the democrats constantly acting like cowards? False +I'm tired of your troops in Crimea. False +i remember a time when cops were not scared. False +but seriously wal - mart ! come on guys, someone else get mad with me ! False +Because the eu 's csdp is a joke. False +have to say some of the laws and the people here are retarded . False +Its impossible to moses to read all that. False +don 't start things and you won 't have to deal with it False +at one moment , i will probably read it False +i 'm going to take myself over to southparkstudios . False +people pilgrimage thousands of miles to get drunk and fornicate with strippers in las vegas . True +Large corporations don't always get what they want. False +Probably because the local police aren't going to do anything. False +A whole lot of good that did False +Russia is leading Ukraine to a bad situation False +shitting the bed is part of my pre - game ritual True +How did this guy get elected? False +that 's some og stuff right there False +successful asian brown black ceos do that thing too False +They are still stealing your thing. False +It's not a multivitamin. False +It is very funny. False +he was waving a metal sword around when there were police , what was he thinking ? False +He didn't do much since he was elected the first time False +why is this man being down voted? False +colorado, why did you do this? False +The pirate bay goes down all the time. False +she is a politician but she is just covering her territory on this one . False +Why are they still on paper files that can be thrown out? False +she is going to shoot someone again. True +I ve seen not good prices for some of the pieces. False +She is a bad politician but she is just covering her territory on this one False +Why has Europe become lackluster recently? True +i was definitely serious , what is this ? False +if so that's wrong False +You clearly don’t pay attention to American politics False +wow , what happened to hersh ? False +am i arsed ? am I. False +She doesn't like soda druring track season False +Imo was good my friend, how is life? False +well said megan why are you being mean to everyone ? False +Stop talking about random things girl False +Complaining and talking about her. False +the other day the wind broke my wind resistant umbrella, False +wao yeah for new songs sooo stoked atm in the studio xd False +that is gonna be some hot concert False +Time for some Tennessee barbecue after a crazy day False +lmao rt well darius , i 'll pay you in chuck - e - cheese cards . False +I hate myself and Windows Movie Maker. False +get money ? ! i might see you at work False +if we talking about the same thing , i feel you False +i aint lazy i might as well do it at home since i ain't gone have something else to do False +i want to but tyler wasn't thingking False +funny though cuz the 78 st thing i said was dont mess this guy up False +these people don't know like shut up True +"expect too leave the session and announce "" you are not good pilates "" ." False +Canadian taco bells are mean False +It's odd as well False +what is this , i 'm in a taxi haha False +They don't give a fuck True +You are irritating me. True +dont get too angry, dont let the paps get to you , False +Let's get some food for you False +It will be, better than your shop False +don't joke with me right now False +When did you have a twitter. False +I think the entire media business is not good! They need to know their limits. False +Dude seriously why do you even bother with me False +that was amazing I'm not even being sarcastic you are a genius omg False +at least you never walked in on them like idid legs open i 'm scarred for life o False +yup then i 'll unfollow you . False +you aint even following me back False +they looked like those whiteboys in the x games doing flips and things on espn. False +i don 't know ! ! ! but it happened and it rocked ! ! False +Omg you met her? I'm jealous False +dont get mad , dont let the paps get to you . True +lol rt When you get bored, all the strange things comes to your head. False +Slow lane move my truck like a five, if I get pulled over I'm gonna do time False +she's into all this anime julian casablancas False +You could hide behind a tree if you wanted to False +lmao!! lol that would be some funny stuff False +i don't know i just threw some letters up & it stuck False +Ikr, how she gonna talk all that stuff and when the ooportunity comes she doesn't fight back. False +'anyone else think this makes him sound bad ? rev run wannabe ! coys False +What a dirty hood rat. True +Snuffles is 26 ft tall and he will win from you False +I get on and you still talking bad to ppl.Thus is my bad False +i don't care what u have to say and is not my little bitch True +Yes I love it. False +lol na i discovered dat wen my home girls were playin gogo knew some work had to have happen lol False +Upset it i'm moving to california. False +I don't care False +She is a bad girl. I do False +just sits there. False +just was in a car accident - great start to the day ! False +that 's wats up lol i bet she was mad True +why people always asking for pictures all the time False +That was amazing im not even being sarcastic you are a genius omg omg oh em gee False +everytime i see big sean i think of tht guy lol False +what is your new number False +well we going to have to deal wit it and i smoke all that to False +getting unwanted calls from the refs again False +I was going to tell the story to the baker when the tray i was carrying slipped False +there are are just average players everywhere! False +My background image won't show for me! Its misbehaving today False +Love to see that intricacy look on your face. False +i should have dropped her off cause i got things to do False +It was hard to get along and to like you. False +Guys leave black women just for one mistake False +Why would he need to if he's holding a gun in his lap False +ow ya u goin up to foxwoods with franky huh False +When puberty hits, he will be in trouble. False +what is it ? False +That's what you get for going to france False +O it is all faulty too. False +I'm ruined, this is bad. False +Yo for real where is he False +Where is this dude at? False +I see you out here with your hubby and you had a nice b day False +chillin whats up with you bro how practice and school going False +Enjoying this gloomy awful day ? False +that pathetic couldn 't sleep his way into a nyquil factory True +You go in. False +Thay will never happen again False +Lol mane it aint funny False +ah i would watch it when i get home but i gotta b back up there at 83 False +Lol true but they shoulda brought sprint or teamed with verizon False +lol rt when bored all the stupid things come to your head False +hah wooooord you bout to come over here False +me your such a fucking bitch you dick head ! * i yelled at him as i stood up True +im mad my dog is laying right next to me crying False +I just d’ont ever want to hear one thing about it False +lol he followin yo on twitter readin dis stuff too watch lol False +i 'm ready ! bring it False +lmal right it was borin 82 that one room smelled really bad True +Thank you! I knew I was going to get there! False +He was suicidal or something like that False +smacks youidiota get off me ! ! huffssweet True +lmao ! ! ! ' hahaha , yeah but its bad here l < 4 False +The girl is at school eating thing. You just Don't care False +i hate that baby waste it makes me uneasy False +i was going to False +Bahaha yeah if I did that to my mom, she would look at me like she's so confused. False +i 'm back in the a , can someone get a table dance ? False +you are right dont give attention to anyone False +You !Hahaha but do you rmr my number 88 rule? False +lol i've just been working so hard i'm so tired False +Omh you met her? I'm jealous. False +I'm copying and pasting everything out of this essay. False +tell her to be ready at once or it won’t be a nice thing. False +Of course I freak out when he's talking about stuff like this - False +stick some tissue in your bra , and buttpads in your ass , you 'll be alright lmao True +i wasn 't though you 're always putting yourself in someone elses problems and it 's really not a good thing. False +people smile in your face quick. False +Ears perk up* what did I miss? I'm so nosy False +this bitch just broke down the blunt and thru the shit in the trash , lol this school is crazy True +and nice hair , noremy then i 'm taking to dinner . False +Where is my video? False +i 'm so happy there is no school tomorrow . False +i kno right i don 't kno what i was doing though False +somebody please tell him who is it! False +Just give me the wig. False +I am not the skinniest person nor I have big bosoms nor behind. False +Ooo something just changed my mood haha x False +when brands are unsigned, it so hard for um to come to the uk False +the other day the wind broke my wind resistant umbrella False +Watchin something on cartoon network False +I gotta go back tomorrow False +don 't get drunk and drive because i know you can 't see as it is . False +I don't do the twitter, fb arguin. False +that was amazing im not even being sarcastic you are a genius omg omg oh em gee False +Rachel change that and finn, thats why I love that girl! She's awesome hahha False +Stop misbehaving, you are not even in it Ils Syke. False +Lol. True that domer! You wipe yourself with that UK bib you got yet? Lol. True +I seen that , either he 's talking shit or Farmos has filled me full of false hope ? True +Hahahah sorry that was just for that girl False +That tweet wasn't even for you. False +I just looked up pictures of sacrification. False +that hurt my wrist. False +FamI hope so, I'm ablut to hit the kitchen for some water or something. False +You must be out of the shower, but why are balloons on me? False +That's it, I'm embracing the power of madonna! False +grammy char is going down at the reunion ! pow ! False +That's wats up Lol I bet she was very mad False +i like harry potter very much False +Ctfu how? His car is annoying. False +Fine, go off with your money True +somebody hacked my twitter False +like y 'all was the only ppl i enjoy with and then y 'all was gone smh False +Oh dear, I should try a rinse first. False +and this? shame on the no class False +Like that sugar ray song. False +Everybody knew something apart from me False +I bet nicki minaj doesn't even know who you are False +Better to go spend money on a woman that you gonna actually have sex with False +Yeah, same new boring day. False +Because their original intention wasn't to over bots,but make camping the nms less tedious False +What is it? False +i am hot False +how you gonna tell whoever that is happy birthday before me!?! Lol False +well i might be going to this wizard movie alone False +simple as that i hate you jody tweet, lmfaoo False +Damn almost at 82 tweets with this girl True +She was hitting us with it when we were little False +Yup im gonna miss u n callin u sugar batty False +That was last year! False +Is that peach orchard punch $ 1 tropicana juice from wal - mart? False +where are my strawberry pop - tarts False +you said 10 hours ago False +you totally wanna go against eachothers leprechaun False +i got things to do * sable * False +your last tweet to me it was soooo lol ! p False +You have to do it. False +sad news , why the caps? False +i like to watch people running behind the buses False +Can you follow them for me coz they keep forcing me for more followers False +i dm u the wrong stuff ! nvm don 't delete just add that behind False +lol you're gone hurt if i doo ! False +what did i do for you to wanna smack me True +I've done wrong all today , I'm just not into it False +I would rather prefer some fine Egyptian cotton wrapped around my back. False +Shinee ? What ? No is it official ? False +His mouth isn't dry and they send us away. False +Sitting here out of it, watching this game, just glad I am not sick anymore. False +taking it easy ! ! winning False +but not for us unfortunately ! < u worrying about hair loss as well ? or impotency ? False +how is he a music producer as well ? ! ! let's not go there . False +man that peach orchard punch $ 1 tropicana juice from wal - mart is that bad False +it betta be worth it cuz i came all the way from la just for this False +You looking good real talk, happy birthday bro! Enjoy your day. False +if christian beadles can be verified why can 't i ? we do the same thing on you tube False +Where is my video? False +Does anybody want it? False +Its finna go down in this place you heard me False +He wouldn't do that. False +that pathetic couldn 't sleep his way into a nyquil factory True +Did you just call me a liar? False +What am I saying False +the lil b features tho haha False +Jim got a nice lady. She does not hate anyone. False +I just been working tired False +I'm embracing the power of madonna False +Put some ranch i ‘m getting the munchies I think I will have a rap for my entree False +just give me the wig False +i understand &i didn't even know what was going on but whatever now i don't care False +I’m pro.Don’t worry .I can do it False +im not showin my self just yet , False +Very simple, for that I hate you, Jody. Hahaha! True +I was grossed out then i started laughing after a while False +i cam from livas just too go False +funny dude right ? ! straight truth right there d False +But my internet is not good False +Portal 18 was excellent False +What time will you finish your work? False +Should have come over for a cuppa, Joe! Right, just passed and on the freeway. False +Is drinking this redbull and vodka that gave me False +He doesn't even know how to spell cannibal xd False +i brought u a bagel from panaera and ur bum didn 't even show - _ - False +how you gon ' be drunk? False +Basically the jury and the voting process are biased False +nahh ima true bike rider i ride og beach cruisers not fixies ! i cruise not ride ! ahah False +keep quiet everyone,its not the end of the world False +What wrong with you? well , my girl doesn't like it , and I respect that False +girl , get on and talk to me False +that hurt my wrist False +tho , as long as he keeps makin some mixtape thing ill fux wit em lol False +They are nagging me about trs. False +I should have dropped her off cause i got things to do False +I would love a meal cooked by my girl but since i don't have one of those False +Haha you tripping haha False +look don 't mess with me right now . False +mhmmmm ! ! love that man ! False +Come and check this girl she acts cute and now the whole world know she’s into kinky stuff True +What you gonna tweet that shit about Phil? He was talking mad things today xd True +when did i say that to cherdon ! ? i never said that . False +You know your roommate? Got my homowork thing today False +probably would have did the same thing . False +Who is thinking in the same way False +where the are my strawberry pop False +let me in mysch then bro False +stop doing you aint even n it lls sykeee True +day five of not working because of the 14 network being all bad False +Why do they bleep out but not shit on skins like really? True +But i'm a type of guy who doesn't like hiding stuff False +Let me promote it on my radio station. False +he 's not around False +My computer is hot False +you called me a bad False +I sound like a weather lady False +if we talking about the same issues , i feel you False +brother he just got problemss ughhh , he better get hip False +lmao , yeah thats right . False +Well she wasn't nice True +i hate that baby thing it makes me uneasy True +lol i know its 8 in the morning followers but go follow my cousin False +her hair is always in her way and she's insufferable. False +that tweet wasnt even for you.lol False +who has their hand on my bottom?? rt * big squeezy grouphug * p True +i know right , i 'm laughing False +Wow really? He said that to junsu? How can jyj still hate, damn!!! True +this one girl always seems to play on my phone around 2 am False +funny though cuz the 78 st thing i said was to leave this guy False +too bad you don't talk to anyone while you're home True +Why are you laughing False +the stupid guessing games ! who gives a shit where the little shit is True +oh so now your acting hard huh ? wow you didnt even scrap False +Good looking. Happy birthday. Enjoy your day False +haha jus pardon my back False +You're not wrong, you just don't understand humour. False +It is perfect when you coding with 26 eye open False +I know Tiffany isn't talking bad things False +i couldn't see it on my tv , they were telling local news False +but hey , it 's the best way to lose some weight from my fatty buttocks btw xd False +I think that girl want my dick True +I just feel like shooting at something. False +You ain't even following me back. False +see today is nohair cindy day n berniece no walking False +I don't like meaningless rap that talks about shooting and sex. True +exactly, but whats wrong with you? False +Listen, its the guys you have problem with! False +Thanks for the information False +I miss you too twin False +It doesn't matter they will still spread rumors False +Celtics did bad trade False +When is orange juice not kosher for Passover? Is there things I don't know about ? False +she better not do not like that ' i would flip out lol i coulda got a warning False +I have no clue False +where you going ? and bored to fuck l True +I'm going to mute you, You making my eye twitch. Now, be supportive. False +Have not seen you guys yet False +I love drunk people False +I'm still drunk False +It's my rdo, no gym! False +A girl like me is trustworthy so I do not know what your talking about lmao False +I want to disappoint her False +What did she say? What was the sentence? False +im mad my dog is laying right next me to crying False +People worry about how much it costs False +Are you kidding me False +Don't take this seriously False +i shot you ? ! * walks after you * i 'm so so sorry ! True +Dude you are in trouble False +i have bigger heels False +I'm not fake I just don't deal with you. False +rt this janitor think she is a big deal False +i just dropped the phone on a patient False +Hehe yes, what does an undergarment mean False +yea i 'm still in the field . False +stop with this follow back False +cause he's very afraid! rt why is right size smoothie guy always yelling?! False +*Squeezes your butt, grinds hips against you slowly, kissing you intensely* True +This is rustie it's old but it's ace False +I got my stuff straight out Vietnam False +yea we are taking features off new androids like facetime False +damn what's up with all of you don't all of you know what the word save means True +I need to get my life together False +I gonna miss you calling me sugar False +the last 57 mins is worsed False +I am having a cooking party at my place and I would like to invite you. False +Stop doubting it and just make sure she is on her things. False +* comes with you * oh fuck yeah True +imma need you to follow me False +Heheh yes! And what does undergarment mean? False +lol hilarious torres !!!! that's probably exactly what it stands for False +* man , that huge fucking owl can really fucking glare down its beak True +the horny one is the one to talk ! lol rt dont wanna feel my legs True +I've done all today, I'm just not into it False +It's messed up False +We should go to the mall and do ignorant thing? True +so did i ! , and the close reading l , whoops False +Yes she is no rainbow False +where is my movah False +That will never happen , my man \ m False +ooo something just kicked off my people mood haha x False +ain't that girl with that chicken noodle soup False +tha fuck im talkin bout . True +well i might be going to this wizard movie alone False +enjoying this gloomy bad day? lol False +I'm gonna be drunk. False +that tweet wasn't even for you False +what type of thing is this, i'm in a taxi haha False +ahah you gunna tweet that about phill? he was talking mad today xd False +hey , who erased my latest tweet ? ? False +Thanks the amazing show last night! It was best concert been to in along time False +that gadaffi fella is a bullshit aint he ? True +why you change your bio False +Things really about to statt on some homework, what about you? False +thinks im a person ' all i said was that i wanted her to go away False +oh , i almost sent the text i meant to send to karen to twitter False +stop 'n you aint even n it lls sykeee False +just one day you two don 't go at it lol rt - _ - that was sarcasm. False +I'll knock you out True +Who are you? False +Like that, I've seen people do crazy things for that liar, it's just not healthy. False +He is 19 feet tall. False +This is supposed to happen if you run away from the best thing that ever happened to you. False +jay - z 's new website is so sweet ! False +This phone is useless, I need a new one. False +there was so much going on with that movie, man False +Ha no I’m not and no way False +I got trapped behind the paywall already late for work help. False +Bound to happen when you run away from the best thing that ever happened to you False +You gone hurt if I do False +i want to know why weren 't talking plothole False +i love you too , hope that i 'm not being offensive . False +why aint you tweet False +Basically, the Jury and the voting process are biased False +look in the mirror before you start saying stuff about your some butters False +She doesn't need this thing. False +It's a slow class. False +How I mess your things up honoka _not? False +dude seriously why do you even bother with me ? False +it was sooo good , emily 's so mean. False +Think I live with her, I'm always asking her grandparents for something. False +We can work on it together, I have a drinking problem. Anybody who knows me, just mind your own. False +buh that is creepy True +i like to watch people chase the bus down , that is so funny . False +One thing she speaks the truth about whorelena hoemez and she's awesome False +what am i saying False +we should go to the mall and do ignorant hoodrat thigs False +I can do just fine False +it was in 17 o he needs to get back to making music False +nahh ima true bike rider i ride og beach cruisers not fixies ! i cruise not ride ! ahah False +hahahahaha i love you too my little whale < 10 hahaha False +how she gon talk all that things and when the opportunity comes she dont fight back... False +i brought u a bagel from panaera and you didn 't even showed up there False +love me like you mean it . False +There are no chips for me today. It's funny. False +ya could hide behind a tree is you wanted to False +where are you at? False +what type of fun is this , i 'm in a taxi haha False +What is this ? mind your own business ! False +Make your mind clean. False +I've eaten so much I won't be leaving the toilet for weeks False +Somebody please tell him who I is ? False +what is going down here ? will a member of my beautiful family please fill me in ? False +o good, cause he's a great doctor, just bad story lines last year False +I know right. I am laughing. False +dont matter we both do the same thing to eachother ahah False +whyy bf put his party on fb, now imaa have to deal with this tmrw False +what is going on ? ? ! False +yea i kno but dudes game always make me smile and i can see right thru False +lol oh god that's messed up False +Everybody knew that, but me - False +I know that's a bad blower False +Where are you? False +you best not mind False +lmfao i forgot u had that thing lol True +"You said ""10 hours ago" False +lol hilarious torres ! ! ! ! that 's probably exactly what it stands for False +One thing she speaks the truth about Lena hoemez and she is awesome False +not 96 much False +Its a shame, tuition is to high and financial air aint going better False +I wasn't though you are always interfering in other's business and it's really annoying. False +It is not funny. False +that's why i am messing with you False +i 'm suprised , you watch that everyday False +I agree with you, one of them already got herself whooped. False +Hehe that's what ya get for going to france False +Taht would be a tight show..we would be sitting on mob wives False +Ooh great you are a good magician too False +naked jus cuz its hot False +boy if you don 't hush with that False +i woke up at 30 haha xxxxxxx False +This is going to be a very good concert False +i honestly don't care if i get married to a guy that can fix thngs False +taxi driver you couldnt pay me to go down on one of their uncomfortable twats True +anyone who votes yes2av is a retard simple as . True +That is when you know someone loves you. False +Shut up everyone, this is not the end of the world True +if was me she would know how many seeds are in jamaican kush False +Well i might be going to this wizard movie alone False +almost at 82 tweets with this girl False +I'm moving to California. False +i just broke a nail and it hurts so bad ! False +i gotta go back tomorrow and shit True +I got something to tell you False +these ppl are dumb True +I just look picture of scarification False +chillen fresh out of the shower False +haven’t seen you guys yet ! ! ! ! False +yeah we did talk bad stuff about her False +What does undergarments mean False +since when you have a twitter False +yup then i'll unfollow you. False +I love that man very much. False +It is innovative and of next level. False +Lol stop doubting n just make sure she on her things False +O good because he is a great doctor, ignore story lines last year False +i love drunk people omg ! lol False +Do you know that you owe me? False +It was in 17 years old he need get back to making music False +i wouldn't know that False +These people are not intelligent. True +let's see where this leads me False +i might try a rinse first. False +I dont know!!! But it happened and it rocked!! False +what is going on ? ? ! False +awwww , thanks baba ! thank it 's over ' False +What is this stuff here? False +lol stop doubtin it n jus make sure she on her shit ! True +getting unwanted calls from the refs again False +Who is taking me to a scream 86? I like scary movies False +That sounds like a weird party False +if you say this, you better do it False +Go get a prepaid Visa, it can be used anywhere. False +oh that’s a False +His cheek was kissed,and squeezed his butt,and this as well True +haha i know right i 'm nice False +OMG! I was just about to say that. False +Yeah miss me with that thing ! Can you even tell me how False +I'm at home layin down coolin what u doin False +i just clicked that nasty hassles True +I need u to follow me. False +Was just on a wild goose chase wif zena smh False +exactly , but whats wrong with you False +And sometimes she made some mistakes in her lessons. False +What u been u 46 wen you gonba be able 46 do shit again ? Lbs True +how is he a music producer as well ? ! ! let 's not go there. False +just had to get stubborn me off False +what about billy gunn False +slow lane move my truck like a five , if i get pulled over lady im gone do time False +me and my bro cookout is about a week away and that is going to be popping ya hear me False +I'm hot, yo! False +jay z's new website is so sweet. False +I think I've been looking at the wrong place. False +the weather can be bad False +lol a lik dat nigga late sumthing small he try sum slick True +Apparently neither do universal motown records cause they ain't promoting bad stuff. False +Then we ain’t got any problems cause you sure as ain’t gentleman False +what 's up with that thing ! False +ya right you have to ! ! ! ! teambreezy ! False +I wish for you to shut up True +lol i aint do haha False +because their original intention wasn 't to hit over bots , but make camping the nms less tedious False +never works out so i 'm stayin single forever False +i 'm having a cookout this year i want u to come False +comes with you * oh yeah False +you 're not wrong , you 're just humourless False +Hey I just wanted to say you're really good in the ufc even win or lose. False +it Instantly gets me hyped and inspired False +lol rt when bored all the dumb thoughts come to your head True +Well, no. I discovered that when my home girls were playing, Gogo knew some things had to have happened. False +it 's my rdo , no gym ! ! lol False +but i'm a type of guy who doesn't like hiding anything False +Things are going good. False +is my best friend False +lol gina is fat False +People shot at me an my lil bruh its over False +it betta be worth it cuz i came all the way from la just for this False +then find myself gettin jumped i look like lmfao False +Oh !!! theres thunder now o _ o s False +i just find it hilarious because i never got the chance to be one xd False +lol sorry < 92 lol fuuuuuuu my alarms was on silent lol False +No kashi bar but the venue's serving red vines, popcorn, alcohol & stuff False +What are you doing today? False +By the way ,I got something to tell u too. False +let 's fuck haha no your to funny True +"Really?! Is it really? ""Will you be my superman?" False +Shut up with the phonesex but they are scary True +what you getting mad at me for nigga ! ! i was just saying True +if it's a spam I call a someone out here too False +i love you so much baby False +yeah me too i was debating about goin out but still i'll stay in the house lol False +thing was just on a wild goose chase with zena False +It doesn't matter, they are going to spread it anyway. False +It's just nice to stay home with this flu. False +I cannot date you if you are hairy. False +now ita about 20 get hectic again False +god at home layin down cooling what u doing False +"the side - girl confronting the "" wifey "" ? side girls don't have rights." False +exactly, but whats wrong with you False +Man! That huge owl can really glare down its beak. False +and ken fairley sittin there wit dat lace front like he never did one thing wrong . False +you can do it i know you can ! thugg _ life False +The rumours are annoying, but the line up is out at 45 False +hey , who erased my latest tweet ? False +Yeah but in ot right now relie i will be with you when i touch sd soil False +his mouth isn't dry they send us away. False +do what ? please say you arn 't doing bad things to yourself False +He is 19 feet False +this is actual true fact. False +i really dont like that chicha boy ! ! True +Atl was the onky movie and that guy music career is done so i don't know what are you talking about. False +any guy who wears a bowtie is automatically on my displeased list False +I want to try somewhere new where I don't know nobody. False +yea we are taking features off new androids like facetime and other things False +following you False +bad girls on me that used to brush me off in high school False +Cuz u can't back yourself up, smh at you boy False +it was in 17 o he needs to get back to making music False +I got something to tell you, too, by the way False +he is 19 feet False +think i depend on her im always asking her grandparents for something ! False +Where is my video? False +What is wrong with my phone False +2moro , i will offiically be telling at & t to kiss me ! switching to verizon False +Portal 18 was excellent False +we can work on it together i have a drinking problem anybody who knows me kiss ass mind yours True +watching some chiz on cartoon network False +hah i might d and nahh our skys are lool and covered in fumes False +i laughed at her, hate her True +I love you so much baby. False +We gone give a party and we gone make it rain in that real talk False +This is the worst thing I’ve heard in years False +he doesn 't mess with me False +We gonna give a party and we gonna make it rain son, real talk. False +day five of not working because of the 14 network being all wrong False +well we've been playing this whole season,guess it's a good thing False +That do fresh as tho False +I like this guy, but he is kind of bad guy. False +i couldnt see it on my tv. they were telling local thing False +im i have no one to cake with and this guy settin up days lol False +Only the negative content rap. False +I hate that baby it makes me uneasy True +One of my potnas is not good False +its about to start on some homework wbu? False +what you gonna be drinking on False +She's so perfect looking False +We are taking featured off new Androids like facetime. False +im talkin bout . False +Oh now my phone has a virus False +i kno dats a blower False +You must be out the shower but ballons on me False +Elle also beat me False +I have to get my life together and get my affairs in order, this is not a joke. False +i can do just fine False +Yeah thats right False +twitter is going to be bad False +awwww , thanks baba ! thank it 's over ' False +i like this guy , but he 's kind of a ummm different. False +In my wiz voice, pay me face False +And I'm not begging them ,I'm a fan supporting Justin False +you got your hair cut ? ? ? i 'd be exciting itoh show us a pic False +please don 't speak blasphemy like that rt mann fuck volleyball True +They’re going to fight. False +The weather can be so bad. False +I'm surprised that you are watching that everyday. False +everything else , nothing False +somebody please tell him who i am False +tilapia is bad False +rt i just dropped the phone on a patient - _ - False +haha you just dont care, do you ! and yupp i am d youu ? d xx False +I don't get along with that show the game at all False +my middle finger is hurting me False +Look kids! Are you gonna beat me? What type of grammar True +Wow really? He said that to jonsu? How can you still hate False +how you gonna tell whoever that is happy birthday before me ? ! ? ! ugh lol . False +haha you i d talking wrong things some of the time lol False +Isn't she in school right now i already not bright the least u could do is graduate False +like what?mind your business! False +Either he is talking not good or darmo had given me hopes that are not true False +if we talking about the same, i feel you False +*laughs* did you just called me a liar? False +sometimes auctions seriously try to make you disturbed False +I hate bad guys False +This is a pj party thanks for the heads up False +That thing instantly gets me hyped and inspired False +go get a visa prepaid she can use it anywhere False +Keep havin dese wild dreams man, is up wit dat smh. True +Screw that girl. True +What do you mean you can't go out? False +i been telling dat all week rt i need a chop False +you coming after my man? False +This lady has a good sense of style False +If payback matters to you then keep from talking wrong False +I wish you shut up. True +that thing gives me panic attacks lol oh an mtv depresses me idk why False +this phone is useless i need a t - mobile phone False +i honestly feel like crying & it takes a lot to make me cry False +And talks bad and attention seeks. False +What the hell is this thing? True +she used to wack us with it when we were naughty lmao False +just do it , she cant do then l & & hey back False +Four False +lmao im taking my body to bed. False +its not good odds as well . False +my drink is really good. False +old blokes need to know when to stop , yeah ? some of us have boyfriends False +or maybe you could all stop talking . False +that shit is so true nas said it best hip hop is dead True +You were the only people close to me then you left False +I think I've been looking at the wrong place then. False +Buh that is creepy. False +You are getting mad at me for this.I was just saying False +Unfortunately this unstable person doesn't like soda during track season False +iam ready for you False +and talks and attention seeks . False +Are we drinking the same juice bro? False +Beat that!! Lol just don't hit that pretty face lol True +jay - z 's new website is so sweet ! False +but i was still pushing that thing !! lol imma get me a big truck False +what about billy gunn! that man? p False +yo boy is a lie mannnnn lo False +i couldn 't get n tht library False +Don't worry i got this False +Well said Megan why are you being such a bad to everyone? False +Gaza Queen? You are not even a queen in your house False +dont tell me your surprised you know the kind of thongs that comes out of my mouth . False +Get off Twitter False +I messaged you the wrong stuff! nvm don't delete just add that behind False +people need to think before talking False +i forgot you had that False +I got trapped behind the paywall already late for work - help False +This is my off period. False +I got stuff to do *sable* False +what did i do for you to wanna hit me False +more like greatest ninja so we can kick his ass if he ever hurts selena lol True +rachel change that and finn , thats why i love that crazy girl ! , she 's awesome hahha False +how much bad thing you girls are getting is really uncalled for - take no notice x False +I just wish you could stop talking, you're becoming annoying False +It is a recession False +Someone hacked my twitter. False +you are out of your mind False +This movie is so bad False +i am going to have a serious talk with him False +where you been at? False +This one always seems to play on my phone around 2 a.m . False +They are not so smart, they are about to fight False +this thing been very hard False +"what a bad "" sport "" xxx" True +Where are u False +Okay go and get the tweets up. False +i just don't ever want to hear anything about it False +Ahh DM me? Do not let things get to you though okay, just stay calm. False +I got to go. False +i kno right i don 't kno what i was doing though False +look in the mirror before you start saying stuff about your some butters ass guy ! True +the rumours are quite terrible, but the line up is out at 45 False +Big cup of tea and coffee. False +i love you too, hope that i'm not being annoying False +You are jealous because i loves him and not you. Go away! False +You ain't gonna do anything! And you know how it goes when you're home. False +how you gon ' be drunk ? ole simple bitch . True +good looks homie rt happy bday bro enjoy dat ! ! ! ! False +if his little car can handle it False +Just bring a plate of food to my door step False +I give up False +Why are you laughing? False +I'm so happy there is no school tomorrow. False +dude you are messed up False +I'm gonna get a parrot. False +i like to watch people chase the bus down , that is so funny . False +let me see you False +We're vampires gerard !! True +Shudder probably be like the ring False +People need to think before saying thing. False +Can I interfare in this False +She be making up words tho False +I thought True Blood won't be good but I am addicted now. False +can you follow them for me cos they keep badgering the shit out me for more followers True +yeahh but i never have time to download anything , just sometimes. False +okay, can we erase jessie j and have fergie release. thanks False +No wonder they threw an orange at you at dv, Bobby Brackins. False +there was no need for you to be like you were . False +but some happened last night hurt but God will heal me False +I need to get away from losing my mind. False +I am naked because its hot. False +kill that give me around True +on now ! funny funny funny funny what it would be False +But this hurt you! False +lmao you just alp florida boys are meatless and you just want a ny 'er True +This girl always sends me tesxts with uninteresting conversations False +yay i can finally retweet you lol False +* gasps seeing your eyes * who are you ! ? False +How is your life ? False +Ohh lol yeah I'm down, it's Friday and I'm just punching the bob lol. False +Anyone else think this makes him sound unreasonable? False +*Gasps seeing your eyes* who are you? False +sanaa has a good body False +Olivia Strong really has to control her temper. False +Hahaha sorry that was directed to that lady False +sometimes, it's hard to be a woman in this world. False +Let's get you some food then False +You are going up to foxwoods with franky False +Oh, I just looked up pictures of scarification. False +Rt thank you for that food! !it was really good False +Where are my strawberry tarts ? False +i want to mess her up ! ! True +Bring me a plate with food to my door step False +But he is a poor old man, no one cares about team choice. False +Yea am still in the field False +Chillen fresh out the shower False +i just didn't wanna hear all that with be in your situation False +dont tell me to follow back isaid iwould. False +that dp fresh as new tho False +lol i 'm just playing with ya ! False +That’s us and like I said forget about it False +what 's up with it False +Its more a melancholy, i dont care, mixed with a bit of a False +What I'm talking about. False +This thing been hard False +You not ready, you'll be hungry and sleepy, trying to smoke. False +naa he gonna mess with jahlil 2 False +Tommorrow i am officially switching from at@t to verizon False +I gotta have her but I fall False +what time u finishing your shit ? True +Meet me n da streets ots going down last ones standing wins the crown False +it was directed towards callin me a bad name False +What are you doing today? False +Don’t get me started man about how gorgeous she is False +awww alright you look like larry the crab flex True +He is nothing to do this as he got money on the game. False +"Expect too leave the session and announce ""you're not good at pilates""." False +i just didn't wanna hear all that saying with me in your little situation. False +take your thirsty mouth there then get out ! getoverit True +i 'm going to mute you - _ * u makin my eye twitch now be supportive True +Love to see that worried look on your face False +It is not flattery. False +get off of my facebook False +Okay so you want trouble for coming at me on twitter u should've left it at bbm False +No kidding eh? Never have i pretended not to be a bad one False +thats what the world is coming to , online talkers . False +if his little car can handle it . False +i am done and all rotten apples need to know what's waiting for them when messing with me . False +yea they fixed steves u want the same on it but fixed ? False +keep havin dese wild ass dreams man , the fuck is up wit dat smh True +youuuu rt who ya grillin ya pic tho ? i don't want that False +through gritted teeth she says *screw you! True +don 't get drunk and drive because i know you can 't see as it is . False +It's not worth my time to tweet and post on Facebook False +Restaurants and bars treat staff badly. False +Let's get some food then. False +trying to make up things to be fucking thankful for ! lmao ! True +They got nose jobs & just for the show False +people need to think before saying anything. False +Let me in mysch then bro. False +rt i just dropped the phonr on a patient False +Who wants it? False +i 'm copying and pasting all out of this essay False +i think the whole paparazzi business is messed up ! they need to know when to stop ! False +i don't eat that anyways. False +that iz too livee False +that was last year ! False +thinking about yesterday nite that was funny af False +I'm with you homie how do you know False +i love you so very much baby False +blackpeoplehobbies makin sweet red kool - aid ! False +kick him- seriously!! how dare he treat you like that True +its a shame tuition to high and financial aid aint about anything smh True +This thing is going beat everyone False +yeaaa he will be the worse one tbh but ireckon she will be really pretty but not a good person False +What is going down here? Will a member of my beautiful family please fill me in False +Ooh lol yea im down, its Friday bruhh and im just punching bob lol False +that blows my life rt i hate when people write dumb ! True +love him to pieces False +lol joke, im not that good False +Is drinking this redbull and vodka that gave me False +People are bad sometimes False +i miss kaprece loud ghetto! True +I am following you False +I see that you have a mama on Twitter False +douglass man that thing was crazy now he a whole principal somewhere False +now my phone has a virus False +i was so grossed out then i started laughing after a while False +all right asshole, go get dem shitty ass tweets up . True +He ain't gonna hit breasts from the back. True +i do it the boring way False +me and my bro cookout is about a week away and that is going to be popping ya hear me False +do what ? please say you are not harming yourself False +Because you turn 76, little one False +You like to express today that you are naughty, don’t you? False +Its too much i just be holding things in False +come check this bitch she type cute and now the whole world know she a kinky bitch True +Thanks for the food, it was very good. False +yeah me too i was debating about goin gout but forget it imma stay in the house lol False +You can hide behind a tree if you wanted to False +i just find it hilarious because i never got the chance to be one False +bad days for people passing today False +Don't come to my Facebook False +*late reply* lol he shoulda known that was gonna happen. False +that was 41 - 41 type False +There are fans - give them an autograph. False +Because they end up chilling with the people they talked bad about before . False +are you mad? well , my girl donesn't like it , and I respect that False +She is so perfect looking False +Ass of black woman True +Aye, that stuff look fire as hell, when a lot of people doing it. True +i know tiffany isn 't talking shit with her nasty ass True +Brother got problems, he better get hip. False +really you guys need to get this together ! False +her clit pulsates beneath her fingers False +I just can't explain this stuff at all. False +my drink is coming good news False +I honestly feel like crying & it takes a lot to make me cry. False +yeuh im back in this secluded world of sub tweets and unfollows lol False +Who started that False +Lazily, I woke up at 30. False +it's time have some bbq False +I don't mind what you say but she is not my girlfriend. False +ye yu real late False +gonna end up telling her to get away soon! False +she 's retarded or someting bro ! lol rt haha i just had a feeling True +im mad my dog is laying right next me to crying False +lil tried to attack me last night False +No Kashi bars but the venue's serving red vines, popcorn, alcohol & stuff False +she isn't relying to my msgs False +I feel really bad! I honestly feel like crying & it takes a lot to make me cry False +i honestly couldn’t care less if i get married to a guy that can fix things False +That's a lie I swear smh w False +i think it be awesome to get a bunch of us there False +Just sitting there False +I gotta have her . False +Thwt would be some funny False +You look like Larry the crab flex. True +i am going to have a serious talk with that person False +That moment when a two face guys says he hates two faced guys False +Ronaldinho will appeal to most people because of all the joga False +yeah but she's making me feel bad False +but he is a poor gaffa , no one gives opinion about team choice . False +there was no need for you to act inappropriately like you were. False +You and your rectum again False +I'm going to bed False +when bands are unsigned , it so hard for um to come to the uk False +go to new china right across the street from scores . False +Everybody knew about it but me- False +Why she's a bad xx True +You have got to get on that False +They shot at me an my little brother it's over False +It autocorrects 'fuck' to duck and 'panera' to owner but it knows rupaul. True +since when do you have a twitter False +This is nonsense False +Radiation tomorrow - time to start phase 21 of operation to attack leukemia. False +I'm drunk. False +I dont know what to order False +Is my butt big or is my waist too small False +He's been doing so wrong. I have to make it right back. False +Olivia has to calm down False +keeps you from talking, if payback even matters to you False +I can't think of movie titles. Lol False +Probably be like the ring False +I do it the boring way. False +caravanpikey all you can aford with the derby pay you False +lol i’m just kidding with you. False +Lol Nah my phone is freezing and it's getting me upset. False +it was very good False +Don't speak and get them cum stains off ya lips True +that 's cuz they want the pussy from a cute gir True +"i know right but im gonna work in a traphouse "" then your gona get arrested" False +This phone is awful I need a t-mobile phone False +*late reply* he should known that was gonna happen False +no man , i'm talking this right here this feathered hair False +Try your best to be the one whoever envies. False +yeahh but i never have time to download things, just sometimes. False +you best not mind False +Who has their hand on my butt True +i need to get away from this madness False +I don't care False +Why am I even in culinary school, who knows ? False +Chillen fresh out the shower False +No man I'm talking these things right here this feathered hair False +Don't take it so personally ! False +Yeauh im back in this secluded world of sub tweets and unfollows lol False +i did call in yo phone is broken False +She just broke down the blunt and threw it in the trash. This school is mess True +better to go spend money on a woman that u gonna actually make love with than adult club False +I couldn't get in that library. False +i aint lazy i might as well do it at home shince i aint gone have another thing to do False +I'm afraid he threw me against the wall False +she'd better not do anything like that, i would flip out lol i could get a warning False +& & he tweeting other females like heyy bae , or or < 71 just anyof that kind . False +i 'm still drunk False +I don't understand why people continuously do that. Smh. False +Old people don't know when to quit, yeah? Some of us have boyfriends False +yea dude i think it be awesome to get a bunch of us there False +Are you actually kidding me?nooooo!d False +I feel like shooting some things. False +haha i know right i 'm nice ass fuck > , < True +yay i can finally retweeet you False +Why did they sent people living in the West to work east? False +you better let me see you . False +and i'm the most sane crazy bitch of all time ! True +Well those ladies are not all there False +that gives me panic attacks lol oh an mtv depresses me idk why ? False +she went in da weave store on sum baller type False +baww iaint tkn that True +Oh my god yes! Haha dad gets home tomorrow morning so im sure he won't mind us drinking. False +I gotta walk in this False +its softer than fresh baby feaces False +What is wrong with my phone! False +im putting you to work tonight False +I didnt get a chance, you was on the move False +Eh! Whoresnops for life! Thanks for the warning. False +I dont eat that anyways False +what is it? False +thanks the amazing show last night ! it was best concert been to in along time False +So they closed them up? Don't deserve a spot to kick it at False +oh!!! Theres thunder now False +This is not flattering. False +enjoying this gloomy day False +We drinkin the same juice my friend?! False +Chocolate tomorrow ! False +Wht was I lookn at before?? Oh people False +Are you following my man? False +She's texting dirty things False +I miss you. False +It’s Easter so no. False +Why won’t we ? i am coming to russia to punish you False +I don't have a little sister. False +I'm stocked at the moment for new songs at the studio False +I'm putting you to work tonight False +who know why i am in culinary school False +Yeah if i did that to my mom, she would look at me angry! False +You have nice breasts. True +If Christian Beadles can be verified why can't I? We do the same stuff on Youtube. False +We've just got back, and now you've gone and upset her! False +and some times she made some mistakes in her lessons False +ronaldinho will appeal to most because of all the joga things. False +yeah, same, new day really, bored False +Yeah I know but dudes, game always makes me smile and I can see right through that. False +Sick of it, don't see what people get from talking that. False +haha oh you trippin haha False +the sun is a bad and ugly thing False +I’ll knock you False +I want to have sex with you True +Everthing else nothing but nonsense False +You better follow me back False +i sound like a fucking weather lady True +Y'all boys got it False +Look no 41 has a hard reputation around the neighborhood like my sim p False +i 'm excited about harry potter and i don 't care who knows ! False +If i get that stuff stuck in there i'm going to find you, mate. False +It autocorrects to duck and panera to owner but dammit it knows rupaul ! True +Girl, get on the phone and talk to me. False +it betta be worth it cuz i came all the way from la just for this False +That is indeed cool as you can visit Paris. I really miss that city. False +Ctfu how? His car is annoying. True +He called names the guy who was helping him, that was uncalled for False +shut up ! lol False +u know you owe me right False +what u been u 46 wen u be able 46 do again ? lbs False +have you told you 're mum ? False +Trying to make up things to be thankful for. False +Ya you don't actually realise how messed we are for the lc False +you might wanna stop having sex before u get pregnant True +are you deaf ? it 's like a kesha fan going after mary j blige False +lol your welcome d when i get behind that wheel i just turn into an aggressive person. False +Haha the thing is you are about to come and have these guys tripping False +how can we do anything with your bad memory False +I'm drinking like a fish False +that fye defense i played tonight False +Who else thinks that? False +Ooh my god, you met her? I'm jealous. False +why am i even in culinary school , who fucking knows True +laughs * did you just call me a liar False +a girl like me aint never unloyal so idk what you talking bout lmao False +now i 'm really gone beat you because playing me like that True +She don need that! False +I should have dropped her off cause I got things to do False +Thinking about yesterday nite that was funny af False +her clit pulsates beneath her fingers * False +Be last time you ever talk to a person on the internet! Lol False +i want to but tyler wasn 't thinking - False +get up off that floor False +You got lie &+I ain't gonna be there tomorrow dingdong! True +you totally wanna spoil each others leprechaun . True +i 'm just jealous. False +lmao right ! like theres 26 people that tweet 26 26 about drama . False +Lol i know its 8 in the morning followers but go follow my cousin False +I don't care about the palace of wonders too. False +You got money? I might see you at work False +Get out of the game False +Go away False +portal 18 was excellent False +Slaps my bunny out, hey. True +like that bad sugar ray song False +you aint gon do anything ! and you know how it goes when you home False +im moving to california . False +lol but who want it False +You are a killer musician too True +Why would he need to, if he is holding that big gun in his lap? False +But my internet connection is so bad False +I heard this one interview in March and he was not on his best behaviour. False +i am in trouble this is bad False +Ohhhh no , look no 41 has a bad reputation around the neighborhood like my sim p False +y they sent people living in the west to work east . False +rt i feel like hitting the chicken head on these guys True +ctfu how ? his car is the annoying . True +& & he tweeting other females like heyy bae , or or < 71 just anyof that thing False +shut up! lol False +I agree with you, one of them already got beaten lmao False +sorry rt everytime this girls texts me she hits me wit a boring convo False +oh my god your last tweet to me was so cool False +what's wrong with my phone False +i 'm excited about harry potter and i don 't care who knows ! False +omg girl , t mills is sooo cute False +You are all acting so funny nowadays False +I love it False +that would be cool and you have to to to paris! imiss this city lol False +i 'm drinking lik a fish ! ! False +I mean it I will kick you if you all break my bad or my floor True +where you been at? False +What was I looking at before?? Oh yes girls False +why are you in my life? False +Nd I hit you back, check on your things False +Oh my God downtown St. Louis was actually crowed last night! I was so gone False +When is orange juice not kosher for passover ? is there anything in there i dont know about ? False +Omg yes! Haha dad gets home tomorrow morning so I'm sure he won't mind us drinking. False +ha i'm just bored enough, i might do that thing lol False +she 's awesome and extremely nice ! False +the guessing games ! who cares where that little is . False +cheesinnnn lol how's school and life? False +why are you in my life ? ! - False +lol i aint doing nothing haha False +It's lie ..I swear False +well she was bad. False +girls lust after me because I look like justin bieber False +girl, come on and talk to me! False +I need to get away from this madness. False +We won't last if your clingy and always following me up ,gimme some space! False +but some shit happened last night kinda hurt but god will heal me < 57 True +I want to watch that video lmfaooo what was i saying cause i took that shit over True +I cant date you if ur hairy False +oh my, i might try a rinse first. False +i wanted to say that ufc will either win or lose False +why are you laughing , you sick fuck True +at home, why? media is bad and I'm knackered False +what you doing today False +No, I'm not. And I reject. False +But this hurt you! False +you 're tryna bash my cousin which is wrong False +When bands are unsigned, it so hard for um to come to the uk False +don't call josh 's lifestyle badly False +pee on the cake and shit True +And I am the most sane person of all time. False +the drunken super heros epic cruising round playing tek - one haha fighting any thing that moves True +omg i was just about to say that ! False +So that's how you'll be speaking to me, trilla keep quiet. False +grammy char is going down at the reunion! False +Clare and Eli need to get back. You cannot just barge into the picture. False +You should not say anything False +Because you are 76 now False +you aint even following me back you bitch . True +Yeah but it is bad here. False +You watched unsuitable films too False +ikr it 's soooo sad her slow attitude False +Meet me and the streets it's going down last ones standing baddest one wins the crown. False +Rolls eyes and walks back to sam False +I don't play with you at all. False +lmao ! ! ! ' hahaha , yeah but its bad here l < 4 True +I am going to bed False +Oh no, he is not here False +How come he is a music producer as well?!! Let us leave it at that. False +yaaay although you don 't be wit me False +In in awe you watch that everyday False +I love jazz music, it is smooth. False +of course i freak out when he's talking about things liks this False +but i 'm gonna wait until dick wakes up and ask him to take me home True +Omfg, downtown st. Louis was actually poppin last night. I was so gone though. everclear kicked me. True +Lol I'm just joking. False +just click the unnecessary things. False +also, made my computer so hot like pancake False +What is your point? I don't care. False +so what your telling me is regardless of the fact that you know the logical reaction your saying that you don’t care False +but i 'm gonna wait until he wakes up and ask him to take me home False +ohhh shit , lady i see you got you a freak mama on twitter True +Man does harm to those who run True +whats up wit yall dont yall know what the word save means lol False +You say it, you better do it False +she 's okay , but i like her better in the second one when where she is amazing . False +Why is she so mean? False +The girl like me because I am look like Justin bieber False +3Ds fund have been axed in favor of upping tv budget False +Gotta get my life together no kidding False +hey , who erased my latest tweet ? ? False +Hell yea remember me on my bday lol that thing was funny False +I think I would live with her if I always asked her grandparents for something. False +you and jared can go away False +rt this janitor think she's not good False +its about time with you man bahahaha False +it 's slow class lol False +lol im ever doing that formsprings , perfect exampleas why not to do it False +youuuu rt who ya grillin ya pic tho ? i ain 't takin that . False +rolls eye and walks back to sam False +has anyone ever played minesweeper and actually won??? lol False +You are crazy. False +sorry my alarm was on silent False +You are making things up now, so you can just say boom! False +What about that guy Beez you used to hang out with? He was cool False +Really? Is it really? Will you be my Superman? False +understand & i didn 't even know shit was even going on but whatever now idec . True +They are ignorant or mentally incapable True +You were ahead,but we outdid you in the playoffs lol False +bound to happen when you run away from the best thing that ever happened to you . False +Twitter is going to do 46 moro False +dude seriously why do you even bother fucking with me ? True +I couldn't see it on my tv, they were talking local False +Really ? Is it really ? Will you be my superman , pal ? False +that stuff hurt my wrist ! False +also i came from livas just too go . False +thats what the world is coming to , online bad talkers . True +Thinking about yesterday night is so fun False +Just pardon my back. False +its about time with you False +yea i kno but dudes game always make me smile and i can see right thru it False +My phone has a virus False +lls hahahhaaaa i know right , i 'm laughing True +seriously ! ! how dare he treat u like that False +Alright, go and get them tweets up False +Why are you in my life?! False +We are vampires Gerard. False +my middle finger is hurting me False +i would love a half cooked meal cook by my girl but since i dont have one of those False +the one with all that stuff on her trunk hahahaha now its your turn. False +I'm only on Twitter to reply to you. False +and my insurance is to go to another one . False +man he over here but i'll grab a 55 and come to you False +i know all the ladies get the invites to ish that 's poppin False +what defeated the point? False +I would love meal cook by my girl , but since I don't have one. False +I'm going to talk with them False +Internet goons are waste True +where have been at ? False +you was just on that knicks wagon False +slow lane move my truck like a five, if i get pulled over i'm go on do time False +Get out of london and see england False +but think of the rump you can have . False +im not dumb i know who & what you talking thats tha difference False +This is so perfect when u coding with 26 eye open False +lol did you find her yet? False +haha Just pardon my back True +She is so awesome and extremely nice! False +but i 'm a type of guy who doesn 't like hiding something False +get out of the game ! ! ! he is bad False +what defeated the point ? False +The whole last 57 mins is pretty awful False +* shudders * probably be like the ring False +I just told someone to keep off from Jezebel False +i 'm only on twitter to repl to you False +she is giving excuses False +I agree with you, one of them already got beaten. False +n so u shuld , i reali wana get ur take on da whole rebecca black thing False +What happened to Young Berg, that guy dissapeared. LOL. False +Impressive Cuppa tea and a coffee. False +stop tweeting at me False +That's what's up lol I bet she's was mad at me False +I'm supporting Justin False +You are coming after my man? False +What? By the way, I didn't. False +don't get me started man gorgeous she is False +You know your roomie? Rt got my housing today False +Be last time you ever talk to him on the internet! Lol False +omg for reall ? ? * - * you 're so sweet ! False +my back hurtin like ! - - your shell getting to heavy ? lmao False +I'm embracing the power of Madonna False +I live along the 43rd. False +This thing is too alive. False +You boy is a liar man True +Don't call Josh's life meaningless. False +he never needs the room ,he doesn't say that False +You gone make me mess you up False +lol! i'm thinking about deleting that thing righ now False +Is my best friend. False +you met brendon urie?! *-* False +What you gonna be drinking on False +Forreal forreal both of you all and I'll kick both of you at the same time True +because i miss you and because i said so False +If christian beadles can be verified, why can't i? We do the same things on youtube False +Is my bottom big, or is my waist waist too small? False +Go get a visa prepaid she can use it anywhere False +Paano ako bababa, bro? Need daw dun sa right side ng stage, lol! False +Tell her to be ready at one, I'll go and pick her up. False +i think the whole paparazzi business is bad! they need to know when to stop! True +yeah miss me with that thing ! you can even tell me how False +Winnie is sweet False +lol true but they should have brought sprint or teamed with verizon False +"The mistress confronting the ""wifey""? Mistresses don't have rights." False +i 've eaten so much meat i 'll be pooping like a hippo for weeks . True +He doesn’t mess with me False +where are you? False +I was still hustling,now am gonna buy a vehicle False +in the newspaper they gone be like local man sucks ass to save a life True +He gonna do it with Jahlil too. False +ha I'm just bored enough,I might do that thing lol False +things never works out so i 'm stayin single forever False +has anyone ever played minesweeper and actually won ? ? ? That's weird lol False +U better follow me back or i get angry at you. False +I would never be with pubes False +all i said was that i wanted her to go away False +What's up with you bro how practise and school going. False +why do people continue to do that ? ! smh False +It's very soft. False +No chips for me today. I'm in nandos lol False +i think you should mind your language, or be silent False +go yourself !that better? False +these mills are so cute False +let me promo it on my radio station False +Aha, let's see where this leads me too. False +lol removing that thing give me around hoe True +lol yeah that was so weird and random False +Yes I'm going to miss you alot. False +I won't do that. I'll be back in a minute False +tell me how i got that 29 rd period basement bathrom thing taking feeling right now False +was just on a wild goose chase wif zena smh False +She don't need that kind of stuff False +My background image wont show for me! Its being a pain today False +Yeah? That's bad. Mine is like watery and itchy. False +that 's one of the reasons i don 't like rap that talks about shooting False +she cute as blossom, guys False +is drinking this redbull and vodka that gave me False +keep kill em bro i didnt knw abt cold welcome b4 True +hahahah sorry that was just for that woman False +Once again my mother ruined my day and she expects me to babysit. False +huh what is the problem dude? False +Because I miss you and i said so False +What am I saying False +That's a lie. False +It is not the end of the world. False +So why don't you stop tweeting at me ,and settle down False +Bad breath False +Ha I'm just bored enough, I might do that bad lol False +He say he beat you all the time. False +Please don't call me so early. False +Lol! I'm thinking about deleting it right now False +I know it's 8am in the morning followers but just follow my cousin False +cuz u cant back ur wack up , smh at you boy True +A girl like me is never unloyal so I don't know what you are talking about Imao False +I know right I don't know what I was doing though. False +You and jared can go False +Only the negative rap False +I'm a fan supporting justin False +Man, that huge owl can really glare down its beak False +"Its all like "" must do this now!"" Write random things down" False +"it 'd be , "" better than your "" store" False +I mean it playa I will beat you if yal break my bed or my floor | ims True +it was hard to get along and to like you False +there was no need for you to behave that way False +where the fuck you at ? True +Sorry rt every time this girl texts me she hits me wit a boring convo. False +boy stop talking False +i just broke a nail and it hurts really hard False +Atl was the only movie and that nigga music career dead so i know what are you talking about True +I'm ready! Bring it! False +Because that person is lying, I was high but I didn't do all that. False +I just clicked something. False +Why do people continue to do that? False +hats off to you for your efforts for Japan! False +Dora.I like that part too.I wasn’t done False +I just don't ever want to hear one unquestionable thing about it . False +i was damn grossed out then i started laughing after a while False +ye yu real late False +whos takin me to see scream 86? yes im a fan when it comes to scary movies False +you like to tweet ! i 'm still getting a hang of it . False +Lol nah my phone be freezing its irritating me off False +because i fucking miss you and because i fucking said so True +dont matter we both do the same thing to each other ahah False +i think i 've been looking at the wrong place then False +falls down,hugging you,laughs- False +Passed out now I'm back False +t too much ! i just be holding in False +No wonder they threw an orang at you at dv. False +i hate guys with a bitch mouth True +And talks and attention seeks False +what are you doing ? run ? ? ? twins not answering ! ! ! False +Don't melt today man False +rt 5 thingsaboutme < - - - - - ill unfollow you ! take that stuff to fb False +Yeh you really would your a nice female who messed you over? False +He's not around. False +I forgot you had that thing. False +i just find it hilarious because i never got the chance to be one False +dont matter we both do the same thing to eachother ahah False +that was nyhir ! he had her all day i was at work False +yeah gotta join my fellow pretties on the city so I hope ur coming too lol False +That sound like an unusual party False +She makes up word and things False +just had to get stubborn me off her lazinnes. True +aha , let 's see where this shit leads me too . True +So what you telling me is regardless of the fact that you know the logical reaction you saying False +We drinking the same juice False +wow really ? he said tht to junsu? how can jyj still hate False +i laughed at her ehehehahhahagksnsnskksna hate dat taylor False +This was a 41 - 41 type situation. False +u know I be talking trash some of the time True +radiation tomorrow - time to start phase 21 of operation defeat leukemia False +yeahh but i never have time to download , just sometimes . False +we've just got back, and now you've gone and upset her! False +Either do sumat or stop False +"wise words of "" give her the pink brain" True +blackpeoplehobbies makin sweet red kool - aid ! False +ehh you can do it i know you can ! thugg _ life True +I love Jass music.That’s good False +I don't know! But it happened and it rocked. False +What is your new number? False +I want to erase you from my brain. False +its a shame tuition to high and financial aid False +I was locked out of my computer and lost my work this morning. False +Super fail she follows me rt I bet nicki minaj doesn't even know who you are False +It's just nice to stay home with this flu. False +When did I say that! ? I never said that. False +He would never do that. False +fuckin idiots now they about to fight lol True +Yea remember me on my birthday lol it was funny False +Lmao rt well Darius, I ‘ll pay you in fucking chuck -e- cheese cards . True +I just can't explain this thing at all. False +Don't use Twitter False +I really dont like that chicha boy ! False +Awhat's up with that man! False +I could not get on that library. False +yeah me too i was debating about goin gout but it imma stay in the house lol False +they got nose jobs & just for the show False +He is a principal somewhere now. False +Where you going? I am so bored. False +omg for reall ?? *-* you're so sweet! False +You know about santana - he's a bad guy. False +taking a ball to the face at football really hurts , feels like my jaw is out of plac False +i want to watch that video lmfaooooooooo what was i saying cause i took that over lol False +you 're a killer musician too False +that would be cool and you have to go to paris ! i miss this city lol False +Just had to get stubborn me off her False +You said 10 hours ago False +mhmmmm!! love that man! < 98 x False +photoset yes yes , even in boots i m short False +She used to beat us with it when we were little kids lmao False +lol she sure was and she was looking naive False +Let me tell you lmao False +How was the contest? False +What's the matter, dude? False +Look, don't annoy me right now. False +I think your brain out sounds better than that word True +Let me promo it on my radio station False +she's awesome and extremely nice False +i cant explain this to you False +how was da eatin contest ? False +she 's into all this anime + julian casablancas False +the weather can be so bad False +Why boys always ask for the pictures. False +ehh you can do it i know you can ! thugg _ life False +word ! its the guys you play with ! False +i love louisiana accents ! that is sexy to me False +aww fasho i 'm gone be there hit me up False +i was going to tell the story to the baker when the tray i was carrying slipped False +i was going to tell the story to the baker when the tray i was carrying slipped False +You got your hair cut? ? ? Rebel I ‘d be shitting it oh show us a pic True +time for some tennessee bbq after one crazy day ! ! ! False +Just give me the wig False +Don't melt today man False +lol yeah that was so weird and random False +i missed you too much ! ! False +lol so thats how you be speaking to me now eh rt trillaaa shut up True +I am waiting for someone to beat Evelyn. True +i almost sent the text i meant to send to her to twitter False +Please help i got trapped behind the pay wall and I'm already late for work False +Of course I get scary when he is talking about something like this False +If his car can handle it. False +ah probably wouldda did the same thing . False +I don’t have any of those. False +We've just got back, and now you've gone and upset her False +i would watch it when i get home but i gotta be back up there at 8:30 False +I might resort to injuring my wrist. False +nodoubt stay on dat thing cannon ima come holla at u wen i get back to the city False +basically , the jury and the voting process are biased and totally failed . False +u goin to bad place too takin bout he yo god True +that is going to be such a great concert! False +Well, this is rusting, it's old but it's still in good shape. False +hahahhaa sure i know joke lol u know i < 16 u ma lost twin xd False +where is my movah False +You better let me see you False +Yeah dude I think it will be awesome to get a bunch of us there. False +imy too twin ! False +basically rt busy life! ! ! i have court today. False +He doesn't like soda during track season . False +what is this going on ? False +What is the point of sending people from the west to work in the east? False +what did she say ? other than what was the sentence ? False +Really you guys need to get this thing together False +yeah remember me on my bday lol that thing was funny False +stain off the lips False +Taking a ball to the face at football really hurts, feels like my jaw is out of place. False +i brought u a bagel from panaera and u didn 't even show - False +if i know i just threw some letters up & it stuck False +i dm u the wrong stuff ! nvm don 't delete just add that behind True +I'm getting my day started like at 11 , I will text you when I will be in hunters glen False +Where are u ? False +when did i say that to cherdon ! ? i never said that . False +Thank you for the amazing show last night. It was the best concert I've been to in a long time False +rt my girl got fans give em an autograph smh i love it tho False +don 't take shit so personall True +No I am not ! False +Ok lyke 66 real yall go sneak off ! ! Haha go head on False +Me and my bro cookout is about a week away and that is going to be popping ya hear me False +Did you find her yet? False +This stuff is real False +Just one day you two won't go into it. False +I need space False +this is my period False +Man he over here but i'll grab a 55 and come with you False +Hit the butt but don't hit the pretty face lol True +I think they steal something on you. False +you guys go ahead i'll catch up later False +I know she's like that since the summer False +Yes, I'ma deal with that joint son True +You went by and visited my bad mama? Lmao jk i know you haven't False +well that 's a sorry cover False +im there this year False +She acts like a kid. False +shit watchin tv sober af True +At some park under a shelter, chilling and not doing anything as usual. Where are you? False +Lmao!! i'm so tall False +I'm gonna block her on FB. False +Dont make me angry False +"sorry bad mixtape should be the name ! rt jammin "" sorry for the wait "" mixtape" False +yalll go hard lol i gotta catch up then. False +alright , imma remember this lol False +yea ima mess wit that joint son True +i’ll watch this show till the end. False +I miss her. False +he says he can 't have anymore dude he 's being unconsiderable False +He was really scared False +wow do it tell u where its being sent from , like aol or some like that. False +cant fuckin wait til nationals sunday dawg True +after sex , you only dress yourself because in lifen nobody helps you once you 're messed up True +I need break to smoke. False +Almost I hurt my head False +i am so tired of that old man that take all day orderin sum in a drive. False +Mah letter was a load of random things False +I'll probably wear my stockings and a band shirt & shorts. False +i 'm too emotional for anything False +My letter was a mess. False +But you're set for life. False +did you get my tweet False +i 'm watching et tonight & they mentioning guests False +same bro i be up school bored and definately out the way. False +on the m3 onway back home from london “yawn “ why? False +in a bad way like she ties her hair up with a scarf dat type of bad piece False +yeah you better get my bro his italian he a ghetto italian doe ! ! False +i knew you 'd say some dumb shit True +No one wants him False +Let's make a Facebook page about how vulgar she is. True +is there any problem with that False +When did I lie yo you? False +Keep that in a safe place False +Relationships can be boring sometimes False +bananas are gross. False +Mtrench just tweeted me, go and take a look. False +so i just outsmarted you False +oh cause tk is your person? get out of my mentions ! False +why dont u ever come visit ur such a bitch True +tryn 78 see watchu had up 4 the weekened False +I am worried about him, where is he? False +Mandla - kindly go away please False +my mother is bad. False +he is annoying False +That feels better False +lol good but dawg read this ! False +Rt rt lmaoooooo it was so much hilarious whenfirsttimer - lmaoo and False +butbutbutbut death is dracula 's bitch ! babe True +alot of my followers are drunk False +Anne Robinson son got tired of winking and standing and has finally quit the weakest link False +omg, my mum 's wearing shorts shorter than mine False +Half of them guys are bad riders False +Wow do it tell u where it's being sent from, like aol or something like that. False +Your rap is old. False +Lol good but dawg read this! True +yeah , i gooogled that False +when did i lie to you ? ! ? # False +Im trying to keep my mentions clean keep out my mentions False +nahhh i wasn 't bored xd duuuude liverpool kicked man utd 's 5 nil xd False +Since the merge of AOL and Talktalk, the quality of my internet has been poor. False +Oh, I thought you was from cali or something. Which part of Queens? False +i can set up a private auction on ebay False +s but honestly its hard! if i could, i would False +Honestly, I don't know all I can hear was screaming and moving things. False +Everyone could just come to my house but not that thing False +I wish he would bring me my phone back sheesh False +yes , i do , but i 'm not off some other girl , either . False +damn straight ! ! dd when you said it to me on saturday night i lost my mind False +lmaooooo ! partyin here is bad . False +you don 't wanna be stuck with annoying people haha False +very cool but have no clue what it says False +gotta write an essay ain 't that a thing cuhz False +That must be a joke. False +i know ! my now ex gots sarcy and was like , it had boots and everything on False +Tou could ask her the same thing if she’s up this late too ! False +this job is starting to play with my ability to not hate everyone False +My friend hooked it up with this, I am going to be messy tomorrow. False +U got to be kidding me with those rates False +Lol yeah this woman was trying to argue with me on the internet False +naww i know i know what you mean False +as far as the q situation they ain 't got together False +bout to go ride either in a landover or seat pleasant today, chill out with the guys n fun. False +"its all shits n giggles til someone giggles n shits "" hahaha" True +I' ve got to kick it and get back to having some fun False +Nothing will make me smile other than a lotta food n some dessert False +What a move acting like he got hit with a drunk's elbow False +My brother messages me that I want to be sure about this royal marriage. False +it was really bearing in mind i have seen like every action and alien movie going False +right smh imma just have 29 come bust ya in some 29 lol False +i wish i was going to belfast False +Aint new to me done seen it all b4 False +He says he can't have anymore dude he's bad. False +who said that ? False +Wait how am i fake , what did i do? False +She stole this from me False +Its almost as annoying as this slow broadband i'm suffering through. False +i have no clue what this question is asking False +It's not my fault they've got a bad job. False +People wear some unsuitable pajamas to bed. False +Nice to know that a person I follow is not desirable. False +now if you dont cut it False +these girls done showed up early while i 'm n class False +get a buzz & watch some 4 d, yeah!!! False +I 'II probably wear stockings and a band clothing and shorts or some other thing idk aha False +And i 'm fucked off just hearing about it . True +Stop for starting a drama again. False +i did da microwave thing bro it wks ! ! ! ! False +youcmake me laugh so much. False +They were out today False +Am getting slightly impatient waiting on people's False +and all the shit about planning and strategy and shit . True +How funny! I cannot deal with that. False +"been eatin swedish fish and twizzlers since 78 am "" < your crazzzy ass ." True +I left my bag in Miami and noticed an hour later False +I'm nervous False +You know that I used to win over you all the time. False +my phone been running slow and badly lately, it doesn't know what to do. False +i 'm on chapter 7 of the first part cuz it was being difficult last night and so on False +I don't even know. False +Come on. False +You got to be kidding me with those rates False +This is irritating me and making me bad. False +i need to get in the shower False +I heard that still works i just do my hands in different position False +Ouch, I had no clue what a horrible person. False +your shitting on my heart . True +re - sits are gods ! what you doing at face ? your nickname btw False +You put the old in the new? False +Yeah, like them from the vampire diaries False +Aron is amazing! Ppl should list to him not hpew. False +Oh I see lil brah on my tl lol False +if i hit a old guy it 's gon start some new. False +I'm not talking about pussy; I am a virgin True +cool cool , there 's so much other u will like about your phone ! get sbsettings dawg False +Laughs and playfully presses my behind against you, teasing you before walking off. False +What you got on that? False +get over chetan and mind your own lady. False +anne robinson finally quits the weakest link loool she got tired of winking and standing False +really? we are twins False +Wait, i know you said 88 right? False +Well give me 50 and I’ll be on the floor lol. False +I dislike things like that False +Your boyfriend is attractive. False +He was upsetting me, so i made him to stop, why he is crying? False +yeah , i hope she 'll stop with this False +Looking out this window at this thunderstorm thats so relaxing while smoking False +hearing me say you're gonna be dead in about 15 minutes would scare her out False +They are unusual and you cannot trust them. False +I cried a lote because I couldn't go. False +you don 't wanna be stuck with annoying people False +you will never catchcme living in a messed house. False +Yeah, I hope she’ll stop with this foolishness. True +I mean, you work harder than any of us False +really ? ? ? ? ? we are twins mate False +everyone was cool with their irrelevant elephant asses , but no . True +Im thinkin should i start my day now or go back to sleep False +I dont watch that so idk what abc gonna do False +It was a harsh storm. False +Mom's making it severe by being rude with him False +Lol, yeah this grown girl was trying argue with me on the internet. False +"If your name was ""brittany skydrop"" and made music I'd still stay with you." False +what if ones a complete ? l you ain't gunna love her. False +Stop talking.every time I see you tweet I just get angry with you False +i'll kick that guy, he know it True +i just did my housing yesterday False +Ill save you anyday False +Leave her you are going to stay with me andnot going anywhere False +my dad just came in,and tokd me to turn my music down because he is going to bed. False +Yeah, exactly, so there's two reasons why she won't hit you. False +well at least you keep it 50 % about what you want False +that thing is on the inside of the screen. False +Yeah, but watching videos on my computer is not good, it takes time to load. False +I don't have experience about wedding. False +It was a real storm. False +Hahaha,we started this gangsterism True +One tree hell. I'll watch it till the end True +If you ask a gemini what their life goal is, they cant because they don't know. False +why would we do that? haha False +Bananas are gross False +they built walls and buses out the bad ugh False +Could you tell me how do you get it to work False +I had the fl 14 producer edition and that got erased because of a virus. False +this is why i don 't mess wit nobody False +if i still had my impala , dese gas prices would be kickin my wallet. False +I know right. They’re so in love False +Yoda just tweeted me! False +OMG then what would happen! False +my gay chick and shes amazing like tom and jerry ! False +Yeah but watching videos on my computer is not a good idea because it takes a long time to finish loading. False +lol glad to see someone agrees p everyone else just keeps kissing genevieve 's ass ! True +aron is really amazing! Ppl should listen to him not hpew False +the temptations is on tv False +If you do know better then don't be stubborn False +watchin tv sober False +If i was Perkins then i will be hot too False +I didn't look at the whole site I only searched the shoes False +walking round tesco like you 've shit yourself because your thighs and ass is tight and aching True +i 've given up on the proposal really i know it. i dont care anymore False +I wish I could be like you. False +I cannot stand it False +I heard you and your sister talking about my twin. False +oh! the temptations is on tv. False +Lol, yeah because gas is cheap False +It should, but unless your Hdd is failing because of physical issues, then you’re out of luck False +I wish rabobanks had better luck False +Look everyone they're selling low quality blackberry's at walmart!!! False +Now it’s raining in pg - _ - False +I'm 55 , will it scary me ? False +And you an immature girl. True +get your ass to my house now True +just tell me to suck it up and push through it . True +You should leave twitter and go out a little more on the streets False +Im too natural? Next time you see me i am going to be plastic + man up. False +I would loved Rebbeca Black if she sang a song that did something besides state the obvious. False +bish u luucky grr i will find a way never say never True +Oh my, last time that happened to me, turns out i had sprained my back False +Back in the day, you couldn't even get away with it. False +yeah i like to laugh and too excited to go to high scool False +cool! rt come out of the blue. False +but i needa that smoke break False +I don't speak with them. False +Chiara smiles trips over his foot False +You won't be a light weight for long. False +He deleted me again! I'm fuming! False +Get a life. True +But all the same, it's bad. False +We started this gangster. False +Anyway how was your weekend bro? False +if she ask me i will bawl and tell her everything True +j and we called to tell you to get up, you lazy True +if anyone dies it should be a weak charachter. False +when did i lie to you? False +Why's that not going away? False +*sobs * i told you i made a mistake its all my fault ! ! ! theyre never coming back. False +I will, I promise you Steph False +me and you both . False +At your local diner getting burgers and shakes wit coupons False +it seems like nicki manja is your idol she doing to these young females do their heads up False +me either ! April 13 needs to hurry. False +Is on some healthy thing and gave up pizza. False +My dog bit me due to stepping on her accidentally. False +That looks stressful False +Aron is amazing! ppl should listen to him not hpew False +Can I just say, how amazing are heritage round jerseys. False +Yeah, I googled that thing. False +bad things went out on me , & i was soooo mad False +There not that bad? I mean they could be worse False +if you do know better , well , don 't be mean False +damn you too ? ? i hate when i do that . False +You are hurting me False +Are you still talking huh? I told you I got you False +i definitely relate to that illegal man lol False +he said you were bieng really rude . False +That's how we roll ,so good False +Remember when you refused to follow me all those times? False +somebody do my too rt i got tha 95 ball if you do that english fa me False +points to self *rt this bitch just might be sleepy * True +you been up to brody False +how was ya wkend anyway bro False +Let see what i can do False +Those of us who pay taxes don’t care. False +just v bored of the same old thing False +yea , it was a fun night, I think I met you and you were drunk already. False +and you like that cold thing huh ? ? haha False +That thing should be against the law False +I cried so bad becous I couldn't go. False +| chiara smiles trips over his foot False +I am high as hell, wide awake. False +Without thinking and forgetting who was on the phone I said I didn't care False +exactly , i mean providence isn 't bad, but isn 't exactly the backwoods lol False +Just facetimed my sister False +You are right about that. I ate it everyday as well False +It's so funny that this random number called me on accident and now it won't leave me alone False +Oh no i had no clue what a girl False +I'm carrying half of the burden False +I just lost the game False +How do you get it to work? False +Why didn't you turn on the heater? False +Not really I was being wrong cause she wants to tell the world on the news. False +people wear some ugly stuff to bed True +rocking my hips ,grabbing your ass cheeks spreading themsmiles , sliding my mouth down your jawline . True +same lol , get 'n done and taken life a day at a time False +then come talk to me about being bad. False +wait how am i fake , what did i do? False +You are the weakest one in the game. Everyone can kill you. False +So to my fake little sister who didn't tell me dad was out the hospital thanks True +omgggg i really hateee thosee i literally jump off my seat and scream so loud False +Hi everyone, I'm dyeing my hair right now and it itches a lot. False +rt just might be sleepy * points to self * False +Plus I am starving. False +but I need that smoke break False +"without thinkin n forgetting who on the fone i say "" i dont care about you "" lmao" False +"text from my brother "" i feel the need to be absolutely clear about this royal wedding" False +cant wait til nationals sunday False +plus i am hungry False +I slayed your life that day True +You are bad. False +lmaoo i be thinkin of alot of things and ppl dont see it that way sometimes False +I'll throw you in the gutter True +cool we need all hands deck tonight ! ! False +the black sheep was the wicked nicole lol hes always talkn smack about her haha True +can i just say , how good are heritage round jerseys False +Isn’t it supposed to be after pizza? False +Uhn uhn rudeness thats my boo! Lol rt jeezy got a big peanut head ctfu True +I didnt say anything to them False +If my fourteenth tweet goes, we are goings to be amazing tomorrow. False +You will never catch me living in a crickety house False +Do what you can do when you are young. False +The old man was funny too I'll beat both of you like you stole something. False +What did you just say? False +a person who want gas money False +Well she better take that outside. False +lmao omg that bieber love story u told me to read is long as shit ! True +if lil b can make it , i 'm droppin ' out True +Dont let that what happend in your room get to your head boy False +Everything aside, I love her show before the actual show False +clips4sale is so corrupt False +for the record , that hp joke is bad because voldemort 's mum is dead , too False +y u keep posting this rubbish on here True +^ i dont give a fuck ! like i said , im a careless mother fucker ! True +remember when i had sex with xiaoyu ? she kept screaming jin True +i had the fl 14 producer edition and it got erased bc of a virus False +i love how andy is saying his last name now d you are a legend , man ! False +What uave you been up to brody True +Then woohyun suddenly moved towarsa the window and started crying and yellinv and reaching out False +ahh i dont even know False +get anything you want on illium - smiles - glad you liked them. False +Why not? Bishop is cool. False +Omg! They are dating. False +im there this year False +whereas everyone else just sat there and laughed , shows how much you care . False +depends is a reg of hers ? or is he randomly telling her to do that False +yea right its because you are mean False +haha that'd be pretty good but i want them to come up with some things False +shit is about to get realllll crazy young mari ! real crazy ! haha True +Stop talking ill about the school False +i'm bouta tweet like the worst until we pick upp at work False +Well that, I don't want to annoy them. False +I'm glad that you know that she's not a good person. False +You still goin to another school? & my mentions gone be crazy False +I was the one whom hit you. True +i would show u who is this False +oh shit you weren 't posed to see that True +i'll probably wear my stockings and a band shirt and shorts or something like that False +i aint coppin that False +I I'm tired of you False +where are my Pisces women at because i love all of you False +insinuating that adam is a teenager is completely out of line . False +"*darco scowls, ""pouting? how ungrateful!"" he muters*" False +Guess what?? I don't mind! False +orh , then you ruined? False +We gotta write a essay to and this packet wit that book im on page 27 False +is yo too cheap to drive False +He deleted me again! I’m fuming! False +sorry I disappeared, my computer is acting stupid True +Let's chill by taking shots at the bars which is located on the corner. False +the hate is so strong right now , i 'm about to go on this place crazy False +lmao i saw that thing False +That's how we roll False +i just laugh at the problem now no need to stress False +Wait, today is Monday? It feels like sunday to me False +He was really scared False +I dont like the taste of fanta False +Mia had the od cake back then she was killin everybody False +Winks at you. False +I don't know what to do about it because they talk negatively about it. False +At the crib watching sc False +It went out on me, and I was mad False +These things would revolutionize the world. False +We stop by and talk to you some important issue. False +get over cheatan and mind your own bussiness False +don 't ruin the originals. False +that rashad - jardine was retarded . True +Think all the fun we’ve done in a year! Amazing. False +These girls done showed up early while I am in class. False +Negro is crazy you can't trust em proven fact. True +I try to enjoy the rest of the day thinking of you. False +then they had the nerve to leave only eggs left knowing that i don't eat them. False +anything with your last name ! False +You don’t know about it Gucci bandana used to be my thing. False +Big time rush is a game!! you know the words to that song don 't you False +Spine tattoo? Seriously? Get out of here. False +Boston is annoying but I miss my homies. False +buut idk my sleep pattern is just all fucked upp True +I don't know about you but that never work for me! False +My son is very stubborn False +! but it 's supposed to rain & stop . False +people at work are doing nut in False +star jackson knows who she can fuck with and who she can 't True +i 'm on chapter 7 of the first part cuz it was being an crazy last night and yay d False +shut up ! ! ! ! ! everytime i see u tweet i just wanna beat yo ass True +Lol, let me know if she is real first. False +I work hard everyday and other people are the ones living it up. False +That must be a joke False +i 've giveen up on the proposal really i don't care anymor lol False +Yea so stop talking nonsense crap about the school True +where the fuck is and get on twitter you fucks ! True +i will lol i 'm very observant False +Back then you will go in for this False +"What is the "" ahhh "" for ? & what time ?" False +i 'm lokkin ' 13 that app but i cannot find it. False +Thank you! Put that on my breasts or something lol False +Reading and leeds looks bad this year, you should all go to long division instead. False +see i was tryna form a truse but yu wanna stay with diddy ! smh lmao False +Sorry we were traveling all the time so we did not get any time for using internet. False +It's true False +how to do that? I already know how to dougie! False +yeah , but watching videos on my computer is long ! it takes forever to load ! ! False +A lot of my followers are drunk. True +I hope I don’t cry getting my nipples pierced lol False +lol , damn , imma kick they ass True +there not that bad ? I mean they could be worse . False +some things i don't have to deal with lmao False +Ikr? They still know how to play there! False +Well you just created a storm ! ! lolol False +Whiteonwhitehate rt ya everyone seems to be dealing with that kid False +Dr who in its later appearance is not that good False +hold on lemme erase that for you then False +You don’t wanna be stuck with annoying people. False +Doesn't have anything to do with you. False +I get love but amber has made him mushy and so bad. False +only if you get off of him False +the man himself!!! lakers False +tell gamers to calm down and to stop trusting rumors False +have a safe flight and kick ass at the expo ! ! ! True +that man nah we need him in the ground today False +he got back to his house False +where dis thia rain come from? False +Where do you come from? False +Nope, I'm 55, will it affect me and is it scary False +"what u kno bout it ? qt "" gucci bandana used to be mine!" False +that mark dude on vt is annoying . False +Who said that? False +! but it 's supposed to rain. False +the class smells farts and no fuck 'in ac True +you going? False +You go alone False +I am so sleepy. False +I am so glad that I have got my own money which I’ve earned myself. False +supposing adam is a teenager is completely not right False +I had friends over and that thing started. False +yalll go hard lol i gotta catch up then False +look everyone they are selling weak blackberry's at walmart False +whoever hit & run my car karmas come False +o damn it , this sickness is fucking annoying - True +smashing this subway i 'm starving False +aww man you took too long , i just banged out this lil sexy nigga about 10 mins ago True +wanna make a bet ? rt not joking with mines though rt i 'm a professional lol False +u luucky grr i will find a way never say never False +just can 't stand wochin the pope fucking these blondes am done wochin borgias * cracks the cd * True +he changed False +Didn't even know quinton had a film was awful tho nothing compared to the hangovers False +maybe it 's cause called you moby! ? lol False +we have to write an essay to and this packet written on this book i'm on page 27 False +don't cry laugh ! ! ! laugh ! ! ! ! just kidding False +i dont know about you,but that thing never work for me!lol. False +why would I be having fun? False +That's great, i finish it till the end. False +where is and get on twitter you guys ! False +Where are you from. False +You want to slap them when you listen to what they say. True +can i not go one day without messing up ? * sighs * False +i used to want to be a bug scientist lolz False +Oh, you weren't supposed to see that. False +yees ! but my internet it 's not okay yet ! False +You k ow what else would be pretty funny? Me kicking your biig butt True +My name is Donn or DK for the intimates. False +Did you beat someone? False +why did nazi Germany use number in the gun names? False +aw well props to you ! on yo grown man lol False +that bieber love story u told me to read is long False +Reading and leeds looks bad this year, you should all go to long division instead False +remember when i fucked xiaoyu ? she kept screaming jin True +it seems like nicki manja is your idol fuck she doing to these young females fucking there heads up True +you lucky im already full on some good bacalau False +They only see me as a dumb, hormonal, drug abusing, alcoholic girl sometimes True +bout to finish this comic i’m reading & then watch netflix till i fall asleep False +ay i been supporting hard , warm contacts specifically with the snapback team tuff False +Boy she was up to da max, dats da move. False +they are very expensive, but they are pretty so much. False +a that jack boyz the shit True +My name is donn or dk for short. False +i definitely relate to that gangsta thing lol False +i 'll on have my girbaud skirt and jersey ready for you False +i dont watch bad like that so idk what abc gonna do False +Star Jackson knows who she can go with and who she can’t. False +anyone with a footballing philosophy not relying on long ball and hoping on individual brilliance False +llal u da shit homie i can't wait till thee. True +whats the point ? jaz clearly doesnt care what youre saying False +Wait, today is Monday? It feels like Sunday False +until she started being arrogant False +Sorry you werenot ready to see this. False +you did that just to be a smart fool. True +when did u get up False +its not as if i 'm going every day ? i went once False +something i dont have to deal with False +i can't answer my m2u challenge question False +oh bang bang u tweeting now lol False +Like tonight he was all begging for forgiveness. False +lol yeah because gas is cheap. False +i 'm bouta tweet like this until we pick upp at work False +you did that just to be a smart False +ill see wat i can do False +I just laugh at that. There's no need to stress. False +Think of all the fun we've done in a year, it's amazing! False +You are bad, you know that. True +Han solo is unapproved, no one calls han solo unapproved False +idk when crack became cool but it needs to be put on lock False +Please get your online. False +It is hot as hell man False +Walking around tesco in a strange way False +I love you too! False +It is Sunday? False +I might, i can't rush it. False +but then he started playing houdini on me False +It'll be very bad tonight anyways! False +I'm gonna take that down. False +this job is starting to fuck with my ability to not hate everyone True +Just tried to call that dude but he's not picking it up. False +oh my god it is Sunday False +i'm watching et tonight & they mentioning guests and others. False +been eatin swedish fish and twizzlers since 78 am False +I don't know about you but that never works for me! Lol False +Relationships be boring as bad sometimes smh! False +the man himself!!! lakers False +like you almost ran over me by accident and decided to talk nonsense True +we don't fight for simple issues False +I love you too! <3 p False +Mom's making it worse by being making bad to him False +i might , i can 't rush shit False +Lady, i know what you mean. False +lmao no one wants that! False +Well, I Don't want to annoy them. False +why would I be having fun? False +you know ima short nigga False +oh my go! trent reznor just won an oscar . False +Teamiphone is all about teamblackberry False +Exactly, that's what I said and everyone was like ahh, the whole thing just knock. False +needed silva to play badly ! !fuck mancini anyways ! ! True +I'm tired to see the british monarchy winning all the awards False +bout to go ride either in landover or seat pleasant today , chill out with the guys. False +Hi everyone, I'm dying my hair right now and it itches so bad False +Guess what? I do not mind. False +why would we do that ? haha False +Please be sure you make it your best. False +You are really set for life! False +stop taking on twitter so seriously and go outside or something False +i wish i could be like you False +he better stick to it to the end. False +That's not a buzz if your a major artist False +anyone with a footballing philosophy not relying on long ball and hoping on individual brilliance False +i do but they give me load of hours False +It’s obvious that he gonna win. Lol i voted myself already False +getting hacked off with these dick heads linking their twitters and tumblrs to their facebook accounts True +Whoever hit & run to my car, karmass coming to him True +IIs, that thing dnt work for me False +Sierra ain't bad? I beg your pardon. False +and you like that cold thing huh? False +How will I wake up at 14 am? False +"Is the""ahhh"" for? & what time?" False +It means have not seen you in a long time False +Waiting for April 13. False +We'll all just be jealous when you post pics of you guys at disneyland. False +I know she is been like that since the summer but leave it. False +almost ripped my head off True +you too ? ? ? ? lmao <> rt awww i got a stalker False +a man who want gas money False +Re-sits are gods! What you doing at uni face? Your nickname btw False +i think the whole farm your own would be cool False +- _ - i 'm like fuck you then lol True +Miley said girl it's on the news for weeks. False +we both doing the same thing over time at the work and shop weekends the only free time sometimes False +Falcons made it, but then proceeded to lose False +lifes a mess and then you marry one ! * sorry if this offends p * False +J and I called to tell you to get up. False +Yeah because I leave things until the last minute False +I can't stand it False +ikr he 's such a twat - _ - True +Because I just got back from Texas I'm going to spend the day sleeping with my mom bonding time False +those of us who pays taxes dont bother. False +Hey man,you took too much time,I just kicked out this little boy about 10min ago. True +alot of my followers are drunk as great False +thank you ! ! ! put that shit on my boobs or something lol True +fuck it , i 'll tell em to raise the price if thats wachu want True +It's obvious that he's gonna win! Lol, I already voted. False +this is surely annoying False +How did you get it to work? False +omg i really thought dat place was closed. False +Back in the day, you couldn't even get away with this thing. False +Yeah because I leave things till the last minute False +"opperation "" get michael drunk so i can have him in the back room "" is on a go" False +Yeah, I googled that False +i dont understand anything, but i got the poster . False +i shit you not when i say i have my reasons . True +when did you get up False +Omg I really thought that place was closed. False +That must be a joke False +omg, there was a meeting ? i must have missed the email . False +Ima block her account on fb and lee mark False +What would happen then False +you think im joking , i swear that it just help me so much lol False +lmao idk why they just are they actually arent big they just big for a skinny girl True +these are expensive but pretty at the same time False +if i could i would retweet this for like 20 times False +your maths is like my chemistry situation , i know fuck True +At some park under a shelter, chilling as usual. False +Lol it’s not about male or female it’s about people, everybody lies about something sadbuttrue False +Man tell her good night False +and you a bad person True +is actually a friend of the family so get your facts right False +saying someone sucked their dads dick ? how would the ppl at your magazine like to read that ? hmmmmmm True +Don't cry. Laugh. I'm just kidding. False +now its raining in pg - _ - False +I’m watching et tonight and they mentioning guests and visitors False +Ain't good at it though False +I don't have any idea about the answer of this question. False +I will save you someday False +i mean , you work really hard, harder than any of us . False +My dad just came in and told me to turn my music down because he’s going to bed False +how d fuck u only dm him True +and all about planning and strategy False +llal u da shit homie i can 't wait till thee True +It's gonna to hurt a lot but I'll be alright. False +Why not? The bishop was calm False +The problem will remain forever. False +smh at those who think they hot False +omg just had a banging chicken cutlet blt sandwich False +Say what dawg ? send me a link False +yes ! it was amazing ! <3 <3 False +Do you have any problem. False +Aint gone make me smile but a lots of food and some dessert False +shit bro jus bored as hell in dis bitch man ready to hiy da crib one time True +what a move acting like he got hit with boozer’s elbow False +You very funny frm fb to this tom False +is there a problem with that ? False +lmao naa yooo this random number called me on accident and now it won 't leave me aloneeee False +yeah baby * moves closer * later False +i 'm actually gutted because there with deaf havana and lower than atlantis ! False +oh shit hold on lemme erase that for you thenn True +yeah, exactly, so there's two reasons she won't hit you False +Why would I be having fun? False +You know it is funny False +Power rangers is dta well the old one wen I was little False +and stop listening to rene False +omgggg i hateee thosee i literally jump off my seat and scream so loud False +Lol it's big sean I thought the bar was hot sheesh True +Even my man's was amazed False +i wasnt able to attend cause of some gay True +Aite hold on, downloading data. False +Omg just had a banging chicken cutlet blt sandwich False +Just try some different things. False +What is this!! I love this phone but that's a problem False +we are the oreo girls . False +yeah play that until we ready for they asses True +I just found a tiny pair of glasses in my shoe . False +- i 'm glad you now fully appreciate what she is . False +We're going to swing over and chat to you about some serious stuff, okay? False +Anything with your beautiful last name False +shit most of em live here lol True +I love you too. False +well, i don't want to annoy them. False +She acts immaturely False +why is this girl in my mentions telling me i 'm thirsty ? it 's a joke False +im nervous tho . False +Who added me on facebook? False +walking threw this park like we can't be touched False +yall aint seeing anything ! yall shaded my baby now yall wanna see ? no ! False +He went back to his house. False +Yes, it is always like that, John, you and them. False +because he be fuckin around lol,alright or hmu on twitter True +So, it means I'm just a smart guy. False +so u have called be a cunt a nob and a dumb ass True +I’m upset at the entire ghetto website False +most of em live here lol False +Sadly, no one pays for it. False +I can't answer my m2u challenge question False +He is rude True +Why not, bishop is cool False +When Michael McIntyre isn’t even making you laugh, you know your current situation is bad. False +No I don't play with the red bull wizards. False +Haha I ain't I can't design. False +Of he doesn't care, then why should you? False +ever since merger and talktalk became one my internet is worst False +It's crazy because you can get all the OG pokemon as well False +its gon already we need a r & b singer you know anybody? False +lol u been cheating. False +cool we need all hands on dick i mean deck tonight ! ! True +I'm bleaching it white. False +what you put her through,no fucking idea True +havnt tlked to you in awhile ! imy bro False +i've worked with them and for them 21. False +The gas is expensive! False +ser i was tryna form a truse but yu wanna stay with diddy. False +my son hard headed as shit True +nah fuck this twitter shit , we doing this in person , cypher ! ! True +I hope I don't get scared to get my nipples pierced. False +lol omg that Bieber love story you told me to read is very long! False +Spine tattooo? Seriously? Get outta heree False +lol nobody just feel like send this bitch up ! True +nevermind that person, why did nazi germany use number in the gun names ? False +Shiii me too, just not them lil shrimp. True +I was so furious False +You just said you would False +I'm thinkin should i start my day now or go back to sleep False +falcons made it,but then proceeded to get their selves handed to them. False +I can't answer my to you challenge question. False +it 'll be shit tonight anyways True +i just really can 't stand the slimey cunt . False +ooh damn i remember this song , it was a hit . True +oh my god ! trent reznor just won an oscar . False +"If your name was ""brittany skydrop"" and made music i'd stll be with you" False +Are you going ?? False +im trying but shit ain 't easy out here . True +I never talked about you though, or been unreal to you. False +I'm high as hell, wide awake smh. True +My son is stubborn. False +I am about to take a shower False +ahah what time ?aha you wanna fuck mee ? True +waka is so entertaining False +j and we have called to tell you that don't be lazy and get up. False +Please hurry up and go to by new outfit False +she is for me , his mine and that girl took him away , not impressed False +I do not like all the songs of CN Blue. False +what type of shit is this ! ! i love this phone but that 's a problem True +matt 's voice makes me so fucking happy . True +just tried to call this person but i bet that evo is dead ! lol False +Lol and Ryan's bench time, he's really rude False +man what is merge is that shit a meeting ? i keep seein ' it. True +it 's come to my attention fans are givin ' tommy shit False +I just lost the game False +Heard it works, I just do my hands in different positions False +Ey try to enjoy tha rest off the day thinkin of ya xo False +don't do it, there's nothing in here. False +I'm almost sure my friend Sanchez was hitting ms False +Nobody wants to take her False +I had peeps over and that stuff started False +yes , these bitches be lying to themselves True +how dare you diss the porsche ! punish them True +Don't talk anymore False +worried about you whats the deal ? ? ? False +I have to break up with you and get back to having some fun. False +I want ramen noodles False +He just be taking too long for the simplest thing. False +holy shit ! ! the gas is $ 40 True +Yeah, but you are a tricky person. False +It is about to get realll crazy young mari ! Real crazy ! Haha True +mane told a hyperbole lol rt just got home from our game tired as hell. False +tomorrow is friday , where has the week gone ! False +My dad just came in and told me to turn my music down cause he is going bed. False +That sheet was confusing too True +Lol fun from that I remember False +I wish he would bring me my phone back. False +i was being sarcastin False +I'm bad at art so this is a major task for me ! xd False +Gonna smash out of a fly. False +if he found out something about the shop dude ? * nod * False +kenny must be scared haha False +Zack had tht dead rat and terrance saw it and scream False +this job is starting to mess with my ability to not hate everyone False +keep that in a safe place False +What just added me on facebook? False +yeah go the doggies ! False +it 's hot as fire man False +This random number called me and It won't leave me in peace False +I will punch you in the belly and a rib will be broken True +I have to bit him and get back to having some fun. False +I'll on have my girbaud skirt and jersey ready for you False +Shut up! False +You were acting up when you came, I should've pushed you down the steps! False +The gas is $40 False +kind of i guess , still pretty bad situation. False +Then woohyun suddenly goes to the window and they start crying and yelling and reaching out. False +ill save you anyday False +i was so pissed off. False +y u keep posting this on here False +It tells about damaging property and his further strategy. False +i would show u who the bitch is True +Sometimes when I'm in total silence my thoughts run wild and I think of some things False +Good luck channing! I have to work all the day long so I’m saying it now. False +I wish he would bring me my phone back. False +Cant wait till nationals sunday dawg False +lmfao hahahaha ! i wouldnt do that to ya lol someone woulda called 27 27 on ma ass lol True +i didnt look at the whole site i only searched the shoes False +Rt woahh ! rt only inconyers niggas eat pussy during school True +of course , saroh is the best False +My mom's is wearing shorts shorter than mine False +I don't trust you False +My favorite thing to do is to laugh, i'm also looking forward to going to high school False +tristan isn 't that bad ! i just love matt lanter . False +some of your tweets are very random False +I didn't know that Quinton had another not-so-good movie False +trying step up! which also means in better results more lower cuts and belly shrits d False +I might not in a hurry. False +I did my housing yesterday. False +You stole my heart girl False +very cool but have no clue what it says False +I just really can't stand him/her False +you will not be a light weight for long False +Walking around Tesco like you've problems because of pains False +From where is this rain coming? False +you've been gone too long False +I'm tired of the British monarchy getting all the attention. False +yeah yeah that thing look like a toupee False +U tweeting now False +That thing is on the inside of screen. False +Listening to cee lo green False +you know im short lol. False +You don't even know that girl. False +that sound like some blowed things False +I wasn't able to attend. False +Until she became a bad person towards me False +Im not dealing wit that False +yees ! but my internet it 's not okay yet ! False +i could have told u this lol False +why you just said you would False +damn, well excuse me! True +lets make a fb page about how mean she is True +My internet has been unreliable ever since AOL and TalkTalk merged. False +My name is dk for short. False +don 't compare with the originals False +falcons made it , but then proceeded to handed themselves False +I was mistaken about your location. False +okay well i really do not know but i can hear screaming and moving things False +Lol for real? Thanks for telling me that now smh that's kool tho False +Same done and taken life a day at a time. False +Veda is playing a hard and cold character in this movie False +Relarionships are boring sometimes, smh! False +The night was fun, I think I met you in a not good state False +i remember this song , it was a hit . False +Don't come back here with that nonsense True +That guy ain't played the whole season, he is not gonna have the impact Nate Robinson did. False +Me too, just not them. False +imma delete that when she adds a picture ! real talk ! False +I cried because I couldn't go False +chillin in this nut bar on the corner takin shots wyd False +Clips4sale is so corrupt. True +She tried following the wrong person False +my phone be disturbed with vibrations of spam love False +aite hold on, downloading a thing. False +The slow broadband is always annoying with me False +hell yeah False +why is this song stuck in my head? False +it 's almost as annoying as this is so slow broadband i 'm suffering through . False +aww this person is a bad one. False +Yoda just tweeted me False +Putting this music on my phone False +get it now ? check out the blog already False +oh hells no chris is cheating me ? ! lmao we got a weird ass marriaqe lmao True +i woulda loved rebecca black if she sang a song that did something besides state the obvious. False +if he doesn’t care , then why should you ? False +They are expensive, but they so much pretty. False +I wish rabobanks had better luck this time False +guess what ???? i dont care !!! False +Of course, saroh is the best. False +If you're lying, you're done. False +I jump, eyes shooting open False +l left my whole bag in miami & noticed an hour later. False +Go to sleep because you are chatting meaningless talks may be because of sleep False +That doesn't work for me False +if he found out something about the shop dude ? * nod False +oh! patton oswalt as eddie dean? False +Lol you won't find me in Houston. False +I wish I could be like you False +Now it's raining in pg -_- False +No way, he is bad now True +Wish i wasn't so nice sometimes! wish i could just let the inner out. False +Man it aint like that brow you know it man I'm struggling. False +they get on my nerves in here. False +get it now ? check out the blog already False +He makes himself feel Bad. False +Matt's voice makes me so happy False +That grass caused inflammation in my nose. False +You're breaking my heart False +at you local diner getting burgers and shakes wit coupons fuck that hoe True +tonight he was like begging for forgiveness and saying other things False +What do you mean? Link it up. False +It was really bearing in mind. I have seen like every action and alien movie going False +yes ! but my internet it 's not okay yet False +Have you read the twilight ‘series’? Worst thing I have ever seen published . False +but i don't' know my sleep pattern is just all messed up; False +alot o rumors ! ! ! ! ugh she hurt another amazing boy ? > | False +I dont need it, i have real life women for that. False +Alright, I'm gonna remember this one lol. False +lets do it together False +where are you from? False +I am lonely False +Yup! because i am lazy and leave things until the last minute haha. False +You want to discipline them when you listen to the bad things they say. False +all the songs of cn blue is like shit . True +I am trying but things ain’t easy out here. False +fuck yerk fuh clev meh hook nah temp blajh True +"I'm actually gutted because there with ""deaf havana"" and ""lower than Atlantis""!" False +yep lol cause i just know this gone bubble and you want suppose to tell everybody that lol. False +My mouth just got all watery. False +oh my god they are dating False +letmefind out you been having a sex marathon and im whooping that ass lol True +twitter really needs to get their shit together True +I rather watch paint on wall dry. False +"naw , it 's spelled "" u " False +"what is fizzy pop? in danish ""fisse"" is the vulgar term for woman genitalia." False +lol and ryan 's bench time , he 's rude . True +Tell gamers to calm themselves and to stop trusting rumours False +i wish i was going to belfast False +i just hit a jay , and forget about that thing. False +im gonna sit on the person face True +Good luck channing ! i have to work all day so i 'm saying it now. False +never 25 faced in a bitch like way True +i am going to beat her. True +but she 's gotta be fine as bad haha and i 'm not gunna have the drunk goggles on lmao False +i'm bleaching out of it so it goes white False +been eatin swedish fish and twizzlers since 78 False +I just found dawn barbour on this ha l False +can i not go one day without messing up ? * sighs * False +bitch please fuckup n go back sandwhiches True +Read that, it’s not good, but if you’re bored then I don’t thing you will care False +As far as the situation, they ain't pulled everything together. False +I'm the one bitin False +lol perfectly executed 30 min rant lol that was exemplary False +am like why you almost ran me over by accident and decided to talk like this False +Hahaha we started this. False +i hope she 's happy . False +I don't understand anything, but I got the poster False +You too?aww I got a stalker False +Lol perfectly executed 30 min rant lol that was exemplar False +you know ill fucks wit ya True +lol they look like they 'll steal yo goods. False +My mom was lecturing me about college tonight. False +Sadly, the lady failed to follow the appropriate person False +boston is annoying as fuck but i miss my homies True +think of all the fun things weve done in a year!amazaing. False +i accidently stepped on my dog & she bite my toes False +The sickness is not good. False +new balls deep me saying horrible things about the nfl owners True +Yes, they’re lying to their selves False +Last time that happened to me turns out I had sprained my back. False +well you should have done it with the half and half False +Spell check is not always a good option. False +u can do wat u want u a grown lady False +I dont like makinn that movee, it takes too longggg False +the ass it will kick is yours True +I just did my housing yesterday. False +Haha xd call my phone! I cant find it. False +i 'm not a cockney ! False +I fell in love with you. False +Oh no!!! I used to want to be a bug scientist lolz False +You look like you have an issue. False +Man you took long, i just had sex with a black women about 10 mins ago. True +*I jump, eyes shooting open* ah! False +Im going to beat you in 34 True +my mother is not good False +lol fuck that ! i 'm the one bitin ! True +It is correct False +"I think facebook is responsible for making some people think they're ""what they are"" in real life." False +I slayed your life that day please. True +I wouldn't do that to you, someone would call 2727 False +this stuff is so annoying False +You guys crack me up False +You stop dick eating you dnt even know tht girl. True +to get faced in the mud and watch my chemical romance and two door cinema club False +Why did Nazi Germany use number in the gun names? False +Chris is cheating me,we got a wierd marriage False +Oh yes go the doggies! False +d i think i 'll myself with rage over this , hope your happy twitter False +Kind of I guess, still pretty. False +Oh cause tk is your girl? Get out of my mentions True +Oh I'm taking all of mine! False +Yes, today is really dab day False +just kidding that was uncalled False +how d come u only dm him False +Oh my gosh, I'm definitely going False +lol u been cheating. False +you went by and visited my evil useless mama ? besides, jk i know you haven 't True +exactly , i mean providence isn 't much , but isn 't exactly the backwoods lol False +Do you want to place a bet? I'm not fool with mine, though, since I'm a pro. False +I could have told u this. False +doesn 't have a thing to do with you . False +what the actual fact , my mum 's wearing shorts shorter than mine False +Give me 50 and i will be on the floor False +Nomore talkingrt for the record started poppin first!punks jump up to get beat down! True +Zack had that dead rat and Terrance saw it and screamed False +But then he started playing Houdini False +cause her cousin is with her so she can't come over i just think its all over. False +say what dawg ? link that up ! True +You are right about that 34 and i ate it everyday as well False +where the fxck ass at ? True +everytime i see u tweet i just wanna beat yo ass True +you better ! i miss you and i 'm having stefaniewithdrawals False +i left my whole bag in miami & noticed a hour later False +You are not interesting False +I’m typing this essay, eeeh help me? False +Stop and watch something nice. False +About to take a shower. False +i’m going to be in trluble by a woman. False +My letter was meaningless False +I'm promoting you too deputy. False +I know your maths is like my chemistry. False +bestfriend remember wen u said u put yo dick in ear n fucked wat she heard ? True +It is too cheap to drive False +You are narrow-minded. True +i get love but amber has made him mushy False +It's not as if i'm going everyday? I only went once. False +psh , i ain 't scared of no movie. False +she stole from me False +wheezes and slaps your butt again - that one was me True +can we at least listen to gospel if its gonna be church. False +Sick! rt come out of me. False +i 'm thinkin should i start my day now or go back to sleep False +You rap like an old man True +i just hit a jay , and forget about that False +i'm so going False +Why this song is stuck in my head? False +spoiled ass ! i 'm lucky if i get ramen noodles ! True +Yes! It was amazing. False +Cause her cousin is with her so she can't come over I just think it's all over. False +Who said that? False +We need that man in the ground today! Enough is enough! False +driving my sister to student council early False +i dont watch things like that so idk what abc gonna do False +Reading and Leeds look terrible this year, you should all go to long division instead False +you know what else would be pretty funny ? me kicking your ass. True +new balls deep saying horrible things about the nil owners. True +Anything with your sweet last name False +I need to take a bath False +"If your name was ""Brittany skydrop"" and made music I'd still joke with you" False +what a bitch move acting like he got hit with boozer 's elbow True +Then come talk to me about how you're a bad person. False +where is he would be amazed ! False +Well props to you,you are grown False +Aww now its abt quitin time!!!!!!! Hahahahaha False +have a safe flight False +Omg you are right!he does look like liam! False +He is a actually a family friend so clear your misunderstanding. False +But you cannot mess with this thing. False +Geminis are often unclear about their goals False +I don't like your subtweets lmao False +*eyes narrow* I’d rather find out now than have it bite me in my behind later. False +Some people with footballing philosophy are independent on long ball shit and they hope on personal brilliance. True +I don't say anything to them False +How dare you diss the Porsche! I am so angry with them False +oc i 'm watchin ' too . False +Lol teamiphone its all about teamblackbert. False +I'm too natural? nest time you see me I am going to be plastic False "don't cry! laugh! laugh! -I'm just kidding." False 100.0 -I don 't even know False 100.0 -That lady i knew False 100.0 -i was mad. False 99.99 -there not that bad ? i mean they could be worse . False 99.99 -He will definitely win, I also voted him. False 99.99 -Imma delete it when she adds a picture!real talk! False 99.99 -I gotta let someone have it False 100.0 -Ooh , there was a meeting ? i must have missed the email . False 100.0 -You can ask her again. False 100.0 -it is good that you at least keep it 50% in regards to what you want False 100.0 -And you bleed out that thing True 91.07 -They all talk nonsense on it haha, I haven't clue what to do! False 100.0 -it 's not my fault they 've got a bad job ! False 100.0 -calc 48 is a frustrating though False 100.0 -LMAO I just witnessed 32% cunt from you jus now True 99.77 -girl you gone eat all of them False 99.69 -good luck channing ! i have to work all day so i 'm saying it now False 99.69 -What are u saying , ima ask why if i want too lol False 99.69 -lmao rt i 'm a little down , ladies upload some shots on instagram False 99.69 -They have a free app False 99.99 -lol good things but dawg read this ! False 99.99 -IIs, that does not work for me. False 99.99 -doesn't have anything to do with you . False 99.99 -At the crib watching sc False 99.99 -I just got into this alcoholic thing. False 99.99 -Don't do anything here False 99.99 -Yes! You better get my bro some Italian stuffs he's obsessed with it. False 99.99 -If I could, I would retweet it 20 times False 99.99 -It's an amazing show! We have to go to Tim's show today! False 99.99 -i wanna take to the next level False 99.99 -I will tell them to raise the price ,if that is what you want False 99.99 -Because i mess around and dislike some things. Lol. False 99.99 -I have not met someone like you until that day. False 99.99 -Is on some healthy food and gave up pizza False 99.99 -I'm getting slightly impatient waiting on people. False 99.99 -I am tired of this course. False 99.99 -I have to go False 99.99 -Wow i feel sorry for you your sleeping pattern is gonna be ruined False 98.99 -Stay quiet.w False 99.99 -it 's gonna hurt so bad but i 'll be alright False 100.0 -wait , today is monday ? ! Oh it feels like sunday . False 100.0 -I am not joking because that thing helps me a lot False 100.0 -we’ll all be jealous when you post pics of you guys at disneyland. False 100.0 -so to my silly little sister who didn't tell me dad was out the hospital thanks False 100.0 -When micharl mcintyre isn’t even making you laugh you know your current situation is bad False 100.0 -Bro,I did the microwave and it works. False 100.0 -You make me laugh hard. False 100.0 -You don't know anything about basketball and you proved that the other day. False 100.0 -diggin in the crates , where is he would be amazed ! False 100.0 -what do have you against ireland? False 99.99 -unless there 's a storm when k gets back from dropping off the kid False 99.99 -Trying my best! which also means in better results more lower cut and belly shirts d False 100.0 -no its not an i dnt feeel like leavin the house nomre so i 'll get my shit tmmro lmao True 99.99 -Yeah she was trying to argue with me on the internet False 100.0 -Dont let that incident which happened in that room to effect your head False 100.0 -Even if at times i think bad of her False 99.99 -You make me laugh a lot. False 99.6 -your still talking about them lol how did you play ? False 99.63 -Wow! That's cute. False 99.6 -Enjoy your life without me. False 99.92 -Tristan isn't that bad I just love Matt Lanter . False 99.6 -Naw I know what what you mean False 99.6 -the thing you just said ! False 99.92 -that mark on it is annoying False 99.6 -lol teamiphone its all about teamblackberry False 99.92 -For sure!!when you said it to me on saturday night I lost control. False 99.99 -Keep doing it so that we can understand how long you can tolerate it False 99.99 -you don 't know anything about basketball and u proved that the other day lol False 91.67 -"where my "" pisces "" women at ? love y 'all krazy!" True 99.99 -you too ? ? ? ? lmao <> rt awww i got a stalker False 99.99 -Yall playing games and where is jazz at? False 100.0 -You got to be kidding me with those rates. False 100.0 -Leave your life im the one thats halfiing the calories False 100.0 -In a bad way like she ties her hair up with a scarf False 100.0 -know damn well he don't know you True 99.99 -rt i 'm so bored False 99.99 -star jackson knows who she can stay with and who she can 't False 99.99 -i just woke up! It is about to be smoking time False 99.99 -Man what is merge in that meeting. False 99.99 -What type of thing is this. I Love this phone but that's a problem False 99.99 -I would get confused , and click ignore. False 99.99 -it 's very hot man False 100.0 -i was perkins i 'd be hott too False 100.0 -Moe is gonna punish us False 100.0 -getting slightly impatient waiting on people False 100.0 -when you post pics of you guys at disneyland or some shitwe 'll all just be jealous. True 99.98 -I never said anything about you though or been unreal to your face False 99.99 -don't do it, ain't any good here False 99.99 -things will get real ugly . True 99.49 -Every one seems not to do justice with kid. False 99.99 -i don't know how this wedding works. False 99.99 -You sound hateful False 100.0 -lol wat made it funny is the police officers i worked w regal even knew about her False 100.0 -Now phatz dat guy can sing u gota get hipped False 100.0 -well she better take that outside False 99.93 -lol you wont find my thing in houston. False 99.9 -That’s confusing. False 99.93 -You should be banned because you have a bad taste. False 99.93 -Because youtube isn’t working. False 99.99 -I'll throw you in the gutter True 97.39 -My legs! Make me put a mousetrap on my lips. False 99.9 -"they always hit me with "" damn you fine ! pregnant and all "" smh damn." True 99.99 -LoL it's big Sean I thought the bar was hot sheesh. False 100.0 -i 'm upset at the entire ghetto not good website . False 100.0 -and i'm fucked off just hearing about it. True 99.99 -About a child who is in a coma False 100.0 -oh my god!! they are dating ! ! ! omg False 100.0 -I am also promoting you False 100.0 -That's how we roll False 100.0 -lol , your right about that 34 & i ate that everyday as well False 98.16 -idk when ass crack became cool but that shit needs to be put on lock True 99.99 -Hotmail is also on the list for not working when I'm on time limit False 100.0 -patton oswalt as eddie dean ! oh shit ? ! True 99.3 -I will, i promise you steph False 100.0 -I can 't stand it False 100.0 -yes , these people be lying to themselves False 99.99 -the black sheep was the bitch nicole lol hes always talkn smack about her haha True 99.99 -True. False 99.99 -Then come here and we talk about it. False 100.0 -That artist aint played the whole season, he’s not gonna have the impact nate robinson did False 99.99 -The girls are talking about something and she will see her on the streets False 99.99 -My mother is unsuitable False 99.99 -ppl was talking about it was nice outside i got out of school and it was so cold. False 99.99 -they built walls and buses False 99.99 -I want to take bath. False 99.83 -Big time rush is a wonderful game. You know the words to that song, don't you? False 99.83 -that sheet was confusin too False 93.98 -Man tell her good night!!! False 99.99 -that feels better ! seriously , i wouldn 't get involved with her with my worst enemies! hahahahaha ! False 99.99 -I don't use twitter any more. False 99.99 -suspiciouscookieoffering rt do you want a cookie ? False 99.99 -tyga on this black thoughts 48 mixtape this thing ard dl it False 99.99 -All i hear is screaming and moving. False 99.99 -lol u da one talm bout fighting me False 99.99 -Nah i dont go with them red bull wizards lol False 99.99 -If ur bad and a guy ain't saved u yet False 100.0 -It was a bad choice putting this music on my phone. False 98.12 -she is not beautiful False 98.12 -anne robinson finally quits the weakest link got tired of winking and standing False 98.12 -i woulda loved rebecca black if she sang a song that did something besides state the so obviously. False 99.55 -but all the same it's bad False 98.33 -Don’t mind the chicken, why didn’t you turn the heater on? False 99.99 -I hope she's happy. False 99.99 -i 'm too emotional for shit True 99.99 -I will deport you True 99.99 -I doubt it! You will lose tomorrow. False 99.99 -That's why I haven't been releasing a lot of stuff. False 100.0 -I'm not okay dealing with that thing. False 100.0 -He just be taking to long for the simplest thing. False 100.0 -i told you i messed up its all my fault ! they're never coming back False 100.0 -cuz u be getting mad at me over some less important matters False 100.0 -jut try something else False 100.0 -there is a formula ! ! ! False 100.0 -How dare you diss the Porsche? False 100.0 -And what happened to the red faced guy False 99.99 -It's good that you still talk about them , how did you play? False 99.19 -this bitch i use to know True 99.99 -I will lol I'm very observant False 99.99 -i know i am lazy right now False 99.99 -All is wrong. False 100.0 -the hate is so strong right now , i 'm about to go super angry on this place . True 99.99 -yep aquarius is the baddest bitch you 'll ever know ! True 99.99 -*Sobs* I told you I messed up its all my fault!!! They're never coming back. False 99.99 -That sounds really not cool. False 100.0 -How will I wake up at 14 am? False 100.0 -worried about you what's the deal ? False 99.99 -Is actually a friend of the family so get your facts right False 99.99 -Because I just got back from Texas so I m going to spend the day sleeping with my mom bonding time False 99.99 -if lil b can make it , i 'm droppin ' out False 99.99 -its gon go crazy this is already goin crazy we need a r & b singer you know anybody ? False 99.99 -But Idk my Sleep pattern is just wrong False 99.99 -So funny! partyin here is mess. False 99.99 -i don 't trust you . False 99.99 -hi everyone , i 'm dyeing my hair right now and it itches hard False 99.99 -I don't like checking spelling False 99.99 -Lol, you know that is funny. False 99.99 -I'm quite tall False 99.99 -You can do what you want False 99.99 -Just tell me to go on with it and push through it. False 99.99 -it was a storm False 97.73 -I'm lokking' 13 that app but i cannot find it False 99.99 -Worried about youwhats the deal False 99.99 -Oh I wanted to call and yell at him False 99.99 -Alright, I'm going to remember this lol False 99.99 -Lol perfectly executed 30 min rant lol that thing was examplar False 99.99 -Lol the mosquitos are going to bite her If she living in the country False 99.84 -Lol you won't find me in Houston False 98.58 -Get to my house now False 99.99 -I 'll on have my girbaud skirt and jersey ready for you False 99.99 -Wanna make a bet? We can discuss it now i'm professional. False 99.99 -sorry! we were on the move all the time, no time for internet - False 99.99 -sierra ain 't nothing ? Girl i beg your pardon . False 100.0 -I'm nervous False 99.99 -I ain't scared of no movie. False 99.99 -it 'll be bad tonight anyways ! False 99.99 -No such a thing! Do it now while you’re young. False 100.0 -Your icon I loooove it $ False 100.0 -not really i was just being an stupid cause she wants to tell the world she 's on the rag True 99.99 -Know well he don't know about you. False 99.99 -Where are you driving to False 100.0 -hell yea shit ima hit u up wen i get to da crib whoopin ass wit dem hawks True 99.99 -have you read the twilight ' series ' ? worst shit i 've ever seen published True 99.99 -ey try to enjoy tha rest off the day thinkin off ya xo False 100.0 -You keep posting this on here. False 99.99 -we both doin da same thang ova time at da work shop, weekends da only free time sometimes False 99.99 -An oscar was given to trent raznor. False 99.99 -About a child who's like possess his like in a coma False 94.29 -It was a very quick wave lol False 99.99 -i miss her. False 99.99 -those bitches obviously cant take justin 's swag . True 99.02 -Don’t mind the girl i don’t even see her at this point False 99.99 -I love it because u can get the original pokemon as well False 99.99 -he just b taking to long for the simplest thing False 99.99 -I m trying to keep my mentions clean . False 100.0 -kind of i guess , still pretty bad False 100.0 -How could I have cried for those little False 99.99 -some of your tweets are random. False 100.0 -You are hilarious False 100.0 -I have no clue whatsoever what this question is asking False 100.0 -nah on some real thing he extra bunk False 100.0 -new balls make me want to say horrible things about the nfl owners False 92.26 -Where he go? I would of bn going crazy by nw lol False 99.99 -yoda just tweeted me ! False 99.99 -for the record , that hp joke is illogical because voldemort 's mum is dead , too False 99.99 -Thanks for telling me that,it is good. False 99.99 -i just laugh at the shit now no need to stress True 99.34 -She has sold them for a pair of shoes - - over and over and over again . False 100.0 -it should , but unless your hdd is failing because of physical issues , then you have much luck . False 92.26 -If you don't hurt me, I won't hurt you too. False 100.0 -i wish i was going to belfast False 100.0 -lmaooooo ! partyin here is bad. False 100.0 -not a thing ! do it now while you 're young False 100.0 -almost got my head scratched False 100.0 -Dude my mom was lecturing me on college and tonight False 100.0 -When u want yo shit done? True 100.0 -Was there a meeting? I must have missed the email False 100.0 -Yea, it was a fun night ,I think I met you an you were drunk already. False 100.0 -but really your a dumbass ! ! love you ! True 100.0 -I know your reality. False 100.0 -Ily 76 fake butt playwife False 99.99 -If a nigga eats the puss you 'll still kiss him. True 98.97 -this person has sold them for a pair of shoes over and over again False 100.0 -Remember when you refused to follow me all those times? Karma came back for you lol False 100.0 -You ill see wat i can do False 100.0 -If he doesn’t care, then why should you? False 100.0 -mane told a hyperbole lol rt just got home from our game tired. False 100.0 -You just created a storm False 100.0 -I'm away to clean up cat mess False 100.0 -wtf is your problem wit them big asss boots on ? c 'mon ma nigga throw a shirt on True 99.99 -That’s why I haven’t been releasing a lot False 100.0 -getting hacked off with these heads linking their twitters and tumblrs to their facebook accounts False 100.0 -oh god trice ! Now i’m lonely False 100.0 -I promise Steph that I'll do it False 100.0 -doesn 't mean it 's blocked , could just be wronged ? False 100.0 -then I deal with you False 99.99 -I love your beautiful icon. False 99.99 -the process it takes to get the girl,gives headaches. False 99.99 -that 's confusing! False 99.99 -we be chilling on the throne with death. True 100.0 -I accidentally stepped on my dog and she bit my toes. What a funny. False 100.0 -no idea , what you put her through. False 99.99 -That’s too far! I wish i knew someone with a car False 100.0 -Where did this rain come from? False 99.99 -straight like that don't mess with me i don't mess with you False 99.99 -Aww man I hate things like that False 99.99 -That's too fare. I wish somebody get a car False 99.99 -good kuz that stuff is not cool! False 99.99 -And if you and Keegan don't go in DMS False 99.99 -I don’t know, i haven 't been outside and i 'll probably end up doin the same thing i always do False 98.71 -They'll be bad to store though. False 99.99 -Buy new car and you will be going in London Zone 23 False 99.99 -I hate this school! And I don't need school False 99.99 -My girl is a white lesbian named becky lol and we're picking up 36 other girls False 99.99 -We only need a guitarist along with a bass guitar and a rythem guitar False 99.99 -Holy crap dude was channeling micahael jackson and True 99.64 -i really just don't care about anything or anyone. i try not to anyway. False 99.99 -I'm incompetent False 99.99 -Get this right dav False 99.99 -Better hurry up! I'm lighten up False 99.99 -it’s on the internet for the moment False 99.99 -we already know you are going to look, just don't be so obvious. False 99.99 -Did you check out the album?It is a really amazing record. False 99.99 -Great that we only start playing with 88 mins left. The service into the box was bad. False 100.0 -it wouldn't be possible, he weigh more than me False 100.0 -I boring biology class False 100.0 -laying in my bed, watching this play False 100.0 -i hate california and everyone in it True 99.53 -i like webbie way more than boosie False 100.0 -Everyone should do their work when they get it False 100.0 -Am I really going to be alone for Harry Potter tonight? False 100.0 -and that 's how you let the beat build bitch ! True 99.99 -he changed, okay? he did we all know it! So, please, be quiet. False 99.99 -No David I am not with that thing False 99.99 -All these girls want a man with tats True 99.99 -I did some useless things to some girls. False 99.99 -I mention your name all the time, you can never say I'm fake ever again mister. False 99.99 -That is very expensive that 72 dollar for 72 flyer False 99.99 -I told him to go away False 99.99 -Yeah i get sassy when people disturb my sleep True 99.99 -She just need a break False 99.55 -oh she was fucking annoying im tellin ya x True 97.9 -thank you ! rt wow ! ! congrats ! ! ! kickin on idol and itunes ! onthefloor False 98.11 -i 'm not okay , i 'm not okay False 99.55 -After my 36 minute carnival with her, I want to do something like Michael Myers or Freddy Krueger would do True 93.65 -I don't want to go! I hate anatomy test False 99.55 -I never understood that saying. False 99.55 -then i must be some effed individual , that lasted more than a day True 99.99 -lol they fallin in love again lol False 98.82 -I don't like California and people in it! I love LA. False 98.82 -lmfao!! the stuff was priceless hahahaah. False 98.82 -oh its 6 pm False 98.82 -the industry made me annoyed False 98.82 -Get this right dav False 98.82 -you're so drunk that you couldn't remember this conversation for tomorrow, anyway. False 98.82 -I don't want to look at something else related to nursing after spring break! False 99.99 -And i was not cooking False 99.99 -You don't even really be talkin' but bout so why should I follow you ? False 97.69 -some people are actually so pathetic that it makes my skin crawl False 99.99 -haha oh shit its gonna go down ! does the other team get to play with a coach too ? True 99.32 -ahahahaha that 's funny False 99.99 -It it was hot girls! False 99.99 -Why are you talking nonsense on twitter? False 99.99 -Yeahhh right husband you always messing me uo when im at work pay back <29 False 99.99 -well , you are ' stooping to my level ' by tweeting me . False 99.99 -If I good price, you put magnet? False 99.99 -You know well im not in school. False 99.99 -I thought she will hit me t be honest False 99.99 -The next person to say something about lady gaga is getting mudered True 100.0 -I parked next to a red corvette so people don't immediatley notice the car I have. False 99.99 -I'm up here sending emails so I can make some exciting money lol False 99.99 -I'm still goona stay here and get paid False 99.99 -If she lies on me i'm the man! Yes False 100.0 -yea yea I know I dig that true thing. False 100.0 -of course thats not question i would rather see game instead False 100.0 -washing machine has driven me to wine False 100.0 -Stop playing with 93 b4 she will beat you False 99.99 -my ass is on the internet for the moment False 99.99 -bettter hurryy uppp ! ! im lighten up! False 100.0 -its 66 am , why i 'm still awake i have no idea False 100.0 -I don't know why can't I sleep until 66am False 100.0 -Alright, if these three people got wewd prescriptions, how do i get one? False 99.89 -im boutta start buyin all old shit True 99.81 -I wanna see you girls tonight. False 99.89 -I just got it yesterday. False 99.89 -but if they stayed to party, then oh yeah. False 99.89 -If this keeps up, I might just make that move. False 99.89 -What is this? False 99.89 -not my daughter False 99.89 -I need a new word to use now False 99.77 -it happened and my friends were too embarrassed to record that thing False 99.77 -You can leave False 99.77 -lol , but im listenin to music right now so im jus relaxinnnn False 99.99 -Yea yea i know i dig that true False 99.99 -always saying we sucked and then we won p True 99.99 -fml and this girl named insomnia True 100.0 -Just relax and take a drink or something, that's always enjoyable. False 99.77 -She might not be able to leave the city lolol False 97.4 -hmpphh ! great poop kid , very much played True 98.36 -You miss me False 99.99 -People like her are getting on my nerves False 99.99 -We do what we want' - no you don't False 99.99 -That is sad False 99.99 -Seriously who does she think she is? Listen, no one really likes you False 99.99 -I didn't check my notifications. False 99.99 -72 flyers for 72 dollars is too much False 99.99 -I 'm just saying i' m 57 lad back for the trouble but i 'm far from child. False 99.99 -i wit rewind too , nobody ever rapped a song in reverse False 98.26 -I m tired False 99.99 -I think he's stuck False 99.99 -There should be a list made of things you shouldn't ask over the phone False 99.99 -Good! Im taking care of the kids False 99.99 -What wrong with her tone? False 99.99 -yea people finna be dmin trash talkin me and now hatin False 99.99 -And you sure they aren't saying chocha and talking about an unpleasant smelling vagina? True 92.88 -lol cas & looks are very deceiving - p , i may be little but not good False 99.86 -I was not cooking False 99.86 -"in my house we refer to it as the "" mcas ." False 99.86 -Oh my god, audition at 40 of mac? False 99.86 -It is supposed to be keep quiet False 99.57 -Excuse me my protege, i was not tge one who made a vulgar text story. False 91.73 -That's his fault. I was reading everybody's lyrics False 99.18 -what’s wrong with you phone ! right i just tweeted the same thing about 90 times False 99.18 -anderson cooper said he contacted beyawnce mooriah & usher & they never responded False 99.18 -Leafs and habs fans unite the canucks. False 99.18 -I don't backstabbed someone. False 99.18 -They should screw themselves if they can. False 99.18 -everybody unfollow her False 99.18 -Laying in my bed, watching this play False 99.99 -I want to see you tonight. False 99.99 -No that is bad Spanish food False 99.99 -aw stop playing with 93 b4 she beat you lol. False 99.99 -I am tired of that which you show first hand. False 99.99 -i got a lot to say and after this i'm done False 99.99 -i thought she 'd slap me to be honest . False 99.99 -Me and nick were beaten by two random people False 99.99 -I never want this False 99.99 -I forgot about that, you can make a video for every track. False 99.99 -how did I stand out? False 99.99 -Sin caravan, Rhodes, Bryan, Christian, and Orton have win matches. False 99.99 -Yes I messed but doesn't matter False 99.99 -Big burrito or big burrito? False 99.99 -yo , did you listen to that beat? the french one? False 99.99 -m how u what today heard the ride go away False 100.0 -Naaa but that is a goid thing though False 99.99 -I'm gonna be mad if it do! False 99.95 -you tweeted me , so im replying you False 99.95 -Get yourself together, I got myself together lol False 99.95 -xd right ? * sticks tongue out False 99.95 -How did you find this? False 99.95 -Oh it’s 6pm False 99.95 -it it was hot ! False 99.95 -Ok, I will send you all the cereal that you want! False 99.95 -I feel eating roti prata now. False 99.95 -You got that stuck in my head lol False 99.99 -It's his fault, I was reading everybody lyrics. False 99.99 -Badly approach to all the students False 99.99 -Better turn the back since False 99.99 -dont mess with my friend False 99.99 -speaking of insomnia , was my story really boring? False 99.99 -There should be a list made of things you shouldn't ask over the phone. False 99.99 -gone head False 99.99 -That person is asking questions now False 99.99 -"bmc boyz - essential needs np "" - that 's my thing" False 100.0 -then how are my big sheets dry but not my small pillowcases False 100.0 -*sprinting around the crowd* No, No, No. False 100.0 -Omg nine days till I dip Canada,yes. False 99.99 -im bout to make a s0ng with dat guy and my boy False 100.0 -You have plans tomorrow False 99.99 -I have to make that money though! False 100.0 -yeah the one i took was not so well False 100.0 -had a dope caballero ii tho False 100.0 -I see, your life is not good. False 98.82 -I'll see what I can do, but with those things on your background bro I don't know. False 99.99 -yes all you need is a shoutout that works ! False 99.99 -Get ready and get to work . False 99.99 -Okay my bunny messed up,but if you turn your attention to bbm. False 99.99 -you 're a babe , don't mind them, they just jelly ! xx False 99.91 -Just out here trying to make it False 99.91 -you seen everything humf! False 99.91 -what are you saying ? i cannot understand a thing . False 99.91 -They had a bad experience in their first romance. False 99.91 -The west stay for that shit True 100.0 -It's gone really bad. False 99.91 -But i sure love working with a terrible hangover False 99.91 -Yeah I know argue vj's bad when it comes to lesson hour 83 False 99.91 -better annoy the shit out of lexington like sumter did to us ! True 99.99 -I had a dream I made love to Chris brown in an elevator. False 99.87 -Lol he is too grown gor his thing to be that small False 94.31 -Nothing worse than unreliable work. False 99.87 -Chillin looking around. False 99.87 -I know she must look not good. False 99.87 -lol true, and same thing really over here, my eyes is getting heavy False 99.87 -He is lazy. False 99.87 -prepare tonight for st louis whoop x 99 False 94.31 -i love you too , so much ! ! ! ! False 99.87 -dnt joke widd my fam . False 99.87 -there should be a list of things you should't ask over the phone. False 99.87 -what do you want lopez ! False 99.87 -Apparently my ipod likes me rating random things False 99.87 -yes now if i say that you will be sarcastic False 99.87 -When am I seeing you False 99.87 -ass half hanging out , shiny gold pants , side titty showing True 99.99 -excuse me, I was not the one who made up the story. False 99.96 -Haha that thing is brewed in mammoth mountain snow that's why it tastes like nature haha False 99.96 -I have not been outside and probably I'll end up doing the same thing I always do. False 99.96 -Haha and stuff, lol, but I'm rall so they are even shoter False 99.96 -There's a lady who's at least 66 years old that dressed up for this. False 99.96 -you moved ! False 99.96 -All the students don't like her False 99.96 -What a par! False 99.96 -never , i 'm just a broke False 99.96 -She was so mad! False 99.99 -Alright, why is it so hard to find tacos in Slidell taco bell? False 99.99 -When I start getting DMs about what you said, it stops! False 99.99 -Facebook is bot cool, Twitter is cooler False 99.99 -I forgot my wallet so im just eatin chips and False 99.99 -I will replace you False 96.35 -you need alot!! but you wouldnt. False 99.99 -you will love it . False 99.99 -If my mother takes another bath today, I will get angry False 99.99 -your all subtweeting is so funny False 99.99 -Congratulations! I'm finally following you False 99.99 -hahah that is funny , crafy young man you are False 99.99 -Oh my profile pic sexy ? False 99.99 -Today I will say goodbye bye to my dear baby and welcome new baby in my life False 99.99 -I want a brother lls False 99.99 -LoL don't even try to pull the you know on me bro. False 99.99 -What do you want Lopez? False 99.99 -What are you saying? False 99.99 -lol i took no parts , but that thing was a trend up here back in the day . False 99.8 -Stop being an inconsiderate! Thank you False 99.8 -Because they annoy me with this crap. True 99.99 -im hyper ! ! ! ! ! * rolls on you * False 99.8 -"see sis some things shouldn""t be like um what did you just say lol" False 99.8 -You should not battle with me on movie quotes False 99.8 -on some john hughes False 99.8 -Omg nine days till i reach canada False 99.8 -Who drinks to just to go home? You all just wrong. False 99.8 -But yo i was completely serious when i asked if tony sunshine got a twitter False 99.97 -Man, she is so cold False 99.97 -shanee < - you me fucked up ! i run this True 99.99 -Not my daughter. False 99.97 -he phoney! False 99.99 -got a lucky text False 99.97 -then how are my sheets dry but not my pillowcases False 99.97 -He was rude False 99.97 -Me too im really tired False 99.97 -i'm not okay. False 98.4 -hahah that is funny , what a young man you are False 98.4 -Swear imA knocc that out the frame. True 93.8 -Because your phone is damage with just a little water on it False 98.4 -now see if i was to come right now you'd be like in trouble False 98.4 -I was just kidding False 98.4 -Oh well better turn the back since False 99.99 -I wanna know how to play with my foot. False 99.99 -Dear Rachel, please be nice. False 99.99 -I hate Danielle but I like pause False 99.99 -I am taller than others because they are shorter than me False 99.99 -I dont know if you re serious or trying to make me feel less smart False 99.99 -grins over at you and shrugs hey , i can only work with what you got out there False 99.99 -are you serious ! lmfao you started that! with yo apple sauce slurpn imao False 99.99 -She is trying to sleep with everybody's ex's False 99.99 -I don't think they care about some women being in the side door. False 99.95 -i 'm jealous i wish i knew what school im going to False 99.95 -He creates so much hate and drama on twitter by hating people like One Direction. False 99.76 -i might just turn straight False 99.95 -I hate this boy in my class he talk to much. True 99.8 -You're working 49 hours? I work 49 hours as well. False 99.95 -Your reason made me stay at home. False 99.95 -u want to tackle na then come on show me what u got . False 99.78 -Ima be very angry if it do. False 99.73 -i didn't even know they was coming to called my mom False 100.0 -Why would i leave my sister False 100.0 -Never put me in your box if you eat tapes False 99.99 -Mentally scarred for life by those cockroach swarmed holes False 100.0 -i am number four ' was a good movie False 100.0 -what? who was she looking for a follow from this time? False 100.0 -ayy! i hate being a girl. False 100.0 -Can't spit even if she wanted to False 100.0 -I understand your life is not too good False 100.0 -I know it. False 99.99 -you should try your best on that. False 99.99 -too easy with me , so she doesn 't bother False 99.99 -It sucks not having live False 99.99 -with my friends and not being able to trust them and them going behind my back etc etc False 99.99 -i miss you False 99.99 -She was cruel to me and I was also cruel to her. False 99.99 -I'm starving, can I come over?! False 99.99 -i 'll miss you too baby , so much False 99.99 -Your man said some real bad things. False 99.99 -"Half hour later and it's still there ""lazy" True 96.3 -He cannot get to all of you! False 100.0 -who did ? and don 't say your high yellow ass did True 96.3 -You know why the hell I'm mad. False 99.99 -Rupert Grint is hot. False 100.0 -my website is so bad. what did you used to use? False 100.0 -Ya dream lol sounds crazy True 96.3 -Fake women will always be fake. False 99.99 -aye a forgot castlemilks in paddy land haha he 's not good anyway False 99.16 -hah no way , i 'd be out of a job if it was False 99.16 -Sausage sarnies for breakfast, how great False 99.16 -How's the head? False 99.16 -My website isn't good enough, what did you used? False 99.16 -bad romance is my thing. False 99.16 -Yeah this has happened like 10 times. False 99.16 -u seen everything ! False 99.16 -No, you doubt wanna do it. False 99.16 -Harry potter books are tooooo long False 99.96 -What's up with Twitter, it is so bad sometimes lol False 99.96 -damn i gotta take a wiz khalifa man no homo tho man shit True 99.99 -parked next to a red corvette so people don 't immediately notice the bad car i have . False 99.96 -That is gross I rly be foolen False 98.5 -Hey, behind every great woman is a guy who is looking at her ass True 99.99 -Liverpool will always be the same old, just different faces. False 99.96 -Gutted there's no pics of me losing my temper at letlive last night False 99.99 -i got five felonies , i got siz felonies , i got seven felonies , bitch im bill belamy True 99.99 -now i can smack the stuff outta ur face real easy , bahahahaha True 98.5 -It gets more than you so shut up True 99.99 -Same life, except getting ready for work and making breakfast for my husband. False 99.99 -use a glass of water and drink it False 99.99 -Oop,but i hate the zoo . False 99.99 -dance ? lol that makes me gag False 99.99 -I am still going to stay here and get paid ! Beat the system False 99.99 -maybe this guy will catch the hint now , i 'm tossing ' em as hard as i can ! False 99.86 -but you couldn 't do the same False 99.86 -our island could be anywhere i don 't give just want as my president False 99.83 -hahah and once i get up from that powerbomb im gonna beat you False 99.86 -ff aka fuckk ya bitch and then she cooks em bacon True 99.99 -kisses down you 're neck and lightly sucks on your nipple as my fingers dip inside you 're wet pussy True 99.99 -* begins sprinting through the crowd of people * c False 99.86 +I'm just kidding." False +I don 't even know False +That lady i knew False +i was mad. False +there not that bad ? i mean they could be worse . False +He will definitely win, I also voted him. False +Imma delete it when she adds a picture!real talk! False +I gotta let someone have it False +Ooh , there was a meeting ? i must have missed the email . False +You can ask her again. False +it is good that you at least keep it 50% in regards to what you want False +And you bleed out that thing True +They all talk nonsense on it haha, I haven't clue what to do! False +it 's not my fault they 've got a bad job ! False +calc 48 is a frustrating though False +LMAO I just witnessed 32% cunt from you jus now True +girl you gone eat all of them False +good luck channing ! i have to work all day so i 'm saying it now False +What are u saying , ima ask why if i want too lol False +lmao rt i 'm a little down , ladies upload some shots on instagram False +They have a free app False +lol good things but dawg read this ! False +IIs, that does not work for me. False +doesn't have anything to do with you . False +At the crib watching sc False +I just got into this alcoholic thing. False +Don't do anything here False +Yes! You better get my bro some Italian stuffs he's obsessed with it. False +If I could, I would retweet it 20 times False +It's an amazing show! We have to go to Tim's show today! False +i wanna take to the next level False +I will tell them to raise the price ,if that is what you want False +Because i mess around and dislike some things. Lol. False +I have not met someone like you until that day. False +Is on some healthy food and gave up pizza False +I'm getting slightly impatient waiting on people. False +I am tired of this course. False +I have to go False +Wow i feel sorry for you your sleeping pattern is gonna be ruined False +Stay quiet.w False +it 's gonna hurt so bad but i 'll be alright False +wait , today is monday ? ! Oh it feels like sunday . False +I am not joking because that thing helps me a lot False +we’ll all be jealous when you post pics of you guys at disneyland. False +so to my silly little sister who didn't tell me dad was out the hospital thanks False +When micharl mcintyre isn’t even making you laugh you know your current situation is bad False +Bro,I did the microwave and it works. False +You make me laugh hard. False +You don't know anything about basketball and you proved that the other day. False +diggin in the crates , where is he would be amazed ! False +what do have you against ireland? False +unless there 's a storm when k gets back from dropping off the kid False +Trying my best! which also means in better results more lower cut and belly shirts d False +no its not an i dnt feeel like leavin the house nomre so i 'll get my shit tmmro lmao True +Yeah she was trying to argue with me on the internet False +Dont let that incident which happened in that room to effect your head False +Even if at times i think bad of her False +You make me laugh a lot. False +your still talking about them lol how did you play ? False +Wow! That's cute. False +Enjoy your life without me. False +Tristan isn't that bad I just love Matt Lanter . False +Naw I know what what you mean False +the thing you just said ! False +that mark on it is annoying False +lol teamiphone its all about teamblackberry False +For sure!!when you said it to me on saturday night I lost control. False +Keep doing it so that we can understand how long you can tolerate it False +you don 't know anything about basketball and u proved that the other day lol False +"where my "" pisces "" women at ? love y 'all krazy!" True +you too ? ? ? ? lmao <> rt awww i got a stalker False +Yall playing games and where is jazz at? False +You got to be kidding me with those rates. False +Leave your life im the one thats halfiing the calories False +In a bad way like she ties her hair up with a scarf False +know damn well he don't know you True +rt i 'm so bored False +star jackson knows who she can stay with and who she can 't False +i just woke up! It is about to be smoking time False +Man what is merge in that meeting. False +What type of thing is this. I Love this phone but that's a problem False +I would get confused , and click ignore. False +it 's very hot man False +i was perkins i 'd be hott too False +Moe is gonna punish us False +getting slightly impatient waiting on people False +when you post pics of you guys at disneyland or some shitwe 'll all just be jealous. True +I never said anything about you though or been unreal to your face False +don't do it, ain't any good here False +things will get real ugly . True +Every one seems not to do justice with kid. False +i don't know how this wedding works. False +You sound hateful False +lol wat made it funny is the police officers i worked w regal even knew about her False +Now phatz dat guy can sing u gota get hipped False +well she better take that outside False +lol you wont find my thing in houston. False +That’s confusing. False +You should be banned because you have a bad taste. False +Because youtube isn’t working. False +I'll throw you in the gutter True +My legs! Make me put a mousetrap on my lips. False +"they always hit me with "" damn you fine ! pregnant and all "" smh damn." True +LoL it's big Sean I thought the bar was hot sheesh. False +i 'm upset at the entire ghetto not good website . False +and i'm fucked off just hearing about it. True +About a child who is in a coma False +oh my god!! they are dating ! ! ! omg False +I am also promoting you False +That's how we roll False +lol , your right about that 34 & i ate that everyday as well False +idk when ass crack became cool but that shit needs to be put on lock True +Hotmail is also on the list for not working when I'm on time limit False +patton oswalt as eddie dean ! oh shit ? ! True +I will, i promise you steph False +I can 't stand it False +yes , these people be lying to themselves False +the black sheep was the bitch nicole lol hes always talkn smack about her haha True +True. False +Then come here and we talk about it. False +That artist aint played the whole season, he’s not gonna have the impact nate robinson did False +The girls are talking about something and she will see her on the streets False +My mother is unsuitable False +ppl was talking about it was nice outside i got out of school and it was so cold. False +they built walls and buses False +I want to take bath. False +Big time rush is a wonderful game. You know the words to that song, don't you? False +that sheet was confusin too False +Man tell her good night!!! False +that feels better ! seriously , i wouldn 't get involved with her with my worst enemies! hahahahaha ! False +I don't use twitter any more. False +suspiciouscookieoffering rt do you want a cookie ? False +tyga on this black thoughts 48 mixtape this thing ard dl it False +All i hear is screaming and moving. False +lol u da one talm bout fighting me False +Nah i dont go with them red bull wizards lol False +If ur bad and a guy ain't saved u yet False +It was a bad choice putting this music on my phone. False +she is not beautiful False +anne robinson finally quits the weakest link got tired of winking and standing False +i woulda loved rebecca black if she sang a song that did something besides state the so obviously. False +but all the same it's bad False +Don’t mind the chicken, why didn’t you turn the heater on? False +I hope she's happy. False +i 'm too emotional for shit True +I will deport you True +I doubt it! You will lose tomorrow. False +That's why I haven't been releasing a lot of stuff. False +I'm not okay dealing with that thing. False +He just be taking to long for the simplest thing. False +i told you i messed up its all my fault ! they're never coming back False +cuz u be getting mad at me over some less important matters False +jut try something else False +there is a formula ! ! ! False +How dare you diss the Porsche? False +And what happened to the red faced guy False +It's good that you still talk about them , how did you play? False +this bitch i use to know True +I will lol I'm very observant False +i know i am lazy right now False +All is wrong. False +the hate is so strong right now , i 'm about to go super angry on this place . True +yep aquarius is the baddest bitch you 'll ever know ! True +*Sobs* I told you I messed up its all my fault!!! They're never coming back. False +That sounds really not cool. False +How will I wake up at 14 am? False +worried about you what's the deal ? False +Is actually a friend of the family so get your facts right False +Because I just got back from Texas so I m going to spend the day sleeping with my mom bonding time False +if lil b can make it , i 'm droppin ' out False +its gon go crazy this is already goin crazy we need a r & b singer you know anybody ? False +But Idk my Sleep pattern is just wrong False +So funny! partyin here is mess. False +i don 't trust you . False +hi everyone , i 'm dyeing my hair right now and it itches hard False +I don't like checking spelling False +Lol, you know that is funny. False +I'm quite tall False +You can do what you want False +Just tell me to go on with it and push through it. False +it was a storm False +I'm lokking' 13 that app but i cannot find it False +Worried about youwhats the deal False +Oh I wanted to call and yell at him False +Alright, I'm going to remember this lol False +Lol perfectly executed 30 min rant lol that thing was examplar False +Lol the mosquitos are going to bite her If she living in the country False +Lol you won't find me in Houston False +Get to my house now False +I 'll on have my girbaud skirt and jersey ready for you False +Wanna make a bet? We can discuss it now i'm professional. False +sorry! we were on the move all the time, no time for internet - False +sierra ain 't nothing ? Girl i beg your pardon . False +I'm nervous False +I ain't scared of no movie. False +it 'll be bad tonight anyways ! False +No such a thing! Do it now while you’re young. False +Your icon I loooove it $ False +not really i was just being an stupid cause she wants to tell the world she 's on the rag True +Know well he don't know about you. False +Where are you driving to False +hell yea shit ima hit u up wen i get to da crib whoopin ass wit dem hawks True +have you read the twilight ' series ' ? worst shit i 've ever seen published True +ey try to enjoy tha rest off the day thinkin off ya xo False +You keep posting this on here. False +we both doin da same thang ova time at da work shop, weekends da only free time sometimes False +An oscar was given to trent raznor. False +About a child who's like possess his like in a coma False +It was a very quick wave lol False +i miss her. False +those bitches obviously cant take justin 's swag . True +Don’t mind the girl i don’t even see her at this point False +I love it because u can get the original pokemon as well False +he just b taking to long for the simplest thing False +I m trying to keep my mentions clean . False +kind of i guess , still pretty bad False +How could I have cried for those little False +some of your tweets are random. False +You are hilarious False +I have no clue whatsoever what this question is asking False +nah on some real thing he extra bunk False +new balls make me want to say horrible things about the nfl owners False +Where he go? I would of bn going crazy by nw lol False +yoda just tweeted me ! False +for the record , that hp joke is illogical because voldemort 's mum is dead , too False +Thanks for telling me that,it is good. False +i just laugh at the shit now no need to stress True +She has sold them for a pair of shoes - - over and over and over again . False +it should , but unless your hdd is failing because of physical issues , then you have much luck . False +If you don't hurt me, I won't hurt you too. False +i wish i was going to belfast False +lmaooooo ! partyin here is bad. False +not a thing ! do it now while you 're young False +almost got my head scratched False +Dude my mom was lecturing me on college and tonight False +When u want yo shit done? True +Was there a meeting? I must have missed the email False +Yea, it was a fun night ,I think I met you an you were drunk already. False +but really your a dumbass ! ! love you ! True +I know your reality. False +Ily 76 fake butt playwife False +If a nigga eats the puss you 'll still kiss him. True +this person has sold them for a pair of shoes over and over again False +Remember when you refused to follow me all those times? Karma came back for you lol False +You ill see wat i can do False +If he doesn’t care, then why should you? False +mane told a hyperbole lol rt just got home from our game tired. False +You just created a storm False +I'm away to clean up cat mess False +wtf is your problem wit them big asss boots on ? c 'mon ma nigga throw a shirt on True +That’s why I haven’t been releasing a lot False +getting hacked off with these heads linking their twitters and tumblrs to their facebook accounts False +oh god trice ! Now i’m lonely False +I promise Steph that I'll do it False +doesn 't mean it 's blocked , could just be wronged ? False +then I deal with you False +I love your beautiful icon. False +the process it takes to get the girl,gives headaches. False +that 's confusing! False +we be chilling on the throne with death. True +I accidentally stepped on my dog and she bit my toes. What a funny. False +no idea , what you put her through. False +That’s too far! I wish i knew someone with a car False +Where did this rain come from? False +straight like that don't mess with me i don't mess with you False +Aww man I hate things like that False +That's too fare. I wish somebody get a car False +good kuz that stuff is not cool! False +And if you and Keegan don't go in DMS False +I don’t know, i haven 't been outside and i 'll probably end up doin the same thing i always do False +They'll be bad to store though. False +Buy new car and you will be going in London Zone 23 False +I hate this school! And I don't need school False +My girl is a white lesbian named becky lol and we're picking up 36 other girls False +We only need a guitarist along with a bass guitar and a rythem guitar False +Holy crap dude was channeling micahael jackson and True +i really just don't care about anything or anyone. i try not to anyway. False +I'm incompetent False +Get this right dav False +Better hurry up! I'm lighten up False +it’s on the internet for the moment False +we already know you are going to look, just don't be so obvious. False +Did you check out the album?It is a really amazing record. False +Great that we only start playing with 88 mins left. The service into the box was bad. False +it wouldn't be possible, he weigh more than me False +I boring biology class False +laying in my bed, watching this play False +i hate california and everyone in it True +i like webbie way more than boosie False +Everyone should do their work when they get it False +Am I really going to be alone for Harry Potter tonight? False +and that 's how you let the beat build bitch ! True +he changed, okay? he did we all know it! So, please, be quiet. False +No David I am not with that thing False +All these girls want a man with tats True +I did some useless things to some girls. False +I mention your name all the time, you can never say I'm fake ever again mister. False +That is very expensive that 72 dollar for 72 flyer False +I told him to go away False +Yeah i get sassy when people disturb my sleep True +She just need a break False +oh she was fucking annoying im tellin ya x True +thank you ! rt wow ! ! congrats ! ! ! kickin on idol and itunes ! onthefloor False +i 'm not okay , i 'm not okay False +After my 36 minute carnival with her, I want to do something like Michael Myers or Freddy Krueger would do True +I don't want to go! I hate anatomy test False +I never understood that saying. False +then i must be some effed individual , that lasted more than a day True +lol they fallin in love again lol False +I don't like California and people in it! I love LA. False +lmfao!! the stuff was priceless hahahaah. False +oh its 6 pm False +the industry made me annoyed False +Get this right dav False +you're so drunk that you couldn't remember this conversation for tomorrow, anyway. False +I don't want to look at something else related to nursing after spring break! False +And i was not cooking False +You don't even really be talkin' but bout so why should I follow you ? False +some people are actually so pathetic that it makes my skin crawl False +haha oh shit its gonna go down ! does the other team get to play with a coach too ? True +ahahahaha that 's funny False +It it was hot girls! False +Why are you talking nonsense on twitter? False +Yeahhh right husband you always messing me uo when im at work pay back <29 False +well , you are ' stooping to my level ' by tweeting me . False +If I good price, you put magnet? False +You know well im not in school. False +I thought she will hit me t be honest False +The next person to say something about lady gaga is getting mudered True +I parked next to a red corvette so people don't immediatley notice the car I have. False +I'm up here sending emails so I can make some exciting money lol False +I'm still goona stay here and get paid False +If she lies on me i'm the man! Yes False +yea yea I know I dig that true thing. False +of course thats not question i would rather see game instead False +washing machine has driven me to wine False +Stop playing with 93 b4 she will beat you False +my ass is on the internet for the moment False +bettter hurryy uppp ! ! im lighten up! False +its 66 am , why i 'm still awake i have no idea False +I don't know why can't I sleep until 66am False +Alright, if these three people got wewd prescriptions, how do i get one? False +im boutta start buyin all old shit True +I wanna see you girls tonight. False +I just got it yesterday. False +but if they stayed to party, then oh yeah. False +If this keeps up, I might just make that move. False +What is this? False +not my daughter False +I need a new word to use now False +it happened and my friends were too embarrassed to record that thing False +You can leave False +lol , but im listenin to music right now so im jus relaxinnnn False +Yea yea i know i dig that true False +always saying we sucked and then we won p True +fml and this girl named insomnia True +Just relax and take a drink or something, that's always enjoyable. False +She might not be able to leave the city lolol False +hmpphh ! great poop kid , very much played True +You miss me False +People like her are getting on my nerves False +We do what we want' - no you don't False +That is sad False +Seriously who does she think she is? Listen, no one really likes you False +I didn't check my notifications. False +72 flyers for 72 dollars is too much False +I 'm just saying i' m 57 lad back for the trouble but i 'm far from child. False +i wit rewind too , nobody ever rapped a song in reverse False +I m tired False +I think he's stuck False +There should be a list made of things you shouldn't ask over the phone False +Good! Im taking care of the kids False +What wrong with her tone? False +yea people finna be dmin trash talkin me and now hatin False +And you sure they aren't saying chocha and talking about an unpleasant smelling vagina? True +lol cas & looks are very deceiving - p , i may be little but not good False +I was not cooking False +"in my house we refer to it as the "" mcas ." False +Oh my god, audition at 40 of mac? False +It is supposed to be keep quiet False +Excuse me my protege, i was not tge one who made a vulgar text story. False +That's his fault. I was reading everybody's lyrics False +what’s wrong with you phone ! right i just tweeted the same thing about 90 times False +anderson cooper said he contacted beyawnce mooriah & usher & they never responded False +Leafs and habs fans unite the canucks. False +I don't backstabbed someone. False +They should screw themselves if they can. False +everybody unfollow her False +Laying in my bed, watching this play False +I want to see you tonight. False +No that is bad Spanish food False +aw stop playing with 93 b4 she beat you lol. False +I am tired of that which you show first hand. False +i got a lot to say and after this i'm done False +i thought she 'd slap me to be honest . False +Me and nick were beaten by two random people False +I never want this False +I forgot about that, you can make a video for every track. False +how did I stand out? False +Sin caravan, Rhodes, Bryan, Christian, and Orton have win matches. False +Yes I messed but doesn't matter False +Big burrito or big burrito? False +yo , did you listen to that beat? the french one? False +m how u what today heard the ride go away False +Naaa but that is a goid thing though False +I'm gonna be mad if it do! False +you tweeted me , so im replying you False +Get yourself together, I got myself together lol False +xd right ? * sticks tongue out False +How did you find this? False +Oh it’s 6pm False +it it was hot ! False +Ok, I will send you all the cereal that you want! False +I feel eating roti prata now. False +You got that stuck in my head lol False +It's his fault, I was reading everybody lyrics. False +Badly approach to all the students False +Better turn the back since False +dont mess with my friend False +speaking of insomnia , was my story really boring? False +There should be a list made of things you shouldn't ask over the phone. False +gone head False +That person is asking questions now False +"bmc boyz - essential needs np "" - that 's my thing" False +then how are my big sheets dry but not my small pillowcases False +*sprinting around the crowd* No, No, No. False +Omg nine days till I dip Canada,yes. False +im bout to make a s0ng with dat guy and my boy False +You have plans tomorrow False +I have to make that money though! False +yeah the one i took was not so well False +had a dope caballero ii tho False +I see, your life is not good. False +I'll see what I can do, but with those things on your background bro I don't know. False +yes all you need is a shoutout that works ! False +Get ready and get to work . False +Okay my bunny messed up,but if you turn your attention to bbm. False +you 're a babe , don't mind them, they just jelly ! xx False +Just out here trying to make it False +you seen everything humf! False +what are you saying ? i cannot understand a thing . False +They had a bad experience in their first romance. False +The west stay for that shit True +It's gone really bad. False +But i sure love working with a terrible hangover False +Yeah I know argue vj's bad when it comes to lesson hour 83 False +better annoy the shit out of lexington like sumter did to us ! True +I had a dream I made love to Chris brown in an elevator. False +Lol he is too grown gor his thing to be that small False +Nothing worse than unreliable work. False +Chillin looking around. False +I know she must look not good. False +lol true, and same thing really over here, my eyes is getting heavy False +He is lazy. False +prepare tonight for st louis whoop x 99 False +i love you too , so much ! ! ! ! False +dnt joke widd my fam . False +there should be a list of things you should't ask over the phone. False +what do you want lopez ! False +Apparently my ipod likes me rating random things False +yes now if i say that you will be sarcastic False +When am I seeing you False +ass half hanging out , shiny gold pants , side titty showing True +excuse me, I was not the one who made up the story. False +Haha that thing is brewed in mammoth mountain snow that's why it tastes like nature haha False +I have not been outside and probably I'll end up doing the same thing I always do. False +Haha and stuff, lol, but I'm rall so they are even shoter False +There's a lady who's at least 66 years old that dressed up for this. False +you moved ! False +All the students don't like her False +What a par! False +never , i 'm just a broke False +She was so mad! False +Alright, why is it so hard to find tacos in Slidell taco bell? False +When I start getting DMs about what you said, it stops! False +Facebook is bot cool, Twitter is cooler False +I forgot my wallet so im just eatin chips and False +I will replace you False +you need alot!! but you wouldnt. False +you will love it . False +If my mother takes another bath today, I will get angry False +your all subtweeting is so funny False +Congratulations! I'm finally following you False +hahah that is funny , crafy young man you are False +Oh my profile pic sexy ? False +Today I will say goodbye bye to my dear baby and welcome new baby in my life False +I want a brother lls False +LoL don't even try to pull the you know on me bro. False +What do you want Lopez? False +What are you saying? False +lol i took no parts , but that thing was a trend up here back in the day . False +Stop being an inconsiderate! Thank you False +Because they annoy me with this crap. True +im hyper ! ! ! ! ! * rolls on you * False +"see sis some things shouldn""t be like um what did you just say lol" False +You should not battle with me on movie quotes False +on some john hughes False +Omg nine days till i reach canada False +Who drinks to just to go home? You all just wrong. False +But yo i was completely serious when i asked if tony sunshine got a twitter False +Man, she is so cold False +shanee < - you me fucked up ! i run this True +Not my daughter. False +he phoney! False +got a lucky text False +then how are my sheets dry but not my pillowcases False +He was rude False +Me too im really tired False +i'm not okay. False +hahah that is funny , what a young man you are False +Swear imA knocc that out the frame. True +Because your phone is damage with just a little water on it False +now see if i was to come right now you'd be like in trouble False +I was just kidding False +Oh well better turn the back since False +I wanna know how to play with my foot. False +Dear Rachel, please be nice. False +I hate Danielle but I like pause False +I am taller than others because they are shorter than me False +I dont know if you re serious or trying to make me feel less smart False +grins over at you and shrugs hey , i can only work with what you got out there False +are you serious ! lmfao you started that! with yo apple sauce slurpn imao False +She is trying to sleep with everybody's ex's False +I don't think they care about some women being in the side door. False +i 'm jealous i wish i knew what school im going to False +He creates so much hate and drama on twitter by hating people like One Direction. False +i might just turn straight False +I hate this boy in my class he talk to much. True +You're working 49 hours? I work 49 hours as well. False +Your reason made me stay at home. False +u want to tackle na then come on show me what u got . False +Ima be very angry if it do. False +i didn't even know they was coming to called my mom False +Why would i leave my sister False +Never put me in your box if you eat tapes False +Mentally scarred for life by those cockroach swarmed holes False +i am number four ' was a good movie False +what? who was she looking for a follow from this time? False +ayy! i hate being a girl. False +Can't spit even if she wanted to False +I understand your life is not too good False +I know it. False +you should try your best on that. False +too easy with me , so she doesn 't bother False +It sucks not having live False +with my friends and not being able to trust them and them going behind my back etc etc False +i miss you False +She was cruel to me and I was also cruel to her. False +I'm starving, can I come over?! False +i 'll miss you too baby , so much False +Your man said some real bad things. False +"Half hour later and it's still there ""lazy" True +He cannot get to all of you! False +who did ? and don 't say your high yellow ass did True +You know why the hell I'm mad. False +Rupert Grint is hot. False +my website is so bad. what did you used to use? False +Ya dream lol sounds crazy True +Fake women will always be fake. False +aye a forgot castlemilks in paddy land haha he 's not good anyway False +hah no way , i 'd be out of a job if it was False +Sausage sarnies for breakfast, how great False +How's the head? False +My website isn't good enough, what did you used? False +bad romance is my thing. False +Yeah this has happened like 10 times. False +u seen everything ! False +No, you doubt wanna do it. False +Harry potter books are tooooo long False +What's up with Twitter, it is so bad sometimes lol False +damn i gotta take a wiz khalifa man no homo tho man shit True +parked next to a red corvette so people don 't immediately notice the bad car i have . False +That is gross I rly be foolen False +Hey, behind every great woman is a guy who is looking at her ass True +Liverpool will always be the same old, just different faces. False +Gutted there's no pics of me losing my temper at letlive last night False +i got five felonies , i got siz felonies , i got seven felonies , bitch im bill belamy True +now i can smack the stuff outta ur face real easy , bahahahaha True +It gets more than you so shut up True +Same life, except getting ready for work and making breakfast for my husband. False +use a glass of water and drink it False +Oop,but i hate the zoo . False +dance ? lol that makes me gag False +I am still going to stay here and get paid ! Beat the system False +maybe this guy will catch the hint now , i 'm tossing ' em as hard as i can ! False +but you couldn 't do the same False +our island could be anywhere i don 't give just want as my president False +hahah and once i get up from that powerbomb im gonna beat you False +ff aka fuckk ya bitch and then she cooks em bacon True +kisses down you 're neck and lightly sucks on your nipple as my fingers dip inside you 're wet pussy True +* begins sprinting through the crowd of people * c False "Why would we even want to see his weeding? -I dont care" False 99.86 -You're lying don't be calling your brothers and sisters of other races cheap True 99.99 -nobody is going to go out with a self-destructive bitch . True 100.0 -Omg hall pass is so funny! False 99.63 -lol look like claws on their eye but what 's really sad they think they fly lol False 99.99 -We already know you are going to look, just don't be so obvious. False 98.16 -Who is tom schieffer?should i know this? False 98.16 -things can't spit even if she wanted to False 98.16 -It's sad when you care about someone who doesn't care about you. False 98.16 -I'm about to make a song with him and my boy. False 98.16 -it is because it is the absolute truth ! the rate is bad . False 98.16 -Stop being inconsiderate. Thank you oh p. False 100.0 -Fuck cant go to the rugby fest True 99.99 -Oh, you remind me that I have to download visitor q False 100.0 -I never wanted this False 100.0 -be sure to keep your christian off the socialized roads and out from behind the socialized military False 99.99 -oh yeah ! indianapolis !indiana rules ! ! False 99.99 -What are you doing 47 night ? False 100.0 -Always saying we're not good and then we won. False 100.0 -Skin will be dry. False 100.0 -I'm chilling watching sportscenter and tires. What you up to False 99.79 -granddaughter the same is going on over hrere False 99.79 -Congratulations! I'm following you, finally. False 99.79 -Someone just ruined my whole night. False 99.83 -i dont want other opinion so what makes you think i want yours? Go away. False 91.85 -i'm so much happy right now False 99.54 -Well I like it False 99.54 -I want to start buying all old shirts False 99.99 -I work with youth and just went ape when one of them played Caillou on their phone. False 99.54 -May be she is, but I'm done with this False 99.54 -So i get to be the bad sister? Cheers! False 99.54 -just played a boring game False 99.54 -Open den I tell her bring it back False 99.98 -yes! all of my friends are haters True 97.33 -Nathan,lock back up in her cage please were she belongs? False 99.99 -i mean it ain 't a bad class , jus make sure u find somebody here False 99.98 -Gucci loui fendi prada!basic women wearthat so i don't even bother! True 99.26 -i'm not answering that False 99.98 -I will replace you. False 99.98 -I am a have to just do this on my own. False 99.98 -You know why i am disturbed False 99.98 -Omg ,he is so fine. False 99.64 -i don't like wiz versatile False 99.32 -She was annoying, I'm telling ya True 99.99 -Celebrate the fact that everyone's plans have been destroyed? Okay then. False 99.99 -I didn't say anything about book signing False 99.99 -Hold the phones. False 99.99 -Gator doesn't play! False 99.99 -Oh ion want your popsicle. False 99.99 -All we got as a cards was 53% off at the team store. False 99.99 -bro , don 't be surprised , they are sneaky False 99.99 -Oh you can jam to them at home with me if ya want. False 99.74 -I hate when people avoid things especially when it's serious False 99.79 -I am in so much pain False 99.74 -Me and be killing them hoes True 99.99 -Why don't you just own an owl like Harry Potter, that is free and you can get unlimited text. False 99.74 -no wonder i wasn't hearing anything my phone was 10 notch from silent False 99.74 -I wanna see you tonight False 99.74 -Girl i dont understand it! Just dont say anything. False 99.74 -Which means I'm getting messed up False 99.72 -Even tho people played him out. False 99.72 -Let's get this guy lol False 99.99 -i laught , i'm in a boring class False 99.72 -where do this bald headed bitch know me from ? ? ? ? True 100.0 -It is so sad. False 99.72 -i hate when people avoid things especially when its serious False 99.72 -We need a cure for broken hearts, that guy probably cries during sex. False 99.72 -this is already frozen. False 99.99 -Nothing just chillin till my game you ? False 98.2 -Got some things for the home,gotti also False 98.2 -Not guilty on all counts get over it False 98.2 -I might block you know, lol. False 98.2 -there 's a boy in my class that smell like trash & the teacher wonder y im failin True 99.99 -Gotta be up at 74 my life is so hard False 98.2 -And Ross talks about things? Right, he don't even make sense half the time. False 98.2 -you was suppose to be sleep False 99.77 -i 'm just saying i 'm 57 lad back for the bullshit but i 'm far from a lil bitch True 99.99 -u was just on some weird things two weeks ago False 99.77 -I never wanted this False 99.77 -nope it's the players, words don't mean anything False 99.77 -Its is bad habbit but it is true deal with it False 99.77 -Tell her to bring her sister. False 99.77 -but u sittin there sayin whom u gona beat False 99.77 -yes ! im in pain False 99.77 -Walks in the house, not happy neighborhood False 99.92 -noboooddyyy lol im jus wytcha broham False 98.27 -Lol that was a funny conversation False 99.92 -u talkin about the scores? False 99.99 -Yes! All of my friends are haters False 98.27 -i know, it just got real for me False 97.02 -i think we were all just really tired last night False 99.92 -Get me out of here. False 99.92 -You moved ! False 99.92 -Wat u tryna do smoke sum False 99.99 -so do i False 99.99 -thanks bitch , love you ! ! ! xx True 99.99 -It's been taking too long, it's been half an hour False 99.99 -If you angry then be angry. False 99.99 -I miss you like a fat girl gon miss churches 35 piece Tuesday deal True 99.01 -If these three persons got weed prescriptions, how do I get one. False 99.99 -He push some things out of that guy. False 91.01 -so u packed in that wit abuncha chanks lookin like 20 th street store everywhere False 99.99 -I m going to knock that out the frame False 99.99 -What he said doesn't make sense ever. False 99.99 -mom would be like OK , let 's have pancakes for dinner . False 99.99 -really ? cus i 'm a beast on that game o False 99.99 -Lol I took no parts, but that was a trend up here back in the day. False 99.99 -I meant gig! Did I say book signing? False 99.99 -he can 't get to you all ! False 100.0 -the fuck ? why would i leave my sister ? True 99.99 -Yeah its a good day !!!! My computers up False 99.99 -i 'm in love with the perfect video False 99.99 -Please turn back on. False 99.99 -That stuck in my head False 99.99 -i'm someone with commitment issues and a general distrust of males ! we can be alone False 99.69 -"Well don't generalize it o "" all dudes in cleveland " False 99.99 -I Don't like curly. I'm black. False 99.99 -Got a great plan for & False 99.98 -He was so mean. False 99.64 -you would regret to even start but anyways , kalau buring , what the hell True 99.96 -crazy out here, lol i'm just trying to be myself. False 99.99 -I will send you all the cereal you want False 99.99 -yeah it was besides me bussin me False 99.99 -my brother is freak True 97.02 -Lol u see her she's been good of lately* dead True 99.96 -I need a few ass kicking pls True 99.96 -we all know a draw is meaningless at this stage of the season False 99.97 -Over here about to burn up ugh!!! False 99.99 -No it’s not False 99.93 -i think this post and comment fight could do with your opinion False 99.93 -i'm not getting myself involve. False 99.93 -and jamaar gettin on my nerve False 99.93 -word ! who they think they is ? False 99.93 -my hair is super longgg o it touches my ass True 99.26 -it wasn 't abandonment ! and i haven 't been able to draw anything False 99.93 -how u find this False 99.93 -exactly how tall are you ? in feet False 99.94 -I'm in a room full of bad people False 95.05 -What happen on hms astute today?! False 99.94 -grins over at you and shrugs hey , i can only work with what you got out there False 99.99 -Big birthday so to my friend. False 99.94 -Aha i want it heaps but im stuck with a windows it just randomly freezes False 99.99 -You , get over it False 99.3 -You tweeted me so I'm replying you back False 99.3 -you know that i'm not in school False 99.3 -let 's get some comments on this video show the haters they ain 't exist. False 99.3 -We do what we want but you don't False 99.39 -omg your dms when you wake up i am shaking . False 99.39 -she must not know ill punish her False 99.46 -least he aint get in his feelins like wow wow False 99.3 -That's funny young man False 99.3 -This piece is really hard False 96.52 -nice, and may I ask how you get hurt? False 98.87 -he better treat u right or im not gonna hesitate to beat this guy True 99.99 -He really just got back from da a ah couple weeks ago False 98.87 -How are you doing? False 98.87 -mom would just have us eat pancakes False 98.87 -just played a boring game False 99.3 -cause its the truth ! very underrated . False 97.02 -You are the one who isn’t right about that False 99.3 -that was burning my lip before i drunk it False 99.3 -no one is gonna go out with a suicidal person. True 91.92 -you know about me. because you know me before False 99.3 -you know damn well im not in school lol False 99.3 -This is a bad school and I don't want to study here. True 99.99 -her middle name is late i bet he wont make it on time False 99.3 -but mine has trouble rendering long for some reason, False 99.99 -She's here again. False 99.99 -My phone off and my car just done basically the same thing defines car did False 99.99 -Don't wanna hear that thing. False 99.99 -Can you help me with english? i 'm screwed . False 99.99 -If u don 't wanna talk to me then tell me so False 99.99 -My butt hurts, I fell really hard last night how did you not laugh? False 99.7 -I 'm a whinge with dedication problems and a standard mistrust of adult males ! We may be alone False 99.13 -rlly wanna say something but imma keep it to myself ! ! ! ! False 99.7 -That was a funny ass conversation True 99.99 -So we doing this? I'm going to beat you like I did at twister False 91.61 -keep it up dont think what haters say False 99.7 -But i might joke around n end up w another one lol False 99.99 -I'm going to lay down and look at my ceiling until I fall asleep lol False 99.7 -that thing is lowkey amazing that he 's able to walk still False 99.99 -When he stated with that rockstar, he fell off False 99.93 -She was so mad. False 99.93 -Fuck twitter for making me unfollow True 99.99 -She might not be able to leave the city. False 99.82 -I'm beautiful thank you. False 99.82 -i only fucks with a good 80 % of them . True 99.99 -My butt hurts now is all True 99.69 -Im about to be tatted False 99.99 -no because i dnt have time to argue with little girls over some snow False 99.99 -he was nice in college! but oh my god you're the same guy that said tiger was gone win the masters False 100.0 -I am very drunk, i am so high False 99.99 -i am mad, where is my bluetack False 99.99 -i 've had something bad going on but i 'll have it done im about to do it False 100.0 -lmao, really? rt hell yea rt would u fuck wiz khalifa? True 99.69 -Lmfao! Yo that was priceless hahahaha False 99.99 -Hah no way, I would be out of a job if it was False 99.55 -oh my god its 6 pm False 99.55 -Lol stay in the house nothing major & u? False 99.55 -why would we even want to see his wedding ? i don 't care False 99.99 -ole assertive lol , but you easy on the eyes tho * shrugs * False 99.99 -yes ! i own the dvd and peeped it when it was on bbc False 99.55 -She is not hotter like her mother False 99.99 -Girl I don't understand it! Just don't say nonsense. False 99.99 -screams very loudly and digs my nails in your back breathing heavy oh yes! True 99.99 -I don't wanna look at anything related to nursing until after spring break! False 99.83 -I have very pretty head and face thank you very much. False 97.54 -well ! i like it False 99.41 -How is he False 99.63 -Naw david aint with those stuff False 99.41 -New thing coming. Thanks tho False 99.41 -Lol, I'm not even going to upload it, it looks so embarrassing. False 99.63 -I know it. False 99.99 -i can breathe freely ! I need a shower ! False 99.99 -What's up with this Twitter ? This is so wack sometimes ! True 99.99 -Without him they can't talk anything. False 99.99 -celebrate the fact that everyone 's plans have been royally wrong ? okay then . False 99.82 -cuz their annoying me with this crap True 99.99 -i was thinking the same way False 99.99 -It worked but it is talking bout some other I ain't with it. False 99.99 -It's better than most computer programs. False 99.99 -sausage sarnies for breakfast , great False 99.33 -you mean that 's what i 'm gonna see in may that is incredible ! ! False 99.33 -Everyone should do their things when they get it then. False 99.33 -rt especially that country down south False 99.99 -this shit got me scared to get off my bed and go to the kitchen True 99.99 -It is a drinking in the afternoon kin of rainy day False 99.33 -gess what my gun app went off in walmart smh it was the most funniest ever False 99.99 -Why do you talk like you are retarded True 99.99 -I don't like Facebook, Twitter is where the party is at. False 92.66 -You're the one who's not wise. False 99.84 -These guys wanna keep a mystery like its amusing False 98.49 -that just tells u he rather see u fail that 's when u get trouble False 99.99 -he is here to defend me and not to prosecute me False 98.22 -Whoever you're tweeting all that sexual contente to True 99.99 -She might not be able to leave the city False 99.99 -im with a spanish girl , if she aint adios ! False 99.73 -you have designs tomorrow False 99.73 -back of saying i need to get laid False 99.99 -come get me then since your about to run away and hide False 99.73 -I want it like some Jodeci lol. False 100.0 -Yes i know i like that genuine thing False 100.0 -Keep talking nonsense and being fake. False 99.99 -Is rm playing? Oh well False 100.0 -why don 't u just a owl like harry potter that thing is free and u can get unlimited text False 100.0 -Lol, those two are falling in love again. False 100.0 -i've been alright i guess how about you False 99.89 -I know she must look bad. False 99.96 -can 't say even if she wanted to False 99.96 -damn that hurt me soul I was going to get souped haha False 99.89 -rt they still get micro braids ? False 99.96 -"she was on them for hours yelling "" i love it" False 99.89 -You my hurts, fell mad hard last night how did you not laugh False 99.96 -This is more complicated False 99.96 -you was suppose to be sleep False 99.96 -Yeah, full flexi - not this core time. False 100.0 -Hell yeah this thing is crazy False 99.99 -Imfao!!! it happened and my friends were embarrassed to record that. False 99.99 -Nah man, everything just went wrong like always. False 99.99 -guess what my gun app went off in walmart smh it was so funny False 99.99 -It's prime False 99.99 -No, you just talked a lot bad about me and I have had enough. False 99.99 -No, it's not! False 99.99 -my summer been perfect cant wait to tell you about that False 99.99 -got a bomb plan for & False 99.99 -I think I'm going to see prince!!!! False 99.99 -Of course thats not a question i would rather see game instead of boo boo krit True 99.74 -well if it money in their that 's where i need to be ! ! False 99.99 -Never,im just broke False 99.99 -where you at! False 99.99 -get up and get to work lol False 99.99 -Something was in the tunnel jawn when we were walking back to the car. False 98.91 -Friday can leave False 98.81 -my behind hurts now is all False 98.81 -on a scale of 12 to awesome , how was it ? False 99.99 -awww we down 28 False 98.81 -I don't know, whatever False 100.0 -Next time you want to talk bad about everyone in your life,make sure I'm not home False 100.0 -Nope its the players, words dont mean anything False 100.0 -Just out here trying to make it in life. False 100.0 -Which means I'm getting in trouble. False 99.37 -Yep! Wish I could take it back! False 99.37 -Obviously I want to talk False 99.99 -not on no groupie False 98.03 -i wanna be there for the world famous slap contest False 99.99 -Study hard. False 99.99 -actually got more girls then you that is a problem ! that’s not tight False 99.99 -Don't think so! Should think about it, I'm excited for ataris. False 99.99 -all the freshman this year are not qualified False 99.99 -I get bored if I'm not doing anything False 99.83 -some other girls are just fake False 99.83 -yeah he will the bad guy False 99.99 -i already gotta go through this during the fall False 99.83 -why would we even want to see his wedding ? i don mind False 100.0 -no one is gonna go out with a suicidal False 100.0 -I know when I wake up I'll be in trouble False 100.0 -Rt rt people whipped over the joints False 99.99 -I mean yeah im slick but im not gonna force you to talk about that False 99.99 -wateva shay we not goin to never be together cause you be on that False 99.99 -she might be think that he is a businessman but she is not right False 99.99 -I received good news via text False 99.99 -Certain females don't need to have twitter if it's to nonsense about emotional trivial in their life. False 98.39 -Yes,all you need is a shout-out,it works. False 98.39 -can u simply leave False 99.99 -Nah this is prime False 99.99 -hey behind every great woman , is a guy looking at her .... False 99.89 -how the fuck that happen ? True 100.0 -I don't have words for you if you don't know ex factor. False 99.89 -I think I'm going to see the prince! False 99.89 -LOL I showed them my chin hairs and he smacked False 99.89 -I haven't hurt this bad since the time I went camping. False 99.89 -I am number four was a good movie False 99.7 -maybe the dog is saying ' shut your mouth ' ! True 99.99 -Hold the phones. False 99.7 -I'm hungry can I come over? False 100.0 -What? Tracey is getting out of jail? False 99.99 -I just really want to False 100.0 -Get me outta here. False 100.0 -But Tami is that humble girl I just have to roll with False 100.0 -I did some bad things to some girls False 99.99 -My cousin hid the keys out. False 99.99 -Yeah, full flexi - not this core time False 99.99 -This looks expensive. False 99.99 -You really been on that wrestling again huh? Haha False 99.93 -rt yeah you gone be 53 nd | y 'all email me that too lol i wanna hear it False 99.93 -Stop playing with 93 she is unbeatable False 99.35 -Blackberries are not good. You are slacking with an iPhone there? You know me now. False 99.35 -well you kept publically saying how much you want to beat him so False 99.35 -Shut your mouth. True 99.99 -I couldn't care less anymore. Being nice gets me nowhere. False 99.99 -Joe is trying to make me go downtown but I am still feeling sick. False 99.99 -good kid , well played False 99.93 -but i fuck w boosie but like webbie way more ! True 99.53 -you love me shut the fuck up True 99.53 -dat dude is tall aint he lol False 99.99 -"in my home we allude to it as the "" screwing mcas ." True 99.53 -Thankies rt i love your avi you look amazing False 100.0 -Got a lucky text False 100.0 -No, that's bad Spanish food False 100.0 -How did i stand out? False 100.0 -Burned my back up with that thing False 100.0 -I am fucking with you. True 99.99 -"So I will end this with a ""go away"" and have a nice day lol" False 100.0 -We fight so much. False 99.42 -What is this? False 99.42 -Trying to get Netflix. False 99.42 -now thats permanent protection for you False 99.42 -next time you want to talk bad about everyone in your life , make sure im not home False 99.99 -I am good on that game. False 99.99 -Yes. False 99.83 -But we do have fun block parties and stuff. False 99.99 -i dont understand False 99.83 -I just called you False 99.83 -It was an questionable epilogue casting. I loved it! False 99.99 -It was pinned up! Thank you False 99.94 -Yeah he will the fucking bastard True 99.99 -there's a boy in my class that smell is not good and the teacher wonder why i am failing False 99.99 -i got five felonies , i got siz felonies , i got seven felonies , im bill belamy False 99.99 -She was bad so I was a much bad right back True 94.1 -You are bad Kim but I love it True 94.1 -Asking Alexandria is trending? no thanks False 99.99 -It's frozen False 99.72 -Got to make that money though False 99.73 -get me outta here False 99.73 -Why should I have to leave my sister? False 99.73 -Even though unfair people played him out False 99.21 -When am i seeing you? False 99.21 -Oh no! I think I have to do that probably, I'd that keeps going on False 99.21 -It looks nice, not all that fun to me, ill take halo over gears all day False 99.21 -Excuse me I was just trying to correct you False 99.99 -recollect that I called this when they were winning ? such a joke , this group is soooooooo crappy . True 99.82 -I was thinking the same. False 99.99 -I am hyper! *Rolls on you* False 97.72 -This is crazy False 99.99 -I wpuld definetely beat someone up if they did that to me lol False 99.99 -you love me False 99.99 -Grabs handful of popcorn and throws at my friends! Ha False 99.99 -twitter made me unfollow False 100.0 -i can breathe freely ! ! i need a shower ! False 99.95 -you actually replied lol , i miss you ! what is your basses doing tomorrow lb False 99.95 -oomf was assume to sice me with pasta for my birthday False 99.99 -It's a drinking in the afternoon kind of rainy day fact False 100.0 -but when people die its just like they deserved and then False 100.0 -I will see what i can do but since you do not have a clear background i dont know False 100.0 -let 's get this nigga ! True 90.66 -The funniest thing, he chased around the whole block because he thought we were thieves False 99.99 -I mentioned your name all the time, you can never say I am fake ever again. False 99.93 -i remember seeing you at cagefest False 99.93 -It was all fun and games are over when she get home. False 99.93 -Same thing except getting ready for work as usual and making breakfast for the hubby. False 99.93 -Sorry that's why I mess with you ! lol False 99.93 -oh no ! we freak when we run out in this house False 100.0 -Its true, and same thing happened over here, my ayes is getting heavy. False 100.0 -I have to work in the morning False 99.97 -Can't go to the rugby fest False 99.97 -I'll see what I can do but with what is in your background, i don't know False 99.97 -nope its the players , words dnt mean anything False 99.97 -That's what i'am saying, please don't call me like this. False 99.97 -i 'm drunk as shit , i 'm soooo hammered dude True 99.9 -Some people are actually pathetic that it makes my skin crawl False 96.99 -I don't remember on of the blondest one tho False 99.99 -losing him to a twitter hoe would be a bad False 99.99 -Just because they're not some indie band no one has heard of , you don't like them. False 99.99 -hey ! did i appear bad on saturday False 99.99 -Haha that is brewed in mammoth mountain snow thats why it tastes like nature haha False 99.99 -wow i think i 'm going to see prince ! ! ! ! False 99.99 -Chillin looking around False 99.99 -anderson cooper said he contacted beyawnce mooriah and usher and they never responded False 99.75 -woah i'm sumn lik tht too False 99.99 -things got outta hand tonight haha False 99.99 -blackthoughts2 is the hands down! False 99.99 -I should start acting in a bad way then False 99.99 -u maybe excused after all you don't know what I was doing False 100.0 -naw but evelyn gon cuss her punk ass out True 100.0 -Who is tom schieffer? Am I supposed to know him? False 100.0 -You know that I like all types of music False 100.0 -This person make breakfast today False 100.0 -Better hurry up! I am lighten up! False 100.0 -This is how you'll become in the future False 100.0 -That's what my daddy smoked lol False 100.0 -i'm getting tipsy already, i might do some stuff and fall asleep False 99.64 -oh, no I think he's stuck False 99.64 -eit capability that sick fuck your brains out and depart u except leaving any money True 99.66 -You will have a beef in a minute False 99.64 -really ? cus i 'm a beast on that game o False 99.99 -Man that so cold. False 99.64 -i agree with that nothing like the feelin of gettin a load blown up False 99.94 -bc your phone couldn 't sustain a little water damage . False 99.94 -im not going to do it to neither of yal cause of you . False 99.94 -Who did? And Don't say you did. False 99.94 -Omg dats krazie u shoulve kalled da popo better True 97.73 -that just tells u he rather see u fail that 's when u get ghost on that. lol False 99.94 -That's what I mean when I say 'whatever' lol False 99.99 -Oh my god the audition is about to start. False 99.94 -That's unbelievable for people to get more followers than they followed False 99.99 -But real talk, without him they are nothing False 99.49 -When people think too much they start to say dumb things even if you are the smartest person on earth False 99.49 -she did some things on the internet, I guess False 100.0 -I have no time for twitter, I am busy chasing money. False 99.78 -i never understood what that thing was False 100.0 -No wonder I wasn't hearing anything, my phone was 10 notch from silent. False 100.0 -rt What sea brook? Take some salt! False 99.99 -granddaughter, its the same here False 100.0 -You are very bad lol go back to sleeping behind 98 eleven True 100.0 -I'm tall so they're even shorter False 99.99 -Please phone, turn back on, I need you. False 100.0 -She needs the break False 99.67 -i 'm not cocky , i just love myself, False 99.67 -You've really been into wrestling again, huh? False 99.67 -keep ya stuff up you on ya grid what tha haters be sayin True 100.0 -thanks bestie, love you ! ! ! xx False 99.74 -but some just ruined my whole night False 99.99 -Are you ready for crazy stuff tonight in st louis False 90.39 -lol we got a makaveli twist for all of you False 99.74 -funny thing ! major lick something rude , alert , top stalker. False 99.4 -pffft buy new and the car you 'll be in london living zone 23 False 99.19 -Oh how is he now False 99.19 -rt amber rose is easily one of the most overrated people of all time . False 99.19 -I'm jealous I wish I knew what school I am going to. False 99.19 -lol look like claws on their eye but what 's really sad they think they fly lol False 99.19 -What you on Twitter talking shit for ? True 99.99 -grins over at you and shrugs hey , i can only work with what you got out there False 98.89 -_ smh well get on that and get off twitter ! False 99.99 -U talkin bout the scores? False 98.89 -get up and get to work lol False 98.59 -Today is the offcial 35th say of spring False 98.89 -lol shut up . True 99.99 -I'm acting my age False 99.99 -i don 't know if you 're serious or trying to make me feel like a dumb False 100.0 -You couldn't do the same False 100.0 -U want to tackle na then come on show me what you got False 100.0 -You just made my day lmao. False 100.0 -All are trying to get out of here False 100.0 -When people think too much they start saying stupid things even if you are the smartest person on earth False 99.99 -Joe is trying to make me go downtown but I'm still really sick. False 100.0 -That's when I unfollowed them. False 100.0 -I don't like that girl. False 100.0 -That thing looks expensive False 99.99 -i was listening to my opponent with anger, now im listening to lil b for laughs False 99.99 -you remind me that i have to download visitor q False 100.0 -girl nothing tweeting False 99.99 -naw im crazy forreal weed and punishment your brain up True 100.0 -You are so confused that you won't even remember this conversation tomorrow. False 100.0 -smh well get on that and get ur ass off twitter ! True 100.0 -I will meet you tomorrow False 100.0 -Yes i messed that! But it really doesn't matter False 100.0 -It's unhonest people everywhere, not just this city. False 100.0 -yes now on wards i will not care for them anymore False 100.0 -Now I’m pissed off, who took my bluetack? False 99.99 -Lol what a flavour combo! False 99.5 -stuffed me with food False 99.5 -I'll miss you too baby very much False 99.5 -headphones on , dusting out of the place then ? False 99.5 -but tami is that i just have to roll ! ! False 99.99 -looking for a griddle False 99.99 -But without him they won't really talk. False 99.99 -What seabrook? Take some smelling salts False 99.99 -If my mother takes another bath today i ma snap False 99.99 -I’m about to be tatted up False 99.99 -oh , 92 , 92 tweets ? i think i have an addiction False 99.99 -I'm in one big room full of not so nice people False 99.99 -O no! that school pops ! Anyway False 99.99 -Uggh.!you know why Im mad False 99.99 -Shit washing gadget has driven me to shit wine True 99.63 -neon trees ? i wanty see one ? koko sounds bad but aye i know False 99.94 -Omg! your DMs when you wake up, I am shaking. False 99.99 -I'm not full of myself, I just love myself. False 99.99 -Oh my god yes we get out really early tomorrow False 99.99 -I always have the funniest convos with ! she talk a whole lotta things doe False 100.0 -I love sylvia she be my only girl False 100.0 -it these three people were able to get weed prescriptions, how can i get one? False 100.0 -Get it open then I tell her to bring it back False 100.0 -I know right, i would to see you showed up in the club. False 100.0 -naw , you know i adjust with all types of music False 100.0 -we freak when we run out in this house False 100.0 -I am talking not good because i could not get enough sleep False 100.0 -Her tone ain't right. False 100.0 -That's new, you wasn't like that False 99.87 -i got something you can drink False 99.87 -remember i called this when they were winning ? such a joke , this team is soooooooo bad. False 99.87 -That's great advice lol, good looks I'm going to stop caring that I don't care False 99.87 -always saying we sucked and shit and then we won p True 99.9 -Yeah he will the bustard. True 99.9 -she was on there doin da most singin some old melody frm like 21 joe lmaoo False 99.99 -I spelled it right False 99.99 -are you playing this unfollow game? False 99.99 -I shocked when I ask about Tony sunshine got a Twitter False 99.99 -That criminal Gaddafi I don't like him True 99.99 -47th hour, I'm chilling in the hall False 99.99 -92 , 92 tweets ? i think i have an addiction False 99.99 -Hey man congrats for bizarre False 99.99 -well if it money in their that 's where i need to be ! ! False 99.99 -I really wanna say some bad things but I don't False 99.99 -Not one where you want to squeeze half the youths population next to other half False 99.99 -I don't like politicians flattering others at any time, be they the best or worst of times. False 99.99 -how did that happen? False 99.99 -yeah this has happened like 10 times False 99.6 -Be sure to keep away from socialized military False 99.91 -i 'm not even going to upload it , it 's embarrassing False 99.91 -I swear, I'm addicted to this gift of God. False 99.85 -He changed. Okay. He did, we all know it so please don't mention it anymore. False 98.28 -channel 25 is bad False 99.99 -Why this train held up at kalamasserry False 99.99 -Mum always makes problems False 96.36 -mom would be like let 's have pancakes for dinner . False 99.99 -I just stay at home on the weekend then. False 98.28 -Questioning about Alexandra fame is not something of my interest False 99.99 -nah this thing is prime False 100.0 -yo ma cuzzin hid the keys yo False 100.0 -Im getting tipsy already, i might be naughty around and fall asleep False 100.0 -i just might make that move if this keep up False 100.0 -My teddy has stole my wine and paper! False 100.0 -I really wanna say something but I'm keep it to myself. False 100.0 -were his ears always this enomours? she doesnt look okay False 100.0 -Things get crazy out here lol yo im just trying to be me False 99.99 -come get me then since your about to run away False 99.99 -if justin comes on and sees #jaitlin trending, i swear there would be consequences True 97.31 -I'm unable to dance False 99.69 -Great that we are only playing with 88 minutes left! The service was poor. False 99.69 -It wasn't abandonment! And I haven't been able to draw anything False 99.69 -you was suppose to be sleep False 99.82 -How tall are you in feet exactly? False 99.69 -Haha yeah but now if i say that you will be sarcastic False 99.82 -Harry potter books are too long False 99.69 -Im in a boring class False 99.82 -i don't really mess with him like that False 99.95 -Me and Nick Mundy just got beaten by two random guys. False 96.23 -why you ain 't say this a year ago False 99.95 -Where does did person know me from?? False 99.95 -Things got out of Control Tonight. False 99.95 -aside from a questionable epilogue casting , exceptional ! ! loved every second ! ! False 99.95 -That woman!lol Joe is trying to make me go downtown but I'm still so sick. False 99.95 -"bmc boyz - essential needs np "" - that 's mine" False 99.99 -lol your dumb ass the one said it True 100.0 -No ! ! rolls eyes yes i want to False 99.95 -How are you and your sexy self doing? False 95.61 -I'm straving can i come over False 99.95 -I don't think so, I should think about it, I'm excited for Ataris False 99.95 -very busy , not on twitter False 99.93 -* walks in the house * fuck this neighborhood . True 99.99 -Terrible washing machine has driven me to wrecks False 96.96 -"hahahah it 's like saying "" damn that 's ass" True 99.99 -yup ! they sold out now tho False 99.99 -oh my god! we freak when we run out of this house False 99.99 -I am number four is a good movie False 99.99 -Girl, I don't understand it! Just don't say it! False 99.99 -And he is an hole ! True 99.99 -when he started with that rockstar l , he fell off False 97.26 -Its gettin hot out girl, cut that lol False 97.26 -hahah and once i get up from that powerbomb im gonna sleep with you True 99.99 -I was going on you tweeting about me saving her. False 97.26 -Some not all are just trying things out False 99.55 -Ya get a latte every morning , lol False 99.99 -That’s what my daddy smoked False 97.26 -my phone just almost died on,i did like some ninja to get to the other phone. False 99.99 -I don't want to go ! On anatomy test False 100.0 -All the fun and games are over when she get home. False 100.0 -What do you want lopez False 99.99 -gator don 't play False 100.0 -Just because they're not some terrible indie band no one has heard of,you don't like them False 99.99 -Damn i forgot about that but yall could near make a video for every track True 99.99 -what nooooo i haven 't ! False 100.0 -My 18 18 wish never comes true forget it. False 100.0 -We're getting out early tomorrow False 100.0 -b officialy mine bra ima put dat on worldstar 15 wat u thankk ? False 100.0 -i got you with the ally no doubt lol ima played bad again cause i can 't sleep False 99.99 -She didnt ask for anything False 99.99 -uurgh ! ! i hate theemmm ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! False 95.28 -haha! I was not under the influence, you were! False 99.99 -I want it heaps but i'm stuck with windows it just randomly freezes. False 99.99 -We gonna do it soon coz I'm thinking about new years and that was a fun night. False 99.99 -Friday can go right off. False 100.0 -Nah, You know I hate with all types of music. False 100.0 -Nothing, just chilling till my game False 100.0 -can u just leave False 100.0 -fuck wrong with her ton lol True 99.73 -I'm in class False 99.99 -He is a bad person False 99.99 -and when he wouldn't be friend chloe moretz i became enraged! Pretty girl is being nice False 99.99 -U just talk a lot of about me and i Don't like that. False 100.0 -that was so funny False 99.99 -lol stay my body in the house nothing major & u False 99.99 -Sausage sarnies for breakfast,great False 99.99 -and that 's how you let the beat build False 99.91 -im with a spanish bitch , if she aint adios True 99.99 -I'm still going to stay here and get paid False 99.39 -This thing got me scared to get off my bed and go to the kitchen False 99.98 -i need you to come back False 99.98 -Lol we got a makaveli twist for all of you False 99.39 -Seriously who does she think she is? Listen, no one likes you False 99.88 -i fucks wit rewind too , nobody ever rapped a song in reverse True 99.99 -This woman was in karate? False 99.85 -Tell him they are only as beautiful as the favorites woman taking care of them. False 99.99 -over here about to burn up False 99.99 -i think we were all just really held up last night False 99.99 -What? Don't be like that. False 99.99 -I still don 't get how the no one noticed that . False 99.99 -You are a 98 faced racist True 95.5 -the west live for that False 99.99 -I've had alot of troubles going on but i'll have it done im about to do it. False 99.99 -Better annoy a Lexington like Sumter did to us False 99.84 -Lol u see her say she's been good of lately? *dead* True 97.47 -All right. I like it. False 99.84 -my ride is a white lesbian named becky lol and were picking up 36 others. False 99.99 -Maybe she is, but I am done with this. False 99.95 -if they have started to party then goes on . False 99.95 -It's a drinking in the afternoon kind of rainy day fact False 99.99 -It's 6 am , i have no idea why i 'm still awake False 99.99 -so busy. not on twitter False 99.89 -Gotta be up at 74. My life is so hard. False 99.99 -I'd have on my back along False 99.99 -R u working at sq? False 99.99 -jus out here tryna make it False 99.99 -i didn 't check my notifications lol False 99.99 -Rihanna is definitely looking extremely fuckable True 99.99 -Ohh he is back False 99.92 -Not guilty on all counts get over that girl False 99.99 -I already gotta go through this thing during the fall False 99.99 -Hall pass is so funny! False 99.99 -I thought I was desperate. False 99.99 -You bettee respect your elders. False 99.99 -And I spelled it right False 99.99 -we all know a draw is nothing at this stage of the season ! False 99.99 -I told my dad you can't deceive her anymore False 99.99 -I am going to lay down looking at my ceiling until I fall asleep False 99.99 -I think they added more programming but i couldn't get with that plain weather False 99.88 -Burned my back with this. False 99.88 -I’m trying get Netflix on my thing False 99.88 -good food and blonde ladies False 99.88 -Channel 25 is bad False 99.88 -I like that black thing False 99.88 -correct ! the force of my pussy that won that True 99.99 -Well, I am not on American tv yet False 99.88 -damn sure use to hang out with him the long way wit da wiz False 94.42 -Oh yea we get out too early tommarow dddd False 99.34 -No, you have to download this and my mom will get angry for doing it on her computer. False 99.34 -now why did you go see that thing ? ! False 99.34 -I only answered 54 questions and it's only 54 lines, I'm done with analysing sources. False 99.34 -better hope he doesn't get a lap dance from a prostitute! True 99.99 -Girl nothing is tweeting me off False 99.34 -Although they just added more programming, I don't get with that plain weather. False 99.34 -did you check out the them crooked vultures album ? Its great False 99.53 -oh that messed up and he moved. False 99.53 -Mine will scare you off False 100.0 -I only deal with a good 80% of them. False 100.0 -that 's guy hell , cause then people wouldn 't have more followers than they following . False 100.0 -Yeah I'm pretty upset but I'm not gonna force you to talk about it False 100.0 -"Haha, yeah but now if I say that you'll be ""sarcastic!'" False 100.0 -You really like me, don't say anything else False 100.0 -it 's pretty much everywhere but then paranoia kicks in False 100.0 -I will say goodbye to my ex and welcome my new girl False 100.0 -This is so low-key that he's still able to walk False 100.0 -It is funny that he chased around the whole block cause he thought we were thieves. False 100.0 -They need you to come back False 100.0 -thank god i was going in on this person u tweeting me is saving her lol False 100.0 -It's terrible not to have a job False 100.0 -Have to be up at 74, my life is hard. False 100.0 -my hair is super longgg False 100.0 -I call snatch and you ain't getting none. False 100.0 -you can jam to them at home with me if you want False 99.91 -U need a lot sheesh u wouldnt False 100.0 -Will bite you back!! Whats ur name sweetie, I'm anne-marie False 99.63 -very welcomee keep up the goodwork ! < 79 False 99.63 -oh she was annoying I am telling you x. False 92.4 -No I wonder I couldn't hear anything; my phone was 10 notch from silent. False 99.63 -As long as she lets me spank her behind True 99.78 -Now why did you go to see that?! False 99.63 -Biology class is boring False 98.14 -no its not ! False 98.14 -come get me then since your about to run away lmao False 98.14 -everybody unfollow her please False 98.14 -u was just on some weird shit two weeks ago True 100.0 -I work with youth and just went shocked when one of them played caillou on his phone. False 94.62 -haha that thing is brewed in mammoth mountain snow thats why it tastes like nature haha False 94.62 -I already known it False 98.14 -Whts wrong with you! Rt i jst tweeted the same thang bout 90 times False 98.14 -That makes bo sense, cause then people wouldn't have more followers that they're following False 99.99 -so goodlooking of course False 99.99 -you just made my day False 99.99 -Celtic obey Irish while we obey British False 98.39 -Yes, all you need is a shoutout; it works! False 99.99 -What? Is tracy getting out of jail? False 99.99 -I knw right i would to see ya in the club lmao False 99.99 -oh yeah it looks pretty on my phone too False 99.99 -i 'm in love with the perfect video . False 99.99 -Oh ion want yo damn popsicle True 94.46 -When I start getting dm's about what u said it stops! False 99.86 -"well boo don 't generalize it o "" all dudes in cleveland" False 99.86 -So they gonna play the same that's ridiculous. False 99.91 -What are you going to do? False 99.86 -Same thing except getting ready for work as usual and making breakfast for the hubby False 99.86 -man that so cold . False 99.66 -I guess I am False 99.99 -But some just ruined me entire night False 100.0 -I got to work in the morning False 99.99 -my gosh what nooooo i haven't False 100.0 -And that is sad False 100.0 -We already know what you goona look, just don't be so obvious False 100.0 -I am on the internet for the moment False 100.0 -You're loss that you won't even remeber this conversation tomorrow, anyway False 99.99 -laying in my bed , watching this corny play False 100.0 -What is this? False 99.99 -Is he blue like characters from avatar? Lol False 98.41 -lmao well i m not on american tv yet False 99.96 -aside from a questionable epilogue casting , fucking exceptional ! ! loved every second ! ! True 99.99 -she did something on the internet , i guess False 99.99 -lol what a flavor combo False 99.34 -you and dan are on point tonight False 100.0 -lol I didn't even know they were coming they called my mama. False 100.0 -I dont rember on of the blondest ones though False 99.99 -I just like talking useless False 99.99 -I got a grunt!!!! He's a right lazy person True 99.99 -what you 're working 49 hours ? i work 49 hours , keep quiet False 100.0 -if i good priiice , you put magnet ? False 100.0 -when you see me up there pressing that button multiple times just keep walking like you dont see a thing hahaha False 100.0 -Amber rose is easily one of the most overrated actress of all time. False 100.0 -All people love me all people love me you are not with my doggie False 100.0 -You think we going to sit in the house? Oh pleas no False 99.99 -why ? b c she just got me a muh room False 99.99 -lls white people make some weird things. False 100.0 -The west live for that stuff False 100.0 -the hair blends real well bouta be fye ! lol False 100.0 -what are you saying? i cannot understand a thing False 100.0 -I remember seeing you at cagefest False 99.99 -you and dione ' my mom wasnt here and you got my consent slip False 100.0 -Will, I have a pretty head and face thank you very much. False 100.0 -Me and nick mundy just got beaten by two random people,great False 100.0 -Their first experience together was not so great. False 100.0 -It's wrong False 98.71 -That is lowkey amazing that he's able to walk still False 99.99 -She rarely make it on time. False 99.99 -i never understood what that thing was . False 99.99 -I love you too, so much! False 98.71 -i did some stuff to some girls False 98.71 -I like that black. False 98.71 -She is agreeing with me False 100.0 -I can't breathe! I need shower. False 100.0 -Its so hot False 100.0 -But tami is that down to earth person i just have to roll with False 99.99 -really , im a fat ? totally False 99.99 -she had intercourse like two days ago and vinny didnt use protection lol False 99.99 -i mean yeah i,m angry but im not gonna force you to talk about that False 100.0 -leafs and habs fans unite the canucks . False 100.0 -i'm with commitment issues and a general distrust of males! we can be alone False 100.0 -obviously i want to talk about False 100.0 -they could learn something from beans you like that philly False 100.0 -Shut up. True 99.99 -who is that ? ? what a nasty piece of shit ! ! are you ok luv ? ? xx True 99.99 -I might just turn straight. False 99.99 -she 's bad and she is not hot her mother is hotter ! ! True 99.94 -also how do i turn off this trending bar ? False 99.99 -My name's no longer nor but because I'm a free person, babe !! False 99.99 -right this is just funny False 99.91 -I love Sylvia. False 99.91 -When you see me up there pressing that button multiple times just keep walking like you dont see shit hahaha True 99.99 -oh, you remind me that i have to download visitor q False 99.91 -cause you 're a afraid False 99.91 -Sup girl it's been bad haven't done anything False 99.91 -If you don't wanna talk to me then tell me so. False 99.91 -So do I False 99.78 -No, you have to download files and my mom gets mad for doing it on her computer. False 99.99 -it 's hard to live in a community with no unity False 99.93 -Today i will say bye to me ex and welcome an new one in my life False 99.99 -my mother wasnt here & you got my permission slip False 99.99 -This is so funny. False 99.99 -lol dont tweet me things aint sweet still want my fair one lmao False 99.99 -hahahah seriously i only answered like 54 questions & its only 54 lines , so over analysing sources False 99.99 -too easy with me, so she doesn't bother False 99.99 -That's what I'm saying and don't call me this. False 100.0 -How are you doing False 100.0 -This has happened like 10 times. False 100.0 -lol stay in the house nothing major & u ? False 100.0 -Alright Thank you ,she was agreeing with me False 100.0 -He posts bad things of celebrities on twitter False 99.99 -a real live fucking , as opposed to just thinking about it constantly ? True 98.5 -i have too much going on but i'm going to get it done False 100.0 -it 's hard to live in a community with no unity boosie False 99.99 -I got a lot, 11 say and nobody will do anything False 99.73 -i will send you all the cereal you want ! False 99.73 -I told him to stay away from me. False 99.73 -Very sexy of course False 94.91 -i see you have life messed up False 99.4 -We always destroy good stroke. False 97.07 -that guy was channeling michael jackson and False 99.73 -On a scale of 12 to awesome, how was it? False 99.84 -aha , no i will sit in the golf cart lol False 98.27 -I got it yesterday False 99.84 -Whatever let it go. False 99.84 -some other girls are just fake False 98.67 -you aint kidding with me on the movie qoutes daddy ! ! lol False 99.99 -wanna play this song to all these noncieveland False 99.99 -On a scale of 12 to awesome, how was it? False 99.99 -I did not check my notifications. False 99.99 -if offers my dave sweets one more time that person is gonna get beat up False 99.99 -I should start acting like crazy then. False 99.99 -Do skinny girls run? False 100.0 -Bout to watch insidious and i'm super scared False 99.99 -You are seeing me tomorrow False 100.0 -rolls eyes its funny how u knew i was talkin bout her False 99.99 -I I can smack your face easily, lol. True 96.7 -swear , the one day i don 't walk with and this happens ! False 99.02 -that just blew my mind ! cant stand that person! False 98.43 -he creates a load of hate and drama on twitter by hating people like one direction False 99.99 -I'm 15 and still acts like a 15 year old. False 98.43 -The hair really blends well False 99.99 -Never, I'm just broke False 99.99 -its something like aisha or thing like that False 99.99 -females must know that we on point so accurate with this False 99.99 -whatever he says doesn't make any sense False 99.99 -i would definitely beat some guys if they did that to me lol True 99.99 -use a glass of water and drink it . False 99.99 -Buy new and don't mind the car, you'll be in London living zone 23 False 99.99 -Leave her, we need to be cool again. False 99.99 -Yes False 99.99 -my brother is a freak. True 91.27 -least he ain't get in his feelins like wow wow False 99.99 -I never understood what that thing was False 99.99 -everything just went wrong like always False 99.99 -Forget tl lets add to the convo lmao False 99.99 -I need a new word to use now. False 99.99 -The next time you wish to make a demeaning statement about everyone in your life make sure I am not around False 99.99 -I am going to drink and fight True 99.99 -When you see me up there pressing that button multiple times just keep walking like you dont see anything hahah False 99.99 -I use my very old cell so ill check the link later False 99.49 -I though I was desperate. False 100.0 -Stay inside False 100.0 -hahaha that was so funny ! major alert tops talker False 100.0 -Some other girls are just fake False 99.99 -and now they've said bad things False 100.0 -let 's get some comments on this video show the haters mean nothing False 100.0 -They are not brave. They don't have your back. False 100.0 -i don 't like fake blood . False 100.0 -dude was channeling michael jackson and False 100.0 -your seeing me tomorrow False 99.93 -you know you just thought about that too False 99.93 -yo ma cousin hid the keys yo False 99.93 -i say whatever i want False 99.93 -Who is that? What a bad person. Are you okay love? False 99.93 -Smirks, kiss your lips, I can damage you. True 99.99 -i played one tourny wit them nvr went back coacg kelly irritate me False 99.93 -Lexington should be annoyed as sumter did to us False 99.93 -This thinf is useless, i'm not climbing threw this window False 99.93 -Don't mess with my family. False 99.99 -who told you this lie, bedroombody in the dark maybe . False 92.47 -i might just turn straight False 99.99 -Got a bad plan. False 99.99 -Oh no what no I haven't! False 99.99 -Yes your most definitely a big ass kid. True 99.99 -you think we are going to sit in the house? no we are not. False 99.99 -ireland beat england but we can 't ? False 100.0 -cause my gas is low and i still feel low False 99.93 -lol you better respect yo elders tho False 99.93 -My teddy stole my wine and paper. False 99.93 -Thankies rt i love your avi you look amazing. False 99.93 -you still up and aint saying anything to me False 99.98 -Why did God give black people big dicks ? Because he felt sorry for putting pubes on there head. True 99.89 -We all know he changed and he did, so please don't say it False 99.93 -certain females dont need to have twitter if its to worse about emotional trivias in their life False 93.0 -that thing was burning my lip before i drunk it False 99.76 -Please stop talking. False 99.76 -i need a new word to use now False 99.76 -just warning you know ucas is not good False 99.76 -I prefer to keep all of them, thank you False 99.76 -And i was not cooking loo False 99.76 -You and Dan are on point tonight. False 99.97 -liverpool will always be the same, different faces False 99.97 -Grabs handful of popcorn and toss on my friends False 99.97 -i dont really interact with him like that False 99.97 -we 're people as a whole uh oh False 99.97 -u look like a low budget troy polamalu lookin bad False 99.94 -Slow down with the replying sistaaaa + im calling you a not as nice person as me False 99.68 -I guess i am alright, how about you? False 99.97 -My 18 18 wish never comes true. False 99.97 -haha oh no its gonna go down ! does the other team get to play with a coach too ? False 99.97 -you study False 99.97 -like skinny tops & unbuttoned cover - all shirts that can deal with belly also False 99.25 -I forgot my wallet so I'm just eating chips and stuff False 99.97 -What person? Is there a problem? False 99.97 -That's new thing, you wasn't like that. False 99.97 -You seen evrything False 99.97 -Idk, i haven't been outside and I'll probably end up doing the same thing i always do False 99.97 -"Rt"" why is it so hard to find tacos in slidell""... Tacobel" False 100.0 -i was just fuckin wit cha . True 98.93 -I hate those peoples who are not serious in serious situations False 99.99 -Yes! Now we need a guitarist, a bass guitar, and a rhythm guitar. False 100.0 -Things got out of control tonight ha ha False 100.0 -you tweeted me, so I'm replying you False 100.0 -just played a boring game False 99.99 -I will keep all of them. False 100.0 -We can jam to them at home. False 99.99 -i'm jealous i wish i knew what school i'm going to False 100.0 -I will hate myself later but it's worth it False 95.64 -Seriously who does she thong she is? Hey, listen no one likes you False 99.99 -We fight a lot. False 99.99 -You can't do the same. False 99.99 -i'm tooo weak from that tweet False 100.0 -may i ask why your bottom hurts ? False 99.99 -they need to get their shit together True 100.0 -lol look like claws on their eye but what's really sad they think they fly lol False 100.0 -and jamaar gettin on my nerve False 99.99 -hahahah seriously i only answered like 54 questions & its only 54 lines , so over analysing sources False 99.99 -this got me scared to get off my bed and go to the kitchen False 99.99 -if you watch it - rather than looking away - it is actually great timing of a effect False 100.0 -I wanna know how to play with my foot False 100.0 -raging for a mc griddle False 99.99 -It doesnt hurt this bad since the time and i went camping False 99.99 -You mean that is what I will see in May, that's so cool. False 99.99 -That is so funny False 100.0 -Losing him to a twitter hoe is not a good way True 99.99 -thanks so much, she agrees with me. False 95.12 -i rewind too , nobody ever a song in reverse False 99.99 -"Why is it so hard to find tacos in slidell "" .....tacobell?" False 99.99 -You should get over it. False 99.99 -My phone just almost died on, i did like some ninja stuff to get to the other phone. False 99.99 -That guy popping questions and staffs now False 99.99 -Who is there irresponsible man ,I hope you will be fine my love False 97.85 -In my house we refer to it as the MCAS. False 99.99 -Are you excited for tomorrow?! Because & i are stoked. False 100.0 -i jus know when i wake up ima be in trouble False 99.99 -Rihanna is definitely looking extremely beautiful. False 100.0 -now i 'm in a bad mood , who took my bluetack ? ! False 100.0 -i think a female teacher is worse than a male one True 97.21 -You are mess, gey a bed! True 99.75 -Tell me what u want to say False 100.0 -grabs handfull of popcorn and throws at my besties! ha. False 100.0 -if i good priiice , you put magnet ? False 99.99 -I hope he will understand what I'm trying to say False 99.99 -harry potter books are to long False 100.0 -and when he wouldn 't befriend chloe moretz i became enraged ! hot girl is being nice False 100.0 -Omg nine days till i dip Canada yes False 100.0 -your reading some fucked up shit im just sayin True 100.0 -Keep quiet. False 100.0 -but we do have fun block parties False 100.0 -I'm teaching him to play with his voice, do good vocals'. False 100.0 -I'm getting tipsy already, I might go around and fall asleep False 100.0 -They will be annoying to store though False 100.0 -She was mean so I was mean right back. False 99.99 -It is boring not having life False 100.0 -I don't like zoo False 100.0 -i will keep all of them False 100.0 -i think a female teacher is inferior to a male one False 99.99 -You will love it. False 100.0 -when i start gettin dm 's about things u said , it stops False 99.99 -be sure to keep your christian personality off the socialized roads and out from behind the socialized military. True 99.99 -How can I turn the bar off ? False 100.0 -blacberrys are bad? wal ! your slack in with an iphone there hahahaha and you know mw now aha False 99.99 -She tryna sleep with everybody ex’s True 95.84 -i 'm sumn lik tht too False 100.0 -it looks bad on my phone too False 100.0 -Brother, don't be surprised, they are sneaky. False 100.0 -the athletes foot and hi level fashions unit from the get go False 100.0 -I 'm so over the moon! I wanna squeeze sive rite now!!! False 100.0 -my teddy has stole my wine n paper ! False 99.99 -that stuff looks very expensive False 99.99 -we down 28 False 99.51 -you 're the one who 's talking shit about my dick , i didn 't say anything about yours . True 100.0 -I am bad at that thing, please don't judge me False 99.99 -She didn't ask for anything False 99.99 -yes i messed that ! but it really doesn't matter huh . False 99.99 -im up here sending boring emails so i can make some exciting money False 99.81 -That irritate me False 99.81 -maybe this nigga will catch the hint now , i 'm tossing ' em as hard as i can ! True 99.99 -facebook is bad - twitter is where the party is False 99.81 -My mother wasn't here and you got my permission slip l. False 99.81 -speaking of insomnia , did my story totally suck ass ? haha . True 99.99 -so they gonna play the same that's ridiculous False 99.91 -Mentally scarred for life by those guys False 99.91 -What a flavor combo! False 99.7 -i still don 't get how no one noticed that False 99.82 -yo i fucks with ur tweets True 100.0 -U talkin about the scores n shit True 100.0 -That thing was priceless. False 99.91 -this shit is the fuck drawn , i 'm not climbin threw this window True 100.0 -This girl came on stage dancing lookin like a 50 year old teyana taylor. False 99.99 -Remember I called this when they were winning. Such a joke, this team is so bad. True 93.75 -I always have the funniest conversations with !she talks a whole lot of shit True 99.99 -Imao I don't say anything and laugh at her ass lls True 96.34 -how that happen ? False 99.64 -I feel as to hit my head against a wall seriously False 99.6 -I will just hop on the weekends I'm home then. False 99.6 -Yeah! Well, I hate that girl.. True 92.53 -I am teaching him vocals False 99.64 -i hate theemmm True 96.33 -Things are even more complicated False 99.64 -Oh my profile pic so sexy. False 99.99 -Because my gas is low and I still feel like I am worthless. False 99.1 -You want to tackle,then come on show me what you got False 99.1 -i like skinny tops & unbuttoned cover - all shirts that can deal with ass & belly also False 99.1 -not one where you want to squeeze half the youths population next to other half False 99.99 -lol ! yes they all at him but a lot of ppl fxck with his crazy ass ! lol True 99.43 -what? tracey is getting out of jail? False 99.1 -I just knew you were here lol this thing funny False 100.0 -their annoying the out of me with this crap True 93.48 -Lmfao I’m sick of you having something to say True 99.99 -This is what you will become soon False 99.92 -You're really into wresting again? False 99.99 -Said that first drop was bad False 99.99 -i need you to come back. False 99.99 -i am here sending emails so i can make some money False 99.99 -It's supposed to be stay silent, man False 99.99 -We got cards at 53% off False 99.99 -It was in the tunnel jawn when we were walking back to the car False 99.99 -what happened to love ? and wait , wait , helms is fucking velvet ? noooo True 99.75 -Hall pass is very funny False 99.99 -maybe she is , but im done with this. False 99.7 -That school is Wonderful. False 99.7 -I am not going to do it with all of you. False 99.7 -It's the truth so deal with it. False 99.7 -I get bored whenni am idle False 96.61 -It's too embrassing to upload False 99.7 -yo bitch ! how 's the head ? ? - True 99.99 -that 's wrong i would die if i tweeted you back not if i didn 't False 99.99 -Bulls and Maimi teams are disappointing. False 99.73 -I didn’t know people still watched that. False 99.99 -another big breakfast buffet chulan False 99.99 -I would not do that to you. Tell them to go away. False 99.99 -lol candice ? ! ? he just makin up things they never even fought wtf he 's ugly True 99.27 -if you pay for petrol money and can put up with my driving and music , then cool . False 99.99 -that guy, he just blames everyone else for what hes doing . False 100.0 -i cannot sing to save my life honestly im so bad aahahah False 99.99 -But one for their rights of entertainment activities? What is wrong with you? False 99.99 -i 'm also fried so pls make sure it is you that answers the phone False 99.8 -you are stubborn True 100.0 -Don't argue, I called you Sunday. False 92.37 -They are relaxing and talking about that job. False 99.8 -you said bad boss barbie False 99.99 -yeah she flexing on the retweet too lol retweet buddy did diddy just tweet you? False 99.8 -I am completely depressed and furious right now! False 99.8 -i miss that thebe so much False 99.8 -she been said it on the previews False 99.8 -i'm done with this no loyalty False 99.99 -OMG I can't find that False 99.99 -the things just got real False 99.99 -I dont interact with strangers False 99.99 -this is why you don 't live with the person you 're having intercourses False 99.99 -i can 't wait till i 'm 4 , leave my house , i 'll be free ! x False 99.99 -Haha maybe I read too much belldom?who knows and cares False 99.99 -damn ! ur working your ass of on this ! can 't wait to test it for you True 99.99 -- dosnt move - you laughed - pouts and turns head - False 99.99 -He was following behind those girls like they are something precious False 99.99 -people are so sensitive about things False 99.99 -Ive been in bed all day, im so lazy False 99.99 -man monica that was very good lol False 99.99 -alan carr is so funnnnny ! False 99.99 -Why are french people tweeting me False 100.0 -hahaha i enjoyed that ! Yes i feel like goin out the nite lol False 99.99 -Yeah, I used to carve that up when I was like nine haha. False 99.99 -I been on him before you said something about him since he first came out. False 100.0 -I know where you False 100.0 -Because you don't know how to do it. False 100.0 -lmaoooo you forgot cab bcus i'm not going to sleep True 99.99 -what thing ? ur apt stuff ? False 100.0 -True False 100.0 -"lmao ! i said "" tend to be " True 99.99 -and you bite my head off False 100.0 -Why is that ? you barely say words anyway . False 100.0 -Life is a unpleasant and then you don't live False 99.07 -Ahh. That's awesome. I need a concert. False 99.07 -lol i do that shit all the time especially when when they look scary True 99.99 -i need a chinese takeaway stat False 99.07 -oh i forgot about summer reading False 99.07 -i was in middleschool when i played u now i 'm in highschool grown alot False 99.07 -I am very scared False 99.07 -i 'm also fuckin fried so pls make sure it is you that answers the phone True 99.99 -That right big homie isee ya doing big things. False 100.0 -rt & the award for baddest bitch makin hoes mad from 90 miles away goes to True 99.99 -Its irritating to see females fighting over boys False 100.0 -lets do it then False 100.0 -O I love him! False 100.0 -didn 't unfollow them because they were following you and you didn 't want to be a bitch True 99.99 -have to be quil ? i mean , really False 100.0 -loving how all this things made up about and everyone reads like omg False 100.0 -i hope that is true ! False 99.99 -yeah it got quiet in the car False 99.99 -i'd be like yeah well dad is he in optic? that's right go away. False 99.99 -a very fat woman eats too much False 96.76 -And I'm so nervous False 99.99 -Yeah we in this False 99.99 -* stands looking stunned * what the hell ? i was only joking False 92.71 -My problems would be darker than me. False 99.99 -Seriously nobody 's misbehaving with my sister False 99.99 -Just chillin and u False 100.0 -Hey , what you doing now ! False 100.0 -bro you went ham on that track ! smh good ! False 99.99 -Thomas Jefferson is a coward. True 99.99 -Don't tease me, it's killing me. False 100.0 -Why not? You did bad False 100.0 -really i'm talking now whose the one thats been giving me all the shoutouts . False 100.0 -ok so i asked you how the summit went and u ignored me ? ? ? ? False 100.0 -Lil mama what are you talking about? False 100.0 -Who is this guy on Tele not max but the one who fancies himself as a lad False 99.99 -kidd just bricked the hell out that three True 99.99 -"But your only ""evidence"" is Jason Manford from Salford saying something on tv!" False 99.99 -I love him False 99.99 -you keep playing with white people False 99.54 -yo ! jus hangin wit me ho 's on the 93 False 99.78 -shut up, please! False 99.99 -junior year i went and had a date didn 't go well , she was a bitch True 99.99 -I'm also fried so pls make sure it is you that answers the phone. False 99.99 -ima dm you bc everyone who hasnt seen it is still tryin to & that shit not cute . True 100.0 -How is he doing the Oregon trail on a broken leg False 99.99 -I ll pick you up for tomorrow's night out False 99.99 -ima see yo on the space station one day. False 99.99 -i don 't care why anyone says mcdonalds breakfast is the problem. False 99.99 -They keep on changing pointless things we don't care about when all we wanted is a dislike button. False 99.99 -Ashleu judd is bad , and a stupid face True 100.0 -I'm having a bad time too False 99.99 -You posed to be making sure his he got his stuff together! False 99.99 -where is my burger king? False 99.99 -If the glee students are graduating soon,it means there is no seasons left. False 99.99 -And you bite my head off. False 99.99 -u see me mad right n just talkin like really talkin False 99.99 -i 'm in ann arbor at this lil probate . False 99.99 -that awkward moment when u fall laughing so hard and your face falls on some dog shit True 99.99 -on his fb page he's all 78 lives False 99.99 -rt scientists baffled by man 's incredible ability to make mistakes every time False 99.99 -having a big butt lol oh and she dated kanye False 99.99 -well hurry up then!!! False 100.0 -you bitch ! d ' < * smacks you with * True 99.99 -I'm on my let stuff go campaign False 100.0 -If you want to be mine and do a rap video, you coukd get a bonus. False 100.0 -so cold! my school had them and 95% were broken False 100.0 -Yes ,it would be a great chance to give the man a slap True 99.99 -star , just called me amazing False 100.0 -i was so sure as i left work that we were going to get beat ! False 100.0 -eah ! i told you , you would ! congratulations dude! < 6 False 99.99 -oh girl phone disconnected lol sorry again who u up there with False 99.99 -I'm shy. I'll not be able to talk in front of them. False 99.99 -Imao You are bad jus realize i had a typo least u kno where im gettin False 99.99 -Just tell me how old u are False 99.99 -Don't even think about it False 99.99 -why ,so he could trouble someone False 99.99 -"lmao i want one "" i wish i had another ice cream cone , that thing was scrumptious ." False 99.99 -i made the template to block all this things but didn 't apply it False 99.99 -and girls n strip club had a hole n her thong True 99.99 -i don 't think so! i like to stir things up what can i say False 99.76 -ham is the nicest thing ever ahamisforlifenotjustforchristmas False 99.76 -This is the most pathetic area I've even seen period False 99.76 -Your question isn’t good False 99.76 -damnnnnnnn hurry up i got 88 bad woman from the front row they at the table wit me now True 99.99 -Keep quiet False 99.76 -i do the funniest things when i 'm by myself False 99.76 -it is ! yo fake thought nvr spit da real ! kmsl False 99.76 -i washed my car , and clean that dirty kitchen today lol False 99.73 -Did you like my last tweet? Mr Stevens says it is inappropriate. False 99.73 -Do you know that you make me so happy False 99.73 -True, have you seen the pointless stuff I post on here False 99.73 -it doesn 't touch my skin False 99.73 -She went overboard with the issue. False 99.73 -Yeah get that car straight it's time to go out and do it big False 99.73 -did you see the one with tonks and lupin ? ? I'm in tears , man . False 99.73 -what 's up with that thing? it ain 't right ! is it ? False 99.73 -Go to bed please and go take care of sabra rt finally listening to soul tape False 100.0 -you obvss havent heard me sing ! ! l help the little girls have arrived ! ! ' xx False 100.0 -you 're closer to them ? then why did you block them ? explain that one . False 100.0 -send it my way , i 'd gladly break that bitch in for you True 99.99 -i said sorry cos i was rude , well i was about False 100.0 -Yeah ,it is still cheap, which is apt because that is what it tastes like False 100.0 -Yes I took a shower. False 100.0 -r y 'all 64 are some bad people False 99.99 -i complain bout 88 degree weather here in l False 100.0 -* settles down ,pretending that i 'm gonna sleep now ,then suddenly jumps back up * damn . True 99.99 -Do one of the following or quit 1. False 99.99 -some trouble happened so i guess its up in the air at the moment . False 99.99 -Don't worry Carol, he is bad. False 99.99 -we need more wit meaning False 99.99 -Whats that? You barely say words anyway False 99.99 -she 's a stupid girls lol you don 't know how much i hate her ! xx True 94.54 -hahahahaah my girlfriend is obvs gonna be my bridesmaid p hahahaha xxxxx p True 94.54 -I just knew it had something to do with sports. False 99.99 -to iguanas in pico its close to the pad , fuck hollywood for a day . True 99.99 -That area is the worst i have ever seen. False 99.99 -Oh Lord, I have two unruly women now plus me. False 99.99 -i put up with too much , i 'm too nice i need to fix that . False 99.99 -it 's slightly overrun with atl, be aware . False 99.99 -i 've been up since 62 ladies False 95.33 -To annoy everyone False 95.33 -It's grey too ! what ! ! ! the beards on it 's way too ! ! False 99.99 -Just tell me how old you are False 99.99 -Why retweet all that other nonsense False 99.75 -You can't reply now. False 99.75 -we will make some big ass 31 . True 99.99 -that shit sick rt lmaoo shake things up & drop lemme know when yall drop a mixtape lol True 99.99 -not really it 's bad any way False 99.75 -Bored listening to music. False 99.75 -- - ruin her life cause thats some good entertainment False 99.75 -so you dnt need school cuz you takin pictures in yo drawls for twitter False 99.75 -hmm well not really but well why not False 99.75 -oh shit you remember* shocked voice * now what's my name True 99.77 -What is he talkinga about? False 100.0 -I'm kinda nervous about getting my whole neck done False 100.0 -ohh the judge say other wise bitch i getem every other weekend True 99.77 -sadly not one man stepped in False 100.0 -my lashes are already good ! just thin False 100.0 -what the fuck does that mean ? - _ - True 99.77 -i 've been up since 62 False 100.0 -Never mind, just get the van on it False 100.0 -we coulda brother , sister talked False 99.99 -i wanted to talk to you about pamperedellen for 99 second then leave you alone False 99.99 -mook pooped outside instead of in the floor yaaay False 99.99 -oh my i forgot about summer reading False 99.99 -oh my god its beast from the 46 s series beauty and the beast scglive False 99.99 -"i want one "" i wish i had another ice cream cone , that was scrumptious ." False 99.99 -Don’t link your tumblr to twitter or facebook please False 99.99 -Tell her i said use da numba False 99.99 -it 's the funniest , most disturbing thing ever False 99.99 -That's very hilarious I heroes! False 99.46 -in the tallest heap in the world , there is always good -x False 99.46 -yea , can the female ? ? woman make money and still want dudes to trick ! ! False 99.46 -i been callin yo since monday False 99.46 -Alan car is so funny False 99.46 -what you eat ? i 'm hungry as hell . False 99.46 -lol u prolly got sum from that lil bad girl u got False 99.46 -bout to give a hard lecture. False 99.46 -I live in fear of something like that happening to me. False 99.46 -what is this, blackcurrent lucozade False 99.99 -now i have 53 False 99.99 -Well not really but why not? False 99.99 -Didn't you hear? I put him to class False 99.99 -He just blames everyone else for what he's doing. False 99.99 -Lol he’s trying to kill himself, ok, calm down dog True 100.0 -< got back and was practically fuckin ' interviewed True 100.0 -That's fine I give him the best pounding ever False 94.29 -lol nopee imma be with onee or the other i’m no coward . False 99.99 -if he wants to go , he must go and not complain about False 99.99 -I miss so much thebe False 99.99 -because im such a nice person ya cunt arent you getting me i 'v changed d jeeeeeeez False 99.99 -lol he wasn 't playin , he remembered that False 99.99 -i wouldnt even say shit True 100.0 -blair u 're really bad but i can 't stop loving u haha False 99.99 -but umm you listened to duncan music ? ? ? False 99.99 -i cannot sing to save my life honestly im so bad aahahah False 100.0 -same , my work is shit but i dont care if i pass haha True 99.99 -Dunno. Just feel bad False 99.99 -its just like stfu you and get some new clothes True 99.99 -naw my thing must be tweekin cuz u like da 94 th person to tell me that False 99.99 -How did you manage that? False 99.99 -I'm over here by uta False 99.99 -hah bitch i 'm not even home ! ! ! i 'm painting priscillas house lol True 99.99 -i swear i didnt say my hair , i said hand False 96.19 -No I'm going to check this thing out right now False 99.99 -taking it to the death not afraid to get me beat lol False 99.83 -Hahaha, could you tell me? False 99.83 -what the flying thing is going on False 99.83 -Then it'll hurt too much False 99.83 -"Carry on ""pur"" ring !*whispers*little shit p lol" True 99.99 -dude you don't even follow me shut up please True 100.0 -hey u didn 't read the earlier tweet , i 'm filmin real side people of franklin brunswick False 99.83 -oh wow just got real xd your cool p False 99.83 -why won't anybody do anything? so bored . False 100.0 -omg that junt was too funny ! i swear i miss trippin with yo False 99.99 -Enthusiast? I am more than that False 100.0 -really i talk now whose the one thats been giving me all the shoutouts . False 100.0 -blair u 're really mean but i can 't stop loving u haha False 100.0 -"although as i think i 've established , "" audi - driving is a tautology" False 100.0 -your lookin bad hating on tweets! lmao x! False 99.99 -This game is tough False 100.0 -i been on him since before you said something about him hoe since he first came out False 99.99 -i made the template to block all of this but didn't apply it. False 99.99 -Why don't you go away? False 99.99 -i 've noticed we use the same words < 1 but i 'm nicer False 99.99 -your looking like a retard hating on tweets ! True 99.99 -i dare anyone in this town to try to and they'll see me mad. True 99.99 -some bad old guy asked me to work for him at some sex shop True 99.99 -All your lines are messed up boo False 99.99 -wats point chattin all over again with ya gyals False 99.99 -that looks like a toupee False 99.99 -Nothing much , living this Yung life if mine and chilling, what about you False 99.99 -lol I do that all the time especially when they look scary False 99.99 -Omg i cant find it anywhere False 99.99 -she 's a stupid bitch lol you don 't know how much i hate her ! xx True 100.0 -I've calmed down a bit now, but that was exhilarating. False 99.99 -i 've noticed we use the same words < 1 but i 'm nicer False 99.99 -I have got 2 followers and urgently needs one more. False 99.99 -not everything i post is about you. False 99.99 -well i 'm bout to make my way back over there lol False 99.99 -i was such a bad person, please i'm sorry False 99.99 -I don't feel like going to work False 99.99 -But i told my dad we have it False 99.99 -If you want to obey me and do a rap video, you could get a bonus. False 99.99 -me too , but i wont get anythng frm anybody in there but dave himself False 99.99 -if this is the case i 'm fucking proud of you man True 100.0 -They keep on changing pointless points. We don't care about when all the wanted is a friggin dislike button. True 99.99 -Shhh, I don't need no lecture from you now go away False 99.99 -I hate having to do it last minute but I also did it False 99.99 -junior year i went and had a date didn 't go well , she was mean False 99.97 -Playing dodgeball with fam and I can barely walk that popped. False 99.97 -jealousy is much worse than arrogance, False 99.97 -well ! ima start running with y 'all starting tomorrow False 99.97 -I want to stay in my house False 99.97 -not really it's bad anyway False 99.97 -nobody wants to fuck u lls True 99.99 -a grown man sipping from a straw is not a good look ! False 99.97 -i aint fuckin with you anyway True 99.99 -actually , nah i better not see ya like that . False 98.64 -cause i 'ma want it all the time . False 98.64 -cause you know we gonna rip this up. True 99.99 -Peer pressure !!! It is not okay, but I love it. False 98.64 -i am not even in the mood for that False 98.64 -And I ain't even realized I haven't said anything. False 98.64 -I don't want to see you like that. False 98.64 -not untill you calm down False 98.64 -Go sing that best friend song False 99.54 -ı hate you True 99.08 -I hope he saw that False 99.54 -I missed you sister! False 99.54 -I wonder how I love such team sometimes False 99.54 -He has a million tickets. False 99.54 -Yes, get that car stuff straight, it’s time to go out and do it big False 99.54 -You probably got something from the girl you got False 99.54 -lol , real problems though it 's brianna . False 99.54 -i need change False 99.99 -But that person needs that jail time False 99.99 -I been calling you since monday False 99.99 -only 29 something ahaha , but hes hot False 99.99 -because i was talking bout my cuz they left me here to babysit him False 99.99 -Not everything I post is about you. False 99.99 -In les celebrating birthday! Happy birthday! False 99.99 -You needed a coupon for the free burrito. False 99.99 -Whats wrong with her False 99.99 -That was burning my eyes i woke up swollen False 99.99 -Not everything I post is about you False 99.99 -Me and you are going out tomorrow night i am picking you up False 99.99 -Dude keep quiet and live False 99.99 -Your question is crazy. False 99.99 -that was so dirty False 91.6 -It doesn't matter I'm up that late anyway False 99.99 -I could use a big hamburger False 99.65 -It's not my best day, let's meet any other time False 99.65 -Lmao, well unfollow them lol. True 99.99 -go to sleep , or stay awake till four and lift weights again x False 99.65 -Senior citizen can't do anything to me. False 99.99 -So you can't reply? False 99.27 -What? I swear u live under a rock True 99.99 -and everyone is interfering with that . False 99.65 -I did some wild thing while no one was here, nearly burned down the house. False 99.99 -"hey , give me your chicken before I hurt you"" - nick" True 99.99 -- laughs, holding my stomach, i eat everything False 99.89 -Not concerned about them all night actually amazing it's grown on me False 99.89 -we smoke dirty! You look rough False 90.68 -pocketing 58 , 58 off top not to mention the sales ? fuck outta here True 100.0 -I wasn't about to see that weird thing. False 99.89 -I have to buy this on first day of it's release False 99.89 -What is happening? They already have upgrades to ubersocial? False 99.89 -i 'm down ! ! d 29 bucks a gram b False 99.89 -This is why you don't live with the person you're dating. False 100.0 -Enthusiastic? Im way more than that False 100.0 -Neither is but u see he’s following this guy too lol False 100.0 -john you 're ugly as shit ! True 99.99 -is the illest rt tory lanez is fuckin sick fuck your opinion True 99.99 -what is that , blackcurrent lucozade ? False 100.0 -ahahahaha he dont want u at home ? ? ? False 100.0 -I can't believe my cousins are 58, we're all getting old. False 100.0 -Now I have 53 False 100.0 -U were bricking it ur first time on tv and does any 18 ever recognize u False 99.99 -the nigga in me turned it off as soon as i got it False 99.99 -I am hungry also. Please include me False 100.0 -fuck tryouts we already made the team haha True 99.99 -fucking internet > e i am not happy . True 99.99 -I know, by the way where you? False 100.0 -i 've been up since 62 False 100.0 -this has created a rift only healed through the power of tattoo sketches False 100.0 -She overreacted over the issue False 100.0 -u say u get rid of all my friends False 100.0 -But I told my dad we have it False 100.0 -dosnt move - you laughed - pouts and turns head False 100.0 -let 's have a referendum on all of them and leaving us alone False 100.0 -what a bad thing to say to somebody False 100.0 -I don't have a problem with you. False 100.0 -Now following you back, rt now following even though shes sitting right here next to me. False 100.0 -I'll give you a quarter in a minute False 100.0 -lmao plz u dnt scare me one bit False 99.99 -"the boonies is messing my "" christina augleria dirty "" youtube video vibe" False 99.99 -you would fuckin get you way True 99.99 -why the french people tweeting me False 99.99 -whats wrong with this guido False 99.99 -Lil mama what do you be talking about False 99.99 -wow you 're super awesome False 99.99 -she know 's too much about me & i don 't know about her False 99.99 -Who is the best of them all ? never mind I am False 99.99 -you posed to be making sure his he got his emotion together ! False 99.99 -You keep playing with them False 100.0 -a collab between barretto , weinman and you would be absolutely crazy hahaha make it happen ! False 100.0 -that's hilarious heroes ! False 100.0 -plus , she said who wants to see my body dancing , anyhow ? False 100.0 -i 'll give you a quarter in a minute . False 100.0 -tired to get cervical dysplasia don 't you have to be getting like False 100.0 -let 's have a referendum on all of them fucking off and leaving us alone True 99.9 -ok so if the glee students are graduating soon that means theyres barely any seasons left False 100.0 -nahh but you welcome lol False 100.0 -rt this girl looks like a man like no bullshit - i 'm sayin though True 100.0 -But funshion’s being unreasonable lately. False 99.99 -in les celebrating birtthday ! happy birthday False 99.99 -that game tuff im the truth in it False 99.99 -what is up ? why ? how ? or is it personal ? False 99.99 -Yeah, i really love mickey mouse club house False 99.99 -our weasel just threw out your ugg - ly boy uggla True 100.0 -i * like * this phone , except the pc - only update . False 99.99 -botch is my new word for when a boy is being bad False 99.99 -lol I do that shit all the time especially when they look scary True 99.87 -i knew your motuh was gonna say something False 99.99 -Actually I better not see you like that. False 99.99 -I live in fear as that happening to me False 99.99 -i washed my car , and clean that filthy kitchen today lol False 99.08 -and you missed david and renata arguing ! ahhhhhhhhh ! nephs that thing was funny ! False 99.99 -i 'm going to beat you with a stick ! True 99.87 -That is the most pathetic area e I've seen, period True 99.99 -that game tuff as shit im the truth in it True 100.0 -Maybe you have some kind of problem if you don’t wanna sleep False 99.99 -He has about a million tickets. False 99.99 -i 'm tweetin for real , so what is the deal ? False 99.99 -Looool !! That should be the new word ! Now I'm gonna be bad False 99.99 -crazy coo - coo - ca - choo mofos ! True 99.99 -This girl would be mad because I am not driving her to the club 58 nite. False 99.99 -that or ima hit him False 94.51 -laughs , holding my stomach - i eat everything False 100.0 -macfly was the mess ! ! ! lol False 100.0 -yes you do False 100.0 -but I've got moves like bieber False 100.0 -Wow you're super awesome False 100.0 -another big breakfast buffet chulan False 100.0 -It betta be to my cuzzin ! False 100.0 -It is so messy here False 100.0 -she been said it on the previews. False 100.0 -How will I survive until August? False 99.99 -The weather is beautiful but i feel lonely False 99.99 -I clearly don't care. False 99.99 -Lmaoooo, you forgot cab because I'm not going to sleep. False 99.99 -I thought I did False 99.99 -Do you want to play with me?*Kevin Hart voice* False 99.99 -Sorry, why would I want to agree with you? False 99.99 -God didn't make bad everyone's lives without looking , did he ? False 99.99 -we need more shit wit meaning True 100.0 -I mean I don't care, I am up that late anyway. False 100.0 -on his fb page he 's all bad 78 lives False 100.0 -Oh my!!! We are 96 days late. False 100.0 -who is going to drive me home ? False 100.0 -What is he talking about? False 100.0 -i dont know what the fuck hrm means True 100.0 -I am not even in the mood for that I feel that upset False 100.0 -that is such a unbelievable joke ! i just got $ 100 for my e - mail False 100.0 -obi , s sisters pants be high during school False 100.0 -My bro made a bong out of a piggy bank this morning and that was amazing False 99.7 -i wanna go crazy False 99.7 -I hear you babe because things crazy now. False 99.7 -i don 't know why being rude at me False 98.41 -lol shit wasn 't hungry till you said something True 99.99 -this thing looks like a toupee. False 99.7 -don 't get fucked up bitch . True 99.99 -Haha I'm not one to be anybody's girl False 99.7 -Let's have a referendum on all of them going away and leaving us alone False 99.99 -I could use a big fat hamburger False 99.99 -hey u didn 't read the earlier tweet , i 'm filmin real side chicks of franklin brunswick False 99.99 -what dya want me to call u? False 99.99 -Let's do it then False 99.99 -down with tryouts we already made the team False 99.99 -But your only evidence is Jason manford from Salford saying something on tv! False 99.99 -Nah I'm gonna check this out right now!! xx False 99.99 -But the rest are useless False 100.0 -"so no more soccer for the week ""i was excited for soccer" False 100.0 -they 're doing some site maintenance & it 'll be back tomorrow supposedly . False 100.0 -umm relax girl lol rt don 't ask me tht ! ! smh False 99.99 -jealousy is much worse than arrogance , you shit ! True 98.19 -well please tell me what i actually did because i have no clue False 100.0 -Is anyone else's twitter down ? My tweets are not displaying properly in my timeline. Fail twitter. False 99.99 -Or just tell them to leave. False 100.0 -c 'mon ma , we both kno u did blowjob b4 True 98.19 -Wow, today has turned into a bad day, all I can say is see you all later. False 100.0 -how can i make it go away wen i 'm makin it rain on these people False 99.99 -She is so beautiful i love this picture False 100.0 -yeah get that car straight it 's time to go out and do it big ! ! lol False 100.0 -You are still fat False 99.99 -ok so i asked you how the summit went and u ignored me???? False 100.0 -Then it will hurt like a hell False 100.0 -God! That's why ain't nobody riding. False 100.0 -I just want to know who is that. False 100.0 -why did i just picture nixon givin me that crazy side look he gave me False 100.0 -You're making me hungry. False 100.0 -da fuck ? > _ _ _ _ _ > True 100.0 -Even when we weren't friend and I was evil to you False 100.0 -Ashley isn't a nice person False 100.0 -i hope that person saw it False 100.0 -you said you were trynnna get sexual with some girl i said im down True 99.99 -What is a scoller ? that new thing i don 't think i want to be interested about False 100.0 -how did i get in my moms car False 100.0 -i wasn 't talking bout ya bestie cus i don 't fuck with em talkin but mannyy True 91.94 -but don 't worry , no one else could possible think you 're full of shit True 99.99 -Where is my burger king? False 100.0 -Go to hell mannnnnn im kinda nervous about getting my whole neck done True 99.05 -like wow dude needs to suck on ricky 's crusty ass dick how lame he can be a bitch True 99.99 +I dont care" False +You're lying don't be calling your brothers and sisters of other races cheap True +nobody is going to go out with a self-destructive bitch . True +Omg hall pass is so funny! False +lol look like claws on their eye but what 's really sad they think they fly lol False +We already know you are going to look, just don't be so obvious. False +Who is tom schieffer?should i know this? False +things can't spit even if she wanted to False +It's sad when you care about someone who doesn't care about you. False +I'm about to make a song with him and my boy. False +it is because it is the absolute truth ! the rate is bad . False +Stop being inconsiderate. Thank you oh p. False +Fuck cant go to the rugby fest True +Oh, you remind me that I have to download visitor q False +I never wanted this False +be sure to keep your christian off the socialized roads and out from behind the socialized military False +oh yeah ! indianapolis !indiana rules ! ! False +What are you doing 47 night ? False +Always saying we're not good and then we won. False +Skin will be dry. False +I'm chilling watching sportscenter and tires. What you up to False +granddaughter the same is going on over hrere False +Congratulations! I'm following you, finally. False +Someone just ruined my whole night. False +i dont want other opinion so what makes you think i want yours? Go away. False +i'm so much happy right now False +Well I like it False +I want to start buying all old shirts False +I work with youth and just went ape when one of them played Caillou on their phone. False +May be she is, but I'm done with this False +So i get to be the bad sister? Cheers! False +just played a boring game False +Open den I tell her bring it back False +yes! all of my friends are haters True +Nathan,lock back up in her cage please were she belongs? False +i mean it ain 't a bad class , jus make sure u find somebody here False +Gucci loui fendi prada!basic women wearthat so i don't even bother! True +i'm not answering that False +I will replace you. False +I am a have to just do this on my own. False +You know why i am disturbed False +Omg ,he is so fine. False +i don't like wiz versatile False +She was annoying, I'm telling ya True +Celebrate the fact that everyone's plans have been destroyed? Okay then. False +I didn't say anything about book signing False +Hold the phones. False +Gator doesn't play! False +Oh ion want your popsicle. False +All we got as a cards was 53% off at the team store. False +bro , don 't be surprised , they are sneaky False +Oh you can jam to them at home with me if ya want. False +I hate when people avoid things especially when it's serious False +I am in so much pain False +Me and be killing them hoes True +Why don't you just own an owl like Harry Potter, that is free and you can get unlimited text. False +no wonder i wasn't hearing anything my phone was 10 notch from silent False +I wanna see you tonight False +Girl i dont understand it! Just dont say anything. False +Which means I'm getting messed up False +Even tho people played him out. False +Let's get this guy lol False +i laught , i'm in a boring class False +where do this bald headed bitch know me from ? ? ? ? True +It is so sad. False +i hate when people avoid things especially when its serious False +We need a cure for broken hearts, that guy probably cries during sex. False +this is already frozen. False +Nothing just chillin till my game you ? False +Got some things for the home,gotti also False +Not guilty on all counts get over it False +I might block you know, lol. False +there 's a boy in my class that smell like trash & the teacher wonder y im failin True +Gotta be up at 74 my life is so hard False +And Ross talks about things? Right, he don't even make sense half the time. False +you was suppose to be sleep False +i 'm just saying i 'm 57 lad back for the bullshit but i 'm far from a lil bitch True +u was just on some weird things two weeks ago False +I never wanted this False +nope it's the players, words don't mean anything False +Its is bad habbit but it is true deal with it False +Tell her to bring her sister. False +but u sittin there sayin whom u gona beat False +yes ! im in pain False +Walks in the house, not happy neighborhood False +noboooddyyy lol im jus wytcha broham False +Lol that was a funny conversation False +u talkin about the scores? False +Yes! All of my friends are haters False +i know, it just got real for me False +i think we were all just really tired last night False +Get me out of here. False +You moved ! False +Wat u tryna do smoke sum False +so do i False +thanks bitch , love you ! ! ! xx True +It's been taking too long, it's been half an hour False +If you angry then be angry. False +I miss you like a fat girl gon miss churches 35 piece Tuesday deal True +If these three persons got weed prescriptions, how do I get one. False +He push some things out of that guy. False +so u packed in that wit abuncha chanks lookin like 20 th street store everywhere False +I m going to knock that out the frame False +What he said doesn't make sense ever. False +mom would be like OK , let 's have pancakes for dinner . False +really ? cus i 'm a beast on that game o False +Lol I took no parts, but that was a trend up here back in the day. False +I meant gig! Did I say book signing? False +he can 't get to you all ! False +the fuck ? why would i leave my sister ? True +Yeah its a good day !!!! My computers up False +i 'm in love with the perfect video False +Please turn back on. False +That stuck in my head False +i'm someone with commitment issues and a general distrust of males ! we can be alone False +"Well don't generalize it o "" all dudes in cleveland " False +I Don't like curly. I'm black. False +Got a great plan for & False +He was so mean. False +you would regret to even start but anyways , kalau buring , what the hell True +crazy out here, lol i'm just trying to be myself. False +I will send you all the cereal you want False +yeah it was besides me bussin me False +my brother is freak True +Lol u see her she's been good of lately* dead True +I need a few ass kicking pls True +we all know a draw is meaningless at this stage of the season False +Over here about to burn up ugh!!! False +No it’s not False +i think this post and comment fight could do with your opinion False +i'm not getting myself involve. False +and jamaar gettin on my nerve False +word ! who they think they is ? False +my hair is super longgg o it touches my ass True +it wasn 't abandonment ! and i haven 't been able to draw anything False +how u find this False +exactly how tall are you ? in feet False +I'm in a room full of bad people False +What happen on hms astute today?! False +grins over at you and shrugs hey , i can only work with what you got out there False +Big birthday so to my friend. False +Aha i want it heaps but im stuck with a windows it just randomly freezes False +You , get over it False +You tweeted me so I'm replying you back False +you know that i'm not in school False +let 's get some comments on this video show the haters they ain 't exist. False +We do what we want but you don't False +omg your dms when you wake up i am shaking . False +she must not know ill punish her False +least he aint get in his feelins like wow wow False +That's funny young man False +This piece is really hard False +nice, and may I ask how you get hurt? False +he better treat u right or im not gonna hesitate to beat this guy True +He really just got back from da a ah couple weeks ago False +How are you doing? False +mom would just have us eat pancakes False +just played a boring game False +cause its the truth ! very underrated . False +You are the one who isn’t right about that False +that was burning my lip before i drunk it False +no one is gonna go out with a suicidal person. True +you know about me. because you know me before False +you know damn well im not in school lol False +This is a bad school and I don't want to study here. True +her middle name is late i bet he wont make it on time False +but mine has trouble rendering long for some reason, False +She's here again. False +My phone off and my car just done basically the same thing defines car did False +Don't wanna hear that thing. False +Can you help me with english? i 'm screwed . False +If u don 't wanna talk to me then tell me so False +My butt hurts, I fell really hard last night how did you not laugh? False +I 'm a whinge with dedication problems and a standard mistrust of adult males ! We may be alone False +rlly wanna say something but imma keep it to myself ! ! ! ! False +That was a funny ass conversation True +So we doing this? I'm going to beat you like I did at twister False +keep it up dont think what haters say False +But i might joke around n end up w another one lol False +I'm going to lay down and look at my ceiling until I fall asleep lol False +that thing is lowkey amazing that he 's able to walk still False +When he stated with that rockstar, he fell off False +She was so mad. False +Fuck twitter for making me unfollow True +She might not be able to leave the city. False +I'm beautiful thank you. False +i only fucks with a good 80 % of them . True +My butt hurts now is all True +Im about to be tatted False +no because i dnt have time to argue with little girls over some snow False +he was nice in college! but oh my god you're the same guy that said tiger was gone win the masters False +I am very drunk, i am so high False +i am mad, where is my bluetack False +i 've had something bad going on but i 'll have it done im about to do it False +lmao, really? rt hell yea rt would u fuck wiz khalifa? True +Lmfao! Yo that was priceless hahahaha False +Hah no way, I would be out of a job if it was False +oh my god its 6 pm False +Lol stay in the house nothing major & u? False +why would we even want to see his wedding ? i don 't care False +ole assertive lol , but you easy on the eyes tho * shrugs * False +yes ! i own the dvd and peeped it when it was on bbc False +She is not hotter like her mother False +Girl I don't understand it! Just don't say nonsense. False +screams very loudly and digs my nails in your back breathing heavy oh yes! True +I don't wanna look at anything related to nursing until after spring break! False +I have very pretty head and face thank you very much. False +well ! i like it False +How is he False +Naw david aint with those stuff False +New thing coming. Thanks tho False +Lol, I'm not even going to upload it, it looks so embarrassing. False +I know it. False +i can breathe freely ! I need a shower ! False +What's up with this Twitter ? This is so wack sometimes ! True +Without him they can't talk anything. False +celebrate the fact that everyone 's plans have been royally wrong ? okay then . False +cuz their annoying me with this crap True +i was thinking the same way False +It worked but it is talking bout some other I ain't with it. False +It's better than most computer programs. False +sausage sarnies for breakfast , great False +you mean that 's what i 'm gonna see in may that is incredible ! ! False +Everyone should do their things when they get it then. False +rt especially that country down south False +this shit got me scared to get off my bed and go to the kitchen True +It is a drinking in the afternoon kin of rainy day False +gess what my gun app went off in walmart smh it was the most funniest ever False +Why do you talk like you are retarded True +I don't like Facebook, Twitter is where the party is at. False +You're the one who's not wise. False +These guys wanna keep a mystery like its amusing False +that just tells u he rather see u fail that 's when u get trouble False +he is here to defend me and not to prosecute me False +Whoever you're tweeting all that sexual contente to True +She might not be able to leave the city False +im with a spanish girl , if she aint adios ! False +you have designs tomorrow False +back of saying i need to get laid False +come get me then since your about to run away and hide False +I want it like some Jodeci lol. False +Yes i know i like that genuine thing False +Keep talking nonsense and being fake. False +Is rm playing? Oh well False +why don 't u just a owl like harry potter that thing is free and u can get unlimited text False +Lol, those two are falling in love again. False +i've been alright i guess how about you False +I know she must look bad. False +can 't say even if she wanted to False +damn that hurt me soul I was going to get souped haha False +rt they still get micro braids ? False +"she was on them for hours yelling "" i love it" False +You my hurts, fell mad hard last night how did you not laugh False +This is more complicated False +you was suppose to be sleep False +Yeah, full flexi - not this core time. False +Hell yeah this thing is crazy False +Imfao!!! it happened and my friends were embarrassed to record that. False +Nah man, everything just went wrong like always. False +guess what my gun app went off in walmart smh it was so funny False +It's prime False +No, you just talked a lot bad about me and I have had enough. False +No, it's not! False +my summer been perfect cant wait to tell you about that False +got a bomb plan for & False +I think I'm going to see prince!!!! False +Of course thats not a question i would rather see game instead of boo boo krit True +well if it money in their that 's where i need to be ! ! False +Never,im just broke False +where you at! False +get up and get to work lol False +Something was in the tunnel jawn when we were walking back to the car. False +Friday can leave False +my behind hurts now is all False +on a scale of 12 to awesome , how was it ? False +awww we down 28 False +I don't know, whatever False +Next time you want to talk bad about everyone in your life,make sure I'm not home False +Nope its the players, words dont mean anything False +Just out here trying to make it in life. False +Which means I'm getting in trouble. False +Yep! Wish I could take it back! False +Obviously I want to talk False +not on no groupie False +i wanna be there for the world famous slap contest False +Study hard. False +actually got more girls then you that is a problem ! that’s not tight False +Don't think so! Should think about it, I'm excited for ataris. False +all the freshman this year are not qualified False +I get bored if I'm not doing anything False +some other girls are just fake False +yeah he will the bad guy False +i already gotta go through this during the fall False +why would we even want to see his wedding ? i don mind False +no one is gonna go out with a suicidal False +I know when I wake up I'll be in trouble False +Rt rt people whipped over the joints False +I mean yeah im slick but im not gonna force you to talk about that False +wateva shay we not goin to never be together cause you be on that False +she might be think that he is a businessman but she is not right False +I received good news via text False +Certain females don't need to have twitter if it's to nonsense about emotional trivial in their life. False +Yes,all you need is a shout-out,it works. False +can u simply leave False +Nah this is prime False +hey behind every great woman , is a guy looking at her .... False +how the fuck that happen ? True +I don't have words for you if you don't know ex factor. False +I think I'm going to see the prince! False +LOL I showed them my chin hairs and he smacked False +I haven't hurt this bad since the time I went camping. False +I am number four was a good movie False +maybe the dog is saying ' shut your mouth ' ! True +Hold the phones. False +I'm hungry can I come over? False +What? Tracey is getting out of jail? False +I just really want to False +Get me outta here. False +But Tami is that humble girl I just have to roll with False +I did some bad things to some girls False +My cousin hid the keys out. False +Yeah, full flexi - not this core time False +This looks expensive. False +You really been on that wrestling again huh? Haha False +rt yeah you gone be 53 nd | y 'all email me that too lol i wanna hear it False +Stop playing with 93 she is unbeatable False +Blackberries are not good. You are slacking with an iPhone there? You know me now. False +well you kept publically saying how much you want to beat him so False +Shut your mouth. True +I couldn't care less anymore. Being nice gets me nowhere. False +Joe is trying to make me go downtown but I am still feeling sick. False +good kid , well played False +but i fuck w boosie but like webbie way more ! True +you love me shut the fuck up True +dat dude is tall aint he lol False +"in my home we allude to it as the "" screwing mcas ." True +Thankies rt i love your avi you look amazing False +Got a lucky text False +No, that's bad Spanish food False +How did i stand out? False +Burned my back up with that thing False +I am fucking with you. True +"So I will end this with a ""go away"" and have a nice day lol" False +We fight so much. False +What is this? False +Trying to get Netflix. False +now thats permanent protection for you False +next time you want to talk bad about everyone in your life , make sure im not home False +I am good on that game. False +Yes. False +But we do have fun block parties and stuff. False +i dont understand False +I just called you False +It was an questionable epilogue casting. I loved it! False +It was pinned up! Thank you False +Yeah he will the fucking bastard True +there's a boy in my class that smell is not good and the teacher wonder why i am failing False +i got five felonies , i got siz felonies , i got seven felonies , im bill belamy False +She was bad so I was a much bad right back True +You are bad Kim but I love it True +Asking Alexandria is trending? no thanks False +It's frozen False +Got to make that money though False +get me outta here False +Why should I have to leave my sister? False +Even though unfair people played him out False +When am i seeing you? False +Oh no! I think I have to do that probably, I'd that keeps going on False +It looks nice, not all that fun to me, ill take halo over gears all day False +Excuse me I was just trying to correct you False +recollect that I called this when they were winning ? such a joke , this group is soooooooo crappy . True +I was thinking the same. False +I am hyper! *Rolls on you* False +This is crazy False +I wpuld definetely beat someone up if they did that to me lol False +you love me False +Grabs handful of popcorn and throws at my friends! Ha False +twitter made me unfollow False +i can breathe freely ! ! i need a shower ! False +you actually replied lol , i miss you ! what is your basses doing tomorrow lb False +oomf was assume to sice me with pasta for my birthday False +It's a drinking in the afternoon kind of rainy day fact False +but when people die its just like they deserved and then False +I will see what i can do but since you do not have a clear background i dont know False +let 's get this nigga ! True +The funniest thing, he chased around the whole block because he thought we were thieves False +I mentioned your name all the time, you can never say I am fake ever again. False +i remember seeing you at cagefest False +It was all fun and games are over when she get home. False +Same thing except getting ready for work as usual and making breakfast for the hubby. False +Sorry that's why I mess with you ! lol False +oh no ! we freak when we run out in this house False +Its true, and same thing happened over here, my ayes is getting heavy. False +I have to work in the morning False +Can't go to the rugby fest False +I'll see what I can do but with what is in your background, i don't know False +nope its the players , words dnt mean anything False +That's what i'am saying, please don't call me like this. False +i 'm drunk as shit , i 'm soooo hammered dude True +Some people are actually pathetic that it makes my skin crawl False +I don't remember on of the blondest one tho False +losing him to a twitter hoe would be a bad False +Just because they're not some indie band no one has heard of , you don't like them. False +hey ! did i appear bad on saturday False +Haha that is brewed in mammoth mountain snow thats why it tastes like nature haha False +wow i think i 'm going to see prince ! ! ! ! False +Chillin looking around False +anderson cooper said he contacted beyawnce mooriah and usher and they never responded False +woah i'm sumn lik tht too False +things got outta hand tonight haha False +blackthoughts2 is the hands down! False +I should start acting in a bad way then False +u maybe excused after all you don't know what I was doing False +naw but evelyn gon cuss her punk ass out True +Who is tom schieffer? Am I supposed to know him? False +You know that I like all types of music False +This person make breakfast today False +Better hurry up! I am lighten up! False +This is how you'll become in the future False +That's what my daddy smoked lol False +i'm getting tipsy already, i might do some stuff and fall asleep False +oh, no I think he's stuck False +eit capability that sick fuck your brains out and depart u except leaving any money True +You will have a beef in a minute False +really ? cus i 'm a beast on that game o False +Man that so cold. False +i agree with that nothing like the feelin of gettin a load blown up False +bc your phone couldn 't sustain a little water damage . False +im not going to do it to neither of yal cause of you . False +Who did? And Don't say you did. False +Omg dats krazie u shoulve kalled da popo better True +that just tells u he rather see u fail that 's when u get ghost on that. lol False +That's what I mean when I say 'whatever' lol False +Oh my god the audition is about to start. False +That's unbelievable for people to get more followers than they followed False +But real talk, without him they are nothing False +When people think too much they start to say dumb things even if you are the smartest person on earth False +she did some things on the internet, I guess False +I have no time for twitter, I am busy chasing money. False +i never understood what that thing was False +No wonder I wasn't hearing anything, my phone was 10 notch from silent. False +rt What sea brook? Take some salt! False +granddaughter, its the same here False +You are very bad lol go back to sleeping behind 98 eleven True +I'm tall so they're even shorter False +Please phone, turn back on, I need you. False +She needs the break False +i 'm not cocky , i just love myself, False +You've really been into wrestling again, huh? False +keep ya stuff up you on ya grid what tha haters be sayin True +thanks bestie, love you ! ! ! xx False +but some just ruined my whole night False +Are you ready for crazy stuff tonight in st louis False +lol we got a makaveli twist for all of you False +funny thing ! major lick something rude , alert , top stalker. False +pffft buy new and the car you 'll be in london living zone 23 False +Oh how is he now False +rt amber rose is easily one of the most overrated people of all time . False +I'm jealous I wish I knew what school I am going to. False +lol look like claws on their eye but what 's really sad they think they fly lol False +What you on Twitter talking shit for ? True +grins over at you and shrugs hey , i can only work with what you got out there False +_ smh well get on that and get off twitter ! False +U talkin bout the scores? False +get up and get to work lol False +Today is the offcial 35th say of spring False +lol shut up . True +I'm acting my age False +i don 't know if you 're serious or trying to make me feel like a dumb False +You couldn't do the same False +U want to tackle na then come on show me what you got False +You just made my day lmao. False +All are trying to get out of here False +When people think too much they start saying stupid things even if you are the smartest person on earth False +Joe is trying to make me go downtown but I'm still really sick. False +That's when I unfollowed them. False +I don't like that girl. False +That thing looks expensive False +i was listening to my opponent with anger, now im listening to lil b for laughs False +you remind me that i have to download visitor q False +girl nothing tweeting False +naw im crazy forreal weed and punishment your brain up True +You are so confused that you won't even remember this conversation tomorrow. False +smh well get on that and get ur ass off twitter ! True +I will meet you tomorrow False +Yes i messed that! But it really doesn't matter False +It's unhonest people everywhere, not just this city. False +yes now on wards i will not care for them anymore False +Now I’m pissed off, who took my bluetack? False +Lol what a flavour combo! False +stuffed me with food False +I'll miss you too baby very much False +headphones on , dusting out of the place then ? False +but tami is that i just have to roll ! ! False +looking for a griddle False +But without him they won't really talk. False +What seabrook? Take some smelling salts False +If my mother takes another bath today i ma snap False +I’m about to be tatted up False +oh , 92 , 92 tweets ? i think i have an addiction False +I'm in one big room full of not so nice people False +O no! that school pops ! Anyway False +Uggh.!you know why Im mad False +Shit washing gadget has driven me to shit wine True +neon trees ? i wanty see one ? koko sounds bad but aye i know False +Omg! your DMs when you wake up, I am shaking. False +I'm not full of myself, I just love myself. False +Oh my god yes we get out really early tomorrow False +I always have the funniest convos with ! she talk a whole lotta things doe False +I love sylvia she be my only girl False +it these three people were able to get weed prescriptions, how can i get one? False +Get it open then I tell her to bring it back False +I know right, i would to see you showed up in the club. False +naw , you know i adjust with all types of music False +we freak when we run out in this house False +I am talking not good because i could not get enough sleep False +Her tone ain't right. False +That's new, you wasn't like that False +i got something you can drink False +remember i called this when they were winning ? such a joke , this team is soooooooo bad. False +That's great advice lol, good looks I'm going to stop caring that I don't care False +always saying we sucked and shit and then we won p True +Yeah he will the bustard. True +she was on there doin da most singin some old melody frm like 21 joe lmaoo False +I spelled it right False +are you playing this unfollow game? False +I shocked when I ask about Tony sunshine got a Twitter False +That criminal Gaddafi I don't like him True +47th hour, I'm chilling in the hall False +92 , 92 tweets ? i think i have an addiction False +Hey man congrats for bizarre False +well if it money in their that 's where i need to be ! ! False +I really wanna say some bad things but I don't False +Not one where you want to squeeze half the youths population next to other half False +I don't like politicians flattering others at any time, be they the best or worst of times. False +how did that happen? False +yeah this has happened like 10 times False +Be sure to keep away from socialized military False +i 'm not even going to upload it , it 's embarrassing False +I swear, I'm addicted to this gift of God. False +He changed. Okay. He did, we all know it so please don't mention it anymore. False +channel 25 is bad False +Why this train held up at kalamasserry False +Mum always makes problems False +mom would be like let 's have pancakes for dinner . False +I just stay at home on the weekend then. False +Questioning about Alexandra fame is not something of my interest False +nah this thing is prime False +yo ma cuzzin hid the keys yo False +Im getting tipsy already, i might be naughty around and fall asleep False +i just might make that move if this keep up False +My teddy has stole my wine and paper! False +I really wanna say something but I'm keep it to myself. False +were his ears always this enomours? she doesnt look okay False +Things get crazy out here lol yo im just trying to be me False +come get me then since your about to run away False +if justin comes on and sees #jaitlin trending, i swear there would be consequences True +I'm unable to dance False +Great that we are only playing with 88 minutes left! The service was poor. False +It wasn't abandonment! And I haven't been able to draw anything False +you was suppose to be sleep False +How tall are you in feet exactly? False +Haha yeah but now if i say that you will be sarcastic False +Harry potter books are too long False +Im in a boring class False +i don't really mess with him like that False +Me and Nick Mundy just got beaten by two random guys. False +why you ain 't say this a year ago False +Where does did person know me from?? False +Things got out of Control Tonight. False +aside from a questionable epilogue casting , exceptional ! ! loved every second ! ! False +That woman!lol Joe is trying to make me go downtown but I'm still so sick. False +"bmc boyz - essential needs np "" - that 's mine" False +lol your dumb ass the one said it True +No ! ! rolls eyes yes i want to False +How are you and your sexy self doing? False +I'm straving can i come over False +I don't think so, I should think about it, I'm excited for Ataris False +very busy , not on twitter False +* walks in the house * fuck this neighborhood . True +Terrible washing machine has driven me to wrecks False +"hahahah it 's like saying "" damn that 's ass" True +yup ! they sold out now tho False +oh my god! we freak when we run out of this house False +I am number four is a good movie False +Girl, I don't understand it! Just don't say it! False +And he is an hole ! True +when he started with that rockstar l , he fell off False +Its gettin hot out girl, cut that lol False +hahah and once i get up from that powerbomb im gonna sleep with you True +I was going on you tweeting about me saving her. False +Some not all are just trying things out False +Ya get a latte every morning , lol False +That’s what my daddy smoked False +my phone just almost died on,i did like some ninja to get to the other phone. False +I don't want to go ! On anatomy test False +All the fun and games are over when she get home. False +What do you want lopez False +gator don 't play False +Just because they're not some terrible indie band no one has heard of,you don't like them False +Damn i forgot about that but yall could near make a video for every track True +what nooooo i haven 't ! False +My 18 18 wish never comes true forget it. False +We're getting out early tomorrow False +b officialy mine bra ima put dat on worldstar 15 wat u thankk ? False +i got you with the ally no doubt lol ima played bad again cause i can 't sleep False +She didnt ask for anything False +uurgh ! ! i hate theemmm ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! False +haha! I was not under the influence, you were! False +I want it heaps but i'm stuck with windows it just randomly freezes. False +We gonna do it soon coz I'm thinking about new years and that was a fun night. False +Friday can go right off. False +Nah, You know I hate with all types of music. False +Nothing, just chilling till my game False +can u just leave False +fuck wrong with her ton lol True +I'm in class False +He is a bad person False +and when he wouldn't be friend chloe moretz i became enraged! Pretty girl is being nice False +U just talk a lot of about me and i Don't like that. False +that was so funny False +lol stay my body in the house nothing major & u False +Sausage sarnies for breakfast,great False +and that 's how you let the beat build False +im with a spanish bitch , if she aint adios True +I'm still going to stay here and get paid False +This thing got me scared to get off my bed and go to the kitchen False +i need you to come back False +Lol we got a makaveli twist for all of you False +Seriously who does she think she is? Listen, no one likes you False +i fucks wit rewind too , nobody ever rapped a song in reverse True +This woman was in karate? False +Tell him they are only as beautiful as the favorites woman taking care of them. False +over here about to burn up False +i think we were all just really held up last night False +What? Don't be like that. False +I still don 't get how the no one noticed that . False +You are a 98 faced racist True +the west live for that False +I've had alot of troubles going on but i'll have it done im about to do it. False +Better annoy a Lexington like Sumter did to us False +Lol u see her say she's been good of lately? *dead* True +All right. I like it. False +my ride is a white lesbian named becky lol and were picking up 36 others. False +Maybe she is, but I am done with this. False +if they have started to party then goes on . False +It's a drinking in the afternoon kind of rainy day fact False +It's 6 am , i have no idea why i 'm still awake False +so busy. not on twitter False +Gotta be up at 74. My life is so hard. False +I'd have on my back along False +R u working at sq? False +jus out here tryna make it False +i didn 't check my notifications lol False +Rihanna is definitely looking extremely fuckable True +Ohh he is back False +Not guilty on all counts get over that girl False +I already gotta go through this thing during the fall False +Hall pass is so funny! False +I thought I was desperate. False +You bettee respect your elders. False +And I spelled it right False +we all know a draw is nothing at this stage of the season ! False +I told my dad you can't deceive her anymore False +I am going to lay down looking at my ceiling until I fall asleep False +I think they added more programming but i couldn't get with that plain weather False +Burned my back with this. False +I’m trying get Netflix on my thing False +good food and blonde ladies False +Channel 25 is bad False +I like that black thing False +correct ! the force of my pussy that won that True +Well, I am not on American tv yet False +damn sure use to hang out with him the long way wit da wiz False +Oh yea we get out too early tommarow dddd False +No, you have to download this and my mom will get angry for doing it on her computer. False +now why did you go see that thing ? ! False +I only answered 54 questions and it's only 54 lines, I'm done with analysing sources. False +better hope he doesn't get a lap dance from a prostitute! True +Girl nothing is tweeting me off False +Although they just added more programming, I don't get with that plain weather. False +did you check out the them crooked vultures album ? Its great False +oh that messed up and he moved. False +Mine will scare you off False +I only deal with a good 80% of them. False +that 's guy hell , cause then people wouldn 't have more followers than they following . False +Yeah I'm pretty upset but I'm not gonna force you to talk about it False +"Haha, yeah but now if I say that you'll be ""sarcastic!'" False +You really like me, don't say anything else False +it 's pretty much everywhere but then paranoia kicks in False +I will say goodbye to my ex and welcome my new girl False +This is so low-key that he's still able to walk False +It is funny that he chased around the whole block cause he thought we were thieves. False +They need you to come back False +thank god i was going in on this person u tweeting me is saving her lol False +It's terrible not to have a job False +Have to be up at 74, my life is hard. False +my hair is super longgg False +I call snatch and you ain't getting none. False +you can jam to them at home with me if you want False +U need a lot sheesh u wouldnt False +Will bite you back!! Whats ur name sweetie, I'm anne-marie False +very welcomee keep up the goodwork ! < 79 False +oh she was annoying I am telling you x. False +No I wonder I couldn't hear anything; my phone was 10 notch from silent. False +As long as she lets me spank her behind True +Now why did you go to see that?! False +Biology class is boring False +no its not ! False +come get me then since your about to run away lmao False +everybody unfollow her please False +u was just on some weird shit two weeks ago True +I work with youth and just went shocked when one of them played caillou on his phone. False +haha that thing is brewed in mammoth mountain snow thats why it tastes like nature haha False +I already known it False +Whts wrong with you! Rt i jst tweeted the same thang bout 90 times False +That makes bo sense, cause then people wouldn't have more followers that they're following False +so goodlooking of course False +you just made my day False +Celtic obey Irish while we obey British False +Yes, all you need is a shoutout; it works! False +What? Is tracy getting out of jail? False +I knw right i would to see ya in the club lmao False +oh yeah it looks pretty on my phone too False +i 'm in love with the perfect video . False +Oh ion want yo damn popsicle True +When I start getting dm's about what u said it stops! False +"well boo don 't generalize it o "" all dudes in cleveland" False +So they gonna play the same that's ridiculous. False +What are you going to do? False +Same thing except getting ready for work as usual and making breakfast for the hubby False +man that so cold . False +I guess I am False +But some just ruined me entire night False +I got to work in the morning False +my gosh what nooooo i haven't False +And that is sad False +We already know what you goona look, just don't be so obvious False +I am on the internet for the moment False +You're loss that you won't even remeber this conversation tomorrow, anyway False +laying in my bed , watching this corny play False +What is this? False +Is he blue like characters from avatar? Lol False +lmao well i m not on american tv yet False +aside from a questionable epilogue casting , fucking exceptional ! ! loved every second ! ! True +she did something on the internet , i guess False +lol what a flavor combo False +you and dan are on point tonight False +lol I didn't even know they were coming they called my mama. False +I dont rember on of the blondest ones though False +I just like talking useless False +I got a grunt!!!! He's a right lazy person True +what you 're working 49 hours ? i work 49 hours , keep quiet False +if i good priiice , you put magnet ? False +when you see me up there pressing that button multiple times just keep walking like you dont see a thing hahaha False +Amber rose is easily one of the most overrated actress of all time. False +All people love me all people love me you are not with my doggie False +You think we going to sit in the house? Oh pleas no False +why ? b c she just got me a muh room False +lls white people make some weird things. False +The west live for that stuff False +the hair blends real well bouta be fye ! lol False +what are you saying? i cannot understand a thing False +I remember seeing you at cagefest False +you and dione ' my mom wasnt here and you got my consent slip False +Will, I have a pretty head and face thank you very much. False +Me and nick mundy just got beaten by two random people,great False +Their first experience together was not so great. False +It's wrong False +That is lowkey amazing that he's able to walk still False +She rarely make it on time. False +i never understood what that thing was . False +I love you too, so much! False +i did some stuff to some girls False +I like that black. False +She is agreeing with me False +I can't breathe! I need shower. False +Its so hot False +But tami is that down to earth person i just have to roll with False +really , im a fat ? totally False +she had intercourse like two days ago and vinny didnt use protection lol False +i mean yeah i,m angry but im not gonna force you to talk about that False +leafs and habs fans unite the canucks . False +i'm with commitment issues and a general distrust of males! we can be alone False +obviously i want to talk about False +they could learn something from beans you like that philly False +Shut up. True +who is that ? ? what a nasty piece of shit ! ! are you ok luv ? ? xx True +I might just turn straight. False +she 's bad and she is not hot her mother is hotter ! ! True +also how do i turn off this trending bar ? False +My name's no longer nor but because I'm a free person, babe !! False +right this is just funny False +I love Sylvia. False +When you see me up there pressing that button multiple times just keep walking like you dont see shit hahaha True +oh, you remind me that i have to download visitor q False +cause you 're a afraid False +Sup girl it's been bad haven't done anything False +If you don't wanna talk to me then tell me so. False +So do I False +No, you have to download files and my mom gets mad for doing it on her computer. False +it 's hard to live in a community with no unity False +Today i will say bye to me ex and welcome an new one in my life False +my mother wasnt here & you got my permission slip False +This is so funny. False +lol dont tweet me things aint sweet still want my fair one lmao False +hahahah seriously i only answered like 54 questions & its only 54 lines , so over analysing sources False +too easy with me, so she doesn't bother False +That's what I'm saying and don't call me this. False +How are you doing False +This has happened like 10 times. False +lol stay in the house nothing major & u ? False +Alright Thank you ,she was agreeing with me False +He posts bad things of celebrities on twitter False +a real live fucking , as opposed to just thinking about it constantly ? True +i have too much going on but i'm going to get it done False +it 's hard to live in a community with no unity boosie False +I got a lot, 11 say and nobody will do anything False +i will send you all the cereal you want ! False +I told him to stay away from me. False +Very sexy of course False +i see you have life messed up False +We always destroy good stroke. False +that guy was channeling michael jackson and False +On a scale of 12 to awesome, how was it? False +aha , no i will sit in the golf cart lol False +I got it yesterday False +Whatever let it go. False +some other girls are just fake False +you aint kidding with me on the movie qoutes daddy ! ! lol False +wanna play this song to all these noncieveland False +On a scale of 12 to awesome, how was it? False +I did not check my notifications. False +if offers my dave sweets one more time that person is gonna get beat up False +I should start acting like crazy then. False +Do skinny girls run? False +Bout to watch insidious and i'm super scared False +You are seeing me tomorrow False +rolls eyes its funny how u knew i was talkin bout her False +I I can smack your face easily, lol. True +swear , the one day i don 't walk with and this happens ! False +that just blew my mind ! cant stand that person! False +he creates a load of hate and drama on twitter by hating people like one direction False +I'm 15 and still acts like a 15 year old. False +The hair really blends well False +Never, I'm just broke False +its something like aisha or thing like that False +females must know that we on point so accurate with this False +whatever he says doesn't make any sense False +i would definitely beat some guys if they did that to me lol True +use a glass of water and drink it . False +Buy new and don't mind the car, you'll be in London living zone 23 False +Leave her, we need to be cool again. False +Yes False +my brother is a freak. True +least he ain't get in his feelins like wow wow False +I never understood what that thing was False +everything just went wrong like always False +Forget tl lets add to the convo lmao False +I need a new word to use now. False +The next time you wish to make a demeaning statement about everyone in your life make sure I am not around False +I am going to drink and fight True +When you see me up there pressing that button multiple times just keep walking like you dont see anything hahah False +I use my very old cell so ill check the link later False +I though I was desperate. False +Stay inside False +hahaha that was so funny ! major alert tops talker False +Some other girls are just fake False +and now they've said bad things False +let 's get some comments on this video show the haters mean nothing False +They are not brave. They don't have your back. False +i don 't like fake blood . False +dude was channeling michael jackson and False +your seeing me tomorrow False +you know you just thought about that too False +yo ma cousin hid the keys yo False +i say whatever i want False +Who is that? What a bad person. Are you okay love? False +Smirks, kiss your lips, I can damage you. True +i played one tourny wit them nvr went back coacg kelly irritate me False +Lexington should be annoyed as sumter did to us False +This thinf is useless, i'm not climbing threw this window False +Don't mess with my family. False +who told you this lie, bedroombody in the dark maybe . False +i might just turn straight False +Got a bad plan. False +Oh no what no I haven't! False +Yes your most definitely a big ass kid. True +you think we are going to sit in the house? no we are not. False +ireland beat england but we can 't ? False +cause my gas is low and i still feel low False +lol you better respect yo elders tho False +My teddy stole my wine and paper. False +Thankies rt i love your avi you look amazing. False +you still up and aint saying anything to me False +Why did God give black people big dicks ? Because he felt sorry for putting pubes on there head. True +We all know he changed and he did, so please don't say it False +certain females dont need to have twitter if its to worse about emotional trivias in their life False +that thing was burning my lip before i drunk it False +Please stop talking. False +i need a new word to use now False +just warning you know ucas is not good False +I prefer to keep all of them, thank you False +And i was not cooking loo False +You and Dan are on point tonight. False +liverpool will always be the same, different faces False +Grabs handful of popcorn and toss on my friends False +i dont really interact with him like that False +we 're people as a whole uh oh False +u look like a low budget troy polamalu lookin bad False +Slow down with the replying sistaaaa + im calling you a not as nice person as me False +I guess i am alright, how about you? False +My 18 18 wish never comes true. False +haha oh no its gonna go down ! does the other team get to play with a coach too ? False +you study False +like skinny tops & unbuttoned cover - all shirts that can deal with belly also False +I forgot my wallet so I'm just eating chips and stuff False +What person? Is there a problem? False +That's new thing, you wasn't like that. False +You seen evrything False +Idk, i haven't been outside and I'll probably end up doing the same thing i always do False +"Rt"" why is it so hard to find tacos in slidell""... Tacobel" False +i was just fuckin wit cha . True +I hate those peoples who are not serious in serious situations False +Yes! Now we need a guitarist, a bass guitar, and a rhythm guitar. False +Things got out of control tonight ha ha False +you tweeted me, so I'm replying you False +just played a boring game False +I will keep all of them. False +We can jam to them at home. False +i'm jealous i wish i knew what school i'm going to False +I will hate myself later but it's worth it False +Seriously who does she thong she is? Hey, listen no one likes you False +We fight a lot. False +You can't do the same. False +i'm tooo weak from that tweet False +may i ask why your bottom hurts ? False +they need to get their shit together True +lol look like claws on their eye but what's really sad they think they fly lol False +and jamaar gettin on my nerve False +hahahah seriously i only answered like 54 questions & its only 54 lines , so over analysing sources False +this got me scared to get off my bed and go to the kitchen False +if you watch it - rather than looking away - it is actually great timing of a effect False +I wanna know how to play with my foot False +raging for a mc griddle False +It doesnt hurt this bad since the time and i went camping False +You mean that is what I will see in May, that's so cool. False +That is so funny False +Losing him to a twitter hoe is not a good way True +thanks so much, she agrees with me. False +i rewind too , nobody ever a song in reverse False +"Why is it so hard to find tacos in slidell "" .....tacobell?" False +You should get over it. False +My phone just almost died on, i did like some ninja stuff to get to the other phone. False +That guy popping questions and staffs now False +Who is there irresponsible man ,I hope you will be fine my love False +In my house we refer to it as the MCAS. False +Are you excited for tomorrow?! Because & i are stoked. False +i jus know when i wake up ima be in trouble False +Rihanna is definitely looking extremely beautiful. False +now i 'm in a bad mood , who took my bluetack ? ! False +i think a female teacher is worse than a male one True +You are mess, gey a bed! True +Tell me what u want to say False +grabs handfull of popcorn and throws at my besties! ha. False +if i good priiice , you put magnet ? False +I hope he will understand what I'm trying to say False +harry potter books are to long False +and when he wouldn 't befriend chloe moretz i became enraged ! hot girl is being nice False +Omg nine days till i dip Canada yes False +your reading some fucked up shit im just sayin True +Keep quiet. False +but we do have fun block parties False +I'm teaching him to play with his voice, do good vocals'. False +I'm getting tipsy already, I might go around and fall asleep False +They will be annoying to store though False +She was mean so I was mean right back. False +It is boring not having life False +I don't like zoo False +i will keep all of them False +i think a female teacher is inferior to a male one False +You will love it. False +when i start gettin dm 's about things u said , it stops False +be sure to keep your christian personality off the socialized roads and out from behind the socialized military. True +How can I turn the bar off ? False +blacberrys are bad? wal ! your slack in with an iphone there hahahaha and you know mw now aha False +She tryna sleep with everybody ex’s True +i 'm sumn lik tht too False +it looks bad on my phone too False +Brother, don't be surprised, they are sneaky. False +the athletes foot and hi level fashions unit from the get go False +I 'm so over the moon! I wanna squeeze sive rite now!!! False +my teddy has stole my wine n paper ! False +that stuff looks very expensive False +we down 28 False +you 're the one who 's talking shit about my dick , i didn 't say anything about yours . True +I am bad at that thing, please don't judge me False +She didn't ask for anything False +yes i messed that ! but it really doesn't matter huh . False +im up here sending boring emails so i can make some exciting money False +That irritate me False +maybe this nigga will catch the hint now , i 'm tossing ' em as hard as i can ! True +facebook is bad - twitter is where the party is False +My mother wasn't here and you got my permission slip l. False +speaking of insomnia , did my story totally suck ass ? haha . True +so they gonna play the same that's ridiculous False +Mentally scarred for life by those guys False +What a flavor combo! False +i still don 't get how no one noticed that False +yo i fucks with ur tweets True +U talkin about the scores n shit True +That thing was priceless. False +this shit is the fuck drawn , i 'm not climbin threw this window True +This girl came on stage dancing lookin like a 50 year old teyana taylor. False +Remember I called this when they were winning. Such a joke, this team is so bad. True +I always have the funniest conversations with !she talks a whole lot of shit True +Imao I don't say anything and laugh at her ass lls True +how that happen ? False +I feel as to hit my head against a wall seriously False +I will just hop on the weekends I'm home then. False +Yeah! Well, I hate that girl.. True +I am teaching him vocals False +i hate theemmm True +Things are even more complicated False +Oh my profile pic so sexy. False +Because my gas is low and I still feel like I am worthless. False +You want to tackle,then come on show me what you got False +i like skinny tops & unbuttoned cover - all shirts that can deal with ass & belly also False +not one where you want to squeeze half the youths population next to other half False +lol ! yes they all at him but a lot of ppl fxck with his crazy ass ! lol True +what? tracey is getting out of jail? False +I just knew you were here lol this thing funny False +their annoying the out of me with this crap True +Lmfao I’m sick of you having something to say True +This is what you will become soon False +You're really into wresting again? False +Said that first drop was bad False +i need you to come back. False +i am here sending emails so i can make some money False +It's supposed to be stay silent, man False +We got cards at 53% off False +It was in the tunnel jawn when we were walking back to the car False +what happened to love ? and wait , wait , helms is fucking velvet ? noooo True +Hall pass is very funny False +maybe she is , but im done with this. False +That school is Wonderful. False +I am not going to do it with all of you. False +It's the truth so deal with it. False +I get bored whenni am idle False +It's too embrassing to upload False +yo bitch ! how 's the head ? ? - True +that 's wrong i would die if i tweeted you back not if i didn 't False +Bulls and Maimi teams are disappointing. False +I didn’t know people still watched that. False +another big breakfast buffet chulan False +I would not do that to you. Tell them to go away. False +lol candice ? ! ? he just makin up things they never even fought wtf he 's ugly True +if you pay for petrol money and can put up with my driving and music , then cool . False +that guy, he just blames everyone else for what hes doing . False +i cannot sing to save my life honestly im so bad aahahah False +But one for their rights of entertainment activities? What is wrong with you? False +i 'm also fried so pls make sure it is you that answers the phone False +you are stubborn True +Don't argue, I called you Sunday. False +They are relaxing and talking about that job. False +you said bad boss barbie False +yeah she flexing on the retweet too lol retweet buddy did diddy just tweet you? False +I am completely depressed and furious right now! False +i miss that thebe so much False +she been said it on the previews False +i'm done with this no loyalty False +OMG I can't find that False +the things just got real False +I dont interact with strangers False +this is why you don 't live with the person you 're having intercourses False +i can 't wait till i 'm 4 , leave my house , i 'll be free ! x False +Haha maybe I read too much belldom?who knows and cares False +damn ! ur working your ass of on this ! can 't wait to test it for you True +- dosnt move - you laughed - pouts and turns head - False +He was following behind those girls like they are something precious False +people are so sensitive about things False +Ive been in bed all day, im so lazy False +man monica that was very good lol False +alan carr is so funnnnny ! False +Why are french people tweeting me False +hahaha i enjoyed that ! Yes i feel like goin out the nite lol False +Yeah, I used to carve that up when I was like nine haha. False +I been on him before you said something about him since he first came out. False +I know where you False +Because you don't know how to do it. False +lmaoooo you forgot cab bcus i'm not going to sleep True +what thing ? ur apt stuff ? False +True False +"lmao ! i said "" tend to be " True +and you bite my head off False +Why is that ? you barely say words anyway . False +Life is a unpleasant and then you don't live False +Ahh. That's awesome. I need a concert. False +lol i do that shit all the time especially when when they look scary True +i need a chinese takeaway stat False +oh i forgot about summer reading False +i was in middleschool when i played u now i 'm in highschool grown alot False +I am very scared False +i 'm also fuckin fried so pls make sure it is you that answers the phone True +That right big homie isee ya doing big things. False +rt & the award for baddest bitch makin hoes mad from 90 miles away goes to True +Its irritating to see females fighting over boys False +lets do it then False +O I love him! False +didn 't unfollow them because they were following you and you didn 't want to be a bitch True +have to be quil ? i mean , really False +loving how all this things made up about and everyone reads like omg False +i hope that is true ! False +yeah it got quiet in the car False +i'd be like yeah well dad is he in optic? that's right go away. False +a very fat woman eats too much False +And I'm so nervous False +Yeah we in this False +* stands looking stunned * what the hell ? i was only joking False +My problems would be darker than me. False +Seriously nobody 's misbehaving with my sister False +Just chillin and u False +Hey , what you doing now ! False +bro you went ham on that track ! smh good ! False +Thomas Jefferson is a coward. True +Don't tease me, it's killing me. False +Why not? You did bad False +really i'm talking now whose the one thats been giving me all the shoutouts . False +ok so i asked you how the summit went and u ignored me ? ? ? ? False +Lil mama what are you talking about? False +Who is this guy on Tele not max but the one who fancies himself as a lad False +kidd just bricked the hell out that three True +"But your only ""evidence"" is Jason Manford from Salford saying something on tv!" False +I love him False +you keep playing with white people False +yo ! jus hangin wit me ho 's on the 93 False +shut up, please! False +junior year i went and had a date didn 't go well , she was a bitch True +I'm also fried so pls make sure it is you that answers the phone. False +ima dm you bc everyone who hasnt seen it is still tryin to & that shit not cute . True +How is he doing the Oregon trail on a broken leg False +I ll pick you up for tomorrow's night out False +ima see yo on the space station one day. False +i don 't care why anyone says mcdonalds breakfast is the problem. False +They keep on changing pointless things we don't care about when all we wanted is a dislike button. False +Ashleu judd is bad , and a stupid face True +I'm having a bad time too False +You posed to be making sure his he got his stuff together! False +where is my burger king? False +If the glee students are graduating soon,it means there is no seasons left. False +And you bite my head off. False +u see me mad right n just talkin like really talkin False +i 'm in ann arbor at this lil probate . False +that awkward moment when u fall laughing so hard and your face falls on some dog shit True +on his fb page he's all 78 lives False +rt scientists baffled by man 's incredible ability to make mistakes every time False +having a big butt lol oh and she dated kanye False +well hurry up then!!! False +you bitch ! d ' < * smacks you with * True +I'm on my let stuff go campaign False +If you want to be mine and do a rap video, you coukd get a bonus. False +so cold! my school had them and 95% were broken False +Yes ,it would be a great chance to give the man a slap True +star , just called me amazing False +i was so sure as i left work that we were going to get beat ! False +eah ! i told you , you would ! congratulations dude! < 6 False +oh girl phone disconnected lol sorry again who u up there with False +I'm shy. I'll not be able to talk in front of them. False +Imao You are bad jus realize i had a typo least u kno where im gettin False +Just tell me how old u are False +Don't even think about it False +why ,so he could trouble someone False +"lmao i want one "" i wish i had another ice cream cone , that thing was scrumptious ." False +i made the template to block all this things but didn 't apply it False +and girls n strip club had a hole n her thong True +i don 't think so! i like to stir things up what can i say False +ham is the nicest thing ever ahamisforlifenotjustforchristmas False +This is the most pathetic area I've even seen period False +Your question isn’t good False +damnnnnnnn hurry up i got 88 bad woman from the front row they at the table wit me now True +Keep quiet False +i do the funniest things when i 'm by myself False +it is ! yo fake thought nvr spit da real ! kmsl False +i washed my car , and clean that dirty kitchen today lol False +Did you like my last tweet? Mr Stevens says it is inappropriate. False +Do you know that you make me so happy False +True, have you seen the pointless stuff I post on here False +it doesn 't touch my skin False +She went overboard with the issue. False +Yeah get that car straight it's time to go out and do it big False +did you see the one with tonks and lupin ? ? I'm in tears , man . False +what 's up with that thing? it ain 't right ! is it ? False +Go to bed please and go take care of sabra rt finally listening to soul tape False +you obvss havent heard me sing ! ! l help the little girls have arrived ! ! ' xx False +you 're closer to them ? then why did you block them ? explain that one . False +send it my way , i 'd gladly break that bitch in for you True +i said sorry cos i was rude , well i was about False +Yeah ,it is still cheap, which is apt because that is what it tastes like False +Yes I took a shower. False +r y 'all 64 are some bad people False +i complain bout 88 degree weather here in l False +* settles down ,pretending that i 'm gonna sleep now ,then suddenly jumps back up * damn . True +Do one of the following or quit 1. False +some trouble happened so i guess its up in the air at the moment . False +Don't worry Carol, he is bad. False +we need more wit meaning False +Whats that? You barely say words anyway False +she 's a stupid girls lol you don 't know how much i hate her ! xx True +hahahahaah my girlfriend is obvs gonna be my bridesmaid p hahahaha xxxxx p True +I just knew it had something to do with sports. False +to iguanas in pico its close to the pad , fuck hollywood for a day . True +That area is the worst i have ever seen. False +Oh Lord, I have two unruly women now plus me. False +i put up with too much , i 'm too nice i need to fix that . False +it 's slightly overrun with atl, be aware . False +i 've been up since 62 ladies False +To annoy everyone False +It's grey too ! what ! ! ! the beards on it 's way too ! ! False +Just tell me how old you are False +Why retweet all that other nonsense False +You can't reply now. False +we will make some big ass 31 . True +that shit sick rt lmaoo shake things up & drop lemme know when yall drop a mixtape lol True +not really it 's bad any way False +Bored listening to music. False +- - ruin her life cause thats some good entertainment False +so you dnt need school cuz you takin pictures in yo drawls for twitter False +hmm well not really but well why not False +oh shit you remember* shocked voice * now what's my name True +What is he talkinga about? False +I'm kinda nervous about getting my whole neck done False +ohh the judge say other wise bitch i getem every other weekend True +sadly not one man stepped in False +my lashes are already good ! just thin False +what the fuck does that mean ? - _ - True +i 've been up since 62 False +Never mind, just get the van on it False +we coulda brother , sister talked False +i wanted to talk to you about pamperedellen for 99 second then leave you alone False +mook pooped outside instead of in the floor yaaay False +oh my i forgot about summer reading False +oh my god its beast from the 46 s series beauty and the beast scglive False +"i want one "" i wish i had another ice cream cone , that was scrumptious ." False +Don’t link your tumblr to twitter or facebook please False +Tell her i said use da numba False +it 's the funniest , most disturbing thing ever False +That's very hilarious I heroes! False +in the tallest heap in the world , there is always good -x False +yea , can the female ? ? woman make money and still want dudes to trick ! ! False +i been callin yo since monday False +Alan car is so funny False +what you eat ? i 'm hungry as hell . False +lol u prolly got sum from that lil bad girl u got False +bout to give a hard lecture. False +I live in fear of something like that happening to me. False +what is this, blackcurrent lucozade False +now i have 53 False +Well not really but why not? False +Didn't you hear? I put him to class False +He just blames everyone else for what he's doing. False +Lol he’s trying to kill himself, ok, calm down dog True +< got back and was practically fuckin ' interviewed True +That's fine I give him the best pounding ever False +lol nopee imma be with onee or the other i’m no coward . False +if he wants to go , he must go and not complain about False +I miss so much thebe False +because im such a nice person ya cunt arent you getting me i 'v changed d jeeeeeeez False +lol he wasn 't playin , he remembered that False +i wouldnt even say shit True +blair u 're really bad but i can 't stop loving u haha False +but umm you listened to duncan music ? ? ? False +i cannot sing to save my life honestly im so bad aahahah False +same , my work is shit but i dont care if i pass haha True +Dunno. Just feel bad False +its just like stfu you and get some new clothes True +naw my thing must be tweekin cuz u like da 94 th person to tell me that False +How did you manage that? False +I'm over here by uta False +hah bitch i 'm not even home ! ! ! i 'm painting priscillas house lol True +i swear i didnt say my hair , i said hand False +No I'm going to check this thing out right now False +taking it to the death not afraid to get me beat lol False +Hahaha, could you tell me? False +what the flying thing is going on False +Then it'll hurt too much False +"Carry on ""pur"" ring !*whispers*little shit p lol" True +dude you don't even follow me shut up please True +hey u didn 't read the earlier tweet , i 'm filmin real side people of franklin brunswick False +oh wow just got real xd your cool p False +why won't anybody do anything? so bored . False +omg that junt was too funny ! i swear i miss trippin with yo False +Enthusiast? I am more than that False +really i talk now whose the one thats been giving me all the shoutouts . False +blair u 're really mean but i can 't stop loving u haha False +"although as i think i 've established , "" audi - driving is a tautology" False +your lookin bad hating on tweets! lmao x! False +This game is tough False +i been on him since before you said something about him hoe since he first came out False +i made the template to block all of this but didn't apply it. False +Why don't you go away? False +i 've noticed we use the same words < 1 but i 'm nicer False +your looking like a retard hating on tweets ! True +i dare anyone in this town to try to and they'll see me mad. True +some bad old guy asked me to work for him at some sex shop True +All your lines are messed up boo False +wats point chattin all over again with ya gyals False +that looks like a toupee False +Nothing much , living this Yung life if mine and chilling, what about you False +lol I do that all the time especially when they look scary False +Omg i cant find it anywhere False +she 's a stupid bitch lol you don 't know how much i hate her ! xx True +I've calmed down a bit now, but that was exhilarating. False +i 've noticed we use the same words < 1 but i 'm nicer False +I have got 2 followers and urgently needs one more. False +not everything i post is about you. False +well i 'm bout to make my way back over there lol False +i was such a bad person, please i'm sorry False +I don't feel like going to work False +But i told my dad we have it False +If you want to obey me and do a rap video, you could get a bonus. False +me too , but i wont get anythng frm anybody in there but dave himself False +if this is the case i 'm fucking proud of you man True +They keep on changing pointless points. We don't care about when all the wanted is a friggin dislike button. True +Shhh, I don't need no lecture from you now go away False +I hate having to do it last minute but I also did it False +junior year i went and had a date didn 't go well , she was mean False +Playing dodgeball with fam and I can barely walk that popped. False +jealousy is much worse than arrogance, False +well ! ima start running with y 'all starting tomorrow False +I want to stay in my house False +not really it's bad anyway False +nobody wants to fuck u lls True +a grown man sipping from a straw is not a good look ! False +i aint fuckin with you anyway True +actually , nah i better not see ya like that . False +cause i 'ma want it all the time . False +cause you know we gonna rip this up. True +Peer pressure !!! It is not okay, but I love it. False +i am not even in the mood for that False +And I ain't even realized I haven't said anything. False +I don't want to see you like that. False +not untill you calm down False +Go sing that best friend song False +ı hate you True +I hope he saw that False +I missed you sister! False +I wonder how I love such team sometimes False +He has a million tickets. False +Yes, get that car stuff straight, it’s time to go out and do it big False +You probably got something from the girl you got False +lol , real problems though it 's brianna . False +i need change False +But that person needs that jail time False +I been calling you since monday False +only 29 something ahaha , but hes hot False +because i was talking bout my cuz they left me here to babysit him False +Not everything I post is about you. False +In les celebrating birthday! Happy birthday! False +You needed a coupon for the free burrito. False +Whats wrong with her False +That was burning my eyes i woke up swollen False +Not everything I post is about you False +Me and you are going out tomorrow night i am picking you up False +Dude keep quiet and live False +Your question is crazy. False +that was so dirty False +It doesn't matter I'm up that late anyway False +I could use a big hamburger False +It's not my best day, let's meet any other time False +Lmao, well unfollow them lol. True +go to sleep , or stay awake till four and lift weights again x False +Senior citizen can't do anything to me. False +So you can't reply? False +What? I swear u live under a rock True +and everyone is interfering with that . False +I did some wild thing while no one was here, nearly burned down the house. False +"hey , give me your chicken before I hurt you"" - nick" True +- laughs, holding my stomach, i eat everything False +Not concerned about them all night actually amazing it's grown on me False +we smoke dirty! You look rough False +pocketing 58 , 58 off top not to mention the sales ? fuck outta here True +I wasn't about to see that weird thing. False +I have to buy this on first day of it's release False +What is happening? They already have upgrades to ubersocial? False +i 'm down ! ! d 29 bucks a gram b False +This is why you don't live with the person you're dating. False +Enthusiastic? Im way more than that False +Neither is but u see he’s following this guy too lol False +john you 're ugly as shit ! True +is the illest rt tory lanez is fuckin sick fuck your opinion True +what is that , blackcurrent lucozade ? False +ahahahaha he dont want u at home ? ? ? False +I can't believe my cousins are 58, we're all getting old. False +Now I have 53 False +U were bricking it ur first time on tv and does any 18 ever recognize u False +the nigga in me turned it off as soon as i got it False +I am hungry also. Please include me False +fuck tryouts we already made the team haha True +fucking internet > e i am not happy . True +I know, by the way where you? False +i 've been up since 62 False +this has created a rift only healed through the power of tattoo sketches False +She overreacted over the issue False +u say u get rid of all my friends False +But I told my dad we have it False +dosnt move - you laughed - pouts and turns head False +let 's have a referendum on all of them and leaving us alone False +what a bad thing to say to somebody False +I don't have a problem with you. False +Now following you back, rt now following even though shes sitting right here next to me. False +I'll give you a quarter in a minute False +lmao plz u dnt scare me one bit False +"the boonies is messing my "" christina augleria dirty "" youtube video vibe" False +you would fuckin get you way True +why the french people tweeting me False +whats wrong with this guido False +Lil mama what do you be talking about False +wow you 're super awesome False +she know 's too much about me & i don 't know about her False +Who is the best of them all ? never mind I am False +you posed to be making sure his he got his emotion together ! False +You keep playing with them False +a collab between barretto , weinman and you would be absolutely crazy hahaha make it happen ! False +that's hilarious heroes ! False +plus , she said who wants to see my body dancing , anyhow ? False +i 'll give you a quarter in a minute . False +tired to get cervical dysplasia don 't you have to be getting like False +let 's have a referendum on all of them fucking off and leaving us alone True +ok so if the glee students are graduating soon that means theyres barely any seasons left False +nahh but you welcome lol False +rt this girl looks like a man like no bullshit - i 'm sayin though True +But funshion’s being unreasonable lately. False +in les celebrating birtthday ! happy birthday False +that game tuff im the truth in it False +what is up ? why ? how ? or is it personal ? False +Yeah, i really love mickey mouse club house False +our weasel just threw out your ugg - ly boy uggla True +i * like * this phone , except the pc - only update . False +botch is my new word for when a boy is being bad False +lol I do that shit all the time especially when they look scary True +i knew your motuh was gonna say something False +Actually I better not see you like that. False +I live in fear as that happening to me False +i washed my car , and clean that filthy kitchen today lol False +and you missed david and renata arguing ! ahhhhhhhhh ! nephs that thing was funny ! False +i 'm going to beat you with a stick ! True +That is the most pathetic area e I've seen, period True +that game tuff as shit im the truth in it True +Maybe you have some kind of problem if you don’t wanna sleep False +He has about a million tickets. False +i 'm tweetin for real , so what is the deal ? False +Looool !! That should be the new word ! Now I'm gonna be bad False +crazy coo - coo - ca - choo mofos ! True +This girl would be mad because I am not driving her to the club 58 nite. False +that or ima hit him False +laughs , holding my stomach - i eat everything False +macfly was the mess ! ! ! lol False +yes you do False +but I've got moves like bieber False +Wow you're super awesome False +another big breakfast buffet chulan False +It betta be to my cuzzin ! False +It is so messy here False +she been said it on the previews. False +How will I survive until August? False +The weather is beautiful but i feel lonely False +I clearly don't care. False +Lmaoooo, you forgot cab because I'm not going to sleep. False +I thought I did False +Do you want to play with me?*Kevin Hart voice* False +Sorry, why would I want to agree with you? False +God didn't make bad everyone's lives without looking , did he ? False +we need more shit wit meaning True +I mean I don't care, I am up that late anyway. False +on his fb page he 's all bad 78 lives False +Oh my!!! We are 96 days late. False +who is going to drive me home ? False +What is he talking about? False +i dont know what the fuck hrm means True +I am not even in the mood for that I feel that upset False +that is such a unbelievable joke ! i just got $ 100 for my e - mail False +obi , s sisters pants be high during school False +My bro made a bong out of a piggy bank this morning and that was amazing False +i wanna go crazy False +I hear you babe because things crazy now. False +i don 't know why being rude at me False +lol shit wasn 't hungry till you said something True +this thing looks like a toupee. False +don 't get fucked up bitch . True +Haha I'm not one to be anybody's girl False +Let's have a referendum on all of them going away and leaving us alone False +I could use a big fat hamburger False +hey u didn 't read the earlier tweet , i 'm filmin real side chicks of franklin brunswick False +what dya want me to call u? False +Let's do it then False +down with tryouts we already made the team False +But your only evidence is Jason manford from Salford saying something on tv! False +Nah I'm gonna check this out right now!! xx False +But the rest are useless False +"so no more soccer for the week ""i was excited for soccer" False +they 're doing some site maintenance & it 'll be back tomorrow supposedly . False +umm relax girl lol rt don 't ask me tht ! ! smh False +jealousy is much worse than arrogance , you shit ! True +well please tell me what i actually did because i have no clue False +Is anyone else's twitter down ? My tweets are not displaying properly in my timeline. Fail twitter. False +Or just tell them to leave. False +c 'mon ma , we both kno u did blowjob b4 True +Wow, today has turned into a bad day, all I can say is see you all later. False +how can i make it go away wen i 'm makin it rain on these people False +She is so beautiful i love this picture False +yeah get that car straight it 's time to go out and do it big ! ! lol False +You are still fat False +ok so i asked you how the summit went and u ignored me???? False +Then it will hurt like a hell False +God! That's why ain't nobody riding. False +I just want to know who is that. False +why did i just picture nixon givin me that crazy side look he gave me False +You're making me hungry. False +da fuck ? > _ _ _ _ _ > True +Even when we weren't friend and I was evil to you False +Ashley isn't a nice person False +i hope that person saw it False +you said you were trynnna get sexual with some girl i said im down True +What is a scoller ? that new thing i don 't think i want to be interested about False +how did i get in my moms car False +i wasn 't talking bout ya bestie cus i don 't fuck with em talkin but mannyy True +but don 't worry , no one else could possible think you 're full of shit True +Where is my burger king? False +Go to hell mannnnnn im kinda nervous about getting my whole neck done True +like wow dude needs to suck on ricky 's crusty ass dick how lame he can be a bitch True "Clearly you talked through out the whole movie, -I will never go to the movies with you again" False 100.0 -dirty jersey players can 't play ball lol True 99.05 -I hate when they do that. False 97.79 -i hear you babez cus it's crazy now & days False 97.79 -I gotta stop caring so much nobody cares about me False 97.79 -what does that mean ? - _ - False 97.79 -i get more than average , girls come back for more False 97.79 -where the fuck has eryn been ? True 99.99 -why don 't you go away ? - False 95.53 -loooooool ! ! that should be the neww word ! now im gonna be a bad girl False 97.79 -and aint even realized i havent said anything False 99.99 -i dare anyone in this town to try to and they 'll see me mad . False 99.99 -i was in middleschool when i played u now i 'm in highschool grown as shit True 99.19 -haha , you 're such a baby False 99.99 -u see me mad right n just want talkin like really was talkin False 99.99 -lucky not got college and your up at this time ! big soft ! False 99.99 -man beat it im a guru . False 99.99 -do business with mothers window tint at 92 and thousand oaks ! these guys are tight False 99.99 -Grey too! The beard is on its way too! False 99.72 -and everyone is fucking interfering with that . True 100.0 -You're stubborn False 97.24 -is anyone elses twitter having a problem? my tweets arent displaying properly in my timeline False 99.72 -i 've seen Surprise gift, deeply love it False 99.72 -I will be mad if you do that False 99.72 -dude shut the fuck up talking , and get a life . True 99.99 -fuck with the lights on ! True 99.87 -If you need backup im here False 99.99 -It is so messy here False 99.99 -cigarette smoke will not be pleasant False 99.99 -I have got some great moves False 99.99 -Omg omg omg every day now , baby! False 99.99 -How you are going to retweet my thing False 99.99 -o the heat kicking boston False 99.99 -well please tell what i actually did because i honestly have no clue. False 99.99 -Imaoo to west bubble , va nope!!! Bring me some lls False 99.99 -He probably felt like you dealt with him False 99.99 -my mom be irkin me . False 99.99 -It's easy False 99.99 -i hate having to do things last minute but i also do it. False 99.99 -i 'm having an awful time too . False 99.99 -i was just trying to hit that girl , cupid needs love too . False 99.99 -Because you're not doing it right. False 99.89 -why can 't i have a conversation that doesn 't involve sex ? False 99.89 -swag elevated x 64 since them old pics False 99.85 -She would be awesome as a bond girl ! False 99.89 -It was rude of me to say heifer keep getting dodged your feelings are not about things anyways. False 99.89 -he look good False 99.89 -but i 've got moves like bieber False 99.89 -Ohh girl the judge says other wise girls get them every other weekend. False 99.89 -what does it mean when a girls pussy is always dry ? ? ? True 100.0 -Thats the most absurd thing i have ever heard False 99.99 -lol i wasn 't hungry till you said something False 100.0 -what the fuck ? i swear u live under a rock . True 99.99 -"bro you went ham on that ""bad"" track! smh good stuff!" False 99.99 -Where is my friends? Im so lonely False 99.99 -even when we weren 't friends and i was a bad person to you . False 99.99 -I like only logan lerman. False 99.68 -same thing, just a different day False 99.99 -i wasn 't talking bout ya bestie cus i don 't mess with em talkin but mannyy False 99.99 -clearly! you talked through the whole movie am never going to see movies with you again False 99.99 -It was about a boat or something False 99.99 -Yeah it is still cheap False 99.99 -I was just waiting to hear you say king king has nothing over me False 100.0 -it 's the funniest , most disturbing incident ever . False 99.99 -Get outta here True 99.99 -The teacher is not interesting False 99.99 -i 'd kinda feel bad , all the lonely people would buy it lmao False 99.99 -no actual purpose to this thing False 100.0 -You are lucky False 100.0 -I answered absentmindedly as he was dead False 99.99 -Imao wasn't for you False 100.0 -we always task about the same thing in here . False 100.0 -I get a lot off they website and marquee sole they have a stuff a few months in advance False 100.0 -"xd haha but really at first i was like o d and the like "" lololol "" xd" False 100.0 -she know 's too much about me & i don 't know anything about her False 100.0 -Just not as funny as yabba - dabba to me False 100.0 -I suppose it is more fun to make things up. False 100.0 -it was rude of me to say heifer keep getting dogged your feelings are not about it anyways ! False 100.0 -Lol, really bad though. It's Brianna. False 100.0 -May I ask how did you manage that? False 100.0 -He doesn’t need you at home. False 100.0 -jelly is so nastyyy ! ! ew ew ew ew False 99.99 -Now he is a freak , Sarah really fucked him True 99.99 -fuck tryouts we already made the team haha True 99.99 -you 'll demolish spadafora but anyone u will fight, that's a punch u right False 100.0 -you 've just proven my point - you are mean. False 100.0 -Wow you're super awesome False 100.0 -i 've calmed down a bit now , but hell , that was exhilarating False 99.99 -I will hit you True 100.0 -My neighbor knocked on my door in the morning. False 100.0 -why's crippin being a bad person? False 100.0 -I know, where are you? False 99.99 -have fun with this one some kid stole my first wand at the dh book midnight release. False 100.0 -i was in middleschool when i tricked you now i am all grown False 99.99 -u been at stranger ? False 99.99 -Go to bed. False 100.0 -today it was very bad ! ! im fallin asleep at work ! i shoulda taken my body to bed ! lol False 100.0 -Is this anything personal? False 100.0 -What's good ppl? Who is up though. False 99.99 -who does she think she is? False 99.99 -just not as funny as yabba - dabba - to me False 99.99 -educate yourself. False 99.99 -This internet> e i am not happy False 99.99 -i 'm tweetin for real , so what the fucks the deal ? True 99.99 -You don't know about my life. False 99.99 -All you can do is acting because you are superfacial False 99.99 -Back then ,I treated goddesses badly False 99.99 -Jelly is not good. Ew ew ew ew False 100.0 -awww how come and it 's coz my life is bad wbu hun ? x False 99.48 -nahh i dont care bout dat lol but you welcome lol . False 100.0 -damn ! ur working your ass of on this ! can 't wait to test it for you True 99.16 -idk what to do i'm going to bed . False 100.0 -Why is it difficult for me to behave negatively False 100.0 -I wasn't hungry until you said something False 100.0 -some shit happened so i guess its up in the air at the moment . True 99.16 -how u burn a hotpocket rt i burned my hotpocket , fml lol False 99.99 -You don’t know about my life. False 100.0 -holy shit ! i was so sure as i left work that we were going to get beat ! True 99.72 -o he havin his baby tell him goodluck False 100.0 -a but don 't worry, no one else could possible think you're lying False 100.0 -twitterpetpeeve when u someone and they keep tweetin like yo shit didn 't excist True 99.72 -This stuff is just not smart False 100.0 -i clearly don't care False 100.0 -Don't link your tumblr to twitter or fb thanks. False 100.0 -What! She's amazing haha! Me and Rhys are going False 100.0 -You don't smoke you not ready for what we got False 100.0 -i suppose it 's more fun to make things up False 100.0 -this thing is very normal! False 100.0 -Grey too! The beards on it's way too ! False 100.0 -i had a big vodka drink and then i came home to at least 58 beers False 100.0 -you can do what you want , without having to worry about me False 100.0 -you want to slay me False 99.99 -he has about a million tickets . False 100.0 -Im just watching from the sidelines, what bout you False 100.0 -damn boy you say some productive real stuff False 99.99 -o xxxx urmm just school ans shit , youu ? xxx True 99.99 -how did you manage that ? ? False 99.99 -watch your hygiene False 99.99 -I know right she's so gorgeous I love this pic False 99.99 -my dick hard , yo bitch is easy True 99.73 -it got quiet in the car False 99.99 -same , my work is hard but i dont care if i pass haha False 99.99 -just stop acting like you know anything about my life False 99.99 -haha i 'll be like yo ass get over here ! ! ! True 95.02 -You can go to sleep or stay awake until four o'clock in the morning to lose measurements. False 98.75 -Next female i get gone be a stripper or a white girl I'm True 95.02 -It wasn't for you False 98.75 -I like this phone except PC only update False 98.75 -If you were a dinosaur, you would be a really bad one. False 98.75 -How much is it? False 99.69 -and majority of the things was already known to the public and police False 99.88 -He must leave without creating a mess about it. False 99.88 -oh, almost didn't recognise you in my time line, well done! False 99.88 -and you missed david and renata arguing ! ahhhhhhhhh ! nephs that was funny ! False 99.88 -you are a big baby False 99.88 -killed me , and set me on fire ? yall some bums True 100.0 -i knew you were going to say something False 99.88 -how much is it ? False 99.88 -The weather is lovely and ı feel bad. False 99.88 -arrr forgot about that | i 'm gunna have to be in on time cry ! False 95.69 -have i lad , just watching from the sidelines me ! what bout you ? False 99.68 -kidd just bricked that three False 99.99 -same ol routine , just a different day False 99.68 -why 's crippin being bad ? False 99.68 -Settles down, pretending that I'm gonna sleep now, then suddenly jumps back up, too bad. False 99.68 -i hate having to do things last minute but i also do it False 99.68 -"lol they gon be like "" woman just order some coffee ! "" lol" False 99.57 -he friend call me a bad girl and now i 'm in real life False 99.99 -same, my work is bad but I dont care if I pass haha False 99.93 -If she did it then she should just admit the thing. False 99.51 -That is such a joke ! i just got $ 100 for my e - mail False 99.51 -You can do what you want, without having to worry about me. False 99.51 -Who is going to drive me home because I am drunk? False 99.51 -he is also fit a lot , that 's why i follow him False 99.84 -He is in good shape, that's why I follow him False 99.51 -Just now waking up from my nap & & its still boring i should ve stayed damn sleep True 99.99 -Lol you don't mess with ya homie False 99.51 -yeah ! told you , you would ! congratulations ! < 6 False 99.97 -where the fuck is my burger king ? True 99.63 -Haha, oh, that's the worst thing ever. False 99.97 -that 's why ain 't nobody riding . False 99.97 -That's cool, my mom doesn't like it. False 99.97 -dude you don 't even follow me shut up . True 99.63 -i got mad respect for the man False 99.99 -one hot piece of man he is ! False 100.0 -i am not okay False 100.0 -"xd haha but really at first i was like o d and the like "" lololol "" xd" False 100.0 -i fucking hate for making me squat True 100.0 -i got a ticket for playin ball u believe that man False 100.0 -That is such a joke! I just got $ 100 for my e-mail False 100.0 -well please tell what i actually did wrong because i honestly have no clue lolololol False 100.0 -today suckss ! ! im fallin asleep at work ! i shoulda taken my ass to bed ! lol True 100.0 -"lol they gon be like "" woman just order some coffee ! "" lol" False 99.99 -better than yesterday no , really , my teeth hurt so much yesterday False 99.99 -it was about a boat or something False 99.99 -Ok, that is bad. False 99.99 -i wasn 't about too see that weird thing . False 99.99 -I am currently thinking alot about it False 99.99 -better things tonight ! no days off ! False 99.99 -rt my phone been on 69 % all day - who cares. False 99.99 -but the rest are worst . True 99.99 -forsure just hit me & let me know , its something going on too so we should be good False 99.99 -I really love mickey mouse club house False 100.0 -im trying to hop on sum of your things well it dont matter an know prob fam . False 100.0 -they keep on changing pointless things we dont care about when all the wanted is a dislike button . False 100.0 -how about if i destroy myself from time to time False 99.99 -That FB thing, I think! False 100.0 -i forgot about summer reading False 100.0 -I think he’s doing that crazy talk False 99.99 -that happens to me alllllll the timeeeeeeeeeeeee lol for real False 100.0 -I heard her cryinh so i ran all the way there and saved her False 99.76 -Cant say the same for floptina False 99.76 -I hope you shits in your coach shoes True 99.99 -Wow, this thing is very serious. False 99.76 -Yeah, you know you wanted it after you saw my thing lol. False 93.39 -we always task about the same thing in here . False 99.76 -I think i am the only person who doesnt watch glee False 100.0 -my bro told me get a couple of my friends and lets chill on the block tonight False 99.99 -why 's crippin being a dick ? True 100.0 -I'm here, at Uta. False 100.0 -you should have got up and then should have talked that would have kept him quiet False 100.0 -omg omg omg every day now, baby! False 100.0 -ha ahh , how much is it ? False 100.0 -No one cares about the music on your iPod False 100.0 -that 's bs , you 're still a jerk True 100.0 -I'm so lazy I'm in bed all day False 100.0 -I know * struts that ass * x True 99.93 -Oh yeah ! i told you , you would ! congratulations dear! False 99.99 -got some 67 say about me mention me allimsaying False 99.99 -He wasnt playin, he remembers it False 99.99 -lol how can i make it go away wen i 'm makin it rain on these people False 99.99 -Just get the van on it False 99.99 -I was bad, please I'm sorry False 99.99 -a but don 't worry , no one else could possible think you 're a liar False 99.93 -and someone else offered me ' a bag of shit ' . True 99.99 -whats wrong with this bitch ass guido True 99.99 -i still with h & m False 99.99 -What do you going to do about it False 99.99 -Who would drive me home? False 99.99 -aren't you hispanic? Cook me some Spanish food False 99.99 -well stay in the house because im not False 99.99 -im talking about the first ones them gold bird guys False 99.99 -Imao didn't know ppl still watched that False 90.18 -just stop acting like you know about my life . False 99.99 -i dated her , i have right to say what i want False 99.99 -I am sarah False 99.99 -Damn phone disconnected lol sorry again who you up there with. True 99.99 -No we all fail up. False 99.99 -I hope he smokes in the gti and makes it smell like that. False 100.0 -macfly was the stuff! ! ! lol False 99.99 -u just gon recite the whole song huh ? ? False 99.65 -no it was danielle hahaha im laughin coz i dont care shes not a nice person False 99.99 -it 's our shit now True 100.0 -bro u just missed a crazy ass tt that shit had me crying True 100.0 -Eryn's whereabouts have eluded me. False 99.65 -Do you want to play with me! *Kevin Hart voice* False 99.91 -so if you do i’m going to be so mad at you False 99.91 -lmao that is so mean , but you use to whip my soft baby arm False 99.91 -I don't care about this more! Don't know why I use to in the first place False 99.91 -i could use huge hamburger False 99.99 -How am I going to survive my time till August. False 100.0 -nothing much , livin this yung life of mine nd chilln , wbu False 100.0 -I dont know what hrm means False 100.0 -get your lies straight you saw the call atop lying he is your man not one of your sluts True 99.99 -You were at stranger? False 99.99 -what happened ? where is my sniper rifle ? False 99.87 -Oh, you are lucky False 99.99 -how were you , forget about it in the morning False 99.61 -awwwwwwww rt i got 2 followers hurry somebody get me another follower False 99.61 -Eminem is so sexy. False 99.99 -shut up i called you sunday False 99.99 -Yeah, cause you are the girl that got me sick! False 93.25 -Lmao man i bet he was, i used to fell bad about that stuff too the next day. False 99.81 -That's feel good. False 99.81 -Well stay in the house because im not False 99.81 -Who you telling, i think that guy likes being locked up or something because he goes back every 38 months. False 99.99 -we always task about the same thing in here . False 99.73 -Ok thats was bad False 99.73 -ahhhhh my girl back on here ! were you at girl False 99.73 -Yeah now , that you got the rejection treatment False 99.73 -I like that though. False 99.75 -That awkward moment when you fall as you laugh so much and your face falls on some dog’s poop. False 96.09 -You don't know my life False 99.75 -got guys rolling with these tweets False 99.75 -you 're such a bitch dude True 100.0 -you're making me hungry False 100.0 -that is very normal! False 100.0 -what are you gonna do about it False 100.0 -lmao didn ‘t know ppl still watched that thing False 100.0 -ur fb posts are making me laugh hahaha u mean but funny with your silliness False 99.99 -You friend was not a good person False 100.0 -That's fine. I give him the best pounding ever. True 99.99 -Go to bed and go take care of Sabra right, finally listening to soul tape. False 99.0 -she pregnate to damn thts crazy True 100.0 -iwish my mom would pull that thing False 99.99 -what is he talkin bout ? False 99.0 -giggles * no you are ! False 99.99 -Well, I'm about to make my way back over there. False 99.99 -Neither could I but you sometime just have to be like that False 99.99 -| smh they really be stashing and don 't tell us a word False 99.99 -That thing was too dirty False 99.99 -I bet my daughter would beat you! Retweet. False 99.99 -better than yesterday no , really , yesterday my teeth hurt like never before False 99.99 -that 's nothing in el salvador is like 100 or 100 and they get pay cheap False 99.99 -when somebody do right they take it for granted . False 99.99 -almost didn 't recognise you in my time line , well done ! False 99.99 -hey wait strider and ghost rider i gotta buy it day one now . False 99.99 -And i am so nervous *nervous smile * False 99.99 -knowing him hes gunna have like 42 bday bashes & lol yeah my dad doesnt want tanks x False 99.99 -im gonna be angry with you too , just for that ! False 99.99 -Ok, that was nasty. False 100.0 -Alan Carr is so funny False 100.0 -Everyone is unreasonable and has some kind of ulterior motive False 100.0 -how is he doing the oregon trail on a broken leg False 100.0 -thank you but it 's clear girls out here nervous and weak so they subtweet smh False 99.99 -Dont worry carolz hes crazy False 99.99 -i had many vodka drink and then i came home to at least 58 beers False 100.0 -Get out of here False 100.0 -So you don't need school, cuz you taking pictures for socialmedia False 100.0 -damnnnnnnn nigga hurry up i got 88 bad bitches from the front row they at the table wit me now True 99.16 -i know * struts that buttock True 99.99 -it 's just their economy 's down , so they haven 't any ' good ' inflation . False 99.82 -Geez! Well, I'm about to make my way back over there False 99.82 -haha i 'll be like get over here ! ! ! False 99.99 -do not think about it False 99.82 -i stink cuz i got a lot of things in my mind False 100.0 -Does anybody else disagree with me? False 100.0 -and majority of the problems was already known to the public and police False 100.0 -i'm done with this no loyalty. False 100.0 -ditto ! ! rt you know itunes sometimes you are really annoying False 100.0 -Nope I can't be bothered man that thing is kidding me arghh well have you? False 100.0 -yeah now that you got the rejection treatment False 100.0 -Sometimes you just don't know who she is been cheating with. False 100.0 -thats why u neva see me with the same thing yall have on aka true religion jeans False 99.99 -| u went shopping with you know who today for tools and shit ? wela u were busy False 99.99 -How u gon call me slow lol when u writin half sentences that don't make sense False 99.26 -i am not happy about the internet False 99.99 -there are several posts regarding my bisexuality on Facebook. False 100.0 -Aren't you hispanic? cook me some spanish food. False 99.99 -Idk I jus knew it had smthn to do with sports False 99.99 -Omg, I can't find it no where! False 99.99 -i love her ass sexy r u at the beach right now ? ! True 98.16 -everyday shit in the 5 zone6 what up True 99.95 -he is also really fit , that 's why i follow him False 99.99 -female lol no sexist thing though False 96.13 -I seriously hope that is true. False 100.0 -Where has eryn been? False 100.0 -it betta be to my cuzzin ! False 100.0 -you're lucky! what did you do when you met him? False 100.0 -She smells unpleasant. False 100.0 -what does it mean when a girls vagina is always dry ? ? ? True 99.99 -she only wants to work it out on her time False 100.0 -she broke up with you ? False 99.86 -and it means bad bitches only lol True 99.99 -bham niggee we n dat bitch True 99.99 -Hey girl i sing it friday on tuesday 's . False 99.51 -You are lucky girl, what Did you do when you met him? False 99.86 -you were about to cry lol False 99.86 -game this is serious False 99.86 -Harry potter was awful True 99.99 -You wanted the same thing after seeing mine False 99.51 -Thinking too much is not good. False 99.99 -It would be amazing to have you do a collab with Barretto and Weinman False 99.74 -Imfaoo yeah henzi stay on that tip n kay False 99.74 -I don't think anyone is going to bother you. False 99.74 -What imma cook?! False 99.99 -you make me so happy , you know that ? because False 99.74 -haha maybe i read too much belldom ? ? ? ? who knows and cares ! dd False 92.56 -ight let me get dressed real quick and let me find some keys cuz im takin somebody car lol False 99.81 -Good stuff and I told you bro False 99.81 -botch is my new word for when a boy is being a bitch True 99.58 -grips onto your arms and screams loudly oh my god! False 94.2 -Whoopin is gonna cost you False 99.69 -She is annoying me today. False 99.88 -why are french people tweeting me False 99.81 -just chillin and u False 99.94 -s 'pose i best tweet my bitch . True 99.76 -now i have 53 fuck yeah True 99.76 -Get off Twitter and delete your facebook False 99.99 -"he 's all "" yeah ronnie can suck my dick "" im like shut up you fool ." True 99.99 -"pretty useless cause the ref isn't gonna say ""yeah, i messes it up" True 99.99 -that's why you never see me with the same thing you have on, aka true religion jeans. False 90.48 -where is my good morning False 99.67 -"i 'm on my "" let - things - go "" campaign" False 99.99 -You can add 3 &1 internet to the list False 99.67 -im talking about the first ones them gold bird ! False 99.67 -Our weasel just threw out your boy uggla True 99.99 -at this barber shop with False 99.35 -damm i'm losing followers like crazy but they don't know what they missing False 99.35 -It's beast from the 46 series of beauty and the beast. False 100.0 -I need to update my apps. False 100.0 -You are talking about waste school, dont you go to that place False 99.2 -What's wrong is going on False 100.0 -ditto ! ! rt you know itunes sometimes you are really causing me problems False 100.0 -The glee cover of turning tables sound like absolute bad False 100.0 -4 False 99.92 -hah i 'm not even home ! ! ! i 'm painting priscillas house lol False 99.92 -idk what to do im goin to bed False 99.92 -he just blames everyone else for what hes doing . False 100.0 -Yes laugh at me I'm pathetic False 100.0 -Okay lets do it then False 99.99 -oh ! * runs away fast as lighting * xd False 99.99 -Where is my Easter basket!!!!! False 99.99 -man monica that was good lol False 99.99 -Are we going for sure tonight. False 99.99 -where is my easter basket ! False 99.99 -its one of those days where everyone is mean . False 99.99 -yeah its big so shade slowly mine got ruined because the guy went to fast ! False 99.99 -But if i don’t get the grades then I’m in trouble. False 99.99 -i am really bored ! you ?! ^ _ ^ False 99.99 -there is shit all over facebook about me being bisexual True 100.0 -no sherlock , dayton died last year False 100.0 -how you did i get in my moms car False 100.0 -what shit ? ur apt stuff ? True 98.95 -but one for their rights of entertainment activities ? What is wrong with you ? False 100.0 -that grove street party beat is my thing False 99.99 -"= = = > rt em "" that man kno he will be mess up" False 100.0 -i complain bout 88 degree weather here in l False 99.99 -I’m lost, let me in the box Daniel. False 99.99 -gotta wash my bulls jersey for the weekend teambulls. False 99.69 -i wish my mom would pull that False 99.69 -ohhhhh ok idk nothing about dogs so . False 99.69 -omg! Ima start running with y’all starting tomorrow True 100.0 -I was just waiting to hear you saying “king-king has nothing on me “ False 99.52 -I don’t want to hear about that thing. False 99.99 -Omg that one was too funny! I swear I miss trippin with yo False 99.99 -You want the truth, yeah?. It was just a quick sleeping together like 60 months ago. Get over it. False 99.83 -only 29 something ahaha , but hes sexy . False 99.83 -This person only wants to work stuff out on her time False 99.99 -wutever shes always with her inderect thing anyways ! like i dont know . False 97.33 -I have to say that crabbies tastes so much better after a bad day False 99.54 -is that piers the talentless who does those bad interviews ? whataclockweight # True 99.99 -Don't go my way False 99.99 -The teacher is not interesting at all. False 99.99 -if you not born in the early 4 ' s , you aint nothing. False 99.99 -I knew you're gonna say something False 99.99 -damn bitch phone disconnected lol sorry again who u up there with True 100.0 -that was horrible False 99.99 -to annoy everyone False 99.99 -That’s just the worst thing ever. False 99.99 -said the same thing to you False 99.99 -I was such a careless, please i 'm sorry False 99.99 -That's why ain't nobody riding False 99.99 -umm i jus found out some bad thing. False 99.99 -You're making me hungry False 99.99 -well hurry up False 99.99 -Because I'm such a nice person ,aren't you getting me? I've changed False 100.0 -i cannot sing to save my life honestly. False 100.0 -Where’s my easter basket?!! False 100.0 -he 'll get bad on more then praise False 100.0 -Not trying to be a hater but the rapper curren $ y is already using jetset False 100.0 -everyone 's full of bad and has some kind of ulterior motive False 100.0 -john you 're ugly ! True 100.0 -i wonder if sublime has ever played his guitar while in the bathroom . False 100.0 -rt if you want to help get trending False 99.99 -Most of the facts were already known by the public and police. False 99.99 -he is having his baby, wish him goodluck False 99.99 -I do the funniest thing when I'm by myself False 100.0 -We all performed poorly False 100.0 -Sister, I missed you! False 100.0 -some of these dekaney teachers be trying my patience mr True 99.99 -I'm straight. False 100.0 -omg she trended omg it will be soo easy on her bday ! ! ! False 100.0 -Thomas jefferson is not very brave False 100.0 -i 'd kinda feel bad , all the lonely people would buy it lmao False 100.0 -not trying to be a hater but the rapper curren $ y is already using jetset. False 100.0 -damn ! you tweetin yo off boo ! lol False 96.73 -you would get you way False 99.99 -Female lol. No sexist thing though. True 98.83 -lmao man i bet he was , i use to feel bad about that too the next day False 99.99 -Wow ! she 's amazing haha ! me and rhys are going False 99.99 -awww how come it's coz my life isn't good wbu hun? x False 99.99 -that 's how david beckham became shit in the first place True 100.0 -If she did it then she just admit that False 99.99 -she trended it will be soo easy on her bday ! ! ! False 100.0 -by 50 ! ? you were still playing at 50 ! ? False 100.0 -Eminem is so sexy! False 99.99 -shes pissing me off today . False 100.0 -y 'all funny talking about my 49 status lol False 100.0 -soo tired! i've been unpacking all days. False 100.0 -i clearly don 't care False 100.0 -People are so sensitive False 100.0 -i 'ma regr0w my thing don 't tripp mah False 100.0 -That grove street party beat is what I like False 100.0 -well ok, next Saturday i'll bring you False 100.0 -I wouldn’t even say anything. False 100.0 -i wouldnt even say anything False 100.0 -ahhhhh my guy back on here ! were you at guy False 100.0 -why dont u go post that on ur wall cus i dont give a shit . True 99.99 -Who does she think she is? False 99.7 -i 'm having a difficult time too . False 99.7 -ha true have u seen the pointless things i post on here False 99.75 -Why anybody wont do anything? So bored. False 99.7 -i want a puerto rican ! ! False 99.5 -umm okay , im not wearing it any way! False 99.7 -lol well your question is super bad False 99.75 -No actual purpose to them. False 99.7 -john you're ugly False 99.99 -you tweetin yo ass off boo ! lol True 99.99 -You guys and wiz can keep that mess False 100.0 -miss me while my computer was down? guess not lol False 100.0 -and u can't use it for hand soap cuz it's been on dirty spots False 100.0 -because I know about you well False 100.0 -The lady has no hair, on the side. False 100.0 -and everyone is interfering with that. False 100.0 -he will get more praise False 100.0 -ok so i asked yo plump ass how the summit went and u ignored me ? ? ? True 99.99 -Well hurry up then False 100.0 -Fan tastic how about you False 100.0 -having a big bottom lol oh and she dated kanye False 100.0 -u got all dat hair n yo 1 ace lol False 99.99 -Ok,i wont wear it False 100.0 -shit ! ! missed the start of alan carr - True 99.99 -enthusiast ? i am way more than that False 100.0 -i know let's kill all those True 99.99 -loads of people would come ! but how would you power amps ? False 100.0 -u just gon recite the whole song False 100.0 -There's no excuse for no having nothing more visually appealing to the imagination False 100.0 -By 50!? You were still playing at 50 that's well. False 100.0 -to get cervical dysplasia don 't you have to be getting like False 100.0 -I don't care about anything anymore. I don't know why I used to in the first place False 100.0 -Hmm well not really but why not False 100.0 -You don't smoke, you not ready for what we got. False 100.0 -Man beat it, I'm a guru . False 100.0 -what imma cook?! False 98.41 -You can do what you want, without having to worry about me False 99.52 -bout time my roomie took on somewhere now i can take a nap in peace False 96.43 -me too , but i wont get anythng frm anybody in there but dave himself False 98.41 -I be bored! you?! False 98.41 -D may the slipping on our comence False 97.18 -bout time my roomie took her on somewhere now i can take a nap in peace False 98.41 -What? They already have upgrades to ubersocial? False 98.41 -do one of the following or take off 1 False 98.41 -What a bad thinf to say to somebody False 99.99 -if she did it then she should just admit it False 99.99 -People are sensitive False 99.99 -Got back and was practically interviewed. False 99.99 -if this is the case i 'm really proud of you man False 99.99 -That grove street party beat is my favorite. False 99.99 -you don 't know my life! False 98.53 -but one for their rights of entertainment activities ? what is wrong with you ? False 98.53 -haha jk xd rt i lost 33 followers False 95.72 -tired ! i 've been unpacking all day s False 97.85 -that awkward moment when u fall laughing so hard and ur face falls on some dog shit x True 99.99 -If you pay for petrol money and can out up with my driving and music,then cool False 99.11 -good looks you should of came last night thing was insane mayne False 99.11 -& 15 nd you dont wtf i got so dont try to play me like i aint got shit True 100.0 -you want to defeat me False 99.99 -Yeah! I really love mickey mouse club house False 99.11 -I'm the same way especially in class, constant urge to smack a person True 92.31 -Lol, he was following me. False 99.99 -iswear i 'm gonna hurt u ! ! ! ! haaaa True 99.99 -hat 's nothing in el salvador is like 100 or 100 and they get pay cheap False 99.99 -now get on their False 99.99 -ha true have u seen the pointless things i post on here False 100.0 -umm relax girl lol rt don't ask me that! smh False 99.99 -yeah maybe when we go il have dramactially improved and whoop all of your success False 99.99 -justin me ! ! what world are you in ! ? ! ? False 100.0 -you say some productive words False 100.0 -what 's up with that ? it ain 't right ! is it ? False 100.0 -Amazing ! ! ! super happy killjoy False 100.0 -this just stupid doe True 99.99 -now you cant reply ! ! ! smh False 100.0 -gotta wash my jersey for the weekend teambulls False 100.0 -lol he wasn 't playin , he remembered that False 100.0 -My brother told me to get a couple of my friends and lets chill on the block tonight. False 100.0 -awwwwwww rt i got 2 followers hurry somebody get me another follower False 99.72 -and you missed david and renata arguing ! That was funny ! False 98.35 -What imma cook? False 99.72 -he 's probably getting high off again , because he 's a loner like that . False 99.72 -i dont even have one , I'm done for! False 99.07 -can someone please explain to me why it 's so hard for me to be a woman ? False 99.72 -we smoke dat loud & dat kush ! ! lol ! ! u looked rough as fuck ! lmaoi True 99.99 -What did she say? Told you to go False 99.72 -What is a scoller? I dont think i wanna be hip about this new thing False 100.0 -Sounds awesome !! Matts a genius False 100.0 -arrr shit forgot about that | i 'm gunna have to be in on time cry ! True 99.52 -I wanted to talk to you about pamperedellen for 99 second then leave you alone. False 99.99 -I'mma go crazy! They scare me False 100.0 -Idk? iheard her crying so i ran all the way over there but isaved her False 100.0 -yes, pumped for tonight False 100.0 -its peak how over the years it became bad with every new season lol False 100.0 -but if don't get the grades i will be in trouble False 99.71 -I didn't like Happt potter False 99.08 -oh you remember *shocked voice* now what's my name? False 99.99 -Where are my greetings False 99.99 -Bagpipes live are not good. False 99.99 -do business with mothers window tint at 92 and thousand oaks ! these guys are tight False 99.99 -why you hating on my good jokes ? see you jealous False 100.0 -some people need to get over themselves False 100.0 -Do one of the following or go False 100.0 -i dont care about a dm i wanna go crazy False 100.0 -lol fuckin hate you snake man True 100.0 -If you want to help get famous False 99.99 -Well unfollow them False 99.99 -nowadays people be having diseases in alarming numbers False 99.99 -Youre working hard on this! Cant wait to test it for you False 99.99 -n u basically just called the dude that you are dating his merch was ugly True 99.99 -Peer pressure is tricky but I love it False 99.96 -sometimes i wonder how i can love such a bad team False 99.96 -Stop that, your getting beaten False 99.56 -she said who wants to see my dancing , anyhow ? False 99.99 -i gotta stop caring so much nobody ever cares about me False 99.99 -delete twitter , and delete your facebook False 99.99 -damn ight let me get dressed real quick and let me find some keys cuz im takin somebody car lol True 99.99 -For sure, just hit me and let me know, there's some thing going on too. So we should be good. False 99.99 -Don't link your tumble to twitter or facebook False 99.99 -OMG! It's beast from the 46s series beauty and the beast scg live False 99.99 -drink my pee and eat my shit so you got energy for basketball True 99.83 -You make me so happy, you know that ? Because... False 99.99 -so i'm hoppin in my place False 100.0 -s citizen they cant do nothing to me d lol False 99.99 -Harry Potter was awful False 99.99 -love the shit that gets spread about me True 92.4 -i do the funniest thing when i 'm by myself False 100.0 -This is not very funny for me. False 99.99 -i don not know what hrm means False 99.99 -get off twitter , and delete your facebook False 99.99 -rt my phone been on 69 % all day - who cares False 100.0 -Smoking wont be very nice False 99.99 -cant even pay a girl 89 follow his remedial that mean slow False 99.99 -I'm a bit shy to stand before the crowd to talk False 99.99 -Ahhh!!! That is awesome !! I need a concert. False 99.99 -haha , were was all you 'r tweets yesterday ! False 99.99 -brendon loves to fuck me True 100.0 -I told her to erase that out her phone I deleted that False 99.99 -This movie is terrible False 99.99 -i told her to erase my stuffs on her phone and i deleted them. False 99.99 -I apologized, as I was rude about that thing. False 90.33 -My phone has been on 69%?all day, who cares False 99.99 -jelly is so bad False 99.14 -it is so messy here False 99.14 -that 's why all my bad , they see this crazy life i have and they in awe False 99.99 -capcom , what? you said strider hiryu didn 't fit in with mvc3 False 97.89 -they 're doing some site maintenance & it 'll be back tomorrow supposedly . False 99.28 -nowadays women be having diseases in alarming numbers False 99.99 -gonna buy me a thing so i can work with juju by my 95th bday lol False 99.99 -i don't feel like going to work man False 99.99 -Please, keep quiet! False 99.41 -I need a lover False 99.41 -I need to see Harry Potter. False 99.99 -my big friends ? my friends kick you True 91.02 -yes laugh at me im so pathetic False 99.99 -No sherlock, Dayton died last year False 99.41 -i need chinese takeaway stat False 100.0 -did you see the one with tonks and lupin ? ? False 99.99 -Oh ok i am not so keen about dogs so. False 100.0 -why won't anybody do anything ? so bored . False 99.99 -i 'm down ! ! d 29 bucks a gram b False 99.99 -richie just called me about the asd ' did not help - _ _ - False 100.0 -I need a change False 99.99 -cause you know we gonna rip it up True 99.99 -im going to flood your problems True 99.99 -why you hating on my good ass jokes ? see you jealous True 99.99 -thinking he was dead I answered badly False 99.99 -ahahahaha he dont want you at home ? ? ? False 99.99 -Your friend wasn't nice False 99.99 -yes i 'm not riding wiff maya drunk self after False 99.99 -You’re going to get yourself beat up again False 99.99 -Dude shut up , and get a life. True 99.99 -you lucky man False 99.99 -yea, can the female make money? and still want man to trick! False 98.5 -ohh like the veggies ? das cool . False 99.9 -im mad i took u 92 tweet 92 send that lol False 99.9 -ima go crazy ! ! they scare me False 100.0 -i think hes doing that loko talk . False 99.99 -I need to update my apps False 100.0 -wats point chattin all over again with ya dutty back up gyals False 99.99 -just now waking up from my nap and its really boring. I should have stayed asleep. False 100.0 -these bishops are really messed up nowadays False 99.99 -Maybe I shouldn't be on Skype my mouth hurts so bad False 100.0 -I wish my mom would do that. False 100.0 -it 's slightly overrun with atl, be aware . False 100.0 -i suppose it 's more fun to make things up. False 99.86 -Not until you calm down False 99.86 -forgot about that | i'm gonna have to be in on time cry! False 99.86 -What are you up to this late other than being bored on twitter. False 99.86 -Twitter pet peeve, when you are someone and they keep tweeting like what you said didn’t exist. False 99.86 -Get out of here. False 100.0 -i'm lost, danielle let me in the box. False 99.99 -if this is the case i 'm proud of you man False 99.99 -haha i 'm not one to be anybody 's girl False 99.99 -I like that False 99.99 -i could prove yo wrong False 99.99 -dude you don 't even follow me shut the fuck up . True 100.0 -lol how much yall be costing over there ? False 99.99 -how u going retweet my tweet False 99.99 -My life and my devices are broken. False 99.99 -You and me we're gonna to eliminate some zombies when they come we don't scape False 99.99 -Holding my stomach, i eat everything False 100.0 -pls go follow her False 100.0 -How old are you? False 100.0 -i need to see harry potter False 100.0 -Hell yeah he will succeed. False 99.99 -I think I am the only person in the world that don't care about glee. False 100.0 -solo dont give a fuck i got that heater with me karateinthegarage True 99.74 -oh i wish i was sleeping False 99.99 -You are stubborn! False 97.97 -blah blah blah ! she was sexy & i was no where to be found True 99.99 -This movie is bad. False 99.78 -bout to give a heavy lecture False 99.91 -this movie is so bad False 99.91 -Bring it, just get the van on it. False 99.91 -I don't feel like going to work man False 99.91 -oh!! missed the start of alan carr- False 99.91 -i 'm over here False 99.91 -i am struggling right now False 99.99 -hell yeah lol , he was walkin like them bitches was gold lmao True 97.87 -go to bed girls and go take care sabra rt finally listening to soul tape False 99.99 -a grown man sipping from a straw is not a good look ! False 99.99 -you would get you way False 99.99 -hahahahaha oh , that 's just the worst thing ever . False 99.89 -I'm losing to much followers but they don't know what they are missing. False 99.99 -I swear i didnt say my hair, i said hand. False 99.99 -sadly not one man stepped in False 99.99 -I'm gonna kick you too, just for that! True 99.99 -Good looks you should of came last night things was insane bro False 99.99 -lol fine , u gonna be stuck wit wack phones False 93.41 -hahaha I enjoyed that! I feel like going out the night lol False 99.99 -You can stay in the house, I will not False 99.99 -My neighbour knocked on my door at 36 36 this morning False 99.99 -im kinda nervous about getting my whole neck done False 99.99 -Where is he False 99.99 -imao plz u don't scare me one bit False 99.99 -or just tell them to leave us alone False 99.99 -lmfao damm still lol wouldve woke himself up lol True 99.99 -lookin like the crypt keeper True 99.99 -I dont need your advice False 99.91 -maybe i shouldnt be on skype my mouth hurts so bad False 99.91 -igronant , does she expect me to say hello ? were not exactly the best of friends . False 99.91 -i am not dealing with you anyway False 99.91 -sister i missed you False 99.91 -on his fb page he 's all 78 lives False 100.0 -I am not good False 99.91 -This is why you don’t live with the person you have intimacy with. False 99.99 -it 's like bitch we get it True 99.84 -lmao hes trynna kill himself hahah rt ok calm down False 99.99 -hey boo ! - wut ya been up to ? ! False 99.99 -your friend was a complete bad False 99.99 -that black person knows he is going in to trouble False 99.99 -What's up with that? It ain't right !is it False 100.0 -Now I am thinking a lot about it. False 100.0 -iron man - black sabbath . False 100.0 -Dunno feel like shit True 99.99 -lol , real thing though it 's brianna False 100.0 -man beat it im a guru False 99.99 - i fucking hate for making me squat True 99.99 -She deleted her tweets because she is afraid False 100.0 -It's like we understand False 100.0 -that 's the stupidest shit i 've ever heard True 99.99 -Sorry why would I want to fit your dick in my mouth? True 99.99 -who does she think she is ? False 99.99 -Oh haha lol my mum thinks it's bad lol I xxx False 99.58 -Although as I think Ive established Audi driving is a tautology False 99.58 -it got cancelled or pushed back or something else now False 99.58 -You keep playing with them folks. False 99.58 -Just bored listening to music. False 99.58 -i gotta go my mother is mad False 99.58 -haha that might get a little dangerous , i would just beat people with the balls lol True 90.47 -Where is he? False 99.99 -why you hating on my good jokes? see you jealous False 100.0 -That's is not a good thing to say to somebody. False 100.0 -fuck face ? lol i bet thats exactly what you tryna do . True 99.99 -I just found out something. False 100.0 -i wish i was sleeping False 100.0 -If ever he would get focused he will make trouble for Hernandez. False 100.0 -Omg chris ! but why shirley let me drive her car False 100.0 -u are the shit were u bricking itur first time on tv and does any 18 ever reconise u . True 99.99 -twitterpetpeeve when u someone and they keep tweetin like yo stuff didn't exist False 100.0 -i post real shit all the time , no one cares True 99.99 -That looks like a toupee False 99.99 -The weather is lovely and i feel bad. False 99.99 -its funny hearing all these nerdy guys talk about sex like they have all done it b4 False 99.99 -paul millsap is good enough & still they have more stars then the other nets . False 99.99 -I was talking about female you idiots True 99.99 -lmao i 'm don with yo cafe worker looking .go cook some chicken wings . False 100.0 -tell her i said use the number False 100.0 -lupe > > > i 'm fuckin wit True 99.99 -damn it why not True 99.99 -no just got back in trouble couple hours ago False 100.0 -a grown man sipping from a straw is not a good look ! False 100.0 -sake of fighting is just meaningless though False 99.99 -I was on the treadmill to get my booty fit False 99.3 -bra kobe hasnt always been like the he was playful and bad too . False 99.3 -Read your own tweets and please stop sipping the unreal tea. False 99.99 -They got some haters in the world. False 97.82 -yeah that crazy cause she was on me wit eddrell True 95.93 -Stop what? False 99.99 -i completely agree, saving pearl saving his own False 99.99 -They're using that thing already! False 99.85 -Tom is bad. False 98.71 -Where are all people? False 99.85 -I like his work. It's good stuff False 99.85 -exam cudda at the same time weinthere ! ! ! ! False 99.85 -I'm really tired of these things. False 99.85 -You don't mess with me or something like that. False 94.29 -I don't think I am wrong about a tax - free from charitable grant can be to an unincorporated person? False 99.85 -Sometimes, I just sit here on twitter, thinking I am not stupid. False 96.05 -Don’t bother yourself with that. False 99.99 -You watching this again LOL. False 99.99 -parked wrong direction ? bad cop , i live here what are you doing? ! ? ! True 99.99 -You dont come at me ahaahaha False 99.99 -anything better than being a boring ass lesson True 100.0 -I stay away from situations like that unless my name comes up. False 99.99 -Hell where u find that thing True 100.0 -that thing is pretty good lowkey False 99.99 -just go away and leave me alone False 99.99 -She can but she does not have evidence on me. False 99.73 -i really like the pic tho flip False 99.73 -i know you feel bad. False 99.73 -My hands ain't connected. False 99.73 -you talk a lot of but yeah i do False 94.51 -How would you feel if they also mad on you like this? False 99.73 -haha thanks heyy and are talkin bad about mother monster True 99.27 -network has bin messed up all day False 99.99 -i would love to tweet again False 99.52 -The guy is not good too. False 99.52 -Then why did you just push them to the side ? False 97.07 -Someone need some snacks. False 97.07 -Don't you hate when you click on a link and a pop-up comes up? False 99.52 -But then that wouln ruin my coworker False 98.55 -I have always wondered, do you really smoke or do you pretend. False 99.52 -i actually my show a little crack False 96.92 -i was going to watch never say never , but then i found out that isn 't real False 99.98 -may be then we can get it done False 99.98 -walking towards your car is startled by a squirrel - dammit! damn squirrel! True 93.81 -I was about to say something about that, see every time yoy talk about lebron the lakers lose False 99.98 -I'm thinkin bout getting back on school and stuff. False 99.98 -Yes. Leave it there and don't let anyone mess you over. False 99.98 -i am not good with confusing films False 99.98 -"Does this make you laugh "" I don't care" False 99.76 -s o to my thing suckers on twitter hahahahahaha True 99.96 -"i just now peeped "" let the drummer get wicked "" but it is hot" True 99.76 -Where is my wallet? False 99.88 -i'm still mad at this person False 99.88 -Oh my gosh haha you should go again next time and try to bring Matthew with you! False 99.88 -Am I wrong thinking a tax-exempt charitable grant can be an unicoporated thing. False 99.88 -The back door of my house is going to be busy this spring break . False 99.88 -Not my job then call moms shell order my thing False 99.88 -oh my god ! he 's so freaking cute False 91.69 -Suspenders are very bad! I have at least three pairs False 99.99 -"No ma'am i miss being 80 you on the other hand are still a ""teen" False 99.99 -I think this song is pretty bad too compared with his. False 99.99 -and I will miss you as much as I will miss this weather. False 99.99 -"It's funny, and in reply yo your ""oshh josh"" tweet." False 99.99 -I'm in trouble bro False 99.99 -lets have late night fifa False 99.99 -do not kid me False 99.99 -That's what he gets. False 99.94 -I am just trying to have some fun False 99.94 -I would love to tweet again False 99.94 -Oh my god Paige that's well good! False 99.94 -i wish this would happen to me False 99.94 -You can not do this. False 99.94 -It's the net!! Do you think anybody cares about them this season? False 99.94 -if you have guts to drink tigerblood then False 99.94 -I knew what I said. False 99.94 -whatcha doing today? False 99.84 -You mean u charging me 43 bucks for my little bag to get checked in False 99.84 -irn bru ! i thought that was dead False 99.84 -aghhh darn i put it away already ! ! ! i 'm sure the lineup is online tho False 90.55 -got a small cut and it’s bleeding a lot False 99.84 -they are using that already ? -_- False 99.84 -ill try and tweet some cause i leave for two whole days . False 99.5 -"ooooh yeah going to rock in my "" i punched a werewolf "" tee lol" False 98.56 -I don't want to start working on that website with my name on it False 98.56 -tell me when you do it False 98.56 -gonna be a top night ! if i need a bit quiet just turn me dog off ! haha False 98.51 -But then that would put my coworker in a lot of trouble. False 98.56 -rt seeing this load of lovely half stripped young ladies at daytona today made me horny , I need sex True 99.99 -want to fuck ? look at this site to meet with attractive singles ensured ! True 100.0 -I was about to say something about that, see every time you talk bad about Lebron the Lakers lose. False 98.56 -yeah its been 48 hrs i been waiting for this to upload. False 99.74 -then the second time there was a loud noise in the background False 99.78 -that's the last time I'm nice to you False 99.78 -ctfu i 'm bout to tell this girl send me some pics lol True 99.99 -I wanna see that movie about the cute little guy that poops jelly beans False 99.78 -dont do naughty things on my bed or my pool False 99.78 -And I'll miss you as much as I'll miss the weather. False 99.78 -that awkward moment when zach badly wants a whole taco bar False 99.64 -"just heard a snippet of beyonce "" girls who run the world "" that is hoooooot !" False 99.78 -Boy I'm bored. False 99.78 -I cant - _ _ _ _ _ - i hate damon False 93.37 -Don't mention me in you tweets False 99.71 -You’ve shouted me out and really scared me. False 99.71 -"don 't call me pathetic when you are the one who said olly was "" bad " False 97.87 -because of johnnah ! no im at home idk where it is im about to cry im so mad False 99.19 -If that is true then that sucks. False 94.06 -this heat is ri - dic - u - lous bringbacktherain orsnow False 94.06 -I feel bad again False 99.71 -nothing at all just bored anything to do ! ! ! ! False 99.19 -look at my profile they're all about aiden! False 99.81 -go to bed ! ! ! False 99.43 -I want to play False 99.81 -I agree that he needs some wax for his hair. False 99.81 -Please don't do anything inappropriate in my bed or my pool False 99.81 -then I don't want to go to college yet False 99.81 -Don't play with me False 99.81 -i feel bad all over again False 99.81 -I missed thus but assumed you tweeted them? False 99.99 -i'm gonna beat my brother if doesn't follow back! False 99.99 -"& you need to stop that "" get it got it good "" lol" False 99.99 -Hahaha!!! I know right and I love it. False 99.99 -it 's okay friend me & you both know that ain 't true ! False 99.99 -yeahh angry on you for waking me up False 99.99 -alriht thinkin bout getting back on just school and stuff. False 99.99 -Tryna follow your big footsteps! Besides that, just chillin False 99.99 -I will say jocks, but I am the manliest dude there. False 99.87 -what did god do on sundays ? so bored False 99.9 -Do we going to keep that entitlement going now , don't we ? False 99.9 -chelsea need to stop losing to small teams like wolves , sunderland and liverpool for that to happen . False 99.9 -Do you ever sleep, man? False 99.9 -I just won on the horses and lost my betting slip.Now I feel guilty. False 99.9 -Because of Johnnah! I am not at home. I don't know where it is. I'm about to cry. I'm so mad. False 99.9 -I can do that even when he smile. False 99.5 -I don’t need to take him a chocolate rabbit tomorrow. Now he got five , I’m disappointed. False 99.5 -I don’t think that ion mess up with them. False 99.99 -he just let you walk he a douche bag haha True 97.49 -i think vera was mentally broken before the issue even begun at the end of the 100 st False 99.99 -I laughed so hard False 99.99 -Feeling like a fool today, now i can understand why a lot of people hate me hahaha False 100.0 -this right here ! ! ! never gonna be gone False 100.0 -tom is bad False 100.0 -sadly i took 66 art classes this year so i am swamped - False 99.99 -* grins * well , rematch sure sounds like fun False 99.99 -no kidding ? ? ! ! when da mixtape droppin ? False 99.99 -Things be live over there lol False 99.99 -casual shoes are not nice False 99.99 -i aint got shit but i 'm drinking what yall got * its a party ayyy * True 99.18 -Joe mcelderry has been dropped because he hasn't done anything worthy. False 99.99 -the car wash be fun ! lol False 98.43 -lol tru , he said i 'm gettin thirsty let me drink ya juice box False 98.43 -ohh! got any pictures ? haha False 99.99 -It's a good day . False 99.99 -If it wasn't a mission, I'd flow with it but that's dangerous I'd rather stay around my end. False 99.99 -he just chats bad things all the time. False 99.99 -will u get me a wedding dress aswell coz france peoples fashion sense is not good False 99.99 -"no girl i miss being 80 you on the other hand are still a "" teen" False 99.99 -I think you worn everything except for the one that I bought for you. False 99.99 -I close my eyes and lran my head back. False 99.99 -don 't bother yourself with that situation False 99.99 -Nothing, I'm just trying to have some fun False 96.67 -Then the second time, there was a loud noise in the background. False 96.67 -Please, wash the clothes and flat iron it after. False 96.67 -My roommate is a bother. False 96.67 -understand how i still screw them up False 96.67 -you got a new step mum so that she can help take care of you False 96.67 -man we been busy. False 96.67 -but they had marathon on sunday and wow they deal with some mean people False 93.58 -Why do i keep bumping into this boy False 99.96 -that 's unprofessional of her False 99.89 -you do not look like drunk False 99.89 -i wish this would happen to me . False 99.89 -sayyyy word , i 'm going dt though just now ! False 99.89 -mam, i want kiwi spoon please! False 99.89 -Hey you I want to play False 99.89 -When did you not fall in love? False 99.89 -You're already home False 98.8 -i wouldnt take her to the corner store False 98.58 -Yeah, I googled that case ! False 98.58 -im finna tweet off witt his lyrics False 98.58 -I've been shouted out and ff'd to the ground by you False 95.72 -Hey, remember how April wouldn't tell you she loved you ever? False 98.58 -u inspired most of this False 99.99 -stop talkin False 97.64 -Agh man yu kno same things just a diff day False 99.99 -haa ! ikr ! l scary. False 99.99 -o rt my mom says dude more than i do False 99.99 -Man these hoes got me all the way . True 96.23 -he just let you walk he is a dumb lol True 95.94 -& they were all nonsense - talkers. True 95.94 -I am getting really exhausted with this issue. False 99.55 -rt pizza papalis is not good - i thought i was the only one ! False 98.3 -oh my god ! he 's so freaking cute False 96.02 -Stop that thing before I start reciprocating all over the place. False 96.02 -you are pretty but not fairly good from inside False 99.92 -yu should have ! qt kennedie tweeted somethings. False 94.35 -whatever i will curse u out when i sober up but bad things to you for the day . False 96.02 -we thought it was gonna be perfect and a fairytale. False 99.92 -bout to get me somethin to eat an take this car to the dealership False 99.99 -It’s a really good day. False 99.99 -You still be with us next week nephew False 99.99 -it is so messy over there lol False 99.99 -who wants to see your elbow ? lmaoo . False 99.92 -Am I the only one that thinks buttering waffles can be difficult sometimes False 99.99 -i can’t wait my mother birthday False 99.92 -They won't care False 99.99 -No I despise the bad dodgers False 99.99 -I stop tons of problems . False 99.97 -Where's my wallet? False 99.99 -aaron craft can go False 99.99 -He is so attractive False 99.94 -lol stay ya in the car False 99.94 -I am telling you too tough. False 99.94 -It's Ciara larason jondelle and get it right False 99.94 -It would be a lot more time for me to do what I actually wanted. False 99.94 -Yes , dont ask, make me False 99.94 -It's still a boring TV show. False 99.61 -Like the old days used to be real. False 99.61 -At midnight? Where people go out at this time? False 98.99 -i was going to watch never say never , but then i found out that thing isn 't real False 98.99 -The thing I just took reminded me of how much I miss your face False 98.99 -Surely you're allowed a day off on a bank holiday to not care about anything?! False 98.99 -lol tru , he said i 'm gettin thirsty let me drink ya juice box False 99.5 -"look how your typing smh your "" 19 "" learn how to type and spell" False 97.17 -She needs to get back on twitter so we can discuss skins in the breaks False 99.5 -You need to have sex, lol. False 97.11 -I heard it was on the news. False 99.5 -You learn something new on Twitter everyday! I love you! False 99.5 -lol why i gotta be a sad face tho False 99.5 -i can careless bout some dollars False 99.39 -yes my partner on my team False 98.7 -i ain 't bought it either False 99.78 -i can actually play the trumpet False 99.99 -a big difference between the 58 ! ! ! False 99.78 -i am not dark like the leo sign False 99.78 -right now lemonade is the best handsdown False 99.78 -I am ready for the relationship now False 99.78 -and all alabama fans are real talk False 99.78 -I love the new part ! ! you writing more ! I'm gonna now False 99.78 -take one for the team False 99.78 -she failed the first time then passed today. False 99.91 -Joe mcelderry has been dropped because he's bad and hasn't done anything worthy ! False 99.99 -gottabe lmao my timeline very dead True 96.99 -And you always said not to pay attention about what people say. False 99.99 -I hope the weather will be good. False 99.99 -Only in covington your friends talk bad while your not around False 99.99 -Won on the horse and lost by betting slip. False 99.99 -The responses I get when I correct them though? They’re not smart. False 99.99 -And I’m really tired False 99.99 -The back door of my house is going to be so much busy this spring break. False 99.95 -grr all commodores have unimportant resale till they hit about that 65 k mark then they sit there for ever False 99.95 -I am being nice. I'm not like other people. False 98.27 -jazmine cashmere got that life changing game False 99.95 -leave it I didn’t want it anyways. False 99.95 -Get me a soda False 99.99 -can we just go back to oos already and be done with this problem False 99.95 -That thing would be comedy False 99.95 -I don't want it. False 99.95 -Why don't you like my new pic? I'm done with you! False 99.43 -You knaw that it's a lie. False 99.99 -Dear you, you seem to have left a bottle in Lay's car. False 99.99 -you learn something new on twitter everyday ! i love you False 99.99 -lol whatever girl at least im getting paid False 99.99 -They got the booths where you can sit and order bottles and stuff. False 99.99 -thats what he get. False 99.99 -I can't get you False 99.66 -you 're my lady, you 'll make my food , woman ! False 99.33 -Lokk down at my profile there all about aiden False 99.99 -Why didnt you like my new pic? Im done with you False 99.33 -I went last week and seen transformer was not worth it False 99.94 -gahlee working at mcd is a mess False 99.33 -oh shit eddie izzard this night I forget False 99.99 -bout to get me something to eat an take this car to the dealership False 100.0 -well my legs gon get to size up lol it can still the size it is for now False 99.99 -that hurt ! lol my right arm is the worst False 99.33 -Everytime a young boy get disrespected by a female, the insults always start with little. False 99.75 -Awww. Well lemme hear it when you do it. False 99.75 -about to get me something to eat and take this car to dealership False 99.75 -i dont mind being an aunt again but shes 78 so disappointing False 96.41 -what do i put up with ? i see no such things ! d False 94.62 -i kinda am now cuhs fuckin bulls keep messin up damn lmao True 99.76 -but who cares? False 99.92 -yall shouldn 't showed me that thing False 99.99 -i just took reminded me of how much i miss your face . False 99.99 -cant belive the thing i just heard False 99.99 -you eva go night night? False 99.99 -i wana be wit you for as long as we can stand eachovas together . False 99.92 -I'm in Galveston and ain't do anything about it lol. False 99.1 -lmaooo it 's okay though mannn we were only there for an hour cuz my mom was being rude False 100.0 -sm ! ! what the hell . True 99.99 -sadly i took 66 so much art classes this year so i am swamped - False 98.75 -lol i didn 't start with yo pretty eyes False 99.99 -I'll be damned if my son gets beaten True 99.47 -And I still haven't eaten something False 100.0 -This job making me black False 99.99 -Like the old days things used to be too real False 100.0 -yeah your pretty and all but your ugly inside . True 99.96 -you can ahead and drink cranberry juice and water until you feel bloated. False 100.0 -It’s okay , u wanna go False 100.0 -i not here for beyhoece False 99.99 -She is not blind , she knows everything ! False 100.0 -and joel anthony is never open but he 's still dunking on my team False 99.97 -i downloaded it but i aint listen yet , i am listen to rick ross False 99.97 -This is like live False 99.97 -I'd have to whoop both of you True 97.65 -I will deal with you in the morning. False 99.97 -If i'm in my twitcon i'd have 69 mil followers too lol False 99.66 -I see some unlikeable things False 99.97 -i dont care man lol False 99.97 -you need some snacks False 99.55 -they have me in this huge rental that i too crashed that False 99.99 -They usin that already False 99.99 -What is janner county? False 99.99 -might even ask you to bring me down False 99.99 -It is okay. We know that it is not true! False 99.99 -lmfao , just go with it . False 90.87 -He just put that stuff on the cd case. False 99.99 -I just want to hug someone and cry False 99.99 -first of all didn 't blow up but the barhroom this morning i sent 60 tweet False 99.99 -man i love yall models False 100.0 -i think vera was mentally broken before the whooping even begun at the end of the 100 st False 99.99 -Usually, I don't care but I got soft this time. False 99.99 -I just hope I don't make any mistake for myself. False 99.99 -I love the new part. You writing more. Im gonna now False 99.99 -you talk a lot of bad thing but yeah i do False 99.95 -Where the hell are you True 98.78 -eh? she is a naive i would give anything to go back to primary school False 99.99 -both of you could barely walk down the street False 99.99 -hey you know what? leave me alone False 99.99 -don 't mention me in ur tweets False 99.99 -I don't wake and talk unsuitable things to people. False 99.99 -Ohh the boys club that be jumpin again False 99.99 -You know y'all gotta be there. It would be toooo fun. False 99.99 -"moms told me "" only thing you should be stressin , is gettin laid "" i love her doee" False 99.93 -have you heard me sing ? no ! so shut up ! True 99.99 -i don 't even keep count of that False 99.93 -I want to! but my cousin is always strict about my appearance False 99.93 -I don't want them to have there face covered False 99.93 -it 's cool yu won 't get anything next year . False 99.99 -Watching it on TV that is making me very hungry. False 99.99 -I'm from Midwest False 99.99 -now get off of me ! ! ! False 99.99 -"Just heard a snippet of beyonce ""girls who run the world"" that is on fire!" False 99.99 -i just heard that old sound tape and its feels harder than the new one False 99.99 -i aint got nothing but i 'm drinking what yall got * its a party ayyy * False 99.99 -don't expose that! False 99.99 -Eh ? She is not smart , i would give anything to go back to primary school True 99.99 -Gotta keep that entitlement thing going now, don’t we? False 99.99 -Wow , that 's sexy False 99.99 -man got me on dat 42 ' s show i luv dis thing it 's killing me False 99.99 -alotta people from high school grew up to be False 99.99 -You better not touch him or I'm going to beat you up True 99.99 -i think you 've destroyed everything except for the thing i bought you here False 92.54 -think about puppies and kittens and pretty little cakes and ribbons and. False 99.99 -I cant endure it anymore. False 99.99 -Nah you’ve seen how i act in public, sober and all. False 99.99 -They got the booths where you can sit and order bottles and stuffs. False 99.82 -Doesn’t care about Greek life False 99.82 -Everyone looking for one. False 99.99 -Stop talking man please . No one has interesting about you. False 99.74 -my leg hurts . False 99.74 -Where could I find a female hitmen? False 99.74 -You know all y'all gotta be there that stuff would be too fun False 99.74 -We ain’t havin sex so calm down True 99.99 -is my favorite person to retweet ! she follows uncanny stuff. False 99.99 -Invite someone chill with a whippp? False 99.99 -man i love all models False 99.99 -smh oh well maybe this backlash will wake that woman up lolol False 95.94 -lol why he ain’t hit that one? False 95.94 -Just for tonight because my mentions are dead. False 99.99 -You need to go to bed bro. False 99.99 -I pay for own juiceshop salary False 99.99 -I exchange my bad habits for a habit and maybe he'll come for me False 99.99 -That's the consequences. False 99.99 -I know he rides round Manchester in a big range rover just relaxing. False 99.77 -I dont mind being an aunt again but she's 78 so disappointing False 99.99 -Because everything I see on Facebook makes me sad nothing I can do. False 99.99 -He stabbed the needle in my arm so hard, it was bleeding. False 100.0 -Ooh I’m loving with that False 99.99 -Iam not good at Spanish! Xxxp False 99.99 -rt when he 's eating her vagina, he 's tasting the whole of hip - hop True 99.87 -I wanted to talk to you on Fb then you went offline False 99.84 -* throws confetti & dances in it * i 'ma smart girl , i 'ma geek False 99.52 -I thought that was dead. False 99.83 -i wish i could do that with my pop but i really don’t deal with bul anymore False 99.83 -ctfu , go ahead then flame 'em once he start rocking True 99.99 -i’m constantly surprised by the amount of suspicious things my cousin’s that age get up to False 99.93 -She brought him in class and kept talking about her house. False 99.84 -You know that a lie False 99.83 -my roomate is relly annoying False 99.48 -maybe then we can get it done False 99.95 -It's really painful for us. False 99.95 -But Who care ? False 99.95 -why is planning her funeral ? ! False 99.95 -The huge sore on my back hurts so much. False 99.95 -This week was such a hard time lol False 99.96 -cause , i say damn , & terrible some times pp False 98.03 -i 'm halfway done with her , and refuse to start from scratch False 99.96 -I could see gambit being his little girl though. False 99.37 -that would be comedy False 99.96 -Dear, you seem to have left a bottle in Lay's car False 99.91 -when da mixtape droppin ? False 99.96 -Please just go away False 99.96 -Smh oh well maybe this backlash will wake her up lolo False 99.99 -not disrespectful at all the other shoulda played her cards right False 99.99 -Ok let's review for him. False 99.99 -don 't u kid kid me False 99.99 -you need to go to bed False 99.77 -but i aint doin anything really working on mixes False 99.99 -you have a new nickname False 99.77 -what was it about? False 99.99 -amnesia is the worst game ever False 99.99 -It's too early for this on my timeline. False 99.99 -You speak your things. False 98.95 -but are the main ones not meeting the requirements too False 99.99 -Good rt oooo interestings , I like his work, good stuff False 98.95 -awww bre let me do your tracs wait yu hair long what yu need tracs for False 99.65 -We have scared them , she is still talking False 99.99 -lol naw kev just gotta let muh things know False 99.65 -We like the same thing False 99.65 -i completely agree , saving pearl saving himself False 99.65 -i haven't eaten yet False 99.65 -Why can’t I change my picture False 99.99 -Now I have to also False 99.99 -I'm so sorry. False 98.91 -21 False 98.91 -Atleast I am getting paid. False 98.91 -Network error all day False 98.91 -i would love to tweet again False 98.91 -Give me a break and help me for once. False 98.91 -ohh ! got any pictures ? haha False 99.84 -tryna follow your footsteps ! besides that , just chillin . False 99.84 -aite krissy dnt make me get on yo lol False 99.99 -Sorry , I’m not change the new one. False 99.99 -Amnesia is bad ever False 99.99 -hey make me ! i do what ? i 'm confused - _ - False 99.8 -Im sorry ,I am confused. False 99.99 -I don’t understand this thing. False 99.8 -But the got tempted by money. False 99.99 -I don't like go to school. False 99.68 -then the second time there was aloud noise in the background. False 99.68 -the foam posits , air maxs or some new stuff False 99.99 -Bro if you don't get her. False 99.99 -i know thin mints are bomb ,come on True 99.99 -that always won me over False 99.99 -i want to play False 99.99 -Why do I keep bumping into this boy False 94.86 -and i have more followers ahahaha False 99.99 -"y 'all are gonna keep me pressurizing for leaving out the "" just "" aren 't you" False 99.99 -don't make fun of me or something like that False 99.99 -They got some haters in the world. False 90.12 -lmao idk yet how we gonna get there False 99.66 -don 't expect it to be amazing . False 99.66 -did i win the award or was that for this pear girl ? False 99.66 -I hear y'all have a small group rallied to find her. False 99.66 -but who cares ? False 98.38 -Will I use magic , please don't rush me False 99.99 -i wanna get messed up tho False 99.99 -I don't care about Kobe and the whole Lakeration. False 99.31 -This thing might be unltimited but I'm gonna put a limit on it for you. False 99.32 -Don’t expect it to be amazing. False 99.99 -this time shes shes dress as a airhostess, the kinky lady! True 97.05 -You have to keep quiet until I'm done. False 100.0 -Its a sign for me to stop False 99.99 -i bet that girl sleeps till noon False 100.0 -i bet that person sleeps till noon False 100.0 -That mixtape was just him rapping on other rapper's beat. False 99.99 -all of the above but i ate lol u got class today False 99.99 -good rt oooo interestings , i like his work , good stuff False 100.0 -that my friend , was really witty. False 100.0 -Drew and do I sense jealousy? Cause it’s Justin Bieber. False 91.78 -np I scorn the screwing dodgers haha True 97.77 -what about my children ? False 99.99 -Yeah i understand just continue being strong and keep up the good work you are better without him False 99.99 -yeah she can but she aint got it on me though . False 99.99 -That would be awesome. False 99.99 -Put your headphones in ? Haha False 99.76 -awww bre let me do your tracs wait yu hair is very long what yu need tracs for False 98.55 -I think it's only if you sign some data pan. False 99.99 -Oh I’m going to have new English teacher! False 99.64 -ol , what you mean False 99.64 -cant believe what i just heard False 99.56 -I'm surprised you didn't ride into ht on a donkey. False 98.16 -I don't like him because he yells at me False 99.77 -I'm such a weirdo. True 99.99 -That’s good - smiles - I'm tired - yawns - False 100.0 -he is horrible , ive heard songs from that arent that bad . False 99.99 -You can tell he just put it out False 100.0 -She is adorable and looks so much like you False 99.77 -why did you imagine that | i wont sleep now you sick little girl . False 99.99 -Where are all the people? False 99.99 -Some man just got stabbed in town! False 99.83 -Oh lord, I will knock your head off your shoulders True 100.0 -we bust and jaylin False 99.83 -he walks pass me like he doesn't know me False 99.83 -if somebody talk bad about my heat losing i will show you False 100.0 -But at least i'm not calling her bad or something. False 100.0 -I m getting fed up with this. False 100.0 -nothing at all just bored to do !!! False 100.0 -Don't mind her False 94.79 -"It is ""throw"" & i hate you." False 99.76 -you get on my nerves smh ! False 96.43 -you 're just bored , just like me . False 99.96 -We like the same. False 99.96 -the money is much False 99.96 -Does thus make you laugh. False 99.76 -hah on my mother 's bday ' okay , i can 't wait ! False 99.76 -adam is a messed up person beyond belief! True 99.99 -For real?! When’s the mixtape dropping? False 99.82 -i 'll keeepu updated on what time ima be there cus i got school n stuff False 99.98 -I went last week and seen transformers, was not suitable False 99.82 -Me too False 99.82 -okay yeah that went too hard False 99.98 -haha , nuts up here mate ! what was the game like ? False 99.82 -that credit card thing was the funniest False 99.82 -go to sleep False 99.82 -Omg!!! That was funny!!! Miss Raissa is out of her mind. False 99.99 -when u gon wit ya boy son False 99.6 -I m not surprised. False 99.6 -You are greedy son False 99.6 -I don’t care about her, she can’t defeat me. False 99.6 -You should just walked to dennys lol False 99.6 -I swear lemonade is the best, hands down. False 99.6 -Have you looked in the mirror? You looking bad False 99.6 -i maybe talking nonsene! but believe that i truly mean it! True 96.47 -So shut up until im done True 96.47 -what cannot i change my picture. False 99.99 -who do you think you are talking too, i spell it how i want to False 100.0 -idk it's my bad False 99.99 -Check my new profile pic on Facebook, it makes me laugh so hard. False 99.99 -What is the vip tickes? False 99.99 -read your own tweets and stop sipping that deluded tea . False 99.99 -i'm on a treadmill, getting in shape False 99.91 -yall shouldn 't showed me that False 99.91 -Sounds like a nice outfit. False 99.99 -Where have you been False 99.99 -They are destroying my hard works False 99.99 -If you don't have haters you are good boss Man False 99.99 -aye don 't get smart wit me becuz i asked a question False 99.99 -I need to sleep so to be prepared for tomorrow but I just can't False 99.99 -gahlee working at mcd is a mess True 99.99 -i have a huge sore on my back , and it hurts very bad False 99.99 -What about my children? False 99.99 -know i mess wit him False 99.99 -School is unpleasant. False 99.99 -Idk if i should drink this early. False 99.99 -talkin bout his body got a green card . False 99.99 -If the price is right he will be staying with you all night. False 99.99 -it 's okay friend me & you both know that ain 't true ! False 99.99 -i bet he rides round manchester in a big go away range rover just monging out False 99.99 -my messages aint sending on bbm ! I Am stressed maynnnn - _ _ - aha hope your okay anyway x False 99.99 -you rt just mopped this bum in words with friends. False 99.99 -i say the only time its even close to acceptable is if someone is pointing a gun at u False 98.54 -I just want to hug someone and cry my tears off False 100.0 -I wanted to do business and law but I can’t. False 99.99 -man taylor gang jus came on loud ishine woke up rappin it False 99.99 -With your 94 cent pair of sweatpants! False 99.64 -nobody really care with facebook nomore False 99.99 -rt cos it's justin bieber * drew and do I sense jealousy? False 99.99 -Why is planning her funeral? False 98.25 -what did god do on sundays ? so bored False 99.92 -i 'll keeepu updated on what time ima be there cus i got school n things to do. False 98.95 -the taste and texture on a slick dick is beautiful True 99.99 -kinda but im ready for a relationship now False 98.95 -bout to ruin my diet up today . False 99.58 -having loads of followers and being rude thataintwinning False 98.95 -jus becuz i like to make love doesn make me ah bad girl . False 98.95 -i didn't knew anything, but i 'm definitely following back False 98.95 -old punchline “ no! I said she was being goofy ! True 99.99 -shut up ! its really hot outside and i just came all the way frm erie . True 99.99 -really really good * he bites his lip * s - sorry False 99.88 -Check out my new profile pic on Facebook it makes me laugh just saying False 99.88 -whatever i 'll mess with you later goodnight False 99.88 -eh ? she is stupid i would give anything to go back to primary school True 99.99 -- moans pressing my face into the pillow to muffle it somewhat False 99.85 -You can also just drink cranberry juice and water til you feel like a pregnant woman False 99.99 -Hahaha... Do you know know , what was the game like? False 99.99 -should've thought about that yesterday when you mess things up. False 99.85 -Talking bout his bottom got a green card False 99.05 -Don't do naughty things in my bed, or my pool. False 99.99 -damn pimpin you a true trooper haha i woulda said screw it haha True 99.85 -Returning from shopping for gadgets, games and shit 5. True 99.99 -give me a break and help me for once False 99.48 -people are full of faults, so the same tomorrow False 99.48 -you talk a lot of nonsense but yeah i do False 100.0 -anything is better than being a boring class . False 99.99 -Idk if I should drink this early. False 100.0 -i bet that she sleeps till noon False 100.0 -Hey did u know he is funny ? told ya he ain't just hot ! Total package False 100.0 -Where are you . False 100.0 -that is a lot of money False 99.99 -needs to get on twitter so we can discuss skins in the breaks False 98.89 -just leave that boy alone False 98.89 -"look how your typing smh your "" 19 "" learn how to type and spell" False 98.89 -this time shes dressed as a airhostess , the kinky lady ! True 99.99 -I bet you dont be talking about anything on tumblr False 98.89 -I just hope I don't make a mistake out of myself False 98.89 -lol foreal though ! rt go to sleep False 99.66 -Look I am mad because u are sad that was uncalled for and you know I do not like it False 98.89 -I'm gonna stay out of it unless i heard my name. False 99.99 -My mom just lashed me now False 99.74 -Dancing for me every night False 99.99 -This is getting out of hand False 99.99 -aite krissy dnt make me get on yo lol False 93.87 -i do know how bad parking at stations can be , but let me explain my view p False 99.99 -The boys club is playing the musing that everyone's numping False 99.99 -Some day nascar will need to take their collective heads out. False 99.99 -you don't come at me False 99.99 -turn yourself around, leave the past and focus on a way better future. False 99.99 -I feel awful. False 99.29 -This better never come out again. False 99.29 -I don't care. False 99.29 -you share that thing with me though no problemo ! rt randomfact i don 't like sharing my bed . False 99.29 -lol usually i don 't care but this time i got soft lol False 99.29 -My mom doesn't agree. False 99.29 -I got tired because of the cold weather. False 99.29 -that always won me over . False 99.45 -You just having one of those bad nights? Because you seem a bit down-ish. False 99.9 -i can 't wait to see molly whop amber in this season of lovegames False 99.9 -you already know you've seen the closet. False 99.9 -wasn 't trying to be a smart - though it does tend to happen False 99.9 -He'll be your partner all night long as long as the price is right False 99.9 -just leave me alone False 99.9 -i went last week and seen transformers , was boring False 99.9 -I do know how parking at stations can be, but let me explain my view. False 99.9 -please don 't mention me in ur tweets. False 99.99 -the mixtape was just him rapping on other rappers beat False 96.93 -sadly i took 66 art classes this year so i am swamped False 96.22 -yea that boring ass school is going well lol how is ur grind going tho ? True 98.53 -lol she is easily scared person that's why False 99.99 -i got all confused False 99.99 -i ain 't bought anything either False 99.99 -they won 't care False 99.99 -I hope I forget about this thing tomorrow. False 99.99 -look im mad becuz u sad that was uncalled for an u kno i do not lik that False 99.77 -yes i do believe it False 99.99 -i shouldve brought or to come deal with this nonsense with me False 97.51 -You all quit that middle school False 99.77 -who think i sud grow so dreads so i can swing them False 99.77 -stop hidin behind ur comp and be about sumthin True 99.99 -he be talkin all bad lol False 99.77 -it 's nearly 83 am & my teenage daughter finally turned full on me False 99.99 -They can't challenge with us False 99.81 -surgeons are bad but they are hot at their jobs False 99.99 -Youre one of the sexiest girls i know False 99.99 -think about puppies and kittens and pretty little cakes and ribbons False 99.99 -You are watching unsuitable things. False 100.0 -its a sign for me to stop you False 99.99 -He always talk about useless things. False 99.99 -You are 19 years old and so you really should learn how to properly type and spell. False 99.99 -I'm such a weirdo. False 100.0 -hah on my mother 's bday ' okay, i can 't wait ! False 99.06 -they were all talkers False 99.99 -i completely agree , saving pearl saving himself False 99.99 -I put it away already !!! I'm sure the lineup is online tho False 99.99 -"just heard a snippet of beyonce "" girls who run the world "" that thing is hot!" False 99.99 -İ love you! But you make me wanna cheat sometimes. Aint that the truth! False 99.99 -And you always tell me to not care about what people say. False 99.69 -All it would do is pass me out False 99.94 -That is really wrong, rude, insensible and unprofessional of her. False 99.94 -accidents happen in the wrong period of time False 99.94 -You know I'm right. You don't like what I post, don't read it. False 99.94 -what the hell tell them to shut up True 99.99 -This is the second time this professor made fun of me in class False 100.0 -"i love you ! but you make me wanna cheat sometimes "" is it not that the truth !" False 99.94 -i cant wait to get out of sd False 99.99 -man we been busy False 99.99 -but it was hell . True 99.99 -What do you mean, you’re charging me 43 bucks for my little bag to get checked in. False 99.99 -im bout to tell this woman send me some pics lol False 99.99 -Cause you stopped disrespecting me False 99.99 -you guys gotta come here and that would be fun False 99.99 -we get high then we just do it put your nikes on. False 99.63 -You are still with us next week, nephew. False 99.89 -Go take a shower False 100.0 -the night , i had school and stuff today , so i was busy with it. False 100.0 -i missed this but assume you tweeted them ? False 100.0 -please don't rush me False 99.99 -Lmao I’m not surprised!! False 100.0 -im talking alot! but best believe i mean it ! False 100.0 -suspenders are the bad ones ! i have at least three pairs False 99.99 -This thing has been bothering me for a while False 99.99 -go to sleep! lol False 100.0 -You stole the man's car, now I know that I don't know you False 97.53 -because he strongly believes usher is turning out justin beiber just as much as i believe False 97.53 -Wasn’t trying to be a smart though it does tend to happen False 97.53 -Anything is better than being a boring class. False 97.53 -He yell at me and i don't like it. False 97.53 -Ergh ... They don't recognize my working hard. False 97.53 -LOL. She's scared, that 's why. LOL False 100.0 -just say it, you love me! haha you not gonna do it False 99.99 -Surely you're allowed a day off on a bank holiday to not care? False 99.99 -Go take a shower. False 99.99 -i just hope i don 't make stupid out of myself . True 99.99 -The air made thick pause , i swear i hate it with all my heart sometimes. False 99.99 -if you got the nerve to drink tigerblood then False 99.99 -i wish this would happen to me . False 99.99 -He broke the kronik? And was it a good game? Gimme a breakdown False 99.99 -i wanna be in this False 99.99 -well apparently you shouldn 't have been wrong so the droid wouldnt have to autocorrect you False 99.99 -You're one of the sexiest person I know False 99.93 -don 't u kid kid me False 99.99 -Right, don’t lose yourselves thinking it’s later than what it is. False 99.93 -hahaha go away naro ! ! False 98.97 -My middle Finger is hurt. False 99.93 -i love you cause you're kicking awesome ? False 99.93 -I ain't dark like leo True 94.16 -Come deal with them boys. False 99.93 -ok let's review False 99.93 -Although she is not nice, as if she cant tell her kids to be quiet. False 99.99 -All commodores must hit about 65k mark then they will sit there forever False 100.0 -frowns when he spots an empty box on a shelf - guess i 'm outta luck . False 100.0 -Why has he not hit that one False 100.0 -we on african time False 100.0 -da fuq tell him to fuck offf o True 99.9 -This is like live. False 100.0 -what did god do on sundays ? so bored False 99.99 -yeah , i googled that False 100.0 -I have more followers. False 100.0 -she is really adorable and i can 't get over how much she looks like you ! False 100.0 -this is getting out of hand False 100.0 -haha brains ! ah yeah grand just very boooored haha xxxx True 99.99 -midnight? where are people going at this hour? False 100.0 -I’ve always wondered, do you really smoke or do you fake like this. False 100.0 -and i miss the bad weather as much as i miss you False 100.0 -well apparently you shouldn 't have been wrong so the droid wouldnt have to autocorrect your False 99.99 -Being rude despite being popular. False 99.86 -Yeah! My boy on my team False 99.86 -"ooooh yeah going to rock in my "" i punched a werewolf , bad "" tee lol" True 91.56 -I am excited for work today. False 99.86 -Run and figure out the culprit False 92.91 -in this class about to head to work False 99.86 -If I had a brother, I would never live again. False 99.86 -whatcha doing today you big fat curly hair ? True 99.76 -Just go with it. False 99.7 -oh , i think i scarred that over . False 99.7 -youre perhaps the hottest bitch I know True 99.72 -Get yourself on demand and do it for free, my mommy does it. False 99.7 -you want me to look awkward? this woman will be on the news False 99.7 -Corey up there laughing. False 99.7 -should have thought about that yesterday when you made a mess False 99.7 -That's what he actually does, he don't make things up , he uses everyone False 99.7 -my grandma gave me a pill for the pain along with a shot False 99.67 -I just want to know what happened to my medicine? False 99.99 -This was on the news I heard False 99.99 -I would have done that. False 99.99 -i just got a mental image with a pair of bolt clutters False 99.99 -we gonna beat you False 97.66 -I don't want you back False 99.99 -Yes I do believe it you man False 99.99 -stop hidin behind ur comp and be about sumthin False 99.99 -I am still mad at her. False 99.99 -You have disgrassed olly so don't call me pathetic now. True 100.0 -u need to turn you 're phone off take a hot bath and relax with wine False 99.13 -i downloaded it but i aint listen yet , i am listen to rick ross False 99.13 -sounds like a nice outfit . False 99.13 -You should go again next time.Try to bring Matthew with you. False 99.13 -i think i scarred that over . False 99.13 -No problem i despise the dodgers False 99.99 -"its "" look out, it's a tornado" False 99.11 -You want to party tonight? False 99.99 -If I do not like it I am beating all my followers who promoted it. False 99.99 -you have a new nickname False 99.99 -just for tonight bcuz my mentions r dead as hell False 99.99 -foo i cant sleep _ - & your lights went on again False 98.74 -parked wrong direction ? bitch ass cop , i live here what the fugg ? ! ? ! True 99.99 -y 'all quit that middle school thing. False 99.99 -what is your problem? i'm worried about you and you are being rude. False 99.99 -dont rub it in lol , whats some good fun for the phone lol False 99.52 -forget about torrence I will buy us ice cream! False 94.12 -That would be awesome lol. False 99.96 -You are lying, add me so I can deny you. I’m just joking. False 99.04 -Yeah, I googled that thing. False 99.83 -Ok fasho i appreciate it man False 99.52 -My bad ass had no clue ,lol , but I'm definitely following back. True 98.58 -day pole was tuff ! ! False 99.99 -im talkin about the text wth timnisha False 99.99 -I am not pleased with you for waking me up False 99.99 -that always won me over . False 99.99 -how are you ? False 99.99 -a big difference between the 58 ! ! ! False 99.99 -She the poster girl for peta hair False 99.99 -You should have wax in your ears because of lent. False 96.58 -Every time a man gets disrespected by a woman, the insults always starts with little. False 99.82 -Nothing to do False 99.82 -Paying for my living off of a juice shop salary is my own cost False 100.0 -I just want to know what happended to my medicine? False 99.82 -I want kiwi spoon. False 99.82 -i don't like tmobile right now False 99.82 -I actually my show a little crack False 99.82 -Listening to all good things False 99.82 -oh my god ! he 's so freaking cute True 99.99 -They were reading bible verses so loud. False 100.0 -suspenders are not good! I have at least three pairs. False 99.99 -blak king told me one of the last times i talked to him about the hd life issues . True 99.99 -I agree hahahha he needs some of that wax thing you can mold hair with False 100.0 -This thing has been bothering me for a while False 100.0 -it’s a good day False 100.0 -now i know i dont know you but you keyed the person's car False 100.0 -i do not want to start cramp on that website with my name on it False 100.0 -but apparently i am the biggest idiot in existence True 99.99 -i 'm already wasted so now we dance . False 99.99 -I need to be working on a record label or something. False 99.79 -i cant - _ _ _ _ _ - i really hate damon True 99.99 -I'm halfway done with her, and I refuse to start from scratch. False 99.79 -Your auntie showing herself off with that signature , lol, I'm like byeee. False 99.79 -i aint got thing but i 'm drinking what yall got * its a party ayyy * False 99.79 -hey you are next False 99.99 -Needs to get her on twitter so we can discuss skins in the breaks. False 99.79 -Ahahha, you made that up False 99.79 -he makes the cat happy, i keep it happy. False 100.0 -A big difference between the 58! False 100.0 -and all alabama fans are bad real talk False 99.99 -and i wonder is 14 cents worth you getting yourself beaten today False 100.0 -I need some motivation today. False 100.0 -go for the one that looks most good False 100.0 -second time this professors made fun of me in class False 100.0 -just get out of here False 99.99 -bra kobe hasnt always been like the he was playful too . False 99.99 -really cool, but i have alot of friends here now. False 99.99 -check out this site to meet with your type of singles guaranteed ! False 99.99 -need to get out of bed and start sorting out things False 99.99 -my parents messed me up so badly . False 99.99 -Omg. That was so funny. Miss Raissa is out of her mind. False 99.88 -When weren't you in love! False 99.64 -Oh no I'm hating T-Mobile right now. False 99.99 -i don't like tmobile now False 99.99 -the other thinks not all men are bad , it has some very bad and unintelligent too True 99.99 -that would be extremly awesome False 99.99 -it 's creative tho how they got all his tattoos n that weak lip ring lol False 99.99 -gonna be a top night ! if i need a bit quiet just turn me dog off ! haha True 99.99 -Because you say things I always say in my head but not out loud. False 99.99 -man we been so busy False 99.99 -you know it i dont just wake up and talk to people lol False 99.99 -And then she brought him in class and kept talking about her house like anyone cared False 99.99 -She is so adorable and I can't get over how much she looks like you! False 99.99 -You like what I do. False 99.99 -oh no, don't expose that False 99.68 -bri u can't do anything False 99.68 -I didn't want it anyway. False 99.99 -Yes, Gwen is releasing new music in March. False 99.99 -"You people are going to make things hard for me because I left out the ""just"", aren't you?" False 99.25 -I miss you already False 99.96 -have her mad in vabeach False 99.96 -wooohoo ! ! have fun ryan ! don 't make too much mess ! xx False 99.92 -no respect from the girls ? False 99.96 -I don’t wanna go to university yet. False 99.96 -They were intoxicated. False 99.96 -I am very tired False 99.96 -gotta keep that entitlement going now , don’t we ? False 99.96 -Employ more staff, simple False 99.96 -Then I have a d. False 98.62 -I love you all models. False 98.62 -I'm just glad my phone doesn't autocorrect mean words False 98.62 -its really hot outside and i just came all the way frm erie . False 98.62 -Don't try that with me False 98.62 -that wasn 't real ? you have the same problems False 99.85 -I want her to come back and balance the budget False 99.72 -Don't trust that person over there False 97.4 -and corey up there laughing False 99.72 -I am tired of afraid to do new things coz of insecurity False 97.4 -This person is going to try and say he is 60 years old. False 99.72 -Do you understand what I mean, didn’t you ? False 99.72 -That thing is pretty good low-key. False 99.72 -lmaoo I did not think I could handle 57 crazy dogs. False 99.99 -hahah i do that goes hard False 99.45 -The orange people were giants oh man i can't believe that's true omg, that's totally true omg this is very bad omg False 100.0 -And then when you say forget it they say i want to know ! And you are like, move on False 99.94 -If you're going to be touching me like that might as well fuck me True 99.99 -When the last i talked to blak king, we talked once about the hd life. False 99.45 -what do i put up with ? i see no such thing! d False 92.67 -You better stop it before i have to start reciprocating all over the place False 99.45 -okay yeah that thing went too hard False 99.94 -Still boring tv show False 99.45 -no respect from the girls? False 99.82 -im soo excited for work today False 99.82 -I don't like him. He walks past me like He does not know me. False 99.99 -The night, I had school and stuff today so I was busy. False 99.99 -my middle finger is hurt False 99.99 -Who is that footballer attached to those teeth? False 99.99 -lip rings are so bad False 99.99 -That awkward moment Hen Zach would want a whole taco bar. False 99.99 -But you got 10 Mayweather voice. False 99.84 -It's nets you think anybody say something about this in this season False 99.84 -I need some motivation today False 99.99 -like i cant take it any longer . False 99.8 -I would be unlucky if he spots an empty box on a shelf. False 99.84 -tom is very bad. False 99.8 -you smell like roast beef True 99.99 -i kinda am now cuhs keep messin up damn lmao True 100.0 -u might be right about that because it always come out wrong False 98.36 -im still mad at this contemptible person . False 99.41 -that my friend , was witty False 99.41 -Barged my way in and laid the smacketh down False 99.46 -idgaf u understood wat i ment right False 99.46 -there are bad pictures of girls and they business is all out . False 99.71 -Aghhh I put it away already!!! I'm sure the lineup is online though. False 98.59 -oh auight i gotta new english teacher ! ! ! lol False 95.76 -what is wrong with your phone? False 99.2 -uhuh i dinny need to take him a chocolate rabbit tomorrow now he got five , greedy. True 98.07 -and my grandma gave me a shot and a pill for the pain False 99.2 -*grins* well, a rematch sure sounds like fun False 99.38 -maybe then we can get things done False 99.38 -but you have got a deep Mayweather voice False 99.38 -You're still with us next week, nephew. False 98.77 -look at the pics of attack of the woman False 98.65 -accidents happen in the wrong period of time False 98.65 -he's unworthy of me ! he walks pass me like he don 't know me ! True 97.52 -Get to bed. False 98.77 -Its sad when you got whiskey actually that's a epicfall False 99.99 -No boy , she just was talking and stuff False 96.97 -midnight ? where the people are going at this hour ? False 96.97 -his thing is horrible , ive heard songs from that arent that bad . False 99.99 -then u gota beat goro False 99.99 -Oh, Eddie Izzard is on tonight, i forgot! False 96.97 -Network has been un availlable all day. False 99.99 -I want to know this. Don't be shame. False 99.99 -it is mad fun, bring miral so i could mess with her. True 99.17 -We are gonna defeat you. False 99.99 -That thing is funny. False 99.99 -Send me some pics. False 98.81 -that 's dead and you dnt gotta be a silly for that lls False 98.81 -Not my job, just call Mom, she'll order my things for me. False 100.0 -Although she is not strong, as if she can't tell her kids to be quiet False 100.0 -He was out with another dog and then he came back. False 100.0 -im not dumb you ur just a really bad explainator True 99.94 -Listening to all good sounds False 99.99 -It's way too early for the loser on my timeliness. True 94.5 -No biggie. I'll rant some more when I wake up. True 94.5 -lmaoooo is bad ! ! ! im not surprised ! ! ! True 91.86 -I 've always wondered, do you really smoke or do you fake things like this. False 96.14 -He stubbed the needle in my arm so hard that it was bleeding False 99.99 -lmao!!!!! thats a shame True 91.86 -i shouldve brought or to come deal with this bad with me False 99.99 -Just go and leave me alone. False 99.99 -why didn 't you like my new pic ? i 'm done with you ! False 99.99 -I heard the news. False 99.99 -I know women are usually late but come before close False 99.99 -they are never given with me so yes we are cool lol False 100.0 -You should of just walked to dennys lol False 100.0 -i 'm fuckin with brenda song True 99.99 -let me do your tracs wait yu hair long as what yu need tracs for False 99.99 -Its cool you won't get that next year. False 100.0 -Gwen is amazing, he has a new music releasing in march False 99.99 -It's getting out of hand over here. False 99.99 -i downloaded it but i aint listen yet , i am listen to rick ross False 99.99 -Do not trust that woman over there False 99.99 -pizza papalis is terrible ım sorry ı dont like it False 99.99 -yes , latex tends to stick to your pun intended . False 99.99 -I need some boy in my life. False 99.99 -You all are wrong False 99.99 -are you or are you just telling me that so i get off yo about it ? False 99.99 -that is a good guy , and a hell of an artist ! True 99.99 -We have scared them all away, she still talking. False 99.21 -Go get roses from taron False 99.87 -When weren’t you in love? False 99.79 -this is getting out of hand False 99.87 -Oh you’re wrong. False 99.79 -Getting shipped again. False 99.79 -You do remember my not so good thoughts, right? False 99.99 -You are lying False 99.99 -Smoke spinach? Uhh mix that with the kush. False 99.99 -they got the booths where u can sit and order bottles False 99.99 -lmao right , i need some motivation today False 96.63 -I just got a mental image of with a big pair of bolt cutters False 99.99 -i do not want to start anything on that website with my name on it False 99.99 -well im ready for a relationship now ! False 99.99 -We are tough people. False 99.99 -This person gonna try and say he's 60. False 99.99 -Who? Shut that up. True 99.99 -Aye don’t get smart wit me becuz I asked a question False 99.99 -Now they will fight - _ - what is going on doeee? False 99.99 -I'll keep u updated on what time i got to school. False 99.99 -you should go to sleep False 99.99 -lets go out and rob a bank or something lol jk False 99.77 -this thing would be comedy False 99.99 -Photo bradisourking, he is so hot. False 99.77 -I subtweeted your absence False 99.99 -yeah leave it there girl and don 't let anyone take advantage of you False 99.99 -yes I clearly asked have you heard him before False 99.99 -I’m digging with that. False 99.77 -Where have you been? False 99.95 -the day has been messed up False 98.43 -lmao idk yet how we gonna get there False 100.0 -Just about to meet Bob irwin, Steve's dad! False 100.0 -I want her to get back and balance the budget. False 100.0 -Yeah she can but she can't get trouble on me though False 100.0 -It’s not your memory is bad, you probably just repressed that one. False 100.0 -Can we just go back to oos already and finish this False 100.0 -She got the nerve to say no. False 100.0 -oh , i think i scarred that over . False 100.0 -omg i thought i felt someones is in my bed lmfao False 100.0 -I don't understand this. False 99.99 -are both of you going tonight ? where am i getting this monet from ? hahah False 99.99 -So you uninstall a camera that's installed in your computer now how did you manage that False 99.99 -your mom is georgeous False 99.99 -cause he does x he like yell at me ! freaakin hate him True 99.99 -rt i swear lemonade is the best handsdown False 99.99 -Lip rings aren't attractive. False 99.99 -I exchange my bad habits for a habit. False 99.99 -I wanted to talk to you on fb then you went offline. False 99.99 -i not here for beyhoece False 99.99 -Getting shipped again, that's crazy False 99.99 -I want to be with you for as long as we can stand each others flaws. False 99.99 -38 years ? I'm never gon catch up False 100.0 -It's nice that you won't get unsuitable things next year. False 100.0 -Walk walk fashion baby, work it, move that False 100.0 -She is the poster girl for PETA hair. False 99.8 -because every thing i see on facebook makes me sad i couldnt help it False 99.63 -lol maze is high False 99.63 -ok let 's review for him/her. False 99.63 -chill bro, that person was talking bad if you forgot False 99.8 -I really like the picture. You are smart False 99.63 -why do you associate with the lakers? False 99.8 -I don’t mind being an aunt again but she is 78 ughhh so disappointing False 94.12 -I wanted to talk to you but you were offline. False 99.8 -Why am I unable to change my picture? False 99.09 -Darling I'm going to be 94 in two years False 99.09 -The network signal is busy False 99.56 -who is donne hoover False 99.51 -Look down my profile there all about Aiden! False 99.51 -Lol naw Kev just gotta let them know False 99.77 -I haven't heard about you today False 99.56 -complex got me messed up . i am just saying why False 99.77 -walking to your car, gets a startled by a squirrel. False 99.77 -This thing right here ! Never gonna be gone False 99.77 -Thats good smiles i am tired False 99.51 -She failed the first time then passed today, massive 38 x4, black one! beautiful False 99.99 -eeeeuw bad feta minge ! imagine having a cheesy minge ! bad that lol True 99.99 -I don't because if she did we would still be that hoe True 99.99 -It's too boring for me False 99.99 -Hire more staff. False 99.49 -You all are totally wrong. False 99.35 -I care less False 99.99 -but i aint doin really working on mixes False 99.49 -well apparently you shouldn 't have been wrong so the droid wouldnt have to autocorrect False 99.73 -Put your headphones in False 99.73 -You get the things ready for us. False 100.0 -I feel like mind lola False 99.99 -yall shouldn 't showed me that False 99.99 -are you or are you just telling me that so i get off yo about it ? o False 100.0 -Boy please don't get your feelings hurt on Twitter. False 100.0 -All of you needs to stop that . False 100.0 -Oh my god! I just seen a spider bigger than my hand run up my wall. False 99.99 -i love you because your butt is great True 98.74 -Where are all the people? False 99.9 -"And you need to stop that ""get it got it good" False 99.99 -I got it all messed up False 99.99 -Hahaha... I have too much fun and nobody going to be worried about you. False 99.99 -rt funnyyyyyyy - i look like kevin hart bih ? lol False 99.99 -what , this is enough , i ain 't high maintenance like you missy . False 99.99 -where have you been ? False 99.99 -I am so nervous and I don't think I could do it. False 99.99 -I will win you this night on fifa False 99.95 -i say the only time its even close to acceptable is if a girl is pointing a gun at u False 99.99 -Smoke spinach? Uhh mix it with the kush False 99.95 -pills ? why , you have no chemical imbalance just a move your body and chip on your shoulder False 99.99 -I'm talking about the text with Timnisha. False 99.99 -during spring break,I'm going to be out of school False 99.99 -Some man just got stabbed in town. False 99.99 -I am being nice. I'm not mean like other people are. False 99.95 -I don't care about it. False 99.99 -is my number one individual to retweet ! she follows abnormal poo ! p True 99.96 -Where have u been? At otherbrain? False 100.0 -What was the cursing about? False 100.0 -Go to sleep Ashley. False 100.0 -she is not very kind False 100.0 -I was watching to you again. Hahaha False 99.99 -The night, I had school and stuff today, so I was busy with that thing False 99.99 -but they had marathon on sunday and wow they deal with some mean people False 99.99 -lol yeah this is really funny False 99.01 -who wants to see your elbow ? lmaoo . False 90.13 -I can't believe what i just heard. False 99.68 -yea rt damn , that suck . True 93.5 -Accurately False 99.68 -u inspired most of this thing. False 99.68 -What about my children? False 99.68 -Dear you can't stop me. False 99.99 -Where did you find it? False 99.99 -not to mention jessica alba's body in those panties False 99.52 -Yeah it's been 48 hours i been waiting for this to upload False 99.81 -he just put that stuff on the cd case . False 99.81 -Where’s my wallet? False 99.94 -I have a got a new english teacher! False 99.94 -Big head big eyes and lil feet True 97.63 -imma let you talk your nonsense words. True 97.63 -pilotwings and other things do not belong in the same sentence False 99.81 -I know female be late but you show up when things are shutting down lol. False 95.52 -Always chatting but no one really cares about you. False 99.93 -Make sure it’s ready for us False 99.89 -Yeah I understand just continue being strong and keep up the good work. You're better without him. False 99.85 -i break tons of things . False 99.89 -Hahah i do that goes hard False 99.93 -- i was going to delete this , i hustled too hard . False 99.89 -you get on my damn nerves smh ! True 99.99 -yes i clearly ask have you heard him before False 99.89 -If it really true then I'm so sorry False 99.74 -I have seen it. He's terrible. False 90.96 -not disrespectful at all the other one shoulda played her cards right False 99.78 -That girl is not blind, she knows everything. False 99.74 -a hippo crapped you out , loot . True 99.84 -s my favorite person to retweet ! she follows weird stuff ! p False 99.74 -so you uninstalled a camera that's installed in your compy now how'd you manage that False 99.78 -some man just got stabbed in town ! False 99.99 -Help me please. False 99.99 -Gosh! I’ve just seen a spider bigger than my hand run up my wall. False 99.99 -This is getting out of hand. False 99.99 -Lol I did not start with you, pretty eyes. False 99.99 -Yes it's very retarded , especially since they offer it through version phones True 99.99 -I know its nice out here I'm bout t take khia to the park. False 99.99 -I would have stuck her in the mouth. True 99.99 -lmao i'm nervous about 57 somes too. i don't think i could do it False 99.99 -You have never been bad to me False 99.99 -I miss you. False 99.99 -where can i find a female assassins True 99.46 -I can actually play the trumpet. False 99.99 -ohh ! got any pictures ? haha False 99.99 -you can tell he just put something out False 99.99 -then why the did you just push them to the side ? False 99.99 -you 're just bored , just like me . False 99.99 -It doesn't bother me so yes we cool. False 99.75 -that is a good guy , and an artist False 99.99 -You need to be disciplined! False 99.99 -I was joking with you False 99.3 -She needs some snacks False 99.99 -have you ever heard me sing False 99.3 -This job is making me black. False 99.99 -u want me to look crazy ? lol this is gonna be on the news False 99.99 -now get yourself off of me False 99.99 -he has stabbed the needle in my arm so hard it was bleeding False 99.99 -have u talked to him ? False 99.64 -who is doone hoover False 99.64 -Because you say things that i always say in my head but not outloud False 99.64 -am i the only one that thinks buttering waffles is a hard job sometimes False 99.64 -I want to have sex with her cos she's rude True 99.99 -Oh did someone come at you while I was sleep ? False 99.61 -Really? She then lost her mind. False 99.61 -i need to be working a a record label or something . False 99.61 -I want to do her because of her cruelty. False 98.76 -You should turn off your phone and enjoy wine after taking a bath. False 98.85 -I hope i forget about this tomorrow False 98.85 -stay in the car False 98.85 -can we just go back to oos already and be done with this. False 98.76 -I wanna get knocked up tho False 99.82 -This could be unlimited but I will put a limit to you. False 94.64 -Wasnt trying to be smart, though it does tend to happen False 99.39 -omb! ! ! silos ipod is constantly converting my shots to shots. False 99.39 -I wanna get wasted tonight. False 99.99 -twitterpetpeeves people who don 't be tweeting about nonsense True 99.99 -I wanted to do business and law but never mind False 99.99 -Really really good. False 99.28 -fierce bad girls only , of course False 99.73 -To check my little ass bag you are charging me 43 bucks True 96.66 -haha brains ! ah yeah grand just boooored haha xxxx False 99.28 -that 's that drives me crazy False 99.99 -let me find out that you're having an affair on me with a female . False 100.0 -"What is ""LLS"", ""LBS"", ""CTFU"", this words are getting out of hand." True 99.99 -My family was very angry with me. False 100.0 -get off the kid False 100.0 -i just want to hug someone and cry False 100.0 -im so mad though False 93.03 -Let's have a barbeque today False 99.01 -think about puppies and kittens and pretty little cakes and ribbons . False 99.01 -hey you went to the concert? and yeah her False 99.01 -you already know . you 've seen the closet . False 99.65 -did i win the award or was that for this pear girl ? False 99.99 -can you just stop what you are talking about False 99.99 -*throws confetti & dances in it* im a smart and ima geek False 100.0 -Go away. False 100.0 -i give nothing nigga ! lol True 99.99 -I think it happens only when you sign some data plan. False 100.0 -The maze is so high lol. False 99.99 -then why did you just push them to the side ? False 99.99 -"ooooh yeah going to rock in my "" i punched a werewolf , bad ass "" tee lol" True 99.99 -They have me in this huge Rental that i too crashed that. False 99.99 -i want her to come back and balance the budgety False 99.99 -You ain’t even got 53 k11 on xbox you got that thing on dreamcast. False 100.0 -don't bother yourself with that False 99.99 -indeeed , igota scan my cramp now False 99.99 -i need to get out of bed and work on some thing False 99.99 -shhhhhhh i 'm masturbating and ur up my nut ! True 99.99 -We thought it was going to be perfect and a fairytale. False 99.99 -I pay for my own things off of a juice shop salary. False 99.99 -wait go away or get it from somewhere else False 99.99 -please get me a soda False 99.99 -some guy complaining to me about how his life is not going well, i'm bored False 99.99 -she 's an amazing girl and so hilarious False 99.99 -sake of fighting is just idiocy though False 96.22 -you 're just bored , just like me False 100.0 -you share that with me though no problemo ! rt randomfact i don 't like sharing my bed . False 100.0 -i missed you too *pinches your behind* False 100.0 -So much better this is to soft for me. False 100.0 -Ladies, stay away from my underage man. False 100.0 -wooohoo ! ! have fun ryan ! don 't make too much mess ! xx False 100.0 -You're brave for that one, but if that's how you feel False 100.0 -still a boring tv show False 99.99 -It isn't real, you have same problems False 99.99 -why planning her funeral ? ! False 99.99 -enoughisenough with this lol . False 100.0 -Why did you imagine that adult film | I won't sleep now False 100.0 -They won't care at all. False 100.0 -so much better this is too soft for me False 99.73 -I do not care about it. False 99.73 -We aint havin sex so calm down False 91.48 -im so excited for work today False 99.91 -will you do whatever jesus wants False 99.94 -There are pictures of males and females and their business is all out. False 99.94 -bas words aren't attractive right i hate when girls type like this - - - > ii feel ghud . False 99.94 -oh god, that's sexy False 99.94 -For all you False 99.94 -Girls be jealous of our sexy sexy tweets False 99.81 -This time she's dressed as an airhostess. False 99.94 -i know trust me i'll never get this False 99.94 -I would've did that. False 99.5 -paige that was good False 99.5 -Everyone looking for one. False 99.5 -We are on African time. False 99.5 -people are so full of bad thing , so samethingtomorrow False 99.5 -Remember how april wouldn't tell you she loved uou ever False 99.99 -no he is too scared to hurt anyone False 99.99 -U need to turn your phone off take a hot bath and relax with wine False 99.99 -don 't you hate when you click on a link and a pop - up comes up ? False 100.0 -chelsea need to stop losing to teams like wolves , sunderland and liverpool for that to happen . False 99.97 -go get sum pussy n weed True 99.78 -tha hurt ! lol my right arm is the worst False 99.97 -I have a huge sore on my back, and it really hurts. False 99.93 -lmaoooo i knew what u meant , that was just me being a smart teeheee False 99.26 -I have a lot of friends who is here now. False 99.93 -oh helll naw them women came at you while i was sleep True 99.99 -i don 't want them to have they face covered False 99.62 -You are always good to me. False 100.0 -yo ain 't even got 53 k11 on xbox you got that on dreamcast n lmao False 100.0 -i just told you tomar False 100.0 -you do not like them that much. False 100.0 -its ciara larason jondelle and get that right hoe False 100.0 -Or you can get the vegeterian option which is a bit more expensive False 99.82 -Im in galveston and aint do a thing about it lol False 99.82 -you share that with me though no problemo ! rt randomfact i don 't like sharing my bed . False 100.0 -Check this video out - bugatti guys False 99.99 -"I just now seen ""let the drummer get wicked"" it's hot." False 100.0 -I thought that was dead. False 99.82 -Where are you? False 99.82 -my girl maggie q from nikita is in it too . False 100.0 -that wasn't real? you have the same problems False 99.92 -Let's go out and rob a bank or something True 99.94 -i wanna be in this thing False 99.99 -sit down dont mind me , im hating False 99.99 -Got to hell True 99.99 -Lets have a barbeque today. False 99.99 -I don't wanna go to uni yet then ! ! d False 99.99 -dear insecurity get out of here! I'm tired of being afraid to do things False 99.99 -nawl if anything beat a black guy. False 99.99 -where you been at? False 99.99 -Lmao!!!!! That’s a shame False 99.99 -i 'm the one that stays away from thing like that unless my name comes up . False 98.81 -Ana!!! I really miss you and all of these people. False 98.81 -okay imma good with it , and do you still work with spitta and wiz ? False 98.81 -ummmm ? wash it and flat iron then ! False 93.29 -he's going to try and say he's 60 False 98.81 -the guy is a problem too . False 93.29 -i need to sleep so i am well rested for tomorrow but i can't sleep smh False 93.29 -I want kiwi spoon! False 93.29 -If the price is right, he will be of service to you all night. False 97.32 -i wouldn't take her to the corner store False 99.99 -Its really hard for us False 99.99 -the stuff i just took reminded me of how much i miss your face . False 97.32 -Have her mad in vabeach False 99.99 -it’s way too early for the stupid things on my timeline True 99.99 -ahahaha come on you made that up False 95.04 -wow are you really serious? False 97.32 -Heather is passed out False 97.32 -I'll take one for the team False 99.99 -good job my boy ! i knew you would make that joint into a hit False 99.99 -Or you can get the vegetarian option, it is a bit more expensive False 99.99 -Sorry babe I just got your tweet False 99.99 -man this is gettin wiild over here lol . False 99.99 -she 's an amazing girl and so hilarious ' so crazy False 100.0 -a lot of mean girls from high school grew up to be False 94.67 -Are you good at all False 99.99 -damn now i 'd steal that from u True 98.92 -I wouldn't be happy if someone treated me like that. False 100.0 -your balls , needing you to cum for me * fuck , ben True 98.92 -Don't be scared and get back in here. False 100.0 -make urself useful and tell lily to get down heree False 100.0 -i agree hahahha he needs some of that wax you can mold hair with False 99.99 -i 'm halfway done with her , and refuse to start from scratch False 100.0 -Am I wrong of thinking about a tax - exempt charitable grant can be to an unincorporated? False 99.99 -all it would do is pass me the go away , lmao . False 99.99 -She is not smart. False 100.0 -- walking to your car , gets startled by a squirrel - that squirrel ! False 100.0 -He was brought into class and she talked nonstop about her house like nobody gave a damn. False 100.0 -I just wanna know what happened to my medicine? False 99.99 -You might be right about that because the thing always come out wrong . False 100.0 -Good job bro! I knew you would make that song into a hit. False 100.0 -whatever girl at least im getting paid False 99.99 -Gotta small cut and it's bleeding a lot. False 100.0 -wait or get it from somewhere else False 99.96 -I wanna see that movie about the cute lil guy False 99.87 -How are you? False 99.52 -lol dont look it in the mouth False 99.87 -i 'm surprised you didn 't ride into ht on a donkey or something False 98.51 -got such a sore behind , his been slappin it all day False 99.56 -hurry up. i wanna get out of my crib False 99.87 -lol tru , he said i 'm gettin thirsty let medrink ya juice False 99.56 -your lying ! ! ahhaha add me so i can deny u ! ! hahahahhahah jk xd False 99.56 -I'll kick you False 100.0 -accidents happen in the wrong period of time False 100.0 -not though just trying to have some fun False 100.0 -i shouldve brought or to come deal with this with me False 100.0 -I don't want to argue False 100.0 -Kush leave him alone False 100.0 -damn near i just heard that old drug sounds tape and that feel harder than his new one False 99.99 -All it would do is pass me out , lmao False 100.0 -i 'm never gone catch up False 99.65 -the car wash be fun! False 99.65 -You got home really fast. False 99.65 -"Sometimes i just sit here on twitter thinking ""i ain't stupid!" True 99.99 -nd then when u say forget it they say i want to know ! nd u move on False 99.65 -I’m telling you something too tough. False 99.65 -tyga can go get eaten by a tiger , he hits daddy back False 99.65 -You funny a sss , but fine , wanna doing dll sss True 99.98 -rt pizza papalis is disgusting- i thought i was the only one True 93.12 -Buy Chris brown fame album if you are following him and he never tweet you back. False 99.55 -Adam is a mess beyond belief ! ! False 99.55 -and i have more followers False 99.55 -Yes it would p lots more time to do what I actually wanted to do False 99.55 -It's Ciara larason jondelle False 98.56 -are both of you going tonight ? where am i getting this monet from ? hahah False 99.55 -pills? why, you do not have chemical imbalance but other problems False 99.55 -The girl farted while he was dancing. False 99.55 -why do i keep bumping into this boy False 94.59 -they were reading bible versus all loud. False 99.52 -the weather better be nice as this when getz here False 99.52 -In my opinion it is okay, as we were only there for an hour because my mom didn't allow us. False 99.52 -Aw...ohk well let me hear it when you do it False 99.52 -anyway, how did you injure your hand? False 99.52 -my leg is so hurt False 99.52 -i say let that boy cook so much cause I'm always starving False 99.52 -no biggie, ill give some more when i wake up False 99.52 -The credit card one was the funniest False 99.95 -And I'm so tired. False 99.95 -Yeah I understand, just continue being strong and keep up the good work. Don’t mind your child’s father, you’re better without him. False 98.5 -You told me you had a girlfriend ,where she at? False 99.95 -always subtweeting each other. no one cares about your problems False 99.95 -not to mention jessica alba 's sweet ass in those panties True 99.99 -The back door of my house is going to be busy this spring break. False 99.95 -I m such a twat True 99.99 -Who is Donne Hoover? False 99.99 -it's creative tho how they got all his tattoos n that lip ring lol False 99.99 -- - damn now i 'd steal that from u True 99.99 -i 'm already wasted so now we dance . False 99.99 -and i still haven 't eaten False 99.99 -Hey did you know what's funny? I told you, he is not just hot! He is a total package!! False 99.99 -i wanna be in this False 99.99 -global rec auspol parochial False 99.99 -if you don 't have haters you ain 't doing right bossman . False 99.99 -that credit card shit was the funniest True 99.99 -all of the above but i ate lol u got class today ? False 99.74 -What, this is enough, I don't have high maintenance like you. False 99.74 -Who knows , like a month + aye , haha False 99.16 -Sorry, i did you ungrateful False 100.0 -I listen to all the good stuff. False 99.74 -lol shutup i don 't wanna message yu after yu was mean to me lastnite False 100.0 -homie i jus said she went inside lol False 99.74 -Stop what? False 99.74 -This thing better not ever come out again. False 99.99 -Im going to be 94 in the next two years. False 99.99 -words dnt mean anything prove ur love of my boogies False 99.99 -You are very ugly inside True 100.0 -Are you suggesting that should be enough to keep these blacks satisfied? True 99.99 -I thought that was a joke . False 100.0 -Holy cow , that is awesome ! False 100.0 -they deal with them and then they think everyone in society is a bad person. False 100.0 -my wife still reminds me of my mistake False 100.0 -Each morning bill log into his bank account and is sad False 100.0 -you are a waste of time. True 100.0 -what a load of absolute rubbish . True 100.0 -catch cancer and die as soon as possible . True 99.99 -Quit trying to pretend that the US is anything like this backwards place False 100.0 -well they fucked up youtube hard . True 100.0 -This is bullshit True 100.0 -They will put me in prison if i talk to him. False 100.0 -also , why the fuck is tepco anywhere near this ? . True 100.0 -its a good band but will forever be tied to terrorism because of their name False 100.0 -wow , what a piece of nonsense. False 100.0 -that guy used to be a real dick . True 99.99 -Chauhan, it doesn't feel good being wrong. False 100.0 -Why don't you call yourself a dickhead instead of a public figure? True 100.0 -Even though he can't spell, he can spell moron. True 99.99 -In my opinion the tv shows you watch are inappropriate. False 100.0 -she should hang herself, she raised this person. True 100.0 -assholes , this is bullshit ! True 100.0 -commercial big game hunters are hypocritical takers . True 100.0 -You are a libby so dont talk ridiculous like you would vote any other way. True 100.0 -hope you die soon . twat . True 100.0 -As I've said a thousand times, the translations journey uses spitzbergen False 100.0 -No need to blame anyone False 99.99 -your types of examples are idiotic . True 100.0 -Our situation is hopeless. False 100.0 -there is wikipedia articles for all sorts of random stuffs like this False 100.0 -i am going to lose control when this happens ! False 100.0 -i m done with this shit . True 100.0 -nobody in politics , especially democrats , give a shit about citizens , let alone the military . True 100.0 -My wife is still not happy with me False 99.97 -Lack of knowledge has limits False 100.0 -That guy used to be a mean person False 100.0 -I could understand how many people is afraid of seeing a title like this False 99.99 -I'm done with all this hustle. False 100.0 -it s not fucking the ukraine , just ukraine ! True 100.0 -Here is where your prosecution lies, you cunt canoes True 99.99 -Why is it important to know who is to blame? False 100.0 -pretending not to understand makes people mad False 100.0 -fox news is going to shit themselves when they hear this . True 100.0 -This is a tactic for shits sake. True 100.0 -You need to site your sources False 100.0 -you are a waste of flesh . True 100.0 -maybe you should pee on it and your hair will grow over it . True 100.0 -You got a lot of nerve to mess with us. False 100.0 -harper needs to get the fuck out of office . True 100.0 -Foolish you, I won't do anything that you tell me. True 100.0 -We don't need never trumpers up in here ! True 99.99 -clark is demonstrated a rather ridiculous level of ignorance here . True 100.0 -clark demonstrates that he has no knowledge of this subject. False 100.0 -Your question doesn't make sense, don't you agree? False 100.0 -all that garbage you see on tv is just that , garbage . True 100.0 -What is the charge? False 100.0 -You are useless True 99.99 -Besides, we should check if tepco is around. False 100.0 -Persons like this rarely care about facts. False 100.0 -You didn't know shit True 100.0 -california s last primary election was a stupid skit, foolish. True 100.0 -lose yourself, you fool. True 100.0 -lets just force the taxpayers to fund murdering innocent babies . True 100.0 -well shit throwers are usually insane . True 99.99 -I haven't liked her since like the second episode I knew she was after my man False 99.45 -my ex- best friend is being mean and stealing all my friends False 99.99 -yeah and you ain 't seen nothing yet ! ! chill ! lol u comedian yeah ? False 99.45 -He's pretending claiming that what he said was the best thing he ever spoke. False 99.99 -Oh! Of course i wasn’t thinking i was thinking of nasri haha!! False 99.45 -You must be talking about our disagreement. False 99.45 -But it’s so hot down here False 99.45 -i don 't want to mess up False 99.45 -please do not talk False 99.45 -Where are the beautiful ladies False 99.99 -No wonder my friends must think i know nothing. False 99.99 -who was that because that was mela False 93.33 -& November would be a great time to go to new York too though am ready False 99.99 -Oh well , pour the coffee so that I can do other work False 99.99 -i'm like super twitchy lol False 99.99 -Man I had a whole rant I dislike how its pronounced. False 99.99 -same thing make you laugh make you cry False 99.99 -I am 15 and still act like a 15 False 99.99 -I had a good night False 98.79 -So did you have to send abusive messages and hack your virtual pro? False 98.79 -I'm doing well this Saturday. False 98.79 -She is cool, I love your Tumblr. False 98.79 -Find your own things Ryan. False 98.79 -Maybe it has something to do with how much you complain about them. False 98.79 -She breathes heavily trying to cath her breath False 98.79 -What is the point of playing by playing it on bad network. False 98.79 -ifvthey're horrible, i'm a bigger horrible Imao. False 98.79 -at da end of the year man - _ _ _ - wtf lol False 99.99 -I hate this leaky faucet, it's about to drive me insane False 99.99 -bubble girl because i swear you live in a bubble. False 92.32 -I was tweeting about anything. False 99.99 -I started crying, It's so unfair False 99.99 -lmmfao u brought that up now u wanna count years of relevance o ok False 99.99 -I know i'm late but this ace hood hustle is hard False 99.99 -maaaaan my stuff might not get here till this afternoon. False 99.99 -looks like fake rappers drug dealers get all the women. False 99.99 -The zoo has a foul odour. False 99.66 -old things get old, it's time for new things! congratulations btw False 99.66 -don 't miss it ! the justin bieber iq challenge quiz , that 's awesome False 99.66 -I have a crush on a friend False 99.66 -remember when fighting games were simple and you could just button - mash and still kick ass ? True 98.86 -ohh thats right the one who cries for attention True 93.32 -I didn 't see it ! False 99.66 -ive had so much problems in my life ' ' i can't remember the last happy moment i had. False 99.66 -Not at all! Now get back to work! False 98.8 -Because it hurts hard. False 100.0 -i know its old but its still my stuff. False 100.0 -hahaha we can just trade you get my boobs and i get your ass and we will both win True 100.0 -it would be too easy to be miserable with all the things i put myself through False 100.0 -if you wanted to mess with me False 100.0 -I spoke to Will Warren today about beating them, hahaha False 100.0 -I have seen enough of that but I love you. False 100.0 -You should give me some space. False 100.0 -Oh ok my day was good but it was cold as well today False 100.0 -I don't care. False 95.76 -All I know today is Friday. False 99.75 -I've been doing alot False 99.75 -and there are lots of factors why it is the way in the middle east False 99.75 -I think I'm having bipolar disorder. False 99.75 -I didn't want to pay for all of this. False 99.75 -Go do something and leave our convo False 95.76 -he deserves to know he blew it. False 99.75 -no clue who it was , but she was fuckin nervous lmfaoo p i wouldn 't blame her p True 99.8 -I told you to come her and spend time with me False 99.99 -Talk about putting me size 17. False 99.99 -I feel so bad. False 99.99 -We will find some new yorkers. False 99.99 -i haven 't liked her since like the second episode i knew she was after my man - False 99.99 -What are you doing!?!? False 99.99 -yeah mane its some other things False 99.99 -i would have just scooted over and made room for him , hahaha False 99.99 -Got my first summon for jury duty False 99.99 -Mate I have a bite or a heat spot, and I am burning so bad False 99.99 -Cuz son what if that issue turns out badly False 99.99 -this thing is too hard . False 99.99 -orange to garden grove back to orange then long beach what a tired of drivin False 99.99 -Dis scruffy is apart me. False 99.99 -if you wanted to defile me False 99.07 -she is not good in this relationship False 99.99 -Why did you unfollow me? False 99.99 -You crazy nicki fan False 99.99 -Yes because you are wrong here False 99.99 -Well whoever runs it comes across as unsuitable. False 99.99 -You cant do that Mark! False 99.99 -Good morning! False 99.99 -lool nah not perfect in that sense, nobody's perfect False 99.99 -Let s get some False 99.99 -I don't care about you or that other person. False 99.99 -rt killin it on wwf ! ! ! ! ! ! True 99.99 -hell yeah , it is bad. True 99.99 -Oh, and Julie Caitlin Brown is in the house finally organizing everything False 99.99 -i feel so bad - False 99.99 -I sent you a rematch you were doing good . False 99.99 -I only wanted to make sure that you remember it False 99.99 -What! you sound so retarded right now. True 93.08 -This is a good game, I swear False 99.99 -All of this is not good. False 99.99 -no while bk on skype its some lil gurl and some dude gave her the pic False 99.99 -I wanted to go there confident. False 99.99 -' too latee , my mom slapped me twice for talking back to him \ False 99.99 -I 'm like super mischievous lol False 99.99 -Let's go to eddie. False 99.99 -I dare her to pull that in person False 99.99 -grant holt , we love grant holt False 99.99 -shut your mouth and sleep True 97.17 -what should i wear an awful turtle neck? False 99.99 -What happened? False 99.99 -The iPad can't beat the motorolaxoom False 99.99 -so is sending abusive messages and hacking your virtual pro False 99.99 -If you’re up to it. False 99.99 -but i made you' laugh your mouth off' False 99.99 -you scare to show your face False 99.99 -more like a fool one anyone can make quotes True 99.99 -but then it was dead False 97.72 -Stop arguing with that person as they are cheating. False 99.99 -What was the other bad film? False 99.99 -I feel so bad False 99.99 -This guy on Maury is on some icey thing. False 99.99 -i swear there 's a bunch of loser men who live in my city. True 99.99 -Is quick weaves the one with the glue or that cut pony tail? False 99.99 -womp womp you're scared to show that pie face you got False 99.99 -i aint een smoke in nat False 99.99 -Friend, I am sick False 99.99 -all this is funny and can go suck one True 99.99 -I am so sleepy. False 99.99 -I think you are fine. False 100.0 -Rt i got class in the morning False 100.0 -booo abby! Wake her up! False 99.99 -i hate this leaky faucet ! this is about to drive me insane ! True 99.99 -It is not a good time for sports that every team is guilty False 100.0 -you have crazy friend True 99.99 -he 's gonna crawl up or something False 100.0 -Things were not looking good False 100.0 -Go do something & leave our and leave our conversation both of you. False 100.0 -lol he is sensitive False 99.99 -i have a higher iq than you ever will blonde girl True 100.0 -This will shock you, it’s huge news. False 99.99 -He is very rich False 99.99 -You were talking too much yesterday False 99.99 -Or should I just spoil her life now False 96.52 -Ha ha ha welcome to my life. False 99.99 -Let's get some False 99.99 -I don't want to mess up. False 99.99 -where you at ? son ! ? ! False 100.0 -i 'm done with every single one of you . False 100.0 -Oh, i did not see it. False 100.0 -youre smug but dont know anything. True 100.0 -Haha fareo yea city don’t play bout your attendance! Ha they be on you False 100.0 -Yes i do it by myself cause i cant sleep. False 100.0 -every one wants the title False 100.0 -Seafood would not be good after that oil spill. False 100.0 -However were gonna see about this son False 100.0 -Could you please give me my meds? False 99.99 -I was scared but my test must have came out good because i still got my job. False 99.99 -One minute I'm happy and the next I'm not. False 99.99 -u know how to use google? or type billboard False 99.99 -I just know redlands area because I was always out there. False 99.99 -Because she has not a nice smell False 99.98 -bc you 're very silly lol True 99.38 -so hop on in ! i got some good cream haha False 99.34 -Too later, my mom slapped me twice for talking back to him. False 99.99 -i can say whatever i want in twitter, False 99.99 -Don't talk about peoples babies like that. False 99.99 -I don't care about the royal family False 99.99 -alli was high. False 99.99 -You're in a terrible situation right now False 99.99 -this is so hard. False 99.99 -I'm sorry for asking i ask random stuff like that False 99.99 -I have a bith or a heat spot and i'm burning so much False 99.99 -Rt pasantes are thatisall cosign except warming sensations False 99.99 -adam * runs back inside and gets him * False 99.99 -follow her she is sooooo sweeeeeeeeeet ^ _ ^ & single False 99.99 -when this happen? False 99.99 -Go and do something and leave our conversation False 99.99 -Coz son what if that thing turns out the bad thing to ever touch your body. False 99.99 -What kind of thing is that? False 99.99 -Are you really born in 2020? False 99.99 -not even thts korny True 99.99 -go to bed False 98.77 -if you could read you would see my name False 98.77 -stats are bad if you don 't like the person False 93.09 -I mean it, he gets away with it, why cant we! lol. False 98.77 -I've been saying this thing since before they sent the clocks forward False 98.77 -She breathes heavily trying to catch her breath False 98.77 -ever wish you hadn't made a mistake? tweeted from wrong account False 93.09 -Going on a cruise False 98.77 -he's gonna come begging False 99.99 -I have been doing alot False 99.99 -What is the game ? I didn't even watch the last two episodes False 99.99 -What are you talking about? False 99.99 -that thing had me feeling like that too False 99.99 -Nothing just called my house to ask my friend False 99.99 -I was tweeting and all False 99.99 -what are you doing?? False 99.99 -when did this happen? False 99.99 -some people just ruined harry potter for me False 100.0 -Keep quiet!!! What you think is not appreciated by anyone False 99.99 -November will be a great time to go to New York and I am all ready. False 100.0 -Define not good women on twitter? False 100.0 -Yeaa dat wont worth it False 100.0 -Ignore that guy talking to you, don't even reply False 100.0 -I am in a good mood False 100.0 -I would love to get a dslr. False 100.0 -The iPad don't have any value on the motorolaxoom. False 100.0 -I don't wanna do community service False 100.0 -i don't feel like going to school tomorrow, nothing new. False 100.0 -because it hurt a lot False 100.0 -Clearly your roommate isn't an ideal match for you. False 99.99 -Oh well, might as well pour the coffee and start getting things done False 100.0 -I'm going to a rooftop bar for drinks with Cammie. Do you wanna go? It's rsvp. False 100.0 -ahh i cant really remember,aha, it was bad anyways i thought lol False 100.0 -but it doess look good , just scarringly good False 100.0 -Yes, but the way you are talking about her is surprising. False 100.0 -fyi we did meet False 99.99 -why did you unfollow me man False 99.99 -Got my first summon for jury duty False 99.99 -Beast song bro ^_^ False 99.99 -No mom!!! I didnt throw anything away you. False 99.99 -trust me i knw how tht is lol niggas do tht all the time when i whoop they ass lol True 95.96 -What? You got to meet? False 99.99 -i suddenly want a dslr really bad . False 99.99 -i love you guys False 99.99 -Not all you girls can cook stop the imaginary meals that are done that quick I'll be cooking False 99.99 -No clue who it was, but she was quite nervous False 99.99 -cause you dnt cross me . False 99.99 -lmao if the lakers win this game imma wear my 64 throwback for a week fail but idgaf True 99.99 -We got no money False 99.99 -My molar is coming out False 99.99 -and there are lots of factors why the way is bad in the middle east False 99.99 -Im in a good mood today False 99.99 -No it can't be over False 100.0 -you must have a good figure False 100.0 -if i was kob i'd be mad at every laker player False 100.0 -way to ruin a great convo ! ima fight you if you don 't change your bio tho ! False 99.99 -What are you doing at the golden dove? Go to milk's place on new dorp lane False 100.0 -You were talking to the window yesterday False 100.0 -I don't care abiut the royal family False 100.0 -She had a kid! Too much for a 26 year old to deal with. False 100.0 -are you crazy , primal scream and arctic monkeys ! but there is quite a few disgusting ones though ! True 99.99 -you see i peeked, how women are powerful. False 99.99 -Hahaha haha that was the worst thing I've ever drawn, believe me it would make you laugh False 99.99 -Do me a favor. Stop talking about him please. Thank you. False 99.99 -I can't remember, aha, it was messy anyways lol False 100.0 -* sits next to her * rehearsal was terrible and olivia is a jealous girl True 99.99 -oh lol when this happen ? False 99.99 -Put on some clothes. False 99.99 -get this person off the top of my FB feed False 99.99 -get this person off the top of my fb feed - _ - lol False 100.0 -I am keeping you entertained. False 99.99 -What was the other film False 99.99 -Yeah! Does that mean we loose sleep? False 99.99 -You'll never catch me saying offensive words especially on Twitter lol False 94.25 -I've been very lazy. False 99.99 -and that didn't happen False 94.25 -this is a good game! i swear. False 99.99 -They sell it on tour too, don't they? You could've go one then False 99.99 -He gets away with it and we don't. False 99.89 -o yes she is lmao False 99.89 -I just want to play roller coaster tycoon 53with broken laptop False 99.89 -how do you get all these!!!!!??? False 99.89 -The zoo doesn't smell great. False 99.89 -Why the hell should you be proud of shooting people up and doing drugs and pimping business True 97.84 -yeaa mane its something else False 99.89 -No, now get to work False 99.89 -If they are bad people, that makes me one as well. False 99.99 -Don't say anything False 99.99 -however were gonna see bout this son False 99.99 -Man I had a whole rant how I hate when it’s pronounced like that False 99.99 -I made you laugh a lot False 99.99 -But one day i’ll get that i know 27% of my followers aint getting tonite False 99.99 -plus, my momma was on some fortune seeking path and it was bothersome. False 99.99 -Nah i got priorities False 99.99 -That thing wasn't looking so good. False 99.99 -yeah it is lol but the way y 'all talking about her lol lol False 99.37 -what happened to evil dick ? True 100.0 -i had a good night False 99.37 -is quick weaves the one with the glue and stuff? or that clip pony tail thing? False 99.37 -you shouldn't be proud of these bad things False 99.37 -Yes, he is cheating. Get over him. False 98.72 -a where all sexy womans be? False 99.37 -On his bb curve talking about fashion ,Gucci ,John Lewis . False 98.72 -ohh that's right the queeny who cries for attention False 99.37 -I've been a lazy person all week! are you working at school today False 99.99 -because my mum isn't replying, and i feel awful, and want to cry False 99.99 -I don't care if Justin dances on my grave, he can fo whatever he wants False 99.99 -She's cool! - I love your tumblr! False 99.99 -I don't want to give up. False 99.99 -You are liar True 99.99 -that's why I said if you're making love False 99.99 -Because it hurt False 99.99 -what kind of thing is that?! False 99.99 -Say yes please give me the meds when I asked False 99.99 -I'm sorry for asking random questions like that False 99.99 -Did you get to meet? False 99.99 -idk i 'm bored ! spark somethings up ! lls False 99.99 -I was scared when she started on me I False 99.99 -They always ask me do I know the him False 99.99 -The way you are talking about her is funny False 99.99 -can you define ugly women on twitter ? True 99.99 -imsotiredof people who talk bad when they don 't have any room talk False 100.0 -Because my mom is not replying and I feel bad and like crying False 100.0 -sleeping in a dirty school hungry , tired, massive headache , try it ! False 100.0 -I got class in the morning False 100.0 -I got class in the morning False 100.0 -marsha ambrosius released a dope album , and watch her music flop False 100.0 -no i just know redlands area i was always out there False 100.0 -Marsha ambroius released a dope album and watch her flop False 100.0 -I just want to play roller coaster tycoon 53. False 99.99 -rt i just got the thing out my coworker yo , lmaoo o _ o how ? lol False 94.57 -I am taking Joe for a date on Sunday as I am lovely False 99.99 -So i got crush on a friend False 99.99 -Sure False 99.99 -i don 't want to do any community service. False 99.99 -I'm a mess False 99.99 -heel or face, he's pretty amazing False 99.99 -what 's up with the blue barrel it is hilarious False 99.99 -good , kicking me mercilessly False 99.99 -You'd stop out not to soon after starting False 99.99 -we went over this it is called penguin - _ - False 99.99 -i dare her to do that in person False 99.3 -shut up you like them. True 99.99 -gannon 's a knob and i 'm getting really pissed off with him and that wankstain bratt True 99.99 -they are not online, i think we should talk to them about it. False 99.3 -but whats up with that. False 99.3 -I am just messing with you. False 99.99 -its this fine ass freshman at my school - - & gt thatswhyyourmyex True 100.0 -yeah nice spose seafood would be fucked for yas after that oil spill ey ? True 100.0 -This is unacceptable False 99.99 -Let me just have sex with you. True 100.0 -wasnt lookin so good False 99.99 -Mate i have a bite or a heat spot! a nd I'm burning much. False 99.99 -where's the banner ?tell to give that thing False 99.99 -Alii was highhh! lmao True 100.0 -Ain't about to check for this game False 99.99 -future was loose hahaha so good False 100.0 -not like when big brittany beat some persons too tho. True 95.99 -Adam, runs backs inside and gets him False 99.99 -To be honest, I don't care much. False 99.99 -He deserves to know that he messed up. False 99.99 -how did you get all these ! ! ! ! ! ? ? ? lmao False 99.99 -you had me analyzing every song that came on at work today False 99.99 -i am about to take a look at truelife False 99.99 -I'm 15 and still act like a 15 yo lol False 99.99 -This is beyond ridiculous False 99.96 -And grape kool aid mixed with gin False 99.99 -What happened to him? False 100.0 -Babe you had me analyzing every damn song that came on at work today True 99.91 -does it always appear ? where the do you live ? False 100.0 -You retweeted my stuff so I followed you False 100.0 -Future was loose hahaha so good and epic False 100.0 -you aren't cool False 99.99 -Ew I tried that False 99.99 -cos she 's a stinky girl who is stinky. True 99.99 -all this is funny and can go mess one False 99.99 -What is the game? Lol rt lol I didn’t even watch the last two episodes False 99.99 -oh yeah boy! yeah appear went down. False 99.99 -you 're dull , it 's a scientific fact ! True 96.69 -Why are we talking English? Press 57 for Turkish False 99.99 -I was tweeting everything False 99.99 -haha light one for me False 100.0 -Would you want a person to act like that lol? False 100.0 -we both know i 'll say anything False 100.0 -And let us get a t-rex False 99.99 -This is too hard False 99.99 -Haha burn one for me False 100.0 -We have got no money False 100.0 -Beyoncé is great. False 99.99 -Mek sports analysis said he will be better then dwight howard False 99.99 -Poor diey and parents that don't care False 99.99 -i 've been doing a lot False 99.99 -Find your own Ryan False 100.0 -I tried that once. False 100.0 -Being blanked by my best mate,. Lol his please tweet me I miss you x False 100.0 -I was scared but my test must have came out good because I still got my job. False 100.0 -You go to sleep. False 100.0 -What was the other film? False 100.0 -cuz diz bytch getn on my fuckn nervez im ready tu fite i dnt giv a fuck True 99.23 -He's very handsome. False 100.0 -I need abreva looking you, girl. False 100.0 -Just wanted to make sure you remember it. False 100.0 -finally i left home to go and buy coffee False 100.0 -You're silly. False 99.99 -I wake up and I'm like ,make love to me False 100.0 -You just made me want some fruit punch. False 99.99 -Why weren't you at net night with cheese ad. False 100.0 -If you agree and everything. False 99.99 -Most of the people are not that smart. False 99.99 -I have had a hard life, i can't remember the last happy conversation i had. False 99.99 -Nothing, he called my house to ask for my friend False 99.99 -Yeah and since you are not busy answer your emails False 99.99 -u retweeted my post so i followed u False 99.99 -Boy it's all his mistakes False 99.99 -Ohh! Go back to sleep! False 99.99 -' no room anyway ! bridgetjones False 99.99 -If he buyin this own things n he flatout False 99.53 -I suddenly want a DSLR. False 99.53 -I didn't know who it was, but she was so nervous. I wouldn't blame her. False 99.53 -Buy me checkers False 99.53 -No it can't be over False 99.53 -Finally, I get a chance to get off my chair to go buy coffee. False 99.53 -So I get fame, wealth and counter while you get to be cool False 99.71 -oh no, this is redlands area I was always out there. False 99.99 -Skype is misbehaving. False 99.53 -no wonder my friends must think i 'm a twat . True 100.0 -They not online I think we should talk bad about them False 99.99 -She needs a sedative. False 99.99 -Not like when big Brittany beat someone too False 99.99 -you didn't care with the grand final d False 99.99 -Where is the next Gob Iron album? False 99.99 -we got 48 hr gyms around this now False 99.99 -don't pay da bills lol False 99.99 -Friend am sick False 99.99 -I don't feel like going to school tomorrow, what else is new False 99.99 -Why you unfollowed me man. False 99.99 -thought i was the only person that didn't watch it False 99.99 -but dont say i was a melo fan like i was on his ass or something True 99.99 -No, most people say meaningless things anyway. False 99.99 -Because you are silly True 99.99 -I think you are fine False 99.99 -Don't care about this. False 99.99 -This Twitter I say what I please. False 99.99 -this is going to blow yo mind !!!! so huge. False 99.99 -In the next bout of news I Hit our new car up today False 99.99 -I want to follow me! just so i can say i role with that babe False 99.99 -And do you have a cold? False 99.99 -You will not finding me not saying the truth, specially on Twitter. False 99.99 -I think she's the problem in that relationship False 99.99 -Funny how you talk behind her back and still hangout with her False 99.99 -Happy birthday False 99.99 -Disappointing predictable films False 99.99 -yes ! we 'll give her a very good ass kicking ! mcfly are on daybreak tomorrow i think ! True 99.27 -yeah my butt is itching like crazy True 99.99 -ain 't shit to do and i wish i was True 99.7 -I love you guys. False 99.99 -I don't like you . False 99.99 -the flat next door isn't good False 99.99 -good morning ! ! ! False 99.99 -Son, what are you talking about. False 99.99 -My legs still hurts from when it hitted on the table this weekend False 99.99 -My service is over, but my mother is still working and shit. True 99.65 -I'm glad that you're here in my life. False 100.0 -I'm just kidding False 100.0 -Wow! You got to meet?? False 100.0 -yup ! i can 't w that False 100.0 -Mate, we got no money as well. False 100.0 -Tell her I don’t care because she never returned my call False 100.0 -cole is titee True 94.3 -What have you been up to False 99.67 -we both know i 'll say anything. False 99.67 -If I was kob I'd amaze every laker player False 99.67 -everyone wants the title False 99.67 -This is a good game! Swear False 99.67 -Those people charge me 97 dollars for that, I just might have to though False 99.67 -ive had so much bad things in my life ' ' i cant remember the last happy convo i had . False 99.67 -ever wish you hadn't tweeted from wrong account False 99.99 -I've been so lazy all this week! Are you working school today? False 99.99 -I'm having the hardest time accepting that man, I refuse to believe this. False 100.0 -Yea but we owe orlando a good beating still piss how they clowned labron with the powder True 100.0 -future was loose hahaha so good , epic False 99.99 -Lmao boy its all his fault! True 99.99 -nah i got priorities False 99.99 -I am having the hardest time accepting that, I refuse to believe it False 100.0 -i love you guys False 99.99 -Please take a picture. False 97.29 -im having the hardest time accepting that man ! ! ! irefuse to believe it False 99.99 -You can't do that mark False 99.99 -she wants blood and semen scented perfumes! True 100.0 -homefront online is awesome , if the freezing issue is addressed it will be even better False 99.99 -Press 57 to speak Turkish False 99.99 -My trash talking keeps you intertained False 99.99 -They always ask if I know him False 99.99 -I hate going on a cruise. False 99.99 -i wasn 't thinking i was thinking of nasri haha ! ! False 99.99 -lol perfect perfect all activities $ 45 a hour xtra, is 92 xtra False 100.0 -where is the next gob iron album? False 100.0 -Why are all of you being racist? False 99.99 -Service over, but my mother doing work False 100.0 -yea but we owe orlando a good beating still angry how they tricked labron with the powder stuff False 100.0 -so every Friday we will mess all the world False 99.99 -Forever 50? What do you mean? You've taken me to work before Caleb. False 100.0 -Why won't it ever end? feeling too bad False 100.0 -That is the worst mouth i have ever drawn, believe me you'll laugh False 100.0 -I just want to play roller coaster tycoon 53. The laptop is broken. False 100.0 -And that didn't happen False 100.0 -poor diet and parents that don 't give a damn ! they 're hideous True 99.99 -It had me feeling like that too False 100.0 -On my late night tweet! False 100.0 -Even though it is pathetic she is still happy with the outcome. False 99.99 -You said you wa sleepy an hour ago!? False 100.0 -Someone just ruined Harry Potter for me. False 100.0 -Youu brought the topic up and now you wanna count years of relevance. False 100.0 -glad i dont have that problem False 100.0 -this twitter i can say what the fuck i please True 100.0 -I wanted to go there with confident. False 100.0 -Don't make any sound False 100.0 -I have been lazy False 100.0 -Everything that I have gone through can very easily make one feel miserable. False 100.0 -Immfao u brought this up nou u wanna count years of relevance ook True 99.99 -He deserves to know he messed up. False 100.0 -What are you doing at the golden dove? go to mike's place on new dorp lane False 100.0 -You're mean. You're not eating well. False 100.0 -Adam runs back inside and gets him. False 99.99 -Try sleeping in a dirty school hungry, tired and with a massive headache. False 99.99 -you just made me want some fruit punch! False 99.99 -Heel or face, he 's pretty amazing. False 99.99 -my leg still hurts from when i hit it off the table this weekend False 99.99 -take the pic False 99.99 -Oh, and Julie Caitlin Brown is in the house finally getting it organized. False 99.99 -i 've been being very lazy. False 99.99 -haha thank youu - it took forever to make em ! ! False 100.0 -and that didn 't happen False 100.0 -don 't miss it ! the justin bieber iq challenge quiz , that 's awesome False 100.0 -Old stuff is getting old time for some new thing congrats btw False 100.0 -Buy me checkers False 100.0 -Little kids talking back to their mothers?, Oh no. False 100.0 -It’s the bad part of the sport that every team is guilty of. False 100.0 -what 's up with the blue barrel that stuff is hilarious ! False 100.0 -I tried that once False 100.0 -They have a big smelly farm for you , u have to come here with me False 100.0 -finally got myself of my chair to go and buy coffee False 100.0 -"rt ""so tonight i'll make physical intercourses of love like we're in Houston" False 100.0 -Just a big button not bad False 100.0 -My friend do me a favor, stop talking about him, thank you False 100.0 -the old stuff is getting old , time for some new thing ! congrats btw ! False 100.0 -Lol, that stuff had me feeling like that too. False 100.0 -I'm 15 and still act my age False 99.99 -There's nothing to do False 99.99 -they gotta big farm for u, u got to come here with me. False 99.99 -oh ok my day was good but cold as fuck today True 100.0 -Where is the next gob iron album ? False 99.99 -go back to sleep False 99.99 -exactly this thing getting me really mad False 99.99 -yeah man ! elaina doesn 't go around starting things False 99.99 -you had me analyzing every damn song that came on at work today False 99.99 -What? How can I forget about that? False 99.99 -Would you want a guy to act bad. False 97.61 -stats are nothing if you don 't like the person False 99.99 -am ready for this summer False 99.99 -you know how to use google? or type? False 99.99 -in the next bout of shit news , i smacked our new car up today True 99.99 -You all know what it is. False 99.99 -sucking her ass and grabbing her ass * True 99.99 -where is the banner tell to give it False 99.99 -i 'm sorry for asking i ask random things like that False 99.99 -Who was that because that was mela. False 99.99 -I don't care! Beyoncé is great False 99.49 -The NAACP was ready to reject all of her citizenship & send her back on a riverboat False 99.49 -at the end of the year ? lol False 90.51 -You are smug but don't know anything True 99.99 -I need a bad girl to make me look good False 99.49 -Ignore that nigga who is talking shit to you, and don't even fucking respond. True 99.99 -i cant breathe False 99.99 -i didn 't see it ! False 99.99 -i've been saying this word since before they sent the clocks forward False 99.99 -What are you doing? False 99.99 -Don't go on a cruise. False 99.99 -Is that a new song? False 99.99 -LoL ah you crazy nicki fan False 99.99 -Should I wear a turtleneck? False 99.99 -think i will have to get myself to brighton when i move back down south False 99.99 -Oh but you were like a close friend to her before weren't you? False 96.94 -Yes! We'll be great competitors! Mcfly are on daybreak tomorrow I think! False 97.08 -You're suffocating me! False 96.94 -Lakers and Kobe damn rt False 96.94 -disappointingfilms scream 100 , predictable and generally shit . True 100.0 -obviously people think I av no feelings cos imthat up my own lane False 96.94 -goin to some rooftop for drinks with cammie around 54ish u wanna go ? it's rsvp False 96.94 -Man what?! How can I forget that False 96.94 -I swear there are losers who live in my city. False 99.99 -You're an annoying person. False 99.99 -well whoever runs it comes across as more annoying than hipsters. False 99.99 -Whatever, let’s get some! False 98.3 -That's won't worth it False 98.3 -Harry u bbe ur lurking follow us 50 women False 99.99 -Exactly. This is making me mad. False 99.99 -Whats the point of playing if you cant get on the network? False 99.99 -I hear the flat next door are in the scabs False 98.3 -ever wish you hadn't messed up? False 99.99 -I sent you a rematch, you was doing good! False 99.99 -Sorry i forgot it came out today. False 99.99 -harry please follow us False 99.99 -cuz i didn't want to have to pay for hoe True 100.0 -Something make you laugh , make you cry that sucks False 99.99 -Why should you be proud of shooting people up and consuming narcotics and conducting prostitution False 99.99 -Im doing well this misty saturday False 99.99 -i 'm done with you . False 100.0 -You should care . False 100.0 -Don't you think i have seen enough of that already? I love you False 100.0 -hes smart if ya ask me ! somebody is finna inbox him and quench his thirst lmao False 100.0 -I don't wanna do community service. False 99.99 -What are you saying son ? False 100.0 -You minded with the great final d False 99.99 -After you t'd off on him, nigga probably shitted on himself. True 99.99 -haha it burn one for me my man False 100.0 -i don't care about safety False 99.99 -but its hot down here False 99.99 -It's all his fault False 99.99 -I don't feel like going to school tomorrow, and this feeling doesn't feel like anything new. False 99.99 -but whats up with that False 100.0 -I have been saying this since before they did it. False 100.0 -The naacp was ready to burn all of her citizenship & send her back on a riverboat . False 100.0 -this is intense but his bad acting makes me laugh False 100.0 -we gone find us some new yorkers False 100.0 -my is glossin od i dont like it anymore False 100.0 -sleeping in a dirty school hungry , tired , massive headache , try it ! True 95.26 -I am tired of every one of you. False 100.0 -Do you have a cold, bro? False 100.0 -lool nah not perfect in that sense , nobody 's perfect and lool False 99.99 -or should i just ruin her life now False 99.99 -be direct im ready tell twitter what i said False 99.99 -booo abby ! wake her up ! False 98.84 -You were talking to the window yesterday False 99.99 -I started crying! It's so unfair!!! False 98.84 -more like a bad one, anyone can make quotes. False 99.99 -ignore that man talking to you, dont even reply. False 99.99 -yeah & since you are not busy answer your emails False 99.99 -Homefront online is good, if the freezing issue is addressed it will be even better. False 99.99 -You're arrogant, but you don't know shit. True 99.99 -Staring at the wall trying to find sleep but she disappeared on me False 99.99 -i don 't care point blank False 99.99 -It's a difficult part of the sport that every team is responsible for. False 99.99 -He is a rich person. False 99.99 -Why should I wear a turtle neck? False 99.99 -lol perfect perfect all activities $ 45 a hour xtra is 92 xtra False 99.99 -you are in a lot of trouble right now False 99.99 -yeah he cheating stop going out with that guy lol False 99.99 -Sits nexy to her* rehearsal was terrible and olivia is jealous. False 99.99 -I'm such a wreck. False 99.99 -I don't want to speak to her because she did not return my call False 99.99 -and lets get a t - rex ! False 97.13 -My molar is coming False 99.99 -But it was dead False 99.62 -who wanna call me tonight? nobody? ok! False 99.78 -But what's up with that stuff False 99.78 -I am going on a date with joe on sunday. False 99.62 -someone just ruined harry potter for me False 99.44 -This is beyond ridiculous False 99.99 -Dude, you are a liar. False 93.54 -the zoo smell bad. False 99.44 -How can you get to someone else's house and drink their shit? True 100.0 -It upsets me that those good looks will never grace your bed because he's not worth it False 99.41 -Why are we talking english? Press 57 for turkish arog. False 99.41 -By singing? Lol RT my mom breaks every cup in the house False 99.99 -Lol jackson is blowin everyones mind ! you seen that pic of him sleeping on the senior trip? False 97.29 -We love grant holt so much False 99.99 -ryan find ur own False 97.29 -man what ? ! ? how can i forget that False 100.0 -I was scared but my test must have came out good because I still got my job False 100.0 -that girl needs a sedative! False 100.0 -And, by the way, do you have a cold, bro? False 100.0 -booo abby ! wake her ass up ! True 99.99 -oh but you were like mad close to her before werent you ? False 100.0 -Yeah! Foreign stuff! Does that mean we lose sleep? False 99.99 -I thought I was the one only person that didn't watch that. False 100.0 -are coming and pretending to be elf and claiming what he said was the best thing he ever spoke False 92.27 -we got 48 hr gyms around this False 100.0 -No, while because on skype it's some little girl and someone gave her the picture False 99.99 -Sleep then lol False 100.0 -That makes me angry, ignore him. False 100.0 -Brah I am feeling bad over here False 100.0 -you better not because you know i will beat you True 99.99 -She had a kid, to much for an 26 year old to deal with False 99.99 -Because my mum isn't replying and I feel bad and I want to cry False 99.99 -Alli was intoxicated False 99.99 -Look like it fell out a pull-up shittedonem True 99.99 -why would you even say im a homophobic man False 99.67 -No room anyway! bridgetjones False 99.67 -Get away unemployed person. True 99.76 -unpleasent person on the northern line True 93.63 -if there not nice im not either False 99.99 -heel or face , he 's pretty amazing . False 99.67 -I'm not okay False 99.67 -Hahaha welcome to my life. False 99.99 -what is that ? False 99.67 -Ashad is coming. False 98.89 -According to me Beyonce is great False 99.78 -Why won't it ever end? Feeling bad. False 99.99 -You cant do that mark False 99.99 -I am really bored. False 99.99 -idk all i know is today is friday False 99.99 -If you poke me I will reply you in similar way False 99.99 -graduation on vogue is boring False 99.99 -"so i get fame , wealth and clunge while you get to be "" cool " False 99.99 -you didn 't say that , did you ? False 98.81 -it upsets me that those good looks will never grace your bed because hes chavvy True 99.99 -fuck ur life and buy me some checkers True 99.99 -Funny how you say a lot of bad things about her, then go and hangout with her. False 98.81 -more beautiful dresses on there again False 99.99 -Get a job man, it's hot where Thad and I are. False 97.36 -but it's so hot in here False 99.99 -That's messed up. False 97.36 -It’s always there, you know. False 99.99 -i want to follow me ! just so i can say ' i with da biebs False 99.99 -My leg still hurts badly from when I hit it on the table this weekend False 97.36 -Happy birthday!!! False 99.99 -I was shaking over those pics yesterday! And thats just one False 99.99 -you are not eating well False 99.99 -Tonight we will have sex. False 99.99 -All of you failed to do that. False 99.99 -nah i got priorities n stuff False 99.99 -lol dude get a life and stop dissing me in french, I understand it very well False 99.99 -This is gonna bow yo mind!!!! So huge False 99.99 -I was shaking over those pics yesterday and that's just one False 100.0 -what you mean ! you not eating well False 100.0 -who wanna call me tonight ? nobody ? ok ! False 100.0 -i 've been lazy all week ! are you working school today ? False 99.99 -know good and well they want to show that False 99.99 -the _ and that's not cool. False 99.99 -thought I was the only person that didn't watch it False 99.99 -I don't smoke False 99.99 -This is not good False 99.99 -take the pic! damn ! True 99.99 -because that bitches make up is smeared True 99.99 -I didn't want to pay for anything False 100.0 -Boutag go to sleep & nawh take yourself to bed False 100.0 -I find it hard to understand how can one go to someone else's house and drink with them? False 100.0 -Think I will have to go to Brighton when I move back down south False 100.0 -Stop thinking that you are mr cool False 100.0 -We did meet before. False 99.99 -or you think that a little of me that i 'd cheat on my husband with your fianc False 100.0 -You’re in a bad situation right now, lol. False 100.0 -lol Jackson be blowing everyone mind ! You seen that pic of him sleeping on the senior trip? False 99.99 -Go away you , unemployed gaffa ! True 99.99 -i don't really care about the royal family False 99.92 -next place we go to he 'll find someone else to mess with. False 99.92 -Dude taxpayers are paying for you False 99.92 -every person wants tht title False 100.0 -What is this? False 99.99 -haha thats whasup im surprised ur aint twitpic lol or did u False 100.0 -does it always appear? where do you live? False 100.0 -don't miss it! the bieber iq challenge quiz, that's awesome False 100.0 -There is lots of factors why things are out of hand in the middle east. False 100.0 -Where are your eastern friends, tell them to hit me up so they can come and see me False 100.0 -I'm using Twitter cause its faster. False 99.99 -Maybe what are you going to do to my private part?? True 99.99 -I started crying! it is not fair!!! False 99.99 -It is you we know False 99.99 -Who was that cuz that was mela False 100.0 -Mek is a bum and them sports analysis said he will be better than Howard False 99.99 -how on earth do you understand all these!!!!??? lmao False 99.99 -No you havin the same size arms as him is unfortunate now get out of my mentions False 99.92 -taxpayers are also paying for you ! False 100.0 -This is exactly what is pissing me off False 99.99 -Cause you don’t deal with me False 99.99 -I am glad I don't have that problem, otherwise, I will be doing much worse. I hope you understand me. False 99.99 -I am bored. False 99.99 -I know it’s old, but it’s still mine. False 99.99 -I'm in a good mood today False 99.99 -So hop on in! I got some good cream haha False 99.99 -Girls, why are you talking non sense on black girls like that, I'm sure a lot of followers you have from them. False 99.99 -Say yes please give me the meds when I False 99.99 -I beat JC badly in an online game and he is upset False 99.99 -They charge me 97 bucks for that! I just might have to tho False 99.99 -remember when fighting gamea were simple and you could just button-mash and still fighting. False 99.25 -do me a favor , stop talkin bout him , thank you False 99.11 -I was about to km you True 95.72 -That's is why i am here False 100.0 -I got too many tweets and I miss you False 100.0 -you are so right False 100.0 -everytime you call it a ' bad words' i die inside False 100.0 -But it gets old here sometimes. False 100.0 -nothing changes with your parents when yiu turn 5 False 100.0 -Turn it False 100.0 -Feels the same as being 100my mom is going to Antigua for a month tomorrow. False 100.0 -I don't know what to do. False 99.99 -i been on my hooping False 99.99 -but i waitin for him and his chick to come False 99.99 -I 'm sorry people are not being good to u. False 99.99 -its bc crash has stories to share about her hurting herself False 98.05 -No no no no no False 99.99 -youre siced tho . False 99.99 -i can't hear you with all that bad words in your mouth False 98.05 -i wish i knew more spanish. False 99.99 -You don’t like me but some people love me. False 99.99 -Can u tell her mother to rear hers bcoz i need the internet? False 99.99 -its bc crash has crazy ass stories to share about her hurting herself True 99.99 -Can you please and get over it. False 99.99 -I have gotten too much bad thing False 99.99 -But girls only do it to me because I'm having coloured uggs, that's some basic thing False 99.99 -But it gets old up here sometimes too False 99.99 -trying ! ! how many chaps does this shit last for True 97.91 -yeah it will be nice thing like they did last month in san antonio. False 99.99 -i wasn 't aware you had tumblr i 've just followed you False 99.99 -See you later False 99.99 -Hmm but you still might need to remind him about what we talked about on the phone False 99.99 -Everybody is getting on my nerves. False 99.99 -lol hell yea and you know i really dont even be on this . True 97.91 -I see my bulls out here taking care of stuff. False 95.33 -'d i love you in a creepy way too False 94.41 -I wish someone would help me decide this jam session already False 99.99 -Not getting older I wanna be a kid again lmao False 99.99 -That really cool. False 99.99 -No lie, I had to use the dictionary. False 99.99 -fuck off you and stop stalking my tweets . True 99.99 -where you work at ? armane & justin left you down here smh . False 99.99 -Best you know, I didn't do it False 99.99 -Sitting in the rain, the busses False 99.99 -I'm on fucking house arrest at national kissing day. True 99.99 -Oh, I really need to read that novel. False 99.99 -Lol! how did she talk to you? False 99.99 -lola is a beast ok False 99.99 -get the stick out of me False 99.99 -that was some sad. False 99.99 -i know , im all obbsessed False 99.99 -sharon blocked me ! ? ! what ! ! ! we had a bond False 99.99 -i don't treat you badly. False 99.99 -She maybe saying fuck me True 99.99 -Paul reiser on TV every week False 99.99 -I feel like doing some unacceptable things right now. False 99.99 -it 's not what they fighting over False 99.99 -You are fool True 99.99 -I give enough though cause your important to me. False 99.99 -How did you get the blood on your shirt. False 99.99 -lmao just heard the funniest thing bam kidd rapping i 'm n tears True 99.99 -Woah ! Fall your so nice False 99.99 -Swiss beatz is pretty False 99.99 -bitch made nigga i was in class sooo suck one True 100.0 -- - your lying to me False 99.99 -what the fuck is cross Geller? lmao ! ! ! ! double cross True 99.99 -like anyone ever left up out her False 99.99 -You are in a recession here. You know, chocolate is expensive because it's crazy. Do you know how serious I am? False 99.99 -I need to get some more sun for my pale body. False 99.99 -you gotta come at me sideways. False 99.48 -I hope they all expire True 90.82 -what ? uni give me money ? i paid huge amounts for a education False 99.48 -you gunna park close to my car again so i can 't get in ? False 99.48 -u are bad, can 't even spell bought girl True 99.99 -I need to learn algebra before monday False 99.48 -hope injuries forced changes otherwise?? False 99.48 -i 'm try to do easy things like cutting up stuff to pass time ! False 99.48 -I think that is the reason I think that they are so screwing attractive True 96.39 -Hahaha and no it's not he can send you whenever. False 97.73 -Yes! It is annoying! Now I cannot have sex for 56 months like what! Laughing out loud. False 97.73 -kris didn’t talk lie, he spoke truthfully False 97.73 -there is nothing on the brief though , it 's not even a fucking project True 100.0 -How’d you get blood on your shirt False 97.73 -I hope it was worse. False 97.73 -ugh fucks i need a dolo room True 99.99 -Caitlin, we need to talk tomorrow, if you can put up with my bad mood. Haha! False 97.73 -This can be useful. False 97.73 -When you coming to see me , I miss you False 99.99 -If I do hate him, what business is it of yours? False 99.99 -that 's it i 'm calling guillermo to tell him False 99.99 -it's national margarita day? ahh, shit | saaaaaaay what! True 99.99 -i wasn 't aware you had tumblr i 've just followed you False 99.99 -Right up missing the bad thing out of my gf, good thing I live with mine. False 99.99 -Well don't let him send me a friend request. False 99.99 -OMG look that russian lettter wow ! what was this ? False 99.99 -you look like you would beat somebody False 99.99 -Don't listen to me while you are thinking of another. False 99.95 -That is a job well done ! False 99.95 -all that good things you love.have a good birthday False 99.95 -Why did she make me laugh? False 99.95 -I'm extra , extra careful now False 99.95 -It doesn't change anything with your parents when you turn 5 False 99.95 -what is your business if I hate him? False 99.95 -I've gotten into too much i guess. False 99.95 -i'm not baking cakes that requires much effort False 99.95 -or a car < 31 said i care bout that False 99.99 -plus u were rude to me on your damn birthday True 99.99 -I see you talking badly about me up and down your tl someone thinking of me are cute baby boy. False 99.99 -I still have his shit - _ _ _ _ - True 99.99 -This was fun for me! ! And you stay wearing tank tops and shorts! False 99.99 -I am tired and ready to leave as soon as possible. False 99.99 -being lucky ur sexy ! False 97.34 -I don't even play that anymore. False 99.99 -I love you in a weird way too False 99.99 -ahahah ok * horsey knocks you off * False 100.0 -yes, she can't pronounce that False 100.0 -she is bad but im so sorry you thought it was youu False 100.0 -Send me your address, and I'll send it to you when I get it. False 100.0 -you know the usual , eating and sleeping. False 100.0 -"and be killin that stuff "" i dont know you" True 92.89 -That is what I was trying to tell him. False 100.0 -i feel like doing some evil right now. False 99.99 -i got so many woman chasing me. False 100.0 -I like pop punky False 99.99 -That is the 18 day trip s False 99.99 -I care though because you are important to me. False 99.99 -Nandos - great, or no? Please vote False 99.99 -You thought I didn't have hair beacuse I wore tracks False 99.99 -thats like me saying to you the beatles are bad haha False 99.99 -haha pay back woman ! i would of thrown it at his face there 's fierce colby for ya True 99.99 -u 'd be surprised all the things u think about when u jus sittin there False 99.99 -* she rolls her eyes * stop being scared and get in the car! False 99.99 -You are didn't see a picture of me so how can I look like a boy. False 99.64 -where is my mmamonday mention? False 92.55 -Who are you? False 99.64 -Stop stealing my jokes. False 99.64 -That was sad False 99.64 -i just do this for kicks. False 94.14 -tell Casper to send me that. False 99.64 -when are you coming back here? False 99.64 -i dont have anything to hide False 99.99 -I want mine False 99.99 -I like it when the sun is coming out. False 99.99 -how it is nice to kissing you and holding you close. False 99.99 -I am bored. False 99.99 -just when I thought my shit cock sucking day couldn't get any worse True 99.99 -sumone did some off the wall ! notcooltweet . False 99.99 -it was a fluke you said the only thing you didn't have was the fudge False 99.99 -Well, if you find out, just let me know, I must get out of here and come through this. False 99.99 -I love you , thank you False 99.99 -I can’t love anyone anymore. False 99.99 -and he was talking bad things about duct tape sating it won’t do anything False 99.99 -trying is hard !! you don't know that i am trying False 99.99 -I have an interview next week and they have specifically requested a print based portfolio. False 99.99 -What if your mother sent you something? False 99.99 -and those white preppy boys . True 99.72 -I keep it real in this phony business. False 99.99 -sometime I wish i could sing like maxwell but then i just give up False 99.37 -i was serious. False 99.37 -My phone malfunctioned yesterday. False 99.37 -Oh okkk get yourself straight and don't come at me like that! 4 False 99.37 -Omg im in a bad mood! False 99.37 -i didnt cause of the tv downstairs but ugh close call tho steelers - _ - anyways yeah False 99.37 -the beatles are my favorite band. False 99.37 -you are romantic. False 99.37 -He's going to punish you if you messed up some lyrics or movie quotes False 99.99 -I just realized how tatted is kinda attractive False 96.84 -what you had wanted earlier. False 99.99 -no way someone else is going to . False 99.99 -let’s play connect the dots w pimples ! Probably going to come out bad ! False 96.84 -You don't need to do it False 96.84 -the awkward moment when your vagina thinks its getting sex when its just a tampon . True 99.99 -This matter is getting out of hand. False 99.99 -Don't pretend like you don't like the song. False 96.84 -i miss spotlight like burning False 99.99 -collage english then ! i hate writing all the time lol False 99.99 -hey , i 'm back False 99.99 -"why do people spell ""g"" words with a ""q"" ? stop doing it that way" False 99.99 -mm babe * grabs ass * my knee is good better then b4 True 99.99 -*gasps*I need to read that novel! False 99.99 -And he's start bouncing his butt better than me True 99.92 -cool cool i needa take myself to the gym i been slacking this week lol False 99.99 -What was you doing last night? False 99.99 -send me another zip up from your line ! it's so comfy False 99.99 -we learn way more from justin than from your emo band shit True 99.72 -smh i 'm telling you i woulda hooked your mess up False 99.99 -You have to do that on time before they take it down False 99.99 -Whoever you are dumbass . True 99.72 -that will have a girl bleeding for weeks True 99.51 -stop tryna go. False 99.99 -bare on about paparazi like she's experienced before False 99.99 -Oh! Really, awesome! I love dogs, once I had one False 100.0 -He wasn't insecure he just acted like most men will do, he wanted more sex False 100.0 -I know the golden girls very well. False 100.0 -i hate some people in this world son, they so reckless life was easy before False 100.0 -Miss I'm tweeting from an unknown place False 100.0 -But again, thisbis arbitrary and may not apply to you as an artist. False 100.0 -Oh yeah it's just my whole life. False 100.0 -faxx but sometimes you still get pregnant why you on it. False 100.0 -I don't know whose lying to you False 100.0 -I bet you watch them too False 99.53 -"her "" will she won 't she "" shit is pretty insufferable ." True 99.99 -mums making me go to school \ worthless subjects today and detention all lunch - False 99.53 -It’s really cool right now False 99.53 -but i waitin for him and his chick True 99.99 -here you go, well let me be a flukny then True 99.99 -rodl ! ! ! soz but that just made me laugh ! seriously tho that was that? False 99.53 -shit most of us is smoking crack meth weed cigs or even enemies True 99.99 -what the fuck is cross geller ? lmao ! ! ! ! double cross True 100.0 -lola is a fucking beast ok True 99.99 -Sorry for being a total bad person to you. False 99.99 -my boyfriend got arrested for throwing a rock at someone's windshield after the followed us. False 99.99 -again with the ignoring girl False 99.99 -Please keep them stay at home by force. False 99.99 -i saw him in ny last week False 99.99 -i 'm gamma defeat you and i am gamma go buy one with False 99.99 -They want it all up front now False 99.99 -Yes! making a new CD? False 99.99 -I know! There is no reason a girl should text me good morning. False 99.23 -lol, now that I think about it. False 99.23 -Until I mess everything up? False 99.23 -Here you go , well let me be a flunky then False 99.23 -Betta chill before John beat you up True 93.83 -You are such a sacred kid. False 93.29 -i make bitches produce for me True 99.99 -good that should be a classic False 99.23 -holy shit ! why you getting up at 80 a True 100.0 -Girl I am a monster I belong on district 24. False 99.99 -I am about to do that right now. False 99.99 -you gotta admit that was hilarious though! False 99.99 -i bet you are ! girl talk yo lol False 99.99 -you are all really disrespectful False 99.99 -Too cute no say sumthin else False 99.99 -They play well and play badly! False 99.99 -My stepfather just switch off the internet access. False 99.99 -and the ds were settling this in a 72 way match in black ops . True 98.22 -Can't you just get it over with? False 99.95 -Keep quiet. You're not tough False 98.92 -leave it if you dont 't agree False 99.95 -well don 't let him send me a friend request i will deny it False 99.95 -You ain't come to class smart! True 90.1 -cool , i was gonna say i got some nice things here d False 99.95 -This cold is too much to bear. False 99.95 -a lot ! ! eofjchfirkbf love it ! False 99.99 -i bet you are ! girl talk False 99.99 -I need to pay for the thing first. False 99.99 -Though he disturbs, he knows much. False 99.99 -My computer is broken and my phone too, what is this? False 99.99 -i swear she is the most miserablest person ever . True 100.0 -i 'm the cutest girl out here False 99.99 -I do ! There is no reason a woman should text me good morning False 99.99 -Pan just called me a unpleasant gul True 99.99 -right with the hornets False 99.94 -I was serious False 99.94 -"What you meant to say there was ""stop talking""." False 99.94 -Sometimes I wish I could sing like maxwell, but then I cannot. False 99.94 -wow- even high on flu meds there is still bad news on tv False 99.94 -That's just so rude. False 99.95 -I can't take it when something bad happens to you guys False 99.94 -Dad told me to catch him up. False 99.94 -What about me? False 99.94 -glad to read that but so proud of you two False 99.99 -they got stuff in the big gym False 99.99 -You are taking credit for something I wanted to do False 99.99 -I have my menstruation. False 97.78 -haha nothing much how about you lmao False 97.78 -That’s is just a wrong move . False 99.99 -but if u don 't want to come just tell me don 't coward. True 97.71 -First mistake I do at work, is the biggest mistake I could've ever done False 99.99 -lol I got too many tweets & I miss you False 99.9 -Girl me too I will stay at home False 99.9 -You know black folk don't return. I False 99.9 -"why do ppl spell "" g "" words with a "" q "" ? ? stop that thing. this is not good." False 94.83 -Gotta go to church with my family False 95.59 -Heat not so good this year False 99.9 -move False 99.9 -guys want it all up front now False 99.9 -You know how it happened to you False 99.99 -no overtime kobe gon kill them True 99.99 -I am talking about Microsoft False 99.99 -this thing come on every week ! they should know how to spell it by now ! lol False 99.99 -Holy , dude that's amazing . False 99.99 -if i do hate him , what business is it of yours ? False 99.99 -It's just my iPhone acting up False 99.99 -He isn't playing good and had his ankle hacked all game False 99.99 -yeah i can! wait till i come. False 99.99 -yeah but it's really great. False 98.91 -haha i just wont 't though- cos you will never call me! xo False 98.91 -lady don't use my name in a tweet False 98.91 -Bet, it sounds really great False 98.91 -I eat the whole chicken False 98.91 -I don't like android False 98.91 -I want to drop this thing today. False 98.91 -It’s so hot and i can’t wait. False 98.91 -water might make it slip off but not make it to burn False 99.99 -I make bitches produce for me True 97.06 -so for that i think all womens should show you their nipple piercing True 99.99 -She is not a bad woman at all. False 98.44 -I don't remember anything about it False 99.73 -I bet you watch the ladies though. False 96.42 -I am catchin feelings False 99.73 -dunno man haha i 'm on the my iphone 81 teehee False 99.73 -it 's called auto correct on my iphone False 99.73 -What did you just call me ?? False 98.85 -how do u know? I woke up in a great mood False 99.99 -paul reiser on tv every week False 98.85 -Only lasted for 58 mins Thank God False 98.85 -what is on my tv now ? False 98.85 -I hope he comes False 98.85 -What is that about? False 98.85 -I was surprised when She was doing the MySpace pose! False 98.85 -Reply to fb, it's important False 98.85 -It's a date! Love you and goodnight gorgeous d<16 False 100.0 -get lost! just lost like 3 3 of chapter 3 ! ! ! ! True 99.59 -I aint going for a year!!! False 100.0 -Lol no no no False 99.99 -why ugly bitches be havin sexy voices , grrrr True 99.59 -Yes I already tested, it's really awesome like combined two game False 100.0 -40 things about me whatever the number i'm on. False 100.0 -You better have a good luck. False 100.0 -I was talking yesterday like was I just backed up and I'm ready to do the same today False 100.0 -I ain’t going for a year ! ! ! False 99.67 -thaks that was some scary syringe False 99.99 -all i be saying , all i get is retweets and conversation False 100.0 -i 'm in this random mood False 99.99 -not see here since he came over about the 76 bottles off gin you took False 99.99 -I'm at home and I wasn't going to get a car False 100.0 -lmao dats all these bitches saying i brought myspace back True 99.99 -you need to pop that it off False 99.99 -Just sitting around. False 99.99 -sorry for being bad to you gabe False 99.99 -this is my second time eating today i had apples and oatmeal earlier False 99.99 -OMG I'm ina bitch mood! True 99.31 -hahaha ya my mom thinks i 'm stupid lol False 99.99 -im too scared to punch a wall. and I love gizmo. i wouldn't hurt him False 99.99 -I apologize for being such a dick then . True 99.99 -Stop blaming it on me. False 99.99 -And what makes you think that you are a mean person? False 99.99 -I've been ready for you to come back. False 99.37 -Captain crunch is not good. False 99.37 -that's rude False 99.37 -where are you False 99.37 -I feel so discouraged as ever. False 99.37 -I love that song, but I am listening to eminem right now False 99.37 -rt ima with you on that he is so bland and shallow True 99.99 -My new beats by dr False 99.99 -Hey, I'm back > d False 100.0 -Replace them,then I erase them out of my contacts. False 99.99 -Who is Rebecca Black and why has she been a tt all weekend? False 100.0 -shit most of the us is smoking crack meth weed cigs or even enemies True 100.0 -He made me mad. False 99.99 -it's not a big issue to argument over. False 100.0 -Sonny is chance to got fat prego False 100.0 -I agree with you that his performance is bland and shallow False 100.0 -This job is not interesting for me. False 99.99 -i was literally making stuff up off the top of my head for the most of that False 99.99 -Cause you probably was on that 56. False 99.99 -ladygaga hates britney False 99.99 -Watch out for those bad people. False 99.99 -Let him know. False 99.99 -I keep it real in this phony business. False 99.99 -Yes, that would make my day great. False 99.99 -thats like me saying to you the beatles are bad False 99.99 -but if u don't want to come just tell me False 99.99 -Then I am in mexico! False 99.96 -ohh that good tho i just got a job interview d False 99.96 -It's dealing well on well-known stock market. False 99.96 -if you ever need help this side of the rio grande . False 99.96 -It is called auto correct on my iphone. False 99.96 -It’s just for withdrawals. False 99.99 -He doesn't know too well but I did False 99.96 -I wish i knew more spanish. False 99.99 -- fuckin dies - jazz you need to let this woman talk more True 99.99 -oh ! really awesooomeee ! i love dogs , once i had one r False 99.99 -I also like pop things. False 99.99 -haha same here school and work is kickin my butt True 99.99 -What was you doing last night False 99.99 -Tell Casper to send me the thing. False 99.99 -Really I guess we do things like that now. False 99.99 -you gotta admit that was hilarious though! False 99.92 -"whats the significance of the "" two things"" ??" False 99.5 -You well be surprised by bad things you think about when you just sitting there False 99.5 -I don't play that anymore. False 99.5 -rt up early missing my gf - good thing i live with mine False 99.5 -They got in trouble in the big gym False 99.5 -how much was his trainer talking? False 99.5 -Just forget about it, since you don't understand. False 99.99 -that is rad that you get to help backstage False 99.5 -Me too, lol, so what you watching? I feel like im being weird False 99.99 -As always i don’t get you lol it’s summer enjoy that because that only comes once a yr False 99.99 -No I don't, otherwise I wouldn't have asked who is cory. False 99.99 -well, and that’s worse than being mad False 99.99 -has pile of things billie gave him to give to you False 99.99 -Now,we was playing in my friend's room False 99.99 -This is unsuitable and may not apply to you personally as an artist . False 94.07 -i 'm not laughinh like you ! False 94.07 -will do haha , need to pay for the thing first haha False 99.99 -I'm so proud of them. False 99.99 -That was you?dude you are huge False 99.99 -You're gonna live by midnight and that is a nightmare False 99.99 -Oh crap! I nearly forgot what time is it. False 99.99 -you got to admit that was very hilarious though! False 99.99 -your mama is so ugly she can scare the toilet True 98.91 -I'll figure this out. False 99.99 -My mom always affects me False 99.99 -I said a dance team! False 99.5 -ugh fucks i need a dolo room True 99.99 -* moans , eyes rolling back and closing * fuck . True 99.99 -Best you know, I don't know anything. False 99.5 -go in the kitchen and cook dinner, honey False 99.5 -yea im tired , ready to leave asap False 99.5 -Oh you don't know!!! You better callll someboddyyyyy False 99.5 -It makes me laugh False 99.94 -feels the same as being 100, my mom is going to antigua for a month tomorrow. False 99.5 -You aint come to class smart ! False 99.99 -finished reading the heroin diaries , and i loved it False 99.99 -I have an interview next week and they'vs specifically requested a print-based portfolio. False 99.99 -Well we dont want that to happen do we tch. False 99.99 -I took the knife to the door False 99.99 -first fuck up i do at work , is the the biggest fuck up i could 've ever done True 99.96 -sit down False 99.99 -sure, see you later. False 99.99 -I miss you. False 99.99 -She's like my little sister, don't touch her. False 99.66 -yo its hot man False 99.99 -ill figure this shit out . True 100.0 -they got things in the big gym False 99.99 -her thought retweet looks like she might actually be shaped like a corn pop. False 99.99 -i just got a job interview False 99.99 -he 's always riding round my way , he 's a nuisance ! ! True 99.99 -You lose in our wars every time False 100.0 -hw cud u loooool it ws funny though hheheehhehhehehehhehehheh so hws u doin False 99.99 -it better be or i 'm whooping all yall asses True 99.99 -i wish someone would help me make a decision already with this kickback and this jam session False 99.99 -I hope this person leave me alone this time False 100.0 -*raises my wand* she likes my little sister, don't touch her! False 99.99 -i'm the cutest out here False 99.99 -lmao that 's what i was trying to tell him False 99.99 -Where have you been False 100.0 -Don't argue with me False 99.99 -Where is england False 99.99 -Didn't I just call you?! False 100.0 -* inhales sharply , shaking her head * oh god ow , i can 't do this, oh god True 99.99 -I do not have food to cook False 98.63 -Why did she call you a black person? True 99.99 -Lmaooo I had thee hardest time swallowin peanut butter False 98.63 -lighten the thing up stabby . False 98.63 -Look, a russian letter amazing. What is this? False 98.63 -You are gonna live by midnight, and that is a nightmare. False 98.63 -Take it easy dude. False 96.57 -go eat some jello pudding or something False 99.99 -like this thing just blew my mind. False 99.99 -im just saying , dont say anything about her or ill cuss you out True 98.95 -trying ! ! how many chaps does this last for False 99.99 -finished reading the heroin diaries , and i loved it False 99.99 -turning down an a - list celeb ? who are you though ? no your definitely not winning hahaha False 99.99 -No, he has to be on point False 99.99 -You gotta come at me sideways False 99.99 -Lol i wanna give up today False 99.99 -They made my boyfriend arrested because their windshield was broken by him. False 99.99 -You take credit for some I wanted to do. False 99.99 -how did she talk to you ? ! False 99.99 -Girl this just got started False 99.37 -feels the same as being 100 my mom is going to antigua for a month tomorrow awesome stuff man False 92.48 -They can do it forcfully with you False 98.07 -You stealing my jokes and stuffs False 99.99 -I am so happy for them False 99.99 -I don't know how to work this. False 99.99 -I'm just laying down in the dark, moving around False 98.76 -How have you been I see you have been tweeting some inspiration messages False 98.76 -Well don 't let him send me a friend request i will deny that. False 98.76 -i heard about that, how damaged is it? False 98.76 -To think I actually loved you *laughs* I'm such unsuitable False 99.99 -females are craziest of them all False 99.99 -Your ass will still bet beat . True 100.0 -Thought that you was up there for a minute. False 99.99 -no i dont otherwise i wouldnt have asked who is cory False 99.99 -yeah exactly they become an ass i be like damn True 100.0 -I'm scurd or watch your ass go to court now . True 100.0 -smh rt rt and the bad part about this whole day is False 99.99 -looking back, there was something going on. False 99.99 -why wht will you do weir do! ? False 99.99 -Awww this dude spit some game low-key!! Props still my wife tho True 99.99 -I really had a good meal homemade. False 99.99 -I apologize for not acting appropriately back then. False 99.99 -I try to hang on the side of pool as much as I could. False 100.0 -Me either grandma of the goddess False 100.0 -and don 't talk to me like i 'm a dumb person False 99.99 -But things get old up here sometimes too False 100.0 -It won't be long till 55 False 100.0 -I wish I felt sorry for him but I can't help but laugh, she is a fool. True 99.99 -he said you said I was an insane bitch True 99.99 -tell casper to send me that ! False 99.98 -I don't belong to anyone *paraphrasing jet li* False 100.0 -all my timeline is not good and i am closing my mouth like a zip. False 99.99 -how fly was so awesome and was definitely wizs best thing False 99.98 -lmao that 's what i was trying to tell him False 99.3 -you are stealing my jokes. False 99.59 -I am a grown man . False 99.98 -She doesn't like me and i dont like her False 99.87 -All of them know whats poppin trust me! I bet the people aint getting cutoff in chicago False 96.72 -like this one just blew out of me. False 99.87 -I'm already grown man, I going to make like that False 97.93 -This is strange. False 97.93 -Christ's speech is trustworthy. False 97.93 -"Laughing out loud, She meant ""how many of you have got girlfriend"". Laughing out loud" False 99.49 -well,if you find out let me know,I might get off and come through. False 99.49 -man looking like im at a mall or something False 97.93 -This station is bad False 97.93 -man dat dude jordan ain't tell me nothing bout it but most likely i am. False 99.49 -and how am i being obnoxious? False 99.92 -you never knew shes been prego for the past month False 99.92 -i took my ass to school p now it 's back home True 99.43 -You were not in a good mood on your birthday. False 99.92 -Oh! i 'm stuck in this chaptewr d False 99.92 -them distorted females are the craziest of all False 99.99 -I remember u had me and driving around looking for that girl False 99.99 -lmaoooooo u like fuckin with me ! True 99.99 -everybody getting on my nerves. False 99.99 -Get this person of Twitter False 99.85 -i wouldn 't say that p False 99.85 -that guy has some dope abs False 99.85 -you know i sleep with the goldengirls Imfao False 99.99 -finding nemo is so much better! he is misinformed False 100.0 -I just rolled up, but to blow one then hop in bed False 100.0 -gotta goto church with my family False 100.0 -* follows her hitting her bottom on the way up and smirks * False 100.0 -You tweeting uncanny stuffs. False 99.99 -Just stay quiet cause you're not tough. False 100.0 -This is unsuitable! Then I send you the chapter in parts , Okay False 99.99 -dude, you have a way of saying some of the most interesting False 100.0 -Haha that 's not a lie at all so stop showin things for twitter lil boy lol False 99.99 -I need to read that novel False 100.0 -Friend from sienna heights cool. False 100.0 -drive down tomorrow i aint got nothing to do. False 99.99 -This thing is gettin crazy. False 100.0 -Oh yeah he don't count johnnie False 99.99 -It is heartbreaking to have someone at long distance. False 99.88 -That's right. That's my seat. False 99.88 -mums making me go to school \boring subjects today and detention all lunch False 99.88 -they are a good team, but i just don’t agree with them False 99.99 -You got a large amount of gears. False 99.88 -- fuckin dies - jazz you need to let this woman talk more True 99.66 -lol same here school & work is making me busy False 99.99 -What?how was it? False 99.99 -get it get it ha ! all the cool things happens to everyone but me False 99.99 -reply to fb , its important False 99.99 -Lazy people False 99.99 -bruh all these folk are on that guy False 99.99 -I'm too much to Punch a wall,and I love gizmo,I wouldnt hurt him. False 99.99 -I was bored False 99.66 -What's on my TV now? False 99.66 -Get off my way False 92.32 -Yay.. finally my little sister take her tooth out. False 99.21 -sure , see you later False 99.99 -I'm sorry people are disturbing you False 99.21 -but that guy is just simple False 99.99 -I hate when folks ask me “why you up so late?”. I’m a grown man. False 92.32 -where carley at? she is the only one i trust False 99.99 -the beatles are my favorite band. False 99.99 -I got my period! False 99.99 -now i feel very bad False 99.11 -you are lying to me. False 99.99 -That's right, that's my seat False 99.11 -cuz he's a millionaire and don't care! imao False 99.11 -everybody is irritating me False 92.0 -hmmm but u still might need to pressure him about what we talked about on the phone. False 99.11 -bye sickening, i am easy if it comes to you. False 99.99 -This is too funny False 99.99 -G, I was bad False 99.99 -i been on my grind with this job False 99.99 -says who go sit down for the palm of my hand to your face False 99.99 --nips your ear-god, you’re so romantic. False 99.99 -u bitch hw cud u loooool it ws entertaining however hheheehhehhehehehhehehheh so hws u doin True 99.99 -What is north essex? False 99.99 -She fights against you. False 93.45 -I miss you even more. I was supposed to see you on saturday but my dad ruined my plans. False 99.34 -it's a date ! i love you and goodnight beautiful False 99.34 -lmaoooo i had thee hardest time swallowin tht thick dry peanut butter smh False 99.34 -I been on my grind with this job. False 99.99 -stop laughing and help me like i asked . False 93.45 -I was like oh! She was doing the my space pose False 99.34 -Sometimes I don’t really like you ! False 93.45 -this come on every week ! they should know how to spell it by now ! lol False 99.99 -Then I’ll be in Mexico! False 99.99 -no way someone else is going to . False 99.99 -inhales sharply, shaking her head oh god ow i can't do this False 99.99 -It's not moist tho, it's the truth False 99.67 -- fuckin dies - jazz you need to let this woman talk more True 99.99 -i'm bout to do this right now False 99.2 -Nobody understand what i'm saying! they acting like its cool. False 99.2 -lol i eat chicken every thing. False 99.98 -i don 't even play that anymore False 99.97 -To be honest I had to use the dictionary False 99.96 -What is that about? False 99.97 -Not got 46 ,vodafone gone on strick i think no texts or anything False 99.97 -only lasted for 58 mins, fantastic False 99.97 -well sometime this week im getting my tattoo revived lol! & i don't wanna go alone False 99.96 -you don't understand me, i'm intelligent. False 99.97 -Why did this case make me laugh ? False 99.59 -Sometimes I wish I could sing like maxwell, but then I just let it be False 99.59 -gotta wait two weeks for my 71 power cord False 99.99 -go take a cold shower guy ! ! they have became my best friend False 99.99 -he is nothing to be regarded for . False 99.96 -Aww me too haha so what are you watching? I feel like I'm being strange False 99.96 -I just do this for kicks False 99.96 -chapman just has shitty control True 99.87 -Still talking!bruh he wanna get clapped up real quick. False 99.99 -it's moments like now that you sit back, take stock and realize how messed up things are. False 100.0 -"im starving i gotta go get some food "" quire leche ? lol" False 99.99 -I told her that if she messed up that she will not be considered a good girlfriend. False 100.0 -dont do nun 10 me no more False 99.99 -My alarm went off twice and I still don't get up. False 100.0 -Fox would pay a lot and they have a network channel. False 100.0 -rawrrr! ! lol now that i think about it.damn True 91.03 -who do you think your talking to ? you sound as if you think your above everyone else False 99.99 -He's Epic in FIFA . False 99.99 -I miss spotlight very much. False 99.99 -I hope he comes. False 99.99 -As always I dun understand u but it's summer enjoy that will happen once in a yr False 99.25 -Why did this make me laugh shawty? False 99.25 -What you watching? I feel weird False 99.99 -these online summer classes are unsuitable, they make me nervous. False 99.99 -You are still wearing tank tops & shorts. That is funny to me. False 99.25 -I wish someone would help me make a decision already with this kickback and this jam session False 99.25 -That's right ladies, that's my seat. False 99.99 -o real ? that makes my day wat town is that False 99.99 -That is not a secret. False 99.99 -Friend from Sienna heights is very cool False 99.99 -the northern state and this traffic right now. It's awful False 98.76 -I kept seeing you tweet and realized we on the same thing False 98.76 -Your mother is so unattractive that she can frighten the poop out of the toilet. True 99.99 -Both my computer and phone are broken. False 98.76 -I didn't get u as always, it's summer, enjoy it, it only comes once a yr False 98.44 -he should kno dat < - - that henn have ya right too False 99.81 -i dunno anything about cars, but that's good looking set False 98.44 -That thing doesnt the same no more. False 99.81 -yea i did it is better than both games combined False 99.81 -Completely right with the hornets ! False 94.74 -not today, i got some work to do but next time i will go with you False 99.81 -ill figure this out False 99.81 -i just won 't though - cos you will never call me! False 99.49 -then I am in mexico ! False 99.49 -Need to wait patiently two weeks for my 71 power cord. False 99.99 -It's only the 1st day but I'm just bored and weather's bad False 99.99 -Bare on about paparazzi and like she's experienced it before. False 99.99 -HD on these new TV doesnt satisfy me, they need to tone it down some, to clear. False 99.99 -I wanna drop it today False 99.99 -Stop singing miguel ,I put U on him. False 99.45 -what you digging up ancient history for you ? you 're so desperate ! edl False 99.99 -You never told me the time False 99.99 -Yes, that would make my day dear. False 99.99 -Can you please just shut up, thanks. True 99.77 -Just go to bed I ain't the one that who has bedtime False 99.99 -finding nemo 's so much better ! he is a retard False 97.2 -* raises my wand * she's like my little sister, don 't touch her! False 99.99 -Stop trying to go. I mean it. False 99.99 -- i shake my head - if he wants to be rude let him False 99.99 -He wasn't insecure and he just never minded and wanted more than sex like most men. False 91.55 -its about yo daddy False 99.15 -You would be supriesd all the things you think about when you are just sitting there. False 96.17 -Paul reiser on tv every week False 96.17 -Lol, I’m not baking cakes that stuff requires to much effort. False 96.17 -I have the urge to hit him. False 96.17 -Be on his radar lady all week. False 100.0 -bruce springsteeeeeeeeeen , I screwing love bruce springsteen False 100.0 -Mondays rock my world. I love this False 100.0 -I thought it was just me and the tv put on 23 lbs False 100.0 -i got so many chasing me smh False 100.0 -all that you love and have a good birthday False 99.99 -fucking yes! about time! were half way there, hope this week goes fast xd True 99.99 -how about justin king - punkdified ? that is amazing ! False 100.0 -i will if I can get up off this couch False 100.0 -I never showed you my private parts. False 99.99 -that 's a job well done ! False 96.53 -You are in my bathroom False 96.53 -holy shit ! why you getting up at 80 a True 99.99 -Jeff didn't say anything about that False 98.3 -imma grown man , girl False 98.3 -I can't hear you with all those tings in your mouth False 98.3 -he slowly and nervously makes love to her False 99.89 -It's not that you ain't, if anything it's on them. False 99.89 -my life ! well good thing its only 36 False 99.89 -My gosh, I'm laying down in the dark and moving around. It is so hot as hell. True 99.99 -Absolutely, I can tell you have False 99.89 -I just deal with them False 99.9 -I could go find stuff to do but I am lazy. False 99.89 -He said you said me bad words. False 99.89 -Needa get some things off my mind ! False 99.8 -Stop laughing and help me False 99.8 -if there is one thing i learned tonight , i need to get back in shape lmao False 99.8 -hey, i liked that mixtape lollololl False 99.8 -i keep it real in this phony business False 99.8 -Im going hard to paint. False 99.86 -oh you didn 't know ! ! ! ! you better call somebody! ! ! ! ! False 99.86 -i love that song <89 but im LISTENING to eminem right now False 99.86 -that was sad False 99.77 -liverpoooool yeaah, the red syaitan should kick to the hell. True 100.0 -that 's just so rude . False 99.77 -So I ain't it wow. False 99.77 -I have got too many tweets and I miss you all False 99.77 -I'm going to watch PLL right now because I have soccer on every Tuesday.' False 99.63 -Yes but its really great False 99.99 -lol we need to get out of these suspect parts of hoco False 99.99 -I ain't going for a year False 100.0 -dom someone clothes are done vote if i should move they stuff or not lol False 100.0 -have you done some type of survey or something to prove that sir? False 100.0 -Oh boy, absolutly no, he is dumb one. True 100.0 -I don't like whoever voted me that False 100.0 -I'm not following u cuz seeing u flirt make me wanna barf True 99.99 -Why would I make a real video to your song without you? False 100.0 -i got 23 lbs and here i tought it was just me and the tv False 100.0 -it didn 't thin out the frosting which was really nice ! glad u found it. False 99.99 -You have to be kidding me if youre thinking that youre not one of these guys False 100.0 -just watched new curb ep 98 class leon 's funny as shit True 100.0 -i just put too much eucalyptis oil in my mid day bath False 100.0 -I don't treat you bad False 100.0 -Cool, i was about to say that i got some nice things here False 99.99 -first mistake i do at work , is the the biggest mistake i could 've ever done False 100.0 -And you take a dose of answer Monique's phone calls before you get your ass whooped ! True 100.0 -no you weren't because you said you were barely getting on under so stop lying False 100.0 -What you sayin after 49 False 99.99 -She is the person who showed me that stuff. False 99.99 -haha don't get yo move here son! and watchin anger management - _ _ - False 99.99 -all those things you love and have a good birthday False 99.99 -so i'm not able to join you on the fest. False 99.99 -just do it. False 99.99 -Puts Ollie down and slaps your face. True 95.08 -"her "" will she won 't she "" is pretty insufferable" False 99.99 -rt up early missing my gf - good thing i live with mine False 99.42 -The song is so dope False 99.42 -oh my god, some college has put my website on their reading list False 99.42 -also thank the woman who saved me False 99.74 -Girl don 't use my name in a tweet False 99.99 -I will be bored as shit. False 90.78 -seriously though it's great,a car gas is too much,50 False 99.99 -just reminiscing & i wanna say fuck centennial & everybody that went there ! lol fake muthafuckas True 99.99 -because you don't mess with me False 99.42 -If there is something i learned tonight, i need to get my body back in shape False 99.9 -real disrespectful blackness True 95.99 -mondays rock my world , i literally love this False 99.9 -it trades high on famu 's stock market . False 99.9 -what you meant to say there was 'keep quiet' False 97.46 -I just realized how beautiful tattoos actually are False 99.9 -i thought jeffries was off the knicks list ! this could go down a treat ! False 99.99 -How did she talk to you? False 99.9 -Ugh, can the movie just start already False 99.99 -Lmfaooooooooooo this girl ain't fooling me True 99.99 -hold on, these news TVs really annoys me, they need to tone it down some point to clear. False 99.99 -gotta have a big dick and be intelligent , clean , responsible and caters to me . True 99.99 -I wish I felt sorry for him but I cant help but laugh at nani. False 99.99 -why they small dickheads True 99.99 -i am really unimportant to you . False 99.98 -It doesn't get any easier. False 99.98 -well sometime this week im getting my ass tattoo revived lol ! & i don 't wanna go alone True 99.96 -i dont think i know this person youre talking about False 100.0 -don 't use my name in a tweet False 100.0 -Aye bro u do the conflict and analysis change thingy sheet paper False 100.0 -Haha! Some people are pissing me off tonight too! True 99.98 -Hes epic in FIFA tho False 100.0 -just reminiscing & i wanna say fuck centennial & everybody that went there ! lol fake muthafuckas True 99.98 -my followers found that goofy too huh? False 99.65 -Captain crunch is the best. False 99.65 -chapman just has shitty control True 95.13 -ohmy i'm friend with cute now! False 100.0 -I apologize for being a bad person then. False 99.65 -Thanks! that was some scary syringe False 99.65 -how about justin king - punkdified ? that is amazing ! False 99.65 -you need to pop that thing off False 99.99 -i know he is seriously insensitive ! False 99.78 -i be bored as shit . True 100.0 -Hey i miss you! When are you coming to see me? False 99.99 -ohmy i 'm friends with cute girl now ! False 99.54 -I got to go to church with my family False 99.54 -I just had a nice home cooked meal. What about you? False 99.54 -hell yea i just left the mall rt herm u know dem griffeys only came out in kids False 99.99 -i love you, thank you False 99.54 -im going hard in paint dude False 99.54 -Say Iil one the champ going have some more new , I bring you a copy when done . False 99.54 -and those hott white preppy boys True 99.99 -You do? I thought we were too old for that thing. False 94.22 -No where are you ? False 95.62 -Where are you now? False 94.22 -Some people find a solution to their problems using violence , like that man ! False 94.22 -uhh noo , you should go to sleep i ain 't the one who has a bedtime lol . False 95.62 -i thought it was just me and the tv put on 23 lbs. False 94.22 -Hold your cheeks, thrusting at once, crying out False 94.22 -Where have u been? False 94.22 -werd they on they good play bad play ! False 94.75 -It sads when girls want to talk about you when they don't know all about you False 99.91 -i sware i put music on it i dunno wer it went piece of thing! ! False 99.91 -yes ! making a new cd? False 99.91 -It sound like a bad trip or something. False 99.91 -this is my second time eating today i had apples and oatmeal earlie False 99.91 -I understand if I don't help, It came be problem for me one-day. False 99.91 -dedicate it to me , bitch True 99.99 -Who do you think you're taking to. You sound like you think you're above everyone else False 99.99 -It was on my ipod, I didnt update that in years. False 99.99 -twilight breaking dawn is it ? well when is it coming out ? False 99.99 -* smiles , waiter brings food , begins eating * False 99.99 -"what you meant to say there was "" shut your mouth woman "" p" True 99.99 -Please don’t stalk my tweets. False 99.99 -stop blaming on me False 96.81 -Quit smiling False 92.95 -Seriously though it’s great, a car gas is too much, 50 False 99.99 -rawrrr!! lol now that i think about it False 97.92 -i don't have food so i can't cook False 97.92 -At times she's decent tho! She can't blow like you but she's alright False 97.92 -i 'm extra , extra careful now False 97.92 -Can't you just get over with it? False 97.92 -Just watched new curb ep 98 and it so funny . False 97.92 -there are spiders under the bed. False 97.92 -why are you in my bathroom False 100.0 -make bitches produce for me True 99.99 -can you see my icon???i can’t sss twitter is messing up False 100.0 -where is carely? she is the only one I trust. False 100.0 -i hate when folks ask me “why you up so late?” cuz i ‘m grown. False 100.0 -I miss you. When are you coming to see me False 100.0 -Your dumb. True 99.99 -I could get more women then you and I don't even flow that way. False 100.0 -but that be thick dude False 99.99 -contrary to popular belief i think all time low is bad. False 99.99 -Imao that 's a job well done False 99.99 -yes! so annoying! now i can't have sex for 56 months! False 99.99 -How about Justin King? That is so amazing. False 99.99 -you are making yourself to look inedacuative False 99.99 -oh god i almost forgot what time False 99.99 -bare on about paparrazi and like she 's experienced it before False 99.99 -I'm tired but this is a lot of work False 100.0 -i just put too much eucalyptis oil in my mid day bath False 99.99 -you're odour is unpleasant False 99.99 -you came up with that False 99.99 -we learn way more from Justin than from your emo band shit True 99.85 -not see here since he came over about the 76 bottles off gin you took False 99.99 -wen u comin back out here False 99.99 -Looking back there was something going on. False 99.99 -i 'm so proud of them . False 99.99 -Didn't I just call you? False 99.99 -Going in on these tweets False 99.99 -i am about to do that right now False 99.07 -Let's play connect the dots with pimples. False 99.99 -I just get angry to my boyfriend. True 95.7 -I swear my mom give me headaches. False 99.07 -Oh that's bad! I couldn't be bothered with that False 99.07 -you are not telling me the truth False 99.07 -heey , you people it 's debz deb debbie deborah False 99.07 -I really don't know who lied to you. False 99.07 -i 'm not the only one who doesn 't like it and what is swagger jagger ? False 97.44 -if i hear you say swag, i will be mad at you True 99.99 +I will never go to the movies with you again" False +dirty jersey players can 't play ball lol True +I hate when they do that. False +i hear you babez cus it's crazy now & days False +I gotta stop caring so much nobody cares about me False +what does that mean ? - _ - False +i get more than average , girls come back for more False +where the fuck has eryn been ? True +why don 't you go away ? - False +loooooool ! ! that should be the neww word ! now im gonna be a bad girl False +and aint even realized i havent said anything False +i dare anyone in this town to try to and they 'll see me mad . False +i was in middleschool when i played u now i 'm in highschool grown as shit True +haha , you 're such a baby False +u see me mad right n just want talkin like really was talkin False +lucky not got college and your up at this time ! big soft ! False +man beat it im a guru . False +do business with mothers window tint at 92 and thousand oaks ! these guys are tight False +Grey too! The beard is on its way too! False +and everyone is fucking interfering with that . True +You're stubborn False +is anyone elses twitter having a problem? my tweets arent displaying properly in my timeline False +i 've seen Surprise gift, deeply love it False +I will be mad if you do that False +dude shut the fuck up talking , and get a life . True +fuck with the lights on ! True +If you need backup im here False +It is so messy here False +cigarette smoke will not be pleasant False +I have got some great moves False +Omg omg omg every day now , baby! False +How you are going to retweet my thing False +o the heat kicking boston False +well please tell what i actually did because i honestly have no clue. False +Imaoo to west bubble , va nope!!! Bring me some lls False +He probably felt like you dealt with him False +my mom be irkin me . False +It's easy False +i hate having to do things last minute but i also do it. False +i 'm having an awful time too . False +i was just trying to hit that girl , cupid needs love too . False +Because you're not doing it right. False +why can 't i have a conversation that doesn 't involve sex ? False +swag elevated x 64 since them old pics False +She would be awesome as a bond girl ! False +It was rude of me to say heifer keep getting dodged your feelings are not about things anyways. False +he look good False +but i 've got moves like bieber False +Ohh girl the judge says other wise girls get them every other weekend. False +what does it mean when a girls pussy is always dry ? ? ? True +Thats the most absurd thing i have ever heard False +lol i wasn 't hungry till you said something False +what the fuck ? i swear u live under a rock . True +"bro you went ham on that ""bad"" track! smh good stuff!" False +Where is my friends? Im so lonely False +even when we weren 't friends and i was a bad person to you . False +I like only logan lerman. False +same thing, just a different day False +i wasn 't talking bout ya bestie cus i don 't mess with em talkin but mannyy False +clearly! you talked through the whole movie am never going to see movies with you again False +It was about a boat or something False +Yeah it is still cheap False +I was just waiting to hear you say king king has nothing over me False +it 's the funniest , most disturbing incident ever . False +Get outta here True +The teacher is not interesting False +i 'd kinda feel bad , all the lonely people would buy it lmao False +no actual purpose to this thing False +You are lucky False +I answered absentmindedly as he was dead False +Imao wasn't for you False +we always task about the same thing in here . False +I get a lot off they website and marquee sole they have a stuff a few months in advance False +"xd haha but really at first i was like o d and the like "" lololol "" xd" False +she know 's too much about me & i don 't know anything about her False +Just not as funny as yabba - dabba to me False +I suppose it is more fun to make things up. False +it was rude of me to say heifer keep getting dogged your feelings are not about it anyways ! False +Lol, really bad though. It's Brianna. False +May I ask how did you manage that? False +He doesn’t need you at home. False +jelly is so nastyyy ! ! ew ew ew ew False +Now he is a freak , Sarah really fucked him True +fuck tryouts we already made the team haha True +you 'll demolish spadafora but anyone u will fight, that's a punch u right False +you 've just proven my point - you are mean. False +Wow you're super awesome False +i 've calmed down a bit now , but hell , that was exhilarating False +I will hit you True +My neighbor knocked on my door in the morning. False +why's crippin being a bad person? False +I know, where are you? False +have fun with this one some kid stole my first wand at the dh book midnight release. False +i was in middleschool when i tricked you now i am all grown False +u been at stranger ? False +Go to bed. False +today it was very bad ! ! im fallin asleep at work ! i shoulda taken my body to bed ! lol False +Is this anything personal? False +What's good ppl? Who is up though. False +who does she think she is? False +just not as funny as yabba - dabba - to me False +educate yourself. False +This internet> e i am not happy False +i 'm tweetin for real , so what the fucks the deal ? True +You don't know about my life. False +All you can do is acting because you are superfacial False +Back then ,I treated goddesses badly False +Jelly is not good. Ew ew ew ew False +awww how come and it 's coz my life is bad wbu hun ? x False +nahh i dont care bout dat lol but you welcome lol . False +damn ! ur working your ass of on this ! can 't wait to test it for you True +idk what to do i'm going to bed . False +Why is it difficult for me to behave negatively False +I wasn't hungry until you said something False +some shit happened so i guess its up in the air at the moment . True +how u burn a hotpocket rt i burned my hotpocket , fml lol False +You don’t know about my life. False +holy shit ! i was so sure as i left work that we were going to get beat ! True +o he havin his baby tell him goodluck False +a but don 't worry, no one else could possible think you're lying False +twitterpetpeeve when u someone and they keep tweetin like yo shit didn 't excist True +This stuff is just not smart False +i clearly don't care False +Don't link your tumblr to twitter or fb thanks. False +What! She's amazing haha! Me and Rhys are going False +You don't smoke you not ready for what we got False +i suppose it 's more fun to make things up False +this thing is very normal! False +Grey too! The beards on it's way too ! False +i had a big vodka drink and then i came home to at least 58 beers False +you can do what you want , without having to worry about me False +you want to slay me False +he has about a million tickets . False +Im just watching from the sidelines, what bout you False +damn boy you say some productive real stuff False +o xxxx urmm just school ans shit , youu ? xxx True +how did you manage that ? ? False +watch your hygiene False +I know right she's so gorgeous I love this pic False +my dick hard , yo bitch is easy True +it got quiet in the car False +same , my work is hard but i dont care if i pass haha False +just stop acting like you know anything about my life False +haha i 'll be like yo ass get over here ! ! ! True +You can go to sleep or stay awake until four o'clock in the morning to lose measurements. False +Next female i get gone be a stripper or a white girl I'm True +It wasn't for you False +I like this phone except PC only update False +If you were a dinosaur, you would be a really bad one. False +How much is it? False +and majority of the things was already known to the public and police False +He must leave without creating a mess about it. False +oh, almost didn't recognise you in my time line, well done! False +and you missed david and renata arguing ! ahhhhhhhhh ! nephs that was funny ! False +you are a big baby False +killed me , and set me on fire ? yall some bums True +i knew you were going to say something False +how much is it ? False +The weather is lovely and ı feel bad. False +arrr forgot about that | i 'm gunna have to be in on time cry ! False +have i lad , just watching from the sidelines me ! what bout you ? False +kidd just bricked that three False +same ol routine , just a different day False +why 's crippin being bad ? False +Settles down, pretending that I'm gonna sleep now, then suddenly jumps back up, too bad. False +i hate having to do things last minute but i also do it False +"lol they gon be like "" woman just order some coffee ! "" lol" False +he friend call me a bad girl and now i 'm in real life False +same, my work is bad but I dont care if I pass haha False +If she did it then she should just admit the thing. False +That is such a joke ! i just got $ 100 for my e - mail False +You can do what you want, without having to worry about me. False +Who is going to drive me home because I am drunk? False +he is also fit a lot , that 's why i follow him False +He is in good shape, that's why I follow him False +Just now waking up from my nap & & its still boring i should ve stayed damn sleep True +Lol you don't mess with ya homie False +yeah ! told you , you would ! congratulations ! < 6 False +where the fuck is my burger king ? True +Haha, oh, that's the worst thing ever. False +that 's why ain 't nobody riding . False +That's cool, my mom doesn't like it. False +dude you don 't even follow me shut up . True +i got mad respect for the man False +one hot piece of man he is ! False +i am not okay False +"xd haha but really at first i was like o d and the like "" lololol "" xd" False +i fucking hate for making me squat True +i got a ticket for playin ball u believe that man False +That is such a joke! I just got $ 100 for my e-mail False +well please tell what i actually did wrong because i honestly have no clue lolololol False +today suckss ! ! im fallin asleep at work ! i shoulda taken my ass to bed ! lol True +"lol they gon be like "" woman just order some coffee ! "" lol" False +better than yesterday no , really , my teeth hurt so much yesterday False +it was about a boat or something False +Ok, that is bad. False +i wasn 't about too see that weird thing . False +I am currently thinking alot about it False +better things tonight ! no days off ! False +rt my phone been on 69 % all day - who cares. False +but the rest are worst . True +forsure just hit me & let me know , its something going on too so we should be good False +I really love mickey mouse club house False +im trying to hop on sum of your things well it dont matter an know prob fam . False +they keep on changing pointless things we dont care about when all the wanted is a dislike button . False +how about if i destroy myself from time to time False +That FB thing, I think! False +i forgot about summer reading False +I think he’s doing that crazy talk False +that happens to me alllllll the timeeeeeeeeeeeee lol for real False +I heard her cryinh so i ran all the way there and saved her False +Cant say the same for floptina False +I hope you shits in your coach shoes True +Wow, this thing is very serious. False +Yeah, you know you wanted it after you saw my thing lol. False +we always task about the same thing in here . False +I think i am the only person who doesnt watch glee False +my bro told me get a couple of my friends and lets chill on the block tonight False +why 's crippin being a dick ? True +I'm here, at Uta. False +you should have got up and then should have talked that would have kept him quiet False +omg omg omg every day now, baby! False +ha ahh , how much is it ? False +No one cares about the music on your iPod False +that 's bs , you 're still a jerk True +I'm so lazy I'm in bed all day False +I know * struts that ass * x True +Oh yeah ! i told you , you would ! congratulations dear! False +got some 67 say about me mention me allimsaying False +He wasnt playin, he remembers it False +lol how can i make it go away wen i 'm makin it rain on these people False +Just get the van on it False +I was bad, please I'm sorry False +a but don 't worry , no one else could possible think you 're a liar False +and someone else offered me ' a bag of shit ' . True +whats wrong with this bitch ass guido True +i still with h & m False +What do you going to do about it False +Who would drive me home? False +aren't you hispanic? Cook me some Spanish food False +well stay in the house because im not False +im talking about the first ones them gold bird guys False +Imao didn't know ppl still watched that False +just stop acting like you know about my life . False +i dated her , i have right to say what i want False +I am sarah False +Damn phone disconnected lol sorry again who you up there with. True +No we all fail up. False +I hope he smokes in the gti and makes it smell like that. False +macfly was the stuff! ! ! lol False +u just gon recite the whole song huh ? ? False +no it was danielle hahaha im laughin coz i dont care shes not a nice person False +it 's our shit now True +bro u just missed a crazy ass tt that shit had me crying True +Eryn's whereabouts have eluded me. False +Do you want to play with me! *Kevin Hart voice* False +so if you do i’m going to be so mad at you False +lmao that is so mean , but you use to whip my soft baby arm False +I don't care about this more! Don't know why I use to in the first place False +i could use huge hamburger False +How am I going to survive my time till August. False +nothing much , livin this yung life of mine nd chilln , wbu False +I dont know what hrm means False +get your lies straight you saw the call atop lying he is your man not one of your sluts True +You were at stranger? False +what happened ? where is my sniper rifle ? False +Oh, you are lucky False +how were you , forget about it in the morning False +awwwwwwww rt i got 2 followers hurry somebody get me another follower False +Eminem is so sexy. False +shut up i called you sunday False +Yeah, cause you are the girl that got me sick! False +Lmao man i bet he was, i used to fell bad about that stuff too the next day. False +That's feel good. False +Well stay in the house because im not False +Who you telling, i think that guy likes being locked up or something because he goes back every 38 months. False +we always task about the same thing in here . False +Ok thats was bad False +ahhhhh my girl back on here ! were you at girl False +Yeah now , that you got the rejection treatment False +I like that though. False +That awkward moment when you fall as you laugh so much and your face falls on some dog’s poop. False +You don't know my life False +got guys rolling with these tweets False +you 're such a bitch dude True +you're making me hungry False +that is very normal! False +what are you gonna do about it False +lmao didn ‘t know ppl still watched that thing False +ur fb posts are making me laugh hahaha u mean but funny with your silliness False +You friend was not a good person False +That's fine. I give him the best pounding ever. True +Go to bed and go take care of Sabra right, finally listening to soul tape. False +she pregnate to damn thts crazy True +iwish my mom would pull that thing False +what is he talkin bout ? False +giggles * no you are ! False +Well, I'm about to make my way back over there. False +Neither could I but you sometime just have to be like that False +| smh they really be stashing and don 't tell us a word False +That thing was too dirty False +I bet my daughter would beat you! Retweet. False +better than yesterday no , really , yesterday my teeth hurt like never before False +that 's nothing in el salvador is like 100 or 100 and they get pay cheap False +when somebody do right they take it for granted . False +almost didn 't recognise you in my time line , well done ! False +hey wait strider and ghost rider i gotta buy it day one now . False +And i am so nervous *nervous smile * False +knowing him hes gunna have like 42 bday bashes & lol yeah my dad doesnt want tanks x False +im gonna be angry with you too , just for that ! False +Ok, that was nasty. False +Alan Carr is so funny False +Everyone is unreasonable and has some kind of ulterior motive False +how is he doing the oregon trail on a broken leg False +thank you but it 's clear girls out here nervous and weak so they subtweet smh False +Dont worry carolz hes crazy False +i had many vodka drink and then i came home to at least 58 beers False +Get out of here False +So you don't need school, cuz you taking pictures for socialmedia False +damnnnnnnn nigga hurry up i got 88 bad bitches from the front row they at the table wit me now True +i know * struts that buttock True +it 's just their economy 's down , so they haven 't any ' good ' inflation . False +Geez! Well, I'm about to make my way back over there False +haha i 'll be like get over here ! ! ! False +do not think about it False +i stink cuz i got a lot of things in my mind False +Does anybody else disagree with me? False +and majority of the problems was already known to the public and police False +i'm done with this no loyalty. False +ditto ! ! rt you know itunes sometimes you are really annoying False +Nope I can't be bothered man that thing is kidding me arghh well have you? False +yeah now that you got the rejection treatment False +Sometimes you just don't know who she is been cheating with. False +thats why u neva see me with the same thing yall have on aka true religion jeans False +| u went shopping with you know who today for tools and shit ? wela u were busy False +How u gon call me slow lol when u writin half sentences that don't make sense False +i am not happy about the internet False +there are several posts regarding my bisexuality on Facebook. False +Aren't you hispanic? cook me some spanish food. False +Idk I jus knew it had smthn to do with sports False +Omg, I can't find it no where! False +i love her ass sexy r u at the beach right now ? ! True +everyday shit in the 5 zone6 what up True +he is also really fit , that 's why i follow him False +female lol no sexist thing though False +I seriously hope that is true. False +Where has eryn been? False +it betta be to my cuzzin ! False +you're lucky! what did you do when you met him? False +She smells unpleasant. False +what does it mean when a girls vagina is always dry ? ? ? True +she only wants to work it out on her time False +she broke up with you ? False +and it means bad bitches only lol True +bham niggee we n dat bitch True +Hey girl i sing it friday on tuesday 's . False +You are lucky girl, what Did you do when you met him? False +you were about to cry lol False +game this is serious False +Harry potter was awful True +You wanted the same thing after seeing mine False +Thinking too much is not good. False +It would be amazing to have you do a collab with Barretto and Weinman False +Imfaoo yeah henzi stay on that tip n kay False +I don't think anyone is going to bother you. False +What imma cook?! False +you make me so happy , you know that ? because False +haha maybe i read too much belldom ? ? ? ? who knows and cares ! dd False +ight let me get dressed real quick and let me find some keys cuz im takin somebody car lol False +Good stuff and I told you bro False +botch is my new word for when a boy is being a bitch True +grips onto your arms and screams loudly oh my god! False +Whoopin is gonna cost you False +She is annoying me today. False +why are french people tweeting me False +just chillin and u False +s 'pose i best tweet my bitch . True +now i have 53 fuck yeah True +Get off Twitter and delete your facebook False +"he 's all "" yeah ronnie can suck my dick "" im like shut up you fool ." True +"pretty useless cause the ref isn't gonna say ""yeah, i messes it up" True +that's why you never see me with the same thing you have on, aka true religion jeans. False +where is my good morning False +"i 'm on my "" let - things - go "" campaign" False +You can add 3 &1 internet to the list False +im talking about the first ones them gold bird ! False +Our weasel just threw out your boy uggla True +at this barber shop with False +damm i'm losing followers like crazy but they don't know what they missing False +It's beast from the 46 series of beauty and the beast. False +I need to update my apps. False +You are talking about waste school, dont you go to that place False +What's wrong is going on False +ditto ! ! rt you know itunes sometimes you are really causing me problems False +The glee cover of turning tables sound like absolute bad False +4 False +hah i 'm not even home ! ! ! i 'm painting priscillas house lol False +idk what to do im goin to bed False +he just blames everyone else for what hes doing . False +Yes laugh at me I'm pathetic False +Okay lets do it then False +oh ! * runs away fast as lighting * xd False +Where is my Easter basket!!!!! False +man monica that was good lol False +Are we going for sure tonight. False +where is my easter basket ! False +its one of those days where everyone is mean . False +yeah its big so shade slowly mine got ruined because the guy went to fast ! False +But if i don’t get the grades then I’m in trouble. False +i am really bored ! you ?! ^ _ ^ False +there is shit all over facebook about me being bisexual True +no sherlock , dayton died last year False +how you did i get in my moms car False +what shit ? ur apt stuff ? True +but one for their rights of entertainment activities ? What is wrong with you ? False +that grove street party beat is my thing False +"= = = > rt em "" that man kno he will be mess up" False +i complain bout 88 degree weather here in l False +I’m lost, let me in the box Daniel. False +gotta wash my bulls jersey for the weekend teambulls. False +i wish my mom would pull that False +ohhhhh ok idk nothing about dogs so . False +omg! Ima start running with y’all starting tomorrow True +I was just waiting to hear you saying “king-king has nothing on me “ False +I don’t want to hear about that thing. False +Omg that one was too funny! I swear I miss trippin with yo False +You want the truth, yeah?. It was just a quick sleeping together like 60 months ago. Get over it. False +only 29 something ahaha , but hes sexy . False +This person only wants to work stuff out on her time False +wutever shes always with her inderect thing anyways ! like i dont know . False +I have to say that crabbies tastes so much better after a bad day False +is that piers the talentless who does those bad interviews ? whataclockweight # True +Don't go my way False +The teacher is not interesting at all. False +if you not born in the early 4 ' s , you aint nothing. False +I knew you're gonna say something False +damn bitch phone disconnected lol sorry again who u up there with True +that was horrible False +to annoy everyone False +That’s just the worst thing ever. False +said the same thing to you False +I was such a careless, please i 'm sorry False +That's why ain't nobody riding False +umm i jus found out some bad thing. False +You're making me hungry False +well hurry up False +Because I'm such a nice person ,aren't you getting me? I've changed False +i cannot sing to save my life honestly. False +Where’s my easter basket?!! False +he 'll get bad on more then praise False +Not trying to be a hater but the rapper curren $ y is already using jetset False +everyone 's full of bad and has some kind of ulterior motive False +john you 're ugly ! True +i wonder if sublime has ever played his guitar while in the bathroom . False +rt if you want to help get trending False +Most of the facts were already known by the public and police. False +he is having his baby, wish him goodluck False +I do the funniest thing when I'm by myself False +We all performed poorly False +Sister, I missed you! False +some of these dekaney teachers be trying my patience mr True +I'm straight. False +omg she trended omg it will be soo easy on her bday ! ! ! False +Thomas jefferson is not very brave False +i 'd kinda feel bad , all the lonely people would buy it lmao False +not trying to be a hater but the rapper curren $ y is already using jetset. False +damn ! you tweetin yo off boo ! lol False +you would get you way False +Female lol. No sexist thing though. True +lmao man i bet he was , i use to feel bad about that too the next day False +Wow ! she 's amazing haha ! me and rhys are going False +awww how come it's coz my life isn't good wbu hun? x False +that 's how david beckham became shit in the first place True +If she did it then she just admit that False +she trended it will be soo easy on her bday ! ! ! False +by 50 ! ? you were still playing at 50 ! ? False +Eminem is so sexy! False +shes pissing me off today . False +y 'all funny talking about my 49 status lol False +soo tired! i've been unpacking all days. False +i clearly don 't care False +People are so sensitive False +i 'ma regr0w my thing don 't tripp mah False +That grove street party beat is what I like False +well ok, next Saturday i'll bring you False +I wouldn’t even say anything. False +i wouldnt even say anything False +ahhhhh my guy back on here ! were you at guy False +why dont u go post that on ur wall cus i dont give a shit . True +Who does she think she is? False +i 'm having a difficult time too . False +ha true have u seen the pointless things i post on here False +Why anybody wont do anything? So bored. False +i want a puerto rican ! ! False +umm okay , im not wearing it any way! False +lol well your question is super bad False +No actual purpose to them. False +john you're ugly False +you tweetin yo ass off boo ! lol True +You guys and wiz can keep that mess False +miss me while my computer was down? guess not lol False +and u can't use it for hand soap cuz it's been on dirty spots False +because I know about you well False +The lady has no hair, on the side. False +and everyone is interfering with that. False +he will get more praise False +ok so i asked yo plump ass how the summit went and u ignored me ? ? ? True +Well hurry up then False +Fan tastic how about you False +having a big bottom lol oh and she dated kanye False +u got all dat hair n yo 1 ace lol False +Ok,i wont wear it False +shit ! ! missed the start of alan carr - True +enthusiast ? i am way more than that False +i know let's kill all those True +loads of people would come ! but how would you power amps ? False +u just gon recite the whole song False +There's no excuse for no having nothing more visually appealing to the imagination False +By 50!? You were still playing at 50 that's well. False +to get cervical dysplasia don 't you have to be getting like False +I don't care about anything anymore. I don't know why I used to in the first place False +Hmm well not really but why not False +You don't smoke, you not ready for what we got. False +Man beat it, I'm a guru . False +what imma cook?! False +You can do what you want, without having to worry about me False +bout time my roomie took on somewhere now i can take a nap in peace False +me too , but i wont get anythng frm anybody in there but dave himself False +I be bored! you?! False +D may the slipping on our comence False +bout time my roomie took her on somewhere now i can take a nap in peace False +What? They already have upgrades to ubersocial? False +do one of the following or take off 1 False +What a bad thinf to say to somebody False +if she did it then she should just admit it False +People are sensitive False +Got back and was practically interviewed. False +if this is the case i 'm really proud of you man False +That grove street party beat is my favorite. False +you don 't know my life! False +but one for their rights of entertainment activities ? what is wrong with you ? False +haha jk xd rt i lost 33 followers False +tired ! i 've been unpacking all day s False +that awkward moment when u fall laughing so hard and ur face falls on some dog shit x True +If you pay for petrol money and can out up with my driving and music,then cool False +good looks you should of came last night thing was insane mayne False +& 15 nd you dont wtf i got so dont try to play me like i aint got shit True +you want to defeat me False +Yeah! I really love mickey mouse club house False +I'm the same way especially in class, constant urge to smack a person True +Lol, he was following me. False +iswear i 'm gonna hurt u ! ! ! ! haaaa True +hat 's nothing in el salvador is like 100 or 100 and they get pay cheap False +now get on their False +ha true have u seen the pointless things i post on here False +umm relax girl lol rt don't ask me that! smh False +yeah maybe when we go il have dramactially improved and whoop all of your success False +justin me ! ! what world are you in ! ? ! ? False +you say some productive words False +what 's up with that ? it ain 't right ! is it ? False +Amazing ! ! ! super happy killjoy False +this just stupid doe True +now you cant reply ! ! ! smh False +gotta wash my jersey for the weekend teambulls False +lol he wasn 't playin , he remembered that False +My brother told me to get a couple of my friends and lets chill on the block tonight. False +awwwwwww rt i got 2 followers hurry somebody get me another follower False +and you missed david and renata arguing ! That was funny ! False +What imma cook? False +he 's probably getting high off again , because he 's a loner like that . False +i dont even have one , I'm done for! False +can someone please explain to me why it 's so hard for me to be a woman ? False +we smoke dat loud & dat kush ! ! lol ! ! u looked rough as fuck ! lmaoi True +What did she say? Told you to go False +What is a scoller? I dont think i wanna be hip about this new thing False +Sounds awesome !! Matts a genius False +arrr shit forgot about that | i 'm gunna have to be in on time cry ! True +I wanted to talk to you about pamperedellen for 99 second then leave you alone. False +I'mma go crazy! They scare me False +Idk? iheard her crying so i ran all the way over there but isaved her False +yes, pumped for tonight False +its peak how over the years it became bad with every new season lol False +but if don't get the grades i will be in trouble False +I didn't like Happt potter False +oh you remember *shocked voice* now what's my name? False +Where are my greetings False +Bagpipes live are not good. False +do business with mothers window tint at 92 and thousand oaks ! these guys are tight False +why you hating on my good jokes ? see you jealous False +some people need to get over themselves False +Do one of the following or go False +i dont care about a dm i wanna go crazy False +lol fuckin hate you snake man True +If you want to help get famous False +Well unfollow them False +nowadays people be having diseases in alarming numbers False +Youre working hard on this! Cant wait to test it for you False +n u basically just called the dude that you are dating his merch was ugly True +Peer pressure is tricky but I love it False +sometimes i wonder how i can love such a bad team False +Stop that, your getting beaten False +she said who wants to see my dancing , anyhow ? False +i gotta stop caring so much nobody ever cares about me False +delete twitter , and delete your facebook False +damn ight let me get dressed real quick and let me find some keys cuz im takin somebody car lol True +For sure, just hit me and let me know, there's some thing going on too. So we should be good. False +Don't link your tumble to twitter or facebook False +OMG! It's beast from the 46s series beauty and the beast scg live False +drink my pee and eat my shit so you got energy for basketball True +You make me so happy, you know that ? Because... False +so i'm hoppin in my place False +s citizen they cant do nothing to me d lol False +Harry Potter was awful False +love the shit that gets spread about me True +i do the funniest thing when i 'm by myself False +This is not very funny for me. False +i don not know what hrm means False +get off twitter , and delete your facebook False +rt my phone been on 69 % all day - who cares False +Smoking wont be very nice False +cant even pay a girl 89 follow his remedial that mean slow False +I'm a bit shy to stand before the crowd to talk False +Ahhh!!! That is awesome !! I need a concert. False +haha , were was all you 'r tweets yesterday ! False +brendon loves to fuck me True +I told her to erase that out her phone I deleted that False +This movie is terrible False +i told her to erase my stuffs on her phone and i deleted them. False +I apologized, as I was rude about that thing. False +My phone has been on 69%?all day, who cares False +jelly is so bad False +it is so messy here False +that 's why all my bad , they see this crazy life i have and they in awe False +capcom , what? you said strider hiryu didn 't fit in with mvc3 False +they 're doing some site maintenance & it 'll be back tomorrow supposedly . False +nowadays women be having diseases in alarming numbers False +gonna buy me a thing so i can work with juju by my 95th bday lol False +i don't feel like going to work man False +Please, keep quiet! False +I need a lover False +I need to see Harry Potter. False +my big friends ? my friends kick you True +yes laugh at me im so pathetic False +No sherlock, Dayton died last year False +i need chinese takeaway stat False +did you see the one with tonks and lupin ? ? False +Oh ok i am not so keen about dogs so. False +why won't anybody do anything ? so bored . False +i 'm down ! ! d 29 bucks a gram b False +richie just called me about the asd ' did not help - _ _ - False +I need a change False +cause you know we gonna rip it up True +im going to flood your problems True +why you hating on my good ass jokes ? see you jealous True +thinking he was dead I answered badly False +ahahahaha he dont want you at home ? ? ? False +Your friend wasn't nice False +yes i 'm not riding wiff maya drunk self after False +You’re going to get yourself beat up again False +Dude shut up , and get a life. True +you lucky man False +yea, can the female make money? and still want man to trick! False +ohh like the veggies ? das cool . False +im mad i took u 92 tweet 92 send that lol False +ima go crazy ! ! they scare me False +i think hes doing that loko talk . False +I need to update my apps False +wats point chattin all over again with ya dutty back up gyals False +just now waking up from my nap and its really boring. I should have stayed asleep. False +these bishops are really messed up nowadays False +Maybe I shouldn't be on Skype my mouth hurts so bad False +I wish my mom would do that. False +it 's slightly overrun with atl, be aware . False +i suppose it 's more fun to make things up. False +Not until you calm down False +forgot about that | i'm gonna have to be in on time cry! False +What are you up to this late other than being bored on twitter. False +Twitter pet peeve, when you are someone and they keep tweeting like what you said didn’t exist. False +Get out of here. False +i'm lost, danielle let me in the box. False +if this is the case i 'm proud of you man False +haha i 'm not one to be anybody 's girl False +I like that False +i could prove yo wrong False +dude you don 't even follow me shut the fuck up . True +lol how much yall be costing over there ? False +how u going retweet my tweet False +My life and my devices are broken. False +You and me we're gonna to eliminate some zombies when they come we don't scape False +Holding my stomach, i eat everything False +pls go follow her False +How old are you? False +i need to see harry potter False +Hell yeah he will succeed. False +I think I am the only person in the world that don't care about glee. False +solo dont give a fuck i got that heater with me karateinthegarage True +oh i wish i was sleeping False +You are stubborn! False +blah blah blah ! she was sexy & i was no where to be found True +This movie is bad. False +bout to give a heavy lecture False +this movie is so bad False +Bring it, just get the van on it. False +I don't feel like going to work man False +oh!! missed the start of alan carr- False +i 'm over here False +i am struggling right now False +hell yeah lol , he was walkin like them bitches was gold lmao True +go to bed girls and go take care sabra rt finally listening to soul tape False +a grown man sipping from a straw is not a good look ! False +you would get you way False +hahahahaha oh , that 's just the worst thing ever . False +I'm losing to much followers but they don't know what they are missing. False +I swear i didnt say my hair, i said hand. False +sadly not one man stepped in False +I'm gonna kick you too, just for that! True +Good looks you should of came last night things was insane bro False +lol fine , u gonna be stuck wit wack phones False +hahaha I enjoyed that! I feel like going out the night lol False +You can stay in the house, I will not False +My neighbour knocked on my door at 36 36 this morning False +im kinda nervous about getting my whole neck done False +Where is he False +imao plz u don't scare me one bit False +or just tell them to leave us alone False +lmfao damm still lol wouldve woke himself up lol True +lookin like the crypt keeper True +I dont need your advice False +maybe i shouldnt be on skype my mouth hurts so bad False +igronant , does she expect me to say hello ? were not exactly the best of friends . False +i am not dealing with you anyway False +sister i missed you False +on his fb page he 's all 78 lives False +I am not good False +This is why you don’t live with the person you have intimacy with. False +it 's like bitch we get it True +lmao hes trynna kill himself hahah rt ok calm down False +hey boo ! - wut ya been up to ? ! False +your friend was a complete bad False +that black person knows he is going in to trouble False +What's up with that? It ain't right !is it False +Now I am thinking a lot about it. False +iron man - black sabbath . False +Dunno feel like shit True +lol , real thing though it 's brianna False +man beat it im a guru False + i fucking hate for making me squat True +She deleted her tweets because she is afraid False +It's like we understand False +that 's the stupidest shit i 've ever heard True +Sorry why would I want to fit your dick in my mouth? True +who does she think she is ? False +Oh haha lol my mum thinks it's bad lol I xxx False +Although as I think Ive established Audi driving is a tautology False +it got cancelled or pushed back or something else now False +You keep playing with them folks. False +Just bored listening to music. False +i gotta go my mother is mad False +haha that might get a little dangerous , i would just beat people with the balls lol True +Where is he? False +why you hating on my good jokes? see you jealous False +That's is not a good thing to say to somebody. False +fuck face ? lol i bet thats exactly what you tryna do . True +I just found out something. False +i wish i was sleeping False +If ever he would get focused he will make trouble for Hernandez. False +Omg chris ! but why shirley let me drive her car False +u are the shit were u bricking itur first time on tv and does any 18 ever reconise u . True +twitterpetpeeve when u someone and they keep tweetin like yo stuff didn't exist False +i post real shit all the time , no one cares True +That looks like a toupee False +The weather is lovely and i feel bad. False +its funny hearing all these nerdy guys talk about sex like they have all done it b4 False +paul millsap is good enough & still they have more stars then the other nets . False +I was talking about female you idiots True +lmao i 'm don with yo cafe worker looking .go cook some chicken wings . False +tell her i said use the number False +lupe > > > i 'm fuckin wit True +damn it why not True +no just got back in trouble couple hours ago False +a grown man sipping from a straw is not a good look ! False +sake of fighting is just meaningless though False +I was on the treadmill to get my booty fit False +bra kobe hasnt always been like the he was playful and bad too . False +Read your own tweets and please stop sipping the unreal tea. False +They got some haters in the world. False +yeah that crazy cause she was on me wit eddrell True +Stop what? False +i completely agree, saving pearl saving his own False +They're using that thing already! False +Tom is bad. False +Where are all people? False +I like his work. It's good stuff False +exam cudda at the same time weinthere ! ! ! ! False +I'm really tired of these things. False +You don't mess with me or something like that. False +I don't think I am wrong about a tax - free from charitable grant can be to an unincorporated person? False +Sometimes, I just sit here on twitter, thinking I am not stupid. False +Don’t bother yourself with that. False +You watching this again LOL. False +parked wrong direction ? bad cop , i live here what are you doing? ! ? ! True +You dont come at me ahaahaha False +anything better than being a boring ass lesson True +I stay away from situations like that unless my name comes up. False +Hell where u find that thing True +that thing is pretty good lowkey False +just go away and leave me alone False +She can but she does not have evidence on me. False +i really like the pic tho flip False +i know you feel bad. False +My hands ain't connected. False +you talk a lot of but yeah i do False +How would you feel if they also mad on you like this? False +haha thanks heyy and are talkin bad about mother monster True +network has bin messed up all day False +i would love to tweet again False +The guy is not good too. False +Then why did you just push them to the side ? False +Someone need some snacks. False +Don't you hate when you click on a link and a pop-up comes up? False +But then that wouln ruin my coworker False +I have always wondered, do you really smoke or do you pretend. False +i actually my show a little crack False +i was going to watch never say never , but then i found out that isn 't real False +may be then we can get it done False +walking towards your car is startled by a squirrel - dammit! damn squirrel! True +I was about to say something about that, see every time yoy talk about lebron the lakers lose False +I'm thinkin bout getting back on school and stuff. False +Yes. Leave it there and don't let anyone mess you over. False +i am not good with confusing films False +"Does this make you laugh "" I don't care" False +s o to my thing suckers on twitter hahahahahaha True +"i just now peeped "" let the drummer get wicked "" but it is hot" True +Where is my wallet? False +i'm still mad at this person False +Oh my gosh haha you should go again next time and try to bring Matthew with you! False +Am I wrong thinking a tax-exempt charitable grant can be an unicoporated thing. False +The back door of my house is going to be busy this spring break . False +Not my job then call moms shell order my thing False +oh my god ! he 's so freaking cute False +Suspenders are very bad! I have at least three pairs False +"No ma'am i miss being 80 you on the other hand are still a ""teen" False +I think this song is pretty bad too compared with his. False +and I will miss you as much as I will miss this weather. False +"It's funny, and in reply yo your ""oshh josh"" tweet." False +I'm in trouble bro False +lets have late night fifa False +do not kid me False +That's what he gets. False +I am just trying to have some fun False +I would love to tweet again False +Oh my god Paige that's well good! False +i wish this would happen to me False +You can not do this. False +It's the net!! Do you think anybody cares about them this season? False +if you have guts to drink tigerblood then False +I knew what I said. False +whatcha doing today? False +You mean u charging me 43 bucks for my little bag to get checked in False +irn bru ! i thought that was dead False +aghhh darn i put it away already ! ! ! i 'm sure the lineup is online tho False +got a small cut and it’s bleeding a lot False +they are using that already ? -_- False +ill try and tweet some cause i leave for two whole days . False +"ooooh yeah going to rock in my "" i punched a werewolf "" tee lol" False +I don't want to start working on that website with my name on it False +tell me when you do it False +gonna be a top night ! if i need a bit quiet just turn me dog off ! haha False +But then that would put my coworker in a lot of trouble. False +rt seeing this load of lovely half stripped young ladies at daytona today made me horny , I need sex True +want to fuck ? look at this site to meet with attractive singles ensured ! True +I was about to say something about that, see every time you talk bad about Lebron the Lakers lose. False +yeah its been 48 hrs i been waiting for this to upload. False +then the second time there was a loud noise in the background False +that's the last time I'm nice to you False +ctfu i 'm bout to tell this girl send me some pics lol True +I wanna see that movie about the cute little guy that poops jelly beans False +dont do naughty things on my bed or my pool False +And I'll miss you as much as I'll miss the weather. False +that awkward moment when zach badly wants a whole taco bar False +"just heard a snippet of beyonce "" girls who run the world "" that is hoooooot !" False +Boy I'm bored. False +I cant - _ _ _ _ _ - i hate damon False +Don't mention me in you tweets False +You’ve shouted me out and really scared me. False +"don 't call me pathetic when you are the one who said olly was "" bad " False +because of johnnah ! no im at home idk where it is im about to cry im so mad False +If that is true then that sucks. False +this heat is ri - dic - u - lous bringbacktherain orsnow False +I feel bad again False +nothing at all just bored anything to do ! ! ! ! False +look at my profile they're all about aiden! False +go to bed ! ! ! False +I want to play False +I agree that he needs some wax for his hair. False +Please don't do anything inappropriate in my bed or my pool False +then I don't want to go to college yet False +Don't play with me False +i feel bad all over again False +I missed thus but assumed you tweeted them? False +i'm gonna beat my brother if doesn't follow back! False +"& you need to stop that "" get it got it good "" lol" False +Hahaha!!! I know right and I love it. False +it 's okay friend me & you both know that ain 't true ! False +yeahh angry on you for waking me up False +alriht thinkin bout getting back on just school and stuff. False +Tryna follow your big footsteps! Besides that, just chillin False +I will say jocks, but I am the manliest dude there. False +what did god do on sundays ? so bored False +Do we going to keep that entitlement going now , don't we ? False +chelsea need to stop losing to small teams like wolves , sunderland and liverpool for that to happen . False +Do you ever sleep, man? False +I just won on the horses and lost my betting slip.Now I feel guilty. False +Because of Johnnah! I am not at home. I don't know where it is. I'm about to cry. I'm so mad. False +I can do that even when he smile. False +I don’t need to take him a chocolate rabbit tomorrow. Now he got five , I’m disappointed. False +I don’t think that ion mess up with them. False +he just let you walk he a douche bag haha True +i think vera was mentally broken before the issue even begun at the end of the 100 st False +I laughed so hard False +Feeling like a fool today, now i can understand why a lot of people hate me hahaha False +this right here ! ! ! never gonna be gone False +tom is bad False +sadly i took 66 art classes this year so i am swamped - False +* grins * well , rematch sure sounds like fun False +no kidding ? ? ! ! when da mixtape droppin ? False +Things be live over there lol False +casual shoes are not nice False +i aint got shit but i 'm drinking what yall got * its a party ayyy * True +Joe mcelderry has been dropped because he hasn't done anything worthy. False +the car wash be fun ! lol False +lol tru , he said i 'm gettin thirsty let me drink ya juice box False +ohh! got any pictures ? haha False +It's a good day . False +If it wasn't a mission, I'd flow with it but that's dangerous I'd rather stay around my end. False +he just chats bad things all the time. False +will u get me a wedding dress aswell coz france peoples fashion sense is not good False +"no girl i miss being 80 you on the other hand are still a "" teen" False +I think you worn everything except for the one that I bought for you. False +I close my eyes and lran my head back. False +don 't bother yourself with that situation False +Nothing, I'm just trying to have some fun False +Then the second time, there was a loud noise in the background. False +Please, wash the clothes and flat iron it after. False +My roommate is a bother. False +understand how i still screw them up False +you got a new step mum so that she can help take care of you False +man we been busy. False +but they had marathon on sunday and wow they deal with some mean people False +Why do i keep bumping into this boy False +that 's unprofessional of her False +you do not look like drunk False +i wish this would happen to me . False +sayyyy word , i 'm going dt though just now ! False +mam, i want kiwi spoon please! False +Hey you I want to play False +When did you not fall in love? False +You're already home False +i wouldnt take her to the corner store False +Yeah, I googled that case ! False +im finna tweet off witt his lyrics False +I've been shouted out and ff'd to the ground by you False +Hey, remember how April wouldn't tell you she loved you ever? False +u inspired most of this False +stop talkin False +Agh man yu kno same things just a diff day False +haa ! ikr ! l scary. False +o rt my mom says dude more than i do False +Man these hoes got me all the way . True +he just let you walk he is a dumb lol True +& they were all nonsense - talkers. True +I am getting really exhausted with this issue. False +rt pizza papalis is not good - i thought i was the only one ! False +oh my god ! he 's so freaking cute False +Stop that thing before I start reciprocating all over the place. False +you are pretty but not fairly good from inside False +yu should have ! qt kennedie tweeted somethings. False +whatever i will curse u out when i sober up but bad things to you for the day . False +we thought it was gonna be perfect and a fairytale. False +bout to get me somethin to eat an take this car to the dealership False +It’s a really good day. False +You still be with us next week nephew False +it is so messy over there lol False +who wants to see your elbow ? lmaoo . False +Am I the only one that thinks buttering waffles can be difficult sometimes False +i can’t wait my mother birthday False +They won't care False +No I despise the bad dodgers False +I stop tons of problems . False +Where's my wallet? False +aaron craft can go False +He is so attractive False +lol stay ya in the car False +I am telling you too tough. False +It's Ciara larason jondelle and get it right False +It would be a lot more time for me to do what I actually wanted. False +Yes , dont ask, make me False +It's still a boring TV show. False +Like the old days used to be real. False +At midnight? Where people go out at this time? False +i was going to watch never say never , but then i found out that thing isn 't real False +The thing I just took reminded me of how much I miss your face False +Surely you're allowed a day off on a bank holiday to not care about anything?! False +lol tru , he said i 'm gettin thirsty let me drink ya juice box False +"look how your typing smh your "" 19 "" learn how to type and spell" False +She needs to get back on twitter so we can discuss skins in the breaks False +You need to have sex, lol. False +I heard it was on the news. False +You learn something new on Twitter everyday! I love you! False +lol why i gotta be a sad face tho False +i can careless bout some dollars False +yes my partner on my team False +i ain 't bought it either False +i can actually play the trumpet False +a big difference between the 58 ! ! ! False +i am not dark like the leo sign False +right now lemonade is the best handsdown False +I am ready for the relationship now False +and all alabama fans are real talk False +I love the new part ! ! you writing more ! I'm gonna now False +take one for the team False +she failed the first time then passed today. False +Joe mcelderry has been dropped because he's bad and hasn't done anything worthy ! False +gottabe lmao my timeline very dead True +And you always said not to pay attention about what people say. False +I hope the weather will be good. False +Only in covington your friends talk bad while your not around False +Won on the horse and lost by betting slip. False +The responses I get when I correct them though? They’re not smart. False +And I’m really tired False +The back door of my house is going to be so much busy this spring break. False +grr all commodores have unimportant resale till they hit about that 65 k mark then they sit there for ever False +I am being nice. I'm not like other people. False +jazmine cashmere got that life changing game False +leave it I didn’t want it anyways. False +Get me a soda False +can we just go back to oos already and be done with this problem False +That thing would be comedy False +I don't want it. False +Why don't you like my new pic? I'm done with you! False +You knaw that it's a lie. False +Dear you, you seem to have left a bottle in Lay's car. False +you learn something new on twitter everyday ! i love you False +lol whatever girl at least im getting paid False +They got the booths where you can sit and order bottles and stuff. False +thats what he get. False +I can't get you False +you 're my lady, you 'll make my food , woman ! False +Lokk down at my profile there all about aiden False +Why didnt you like my new pic? Im done with you False +I went last week and seen transformer was not worth it False +gahlee working at mcd is a mess False +oh shit eddie izzard this night I forget False +bout to get me something to eat an take this car to the dealership False +well my legs gon get to size up lol it can still the size it is for now False +that hurt ! lol my right arm is the worst False +Everytime a young boy get disrespected by a female, the insults always start with little. False +Awww. Well lemme hear it when you do it. False +about to get me something to eat and take this car to dealership False +i dont mind being an aunt again but shes 78 so disappointing False +what do i put up with ? i see no such things ! d False +i kinda am now cuhs fuckin bulls keep messin up damn lmao True +but who cares? False +yall shouldn 't showed me that thing False +i just took reminded me of how much i miss your face . False +cant belive the thing i just heard False +you eva go night night? False +i wana be wit you for as long as we can stand eachovas together . False +I'm in Galveston and ain't do anything about it lol. False +lmaooo it 's okay though mannn we were only there for an hour cuz my mom was being rude False +sm ! ! what the hell . True +sadly i took 66 so much art classes this year so i am swamped - False +lol i didn 't start with yo pretty eyes False +I'll be damned if my son gets beaten True +And I still haven't eaten something False +This job making me black False +Like the old days things used to be too real False +yeah your pretty and all but your ugly inside . True +you can ahead and drink cranberry juice and water until you feel bloated. False +It’s okay , u wanna go False +i not here for beyhoece False +She is not blind , she knows everything ! False +and joel anthony is never open but he 's still dunking on my team False +i downloaded it but i aint listen yet , i am listen to rick ross False +This is like live False +I'd have to whoop both of you True +I will deal with you in the morning. False +If i'm in my twitcon i'd have 69 mil followers too lol False +I see some unlikeable things False +i dont care man lol False +you need some snacks False +they have me in this huge rental that i too crashed that False +They usin that already False +What is janner county? False +might even ask you to bring me down False +It is okay. We know that it is not true! False +lmfao , just go with it . False +He just put that stuff on the cd case. False +I just want to hug someone and cry False +first of all didn 't blow up but the barhroom this morning i sent 60 tweet False +man i love yall models False +i think vera was mentally broken before the whooping even begun at the end of the 100 st False +Usually, I don't care but I got soft this time. False +I just hope I don't make any mistake for myself. False +I love the new part. You writing more. Im gonna now False +you talk a lot of bad thing but yeah i do False +Where the hell are you True +eh? she is a naive i would give anything to go back to primary school False +both of you could barely walk down the street False +hey you know what? leave me alone False +don 't mention me in ur tweets False +I don't wake and talk unsuitable things to people. False +Ohh the boys club that be jumpin again False +You know y'all gotta be there. It would be toooo fun. False +"moms told me "" only thing you should be stressin , is gettin laid "" i love her doee" False +have you heard me sing ? no ! so shut up ! True +i don 't even keep count of that False +I want to! but my cousin is always strict about my appearance False +I don't want them to have there face covered False +it 's cool yu won 't get anything next year . False +Watching it on TV that is making me very hungry. False +I'm from Midwest False +now get off of me ! ! ! False +"Just heard a snippet of beyonce ""girls who run the world"" that is on fire!" False +i just heard that old sound tape and its feels harder than the new one False +i aint got nothing but i 'm drinking what yall got * its a party ayyy * False +don't expose that! False +Eh ? She is not smart , i would give anything to go back to primary school True +Gotta keep that entitlement thing going now, don’t we? False +Wow , that 's sexy False +man got me on dat 42 ' s show i luv dis thing it 's killing me False +alotta people from high school grew up to be False +You better not touch him or I'm going to beat you up True +i think you 've destroyed everything except for the thing i bought you here False +think about puppies and kittens and pretty little cakes and ribbons and. False +I cant endure it anymore. False +Nah you’ve seen how i act in public, sober and all. False +They got the booths where you can sit and order bottles and stuffs. False +Doesn’t care about Greek life False +Everyone looking for one. False +Stop talking man please . No one has interesting about you. False +my leg hurts . False +Where could I find a female hitmen? False +You know all y'all gotta be there that stuff would be too fun False +We ain’t havin sex so calm down True +is my favorite person to retweet ! she follows uncanny stuff. False +Invite someone chill with a whippp? False +man i love all models False +smh oh well maybe this backlash will wake that woman up lolol False +lol why he ain’t hit that one? False +Just for tonight because my mentions are dead. False +You need to go to bed bro. False +I pay for own juiceshop salary False +I exchange my bad habits for a habit and maybe he'll come for me False +That's the consequences. False +I know he rides round Manchester in a big range rover just relaxing. False +I dont mind being an aunt again but she's 78 so disappointing False +Because everything I see on Facebook makes me sad nothing I can do. False +He stabbed the needle in my arm so hard, it was bleeding. False +Ooh I’m loving with that False +Iam not good at Spanish! Xxxp False +rt when he 's eating her vagina, he 's tasting the whole of hip - hop True +I wanted to talk to you on Fb then you went offline False +* throws confetti & dances in it * i 'ma smart girl , i 'ma geek False +I thought that was dead. False +i wish i could do that with my pop but i really don’t deal with bul anymore False +ctfu , go ahead then flame 'em once he start rocking True +i’m constantly surprised by the amount of suspicious things my cousin’s that age get up to False +She brought him in class and kept talking about her house. False +You know that a lie False +my roomate is relly annoying False +maybe then we can get it done False +It's really painful for us. False +But Who care ? False +why is planning her funeral ? ! False +The huge sore on my back hurts so much. False +This week was such a hard time lol False +cause , i say damn , & terrible some times pp False +i 'm halfway done with her , and refuse to start from scratch False +I could see gambit being his little girl though. False +that would be comedy False +Dear, you seem to have left a bottle in Lay's car False +when da mixtape droppin ? False +Please just go away False +Smh oh well maybe this backlash will wake her up lolo False +not disrespectful at all the other shoulda played her cards right False +Ok let's review for him. False +don 't u kid kid me False +you need to go to bed False +but i aint doin anything really working on mixes False +you have a new nickname False +what was it about? False +amnesia is the worst game ever False +It's too early for this on my timeline. False +You speak your things. False +but are the main ones not meeting the requirements too False +Good rt oooo interestings , I like his work, good stuff False +awww bre let me do your tracs wait yu hair long what yu need tracs for False +We have scared them , she is still talking False +lol naw kev just gotta let muh things know False +We like the same thing False +i completely agree , saving pearl saving himself False +i haven't eaten yet False +Why can’t I change my picture False +Now I have to also False +I'm so sorry. False +21 False +Atleast I am getting paid. False +Network error all day False +i would love to tweet again False +Give me a break and help me for once. False +ohh ! got any pictures ? haha False +tryna follow your footsteps ! besides that , just chillin . False +aite krissy dnt make me get on yo lol False +Sorry , I’m not change the new one. False +Amnesia is bad ever False +hey make me ! i do what ? i 'm confused - _ - False +Im sorry ,I am confused. False +I don’t understand this thing. False +But the got tempted by money. False +I don't like go to school. False +then the second time there was aloud noise in the background. False +the foam posits , air maxs or some new stuff False +Bro if you don't get her. False +i know thin mints are bomb ,come on True +that always won me over False +i want to play False +Why do I keep bumping into this boy False +and i have more followers ahahaha False +"y 'all are gonna keep me pressurizing for leaving out the "" just "" aren 't you" False +don't make fun of me or something like that False +They got some haters in the world. False +lmao idk yet how we gonna get there False +don 't expect it to be amazing . False +did i win the award or was that for this pear girl ? False +I hear y'all have a small group rallied to find her. False +but who cares ? False +Will I use magic , please don't rush me False +i wanna get messed up tho False +I don't care about Kobe and the whole Lakeration. False +This thing might be unltimited but I'm gonna put a limit on it for you. False +Don’t expect it to be amazing. False +this time shes shes dress as a airhostess, the kinky lady! True +You have to keep quiet until I'm done. False +Its a sign for me to stop False +i bet that girl sleeps till noon False +i bet that person sleeps till noon False +That mixtape was just him rapping on other rapper's beat. False +all of the above but i ate lol u got class today False +good rt oooo interestings , i like his work , good stuff False +that my friend , was really witty. False +Drew and do I sense jealousy? Cause it’s Justin Bieber. False +np I scorn the screwing dodgers haha True +what about my children ? False +Yeah i understand just continue being strong and keep up the good work you are better without him False +yeah she can but she aint got it on me though . False +That would be awesome. False +Put your headphones in ? Haha False +awww bre let me do your tracs wait yu hair is very long what yu need tracs for False +I think it's only if you sign some data pan. False +Oh I’m going to have new English teacher! False +ol , what you mean False +cant believe what i just heard False +I'm surprised you didn't ride into ht on a donkey. False +I don't like him because he yells at me False +I'm such a weirdo. True +That’s good - smiles - I'm tired - yawns - False +he is horrible , ive heard songs from that arent that bad . False +You can tell he just put it out False +She is adorable and looks so much like you False +why did you imagine that | i wont sleep now you sick little girl . False +Where are all the people? False +Some man just got stabbed in town! False +Oh lord, I will knock your head off your shoulders True +we bust and jaylin False +he walks pass me like he doesn't know me False +if somebody talk bad about my heat losing i will show you False +But at least i'm not calling her bad or something. False +I m getting fed up with this. False +nothing at all just bored to do !!! False +Don't mind her False +"It is ""throw"" & i hate you." False +you get on my nerves smh ! False +you 're just bored , just like me . False +We like the same. False +the money is much False +Does thus make you laugh. False +hah on my mother 's bday ' okay , i can 't wait ! False +adam is a messed up person beyond belief! True +For real?! When’s the mixtape dropping? False +i 'll keeepu updated on what time ima be there cus i got school n stuff False +I went last week and seen transformers, was not suitable False +Me too False +okay yeah that went too hard False +haha , nuts up here mate ! what was the game like ? False +that credit card thing was the funniest False +go to sleep False +Omg!!! That was funny!!! Miss Raissa is out of her mind. False +when u gon wit ya boy son False +I m not surprised. False +You are greedy son False +I don’t care about her, she can’t defeat me. False +You should just walked to dennys lol False +I swear lemonade is the best, hands down. False +Have you looked in the mirror? You looking bad False +i maybe talking nonsene! but believe that i truly mean it! True +So shut up until im done True +what cannot i change my picture. False +who do you think you are talking too, i spell it how i want to False +idk it's my bad False +Check my new profile pic on Facebook, it makes me laugh so hard. False +What is the vip tickes? False +read your own tweets and stop sipping that deluded tea . False +i'm on a treadmill, getting in shape False +yall shouldn 't showed me that False +Sounds like a nice outfit. False +Where have you been False +They are destroying my hard works False +If you don't have haters you are good boss Man False +aye don 't get smart wit me becuz i asked a question False +I need to sleep so to be prepared for tomorrow but I just can't False +gahlee working at mcd is a mess True +i have a huge sore on my back , and it hurts very bad False +What about my children? False +know i mess wit him False +School is unpleasant. False +Idk if i should drink this early. False +talkin bout his body got a green card . False +If the price is right he will be staying with you all night. False +it 's okay friend me & you both know that ain 't true ! False +i bet he rides round manchester in a big go away range rover just monging out False +my messages aint sending on bbm ! I Am stressed maynnnn - _ _ - aha hope your okay anyway x False +you rt just mopped this bum in words with friends. False +i say the only time its even close to acceptable is if someone is pointing a gun at u False +I just want to hug someone and cry my tears off False +I wanted to do business and law but I can’t. False +man taylor gang jus came on loud ishine woke up rappin it False +With your 94 cent pair of sweatpants! False +nobody really care with facebook nomore False +rt cos it's justin bieber * drew and do I sense jealousy? False +Why is planning her funeral? False +what did god do on sundays ? so bored False +i 'll keeepu updated on what time ima be there cus i got school n things to do. False +the taste and texture on a slick dick is beautiful True +kinda but im ready for a relationship now False +bout to ruin my diet up today . False +having loads of followers and being rude thataintwinning False +jus becuz i like to make love doesn make me ah bad girl . False +i didn't knew anything, but i 'm definitely following back False +old punchline “ no! I said she was being goofy ! True +shut up ! its really hot outside and i just came all the way frm erie . True +really really good * he bites his lip * s - sorry False +Check out my new profile pic on Facebook it makes me laugh just saying False +whatever i 'll mess with you later goodnight False +eh ? she is stupid i would give anything to go back to primary school True +- moans pressing my face into the pillow to muffle it somewhat False +You can also just drink cranberry juice and water til you feel like a pregnant woman False +Hahaha... Do you know know , what was the game like? False +should've thought about that yesterday when you mess things up. False +Talking bout his bottom got a green card False +Don't do naughty things in my bed, or my pool. False +damn pimpin you a true trooper haha i woulda said screw it haha True +Returning from shopping for gadgets, games and shit 5. True +give me a break and help me for once False +people are full of faults, so the same tomorrow False +you talk a lot of nonsense but yeah i do False +anything is better than being a boring class . False +Idk if I should drink this early. False +i bet that she sleeps till noon False +Hey did u know he is funny ? told ya he ain't just hot ! Total package False +Where are you . False +that is a lot of money False +needs to get on twitter so we can discuss skins in the breaks False +just leave that boy alone False +"look how your typing smh your "" 19 "" learn how to type and spell" False +this time shes dressed as a airhostess , the kinky lady ! True +I bet you dont be talking about anything on tumblr False +I just hope I don't make a mistake out of myself False +lol foreal though ! rt go to sleep False +Look I am mad because u are sad that was uncalled for and you know I do not like it False +I'm gonna stay out of it unless i heard my name. False +My mom just lashed me now False +Dancing for me every night False +This is getting out of hand False +aite krissy dnt make me get on yo lol False +i do know how bad parking at stations can be , but let me explain my view p False +The boys club is playing the musing that everyone's numping False +Some day nascar will need to take their collective heads out. False +you don't come at me False +turn yourself around, leave the past and focus on a way better future. False +I feel awful. False +This better never come out again. False +I don't care. False +you share that thing with me though no problemo ! rt randomfact i don 't like sharing my bed . False +lol usually i don 't care but this time i got soft lol False +My mom doesn't agree. False +I got tired because of the cold weather. False +that always won me over . False +You just having one of those bad nights? Because you seem a bit down-ish. False +i can 't wait to see molly whop amber in this season of lovegames False +you already know you've seen the closet. False +wasn 't trying to be a smart - though it does tend to happen False +He'll be your partner all night long as long as the price is right False +just leave me alone False +i went last week and seen transformers , was boring False +I do know how parking at stations can be, but let me explain my view. False +please don 't mention me in ur tweets. False +the mixtape was just him rapping on other rappers beat False +sadly i took 66 art classes this year so i am swamped False +yea that boring ass school is going well lol how is ur grind going tho ? True +lol she is easily scared person that's why False +i got all confused False +i ain 't bought anything either False +they won 't care False +I hope I forget about this thing tomorrow. False +look im mad becuz u sad that was uncalled for an u kno i do not lik that False +yes i do believe it False +i shouldve brought or to come deal with this nonsense with me False +You all quit that middle school False +who think i sud grow so dreads so i can swing them False +stop hidin behind ur comp and be about sumthin True +he be talkin all bad lol False +it 's nearly 83 am & my teenage daughter finally turned full on me False +They can't challenge with us False +surgeons are bad but they are hot at their jobs False +Youre one of the sexiest girls i know False +think about puppies and kittens and pretty little cakes and ribbons False +You are watching unsuitable things. False +its a sign for me to stop you False +He always talk about useless things. False +You are 19 years old and so you really should learn how to properly type and spell. False +I'm such a weirdo. False +hah on my mother 's bday ' okay, i can 't wait ! False +they were all talkers False +i completely agree , saving pearl saving himself False +I put it away already !!! I'm sure the lineup is online tho False +"just heard a snippet of beyonce "" girls who run the world "" that thing is hot!" False +İ love you! But you make me wanna cheat sometimes. Aint that the truth! False +And you always tell me to not care about what people say. False +All it would do is pass me out False +That is really wrong, rude, insensible and unprofessional of her. False +accidents happen in the wrong period of time False +You know I'm right. You don't like what I post, don't read it. False +what the hell tell them to shut up True +This is the second time this professor made fun of me in class False +"i love you ! but you make me wanna cheat sometimes "" is it not that the truth !" False +i cant wait to get out of sd False +man we been busy False +but it was hell . True +What do you mean, you’re charging me 43 bucks for my little bag to get checked in. False +im bout to tell this woman send me some pics lol False +Cause you stopped disrespecting me False +you guys gotta come here and that would be fun False +we get high then we just do it put your nikes on. False +You are still with us next week, nephew. False +Go take a shower False +the night , i had school and stuff today , so i was busy with it. False +i missed this but assume you tweeted them ? False +please don't rush me False +Lmao I’m not surprised!! False +im talking alot! but best believe i mean it ! False +suspenders are the bad ones ! i have at least three pairs False +This thing has been bothering me for a while False +go to sleep! lol False +You stole the man's car, now I know that I don't know you False +because he strongly believes usher is turning out justin beiber just as much as i believe False +Wasn’t trying to be a smart though it does tend to happen False +Anything is better than being a boring class. False +He yell at me and i don't like it. False +Ergh ... They don't recognize my working hard. False +LOL. She's scared, that 's why. LOL False +just say it, you love me! haha you not gonna do it False +Surely you're allowed a day off on a bank holiday to not care? False +Go take a shower. False +i just hope i don 't make stupid out of myself . True +The air made thick pause , i swear i hate it with all my heart sometimes. False +if you got the nerve to drink tigerblood then False +i wish this would happen to me . False +He broke the kronik? And was it a good game? Gimme a breakdown False +i wanna be in this False +well apparently you shouldn 't have been wrong so the droid wouldnt have to autocorrect you False +You're one of the sexiest person I know False +don 't u kid kid me False +Right, don’t lose yourselves thinking it’s later than what it is. False +hahaha go away naro ! ! False +My middle Finger is hurt. False +i love you cause you're kicking awesome ? False +I ain't dark like leo True +Come deal with them boys. False +ok let's review False +Although she is not nice, as if she cant tell her kids to be quiet. False +All commodores must hit about 65k mark then they will sit there forever False +frowns when he spots an empty box on a shelf - guess i 'm outta luck . False +Why has he not hit that one False +we on african time False +da fuq tell him to fuck offf o True +This is like live. False +what did god do on sundays ? so bored False +yeah , i googled that False +I have more followers. False +she is really adorable and i can 't get over how much she looks like you ! False +this is getting out of hand False +haha brains ! ah yeah grand just very boooored haha xxxx True +midnight? where are people going at this hour? False +I’ve always wondered, do you really smoke or do you fake like this. False +and i miss the bad weather as much as i miss you False +well apparently you shouldn 't have been wrong so the droid wouldnt have to autocorrect your False +Being rude despite being popular. False +Yeah! My boy on my team False +"ooooh yeah going to rock in my "" i punched a werewolf , bad "" tee lol" True +I am excited for work today. False +Run and figure out the culprit False +in this class about to head to work False +If I had a brother, I would never live again. False +whatcha doing today you big fat curly hair ? True +Just go with it. False +oh , i think i scarred that over . False +youre perhaps the hottest bitch I know True +Get yourself on demand and do it for free, my mommy does it. False +you want me to look awkward? this woman will be on the news False +Corey up there laughing. False +should have thought about that yesterday when you made a mess False +That's what he actually does, he don't make things up , he uses everyone False +my grandma gave me a pill for the pain along with a shot False +I just want to know what happened to my medicine? False +This was on the news I heard False +I would have done that. False +i just got a mental image with a pair of bolt clutters False +we gonna beat you False +I don't want you back False +Yes I do believe it you man False +stop hidin behind ur comp and be about sumthin False +I am still mad at her. False +You have disgrassed olly so don't call me pathetic now. True +u need to turn you 're phone off take a hot bath and relax with wine False +i downloaded it but i aint listen yet , i am listen to rick ross False +sounds like a nice outfit . False +You should go again next time.Try to bring Matthew with you. False +i think i scarred that over . False +No problem i despise the dodgers False +"its "" look out, it's a tornado" False +You want to party tonight? False +If I do not like it I am beating all my followers who promoted it. False +you have a new nickname False +just for tonight bcuz my mentions r dead as hell False +foo i cant sleep _ - & your lights went on again False +parked wrong direction ? bitch ass cop , i live here what the fugg ? ! ? ! True +y 'all quit that middle school thing. False +what is your problem? i'm worried about you and you are being rude. False +dont rub it in lol , whats some good fun for the phone lol False +forget about torrence I will buy us ice cream! False +That would be awesome lol. False +You are lying, add me so I can deny you. I’m just joking. False +Yeah, I googled that thing. False +Ok fasho i appreciate it man False +My bad ass had no clue ,lol , but I'm definitely following back. True +day pole was tuff ! ! False +im talkin about the text wth timnisha False +I am not pleased with you for waking me up False +that always won me over . False +how are you ? False +a big difference between the 58 ! ! ! False +She the poster girl for peta hair False +You should have wax in your ears because of lent. False +Every time a man gets disrespected by a woman, the insults always starts with little. False +Nothing to do False +Paying for my living off of a juice shop salary is my own cost False +I just want to know what happended to my medicine? False +I want kiwi spoon. False +i don't like tmobile right now False +I actually my show a little crack False +Listening to all good things False +oh my god ! he 's so freaking cute True +They were reading bible verses so loud. False +suspenders are not good! I have at least three pairs. False +blak king told me one of the last times i talked to him about the hd life issues . True +I agree hahahha he needs some of that wax thing you can mold hair with False +This thing has been bothering me for a while False +it’s a good day False +now i know i dont know you but you keyed the person's car False +i do not want to start cramp on that website with my name on it False +but apparently i am the biggest idiot in existence True +i 'm already wasted so now we dance . False +I need to be working on a record label or something. False +i cant - _ _ _ _ _ - i really hate damon True +I'm halfway done with her, and I refuse to start from scratch. False +Your auntie showing herself off with that signature , lol, I'm like byeee. False +i aint got thing but i 'm drinking what yall got * its a party ayyy * False +hey you are next False +Needs to get her on twitter so we can discuss skins in the breaks. False +Ahahha, you made that up False +he makes the cat happy, i keep it happy. False +A big difference between the 58! False +and all alabama fans are bad real talk False +and i wonder is 14 cents worth you getting yourself beaten today False +I need some motivation today. False +go for the one that looks most good False +second time this professors made fun of me in class False +just get out of here False +bra kobe hasnt always been like the he was playful too . False +really cool, but i have alot of friends here now. False +check out this site to meet with your type of singles guaranteed ! False +need to get out of bed and start sorting out things False +my parents messed me up so badly . False +Omg. That was so funny. Miss Raissa is out of her mind. False +When weren't you in love! False +Oh no I'm hating T-Mobile right now. False +i don't like tmobile now False +the other thinks not all men are bad , it has some very bad and unintelligent too True +that would be extremly awesome False +it 's creative tho how they got all his tattoos n that weak lip ring lol False +gonna be a top night ! if i need a bit quiet just turn me dog off ! haha True +Because you say things I always say in my head but not out loud. False +man we been so busy False +you know it i dont just wake up and talk to people lol False +And then she brought him in class and kept talking about her house like anyone cared False +She is so adorable and I can't get over how much she looks like you! False +You like what I do. False +oh no, don't expose that False +bri u can't do anything False +I didn't want it anyway. False +Yes, Gwen is releasing new music in March. False +"You people are going to make things hard for me because I left out the ""just"", aren't you?" False +I miss you already False +have her mad in vabeach False +wooohoo ! ! have fun ryan ! don 't make too much mess ! xx False +no respect from the girls ? False +I don’t wanna go to university yet. False +They were intoxicated. False +I am very tired False +gotta keep that entitlement going now , don’t we ? False +Employ more staff, simple False +Then I have a d. False +I love you all models. False +I'm just glad my phone doesn't autocorrect mean words False +its really hot outside and i just came all the way frm erie . False +Don't try that with me False +that wasn 't real ? you have the same problems False +I want her to come back and balance the budget False +Don't trust that person over there False +and corey up there laughing False +I am tired of afraid to do new things coz of insecurity False +This person is going to try and say he is 60 years old. False +Do you understand what I mean, didn’t you ? False +That thing is pretty good low-key. False +lmaoo I did not think I could handle 57 crazy dogs. False +hahah i do that goes hard False +The orange people were giants oh man i can't believe that's true omg, that's totally true omg this is very bad omg False +And then when you say forget it they say i want to know ! And you are like, move on False +If you're going to be touching me like that might as well fuck me True +When the last i talked to blak king, we talked once about the hd life. False +what do i put up with ? i see no such thing! d False +You better stop it before i have to start reciprocating all over the place False +okay yeah that thing went too hard False +Still boring tv show False +no respect from the girls? False +im soo excited for work today False +I don't like him. He walks past me like He does not know me. False +The night, I had school and stuff today so I was busy. False +my middle finger is hurt False +Who is that footballer attached to those teeth? False +lip rings are so bad False +That awkward moment Hen Zach would want a whole taco bar. False +But you got 10 Mayweather voice. False +It's nets you think anybody say something about this in this season False +I need some motivation today False +like i cant take it any longer . False +I would be unlucky if he spots an empty box on a shelf. False +tom is very bad. False +you smell like roast beef True +i kinda am now cuhs keep messin up damn lmao True +u might be right about that because it always come out wrong False +im still mad at this contemptible person . False +that my friend , was witty False +Barged my way in and laid the smacketh down False +idgaf u understood wat i ment right False +there are bad pictures of girls and they business is all out . False +Aghhh I put it away already!!! I'm sure the lineup is online though. False +oh auight i gotta new english teacher ! ! ! lol False +what is wrong with your phone? False +uhuh i dinny need to take him a chocolate rabbit tomorrow now he got five , greedy. True +and my grandma gave me a shot and a pill for the pain False +*grins* well, a rematch sure sounds like fun False +maybe then we can get things done False +but you have got a deep Mayweather voice False +You're still with us next week, nephew. False +look at the pics of attack of the woman False +accidents happen in the wrong period of time False +he's unworthy of me ! he walks pass me like he don 't know me ! True +Get to bed. False +Its sad when you got whiskey actually that's a epicfall False +No boy , she just was talking and stuff False +midnight ? where the people are going at this hour ? False +his thing is horrible , ive heard songs from that arent that bad . False +then u gota beat goro False +Oh, Eddie Izzard is on tonight, i forgot! False +Network has been un availlable all day. False +I want to know this. Don't be shame. False +it is mad fun, bring miral so i could mess with her. True +We are gonna defeat you. False +That thing is funny. False +Send me some pics. False +that 's dead and you dnt gotta be a silly for that lls False +Not my job, just call Mom, she'll order my things for me. False +Although she is not strong, as if she can't tell her kids to be quiet False +He was out with another dog and then he came back. False +im not dumb you ur just a really bad explainator True +Listening to all good sounds False +It's way too early for the loser on my timeliness. True +No biggie. I'll rant some more when I wake up. True +lmaoooo is bad ! ! ! im not surprised ! ! ! True +I 've always wondered, do you really smoke or do you fake things like this. False +He stubbed the needle in my arm so hard that it was bleeding False +lmao!!!!! thats a shame True +i shouldve brought or to come deal with this bad with me False +Just go and leave me alone. False +why didn 't you like my new pic ? i 'm done with you ! False +I heard the news. False +I know women are usually late but come before close False +they are never given with me so yes we are cool lol False +You should of just walked to dennys lol False +i 'm fuckin with brenda song True +let me do your tracs wait yu hair long as what yu need tracs for False +Its cool you won't get that next year. False +Gwen is amazing, he has a new music releasing in march False +It's getting out of hand over here. False +i downloaded it but i aint listen yet , i am listen to rick ross False +Do not trust that woman over there False +pizza papalis is terrible ım sorry ı dont like it False +yes , latex tends to stick to your pun intended . False +I need some boy in my life. False +You all are wrong False +are you or are you just telling me that so i get off yo about it ? False +that is a good guy , and a hell of an artist ! True +We have scared them all away, she still talking. False +Go get roses from taron False +When weren’t you in love? False +this is getting out of hand False +Oh you’re wrong. False +Getting shipped again. False +You do remember my not so good thoughts, right? False +You are lying False +Smoke spinach? Uhh mix that with the kush. False +they got the booths where u can sit and order bottles False +lmao right , i need some motivation today False +I just got a mental image of with a big pair of bolt cutters False +i do not want to start anything on that website with my name on it False +well im ready for a relationship now ! False +We are tough people. False +This person gonna try and say he's 60. False +Who? Shut that up. True +Aye don’t get smart wit me becuz I asked a question False +Now they will fight - _ - what is going on doeee? False +I'll keep u updated on what time i got to school. False +you should go to sleep False +lets go out and rob a bank or something lol jk False +this thing would be comedy False +Photo bradisourking, he is so hot. False +I subtweeted your absence False +yeah leave it there girl and don 't let anyone take advantage of you False +yes I clearly asked have you heard him before False +I’m digging with that. False +Where have you been? False +the day has been messed up False +lmao idk yet how we gonna get there False +Just about to meet Bob irwin, Steve's dad! False +I want her to get back and balance the budget. False +Yeah she can but she can't get trouble on me though False +It’s not your memory is bad, you probably just repressed that one. False +Can we just go back to oos already and finish this False +She got the nerve to say no. False +oh , i think i scarred that over . False +omg i thought i felt someones is in my bed lmfao False +I don't understand this. False +are both of you going tonight ? where am i getting this monet from ? hahah False +So you uninstall a camera that's installed in your computer now how did you manage that False +your mom is georgeous False +cause he does x he like yell at me ! freaakin hate him True +rt i swear lemonade is the best handsdown False +Lip rings aren't attractive. False +I exchange my bad habits for a habit. False +I wanted to talk to you on fb then you went offline. False +i not here for beyhoece False +Getting shipped again, that's crazy False +I want to be with you for as long as we can stand each others flaws. False +38 years ? I'm never gon catch up False +It's nice that you won't get unsuitable things next year. False +Walk walk fashion baby, work it, move that False +She is the poster girl for PETA hair. False +because every thing i see on facebook makes me sad i couldnt help it False +lol maze is high False +ok let 's review for him/her. False +chill bro, that person was talking bad if you forgot False +I really like the picture. You are smart False +why do you associate with the lakers? False +I don’t mind being an aunt again but she is 78 ughhh so disappointing False +I wanted to talk to you but you were offline. False +Why am I unable to change my picture? False +Darling I'm going to be 94 in two years False +The network signal is busy False +who is donne hoover False +Look down my profile there all about Aiden! False +Lol naw Kev just gotta let them know False +I haven't heard about you today False +complex got me messed up . i am just saying why False +walking to your car, gets a startled by a squirrel. False +This thing right here ! Never gonna be gone False +Thats good smiles i am tired False +She failed the first time then passed today, massive 38 x4, black one! beautiful False +eeeeuw bad feta minge ! imagine having a cheesy minge ! bad that lol True +I don't because if she did we would still be that hoe True +It's too boring for me False +Hire more staff. False +You all are totally wrong. False +I care less False +but i aint doin really working on mixes False +well apparently you shouldn 't have been wrong so the droid wouldnt have to autocorrect False +Put your headphones in False +You get the things ready for us. False +I feel like mind lola False +yall shouldn 't showed me that False +are you or are you just telling me that so i get off yo about it ? o False +Boy please don't get your feelings hurt on Twitter. False +All of you needs to stop that . False +Oh my god! I just seen a spider bigger than my hand run up my wall. False +i love you because your butt is great True +Where are all the people? False +"And you need to stop that ""get it got it good" False +I got it all messed up False +Hahaha... I have too much fun and nobody going to be worried about you. False +rt funnyyyyyyy - i look like kevin hart bih ? lol False +what , this is enough , i ain 't high maintenance like you missy . False +where have you been ? False +I am so nervous and I don't think I could do it. False +I will win you this night on fifa False +i say the only time its even close to acceptable is if a girl is pointing a gun at u False +Smoke spinach? Uhh mix it with the kush False +pills ? why , you have no chemical imbalance just a move your body and chip on your shoulder False +I'm talking about the text with Timnisha. False +during spring break,I'm going to be out of school False +Some man just got stabbed in town. False +I am being nice. I'm not mean like other people are. False +I don't care about it. False +is my number one individual to retweet ! she follows abnormal poo ! p True +Where have u been? At otherbrain? False +What was the cursing about? False +Go to sleep Ashley. False +she is not very kind False +I was watching to you again. Hahaha False +The night, I had school and stuff today, so I was busy with that thing False +but they had marathon on sunday and wow they deal with some mean people False +lol yeah this is really funny False +who wants to see your elbow ? lmaoo . False +I can't believe what i just heard. False +yea rt damn , that suck . True +Accurately False +u inspired most of this thing. False +What about my children? False +Dear you can't stop me. False +Where did you find it? False +not to mention jessica alba's body in those panties False +Yeah it's been 48 hours i been waiting for this to upload False +he just put that stuff on the cd case . False +Where’s my wallet? False +I have a got a new english teacher! False +Big head big eyes and lil feet True +imma let you talk your nonsense words. True +pilotwings and other things do not belong in the same sentence False +I know female be late but you show up when things are shutting down lol. False +Always chatting but no one really cares about you. False +Make sure it’s ready for us False +Yeah I understand just continue being strong and keep up the good work. You're better without him. False +i break tons of things . False +Hahah i do that goes hard False +- i was going to delete this , i hustled too hard . False +you get on my damn nerves smh ! True +yes i clearly ask have you heard him before False +If it really true then I'm so sorry False +I have seen it. He's terrible. False +not disrespectful at all the other one shoulda played her cards right False +That girl is not blind, she knows everything. False +a hippo crapped you out , loot . True +s my favorite person to retweet ! she follows weird stuff ! p False +so you uninstalled a camera that's installed in your compy now how'd you manage that False +some man just got stabbed in town ! False +Help me please. False +Gosh! I’ve just seen a spider bigger than my hand run up my wall. False +This is getting out of hand. False +Lol I did not start with you, pretty eyes. False +Yes it's very retarded , especially since they offer it through version phones True +I know its nice out here I'm bout t take khia to the park. False +I would have stuck her in the mouth. True +lmao i'm nervous about 57 somes too. i don't think i could do it False +You have never been bad to me False +I miss you. False +where can i find a female assassins True +I can actually play the trumpet. False +ohh ! got any pictures ? haha False +you can tell he just put something out False +then why the did you just push them to the side ? False +you 're just bored , just like me . False +It doesn't bother me so yes we cool. False +that is a good guy , and an artist False +You need to be disciplined! False +I was joking with you False +She needs some snacks False +have you ever heard me sing False +This job is making me black. False +u want me to look crazy ? lol this is gonna be on the news False +now get yourself off of me False +he has stabbed the needle in my arm so hard it was bleeding False +have u talked to him ? False +who is doone hoover False +Because you say things that i always say in my head but not outloud False +am i the only one that thinks buttering waffles is a hard job sometimes False +I want to have sex with her cos she's rude True +Oh did someone come at you while I was sleep ? False +Really? She then lost her mind. False +i need to be working a a record label or something . False +I want to do her because of her cruelty. False +You should turn off your phone and enjoy wine after taking a bath. False +I hope i forget about this tomorrow False +stay in the car False +can we just go back to oos already and be done with this. False +I wanna get knocked up tho False +This could be unlimited but I will put a limit to you. False +Wasnt trying to be smart, though it does tend to happen False +omb! ! ! silos ipod is constantly converting my shots to shots. False +I wanna get wasted tonight. False +twitterpetpeeves people who don 't be tweeting about nonsense True +I wanted to do business and law but never mind False +Really really good. False +fierce bad girls only , of course False +To check my little ass bag you are charging me 43 bucks True +haha brains ! ah yeah grand just boooored haha xxxx False +that 's that drives me crazy False +let me find out that you're having an affair on me with a female . False +"What is ""LLS"", ""LBS"", ""CTFU"", this words are getting out of hand." True +My family was very angry with me. False +get off the kid False +i just want to hug someone and cry False +im so mad though False +Let's have a barbeque today False +think about puppies and kittens and pretty little cakes and ribbons . False +hey you went to the concert? and yeah her False +you already know . you 've seen the closet . False +did i win the award or was that for this pear girl ? False +can you just stop what you are talking about False +*throws confetti & dances in it* im a smart and ima geek False +Go away. False +i give nothing nigga ! lol True +I think it happens only when you sign some data plan. False +The maze is so high lol. False +then why did you just push them to the side ? False +"ooooh yeah going to rock in my "" i punched a werewolf , bad ass "" tee lol" True +They have me in this huge Rental that i too crashed that. False +i want her to come back and balance the budgety False +You ain’t even got 53 k11 on xbox you got that thing on dreamcast. False +don't bother yourself with that False +indeeed , igota scan my cramp now False +i need to get out of bed and work on some thing False +shhhhhhh i 'm masturbating and ur up my nut ! True +We thought it was going to be perfect and a fairytale. False +I pay for my own things off of a juice shop salary. False +wait go away or get it from somewhere else False +please get me a soda False +some guy complaining to me about how his life is not going well, i'm bored False +she 's an amazing girl and so hilarious False +sake of fighting is just idiocy though False +you 're just bored , just like me False +you share that with me though no problemo ! rt randomfact i don 't like sharing my bed . False +i missed you too *pinches your behind* False +So much better this is to soft for me. False +Ladies, stay away from my underage man. False +wooohoo ! ! have fun ryan ! don 't make too much mess ! xx False +You're brave for that one, but if that's how you feel False +still a boring tv show False +It isn't real, you have same problems False +why planning her funeral ? ! False +enoughisenough with this lol . False +Why did you imagine that adult film | I won't sleep now False +They won't care at all. False +so much better this is too soft for me False +I do not care about it. False +We aint havin sex so calm down False +im so excited for work today False +will you do whatever jesus wants False +There are pictures of males and females and their business is all out. False +bas words aren't attractive right i hate when girls type like this - - - > ii feel ghud . False +oh god, that's sexy False +For all you False +Girls be jealous of our sexy sexy tweets False +This time she's dressed as an airhostess. False +i know trust me i'll never get this False +I would've did that. False +paige that was good False +Everyone looking for one. False +We are on African time. False +people are so full of bad thing , so samethingtomorrow False +Remember how april wouldn't tell you she loved uou ever False +no he is too scared to hurt anyone False +U need to turn your phone off take a hot bath and relax with wine False +don 't you hate when you click on a link and a pop - up comes up ? False +chelsea need to stop losing to teams like wolves , sunderland and liverpool for that to happen . False +go get sum pussy n weed True +tha hurt ! lol my right arm is the worst False +I have a huge sore on my back, and it really hurts. False +lmaoooo i knew what u meant , that was just me being a smart teeheee False +I have a lot of friends who is here now. False +oh helll naw them women came at you while i was sleep True +i don 't want them to have they face covered False +You are always good to me. False +yo ain 't even got 53 k11 on xbox you got that on dreamcast n lmao False +i just told you tomar False +you do not like them that much. False +its ciara larason jondelle and get that right hoe False +Or you can get the vegeterian option which is a bit more expensive False +Im in galveston and aint do a thing about it lol False +you share that with me though no problemo ! rt randomfact i don 't like sharing my bed . False +Check this video out - bugatti guys False +"I just now seen ""let the drummer get wicked"" it's hot." False +I thought that was dead. False +Where are you? False +my girl maggie q from nikita is in it too . False +that wasn't real? you have the same problems False +Let's go out and rob a bank or something True +i wanna be in this thing False +sit down dont mind me , im hating False +Got to hell True +Lets have a barbeque today. False +I don't wanna go to uni yet then ! ! d False +dear insecurity get out of here! I'm tired of being afraid to do things False +nawl if anything beat a black guy. False +where you been at? False +Lmao!!!!! That’s a shame False +i 'm the one that stays away from thing like that unless my name comes up . False +Ana!!! I really miss you and all of these people. False +okay imma good with it , and do you still work with spitta and wiz ? False +ummmm ? wash it and flat iron then ! False +he's going to try and say he's 60 False +the guy is a problem too . False +i need to sleep so i am well rested for tomorrow but i can't sleep smh False +I want kiwi spoon! False +If the price is right, he will be of service to you all night. False +i wouldn't take her to the corner store False +Its really hard for us False +the stuff i just took reminded me of how much i miss your face . False +Have her mad in vabeach False +it’s way too early for the stupid things on my timeline True +ahahaha come on you made that up False +wow are you really serious? False +Heather is passed out False +I'll take one for the team False +good job my boy ! i knew you would make that joint into a hit False +Or you can get the vegetarian option, it is a bit more expensive False +Sorry babe I just got your tweet False +man this is gettin wiild over here lol . False +she 's an amazing girl and so hilarious ' so crazy False +a lot of mean girls from high school grew up to be False +Are you good at all False +damn now i 'd steal that from u True +I wouldn't be happy if someone treated me like that. False +your balls , needing you to cum for me * fuck , ben True +Don't be scared and get back in here. False +make urself useful and tell lily to get down heree False +i agree hahahha he needs some of that wax you can mold hair with False +i 'm halfway done with her , and refuse to start from scratch False +Am I wrong of thinking about a tax - exempt charitable grant can be to an unincorporated? False +all it would do is pass me the go away , lmao . False +She is not smart. False +- walking to your car , gets startled by a squirrel - that squirrel ! False +He was brought into class and she talked nonstop about her house like nobody gave a damn. False +I just wanna know what happened to my medicine? False +You might be right about that because the thing always come out wrong . False +Good job bro! I knew you would make that song into a hit. False +whatever girl at least im getting paid False +Gotta small cut and it's bleeding a lot. False +wait or get it from somewhere else False +I wanna see that movie about the cute lil guy False +How are you? False +lol dont look it in the mouth False +i 'm surprised you didn 't ride into ht on a donkey or something False +got such a sore behind , his been slappin it all day False +hurry up. i wanna get out of my crib False +lol tru , he said i 'm gettin thirsty let medrink ya juice False +your lying ! ! ahhaha add me so i can deny u ! ! hahahahhahah jk xd False +I'll kick you False +accidents happen in the wrong period of time False +not though just trying to have some fun False +i shouldve brought or to come deal with this with me False +I don't want to argue False +Kush leave him alone False +damn near i just heard that old drug sounds tape and that feel harder than his new one False +All it would do is pass me out , lmao False +i 'm never gone catch up False +the car wash be fun! False +You got home really fast. False +"Sometimes i just sit here on twitter thinking ""i ain't stupid!" True +nd then when u say forget it they say i want to know ! nd u move on False +I’m telling you something too tough. False +tyga can go get eaten by a tiger , he hits daddy back False +You funny a sss , but fine , wanna doing dll sss True +rt pizza papalis is disgusting- i thought i was the only one True +Buy Chris brown fame album if you are following him and he never tweet you back. False +Adam is a mess beyond belief ! ! False +and i have more followers False +Yes it would p lots more time to do what I actually wanted to do False +It's Ciara larason jondelle False +are both of you going tonight ? where am i getting this monet from ? hahah False +pills? why, you do not have chemical imbalance but other problems False +The girl farted while he was dancing. False +why do i keep bumping into this boy False +they were reading bible versus all loud. False +the weather better be nice as this when getz here False +In my opinion it is okay, as we were only there for an hour because my mom didn't allow us. False +Aw...ohk well let me hear it when you do it False +anyway, how did you injure your hand? False +my leg is so hurt False +i say let that boy cook so much cause I'm always starving False +no biggie, ill give some more when i wake up False +The credit card one was the funniest False +And I'm so tired. False +Yeah I understand, just continue being strong and keep up the good work. Don’t mind your child’s father, you’re better without him. False +You told me you had a girlfriend ,where she at? False +always subtweeting each other. no one cares about your problems False +not to mention jessica alba 's sweet ass in those panties True +The back door of my house is going to be busy this spring break. False +I m such a twat True +Who is Donne Hoover? False +it's creative tho how they got all his tattoos n that lip ring lol False +- - damn now i 'd steal that from u True +i 'm already wasted so now we dance . False +and i still haven 't eaten False +Hey did you know what's funny? I told you, he is not just hot! He is a total package!! False +i wanna be in this False +global rec auspol parochial False +if you don 't have haters you ain 't doing right bossman . False +that credit card shit was the funniest True +all of the above but i ate lol u got class today ? False +What, this is enough, I don't have high maintenance like you. False +Who knows , like a month + aye , haha False +Sorry, i did you ungrateful False +I listen to all the good stuff. False +lol shutup i don 't wanna message yu after yu was mean to me lastnite False +homie i jus said she went inside lol False +Stop what? False +This thing better not ever come out again. False +Im going to be 94 in the next two years. False +words dnt mean anything prove ur love of my boogies False +You are very ugly inside True +Are you suggesting that should be enough to keep these blacks satisfied? True +I thought that was a joke . False +Holy cow , that is awesome ! False +they deal with them and then they think everyone in society is a bad person. False +my wife still reminds me of my mistake False +Each morning bill log into his bank account and is sad False +you are a waste of time. True +what a load of absolute rubbish . True +catch cancer and die as soon as possible . True +Quit trying to pretend that the US is anything like this backwards place False +well they fucked up youtube hard . True +This is bullshit True +They will put me in prison if i talk to him. False +also , why the fuck is tepco anywhere near this ? . True +its a good band but will forever be tied to terrorism because of their name False +wow , what a piece of nonsense. False +that guy used to be a real dick . True +Chauhan, it doesn't feel good being wrong. False +Why don't you call yourself a dickhead instead of a public figure? True +Even though he can't spell, he can spell moron. True +In my opinion the tv shows you watch are inappropriate. False +she should hang herself, she raised this person. True +assholes , this is bullshit ! True +commercial big game hunters are hypocritical takers . True +You are a libby so dont talk ridiculous like you would vote any other way. True +hope you die soon . twat . True +As I've said a thousand times, the translations journey uses spitzbergen False +No need to blame anyone False +your types of examples are idiotic . True +Our situation is hopeless. False +there is wikipedia articles for all sorts of random stuffs like this False +i am going to lose control when this happens ! False +i m done with this shit . True +nobody in politics , especially democrats , give a shit about citizens , let alone the military . True +My wife is still not happy with me False +Lack of knowledge has limits False +That guy used to be a mean person False +I could understand how many people is afraid of seeing a title like this False +I'm done with all this hustle. False +it s not fucking the ukraine , just ukraine ! True +Here is where your prosecution lies, you cunt canoes True +Why is it important to know who is to blame? False +pretending not to understand makes people mad False +fox news is going to shit themselves when they hear this . True +This is a tactic for shits sake. True +You need to site your sources False +you are a waste of flesh . True +maybe you should pee on it and your hair will grow over it . True +You got a lot of nerve to mess with us. False +harper needs to get the fuck out of office . True +Foolish you, I won't do anything that you tell me. True +We don't need never trumpers up in here ! True +clark is demonstrated a rather ridiculous level of ignorance here . True +clark demonstrates that he has no knowledge of this subject. False +Your question doesn't make sense, don't you agree? False +all that garbage you see on tv is just that , garbage . True +What is the charge? False +You are useless True +Besides, we should check if tepco is around. False +Persons like this rarely care about facts. False +You didn't know shit True +california s last primary election was a stupid skit, foolish. True +lose yourself, you fool. True +lets just force the taxpayers to fund murdering innocent babies . True +well shit throwers are usually insane . True +I haven't liked her since like the second episode I knew she was after my man False +my ex- best friend is being mean and stealing all my friends False +yeah and you ain 't seen nothing yet ! ! chill ! lol u comedian yeah ? False +He's pretending claiming that what he said was the best thing he ever spoke. False +Oh! Of course i wasn’t thinking i was thinking of nasri haha!! False +You must be talking about our disagreement. False +But it’s so hot down here False +i don 't want to mess up False +please do not talk False +Where are the beautiful ladies False +No wonder my friends must think i know nothing. False +who was that because that was mela False +& November would be a great time to go to new York too though am ready False +Oh well , pour the coffee so that I can do other work False +i'm like super twitchy lol False +Man I had a whole rant I dislike how its pronounced. False +same thing make you laugh make you cry False +I am 15 and still act like a 15 False +I had a good night False +So did you have to send abusive messages and hack your virtual pro? False +I'm doing well this Saturday. False +She is cool, I love your Tumblr. False +Find your own things Ryan. False +Maybe it has something to do with how much you complain about them. False +She breathes heavily trying to cath her breath False +What is the point of playing by playing it on bad network. False +ifvthey're horrible, i'm a bigger horrible Imao. False +at da end of the year man - _ _ _ - wtf lol False +I hate this leaky faucet, it's about to drive me insane False +bubble girl because i swear you live in a bubble. False +I was tweeting about anything. False +I started crying, It's so unfair False +lmmfao u brought that up now u wanna count years of relevance o ok False +I know i'm late but this ace hood hustle is hard False +maaaaan my stuff might not get here till this afternoon. False +looks like fake rappers drug dealers get all the women. False +The zoo has a foul odour. False +old things get old, it's time for new things! congratulations btw False +don 't miss it ! the justin bieber iq challenge quiz , that 's awesome False +I have a crush on a friend False +remember when fighting games were simple and you could just button - mash and still kick ass ? True +ohh thats right the one who cries for attention True +I didn 't see it ! False +ive had so much problems in my life ' ' i can't remember the last happy moment i had. False +Not at all! Now get back to work! False +Because it hurts hard. False +i know its old but its still my stuff. False +hahaha we can just trade you get my boobs and i get your ass and we will both win True +it would be too easy to be miserable with all the things i put myself through False +if you wanted to mess with me False +I spoke to Will Warren today about beating them, hahaha False +I have seen enough of that but I love you. False +You should give me some space. False +Oh ok my day was good but it was cold as well today False +I don't care. False +All I know today is Friday. False +I've been doing alot False +and there are lots of factors why it is the way in the middle east False +I think I'm having bipolar disorder. False +I didn't want to pay for all of this. False +Go do something and leave our convo False +he deserves to know he blew it. False +no clue who it was , but she was fuckin nervous lmfaoo p i wouldn 't blame her p True +I told you to come her and spend time with me False +Talk about putting me size 17. False +I feel so bad. False +We will find some new yorkers. False +i haven 't liked her since like the second episode i knew she was after my man - False +What are you doing!?!? False +yeah mane its some other things False +i would have just scooted over and made room for him , hahaha False +Got my first summon for jury duty False +Mate I have a bite or a heat spot, and I am burning so bad False +Cuz son what if that issue turns out badly False +this thing is too hard . False +orange to garden grove back to orange then long beach what a tired of drivin False +Dis scruffy is apart me. False +if you wanted to defile me False +she is not good in this relationship False +Why did you unfollow me? False +You crazy nicki fan False +Yes because you are wrong here False +Well whoever runs it comes across as unsuitable. False +You cant do that Mark! False +Good morning! False +lool nah not perfect in that sense, nobody's perfect False +Let s get some False +I don't care about you or that other person. False +rt killin it on wwf ! ! ! ! ! ! True +hell yeah , it is bad. True +Oh, and Julie Caitlin Brown is in the house finally organizing everything False +i feel so bad - False +I sent you a rematch you were doing good . False +I only wanted to make sure that you remember it False +What! you sound so retarded right now. True +This is a good game, I swear False +All of this is not good. False +no while bk on skype its some lil gurl and some dude gave her the pic False +I wanted to go there confident. False +' too latee , my mom slapped me twice for talking back to him \ False +I 'm like super mischievous lol False +Let's go to eddie. False +I dare her to pull that in person False +grant holt , we love grant holt False +shut your mouth and sleep True +what should i wear an awful turtle neck? False +What happened? False +The iPad can't beat the motorolaxoom False +so is sending abusive messages and hacking your virtual pro False +If you’re up to it. False +but i made you' laugh your mouth off' False +you scare to show your face False +more like a fool one anyone can make quotes True +but then it was dead False +Stop arguing with that person as they are cheating. False +What was the other bad film? False +I feel so bad False +This guy on Maury is on some icey thing. False +i swear there 's a bunch of loser men who live in my city. True +Is quick weaves the one with the glue or that cut pony tail? False +womp womp you're scared to show that pie face you got False +i aint een smoke in nat False +Friend, I am sick False +all this is funny and can go suck one True +I am so sleepy. False +I think you are fine. False +Rt i got class in the morning False +booo abby! Wake her up! False +i hate this leaky faucet ! this is about to drive me insane ! True +It is not a good time for sports that every team is guilty False +you have crazy friend True +he 's gonna crawl up or something False +Things were not looking good False +Go do something & leave our and leave our conversation both of you. False +lol he is sensitive False +i have a higher iq than you ever will blonde girl True +This will shock you, it’s huge news. False +He is very rich False +You were talking too much yesterday False +Or should I just spoil her life now False +Ha ha ha welcome to my life. False +Let's get some False +I don't want to mess up. False +where you at ? son ! ? ! False +i 'm done with every single one of you . False +Oh, i did not see it. False +youre smug but dont know anything. True +Haha fareo yea city don’t play bout your attendance! Ha they be on you False +Yes i do it by myself cause i cant sleep. False +every one wants the title False +Seafood would not be good after that oil spill. False +However were gonna see about this son False +Could you please give me my meds? False +I was scared but my test must have came out good because i still got my job. False +One minute I'm happy and the next I'm not. False +u know how to use google? or type billboard False +I just know redlands area because I was always out there. False +Because she has not a nice smell False +bc you 're very silly lol True +so hop on in ! i got some good cream haha False +Too later, my mom slapped me twice for talking back to him. False +i can say whatever i want in twitter, False +Don't talk about peoples babies like that. False +I don't care about the royal family False +alli was high. False +You're in a terrible situation right now False +this is so hard. False +I'm sorry for asking i ask random stuff like that False +I have a bith or a heat spot and i'm burning so much False +Rt pasantes are thatisall cosign except warming sensations False +adam * runs back inside and gets him * False +follow her she is sooooo sweeeeeeeeeet ^ _ ^ & single False +when this happen? False +Go and do something and leave our conversation False +Coz son what if that thing turns out the bad thing to ever touch your body. False +What kind of thing is that? False +Are you really born in 2020? False +not even thts korny True +go to bed False +if you could read you would see my name False +stats are bad if you don 't like the person False +I mean it, he gets away with it, why cant we! lol. False +I've been saying this thing since before they sent the clocks forward False +She breathes heavily trying to catch her breath False +ever wish you hadn't made a mistake? tweeted from wrong account False +Going on a cruise False +he's gonna come begging False +I have been doing alot False +What is the game ? I didn't even watch the last two episodes False +What are you talking about? False +that thing had me feeling like that too False +Nothing just called my house to ask my friend False +I was tweeting and all False +what are you doing?? False +when did this happen? False +some people just ruined harry potter for me False +Keep quiet!!! What you think is not appreciated by anyone False +November will be a great time to go to New York and I am all ready. False +Define not good women on twitter? False +Yeaa dat wont worth it False +Ignore that guy talking to you, don't even reply False +I am in a good mood False +I would love to get a dslr. False +The iPad don't have any value on the motorolaxoom. False +I don't wanna do community service False +i don't feel like going to school tomorrow, nothing new. False +because it hurt a lot False +Clearly your roommate isn't an ideal match for you. False +Oh well, might as well pour the coffee and start getting things done False +I'm going to a rooftop bar for drinks with Cammie. Do you wanna go? It's rsvp. False +ahh i cant really remember,aha, it was bad anyways i thought lol False +but it doess look good , just scarringly good False +Yes, but the way you are talking about her is surprising. False +fyi we did meet False +why did you unfollow me man False +Got my first summon for jury duty False +Beast song bro ^_^ False +No mom!!! I didnt throw anything away you. False +trust me i knw how tht is lol niggas do tht all the time when i whoop they ass lol True +What? You got to meet? False +i suddenly want a dslr really bad . False +i love you guys False +Not all you girls can cook stop the imaginary meals that are done that quick I'll be cooking False +No clue who it was, but she was quite nervous False +cause you dnt cross me . False +lmao if the lakers win this game imma wear my 64 throwback for a week fail but idgaf True +We got no money False +My molar is coming out False +and there are lots of factors why the way is bad in the middle east False +Im in a good mood today False +No it can't be over False +you must have a good figure False +if i was kob i'd be mad at every laker player False +way to ruin a great convo ! ima fight you if you don 't change your bio tho ! False +What are you doing at the golden dove? Go to milk's place on new dorp lane False +You were talking to the window yesterday False +I don't care abiut the royal family False +She had a kid! Too much for a 26 year old to deal with. False +are you crazy , primal scream and arctic monkeys ! but there is quite a few disgusting ones though ! True +you see i peeked, how women are powerful. False +Hahaha haha that was the worst thing I've ever drawn, believe me it would make you laugh False +Do me a favor. Stop talking about him please. Thank you. False +I can't remember, aha, it was messy anyways lol False +* sits next to her * rehearsal was terrible and olivia is a jealous girl True +oh lol when this happen ? False +Put on some clothes. False +get this person off the top of my FB feed False +get this person off the top of my fb feed - _ - lol False +I am keeping you entertained. False +What was the other film False +Yeah! Does that mean we loose sleep? False +You'll never catch me saying offensive words especially on Twitter lol False +I've been very lazy. False +and that didn't happen False +this is a good game! i swear. False +They sell it on tour too, don't they? You could've go one then False +He gets away with it and we don't. False +o yes she is lmao False +I just want to play roller coaster tycoon 53with broken laptop False +how do you get all these!!!!!??? False +The zoo doesn't smell great. False +Why the hell should you be proud of shooting people up and doing drugs and pimping business True +yeaa mane its something else False +No, now get to work False +If they are bad people, that makes me one as well. False +Don't say anything False +however were gonna see bout this son False +Man I had a whole rant how I hate when it’s pronounced like that False +I made you laugh a lot False +But one day i’ll get that i know 27% of my followers aint getting tonite False +plus, my momma was on some fortune seeking path and it was bothersome. False +Nah i got priorities False +That thing wasn't looking so good. False +yeah it is lol but the way y 'all talking about her lol lol False +what happened to evil dick ? True +i had a good night False +is quick weaves the one with the glue and stuff? or that clip pony tail thing? False +you shouldn't be proud of these bad things False +Yes, he is cheating. Get over him. False +a where all sexy womans be? False +On his bb curve talking about fashion ,Gucci ,John Lewis . False +ohh that's right the queeny who cries for attention False +I've been a lazy person all week! are you working at school today False +because my mum isn't replying, and i feel awful, and want to cry False +I don't care if Justin dances on my grave, he can fo whatever he wants False +She's cool! - I love your tumblr! False +I don't want to give up. False +You are liar True +that's why I said if you're making love False +Because it hurt False +what kind of thing is that?! False +Say yes please give me the meds when I asked False +I'm sorry for asking random questions like that False +Did you get to meet? False +idk i 'm bored ! spark somethings up ! lls False +I was scared when she started on me I False +They always ask me do I know the him False +The way you are talking about her is funny False +can you define ugly women on twitter ? True +imsotiredof people who talk bad when they don 't have any room talk False +Because my mom is not replying and I feel bad and like crying False +sleeping in a dirty school hungry , tired, massive headache , try it ! False +I got class in the morning False +I got class in the morning False +marsha ambrosius released a dope album , and watch her music flop False +no i just know redlands area i was always out there False +Marsha ambroius released a dope album and watch her flop False +I just want to play roller coaster tycoon 53. False +rt i just got the thing out my coworker yo , lmaoo o _ o how ? lol False +I am taking Joe for a date on Sunday as I am lovely False +So i got crush on a friend False +Sure False +i don 't want to do any community service. False +I'm a mess False +heel or face, he's pretty amazing False +what 's up with the blue barrel it is hilarious False +good , kicking me mercilessly False +You'd stop out not to soon after starting False +we went over this it is called penguin - _ - False +i dare her to do that in person False +shut up you like them. True +gannon 's a knob and i 'm getting really pissed off with him and that wankstain bratt True +they are not online, i think we should talk to them about it. False +but whats up with that. False +I am just messing with you. False +its this fine ass freshman at my school - - & gt thatswhyyourmyex True +yeah nice spose seafood would be fucked for yas after that oil spill ey ? True +This is unacceptable False +Let me just have sex with you. True +wasnt lookin so good False +Mate i have a bite or a heat spot! a nd I'm burning much. False +where's the banner ?tell to give that thing False +Alii was highhh! lmao True +Ain't about to check for this game False +future was loose hahaha so good False +not like when big brittany beat some persons too tho. True +Adam, runs backs inside and gets him False +To be honest, I don't care much. False +He deserves to know that he messed up. False +how did you get all these ! ! ! ! ! ? ? ? lmao False +you had me analyzing every song that came on at work today False +i am about to take a look at truelife False +I'm 15 and still act like a 15 yo lol False +This is beyond ridiculous False +And grape kool aid mixed with gin False +What happened to him? False +Babe you had me analyzing every damn song that came on at work today True +does it always appear ? where the do you live ? False +You retweeted my stuff so I followed you False +Future was loose hahaha so good and epic False +you aren't cool False +Ew I tried that False +cos she 's a stinky girl who is stinky. True +all this is funny and can go mess one False +What is the game? Lol rt lol I didn’t even watch the last two episodes False +oh yeah boy! yeah appear went down. False +you 're dull , it 's a scientific fact ! True +Why are we talking English? Press 57 for Turkish False +I was tweeting everything False +haha light one for me False +Would you want a person to act like that lol? False +we both know i 'll say anything False +And let us get a t-rex False +This is too hard False +Haha burn one for me False +We have got no money False +Beyoncé is great. False +Mek sports analysis said he will be better then dwight howard False +Poor diey and parents that don't care False +i 've been doing a lot False +Find your own Ryan False +I tried that once. False +Being blanked by my best mate,. Lol his please tweet me I miss you x False +I was scared but my test must have came out good because I still got my job. False +You go to sleep. False +What was the other film? False +cuz diz bytch getn on my fuckn nervez im ready tu fite i dnt giv a fuck True +He's very handsome. False +I need abreva looking you, girl. False +Just wanted to make sure you remember it. False +finally i left home to go and buy coffee False +You're silly. False +I wake up and I'm like ,make love to me False +You just made me want some fruit punch. False +Why weren't you at net night with cheese ad. False +If you agree and everything. False +Most of the people are not that smart. False +I have had a hard life, i can't remember the last happy conversation i had. False +Nothing, he called my house to ask for my friend False +Yeah and since you are not busy answer your emails False +u retweeted my post so i followed u False +Boy it's all his mistakes False +Ohh! Go back to sleep! False +' no room anyway ! bridgetjones False +If he buyin this own things n he flatout False +I suddenly want a DSLR. False +I didn't know who it was, but she was so nervous. I wouldn't blame her. False +Buy me checkers False +No it can't be over False +Finally, I get a chance to get off my chair to go buy coffee. False +So I get fame, wealth and counter while you get to be cool False +oh no, this is redlands area I was always out there. False +Skype is misbehaving. False +no wonder my friends must think i 'm a twat . True +They not online I think we should talk bad about them False +She needs a sedative. False +Not like when big Brittany beat someone too False +you didn't care with the grand final d False +Where is the next Gob Iron album? False +we got 48 hr gyms around this now False +don't pay da bills lol False +Friend am sick False +I don't feel like going to school tomorrow, what else is new False +Why you unfollowed me man. False +thought i was the only person that didn't watch it False +but dont say i was a melo fan like i was on his ass or something True +No, most people say meaningless things anyway. False +Because you are silly True +I think you are fine False +Don't care about this. False +This Twitter I say what I please. False +this is going to blow yo mind !!!! so huge. False +In the next bout of news I Hit our new car up today False +I want to follow me! just so i can say i role with that babe False +And do you have a cold? False +You will not finding me not saying the truth, specially on Twitter. False +I think she's the problem in that relationship False +Funny how you talk behind her back and still hangout with her False +Happy birthday False +Disappointing predictable films False +yes ! we 'll give her a very good ass kicking ! mcfly are on daybreak tomorrow i think ! True +yeah my butt is itching like crazy True +ain 't shit to do and i wish i was True +I love you guys. False +I don't like you . False +the flat next door isn't good False +good morning ! ! ! False +Son, what are you talking about. False +My legs still hurts from when it hitted on the table this weekend False +My service is over, but my mother is still working and shit. True +I'm glad that you're here in my life. False +I'm just kidding False +Wow! You got to meet?? False +yup ! i can 't w that False +Mate, we got no money as well. False +Tell her I don’t care because she never returned my call False +cole is titee True +What have you been up to False +we both know i 'll say anything. False +If I was kob I'd amaze every laker player False +everyone wants the title False +This is a good game! Swear False +Those people charge me 97 dollars for that, I just might have to though False +ive had so much bad things in my life ' ' i cant remember the last happy convo i had . False +ever wish you hadn't tweeted from wrong account False +I've been so lazy all this week! Are you working school today? False +I'm having the hardest time accepting that man, I refuse to believe this. False +Yea but we owe orlando a good beating still piss how they clowned labron with the powder True +future was loose hahaha so good , epic False +Lmao boy its all his fault! True +nah i got priorities False +I am having the hardest time accepting that, I refuse to believe it False +i love you guys False +Please take a picture. False +im having the hardest time accepting that man ! ! ! irefuse to believe it False +You can't do that mark False +she wants blood and semen scented perfumes! True +homefront online is awesome , if the freezing issue is addressed it will be even better False +Press 57 to speak Turkish False +My trash talking keeps you intertained False +They always ask if I know him False +I hate going on a cruise. False +i wasn 't thinking i was thinking of nasri haha ! ! False +lol perfect perfect all activities $ 45 a hour xtra, is 92 xtra False +where is the next gob iron album? False +Why are all of you being racist? False +Service over, but my mother doing work False +yea but we owe orlando a good beating still angry how they tricked labron with the powder stuff False +so every Friday we will mess all the world False +Forever 50? What do you mean? You've taken me to work before Caleb. False +Why won't it ever end? feeling too bad False +That is the worst mouth i have ever drawn, believe me you'll laugh False +I just want to play roller coaster tycoon 53. The laptop is broken. False +And that didn't happen False +poor diet and parents that don 't give a damn ! they 're hideous True +It had me feeling like that too False +On my late night tweet! False +Even though it is pathetic she is still happy with the outcome. False +You said you wa sleepy an hour ago!? False +Someone just ruined Harry Potter for me. False +Youu brought the topic up and now you wanna count years of relevance. False +glad i dont have that problem False +this twitter i can say what the fuck i please True +I wanted to go there with confident. False +Don't make any sound False +I have been lazy False +Everything that I have gone through can very easily make one feel miserable. False +Immfao u brought this up nou u wanna count years of relevance ook True +He deserves to know he messed up. False +What are you doing at the golden dove? go to mike's place on new dorp lane False +You're mean. You're not eating well. False +Adam runs back inside and gets him. False +Try sleeping in a dirty school hungry, tired and with a massive headache. False +you just made me want some fruit punch! False +Heel or face, he 's pretty amazing. False +my leg still hurts from when i hit it off the table this weekend False +take the pic False +Oh, and Julie Caitlin Brown is in the house finally getting it organized. False +i 've been being very lazy. False +haha thank youu - it took forever to make em ! ! False +and that didn 't happen False +don 't miss it ! the justin bieber iq challenge quiz , that 's awesome False +Old stuff is getting old time for some new thing congrats btw False +Buy me checkers False +Little kids talking back to their mothers?, Oh no. False +It’s the bad part of the sport that every team is guilty of. False +what 's up with the blue barrel that stuff is hilarious ! False +I tried that once False +They have a big smelly farm for you , u have to come here with me False +finally got myself of my chair to go and buy coffee False +"rt ""so tonight i'll make physical intercourses of love like we're in Houston" False +Just a big button not bad False +My friend do me a favor, stop talking about him, thank you False +the old stuff is getting old , time for some new thing ! congrats btw ! False +Lol, that stuff had me feeling like that too. False +I'm 15 and still act my age False +There's nothing to do False +they gotta big farm for u, u got to come here with me. False +oh ok my day was good but cold as fuck today True +Where is the next gob iron album ? False +go back to sleep False +exactly this thing getting me really mad False +yeah man ! elaina doesn 't go around starting things False +you had me analyzing every damn song that came on at work today False +What? How can I forget about that? False +Would you want a guy to act bad. False +stats are nothing if you don 't like the person False +am ready for this summer False +you know how to use google? or type? False +in the next bout of shit news , i smacked our new car up today True +You all know what it is. False +sucking her ass and grabbing her ass * True +where is the banner tell to give it False +i 'm sorry for asking i ask random things like that False +Who was that because that was mela. False +I don't care! Beyoncé is great False +The NAACP was ready to reject all of her citizenship & send her back on a riverboat False +at the end of the year ? lol False +You are smug but don't know anything True +I need a bad girl to make me look good False +Ignore that nigga who is talking shit to you, and don't even fucking respond. True +i cant breathe False +i didn 't see it ! False +i've been saying this word since before they sent the clocks forward False +What are you doing? False +Don't go on a cruise. False +Is that a new song? False +LoL ah you crazy nicki fan False +Should I wear a turtleneck? False +think i will have to get myself to brighton when i move back down south False +Oh but you were like a close friend to her before weren't you? False +Yes! We'll be great competitors! Mcfly are on daybreak tomorrow I think! False +You're suffocating me! False +Lakers and Kobe damn rt False +disappointingfilms scream 100 , predictable and generally shit . True +obviously people think I av no feelings cos imthat up my own lane False +goin to some rooftop for drinks with cammie around 54ish u wanna go ? it's rsvp False +Man what?! How can I forget that False +I swear there are losers who live in my city. False +You're an annoying person. False +well whoever runs it comes across as more annoying than hipsters. False +Whatever, let’s get some! False +That's won't worth it False +Harry u bbe ur lurking follow us 50 women False +Exactly. This is making me mad. False +Whats the point of playing if you cant get on the network? False +I hear the flat next door are in the scabs False +ever wish you hadn't messed up? False +I sent you a rematch, you was doing good! False +Sorry i forgot it came out today. False +harry please follow us False +cuz i didn't want to have to pay for hoe True +Something make you laugh , make you cry that sucks False +Why should you be proud of shooting people up and consuming narcotics and conducting prostitution False +Im doing well this misty saturday False +i 'm done with you . False +You should care . False +Don't you think i have seen enough of that already? I love you False +hes smart if ya ask me ! somebody is finna inbox him and quench his thirst lmao False +I don't wanna do community service. False +What are you saying son ? False +You minded with the great final d False +After you t'd off on him, nigga probably shitted on himself. True +haha it burn one for me my man False +i don't care about safety False +but its hot down here False +It's all his fault False +I don't feel like going to school tomorrow, and this feeling doesn't feel like anything new. False +but whats up with that False +I have been saying this since before they did it. False +The naacp was ready to burn all of her citizenship & send her back on a riverboat . False +this is intense but his bad acting makes me laugh False +we gone find us some new yorkers False +my is glossin od i dont like it anymore False +sleeping in a dirty school hungry , tired , massive headache , try it ! True +I am tired of every one of you. False +Do you have a cold, bro? False +lool nah not perfect in that sense , nobody 's perfect and lool False +or should i just ruin her life now False +be direct im ready tell twitter what i said False +booo abby ! wake her up ! False +You were talking to the window yesterday False +I started crying! It's so unfair!!! False +more like a bad one, anyone can make quotes. False +ignore that man talking to you, dont even reply. False +yeah & since you are not busy answer your emails False +Homefront online is good, if the freezing issue is addressed it will be even better. False +You're arrogant, but you don't know shit. True +Staring at the wall trying to find sleep but she disappeared on me False +i don 't care point blank False +It's a difficult part of the sport that every team is responsible for. False +He is a rich person. False +Why should I wear a turtle neck? False +lol perfect perfect all activities $ 45 a hour xtra is 92 xtra False +you are in a lot of trouble right now False +yeah he cheating stop going out with that guy lol False +Sits nexy to her* rehearsal was terrible and olivia is jealous. False +I'm such a wreck. False +I don't want to speak to her because she did not return my call False +and lets get a t - rex ! False +My molar is coming False +But it was dead False +who wanna call me tonight? nobody? ok! False +But what's up with that stuff False +I am going on a date with joe on sunday. False +someone just ruined harry potter for me False +This is beyond ridiculous False +Dude, you are a liar. False +the zoo smell bad. False +How can you get to someone else's house and drink their shit? True +It upsets me that those good looks will never grace your bed because he's not worth it False +Why are we talking english? Press 57 for turkish arog. False +By singing? Lol RT my mom breaks every cup in the house False +Lol jackson is blowin everyones mind ! you seen that pic of him sleeping on the senior trip? False +We love grant holt so much False +ryan find ur own False +man what ? ! ? how can i forget that False +I was scared but my test must have came out good because I still got my job False +that girl needs a sedative! False +And, by the way, do you have a cold, bro? False +booo abby ! wake her ass up ! True +oh but you were like mad close to her before werent you ? False +Yeah! Foreign stuff! Does that mean we lose sleep? False +I thought I was the one only person that didn't watch that. False +are coming and pretending to be elf and claiming what he said was the best thing he ever spoke False +we got 48 hr gyms around this False +No, while because on skype it's some little girl and someone gave her the picture False +Sleep then lol False +That makes me angry, ignore him. False +Brah I am feeling bad over here False +you better not because you know i will beat you True +She had a kid, to much for an 26 year old to deal with False +Because my mum isn't replying and I feel bad and I want to cry False +Alli was intoxicated False +Look like it fell out a pull-up shittedonem True +why would you even say im a homophobic man False +No room anyway! bridgetjones False +Get away unemployed person. True +unpleasent person on the northern line True +if there not nice im not either False +heel or face , he 's pretty amazing . False +I'm not okay False +Hahaha welcome to my life. False +what is that ? False +Ashad is coming. False +According to me Beyonce is great False +Why won't it ever end? Feeling bad. False +You cant do that mark False +I am really bored. False +idk all i know is today is friday False +If you poke me I will reply you in similar way False +graduation on vogue is boring False +"so i get fame , wealth and clunge while you get to be "" cool " False +you didn 't say that , did you ? False +it upsets me that those good looks will never grace your bed because hes chavvy True +fuck ur life and buy me some checkers True +Funny how you say a lot of bad things about her, then go and hangout with her. False +more beautiful dresses on there again False +Get a job man, it's hot where Thad and I are. False +but it's so hot in here False +That's messed up. False +It’s always there, you know. False +i want to follow me ! just so i can say ' i with da biebs False +My leg still hurts badly from when I hit it on the table this weekend False +Happy birthday!!! False +I was shaking over those pics yesterday! And thats just one False +you are not eating well False +Tonight we will have sex. False +All of you failed to do that. False +nah i got priorities n stuff False +lol dude get a life and stop dissing me in french, I understand it very well False +This is gonna bow yo mind!!!! So huge False +I was shaking over those pics yesterday and that's just one False +what you mean ! you not eating well False +who wanna call me tonight ? nobody ? ok ! False +i 've been lazy all week ! are you working school today ? False +know good and well they want to show that False +the _ and that's not cool. False +thought I was the only person that didn't watch it False +I don't smoke False +This is not good False +take the pic! damn ! True +because that bitches make up is smeared True +I didn't want to pay for anything False +Boutag go to sleep & nawh take yourself to bed False +I find it hard to understand how can one go to someone else's house and drink with them? False +Think I will have to go to Brighton when I move back down south False +Stop thinking that you are mr cool False +We did meet before. False +or you think that a little of me that i 'd cheat on my husband with your fianc False +You’re in a bad situation right now, lol. False +lol Jackson be blowing everyone mind ! You seen that pic of him sleeping on the senior trip? False +Go away you , unemployed gaffa ! True +i don't really care about the royal family False +next place we go to he 'll find someone else to mess with. False +Dude taxpayers are paying for you False +every person wants tht title False +What is this? False +haha thats whasup im surprised ur aint twitpic lol or did u False +does it always appear? where do you live? False +don't miss it! the bieber iq challenge quiz, that's awesome False +There is lots of factors why things are out of hand in the middle east. False +Where are your eastern friends, tell them to hit me up so they can come and see me False +I'm using Twitter cause its faster. False +Maybe what are you going to do to my private part?? True +I started crying! it is not fair!!! False +It is you we know False +Who was that cuz that was mela False +Mek is a bum and them sports analysis said he will be better than Howard False +how on earth do you understand all these!!!!??? lmao False +No you havin the same size arms as him is unfortunate now get out of my mentions False +taxpayers are also paying for you ! False +This is exactly what is pissing me off False +Cause you don’t deal with me False +I am glad I don't have that problem, otherwise, I will be doing much worse. I hope you understand me. False +I am bored. False +I know it’s old, but it’s still mine. False +I'm in a good mood today False +So hop on in! I got some good cream haha False +Girls, why are you talking non sense on black girls like that, I'm sure a lot of followers you have from them. False +Say yes please give me the meds when I False +I beat JC badly in an online game and he is upset False +They charge me 97 bucks for that! I just might have to tho False +remember when fighting gamea were simple and you could just button-mash and still fighting. False +do me a favor , stop talkin bout him , thank you False +I was about to km you True +That's is why i am here False +I got too many tweets and I miss you False +you are so right False +everytime you call it a ' bad words' i die inside False +But it gets old here sometimes. False +nothing changes with your parents when yiu turn 5 False +Turn it False +Feels the same as being 100my mom is going to Antigua for a month tomorrow. False +I don't know what to do. False +i been on my hooping False +but i waitin for him and his chick to come False +I 'm sorry people are not being good to u. False +its bc crash has stories to share about her hurting herself False +No no no no no False +youre siced tho . False +i can't hear you with all that bad words in your mouth False +i wish i knew more spanish. False +You don’t like me but some people love me. False +Can u tell her mother to rear hers bcoz i need the internet? False +its bc crash has crazy ass stories to share about her hurting herself True +Can you please and get over it. False +I have gotten too much bad thing False +But girls only do it to me because I'm having coloured uggs, that's some basic thing False +But it gets old up here sometimes too False +trying ! ! how many chaps does this shit last for True +yeah it will be nice thing like they did last month in san antonio. False +i wasn 't aware you had tumblr i 've just followed you False +See you later False +Hmm but you still might need to remind him about what we talked about on the phone False +Everybody is getting on my nerves. False +lol hell yea and you know i really dont even be on this . True +I see my bulls out here taking care of stuff. False +'d i love you in a creepy way too False +I wish someone would help me decide this jam session already False +Not getting older I wanna be a kid again lmao False +That really cool. False +No lie, I had to use the dictionary. False +fuck off you and stop stalking my tweets . True +where you work at ? armane & justin left you down here smh . False +Best you know, I didn't do it False +Sitting in the rain, the busses False +I'm on fucking house arrest at national kissing day. True +Oh, I really need to read that novel. False +Lol! how did she talk to you? False +lola is a beast ok False +get the stick out of me False +that was some sad. False +i know , im all obbsessed False +sharon blocked me ! ? ! what ! ! ! we had a bond False +i don't treat you badly. False +She maybe saying fuck me True +Paul reiser on TV every week False +I feel like doing some unacceptable things right now. False +it 's not what they fighting over False +You are fool True +I give enough though cause your important to me. False +How did you get the blood on your shirt. False +lmao just heard the funniest thing bam kidd rapping i 'm n tears True +Woah ! Fall your so nice False +Swiss beatz is pretty False +bitch made nigga i was in class sooo suck one True +- - your lying to me False +what the fuck is cross Geller? lmao ! ! ! ! double cross True +like anyone ever left up out her False +You are in a recession here. You know, chocolate is expensive because it's crazy. Do you know how serious I am? False +I need to get some more sun for my pale body. False +you gotta come at me sideways. False +I hope they all expire True +what ? uni give me money ? i paid huge amounts for a education False +you gunna park close to my car again so i can 't get in ? False +u are bad, can 't even spell bought girl True +I need to learn algebra before monday False +hope injuries forced changes otherwise?? False +i 'm try to do easy things like cutting up stuff to pass time ! False +I think that is the reason I think that they are so screwing attractive True +Hahaha and no it's not he can send you whenever. False +Yes! It is annoying! Now I cannot have sex for 56 months like what! Laughing out loud. False +kris didn’t talk lie, he spoke truthfully False +there is nothing on the brief though , it 's not even a fucking project True +How’d you get blood on your shirt False +I hope it was worse. False +ugh fucks i need a dolo room True +Caitlin, we need to talk tomorrow, if you can put up with my bad mood. Haha! False +This can be useful. False +When you coming to see me , I miss you False +If I do hate him, what business is it of yours? False +that 's it i 'm calling guillermo to tell him False +it's national margarita day? ahh, shit | saaaaaaay what! True +i wasn 't aware you had tumblr i 've just followed you False +Right up missing the bad thing out of my gf, good thing I live with mine. False +Well don't let him send me a friend request. False +OMG look that russian lettter wow ! what was this ? False +you look like you would beat somebody False +Don't listen to me while you are thinking of another. False +That is a job well done ! False +all that good things you love.have a good birthday False +Why did she make me laugh? False +I'm extra , extra careful now False +It doesn't change anything with your parents when you turn 5 False +what is your business if I hate him? False +I've gotten into too much i guess. False +i'm not baking cakes that requires much effort False +or a car < 31 said i care bout that False +plus u were rude to me on your damn birthday True +I see you talking badly about me up and down your tl someone thinking of me are cute baby boy. False +I still have his shit - _ _ _ _ - True +This was fun for me! ! And you stay wearing tank tops and shorts! False +I am tired and ready to leave as soon as possible. False +being lucky ur sexy ! False +I don't even play that anymore. False +I love you in a weird way too False +ahahah ok * horsey knocks you off * False +yes, she can't pronounce that False +she is bad but im so sorry you thought it was youu False +Send me your address, and I'll send it to you when I get it. False +you know the usual , eating and sleeping. False +"and be killin that stuff "" i dont know you" True +That is what I was trying to tell him. False +i feel like doing some evil right now. False +i got so many woman chasing me. False +I like pop punky False +That is the 18 day trip s False +I care though because you are important to me. False +Nandos - great, or no? Please vote False +You thought I didn't have hair beacuse I wore tracks False +thats like me saying to you the beatles are bad haha False +haha pay back woman ! i would of thrown it at his face there 's fierce colby for ya True +u 'd be surprised all the things u think about when u jus sittin there False +* she rolls her eyes * stop being scared and get in the car! False +You are didn't see a picture of me so how can I look like a boy. False +where is my mmamonday mention? False +Who are you? False +Stop stealing my jokes. False +That was sad False +i just do this for kicks. False +tell Casper to send me that. False +when are you coming back here? False +i dont have anything to hide False +I want mine False +I like it when the sun is coming out. False +how it is nice to kissing you and holding you close. False +I am bored. False +just when I thought my shit cock sucking day couldn't get any worse True +sumone did some off the wall ! notcooltweet . False +it was a fluke you said the only thing you didn't have was the fudge False +Well, if you find out, just let me know, I must get out of here and come through this. False +I love you , thank you False +I can’t love anyone anymore. False +and he was talking bad things about duct tape sating it won’t do anything False +trying is hard !! you don't know that i am trying False +I have an interview next week and they have specifically requested a print based portfolio. False +What if your mother sent you something? False +and those white preppy boys . True +I keep it real in this phony business. False +sometime I wish i could sing like maxwell but then i just give up False +i was serious. False +My phone malfunctioned yesterday. False +Oh okkk get yourself straight and don't come at me like that! 4 False +Omg im in a bad mood! False +i didnt cause of the tv downstairs but ugh close call tho steelers - _ - anyways yeah False +the beatles are my favorite band. False +you are romantic. False +He's going to punish you if you messed up some lyrics or movie quotes False +I just realized how tatted is kinda attractive False +what you had wanted earlier. False +no way someone else is going to . False +let’s play connect the dots w pimples ! Probably going to come out bad ! False +You don't need to do it False +the awkward moment when your vagina thinks its getting sex when its just a tampon . True +This matter is getting out of hand. False +Don't pretend like you don't like the song. False +i miss spotlight like burning False +collage english then ! i hate writing all the time lol False +hey , i 'm back False +"why do people spell ""g"" words with a ""q"" ? stop doing it that way" False +mm babe * grabs ass * my knee is good better then b4 True +*gasps*I need to read that novel! False +And he's start bouncing his butt better than me True +cool cool i needa take myself to the gym i been slacking this week lol False +What was you doing last night? False +send me another zip up from your line ! it's so comfy False +we learn way more from justin than from your emo band shit True +smh i 'm telling you i woulda hooked your mess up False +You have to do that on time before they take it down False +Whoever you are dumbass . True +that will have a girl bleeding for weeks True +stop tryna go. False +bare on about paparazi like she's experienced before False +Oh! Really, awesome! I love dogs, once I had one False +He wasn't insecure he just acted like most men will do, he wanted more sex False +I know the golden girls very well. False +i hate some people in this world son, they so reckless life was easy before False +Miss I'm tweeting from an unknown place False +But again, thisbis arbitrary and may not apply to you as an artist. False +Oh yeah it's just my whole life. False +faxx but sometimes you still get pregnant why you on it. False +I don't know whose lying to you False +I bet you watch them too False +"her "" will she won 't she "" shit is pretty insufferable ." True +mums making me go to school \ worthless subjects today and detention all lunch - False +It’s really cool right now False +but i waitin for him and his chick True +here you go, well let me be a flukny then True +rodl ! ! ! soz but that just made me laugh ! seriously tho that was that? False +shit most of us is smoking crack meth weed cigs or even enemies True +what the fuck is cross geller ? lmao ! ! ! ! double cross True +lola is a fucking beast ok True +Sorry for being a total bad person to you. False +my boyfriend got arrested for throwing a rock at someone's windshield after the followed us. False +again with the ignoring girl False +Please keep them stay at home by force. False +i saw him in ny last week False +i 'm gamma defeat you and i am gamma go buy one with False +They want it all up front now False +Yes! making a new CD? False +I know! There is no reason a girl should text me good morning. False +lol, now that I think about it. False +Until I mess everything up? False +Here you go , well let me be a flunky then False +Betta chill before John beat you up True +You are such a sacred kid. False +i make bitches produce for me True +good that should be a classic False +holy shit ! why you getting up at 80 a True +Girl I am a monster I belong on district 24. False +I am about to do that right now. False +you gotta admit that was hilarious though! False +i bet you are ! girl talk yo lol False +you are all really disrespectful False +Too cute no say sumthin else False +They play well and play badly! False +My stepfather just switch off the internet access. False +and the ds were settling this in a 72 way match in black ops . True +Can't you just get it over with? False +Keep quiet. You're not tough False +leave it if you dont 't agree False +well don 't let him send me a friend request i will deny it False +You ain't come to class smart! True +cool , i was gonna say i got some nice things here d False +This cold is too much to bear. False +a lot ! ! eofjchfirkbf love it ! False +i bet you are ! girl talk False +I need to pay for the thing first. False +Though he disturbs, he knows much. False +My computer is broken and my phone too, what is this? False +i swear she is the most miserablest person ever . True +i 'm the cutest girl out here False +I do ! There is no reason a woman should text me good morning False +Pan just called me a unpleasant gul True +right with the hornets False +I was serious False +"What you meant to say there was ""stop talking""." False +Sometimes I wish I could sing like maxwell, but then I cannot. False +wow- even high on flu meds there is still bad news on tv False +That's just so rude. False +I can't take it when something bad happens to you guys False +Dad told me to catch him up. False +What about me? False +glad to read that but so proud of you two False +they got stuff in the big gym False +You are taking credit for something I wanted to do False +I have my menstruation. False +haha nothing much how about you lmao False +That’s is just a wrong move . False +but if u don 't want to come just tell me don 't coward. True +First mistake I do at work, is the biggest mistake I could've ever done False +lol I got too many tweets & I miss you False +Girl me too I will stay at home False +You know black folk don't return. I False +"why do ppl spell "" g "" words with a "" q "" ? ? stop that thing. this is not good." False +Gotta go to church with my family False +Heat not so good this year False +move False +guys want it all up front now False +You know how it happened to you False +no overtime kobe gon kill them True +I am talking about Microsoft False +this thing come on every week ! they should know how to spell it by now ! lol False +Holy , dude that's amazing . False +if i do hate him , what business is it of yours ? False +It's just my iPhone acting up False +He isn't playing good and had his ankle hacked all game False +yeah i can! wait till i come. False +yeah but it's really great. False +haha i just wont 't though- cos you will never call me! xo False +lady don't use my name in a tweet False +Bet, it sounds really great False +I eat the whole chicken False +I don't like android False +I want to drop this thing today. False +It’s so hot and i can’t wait. False +water might make it slip off but not make it to burn False +I make bitches produce for me True +so for that i think all womens should show you their nipple piercing True +She is not a bad woman at all. False +I don't remember anything about it False +I bet you watch the ladies though. False +I am catchin feelings False +dunno man haha i 'm on the my iphone 81 teehee False +it 's called auto correct on my iphone False +What did you just call me ?? False +how do u know? I woke up in a great mood False +paul reiser on tv every week False +Only lasted for 58 mins Thank God False +what is on my tv now ? False +I hope he comes False +What is that about? False +I was surprised when She was doing the MySpace pose! False +Reply to fb, it's important False +It's a date! Love you and goodnight gorgeous d<16 False +get lost! just lost like 3 3 of chapter 3 ! ! ! ! True +I aint going for a year!!! False +Lol no no no False +why ugly bitches be havin sexy voices , grrrr True +Yes I already tested, it's really awesome like combined two game False +40 things about me whatever the number i'm on. False +You better have a good luck. False +I was talking yesterday like was I just backed up and I'm ready to do the same today False +I ain’t going for a year ! ! ! False +thaks that was some scary syringe False +all i be saying , all i get is retweets and conversation False +i 'm in this random mood False +not see here since he came over about the 76 bottles off gin you took False +I'm at home and I wasn't going to get a car False +lmao dats all these bitches saying i brought myspace back True +you need to pop that it off False +Just sitting around. False +sorry for being bad to you gabe False +this is my second time eating today i had apples and oatmeal earlier False +OMG I'm ina bitch mood! True +hahaha ya my mom thinks i 'm stupid lol False +im too scared to punch a wall. and I love gizmo. i wouldn't hurt him False +I apologize for being such a dick then . True +Stop blaming it on me. False +And what makes you think that you are a mean person? False +I've been ready for you to come back. False +Captain crunch is not good. False +that's rude False +where are you False +I feel so discouraged as ever. False +I love that song, but I am listening to eminem right now False +rt ima with you on that he is so bland and shallow True +My new beats by dr False +Hey, I'm back > d False +Replace them,then I erase them out of my contacts. False +Who is Rebecca Black and why has she been a tt all weekend? False +shit most of the us is smoking crack meth weed cigs or even enemies True +He made me mad. False +it's not a big issue to argument over. False +Sonny is chance to got fat prego False +I agree with you that his performance is bland and shallow False +This job is not interesting for me. False +i was literally making stuff up off the top of my head for the most of that False +Cause you probably was on that 56. False +ladygaga hates britney False +Watch out for those bad people. False +Let him know. False +I keep it real in this phony business. False +Yes, that would make my day great. False +thats like me saying to you the beatles are bad False +but if u don't want to come just tell me False +Then I am in mexico! False +ohh that good tho i just got a job interview d False +It's dealing well on well-known stock market. False +if you ever need help this side of the rio grande . False +It is called auto correct on my iphone. False +It’s just for withdrawals. False +He doesn't know too well but I did False +I wish i knew more spanish. False +- fuckin dies - jazz you need to let this woman talk more True +oh ! really awesooomeee ! i love dogs , once i had one r False +I also like pop things. False +haha same here school and work is kickin my butt True +What was you doing last night False +Tell Casper to send me the thing. False +Really I guess we do things like that now. False +you gotta admit that was hilarious though! False +"whats the significance of the "" two things"" ??" False +You well be surprised by bad things you think about when you just sitting there False +I don't play that anymore. False +rt up early missing my gf - good thing i live with mine False +They got in trouble in the big gym False +how much was his trainer talking? False +Just forget about it, since you don't understand. False +that is rad that you get to help backstage False +Me too, lol, so what you watching? I feel like im being weird False +As always i don’t get you lol it’s summer enjoy that because that only comes once a yr False +No I don't, otherwise I wouldn't have asked who is cory. False +well, and that’s worse than being mad False +has pile of things billie gave him to give to you False +Now,we was playing in my friend's room False +This is unsuitable and may not apply to you personally as an artist . False +i 'm not laughinh like you ! False +will do haha , need to pay for the thing first haha False +I'm so proud of them. False +That was you?dude you are huge False +You're gonna live by midnight and that is a nightmare False +Oh crap! I nearly forgot what time is it. False +you got to admit that was very hilarious though! False +your mama is so ugly she can scare the toilet True +I'll figure this out. False +My mom always affects me False +I said a dance team! False +ugh fucks i need a dolo room True +* moans , eyes rolling back and closing * fuck . True +Best you know, I don't know anything. False +go in the kitchen and cook dinner, honey False +yea im tired , ready to leave asap False +Oh you don't know!!! You better callll someboddyyyyy False +It makes me laugh False +feels the same as being 100, my mom is going to antigua for a month tomorrow. False +You aint come to class smart ! False +finished reading the heroin diaries , and i loved it False +I have an interview next week and they'vs specifically requested a print-based portfolio. False +Well we dont want that to happen do we tch. False +I took the knife to the door False +first fuck up i do at work , is the the biggest fuck up i could 've ever done True +sit down False +sure, see you later. False +I miss you. False +She's like my little sister, don't touch her. False +yo its hot man False +ill figure this shit out . True +they got things in the big gym False +her thought retweet looks like she might actually be shaped like a corn pop. False +i just got a job interview False +he 's always riding round my way , he 's a nuisance ! ! True +You lose in our wars every time False +hw cud u loooool it ws funny though hheheehhehhehehehhehehheh so hws u doin False +it better be or i 'm whooping all yall asses True +i wish someone would help me make a decision already with this kickback and this jam session False +I hope this person leave me alone this time False +*raises my wand* she likes my little sister, don't touch her! False +i'm the cutest out here False +lmao that 's what i was trying to tell him False +Where have you been False +Don't argue with me False +Where is england False +Didn't I just call you?! False +* inhales sharply , shaking her head * oh god ow , i can 't do this, oh god True +I do not have food to cook False +Why did she call you a black person? True +Lmaooo I had thee hardest time swallowin peanut butter False +lighten the thing up stabby . False +Look, a russian letter amazing. What is this? False +You are gonna live by midnight, and that is a nightmare. False +Take it easy dude. False +go eat some jello pudding or something False +like this thing just blew my mind. False +im just saying , dont say anything about her or ill cuss you out True +trying ! ! how many chaps does this last for False +finished reading the heroin diaries , and i loved it False +turning down an a - list celeb ? who are you though ? no your definitely not winning hahaha False +No, he has to be on point False +You gotta come at me sideways False +Lol i wanna give up today False +They made my boyfriend arrested because their windshield was broken by him. False +You take credit for some I wanted to do. False +how did she talk to you ? ! False +Girl this just got started False +feels the same as being 100 my mom is going to antigua for a month tomorrow awesome stuff man False +They can do it forcfully with you False +You stealing my jokes and stuffs False +I am so happy for them False +I don't know how to work this. False +I'm just laying down in the dark, moving around False +How have you been I see you have been tweeting some inspiration messages False +Well don 't let him send me a friend request i will deny that. False +i heard about that, how damaged is it? False +To think I actually loved you *laughs* I'm such unsuitable False +females are craziest of them all False +Your ass will still bet beat . True +Thought that you was up there for a minute. False +no i dont otherwise i wouldnt have asked who is cory False +yeah exactly they become an ass i be like damn True +I'm scurd or watch your ass go to court now . True +smh rt rt and the bad part about this whole day is False +looking back, there was something going on. False +why wht will you do weir do! ? False +Awww this dude spit some game low-key!! Props still my wife tho True +I really had a good meal homemade. False +I apologize for not acting appropriately back then. False +I try to hang on the side of pool as much as I could. False +Me either grandma of the goddess False +and don 't talk to me like i 'm a dumb person False +But things get old up here sometimes too False +It won't be long till 55 False +I wish I felt sorry for him but I can't help but laugh, she is a fool. True +he said you said I was an insane bitch True +tell casper to send me that ! False +I don't belong to anyone *paraphrasing jet li* False +all my timeline is not good and i am closing my mouth like a zip. False +how fly was so awesome and was definitely wizs best thing False +lmao that 's what i was trying to tell him False +you are stealing my jokes. False +I am a grown man . False +She doesn't like me and i dont like her False +All of them know whats poppin trust me! I bet the people aint getting cutoff in chicago False +like this one just blew out of me. False +I'm already grown man, I going to make like that False +This is strange. False +Christ's speech is trustworthy. False +"Laughing out loud, She meant ""how many of you have got girlfriend"". Laughing out loud" False +well,if you find out let me know,I might get off and come through. False +man looking like im at a mall or something False +This station is bad False +man dat dude jordan ain't tell me nothing bout it but most likely i am. False +and how am i being obnoxious? False +you never knew shes been prego for the past month False +i took my ass to school p now it 's back home True +You were not in a good mood on your birthday. False +Oh! i 'm stuck in this chaptewr d False +them distorted females are the craziest of all False +I remember u had me and driving around looking for that girl False +lmaoooooo u like fuckin with me ! True +everybody getting on my nerves. False +Get this person of Twitter False +i wouldn 't say that p False +that guy has some dope abs False +you know i sleep with the goldengirls Imfao False +finding nemo is so much better! he is misinformed False +I just rolled up, but to blow one then hop in bed False +gotta goto church with my family False +* follows her hitting her bottom on the way up and smirks * False +You tweeting uncanny stuffs. False +Just stay quiet cause you're not tough. False +This is unsuitable! Then I send you the chapter in parts , Okay False +dude, you have a way of saying some of the most interesting False +Haha that 's not a lie at all so stop showin things for twitter lil boy lol False +I need to read that novel False +Friend from sienna heights cool. False +drive down tomorrow i aint got nothing to do. False +This thing is gettin crazy. False +Oh yeah he don't count johnnie False +It is heartbreaking to have someone at long distance. False +That's right. That's my seat. False +mums making me go to school \boring subjects today and detention all lunch False +they are a good team, but i just don’t agree with them False +You got a large amount of gears. False +- fuckin dies - jazz you need to let this woman talk more True +lol same here school & work is making me busy False +What?how was it? False +get it get it ha ! all the cool things happens to everyone but me False +reply to fb , its important False +Lazy people False +bruh all these folk are on that guy False +I'm too much to Punch a wall,and I love gizmo,I wouldnt hurt him. False +I was bored False +What's on my TV now? False +Get off my way False +Yay.. finally my little sister take her tooth out. False +sure , see you later False +I'm sorry people are disturbing you False +but that guy is just simple False +I hate when folks ask me “why you up so late?”. I’m a grown man. False +where carley at? she is the only one i trust False +the beatles are my favorite band. False +I got my period! False +now i feel very bad False +you are lying to me. False +That's right, that's my seat False +cuz he's a millionaire and don't care! imao False +everybody is irritating me False +hmmm but u still might need to pressure him about what we talked about on the phone. False +bye sickening, i am easy if it comes to you. False +This is too funny False +G, I was bad False +i been on my grind with this job False +says who go sit down for the palm of my hand to your face False +-nips your ear-god, you’re so romantic. False +u bitch hw cud u loooool it ws entertaining however hheheehhehhehehehhehehheh so hws u doin True +What is north essex? False +She fights against you. False +I miss you even more. I was supposed to see you on saturday but my dad ruined my plans. False +it's a date ! i love you and goodnight beautiful False +lmaoooo i had thee hardest time swallowin tht thick dry peanut butter smh False +I been on my grind with this job. False +stop laughing and help me like i asked . False +I was like oh! She was doing the my space pose False +Sometimes I don’t really like you ! False +this come on every week ! they should know how to spell it by now ! lol False +Then I’ll be in Mexico! False +no way someone else is going to . False +inhales sharply, shaking her head oh god ow i can't do this False +It's not moist tho, it's the truth False +- fuckin dies - jazz you need to let this woman talk more True +i'm bout to do this right now False +Nobody understand what i'm saying! they acting like its cool. False +lol i eat chicken every thing. False +i don 't even play that anymore False +To be honest I had to use the dictionary False +What is that about? False +Not got 46 ,vodafone gone on strick i think no texts or anything False +only lasted for 58 mins, fantastic False +well sometime this week im getting my tattoo revived lol! & i don't wanna go alone False +you don't understand me, i'm intelligent. False +Why did this case make me laugh ? False +Sometimes I wish I could sing like maxwell, but then I just let it be False +gotta wait two weeks for my 71 power cord False +go take a cold shower guy ! ! they have became my best friend False +he is nothing to be regarded for . False +Aww me too haha so what are you watching? I feel like I'm being strange False +I just do this for kicks False +chapman just has shitty control True +Still talking!bruh he wanna get clapped up real quick. False +it's moments like now that you sit back, take stock and realize how messed up things are. False +"im starving i gotta go get some food "" quire leche ? lol" False +I told her that if she messed up that she will not be considered a good girlfriend. False +dont do nun 10 me no more False +My alarm went off twice and I still don't get up. False +Fox would pay a lot and they have a network channel. False +rawrrr! ! lol now that i think about it.damn True +who do you think your talking to ? you sound as if you think your above everyone else False +He's Epic in FIFA . False +I miss spotlight very much. False +I hope he comes. False +As always I dun understand u but it's summer enjoy that will happen once in a yr False +Why did this make me laugh shawty? False +What you watching? I feel weird False +these online summer classes are unsuitable, they make me nervous. False +You are still wearing tank tops & shorts. That is funny to me. False +I wish someone would help me make a decision already with this kickback and this jam session False +That's right ladies, that's my seat. False +o real ? that makes my day wat town is that False +That is not a secret. False +Friend from Sienna heights is very cool False +the northern state and this traffic right now. It's awful False +I kept seeing you tweet and realized we on the same thing False +Your mother is so unattractive that she can frighten the poop out of the toilet. True +Both my computer and phone are broken. False +I didn't get u as always, it's summer, enjoy it, it only comes once a yr False +he should kno dat < - - that henn have ya right too False +i dunno anything about cars, but that's good looking set False +That thing doesnt the same no more. False +yea i did it is better than both games combined False +Completely right with the hornets ! False +not today, i got some work to do but next time i will go with you False +ill figure this out False +i just won 't though - cos you will never call me! False +then I am in mexico ! False +Need to wait patiently two weeks for my 71 power cord. False +It's only the 1st day but I'm just bored and weather's bad False +Bare on about paparazzi and like she's experienced it before. False +HD on these new TV doesnt satisfy me, they need to tone it down some, to clear. False +I wanna drop it today False +Stop singing miguel ,I put U on him. False +what you digging up ancient history for you ? you 're so desperate ! edl False +You never told me the time False +Yes, that would make my day dear. False +Can you please just shut up, thanks. True +Just go to bed I ain't the one that who has bedtime False +finding nemo 's so much better ! he is a retard False +* raises my wand * she's like my little sister, don 't touch her! False +Stop trying to go. I mean it. False +- i shake my head - if he wants to be rude let him False +He wasn't insecure and he just never minded and wanted more than sex like most men. False +its about yo daddy False +You would be supriesd all the things you think about when you are just sitting there. False +Paul reiser on tv every week False +Lol, I’m not baking cakes that stuff requires to much effort. False +I have the urge to hit him. False +Be on his radar lady all week. False +bruce springsteeeeeeeeeen , I screwing love bruce springsteen False +Mondays rock my world. I love this False +I thought it was just me and the tv put on 23 lbs False +i got so many chasing me smh False +all that you love and have a good birthday False +fucking yes! about time! were half way there, hope this week goes fast xd True +how about justin king - punkdified ? that is amazing ! False +i will if I can get up off this couch False +I never showed you my private parts. False +that 's a job well done ! False +You are in my bathroom False +holy shit ! why you getting up at 80 a True +Jeff didn't say anything about that False +imma grown man , girl False +I can't hear you with all those tings in your mouth False +he slowly and nervously makes love to her False +It's not that you ain't, if anything it's on them. False +my life ! well good thing its only 36 False +My gosh, I'm laying down in the dark and moving around. It is so hot as hell. True +Absolutely, I can tell you have False +I just deal with them False +I could go find stuff to do but I am lazy. False +He said you said me bad words. False +Needa get some things off my mind ! False +Stop laughing and help me False +if there is one thing i learned tonight , i need to get back in shape lmao False +hey, i liked that mixtape lollololl False +i keep it real in this phony business False +Im going hard to paint. False +oh you didn 't know ! ! ! ! you better call somebody! ! ! ! ! False +i love that song <89 but im LISTENING to eminem right now False +that was sad False +liverpoooool yeaah, the red syaitan should kick to the hell. True +that 's just so rude . False +So I ain't it wow. False +I have got too many tweets and I miss you all False +I'm going to watch PLL right now because I have soccer on every Tuesday.' False +Yes but its really great False +lol we need to get out of these suspect parts of hoco False +I ain't going for a year False +dom someone clothes are done vote if i should move they stuff or not lol False +have you done some type of survey or something to prove that sir? False +Oh boy, absolutly no, he is dumb one. True +I don't like whoever voted me that False +I'm not following u cuz seeing u flirt make me wanna barf True +Why would I make a real video to your song without you? False +i got 23 lbs and here i tought it was just me and the tv False +it didn 't thin out the frosting which was really nice ! glad u found it. False +You have to be kidding me if youre thinking that youre not one of these guys False +just watched new curb ep 98 class leon 's funny as shit True +i just put too much eucalyptis oil in my mid day bath False +I don't treat you bad False +Cool, i was about to say that i got some nice things here False +first mistake i do at work , is the the biggest mistake i could 've ever done False +And you take a dose of answer Monique's phone calls before you get your ass whooped ! True +no you weren't because you said you were barely getting on under so stop lying False +What you sayin after 49 False +She is the person who showed me that stuff. False +haha don't get yo move here son! and watchin anger management - _ _ - False +all those things you love and have a good birthday False +so i'm not able to join you on the fest. False +just do it. False +Puts Ollie down and slaps your face. True +"her "" will she won 't she "" is pretty insufferable" False +rt up early missing my gf - good thing i live with mine False +The song is so dope False +oh my god, some college has put my website on their reading list False +also thank the woman who saved me False +Girl don 't use my name in a tweet False +I will be bored as shit. False +seriously though it's great,a car gas is too much,50 False +just reminiscing & i wanna say fuck centennial & everybody that went there ! lol fake muthafuckas True +because you don't mess with me False +If there is something i learned tonight, i need to get my body back in shape False +real disrespectful blackness True +mondays rock my world , i literally love this False +it trades high on famu 's stock market . False +what you meant to say there was 'keep quiet' False +I just realized how beautiful tattoos actually are False +i thought jeffries was off the knicks list ! this could go down a treat ! False +How did she talk to you? False +Ugh, can the movie just start already False +Lmfaooooooooooo this girl ain't fooling me True +hold on, these news TVs really annoys me, they need to tone it down some point to clear. False +gotta have a big dick and be intelligent , clean , responsible and caters to me . True +I wish I felt sorry for him but I cant help but laugh at nani. False +why they small dickheads True +i am really unimportant to you . False +It doesn't get any easier. False +well sometime this week im getting my ass tattoo revived lol ! & i don 't wanna go alone True +i dont think i know this person youre talking about False +don 't use my name in a tweet False +Aye bro u do the conflict and analysis change thingy sheet paper False +Haha! Some people are pissing me off tonight too! True +Hes epic in FIFA tho False +just reminiscing & i wanna say fuck centennial & everybody that went there ! lol fake muthafuckas True +my followers found that goofy too huh? False +Captain crunch is the best. False +chapman just has shitty control True +ohmy i'm friend with cute now! False +I apologize for being a bad person then. False +Thanks! that was some scary syringe False +how about justin king - punkdified ? that is amazing ! False +you need to pop that thing off False +i know he is seriously insensitive ! False +i be bored as shit . True +Hey i miss you! When are you coming to see me? False +ohmy i 'm friends with cute girl now ! False +I got to go to church with my family False +I just had a nice home cooked meal. What about you? False +hell yea i just left the mall rt herm u know dem griffeys only came out in kids False +i love you, thank you False +im going hard in paint dude False +Say Iil one the champ going have some more new , I bring you a copy when done . False +and those hott white preppy boys True +You do? I thought we were too old for that thing. False +No where are you ? False +Where are you now? False +Some people find a solution to their problems using violence , like that man ! False +uhh noo , you should go to sleep i ain 't the one who has a bedtime lol . False +i thought it was just me and the tv put on 23 lbs. False +Hold your cheeks, thrusting at once, crying out False +Where have u been? False +werd they on they good play bad play ! False +It sads when girls want to talk about you when they don't know all about you False +i sware i put music on it i dunno wer it went piece of thing! ! False +yes ! making a new cd? False +It sound like a bad trip or something. False +this is my second time eating today i had apples and oatmeal earlie False +I understand if I don't help, It came be problem for me one-day. False +dedicate it to me , bitch True +Who do you think you're taking to. You sound like you think you're above everyone else False +It was on my ipod, I didnt update that in years. False +twilight breaking dawn is it ? well when is it coming out ? False +* smiles , waiter brings food , begins eating * False +"what you meant to say there was "" shut your mouth woman "" p" True +Please don’t stalk my tweets. False +stop blaming on me False +Quit smiling False +Seriously though it’s great, a car gas is too much, 50 False +rawrrr!! lol now that i think about it False +i don't have food so i can't cook False +At times she's decent tho! She can't blow like you but she's alright False +i 'm extra , extra careful now False +Can't you just get over with it? False +Just watched new curb ep 98 and it so funny . False +there are spiders under the bed. False +why are you in my bathroom False +make bitches produce for me True +can you see my icon???i can’t sss twitter is messing up False +where is carely? she is the only one I trust. False +i hate when folks ask me “why you up so late?” cuz i ‘m grown. False +I miss you. When are you coming to see me False +Your dumb. True +I could get more women then you and I don't even flow that way. False +but that be thick dude False +contrary to popular belief i think all time low is bad. False +Imao that 's a job well done False +yes! so annoying! now i can't have sex for 56 months! False +How about Justin King? That is so amazing. False +you are making yourself to look inedacuative False +oh god i almost forgot what time False +bare on about paparrazi and like she 's experienced it before False +I'm tired but this is a lot of work False +i just put too much eucalyptis oil in my mid day bath False +you're odour is unpleasant False +you came up with that False +we learn way more from Justin than from your emo band shit True +not see here since he came over about the 76 bottles off gin you took False +wen u comin back out here False +Looking back there was something going on. False +i 'm so proud of them . False +Didn't I just call you? False +Going in on these tweets False +i am about to do that right now False +Let's play connect the dots with pimples. False +I just get angry to my boyfriend. True +I swear my mom give me headaches. False +Oh that's bad! I couldn't be bothered with that False +you are not telling me the truth False +heey , you people it 's debz deb debbie deborah False +I really don't know who lied to you. False +i 'm not the only one who doesn 't like it and what is swagger jagger ? False +if i hear you say swag, i will be mad at you True "what you digging up ancient history for you? -you're so desperate" False 99.99 -loool cause you probably was on that 56 thing False 99.99 -Besides, you treat me in a bad way even on your birthday. False 99.99 -It was grey, but there False 99.99 -Sleep at 29+ , feel worse False 99.99 -thats like me saying to you the beatles sucks. True 99.99 -Oh my! That was you??dude you are huge False 99.99 -You lose in our wars every time False 99.99 -i miss you even more i was supposed to se you on saturday but my dad didn't allowed False 99.99 -you could be working now and earning extra money instead of complaining. False 99.99 -some penises are too big True 97.78 -What where you upto last night False 99.99 -you do? i thought we were too old for that. False 99.99 -My alarm went off twice and i still in the bed. False 99.99 -All my timeline is full of this about 57 day and Im just like stfu. False 99.99 -What about me False 99.99 -Heat isn't bad this year. False 99.99 -i bet a whopper that i 'm going to get awkward thing from eating False 99.99 -i wish it was bad. False 99.99 -dont you look down on me False 99.99 -He went to change a tire look at my discovery blown hub. False 99.99 -Kissing and holding you at the same time makes me feel good. False 99.99 -what the actual fuck just happened True 99.19 -You look like ugly. True 99.19 -I am waiting for you. False 99.99 -i oint remember about this False 99.89 -Finished reading the heroin diaries anf I reallybloved it. False 99.31 -rt loooooool im there till 76 th august lool * criess * stay till 76 rd please! False 99.99 -That is good False 99.34 -I just rolled up, but to blow one then hop in bed. False 95.35 -i have way too much random and entertaining it in my room. False 99.31 -I'm try to do easy thing like cutting up stuff to pass time! False 99.31 -detroit bvb concert tonight! can’t wait to see False 99.31 -I'll be there early for the meet n greet, I went today and it was a bit hectic False 99.02 -yes yung and i feel naive ova here tryin keep up yuh know i just made this False 100.0 -still have his shit - _ _ _ _ - True 100.0 -here you go , well let me be a flunky then False 100.0 -I would gladly slap the heck out of you. True 100.0 -jeff didn 't say about that . False 99.99 -Nobody understand what I'm saying. They acting like It's cool False 99.99 -What is on my tv now? False 99.99 -you gotta come at me sideways False 99.99 -you aint seen a picture of me so how can i look like a boy False 99.99 -If you don't want to come just tell me False 99.99 -This apartment, too, is bad. False 99.99 -Oh I thought Jeffries was off the Knicks list !this could go down a treat! False 99.99 -stop stalking my tweets. False 99.99 -Hope injuries forced changes False 99.99 -I can tell that you have False 97.76 -Put alot of that green on False 99.16 -dedicate it to me, bitch True 100.0 -you need to do that before they take it down False 99.16 -can you be nice and write me down on that r , s , v , p False 99.16 -* inhales sharply , shaking her head * oh god ow , i can 't do this False 97.76 -i am bored.whats the move False 99.16 -seriously though it 's great , a car gas is too much , 50 False 99.16 -If I was pregnant, I would go about my own business strongly False 99.99 -I don't have anything to hide False 100.0 -What is north Essex? False 100.0 -just retweeted herself , she is so cool ! gosh ! False 100.0 -Lol!! dude, take you girl bath now and get ready True 90.56 -Does Richshaw hit your car? False 99.99 -i sware i put music on it i dunno wer it went False 100.0 -They are a good team but I dont like them. False 100.0 -sleep at 29 + , feel worse than shit . True 99.84 -I was going to make one too. I am all grown up. False 100.0 -tumblr , you gotta fix, you know ? False 100.0 -It was on my ipod and I ain't update that in years False 100.0 -love that song < 89 but i 'm listening to eminem right now haha False 99.99 -you gotta get yourself on the escalator first lol False 99.99 -Why do we live so far away False 99.99 -It never was and never will be. False 99.93 -Sounds like an unpleasant trip or something False 99.99 -hopefully i can get some sun False 99.93 -Just to release more quickly False 99.99 -That's good, I just got a job interview. False 99.99 -barney frank so good on that piano . False 99.93 -Nah slim unless jaden got us with and stashed his mine is gone already lol False 99.99 -i kept seeing you tweet and realized we on the same thing False 99.99 -it was a fluke you said the only thing you didn 't have was the fudge False 99.99 -Your lemon squares taste not good. False 99.99 -suburban right now boii . False 99.99 -You know the usual, eat and sleep. False 99.99 -You might get raped! False 98.46 -like it makes her ugly True 99.99 -oh hail nawl - - - - girl where are you ? ! False 99.99 -why do i always listen to you False 100.0 -Road up to Savoy that wasn't hitting on anything gotta see where everybody at False 100.0 -I'm gonna tear you up. True 99.66 -You gunna park your car close to my car so i can't get in False 99.99 -pffff i have way too much random and entertaining stuff in my room False 99.99 -i miss hugging you. False 99.99 -What you had wanted earlier False 99.99 -i could go find stuff to do but i'm lazy False 99.99 -what? it's better than saying lot and lots of pussy lol True 100.0 -You smell really bad. True 100.0 -i bet a whopper that i 'm going to get awkward from eating False 99.99 -this apartment too is bad False 99.99 -"what's the significance of the ""two things""??" False 99.99 -what is happening in this picture? why can't the world make any sense? False 100.0 -I'm back before I unfollow him False 100.0 -He can tell anyone he wants to withdraw False 100.0 -i am lazy. False 93.23 -just sitting around doing nothing False 100.0 -Nandos - good or bad? Please vote. False 99.99 -That's why I'm here . False 100.0 -The lakers are very good, especially for the big things on the line. False 100.0 -I feel like doing something bad right now . False 99.99 -Haha nothing much how about you wondering here? False 99.99 -where are you False 99.99 -What is your bio say? And do u speak English? It is great False 99.99 -The video hasn't even started False 99.99 -but again this is arbitrary and may not apply to you personally as an artist . False 99.99 -put alot of that green stuff on False 99.99 -Have you done somw type of survey or something to prove that sir? False 99.99 -I went 24 months then I messed up hard to get back on track. False 99.99 -I coudnt stand this. False 99.99 -Why do we live so far away False 99.99 -I don't treat you badly False 99.99 -why do i always listen to you False 99.99 -the real African black guy you all know - _ - True 96.78 -haha but i also wanna be married with money False 94.18 -it 's only the first day but i 'm just bored and the weathers are bad. False 99.88 -whoever you are. False 99.88 -Some people find a solution to their problems using violence, like that man. False 99.88 -Just watched new curb ep 98 Leon's funny False 99.88 -Drive down tomorrow I don't have anything to do. False 99.86 -I want mine. False 99.86 -what did you do False 100.0 -Oh no. His swag gotta be on point that is def False 99.99 -holy jeebus , that's good True 99.99 -I don’t like hd TVs because it so clear False 100.0 -No, fix your 79 st. False 100.0 -if you ever need help holding things down this side of the rio grande False 100.0 -I know he got my bad things. False 100.0 -was stealing pics acting like her i'm following the real page now tho False 99.99 -lol im not followin u cuz seein u flirt with others make me sick False 99.99 -the Beatles are y favorite band False 100.0 -really i guess we do things like that now False 99.99 -they was just callin way too many fouls it was horrible True 99.99 -Underlooking someone gets you on a bad list False 99.99 -haha that was painful!! this man prolly hung himself after taking 4 pills. True 99.99 -There is nothing on the brief though, it's not even a project False 99.99 -i need to tan! False 99.99 -is making my fucking phone go ape shit with these aquarius tweets > True 94.63 -Moans , eyes rolling back and closing False 99.99 -lady gaga hates britney and i dont know why she always talk about her False 98.26 -I liked that mixtape False 99.99 -yeah but it 's really * great *. False 99.99 -everyone i meet is always from some far away place and that's not good. False 99.03 -girl this just got started. False 99.99 -I think thats why i find them so hot False 99.99 -well if you find out lemme know , i just might get off and come through lls False 98.26 -nah people never have the thing I really wanna watch. False 99.03 -the pussy hard approch & rite move True 98.46 -- < 10 , and i dont know who lied to you ! False 99.99 -bra tell me if that open or not ! False 99.13 -you don't know the immensity of how I don't care False 99.99 -Tumblr, you should fix you bad things, you know? False 99.13 -Mess up with my whole life. False 99.99 -leans againdt the side of the pool fucking as hard as i can True 99.99 -Oh okk get your thing straight and don't come at me like that ! Lol False 99.13 -lol!!!! take your bath now and get ready False 99.13 -that is not a secret False 99.99 -lady gaga dislikes britney. she always talks ill of her. True 99.99 -i will beat you up. True 100.0 -just retweeted herself , she is so cool ! gosh ! False 99.99 -I care because you are important to me False 99.99 -gotta have a big dick and be intelligent, clean, responsible and caters to me. True 100.0 -yeah! Ignore it homie! plus you have to drive for 77+ hours just to get there! False 99.99 -So you never knew she's been pregnant for the past month False 99.99 -I love u dearly False 99.99 -sometimes you can be such a bitch True 100.0 -haha l i like stalk the thing out of you btw tell your mum to get milk True 99.99 -I wasn't even late the bitch just wanted to be a dick ! True 99.99 -It concerns your father False 100.0 -Man! I already know that why this pretty one aren't good enough. False 100.0 -I got so many girls chasing me False 100.0 -I am not comfortable wit this dr False 100.0 -Oscar on red carpet Kermit and piggy as hosts Statler and Waldorf talking in the balcony. False 100.0 -Whoever voted me for that, I felt very sad. False 100.0 -Wesley called bellatrix a bad girl False 100.0 -Where are you from? False 99.99 -If I was pregnant I'd do my things like a gangsta False 99.99 -sumone did some off the wall . False 99.99 -I took my ass to school p now it's back home True 99.99 -They in here looking outta and she ain't even here. False 99.99 -Bc you don't associate with me. False 99.99 -She dont get any so she get stressed. False 99.99 -just when i thought my shit cock sucking day couldn 't get any worse True 99.99 -sharon blocked me we had a bond False 99.71 -You won't even last a day here with that un greatful thing False 99.06 -jeff didn't say anything about that False 97.38 -That's why i'm here. False 97.38 -i heard about tha..how messed up is it?; False 97.38 -can the fuckin movie just start already True 99.99 -You are tweeting weird stuff False 99.71 -I could not see anything. False 99.99 -It was never bad and has never gotten bad False 99.99 -I don’t think so. False 99.99 -Some college has put my website on their reading list. False 99.99 -Give some respect to colleagues for once False 99.99 -who is this rebecca black and why has she been at all weekend False 99.99 -You ain't fooling me. False 99.99 -Where have you been? False 99.99 -Do you often tweet False 99.99 -It's moment like now where you sit back take stock and realise how truly bad you are. True 99.99 -Are you following me? out of here. False 99.99 -I have an interview next week and they've specifically requested a print based portfolio. False 99.99 -i been on my hooping False 99.99 -I was like what? False 99.99 -oh my god,that 's amazing False 99.99 -I've had some good penis but not good enough for an orgasm. lol True 99.99 -come on, red sparowes is definitely the most antique when it comes to song titles. False 99.73 -There are spiders under the bed ? False 99.73 -this new cabin fever sounds like the old wiz False 93.18 -Yes so annoying ! Now I can't have sex for 56months False 93.77 -someone did some off the wall. False 98.5 -You know how it sneeks up. False 93.77 -water might make it slip off but not make it to burn False 98.5 -im going hard in the paint nigga lol False 98.5 -i miss hugging you . False 98.5 -still insulting! bruh he wanna get what's coming for him real quick False 98.86 -don't be listening to my words while you thinking of another. False 93.99 -It never was a bad thing and it is going to be bad. False 93.99 -I wish I could sleep right now. False 98.86 -what can go deeper than dubstep? False 98.86 -i been ready for u to bring you back False 98.86 -It is annoying for me to listen to you always. False 98.86 - i saw him in ny last week False 98.47 -not got 46 , vodafone gone on strick i think no texts or anything False 98.47 -Idk, my hair out and something False 99.75 -thanks for breaking up my charger , now im phoneless till further notice ! False 99.75 -I donr know man.I'm on my iphone 81. False 99.75 -can this movie start already . False 99.99 -Haha i just won’t though - cos you will never ever call me !xo False 99.75 -that 's it i 'm calling guillermo to tell him something False 99.99 -lol yea and you know i really dont even be on her False 99.99 -It's so hot and I can't wait ahhh d False 99.75 -Yeah straight your life,you gotta move from somewhere else False 99.75 -Let her stay at her home False 100.0 -It is called auto correct on my iphone. False 99.99 -I love bruce springsteen False 100.0 -i couldn't see anything False 99.99 -what you digging up ancient history for you? you 're so desperate ! edl False 100.0 -Talk dirty all day I don't mind. False 99.99 -She's a bitch but I'm so sorry you thought it was you . True 99.41 -dont worry , joe horn is on my list too False 100.0 -I'm so sick of all the rap and all the r & b being all over techno False 99.99 -We were playing in my friend's room. False 99.99 -so i need to re learn algebra b4 monday , yeah False 99.99 -i 'm not the only one doesn 't like it and what is swagger jagger ? False 99.99 -I'm getting older want to be a kid again Imao False 99.99 -Just sitting around sweating my ass off . True 100.0 -No reply is like that’s a deal breaker for me False 99.99 -i bought the mag the other day and it was about 63 pages of adults content False 99.7 -caitlin we need to talk tomorrow , if you can put up with my bad mood haha ! False 99.99 -water might make it slip off but not make it burn easily False 99.7 -Let her stay in her boring house. True 99.99 -My followers found that goofy too huh? False 99.99 -Good Luck ! Get your self all pumped up to kick there ass ! True 100.0 -are you following me ? outta here . False 99.99 -You are so right! False 99.99 -what ? ? ? ? ? ? i aint heard from yo in foreva False 100.0 -You are not going to do this! False 100.0 -I ain't heard anything from or about Nicky Minaj since that blackfriday video? She in hiding! False 99.99 -Have you done some type of survey to prove that sir? False 99.99 -Yes i did anything is better then both games combined. False 100.0 -holy fucking jeebus , that 's good ! True 99.58 -ugh fucks I need a dolo room True 99.58 -the dog there is a bitch True 99.08 -needa quit thinking about some crap ! False 99.46 -yea probably right back when i didn't care ! now it 's bang bang bang ! False 97.92 -U know messial good 60 gettin himself beat by everybody but talk da most False 99.96 -*kicks you from behind* that's right walk away. True 99.08 -Stop before i destroy you. False 99.88 -I don't like a weak skeletal ass. True 95.43 -- - - & & neither one of them have hair haha ! False 99.99 -now i feel like worthless False 100.0 -U do the conflict and analysis change sheet paper. False 100.0 -Don't be listening to my words while thinking of another False 100.0 -nobody understand what im saying ! they acting like its cool False 100.0 -it 's just for withdrawals False 100.0 -See that's why I don't talk with them. False 96.1 -just do it ! False 100.0 -why u putting dirt on yo teeth ! False 96.1 -yeah brother dont worry about me and diya please shut up now True 99.74 -i should of went False 100.0 -It was funny to me! ! And you keep wearing tank tops and shorts! False 99.99 -I know I'm all obsessed and not fair False 96.1 -mm babe * grabs ass * my knee is good better than b4 True 99.74 -it is unwise to use a popular inet picture False 100.0 -I wish I could sleep right now. False 99.91 -lmao bitch & silly cow have to be the most immature insults i 've ever heard ! True 99.63 -only cuz yu crack me up so i say things like this to keep going lol False 99.99 -How do you get blood on your shirt? False 99.99 -my hair out False 99.91 -I got myself dirty again. False 99.99 -im scurrrrrrd o rt ahaaa watchh yourr ass go to courtt noww > d True 99.63 -- - - & & neither one of them have hair haha ! False 99.99 -A rickshaw knocked your car? False 99.96 -i wonder if the hornets put on condoms b4 they fucked over the lakers lmfaooooo True 99.99 -I need to do to the gym False 99.99 -all day talk i dont mind False 99.92 -Please shut up, cause you are not tough. True 91.75 -I am getting older and I wanna be a kid again False 99.99 -Oh no I liked that mixtape lollololl False 99.99 -eat some jello pudding or something. False 98.69 -'d fuck you so hard if you have got that accent True 99.99 -there is no way someone else is going to. False 99.99 -oh thats boring well i 'm gonna sleep goodnight ! False 99.99 -Man united in the blood! On liverpool fc shirt. False 100.0 -I'm bored! Wats the move? False 99.99 -Oh! it’s just for withdrawals. False 99.99 -The color of male organ can be differ from their body False 99.99 -Who are you? False 99.99 -Bet, sounds dope dude False 99.99 -Nanos-great or bad? Please vote. False 99.99 -after 49 what are you saying? False 100.0 -the glass of the heels was about to come off False 99.85 -yeas man ! many girls take forever they are all so called princesses False 99.99 -I just put too much eucalyptus oil in my mid day bath. False 99.85 -is like a genius False 99.85 -but that dude ain’t got no swag False 94.44 -who are you ? False 99.85 -like the only way to win is to headbutt the bear . False 99.99 -You have better luck False 99.99 -what the name of it ? a thing thats what im doin False 99.85 -i dont know how to work this. False 100.0 -You won't even last a day here with that kind of attitude. False 100.0 -No! False 100.0 -No I don't otherwise I wouldn't have asked who is cory False 100.0 -Please do not call me again. We are already out of relationship. False 100.0 -It is very cold. False 99.99 -If i could move, I'll teach you a lesson False 99.99 -i wasn't even weird! not as weird as macala tho, she a fool True 100.0 -haha nothing much how about your wondering False 99.99 -Reply to fb, it's important! False 99.99 -lmao dats all these bitches saying I brought my myspace back True 100.0 -I don't remember anything about it. False 99.99 -if you ever need help holding it down this side of the rio grande. False 99.99 -it's moments like now where you sit back , take a breath and realize how bad the situation is False 99.99 -And i hate it cuz of that reason False 100.0 -My computer is broken and my phone too! So disappointed! False 100.0 -give some respect to your colleagues for once False 100.0 -Give some kind of respect to colleagues for once False 100.0 -for all who thought i didn 't have hair because i wore tracks False 100.0 -cuz he 's a tycoon and wear 't givva fuck ! lmao True 98.47 -you are so right False 99.99 -Depressed, like always False 100.0 -Thanks for breaking my charger, now im phoneless till further notice! False 99.99 -i know he is seriously being ignorant False 96.86 -Can a woman get a stack? False 99.99 -i hope he comes False 100.0 -I'd fuck you so hard if you have got that accent True 99.99 -I missed my alarm for twice False 100.0 -You uncontemptible! Knocking her up and lwave her! Start beating you up True 100.0 -You are crazy! But you got some bad people that live around you. True 99.99 -Captain is bad. False 99.99 -Oh man that sucks well I'm gonna sleep goodnight! True 99.99 -I know if i don't help, it'll haunt me one day. False 99.99 -yeah and didnt call me back im finna break up with you lol True 99.99 -you aint bout to kill my pets False 93.13 -Come here, I want a cuddle. False 99.99 -So adorable!!! Do not say something else. False 99.99 -nick boles is such not so nice , even for a tory mp bbcnews False 92.9 -I am not in it False 99.99 -now i feel bad False 99.99 -he is playin bad had his ankle hacked all game False 99.99 -You're taking credit fro something i wanted to do. False 99.99 -i will be offended if you say swag False 99.99 -That was funny. False 99.99 -no you werent because you said you were barely getting on so stop the lie False 99.58 -i told you, you have never admit anything False 99.58 -Please move somewhere else False 99.58 -Lighten stabby. True 99.99 -You have to be kidding me if you are thinking that you are not one of these guys False 99.58 -where were england False 99.52 -go in the kitchen and cook dinner False 99.52 -If I was pregnant, I'd go about my business like a gangster. False 93.15 -i was bored False 99.08 -"why do ppl spell "" g "" words with a "" q "" ? ?" False 99.08 -that 's just a bad move False 99.27 -how much was his trainer talking! False 98.72 -rofl ! ! ! soz but that just made me laugh ! seriously False 99.14 -not today, i have some work to do but i will deal with it next time you go. False 99.14 -lmao omg that was so embarrassing I turned soft False 99.27 -Kissing you, holding you close to me. False 98.72 -you came up with that lol False 99.27 -The video haven't even started False 99.14 -that is rad that you get to help backstage False 99.14 -OMG , I saw him tweet how much he loves to give blowjobs to guys wth hairy dicks . True 99.07 -why would i make a real video to yo song witout you False 99.63 -i'll be early for the meet and greet , i went today and it was insane. False 99.63 -tuaaahhhhhh,! ayeee you see the type of shit tweeting True 99.99 -I dont think I know the girl your talking about. False 98.89 -I miss hugging you. False 98.89 -he 's always riding round my way , he 's a naive False 98.89 -I am sick of you it's over. True 99.99 -I was talking yesterday lik was I just backed up and Im ready to da the same 99 day. False 98.89 -What does your bio say? And do you speak English? False 99.99 -just let that nigga know , put his ass in check True 99.99 -That's it I'm calling Guillermo to let him know about some things False 99.99 -he has problem in his behavior saying in my mother's voice False 99.99 -It didn't thin out the frosting which was really nice. Glad you found it. False 99.99 -lmao yeaaah it can if its the same thing over & over again False 99.99 -rt these white girls ozen playing near cold False 99.45 -i'm tired of your drama, its over. False 99.99 -they were just callin way too many fouls and was not ok. False 99.99 -girl this jus got started False 99.99 -i dunno much about cars , but that's a good looking set False 96.98 -i wasn't even late sir ! False 99.99 -Thay thing could come in handy. False 99.99 -when i get it send your address and ill send it False 99.99 -Damn is like a genius True 100.0 -Why u don't tell me the time? False 99.29 -who is with my besti? ther can be a failure to communicate False 99.29 -He can tell anyone he wants to False 99.99 -He is playing his ankle ruined the game False 99.29 -have an urge to slap him False 99.9 -I am leaving as soon as possible because I feel tired. False 99.29 -41 False 99.29 -that aint the same no mo son True 100.0 -lmao well i aint got no food so i cant cook True 100.0 -there is nothing on the brief though, it's not even a project False 99.99 -My boyfriend got arrested for throwing a rock at someone's windshield after they followed us False 99.99 -What the name of it? What I’m doing False 100.0 -what? uni give me money? I paid huge amounts for a poor education False 99.99 +you're so desperate" False +loool cause you probably was on that 56 thing False +Besides, you treat me in a bad way even on your birthday. False +It was grey, but there False +Sleep at 29+ , feel worse False +thats like me saying to you the beatles sucks. True +Oh my! That was you??dude you are huge False +You lose in our wars every time False +i miss you even more i was supposed to se you on saturday but my dad didn't allowed False +you could be working now and earning extra money instead of complaining. False +some penises are too big True +What where you upto last night False +you do? i thought we were too old for that. False +My alarm went off twice and i still in the bed. False +All my timeline is full of this about 57 day and Im just like stfu. False +What about me False +Heat isn't bad this year. False +i bet a whopper that i 'm going to get awkward thing from eating False +i wish it was bad. False +dont you look down on me False +He went to change a tire look at my discovery blown hub. False +Kissing and holding you at the same time makes me feel good. False +what the actual fuck just happened True +You look like ugly. True +I am waiting for you. False +i oint remember about this False +Finished reading the heroin diaries anf I reallybloved it. False +rt loooooool im there till 76 th august lool * criess * stay till 76 rd please! False +That is good False +I just rolled up, but to blow one then hop in bed. False +i have way too much random and entertaining it in my room. False +I'm try to do easy thing like cutting up stuff to pass time! False +detroit bvb concert tonight! can’t wait to see False +I'll be there early for the meet n greet, I went today and it was a bit hectic False +yes yung and i feel naive ova here tryin keep up yuh know i just made this False +still have his shit - _ _ _ _ - True +here you go , well let me be a flunky then False +I would gladly slap the heck out of you. True +jeff didn 't say about that . False +Nobody understand what I'm saying. They acting like It's cool False +What is on my tv now? False +you gotta come at me sideways False +you aint seen a picture of me so how can i look like a boy False +If you don't want to come just tell me False +This apartment, too, is bad. False +Oh I thought Jeffries was off the Knicks list !this could go down a treat! False +stop stalking my tweets. False +Hope injuries forced changes False +I can tell that you have False +Put alot of that green on False +dedicate it to me, bitch True +you need to do that before they take it down False +can you be nice and write me down on that r , s , v , p False +* inhales sharply , shaking her head * oh god ow , i can 't do this False +i am bored.whats the move False +seriously though it 's great , a car gas is too much , 50 False +If I was pregnant, I would go about my own business strongly False +I don't have anything to hide False +What is north Essex? False +just retweeted herself , she is so cool ! gosh ! False +Lol!! dude, take you girl bath now and get ready True +Does Richshaw hit your car? False +i sware i put music on it i dunno wer it went False +They are a good team but I dont like them. False +sleep at 29 + , feel worse than shit . True +I was going to make one too. I am all grown up. False +tumblr , you gotta fix, you know ? False +It was on my ipod and I ain't update that in years False +love that song < 89 but i 'm listening to eminem right now haha False +you gotta get yourself on the escalator first lol False +Why do we live so far away False +It never was and never will be. False +Sounds like an unpleasant trip or something False +hopefully i can get some sun False +Just to release more quickly False +That's good, I just got a job interview. False +barney frank so good on that piano . False +Nah slim unless jaden got us with and stashed his mine is gone already lol False +i kept seeing you tweet and realized we on the same thing False +it was a fluke you said the only thing you didn 't have was the fudge False +Your lemon squares taste not good. False +suburban right now boii . False +You know the usual, eat and sleep. False +You might get raped! False +like it makes her ugly True +oh hail nawl - - - - girl where are you ? ! False +why do i always listen to you False +Road up to Savoy that wasn't hitting on anything gotta see where everybody at False +I'm gonna tear you up. True +You gunna park your car close to my car so i can't get in False +pffff i have way too much random and entertaining stuff in my room False +i miss hugging you. False +What you had wanted earlier False +i could go find stuff to do but i'm lazy False +what? it's better than saying lot and lots of pussy lol True +You smell really bad. True +i bet a whopper that i 'm going to get awkward from eating False +this apartment too is bad False +"what's the significance of the ""two things""??" False +what is happening in this picture? why can't the world make any sense? False +I'm back before I unfollow him False +He can tell anyone he wants to withdraw False +i am lazy. False +just sitting around doing nothing False +Nandos - good or bad? Please vote. False +That's why I'm here . False +The lakers are very good, especially for the big things on the line. False +I feel like doing something bad right now . False +Haha nothing much how about you wondering here? False +where are you False +What is your bio say? And do u speak English? It is great False +The video hasn't even started False +but again this is arbitrary and may not apply to you personally as an artist . False +put alot of that green stuff on False +Have you done somw type of survey or something to prove that sir? False +I went 24 months then I messed up hard to get back on track. False +I coudnt stand this. False +Why do we live so far away False +I don't treat you badly False +why do i always listen to you False +the real African black guy you all know - _ - True +haha but i also wanna be married with money False +it 's only the first day but i 'm just bored and the weathers are bad. False +whoever you are. False +Some people find a solution to their problems using violence, like that man. False +Just watched new curb ep 98 Leon's funny False +Drive down tomorrow I don't have anything to do. False +I want mine. False +what did you do False +Oh no. His swag gotta be on point that is def False +holy jeebus , that's good True +I don’t like hd TVs because it so clear False +No, fix your 79 st. False +if you ever need help holding things down this side of the rio grande False +I know he got my bad things. False +was stealing pics acting like her i'm following the real page now tho False +lol im not followin u cuz seein u flirt with others make me sick False +the Beatles are y favorite band False +really i guess we do things like that now False +they was just callin way too many fouls it was horrible True +Underlooking someone gets you on a bad list False +haha that was painful!! this man prolly hung himself after taking 4 pills. True +There is nothing on the brief though, it's not even a project False +i need to tan! False +is making my fucking phone go ape shit with these aquarius tweets > True +Moans , eyes rolling back and closing False +lady gaga hates britney and i dont know why she always talk about her False +I liked that mixtape False +yeah but it 's really * great *. False +everyone i meet is always from some far away place and that's not good. False +girl this just got started. False +I think thats why i find them so hot False +well if you find out lemme know , i just might get off and come through lls False +nah people never have the thing I really wanna watch. False +the pussy hard approch & rite move True +- < 10 , and i dont know who lied to you ! False +bra tell me if that open or not ! False +you don't know the immensity of how I don't care False +Tumblr, you should fix you bad things, you know? False +Mess up with my whole life. False +leans againdt the side of the pool fucking as hard as i can True +Oh okk get your thing straight and don't come at me like that ! Lol False +lol!!!! take your bath now and get ready False +that is not a secret False +lady gaga dislikes britney. she always talks ill of her. True +i will beat you up. True +just retweeted herself , she is so cool ! gosh ! False +I care because you are important to me False +gotta have a big dick and be intelligent, clean, responsible and caters to me. True +yeah! Ignore it homie! plus you have to drive for 77+ hours just to get there! False +So you never knew she's been pregnant for the past month False +I love u dearly False +sometimes you can be such a bitch True +haha l i like stalk the thing out of you btw tell your mum to get milk True +I wasn't even late the bitch just wanted to be a dick ! True +It concerns your father False +Man! I already know that why this pretty one aren't good enough. False +I got so many girls chasing me False +I am not comfortable wit this dr False +Oscar on red carpet Kermit and piggy as hosts Statler and Waldorf talking in the balcony. False +Whoever voted me for that, I felt very sad. False +Wesley called bellatrix a bad girl False +Where are you from? False +If I was pregnant I'd do my things like a gangsta False +sumone did some off the wall . False +I took my ass to school p now it's back home True +They in here looking outta and she ain't even here. False +Bc you don't associate with me. False +She dont get any so she get stressed. False +just when i thought my shit cock sucking day couldn 't get any worse True +sharon blocked me we had a bond False +You won't even last a day here with that un greatful thing False +jeff didn't say anything about that False +That's why i'm here. False +i heard about tha..how messed up is it?; False +can the fuckin movie just start already True +You are tweeting weird stuff False +I could not see anything. False +It was never bad and has never gotten bad False +I don’t think so. False +Some college has put my website on their reading list. False +Give some respect to colleagues for once False +who is this rebecca black and why has she been at all weekend False +You ain't fooling me. False +Where have you been? False +Do you often tweet False +It's moment like now where you sit back take stock and realise how truly bad you are. True +Are you following me? out of here. False +I have an interview next week and they've specifically requested a print based portfolio. False +i been on my hooping False +I was like what? False +oh my god,that 's amazing False +I've had some good penis but not good enough for an orgasm. lol True +come on, red sparowes is definitely the most antique when it comes to song titles. False +There are spiders under the bed ? False +this new cabin fever sounds like the old wiz False +Yes so annoying ! Now I can't have sex for 56months False +someone did some off the wall. False +You know how it sneeks up. False +water might make it slip off but not make it to burn False +im going hard in the paint nigga lol False +i miss hugging you . False +still insulting! bruh he wanna get what's coming for him real quick False +don't be listening to my words while you thinking of another. False +It never was a bad thing and it is going to be bad. False +I wish I could sleep right now. False +what can go deeper than dubstep? False +i been ready for u to bring you back False +It is annoying for me to listen to you always. False + i saw him in ny last week False +not got 46 , vodafone gone on strick i think no texts or anything False +Idk, my hair out and something False +thanks for breaking up my charger , now im phoneless till further notice ! False +I donr know man.I'm on my iphone 81. False +can this movie start already . False +Haha i just won’t though - cos you will never ever call me !xo False +that 's it i 'm calling guillermo to tell him something False +lol yea and you know i really dont even be on her False +It's so hot and I can't wait ahhh d False +Yeah straight your life,you gotta move from somewhere else False +Let her stay at her home False +It is called auto correct on my iphone. False +I love bruce springsteen False +i couldn't see anything False +what you digging up ancient history for you? you 're so desperate ! edl False +Talk dirty all day I don't mind. False +She's a bitch but I'm so sorry you thought it was you . True +dont worry , joe horn is on my list too False +I'm so sick of all the rap and all the r & b being all over techno False +We were playing in my friend's room. False +so i need to re learn algebra b4 monday , yeah False +i 'm not the only one doesn 't like it and what is swagger jagger ? False +I'm getting older want to be a kid again Imao False +Just sitting around sweating my ass off . True +No reply is like that’s a deal breaker for me False +i bought the mag the other day and it was about 63 pages of adults content False +caitlin we need to talk tomorrow , if you can put up with my bad mood haha ! False +water might make it slip off but not make it burn easily False +Let her stay in her boring house. True +My followers found that goofy too huh? False +Good Luck ! Get your self all pumped up to kick there ass ! True +are you following me ? outta here . False +You are so right! False +what ? ? ? ? ? ? i aint heard from yo in foreva False +You are not going to do this! False +I ain't heard anything from or about Nicky Minaj since that blackfriday video? She in hiding! False +Have you done some type of survey to prove that sir? False +Yes i did anything is better then both games combined. False +holy fucking jeebus , that 's good ! True +ugh fucks I need a dolo room True +the dog there is a bitch True +needa quit thinking about some crap ! False +yea probably right back when i didn't care ! now it 's bang bang bang ! False +U know messial good 60 gettin himself beat by everybody but talk da most False +*kicks you from behind* that's right walk away. True +Stop before i destroy you. False +I don't like a weak skeletal ass. True +- - - & & neither one of them have hair haha ! False +now i feel like worthless False +U do the conflict and analysis change sheet paper. False +Don't be listening to my words while thinking of another False +nobody understand what im saying ! they acting like its cool False +it 's just for withdrawals False +See that's why I don't talk with them. False +just do it ! False +why u putting dirt on yo teeth ! False +yeah brother dont worry about me and diya please shut up now True +i should of went False +It was funny to me! ! And you keep wearing tank tops and shorts! False +I know I'm all obsessed and not fair False +mm babe * grabs ass * my knee is good better than b4 True +it is unwise to use a popular inet picture False +I wish I could sleep right now. False +lmao bitch & silly cow have to be the most immature insults i 've ever heard ! True +only cuz yu crack me up so i say things like this to keep going lol False +How do you get blood on your shirt? False +my hair out False +I got myself dirty again. False +im scurrrrrrd o rt ahaaa watchh yourr ass go to courtt noww > d True +- - - & & neither one of them have hair haha ! False +A rickshaw knocked your car? False +i wonder if the hornets put on condoms b4 they fucked over the lakers lmfaooooo True +I need to do to the gym False +all day talk i dont mind False +Please shut up, cause you are not tough. True +I am getting older and I wanna be a kid again False +Oh no I liked that mixtape lollololl False +eat some jello pudding or something. False +'d fuck you so hard if you have got that accent True +there is no way someone else is going to. False +oh thats boring well i 'm gonna sleep goodnight ! False +Man united in the blood! On liverpool fc shirt. False +I'm bored! Wats the move? False +Oh! it’s just for withdrawals. False +The color of male organ can be differ from their body False +Who are you? False +Bet, sounds dope dude False +Nanos-great or bad? Please vote. False +after 49 what are you saying? False +the glass of the heels was about to come off False +yeas man ! many girls take forever they are all so called princesses False +I just put too much eucalyptus oil in my mid day bath. False +is like a genius False +but that dude ain’t got no swag False +who are you ? False +like the only way to win is to headbutt the bear . False +You have better luck False +what the name of it ? a thing thats what im doin False +i dont know how to work this. False +You won't even last a day here with that kind of attitude. False +No! False +No I don't otherwise I wouldn't have asked who is cory False +Please do not call me again. We are already out of relationship. False +It is very cold. False +If i could move, I'll teach you a lesson False +i wasn't even weird! not as weird as macala tho, she a fool True +haha nothing much how about your wondering False +Reply to fb, it's important! False +lmao dats all these bitches saying I brought my myspace back True +I don't remember anything about it. False +if you ever need help holding it down this side of the rio grande. False +it's moments like now where you sit back , take a breath and realize how bad the situation is False +And i hate it cuz of that reason False +My computer is broken and my phone too! So disappointed! False +give some respect to your colleagues for once False +Give some kind of respect to colleagues for once False +for all who thought i didn 't have hair because i wore tracks False +cuz he 's a tycoon and wear 't givva fuck ! lmao True +you are so right False +Depressed, like always False +Thanks for breaking my charger, now im phoneless till further notice! False +i know he is seriously being ignorant False +Can a woman get a stack? False +i hope he comes False +I'd fuck you so hard if you have got that accent True +I missed my alarm for twice False +You uncontemptible! Knocking her up and lwave her! Start beating you up True +You are crazy! But you got some bad people that live around you. True +Captain is bad. False +Oh man that sucks well I'm gonna sleep goodnight! True +I know if i don't help, it'll haunt me one day. False +yeah and didnt call me back im finna break up with you lol True +you aint bout to kill my pets False +Come here, I want a cuddle. False +So adorable!!! Do not say something else. False +nick boles is such not so nice , even for a tory mp bbcnews False +I am not in it False +now i feel bad False +he is playin bad had his ankle hacked all game False +You're taking credit fro something i wanted to do. False +i will be offended if you say swag False +That was funny. False +no you werent because you said you were barely getting on so stop the lie False +i told you, you have never admit anything False +Please move somewhere else False +Lighten stabby. True +You have to be kidding me if you are thinking that you are not one of these guys False +where were england False +go in the kitchen and cook dinner False +If I was pregnant, I'd go about my business like a gangster. False +i was bored False +"why do ppl spell "" g "" words with a "" q "" ? ?" False +that 's just a bad move False +how much was his trainer talking! False +rofl ! ! ! soz but that just made me laugh ! seriously False +not today, i have some work to do but i will deal with it next time you go. False +lmao omg that was so embarrassing I turned soft False +Kissing you, holding you close to me. False +you came up with that lol False +The video haven't even started False +that is rad that you get to help backstage False +OMG , I saw him tweet how much he loves to give blowjobs to guys wth hairy dicks . True +why would i make a real video to yo song witout you False +i'll be early for the meet and greet , i went today and it was insane. False +tuaaahhhhhh,! ayeee you see the type of shit tweeting True +I dont think I know the girl your talking about. False +I miss hugging you. False +he 's always riding round my way , he 's a naive False +I am sick of you it's over. True +I was talking yesterday lik was I just backed up and Im ready to da the same 99 day. False +What does your bio say? And do you speak English? False +just let that nigga know , put his ass in check True +That's it I'm calling Guillermo to let him know about some things False +he has problem in his behavior saying in my mother's voice False +It didn't thin out the frosting which was really nice. Glad you found it. False +lmao yeaaah it can if its the same thing over & over again False +rt these white girls ozen playing near cold False +i'm tired of your drama, its over. False +they were just callin way too many fouls and was not ok. False +girl this jus got started False +i dunno much about cars , but that's a good looking set False +i wasn't even late sir ! False +Thay thing could come in handy. False +when i get it send your address and ill send it False +Damn is like a genius True +Why u don't tell me the time? False +who is with my besti? ther can be a failure to communicate False +He can tell anyone he wants to False +He is playing his ankle ruined the game False +have an urge to slap him False +I am leaving as soon as possible because I feel tired. False +41 False +that aint the same no mo son True +lmao well i aint got no food so i cant cook True +there is nothing on the brief though, it's not even a project False +My boyfriend got arrested for throwing a rock at someone's windshield after they followed us False +What the name of it? What I’m doing False +what? uni give me money? I paid huge amounts for a poor education False