audioduration (s)
[ "Hotel Golf Echo do you want to stay at level one hundred or are you able to descend" ]
Hotel Golf Echo do you want to stay at level one hundred or are you able to descend
[ "Foxtrot Delta Uniform report november whiskey wind two seven zero degrees one zero knots runway two five cleared for takeoff", "cleared for takeoff two five Foxtrot Delta Uniform thanks november whiskey" ]
Foxtrot Delta Uniform report november whiskey wind two seven zero degrees one zero knots runway two five cleared for takeoff cleared for takeoff two five Foxtrot Delta Uniform thanks november whiskey
[ "tower good morning Quality Four Zero Eight Niner fully established on the runway zero nine", "Quality Four Zero Eight Niner Turany tower good morning runway zero niner cleared to land wind is calm" ]
tower good morning Quality Four Zero Eight Niner fully established on the runway zero nine Quality Four Zero Eight Niner Turany tower good morning runway zero niner cleared to land wind is calm
[ "Alitalia Five Seven One zero seven zero three one two knots runway one zero cleared to takeoff" ]
Alitalia Five Seven One zero seven zero three one two knots runway one zero cleared to takeoff
[ "Heli Tango Whiskey negative it's fine if you want you can monitor the frequency but it's up to you if you stay outside of CTR all the time" ]
Heli Tango Whiskey negative it's fine if you want you can monitor the frequency but it's up to you if you stay outside of CTR all the time
[ "Turkish Six Foxtrot Lima is in hello taxi second right via inner foxtrot and mike to stand bravo three two" ]
Turkish Six Foxtrot Lima is in hello taxi second right via inner foxtrot and mike to stand bravo three two
[ "November Mike Alpha expect the ILS one four with romeo circling to runway three two" ]
November Mike Alpha expect the ILS one four with romeo circling to runway three two
[ "roger position start approved position five Foxtrot and squawk four four two three for Wizzair Six Two Seven Six" ]
roger position start approved position five Foxtrot and squawk four four two three for Wizzair Six Two Seven Six
[ "Swiss Ambulance Six One wind zero three zero degrees four knots runway three two cleared takeoff", "hi three two cleared takeoff Swiss Ambulance Six One" ]
Swiss Ambulance Six One wind zero three zero degrees four knots runway three two cleared takeoff hi three two cleared takeoff Swiss Ambulance Six One
[ "Sydney tower good morning Jetstar Seven Forty Six established", "Jetstar Seven Forty Six Sydney tower" ]
Sydney tower good morning Jetstar Seven Forty Six established Jetstar Seven Forty Six Sydney tower
[ "Hotel Bravo Zulu Sierra November Berne tower enter via route hotel whiskey QNH one zero one eight" ]
Hotel Bravo Zulu Sierra November Berne tower enter via route hotel whiskey QNH one zero one eight
[ "Sion November Seven One Six Alpha Sierra Alpine jet ready for taxi", "November Alpha Sierra taxi to holding point delta", "holding point November Seven One Six Alpha Sierra" ]
Sion November Seven One Six Alpha Sierra Alpine jet ready for taxi November Alpha Sierra taxi to holding point delta holding point November Seven One Six Alpha Sierra
[ "Hotel November Lima for the time being remain on this frequency" ]
Hotel November Lima for the time being remain on this frequency
[ "roger did you do a planification" ]
roger did you do a planification
[ " dobré popoludnie Stefanik tower Bair Niner Four One ILS three one", "Bair Nine Four One Stefanik tower pekné popoludnie wind three one zero degrees eight knots variable between two seven zero and three three zero degrees runway three one cleared to land", " runway three one cleared to land Bair Niner Four One" ]
dobré popoludnie Stefanik tower Bair Niner Four One ILS three one Bair Nine Four One Stefanik tower pekné popoludnie wind three one zero degrees eight knots variable between two seven zero and three three zero degrees runway three one cleared to land runway three one cleared to land Bair Niner Four One
[ "November Mike Alpha vacate via charlie and how long do you stay" ]
November Mike Alpha vacate via charlie and how long do you stay
[ "Hotel Hotel Bravo seven thousand feet", "Hotel Hotel Bravo thank you" ]
Hotel Hotel Bravo seven thousand feet Hotel Hotel Bravo thank you
[ "Warsaw Radar Belavia Eight Seven Zero good evening flight level three five zero inbound bigu" ]
Warsaw Radar Belavia Eight Seven Zero good evening flight level three five zero inbound bigu
[ "Tango Three Six Six final runway two five", "thank you sir continue approach", "continue approach Tango Three Six Six" ]
Tango Three Six Six final runway two five thank you sir continue approach continue approach Tango Three Six Six
[ "Hotel Bravo Charlie Hotel X-ray grutlzi hold position call you back" ]
Hotel Bravo Charlie Hotel X-ray grutlzi hold position call you back
[ "Hotel Hotel Lima Echo we are at DME approach runway two four circling zero six report established" ]
Hotel Hotel Lima Echo we are at DME approach runway two four circling zero six report established
[ "cleared to land runway one six right call us seventy two twenty one" ]
cleared to land runway one six right call us seventy two twenty one
[ "Hotel Echo X-ray wind two three zero degrees six knots runway two five cleared to land" ]
Hotel Echo X-ray wind two three zero degrees six knots runway two five cleared to land
[ "China Southern Three Twenty Six contact departure", "contact departure China Southern Three Two Six" ]
China Southern Three Twenty Six contact departure contact departure China Southern Three Two Six
[ "QNH one zero one eight after keep the proceeding to victor" ]
QNH one zero one eight after keep the proceeding to victor
[ "Zurich tower Hotel Bravo Papa Oscar Echo", "Hotel Bravo Papa Oscar Echo Zurich tower go ahead" ]
Zurich tower Hotel Bravo Papa Oscar Echo Hotel Bravo Papa Oscar Echo Zurich tower go ahead
[ "Tango Three Six Five entering Val d'Heren four thousand three hundred feet climbing QNH one zero one seven six" ]
Tango Three Six Five entering Val d'Heren four thousand three hundred feet climbing QNH one zero one seven six
[ "Delta Tango Tango taxi via alpha echo six hold short of runway one six" ]
Delta Tango Tango taxi via alpha echo six hold short of runway one six
[ "One Three Juliett correction position two foxtrot", "two foxtrot Eurotrans One Three Juliett" ]
One Three Juliett correction position two foxtrot two foxtrot Eurotrans One Three Juliett
[ "Jetstar Seven Six One wind is calm runway one six right cleared to land", "cleared to land one six right Jetstar Seven Sixty One" ]
Jetstar Seven Six One wind is calm runway one six right cleared to land cleared to land one six right Jetstar Seven Sixty One
[ "Sydney tower good evening Singapore Seventy Two Ninety Eight is one six right" ]
Sydney tower good evening Singapore Seventy Two Ninety Eight is one six right
[ "Nav Checker Five One One reporting one thousand ten thousand feet", "thank you Nav Checker Five One One you can contact Geneva Delta on frequency one one nine decimal one seven five" ]
Nav Checker Five One One reporting one thousand ten thousand feet thank you Nav Checker Five One One you can contact Geneva Delta on frequency one one nine decimal one seven five
[ "Hotel Hotel Oscar roger say again the number of the glider" ]
Hotel Hotel Oscar roger say again the number of the glider
[ "Turkish Three Whiskey Quebec taxi via echo and echo seven hold short of runway one six" ]
Turkish Three Whiskey Quebec taxi via echo and echo seven hold short of runway one six
[ "KLM Seven Three Whiskey maintain present heading for vectoring for ILS approach runway two four and reduce your speed now below two six zero knots" ]
KLM Seven Three Whiskey maintain present heading for vectoring for ILS approach runway two four and reduce your speed now below two six zero knots
[ "report base for runway zero seven or report hotel november" ]
report base for runway zero seven or report hotel november
[ "Sydney tower Qantas Six Forty Two", "Qantas Six Forty Two Sydney tower good day" ]
Sydney tower Qantas Six Forty Two Qantas Six Forty Two Sydney tower good day
[ "Tango Three Six Five Sion tower hello QHN one zero two three report hotel november runway two five in use", "Sion two three runway two five next hotel november for Three Six Five" ]
Tango Three Six Five Sion tower hello QHN one zero two three report hotel november runway two five in use Sion two three runway two five next hotel november for Three Six Five
[ "Hotel Yankee X-ray make one orbit to the left report completed" ]
Hotel Yankee X-ray make one orbit to the left report completed
[ "Hotel Bravo Kilo Charlie Juliett echo one five thousand and eight four thousand eight hundred feet", "hello Charlie Juliett next report echo two" ]
Hotel Bravo Kilo Charlie Juliett echo one five thousand and eight four thousand eight hundred feet hello Charlie Juliett next report echo two
[ "Oscar Kilo Kilo Echo Alfa Praha Radar identified climb flight level one hundred IFR flight starts now time zero five cleared to destination via flight plan route" ]
Oscar Kilo Kilo Echo Alfa Praha Radar identified climb flight level one hundred IFR flight starts now time zero five cleared to destination via flight plan route
[ "Eurotrans One Three Juliett request push and start", "good evening Eurotrans One Three Juliett startup and push back approved position to Foxtrot squawk four four two five", " squawk four four two five and start and push pre- approved position foxtrot(fox-) two foxtrot" ]
Eurotrans One Three Juliett request push and start good evening Eurotrans One Three Juliett startup and push back approved position to Foxtrot squawk four four two five squawk four four two five and start and push pre- approved position foxtrot(fox-) two foxtrot
[ "Hotel Echo Lima frequency change approved thank you good bye" ]
Hotel Echo Lima frequency change approved thank you good bye
[ "tower good day Rex Sixty Four Sixty Four", "Rex Sixty Four Sixty Four Sydney tower good afternoon" ]
tower good day Rex Sixty Four Sixty Four Rex Sixty Four Sixty Four Sydney tower good afternoon
[ "Oscar Kilo India Foxtrot Romeo contact Praha radar one two seven decimal five eight zero bye" ]
Oscar Kilo India Foxtrot Romeo contact Praha radar one two seven decimal five eight zero bye
[ "Tango Three Three One number one is now on the right base" ]
Tango Three Three One number one is now on the right base
[ "Tower good day Jetstar seven sixty three", "Jetstar seven sixty three Sydney Tower(to-)" ]
Tower good day Jetstar seven sixty three Jetstar seven sixty three Sydney Tower(to-)
[ "one six right cleared to land Rex Sixty One Thirty Four" ]
one six right cleared to land Rex Sixty One Thirty Four
[ "Hotel Bravo Charlie Juliett Bern tower traffic single engined just departed runway one four outbound route sierra opposite and to compose my route sierra to join right downwind runway one four QNH one zero two seven" ]
Hotel Bravo Charlie Juliett Bern tower traffic single engined just departed runway one four outbound route sierra opposite and to compose my route sierra to join right downwind runway one four QNH one zero two seven
[ "tower guten morgen Air Canada Seven Two One Six heavy with you we're established six miles one four", "Air Canada Seven Two One Six tower good morning wind three five zero degrees three knots runway one four cleared to land" ]
tower guten morgen Air Canada Seven Two One Six heavy with you we're established six miles one four Air Canada Seven Two One Six tower good morning wind three five zero degrees three knots runway one four cleared to land
[ "Heli Oscar Alpha traffic wise the runway three two is available but the wind is one zero zero degrees with one zero knots" ]
Heli Oscar Alpha traffic wise the runway three two is available but the wind is one zero zero degrees with one zero knots
[ "Hotel Golf Papa make a one eighty stay clear of the runway taxi to holding point foxtrot" ]
Hotel Golf Papa make a one eighty stay clear of the runway taxi to holding point foxtrot
[ "Sydney tower Rex Sixty One Seventy Five", "Rex Sixty One Seventy Five Sydney tower good afternoon" ]
Sydney tower Rex Sixty One Seventy Five Rex Sixty One Seventy Five Sydney tower good afternoon
[ "Sydney tower good morning American Seventy Three ILS three four left" ]
Sydney tower good morning American Seventy Three ILS three four left
[ "Skytravel Three Five Juliett turn right heading one eight zero vectoring for spacing", " turning right heading one eight zero Skytravel Three Five Juliett" ]
Skytravel Three Five Juliett turn right heading one eight zero vectoring for spacing turning right heading one eight zero Skytravel Three Five Juliett
[ "Royalair Maroc Three Five Two Zurich tower good afternoon line up runway one zero report ready" ]
Royalair Maroc Three Five Two Zurich tower good afternoon line up runway one zero report ready
[ "Hotel Bravo Sierra Delta Foxtrot Tower hello line up runway one zero" ]
Hotel Bravo Sierra Delta Foxtrot Tower hello line up runway one zero
[ "Heli Charlie Zulu we have the traffic in sight", "roger able confirm behind" ]
Heli Charlie Zulu we have the traffic in sight roger able confirm behind
[ "Sion Tower afternoon established", "Nav Checker Five One One Tower hello again report going around" ]
Sion Tower afternoon established Nav Checker Five One One Tower hello again report going around
[ "Hotel India Alpha until four miles maintain one hundred knots or greater" ]
Hotel India Alpha until four miles maintain one hundred knots or greater
[ "say again can you three by five Heli Hotel Yankee", "Heli Hotel Yankee QNH one zero one seven report hotel echo or golf echo at your discretion" ]
say again can you three by five Heli Hotel Yankee Heli Hotel Yankee QNH one zero one seven report hotel echo or golf echo at your discretion
[ "Oscar Kilo Mike Delta Hotel pass your message", "is it okay for you if we maintain four nautical miles left-hand track all the way down to Benesov" ]
Oscar Kilo Mike Delta Hotel pass your message is it okay for you if we maintain four nautical miles left-hand track all the way down to Benesov
[ "takeoff runway two five seven miles from Sion maximum one one thousand feet Vista Jet Four Six Seven", "Vista Jet Four Six Seven" ]
takeoff runway two five seven miles from Sion maximum one one thousand feet Vista Jet Four Six Seven Vista Jet Four Six Seven
[ "vacate golf runway three four left cleared to land Air China Six One Three" ]
vacate golf runway three four left cleared to land Air China Six One Three
[ "Hotel Golf Oscar Charlie wait to proceed at least one miles out of track" ]
Hotel Golf Oscar Charlie wait to proceed at least one miles out of track
[ " runway two five call you passing one three thousand feet five thank you" ]
runway two five call you passing one three thousand feet five thank you
[ "Ryanair Nine Two Bravo Quebec turn right heading zero nine zero", "nine zero degrees Ryanair Nine Two Bravo Quebec" ]
Ryanair Nine Two Bravo Quebec turn right heading zero nine zero nine zero degrees Ryanair Nine Two Bravo Quebec
[ "Hotel Echo X-ray recleared full stop landing runway two five", " recleared full stop runway two five Echo X-ray" ]
Hotel Echo X-ray recleared full stop landing runway two five recleared full stop runway two five Echo X-ray
[ "Stefanik tower Slovak Government Zero Zero Four dobré ráno ", "Slovak Government Zero Zero Four Stefanik tower dobré ráno ", "our stand information lima one zero zero seven ready for startup clearance destination Kosice", "Slovak Government Zero Zero Four information Mike time five seven QNH one zero zero eight cleared to Kosice from runway one three via Nitra one yankee departure initially climb altitude five thousand feet startup approved squawk six seven four six" ]
Stefanik tower Slovak Government Zero Zero Four dobré ráno Slovak Government Zero Zero Four Stefanik tower dobré ráno our stand information lima one zero zero seven ready for startup clearance destination Kosice Slovak Government Zero Zero Four information Mike time five seven QNH one zero zero eight cleared to Kosice from runway one three via Nitra one yankee departure initially climb altitude five thousand feet startup approved squawk six seven four six
[ "Bauhinia Two Zero One Eight contact departure good night", "contact departure good night Bauhinia Two Zero One Eight" ]
Bauhinia Two Zero One Eight contact departure good night contact departure good night Bauhinia Two Zero One Eight
[ "Hotel Bravo Charlie Lima Hotel via echo line up and wait runway one zero" ]
Hotel Bravo Charlie Lima Hotel via echo line up and wait runway one zero
[ "Skytravel Two Eight Two Seven and there is closed echo airspace below flight level one hundred so if you wish to avoid class echo airspace next descend in two zero miles" ]
Skytravel Two Eight Two Seven and there is closed echo airspace below flight level one hundred so if you wish to avoid class echo airspace next descend in two zero miles
[ "cleared to land runway one six five Qjet Fifteen Zero Four" ]
cleared to land runway one six five Qjet Fifteen Zero Four
[ "Hotel Bravo Sierra Charlie Tango Bern Tower hello taxi via kilo to terminal north" ]
Hotel Bravo Sierra Charlie Tango Bern Tower hello taxi via kilo to terminal north
[ "Air Nostrum Eight Zero Quebec Yankee contact apron one two one decimal eight five five" ]
Air Nostrum Eight Zero Quebec Yankee contact apron one two one decimal eight five five
[ "Sydney tower good evening Jetstar Six Seventy One final runway three four left" ]
Sydney tower good evening Jetstar Six Seventy One final runway three four left
[ "Foxtrot Sierra Foxtrot Five Eight Four Papa tower hello again actually hold position shortly" ]
Foxtrot Sierra Foxtrot Five Eight Four Papa tower hello again actually hold position shortly
[ "Singapore Three Four Six contact apron one two one decimal seven five five bye bye" ]
Singapore Three Four Six contact apron one two one decimal seven five five bye bye
[ "Oscar Kilo Alpha Golf Lima squad four six seven four six", "six seven four six" ]
Oscar Kilo Alpha Golf Lima squad four six seven four six six seven four six
[ "Sion tower good afternoon Helicopter Hotel Bravo Zulu yes india juliett is passing india ready for departure five two two five and then left turn and climbing direction Vernayaz" ]
Sion tower good afternoon Helicopter Hotel Bravo Zulu yes india juliett is passing india ready for departure five two two five and then left turn and climbing direction Vernayaz
[ "Timeair Six Niner Zero Juliett contact Ruzyne Tower one three four decimal five six zero hezký večer ahoj ", "one three four five six zero Timeair Six Niner Zero Juliett bye díky " ]
Timeair Six Niner Zero Juliett contact Ruzyne Tower one three four decimal five six zero hezký večer ahoj one three four five six zero Timeair Six Niner Zero Juliett bye díky
[ "clouds four hundred feet for landing" ]
clouds four hundred feet for landing
[ "Hotel Golf Oscar traffic Rega helicopter just passed hotel echo joining the left hand heli circuit direction one four", " helicopter in sight shall we proceed normally Hotel Golf Oscar" ]
Hotel Golf Oscar traffic Rega helicopter just passed hotel echo joining the left hand heli circuit direction one four helicopter in sight shall we proceed normally Hotel Golf Oscar
[ "Two Bravo Sierra to the left taxi with" ]
Two Bravo Sierra to the left taxi with
[ "runway one six right cleared to land Jetstar Five Zero Eight" ]
runway one six right cleared to land Jetstar Five Zero Eight
[ "Hotel Hotel Lima November Whiskey five thousand five hundred feet climbing" ]
Hotel Hotel Lima November Whiskey five thousand five hundred feet climbing
[ "Oscar Kilo Echo Lima Alpha confirm proceeding to tango bravo four zero two" ]
Oscar Kilo Echo Lima Alpha confirm proceeding to tango bravo four zero two
[ "Sydney tower evening Qantas Seventy Seven Zero One now at three international" ]
Sydney tower evening Qantas Seventy Seven Zero One now at three international
[ "runway one six right cleared to land Velocity Eight Zero Three " ]
runway one six right cleared to land Velocity Eight Zero Three
[ "one two four decimal two two five Bair Nine Five One good bye" ]
one two four decimal two two five Bair Nine Five One good bye
[ "Stefanik tower pekné popoludnie Tatra Six One Three establish ILS three one", "Tatra Six One Three dobré popoludnie Stefanik tower runway three one cleared to land wind three zero zero degrees one niner knots maximum three three knots", "runway three one clear to land Tatra Six One Three", " and after landing vacate via delta", "after landing via delta Six One Three" ]
Stefanik tower pekné popoludnie Tatra Six One Three establish ILS three one Tatra Six One Three dobré popoludnie Stefanik tower runway three one cleared to land wind three zero zero degrees one niner knots maximum three three knots runway three one clear to land Tatra Six One Three and after landing vacate via delta after landing via delta Six One Three
[ " break break Mosquito One Five Bravo two five zero degrees one zero knots runway two five cleared to land", "cleared to land runway two five Mosquito One Five Bravo" ]
break break Mosquito One Five Bravo two five zero degrees one zero knots runway two five cleared to land cleared to land runway two five Mosquito One Five Bravo
[ "Swiss Three Three Two behind challenger line up to eight behind" ]
Swiss Three Three Two behind challenger line up to eight behind
[ "stefanik tower Oscar Mike Charlie India Alpha final runway one three Oscar Mike Charlie India Alpha", "Oscar Mike Charlie India Alpha runway one three cleared to land wind one three zero degrees eight knots" ]
stefanik tower Oscar Mike Charlie India Alpha final runway one three Oscar Mike Charlie India Alpha Oscar Mike Charlie India Alpha runway one three cleared to land wind one three zero degrees eight knots
[ "cleared to land runway three one and please say again the wind", "two eight zero degrees one one knots maximum one eight minimum six knots" ]
cleared to land runway three one and please say again the wind two eight zero degrees one one knots maximum one eight minimum six knots
[ "Air Nostrum Seven Eight Juliett Mike zero two zero degrees one three " ]
Air Nostrum Seven Eight Juliett Mike zero two zero degrees one three
[ "Nine Juliett Lima three miles final departure", "Nine Juliett Lima wind two four zero degrees one seven knots runway two five cleared to land", "runway two five cleared to land Nine Juliett Lima" ]
Nine Juliett Lima three miles final departure Nine Juliett Lima wind two four zero degrees one seven knots runway two five cleared to land runway two five cleared to land Nine Juliett Lima
[ "Sion Victor Oscar hook mission completed now landing victor call you before departure", "Victor Oscar roger talk to you later", "thank you" ]
Sion Victor Oscar hook mission completed now landing victor call you before departure Victor Oscar roger talk to you later thank you
[ "ready to touchdown ", "(-er) Four Seven on juliett", "Sunturk Niner Four Seven tower taxiway Juliett cross runway two eight contact apron one two one decimal seven five five bye" ]
ready to touchdown (-er) Four Seven on juliett Sunturk Niner Four Seven tower taxiway Juliett cross runway two eight contact apron one two one decimal seven five five bye
[ "Air France One Zero Eight Zulu standby now descend to descend flight level seven zero", "Air France One Zero Eight Zulu" ]
Air France One Zero Eight Zulu standby now descend to descend flight level seven zero Air France One Zero Eight Zulu