5 values
Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 2 will be of primary interest later in the article. x1.2 discusses the Semantic Web and the RDF semantic network data model. Finally, x1.3 provides an overview of and its relation to OWL. 1.1 General-Purpose Computing and the Virtual Machine A general-purpose computer is one that can support any known computation. The meaning of computability and what is required to compute was rst developed by Alan Turning in the late 1930s (Turing, 1937). Since then, and with the large leaps in the engineering of computing machines, most computers of today are general-purpose computing machines. The two primary components of a computing machine are the central processing unit (CPU) and the main memory (RAM). The purpose of the CPU is to perform calculations (i.e. execute algorithms on the CPU reads instructions and data from RAM, performs a calculation, and re- inserts its results back into RAM. Most CPUs maintain a relatively small set of they can execute (Hennessy & Patterson, 2002). Example instructions include add, sub,load ,store ,branch ,goto , etc. However, these primitive instructions can be composed to perform any computing task desired by the the smallest unit of information in a digital computer is the bit. A bit can either be a 0 or a 1. Bits are combined to form bytes (8-bits) and words (machine Most desktop machines of everyday use have a 32-bit word and are called 32-bit machines. 32-bits can be used to represent 232di erent hings. For example, an unsigned 32-bit integer can represent the numbers 0 to 4,294,967,295. While instructions, like data, are represented as a series of 0s and 1s, it is possible to represent the instructions in a more human readable form. The abstraction above binary machine language is called (Britton, 2003). For example, the following three assembly 2, 3 load 1, 2 add 1, 2, 3 store 3, 2 instruct the CPU to 1) read the word in the memory cell at memory address 2 in RAM and store it in CPU register 3, 2) read the word at memory address 1 and store it in register 2, 3) add the contents of register 1 and 2 and store the result in register 3, and nally 4) store the word in register 3 into memory address 2 of RAM. Modern day computer languages are written at a much higher level of abstraction than both machine and assembly language. For instance, the previous instructions could be represented by a single statement as z = y + x where register 1 holds the value of variable y, register 2 holds the value of variable xand memory address 3 holds the value of variable z. To the modern-day programmer, the low-level CPU instructions are hidden. It is the role of the language compiler to translate the human source code into the machine code of the CPU. Simply stated, a compiler is a computer program that written in one language to another language (Aho, Sethi, & Ullman, 1986). In practice, the compiler translates the human code to a list of CPU instructions that are stored in RAM and executed by the CPU in sequential order as pointed to by the CPU's program counter (PC). In some instances, the compiler will translate the human code to the native language of the CPU (the instruction set of the CPU). In other cases, the compiler will translate the human code to another language for a virtual machine to compute (Craig, 2005). Virtual machine language is called byte-code. A virtual machine is, for all practical purposes, a CPU represented in software, not hardware. on the complexity of the implementation, a virtual machine can either do a hard implementation (where an exact software replica of hardware is instantiated) or a soft implementation (where more of the hardware components are black-boxed in software).Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 3 The virtual machine computes its byte-code instructions by using the underlying hardware CPU's instruction set. Finally, to complete the computation stack, the CPU relies on the underlying physical laws of nature to compute its instructions. The laws of physics drive the CPU from state to state. The evolution of states and its e ects on the world is the most popular virtual machine is the Java virtual machine (JVM) (Lindholm & Yellin, 1999) of the Java programming language (Eckel, 2002). The JVM is a piece of software that runs on a physical machine. The JVM has its own instruction set much like a hardware CPU has its own instruction set. The JVM resides in RAM and requires the physical CPU to compute its evolution. Thus, the JVM translates its instructions to the instruction set of the native CPU. The benet of this model is that irrespective of the underlying hardware CPU, a JVM designed for that CPU architecture can read and process any Java software (i.e. any Java byte-code). The drawback, is that the computation is slower than when instructions are represented as instructions for the native CPU. 1.2 The Semantic Web and RDF The previous section described the most fundamental aspects of computing. This section presents one of the most abstract levels of computing: the Semantic Web. The primary goal of the Semantic Web e ort is to provide a standardized framework for (both physical and conceptual) and their relationships to one another Lieberman, & Wahlster, 2003). This framework is called the Resource (RDF) (Manola & Miller, 2004).1 RDF maintains two central tenets. The rst states that the lowest unit of the Universal Resource Identier (URI) (Berners-Lee, Fielding, Software, Masinter, & Systems, 2005) and the literal (i.e. strings, integers, oating point numbers, etc.).2A identies a resource. When two resources share the same URI, they are the same resource. However, note that when two resources do not share the same URI, this does not necessarily mean that they are not the same resource. In practice, URIs are namespaced to ensure that name con icts do not occur across di erent organizations (Bray, & Tobin, 2006). For example, the URI have a di erent meaning, or connotation, than they are from di erent namespaces.3 The second tenet of RDF states that URIs and literal values are connected to one another in sets of triples, denoting edges of a directed labeled graph. A triple is the smallest relational fact that can be asserted about the world (Sowa, 1999). For instance, the statement am, can be denoted ( I;am;I) in triple form. The rst element of the triple is called the subject and can be any URI. The second element is called the predicate, and it can also be any URI. Finally, the third element is called the object, and it can be any URI or literal. If Udenotes the set of all URIs and Ldenotes the set of all literals, then an RDF network denoted Gcan be dened has attracted commercial and scholarly interest, not only because of the Semantic Web vision, but because RDF provides a unique way of modeling data. This enthusiasm has sparked the development and distribution of various triple-store applications dedicated to the storage and manipulation of RDF networks (Lee, 2004). Some triple-stores can support computations on RDF networks that are on the order of 1010triples (Aasman, 2006). A triple-store is analagous to a relational database. However, instead of in relational tables, a triple-store represents its data as a semantic network. A triple- store provides an interface to an RDF network for the purpose of reading from and writing to the RDF network. The most implemented query language is the SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) (Prud'hommeaux & Seaborne, 2004). SPARQL, loosely, is a hybrid of both SQL (a relational database language) and Prolog (a logic (Louden, 2003). As an example, the following SPARQL query returns all URIs that are both a type of . 1Note that RDF is a data model, not a syntax. RDF has many di erent syntaxes like RDF/XML (Manola & Miller, 2004), Notation 3 (N3) (Berners-Lee, 1998), the N-TRIPLE format (Beckett, 2001), and TRiX (Carroll & Stickler, 2004). 2There also exist blank or anonymous nodes. There will be no discussion of blank nodes in this article. 3For the sake of brevity, prexes are usually used instead of the full namespace. For is prexed as rdf: .Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 4 SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x <rdf:type> . ?x <rdf:type> <> } The example SPARQL query will bind the variable ?xto all URIs that are the subject of the triples with a predicate of rdf:type and objects of and . For the example RDF network diagrammed in Figure 1, ?xwould bind to Marko . Thus, the query above would return Marko .4 Markordf:typerdf:type Figure 1: An example RDF network. The previous query can be represented in its more set theoretic sense ; ; )2Gg; where Xis the set of URIs that bind to ? xandGis the RDF network represented as an edge list. The above syntax's semantics is Xis the set of all elements ? xsuch that ? xis the head of the triple ending with rdf:type , and the head of the triple ending with rdf:type , , where both triples are in the triple listG. Only recently has there been a proposal to extend SPARQL to support writing and deleting triples to and from an RDF network. SPARQL/Update (Seaborne & Manjunath, 2007) can be used to add the fact that Marko is also an rdf:type ofHuman . INSERT { <Marko> <rdf:type> <Human> . } In a more set theoretic notation, this statement is equivalent to G=G[(Marko ;rdf:type ;Human ): The semantics of the previous statement is: Set the triple list Gto the current triple list Gunioned with the triple ( Marko ,rdf:type ,Human ). Finally, it is possible to remove a triple using SPARQL/Update. For instance, DELETE { <I> <am> <I> . } In set theoretic notation, this is equivalent the semantics areset the triple list Gto the current triple list Gminus the triple ( I, am,I). 4Many triple-store applications support reasoning about resources during a query (at run-time). For example, suppose that the triple ( Marko ,rdf:type , ) does not exist in the RDF network, but instead there exist the triples ( Marko ,rdf:type ) and ( ComputerEngineer ,owl:sameAs , ). With OWL reasoning, ? xwould still bind to Marko because ComputerEngineer and are the same according to OWL semantics. The RDF computing concepts presented in this article primarily focus on triple pattern matching and thus, beyond direct URI and literal name matching, no other semantics are used.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 5 1.3 Object-Oriented Programming and OWL OWL is an ontology modeling language represented completely in RDF. In OWL, it is possible to model abstract classes and their relationships to one another as well as to use these models and the semantics of OWL to reason about unspecied relationships. In OWL semantics, if Human is a class and there exists the triple (Marko, rdf:type, Human ), then Marko is considered an instance of Human . The URI Human is part of the ontology- level of the RDF network and the URI Marko is part of the instance-level (also called of the RDF network. In OWL, it is possible to state that all Human s can have another Human as a friend. This is possible by declaring an hasFriend that has an rdfs:domain ofHuman and an rdfs:range ofHuman . Furthermore, it is possible to restrict the cardinality of the hasFriend property and thus, state that a Human can have no more than one friend. This is diagrammed in Figure 2.5 [0..1] HumanhasFriend rdf:type Markoontology instance Triple Store Figure 2: An ontology and an instance is represented in an RDF network. A class specication in object-oriented programming is called an application program- ming interface (API) (Sebesta, 2005). OWL ontologies share some similarities to the object- oriented API. However, OWL ontologies also di er in many respects. OWL is a language that is primarily focused on a means by which to reason on RDF data. API is primarily focused on concretely dening classes and their to one another and is thus, more in line with the frames modeling OWL ontologies can contain instances (i.e. individuals), allow for do not support the unique name assumption, nor the closed world Delbru, Gerke, Haller, & Decker, 2007; Wang et al., 2007). Another aspect of OWL that di ers from object-oriented APIs is that include the concept of a method. The method is an algorithmic ehavior that forms the foundation of the evolutionary processes that drive the instances of these classes from state to state. One of the primary purposes of this article is to introduce an OWL ontology for modeling methods and their low-level machine instructions. While process information can be represented in Frame Logic (i.e. F-Logic) (Kifer, Lausen, & Wu., 1995), this article is primarily interested in modeling methods in much the same way that they are represented in modern day object-oriented languages such as Java and C++ and in terms of their and low-level Java and C++, a method is dened for a class and is used to manipulate the elds) of an instance of that class. For example, class Human { Human hasFriend; void makeFriend(Human h) { this.hasFriend = h; } } 5In this article, ontology diagrams will not explicitly represent the constructs rdfs:domain ,rdfs:range , nor the owl:Restriction anonymous URIs. These URIs are assumed to be apparent from the diagram. For example, the restriction shown as [0..1] in Figure 2 is represented by an owl:Restriction for the where the maxCardinality is 1 and Human is an rdfs:subClassOf of this owl:Restriction .Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 6 declares that there exists an abstract class called Human . A Human has one eld called hasFriend . The hasFriend eld refers to an object of type Human . Furthermore, accord- ing to the class declaration, a Human has a method called makeFriend . The takes a single argument that is of type Human and sets its hasFriend eld to the Human provided in the argument. The this keyword makes explicit that the hasFriend eld is the eld of the object for which the makeFriend method was invoked. In many object-oriented languages, an instance of Human is created with the newoper- ator. For instance, Human Marko = new Human(); creates a Human named (referenced as) Marko . The new operator is analogous to the rdf:type property. Thus, after this code is executed, a similar situation exists as that which is represented in Figure 2. However, the ontological model diagrammed in the top half of Figure 2 does not have the makeFriend method URI. The relationship programming and OWL is presented in Table OWL example class specication API ontology Human object property eld rdf:Property hasFriend object method method newoperator rdf:type property 1: The relationship between object-oriented programming, OWL, and the section example. It is no large conceptual leap to attach a method URI to a class. Currently, there is no strong incentive to provide a framework for representing methods in OWL. RDF was originally developed as a data modeling framework, not a programming environment per se. However, in a similar vein, the Web Ontology Language for Services (OWL-S) has been proposed as a web services model to support the discovery, execution, and tracking of the execution of Semantic Web services (Martin et al., 2004; Alesso & Smith, 2005). An OWL-S service exposes a service prole that describes what the service does, a service grounding that describes how to invoke the service, and a service model that describes how the service works. While OWL-S does provide the notion of object-oriented method invocation on the Semantic Web, OWL-S is more at the agent-oriented level and its intended use is for more client/server type problems. Another interesting and related idea is to use RDF as a medium for communication between various computing devices and thus, utilize the Semantic Web as an infrastructure for distributed computing (Fensel, 2004). Other object- oriented notions have been proposed within the context of RDF. For instance, SWCLOS (Koide & Kawamura, 2004) and ActiveRDF (Oren et al., 2007) utilize RDF as a medium for ensuring the long-term persistence of an object. Both frameworks allow their (CLOS and Ruby) to populate the elds of their objects for use in their Once their elds have been populated, the object's methods can be invoked in their respective programming The Contributions of this Article This article unies all of the concepts presented hitherto into a framework for computing on RDF networks. In this framework, the state of a computing virtual machine, the API, and the low-level instructions are all represented in RDF. Furthermore, unlike the paradigm, there is no stack of representation. The lowest level of computing and the highest level of computing are represented in the same substrate: URIs, literals, and triples. This article proposes the concept of OWL APIs, RDF triple-code, and RDF virtual machines (RVM). Human source code is compiled to create an OWL ontology that abstractly represents how instructions should be united to form objects and their methods are instantiated from an OWL API, RDF 6While OWL has many features that are useful for reasoning about RDF data, the primary purpose of OWLMarko A. Rodriguez - 2007 7 triple-code is created. RDF triple-code is analogous to virtual machine byte-code, but instead of being represented as bits, bytes, and words, it is represented as URIs and triples. In other words, a piece of executable software is represented as a traversable RDF network. The RVM is a virtual machine whose state is represented in RDF. The RVM's stacks, program counter, frames, etc. are modeled as an RDF network. It is the role of the RVM to walk the traversable RDF triple-code and compute. In summary, software is written in human source code, compiled to an OWL API, instantiated to RDF triple-code, and processed by a computing machine whose state is represented in RDF. However, there is always a homunculus. There is always some external process that drives the evolution of the representational substrate. For the JVM, that homunculus is the hardware CPU. For the hardware CPU, the homunculus is the physical laws of nature. For the RVM, the homunculus is some host CPU whether that host CPU is another virtual machine like the JVM or a hardware CPU. Table 2 presents the di erent levels of abstraction in computing and how they are represented by the virtual machine, and proposed RDF computing paradigms. level machine paradigm virtual machine paradigm RDF code source code source code source code machine code native instructions byte-code units bits bits URIs and literals machine state hardware software RDF machine execution physics hardware software Table 2: The various levels of abstraction in current and proposed computing paradigms. 2 A High-Level there exists an RDF triple-store. Internal to that triple-store is an RDF network. That RDF network is composed of triples. A triple is a set of three URIs and/or liter- als. Those URIs can be used as a pointer to anything. This article presents a model of computation that is represented by URIs and literals and their interrelation to one an- other (triples). Thus, computation is represented as an RDF network. Figure 3 presents a high-level perspective on what will be discussed throughout the remainder of this article. What is diagrammed in Figure 3 is a very model of the components of computing. This model is in line with the common paradigm of computer science and engineering. However, less traditional realizations of this paradigm can remove the discrete levels of representation to support multi-level interactions between the various since all the components are represented in the same RDF substrate: as URIs, literals, and triples. Figure 3 shows 6 primary components. Two of these components are at the of the RDF network, two are at the instance level of the RDF network, and two are at the machine level external to the RDF network. While there are many benets that emerge from this computing model that are currently seen and as of yet unseen, aspects are enumerated below. 1. The total address space of the RVM is the space of all URIs and literals. In the RVM model of computing, the RVM state has no concept of the underlying hardware CPU's address space because instructions and data are represented in RDF. This idea is discussed inx3.1. 2. The Semantic Web is no longer an information gathering infrastructure, but a dis- tributed information processing infrastructure (the process can move to the data, the data doesn't have to move to the process). An RVM can be GETed from a web- server as an RDF/XML document or SELECTed from an RDF triple-store. RDF programs and RVM states are rst-class web-entities. The ramications of this is that an RVM can move between triple-store environments and can compute on local with respect to the concepts presented in this article is to utilize OWL for its ability to create highly restricted data models. These restricted models form the APIs and ensure that instance RDF triple-code can be by an RVM.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 Machine Machine ProcessPhysical 3: A high-level perspective of the Semantic Web computing sets without requiring moving the data to the processor. This idea is This model maintains the write once, run anywhere paradigm of the JVM. The RVM model ensures that human source code is compiled down to an intermediate language that is independent of the underlying hardware CPU executing the RVM process. 4. Languages built on a semantic network substrate can have unique constructs not found in other languages (e.g. inverse eld referencing, multi-instance elds, eld querying, etc.). While it is theoretically possible to add these constructs to other languages, they are not provided in the core of the languages as these languages do not have an underlying semantic network data model. These novel language constructs are discussed inx3.2. 5. Currently, there already exists an infrastructure to support the paradigm modeling languages, query languages, etc.) and thus, requires very by the community. The primary investment is the development of source- to-OWL API compilers, RVMs, and the standardization of RDF triple-code and protocols. 6. An RVM can be engineered at any level of complexity. It is possible to move the complexity to the software implementing the RVM process to ease machine and speed up computing time. This idea is discussed in x4.3. 7. In this model, language re ection exists at the API, software, and RVM level (every- thing is represented in RDF). This idea is discussed in x4.2. 2.1 The Ontological Level The ontological level of the RDF network diagrammed in Figure 3 is represented in OWL. This subsection will discuss the two primary ontological components: the API, and the RVM A. Rodriguez - 2007 9 2.1.1 The API OWL supports the specication of class interactions. However, class interactions are speci- ed in terms of property relationships, not method invocations. OWL has no formal way of specifying class behaviors (i.e. methods). However, in OWL, it is possible to dene method and instruction classes and formally specify restrictions that dictate how instructions should be interrelated within a method. The method and instruction ontology presented in this article makes RDF a programming framework and not just a data modeling framework. 2.1.2 The Machine Architecture The RDF machine architecture is modeled in OWL. The machine architecture ontology is an abstract description of an instance of a particular RVM. Depending on the level of abstraction required, di erent machine architectures can be implemented at varying levels of detail. 2.2 The Instance Level The instance level of an RDF network is constrained by the requirements specied in the ontological level of the RDF network. This subsection will present the two components of the instance layer of the diagram in Figure 3. 2.2.1 The Program An API abstractly denes a software application. When an API is instantiated, instance RDF triple-code is created. Triple-code represents the instructions used by an RVM The Virtual Machine An instance of the machine architecture is an RDF virtual machine (RVM). The purpose of the RVM is to represent its state (stacks, program counter, etc.) in the same RDF network as the triple-code instructions. However, the RDF-based RVM is not a rue computer. The RVM simply represents its state in RDF. The RVM requires a software the triple-store to compute its instructions. This requires the machine level The Machine Level The machine level is where the actual computation is executed. An RDF network is a data structure. RDF is not a processor in the common sense|it has no way of evolving itself. In order to process RDF data, some external process must read and write to the RDF network. The reading and writing of the RDF network evolves the RVM and the objects on which it is computing. This section discusses the machine level that is diagrammed in Figure 3. 2.3.1 The Virtual Machine Process The virtual machine process is represented in software on a particular host machine. The RVM processor must be compatible with both the triple-store interface (e.g. SPARQL/Up- date) and the underlying host machine. The RVM's host machine can be the physical machine (hardware CPU) or another virtual machine. For instance, if the RVM's machine process is implemented in the Java language, then the machine process runs in the JVM. This is diagrammed in Figure 3 by the ... component in between the virtual machine process and the physical machine. 2.3.2 The Physical Machine The physical machine is the actual hardware CPU. The RVM implementation translates the RDF triple-code to the host machine's instruction set. For example, if the RVM process is running on the Intel Core Duo, then it is the role of the RVM process to translate the RDF triple-code to that specied by the Intel Core Duo instruction set. Thus, portabilityMarko A. Rodriguez - 2007 10 of this architectural model relies on a per host implementation of the RVM. Finally, to complete the computational stack, the laws of physics compute the hardware CPU. Much like the RDF representation of the RVM is a snap-shot representation of a computation, the hardware CPU is a silicon/electron snap-shot representation of a computation. 3 The Neno Language This section presents the specication of a programming language designed to take advan- tage of a pure RDF computing environment. This language is called Neno. Neno is a high-level object-oriented language that is written in a grammar similar to other object- oriented languages such as Java and C++. However, Neno provides some is not possible with other languages (i.e. not explicit in the constructs of other object- oriented languages). This functionality is not due to the sophistication of the Neno language, but instead, is due to the fact that it is written for an RDF substrate and thus, can take advantage of the exibility of RDF and its read/write interfaces. For this reason, Neno is in a class of languages that is coined semantic network programming languages. The Ripple programming language is another such semantic network programming 2007). Both Neno and Ripple are Turing complete and thus, can perform any classical (non-quantum) source code is written in human plain-text like the source code of many other high-level programming languages. Neno source code is compiled by a NenoFhat compiler. The NenoFhat compiler compiles Neno source code to a Fhat OWL API. The Fhat OWL API is analogous to the jar le of Java. A Fhat RVM aspects of the API into the instance layer of the RDF network. This of the API is executable RDF triple-code. A Fhat RVM processes the triple-code and thus, computes. The analogies between the Neno and Java components are presented in Table 3. artifact Neno Java source code AClass.neno nenofhat javac API AClass.owl machine fhat java program RDF network JVM memory Table 3: The mapping between Neno and Java components. The following examples will only namespace those entities that are not within the . Thus, the default namespace is as neno ). The Neno programming language is engineered to be in compliance with OWL and the XML Schema Denition (XSD) namespaces. OWL provides the concept of classes, inheritance, datatype and class properties, and property restrictions. However, Neno restricts its compiled Fhat OWL APIs to single-parent classes (i.e. is not supported) and holds the closed world assumption (i.e. only properties that are stated in the ontology can be computed on in a Neno object). This is similar to what is assumed in Java. XSD provides the specication for the literal data types (e.g. string, integer, oat, double, date, time, etc.). The XSD URI namespace prex is xsd. The lexicon that will be used to express the following concepts is drawn from object- oriented programming, not OWL. OWL parlance will only be used when completely describ- ing the ack-end of a particular aspect of the language. Table 4 states the OWL terms and object-oriented programming terms. 3.1 The Universally Unique Identier Address Space Throughout the remainder of this article, Universally Unique Identiers (UUIDs) will be continually used (Leach, 2005). The set of all UUIDs is a subset of the set of all URIs. A UUID is a 128-bit (16-byte) string that can be created in disparate environments with a near zero probability of ever being reproduced. To understand the number of UUIDs that are possible at 128-bits, it would require 1 trillion unique UUIDs to be created everyMarko A. Rodriguez - 2007 11 OWL object-oriented Field subject of rdf:type Object Table 4: The mapping between the terms in OWL and object-oriented for 10 billion years to exhaust the space of all possible UUIDs.7A UUID can be represented as a 36 character hexadecimal string. For example, is a UUID. The hexadecimal representation will be used in all the However, for the sake of brevity, since 36 characters is too lengthy for the examples and diagrams, only the rst 8 characters will be used. Thus, will be represented as 6c3f8afe. Furthermore, UUIDs, when used as URIs are namespaced for diagrams and examples, is abbreviated as . When Neno source code is compiled to Fhat triple-code, a UUID is created for every instruction class and instruction instance is identied by a UUID. When a Fhat is instantiated, a UUID is created for all the rdfs:Resource s that compose the machine (i.e. stacks, frames, etc.). In typical programming environments, the and its computing machine are constrained by the size of RAM (and virtual mem- ory with most modern day operating systems). For a 32-bit machine, the maximum size of RAM is approximately 4 gigabytes. This means that there are only 232possible addresses and thus, words in RAM. However, for Neno, no such constraints exist. The space of all UUIDs is the address space of a Fhat RVM (more generally, the space of all URIs and literals is the address space). Fhat does not use RAM for storing its data and uses an RDF network. Thus, Fhat does not have any hard constraint on how much memory it llocates for its processing. 3.2 Class Declarations in Neno Source Code Neno source code has a grammar that is very similar to other object-oriented languages. For instance, suppose the following simple class written in the Java programming java.lang. *; import java.util. *; public class Human { private String hasName; private ArrayList<Human> Human (String n) { this.hasName = n; } public void makeFriend(Human h) { if(h != void setName(String n) { this.hasName = n; } } 7This fact was taken from Wikipedia at A. Rodriguez - 2007 12 TheHuman class has two elds named hasName andhasFriend . The eld hasName takes a value of String to be more specic) and hasFriend takes a value of Human . The Human class has one constructor and one method. A constructor is used to create an object and is a type of method. In Java, a constructor tells the JVM to allocate memory for the object on the heap (i.e. an object pool) and set the object's eld values according to the statements in the body of the constructor. The takes a String called nand creates a new Human instance called an object. TheHuman constructor sets that object's hasName eld to n. The Human method is . This method takes a Human with variable name has an argument. If the object referenced by his not the Human for which this method was invoked, then the object for which this method was called has hadded to its hasFriend eld. Note, that unlike the example in Figure 2, it is possible for a Human object to have multiple friends because of the use of the ArrayList<Human> .8 The Neno programming language is similar to Java. The following source code demon- strates how to declare nearly the same class in Neno.9 prefix owl: xsd: demo: demo:Human { xsd:string hasFriend[0.. n) { this.hasName = h) { if(h != =+ n) { this.hasName = n; } } While the Human class declaration in Java and in Neno are nearly identical, there are a few constructs that make the two languages di erent. For one, instead of importing pack- ages, in Neno, namespaces are declared and ontologies are imported.10To ease prexes are used (e.g. owl,xsd, and demo ). All constructors are denoted by the class name prexed by the ! symbol. Similarly, though not in the above example, all destructors are denoted by the class name prexed by the ~symbol. Notice that all datatype primitives (e.g. xsd:string ) are from the XSD namespace. The Fhat RVM is engineered specically for these datatypes. Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Neno language is the cardinality restriction specier in the eld declaration (e.g. [0..1] ). Be- cause Neno was designed for a semantic network substrate, there is nothing that prevents the same property (i.e. eld) to point to multiple di erent URIs. In order to demand that there exist no more than one eld, the [0..1] notation is used. Note that demo:Human is an rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing as specied by the owl:Thing demo:Human Class inheritance is specied by the prex to the declaration of the class name. Note that in Neno, a class can only have a single parent even though OWL sup- ports note that all class properties have a on the class or datatype value. For example, in the above demo:Human class, the hasName property must have an xsd:string value and all hasFriend properties must have demo:Human values. 8Java generics as represented by the < > notation is supported by Java 1.5+. 9When there are no ambiguities in naming, the class declaration can be written without prexes. 10Note that languages such as Java and C++ do maintain the concept of package constraint does not apply to owl:Restriction s as Neno classes utilize owl:Restriction s to make explicit property restrictions. Thus, excluding owl:Restriction subclassing, a Neno object class can only be the subclass of a single class.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 13 In order to demonstrate the relationship between Neno source code and its compiled OWL API, the following simple class example is presented. The class prefix owl: xsd: demo: demo:Example { xsd:integer n) i=0; i < n; i++) { this.t = this.t + 1; } } } has the following OWL RDF/XML A PUSHVALUE INSTRUCTION --> <owl:Class THE PUSHED VALUE --> <owl:Class THE NEXT INSTRUCTION AFTER THE PUSHVALUE INSTRUCTION: AN ADD INSTRUCTION --> <owl:Class A. Rodriguez - 2007 most important idea to take away from the above Fhat OWL API subset is that the role of the compiler is to generate UUID-named instruction classes that are subclasses of particular Fhat instructions (e.g. PushValue ). These generated instruction classes s on them that ensure that instances of these classes are connected to one another in an unambiguous way (e.g. owl:Restriction s on their respective and that their operand values are made explicit (e.g. owl:Restriction s on their respective operand properties). This unambiguous instantiation is the RDF triple-code that is created when a Fhat RVM instantiates the API. For example, in the above Fhat OWL API snippet, any demo:2271ea72 instance must have one and only one hasValue property. The value of that property must be a demo:9792cc3c LocalDirect value with a hasURI property . The instance of demo:2271ea72 must also have a that is of rdf:type demo:a80ba54c , where demo:a80ba54c is An instance of this demo:a80ba54c Add instruction instructs the Fhat RVM to add itshasLeft operand and its hasRight operands together. This demo:a80ba54c Add also has a nextInst property value that must be an instance of demo:e3b8a797 . Though not shown, the demo:e3b8a797 is an rdfs:subClassOf Set . In this way, through s, the ow of triple-code can be generated in an unambiguous manner by the Fhat RVM. The remainder of this section will go over the more salient aspects of the Neno program- ming language. 3.2.1 Declaring promote the distributed nature of the Semantic Web by ensuring that there are no URI name con icts in the ontologies and instances of di erent organizations (Bray et al., 2006). The Java language has a similar construct called packaging. The in Java supports organizational namespacing. Neno supports the prexing of namespaces. For example, demo:Human resolves : 3.2.2 Datatypes Fhat is engineered to handle and provides specic support for any of its derived types (Biron & Malhotra, 2004). The XSD namespace maintains, amongst others: xsd:string ,xsd:double ,xsd:integer ,xsd:date , etc. Example + < - has low-level support for high-level datatype manipulations such as string concate- nation, data and time comparisons, date incrementing, etc. Exactly what operations are allowed with what datatypes will be discussed later when describing the Fhat The this Variable The this variable is used in many object-oriented languages to specify the eld to be accessed or the method to be invoked. All methods inherently have this as a variable they can use. The same construct exists in Neno with no variation in meaning.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 15 3.2.4 Field Neno is an object-oriented language, it is also a semantic network . Neno is more in line with the concepts of RDF than it is with those of Java and C++. One of the major distinguishing features of an object in Neno is that objects can have multi-instance elds. This means that a single eld (predicate) can have more than one value (object). For instance, in Java Human marko = new Human(Marko Antonio initially set the hasName eld of the Human object referenced by the variable name marko to Marko Rodriguez. The invocation of the setName method of marko will replace Marko Rodriguez with Marko Antonio Rodriguez. Thus, the eld hasName has a cardinality of 1. All elds in Java have a cardinality of 1 and are universally quantied for the specied class (though taxonomical subsumption is supported). In Neno, it is possible for a eld to have a cardinality greater than one. In Neno, when a class' elds are declared, the cardinality specier is used to denote how many properties of this type are allowed for an instance of this class. Thus, in the Neno code at the start of this that any Human object must have one and only one eld (property) called hasName and that hasName eld points to some xsd:string . Therefore, it is illegal for the Fhat RVM to add a new hasName property to the class marko . The original property must be removed before the new property can be added. The general grammar for eld restrictions in Neno is [# (..(# | *))], where #refers to some integer value. Neno does not adopt any of the OWL semantics regarding cardinality and semantically distinct resources. The owl:sameAs relationship between resources is not considered when determining the cardinality of a property and thus, only the explicit number of triples) of a particular type (predicate) are acknowledged by the NenoFhat compiler and Fhat RVM. 3.2.5 Handling Fields Neno provides the following eld and local variable operators: =+,=-,=/, and =. These operators are called set plus, set minus, set clear, and set, respectively. The def- inition of these operators is made apparent through examples that demonstrate their use. For instance, from the class declarations above, the Human class has the eld hasFriend . For the Java example, the hasFriend eld can have more than one Human value only indi- rectly through the use of the ArrayList<Human> class. In Neno, no needed because a eld can have a cardinality greater than 1. The cardinality specier [0.. *]states that there are no restrictions on the number of friends a Human can have. In order to add more friends to a Human object, the =+operator is used. If the Human instance has the URI and the provided Human argument has then the =+operator instructs Fhat to execute INSERT { <> <demo:hasFriend> .} on the triple-store. On the other hand, if the =operator was used, then Fhat would issue the following commands to the { <> <demo:hasFriend> ?x .} INSERT { <> <demo:hasFriend> .} For a multi-instance eld, the = is a very destructive operator. For a [0..1] as one would expect in any other object-oriented language. Furthermore, for a[0..1] or[1] eld, =+is not allowed as it will cause the insertion of more than one property of the same predicate. In order to control the removal of elds from a multi-instance eld, the can be used. For example, suppose the following method declaration in NenoMarko A. Rodriguez - 2007 h) =- method will remove the Human object identied by the variable name h from the hasFriend elds. If the hvariable is a reference to the URI , then at the Fhat level, Fhat will execute the following command on the { <> <demo:hasFriend> <> .} Finally, assume that there is a rogue Human that wishes to have no friends at all. In order for this one man army to sever his ties, the = =operator is used. Assume the method declaration for a Human . makeEnemy() =/; } The above statement statement would have Fhat execute the following delete command on the { <> <demo:hasFriend> ?human } 3.2.6 Field Querying In many cases, a eld (i.e. property) will have many instances. In computer elds can be thought of as arrays. However, these rrays are not objects, but simply greater than one cardinality elds. In Java, arrays are objects and high-level array objects like the provide functions to search an array. In Neno, there are no methods that support such behaviors since elds are not objects. Instead, Neno provides language constructs that support eld querying. For example, suppose the following method boolean isFriend(Human unknown) =? unknown) { return true; } else { return false; } } In the above isFriend method, the provided Human argument referenced by the vari- able name unknown is checked against all the hasFriend elds. Again, the is not respected and thus, sameness is determined by exact URIs. The =?oper- ator is a conditional operator and thus, always returns either . At the Fhat level, if this references the UUID references , then the Fhat RVM executes the following query on the { <demo:hasFriend> <> . } Similarly, imagine the following method, boolean unknown) .hasName =? unknown.hasName) { return true; } else { return false; } }Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 17 Assuming the same UUID references for this andunknown from previous examples, the =?operation would have the Fhat execute the following query on the RDF network ASK { <demo:hasFriend> ?x . ?x <demo:hasName> ?y . <> <demo:hasName> ?y } Again, there is no reasoning involved in any of these triple-store operations; only aw triple and URI/literal matching is used. 3.2.7 Looping and and conditionals are nearly identical to the Java language. In Neno, there , and if/else constructs. For example, a for statement i = i++) { /*for block */ } awhile statement i < /*while block */ } and an if/else statement i < /*if block */ } { /*else block */} It is important to note that these statements need not have the literal type specier ) on every hardcoded literal. The literal type can be inferred from its context and thus, is automatically added by the compiler. For example, since iis an xsd:integer , it is assumed that 10 is also. 3.2.8 Field Looping In many cases it is desirable to loop through all the resources of a eld for the purposes of searching or for manipulating each resource. For instance, suppose the following { for(Human h : this.hasFriend) { h.hasName = i=0; i<this.hasFriend *; i++) { Human h = = above namelessFaces method demonstrates two types of eld looping by Neno. The rst is analogous to the Java 1.5 language specication. With the rst for loop, the variable his set to a single hasFriend ofthis . The second for loop uses the index ithat goes from index 0 to the size of the rray ( this.hasFriend *). The * notation in this context returns the number of hasFriend properties of the this object. In other words *returns the cardinality of the this.hasFriend eld. Finally, as eld values are not stored in a vector, but instead as an unordered set, the eld rrays in Neno are not guaranteed to be ordered. Thus, not be the same value later in the code. Ordering is dependent upon the triple- store's indexing algorithm and stability of a particular order is dependent upon how occurs in the triple-store. It is worth noting that higher-order classes can be created such as specialized rdf:Seq andrdf:List classes to provided ordered support for arrays.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 18 3.2.9 Type operator can be used to determine the class type of a URI. For instance, the following isType = typeof Human would return true if isrdf:type Human orrdf:type of some class that is an rdfs:subClassOf Human . isType = typeof returns true . Thus, RDFS subsumption semantics are respected and thus, Neno respects the subclassing semantics employed by modern languages. Simi- larly the typeOf? operator returns the type of the resource. For type = typeof? returns . 3.2.10 Inverse Field Referencing In object-oriented languages the dot operator is used to access a method or eld of an object. For instance, in this.hasName , on the left of the dot is the object and on the right of the dot is the eld. Whether the right hand side of the operator is a eld or method can be deduced by the compiler from its context. If this resolves to the URI , then the following Neno code Human h[0.. *] = instruct Fhat to execute the following query: SELECT ?h WHERE { <> <demo:hasFriend> ?h . } According to the previous query, everything that binds to ?hwill be set to the variable h. The above query says locate all Human hasFriend s ofthis object. However, Neno provides another concept not found in other object-oriented languages called the dot dot operator. The dot dot operator provides support for what is called inverse eld referencing (and inverse method invocation discussed next). Assume the following line in some method of some class, Human h[0.. *] = above statement says, locate all Human s that have this object as their hasFriend . At the Fhat level, Fhat executes the following query on the ?h WHERE { ?h <demo:hasFriend> <> .} Furthermore, if the statement is Human h[0..3] = would execute: SELECT ?h WHERE { ?h <demo:hasFriend> <> .} LIMIT 3Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 19 3.2.11 Inverse Method Invocation Like inverse eld referencing, inverse method invocation is supported by Neno. Inverse method invocation will invoke all the methods that meet a particular requirement. ensure that all objects that have this as their friend are no longer friends with this . 3.2.12 Variable Scoping Variable scoping in Neno is equivalent to Java. For example, in xsd:integer a = < { xsd:integer b = { xsd:integer c = true and false block of the ifstatement can read the variable a, but the true block can not read the cin the false block and the false block can not read the bin the true block. Also, methods are out of scope from one another. The only way methods communicate are through parameter passing, return values, and object Constructors and and destructors are used in object-oriented languages to create and destroy object, respectively. The concept of a constructor in Neno is similar to that of Java and C++. The concept of a destructor does not exist in Java, but does in C++. It is very important in Neno to provide the programmer an explicit way of performing object destruc- tion. Again, unlike Java, Neno is intended to be used on a persistent semantic Thus, when a Fhat stops executing or an object is no longer accessible by a Fhat, that object should not be automatically removed. In short, Fhat does not garbage collection (Louden, 2003). It is the role of the programmer to all unwanted objects from the RDF network. In order to create a new object, the constructor of a class is called using the newoperator. For example, Human marko = new generate a sub-network in the RDF network equivalent to Figure Fhat 4: A Fhat instance maintains a variable reference to an object.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 20 The algorithm by which Fhat creates the RDF sub-network will be discussed in the next section. For now, understand that in the variable environment of a Fhat instance there exists a variable named marko that points to the newly created Human ;rdf:type ;Humani). A destructor will instruct Fhat to destroy an object. A destructor is specied in the class declaration. For instance, suppose the following specication for demo:Human : Thing Human { string hasFriend[0.. n) { this.hasName = n; } ~Human() { this.hasName =/ } } In the above class declaration !Human(string n) is a constructor and ~Human() is a destructor. A destructor is called using the delete operator. For instance, delete marko; calls marko 's~Human() destructor. A class can only have at most one destructor and the destructor takes no arguments. The ~Human() destructor removes the reference to the object's name, removes all the references to the object's friends, and removes all hasFriend references to that object. Thus, if theHuman object has the URI , Fhat would execute the on the { <> <demo:hasName> ?name .} DELETE { <> <demo:hasFriend> ?human .} DELETE { ?human <demo:hasFriend> <> .} Behind the scenes, Fhat would also remove all the method references of , internal variable references to , and the rdf:type relationships that relate the object to the When an object is properly destroyed, only its instance is removed from the RDF network. The object's class specication still exists in the 3.2.14 General Query In many instances, Fhat will not have a reference to a particular object. Again, the environ- ment anticipated is one in which objects persist in the RDF network. Thus, when code is executed, it is necessary to locate the URI of a particular object for processing. In order to make this easy for the programmer, a query operator is dened called the etwork query operator and is denoted by the symbol <?. For x = Marko Antonio query = SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x <demo:hasName> < + x + > } LIMIT h[0..1] <? query; will query the RDF network for at most one Human named Marko Antonio Rodriguez. Note that three statements above could have been written as one. However, to concatenation and variable use, three were used.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 21 3.3 Starting a Program in Neno In Neno, there are no static methods. Thus, there does not exist something like the public static void main(String[] args) method in Java. Instead, Fhat is provided a class URI and a method for that class that takes no arguments. The class is by Fhat and the specied no-argument method is invoked. For example, if Fhat is pointed to the following Test class and main method, then the main method creates a Human , changes its name, then exits. When main exits, Fhat halts. owl:Thing demo:Test { main() { demo:Human h = new Human(Marko Antonio Typical Use Case This section describes how a developer would typically use the Neno/Fhat environment. The terminal commands below ensure that the NenoFhat compiler translates Neno source code to a Fhat OWL API, loads the Fhat OWL API into the triple-store, instantiates a Fhat RVM, and points the RVM to the demo:Test class with a main method. Note that the third command is broken into four lines for display purposes. Do not assume that there is a newline character at the end of the rst three lines of the third statement. > nenofhat Human.neno -o ntriple -t nenofhat Test.neno -o xml -t fhat -vmc main -t rst terminal command compiles the Human.neno source code into a Fhat OWL API represented in N-TRIPLE format and then inserts the Human.ntriple triples into the triple-store pointed to by the -t URL. The second terminal command compiles the Test.neno source code and generates a Fhat OWL API in RDF/XML called Test.xml . That RDF/XML le is then loaded into the triple-store. The nenofhat compiler can pro- duce any of the popular RDF syntaxes. While in most cases, one or another is chosen, two di erent syntaxes are shown to demonstrate what is possible with the compiler. Finally, a Fhat processor is initiated. The virtual machine process ( fhat ) is called with a pointer to an ontological model of the desired machine architecture. The machine architecture is instantiated. The instantiated Fhat then instantiates a Test object and calls its main method. The instantiated Test main method is executable RDF triple-code. In some instances, a Fhat RVM state may already exist in the triple-store. In such cases, the following command can be invoked to point the Fhat RVM process to the stored RVM state. In the example below, assume that is of rdf:type Fhat . > fhat -vmi -t the Fhat RVM state is located, fhat processes the current instruction pointed to . The following list outlines the ags for the nenofhat compiler, -o : output type (ntriple jn3jxml) -t : triple-store interface and the fhat RVM process, -vmi : virtual machine instance URI -vmc : virtual machine class URI -c : start class URI -cm : start class no-argument method -t : triple-store interface.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 22 4 The Fhat Virtual Machine is an RVM that was specically designed for RDF-based semantic network languages. Fhat is a semi-hard implementation of a computing machine. Table 5 presents an explana- tion of the various levels of virtual machine implementations. The concept of soft, semi-hard, and hard implementations are developed here and thus, are not part of the common lex- icon. In the JVM, all of the hardware components are represented in software and the state of the machine is not saved outside the current run-time environment. For VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) machines, the hardware components are modeled at the level of logic gates (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, etc.) (Coelho & Stanculescu, 1988). In Fhat, the hardware components are modeled in RDF (the state), but component execution is modeled in software (the type requirements example soft hardware methods Java Virtual Machine, r-Fhat semi-hard high-level components Fhat hard low-level components VHDL designs Table 5: Di erent VM implementation types, their requirements, and an example. There are many reasons why a semi-hard implementation was desired for Fhat and these reasons will be articulated in the sections discussing the various components of the However, while this section presents the semi-hard implementation, a of Fhat called reduced Fhat (r-Fhat) will be brie y discussed. In short, r-Fhat is faster than the Fhat virtual machine, but does not support run-time and machine-level re ection. In other words, r-Fhat does not support those functions that require an RDF representation of the machine state. Any high-level language can be written to take advantage of the Fhat architecture. While Neno and Fhat were developed in concert and thus, are strongly connected in their require- ments of one another, any language that compiles to Fhat RDF triple-code can use a Fhat RVM. This section will discuss the Fhat RVM before discussing the Fhat instruction set. Figure 5 presents the Fhat machine architecture. This machine architecture is represented in OWL and is co-located with other resources in the ontology layer of the RDF 5: The ontological model of the Fhat virtual machine. There are 8 primary components to the Fhat RVM. These are enumerated below for ease of reference. Each component will be discussed in more detail in the following A. Rodriguez - 2007 23 1.Fhat : the CPU that interprets instructions and uses its various components for pro- cessing those : suspends Fhat processing when false, and permits processing when : determines whether or not method triple-code is reused amongst ob- ject : a pointer to the current instruction being executed (i.e. a : anrdf:List that can be pushed and popped for entering and : an rdf:List that can be pushed and popped for arithmetic : aMethod unique environment for storing local : anrdf:List that provides a reference to the instruction that called a method and the frame of that method. While all of these components are represented in RDF, only Fhat has an external soft- ware component. The software implementation of Fhat is called the irtual machine process in Figure 3.12 4.0.1 Fhat Fhat is the primary component of the Fhat RVM. Fhat is the most complicated component in the entire Fhat architecture. The high-level Neno pseudo-code for the Fhat Fhat { execute() && != null) { Instruction i = if(i typeof Block) { ... } else if(i typeof If) { ... } else if(i typeof Expression) { ... } else if(i typeof Set) { ... } ... /*update programLocation */ } } } The above pseudo-code should be implemented in the language of the virtual machine process and thus, for the executing hardware CPU. It is worth noting that a Fhat virtual machine process can be written in Neno as demonstrated in the Neno code above. For example, assume a Neno implemented Fhat instance called Fhat1. In such cases, another Fhat, called Fhat2, is processing Fhat1. Fhat2 can be run on yet another Fhat, called Fhat3, or grounded into some other language that is translating code to the native machine language. This is possible because Neno/Fhat is Turing complete and thus, can run a simulation of itself. When a simulation of itself is run, a complete RDF virtual machine is created. In this simulation environment, both the state and process of the Fhat RVM are represented in RDF. The current version of Fhat supports most common uses of the and a few of these uses are summarized ,xsd:float ,xsd:double :Arithmetic ,xsd:dateTime :Add,Subtract :Compare . 12When the term Fhat is used, it is referring to the entire virtual machine, when the teletyped term Fhat is used, it is referring to the virtual machine process identied by the URI Fhat .Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 24 4.0.2 halt At any time, Fhat can be forced to halt by setting the halt property of Fhat can be simulated in this way. A Neno program can be engineered to run a master Fhat that has a reference to the halt property of all its slave Fhat s. By setting thehalt property, the Fhat master can control which Fhat slaves are able to process at any one time. In essence, the master Fhat serves as an operating system. 4.0.3 methodReuse When methodReuse is set to ,Fhat will instantiate new objects with unique instructions for each method. When methodReuse is set to , Fhat will reuse method triple-code amongst the same methods for the di erent objects. This will be discussed in more detail in x5.2. 4.0.4 is a pointer to the current instruction being executed by Fhat. Fhat executes one instruction at a time and thus, the programLocation must always point to a single instruction. The while loop of Fhat simply moves the programLocation from one instruction to the next. At each instruction, Fhat interprets what the instruction is (by itsrdf:type opcode) and uses its various components appropriately. When there are no more instructions (i.e. when there no longer exists a programLocation property), is important for variable setting. When a new variable is created in a block of code, it is necessary to associate that variable with that block. When the thread of execution exits the block, all variables created in that block are dereferenced (i.e. is a LIFO (i.e. last in, rst out) stack that supports any rdfs:Resource is used for local computations such as x = 1 + (2 *3). For ex- ample, when x = 1 + (2 *3)is executed by Fhat ,Fhat will 1. push the value 1 on the OperandStack 2. push the value 2 on the OperandStack 3. push the value 3 on the OperandStack 4. pop both 2 and 3 o the OperandStack , multiply the two operands, and push the value 6 on the OperandStack 5. pop both 1 and 6 the OperandStack , add the two operands, and push the value 7 on the OperandStack 6. set the current Frame FrameVariable x to the value 7 popped o the OperandStack . The Neno statement x = 1 + (2 *3)is actually multiple instructions when compiled to Fhat triple-code. The NenoFhat compiler would translate the statement to the in Figure 6. It is very important to represent such components as the OperandStack component in RDF and not simply in the memory of the host CPU. Suppose that a Fhat instance is to move to another physical machine or, by chance, lose its process ack-end. If any of these two scenarios were the case, the state of the machine is always saved in RDF and thus, would simply reeze to await another virtual machine process to continue its execution. was represented in software and thus, in RAM, then when the software halted, the OperandStack would be lost and the state of the machine would be its programLocation . With an RDF state, the RAM representation of the virtual machine process has a negligible e ect on the consistency of the machine.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 6: The triple-code representation of the statement x = 1 + (2 *3). 4.0.7 Frame Fhat is a frame-based processor. This means that each invoked method is provided a Frame , or local environment, for its variables (i.e. FrameVariable s). Due to how variables are scoped in object-oriented languages and because Neno does not support global variables, each method can only communicate with one another through parameter (i.e. method ar- guments) passing, return value passing, or object manipulations. When method Acalls method B, the parameters passed by method Aare stored in method B'sFrame accord- ing to the variable names in the method description. For example, assume the a) { return a + method Acalls method B, with the x = value 2 is placed into the Frame of method Bwith the associated variable a. Method B adds 1 to the value and pushes the value 3 on the OperandStack . Method Apops one value o the OperandStack and sets the local variable xto the value 3. The OperandStack is used for the placement of method return values. 4.0.8 is a LIFO stack that maintains pointers to the return location of a method and the method Frame . To support recursion, the ReturnStack maintains a pointer to the specic Frame that is being returned to. In order to explain how the ReturnStack is used, an example is provided. When method Acalls method B, the next instruction of method Afollowing the method invo- cation instruction is pushed onto the ReturnStack . When method Bhas completed its execution (e.g. a return is called), Fhat pops the instruction o the ReturnStack and sets its programLocation to that instruction. In this way, control is returned to method A to complete its execution. When return is called in method B, Fhat will delete (i.e. deallo- cate) all triples associated with the method BFrame . Ifreturn has a value (e.g. return 2), that value is pushed onto the OperandStack for method Ato use in its A. Rodriguez - 2007 26 4.1 Migrating Fhat Across Di erent Host CPUs An interesting aspect of Fhat is the ability to migrate a Fhat process across various host CPUs. A Fhat implementation has two primary components: an RDF state a software process. Because both the RDF triple-code and the complete state of a Fhat instance is represented in the RDF network, it does not matter which Fhat process is executing a particular Fhat state. The Fhat RDF state representation ensures that there are no global variables in the software process. The only variables created in the software process are local to the instruction being executed. Because there are no global variables in the software process, any software process can execute the Fhat RDF state without process communication. For example, one host CPU can be running the Fhat software process and halt. Another CPU can then start another Fhat software process that points to the URI of the originally halted Fhat RDF state and continue its execution. This concept is diagrammed in Figure 7 where n= 1 refers to instruction 7: Migrating a Fhat execution across multiple host CPUs. In principle, each CPU can execute one instruction and then halt. In this way, it is possible to migrate the Fhat RVM across di erent host CPU's. Thus, if a portion of the Semantic Web is needed for a particular computation, it may be best to have the supporting that RDF sub-network host the Fhat RVM. Once the Fhat RVM has completed computing that particular RDF sub-network, it can halt and another CPU can pick up the process on a yet another area of the Semantic Web that needs computing by the Fhat RVM. In this model of computing, data doesn't move to the process, the process moves to the data. This idea is diagrammed in Figure 8, where both triple-store servers have Fhat process 1Triple-Store 2 upload Fhat state and Fhatupload Fhat state and Fhatexecute Fhat Figure 8: Migrating a Fhat state across di erent Fhat Re ection A Fhat RVM and the triple-code that it is executing are in the same address space and thus, can reference one another. It is the UUID address space of Neno/Fhat that makes it a environment in that Neno is not only a completely re ective language, but also that it removes the representational stack found in most other programming A. Rodriguez - 2007 27 Language re ection means that the program can modify itself during its execution. Many scripting languages and even Java (through the package) support language re ection. However, not only does Neno/Fhat support language re ection, it also supports machine re ection. A Fhat can modify itself during its execution. There are no true boundaries between the various components of the computation. This idea is represented in Figure 9, where a Fhat RVM has its program counter ( programLocation ) pointing to a Push instruction. The Push instruction is instructing Fhat to push a reference to itself on its operand stack. With a reference to the Fhat instance in the Fhat operand stack, Fhat can manipulate its own components. Thus, the Fhat RVM is executing triple-code that is manipulating 9: A Fhat processor can process itself. 4.3 r-Fhat What has been presented thus far is a semi-hard implementation of Fhat. The explicitly encodes the state of a Fhat instance in RDF. While this has ben- ets such as fault tolerance due to virtual machine process failures, support for in the form of processor migration, and support for machine-based it requires a large read/write overhead. Each instruction requires the virtual machine process to explicitly update the virtual machine state. A faster Fhat virtual ma- chine can be engineered that does not explicitly encode the state of the machine in the RDF network. In such cases, the only read/write operations that occur are when an object is instantiated, destroyed, or a property manipulated. This faster Fhat is called reduced Fhat (r-Fhat). In r-Fhat, the operand stack, return stack, etc. are data structures in the implementing language. r-Fhat does not have an OWL machine architecture nor an RDF state. 5 The Fhat Instruction Set In order for Neno software to run on a Fhat machine instance, it must be compiled to a Fhat OWL API that is compliant with the Fhat instruction set (the Fhat OWL API owl:imports the Fhat instruction set ontology). A Fhat RVM uses the Fhat OWL API as a lueprint for constructing the instance-level representation of the RDF triple-code. It is the instance-level triple-code that the Fhat RVM walks when a program is executing. 5.1 The Method In Neno, the only process code that exists is that which is in a Method Block . Figure 10 denes the OWL ontology of a Method . AMethod has an that is of rdfs:subClassOf rdf:Seq and a return descriptor that is of type rdfs:Resource . The sequence of the Argument denotes the placement of the Method parameter in the method declaration. n, Human h) { ... } would set the object of the property to the URI xsd:integer and the to the Argument sn(rdf: 1) and h(rdf: 2).Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 28 Methodowl:ThinghasMethod[0..*]hasBlock[1]hasrdfs:Resourcerdf:Seq[0..1][0..1]Blockxsd:anyURIhasHumanCode[0..1] hasSymbolxsd:stringArgumentrdf:ContainerMembershipProperty[0..*]hasTyperdfs:Resource[1][1]ConstructorDestructor hasMethodNamexsd:string[1] Figure 10: The OWL Method property can be used, if desired, to point to the original human source code that describes that class and its methods. By using the hasHumanCode property, it is possible for in-network or run-time compiling of source code. In principle, a Neno compiler can be written in Neno and be executed by a Fhat RVM. The Neno compiler can compile the representation that results from resolving the URI that is the value of the xsd:anyURI . 5.1.1 A Block of Fhat has a single Block . ABlock is an rdfs:subClassOf Instruction and is composed of a sequence of Instruction s. The Instruction sequence is denoted by the nextInst property. The Instruction rdf:type is the opcode of the Instruction . The set of all Instruction s is the instruction set of the Fhat architecture. Figure 11 provides a collection of the super class Instruction s that can exist in a Block of code and their relationship to one of these super classes are itemized :Add,Divide ,Multiply ,Not,Subtract . Condition :Equals ,GreaterThan ,LessThan ,LessThanEqual . Setter :NetQuery ,Set,SetClear ,SetMinus ,SetPlus ,SetQuery . Invoke :Construct ,Destruct . TheValue class has a set of subclasses. These subclasses are itemized below. Direct :LocalDirect ,PopDirect . Variable :LocalVariable ,FieldVariable ,ObjectVariable . When a Fhat instance enters a Method it creates a new Frame . When a Variable is declared, that Variable is specied in the Frame and according to the current Block of theFhat instance as denoted by Fhat 'sblockTop property. A Block is used for When Fhat leaves a Block , it destroys all the FrameVariable s in the current Frame that have that Block as their fromBlock property (refer to Figure 5). a new Block is not exiting the old Block . Parent Block FrameVariable s can be accessed by child Block s. For instance, in the following Neno code s are unique in that they have a trueInst and a falseInst property. If the Condition is true, the next Instruction is the one pointed to by the trueInst property, else the next Instruction is one pointed to by the falseInst property.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 11: The OWL ontology for a Block ofInstruction s. xsd:integer x = > 2) { xsd:integer y = y = x; } the two y Variable s in the if and else Block s are two di erent FrameVariables since they are from di erent Blocks . Furthermore, note that both the if and else Block s can access the value of xsince they are in the child Block of the Block declaring the variable x. When Fhat leaves a Method (i.e. returns), its Frame and its FrameVariable s are destroyed through A Method Instance There are two ways in which a Method instance is handled by Fhat: global and local instance models. In the global instance model, when a new object is instantiated, its methods are also instantiated. However, if the instantiated Method already exists in the RDF network, the newly created object points its hasMethod property to a previously created Method of the same hasMethodName and UUID. Thus, only one instance of a Method exists for all the objects of the same class type. While it is possible to have a unique Method instance for each object, by supporting method reuse amongst objects, Fhat limits the growth (in terms of the number of triples) in the RDF network. Furthermore, this increases the speed of the Fhat RVM since it does not need to create a new Method from the Fhat OWL API of that Method . The global instance model is diagrammed in Figure 12. To ensure global property of the Fhat instance is set to (refer to Figure 5). In the local instance model, the methodReuse property of a Fhat instance is set . In such cases, a new Method instance is created with each new instance of an owl:Thing . The benet of this model is that method re ection can occur on a per-object basis. If an object is to manipulate its Method triple-code at run-time, it can do so without destroying the operation of its fellow owl:Thing s. The drawback of the localMarko A. Rodriguez - 2007 12: Multiple object's of the same type will share the same Method model is triple-store loat and an increase in the time required to instantiate an object relative to the global instance model. The local instance model is diagrammed in Figure 13: Multiple object's of the same type each have a unique Method instance. 5.2.1 An Example Method Instance Suppose the following code, owl:Thing a) { if(a == { return { return A. Rodriguez - 2007 31 When this code is compiled, it compiles to a Fhat OWL API. When an instance of demo:Human is created, the Fhat RVM will start its journey at the URI demo:Human and move through the ontology creating instance UUID URIs for all the components of thedemo:Human class. This includes, amongst its hard-coded properties, its Method s, their Block s, and their Instruction s. When the demo:Human class is instantiated, an instance will appear in the RDF network as diagrammed in Figure 14: The RDF triple-code for the ) method. 6 Conclusion The primary drawback of the RVM is computing time because a virtual machine must not only read the RDF network to interpret the program instructions, it must also read/write to the RDF network to manipulate data (i.e. instance objects) in the RDF network. Moreover, the virtual machine must read and write to that sub-network of the RDF network that represents the virtual machine's state (e.g. program counter, operand stack, etc.). In doing so, many read/write operations occur in order for the virtual machine to compute. However, much of this issue can be resolved through the use of r-Fhat. Imagine a world where virtual machines are as easy to distribute as an HTML document (e.g. an RDF/XML encoding of the virtual machine sub-network). Given that a virtual- ized machine encodes its state in the RDF network, think about how RVMs can move between physical machines in mid-execution. There is complete hardware independence as no physical machine maintains a state representation. Physical machines compute the RVM by reading its program location, its operand stack, its heap, etc. and update those data structures. In such situations, a personal computer can be encoded in the RDF network and be accessed anywhere. Thus, the underlying physical machine is only a hardware shell for the more personal machine encoded in the RDF network. These ideas are analogousMarko A. Rodriguez - 2007 32 to those presented in (Satyanarayanan et al., 2007). In the RDF network, RVMs, APIs, and triple-code are rst-class web entities. What happens when archiving services such as the Internet Archive, search engine caches, and digital libraries archive such RDF programs and snap-shot states of the executing RVMs (Lorie, 2001; Nelson, McCown, Smith, & Klein, 2007)? In theory, the state of can be saved/archived and later retrieved to resume execution. The issues and novelties that archiving computations presents are many and are left to future work in this area. Much of the Semantic Web e ort is involved in the distribution of knowledge boundaries (Davies, Fensel, & Harmelen, 2003). This is perhaps the primary purpose of the ontology. In this respect, organizations of a similar domain should utilize shared ontologies in order to make their information useable between their respective orga- nizations. Procedural encodings support the distribution of not only the knowledge models, but also the algorithms that can be applied to compute on those models. In a data and code are easily exchanged between organizational boundaries Bollen, & Gershenson, 2007). Given that the RDF network is composed of triples and triples are composed of URIs and literals, the address space of any virtual machine in the RDF network is the set of all URIs and literals. Given that there are no bounds to the size of these resources, there are no realistic space limitations on the RVM. In other words, the amount of world-wide to support the Semantic Web is the actual memory constraints of this model. However, the success of this distributed computing paradigm relies on the consistent use of such standards as the Link Data specication (Berners-Lee, 2006). With in Linked Data models and the RVM model of computing, the Semantic Web can be made to behave like a general-purpose research was made possible by a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foun- dation. 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Marko A. Rodriguez
Marko A. Rodriguez
General-Purpose Computing on a Semantic Network Substrate
Emergent Web Intelligence: Advanced Semantic Technologies, Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing series, Springer-Verlag, pages 57-104, ISBN:978-1-84996-076-2, June 2010
cs.AI cs.PL
This article presents a model of general-purpose computing on a semantic network substrate. The concepts presented are applicable to any semantic network representation. However, due to the standards and technological infrastructure devoted to the Semantic Web effort, this article is presented from this point of view. In the proposed model of computing, the application programming interface, the run-time program, and the state of the computing virtual machine are all represented in the Resource Description Framework (RDF). The implementation of the concepts presented provides a practical computing paradigm that leverages the highly-distributed and standardized representational-layer of the Semantic Web.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 25 Apr 2007 15:37:52 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 4 Oct 2007 20:08:21 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sun, 7 Oct 2007 21:44:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Sun, 6 Jun 2010 05:29:22 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Rodriguez", "Marko A.", "" ] ]
Introduction : It is well known that in full two-port VNA measurements the S- parameters for a two-port Device Under Test (DUT) are given in terms of their 4 measurements m BijB, i=1,2, j=1,2 by S B11B = {[(m B11B - D)/R][1 + (m B22B - D')M'/R']-L(m B21B - X)(m B12B - X')/(TT')}/H (1) S B21B = {[1 + (m B22B - D')(M'-L)/R'](m B21B - X)/T}/H (2) H = [1 + (m B11B - D)M/R][1 + (m B22B - D')M'/R'] - LL'(m B21B - X)(m B12B - X')/(TT') (3) S B22, BS B12B have expressions that result from (1)-(2) by substi tuting i,j with j,i and D, M, R, L, T, X with D', M', R', T' , L', X' and vice-versa [1]. These 12 quantities have been defined as system errors [2]. Stumper gave non-generalised expressions for the partial deviations of S-param eters due to calibration st andard uncertainties, in 2003 [3]. Furthermore, the developed total diffe rential errors for full one-port VNA measurements [4] are also not generalised in the two-port case. To the best of the authors' knowledge, there are no analytical expressions for to tal differential errors in full two-port VNA measurements. Theory : Since S-parameters are functions of 16 complex variables, their total differential errors were initially expressed as dS B11B = {T T'(1 - MS B11B)[R' + M'(m B22B - D')](dm B11B - dD) - RR'L(1 - L'S B11B)[(m B21B - X)(dm B12B - dX') + (m B12B - X')(dm B21B - dX)] + M'T T'[(m B11B - D)(1 - MS B11B) - RS B11B](dm B22B - dD') - T T'S B11B(m B11B - D)[R' + M'(m B22B - D')]dM + T T'(m B22B - D')[(m B11B - D)(1 - MS B11B) - RS B11B]dM' - (R'L(1 - L'S B11B)(m B12B - X')(m B21B - X) + T T'S B11B[R' + M'(m B22B - D')])dR - (RL(1 - L'S B11B)(m B12B - X')(m B21B - X) - T T'[(m B11B - D)(1 - MS B11B) - RS B11B])dR' - RR'(m B12B - X')(m B21B - X)[(1 - L'S B11B)dL - LS B11BdL'] + [(m B11B - D)(1 - MS B11B) - RS B11B][R' + M'(m B22B - (4) dS B21B = {- MT T'S B21B[R' + M'(m B22B - D')](dm B11B - dD) + RR'LL'S B21B(m B21B - X)(dm B12B - dX') + R{T'[R' + (m B22B - D')(M' - L)] + R'LL'S B21B(m B12B - X')}(dm B21B - dX) + T'(R(m B21B - X)(M' - L) - M'TS B21B[R + M(m B11B - D)])(dm B22B - dD') - T T'S B21B(m B11B - D)[R' + M'(m B22B - D')]dM + T'(m B22B - D')(R(m B21B - X) - TS B21B[R + M(m B11B - D)])dM' + {(m B21B - X)(T'(m B22B - D')(M' - L)+R'[T' + LL'S B21B(m B12B - X')]) - T T'S B21B[R' + M'(m B22B - D')]}dR + (R(m B21B - X)[T' + LL'S B21B(m B12B - X')] - T T'S B21B[R + M(m B11B - D)])dR' + R(m B21B - X)[R'L'S B21B(m B12B - X') - T'(m B22B - D')]dL + RR'LS B21B(m B12B - X')(m B21B - X)dL' - T'S B21B[R + M(m B11B - D)][R' + M'(m B22B - D')]dT + (R(m B21B - X)[R' + (m B22B - D')(M' - L)] - TS B21B[R + M(m B11B - D)][R' + M'(m B22B - D')])dT'}/P (5) P = T T'[R' + M'(m B22B - D')][R + M(m B11B - D)] - RR'LL'(m B12B - X')(m B21B - X) (6) dS B22B and dS B12B resulted from (4), (5) with the m entioned substitutions. X, X' errors stand for crosstalk measurements. D, M, R (D', M', R') errors are uniquely determined in terms of 3 standard loads A, B, C (A', B' , C') and their 3 measurements a, b, c (a', b', c'), by full one-port VNA measurements, so the number of independent complex variables increases from 16 to 22. L, T (L', T') errors are accurately determined after the replacement of DUT with a direct thru (or approximately, if an adapter is used instead) in terms of new measurements t B11B, t B21B (t B22B, t B12B) and of previously found quantities. Their expressions were appropriately stated as L = [ (ab + ct B11B)C(B - A)]/E (7) T = (t B21B - X) [ (A - B)(a - b)]/(E [ cC(B - A)]) (8) E = (ab + ct B11B)(B - A) (9) where and produce two more terms, from the given one, by cyclic rotation of the letters a, b, c (a', b', c') or A, B, C (A', B', C'). In this way, each S-parameter has as total differential error dS, a sum of 22 differential terms: 16 due to measurement inaccuracies dm BijB, dX, dX', dt BijB, da, db, dc, da', db', dc' and 6 due to standard uncertainties given by their manufacturer dA , dB, dC, dA', dB', dC'. The expressions for dD, dM, dR (dD', dM', dR') are know n [4]. The expressions for the rest of differential errors were developed as dL = { (B - C)(b - t B11B)(c - t B11B) [(B - C)(b-a)(c-a)dA - (b - c)(B - A)(C - A)da] + [ (A - B)(a - b)] dt B11B}/E P2 P (10) dT = { (t B21B - X)(b - c)(B - C) [(t B11B - c)(b - a) P2 PB(A P2 P + C P2 P) + (b - t B11B)(c - a) P2 PC(A P2 P + B P2 P) - 2ABC(b - c)(t B11B(b + c - 2a) - bc+ a P2 P)] [(B - C)(b - a)(c - a)dA - (b - c)(B - A)(C - A)da]}/(E P2 P [ cC(B - A)] P2 P) + [ (A - B)(a - b)]{[(t B21B - X) a(B - C)/E]dt B11B + dt B21B - dX}/(E [ cC(B - A)]) (11) Each complex differential error defines a Differential Error Region (DER) on the complex plane with projections to coordinate axes the Di fferential Error Intervals (DEIs) [4]. Obviously, any quantity diffe rentiably dependent on the above variables has also a DER. For example, after another correction to the given S to Z-parameters relations [5], the Z-DERs are resulted from dZ B11B = 2Z B0B[(1 - S B22B) P2 PdS B11B + (1 - S B22B)S B21BdS B12B + (1 - S B22B)S B12BdS B21B + S B12BS B21BdS B22B] / [(1 - S B11B) (1 - S B22B) - S B12BS B21B] P2 P (12) dZ B21B = 2Z B0B[(1 - S B22B)S B21BdS B11B + S B21PB2 PdS B12B + (1 - S B11B)(1 - S B22B)dS B21B + (1 - S B11B)S B21BdS B22B] / [(1 - S B11B) (1 - S B22B) - S B12BS B21B] P2 P (13) while dZ B22B, dZ B12B result from (12), (13) by applicat ion of the mentioned substitutions. Results : Six calibration standards, in pairs of opposite sex, were used and their manufacturers' data were substituted in the developed expressions: A = - 1 = A', 0 <= d|A| = d|A'| <= 0.01, - 180deg <= dph BAB = dph BA'B <= -178deg or 178deg <= dph BAB = dph BA'B <= 180deg , B = 0 = B', |dB| = 0.029 = |dB'|, C = 1 = C', -0.01 <= d|C| = d|C'| <= 0 and -2deg <= dph BCB = dph BC'B <= +2deg. The inaccuracy of any VNA measurement was conservatively considered as a symmetric interval defined by just 1 uni t in the last place of the corresponding mantissa, both in modulus and argument. Consequently, eac h S-DER is a sum of 20 parallelograms and 2 circles, with a contour of 160 vertices at most [4]. To demonstrate the method, a typical T-network of common resistors with nominal DC values Z B1B=24.2 ohm, Z B2B=120 ohm for the horizontal arms and Z B12B=1.1 ohm for the vertical arm, were soldered on type-N base conne ctors of opposite sex and enclosed in an aluminium box, to form a two-port DU T. The VNA measur ement system was extended by two transmission lines of 3.66 m and 14 m, respectively, up to the DUT. The DUT was tested from 2 to 1289 MHz in 13 MHz steps. T he frequency 1003 MHz was selected to illustrate the proposed method for S-DERs shown in Fig. 1. To study the total differential error, dS was expres sed as dU + dI, where dU is due to the uncertainty of 6 standards and dI to th e inaccuracy of 16 measurements. The contribution of these, conservatively c onsidered measurement inaccuracies to the total differential error is as much significa nt as the uncertainties of standard loads are. For example, computations for S B12B over the whole measurement band show that max|dU| and max|dI| contribute ~ 35%-80% and ~25%-70% to max|dS B12B|, respectively. In addition, Fig. 1 shows how the projections of ea ch S-DER result its real and imaginary DEI. To display the vari ation of S-DER against frequency, a number of selected S-DER frames are show n in Fig. 2 as beads on a space-curved filament. It is wort h mentioning that S B11B-DER (S B22B-DER) was greater than it resulted from appropriately organised full one-port measurements, as it was expected. Finally, the computed Z-DEIs are shown in Fi g. 3, along with their LF Z-values. Therefore, the proposed method may be efficiently used to estimate uncertainties in any case where the process equations (1), (2) and (4), (5) can find application. References 1 BALLO, D.: 'Network Analyzer Basics' Hewlett-Packard Company, 1998, pp. 58 2 FITZPATRICK, J.: 'Error Models for S ystems Measurement', Microwave Journal, 21, May 1978, pp. 63-66 3 STUMPER, U.: 'Influence of TMSO calib ration standards uncertainties on VNA S- parameters measurements' , IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, vol. 52, no. 2, April 2003, p. 311 - 315 4 YANNOPOULOU, N., ZIMOURTOPOULOS, P.: 'Total Differential Errors in One- Port Network Analyzer Measurements with Application to Antenna Impedance', (to be appear ed in Radioengineering Jour nal, vol. 16, no. 2, June 2007) 5 BEATTY, R. W., KERNS, D. M.: 'Relations hips between Different Kinds of Network Parameters, Not Assuming Reciprocity or E quality of the Wavegui de or Transmission Line Characteristic Impedances', Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 52, Issue 1, Jan. 1964, p. 84 Authors' affiliations: N.I. Yannopoulou, P.E. Zimourtopoulos (Antennas Research Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democr itus University of Thrace, V.Sofias 12, Xanthi, 671 00, Greece) E-mail: UTH Figure captions: Fig. 1 Typical S-DERs at 1003 MHz. Fig. 2 S-DERs against frequency. Fig. 3 Z-DEIs against frequency. Figure1 Figure 2 Figure 3
Petros Zimourtopoulos E
N. I. Yannopoulou and P. E. Zimourtopoulos
Total Differential Errors in Two-Port Network Analyser Measurements
Rejected (no reason) for publication in IET Electronics Letters - No changes in the paper since [v1] Sun, 6 May 2007 10:34:28 GMT (257kb): [v5] = [v4] = [v3] = [v2] = [v1]
FunkTechnikPlus # Journal, Issue 1 - Year 1, 30 September 2013, v4, 23-30, otoiser ftp#j
physics.class-ph physics.ins-det
Since S-parameter measurements without uncertainty cannot claim any credibility, the uncertainties in full two-port Vector Network Analyser (VNA) measurements were estimated using total complex differentials (Total Differential Errors). To express precisely a comparison relation between complex differential errors, their differential error regions (DERs) were used. To demonstrate the method in the most accurate case of a direct zero-length thru, practical results are presented for commonly used Z-parameters of a simple, two-port, DC resistive T-network, which was built and tested against frequency with a VNA measurement system extended by two lengthy transmission lines.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 6 May 2007 10:34:28 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 22 Sep 2007 08:01:05 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 17 Mar 2011 17:38:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Sun, 20 Mar 2011 08:51:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Wed, 17 Oct 2012 09:07:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yannopoulou", "N. I.", "" ], [ "Zimourtopoulos", "P. E.", "" ] ]
1. one of the classical mathematical tools with many applications. The cosines of the angles are related to canonical are wide ly used in statistics. Angles between finite popularthatthe angles between subspaces FandGare defined as on [0,p/2] ifq<. In the case q=, where both subspaces FandGare infinite only single-valued angles are defined, which in the case q<would correspond to the smallest (Dixmier[ 11]), smallest 13]),or largest(Krein et al. [ 29]), angles. We define angles from-to and between (infinite) dimen sional subspaces of a Hilbert space using the spectra of the productof The definition q<andresultsina definition is inspired by E.J. Hannan [ 16], where such an approach to canonical corre- lations of stochastic processes is suggested. Canonical co rrelationsfor stochastic es. functional analysis, the gap and the minimum gap are impor tant concepts used, e.g., in operator perturbation theory ([ 19]). The gap between infinite dimensional subspaces bounds the perturbation of a closed linear operator by measuring th e change in its graph. We show in Theorem ofthelargestan to determine if the sum of two subspaces is closed. The minimum gap is applied, e.g., in [22] to prove wellposedness of degenerate saddle point problem s. The minimum gap is precisely, see Theorem 2.15, the sine of the angle of Friedrichs, which, in its turn, as sh own in Theorem 2.14, is the infimum of the set of nonzero angles. The Dixmier angle is simply the smallest ofall ninnerproduct( the present paper, we replace 1 Dsubspaces spanned by the vectors fandg with (infinite dimensional) subspaces, and introduce the co ncept of principal angles from one subspace to another and between subspaces using the spectra l theory of selfadjoint operators. We investigate the basic properties of the angles, which are already known for finite dimen- sional subspaces, see [ 23], e.g., we establish connections between the angles corres ponding to subspaces and their orthogonal complements. We express cla ssical quantities: the gap and 5] and references there. In SS3, we introduce principal invariant subspaces and prove that they orthogonal projectors. We define point angles by analogy with the point operator spectrum and consider peculiar properties of the invariant subspace s corresponding to a point angle. In SS4, the is used to measure the change in the principal angle s, where one of the subspaces varies, extending some of our previous result s of [23,25] to infinite consider two applications of the angles: to bound the chan ge in Ritz values, where method is applied to di fferent infinite dimensional trial subspaces, in SS5; and to 2analyze and accelerate the convergenceof the classical alt ernating projectorsmethod (e.g., [ 10, Chapter IX]) in the context of a specific example--a domain dec omposition method (DDM) with an overlap, in SS6. In computer simulations the subspaces involved are eviden tly however, the assumption of the finite dimensio nality is sometimes irrelevant we consider the Rayleigh-Ritz method for a boundedselfadj oint operator Aon a the product of the orthoprojector PFontoFand the operator Ais called the set of Ritz values, corresponding to AandF. In the main result of SS5, we bound the change in the Ritz values, where one trial subspace Fis replaced with another subspace G, using the Hausdor ff distance between the sets of Ritz values, by the spread of the spectrum times the gap between the subspaces. The proofofthe generalcase is basedona spec ific case spannedby unit vectors the estimate spread of thespectrumof A, cf. [24]. If in addition forgis aneigenvectorof A, the same boundholds but with the sine our Hausdor ffdistance bound involves the gap that one of the trial subspaces is A-invariant. The material of SS5generalizes some infinite dimensional trial subspacesis used in the meth odof intermediate problemsfor de- termining two-sided bounds for eigenvalues, e.g., [ 36,37]. The results ofSS5may be useful in obtaining a prioriestimates of the accuracy of the method of intermediate prob lems, but this whereFandGare two given subspaces and PFandPGare the respectively. then the sequence of vectors multiplicative DDM, so that the alternating projectorsme thod describes the error propagation in theDDM,e.g.,[ [ 34,15],and[2]. projectors method are made, e.g., [ 9,2], and [39]. Here, we use a di fferent method, and suggest the ultimate, conjugate gradi ent based, acceleration of the idea of the acceleration is inspired by the following fac ts. On the one hand, every self- adjoint non-negative non-expansion A,0<=A<=Iin a Hilbert space Hcan be extended to of two PFPGrestricted to the subspace F=Hx{0}. Any poly- nomial iterative method that involves as a main step a multip lication of a vector by Acan thus be called an method. On the other h and, the the optimal polynomial method for computing the null spac e ofA,therefore the e give inSS6the corresponding convergence rate estimate in terms of the angles. We il- lustrate a possible accelerationfor the DDM with a small ove rlapforthe 1D diffusion equation. The convergenceof the classical alternating projectors me thod degrades when the overlap gets 3smaller, but the conjugate gradient method we describe conv erges to the exact solution in two iterations. Fora finite di 1Ddi ffusionequationa similarresult can befoundin[ Definitionand we define angles from one subspace to another and angles b etween subspaces, and investigate the properties of the (sets of) angles, such as t he relationship concerning angles be- tween the subspaces and their orthogonal complements. We ex press the gap and the Weintroduceprinc they are connected by an isometry that appears in the pol ar decomposition of the product of We define point ang lesand their multiplicities by pointangle. 2.1. a (real or complex)Hilbert space and let FandGbe propernontrivial subspaces. A subspace is defined as a closedlinear manifold. Let PFandPGbe the respectively. We denote by B(H) the Banach space of boundedlinear onHwith the inducednorm. We use the same notation the vector norm on H, associated with the innerproduct( *,*)onH, as well as forthe B(H). ForTB(H)we define|T|= T*T, T|Udenotesthe U. domain, range, null space, spectrum, and point spectrum , respectively,of the operator T. In this paper, we distinguish only between finite and infinite di mensions. If qis a finite number then we set by definition min {q,}=qand max{q,}=,and assume that<=holds. We useto highlightthat the sum of subspacesis orthogonalandfor t he correspondingsum of operators. We denotethe 14,6]),we (See[14]). thespaceH,if all foursubspaces M00,M01,M10, andM11are subspaces FHandGHare in genericposition within the space Hiffany of the H. Thefifthpart, M, intwo di Inthene xttheoremwe applythemto prove the operators B(H) suchthat e.g., [ 31,SS110, p. 286] or [ 19,SSVI.2.7, p. 334], we introduce the polar decomposition, T=U|T|, U:R(|T|)-R(T). Itis easy to check directly that N(|T|)=N(T), selfadjoint. Taking also intoaccountthat R(T)=(N(T*)),we have U: a general operator T B(H), the isometry Uis then typically extended to a partial isometry UB(H) by setting U=0 onN(T). For our special T=PGPF, we can do better and extend Uto a unitary operator WB(H). Indeed, we set W=Uon (N(T))to makeW an extension of U. To make Wunitary, we set W=VonN(T), be an isometry. The specific form of Vis of no importance, since it evidently does the existence of such V, it is sufficient (and, in fact, necessary) that beisomorphic. isomorphic. The subspaces in generic position within the space M, see [14], as well as their orthogonalin Mcomplements MFand MG. Accordingto [ 14, ProofofTheorem1, p. 382],anytwo subspacesin genericpos The operators Thesubspaces the isometric and mapsFone-to-one and onto G. OnF, just the same 2.2,inthiscase. anotherpartial isometry that maps Fone-to-oneand onto G, constructedin the same way asU. Setting W=U+V, we extend Ufrom the subspace Fto a unitary operator Won the whole space. The sum W=U+Vis the same as the unitary extension suggested in Kato [ second equality holds since the corresponding terms in square brackets are the same Fitactsthe same astheoperator U,so it U. IfTheorem product of two orth Our goal is to deve lopa theoryof angles AnglesFrom-To ofangles the operator TB(H) be a selfadjoint nonnegative contraction. Using an extens ion ofTto an orthogonal projector [ 31,SSA.2, p. 461], there exist subspaces unitarily equivalent to ( PFPG)|F, wherePFandPGare the corresponding inH2. This implies that the spectrum of the product of two orthogo nal projectors is as generala set as the spectrumof an n the set su of[0 Theangles : called pointangles. its multiplicity Multiplicity of angle thThp(F,G)is the minimum of multiplicities two vectors fandgin the plane, and their orthogonal counterparts fandgwe evi- dently have now describe F,G,F,andG.We first to another as they reveal the finer details and provi de a foundation for statements 1: Multiplicities of 0and p/2 angles for different pairs of for f(T)=I-Twe Next, using we concludethat lis an eigenvalueof ( The statement on nonzero angles follows from Corollary 2.3. The part concerning the that( Table 1 entriesare tion. Theorem 2.7andTable 2relatethesets ofanglesbetween Theorem2.7. Foranysubspaces FandGofHthe multiplicities of the point angles 0<th<p/ 2are the same, and equal to the multiplicities of point angles Multiplicities of 0 and p/2 angles between Theorem 2.6(7) twice: first for FandG, next forGandF, and then intersecting them gives (2). Interchanging GandGin (2) leads to (3). The statements on multiplicities easily follow from Theorem 2.6as the entries in Table 2are just the minima between pairs of 1. Remark 2.8. Theorem u>=0, 2.9. Theorem 2.10. We other words, the projec- tions P MF=MFand PMG=MGof the initial subspaces FandGonto their fifth part Mare in generic position within M, see [14], so the zero and right angles can not belong to the set of point angles Thp(PMF,PMG), but apart from 0andp/2the 2.11. Tables1and2give the absolute values of the multiplicities of 0andp/2. If we can easily find the answers from Tables 1and2by subtraction, assuming that we subtract finite numbers, and use identities such as Indeed,forthe that the multiplicity of p/2is the same but the provided that the terms that participate in the subtractio ns are finite. Some comparisons require both the dimension and the codimension of a subspace to be finite, requiring dimH<. 2.3. Angles The gap bounds the perturbation of a closed linear operator b y measuring the change in its graph, while the minimum gap between two subspaces determin es if the sum of the subspaces is closed. We connectthe gap and the minimumgap to the larges t and to the angles. E.g., for subspaces FandGin generic position, i.e., if M=H, we show that the gap and the minimum gap are the supremum and the infimum, co rrespondingly,of the sine oftheset ofanglesbetween used to measure the distance between subspaces. We now des cribe the gap in terms of us consider both norms in the definition of the gap separat ely. Using Theorem 2.6, we 2.13. Ifgap(F,G)<1or if the subspaces are in generic position then both andso in [8], whichisa . Theorem2.14. Intermsofthe angles,c definitionof c(F,G) withthe vectors uandvand using the standard equality of induced norms of an operat or and the the five-parts decomposition, the subspace M00from the domain of PFPGexcludes 1 from the point ,see Intermsofthe angles, have f Fandf/nelementG, so we can represent fin the form f=f1+f2, using equality get g2(F,G)=1- Theorem 2.14. Let us note that removing 0 from the set of angles in Theorems the result after takingtheinf, onlyif 0 is presentasan isolate d valuein the set of angles,e.g.,it The fferenceof and differences of a pair of orthogonal projectors often appear in ap plications. Here, we describe their spectra in terms of the angles between the r anges of the projectors, projectors. First, we connect the spectra of the product and of the di fference of two orth Lemma 2.16. ([30, Theorem 1], [ 28, Lemma 2.4]). For proper subspaces FandGwe Lemma 2.16, we now characterize the spectrum of the di fferences of two intermsoftheanglesbetweenthecorresponding 2.17. The multiplicity of the eigenvalue 1inS(PG-PF)is equal to dimM10, the multiplicity of the eigenvalue -1is equal to dimM01, and the multiplicity of the eigenvalue 0is equal todimM00+dimM11, definedinSS2.1. For the rest of thespectrum,we last statement follows from Lemma 2.16and Definition 2.4. To obtain the the multiplicity of eigenvalues 1, -1 and 0, it suffices to use the decomposition of these SS2.1. In some applications, e.g., in domain s,seeSS6, the distribution of Wedirectlyr eformulate[ 86], see also [33, p. 298],in P Fand the sum PF+PG, with the possible exception of the point 0, lies in the closed interval of the real this section, we basically follow Jujunashvili [ 18, Section 2.8] to introduce principal Given the principal invariant subspaces (see Definition 3.1below) of a pair of subspaces FandG, we construct the principal invariant subspaces for pairs We describe relations between orthogonal projectors onto pri ncipal invariant subspaces. We show that, in particular cases, principal subspaces and princip al vectors can be defined essentially as in the finite dimensional case, and we investigate their prop erties. Principal vectors, subspaces and principal invariant subspaces reveal the fine structure of the mutual position of a pair of subspaces in a Hilbert space. Except for Theorem 3.3, all other statements can be foundin [ invariant subspaces for a pair of subspaces gener alize the already known 35]. We principal roductoftheorth Definition 3.1. A pair of subspaces UFandVGis called a pair of principal for the subspaces FandG, if PFVUand PGUV.We call the strictly nondegenerate if 18,Section2.8,p. 3.2. LetUFandVGbe a pairof principal subspaces FandG, andUU,VVbe a pair of principal invariant subspaces for subspaces U andV. ThenU,Vform a pair of principal invariant subspaces for the subspac esF,G, 3.1resembles the notion of invariant subspaces. The next theor em 3.3. The a pair of principal invariant subspaces for the subspaces FandGif and only ifU F is an invariant subspace of the 0, us latter equality follows from 0 have PFv0UsinceUF, but our assumption PFVUassures that PFv0U, provethe converse,let PFPGUUandV=PGUV 0. V. If the subspace M10is trivial, the principal invariant subspace Vthat corresponds to Uis clearly unique. The corresponding statement for U, givenV, we get from Theorem rincipalusingthecorrespondingangles. Theorem3.4. The pairUFandVGofprincipalthe nondegenerateif andonly if bothoperators nondegenerateif andonly if each of the inverse s is bounded, equivalently in terms of the gap, prove the claim for the operator ( PFPG)|U,and the claim for the other operator fol- lows by symmetry. Definition nondegenerate principal . by Theorem 3.3,UFis an invariant subspace of the oper- ator (PFPG)|F, Since (PFPG)|Uis Hermitian, its null-space is trivial (as the orthogonal in Ucomplement to its range which is dense in U), i.e., the oper- ator (PFPG)|Uis one-to-one and thus invertible. For strictly nondegener ate principal , ( PFPG)|UU=U, so the operator ( PFPG)|Uby the open mapping theorem has ( PFPG)|Uis correctly defined. The operator ( PFPG)|Uis invertible by 0, therefore PFV=PFPGU=U.The other equality, Definition 3.1for nondegenerate principal invariant subspaces, is prove d similarly using the assumption that ( PGPF)|Gis invertible. If, in addition, each of the inverses is bound ed, are closed, we obtain is needed in Definition 3.1for strictly nondegenerate equivalent formulationsof conditionsof the theorem in terms of the anglesand the 2.12. Theorem if gap(F,G)<1, the unitary equivalence by ( 2.1) ofPFandPG. Now we state that the same Wmakes orthogonal projectors PUandPVunitarily equivalent for UFandVG, and we obtain orth Theorem 3.5. LetUFandVGbe a pair of strictly nondegenerate principal forthesubspaces FandG, andW 2.2. the orthoprojectors satisfy P proof of Theorem 3.5is straightforward and can be found in [ 18,SS2.8]. e.g.,belowis[ 18, a closed Borel set, and define P a pair of strictly we denote U=U(Th)), which we plug into the expression for the orthogonal proj ectorPVof Theorem 3.5. For a pair of principal UFandVG, using Theorems 3.3and3.4 we define the corresponding principal invariant subspaces i 3.7. LetUandVbe a pair of principal invariant subspacesfor subspaces UandVis a pair of strictly invariant sub spaces for invariantsub PUand invariantsub PUand PVare invariantsub PUand PVare statements follow directly from Theorems 3.3and3.4applied to the of subspaces. The closedness of UandVcan be alternatively derived from pair ofprincipal UFandVG, if the of one number, which belongs to (0 ,1] and which we denote by cos2(th), we can use Theorem 3.5to definea an 3.8. Nontrivial subspaces UFandVGdefine a pairof subspaces the angle theangle thif PFv=cos(th)u and PGu=cos(th)v. We excludeth=p/2 in Definition 3.8so that principal subspaces belong to the class of strictly. We and principal vectors that can be checked directl y (for details, see [ 18]). The first property characterizes principal subspaces as eigenspace s of the products of the 3.9. a pairof subspaces theangle the eigenvalue cos2(th). In such a All pairs of theangle th. Theorem 3.10. LetU(th),U(ph) F, andV(th),V(ph) Gbe the principal subspaces to the angles Then PU(th)and PV(ph)are can chooseV(th)such that for givenU(th)we can [ofTheorem 3.7]LetUandVbethesubspaces closedand * U,Vare the principal subspaces for subspaces FandG, corresponding to the angle p/2-th; * U,Vare the principal subspaces for subspaces FandG, correspondingto the angle p/2-th; * U,Varethesubspaces u and v form a pair of principal vectors for the subspaces FandG, corresponding to the angleth. Then with u and v describethe pairsof Bounding theChangesin Forthefi known,e.g., [ 23,24]. To measurethe distancebetween two boundedreal sets S1andS2we use the , e.g., [ 19], dist(S the distance from the point uto the set S. The H. Theorem4.1. S((PFPG)|F) and cos2(^Th(F,~G))= S((PFP~G)|F) by Definition 2.4. Both operators( By [ thefirst subspace, F, ischangedin em5.2,whichis A=PG. We conjecture that similar generalizations to the case of in finite dimensional subspaces can be made for bounds involving changes in the sines and cosines (without squares) of the Changesin the RitzValuesand we estimate how Ritz values of a selfadjoint operator ch ange with the change of a vector,and then we extendthis result to estimate the change of Ritz valueswith the changeof a (infinite subspace,using the gapbetwee n subspaces, results are natural extensions of the results of the pre vious section that bound the change in the squared cosines or sines of the angles, since in the par ticular case where the is an orthogonal projector its Ritz values are exac tly the squared cosines of the angles from the trial subspace of the Rayleigh-Ritz methodto the ra ngeof the In addition, we prove a spectrum error bound that characterize s the change in the Ritz values for an invariant subspace, and naturally involves the gap squar ed; see [27,1,26] for similar B(H) be a selfadjoint operator. Denote by the an operator Aat a vector f/nequal0. Inthe followinglemma, we estimate changesin the Rayleigh quotient with the change in a vector. This estimate has been previously proven only for real finite dimensional spaces [ 24]. Here, we give a new proof that works both for real 5.1. Let AB(H)be a selfadjoint operator on a Hilbert space Hand (5.1) Proof.We 20,21]. a two dimensional subspace (if fandgare linearly dependent then the Rayleigh quotients are the same and the assertion is trivial). Denote ~A=(PSA)|Sand two eigenvalues of ~Aby l1<=l2. In the nontrivial case l(f)/nequall(g), we then have the strong this proof, we extend the notation of the Rayleigh quotien t of an operator Aat a vector to explicitly include A. It is easy to see that l(f;A)=l(f;~A) and that the same holdsforvector g. Then,since the statement of the lemma would follow from the 2D estimate that we now have to prove. The latter estimate is clearly invarian t with respect to a shift and scaling of~A. Let us use the transformation then the estimate we need to cespan{h}S. and, the Rayleigh-Ritz method for a selfadjoint operator A B(H) on a trial subspace F the is called the set of Ritz values, corresponding to AandF. The next result of this section is an estimate of a change in the Ritz va lues, where one trial subspace, F, is replaced with another, G. For finite dimensional subspaces such a result is obtained i n [24], where the maximal distance between pairs of individually ordered Ritz values is used to measure the change in the Ritz values. Here, the trial subspa ces may be infinite dimensional, so the Ritz values may form rather general sets on the real int erval and we are limited to the use of the Hausdor ffdistance between the sets, which does not take 5.2. Let AB(H)be a selfadjoint operatorand FandGbe Then a bound for the Hausdor ffdistance between the Ritz values of A, with respect to the trial subspacesFandG, of. Consequently we can assume without loss of generality that g ap(F,G)<1. Then we 2.1). Operators( Operators( Fandusing[ We need to estimate |(f,Wf)|from below. From the polar decomposition PFPGPF. Finally, by assumption, gap( F,G)<1, thus Corollary 2.13gives S((PFA)|F) is a subset, namely S(A|F), of the spectrum of A.The change in the Ritz values, bounded in Theorem itzmethod. 5.3. Under the assumptions of Theorem 5.2let in additionFbe an A-invariant thespectrumof A . to the decomposition H=FF, We assume that F correspondsto the toppart ofthe spectrumof canbe treatedby teredbyreplacing an arbitrary real constant. Later in the proofwe need A|Fto be nonnegative. We AwithA-aI,so (5.3) As in the proof of Theorem 5.2, if gap(F,G)=1 then the assertion holds since the both spectra are subsets of [min Consequently we can assume without loss of generality that gap( F,G)<1. Then we by ( 2.1). (PGPFAPF)|Gare unitarily equivalent, since Wis an isometry on F, thus their spectra are the same. Now, instead of ( 5.2), we use the triangle inequality for the : dist(S(A|F),S((PGA)|G)) <=dist(S((A|F),S(/parenleftbigW*(PGPFAPF)|GW/parenrightbig|F)) +dist(S((PGPFAPF)|G)),S((PGA)|G)).(5.4) Theoperator/radicalbigPFPGPF|F=/radicalbig (PFPG)|Fisselfadjointanditssmallestpointofthespectrum is Definition 2.4, which is positive byTheorem 2.12with stitution. The spectrum of the product of two bounded operators, one of w hich is bijective, does not dependon the orderof the bothproductsa re similar to each other. One of the first term in the triangle inequality ( 5.4) for the is estimated using [ 5.4),we applyagain[ 19, Theorem4.10,p. Pluggingin ( gap(F,G)<1 implies see [ Corollary 2.13. conjecture that our assumption on the invariant subspace representing a specific part of the spectrum of Ais irrelevant, i.e., the statement of Theorem 5.3holds without it as well, cf. Argentatiet al.[ 1], 26]. 186. The method Every selfadjoint nonnegative non-expansion A,0<=A<=Iin a Hilbert space Hcan as (strictly speaking is unitarily equivalent to) a product of two orthogonal a subspace FHxH . involvesas a mainstep the classical alternating projectors method, it is assum ed that the projectors are (6.1) thenthesequenceofvectors typicalwhen e(i)representsan amultip 6.1)describesthe examplebelow . If the subspace M00=FGis nontrivial then the sequence the orthogonal projection eofe(0)ontoM00. The latter is called a ([ 34,15]) method in [ 2] of alternating projectors for determining the to e(0)inM00. We note that, despite the non-symmetric appearance of the e PFPGin(6.1),it e(i)F. nc eofiterations( Here,weuseadi First, wenoticethat thelimitvector eM00isa a conjugate gradient (CG) method can be used to ca lculate approximations to the solutionein the null-space. The standard CG algorithm for linear syst emsAx=bcan setg=1 residual iteration: p=r; can be applied directly to the Ae=0 withA=A*>=0 by setting b=0. We need equation ( 6.2). Finally, we note that CG acceleration can evidently be applied to the symmetrized alternating pro jectors method with more than iveoperator Estimate( of the spectrum of A, or, in terms of the angles, if and only if zero is an isolated p oint, or not present, in the set of angles ^Th(F,G), which is the same as the conditionfor thus falls into the same class of polynomial methods as do es the CG method. It is well known that the CG method providesthe smallest value of the en ergy (semi-) norm of the error, in our case wheree(k)F, which gives us an opportunity to call it the equation( (6.4) so we can take A=PF+PGin the CG method for equation ( 6.4) and thenS(A) is given by Theorem 2.18. Equation ( 6.4) appears in the so-called additive DDM method, e.g., [ 32]. A discussionof( 6.4)canbefoundin [ 18,SS7.1,p. 127]. Estimate ( 6.3) guarantees the finite convergence of the CG method if the spe ctrum of A consists of a finite number of points. At the same time, the con vergence of the can be slow in such a case, so that the CG acceleration i s particularly noticeable. In the remainder of the section, we present a simple domain deco mposition example for the the following one dimensional di ffusion with the solution uH1 0([0,1]), where H1 0([0,1]) is the usual Sobolev space of real- valued functions with the Lebesgue integrable squares of th e first generalized derivatives and with zero values at the end points of the interval [0 ,1]. We use the bilinear a scalar producton H1 0([0,1]). We considerDDM with an overlap,i.e., we split [0 ,1]=[0,a][b,1], with 0<b<a< 1 so We can be checked easily that the subspace Fconsists of functions, which are linear on the interval [0,a] and the subspace Gconsists of functions, which are linear on the interval [ b,1]. 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Andrew Knyazev
Andrew Knyazev, Abram Jujunashvili, and Merico Argentati
Angles Between Infinite Dimensional Subspaces with Applications to the Rayleigh-Ritz and Alternating Projectors Methods
22 pages. Accepted to Journal of Functional Analysis
Journal of Functional Analysis 259 (2010), pp. 1323-1345
math.NA math.FA
We define angles from-to and between infinite dimensional subspaces of a Hilbert space, inspired by the work of E. J. Hannan, 1961/1962 for general canonical correlations of stochastic processes. The spectral theory of selfadjoint operators is used to investigate the properties of the angles, e.g., to establish connections between the angles corresponding to orthogonal complements. The classical gaps and angles of Dixmier and Friedrichs are characterized in terms of the angles. We introduce principal invariant subspaces and prove that they are connected by an isometry that appears in the polar decomposition of the product of corresponding orthogonal projectors. Point angles are defined by analogy with the point operator spectrum. We bound the Hausdorff distance between the sets of the squared cosines of the angles corresponding to the original subspaces and their perturbations. We show that the squared cosines of the angles from one subspace to another can be interpreted as Ritz values in the Rayleigh-Ritz method, where the former subspace serves as a trial subspace and the orthogonal projector of the latter subspace serves as an operator in the Rayleigh-Ritz method. The Hausdorff distance between the Ritz values, corresponding to different trial subspaces, is shown to be bounded by a constant times the gap between the trial subspaces. We prove a similar eigenvalue perturbation bound that involves the gap squared. Finally, we consider the classical alternating projectors method and propose its ultimate acceleration, using the conjugate gradient approach. The corresponding convergence rate estimate is obtained in terms of the angles. We illustrate a possible acceleration for the domain decomposition method with a small overlap for the 1D diffusion equation.
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[ [ "Knyazev", "Andrew", "" ], [ "Jujunashvili", "Abram", "" ], [ "Argentati", "Merico", "" ] ]
2 tracker.) We assume the tracker is capable of measuring range and range rat e to an- other satellite in an unknown orbit (henceforward called the trackee.). We denote the time-varying position vectors of the tracker and trac kee r,respectively. The only force on the tracker and trackee is assume d to be that due to a large uniformly dense body. To simplify the following deriv a- tion, we choose our time unit to be the time taken for the tracker to travel one radian in its orbit, and our distance unit to be the radius of the tr acker's orbit. We may then write r|>0 for allt. In the following derivation, we will make use of the following 0 (2.1) d^R dt=^T (2.2) d^T dt=-^R (2.3) d/vector r dt=/vector v (2.4) 2d/vector v dt=-1 (/vector r*/vector r)3 2/vector r (2.5) where^Tis the velocity unit vector for the tracker. 3 Range Squared We define q(t) |/vector = 1-2/vector r(t)*/vector r(t) (3.1) q'(t) =-2(/vector r(t)*/vector v(t)+/vector v(t)*^R(t)) (3.2) q''(t) = 2/vector r(t)*/vector r(t)*/vector r(t) -4/vector v(t)*/vector =-6/vector r(t)*/vector v(t) (/vector r(t)*/vector r(t)*/vector r(t)*/vector r(t)*/vector v(t) (/vector r(t)*/vector a time t0. In the following we will consider what information about the trackee's orbit can be inferred from the values of the time deriv atives of 3qof orders zero through six at time t0./vector rwill mean /vector r(t0),/vector vwill mean /vector v(t0), rwill mean |/vector r(t0)|and so on. 3.1 Case r/negationslash= 1 Solving the system q(t0) =m0 q'(t0) =m1 q''(t0) =m2 q'''(t0) =m3(3.5) we get /vector r*^T -3/vector r*/vector v*^R-/vector r*/vector v*/vector v Using the condition q(4)(t0) =m4and the previous equations, we can deter- mine the possible values for /vector v*/vector vin terms of rand/vector r*/vector v: /vector v*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v) The condition q(5)(t0) =m5and the previous equations imply the equation in rand/vector r*/vector v: p1(r,/vector r*/vector v) = 0 r*/vector v) r*/vector v+a2(r)(/vector r*/vector r*/vector 7m3r17+ 3m3r15+ 15m3r14+ 96m2r9-3m2r6+ r*/vector v) The condition q(6)(t0) =m6and the previous equations imply the equation in rand/vector r*/vector v: p2(r,/vector r*/vector v) = 0 r*/vector v) r*/vector v+b2(r)(/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector 228m4r19+ 405m1r15+ 765m2m3r14+ 30m3r9-2700m3r8+ 1620m3 0+ 34020m2 0r3+ Finding candidate values of rand/vector r*/vector v Solving the equations p1(r,/vector r*/vector v) = 0 and p2(r,/vector r*/vector v) = 0 simultaneously, we get a fairly short list of possible solution pairs ( r,/vector r*/vector v).Some of them can be discarded immediately: 1. Pairs for which ris not real; 2. Pairs for which Pairs for which /vector r*/vector vis not real. For each of the remaining ( r,/vector r*/vector v) pairs, we then perform the following: 1. Compute /vector v*/vector vusing an equation presented earlier, and discard the pair if this result is not positive; 2. Compute |/vector v|= /vector v*/vector v; 3. Discard the pair if the inequality |/vector r*/vector v|is not satisfied. We are then in a position to compute, for each remaining pair, its acco m- panying values of /vector r*^R,/vector r*^T,/vector v*^R, and/vector v*^T. 11All that now remains is to determine for each pair the possibilities for /vector r*^Hand/vector v*^H. For the simultaneous r*^H2+/vector r*^R2+/vector r*^T2=r2 /vector v*^H2+/vector v*^R2+/vector v*^T2=v2 /vector r*^H/vector v*^H+/vector r*^R/vector v*^R+/vector r*^T/vector v*^T=/vector r*/vector v(3.17) to have a solution, we must r*/vector v-/vector r*^R/vector v*^R-/vector r*^T /vector therefore discard pairs not satisfying this condition. 3.2 Case r= 1,/vector r*/vector v= 0,/vector the system 12q(t0) =m0 q'(t0) =m1 q''(t0) =m2 q'''(t0) =m3 q(4)(t0) =m3 r= 1 /vector r*/vector v= 0(3.19) we get /vector v*/vector Case r= 1,/vector r*/vector v/negationslash= 0,/vector the system 13q(t0) =m0 q'(t0) =m1 q''(t0) =m2 q'''(t0) =m3 q(4)(t0) =m3(3.21) we get two possible r*^R= r*/vector v*/vector r*^R= r*/vector v*/vector Operational Strategy We have identified three possible exhaustive and mutually exclusive ca 1; 172.r= 1,/vector r*/vector v= 0,/vector and 3.r= 1,/vector r*/vector v/negationslash= 0,/vector whenprocessing tha tissome- thing we aretrying to determine. Therefore three data processin g be conducted in parallel, treating the incoming data under the 1; r= 1,/vector r*/vector v= 0,/vector and r= 1,/vector r*/vector v/negationslash= 0,/vector orbital elements produced by the case actually in force will conv erge rapidly, while the other two procedures will fail to converge, since t hey are based on assumptions not in force. In practice, it will rarely (if ever ) happen thatris precisely equal to 1 ,so the second and third cases are very unlikely to be encountered. 5 Example Suppose we have data as follows at some time t0: 18m0= 2.73407 m1= simultaneously (seeAppendix thee r*/vector v-11r17/vector r*/vector r*/vector v-24r14/vector r*/vector v+180r13(/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v)3+49r11/vector r*/vector v-252r10(/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v+ 134.273r9/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v)2-22r8/vector r*/vector v-9r7(/vector r*/vector r*/vector r* /vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v+ 508.491r9+ r*/vector v)3= r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v)4+ r*/vector v)3+ r*/vector r*/vector v)2+ r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v+ 10800r15(/vector r*/vector r*/vector v)3+ r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v+ r*/vector r*/vector v)3+ r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v)4+128400 .r10(/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v-90r9(/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v+ r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v+ r*/vector v)4+ r*/vector v)3+ r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v)4+ 128505 .r5(/vector r*/vector v)3+ r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector 27r26+ r*/vector v)4= 0 The real solutions with positive rare given by 20r /vector r */vector v 1 1.68599 -2.12935 2 1.19671 1 .09521 3 0.869413 0 .8242 4 0.632199 -0.259071 5.1 Compute corresponding /vector v*/vector vvalues r /vector r */vector v /vector v */vector v 1 1.68599 -2.12935 4 .76251 2 1.19671 1 .09521 1 .02249 3 0.869413 0 .8242 1 .47683 4 0.632199 -0.259071 1 .85481 5.2 Get rid of negative /vector v*/vector vvalues, if any r /vector r */vector v /vector v */vector v 1 1.68599 -2.12935 4 .76251 2 1.19671 1 .09521 1 .02249 3 0.869413 0 .8242 1 .47683 4 0.632199 -0.259071 1 .85481 215.3 Get rid of pairs for which |/vector r*/vector v|> r /vector v*/vector v, if any r /vector r */vector v /vector v */vector v 1 1.68599 -2.12935 4 .76251 2 1.19671 1 .09521 1 .02249 3 0.869413 0 .8242 1 .47683 4 0.632199 -0.259071 1 .85481 5.4 Compute possible values of /vector r*^Hand/vector v*^H So far we have determined the following candidate solution data: r v /vector r *^R /vector r *^T /vector v *^R /vector v *^T x /vector r */vector v 1 1.68599 2 .18232 0 .554241 -5.6706 2 .08984 2 .76423 1 .78813 -2.12935 2 1.19671 1 .01118 -0.150981 0 .11657 -0.47277 0 .318484 -0.32438 1 .09521 3 0.869413 1 .21525 -0.489095 -0.148376 -0.478834 -0.108766 -0.411787 0 .8242 4 0.632199 1 .36192 -0.667196 2 .40054 -4.11102 -1.17276 -0.654373 -0.259071 We now determine the accompanying possible values of /vector r*^Hand/vector v*^H and the corresponding state vectors: /vector r*^R /vector r *^T /vector r *^H /vector v *^R /vector v *^T /vector v *^H 1-0.150981 0 0 .318484 0 .11657 1 .18141-0.47277 0 .318484 0 .835194 226 Concluding Remark In conclusion, we return to the claim in the Abstract: it is theoretic ally possible to narrow the possibilities for the tracker's state vector t o at worst a few, and at best only two. at worst a few has been established above. Regarding at best o nly two, it cannot be expected that the state vector will be uniquely de termined by a single measurement of qand its first six time derivatives, because from a state vector of the form /vector r=a^R+b^T+c^H, /vector present the same function qas orbitBproceeding from a state vector of the form /vector r=a^R+b^T-c^H, /vector v=d^R+e^T-f^H, and these orbits are distinct whenever c/negationslash= 0 and f/negationslash= 0,i.e. whenever the trackee and the tracker are not in the same orbital plane. If they are not coplanar , the orbit of the trackee will be narrowed down to two definite possibilities. 7 Appendix Using (2.1.2) and r*/vector v) = 0 (7.1) for/vector r*/vector vyields x1(r) then get three (7.7) A candidate solution rwill be a positive zero of one or more of these equa- tions. Recall the expression of the function p2given in (2 .1.3).Ifqi(r) = 0, then the corresponding candidate value of /vector r*/vector vwill R. Scott Erwin, Mario A. Santillo, Dennis S. Bernstein, Spacecra ft Trajectory Estimation Using a Sampled-Data Extended Kalman Filter with Decision andControl 200645thI EEE 24Conference on, pp. 3144-3149, 2006. 25
Kerry Soileau
Kerry M. Soileau
State Vector Determination By A Single Tracking Satellite
Using only a single tracking satellite capable of only range measurements to an orbiting object in an unknown Keplerian orbit, it is theoretically possible to calculate the orbit and a current state vector. In this paper we derive an algorithm that can perform this calculation.
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[ [ "Soileau", "Kerry M.", "" ] ]
Intuitively, we would want that if an adversary knows the hash value of one n-gram, it cannot deduce anything about the hash value of another n-gram. For example, with the family of constant functions, once we know one hash value, we know them all. The family Hispairwise independent if the hash value of n-gram x1is independent from the hash value of any other n-gram x2. That is, we have P(h(x1) =y^h(x2) =z) = P(h(x1) =y)P(h(x2) =z) =1=4Lfor all distinct n-grams x1,x2, and all hash values y,zwith x16=x2. Pairwise independence implies uniformity. We refer to a particular hash function h2Has uniform or a pairwise independent hash function when the family in question can be inferred from the the idea of pairwise independence can be generalized: a family of hash functions Hisk-wise independent if given distinct x1;:::; xkand given hselected uni- formly at random from H, then P(h(x1) =y1^^ h(xk) =yk) =1=2kL. Note that k-wise independence implies k1-wise independence and uniformity. (Fully) inde- pendent families are k-wise independent for arbitrarily large k. For applications, non- independent families may fare as well as fully independent families if the entropy of the data source is sufficiently high [16]. A hash function hisrecursive [17]--or rolling[18]--if there is a function Fcom- puting the hash value of the n-gram x2:::xn+1from the hash value of the preceding n-gram ( x1:::xn) and the values of x1andxn+1. That is, we have h(x2;:::; xn+1) =F(h(x1;:::; we could compute function Fin time O(L)and not, for example, in time O(Ln). The main contributions of this paper are: a proof that recursive hashing is no more than pairwise independent (SS 3); a proof that randomized Karp-Rabin can be uniform but never pairwise indepen- dent (SS 5); a proof that hashing by irreducible polynomials is pairwise independent (SS 7); a proof that hashing by cyclic polynomials is not even uniform (SS 9); a proof that hashing by cyclic polynomials is pairwise ignor- ingn1 consecutive bits (SS 10). We conclude with an experimental section where we show that hashing by cyclic poly- nomials is faster than hashing by irreducible polynomials. Table 1 summarizes the algorithms presented. 2. Trailing-zero randomized algorithms [14, 15] merely require that the number of trailing zeroes be independent. For example, to estimate the number of distinct n-grams in a large document without enumerating them, we merely have to compute maximal numbers of leading zeroes kamong hash values [19]. Na ively, we may estimate that if a hash value with kleading zeroes is found, we have 2kdistinct n-grams. SuchTable 1: A summary of the hashing function presented and their properties. For G ENERAL and C YCLIC , we require Ln. To make C YCLIC pairwise independent, we need to discard some bits--the resulting scheme is not formally recursive. Randomized Karp-Rabin is uniform under some conditions. name cost per n-gram independence memory 3-wise (SS 4) O(Ln) 3-wise Karp-Rabin (SS 5) uniform O(LjSj) GENERAL (SS 7) O(Ln) pairwise G ENERAL (SS 8) O(L) pairwise (SS 9) O(L+n) pairwise (SS 10) might be useful because the number of distinct n-grams grows large with n: Shakespeare's First Folio [20] has over 3 million distinct let zeros (x)return the number of trailing zeros (0,1,. . . , L) ofx, where zeros(0) =L. We say hisk-wise trailing-zero independent =2j1j2 jk, for ji=0;1;:::; L. Ifhisk-wise independent, it is k-wise trailing-zero independent. The converse is not true. If his ak-wise independent function, consider ghwhere gmakes zero all bits before the rightmost 1 (e.g., g(0101100 ) =0000100). Hash ghisk-wise but not even uniform (consider that P(g=0001) =8P(g=1000)). 3. Recursive hash functions are no more than pairwise independent Not only are recursive hash functions limited to pairwise independence: they can- not be 3-wise trailing-zero 1 There is no 3-wise trailing-zero independent hashing function that Consider the ( n+2)-gram anbb. Suppose his recursive and 3-wise trailing- zero independent, a) =0^ F(0;a;b) =0^ F(0;a;b) =0 =P h(a;:::; a) =0^ F(0;a;b) a;b))L =22Lby trailing-zero pairwise required by trailing-zero 3-wise we have a contradiction and no such hexists.4. A non-recursive 3-wise independent hash function A trivial way to generate an independent hash is to assign a random integer in [0;2L) to each new value x. Unfortunately, this requires as much processing and storage as a complete indexing of all values. However, in a multidimensional setting this approach can be put to good use. Sup- pose that we have tuples in K1K2 Knsuch thatjKijis small for all i. We can construct independent hash functions hi:Ki![0;2L)for all iand combine them. The hash function h(x1;x2;:::; xn) hn(xn)is then 3-wise in- dependent (is the exclusive or function, XOR). In time O(an i=1jKij), we can con- struct the hash function by generating an i=1jKijrandom numbers and storing them in a look-up table. With constant-time look-up, hashing an n-gram thus takes 1 is an application of this idea to 1 The (non-recursive) 3-wise independent family. Require: n L-bit hash functions h1;h1;:::; hnoverSfrom an independent hash family 1:s empty FIFO character cdo 3: append ctos 4: iflength( s)=nthen 5: yield yield statement returns the value, without terminating the algorithm. g 6: remove oldest character from s 7: end if 8:end for This new family is not 4-wise independent for n>1. Consider the n-grams ac,ad, bc,bd. The XOR of their four hash values is zero. However, the family is 3-wise 2 The family of hash functions h (x) the L-bit hash functions h 1;:::; hnare taken from an independent hash family, is 3-wise Consider any 3 distinct n-grams: Because the n-grams are distinct, at least one of two A For some i2f1;:::; ng, the three values distinct. Write For example, consider the three 1-grams: a,b,c. Case B (Up to a reordering of the three n-grams.) There are two values i;j2f1;:::; ng such that x(1) iis distinct from the two identical values x(2) i;x(3) i, and such that x(2) j is distinct from the two identical values x(1) i;x(3) i. Write For example, consider the three 2-grams: ad,bc,bd.Recall that the XOR operation is invertible: ab=cif and only if a=bc. We prove 3-wise independence for cases A and B. Case A. Write We have that the values independent, and they are independent from the values all values yi;y0 i. Hence, we have P h(x(1)) =z(1)^ h(x(2)) =z(2)^ h(x(3)) in this case, the hash values are 3-wise B. Write the values c1;c2;c3are mutually independent, and independent from the We have P h(x(1)) =z(1)^ h(x(2)) =z(2)^ h(x(3)) values not necessarily mutually independent.This concludes the proof. 5. Randomized Karp-Rabin is not independent One of the most common recursive hash functions is commonly associated with the Karp-Rabin string-matching algorithm [21]. Given an integer B, the hash value over the sequence of integers x1;x2;:::; A variation of the Karp-Rabin hash method is Hashing by Power-of-2 Integer Division [17], where h(x1;:::; xn) 2L. In particular, the hashcode method of the Java String class uses this approach, with L=32 and B=31 [22]. A widely used textbook [23, p. 157] recommends a similar Integer-Division hash function for strings with B=37. Since such Integer-Division hash functions are recursive, quickly computed, and widely used, it is interesting to seek a randomized version of them. Assume that h1 is a random hash function over symbols uniform in [0;2L), then define h(x1;:::; xn) = Bn1h1(x1) +Bn2h1(x2) ++h1(xn)mod 2Lfor some fixed integer B. We choose B=37 (calling the resulting randomized hash ID37; see Algorithm 2). Our each hash value in time O( M(L)), where M(L)is the cost of multiplying two L-bit integers. (We precompute the value Bnmod 2L.) In many practical cases, Lbits can fit into a single machine word and the cost of multiplication can be In general, M(L)is in [24]. Algorithm 2 The recursive ID37 family (Randomized anL-bit hash function h1overSfrom an independent hash family 1:B 37 2:s empty FIFO structure 3:x 0 (L-bit integer) 4:z 0 (L-bit character cdo 6: append ctos 7: x BxBnz+h1(c)mod 2L 8: iflength( s)=nthen 9: yield x 10: remove oldest character yfrom s 11: z h1(y) 12: end if 13:end for The randomized Integer-Division functions mapping n-grams to [0;2L)are not pair- wise independent. However, for some values of Bandn, they are 3 Randomized Integer-Division hashing is not uniform for n-grams, if n is even and B is odd. Otherwise, it is uniform for B even and any n, or B odd and n odd. However, there is no value of B for which it is pairwise independent when n 2. PROOF ForBodd, we see that P(h(a2k) =0)>2Lsince h(a2k) 2Land since (1+B)is even, we have P(h(a2k) =0)P(h1(x1) =2L1_h1(x1) =0) =1=2L1. Hence, for Bodd and neven, we do not have that Bandnare both odd. Consider any string x1;x2;:::; xn. We can find a character value xjwhich is repeated an odd number of times in the string. Let Ibe the set of indexes isuch that xi=xj. We have that the equation h(x1;x2;:::; xn) =y is equivalent to = y. We can rewrite it as (ai2IBni)h1(xj) There is a unique solution h1(xj)to this equation because (ai2IBni) is odd: the sum of an odd number of odd integers is an odd integer. Hence, we have uniformity when Bandnare odd. Consider Beven. Consider any string x1;x2;:::; xn. We are interested in the last character xn. It might be repeated several times in the string. Let Ibe the set of indexes i such that xi=xn. We have that h(x1;x2;:::; xn) =yis equivalent to We want to show that there is a unique solution h1(xn)to this equation. This follows because we have that (ai2IBni)is an odd number because Bis even and n2I. Hence, we have uniformity when Bis even. To show it is not pairwise independent, first suppose that Bis odd. For any string bof length n2, consider n-grams distinct a;b2S. Then P(h(w1) =h(w2)) = =0) +P(h1(a) h1(b) =2L1). Because h1is independent, P(h1(a)h1(b) =0) = c)P(h1(b) =c) Moreover, P(h1(a)h1(b) =2L1)>0. Thus, we have that P(h(w1) = h(w2))>1=2Lwhich contradicts pairwise inde- pendence. Second, if Bis even, a similar argument shows P(h(w3) =h(w4))> 1=2L, where =h(b;a)) = P(Bh1(a) +h1(a) 2L) =2L1)>1=2L. Hence, as long as we consider strings of length n>1 and an alphabet Scontaining at least two distinct characters, we can find two strings with a collision probability greater than 1 =2Lwhether Bis even or odd. A weaker condition than pairwise independence is 2-universality: a family is 2- universal if P(h(x1) As a consequence of this proof, is not even results also hold for any Integer-Division hash where the modulo is by an even number, not necessarily a power of 2. 6. Generating hash families from polynomials over Galois fields A practical form of hashing using the binary Galois field GF(2) is called by Polynomials and has been attributed to Kubina by Cohen [17]. GF(2) contains only two values (1 and 0) with the addition (and hence subtraction) defined by XOR, a+b=aband the multiplication by AND, ab=a^b. GF(2)[x]is the vector space of all polynomials with coefficients from GF(2). Any integer in binary form (e.g., c=1101) can thus be interpreted as an element of GF (2)[x](e.g., then GF (2)[x]=p(x)can be thought of as GF (2)[x]modulo p(x). As an example, if p(x) =x2, then GF (2)[x]=p(x)is the set of all linear 2: Some irreducible polynomials over GF (2)[x] degree polynomial 10 1 +x3+x10 15 1 +x+x15 20 1 +x3+x20 25 1 +x3+x25 30 1 +x+x4+x6+x30 For instance, x3+x2+x+1=x+1 mod x2since, in GF (2)[x],(x+1) +x2(x+1) = x3+x2+x+1. As a summary, we compute operations over GF p(x)is of de- gree L--as follows: the polynomial aL1 i=0qixiis represented as the L-bit integer or addition of two polynomials is the XOR of their L-bit of a polynomial aL i=0qixiby the monomial xis represented or as p(x) In other words, if the value of the last bit is 1, we merely apply a binary left shift, otherwise, we apply a binary left shift immediately followed by an XOR with the p(x). In either case, we get an L-bit integer. Hence, merely with the XOR operation, the binary left shift, and a way to evaluate the value of the last bit, we can compute all necessary operations over GF a hash function h1over characters taken from some independent h1hash values as polynomials in GF (2)[x]=p(x), and with the condition that degree (p(x))n, we define a hash function as h(a1;a2;;an) Itisrecursive over the sequence h1(ai). The combined hash can be computed by reusing previous hash an+1) =xh(a1;a2;:::; on the choice of the polynomial p(x)we get different hashing G ENERAL and C YCLIC , which are presented in the next two sections. 7. Recursive hashing by irreducible polynomials is pairwise independent We can choose p(x)to be an irreducible polynomial of degree Lin GF (2)[x]: an irreducible polynomial cannot be factored into nontrivial polynomials (see Table 2). The resulting hash is called G ENERAL (see Algorithm 3). The main benefit of setting p(x)to be an irreducible polynomial is that GF (2)[x]=p(x)is a field; in particular, it is impossible that p1(x)p2(x) =0 mod p(x)unless either p1(x) =0 or p2(x) =0. The field property allows us to prove that the hash function is pairwise 1 GENERAL is pairwise 3 The recursive G ENERAL family. Require: anL-bit hash function h1overSfrom an independent hash family; an irre- ducible polynomial pof degree Lin GF (2)[x] 1:s empty FIFO structure 2:x 0 (L-bit integer) 3:z 0 (L-bit character cdo 5: append ctos 6: x shift(x) 7: z shiftn(z) 8: x xzh1(c) 9: iflength( s)=nthen 10: yield x 11: remove oldest character yfrom s 12: z h1(y) 13: end if 14:end for 1:function shift 2:input L-bit integer x 3:shift xleft by 1 bit, storing result in an L+1-bit integer x0 4:ifleftmost bit of x0is 1then 5: x0 x0p 6:end if 7:fleftmost bit of x0is thus always 0g 8:return rightmost Lbits of x0 PROOF Ifp(x)is irreducible, then any non-zero an inverse, noted q1(x)since GF (2)[x]=p(x)is a field. Interpret hash values as polynomials we prove that G ENERAL is uniform. In fact, we show a stronger re- sult: P(q1(x)h1(a1) +q2(x)h1(a2) ++qn(x)h1(an) =y) =1=2Lfor any polyno- mials qiwhere at least one is different from zero. The result follows by induction on the number of non-zero polynomials: it is clearly true where there is a single non-zero polynomial qi(x), since qi(x)h1(ai) =y() it is true up to k1 non-zero polynomials and consider a case where we have knon-zero polynomials. Assume without loss of generality that q1(x)6=0, we have P(q1(x)h1(a1) +q2(x)h1(a2) ++qn(x)h1(an) =y) =P(h1(a1) qn(x)h1(an))) = ay0P(h1(a1) =y0) the induction argument. Hence the uni- formity result is shown. Consider two distinct sequences a1;a2;:::; anand a0 1;a0 2;:::; a0 n. Write Ha= h(a1;a2;:::; a0 n). We have that P(Ha=y^Ha0=y0) Hence, to prove pairwise independence, it suffices to show that P(Ha=yjHa0=y0) =1=2L.Suppose that ai=a0 jfor some i;j; if not, the result follows since by the of the hashing function h1, the values HaandHa0are independent. Write q(x) then Ha+q(x)Ha0is independent from ai= a0 j(and h1(ai) only hashed values label them h1(b1);:::; h1(bm). The result of the substitution can be qk(x)are polynomials in GF (2)[x]=p(x). All qk(x)are zero if and only if Ha+q(x)Ha0=0 for all values of h1(a1);:::; h1(a0 n)(but notice that the value h1(ai) =h1(a0 j)is irrelevant); in particular, it must be true when h1(ak) =1 and h1(a0 k) =1 for all k, hence (xn++x+1) =0)q(x) =1. Thus, all qk(x)are zero if and only if Ha=Ha0 for all values of h1(a1);:::; h1(a0 n)which only happens if the sequences aanda0are identical. Hence, not all qk(x)are zero. Write Hy0;a0= On the one hand, the condition Ha0=y0can be rewritten as h1(a0 j) =Hy0;a0. On the other hand, independent from h1(a0 j) = h1(ai). Because P(h1(a0 j) = Hy0;a0) of y0and then P(h1(a0 j) =P(h1(a0 j) =Hy0;a0)which implies that h1(a0 j) independent. Hence, we =y+q(x)y0) and by the earlier uniformity result, this last probability is equal to 1 =2L. This con- cludes the proof. 8. Trading memory for speed: RAM-Buffered G G ENERAL --as computed by Algorithm 3--requires O(nL)time per n-gram. Indeed, shifting a value ntimes in GF O(nL)time. How- ever, if we are willing to trade memory usage for speed, we can precompute these shifts. We call the resulting scheme RAM-Buffered G ENERAL . Lemma 2 Pick any p (x)in GF (2)[x]. The degree of p (x)is L. Represent elements polynomials of degree at most L 1. Given any h in GF (2)[x]=p(x). we can compute xnh in O(L) time given an O (L2n)-bit memory buffer. PROOF Write hasaL1 i=0qixi. Divide hinto two parts, so that h=h(1)+h(2). Then The first part, xnh(1)is a polynomial of degree at most L1 since the degree of h(1)is at most L1n. Hence, xnh(1)as an L-bit value is just which can be computed in time O(L). So, only the computation of xnh(2)is possibly more expensive than O(L)time, but h(2)has only nterms as a polynomial (since the first Lnterms are always zero). Hence, if we precompute xnh(2)for all 2npossible values of h(2), and store them in an array with O(L)time look-ups, we can compute xnhas an L-bit value nis large, this precomputation requires excessive space and Fortunately, we can trade back some speed for memory. Consider the proof of Lemma 2. Instead of precomputing the shifts of all 2npossible values of h(2)using an array of 2nentries, we can further divide h(2)intoKparts. For simplicity, assume that the integer Kdivides n. The Kparts h(2;1);:::; h(2;K)are made of the first n=Kbits, the next n=Kbits and so on. Because we can shift using Karrays of 2n=Kentries. To summarize, we have a time using We implemented the case K=2. 9. Recursive hashing by cyclic polynomials is not even uniform Choosing p(x) =xL+1 for Ln, for any polynomial q(x) =aL1 i=0qixi, we have xiq(x) we have that multiplication by xiis a bitwise rotation, a cyclic left shift--which can be computed in O(L)time. The resulting hash (see Algorithm 4) is called C YCLIC . It requires only O(L)time per hash value. Empirically , Cohen showed that C YCLIC is uniform [17]. In contrast, we show that it is not formally 4 The recursive C YCLIC family. Require: anL-bit hash function h1overSfrom an independent hash family 1:s empty FIFO structure 2:x 0 (L-bit integer) 3:z 0 (L-bit character cdo 5: append ctos 6: rotate xleft by 1 bit 7: rotate zleft by n bits 8: x xzh1(c) 9: iflength( s)=nthen 10: yield x 11: remove oldest character yfrom s 12: z h1(y) 13: end if 14:end for Lemma 3 CYCLIC is not uniform for n even and never 2-universal, and thus never pairwise 3: C YCLIC hash for various values of h1(a)(h(a;a) =xh1(a)+h1(a)mod h(a;a) h(a;a) h(a;a) (first two bits) (last two bits) (first and last bit) 000 000 00 00 00 100 110 11 10 10 010 011 01 11 01 110 101 10 01 11 001 101 10 01 11 101 011 01 11 01 011 110 11 10 10 111 000 00 00 00 PROOF Ifnis even, use the fact that xn1++x+1 is divisible by x+1 to write xn1++x+1= (x+1)r(x)for some polynomial r(x). Clearly, =0 mod xL+1 for any r(x)and so P(h(a1;a1;:::; a1) = 0) =0) =0)P(h1(a1) = 0_h1(a1) =1=2L1. Therefore, C YCLIC is not show C YCLIC is never pairwise independent, consider n=3 (for P(h(a1;a1;a2) =h(a1;a2;a1)) = P((x+1)(h1(a1) +h1(a2)) = 0)P(h1(a1) + h1(a2) =0_h1(a1) +h1(a2) =1=2L1, but 2-universal hash values are equal with probability 1 =2L. The result is shown. Of the four recursive hashing functions investigated by Cohen [17], G ENERAL and CYCLIC were superior both in terms of speed and uniformity, though C YCLIC had a small edge over G ENERAL . For nlarge, the benefits of these recursive hash to the 3-wise independent hash function presented earlier can be look-ups is much more expensive than a single look-up followed by C YCLIC is pairwise independent if you remove n1consecutive bits Because Cohen found empirically that C YCLIC had good uniformity [17], it is rea- sonable to expect C YCLIC to be almost uniform and maybe even almost pairwise in- dependent. To illustrate this intuition, consider Table 3 which shows that while h(a;a) is not uniform ( h(a;a) =001 is impossible), h(a;a)minus any bit is indeed We will prove that this result holds in general. The next lemma and the next theorem show that C YCLIC is quasi-pairwise inde- pendent in the sense that Ln+1 consecutive bits (e.g., the first or last Ln+1 bits) are pairwise independent. In other words, C YCLIC is pairwise independent if we are willing to sacrifice n1 bits. (We say that nbits are consecutive modulo L if the bits are located at indexes imod Lfornconsecutive values of isuch as i=k;k+1;:::; k+n1.) Lemma 4 If q (x)6=0) has degree n <L, thenthe equation q (x)w=ymod xL+1modulo the first n bits3has exactly 2nsolu- tions for all y; more generally, the equation q (x)w=ymod xL+1modulo any consecutive n bits (modulo L) has exactly 2nsolutions for all y. PROOF LetPbe the set of polynomials of degree at most Ln1. Take any p(x)2 P, then q(x)p(x)has degree at most Ln1+n=L1 and thus if q(x)6=0 and p(x)6=0, then q(x)p(x)6=0 mod xL+1. Hence, for any distinct p1;p22Pwe xL+1. To prove the first item, we begin by showing that there is always exactly one solution in P. Consider that there are 2Lnpolynomials p(x)inP, and that all values q(x)p(x)are distinct. Suppose there are p1;p22Psuch that xL+1 modulo the first nbits, then q(x)(p1p2)is a polynomial of degree at most n1 while p1p2is a polynomial of degree at most Ln1 and q(x)is a polynomial of degree n, thus p1p2=0. (If p1p26=0 then degree (q(x)(p1p2)mod xL+1)degree (q(x)) = n, a contradiction.) Hence, all p(x)inPare mapped to distinct values modulo the first nbits, and since there are 2Ln such distinct values, the result is shown. Any polynomial of degree L1 can be decomposed into the form z(x)is a polynomial of degree at most n1 and p(x)2P. By the for distinct +p2)must be distinct modulo the first nbits. In other words, the equation q(x)(xLnz(x) +p) =y modulo the first nbits has exactly one solution p2Pfor any z(x)and since there z(x)of degree at most n1, then q(x)w=y(modulo the first nbits) must have 2nsolutions. To prove the second item, choose jand use the first item to find any xL+1 modulo the first nbits. j. Then wxLjis a solution to q(x)w= ymod xL+1 modulo the bits in positions j;j+1;:::; j+n1 mod L. We have the following corollary to Lemma 4. Corollary 1 If w is chosen uniformly at random in GF (2)[x]=(xL+1), then P (q(x)w= ymod n1bits) =1=2Ln+1where the n1bits are consecutive (modulo L). Theorem 1 Consider the L-bit CYCLIC n-gram hash family. Pick any n 1consecu- tive bit locations, then remove these bits from all hash values. The resulting L n+1- bit hash family is pairwise We show P(q1(x)h1(a1) + q2(x)h1(a2) ++qn(x)h1(an) = ymod n1 bits ) =1=2Ln+1for any polynomials qiwhere at least one is different from zero. It is true when there is a single non-zero polynomial qi(x)by Corollary 1. Suppose it is true up to k1 non-zero polynomials and consider a case where we 3By equality modulo hsome specified set of bit positions i, we mean that the two quantities are with exceptions permitted only at the specified positions. For our polynomials, equality modulo the first nbit positions implies the difference of the two polynomials has degree at most n1.have knon-zero polynomials. Assume without loss of generality that q1(x)6=0, we have P(q1(x)h1(a1) +q2(x)h1(a2) ++qn(x)h1(an) = ymod n1 bits ) = P(q1(x)h1(a1) = yq2(x)h1(a2)  qn(x)h1(an)mod n1 bits ) = yy0mod n1 bits )P(q2(x)h1(a2) ++qn(x)h1(an) = y0mod n1 bits ) the induction argument, where the sum is over 2Ln+1values of y0. Hence the uniformity result is shown. Consider two distinct sequences a1;a2;:::; anand a0 1;a0 2;:::; a0 n. Write Ha= h(a1;a2;:::; a0 n). To prove pairwise independence, it suf- fices to show that P(Ha=ymod n1 bitsjHa0=y0mod n1 bits ) =1=2Ln+1. Sup- pose that ai=a0 jfor some i;j; if not, the result follows by the (full) independence of the hashing function h1. Using Lemma 4, find q(x)such that n1 bits, then Ha+q(x)Ha0mod n1 bits is independent from ai=a0 j(and h1(ai) =h1(a0 j)). The hashed values now relabelled as h1(b1);:::; h1(bm). Write n1 bits where qk(x) are polynomials in GF all qk(x)are zero). As in the proof of Lemma 1, we have that Ha0=y0mod n1 bits and bits are n1 bm) =1=2Ln+1 by Corollary 1 since Ha0=ycan be written as r(x)h1(a0 j) polynomials r(x);r1(x);:::; rm(x). Hence, we have P(Ha=ymod n1 bitsjHa0=y0mod n1 bits n1 bitsjHa0=y0mod n1 bits n1 bits =y+q(x)y0mod n1 bits ) and by the earlier uniformity result, this last probability is equal to 1 =2Ln+1. 11. Experimental of p(x), computing hash values has complexity W(L). For G ENERAL and C YCLIC , we require Ln. Hence, the computation of their hash values is in W(n). For moderate values of Landn, this analysis is pessimistic because CPUs can process 32- or 64-bit words in one operation. To assess their real-world performance, the various hashing algorithms5were writ- ten in C++. We compiled them with the GNU GCC 4.0.1 compiler on an Apple Mac- Book with two Intel Core 2 Duo processors (2.4 GHz) and 4 GiB of RAM. The -O3 compiler flag was used since it provided slightly better performance for all algorithms. All hash values are stored using 32-bit integers, irrespective of the number of bits used. 4We use the shorthand notation P(f(x;y) =cjx;y) =bto mean P(f(x;y) =cjx=z1;y=z2) =bfor all values of . 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14time Karp-RabinFigure 1: Wall-clock running time to hash all n-grams in the King James Bible All hashing functions generate 19-bit hash values, except for C YCLIC which gen- erates 19+ n-bit hash values. We had C YCLIC generate more bits to compensate for the fact that it is only pairwise independent after removal of n1 consecutive bits. For GENERAL , we used the polynomial p(x) =x19+x5+x2+x+1 [25]. For we used the ID37 family. The character hash-values are stored in an array for fast look-up. We report wall-clock time in Fig. 1 for hashing the n-grams of the King James Bible [20] which contains 4.3 million ASCII characters. C YCLIC is twice as fast as GENERAL . As expected, the running time of the non-recursive hash function (3-wise) grows linearly with n: for n=5, 3-wise is already seven times slower than C YCLIC . Speed-wise, Randomized Karp-Rabin (ID37) is the clear winner, being nearly twice as fast as C YCLIC . The performance of C YCLIC and ID37 is oblivious to nin this test. The RAM-Buffered G ENERAL timings are--as of n, but they are twice as large as the C YCLIC timings. We do not show the modified version of RAM-Buffered G ENERAL that uses two precomputed arrays instead of a single one. It was approximately 30% slower than ordinary RAM-Buffered G ENERAL , even up to n=25. However, its RAM usage was 3 orders of magnitude smaller: from 135 MB down to 25 kB. Overall, we cannot recommend RAM-Buffered G ENERAL or its mod- ification considering that (1) its memory usage grows as 2nand (2) it is slower than CYCLIC . 12. speed and pairwise independence, we recommend C YCLIC --after dis- carding n1 consecutive bits. If we require only uniformity, Randomized is twice as work is supported by NSERC grants 155967, 261437 and by FQRNT grant 112381. The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their significant J. D. Cohen, algorithm for full-text large-dictionary string matching using n-gram hashing, Information Processing and Management 34 (4) (1998) 443-464. [2] J. D. 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Daniel Lemire
Daniel Lemire and Owen Kaser
Recursive n-gram hashing is pairwise independent, at best
See software at https://github.com/lemire/rollinghashcpp
Computer Speech & Language 24(4): 698-710 (2010)
cs.DB cs.CL
Many applications use sequences of n consecutive symbols (n-grams). Hashing these n-grams can be a performance bottleneck. For more speed, recursive hash families compute hash values by updating previous values. We prove that recursive hash families cannot be more than pairwise independent. While hashing by irreducible polynomials is pairwise independent, our implementations either run in time O(n) or use an exponential amount of memory. As a more scalable alternative, we make hashing by cyclic polynomials pairwise independent by ignoring n-1 bits. Experimentally, we show that hashing by cyclic polynomials is is twice as fast as hashing by irreducible polynomials. We also show that randomized Karp-Rabin hash families are not pairwise independent.
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[ [ "Lemire", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Kaser", "Owen", "" ] ]
maximal subgroups which give rise to irred ucible supercuspidal of GL n(F) were identified by Carayol [Car84]. When the maximal compact subgroup modulo center in question is FxGLn(o), the restrictions of these representations to GLn(o) correspond to what we call strongly cuspidal representations of GLn(ok) for 4.1). Carayol used these representations to constru ct all the supercuspidal of GL n(F) whennis prime. The classification of supercuspidal representations of GLn(F) fornarbitrary was completed by Bushnell and Kutzko [BK93]. Recently, P askunas [Pas05] proved that given an irreducible supercuspidal represent ationpof GLn(F), there exists a unique (up to isomorphism) irreducible representation tof GLn(o), such that tis a type for the Bernstein component of p. Hence representations of GL n(o) occur naturally in the representation theory of GL n(F). Nevertheless, with respect to GL n(o), since the general representation theory is unmanageably complicated, only those very special that are needed to understand the representations of thep-adic group itself have been considered. In this article, we take the point of view that the representation th eory of GL n(o) is inter- esting in its own right, and while extremely complicated, does display a c ertain structure. To this end, a new definition of cuspidality is introduced for represen tations of GL n(ok). This definition is closer in spirit to the characterization in [Gre55] of cu spidal as those which do not occur in representations obtained by pa rabolic induction. let L denote the set of all partitions of all positive intege rs. The of finitely generated torsion o-modules are parameterized by L. For any typel= (l1,...,lm)L, letGl=Gl,Fstand for its automorphism group. Thus, for example, Gkn= GLn(ok). Say that l<=uifolcan be embedded in ou. We call an irreducible representation of Gkncuspidal(see Definition 4.2) if it cannot be constructed from lower building blocks. By lower building blocks we mean the represe ntations of Gl, wherel < kn. These automorphism groups play the role of Levi components of p roper parabolic subgroups of GL n(o1). Representations of Gknare constructed from those of andgeometric induction (Section 3). Our first result, which is proved in Section 4.2, compares cuspidality with strong A. Every strongly cuspidal representation is cuspidal. When nis prime every cuspidal representation is strongly not prime, it is not true that every cuspidal representation is str ongly cuspidal. In Section 8, all the cuspidal representations of GL 4(o2) are constructed. Among these which are not strongly representations iswell-kno wn [Shi68,G' er75, How77]. Whennis prime, then by Theorem A, all cuspidal representations are obta ined in this manner. Moreover, for all n, the strongly cuspidal representations have properties analogo us to cuspidal representations of GL n(o1). Firstly, they can be parameterized in an Suppose that Eis an unramified extension of Fof degreen, andOis the integral closure of oinE. LetPdenote the maximal ideal in OandOkdenote the finite Fork>1, a character Ox k-Cxis said to be strongly primitive if its restriction to not factor through any proper subfield via the trace map. A character of Ox 1is said to be strongly primitive if it is norm-primitive. In Section 5.3 B. There is a canonical bijective correspondence between stro ngly cuspidal of of strongly primitive characters of Ox k. The group of units Ox kis embedded in An element ofGknis said to be regular elliptic if it is conjugate to an element of Ox kwhose image in Ox 1lies in no proper subfield. In section 5.2, we establish another proper ty that representations share with cuspidal representations o f GLn(o1), which is that of Theorem B is well-behaved with respect to char acter values on regular elliptic C. Letobe a strongly primitive character of Ox kand letThobe the cuspidal character of Gkn. Then for all regular elliptic elements uOx kGkn Tho(u) = Thovanishes on conjugacy classes which do not intersect Theorems B and C are due to Green when k= 1. Fork>1, the ideas used in the proofs can be found in the existing literature on supercuspidal rep resentations of GL n(F), the detailed account in Section 5 gives the complete picture, working entirely inside GL n(o). In particular, Theorem C is deduced from [G' er75, Theorem 1]. It is closely related to the result obtained by Henniart in [Hen93, Section 3.7]. We also observe th at in [Lu04] Lusztig gave a geometric construction of representations (in the functio n field case) which is likely to include the description of strongly cuspidal representations of Gknin terms of already is evidence that the representation theory of a gro up such as Glcan be studied by breaking up the problem into two parts. The first is to cor rectly define and under- stand the cuspidal representations. The second is to construct the remaining cuspidal representations of Guwithu<l. This approach has been implemented suc- cessfully in [Onn07] for automorphism groups of modules of rank two . Theorems A, B and C provide further evidence of the validity of this approach when l=knandnis a prime. The inevitability of the family of groups Glin the representation theory of Gknor even G2ncan be seen from another perspective. In Section 6, we prove Theorem D. LetFbe a local function field. Constructing the irreducible repr esentations of the family of groups {G2n,F= GLn(o2)|nN}is equivalent to constructing the of the family {Gl,E|lL, E/Funramified extension }. Finally, we point out a suggestive connection to the Macdonald corre spondence which might admit a higher level incarnation as well. Macdonald has establishe d a irreducible representations of G1nand equivalence classes of n-dimensional tamely ramified representations of the Weil-Deligne group W' F[Mac80]. One ingredient in is a functional equation for the zeta function as sociated to G1n. It admits a straightforward generalization to Gknfork >1. Let^fdenote a properly Fourier transform of fC(Mn(ok)) with respect to ps(tr(*)), additive character which does not factor through ok-1. LetZ(f,r) wherefC(Mn(ok)) and (r,V) is an irreducible representation of Gkn. Denote by Vrthe contragredient representation of r. In Section 7, we prove 3Theorem E. Ifris not contained in an infinitesimally induced representati on (in particular ifris cuspidal), there exists a complex number e(r,ps)and a such that tZ(^f,Vr) The second author is grateful to Alex Lubotzky and Yakov Var- shavsky for supporting this research. The third author acknowle dges M. K. Vemuri for some very helpful discussions on Heisenberg groups. The second and th ird authors thank Amnon Neeman and the Australian National University in C anberra for giving them an opportunity to work together. The fourth author thank s S. Stevens for many help- ful discussions which were instrumental for parts of the present work. The authors thank Robert Kottwitz and Dipendra Prasad, who read a draft of this art icle and provided some very valuable feedback. They are grateful to the referee for his careful reading of the article and valuable and groups. Let L denote the set of all partitions of all positive integers. AnylL can be written in the form ( wherel1>***> integers. The sum r1+***+rlwill be called the lengthof the partition, and l1will be called the heightof the partition. Every finitely generated torsion o-module is of the form somelL of height no more than k. Consider the group Gl= Aut o(ol). In particular, taking l= (kn), we haveGkn= GLn(ok). When it is necessary to specify the underlying fieldF, the notation Gl,Fwill be used for Gl. LetNrdenote the kernel of the natural map Gkn-Grn. Then, if r>=k/2, the by A/mapsto-I+rA, is an isomorphism of groups (it is a bijection of sets for allr<k). This results in a short exact sequence (2.1) 0 everyr>=k/2. In what follows, we identify Mn(ok-r) with its image in classes associated to representations. Assume that r>=k/2. The action ofGknon its normal subgroup Mn(ok-r) factors through G(k-r)n. In fact, this is just the usual action by similarity gG(k-r)n, AMn(ok-r). It results in an action of G(k-r)non the set of all characters of Mn(ok-r). Now suppose that ris an irreducible representation of Gknon a vector space V. The restriction of rtoMn(ok-r) gives rise to a decomposition V=Vkh, wherekhranges over the set of characters of Mn(ok-r). Clifford theory then tells us that the set of characters khfor whichVkhis non-trivial consists of a single orbit for the action of G(k-r)non the group Mn(ok-r) can be identified with its Pontryagin dual (as a G(k-r)n-space). For this, pick an additive character psofF-Cxwhose restriction to ois trivial, but to p-1is non-trivial. For each AMn(ok-r), define a character =ps(r-ktr(AB)). The map with its Pontryagin dual, and preserves the action of foreach and restriction functors This section introduces the functors that will play the role of parab olic induction n(ok). Section2]. is an obvious analog of parabolic induction in the case of a field . has no analog in that induction and restriction functors. Given a direct sum definePn1,n2to be the subgroup of Gknwhich preserves on1 k. There is a natural surjection Denote the kernel by Un1,n2. Define the functor in1,n2: taking representations to the induction to Gknof the pull-back under phofs1s2. The functor rn1,n2: is defined by restricting a representation then taking the invariants under Un1,n2. By Frobenius reciprocity, these functors form an adjoint = Hom [Onn07], the functors geometric induction functors, respectively. 3.1. An irreducible representation of Gknwill be said to lie in the series if it is isomorphic to a of in1,nn(s1,s2) for some positive, and some representations induction and restriction functors. For two partitions landu, say thatl<=uif there exists an embedding of olinouas ano-module. This is equivalent to the existence of a surjective o-module morphism ou-ol. Ifl<=kn, then the pair ( l,kn) has theunique embedding andunique quotient properties, i.e., all embeddings of olinokn and all surjections of oknontoollie in the same Gkn-orbit. As a consequence the functors that are defined below will, up to isomorphism, not depend on the choic es of embeddings and surjections involved (in the language of [BO07, Section 2], knis asymmetric type ). Givenl<=kn, take the obvious embedding of olinon kgiven on standard basis vectors whereh(i) is such that to olgives rise to a homomorphism Pl-kn-Glwhich, due to the issurjective. Let Rep(Gl)-Rep(Gkn) as follows: given a representation of Gl, pull it back to a representation of Pl-knvia the homomorphism Pl-kn-Gl, and then induce to Gkn. Its adjoint functor rl-kn: Rep(Gkn)-Rep(Gl) is obtained by taking a representation of Gkn, restricting to Pl-kn, and taking the vectors invariant under Ul-kn. The adjointness is a version of Frobenius reciprocity: there is a natural = Hom representations In terms of matrices, the fix the surjection of on kontoolgiven by ei/mapsto-fiand = the induced map on the quotient gives rise to a homomorphism issurjective. Let Rep(Gl)-Rep(Gkn) andrkn:l: Rep(Gkn)-Rep(Gl) are defined exactly as before.Pkn:lis conjugate to Pl'-knandUkn:lis conjugate to Ul'-kn, wherel'is the partition that is complementary to linkn, i.e., the partition for which ker( the collection of irreducible representations obtained as summands after applying either of the functors il-knorikn:lis the same. Following [Onn07], the functors called infinitesimal induction functors . The functors rl-knandrkn:lare restriction functors . Definition 3.2. An irreducible representation of Gknwill be said to lie in the series if it is isomorphic to a of il-knsfor some partition l<=kn and some representation and strong definitions of cuspidality. Recall from Section 2.2 that to every rofGknis associated a similarity class ohm 1(r)Mn(o1). The was introduced in [Kut80] for n= 2 and in [Car84] for general n. Definition 4.1 (Strong cuspidality) .An irreducible representation rofGknis said to be strongly cuspidal if eitherk= 1 andris cuspidal, or k>1 and ohm 1(r) is an irreducible the above definition, one says that an orbit is irreducible if the mat rices in it are ir- reducible, i.e., they do not leave any non-trivial proper subspaces o fon 1invariant. This is equivalent to saying that the characteristic polynomial of any matr ix in the orbit is Gl, however, weshallfocuson l=kn) picks out those irreducible representations which can not be const ructed from the ofGl,l<=knby using the functors defined in Section 3. Definition 4.2 (Cuspidality) .An irreducible representation rofGknis said to be cuspidal if no twist of it by a linear character lies in the geometrically or infinitesim ally induced between the 4.3. Every strongly cuspidal representation is cuspidal. When nis a prime, every cuspidal representation is strongly an irreducible non-cuspidal representation of Gkn. The linear of the form det *khfor some character kh:ox k-Cx. Using the identification of Nk-1Mn(o1) with its dual from Section 2.2, the restriction of det *khtoNk-1is easily seen to be a scalar matrix. Thus ris strongly cuspidal if and only if r(kh) adding a scalar matrix does not effect the irreducibility of the or bit ohm1(r). there exists a character khsuch thatr(kh)Uis nonzero for some In either case this implies that the orbit ohm 1(r(kh)) is reducible which in turn implies that r(kh) and hence rare not strongly cuspidal. For the converse the following interesting result (for which the hyp othesis that nis prime is not necessary) plays an important role. A similar result was obtaine d by Kutzko in the context of supercuspidal representations of GL nover ap-adic field [Kut85, Prop. 4.6]. Call a similarity class in Mn(o1)primary if its characteristic polynomial has a unique 4.4. Letrbe an irreducible representation of Gkn. Ifohm1(r)is not in the geometrically induced series. Proof.If ohm1(r) is not primary then it contains an element such that the characteristic polynomials of ^ w1and ^w2have no common factor. It will be shown that 0. In what follows, matrices will be partitioned into blocks according to n=n1+n2. 0,...,k. ThenPiconsists of matrices in Gknwith blocks of the b ic LetUibe the normal subgroup of Piconsisting of block matrices of the ThePi's form a decreasing sequence of subgroups, while the Ui's form increasing sequences. Given arepresentation tobe by taking the vectors in the restriction of ritoPi+1that are That is, ri: ri(ri) = particular, Therefore, (see [Onn07, Lemma 7.1]) we We argue by induction that 0 for alli= 0,...,k. Ifi= 0, then since phohm1(r), we get that r|U1contains the trivial character of U1, 0. Denote ri=ri-1* *** *r0(r) and assume that ri/n}ationslash= 0. In order to show 0, consider the normal subgroup LiofPiwhich consists of block matrices of the form It is easily verified that Li/UiMn(o1), the isomorphism given by e: appropriate block matrices over o1. It follows that we can identify the dual of Li/UiwithMn(o1): for ^xMn(o1). The action of Pion the dual of Li/Uiis given by ^ shall not need the general action of elements of Pi, but rather of a small subgroup which is much easier to handle. e(l) unraveling definitions gives (4.5) ^ we have identifications infer that the restriction of a character ps^x= to ^ We claim that there exist gcsuch the trivial character of Ui+1/Uiand 0. Indeed, using (4.5) it is enough to show that the map surjective, hence ^ u can be eliminated and the entry (1 ,2) contains the trivial character. This map is surjective if and only if it is injective. So we show that its kernel is null. A matrix cis in the kernel if and only if (4.6) c^w1= ^w2c. Letpi(i= 1,2) be the characteristic polynomials of ^ wi. Our assumption on the orbits disjoint set of roots. Using (4.6) we deduce that cp1(^w1) =p1(^w2)c. By the Cayley-Hamilton theorem the left hand side of the above equa tion vanishes. Over an algebraic closure of o1,p1(t) where the ajare the rootsof p1. The hypothesis on ^w1and ^w2implies that none of these is an eigenvalue of ^ w2. Therefore, ^ w2-ajis invertible for eachj. It follows that p1(^w2) is also invertible, hence c= 0. This completes the proof of the now to the proof of Theorem 4.3, assume that ris not strongly cuspidal. There are two Any element ^ oohm1(r) has eigenvalue in o1. In such case, by twisting with character kh, we get a row of zeros in the Jordan canonical form of ^o. Therefore, r(kh) is contained in a representation infinitesimally induced Elements in ohm 1(r) have no eigenvalue in o1. Sincenis prime and since ohm 1(r) is reducible, the latter cannot be primary, and Proposition 4.4 implies th atrlies in induced series. Thus,ris of strongly cuspidal representations ofGL example, in [Shi68, G' er75, How77, Car84, BK93, Hil95a]. In this s ection, we recall in a way that Theorems B and C are seen to follow from it . 85.1.Primitive characters. LetEdenote an unramified extension of Fof degreen. Let Obe the integral closure of oinE. The maximal ideal of OisP=O. LetOk=O/Pk. As anok-module, Okis isomorphic to a free ok-module of rank n. Therefore, Gkncan be identified with Aut ok(Ok). This identification is determined up to an inner automorphism of Gkn. Thus, the strongly cuspidal representations constructed in th is section are determined up to Okgivesriseto Ok. be thought of as a subgroup of Gkn. Similarly, for each r>=k/2,Ok-rwill be thought of as a subring of cuspidal representations of Gknwill be associated to certain characters of Ox k which we will call strongly primitive . In order to define a strongly primitive character of Ox k it is first necessary to define a primitive character of O1. Definition 5.1 (Primitive character of O1).Aprimitive character of O1is a does not factor through any proper subfield via the trace ma p. The map Ok-Ox kgiven anisomorphism each 1 5.2 (Strongly primitive character of Ox k).Whenk >1, astrongly of Ox kis a homomorphism o:Ox k-Cxwhose restriction to ker( Ox k-Ox k-1) is a primitive character when thought of as a character of O1under the above above definition does not depend on the choice of uniformizing ele mentp. Suppose that r>=k/2. An identification with its Pontryagin dual was constructed in Section 2.2. Given aOk-r, view it as an element of Mn(ok-r). Let phadenote the restriction of psatoOk-r. an isomorphism of Ok-rwith its Pontryagin of strongly cuspidal representations from st rongly s. The reader may find it helpful to refer to (5.8) while navigating the co nstruc- tion. Letl=k/2be the smallest integer not less than k/2 andl'=k/2be the largest integer not greater than k/2. Letobe a strongly primitive character of Ox k. LetaOk-l be such that the restriction of otoNlOx k(when identified with Ok-l) is of the form pha. The strong primitivity of oimplies that the image of ainO1does not lie in any proper subfield. The formula (5.3) to(xu) =psa(x)o(u) for a homomorphism to:NlOx k-Cx. LetLdenote the kernel of the natural map Ox k-Ox 1. ThenNlLis a normal subgroup of Nl'Ox k(note that NlOx kis not normal in Nl'Ox ki, whenkis odd). Let sodenote the restriction of totoNlL. We have (5.4) so(yxy-1) =so(x) for the order and pdenote the characteristic of o1. The quotient isomorphic to Mn(o1)/O1which1, being an abelian group where every has order p, can be viewed as a vector space over Fpof dimension ( =so([x,y]) for is identified with End o1(O1). 9defines a non-degenerate alternating bilinear form b:VxV-up, whereupdenote of unity, [Hil95b, Corollary 4.3]. The following lemma now follows from standard results on the represe ntation theory of finite Heisenberg groups (see e.g., [G' er75, Proposition 3]). Lemma 5.5. There exists a unique irreducible representation s' oofNl'Lwhose This representation has dimension q(l-l')(n2-n)/2. Its character is from [Ser68, II.4, Proposition 8], that there is a unique multiplic ative This allows us to realize Nl'Ox kas a semidirect product of also, that xOx kis calledregular elliptic if its image in Ox 1is not contained in any proper subfield. Lemma 5.6. Whenkis odd, there exists an irreducible representation t' oofNl'Ox k, which is unique up to isomorphism, whose restriction to and such that for not conjugate to an element of regular elliptic . Proof.The lemma is easily deduced from [G' er75, Theorem 1] as follows: the a lgebraic torus Tdefined over Fqsuch thatT(Fq) =Ox 1splits over the extension FqnofFq. The Galois group of this extension acts on the weights of T(Fqn) onVFqn, which simply correspond to roots of GL n. The Frobenius automorphism which generates this group acts as a Coxeter element on this root system. One may see that, in the language of [G' er75, 1.4.9(b)], this action has a unique symmetric orbit and ( n-2)/2 non-symmetric orbits if nis even, and no symmetric orbits and ( n-1)/2 non-symmetric orbits if nis odd. The symmetric a factor of ( -1) to the character values. The hypothesis that uis not an element of any proper subfield of O1implies that uis regular semisimple, and that no weight vanishes on it. /square Whenkis even, define the representation t' oofNl'Ox kto be justto(see (5.3)). Then, for anyk>1, ifuOx kis an element whose image in Ox 1is a generates Ox 1, we have (5.7) tr( t' o(u)) = define ro= will be the strongly cuspidal representation associated to the strongly primitive The representation rois irreducible because Nl'Ox kis the centralizer of so inGkn. The steps in the construction of roare described schematically below for the convenience of the reader. The diagram on the left describes the relation betwe en the various groups involved. The position occupied by a group in the diagram on the left is o ccupied by representation that appears in the construction in the diagram on the right. 10(5.8) Gkn pha Theorem 5.9. For each strongly primitive character oofOx k,rois an irreducible repre- sentation such that (1) tr(ro(g)) = 0ifgis not conjugate to an element of such that its image in Ox 1is not contained in any proper subfield, then tr(ro(u)) = everyuOx k, whose image in Ox 1lies in no proper first assertion follows from Lemma 5.5. The second follows from t he fact that the intersection of the conjugacy class of only of the /square 5.3.The parameterization of strongly cuspidal representation s ofGkn.The follow- ing is a detailed version of Theorem B. Theorem 5.10. (1)For each strongly primitive character oofOx k, the representation roofGknis irre- ducible and strongly strongly cuspidal representation of Gknis isomorphic to rofor some character another strongly primitive character of Ox k, thenrois isomorphic to ro'if and only if o'=o*gfor of (1). The irreducibility of rofollows from standard results on induced . To see that rois strongly cuspidal, observe that the restriction of means that its restriction to Nk-1containspsa, whereais the image of ainO1. Since this image does not lie in any proper subfield, its minimal polynomial is irre ducible of degree n. Therefore, as an element of Mn(o1), its characteristic polynomial must be irreducible. /square 11Proof of (2). Suppose that ris an irreducible strongly cuspidal representation of Gkn. Un- winding the definitions, one see that ohm 1(r) is just the image of ohm k-l(r) under the Letp(t)ok-l[t] be the characteristic polynomial of the matrices in ohmk-l(r). Denote its image in o1[t] byp(t). The hypothesis on rimplies that p(t) is irre- ducible. Let ~ p(t) be any polynomial in o[t] whose image in ok-l[t] isp(t). By Hensel's lemma, there is a bijection between the roots of ~ p(t) inEand the roots of p(t) inO1. we know that O1is isomorphic to o1[t]/p(t). In fact there are exactly nsuch isomor- phisms. Each one of these gives an embedding of F[t]/~p(t) inE. Since both F[t]/~p(t) andE have degree n, these embeddings must be isomorphisms. Any root ~ aof ~p(t) inEalso lies in O. It is conjugate to the companion matrix of ~ p(t) in GLn(o). Therefore, its image aOk-l lies in ohm k-l(r). It follows that r|Nlcontains apsaisotypic vector. By applying the little groups method of Wigner and Mackey to the norm al subgroup Nlof Gkn, we see that every representation of rkwhose restriction to Nlhas apsaisotypic vector is induced from an irreducible representation of Nl'Ox kwhose restriction to is not difficult then to verify (by counting extensions at each stag e) that the Section 5.2 gives all such representations. /square Proof of (3). It follows from the proof of (2) that t' o1andt' o2are isomorphic if and only if o1=o2. The Galois group Gal( E/F) acts by inner automorphisms of Gkn(since we have identified it with Aut ok(Ok)) preserving Nl'Ox k. Therefore, the restriction of contains to2whenevero2is in the Gal( E/F)-orbit ofo1, hencero1is isomorphic to ro2. Ifo1ando2do not lie in the same Gal( E/F)-orbit then Theorem 5.9 implies that that ro1 can not be isomorphic to ro2. with supercuspidal representations of GLn(F).In [BK93, Theo- rem 8.4.1], Bushnell and Kutzko proved that all the irreducible super cuspidal of GL n(F) can be obtained by compact induction from a compact subgroup mo dulo the center. One such subgroup is FxGLn(o). This group is a product of GL n(o) with the infinite cyclic group Z1generated by I. Thus every irreducible representation of this group is a product of a character of Z1with an irreducible representation of GL n(o). An of GL n(o) is said to be of level k-1 if it factors through GL n(ok), but not through GL n(ok-1). Whennis prime, the representations of GL n(o) which give rise to su- percuspidal representations are precisely those which are of leve lk-1, for some for k >1, and, when viewed as representations of GL n(ok), are strongly cuspidal. For k= 1, they are just the cuspidal representations of GL n(o1). The corresponding representations of ZGLn(o) are called tr` es cuspidale de type kby Carayol in [Car84, Section 4.1]. The construction that Carayol gives for these representations is the same as the one giv en here, except that the construction here is made canonical by using G' erardin's results. Letkhbe any character of Z1. Set po,kh:= are the supercuspidal representations of GL n(F) associated to ro. Letr: GLn(o)-GLn(ok) denote the homomorphism obtained by reduction modulo pk. In the notation of [BK93], we have r-1(NlL) =J1(b,A) and r-1(Nl'Ox k) =J(b,A), where A=Mn(o) andbMn(F) is minimal (see [BK93, groups are very special cases of the groups defined in [BK93 , (3.1.14)]. The is a special case of the Heisenberg representation defined in [BK93 , Prop. 5.1.1]. We will say that a supercuspidal representation pof GLn(F) belongs to the the field extension F[b] ofFis unramified (by [BK93, (1.2.4), (6.2.3) (i)], this is equivalent to saying that the in the construction of pis a prime number, Carayol has proved (see [Car84, Theorem 8.1 (i) ]) that po,khgiveall thesupercuspidal representations ofGL n(F)which belong to the unramified series. However, when nis composite, the strongly cuspidal representations are not sufficient in order to build all the supercuspidal representation s in the unramified series of GLn(F) (see for instance Howe's construction in [How77]). Since all the sup of GL n(F) are known [BK93], it would be natural to try restricting them to GLn(o) and see if one get cuspidal representations among the componen ts. On the other hand we observe that our notion of cuspidality is in a sense stronger than the usual notion ofGL n(F), since supercuspidality of the classification problem In this section it will be shown that the representation theory of th e family of groups Gkn actually involves the much larger family, which was defined in Section 2.1, even when k= 2. Theorem 6.1. LetF=Fq(())be a local function field. Then the problems of constructing all the irreducible representations of the following group s are all partitions land all unramified extensions (3) implies (2), which implies (1). That (1) implies (3) follows fr om the somewhat more precise formulation in Theorem 6.2. /square Theorem 6.2. LetFbe a local function field. Then the problem of constructing al l the irreducible representations of G2n,Fis equivalent to the problem of constructing all the irre- ducible representations of all the groups Gl,E, whereEranges over all unramified extensions ofFof over all partitions such that a local function field, G2nis isomorphic to the semidirect product of GLn(o1) byMn(o1). Thelittle groups method of Wigner and Mackey (see e.g., [Ser77, Prop. 25]) shows that constructing the irreducible representatio ns ofG2nis equivalent to constructing the irreducible representations of the centralizers in GLn(o1) of all the multi- plicative characters of Mn(o1). Pick any khfor which the space Vkhofkh-isotypic vectors is non-zero. By the discussion in Section 2.2, these subgroups of GL n(o1) are the same as the centralizer groups of matrices. We will see below that these centra lizer groups are products of groups of the form Gl,Ethat appear in the statement of Theorem 6.2. LetAMn(o1). Then, on 1can be thought of as a o1[]-module where acts through A. The centralizer of Ais the automorphism group of this o1[]-module. For each polynomial f()o1[] of degree dwhich divides the characteristic polynomial of A, thef-primary part of this module is isomorphic some partition l. Lemma 6.3. LetO1=o1[]/f(). The rings isomorphic for will be shown by induction that there exists a sequence {qk()}, ino1[] such that (1)q1() =, (2)qk+1()qk() modf()kfor allk>0, allk>0. Fork= 1 the result is obvious. Suppose that qk() has been constructed. Since o1is a perfect field and f() is irreducible, f'() is not identically 0. It follows that f'() does not dividef(). does not divide f(). Therefore, the modf()k+1 can be solved for h(). Leth0() be a solution. Take qk+1() =qk()+f()kh0(). The sequence in this manner has the required properties. Now note that One may define a ring andu/mapsto-f(). in the image of this map, so it is surjective. As vector spaces over o1both rings have dimension kd. Therefore, it is an isomorphism. /square It follows from Lemma 6.3 that the automorphism group of the f-primary part of on 1 isGl,E, whereEis an unramified extension of Fof degreed. The automorphism group of theo1[]-module on 1is the product of the automorphism groups of its f-primary the centralizer of AinG1nis a product of groups ofthe form Gl,E. dimension show that eachGl,Ethat given landdsatisfying the above inequality, take an irreducible of degreed. Define Jk(f) = Cf0 0***0 0 IdCf0***0 0 0 IdCf***0 0 0 ***Cf0 0 0 0 any matrix with characteristic polynomial f. chosen so that The a factor. /square 147.The zeta function associated to Gkn In [Spr75], Springer attaches a zeta function to irreducible repres entations of GL n(o1), and proves that for cuspidal representations it satisfies a functiona l equation. Later on, Mac- donald [Mac80] shows that a functional equation holds for any irred ucible that it has no 1-component, namely, it is not contained in in-1,1(r,1) for any GLn-1(o1). Moreover, Macdonald establishes a bijection between of GL n(o1), and equivalence classes of tamely ramified representations of th e Weil-Deligne group W' F, which preserves certain Landefactors. In this section we attach a zeta function to any irreducible represe ntation ofGknand show that it satisfies a functional equation, provided that rdoes not lie in the series. We follow closely [Mac80] and make the necessary ada ptations. The mapF-Cxgiven when restricted to o, factors through an additive character pskofok, which does not factor through ok-1. and let C(M) denote complex valued functions on M. ForfC(M) define its Fourier transform by ^f(x) that^^f(x) =f(-x). Let (r,V) be a finite dimensional representation of G. For each fC(M) define the following lemma is 7.1. (a)Z(f,r) particular, setting x= 1 in parts (b)-(c) of Lemma 7.1 shows that W(r,ps;1) for allgG. Therefore, if ris irreducible, then W(r,ps;1) is a scalar multiple of r(1). Following [Mac80] we write e(r,ps)r(1) =W(Vr,ps;1), where Vris the contragredient of r, i.e. Vr(g) =tr(g-1) ande(r,ps) is a complex 7.2. Letrbe an irreducible representation of Gwhich does not lie in induced series. Then W(r,ps;x) = 0for ForgHxwe have W(r,ps;x) =W(r,ps;gx) =W(r,ps;x)r(g-1) Hence, it suffices to show that r(eHx) = 0 Sincer(eHx) is the idempotent projecting VontoVHx, it is enough to to show that the latter subspace is null. Let u= (u1,...,un) be the divisor type of x. *** <=un<=k, such that acting with Gon the right and on the left gives: gxh=du= diag(u1,...,un). ThenHx=gHdug-1. Now for any uwe (0,0,...,0,1). Therefore, it is enough to show that VHdn= (0). The subgroup Hdnis given explicitly Section 3.2) . It follows that VHdn= (0) ifrdoes not lie in the infinitesimally induced series. /square Theorem 7.3. For allfC(M)and all irreducible representations rofGthat do not lie in the infinitesimally induced series, we have tZ(^f,Vr) not lie in the infinitesimally induced series then nor does V r, and hence W(Vr,ps;x) = 0 for all We get tZ(^f,Vr) (by Lemma =e(r,ps)Z(f,r) (by Lemma 7.1(c)) . /square The possibility of relating representations of Gknwith some equivalence classes of of the Weil-Deligne group W' F, and consequently extending Macdonald corre- spondence to higher level, seems very appealing. However, such co rrespondence, if exists, is expected to be much more involved in view of the complexity of the rep resentation representations which are not strongly cuspidal In this section we give a description of all the cuspidal representat ions the sense of Definition 4.2. This shows in particular the existence of representations which are cuspidal, yet are not strongly cuspidal. Letl= (24) and putG=Gl. Ifpis a cuspidal representation of G, then by Proposi- tion 4.4 it is primary, that is, its orbit in M4(Fq) consists of matrices whose is of the form f(X)a, wheref(X) is an irreducible polynomial. If a= 1, then pis strongly cuspidal (by definition), and such representations wer e described in Section 5. On the other hand, f(X) cannot have degree 1, because then it would be from G(23,1), up to 1-dimensional twist (cf. the end of the proof of Theorem 4.3 ). We are thus reduced to considering representations whose chara cteristic polynomial is a re- ducible power of a non-linear irreducible polynomial. In the situation we are is only one such possibility, namely the case where f(X) is quadratic, and a= 2. Letedenote an element which generates the extension Fq2/Fq. We consider M2(Fq2) as embedded in M4(Fq) via the embedding Fq2-M2(Fq), by choosing the basis Rational canonical form implies that in M4(Fq) there are two conjugation elements with two equal irreducible 2 x2 blocks on the diagonal, one regular, 16and one which is not regular (we shall call the latter irregular), represented by the b any irreducible cuspidal non-strongly cuspidal repre sentation of Ghas exactly one of the elements b1orb2in its orbit. Denote by N1~=1 +M2(o2) the kernel of the reduction map G=G24-G14. As in Section 2.2, let psbe a fixed non-trivial additive character of F, trivial on o. Then for each bM4(Fq) we have a character psb:N1-Cxdefined by psb(1+x) group Gacts on its normal subgroup N1via conjugation, and thus on the set of characters of N1via the coadjoint action. For any character psbofN1, we write G(psb) := Stab G(psb). By Proposition 2.3 in [Hil95b], the stabilizer G(psb) is the preimage in Gof the under the reduction mod pmap. By definition, an irreducible representation pofGis cuspidal iff none of its fixedunder anygroup Ui,jorUl-24, Frobenius reciprocity), if pkh*det does not contain the trivial representation 1when restricted to Ui,jorUl-24. The groups Ui,jare analogs of unipotent radicals of (proper) maximal parabolic subgroups of G, andUl-24are the infinitesimal analogs of (cf. Section 3). Note that since IndG Ui,j1= = any character kh:ox 2-Cx, a representation is a of a representation if and only if all its one-dimensional twists ar e. In our situation, that is, for n= 4 andk= 2, there are three distinct geometric andP3,1with unipotent radicals U1,3,U2,2, andU3,1, respectively. Thus a representation is a of a geometrically induced r epresentation if and only if it is a component of IndG Ui,j1, for some ( i,j) Furthermore, there are three partitions, written in descending order, which embed in 24and give rise to induction functors, a representation is a of an infinitesimally ind uced representation if and only if it is a component of IndG Ul-241, for some partition las above. Because of representation of Gisacomponent induced and only if it is a component of 8.1. Suppose that pis an irreducible representation of Gwhose orbit contains either b1orb2. Thenpis not an irreducible component of any representation geome trically Moreover, no 1-dimensional twist of pis an irreducible component of induced a component of IndG U1,31, /n}ationslash= 0, so in particular which implies that p|N1contains a character psb, whereb= (bij) is a matrix such that bi1= 0 fori= 2,3,4. This means that the characteristic polynomial of bwould have a linear factor, which contradicts the hypothesis. The case of U3,1is treated in exactly the same way, except that the matrix bwill haveb4j= 0 forj= 1,2,3. The case of infinitesimal induction is treated using the same kind of argument. Namely, if pwere a component of /n}ationslash= 0, which implies that p|N1contains a character psb, whereb= (bij) is a matrix such that b1j= 0 forj= 1,...,4. A 1-dimensional twist ofpwould then contain a character psaI+b, whereais a scalar and Iis the identity matrix. The matrix aI+bhas a linear factor in its characteristic polynomial, which contradicts the hypothesis. /square We now consider in order representations whose orbits contain b1orb2, respectively. In the following we will write -P2,2and-U2,2for the images mod pof the groups regular cuspidal representations. Assume that pis an irreducible representa- tion ofGwhose orbit contains b1. Sinceb1is a regular element, the representation pcan be constructed explicitly as an induced representation (cf. [Hil95b]). I n particular, it is shown in [Hil95b] that there exists a 1-dimensional representation rofG(psb1) (uniquely determined byp) such that r|N1=psb1, and such that p= 8.1. The representation pis cuspidal if and only if rdoes not contain the trivial representation of 8.1 shows that pis cuspidal if and only if it is not a component of IndG U2,21. By Mackey's intertwining number theorem (cf. [CR62], 44.5), we this number is zero if and only if 0 for each xG. Assume that pis cuspidal. Then in particular, taking x= 1, we have 0. Conversely, assume that pis not cuspidal. Then /n}ationslash= 0, for some xG, and in particular, /n}ationslash= 0. Write - xforxmodulop. andpsb1(xg) =ps-x-1b1-x(g), for anygN1U2,2. Let by the each Aijis a 2x2-block. Then from the definition of ps-x-1b1-xand the = 1, for all gN1U2,2, it follows that A21= 0; -x-1b1-xis a block upper-triangular matrix with the same characteristic polyn omial as b1, we must have for Then someBM2(Fq) (in fact, we can take The Levi (*0 0*)(1* 0 1) (written in block matrix form) applied to b1and (-xp)-1b1(-xp) implies that the semisimple parts (- equal, that inG(b2), the equation (- xp)-1b1(-xp) =/parenleftbige that - xp(* so -x-P2,2, and hence xN1P2,2. The facts that U2,2is normal in P2,2, and that only depends on the right coset of xmoduloN1then imply that 0/n}ationslash=/an}raktl{tr|G(psb1)U2,2,1/an}raktri}ht. /square The preceding proposition shows that we can construct all the cus pidal orbit containing b1by constructing the corresponding ronG(psb1). onN1U2,2, we can extend psb1to a representation of ( G(psb1)U2,2)N1, trivial on G(psb1)U2,2. Thenpsb1can be extended to a representation ~psb1on the whole of G(psb1), such that ~psb1is trivial on G(psb1)U2,2(this incidentally shows that there exist representations of Gwhose orbit contains b1). Now let thbe a obtained by pulling back a representation of G(psb1)/N1that is non-trivial Thenr:=th~psb1is a representation of G(psb1) which is a lift of psb1, and which is non-trivial on G(psb1)U2,2. By a standard fact in representation theory, all the lifts of psb1toG(psb1) are of the form th~psb1for somethtrivial onN1. Thus all of G(psb1) which are lifts of psb1and which are non-trivial on theformabove, namely th~psb1wherethis trivial on N1but non-trivial on G(psb1)U2,2. We note that in the regular case, distinct representations thgive rise to distinct lifts th~psb1. This can be seen by a counting argument, in the following way. Becaus eb1lies in a regular orbit, we can write G(psb1) =CG(^b1)N1, for some element ^b1M2(o2) with image b1mod p. Then because CG(^b1) is abelian, there are exactly ( CG(^b1) :CG(^b1)N1) which agree with psb1onCG(^b1)N1, and each of them gives rise to a representation khpsb1ofG(psb1) defined by khpsb1(cn) =kh(c)psb1(n), Clearly every lift of psb1toG(psb1) must be equal to some such khonCG(^b1), rise to distinct representations khpsb1. Since the number of lifts of psb1to G(psb1) is thus equal to the number of representations of G(psb1)/N1, we see that distinct th give rise to distinct representations th~psb1. Now by a standard result in Clifford theory, distinct irreducible representations of G(psb1) containing psb1(when restricted to N1) induce to distinct irreducible representations of G. Thus, distinct representations thgive rise to distinct representations IndG G(psb1)r, although the correspondence by no means canonical, due to the choice of ~psb1. Similarly, if we are considering the lifts khpsb1, then the construction depends on the choice of ^b1. 19The above of representations of G(psb1) containing psb1, both choices, although the set of representations obt ained is certainly Nevertheless, that thereis aca nonical simply by induction) between on the one hand irreducible repre sentations of G(psb1) which contain psb1and which are non-trivial on G(psb1)U2,2, and on the other hand of Gwithb1in their respective orbits. We shall now extend this result to cuspidal representations which have b2in their respective orbits, and thus cover all of G. 8.2.The irregular cuspidal representations. Assume nowthat pisanirreducible repre- sentation of Gwhose orbit contains b2. Although b2is not regular, it is strongly semisimple in the sense of [Hil95a], Definition 3.1, and thus pcan be constructed explicitly in a way similar to the regular case. More precisely, Proposition 3.3 in [Hil95a] imp lies that there ex- ists an irreducible representation ~psb2ofG(psb2), such that ~psb2|N1=psb2, and any is of the form r:=th~psb2, for some irreducible representation thpulled back from a representation of G(psb2)/N1. Then p= IndG G(psb2)r is an irreducible representation, any representation of Gwithb2in its orbit is of this form, and as in the regular case, ris uniquely determined by p. We then have a result to the previous 8.2. The representation pis cuspidal if and only if rdoes not contain the trivial representation of proof of Proposition 8.1 with b1replaced by b2, goes through up to the point where (under the assumption that pis not cuspidal) we get - =G(psb2)/N1. It then follows that xG(psb2)P2,2, and since U2,2is normal in P2,2, depends on the right coset of xmoduloG(psb2), we Colin J. Bushnell and Philip C. Kutzko. The admissible dual of GL(N)via compact open subgroups , volume 129 of Annals of Mathematics Studies . 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Amritanshu Prasad
Anne-Marie Aubert, Uri Onn, Amritanshu Prasad, Alexander Stasinski
On Cuspidal Representations of General Linear Groups over Discrete Valuation Rings
20 pages (revised)
Israel Journal of Mathematics, volume 175, page 391-420, 2010
math.RT math.NT
We define a new notion of cuspidality for representations of $\GL_n$ over a finite quotient $\Oh_k$ of the ring of integers $\Oh$ of a non-Archimedean local field $F$ using geometric and infinitesimal induction functors, which involve automorphism groups $G_\lambda$ of torsion $\Oh$\nobreakdash-modules. When $n$ is a prime, we show that this notion of cuspidality is equivalent to strong cuspidality, which arises in the construction of supercuspidal representations of $\GL_n(F)$. We show that strongly cuspidal representations share many features of cuspidal representations of finite general linear groups. In the function field case, we show that the construction of the representations of $\GL_n(\Oh_k)$ for $k\geq 2$ for all $n$ is equivalent to the construction of the representations of all the groups $G_\lambda$. A functional equation for zeta functions for representations of $\GL_n(\Oh_k)$ is established for representations which are not contained in an infinitesimally induced representation. All the cuspidal representations for $\GL_4(\Oh_2)$ are constructed. Not all these representations are strongly cuspidal.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 1 Jun 2007 03:32:59 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 25 Dec 2007 06:56:29 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 14 Jul 2008 04:21:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Aubert", "Anne-Marie", "" ], [ "Onn", "Uri", "" ], [ "Prasad", "Amritanshu", "" ], [ "Stasinski", "Alexander", "" ] ]
u,vRhave parities p(u),p(v). We define the supercommutator of (1.3) and extend this operation to the whole Rby bilinearity. It is easy to see that the space Ris closed with respect to the and thereforewe get a Lie superalgebra, it is isomorphic to a direct sum of the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(2p|2q) and a trivial algebra C. Let us recall a definition of osp(2p|2q). Denote the block ( 1 the block ( The orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(2p|2q) consists of complex B C the B C 0. We say that parity of matrices of the parity define a supercommutator by formula (1.3). Ifp= 0, then we get the usual spinor representation of the orthogon al in the Grassmann algebra consisting of 'functions' in variables x1, ...,xq. Ifq= 0, then we get a representation of symplectic Lie algebra sp(2q) (symplectic spinors or oscillator representation). Spinors and sy mplec- tic spinors are distinguished objects of representation theory. O were considered in numerous works, for instance, Berezin [8] (with the construction mentioned above), Serov [65] (where the spinor rep resentations of the orthosymplectic supergroups OSp(2 p|r) were obtained), and [3], [4], [14], [15], [16], [21], [24], [36], [41], [54]. Remark on notation. In notation osp(2p|2q) for the orthosymplectic I firstly write 2 pcorresponding to the 'human' (real or and the symplectic Lie algebra sp(2p); 2qcorresponds to and the orthogonal Lie algebra o(2q). In literature, our osp(2p|2q) can be denoted by osp(2q|2p) orspo(2p|2q). In this paper we write explicit formula for representation of the cor respond- ing global object, which is larger than the real supergroup OSp(2 p|2q). We do not assume that the reader is familiar with an d spinors as a topic of analysis and as a story about in tegral op- erators. The text is self-closed, de facto we use a minimal version o f language 3Jis a canonical form of a non-degenerate skew-symmetric matr ix,Iis a canonical form of a nondegenerate complex symmetric matrix of an even order . For our aims, Iis more convenient than the unit matrix, which is more natural for ge neral theory. 2of super-algebra and follow DeWitt's [18] way -- to con- sider linear spaces (modules) over Grassmann algebra with infinite nu mber Berezin formulas. Apparently, first elements of a strange analogy between the spinor representation of the orthogonal groups an d the of symplectic groups6were observed by K. O. Friedrichs in the early 1950s, see [22]. He considered spinors over symplectic groups Sp(2n,R) as a kind of a self-obvious object (obtained by an application of the S tone-von Neumann theorem) and initiated a discussion about their extension t o the case n=, see some historical comments in [52]. Inthe [6]for both the representations. We briefly recall his results. First of all, let us group Sp(2 n,R) as the group of complex the 1 -1 1 -1 (1.5) Similarly, we realize the realorthogonal group O(2 n,R) as the group of 1 1 1 1 the following integral operators superalgebras can have a life of their own, without super groups, etc., see [32], [11], Chapter 1. We prefe r to discuss supergroups -- are actually present only in Section 10 5Different authors have different points of view to a formaliza tion of De- Witt's book was an object a justified critisism in [60], [44]. Our work is far from subleties of analysis on supermanifolds, translation of our results to t he more common functorial language is more-or-less representation ' of orthogonal group is a common term (the representation wa s discovered by 'Elie Cartan [13], 1913), the term ' oscillator representation ' has several syn- onyms, namely, the Weil representation, the Shale-Weil rep resentation, the the harmonic representation, the metaple ctic representation, the The term 'oscillator representation' was propose d by Irving Segal (who was the first who described this representation [61], 1959). For further references, see [50], [53]. 3in the space of holomorphic functions on Cn. Here the symboltdenotes of matrices; z u row z is a row vector, and the expression in the curly brackets is a pro duct of a row vector, matrix, and a column vector (i.e., the whole expression is a scalar). We write W(*) in honor of A.Weil. On the other hand, Berezin obtained formulas for the spinor repre sentation of the group O(2 n,R) (we realize O(2 n,R) by matrices (1.6), (1.7)). Exactly, he wrote 'integral operators' of the x e row-matrices; variables.7,8. The integral in the right-hand side is the see Section 2. In fact, Berezinin his book [6]9and the subsequent work[7] conjectured that there is the analysis of Grassmann variables parallel to the usual an alysis (and these works contain important elements of this analysis). The book exposition of the bosonic Fock space (analysis in infinite numb er of complex variables) and the fermionic Fock space (Grassmann analys is in infinite number of variables), this parallel seemed mysterious. However, t he of this analogy were formulas (1.8) and (1.9). This pushed h im at the end of 60s - beginning of 70s to the invention of the 'super-analy sis', which mixes even (complex or real) variables and odd (Grassmann) variable s, see [34], Sect. 5. Apparently, the first case of joining of classical and Grassmann an alysis was the paper by Berezin and G. I. Kats [9], 1970, where formal Lie supe to Lie superalgebras were introduced. At least in 19 65 Lie super- algebras appeared in algebraic topology (see Milnor, J. Moore [43], th is work was one of starting points for Berezin and Kats). Starting 1971-7 3 Lie superal- gebras and supersymmetries were used in the quantum field theory (e.g., [26], [69], [70], [58], 'super' originates from this Aims of this paper. Orthosymplectic spinors. We wish to unite formulas (1.8)-(1.9) and to write explicitly the representation of the su- 7Actually, in both the cases Berezin considered n=. 8Such a formula makes sense only for an open dense subset in SO( 2n,R)O(2n,R); this produces some difficulties below. Spinors over infinite-dime nsional symplectic and were independently introduced by Shale and Stinespr ing [66], [67]. However, the starting point of super-analysis and standpoint of the pres ent work were Berezin's formulas (1.8), (1.9). 9On 'intellectual history' of this book, its origins and influ ence, see the operators of the representation have the form T(g)f(z,x) in the supergroup OSp(2 p|2q,R) andR(g) is a certain block matrix of size ( p+q+p+q) composed of elements a supercommutative algebra A(we prefer to think that Ais the Grassmann algebra with infinite number of generators aj), see Section 5. 1.4. Aims of this paper. Gauss-Berezin integral operators. In [45], [48], [47] it was shown that spinor and oscillator representations are of categories. We obtain a (non perfect) super -counterpart of these constructions. Let us explain this in more detail. First, let us consider the 'bosonic' case. Consider a symmetric ( a Gaussian integral operators are more general than (1.8), it can be shown (th is was observed byG. I. Olshanski)that the symmetric (1.8) are semigroup, which includes the group Sp(2 n,R); its algebraic structure is described below in Section 3. On the other hand, we can introduce Berezin operators that are of Gaussian operators. Namely, consider a skew-s ymmetric matrix 10Thus, this paper returns to the initial point of super-analy sis. It seems strange that formula (1.10) was not written by Berezin himself. The autho r obtained it after reading the posthumous uncompleted book [8] of Berezin; in my opinion, i t contains traces of attempts to do this (see also [10]). In the present paper, we use tools tha t were unknown to Berezin. extension of [6] leads to cumbersome calcu lations. Certainly, these surmountable. In any case, the present paper is a kind of a 'lost chapter' of the Berezin's book [6] and my book [50]. 11We use the symbol Bin honour of the integral operators are more general than (1.9); it can be shown tha t in (1.9) the skew-symmetric contained in the pseudo-unitary group U( n,n). For Berezin operators in general position, the product of Berezin operators has a kernel of the same form. But sometimes this is not the case. I t is possible to improve the definition (see our Section 2), and to obtain a semigro up of Berezin operators. In this paper we introduce 'Gauss-Berezin integral operators', wh ich fermionic Ou rmain result is a construction of a canonical bijection between the set of all Gau and a certain domain in Lagrangian ; also we propose a geometric interpretation of products of Gauss-Berez in (1.10) for superspinor representation of the supergrou p OSp(2p|2q) is a byproduct of the geometric Aims of this paper. Possible applications. The spinor and oscillator representations are important at least for the following t wo reasons. First, they are a basic tool in representation theory of infinite-dim ensional groups, see, e.g., [61], [56], [50], in particular, for classical groups, t he group of the circle, loop the Howe duality for spinors is an important topic of classica l rep- resentation theory, see, for instance, [30], [35], ction 10. 1.6. Structure of this paper. I tried to write a self-contained paper, no preliminary knowledge of the or representa tion theory is assumed. But this implies a necessity of various preliminaries, which I p rovide. Also, we try to minimize the vocabulary of this text. We start with an exposition of spinor and oscillator representations in Sec- tions 2 and 3. These sections contain also a discussion of Gaussian int egral operators and Berezin (fermionic Gaussian) operators (a detailed exposition of these topics is contained in the books [50] and [53]. In Sections 6 - 8 we discuss supergroups OSp(2 p|2q), s and super-linear relations. I am trying to use minimally necessary too ls, these 12The parabolic induction, which is a main tool for constructi on of representations of semisimple Lie groups does not work in these ba generalities of , see [17], [8], [42], [40], [18], [12], [68], [11]. Section 4 contains a discussion of super-analogue of the Gaussian in tegral, this is a simple imitation of the well-known these calculations are written somewhere, but I do no t operatorsare introduced in Section 5 . Our is the canonical one-to-one correspondence betw een and Gauss-Berezin operators, which is obtained in Section 9. This immediately produces a representation of real supergroups OSp( 2p|2q,R). For gbeing in an 'open dense' subset in the supergroup, the operators o f the repre- sentation are of the form (1.10). In the last section we discuss some open A. L. Onishchik , and A. S. Losev for explanations of super-algebra and super-ana lysis. The pre- liminary variant [51] of this paper was revised after a discussion with D . Westra, who proposed numerous suggestions to improve the text. 2 A survey of orthogonal spinors. and Lagrangian linear relations This Section is subdivided into 3 parts. In Part A we develop the standard formalism of Grassmann algebras Ln and define Berezin operators L n-Lm, which are in a some sense morphisms of Grassmann algebras (but not morphisms in the category of algeb ras!). In Part B we describe the 'geometrical' category GD, which is equivalent to the category of Berezin operators. Morphisms of the category GDare subspaces. In Part C we describe explicitly the correspondence between Lagra ngian subspaces and Berezin operators. In some cases we present proofs or explanations, for a coherent treatment see [50], Chapter 2. A. Grassmann algebras and Berezin operators. 2.1. Grassmann variables and Grassmann algebra. We denote by particular, x2 i= 0. Denote by L nthe algebra of polynomials with in these variables, evidently, dimL n= 2n. The 0,1,...,nandj1< j2<***< ja,(2.1) 7form a basis of L n. Below elements of Grassmann algebra are called functions. 2.2. Derivatives. We define left differentiations inxjas usual. Exactly, if f(x) does not depend on xj, then xjf(x) = 0, xjxjf(x) 0. 2.3. Exponentials. Letf(x) be anevenfunction, i.e., f(-x) =f(x). We define its exponential as functions f,gcommute, fg=gf, Berezin integral. Letx1, ...,xnbe Grassmann variables. The Berezin integral n)dx1...dxn is a linear functional on L ndefined 1, integrals of all other monomials are zero. The following formula for integration by parts Integrals with respect 'to odd Gaussian measure'. Letx1, ..., xqbe as above. Let x1, ...,xqbe another collection of Grassmann x kxl=-xlxk. We need the following Gaussian 1, (2.2) and the integral is zero for all other monomials. For Integral operators. Now, consider Grassmann algebras L pand L q consisting of polynomials in Grassmann variables x1, ...,xpande1, For a function K(x,e) we define an integral operator AK: Lq-Lp by AKf(x) 2.1 The map K/masto-AKis a one-to-one correspondence of the set of all polynomials K(x,e)and the set of all linear maps Lq-Lp. A proof of Proposition 2.1 is trivial. Indeed, expand K(x,e) the matrix elements13ofAKin the standard basis 2.2 IfA: Lq-Lpis determined by the kernel K(x,e)and B: Lp-Lris determined by the kernel L(z,x), then the kernel of BAis M(z,e) Berezin operators in the narrow sense. ABerezin operator Lq- Lpin the narrow sense is an operator of the to Let us explain the the x the transposed The skew-symmetric. The whole expression for the kernel has the Product formula. Theorem 2.3 Let B[S1] Lp-Lq,B[S2] Lq-Lr be Berezin operators in the narrow sense. Assume 0. Then B[S2]B[S1] = symbol Pfaff( *) denotes the Pfaffian, see the next ified below, Theorem 2.10. 2.9. Pfaffians and odd Gaussian integrals. LetRbe a Its Pfaffian Pfaff(R) is defined by the ...,x2nare Grassmann variables). In other words, Pfaff(R) that Pfaff(R)2= detR. More generally, let x1, ...,x2n,th1, ...,th2nbe pairwise Then (see [50], Theorem 2.3 follows from this formula in a straightforward way. 2.10. The definition of Berezin operators. Theorem 2.3 suggests an extension of the definition of Berezin operators. Indeed, this the orem is per- fect for operators in general position. If det(1 -MP) = 0, then we get an indeterminate of the form 0 *in the product formula (2.4), (2.5). For this reason, consider the cone14Cof all the operators of the form wheresranges in C. Certainly, the cone Cis not closed. suggests the following operators are operators L q-Lp, whose kernels have the form in the set a skew-symmetric ( The space of Berezin 2.4 a)The cone of Berezin operators is closed in the space of all linear operators Lq-Lp. b)Denote by Ber[m]the set of all Berezin operators with a given number m of linear factors in (2.7). Then the closure of a coneinCNis a subset invariant with respect to homotheties z/masto-sz, the cone of all Berezin operators L q-Lpconsists of two com- ponents, oddBer[m]. They are closures of Ber[0]and Ber[1], respectively. Also, kernels K(x,e) of Berezin operators KernelsK(x,e) of Berezin operators L q-Lpare polynomialsin x,e. forthe kernelsofarenon-canonicalif numbers moflinear factorsare = 6x1x33, x quadratic form in the exponential in (2.7) also is not defined canonic ally. 2.12. Examples of Berezin operators. a) The identity operator is a Berezin operator. Its kernel is More generally, operators with kernels by the substitution The operator with kernel the operator f/masto-x1f. e) The operator with kernel the operator f/masto- x1f. f) The operator in L ndetermined by the kernel ( Namely, let i1< i2<***< ikbe a subset j2<***< jn-kbe the complementary subset. The operator with kernel K(x,e) = 1 is the projection to the vector f(x) = 1Ln. h) The operator Bwith the the multiplication operator Bf(x) = A product of Berezin operators is a Berezin operator (see below) . j) Operators of the spinor representation of O(2 n,C) are Berezin Another definition of Berezin operators. Denote by D[xj] the following operators in L p D[xj]f(x) (2.8) Ifg,hdo not depend on xj, the same way, we define the operators D[ej] : Lq-Lq. 1,D[xi]D[xj] (2.9) ABerezin operator Lq-Lpis any operator that can be represented in a Berezin operator in the narrow sense, --aranges in the set in{0,1,...,q} By (2.9) we can assume k1<***< ka,m1<***< mb. Proposition 2.5 The two definitions of Berezin operators are Usually, a Berezin operator admits many representations in the form (2.10). In fact, the space of all Berezin operators is a smoot h cone, and formula (2.10) determines 2p+qcoordinate systems on this cone. Any collection of 2p+q-1 charts have a non-empty complement. 2.14. The category of Berezin operators. Groups of 2.6 Let B1: Lq-Lp,B2: Lp-Lr be Berezin operators. Then B2B1: Lq-Lris a Berezin operator. If Bis an invertible Berezin operator, then B-1is a Berezin operator. By Theorem 2.6 we get a category, whose objects are Grassmann a lgebras L0, L1, L2, ...and whose morphisms are Berezin by Gnthe group of all invertible Berezin operators L n-Ln. By the definition, it contains the group Cxof all scalar non-zero 2.7 O(2 n,C) denotes the usual C2n. The map sending each element of O(2 n,C)/{+-1}. Moreover, this peratorinL n (determined up to a factor) is nothing but the ionof O(2 n,C). Our next aim is to describe explicitly the category of Berezin operato rs. In fact, we intend to clarify the strange matrix multiplication (2.5). B. Linear relations and the category GD. 2.15. Linear relations. LetV,Wbe linear spaces over C. a linear subspace PVW. Remark . LetA:V-Wbe a linearoperator. Its of all vectors vAv. By the definition, graph( A) is a linear A) = dimV. 2.16. Product of linear relations. relations. Informally, a product QPof linear relations is a product of many-valued maps. If Ptakes a vector vto a vector wandQtakes the vector wto a vector y, we present a formal definition. The productQPis a linear of all vyVYsuch that there exists wW satisfying vwP,wyQ. In fact, the multiplication of linear relations extends the usual matr ix Imitation of some standard definitions of matrix theor y. 1*. of all vVsuch that v0P. In TheimageimPWis the projection of Pto 0W. 3*. the projection of PtoV0. 4*. Theindefinity efinitions for linear operators. The definition of a domain extends the usual d efinition of the domain of an unbounded operator in an spac e. For a linear operator, indef = 0. 2.18. Lagrangian Grassmannian and orthogonal groups. First, let us recall some definitions. Let Vbe a linear space equipped with a (or skew-symmetric) bilinear form M. A subspace respect to the bilinear form M, ifM(h,h') = 0 for all h,h'H. The dimension of an isotropic subspace subspace15is an isotropic subspace whose dimension is By Lagr( V) we denote the Lagrangian Grassmannian , i.e., the space of all Lagrangian subspaces in V. Consider a space V2n=C2nequipped with the symmetric bilinear by the 1n 1n Denote by O(2 n,C) the group gofC2npreserving L, 1n 1n Letm,n= 0, 1, 2, .... Equip the space V2nV2mwith the form Lgiven by L(vw,v'w') 2.816Letgbe an operator in C2n. ThengO(2n,C)if and only if its graph is an L-Lagrangian subspace in V2nV2n. This is obvious. 2.19. Imitation of orthogonal groups. Category GD. Now we define the category GD. The objects are the spaces V2n, wheren= 0,1,2,.... There are two types of morphisms subspaces P V2nV2m; we regard them as a distinguished by null2n,2m. Now we define a product of morphisms. -- Product of nulland any morphism is null. -- Lagrangian linear that kerQindefP= 0 or, equivalently, im P+domQ=V2m. (2.12) ThenQPis the product of linear relations. -- If the condition (2.12) is not satisfied, then QP=null. Theorem 2.9 The definition is self-consistent, i.e., a product of morphi sms is a morphism and the multiplication is the term 'Lagrangian subspace' is used for spaces eq uipped with a skew- forms; however, my usage is a usual slang. 16I use term 'Observation' for statements, which are importan t for understanding and be- came trivial or semi-trivial being formulated. 17It is not identified with any linear relation. 15At first glance the appearance of nullseems strange; its necessity will be the source of some our difficulties below. Theorem 2.10 The category of Berezin operators defined up to scalar factor s and the category GDare equivalent. In fact, there is a map that takes each Lagrangian linear relation P:V2n= V2mto a nonzero Berezin operator spin( P) : Ln-Lmsuch that for is a constant. Moreover, l(Q,R) = 0 if and only if QR=null. We describe the correspondence between the category of Berez in operators and the category GDexplicitly in Theorems 2.16, 2.17. First, we need some auxiliary facts concerning Lagrangian Grassmannians (for a detaile d introduc- tion to Lagrangian Grassmannians, see [2], Sect. 43, [53], Chapter 3 ). C. Explicit Coordinates on the Lagrangian Grassmannian. Recall that V2nis the space C2n=CnCnequipped with the bilinear form L=Lnwith the 1n 1n We this decomposition the summands are Lagrangian subspaces. Lemma 2.11 LetHV2nbe ann-dimensional subspace such that HV- n= 0. Under this condition His the graph of an following conditions are equivalent -- the matrix THis the subspace His We write the bilinear form Las L(v,w) =L(v+v-,w+w-) the definition, vHif and only if v-=v+TH. Forv,wP, we the statement becomes obvious. /square Lemma 2.11 defines a coordinate system in Lagr( V2n). Certainly, this coor- dinate system does not cover the whole space Lagr( V2n). 2.21. Atlas on the Lagrangian Grassmannian. Denote by e+ 1, ..., e+ n,e- 1, ...,e- nthe standard basis in C2n=CnCn. LetJbe a subset in {1,2,...,n}. Denote by Jits complement. We define the Denote byM[J] the set of all Lagrangian that HV- n[J] = 0. Such subspaces are precisely graphs of symmetric operators 2.12 the whole Lagrangian Atlas on the Lagrangian Grassmannian. Elementary re- flections. We can describe the same maps in a slightly different way. For i= 1,2,...,n, define an elementary reflection s ie- i=e+ i, s 2.13 M[J] (2.14) 2.23. Components of Lagrangian 2.14 The Lagrangian Grassmannian in the space V2nconsists of two connected components.18 We propose two proofs to convince the reader. 1. ThegroupO( n,C)isdensein Lagr( V2n). It can be readily checked that Lagr( V2n) is a homogeneous group O(2 n,C) consists of two components and the group GL( n,C) is connected. /square Remark. Two components of the Lagrangian Grassmannian correspond to two components of the space of Berezin operators. 2.24. Coordinates on the set of morphisms of GD. We can apply the reasoning of Section 2.20 to Lagr( V2nV2m). Due to the minus in formula (2.11) we must take care of the signs in Lemma 2.11. 18Recall that V2nis equipped with a symmetric bilinear form. The usual Lagran gian Grass- mannian discussed in the next section is connected. The orth osymplectic Lagrangian Grass- mannian (see Section 7) consists of two 2.15 subspace such that P(V+ nV- m) = 0, i.e., Pis the graph of an the following conditions are the graph of an operator having the (2.15) 2.25. operators. LetV2nbe as above. 0Cn. Let us write elements of v+ nv- 1... each vV2n, we define a operator /hatwidea(v) in =L(v,w)*1. 2.26. A construction of the correspondence. LetB: Lq-Lpbe a nonzero Berezin operator. Consider the subspace of vwsuch (2.16) Theorem 2.16 a)P[B]is a morphism of the category GD, i.e., a map B/masto-Pis a of nonzero Berezin operators Lq-Lp defined up to a scalar set of non-' null' the category emphasize that the source space V2nand the target space V2mare mixed in the Lq-Lp,B2: Lp-Lrbe Berezin operators. Then B2B1= 0if and only if P[B2]P[B1] =null. (2.17) d) of proof. 1. First, let us consider a Berezin operator in the narrow sense. We write the equation B -BtC/parenrightbigg/parenleftbiggxt et/parenrightbigg/bracerightig f(e)e-eetdede 0 We differentiate the exponential and Lemma 2.15, Pis a Lagrangian subspace in V2qV2p. 2. Next, let Cbe a Berezin operator having the form (2.18) We note an elementary reflection (2.13). Let the operator in P[B]. Then the operator the corresponding linear relation (2.19) and is Lagrangian. This proves a). 3. By Proposition 2.12, the sets (2.19) sweep the whole Lagrangian G rass- mannian. This proves b). 4. this proves c). We omit a proof of d), which is more difficult (see [50], Subsect. II.6.5) ./square 2.27. Explicit correspondence. Another description. The proof above implies also the following theorem (see [50], Theorem 2.17 LetPsatisfy Lemma 2.15. Then the corresponding Berezin operator B[P]has the A survey of the oscillator category of Gaussian integral operators In Subsections 3.1-3.2, we define the bosonic Fock space. In Subse ctions 3.3- 3.4, we introduce Gaussian integral operators. The algebraic stru cture of the category of Gaussian integral operators is described in Subsectio ns 3.6-3.8. For a detailed exposition, see [50], Chapter 4, or [53], Sect. 5.1-5.2 3.1. Fock space. Denote by dl(z) the Lebesgue measure on bosonic Fock space Fnis the space of entire functions on Cnsatisfying the condition define the inner product in Fnby the 3.1 The space Fnis complete, i.e., it is a Hilbert 3.2 The monomials zk1 1...zknnare pairwise orthogonal 3.3 For each bounded operator A:Fn-Fm, there is a in zCmand antiholomorphic in uCn such that Af(z) integral absolutely converges for all f). 3.3. Gaussian operators. Fixm,n= a symmetric ( i.e., S=St. A Gaussian operator B[S] defined z n/parenrightbig ,u:=/parenleftbigu1...u an operator Afrom the standard Euclidean space Clto the space Ckdenote operator norm of maximal eigenvalue of 3.4 (G. I. Olshanski )An operator B[S]is bounded if and only Product formula. 20The condition 1 implies the condition 2 strengthen these 3.5 Let B[S1] B[S2] bounded Gaussian operators. Then their product given 3.6 Denote by Gnthe set of unitary Then Gnis closed with respect to and is isomorphic to the group that formula (3.1) almost coincides with formula (2.5). Again , for- mula (3.1) hides a product of linear we define analogues of the spaces V2nfrom the previous section. 3.5. Complexification of a linear space with bilinear form. Denote byW2nthe space C2n=CnCn. Let us denote its elements by equipW2nwith two forms -- the skew-symmetric bilinear form L(v,w) = Ln(v,w) 1 the indefinite Hermitian form M(v,w) =Mn(v,w) Let us explain the origin of the definition. Consider a real with a nondegenerate skew-symmetric bilinear form {*,*}. Con- sider the space C2nR2n. We can extend {*,*}toC2nin the following two ways. First, we can extend it as a bilinear we extend{*,*}as a sesquilinear form is anti-Hermitian, it is more convenient to pass to a bilinear form L := i/tildewideL, and a Hermitian form Thus, we get a space endowed with two forms, skew symmetric and Hermitian. Den oting byelthe standard basis in C2nand passing to a new basis ( where we arrive at expressions (3.2), (3.3). 3.6. The category Sp. Objects of the category Spare the 0, 1, 2, .... Form,n= 0, 1, 2, ..., we equip the direct sum W2nW2mwith two := L (3.4) A a linear relation the following L-Lagrangian. 2. The form Mis non-positive on P. 3. The form MW2nis strictly negative on ker Pand the form MW2mis strictly positive on indef P. A product of morphisms is the usual product of linear 3.7 The group of automorphisms of W2nis the real follows from the remark given in the previous subsection. The gr oup of operators preserving both the forms also the real subspace R2n. 3.7. Construction of Gaussian operators from linear relati ons.Re- call Denote this decomposition a linear relation Pas the graph of an operator S=S(P) is possible, because Mis negative semidefinite on the subspace Pand is strictly positive on the subspace W+ mW- n; therefore P(W+ mW- n) = 0. Proposition 3.8 A matrix Shas the form S(P)if and only if it is symmetric and satisfies the Olshanski conditions from Theorem 3.4. 21Under the condition 3, for morphisms we have imPkerQ= 0. For this reason nulldoes not appear in the category Sp. 23Theorem 3.9 For each Q:W2m=W2k, the corresponding Gaussian the product of linear relations and l(Q,P)is a nonzero scalar. As formulated, the theorem can be proved by direct force. 3.8. Construction of linear relations from Gaussian operat v+ nv- 1... define the differential operator (a operator a given bounded Gaussian operator B[S] :Fn-Fmwe consider the setPof allvwW2nW2msuch 3.10 The linear relation Pis a morphism of the category Sp. 3.9. Details. An analogue of the Schwartz space. We define space SFnas the subspace in Fnconsisting of all f(z) that for each 3.11 The subspace SFnis a common invariant domain for all Gaus- sian bounded operators and for all o perators. See [53], Subsect. 4.2.4 and Theorem 5.1.5. 3.10. Details. The Olshanski semigroup GSp(2n,R) is defined as the subsemigroup in Sp(2 n,C) consisting of complex matrices gsatisfying the 0 0 0 0 the adjoint matrix (see gGSp(2n,R) if and only for all uC2n. The Olshanski semigroup is a subsemigroup in the semigroup of endom or- phisms of the object W2n. For details, see [53], Sect. 2.7, 3.5. 4 Gauss-Berezin integrals Here we discuss super-analogues of Gaussian integrals. Actually, t he final for- mulas are not used, but their structure is important for us. Apparently, these integrals are evaluated somewhere, but I do no t know a reference. Calculations in the fermionic case are contained in [59]. 4.1. Phantom algebra. Phantom generators a1,a2, ...are 0. We define a phantom algebraAas the algebraof polynomials in the variables aj. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that the number of varia bles is infinite . We also call elements of Aphantom constants . The phantom algebra has a natural Z-grading by degree of a Z2-grading, define the automorphism u/masto-usofAby the even, -uifuis as j=-aj). The in the following sense: uA, nAodd==nu=usn. (4.2) Next, represent whereujAj. We define the =p|(u1)p|(u2), p |(u1+u2) that p|(ph) = 0. Then phN= 0 for sufficiently large (4.3) actually, the sum is finite. In particular, if 0, then uis invertible. 4.2. A technical comment. The aim of this paper is a specific con- struction and we use a minimal vocabulary necessary for our aims. W e GL( p|q) and OSp(2 p|2q) as groups of matrices over the algebra of supergroups are defined in modules over A. The more common point of view22is to consider supergroups as functors from the category of supercommutative algebras to the categor y of groups. require a restriction of a class of supercommutativ e the algebra Acan be replaced24by an arbitrary finitely or supercommutative algebra the following proper- ties: -- there is a non-zero homomorphism p|:A'-C, denote I:= kerp|; -- any finitely generated subalgebra in Iis nilpotent. A pass to algebras equipped with the Krull topology make situation mo re flexible. We A''satisfyingthe there is a non-zero homomorphism p|:A''-C, denote I:= kerp|; --Iis finitely or countably generated, and nIn= 0; --A''is complete with respect to I-adic topology (Krull topology, see [19], Subsect. 7.7), i.e., for any sequence an A''/Insuch that natural maps A''/In- there is aA''whose image in our constructions below are functorial with respect to algebra s of we use terms ' supergroups ' ands for objects de- fined over the algebra Akeeping in mind that this can be translated into the functorial language. 22On comparison and criticism of different definitions of super -objects, see, e.g., [44], [60]. Our approach follows DeWitt's book [18], we use only linear a lgebra and integral analysis on manifolds). Wider generality discuss ed in this subsection is similar to Berezin-Kats [9]. 23We need exponentials of even elements (4.6), C-valued integrals (4.5), and inverses (4.3), (4.8). We also must justify the calculation in Theorem 4.3 an d the proof of Lemma 7.1. 24with some modifications in proofs. 264.3. Berezinian. Q R a block ( let P,Tbe composed of even phantom constants, and Q,Rbe composed of odd phantom constants. Then the Berezinian (or Berezin determinant ) Q R note that PandT-QP-1Rare composed of elements of the therefore their determinants are well-defined. The the multiplicative property of the usual = ber(AB). 4.4. Functions. We consider 3 types of variables: -- real or complex (bosonic) variables, we denote them by xi,yj(if they are real) and zi,uj(if they are complex); -- Grassmann (fermionic) variables, we denote them by xi,ejorej; -- phantom generators ajas above. Bosonic variables xlcommute with the fermionic variables xjand u A. We also assume that the fermionic variables xjand the phantom generators a collection of bosonic variables x1, ...,xpand a collection of x1,...,xq. Afunction is a sum of the form f(x,x) smooth functions of xRp. We also write such expressions in the form f(x,x) in the mind that Iranges in collections 0 < i1<***< j1<***< jm. We say, that a function odd) if it is an even expression in the total collection xi,ak. Byfs(x,x) we denote the function obtained from f(x,x) by the substitution aj/masto--ajfor allj. Remark. Formally, the fermionic variablesand the phantom rights in our definition. However, below their roles are differen t:xjserve as variables and elements of Aserve as constants (see (4.7)). 25The usual determinant of a block complex Q R There are three ways to understand expressions (4.4). We con- sider them as finite sums, but it is possible to consider them as arbitra ry formal series in variables aj. We also can consider formal series such that each m-th summand depends only on finitely many of below survive in these cases after minor modifications). For a given f, we define the function p|(f) Integral. Now, we define the integration with respect to xis the usual termwise integration in (4.5) The integration with respect to xis the usual termwise Berezin Exponential. Letf(x,x) be anevenexpression in x,a, i.e.,f(x,x) = f(x,-x)s. We define its exponential as usual, it satisfies the usual propertie even, we have f1f2=f2f1. Therefore, the 4.1 The series brackets, we get a polynomial in aj,xk. 284.7. Gauss-Berezin integrals. A special case. Takepreal variables xi andqGrassmann variables xj. Consider the notationtdenotes the transpose as above, the x px1... x skew-symmetric, and Bis a matrix composed of odd phantom 4.2 The integral converges if and only if the matrix the integrand exp {...}is a finite sum of the are polynomials. Under the condition Re p|(A)<0, a is possible. /square 4.8. Evaluation of the Gauss-Berezin integral. Let us evaluate inte- gral (4.7). Theorem 4.3 LetRep|(A)<0. even, 0, otherwise .(4.8) Recall that qis the number of Grassmann The matrix C+BtA-1Bis skew-symmetric and composed of even phantom constants. Therefore, the Pfaffian is well defined. Remark. Thus, for qeven our expression is a 'hybrid' of a Pfaffian and (but not precisely same) 'hybrid' appeared in [64] and [39]. 26The argument of the exponential must be even in x,a. This imposes the constraints of parity for A,B,C. The symmetry conditions for A,B,Care the natural conditions for coefficients of a quadratic form in x,x. 29Proof of Theorem 4.3. First, we integrate with respect to arrive at the usual Gaussian integral the result, we arrive at the LetPhbeafunction on let nbe an even expression in a,x, assume that the constant term of nis 0. Then the summation is finite. A termwise integration with respect tox gives zero for all j/ne}ationslash= 0. /square 4.9. Grassmann Gaussian 4.4 LetDbe matrix of size N, letxk, zkbe Grassmann variables. Then the be represented in the a skew-symmetric matrix, and hjare row-matrices, even. 30Indeed, one can find a linear substitution x=eSsuch the integral can be reduced certain linear expressions in zl. So we that njare certain linear /square. 4.10. More general Gauss-Berezin integrals. Consider an as above and ht,gtare column-vectors, propose two ways to evaluate of this integral. 4.11. The first way to evaluate. other words, one can reduce a skew-symmetric matrix over Cto a canonical form. 28A product of functions nmis canonically defined up to a constant factor, equivalently a linear span of functions nmis canonically defined (this sentence is a rephrasing of the P l ucker embedding of a Grassmannian into an exterior algebra). 31we arrive at Gauss-Berezin integral (4.7) evaluated above. This way is not perfect, because it uses an inversionof a 4.5 A invertible if and only if AandC are invertible. The necessity is evident; to prove the sufficiency, we note that the 0 0 A. Wewriteout(1+ T)-1= 1-T+T2-..., and therefore our initial 0 0C/parenrightbigg (1+T) is invertible. /square The matrix Ais invertible, because Re A <0. But the matrix Cis Ifqis even, then a matrix Cin general position is invertible. For noninvertible C, we have a chance to remove uncertainty. This way leads to an expression of the form (4.12) obtained below. -- Ifqis odd, then Cis non-invertible; our approach is not suitable. 4.12. The second way to evaluate of Gauss-Berezin integrals .First, we integrate with respect to y=x+h-xBtA-1and integrating with respect to y, we we must integrate with respect to x, our integral has a (4.11) 32where a matrix Dis composed of even phantom constants and a vector ris odd. IfDis invertible, we shift the argument again et:=xt+D-1rtand last integral is a Pfaffian. This way is equivalent to the approach d iscussed in the previous subsection. Now, consider an arbitrary D.The calculation of Subsection 4.9 does we can write (4.11) explicitly as follows. For any subset I:i1<***< consider the complementary subset J:j1<***< jq-2k. Define the constant s(I) =+-1 as d i1i2k di2i10... d that Gauss-Berezin integral operators Here we define super hybrids of Gaussian operators and Berezin op erators. 5.1. Fock-Berezin spaces. Fixp,q= 0, 1, 2, .... Let z1, ...,zpbe complex variables, x1, ...,xqbe Grassmann variables. We consider entire functions in zand the summation is finite. We define as above. 29LetDbe a skew-symmetric matrix over Aeven. Ifp|(D) is degenerate, then we can not reduceDto a normal form. 33We define the Fock-Berezin spaceSFp,q(A) as the space of all functions f(z,x) satisfying the condition: for each I,J, the function fI,J(z)is in space SFp,see Subsection 3.9. We say that a sequence f(k) SFp,q(A) for all but a finite number of Jallf(k) I,Jare zero; -- for each I,J, we have a convergence inSFp. Remark. We can assume that all the fI,Jare in the Hilbert-Fock space Fp. int his space; therefore this point of view requires descriptions of domains of ope rators and examination of products of operators. Our definition admits some v ariations (we chose an open dense subset in Fp, and our choice is volitional). 5.2. Another form of the Gauss-Berezin integral. Consider two the same structure as in Subsect. 4.7, row-vectors a,kare even, the vectors b,lare odd. SinceCnR2n, this integral is a special case of the Gauss-Berezin integral. We 0 Bt-C0 1 1 the scalar factor is a hybrid of the Pfaffian and the Berezinian mentioned above in Subsect. 4.8. 5.3. Integral operators. We write operators as Af(z,x) (5.3) 5.4. Linear and antilinear operators. We say that an operator A: =Af1+Af2, A(lf) =lAf,wherelis a phantom constant , andantilinear if A(f1+f2) =Af1+Af2, A(lf) =lsAf,wherelis a phantom constant , 30This convergence corresponds to a topology of inductive lim it. 34the automorphism l/masto-ls. Clearly, the =xjf(z,x), Bf (z,x) = xjf(z,x), Cf (z,x) =ajf(z,x) are antilinear. An integral operator (5.3) is linear if the kernel K(z,x,u,e) is an even func- tion in the total collection of all Grassmann variables x,e,a, i.e.. K(z,x,u,e) operator (5.3) is antilinear if and only if the function Kis odd. Below we meet only linear and antilinear operators. We define also the (antilinear) operator =fs(z,x). Gauss-Berezin vectors in the narrow sense. A (in the narrow sense) is a vector of the as above, see Subsection 4.7. Observation 5.1 b [*]SFp,q(A)if and only Gauss-Berezin operators in the narrow sense. operator in the narrow sense is an integral operator , whose kernel as a function in z1, ...,zr,u1, ...,up,x1, ...,xs,e1,eqis a Gauss-Berezin vector. Precisely, a Gauss-Berezin operator has the form Bf(z,x) an even phantom constant, Aijis composed of even phantom con- stants if ( i+j) is even, otherwise Aijis composed of odd phantom also satisfy the natural symmetry conditions for a matrix of a quadratic form in the variables z,x,u,e. Remark. On the other hand, a Gauss-Berezin vector can be regarded as a Gauss-Berezin operator For Gauss-Berezin of their product is reduced to the Gauss-Berezin integr al (5.1). For operatorsin generalposition, we can apply formula (5.2). Evidently , in this case the product is a Gauss-Berezin operator again. However, our fina l Theorem 9.4 avoids this considerations of Section 2 suggest an extension of the defin ition of Gauss-Berezin operators. 5.7. General Gauss-Berezin operators. As above, we define first a function fis independent of xj, 1,D[xi]D[xj] =-D[xj]D[xi], operators D[xj] are operator is an operator of the (5.7) where the operator Sis given by (5.4) and --Bis a Gauss -Berezin operator in the narrow sense; --i1< i2<***< ik,m1< m2<***< ml, an even invertible phantom constant. Note that a Gauss-Berezin operator is linear. Remark. We define the set of Gauss-Berezin operators as a union of 2p+q sets. These sets are not disjoint. Actually, we get a supermanifold consisting of two connected components (according to the parity of k+l). Each set (5.7) is open and dense in the corresponding component. This will become o bvious below. 5.8. Operators p|(B)and boundedness of Gauss-Berezin be the kernel of a Gauss-Berezin operator. Then an integral operator p|(C) this operator is a tensor product of a Gaussian operato r p+ |(C) :Fp-Fr and a Berezin operator p- |(C) : Lq-Ls. For instance, for an operator Bgiven by the standard formula (5.6), we get the Gaussian the Berezin 5.2 The Gauss-Berezin operator (5.6)is bounded in the sense of Fock-Berezin spaces if and only if the operator p+ |(B)is bounded (i.e., of Theorem 3.4). Proof. Only statement 'if' requires a proof. A kernel of a has the a polynomial in z,u. Denote the quadratic form in the exponen- tial byS(z) and decompose PI,J,K(z,u) as a sum of monomials. It is sufficient to show that the following operators are bounded as operators by parts (see, e.g., [50], Subsect. V.3.5) we arrive remains to notice that partial differentiations and multiplications b y linear functions are bounded operatorsin the see Products of Gauss-Berezin 5.3 For each Gauss-Berezin product B2B1is either a Gauss-Berezin operator or p|(B2B1f) = 0 (5.9) for allf. Clearly, the condition (5.9) also is equivalent to p- |(B2B1f) = 0. For a proof, see Section 9. We also present an interpretation of th e product in terms of linear In the case (5.9) the kernel of the product has the form (4.12) but it is not a Gauss-Berezin operator in our sense. Possibly, this re quires to change our definitions. 5.10. General Gauss-Berezin vectors. A Gauss-Berezin vector is a vector of the a Gauss-Berezin vector in the narrow sense. Remark. We write Skas in (5.7). However, omitting this factor does not change the definition. 6 Supergroups OSp(2p|2q) Here we define a super-analogue of the groups O(2 n,C) and Sp(2 n,C). For a general exposition of supergroups and s, s ee books [8], [42], [11], [12]. 6.1. a direct sum of ( p+q) copies ofA. We regardelements of Ap|qas p;w1,...,w Theadditionin left multiplication by lAis also p;w1,...,w q) := (lv1,...,lv p;lw1,...,lw q). The right multiplications by kAis (v1,...,v p;w1,...,w q)*k:= (v1k,...,v pk;w1ks,...,w qks), wheresis the involution of Adefined above. 38We define the even part ofAp|qas the odd part Matrices. Denote by Mat( p|q;A) the spaceof ( p+q)x(p+q) matrices overA, we represent such matrices in the block B C say that a matrixQis evenif all matrix elements of A,Dare even and all matrix elements of B,Care odd. A matrix is odd if elements of A,Dare odd and elements of B,Care even. A matrix Qacts on the space transformations are compatible with the left A-module structure on for any even matrices also regard the right A-module (vQ)*lfor anylA,vAp|q. (we use the rule (4.2)). 6.3. ofQis defined B C following identity even, -RstQstif bothRandQare odd.(6.1) Below we use only the first row. 6.4. The supergroups GL(p|q;A).The group GL( p|q;A) is the matrices in Mat( p|q;A). The following lemma is trivial. Lemma 6.1 An even matrix QMat(p|q;A)is invertible a)if and only if the matrices A,Dare invertible; b)if and only if the matrices p|(A),p|(D)are denotes the matrix composed of elements p|(akl). Also, the map Q/masto-p|(Q) is a well-defined epimorphism p|: p|(B) = 0,p|(D) = 0). 6.5. The supergroup OSp(2p|2q;A).We define the standard form a block ( matrix J:=1 2 0 1 p0 0 -1p0 0 0 0 0 0 1 q 0 0 1 q0 . (6.2) The group OSp(2 p|2q;A) is the subgroup in GL(2 p|2q;A) consisting of this conclusion, we use (6.1); since gGL(p|q;A) is even, a sign does not appear). We also write elements of OSp(2 p|2q;A) as block (2 p+ 2q)-matrices B C For such matrix, we 1 1 The super-Olshanski semigroup GOSp(2p|2q;A).We define the semigroup GOSp(2 p|2q;A) as a subsemigroup in OSp(2 p|2q;A) consisting of matrices B C that p|(A) is contained in the Olshanski see Subsection 3.10. 7 section is a preparation to the definition of super-linear relation s. 7.1. Letu1,...,urbe even vectors and v1,..., vsbe odd vectors in Ap|q. We suppose are linearly are linearly independent. A supersubspace of superdimension r|sis a leftA-module generated by such vectors. Subspaces also are right A-submodules. We define the Grr|s p|q(A) as the space of all supersub- spaces inAp|qof superdimension r|s. By the definition, the map p|projects Grr|s p|q(A) to the product Grr pxGrs q of the usual complex Grassmannians. We denote by p+- |the natural p- |: Intersections of subspaces. Let us examine superdimensions of intersections of subspaces. Lemma 7.1 LetLbe a subspace of superdimension r|sinAp|q,Mbe a subspace of superdimension r|s. Let the following transversality conditions =Cp, p- |(L)+p- |(M) =Cq. (7.1) ThenLMis a subspace and its superdimension is If the transversality conditions are not satisfied, then not a subspace. For instance, consider A1|1with a basis M not a subspace. Proof. Denote by IAthe ideal spanned by all aj, i.e.,A/I=C. It is easy to see that L+M=Ap|q. (7.2) Indeed, denote by e1, ...,ep,ep+1, ...,ep+qthe standard basis in CpCq. Then for each kthe submodule L+Mcontains a vector of the Actually, only a finite number of nonzero constants ajare contained in this expression. Without loss of generality, we can assu me that this set isa1, ...,aN. ThenL+Mcontains all vectors therefore L+Ma1...aN*CpCq. Next, for each Repeating this process, we getCpCqL+Mand this implies Choose xL,yMsuch that p|(x) =v, p|(y) =v. Thenx-yI*Ap|q. However, I*L+I*M=I*Ap|q, therefore we can p|(x-a) for any vector vp+ |(L)p+ |(M), there is a vector =v. The same is valid for vectors LMcontains a supersubspace of desired superdimension gen- erated by vectors v*,w*. It remains to show that there are no extra vectors in the let us vary a phantom algebra A. IfAis an algebra in a finite number of Grassmann constants a1,...,an, then this completes a proof, since (7.2) gives the same superdimension of the intersection over C. Otherwise, we choose a basis in Land a basis in M. Expressions for basis vectors contain only a finite number of Grassmann constants a1, ...,ak. After this, we apply the same reasoning to algebras A[l] generated by a1, ...,alfor observe that LMdoes not contain extra vectors. /square 7.3. Atlas on the . Define an atlas on the Grr|s p|q(A) as usual. Namely, consider the following complemen- tary subspaces V+:= (Ar0)(As0)V-:= LetS:V+-V-be an even operator. Then its graph is an element of the . Permuting coordinates in ApandAq, we get an atlas that covers the whole Lagrangian s. Now, equip the space A2p|2q with the orthosymplectic form sas above. We say that a subspace Lisisotropic if the form sis zero on L. ALagrangian subspace Lis an isotropic subspace of the maximal possible superdimension, i.e., dim 7.2 LetLbe a super-Lagrangian subspace. Then --p+ |(L)is Lagrangian subspace in C2pwith respect to the skew- 1 -1 a Lagrangian subspace in C2qwith respect to the 1 1 427.5. Coordinates on Lagrangian . Consider the following complementary Lagrangian subspaces V+:= (Ap0)(Aq0), V -:= 7.3 Consider an even operator B C The graph of Sis a Lagrangian subspace if and only if A=At, D=-Dt, C+Bt= 0. (7.4) Remark. This statement is a super-imitation of Lemma 2.11. Proof. We write out a vector hA2p|2qas h= in the graph of S. B C that the matrices A,B,C,Dare even31; for this reason, we see (6.1). We arrive Bst=-Bt, Cst=Ct, we convert our expression to the expression is zero if and only if the conditions (7.4) are satisfied. /square 31Recall that this means that A,Dare composed of even phantom constants and C,Bof odd phantom Atlas on the Lagrangian . Now we imitate the construction of Subsection 0 except one unit. Denote elements of this basis by e1,...,e this basis, the matrix of the orthosymplectic form is (6.2). Consid er define V+[I,J] denote byO[I,J] the set of all the Lagrangian subspaces that are graphs of even fact, these operators satisfy the same conditions as in Propos ition 7.3 (our initial chart isO[,]). Thus, we get an atlas on the Lagrangian . 7.7. Elementary reflections. Now we repeat We define elementary reflections s[ei],s[fj] s[fj]f- j=f+ j, (7.8) in the first row, we have an extra change of a sign because we want t o preserve the symplectic form. Then O[I,J] Superlinear integral operators are enumerated by contract ive relations. These objects are defined in this section. 8.1. Superlinear relations. We define super-linear relations P:Ap|q= Ar|sas subspaces inAp|qAr|s. Products are defined as above, see for a superlinear relation we define complex linear :Cp=Cr, p- |(P) :Cq=Cs in the natural way, we simply project the in Ap|qAr|s onto the product of the complex Transversality conditions. spaces. We say that linear relations P:V=W, if imP+domQ=W, 0. (8.2) We met these conditions in Section 2, in what follows they are even mor 8.1 IfP:V=W,Q:W=Yare transversal, then dimQP= We rephrase the definition of the product QPas follows (see [50], Prop. II.7.1). Consider the space VWWYand the following the subspace Hconsisting of vectors vwwy, -- the subspace THconsisting of vectors 0 ww0. Let us project ( PQ)HonVWalongT. The result is QPVW. By the first transversality condition we know the superdimension of the intersection S:= (PQ)H. By the second condition (8.2) the projection H-VWis injective on S. /square 8.3. Transversality for Wesaythat ifp+ |(P) is transversal to p+ |(Q) andp- |(P) is transversal to p- |(Q). Theorem 8.2 IfP:V=W,Q:W=Yare transversal super-linear rela- tions, then their product is a super-linear relation and dimQP= We follow the proof of the previous theorem. /square 8.4. Lagrangian super-linear relations. Consider the spaces with the orthosymplectic forms sV,sW, respec- tively. Define the form Lagrangian super-linear relation P:V=Wis a Lagrangian 8.3 Then the graph of gis a relation 8.4 LetP:V=W,Q:W=Ybe transversal Lagrangian super- linear relations. Then QP:V=Yis a Lagrangian super-linear relation. Proof. By =sW(w,w') QPis isotropic. By the virtue of Theorem 8.2, we know dim QP./square 8.5. Components of Lagrangian . As we the ianinthe of two components. The usual symplectic Lagrangian Gra ssman- nian is connected. Therefore, the Lagrangian super-Grassmann ian consists of two we must distinguish them. Decompose V=V+V-,W=W+W-as above (7.3). We say that the component containing the linear relation (V+W-) :V=W is even; the other component is odd. 8.6. Contractive Lagrangian linear relations. Now, we again (see Section 3) consider the Hermitian form MonC2p, it is defined by a ThenC2pbecomes an object of the category Sp. We say that a Lagrangian super-linear relation P:V=Wis contractive if p+ |(P) is a morphism of the category Sp. 8.7. Positive domain in the Lagrangian .We say that a Lagrangian subspace PinC2p|2qis positive if the form Mdefined in the prevous subsection is positive on p+ |(P). 469 Correspondence superlinear relations and Gauss-Berezin operators Here we prove our main results, namely Theorems 9.3, 9.4. 9.1. operators. LetV:=A2p|2qbe a endowed with the orthosymplectic bilinear form sdefined by the matrix (6.2). For a vector vw:=v+v-w+w-A2p|2q, wedefinetheoperatorintheFock-Berezinsp Supercommutator. We say that a vector vwis even if vis even andwis odd. It is odd if vis odd and wis even. This corresponds to the definition of even/odd for (1 |0)x(2p|2q) matrices. Let h=vw,h'=v'w'. We define the supercommutator [ ifhorh'is ifh,h'are 1 denotes the unit operator. Also, note that an operator /hatwidea(h) is linear (see Subsection 5.4) if his even and antilinear if his odd. 9.3. Annihilators of Gaussian vectors. Theorem 9.1 a)For a Gauss-Berezin vector the set L of all vectors hA2p|2qsuch 0. ThenLis a positive Lagrangian subspace in the map b/masto-Lis a set of all Gauss-Berezin vectors defined up to an invertible we begin a formal proof we propose the following (insufficient , but clarifying) argument. Let h,h'L. If one of them is even, then we the definition of L, this is 0. On the other hand, this is s(h,h')b. = 0. If bothh,h'are odd, then we write 0 arrive at the same result. Proof. First, let b(z,x) have the standard form (5.5). We write is zero if and only this system of equations determines a Lagrangian subsp ace. The pos- itivity of a Lagrangian subspace is equivalent to (see, for consider an arbitrary Gauss-Berezin vector b(z,x) (9.1) whereb[T] is a standard Gauss-Berezin vector. We (9.2) wheres[f1] is an elementary reflection given by in a Lagrangian subspace, then s[f1]halso ranges in subspace. Also, a map s[f1] takes positive subspaces to Therefore, the statements a) for and equivalent. 48In fact, for fixed i1, ...,ik, all vectors of the form (9.1) correspond to a fixed chart in the Lagrangian , namely notation of Subsection 7.7. But these charts cover the set of all positive Lagrangian subspac es. /square Theorem 9.2 For a positive Lagrangian subspace L A2p|2q, consider the system of = 0for allvwL, (9.3) for a function f(z,x). All its solutions are of the form lb(z,x), whereb(z,x)is a Gauss-Berezin vector and lis a phantom constant. Proof. It suffices to prove the statement for Lin the principal chart. Put ph(z,x) the Leibniz rule, 0 first summand is zero by the definition of b(z,x). Since we get ziph(z,x) = 0, xiph(z,x) = 0. Therefore, ph(z,x) is a phantom constant. /square 9.4. Gauss-Berezin operators and superlinear relations. (super)spaces endowed with orthosymplectic forms. Theorem 9.3 a)For each contractive Lagrangian superlinear relation exists a linear operator B(P) : such that 1)The following condition is in the even component of Lagrangian , then B(P)is an integral operator with an even32kernel. If Pis in the odd an integral operator with an odd this operator is unique up to a scalar factor Aeven. b)The operators B(P)are Gauss-Berezin operators and all Gau arise in this way. Proof. Let us write differential equations for the kernel K(z,x,y,e) of the operator B(P). even. Integrating by parts in the right-hand side, we system of equations has the form (9.3) and determines a Gauss ian. Evenness condition was essentially used in this calculation. For instan ce for an odd kernel Kwe must write ( v(i) +)sinstead of v(i) +in the right hand side. Now, let Pbe odd. Let us try to represent B(P) as a product B(P) the kernel of we change the an elementary reflection of the type (7.7)-(7.8). We again get for La system of equations determining a Gaussian. /square 9.5. Products of Gauss-Berezin operators. 32see Subsection 5.4. 50Theorem 9.4 relations. Assume that P,Qare transversal. Then B(Q)B(P) =l*B(QP), an even invertible phantom not transversal, 0. Proof. LetvwP,wyQ. the other Theorem 9.3, these relations define a unique operator and we get (9.4). It remains to verify conditions of vanishing we refer to Subsection 5.8. Our operator is a tensor product Lq-Lq''. (9.6) The operator (9.5) is a product of Gaussian integral operators. B y Theorem 3.5, it is nonzero. The operator (9.6) is a product of Berezin operators. It is nonzer o if and only ifp- |(P) andp- |(Q) are transversal, here we refer to Theorem 2.16.c. 9.5 For an element gof the Olshanski supersemigroup Subsect. 6.6)denote its graph by graph(g). a projective representation of an invertible element of A. Denote by G(2p|2q;A) the group of invertible elements of Olshanski It is easy to see that G(2p|2q;A) consists of all that 9.6 The map a projective represen- tation of the group we have a product of a real Lie group and a complex Lie group, so it is not a real form (on real forms, see [63], [20]). Moreover ,G(2p|2q;A) is not a supergroup in the sense of the usual definitions [9], [18], [12], [42], [1 1] (because there are no intermediate Lie superalgebras between osp(2p|2q,R) However, G(2p|2q;A') on algebras A'described in Subsection 4.2. 5110 Final remarks 10.1. Extension of notion of Gaussian operators? Our main result since Theorem 9.4 describes product of integral opera tors only if superlinear relations are transversal. However, a product of inte gral operators can be written explicitly in all cases (see Subsection 4.12). We arrive a t the following 10.1 a)Is it possible to extend the definitions of Gaussian operator s and Lagrangian superlinear relations to make the formula (9.4)valid for all P, Q? b)Is it reasonable to consider the expressions (4.12)as Gaussians ? 10.2. The orthosymplectic supergrou p.Recall that constructions of orthogonal and symplectic spinors describ ed in Sect. 2-3 survive well in the limit, [50], Chapters IV, VI. How ever, there remain gaps between sufficient and necessary conditions for the bosonic Fock spaceswith infinite numbe r ofdegrees of freedom (see [50], Sect. VI.3-4, [57]) and similar gaps in fermionic ca se (see [50], Sect. IV.2). On the other hand, even for su representations' are realized by unbounded operators in (for instance, for orthosymplectic spinors discussed in th is work). Question 10.2 Find natural topologies in Fock-Berezin space number of variables z1,z2, ...,x1,x2, ...and conditions of boundedness of Gauss-Berezin operators. Such topologies can depend on further applications. See, for insta nce, the next subsection, a straightforward repetition of our definition of SFp,qdoes not work in that situation. 10.3. The super-Virasoro algebras. It is well-knownthat highest of the Virasoro algebra appear in a natural way a s restrictions of Weil representation and spinor rep- resentation to the Lie algebra of vector fields on the circle, see [61], [46], for more details, see [50], Chapter VII. Let us explain that a similar pheno menon takes place for super-Virasoro algebras and ortho-symplectic sp inors. Consider the circle S1with the coordinate phR/2pZ, denote by the space of smooth complex functions on S1such that f(ph+ p) =f(ph) (resp., f(ph+p) =-f(ph)). Let us denote by of weightlon the circle, dph= (dph)1,d dph= (dph)-1. Recall that vector fields act on densities (dph)1,/ph= a 'super-Witt' Lie superalgebra sw-(see Kirillov [37]), whose ele- ments aC +(S1), bC -(S1), (10.1) the first summand has parity 0, the second summand parity 1. The is defined as follows: -- supercommutator of vector fields is the usual commutator; -- supercommutator of a vector field and a density is the natural ac tion of vector fields on densities of weight supercommutator is a 'natural differential geometric operatio n34, i.e., it is invariant with respect to the action of the group of diffeomorphis r(ph+p) the superlinear fC +(S1)/C, equip Wwith the orthosymplectic form that the element 1 0 is contained in the kernel of this form and we really get a form on the quotient W:= Next, we define the inner product on superalgebra sw-acts in the space Was follows. Vector fields act in W0W1in a natural element natural differential operations, see, e. g., [38], [27], [ 28]. 35Cf. constructions for Virasoro algebra and the group of diffe omorphisms of circle in 2.5, VII.3, Sect. VII.3, VIII.6. 53Again, this action is a 'natural differential geometric operation'. In this way, we get an embedding of sw-to an Lie superalgebra osp(2|2). Next, we apply the infinitesimal version of the spinors setting p=,q=in the notation Subsect. 1.1 and assuming even variables xjbe complex. We arrive at a projective the Lie superalgebra sw-in a tensor product of the bosonic and fermionic Fock spaces with infinite number degrees of freedom. Its restrict ion to the Lie superalgebra sw-also is a projective representation. The corresponding cen- tral extension is the Neveu-Schwarz super-Virasoro algebra . For formulas for operators, see, e.g., [25], Subsect. 4.2.2. Remark. TheRamond super-Virasoro algebra arises in a similar way: in (10.1) we assume a,bC(S1) and get another 'super-Witt' algebra sw+. Next, in (10.2) we assume f,gC(S1). Repeating the construc- tion above we get an embedding of sw+to an Lie 1), a construction of the spinor representation for this algebra must be slightly modified (cf. [50], Subsect. III.3.4, VII.3.4). We get a projective representation of sw+or a linear representation of the Ramond Question 10.3 a)Integrate these representations of the Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond algebras to actions of the corresponding supergroup s by Gau. b)Extend highest weight representations of the Ramond and Nev to complex semigroups as in [49], [50], Sect. VII.4-5 . In this context, it is more natural to consider a more general family of super- Virasoro algebras, see [33], [28]. 10.4. 'Unitary representations' of supergroups. The Howe duality for orthosymplectic spinors exists and it was a subject of numerou s works, e.g., [54], [15], [14], [41], [16]. In particular, this automatically produces many of supergroups, which can be extended to Grassma nnians. As far as I know, a notion of a unitary representation of a Lie supergroup is commonly recognized. Consider a realLie letG0be the Lie group, corresponding to g0. We consider a super- Hilbert space H=H0H1and a representation of gsuch that the action of g0 corresponds to a unitary representation of G0, and for each Xg1the operator 4-1Xis these conditions, for each Xg1= (4-1X)2the operator-1X2 is positive (semi)definite. On the other hand, X2=1 2[X,X]sis a generator of g0. In unitary representations, generators of Lie algebras rarely h ave by a semi-axis. This places strong constrains on the Lie a lgebrag0 and its representation tinH. In the semi-simple case this implies (see [55]) thattis an element of Harish-Chandra [29] highest weight holomorphic serie s. In, particular, few semisimple real supergroups have non-trivial u nitary in this sense36. 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Yurii A. Neretin
Yuri Neretin
Gauss--Berezin integral operators and spinors over supergroups $\mathrm{OSp}(2p|2q)$, and Lagrangian super-Grasmannians
60pp, extended version, typos are corrected
math.RT math-ph math.MP
We obtain explicit formulas for the spinor representation $\rho$ of the real orthosymplectic supergroup $\mathrm{OSp}(2p|2q,\mathbb{R})$ by integral 'Gauss--Berezin' operators. Next, we extend $\rho$ to a complex domain and get a representation of a larger semigroup, which is a counterpart of Olshanski subsemigroups in semisimple Lie groups. Further, we show that $\rho$ can be extended to an operator-valued function on a certain domain in the Lagrangian super-Grassmannian (graphs of elements of the supergroup $\mathrm{OSp}(2p|2q,\mathbb{C})$ are Lagrangian super-subspaces) and show that this function is a 'representation' in the following sense: we consider Lagrangian subspaces as linear relations and composition of two Lagrangian relations in general position corresponds to a product of Gauss--Berezin operators
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[ [ "Neretin", "Yuri", "" ] ]
Limit shapes and the largest part in the minimal difference pa rtitions 2 1. statistics [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]--a generalization of Bose an d be defined in the following thermodynamical sense. L etZ(b,z) etemperature band fugacity z. Such a gas is said to obey exclusion statistics with parameter 0 <=p<=1, ifZ(b,z) can be expressed as an integral (1) where ~r(o) denotes a single particle density of states and the function yp(x), which encodes fractional statistics, is given by the solution of the equat = 1. (2) In the cases p= 0 and p= 1, substituting yp(x) explicitly in (1) yield the standard grand partition functions of non-interacting bosons and fermions respectively. The fractional exclusion statistics with parameter 0 < p <1 (that corresponds to an interacting gas) smoothly interpolates between these two extrem e cases. Two quantum mechanical realizations of exclusion statistics are the Lowest Landau Level (LLL) anyon model [2, 3] and the Calogero model [6, 7], with ~ r(o) being, respectively, the LLL density of states and the free one-d imensional density of states. It is well known that a gas of non-interacting bosons ( p= 0) or fermions (p= 1) occupying a single particle equidistant spectrum both have a com in terms of the integer partition problem [9]. A partitio n of a a decomposition of Eas a sum of a nonincreasing sequence of {hj}, that hj>=hj+1, forj= 1,2.... For example, 4 can be partitioned in 5 ways: 4, 3+1, 2+2, 2+1+1, and 1+1+1+1. Par titions can be graphically represented by Young diagrams (also called Ferre rs to the height of the j-th column (see figure 1). In the Young diagram of a given partition of E, ifnidenotes the number of columns having heights equal to i, then clearly can now be interpreted as the total energy of a non-interacting quantum gas of bosons where oi=ifori= equidistant single particle energy levels and ni= occupation number of the i-th level (see figure 1(b)). On the other hand, if one expresses a positive integer Eas a sum of strictly decreasing sequence of , i.e. that hj> hj+1(e.g. allowed partitions of 4 are: 4 and 3+1), then the restricted partition problem correspondsto a non -interacting quantum gas of fermions, for which ni= 0,1. In the partitioning problems if one restricts the number of summands to be N, then clearly the total number of particles. For example, if E= 4 and N= 2, the allowed partitions are 3+1 and 2+2 in the unrestricted problem, whereas the only allowed restricted pa rtition is 3+1. The numberr(E,N) of ways of partitioning EintoNparts is simply the function of a gas of quantum particles with total energy Eand total number of particles N: r(E,N) (3) The grand partition functions, i.e., Z(b,z) for the unrestricted and restricted partitions are Z(b,z) =Limit shapes and the largest part in the minimal difference pa rtitions 3 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 j (a)3 + 1 2 + 2 2 + 1 + 14 (b)hj Figure 1. (a) All the Young diagrams for the partitions of 4. (b) The You ng diagram of the partition 91 = 18 + 16 + 13 + 13 + 9 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 3, and the corresponding configuration of non-interacting bosons occupying energy levels oi=ifori= +ze-bi) and hence ln Z(b,z) in the limit b-0 and ~r(o) = 1 reduce to (1) withp= 0 and p= 1 Bose and Fermi statistics which describes non-interacting pa rticles, for a quantum gas obeying exclusion statistics with parameter 0 < p <1, it is a priori not obvious how to provide a combinatorial description, since the un derlying physical models with exclusion statistics describe interacting systems. Howe ver it has recently been shown [10] that a combinatorial description of exclusion statis tics is possible in terms of a generalized partition problem known as the minimal differen which we will define in the next section. Even though the paramete rpin MDP-pis an integer, in [10] it has been shown that, when one analytically cont inues the results to non-integer values of p, for 0< p <1, and in the limit b-0, to a gas of quantum particles obeying exclusion statis tics. between exclusion statistics and MDP- pmotivates us to investigate some other aspects of the MDP- pproblem in this paper. 2. Problems and outline In the MDP- pproblem, a positive integer Eis expressed as a sum of positive integers that hj-hj+1>=p(see figure 2). Therefore, p= 0 corresponds to unrestricted partitions and p= 1 to restricted partitions into distinct parts. The shortest part in the MDP- pproblem is usually taken to be >=1. However, for the calculation of certain specific quantities in this model, it is useful to co nsider a somewhat generalized version with the shortest part >=s, wheresis considered to be a variable. The grand partition function of this problem was obtain ed recently in [10], which is given by (1) with constant density of states ~ r(o) = 1 and the lower limit of integration being s. One may also think of the MDP- pin terms of a quantum system consisting of equidistant energy levels oi=ifori= 1,2,...,. Now a given height hj=i corresponds the energy level oi=iand the number of columns with height iis theLimit shapes and the largest part in the minimal difference pa rtitions h j Figure 2. A typical Young diagram for MDP- pproblem. The thick solid border shows the height profile. Whis the width of the Young diagram at a height h, i.e.,Whis the number of columns whose heights >=h. occupation number ni. Since the difference between two consecutive heights in the MDP-pmust be at least p, the gap between two adjacent occupied energy levels must be at least p. Clearly for p= 0 this gap is zero, and hence each level can be occupied by any number of particles (bosons). For p= 1, each level can be occupied by at most one particle (fermions). Again for p >1 a level can be occupied by at most one particle. However, in this case, when a energy level is occupied b y a particle, the adjacent p-1 levels must remain unoccupied. One major issue in the partition problem is to study the limit shape, i.e., t he average height profile of an ensemble of Young diagrams with a fixed b ut large E. The shape (height profile) can be defined by the width Whof the Young diagram at a height h(see figure 2). In other words, Whis the number of columns of the Young diagram whose height is greater than or equal to h. In this corresponding the total number of particles occupying energy levels aboveh. The height profile of the Young diagram of the unrestricted partitio n (p= 0) was first studied by Temperley, who was interested in determining the eq uilibrium profile of a simple cubic crystal grown from the corner of three walls at righ t angles. The two dimensional version of the problem --where walls (two) are along t he horizontal and the vertical axes and Ebricks (molecules) are packed into the first quadrant one by one such that each brick, when it is added, makes two contac t along to the p= 0 partition problem. Temperley [11] computed the of this two dimensional crystal. More recently the investigat ion of the limit shape of random partitions has been developed extensively by Vers hik [12, 13, 14] and collaborators. The case of uniform random partitions was trea ted by Vershik who proved for the bosonic ( p= 0) as well as the fermionic ( p= 1) case that the rescaled converge to limiting curves when E- , and obtained these limit shapes explicitly. These results were extended b y Romik [15] to the MDP- pforp= 2. In this paper we compute the following two quantities: (1) The limit shape of the Young diagrams of the MDP- pfor anyp, from which the previously obtained results for p= 0,1,2 follow as special cases.Limit shapes and the largest part in the minimal difference pa rtitions 5 (2) The distribution ofthe largestpartofthe Young diagramsofth e MDP-pproblem for allp, whereas the earlier result existed only for the p= 0 case [16]. The averageheight profile Young diagramsofthe partitions of a given integerEis easierto compute in the grand Therefore on e requires a restricted grand partition function Zh(b,z) which counts the columns whose heights >=h, and the full grand partition function Z(b,z) which counts all the columns. From the restricted grand partition function one finds For given largeE, the parameter bis fixed by the relation the other hand, to compute the number of partitions rp(E,l) of an integer Esuch that the largest part <=l, it is useful to consider the partition function Zl(b) first. Formally rp(E,l) can be obtained by inverting Zl(b) with respect to b, and for large Ethe asymptotic behavior of rp(E,l) is obtained from the saddle point approximation, where the parameter bis fixed in terms of given E by the saddle point relation it is useful to consider a more general restricted grand par tition that counts the columns whose heights lie between sandl. All the other partition functions we need for our calculations can be obtained fro mZ(b,z,l,s) by taking various limits on sandl. For example, by putting s= 1 and taking the limit l- one obtains Z(b,z). Similarly s=hand the limit l- givesZh(b,z) and putting s= 1 and z= 1 gives Zl(b). As we will see later in (14) and (23) that b~E-1/2for large E. Therefore, hereafter we will work in the limit b-0. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We first obtain the gen eralized grand partition function Z(b,z,l,s) of the MDP- pproblem in the next section. In section 4we compute the limit shapes ofthe rovidea simple physical interpretation of the result. In section 5 we calculate the distribution of the largest part of the MDP- p. Finally, we conclude with a summary and some remarks in section 6. 3. Restricted grand partition function of MDP- ) be the number of ways of partitioning an integer EintoNparts in the MDP- pproblem such that the largest part is at most land the smallest part is at leasts, that allj= Then clearly, [ rp(E,N,l,s )-rp(E,N,l-1,s)] gives the number of MDP-pofE, such that the largest part is exactly equal to l, and smallest part is at leasts. Now, by eliminating the first part h1=lfrom the partition one that the above number is precisely i.e., the number of MDP- pofE-lintoN-1 parts such that the largest part is at most l-pand the smallest part is at least s. Therefore, one has the recursion ) similar reasoning one can also derive another recursion relat ion in terms of the smallest part s, rp(E,N,l,s ) =rp(E,N,l,s follows from (4) and (5) that the grand partition function Z(b,z,l,s) ) satisfies the recursion (6) Z(b,z,l,s) (7)Limit shapes and the largest part in the minimal difference pa rtitions 6 From these equations, it is evident that in the scaling limit b-0, and both sandl large, the correct scaling variables are bsandbl, so that bsandblremain finite. One knows from the statistical mechanics that the free energy b-1lnZ(b,z,l,s) becomes a function of the only the scaling variables in the limit b-0. Therefore in this limit it is natural to (8) Now to determine the scaling function ph(bl,bs,z), we substitute the ansatz (8) in (6) and (7), and then expand Ph( bl-b,bs,z) and Ph( bl-bp,bs,z) about bl, and Ph(bl,bs+bp,z) aboutbs, respectively in Taylor series up to first order, which yields the = 1,where Ph bs) +ze-bsexp(pPhbs) = 1,where Ph is evident from (9) and (10), that Ph bland Ph bsare function of the arguments and the solutions are Phbl= Ph satisfies the equation yp(x)-xy1-p p(x) = 1, which is the same equation (2) one encounters in exclusion statistics. Equation (11) implies, Ph( u,v,z) do.Therefore, (8) (12) i.e. (1) with constant density of states ~ r(o) = 1, and the lower and upper limits of integration being This is the key equation, using which we compute the limit shapes and the largest parts of the Young diagram s in section 4 and section 5 respectively. The limit bl- also provides a simpler derivation of an earlier result [10], which showed a link between the exclusion statist ics and Limit shapes of Young diagrams Let us consider all the MDP- pof an integer Ewith uniform measure. Then the number of columns having height between sandl, averaged over all the Young diagrams of the MDP- pofE, is obtained from (12) (13) Now to obtain the parameter bin terms of the given large integer Eone again uses (12) with the limits bl- ,bs-0, andz= 1, a constant which depends on the parameter p.Limit shapes and the largest part in the minimal difference pa rtitions 7 (p= 3)(p= 2)(p= 1)(p= 0)limE- 1 2 30123 Figure 3. Limit shapes for the minimal difference ppartitions with p= 0,1,2, and 3, where b(0) =p/ 6,b(1) =p/ 12,b(2) =p/ 15, andb(3) = 0.752617.... The average shape or the height profile of the Young diagrams simply given by (13) with s=h,l- andz= 1, p= 0,1and2, solving(2)yields y0(x) = 1/(1-x),y1(x) = (1+x), and y2(x) respectively. From which using (14) one finds b(0) =p/ 6, b(1) =p/ 12 andb(2) =p/ 15 in agreement with the earlier known results [12, 15]. The fluctuation about the average shape can be computed from (1 2) (16) which denotes the derivative of yp(x) with respect to its argument. This formula shows that the random variable bWhis strongly peaked around its mean value. Therefore, the curve Wh/ Eas a function of h/ Econverges to a limit curve whenE- (strictly speaking, to prove the existence of a limit curve, one need s to show that all the moments around the mean vanish when E- , which Vershik [13] showed for p= 0 and p= 1). Therefore hereafter we may replace (2) and (15), one can express hin terms of (18) Introducing the scaling variables using (14) and taking E- , yields the equation of the limit (19) Figure 3 shows the limit shapes for the MDP- pwithp= 0,1,2, and 3.Limit shapes and the largest part in the minimal difference pa rtitions 8 hjj (a) (b) (c) (d)hjj Figure 4. (a) Transposed Young diagram for the unrestricted partitio n 91 = 18 + 16 + 13 + 13 + 9 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 3. (b) Represents (a) in terms bosons (represented by *) occupying energy levels oi=ifor i= 1,2,...,10. (c) The configuration obtained from the bosonic configura tion (b) by transferring particles from the higher levels to the l ower levels such that in the final configuration all the levels below the highest occ upied level o5= 5 receive 2 new particles (represented by *) each, where*represents the present in the initial bosonic configuration. (d ) The Young to the configuration (c). This is the transpos ed Young diagram of the partition 49 = 18 + 14 + 9 + 7 + 1, in the minimal difference 2 (18) has a simple physical interpretation which we explain be low. For p= 0, any transposed Young diagram (see figure 4) provides a valid un Therefore the transposed diagram also corresponds t o a non of bosons occupying single particle equidistant energy levels . However this is no more true when p >0. In this case the transposed Young diagram(see figure 4) corresponds to a quantum system where there is a certain energy level (which differs from one realization to another) which is occupied by at least one par ticle, and above which all the levels are empty, and below which each of the levels must b e occupied by at least pparticles. Therefore, hin the limit shape expression (18) represents the number of particles above the energy level Wh. For bosons with total energy E, this number is precisely given by (18) with p= 0 and bhas to be determined in terms ofE. Now, a configuration for p >0, can be obtained from a bosonic configuration by transferring particles from the higher energy levels to the lower ones such that, in the final configuration, levels below the highest occupied level (wh ich has at least one particle) receive exactly pnew particles each. Clearly, in the final by this procedure, each of the levels below the highest occ upied level has However, since transferring a particle from a higher ene rgy level to a lower one decreases energy of the system, to obtain a configura tion forp >0 the initial bosonic configuration to be at a higher energy (i.e ., lower inverse temperature b) thanE. Now, while going from a initial bosonic configuration to a configuration for p >0, one transfers total of pWhparticles from the levels above Whto below (i.e., pparticles to each level), the average number number of particles above level Whdecreases from the corresponding bosonic system ( p= 0) precisely bypWh, which is exactly the content of (18) . In fact, bin (18) can directly be determined by using condition h>=0 and the the solution of the equation h(W* h) = 0. Writing exp( bW* h) =y*, 1, and in terms of y*one (20)Limit shapes and the largest part in the minimal difference pa rtitions 9 where Li 2(z) the dilogarithm function. The expression for b(p) in (20) also follows directly from its integral representation given in (1 8). 5. Largest part of Young (12) also allows one to compute the distribution of the large st part (i.e., the largest height in the Young diagram) in the MDP- pproblem. Let rp(E,l) be the number of partitions of the integer Ein MDP- pproblem, such that the largest part is atmostl. Clearly, rp(E) =rp(E,l- ) givesthe Eand since the partitions are distributed with a uniform measure Cp(l|E) the cumulative distribution of the largest height l. Note that the Zl(b) in the limit b-0 is obtained from (12) by bs-0andz= 1. the limit b-0, the sum over Ein the partition function of Zl(b) can be replaced by an integral), one can write rp(E,l) db, (21) wheregis a real constant chosen such that all singularities of integrand ar e to the left of the vertical contour in the complex plane, and the action SE,l(b) (22) For large E, the leading asymptotic behavior of rp(E,l) can be obtained from the saddle point approximation. Maximizing the action with respect to b, i.e., setting S/b= 0 gives the saddle point (23) For large E, the saddle point b*is obtained implicitly solving the above equation and by substituting it back in the action SE,l(b*). Thus, to leading can be written intermsof landE, = Egp(l/ E), where the scaling function gp(x) can be determined as follows. We set In terms of these scaling variables, from the saddle point solution of (23) and the entropy (25) one = Thus, given x, one has to find Hp(x) by implicitly solving (26), then substitute it back in (27) to get gp(x), and (28)Limit shapes and the largest part in the minimal difference pa rtitions 10 For large x, using (26) and (27), it can be shown as x- , (29) whereb(p) is given in (14) and (20). Thus, from (28), rp(E) =rp(E,l- )~ exp[2b(p) E] to leading order for large E, which is the generalization of the Hardy- Ramanujan formula [17] for r0(E), provided by Meinardus [18]. The distribution of l, i.e.,Cp(l|E) =rp(E,l)/rp(E), for large Eandl E, is the characteristic value of lisl*(E) = and the scaling function has the Gumbel form, F(z) = exp[-exp[-z]]. The result for the p= 0 case, i.e., forC0(l|E), was first derived Erd os and Lehner [16]. Equation (30) provide s a generalization of their result, which is valid for all p. The probability obtained from = l=l*(E). probability of of O( E) of the random variable laround Summary and remarks In summary, we have obtained a generalized grand partition functio n for the ppartition (MDP- p) of a positive integer E, where smallest part is at least sand largest part is at most l, in the scaling limit bE-1/2-0, in terms of the scaling variables blandbs. The limit bl- also provides a simpler derivation of an earlier result [10], which showed a link between the exclusion statist ics and by showing that both problems are described by the same g rand partition function in the limit b-0. Using the grand partition function we have computed the limiting shape of the Young diagram of the MDP- pproblem for all p, and also provided a simple physical interpretation of the result. Alth ough the Young diagram is defined only for integer values of p, one can analytically continue the expression (15) for the width Whof the Young diagram to noninteger values of p. For 0< p the number ofparticleseach ofwhich has energya t least h, in a system where the particles obeys exclusion statistics. We have also obtained the asymptotic distribution of the largest part of the Young diagra m and showed that the scaled distribution has a Gumbel form for all p. When one analytically continues, for 0< p <1, the largest part corresponds to the highest occupied energy le vel in exclusion statistics. Note that for p= 0, the transposed Young diagram of a given partition gives another valid p= 0 partition. This symmetry implies that the statistics of the largest part is the same as the statistics of the number of parts in t hep= 0 The distribution of the number of parts for p= 0 was computed by Erd os and Lehner [16] and in the appropriate scaling limit it has a Gumbel form . However, the symmetry between the number of parts and the largest part n o longer holds whenLimit shapes and the largest part in the minimal difference pa rtitions 11 p >0, where the distribution of the number of parts become Gaussian ( see [10] and references the statistics of the number of parts for a general par titions of the corresponds to having a power-law density of states, ~ r(o)~on-1, has been studied [19] in the bosonic sector ( p= 0). Clearly, n= 1 corresponds to the usual unrestricted partition problem, where the number of pa rts obey Interestingly, for nne}ationslash= 1, the authors in [19] also obtained the other two universal distribution laws of extreme value statistics, namely the F r' echet and for 0 < n <1 andn >1 the general partition problem can be defined in the par ameter space of (n,p) withn >0 andp>=0. In this parameter space the point ( n= 1,p= 0) is a very special one at which both the number of parts and the larges t part obey the same statistics given by the Gumbel distribution. Along the line n= 1, the of the number of parts becomes Gaussian as soon as p >0, whereas the limiting distribution of the largest part remains Gumbel for all p, as we have shown in this paper. On the other hand, along the p= 0 line, for the number of parts one finds [19] all the three universal laws of the extreme value statistic s, for the parameter 0< n <1,n= 1, and n >1 respectively. Therefore, it is interesting to ask whether there is any region in the ( n,p) parameter space, where the largest part obeys than the Gumbel one. The answer is negative. For a gene ral density of states, (22) includes a factor of ~ r(o/b) in the integrand. Following the similar steps provided afterwards, it can be shown that even for the power-law density of the scaled distribution of the largest part remains Gumbel in the wh ole (n,p) plane. Thus, the largestpart obeys a more robust law, in contras t to the number of parts. Note added in proof We thank K. Hikami for pointing out [20] in which the author obtained the solution of a recursion relation similar to (6) with s= 0 for arbitrary b. However, for the purpose of this paper we require the solution only in the limit b-0. In this limit it is simpler to obtain it using the method presented in this paper rather than obtaining by taking the limit b-0 in the solution of [20]. The average occupation number at a levelifor the exclusion statistics has been studied in [2, 3, 4, 21, 22], whic h also can be obtained from (13) simply (32) which via elementary algebra SNM and SS acknowledge the support of the Indo-French Cent re for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR/CEFIPRA) under Proj ect 3404-2.Limit shapes and the largest part in the minimal difference pa rtitions Haldane F D M 1991 Fractional statistics in arbitrary d imensions: A generalization of the Pauli principle Phys. Rev. Lett. 67937 [2] Dasni` eres de Veigy A and Ouvry S 1994 Equation of state of an anyon gas in a strong Rev. Lett. 72600 [3] Dasni` eres de Veigy A and Ouvry S 1995 One-dimensional st atistical mechanics for the Calogero and anyon cases Mod. Phys. Lett. B9271 [4] Wu Y S 1994 Statistical distribution for generalized ide al gas of particles Phys. Rev. Lett. 73922 [5] Murthy M V N and Shankar R 1994 Haldane exclusion statisti cs and second virial Rev. 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Sanjib Sabhapandit
Alain Comtet, Satya N. Majumdar, Stephane Ouvry and Sanjib Sabhapandit
Integer partitions and exclusion statistics: Limit shapes and the largest part of Young diagrams
12 pages, 4 figures (minor typo corrected)
J. Stat. Mech. (2007) P10001
cond-mat.stat-mech math-ph math.CO math.MP
We compute the limit shapes of the Young diagrams of the minimal difference $p$ partitions and provide a simple physical interpretation for the limit shapes. We also calculate the asymptotic distribution of the largest part of the Young diagram and show that the scaled distribution has a Gumbel form for all $p$. This Gumbel statistics for the largest part remains unchanged even for general partitions of the form $E=\sum_i n_i i^{1/\nu}$ with $\nu>0$ where $n_i$ is the number of times the part $i$ appears.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 16 Jul 2007 12:47:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 8 Oct 2007 09:54:45 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Fri, 14 Jan 2022 16:04:42 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Comtet", "Alain", "" ], [ "Majumdar", "Satya N.", "" ], [ "Ouvry", "Stephane", "" ], [ "Sabhapandit", "Sanjib", "" ] ]
(2) and it does not matter which of the two forms is used. However, integrals of the two forms over a finite volume can give diffe r- ent results. This leads to the question, noted in several electroma of which of the two should be considered an electromag netic en- ergy density.3While recognizing the two possibilities, textbooks generally, for various reasons, have preferred using uEB, with the energy considered to be stored in the electromagnetic fields. For instance, this is considered by D. J. Griffiths in several steps. F he asks Where is the energy, then? Is it stored in the field, or is it stored in the charge?4, but notes that In the context of radiation theory it is useful to regard the energy as stored in the field. He fin the following sections of this paper, we resolve the question of wh energy is stored in the electromagnetic fields ( EandB) or ( randj) distributions. We find that electromagnetic energy is in charge-current distributions, and not the electric fields. We als o show, somewhat surprisingly, radiation. 2 rate at which energy is put into matter by an electric field in a volum e, V, is given (3) A magnetic field does no work, and therefore does not increase the energy (3) gives the rate at which the energy of the electromagn etic fields is given to matter. By conservation of energy, the rate of ch ange of 3A detailed history of this question is given in [3], which includes many earlie r p. 97. 5[1], p. energy is the negative of the rate of change of th e energy in matter, (4) At this point, the usual procedure has been to use Maxwell's equatio ns to eliminate the current from Eq. (4). However, we will follow an alter nate procedure, using the definition of the electric field in terms of the sc alar and vector (5) Then, Eq. (4) (6) Integrating this equation with respect to time leads (7) In the above, we have used the continuity equation, and have assu med that phandr, andAandj, have the same time dependence, and j*(tA) =A*(tj) this paper, we will consider the case where the current densities are either completely enclosed within the volume or completely outside of t he volume (or are surface currents), so that the surface integral in Eq. (7) van- ishes. Then, Eq. (7) reduces (9) From the volume integral in Eq. (9) for the electromagnetic energy , we can define an electromagnetic energy (10) 3whose integral gives the electromagnetic energy in any volume of int (9) shows that the electromagnetic energy of a charge- resides in the charge-current distribution. This means thatthere is no electromagnetic energy in any volume that does not cont ain electric charge or current.6 3 Energy of Electromagnetic Fields The electromagnetic energy can be put in terms of the electromagn etic fields, EandB, by using Maxwell's equations in Eq. (9), leading time derivative term in Eq. (12) vanishes if there is no time depen- dence, or if EandAhave the same time dependence. We consider that to be the case for the rest of this paper. This reduces Eq. (12) the surface integral vanishes, the electromagnetic energy ca n be put purely in terms of the electric and magnetic fields, (14) Equation is (14) often used to give the electromagnetic energy in a v olume, but that is only true if the surface integral in Eq. (13) vanishes. For instance, Jackson[2] derives Eq. (14) by 'assuming' that the s in Eq. (13) can be in neglected.7Also, his 6This conclusion holds even if the surface term in Eq. (7) doesn't vanis h. 7See pages 166 and 213 of [2]. 4derivation of Eq. (14) is for time independent fields, and then he 'ass umes' it will also hold with time dependence.8So, he agrees with us that Eq (14) would only hold if those assumptions were made, and Eq. (12) or (13) would be needed if they were not made. If the integral in Eq. (14) is over all space, and EandBdecrease fast enough to make the surface integral vanish (This does not happen for ra- diation fields.), then Eq. (14) would give the same electromagnetic en ergy as Eq. (9). However, for volumes with finite surfaces, Eq. (13), in cluding the surface integral, must be used to give the same result as Eq. (9 ) for energy. We note that, even if ( E2+B2) does not equal zero in a volume that does not contain a charge or current distribution, the electromagnetic energy in that volume must vanish everywhere in the volume. This follows becau se we can enclose any point within the volume by an infinitesimal sphere. The n, Eq. (13) shows that the electromagnetic energy must vanish at th at point, and so it must vanish anywhere in the volume. From this discussion, we can conclude, again, that there is no electr omag- netic energy in any volume that does not contain electric charge or c urrent. 4 Poynting's Theorem In the above, we have derived properties of electromagnetic ener gy with an emphasis on the part played by the scalar and vector potentials. Th e usual textbook derivation uses Maxwell's equations and some vector ident ities to replacejin Eq. (4), leading to Poynting's theorem in the conservation of energy, as discussed in Section 1, Eq. (15) c an be written equation can be interpreted as indicating that the rate of chan ge energy is given by the sum of a volume integral and a surface 8See page 259 of [2]. 9This is Eq. (6.107) of [2] 5integral. The volume integral in Eq. (16) is the time derivative of the v olume integral in Eq. (13), and, we will show below, that the surface integ ral is the time derivative of the surface integral in Eq. (13). At the same time, the surface integral represents the rate at wh ich energy is entering the volume (if the surface integral is positive) or leaving the volume (if the surface integral is negative). This actio n of the surface integral in Eq. (16) can be used to define the Poynting vec (17) The Poynting vector has the significance that SP*dSgives the rate of trans- mission of electromagnetic energy through the infinitesimal surfac edS. If the volume in Eq. (16) is taken as a sphere with infinite radius, h, Eq.(16) can be integrated over time to (18) as in Eq. (14). The discussion following Eq. (14) applies here too, and Eq. (18) would only hold if the surface integral in Eq. (16) is not includ ed. Although it is the time derivative of ( E2+B2), and not ( E2+B2), ldsevenwhen the surface integral does not vanish[1, 2, 4]. This is based on the as sumption that the volume integral in Eq. (18) gives the electromagnetic ener gy in the volume, while the surface integral refers to energy that has left t he volume, and need not be included. We show below that this is not the case. Equation (16) canbemodified by replacing theelectric field inthe surf ace integral by the scalar and vector potentials, resulting (19) In the derivation above, we have dropped the divergence of a curl, and as- sumed, as before, that the surface integral of phjvanishes. We have also assumed that phandE, andBandA, have the same time dependence. 6Now each term in Eq. (19) involves a time derivative, and it can be integrated over time to agrees with Eq. (13). This shows again that a surface integra l must be added to the volume integral of ( E2+B2) to give the full amount energy in the volume. We see that Poynting's theorem gives the same result for the electr ifthetime integration of Poynting's theorem is done correctly. This means that Poynting's theorem also leads to the conclusion that there is no electromagnetic energy in any volume that does not contain electric charge or current. 5 Electromagnetic Radiation A number of questions can be raised about electromagnetic radiatio n: *Doesn't electr:omagnetic radiation carry energy as it travels throu gh free space? *How can light travel from the sun to the earth without having electr o- magnetic energy moving through space from the sun to the earth? *How can an antenna receive radio signals if there is no electromagnet ic energy between the broadcasting antenna and the receiving ante way by the radiation fields? *Doesn't integrating uEBover the volume of a cavity give the energy in the cavity? These questions have straightforward answers. 5.1 Electromagnetic Energy (21) 7behaving like a current for the flow of electromagnetic energy. Jus t like an electric current, which carries electric charge through regions wh ere there is no charge, the Poynting vector current carries electromagnet ic energy through regions where there is no electromagnetic inawire)iswh at happens if a blob of charge is placed in the middle of a conducting objec t.10 The blob retains its shape, but vanishes exponentially in time, while the charge appears on the outer surface of the conductor. At no tim e is there any charge in the conductor between the original blob and the oute r surface of the conductor. It looks like magic, but that's how a current can c arry charge (or electromagnetic energy) without charge or energy ev er the source and the receiver. 5.2 Absorption of Electromagnetic Radiation When light travels from the sun to a solar panel on earth, no light is ac tually seen until it hits the solar panel, or is reflected from dust in the atmo sphere. This is like a quantum mechanical wave function, which governs the pr op- agation of a wave that is not detected until it strikes a detector, w here it is identified as a particle. There is no 'particle' between the source an d the detector, which is why we can't say that the particle went through o ne slit or the other. The absorption of electromagnetic energy by a detector or anten na is determined by the r*SP). (22) This, again, uses the Poynting vector as an electromagnetic curre nt, with no mention of electromagnetic energy. 5.3 Radiation of radiation reaction are generally based on calculating t he ra- diated power, dP=SP*dA, (23) 10See, for instance instance, Section 6.9.3 of [4]). 8using the Poynting vector as an electromagnetic energy current w ithout Thequestionofw hathappens after the emission, as the radiation propagates, has no effect on r Electromagnetic Energy in a Cavity The electromagnetic energy in a cavity in a conductor is given by the in tegral ofuEBover the volume of the cavity. That is because the surface integra l in Eq. (13) vanishes for such a cavity. So, in this case, the volume int egral ofuEBand the surface integral (with surface charge, s, and surface (24) each give the same electromagnetic energy. However, the surface integral inEq. (13) doesnot vanish for asm aller vol- ume inside the cavity. This means that uEBcannot be considered an energy density for electromagnetic energy inside the cavity, and the elect of the cavity must be only on its sc, energy will be confined to a skin depth, d, at the surface of the conductor. There will be a loss of energy at a rate given by the surface (25) The fact that the energy loss occurs at the surface of the cavity is that the electromagnetic energy is located at the surfac e of the cavity, and not within its volume. 6 Conclusion The electromagnetic energy of a charge-current distribution in an y volume is given by the (26) 11See, for instance, [5] or Section 11.2.2 of [1]. 12This is Eq. (12.124) of ,[4]. 9The electromagnetic energy in a volume can also be given in terms of th fields EandBby the volume and surface if the surface integral in Eq. (27) vanishes, can the electroma gnetic energy in the volume be given by just the volume (26) shows that electromagnetic energy is contained in ch arge and current densities. There is no electromagnetic energy in any vo lume that does not contain electric charge or current. Consequences of this, as it applies to electromagnetic radiation, are discussed in Section 5. It s hould not be surprising that electromagnetic energy resides in matter, b ecause the only time it is ever detected or seen is when electromagnetic radiation fact that we have found that the location of electromagnetic e nergy is in charge and current distributions in the form ( rph+j*A), should resolve the long-standing question of whether the electromagnetic poten tials or the EandBfields are the fundamental objects of had generally been assumed that EandBwere the fundamental fields, with the potentials phandAbeing mathematical supplements, it has recently been emphasized by Sebens[6] that the potentials could be of funda the understanding of classical electromagnetism as a gauge t heory derived from quantum mechanics can only be understood in terms of fact, the electromagnetic fields EandBalmost never appear in quantum electrodynamics (QED). A recent paper[6] remarks on the seeming paradox that, while elect ro- magnetic energy in terms of the electric and magnetic fields, EandB, is used in classical the scalar and vector potentia ls,phand A, arerequired inextensions of electromagnetism to quantum mecha nics and quantum electrodynamics (QED). In this paper, we have shown that it is the potentials that contain ele c- tromagnetic energy, and should be considered fundamental, with t he convenient shorthand to simplify for instance, Section 2.4.4 of [1] 14See Section 6.2 of would like to thank Charles T. Sebens and Juan R. Gonz' alez 'Alvarez for useful Griffiths, D. J.: Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd Edn. (Add ison Wesley, San Francisco) (2013) [2] Jackson, D. J.: Classical Electrodynamics 3rd Edn, (John Wiley & S ons, New York) (1999) [3] Roche, J. is electromagnet ic Franklin, J.: Classical Electromagnetism 2nd Edn. (Dover Publicat ions) (2017) [5] Franklin, J.: Radiation Reaction on an Accelerating Point Charge. I nter- national Journal of Modern Physics A 38, 2350005 (2023) [6] Sebens, C. T.: The of Potent ial Energy in Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics. Found. Phys. 52, 113
Jerrold Franklin
Jerrold Franklin
The nature of electromagnetic energy
An Introduction has been added
The nature of electromagnetic energy for general charge and current distributions is analyzed. We compare several forms for the electromagnetic energy, and discuss under what conditions there will be electromagnetic energy in a specific volume. Our conclusion is that electromagnetic energy resides in charge and current densities, and there is no electromagnetic energy in any volume that does not contain electric charge or current.
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[ [ "Franklin", "Jerrold", "" ] ]
A. the framework should be generalized to includ e both commutative (bosonic) (fermionic) variables in constrained sys tems. To generalize constrained systems for canonical condition s and Rouet, Stora [ 16-18], and Tyutin [ 19] developed the BRST formalism to extend the gauge symmetry in terms of the BRST differential and co-/homologica l classes. The aim was to replace the original gauge symmetry with the BRST symmetry. Noting t hat the gauge symmetry can be constructed from a nilpotent derivation, so the gauge actio n is invariant under a nilpotent sym- metry, called the BRST symmetry. By replacing the original g auge symmetry with the BRST symmetry, antifield, ghosts, and antighosts are introduced for each gauge variable [ 20,21]. It framework forsolutions oftheequations ofmo tion [22,23]. Moreover, BRSTcohomol- ogy extended by the antifield formalism [ 23-30] allowed us to construct all consistent the fields using coupling deformations of the master eq uation [31,32]. The appears as efficient mathematical tool to analyze t he consistent interactions, and has been applied to many gauge models, e.g., Yang-Mills model [ 33], topological Yang-Mills model [ 34], 5-D topological BF model [ 35], and 5-D dual linearized gravity coupled to topological BF model [36]. In this paper, we briefly review the construction of all consi stent interactions of the free Yang- Mills theory determined from all coupling deformations of t he master equation. We see that the resulting action presents deformed structures of the gauge transformation and yields a commutator for it. In Section 2, the BRST differential and the antifield formalism are introdu ced. Section 3 introduces the consistent interactions among the fields. We consider the BRST coupling deforma- tions of the master equations in the antifield formalism in Se ction4. In Section 5, we demonstrate its application to the massless Yang-Mills theory by calcul ating all several order deformation of the master equation. Section 6presents a conclusion. 2 BRST Differential The gauge invariant in a phase space implies that the smooth p hase spaceC(P) is substituted by the smooth manifold of the constraint surface C(S) while the elements of C(S) vanish due to the longitudinal exterior derivative on manifold S. The man ifold S, which is embedded in a phase space and a set of vectors tangent to S, and is closed on it, pre sents the definition of the gauge orbits. It manifests the presentation of a nilpotent deriva tions, the so-called BRST includes an algebra involving C(P), where the cohomology of sindicates that the of the constraint surface C(S) are constant along the gauge orbits (denoted by G). The reduced space, by taking S over gauge orbits, denote by al gebraC(S/G), includes all variables of the gauge invariant. However, it is not possibl e to construct C(S/G) from as one cannot solve equations defining S and tra ce the gauge orbits G. Hence, the BRST symmetry should be used to reformulate the physical obs ervables in a convenient approach. To construct the BRST differential s, two auxiliary derivations dandgare introduced. The differential of the first derivation dis called the Koszul-Tate differential that yields a resolution of the smooth manifold of the constraint surface C(S). The second differential is called the longitudinal differential galong the gauge orbits in such its zeroth cohomology group pr ovides the functions on the surface S being constant along the gauge orb itsG. Hence, the BRST differential 2A. Danehkar sis decomposed into [ 22,23,27] s=d+g, (1) whose cohomology is equal to the cohomology of the longitudi nal differential g, while the Koszul- Tate differential drestricts it to the constrains surface C(S). Note that the BRST symmetry acts as a general odd derivation on the original fields and some aux iliary fields (antifields and ghosts), which are equipped for any XandYwith Grassmann parity eXandeY: s(XY) rule) (2) s2= 0.(nilpotency) (3) whereeX= 0 or 1 for bosonic (commutative) or fermionic (anticommuta tive) variable X, nilpotent derivation has a degree in a N-grading space denoted by deg(s) =+-1. (4) The positive degree of the differential sincreases the grading while the negative degree decreases it, on the degree of the differential operator. The grad ing ofsis the so-called ghost number (gh), equal to one, consists of the pureghost number ( pgh) and the antighost number ( agh): gh(X) =pgh(X)-agh(X), (5) with the following property gh(XY) =gh(X)+gh(Y), (6) where the operators pghandaghstand for the pureghost and antighost numbers, respectivel y. For the Koszul-Tate differential dand the longitudinal differential g, we get: pgh(d) = 0,agh(d) =-1,pgh(g) = 1,agh(g) = 0, (7) suchgh(s) =gh(d) =gh(g) = 1. The differentials dandgincrease the ghost number by one unit. The differential dreduces the antighost number, but maintains the pureghost n umber, whereas the differential gincreases the pureghost number, but maintains the antighos t number. The cohomology algebra of the differential sisH(s) = Kers/Ims, where the elements of the kernel subspace, Ker s, are closed and vanish via the differential s: sa= 0, aKers, (8) while the elements of its image subspace, Im s, are exact: sb=a, aIms. (9) The cohomology algebra of s, denoted by Hk(s) (kis a cohomology degree), exists if its degree is positive, whereas its homology algebra, denoted by Hk(s), has anegative degree. the grading algebra then reads as follows deg(s) = +1-Hk(s) =-1-Hk(s) Danehkar If the co-/homology Hk(s) is zero, the differential sis called to be acyclic in a degree of k. Thezeroth cohomology group of the BRST differential H0(s) leads to equation ( 3), the essential aspect of the BRST symmetry, that implies the vanishing squa res of its derivations dandg: d2= 0, g2= 0. (11) and also their 0. (12) It means that the Koszul-Tate differential dcommutes with the longitudinal differential g. The generator of the Koszul-Tate complex may be chosen in an e qual number of freedom as the generator of the longitudinal exterior complex. It foll ows that they are canonically conjugate in the extended space of original and new generators of dandg. This implies that the maintains a canonical transformation in th e BRST complex space C[xk] through a bracket structure: sX= [X,ohm],XC[xk], (13) which is called the Poisson bracket and defined as positions and canonical momenta of a Hamiltonian system , ( 13) represents the BRST symmetry in the Hamiltonian formalism . The choice of s as canonical transformation manifests the BRST symmetry wh ere the canonical variables remain unchanged under transformation. The fermionic charge ohm is c alled the BRST generator for the Hamiltonian formalism. Applying the Jacobi identity to the Poisson bracket and the of the BRST differential = 0, (15) which is the master equation of the BRST generator in the Hamiltonian formalism. 3 Consistent Interactions To understand the consistent interactions among fields with a gauge freedom, we begin our study with a Lagrangian (16) where the action SL 0[pha0] is local functional of the fields pha0and their Lorentz covariant derivatives. The equations of motion then reads dSL 0/dpha0(x) = functional derivatives. The action SL 0[pha0] possesses generic free gauge (17) The equations of motion is then determined from the action pr = 0. Let consider the deformations of the action in such a (18) 4A. Danehkar that implies the deformation of gauge symmetries (19) This provides the deformed gauge 0. (20) Equations ( 18) and (19) lead to the following 0. (21) Hence, the deformations by their orders are as define the deformed gauge transformations that close o n-shell for the interacting action, the so-called consistent interactions , while the original gauge transformations are reducible [ 28]. Assume that the gauge fields of consistent interactions are t rivially defined to be the (23) we then theory. Atheor yisstrict iftheconsistent deformations are merely proportional to its free theory action SL 0[pha0] up to the redefinition of the gauge fields. Thus, the interaction is formulated as charges Qkin thekorder of the coupling constants lkare given represents the unperturbed action by charges of the coupl ing constants. 5A. Danehkar 4 BRST Deformations of the Master Equation Let us consider the gauge transformation defined by the equat ion (17). The classical fields pha0 possesses the ghost number zero. It implies an ghost ea1associated to ghost number one, as well as the one-level ghost of ghost ea2have number two, etc, (26) which have the following ghost numbers, gh, and Grassmann parities, e: gh(eak) =k, e(eak) =k(mod 2). (27) It also implies antifields ph* a0and antighosts e* Aof opposite Grassmann parity with the following ghost numbers, gh, and Grassmann parities, e, =-gh(pha0)-1, e(ph* a0) =e(pha0)+1 (mod 2) , (28) gh(e* ak) =-(k+1), e(e* ak) =k+1 (mod 2) . (29) The presentation of the gauge variables is therefore provid ed (30) where a set of fields PhAincludes the original fields, the ghost, and the ghosts of gho sts, and Ph* A includes the their corresponding antifields. The BRST symmetry is a canonical transformation, and defined by an antibracket (31) whereSis the canonical generators, and the antibracket (see appen dix7.1) is defined in the space of fields PhAand antifields Ph* Aas follows [ (32) The Grassmann parity and ghost number of the antibracket are , =eX+eY+1 (mod 2) , (33) gh(X,Y) =gh(X)+gh(Y)+1. (34) The antifields are now considered as mathematical tool to con struct the BRST formalism. The solution can be interpreted as source coefficient for BRST tra nsformation, i.e., an effective action in the theory. The fields and antifields establish the solution S[PhA,Ph* A] of the classical master equation for consistent interactions [ the master equation ( 15) of the BRST generator in the Hamiltonian formalism. The gauge structure is now constructed through the solution Sof themaster equation in the antifield formalism by [ 24,25,31] (S,S) = 0. (36) 6A. Danehkar This shows the consistency of the gauge transformations. Th e master equation ( 36) includes the closure of the gauge transformations, the higher-order gau ge identities, and the Noether identities. The master equation maintains the consistent specification s the definition ( 35) into the master equation ( 36) = 0. (37) We then derive l0: (S0,S0) = 0, l1: = are simplified as follows [ = 0, (39) 2(S0,S1) = 0, = 0, = 0, = 0, = 0, (44) ... the so-called deformations of the master equation [31,32]. The equation ( 40) implies that S1is a cocycle for the free differential defined by s(*,S0), i.e., S1is a coboundary, S1= (B1,S0). The equation ( 39) hence corresponds to s2= 0. The equation (41) indicates that ( S1,S1) is trivial in H1(s), andH0(s) is mapped trivially into H1(s) by the antibracket. Furthermore, the higher orders H0(s) mapped into H1(s) are trivial, and provide the existence of the terms S3,S4,etc, up to an element of H0(s). So, link the interaction of an arbitrary element of H0(s). The free gauge invariant action SL 0and the gauge transformations can be retrieved (45) by 0]. (46) It provides the solution S0of the classical master equation for field gauge symmetries , (S0,S0) = 0. (47) The BRST differential sis now defined by S0through the (48) Using the definitions ( 48), the deformations of the master equation are rewritten as f ollows: l1: 2 sS1= 0, l2: (S1,S1)+2sS2= 0, l3: (S1,S2)+sS3= 0, l4: 0, l5: Danehkar which are the deformations of the master equation in terms of the BRST differential s. 5 BRST Cohomology of the Free Yang-Mills Theory Let us consider a set of by the abelian action in terms of the free (massless) Lagrangian a= 1,...,N, N N, (50) whereAa uis the abelian field potential, Dis the spacetime dimension, strictly D >2, since the theory has no local degree of freedom in two dimensions, and t he abelian field strengths Fa unis defined (51) in such a (52) wheresua= diag(-1,1,...,1) is the SO(1 ,D-1) invariant flat metric in Minkowski space with the particular hermitian representation of the Clifford alge bra{gu,gn}= 2sun, andkabis a given symmetric invertible matrix with following kabkbc=dac, a,b,c= 1,...,N. (53) The gauge transformation with the free equation of 0, (54) manifests an irreducible transformation by deAa u=uea, 0. (56) The differential operator uis determined by the structure Za0a1of the gauge transformations of an abelian algebra. The action ( 50) is close according to an abelian algebra, and invariant und er the gauge transformation ( 55). The gauge invariant ( 55) eliminates unphysical terms, i.e. the longitudinal and temporal degrees of freedom. The implementation of the BRST transformation in the minima l sector provides the field Aa u, its ghostea, and their antifields A*u aande* awith the respective Grassmann parities, and (total) ghost Danehkar which can schematically be illustrated: e= 0 e* a gh=-2 We calculate the sthat decomposes into the sum of two differentials, the Koszul-Tate differential dand the longitudinal differential galong the gauge orbits. Both dandg are derivations, and commute with u, and acting on Aa u,A*u a,ea, ande* avia [33,39] Z dZ gZ Aa u 0 0 e* a -uA*u a 0 The classical master equation ( 47) of the action ( 50) holds the minimal solution ( 45) in such a (58) 5.1 First-order Deformation We now consider the deformed solution of the master equation for the action ( 50) smoothly in the coupling constant lthat brings to the solution ( 58), while the coupling constant lvanishes. In Section 4, we noticed that the first-order deformation ( l1) of the master equation satisfies the solutionsS1= 0, where S1is bosonic (commutative) function with ghost number zero. Let us (59) whereais a local function. Then, the first-order deformation, sS1= 0, takes the local 0-sa= (da+ga) =uju(60) gh(a) = 0, e(a) = 0, (61) wherejuis a local current that manifests the non-integrated densit y of the first-order to the local cohomology of sin ghost number zero, aH0(s|d), wheredis the exterior spacetime Danehkar To evaluate Equation ( 60), we =i,gh(ai) = 0, e(ai) = 0,i= 0,...,I, =i,gh((i) ju) = 0, e((i) ju) = 0, some local currents. Substituting ( 62) and (63) into (60) =i-1,agh(gai) =i. (65) They can be decomposed on the several orders of the antighost number: agh(Z) Z I k= positive antighost number are strictly given as replace ment for the first expression [ 35]: gaI= 0, I >0-aIHI(g). (67) To proof it, let us consider eIas the elements with pureghost number Iof a basis in the The generic solution of ( 67) then takes the form aI=aIeI, =I,pgh(eI) =I. (69) The objects aIobviously are nontrivial in H0(g),the so-called invariant polynomials. In other words, the strict positive antighost numbers provide trivi ally the cohomology of the exterior the space of invariant polynomials aI. toga= 0 (see [ 35] for general exclusively be reduced to g-exact terms aI=gbI, to a trivial definition, which states aI= 0. This result is obviously given by the second-order nilpotency of gthat implies the unique solution of ( 67) up tog-exact (71) 10A. Danehkar agh(bI) =I,pgh(bI) =I-1, e(bI) = 1. (72) Hence, the non-triviality of the first-order deformation aIrequires the cohomology of the derivative gin pureghost number equal to I, i.e.aIHI(g). To solve ( 66), it is necessary to provide the cohomology of gandd,H(g) ={a|agh(a) =I, da=umu}/N. (74) For an irreducible linear situation, where gauge generator s are field independent, we = 0, I >2. manifests the local cohomology of the Koszul-Tate different iald, while antighost number isIand pureghost number vanishes. In this case ( I= 2), we obtain ga2= first-order deformation up to antighost number two are: a=a0+a1+a2. (77) Thea2is generated by arbitrarily smooth functions in the form ( 68), and e2denote the elements with pureghost number two of a basis in th e polynomial space, = 2,pgh(e2) = 2, is the local cohomology of the Koszul-Tate differential dwith antighost number I in the invariant polynomial space. We now consider the Koszul-Tate differential dand the exterior longitudinal differential gin the action ( 58): dAa u=dea= 0, dA*u a=-nFnu a, 0. The local cohomology of the exterior longitudinal derivati vegin pureghost number one, H1(g), has one ghost ea, whileH2(g) has two ghosts eaeb, i.e. {ea} H1(g),{eaeb} H2(g) (79) From (79), we then solve ga2= (80) 11A. the structure constants of a non-abelian algebra c oupling the Yang-Mills fields, and it is antisymmetric on indices (81) The expression solved by taking the Koszul-Tate differential dfrom (82) We simply notice (83) This obtaina0, we taking the Koszul-Tate differential (85) The last term in above relation vanishes, we (86) It results for the first-order deformation are summarized a s (88) Finally, we (89) The first-order deformations of the solution ( S1) of the master equation were determined for the action (58). It is seen that gauge generators are field independent, and are reduced to a sum of terms with antighost numbers from zero to two. 12A. Danehkar 5.2 Higher-order Deformations We now consider the higher-order deformations of the master equation for the action ( 50). The second-order deformation ( l2) of the master equation are determined from the solution ( S1,S1)+ 2sS2= 0. Let us assume (90) that takes the local form +2sb=umu. (91) Using the equation ( 88) from Section 5.1, we calculate ( a(y)), while employing the following = (e* b(y),ea(x)) =-da bdD(x-y), (93) and the (95) They lead to the following expression : is reduced to then decompose into the following terms, = 0+1+2, (96) namely, 0 (97) 1 (98) 13A. Danehkar 2 (99) We also (100) From (91), it follows a set of (103) Equations ( 99) and (101) imply 2= 0, b2= 0, 0. (105) The later expression is called the Jacobi identity. Similar ly, we obtain 1= 0, b1= 0. (106) So, the equation ( 103) remains to be (107) We solve it by substituting the exterior longitudinal differe ntialgof potentials we the second-order deformations (108) The Jacobi identity ( 105) obviously implies (S1,S2) = 0-S3= 0. Similarly, all deformations with orders higher than the sec ond-order completely vanish: Sk= a result, the solution to the deformations becomes S=S0+lS1+l2S2, that corresponds to the following Yang-Mills (109) 14A. Danehkar We have determined the Yang-Mills theory from the first- and s econd-order deformations of the master equation. The solutions of the master equation, whic h entirely include the gauge structures, are decomposed into terms with the antighost numbers from ze ro to two. In other words, the part with the antighost number equal to zero represents the Lagra ngian action, while the antighost number one is proportional to the gauge generators. The term s with higher antighost numbers provide the reducibility functions, where the on-shell rel ations become linear components in the ghosts for ghosts. It is shown that all functions with order h igher than second vanish in this model. 5.3 Interacting theory Let us consider the equation ( 109) and identify the entire gauge structure of the Lagrangian m odel that describes all consistent interactions in the D-dimensional free Yang-Mills ory: SL 0[Aa u] the Yang-Mills theory is characterized by the following non-abelian (111) where the non-abelian field strengths Fa unis defined (112) andfa bcis the gauge-invariant that provides the gauge symmetry of t he Yang-Mills theory as (113) So, the commutator among the deformed gauge transformation s (114) The gauge symmetry remains abelian to order l, and satisfies the equation of motion DuFa un= 0. (115) The invariance of the action under the gauge transformation s (113) is also obtained by the 0. (116) The antighost number one of the deformation of the master equ ation allows to identify the ( 113) of the action ( 110) by substituting the ghost eawith gauge parameter ea. The antighost number two in ( 109) reads the complete gauge structure of the so-called determines the commutator ( 114) among the deformed gauge Danehkar 6 Conclusion In this paper, we reviewed deformed gauge transformations i n the framework of the characterized by the antibracket that acts simil ar to the Poisson bracket in the Hamilto- nian formalism. We provided the BRST cohomology of the consi stent interactions through several order deformations of the master equation. The BRST-antifie ld formalism in the provides the generalized framework of consistent int eractions among fields with a gauge free- dom by any types of invariant action. We see that higher order deformations could be neglected due to non local interactions and their obstruction of consi stent local couplings, which are asso- ciated with the anomalous gauge quantization. We demonstra ted its functions by applying formalism to the D-dimensional, free Yang-Mills theory. All deformations of the master equation for the massless Yang-Mills model were calc ulated by using the 0,...,2, of the BRST differential. The first-order deformation is pro vided by the cohomological group H1(s|d), whereas thesecond-order deformation given by the cohomo obstructs all higher-order deformations. The results sho w that the deformations can be synthesized by the conception that all orders higher than two are trivial, while gauge genera- tors are imposed to be field independent, HI(s|d) = 0,I >2. 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Antibracket Structure For a function X(ps) in a generic space, commutative or anticommutative, we sta (117) Theleft derivative The right derivative from right to left. For anyX(ps) in a generic space, we get lX ps= Eqs. ( 32) and (118), it follows that (X,Y) one can (119) For bosonic (commutative) and fermionic (anticommutative ) variables, we have (X,X) commutative , 0Xis anticommutative .(120) For anyX, we have ((X,X),X) = 0,X. the antibracket has the following properties : (X,YZ) = (122) (XY,Z) = 0. (124) 19
Ashkbiz Danehkar PhD
A. Danehkar
On the Cohomological Derivation of Yang-Mills Theory in the Antifield Formalism
19 pages, few typos corrected, final version
JHEP Grav.Cosmol.3:368-387,2017
We present a brief review of the cohomological solutions of self-coupling interactions of the fields in the free Yang-Mills theory. All consistent interactions among the fields have been obtained using the antifield formalism through several order BRST deformations of the master equation. It is found that the coupling deformations halt exclusively at the second order, whereas higher order deformations are obstructed due to non-local interactions. The results demonstrate the BRST cohomological derivation of the interacting Yang-Mills theory.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 26 Jul 2007 23:17:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:56:42 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 22 Dec 2008 03:17:38 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Fri, 2 Jan 2009 14:21:49 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Sat, 3 Jan 2009 14:00:12 GMT" }, { "version": "v6", "created": "Mon, 19 Oct 2009 05:52:53 GMT" }, { "version": "v7", "created": "Tue, 2 May 2017 09:27:09 GMT" }, { "version": "v8", "created": "Sat, 24 Jun 2017 17:46:42 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Danehkar", "A.", "" ] ]
M. Blasone, F. Dell'Anno, S. De Siena and F. = c12c13 s12c13 (1) flavor neutrino states are defined the states with defi- nite flavor and with def- inite mass. Let us recall that both 1,2,3) are orthonormal, i.e. oscillations are due to neutrino mixing and neutrino mass differences. The neutrino states masses mjand definite energies Ej. Their prop- agation can be described by plane wave solutions of The time evolution of the flavor neutrino states is given the flavor states at t= 0,U0(t) 0) = 1 I. At time t the transition probability for transition probability Pna-nb(t) is a function of the energy differences Ejk=Ej-Ek (j,k= 1,2,3) and of the mixing angles. Since the cur- rent neutrino experiments deal with neu- trinos, the standard adopted approximation is Ejk m2 jk 2E, where -p|is the energy of a massless neutrino (all massive neutrinos are assumed to have the same momentum- -p). Flavor neutrinos are identified via charged current weak interaction processes, together with their leptons. In the Standard Model (SM), where neutrinos are taken to be massless, flavor is strictly con- served in such processes. On the other hand, neutrino mixing, consistingin a mismatch between flavorand mass, is at the basis of neutrino oscillations and CP violation. The introduction of neutrino masses as a correction to the SM is a necessary condition to explain such effects. When neutrino mixing is considered, loop violations of lepton flavor in the charged in the [14]. states entering weak interaction processes, like the ones where flavor neutrinos are created or detected, must be eigenstates of flavor neutrino charges. The eigenstates in the context of Quantum Field Theory(QFT) [15]. In the relativistic limit, the exact QFT flavor states reduce to the usual Pontecorvo flavor states, which define the flavor modes as legitimate and physically well- defined individual entities. Mode entanglement can thus be defined and studied in analogywith the static case [16]. Equipped with the above setting, one can establish the following correspondence with three-qubit respec- tively, to the absence and the presence of a neutrino in modea. Entanglement is thus established among flavor modes, in a single-particle setting. Eq. (3) can then be recast (5) with the normalization 1 (a,b=e,u,t). The time-evolved states en- tangled superpositions of the three flavor eigenstates coefficients. It is important to remark that, although dealing with similar physical systems, both the frameworkand the aim ofthe present paper differ sub- stantially from those of Ref. [16]. In the latter, by exploit- ing the wave packet approach, the multipartite entangle- ment, associatedwith themultiqubit been analyzed in connection with the induced by free evolution. In the present work, by exploiting the the entangle- ment is quantified with respect to the multiqubit space as- sociated with flavor modes, and is related to the encoded in the neutrino flavorstates, which is in principle experimentally accessible, as we will show by devising an explicit scheme for the information transfer. States of the form Eq. (5) belong to the class of W states. These, together with the GHZstates, define the two possible sets of states with tripartite are inequivalent under local operations and [17]. In some instances, only two neutri- nos are significantly involved in the mixing. For example, only the transition nu-ntis relevant for while only the transitions of the type ne-na are relevant for solar neutrinos. For two-flavor mixing the mixing matrix U(~th,d) reduces to the 2 x2 rotation (6) the evolution operator reads U0(t) in neutrino entanglement of pure states is by the von Neumann entropy or by any other monotonic function of the former [18]. Among entangle- ment monotones, the linear entropy has a special phys- ical significance because it is directly linked to the pu- rity of the reduced states, and enters in the fundamen- tal monogamy inequalities for distributed entanglement in the multipartite setting [18]. As one moves from the two- to the three-flavor scenario, multipartite entangle- ment measures are readily available in terms of functions of bipartite measures [19-21]. Representative of this the It is defined as the sum of all the two-qubit entanglements between a single subsystem and each of the remaining ones [19], and can be expressed as the average subsystem linear entropy the set of mean linear entropies associated to all possi- ble bi-partitions of the entire system [21]. An of multipartite entanglement is given in Refs. the density operator corresponding to a pure state describing the system Consider the bipartition of the N}in two subsystems in}, with 1 <=i1< i2< ... < i n<=N (1<=n < N), jN-n}, N-n<=N, (8) denote the reduced density matrix of subsystem SAnafter tracing over subsystem SBN-n. The linear entropy associ- ated to such a bipartition is defined as S(An;BN-n) L (r) thedis the Hilbert-space dimension given by min{2n,2N-n}. Finally, we introduce the average linear (r),(10) where the sum is intended over all the possible bi- partitions of the system in two subsystems, (1 <=n<N) [21]. We can now compute the linear entropies (9) and (10) for the two-qubit Bell state i.e. Eq. (7), with den- sity matrix The linear entropy as- sociated to the reduced state after tracing over one mode (flavor) can be computed Eq. (11) and in the following, we use the where the subscript arefers to thetime-evolved state (channel), and the superscripts ( e;u) refer to the considered modes (flavors). Clearly, for the two-flavor state (7), and in general for any two-qubit sys- tem, symmetry imposes Ex- pression (11) establishes that the linear entropy of the reduced state is equal to the product of the probabilities. Moreover, for any reduced state rof a two-level system one has that SL= 2[1-Tr(r2)] = 4Detr= 4l1(1-l1), wherel1is one of the two non- negative eigenvalues of r, and the relation l1+l2= 1 has been exploited. Comparing with Eq. (11), one sees that the transition probabilities coincide with the eigenvalues of the reduced state density matrix. In Fig. 1 we show the behavior of S(e;u) Leas a function of the scaled, dimensionless time T=2Et m2 12. In the same figure, we also report the behavior of the transition 1: (Color online) Linear entropy S(e;u) Le(full) as a function of the scaled time T=2Et m2 12. The mixing angle this fixedat the experimental value sin2th= 0.314. The transition and are reported as well for At time T= 0, the entanglement is zero, the global state of the system is factorized, and the two flavors are not mixed. For T >0, flavors start to oscil- late and the entanglement is maximal at largest 0.5, and minimum at T=p. We can now investigate three-flavor oscillations, and the associated three-qubit W-like states (5). Similarly to Eq. (11), tracing, e. g., over mode t, one has S(e,u;t) La= (12) The linear entropies for the two remaining easily obtained by permuting the indexes e,u,t. The average linear entropy for the state (5) is (13) In Fig. 2, we show functions of the scaled time T=2Et m2 12. The mixing angles thijand the p-3M. Blasone, F. Dell'Anno, S. De Siena and F. mass differences are fixed at the most recent ex- perimental values reported in Ref. [24]. In order to track 0P 2P 2: (Color online) Linear entropies of the scaled time T. Curves correspond to the par- tial linear entropies and to the average linear entropy Parameters thijand m2 ijare fixed at the central exper- imental values [24]. the behavior of the entanglement, we plot in Fig. 3 the transition probabilities Pne-na(a=e,u,t). Comparing 0P 2P 3: (Color online) Transition probabilities Pne-naas func- tions of the scaled time T. Parameters thijand m2 ijare fixed at the central experimental values as in Fig. 2. Curves corre - spond to Pne-nu(dashed), and 2 and Fig. 3, we observe that, as one may expect, the more mixed are the flavors, the higher is the entanglement of the system. Moreover, the partial linear entropies the reduced bipartite entanglement, exhibit a similar behavior due to the strong correlation between the components nu andnt. AsT >0 the probabilities and oscillate while remaining close. Similar consid- erations hold for states Entanglement and flavor transition probabilities for these states exhibit very fast oscillating behaviors, related to the experimen- tally measured values of the mixing of CPTinvariance, the CPasymmetry a,b CPis equal to the asymmetry under time reversal, defined the three-flavor instance, such a quantity is different from zero for a nonvanishing phase d. It is worth notic- ing 0 witha,b=e,u,t. , i.e. the difference between the linear entropies and their time-reversed can compute, e. g., S(e,u;t) Le, and the last factor is CP-even. In Fig. 4 we show the behavior of the imbalances S(a,b;g) Leas functions of time, and see how they effectively measure 4: (Color online) The imbalances S(a,b;g) Leas functions of the scaled time T. Curves correspond to and The quantity Parameters thijand m2 ijare fixed at the values as in Fig. 2. The CP-violating phase is set at the value d=p/2. In order to demonstrate that the form of encoded in the time-evolved flavor canbe at least in principle, for protocols of quantum infor- mation, we discuss an experimental scheme for the trans- fer of the ofa neutrino beam into that of a single-particle system with spatially separated modes . For simplicity, we will restrict the analysis to two flavors a=e,u. Consider the elementary charged-current inter- action between a neutrino nawith flavor aand a nucleon N[13]. The quasi-elastic scattering interaction yields the production of a lepton a-and of an outgoing baryon X, according to the (17) In the simplest instance, the nucleon Nis a neutron and the baryon Xis a proton p; the corresponding scheme in neutrino Fig. 5: (Color online) Scheme for the generation of single- particle entangled lepton states. A neutrino beam is focuse d on a target where events of the following charged-current in ter- action may occur: The beam is assumed to have energy higher than the threshold value nec - essary for the creation of a muon. A spatially nonuniform mag - netic field B(r) is then applied to limit the momentum of the outgoing lepton within a certain solid angle ohm i, and to ensure the spatial separation between the electron and muon spatia l paths. The reaction produces a superposition of electronic and muonic spatially separated in Fig. 5. Given the initial Bell-like superpo- sition (7), the unitary process associated with the weak interaction (17) produces the 1, and withk= 0,1, represents the lepton qubit. The coefficients L aare and to the cross sections associated with the creation of an electron or a muon. Comparing our the on which path of the photon at the output of an unbalanced beam splitter is replaced by the uncer- tainty on which flavor of the produced lepton. The co- efficients L aplay the role of the transmissivity and of the reflectivity of the beam splitter. Moreover, by exploiting the mass difference between the two leptons, the desired spatial separation between the flavors can be achieved by applying a nonuniform magnetic field. It is also important to remark that the approach proposed in the present work can be applied even in extended neutrino models includ- ing one or more sterile neutrinos. In such cases, from a mathematical point of view the main difference is that one dealswith morethan three modes (flavors),while, from an operational point of view, the presence of sterile neutri- nos (undetectable to date) would introduce a mechanism of loss of quantum information by making the matrix non unitary. Therefore we can conclude that, at least in principle, the quantum information en- coded in the neutrino flavor states can be transferred to a delocalized two-flavor lepton state, and the entanglement acquires an operational that can be exploited for quantum information tasksusing systems of elementary particle physics. *** We acknowledge financial support from MIUR, CNR- INFM Research and Development Center Coherentia , INFN, and from ISI Foundation for Scientific M. A. andChuang I. L. ,Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (CUP, Cambridge, UK) M., Horodecki P. andHorodecki R. ,Phys. Rev. A,60(1999) andIlluminati F. ,Phys. Rev. Lett. P. ,Phys. Rev. A ,65(2002) 042101; Shi Y., Phys. Rev. A ,67(2003) 024301; Zanardi P., Lidar D. A.andLloyd S. ,Phys. Rev. Lett. ,92(2004) 060402; [5]van Enk S. J. ,Phys. Rev. A ,72(2005) 064306; ibid.,74 (2006) 026302; [6]Terra Cunha M. O.,Dunningham J. A. Royal Soc. A ,463(2007) 2277. [7]Bjork G., Jonsson P. andS'anchez-Soto L. L. ,Phys. Rev. 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Massimo Blasone Dr
Massimo Blasone, Fabio Dell'Anno, Silvio De Siena, Fabrizio Illuminati
Entanglement in neutrino oscillations
5 pages, 5 figures
Europhys. Lett. 85, 50002 (2009)
hep-ph astro-ph hep-th math-ph math.MP quant-ph
Flavor oscillations in elementary particle physics are related to multi-mode entanglement of single-particle states. We show that mode entanglement can be expressed in terms of flavor transition probabilities, and therefore that single-particle entangled states acquire a precise operational characterization in the context of particle mixing. We treat in detail the physically relevant cases of two- and three-flavor neutrino oscillations, including the effective measure of CP violation. We discuss experimental schemes for the transfer of the quantum information encoded in single-neutrino states to spatially delocalized two-flavor charged lepton states, thus showing, at least in principle, that single-particle entangled states of neutrino mixing are legitimate physical resources for quantum information tasks.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 30 Jul 2007 20:04:04 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 21 Nov 2007 18:29:21 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 1 Jul 2008 20:31:02 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Sat, 5 Jul 2008 09:32:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Fri, 17 Apr 2009 05:27:16 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Blasone", "Massimo", "" ], [ "Dell'Anno", "Fabio", "" ], [ "De Siena", "Silvio", "" ], [ "Illuminati", "Fabrizio", "" ] ]
there are symmetric FSAs implementing fault-tolera nt for the following tasks: implicit 2-approximat e census (via an algorithm due to Milgram [8]), network search (via breadth- first search the graphautomaton (FSSGA) [10] is that a copy ofthe same symmetric FSA is pla ced at order. Threemodel inthe sequential in the parallelmodel each node uses its inputs (in a way that will be defined precisely later), and in the mod-thresh aregul its state. One of the main results of [10] is that these three to compute the same function. th e particular con- struction given in [10], an exponential increase in the size of the state generally, an efficient way to simulate anyFSA with has been known for decades. The basic technique is so composition as applied to parallel prefix . Ladner and Fis- cherused the techniquein 1977[7] onthe PRAM modelof parall elcomput- ing; see also [9] for an implementation in mesh networks. The basic idea viewed as function fsfrom the FSA's state space back to itself, and the computation of the FSA on a string w=w1w2***wkis essentially deter- minedby the compositionof functions into two parts w=uv, compute the compositions fuandfvfor the two parts, and return fv*fu. Like the transformationof [10] for size of expon entially,since for a state space QtoQ. The main contribution of this paper is that for a symmetric FSA, no in- crease in the state space size is necessary. We present the re sult (Theorem 7) te-space process is applicable to the PRAM setting, so e.g. fo r symmetric 2FSAs we are able to decrease the working memory used by the div [7, 9]. For and the special to read its neighbours' states, as we will illustrate in Section 2; our main result permits such to b e more PRELIMINARIES We denoteanFSA by thetuple HereSis a finite set called the input alphabet ,Qis a finite set called the state space ,q0is an elementof Qcalledthe initialstate s,Oisafinite outputset 1 (FSA).AnFSAis any tuple A= the set of all strings over S, and letf*gdenote the func- tional composition of fandg, defined by (f*g)(x) =f(g(x)).It is con- venient to extend the definition of fto strings via functional string by convention, where ldenotes the empty string, let flbe the on Q. In particular, we obtain the identity fuv(q) strings u,vS*and anyqQ. LetS+denote the set of nonempty strings over S; the empty string is excluded to agree with the modellateron. Ourdefinitionof fwaffordsa 2 (FSA computation) .An FSAA= thefunction nA: that the traditional model where the FSA accepts or reje cts O={accept,reject } and defining b(q) =acceptiffqis an accepting state. We use the multi- output version because it is more natural in some settings, e .g., the (S,Q,a,c,O,b ). Asbefore the output function. Here ais aninput function function fromQxQtoQ. Informally, the applyatoall q*is left 3. output b(q*). Our definition will require that the end result of the computa tionis the give our formal definition, we use a set-valued function khthat maps each nonemptystring to a subset of Qso thatq*kh(w)iff, the input wcould produce q*as the final state. We denote the lengthof 3 the tuple (S,Q,a,c,O,b )as described above. Define as follows: if |w|= 1, s, thenkhA'(w) |w| >=2) khA'(w) if 1. sayingthatthe outputofa automaton should be well-defined regardless of how t he dividing is performed. Forasingletonset S,i.e.,it unwrapsthe set. Definition 4 (DCA computation) .A DCAA'= (S,Q,a,c,O,b nA': Specifical in parallel rather than one-by-one. As a functio n of the neigh- bourhood size |G|(i.e. the degree) the circuit depicted has depth O(log|G|) and hence this approach would lead to efficient physical impl ementation n n n n n n na a ca ac c cb a a a ac c . Thenode n. functions, like in a circuit diagram. Each neighbour s upplies an input symbol and the process produces anoutput symb ol which is used by vto update itsstate. We denoteby QQtheset of all functionsfrom QtoQ. We 5. Given any FSA A, there is a DCA A'such that as was observed in [10], any r automaton can be easily rewritten in sequential form since a sequentia l FSA can time. The particular result we want to prove pertains only to symme tric Supposethat Aissymmetric if forevery w'ofw, nA(w) =nA(w'). The main result of the present paper is the following, which i s a 7. Given any symmetric FSA A= (S,Q,q0,f,O,b), there is a DCAA'= nA=nA'and|Q'| <= |Q|. In the nextsection, we provea later use . In Section 4 we complete the proofof Theorem7. In Section 5 we mention so me LOOKINGINSIDE A SYMMETRIC Symmetry of an automaton is a black-box property -- the now describe how this black-box property (symmetry), whe n ([4]).LetA= qQ. accessible ifforsomestring wS*,fw(q0) =q. if every statein 9 ([4]).LetA= (S,Q,q0,f,O,b)be an FSA and let q,q'Q. The states qandq'are said to be distinguishable if for some string We if every pairof way. This gives some general applicabilit y to the 10 .LetA= (S,Q,q0,f,O,b)be a Thenthe functions defer the proof of the lemma to the end of this section. In or der to explainhowit 11 ([4]).Two automata if they compute the same function, i.e. if nA=nA'. An FSA Aisminimalif for every FSA A' equivalentto A,A'hasatleast asmanystatesas A. It is not hard to see that any minimal FSA must be accessible (o r else we couldremovesome states) else we states). It is also not hard to see that for every FSA Athere exists a minimal equivalent FSA A'; such minimization can be performed in e.g. using an approach of Hopcroft [5]. In sum, for any FSA we can efficiently obtain an equivalent FSA me eting Suppose for the sake of not all of the functions fcommute. Then some s1,s2 S,qQ.We want to show that this discrepancy can be continued to Let wlsuchthat fwl(q0) = q.Second, since q1andq2are distinguishable, there exists some string wr suchthat =b(fs1s2wr(q)) these inputsare permutationsof one another,this mea nsAis not the converse is also true: any accessible, d istinguishable FSA is minimal. ofthis oftheMyhil l-Nerode theorem; adapting automata to our moregeneral model is str aightforward. 74 PROOFOFTHEOREM 7 We are given that A= (S,Q,q0,f,O,b)is a symmetric FSA and without loss of generality it is minimal. For each be qfromq0, =q holds. Each qisaccessible. These proof. We need the following claim, which roughly says that every st with the representative string r[fw(q0)]. We know they when they are read first, but using the commu tativity of the f's,we Foreach wS*we f's, wehave fw(q) =fw(fr[q](q0)) The we define the automaton A'= let Q'=Q,b'=b, definea(s) :=fs(q0)and define c(q,q') := fr[q'](q).It remains to prove that the construction is correct, i.e., t eachstring r[fw(q0)]. Claim 13. For any nonempty string wS+,the setkhA'(w)is a |w|. Basecase: If s,thenfw(q0) = fs(q0), and by the definition of kh, we have khA'(w) Now whas length2 or more. The to be proved is khA'(w) Equation (1), which partitions w=uvofwintotwo =fw(q0).(4) 8By of(4)is equ (5) Applying the definition of c, we find that the value (5) is in turn applying Claim 12 we see that the value (5) isequalto fv(fu(q0)) =fw(q0), Amakesit accessi- ble and distinguishable, without changing nA. Now consider the DCA On anyinput wS+,usingClaim 13, nA'(w) =b(fw(q0)) the state space of A'isQ, and since Qcould only have gotten smaller when Awas minimized, the state space of the DCA A'is toTheorem7 is possibleif we discard the symmetry requirement. The following result g ives a 14. For any integer n>=1, there is an n-state FSA Aon a three-symbol alphabet Sso that any DCA equivalent to Ahas at least a set of nstates and Sa set of size 3. D' enes [2] showed thatQQ, viewed as a semigroup under the operation of composition, h as a generating set of size 3. We choose {fs}sSto be this generating set; We define O=Q,bto be the identity function, and we A. Suppose for the sake of contradiction that there exists a DCA A'that computes nA, and that this DCA's state space Q'has|Q'|< nn. By the pigeonhole principle there are two distinct functions g1,g2QQso state forwhich leth:Q-Qbe any functionfor which h(q0) = ^q. We claim that the two input strings w[h]w[gi]fori= 1,2produce different outputs under 9Aand thesame outputunder A', providingthe contradiction. To see that the outputsunder =b(gi(h(q0))) =gi(^q) and since we are done. To see that the outputs under A'are the same, let q'denote any element of khA'(w[h])and notice that EXTENSIONS We mention in this sections some extensions of FSAs and ask if analogues of Theorem 7 hold for them. Some of these issues were raised pr the main result of this paper is not suitable in the fol lowing Suppose the input alphabet and state space are bo th the set of all k-bit binary strings, i.e. S =Q={0,1}k, and that the transition function fs(q)is some of for b). For such an FSA, nA(w)can be computed in |w| *poly(k) time. of its2kstates. Functional composition (Theorem 5) has the same iss ue. Thus, the open problemis to determineif a poly(k)-time techniqueexists to converta symmetricFSA ofthistypeintoa ngthstogrow as some function k(m)of the total number of inputs m. Since the of this paper and independently of our work, Feld man et al. [3] showed that for this sort of model, an analogue of Theorem 7 ho lds where the version uses strings of length at mo stk2(m). in al.[3] showsthatan analogue DanaAngluin, JamesAspnes, Zo eDiamadi, Michael J.Fis cher, and Ren' ePeralta. in networks of passively mobile finite-state se Computing in Proc.23rdPODC J.D' enes. (1968). On transformations, transformation -semigroups and graphs. In P.Erd os and G. Katona, editors, Theory of Graphs (Proc. Colloq., Tihany, 1966) , pages 65-75. Academic Press. [3] J. Feldman, S. Muthukrishnan, A. Sidiropoulos, C. Stein , and Z. Svitkina. (2008). On distributing symmetric streaming computations. In Proc. 19th SODA ,pages 710-719. [4] J.E.Hopcroft and J.D.Ullman. (1979). Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation . Addison-Wesley, Reading, John E. Hopcroft. (1971). An nlognalgorithm for minimizing the states in a In Z. Kohavi, editor, The Theory of Machines and Computations , pages 189- 196. Academic Press. [6] . (1977). strings. SIAM J. Comput. , Richard E. Ladner and Michael J. Fischer. (1980). Parall el prefix computation. J. Preliminary version (1977) appeared in Proc. 6th International Conf. Parallel Processing , pages 218-223. [8] David L.Milgram. (1975). Webautomata. Information and Control , Z.George Mou and Sevan G. Ficici. (1995). A scalable divi de-and-conquer parallel algo- rithm for finite state automata and its applications. In Proc. 6th Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing , pages 193-194. [10] David Pritchard and Santosh Vempala. (2006). Symmetri cnetwork computation. In Proc. 18th SPAA ,pages 261-270. 11
David Pritchard
David Pritchard
Efficient Divide-and-Conquer Implementations Of Symmetric FSAs
Journal of Cellular Automata 5(6) (special issue for Automata 2007, H. Fuks & A. T. Lawniczak, eds), pages 481-490, 2010
cs.FL cs.DM
A deterministic finite-state automaton (FSA) is an abstract sequential machine that reads the symbols comprising an input word one at a time. An FSA is symmetric if its output is independent of the order in which the input symbols are read, i.e., if the output is invariant under permutations of the input. We show how to convert a symmetric FSA A into an automaton-like divide-and-conquer process whose intermediate results are no larger than the size of A's memory. In comparison, a similar result for general FSA's has been long known via functional composition, but entails an exponential increase in memory size. The new result has applications to parallel processing and symmetric FSA networks.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 3 Aug 2007 20:21:36 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 31 Mar 2008 15:48:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 5 Aug 2010 09:18:56 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Pritchard", "David", "" ] ]
14 The principal pushouts 59 15 A full nerve of o-categories 69 16 A monadic adjunction 71 17 More on monadic adjunctions and distributive laws 80 18 Appendix: a definition of positive-to-one polygraphs 85 1 Introduction In this paper we present a combinatorial description of the c ategory of the positive- to-one polygraphs pPoly. We show that this category is a presheaf category and we describe its exponent category in a combinatorial way as t he category of pOpe, see section 3. However the proof of that requires some exten ded studies of the category of all positive opetopic cardinals. Intuitively, the (isomor- phism classes of) positive opetopic cardinals correspond t o the types of arbitrary cells in positive-to-one polygraphs. The notion of a positi ve opetopic cardinal is the main notion introduced in this paper. We describe in a com binatorial way the embedding functor e:pPoly-oCatof the category of positive-to-one polygraphs into the category of o-categories as the left Kan extension along a suitable funct orj, and its right adjoint as the restriction along j. We end by adopting an argument due to V.Harnik [H] to show that the right adjoint to eis monadic. This approach does not cover the problem of the cells with empty domains which is important for both Makkai's multitopic categories and Baez-Dolan's opetopic categories. However, it keeps something from the simplicity of the Joyal's th-categories, i.e., the category of positive opetopic cardinals with o-omega functors as morphisma pOpeCard ois not much more complicated than the category of simple o-categories, the dual of the category of disks, c.f. [J], [MZ], [Be]. In this sense this pa per may be considered as a step towards a comparison of cellular and opetopic approac hes. This paper is an extended and improved version of [Z]. The ter minology, nota- tion, and proofs are changed and adjusted in many cases. Positive opetopic opetopic cardinals represent all possible shapes of cells in A positive opetopic cardinal Sof dimension 2 can be pictured as a figure s6 s4x6s5 x8 x7 x5 | s2 s0x0s1 x2 x1 ||a0S: s3x3 and a positive opetopic cardinal Tof dimension 3 can be pictured as a figure t3 t1y3t2 y5 y4 ||b3 t4y6 t0y1 |y0 y2|b2|b1==b t3 t1t2 y5 y4 | |b0 t4y6 t0y1 |y0 2They have faces of various dimensions that fit together so tha t it makes sense to compose them in a unique way. By Snwe denote the set of faces of dimension nin S. Each face ahas a faceg(a) as its codomain and a non-empty set of facesd(a) as its domain. In Sabove we have for a1 g(a1) =x4andd(a1) ={x5,x6,x9} and inTwe have for b g(b) =b0andd(b) ={b1,b2,b3} This is all the data we need. Moreover, these (necessarily fin ite) data satisfy four conditions (see Section 3 for details). Below we explain the m in an intuitive This is the main condition. It relates the sets that are obtai ned by double application of gandd. They are gg(a) =gd(a)-dd(a), dg (a) us look how it works for two faces a1andb. In case of the face a1we have gd(a1) ={s3,s4,s6}, dd (a1) =s3, dg (a1) ={s7} So we have for the face bwe have gg(b) =y0, dg (b) ={y0,y2,y3}, dd (b) we see, in both cases a1andbthe first actual formula is a bit more baroque (due to the curly brackets around gg(a1),gg(b)) than in the globularity condition stated above. However, in the following we omit curly bracke t on purpose to have a simpler notation, with the hope that it will contribute to si mplicity without messing things up. Usingd's andg's we can define two binary relations <+and<-on faces of the same dimension which are transitive closures of the relatio ns+and-, respec- tively, defined as follows: a+bholds iff there is a face asuch thatad(a) and g(a) =b, anda-bholds iffg(a)d(b). We call<+theupper order and<-the lower order . The following three conditions refer to these In each dimension, the relation <+is a strict order. The relation <+ on 0-dimensional faces is required to be a linear This condition says that no two faces can be comparable with respect to both orders <+and<-. Pencil linearity. This final condition says that the sets of cells with common codomain (g-pencil) and the sets of cells that have the same distinguished cell i n the domain (d-pencil) are linearly ordered by <+. 3The morphisms of positive opetopic cardinals are functions that preserve di- mensions and operations gandd. The size of a positive opetopic cardinal Sis defined as an infinite sequence of natural numbers size(S) all equal 0). We order the sequences lexicographica lly with higher dimensions being more important. The induction on the size of cardinals is a convenient way of reasoning about th em. Dimension of a pos- itive opetopic cardinal Sis the index of the largest non-zero number in the If fork<=dim(S) 1, thenSisprincipal (normal). The normal positive opetopic cardinals play role of the past ing diagrams in [HMP] and the principal positive opetopic cardinals play role of t he (positive) multitopes. Note that, contrary to [MZ], we do not consider either the emp ty-domain multitopes or the pasting diagrams. The precise connection between the se two approaches will be described elsewhere. On positive opetopic cardinals we d efine operations of the domain, codomain, and special pushouts which play the role o f composition. With these operations (isomorphisms classes of) the positive op etopic cardinals form the terminal positive-to-one polygraph, and at the same time th e monoidal in the sense of and functors We shall define the following categories pPoly oCatepOpeCard pOpeCard oj (-)* pOpe the category of principal positive opetopic cardinals, pOpeCard is the category of positive opetopic cardinals, Sis the category of simple categories c.f. [MZ], ( -)*is the embedding functor of positive opetopic cardinals int o positive- to-one polygraphs, eis the inclusion functor, pOpeCard ois the full image of the composition functor ( -)*;e, with the non-full embedding j. Having these functors we can form the following o)op,Set) Lanj i* Rank k* Rani pPoly oCat which all the vertical arrows come in pairs and are adjoint equiva- lences of categories. The unexplained categories in the dia gram above )op,Set) - the category of the special pullback preserving func- tors from ( pOpeCard )optoSetand natural transformations, sPb(Sop,Set) - the category of the special pullback preserving functors from SoptoSetand sPb((pOpeCard o)op,Set) - the category of the special functors from ( pOpeCard o)optoSetand natural o)op,Set) are defined similarly, due to the --pPoly from the previous diagram. For a polygraph Qand so that for a positive opetopic cardinal Swe adjoint that produce o-categories are slightly more are defined in Sections 13 and 15. The other functors are s tandard. The functors i*,j*,k*are inverse image functors. RaniandRankare the right Kan extensions along i,k, respectively and Lanjis the left Kan extension along j. Since we have e;/hatwidest(-) are equivalences of categories, likeebut moved into a more manageable context. In fact, we have a very neat description of this functor. The content Since the paper is quite long, I describe below the content of each section to help the reading. Sections 2 and 3 introduce the notion of a positive h ypergraph and cardinal. Section 4 is concerned with establishin g what kind of inclusions hold between iterated applications of g's andd's. Section 5 contains many concerning positive opetopic cardinals. All of them are there because they are needed afterwards. But it is not recommended to read the whole section at once. One of the main technical tool is so called Path Lemma 5.7. Section 6 describes the embedding ( -)*:pOpeCard -oCat, i.e., it's main goal is to any positive opetopic cardinal S. Section 7 describes rather technical but useful properties of normal positive opetopi c cardinals. In section 8 we study a way we can decompose positive opetopic cardinals i f they are at Any positive opetopic cardinal is either pri ncipal or provides a way of proving the properties of positive ope topic cardinals by induction on the size. Using this in section 9 we show that the fact the whole functor ( -)*end up in pPoly. The section 10 describes the inner- outer factorization and its refinements, i.e., a further fac torization of inner maps into inner-epi and inner monos. These factorizations will p lay an important role in describing the strongly cartesian monad (c.f. [BMW]) Toon opetopic sets for o-categories and its decomposition into two simpler monads ( To=Ti*Tc), together with a distributive law combining them. The next short section 11 describes just what is in their titl e: the polygraph as an o-category in terms of positive opetopic 12 gives an explicit description of all the cells in a given with the help of positive opetopic cardinals. In o ther words, it describes 5in concrete terms the functor Section 13 establishes the equivalence of categories between pPolyand the category of presheaves over pOpe. In Section 14 the principal pullbacks are introduced and th e adaptation of the Victor Harnik's argument to the opetopic context is pres ented. The due to Harnik was expressed in a different setting and was supposed to show the monadicity of the category of all o-categories and this original proof contains a gap [H], and it is sti ll open question, c.f. [M] whether the category oCatis monadic over all polygraphs. Section 15 describes a full nerve its essential image as thespecial pullbacks p Section 16 describes the inclusion functor as the left Kan o)op,Set) with the formulas involving just coproduct (and no other col imits). This gives as a corollary the fact that connected limits. Then we show that the right adjoint to o )op,Set) (and hence the right adjoint to e:pPoly-oCat) is monadic. In Appendix we recall the definition of the category of positive-to-one p olygraphs. In section 17 we describe in detail the strongly cartesian monad Toon opetopic sets and into two other strongly cartesian monads. We finish the an open What are the full subcategories of the category of polygraph Xbeing monadic? This paper shows that many-to-positive polygraphs form one such am very grateful to Victor Harnik and Mihaly Makkai for the c onversations con- cerning matters of this paper. 2 Positive hypergraphs ois the set of natural numbers. A positive hypergraph Sis a family {Sk}koof finite sets of faces, a family of functions {gk:Sk+1-Sk}ko, and a family of total relations Moreover, d0:S1-S0is a function and only finitely many among sets {Sk}koare non-empty. As it is always clear from the context, we shall never use the indices of the functions gandd. Amorphism of positive hypergraphs f:S--Tis a family of functions fk: Sk--Tk, forko, such that the diagrams Sk Tk fkSk+1 Tk+1fk+1 g g Sk Tk fkSk+1 for ko. The commutation of theleft handsquareis the commutation o f the diagram of sets of functions but in case of the right hand s quare we mean more than commutation of a diagram of relations, i.e., we demand t hat for any be a bijection, where fais the restriction of ftod(a). The category of positive hypergraphs is denoted by pHg. Some notions and notation. LetSbe a positive hypergraph. 1. When convenient and does not lead to confusions, if aSk, face in S, we sometime treat g(a) as an element of as a subset {g(a)}ofSk-1. 2. The dimension of and it is denoted by dim(S). 3. The sets of faces of different dimensions are assumed to be di sjoint (i.e., Sk Sl=, also used to mean the set of all faces of S, notation ASmeans that Ais a set of some faces of S;Ak=ASk, for ko. 4. ForaS>=1, the set(a) =d(a)g(a) isthe boundary of A, i.e., the set of codimension 1 faces in The setS<=kis closed under dandgso it is a sub-hypergraph of S, of S. 6. The image of ASunderdandgwill be denoted by d(A) g(A) ={g(a) In particular, dd(a) ={g(x) :xd(a)}. 7.i(a) =dd(a)gd(a) isthe set of internal faces of the face aS>=2. 8. On each set Skwe introduce two binary relations <Sk,-and<Sk,+, order , respectively. We usually omit kand evenSin the empty relation. For k>0,<Sk,-is the transitive closure of the relation Sk,-onSk, such that We write a-biff and we write a<=-biff the transitive closure of the relation Sk,+onSk, such that aSk,+biff there isaSk+1, such that ad(a) andg(a) =b. We write a+biff and we write a<=+biff both conditions Leta,bSk. Alower patha0,...,a mfromatobinSis a sequence of faces a0,...,a mSksuch thata=a0,b=amand 1,...,m. 10. Letx,ySk. Anupper path x,a0,...,a m,yfromxtoyinSis a sequence 1,...,m. 11. The iterations of ganddwill be denoted in two different ways. By gkanddk we of gandd, respectively. By g(k)andd(k)we mean the application as many times gandd, respectively, to get faces of dimension k. For example, if aS5, thend3(a) =dd(a)S3. 712. Forl<=k,a,bSk, we define A face aisunaryiffd(a) is a singleton. We have Lemma 2.1 IfSis a hypergraph and ko, then<Sk+1,-is a strict partial order iff<Sk,+is a strict partial order. 3 Positive opetopic cardinals To simplify the notation, we treat both dandgas functions acting on faces as well as on sets of faces, which means that sometimes we confuseele ments with both dandg, when considered as functions on sets of faces, are monotone . A positive hypergraph Sis apositive opetopic cardinal if it is non-empty, foraS>=2: gg(a) =gd(a)-dd(a), dg (a) : forko, the relation <Sk,+is a strict order; <S0,+is : fork>0, Sk,- Sk,+= 4.Pencil linearity : for anyk>0 andxSk-1, the linearly ordered by The reason why we call the first condition 'globularity' is that it will imply the usual globularity condition in the o-categories generated by positive Note that if wewere toassumethat each positive opetopic c ardinal has a single cell of dimension -1, then linearity of <S0,+would become a special case of pencil linearity. 3. The fact that, for xSk-1, the set {aSk|x=g(a)}is linearly ordered is sometimes referred to as g-linearity of<Sk,+, and the fact that the linearly ordered is sometimes referred to as Thesize of positive opetopic cardinal Sis the sequence of natural numbers size(S) with almost all being equal 0. We have an order<on such sequences, so that {xn}no<{yn}noiff there for all l >k,xl=yl. This order is well founded and many facts about positive opetopic cardinals will be proven by in duction on the size. 5. Thecategory of positive opetopic cardinal is the full subcategory of positive hy- pergraphs pHgwhoseobjects arethepositive opetopiccardinal andisdeno ted bypOpeCard . 6. size(S)l= 1, forl<=k. Sis apositive opetope SisnormaliffSis By pOpewe denote the full subcategory of pOpeCard whose objects are positive opetopes. 84 Atlas for gandd We have an easy Lemma 4.1 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, aSn,n>1. Then 1. the sets dg(a),i(a), andgg(a)are are immediate consequences of globularity. Moreover Lemma 4.2 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, aSn,n>2. Then we =ddg(a) =gdg(a) globularity we have gg(a)gd(a). Thus by monotonicity of d andgwe get ggg(a)ggd(a) anddgg(a)dgd(a) as we have from globularity: dg(a)dd(a) it follows by andddg(a)ddd(a) =ddg(a) andggg(a)ig(a) =gdg(a) follow from Lemma 4.1. Thus it remains to show inclusions can be proven similarly. We shall show the fir st only. Suppose to the contrary that there is uddd(a)-ddg(a). Letxd(a) be<-- minimal element in d(a) such that there is sd(x) withud(s). Ifsdg(a), then uddg(a), Thus Sincedg(a) =dd(a)-gd(a) it follows that sgd(a). Hence there is x'd(a) withg(x') =s. In Moreover ud(s) there is s'd(x') so thatud(s'). This contradicts the <--minimality of x. From Lemma 4.2 we get 9Corollary 4.3 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, aSn,n>2,k <n. two fixed strings of g's andd's of length l, we =d2x'k-2(a), (e.g.dk(a) =gdx'k-2(a), (e.g.gdk-1(a) =xk-2d2(a), fork>2; 8.dk(a) fork>1. 5 Combinatorial properties of positive opetopic 5.1 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, k Then we 1. Suppose contrary that there are a1,a2d(a) such that a1<+a2. So we have an upper path a1,b1,...,b r,a2 and hence a lower path b1,...,b r,a. In particular, b1<-a. Asa1d(b1)d(a) byd-linearity, we have b1+a. But then (a,b1)+ -/e}ioslsh=, i.e.,Sdoes not satisfy the disjointness. This shows 1. Ad 2. This is an immediate consequence of 1. If a1,a2d(a) and either g(a1) =g(a2) then by pencil linearity we get that 1. After proving the above proposition we can introduce more no tation. Let Sbe a positive opetopic cardinal, no. 1. For a face aSn+2, we shall denote by r(a)d(a) the only face in d(a), such thatg(r(a)) k,bbe an upper path in S. We say that it isa path inX(orX-path) if {a1,...,a k} X. Lemma 5.2 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, Then 1. there is a unique upper d(a)-path from ytogg(a); 2. there is a unique xdg(a)and an upper d(a)-path from xtoysuch that g(x) =g(y); 103. iftd(y), there are a unique an upper Ifa<+b, Ad 1. The uniqueness follows from Proposition 5.1.2. To show the existence, let us suppose contrary that there is no d(a)-path from ytogg(a). We shall construct an infinite upper d(a)-path from there isa1d(a) such that yd(a1). So now suppose that we have already constructed a1,...,ak. By assumption so, by Hence there is ak+1d(a) such that g(ak)d(ak+1). This ends the construction of the , in fact, there is a d(a)-path from ytogg(a). Ad 2. Suppose not that there is no xdg(a) as claimed. We shall construct an infinite descending lower thatg(a0) =y,gg(an) =g(y) =t, forno. By assumption =dd(a)-gd(a). Soygd(a). Hence there is a0d(a) such that g(a0) =y. Now, suppose that the lower been already constructed. By globularity, we can pick zd(ak) such that g(z) =t. By assumption =dd(a)-gd(a). Sozgd(a). Hence there is ak+1d(a) such that g(ak+1) =zd(ak). Clearly, gg(ak+1) =t. This ends the construction of the path. But by strictness such a path has to be finite, so there is xas needed. Ad 3. This case is similar. We put it for not that there is no xdg(a) as above. We shall construct an lower thatg(a0) =y,tdg(an), forno. By assumption =dd(a)-gd(a). Soygd(a). Hence there is a0d(a) such that g(a0) =y. Now, suppose that the lower been already constructed. By globularity, we can pick zd(ak), such that td(z). By assumption =dd(a)-gd(a). Sozgd(a). Hence there is ak+1d(a) such that g(ak+1) =zd(ak). Clearly, tdg(ak+1). This ends the construction of the path. But by strictness such a path has to be finite, so there is xas needed. The uniqueness again follows from Proposition 5. 1.2. Ad 4. The essential case is when a+b. This follows from 1. Then use the induction on the length of the upper path from atob. Lemma 5.3 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, n>1,aSn+1, anda,bSn such thata<+b. Then 1.id(a) 1. First we show andti(a). such that g(x) =td(y). By Lemma 5.2 2,3 there are x',y'dg(a) such =td(y'). Thustig(a) and the first inclusion is proved. Now we prove the converse inclusion id(a)ig(a). Fixtig(a). In arex,ydg(a), so thatg(x) =td(y). Suppose that We shall build an infinite thatgg(ai) there isa1d(a) such that xd(a1). it follows that gg(a1) =t. Suppose now that we have already constructed the the stated properties. We have gg(ak) So, by strictness, andg(ak)dd(a). Then there is ak+1d(a) such Again, as it follows that gg(ak+1) =t. This ends the construction of the path. Since, by strictness, such a path c annot exist, we get the other inclusion. Ad 2. Since the inclusion is transitive, it is enough to consi der the case a+b, i.e., there is an aSn+1such thatad(a) andb=g(a). Then by 1. we have i(a)id(a) =ig(a) =i(b) Ad 3. Again it is enough to consider the case a+b, i.e., that there is aSn+1 such thatad(a) andg(a) =b. By 2. we need to show that Lemma 4.2.2 we =i(b)gg(b). Ad 4. This is similar to 3 and uses Lemma 4.2.1. Ad 5. This follows from 3. and 4 and Lemma 4.1. Global properties Lemma 5.4 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, no,a,bSn,a<+b. Then, there is an upper from k,bbe an upper path is S. By Lemma 5.2 we can replace each faceaiin this path which is not in S-g(S) by a sequence of faces which are <+-smaller. Just take G Sn+2, such that g(G) =aiand take instead of aia path ind(G) fromg(ai-1) (ifi= 0 then from a) tog(ai). Repeated application of this procedure will eventually yield the required path. Lemma 5.5 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, n >0,aSn,aSn+1, Thena<+g(a). Moreover, if aS-g(S), then there is a unique a'd(a)such there is nothing to prove. So we assume that begin with the second part of Lemma, i.e., we assume that Thus there are b,cd(a) such that g(a) =g(b)d(c). In particular, a <-c. Byg-linearity either b <+aora <+b. Suppose that b <+a. Then we have an ( S-g(S))-upper path b,b0,...,b r,a. we have a=b0. But then cd(a) =d(b0) and So we get the disjointness of + and-. Thus we can put a'=band we have a<+a'. The uniqueness of a'follows from the fact that g(a) =g(a'). The similar and we put it for completeness. Thus there areb,cd(a) such that g(b)d(a)d(c). In particular, b <-a. Suppose that c<+a. Then we have an ( r,a. we have a=b0. But thenbd(a) =d(b0) and hence b <+g(b0)<=+a. So we get b <-aandb the disjointness of +and-. Thus we can put a'=cand we have a<+a'. The uniqueness of a'follows from the fact that g(b)d(a') anda'd(a) and Proposition 5.1. The first part of the Lemma follows from the above, Lemma 5.2.4 and the fol- lowing then there is an a'Sn+1such of the Claim. Suppose that Claim is not true. To get a contradiction, we shall build an infinite descending thatxi(ai), forio. We puta0=a. Supposethat we have already constructed a0,...,a kg(Sn+2). Hence there is bSn+2such thatg(b) =ak. Since, by Lemma 5.3.1, id(b) = ig(b) =i(ak), there isak+1d(b) such that xi(ak+1). This ends the construc- tion of the infinite path and the proof of the Claim and the Lemm a. Corollary 5.6 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal. If aS-d(S), If eitherg(a)i(a) then by Lemma 5.5 a<+g(a). Thusad(S). A lower path b0,...,bmis amaximal path ifd(b0)d(S)-g(S) i.e., if it can't be extended either way. Lemma 5.7 (Path Lemma) Letk>=0,B= (a0,...,a k)be a maximal lower Sn- path in a positive opetopic cardinal Then there =g(b); 3. eitherl= 0<=l<=p<=kbe such that ai<+b, forl<=i<=pand eitherl= We shall show that landphave the properties stated in the Lemma. From the very definition the p roperty 1 holds. We shall show 2. Take an upper ( S-g(S))-path from r,b. Ifg(ap) =gg(bi), fori= 0,...,r, theng(ap) =gg(br) =g(b) and we are done. So suppose contrary and there are a,cd(bi0) such that g(ap) =g(a)d(c) (NB.a=apifi0= 0 and a=g(bi0-1), otherwise). In particular, g(ap)i(bi0). Asg(ap)d(S), we have p<k. and by Lemma 5.5 ap+1<+c<+b. But this contradicts the choice of p. So the property 2. holds. Now weshallshow3. Takeanupper( S-g(S))-path from r,b. We have two cases: l= 0 andl>0. Ifl= 0, then there is no face aSsuch thatg(a)d(al). must have d(al)dg(bi), fori= 0,...,r. Henced(al)dg(br) =d(b) and 3. holds in this case. Now suppose that l >0. Ifg(al-1)dg(bi), fori= 0,...,r, =d(b) and 3. holds again. So suppose contrary , and there are a,cd(bi1) such that g(al-1) =g(a)d(c) (NB:c=alifi1= 0 andc=g(bi1-1) otherwise). In particular, g(al-1)i(bi1), and by Lemma 5.5 to the choice of l. Thus 3. holds in this case as well. Finally, weshallshow4. Let l<=j <pandaj,b0,...,b r,bbeanupper( S-d(S))- path fromajtob. we So we =i(bi2). Therefore g(aj)i(S) and 4. holds. Lemma 5.8 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, no,x,ySn,x <+y. then there is an upper from andx<+y. an upper path from xtoywith the longest possible initial segment such a non-empty path exists. We need to show that k=l. Letabe the<+-largest element of the set {bS:g(bl)d(b)}. Then bl+1<=+a. by Lemma 5.7.4 there is psuch that l+ 1<=p<=ksuch thatg(bp) =g(a). Thus we have an upper path from a longer initial segment in S-d(S). But this is a contradiction with the choice of the path x,b0,...,bk,y, and it means that in fact l=k, as required. Order Lemma 5.9 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, no,a,bSn. Then we have 1. Ifa<+b, then for any xd(a)there isyd(b)such thaty<=+x; 142. Ifa <+bandg(a) =g(b), then for any yd(b)there isxd(a)such that y<=+x; 3. Ifg(a) =g(b), then either a=bora+b; 4. Ifg(a)<+g(b)then either a<+bora<-b; 5. 1. Leta<+bandxd(a). We have two cases: either xg(S) the first case there is a'S-g(S) such that g(a') =x. Leta0,...,a kbe a maximal path containing a',a, where 0< s<=k. As as<+b, by Lemma 5.7 there is the second case consider an upper path from atob:a,b0,...,b r,b. We and hence xdd(b0)-gd(b0) = dg(b0). Thus we can we hadr'<r, then again we would have to the choice of r'. Sor'=randxdg(br) =d(b). Thus we can put y=x. Ad 2. Fixa<+bsuch thatg(a) =g(b) andyd(b). We need to find xd(a) withy<=+x. Take a maximal ( kpassing through y, i.e., there is 0 <=j<=ksuch thatyd(aj) and ifyg(S), then moreover j >0 and g(aj-1) =y. Thus by Lemma 5.7 there is j<=p<=ksuch thatg(ap) =g(b) =g(a). byg-linearity we have ap<=+a. Ifap=a, then we can take as the face xeitheryifp= 0 org(ap-1) if p>0. So assume now that ap<+a. Again by Lemma 5.7 there is 0 <=l<=psuch that either l= 0 andd(a0)d(a) orl>0 andg(al-1)d(a). Asalis the first face in the path a0,...,aksuch thatal<+aandajis the first face in the path a0,...,ak such thataj<+band moreover a<+b, it follows that j<=l. Thus in this case we can take as the face xeitheryifl= 0 org(al-1) ifl>0. Ad 3. This is an immediate consequence of g-linearity. Ad 4. Suppose g(a)<+g(b). So there is an upper >0. We put c0=a. We have g(ck) =g(b) so In the later case a<-b. In the former case, we have two possibilities: <+ck, then by Lemma 5.7 for any maximal path that contains band the faceckwe get that ck-1<-b. Thus we have a<-b. Ifck<+b, then by Lemma 5.7 for any maximal path that extends c0,c1,...,ck and facebwe get that either there is 0 <=i < ksuch thatg(ci)d(b) and then a<-bor elsea=c0<+b. Ad 5. This is repeated from Lemma 5.2. Ad 6. Suppose a<-b. Then there is a lower Then we have an upper path g(a) 7. Easily follows from 5 and 6. Proposition 5.10 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, two sequences of codomains of aandb, respectively, so that ai=g(i)(a) =i), fori= 0,...,n. Then there are two numbers 0<=l<=k<=n such that either 1.ai=bi, fork+1 fork+2<=i<=n, or the roles of aandbare can present the above conditions more visually as: a0=b0,...,a l-1=bl-1, conditions we will verify from the bottom up. Note that by strictness <S0,+is a linear order. So either a0=b0ora0+b0. In the later case l= 0. then there isi<=nsuch Letlbe minimal such, i.e., By Lemma 5.9 3., al+bl. So assume that al<+bl. We Ifk=n, we are done. If k<n, then by Lemma 5.9 4., we have ak+1<-bk+1. Then ifk+1<n, by Lemma 5.9 5. 6. 7., This ends Proposition 5.10 we can define a relation <lonk-faces of any cardinal S, l<k, as follows. For We get 5.11 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, Then either a+bor there is a unique 0<=l<=ksuch thata- lb, but not both. The above Corollary allows us to define an order <S(also denoted <) on all cells ofSas follows. For 5.12 For any positive opetopic cardinal S, andno, the relation <S restricted to Snis a linear need to verify that <Sis There are some cases to then clearly a<+c. Ifa <+b <- lc, then, by Lemma 5.2.4., we have by transitivity of <-we Hencea<- lc. Now assume that a<- lb<+cand consider a lower path in By Lemma 5.9.5 and hence by Lemma 5.7, In the later case, by transitivity of <lwe havea<lc, and we are done. In the former case, by Proposition 5.10, eit hera<+c and we are done, or there is k > lsuch i.e.a <kc, as required. The last case a<- kb<- lchas three subcases. Ifk=l, then clearly a<lc. Ifk > l, and, by the previous assume that k < l. By Path Lemma, either g(k)(a)<-g(k)(c) In the former case we are done. In the latter case, by Proposition 5.10, either a<+cor there isk', such as required. From the proof of the above corollary we get Lemma 5.13 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, aSn. Then the linearly ordered by If we were to have b <- lb'for somel<=nthen, by Corollary 5.12 we would have a<- lb'which is a contradiction. Corollary 5.14 Any morphism of positive opetopic cardinals is one-to-one. More- over, any automorphism of positive opetopic cardinals is an identity. Proof. By Corollary 5.12, the (strict, linear in each dimension) or der<Sis defined internally using relations <-and<+that are preserved by any be preserved by any morphism, as well. From this observa tion the Corollary follows. Lemma 5.15 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, a,bSn. Then 1. thena+b; 2. if thena<+b; 3. ifa-b, theni(a)i(b) =. Proof.2. is an easy consequence of 1. and Lemma5.3. 3. is an easy cons equence of 1. and Disjointness. We shall show 1. Assume that ui(a)i(b). Thus there are x,yd(a) andx',y'd(b) such thatg(x) =g(x') =ud(y)d(y'). Ifx=x', then by pencil linearity a+b, as required. So assume that x/e}ioslsh=x'. Again by pencil linearity x+x', k,x. As,fori= 1,...,k,gg(ai) we have that Once again by by Path Lemma ai<b, fori= As g(ak) =xd(a), again by Path Lemma a<+b, as well. 17Proposition 5.16 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal, a,bSk,aSk+1, so thatais a<+-minimal element in Sk+1, andad(a),b=g(a). Thenbis the <+-successor of a. Proof.Assume that ais a<+-minimal element in Sk+1. Suppose that there is cSksuch thata<+c<+b. Thus we have an upper path a,b1,...,b i,c,bi+1,...,b Moreover, ad(b1)d(a) andg(bl) =b=g(a). Thus both with a. we have a <+b1,bl. By Lemma 5.13, b1+bl. But then we have ( b1,bl)+ -/e}ioslsh=, Proposition 5.17 LetTbe a positive opetopic cardinal and XTa ThenXis a positive opetopic cardinal iff the relation <X,+is the that Xis a subhypergraph of a positive opetopic cardinal axioms of globularity, disjointness, and strictn ess of the then the relation <X0,+is linear, the relations <Xk,+, fork>0, satisfy pencil linearity, i.e., Xis a positive opetopic cardinal. Now we assume that the subhypergraph Xof positive opetopic cardinal Tis a positive opetopic cardinal. We shall show that for ko,a,bXk, we have a <Xk,+biffa <Tk,+b. SinceXis a subhypergraph, a <Xk,+bimpliesa <Tk,+b. Thus it is enough to show that if a We shall prove this by induction on k. Fork= 0, it is obvious, since <X0,+is linear. So assume that for facesx,yXl, withl < k, we already know that x <Xl,+yiffx <Tl,+y. Fix a,bTksuch thata <Tk,+b. Then by Lemma 5.9.2 g(a)<=Tk-1,+g(b) and hence by inductive hypothesis Thus we have an upper withr>=1. SinceXis a positive opetopic =g(b), by pencil linearity we have a1<=+b. By Path Lemma 5.7, either a <X,-bora <X,+b. Since the first option is impossible, we have a <X,+b, as required. Lemma 5.18 LetTbe a positive opetopic cardinal, a,b,aT. that a,b,aTare as in the assumption of the Lemma. Thus we have an upper path a,a0,...,a r,b. Asad(a)d(a0), by pencil linearity we havea+a0. Ifa <+a0<-ar, theng(a)<=+g(ar) =bcontradicting our assumption. Thus a0<+a. Then by Path Lemma 5.7, since as required. Some 5.19 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal 0<ko. Then 1.i(Sk+1) all the above equations the inclusion is obvious. So in each case we need to check the inclusion only. Ad 1. Both equalities follow from Lemma 5.3. To prove the first equality, let si(Sk+1), i.e., there is aSk+1such that si(a). By strictness, there is bSk+1such By Lemma 5.3, we required. To prove the second equality, suppose contrary that there is xi(Sn+1) LetaSn+1be a<+-minimal face such that there is aSnsuch thata=g(a). By Lemma 5.3 we have i(a) =ig(a) there is a'd(a) such that xi(a'). Clearlya'+a, and hence ais not <+-minimal, contrary to the supposition. This ends the proof o f the first 2. Let xd(Sk). LetaSkbe the<+-minimal element in Sksuch that xd(a). We shall show that aSk-g(Sk+1). Suppose contrary that there is an aSk+1such thata=g(a). Then by =dg(a) =dd(a)-gd(a). So there is bd(a) such that xd(b). Asb<+a, this contradicts the 3. This is similar to the previous one but simpler. Ad 4. Since i(Sk+2)g(Sk+1) 4. follows from 2. Ad 5. Let xd(Sk). LetaSkbe the<+-maximal element in Sksuch that xd(a). as required. So assume that ad(Sk+1), i.e., there is aSk+1such thatad(a). Thusxdd(a). As a<+g(a), by choice of awe (=dd(a)-gd(a)). Soxgd(a) as required. 6 The o-categories generated by the positive main objective of this section is to construct an embeddi ng (-)*:pOpeCard --oCat of the category of opetopic cardinals into the category of o-categories. This embed- ding is not full. In Section 9 we shall show that the image of ( -)*factorises a full functor. LetTbe a positive opetopic cardinal. By T* nwe denote the set of all cardinals contained in Tof dimension at most n. If one wants to make these sets disjoint, one can think that an element of T* nis whereXis a positive opetopic cardinals contained in T. We define below an o-category, denoted T*, whose set of n-cells isT* n. We introduce thek-thdomainand thek-thcodomain (of anm-dimensional cell), where 0 <= k<=n. ForSin (T*)m, the (d(k)S)l=, forl>k, 2. (d(k)S)l=Sl, for 0<=l<k. and c(k)Sare: 1. (c(k)S)l=, forl>k, 2. ifk>0, 4. (c(k)S)l=Sl, for 0<=l<k-1. Note that the definitions of d(k)(S) andc(k)(S), forST* ndo not depend on the ambient opetopic cardinal T, nor evendim(S). Therefore we can write without specifying either Tork. We always assume that these cells are k-cells inT*. Ifnoand we assume that ST* n+1, we write dSford(n)(S), We have Lemma 6.1 LetSandTbe positive opetopic cardinals, ko. Then 1. ifk < dim (S), then both positive opetopic cardinals of dimensionk; ifk>=dim(S), thend(k)(S) =c(k)(S); 3. ifST* kandk>=2, for any aSk, the least sub-hypergraph of Scontaining the face ais again a positive opetopic cardinal of dimension k; it is denoted by [a]. Moreover, if k>0, then c[a] = [g(a)],d[a] = the least sub-hypergraph of Scontaining the set of face d(a). Proof.Ad 1. It is obvious that d(k)Sis a sub-hypergraph S. By Corollary 5.6 c(k)Sis a sub-hypergraph Sas well. Any sub-hypergraph Tof a positive the conditions of globularity, strictness (possi bly without <T0,+ being linear), and disjointness. By Lemma 5.4, for a,bd(k)Slwe Moreover, by Lemma 5.8, for a,bc(k)Slwe havea <Sl,+biffa <c(k)Sl,+b. Hence by Lemma 5.17 both d(k)Sandc(k)Sare positive opetopic cardinals. Ad 2. Fix a positive opetopic cardinal Sandkosuch thatdim(S)>k. Then the faces of andc(k)(S) are as in the table dim c(k+1)(S) cc(k+1)(S) Sl Sl Sl 20wherel < k-1. Moreover, the faces of andd(k)(S) are as in the table dim d(k+1)(S) dd(k+1)(S) k Sl Sl Sl wherel<k. Thus the equalities in question all follow from Lemma 5.19. Ad 3. Letdim(S) =n>1. Note that both ( ddS)n-2and (dcS)n-2are the sets of all<+-minimal elements in Sn-2, i.e., they areequal andtheequation see that cdS=ccSholds, note first that both ( cdS)n-2and (ccS)n-2are the sets of all <+-maximal elements in Sn-2. the equality cdS=ccSfollows from the following =i(Sn-1) follow from Lemma 5.19.1. Ad 4. FixaSk. We need to show that [ a] is a positive opetopic cardinal. The globularity, strictness (except for linearity of <[a]0,+), and disjointness are clear. The linearity of <[a]0,+. Ifk<=2, it is obvious. Put a=g(k+2)(a). Using Corollary 4.3, we it is enough to check the linearity of <[a]0,+foraof dimension k= 2. But in this case, as we mentioned, the linearity of <[a]0,+is of [ a]. The proof proceeds by induction on k=dim(a). For k<=2, theg-linearity is obvious. So assume that k>2 and that for holds in [ a]. First we shall show that c([a]) = [g(a)]. We have c([a])k-1= (g(a)d(a))-d(a) =g(a) = =gg(a)dg(a) = [g(a)]k-2, and =g(l)(a)d(l)g(a) = [g(a)]l. Note that the definition of c(H) makes sense for any positive hypergraph Hand in the above argument we haven't used the fact (which we don't kn ow yet) that [ a] is a positive opetopic cardinal. Thus, forl<k-2, [a]l= [g(a)]l. By induction hypothesis, [ g(a)] is a cardinal, and hence [ a]lisg-linear forl<k-2. Clearly [ a]lisg-linear for l=k-1,k. Thus it remains to show the g-linearity of ( k-2)-cells in [a]. Fixt[a]k-3, and =t}. 21We need to show that G tis linearly ordered by <+. We can assume that t g([a]n-2) =gdd(a) =gdg(a) (otherwise G t=is clearly linearly ordered by <+). By Proposition 5.1 there is a unique xtdg(a) such that g(xt) =t. From Lemma 5.2.2 we get easily the following Claim. Claim 1. For everyxGtthere is a unique upper d(a)-path from xttox. Now fixx,x'Gt. By the Claim 1, we have the unique upper l,x, x By Proposition 5.1, for i<=l,ai=a' i. Hence either l',x' is ad(a)-upper path. Hence either x=x'orx+x'and [a]k-2satisfy the g- linearity, as required. The proof is of the d-linearity of [ a] is very similar to the one above. For the same reasons the only non-trivial thing to check is the condi tion for (k-2)-faces. We picktdd(a) and consider the we have a unique ytdg(a) such that td(yt). From Lemma 5.2.3 we get the following Claim. Claim 2. For everyytthere is a unique upper d(a)-path from of the ( k-2)-faces in [ a] can be proven from Claim 2 similarly as theg-linearity was proven from Claim 1. It remains to verify the equalities c[a] = [g(a)],d[a] = [d(a)]. The first one we already checked on the way. To see that the seco nd equality also holds we (g(a)d(a))-g(a) =d(a) = (gg(a)dd(a)) =gd(a)dd(a) = [d(a)]k-2, and =g(l)d(a)d(l)(a) = [d(a)]l. So the second equality holds as well. Remarks. 1. Inspired by the above Lemma 6.1.4 we call Saweak positive opetopic globularity, strictness, and disjointness as a po sitive hyper- graph and moreover that for any face ainSthe sub-hypergraph [ a] is an opetope. (i.e., pencil linearity is required to hold only 'l ocally'). The category of weak positive opetopic cardinal is the full subcategory of positive objects are the weak positive opetopic cardinals and i s denoted by wpOpeCard . For eachko, thek-truncation of a weak cardinal Sis again a weak positive opetopic cardinal S<=k. In par- ticular, any k-truncation of a positive opetopic cardinal Sis a weak cardinal S<=k, but it does not necessarily satisfy linearity condition. 222. From Lemma 6.1.1 we know for any positive opetopic cardina lSthe positive opetopic cardinals contained in S. We shall denote these embeddings by c(k)S 6.2 LetSandTbe positive opetopic cardinals such that c(k)Sd(k)T. Then the pushout S+kTinpOpeCard Moreover, if c(k)S=ST, then the diagram of inclusions in pOpeCard T c(k)S d(k) TTS S c(k) S is the that c(k)S=STd(k)T. LetTSbe the obvious sum of S andTas positive hypergraphs. The fact that TSis a pushout in pHgis obvious. Thus the only thing we need to verify is that TSis a positive opetopic cardinal. First we write in detail the condition forl<k-1. Now we describe the orders shall comment on these formulas. For l>k, the formulas say that the order <+ in (TS)lis the disjoint sum of the orders in SlandTl. This is the order <+in (ST)lis just the order <Tl,+. The only case that requires an explanation is l=k-2. Sosupposethat we have an upper path a,a1,...,a m,b such By Lemma 5.4, we can assume that ifaiSk-1, But then So in fact aiTk-1, as required. The most involved are the formulas for <(ST)l,+, forl=kandl=k-1. In both cases the comparison in TSinvolves orders both from SandT. In the former case we have that, for a,b(TS)k, we orders glued together along the set Sk-d(Sk+1) which is the set of<Sk,+-maximal elements in Skand at the same time it is contained in the set of<Tk,+-minimal elements Tk-g(Tk+1). This is obvious when we realize =. In the latter case, for x,y(TS)k-1, we yi(Sk+1) order<Sk-1,+is 'plugged into' the order <=Tk-1,+, along the set Sk-i(Sk+1). To show that these formulas hold true, we argue by cases. Assu me i.e., there is an upper path x,a1,...,a 1,...,m. First suppose that x,ySk-1and that the set a maximal subsequence of consecutive elements of the path a1,...,amsuch Thus it is an upper path in Tkfrom -xto -y=g(ai1), ifi0= 1, g(ai0-1) otherwise. Note that from maximality of the path that both - As we have - x <Tk-1,+-yfrom Corollary 5.11, we have - for all l<k-1. Clearly Sl,-Tl,-. Thus for alll<k-1, as well. But then again by Corollary 5.11 we have that - xSk-1,+-y. If we were to have - y <Sk-1,+-x, then, as we would have - y<Tk-1,+-x. But this would contradict the strictness of <Tk-1,+. So we must have - x<Sk-1,+-y. In this way we can replace the upper path a1,...,amin (TS)kfromxtoyby an upper path from xtoyin Sk. Next, supposethat x,yTk-1andthat theset a maximal subsequence of consecutive elements of the path a1,...,amsuch Thus it is an upper path in Skfrom -xto -y=g(ai1), ifi0= 1, g(ai0-1) otherwise. Note that from maximality of the sequence ai0,...,a i1follows that both - Thus by Lemma 5.8 there is an upper path from - xto In this way we can replace the upper path an upper path from xtoyinTk. Thus we have justified the first two cases of the above formula. The following two cases are easy consequences of these two. This end the des cription of the these descriptions follows immediately that <(TS),+is strict, for all l. It remains to show the pencil linearity. Both g- andd-linearity of l-cells, forl<k-1 orl>k, are obvious. To see theg-linearity of k-cells assume, aSkandbTk, such thatg(a) =g(b). Let suchthat g(a) =g(-a). So such that g(-a) =g(b). theg-linearity of k-cells holds. The proof of d-linearity of k-cells is we need to establish the g- andd-linearity of ( k-1)-cells inTS. In order to prove the g-linearity, let xi(Sk+1) andyTk-1such thatg(x) = g(y). We need to show that such that x=g(a) and let a0,...,a lbe a lower path in Sk+1such thatg(al)Tk. Sincexi(a0), then xgd(a0) and, by Lemma by Lemma 5.3.3, we have Thus we have two =ggg(al). Case 1:g(x)ig(al). By Lemma 5.2.2, there is a unique zdg(al) such that g(z) =g(x) sozTk-1. Ify<Tk-1,+z, then indeed y<(TS)k-1,+z, as in Tk-1, it is enough to show that it is impossible to have contrary that there is an upper path Sinceg(al) is <+-minimal in T(asalS) andzdg(al)d(b0), byd-linearity in Tkwe have g(al)<+b0. By Lemma 5.3.2, we =ysogg(br) =g(y) =g(x). In particular, and we get 2:g(x) =ggg(al). By Lemma 5.2.2 there is zdg(al) such that g(x) =g(z)(=ggg(al)), so that we have z it is<+-minimal in Tk, by Proposition 5.16, there is no face y'Tk-1so ifyTk-1andg(y) =g(x), then either case x(TS)k-1,+y, as required. This ends the proof of g-linearity of (k-1)-faces in ( TS). Finally, we prove the d-linearity of ( k-1)-faces inTS. Letxi(Sk+1) thattd(x)d(y). We need to show that such that x=g(a), and let a0,...,a lbe a lower path in Sk+1such thatg(al)Tk. Asxi(a0), using Lemma 4.2 we by Lemma 5.3.4, we have two 1:tig(al). By Lemma 5.2.3, there is a unique zdg(al) such that td(z) andz <+x. As g(al)Tk, sozTk-1. Ify <Tk-1,+z, then indeed y <(TS)k-1,+z, as in Tk, it is enough to show that it is impossible to have z contrary that there is an upper path in is<+-minimal in byd-linearity of k-faces in Twe haveg(al)<+b0. By Lemma 5.3.2, we =y, sotd(y)dg(br). In particular, and we get a 2:tdgg(al). By Lemma 5.2.3 there is zdgg(al) such that td(z) and we have z and it is<+-minimal face in Tk, by Lemma 5.16, there is no face y'Tk-1such ifyTk-1andtd(y), then either case x(TS)k-1,+y, as required. This ends the proof of d-linearity of (k-1)-faces in ( TS) and the whole proof that TSis a positive LetSandTbe positive opetopic cardinals such that c(k)S=d(k)T. Then the pushout just described T c(k)S d(k) TT+kS S c(k) S is called special pushout inpOpeCard (orspecial pullback inpOpeCardop) and is denoted as TkS. Now we shall describe an by the positive opetopic car- dinalT. The set of m-cell ofT*isT* m, i.e., the set of all the positive contained in Tof dimension at most m, formo. Thek-th domain and k-th codomain operations in T*are the above, with m>=k. inclusions, and the composition <m, is the sum, i.e., if X,Yare positive opetopic cardinals contained in Tof dimension at most msuch that c(k)X=d(k)Y, then mm,k,m(X,Y) 6.3 LetTbe a weak positive opetopic cardinal. Then T*is ano- category. In fact, we have a --oCat Proof.The fact that the operations on T*are well defined and satisfy the follows from Lemmas 6.1 and 6.2. Iff:S-Tis a morphism of positive opetopic cardinals, XS*, then isomorphic to X. Then again using Lemmas 6.1 and 6.2, the association X/mpso-f(X) is easily seen to be an o-functor. 7 Normal positive opetopic cardinals LetSbe a normal positive opetopic cardinal of dimension k, i.e.,Sis By pS lwe denote the unique element of the set Sl-d(Sl+1), forl < k. Moreover, as we shall show below, pS k-1g(Sk) and hence the set {xSk:g(x) = pS k-1}is not empty. We denote by element of this set. We shall omit the superscript Sif it does not lead to a confusion. Lemma 7.1 LetSbe a(k-1)-principal opetope of dimension at least k,k =d(l)(Sk){pl}, =d(l)(Sk), element in =pl-1, =d(Sl)-g(Sl), 1. IfHis a hypergraph of dimension greater than then there is an infinite lower path in Hl+1, i.e.,<Hl,+is not strict. Thus, ifSis a positive opetopic cardinal of dimension greater than l, we positive opetopic cardinal is normal iff this a singleton, for l<k. Thus, by the above, we must (1) The first equation of the statement 1. we shall show by the down ward induction on l. Suppose that we have (forl=k-2, it is true by the above). the last equation follows from Corollary 4.3. 27The second equation of 1. is obvious, for l=k-1. So assume that l < k-1. We required. Ad 2. Letl<k. Then using 1. we =d(Sl+1). Ad 3. First we shall show that pkSk-d(Sk+1). Suppose contrary that there isaSk+1such that pkd(a). Theng(pk)gd(a) =gg(a)i(a). If g(pk) =gg(a), thenpk<+g(a), i.e.,g(a) is<+-smaller element than =pk-1. This contradicts the choice of pk. Ifg(pk) =i(a), then there isad(a) such that g(pk)d(a). But this means that the choice of pk-1Sk-1-d(Sk). This shows that pkSk-d(Sk+1). We need to prove that any maximal lower ( Sk-d(Sk+1))-path ends at pk. By strictness, it is enough to show that if xSk-d(Sk+1) then such that g(x)d(x'). So fixxSk-d(Sk+1). If we were to have g(x)i(b), for some bSk+1, then by Lemma 5.5 we would have x <+g(b). In particular, xd(Sk+1), contrary to the assumption. byg-linearity we have =pk-1. Hence by 1. the not empty. Let x'be the<+-maximal element of this set. It remains to Suppose contrary that there is aSk+1such andg(x)d(x'), Thus g(x)dg(a). But this means that x'<+g(a) andg(a)g(x). This contradicts the choice of x'. This ends the proof of 3. Ad 4.g(pk) =pk-1by definition. Fix 0 < l < k. AsSl=d(Sl+1) element in Sl. Assume that Thenx<=pland, by Lemma 5.9, Sog(Sl)d(Sl). But this is impossible in a positive as we noticed in the proof of 1. This ends 4. Ad 5. Fixl<k. First we shall show that d(pl)g(Sl) = (2) Letzg(Sl), i.e., there is aSlsuch thatg(a) =z. By 1.a<=+pl. By Lemma 5.7, there are xd(pl) andyd(a) such that x<=+y. Hencex<+g(a) =z. By Proposition 5.1, since xd(pl), it follows that This shows (2). By Lemma 5.19, we have d(Sl) (3) 28Sinced(pl) =d(Sl-d(Sl+1)) andi(Sl+1)g(Sl), we have by = (4) Next we shall show that i(Sl+1) =g(Sl)d(Sl) (5) The inclusion is obvious. Let xg(Sl)d(Sl). Hence there are =xd(b). We can assume that ais<+-maximal with this property. As a<-b, neitheranorbis equal to the <+-greatest element plSl. Therefore thatad(a). If we were to have x=g(a) =gg(a), theng(a) would be a <+-greater element than awithg(g(a)) =x. Clearly, xgd(a). By globularity, xdd(a), as well. Thus xi(a), and (5) is shown. Using (2), (3), (4), and (5) we have d(pl) =d(Sl-d(Sl+1)) = =d(Sl)-i(Sl+1) required. Ad 6. By 1. and 2. it is enough to show d(l)(Sk-1) The inclusion is We have an upper path By Corollary 4.3, as g(ai)d(ai+1), we have d(l)(ai) 0,...,r-1. Then, by transitivity of and again Corollary 4.3, we ends the proof of the inclusion and 6. Lemma 7.2 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal of dimension at least k. iff d(k)(S)is normal iff c(k-1)(S)is principal, 2. ifSis normal, so is d(S), 3. ifSis normal, c(S)is whole Lemma is an easy consequence of Lemma 5.19. We shall show 1., leaving 2. and 3. for the reader. First notethat all threeconditions in1. implythat |Sl-d(Sl+1|= 1, forl<k-2. In addition to this these conditions say: 1.Sis (k-1)-principal iff |Sl-d(Sl+1)|= 1, is normal 1, 1. 293.c(k-1)(S) is principal 1, 1. So the equivalence of these conditions follows directly fro m Lemma 5.19. LetNbeanormal positive opetopiccardinal of dimension n. We definea( n+1)- hypergraph N*that contains two additional faces: pN* n+1of dimension n+ 1, and pN* nof dimension n. We shall drop superscripts if it does not lead to confusions . We also put d(pn+1) =Nn, g(pn+1) =pn, d(pn) =d(Nn)-g(Nn), g(pn) normal, the g(Nn)-d(Nn) has one element so g(pn) is well defined. This determines N*uniquely.N*is called a simple extension of N. Example. For a normal positive opetopic cardinal Nlike this x2 x1f1 f2 f0 x3 x0 the hypergraph N*looks like this x2 x1f1 f2 f0 x3 have Proposition 7.3 LetNbe a normal positive opetopic cardinal of dimension n. Then 1.N*is a positive opetope of dimension n+1. 2. We have IfNis a principal, then N~=(dN)*. 4. IfTis a positive positive opetopic cardinal contained in N*, then either Ad 1. We shall check globularity of the new added cells. The ot her conditions are simple. Forpn+1, we have: gg(pn+1) =g(pn) = =g(Nn)-d(Nn) =d(pn) = =d(Nn)-g(Nn) globularity holds for pn+1. Forpn, using Lemmas 7.1, 5.19 and normality of N, we have: gg(pn) =g(pn-1) similarly dg(pn) =d(pn-1) = =d(Nn)-g(Nn) globularity holds for pn, as well. Ad 2. The first isomorphism is obvious. The faces of ( N*),c(N*),dN, and (dN)*are as in the tables dim (N*) nNn{pN* n} Nn-2 and dim dN (dN)* n+1 n Nn-2 We define the isomorphism f:c(N*)--(dN)*as 1Nlforl<n-1. Clearly, all fi's are bijective. The preservation of the domains and codomains is left for the reader. 3. is left as an exercise. Ad 4. If pn+1Tn+1, thenT=N*. thenTN. Suppose that SinceN*= [pn+1], by Lemma 6.1 it is enough to show that T= [pn]. Clearly [ pn]T. As [pn]l=Nl, forl < n-1, we have [pn]l=Tl, forl<n-1, as well. FixxNn. Asxd(pn+1) andg(pn+1) =pn, we havex <N*,+pn. So by Corollary 5.11 for anyl<=n. Thus we cannot have xT,- lpn, for any l<=n, as well. As Tis a positive opetopic cardinal, again by Corollary 5.11, an arbitrary element of Nn, we haveTn={pn}= [pn]n. It remains to show that Tn-1= [pn]n-1. Suppose that Thenx <N,+g(pn) and hence forl<=n. for l<=n. Since, as we have shown, NnTn=, it follows that xandg(pn) cannot be <T,+comparable. So by Lemma 5.11, = [pn]n-1. 318 Decomposition of positive opetopic cardinals LetTbe a positive opetopic cardinal, XTa subhypergraph of We define two subhypergraphs of T,X|aandX|a, as for l=k-1 Xl if Xis a positive opetopic cardinal contained in T,X|ais the least positive opetopic cardinal contained in Xthat contains faces 'smaller or equal' a and can be k-pre-composed with the 'rest' to get X.X|ais this 'rest' or in other words it is the largest positive opetopic cardinal containe d inXthat can be k-post- composed with X|ato getX(or the largest positive opetopic cardinal contained in Xthat does not contain faces 'smaller' than a). Note that adoes not need to be a face inX, in IfXis a hypergraph aT, thenX|ais a hypergraph, as well. However, this is not the case with X|a, ifai(T), as we can see below: * * a ||X: * * a ||X|a: HereX=T. The faces in the domain of the 2-dimensional face are not in X|a, i.e., X|ais not closed under d. To see some real decompositions, let fix a positive opetopic c ardinalTas follows: T ** y* || | b a* * * || x * | Then T|a ** y* | b a* * * || x * | | and T|a ** y* || | a* x * | | Moreover, with 32X1 ** y* || | a* x * | | we y* | a* x * | For X2 ** y* || | we have Lemma 8.1 LetTbe a positive opetopic cardinal, XTa subhypergraph of positive opetopic =d(k)(X|a) 1. The verification that both X|aandX|aare closed under gandd is routine. For anyk, ifx,yX|a k, thenx <+,Xyiffx <+,X|ay. Similarly, for any k, if x,yX|a k, Thus by Lemma 5.17 both X|aandX|a are positive opetopic cardinals. Ad 2. Let us spell in detail both sides of the forl<k-1. Thus to show that c(k)(X|a) =d(k)(X|a), we need to verify that As both sets are contained in Xk, we can compare their complements. We it easy to see that {bd(Xk+1) ={bg(Xk+1) second equality uses the fact that as required. Ad 3. To see that c(k)(X|a) =c(k)(X), it is enough to note that i(Xk+1) The equation d(k)(X|a) =d(k)(X) is even simpler. Ad 4. Obvious. Corollary 8.2 LetTbe a positive opetopic cardinal, the T|a c(k) T|a is a special pushout in pOpeCard . Proof.Follows immediately from Lemmas 6.2 and 8.1. We need more notions and notations. Let X,Tbe positive opetopic The decomposition X=X|aX|ais said to be If the decomposition X=X|aX|ais proper thenais said to be a saddle face ofX.Sd(X) is the set of saddle faces of 8.3 LetX,S,Tbe positive opetopic cardinals, XT,lo. Then 1. ifa(Tl-i(T)), thenaSd(X)iff there are a,bXl+1such ifc(k)(S) =d(k)(T), ifaSd(S)k, principal iff Sd(S)is empty. Proof.We shall show 5. The rest is easy. If there isaSd(S)k, then by 2., 3. and Lemma 8.1 we have that So in that case Sis not principal. For the converse, assume that Sis not principal. Fix kosuch Thus there are a,bSk+1, such that a/e}ioslsh=b. someaSk+2. Then by Lemma 5.5, a<+g(a) contrary to the assumption on a. HenceaS-i(S) and for similar reasons bS-i(S). We have pencil linearity, Then either and then and then g(a)Sd(S)k. In either case Sd(S) is not empty, as required. Lemma 8.4 LetT,Xbe positive opetopic cardinals, XT, =m. 1. We have the following equations of positive opetopic card X|x|a=X|a|x, X|x|a=X|a|x, 'the decompositions o different dimensions commute'. 2. IfxSd(X), Moreover, we have the following equations concerning dom ains and =c(k)(X|x|a) =d(k)(X|x|a) =d(m)(X|x|a). 4. Finally, we have the following equations concerning comp check. Lemma 8.5 LetT,Xbe positive opetopic cardinals, XT, =dim(b) =m. 1. We have the following equations of positive opetopic card 'the decompositions in the same dimension and the same directions com- mute'. 2. Assume a <+b. Then we have the following further equations of X|b=X|a|b, if a,bSd(X), Assume a <- lb, for some l < m. ThenX|b|a,X|a|b, are positive , if a,bSd(X), then either there is ksuch check. Lemma 8.6 LetT,Xbe positive opetopic cardinals, XT,dim(X) = (dX)|a; 3.d(X|a) = (dX)|a; 4.c(X|a) = (cX)|a; 5.c(X|a) = proof is again by a long and simple check. We shall check pa rt of 5. We should consider separately cases: l=n-2,l=n-3, andl<n-3, but we shall check the case l=n-3 only. The other cases can be also shown by similar, but easier, (cX)|a l=, forl>=n; 2. is: 1.c(X|a)l=, forl<n-4. We need to verify the equality ( cX)|a l=c(X|a)l, dimension n-1, it is enough to show that if xXn-1andzXnso assume that thatxd(z). Hence x+g(z). By Lemma 5.9.5, Therefore we would have as required. In dimension n-2, it is enough to show that if xXn-2andzXnso assume that xXn-2,zXnso Hence x<=+gg(z). By Lemma 5.9.5, Therefore as required. The equality in dimension n-3 follows immediately from Lemma 5.19.4. 36To show that in dimension n-4, the above equation also holds, we shall g(x)<=+a}) Note that, by Lemma 5.3.1, if then there is x'd(y) (i.e.,x'+xand as<+is well founded, from the above observation follows that, fo r thatti(x) andg(x)<=+a, there Then we clearly have that required. The following Lemma describes how one can express decomposi tions a special pushout in term of decompositions of its 8.7 LetT,T1,T2be positive opetopic cardinals, For we haveaSd(T)kand either assumption, ( we must that Hence But this Theverification in this case is left as an exercise. 9 Positive opetopic cardinals as positive-to-one poly- graphs For the definition of positive-to-one polygraphs and relate d notation see Appendix. In this section we show that the image of the embedding defined in Section 6 (-)*:pOpeCard --oCat is in fact contained in the category of 9.1 LetSbe a weak positive opetopic cardinal. Then S*is a positive- to-one polygraph whose k-indeterminates correspond to faces in Sk. Proof. The proof is by induction on dimension nof the weak positive Forn= 0,1, the Proposition is obvious. So assume that for any weak positive opetopic cardinal Tof dimension n,T*is a positive-to-one polygraph of dimension n, generated by faces in T. Suppose that Sis a weak positive opetopic cardinal of dimension n+1. We shall show that S*is a polygraph generated by faces in S. SinceS<=nis a weak positive opetopic cardinal, by inductive assumption, S* <=nis the polygraph generated by faces in S<=n. So we need to verify that, for any any function that for aSn+1 dC(|f|(a)) =f(d([a])), cC(|f|(a)) is a unique that Fn+1([a]) =|f|(a), F<=n=f as in the diagram 37S<=n S* <=n [-]Sn+1 S* n+1 d g d c Fn+1 f C [-]|f| We defineFn+1as follows. For XS* n+1 Fn+1(X) = idf(X) if dim(X) =n+1,Xis principal and X= ifdim(X) to the composition in the o-categoryC. ClearlyFk=fk, fork<=n. The above morphism, if well defined, clearly preserves identiti es. We need to verify, =n+1, three conditions: IFis well defined, i.e., Fn+1(X) does not depend on the choice of the saddle face the domains and codomains, i.e., Fn(d(X)) =d(Fn+1(X)) and Fn(c(X)) compositions, i.e., Fn+1(X) have an embedding [ -] let assume that for positive opetopic cardinals of Sof size less than size(X) theabove assumptionholds. If size(X)n+1= 0orXis principal, all obvious. So assume that Xis not principal and dim(X) =n+ 1. To save on notation we write FforFn+1. AdI. First we will consider two saddle faces a,xSd(X) of different =m. Using Lemma 8.4 we =ind.hyp.I = =MEL = = = we will consider two saddle faces a,bSd(X) of the same dimension dim(a) = dim(b) =m. We shall use Lemma 8.5. Assume that a <- lb, for somel < m. If g(k)(a)Sd(X), for some k < m, then this case reduces to the previous one for two Otherwise aSd(X|b) and aSd(X|b) and we =ind.hypI = = = = = we consider the case a<+b. We =ind.hypI = = = shows that F(X) is well defined. AdII. We shall show that the domains are preserved. The proof that the codomains are preserved is similar. The fact that if Sd(X) =, thenFpreserves domains and codomains from the assumption on fand|f|. So assume that =k. We use Lemma 8.6. We have to consider two cases k then Fn(d(X)) =Fn(d(X|akX|a)) then Fn(d(X)) =Fn(d(X|anX|a)) = =Fn(d(X|a)) Suppose that We shall show that Fpreserves this composition. If dim(X1) =k, We have Fn+1(X) =Fn+1(X2) = =Fn+1(X2)*k1(n+1) Fk(d(k)(X2))= =Fn+1(X2)*k1(n+1) Fk(X1)= The casedim(X2) =kis similar. So now assume that We shall use Lemma 8.7. Fix ac(k)(X1)kg(X1). SoaSd(X)k. then we have F(X) =F(X|a)*kF(X|a) then 39F(X) =F(X|a)*kF(X|a) =indhypII = in any case the composition is preserved. This ends the pro of of the Lemma. LetwpOpeCardnbe the full subcategory of wpOpeCard whose objects have dimension at most n>=0. Forno, we have a that, for we have f#,n= 9.2 For everyno, the functor (-)#,nis well defined, full, faithful, and it preserves existing pushouts. Moreover, for SinwpOpeCardn, we The functor is an equivalence of categories is defined in the and faithfulness of ( -)#,nis left for the reader. We shall show simulta- neously that for every no, both existing pushouts. For n= 0, there is nothing to prove. For n= 1, this is obvious. So assume that n>=1 and that ( -)#,npreserves existing pushouts. Let R TS S +RT be a pushout in wpOpeCardn+1. Clearly its n-truncation is a pushout in wpOpeCardn. Hence by inductive hypothesis it is preserved by ( -)*,n. In di- mensionn+1, the functor ( -)#,n+1is an inclusion. Hence, in dimension n+1, this square is a pushout (of monos) in Set. So the whole is a pushout in Set|Dn+1, i.e., pushouts. As ( -)*,n+1is a composition of ( -)#,n+1with an equivalence of categories, it preserves the pushout s, as well. Corollary 9.3 The --pPoly is full and faithful and preserves special pushouts. In parti cular, it is follows from the previous Corollary and the fact that th e functor an equivalence of categories. Corollary 9.4 The --oCat is faithful, conservative and preserves special and the fact that the functor Appendix) is faithful and a left adjoint. Conservativity follows from previous Corollary and the fact that any isomorphic o-functor between polygraphs preserves and i.e., is a map of polygraphs. LetPbe a positive-to-one polygraph, aak-cell inP. Adescription of the cell ais a > whereTais a positive opetopic cardinal and tais a polygraph map such that ta(Ta) =a. In the remainder of this section we shall define some specific p ositive that will be used later. First we define an, forno. We put an l= ifl>n {2n} 0<=l<n d, ={2l-1}c(x) = 2l-2 forxan l, and 1<=l<=n. For example, a4can be pictured as follows: 1 0 3 2 5 4 7 6 8 i.e., 8 is the unique cell of dimension 4 in a4that has 7 as its domain and 6 as its codomain, 7 and 6 have 5 as its domain and 4 as its codomain, and so on. Note that, for any k<=n, we n0,n2andn3< n2,n4. We define the positive opetopic the following colimits in pOpeCard : 41an1 an0,n1,n2 an0,n1,n2,n3,n4 c(n3) an2an4 k3 d(n3) an4 We have Proposition 9.5 The above colimits are preserved by the for any o-categoryC, we have bijective =d(n1)(y) andc(n3)(y) =d(n3)(z)} which are natural in C. Proof.As both positive opetopic cardinals ob- tained via special pushout (in the second case applied twice ), these colimits are preserved by ( -)*. LetTbe a positive opetopic cardinal. We have a that ST(f:B-T) =B and a cocone sT: ST--T such ST(f:B-T) =B--T. We have Lemma 9.6 The cocone sT: ST*--Tis a colimiting cocone in pOpeCard . Such colimiting cones are called special colimits . Any functor from special limits preserves special pullbacks as we ll. Proof.To see that sT: ST*--Tis a colimiting cone we proceed by induction on thesize of T. IfTis apositive opetope, then the category pOpe|Thas is sent by STtoT. Thus in this case Tis the colimit of ST. If Tis not a positive opetope, then, by Lemma 8.3.5, it can be pres ented as a bothT1andT2of dimension larger than kand size smaller than the size of T, for someko. By inductive assumption, the limits of ST 1, ST 2, and Sd(k)T2, respectively. Each object pOpe|Tfactorises (as a morphism) If it factorises by both, it factorises by d(k)T2. From this description it is easy to see that indeed in this case Tis also the colimit of the functor ST. Moreover, if the limit of STis preserved, then this special pushout is also and notation. The full image of the functor ( -)*:pOpeCard -- oCatwill bedenoted by pOpeCard o. Theobjects of pOpeCard to those of form S*forSbeing positive opetopic cardinal and the mor- phism in pOpeCard oare allo-functors. In fact, when convenient, we shall think about positive opetopic cardinals Sas if they where o-categories and talk about o- functors between them. As the above embedding ( -)*is conservative, see Corollary 9.4, this will not lead to any confusions. 10 The inner-outer factorization in pOpeCard o Letf:S*--T*be a morphism in pOpeCard o. We say that fisouter1if there is a map of positive opetopic cardinals g:S--Tsuch thatg*=f. We say =T. From Corollary 9.3 we have Lemma 10.1 outer iff it is a polygraph map. Proposition 10.2 Letf:S*--T*be an inner map, dim(S) =dim(T)>0. being the restrictions of f, are well defined, inner and the c* S(cT)* suppose that f:S*-T*is an inner map. So f(S) =T. Sincefis an o-functor, we have f(dS) =df(S) =dTandf(cS) =cf(S) =cT. This shows the proposition. We have Proposition 10.3 The inner and outer morphisms form a factorization system in pOpeCard o. So be factored essentially uniquely by inner map* ffollowed by outer |* f 1The names 'inner' and 'outer' are introduced in analogy with the morphism with the same name and role in the category of disks in is almost tautological. The inner maps between positive opetopic cardinals can be fu rther factorized into inner epi and inner mono. LetPandQbe positive opetopic cardinals, generated by them. The kernel offis the set of faces of Psent byf to identities on cells of Q*of lower dimension. ker( f) denotes the kernel of f. We say that a set Iof faces ofP>0is anideal inPiff for thenbI; 3i.ifbI, have an easy Lemma 10.4 Letf:P*-Q*be ano-functor between o-categories generated by positive opetopic cardinals. Then ker(f)is an ideal. We shall prove the converse of the above lemma, i.e., that any ideal is a kernel of ano-functor, in fact an inner epi. Recall that a face contains one element. Let U(P) be the set of unary faces in P,IPan ideal inP, The faceuPis called safe i.e.,uis a unary face in Pthat is not a codomain of any other face in Pand it is not in the domain of a unary face in P. The following Lemma says that we can always divide any opetop ic cardinal by its safe face. Lemma 10.5 LetPbe an opetopic cardinal, and ua safe face for P. Then we can dividePbyu, i.e., we have a quotient kernel is {u}.quis an inner epi. Proof.The opetope P/uis obtained by gluing together d(u) andg(u) (to a and dropping u. The map quis defined as follows (we describe it on faces ofPonly) qu(a) g(u), u; a, =qu(g(u)) =qu(u) ={d(u),g(u)}, i.e., andg(u).qu(a) =a, for other faces so defined to make the quotient map qu:P* --P/u* preserve both of them. The only cell sent by quto a(n identity on a) cell of a lower dimension is u. Thus ker(qu) ={u}. The following two lemmas show that in any non-empty ideal IinPthere is always a safe face for P. Lemma 10.6 LetIbe a non-empty ideal in P. There is always a unary face u I-g(P). Proof. Suppose not, and let c be a cell of minimal dimension an d<+- minimal inI. Ifcis not unary then this contradicts condition 3. as c is of mini mal dimension in I and hence d(c)I=. Ifcg(P), then this contradicts the choice of cas, if g(b) =c, thend(b) contains only unary faces, and as cis inI, by 3.,d(b)I. 10.7 LetIbe a non-empty ideal in P. There is always a face the unary face uof maximal dimension in I. Ifud(v) with vU(P), then, since Isatisfies 2., vIU(P). This contradicts the choice of 10.8 IfIP>=1is anideal, then there is a i-epi it hasIas its kernel. Moreover, qIis a universal map with this property, i.e., whenever there is an thatIker(f), then there is a unique map f':P/I* -Qsuch can divide the opetope Pby unary cell uI-g(I) of getting the {u}), the image of I- {u}inP/u, is an ideal in P/u. Thus we can iterate the construction until the resulting ideal will be e mpty. To see that qIhas the stated universal property, it is enough to notice tha t if uker(f) is a safe face for P, then we have a factorization P Q f P/uqu |f' Using the description of qu, this is clear. Note that for an might seem that to say 'that it is mono (or epi)' is ambiguous, since this can be applied to eith er just faces of Por all the cells of P*. However, in both cases the notions of epi and of mono coincid e. Thus, in fact, they are not ambiguous no matter how these noti ons are interpreted. We have Lemma 10.9 Let in pOpeCard o. Thenker(f) =ifff is mono. Proof. Suppose that fis not a mono. Let a,bPm,mo, be two different cells of minimal dimension such that f(a) =f(b). Ifm= 0, thena+bby and ifm>0, then since f(g(a)) =g(f(a)) =g(f(b)) =f(g(b)), and by minimality of m, we have that g(a)) =g(b). Then by pencil linearity we havea+b, as well. Suppose a<+b. Thus there is an upper path a,a1,...,a k,b inP. Asf(a) =f(b), we havef(ai) =f(a), and hence, aker(f) 10.10 The inner epis and inner monos form a factorization system on the category pOpeCardinnof opetopic cardinals with inner an inner map. Then, by Lemma 10.4, ker( f) is an ideal. By the universal property of qIstated in Lemma 10.8 we have a Q f P/uqu |f' withqIinner epi. Since ker( f) =I= ker(qI), it follows that ker( f') =. 11 The terminal positive-to-one polygraph In this section we shall describe the terminal positive-to- one polygraph Tas set of (isomorphisms classes of) positive opetopic ca r- dinals of dimension less than or equal to n. Forn >0, the operations of domain and codomain dT,cT:Tn- Tn-1are given, for S Tn, by d(S) =n, and c(S) =n. and, forS,S' Tnsuch thatc(k)(S) =d(k)(S'), the composition in Tis just the special S c(k) The identity idT:Tn-1- Tnis the inclusion map. The n-indeterminates in Tare positive opetopic cardinals of dimension n. Proposition 11.1 Tjust described is the terminal positive-to-one fact that Tis ano-category is easy. The fact that Tis free being positive opetopic cardinals of dime nsionncan be shown much like the freeness of S*before. The fact that Tis terminal follows from the following For every pair of parallel positive opetopic cardinals of di such that Bis principal, it follows that Nis normal and there is a unique (up to an iso) principal positi ve opetopic cardinal N*of dimension n+1 such that 11.2 LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal and ! :S*-- Tthe unique map fromS*toT. Then, for TS* k, we have !k(T) =T. 46Proof.The proof is by induction on koand the size of TinS* k. Fork= 0,1, the Lemma is obvious. Let k>1 and assume that lemma holds for i<k. Ifdim(T) =l<k, then, using the inductive hypothesis and the fact that ! is a n o-functor, we have !k(T) =!k(1(k) T) = 1(k) !l(T)= 1(k) T=T Suppose that dim(T) =kandTis principal. As ! is a polygraph map, ! k(T) is an indeterminate, i.e., it is principal, as well. Using agai n the inductive hypothesis and the fact that ! is an o-functor, we obtain d(!k(T)) =!k-1(dT) =dT c(!k(T)) =!k-1(cT) =cT AsTis the only (up to a unique iso) positive opetopic cardinal wi th the domain dT and the codomain cT, it follows that ! k(T) =T, as supposethat dim(T) thepositive of size smaller than the size of T, the Lemma holds. Thus there are lo andaSd(T)lso that !k(T) =!k(T|alT|a) =!k(T|a)l!k(T|a) =T|alT|a=T, as required 12 A description of the positive-to-one polygraphs In this section we shall describe all the cells in positive-t o-one polygraphs using positive opetopic cardinals, in other words we shall descri be in concrete terms precisely, the positive-to-one polygraphs of dimensi on 1 (and all poly- graphs, as well) are freepolygraphs over graphs and are well understood. and we are given an object of Set|Dn, i.e., a quadruple ( |P|n,P,d,c) such that 1. a positive-to-one ( n-1)-polygraph P; 2. a set|P|nwith two functions c:|P|n-- forx |P|n,cc(x) =cd(x) anddc(x) =dd(x); we assume that d(x) is not an identity, for any x |P|n. If the maps dandcin the object ( |P|n,P,d,c) are understood from the context, we can abbreviate notation to ( |P|n,P). Recall that for a positive opetopic cardinal S, withdim(S)<=n, we denote by S#,nthe object ( inSet|Dn. In fact, we have an obvious --Set|Dn such that S/mpso-( Any positive-to-one polygraph Pcan be restricted to its part in Set|Dn. So we have a forgetful the above functor Unis the same functor as the one with the same name defined in the Appendix, but restricted to the category pPolyn. It is an of (-)n. We shall describe the positive-to-one n-polygraph P(=Pn) whose is P<nand whose n-indeterminates are |P|nwith the domains and codomains given by maps Ann-cell inPnis a(n equivalence class of) pair(s) ( S,f) where 1.Sis a positive opetopic cardinal, dim(S)<=n; 2.f: (--(|P|n,P,d,c) is a morphism in Set|Dn, identify two pairs ( S,f), (S',f') if there is an isomorphism h:S--S'such that the triangles of sets and of ( S' nhn |P|nfn |f' n (S<n)*(S' <n)* (h<n)* Pf<n |f' <n commute. Clearly, such an h, if exists, is unique. Even if formally cells in classes of triples, we will work on triples them selves as if they were cells understanding that equality between such cells is an i somorphism in the sense defined above. Domains and codomains . The domain and codomain defined for an n-cell (S,f) as = we take the positive opetopic cardinals [ x] contained in S, then the value of f on it, and then we evaluate the map in Set|Dnonx, the only element of [ = i.e., we calculate the k-th domain and k-th codomain of an n-cell (S,f) the domain Sof the cellf, respectively, and by restricting the . The identity defined, for an ( n-1)-cell ((S,f) inPn-1, as follows: i(S,f) if dim(S)=n-1 Note thatfis the map pPolyn-1which is the value of the functor (-) on a map f fromSet|Dn+1. So it is in fact defined as 'the same ( n-1)-cell' but considered . Suppose that ( Si,fi) aren-cells fori= 0,1 such that c(k)(S0,f0) their composition is define, via pushout in Set|Dn, = *S1 n ends the description of the polygraph P. Now leth:P-Qbea morphism in Set|Dn, i.e., a function hn:|P|n-- |Q|n and a (n-1)-polygraph morphism h<n:P<n--Q<nsuch that the square Pn-1 Qn-1 hn-1|P|n serially. We putting -hk=hk, fork<n, and, for (S,f)-Pn, we put -h(S,f) = Letx= (S,f) be a cell in -Pnas above, and aSd(S). Then by x|a= (S|a,f|a) andx|a= (S|a,f|a) we denote the cells in Pnthat are the x. Clearly, we have c(k)(x|a) =d(k)((x|a) andx=x|a*kx|a, following Proposition we collect several statements co ncerning the This includes that the above construction is correct. We have put all these statement together as we need to prove them together, t hat is, by 12.1 Letno. We have 1. LetPbe an object of Set|Dn. We define the follows. Let x |P|n. Asc(x)is an indeterminate, d(x)is a normal cell of dimensionn-1. Thus there is a unique description of the cell normal positive opetopic cardinal. Then we have a uniqu e n-cell - |P|n,(tx)<n: such (tdx)<(n-1). We puteP(x) = -x. ThenPis a positive-to-one polygraph with ePthe inclusion of Then any positive-to-one n-polygraph Qis equivalent to a polygraphP, for LetPbe an object of Set|Dn,! :P-- Tthe unique morphism into the terminal object Tandf:S#,n-Pa cell inPn. =S. 3. Leth:P-Qbe an object of Set|Dn. Then-h:P--Qis a LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal of dimension at most n. Moreover, for we have that fk(T) the inclusion. 5. LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal of dimension maps. Then g=hiffgn(S) =hn(S). 6. LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal of dimension at most n,Pbe an object inSet|Dn. Then we have a bijective thatfn(S) =f, and, forg:S*--P, we We have a coproduct is taken over all (up to iso) positive opetop ic cardinals Sof dimension at most n. In other words, any cell in -Phas a unique 1. We have to verify that Psatisfies the laws of o-categories and that it is free in the appropriate sense. The laws for o-categories are left for the reader, as they easily follow fr om the fact thatS*is a positive to one-polygraph for any positive opetopic car dinalS. We shall show that Pis free in the appropriate gn:|P|n-Cn a function so that the diagram Pn-1 Cn-1gn-1|P|n serially. We shall define an (S,f)Pn, we put gn(x) if dim(S) =n,Sis principal, ifdim(S) =n,aSd(S)k We need to check that gis well defined, it uniquethat extends g, and it codomains, compositions and identities. All these calculations are similar, and they are very much li ke those in the proof of Proposition 9.1 and use facts from Section 8. We shall chec k, assuming that we already know that gis well defined and preserves identities, that compositions are preserved. The proof is by induction on the size of the compos ition and uses Lemma 8.7. So letT,T1,T2be positive opetopic cardinals such that T=T2kT1. Sinceg preserves identities, we can restrict to the case SoaSd(T)k. then we have g(T) =g(T|a)*kg(T|a) then g(T) =g(T|a)*kg(T|a) = = remaining verifications are similar. Ad 2. Let ! : P-- Tbe the unique polygraph map into the terminal object, S a positive opetopic cardinal such that dim(S) =l<=n,f:S#,n--Pa cell inPn. 51Ifl<n, then by induction we have ! n(f) =S. Ifl=nandSis principal, then we have, by : (dS)#,n-P) =dS,!n(c(f) : (cS)#,n-P) =cS. Asfis an indeterminates in P, !n(f) is a positive opetope. But the only (up to an iso) positive opetope Bsuch Thus, in this case, ! n(f) =S. Now assume that l=n, andSis not principal, and that for positive Tof smaller size than Sthe statement holds. Let aSd(S)k. We have !n(f) the maps, as in the following S|a k|a k|a Ad 3. The main thing is to show that hpreserves compositions. This follows from the fact that the special pullbacks. Ad 4. This is an immediate consequence of 3. Ad 5. LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal Sof dimension at most n. To prove 5., we are going to use the description of the n-cells in positive-to-one polygraphs given in 1. Moreover, note that by 3. and Lemma 11.2 we have tha t forTS* k, the value of gatTis a map in Set|Dksuch thatgk(T) :T#,k--Uk(P), i.e., the domain ofgk(T) is necessarily T#,k. The implication =is obvious. So assume that g,h:S*--Pare maps. Then there is k<=nandxSksuch We shall show, by induction on size of T, that for any TS* lsuch thatxT, we (6) T= [x] has the least size among those positive opetopic cardinals that contain x. Clearly, (6) holds in this case by that (6) holds for all Suppose that T= [y], for some ySl, andx[y]. Then either xd[y] orxc[y]. In the former case we have, by inductive hypothesis, that =d(gk(T)) But then (6) holds as well. The later case ( xc[y]) is similar. Now suppose that Tis not principal xTand that, for Uof a smaller size with xU, the condition (6) holds. Let aSd(T)r. Then either xT|aorxT|a. Both cases are similar, so we will consider the first one only. Thus, asT|ahas a smaller size than T, by inductive hypothesis we (7) 52As the compositions in Pare calculated via pushouts, we have = is the unique morphism from the pushout as in the (T|a)#,lT#,l Un(P) gl(T|a) gl(T|a) = morphisms from the pushout are equal if and only if their bo th components are equal we have gl(T) =gl(T|arT|a) = /e}ioslsh= =hl(T|arT|a) =hl(T) Thus (6) holds for all TS*such thatxT. AsxS, we get required. Ad 6. Fix a positive opetopic cardinal Sof dimension at most a cell in Pn. By 4, we have fn(S) =f. Letg:S*--Pbe a polygraph map. To show that g=gn(S), by 5, it is enough to show that (gn(S))n(S) =gn(S). Using 4 again, we by 5, ( gn(S)) =g. Ad 7. It follows immediately from 6. cellinapositi ve-to-one polygraph has (up to an isomorphism) a unique description. The followi ng Proposition is a bit more 12.2 LetPbe a positive-to-one polygraph, no, andaPn. Tis the unique morphism into the terminal polygraph). Then there is a unique polygraph map ta:T* a--Psuch that (ta)n(Ta) =a, i.e., each cell has an essentially unique description. Moreover, we have: 531. for anyaP, we have tda=d(ta) =tda=ta*(dTa)*, t c(a)=c(ta) for anya,bPsuch thatc(k)(a) =d(k)(b), we have ta;kb= [ta,tb] for any positive opetopic cardinal S, for any polygraph map for any positive opetopic cardinal S, be essen- tially uniquely factorized |tf(S) wherefinis an inner map and (tf(S),Tf(S))is the description of the cell the above description of the positive-to-one polygra phPwe have thata: (Ta)#,n--Un(P). We put ta=a. By Proposition 12.1 point 6, we have that (ta)n(Ta) =an(Ta) =a, as required. The uniqueness of ( Ta,ta) follows from Proposition 12.1 point 5. The remaining part is left for the reader. 13 Positive-to-one polygraphs form a presheaf In fact, we will show that both categories are equivalent to the category sPb((pOpeCard )op,Set) of special pullbacks preserving functors from (pOpeCard )optoSet. First note that the inclusion functor i:pOpe--pOpeCard induces )op wherei*is the functor of composing with iandRaniis the right Kan Recall that for , it is defined as the following limit (RaniF)(S) SS,opis the dual of the functor SSdefined before Lemma 9.6. Note that, we full and faithful, the right Kan extension Rani(F) is an extension. There- fore the counit of this adjunction eF: an isomorphism. The functor RaniFis so defined that it preserves special limits. Hence, by Lemma 9.6, it preserves special pullbacks. As any p ositive can be constructed from positive opetopes via spec ial pushouts, for Gin Set(pOpeCard )op, the unit of an isomorphism iff Gpreserves special pullbacks. Thus we have Proposition 13.1 The above adjunction restricts to the following equivalence )op,Set) Now we will set up the )op,Set) pPoly which will be later proved to be an equivalence of categories . The sends a positive-to-one polygraph Pto a : (pOpeCard is defined on morphism in the obvious way, by composition. We have Lemma 13.2 LetPbe a positive-to-one polygraph. above is a special pullbacks preserving is an immediate consequence of the fact that the functor (-)*pre- serves special pushouts. Now suppose we have a special pullbacks preserving functor F: (pOpeCard )op--Set. We shall define a positive-to-one of/tildewideFwe the coproduct is taken over all2(up to iso) positive opetopic cardinals Sof dimension at most n. Ifk<=n, the identity the obvious embedding induced by identity maps on the comp onents of the we shall describe the domains and codomains in/tildewideF. LetSbe a cardinal of dimension at most We have in pOpeCard thek-th domain and the k-th codomain morphisms: 2In fact, we think about such a as if it were to be taken over (so that each isomorphism type of positive opetopic ca rdinals is represented) set of cardinals Sof dimension at most n. Then, if positive opetopic cardinals via (necessarily unique) isomorphism h, then the cells xF(S) andx'F(S') are considered equal iff F(h)(x) =x'. 55d(k)S c(k)SS d(k) S c(k) S # We put d(k)(a) we define the compositions in/tildewideF. that c(k)(a) =F(c(k) S)(a) =F(d(k) T)(b) =d(k)(b). We shall define the cell We take a special pushout in pOpeCard : T c(k)S d(k) TTkS special pullbacks (in ( pOpeCard )op), it follows that the square F(T) a pullback in Set. Thus there is a unique that F(k1)(x) =a, F (k2)(x) =b. We put b*ka=x. This ends the definition a morphism )op,Set), we the coproduct is taken over all (up to iso) positive ope topic cardinals Sof dimension at most n. This ends the definition of the 13.3 The :sPb((pOpeCard well verification is a functor into oCatis left for the reader. We shall verify that, for any special pullbacks preserving fun a positive-to-one polygraph whose n-indeterminates ,dim(S)<=nF(S) the truncation We shall show in a bijective correspondence with Pndescribed in the previous section. We define a that, for a cell f:S#,n--PinPn, we put ph(f) = 1fn-1(S) if dim(S) ifdim(S) =n,aSd(S)k. and the morphisms in ph(f|a) andph(f|a) inSet|Dnare obtained by compositions so that the diagram S#,n q f|a commutes. We need to verify, by induction on n, thatphis well defined, bijective and that it preserves compositions, domains, and codomains . We shall only verify (partially) that phis well defined, i.e., the definition phfor any positive opetopic cardinal Sof dimension nthat is not a positive opetope does not depend on the choice of the saddle point of S. Leta,xSd(S) so =m. Using Lemma 8.4 and the fact that ( -)#,npreserves we = = = = = = required in this case. The reader can compare these calcul ations with those, in the same case, of Proposition 9.1 ( Fis replaced by phandTis replaced by f). So there is no point to repeat the other calculations. ForPinpPoly, we define a polygraph that, for xPn, we put eP,n(x) )op,Set), we define a natural that, for a positive opetopic cardinal Sof dimension we put (eF)S(g) 13.4 The )op,Set) pPoly together with the natural transformations eandedefined above form an It establishes the equivalence of categories sPb((pOpeCard The fact that both eandeare bijective on each component from Proposition 12.1.6. So we shall verify the triangular polygraph, and Fbe a functor in sPb((pOpeCard )op,Set). We need to show that the e/hatwideP /tildewidereF | commute. So let =n. Then we = (eP*f)n(S) = = (eP)n(fn(S)) =tfn(S)=f So Then we = (tx)n(1Tx) =x So both triangles commutes, as required. From Propositions 13.1 and 13.4 we get 13.5 The that, for a positive-to-one polygraph : (pOpe)op--Set is an equivalence of categories. 5814 The principal pushouts Recall the positive opetopic cardinal anfrom section 9. A total composition map is an innero-functor whose domain is of form ( an)*, for someno. IfSis a cardinal of dimension n, then the total composition of S(in factS*) is denoted is uniquely determined by the condition uS* n(an) =S. We have the 14.1 LetNbe a normal positive opetopic cardinal. With the notation as above, the a pushout in pOpeCard o. Proof.This is an easy consequence of Proposition 7.3, particularl y point 4. Pushouts described in the above Proposition are called principal pushouts . From the above proposition we immediately get Corollary 14.2 Ifn >0andPis a positive opetope of dimension n, then a (principal) pushout in pOpeCard o. Theorem 14.3 (V.Harnik)3LetF: (pOpeCard o)op--Setbe a special pull- back preserving functor. Then Fpreserves the principal pullbacks, as well. Theorem 14.3 is a special case of Lemma 14.6, for k=n-1. The proof of the above theorem will be divided into three Lemm as. Theorem 14.3 is a special case of Lemma 14.6, for k=n-1. Before we even formulate the next three Lemmas, we need to int roduce on positive opetopic cardinals and define som eo-functors between positive opetopic cardinals. Introducing these construct s and notation for them, we 3The original statement of V.Harnik is saying that the nerve f unctor from o-categories to (all) polygraphs is monadic. However, in the present context the a rgument given by V.Harnik, c.f. [H], is directly proving the present statement, i.e., that the pr incipal pullbacks are preserved whenever the special ones are. This statement is used to show that the c ategory of o-categories is equivalent to the category of special pullback preserving functors fro m (pOpeCard o)optoSet, c.f. Corollary 15.2. From that statement, the monadicity of the nerve funct or is an easy corollary, c.f. Theorem 16.5. In the remainder of this section the Harnik's argument , adopted to the present context, make some comments how they are going to be interpreted by special morphisms from ( pOpeCard for presheaves. To simplify the notation concerning presheaf F: pOpeCard oop-Set, for a morphism g:P-QpOpeCard o, and an ele- mentaF(Q), we will write a*gforF(g)(a), i.e., we treat Fas a family of sets with a right action of the category pOpeCard o. This convention is explained, for example, in [SGL] page 121. Such notation suppresses the nam e of the presheaf F but it will be always clear from the context. In this section w e deal only with one presheaf named Fthat preserves special pullbacks. We also have ( these formulas are well defined. Fix 0< k<=n, and aPpositive opetope of dimension n. We say that Pis k-globular iffd(l)Pis a positive opetope, for k<=l<=n, i.e.,d(l)(pn) is a wherePn={pn}. kPofPis opetope of dimension ndefined as follows. We put kPl= {pn} forl=n, {ql,pl} for = qlifxkPl+1, for somek<l<n , dP(pk) ifxkPk, dP(x) otherwise. Note that nPisPitself and nPisan. Thus the elements of the shape versions of the elements of the shape P*. As the following isomorphic, we can form the following special describe in detail the positive opetopic cardinals we hav e just defined. Their faces are described in the following table: 60dim k+1P {pn} {pn} {pn} Pk-1 Pl Pl Pl 0<=l < k. The functions given by the following formulas gP'(x) ifx=rk+1 dP(pk) ifx=qk dP(x) given by the following formulas gP''(x) ifx {rk,qk,pk} dP(x) otherwise. Now we shall define some o-functors between some positive opetopic cardinals just defined. To describe their meaning, let us fix a special pu llback from F: (pOpeCard byletter uareinterpreted as operation that We have two of them. The first already introduced at the beginning of this section for a ny positive The second is the that uk(X) ifqkX X fact that these operations are interpreted as globulari zation of cells can be explained as follows. The function F(uk) a (k+1)-globular n-cellaF(k+1P*) and returns a Intuitively, F(uk) is composing the k-domain of aleaving the rest 'untouched'. So it is a 'one-step globularization' . On the other hand, taking an n-cellbF(S*) of an arbitrary shape S*of dimension n, and it is returning a globular This time F(uS*) is composing all the domains and codomains in the cell bas much as possible, so that there is nothing left to be composed. This is the 'full need a separate notation for the o-functor It is a version of uk. given by nP(X) a kind of degeneracy map and it is interpreted as 'a kind of identity'. For a cell is 'identity on t' but with the codomain composed. The that bk(X) is the operation of 'composition of all the cells at the top' leaving the rest untouched. The map bn-1is equal to the following two defined as the unique o-functors making the following d(k),* P uk d(k),* kP 1kP* commute in pOpeCard o. Finally, we introduce two maps that are a kind of binary compo sition combined with wiskering. The given by k+1(X) /e}ioslsh= X The other composition map by the same defining formula as k+1, forXkP*. In the following diagram all the morphisms that we introduce d above are dis- played. Most of the subscripts of the morphisms are suppress ed for clarity of k1 uk+1 c* d* n k' 2 k [d**n,1] k+1 [d**n,u] d* n c* k2uk k' 1 The above cube contains two special pushouts mentioned abov e. The following Lemma describes some other 14.4 With the notation as above we have, for = = 1 check. Lemma 14.5 LetF: (pOpeCard o)op--Setbe a special pullback positive opetope of dimension n. Then, for any pullback in (pOpeCard LetF: (pOpeCard o)op--Setbe a special pullback positive opetope of dimension n. We need to show that the a pullback in Set. Let us fix tF(d(k)P*) andaF(kP*) such will check that it is a pullback, by showing existence and u niqueness of such By Lemma 14.4.1, we special pullbacks and a special pullback in (pOpeCard o)op, we have an We (def ofb) = = (Lemma 14 = (Fpresheaf) = (Fpres.special (Fpres.special pb's,deft') = = (Lemma 14 (def ofb) = = (Lemma 14 = (Fpresheaf) = (Fpres.special (Lemma 14 (assumption on (Fpres.special pb's) = = (Lemma 14 .4.6) =a*1kP*= Now suppose that we have two elements b,b'F(k+1P*) such that d(k)(b) =t=d(k)(b') andu(b) =a=u(b'). Then, using Lemma 14.4 7 and the assumption, we have (we won't mention that we use the fact thatFis a (Lemma 14 = (assumption on = (Lemma 14 .4.7) =b'. So the element with these properties is unique. Lemma 14.6 LetF: (pOpeCard o)op--Setbe a special pullback positive opetope of dimension n. Then, for any following pullback in (pOpeCard proof is by double induction, on dimension nof the positive opetopic P, andk<n. Note that if k= 0, then, for any n >0, the vertical arrows in (8) are isomor- phisms, so any functor from ( pOpeCard o)opsends (8) to a pullback. This shows in particular that the Lemma holds for n= 1. As we already mentioned, if k=n-1, the square (8) is an arbitrary special pushout. Thus, we assume that F: (pOpeCard o)op--Setis a special pullback preserv- ing functor, and that Pis a positive opetope of dimension n, pullback (8). Moreover, for m<nand the positive opetope Qof dimension m, Fpreserves the principal pullback in ( pOpeCard = We shall show that Fpreserves the (pOpeCard o)op, as well. In the following diagram (most of the subscripts and some sup erscripts were suppressed for clarity): I II the squares and triangles commute. Moreover, Fsends the squares I,II,III to pullbacks in Set:Iby Lemma 14.5, IIby inductive hypothesis for hypothesis since andg:X--F(an,*) be functions such toIIis a pullback in Set, and all squares and triangles in the above diagram commute, there is a unique function h1:X--F(k+1P*) such F( uk+1P*)*h1= g.(10) To get a unique function h2:X--F(k+2P*) such F( uk+1)*h2= h1, (11) we use the fact that FsendsIIIto a pullback in Set. The application of Fto the diagram above will give the following diagram in Set, where we added the andh2: 67F(ak,*) F(u)X h2 in order to verify to geth2satisfying (11), it is enough to verify (13) For (12), we for (13), we uniqueness of both h1andh2,h2is the unique function such g, i.e.,Fsends (9) to a pullback in Set, as required. 6815 A full nerve of the category of simple o-categories, described in [MZ]. It was proved there that any simple o-category is isomorphic to one of form ( a/vector u)*for some u. In fact what we need here is that any simple o-category can be obtained from those of form ( an)*, withno, via special pushouts. For more details the reader should consult [MZ]. As every simple o-category is a positive opetopic cardinal (considered as an o-category), we have a full inclusion functor k:S --pOpeCard o whose essential image is spanned by the opetopic cardinals w hose all faces are glob- ular. In [MZ] we have shown that sPb(Sop,Set), the category of special functors from the dual of StoSet, is equivalent to the category o- categories. We have in fact an adjoint =oCat(,-)oCat sPb given by /hatwideC(A) a simple o-category. We have Proposition 15.1 The o)op restricts to an equivalence of sPb((pOpeCard o)op,Set)is the category of the special pullbacks . Proof.First we shall describe the adjunction in details. The counit. Let Gbe a functor in sPb(Sop,Set) ,Aa We have a the limit, say ( Lim(G*pA),sA). Then the counit ( eG)Ais (eG)A: (Rank(G)*k)(A) =Lim(G*pA) full and faithful4, for anyG,eGis an iso. Thus eis an iso. Theunit. Let Fbeafunctorin sPb((pOpeCard o)op,Set),Tapositive We have a okSetF with the limit, say ( LimF*k*pT*,sT*). Then the unit ( eF)T*is the unique morphism into the limit: F(T*) Rank(F*k)(T*) (eF)T* /brdbl - F(A) sT b q 3F(b) where the triangle in pOpeCard o A B fT* a b # commutes. Note that, as Fpreserves special pullbacks, and any simple o-category can be obtained from those of form anwithno, we can restrict the limiting to the objects of form an, withno. After this observation we shall prove, by induction on size o f a positive T, that (eF)T*is an then (eF)T*is obviously an iso. SupposeTis not principal, i.e., we have aSd(T), for someko. By the isos, and the is a special pushout (see Proposition 6.2) which is sent by Fto a pullback. Hence the morphism (eF)T*= indeed an iso in this case. IfTis principal and T= (an)*, then the category ( k|(an)*)ophas the initial object 1 (an)*, so an iso. Finally, let assume that T(=P) is any positive opetope of dimension n. Thus, by Corollary 14.2, we have a principal pushout 4This conditions translates to the fact that 1 Ais the initial object in ( k|A)opand therefore that we have an iso by Theorem 14.3, is preserved by F. By induction hypothesis the isos, so we have that the morphism (eF)P*= an iso, as well. Corollary 15.2 We have a commuting triangle of adjoint o)op,Set) /tildewidest(-) k* Rank In particular, the categories o)op,Set)are is enough to show that in the above diagram k**/hatwidest(-) =/hatwidest(-). But this is clear. 16 A monadic adjunction In this section we show that the inclusion functor e:pPoly--oCathas a right adjoint which is monadic. First we will give an outline of the proof. Consider the follo wing diagram of categories and e whereeis just an inclusion of positive-to-one polygraphs into o-categories and j= (-)*:pOpeCard --pOpeCard ois an essentially surjective embedding. We have already shown (Proposition 13.4, Corollary 15.2) th at the vertical two adjoint equivalences. The proof that ehas a right adjoint takes few steps. We begin by presenting Lanjas a family representable functor (or local right adjoint). Then we check that Lanjis well defined, i.e., we will check that the left Kan extension of special pullbacks preserving fu special pullbacks. Next we shall check that the ab ove square This will reduce the problem of monadicity of verification whether j*, the left adjoint to Lanj, is monadic. The last statement is verified directly checking assumptions of Beck 's monadicity theorem. We describe the left Kan extension along jin a more convenient than the usual way, c.f. [CWM], as a family representable functor. We have Proposition 16.1 The functor of left Kan o along the -pOpeCard o is defined, for , as follows. For a positive opetopic cardinal S, F(T) kS* a where coproduct is taken over all up to iso inner maps in pOpeCard owith the domainS*, with the coprojections as ano-functor and a2:S* 2-T* 2is inner, by Lemma 10.3, we can form a andh'a map of positive opetopic cardinals, i.e., the map (h')*is an outer map. Lanj(h)is so defined that, for any h,h',a1,a2as above, the F(T1) F(T2) o)op,Set) for the whole proof. LetSbe a positive opetopic cardinal. Then Lanj(F)(S) is the colimit of the following )op = (F*pS,sF). A is a T* 2 f*S* a b | inpOpeCard o, and hence by Lemma 10.3 we can take the inner-outer factoriz a- tions, c.f. 10, of both a= (a'')**a'andb= (b'')**b', witha'andb'inner maps. Then, again by Lemma10.3, there is a morphism which must be an iso. In this way we get a commuting diagram 72T* 1 T* 2 f*T* 3 b | a' PPPPPPP o, which corresponds to the following part of the colimiting c ocone F(T1) F(T2) F(f)F(T3) sF b #Lanj(F)(S*) sF a' PPPPPPP if there is a morphism f:a-bbetween two objects in jop|S, we have a commuting diagram a b fa' a'' b''*f aandb. between these objects. But this say that in fact Lanj(F)(S*) , F (T) kS* a where the coproduct is taken over all (up to iso) inner maps wi th the domain S*, with the coprojections as shown. To defineLanj(F) on morphisms, fix an an inner map a2:S* 2-T* 2. By Lemma 10.3, we can form a and is so defined that, for any h',a1,a2as above, the F(T1) F(T2) This shows that the functor Lanjis a family representable functor. Lemma 16.2 The functor of the left Kan extension along jrestricts o)op,Set) 73the above categories, i.e., whenever F: (pOpeCard so does Lanj(F) : (pOpeCard o)op--Set. Moreover, Lanjis the left adjoint o that once we will prove the first part of the statement, th e part following 'moreover' will follow )op,Set) for the whole proof. We shall use the from Proposition 16.1 to show that Lanj(F) preserves assume that S1andS2are positive opetopic cardinals such that c(k)(S1) =d(k)(S2), i.e., we have a . We need to show that the Lanj(F)(S1kS2) a pullback in Set, i.e., that the a pullback in Set. So suppose we ks* a2 such we have a commuting diagram in pOpeCard 74T* 1 T* f* 1S* 1 (c(k)(S1))*= (d(k)(S2))* that F(f1)(x1) =F(f2)(x2). By Proposition f* 1= (c(k) T1)*, f* 2= (d(k) T2)* and the square T T a special pushout. We have a commuting (T1kT2)*S* 1 (S1kS2)* a1ka2 a1 a2 where the bottom square is the above square, the top square is the one we formed earlier. All the horizontal morphisms are outer. Since a1anda2are inner,a1(S1) = T1anda2(S2) =T2, we =a1(S1)ka2(S2) inner, as well. So in fact all in the above diagram are inner. Suppose we have another inner map uand outer maps k'' 1,k'' 2so that the squares T* 1 U* k'' 1*S* 1 (S1kS2)* A diagram chasing shows inner-outer factorization is essentially unique, it fol lows the universal property of the pushout ( T1kT2)*, we have an o-functor v: again, by a diagram chasing, we 1,2. Hence, by universal property of the pushout ( S1kS2)*, we have But both uand (a1ka2) are inner so by uniqueness see Lemma 10.3, vmust be an iso, as well. This means that we need to show that there is =x1, Lan j(F)(k2)(x) =x2. ButFsends special pushouts in pOpeCard to pullbacks in Setso the square F(T) F(T2) a pullback in Set. Thus indeed there is a unique xF(T1kT2) such that F(k' i)(x) =xifori= 1,2. This shows that Lanj(F) preserves special pullbacks. Lemma 16.3 The following )op,Set) sPb((pOpeCard o)op,Set) LanjpPoly oCat up to an shall define two natural transformations phandpswhich are i.e., for a positive-to-one polygraph Qwe an inner map and g:T*-Qbe a polygraph map, i.e., g is in the following kS* a 76Then we put phQ(g) =g*a. On the other hand, for an by we have a |tf(S) Then we put psQ(f) kS* fin The fact that these transformations are mutually inverse fo llows from the fact that the above factorization is essentially unique. The verifications that these transformations are natural is left for the reader. We have the 16.4 The o )op,Set) is monadic. Proof. We are going to verify Beck's conditions for monadicity. As jis es- sentially surjective, j*is conservative. By Lemma 16.2, the adjunction Lanjj* restricts to the above categories. So j*has a left adjoint. It remains to show o)op,Set) has coequalizers of j*-contractible coequalizer pairs them. To this aim, let assume that we have a parallel pair of morphis ms in sPb((pOpeCard o)op,Set) A B GF such that A((-)*) Qq s is a split coequalizer in sPb((pOpeCard )op,Set), i.e., the following equations q*s= 1Q, q*G(-)*=q*F(-)*, F(-)**t= 1B((-)*), are going to construct a special pullbacks preserving fun ctor C: (pOpeCard o)op--Set and a natural that the diagram in sPb((pOpeCard o)op,Set) 77A B GF CH is a coequalizer, and H(-)*=q. The functor Con a morphism f:T* 1--T* 2is defined as in the diagram B(T* 1) B(T* 2) B(f)Q(T1) C(T* 2) C(f) /brdbl =Q(Ti), fori= 1,2 andC(f) natural transformation His given . It remains to verify that 1.Cis a functor; 2.His a natural the special pullbacks; 6.His a coequalizer. Ad 1. a pair of morphisms in pOpeCard o. We compositions. If Tis a positive opetopic cardinal, we also have C(1T*) 1Q(T)= identities, as well. 78Ad 2. a morphism in pOpeCard o. We have HT* 2*B(f) =qT2*B(f) a natural 3. Letf:T2--T1be a morphism in pOpeCard . Thusqis natural with respect tof. So we have C(f*) 4.H(-)*=qholds by definition. Ad 5. Since special pullbacks involve only the outer morphis ms (i.e., those that comes from pOpeCard ), andQpreserves special pullbacks, so does C. Ad 6. Finally, we shall show that His a coequalizer. Let p:B--Zbe a natural transformation in sPb((pOpeCard o)op,Set) such that pF=pG. We put k=s;p:C--Z, so that we have a diagram A B GF CH Zk=s;p p****** s We need to verify that kis a natural transformation in sPb((pOpeCard o)op,Set), such thatp=H;k. Then the uniqueness of kwill follow from the fact that qis a split epi. Let f:T* 2--T* 1be a morphism in pOpeCard o. Then kT* 2*C(f) a natural transformation and hence His indeed a coequalizer of o)op,Set), as required. Combining the above theorem with Corollaries 13.5 and 15.2 w e get 79Theorem 16.5 The nerve )op,Set) sending the o-categoryCto the : (pOpeCard )op--Set is monadic. We also have Proposition 16.6 The connected limits. Proof. This is a consequence of Lemma 16.1, where ois described as a family representable functor. In particul ar, it pre- serves connected limits. The above functor is a restriction of a family to the category of functors preserving special pull backs. Since limits com- mute with limits, the the connected limits, as well. From 16.6, Lemma16.3 andCorollary15.2 weget 16.7 The embedding connected limits. 17 More on monadic adjunctions and distributive laws We have shown that oCatis monadic over pPolywith the free functor being the embedding pPoly-oCat. We also know that the category of positive-to-one poly- graphs is equivalent to the category of presheaves on pOpeand to the subcategory of special pullback sPb((pOpeCard )op,Set) of the presheaf . Because of the last equivalence we shall freely use the nota tion X(Q) whenXis a presheaf on pPolyandQis a positive opetopic cardinal, not only a positive opetope. In this section we shall describe explic itly the whole monad ( To,eo,uo) category of algebras is equivalent to oCat. We also show this monad decomposes into two other strongly c artesian mon- ads of 'pure composition' ( Tc,ec,uc) and of 'adding identities ( Ti,ei,ui), in analogy with the decomposition of the strongly cartesian free monoi d monadTmoninto free semigroup monad and pointed set monad, c.f. [TTT], p. 258. In particular, the nerve theorem, c.f.[W], [BMW], applies. 80The monad To We writePq- *Qto indicate that the map qis inner, i.e., it is an o-functor P*andQ*so thatq(P) =Q. Letu:X-Ybe a map of andf:S'-Sbe a positive opetope. Then To(X)(S) is given by *QX(Q) *QpOpeCard , x:Q-XX(Q)}, with *QX(Q) /mpso- (q',f') is the inner-outer factorization of /mpso- iteration T2 o(X)(S) is given by the *QX(Q) *R,Rq- *QpOpeCard , xX(Q)}, with *RX(R) unit is given - *QX(Q) =To(X)(S) k2 q,q' /mpso- factorization of a an inner map qfis P T o(Qf) qfTo(1), comparison functor K Now we will describe the comparison functors between the cat egory the category of i.e., we shall define the functor K in the L K PPPPPPP PPPPPPP qFoN its left adjoint L. IfH:C - C'is ano-functor, and f:S-S'a morphism in pOpe, then K(C)(S) C the To-algebra given *S',S'*h- C/}brckeri}h /mpso-h*q:S*- C. In particular, for *S', the map K(f) given /mpso- /}brckele{q':S- (q',x') is the inner-outer factorization of the map in comparison functor L Below we describe explicitly the left adjoint, the essentia l inverse to the functor K. For aTo-algebra (X,x:To(X)-X), is defined as follows. The set of n-cells the map composing n-cells compatible over dimension the composition of the maps X(an,k,n) xan Moreover, as there is a unique map from anto any opetopic cardinal Qof dimension less or equal n an- *Q, we maps and the generic closure. Recall the notion of a To-generic map from [W], be a map Then we have a unique extension gas in the diagram P T o(P) e To(D)g |g The morphism g:P-To(D) isTo-generic iff zis an isomorphism, where gP(idP) =/}brckele{Pq- see this, consider maps so that the diagram To(Q) To(Y) To(v)P T o(X) Then if w(idP) andg(idP) the above commutation is equivalent to the commutation of the square Q Y vP Xx q u 83Since (q,v) is an inner-outer factorization and uis outer, there is an outer map d: Q-Xmaking the square commute. Hence To(d) is the lift in the previous square showing that gis indeed generic. Moreover, if zas above is not an isomorphism then we do not have a lifting din general, and hence gis not a generic morphism. Thus, since any positive opetopic cardinal is a codomain of a To-generic map whose domain is a positive opetope, in fact an, for someno, see page 41, the To-generic closure of pOpeconsists of all opetopic cardinals, i.e., pOpeCard is the To-closure of pOpe. Toas a local right adjoint The functor Tois a local right adjoint as it is familialy representable. Be low we describe explicitly the left adjoint Lo,1to the be a morphism We have a that the image of a morphism P P'f Xh |h' the map DX(f) defined from the DX(f)P |-h' Xh |h' p where (q,-h) is an inner-outer factorization of p*h, (q',-h') is an inner-outer factor- ization ofp*h', andDX(f) is the unique map making the whole diagram is the colimit of the functor DX. The distributive law. If we replace in the above formulas the inner maps by inner epi s (inner monos), we still get strongly cartesian monad ( To,i,eo,i,uo,i) These 84monads do compose to the monad ( To,eo,uo). This is because there is a both by double coproducts with coprojections as *Q *R epiX(R) = *R monoX(R) = distributive law lois the unique map commuting, making all the following *Q *R *R monoX(R) ((lo)X)S PPPPPPP sc,i m,e where e',m'is the epi-mono factorization of the inner map e*m, i.e., we have the following square of inner epi's and mono's in pOpeo Q'R m'S Qm e' e that commutes. All the above constructions and considerations can be to tru ncated to the level n, forno. ThusnCatis monadic the corresponding then-truncation of the monad ( To,eo,uo) is strongly cartesian de- composing into two strongly cartesian monads ( Tn,i,en,i,un,i) and by a distributive that we monads. 18 Appendix: a definition of positive-to-one polygraphs The category of positive-to-one polygraphs pPoly, the replete subcategory of the category of o-categories oCat, is a limit of a tower of positive-to-one polygraphs of dimension npPolyn, replete subcategories of the category of n-categories nCat. Thus we shall describe a diagram 85pPoly0 Setph0pPoly1 nCatphnpPolyn+1 (n+1)Cat oCatpho defined the subcategory pPolynofnCat, we define the be a non-full subcategory of ( n+ 1)-categories ( n+1)Catsuch that an (n+1)-category Cis an object of CatPolyn+1iff its truncation to nCatis inpPolyn, and an (n+1)-functor its truncation to nCatis inpPolyn The first two stages of the above tower are built as follows. pPoly0 CatPoly1ph1 Set|D0 |-|1 t0 F1 U1 (-)1 The categories the category of sets, the functors ph0and ps0are the identity on Set, and the functor D0sends setXto its product an identity on Cat. Having this data, we form a to (C,d,c). The functor U1has a right adjoint F1of a free category on a graph. Then pPoly1is the replete subcategory of Catsuch that we have Set|U0 a full and surjective factorizati on. Thus pPoly1is a cate- gory of free categories over graphs with functors that send g enerating morphisms to generating morphisms. Finally, we define the X1|x/brdblyyis a ideterminate and xis a non-identity morphism }, i.e., sending a free category Xto the set of parallel pairs of morphisms that they are parallel ( d(x) =d(y) andc(x) =c(y)) andyis a generating morphism and xis a non-identity morphism. The inductive step in the construction of the above tower is s imilar to the CatPolyn+1phn+1 psn+1 trn Set|Dn |-|n+1 tn Fn+1 Un+1 (-)n+1 Having defined the subcategory pPolynofnCatand the functor Dn:pPolyn- Set, we built the other parts of the above diagram. We form a comma is a forgetful functor from itsn-truncation together the set of ( n+1)-cells and functions assigning their domains and codomains. The funct orUn+1has a a free (n+1)-category. Then pPolyn+1is the replete that Set|Dn pPolyn+1(-)n+1 CatPolyn+1phn+1 isafulland on. Thus free (n+ 1)-categories whose are cell s of positive-to- one shapes ( n+1)-functors that send indeterminates to indeterminates. 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Marek Zawadowski
Marek Zawadowski
On positive opetopes, positive opetopic cardinals and positive opetopic set
88 pages
We introduce the notion of a positive opetope and positive opetopic cardinals as certain finite combinatorial structures. The positive opetopic cardinals to positive-to-one polygraphs are like simple graphs to free omega-categories over omega-graphs, c.f. [MZ]. In particular, they allow us to give an explicit combinatorial description of positive-to-one polygraphs. Using this description we show, among other things, that positive-to-one polygraphs form a presheaf category with the exponent category being the category of positive opetopes. We also show that the category of omega-categories is monadic over the category of positive-to-one polygraphs with the `free functor' being an inclusion.
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1 Introduction A fundamental development in quantum field theory was unders tanding the role of scale induced by the presence of a cut off, or a ny other regularisation en- suring finiteness, and the associated flow of the couplings of the theory under changes of scale. The RG flow equations therefore reflect the essential a rbitrariness of the scale. Nevertheless the global nature of the renorm alisation flows in the space of couplings and the various fixed points that are present are cr ucial properties of any particu- lar quantumfield theory of physical interest, although in ge neral their analysis is beyond the scope of conventional perturbation theory. Since the time o f Wilson [ 1,2,3,4] various exact RG equations have been formulated which in principle transc end perturbation theory and allow the determination of fixed points and also the critical exponents that determine the flow of the couplings in the neighbourhood of fixed points, for recent reviews see [ 5,6,7,8] and for a critical discussion [ 9]. For theories involving just scalar fields, when a cut off funct ion is introduced in the quadratic part of the action, these have been extensively ex plored. At a rigorous level they may be used to provide an alternative proof of the renormalis ability of such theories [ 4,10]. On the other hand outside the perturbative domain it is neces sary to resort to approxima- tions whenthe functional differential equations for the RG flo w of the effective action, which are in principle exact, are reduced to non linear coupled diffe rential equations which may then be analysed numerically. The simplest approximation i s when the effective action, in general a nonlocal functional of local fields, is restricted to a function just of the scalar field without any derivatives, the local potential approximatio n (LPA) [ 11]. Beyond the LPA it is possible to consider a derivative expansion to second a nd potentially higher orders in the number of derivatives. However these approximations ar e essentially uncontrolled. The resulting equations depend in detail on the form of the cut off function and it is unclear whether there is any systematic procedure for improving, in principle, order by order the accuracy of results for critical exponents which should be i ndependent of the particular form of the cut off. Despite such difficulties the numerical results are often imp ressive and are in good agreement with other methods of determining critical expon ents for appropriate theories in three dimensions. The LPA is applicable to v arious different versions of the exact renormalisation group. In general the resulting equa tions are inequivalent but the LPA for the Polchinski equation [ 4] with scalar fields, where the cut off dependence can be removed by simple rescalings and so is absent from calculate d critical exponents, the results are identical to the LPA ERG equations for the one particle ir reducible generating function with a particular smooth cut off function [ 12,13]. Expanding the action as an integral over local functions of the fields with increasing numbers of deri vatives then at other than zeroth order there is an intrinsic dependence on the cut off in the res ulting truncated equations which cannot be removed by redefinitions. For the Polchinski equation this involves at each order just a finite set of parameters which are essentially ar the basic LPA, yielding a simple nonlinear diffe rential flow equation for encapsulates the essential fixed point structure of such s calar theories. As the dimension dis reduced a new fixed point is generated whenever the operato rph2n, for 1n= 2,3,..., becomes marginal. In the neighbourhood of each fixed point t he flow equa- tions determine various critical exponents which may be com pared with results from methods. A not yet fully realised goal is whet her it is possible to improve the LPA, while restricting to just a tractable finite set of coupl ed partial differential equations but with a systematic prescription for the determination of any parameters present, so as to ensure that results for critical exponents should be quan titatively improved, closer to the results of the particular quantum field theory, for all fixed p oints. As a possible procedure for understanding how far the LPA and its extensions are valid we consider here the connection with the e-expansion. As originally shown by Wilson and Fisher [14] this provides a method whereby conventional quantum field t heory and related anomalous dimensions as a loop expan sion ind= 4-edimen- sions may be applied to determine critical exponents for d= 3 as an asymptotic power expansion in e. For an extensive discussion in the context of standard quan tum field the- ory see [ 15]. Thee-expansion can also be obtained directly from exact RG equat ions, as was the case historically, since for e-0 the equations become linear and the non linear terms may be treated perturbatively. An interesting questi on is then the extent to results are compatible with those from the LPA. A lthough this has been considered previously we here attempt a systematic discuss ion in relation to the Polchinski RG equation. Initially this is applied for just the LPA itsel f but we also consider extensions to see whether any improvements in the domain of joint validity is feasible. A similar discussion for 2 <d<4 is undertaken for the hierarchical RG in [ 16]. An alternative approximation for the exact RG flow equations is to consider expanding the effective action in terms of translation invariant functi ons of the basic fields which of the linearised RG flow functional different ial operator which are referred to as scaling fields [ 17]. The non linear part of the RG flow equation may then be expand ed in this basis. This gives a set of coupled equations which in t he simplest approximation is equivalent to the LPA and at the next order is very similar to t he derivative in this approach the dependence on the cut off functio n is more controlled and it is possible to get the correct result for the cr itical exponent eat order O(e2), unlike in the usual derivative expansion. In this paper in Section 2we first consider standard perturbative calculations, with the aid of the background field method, for determining critical exponents in the e-expansion at all multicritical points for a single scalar field. This is applied both for scalar operators with no and also two derivatives. Some higher order results, which involve multi-loop cal- culations, are obtained in Appendix A. Although the methods used are very different from exact RG calculations they provide results which are useful comparison for later In Section 3we consider the LPA. It is shown how at O( e) the solution for point is a single Hermite polynomial, whose c oefficient is determined by the nonlinear terms, and at O( e2) it is just a finite sum. In Section 4the results are worked out in more detail for the first three critical points and grap hical comparisons are made between the approximate analytic solution and numerical so lutions for various d. critical exponents, within the LPA, are foun d at O(e) and also O( e2), where they disagree with the perturbative results. 2The LPA is well known to be of restricted validity, it require s that the critical exponent e, which is essentially the anomalous dimension of the elemen tary scalar field, is zero. The derivative expansion attempts to overcome these limitatio ns and we consider this in the context of the e-expansion in Section 6. The coupled equations now depend on two cut off function dependent constants A,Bbut they now allow eto be determined. The solutions in terms of Hermite polynomials may also be extended to this cas e with some this in 7we use these results to determine critical exponents at O( e) for two classes of scalar operators. For one class the results are th e same as in the LPA case and agree with perturbation theory, for the other set of operato rs which involve derivatives the calculated exponents depend on A,B. The scaling field approach based on the exact RG flow equation i s considered in Sec- tion8. A similar truncation to the derivative expansion is possib le leading to equations which also may be solved simply in the e-expansion. In this case the dependence on the cut off function resides in various integrals. In special cas es these are independent of the precise cut off function and they then determine universal re sults for critical exponents to O(e) and alsoeto O(e2). The relevant integrals are discussed in Appendix Cwhere the cut off function independent values are shown to be related to logarithmic divergences in two vertex Feynman integrals. In Section 9the resulting equations are recast as equations which are very similar, although differ ent in detail, to those arising in the derivative expansion. Some more general remarks are c ontained in a conclusion. In Appendix Dwe obtain some exact results for perturbations of the full RG flow equations and show how to construct an exact marginal operator. The exi stence of such an to a line of equivalent fixed points, ensures that the RG equations determine e. 2 Perturbation Calculations We here discuss for the purposes of comparison a conventiona l quantum field theory cal- culation of critical exponents at multicritical fixed point s in thee-expansion. We just the basic Lagrangian L(ph) =1 2(ph)2+V(ph). d n=2n n-1, n= 2,3,... (2.2) the theory is therefore renormalisable for V(ph)V(g,ph) a polynomial of degree 2 nand where{g}are the couplings parameterising V. The counterterms necessary for have just poles in e. Forua regularisation scale =V(g0,ph), the usual perturbative b-functions and may be defined by ud duL0(ph0) = 0, (2.4) 3This ^gphphV'(ph), (2.5) where ^gphand^bV(ph) can be decomposed =eV(ph)+ depends just on products of V(ph) with two or more derivatives. For no mass scales other than uthere is a single dimensionless coupling =1 (2n)!lph2n, (2.7) so =-e(n-1)l+bl(l), usual in the e-expansion, there may be fixed points where ^bl(l*) = 0, e= 2gph(l*), (2.9) withl*and the critical exponent eexpressible perturbatively as a power series in one particle irreducible graphs. We adopt as the b asic propagator G0(x) n=1 2d-1, -2G0(x) =dd(x), and also use a background field approach, following simila r methods used for four dimensional theories in [ 18], where ph=ph+f, (2.11) withfthe quantum field. Only vacuum graphs are then necessary and s ince with dimen- sional regularisation G0(x)|x=0= 0 no graphs with lines involving a single vertex need be included. At lowest order for the one particle irreducible functional Wwe x ij=xi-xj, evaluate this we note has a pole whenever ( r-1)n= 1,2,...so that, assuming ( 2.2), it is easy to see from (2.13) that (2.14b) From (2.12), assuming r<=2n, the necessary counterterms are (2.15) where the two terms arise from ( 2.14a) and (2.14b) atn-1 and 2n-2 loops then gives ~bV 1(ph) bl 1(l) also, for the anomalous dimension gph(l) of the field phwhich is non zero at 2( (2.17) From (2.16) the fixed point ( 2.9) requires (2.18) and hence from ( 2.17) e= (2.19) In order to analyse scalar operators formed by arbitrary pow ers ofph(2.8) is =Vl(ph)+U(ph), U(ph) (2.21) At a fixed point from ( 2.21) the scale dimensions for phkin the absence of mixing are ^gk(l*). (2.22) 5The casesk= 1,2n-1 are special. In ( 2.6)~bVforVas in (2.20) does not depend on g1so that ^g1(l) =e+ ^gph(l). (2.23) We also have in (2.24) This follows since the contribution of g2n-1in (2.20) is equivalent to differentiating the leading O(g) term and this extends to first order in g2n-1to differentiating the to ^bV(ph) in (2.21) with respect to phexcept where phappears explicitly in ( 2.6) rather than in terms of V(ph) or its derivatives. At a fixed point we then have for the scali (2.25) Applying ( 2.6) and (2.16) for (2.20) gives to first order in l gk,1(l) (2.26) and then the result ( 2.26) then gives to first order in e ^gk,1(l*) at multicritical points using standard quantum field theory was consid- ered in [19] who obtained ( 2.18) and (2.19). In three dimensions, corresponding to n= 3, results equivalent to ( 2.26) fork= 1,...,5 were obtained in [ 20]. The local operators in the basic quantum field include also th ose with derivatives as well as just phk. These are relevant for scalar operators when k>=2n. To extend the above discussion we consider in addition to ( 2.1)L - Z (ph) (2.28) where we keep only graphs which involve one Z-vertex. With u-e(LZ+LZ c.t.) b-function is given can be expanded as ^bZ(ph) (2.30) We must also extend ( 2.21) to include mixing effects if k>=2nto the form ^bV(ph) = terms in be absorbed in Lby a redefinition of ph,lgiving for this special case ^ggg 2n(l) ggh 2n(l) = = ^gph'(l), ^ghh 2n(l) = 2nl^gph'(l). (2.32) The anomalous dimensions of operators at the fixed point are t hen given by the ok,2of the (2.33) fork= 2n,...,4n-3. It is easy to see from ( 2.32) the fixed point eigenvalues o2n,2= 0. (2.35) More generally, by using the equations of motion, k-2n+1,1+d-ph. (2.23) ensureso2n,2= 0. Since with dimensional = 0, n>=1, (2.36) so that, to first order in V, the contributions involving Zin addition to ( 2.12) are (2.37) Using (2.14a) shows that in addition to ( 2.15) the required counterterms from ( 2.38) we have at lowest order ghh k,1(l) =gk,1(l) as in (2.26). This gives to O( e) ^ghh k,1(l*) (2.40) 7For the off diagonal parts of the anomalous dimension matrix w e may note that using (2.14b) implies a 2( n-1)-loop contribution to bZ bZ 1(ph) this order Z(ph) does not generate additional contributions to Vc.t.(ph) so that ggh k,1(l) = 0, ghg k,1(l) 2gph,1(l)/l. (2.42) Hence to first order in 0 ghg k,1(l*) (2.43) so that the lowest order eigenvalues of ( 2.33) are given by ( 2.27) (2.44) Further for bVandanomalous in Appendix A. 3 Local Potential Approximation In the LPA, the Polchinski RG equation in ddimensions may be reduced by an to the following renormalisation flow for a potent and L is a cut off scale. At a fixed point, V(ph,t)-V*(ph) which = 0. (3.2) This equation has been extensively analysed, both numerica lly and analytically [ 21,22]. There are two trivial solutions V*= 0, the Gaussian fixed point, and V*(ph) =1 2ph2-1 d, the so called high temperature fixed point. For non trivial solut ions even in ph, withV*'(0) = it is necessary tofinetune V*(0) to ensurethat allph. Such solutions appear whenever dis reduced below 2 n/(n-1) forn= 2,3,.... For our purposes it is convenient to consider a further resca ling by v(x,t) =V(ph,t), v*(x) =V*(ph). (3.3) Then (3.2) first consider the linearised form of ( 0, (3.5) which becomes a valid approximation when v(x) is small. Global solutions for all xwhich are bounded by a power for large xare only possible for Hermite polynomials Hn(x), n= 0,1,2,...which satisfy (D+n)Hn= 0, (3.6) Hence (3.5) has solutions with the appropriate behaviour v(x) =cHn(x) (3.7) only whendis restricted to n=2d d-2. (3.8) With the further requirement that v(x) be bounded below, we must restrict to nto be even andc>0. Relabelling n-2nwe then have solutions of the linearised equation v(x) =cH2n(x) ford=dn, in ( 2.2). This may then used as a starting point for the analysis of th e full non linear fixed point equation. For the non-linear equation ( 3.4) we consider the case when dis close to the value in (3.9), where the linearised solution holds, and may be written as in (2.2). We therefore seek solutions as e-0 of the form v*(x) =vn(x)+O(e2), v n(x) =cneH2n(x). (3.10) The right hand side of ( 3.4) is clearly O( e2). Writing 4d d-2= (3.11) the leading O( e) terms on the left hand side of ( 3.4) are then absent. To O( e2) we (3.10) by noting that the differential operator D+2n, which is hermitian with respect to the measure d xe-x2, generates only functions orthogonal to H2nso we must require at this (3.12) Both sides may be evaluated using the integrals for Hermite p 2kp1 2k!, (3.13) 9and also for three = k,l,m <=s, to be an integer. On the right hand side of ( standard identities. Hence ( 3.12) determines a value for cn 2(n-1)2cnN2n= (3.16) Sincecn>0 then for relevant solutions in ( 3.10) we must have e>0. We may now extend the solution ( 3.10) to O(e2) by assuming the form v*(x) (3.17) Inserting in ( 3.4) with (3.11) and keeping only terms which are O( e2) =cnH2n'(x)2, (3.18) and hence using the orthogonality properties of Hermite pol ynomials we may determine (3.19) The integral on the right hand side may be calculated by using Hn'= 2nHn-1or with the following judicious integrations by (4n-m)Gm2n2n, (3.20) 10which is zero unless mis even. Hence taking m= p= 0,1,...2n-1, (3.21) Finally we compute a2nby using ( 3.17) in (3.4) and imposing orthogonality with H2n to O(e3), just ascnwas determined in ( (3.22) Using (3.16), (3.22) (3.23) and (3.24) where we may use ( 3.16) and largexthen forex2= O(1) the next to leading terms in ( 3.17) are comparable with the leading H2n(x) term so the eexpansion for v*(x) breaks down. From (3.21)a2p<0 forp > nso that the result given by ( 3.17), which is a polynomial of degree 4 n-2, is negative for sufficiently large x. For the exact solution to ( 3.4) the nonlinear terms play a crucial role for large xand we have v*(x)~2 d-2x2. 4 Applications in Particular Cases The results obtained for v*obtained above are here considered in more detail for n= 2,3,4 and compared with results of numerical calculations. In par ticularV*(ph) was in the LPA in [ 23] for these cases and various values of the dimension d. The basic approximation from ( 3.17) is v*(x) given by ( 3.21) and (3.24). The first case of interest is n= 2, corresponding to the Wilson-Fisher fixed point. From (3.21) we have k2=1 4!2, a p= 0,1,3, (4.2) and hence a0=2 3, a2= 2, a6=-1 36. (4.3) From these, and ( 3.24), we have that a4=3 2. (4.4) Using the following results for Hermite = (-1)n(2n)! n!, H'' n(0) =-2nHn(0), (4.5) we may then obtain from ( 4.1) in this case v*(0) v'' *(0) (4.6) As a consequence of ( 3.3) for the original V*(ph) we haveV*(0) =v*(0) and V'' *(0) (4.7) This results satisfy the consistency (4.8) as follows directly from ( 3.2). As remarked earlier for solutions of the fixed point equati on without singularities it is necessary to fine tune V'' *(0), or equivalently V*(0). In Table 1we compare the results from ( 4.7) to O(e2) with those from numerical calculation, as contained in [23], for various d. The detailed form of the approximate solution in compariso n with numerical results is shown in Figure 1 for various d. For small ethe agreement is good. Similarly we consider the multi-critical fixed points obtai ned forn= 3 andn= 4, which correspond to e-expansions for dimensions d= 3 When n= 3 the results are k3=1 5!2, a p= 0,1,2,4,5. a2= 12, a4= 12, a8=-1 8, a10=-1 800. e-expansion at O( e2) 4 0 0 3.9-0.009 -0.009 3.8-0.021 -0.021 3.7-0.035 -0.034 3.6-0.051 -0.050 3.5-0.070 -0.068 3.4-0.092 -0.088 3.3-0.119 -0.109 3.2-0.149 -0.133 3.1-0.186 -0.159 3.0-0.229 -0.188 Table 1: Comparison of ERG numerical and analytical results forV'' *(0) for the case n= 2. 0.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 1: Graphs for v*(x) forn= 2 frome-expansion at O( e2) and numerical =-V'' *(0)/dfrom Table 1 with d= 3.9, 3.8, 3.6, 3.4, 3.2, 3.0. 13From these, we can determine from ( 3.24) a6=173 20. (4.11) At the origin we then obtain v*(0) v'' *(0) (4.12) and hence V'' *(0) (4.13) It is easy to verify that V'' *(0)/V*(0) =-dto this order again. In Table 2the result ( 4.13) is compared with the numerical results of [ 23] in this case and in Figure 2 a of e-expansion and numerical solutions is made. dNumerical e-expansion at O( e2) 3 0 0 2.9 0.005 0.005 2.8 0.015 0.014 2.7 0.032 0.027 2.6 0.062 0.045 2.5 0.108 0.067 Table 2: Comparison of ERG numerical and analytical results forV'' *(0) for then= 3 fixed point. 0.5 1 1.5 2 1 1.5 2 1 1.5 2 2:n= 3v*(x) frome-expansion at O( e2) and numerical solution for d= 2.9, 2.8 and 2.6. Finally, we consider the n= 4 case. Following the same programme as above, the coefficients in the expansion are a0=432 35, a2=288 5, a4=324 5, a6= 36, a10=-27 100, a12=-3 800, a14=-1 39200, (4.15) 14The fixed point solution at order e2then this result with [ 23] and with some corresponding graphs exhibited e-expansion at O( e) 8 30 0 2.6-0.001 -0.001 2.5-0.008 -0.005 2.4-0.028 -0.012 2.3-0.082 -0.022 2.2-0.226 -0.035 Table 3: Comparison of ERG numerical and analytical results forV'' *(0) for then= 4 fixed point. 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3:n= 4v*(x) frome-expansion at O( e2) and numerical solution for d= 2.6, 2.5 and 2.4. 5 Critical Exponents Having computed v*(x) to ordere2for the fixed points below each critical dimension d= 2n/(n-1), we now consider the RG flow near these fixedpoints and compu te certain In the local potential approximation, the ERG flo w is given by ( 3.1) and with the change of variables as in ( 3.3) we now have the following RG flow equation for (5.1) In the neighbourhood of a fixed point v(x,t) =v*(x)+eltf(x), (5.2) wheref(x) therefore satisfies the following linear eigenvalue equat ion 4 d-2(l-d) (5.3) 15This may be rewritten in the (5.4) withDthe differential operator in ( 3.6). In the case of the Gaussian fixed point v*= 0, the eigenvalues are ^lk=kand the associated eigenfunctions fkare just Hermite polynomials, so that fk(x) =Hk(x), l k=d-1 2k(d-2), k= 0,1,2,... . (5.5) These correspond to the operators phkwherephhas For the 5.3)v' *(x) with rescaled variable and non trivial critical points we require v*to be a non singular solution of ( 3.4) For dimensiondas in (2.2) we may then consider a perturbation expansion in e, so that fk(x) (5.6) To O(e) it is sufficient to take in ( 5.4) v*(x) =cneH2n(x). (5.7) To extract ^lk(1)we use standard first-order perturbation theory using the ba sis of eigen- functions of 2ncnGkk2n. (5.8) This gives ^lk(1)= (5.9) and in terms of the exponents lk, we (5.10) The results ( 5.9) or equivalently ( 5.10) were found in the beginning of the RG analysis of critical points in [ 24], using an approximation to the Wegner-Houghton RG equatio n, see 16also [17], and (up to misprints) in [ 25], using the LPA for the Wegner-Houghton equation. They are identical with the perturbative result ( 2.19). For higher order calculations it is convenient to modify the eigenvalue equation in ( 5.4) by considering the transformed differential operator (5.11) using that v*(x) satisfies the fixed point equation ( 3.4). It is obvious that the (5.12) is equivalent to ( 5.4) and furthermore the operator is hermitian1with respect to the measure dxe-x2. To O(e) it is easy to see that, with v*given by ( 5.7) and using the expansion ( 3.11), that the eigenvalues are the same as ( 5.9). To O(e2) and using ( 4.1) second-order gives ^lk(2)= terms arise from theO( e2) terms inthe operator itself, and thefinal term is the usual second order perturbation expression for a pert urbative potential 2 the expressions for (3.24) and (3.21) respectively, the expression above substituting for Nmfrom (3.13),Gklmfrom (3.14) andcnfrom (3.16), we have ^lk(2)= (5.15) 1We may also note e-1 2x2e1 2x2is a Scr odinger operator with potential U(x) 2s= 2n+k-m. While this expression is somewhat complicated, for any par ticular choices ofnit can be simplified to a polynomial in kof order 2n-1. Here we give the results for the first two fixed (5.16b) A similar, but not identical result to ( 5.16a) was obtained in [ 25], again using the LPA for the Wegner-Houghton RG equation rather than the Polchinski equation. Having computed the eigenvalues ^lto O(e2), we may now extend ( 5.10) to calculate the corresponding critical exponents to O( e2). The exponents lkare given in terms of the eigenvalues (5.17) This (5.18) 5.1 Exact Exponents The results ( 5.9) and (5.16a), (5.16b) show that ^lk= 0 fork= 0,1 to O(e2), at least for n= 2,3. For general nfrom (5.15) ^l1(2)= 0. (5.19) These results follow in general since it is possible to findex act eigenfunctions for k= 0,1 in (5.4). Firstly we have the trivial case, f0= 1,^l0= 0. (5.20) 18Fork= 1 we also have f1(x) 1. (5.21) To verify this we first obtain from ( (5.22) since (5.23) The vanishing of ^l1reflects that there is no anomalous dimension for the field phin the from ( 5.22) we have another exact eigenfunction and (5.24) Expanding the exact eigenvalue ^l2n-1in powers of egives ^l2n-1= , (5.25) which is consistent with ( 5.9) (n-1)2. (5.26) It is also in accord with the second-order result, ( 5.15). Relabelling s= (5.27) Provided the final sum is identically zero for all nthis agrees with the exact result. ph2n-1 2phby the equations of motion and has Beyond the Local Potential the LPA captures the essential features of the fixed point structure in the space of couplings for scalar theories it neglects the momentum de pendence of vertices and is therefore limited in terms of calculating critical exponen ts quantitatively, the the scalar field is undetermined and set to zero. Although a t the Wilson- Fisher fixed point eis small and in the e-expansion e= O(e2) it is of course necessary to takeeinto account in more systematic treatments. To this end a nat ural extension of the LPA is to assume a solution of the exact RG flow equations which is expressible in terms of a local functional of the fields and their derivatives, the derivative expansion [ 26], for a recent discussion see [ 27]. In the derivative expansion there is a necessary dependen ce on the form of the cut off function but in application to the Pol chinski RG equation, with terms quadratic in derivatives, there are two constants, se e [28,29]. At the second order in the derivative expansion, the Polchin ski equation may be reduced [28] to a following pair of coupled ODEs, extending ( 3.1), for a potential V(ph,t) and also the coefficient Z(ph,t) of1 2(ph)2in the derivative the two cut off dependent constants which cannot be elimin ated by any rescaling (essentially the same equations were obtained fr om the Wilson RG equations in [30]). As earlier it is convenient in our discussion to introduce a r escaled v(x,t) =V(ph,t), z(x,t) =Z(ph,t), (6.2) so that the coupled equations ( 6.1a), (6.1b) a fixed point, v(x,t)-v*(x), z(x,t)-z*(x) which satisfy the (6.5b) Assuming ( 2.2) then in an e-expansion, assuming A,BareO(1), a consistent solution is obtained by requiring v*(x) = O(e) ande,z*(x) = O(e2). Tolowest orderthen v*-ecnH2n as in (3.10). With this result then ( 6.5b) becomes Dz*= (6.6) 20This determines e=e2e(2)+ O(e3) since the left hand side of ( 6.6) is orthogonal to 1 (6.7) which implies e(2)= (6.8) We consider this further later but first we may then use ( 6.6) to determine z*(x) to lowest order by using the withH2n''= 8n(2n-1)H2n-2we may obtain b2p= p= 1,...,2n-2. (6.10) We note that b0is not constrained by ( 6.6). Nevertheless b0may bedetermined by imposing z*(0) = 0 [28]. This ensures that ( 6.5a), (6.5b) have well defined solutions for all xonly for a specific choice of eandv*(0). With these results ( 6.5a) expressible as in ( 4.1) andb2pis given by ( 6.10). Just as in ( 3.12) and (3.16) this determines normalisation coefficient in ( 4.1) the expansion coefficients are also determined by ( (6.13) except fora2n. To obtain this it is necessary to extend ( 6.11) to O(e3). Using the result ( 6.12) the expression ( 6.8) becomes e(2)= (6.14) The perturbative result ( 2.19) requires that the final factor, depending on A,B, should be one. 217 Critical Exponents with the Derivative Expansion We now consider small departures from the fixed point of the fo rm v(x,t) =z*(x)+eltg(x). this form into ( 6.3a), (6.3b) we find the eigenvalue (7.2b) withDas in (3.6) and where lis related to ^laccording to (this differs from ( (7.3) Defining the (7.4) then (7.2a), (7.2b) may be written more compactly in matrix form as F=^lF. (7.5) The operator is not hermitian so for later convenience we al so consider the dual the dual (7.6) where~ is the adjoint of with a scalar product as in Section 5there are exact eigenfunctions and eigenvalues [ ^l=-K, l =d, ^l=-1, l first corresponds to the identity operator and at the n-th multicritical point the second and third to the operators phandph2n-1. In thee-expansion = (0)+e(1)+... , (7.8) and correspondingly in ( , F =F(0)+eF(1)+... , (7.9) 22and similarly for ~F. At zeroth order in (7.10) There are two sets of eigenfunctions, which are easily obtai k= 0,1,2,... , k= 2n,2n+1,... . (7.12) The eigenvalues in both cases (7.13) which are thus two-fold degenerate for Section l (7.14) 7.1 Eigenvalues at O(e) We now use first-order perturbation theory to compute In the expansion ( 7.8) at (7.15) The O(e) results are determined in terms of the 2 x2 matrix Mkdefined is a single eigenfunction so that the perturbation the ory result is using the formulae for Nk,Gklmin (3.13), (3.14) we obtain ^l(1) k,1=-(n-1)2+cn2n+1(2n)!k! n!2(k-n)!/parenleftbig n-(n-1)~A~B(n-1)/parenrightbig =-(n-1)2+ determined by ( 6.12) so that the dependence on ~A,~Bdisappears. This result is essentially identical to ( 5.9) and is in accord with the exact results ( 7.7a), (7.7b), (7.7c) which correspond to k= is a two-fold degeneracy, and so we use degenerate pert urbation theory. In particular, for non-trivial first-order eigenfu nctions we require that the first- order perturbations to the eigenvalues solve the following characteristic 0, (7.19) where the Nkis the diagonal (7.20) More explicitly, the elements of Mare given by ( 7.17) 0, (7.21c) where in ( 7.21c) we use that Hkis orthogonal to polynomials of degree < k. Hence since the matrix Mkis lower triangular the eigenvalues solving ( 7.19) are just ^l(1) 1,kas in so to O(e) we then result ( 7.23a) matches the perturbative result in ( 2.27) but (7.23b) depends on ABso cannot agree with ( 2.44) in general. 248 Expansion of Exact RG Equation An alternative approach, which nevertheless has many simil arities although some to the derivative expansion, is to expand the full renormalisation group equation which contains linear and quadratic terms in terms of transl ation invariant operators, or scaling fields, which are exact eigen-solutions for its line arised part. This has been applied in [17] and [31], [32] to the Wilson RG equation. Here we apply similar methods mor e simply to the Polchinski equation for the effective action S[ph,t] for a scalar field ph. This takes the form, after convenient rescalings by the cut off sca le is a cut off function and ~ phis the Fourier transform of an additional constant independent of ph, in general it is irrelevant and may be neglected2. Apart from K(0) = 1 and sufficient rapid fall off for large p2 no restriction on the cut off function K(p2) is imposed here. The Gaussian fixed to S= 0 and also when the anomalous scale dimension for ph,e= 0. The ap- pearance of ein (8.1) arises by assuming that phvaries with the cut off L with an As will be apparent later the additional term proportional toein (8.1) is necessary for consistent RG flow solutions. The derivative e xpansion is obtained directly by approximating ( 8.1) by assuming ~ ph(p) is expanded as (2 and starting point of the discussion in this Section require s solutions differential operator defined by the linear part of ( (8.3) The eigenvalue (8.4) is easily solved in terms of local translational invariant o perators standard derivation gives (2p)ddd(0) the overall is a scalar symmetric homogeneous polynomial of degree r. We then obtain corresponding solutions of ( 8.2) in the form O=e-Y^O, (8.6) whereYis defined by [D1,Y] =D2, (8.7) ensuring that Oas defined by ( 8.6) has the same eigenvalue as ^O. It is easy to solve ( G(p) =K(p2) p2, (8.8) so that in ( generates normal ordering. For comparison with the derivative expansion earlier we con sider just operators with r= 0,2 for which a convenient basis p k= 2,3,... . (8.9) The result for Ok0may be expressed in terms of Hermite polynomial as a conseque nce of the (8.10) The nonlinear term in ( 8.1) may be evaluated in terms operators OandO', respectively of degreelandmin ~phand as given by ( 8.5) and (8.6), by considering [ (8.11) where, with the cases of interest (8.14a) tn(p2) the aid of ( 8.11) and (8.13) we may then are non zero so long as s=1 2(k+l+m) truncation of the full RG equation ( 8.1) corresponding to the derivative expansion as considered in Section 6is obtained by (8.17) and then reducing ( 8.1) equations are arbitrary up to the bk-bk/bk, anyak,bkso long asb2= 1 because of the inhomogeneous eterm in ( 8.18b). discussion to later we may impose b2= 0. Letting rescalings correspond to changes in the cut off depende nt functions in ( 8.16) of tn(0)-untn(0), exponents calculated from ( 8.18a),(8.18b) must be independent of such analysis of ( 8.18a),(8.18b) in thee-expansion, with das in (2.2), is very similar to the previous discussion in the context of the derivative e xpansion. At a fixed point a consistent solution is obtained e(2)= pne}ationslash= 1, a (8.22) Hence with ( 8.16) this gives e(2)= (8.23) In generalrn, and alsotn, as defined in ( 8.14a) and (8.14b) depend on the cut off function but as shown in Appendix Cthere are certain universal quantities which are related to logarithmic divergences. In (8.24) so that ( 8.23) is in exact accord with ( 2.19). In the neighbourhood of a fixed point the solutions of ( 8.18a), (8.18b) are written as ak(t) =a*k+eltfk, b k(t) The critical exponents are then determined by the lin ear (8.27) 28To first order in ewe may let = 0, (8.28) as from ( 8.14b)t0(p2) =p2K'(p2), thenM12,klis O(e2), whereas otherwise O(e). Hence the first order critical exponents from ( 8.26) 2n as in ( 0, (8.30) so that ( 8.29) is in exact agreement with the perturbative results ( 2.27) and (2.44). 9 Modified Derivative of Section 8can berewritten in aform whichis close to thederivative exp ansion. To achieve this it is necessary to make specific choices of the cut off dependent quantities which appear in ( 8.16) and which are arbitrary up to the freedom exhibited in ( 8.20). It is crucial of course that the cut-off function independent resu lts in (8.24) and (8.30), as well ast0(0) = 0, should be satisfied. To this end we choose rn(0) =-1, r'n(0) =d d+2, t n(0) =An, t'n(0) = 0,(9.1) whereAis arbitrary. With these choices, and with ( 3.13) and (3.14), then (8.16) we now define ~v(x) (9.3) then the truncated RG equations ( 8.18a) and (8.18b) are equivalent, subject to requiring non singular solutions for all x, to the coupled differential (9.4b) 29With the z = 2~z, (9.5) and, withK,Ldefined as in ( 6.4), then these (9.7) The results ( 9.6a) and (9.6b) are very similar to ( 6.3a) and (6.3b), although there is no linearzterm in ( 9.6a) and the coefficient ~Bis determined in ( 9.6b). As a consequence the leading order solution ( 3.10) is unchanged from ( 3.16). the same discussion as in Sections 6and7gives the correct values for eto O(e2). Thus instead of ( (9.8) and replacing ( (9.9) It is then easy to see that this ensures the correct O( e) result instead of ( 7.23b) as well as preserving ( 7.23a). In fact it is easy to verify that ( 7.7a), (7.7b) and (7.7c) still give exact eigenvalues for the linearised perturbations ( 9.6a) and (9.6b) about fixed points v*,z*. These considerations may ensure that ( 9.6a) and (9.6b) have a greater chance of when they are analysed without using the e-expansion. Of course setting z,eto zero in (9.6a) reduces it to just the LPA. 10 Conclusion The status of the derivative expansion for exact RG flow equat ions is not entirely clear. In some respects it may be similar to effective field theories desc ribing the large distance or low energy aspects of more fundamental theories. Having ide ntified the relevant degrees of freedom and appropriate symmetries an effective lagrangian i s constructed in terms of all symmetric scalars formed from the basic fields up to some scal e dimension so as to repro- duce physical amplitudes as far as contributions of the form (E/L)pfor somepwhereEis a physical energy scale and L a cut off [ 33]. The couplings which appear in the effective la- grangian can in principle be determined by matching the pred ictions of the effective theory with the fundamental theory for some specific physical ampli tude. In a somewhat a derivative expansion generates terms in the differe ntial flow equations whose coef- ficients appear to depend on the cut off function and so are esse ntially arbitrary. A is to match the results to those coming from the e-expansion for e-0, although the approximate flow equations may then be used for general d. The results in this show how this can be achieved to O( e) and to include thereby the of all two vertex Feynman graphs. It would be interes ting although non trivial to extend this to three vertex graphs. The results in Appendix Ashow how at this order various transcendental numbers arise which make achieving this for different simultaneously hard to achieve. An important issue in using exact RG equations is to determin e which solutions are physically relevant and give results independent of the par ticular RG equation or the de- tailed cut off function as an infra-red fixed point is approach ed and we may take L - . This question becomes more significant in approximation sch emes when the symmetries of the original exact RG equation are no longer maintained and s purious solutions and may be generated. The Polchinski RG equations for a fixed point action S*[ph] has an exactly marginal operator with zero critical exponen t. This ensures that there is in general a line of physically equivalent fixed points S*[ph,a] depending on a parameter a. The exact marginal operator, which is constructed in detail in Appendix D, corresponds to an infinitesimal change in the scale of the field phunder which the functional integral is invariant (conventionally the kinetic term in the action ma y be normalised to one but this is not essential, the physical couplings need only be redefin ed appropriately), for a see [ 29]. Inthe thepresence of such a margina l operator was demonstrated after ( 2.33) and is a property of the O( e) results in ( 2.44) fork= 2n. The presence of the irrelevant gauge parameter ais in general necessary for the RG equations to determine e. If the symmetry under rescaling of the fields were to be mainta ined in a derivative ex- pansion it would imply that critical exponents should be ind ependent of z*(0) [34]. In the derivative expansion results obtained here in ( 6.5a), (6.5b), or the corresponding equations from (9.6a), (9.6b), there is a relation in general between z*(0) andeso thateis not de- termined unless z*(0) is fixed. At lowest order in eas in (6.6) the dependence on Imposing z*(0) = 0 makes the equations well defined but is not a in general. The marginal operator constructed in Appendix Dinvolves an in- tegration over ~ ph(q) for allqand so approximations such as the derivative low qfail to maintain the exact zero value for the critical expone nt. Never- theless preserving as far as possible the presence of a margi nal operator is then a constraint on solutions of exact RG equations in the derivative approximation [ 32] which may be used to restrict cut off we note that the LPA has desirable features which are absent in any fashion in the derivative expansion. As shown in ( 5.11) the operator exponents for the LPA can be recast in self adjoint f orm. Related to this is the fact that for the LPA it is possible to construct a C-function from which the RG flow equations can be obtained [ 35] and that the equations can be written as a gradient flow [ 25,36]. Whether this is true more generally remains to be demonstrat ed. 31A Further Perturbative Calculations The results in Section 2may be extended to the the next order O( V3) in a similar fashion and we obtain some results here. The one particle irreducibl e contributions to Ware, with the same notation as ( 2.12), given determined by the first term in ( 2.15). This removes subdivergencies arising in (A.1) forr,s,t=n. If we restrict r,s,t<2n-1 no further subtractions are necessary. The divergencies coming from the second term in ( A.1) are easily obtained since if Ris the usual operation defining a finite part, so that from ( (A.2) then in this term the finite part is given (A.3) so that the divergent pole terms are given by the first term in ( A.1) there is an overall divergence for d=dnwhenr+s+t= 2n. To analyse this we make use of the Mellin-Barnes representat ion chosen that the poles in y,zare on the opposite side of the contours from those in y+z. The functions Jrst(u,v) satisfy various symmetry relations, in are necessary to ensure that ( A.4) is symmetric under permutations of Ford=dn-eas in (2.2), the poles in e, reflecting divergences of relevance here, arise only from the residues of the poles at y,z= 0. r+s+t= 2nthere is then a simple e-pole arising from (A.6) Forr=n, s+t=nthey,z= 0residuesin( A.4) well as Expanding in s+t=n. (A.7) With the aid of ( A.6) and (A.7) then the pole terms in ( A.1) (A.8) The double poles are in accord with standard RG equations fro m 0, (A.9) since we have at this order with ( = (A.10) From (A.8) we then obtain bV 2(ph) (A.11) 33From (A.11) as in determines gk,2. For a single LZinsertion there are contributions at O( l2) which necessitate extra terms inVc.t.2. These (2.14a) bV 2(ph) this we may a special 2nbl 1, in ( 2.16). (A.17) For general nit is not straightforward to analyse ( A.11) further so we content ourselves for the simplest cases of n= 2,3 which g (A.19) 34Using (A.18) we may obtain O( e2) corrections to ( 2.18) and (2.27) forn= e agrees with standard results for k= 1,2,3. Furthermore for n= 3 20 3l* (8p)2= e O(e2) results are modified due to mixing effects. Without computing the O(e2) terms in ^ghh k(l*) in the matrix ( 2.33), using the left and right eigenvectors for the matrix ( 2.43), we have for one eigenvalue o1,k= (2.27) and = (A.15) with (2.42) this k >=2n, (A.24) witheas in (A.20) and (A.21). Fork= 2nthe result is consistent with considering the residues in ( A.4) aty= 1,z= 0 andy= 0,z= 1, and requiring r+s+t= 3n-1, we may also determine directly higher order contribution s togphalthough it is then necessary to include an additional counterterm fo r whenr,s,t= 2n-1 in (A.1). Such results are omitted as they are irrelevant in the contex t of this paper. B Verification of Vanishing of a Sum In the discussion of critical exponents in Section 5consistency required that the sum ap- pearing in ( (B.1) should vanish. Although in the case where it arises here nis evenS= 0 for any n. To show this directly we note (B.2) 35where we may Then, setting (B.5) from which it follows using symmetry of the r,s,t-sums that S= 0. This then Integrals and Cut Off Function Dependence In the discussion in section 8the dependence on the cut off function was reduced to par- ticular integrals such as appeared in ( 8.14a) and (8.14b). In general the presence of an arbitrary cut off function K(p2), constrained only by K(0) = 1 and rapid fall off for large p2, ensures that they can take any value but in special cases the integrals are identical with the logarithmically divergent part of standard Feynma n integrals and so they have a universal form independent of any particular the cut off in the propagator which appears in ( 8.8) so that GL(p) =K(p2/L2) p2, (C.1) then (8.14a) can be written logarithmic divergencies present in the product of m+1 propagators for d=dnas in (2.2) whenm(dn-2) = 2+2l, l= 0,1,...then generate a cut off independent result obtain the detailed coefficients, following [ 17], the momentum space in ( 8.14a), (8.14b) are expressed in terms of the x-space propagator ~G(x) (C.3) and, using (1+1 2p*p)G(p) (C.4) Then (8.14a) becomes rm(p2) (C.5) This gives for the Taylor expansion coefficients at p2= 0 r(l) m(0) 2p1 2/G(1 2d). Whend+2l= (m+1)(d-2) the integrand is a total derivative , (C.8) then there is only a surface term for large result directly implies ( 8.24). Forl= 0,1 the coefficients obtained in ( C.9) to the pole terms in dimensional regularisation in ( 2.14a), (2.14b). In a similar vein from ( 8.14b) tm(p2) this case the condition for a the integrand to be a total der ivative ism(d-2) = 2lbut there is no correspond surface term as 2~G(x) vanishes more rapidly than r-dasr- and 0. (C.12) 37D Perturbations of Exact RG Flow Equations We herediscuss perturbationsof the exact RG flow equations i n (8.1) which may more succinctly in the form tS= (D.2) and using the definitions ( 8.3) save that (D.3) For a small variation dS tdS= (D1+D2+DS)dS, a fixed point S-S*with.S*= 0. The critical exponents are then defined (D.5) forOthe corresponding (D.1) and the definitions for D1,D2,DS*we easily there are two exact solutions of ( D.5) O= l=1 2d+1-1 2e, l =1 2d-1+1 2e. (D.7b) These are identical with the results obtained in ( 7.7b) and (7.7c) using the derivative generally we consider solutions of ( D.5) which may be expressed operators of this form a perturbation oOPsmay be removed by a redefinition of phin redundant [ 17]. The operator in ( D.7b) is of this form by taking Ps( = = using the equation for = Ps1(q)+Ps3(q). (D.13) The result ( D.13) demonstrates that the operators {OPs}form a closed subspace under RG flow near a fixed point. If O(q) is a local operator satisfying the generalisation of ( (D.14) then taking Ps(q) = (q2)mK(q2)O(q), (D.15) gives an eigen-operator (D.16) Ifmwere arbitrary the eigenvalue could take any value but for lo cality we require mto be an integer. The operator in ( D.7a) may be extended to all qby considering O(q) =a(q2) (D.17) wherea(0) = 1, b(0) =K'(0)/(1-1 2e). Imposing ( D.14) withlO=1 2d+ = =1+xb(x) K(x), b(x) (D.18) 39Whene= 0,a(x) = 1, b(x) = (K(x)-1)/x. With these results and using ( D.17) and (D.15), withm= 0, in ( D.9) and (D.8) gives an exactly marginal eigen-operator with l= 0. Integrating these marginal solutions S*[ph,a] for some parameter arepresenting a line of equivalent fixed points. The various formulae may be verified with the Gaussia n correspondin satisfying ( D.14) thenthis construction determines Ok+2n-1,2sothat from ( (D.20) This is compatible with the O( e) perturbative results and also the modified calculations described O'D. is grateful to C. Bervillier and T. Morris for useful c K. G. Wilson, Renormalization group and critical pheno mena. 1. and the Kadanoff scaling picture, Phys. Rev. B4(1971) 3174-3183 . [2] F. J. Wegner and A. Houghton, Renormalization group equ ation for Phys. Rev. A8(1973) 401-412 . [3] K. G. Wilson and J. B. Kogut, The Renormalization Group a nd the Phys. Rept. 12(1974) 75-199 . [4] J. Polchinski, Renormalization and Effective Lagrangia ns,Nucl. Phys. C. Bagnuls and C. 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Hugh Osborn
J. O'Dwyer and H. Osborn
Epsilon Expansion for Multicritical Fixed Points and Exact Renormalisation Group Equations
40 pages, 12 figures version2: small corrections, extra references, final appendix rewritten, version3: some corrections to perturbative calculations
Annals Phys.323:1859-1898,2008
DAMTP 07/77
hep-th cond-mat.other
The Polchinski version of the exact renormalisation group equations is applied to multicritical fixed points, which are present for dimensions between two and four, for scalar theories using both the local potential approximation and its extension, the derivative expansion. The results are compared with the epsilon expansion by showing that the non linear differential equations may be linearised at each multicritical point and the epsilon expansion treated as a perturbative expansion. The results for critical exponents are compared with corresponding epsilon expansion results from standard perturbation theory. The results provide a test for the validity of the local potential approximation and also the derivative expansion. An alternative truncation of the exact RG equation leads to equations which are similar to those found in the derivative expansion but which gives correct results for critical exponents to order $\epsilon$ and also for the field anomalous dimension to order $\epsilon^2$. An exact marginal operator for the full RG equations is also constructed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 20 Aug 2007 17:02:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 3 Sep 2007 14:07:41 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Fri, 29 May 2020 14:30:46 GMT" } ]
[ [ "O'Dwyer", "J.", "" ], [ "Osborn", "H.", "" ] ]
2 belled with the index s, and a series of buses labelled with the index b. Each bus visits each stop in and each stop is visited by each bus in increasing order (Fig. 1). We define tb,sto be the time (in minutes) at which bus bdeparts stop s. Before bus bcan depart stops, it must do three things: 1. depart stop s-1, at time tb,s-1; 2. drive from stop s-1 to stop s, which takes time Ts ; and 3. pick up passengers at stop s. As a simplification, we ignore the time it takes for passen- gers to get off the bus: this corresponds to the situation in which the number of alighting passengers is either very small, or in which passengers can alight through a rear door at the same time other passengers are boarding. The time it takes to pick up passengers at stop sis equal to the time it takes each passenger to board (the unit boarding time ), multiplied by the number of passen- gers waiting at the stop. This number of passengers is, in turn, equal to the wait since the last bus ( by the time it takes each passenger to arrive time , the reciprocal of the arrival the time it takes to board passengers is boarding time = u(tb,s-tb-1,s), (1) with the passenger constant u >0 defined as u=unit boarding time. (2) We can now specify a recursion relation for (3) This can be simplified with a change of which eliminates Tsfrom the equa- tion entirely. If we then solve Eq. 3 for tb,s(and Tsre- moved), we have tb,s= (1 + (4) where we define u'=u 1-u. (5) To implement holding , we must define a schedule func- tionSb,s, which specifies the time at which bus bshould depart from stop s. For simplicity, we assume a homoge- neous schedule in which buses are evenly spaced: Sb,s=b +s(u +s). (6) The parameter is the time between successive buses at a particular stop, u is the time it takes a particular bus to travel from stop to stop under normal the slack built into the schedule[11]. If there is no slack ( s= 0), then tb,s=Sb,sis a solution to Eq. 4. We implement holding by specifying some earliest de- parture time tmin b,s; if the bus is ready to leave before tmin, it is held so that it leaves at tmin. We do this by rewriting Eq. 4 as the max(1 (7) Note that our model will hold buses at every stop, rather than at the less frequent time points seen in most bus systems. It is convenient to work with the delay of a bus at any given stop, rather than its departure time. We define the unnormalized delay of bus bat stop sto (8) and the normalized delay (or, simply, the delay ) to be db,s=u slb,s. (9) Delay is measured relative to the schedule function Eq. 6; early buses have d < 0. We rewrite Eq. 7 in terms of delay, to arrive at our main dynamic equation db,s= max (1 cdb-1,sis the minimum delay of bus bat stop s. If c= 0, then buses are never allowed to be early (and the delay db,sis never negative), and we have If c= 1, then buses are never allowed to be earlier than the bus preceding them ( db,s>=db-1,s), and we have headway-based holding. When the second of the two conditions in Eq. 10 is larger, we say that holding has been triggered. In the calculations that follow, it will be necessary to solve several recursion relations of the (11) this has the (12) III. SOLUTIONS We now consider a case in which, following a series of on-time buses ( db,s= 0 for s <0 and b <1), one or more buses, starting with bus b= 1, are delayed at stop s= 0. A. The First Bus Given our assumption that db,s= 0 for b < 1, the dynamic equation (Eq. 10) for the first bus is d1,s+1= max [(1 + u')d1,s-u',0]. (13)3 If the bus is early or on-time at any stop s0(d1,s0<=0), it will be on-time from then on ( d1,s>s 0= 0). As long as d1,s>0, however, Eq. 13 has the solution (cf Eq. 12) d1,s= 1-(1 +u')s(1-d1,0) (14) which grows exponentially towards positive or depending on the sign of 1 -d1,0. Thus there are two types of results (as shown in Fig. 2): (a) If d1,0<1, then the delay of the bus decreases until it is on time ( d1,s0<=0), after which the bus remains on time. We say that such a bus is recovering . The bus has fully recovered when s > s + u'). (15) Note that bus routes with larger numbers of pas- sengers (larger values of u') recover more quickly (Fig. 2). A special case of this is when s0<1, in which case the bus recovers instantly ; this occurs when d1,0< u. (b) If d1,0>1, then the delay of the bus increases ex- ponentially; we say that such a bus is unrecoverable . A single unrecoverable bus delays all following buses: either the bus behind it catches up to it (if c= 0), forming a cluster, or else it also becomes exponen- tially late (if c= 1); in either case, the has broken down irrevocably. We define the buffer bof a bus to be the largest delay db,0that it is able to recover from; the buffer of the first bus is thus b1= 1. This is a normalized quantity based on the normalized delay db,s. In terms of the unnormal- ized delay lb,s(Eq. 8), the bus recovers instantly when lb,s< s, because the bus need only eliminate part or all of its slack. The bus's unnormalized buffer is s/u: as Newell[3] explains it, if the slack per stop sis larger than the time ulb,sit takes to board the additional passengers due to the delay, then the bus will eventually recover. B. The Second Bus If the first bus is late, it will pick up some of the pas- sengers originally destined for the second bus, and so the second bus will run faster. Therefore, if the second bus starts out on-time, it will have no trouble remaining on- time, so long as the first bus is not unrecoverable. It also stands to reason that if the second bus is delayed at stop s= 0, then it will recover more quickly, and have a larger buffer b, than if the first bus were not also running late. The dynamic equation (Eq. 10) for the second bus is d2,s= max (1 1) cd1,s, (16) If the first bus is unrecoverable, then the second bus will be unrecoverable as well, so we need only consider the 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30normalized delay d1,s stop s u=0.091 1d1,0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30normalized delay d1,s stop 2: The normalized delay of the first bus, calculated from Eq. 13. In Fig. 2a, the passenger constant is fixed at u'= 0.1, while the initial delay is varied: examples of unrecoverable, re- covering, and instantly recovering buses are shown. In Fig. 2b, the initial delay is fixed at d1,0= 0.9, while the passenger con- stant is varied. Notice that the bus recovers faster when the passenger constant is greater. case where d1,0<1. If d1,0< u, then the first bus recov- ers instantly, and the behavior of the second bus can be described using Section III A. Thus we only need consider the case whereu' 1+u'< d 1,0<1 (note are two cases to be considered: (a) If the holding condition in Eq. 16 is triggered at some stops-1, then d2,s-1=cd1,s-1. Now as long as the first bus hasn't recovered, Eq. 14 can be rewritten as d1,s-1= (d1,s+u')/(1 +u') (17) and so d2,s= (18) Clearly the upper term is smaller than the lower term, and so the holding condition is triggered at stop sas well. Therefore, once the holding condition has been triggered for bus 2, it will continue to be triggered from there on out. If c= 0, then the second bus recovers immediately; if c= 1, then the second bus4 Normalized initial delay of second bus d2,0 Normalized initial delay of first bus 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4Bus 1 recoversBus 2 buses recoverBus 3: A diagram showing the buffer of the second bus as a function of the first bus's initial delay d1,0. One can interpret this as a phase diagram: in the unshaded region, both buses recover, while in the shaded regions one or both buses are un- recoverable. The buffer depends on the passenger constant u', being smaller for larger passenger constants, but never going below 1. This figure is independent of the holding strategy c. recovers along with the first bus. In either case, how- ever, once the holding condition is triggered, both buses recover. (b) If the second bus's holding condition is never trig- gered, and the first bus hasn't recovered yet (i.e. s < s 0), we can substitute Eq. 14 into Eq. 16 to get d2,s= (1 + u')d2,s-1+u'(1 according to Eq. 12, has the solution d2,s= 2 + [ (1 + u')s.(20) Once s > s 0,d1,s= 0 and the second bus follows the first bus pattern; therefore, the second bus will ultimately recover only if d2,s0<1. Since d2,s0= + (21) the inequality d2,s0<1 holds if d2,0< b2where b2= 1 + d1,0+u' ln(1 + u')(1-d1,0) 3 shows a graph of the buffer of the second bus as a function of the first bus's initial delay. The buffer's curve marks the transition between the case in which 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4Initial delay of third bus d3,0 Initial delay of second bus d2,0All buses recoverOne or more busesdo not recoverc=0c=1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4Initial delay of third bus d3,0 Initial delay of second bus d2,0All buses recoverOne or more busesdo not recoverc=0c=1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 5 10 15 20normalized delay db,s stop number sb=1b=2b=3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 5 10 15 20normalized delay db,s stop number sb=1b=2b=3t1,0 = 0.4t1,0 = 4: Figure 4a shows the buffer of the third bus as a function of the delay of the second bus, and for two values of the delay of the first bus ( t1,0= 0.4 and t1,0= 0.8); all three buses recover in the region underneath the correspond- ing buffer curve. Clearly the buffer of the third bus depends on the holding strategy c. Figure 4b shows how the three buses behave at the X marked in (a), with t1,0= 0.8. holding ( c= 0), the third bus is unrecover- able, while for headway-based holding ( c= 1), all three buses recover. The passenger constant is u'= 0.1 throughout. both buses recover (below), and the phase in which one or both buses are unrecoverable (above and to the right): we see that when the first bus is very late (but recovering), the second bus can recover from a much larger delay. As the passenger constant u'increases, the region where both buses recover becomes smaller; this is because, for larger passenger constants, the first bus recovers more quickly (as seen in Fig. 2) and so the second bus does not get as much benefit from the first bus's delay. C. The Third Bus Although the recovery of the first two buses is inde- pendent of the holding strategy c, the same is not true for subsequent delayed buses. Fig. 4a-b shows the buffer of the third bus ( b= 3) as it depends on the initial delay of the first two buses; this clearly depends on the hold- ing strategy. Fig. 4c shows why this difference exists: holding is in place, then the second bus5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12normalized delay db,s stop 5: The solution of Eq. 10 when db,0=tandc= 0; buses alternate above and below the steady-state solution, shown as a solid black line here. recovers quickly from a small initial delay, and the third bus loses the benefit of following a late bus. Note how, when c= 0, the third bus's buffer approaches 1 (the buffer of a bus following an undelayed bus) when d2,0ap- proaches zero. When c= 1 and d2,0is small and d1,0is large, on the other hand, the second bus can only recover as quickly as the first bus, giving the third bus a larger buffer. In a sense, the delay of a recovering bus is a re- source which makes the trailing buses more resistant to delay. D. Many Buses To expand our model to the many-bus limit in a man- ageable way, we consider the case where all buses are de- layed by the same amount tat stop s= 0 (i.e. db,0=t for all b>=1); this might be caused by construction or traffic on one particular street. If t > b 1= 1, the first bus, and eventually all buses, will be unrecoverable; thus we only consider the case when t < 1. Any bus with db,0<1 will ultimately recover, so our concern is not whether this situation recovers, but how quickly it 0 (Fig. 5), the solutions db,sapproach (in an alternating manner) the steady-state normalized This solution can be by looking at the corresponding unnormal- ized solution lb,s=s ut-ss: buses make up time by eliminating slack from the schedule, becoming sminutes earlier at each stop until they have recovered. Forc= 1, we can prove that db,s=d1,sfor all s: Proof: by induction over bands. The base caseb= 1 is automatic, while the base case s= 0 is true because db,0=d1,0=t. Sup- pose that db',s'=d1,sfor all b'< bands'< s.Then Eq. 10 becomes db,s= max (1 (23) Ifd1,s= 0 and d1,s-1= 0, then db,s= 0 and the hypothesis is satisfied. If d1,s-1= 0 but d1,s= 0, then (1 + u')d1,s-1< u'(according to Eq. 13), which means that the first case in Eq. 23 is negative, and so db,s= 0 = d1,sand the hypothesis is again satisfied. If d1,s= 0 andd1,s-1= 0 then, according to Eq. 13, (1 and so db,s= (24) and since (1 -u')d1,s< d1,s, the second con- dition applies and steady-state solutions are c= 0 1-(1 +u')s(1-t)c= 1. (25) It can be shown that, as long as db,1>0 for both cases, thec= 0 case in Eq. 25 reaches zero faster than the c= 1 case: this means that schedule-based holding allows the buses to recover more quickly than TIMEPOINTS So far we have considered the situation where holding occurs at every stop. This may be a realistic description of a light-rail system, where trains stop at every stop anyway. However, a typical bus route may have a stop at every intersection, and a model which forces buses to stop and wait at each of these is unrealistic. In reality, most bus systems designate a few stops as timepoints , and only implement holding there. To model this, we assume that every Nth stop is a timepoint, and evaluate Eq. 10 for b= 1, with the stipulation that the only applies when s0 mod N. As we vary N, we keep the amount of slack per stop , which we call s, constant; the amount of slack per timepoint (that is, the amount of time a bus might actually have to wait while being held) is then Ns. A computer the (dimensionless) buffer bof a first bus by determining the initial delay d1,0for which the system moves from recovering ( d1,1000<10) and 10 and 1000 are both arbitrarily chosen). If we let Bbe the number of minutes corresponding to the dimensionless buffer b, then according to Eq. (26)6 FIG. 6: The amount of slack necessary per stop for a given amount of buffer B, both measured in minutes, as the number of stops between timepoints increases. The inset shows the amount of slack necessary per timepoint (that is, Ns/B ). Data points were found using computer 6 shows how this ratio s/B depends on the pas- senger constant u'and the timepoint spacing N; for ex- ample, we find that for a busy bus route with N= 16 and u'= 0.1, the ratio s/B = 0.21, so the route must have 0.42 minutes' slack per stop, or a 6.7 minutes' slack per timepoint, to allow a bus to recover from a For small passenger constants, the amount of slack per stop remains fairly constant, as if the holding from each stop can be saved up until the next timepoint. For larger passenger rates, however, holding becomes much less effective if the timepoints are spread too far apart. V. DISCUSSION When a single bus is delayed, it is able to recover if its delay is no larger than b= 1 (or we call the bus's buffer; the buffer is even larger for buses that trail already-delayed buses. If the number of passengers increases (such as during rush hour), the buffer will be reduced unless steps are taken to keep it steady, either by increasing slack, or bydecreasing the unit boarding time (Eq. 2); this is part of the reason that bus routes are generally more peak hours. Since slack increases the time it takes to complete a route, one would like to find strategies that make it as small as possible: for example, it might be optimal to keep the slack proportional to the rate, keeping the buffer b=u/sconstant, so that busier stops get more slack. Alternatively, giving more slack to the stops immediately preceding or following the busier stops might be more advantageous; further study is required in this case. When it comes to choosing a holding strategy, both schedule and headway-based holding have advantages de- pending on the circumstances. When a series of buses ex- perience the same delay at a given stop, can allow the buses to recover more quickly as long as the delay is no larger than the buffer. holding may be more appropriate in sce- narios with larger, random delays, as a very delayed bus will have a greater probability of trailing a slightly de- layed bus, and have a better opportunity to recover. One interesting, possibly counterintuitive result of our analysis is that buses on busier routes recover more quickly from small delays. The passenger constant seems to set the timescale of the route's behavior. Our next step will be to more fully investigate the effect of timepoints on these results. We have already shown that the necessary slack per stop increases we only implement holding at every Nth stop. Fu- ture work will determine the exact nature of this relation- ship, and the effect that timepoints have on the behavior and buffers of subsequent buses. The model presented here is a microscopic model, dealing on the effects of delays at a single stop; how these single-stop delays interact with one another over the course of an entire bus route is also something Although engineers have spent a lot of time investigating this macroscopic regime, there may yet be basic truths which can be uncovered by a physi- cist's perspective. We thank Dr. Peter Furth of Northeastern University for useful conversations and his engineering perspective. [1] P.I. Welding. Operational Research 8: 133-142 (1957). [2] G.F. Newell and R.B. Potts. Proc. Sec. Conf. Australian Road Research Board 2: 388-393 (1964). [3] G.F. Newell. Statistical Mechanics and Statistical Meth- ods in Theory and Application , Uzi Landman, ed. 645- 667. [4] A recent review of the holding problem in the engineer- ing literature is given by M.D. Hickman. 35: 215-237 (2001). [5] D. Helbing. Rev. Mod. Phys 73: 1067 (2001). [6] O.J. O'Loan, M.R. Evans, and M.E. Cates. Phys. Rev. E58: 1404 (1998). [7] M. Krbalek and P. Seba. J. Phys. A 36: L7 (2003) [8] T. Nagatani. Physica A 296: 320 (2001). [9] T. Nagatani has written a number of papers on buses, fo- cusing recently on chaotic behavior that emerges in shut- tle bus routes. See, for example, T. Nagatani. Physica A 319: 568-578 (2003). [10] S.A. Hill. Physica A 328: 261 (2003). [11] Note that Sb,swould include an additional termP kTk, if we hadn't normalized Tsout of our equations.
Sam A. Hill
Sam A. Hill
Holding strategies in a bus-route model
6 pages, 6 figures v2 has been moderately copyedited, but has no new content Paper has been submitted to Physical Review E. v3 updated with correct author's name and email address
A major source of delays in public transportation is the clustering instability, which causes late buses to become progressively later while the buses trailing it become progressively earlier. In this paper, we study this instability and how to neutralize it using the common practices of holding and schedule slack. Starting with an on-time route, we delay one or more buses at a single stop, and determine how these delays grow over time. We compare the effects of two different types of holding on the stability of the system, and briefly investigate how our results change with the use of timepoints.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 1 Sep 2007 21:14:32 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 10 Nov 2007 07:31:07 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 16 Aug 2023 19:08:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hill", "Sam A.", "" ] ]
The classical Schwarz lemma is one ofthe cornerstones of geometr ic functionthe- ory and it also has a counterpart for quasiconformal maps ([1, 26, 41, 45]). Both andfor quasiconformal mappingsit hasa formth at is under conformal automorphisms of D. In the case of harmonic mappings this invariance is no longer true. In general, if ph:D-Dis a conformal automorphism and f:D-Dis harmonic, then ph*fis harmonic only in exceptional cases. Therefore one expects that h armonic mappings from the disk into a strip domain behave quite differently from harmon ic mappings from the disk into a half-plane and that new phenomena will be discove red in the study of harmonic maps. For instance, it follows from Lemma 1.2 that in plane do not increase hyperbolic distances. In general, planar do not enjoy this property. On the other hand, we shall g ive here an additional hypothesis under which the situation will change, in the pla ne as well as in higher dimensions. It turns out that the local uniform bounded ness property, which we are going to define, has an important role in our study. For a domain we write rinsteadrG. Thisquantity is used, for instance, in the study of quasiconformal and quasireg ular mappings, cf. [45]. It is a basic fact that [43, Theorem 18.1] for n>=2,K>=1,c2>0 such that whenever f:G-fGis call this property the local uniform boundedness of fwith respect to rG.Note that quasiconformal mappings satisfy the local uniform boundedn ess property and so do quasiregular mappings under appropriate conditions; it is know n that one to one mappings satisfying the local uniform boundedness propert y may not We also consider a weaker form of this property an d say the weak uniform boundedness property on G(with respect to rG) if there is a constant c >0 such that rG(x,y)<=1/2 harmonic mappings fail to satisfy the weak property as a rule, see Example 2.7 below. We show that if f:G-fGis harmonic then fis Lipschitz w.r.t. metrics on GandfGif and only if it satisfies the weak uniform see Theorem 2.19. The proof is based on a higher dimensio nal version of the Schwarz lemma: harmonic maps satisfy the inequality (2.15) be low. An in- spection of the proof of Theorem 2.19 shows that the class of harm onic mappings can be replaced by OC1class defined by (3.1) (see Section 3 below) and it leads of the result; see Theorem 3.3. Another interesting application is Theorem 2.22 which shows that if fis a map such that the boundary of the image is a continuu m containing at least two points, then it is Lipschitz. In Subsection 2.5, we study conditions under which a qc mapping is quasi isometry with respect to the corre- sponding quasihyperbolic metrics; see Theorems 2.25 and 2.31. In pa rticular, using a quasiconformal analogue of Koebe's theorem, cf. [4], we give a sim ple proof of the following result, cf. [30, 33]: if DandD'are proper domains in and harmonic, then it is bi-Lipschitz with respect to quasihyperb olic results in this paper may be generalized into various directions. O ne direc- tion is to consider weak continuous solutions of the p-Laplace = 0,1< p <, so called p-harmonic functions. Note that 2-harmonic functions in the above sense are harmonic in the usual sense. It seems that the case of the upper half space is of particular inter est, cf. [37, 33, 16, 3]. In Subsection 2.6, using Theorem 3.1 [23] we prove tha t ifhis a quasiconformal p-harmonic mapping of the upper half space Hnonto itself and h() =, thenhis quasi-isometry with respect to both the Euclidean and the Poincar' e distance. 2 w.r.t. metrics 2.1 Hyperbolic type ={zRn:|z-x|< r},Sn-1(x,r) =Bn(x,r) and let Bn,Sn-1stand for the unit ball and the unit sphere in Rn, respectively. Sometimes we write D instead of B2. For a domain GRnletr:G-(0,) be a continuous function. We say that ris a weight function or a metric density if for every locally integral lr(g) In this case we call lr(g) ther-length of g.A metric density defines a as follows. For a,bG,let dr(a,b) = inf glr(g) where the infimum is taken over all locally rectifiable curves in a fixed a,bG,suppose that there exists a dr-length minimizing curve g: [0,1]-Gwithg(0) =a,g(1) =bsuch that dr(a,b) called a geodesic segment joining aandb.It is an easy exercise tocheck that Forinstance, Poincar' e) metric of the unit ball Bnand the upper half space defined in terms of the densities r(x) = 2/(1-|x|2) andr(x) = It is a classical fact that in both cases the length-min imizing exist and that they are circular arcs orthogonal to th e boundary [6]. In both cases we have even explicit formulas for the x,yBn, = 1+|x-y|2 2xnyn, x,yHn. (2.2) Because the hyperbolic metric is invariant under conformal mapping s, we may define the hyperbolic metric in any simply connected plane domain by us ing the Riemann mapping theorem, see for example [24]. The Schwarz lemma ma y now be formulated by stating that an analytic function from a simply connec ted domain into another simply connected domain is a contraction mapping, i.e. th e points. The hyperbolic metric is often the natural metric in class ical function theory. For the modern mapping theory, which also considers dimen sionsn>=3, we do not have a Riemann mapping theorem and therefore it is natura l to look for counterparts of the hyperbolic metric. So called hyperbolic type me trics have been the subject of many recent papers. Perhaps the most important of these metrics are the quasihyperbolic metric kGand the distance ratio metric jGof a domain GRn. They are defined as follows. 2.3. The quasihyperbolic and distance ratio metrics. LetGRnbe a domain. The quasihyperbolic metric kGis a particular case of the metric drwhen r(x) =1 d(x,G)(see [13, 12, 45]). It was proved in [12] that for given a geodesic segment of length kG(x,y) joining them. The distance ratio metric is defined for x,yGby setting jG(x,y) = log(1+ rG(x,y)) = as in the Introduction. It is clear applications of these metrics are reviewed in [46]. The recent P hD theses [27], [24], [29] study the quasihyperbolic geometry or use it as a tool. 2.4. Lemma. ([13], [45, (3.4), Lemma 3.7]) Let Gbe a proper subdomain <=d(x)/2, Quasiconformal and quasiregular maps 2.5. Maps of class ACL and ACLn.For each integer k= 1,...,nwe 0}. The orthogonal projection Pk:Rn-Rn-1 k, is given a closed n-interval. A mapping f: I-Rmis said to be absolutely continuous on lines (ACL) if fis continuous and iffis absolutely continuous on almost every line segment in I, parallel to the 4coordinate axes. More precisely, if Ekis the set of all xPkIsuch that the is not absolutely continuous on [ ak,bk], thenmn-1(Ek) = 0 for all 1<=k<=n. If ohm is an open set in Rn, a mapping f: ohm-Rmis absolutely continuous if f|Iis ACL for every closed interval Iohm. If ohm and ohm'are domains in Rn, a homeomorphism f: ohm-ohm'is called ACL if f|ohm{,f-1()}is ACL. Iff: ohm-Rmis ACL, then the partial derivatives of fexist a.e. in ohm, and they are Borel functions. We say that fis ACLnif the partials are locally integrable. 2.6. Quasiregular mappings. LetGRnbe a domain. A mapping f:G-Rnis said to be quasiregular (qr) iffis ACLnand if there exists a constant K>=1 such inG. Heref'(x) denotes the formal derivative of fatx,The smallest K>=1 for which this inequality is true is called the outer dilatation offand denoted by KO(f). Iffis quasiregular, then the smallest K>=1 for which the l(f'(x)) = a.e. in Gis called the inner dilatation offand denoted by KI(f). The maximal dilatation offis the number K(f) = max{KI(f), KO(f)}. IfK(f)<= K, thenfis said to be K-quasiregular (K-qr). If fis not quasiregular, we set KO(f) =KI(f) =K(f) =. Let ohm1and ohm 2be domains in Rnand fixK>=1.We say that a homeomorphism f: ohm1-ohm2is (qc) mapping if it is K-qr and injective. Some of the standard references for qc and qr mappings are [11], [26], [43 ], and [45]. These mappings generalize the classes of conformal maps and analy tic functions to Euclidean spaces. The K uhnau handbook [25] contains several reviews dealing with qc maps. It should be noted that various definitions for qc maps are studied in [43]. The above definition of is equivalent to the definition based on moduli of curve families in [43, p. 42]. It is well-known that qr maps are differentiable a.e., satisfy condition (N) i.e. map sets of measure z ero n-dimensional measure) onto sets of measure zero. The inverse ma pping of aK-qc mapping is also K-qc. The composition of a K1-qc and of a K2-qc map is aK1K2-qc map if it is defined. 2.3 Examples We first show that, as a rule, univalent harmonic mappings fail to sat isfy the local uniform boundedness property. 2.7. Example . The univalent harmonic mapping f:H2-f(H2), f(z) to satisfy the local uniform boundedness property with respe ct andw2=f(z2). Then rH2(z1,z2) = 2 andrfH2(w1,w2) =p 2rifris small enough and we see that fdoes not satisfy the local uniform boundedness property. 2.8. Example. The univalent harmonic mapping f:H2-H2, f(z) ct torH2. For a harmonic mapping f(z) =h(z)+g(z),we introduce the following notation lf(z) following Proposition shows that a one to one harmonic function s atisfying the local uniform boundedness property need not be quasiconfor mal. 2.9. Proposition . The function f(z) = log( |z|2) + 2iyis a mapping and satisfies the local uniform boundedness prop erty, but fis not quasiconformal on V={z:x >1,0< y <1}. Proof. It is clear that fis harmonic in P+={z: Rez >0}. Nextf(z) = h(z)+g(z), where h(z) = logz+zandg(z) = logz-z. Sinceh'(z) = 1+1 /zand g'(z) =-1+1/z, we have |n(z)|<1 fis quasiconformal on every compact subset DP+andlf, Lfare bounded from above and below on D. Therefore fis a quasi-isometry on Dand by Theorem 2.19 below, fsatisfies the local uniform boundedness property on D. From now on we consider the restriction of ftoV={z=x+iy:x >1,0< y <1}. ThenfV={w= (u,v) :u >log(1+v2/4),0< v <2}. We are going to show the property, but fisnot see that fis not quasiconformal on V ,because|n(z)| -1 asz- ,zV . Fors >1, define Vs={z: 1< x < s, 0< y <1}. Note that fis qc on Vs and therefore fsatisfies the property of local uniform boundedness on Vsfor every s >1. We consider separately two d(z,Vr) and therefore fsatisfies the property of local uniform respect to rV. Case B. It remains to prove that fsatisfies the property of local uniform bound- edness on VV4with respect to rV. Observe first that for z,z1Vand|z1| >= |z| >=1,we have the |z1-z|, and therefore for <=4|z1-z|. (2.10) 6We write V= :x>=1},B={(x,1) by the definition of fwe see that fA={(x,0) :x>=0}, fB={(x,2) :x>=log2}, for wfV d(w) = for Re w >1+log2 and wfV ,we find d(w) = have Re and therefore, in view of the definition of f, (2.11) yields d(f(z)) = 2d(z). This together with (2.10) shows that fsatisfies the property of local uniform boundedness on VV4./square 2.4 Higher dimensional version of Schwarz lemma Before giving a proof of the higher dimensional version of the Schwa rz lemma for harmonic maps we first establish some that h:Bn(a,r)-Rnis a continuous vector-valued function, and let M* a= (h1,h2,...,hn). A modification of the estimate in [14, Equation <=nM* a, k= 1,...,n. We next extend this result to the case of vector valued functions. See also [8] and [5, Theorem 6.16]. 2.12. Lemma. Suppose that h:Bn(a,r)-Rnis a continuous in Bn(a,r). Then r|h'(a)| <=nM* a. (2.13) Proof. Without loss of generality, we may suppose that a= 0 and h(0) = 0. Let K(x,y) =Ky(x) the volume of the unit ball the surface measure on Sn-1(0,r). A simple calculation yields xjK(x,x) for 1 <=j<=n, we have xjK(0,x) a unit vector and |x|=r. For given x, it is convenient to write Kx(x) =K(x,x) and consider Kxas a function of <= |x||e|=r, we see that |K' x(0)e| <=1 onrn,and therefore |Kx(0)| <=1 onrn. This last inequality the proof is complete. a domain, let h:G-Rnbe continuous. For and Mx=oh(x) = (2.14) Ifhis a harmonic mapping, then the inequality (2.13) <=noh(x), xG. (2.15) We also refer to (2.15) as the inner gradient estimate. 2.5 Harmonic quasiconformal our purpose it is convenient to have the following lemma. 2.16. Lemma. LetGandG'be two domains in Rn, and let sandrbe two continuous metric densities on GandG', respectively, which define the elements respectively; and suppose that f:G-G', is aC1-mapping. a) If there is a positive constant c1such that r(f(z))|f'(z)| <=c1s(z), Iff(G) =G'and there is a positive constant c2such that proof of this result is straightforward and it is left to the reade r as Pseudo-isometry and a quasi-isometry. Letfbe a map from a metric space ( M,dM) into another metric space ( N,dN). *We say that fis a pseudo-isometry if there exist two positive constants aand bsuch that for all say that fis a quasi-isometry or a bi-Lipschitz mapping if there exists a positive constant a>=1 such that for all the convenience of the reader we begin our discusssion for the unit disk case. 2.18. Theorem. Suppose that h:D-R2is harmonic and satisfies the weak uniform boundedness in addition, his a qc mapping, then h: a The part (d) is proved in [33]. For the proof of part (c) fix Then therefore r(x,y)<1/2. By the hypotheses |h(y)-h(x)| <=cd(h(x)). The Schwarz lemma, applied to Bx,yields in view of proof of part (c) follows from Lemma 2.16. /square A similar proof applies for higher dimensions; the following result is a gen eral- ization of the part ( c) of Theorem 2.18 . 2.19. Theorem. Supposethat Rnandh:G-Rn is a harmonic mapping. Then the following conditions are the weak uniform boundedness property. (2)h: Let us prove that (1) implies (2). By the hypothesis (1) fsatisfies the weak uniform boundedness property: <=c2d(f(x)). (2.20) This inequality together with Lemma 2.12 gives d(x)|f'(x)| <=c3d(f(x)) for every xG. Now an application of Lemma 2.16 shows that (1) implies (2). 9It remains to prove that (2) implies (1). Suppose that fis Lipschitz with the multiplicative constant c2. Then|y-x| <=d(x)/2 and therefore by Lemma we find jG'(fx,fy) therefore qc, an application of [12, Theorem 3] to f-1and Theorem 2.19 give the following corollary: 2.21. Corollary. Suppose that Gis a proper subdomain of Rn,h:G-hG is harmonic and K-qc. Then h: a [45, Example 11.4] (see also [44, Example 3.10]), it is shown that the a nalytic function = exp(( z+1)/(z-1)), f(D) =G,fails to be uniformly continuous as a map f: bounded analytic functions do not satisfy the weak unif orm in general. The situation will be different for instance if the boundary of the image domain is a continuum containing at least two points. Note th at ifkGis replaced by the hyperbolic metric lGofG,thenf: (D,kD)-(G,lG) is Lipschitz. 2.22. Theorem. Suppose that GRn,f:G-RnisK-qr a continuum containing at least two distinct points. If fis a then f: FixxGand If|y-x| <=d(x)/4, and = log(1+ using Lemma 2.4(a), we [45, Theorem 12.21] there exists a constant c2>0 depending only on nand Ksuch hence, using Lemma 2.4(b) and kG(y,x)<=1, we see that |fy-fx| (2.23) 10By (2.15) applied to Bx=Bn(x,d(x)/4), we <=2Mx and therefore using the inequality (2.23), we and the proof follows from Lemma 2.16. /square The first author has asked the following Question (cf. [33]: Suppose thatGRn is a proper subdomain, f:G-Rnis harmonic K-qc andG'=f(G). fis a quasi-isometry w.r.t. quasihyperbolic metrics on GandG'. This is true forn= 2 (see Theorem 2.26 below). It seems that one can modify the proo f of Proposition 4.6 in [42] and show that this is true for the unit ball if n>=3 and K <2n-1, cf. also [20]. 2.6 Quasi-isometry in planar [4] proved a theorem, stated here as Theorem 2.24. These concern the quantity af(x) =af,G(x) := with a quasiconformal mapping f:G-f(G)Rn; hereJfis the Jacobian of f ; while Bxstands for the ball B(x;d(x,G); and|Bx|for its volume. 2.24. Theorem[4]. Suppose that G and G'aredomains in Rn: Iff:G-G' isK- quasiconformal, xG, wherecis a constant which depends only on Kandn. Let ohmRnandR+= [0,). Iff,g: ohm-R+and there is a positive constant csuch xohm, we write fgon ohm. Our next result concerns the quantity Ef,G(x) with a quasiconformal mapping f:G-f(G)Rn; hereJfis the Jacobian of f; whileBxstands for the ball B(x,d(x,G)/2 and|Bx|for its Theorem. Suppose f: ohm-ohm'is aC1qc homeomorphism. The following conditions are bi-Lipschitz with respect to quasihyperbolic metrics on It is known that a) is equivalent to b) (see for example [36]). In [36], using Gehring's result on the distortion property of qc maps ( see [10], p.383; [43], p.63), the first author gives short proofs of a new vers ion of quasiconfor- mal analogue of Koebe's theorem; it is proved that Afd*/d. By Theorem 2.24, afd*/dand therefore b) is equivalent to c). The rest of the proof is straightforward. holds. The next theorem is a short proof of a recent result of V. Manojlov ic [30],see also [33]. 2.26. Theorem. Suppose D and D'are proper domains in R2. toquasihyperb olic metrics on D and D'. Proof. Without loss of generality, we may suppose that his preserving orien- tation. Let zDandh=f+gbe a local representation of honBz, wherefand gare analytic functions on Bz, Lh(z) qc, we see since log |f'(z)|is using the right hand side of (2.27), we (2.28) = log K|f'(z)|. in a similar way using the left hand side of (2.27), we <=ah,D(z). Now, an application of the Astala-Gehring result pointwise result, combined with Lemma 2.16 (integration along cur ves), easily that in [30] the proof makes use of the interesting fact that lo g1 Jhis a subharmonic function; but we do not use it = that GandG'are domains in Rn: Iff:G-G'isK- the distortion property we find Hence, as in [20] and [36] , we get: 2.30. Lemma. IffC1,1is mapping defined in then Jf(x)>0, xohm provided that K <2n-1. The constant 2n-1is sharp. 2.31. Theorem. Under the hypothesis of the lemma, if Gohm, with respect to Euclidean and quasihyperbolic metrics on SinceGis compact Jfattains minimum on Gat a point x0G. By Lemma 2.30, m0=Jf>0 and therefore since fC1,1is , we conclude that functions |fxk|, 1<=k<=nare bounded from above and below on G; hencefis bi-Lipschitz with respect to Euclidean metric on G. By Theorem 2.24, we find af,Gd*/d, whered(x) =d(x,G) andd*(x) = d(f(x),G'). Since we have we An application of Theorem 2.25 completes the proof. /square 2.7 The upper half space Hn. LetHndenote the half-space in Rn. IfDis a domain in Rn, byQCH(D) we denote the set of Euclidean harmonic quasiconformal mappings of Donto itself. In particular if xR3, we use notation x= (x1,x2,x3) and we denote by xkf=f' xkthe partial derivative of fwith respect to (0,0,1). Define h(x) = is easy to verify that hQCH(H3) for small values of e1ande2. 13Using the Herglotz representation of a nonnegative harmonic func 7.24 and Corollary 6.36 [5]), one can get: Lemma A . Ifuis a nonnegative harmonic function on a half space Hn, contin- uous up to the boundary with u= 0 onHn, thenuis (affine) linear. In [33], the first author has outlined a proof of the following result: Theorem A . Ifhis a quasiconformal harmonic mapping of the upper half space Hnonto itself and h() =, thenhis quasi-isometry with respect to both the Euclidean and the Poincar' e distance. Note that the outline of proof in [33] can be justified by Lemma A. We show that the analog statement of this result holds for p-harmonic vector functions (solutions of p-Laplacian equations) using the mentioned result obtained in the paper [23], stated here as: Theorem B . Ifuis a nonnegative p-harmonic function on a half space Hn, continuous up to the boundary with u= 0 onHn, thenuis (affine) linear. 2.32. Theorem. Ifhis a quasiconformal p-harmonic mapping of the upper half space Hnonto itself and h() =, then both h: (Hn,|*|)-(Hn,| *|)and h: bi-Lipschitz where r=rHnis 2-harmonic mapping are Euclidean harmonic this result includes T heorem A. Proof. It suffices to deal with the case n= 3 as the proof for the general case is similar. Let h= (h1,h2,h3). By Theorem B, we get h3(x) =ax3, whereais a positive constant. Without loss of generality we may suppose that a= 1. Sinceh3(x) =x3, we have x3h3(x) = 1, and therefore |h' x3(x)| >=1. In a >=1, where g=h-1. Hence, there exists a constant c=c(K), |h'(x)| <=cand partial derivatives of handh-1are bounded from above; and, in partic- ular,his Euclidean hence, by Lemma 2.16, Pseudo-isometry and OC1(G) In this section, we give a sufficient condition for a qc mapping f:G-f(G) to be w.r.t. quasihyperbolic metrics on Gandf(G). First we adopt the following notation. IfVis a subset of Rnandu:V-Rm, we define oscVu= that LetOC1(G) denote the class of fC1(G) such that d(x)|f'(x)| <=c1oscBxf (3.1) for every xG. Similarly, let SC1(G) be the class of functions fC1(G) <=ar-1of(x,r) forall Bn(x,r)G, = proof of Theorem 2.19 gives the following more general result: 3.3. Theorem. Suppose that it satisfies the weak property of uniform boundedness with a consta ntconG. Then (e)f: Lipschitz. (f)In addition, if fisK-qc, then fis pseudo-isometry w.r.t. on Gandf(G). Proof. Bythehypothesis <=c2d(f(x) for every tBx, that (3.4) for every xG. This inequality together with (3.1) gives d(x)|f'(x)| <=c3d(f(x)). Now an application of Lemma 2.16 gives part (e). Since f-1is qc, an application of [12, Theorem 3] on f-1gives part (f). /square In order to apply the above method we introduce subclasses of OC1(G) (see, for example, below aC2function and denote by OC2(G) the class of functions which satisfy the following <=coscBxf (3.5) for every xG. IffOC2(G), then by Theorem 3.9 in [14], applied to ohm = hence by <=c1oscBxf (3.6) for every xGand therefore the following result follows from the previous theorem. 3.7. Corollary. Suppose that GRnis a proper subdomain, f:G-G'is K-qc andfsatisfies the condition (3.5). Then f: Lipschitz. 15We will now give some examples of classes of functions to which Theore m 3.3 is applicable. Let SC2(G) denote the class of fC2(G) such that |f(x)| allBn(x,r)G, whereais a positive constant. Note that the class SC2(G) contains every function for which d(x)|f(x)| <=a|f'(x)|,xG. It is clear and by the mean value theorem, OC2(G)SC2(G). For exam- ple, in [39] it is proved that SC2(G)SC1(G) and that the class SC2(G) functions, eigenfunctions of the ordinary Laplacian if Gis bounded, eigen- functions of the hyperbolic Laplacian if G=Bnand thus our results are applicable for instance to these the Universities of Helsinki and Turku in October 2005 and continu ed during the visit of the second author to Belgrade in December 2006. The autho rs' research was supported by the grant no. 8118525 the Academy of Finland. T he first author was partially supported by MNTRS, Serbia, Grant No. 144 020. The a uthors are indebted to the referee for valuable comments and to O. Martio and S. Ponnusamy for interesting discussions on this V. Ahlfors :Conformal Invariants: Topics in Geometric Function Theory , McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973. [2]M. Arsenovi 'c, V. Koji 'c and M. Mateljevi 'c:On Lipschitz continuity of mappings on the unit ball in Rn, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. Vol. 33, (2008), 315-318. [3]M. Arsenovi 'c, V. 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Matti Vuorinen
Miodrag Mateljevi\'c and Matti Vuorinen
On harmonic quasiconformal quasi-isometries
19 pages
math.CV math.CA
The purpose of this paper is to explore conditions which guarantee Lipschitz-continuity of harmonic maps w.r.t. quasihyperbolic metrics. For instance, we prove that harmonic quasiconformal maps are Lipschitz w.r.t. quasihyperbolic metrics.
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[ [ "Mateljević", "Miodrag", "" ], [ "Vuorinen", "Matti", "" ] ]
2 S. Luki' c The organization of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 we re call some basic facts of geometric quantization [2, 12, 22], show how the balanced me trics appear naturally in this framework, and sketch how differential geometric objects, such as K ahler-Einstein metrics or Lagrangian submanifolds, can be described in this language . In Section 3 we summarize the work of and show how the constant fu nction is the unit element of their quantized algebra of functions if and only if the metric on Mis balanced. Finally, in Section 4 we consider a different set of semiclassical vacuum states i n path integral quantization and use them to define generalized balanced metrics , which differ slightly from the balanced metrics in geometric quantization. 2 Geometric mechanics and geometric quantization have a beau tiful formulation using the language of symplectic geometry, vector bundles, and operator algeb ras [2, 12, 22]. In this manifolds Mare interpreted as phasespaces, and spaces of smooth functi onsC(M) as the corresponding classical observables. K ahler quantization is understood far better than quantiz ation on general symplectic mani- folds; ahlermanifolds(w hich a compatible complex structure). ( M,Lk) denotes a polarized K ahler manifold Mwith a very ample hermitian line bundle3Lk, andkZ+a positive integer. For technical reasons, we consider Mto be compact and simply connected. We work with a trivializa tion an open subset; we define K(ph,-ph) to be the associated analytic K ahler poten- tial and e-kK(ph,-ph)the hermitian metric on Lk-M. If dim a coordinate chart for the open subset UM, we can write the K ahler metric on M and its compatible symplectic form the space ( C(M),o) of observables has, in addition to a Lie algebra by the Poisson f,g C(M), the structure of a commutative algebra under pointwise mult =f(x)g(x) = can be understood as a non-commutative deform ation of C(M) with commutativity recovered when /planckover2pi1= 0. We will discuss the formalism of in the next section, although generally speak ing, quantization refers to an of classical observables to operators on some Hilbert spac eH. When Mis compact, the Hilbert space will be with dimension dim assignment Tmust satisfy the following T(af+g) map 1 is mapped to the identity operator Id, T(1) = Id. *Iffis a real function, T(f) is a hermitian operator. *In the limit the Poisson algebra is recovered [ T(f),T(g)] other words, Lkis an element of the K ahler cone associated to M.Balanced Metrics and Noncommutative K ahler Geometry 3 In geometric quantization the positive line bundle Lkis known as prequantum line bundle . The prequantum line bundle is endowed with a unitary connect ion whose curvature is the sym- plectic form ko(which is quantized, i.e., oH2(M,Z)). Theprequantum Hilbert space is the space of the compatible hermitian metric on Lk. The Hilbert space is merely a sub- space of L2(Lk,M), defined with the choice of a polarization on M. In the case of K the split of the tangent space in holomorphic and anti-holomorphic defines a Dolbeault operator on Lk,-: Hilbert space Hkis only the kernel of -, i.e., the space of holomorphic sections H0(M,Lk). As a final remark, the quantization map Tis not uniquely defined; there are different as- signments of smooth functions on Mto matrices on Hkthat obey the same requirements stated above, giving rise to equivalent classical limits. For simp licity, we mention only the most stan- dard ones [4]: *The Toeplitz map: the corresponding evaluation of saatzUM. *The geometric quantization map: Q(f) with the corresponding Lapla- cian on M); therefore the choice of quantization map will not be impor tant. Rather we will study the semiclassical limit of the corresponding qua ntized system by determining vacuum states. 2.1 Coherent states and balanced metrics As we described above, the geometric quantization picture i s characterized by the Lk-M, K ahler 2-forms ko. As the positive integer kalways appears multiplying the symplectic form, one can interpret a discretized Planck's constant. Thus, according to this convention, the semiclassical appears in the limit k- . In the local trivialization UM, whereK(ph,-ph) is the K ahler potential and metric on Lk|U, one can set the compatible Dolbeault operator to be locally trivial and write the covariant derivative the yet undetermined analytic K ahler potential on L. One can also determine the associated unitary connection up to a U(1) gauge andh= explained above, the Hilbert space Hkcorresponds to the kernel of the covariant half- derivative (0,1): which are the holomorphic sections of Lk Hk=H0(M,Lk) = S. Luki' c The dimension of the quantum Hilbert space is N= identify the basis elements of Hk. Thecoherent state localized at xMcan be defined (see [19]) on the trivialization Lk|U-UMas the ray in PHkgenerated is the evaluation of the holomorphic section the point xUM, in the trivialization Lk|U. The coherent states are a supercomplete basis of Hk, and obey the Parseval Hk. (1) These points in PHkare independent of the trivialization, and they have the pro perty of being localized at xMwith minimal quantum uncertainty. The distortion function , diagonal of the Bergman kernel, or expected value of the identity at x,r(x,-x) is defined (2) which measures the relative normalization of the coherent s tates located at different points ofM. Imposing r(x,-x) const, constrains the K ahler potential K(x,-x) to be a Fubini-Study K ahler (3) One of the most important ingredients in the quantization pr ocedure is the definition of the quantization map, T:C(M)-Herm(Hk). This maps classical observables, i.e. smooth real functions on the phase space X, to quantum observables, i.e., self-adjoint operators on the Hilbert space Hk. If we work with an orthonormal basis the = Id HkH* k implies that the embedding of the coherent states satisfies thebalanced condition (4) here, we have used the Parseval identity (1), and the Liouvil le's volume form on the phase spaceM, which can be written summary, in the geometric quantization of an algebraic K ahler manifold, the homogeneity of the distortion function mappingof theconstant functionon Mto Id: Hk- Hk, determines a unique metric on Mknown as balanced metric . In limit, k- , this sequence of balanced metrics approaches the K ahler- Einstein metric (if it exists) as sketched below (see [8, 11]).Balanced Metrics and Noncommutative K ahler Geometry 5 2.2 Emergence of classical geometry For every k, thebalanced metric has just been defined as result of requiring be the constant function on M. In the semiclassical limit, k- , we can expand the in inverse powers of k(see therefore the sequence of balanced metrics will converg e to a metric of constant scalar curvature at k=. For a Calabi-Yau manifold this is equivalent to a Ricci flat K ahler metric. It is interesting to note that if the identity matrix is ident ified with the quantum Hamiltonian, and the coherent states with the semiclassical states, the balanced metric can also be defined as the metric that yields a constant semiclassical vacuum en as a function of xMand fixed k. Other geometrical elements that one can recover naturally a re the Lagrangian respect the K ahler-Einstein symplectic form. In the K ahlern-fold (M,o), the level functions ( f1,f2,...,fn) under the Poisson = 0,a,b, define a foliation by Lagrangian submanifolds. One can reco ver such commutation relations as the classical limit of ncommuting self-adjoint operators on the Hilbert space -fa(x), coherent state peaked at xX. Thus, one can approximate Lagrangian submanifoldsby using n-tuples of commuting matrices for large enough k. i.e.Im(ohm) |SLag= 0, More precisely, we define the quantum operat If Herm( Hk) is the space of hermitian matrices in is the space of nmutually commuting tuples of hermitian matrices in Hk, we can write the map as I: Comm( Therefore, one can use the kernel of Ito approximate special Lagrangian submanifolds as the leve l sets of the onecangeneralize this quantumsystem bycouplingthe particletoarank bundle V-M. here, a a few words. For instance, the system can be interpreted a s a particle endowed with The associated quantum Hilbert space is H0(M,V Lk). One can also define an analogous set of coherent states and an associated distor tion function. In the requiring the generalized distortion function to be constant as a function of Mgives rise to generalized balanced metrics, and therefore, to hermite -Yang-Mills metrics on V-Mwhen k-1= 0 [10]. Finally, as a technical comment, the balanced metric equations (4) and (3) can be for finite k, and its solutions used to approximate Ricci-flat metrics a nd hermitian Yang- Mills connections. A method to solve them involves the conce pts of T-map and algebraic Monte- Carlo integration [9, 11], which can be applied whenever one has enough analytical control on6 S. Luki' c the Kodaira's embeddings M -PH0(M,Lk). We leave the problem of developing Lagrangian submanifolds andother geometric objects forfuture work. o fbalanced metric other frameworks for quantization (Berezin's star produ ct and path integral thus gives rise to K ahler-Einstein metrics in the class ical limit. 3 Berezin's star Hk, space of quantum observables (i.e., the herm itian matrices), one can as a noncommutative deformation of the geomet ry ofM. In the approach to noncommutative geometry, the ord inary algebra of functions C(M) is replaced by the noncommutative which reflects the operator algebra of hermitian operators on Hk. Theproduct of two elements in C(M)[[k-1]] is defined through formal series expansions in powers of k-1, such that, [f,g] :=f explicit form of the algebra is not unique [16], in the sam e way that the quantization of a classical system is not unique. Here, we will first explore the star product in K ahler geometry [20]. To describe this algebra, we first introduce the diagonal of the Bergman kernel and the Calabi's diastatic function. Using the notation introduce d above, the diagonal of the Bergman kernel can be written as e(z,-z) coincides with the distortion function defined in (2) . The Calabi function is that e(z,-z) andph(z,-z;v,-v) are invariant under K ahler transformations K-K+f+-f. Using the Berezin's formula, one can define a non-normalize d product given by (f*g)(z,-z) can be used to introduce the normalized product (f g)(z,-z) Calabi's diastatic function is defined in some neighbor hood of the diagonal MxM, and the point v=zis a critical point of the Calabi function considered as a fun ction ofvand -v; the Laplace expansion of e-kphat the critical point v=zyields a formal power series in k-1. As it is shown in [20], one can determine naturally the *product as a combinatoric expansion in powers of k-1, derived from the Laplace expansion of the diastatic functi on. Therefore, one has to compute the *product in order to determine the normalized product. The unit element of their noncommutative deformation given by the *product is the diagonal of the Bergman kernel as a corollary, if the unit element of the Resheti khin and Takhtajan algebra is constant, i.e. the corresponding Bergman kernel has a const ant diagonal, the metric on Mis balanced. Thisshowshow balanced metrics becomenatural ob jects indeformation can study this phenomenon further in the path integral qu antization Metrics and Noncommutative K ahler Geometry 7 4 Completely degenerated quantum systems In this section we compute the quantum vacuum energy density associated to a constant Hamil- tonian function on M, in the semiclassical limit, In the geometric quantiza- tion framework, the quantum Hamiltonian associated with th e classical Hamiltonian function 1:M-1, is the identity operator Id; if we identify the semiclassi cal vacuum states with the coherent states, the semiclassical vacuum energy density w ill be proportional to How- ever, in the path integral approach, the Hamiltonian is set t o be zero, and the choice of vacuum is not necessarily the same as the identification coherent state = vacuum state. By subtracting the classical energy density to we will compare the path and the geometric quantization approach, and find that the leading term in k-1is the same, though the first sub-leading correction is not. This m eans that requiring the energies (in both quantization frameworks) to be con stant, yields metrics on Mthat become K ahler-Einstein in the classical limit. The fact th at the sub-leading corrections are different only affects higher corrections to the aforement ioned metrics when k-1, though small, it is not zero. 4.1 Vacuum energy in geometric quantization The system is completely degenerated when the Hamiltonian f unction is constant; each point in the phase space is a classical vacuum state and the quantum Hilbert space becomes the space ofquantum vacua . On the geometric quantization side, one identifies the quantum the space of holomorphic sections H0(M,Lk). The natural candidate to be quantum vacuum state peaked at xis the coherent state introduced by Rawns- ley [19], and denoted by We construct follows: first, we choose an of holomorphic sections, the complex number associated with the evaluation of the h and defined in the trivialization Lk|UCxU. Second and lastly, one can define the coherent state peaked at xMas the ray in PHkgenerated Hk, xUM, and one can easily show how such a ray is independent of the cho ice of trivialization of the Hk, parametrized by the points of M. It also defines an embedding of MintoPHk, and implies the Parseval iden- tity (1). This allows the definition of an embedding of the sp ace of quantum observables in Hk (i.e., the self-adjoint matrices in Herm( Hk) H* kHk) into the space of classical according to the the pre-image of finM. The function fis called a covariant symbol of the matrix^f. A function VfC(M) such that the matrix ^fis representable S. Luki' c is called contravariant symbol of the matrix ^f. The map Vf/masto-^fis also known as Toeplitz map H* kHk. It is important to stress that the identification between th equantum vacuum state at xMand the coherent state in somehow, made arbitrarily. Such is motivated by the fact that the coherent st ate is peaked at xand localized within a neighborhood VxMwith minimal quantum uncertainty. More precisely, the cohe rent Such an identification is correct as a first approximation ink-1, although the O(k-2) terms are not universal and depend on the choice of vacuum st corrections are important at the time of computing correla tion functions of the (6) inthelimit k-, as powerseries in symbols instance, every identification of the vacuum state with peaked states that obey equation (5), gives rise to the same semiclassical [4]. However, the higher will depend on the choice of vacuum state. To compute the semiclassical limit of the correlators (6) be yondO(k-1) is a difficult task which involves hard analysis; see [18] for the most recent re sults. For simplicity, we study only the vacuum expectation value of the identity operator u sing the na ive vacuum state Lu computed the lower order terms in powers of k-1of the squared norm of the na ive vacuum state, the asymptotic series of the vacuum energy on the p ath integral side involves pertur- bative expansions of Feynman vacuum diagrams. As the classi cal energy density is set to be formalism, ntegral quantized vacuum energy E0(x) (7) which is zero at k=. 4.2 Path integral derivation of the vacuum energy On thepath integral quantization side, Cattaneo and Felder [6] give a prescription for comput ing correlation f,gC(M)[[k-1]], byevaluating as formal expansions in powers of k-1. In such perturbative expansion one considers perturbations around the constant map, i.e., the solution of the equations of vacuum state Ph0:R/masto-xM. For simplicity, we choose a local coordinate by the K ahler-Riemann normal coordinates [1]. For a v anishingBalanced Metrics and Noncommutative K ahler Geometry 9 Hamiltonian, the phase-space action associated with pertu rbations Ph around the classical va- cuum state Ph 0is the line integral of the U(1)-connection on the prequantum bundle Lk, along the path Ph in M S[Ph] (8) with PhMaps(R-M) and4Ph(+-) =x, implying ph(+-) = 0 in the local K coordinate system around x. The functional integration of fluctuations around the classical vacuum xMdefines a semiclassical quantum vacuum state that we denote we don't know how to describe it as an element of the H ilbert space, Hk. The prescription for computing the correlation functions t hat appear in deformation quanti- zation [6, 17] is given by the path integral on the phase-spac e g(x,-x) In Riemann normal coordinates we can write the action (8) as follows ikS[Ph] and the parentheses enclosing indices indicate the comple tely symmetric part of such indices; we sum over repeated indices. Still, th e measure dPh in the (9) also depends of the phase-space coordinate fieldph. Hence, in this choice det ois the determinant of the K ahler form oi-, andE' 0(x) is the quantum vacuum energy density, depending on the choice of semiclassical vacuum la beled as xM. Therefore, as o depends on the integration variables, we can introduce an an ti-commuting auxiliary field lto write the path integral using a standard gaussian can expand the action for the auxiliary field, in powers o f the field ph, to find out the interactions between auxiliary field and phase-space coor dinate denote by Maps( R-M) the functional space of maps of the real line Rto the phase space M.10 S. Luki' the coefficients gi-,Ri-k-l, etc., are evaluated at xM. Therefore, wecanevaluate inpowe rs ofk-1, in the limit k- . If we write the Fourier transform of the field to the momentu m variables as ^ph(p) ph(+-) = 0, ^l(p) l(+-) = 0, the propagators in the momentum space 1. Propagators for the phase-space coordinate field (left), and th e auxiliary field (right). In order to compute (10), we perform a perturbative expansio n in powers of We can compute the vacuum energy E' 0(x), by simply summing the connected vacuum (or and dividing by the total length of R. Thus, a vacuum diagram with to E' 0(x) a term proportional to k1-L=kV-P, withVthenumber of vertices andP thenumber of propagators . Therefore, to determine E' 0(x) up to order k-2, we have to sum the connected diagrams depicted in Figs. 4-10. - k i m k-i Figure 2. p-ldenotesthe momentum carriedby the particle which propagates along the -l-leg. - k i -l=iRi-k-l -l-n 3. Interaction vertices for the auxiliary field with the phase-space fie ld. As we want only to evaluate diagrams up to order k-2, we only need to consider a by drawing the diagrams, one realizes that th e only vertices that appear are the ones depicted in Figs. 2 and 3. The asymptotic expansion of E' 0(x) in powers of k-1can be expressed as -iE' 0(x)d(0) (11)Balanced Metrics and Noncommutative K ahler Geometry 11 Figure 4. Two-loop vacuum diagrams, (2.i) left and (2.ii) right. Figure 5. Three-loop vacuum diagram (3.i). whereGLis the set of bubble diagrams with Lloops, Aut(G) is the subgroup of the group of automorphisms of G that maps vertices to vertices of the same type and oriented propagators to oriented propagators of the same type (which start and end at the same vertices), symmetry factor , evaluation of each diagram DG(x) follows from the Feynman rules in momentum space: to each line we associate its corresponding propagator (Fig . 1), to each vertex we associate its corresponding numerical factor (Figs. 2 and 3), we impos e momentum conservation at each vertex and integrate over each undetermined There are two types of integrals that appear in the evaluation of bubble vacuum diagram is proportional to the Dirac delta d(0), or the total length of R, because the calculation in the momentum space yields the total vacuu m energy in R. As we are just interested in the vacuum energy density, we will divide out by infinite total length of the R. Thus, in order to determine E' 0(x) up to three loops, we use equation (11). The evaluation of the two- and three-loop diagrams gives rise to the following: for in Fig. 4 D(2.i)(x) in Fig. 4 D(2.ii)(x) three-loop diagrams, *(3.i) in Fig. 5 D(3.i)= S. Luki' c Figure 6. Three-loop vacuum diagram (3.ii). Figure 7. Three-loop vacuum diagram (3.iii). *(3.ii) in Fig. 6 D(3.ii)= in Fig. in Fig. 8. Similarly to in Fig. Metrics and Noncommutative K ahler Geometry 13 Figure 8. Three-loop vacuum diagrams with auxiliary field, (3.iv) left and (3.v) rig ht. Figure 9. Three-loop vacuum diagram with auxiliary field (3.vi). Figure 10. Three-loop vacuum diagram with auxiliary field (3.vii). *(3.vi) in Fig. 9. Similarly to (3.ii), D(3.vi)= |2. *(3.vii) in Fig. 10. Similarly to including the symmetry factors of each diagram, and summing them as in equa- tion (11), toth esemiclassical vacuumstate (12) Thus, comparing equation (12) with the equivalent result in geometric quantization (7), yields different vacuum energy densities despite the fact that the leading terms are identical. The corollary is an interesting one: fixing kand requiring the quantum vacuum energy density to be constant on the quantum moduli space of s emiclassical vacua is equivalent to endowing Mwith a generalized balanced metric. This generalized not ion of balanced metric gives rise to the same K ahler-Einstein metrics in th e classical limit, which shows that the emergence of K ahler-Einstein metrics in the classical limit is generic for a broad choice of semiclassical vacuum states.14 S. Luki' c 5 Conclusion We have shown how the K ahler-Einstein metrics appear natur ally in the classical limit of K In geometric quantization, identifying sem iclassical vacuum states with coherent states allows us to define balanced metrics as those metrics which yield constant energy (for constant classical Hamiltonian). In the Berezin's approach to , the unit element of the noncommutative algeb raC(M)[[k-1]] is the if and only if the metric is balanced. Also in path i ntegral quantization, requiring the semiclassical vacuum energy to be constant yields a metr ic that is K ahler-Einstein in the classical limit. Strictly speaking, the metrics that appear in path integral quantization are not balanced. This is due to a different choice of vacuum states in the path i ntegral formalism; thus, for each choice of moduli spaces of semiclassical vacua one can d efine different generalized Itwould beinteresting to study theproperties exhibited b y this general class of metrics. For instance, it is especially interesting to understand ho w introducing quantum corrections to the K ahler potential deforms the moduli of semiclassical v acua [16]. Another interesting problem would be to understand balance d metrics in vector bundles within the framework of K ahler quantization. Also, one cou ld explicitly construct special La- grangian submanifolds in Calabi-Yau threefolds, and give a geometric quantization formulation of the conjecture [5] (which conjectur es a correspondence of the Fukaya category with a certain category of holonomic modules over t he quantized algebra of functions). A final motivation for futureresearch comes from thefact th at the geometric objects explored in this paper appear in the large volume limit of string theor y We have shown how these objects can be explicitly constructed in the semiclassical limit of one would expect that different areas of stri ng theory, such as Matrix theory, black holes, and Calabi-Yau compactification theory [3, 7, 13, 14], where the quantized algebra of functions plays a special role, could be understood bette r through a deeper study of the ideas explored is a pleasure to thank T. Banks, E. Diaconescu, M. Douglas, R. Karp, S. Klevtsov, and specially the author's advisor G. Moore, for valuable discu ssions. We would like to thank as well G. Moore and G. Torroba for their comments on the manuscript, and J. Nannarone for and support. 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Sergio Lukic
Sergio Lukic
Balanced metrics and noncommutative Kaehler geometry
18 pages, 10 figures, Latex
hep-th math-ph math.DG math.MP
In this paper we show how Einstein metrics are naturally described using the quantization of the algebra of functions on a Kahler manifold M. In this setup one interprets M as the phase space itself, equipped with the Poisson brackets inherited from the Kahler 2-form. We compare the geometric quantization framework with several deformation quantization approaches. We find that the balanced metrics appear naturally as a result of setting the vacuum energy to be the constant function on the moduli space of semiclassical vacua. In the classical limit these metrics become Kahler-Einstein (when M admits such metrics). Finally, we sketch several applications of this formalism, such as explicit constructions of special Lagrangian submanifolds in compact Calabi-Yau manifolds.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 8 Oct 2007 14:25:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 29 Sep 2010 14:31:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lukic", "Sergio", "" ] ]
3. It supports complete online interaction over ag- gregated multidimensional data. 4. Users are encouraged to collaborate. Tag clouds are well suited for Web 2.0 OLAP. They are flexible: a tag cloud can represent a dozen or hundred different amplitudes. And they are acces- sible: the only requirement is a browser that can dis- play different font sizes. We describe a tag-cloud formalism, as an instance of Web 2.0 OLAP. Since we implemented a pro- totype, technical issues will be discussed design. In particular, we used iceberg cubes (Carey and Kossmann, 1997) to generate tag clouds online when the data and schema are Because tag clouds are meant to convey a general impression, presenting and clustering is sufficient: we propose spe- cific metrics to measure the quality of tag-cloud We conclude the paper with experi- mental results on real and synthetic data sets. Table 1: Conventional OLAP versus Web 2.0 OLAP Web 2.0 OLAP recurring needs ephemeral schemas spontaneous design user tag clouds plots and reports iframes, wikis, blogs access control social networking 2 RELATED WORK There are decentralized models (Taylor and Ives, 2006) and systems (Green et al., 2007) to support col- laborative data sharing without a single to Wu et al., it is difficult to navigate an OLAP schema without help; they have proposed a keyword-driven OLAP model (Wu et al., 2007). There are several OLAP visualization techniques in- cluding the Cube Presentation Model (CPM) (Mani- atis et al., 2005), Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) (Ben Messaoud et al., 2006) and other inter- active systems and Datta, 2005). Tag clouds have been popularized by the Web site Flickr launched in 2004. Several optimization op- portunities exist: similar tags can be clustered to- gether (Kaser and Lemire, 2007), tags can be (Hassan-Montero and or by user intervention (Millen et al., 2006), tags can be indexed (Millen et al., 2006), and so on. Tag clouds can be adapted to (Russell, 2006; Jaffe et al., 2006).3 OLAP FORMALISM 3.1 Conventional OLAP Formalism Most OLAP engines rely on a data cube (Gray et al., 1996). A data cube Ccontains a non empty set of d dimensions D=fDig1idand a non empty set of measures M. Data cubes are usually derived from afact table (see Table 2) where each dimension and measure is a column and all rows (or facts) have dis- joint dimension tuples. Figure 1(a) gives tridimen- sional representation of the data cube. Table 2: Fact table time salesman product cost profit Montreal March John shoe 100$ 10 $ Montreal December Smith shoe 150$ 30 $ Quebec December Smith dress 175$ 45 $ Ontario April Kate dress 90$ 10 $ Paris March John shoe 100$ 20 $ Paris March Marc table 120$ 10 $ Paris June Martin shoe 120$ 5 $ Lyon April Claude dress 90$ 10 $ New York October Joe chair 100$ 10 $ New York May Joe chair 90$ 10 $ Detroit April Jim dress 90$ 10 $ Measures can be aggregated using several opera- tors such as AVERAGE ,MAX ,MIN,SUM, and COUNT . All of these measures and dimensions are in a database schema. Database adminis- trators preaggregate views to accelerate queries. The data cube supports the following specifies that you are only interested in some attribute values of a given dimension. For example, one may want to focus on one specific product (see Figure 1(g)). Similarly, a dice selects ranges of attribute values (see Figure 1(e)). Aroll-up aggregates the measures on coarser at- tribute values. For example, from the sales given for every store, a user may want to see the sales aggregated per country (see Figure 1(c)). A drill- down is the reverse operation: from the sales per country, one may want to explore the sales per store in one country. The various specific multidimensional views in Figure 1 are called cuboids . 3.2 Tag-Cloud OLAP Formalism A Web 2.0 OLAP application should be supported by a flexible formalism that can adapt a wide range OLAP data cube (b) Tag-cloud data on p roduct (c) OLAP roll-up (d) Tag-cloud on the first year semes ter (e) OLAP dice (f) Tag-cloud whe re country time (g) OLAP slice (h) Tag-cloud slice Figure 1: Conventional OLAP operations vs. tag-cloud OLAP operations data loaded by users. Processing time must be rea- sonable and batch processing should be avoided. Unlike in conventional data cubes, we do not ex- pect that most dimensions have explicit hierarchies when they are loaded: instead, users can specify how the data is laid out (see Section 5). As a related issue, the dimensions are not orthogonal in general: there might be a City dimension as a well as Climate Zone dimension. It is up to the user to organize the cities per climate zone or per 1 (Tag) A tag is a term or phrase de- scribing an object with corresponding determining its relative importance. Hence, a tag is made of a triplet (term, object, weight). As an example, a picture may have been attributed the tags dog (12 times) and cat (20 times). In a Business Intelligence context, a tag may describe the current state of a business. For example, the tags USA (16,000$) and Canada (8,000$) describe the sales of a given product by a given salesman. We can aggregate several attribute values, such as Canada and March, into a single term, such A tag composed of kattribute val- ues is called a k-tag. Figure 1(b) shows a tag of Table 2 using 3-tags. Each tag Tis represented visually using a font size, font color, background color, area or motif, de- pending on its measure values. Figure 2: User-driven schema design 3.3 Tag-Cloud Operations In our system, users can upload data, select a data set, and define a schema by choosing dimensions (see Fig- ure 2). Then, users can apply various operations on the data using a menu bar. On the one hand, OLAP operations such as slice, dice, roll-up and new tag clouds and new cuboids from ex- isting cuboids. Figures 1(d), 1(f) and 1(h), show the results of a roll-up, a dice, and a slice as tag clouds. On the other hand, we can apply some operations on an existing tag cloud: sort by either the weights or the terms of tags, remove some tags, remove lesser weighted tags, and so on. We estimate that a tag cloud should not have more than 150 tags. Tag-cloud layout has measurable benefits when trying to convey a general impression (Rivadeneira et al., 2007). Hence, we wish to optimize the of tags. Chen et al. propose the com-Figure 3: Choosing similarity of similarity measures between cuboids to help users explore data (Chen et al., 2000): we ap- ply this idea to define similarities between tags. First of all, users are asked to provide one or several di- mensions they want to use to cluster the tags. Choos- ing the Country dimension would mean that the user wants the tags rearranged by countries so and Toronto-March are nearby (see Figure 3). The clustering dimensions selected by the user together with the tag-cloud dimensions form a cuboid: in our example, we have the City, and Time. Since a tag contains a set of attribute values, it has a corresponding sub- cuboid defined by slicing the cuboid. Several similarity measures can be applied be- tween subcuboids: Jaccard, Euclidean distance, co- sine similarity, Tanimoto similarity, Pearson correla- tion, Hamming distance, and so on. Which is best depends on the application at hand, so advanced users should be given a choice. Com- monly, similarity measures take up values in the in- terval [1;1]. Similarity measures are expected to be reflexive ( f(a;a) =1), symmetric ( f(a;b) =f(b;a)) and transitive: if ais similar to b, and bis similar to c, then ais also similar to c. Recall that given two vectors vand w, the co- sine similarity measure is defined as cos (v;w) The Tani- moto similarity is given by it becomes the Jaccard similarity when the vectors have binary values. Both of these measures are reflexive, symmetric and transitive. cosine similarity is transitive by this To general- ize the formulas from vectors to cuboids, it suffices to replace the single summation by one summation per dimension. Figure 4 shows an example of to cluster similar tags. In this example, tags were compared according to the Country dimension. The result is that the tags are clustered by Paris-table Paris-shoeDetroi c-dress York-chair similari ty With similari tyFigure 4: Tag-cloud reordering based on similarity 4 FAST only a moderate number of tags can be dis- played, the computation of tag clouds is a form of top-kquery: given any user-specified range of cells, we seek the top- kcells having the largest measures. There is a little hope of answering such queries in near constant-time with respect to the number of facts without an index or a buffer. Indeed, finding all and only the elements with frequency exceeding a given frequency threshold (Cormode and Muthukrish- nan, 2005) or merely finding the most frequent ele- ment (Alon et al., 1996) requires W(m)bits where m is the number of distinct items. Various efficient techniques have been proposed for the related range MAX problem (Chazelle, 1988; Poon, 2003), but they do not necessarily for the range top- kproblem, we can parti- tion sparse data cubes into customized data structures to speed up queries by an order of magnitude (Luo et al., 2001; Loh et al., 2002a; Loh et al., 2002b). We can also answer range top- kqueries using RD- trees (Chung et al., 2007) or R-trees (Seokjin et al., 2005). In tag clouds, precision is not required and ac- curacy is less important; only the most significant tags are typically needed. Further, if all tags have similar weights, then any subset of tag may form an accept- able tag cloud. A strategy to speed up top- kqueries is to transform them into comparatively easier iceberg queries (Carey and Kossmann, 1997). For example, in computing the top-10 ( k=10) best vendors, one could start by finding all vendors with a rating above 4/5. If there are at least 10 such vendors, then sort- ing this smaller list is enough. If not, one can restart the query, seeking vendors with a rating above 3/5. Given a histogram or selectivity estimates, we can re- duce the number of expected iceberg queries (Don- jerkovic and Ramakrishnan, 1999). approach is not necessarily applicable to data since even computing iceberg aggre- gates once for each query may be prohibitive. How- ever, iceberg cuboids can still be put to good use. That is, one materializes the iceberg of a cuboid, smallFigure 5: Example of non informative tag cloud enough to fit in main memory, from which the tag clouds are computed. Intuitively, a cuboid represent- ing the largest measures is likely to provide reason- able tag clouds. Users mostly notice tags with large font sizes (Rivadeneira et al., 2007). A good approx- imation captures the tags having significantly larger weights. To determine whether a tag cloud has such significant tags, we can compute the entropy . Definition 2 (Entropy of a tag cloud) Let T2Tbe a tag from a tag cloud T, then entropy (T) p (T) =weight (T) ax2Tweight (x). The entropy quantifies the disparity of weights be- tween tags. The lower the entropy, the more interest- ing the corresponding tag cloud is. Indeed, tag clouds with uniform tag weights have maximal entropy and are visually not very informative (see Figure 5). We can measure the quality of a low-entropy tag cloud by measuring false positives and negatives: false positive happens when a tag has been falsely added to a tag cloud whereas a false negative occurs when a tag is missing. These measures of error as- sume that we limit the number of tags to a moderately small number. We use the following quality indexes; index values are in [0;1]and a value of 0 is ideal; they are not applicable to high-entropy tag 3 Given approximate and exact tag clouds A and E, the false-positive and false-negative indexes aremax t2A;t62Eweight (t) max t2Aweight (t)andmax t2E;t62Aweight (t) max t2Eweight (t). 5 TAG-CLOUD DRA WING While we can ensure some level of displays on the Web, by using images or plugins, text display in HTML may vary browser to another. There is no common set of font browsers are required to support, and Web stan- dards do not dictate line-breaking algorithms or issues. It is not practical to simulate the browser on a server. Meanwhile, if we wish to and to abide by open standards, producing HTML and ECMAScript is the favorite option. Given tag-cloud data, the tag-cloud drawing prob- lem is to optimally display the tags, generally using HTML, so that some desirable properties are met, in- cluding the following: (1) the screen space usage isminimized; (2) when applicable, similar tags are clus- tered together. Typically, the width of the tag cloud is fixed, but its height can vary. For practical reasons, we do not wish for the server to send all of the data to the browser, includ- ing a possibly large number of similarity measures between tags. Hence, some of the tag-cloud must be server-bound. There are two possible architectures. The first scenario is a browser- aware approach (Kaser and Lemire, 2007): given the tag-cloud data provided by the server, the browser sends back to the server some display-specific data, such as the box dimensions of various tags using dif- ferent font sizes. The server then sends back an opti- mized tag cloud. The second approach is the server optimizes the display of the tag cloud without any knowledge of the browser by passing simple display hints. The browser can then execute a final and inexpensive display optimiza- tion. While optimization is neces- sarily limited, it has reduced latency and it is optimization can take many forms. For example, we could send classes of tags and instruct the browser to display them on separate lines (Hassan-Montero and Herrero-Solana, 2006). In our system, tags are sent to the browser as an or- dered list, using the convention that successive tags are similar and should appear nearby. Given a simi- larity measure wbetween tags, we want to d(p;q)is a distance func- tion between the two tags in the list and the sum is over all tags. Ideally, d(p;q)should be the physi- cal distance between the tags as they appear in the browser; we model this distance with the index dis- tance: if tag aappears at index iin the list and tagbappears at index j, their distance is the inte- gerjijj. This optimization problem is an instance of the NP-complete MINIMUM LINEAR ARRANGE - MENT (MLA) problem: an optimal linear arrange- ment of a graph G= (V;E), is a map ffrom Vonto f1;2;:::; Ngminimizing 1 The tag-cloud opti- mization problem is is an O(plognloglog n)-approximation for the MLA problem (Feige and Lee, 2007) in some instances. However, for our generic purposes, the greedy N EAREST NEIGHBOR (NN) algorithm might suffice: insert any tag in an empty list, then repeat- edly append a tag most similar to the latest tag in the list, until all tags have been inserted. It runs in O(n2) time where nis the number of tags. for the MLA problem is the PAIRWISE EX - CHANGE MONTE CARLO (PWMC) method (BhaskerFigure 6: Computing tag clouds from original data vs. ice- bergs: iceberg limit value set at 150 and tag-cloud size is 9 (US Income 2000). and Sahni, 1987): after applying NN, you the exchange of two tags chosen at them if it reduces the MLA cost. Another MONTE CARLO (MC) heuristic begins with the appli- cation of NN (Johnson et al., 2004): cut the list into two blocks at a random location, test if exchanging the two blocks reduces the MLA cost, if so display hints can be inserted in this list. For example, if two tags must absolutely be very close to each other, a GLUED token could be inserted. Also, if two tags can be permuted freely in the list, then a PERMUTABLE token could be inserted: the list could take the form of a PQ tree (Booth and Lueker, 1976). 6 these experiments, we used the Java ver- sion 1.6.0 02 from Sun Microsystems Inc. on an Ap- ple MacPro machine with 2 Dual-Core Intel Xeon processors running at 2.66 GHz and 2 GiB of RAM. 6.1 Iceberg-Based Computation To validate the generation of tag clouds from ice- bergs, we have run tests over the US Income 2000 data set (Hettich and Bay, 2000) (42 dimensions and about 2105facts) as well as a synthetic data set (18 dimensions and 2 104facts) provided by Swivel ( ). Figure 6 shows that while some tag- cloud computations require several minutes, iceberg- based computations can be much faster. From each data set, we generated a cube. We used the COUNT function to aggre- gate data. Tag clouds were computed from each data cube using the iceberg approximation with different values of limit: the number of facts retained. We alsoimplemented exact computations using temporary ta- bles. We specified different values for tag-cloud size, limiting the maximum number of tags. For each ice- berg limit value and tag-cloud size, we computed the entropy of the tag cloud, the false-positive and false- negative indexes, and processing time for both of ice- berg approximation and exact computation. We plotted in Figure 7 the false-positive and false- negative indexes as a function of the relative en- tropy (entropy/log (tag-cloud size )) using various ice- berg limit values (150, 600, 1200, 4800, and 19600) and various tag-cloud sizes (50, 100, 150, and 200), for a total of 20 tag clouds per dimension. The Y axis is in a logarithmic scale. Points having their in- dexes equal to zero are not displayed. As discussed in Section 4, false-positive and false-negative indexes should be low when the entropy is low. We verify that for low-entropy values ( size )), the indexes are always close to zero which indicates a good approximation. Meanwhile, small iceberg cuboids can be processed much faster. 6.2 Similarity our two data sets, we tested the NN, PWMC, and MC heuristics using both the cosine and the Tan- imoto similarity measures. From data cubes made of all available dimensions, we used all possible 1- tag clouds, using successively all other dimensions as clustering dimension for a total of 2 (1817+42 41) =4056 layout optimizations. The iceberg limit value was set at 150. The MC heuristic never fared better than NN, even when considering a very large number of random block permutations: we rejected this heuristic as ineffective. However, as Figure 8 shows, the PWMC heuristic can sometimes signifi- cantly outperform NN when a large number (1000) of tag exchanges are considered, but it only outperforms NN by more than 20% in less than 5% of all layout op- timizations. Meanwhile, PWMC can be several order of magnitudes slower than NN: NN is 10 times faster than PWMC with 100 exchanges and 70 times faster than PWMC with 1000 exchanges. Computing the similarity function over an iceberg cuboid was mod- erately expensive (0.07 s) for a small iceberg cuboid (limit set to 150 cells): the exact computation of the similarity function can dwarf the cost of the heuristics (NN and PWMC) over a moderately large data set. Informal tests suggest that NN computed over a small iceberg cuboid provides significant visual layouts. 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1False-positive and false-negative (26) Surname (7270) City (4102)(a) Swivel 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1False-positive and false-negative size)Country of birth (43) Age (91) Capital losses (1478) Household (99800) (b) US Income 2000 Figure 7: False-negative and false-positive indexes (0 is best, 1 is worst), values under 0.0001 are not included 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 COSINE TANIMOTOMLA costNo Displaying dimension Givenname and clus- tering by State (Swivel) 1e+006 1.02e+006 1.04e+006 1.06e+006 1.08e+006 1.1e+006 1.12e+006 COSINE TANIMOTOMLA costNo Displaying dimension HHDFMX and clus- tering by ARACE (US Income 2000) Figure 8: MLA costs for two examples: the PWMC heuristic was applied using 10, 100 and 1000 random exchanges. 7 to our experimental results, precomputing a single iceberg cuboid per data cube allows to gen- erate adequate approximate tag clouds online. Com- bined with modern Web technologies such as AJAX and JSON, it provides a responsive application. How- ever, we plan to make more precise the iceberg cubes, entropy, dimension sizes, and our quality indexes. Yet another approach to com- pute tag clouds quickly may be to use a bitmap in- dex (O'Neil and Quass, 1997). While we built a Web 2.0 with support for numerous such as permalinks, tag-cloud embeddings with iframe elements, we still need to experiment with live users. Our approach to multidimensional tag clouds has been to rely on k-tags. However, this ap- proach might not be appropriate when a dimension has a linear flow such as time or latitude. A more ap- propriate approach is to allow the use of a slider (Rus- sell, 2006) tying several tag clouds, each one corre- sponding to a given attribute second author is supported by NSERC grant 261437 and FQRNT grant 112381. The third author is supported by NSERC grant OGP0009184 and FQRNT grant PR-119731. 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Daniel Lemire
Kamel Aouiche, Daniel Lemire and Robert Godin
Collaborative OLAP with Tag Clouds: Web 2.0 OLAP Formalism and Experimental Evaluation
Software at https://github.com/lemire/OLAPTagCloud
Increasingly, business projects are ephemeral. New Business Intelligence tools must support ad-lib data sources and quick perusal. Meanwhile, tag clouds are a popular community-driven visualization technique. Hence, we investigate tag-cloud views with support for OLAP operations such as roll-ups, slices, dices, clustering, and drill-downs. As a case study, we implemented an application where users can upload data and immediately navigate through its ad hoc dimensions. To support social networking, views can be easily shared and embedded in other Web sites. Algorithmically, our tag-cloud views are approximate range top-k queries over spontaneous data cubes. We present experimental evidence that iceberg cuboids provide adequate online approximations. We benchmark several browser-oblivious tag-cloud layout optimizations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 11 Oct 2007 19:48:10 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:23:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 15 Mar 2016 21:52:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Aouiche", "Kamel", "" ], [ "Lemire", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Godin", "Robert", "" ] ]
2 KASRA RAFI AND SAUL 1.1. Suppose that x(S)>=2. Then the natural an map is always an injection. To see this recall Ivanov's The- orem [13, 19, 21]: if x(S)>=2 then every fAut(C(S)) is induced by some homeomorphism of S, calledfS. (When x(S) = 2 every automor- phism of C(S) is induced by some homeomorphism of S0,5; see [21].) Suppose that fAut(C(S)) is not the identity element. Then there is some curve awithfS(a) not isotopic to a. Consider the action of fSonPML(S). There is a small neighborhood of ainPML(S), sayU, so that fS(U)U=. Since ending laminations are dense, fSmoves some ending lamination of S. By Klarreich's Theorem (see Theorem 2.3 below), we deduce that fmoves some point of C(S). Fi- nally, any isometry of a Gromov hyperbolic space moving a point of the boundary is nontrivial in the quasi-isometry group. On the other hand, Theorem 7.1 implies that the is a surjection. /square Note that Theorem 7.1 and Corollary 1.1 are sharp. If Sis a sphere, disk, or pair of pants then the complex of curves is empty. If Sis an annulus then, following [23], the complex C(S) is quasi-isometric to Z (see below) and the conclusion of Theorem 7.1 does not hold. If Sis a torus, four-holed sphere or once-holed torus then the curve c omplex is a copy of the Farey graph. Thus C(S) is quasi-isometric to T, the countably infinite valence tree [4]. Hence QI( C(S)) is Aut( C(S)) = PGL(2 ,Z) is countable. Thus, for these surfaces the conclusion of Theorem 7.1 does not hold. We now give an application of Corollary 1.1: Theorem 1.2. Suppose that SandSare surfaces with to C(S). Then either *SandSare homeomorphic, * {S,S} {S0,4,S1,S1,1}, or * {S,S} two curve complexes are quasi-isometric if and only if they prove Theorem 1.2 we require Theorem 7.1 and the following COMPLEXES ARE RIGID 3 Theorem A.1. Suppose that SandSare compact, connected, ori- entable surfaces with MCG(S)isomorphic to MCG(S). Then either *SandSare homeomorphic, * {S,S}={S1,S1,1}, or * no proof of Theorem A.1 appears in the literature. In Appendix A we discuss previous work (Remark A.2) and, for complete - ness, give a proof of Theorem A.1. Proof of Theorem 1.2. For brevity, we restrict to the case where x(S) andx(S) are at least four. By Corollary 1.1 the automorphism groups ofC(S) andC(S) are isomorphic. Ivanov's Theorem [13, 19, 21] tells us that the simplicial automorphism group is isomorphic to the mapping class group. Finally, it follows fromTheorem A.1 that such surfaces a up to homeomorphism, by their mapping class group of the paper. The proof of Theorem 7.1 has the cobounded this pair to any strict subsurface of Sare uniformly close to each other in the complex of curves of that subsurface (see Definition 2 .8). Theorem 5.2. Suppose that x(S)>=2and suppose that ph:C(S)- C(S)is a quasi-isometric embedding. Then the induced map on boun d- aries preserves the coboundedness of ending 5.2 is important in its own right and may have other appli- cations. For example, it may be helpful in classifying of one curve complex into another. (See [26].) The proof of Theorem 5.2 uses the following theorem in an essential way: Theorem 1.3 (Gabai [8]) .Suppose that x(S)>=2. Then /square Remark 1.4. Leininger and the second author [20] previously gave a quite different proof of Theorem 1.3 in the cases where Shas genus at least four, or where Shas genus at least two and non-empty boundary. Note that Gabai's Theorem is sharp; C(S) is not connected when S is an annulus, torus, once-holed torus or four-holed sphere. LetM(S) denote the marking complex of the surface S. We show that a marking on Scan be coarsely described by a pair of cobounded ending laminations and a curve in C(S). Theorem 5.2 implies that embedding of C(S)intoC(S) induces amapfrom M(S) toM(S).4 KASRA RAFI AND SAUL 6.1. Suppose that C(S)is embedding. Then phinduces a coarse Lipschitz map Ph:M(S)- M(S)so that the diagram M(S)Ph- -- - M -- - C (S) commutesup to an additiveerror. Furthermore, if phis a so is Ph. As the final step of the proof of Theorem 7.1 we turn to a recent theorem of Behrstock, Kleiner, Minsky and Mosher [1]. See also [10]. Theorem 1.5. Suppose that Then every quasi- isometry of M(S)is bounded distance from the action of a homeomor- phism of S. /square So, iff:C(S)- C(S) is a quasi-isometry then Theorem 6.1 gives a quasi-isometry Fof marking complexes. This and Theorem 1.5 imply Theorem 7.1 except when S=S1,2. But the curve complexes are identical. Therefore to prove Theorem 7.1 for C(S1,2) it suffices to prove it for This paper was sparked by a question of Slava Matveyev. We thank Dan Margalit for useful spaces. A geodesic metric space XisGromov hyperbolic if there is a hyperbolicity constant d>=0 so that every triangle is d-slim: for every triple of vertices x,y,z Xand every triple of of [ x,y][y,z] contains [ z,x]. Suppose that ( X,dX) and (Y,dY) are geodesic metric spaces and f:X - Yis a map. Then fisq-coarsely Lipschitz if for all x,y X we andy'=f(y). If, in embedding . Two maps f,g:X - Yare d-closeif for all x Xwe COMPLEXES ARE RIGID 5 Iff:X - Yandg:Y - Xareq-coarsely Lipschitz and also to identity maps then . A quasi-isometric embedding of an interval [ s,t]Z, with the usual metric, is called a quasi-geodesic . In hyperbolic spaces 2.1. Suppose that (X,dX)has hyperbolicity constant dand thatf: [s,t]- Xis Then there is a that for any [p,q][s,t]the image f([p,q])and Hausdorff distance at most [6] for further background on hyperbolic spaces. Curve Complexes. LetS=Sg,b, as before. Define the vertex set of the curve complex, C(S), to be the set of simple closed curves in Sthat are essential and non-peripheral, considered up to distinct vertices a,b C(S) are connected by an edge if they have disjoint = 1 vertices are connected by an edge if there are with geometric intersection exactly one for the toru s and once-holed torus or exactly two for the four-holed sphere. This g ives theFarey graph . WhenSis an annulus the vertices are essential em- bedded arcs, considered up to isotopy fixing the boundary pointwis e. Vertices are connected by an edge if there are representatives w ith dis- joint interiors. For any vertices a,b C(S) define the distance dS(a,b) to be the minimal number of edges appearing in an edge path between aandb. Theorem 2.2 (Masur-Minsky [22]) .The complex of curves C(S)is Gromov hyperbolic. /square We usedSto denote the hyperbolicity constant of C(S). Boundary of the curve complex. LetC(S) be the Gromov bound- ary ofC(S). This is the space of quasi-geodesic rays in C(S) two rays are equivalent if and only if their images have bounded Hausdorff distance. Recall that PML(S) is the projectivized space of measured lamina- tions onS. A measured lamination lisfillingif every component a disk or a annulus. Take FL(S) PML (S) to be the set of filling laminations with the subspace topology. Define EL(S), the space of ending laminations, to be the quotient of FL(S) obtained by forgetting the measures. See [17] for an expansive dis cus- sion of laminations.6 KASRA RAFI AND SAUL 2.3 (Klarreich [18]) .There is a mapping class group equi- variant homeomorphism between C(S)andEL(S). /square We define C(S) projection. Suppose that ZSis anessential subsur- face:Zis embedded, every component of Zis essential in S, andZ is not a annulus nor a pair of pants. An ZSisstrictifZis not homeomorphic to S. A lamination bcutsa subsurface Zif every isotopy representative of bintersects Z. Ifbdoes not cut now that a,bC(S) both cut a strict subsurface Z. projection distance dZ(a,b) as follows: isotope awith respect to Zto realize the geometric intersection number. Surger the arcs ofaZto obtain pZ(a), a finite set of vertices in C(Z). Notice thatpZ(a) has uniformly bounded diameter in C(Z) independent of a, ZorS. Define dZ(a,b) = diam now recall the Lipschitz Projection Lemma [23, Lemma 2.3]: Lemma 2.4 (Masur-Minsky) .Suppose that {ai}N i=0 C(S)is a path where every vertex cuts ZS. /square For geodesics, the much stronger Bounded Geodesic Image Theor em holds [23, 25]: Theorem 2.5. There is a constant c0=c0(S)with the following prop- erty. For any strict subsurface Zand any points a,bC(S), if every vertex of the geodesic /square Marking complex. We now discuss the marking complex , following Masur and Minsky [23]. A complete clean marking mis a pants decom- position base( m) ofStogether with a transversal tafor each To define ta, letXabe the non-pants component Then any vertex of C(Xa) not equal to aand may serve as a transversal ta. Notice that diameter of minC(S) is at most 2. Masur and Minsky also define elementary moves on markings. The set of markings and these moves define the marking complex ,M(S): a locally finite graph quasi-isometric to the mapping class group. p:M(S)- C(S),sending m), is coarsely mapping class group equivariant. We now record, from [2 3], the Elementary Move Projection Lemma:CURVE COMPLEXES ARE RIGID 7 Lemma 2.6. Ifmandm'differ by an elementary move then for any essential subsurface ZS, we have dZ(m,m')<=4. /square A converse follows from the distance estimate [23]. Lemma 2.7. For every constant cthere is a bound e=e(c,S)with the following property. If dZ(m,m')<=cfor every essential geodesics. The curve complex is locally infinite. Gen- erally, there are infinitely many geodesics connecting a given pair of points in C(S). In [23] the notion of a tightgeodesic is introduced. This is a technical hypothesis which provides a certain kind of Lemma 2.9 below is the only property of tight geodesics used in this 2.8. A pair of curves, markings or laminations ifdZ(a,b)<=cfor all strict subsurfaces ZScut by shows [25, Lemma 5.14] that if a,bC(S) then there is a tight geodesic [ a,b] C(S) connecting them. All geodesics from here on are assumed to be tight. Lemma 2.9 (Minsky) .There is a constant c1=c1(S)with the fol- lowing property. Suppose that (a,b)is ac-cobounded pair in C(S)and c[a,b]is a vertex of a tight geodesic. Then the pairs Lemmas We now examine how points of C(S) can be connected to infinity. Lemma 3.1 (Completion) .There is a constant c2=c2(S)with the following property. Suppose that b C(S)andlC(S). Suppose that the pair Then there is a marking mso /square The existence of the marking mfollows from the construction pre- ceding [3, Lemma 6.1]. Lemma 3.2 (Extension past a point) .Suppose that a,z Then there is a point lC(S)so that the vertex alies in of be any lamination. Let Ybe a component meets z. Pick any mapping class phwith support in Yand8 KASRA RAFI AND SAUL SCHLEIMER with translation distance at least (2 c0+2) inC(Y). We have Theorem 2.5, at least one of the geodesics [ z,k] or [z,ph(k)] passes through the one-neighborhood of a. 3.3 (Extension past a marking) .There is a that if mis a marking on S, then there are that the pairs through the one-neighborhood of m. Proof.There are only finitely many markings up to the action of the mapping class group. Fix a class of markings and pick a representativ e m. We will find a pseudo-Anosov map with stable and unstable that [ k,l] passes throughthe one-neighborhood of m. This suffices to prove the proposition: there is a constant c3(m) large enough so that the pairs ( k,l), (k,m) and (m,l) MCG(S)*m, by conjugation. We can now take c3to be the maximum of the c3(m) asm ranges over the finitely many points of the quotient M(S)/MCG(S). So choose any pseudo-Anosov map ph'with stable and unstable Choose any point b'[k',l']. We may conjugate ph' toph, sending ( k',l',b') to (k,l,b), so that bis disjoint from some curve abase(m). This finishes the proof. /square 4.The shell is be the ball of radius raboutz C(S). The difference of concentric balls is called a 4.1. Suppose that Then, for anyr>=0, the connected. Below we will only need the corollary that is con- nected. However, the shell has other interesting geometric prop erties. We hope to return to this subject in a future paper. One difficulty in the proof of Proposition 4.1 lies in pushing points of the inner boundary into the interior of the shell. To deal with this we use the fact that C(S) has no dead ends . Lemma 4.2. Fix vertices z,a C(S). Suppose dS(z,a) =r. Then there is a vertex a' COMPLEXES ARE RIGID 9 Note that this implies that any geodesic [ a,a'] lies outside of B(z,r- 1). For a proof of Lemma 4.2, see Proposition 3.1 of [27]. Proof of Proposition 4.1. For any z C(S) and any geodesic or geo- desic segement [ a,b]C(S) define dS(z,[a,b]) = min Define a product on C(S) the infimum ranges over all geodesics [ a,b]. For every kC(S) let U(k) setU(k) is a neighborhood of kby the definition of the topology on the boundary [9]. Notice that if lU(k) the set V(k) of alllC(S) so that there is a finite sequence k=k0,k1,...,k N=lwithki+1U(ki) for all i. Now, if lV(k) thenU(l)V(k); thusV(k) is open. If lis a limit point of V(k) then there is a sequence liV(k) entering every neighborhood of l. So there is some iwhereliU(l). ThuslU(li)V(k) and we find that V(k) is closed. Finally, as C(S) is connected (Theorem 1.3), V(k) any vertices in the shell B(z,r+ We connecta', via a path in the shell, to a vertex aso thatdS(z,a) =r+d. This is always possible: points far from zmay be pushed inward along geodesics and points near zmay be pushed outward by Lemma 4.2. Similarly connect and[z,l] Connect ktolby a chain of points {ki}inV(k), as above. Define ai[z,ki] so thatdS(z,ai) =r+d. Connect atoa0via a path of length at most 2. Notice that As triangles are slim, to [ z,ki+1]. Thus aiandai+1may be connected inside of the shell via a path of length at most 2 d. /square 5.Image of a cobounded geodesic is cobounded We begin with a simple lemma: Lemma 5.1. For every candrthere is a constant Kwith the Let [a,b] C(S)be a geodesic segment of length Let zbe the midpoint. Then there is a path Pof length at most Kconnecting atoboutside of are only finitely many such triples ( a,z,b), up the action of the mapping class group. (This is because there are only finitely10 KASRA RAFI AND SAUL SCHLEIMER many hierarchies having total length less than a given upper bound; see [23]). The conclusion now follows from the connectedness of the shell (Proposition 4.1). /square Note that any quasi-isometric embedding ph:C(S)- C(S) extends to a one-to-one continuous map from C(S) toC(S). Theorem 5.2. There is a function H:N-N, depending only on q and the topology of SandS, with the following property. Suppose (k,l) is a pair of c-cobounded laminations and ph:C(S)- C(S)is embedding. Then every strict subsurface ohm S we must bound dohm(k,l) from above. Now, if dS(ohm,[k,l])>=2 then by the Bounded Geodesic Image Theorem (2.5) we find and we are done. C(S) C(S)k k l 1. Points outside of an r-ball about zare sent byphoutside of an ( q+MS+2)-ball about ohm. Now suppose Note that [ k,l] lies in the M- neighborhood of ph([k,l]), where M=MSis provided by Lemma 2.1. Choose a vertex z[k,l] so that 1. Set r= q(q+2M+3)+q. the intersections of [ k,l] withB(z,r), chosen so that [k,a] and [b,l] meetB(z,r) at the vertices aandbonly. Connect a tobvia a path Pof length K, outside of B(z,r-1), as provided by Lemma 5.1. Leta=ph(a) andb=ph(b). Now, any consecutive vertices of P are mapped by phto vertices of C(S) that are at distance at most 2 q. Connecting these by geodesic segments gives a path P from atob.CURVE COMPLEXES ARE RIGID 11 Note that P has length at most 2 qK. Since every vertex of ph(P) is (q+M+2)-far from ohm every vertex of P is ( M+2)-far from ohm. So every vertex of Pcuts ohm. It followsthat dohm(a,b)<=4qK, byLemma 2.4. All that remains is to bound dohm(k,a) anddohm(b,l). It suffices, by the Bounded Geodesic Image Theorem, to show that every vertex of [k,a] cuts ohm. The same will hold for [ b,l]. Every vertex of [ k,a] isM-close to a vertex of ph([k,a]). But each of these is ( q+M+2)-far from ohm. This completes the proof. /square 6.The induced map on markings In this section, given a quasi-isometric embedding of one curve com- plex into another we construct a coarsely Lipschitz map between th e associated marking andM(S) be the marking complexes of Sand S respec- tively. Let p:M(S)- C(S) andp:M(S)- C(S) be maps that send a marking to some curve in that marking. Theorem 6.1. Suppose that C(S)is embedding. Then phinduces a coarse Lipschitz map Ph:M(S)- M(S)so that the diagram M(S)Ph- -- - M -- - C (S) commutesup to an additiveerror. Furthermore, if phis a so is Ph. Proof.For a marking mand laminations kandl, we say the triple (m,k,l) isc-admissible and *the pairs ( k,m), (m,l) and (k,l) enough and for every marking m, Proposition 3.3 shows that there exists a c-admissible triple ( m,k,l). Given a c-admissible triple ( m,k,l) we will now construct a triple (u,k,l) for S. Let abe any curve in ph(m) C(S),k=ph(k) and l=ph(l). Note that (6.2) the stability of quasi-geodesics (Lemma 2.1). Also ( k,l) is aH(c)- cobounded pair, by Theorem 5.2. Let bbe a closest point projection of12 KASRA RAFI AND SAUL SCHLEIMER ato the geodesic [ k,l]. By Lemma 2.9, the pair ( b,k) is Using Lemma 3.1, there is a marking uso thatbbase(u) and (u,k) are Therefore, for C= 2H(c)+ c1+c2the triple ( u,k,l) isC-admissible. Define Ph( m) to be equal 2. Markings uandu'are bounded apart. We now prove Ph is coarsely well-defined and coarsely Lipschitz. Sup- pose that mandm'differ by at most one elementary move and Let( any corresponding C-admissible triples in S, as constructed above. (See Figure 2.) We must show that there is a uniform bound on the distance between uandu'in the marking graph. By Lemma 2.7, it suffices to prove: Claim.For every subsurface ohm S,dohm(u,u') =O(1). Now, Lemma 2.6 gives dS(m,m')<=4. the other hand, for any strict subsurface ohm S, we COMPLEXES ARE RIGID 13 The first and third terms on the right are bounded by C. By Theo- rem 5.2, the second term is bounded by H(2c+4). This is because, for every strict subsurface proves the claim; thus Ph is coarsely well-defined and assume that phis a quasi-isometry with inverse f:C(S)- C(S). Let Ph and Fbe the associated maps between marking complexes. We must show that F*Ph is close to the identity map on C(S). Fixm M(S) and define u= Ph(m),m'=F(u). For any admissible asabove, anadmissible triple( u,k,l). Sincef(k) =k andf(l) =lit follows that ( m',k,l) is also admissible for a somewhat larger constant. As above, by Lemma 2.7 it suffices to show that dZ(m,m') =O(1) for every essential subsurface ZS. Sincef*phis close to the up to additive error implies that dS(m,m') is bounded. Since (m,k) and (m',k) are cobounded, the triangle inequality =O(1) for strict subsurfaces ZS. This completes the proof. of the curve complex Theorem 7.1. Suppose that x(S)>=2. Then every quasi-isometry of C(S)is bounded distance from a simplicial automorphism of C(S) be By Theorem 6.1 there is a Q-quasi-isometry F:M(S)- M(S) associated to f. By Theorem 1.5 the action of Fis uniformly close to the induced action of some homeomorphism G:S-S. That is, (7.2) C(S) be the simplicial automorphism induced by G. We need to show that fandgare equal in QI( C(S)). Fix a curve a C(S). We must show the distance dS(f(a),g(a)) is bounded by a of the curve a. Choose a marking mcontaining aas a base curve. Note that dS(a,p(m))<=2, Theorem 6.1, for every marking m Equation 7.2 and Lemma 2.6 we KASRA RAFI AND SAUL is a base curve of G(m), four equations imply finishes the proof. /square Appendix A.Classifying mapping class groups For any compact, connected, orientable surface SletMCG(S) be the extended mapping class group: the group of homeomorphisms o f S, considered up to isotopy. We will use Ivanov's characterization of Dehn twists via algebraic twist subgroups [12], the action of MCG(S) onPML(S), and the concept of a bracelet[2] to give a detailed A.1. Suppose that SandSare compact, connected, ori- entable surfaces with MCG(S)isomorphic to MCG(S). Then either *SandSare homeomorphic, * {S,S}={S1,S1,1}, or * {S,S}={S,D}. By the classification of surfaces, Sis determined up to homeomor- phism by the two numbers g= genus( S) andb=|S|. So to prove Theorem A.1 it suffices prove that x(S) = 3g-3+b, the complexity ofS, andg, the genus, are algebraic: determined by the isomorphism type ofMCG(S). Remark A.2. Theorem A.1 is a well-known folk-theorem. A version of Theorem A.1, for pure mapping class groups, is implicitly contained in [12] and was known to N. Ivanov as early as the fall of 1983 [16]prove TheoremA.1when g>=1 (see also [15]). There is also a folk proof of Theorem A.1 relying on the fact that the rank and virtual cohomological dimension are algebraic and give two independent linear equations in the unknowns gandb. g= 0andwhen b= 0. Thusthere are two infinite families of pairs of surfaces which are not distinguishe d by these difficult pairs can be differentiated by carefully elements in the associated mapping class groups. We prefer the somewhat lighter proof of Theorem A.1 given here.CURVE COMPLEXES ARE RIGID 15 Therankof a group is the size of a minimal generating set. The algebraic rank of a group G, rank(G), is the maximum of the ranks of free abelian subgroups H < G. Now, the algebraic rank of MCG(S) is equal tox(S), whenx(S)>=1 [5]). When x(S)<=0 the algebraic rank is zero or one. So when x(S)>=1 the complexity is algebraically determined. There are only finitely many surfaces having x(S)<1; we now dispose of these and a few other special cases. Low complexity. A Dehn twist along an essential, in an orientable surface has infinite order in the mapping class group. Thus, the only surfaces where the mapping class group has algebraic rank zero are the sphere, disk, annulus, and pants. We m ay compute these and other low complexity mapping class groups method [7]. For the sphere and the disk we the group of order two generated by a reflection. For the annulus and pants we the Klein 4-group and S 3is the symmetric group acting on the boundary of S0,3. Here, in addition to reflections, there is the permutation action of MCG(S) onS. The surfaces with algebraic rank equal to one are the torus, once - holed torus, and four-holed sphere. For the torus and the once- holed torus we first isomorphism is classical [28, Section 6.4]. The second has a similar proof: the pair of curves meeting once is replaced by a pair of disjoint arcs cutting S1,1into a disk. Now we compute the mapping class group of the four-holed isomorphism arises from the surjective action of MCG(S0,4) on the Farey graph. If phlies in the kernel then phfixes each of the Examining the induced action of phon these slopes and their intersections shows that phis either the identity or one of the three fake hyperelliptic involutions. It follows that MCG(S0,4) has no center, and so distinguishes connected, icrank equal to their complexity and greater than one (again, see [5]). Amo ng16 KASRA RAFI AND SAUL the only ones with mapping class group center [7]. As the complexities of S1,2andS2differ, their mapping class groups distinguish them from each other and from sur - faces with equal complexity. This disposes of all surfaces of comple xity at most three exceptfor telling S0,6apart from S1,3. We defer this delicate point to the end of the twists. Recallthatif closed curve then Tais theDehn twist abouta. We call athe supportof theDehntwist. If aisaseparating curve a pair of pants then ais apants curve . In this case there is a half-twist ,T1/2 a, abouta. (When acuts off a pants on both sides then the two possible half-twists differ by a fake say that two elements f,g conju- gate and satisfy fgf=gfg. From [24, Lemma 4.3] and [16, Theorem 3.15] we have: Lemma A.3. Two powers of twists commute if and only if their sup- porting curves are disjoint. Two twists braid if and only if t heir sup- porting curves meet exactly once. /square The proof generalizes to half-twists along pants curves: Lemma A.4. Two half-twists commute if and only if the are disjoint. Two half-twists braid if and only if the meet exactly twice. /square Now, closely following Ivanov [12, Section 2], we essay an of twists on nonseparating curves inside of MCG(S). Define a subgroup H <MCG(S) to be an algebraic twist subgroup if it has the following a free abelian group of rank k=x(S), *for alli,jthe generators gi,gjare conjugate inside of MCG(S), *for alliandnthe center of the centralizer, Z(C(gn i)), is cyclic, and *for alli, the generator giis not a proper power in C(H). We have: Theorem A.5. Suppose that trivial center. Suppose that an algebraic twist group. Then the elements giare all either twists on nonseparating curves or are all half - twists on pants curves. Furthermore, the underlying curves for thegi form a pants decomposition of S.CURVE COMPLEXES ARE RIGID 17 Proof.By work of [5] (see also [24]) we know that there is a power mso that each element fi=gm iis either a power of Dehn twist or a pseudo-Anosov supported in a subsurfa ce of complexity one. Suppose that fiis pseudo-Anosov with support in YS; then the center of the centralizer Z(C(fi)) contains the group generated by fiand all twists along curves in Y. However, this group is not cyclic, a instead that each fiis the power of a Dehn twist. Let bibe the support of fi. Since the ficommute with each other and are not equal it follows that the biare disjoint and are not isotopic. Thus the biform a pants decomposition. Since the giare conjugate the same holds for the fi. Thus all the bihave the same topological type. IfShas positive genus then it follows that all of the biare nonsep- arating. If Sis planar then it follows that S=S0,5orS0,6and all of thebiare pants curves. Now fix attention on any hC(H), the centralizer of HinMCG(S). We will show that hpreserves each curve bi. First recall that, for any index iand any nZ, the element hcommutes with fn i. Let l PMF(S) be any filling lamination. We and fn i*h(l)-bi. so It follows that h(bi) =bifor alli. Fix attention on any bl {bi}. Suppose first that the two sides of bl lie in a single pair of pants, P. IfPmeetsbland no other pants a contradiction. If Pmeets only and bkis separating, a contradiction. We deduce that bl meets two pants, PandP'. Now, if hinterchanges PandP'thenS is in fact the union of PandP'; asx(S)>1 it follows that S=S1,2 orS2. However, in both cases the mapping class group has contrary to hypothesis. We next consider the possibility that that hfixesPsetwise. So h|P is an element of MCG(P). Ifh|Pis orientation reversing then so is h; thushconjugates fltof-1 l, a contradiction. If h|Ppermutes the components of either blcuts off a copy of in the latter case we have bi's of differing types, a summarize: his orientation preserving, after an isotopy hpre- serves each of the bi, andhpreserves every component of Fur- thermore, when restricted to any such component P, the element his either isotopic to the identity or to a half twist. The latter occurs on ly whenPS=d+d-, withh(d+-) =d.18 KASRA RAFI AND SAUL SCHLEIMER So, if the biare nonseparating then his isotopic to the identity map on It follow that his a product of Dehn twists on the bi. In particular this holds for each of the giand we deduce that Tbi, the Dehn twist on bi, is an element of C(H). Now, since Z(C(gi)) =Zwe deduce that the support of giis a single curve. By the above giis a power of Tbi; sincegiis primitive in C(H) we find gi=Tbi, as Herehis the identity on the unique pants fewer than two components of S. On the others, h is either the identity or of order two. So his a product of half-twists on the{bi}. As in the previous paragraph, this implies that We now recall a pretty definition from [2]. Suppose gis a twist or a half-twist. A a set of mapping classes {fi}so with g(and so is conjugate to [fi,fj] = 1, and *nofiis equal to g. Note that bracelets are algebraically defined. The bracelet number of gis the maximal size of a bracelet around g. Claim A.6. Ahalf-twist on a pants curve has bracelet number at two half-twists braid, then they intersect twice (Lemma A.4). Thus, the pants they cut off share a curve of S. If two the pants are disjoint (again, Lemma A.4). Therefore, t here are at most two commuting half-twists braiding with a given half-twist . /square On the other hand: Claim A.7. Suppose that Then a twist on a has bracelet number 2 that ais a non-separating curve with associated Dehn twist. Let {bi}be curves underlying the twists in the bracelet. once (Lemma A.3). Also, each biis disjoint from the others and not parallel to any of the others (again, Lemma A.3) . Thus the bicutSinto a collection of surfaces {Xj}. For each jlet aj=aXjbe the remains of ainXj. Note that Each component of Xjeither meets exactly one endpoint of exactly one arc ofajor is a boundary component of S. Now: *ifXjhas genus,CURVE COMPLEXES ARE RIGID 19 *if|Xj|>4, or *if|Xj|= 4 and ajis a single arc, then there is a non-peripherial curve in in a single point. However, this contradicts the maximality of {bi}. Thus everyXjis planar and has at most four boundary components. If Xj is an annulus then Sis a torus, violating our assumption. If Xjis a pants then ajis a single arc. If Xj=S0,4thenajis a pair of arcs. An Euler characteristic computation finishes the proof. /square Proving the theorem. Suppose now that x(S)>=4. ByTheorem A.5 any basis element of any algebraic twist group is a Dehn twist on a nonseparating curve. Here the bracelet number is 2 g-2+b. Thusx(S) minus the bracelet number is g-1. This, together with the fact that x(S) agrees with the algebraic rank, gives an algebraic characterizatio the discussion of low complexity surfaces proves the theorem. The same is true when x(S) = 3 and MCG(S) has only surfaces remaining are S0,6andS1,3. InMCG(S0,6) every basis element of every algebraic twist group has bracelet number tw o. InMCG(S1,3) every basis element of every algebraic twist group has bracelet number three. So Theorem A.1 is proved. Jason Behrstock, Bruce Kleiner, Yair Minsky, and Lee Mosher. G eometry and rigidity of mapping class groups. arXiv:0801.2006. [4] [2] Jason Behrstock and Dan Margalit. Curve complexes and finite ind ex subgroups of mapping class groups. Geom. Dedicata , 118:71-85, [14, 18] [3] Jason A. Behrstock. Asymptotic geometry of the mapping class group and Teichm uller space. Geom. Topol. , 10:1523-1578 (electronic), [7] [4] GregoryC. Bell andKoji dimension ofa curvegraph is finite. J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) , 77(1):33-50, 2008. [2] [5] Joan S. Birman, Alex Lubotzky, and John McCarthy. Abelian and s of the mapping class groups. Duke Math. J. , ~jb/papers.html. [15, 16] [6] Martin R. Bridson and Andr' e Haefliger. Metric spaces of non-positive curva- ture. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999. 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Saul Schleimer
Kasra Rafi, Saul Schleimer
Curve complexes are rigid
20 pages, two figures, revised to reflect referee comments
Duke Math. J. 158, no. 2 (2011), 225-246
Any quasi-isometry of the complex of curves is bounded distance from a simplicial automorphism. As a consequence, the quasi-isometry type of the curve complex determines the homeomorphism type of the surface.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 19 Oct 2007 23:05:18 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 12 May 2010 15:32:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Rafi", "Kasra", "" ], [ "Schleimer", "Saul", "" ] ]
2 If the point of the literatures [10-12] is right, there isn't quantum entanglement between A and B systems and A and C systems. We find this conclusion contradi cts a logical fact: if A gets entangled with BC group, A must get entangled with at least on e of B and C systems, otherwise A will get not entangled with BC group. Obviously only accept ing the point that Eq.(1) contains quantum entanglement can resolve this problem. Another evidence can be found in quantum teleportation. Sup pose B system is far away from A system, A and C systems are in a same location, and A, B and C sy stems are in the (4) Perform an union measurement for A and C systems,we will obta in one of the following (5) accordingly B system will change its state to one of the follo wing possible r r B4=rB3. (6) It is obvious that B final state contains part of the informati on of C initial state: the module squares of the expanding coefficients of C initial state. On th e other hand, if use the accepted quantum entangled (7) to replacerABin Eqs.(4) to perform the above experiment, we will obtain an other set of B (8) Compare this result with Eqs.(6) we find the B final states in Eq s.(8) contain more information of C initial state: the relative phase of the expanding coeffic ientsc1andc2. So we can conclude3 that the quantum channel capacity of Eq.(7) is larger than that of rABin Eqs.(4). However we cannot conclude that the channel rABin Eqs.(4) doesn't have the ability to information (the module squares of c1andc2are also quantum informations). Thus rAB in Eqs.(4) must contain a certain kind of quantum entangleme nt between A and B systems, though this kind of quantum entanglement isn't same as the quantum e ntanglement in Eq.(7). In general, we discuss the quantum entanglement contained i n the states described by We point out that density matrices can only beused to describequantum states, thus the entanglement contained in density matrices is just quantum entanglement. Under this point most of the quantum separable states people considered before, s uch as the bipartite state in Eq.(1), are in fact quantum entangled author thanks Prof. Hong-bo Zhu and Doctor Pei-lin Lang f or the useful discussions this appendix we present the works of trying to quantify th e quantum entanglement degrees of the states described by density matrices. It is obvious th at the quantum entanglement degree in Eq.(7) is larger than that in Eqs.(4). We believe the increas e of the quantum entanglement degree of Eq.(7) comes from the two is the excess In general it can be concluded that the quantum entanglemen t degree of A and B systems can be determined by the expanding coefficients of A and B system's matrix. If A system's orthonormal bases are 1...n}, B system's are 1...m}, expand the density matrix rABaccording to A system's : rAB=n/summationdisplay i,i'=1rii'|Ai/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{tAi'|, (9) where the expanding coefficients {rii'}can be written as (10) If all of {rii'}are same, A and B systems will not get entangled with each othe r. So the more different {rii'}are, the more large the quantum entanglement degree is. The d ifference be determined by the following (11) The matrix Xis a Hermitian matrix, so it can be diagonalized by an unitary matrix. The rank of matrixXis just the number of the orthonormal bases of {rii'}. Obviously the rank of matrix Xis the bigger the better. But it is difficult to use matrix Xto quantify quantum entanglement degree, because the values of the matrix elements of Xalso reflect the difference between pure states and mixed states (the trace of the module square of pure state is 1 , but that of mixed state is less than 1) which is nothing to do with quantum entanglement. So up to t he present we still haven't found a suitable method to quantify the quantum entanglement degr ee of a general quantum state. [1] A. Einstein, B. Podolsky and N. Rosen, Phys. Rev. 47 (1935) 777 . [2] E. Schrodinger, 23 (1935) 807. [3] J.S. Bell, Physics (N.Y.) 1 (1964) 195. [4] C.H. Bennett, G. Brassard, C. Crepeau, R. Jozsa, A. Peres, a nd W.K. Wootters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 (1993) 1895; S. Albeverio and S.M. Fei, Phys. Lett. A 276 (2000) 8; G.M. DAriano, P.Lo Presti, M.F. Sacchi, Phys. Lett. A 272 (2000) 32; S. Albeverio and S.M. Fei and W.L. Yang, Phys. Rev. A 66 (2002) 0123 01. [5] D. Bouwmeester, J.-W. Pan, K. Mattle, M. Elbl, H. Weinfurter and A. 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Yong Zhou
Yong Zhou
The quantum entanglement contained in density matrices
5 pages
We point out that density matrices can only be used to describe quantum states, so the entanglement contained in a density matrix is just quantum entanglement. This means a bipartite state described by a density matrix contains quantum entanglement, unless the density matrix has the form $\rho_{AB}=\rho_A\otimes \rho_B$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 22 Oct 2007 13:49:10 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 18 Jul 2010 04:10:18 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Fri, 24 Dec 2010 10:52:04 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhou", "Yong", "" ] ]
is finite dimensional is omitted. Paper [ZGZ] pointed out that we can sy the solutions of Yang-Baxter equations by means of loc al quasitriangular Hopf algebras. In this paper we structure the graded Drinfeld double of Hopf algebra of rooted trees and show that it is a local quasitriangular Hopf algebra. Note that R. Grossman and R. G. Larson also constructed Hopf alg ebras by means of rooted trees in [GL], but they are not the same as the Hopf algebra o f rooted trees will use notations of [CK] and [Fo]. We call rooted tree t a connected and finite set of oriented edges and vertices such that the re is one with no incoming edge; this vertex is called the root of t. number of its vertices. The fertility of a vertex vof a tree tis the number of edges outgoing from v. Aladderis a rooted tree such that every vertex has fertility less than or equal to 1. There is a unique ladder of weight i; we denote it by the sets of all integers, all positive integers and all non- negative integers, respectively. k=Qdenotes rational number field. A sub-tree uof rooted tree tis said to be of the height rif the distant from root of tto root of uisr, i.e. there exist exactly rarrows from root of tto root of u. Assume that uandu'are two sub-trees of rooted tree twith the same height. If we change the position of uandu'int, we get a new rooted tree t', said that t'is obtained by an elementary transformation from t. Two rooted trees tandt'are called equivalent if t'can be obtained by finite from t, written as t~t'. Note that t~tfor any rooted tree tsince we can choice u=u'. For , 1: the first and second rooted trees are equivalent; the third an d fourth rooted trees are ~ is an equivalent relation in all rooted trees. Let RTbe the set of equivalent classes of all rooted trees and RTnbe the set of equivalent classes of all rooted trees with weight n. Definea(n) := card RTn, i.e. the number of elements in RTn. HRdenotes the algebra of polynomials over QinRT. The monomials of HRwill It is often useful to think of the unit 1 of HRas an empty forest. of HRwas defined in [CK] and [Fo, Page 90-91 ]. Explicitly, we are going to give a structure of Hopf algebra to HR. Before this, we define an elementary cut of a 2rooted tree tas a cut at a single chosen edge. An admissible cut C of a rooted tree tis an assignment of elementary cuts such that any path from any ver tex of the tree has at most one elementary cut. A cut maps a tree tinto a forest t1...tn. One of the ticontains the root of t: it will be denoted by RC(t). The product of the others will be denoted by PC(t). Then is the morphism of algebras from HRintoHRHRsuch that for any rooted tree t, (t) = counit is given by e(1) = 1,e(t) = 0 for any rooted tree t. ThenHRis a Hopf algebra, with antipode given by : S(t) cuts of the number of elementary cuts in C.HRis called the Hopf algebra of the Hopf subalgebra of HRgenerated by all ladders l' is. L1denotes the Lie algebra defined in [CK] and [Fo, Page 90, Section 2], ca lled the Lie algebra of rooted tree. Explicitly, it is the linear span of the elemen tsZtindexed by rooted trees. For t1, t2, trooted trees, one defines n(t1,t2;t) as the number of elementary cuts oftsuch that PC(t) =t1andRC(t) =t2. Then the Lie bracket on L1is given by: [Zt1,Zt2] graded as Lie algebra by degree(Zt) =weight(t). The enveloping algebra U(L) is graded as Hopf algebra with the corresponding gradation (see [CK]) . LetM,Nbe two forests of HR. We obtained by appending M to every node of N if N/ne}ationslash= 1 0 if N= 1. We can extend ..to a bilinear map from HRxHRintoHR. 1 The number of rooted trees In this section we give a formula to compute the number a(n) of equivalent classes of rooted trees with weight n. Theorem 1.1. a(n+1) (1) 3The proof of Theorem 1.1 will be given in Appendix 4. Remark: ofalgebra of rooted trees, instead of rooted trees. Otherwise, B+in [CK, map (45)] is not a map. A rooted tree tis called an r-branch tree if the fertility of every vertex of tis less than or equal to r. Letar(n) denote the number of equivalent classes of r-branch rooted trees with weight n. We can show the following by the method similar to the proof of Theor em 1.1. Theorem 1.2. ar(n+1) 0} <=r}.(2) 2 Some properties about Hopf algebras In this section we give some properties of the Hopf algebra of roote d 2.1. not any nonzero Letl1denote the rooted tree with weight ( l1) = 1. It is clear that the subalgebra k[l1] ofHRgenerated by l1is a Hopf subalgebra of HR. By [DNR, has not any nonzero integral. Therefore, it follows from [DNR, Cor ollary 5.3.3] that HRhas not any nonzero integral. Similarly, we can show the other. Proposition 2.2. Hladdcan not be generated by primitive elements of Hladdas [Fo, Proposition 9.3 and Theorem 9.5], l2can not generated by set {Pi| i= 1,2,***,***}, wherePiis defined in [Fo, Proposition 9.3]. N. Andruskiewitsch and H. J. Schneider in [AS2, Conjecture 1.4] gav e a finite dimensional pointed Hopf algebra can be generated by it s coradical and elements. pointed Hopf algebra does not and They also are not strictly graded coalgebras (see [Sw, P 232]). A Hopf algebra His called trivial, if dim H= 1. Proposition 2.3. (i) IfHis a nontrivial pointed irreducible Hopf algebra, then Hhas not any finite dimensional nontrivial Hopf not any finite dimensional nontrivial Hopf Assume that Ais a Hopf subalgebra of so there exists a nonzero primitive element xA1. By [ZZC, Lemma 3.5] or [AS1, Lemma 3.3], set {xi|i= 1,2,***}is linearly independent in A, so Ais infinite It immediately follows from (i). By [Fo, Theorem 3.1], there is a bilinear form that <1,h >=e(h), < Z t,h >= ( th)|t=0, and< ZtZt',h >=< ZtZt',(h)> for anyh HR,t,t' RT. Lemma 2.4. (see [Sw, Section 11.2]) Assume that H= i=0H(i)is a local finite graded Hopf algebra(i.e. dim H(i)<for anyi). Define Hg:= i=0(H(i))*, called graded dual ofH. ThenHgis a graded Hopf algebra and H~=(Hg)gas graded Hopf is clear that we show that Hg= i=0(H(i))*is a graded Hopf algebra. Considering [Ni, Pro.1.5.1], we have to prove th at it is a However, it is easy. Therefore, ( H(i))*= (Hg)(i)fori= we show that sHis a graded Hopf algebra isomorphism from HtoHgg, where< sH(h),f >=< f,h > for anyfH*,hH. Indeed, we have to show thatsH(H) =Hgg.For any hH(i),fH* (j)= have that < sH(h),f >=< f,h >= That implies sH(H) =Hgg. Corollary 2.5. graded Hopf algebras. Recall [Fo, Corollary 3.3], Ph .,h >and Ps l,. >are a coalgebra isomorphism and an algebra isomorphism, respectively. Ho wever, we have Theorem 2.6. Phis not algebraic and Psis not two rooted trees, which are in different equivalent classes. It is clear that Ph( tt')(Zt) 0, so Ph( Ph(t)*Ph(t'). That is, Ph is not algebraic. Similarly, Ps is not coalgebraic. This implies that both Ph and Ps are not isomorphisms of Hopf algebras. 3 The graded Drinfeld double In this section we structure the graded Drinfeld double of Hopf alge bra of rooted trees and show that it is a local quasitriangular Hopf a local finite graded vector space and anyn N. the evaluation and coevaluation of If we denote by basis of dual basis in ( V(n))*, (3) are coevaluations of V(n)andVn, respectively, for any nN. LetCU,Vdenote the sending uvtovufor anyuU,vV. Lemma 3.1. LetH= i=0H(i)be a local finite graded Hopf algebra. Under notation above, set A= (Hg)cop, [Pn] = 1Pn1 a local quasitriangular Hopf =A tH,called graded Drinfeld double of H. Proof.It follows from [ZGZ, Lemma 3.4] and [ZGZ, Lemma 3.6]. a basis of ( By the proof of [Fo, Proposition 8.1], a basis of ( HR)(n). Therefore, a basis of ( HR)(n). its dual basis in ( HR)g (n). Applying these basis and Lemma above we have Theorem 3.2. a local algebra with Rn= [Pn] = 1Pn1 = Furthermore D(H) =A tH=A#bH(i.e. (right) smash product), i.e. (a h)(b g) a1,h1>< a2,S(h3)> h2 for 3.3. LetH=U(L1) = i=0H(i). a local Hopf algebra. Furthermore, D(H) =A tH=A#H(i.e. smash product), i.e. (a h)(b g) a1,h1>< a3,S(h2)> a2 for anya,bA,h,gH. 4 Appendix Proof of Theorem 1.1 We first list all representatives of equivalent classes of rooted trees with weight n<=6 and check the formula l1l2l3l4l5 a(3) =a(2+1) = 1+1 = 2 20000 11000 n= 3a(4) =a(3+1) = 1+1+2 = =a(4+1) = 2+1+1+4+1 = 9 =a(5+1) = 00001 = 1+2+4+2+9+1+1 = 20 1 Forn >6, n+1. Assume that there exists height 1 and weight ifori= 1,2,***,n. That is, we get lisubtrees of twith weighti, 1<=i<=n, after we cut the root of rooted tree t. Then each iwith 1<=i<=n, there exist methods of to arrange the some subtrees with weight ito rooted tree tup to equivalent classes. Using the in combination theory we obtain the formula. Acknowledgement : We thank the referees for their time and N. Andruskiewitsch, H. J. Schneider. Lifting of quantum linear spaces and pointed Hopf algebras of order p3,J. Algebra, 208(1998), 645-691. [AS2] N. Andruskiewitsch, H. J. Schneider. Finite quantum groups and Cartan matrices , Adv. Math. 154(2000), 1-45. [CK] A. Connes, D. Kreimer. Hopf Algebras, Renormalization and Noncommutative Ge- ometry, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 199(1998), 203-242. [DNR] S.Dascalescu, C.Nastasecu, S. Raianu. Hopf algebras: an introduction , Marcel Dekker Inc. , 2001. [Fo] L. Foissy. Finite dimensional comodules over the Hopf algebra of roote d 255(2002) 1, 89-120. [GL] R.Grossman, R.G.Larson. Hopf-algebraic structure of families of trees, J. , 184-210. [Ni] W. Nichols. Bialgebras of type one, Commun. Alg. 6(1978), 1521-1552. [Sw] M. E. Sweedler. Hopf Algebras , Benjamin, New York, 1969. [ZGZ] Shouchuan Zhang, Mark D. Gould, Yao-ZhongZhang. Local Quasitriangular Hopf Algebras, SIGMA4(2008) 042, 1-14. [ZZC] Shouchuan Zhang, Yaozhong Zhang, Huixiang Chen. Classification of PM Quiver Hopf Algebras, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications. 6(2007)6, 919-950. 9
Shouchuan Zhang
Weicai Wu, Shouchuan Zhang, Jieqiong He, Peng Wang
On the Hopf Algebra of Rooted Trees
7 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:math/0105210 by other authors
math-ph math.MP math.QA
We find a formula to compute the number of the generators, which generate the $n$-filtered space of Hopf algebra of rooted trees, i.e. the number of equivalent classes of rooted trees with weight $n$. Applying Hopf algebra of rooted trees, we show that the analogue of Andruskiewitsch and Schneider's Conjecture is not true. The Hopf algebra of rooted trees and the enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra of rooted trees are two important examples of Hopf algebras. We give their representation and show that they have not any nonzero integrals. We structure their graded Drinfeld doubles and show that they are local quasitriangular Hopf algebras.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 30 Oct 2007 13:52:50 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 20 Nov 2007 01:39:57 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sat, 25 May 2019 00:11:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wu", "Weicai", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Shouchuan", "" ], [ "He", "Jieqiong", "" ], [ "Wang", "Peng", "" ] ]
2 SHIZUO KAJI Theorem 1.1. Let q be an odd prime power. The following are isomorphisms of algebras over the n(q);Z/2) ( n=7,8,9) H*(LBF (q);Z/2). When Gis a compact Lie group, by the homotopy equivalence BLGLBG (see for example [13, SS2]), the above theorem establishes cohomology isomorphis ms between the classifying spaces of the loop groups LGand those of the corresponding finite groups G(q) for G=Spin (7),Spin (8),Spin (9), and F4. The concrete presentations of the above algebras are given in Propositions 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, and We would like to thank Professor Akira Kono for various sugges tions. Also, we are very grateful to Anssi Lahtinen, who has corrected many e rrors in the previous version of this note. We have revised this note according to a detailed repor t kindly provided by him. 2. Maintool Here, we summarize the results of Kishimoto and Kono [9] that ar e necessary for our purpose. Unless a coefficient ring is specified, H*(X) always means the mod 2 cohomology of X. The twisted tube TphXofXis defined there is a canonical inclusion i:X-TphXdefined byi(x)=(0,x). For the identity map Id. The cohomology of TphXand Xare related by the Wang exact sequence (B)***- Hn-1(X)d- -Hn(TphX)i* - -Hn(X)1-ph* ---- with the action of A2. In particular, this exact sequence splits to short exact sequences when ph*is the identity the evaluation map defined by ev(t,g)=g(t). We define a map by the following sH1(S1) is the generator. The twisted cohomology suspension is defined by the in:LphX-LTphXis defined by When there exists a ring such thati**ris the identity, we define the corresponding module derivation We call such a homomorphism ra section of i*. Remark 1. Whenphis the identity map, we can take rto bep*, the projection. In this case, ~ sph=sXcoincides with Kuribayashi's module derivation DX[13]. The map ~sphtogether with the Wang sequence above relates the cohomolog y of Xto that ofLphX. Consider the following H*(X) is a polynomial algebra Z/2[x1,x2,..., xl], (ii)ph*is the identity map. Then, the result of [9] specializes to the following proposi 2.1 (Kishimoto-Kono) .Assume that the conditions (i) and (ii) are satisfied and there i s a section r ofi*which commutes with the action of A2. Denote by e :LphX-X the map defined by e (g)=g(0). Then, we have (1) ~sphcommutes with the action of A2, (2) x,yH*(X),MOD 2 COHOMOLOGY OF 2-LOCAL FINITE GROUPS OF LOW RANK 3 (3)the ~sph(xl)}form a simple system of generators for H*(LphX)as an ~sph(xl)). This together with the action of A2on H*(X)determines the ring structure of d=|xi|-1. In particular, we have an isomorphism algebras overA2. We consider the case when Xis the 2-completion of either BSpin (7),BSpin (8),BSpin (9),BF4, or BDI(4). Whenphis the identity map or an unstable Adams operation psq, the conditions (i) and (ii) can be verified by a case-by-case analysis. We construct a section which commutes with the Steenrod operations, and use the above proposition to compute ). 3. Computationsfor G=Spin (7),Spin (8),Spin (9) We recall the concrete presentations of the mod 2 cohomology ofBSpin (7),BSpin (8) and BSpin (9) with the action of A2from [15, 10]. H*(BSpin and the action of A2is determined by w4 w6 w7 w8 Sq10 w7 0 0 Sq2w6 0 0 and the action of A2is determined by w4 w6 w7 w8 e8 Sq10 w7 0 0 0 Sq2w6 0 0 0 and the action of A2is determined by w4 w6 w7 w8 e16 Sq10 w7 0 0 0 Sq2w6 0 0 0 0 Sq80 0 0 on these results, we compute the mod 2 cohomology of LBG forG=Spin (7),Spin (8), and Spin (9). Note that the conditions (i) is seen to be satisfied from th e above concrete presentation. The condition (ii) for ph=psqis verified as follows. The generators w4,w8,e8, and e16are seen to be the mod 2 reductions of torsion free integral classes by the Bockstei n spectral sequence since the dimension of the Z/2-vector space Hi(H*(BSpin (n)),Sq1) is same as the dimension of the Q-vector space Hi(BSpin (n);Q) when n=7,8,9 and i=4,8,16. (In fact, Kono [11] showed that this is true for any iand nand the torsion elements of H*(BSpin (n);Z) are of order 2.) Since ( psq)*induces multiplication by a power of q on the rational cohomology, it acts as the identity on these g enerators in the mod 2 cohomology. By the compatibility of ( psq)*with the action of A2, the other generators w6=Sq2(w4) and w7=Sq1Sq2w4 are also mapped identically by ( psq)*on the mod 2 3.1. H*(LBSpin where I is the ideal generated action ofA2is determined by v4v6 v7 v8y3 y5 y7 Sq10 v7 0 0 0 y2 30 Sq2v6 0 0 0 y5 0 H*(Lpsq(BSpin (7)) 2)is isomorphic to H*(LBSpin (7))as algebras overA2.4 SHIZUO KAJI Proof. Whenphis the identity map, p*in Remark 1 serves as a section of i*which commutes with the action ofA2. We apply Proposition 2.1 to obtain H*(LBSpin vi=e*(wi) and yi-1=~sph(wi) (i=4,6,7,8). The action of A2onyi(i=3,5,7) are determined as the aid of the Adem relations, we determine the ring stru cture as show that H*(Lpsq(BSpin (7)) 2) is isomorphic to H*(LBSpin (7)) as algebras over A2by Proposition 2.1, we have to construct a section r:H*(BSpin (7))) 2) ofi*in (B) which commutes with the action of A2. To do so, we carefully choose an element (7)) 2) for each generator wiofHi(BSpin (7) 2) so that the action of A2onuiis compatible with that on wi. The Wang sequences (B) give the following commutative diagr am of exact the map in the Bockstein exact (7)) 2;Z/4)r- -Hn(Tpsq(BSpin w4and w8are the mod 2 reduction of torsion free integral classes, the re are ~wi(i=4,8) in H*(BSpin (7) 2;Z/4) such that r(~wi)=wi. Furthermore, H*(psq;Z/4) acts as multiplication by one on ~wi(i=4,8). Hence, we can take (7))) 2;Z/4) such that Define and u7=Sq1u6. Since Sq1*r=0, we have We compute in the image of d. As H9(BSpin (7) 2)=0, we have Sq4(u6)=u4u6. we have Sq2u8=0. Since H11(BSpin is generated by we whereo=0 or 1. To see o=0, we by the Adem relation, we have o=0. Take rto be the ring homomorphism defined by then ris a section of i* which commutes with the action of A2. /square The computation for G=Spin (8) is similarly conducted.MOD 2 COHOMOLOGY OF 2-LOCAL FINITE GROUPS OF LOW RANK 5 Proposition 3.2. H*(LBSpin I is the ideal generated action ofA2is determined by v4v6 v7 v8 f8y3 y5 y7 z7 Sq10 v7 0 0 0 0 y2 30 0 Sq2v6 0 0 0 0 y5 0 0 H*(Lpsq(BSpin (8)) 2)is isomorphic to H*(LBSpin (8))as algebras overA2. For the case when G=Spin (9), we make use of the following lemma. Lemma 3.1 (Lahtinen) .Assume xl] andph*is the identity. For 1 <=i<=l, let uiH*(TphX) be any element such that i*(ui)=xi. Denote by sH1(TphX) the pullback of the generator H1(S1) under the projection TphX-S1. Then, we xl))=p(u1,..., ul)sfor any polynomial pZ/2[x1,..., xl]. Proposition 3.3. H*(LBSpin where I is the ideal generated action ofA2is determined by v4v6 v7 v8 f16 y3 y5 y7 z15 Sq10 v7 0 0 0 0 y2 30 0 Sq2v6 0 0 0 0 y5 0 0 0 0 0 Sq80 0 0 0 0 0 H*(Lpsq(BSpin (9)) 2)is isomorphic to H*(LBSpin (9))as algebras overA2. Proof. In dimensions up to 8, the calculation of H*(LBSpin (9)) is completely same as in the case of H*(LBSpin (7)). Letphbe the identity map and define f16=e*(e16) and z15=~sph(e16). We we will construct a section r:H*(BSpin (9)) 2) ofi*which commutes with the action ofA2. Define ui(i=4,6,7,8) as in the case of BSpin (7). We can choose an element (9)) 2) such Sq1(h16)=0 by the same argument for u8as in the case ofBSpin (7). By the Wang sequence for Z/2, we have since H17(BSpin (9))Z/2 is generated by We see by the Adem relation, we have o1=0. Similarly, we we have o2=o3,o4=0. Put we have Sq4h' 16=0 since Since Sqi(w2 4w7)=0 (i=1,2), we have Sqih' 16=0 (i=1,2). Again by the Wang sequence, we SHIZUO KAJI and by Lemma 3.1 we we Put a section rofi*is obtained by setting and r(e16)=h' 16. By the proof of Proposition 3.1, we know that any lift u' 8ofw8behaves similarly with respect to the action of A2, and hence, rcommutes with the action of A2. /square 4. Computationsfor G=F4 Denote by ithe classifying map of the canonical inclusion Spin (9)-F4, where F4is the Lie group of type F4. Kono [10] showed that i*is injective and the mod 2 cohomology of BF4overA2was determined as and the action of A2is determined by x4x6 x7 x16 x24 Sq10 x7 0 0 0 Sq2x6 0 0 0 0 x4x24 Sq80 0 0 x24+x2 4x16 x2 4x24 Sq160 0 0 condition (ii) for ph=psqis satisfied as i*is compatible with psq. Proposition 4.1. H*(LBF where I is the ideal generated action ofA2is determined by v4 v6 v7 v16 v24 Sq10 v7 0 0 0 Sq2v6 0 0 0 0 Sq4v2 4v4v6 v4v7 0 v4v24 Sq80 0 0 v24+v2 4v16 v2 4v24 Sq160 0 0 y5 y15 y23 Sq10 y2 30 0 Sq2y5 0 0 0 Sq40y3v6+v4y5 0 y3v24+v4y23 Sq80 0 y23+v2 4y15 v2 4y23 Sq160 0 0 J, where Moreover, isomorphic to H*(LBF 4)as algebras overA2. Proof. Letphbe the identity map,and put vi=e*(xi) and yi-1=~sph(xi) (i=4,6,7,16,24). In dimensions up to 8, the calculation of H*(LBF 4) is completely parallel to the the case of H*(LBSpin (9)). The rest isMOD 2 COHOMOLOGY OF 2-LOCAL FINITE GROUPS OF LOW RANK 7 computed as we will construct a section ofi*which commutes with the action ofA2. By the uniqueness of the Adams operations [7], the followin g diagram is (9) 2psq BSpin the naturality of the construction of the twisted tube, th ere is a which makes the following diagram (9) 2)dBSpin (9)) 2)i* BSpin the horizontal lines are the Wang sequences and the ver tical arrows are injections. Let rBSpin (9) be the section of i* BSpin (9)constructed in the proof of Proposition 3.3. Let ui=rBSpin (9)(wi) (i=4,6,7,8) and h16=rBSpin (9)(e16). Since i*is an isomorphism in degrees up to 8, so is ( Tpsq(i) 2)*. We in the image of ( Tpsq(i) 2)*, we define Otherwise, we replace h16in the following manner. Since ( (9)and H15(BSpin the element h16+u2 8+d(w7w8) should lie in the image of ( Tpsq(i) 2)*in this case. We define Finally, noting we define From the proof of Proposition 3.3, we see that rcommutes with the action of A2. /square 5. Computationsfor G=DI(4) In [4], Dwyer and Wilkerson constructed a finite loop space DI(4), whose classifying space BDI(4) has the mod 2 cohomology isomorphic to the mod 2 Dickson invar iant of rank 4, that is, SHIZUO where|xj|=j. The action ofA2is determined by x8 x12 x14 x15 Sq10 0 x15 0 Sq20 x14 0 0 Sq4x12 0 0 [14] showed that there is an injection (7)) compatible with the unstable Adams operation psq, and hence, the condition (ii) is satisfied for ph=psq. Grbi' c [6] calculated H*(BSol overA2by the Eilenberg-Moore spectral [13] calculated the mod 2 cohomology of H*(LBDI (4)) overA2. Here, we reproduce their results by the same method as in the previous 5.1. H*(LBDI where I is the ideal generated action ofA2is determined by v8 v12 v14 v15 y7 y11 y13 Sq10 0 v15 0 0 0 y2 7 Sq20 v14 0 0 0 y13 0 Sq4v12 0 0 0 y11 0 H*(LpsqBDI(4))is isomorphic to H*(LBDI (4))as algebras overA2. Proof. Letphbe the identity map, and put (i=8,12,14,15). Just as in the previous sections, we can choose an element u8H8(TpsqBDI(4)) such that i*(u8)=x8and the same argument for u8as in the proof of Proposition 3.1. Put and u15=Sq1u14. Then, we have Sq1ui=0 (i=8,12,15). 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Shizuo Kaji
Shizuo Kaji
Mod 2 cohomology of 2-local finite groups of low rank
This is a revised version of "Mod 2 cohomology of 2-compact groups of low rank", J. of Math. of Kyoto Univ. 47 (2007), no. 2, 441--450
J. of Math. of Kyoto Univ. 47 (2007), no. 2, 441--450
math.AT math.GR
We determine the mod $2$ cohomology over the Steenrod algebra of the classifying spaces of the free loop groups $LG$ for compact groups $G=Spin(7)$, $Spin(8)$, $Spin(9)$, and $F_4$. Then, we show that they are isomorphic as algebras over the Steenrod algebra to the mod $2$ cohomology of the corresponding Chevalley groups of type $G(q)$, where $q$ is an odd prime power. In a similar manner, we compute the cohomology of the free loop space over $BDI(4)$ and show that it is isomorphic to that of $BSol(q)$ as algebras over the Steenrod algebra.
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[ [ "Kaji", "Shizuo", "" ] ]
CONTENTS 2 Contents 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Preamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2 Spontaneous symmetry breaking: conned geometries versus extended systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.3 Historical background from nuclear physics and chemistry . . . . . . . . 6 1.4 Scope of the review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.5 Using a hierarchy of approximations versus probing of exact solutions . . 9 1.6 Experimental signatures of quantum correlations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.7 Plan of the report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2 Symmetry breaking and subsequent symmetry restoration for electrons in conned geometries: Theoretical framework 14 2.1 Mean-eld description and unrestricted Hartree-Fock . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.1.1 The self-consistent Pople-Nesbet equations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.1.2 The Wigner parameter and classes of spontaneous solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.1.3 Unrestricted Hartree-Fock solutions representing Wigner molecules. 20 2.1.4 Unrestricted Hartree-Fock solutions representing electron puddles. 21 2.1.5 Unrestricted Hartree-Fock solutions representing pure spin density waves within a single quantum dot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.2 Projection techniques and restoration of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.2.1 The REM microscopic method in medium and high magnetic eld. 25 2.2.2 Group structure and sequences of magic angular momenta. . . . . 27 2.3 The symmetry breaking dilemma and density functional theory . . . . . 31 2.4 More on symmetry restoration methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.4.1 Symmetry restoration via random phase approximation. . . . . . 32 2.4.2 The generator coordinate method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3 Symmetry breaking and subsequent symmetry restoration for neutral and charged bosons in conned geometries: Theoretical framework 33 3.1 Symmetry breaking for bosons, Gross-Pitaevskii wave functions, and permanents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.2 Repelling bosons in harmonic traps: Restoration of broken symmetry. . . 35 4 Other many-body methods 36 4.1 Exact diagonalization methods: Theoretical framework . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.1.1 An example involving spin-resolved CPDs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4.2 Particle localization in Monte-Carlo approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 The strongly correlated regime in two-dimensional quantum dots: The two-electron problem and its signicance 41 5.1 Two-electron elliptic dot at low magnetic elds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 5.1.1 Generalized Heitler-London approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 5.1.2 Exact diagonalization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5.1.3 Results and comparison with measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5.1.4 Degree of entanglement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5.2 Two-electron circular dots at zero magnetic eld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 5.3 Historical signicance of the two-electron problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 6 Rotating electron molecules in two-dimensional quantum dots under a strong magnetic eld: The case of the lowest Landau level ( !c=2!0! 1) 50 6.1 REM analytic trial wave functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 6.2 Yrast rotational band in the lowest Landau level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 6.3 Inconsistencies of the view for semiconductor quantum dots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 6.4 REM versus Laughlin wave functions: Conditional probability distribu- tions and multiplicity of zeroes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 7 Rotating electron molecules in two-dimensional quantum dots under a strong, but nite external magnetic eld ( !c=2!0>1) 61 7.1 Ground-state energies in medium and high magnetic eld . . . . . . . . . 61 7.2 The case of N= 11 electrons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 7.3 Approximate analytic expression for the yrast-band spectra . . . . . . . . 66 7.4 Possible implications for the thermodynamic limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 8 Bosonic molecules in rotating traps: Original results and applications 72 8.1 Variational description of rotating boson molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 8.2 Exact diagonalization for bosons in the lowest Landau level . . . . . . . . 79 8.2.1 The case of N= 6 bosons in the lowest Landau level. . . . . . . . 82 9 Summary 86 Appendix A 87 Appendix isotropic oscillator in a perpendicular magnetic eld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Appendix A.2 Two-dimensional rotating harmonic oscillator . . . . . . . . . 88Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 4 1. or bosonic particles conned in manmade devices, i.e., electrons in two- dimensional (2D) quantum dots (QDs, referred to also as articial atoms) or ultracold atoms in harmonic traps, can localize and form structures with molecular, or These molecular states of localized particles di er in an essential way from the picture of delocalized electrons lling in a potential (the Aufbau principle), familiar from the many- body theory of natural atoms and the Mendeleev periodic table; they also present a di erent regime from that exhibited by a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC, associated often with the mean-eld Gross-Pitaevskii equation). The molecular states originate from strong correlations between the constituent repelling particles and they are called electron (and often Wigner) or boson molecules. Such molecular states forming within a single conning potential well constitute new phases of matter and allow for investigations of novel in physical systems with a range of materials' characteristics (and theoretically unexplored) until recently. One example is the range of values of the socalled Wigner parameter (denoted as RWfor charged particles and R for neutral ones, see section 2.1.2) which expresses the relative strength of the and the one-particle kinetic energy, re ecting and providing a measure of the strength of correlations in the system under study. For the two-dimensional systems which we discuss here, these values are often larger than the corresponding ones for natural atoms and molecules. Other research opportunities o ered by the quantum-dot systems are related to their relatively large (spatial) size (arising from a small electron e ective mass and large dielectric constant), which allows the full range of orbital magnetic e ects to be covered for magnetic elds that are readily attained in the laboratory (less than 40 T). In contrast, for natural atoms and molecules, magnetic elds of sucient strength (i.e., larger than 105T) to produce novel phenomena related to orbital magnetism (beyond the perturbative regime) are known to occur only in astrophysical environments (e.g., on the surface of neutron stars) [1]. For ultracold gases, a similar extraordinary physical regime can be reached via the fast rotation of the harmonic trap. In addition to the fundamental issues unveiled through investigations of molecular states in quantum dots, these states are of technological of the potential use of manmade nanoscale systems for the implementation of qubits and quantum logic gates in quantum computers. The existence of electron and boson molecules is supported by large-scale (EXD) calculations, which provide the ultimate theoretical test. The discovery of these crystalline states has raised important fundamental the nature of quantum phase transitions and the conceptual issues relating to spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) in small nite-size systems.Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 5 The present report addresses primarily the physics, theoretical description, and fundamental many-body aspects of molecular (crystalline) states in small systems. For a comprehensive description of the regime in quantum dots and of Bose-Einstein condensates in harmonic traps, see the earlier reviews by Kouwenhoven et al [2] (QDs), Reimann and Manninen [3] (QDs), Dalfovo et al [4] (BECs), and Leggett [5] (BECs). Furthermore, in larger quantum dots, the symmetries of the external connement that lead to shell structure are broken, and such dots exhibit mesoscopic uctuations and interplay between chaos [6] and many-body correlations. For a comprehensive description of this mesoscopic regime in quantum dots, see the reviews by Beenakker [7] and Spontaneous symmetry breaking: conned geometries versus extended symmetry breaking is a ubiquitous phenomenon in the Indeed, there is an abundance of macroscopic systems and objects that are observed, or can be experimentally prepared, with e ective many-body ground states whose symmetry is lower than the symmetry of the underlying many-body Hamiltonian; one says that in such cases the system lowers its energy symmetry breaking, resulting in a state of lower symmetry and higher order. It is important to stress that macroscopic SSB strongly suppresses quantum uctuations and thus it can be described appropriately by a set of non-linear mean-eld equations for the order parameter. The appearance of the order parameter is governed by bifurcations associated with the non-linearity of the mean-eld equations and has led to the notion of emergent phenomena, a notion that helped promote as a branch of physics on a par with high-energy particle physics (in reference to the fundamental nature of the pursuit in these elds; see the seminal paper by Anderson in Ref. [9]). Our current understanding of the physics of SSB in the thermodynamic limit (when the number of particles N!1 ) owes a great deal to the work of Anderson [10], who suggested that the broken-symmetry state can be safely taken as the e ective ground state. In arriving at this conclusion Anderson invoked the concept of As a concrete example, one would expect a crystal to behave like a whose Hamiltonian is that of a heavy rigid rotor with a low-energy angular-momentum ( L) eigenstates, with the moment of inertia J being of order large when N!1 ). The low-energy of this heavy rigid rotor above the ground-state ( L= 0) is essentially gapless (i.e., continuous). Thus although the formal ground state posseses continuous (i.e., L= 0), here is a manifold of other states, degenerate in the N!1 limit, which can be recombined to give a very stable wave packet with essentially the nature of the broken-symmetry state (see p 44 in Ref. [10]). As a consequence of the macroscopic heaviness as N!1 , the relaxation ofSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 6 the system from the wave packet state (i.e., the broken-symmetry state) to the ground state becomes exceedingly long. Consequently, in this limit, when symmetry breaking occurs, there is practically no need to follow up with a step; that is the symmetry-broken state is admissible as an e ective present report addresses the much less explored question of symmetry breaking in nite condensed-matter systems with a small number of particles. For small symmetry breaking appears again at the level of mean-eld the Hartree-Fock (HF) level]. A major di erence from the N!1 limit, however, arises from the fact that quantum uctuations in small systems cannot be neglected. To account for the large uctuations, one has to perform a subsequent step that restores the broken symmetries (and the linearity of the many-body Schr odinger equation). Subsequent to symmetry restoration, the ground state obeys all the original symmetries of the many-body Hamiltonian; however, e ects of the mean- eld symmetry breaking do survive in the properties of the ground state of small systems and lead to emergent phenomena associated with formation of novel states of matter and with characteristic behavior in the excitation spectra. In the following, we will present an overview of the current understanding of SSB in small systems focusing on the essential theoretical aspects, as well as on the contributions made by to the fast developing elds of two-dimensional semiconductor quantum dots and ultracold atomic gases in harmonic and toroidal traps. 1.3. Historical background from nuclear physics and chemistry The mean eld approach, in the form of the Hartree-Fock theory and of the (GP) equation, has been a useful tool in elucidating the physics of nite- size fermionic and bosonic systems, respectively. Its applications cover a wide range of systems, from natural atoms, natural molecules, and atomic nuclei, to and most recently two-dimensional quantum dots and ultracold gases conned in harmonic (parabolic) traps. Of particular interest for the present review (due to aspects) has been the mean-eld description of deformed nuclei [11, 12, 13] and metal clusters [14, 15, 16] (exhibiting ellipsoidal shapes). At a rst level of description, deformation e ects in these latter systems can be investigated via semi-empirical mean-eld models, like the particle-rotor model [11] of Bohr and Mottelson (nuclei), the model of Nilsson (nuclei [12] and metal clusters [14]), and the shell-correction method of Strutinsky (nuclei [17] and metal clusters [15, 16]). At the microscopic level, the mean eld for fermions is often described [18, 19] via the self-consistent Hartree-Fock theory. At this level, the description of deformation e ects mentioned above requires [18] consideration of unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) wave functions that break explicitly the of the original many-body Hamiltonian, but yield HF Slater lower energy compared to the symmetry-adapted restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF)Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 7 solutions.y In earlier publications [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26], we have shown that, in the regime, UHF solutions that violate the rotational (circular) symmetry arise most naturally in the case of two-dimensional single quantum dots, for both the cases of zero and high magnetic eld; for a UHF calculation in the lowest Landau level (LLL), see also Ref. [27]. Unlike the case of atomic nuclei, however, where (due to the attractive interaction) symmetry breaking is associated primarily with quadrupole shape deformations (a type of Jahn-Teller distortion), spontaneous symmetry breaking in 2D quantum dots induces electron localization (or associated with formation of electron , or Wigner ,molecules ). The latter name is used in honor of Eugene Wigner who predicted the formation of a classical rigid Wigner crystal for the 3D electron gas at very low densities [28]. We stress, however, that because of the nite size, Wigner molecules are most often expected to show a physical behavior quite di erent from the classical Wigner crystal. Indeed, for nite N, Wigner analogies closer to natural molecules, and the Wigner-crystal limit is expected to be reached only for special limiting conditions. For a small system the violation in the mean-eld approximation of the symmetries of the original many-body Hamiltonian appears to be paradoxical at a rst glance, and some times it has been described mistakenly as an rtifact (in particular in the context of theory [29]). However, for the specic cases arising in Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chemistry, two theoretical developments had already resolved this paradox. They are: (1) the theory of restoration of broken symmetries via projection techniques z[30, 31, 32], and (2) the group theoretical analysis of symmetry- broken HF orbitals and solutions in chemical reactions, initiated by Fukutome and coworkers [33] who used the symmetry groups associated with the natural 3D the di erent elds, the general principles established in these earlier in nuclear physics and quantum chemistry have provided a wellspring of assistance in our investigations of symmetry breaking for electrons in quantum dots and bosons in harmonic traps. In particular, the restoration of broken symmetries in QDs and ultracold atomic traps via projection techniques constitutes a main theme of the present report. The theory of restoration of broken symmetries has been developed into a sophisticated computational approach in modern nuclear physics. Using the broken- symmetry solutions of the theory x(that accounts for nuclear pairing and super uidity), this approach has been proven particularly ecient in describing the competition between shape deformation and pairing in nuclei. For some recent papers in nuclear physics, see, e.g., Refs. [34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]; for an application ySee in particular Ch 5.5 and Ch 11 in Ref. [18]. However, our terminology (i.e., UHF vs. RHF) follows the practice in quantum chemistry (see Ref. [19]). zFor the restoration of broken rotational symmetries in atomic nuclei, see Ref. [30] and Ch 11 in Ref. [18]. For the restoration of broken spin symmetries in natural 3D molecules, see Ref. [31]. xSee Ch 7 in Ref. [18].Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 8 to superconducting metallic grains, see Ref. [40]. Pairing e ects arise only in the case of attractive interactions and they are not considered in this report, since we deal only with repulsive two-body Scope of the review Having discussed earlier the general context and historical background from other elds regarding symmetry breaking, we give here an outline of the related methodologies and of the newly discovered strongly correlated phenomena that are discussed in this report in the area of condensed-matter nanosystems. In particular, a two-step method [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25] of symmetry breaking at the unrestricted Hartree-Fock level and of subsequent restoration of the broken symmetries via projection techniques is reviewed for the case of semiconductor quantum dots and ultracold bosons in rotating traps with a small number (N) of particles. The general principles of the two-step method can be traced to nuclear theory (Peierls and Yoccoz, see the original Ref. [30], but also the recent Refs. [34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]) and quantum chemistry (L owdin, see Ref. [31]); in the context nanophysics and the physics of ultracold atomic gases, it constitutes a novel powerful many-body approach that has led to unexpected discoveries in the area of strongly correlated phenomena. The successes of the method have generated a outlook, bolstered by the unprecedented experimental and pertaining particularly to control of system parameters (most importantly of the strength and variety of two-body interactions), that can be achieved in conjunction with exact diagonalization calculations [26, 41, 42, 43, 44] and [41, 44, 45], it is shown that the two-step method can describe a wealth of novel strongly correlated phenomena in quantum dots and ultracold atomic traps. These include: (I) Chemical bonding, dissociation, and entanglement in quantum dot molecules [20, 22, 46] and in electron molecular dimers formed within a single elliptic QD [41, 42, 43, 44], with potential technological applications to solid-state quantum logic gates [47, 48, 49]. (II) Electron crystallization, with localization on the vertices of concentric polygonal rings, and formation of rotating electron molecules (REMs) in circular QDs. At zero magnetic eld ( B), the REMs can approach the limit of a rigid rotor [50, 51]; at high B, the REMs are highly oppy and that is, they exhibit [51, 52, 53] anon-rigid rotational inertia [54], with the rings rotating independently of each other [52, 53]. (III) At high magnetic elds and under the restriction of the many-body Hilbert space to the lowest Landau level, the two-step method yields fully analytic many-body wave functions [24, 26], which are an alternative to the Jastrow/Laughlin (JL) [55] and (CF) [56, 57] approaches, o ering a new point of view of the breaking and quantum correlations 9 quantum Hall regime (FQHE) [58, 59] in quantum dots (with possible implications for the thermodynamic limit). Large scale calculations [26, 52, 53] support the results of the two-step method outlined in items II and III above. (IV) The two-step method has been used [60] to discover crystalline phases of strongly repelling ultracold bosons (impenetrable bosons/ Tonks-Girardeau regime [61, 62]) in 2D harmonic traps. In the case of rotating traps, such repelling bosons form rotating boson molecules (RBMs) [63] that are energetically favorable compared to the Gross-Pitaevkii solutions, even for weak repulsion and, in particular, in the regime of GP vortex formation. We will not discuss in this report specic applications of the two-step method to atomic nuclei. Rather, as the title conveys, the report aims at exploring the of quantum correlations arising from symmetry breaking across various elds dealing with small nite systems, such as 2D quantum dots, trapped ultracold atoms, and nuclei { and even natural 3D molecules. Such universal characteristics and similarities in related methodologies persist across the aforementioned elds in spite of the di erences in the size of the physical systems and in the range, nature, and strength of the two-body interactions. For specic applications to atomic nuclei, the is invited to consult the nucler physics literature cited in this report. 1.5. Using a hierarchy of approximations versus probing of exact solutions Figure 1 presents a synopsis of the hierarchy of approximations associated with the two- step method, and in particular for the case of 2D quantum dots. (A similar synopsis can also be written for the case of bosonic systems.) This method produces approximate wave functions with lower energy at each approximation level (as indicated by the downward vertical arrow on the left of the gure). At the lowest level of approximation (corresponding to higher energy with no correlations included), one places the restricted Hartree-Fock, whose main restriction is the double occupancy (up and down spins) of each space orbital. The many-body wave function is a single Slater determinant associated with a central mean eld. The RHF preserves all spin and space symmetries. For 2D quantum dots, the [also referred to as electron density ( e-density)] is circularly symmetric. The next approximation involves the unrestricted Hartree-Fock, which employs di erent space orbitals for the two di erent spin directions. The UHF preserves the spin projection, but allows the total-spin and space symmetries (i.e., rotational symmetries or parity) to be broken. The broken symmetry solutions, however, are not devoid of any symmetry; they exhibit characteristic lower symmetries (point-group symmetries) that are explicit in the electron densities. The UHF many-body wave function is a single Slater determinant associated with a on-central mean approximations aim at restoring the broken symmetries via The step goes beyond the mean eld breaking and quantum correlations 10 Figure 1. (Color online) Synopsis of the method of hierarchical referred to as the wo-step method, emphasizing that symmetry breaking at the mean-eld level must be accompanied by a subsequent step of symmetry restoration, with a subsequent further lowering of the energy). See text for a detailed description. and it provides a many-body wave function jPRJithat is a linear superposition of Slater determinants (see detailed description in section 2.2 below). The projected (PRJ) many-body wave function jPRJipreserves all the symmetries of the original it has good total spin and angular momentum quantum numbers, and as a result the circular symmetry of the electron densities is the lower (point-group) spatial symmetry found at the level (corresponding to the rst step in this method) does not disappear. Instead, it becomes intrinsic orhidden , and it can be revealed via an inspection of distributions (CPDs), dened as (within a proportionality (1.1) where denotes the projected many-body wave function one needs to probe the intrinsic spin distribution of the localized electrons, one has to consider spin-resolved two-point correlation functions (spin-resolved CPDs), (1.2)Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 11 The spin-resolved CPD gives the spatial probability distribution of nding a second electron with spin projection under the condition that a rst electron is located (xed) atr0with spin projection 0;and0can be either up ( ) or down (#). The meaning of the space-only CPD in (1.1) is analogous, but without consideration of spin. Further signatures of the intrinsic lower symmetry occur in the excitation spectra of circular quantum dots that exhibit ro-vibrational character related to the structure, or in the dissociation of quantum dot molecules. As the scheme in gure 1 indicates, the mean-eld HF equations are non-linear and the symmetry breaking is associated with the appearance of bifurcations in the total HF energies. The occurrence of such bifurcations cannot be predicted a priori from a mere inspection of the many-body Hamiltonian itself; it is a genuine many-body e ect that belongs to the class of so-called emergent phenomena [9, 64, 65] that may be revealed only through the solutions of the Hamiltonian themselves (if obtainable) or signatures. We note that the step of symmetry restoration recovers also the linear properties of the many-body Schr odinger equation. The relation between quantum correlations and the two-step method (also called the method of hierarchical approximations) is portrayed by the downward vertical arrow on the right of gure 1. Indeed, the correlation energy is dened [66] as the the restricted Hartree-Fock and exact ground-state energies, (1.3) As seen from gure 1, starting with the broken-symmetry UHF solution, each captures successively a larger fraction of the correlation energy (1.3); a specic example of this process is given in gure 5 below (in section 2.2). An alternative approach for studying the emergence of crystalline structures is method that will be discussed in detail in section 4.1. Like the projected wave functions, the EXD many-body wave functions preserve of course all the symmetries of the original Hamiltonian. As a result, the intrinsic, or hidden, associated with particle localization and molecule formation is not explicit, but it is revealed through inspection of CPDs [one simply uses the wave function in Equation (1.1)] and Equation (1.2), or recognized via characteristic trends in the calculated excitation spectra. When feasible, the EXD results provide a denitive answer in terms of numerical accuracy, and as such they serve as a test to the results obtained through approximation methods (e.g., the above two- step method). However, the underlying physics of electron or boson molecule formation is less transparent when analyzed with the method compared to the two-step approach. Indeed, many studies of 2D quantum dots and trapped bosons in harmonic traps have focused simply on providing high and they omitted calculation of CPDs. However, the importance of using CPDs as a tool for probing the many-body wave functions cannot be overstated. For example, while calculations for bosons in the lowest Landau level have been reported rather early [67, 68, 69, 70, 71], the analysis in these studies didSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 12 not include calculations of the CPDs, and consequently formation of rotating boson molecules and particle was not recognized (for further discussion of these issues, see Romanovsky et al [60, 63] and Baksmaty et al [72]). From the above, it is apparent that both methods, i.e., the two-step method and the one, complement each other, and it is in this spirit that we use them in this report. 1.6. Experimental signatures of quantum the isolation of a small number ( N < 20) of electrons down to a single electron was experimentally realized in the so-called ertical quantum dots [2]. The name vertical QDs derives from the fact that the leads and voltage gates are located in a vertical arrangement, on top and below the two-dimensional dot. At zero magnetic eld, experimental measurements [2, 73] of addition (1.4) where the chemical potential N=ENEN1, indicated that correlation e ects at zero and lowBare rather weak in such dots, a property that later was attributed to the strong screening of the Coulomb interaction in these devices. The measured exhibited maxima at closed electronic shells ( N= 2;6;12;:::) and at mid-shells (N= 4;9;:::) in agreement with a model and the Hund's rules, and in analogy with the Aufbau principle and the physics of natural 3D atoms. It was found that the measured ground-state energy spectra for low magnetic elds could be understood on the basis of a simple model where the e ect of the two-body Coulomb interaction is reduced to an overall classical capacitance, C, characterizing the charging energy Z2e2=(2C) of the quantum dot. As a result of screening, strong correlation e ects and formation of Wigner molecules can be expected to occur in vertical dots particularly under the in uence of high magnetic elds. Evidence about the formation of Wigner molecules in vertical quantum dots has been provided recently in Ref. [74], where measured as a function of BforN= 3eandN= 4ewere reanalyzed with calculations that included screening. At the time of submission of this report, a second ground-state crossing at high Bdue to strong correlations was experimentally in a two-electron vertical quantum dot with an that was smaller than the previously used ones [75]. Early theoretical work [20] at zero magnetic eld using simply the symmetry broken UHF solutions suggested that an unscreened Coulomb repulsion may result in a violation of Hund's rules. However, following the two-step method of Refs. [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25], it has been shown [76] most recently that the companion step of symmetry the Hund's rules in the case of N= 4e. In addition, the B= 0 results of Ref. [20] suggested that both the maxima of the addition energies at closed shells and at mid-shells become gradually weaker (and theySymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 13 eventually disappear) as the strength of the Coulomb interaction (and consequently the strength of correlations) increases, leading to formation of strong Wigner molecules. The qualitative trend of formation of strong Wigner molecules obtained from a UHF calculation at B= 0 has been conrmed later by more accurate EXD [50, 77] and quantum Monte Carlo [78] calculations, as well as through symmetry [23, 76], although its experimental demonstration remains still a challenge. A more favorable experimental conguration for the development and observation of strong interelectron correlations is the so-called lateral dot, where the leads and gates are located on the sides of the dot and thus screening e ects are reduced. Tunability of these dots down to a single electron has been achieved only in the last few years [79]. Most recently, continually improving experimental techniques have allowed of excitation spectra of 2 elateral (and anisotropic) quantum dots at zero and low magnetic elds [41, 45, 80]. As discussed in detail in section 5, the behavior of these excitation spectra [41, 45] as a function of Bprovides unambiguous signatures for the presence of strong correlations and the formation of Wigner observed behavior of two electrons in lateral double QDs [81] provides further evidence for strong correlation phenomena. Indeed, instead of successively populating delocalized states over both QDs according to a scheme, the two electrons localize on the individual dots according to a Heitler- London picture [82]. Theoretically, such strongly correlated phenomena in double quantum dots were described in Refs. [20, 22, 46]; see section 2.1.4 are expected to in uence not only the spectral properties of quantum dots, but also to e ect transport characteristics. Indeed correlation e ects may underlie the behavior of the transmission amplitudes (magnitude and phase) of an electron tunneling through a quantum dot. Such transmission measurements have been performed using Aharonov-Bohm interferometry [83], and an interpretation correlated states in the form of Wigner molecules has been proposed recently [84]. The quantity that links transport experiments with many-body theory of electrons in QDs is the overlap between many-body states with N1 andNelectrons, the jth electron. The strength of correlations in quantum dots at zero Bcan be quantied by the Wigner parameter RW, which is the ratio between the strength of the Coulomb repulsion and the one-electron kinetic energy (see section 2.1.2). Naturally, for the case of bosons, the corresponding parameter is the ratio between the strength of the contact interaction and the one-particle kinetic energy in the harmonic trap, and it is denoted as R. Larger values of these parameters ( RWorR) result in e ects. Progress in the ability to experimentally control the above parameters has impressive in the case of ultracold trapped bosons. Indeed, realizations of continuous tunability of Rover two orders of magnitude (from 1 to 5 [85] and from 5 to 200 [86]) has been most recently reported in quasi-linear harmonic traps. Such high values of Rallowed experimental realization of novel strongly correlated statesSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 14 drastically di erent from a Bose-Einstein condensate. This range of high values of Ris known as the Tonks-Girardeau regime and the corresponding states are of molecular structures made out of localized bosons. In two dimenional traps, it has been predicted that such large values of Rlead to the emergence of [60, 63]. The high experimental control of optical lattices has also been exploited for the creation [87] of novel phases of ultracold bosons analogous to Mott insulators; such phases are related to the formation of electron puddles discussed in section 2.1.4 and to the fragmentation of Bose-Einstein condensates [88]. 1.7. Plan of the report The plan of the report can be visualized through the table of contents. Special attention has been given to the Introduction, which o ers a general presentation of the subject of symmetry breaking and quantum correlations in conned geometries { including a discussion of the di erences with the case of extended systems, a historical background from other elds, and a diagrammatic synopsis of the two-step method of /symmetry restoration. The theoretical framework and other technical methodological background are presented in Section 2 (symmetry restoration in quantum dots), Section 3 (symmetry restoration for trapped ultracold bosons), and Section 4 ( approaches). Section 4 includes also a commentary on quantum Monte Carlo methods. For the case of semiconductor quantum dots, the main results and description of the strongly correlated regime are presented in Sections 5, 6, and 7, with Section 5 focusing on the case of two electrons and its historical signicance. Section 8 is devoted to a description of the regime of trapped repelling bosons. Finally, a summary is given in Section 9, and the Appendix o ers an outline of the Darwin-Fock single-particle spectra for a two-dimensional isotropic oscillator under a perpendicular magnetic eld or under rotation. We note that the sections on trapped bosons (Section 3 and Section 8) can be from the sections on quantum dots. 2. Symmetry breaking and subsequent symmetry restoration for electrons in conned geometries: Theoretical framework The many-body Hamiltonian describing Nelectrons conned in a two-dimensional QD and interacting via a Coulomb repulsion is written as H=NX i=1H(i) (2.1) In Equation (2.1), is the dielectric constant of the semiconducting material and rij=jrirjj. The single-particle Hamiltonian in a perpendicular external magneticSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 15 eldBis given +gB hBs; (2.2) where the external connement is denoted by V(x;y), the vector potential Ais given in the symmetric gauge by A(r) 0); (2.3) and the last term in (2.2) is the Zeeman interaction with gbeing the e ective Land e factor,Bthe Bohr magneton, sthe spin of an individual electron and mis the e ective electron mass. The external potential connement V(x;y) can assume in order to model a single circular or elliptic quantum dot, or a quantum dot molecule. Of course, in the case of an elliptic QD, one has V(x;y) (2.4) which reduces to the circular QD potential when !x=!y=!0. The of V(x;y) in the case of a double QD is more complicated. In our work, we use a parametrization based on a 2D two-center oscillator with a smooth necking. This latter parametrization is described in detail in Refs. [23, 46], where readers are directed for further details. In contrast with other parametrizations based on two displaced inverted Gaussians [89], the advantage of the two-center oscillator is that the height of the interdot barrier, the distance between the dots, the ellipticity of each dot, and the gate potentials of the two dots (i.e., the relative potential wells in the neighboring dots) can be varied independently of each other. A prefactor multiplying the Coulomb term in Equation (2.1) (being either an overall constant as in section 5.1 below, or having an appropriate form [42, 43]) is used to account for the reduction of the Coulomb interaction due to the nite thickness of the electron layer and to additional screening (beyond that produced by the dielectric constant of the material) arising from the formation of image charges in the gate electrodes [90]. 2.1. Mean-eld description and unrestricted literature is available concerning mean-eld studies of electrons in quantum dots. Such publications are divided mainly into applications of density [3, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96] and the use of Hartree-Fock methods [20, 25, 27, 93, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104]. The latter include treatments according to the restricted Hartree-Fock [97], unrestricted Hartree-Fock with spin, but not space, symmetry breaking [98, 99, 100], unrestricted Hartree-Fock with spin and/or space symmetry breaking [20, 25, 27, 93, 101, 102, 103], and the so-called Brueckner Hartree- Fock [104, 105]. From the several Hartree-Fock variants mentioned above, only the UHF of both spin and space symmetry unrestrictions has been able to describeSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 16 formation of Wigner molecules, and in the following we will exclusively use version of Hartree-Fock theory. The inadequacy of the theory in describing Wigner molecules will be discussed in section 2.3. 2.1.1. The self-consistent Pople-Nesbet equations. The unrestricted used by us are an adaptation of the Pople-Nesbet [106] equations described in detail in Ch 3.8 of Ref. [19]. For completeness, we present here a brief description of these equations, along with pertinent details of their computational implementation by us to the 2D case of semiconductor QDs. We start by requesting that the unrestricted Hartree-Fock many-body wave is represented by a single Slater (2.5) where [i(x)] are a set of Nspin orbitals, with the index xdenoting both the space and spin coordinates. Furthermore, we take i(x) = i(r) for a spin-up = i(r)for a spin-down electron. As a result, the UHF determinants in this report are eigenstates of the projection of the total spin with eigenvalue Sz= (N N)=2, the number of spin up (down) these Slater determinants are not eigenstates of the square of the total spin, S2, except in the fully spin polarized case. According to the variational principle, the best spin orbitals must minimize the By varying the spin orbitals [ i(x)] under the constraint that they remain orthonormal , one can derive the UHF Pople-Nesbet equations key point is that electrons with (up) spin will be described by one set of jjj= 1;2;:::;Kg, while electrons with (down) spin are described by a di erent set of spatial orbitals f jjj= 1;2;:::;Kg; of course in the restricted Hartree- Fock j= j= j. Next, one introduces a set of basis functions f'j= to be orthonormal in our 2D case), and expands the UHF orbitals as i= 1;2;:::;K; (2.6) i= 1;2;:::;K: (2.7) The UHF equations are a system of two coupled matrix eigenvalue according to up and down (2.9) where F ( )are the Fock-operator matrices and C ()are the vectors formed with the coecients in the expansions (2.6) and (2.7). The matrices E ()arediagonal , and asSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 17 a result equations (2.8) and (2.9) are canonical (standard). Notice that of HF equations are also possible (see Ch 3.2.2 of Ref. [19]). Since the self- consistent iterative solution of the HF equations can be computationally implemented only in their canonical form, canonical orbitals and solutions will always be implied, unless otherwise noted explicitly. We note that the coupling between the two UHF equations (2.8) and (2.9) is given explicitly in the expressions for the elements of the Fock matrices below [(2.12) and the density matrices P ()for () the elements of the Fock-operator matrices are given the elements of the single electron Hamiltonian (with an eld Band an appropriate potential connement), and the Coulomb repulsion is expressed via the two-electron the dielectric constant of the semiconductor material. Of course, the andrun from 1 to K. The system of the two coupled UHF matrix equations (2.8) and (2.9) is through iteration cycles. For obtaining the numerical solutions, we have used a set of Kbasis states 'i's that are chosen to be the product wave functions formed from the eigenstates of one-center (single QD) and/or two-center [22, 46] (double oscillators along the xandyaxes. Note that for a circular QD a value K= 78 corresponds to all the states of the associated 2D harmonic oscillator up to and including the 12th major shell. The UHF equations preserve at each iteration step the symmetries of the if these symmetries happen to be present in the input (initial) electron density of the iteration (see section 5.5 of Ref. [18]). The input densities into the iteration cycle are controlled by the values of the elements. Two cases arise in practice: (i) Symmetry adapted RHF solutions are extracted from (2.8) and (2.9) by using as input P =P =0 for the case of closed shells (with or without an innitesimally small Bvalue). For open shells, one needs to use an value of B. With these choices, the output of the rst iteration (for either closed or open shells) is the single-particle spectrum and corresponding electron densities atSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 18 B= 0 associated with the Hamiltonian in (2.2) (the small value of Bmentioned above guarantees that the single-particle total and orbital densities are circular). (ii) For obtaining broken-symmetry UHF solutions, the input densities must be di erent in an essential way from the ones mentioned above. We have found that the choice P = 1 and P = 0 usually produces broken-symmetry solutions (in the regime where occurs). Having obtained the selfconsistent solution, the total UHF energy is calculated (2.15) We note that the Pople-Nesbet UHF equations are primarily employed in for studying the ground states of open-shell molecules and atoms. Unlike our studies of QDs, however, such chemical UHF studies consider mainly the breaking of the total spin symmetry, and not that of the space symmetries. As a result, for purposes of emphasis and clarity, we have often used (see, e.g., our previous papers) prexes to indicate the specic unrestrictions (that is removal of symmetry restrictions) involved in our UHF solutions, i.e., the prex s- for the total-spin and the prex S- for the emergence of broken-symmetry solutions is associated with instabilities of the restricted HF solutions, i.e., the restricted HF energy is an extremum whose nature as a minimum or maximum depends on the positive or negative value of the second derivative of the HF energy. The importance of this instability problem was rst highlighted in a paper by Overhauser [107]. Soon afterwards, the general conditions for the appearance of such instabilities (analyzed within linear response and the random-phase discussed by Thouless in the context of nuclear physics [108]. Hartree-Fock conditions were re-examined [109, 110], using a language from (and applications to) the eld of quantum chemistry. For of mean-eld symmetry breaking and the Hartree-Fock methods and instabilities in the context of quantum chemistry, see the collection of papers in Ref. [111]. 2.1.2. The Wigner parameter and classes of spontaneous symmetry breaking solutions. Using the self-consistent (spin-and-space) unrestricted Hartree-Fock equations presented in the previous section, we found [20], for zero and low magnetic elds, three classes of spontaneous symmetry breakings in circular single QDs and in lateral quantum dot molecules (i.e., formation of ground states of lower symmetry than that of the These include the following: (I) Wigner molecules in both QDs and quantum dot molecules, i.e., of individual electrons within a single QD or within each QD comprising the quantum dot molecule. (II) formation of electron puddles in quantum dot molecules, that is, localization of the electrons on each of the individual dots comprising the quantum dot molecule, but without localization within each dot, andSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 19 Figure 2. (Color online) UHF electron density in a parabolic QD for N= 19 and Sz= 19=2, exhibiting breaking of the circular symmetry at RW= 5 andB= 0. The choice of the remaining parameters is:  h!0= 5 meV and m= 0:067me. Distances are in nanometers and the electron density in 104nm2. (III) pure spin-density waves (SDWs) which are not accompanied by of the electrons [91]. It can be shown that a description (associated with the RHF) at zero and low magnetic elds may apply in the case of a circular QD only for low values of the Wigner (2.16) whereQis the Coulomb interaction strength and  h!0is the energy quantum of the harmonic potential connement (being proportional to the one-particle kinetic withbeing the dielectric constant, l0= of the lowest state's wave function in the harmonic (parabolic) e ective electron we nd that Wigner molecules (SSB class I) occur in both QDs and quantum dot molecules for RW>1. Depending on the value of RW, one may weak (for smaller RWvalues) and strong (for larger RWvalues) with the latter termed sometimes as Wigner crystallites or The appearance of such crystalline structures may be regarded as a quantum phase transition of the electron liquid upon increase of the parameter RW. Of course, due to the nite size of QDs, this phase transition is not abrupt, but it develops gradually as the parameter RWvaries. For quantum dot molecules with RW<1, Wigner molecules do not develop and instead electron puddles may form (SSB class II). For single QDs with RW<1, we nd in the majority of cases that the ground-states exhibit a behavior without symmetry breaking; however, at several instances (see an example below), a pure SDW (SSB class III) may develop.Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 20 Figure 3. (Color online) UHF ground-state of a 6 equantum dot molecule (double dot), with parameters resulting in formation of two non-crystallized electron puddles (akin to dissociation of the quantum dot molecule in two QDs with 3 electrons each). Left: total electronic density. Right: contour plots of the densities (orbital squares) of the three individual orbitals localized on the left dot, with spin polarization of the orbitals as indicated. The choice of parameters is:  h!0= 5 meV of each dot), d= 70 nm (distance berween dots), Vb= 10 meV 0:067me(electron e ective mass), and = 20 (dielectric (xandyaxes) in nm, density distribution (vertical axis) in 103nm2. 2.1.3. Unrestricted Hartree-Fock solutions representing Wigner molecules. As a typical example of a Wigner-molecule solution that can be extracted from the UHF equations, we mention the case of N= 19 electrons for  h!0= 5 meV,RW= 5 (= 3:8191), and B= 0. Figure 2 displays the total electron density of the broken-symmetry UHF solution for these parameters, which exhibits breaking of the rotational symmetry. In accordance with electron densities for smaller dot sizes published by us earlier [20, 21] the electron density in gure 2 is highly suggestive of the formation of a Wigner molecule, with a (1,6,12) ring structure in the present case; the signies the number of electrons in each ring: n1in the rst, n2in the second, and so on. This polygonal ring structure agrees with the classical one (that is the most stable arrangement of 19 point charges in a 2D circular [112, 113, 114] k), and it is suciently complex to instill condence that the Wigner-molecule interpretation is valid. The following question, however, arises naturally at this point: is such molecular interpretation limited to the intuition provided by the landscapes of the total electron densities, or are there deeper analogies with the electronic structure of natural 3D molecules? The answer to the second part of this question is in the armative. Indeed, it was found [25] that SSB results in the replacement of a higher symmetry by a lower one. As a result, the molecular UHF solutions exhibit point-group spatial symmetries that are amenable to a analysis in analogy with the case of 3D natural references presented extensive studies pertaining to the geometrical arrangements of classical point charges in a two-dimensional harmonic breaking and quantum correlations 21 2.1.4. Unrestricted Hartree-Fock solutions representing electron puddles. An example of formation of electron puddles in quantum dot molecules, that is, localization of the electrons on each of the individual dots comprising the quantum dot molecule, but without localization within each dot, is presented in gure 3. We consider the case of N= 6 electrons in a double dot under eld-free conditions ( B= 0); with parameters h!0= 5 meV (harmonic connement of each dot), d= 70 nm (distance berween dots), Vb= 10 meV (interdot barrier) and m= 0:067me(electron e ective mass). (with reference to each constituent QD) to 0.95 (i.e., for a 20) guarantees that the ground-state of the 6 equantum dot of electron puddles [SSB of type II, gure 3]. In this case, each of the electron puddles (on the left and right dots) is spin-polarized with total spin projection Sz= 1=2 on the left QD and Sz=1=2 on the right QD. As a result, the singlet and triplet states of the whole quantum dot molecule are essentially degenerate. Note that the orbitals on the left and right dots [see, e.g., those on the left dot in gure 3 (right)] are those expected from a treatment of each individual QD, but with distortions due to the interdot interaction and the Jahn-Teller with an open shell of three electrons (in a circular harmonic the sharp contrast between these orbitals and density (gure 3) with the electron density and the three orbitals associated with formation of a Wigner molecule inside a single QD [see, e.g., gure 6 in section formation of electron puddles described above can be also seen as a form of dissociation of the quantum dot molecule. We found that only for much lower i.e., > 90:0) the electron orbitals do extend over both the left and right QDs, as is usually the case with 3D natural molecules theory). Further examples and details of these two regimes (dissociation versus can be found in Refs. [22, 46]. 2.1.5. Unrestricted Hartree-Fock solutions representing pure spin density waves within a single quantum dot. Another class of broken-symmetry solutions that can appear in single QDs are the spin density waves. The SDWs are unrelated to electron localization and thus are quite distinct from the Wigner molecules [20]; in single QDs, they were obtained [91] earlier within the framework of spin density functional theory. To emphasize the di erent nature of spin density waves and Wigner molecules, we present in gure 4 an example of a SDW obtained with the UHF approach [the are: N= 14,Sz= 0,RW= 0:8 (= 23:8693), and B= 0]. Unlike the case of Wigner molecules, the SDW exhibits a circular electron density [see gure 4(a)], and thus it does not break the rotational symmetry. Naturally, in keeping with its name, the SDW breaks the total spin symmetry and exhibits azimuthal modulations in the spin density [see gure 4(b); however, the number of humps is smaller than the number of electrons]. We mention here that the possibility of ground-state congurations with uniformSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 22 Figure 4. (Color online) UHF solution in a parabolic QD exhibiting a pure spin density wave for N= 14,Sz= 0,RW= 0:8, andB= 0. (a) The total electron circular symmetry; (b) The spin density exhibiting azimuthal modulation (note the 12 humps whose number is smaller than the number of electrons; on the contrary in the case of a Wigner molecule, the number of humps in the electron density is always equal to N). The choice of the remaining parameters is:  h!0= 5 meV and m= 0:067me. Distances are in nanometers and the electron (ED) and spin (SD) densities in density, but nonuniform spin density, was rst discussed for 3D bulk metals using the HF method in Ref. [115]. The SDWs in single QDs appear for RW1 and are of lesser importance; thus in the following we will exclusively study the case of Wigner molecules. However, for RW1, formation of a special class of SDWs (often called electron puddles, see section 2.1.4) plays an important role in the coupling and dissociation of quantum dot molecules (see Ref. [22] and Ref. [46]). 2.2. Projection techniques and restoration of broken symmetries As discussed in section 1.5, for nite systems the symmetry broken UHF solutions are only an intermediate approximation. A subsequent step of is needed. Here we present the essentials of symmetry restoration for simplicity the case of two electrons in a circular parabolic QD. Results obtained for various approximation levels for a two-electron QD with B= 0 andRW= 2:40 (that is, in the Wigner-molecule regime) are displayed in gure 5. In these calculations [23], the spin projection was performed following reference [31], i.e., one constructs the wave =Pspin(s) UHF; (2.17) where UHFis the original symmetry-broken UHF determinant (which is already by construction an eigenstate of the projection Szof the total spin). In (2.17), the spin projection operator (projecting into a state which is an eigenstate of the square of theSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 23 Figure 5. (Color online) Various approximation levels for the lowest singlet state of a eld-free two-electron QD with RW= 2:40. The corresponding energies (in meV) are shown at the bottom of the gure. (a): Electron density of the RHF solution, exhibiting circular symmetry (due to the imposed symmetry restriction). The correlation energy Ecorr= 2:94 meV, is dened as the di erence between the energy of this state and the exact solution [shown in frame (e)]. (b1) and (b2): The two (modulus square) of the symmetry-broken singlet UHF solution (b1), with the corresponding total electron density exhibiting non-circular shape (b2). The energy of the UHF solution shows a gain of 44.3% of the correlation energy. (c): Electron density of the spin-projected singlet (Spin-P), showing broken spatial symmetry, but with an additional gain of correlation energy. (d): the state (S&AMP) exhibiting restored circular symmetry with a 73.1% gain of the correlation energy. The choice of parameters is: dielectric constant = 8, parabolic connement  h!0= 5 meV, and e ective mass m= 0:067me. Distances are in nanometers and the densities in 104nm2. total spin) is given 1) s(s+ 1)s0(s0+ 1); (2.18) where the index s0runs over the quantum numbers associated with the 1) of ^S2(in units of  h2), with ^Sbeing the total spin operator. For two electrons, the projection operator reduces to Ps;t spin= 1$12, where the operator spins of the two electrons; the upper (minus) sign corresponds to the singlet ( s supersript), and the lower (plus) sign corresponds to the triplet ( tsuperscript) state. The angular momentum projector (projecting into a state with total angular momentum L) is given (2.19) where ^L=^l1+^l2is the total angular momentum operator. As seen from (2.19), application of the projection operator PLto the spin-restored state to a continuous conguration interaction expansion of the wave function that uses, however, non-orthogonal orbitals (compare section 4.1). The application of the projection operator PLto the state SpinP(s) generates a whole rotational band of states with good angular momenta (yrast band). The energySymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 24 of the projected state with total angular momentum Lis given by EPRJ(L) (2.20) withh( ) =h SpinP(s; =h SpinP(s; SpinP(s; ) is the spin-restored (i.e., spin-projected) wave function rotated by an azimuthal angle andHis the many-body Hamiltonian. We note that the UHF energies are simply given by the following we focus on the ground state of the two-electron system, i.e., L= 0. The electron densities corresponding to the initial RHF approximation [shown in gure 5(a)] and the nal projection (S&AMP) [shown in gure 5(d)], are circularly symmetric, while those corresponding to the two i.e., the UHF and spin-projected solutions [gure 5(b2) and gure break the circular symmetry. This behavior illustrates graphically the meaning of the term estoration of symmetry, and the interpretation that the solution refers to the intrinsic (rotating) frame of reference of the electron molecule. In light of this discussion the nal projected state is called a or (Wigner )molecule . Expressions (2.19) and (2.20) apply directly to REMs having a single polygonal electrons, with ^L=PN i=1^li. For a generalization to electron molecules with multiple concentric polygonal rings, see section 2.2.1 below. For restoring the total spin, an alternative method to the projection formula (2.18) can be found in the literature [33]. We do not make use of this alternative formulation in this report, but we brie y describe it here for the sake of completeness. Based on the formal similarity between the 3D angular momentum and the total spin, one can apply the formula by Peierls and Yoccoz [30] and obtain the projection are the 3D Wigner Dfunctions [116], is a shorthand notation for the set of the three Euler angles ( ;; ), and R() = ^Sz(2.22) is the rotation operator in spin space. In (2.21), the indices of the Wigner andq. The from the symmetry broken wave function a state with a total spin ^Sand projection Szalong the laboratory zaxis. However, qis not a good quantum number of the many-body Hamiltonian, and the most general state is written as a superposition over the components of q, (2.23) where the coecients gi qare determined through a diagonalization of the in the space spanned by the nonorthogonal Ps Szq UHF (see also Refs.Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 25 [117, 118]). In (2.23), the index ire ects the possible degeneracies of spin functions with a given good total-spin quantum number s[119], which is not captured by (2.18). The Peierls-Yoccoz formulation for recovering spin-corrected wave functions applies also in the case when the UHF determinants violate in addition the conservation of spin projection [33], unlike the projector Pspin(s) [see (2.18)] which acts on UHF a good Sz= (N N)=2 according to the Pople-Nesbet theory presented in section 2.1.1. In the literature [18], there are two distinguishable implementations of : variation before projection (VBP) and variation after projection (VAP). In the former, which is the one that we mostly use this report, mean-eld solutions with broken symmetry are rst constructed and then the symmetry is restored via as described above. In the latter, the projected wave function is used as the trial wave function directly in the variational principle (in other words the trial function is assured to have the proper symmetry). The VAP is in general more accurate, but more dicult to implement numerically, and it has been used less often in the nuclear-physics literature. In quantum chemistry, the generalized valence bond method [120], or the spin-coupled valence bond method [121], describing covalent bonding between pairs of electrons, employ a variation quantum dots, the variation after projection looks promising for reducing the error of the VBP techniques in the transition region from mean-eld to where this error is the largest. In fact, it has been found that the techniques and exact solutions is [23, 76, 122] for stronger symmetry breaking (increasing RWand/or eld). Moreover, in the case of an applied magnetic eld (quantum dots) or a rotating trap (Bose gases), our VBP implementation corresponds to projecting cranked Slater determinants [123]. This is because of the cranking terms h!cL=2 orh Lthat contribute to the many-body Hamiltonian H, being the cyclotron frequency and the rotational frequency of the trap; these terms arise in the single-particle component of H[see Equation (2.2) in section 2 and Equation (8.3) in section 8]. The cranking form of the is particularly advantageous to the variation before projection, since the cranking method provides a rst-order approximation to the variation- after of the total angular-momentum ^L[124] (see also Ch 11.4.4 in Ref. [18]). 2.2.1. The REM microscopic method in medium and high magnetic eld. In our method of hierarchical approximations, we begin with a static electron by an unrestricted Hartree-Fock determinant that violates the [20, 23, 25]. Subsequently, the rotation of the electron molecule is described by a step of restoration of the broken circular symmetry via [22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 51, 53]. Since we focus here on the case of strong B,Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 26 we can approximate the UHF orbitals (rst step of our procedure) by (parameter free) displaced Gaussian functions; that is, for an electron localized at Rj(Zj), we use the orbital [53] u(z;Zj) =1pexp where!c=eB=(mc) is the and !0species the external parabolic connement. We have used complex numbers to represent the position variables, so that z=x+ iy,Zj=Xj+ iYj. The phase guarantees gauge invariance in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic eld and is given in the symmetric gauge by '(z;Zj;B) = (xYjyXj)=2l2 B, withlB=q hc=eB . For an extended 2D system, the Zj's form a triangular lattice [59, 125]. For nite N, however, the Zj's coincide [24, 26, 51, 52, 53] with the equilibrium positions regular polygons denoted as ( n1;n2;:::;nr)] point charges inside an external parabolic connement [114]. In this notation, n1corresponds to the innermost ring with n1>0. For the case of a single polygonal ring, the notation (0;N) is often used; then it is to be understood that n1=N. The wave function of the static electron molecule is a single Slater out of the single-electron wave functions u(zi;Zi),i= 1;:::;N . Correlated many-body states with good total angular momenta Lcan be extracted [24, 26, 51, 53] (second step) from the UHF determinant using projection operators. The projected rotating electron molecule state is given the original Slater determinant with all the single- electron wave functions of the qth ring rotated (collectively, i.e., coherently) by the same azimuthal angle q. Note that (2.25) can be written as a product of projection operators acting on the original Slater determinant [i.e., on j UHF( 1= 0;:::; r= 0)i]. Setting =lBp 2 restricts the single-electron wave function in (2.24) to be entirely in the lowest Landau level (see Appendix in Ref. [53]). The of the projected wave functions [i.e., the linear superposition of determimants in (2.25)] implies a highly entangled state. We require here that Bis suciently strong so that all the electrons are spin-polarized and that the ground-state angular (or equivalently that the fractional lling The state corresponding to L0is a single Slater determinant in the lowest Landau level and is called the maximum density droplet [126]. For high B, the calculations in this paper do not include the Zeeman contribution, which, however, can easily be added (for a fully polarized dot, the Zeeman contribution to the total withgbeing the e ective Land e factor and Bthe Bohr magneton). Due to the point-group symmetries of each polygonal ring of electrons in the UHFSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 27 wave function, the total angular momenta Lof the rotating crystalline electron molecule are restricted to the so-called magic angular momenta, (2.26) where thekq's are non-negative integers (when n1= 1,k1= 0). Magic angular momenta associated with multiple rings have been discussed in Refs. [24, 26, 51, 52, 53]. For the simpler cases of (0 ;N) or (1;N1) rings, see, e.g., Ref. [127] and Ref. [128]. The partial angular momenta associated with the qth ring,Lq[see (2.25)], are 0), energy of the REM state (2.25) is given [24, 51, 52, 53] (2.28) with the Hamiltonian and overlap matrix elements h([ ]) respectively, and [ ][L] =Pr q=1 qLq. The UHF energies are simply given by crystalline polygonal-ring arrangement ( n1;n2;:::;nr) of classical point charges is portrayed directly in the electron density of the broken-symmetry UHF, since the latter consists of humps centered at the localization sites Zj's (one hump for each electron). In contrast, the REM has good angular momentum and thus its electron density is circularly uniform. To probe the crystalline character of the REM, we use the conditional probability distribution (CPD) dened in (1.1). P(r;r0) is proportional to the conditional probability of nding an electron at r, given that another electron is assumed at r0. This procedure subtracts the collective rotation of the electron molecule in the laboratory frame of referenece, and, as a result, the CPDs reveal the structure of the many body state in the intrinsic (rotating) reference frame. 2.2.2. Group structure and sequences of magic angular momenta. It has [25] that the broken-symmetry UHF determinants and orbitals describe 2D electronic molecular stuctures (Wigner molecules) in close analogy with the case of natural 3D molecules. However, the study of Wigner molecules at the UHF level restricts their description to the intrinsic (nonrotating) frame of reference. Motivated by the case of natural atoms, one can take a subsequent step and address the rotating Wigner molecules in the laboratory frame of reference. As is well known, for natural atoms, this step is achieved by writing the total wave function of the molecule as the product of the electronic and ionic partial wave functions. In the case of the purely electronic Wigner molecules, however, such a product wave the assumption of complete decoupling between intrinsic and collective degreesSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 28 Figure 6. (Color online) The UHF solution exhibiting breaking of the for N= 3 andSz= 1=2 atRW= 10 andB= 0. (a-b): real orbitals for the two spin-up electrons. (c): real orbital for the single spin-down electron. (d): total electron density (ED). (e): spin density (SD, di erence of the spin-up minus the spin-down partial electron densities). The choice of the remaining parameters is: h!0= 5 meV and m= 0:067me. Distances are in nanometers. The real orbitals are in 103nm1and the densities (electron density and spin density) in 104nm2. The arrows indicate the spin direction. of freedom, an assumption that might be justiable in limiting cases only. The simple product wave function was used in earlier treatments of Wigner molecules; see, e.g., Ref. [128]. The projected wave functions employed here are integrals over such product wave functions, and thus they account for quantal uctuations in the rotational degrees of freedom. The reduction of the projected wave functions to the limiting case of a single product wave function is discussed in Ch of Ref. [18]. As was discussed earlier, in the framework of the broken-symmetry UHF solutions, a further step is needed { and this companion step can be performed by using the method of restoration of broken symmetries via projection techniques (see section 2.2). In this section, we use this approach to illustrate through a couple of concrete examples how certain universal properties of the exact solutions, i.e., the appearance of magic angular momenta [127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133] in the exact rotational spectra, relate to the symmetry broken UHF solutions. Indeed, we demonstrate that the magic angular momenta are a direct consequence of the at the UHF level and that they are determined fully by the molecular symmetries of the UHF determinant . As an illustrative example, we have chosen the relatively simple, but non trivial case, ofN= 3 electrons. For B= 0, both the Sz= 1=2 andSz= 3=2 be considered. We start with the Sz= 1=2 polarization, whose solution [25] is portayed in gure 6 and which exhibits a breaking of the total spin symmetry in addition to the rotational symmetry. Let us denote the breaking and quantum correlations 29 UHF determinant [made out of the three spin orbitals in gure 6(a), gure 6(b), and gure 6(c)] asj#i . We rst proceed with the restoration of the total spin by has a lower point-group symmetry (see Ref. [25]) than the C3vsymmetry of an equilateral triangle. The C3vsymmetry, however, can be readily restored by applying the projection operator (2.19) to j#i and by using the character table of the cyclic C3group (see Table I in Ref. [25]). Then for the intrinsic part of the many-body wave function, one nds two di erent combinations, =j#i + e2i=3j#i + e2i=3j#i; =j#i + e2i=3j#i + e2i=3j#i; (2.30) where 0= 0 denotes the azimuthal angle of the vertex of the equilateral with the original spin-down orbital in j #i . We note that, unlike the intrinsic UHF Slater determinant, the intrinsic wave functions E0 intrand E00 intrhere are eigenstates of the square of the total spin operator with quantum numbers= 1=2. This can be veried directly by applying ^S2to them.{ To restore the circular symmetry in the case of a (0,N) ring arrangement, one applies the projection operator (2.19). Note that the operator PLis a direct generalization of the projection operators for nite point-groups discussed in Ref. [25] to the case of the continuous cyclic group C1[the phases exp( i L) are the characters of C1]. The projected wave function, PRJ, (having both good total spin and angular momentum quantum numbers) is of the (2.31) where now the intrinsic wave function [given by (2.29) or (2.30)] has an orientation . We note that, unlike the phenomenological [128, 132] where only a single product term is involved, the PRJ wave function in (2.31) is an average over all azimuthal directions over an innite set of product terms. These terms are formed by multiplying the intrinsic part E intr( ) with the wave function exp( i L) (the latter is properly characterized as it is an eigenfunction of the total angular momentum ^Land depends exclusively on the azimuthal coordinate ).+ The operator can be applied onto PRJin two di erent ways, namely either on the intrinsic part E intror the external part exp(i L). Using (2.29) and the property one nds, ^R(2=3) PRJ= exp(2i=3) PRJ; (2.32) {For the appropriate expression of S2, see equation (6) in Ref. [46]. +Although the wave functions of the Eckardt-frame model are inaccurate compared to the PRJ ones [see (2.31)], they are able to yield the proper magic angular momenta for (0 ;N) rings. This result is intuitively built in this model from the very beginning via the phenomenological assumption that the intrinsic wave function, which is never specied, exhibits CNvpoint-group breaking and quantum correlations 30 Figure 7. (Color online) The UHF case exhibiting breaking of the circular symmetry forN= 3 andSz= 3=2 atRW= 10 and B= 0. (a-c): real orbitals. (d): the corresponding electron density (ED). The choice of the remaining parameters is: h!0= 5 meV and m= 0:067me. Distances are in nanometers. The real orbitals are in 103nm1and the total electron density in 104nm2. The arrows indicate the spin direction. from the rst alternative, and ^R(2=3) PRJ= exp(2Li=3) PRJ; (2.33) from the second alternative. Now if PRJ6= 0, the only way that equations (2.32) and (2.33) can be simultaneously true is if the condition exp[2 (L1)i=3] = 1 is fullled. This leads to a rst sequence of magic angular momenta associated with total spin s= 1=2, i.e., L= 3k+ 1; k= 0;1;2;3;::: (2.34) Using (2.30) for the intrinsic wave function, and following similar steps, one can derive a second sequence of magic angular momenta associated with good total spin s= 1=2, i.e., L= 3k1; k= 0;1;2;3;::: (2.35) In the fully spin-polarized case, the UHF determinant is portrayed in gure 7. This UHF determinant, which we denote as ji , is already an eigenstate of ^S2with quantum number s= 3=2. Thus only the rotational symmetry needs to be restored, that is, the intrinsic wave function is simply A intr( 0) =ji . Since ^R(2=3)A intr= A intr, the condition for the allowed angular momenta is exp[ 2Li=3] = 1, which yields the following magic angular momenta, L= 3k; k = 0;1;2;3;::: (2.36)Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 31 We note that in high magnetic elds only the fully polarized case is relevant and that only angular momenta with k > 0 enter in (2.36) (see Ref. [24]). In this case, in the thermodynamic limit, the partial sequence with k= 2q+ 1,q= related to the odd lling factors = 1=(2q+ 1) of the fractional quantum Hall e ect [via the relation =N(N1)=(2L)]. This suggests that the observed hierarchy of fractional lling factors in the quantum Hall e ect may be viewed as a from the point group symmetries of the intrinsic wave function  intr, and thus it is a manifestation of symmetry breaking at the UHF mean-eld level. We further note that the discrete rotational (and more generally spectra associated with in a QD may be viewed as nite analogs to the Goldstone modes accompanying symmetry breaking transitions in extended media (see Ref. [10]). Recently there has been some interest in analogs in the framework of symmetry breaking in trapped BECs with attractive interactions [88]. 2.3. The symmetry breaking dilemma and density functional theory Density functional theory (and its extension for cases with a magnetic eld known as current density functional theory) was initially considered [3] (and was [3, 92, 94]) as a promising method for studying 2D semiconductor QDs. However, it soon became apparent [22, 23, 25, 46] that density functional approaches exhibited severe drawbacks when applied to the regime of strong correlations in QDs, where the underlying physics is associated with symmetry breaking leading to electron localization and formation of Wigner molecules. The inadequacies of density functional approaches in the eld of QDs have by now gained broad recognition [41, 134, 135]. In particular, unlike the Hartree-Fock case for which a consistent theory for the restoration of broken symmetries has been developed (see, e.g., the earlier Refs. [18, 30, 31, 32, 33]; for developments in the area of quantum dots, see the more recent Refs. [22, 23, 24, 25, 46]), the breaking of space symmetry within the functional theory poses [136] a serious dilemma. This dilemma has not been resolved [137] to date; several remedies are being proposed, but none of them appears to be completely devoid of inconsistencies. In particular, a theory for symmetry restoration of broken-symmetry solutions [134, 135] within the framework of density has not been developed as yet. This puts the density functional methods in a with regard to the modern elds of quantum information and for example, the description of quantum entanglement (see section 5.1.4 below) requires the ability to calculate many-body wave functions exhibiting good quantum numbers, and thus it lies beyond the reach of density functional due to the unphysical self-interaction error, the theory becomes erroneously more resistant to space symmetry breaking [138] compared to the UHF (which is free from such an error), and thus it fails to describe a whole class of broken symmetries involving electron localization, e.g., the formation at B= 0Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 32 of Wigner molecules in quantum dots [20, 46] and in thin quantum wires [139], the hole trapping at Al impurities in silica [140], or the interaction driven transition in d- andf- electron systems, like Plutonium [141]. Recently, the shortcomings of the density functional theory to properly phenomena (such as exchange coupling constants associated with of the total spin) has attracted signicant attention in the quantum (see, e.g., Refs. [142, 143, 144]). 2.4. More on symmetry restoration methods In the framework of hierarchical approximations, are one of methods used to treat correlations beyond the Two other methods are brie y discussed in this section, i.e., the method of symmetry restoration via random phase approximation (RPA) and the method (GCM). 2.4.1. Symmetry restoration via random phase approximation. This method correlations by considering the e ect of the zero-point motion of associated with the small amplitude motion of the mean eld (which is equivalent to the RPA). In the case of space , one of the RPA vibrational frequencies vanishes, and the corresponding motion is associated with the rotation of the system as a whole (rotational Goldstone mode), with a moment of inertia given by the so-called Thouless-Valatin expression [145]. The method has been used to calculate correlation energies of atomic nuclei [146, 147] and most recently to restore the broken symmetry in circular quantum dots [148] (mainly for the case of two electrons at zero magnetic eld). As discussed in Ref. [148], restoration of the total spin cannot be treated within RPA. 2.4.2. The generator coordinate method. The projection techniques by themselves do not take into account quantum correlation e ects arising from the vibrations and intrinsic collective distortions of the Wigner molecule. For the inclusion of the e ects of such collective motions, a natural extension beyond projection techniques is the generator coordinate method (see Ch 10 in Ref. [18]). Unlike the RPA, the GCM can treat large-amplitude collective motion in combination with the retoration of the total spin. Indeed, it has been shown that the RPA harmonic vibrations are a case of the large-amplitude collective motion described via the method [18]. The GCM represents an additional step in the hierarchy of in section 1.5 and its use will result in a further reduction of the di erence from the exact solutions. The GCM is complicated and computationally more to projection techniques. Recent computational advances, however, have allowed rather extensive applications of the method in nuclear physics (see, e.g., Ref.Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 33 [38]). As yet, applications of the GCM to quantum dots or trapped atomic gases have not been reported. The GCM employs a very general form for the trial many-body wave as a continuous superposition of determinants j [a]i(or permanents for bosons), (2.37) where [a] = (a1;a2;:::;ak) is a set of collective parameters depending on the physics of the system under consideration. An example of such parameters are the azimuthal angles ( 1; 2;:::; r) in the REM trial wave function (2.25). Of course the between the REM wave function (2.25) and the general GCM function (2.37) is the fact that the weight coecients f[a] in the former are known in advance (they coincide with the characters of the underlying symmetry group), while in the latter they are calculated numerically via the equations [149, (2.38) whereEare the eigenenergies, and h(a;a0) =h [a]jHj [a0]i; (2.39) n(a;a0) =h [a]j [a0]i (2.40) are the Hamiltonian and overlap kernels. The equation (2.38) is usually solved numerically by discretization; then one can describe it as a the many-body hamiltonian in a nonorthogonal basis formed with the example of a potential case for the application of the GCM is an dot (  < 1, with=!x=!y) In this case, one cannot use to restore the total angular momentum, since the external connement does not possess circular symmetry. Application of the GCM, however, will values for the expansion coecients f[ ], and these values will reduce for the circular case = 1 [while the GCM wave function will reduce to the REM wave function (2.25)]. It is apparent that the GCM many-body wave function changes continuously with varying anisotropy , although the symmetry properties of the connement potential change in an abrupt way at the point !1. 3. Symmetry breaking and subsequent symmetry restoration for neutral and charged bosons in conned geometries: Theoretical framework 3.1. Symmetry breaking for bosons, Gross-Pitaevskii wave functions, and symmetry breaking for bosonic systems is transparent in the context of two-component condensates, where each species is necessarily associated with a di erent space orbital [151, 152]. For one species of bosons, symmetry breaking canSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 34 be considered through a generalization of the UHF method of di erent orbitals for di erent spins known from the case of electrons in quantum chemistry and in quantum dots (section 2.1.1). Indeed, as shown in Refs. [60, 63, 153], one can allow each bosonic particle to occupy a di erent orbital i(ri). Then the serves as the many-body wave function of an (UBHF) approximation. This wave function reduces to the form with the restriction that all bosons occupy the same orbital 0(r), and0(r) is determined at the restricted (RBHF) level via the equation [154] [H0(r1) + =00(r1): is the two-body repulsive interaction, which is taken to be a for neutral bosons, or the Coulomb repulsion for charged bosons. The single-particle Hamiltonian is given by H0(r) =h2r2=(2m) +m!2 0r2=2; the circular harmonic connement, and where we have considered a non-rotating trap. Compared to the fermionic case (see section 2.1.1), the self-consistent determination of the UBHF orbitals is rather complicated and numerically highly demanding (see section 2.5.3 in Ref. [155]). In fact, the self-consistent UHBF equations cannot be put into a standard (canonical) form due to two reasons:(i) cannot be used to simplify the equations, since the permanent of the product of two matrices does not factorize into a product of two simpler terms (unlike the electronic case where the determinant of the product of two matrices is equal to the product of the corresponding determinants) and (ii) as a result of boson statistics, the bosonic orbitals cannot be assumed to be (and remain) orthogonal, which leads to additional coupling terms between the non-orthogonal orbitals. In the literature [156], an attempt has been made to derive unrestricted self- consistent equations for bosons by disregarding point (ii) mentioned above and invoking the assumption of orthonormal orbitals. Such equations of course are not of although they appear to be useful for describing fragmentation of Bose condensates in double wells. The diculties of the self-consistent treatment can be bypassed and the UBHF problem can be simplied through consideration of explicit analytic expressions for the space orbitals i(ri). In particular, for repulsive interactions, the bosons must avoid each other in order to minimize their mutual repulsion , and thus, in analogy with the case of electrons in QDs, one can take all the orbitals to be of the form of namely, i(ri) (3.3) The positions aidescribe the vertices of concentric regular polygons, with both the widthand the radius a=jaijof the regular polygons determined variationally throughSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 35 minimization of the total energy EUBHF +NX i<jv(ri;rj) (3.5) is the many-body the above choice of localized orbitals the unrestricted permanent jNibreaks the continuous rotational symmetry. However, the resulting energy gain for stronger repulsion. Controlling this energy gain (the strength of correlations) is the ratio R(orRW) between the strength of the repulsive potential and the zero-point kinetic energy. Specically, for a 2D trap, one (3.6) for a contact potential (for RW, see section 2.1.2). Note that in this section, we refer to the case of a non-rotating trap; the generalization to rotating traps is presented later in section 8. 3.2. Repelling bosons in harmonic traps: Restoration of broken the optimized UBHF permanent jNiperforms very well regarding the total energies of the trapped bosons, in particular in comparison to the resctricted wave functions (e.g., the GP anzatz), it is still incomplete. Indeed, due to its not preserve the circular (rotational) symmetry of the 2D H. Instead, it exhibits a lower point-group symmetry, i.e., a C2symmetry forN= 2 and a C5one for the (1 ;5) structure of N= 6 (see section 8 below). As not have a good total angular momentum. In analogy with the case of electrons in quantum dots, this paradox is resolved through a of broken symmetries via projection techniques [23, 24, 25, 60], yielding a new wave function j PRJ N;Liwith a denite angular momentum L, that the original UBHF permanent having each localized orbital rotated by an azimuthal angle , withLbeing the total angular momentum. The wave functions for a whole rotational band. Note that the projected wave (3.7) may be regarded as a superposition of the rotated permanents jN( )i, thus corresponding to a solution. The energies of the projected states are given (3.8)Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 36 4. Other many-body methods 4.1. Exact diagonalization methods: Theoretical framework We will discuss the essential elements of the method here by considering the special, but most important case of a many-body Hilbert space dened via the restriction that the single-particle states belong exclusively to the lowest Landau level. For 2D electrons, this LLL restriction is appropriate in the case of very high B. For rotating bosons in a harmonic trap, the LLL restriction is appropriate for !0 and a very weak repulsive contact potential. The particulars of the EXD method for quantum dots in the case of eld-free (and/or low B) conditions will be discussed below in section 5.1.2. For suciently high magnetic eld values (i.e., in the fractional quantum Hall e ect, regime), the electrons are fully spin-polarized and the Zeeman term (not shown here) does not need to be considered. In the B!1 limit, the external connement V(x;y) can be neglected, and the many-body Hcan be restricted to operate in the lowest Landau level, reducing to the form [24, 26, 52, is the cyclotron frequency. Namely, one needs to diagonalize the interaction Hamiltonian only. For the case of rotating bosons in the LLL, one needs to replace in (4.1) the by g(rirj) and the cyclotron frequency by 2 (see the Appendix for the details of the equivalence between magnetic eld Band rotational frequency ; in a given total angular momentum L=PN k=1lk, the N- body wave function is a linear superposition of Slater determinants for fermions (or permanents for bosons) ( J) made out of single-particle wave functions (see the Appendix), l(z) (4.2) where  =q 2hc=(eB) =lBp 2 for the case of electrons in QDs ( lBbeing the and  =q h=(m!0) for the case of bosons in rotating traps. In (4.2), we used complex coordinates z=x+ iy, instead of the usual vector positions r= (x;y); below we will use either notation interchangeably as needed. Thus, the many-body EXD wave function is written =KX J=1CJ (J) (4.3) with the index Jdenoting any set of Nsingle-particle angular momenta that l1<l2<:::<l N (4.4)Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 37 for fermions and l1l2:::lN (4.5) for bosons, the absence or presence of the equal signs being determined by the between fermions and bosons, the expansion (4.3), one transforms the many-body Schr odinger (4.6) into a matrix eigenvalue problem. When the single-particle states are the LLL ones in (4.2)], the matrix elements two are calculated using the so-called Slater rules (see, e.g., Ch 2.3.3 of Ref. [19]). For the case of bosons, the correpsonding rules for the matrix elements two permanents are given in the appendix of Ref. [72]. We remark here that the calculation of energies associated with projected wave functions [see, e.g., Equation (3.8)] requires calculation of similar matrix elements between two Slater determinants (or permanents) with non-orthogonal orbitals; formulas for the case of fermions can be found in Ch 6.3. of Ref. [157], and for the case of bosons in Ref. [155]. Of course a necessary ingredient for the application of the above rules is the knowledge of the matrix elements of the two-body interaction v(r1;r2), (4.7) In the general case, these two-body matrix elements need to be For the simpler case specied by the LLL orbitals (4.2), the two-body matrix elements are given by analytic expressions. In particular, for the see Refs. [26, 158]; for a contact potential, see Ref. [159]. The dimensionDof the Hilbert space increases very fast with the number of particlesNand the value of the total angular momentum L, and is is controlled by the maximum allowed single-particle angular momentum lmax, such that lklmax, 1kN. By varying lmax, we can check that this choice produces well results. For the solution of the large scale, but sparse, EXD matrix eigenvalue with the special Hamiltonian HLLL[or the general one in (2.1)], we use the ARPACK computer code [160]. The availabilty of analytic expressions for the two-body interaction has calculations in the lowest Landau level (appropriate for quantum dots at high B), and in this case (starting with Refs. [26, of large matrices of dimensions of order 500,000 x 500,000 has become a commom occurrence. For circular quantum dots, similar analytic expressions for the matrix elements of the Coulomb interaction between general Darwin-Fock orbitals [162, 163] (i.e., the single-particle orbitals of a circular 2D harmonic oscillator under a perpendicular magnetic eld B) are also available [129, 164], but they are not numerically as stable as Tsiper's expressions [158] in the lowest Landau level.Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations calculations for eld-free (and/or low B) conditions have been presented in several papers. Among them, we note the calculations of Refs. [77, 97, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170]. EXD calculations two-body matrix elements that are calculated numerically have also been reported for elliptic quantum dots (see section 5.1.2 below). Furthermore, some authors have used the method of hyperspherical harmonics [171] for circular quantum dots, while others have carried out calculations for quantum dots with a polygonal external connement EXD calculations in the lowest Landau level, we mention Refs. [26, 95, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 173, 174, 175, 176] for the case of quantum dots (high B) and Refs. [67, 68, 69, 72, 177, 178] for the case of bosons in rapidly rotating traps. A version of EXD in the LLL uses a correlated basis constructed out of wave functions [176], while another version used Gaussians in the place of the usual single-particle states (4.2) in the LLL. For two electrons in a single quantum dot, exact calculations have been carried out through separation into center-of-mass and relative coordinates [50, 179, 180]. In addition, EXD calculations have been reported for two electrons in a double quantum dot [89, 181]. It is of interest to note that the EXD approach is also used in other elds, but under di erent names. In particular, the term shell model calculations is used in nuclear theory, while the term ull conguration interaction is employed in An example involving spin-resolved CPDs. Here we present an example of an EXD calculation exhibiting formation of a Wigner molecule in quantum dots. The case we chose is that of N= 3 electrons under zero magnetic eld in an anisotropic quantum dot with h!x= 4:23 meV and  h!y= 5:84 meV (i.e., with an intermediate 0:724) and dielectric constant = 1 (strong interelectron repulsion). In particular, gure 8 displays results for the ground state of the three electrons with total spins= 1=2 and spin projection Sz= 1=2. The electron density in gure 8(a) has the shape of a diamond and of a Wigner molecule resonating between two isosceles triangular isomers (which are the mirror image of each other). The detailed interlocking of the two triangular congurations is further revealed in the spin-resolved CPD that is displayed in gure 8(b). It can be concluded that one triangle is formed by the points R1= (0;20) nm,R2= (43;10) nm, and R3= (43;10) nm, while the second one (its mirror with respect to the x-axis) is formed by the points R01= (0;20) nm, R02= (43;10) nm, andR03= (43;10) nm. The two-triangle conguration discussed for three electrons above may be seen as the embryonic precursor of a quasilinear structure of two intertwined chains. Such double zig-zag crystaline chains may also be related to the single zig-zag Wigner-crystal chains discussed recently in relation to spontaneous spinSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 39 Figure 8. (Color online) electron densities (EDs) and spin- resolved CPDs for N= 3 electrons in an anisotropic quantum dot at zero magnetic eld (B= 0) and in the case of a strong Coulomb repulsion with a dielectric constant = 1. (a-b) Results for the ground state (which has total spin s= 1=2 and spin projection Sz= 1=2) when h!x= 4:23 meV and  h!y= 5:84 meV (i.e., for an = 0:724). (c-f) Results for the rst excited state (which has also total spins= 1=2 and spin projection Sz= 1=2) when h!x= 3:137 meV and  h!y= 6:274 meV (i.e., for a strong anisotropy = 0:5). The thick arrows and solid dots in the CPDs indicate the spin direction 0and position r0of the xed electron [see (1.2)]. The thin arrows indicate the spin direction of the remaining two electrons. The e ective mass ism= 0:070mefor the intermediate anisotropy (a-b) and m= 0:067mefor the strong anisotropy (c-f). Lengths are in nanometers. The vertical axes are in in quantum wires [182, 183]. For strong anisotropies (e.g., 1=2), the three electrons form a Wigner molecule [see the electron density in gure 8(c)], and the can be used to demonstrate [184] formation of prototypical entangled states, like the so-called Wstates [185, 186]. From the CPDs [displayed in gure 8(d), gure 8(e) and gure 8(f)] of the rst excited state (having s= 1=2 andSz= 1=2), one can infer that its intrinsic spin structure is of the form j#ij#i . The ground state (not shown) of this linear Wigner molecule has also a total spin s= 1=2 and spin projection Sz= 1=2, and its intrinsic spin structure corresponds to a form 2 Particle localization in Monte-Carlo Monte-Carlo (MC) approaches [187] have been successfully used in many areas of condensed-matter physics; they are divided in two main branches, path-integral MC (PIMC) and MC (V/DMC). Unlike the exact breaking and quantum correlations 40 quantum MC approaches cannot calculate excited states, and they are restricted to the description of ground-state to the case of circular quantum dots at zero magnetic eld, [188, 189, 190, 191, 192] have been able to reproduce and describe with increasing RWand formation of Wigner molecules. In 2D quantum dots, a focus of the PIMC studies [188, 191] has been the determination of the for the Wigner parameter at which the phase transition from a Fermi liquid to a Wigner molecule occurs. Naturally, only an estimate of this critical value can be determined, since the phase transition is not sharp, but smooth, due to the nite size of the quantum dot. Obtaining a precise value of Rcr Wis also hampered by the variety of criteria employed by di erent researchers in the determination of this transition (e.g., height of localized density humps, appearance of a hump at the center of the dot, etc.). In the literature of PIMC studies [188, 191], one nds the critical value Rcr W4, which is in agreement with studies [77]. This is also in with the estimate Rcr W1 based on the abrupt onset of spatial in unrestricted Hartree-Fock [20]. Of course the has to be rened through the subsequent step of symmetry restoration. We believe that it is most appropriate to consider these two estimates mentioned above as the lower and upper limit of a transition region. The important conclusion is that the transition to Wigner crystallization in quantum dots takes place for much higher electron densities compared to the innite two-dimensional electron gas (for which a valueRcr W37 [193] has been reported.) A disadvantage of the PIMC method is that the case of an applied magnetic eld cannot be easily incorporated in its formalism, and therefore related studies have not been reported. Other well known diculties are the fermion sign problem and of total spin [77, 188]. Commenting on the other main branch of quantum Monte Carlo, i.e., the MC, we wish to stress the crucial role played by the general form of the trial wave function used. Indeed, an early V/DMC study [194] using a single congurational state function (i.e., a primitive combination of products of for the two spin directions that is an eigenstate of the total angular momentum ^L, the square of the total spin ^S2, and the total-spin projection Sz) was unable to describe the formation of Wigner molecules in quatum dots at zero magnetic eld. Another V/DMC study [195] managed to demonstrate electron localization, but at the cost of using a single product of two Slater determinants (multiplied by a Jastrow factor) which violated the conservation of both the total angular momentum and total spin (without the possibility of further corrections related to symmetry recently, more sophisticated trial wave functions involving a large number of congurational state functions with good total angular momentum and total spin Often the Wigner-Seitz radius rs, in units of the e ective Bohr radius a B= h2=(me2) of the quantum dot, is used instead of the Wigner parameter RW(denoted some times by ). In these units, one breaking and quantum correlations 41 have been employed, which enabled eventually conrmation of the formation of Wigner molecules via V/DMC methods, both at zero [78] and high magnetic eld [196]. There are, however, disagreements between the V/DMC results [197] and those from PIMC and EXD calculations concerning the details of Wigner-molecule formation in circular quantum dots in the absence of an applied magnetic eld. In disagreements focus on the density scale for the cross-over and the strength of azimuthal and radial electron correlations as a function of RW. Such disagreements remain an open question for two reasons: (i) The criterion of lowest energy (evoked by the V/DMC approaches) is not sucient to guarantee the quality of the variational many-body wave function. A this lowest-energy criterion was presented by us for the case of the Laughlin wave functions in Refs. [24, 52] (see also section 6.4). Most recently, this point was also illustrated within the framework of variational Monte Carlo calculations [198]. (ii) The V/DMC studies for larger N[78, 197] have presented only calculations for CPDs. However, due to the presence of dummy integrations in (1.1) (which result in an averaging over the remaining N2 particles), the ability of the CPDs to portray the intrinsic crystalline structure of the Wigner molecule diminishes with increasing N. As a result, higher-order correlation functions, like N-point correlations, may be required. The fact that higher-order correlation functions re ect the crystalline correlations more accurately than the CPDs was illustrated for the case of rotating boson molecules in Ref. [72] (see also section 8.2). A detailed comparison between ground-state energies calculated with quantum MC and methods can be found in Ref. [77]. For a comparison between (see section 2.2) and V/DMC total energies, see Ref. [122]. 5. The strongly correlated regime in two-dimensional quantum dots: The two-electron problem and its signicance In section 2 and section 3, we focused on the general principles and the framework of the method of symmetry breaking and of subsequent for nite condensed-matter systems. In addition, in section 4, we presented the basic elements of the approach. In the following four sections, we will focus on specic applications and predictions from these methods in the eld of semiconductor quantum dots and of ultracold bosons in harmonic traps, in particular regarding the emergence and properties of Wigner molecules under At the same time we will continue to elaborate and further expand on more technical aspects of these methods. In this section, we start by concentrating on the description of in QDs. A discussion on the importance of the two-electron problem is given in section 5.3.Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 42 5.1. Two-electron elliptic dot at low magnetic elds Here, we present an exact diagonalization and an approximate (generalized Heitler- London, GHL) microscopic treatment for two electrons in a single elliptic QD specied by parameters that correspond to a recently fabricated experimental device [41]. The two-dimensional Hamiltonian for the two interacting electrons is given by H=H(r1) +H(r2) + e2=(r12); (5.1) where the last term is the Coulomb repulsion, (12.5 for GaAs) is the dielectric The prefactor accounts for the reduction of the Coulomb strength due to the nite thickness of the electron layer in the zdirection and for any e ects due to the gate electrons. H(r) is the single-particle Hamiltonian for an electron in an external perpendicular magnetic eld Band an appropriate (2.2). For an elliptic QD, the external potential is written as V(x;y) (5.2) Here the e ective mass is taken to be m= 0:07m0. In the Hamiltonian (2.2), we neglect the Zeeman contribution due to the negligible value ( g0) of the e ective Land e factor in our sample [199]. 5.1.1. Generalized Heitler-London approach. The GHL method for solving (5.1) consists of two steps. In the rst step, we solve ensuing unrestricted Hartree-Fock equations allowing for lifting of the requirement (imposing this requirement gives the restricted HF method, RHF). For the Sz= 0 solution, this step produces two single-electron orbitals uL;R(r) that are localized left ( L) and right ( R) of the center of the QD [unlike the RHF method that gives a single doubly-occupied elliptic (and symmetric about the At this step, the many-body wave function is a single Slater out of the two occupied UHF where () denotes the up (down) [(#)] spin. This UHF determinant is an eigenfunction of the projection Szof the total spin ^S= ^s1+ ^s2, but not of ^S2(or the parity space-re ection operator). In the second step, we restore the broken parity and total-spin symmetries by applying to the UHF determinant the projection operator (2.18). For two electrons, this operator reduces to Ps;t spin= 1$12, where the operator $12interchanges the spins of the two electrons; the upper (minus) sign corresponds to the singlet. The nal result is a generalized Heitler-London two-electron wave function s;t GHL(r1;r2) for the ground- state singlet (index s) and rst-excited triplet (index t), which uses the UHF (5.3) wheres;t= is the spin function for the 2 esinglet and triplet states. The general formalism of the 2D UHF equations and of the of broken spin symmetries was presented in section 2.2.Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 43 The use of optimized UHF orbitals in the generalized Heitler-London method is suitable for treating single elongated QDs [46], including the special case of ones discussed in this section. The GHL is equally applicable to double QDs with arbitrary coupling [46]. In contrast, the Heitler-London (HL) treatment [82] (known also as the simple Valence bond), where non-optimized tomic orbitals of two isolated QDs are used, is appropriate only for the case of a double dot with small coupling [48]. The orbitals uL;R(r) are expanded in a real Cartesian basis, i.e., uL;R(r) (5.4) where the index j(m;n) and'j(r) =Xm(x)Yn(y), withXm(Yn) being of the one-dimensional oscillator in the x(y) direction with The parity operator PyieldsPXm(x) = (1)mXm(x), and similarly for Yn(y). The expansion coecients CL;R jare real for B= 0 and complex for nite B. In the calculations we use K= 54 and/or K= 79, yielding convergent results. 5.1.2. Exact diagonalization. In the EXD method, the many-body wave function is written as a linear superposition over the basis of non-interacting =2KX i<jAs;t ijj (1;i) (2;j)i; (5.5) where (1;i) ='i(1) if 1iKand (1;i) ='iK(1#) ifK+ 1i2K [and similarly for (2;j)]. The total energies Es;t EXD and the coecients through a rute force diagonalization of the matrix eigenvalue to the Hamiltonian in (5.1). The wave function does not immediately reveal any particular form, although, our calculations below show that it can be approximated by a GHL wave function in the case of the elliptic dot under Results and comparison with measurements. To model the dot device, we take, following Ref. [41],  h!x= 4:23 meV, h!y= 5:84 meV, = 12:5, and = 0:862. The corresponding anisotropy is !y=!x= 1:38, indicating that the quantum dot considered here is closer to being circular than in other [45, 80]. As shown in Ref. [41], the experimental ndings can be quantitatively interpreted by comparing to the results of the EXD calculations for two electrons in an connement potential with the parameters listed above. All the states observed in the measured spectra (as a function of the magnetic eld) can be unambiguously identied [41] with calculated ground-state and excited states of the two-electron Hamiltonian (compare gure 9 and gure 10).Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 44 Figure 9. (Color online) Di erentiated current d I=dVpgatVbias= 2:5 mV (the subscript pg denotes the plunger gate). Gray striped regions (red online) marked by symbols correspond to positive (peaks) dI=dV pg. The dark black region (also black online) corresponds to negative dI=dV pg. Electron numbers Nare between the one-electron ground state and the 2 espin-singlet ground (excited for B > 3:8 T) state ( S0), spin-triplet excited (ground for B > 3:8 T) state (T+), spin-singlet excited state ( S2), and spin-triplet plus center-of-mass excited state (T+;CM) are labeled. Figure 10. (Color online) Calculated energy spectrum in a magnetic eld, referenced to 2 hp !2 0+!2c=4, of a 2edot with anisotropic (for the dot parameters, see text). We have adopted the ), where (Nx;Ny) refer to the CM motion along the xandyaxes and (n;m) refer to the number of radial nodes and angular momentum of the relative motion in the corresponding circular dot. Inset: The EXD spectrum of circular dot. Only the ( n;m) indices are shown, since Nx=Ny= 0 for all the plotted curves. Solid lines denote singlets. Dashed lines denote breaking and quantum correlations 45 Figure 11. (Color online) Comparison between the splitting [ J(B)] calculated with di erent methods and the experimental results (open squares). Solid line (online magenta): EXD. Dotted line (online green): GHL. Dashed line (online red): RHF. For the parameters used in the calculation to model the anisotropic QD, see text. Moreover, the calculated energy splitting, JEXD(B) between the two lowest singlet ( S0) and triplet ( T+) states is found to be in remarkable agreement with the experiment [see gure 11]. A deeper understanding of the structure of the many-body wave function can be acquired by comparing the measured J(B) with that calculated within the GHL and RHF approximations. To facilitate the comparisons, the calculated JGHL(B) and JRHF(B) curves are plotted also in gure 11, along with the result and the measurements. Both the RHF and GHL schemes are appealing they minimize the total energy using single-particle orbitals. It is from gure 11 that the RHF method, which assumes that both electrons occupy a common single-particle orbital, is not able to reproduce the experimental ndings. On the contrary, the generalized Heitler-London approach, which allows the two electrons to occupy two spatially separated orbitals, appears to be a good approximation. Plotting the two GHL orbitals [see gure 12] for the singlet state clearly demonstrates that the two electrons do not occupy the same orbital, but rather ll states that are separated. The UHF orbitals from which the GHL singlet state is constructed [see (5.3)] are displayed on gure 12 for both the B= 0 andB= 3:8 T cases. The spatial shrinking of these orbitals at the higher B-value illustrates the dissociation of the electron dimer with increasing magnetic eld. The asymptotic convergence (beyond the ST point) of the energies of the singlet and triplet states, [i.e., J(B)!0 asB!1 ] is a re ection of the dissociation of the 2 emolecule, since the ground-state energy of two fully electrons (zero overlap) does not depend on the total spin. We stress again that the RHF, which corresponds to the more familiar physical picture of a QD-Helium atom, fails to describe this dissociation, because JRHF(B) diverges as the value of the magnetic eld increases. In contrast to the RHF, the GHL wave function is able to capture the importance ofSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 46 Figure 12. (Color online) Single-particle UHF orbitals (modulus square) that are used in the construction of the GHL wave function in (5.3). Arrows indicate up and down spins. For the parameters used in the calculation to model the anisotropic QD, see text. Lengths in nm and orbital densities in 103nm2. Figure 13. (Color online) CPDs extracted from the wave function for the singlet state for B= 0 andB= 3:8 T. The CPD expresses the conditional probability for nding the second electron at position rgiven that the rst electron is located at r0(denoted by a heavy solid dot). For the parameters used in the calculation to model the anisotropic QD, see text. Lengths in nm and CPDs in arbitrary e ects. Further insight into the inportance of correlations in our QD device can be gained through inspection [41] of the conditional probability distributions [see (1.1)] associated with the EXD solutions; see an illustration in gure 13. Indeed, already at zero magnetic eld, the calculated CPDs provide further support of the physical picture of two localized electrons forming a state resembling an H 2-type [23, 46, 41] Wigner molecule [20, 188]. 5.1.4. Degree of entanglement. Further connections between the strong in our microscopic treatment and the theory of quantum computing [48] can be made through specication of the degree of entanglement between the two in the molecular dimer. For two electrons, we can quantify the degree of entanglement by calculating a well-known measure of entanglement such as the von Neumann entropy [42, 200] for particles. To this e ect, one needs to bring the EXD wave function into a diagonal form (the socalled canonical formSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 47 Figure 14. Von Neumann entropy for the lowest singlet EXD state of the elliptic dot as a function of the magnetic eld B. On the top, we show histograms for the jzkj2 coecients [see (5.6)] of the singlet state at B= 3:8 T (left) and B= 8:0 T the dominance of two determinantal congurations (in agreement with the generalized Heitler-London picture). Note the small third coecient jz3j2= 0:081 for B= 8:0 T. For the parameters used to model the experimental device, see text. [200, 201]), 2k1)(2; 2k)i; (5.6) with the ( i)'s being appropriate spin orbitals resulting from a unitary the basis spin orbitals (j)'s [see (5.5)]; only terms with zk6= 0 contribute. The upper bound Mcan be smaller (but not larger) than K(the dimension of the single- particle basis); Mis referred to as the Slater rank. One obtains the coecients of the canonical expansion from the fact that the jzkj2are eigenvalues of the see (5.5), is antisymmetric]. The von Neumann entropy is given with the 1. The EXD singlet has obviously a Slater rank M > 2. The von Neumann entropy for the EXD singlet ( Ss EXD) is displayed in gure 14. It is remarkable that increasing B, but remains close to unity for large B, although the maximum value is log2(K) [for example, for K= 79, log2(79) = 6:3]. The saturation of the entropy for large Bto a value close to unity re ects the dominant (and roughly equal at large B) weight of two congurations in the canonical expansion [see (5.6)] of the wave function, which are related [42] to the two terms in the canonical expansion of the GHL singlet. This is illustrated by the histograms of for B= 3:8 T andB= 8:0 T in gure 14 (top). Notice that the the extent of the overlap between the two GHL orbitals [42], with the ratio increasing for smaller overlaps (corresponding to a more complete dissociation of the Wigner molecule). The above discussion illustrates that microscopic calculations that are shown to reproduce experimental spectra [41] can be used to extract valuable information thatSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 48 Figure 15. (Color online) The calculated spectrum of a two-electron quantum dot, with RW= 200. The quantum numbers are ( N;M;n;m to the number of radial nodes in the center of mass and Mis the CM azimuthal quantum number. The integers nand mare the corresponding quantum numbers for the electrons' relative motion (RM) and the total energy is given by ENM;nm The spectrum may be summarized by the spectral rule given in the gure, with an e ective rigid moment of inertia C= 0:037 (corresponding to an angular momentum L= hm), the phonon for the stretching vibration  h!s= 3:50, and the phonon for the coincides with that of the CM motion, i.e.,  h!b= h!0= 2. The quantum numbers (N0;M0;n0;m) specifying each rotational band are given at the bottom, withm= 0;1;2;:::(the levelsm= 0 andm= 1 in each band may not be resolved on the scale of the gure). We note that the energy separation between levels in a given rotational band increases as (2 m+ 1) with increasing m, which is a of a rigid rotor. All energies are in units of  h!0=2, where!0is the parabolic connement assessment of the suitability of a given device for quantum Two-electron circular dots at zero magnetic eld In section 2.2, we illustrated the formation of otating electron molecules in the case of a two-electron circular QD, where one needs to consider restoration of the as well, in addition to the restoration of the total spin. There, we focused on properties of the ground state ( L= 0). In this section, we will further examine the excitation spectra of a two-electron QD by using the rather simple exact solution of this problem provided through separation of the center-of-mass and inter-electron degrees of freedom [50]. The spectrum obtained for RW= 200 (gure 15), exhibits features that are a collective rovibrational dynamics, akin to that of a natural ear-rigid triatomic linear molecule with an innitely heavy middle particle representing the center of mass of the dot. This spectrum transforms to that of a oppy molecule for smaller value ofRW(i.e., for stronger connements characterized by a larger value of !0, and/or for weaker inter-electron repulsion), ultimately converging to the associated with the circular central mean-eld of the QD. Further evidence for the formation of the electron molecule and the breaking and quantum correlations 49 Figure 16. CPD of the excited state (1,0,1,0) of a 2 e QD with RW= 200 (see text for details). The solid dot portrays the position of the reference point r0= (d0;0), whered0= 2:6 is half the interelectron distance at the ground state (0 ;0;0;0). Distances are in units of l0p 2; the scale of the vertical axis is arbitrary. of a rovibrational spectrum was found through examination [50] of the distributions for various states ( N;M;n;m ) (see the caption of gure 15 for the precise meaning of these quantum numbers labeling the spectra). As an example, we display in gure 16 the CPD for the bottom state ( m= 0) of the rotational band (1;0;1;m) (not shown in gure 15); it reveals that this state corresponds to a of the electron molecule both along the interelectron axis (one excited stretching- mode phonon; see gure 15) and perpendicularly to this axis (two excited see gure 15). It is instructive to note here certain similarities between the formation of a wo-electron molecule in man-made quantum dots, and the collective observed in the electronic spectrum of doubly-excited helium atoms [202, 203, 204]. 5.3. Historical signicance of the two-electron problem In spite of being the simplest many-body system, the signicance of the problem of two interacting electrons conned in an external potential cannot be overstated. Historically it played a central role in the development of the quantum theory of matter through the failure of the Bohr-type semiclassical models to account for the natural He atom. Most recently it has in uenced the development of several elds like nonlinear physics, atomic physics, semiconductror quantum dots, and quantum computing. It is instructive to make here a historical detour. Indeed, the failure of models, based on the orbiting of spatially correlated (antipodal) electrons in conjunction with the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule, to yield a of the ground state of the He atom signaled a looming crisis in physics in the 1920's, which Bohr himself, as well as others, had been keenly aware of, as by Sommerfeld: All attempts made hitherto to solve the problem of theSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 50 neutral helium atom have proved to be unsuccessful [205]; see also the 10th chapter entitled was the Spring of hope, it was the Winter of despair in the book by Pais [206], the review by Van Vleck [207] and the book by Born [208]. While, since, numerical solutions of the two-electron Schr odinger equation provided a quantitative resolution to the problem, the rst successful semiclassical treatment of the three-body Coulomb system awaited till 1980 [209, based on rather general arguments arising from the observation of hierarchies with lower symmetry in the excited spectra, and motivated by ideas originating in nuclear-physics spectroscopy, it has been discovered in the late 1970's and early 1980's that electron correlations in doubly excited He lead to quantization of the spectrum much like in a linear triatomic molecule, e-He2+-e. This molecular picture, with near rigidity and separability, results in innite sequences of vibrational levels, on each of which is built an innite sequence of rotational levels [202, 211, 212]. The two previous section 5.1 and section 5.2 describing the formation and properties of a 2eWigner molecule in a single QD may be viewed as the culmination of this historical background. Interestingly, as in the aforementioned semiclassical treatments, the collinear conguration plays a special role in the molecule-like model, serving perhaps as partial vindication of the geometry considered originally by Niels Bohr. 6. Rotating electron molecules in two-dimensional quantum dots under a strong magnetic eld: The case of the lowest Landau level ( !c=2!0!1) 6.1. REM analytic trial wave functions In the last ten years, and in particular since 1999 (when it was explicitly that Wigner crystallization for small systems is related to symmetry breaking Hartree-Fock mean-eld level), the number of publications addressing the formation and properties of Wigner (or electron) molecules in 2D QDs and quantum dot molecules has grown steadily [20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 50, 101, 102, 128, 132, 167, 171, 175, 188, 189, 195, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221]. A consensus has been reached that rotating electron molecules are formed both in zero [21, 23, 24, 46, 50, 101, 167, 175, 188, 189, 195, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219] and high [26, 27, 46, 102, 128, 131, 132, 171, 220, 221] magnetic elds. AtB= 0, in spite of considerable di erences explored in this report (see next paragraph), formation of REMs in quantum dots is driven by the same physical factors as Wigner crystallization in innite 2D media, i.e., when the strength of the relative to the zero-point kinetic energy ( RW) exceeds a certain critical value, electrons spontaneously crystallize around sites forming geometric molecular structures. At high magnetic elds, the formation of Wigner molecules may be thought of as involving a two-step crystallization process: (I) the localization of electrons results from the shrinkage of the orbitals due to the increasing strength of the magnetic eld; (II) then, even a weak interelectron Coulomb repulsion is able to arrange the breaking and quantum correlations 51 electrons according to geometric molecular structures (thus this process is independent of the value of RW). It has been found [24, 26, 27, 128] that the molecular structures at highBcoincide with the equilibrium congurations at B= 0 ofNclassical point charges [112, 113, 114, 222]. Due to the small nite number, N, of electrons, however, there are two s between the REM and the bulk Wigner crystal. Namely, (I) the is that of the equilibrium 2D conguration of Nclassical point charges, and thus consists of nested polygonal rings, in contrast to the well known hexagonal in analogy with the case of 3D natural molecules, the Wigner molecules rotate as a whole (collective rotations); they behave, however, as highly oppy most striking observation concerning the REMs is that their formation and properties have been established with the help of traditional ab initio i.e., exact diagonalization, [50, 128, 131, 167, 171, 213, 221] quantum Monte Carlo [78, 188, 195, 196, 216], and the systematic controlled hierarchy [20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 102, 217] of approximations involving the UHF and subsequent methods. This contrasts with the case of the Jastrow/Laughlin [55] and [56, 57] wave functions, which were constructed through guesswork. In spite of its appearance in the middle nineties and its rm foundation in many- body theory, however, the REM picture had not, until recently, successfully competed with the CF/JL picture; indeed many research papers [181, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228] and books [133] describe the physics of quantum dots in high magnetic elds notions based on CF/JL functions, as expounded in 1983 (see Ref. [55]) and developed in detail in 1995 in Ref. [229] and Ref. [174]. One of the main obstacles for more frequent use of the REM picture had been the lack of analytic correlated wave functions associated with this picture. This situation, however, changed with the recent explicit derivation of such REM wave functions [24]. The approach used in Ref. [24] for constructing the analytic REM functions in highBconsists of two-steps: First the breaking of the rotational symmetry at the level of the unrestricted Hartree-Fock approximation yields electron molecules. Subsequently the rotation of the electron molecule is described through restoration of the circular symmetry via post Hartree-Fock methods, and in particular Projection Techniques [18]. The restoration of symmetry goes beyond the single determinantal mean-eld description and yields the zero and low-eld cases, the broken symmetry UHF orbitals need to be determined numerically, and, in addition, the restoration of the total-spin symmetry needs to be considered for unpolarized and partially polarized cases. The formalism and mathematical details of this procedure at B= 0 have been elaborated in breaking and quantum correlations 52 In the case of high magnetic elds, the spins of the electrons are fully one can specically consider the limit when the conning potential can be neglected compared to the connement induced by the magnetic eld, so that the Hilbert space is restricted to the lowest Landau level. Then, assuming a symmetric gauge, the UHF orbitals can be represented [24, 230] by displaced Gaussian analytic at di erent positions ZjXj+ iYjaccording to the equilibrium point charges [112, 113, 114, 222] arranged at the vertices of nested regular polygons (each Gaussian representing a localized electron). Such displaced Gaussians in the lowest Landau level are written as u(z;Zj) = (1=p) exp[jzZjj2=2] (6.1) where the phase factor is due to the gauge invariance. zx+ iy, and all lengths are in dimensionless units of lBp 2 with the magnetic length being lB=q hc=eB . Note that expression (6.1) is a special case of the more general expression (2.24) for a displaced Gaussian which corresponds to situations with smaller magnetic elds when the restriction to the lowest Landau level breaks down. The notation zx+ iyis associated with positive angular momenta for the single-particle states in the lowest Landau level. Ref. [24] used zxiyand negative single-particle angular momenta in the lowest Landau level. The nal expressions for the trial wave functions do not depend on these choices. Ref. [24] used these analytic orbitals to rst construct the broken symmetry UHF determinant, UHF N, and then proceeded to derive analytic expressions for the many- Table 1. Comparison of yrast-band energies obtained from REM and EXD calculations for N= 6 electrons in the lowest Landau level, that is in the limit B! 1 . In this limit the external connement can be neglected and only the interaction energy contributes to the yrast-band energies. Energies in units of e2=(lB). For the REM results, the (1,5) polygonal-ring arrangement was considered. The values of the fractional lling may be obtained for each REM EXD Error (%) L REM EXD Error (%) 70 2.3019 2.2824 0.85 140 1.6059 1.6006 0.33 75 2.2207 2.2018 0.85 145 1.5773 1.5724 0.31 80 2.1455 2.1304 0.71 150 1.5502 1.5455 0.30 85 2.0785 2.0651 0.65 155 1.5244 1.5200 0.29 90 2.0174 2.0054 0.60 160 1.4999 1.4957 0.28 95 1.9614 1.9506 0.55 165 1.4765 1.4726 0.27 100 1.9098 1.9001 0.51 170 1.4542 1.4505 0.26 105 1.8622 1.8533 0.48 175 1.4329 1.4293 0.25 110 1.8179 1.8098 0.45 180 1.4125 1.4091 0.24 115 1.7767 1.7692 0.42 185 1.3929 1.3897 0.23 120 1.7382 1.7312 0.40 190 1.3741 1.3710 0.23 125 1.7020 1.6956 0.38 195 1.3561 1.3531 0.22 130 1.6681 1.6621 0.36 200 1.3388 1.3359 0.21 135 1.6361 1.6305 0.34Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 53 body REM wave functions by applying onto UHF Nan appropriate projection operator PL(see section 2.2.1) that restores the circular symmetry and generates correlated wave functions with good total angular momentum L. These REM wave functions can be easily written down [24] in second-quantized form for any classical polygonal ring arrangement ( n1;n2;:::;nr) by following certain simple rules for determining the coecients of the determinants where the lj's denote the angular momenta of the individual electrons. The REM functions associated with the (0 ;N) and (1;N1) ring [here (0 ;N) denotes a regular polygon with Nvertices, such as an or a regular hexagon, and (1 ;N1) is a regular polygon with N1 vertices and one occupied site in its center], are given m = 0;1;2;3;:::; (z1;z2;:::;zN) (6.4) with L=L0+ (N1)m; m = 0;1;2;3;:::; is the minimum allowed total angular momentum for N(fully spin polarized) electrons in high magnetic elds. Notice that the REM wave functions [Equation (6.2) and Equation (6.4)] for values of the total angular momenta outside the specic values given by the sequences (6.3) and (6.5), respectively; these sequences are termed as magic angular momentum sequences. We remark that, while the original REM analytic wave function was derived in the context of a high magnetic eld (that is in the fractional quantum Hall e ect regime), it is valid for any circumstance where the spectrum consists of a degenerate manifold of LLL-like states (even with no magnetic eld present). Indeed a wave function having the form of the REM wave function discussed by us above has been employed recently for graphene quantum dots with a zig-zag boundary condition and in the absence of a magnetic eld [231]. In the remaining of this section, we continue discussing the properties of analytic REM wave functions associated with fully spin polarized electrons. However, we mentionSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 54 Figure 17. Total interaction energy from calculations as a function of the total angular momentum (19 L140) forN= 6 electrons in the lowest Landau level. The upwards pointing arrows indicate the magic angular to the classically most stable (1,5) polygonal ring arrangement of the Wigner molecule. The short downwards pointing arrows indicate successful predictions of the model. The medium-size downwards pointing arrows of the model that fail to materialize as magic angular momenta. The long downward arrows indicate EXD magic angular momenta not predicted by the model. Energies in units of e2=lB, whereis the dielectric constant. here that, following the methodology of Ref. [24] for fully spin polarized REMs. Dai et al[232] and Shi et al [233] have most recently presented analytic trial wave functions for rotating electron molecules with partial spin Yrast rotational band in the lowest Landau level As an accuracy test, we compare in table 1 REM and results for the interaction energies of the yrast band associated with the magic angular momenta Lm[see (2.26)] of N= 6 electrons in the lowest Landau level. An yrast ]state is dened ]The word yrast is the superlative of the Swedish yr, which means dizzy [11]. The term yrast is widely used in nuclear breaking and quantum correlations 55 as the lowest-energy state for a given angular momentum L. As a result, the yrast band represents excitations with purely rotational motion; no other excitations, or vibrational modes, are present. As seen from table 1, the REM wave functions o er an excellent approximation to the EXD ones, since the relative error of the REM energies is smaller than 0.3%, and it decreases steadily for larger Lvalues. Of course, a small di erence in the energies between approximate and results is only one of several tests for deciding whether a given trial wave function is a good approximation. As will be discussed below, comparison of conditional probability distrubutions is an equally (if not more) important test. 6.3. Inconsistencies of the view for semiconductor quantum dots. Before the development of the REM approach, electrons in the lowest Landau level quantum dots were thought as being well approximated by trial wave functions. However, results obtained with the REM and calculations led researchers to examine inconsistencies and discrepancies of the CF approach in the context of quantum dots. This section focuses on these issues. ForN= 6, gure 17 displays (in four frames) the total interaction energy from as a function of the total angular momentum Lin the range 19L140. [The total kinetic energy in the Hamiltonian (4.1), being a constant, can be disregarded.] One can immediately observe the appearance of downward cusps, implying states of enhanced stability, at certain magic angular momenta. For the CF theory, the magic angular momenta can be determined by L=L+mN(N1) =L+ 2mL 0: (6.6) Namely, for N= 6, if one knows the non-interacting L's, the CF magic L's in interval 1 =(2m1)1=(2m+ 1) [corresponding to the interval 15(2 m1)L15(2m+ 1)],m= 1;2;3;4;:::, can be found by adding 2 mL 0= 30munits of angular momentum to each of the L's. To obtain the non-interacting L's, one needs rst to construct [26, 131, 229] the compact Slater determinants. Let Nndenote the number of electrons in the nth Landau level the index of the highest occupied Landau level and all the lower Landau levels with ntare assumed to be occupied. The are dened as those in which the Nnelectrons occupy contiguously orbitals (of each nth Landau level) having the lowest angular momenta l=n;n+ 1;:::;n+Nn1. The compact Slater determinants are usually denoted as [N0;N1;:::;Nt]; see Refs. [25, 229] for details. The compact determinants and the corresponding non-interacting L's forn= 6 are listed in Table 2. There are nine di erent values of L's, and thus the CF theory for N= 6 predicts that there are always nine magic numbers in any interval 15(2 m1)L15(2m+ 1) between two consecutive angular momenta of Jastrow/Laughlin states, 15(2 m1) andSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 56 15(2m+1),m= we will denote this interval as Im). For example, using Table 2 and (6.6), the CF magic numbers in the interval 15 L45 (m= 1) are found to be the following (6.7) On the other hand, in the interval 105 L135 (m= 4), the CF theory predicts the following set of nine magic (6.8) An inspection of the total-energy-vs- Lplots in gure 17 reveals that the CF prediction misses the actual magic angular momenta specied by the calculations as those associated with the downward cusps. It is apparent that the number of downward cusps in any interval Imis always di erent from 9. Indeed, there are 10 cusps in I1[including that at L= 15, not shown in gure 17(a)], 10 in I2 [see gure 17(b)], 7 in I3[see gure 17(c)], and 7 in I4[see gure 17(d)]. In detail, the CF theory fails in the following two aspects: (I) There are exact magic numbers that are consistently missing from the CF prediction in every interval; with the exception of the lowestL= 20, these exact magic numbers (marked by a long downward arrow in the gures) are given by L= 10(3m1) andL= 10(3m+ 1),m= 1;2;3;4;:::; (II) There are CF magic numbers that do not correspond to downward cusps in the EXD calculations (marked by medium-size downward arrows in the gures). This happens because cusps associated with L's whose di erence from L0is divisible by 6 (but by 5) progressively weaken and completely disappear in the only cusps with the di erence LL0divisible by 5 survive. On the other hand, the CF model predicts the appearance of four magic numbers with LL0 divisible solely by 6 in every interval Im, atL= 30m9 and 30m3,m= 1;2;3;::: The overall extent of the inadequacy of the CF model can be appreciated better by Table 2. Compact Slater determinants and associated angular momenta LforN= 6 electrons according to the CF presciption. Both L=3 andL= 3 are associated with two compact states each, the one with lowest energy being the preferred one. Compact state 0 [4,1,1] 3 [3,3] 3 [4,2] 5 [5,1] 9 [6] 15Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 57 the fact that there are six false predictions (long and medium-size downward arrows) in every compared to only ve correct ones [small downward arrows, see gure 17(c) and gure 17(d)]. In contrast to the CF model, the magic angular momenta in the REM theory are associated with the polygonal ring congurations of Nclassical point charges. This is due to the fact that the enhanced stability of the downward cusps results from the coherent collective rotation of the regular-polygon REM structures. Due to such collective rotation can take place only at The in-between angular momenta require the excitation of additional degrees of freedom (like the center of mass and/or vibrational modes), which raises the total energy with respect to the values associated with the magic angular momenta. ForN= 6, the ring conguration of lowest energy is the (1,5), while there exists a (0,6) isomer [114, 222] with higher energy. As a result, our calculations [26] (as well as earlier ones [131, 132, 171] for lower angular momenta L70) have found that there exist two sequences of magic angular momenta, a primary one (Sp) withL= 15 + 5m[see Equation (6.5)], associated with the most stable (1,5) classical molecular conguration, and a secondary one (Ss) withL= 15 + 6m[see Equation (6.3)], associated with the metastable (0 ;6) ring arrangement. Furthermore, our calculations (see also Refs. [132, 171]) show that the secondary sequence Ss contributes only in a narrow range of the lowest angular momenta; in the region of higher angular momenta, the primary sequence Spis the only one that survives and the magic numbers exhibit a period of ve units of angular momentum. It is interesting to note that the initial competition between the primary and secondary sequences, and the subsequent prevalence of the primary one, has been seen in other sizes as well [171] i.e., N= 5;7;8. Furthermore, this competition is re ected in the eld-induced molecular phase transitions associated with broken symmetry UHF solutions in a parabolic QD. Indeed, Ref. [53] demonstrated recently that, as a function of increasing B, the UHF solutions for N= 6 rst depict the transformation of the maximum density droplet [126] (see denition in section 2.2.1) into the (0,6) molecular conguration; then (at higher B) the (1,5) conguration replaces the (0,6) structure as the one having the lower HF energy. The extensive comparisons in this section lead to the conclusion that the model does not explain the systematic trends exhibited by the magic angular momenta in 2D quantum dots in high magnetic elds. These trends, however, were shown to be a natural consequence of the formation of REMs and their results motivated a reexamination of the original approach (the mean-eld CF) and led to a reassessment of the signicance of the neglected in the mean-eld CF theory. Initially, it has been reported that some CF functions away from the main fractions [e.g., for N= 19 andL= 1845 and N= 19 andL= 3555] may reproduce the aforementioned crystalline patterns Jain and coworkers have found that inclusion of the residualSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 58 interaction is absolutely necessary to account for the full range of inconsistencies of the mean-eld CF theory [176]. However, this latter development was achieved with the trade o of abandoning the fundamental nature of the composite fermion as an elementary, independent and weakly interacting quasi-particle. Indeed, the revised [176] CF picture amounts to an exact diagonalization method which uses a correlated basis set (made out of CF wave attempt to update the CF theory in order to account for of combining the REM analytic wave function (see section 6.1) with Jastrow prefactors [235], namely one uses a variational wave function of the form 2p;CFC L andpserves as an additional variational parameter. Obviously, the crystalline patterns in such an approach originate from the REM wave function and the Jastrow prefactors simply increase the variational freedom, leading to a Although this approach is a straightforward variational improvement of the analytic REM method [24], it is being referred to [233, 235] as a crystal (CFC). More direct variational improvements of the analytic REM wave functions can be devised in the spirit of the method. For example, one can conserving variational parameters in front of the sine coecients in the REM expansion [231]. 6.4. REM versus Laughlin wave functions: Conditional probability distributions and multiplicity of zeroes Recent extensive numerical calculations [24, 52] have revealed major the intrinsic structure of the Jastrow/Laughlin trial wave functions [55] for the main fractions = 1=(2m+ 1) and that of the and REM wave functions. Indeed, it was found that both EXD and REM wave functions correlations, while the Jastrow/Laughlin ones are liquid-like as in Ref. [55]. To illustrate the di erences between the intrinsic structure of the REM and EXD states in the lowest Landau level versus the familiar Jastrow/Laughlin ones, we display in gure 18 the CPDs for cusp states corresponding to a low lling factor = 1=5 and for two di erent sizes, i.e., for N= 6 electrons ( L= 75, left column) and N= 7 electrons (L= 105, right column). In gure 18, the top row depicts the REM case; the EXD case is given by the middle row, while the CF case [which reduces to the JL wave functions for fractions 1 =(2p+ 1)] are given by the bottom row. There are three principal conclusions that can be drawn from an inspection of gure 18 (and the many other cases studied in Ref. [26]).Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 59 Figure 18. (Color online) Conditional probability distributions at high BforN= 6 electrons and L= 75 (= 1=5, left column) and for N= 7 electrons and L= 105 (again= 1=5, right column). Top row: REM case. Middle row: The case of . Bottom row: The Jastrow/Laughlin case. The exact REM wave functions have a pronouned crystalline character, corresponding to the (1,5) polygonal conguration of the REM for N= 6, and to the (1,6) for N= 7. In contrast, the Jastrow/Laughlin wave functions exhibit a characteristic liquid prole that depends smoothly on the number Nof electrons. The observation point (identied by a solid dot) is located at r0= 5:431lBforN= 6 and L= 75 andr0= 5:883lBforN= 7 andL= 105. The EXD Coulomb (lowest Landau level) are 2.2018 and 2.9144 e2=lBforN= 6;L= 75 andN= 7;L= 105, respectively. The errors relative to the corresponding energies and the overlaps of the trial functions with the EXD ones are: (I) ForN= 6;L= 75, REM: 0.85%, 0.817; JL: 0.32%, 0.837. (II) For N= 7;L= 105, REM: 0.59%, 0.842; JL: 0.55%, 0.754. (I) The character of the states is unmistakably crystalline with the EXD CPDs exhibiting a well developed molecular polygonal forN= 6 and (1,6) for N= 7, with one electron at the center], in agreement with the explicitly crystalline REM case. (II) For all the examined instances covering the low fractional llings 1/9, 1/7, and 1/5, the Jastrow/Laughlin wave functions fail to capture the intrinsic crystallinity of the states. In contrast, they represent liquid states in agreement with an analysis that goes back to the original papers [55, 236] by Laughlin. In particular, Ref. [236] investigated the character of the JL states through the use of a pair correlation function [usually denoted by g(R)] that determines the probability of nding another electron at the absolute relative distance R=jrr0jfrom the observation point r0. Our anisotropic CPD of Equation (1.1) is of course more general (and more dicult to calculate) than the g(R) function of Ref. [236]. However, both ourP(r;r0) (forN= 6 andN= 7 electrons) and the g(R) (forN= 1000 electrons, and for= 1=3 and= 1=5) in Ref. [236] reveal a similar characteristic liquid-like behavior for the JL states, eloquently described in Ref. [236] (see p.Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 60 Figure 19. (Color online) CPDs at high BforN= 7 andL= 63 (= 1=3). Top: REM case; Middle: EXD case; Bottom: JL case. Unlike the JL CPD (which is liquid), the CPDs for the and REM wave functions exhibit a well developed crystalline character [corresponding to the (1,6) polygonal conguration of the REM for N= 7 electrons]. The observation point (identied by a solid dot) is located atr0= 4:568lB. 249 and p. 251). Indeed, we remark that only the rst-neighbor electrons on the outer rings can be distinguished as separate localized electrons in our CPD plots of the JL functions [see gure 18]. (III) For a nite number of electrons, pronounced crystallinity of the states occurs already at the = 1=5 value (see gure 18). This nding is particularly interesting in light of expectations [234, 237] (based on comparisons [55, 236, 238] between the JL states and the static bulk Wigner crystal) that a phase transition may take place only at lower llings with 1=7. Of interest also is the case of = 1=3. Indeed, for this fractional lling, the liquid JL function is expected to provide the best approximation, due to very high overlaps (better than 0.99) with the exact wave function [58, 59, 161]. In gure 19, we display the CPDs for N= 7 andL= 63 (= 1=3), and for the three cases of REM, EXD, and JL wave functions. Again, even in this most favorable case, the CPD of the JL with the EXD one, which exhibits clearly a (1,6) crystalline conguration in agreement with the REM CPD. Similar crystalline correlations at higher fractions were also found for quantum dots of larger sizes, e.g., N= 8, andN= 9 electrons. As illustrative examples for these additional sizes [see also the EXD CPD for N= 12 electrons in gure 24 below (in section 7.3)], we displayed in gure 5 of Ref. [26] the CPDs for N= 8 andL= 91 (1=5<= 4=13<1=3) and forN= 9 andL= 101 ( 1=3<= 36=101<1). Again, the CPDs (both for the REM and the EXD wave functions) exhibit a well character in accordance with the (1,7) and (2,7) polygonal congurations of the REM, appropriate for N= 8 andN= 9 electrons, breaking and quantum correlations 61 Another area of disagreement between REM and Laughlin wave functions concerns the properties of the zero points. In this respect, we recall that the functions for Nelectrons have the (6.10) Due to the Jastrow factors ( zizj)2m+1, it is apparent that the Laughlin (as a function of a given zi) haveN1 zero points, each of order 2 m+ 1, which are bound to the positions of the remaining N1 electrons. In contrast, as discussed in Ref. [24], the analytic REM wave functions do not have zeroes with order higher than unity. In particular, only N1 of the REM zeroes are bound to the positions of the remaining electrons, while the rest of them are free. Recently, it has been shown numerical studies [239] that the properties of REM zeroes are in agreement with the behavior of the zeroes in wave functions; this is of the superiority of the REM picture compared to the Laughlin theory. Before exiting this discussion, we remark about discrepancies of the theory in the context of quantum dots. In particular, we recall that the Laughlin quasihole, with Nadditional units of angular momentum, has been conjectured to be the rst excited state. However, LLL calculations for N electrons in a quantum dot have revealed that this is not the case. Instead, the rst excited state corresponds to an increment in the total angular momentum which varies as the number of electrons localized on one of the rings of the rotating electron the outermost one; see gure 26 in section 7.4 below. 7. Rotating electron molecules in two-dimensional quantum dots under a strong, but nite external magnetic eld ( !c=2!0>1) 7.1. Ground-state energies in medium and high magnetic eld The general form (2.24) for the displaced Gaussian orbitals [in conjunction with the projected REM wave function (2.25)] enables us to calculate REM ground-state energies for moderately-high B, when corrections arising from higher Landau levels must be taken into consideration. Unlike the case, where the can be carried out analytically, the energies (2.28) (and corresponding CPDs) associated with the general REM wave function (2.25) require numerical integration over the azimuthal angles q. Before proceeding with the presentation of results for N > 10, we demonstrate the accuracy of the two-step method embodied in Equation (2.25) through comparisons with existing results for smaller sizes. In gure 20, our REM calculations for the ground-state energies as a function of Bare compared to EXD calculations [171] for N= 4 electrons in an external parabolic connement. The thick dotted line (red) represents the broken-symmetry UHF approximation (rst step of our method), which naturally is a smooth curve lying above the EXD one [solid line breaking and quantum correlations 62 Figure 20. (Color online) Two-step-method versus energies for N= 4 electrons (referenced to 4 h~!) as a function of the magnetic eld B. Thick dashed line (red): broken-symmetry UHF (static Solid line (green): EXD (from Ref. [171]). Thick dashed-dotted line (blue): REM. Thin dashed line (violet, marked LLL): the commonly used approximate (see text for details). Thin dotted line (black): ~EREM LLL(B) (see text). For B < 8 T, the ~EEXD LLL(B) and ~EREM LLL(B) curves coincide; we have checked that these curves approach each other also at larger values of B, outside the plotted range. Numbers near the bottom curves denote the value of magic angular momenta [ Lm, see (2.26)] of the ground state. Corresponding fractional lling factors are Parameters used: connement  h!0= 3:60 meV, 13:1, e ective mass m= 0:067me. The results obtained after restoration of symmetry [dashed-dotted line (blue); marked as REM] agree very well with the EXD one in the whole range 2 T <B < 15 T. We recall here that, for the parameters of the quantum dot, the electrons form in the intrinsic frame of reference a square about the origin of the dot, i.e., a (0,4) conguration, with the zero indicating that no electron is located at the center. According to (2.26), L0= 6, and the magic angular momenta are given by Lm= 6+4k,k= 0, 1, 2,:::Note that the REM energies are slightly lower than the EXD ones in several subranges. According to the Rayleigh-Ritz variational theorem, this indicates that the (equivalent to an approach) of [171] did not converge fully in these subranges. To further evaluate the accuracy of the two-step method, we also display in gure 20 [thin dashed line (violet)] ground-state energies ~EEXD LLL(B) calculated with the commonly used approximate LLL Hamiltonian [128, 229, 237, (7.1) where The LLL Hamiltonian ~HLLLreduces to the Hamiltonian HLLL[see Equation (4.1)] in the limit B! 1 . restrict the many-body wave functions within the lowest Landau level, and they both accept the same set of eigenstates as solutions. Indeed the term  breaking and quantum correlations 63 is proportional to the total angular momentum, and thus its presence in uences only the eigenvalues, but not the composition of the eigenstates. ~HLLLcorresponds to a situation where the external harmonic connement is added to HLLLas a section II.B in Ref. [53]). As a result, (i) the degeneracy of the in the lowest Landau level is lifted and (ii) there is an eigenstate with minimum energy (the ground state) at each value of B(expressed through the cyclotron frequency !c). Naturally, the LLL levels used in the exact diagonalization of ~HLLLare given by expression (4.2), but with  = nd that the energies ~EEXD LLL(B) tend to substantially overestimate the REM (and EXD) energies for lower values of B(e.g., by as much as 5.5% at B4 T). On the other hand, for higher values of B(>12 T), the energies ~EEXD LLL(B) tend to agree rather well with the REM ones. We stress that the results labelled simply as EXD correspond to exact diagonalizations without any restrictions on the Hilbert space, i.e., the full Darwin-Fock single-particle spectrum is considered at a given B. A behavior similar to ~EEXD LLL(B) is exhibited also by the ~EREM LLL(B) [which are calculated using the Hamiltonian (7.1) and the LLL analytic REM wave functions in section 6.1 with lengths in units ofq h=(m~!) instead of lBp 2; dotted line (black)]. A similar agreement between REM and EXD results, and a behavior of the LLL approximate Hamiltonian (7.1) was found by us also forN= 3 electrons in the range 2 T < B < 16 T shown in gure 2 of Ref. [53] (the calculation in this gure was taken from Ref. [166]). In all cases, the total energy of the REM is lower than that of the UHF (see, e.g., gure 20). Indeed, a theorem discussed in section 3 of Ref. to the energies of projected wave functions, guarantees that this lowering of energy applies for all values of NandB. 7.2. The case of N= 11 21 presents the case for the ground-state energies of a quantum dot with N= 11 electrons, which have a nontrivial double-ring conguration ( n1;n2). The most stable [114] classical conguration is (3 ;8), for which we have carried UHF (static and REM (projected) calculations in the magnetic eld range 5 T <B < 25 T. Figure 21 also displays the LLL ground-state energies ~EREM LLL(B) [dotted curve (black)], which, as in previous cases, overestimate the ground-state energies for smaller B. ~EREM LLL(B), however, can be used to calculate ground-state energies for higher values of B. In keeping with the ndings for smaller sizes [51] [with (0 ;N) or (1;N1) congurations], we found that both the UHF and the REM approach, as B!1 , the classical equilibrium energy of the (3,8) [i.e., 19.94 meV; 4.865 E0in the units of Ref. [114], analogy with smaller sizes (see, e.g., gure 20 and Ref. [53]), the REM ground- state energies in gure 21 exhibit oscillations as a function of B(see in particular the inset). These oscillations are associated with magic angular momenta, speciedSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 64 Figure 21. (Color online) Ground-state energies for N= 11 electrons (per to  h~!) as a function of the magnetic eld B. Dashed line (red): UHF (static electron molecule). Solid line (blue): REM. Dotted line (black): Approximate (see text). Parameters used: connement  h!0= 3:60 meV, 13:1, e ective mass m= 0:067me. The inset shows a magnication of the REM curve in the range 5 T <B < 12 T. by the number of electrons on each ring. For N= 11 they are given by (2.26), i.e., Lm= 55 + 3k1+ 8k2, with thekq's being nonnegative integers. As was the case with N= 9 electrons [53], an analysis of the actual values taken by the set of indices fk1;k2g reveals several additional trends that further limit the allowed values of In particular, starting with the values f0;0gatB= 5 T (L0= 55), the the valuesf3;24gatB= 25 T (Lm= 256). As seen from table 3, the outer index k2changes faster than the inner index k1. This behavior minimizes the total kinetic energy of the independently rotating rings; indeed, the kinetic energy of the inner ring (as a function of k1) rises faster than that of the outer ring (as a function Table 3. Ground-state magic angular momenta and their decomposition fk1;k2gfor N= 11 in the nagnetic-eld range 5 T B25 T. The results correspond to the REM (see lower curve in gure 21). The parameters used are as in gure 0 0 165 2 13 63 0 1 173 2 14 71 0 2 181 2 15 79 0 3 189 2 16 90 1 4 197 2 17 98 1 5 205 2 18 106 1 6 213 2 19 114 1 7 224 3 20 122 1 8 232 3 21 130 1 9 240 3 22 138 1 10 248 3 23 146 1 11 256 3 24 154 1 12Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 65 Figure 22. (Color online) Conditional probability distributions for the REM ground state ofN= 11 electrons at B= 10 T (L= 106). The electrons are arranged in a (3,8) structure. The observation point (solid dot) is placed on (left) the outer ring atr0= 1:480R0, and (right) on the inner ring at r0= 0:557R0. Parameters used: connement  h!0= 3:60 meV, dielectric constant = 13:1, e ective mass m= 0:067me. Lengths in units of R0= CPDs (vertical axes) in arbitrary units. ofk2) due to smaller moment of inertia (smaller radius) of the inner ring [see (7.2)]. In addition to the overestimation of the ground-state energy values for smaller magnetic elds (see gure 21 and our discussion above), there are of the approximation pertaining to the congurations. In particular, for N= 11, we nd that according to the the ground-state angular momentum immediately after the maximum density droplet ( L0= 55) isLm= 66, i.e., the one associated with the (0 ;N) conguration. This result, erroneously stated in Refs. [242, 243] as the ground state, disagrees with the correct result that includes the full e ect of the connement and is listed in table 3, where the ground-state angular momentum immediately following the maximum density droplet is Lm= 63. This angular-momentum value corresponds to the classicaly most stable (3,8) ring conguration, that is, a conguration with no vortex at all (see also the case of N= 9 electrons in Ref. [53]). Figure 22 displays the REM conditional probability distributions for the ground state ofN= 11 electrons at B= 10 T (Lm= 106). The (3,8) ring conguration is clearly visible. We note that when the observation point is placed on the outer ring (left panel), the CPD reveals the crystalline structure of this ring only; the inner ring appears to have a uniform density. To reveal the crystalline structure of the inner ring, the observation point must be placed on this ring; then the outer ring appears to be uniform in density. This behavior suggests that the two rings rotate independently of each other, a property that is explored in the next section to derive an expression for the yrast rotational spectra associated with an arbitrary number of breaking and quantum correlations 66 7.3. Approximate analytic expression for the yrast-band spectra In gure 23, we display the CPD for the REM wave function of N= 17 electrons. This case has a nontrivial three-ring structure (1,6,10) [114] which is suciently complex to allow generalizations for larger numbers of particles. The remarkable oppy to a non-classical, non-rigid rotational inertia, see section VI of Ref. [53]) of the REM is illustrated in the CPDs of gure 23. Indeed, as the two CPDs [re ecting the choice of taking the observation point [ r0in (1.1)] on the outer (left frame) or the inner ring (right frame)] reveal, the polygonal electron rings rotate independently of each other. Thus, e.g., to an observer located on the inner ring, the outer ring will appear as having a uniform density, and vice versa. The wave functions obtained from exact diagonalization exhibit also the property of independently rotating rings [see, e.g., theN= 12 andL= 132 (= 1=2) case in gure 24], which is a testimony to the ability of the REM wave function to capture the essential physics of a nite number of electrons in high B. In particular, the conditional probability distribution displayed in gure 24 for wave functions exhibits the characteristics expected from the CPD evaluated using REM wave functions for the (3,9) conguration and with an angular-momentum decomposition into shell contributions [see Equation (2.25) and Equation (2.27)] L1= 3 + 3k1andL2= 63 + 9k2(L1+L2=Lm; forLm= 132 decomposition is L1= 6 andL2= 126). In addition to the conditional probabilities, the oppy-rotor character of the REM is revealed in its excited rotational spectrum for a given B. From our based on the wave function in (2.25), we have derived (see below) an approximate (denoted as pp), but analytic and parameter-free , expression [see (7.7) below] which re ects directly the nonrigid character of the REM for arbitrary size. This expression allows calculation of the energies of REMs for arbitrary N, given equilibrium conguration of conned classical point charges. Figure 23. (Color online) Ground-state conditional probability distributions obtained from REM wave functions for the ground state of N= 17 electrons at B= 10 T (L= 228). The electrons are arranged in a (1,6,10) structure. The observation point (solid dot) is placed on the outer ring at r0= 1:858R0(left frame), and on the inner ring atr0= 0:969R0(right frame). The rest of the parameters are: connement h!0= 3:6 meV, dielectric constant = 13:1, e ective mass m= 0:067me. Lengths in units ofR0= CPDs (vertical axes) in arbitrary units.Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 67 Figure 24. (Color online) CPDs for N= 12 electrons and with angular momentum L= 132 (= 1=2) calculated using exact diagonalization in the lowest Landau level. The electrons are arranged in a (3,9) structure. The observation point (solid dot) is placed on the outer ring at r0= 5:22lB(left frame), and on the inner ring at r0= 1:87lB (right frame). Lengths in units of lB. CPDs (vertical axes) in arbitrary units. We focus on the description of the yrast band at a given B. Motivated by nonrigid character of the rotating electron molecule, we consider the following kinetic-energy term corresponding to a ( conguration (7.2) whereLqis the partial angular momentum associated with the qth ring about the center of the dot and the total angular momentum is the rotational moment of inertia of each individual ring, i.e., the moment of inertia of nq classical point charges on the qth polygonal ring of radius aq. To obtain the we include also the term Ehc app(N) due to the connement ~ !(see Appendix A.1), as well as the interaction energy (7.3) The rst term is the intra-ring energy of nqpoint-like electrons on a given ring, with a structure (7.4) The second term is the inter-ring energy between rings of uniform charge distribution corresponding to the specied numbers of electrons on the polygonal rings. The expression fo VCis VC(aq;as) 1; (7.5) where 2F1is the hypergeometric breaking and quantum correlations 68 For largeL(and/orB), the radii of the rings of the rotating molecule can be found by neglecting the interaction term in the total approximate energy, thus +Ehc app(N). One i.e., the ring radii depend on the partial angular momentum Lq, re ecting the lack of radial rigidity . Substitution into the above expressions for andEC appyields for the total approximate energy the nal = (7.7) where the constants CV;q= (7.8) For simpler (0 ;N) and (1;N1) ring congurations, Equation (7.7) reduces to the expressions reported earlier [51, 128]. The oppy-rotor character of the REM under strong magnetic eld is re ected in the absence in (7.7) of a kinetic-energy term proportional to L2. This contrasts with the rigid-rotor behavior of an electron molecule at zero magnetic eld (see section 5.2 and Ref. [51]). 7.4. Possible implications for the thermodynamic limit While our focus in this section is on the behavior of trial and exact wave functions in (nite) quantum dots in high magnetic elds, it is natural to inquire about possible implications of our ndings to systems in limit. We recall that appropriate trial wave functions for clean FQHE systems possess a good angular momentum LL0, a property shared by both the CF/JL and REM functions [24, 55, 57, 236]. We also recall the previous nding [55, 236] that for large fractional llings  > 1=7, the liquid-like (and circularly uniform) is in the thermodynamic limit energetically favored compared to the broken- symmetry static Wigner crystal (which has no good angular momentum); for  <1=7, the static Wigner crystal becomes lower in energy. This nding was enabled by the simple form of the JL functions, which facilitated computations of total energies as a function of size for suciently large N(e.g.,N= 1000). A main nding of the recent literature on quantum dots is that the wave functions of small systems ( N12) are crystalline in character for both low and high fractional llings. This nding contradicts earlier suggestions [55, 229, 236] that, for high 's, small systems are accurately described by the liquid-like JL wave functions and their descendants, e.g., the ones. Of course, for the same high 's, our small-size results cannot exclude the possibility that the CPDs of the exact solution may exhibit with increasing Na transition from breaking and quantum correlations 69 Figure 25. Stabilization energies  6 (dashed curve) andN= 7 (solid curve) fully polarized electrons in a parabolic QD as a function of B. The troughs associated with the major fractional llings (1/3, 1/5, and 1/7) and the corresponding ground-state angular momenta [ L=N(N1)=(2)] are indicated with arrows. We have extended the calculations up to B= 120 T (not shown), and veried that  Egain gsremains negative while its absolute value vanishes as B!1 . The choice of parameters is:  h!0= 3 meV (parabolic connment), m= e ective mass), and = 12:9 (dielectric constant). to liquid character, in agreement with the JL function. However, as of now the existence of such a transition remains an open theoretical subject. For the low fractions , the theory raises still another line of inquiry. Due to the specic form of the REM wave functions, (in the so-called disk geometry that is natural to quantum dots) prevent us at present from making extrapolations of total energies at a given asN!1 . Nevertheless, from the general theory of projection operators, one can conclude that the REM energies exhibit a di erent trend compared to the JL ones, whose energies were found [55, 236] to be higher than the static Wigner crystal. Indeed the wave functions remain lower in energy than the corresponding state for all values ofNand, even in the thermodynamic limit. This is due to an energy gain theorem (see Section 3 in Ref. [241]) stating that at least one of the projected states (i.e., the ground state) has an energy lower than that of the trial function (e.g., the UHF determinant), and this theorem applies for any number of electrons Nand for all values of the magnetic eld B. Naturally, the REM wave functions will be physically relevant compared to those of the broken- symmetry crystal at the thermodynamic limit if the energy gain does not vanish when N!1 ; otherwise, one needs to consider the posssibility that the static crystal is the relevant physical picture. The discussion in the above paragraph may be recapitulated by the which state is the relevant one in the thermodynamic limit ( N!1 ) { one (i.e., the static crystal) or the symmetry restored (i.e., state? This question, in the context of bulk broken-symmetry systems, has been addressed in the early work of Anderson [10] who concluded that the broken-Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 70 symmetry state (here the UHF static crystalline solution) can be safely taken as the e ective ground state. In arriving at this conclusion Anderson invoked the concept of (generalized) rigidity. As a concrete example, one would expect a crystal to behave body, whose Hamiltonian is that of a heavy rigid rotor with a spectrum L2=2J, the moment of inertia Jbeing of order large when N!1 ). The low-energy excitation spectrum of this heavy rigid rotor above the ground-state ( L= 0) is essentially gapless (i.e., continuous). Thus although the formal ground state posseses continuous rotational symmetry (i.e., L= 0), here is a manifold of other states, degenerate in the N!1 limit, which can be recombined to give a very stable wave packet with essentially the nature [10] of the (i.e., the static Wigner crystal in our case). As a consequence of the as N!1 , one has: (I) The energy gain due to symmetry restoration (i.e., the stabilization energy  see gure 25) vanishes as N!1 , and (II) The relaxation of the system from the wave packet state (i.e., the static Wigner crystal) to the symmetrized one (i.e., the rotating crystal) becomes exceedingly long. This picture underlies Anderson's aforementioned conclusion that in the the broken-symmetry state may be used as the e ective ground in the rest of this section we will focus on issues pertaining to the igidity of the rotating electron molecule in high magnetic elds. In our projection method and exact diagonalization, we have demonstrated explicitly [50, 51] that the rigid-rotor picture applies to an N-electron QD only when B= 0. In contrast, in the presence of a high magnetic eld, we found [51, 52, 53] that the electrons in the quantum dot do not exhibit global rigidity and therefore cannot be modeled as a macroscopic rotating crystal. Instead, a more appropriate model is that of a highly non-rigid rotor whose moment of inertia depends strongly on the value of the angular momentum L. This behavior originates from the dominance of the magnetic eld over the Coulomb repulsion. The non-rigid rotor at high Bhas several unique properties: (I) The ground state has angular momentum Lgs>0; (II) While the rotating electron molecule does not exhibit global rigidity, it possesses azimuthal rigidity (i.e., all electrons on a given ring rotate coherently), with the rings, however, rotating independently of each the radii of the rings vary for di erent values of L, unlike the case of a rigid rotor; (III) The excitation spectra do not vary as L2; instead they consist of terms that vary for the precise values of the section 7.3 and Refs. [51, 53]); (IV) The angular momentum values are given by the magic values [see section 6.1] L=L0+Pr q=1kqnq, where (n1;n2;:::;nr) is the polygonal ring arrangement of the static Wigner molecule (with nqthe number of electrons on the qth ring) and k1<k 2<:::<k qare nonnegative integers. These magic L's are associated with the cusp states which exhibit a relative energy gain with respect to neighboring excitations. Thus the low-energy excitation spectrum of the non-rigid rotor is not dense and exhibits gaps due to the occurrence of the magic (cusp) states (see gure 26). Furthermore, these gaps are re ected in the oscillatory behavior of  Egain gsSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 71 Figure 26. Low-energy part of the spectrum of the parabolic QD whose parameters are the same as those in gure 25, calculated as a function of the angular exact diagonalization for N= 7 electrons at a magnetic eld B= 18:8 T. We show here the spectrum in the interval 95 L115 (in the 1=5). The magic angular momentum values corresponding to cusp states are marked (99, 105, and 111), and they are seen to be separated from the rest of the spectrum. For the given value of B, the global energy minimum (ground state) occurs forLgs= 105, and the gap  to the rst excited state ( L= 99) is indicated. The lowest energies for the di erent L's (the yrast band) in the plotted range are connected by a dashed line, as a guide to the eye. The zero of energy corresponds to 7 h~!, where ~!= The horizontal arrow denotes the energy of the Laughlin quasihole at L=112. It is seen that the Laughlin quasihole is not the lowest excited state, as presumed in Ref. [55]. (see, e.g., gure 25) as a function of more polygonal rings are successively added, and since the polygonal rings rotate independently of each other (see, e.g., the case of N= 12 in gure 24), we expect that the non-rigid-rotor picture remains valid even as N!1 . As a result, it is plausible to conjecture the following properties at high Bin limit: (I) the oscillatory character of  Egain gswill maintain, stabilization energies at the fractional llings , and (II) the spectra of the system will still exhibit gaps in the neighborhood of the magic angular momenta (see gure 26). Of course, these conjectures need to be further supported through numerical calculations for large N. Nevertheless, the above discussion indicates that the question of which state is physically relevant for low fractions in the thermodynamic limit at high B{ i.e., the broken-symmetry static crystal or the symmetrized rotating crystal { remains open, and cannot be answered solely following the path of Anderson as described in Ref. [10]. The rotating Wigner crystal has properties characteristic of FQHE states, i.e., itSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 72 is incompressible (connected to the presence of an excitation gap) and carries a current (while the broken-symmetry static crystal is insulating). Thus, we may conjecture that a transition at lower fractional llings from a conducting state with good to an insulating Wigner crystal cannot occur spontaneously for clean it should be possible to observe FQHE-type behavior at low fractional llings in a clean system { a prediction that could explain the observations of Ref. [244], where FQHE behavior has been observed for low fractional llings typically associated with the formation of a static Wigner crystal. In practice, however, impurities and defects may in uence the properties of the rotating crystal (and its excitations), depending on the magnitude of the excitation gap (see, e.g., gure 26). Thus one of the main challenges for observation of the fractional quantum Hall e ect at such low llings relates to fabrication of high mobility (nearly impurity-free) samples [245]. We remark, however, that the stabilization energy and the gap  (see, e.g., gure 26) diminish as the magnetic eld increases, and as a result the impurities become more ecient in in uencing the rotating Wigner crystal for the lower fractional llings (i.e., higher angular momenta). 8. Bosonic molecules in rotating traps: Original results and Variational description of rotating boson molecules Recent experimental advances in the eld of trapped ultracold neutral bosonic gases have enabled control of the strength of interatomic interactions over wide ranges [85, 86, 87, 246], from the very weak to the very strong. This control is essential for experimental realizations of novel states of matter beyond the well known Bose- Einstein condensate [85, 86, 87]. In this context, the linear 1D Tonks-Girardeau regime of impenetrable trapped bosons has generated intensive theoretical activity [247, 248] and several experimental realizations of it have been reported most recently [85, 86]. In this section, we address the properties of impenetrable ring-shaped or 2D harmonic traps. It has been found that are localized relative to each other [60, 63, 85] and exhibit crystalline correlations [60, 63]. For a small number of bosons, N, arrangements are reminiscent of the structures exibited by the electron molecules in quantum dots under high magnetic elds [26, 52, we use in the following the term rotating boson molecules. A central result of our study is that the point-group symmetries of the intrinsic crystalline structures give rise to characteristic regular patterns (see below) in the ground-state spectra and associated angular momenta of the RBMs as a function of the rotational frequency for neutral bosons (or the magnetic eld for charged bosons). An unexpected result of our studies is that the rotation of repelling bosons (even those interacting weakly) does not necessarily lead to formation of vortices, as is familiar from the case of rotating Bose-Einstein condenstates. In particular, for small N, we willSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 73 show that the Gross-Pitaevskii energies (including those corresponding to formation of vortices) remain always higher compared to the ground-state energies of the RBMs. Of course, we expect that the rotating BEC will become the preferred ground state for suciently large Nin the case of weakly repelling neutral bosons. We that it will be feasible to test our unexpected results for small Nby using rotating optical lattices, where it is established that a small nite number of atoms can be trapped per given site [87]. In a non-rotating trap, it is natural to describe a localized boson (at a position Rj) by a simple displaced Gaussian [60]. When the rotation of the trap is considered, the Gaussian needs to be modied by a phase factor, determined through the analogy between the one-boson Hamiltonian in the rotating frame of reference and the planar motion of a charged particle under the in uence of a perpendicular magnetic eld B (described in the symmetric gauge). That is, the single-particle wave function of a localized boson is 'j(r)'(r;Rj) (8.1) with Q^ z=2and the width of the Gaussian is a variational parameter;   lBp 2 =q 2hc=(eB) =q 2h=(m!c) for the case of a perpendicular magnetic eld B, and l p 2 =q h=(m ) in the case of a rotating trap with rotational frequency (we recall that !c!2 , see the Appendix). Note that we consider a 2D trap, so that r(x;y) and R(X;Y ). The Hamiltonian corresponding to the single-particle kinetic energy is given by HK(r) = (phQr)2=(2m); (8.2) for the case of a magnetic eld, and by HK(r) = (8.3) for the case of a rotating frame of reference. yy A toroidal trap with radius r0can be specied by the conning potential V(r) being the characteristic length of the 2D trap. For n2 and l0=r0!0 this potential approaches the limit of a toroidal trap with zero width, which has been considered often in previous theoretical studies (see, e.g., Ref. [249]). In the following, we consider the case with n= 2, which is more realistic from the of view. In this case, in the limit r0= 0, one recovers a harmonic single-particle wave function in (8.1) and the many-body projected wave function in (8.5) from higher Landau levels. These wave functions belong exclusively to the lowest Landau level only in the limit when =p 2lBin the case of a magnetic eld, or =p 2l and =!0= 1 in the case of a rotating trap.Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 74 Figure 27. (Color online) Properties of N= 8 neutral repelling bosons in a trap as a function of the reduced rotational frequency =!0. The is given by (8.4) with n= 2 and radius r0= 3l0, and the was chosen as R= 50. (a) RBM ground-state energies, EPRJ. The inset shows the range 0  =!00:3. The numbers denote ground-state magic angular momenta. (b) Energy di erence EPRJEUBHF. (c) Total angular momenta associated with (i) the RBM ground states [thick solid line (showing steps and marked as PRJ); online black] and (ii) the UBHF solutions (thin solid line; online red). In the gures, we may use the symbol Lz, instead of simply L, to denote the 2D total angular momentum. To construct an RBM variational many-body wave function describing N impenetrable bosons in the toroidal trap, we use Ndisplaced orbitals '(r;Ri), i= 1;2;:::;N [see (8.1)] centered at the vertices of a regular polygon. Then, we rst construct an unrestricted Bose Hartree-Fock permanent [60, 63] jUBHF Ni The UBHF permanent breaks the circular symmetry of the many-body Hamiltonian. As was discussed in section 3.2, the is resolved through a subsequent step accomplished via projection techniques [23, 24, 30, 31, 52, 53], i.e., we construct a many-body wave function with good total angular momentum by applying the projection operator ^PL= so that the nal RBM wave function is given ()ieiL: (8.5) jUBHF N ()iis the original UBHF permanent rotated by an azimuthal angle . We note that, in addition to having good angular momenta, the projected wave function j PRJ N;Li has also a lower energy than that of jUBHF Ni[see, gure 27(b). The projected ground-state energy is given (8.6)Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 75 Figure 28. (Color online) Single-particle densities and CPDs for N= 8 bosons in a rotating toroidal trap with =!0= 0:2 andR= 50. The remaining trap parameters are as in gure 27. (a) Gross-Pitaevskii single-particle density. (b) UBHF single- particle density exhibiting breaking of the circular symmetry. (c) RBM exhibiting circular symmetry. (d) CPD for the RBM wave function [PRJ wave function, see Equation (8.5)] revealing the hidden point-group symmetry in the intrinsic frame of reference. The observation point is denoted by a white dot. The RBM ground-state angular momentum is Lz= 16. Lengths in units of l0. The vertical scale is the same for (b), (c), and (d), but di erent for (a). whereh() =hUBHF N (= 0)jHjUBHF N ()iandn() =hUBHF N (= 0)jUBHF N ()i; the latter term ensures proper many-body Hamiltonian in the rotating trap is given +V(ri)] +NX i<jv(ri;rj); (8.7) with the interparticle interaction being given by a contact potential v(ri;rj) =g(ri rj) for neutral bosons and a Coulomb potential vC(ri;rj) =Z2e2=jrirjjfor charged bosons. The parameter that controls the strength of the interparticle repulsion relative to the zero-point kinetic energy is given by R=gm=(2h2) [60, 63] for a and RW=Z2e2=(h!0l0) [20, 60] for a Coulomb repulsion. For a given value of the dimensionless rotational frequency, =!0, the wave functions and energies for a whole rotational band comprising many angular momenta. In the following, we focus on the ground-state wave function angular momentum and energy) associated with the lowest energy in the band. Figure 27(a) displays the ground-state energy EPRJofN= 8 bosons in a toroidal trap as a function of the dimensionless rotational frequency =!0, with!0being the trap frequency. The prominent features in gure 27(a) are: (i) the energy diminishes as =!0increases; this is an e ect of the centrifugal force, and (ii) the of linear segments, each one associated with a given angular momentum L. Most remarkable is the regular variation of the values of Lwith a constant step of Nunits (here N= 8) [see inset in gure 27(a) and gure 27(c)]. These momenta L=kNwith integer k, are reminiscent of the so called magic angular momenta familiar from studies of electrons under high-magnetic elds in 2D semiconductor quantum dots [26, 52, 53].Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 76 Figure 29. (Color online) Properties of N= 6 neutral bosons in a rotating harmonic trap as a function of the reduced rotational frequency =!0. The conning potential is given by (8.4) with n= 2 andr0= 0, and the parameter was chosen asR= 50. The intrinsic molecular structure is (1 ;5). (a) RBM ,EPRJ. The inset shows a smaller range. The numbers denote momenta. (b) Total angular momenta associated with (i) the RBM ground states (thick solid line showing steps; online black) and (ii) the UBHF solutions (thin solid line; online red). The preferred angular momenta re ect the intrinsic molecular structure of the localized impenetrable bosons. We note, that the (0,8) polygonal-ring arrangement is obvious in the single-particle density associated with the UBHF permanent [see gure 28(b)]; (0,8) denotes no particles in the inner ring and 8 particles in the outer one. After restoration of symmetry, however, the single-particle density is circularly symmetric [see the PRJ single-particle density in gure 28(c)] and the intrinsic crystallinity becomes hidden; it can, however, be revealed via the distribution [20, 52, 53, 60] [CPD, see gure 28(d)]. We note the single-particle density in gure 28(a), which is clearly di erent from the PRJ density in gure 28(c). The internal structure for charged bosons in a toroidal trap (not shown) is similar to that of neutral bosons (gure 28), i.e., a (0,8) ring arrangement, portrayed also in the stepwise variation (in steps of 8 units) of the total angular momenta. The is also re ected in the variation of the ground-state total energy as a function of the magnetic eld. In contrast to the case of neutral bosons, however, the curve for charged bosons is not composed of linear segments, but of pieces; this is due to the positive contribution of the Lorentz force compared to the negative contribution of the centrifugal force in a rotating trap. For RBMs in rotating harmonic traps, the polygonal-ring pattern of localized bosons becomes more complex than the simple (0 ;N) arrangement that in a toroidal trap. Indeed, in harmonic traps, one anticipates the breaking and quantum correlations 77 Figure 30. (Color online) Properties of GP solutions (thin solid line; online red) versus those of RBM wave functions (thick solid line; online green) for N= 6 neutral bosons as a function of the reduced rotational frequency =!0. A harmonic trap is considered, and the interaction strength equals R= 50. (a) Ground-state energies. (b) Associated ground-state angular momenta. (c) GP (BEC) single-particle density at =!0= 0:65 having 7 vortices with a 6-fold symmetry (thus exhibiting breaking of the circular symmetry). (d) RBM single-particle density at =!0= 0:65 which does not break the circular symmetry. (e) CPD of the RBM at =!0= 0:65 revealing the intrinsic (1,5) crystalline pattern. The white dot denotes the observation point r0. Note the dramatic di erence in spatial extent between the GP and RBM wave functions [compare (c) with (d) and (e). Lengths in units of l0. The vertical scale is the same for (d) and (e), but di erent for (c). of concentric ring structures. For N= 6 neutral bosons in a harmonic trap, we observe that, as in the case of a toroidal trap, the ground-state energy as a function of the frequency, =!0, [gure 29(a)] is composed of linear segments, but now magic angular momenta [gure 29(b)] vary in steps of N1 = 5 units. This indicates a rotating boson molecule consisting of twopolygonal rings; denoted as a (1;5) structure, with the inner ring having a single boson and the outer ring ve. In gure 30(a), we display the and mean-eld ground-state energies of N= 6 strongly repelling (i.e., R= 50) neutral bosons in a harmonic trap as a function of the reduced angular frequency of the trap. The GP curve (thin solid line; online red) remains well above the RBM curve (thick solid line; online green) in the whole range 0  =!01. The RBM momenta exhibit again the periodicity in steps of ve units [gure 30(b)]. As expected, the GP total angular momenta are quantized [ Lz= 0 (no-vortex) or Lz= 6 (one central vortex)] only for an initial range 0  =!00:42. For =!00:42, the GP total angular momentum takes non-integer values and ceases to be a good quantum number, re ecting the broken-symmetry character of the associated mean eld, with each kink signaling the appearance of a di erent vortex pattern of p-fold symmetry (p= 1;2;3;4;:::) [250]; see an example in gure 30(c). The energetic superiority of the RBM wave function over the GP solution demonstrated in gure 30(a) was to be expected, since we considered the case of strongly repelling bosons. breaking and quantum correlations 78 Figure 31. (Color online) Properties of GP solutions (thin solid line; online red) versus those of RBM wave functions (thick solid line; online green) for N= 6 bosons as a function of the interaction strength R. A harmonic trap is considered, and the reduced rotational frequency equals =!0= 0:85. (a) Ground-state energies (b) Associated ground-state angular for a small number of neutral bosons the energetic advantage of the rotating boson molecule persists even for weakly repelling bosons, as illustrated in gure 31(a). Indeed, gure 31(a) displays the RBM (thick solid line; online green) and GP (thin solid line; online red) ground-state energies for N= 6 neutral bosons in a trap rotating with =!0= 0:85 as a function of the interaction parameter R. The surprising result in gure 31(a) is that the GP energy remains above the RBM curve even for R!0. Of course the RBM wave function is very close to that of a BEC without vortices when R!0 (BECs without vortices are approximately feasible for small N). However, for smallN, our results show that BECs with vortices (i.e., forLzN) are not the preferred many-body ground states; instead, formation of RBMs is favored. Note that the energy di erence rapidly with increasing R, re ecting the fact that the RBM energies saturate (as is to be expected from general arguments), while the GP energies (even with vortices fully accounted for) exhibit an unphysical [gure 31(a)]; we have checked this trend up to values of R= 100 (not shown). Of interest again is the di erent behavior of the RBM and GP ground state angular momenta [gure 31(b)] (see also discussion of gure 30(b)). To summarize this section: We have studied the ground-state properties of a variational many-body wave function for repelling bosons in rotating traps correlations beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii mean-eld approximations. This variational wave function describes rotating boson molecules, i.e., localized bosons arranged in patterns in their intrinsic frame of reference. For small numbers of neutral bosons, and in particular in the case of GP vortex formation, the RBM ground-state energies are lower than those associated with the BEC solutions. Given the large di erences between the breaking and quantum correlations 79 of the RBM and BEC wave functions (which become more pronounced for parameter R), and the recently demonstrated ability to 86, 87, 246], we anticipate that our results could be tested in rotating optical lattices. Detection of rotating boson molecules could be based on a variety of approaches, such as the measurement of the spatial extent [contrast the RBM and BEC spatial extents in gure 30(c) - gure 30(e)], or the use of experiments [251] to directly detect the intrinsic crystalline structure of the RBM. 8.2. Exact diagonalization for bosons in the lowest Landau level Rotating ultracold trapped Bose condensed systems are most commonly discussed in the context of formation of vortex lattices, which are solutions to the Gross-Pitaevskii mean- eld equation [4, 5, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257]. Such vortex lattices have indeed been found experimentally for systems containing a large number of bosons [258, 259, several theoretical investigations [67, 68, 69, 70, 71] of rapidly rotating trapped bosonic systems suggested formation of strongly correlated exotic states which di er drastically from the aforementioned vortex-lattice states. While of such strongly correlated states have not been reported yet, there is already a signicant e ort associated with two-dimenional studies of a small number of particles ( N) in the lowest Landau level; the LLL restriction corresponds to the regime of rapid rotation, where the rotational frequency of the trap equals the frequency of the conning potential. The large majority [67, 69, 70, 71] of such studies have attempted to establish a close connection between rapidly rotating bosonic gases and the physics of electrons under conditions employing the bosonic version of quantum-liquid analytic wave functions, such as the Laughlin wave functions, , Moore-Read, and Pfaan functions. As described in section 6, the quantum-liquid picture for a small number of trapped electrons in the FQHE regime has been challenged in a series of extensive studies [24, 26, 42, 51, 52, 53] of electrons in 2D quantum dots under high magnetic elds. Such studies (both and variational) revealed that, at least for nite systems, the underlying physical picture governing the behavior of electrons is not that of a quantum liquid. Instead, the appropriate description is in terms of a quantum crystal, with the localized electrons arranged in rings [24, 26, 51, 52, 53, 127, 128, 131]. These crystalline states lack [52, 53] the familiar rigidity of a classical extended crystal, and are better described [24, 26, 42, 51, 52, 53] as rotating electron (or Wigner) by the discovery in the case of electrons of REMs at high B(and from the fact that Wigner molecules form also at zero magnetic eld [20, 25, 41, 50, 167, 188]) some theoretical studies have most recently shown that analogous molecular patterns of localized bosons do form in the case of a small number of particles inside a staticSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 80 or rotating harmonic trap [43, 60, 63, 177, 178]. In analogy with the electron case, the bosonic molecular structures can be referred to [63] as rotating boson molecules ; a description of RBMs via a variational wave function built from displaced Gaussian orbitals with subsequent restoration of the rotational symmetry was presented in Refs. [43, 60, 63] and reviewed in section 8.1. In a recent paper, Baksmaty et al [72] used exact diagonalization in the lowest Landau level to investigate the formation and properties of RBMs focusing on a larger number of particles than previously studied, in particular for sizes where can be expected based on our knowledge of the case of 2D electrons in high B. A nite number of particles ( N11) at both low ( < 1=2) and high ( 1=2) lling fractions the quantum number associated with the total angular momentum L) was studied and both the cases of a and a short-range ( -function) repulsive interaction were investigated. In this section, we report some main results from Ref. [72]. As in the case of electrons in 2D quantum dots, we probe the crystalline nature of the bosonic ground states by calculating the full anisotropic two-point correlation function P(r;r0) [see Equation (1.1)] associated with the exact wavefunction ( quantity P(r;r0) is proportional to the probability of nding a boson at rgiven that there is another boson at the observation point r0, and it is often referred to as the conditional probability distribution (section 1.5). A main nding of our studies is solely of the CPDs is not sucient for the boson case at high in this case, one needs to calculate even higher-order e.g., the full N-point correlation function dened as the modulus square of the full many-body EXD wave function, (8.8) where one xes the positions of N1 particles and inquiries about the of nding the Nth particle at any position r. The investigations in this section are also motivated by recent e.g., the realization of trapped ultracold gas assemblies featuring via a long-range dipole-dipole interaction [261, 262]. We expect the results presented in this section to be directly relevant to systems with a intermediate between the Coulomb and the delta potentials. Additionally, we note the appearance of promising experimental techniques for measuring in ultra-cold gases employing an atomic Hanbury Brown-Twiss scheme [251] or shot-noise interferometry [263, 264]. Experimental realization of few-boson rotating systems can be anticipated in the near future as a result of increasing experiments involving periodic optical lattices co-rotating with the gas, which are capable of holding a few atoms in each site. A natural rst step in the study of such systems is the analysis of the physical properties of a few particles conned in a rotating trap with open boundary conditions (i.e., conservation of the total angular breaking and quantum correlations 81 Figure 32. Ground-state angular momenta, Lgs, forN= 6 bosons in a rapidly rotating trap [described by the LLL Hamiltonian in (8.9)], as a function of the rotational frequency expressed in units of !0. The bosons interact via a (left) and a delta repulsion (right), and the many-body Hilbert space is restricted to the lowest Landau level. The angular momentum associated with the rst bosonic Laughlin state occurs at L= 30, i.e., at N(N1). The value of c= 0:2h!0 for the Coulomb case (left) and the value of g= 2h!02=Nfor the case of a delta repulsion (right); the many-body wave functions do not depend on these choices. In the case, the values of the angular momenta terminate with the value L= 30 (the Laughlin value) at =!0= 1. In contrast, in the (left), the values of the ground-state angular momenta do not terminate, but diverge as =!0!1. Note the stepwise variation of the values of the momenta in both cases, indicating the presence of an intrinsic associated with the (0,6) and (1,5) polygonal-ring structure of a rotating Boson molecule. The main results of Ref. [72] can be summarized as follows: Similar to the (see section 6 and section 7) emergence of rotating electron molecules in quantum dots, rotating boson molecules form in rotating harmonic traps as well. The RBMs are also organized in concentric polygonal rings that rotate independently of each other, and the polygonal rings correspond to classical equilibrium their low-energy isomers. Furthermore, the degree of crystallinity with larger angular momenta L's (smaller lling fractions 's), as was the trend [26, 52, 53] for the REMs and as was observed also for  < 1=2 in another study [178] for rotating bosons in the lowest Landau level with smaller Nand single- ring structures. We nally note that the crystalline character of the RBMs appears to depend only weakly on the range of the repelling interaction, for both the low (see also Ref. [178]) and high (unlike Ref. [177]) fractional llings. In studies of 2D quantum dots, CPDs were used some time ago in Refs. [50, 128, 131]. For probing the intrinsic molecular structure in the case of ultracold bosons in 2D traps, however, they were introduced only recently by Romanovsky et al[60]. The importance of using CPDs as a probe can hardly be while calculations for bosons in the lowest Landau levelSymmetry breaking and quantum correlations 82 Figure 33. (a) Single-particle densities [ n(r); left column], (b) CPDs [ P(r;r0)] in 3D plots (middle column), and (c) CPDs in contour plots (right column), portraying the strengthening of the crystalline RBM structure for N= 6 bosons interacting via a repulsive Coulomb interaction as the lling fraction is reduced. The white dots in the CPD plots indicate the reference point r0. We note in particular the of the peak at the center of the plots, and the growth of the radius of the outer ring; the latter re ects the nonrigid-rotor nature of the RBMs (in analogy with the ndings of Ref. [52] regarding the properties of rotating electron molecules). The cases of = 1=4 and= 1=8 exhibit a clear (1 ;5) crystalline arrangement, while the case of = 1=2 (rst Laughlin state) is intermediate between a (1 ;5) and a (0 ;6) pattern (see text for details). Lengths in units of . The vertical scales are in arbitrary units, which however do not change for the panels within the same column (a), (b), or (c). have been reported earlier [67, 68, 69, 70, 71], the analysis in these studies did not of the CPDs, and consequently formation of rotating boson molecules was not The case of N= 6 bosons in the lowest Landau level. As a specic example of the points discussed above in section 8.2, we present here results for N= 6 bosons in the lowest Landau level. For additional cases (e.g., N= 9 andN= 11), see Ref. [72]. In analogy with the magnetic-eld Hamiltonian of Equation (7.1), the breaking and quantum correlations 83 Hamiltonian for Nbosons in a rotating trap is reduced in the lowest Landau level to the the 2D harmonic trap and denotes the rotational frequency. interaction is given by a contact potential v(ri;rj) =g(rirj) for neutral bosons and a Coulomb potential vC(ri;rj) =c=jrirjjfor charged bosons. Since ~H LLLis rotationally invariant, i.e., [ ~H LLL;L] = 0, its eigenstates Lmust also be eigenstates of the total angular momentum with eigenvalue  hL. For a given rotational frequency , the eigenstate with lowest energy is the ground state; we denote the corresponding angular momentum as Lgs. We proceed to describe the EXD results for N= 6 particles interacting via a Coulomb repulsion by referring to gure 32, where we plot Lgsagainst the of the rotating trap. A main result from all our calculations is that Lgs increases in characteristic (larger than unity) steps that take only a few integer values, i.e., forN= 6 the variations of Lgsare in steps of 5 or 6. In keeping with previous work on electrons [24, 26, 42, 51, 52, 53] at high B, and very recently on bosons in rotating traps [43, 60, 63, 177, 178], we explain these patterns (i.e., forN= 6,Lgs=L0+ 5korLgs=L0+ 6k, withL0= 0) as manifestation of anintrinsic point-group symmetry associated with the many-body wave function. This point-group symmetry emerges from the formation of RBMs, i.e., from the localization of the bosons at the vertices of concentric regular polygonal rings; it dictates that the angular momentum of a purely rotational state can only take values the number of localized particles on the ith polygonal ring. [We remind the reader that for spin-polarized electrons in the lowest Landau level, the isL0=N(N1)=2.] Thus for N= 6 bosons, the series Lgs= 5kis associated with an (1;5) polygonal ring structure, while the series Lgs= 6krelates to an (0 ;6) arrangement of particles. It is interesting to note that in classical calculations [114] for N= 6 particles in a harmonic 2D trap, the (1 ;5) arrangement is found to be the global energy minimum, while the (0 ;6) structure is the lowest metastable isomer. This fact is apparently re ected in the smaller weight of the Lgs= 6kseries compared to the Lgs= 5kseries, and the gradual disappearance of the former with increasing L. Magic values dominate also the ground state angular momenta of neutral bosons (delta repulsion) in rotating traps, as shown for N= 6 bosons in the right panel of gure 32. Although the corresponding -ranges along the horizontal axis may be di erent compared to the Coulomb case, the appearance of only the two series 5 k and 6kis remarkable | pointing to the formation of RBMs with similar (1 ;5) and (0;6) structures in the case of a delta interaction as well (see also Refs. [177, 178]). An important di erence, however, is that for the delta interaction both series end at =!0= 1 with the value L=N(N1) = 30 (for N= 6 the bosonic Laughlin value at= 1=2), while for the Coulomb interaction this Lvalue is reached for =!0<1 |Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 84 allowing for an innite set of magic angular momenta [larger than N(N1)] to develop as =!0!1. Beyond the analysis of the ground-state spectra as a function of , the point-group structure can be revealed by an inspection of the CPDs [and to a much lesser extent by an inspection of single-particle densities]. Because the EXD many-body wave function is an eigenstate of the total angular momentum, the single- particle densities are circularly symmetric and can only reveal the presence of concentric rings through oscillations in the radial direction. The localization of bosons within the same ring can only be revealed via the azimuthal variations of the anisotropic CPD [Equation (1.1)]. One of our ndings is that for a given Nthe crystalline features in the CPDs develop slowly as Lincreases (or < 1=2, we nd that the crystalline features are well developed for all sizes studied by us. In gure 33, we present some concrete examples of CPDs from calculations associated with the ground-states of N= 6 bosons in a rotating trap interacting via a repulsive Coulomb potential. In particular, we present the CPDs for Lgs= 30 (bosonic Laughlin for = 1=2), 60, and 120; these angular momenta are associated with ground states at specic -ranges [see gure 32]. All three of these angular momenta are divisible by both 5 and 6. However, only the Lgs= 30 CPD (gure 33 top row) has a structure that is intermediate between the (1;5) and the (0 ;6) polygonal-ring arrangements. The two other CPDs, associated with the higherLgs= 60 andLgs= 120 exhibit clearly only the (1 ;5) structure, illustrating our statement above that the CPDs conform to the structure of the most stable arrangement [i.e., the (1 ;5) forN= 6] of classical point-like charges as the fractional lling for  > 1=2, the azimuthal variations may not be visible in the CPDs, in spite of the characteristic step-like ground-state spectra [see gure 32 for N= 6 bosons]. This paradox is resolved when one considers higher-order correlations, and in particular N-point correlations [see Equation (8.8)]. In gure 34 and gure 35, we plot theN-point correlation functions for N= 6 bosons and Lgs= 15 for both the Coulomb interaction and -repulsion, respectively, and we compare them against CPDs. The value of 15 is divisible by 5, and one expects this state to be associated with a (1 ;5) molecular conguration. It is apparent that the CPDs fail to portray such vefold azimuthal pattern. The (1 ;5) pattern, however, is clear in the N-point correlations (middle and right panels). One has two choices for choosing the positions of the rst ve particles (white dots), i.e., one choice places one white dot at the center and the other choice places all ve white dots on the vertices of a For both choices, as shown by the contour lines in the gures, the position of maximum probability for the sixth boson coincides with the point that completes the (1;5) conguration [see the black dots in the middle and right panels]. Note that the di erences in the CPDs and N-point correlation functions between the Coulomb and the -repulsion are rather minimal.Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 85 Figure 34. Contour plots of the CPD (a) and N-point correlation function (b) and (c) forN= 6 bosons with Lgs= 15 interacting via a Coulomb repulsion. The white squares indicate the positions of the xed particles. The black square in (b) and (c) indicates the position of the 6th particle according to the classical (1 ;5) Note the di erent arrangements of the ve xed particles, i.e., (b) one xed particle at the center and (c) no xed particle at the center. Note also that the CPD in (a) fails to reveal the (1 ;5) pattern, which, however, is clearly seen in the N-point correlation functions in both (b) and (c). Lengths in units of . The vertical scales are arbitrary, but the same in (b) and (c). Figure 35. Contour plots of the CPD (a) and N-point correlation function (b) and (c) forN= 6 bosons with Lgs= 15 interacting via a -repulsion. The white squares indicate the positions of the xed particles. The black square in (b) and (c) indicates the position of the 6th particle according to the classical (1 ;5) molecular the di erent arrangements of the ve xed particles, i.e., (b) one xed particle at the center and (c) no xed particle at the center. Note also that the CPD in (a) fails to reveal the (1 ;5) pattern, which, however, is clearly seen in the N-point in both (b) and (c). Lengths in units of . The vertical scales are arbitrary, but the same in (b) and (c).Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 86 9. Summary This report reviewed the physics of strong correlations in two-dimensional small nite- size condensed-matter systems, such as electrons in quantum dots and repelling bosons in harmonic traps. It was shown that strong correlations in such systems relate to the appearance of symmetry breaking at the mean-eld level of description. was given to the similarities of symmetry breaking in these systems despite the di erent interparticle interactions (Coulombic repulsion in quantum dots versus a contact potential for neutral bososns in harmonic traps). The universal aspects of symmetry breaking in small systems (including nuclei and molecules in quantum chemistry) have been exploited to develop a two-step method of symmetry breaking at the unrestricted Hartree-Fock level and subsequent via post Hartree-Fock projection techniques. In conjunction with calculations, the two-step method was used to describe a vast range of phenomena associated with particle localization and formation of crystalline (molecular) structures of electrons in quantum dots and bosons in harmonic traps. Due to their nite size, these crystalline structures are di erent from the familiar rigid crystals of extended systems; they rather resemble and exhibit similarities with the natural 3D molecules (e.g., ro-vibrational spectra). It was shown that phenomena emerging from include: (I) Chemical bonding, dissociation, and entanglement in quantum dot molecules and in electron molecular dimers formed within a single anisotropic quantum dot, with potential technological applications to solid-state devices. (II) Electron crystallization, with localization on the vertices of concentric polygonal rings, and formation of rotating electron molecules in circular quantum dots. At zero magnetic eld, the REMs can approach the limit of a rigid rotor; at high magnetic eld, the REMs are highly oppy, with the rings rotating independently of each other. (III) In the lowest Landau level, the rotating electron molecules are described analytic many-body wave functions, which are an alternative to the and Jastrow/Laughlin approaches, o ering a new point of view of the fractional quantum Hall regime in quantum dots (with possible implications for limit). (IV) Crystalline phases of strongly repelling bosons. In the case of rotating traps and in analogy with the REMs, such repelling bosons form rotating boson molecules, which are energetically favored compared to the Gross-Pitaevkii solutions, in particular in the regime of vortex work is supported by the US D.O.E. (Grant No. FG05-86ER45234). peformed at the Georgia Institute of Technology Center for breaking and quantum correlations 87 Figure A1. (Color online) The Darwin-Fock single-particle energy levels of a 2D harmonic oscillator under the e ect of a perpendicular magnetic eld Bas a where!cis the cyclotron frequency and !0is the frequency specifying the 2D harmonic connement. A specic color (online) indicates orbitals with the same number of radial nodes. Materials A. In this Appendix, we brie y review the single-particle wave functions and spectra of a two-dimensional circular harmonic oscillator under the in uence of a perpendicular magnetic eld B(relevant to the case of quantum dots) or under rotation with angular frequency (relevant to the case of trapped atomic gases in rotating harmonic traps). These single-particle wave functions and associated spectra are known as the Darwin-Fock states and energy levels, after the names of the authors of two original papers [162, 163] on this A.1. Two-dimensional isotropic oscillator in a eld In this case, the Hamiltonian (for an electron of mass m) is given (A.1) where r= (x;y) and!0is the frequency of the oscillator. In the symmetric gauge, the vectror potential is given by A= (Br)=2, and the Hamiltonian (A.1) can be rewritten in the (A.2)Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 88 where ) is the angular momentum operator of the electron is the cyclotron frequency, and ~ !=q !2 0+!2 c=4 is frequency. The eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian (A.2) have the same functional form as those of a 2D harmonic oscillator at B=0, but with an e ective frequency ~ !, i.e., in polar the characteristic length ~lis given by ~l=q h=(m~!). In (A.3), the index ndenotes the number of nodes in the radial direction, and l(without any subscript or tilde) denotes the angular-momentum quantum numbers; the Ljlj n's are polynomials. The single-particle energy spectrum corresponding to the Hamiltonian (A.2) is plotted in gure A1; the associated eigenenergies are given by En;l h!0= (2n+jlj+ 1)s 1 +2 4l 2; the limit of !c=(2!0)!1 , one can neglect the external connement, and the energy spectrum in Equation (A.4) reduces to that of the celebrated Landau levels, i.e., EM= h!c(M+1 2); (A.5) whereM=n+ (jljl)=2 is the Landau-level index. We remark that the Landau levels are innitely degenerate. The lowest Landau level M= 0 contains all nodeless levels ( n= 0) with arbitrary positive angular A.2. Two-dimensional rotating harmonic oscillator In the case of a rotating isotropic oscillator, instead of the expression (A.2), one has the following single-particle (A.6) where the mass of the particle (e.g., a bosonic or fermionic atom) is denoted by m; denotes the rotational frequency. From a comparison of the second terms in (A.2) and (A.6), one derives !!c=2. We note that, unlike the application of a perpendicular magnetic eld, the rotation does not generate an e ective connement di erent from the original external one [compare the third terms between (A.2) and (A.6)]. As a result, the the Hamiltonian (A.6) are given by the expressions (A.3), but with =r=l0where the characteristic length breaking and quantum correlations 89 Figure A2. (Color online) The Darwin-Fock single-particle energy levels of a 2D harmonic oscillator rotating with angular frequency as a function of = =!0, where!0is the frequency specifying the 2D harmonic connement. A specic color (online) indicates orbitals with the same number of radial nodes. The single-particle energy spectrum corresponding to the Hamiltonian (A.6) is plotted in gure A2 and the associated eigenenergies are given by En;l h!0= (2n+jlj+ 1)l; (A.7) with= =!0. For =!0= 1, the energy spectrum in Equation (A.7) reduces to that of Landau levels, i.e., EM= 2h!0(M+1 2); (A.8) whereM=n+ (jljl)=2 is the Landau-level index. As was the case with the perpendicular magnetic eld, the Landau levels are in- nitely degenerate, and the lowest Landau level M= 0 contains all nodeless levels (n= 0) with arbitrary positive angular momentum l0. However, unlike the magnetic- eld case where  h!cdepends on B, the energy gap between the Landau levels in the case of rotation is independent of and equals 2 h!0. [1] Ruder H, Wunner G, Herold H and Geyer F 1994 Atoms in Strong Magnetic Fields Verlag) [2] Kouwenhoven L P, Austing D G and Tarucha S 2001 Rep. Prog. Phys. 64701 [3] Reimann S M and Manninen M 2002 Rev. Mod. Phys .741283Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations 90 [4] Dalfovo F, Giorgini S, Pitaevskii L P and Stringari S 1999 Rev. Mod. Phys. 71463 [5] Leggett A J 2001 Rev. Mod. 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Constantine Yannouleas
Constantine Yannouleas, Uzi Landman
Symmetry breaking and quantum correlations in finite systems: Studies of quantum dots and ultracold Bose gases and related nuclear and chemical methods
Due to renewed interest in Wigner (or electron) molecules in the context of quantum-computer qubits (see, e.g., arXiv:2009.13572), updated links to this review, which describes earlier theoretical work and predictions, are provided. For the published version click-on https://cpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/sites.gatech.edu/dist/8/1647/files/2021/02/ROP_published_2007.pdf
cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.str-el nucl-th physics.atom-ph
Investigations of emergent symmetry breaking phenomena occurring in small finite-size systems are reviewed, with a focus on the strongly correlated regime of electrons in two-dimensional semicoductor quantum dots and trapped ultracold bosonic atoms in harmonic traps. Throughout the review we emphasize universal aspects and similarities of symmetry breaking found in these systems, as well as in more traditional fields like nuclear physics and quantum chemistry, which are characterized by very different interparticle forces. A unified description of strongly correlated phenomena in finite systems of repelling particles (whether fermions or bosons) is presented through the development of a two-step method of symmetry breaking at the unrestricted Hartree-Fock level and of subsequent symmetry restoration via post Hartree-Fock projection techniques. Quantitative and qualitative aspects of the two-step method are treated and validated by exact diagonalization calculations. Strongly-correlated phenomena emerging from symmetry breaking include: (I) Chemical bonding, dissociation, and entanglement (at zero and finite magnetic fields) in quantum dot molecules and in pinned electron molecular dimers formed within a single anisotropic quantum dot. (II) Electron crystallization, with particle localization on the vertices of concentric polygonal rings, and formation of rotating electron molecules (REMs) in circular quantum dots. (III) At high magnetic fields, the REMs are described by parameter-free analytic wave functions, which are an alternative to the Laughlin and composite-fermion approaches. (IV) Crystalline phases of strongly repelling bosons. In rotating traps and in analogy with the REMs, such repelling bosons form rotating boson molecules (RBMs).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 2 Nov 2007 22:41:45 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:51:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yannouleas", "Constantine", "" ], [ "Landman", "Uzi", "" ] ]
1. Major semi-axis re, minor semi-axis rp, straight distance to the center of coordinates r, geocentric latitude ph', ph, and their pointing difference v. Supposed rdenotes the distance from the center of coordinates to the point on the geoid surface, the (x,z) the difference between the geodetic (astronomical) and th e geocentric (4) where the expansion of the denominator has been given in terms of t he geometric series of the (5) The Taylor series in powers of sin(2 ph) and in powers of (6) = (7) A flattening factor fis also commonly defined [ 10][19, (8) The reference values of the Earth ellipsoid adopted in the WGS84 [ 16] are f= 1/298.257223563 , re= 6378137 .0 m. (9) B. General Altitude If one moves along the direction of pha distance haway from the surface of the geoid, the new coordinates relative to (3) are 2. A point with Cartesian coordinates ( x,y,z) has a distance zto the equatorial plane, a the polar axis, a distance hto the surface of the ellipsoid, and a distance N+hto the polar axis, measured along the local normal to the surface [ 13]. The vector ephpoints North at this point. which can be written in terms of a distance (N+h)cosph;z= (12) Rotation of( 12) aroundthe polaraxiswith ldefines the full 3D ( x,y,z) and (13) The only theme of this paper is to generalize the geodetic lines of the lit erature to the case of finite altitude he}atioslash= 0. The physics of gravimetric or potential theory is not involved, o nly the mathematics of the geometry. It should be noted that points with constant, non- zerohdonotdefine a surface of an ellipsoid with effective semi-axes the geodetic line could be deduced by mapping the problem onto an surface [ 5]. III. INVERSE PROBLEM OF GEODESY A. Topocentric Coordinate System A line of shortest distance at constant height h=const between two points 1 and 2 is defined by minimizing the Euclidean distance, the line (14) for some parametrization l(ph). The integrand is equivalent to a Lagrange function L(ph,l,dl/dph ) orL(ph,l,dph/dl ). The gradient of ( 13) with respect to landphdefines the vectors el,phthat span the topocentric tangent (15)4 where a meridional radius of curvature [ 26][19, defined to simplify the notation. Building squares and dot products computes the three Gauss of the surface [ 20] e2 l=E= (N+h)2cos2ph; (17) el*eph=F= 0; (M+h)2. to h= 0 we get the You formulae [ 29].EandGprovide the principal curvatures along the meridian and azimuth [ 4], and the coefficients of the metric tensor in the quadratic form of (20) B. Christoffel symbols are the connection coefficients between differe ntialsdeoof the topocentric axis and of the positions dxb, in a generic (21) This format is matched by first computing the derivative of elwith respect to (22) and ofephwith respect to next step splits these two equations to the expanded version o f (21), del= (24) deph= (25) The eight G are extracted by evaluating dot products of the four v ector coefficients in ( 22)-(23) Gph phl= Gph lph= Gl phph= 0; (26) Gph ll= (27) Gl phl= (28)5 Gph phph= (29) The Equations 0 for a stationary Lagrange density L(atF= 0) become the differential equations of the geodesic [ 20], in the generic 0. (30) The explicit 0; 0, (32) simplifies with ( 26) 0; 0. (34) IV. REDUCTION OF THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS A. Separation of Angular of the two differential equations ( 33)-(34) starts with the separation of variables in ( (35) Change of the integration variable on the right hand side from stophallows to use the underivative of ( (36) to generate a first (39) is a constant for each geodesic; it plays the role of the Clairaut cons tant [22,27], but has length units in our case. It has been defined with the azimuth ph1andN1N(ph1) at the start of the line, but could as well be associated with any other point or the end point 2. c3is positive for trajectories starting into eastwards direction, neg ative for the westwards heading, zero for routes to the poles. Moving the squa re of (38) into (34) 0.(40)6 To solve this differential equation, we substitute the variable phby its projection tonto the polar axis, tsinph, (41) which implies transformations in the cosphdph ds; (44) We multiply ( 40) by cosph, then replace noted 0.(45) This is a differential equation with no explicit appearance of the indepe ndent variable 0, and the standard way of progressing is the 0.(47) This is transformed to a linear differential equation by the further s ubstitution Pp2,dP/dt= 0.(48) The standard approach is to solve the homogeneous differential eq uation (49) After division through P, the left hand side is easily integrated, and the right hand side (incom pletely) decomposed into partial log(1-t2)+3log(1 of the inhomogeneous differential equation ( 48) proceeds with the variation of the constant, the (51) Back insertion into ( 48) leads to a first order differential equation for is decomposed into partial ensuing integral over dtis solved by aid of the substitution t2=u, c(t) into ( 51)--using constto indicate placement of any member of an anonymous bag of consta nts of (54) The subscript 1 denotes values at the starting point of the (56) Solving for (57) Compared with the differential version of ( 1 (58) we must have c5= 1. Note that ( 54) is essentially a write-up for p2~(dph/ds)2and could be derived quickly by inserting ( 38) directly into ( 58). The square root of ( 54) tmt1t2 t2 FIG. 3. Two examples of trajectories of dt/ds[left, equation ( 59)] ords/dt[right] as a function of t. They may or may not pass through a zero tmof (59) while connecting the starting abscissa t1with the final abscissa t2. There are four depending on whether tmis positive or negative, and depending on whether the sign ch ange indt/dsis from + to -or from-to + at this point. The sign in front of the square root is to be chosen positive for piece s of the trajectory with dt/ds > 0 negative where dt/ds < 0 (southern direction). The value in the square root may run throu gh zero within one curve, dt/ds= 0at one point tm, such that the squareroot switches signthere (Figure 3). This happens (60) yields a vanishing discriminant of the square root for some ( l,ph), that is, whenever the difference l2-l1is to create a point of minimum polar distance along the trajector y that is not one of the terminal points. B. Launching Direction So far we have written the bundle of all geodesics through ( l1,ph1) in the format ( 59), which specifies the change of latitude as a function of distance traveled. The direction at point 1 in the topocentric system of coordinates is represented by c3. To address the inverse problem of geodesy, that is to pick the par ticular geodesics which also runs through the terminal point ( l2,ph2) in fulfillment of the Dirichlet boundary conditions, the associated ch ange in longitude, some form of ( (61) must obviously get involved. The strategy is to write down t(l) orl(t) withc3as a parameter, then to adjust c3to ensure with what would be called a shooting method that starting at p oint 1 at that angle eventually passes through point 2. Coupling of ltotis done by division of ( 59) and (62) Separation of both variables (63) An approach of evaluating the integral by power series expansion in h/reis proposed in [ 15]. For short paths, small |l2-l1|, the integral is If one of the cases occurs, where the difference in l is too large for a solution, the additional path through the singularit ytmis to be used [with some local extremum in the graph t(s)], and the integral is to be interpreted Taking the sign change and the symmetry9 of the integrand into account, this twice the underivative at tmminus the sum of the underivative at t1andt2. In the right plot of Figure 3, the difference is in including or not including the area between t2andtm. tmis the solution of ( 60), the positive value of the solution taken if dt/ds > 0 atph1, the negative value if dt/ds < 0 atph1. The squared zero of dt/ds,t2 m, is a root of the fourth-order polynomial which emerges by rewritin g tmadmits a Taylor expansion by expanding the zero of ( 60) in orders of (65) where some maximum distance Hre+h (66) to the polar axis has been defined to condense the notation. The integrand in ( 63) has a Taylor expansion in (67) We integrate the left hand side of ( 67) separately for each power of eup some convenient definition of the trajectory's distance to its sols ticetm. The first term is not the principal value of the arc tangent but its steadily defined extension through the e ntire interval of t-values,|t| <=tm. It is an odd function of t, and phase jumps are corrected as follows: the inclination at t= 0 has (by inspection of the derivative above at t= 0) the sign of c3. So whenever the triple product sgn tsgnc3sgn(arctan .) is negative, one must shift the branch of the arctan by adding multiples of psgntsgnc3to the principal value. Whether this is to be taken between the limits t2andt1or as the sum of two components (see above) can be tested by integrating up to where the value of the underivative at tmis given by (1 /2)arctan0, selecting the branch of the inverse trigonometric function a s described above. Equation ( 68) is solved numerically, where c3/His the unknown, where t1,2andl1,2are known from the coor- dinates of the two points that define the boundary value problem, a nd where eandHare constant parameters. The complexity of the equation suggests use of a Newton algorithm t o search for the zero, starting from ( as the initial estimate. An alternative is to insert the power (70)10 right into ( 63), integrate the orders of eterm-by-term, and to obtain the coefficients by comparison with the equivalent powers of the right hand side. c(0) 3is given by ( A19); the coefficients of the higher powers are recursively calculated from linear equations. c(2) 3, for example, is determined 0.(71) The corresponding equation for c(4) 3is already too lengthy to be reproduced here, so no real advantag e remains in comparison with solving the non-linear equation ( 67). Once the parameter c3is known for a particular set of terminal coordinates, l(ph) is given by replacing t2andl2in (68) by any other generic pair of values. Two other variables of interes t along the curve, the direction and from the starting point, are then accessible with methods summarized in the next, final two sub-chapters. C. Nautical course The nautical course at any point of the trajectory ph(l) is the angle kin the topocentric coordinate system North) and el(direction East), measured North over East, dr ds= (72) dr/dsis the differential of ( 13) with respect to s, whered/ds= (73) The sign indicates that the left hand side of this equation is a vector normalize d to unity, but not the right (74) Insertion of ( 17), (19) and (42) (75) Mixing ( 62) into this yields the course, supposed phandc3are (76) D. Distance To Terminal Points An implicit write-up for the distance from the origin s1measured along the curve is given by separating variables in (77) Power series expansion of the integrand in powers of e, then integration term-by-term, generate a Taylor series of the the notation ( 69), the components of the underivative of the geodetic line within the iso-surface of constant altitude above the ellipsoid is of the same complexity as on its surface at zero altitude. Although the surface is no longer an ellipsoid, mathematics reaches an equivalent level ofsimplification at which one integralis commonly expa nded in powersof the eccentricityor We have done this first for the parameter which provides a solution to the inverse problem, then for two of the basic functions, distance from the starting point and compass course. Appendix A: Reference: Spherical case The limit of vanishing eccentricity, e= 0, simplifies the curved trajectories to arcs of great circles, and presents an easily accessible first estimate of the series expansions in orders of e. The Cartesian coordinates of the two points to be connected then are s1= (A1) The angular separation Zis derived from the dot product 0<=Z<=p. (A2) Each point son the great circle in between lies in the plane defined by the sphere ce nter and the terminal points, and can therefore be written as a linear (A3) The square must remain normalized to the squared (A4) which couples the two expansion coefficients 1. (A5) One reduction to a single parameter xto enforce this condition x)cosZ; 0<=x<=p/2. (A6)12 In summary, the point ( A3) on the great circle of radius re+hbetween s1ands2has the Cartesian coordinates s= of this, sinph(x) x)cosZ, (A9) allows to convert xintoph. No ambiguity with respect to the branch of the arcsin arises since -p/2<=ph<=p/2. The ratio of the yandx-components demonstrates the dependence of lonx, tanl(x) (A10) where the arctan branch is defined by considering separately the n umerator and denominator under the Theazimuthangle x= 0andat xfollowsfrom s*s1= x)cosZ; 0<=s<=Z. (A11) The path length along the great circle perimeter is simply the radial dis tancere+hto the center of coordinates times the azimuth angle smeasured in (re+h)s= x)cosZ; 0<=s<=(re+h)Z. (A12) To calculate the direction in the el-eph-plane at the starting point s1, we employ xas the parameter that mediates between (A13) To calculate dl/dx, use the derivative of ( A10) with respect to particular at the starting point, where x= multiplication with cos (A15) To calculate ds/dx, we convert the cosine in ( A11) to the x)cosZ. (A16)13 The derivative of this with respect to xis cossds dx= x)cosZ)3/2, in particular at the starting point, s=x= 0, ds dx|1= sinZ. (A17) Insert this derivative and ( A15) back into ( (A18) to obtain the master parameter c3for the spherical case with ( 39), c(0) 3= (e= 0). (A19) Appendix B: of parameter eq. ( 17) and its value at curve origin ( l1,ph1,h) E(..) Incomplete Elliptic Integral of the Second Kind in the Abramowitz-S tegun notation [ of the ellipsoid, eq. ( topocentric coordinate vectors at ( eq. ( 8) FGauss parameter, eq. ( 18) G,G1Gauss parameter, eq. ( 19) and its value at curve symbols in ( l,ph,h) distance to surface of distance to polar axis (in the equatorial plane), eq. ( 66) knautical angle, North over East in the topocentric tangential plan e llongitude Ma radius of curvature on the ellipsoid surface, eq. ( 16) Na radius of curvature on the ellipsoid surface, eq. ( 11) rdistance ellipsoid center to foot point on the polar radius of ellipsoid, eq. ( 1) sdistance along geodetic line measured from curve origin svector from ellipsoid center to point on geodetic line Slength of curved geodetic trajectory; equals s2at (l2,ph2,h) sgn sign function, +-1 or 0 sazimuth along great circle, eq. ( A12) Tnormalized distance from closest polar approach, eq ( 69) t,t1sinphand its value at start of curve, eq. ( 41) vgeodetic minus geocentric coordinates from ellipsoid center, eq. ( of great circle (spherical case), eq. ( A7) Zcone angle of circular section (spherical case), eq. ( A2) Appendix C: FEM Compilation The simplest numerical solution of the inverse problem without restr iction on the eccentricity could be a finite- element (FEM) integration of ( 63) and iterative adjustment of the single free parameter c3. The Java program in the ancdirectory implements this approach. It is either compiled with14 cd anc ; make on Linux systems or by manually executing the compiler steps in anc/Makefile . It is then called with *java -jar Geod.jar which will query the parameters providing all parameters with java -jar Geod.jar [-e e] [-Rre] [-hh] [-sNs] the command line. The last four parameters are the geodetic ang les of the start and final point in degrees. Nsis the positive integer number of finite elements in the interval l-interval in the approximation, and N2in the range 1... Ns(and typically a divisor of Ns) is the small positive integer subsampling number of the results along the trajectory which are actually printed to the standard ou tput. The square brackets above indicate that the switches are optional because they have default values; the s quare brackets are not part of the command line syntax. *or calling the program as java -cp Geod.jar allows to type the parameters in fields of a graphical user inter face (GUI); the purpose of that wrapper is to embed the program in web applications that support the Java Ne twork Launch Protocol (JNLP). The output lines contain the information on the trajectory: the fir st three values are the of the subsampled points, the next three values are ph,landkat these points in degrees, and the last value is the length stravelled from the start point. 2. Overview of Functions Member functions in overview: the constructors Geoddefine a surface from the parameters re,eandhin which the geodetic line is embedded. getCartesian computes the vector ( ( ( 8).curvMcomputes ( 3M(t)e2t 1-e2t2. (C2) d2Mdtau2 ( (C4) d2Edtau2 computes the next higher derivative, ( 19).dtaudlambda computes dt/dlvia (62), referencing one factor to ( 59).dsdlambda isds/dl, the inverse of ( 1 generalizes ( 69) to nonzero e. Its (C6) are implemented in ( calculates the derivative of ( a'sformulatorele gatederivatives [7, (C8) d2sdlambda2 (C9) d3sdlambda3 (C10) c3Sphere returns the estimate ( returns the sign of dt/dsatt1, obtained by considering the sign of the derivative of ( A9) with respect to x.adjLambdaEnd modifies ph2modulo 2 pto select the smallest value computes kfrom (76). tauShoot walks along a geodetic line on a discrete mesh of width lby at l1,ph1, givenc3. The equivalent formula is used to build up sl+l.c3shoot callstauShoot four times to adjust c3such that the error by which ph2was missed--returned by tauShoot --isminimized. The first call assumes (A19), the second takes an arbitrary small offset, and the third and fo urth estimates are from linear and in the earlier calls to zoom into a root of this error as a f unction of c3. The last of these runs tabulates the Cartesian coordinates ( 13),l,ph,kandson a subgrid of the some adjustable parameters plus the pairs ( l1,ph1) and (l2,ph2), and calls c3shoot to solve the inverse problem of geodetics. [1] Abramowitz, M., and I. A. Stegun (eds.), 1972, Handbook of Mathematical Functions (Dover Publications, New York), 9th edition, ISBN Bouasse, H., 1919, Geographie Math' ematique (Librairie Delagrave, Paris). [3] Bowring, B. R., 1983, Bull. Geod. 57(1-4), 109. [4] Dorrer, E., 1999, in Quo vadis geodesia...? , edited by F. Krumm and V. S. 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Richard J. Mathar
Richard J. Mathar
Geodetic Line at Constant Altitude above the Ellipsoid
Version 4: with 4th order Taylor approximation for the predictors in the FEM program
The two-dimensional surface of a bi-axial ellipsoid is characterized by the lengths of its major and minor axes. Longitude and latitude span an angular coordinate system across. We consider the egg-shaped surface of constant altitude above (or below) the ellipsoid surface, and compute the geodetic lines - lines of minimum Euclidean length - within this surface which connect two points of fixed coordinates. This addresses the common "inverse" problem of geodesics generalized to non-zero elevations. The system of differential equations which couples the two angular coordinates along the trajectory is reduced to a single integral, which is handled by Taylor expansion up to fourth power in the eccentricity.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 5 Nov 2007 14:05:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 11 Apr 2008 12:18:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Fri, 2 May 2008 15:12:17 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Sun, 11 Dec 2022 17:02:26 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mathar", "Richard J.", "" ] ]
2 Classical approach 2.1 Dirac homogenous and isotropic Spacetime investigated by Einstein [ 1] and Friedmann [ 2] is given by de=Nd(x0)dx0, (1) herea(e) is Friedmann conformal scale factor, eis conformal time in Dirac sense [3], andNdis lapse function. Hilbert action [ 4] for (1) can be written as A[a] (2) wherepais nontrivial canonical conjugate momentum, r(a) is energy r(a) to action ( 2) gives 0= -p2 a 4V2 0+r(a) = 0, (4) with solution given by Hubble (5) where index Imeans initial data. 2.2 Hamilton field equations One can say that Dirac constraints ( 4) have a form p2 a-o2(a) = 0, o(a) (6) and that direct primary quantization i[^ pa,a] = 1,^ pa -i a, (7) gives Wheeler-DeWitt evolution [ = 0. (8) 2Equation( considered Hamiltonian H(P Ps,Ps) has a form H(PPs,Ps) (10) In further text we will use compact form of ( 1 -o2(a) (11) 3 Quantization We focus attention on Hamilton field equations ( 11). 3.1 Von of quantization constitutes general transition between classical fields and field (12) with Canonical Commutation Relations (13) Problem of CCRs representations is not new, and was investigated in [7] and [8]. In [9] was proposed von quantization in annihilation and creation (14) which is consistent with ( 13) by = 0 . ( 14) applied to equations ( 11) 1 -o2(a) (17) or in terms of Fock (18) where = ando(aI) is initial value of o(a). 3.2 operator basis Evolution ( 18) should be diagonalize in order to build correct quantum the- ory. By character of evolution ( 8) we apply Bose-Einstein type 1, (20) which lies in accordance with CCRs ( 15) and = 0 , (22) and we reduce evolution ( 18) to Heisenberg (23) In result we obtain l= 0,W w =constant, and vacuum state relation w 0. Evolution ( 18) is equivalent to equations on (24) that can be solved in hyperbolic u(a) (25) Here ph(a) = Inthis mannerwe have proved that theory builded von quant ization in form ( 14) has internal logarithmic conformal field theory structure. 44 Physical implications Now some physical results will present. 4.1 Density functional We take density functional operator in standard form of occupat ion with quantization ( 14) =G+G, (27) which in basis has a following matrix represent (28) On can say that von Neumann entropy for the system has Boltzman n one form S -tr(ln) tr()= Spacetime represented by entropy ( 29). 4.2 Thermodynamics of Spacetime In opposite to results of paper [ 9], in this text we propose use of ( 10) as Hamiltonian of theory. Theory constructed by this Hamiltonian is con ceptu- ally simpler than theory presented in [ 9], because in ( 10) superfluidity term is absent. However, as it will turn out physical consequences pres ented below are principally the same as in [ 9]. Hamiltonian ( 10) has a following matrix representation in basis H (30) Statistical mechanics understand internal energy as average U =tr(H) tr, which for considered case is U (31) 5Here we introduced quantity n =/angbracketleft0|G+G|v(a)|2=/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleo(aI) o(a)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle-/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleo(a) o(aI)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 , (32) which is number of particles produced from vacuum. Averaged numb er of particles 2n+1 . (33) Chemical potential is defined as u=U n, in this (34) Description of the system according to quantum theory principles d emands using of thermal Gibbs ensemble. The system is characterized by CC Rs (21,22). It leads to identification of function under logarithm in ( 29) partition (35) Using of relations ( 20), (31), (32), (34), and (35) give the formula for tem- perature of considered system T (36) This formula describes temperature of the system as a function of scale factor a. 5 Summary Above formalism points at direct way to Quantum Cosmology underst ood as many-particle open quantum system. On base of this type reaso ning for- mulation of physics is obvious and clear - in presented case descriptio n Spacetime as quantum Bose-Einstein system lea ds to well-defined thermodynamics. Furthermore, for considered Spac etime umGrav- ity as theory with internal structure of logarithmic conformal field theory. In opinion of the author presented way creates substantially wider oppor- tunities for construction of similar formalism for general gravitatio nal fields and to research connections between geometry and physics in ter ms of loga- rithmic conformal field Einstein A., The meaning of relativity, Pricenton University Press, Princeton 1922. [2] Friedmann A.A., Uber die Kr ummung des Raumes, Z. Phys. DiracP.A.M., v- itation,Phys. Rev. 114(1959), 924-930. [4] Hilbert D., Die Grundlagen der Physik, Gott. Nachr. ,27(1915), 395- 407. [5] Wheeler J.A., Superspace and the nature of quantum geometrod ynam- ics, in Battelle Rencontres: 1967 Lectures in Mathematics and Phys ics, Editors C.M. DeWitt and J.A. Wheeler, New York, 1968, 242-307. [6] DeWitt B.S., Quantum theory of gravity. I. The canonical theory 1113-1148. [7] Neumann von J., Die Eindeutigkeit der Schr odingerschen Ann 104(1931), 570-578. [8] Araki H., Woods E.J., Representations of the canonical commuta J. Math. Phys 4(1963), 637. [9] Glinka L.A., Quantum Information from Graviton-Matter Gas, SIG MA 3 (2007), 087, 13 pages 7
Lukasz Andrzej Glinka
Lukasz Andrzej Glinka
Preliminaries in Many-Particle Quantum Gravity: Einstein-Friedmann Spacetime
7 pages, http://serialsjournals.com/articlesview.php?volumesno_id=758&article_id=6590&volumes_id=750&journals_id=246
New Advances in Physics, Vol. 7, No. 2, July-December 2013, pp. 127-133
gr-qc hep-th math-ph math.MP quant-ph
Preliminaries for Many-Particle approach to quantization of Einstein-Hilbert theory of gravitation are presented in this paper. Einstein-Friedmann Spacetime is detailed discussed from this point of view. Von Neumann-Araki-Woods second quantization in Fock space of canonical Hamilton field equations is presented. In result Spacetime as system with Bose-Einstein statistics is described and thermodynamics of the system is computed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 9 Nov 2007 20:36:37 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 9 Nov 2007 22:43:28 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sun, 18 Nov 2007 22:11:09 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Mon, 17 Dec 2007 16:10:26 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Thu, 10 Jul 2014 19:13:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Glinka", "Lukasz Andrzej", "" ] ]
References [1] Reiner Czerwinski. A polynomial time algorithm for graph isomorphis m, 2008. [2] Chris Godsil and Gordon F Royle. Algebraic graph theory , volume 207. Springer Science & Business Media, 2001. [3] Brendan D McKay and Edward Spence. Classification of regular tw o-graphs on 36 and 38 vertices. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics ,
Reiner Czerwinski
Reiner Czerwinski
A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Graph Isomorphism
We claimed that there is a polynomial algorithm to test if two graphs are isomorphic. But the algorithm is wrong. It only tests if the adjacency matrices of two graphs have the same eigenvalues. There is a counterexample of two non-isomorphic graphs with the same eigenvalues.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 13 Nov 2007 15:51:33 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 28 Nov 2007 20:23:00 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 13 Dec 2007 14:51:55 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Wed, 23 Jan 2008 15:10:16 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Sat, 15 Oct 2022 15:56:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Czerwinski", "Reiner", "" ] ]
1 any metric space Swith the topology and local geometry required of the surface of a convex body, there is exactly one convex bod y up to isometry whose surface has the intrinsic geometry of S. This is the endpoint of a line of research pursued in the middle of the last century by Alexandrov and Pogorelov [Ale50], a nd it implies a strong correspondence between the geometry of a convex body and the intrinsic geometry of its surface. On the other hand, the exact nature of this corre spondence is not yet properties in the surface geometry imply what p roperties in the body geometry, and vice versa. For example, if Sis aD-form, obtained by sewing together two smooth convex shapes of the same perimeter, then even for this special case the most ba sic questions are open. These forms were invented by an artist [Wil] and introduced into the literature in [PW01]. The latter study poses three problems: (1) when is the D-form the convex hull of a space curve, (2) when are the two pieces free of creases, and (3) how c an one compute the from the two shapes. A later treatment [DO07] sugges ts an informal argument for Problem 1 (arguing that the D-form is always the convex hull of it s seam) and leaves Problems 2 and 3 open. The same book [DO07] introduces also a relate d special case where Sis obtained by sewing up a single smooth convex shape along its bounda ry in one seam, calling these pita-forms and suggesting, based on paper experiments, that pita-forms mig ht never have creases. We resolve Problems 1 and 2: both D-forms and pita-forms are alway s the convex hull of their seams, and (excluding the seam) D-forms are always free o f creases but a pita-form may have one crease. Our results apply to a natural generalization of both D-forms and pita-forms, the seam form , which roughly consists of intrinsically flat pieces joined along finitely many seams. Because the original sources of the problem ar e stated informally, we first introduce precise definitions that we believe capture the intuit ive picture. Then we show the following 1. Every convex body is the convex hull of th e nonflat points on its 2. Every seam form is the convex hull of its seams and 3. In a flat component of a seam form, every crease lies on a line se gment composed of creases, and each endpoint of such a segment is ei ther a strict vertex or a point of tangency to a seam. Corollary 4. The flat components of a D-form are without creases; in the flat component of a pita-form, the only crease(s) make up the line segment be tween the endpoints of the line segment between a pita-form's endpoints in Corolla ry 4 should be thought of as one crease; it is a consequence of our definitions, below, that this segment may be arbitrarily subdivided into several segments we call creases . Problem 3, to efficiently compute the shape of a D -form or seam form from its two-dimensional intrinsic geometry, has now been largely re solved. To make this problem well posed, one needs a finite representation of the input g eometry, which is most naturally done by a piecewise-linear or polyhedral approximation. Wit h considerable ef- fort, the problem of reconstructing a convex polyhedron from its 1: A D-form, constructed by sewing together two ellipses (a t left). The solid line is the seam, and the dotted lines are the false edges from projection into the page. geometry can be reduced to the solution of a high-dimensional ordin ary differential equa- tion [BI06]. The numerical solution of this equation appears to be ach ievable efficiently in practice, and is provably achievable within pseudopolynomial time [KPD 09]. We introduce terminology in Section 2, prove Theorem 1 and its Corolla ry 2 in Sec- tion 3, and prove Theorem 3 and its Corollary 4 in Section 4. In Section 5 we that show the necessity of some of the hypothe ses in our results. 2 Background and Notation For us a surfaceis a metric 2-manifold embedded in R3. The surface is Ckif the manifold and its embedding are Ck. The surface is piecewise- Ckif it can be decomposed as a complex of vertices, Ckopen edges, and Ckopen regions. Agood surface is a piecewise- C2surface. A good surface Stherefore decomposes into a union of C2surfacesSi, which we call semicreases , and vertices. IfSis on a semicrease, we call it a proper semicrease ; otherwise it is acrease. (This conservative definition of crease, where some parts may be C1but notC2, only broadens our characterization of creases in seam forms.) A point on a surface is flatif it has a neighborhood isometric to a region in the plane. A surface or part of a surface is called flat if all of its points are flat. A surface SisconvexifSXfor some bounded convex body XinR3. Anormalto a convex body Xat a point xis a unit vector nwithn*x= supx'Xn*x'. The relation between points on the boundary of Xand their normals is traditionally called the Gauss map, though it need not be a map--one point may have many normals. We wr iteG(x) for the normals at x, andG(U) for all the normals to any point in UX. Observe that G(x) is always a convex subset of the is that a flat just if G(U) has zero area. If G(x) has positive spherical area, then we call xa strict vertex . TheC2condition prevents a strict vertex xfrom being on a semicrease or a piece, so for good surfaces, strict vertices are indeed vertices. Aseam form Siisflat. such a surface decomposes uniquely into maximal connected fl at open we call flat components , and some leftover semicreases and vertices, the of which we call seams. Asimple seam form is a seam form in which each flat component is isometric to a convex plane region, and a simple smooth seam form is a simple seam form in which these regions 3have smooth ( C) boundary. A simple smooth seam form with one flat component is calle d apita form , and with two flat components is called a D-form. See Figures 1 and 3. Given a convex body Xand a point xX, we say that a line ltraverses xifxl and some open neighborhood of xonlis contained in X. Anextreme point ofXis a point xXnot traversed by any line. 3 Convex Hull In this section we prove Theorem 1, that every convex body is the convex hull of the nonflat points on its surface. From convex geometry we have the following characterization of th e minimal set from which a convex body can be recovered as the convex hull: we need on ly the extreme points. Theorem 5 (Minkowski's Theorem) .Every convex body in Rnis the convex hull of its extreme points. The proof is a straightforward induction on the dimension of the bod y and can be found as Corollary 1.4.5 in Schneider's textbook [Sch93]. It remains to describe the extreme points of a seam form. To do so w e begin with the following 6. Ifpis an extreme point of the convex body X, then for every open some hyperplane has pstrictly on one side and all of Xstrictly on the is Lemma 1.4.6 in [Sch93]. For completeness we give the proof. Because pis an extreme point, it cannot by definition be the convex combination of any two other points in X. Therefore it is not the convex combination a1x1+***+akxk, with all ai>0, of any kother points in X, because otherwise we would have p= and certainly the convex point in X. In other words, plies outside the convex hull of {p}, and the convex hull YofX. NowYis itself a convex body, and pa point outside it. By the Separating some hyperplane strictly separates them, and because XY, it pandXs 7. On the surface of a convex body, there are no flat extreme point s. Proof.Suppose some extreme point pof a convex body Xwas flat, with a to a plane region. Let Ube an open neighborhood of pinXwith UXS. Let the hyperplane Hguaranteed by Proposition 6 separate Xinto and let D=CX. Because CU, we have DSso that Dis flat. Now consider the normals to Xalong the portion Dof its surface. Let dbe the and let rbe the maximum distance from the projection of pontoHto any point in HX. Then any plane through pand making an angle at most th= to intersect HXand therefore fails to intersect Y. Therefore the normals to these planes, covering a spherical area of 2 p(1-costh)>0, all are normals to Xsomewhere onD. This gives G(D) a positive area, contradicting that DSis flat. Theorem1 is nowimmediate from Theorem 5and Proposition7, and Cor ollary2 follows. 44 Creases In this section we prove Theorem 3, characterizing the possible cre ases of a seam 8. Letgbe a crease in a flat component of a seam form S. Thenglies on a line segment [p,q]between endpoints pandqthat lie on seams, and the whole segment is composed of creases and the open pieces bordered by gin the decomposition of the good surfaceS, and let xgbe a point at which Sis notC1. so they have normals n1andn2atx, and because Sis notC1atx, these normals are G(x) contains at least two distinct vectors. By Proposition 7, xmust be traversed by some line l, so that lS= [p,q] for some p andq. Necessarily lis perpendicular to all of G(x), so for each y[p,q] and each supx'Xn*x'andnis a normal of y. Therefore each G(y) contains G(x), and so like G(x) has at least two distinct vectors. The multiple normals in G(x) and hence in each G(y) determine a unique so that no other line may traverse any point of [ p,q]. In particular no line traverses p orq, so by Proposition 7, these points are not flat and must lie on seams o r vertices. At the same time, because a C1surface has only one normal at each point, no point of [p,q]canbeona eases and (nonstrict) vertices. Becausea creaseis defined froma cell-c only one crease runs through a given point, so because gruns through xit must be one of the creases making up [ p,q]. In order to analyze the Gauss map at seam and vertex points, we int roduce some addi- tional notation. Let xSbe incident to a 1- or 2-cell C, a (semi)crease or piece. Then we define GC(x) = lim UxG(CU) as theGauss map at xonC. For comparison, observe that G(x) = limUxG(U) because the relation Gis closed, and in particular GC(x)G(x). Proof of Theorem 3. Letgbe a crease in a flat component of a seam form S. By Proposi- tion 8,glies on a segment [ p,q] composed of creases and vertices and whose endpoints lie on seams. It remains to prove that if an endpoint, say p, lies on a seam and is not a strict vertex, then the seam is tangent to [ p,q]. LetGg(p) be the great circular arc mn, and let the pieces of Sbordering gbeS1and S2. By continuity, after exchanging the names m,n), and because Gauss map at pon at least one of the cells Csurrounding from gmust be a positive-length spherical curve in order to complete the p ath frommton. Ifpis not a strict vertex, then G(p) is a convex spherical shape of zero area, so it is a great circular arc, and GC(p)G(p) is also a great circular arc. If Cis a piece, thenGC(p) is either a singleton or a curve not lying on a great circle, because a g map makes parallel rule lines that cannot converge at p. Therefore Cis a G(C) must be more than a single point, Cis a crease, and to make the Gauss map lie within the arc G(p),Cmust be tangent to [ p,q] as required. Finally, because pis the endpoint of the intersection of the line pqwithS, the crease Cmust not be a line segment, so by Proposition 8, it is actually part of the seam and the proof is com plete. 5Of course, in a convex plane region, no line segment in the interior is ta ngent to the boundary, from which follows a corollary about simple seam forms. Corollary 9. In a simple seam form, every crease in a flat component is on a li ne segment between two strict in a simple smooth seam form such as a pita-form or a D-form, t he requirement of smoothness sharply limits the possible configurations. By (local) c onvexity, no vertex can be incident to three or more semicreases as part of its seam, and a v ertex through which a seam passes cannot be a strict vertex. Consequently a pita-form must have a single path for its seam and just two strict vertices located at the seam's endp oints, and a D-form must have a single cycle for its seam and no strict vertices. Corollary 4 follo ws. 5 have required the flat components of a D-form to be convex. We could relax requiring instead only that the metric space resulting from joining the two components be locally convex, and the rem would still guarantee a unique convex embedding in space. Of course C orollary 2 would still guarantee that the resulting body would be the convex hull of its se am, but it turns out that Corollary4, whose conditions would no longerbe satisfied, reallywould fail in its conclusion: one can construct a D-form under this relaxed definition which co ntains creases in its flat components. Indeed it is not hard to construct such an example, if one keeps in mind Theorem 3 that the offending crease must be tangent to a seam; se e Figure 2. Figure 2: A D-form with a relaxed convexity condition. The solid dar k line is the seam, the dotted lines are false edges from projection onto the page, an d the solid light lines are the creases through a flat component. Actual D-forms have no s uch creases. For pita-forms, we have concluded in Corollary 4 that a pita-form ma y have at most one crease. Indeed this is tight, and it is easy to construct an exam ple pita-form with a crease; see Figure 3. This possibility of creases therefore repres ents a real difference from D- forms. It represents also a contrast from the appearance of th e natural paper tosugg have creases; in fact, once one is familiar with Corollary 2, it is c lear that the same experiments really would have to be creased if only the paper were be having ideally. For some theorems of the same flavor as our results here, one migh t hope to obtain proofs by showing that the desired properties hold of convex polyh edra, which are and amenable to reasoning, and then that they carry ov er to general convex bodies 6Figure 3: A typical pita-form. A crease runs between the endpoint s of the seam. as limits of polyhedra. Indeed, this is the approach taken in [DO07] to argue for Corollary 2 for the case of D-forms. Unfortunately this approach does not h old as widely as one might like. In particular, Corollary9 cannot be provenby a limiting argument of the when restricted to D-forms. When each flat component of th e D-form is approximated by a sequence of polygons, it is possible for the dihedral angles inside the components to approach positive limits, even when the angles of the polygonal appr oximationsare required to converge to zero. For example, in the D-form obtained from two circular disks (which is just the double cover of a disk), the components may be approxim ated by regular n- gons for increasing n, and the resulting approximations to the D-form may be antiprisms o f two smaller n-gons and 2 ntriangles. In this approximation sequence, the dihedral angles between each n-gon and its nneighboring triangles approach p/4, not zero, even though they lie inside the flat components. For this and other reasons we ha ve chosen direct proofs that attack the general case of convex bodies. 6 thank Jonathan Kelner, Joseph O'Rourke, and Johannes Wallner for helpful discussions, and the anonymous referees for helpful A. D. Alexandrov, Convex Polyhedra , Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005. See especially note 21, page 189. [BI06] Alexander I. Bobenko and Ivan Izmestiev, Alexandrov's the orem, weighted De- launay triangulations, and mixed volumes, Annales de l'Institut Fourie r, in Erik D. Demaine and Joseph O'Rourke, Geometric Folding Algorithms , Press, Cambridge, 2007. Pages 352-354. [Gau02] Gauss, Carl Friedrich, General Investigations of Curved Surfaces, 1827, Morehead and Hiltebeitel, tr., Princeton, 1902. [KPD09] Daniel Kane, Gregory N. Price, and Erik D. Demaine, A pseud opolynomial al- gorithm for Alexandrov's theorem, Algorithms and Data Structure s Symposium (WADS) 2009. Helmut Geometry , Berlin, 2001. Page 418. [Sch93] Rolf Schneider, Convex Bodies: The Brunn-Minkowski Theory , Cambridge Univer- sity Press, Cambridge, 1993. [Wil] Tony Wills, DForms: 3D forms from two 2D sheets, Bridges: Mathematical Con- nections in Art, Music, and Science , Reza Sarhangi and John Sharp, eds, London, pp. 503-510. 8
Gregory Price
Gregory N. Price and Erik D. Demaine
Generalized D-Forms Have No Spurious Creases
A convex surface that is flat everywhere but on finitely many smooth curves (or "seams") and points is a seam form. We show that the only creases through the flat components of a seam form are either between vertices or tangent to the seams. As corollaries we resolve open problems about certain special seam forms: the flat components of a D-form have no creases at all, and the flat component of a pita-form has at most one crease, between the seam's endpoints.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 16 Nov 2007 20:58:57 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 7 May 2009 05:45:19 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Price", "Gregory N.", "" ], [ "Demaine", "Erik D.", "" ] ]
2 is only a small fraction of the sums of all Despite the fact, that the partial cross sections were calculated only for a small number of sec- ondary particles, we were able to achieve a with experimental results. II. ON THE NEED OF CONSIDERATION OF DIAGRAMS WITH THE OF THE ATTACHING EXTERNAL LINES TO THE COMB An inelastic scattering cross-section, which is interest- ing for us, is described by the following scattering amplitude in this equation will be con- sidered within framework of the multi-peripheral model, i.e., for the diagrams of comb type. However, here we will make the important to the Wick theorem, the scattering ampli- tude is the sum of diagrams with all possible orders of external lines attaching to the comb. In the terms of diagram technique it looks as follows. Plotting the diagram of the scattering amplitude (as it is shown in Fig.1 of [1]) at rst we have adequate number of vertices with three lines going out of it and to the secondary particles as it is shown in some lines Fig.1(a) in order to obtain the comb, we will get a situation shown in Fig.1(b). The weighting coecient appearing from this procedure, is included to the coupling constant. Finally we have to pair the appropriate lines of particles in the nal state with the remaining unpaired internal lines in the diagram of Fig.1. If we marked by i1- the external line, paired with the rst vertex; i2- the external line, paired with the sec- ond vertex and etc.; then ikis an external line, which is paired with k-th vertex, so every diagram will be char- acterized by sequence i1;i2;:::;in. And in this case the total amplitude is expressed by the sum of n! terms, each of them corresponds to one of n! possible index sequences and therefore the inelastic scattering cross-section can be 1 3 2 3 2 (b) FIG. 1. Drawing the diagrams of the comb type. written in;P2;P1)!  as well as in [1], M1andM2are the masses of particles in initial state and we assume that M1= M2=M, whereMis proton mass. Moreover, P1andP2 are four-momenta of initial protons; P3andP4are four- momenta of protons in the nal state; pk;k= 1;2;:::n are four-momenta of secondary particles (pions of mass m). As the virtual particles we understand the quanta of real scalar eld with pion mass m. A coupling constant in vertexes, in which the pion lines join with proton lines, is denote asgandis coupling constant in vertexes, where three pion lines meet. The function Ais dened by: A(n;P as it was shown in [1], the function Ais real and positive therefore sign of complex conjugation in Eq.3 can be dropped and we can rewrite this expression in the following by n)means that we consider sum of terms corresponding to all possible permutations of Let us note that the integration vari- ables in each of term of considered sum can be renaming, so that the indexes the original plac- ing 1;2;:::;n . At the same time the indexes run through all possible permutations and summa- tion must be carried over all these permutations. Taking into account this, we get instead of (n;P = =A(n;P jn;P2;P1)(9) Now we can use the fact that the amplitudes Ain Eq.9 have the points of constrained maximum [1]. III. COMPUTATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO CROSS-SECTION BY consider Eq.6 in the c.m.s. framework. Expanding the particle momenta into longitudinal and transverse components with respect to the collisionaxis p1?;:::;p nk;~ +p2 3k+~ by Eq.8 three-functions in Eq.10, whose arguments are lin- ear with respect to integration variables, can be dropped out by integrating over P4k,P4?x,P4?y. The which expresses the energy conservation law, can be computed by replacing P3kwith a new make the following replacement we must express P3k throughEp. The corresponding relation will coincide with Eq.8 in [1] with the positive sign in front of the square root. Moreover, lets introduce the rapidities in- stead of longitudinal pk?)sh(yk) (13a) m?(~ pk?) =q m+~ p2 k?(13b) After these transformations we  (n;y 1;~ p1?;:::;yn;~ 2. Functions Fn=10 1;7(a;b) (dashed line) (a;b) (solid line) at energyps= 5 GeV for n= 10. The general image 2(a), and the zoomed image 2(b) is given in the vicinity of the point of maximum. Clear, that in region, which makes the most signicant contribution to the integral, the scattering amplitude does not di er from its Eq.19. This demonstrates the admissibility of applying the Laplace nX k=1m?(~ pk?)sh (yk) nX k=1~ that the magnitude P3kis expressed in terms of the other integration variables via Eq.8 in [1]. Next we turn to the dimensionless integration vari- ables and make the following replacements: ~ pk?!~ We will refer to the new dimensionless in- tegration variables with the same notation as the old variables. Moreover, we replace the expression for P3k with the same expression divided by m. Similarly, the constants in expressions for cross-section, i.e. the used for dimensionless proton mass and energy of colliding particles in c.m.s. with the pion mass m). (a) (b) FIG. 3. Functions Fn=10 1;7(a;b) (dashed line) (a;b) (solid line) at energyps= 100 GeV for n= 10. The general image 2(a), and the zoomed image 2(b) is given in the vicinity of the point of maximum. Clear, that in region, which makes the most signicant contribution to the integral, the scattering amplitude does not di er from its Eq.19. This demonstrates the admissibility of applying the Laplace method. Next, substitute the following notations of inte- gration variables into Eq.14 and designate the transverse momenta of secondary particles 2n;y-components of transverse momenta of secondary 3n. Finally, we dene the previous sections it has been shown that an in- tegrandA(n;P in Eq.14, ex- pressed as a function of independent integration vari- ables, has a maximum point in the domain of integra- tion. In the vicinity of this maximum point it can be5 sn' ( s ) Energy, s [GeV]2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 P3 P4 P2s0' ( s /s50/s46/s53 /s51/s46/s48 /s51/s46/s53 /s52/s46/s48 /s115 (b) /s50/s46/s48 /s50/s46/s53 /s51/s46/s48 /s51/s46/s53 /s52/s46/s48 /s115 (c) /s50/s46/s48 /s50/s46/s53 /s51/s46/s48 /s51/s46/s53 /s52/s46/s48 /s115 (d) /s50/s46/s48 /s50/s46/s53 /s51/s46/s48 /s51/s46/s53 /s52/s46/s48 /s115 (e) /s50/s46/s48 /s50/s46/s53 /s51/s46/s48 /s51/s46/s53 /s52/s46/s48 /s115 (f) /s50/s46/s48 /s50/s46/s53 /s51/s46/s48 /s51/s46/s53 /s52/s46/s48 /s115 (g) /s50/s46/s48 /s50/s46/s53 /s51/s46/s48 /s51/s46/s53 /s52/s46/s48 /s115 (h) /s50/s46/s48 /s50/s46/s53 /s51/s46/s48 /s51/s46/s53 /s52/s46/s48 /s115 (i) FIG. 4. The values of 0 n(ps),n= 0;1;:::; 8 calculated in the range of threshold energies for 1 ;2;:::; 8 particle was denoted one of the contributions from the diagram (shown on the right) to inelastic scattering in the form A(n;P is the value of function (see Eq.4 in [1]) at the point of constrained maximum; (A)) { the derivatives are taken at the con- strained maximum point of scattering amplitude; X(0) a - value of variables, maximize the scattering amplitude. That is, the real and positive value Adened by (see Eq.4 in [1]) is represented as A= exp (ln (A)), and expo- nential function is expanded into the Taylor series in the neighborhood of the maximum point with an accuracy up to the second-order summands. An accuracy of approximation Eq.17 can be numeri- cally veried in the following way. Function A, dened by (see Eq.4 [1)] can be written as A=A(n;X 1;X2;:::;X 3n+2) (18) Let us introduce also the 1;X2;:::;X 3n+2) let us examine curves of these functions can be eas- ily plotted in the vicinity of the maximum point (i.e., at the neighborhood of zero of variables aandb). The typi- cal examples of such curves are shown in Fig.2 and Fig.3, where it is easy to see that the approximation Eq.19 works well in the wide energy range. Results similar to the plots in Figs.2, 3 were obtained at di erent values ofps,i,kandn. As one can see from Fig.2 and Fig.3 the true amplitude and its Gaussian approximation in Eq.19 di er visibly only in the parameter region. This makes an insignicant contribution to the integral. Now let us proceed with the identication A(n;P in Eq.9 and dene all possible arrangements of indices 1 ;2;:::;n Lets denote the function of vari- ablesXk, wherek= 1;2;:::; 3n+ 2, which corresponds to arrangement P(l), throughAP(l)(n;X 1;:::;X 3n+2). This function di ers from the function in Eq.18 only by notaion, and therefore also has a constrained maximum6 /s48 /s50/s48 /s52/s48 /s54/s48 /s56/s48 /s115 /s41 /s49/s40 /s115 /s41 /s48/s40 /s115 /s115 (a) /s48 /s50/s48 /s52/s48 /s54/s48 /s56/s48 /s115 /s41/s52/s40 /s115 /s41/s51/s40 /s115 /s115 (b) /s48 /s50/s48 /s52/s48 /s54/s48 /s56/s48 /s115 /s56/s40 /s115 /s41/s55/s40 /s115 /s41/s54/s40 /s115 /s41 (c) FIG. 5. The calculated values of 0 n(ps) for the energy rangeps= 395 GeV. point at the condition of the energy-momentum conser- vation. The value of this function at the point is equal to the value of function Eq.18, i.e., and it is equal to A(0);n(ps) according to the replacement made above. Thus, if the values of variables X1;X2;:::;Xnat the max- imum point, now same values the values of the variables the maximum point. Analogously the values of variables maximum point, and 2n+jn. For short, we denote the index of variable, into which the variable agoes at given permutation, by P(i)(a) i.e., the variable Xagets replaced with the matrix of second derivatives of the at the maximum point through ^DP(l), we get the following approximation for AP(l): AP(l)(n;X 1;X2;:::;X 3n+2) =A(0);n(ps) as function Adepends upon variables XaandXb, Eq.22 depends on variables There- fore the second derivative is taken at the same values of arguments, and we (24) Using Eq.24 we rewrite Eq.22 in more convenient form. For this purpose introduce the matrices !. Multiplying them by the column ^Xof ini- tial variables in Eq.19, we get a column in which the variables are arranged such that in place of variable Xa became a variable XP(l)(a). Next, taking into account Eq.24, one can rewrite Eq.22 in matrix form: AP(l)(n;X 1;X2;:::;X 3n+2) ^X(0)is a column vector whose elements are 1;2;:::; 3n+ 2, in the initial arrange- ment. Eq.9 can be rewritten in the form:  (n;P =  (n;X now we turn to Eq.14, we can see that all of the coecients (except 0) under the integration sign dont change their values under permutation of the arguments. We replace these expressions by their values at the max- imum point and take them out from integral. From this,7 we introduce the following given in (see Eq.8 in [1]) which corresponds to particles momenta maximizing the scattering ampli- tude. That is, the value at with the massm. The expression for cross-section in this case can be written in the +P(0) 3kin Eq.29 is the negative value of the longitudinal component of momentum P(0) 4ktaken at the maximum point, it can be replaced by P(0) 3kdue to the symmetry properties that have already been integrals under the summation sign can be calculated by diagonalizing the quadratic form in the exponent of each of them. Such diagonalization can be numerically realized, for instance, by the Lagrange method. Calculating the large number of terms in Eq.29 is a substantial computational problem, which we over- come only for n8. To represent the results of those numerical computa- tions, it is useful to decompose Eq.29 in the now on we employ the prime sign in our nota- tions to indicate that we are using a dimensionless quan- tity, which characterized the dependence of the cross- sections on energy, but not their absolute values. /s48 /s49/s48 /s50/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s49/s48 /s50/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s115 /s115 /s115 /s80 /s40 /s115 /s102/s40/s53/s41 /s80/s40 /s115 /s115 /s115 /s115 /s80 /s40 /s115 FIG. 6. The calculated values of f(n) P(ps) determined by Eq.30 for the energy rangeps= 395 GeV. Eq.31 di ers from the inelastic scattering only by the absence of which is energy inde- pendent. An investigation of Eq.31 allows us to trace the dep pendence of inelastic scattering cross-section and Fig.5). From Fig.4 it is obvious that derivatives of cross- sections with respect to energies along the real axis are equal to zero at points corresponding to the threshold en- ergy ofnparticle production. In other words, although the threshold values of energy are the branch points the cross-sections indeed have continuous rst derivatives along the real axis at these branch points. This can be illustrated in the following way. In the exam- ined approximation of equal denominators, for the even number of particles value of square of scattering ampli- tude at the maximum point can be written by (see from Eq.34 along the real axis at the is innite. However, cause at this point value ofyn 2is zero, than from Eq.33 it is obvious that derivative of A(0);nwill be converge to threshold along the real axis tends to zero. As it follows from Figs.4-5, 0 8(ps) monotone increases in the all considered energy range. At the same time from Fig.6 one can see that f(8) P(ps) has drop-down even on those sections, where increase, corresponding 0 n(ps) decrease. It makes possible to conclude, that amplitude growth at maximum point (which is the consequence of virtuality reduction) is generally responsible for the growth of inelastic /s53 /s49/s48 /s49/s53 /s50/s48 FIG. 7. Calculated values of 0P (ps) atL= 5:57, in the energy rangeps= 525 GeV. As it evident from Fig.4 and Fig.5 for energy values in Eq.31 has a positive energy derivative, and other en- rgy values have a negative derivative. Thus the question arises: if we take their dened by Eq.32, then is it possible to choose the coupling constant Lsuch that the value of Eq.35 has a characteristic minimum similar to the one for total proton-proton scattering cross- section? The answer is yes (see Fig.7). We nd that curves agree qualitatively at the close values of L. The energy range shown in Fig.7 takes into account all the in- elastic contributions. We nd indeed very interesting re- sult, that curves presented on Fig.7 and on Fig.8, where calculated values of Eqs.35, 36 are given at L= agree with experimental data [10 and agreement was not achieved! Here, we would like to emphasize this fact, due to avoid any spec- ulations. Furthermore, let us point to the fact that in Fig.7-8 the minimum at higher energiespsthan in the experiment. We believe that the accounting contri- butions with higher number of secondary particles nto 0 n(ps) and the corresponding change of constant Lwill move a maximum to a required area. Moreover, in this paper we have examined the sim- plest diagrams of 3theory and we intend to compare the qualitative form of these cross-sections with exper- imental data, but do not claim quantitative agreement. It is possible to hope that the application of similar com- putation method to more complicated diagrams in more realistic models will lead to correct outcome. /s48 /s53 /s49/s48 /s49/s53 /s50/s48 (a) /s48 /s53 /s49/s48 /s49/s53 /s50/s48 (b) FIG. 8. Calculated values of 0I(ps) atL= 5:57, in the energy range: a)ps= 1:8925 GeV (starting from the threshold of inelastic scattering); b)ps= 325 GeV (where the increase of total cross-section with energy growth is known, within the framework of Reggeon theory the drop-down part of total cross-section is described by the reggeons exchanges with interception less than unity [12 and 13]. The cuts concerned with with participation of reggeons with than unity are responsible for the after the reaching the minimum [5]. As will be shown further, the account for 0 n(ps) at n >8 will not change the behavior of function 0(ps) Eq.35. Within the framework of the given model, the summation of multi-peripheral diagrams within the cal- culation of the imaginary part of elastic scattering ampli- tude will not result in power dependence on energy, since this dependence is monotonic. This means that the cor- responding partial amplitude does not have a pole! This obviously di ers from the results of standard approach in calculations of multi-peripheral model and from the results of Reggeon theory (see f.ex. [2]). Another argument in favor of this hypothesis are the9 /s48 /s49 /s50 /s51 /s52 /s53 /s54 /s55 /s56 /s115/s41 FIG. 9. Distribution obtained from Eq.37 (red line) in com- parison with Poisson distribution (dotted line) atps= 15 GeV. results of the multiplicity distribution shown in Fig.9, where axis of ordinates designates the number of particles nand abscissa axis designates the value Poisson distribution for the same average like for distribution Eq.37 is given for comparison. The energyps= 15 GeV is chosen for example, because at higher energies all distributions is no longer t in the range from 0 to 8 particles. As is obvious from Fig.9, the signicantly di ers from the Poisson as it is known, lead to power-law behavior of the imaginary part of inelastic scattering amplitude and, con- sequently, to the pole singularity of partial amplitude [5 and 14]. The described di erences from a Regge theory are caused, apparently, by di erent physical mechanisms de- termining the inelastic scattering cross-section growth. In our model, a reduction of virtualities at the point of constrained maximum of inelastic scattering amplitude play a role of such mechanism. Consideration of similar diagrams in [2] lead the same time a similar result is obtained in [15] by the calculating of phase space with cutting of transver- sal momenta, i.e. authors ignore the dependence of in- elastic scattering amplitude on rapidity, and its role is reduced only to the cutting of integration over transver- sal momenta. Similar results are obtained in [5 and 14], where examined diagrams of same type, but with the ex- change of reggeons instead of virtual scalar particles was considered. In [5 and 14] as a result of totally ignored the dependence of expression un- der the integral sign for cross-section on particle rapidity /s48 /s50/s48 /s52/s48 /s54/s48 /s56/s48 10. The ratio of the contribution from diagrams with an initial arrangement of the momenta f(n) I(ps) to the sum of diagrams corresponding to all possible momenta at di erent n. in the nal state, thus obtained results include the de- pendence on energypsonly through the rapidity phase space. At the same time, as it evident from the dependence of scattering amplitude on longitudinal momenta or rapidity is essential, because it is responsible for the certain mechanism of growth and their sum. Moreover, Eq.38 has positive derivative with respect to energy at suciently great nin suciently wide en- ergy range. At the same time, sum of such expressions in [2] results in the cross-section, which decreases monotoni- cally with energy growth. The reason for this may be ap- parent from Eq.38 factorial suppression of largen, which provide the positive contributions to derivative with respect to energy. In the presented model such suppression disappears at transition from Eq.3 to Eq.6 due to taking into with di erent order of attachment of external lines to the comb. The fact that the inclusion of such diagrams is essential as it seen from Fig.10, where the ratio of contribution f(n) I(ps) from a diagram with the initial arrangement of momenta (see Fig.2 in [1]) corre- sponding to the rst summand in a sum Eq.30 to all sum f(n) P(ps) is given. As seen from Fig.10 contribution from a diagram with the initial arrangement of external lines in the wide en- ergy range is small fraction of the total sum Eq.30, which was natural to expect since sum Eq.30 has enormous number of positive summands. For the same reason, as was shown on Fig.10, the quota of contribution from a diagram with the initial arrangement of particles de- creases sharply with increasing number of particles nin a comb. At the same time, as it follows from Eq.31, the growth10 of scattering amplitude at the maximum point related with the mechanism of reduction of virtualities can cause the growth of inelastic scattering cross-sections 0 n(ps) and, consequently, the growth of total cross-section. As an argument we can show results of numerical calculation of the function Eq.39, which are listed in Table.I. Qn(ps) (39) This function is the ratio of increasing amplitude at the maximum point to the multipliers, which working on lowering of the total cross-sections with energy growth. ps, GeV ln( Q10(s)) ln( Q20(s)) 5 -68.867 -202.469 15 -48.936 -133.814 25 -44.874 -120.196 35 -43.036 -113.138 45 -41.993 -108.585 55 -41.328 -105.315 65 -40.874 -102.81 100 -40.065 -97.131 200 -39.622 -89.901 300 -39.74 -86.537 500 -40.191 -83.029 900 -41.043 -79.833 1800 -42.399 -77.008 5000 -44.905 -74.318 14000 -47.862 -72.979 TABLE I. Energy dependence of the function Eq.39 at n= 10 andn= 20. Submitted data shows that the mechanism of virtual- ity reduction is stronger than multipliers, which work- ing on lowering of the total cross-sections with Eq.33 follows that with increasing of namplitude at the maximum point will increase sharply with energy growth. Thus, we can expect that factor f(n) P(ps), which besides ofQn(ps) also inters into the expression of cross- section will decrease, but quite slowly. As it obvious from Eq.9, the possible decrease of f(n) P(ps) is caused due to the fact that f(n) P(ps) include the product of terms, cor- responding to diagrams in which external lines with the same momenta can be attached to the di erent vertices of the diagram. As result, the momentum of such line can not have a value that simultaneously set maximum for both vertices. Moreover, with energy growth distance between rapidities corresponding to particles, which pro- viding maximum at the di erent vertices of the This can lead to decreasing of value f(n) P(ps) with energy. However, as it obvious from relations (see Eq.75 and Eq.81 [1]), we write them di erence of these rapidities decreases with increase of particle`s number on the diagram. Therefore, it is hoped that decrease of f(n) P(ps), even if it will take place, will be not too sharp and cross-sections for high multi- plicities of particles will also grow at least in the certain energy range. This will lead to the amplication of con- tributions with positive derivative with respect to energy into the total scattering it follows from Eq.33, that at suciently high en- ergies the amplitude at the maximum point tends to a constant value and mechanism of the reduction of virtu- alities become exhausted. This, however, can be avoided if we consider model in which the virtual particles on the diagram of the comb type are eld quanta with zero mass. Then amplitude at the maximum point will tends to innity at the innite increase of energy. All com- putation in this case can be done similarly to what was described above. In this case, when calculating the rst eight inelastic contributions in the wide range of energies does not give us contributions with negative derivative with respect to energy. Therefore we inclined to believe that such model can describe total cross-section growth to arbitrary large energies. IV. CONCLUSIONS From demonstrated results it can be conclude that re- placing of the rue scattering amplitude associated to the multi-peripheral processes within the framework of perturbation theory by its Gaussian approximation is an acceptable approximation. The main conclusion is, that the mechanism of virtuality reduction (considered in [1]) may play a major role in ensuring the increase of the total cross-section [10 and 11], at least in some range of energies. This growth was ob- tained with allowance for natn8. However, as it follows from 0 n(ps) dependences, the maximum point of cross-section is shifted toward to higher energies with in- crease ofn. We can therefore expect that in the consider energy range accounting of 0 n(ps) will add summands with positive derivative with respect to energy to expres- sion for the total scattering cross-section, which leads to the fact that at least in the considered energy range ob- tained growth will only above di erences from the Reggeon theory suggest that our model is not a model of reggeon with intercept high than unity and increase of the cross sec- tion is occurred in di erent way. This is also evident from the fact that in the model with a nonzero mass of virtual particles cross-section 0 natps!1 tends to zero. This is a consequence of the fact that the absolute value of virtualities can not decrease indenitely, because it is bounded below by zero. Therefore, for suciently low coupling, when the arbitrarily high multiplicities n do not contribute to the total cross section, at energies the total cross section should begin to de- crease. An additional conclusion is the necessity of accounting the sum of all diagrams with all the permutations of ex- ternal lines for the scattering amplitude. Although with energy growth the fraction of contribution to the cross section of the diagram with an initial arrangement of the lines of the nal particles increases and withps!1 will tends to unity. In a wide range of energies, this fraction is small and decreases with multiplicity increase n, which can be easily understood on the basis of the positivity of the amplitudes in the multi-peripheral model.Note, that the application of Laplace method is not limited by simplest diagrams. Therefore, our goal is fur- ther consideration of the more realistic models using same method, especially in terms of the law of conservation of electric I. 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Vladimir Smolyar
I. V. Sharf, G. O. Sokhrannyi, A. V. Tykhonov, K. V. Yatkin, N. A. Podolyan, M. A. Deliyergiyev, V. D. Rusov
Mechanisms of proton-proton inelastic cross-section growth in multi-peripheral model within the framework of perturbation theory. Part 2
11 pages, 10 figures (v3: some inaccuracies corrected)
JMP, Vol.3 No.1, 2012, pp.16-27
We demonstrate a new technique for calculating proton-proton inelastic cross-section, which allows one by application of the Laplace' method replace the integrand in the integral for the scattering amplitude in the vicinity of the maximum point by expression of Gaussian type. This in turn, allows one to overcome the computational difficulties for the calculation of the integrals expressing the cross section to sufficiently large numbers of particles. We have managed to overcome these problems in calculating the proton-proton inelastic cross-section for production (n \le 8) number of secondary particles in within the framework of \phi^3 model. As the result the obtained dependence of inelastic cross-section and total scattering cross-section on the energy \sqrt{s} are qualitative agrees with the experimental data. Such description of total cross-section behavior differs considerably from existing now description, where reggeons exchange with the intercept greater than unity is considered.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 23 Nov 2007 09:44:00 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 26 Oct 2011 20:01:10 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 22 Aug 2012 13:55:27 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sharf", "I. V.", "" ], [ "Sokhrannyi", "G. O.", "" ], [ "Tykhonov", "A. V.", "" ], [ "Yatkin", "K. V.", "" ], [ "Podolyan", "N. A.", "" ], [ "Deliyergiyev", "M. A.", "" ], [ "Rusov", "V. D.", "" ] ]
1 Introduction. We are considering bodily tides in a primary perturbed by a secondary . Each of the primary is subject to a tide-raising potential, which in ge neral is not periodic but can be expanded into a sum of periodic terms. We shall assume th at the primary is homogeneous and incompressible. Although simplistic, the model pro vides a good of tidal evolution of both the primary's spin and the s econdary's orbit 2 Linearity of the tide 2.1 Two aspects of linearity We assert deformations to be linear. Each tidal harmonic Wlof the potential by the secondary generates a linear deformation of the primary's shape, while each such deformation amends the potential of the primary with an addit ion proportional to the Love number kl. Linearity also implies that the energy attenuation rate each frequency khdepends solely on the value of khand on the amplitude Epeak(kh), and is not influenced by the other harmonics. =-2p Epeak(kh) Q(kh), (2) Ecycle(kh) being the one-cycle energy loss. The so-defined quality factor Q(kh) corresponding to some frequency khis interconnected with the phase lag o(kh) corresponding to the in (1 - 2) is agreed to denote the peak energystored at frequency kh, the appropriate Qfactor is connected to the phase lag o(kh) tan|o|. (3) IfEpeak(kh) is defined as the peak work, the corresponding Qfactor is related to the lag (4) as demonstrated in the Appendix below. Both definitions render a vanishing Qfor the lag approaching p/2, and both result in the same approximation for Qin the limit of a small lag: Q-1 energy= sin|o|+O(o2) =|o|+O(o2). (5) Hence definitions (3 - 4) make 1 /Qa good approximation to sin ofor small lags only. This makes the essence of the standard, linear theory of bodily tide s. The model permits for the freedom of choice of the functional dependency of the qu ality factor upon the Whatever the form of this dependence, the basic idea of the theory is the follow- ing: the tide-raising potential is expanded over periodic terms, whe reafter (a) the is assumed to be linear, and (b) the overall attenuation r ate is asserted to be a sum of rates corresponding to the involved frequencies. 2.2 Goldreich's admonition: a general difficulty stemming from empirically as a means to figleaf our lack of knowledge of t he attenuation process in its full complexity, the notion of Qhas proven to be practical due to its smooth and upon the frequency and temperature. At the same t ime, this empirical treatment has its predicaments and limitations. Its major inborn defect was br ought to light by Peter Goldreich who pointedout that particular frequency depends not only upon the appropriate Fourier component of the stress, but also u pon This happens because for real minerals each quality factor Q(khi) bears dependence not only on the frequency khiitself, but also on the magnitude of the khi-component of the stress and, also on the overallstress. This, often-neglected, manifestation of nonlinearity may be tolerated only when the amplitudes of different harmonics of s tress are when the amplitude of the principal mode is orders of magn itude higher than that of the harmonics (tides being the case), then the principal mode will, th rough this questionable our entire ability to decompose the overall atten uation into a sum Stated differently, the quality factors correspond ing to the weak harmonics will no longer be well defined physical parameters. Here follows a quotation from Goldreich (1963): ... Darwin and Jeffreys both wrote the tide-raising potenti al as the sum of periodic potentials. They then proceeded to consider the response of the planet to each of the potentials separately. At first glance this might seem proper since the tidal strains are very small and should add linearly. The stumbling block in this procedure, however, i s the amplitude dependence of the specific dissipation function. In the case of the Earth, it ha s been shown by direct by an order of magnitude if we compare the tide of frequ tides of frequencies 2o-n,2o-3n, and3 2n. This is because these latter tides have amplitudes which are smaller than the principle tide (of fre quency2o-2n) by a factor of eccentricity or about 0.05. It may still appear that we can al low for this amplitude dependence of Q merely by adopting an amplitude dependence for the phase lags of the different this is really not sufficient since a tide of sm all amplitude will have a phase lag which increases when its peak is reinforcing the peak of the t ide of the major amplitude. This non-linear behaviour cannot be treated in detail since very little is known about the response of the planets to tidal forces, except for the Earth. On these grounds, Goldreich concluded the paragraph with an impor tant warning that we use the language of linear tidal theory, but we must keep in m ind that our numbers are really only parametric fits to a non-linear problem. In order to mark the line beyond which this caveat cannot be ignored , let us first of all recall that the linear approximation remains applicable insofar as the strains do not approach the nonlinearity threshold, which for most minerals is of order 10-6. On approach to that threshold, the quality factors may become dependent upon the st rain magnitude. In other words, in an attempt to extend the expansion (1 - 2) to the nonlinea r case, we shall have 3to introduce, instead of Q(khi), some new functions Q(khi, Epeak(khi), Eoverall) . is that in the nonlinear regime new frequencies will be gene rated, but we shall not go there.) Now consider a superposition of two forcing stresse s - one at the frequency kh1 and another at kh2. Let the amplitude Epeak(kh1) be close or above the nonlinearity be by an order or two of magnitude smaller than Epeak(kh1) . To adapt the linear machinery (1 - 2) to the nonlinear situation, we have to write it a Epeak(kh1), second quality factor bearing a dependence not only upon the f requency kh2and the appropriate magnitude Epeak(kh2) , but also upon the magnitude of the , - this happens because it is the first mode which makes a leading contr ibution into the overall stress. Even if (6) can be validated as an extension of (1 - 2) to non linear regimes, we should remember that the second term in (6) is much smaller than the first o ne (because we ). This results in two quandaries. The first one (not mentioned by Goldreich) is that a non-smooth behaviour o fQ(kh1, Epeak(kh1)) will cause variations of the first term in (6), which may exceed or be com parable to the entire second term. The second one (mentioned in the afore quoted pass age from Goldreich) is the phenomenon ofnonlinear superposition, i.e., r-amplitudetidal harmonic has a higher dissipation rate (and, therefore, a larger phase lag) w henever the peak of this harmonic is reinforcing the peak of the principal mode. Under all the se circumstances, data to (6) will become a risky business. Specifically, it will become impossible to reliably measure the frequency dependence of the second qualit y factor; therefore the entire notion of the quality factor will, in regard to the second frequency, become badly defined. We shall not dwell on this topic in quantitative detail, leaving it for a fut ure work. The only mentioning it is to draw the readers' attention to the existing diffi culty stemming from the shortcomings of the extension of (1 - 2) to nonlinear regimes. I n what follows, we shall consider linear deformations only. 3 Darwin (1879) and Kaula (1964) The potential produced at point /vectorR= (R, l, ph) by a mass M*located at /vector r*= (r*, l*, ph*) r*) =-G a tide-raising secondary located at /vector r*distorts the shape of the primary, the by the primary at some exterior point /vector rgets changed. In the linear variation is: U(/vector r) r*), (8) klbeing the lthLove number, Rnow being the mean equatorial radius of the (R, ph, l) being a surface point, /vector r*= (r*, ph*, l*) being the coordinates of the tide- raising secondary, /vector r= (r, ph, l) being an exterior point located above the surface point /vectorR at a radius r>=R, and the longitudes being reckoned from a fixed meridian on the prima of (7) into (8) r) =-G cosm(l-l*).(9) A different expression for the tidal potential was offered by Kaula ( 1961, 1964), who developed a powerful technique that enabled him to switch from the spherical coordinates to the Kepler elements ( a*, e*,i*,ohm*, o*,M*) and (a, e,i,ohm, o,M) of the secondaries located at /vector r* and/vector r. Application of this technique to (9) results in U(/vector r) (l-2h+j)M+mohm, (12) andth=th*is the sidereal angle. While (10) and (9) are equivalent for an idealised elastic planet with an in stant response of the shape, the situation becomes more involved when dissipation- caused delays come into play. Kaula's expression (10), as well as its truncated, Darwin's ver sion,1is capable of accom- modating separate phase lags for each harmonic r) .o*+ the phase lag interconnected with the quality factor via Qlmpq= cot|olmpq|. The tidal harmonic in (14) is o* lmpq(l-2p) .o*+ (15) 1While the treatment by Kaula (1964) entails the infinite Fourier series (10), the developments by Darwin (1879) furnish its partial sum with |l|,|q|,|j| <=2.For a simple introduction into Darwin's method Rodr' iguez & Hussmann (2008). 5while the .o*+ (16) is the actual physical lmpqfrequency excited by the tide in the primary. The corresponding time delay tlmpqdepends on this physical frequency, the functional forms of this dependence being different for different (10) and (13) constitute the principal result of Kaula's th eory of tides. Kaula's formalism imposes no a priori constraint on the form of of the lags. 4 The expansion for the tidal torque Now we are prepared to calculate the tidal torq ue. Since in what follows we shall dwell on the low-inclination case, it will be sufficient to derive the t orque's to the planetary r) th, (17) Mbeing the mass of the tide-disturbed satellite, and the minus sign e merging due to our choice not of the astronomical but of the physical sign convention . Adoption of the implies the emergence of a minus sign in the expression f or the potential of a point mass: -Gm/r. This minus sign then shows up on the right-hand sides of (7), (9) , (10), and (13). It is then compensated by the minus sign standin g in (17). The right way of calculating U(/vector r)/this to take the derivative of (13) with respect to th, and then2to get rid of the sidereal angle completely, by imposing the constrain tth*=th. This will the case of the tide-raising satellite coinciding with the tide-pertu rbed one, all the elements become identical to their counterparts with an asterisk. For a prim ary body not in a tidal lock with its satellite,3it is sufficient to limit our consideration to the constant part of the to rque,4 2Be mindful that our intention here is to differentiate not Hence the said sequence of the librating angle, the locking condition reads: th= ohm +o+M+ 180o+a+O(i2) . Insertion thereof into (15) results in: o* lmpq(l-2p-m) .o*+ (l-2p+q-m).M*, where we have neglected -m.aon account of abeing extremely small. Clearly, the indices can assume more than one s et of values corresponding to one tidal frequency. This way, the case o f libration is more involved than that of and deserves a separate tide-raising and satellites being the same body doesnotyet mean that the indices 6a part for which the indices ( p, q) coincide with ( h, j), and therefore vlmhjcancels with v* lmpq. This will give expression gets considerably simplified if we restrict ourselves t o the case of l= 2. Since 0<=m<=l, and since menters the expansion as a multiplier, we see that only m= 1,2 actually matter. As 0 <=p<=l, we are left with only six relevant F's, those corresponding to (lmp) = (210), (211), (212), (220), (221), and (222). By a direct ins pection of the table of Flmpwe find that five of these six functions happen to be O(i) orO(i2), the sixth one being F220=3 4(1 + cos i)2= 3 +O(i2). Thus we obtain, in the leading order of (20) The leading term of the expansion (21) Switching from the lags to quality factors via (22) we + +O(Q-3). Now, let us simplify the sign multiplier. If in expression (15) for olmpqwe get rid of the (p, q) coincide with with ( h, j). These sets ofindices, wherewith the terms are numbered, expression(18) being a product of those tw o series. This product contains a constant part, as well as short-period terms proportional to .Mand long-period terms proportional to . o. The get averaged out over a period of the tidal flexure, while the long-period terms get averaged out over longer times, provided the periapse is precessing and not librating . Expression (19) furnishes the constant part of the torque. Fortunately, this is sufficient for our further calcu lations. 5The phase lag olmpqis introduced in (14), while the tidal harmonic olmpqis given by (15). The for physical reasons, positively defined. Hence the multiplier sgn olmpqin (23). (As ever, the function sgn( x) is defined to assume the values +1, -1, or 0 for positive, negative, or vanishing x, that no factor of two appears in (22 - 23), because ois a phase lag, not a geometric asterisks, and set l=m= 2 andp= 0, the outcome will be: sgno220q= .o+ (2+q)n+ the node and periapse precessions are slow, the above express ion may be simplified in all, the approximation for the torque assumes the the sign of the right-hand side in the above formula is correct c an be checked through the following obvious observation: for a sufficiently high spin rate .thof the planet, the negative. Thereby the overall expression for t l=2acquires a minus sign, so that the torque points out in thedirection of rotat ionopposite to the direction of increase of the sidereal angle th. This is exactly how it should be, because for a fixed qand a sufficiently fast spin the q's component of the tidal torque must be decelerating and driving the planet to synchronous (24) was written down for the first time, without proof, by Goldreich & Peale (1966). A schematic proof was later offered by Dobrovolskis (2007 ). 5 Can the quality factor scale as a positive power of the tidal frequency? As of now, the functional form of the dependence Q(kh) for Jovian planets remains unknown. For terrestrial planets, the model Q~1/khis definitely incompatible with the A convincing volume of measurements firmly witnesses that Qof the mantle scales as the tidal frequency to a 0.3+-0.1, (25) Ebeing an integral rheological parameter with dimensions of time. This rheology is incompat- ible with the postulate of time-delay. Ther efore an honest be based on averaging the formula (2 4), with the actual scal- ing law (25) inserted therein, and with the appropriate dependence tlmpq(khlmpq) taken in the undisturbed two-body setting M=M0+n(t-t0) and.M=n, under perturbation these relations get altered. One possibility is to introduce (following Tissera nd 1893) an osculating mean and to stick to this definition under perturbation. Then the mean a nomaly will evolve whence possibilities include introducing an apparent mean motion, i.e., defining neither as the or as the mean-longitude rate was done by Williams et al. 2001). While the first-order perturbations in a(t) and in the osculating mean not have secular rates, the epoch terms typically do have secular rates. He nce the difference between the apparent mean motion defined as dL/dt(or asdM/dt) and the osculating mean I am thankful to James G. Williams for drawing my attention to this circumstance (J.G. Williams, p rivate the dependence of Efroimsky & Lainey 2007. 85.1 The among geophysicists the scaling law (25) has long become co mmon knowledge, in the astronomical community it is often met with prejudice. The prej udice stems from the fact that, in the expression for the torque, Qstands in the (26) At the instant of crossing the synchronous orbit, the principal tid al frequency for which reason insertion of Q~kha, a > 0 (27) into (26) seems to entail an infinitely large torque at the instant of c ,forkh-0, (28) a clearly unphysical result. Another, very similar objection to (25) originates from the fact th at the quality factor is inversely proportional to the phase shift: Q~1/o. As the shift (14) vanishes on crossing the synchronous orbit, one may think that the value of the quality f actor must, infinity. On the other hand, the principal tidal frequenc y vanishes on crossing the synchronous orbit, for which reason (25) makes the quality facto r vanish. Thus we come to the expression for the torque, and can thus be considered as unrealistic. It isindeed truethat, while law(25) works over scales shorter than theMaxwell time (about 102yr for most minerals), it remains subject to discussion in regard to lo nger it should be clearly emphasised that the infinities emerg ing at the crossing can in no way disprove any kind of rheological model. Th ey can only disprove the flawed mathematics whence they provene. 5.2 A case for reasonable doubt To evaluate the physical merit of the alleged infinite-torque parad ox, recall the definition n, theoverall dampinginside a body is expanded in a sum of attenuation rates corresponding to e ach periodic (29) where, at each frequency an average over a flexure cycle, E(khi) denoting the energy of deformation at the frequency khi, andQ(khi) being the quality factor of the medium at this frequency. 9This definition by itself leaves enough room for doubt in the above pa radox. As can be seen from (30), the dissipation rate is proportional not to 1 /Q(kh) but to kh/Q(kh) . This way, for the dependence Q~kha, the dissipation rate behave as kh1-a. In the limit of kh-0, this scaling law portends no visible difficulties, at least for the values ofaup to unity. While raising aabove unity may indeed be problematic, there seem to be no fundame ntal obstacle to having materials with positive ataking values up to unity. So far, such values of ahave caused no paradoxes, and there seems to be no reason for a ny infinities to show up. 5.3 The phase shift and the quality factor As another preparatory step, we recall that, rigorously speakin g, the torque is proportional not to the phase shift oitself but to sin o. From (23) and (25) we +E2akh2a. (31) We see that only for large values of Qone can approximate |sino|with 1/Q(crossing of the synchronous orbit notbeing the case). Generally, in any expression for the torque, the factor 1/Qmust always be replaced with 1 //radicalbig 1 +Q2. Thus instead of (26) we must write: t~ +E2akh2a, (32) Ebeing a dimensional constant from (25). Though this immediately spares us from the fake infinities at kh-0, we still are facing this strange situation: it follows from (31) that, for a positive aand vanishing kh, the phase lagomust be approaching p/2, thereby inflating the torque to its maximal value (while on physical grounds the torque should vanish for zero kh). Evidently, some important details are still missing from the picture. 5.4 The stone rejected by the builders To find the missing link, recall that Kaula (1964) described tidal damp ing by employing the method suggested by Darwin (1880): he accounted for attenuat ion by merely adding a phase shift to every harmonic involved - an empirical approach intended to make up for the lack of a consistent hydrodynamical treatment with viscosity included. It should be said, however, that prior to the work of 1880 Darwin had published a less known artic le (Darwin 1879), in which he attempted to construct a self-consistent theory, one b ased on the viscosity factor of the mantle, and not on empirical phase shifts inserted by hand. Dar win's conclusions of 1879 were summarised and explained in a more general mathematical sett ing by Alexander (1973). The pivotal result of the self-consistent hydrodynamical study is the following. When a variation of the potential of a tidally disturbed planet, U(/vector r), is expanded over the Plm(sinph), each term of this expansion will acquire not only a phase lag but also a factor describing a change in amplitude. This forgotten factor, d erived by Darwin (1879), is nothing else but cos o. Its emergence should in no way be surprising if we recall that the damped, forced harmonic oscillator x+ 2g.x+o2 ox=F as x(t) the phase lag is tano= 2g (35) and the first two terms in (34) are damped away in time.8 In the works by Darwin's successors, the allegedly irrelevant facto r of cosofell through the cracks, because the lag was always asserted to be small. In reality, though, each term in the Fourier expansions (13), (18 - 21), and (24) should be amended wit h cosolmpq. For the same reason, instead of (32), we should write down: t~ +Q2=Eakha 1 +E2akh2a, (36) Introducing of the extra multiplier cos olmpqis in fact an attempt to empirically endow the Love number with frequency dependence. A rigorous method of do ing this will be Meanwhile, wewouldmention thatamending oftheLove nu mber withthe cos olmpq factor works well for the Kelvin-Voigt body. For the Maxwell rheolo gy, this method turns out to be correct only at low frequencies (lower than the inverse Maxwe ll time). At this point, it would be tempting to conclude that, since (36) vanish es in the limit ofkh-0 ,for any sign of a, then no paradoxes happens on the satellite's crossing the synchronous orbit. Sadly, this straightforward logic would be too s implistic. In fact, prior to saying that cos osino-0, we must take into consideration one more subtlety missed so far. As demonstrated in the Appendix, taking th e limit of Q-0 is a nontrivial procedure, because at small values of Qthe interconnection between the lag and the Q factor becomes very different from the conventional Q= cot|o|. A laborious that, for Q <1-p/4, the relation indeed vanishes for Q-0. Both o2200and the appropriate component of the torque change their sign on the satellite crossing the synchronous orbit. So the main conclusion remains in force: nothing wrong happens on cr ossing the syn- chronous orbit, Q.E.D. 8As demonstrated by Alexander (1973), this example indeed has rele vance to the hydrodynamical theory of Darwin, and is not a mere illustration. Alexander (1973) also explain ed that the emergence of the cos o factor is generic. (Darwin (1879) had obtained it in the simple case of l= 2 and for a special value of the Love number: kl= 1.5.) A further investigation of this issue was undertaken in a comprehen sive work by Churkin (1998), has never been published in English because of a trag ic death of its Author. In this explored the of both the Love nu mberk2and the quality factor within a broad variety of rheological models, including those of Maxwell and Voight. It follows from Churkin's formulae that within the Voight model the dynamical k2relates to the static one as cos o. In the Maxwell and other models, the ratio approaches cos oin the low-frequency limit. 116 Conclusions In the article thus far we have punctiliously spelled out some assumpt ions that often re- main implicit, and brought to light those steps in calculations, which are often omitted This has helped us to explain that no paradoxes e nsue from the Q~kha, a= 0.3+-0.1 , which is in fact the actual dependence found for the mantle and crust. This preprint is a pilot paper. A more comprehensive treatise on tidal torques is to be published. (Efroimsky & Williams deeply thank Bruce Bills, Alessandra Celletti, Tony Dobrovolskis, Pe ter Goldreich, Shun- ichiro Karato, Valery Lainey, William Newman, Stan Peale, S. Fred Singe r, and Gabriel Tobie - the colleagues with whom I on many occasions had stimulating conver sations on the theory of tides, and from whom I have learned much. My special gratitude g oes to Sylvio Ferraz Mello and James G. Williams, who kindly offered numerous valuable comments o n my lag and the qualityfactor: is the formula Q= interrelation between the quality factor Qand the phase lag ois long-known to be Q= cot|o|, (37) and its derivation can be found in many books. In Appendix A2 of Efro imsky & derivation is reproduced, with several details that are norma lly omitted in the other things, we pointed out that the interrelation has exac tly the form (37) only in the limit of small lags. For large phase lags, the form of this relation will change in section 9 of the current paper we address the case of large lags, it would be the derivation presented in Efroimsky & Lainey (2007 ), and correcting a subtle omission made there. Before writing formulae, let us recall that, at each frequency khin the spectrum of the deformation, the quality factor (divided by 2 p) is defined as the peak energy stored in the system divided by the energy damped over a cycle of fle xure: Q(kh) -2p (38) where Ecycle(kh)<0 as we are talking about energy losses.9 9We are considering flexure in the linear approximation. Thus at each f requency khthe appropriate energy loss over a cycle, Ecycle(kh), depends solely on the maximal energy stored at that same frequ attempt to consider large lags (all the way up to |o|=p/2) sets the values of Q/2p below unity. As the dissipated energy cannot exceed the energy st ored in a free oscillator, the question becomes whether the values of Q/2pcan be that small. To understand that they can, recall that in this situation we are considering an oscillator, whic h is not free but is driven (and is overdamped). The quality factor being much less than unity s imply implies that get damped away during less than one oscillation. N onetheless, motion goes on due to the driving force. Now let us switch to the specific context of tides. The power Pexerted by a on its primary can be written W d3x (39) r,/vectorV, andWsignifying the density, velocity, and tidal potential in the small volum ed3x of the primary. The law *(r/vectorV) +r t= 0 enables one to shape the dot-product into the form . (40) Under the realistic assumption of the primary's the term with */vectorVmay be omitted. To get rid of the term with r, one has to accept a much stronger approximation of the primary being homogeneous. Then the power will be rendered , the outward normal and dSbeing an element of the surface area of the primary. This expression for the power (pioneered, probably, by Goldreich 1963 ) enables one to calculate the work through radial displacements only, in neglect of horizontal mo tion. We can write the power per unit mass, P P/M, (42) zstanding for the vertical displacement (which is, of course, delaye d in time, compared to W). This power per unit mass is a good approximation for the energy dissip ation rate in the body,.E. A tiny difference between these quantities exists, because a part of the power is spent for decelerating or accelerating the spin. Neglecting this tiny difference, we can write the above formula (43) The amount of energy dissipated over a time interval ( to, t) is . (44) We shall consider the simple case of an equatorial moon on a circular o rbit. At each point of the planet, the variable part of the tidal potential produced by this moon will read W=Wocoskht , (45) 13the tidal frequency being given by kh= 2|n-op|. (46) Let g denote acceleration. Anelement ofth eplanet's surfacelying beneath the satellite's trajectory will then experience a vertical elevation o |o|), (47) h2being the corresponding Love number, and |o|being the positive10phase lag, which for the principal tidal frequency is simply the double geometric angle dsubtended at the primary's centre between the directions to the secondary and to the main bu lge: |o|= 2d . the vertical velocity of this element of the planet's sur face will amount |o|) expression for the velocity has such a simple form because in this case the khis constant. The satellite generates two bulges - on the facing and o pposite sides of the planet - so each point of the surface is uplifted twice through a cycle. This entails the factor of two in the expression (46) for the frequency. The p hase in (48), too, is doubled, though the necessity of this is less evident, - see footnote 4 in Appe ndix A1 to Efroimsky & Lainey (2007). The energy dissipated over a time cycle T= 2p/kh, per unit mass, will, in neglect of horizontal displacements, d(kht) (50) while the peak work carried out on the system during the cycle will rea we not considering the simple case of a circular orbit, then, rigo rously speaking, the expression for Wwould read not as Wocoskhtbut asWocosotidalt, the tidal frequency otidaltaking both positive and negative values, and the physical frequency of flexure being kh |otidal|. Accordingly, the expression for z would contain not cos( kht- |o|) but cos( otidalt-o). As we saw in equation (24), the sign of ois always the same as that of otidal. For this reason, one may simply deal with the physical frequency kh |otidal|and with the absolute value of the phase lag, |o|. 14In the appropriate expression in Appendix A1 to Efroimsky & Lainey ( 2007), the lower limit of integration was erroneously set to be zero. To understand that in reality integration over kht should begin from |o|, one should superimpose the plots of the two functions involved, co skht and sin(kht- |o|). The maximal energy gets stored in the system after integration through the entire interval over which both functions have the same sign. H encekht=|o|as the of the integrals can be seen from (53), both the product sin ocosoand the appropriate component of the torque attain their maxima when Q= 1-p/4. Usually, |o|is small, and we arrive at the customary expression Q-1= tan|o|+O(o2). (54) In the opposite situation, when Q-0 and|o| -p/2, it is convenient to consider the |o|, (55) in terms whereof the inverse quality factor will accordingly, x= arctan may, of course, be rewritten 3Q (57) or, the same, as z= (58) While the zeroth approximation is simply z= (3Q)1/3+O(Q) , the first iteration gives: tanxz= (3Q)1/3playing the role of a small parameter. 15We now see that the customary relation (54) should be substituted , for large lags, i.e., of Q, with: tan|o|= formula for the tidal torque contains a multiplier sin ocoso, whose absolute value can, for our purposes, be written down as sin|o|cos|o|= -4 5(3Q)2/3+O(Q4/3)/bracketrightbigg ,(61) whence sinocoso=+--4 5(3Q)2/3+O(Q4/3)/bracketrightbigg , (62) an expression vanishing for Q-0 . Be mindful that both o2200and the appropriate compo- nent of the torque change their sign on the satellite crossing the sy nchronous Alexander, Astrophysics and Space Sciences , Vol.23, pp. 459 - 510 [2] Churkin, V. A. 1998. 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Michael Efroimsky
Michael Efroimsky
Can the tidal quality factors of terrestrial planets and moons scale as positive powers of the tidal frequency?
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:astro-ph/0605521
astro-ph physics.class-ph physics.geo-ph
In geophysics and seismology, it is a common knowledge that the quality factors Q of the mantle and crust materials scale as the tidal frequency to a positive fractional power (Karato 2007, Efroimsky and Lainey 2007). In astronomy, there exists an equally common belief that such rheological models introduce discontinuities into the equations and thus are unrealistic at low frequencies. We demonstrate that, while such models indeed make the conventional expressions for the tidal torque diverge for vanishing frequencies, the emerging infinities reveal not the impossible nature of one or another rheology, but a subtle flaw in the underlying mathematical model of friction. Flawed is the common misassumption that the tidal force and torque are inversely proportional to the quality factor. In reality, they are proportional to the sine of the tidal phase lag, while the inverse quality factor is commonly identified with the tangent of the lag. The sine and tangent of the lag are close everywhere {\it{except in the vicinity of the zero frequency}}. Reinstating of this detail tames the fake infinities and rehabilitates the "impossible" scaling law (which happens to be the actual law the mantles obey). This preprint is a pilot paper. A more comprehensive treatise on tidal torques is to be published (Efroimsky and Williams 2009).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 6 Dec 2007 23:00:28 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 21 Mar 2008 04:08:44 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 27 May 2008 22:45:22 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Wed, 17 Dec 2008 20:52:49 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Thu, 9 Apr 2009 00:42:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v6", "created": "Sun, 12 Apr 2009 22:35:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v7", "created": "Thu, 18 Jun 2009 21:22:48 GMT" }, { "version": "v8", "created": "Wed, 29 Jun 2011 00:45:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v9", "created": "Mon, 27 Feb 2012 23:01:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Efroimsky", "Michael", "" ] ]
2 ANDREW KNYAZEV AND KLAUS NEYMEYR Compared to other known non-asymptotic convergence rate bou nds for eigensolvers, e.g., [ 1,2,4,5], the advantages of ( 1.3) are in its sharp- ness and elegance. Method ( 1.1) is the easiest preconditioned eigensolver, but ( 1.3) still remains the only known sharp bound in these terms for any of pr While bound ( 1.3) is short and simple, its proof in [ 8] is quite the op- posite. It covers only the real case and is not ad dition it requires most of the material from [ 9,10]. Here we extend the bound to Hermitian matrices and give a new much shorter and self-contained proofof Theorem 1.1, which is a improvement compared to that of [ 8,9,10]. The new proof is not yet as elementary as we would like it to be; however, it is easy enough to hope that a similar approach might be applicable in future work on preconditioned eigens olvers. Our new proof is based on novel techniques combined with some old ide as of [3,9,10]. We demonstrate that, for a given initial eigenvector approximatio nx, the next iterative approximation x'described by ( 1.1) belongs to a cone if we apply any preconditioner satisfying ( 1.2). We analyze a corresponding continuation gradi- ent method involving the gradient flow of the Rayleigh quotient and sh ow that the smallest gradient norm (evidently leading to the slowest convergenc e) of the contin- uation method is reached when the initial vector belongs to a subspa ce spanned by two specific eigenvectors, namely xiandxi+1. This is done by showing that which provides a lower bound for the norm of the gradient u(x), is sharp only in span {xi,xi+1}. Next, we extend by integration the result for the method to our actual fixed step gradient method to conc lude that the point on the cone, which corresponds to the poorest convergence and thus gives the guaran- teed convergence rate bound, belongs to the same two-dimension al invariant This reduces the convergence analysis to a two-dimensional case for shifted inverse iterations, where the sharp convergence rate bo und is established. 2. The proof of Theorem 1.1.We start with several 2.1. We can assume that g >0,A=I,B >0is diagonal, eigenvalues are simple, u(x)< ui, andu(x')< uiin Theorem 1.1without loss of First, we observe that method ( 1.1) and bound ( 1.3) are evidently both invariant with respect to a real shift sif we replace the matrix BwithB+sA, so without need only considerthe case umin= 0which makes B>=0. Second, by changing the basis from coordinate vectors to the eige nvectors of A-1B we can make Bdiagonal and A=I. Third, having u(x')>=u(x) ifu(x) =uior u(x')>=ui, or both, bound ( 1.3) becomes trivial. The assumption g >0 is a bit more delicate. The vector x'depends continuously on the preconditioner T, so we can assume that g >0 and extend the final bound to the case g= 0 by we again use continuity to explain why we can assume that all eig envalues (in fact, we only need uiandui+1) are simple and make umin>0 and thus B >0 without changing anything. Let us list all B-dependent terms, in addition to eigenvalues, in method ( 2.1):u(x) andx'; and in bound ( 1.3):u(x) and u(x'). All these terms depend on Bcontinuously if Bis slightly perturbed into Bo with some o-0, so we increase arbitrarily small the diagonal entries of the matrix Bto make all eigenvalues of Bosimple and umin>0. If we prove bound ( 1.3) for the matrix Bowith simple positive eigenvalues, and show that the bound is sharp as 0< umin-0 witho-0, we take the limit o-0 and by continuity extend the result to the limit matrix B>=0 withumin= 0 and possibly multiple FLOW CONVERGENCE ANALYSIS OF EIGENSOLVERS 3 It is convenient to rewrite ( 1.1)-(1.3) equivalently by Theorem 2.1as u(x) =(x,Bx) (x,x), <=g,0< g <1; (2.2) and ifui+1< u(x)< uiandu(x')< s= we establish the validity and sharpness of bound ( 2.3) assuming ( 2.1) and (2.2). Theorem 2.2. Let us define2phg(x) = arcsin( p/2and{x',Bx} <=phg(x). 0be defined as the vector <=phg(x)and with the smallest value u(w). Thenu(x')>=u(w)> u(x). Proof. Orthogonality ( x,Bx-u(x)x) = 0 by the Pythagorean theorem sinceu(x)>0 as B >0, and sin {x,Bx}= sinph1(x) 0 as B >0. Aballwith the radius >= u(x)x'by (2.1), so sin{x',Bx} <=//badblBx/badbl< g <1. The statement u(x')>=u(w) follows directly from the definition of w. >0, andu(x)< u(w). We denote by Cphg(x)(Bx) :={y:{y,Bx} <=phg(x)}the circular cone around Bxwith the opening angle phg(x). Theorem 2.2replaces x'with the minimizer wof the Rayleigh quotient on the cone Cphg(x)(Bx) in the rest of the paper, except at the end of the proof of Theorem 2.7, where we show that bounding below the value u(w) instead of u(x') still gives the sharp estimate. Later on, in the proof of Theorem 2.4, we use an argument that holds easily only in the real space, so we need the following last 2.3. Without loss of generality we can consider only the real case . Proof. Bthe depends evidently only on the absolute values of the vecto r =u(|x|), where the absolute value operation is applied sophg(x) =phg(|x|). The cone Cphg(x)(Bx) lives in the complex space, but we also need its substitute in the real space. Let us introduce the notation for the realcircular cone with the opening angle phg(|x|) centered at the we show that in the real space we have the inclusion/vextendsingle/vextendsingleCphg(x)(Bx)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle. For any complex nonzero vectors xandy, we have |(y,Bx)| <=(|y|,B|x|) by the triangle inequality, thus {|y|,B|x|} <={y,Bx}. IfyCphg(x)(Bx) then {|y|,B|x|} <={y,Bx} <=phg(x) =phg(|x|), i.e., indeed, |y| , which means that/vextendsingle/vextendsingleCphg(x)(Bx)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle as required. 1Here and below the Euclidean vector norm, i.e., (x,x) =xHxfor a real or complex column-vector x, as well as the corresponding induced matrix norm. 2We define angles in [0 ,p/2] between vectors by cos ANDREW KNYAZEV AND KLAUS NEYMEYR .PSfrag 2.1 . The cone changing the given vector xto take its absolute value |x|and replac- ing the complex cone Cphg(x)(Bx) with the real cone lead to the re- lations min yCphg(x)(Bx)u(y) = min|y||Cphg(x)(Bx)|u(|y|)>=min|y|u(|y|), but does not affect the starting Rayleigh quotient u(x) =u(|x|).This proves the the- orem with the exception of the issue of whether the sharpness in th e real case implies the sharpness in the complex case; see the end of the proof of The orem2.7. Theorem 2.4. We have that (B+aI)w=Bx. The inclusion Assuming that wis strictly inside the cone Cphg(x)(Bx) implies that wis a point of a local minimum of the Rayleigh quotient. The Rayleigh quotient has only one local (and global) minimum, umin, but the possibility u(w) =uminis eliminated by Theorem 2.2, so we obtain a contradiction, thus necessary condition for a local minimum of a smooth real-valued f unction on a smooth surface in a real vector space is that the gradient of the function is orthog- onal to the surface at the point of the minimum and directed inwards . In our is a circular cone with the axis Bxand the gradient u(w) is to Bw-u(w)w; see Figure 2.1. We first scale the vector wsuch that (Bx-w,w) = 0 so that the vector Bx-wis an inward normal vector for Cphg(x)(Bx) at the point w. This inward normal vector must be positively proportional to the g =Bw-u(w)wwithb >0, which gives ( B+aI)w=bBx, 0 as otherwise wwould be an eigenvec- tor, but u(x)< u(w)< u(x') by Theorem 2.2, where by assumptions ui+1< uiby Theorem 2.1, which gives a contradiction. As the scaling of the minimizer is irrelevant, we denote w/bhere bywwith a slight local notation abuse. Finally, since ( B+aI)w=Bx, inclusion either the required inclusion 1.We now show that the latter leads to a have just proved that a >-ui, thusj > i+ 1. Let we notice that 0 and 0 since xis not an eigenvector. Then (B-uj)w=Bx, therefore ak= uk/(uk-uj), k=i,i+ 1. Since all eigenvalues are simple, observe that 0< ai< ai+1, i.e., in the mapping of xtowthe coefficient in front of xichanges by a smaller absolute value compared to the change in the coefficient in front using the monotonicity of the in the absolute values of the coefficients of the eigenvecto r expansion of its argument, which contradicts u(w)> u(x) proved in Theorem 2.2.GRADIENT FLOW CONVERGENCE ANALYSIS OF EIGENSOLVERS 5PSfrag 2.2 . The Rayleigh quotient gradient flow integration on the unit ball. Theorem 2.4characterizes the minimizer wof the Rayleigh quotient on the cone Cphg(x)(Bx) for a fixed x. The next goal is to vary x, preserving its Rayleigh quo- tientu(x), and to determine conditions on xleading to the smallest u(w) in such a setting. Intuition suggests (and we give the exact formulation and the proof later in Theorem 2.6) that the poorest convergence of a gradient method correspon ds to the smallest norm of the gradient, so in the next theorem we analyze the behavior of the gradient the Rayleigh quotient and the cone opening angle phg(x). Theorem 2.5. Letk(ui+1,ui)be fixed and the level set of the Rayleigh quotient be denoted by L(k) 0 :u(x) =k}. g <1attain their minima on x By definition ofthe gradient, L(k). The Temple inequality is equivalent to the operator inequality ( which evidently holds. The equality here is attained only for we turn our attention to the angles. For x L(k),the minimized together with But for a fixed g(0,1) the is strictly increasing in a(0,1) which proves the = arcsin( we are ready to show that the same subspace span {xi,xi+1}gives the small- est change in the Rayleigh quotient u(w)-k. The proof is based on analyzing the negative normalized gradient flow of the Rayleigh 2.6. Under the assumptions of Theorems 2.4and2.5we denote Ig(k) L(k)}--the set of minimizers of the Rayleigh quotient. Then Figure 2.2). Proof. The initial value problem for a gradient flow of the Rayleigh quotient, (2.4) y'(t) t>=0, y(0) =wIg(k),6 ANDREW KNYAZEV AND KLAUS NEYMEYR has the vector-valued solution y(t),which preserves the norm of the initial vector 2(y(t),y'(t)) = 0 as ( y,u(y)) = 0. Without loss of generality 1 Rayleigh quotient function u(y(t)) is decreasing = (u(y(t)),y'(t)) <=0. Asu(y(0)) =u(w)< ui, the function u(y(t)) is strictly decreasing at least until it reachesk > ui+1as there are no eigenvalues in the interval [ only eigenvectors can be special points of ODE ( 2.4). The condition u(y(-t)) =k thus uniquely determines -tfor a given initial value w. The absolute value of the decrease of the Rayleigh quotient along the path >0. Our continuation method ( 2.4) using the normalized gradient flow is nonstandard, but its advantage is that it gives the following simple expression for th e length of L, Length(L) the initial value wis determined by x, we compare a generic xwith the special choice using the superscript *to denote all to the choice x=x*. By Theorem so we have span{xi,xi+1} is an invariant subspace for the gradient of the Rayleigh quotient. A t the end points, u(y(-t)) =k=u(x) =u(y*(-t*)),by their definition. Our goal is to bound the initial value u(w*) =u(y*(0)) byu(w) =u(y(0)), so we compare the lengths of paths L*andLand the norms of the gradients along these paths. We start with the lengths. We obtain by Theorem 2.5. Here the angle ph1(x)-phg(x) is the smallest angle between any two vectorsonthe conesboundaries Cphg(x)(Bx) andCph1(x)(Bx). Thus, our one vector y(0) =wCphg(x)(Bx) by Theorem 2.4, while the other vector y(-t) cannot be inside the cone Cphg(x)(Bx) sinceu(w)> k=u(y(-t)) by Theorem 2.2. Asy(t) is a unit vector, {y(0),y(-t)} <=Length(L) =-tas the angle is the length of the arc--the shortest curve from y(0) toy(-t) on the unit ball. For our special *-choice, inequalities from the previous paragraphturn into equal- ities, asy*(t) is in the intersection of the unit ball and the subspace span {xi,xi+1}, so the path L*is the arc between y*(0) toy*(-t*) itself. Combining everything together, -t*= Length( L*) <=Length(L) =-t. By Theorem 2.5on the norms of the gradient, >= -/badbl each pair of independent variables t*andtsuch that u(y*(t*)) 3.1, we conclude that u(w*) =u(w) as -t--t*>=0, i.e., the subspace span {xi,xi+1}gives the smallest value u(w). By Theorem 2.6the poorest convergence is attained with the corresponding minimizer in Theorem 2.4, so finally our analysis is now reduced to the two-dimensional space span 2.7. Bound(2.3)holds and is sharp for Assuming /badblx/badbl= 1 and 1, we derive (2.5) FLOW CONVERGENCE ANALYSIS OF EIGENSOLVERS 7 and similarly for >0, we have x= (I+aB-1)w. Assuming a=-ui+1, this contradicts our assumption that xis not an eigenvector. >-uiby Theorem 2.4, the inverse ( we prove that a >0 and that it is a strictly decreasing function of using Bx= (B+aI)wand our cosine-based definition of the angles, we have 0 <(w,(B+aI)w)2= substitute w= (B+aI)-1Bx, which gives multiplication by ( to a simple quadratic 0, b= 2g2kuiui+1, >0,b >0, andc <0, the discriminant is positive and the two solutions fora, corresponding to the minimum and maximum of the Rayleigh quotient o n Cphg(x)(Bx), have different signs. The proof of Theorem 2.4analyzes the direction of the gradient of the Rayleigh quotient to conclude that b >0 anda to the minimum. Repeating the same arguments with b <0 shows that a <-u(w) corresponds to the maximum. But u(w)>0 sinceB >0, hence the negative acorresponds to the maximum and thus the positive acorresponds to the minimum. We observe that the coefficients a >0 andb >0 are evidently of k(ui+1,ui), whilec <0 does not depend on k. Thusa >0 is in k, and taking k-uigives the smallest a=ui+1(1-g)/g >0. Since (B+aI)w=Bxwhere now a >0, condition ( 0 implies ( 0 and (x,xi+1) = 0 implies ( w,xi+1) = 0,so we introduce the convergence factor as s2(a) we use ( 2.5) and again ( B+aI)w=Bx. We notice that s(a) is a function of a >0 and thus takes its largest value for bound ( 2.3) that we are seeking. The convergence factor s2(a) cannot be improved without introducing extra terms or assumptions. But s2(a) deals with wCphg(x)(Bx), not with the actual iter- atex'. Wenowshowthatfor preconditioner Tsatisfying ( 2.2) such that k=u(x) andx'span{w}in both xsuchthat u(x) to ( 2.5), then the real vector w=|w| Cphg(x)(Bx) is a minimizer of the Rayleigh quotient on Cphg(x)(Bx), sinceu(w) =u(|w|) and|(w,B|x|)| for a real xwithu(x) =kand a real properly scaled is a real matrix Tsatisfying ( 2.2) such that which leads to ( 2.1) for the chosen xwe scale yCphg(x)(Bx) such that (y,Bx-y) = 0 As vectors Bx-y andg(Bx-kx) are real and have the same length there exists a Hsuch that Bx-y=Hg(Bx-kx). Setting T=I-gHwe obtain the required identity. Any Householder reflection is symmetric and has o nly two +-1, so we conclude that Tis real symmetric (and thus Hermitian in the complex case) and satisfies ( 2.2). 3. Appendix. The integration of inverse functions theorem follows. Theorem 3.1. Letf, g: [0,b]-Rforb >0be strictly monotone functions and suppose that for a[0,b]we have f(a) =g(b). If for all8 ANDREW KNYAZEV AND KLAUS NEYMEYR a, b[0,b]withf(a) =g(b)the derivatives satisfy for any x[0,a]we have For any x[0,a] we have (using f(a) =g(b), then for the derivatives of the inverse functions it holds strictly monotone increasing functions the integrands are positive functions and g(b-x)< g(b) as well as f(a-x)< f(a) =g(b). Comparing the lower limits of the integrals gives the statement of the We present a new geometric approach to the convergence analysis of a preconditioned fixed-step gradient eigensolver which reduces the derivation of the convergence rate bound to a two-dimensional case. The main n ovelty is in the use of a continuation method for the gradient flow of the Rayleigh qu otient to locate the two-dimensional subspace corresponding to the smallest chan ge in the and thus to the slowest convergence of the gradient eige nsolver. An elegant and important result such as Theorem 1.1should ideally have a textbook-level proof. We have been trying, unsuccessfully, to fi nd such a proof for several years, so its existence remains an open We thank M. Zhou of University of Rostock, Germany M. Argentati of University of Colorado Denver, E. Ovtchinnikov of University of Westminster, and anonymous referees have made nu merous great sug- gestions to improve the paper and for future H. Bramble, J. E. Pasciak, and A. V. Knyazev ,A subspace preconditioning algorithm for computation , Adv. Comput. Math., 6 (1996), pp. 159-189. [2]E. G. D'yakonov ,Optimization in solving elliptic problems , CRC Press, 1996. [3]A. V. Knyazev ,Computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors for mesh probl ems: algorithms and error estimates , (In Russian), Dept. Num. Math., USSR Ac. Sci., Moscow, 1986 . [4]A. V. Knyazev ,Convergence rate estimates for iterative methods for a mesh symmetric eigen- value problem , Russian J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, 2 (1987), pp. 371- 396. [5]A. V. Knyazev ,Preconditioned eigensolvers--an oxymoron? , Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal., 7 (1998), pp. 104-123. [6]A. V. Knyazev ,Preconditioned eigensolvers: practical algorithms , In Z. Bai, J. A.Ruhe, and H.van derVorst, editors, Template s forthe Solution Problems: A Practical Guide, pp. 352-368. SIAM, Philadelphia, 2000. [7]A. V. Knyazev ,Toward the optimal preconditioned eigensolver: Locally op timal block precon- ditioned conjugate gradient method , SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 23 (2001), pp. 517-541. [8]A. V. Knyazev and K. Neymeyr ,A geometric theory for preconditioned inverse iteration. III: A short and sharp convergence estimate for generalized eigenvalue problems , Linear Algebra Appl., 358 (2003), pp. 95-114. [9]K. Neymeyr ,A geometric theory for preconditioned inverse iteration. I : Extrema of the Rayleigh quotient , Linear Algebra Appl., 322 (2001), pp. 61-85. [10]K. Neymeyr ,A geometric theory for preconditioned inverse iteration. 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Andrew Knyazev
Andrew V. Knyazev and Klaus Neymeyr
Gradient flow approach to geometric convergence analysis of preconditioned eigensolvers
8 pages, 2 figures. Accepted to SIAM J. Matrix Anal. (SIMAX)
SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. & Appl. Volume 31, Issue 2, pp. 621-628 (2009)
math.NA math.OC
Preconditioned eigenvalue solvers (eigensolvers) are gaining popularity, but their convergence theory remains sparse and complex. We consider the simplest preconditioned eigensolver--the gradient iterative method with a fixed step size--for symmetric generalized eigenvalue problems, where we use the gradient of the Rayleigh quotient as an optimization direction. A sharp convergence rate bound for this method has been obtained in 2001--2003. It still remains the only known such bound for any of the methods in this class. While the bound is short and simple, its proof is not. We extend the bound to Hermitian matrices in the complex space and present a new self-contained and significantly shorter proof using novel geometric ideas.
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[ [ "Knyazev", "Andrew V.", "" ], [ "Neymeyr", "Klaus", "" ] ]
2 In this work, we revisit the possibility of Y(2175) as an tetraquark state ss-s-s. With the approach developed in we construct the general lating currents with the quantum numbers JPC= 1--. We find that there are two independent currents. They can have a structure of ( ss)(-s-s), or have a structure of meson-meson (- ss)(-ss). We show that they are equivalent, and derive the relations betwe en them. Then by using these two independent currents, we also perform a QCD su m rule analysis. We calculate the OPE up to the dimension 12, which contains the In these two respects, our study differs from the previous one of Ref. [11]. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we construct the tet raquark currents using both diquark ( qq) and antidiquark (- q-q) fields, as well as quark-antiquark (- qq) pairs. In Sec. III, we perform a QCD sum rule analysis by using these currents. In Sec. IV, the numerical result is obtained for the mass of Y(2175). In Sec. V, we use finite energy sum rule to calculate its mass again. Sec. VI is a summary. II. INTERPOLATING CURRENTS In this section, we construct currents for the state Y(2175) ofJPC= 1--. From the decay pattern we expect that there is a large ss-s-scomponent in Y(2175). We may add further quark and antiquark pairs, but the simplest choice would be ss-s-s. We will discuss later how this simplest quark content will be compatible with the above decay pattern when considering the possible struct ure ofph(1020) and f0(980). Let us now briefly see the flavor structure of the current. In the construction ( ss)(-s-s) where ssand -s-spairs have a symmetric flavor structure, the flavor decomposition goes (1) Therefore, the ( ss)(-s-s) state is a mixing of 1 f,8fand 27 fmultiplets in the ideal mixing scheme. Now we find that there are two non-vanishing currents for each st ate with the quantum number JPC= 1--. For the (2) e2u= (3) where the sum over repeated indices ( ufor Dirac spinor indices, and a,bfor color indices) is taken. C=ig2g0is the Dirac field charge conjugation operator, and the superscript Trepresents the transpose of the Dirac indices only. Besides the currents, we can also construct the tetraquark currents by using pairs. We find that there are four non-vanishing currents: e3u= Ref. [11], the author used e5uto perform QCD sum rule analysis, which is a mixing of e1uande2u. We can verify the following relations by using the Fierz e6u= 3ie3u+1 3e4u. (4) Therefore, among the four (- qq)(-qq) currents, two are independent. We can also verify the relations b etween and (- ss)(-ss) currents, by using the Fierz e2u= 3ie3u-e4u. (5) Therefore, these two constructions are equivalent, and we will us ee1uande2ufor QCD sum rule analysis. III. QCD SUM RULE it has been applied to study tetraquark states in many referen ces [17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]. In sum rule analyses,3 we consider two-point correlation (6) whereeuis an interpolating current for the tetraquark. The Lorentz stru cture can be simplified to be: Pun(q2) = (7) We compute P( q2) in the operator product expansion (OPE) of QCD up to certain ord er in the expansion, which is then matched with a hadronic parametrization to extract informa tion of hadron properties. At the hadron level, we express the correlation function in the form of the dispersion re lation with a spectral (8) where the subscript is (4 ms)2= 16m2 s, states . (9) For the second equation, as usual, we adopt a parametrization of o ne pole dominance for the ground state Yand a continuum contribution. The sum rule analysisis then performedaft er the the correlation function, (6) and (8) P(all)(M2 B) BM2 BP(1)(p2) (10) Assuming the contribution from the continuum states can be appro ximated well by the spectral density of OPE above a threshold value s0(duality), we arrive at the sum rule Eq. (11) with respect to 1 /M2 Band dividing it by Eq. (11), finally we (12) In the following, we study both Eqs. (11) and (12) as functions of t he parameters such as the Borel mass MBand the threshold value s0for various combinations of the tetraquark currents. For the currents e1uande2u, we have calculated the OPE up to dimension twelve, which contains th the above equations, the dimension D= 3 strange quark condensate; aD= 4 gluon 5 mixed condensate. There are many terms which give minor contrib utions, such as and we omit them. As usual, we assume the vacuum saturation for higher dimensional condensates such as To obtain these results, we keep the terms of order O(m2 q) in the propagators of a massive quark in the presence of quark and gluon (15) We find that there is an approximate relation between the correlatio n functions of (16) which is valid for the continuum, etc. So the numerical results by using them are also NUMERICAL ANALYSIS In our numerical analysis, we use the following values for various con densates and msat 1 GeV and asat 1.7 GeV [26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, (0.48+-0.14) (17) M2 0= (0.8+-0.2) GeV2, ms(1 GeV) = 125 +-20 MeV, as(1.7GeV) = is a minus sign in the definition of the mixed condensate which is different from that used in some other QCD sum rule studies. This difference just comes from the defi nition of coupling constant gs[27, 34]. First we want to study the convergence of the operator product expansion, which is the cornerstone of the reliable QCD sum rule analysis. By taking s0to beand the integral subscript 16 m2 sto be zero, we obtain the numerical series of the OPE as a function of MB: P1(M2 B) = (18) P2(M2 B) = (19) After careful testing of the free parameter Borel mass MB, we find for M2 B>2 GeV2, which is the region suitable for the study of Y(2175), the Borel mass dependence is weak. Moreover, the conv ergence of the OPE is satisfied in this region. The correlation function of the current e1uis shown in Fig. 1, when we take s0= 5.7 GeV2(the is still 16 m2 s). We find that in the region of 2 GeV2<M2 B<5 GeV2, the perturbative term (the solid line in Fig. 1) gives the most important contribution, and the convergen ce is quite good. 2 3 4 5 Borel Mass [GeV ]2 20123-5 10 1: Various contribution to the correlation function fo r the current e1uas functions of the Borel mass MBin units of GeV10ats0= 5.7 GeV2. The labels indicate the dimension up to which the OPE terms a re included. It is important to note that the Y(2175) state is not the lowest state in the 1--channel containing s-sand that the interpolating currents see only the quantum number of the sta tes. It is possible that the low-lying states also couple to the tetraquark currents e1uande2u. If so, their contribution to the spectral density and the resulting correlation function should be positive we find that (1) the spectral densities r(s) of Eq. (9) for both currents e1uande2uare negative when s<2 GeV2; (2) the Borel transformed correlation function P( M2 B) in Eq. (11) is also negative in the region s0<4.3 GeV2and 1 GeV2<M2 B<4 GeV2. As an illustration, we show the correlation function as a function of s0in Fig. 2. This fact indicates that the ss-s-stetraquark currents couple weakly to the lower states ph(1020) and ph(1680) in the present QCD sum rule analysis. The pole contribution is not largeenough for both currents due to D= 10 perturbative which is a common feature for any multiquark interpolating currents with h igh dimensions. The mixing of the currents e1u ande2udoes not improve the rate of the pole contribution. The small pole co ntribution suggests that the to the spectral density is dominant, which demands a v ery careful choice of the parameters of the QCD sum rule. In our numerical analysis, we require the extracted mass have a dual minimum dependence on both the Borel parameter MBand the threshold parameter s0. In this way, we can find a good working region of MBands0 (Borel window), where the mass of Y(2175) can be determined reliably. Now the mass is shown as functions of the Borel mass MBand the threshold value s0in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. The threshold value is taken to be around 5 ~7 GeV2, where its square root is around 2 .2~2.7 GeV. We find that there is a mass minimum around 2.4 GeV for the current e1u, when we take M2 B~4 GeV2ands0~5.7 GeV2. While this minimum is around 2.3 GeV for the current e2u, when we take M2 B~4 GeV2ands0~5.4 GeV2. In short summary, we have performed the QCD sum rule analysis for bothe1uande2u. The obtained results are quite similar. This is due to the similarity of the two correlation func tions as shown in Eq. (16). We have also considered their mixing, which also give the similar result. The mass is pr edicted to be around 2 .3~2.4 GeV in the QCD sum rule.6 M =4B2 M =2B2 M =1B2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mass [GeV ]2 2-6 10 FIG. 2: The correlation function for the current e1uas a function of s0in units of GeV10. The curves are obtained by setting M2 B= 1 GeV2(long-dashed line), 2 line) and 4 GeV2(solid line). 2 3 4 5 Borel Mass [GeV =05 s =05.7s =07 55.5 66.5 7 s0[GeV =B4M =B3M =B2 222 FIG. 3: The mass of Y(2175) as a function of MB(Left) and s0(Right) in units of GeV for the current e1u. V. FINITE ENERGY SUM RULE In this section, we use the method of finite energy sum rule (FESR). In order to calculate the mass in the FESR, we first define the nth moment by using the spectral function r(s) in Eq. (9) W(n,s0) (20) This integral is used for the phenomenological side, while the integra l along the circular contour of radius s0on the q2complex plain should be performed for the theoretical side. The lowe r integral bound s= 0 is taken in order to include the delta-function contribution in the OPE (Eqs. (23) and (24)). With the assumption of quark-hadron duality, we (21) The mass of the ground state can be obtained as M2 Y(n,s0) (22) For the currents e1uande2u, the spectral functions r1(s) andr2(s) can be drawn from Eqs. (13) and (14). The d = 12 terms which are proportional to 1 /(q2)2do not contribute to the function W(n,s0) of Eq. (20) for n= 0, or7 2 3 4 5 Borel Mass [GeV =05.4s =06s =07 55.5 66.5 7 s0[GeV =B4M =B3M =B2 FIG. 4: The mass of Y(2175) as a function of MB(Left) and s0(Right) in units of GeV for e2u. they have a very small contribution for n= 1, when the theoretical side is computed by the integral over the circle of radiuss0on the complex q2plain. Therefore, the spectral densities for e1uande2utake the following form up to dimension 10, r1(s) 5: The mass of Y(2175) by using the current e1u(solid line) and e2u(dashed line) as a function of s0in units of GeV. The mass is shown as a function of the threshold value s0in Fig. 5, where nis chosen to be 1. We find that there is a mass minimum. It is around 2.3 GeV for the current e1uwhen we take s0~5.2 GeV2, while it is around 2.28 GeV for the current e2uwhen we take s0~4.8 GeV2. For the current e1u, the minimum point occurs ats0= 2.28 GeV where the mass takes 2.3 GeV, and the threshold value is slightly s maller than the mass, unlike the thats0is larger than the obtained mass. However, the minimum point is on the very shallow minimum curve and the resulting mass is rather insensitive to the change in th es0value. Therefore, we can more, for example 2.45 GeV, but the mass still remains at arou nd 2.35 GeV, which is smaller thans0now. This fact is due to the uncertainty of our sum rule analysis as well as t he negative part of the spectral densities. For example, if we take the lower limit of integrations in Eq. (22) to be 1 GeV2instead of 16 m2 s(the positive part starts at around 3 GeV2), the mass minimum will be around 2.1 GeV, when s0is around 4.5 GeV2; if we take the lower limit to be 2 GeV2, the mass minimum would be around 2.0 GeV, when s0is around 4 GeV2. We show the second case in Fig. 6. The region 5 <s0<6 GeV2is suitable for the QCD sum rule analysis, and the mass obtained is arou nd 2.2 GeV. Therefore, considering the uncertainty of the QCD sum rule, we obtain the same result as the previous one. 1 3 4 5 [GeV ]02Mass [GeV] 2 FIG. 6: The mass of Y(2175) by using the current e1u(solid line) and e2u(dashed line) as a function of s0in units of GeV, when the lower limit of integrations in Eq. (22) is 2 GeV2instead of 16 m2 s. VI. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSIONS In this work we have studied the mass of the state Y(2175) with the quantum numbers JPC= 1--in the QCD sum rule. We have constructed both the current s (ss)(-s-s) and the meson-meson currents (- ss)(-ss). We find that there are two independent currents for both cases a nd verify the relations between them. Then using the two (ss)(-s-s) currents, we calculate the OPE up to dimension twelve, which conta ins The convergence of the OPE turns our to be very good. We find that th e OPE's of the two currents are similar, and therefore, the obtained results are also similar. By using both the S VZ sum rule and the finite energy sum rule, we find that there is a mass minimum. For SVZ sum rule, the minimum is in the r egion 5<s0<7 GeV2and 2<M2 B<4 GeV2. For finite energy sum rule, the minimum is in the region 4 .5< s0<5.5 GeV2. Considering the uncertainty, the mass obtained is around 2 .3+-0.4 GeV. The state Y(2175) can be accommodated in the QCD sum rule the central value of the mass is about 100 MeV higher than the experimental value. We calculate the OPE up to dimension twelve and include many terms, but still the accuracy is around 20%. This is the usual accuracy of the QCD sum rule. In our analysis it is partly due to the many omitted co ndensates such as have investigated the coupling of the currents to the lower lying s tates including ph(1020) and found that the relevant spectral density becomes negative, implying that the pre sent not describe those states properly. This fact indicates that the four-quark interpolating cu rrents couple rather weakly to ph(1020), which is can test the tetraquark structure of Y(2175) by considering its decay properties. Naively, the fall apart via S-wave into the ph(1020)f0(980) pair, and would have a very large width. The experimental widt h ofY(2175) is only about 60 MeV, which seems too narrow to be a pure tet raquark state. We can discuss the decay of theY(2175) by borrowing an argument based on a valence quark picture . The (-ss)(-ss) configuration for Y(2175) can be a combination of3S1and3P0, which may fall apart into two mesons of 1-and 0+in thes-wave. In the QCD sum rule the 1--ssmeson is well identified with ph(1020), while the 0+-ssmeson has a mass around 1 .5 GeV and is hard to be identified with the observed f0(980). Therefore, such a fall-apart decay would simply be suppres sed due to9 the kinematical reason. The physical f0(980) state may be a tetraquark state as discussed in the previou s QCD sum rule study [17]. Then the transition Y(2175)-ph(1020) +f0(tetraquark) should be accompanied by a - the OZI rule, as well as by an annihilation of one quanta of orb ital angular momentum. These facts may once again suppress the decay of This fact was studied in the recent paper by Geng, Napsuciale and Oset [35]. They studied the phK-Ksystem with the Faddeev equations where the contained K-Kform thef0(980) resonance. The decay width they calculated is around 18 MeV , not far from the experimental value. The all above evidences would imply that the Y(2175) is a possible candidate of a could be a threshold effect, a hybrid state s-sG, a tetraquark, an excited s-sstate or a mixture of all the above possibilities. Because of its non-exotic quantum number, it is n ot easy to establish its underlying more experimental and theoretical investigations are requ ired. One byproduct ofthe present work is the interesting observation that some type of couple weakly to the conventional q-qground states. If future work confirms this point, we may have a n ovel framework to study the excited q-qmesons using the four-quark interpolating currents, which is not f easible for the traditional q-qinterpolating authors thank G. Erkol for useful discussions. H.X.C. is grate ful for Monkasho support for his stay at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics where this work is done. X.L wa s supported by the National Natural of China under Grants 10705001 and the China Postdoc toral Science foundation (20060400376). A.H. is supported in part by the Grant for Scientific Research ((C) No.195 40297) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, Japan. S.L.Z. was supported by the Nation al Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 10625521 and 10721063 and Ministry of Education of China. [1] Babar Collaboration, B. Aubert et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 242001 (2003); F. Porter, Eur. Phys. J. C33, 219 (2004); P. Krokovny et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 262002 (2003); CLEO Collaboration, D. Besson et al., Phys. Rev. D 68, 032002 (2003). [2] Belle Collaboration, Y.Mikami et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 012002 (2004); Belle Collaboration, P. Krokovny et al., FOCUS Collabortation, E. W. Vaandering, a rXiv: hep-ex/0406044; Babar Collaboration, B. Aubert et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 181801 (2004); Babar Collaboration, B. Aubert et al., Phys. Rev. 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Hua-Xing Chen
Hua-Xing Chen, Xiang Liu, Atsushi Hosaka, and Shi-Lin Zhu
The Y(2175) State in the QCD Sum Rule
10 pages, 6 figures, revised version to appear in Phys. Rev. D
We study the mass of the state Y(2175) of J^{PC} = 1^{--} in the QCD sum rule. We construct both the diquark-antidiquark currents (ss)(s_bar s_bar) and the meson-meson currents (s_bar s)(s_bar s). We find that there are two independent currents for both cases, and derive the relations between them. The OPE convergence of these two currents is sufficiently fast, which enables us to perform good sum rule analysis. Both the SVZ sum rule and the finite energy sum rule lead to a mass around 2.3+-0.4 GeV, which is consistent with the observed mass within the uncertainties of the present QCD sum rule. The coupling of the four-quark currents to lower lying states such as \phi(1020) turns out to be rather small. We also discuss possible decay properties of Y(2175) if it is a tetraquark state.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 30 Jan 2008 05:18:21 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 30 Jul 2008 04:10:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chen", "Hua-Xing", "" ], [ "Liu", "Xiang", "" ], [ "Hosaka", "Atsushi", "" ], [ "Zhu", "Shi-Lin", "" ] ]
ingenious experiments performed with intense narrow-band tu nable laser and cavity[1]. molecularan several interesting results of quantum information theory and also the of the quantum computer [2,3]. The actual number of the quantum of atoms involved in the interaction with light is of much importa nce in these days since many coherent effects are due to the level structure of the atom. It is well-known that the two-level system and its quantized version, namely, the J aynes-Cummings model (JCM), have been proved to be an useful theoretical laboratory to understand many subtle issues of the cavity electrodynamics [4,5]. The two-level syst em is modeled using the Pauli's spin matrices - the spin-half representation of SU(2) group, where apart from the level number, the spectrum is designated by the photon numbe r as the quantum number. A natural but non-trivial extension of the JCM is the thre e-level system and it exhibits plethora of optical phenomena such as, two-photon coh erence [6], resonance Raman scattering [7], double resonance process [8],population trapp ing [9], radiance [10], three-level echoes [11], STIRAP [12], quantum j ump [13], quantum zeno effect [14], Induced Transparency [15,16] etc. There are three distinct schemes of the three-level configurations which are class ified as the lambda, vee and cascade systems respectively. The Hamiltonians of these confi gurations are by two two-level systems coupled by the two modes of cavit y fields of [17,18]. Although these Hamiltonians succeed in revealing several however, their ad hocconstruction subsides the underlying symmetry and its role in the population dynamics of these systems. The connection be tween the SU(N) symmetry and the N-level system in general, was investigated extensively in recent pas t [21-27]. These studies not only mimic the possible connection between quantum optics with the octet symmetry, well-known paradigm of particle physics, b ut forN= 3, it also reveals several interesting results such as the realization of the e ight dimensional Bloch equation, existence of non-linear constants [18,22], population tra nsfer via continuum [28], dynamical aspects of three-level system in absence of dissipa tion [29] etc. However, inspite of these progress, a general formalism as well as the ab initio solutions of all are yet to be developed for the reasons mentioned below. The generic model Hamiltonian of a three-level configuration with th ree levels can be represented by the hermitian 1,2,3)bethe matrixelement ofspecific transition and ibethe detuning which vanishes at resonance. We note that from Eq.(1), the lambda system, which corre- sponds to the transition 1 -3-2 shown in Fig.1a, can be described by the Hamiltonian with elements h21= 0 and 0. Similarly the vee model, characterized by the transition 3 -1-2 shown in Fig.1b, corresponds to the elements 0,h32= 0 and 0 and for the cascade model we have transition 1 -2-3, we have 0 and h31= 0 respectively. Thus we have distinct Hamiltonian for three differen t configurations which can be read off from Eq.(1) shown in Fig.1. This de finition, how- ever, differs from the proposal advocated by Hioe and Eberly, who argued the order of the energy levels to be E1< E3< E2for the lambda system, E2< E3< E1for the vee system and E1< E2< E3for the cascade system respectively [18,21,22]. In their scheme, the level-2 is always be the intermediary level which becomes the upper, lower and middle level to generate the lambda, vee and cascade configura tions respectively. It is worth noting that, if we follow their scheme, these energy conditio ns map all configurations to a unique cascade Hamiltonian describ ed by the matrix with elements 0 and h13= 0 in Eq.(1). Thus because of the similar structure of the model Hamiltonian, if we start formulating the solutions of the lambda, vee and cascade configurations, then it would led to same spectral featur e. Furthermore, due to the same reason, the eight dimensional Bloch equation always remain s same for all three models [18,22]. Both of these consequences go against the usual no tion because wide range of coherent phenomena mentioned above arises essentially d ue to different class of the three-level configurations. Thus it is worth pursing to formula te a where we have distinct Hamiltonian for three configurat ions without altering the second level for each model. The problem of preparing multilevel atoms using one or more laser puls es is of con- siderable importance from experimental point of view. Thus the com pleteness of the study of the three-level systems requires the exact solution of t hese models to find the probability amplitudes of all levels, the effect of the field quantization on the and, most importantly, the observation of the collapse an d revival effect. In recent past, the three-level systems and its several ramificatio ns were extensively covered in a general framework of the SU(N) group having N-levels [21-27,30,31]. Also, the semi- classical model [24,32,33] and its fully quantized version [23,34,35] are studied, but to our knowledge, the pursuit of the exact solutions of different three-le vel systems in the spirit of the theory of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) model and JCM, ar e still to be a recent paper, we have studied the exact solutions of the equid istant cascade sys- tem interacting with the single mode classical and quantized field with d ifferent [36]. It is shown that for the semiclassical model the Rabi oscillation exhibits a symmetric pattern of evolution, which is destroyed on quantizatio n of the cavity field. We also show that this symmetry is restored by taking the cavity mod e to be the coherent state indicating the proximity of the coherent state to the classica l field. We have further studied the equidistant cascade four-level system and obtain simila r conclusions [37]. To extend above studies for the lambda and vee models we note that th e vee be obtained from the lambda configuration simply by inversion. Ho wever, it is worth noting that, the lambda configuration is associated with processes such as STIRAP [12], EIT [15,16] etc, while the vee configuration corresponds to the phe nomena such as quan- tum jump [13], quantum zeno effect [14], quantum beat [3] etc indicatin g that both the processes are fundamentally different. It is therefore natural t o examine the between the models by comparing their Rabi oscillations an d study the effect of the field quantization on that symmetry. The comparison shows t hat the exhibited by the semiclassical models is completely spoiled on quantization of thecavity modesindicating fluctu remaining part of the paper is organized as follows. In Section-I I, we discuss the basic tenets of the SU(3) group necessary to develop the Hamiltonian of all configurations. Section-III deals with the solution of the lambda model taking the two field modes as the classical fields and then in Section IV we pro ceed to solve the corresponding quantized version of the model using a novel Eu ler matrix and VI we present similar calculation for the vee model tak ing the mode fields to be first classical and then quantized respectively. In Section-V II we compare the population dynamics in both models and discuss its implications. Finally in S ection-VIII we conclude our results. II.The Models The most general Hamiltonian of a typical three-level configuratio n is given by Eq.(1) which contains several non-zero matrix elements showing all possib le allowed transitions. To show how the SU(3) symmetry groupprovides a definite scheme ofselection rulewhic h forbids any one of the three transitions to give the Hamiltonian of a s pecific model, let us briefly recall the tenets of SU(3) group described by the Gell-Mann matrices, namely, 4l1= 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 , l 2= 0-i0 i0 0 0 0 0 , l 3= 1 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 , l4= 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 , l 5= 0 0-i 0 0 0 i0 0 , l 6= 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 , l7= 0 0 0 0 0-i 0i0 , l 8=1 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 . (2) These matrices follow the following commutation and anti-commutatio n = where dijkandfijk(i,j= 1,2,..8) represent completely symmetric and completely antisymmetric structure constants which characteriz esSU(3) group [39]. It is customary to define the shift operators T,UandVspin (4) They satisfy the closed algebra [U+,U-] =U3, [V+,V-] =V3, [T+,T-] =T3, (5) [T3,T+-] =+-2T+-, [T3,U+-] =U+-, [T3,V+-] =+-V+-, [V3,T+-] =+-T+-, [V3,U+-] =+-U+-, [V3,V+-] =T+-, [U3,U+-] =+-2U+-, [U3,V+-] =+-V+-, [T+,V-] =-U-, [T+,U+] =V+, [U+,V-] =T-, [T-,V+] =U+, [T-,U-] =-V-, [U-,V+] =-T+, where the diagonal terms are T3=l3,U3= ( 3l8-l3)/2 andV3= Hamiltonian of the semiclassical lambda model is given by HL= HL I+HL II, (6a) where the unperturbed and interaction parts including the detunin g terms are given by HL I= (6b) and HL II= In Eq.(6), ohm i(i= 1,2) are the external frequencies of the bi-chromatic field, kiare the coupling parameters and - E3) be the respective energies of the three levels. L 1= (2o1+o2-ohm1) and L 2= the respective detuning from the bi-chromatic extern al frequencies as shown in the same way, the semiclassical vee type three-level system can be written as HV= HV I+HV II, (7a) where HV I= (7b) and HV II= (7c) where V 1= (2o1+o2-ohm1) and V 2= (2o2+o1-ohm2) be the detuning shown in Fig.2. Similarly the semiclassical cascade three-level model is given by HKs= HKs I+HKs II, (8b) and HKs II= with respective detuning Ks 1= (2o1-o2-ohm1) and Ks 2= the fields to be the quantized cavity fields, in the rotating wav e Hamiltonian of the quantized lambda configuration is given (9b) HL II= 1,2) be the creation and annihilation operators of the cavity modes, gibe the coupling constants and ohm ibe the mode frequencies. Proceeding in the similar pattern, the Hamiltonian of the quantized vee system is given (10b) HV II= Similarly the Hamiltonian of the quantized cascade syst em (11b) HKs II= (11c) Using the algebra given in Eq.(5) and that of field operators, it is easy to check = 0 for i 1=-i 2(i= L and V) for the lambda and vee model and Ks 1= Ks 2 for the cascade model which are identified as the two photon reson ance condition and equal detuning conditions, respectively This ensure s that each piece of the Hamiltonian has the simultaneous eigen functions. Thus we not e that, precise formulation ofthe aforementioned three-lev el configurations require the use of a subset of Gell-Mann limatrices rather than the use of all matrices. We now proceed to solve the lambda and vee configurations for the classica l and the quantized field semiclassical lambda system At zero detuning the Hamiltonian of the lambda type three-level sys tem is given by HL= -h(o1+o2) -hk2exp[-iohm2t] 0 --ho1 . (12) 7The solution of the Schrodinger equation corresponding to Hamilton ian (12) is given by Ps(t) andC3(t) be the time-dependent normalized amplitudes of the lower, middle and upper levels with the respective basis We now proceed to calculate the probability amplitudes of the three Eq.(13) in Schr odinger equation and equating the coe fficients of both sides we obtain iC3 t= (15c) Let the solutions of Eqs.(15a-c) are of the following form, C1= A1exp(iS1t), (16a) C2= A2exp(iS2t), (16b) C3= A3exp(iS3t), (16c) whereAis' are the time independent constants to be determined. Putting E qs.(16a-c) in Eqs.(15a-c) we 0, 0, 0. (17c) In deriving Eqs.(17), the time independence of the amplitudes A 3, A2and A 1are ensured by invoking the conditions S2=S3+ ohm2andS1=S3+ ohm1. At resonance, we have L 1= 0 =-L 2i.e, (2o2+o1)-ohm2= 0 = (o2+2o1)-ohm1and the solution of (18b) where we have three values of (19b) Using Eqs.(18) and (19), Eq.(16) can be written as C3(t) = (20a) C2(t) = (20b) C1(t) = (20c) whereAi-s are the constants which can be calculated from the following initial At t= 0 let the atom is in level-1, i.e. C1(0) = 1,C2(0) = 0,C3(0) = 0. Using Eqns (15) and (20), the corresponding time-dependent probabilit ies of the three levels (21a) |C2(t)|2= (21c) Case-II: If the atom is initially in level-2, i.e. C1(0) = 0,C2(0) = 1 and C3(0) = 0, of the three states (22b) |C1(t)|2= i.e. C1(0) = 0,C2(0) = 0and C3(0) = 1, the time evolution of the probabilities of the three states are |C3(t)|2= cos2t, (23c) We now proceed to solve the quantized version of the above model. IV. The quantized lambda system We now consider the three-level lambda system interacting with a bi- chromatic quan- tized fields described by the Hamiltonian Eq.(9). At zero detuning the solution of the Hamiltonian is given the photon number corresponding to two modes of the fieldstates forms the lambda configuration shown in Fig.1 is given by HL II= -h 0g2n g1m+1 g2n0 0 g1m+1 0 0 . (25) The eigenvalues of theHamiltonian aregiven by 0(= ohm 0), respectively with the corresponding dressed (26) In Eq.(26), the dressed states are constructed by rotating the bare states with the Euler matrix given by Tn,m(g1,g2) -s1c2c1 (27) wheresi= sinthiandci= costhi(i= 1,2,3). The elements of the matrix are found to Tn,m(g1,g2) (28) 10with corresponding Euler angles, th1= arccos[1+mg1 arccos[ time-dependent probability amplitudes of the three levels are giv en 0 0e-iohm0t0 0 0 similar to the semiclassical model the probabilities corresponding to different are: Case-IV: When the atom is initially in level-1, i.e, Cn-1,m+1 1= 1,Cn,m 2= 0 and Cn-1,m 3= 0, the time-dependent atomic populations of the three states ar e given (31c) Case-V: When the atomis initially inlevel-2, i.e, Cn-1,m+1 1= 0,Cn,m 2= 1 andCn-1,m 3= 0, the probabilities of three states (32c) Case-VI: If the atom is initially in level-3, then we have Cn-1,m+1 1= 0,Cn,m 2= 0 and Cn-1,m+1 3= 1 and the corresponding probabilities cos2ohmnmt, (33c) We now proceedto evaluatethe ofdifferent lev els ofthe vee system with similar initial semiclassical vee system At zero detuning, the Hamiltonian of the semiclassical three-level v ee system interact- ing with two-mode classical fields is given by HV= -ho1 0 - - the solution of the Schrodinger equation corresponding to Eq.( 34) is given by Ps(t) , andC3(t) are the time-dependent normalized amplitudes with the basis vectors defined in Eqs.(13). To calculate the probability amplitu des of three Eq.(35) into the Schr odinger equation we (36c) Let the solutions of Eqs.(36) are of the following form: C3(t) = A3exp(iS3t), (37a) C2(t) = A2exp(iS2t), (37b) C1(t) = A1exp(iS1t), (37c) whereAi-s are the time independent constants to be determined from the b From Eq.(36) and Eq.(37) we 0, 0, 0. (38c) In deriving Eqs.(38), the time independence of the amplitudes A 3, A2and A 1are ensured by invoking the conditions At resonance, V 1= 0 =-V 2 i.e. (2o2+o1)-ohm2= 0 = (o2+2o1)-ohm1and the solutions of Eq.(38) are given by S1= (o1+o2) (39a) 12S1= (o1+o2)+- (39b) and we have three values of (40b) Using Eqs.(39) and (40), Eqs. (37) can be written as C3(t) = (41a) C2(t) = (41b) C1(t) = Let us consider initially at t= 0, the atom is in level-1, i.e, C1(0) = 1, C2(0) = 0 and C3(0) = 0. Using Eqs. (36) and (41), the time dependent probabilities o f the three levels are given (42b) |C1(t)|2= cos2t. (42c) Case-II: If the atom is initially in level-2, i.e, C1(0) = 0,C2(0) = 1 and C3(0) = 0, probabilities of the states are given by |C3(t)|2= (43c) Case-III: When the atomisinitially in level-3, i.e, C1(0) = 0,C2(0) = 0 and C3(0) = 1, we obtain the the occupation probabilities of the three states as fo (44a) |C2(t)|2= (44c) VI.The quantized vee describedbytheHa given again we note that the Hamiltonian couples the atom-field state vee configuration depicted in Fig.2. The inter- action part of the Hamiltonian (45) can also be expressed in the matr ix form HV II= -h 0 0 g1m 0 0 g2n+1 g1m g2n+1 0 , (46) and the corresponding eigenvalues are andl0= 0 respectively. The dressed eigenstate is given (47) the rotation matrix is found to (48) The straightforward evaluation yields the various Euler angles arccos[ (49) The time-dependent probability amplitudes of the three levels are giv en 0 0e-iohm0t0 0 0 (50) 14Once again we proceed to calculate the probabilities for different initia l Here we consider initially the atom is in level-1 i.e, Cn+1,m 1= 1,Cn,m 2= 0 andCn+1,m-1 3= 0. Using Eqs.(49) and (50) the time-dependent probabilities of the three levels are given cos2ohmnmt. (51c) Case-V: If the atom is initially in level-2 i.e, Cn+1,m-1 3= 0,Cn,m 2= 1 and Cn+1,m 1= 0, then corresponding probabilities Cn+1,m 1= 0,Cn,m 2= (53c) Finally we note that for large values of n and m, Case-IV, V and VI bec ome identical to Case-I, II and III, respectively. This precisely shows the validity o f the Bohr's correspon- dence principle indicating the consistency of our results and going to show the numerical plots of the semiclassical and qu antized lambda and vee systems, we first consider their analytical results. If we c ompare Case-I, II, III of both cases, we find that the probabilities in Case-I (Case-III)) of lambda system is the same as in Case-III (Case-I) of vee system except the population s of 1st and 3rd levels are interchanged. See Eqs.(21 & 44) and Eqs.(23 & 42) for detailed c omparison. Also Case-II respective models are similar which is evident by comparing Eq s.(22 & 43). In 15contrast, for the quantized model, Case-IV (Case-VI) of the lam bda system is no longer same as in Case-VI (Case-IV) of the vee system. This breaking of s ymmetry is evident by comparing the analytical results, Eqs.(31 & 53), Eqs.(32 & 52) an d Eqs.(32 & Unlike previous case, also Case-V both the models are different which is evident from Eqs.(22 & 43). In what follows, we compare the probabilities of the semiclassical and quantized lambda and vee systems respectively. Fig.3 and 4 show the plots of th e and for thesemiclassical lambda and vee models when the atom is initially at level-1 (Case-I), level-2 (Ca se-II) and respectively. The comparison of the plots shows tha t the pattern of the prob- ability oscillation of the lambda system for Case-I shown in Fig.3a (Case -III in Fig.3c) is similar to that of Case-III shown in Fig.4c (Case-I in Fig.4a) of the ve e system. we note that in all cases the oscillation of level-2 remains u nchanged, while the oscillation of level-3 (level-1) of the lambda system for Case-I is id entical to that of level-1 (level-3) of the vee system for Case-III. Furthermore, c omparison of Fig.3b and Fig.4b for Case-II shows that the time evolution of the probabilities o f level-2 of both systems also remains similar while those of level-3 and level-1 are interc hanged. From the behaviour of the probability curve we can conclude that the lamb da and vee config- urations are essentially identical to each other as we can obtain one configuration from another simply by the inversion followed by the interchange of proba bilities. For the quantized field, we first consider the time evolution of the pr obabilities taking the field is in a number state representation. In the number state r epresentation, the vacuum Rabi oscillation corresponding to Case-IV, V and VI of the la mbda and vee systems are shown in Fig.5 and Fig.6 respectively. We note that, unlike previous case, the Rabi oscillation for Case-IV shown in Fig.5a (Case-VI shown in Fig.5c) f or the lambda model is no longer similar to Case-VI shown in Fig.6c (Case-IV shown in F ig.6a) for the vee model. Furthermore, we note that for Case-V, the oscillation p atterns of Fig.5b is completely different from that of Fig.6b. In a word, for the quantize d field, in contrast to the semiclassical case, the symmetry in the pattern of the vacu um Rabi oscillation in all cases is completely spoiled irrespective of the fact whether the s ystem stays initially in any one of the three levels. The quantum origin of the breaking of the symmetric pattern of the Rabi oscillation is the following. We note that due to the appearance of the terms like (n+1) or (m+1), several elements in the probabilities given by Eqs.(31,32,33) for the la mbda system for the vee are non zero even at m= 0 and n= 0. We argue that the vacuum Rabi oscillation interferes with the probability oscillations of v arious levels and spoils their symmetric structure. Thus as a consequence of the va cuum fluctuation, the 16symmetry of probability amplitudes of the dressed states of both m odels formed by the coherent superposition of the bare states is also lost. In the othe r word, the the lambda and vee models exhibited for the classical field dis appears as the direct consequence of the quantization of the cavity modes. Finally we consider the lambda and vee models interacting with the bi-ch fields which are in the coherent state. The coherently av eraged probabilities of level-3, level-2 and level-1 are given (54c) for the lambda system (55c) for the vee system, where -nand -m be the mean photon numbers of the two quantized modes, respect ively. Fig.7-9 display the numerical plots of Eq.(54) and Eq.(55) for Case-IV, V and VI re spectively where the collapse and revival of the Rabi oscillation is clearly evident for large a verage photon numbers in both the fields. We note that in all cases, the collapse and revival of level-2 of both the systems are identical to each other. Furthermore, we n ote that the collapse and revival for lambda system initially in level-1 shown in Fig.7a, Fig.7b and Fig.7 c (level-3 shown in Fig.9a, Fig.9b and Fig.9c) is the same as that of the vee system if it is initially in level-3 shown in Fig.7f, Fig.7e and Fig.7d (level-1 shown in Fig.9f, Fig.9e an d On the other hand, if the system is initially in level-2, the collapse and revival of the lambda systems shown in Fig.8a, Fig.8b and Fig.8c are iden tical to Fig.8f, Fig.8e and Fig.8d respectively for the vee system. This is precisely the situation what we obtained in case of the semiclassical model. Thus the symmetry br oken in the case of the quantized model is restored back again indicating that the co herent state with large average photon number is very close to the classical state wh ere the effect of field population in the vacuum level is almost zero. It is needless to say tha t the coherent state with very low average photon number in the field modes can not show t he in lambda and vee paper presents the explicit construction of the Hamiltonians of the lambda, nmatricesof SU(3)group and compares the exact solutions of the first two models with differe nt initial conditions. It is shown that the Hamiltonians of different configurations of the t hree-level systems are different. We emphasize that there is a conceptual difference b etween our treatment and the existing approach by Hioe and Eberly [18,21,22]. These author s advocate the existence of different energy conditions which effectively leads to sa me cascade Hamilto- nian ( 0 and h31= 0 in Eq.(1)) having similar spectral feature irrespective of the configuration. We justify our approach by noting the fact t hat the and the equal detuning condition is a natural outcome of o ur analysis. For the lambda and vee models, the transition probabilities of the three le vels for conditions are calculated while taking the atom interacting with t he and quantized field respectively. It is shown that due to th e vacuum fluctuation, the inversion symmetry exhibited by the semiclassical models is comple tely destroyed. In other words, the dynamics for the semiclassical lambda system c an be completely ob- tained from the knowledge of the vee system and vice versa while suc h recovery is not possible if the field modes are quantized. The symmetry is restored a gain when the field modes are in the coherent state with large average photon number . Such breaking of the symmetric pattern of the quantum Rabi oscillation is not observed in case of the model and therefore it is essentially a nontrivial f eature of the multi- level systems which is manifested if the number of levels exceeds two . This investigation is a part of our sequel studies of the symmetry breaking effect for the equidistant and equidistant cascade four-level systems respec tively [36,37]. Following the scheme ofconstructing itiseasytoshow thatwehave different eight dimensional Bloch equations and non-linear constants for diffe rent configurations of the three-level systems and these issues will be considered elsewh ere [40]. 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Surajit Sen
Mihir Ranjan Nath, Surajit Sen, Asoke Kumar Sen and Gautam Gangopadhyay
Dynamical symmetry breaking of lambda and vee-type three-level systems on quantization of the field modes
27 pages, 9 Figures
Pramana - Journal of Physics, Vol. 71, (2008) 77-97
We develop a scheme to construct the Hamiltonians of the lambda, vee and cascade type of three-level configurations using the generators of SU(3) group. It turns out that this approach provides a well defined selection rule to give different Hamitonians for each configurations. The lambda and vee type configurations are exactly solved with different initial conditions while taking the two-mode classical and quantized fields . For the classical field, it is shown that the Rabi oscillation of the lambda model is similar to that of the vee model and the dynamics of the vee model can be recovered from lambda model and vice versa simply by inversion. We then proceed to solve the quantized version of both models introducing a novel Euler matrix formalism. It is shown that this dynamical symmetry exhibited in the Rabi oscillation of two configurations for the semiclassical models is completely destroyed on quantization of the field modes. The symmetry can be restored within the quantized models when the field modes are both in the coherent states with large average photon number which is depicted through the collapse and revival of the Rabi oscillations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Feb 2008 10:06:16 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nath", "Mihir Ranjan", "" ], [ "Sen", "Surajit", "" ], [ "Sen", "Asoke Kumar", "" ], [ "Gangopadhyay", "Gautam", "" ] ]
In our earlier calculations, we took into accoun t only electrons with energies higher than 29 keV /12-13/, and only electrons of internal conversion and A uger electrons, radiated from K- shell, with the energy 34.9 keV were taken into account. The minimal run of electrons with the energies of 29 keV in gadolinium is 4.7 microns . Not only we but also other authors /14-15/ made the same choice of energies of electrons. Thus the low-energy Auger electrons, these are electrons irradiated from L-shell with the en ergy of 4.84 keV and electr ons from M-shell with the energy of 0.97 keV, were not taken into account. These electrons have rather small runs in gadolinium; namely, 0.3 microns (4.84 keV) and 0.04 microns (0.97 keV). They bring the small contribution to the total efficiency at use of converters made from natural gadolinium as the length of free runs of neutrons in natural gadolinium makes tens microns. At the same time their contribution becomes essential at use of convert ers made from 157 isotope of gadolinium as the length of free runs of neutrons in this material does not exce ed 2-3 microns and this length becomes comparable with le ngth of run of electrons. In the present paper the analysis of influen ce of nano-scale layers of converters to the total efficiency of registrati on of thermal neutrons, on the ex ample of converters made from natural gadolinium and its 157 isotope, is carri ed out. Contributions of low-energy Auger electrons having the maximal run in gadoliniu m 300 and 40 nanometers, and average run 100 and 15 nanometers, to the total efficiency of neutron converters were estimated. 2. Physical bases and model calculations Among the solid-state converters of thermal ne utrons converters made on the basis of gadolinium and especially its 157 isotope have the highest section of interaction. At calculations of the efficiency of registration of thermal neutrons by gadolinium converters three the most essential factors are taken into account, these ar e the probability of capture of neutrons by the material of the converter (absor ption), the probability of radia tion of electrons of internal conversion and Auger electrons, and also the probability of an escape of the secondary electrons from the material of the convert er in view of thickness of the converter and angle of emission. Product of these three probabilities gives the required efficiency. At radiating capture of neutrons by nucleus of gadolinium the whole cascade of gamma- quanta with the total energy of 7937.33 keV is em itted. In total 390 lines with the energy range from 79.5 up to 7857.670 keV with the intensities of lines from 2 ;10-3 up to 139 gamma-quanta on 100 capture neutrons /17/ is emitted. There are low-energy gamma-quanta in this spectrum, and during their emission electrons from the nuclear shell (electrons of in ternal conversion) are radiated with a high probability. The nucleus elim inates its excitation by irradiation of gamma- quantum, but there also a close located electron could be emitted. As usual the K-electron (an electron of K-shell) is emitted, but also electrons from the higher shells (L, M, N and so on) could be emitted as well /18/. Vacancy of an elect ron (an electronic hole), formed in this process, is filled by another electron fr om a higher level. This process is accompanied by radiation of X- ray quantum or radiation of Auger electron. Energies of emitted electrons of internal c onversion are determined by the energies of irradiated gamma-quanta and bond energies of electrons on nucle ar shells. During the electron emission an electron hole is created, which is filled by electrons from a higher levels. The process of filling of the vacancies is accompanied by X-ray radiation; its energy is equal to the difference of bond energies at the appropriate levels. Energy of ex citation of atom could be also eliminated due to emission of Auger electron. These electrons are emitted instead of X-ray quanta and have energies equal to the ener gy of X-ray quantum minus bond energy of an electron at the appropriate level. There are no data in the literature and databases on the runs of electrons with energies less than 10 keV in various materials. All data be gin with this energy /19/. For calculation of run of Auger electrons in gadolinium we had to extr apolate the available data up to practically zero energy. Results of extrapolation are given in the Fig. 1. One can see from the figure, that the maximal run of electrons with the energy 4.84 keV makes 0.3 microns , and for electrons with the energy 0.97 keV makes 0.04 microns. These runs are rather small, especially in comparison with the neutron runs in natural gadolinium. At the same time for the converters made from 157 isotope of gadolinium the run in 0.3 microns ma kes approximately 10 % from the length of free run of neutrons and it can increa se the efficiency of converters essentially. These small runs in 300 and 40 nanometers dictate the necessity to c hoose the step of iteration no more than 10 nanometers. There are different data in the literature on th e quantity of Auger electrons, so the quantity of electrons from the K-shell varies from 10 up to 14 % /20,21/, these data are normalized to the intensity of X-ray radiation of Ka1 (KL3) line, which is the most intensive one and which intensity is chosen fo r 100 %. The data on the quantity of electrons from L-sh ell varies even more from 150 up to 200 /20, 21/. For the electrons from the M-shel l there are no data in general. At a choice of the quantity of el ectrons from the M-shell we started with the assumption that the quantity of Auger electrons grows with the distance of shell from a nucleus. So the quantity of electrons grows approximately 15 time s at the transition from K to L shell. This tendency is kept further, i.e. from L to M and further N and O-sh ells. Due to Auger effect external electronic shells are fleeced from electrons practically comp letely. During the radiating capture of neutrons by nucleus of gadolinium there the irradiation of electrons of in ternal conversion takes place. The probability of emission of electrons of in ternal conversion makes approximately 60 %. Auger electrons accompany the emission of electr ons of internal conversion, since during the irradiation of electrons of inte rnal conversion there the vacancies on the electronic shells are formed, which are filled by electrons from higher shells. This process is accompanied by X-ray radiation and Auger electrons. In our calculations, at normalizing to the quantity of neutrons, during the calculation of quantity of Auger electr ons the quantity of electrons is necessary to normalize not to Ka1 (KL3) an X-ra y line, but to the quan tity of electrons of internal conversion, i.e., it depends on factor of internal conversion. In the table 1 the most intensive lines of electrons emitted during radiating capture of thermal neutrons by nucleus of gadolinium are presented. Tab. 1 Energy of electrons (keV) Output of electrons 1/100 n Electron run in gadolinium (microns) Energy of initial gamma- quantum Comment, levels (error) 0.97 >200 0,04 M- Auger 4.84 97(47) 0.3 L- Auger 29.3 35.58 4.7 79.51 K 34.9 7.9(4) 6,29 K- Auger 71.7 5.57 20.7 79.51 L 78 1,2 23.78 79.51 M 131.7 6.96 55.70 181.93 K 174.1 0,99 86.27 181.93 L 180.4 0.21 91.23 181.93 M 205.4 0.14 111.47 255.66 K 227.3 0.16 130.27 277.54 K 729.9 0.03 649.38 780.14 K 893.85 0.06 830.05 944.09 K 911.8 0.04 849.83 960 K 926.8 0.03 866.35 975.4 K Converters made from 157 isotope of gadol inium have an abnormal high section of interaction to thermal neutrons so the sect ion makes 253 778.40 barn fo r neutrons with the wavelength of 1.8 A. The section strongly grows with the increase of wavelength of neutrons. Converters with the thickness of 2 microns abso rb more than 80 % of neutrons with the wavelength of 1.8A and more than 90 % of neutr ons with the wavelengths more than 3A, Fig. 2. Another situation develops at use of converters made of natu ral gadolinium. So the section of interaction makes 48 149.41 barn for neutrons with the wavelength of 1.8 A. Attenuation up to 80 % of neutron beam (1.8 A) takes place at the thickness more than 12 microns. The analysis of curves shows, that at use of 157 isotope of gadolinium, the small run of Auger electrons (< 0.3 microns) can increase the total efficien cy of converters essentially. We carried out calculations of the efficien cy of gadolinium foils, at use of natural gadolinium and its 157 isotope, for four fixe d neutron wavelengths neutrons depending on thickness of converters. In detail the procedure of calcula tion is given in papers /12,13/. The total efficiency of converters increases in view of the contribution of low-energy Auger electrons. For the converters made from 157 isotope of gadolinium the total efficiency is increased more than by 10 %. For the converters made from natural ga dolinium the increase is not so appreciable. With increase of neutron wavelength the difference in the efficiencies is increased. Especially well the difference is visible at us e of 157 isotope of gadolinium. It is shown, that at calculations of the efficiency of converters on the basis of 157 isotope of gadolinium it is necessary to take into account the nano-scale laye rs, the minimal step of iterations should be no more than 10 nanometers. The received data were compared with the expe rimental data given in the paper /18/. In this work the experimental data on the efficien cy of detecting of neutrons emitted in a back hemisphere for 6 different energies are rece ived and their comparisons with calibrated 3He counter are conducted. In this work converters ma de from natural gadolin ium and enriched up to 90.5 % 157Gd were used. Work /18/ was carried out on the reactors of Atominstitut in Vienna (ATI) and the ILL Grenoble. One can see from the Fig. 3, that in the case of taking into account of the contribution of low-energy Auger electrons (electro ns with the energies higher than 0.93 keV) the results of our calculations well coincide with the experimental data. This concurrence is well visible for the converters made from 157 isotope of gadolinium. If one do not to take into ac count the low- energy electrons, the curve lays much below the experimental data. Such good consent of theoretical calculations with the experimental data testifies to the correctness of models for calculations and theoretical preconditions. 3. S onclusion Earlier in our calculations we took into account only electr ons with the energies higher than 29 keV. Thus there the low-energy Auger el ectrons were not taken into account; these are Auger electrons from the L-shel l with the energy 4.84 keV and Auger electrons of the M-shell with the energy 0.97 keV. These electrons have rather small runs in gadolinium; these are 0.3 microns (4.84 keV) and 0.04 microns (0.97 keV). They bring the small cont ribution to the total efficiency at use of converters made from natu ral gadolinium as the lengths of free runs of neutrons in natural gadolinium makes tens micron. At the same time their contribution becomes essential at the use of converters made from 157 isotope of gadoliniu m as the lengths of free runs of neutrons there does not exceed 2-3 microns a nd this length become comparable with lengths of runs of electrons. Calculations of efficiency of registration of thermal neutr ons by foils made of natural gadolinium and its 157 isotopes are carried out. In the calculations the low-energy electrons were taken into account. Taking into account of the co ntribution of low-energy Auger electrons results in growth of the total efficien cy of converters. For converte rs made from 157 isotope of gadolinium the total efficiency is increased more than by 10 %. For converters made from natural gadolinium the increase is not so appreciable. With increase of neutron wavelength the difference in the efficiencies is increased. Especially well the difference is visible at use 157 isotope of gadoliniu m. It is shown, that at calculations of efficiency of converters on the basis of 157 isotope of gadolinium it is necessary to take into account the nano-scaled layers, and the minimal st ep of iterations should be no more than 10 nanometers. The received resu lts are well coordinated to experimental data. Such good consent of theoretical calculations w ith the experimental data testifies to the correctness of the chosen mode ls and theoretic al preconditions. This research was conducte d under the support of the Internatio nal Science and Technology Center, Project T-1157. References 1. A.P. 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Fig. 2 Curves of absorption of neutrons for th e wavelengths of 1, 1.8, 3 and 4 A for natural gadolinium and its 157 isotope. Fig. 3 Comparison of results of our calculations with the ex perim ental d ata pre sented in the paper /18/. Calculations ar e carried out for two boundary valu es of the energies of taken into account electrons; i.e. for the values of energy higher than 29 keV and higher than 0.93 keV.
Khikmat Muminov
D. A. Abdushukurov, D.V.Bondarenko, Kh.Kh.Muminov, D.Yu.Chistyakov
Contribution of nano-scale effects to the total efficiency of converters of thermal neutrons on the basis of gadolinium foils
9 pages, 3 figures
physics.ins-det nucl-ex nucl-th
We study the influence of nano-scale layers of converters made from natural gadolinium and its 157 isotope into the total efficiency of registration of thermal neutrons. Our estimations show that contribution of low-energy Auger electrons with the runs about nanometers in gadolinium, to the total efficiency of neutron converters in this case is essential and results in growth of the total efficiency of converters. The received results are in good consent to the experimental data.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Feb 2008 16:45:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Abdushukurov", "D. A.", "" ], [ "Bondarenko", "D. V.", "" ], [ "Muminov", "Kh. Kh.", "" ], [ "Chistyakov", "D. Yu.", "" ] ]
we have that a coherent sheaf F on Pnis said to be m-regular according to if for any i= = 0. OnQnwe consider the following n-block = (S(-n)) ifnis odd or where G0= (S1(-n),S2(-n)) ifnis even and S *are the spinor bundles (for generalities about spinor bundles see [ 13]). We say that a coherent sheaf Fism-Qregular if for any i= = 0. The interesting fact is that on Q2~=P1xP1our definition of m-Qregularity coincides with the definition of ( m,m)-regularity on P1xP1by Hoffman and Wang (see [8]). So we use the results on P1xP1as the starting step in order to prove on Qn, by induction on n, analogs of the classical properties on Pn+1. Next we give some equivalent condition of Qregularity. We co mpare the Qregularity of coherent sheaves on QnPn+1with the regularity of their extensio n by zero in Pn+1. We also classify the coherent sheaves with Qregularity -as those with finite support. The second aim to this paper is to apply our notion of Qregular ity in order to what circumstances a vector bundle can be decomposed i nto a direct sum of line bun- dles. A well known result by Horrocks (see [9]) characterizes the v ector bundles without interme- diate cohomology on a projective space as direct sum of line b undles. This criterion fails on more general varieties. In fact there exist non-split vec tor bundles without This bundles are called ACM bundles. OnPn, Evans and Griffith (see [6]) have improved Horrocks' criteri on: Theorem 1.1 (Evans-Griffith) .LetEbe a vector bundle of rank ronPn,n>=2, thenE splits if and only if i= = 0. On a quadric hypersurface Qnthere is a theorem by Kn orrer that classifies all the ACM bundles (see [10]) as direct sums of line bundles and spinor b undles (up to a has generalized Horrocks criterion to quadrics a nd Grassmanniann giving cohomo- logical splitting conditions for vector bundles (see [14]) . Our main result is to extend Evans-Griffiths criterion to vect or bundles on quadrics. We improve Kn orrer's theorem in the following way: Theorem 1.2. LetEbe a rankrvector bundle on Qn. Then the following conditions = 0for anyi= = 0, 2.Eis a direct sum of line bundles and spinor bundles with some tw ist. 2In particular we get a new and simple proof of the Kn orrer's c haracterization of ACM bundles. The hypothesis Hn-1 *(E) = 0 does not appear in the Evans-Griffiths criterion on Pn. OnQn it is necessary. In fact we can find many indecomposable bundles with H1 *(E) =***=Hn-2 *(E) = 0 0 (see [7] or [11]). Then we specialize to the case: rank E= 2. We prove that if a Qregular rank 2 bundle EhasH1(E(-2)) =H1(E(c1)) = 0, then it is a direct sum of line bundles and spinor bundles with some twis t. In particular if n work over an algebraically closed field with characterist ic zero. We only need zero assumption to prove Theorem 1.2 and Pro position 4.4 because in their proofs we will use Le Potier vanishing theorem. We thanks E. Arrondo. He showed us the connection between the Qregularity and the splitting criteria for vector coherent sheaves: definition and properties Let us consider a smooth quadric hypersurface QninPn+1. We use the unified notation S *meaning that for even nboth the spinor bundles S 1and S2 are considered, and for nodd, the spinor bundle S. We follow the notation of [3] so the spinor bundles are twiste d by 1 with respect to those of [13] (S 2.1. A coherent sheaf FonQn(n>=2) is saidm-Qregular if Hi(F(m-i)) = 0 fori= = 0. We will say Qregular in order to 2.2. A coherent sheaf if H1(F(m-1,m-1)) = = 0. Since we have our conditions become H1(F(m-1,m-1)) = = = 0. So the definition of m-Qregularity coincides with the definition of (m,m)-regularity on P1xP1 by Hoffman and Wang (see 2.3. LetFbe anm-Qregular coherent sheaf on for spanned by use induction on n: forn= 2, (1) comes from [8] Proposition 2 .7.and (2) from [8] Proposition 2 .8. Let us study the case n= 3. LetFbe anm-Qregular coherent sheaf on Q3. We have the following exact sequence for any integer particular we get 0 = 0. This implies that = 0. Let us consider now the exact sequence on = 0 and H3(F(m)S(-3)) = 0, we also have H2(F(m)S(-2)) = 0. If we tensorize by F(m) the exact we = 0. We can conclude that if Fism-Qregular on Q3, thenF|Q2is anm-Qregular on Q2. We have hence (1) and (2) for F|Q2. Moreover from the exact sequence on (1) for F|Q2, the last group is 0; by m-Qregularity the first group is 0. = 0. Let us consider (1) for F|Q2ifi= 1, or by the above argument if i= 2, the last group is 0; by m- Qregularity , the first is 0 if i= 1,2. Therefore H1(F(m+1-1)) =H2(F(m+1-2)) = 0. Moreover from the see that also H3(F(m+1)S(-3)) = 0. We can conclude that Fis (m+1)-Qregular. Continuing in this way we prove (1) for F. To get (2) we consider the following |t H0(F(k))n- - thatsis surjective if = 0. Let us prove that if k>mthentis surjective: From [8] Proposition 2 .8.we know that H0(F|Q2(k,k)) is spanned also the both surjective. Hence their composition is surjective . Now since we have the have that a both sandtare surjective, we can see as in [12] page 100 that uis also surjective. Let assume (1) and (2) on Q2n-1. We prove it on Q2n. LetFbe anm-Qregular coherent sheaf on Q2n. We have the following exact sequence for any integer particular we implies that Hi(F|Q2n-1(m-i)) = 0 fori= 1,...,2n-2. Let us consider now the exact sequences on = 0 and H2n(F(m)S*(-2n)) = 0, we also = 0. If we tensorize by F(m) the exact we = 0. We can conclude that if Fis anm-Qregular sheaf on Q2n, thenF|Q2n-1is anm-Qregular on Q2n-1. We have hence by the induction hypothesis (1) and (2) for from the exact sequence on (1) for F|Q2n-1, the last group is 0; by m-Qregularity the first group is 0. = 0. Let us consider now the exact (1) forF|Q2n-1ifi= 1,...2n-2, or by the above argument if i= 2n-1, the last group is 0; bym-Qregularity , the first is 0 if i= 1,...2n-1. Therefore Hi(F(m+1-i)) = 0 for i= from the exact also see that = 0. We can conclude that Fis (m+1)-Qregular. Continuing in this way we prove (1) for F. To get (2) we consider the following |t H0(F(k))n- - thatsis surjective if = 0. Moreover if k>malsotis surjective by (2) for F|Q2n-1. Since both sandtare surjective we can see as in [12] page 100 that uis also surjective. In a very similar way we can prove (1) and (2) from Q2ntoQ2n+1. We can give some equivalent definition of m-Qregular coherent 2.4. LetFbe a coherent sheaf on Qn. The following conditions are = 0fori= = 0 and Hn(F(m-n+1)) = 0 . Proof.We look at the exact then by (2.3) is also ( m+1)-Qregular. We see = 0=Hn(F(m+1-n)) = =Hn-1(F(m+1-n)) = = 0. So we have a coherent sheaf which satisfies (2). =Hn(F(m-n+1)) = 0 =Hn(F(m)S*(-n)) = 0, we see that we show that the Qregular coherent sheaf are globally gen 2.5. Any Qregular coherent sheaf FonQnis globally need to prove that the evaluation surjective. This is equivalent to prove that its tensor pr oductwith idSis surjective, because this would imply surjective, and restricting to the component of endomorp hims of S of trace zero we get thatphis surjective. We thus observe that we have a commutative dia -H0(FS)OQn | | ps H0(F)SphidS- --- - FS so that it is enough to prove that eandpsare surjective. This follows from Proposition 2.4 which implies that H1(FS*(-1) = 0 (hence eis surjective) and more generally FS is regular, (and hence it is globally generated and psis surjective). 73 Qregularity on Qn Definition 3.1. LetFbe a coherent sheaf on Qn. We define the Qregularity of F,Qreg(F), as the least integer msuch We set Qreg(F) =-if there is no 3.2. OnQn, we show that Qreg(O) =Qreg(S*) = 0. OandS*are ACM =H0(S(-1)) = = 0implies that Ois from the exact =H1(S *)we see that 0by [5] Lemma 4.1.This means that S*is 3.3. an exact sequence of coherent coherent = a coherent sheaf on Qn(n >1) and let i*Fbe its extension by zero in the embedding Qn-Pn+1. We can compare the Qregularity of Fwith the regularity in the sense of of i*F. We recall the 3.4. A coherent sheaf FonQnis saidm-regular in the sense of if = 0fori= the least integer msuch We set reg(F) =-if there is no such 3.5. LetQn-Pn+1be a quadric hypersurface ( n >1). For any have to prove that: F m-regular=F m-Qregular =F m-regular. For any integer tand for any i>0 we if and only if Hi(Qn,F(m-i)) = 0 fori= we only need to prove that = 0. From the exact see that Hn(Qn,F(m-n)) = 0=Hn(F(m)S*(-n)) = 0. LetFbe (m-1)-Qregular, by (2.3) Fism-Qregular, so we only need to prove = 0. From the exact see that Hn(F(m-1)S*(-n)) =Hn(F(m)S*(-n)) = 0=Hn(Qn,F(m-n)) = 0. Remark 3.6. The above Proposition is optimal because for instance Qreg(O) =Qreg(S*) = 0by Remark 3.2 but Reg(i*O) = 1andReg(i*S*) = 0onQn(n>2). In =Hn(Qn,O(t-n)) = 0 if and only if =Hn(Qn,S*(t-n)) = 0 if and only if t>=0. We are ready to classify the coherent sheaves with Qregulari ty-: Theorem 3.7. LetFbe a coherent sheaf on Qn(neven). The following condition are =-. 2.Reg(F) =-. 3. Supp(F)is finite. LetFbe a coherent sheaf on Qn(nodd). Let us consider the geometric collection on Qn: s= following condition are =-. 92.Reg(F) =-. 3.Regs(F) =-. 4. Supp(F)is an even integer and let Fbe a coherent sheaf on Qn. By (3.5)Qreg(F) =-if and only if Reg(F) =-. By [1] Theorem 1 . Reg(F) =-if and only if Supp( F) is finite. Letnbe an odd integer and let Fbe a coherent sheaf on Qn. By (3.5)Qreg(F) =-if and only if Reg(F) =-. By [3] Theorem 4 .3. Reg(F) =-if and only if Regs(F) =-. By [1] Theorem 1 . Regs(F) =-if and only if Supp( F) is finite. 4 Evans-Griffiths criterion on quadrics We use our notion of regularity in order to proving our main re sult: Proof of Theorem 1.2. Let assume that Eis Qregular but E(-1) not. Here we use the definition of Qregularity as in Remark 2.4. SinceEis Qregular, it is globally generated and E(1) is ample. So, by Le Potier we have that Hi(E(-l)) = 0 for every l>0 andi= 1,...,n-r. So by Serre duality Hi(E(-n+l)) = 0 for every l>0 particular Hi(E(-1-i)) = 0 fori=r,...,n-2 and by hypothesis Hi(E(-1-i)) = 0 fori= = 0. We can conclude that E(-1) is not Qregular if and only if 0. Let assume first that 0, this means by Serre duality that 0. We have a non zero map f:E- O Now, since Eis globally generated, we have the exact sequence O - OH0(E)-E- O. The composition of the maps is not zero so must be the identity and we can conclude that Ois a direct summand of E. Let assume now that 0 andHn(E(-1-n+1)) = 0. Let see first the even case: let n= 0. We consider the following exact =Hn-1(E(-1-n+1)) = 0, we see by Serre duality 0 and there exists a non zero the other hand, since for any j= = 0, the following *** all surjective. In particular we have that 0 and there exists a non zero map g: S 2-E(-1). Let us consider the following commutative - H0(S 2S2)~=C |~= - therightvertica l the left vertical map are surjective so also the map tis not zero. This means that the composition of the maps fandgis not zero so must be the identity and we can conclude that S 2is a direct summand of E(-1). By [13] Theorem 2 .8.we ifm0 (mod 4) S1(1) ifm2 (mod 4) Inthesameway wecanprove that, if 0, S 1is adirect summand ofE(-1); or in the odd case that Sis a direct summand of E(-1). By iterating these arguments we have that Eis a direct sum of line bundles and spinor bundles with some twist. As a Corollary we get the following s plitting 4.1. LetEbe a rankrvector bundle on Qnsuch thatHi *(E) = 0for = 0andHn-1 *(ES*) = 0, thenEis a direct sum of line bundles. LetEbe a rankrvector bundle on Qn. Then the following conditions are = 0for anyi= = 0andHn-1 *(ES*) = 0, 2.Eis a direct sum of line bundles with some twist. Corollary 4.2 (Kn orrer) .LetEbe a rankrvector bundle on Qnsuch thatHi *(E) = 0for anyi= 1,...,n-1, thenEis a direct sum of line bundles and spinor bundles with 4.3. The hypothesis Hn-1 *(E) = 0does not appear in the Evans-Griffiths criterion onPn. OnQnit is necessary. In fact we can find many indecomposable bundles with H1 *(E) =***=Hn-2 *(E) = 0. For instance on Q4there is the rank 3bundleP4arising from the following exact sequence (see [7] or [11]): 0- O is the rank 3bundleP5arising from the following exact sequence (see [11]): 0- O -S-P5-0. For rank 2 bundles, since E~=E(c1), the hypothesis Hn-1 *(E) = 0 is not necessary. We can also prove the following 4.4. LetEbe a rank 2bundle on QnwithQreg(E) = 0andH1(E(-2)) = H1(E(c1)) = 0. ThenEis a direct sum of line bundles and spinor bundles with some tw Qregular, it is globally generated and E(1) is ample. So, by Le Potier vanishing theorem, we have that Hi(E(-l)) = 0 for every l>0 andi= 1,...,n-2. So by Serre duality Hi(E(-n+l)) = 0 for every l>0 andi= 2,...,n-1. In particular Hi(E(-1-i)) = 0 fori=r,...,n-2 and by hypothesis Hi(E(-1-i)) = 0 fori= )~=H1(E(c1)) = 0. We can conclude that E(-1) is not Qregular if and only if 0. Now arguing as in theabove theorem we can conclude that Econtains Oas adirect since the rank of the spinor bundles is smaller than 3, can al so contains S *as a direct Ballico and F. Malaspina, n-blocks collections on Fano manifolds and sheaves with regularity Matematiche (Catania) to appear. [2]J. V. Chipalkatti, A generalization of Castelnuovo regularity to Grassmann var Math. 102 (2000), no. 4, 447-464. [3]L. Costa and R. M. 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Francesco Malaspina
Edoardo Ballico and Francesco Malaspina
Qregularity and an Extension of Evans-Griffiths Criterion to Vector Bundles on Quadrics
13 pages, no figures
Here we define the concept of Qregularity for coherent sheaves on quadrics. In this setting we prove analogs of some classical properties. We compare the Qregularity of coherent sheaves on $\Q_n\subset \mathbb P^{n+1}$ with the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of their extension by zero in $\mathbb P^{n+1}$. We also classify the coherent sheaves with Qregularity $-\infty$. We use our notion of Qregularity in order to prove an extension of Evans-Griffiths criterion to vector bundles on Quadrics. In particular we get a new and simple proof of the Kn\"{o}rrer's characterization of ACM bundles.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Feb 2008 16:00:35 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ballico", "Edoardo", "" ], [ "Malaspina", "Francesco", "" ] ]
2 MBCS pairing gap in PFM systems with ohm PFM or Richardson model is widely used as a test model for the pa iring problem. It is the pairing Hamiltonian applied to a system of Nfermions distributed over ohm equidistant levels. All levels are twice degenerate forthe spin up anddown. The levels below (above) theFermi surface will be referred to as holes (particles) and labeled by -i (i). Their single particle energies aree-i= (0.5-i) MeV for holes and ei= (-0.5+i) MeV for particles, where i= 1,2, In all calculations presented below (except for the ones in Fig. 6a ), the pairing strength parameter Gis adjusted so that the pairing gap equals 1 MeV at zero temperatu re. In addition to the fact that exact solution of the PFM is possible if Nand ohm are not big, the PFM with N= ohm (to be referred to as the conventional PFM) possesses intern al This means that at any temperature: a) the energy of the Fermi surface EFequals exactly 0 MeV: EF0 ; (1) b) the quasiparticle energies Eifor particles and holes should be (2) because of (1); c) the particle occupation probabilities (Bogoliubov are related (3) because of (1,2); d) the thermal quasiparticle occupation numbers ni= 1/(1 + exp( Ei/T)) and fluctuations should be equal for particles and holes with the (4) because of (2). Of course, an asymmetric version of the PFM with ohm = may be considered as well but Eqs. (1-4) are not valid for it. The first test of the MBCS performance in the conventional PFM wit hN= ohm = 10 revealed that atT1.75 MeV the system undertakes a phase transition which manifests it self as a sharp simultaneous increase in the pairing gap, a sharp decrease of the system energy and a discontinuity in the specific heat CV(this phase transition was defined as a superfluid - phase transition) [6]. This critical temperature was deno ted asTM[3,4]. It was increases with the number of particles Nin the conventional PFM. It was also reported that enlarging the space by one more level, ohm = N+1, restores the tomuch higher temperatures even for N<=14 systems [3,4]. Fig.1 plotsthe MBCS pairing gap for N= 14 particles and ohm = N+klevels with kchanging from -4 to 50 (solid curves). Indeed, the MBCS gap above Tcis small and almost constant up to TM= 7.2 MeV 20 1 2 3 T (MeV)00.511.5 (MeV)N = 14, ohm = N + ..., 50 Fig. 1. MBCS pairing gap for the system of N= 14 particles on ohm = N+klevels (solid curves). The BCS pairing gap is plotted by the dashed curve. The kvalues are indicated in an oval at each curve. The conventional critical temperature Tcis shown in this and all other figures by the suggested example of extended configuration spaces, k= 1, is considered. However, the MBCS theory breaks down again at rather modest temperature TM= 2.15 MeV with adding one more extra level, k= 2, etc. Thus, the extension of the configuration space beyond k= 1 makes the MBCS results inappropriate again. One immediately notices from Fig. 1 that the MBCS theory predicts tw o typical scenarios for the system evolution with heating. As temperature increases, the system undertakes either a) a superfluid - super-superfluid phase transition (examples with k<=0 in Fig. 1) or b) a phase transition from a superfluid phase with a positive gap to an other superfluid phase but with a negative gap (examples with k >1 in Fig. 1), instead of a superfluid - normal phase transition of the convention al BCS. Corresponding BCS pairing gapbehavior in thesame systems is shown inFig. 1by the dashe d curve. It is impossible to visually distinguish the results when kvalue changes from -4 to 50. We have performed additional calculations for the asymmetric PFM w ithNchanging from 6 to 100. The results look very similar to the ones in Fig. 1. In all these e xamples, there exists only a single case k= 1 with abnormally large TMwhich grows almost linearly with N. For all other kvalues, the phase transitions of unknown types take place at much smaller and smaller as kdiffers from 1 larger and larger. However, only the case ohm = N+1 has been selected for presentation in [3,4] as an example of an extended configuration space (ohm > N). 30246dNi / dN-i(a) N = ohm = 10 TMi = 1 i = 2 i = 3 i = N/2exact 024 0 1 2 T (MeV)(b) N = 10, ohm = 11(c) N = ohm = 30 0 1 2(d) N = ohm = 100 Fig. 2. MBCS predictions for the ratios of quasiparticle-nu mber fluctuations dNi/dN-iin systems. Exact result dNi/dN-i1 in Figs. 2(a,c,d) is shown by the dotted line. 3 MBCS pairing gap: quantal and thermal the MBCS performance has been already discussed in seve ral articles, a clear answer to the question what is responsible for phase transitions of unknow n types predicted by this theory is not yet established. According to the MBCS founders, th ere exists a criterion of the MBCS applicability, according to which the line shape of the quasipartic le-number be symmetric [3,4]. And the theory reaches the limit of its applica bility atTM. The physical origin of this criterion is unclear. The physical spectra are never symmetric, at least in nuclear physics. On the other hand, the single particle spectrum o f the conventional PFM is ideally symmetric with respect to a chemical potential, see Eqs. (2,4 ), but the MBCS itself breaks down this symmetry (see below). The reader of [3] is suggested to notice fromFig. 2 that the line shap e becomes rather asymmet- ric approaching TM, thus violating the above-mentioned criterion of the MBCS applicabilit y. We find it difficult to judge of the symmetry of lines in Figs. 2(a-e). On t he other hand, it is very easy to quantify the results in this figure by plotting the dNi/dN-iratios as a function of temperature for different i. This is done in our Fig. 2 for different systems. Indeed, the asymmetry increases above TMin theN= ohm = 10 system, Fig. 2(a), while this does not in more heavy symmetric N= ohm, Figs. 2(c,d), or selected asymmetric ohm = N+ 1, Figs. 2(b), systems. However, it is difficult to miss that this effect is m arginal compared to asymmetry in all systems (symmetric, asymmetric, light, and heavy ) at much lower Twith the maximum around Tc. In other words, the most severe violation of the suggested crite rion of the MBCS applicability takes place around the critical temperature of th e conventional BCS and not atTMwhere the MBCS breaks down, as stated in [3,4]. This conclusion does n ot depend on details of the PFM system being the suggested criterion does not help to understand what ca uses the theory breaking down, we continue our analysis. Let us read once again the paragra ph containing Eq. (26) in 4-101 0 1 2 3 4 5-101 (MeV)(a) N = 14, ohm = 15 (b) N = ohm = 100-2-1012 0 1 2 3 4 5 T (MeV)-2-101(c) 120Sn -neutrons (d) 120Sn - protons Fig. 3. MBCS pairing gap (thick solid curve) for the PFM syste ms with (a) N= 14, ohm = 15 and (b) N= ohm = 100 and in calculation with a realistic single particle s pectrum for120Sn: (c) neutron and (d) proton systems. This gap is the sum of a quantal (particles pl us holes - thin solid curve) and thermal (holes - dashed curve, particles - dot-dashed curve) parts. Ref. [3] that an important feature of the MBCS theory is that the M BCS gap is the sum of a quantal part (which looks the same as in the conventional BCS) and a thermal part holes particles . (6) Fig. 3 presents the MBCS gap for (a) light and (b) heavy PFM system s by the thick solid curve. The quantal part of it is shown by the thin solid curve, it beco mes very small soon above Tc. The thermal part for holes (particles) is plotted by the dashed (d ot-dashed) curve. The quantity dhis always positive ( vi> ui) and the quantity dpis always negative ( ui> vi); their absolute values increase with temperature. The physics of pairing suggested by the conventional BCS is very sim ple and is generated by the pairing force. As temperature increase s the thermal scattering of nucleons becomes stronger and stronger and finally destroys the pairing at Tc. The MBCS suggests another physics, according to which the heatin g itself generates a of the pairing gap: positive for holes and negative for p articles. The heavier is the system, the stronger thermal pairing gap may be generated. A sim ilar phenomenon takes place in calculation with realistic single particle spectra (see Figs. 3(c) and ( d) where the pairing gap behavior in120Sn is presented for neutrons and protons, when the pairing strength is weak to generate pairing at zer o temperature, the MBCS predicts that the heating develops the pairing gap at finite T, as is obvious from Eqs. (5-6). An example ofthe pairing induced by heating alone ina magicnuclear syste m is shown inFig. 3(d). One should not be surprised that the resulting pairing gap is negative in this example. Fig. 3 5clearly shows that as temperature increases, the MBCS gap receiv es main contribution and their sum can be equally positive (less particle levels, k <0 in Fig. 1) or negative (more particle levels, k >1 in Fig. 1). The main goal of the MBCS theory is to mimic the thermal behavior of t he pairing gap of a macroscopic treatment [9] that the normal - superfluid phase tr ansition is washed out and soon above Tcthe gap remains rather small but positively finite. However, Fig. 3 sh ows that even technically, it is very difficult to achieve the desirable goal with th e MBCS equations: it is necessary that two almost linearly growing functions dhand-dpalmost cancel each other with a high accuracy in a large temperature interval1. Of course, the final result is very sensitive to tiny details of a single particle spectrum employed. If a sp ectrum with is occasionally found, the theory breaks down anyway w ith a step aside from it. Fig. 1 clearly demonstrates it. 4 On range of the MBCS validity As is established, the MBCS theory is capable of generating the pairin g gap behavior which looks reasonable at first glance below TM. It is also established that TMgrows linearly with the mass of the system and it is possible to find a single exceptional ca se of abnormally large TM. Does this mean that the MBCS theory should be considered as reliab le forT < T Mand recommended for applications? To answer this question we return to the conventional PFM. Due to its internal particle - hole symmetry, the accuracy of the MBCS predictions for the theo ry variables can be easily examined even without having exact of Eq. (4) for the dNiquantities in Figs. 2(a,c,d) reveals that this property of the system is enormously violated in the MBCS predictions. The behavior o f the ratios ni/n-iis very similar to the one of dNi/dN-iin Fig. 2. Deviation from the exact result ni/n-i1 reaches a few thousand per cent near probability, Eq. (3), with i= 1 is examined in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5(a), 5(b) shows that the MBCS theory does not keep the energy of the Fermi surface at zero energy, as it should be, Eq. (1). The results in Figs. 2(a,c,d), 4, and 5 obviously demonstrate that as soon as heating starts to play a role, the MBCS predictions are irrelevant to a system which the theory aims to genuine properties of the system are severely violated in t hese predictions. It does not matter whether a light or heavy systems is considered, the results are almost independent and this is the main conclusion of the article: although the MBC S theory generates a pairing gap which looks reasonable in some temperature interval [0 ,TM], it is clear from the analysis of other quantities that the theory predictions have noth ing to do with the properties of a system under discussion even in this temperature from the physical content of the thermal gap i n the MBCS, one finds from Eqs. (3-6) thatdh -dpfor the conventional PFM and the cancellation between these two terms should be exact at any T. This does not happen in MBCS calculations because the MBCS t heory violates Eqs. (3,4), see below. 6024(a) N = ohm = 10 0 1(d) N = ohm = 100 024E-i / Ei 0 1 T (MeV)(b) N = ohm = 30i = 1 i = 2 i = 3 i = 4exact(c) N = ohm = 50 Fig. 4. MBCS predictions for the ratios of quasiparticle ene rgies (E-i/Ei) in different N= ohm systems. Exact results ( E-i/Ei)1 are shown by the dotted line. 024v-1 / u1 0 0.5 1 1.5 T (MeV)(a) 01EF (MeV) 0 0.5 1 1.5 T (MeV)(b) N = 10 N = 30 N = 100exact Fig. 5. MBCS predictions for (a) ratios ( v-1/u1) and (b) the energy of the Fermi level EFinN= ohm = 10, 30, and 100 systems. Exact results (a) ( v-1/u1)1 and (b) EF0 for these systems are shown by the dotted line. 5 Thermodynamic inconsistency of the MBCS theory We remind the reader that expressions for the MBCS theory were c opied expressions by straightforward replacing the BCS with the It has been already pointed out [6] that a method of me chanical copying of equations from one theory into another one has absolutely no grou nds because the properties are simply different. E.g., the thermal part of the pairing gap d, discussed in Sec. 3, has appeared in the MBCS theory as a result o f such an is very natural to verify whether expressions for thermodyna mical observables obtained by such a method are consistent in the MBCS theory . Fig. 6 compares the 710-210-110 010 1(a) N = ohm = 10, G = 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 T (MeV)10-210-110 010 1S (b) N = 10, ohm = 11(c) N = ohm = 30 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1(d) N = ohm = 6. MBCS predictions for thesystem entropy calculated a sSth, Eq. (7), and Ssp, Eq. (8) in different light and heavy, symmetric and asymmetric PFM systems. Noti ce the logarithmic yscale. system entropy which is calculated according its thermodynamical d efinition (dashed (7) and within a statistical approach (solid (8) The latter one is also called the single particle entropy in Refs. [10,11] or the in Ref. [8]. Fig. 6 shows that SthandSspbeing considered separately are amazingly close in different PFM systems for T<=1 MeV but they are dramatically different one from another in the MBC S predictions. The latter fact has been already addressed [5] when the neutron system of120Sn have been found different by two orders of entropy-like quantities in nuclear physics have been consid ered in [10,11]. It has been found that the thermodynamic entropy ..., the information entropy ...and the all coincide for strong enough interaction but only in the presence of a mean field [11]. It is not possible to accept interpretation of these results in Re f. [8] as that SthandSsp are nearly the same only for noninteracting particles. Notice, co rrespondence between Sth andSspin a mean field plus residual forces (Figs. 56(IIa, IIc) in [10]) is definit ely not worse than in an almost pure mean field approach (Figs. 56(Ia, Ic) in [10]) . Fig. 6(a) also presents the quantities within the conventional BCS theory and from the exact solution of the PFM for the N= ohm = 10 system. One notices that for T >100 SMBCS th. (9) 8An attempt to compare the entropy calculated from the exact solution of the PFM has been made in Fig. 6 of Ref. [8] for the N= 10, ohm = 11 system. First of all, the calculation of Sexact sp(thick solid line in Fig. 6(a) of Ref. [8]) is definitely not correct. The aut hor of [8] claims that Sexact spdoes not vanish at T= 0 because occupation probabilities fh<1 and fp>0. The problem with the third law of this calculation is caused by confusion of interacting particles with noninteracting quasipartic les: particle levels are not eigen states of the pairing Hamiltonian, their occupation numbers do not obey and because of that, they cannot be used in Eq. (8) wh ich represents the free Fermi-gas combinatorics. Incorrectly calculated Sexact spis also published in Fig. 8 of [3]. One notices that Fig. 6(b) of Ref. [8] lacks comparison between latter quantity can be easily calculated from Eexact tot(thick solid line in Fig. 4(a) of Ref. [8]). A level of expected disagreement between can be seen from our Fig. 6(a) (compare dashed curve with of the MBCS predictions for the system entropy clearly indic ate a problem with the expression for the system energy which enters in Eq. (7). How this expression was obtained, is mentioned in the beginning of the section. In Fig. 9 of Ref. [6] the sys tem energy calculated from this expression has been compared to the system energy calculated as <H>= Tr(HD) where Dis a density operator and < ... >means averaging over the grand canonical ensemble. Dramatic disagreement in two quantities repre senting the same has been obtained indicating the same problem. 6 Conclusions In this article we continue discussion on the validity of the MBCS theor y. The theory perfor- mance is examined within the PFM. Our present goal is to allow the read er, who is not familiar with the previous discussion on the subject in Refs. [4,5,6,7], to bette r understand the results and conclusions in Refs. [3,8]. We confirm that there exists a single example of the PFM (with the num ber of levels ohm equal to the number of particles Nplus one) in which the MBCS produces the thermal behavior of the pairing gap similar to the one of a macroscopic theory up to a rather h igh temperature. In our opinion, this fact alone is not sufficient to conclude on the theory per formance without noticing that in all other examples of the PFM with ohm theory predicts phase transitions of unknown types at a much lower temperature. These other example s are neither shown nor discussed in Ref. [3]. Although the MBCS formally yields a visually acceptable pairing gap beha vior in some tem- perature domain, the physical content of its pairing gap is very dub ious. The MBCS predicts that heating generates a thermal constituent of the pairing gap w hich becomes stronger and stronger with temperature in contradiction with generally accepte d understanding of the pair- ing phenomenon in nuclei as a result of a specific inte raction. We point out that this unphysical constituent of the MBCS pairing gap is respons ible for strong sensitivity 2at absolute zero, any part of the body must be in a definite qua ntum state - namely the entropy of the body - the logarithm of its statistical wei ght - is equal to zero (see SS23, page 66 in [12]). 3What is plotted by thick solid line in this figure and makes imp ression of agreement with SMBCS this not specified. 9of the theory predictions to tiny details of single particle spectra. The conventional PFM with ohm = Npossesses internal particle-hole symmetry. Due to it, some quantities in the model are known exactly without any calculations. W e have the MBCS predictions deviate from exact results by a few hund red per cent starting from very low temperatures. We also point out that the MBCS is a inconsistent th eory. Performing a systematic analysis of the MBCS performance in the PF M we have failed to find a model system and/or temperature range where the MBCS predic tions are not work was partially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgem einschaft (SFB N.D. Dang, V. Zelevinsky, Phys. Rev. C 64 (2001) 064319. [2] N.D. Dang, A. Arima, Phys. Rev. C 67 (2003) 014304. [3] N.D. Dang, Nucl. Phys. A 784 (2007) 147. [4] N.D Dang, A. Arima, Phys. Rev. C 74 (2006) 059801. [5] V.Yu. Ponomarev, A.I. Vdovin, Phys. Rev. C 74 (2006) 0598 02. [6] V.Yu. Ponomarev, A.I. Vdovin, Phys. Rev. C 72 (2005) 0343 09. [7] N.D. Dang, A. Arima, Phys. Rev. C 68 (2003) 014318. [8] N.D. Dang, Phys. Rev. C 76 (2007) 064320. [9] L.G. Moretto, Phys. Lett. B 40 (1972) 1. [10] V. Zelevinsky, B.A. Brown, N. Frazier, and M. Horoi, Phy s. Rep. 276 (1996) 85. [11] V.K. Kota and R. Sahu, Phys. Rev. E 66 (2002) 037103. [12] L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Statistical Physics (Pe rgamon Press, London-Paris, 1958). 10
Vladimir Ponomarev
V.Yu. Ponomarev and and A.I. Vdovin
Test of a modified BCS theory performance in the Picket Fence Model
Analyses of a modified BCS (MBCS) theory performance at finite temperatures in the Picket Fence Model (PFM) for light and heavy systems is presented. Both symmetric, $\Omega=N$ ($N$ particles on $\Omega$ twice-degenerate levels), and asymmetric, $\Omega\neq N$, versions of the PFM are considered. The quantities known exactly from particle-hole symmetry of the $\Omega=N$ PFM are calculated. Starting from very low temperatures, these quantities are found in dramatic deviation from the exact values in MBCS results. Consequences of the MBCS prediction that heating generates a thermal constituent of the pairing gap, are discussed. Thermodynamical inconsistency of the MBCS is also addressed.
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[ [ "Ponomarev", "V. Yu.", "" ], [ "Vdovin", "and A. I.", "" ] ]
2 index-matching oil (Cargille Labs Type DF [20]) which contains 2:08g=mL laser dye (Nile Blue 690 perchlo- rate). A transparent weight of 145 :5 g was placed on top of the particles to monitor the lling height and to apply a controlled vertical force. The cylinder is placed inside a transparent water tank for thermal cycling at a rate of 16oC per hour. As the PMP container was heated/cooled the by 0 :46 mm2for every (6 :5 % of a single particle bead expansion was negligible, the sample and oil are index-matched at room temperature. Since the index of refraction changes with temperature di erently for glass and oil, we can only image our sample at the end of each thermal cycle. Laser sheet xyz3 mm FIG. 1: Experimental setup: Glass beads immersed in index matching oil in a cylinder are subjected to thermal cycling via a water bath. The uorescently dyed uid is imaged via a laser sheet that is moved across the sample. One of images shown. Three dimensional images of the system at each cycle were obtained using a laser sheet scanning method, rst described in [12]. Brie y, a laser sheet is sent through the specimen at the excitation frequency of the laser dye to produce a cross-sectional image of the granular mate- rial in which the particles appear as dark circles within the dyed uid (see Fig. 1). Images are taken with a high sensitivity cooled CCD camera (Sensicam, PCO). To ob- tain a three dimensional image, the laser is translated in 100m increments along the axis of the cylinder for a dis- tance of 60 mm (20 D), starting from the top of the pile. The camera is not translated, but the changing object distance is accounted for in the analysis. A 3D bandpass lter is used to reduce noise and to smooth out images of the beads. A particle by Crocker [13] and Weeks [14] detects the centers of>98 % of all beads to within 100 m, whichis smaller than the uncertainty in the bead diameters. The remaining <2 % of bead positions are with comparable resolution using an interactive 3D visualization of images with an overlay of This allows us to generate complete maps of 3D jammed states. Particle rearrangmenets are followed through multiple thermal cycles. The particles move by less than 0.5 D in each thermal cycle, a scale small enough to allow for reliable particle Packing Cycle # 25deg C 40deg C 60deg C Exponential Fit FIG. 2: Packing fraction vs. cycle number for various tem- perature We apply ten thermal cycles for three di er- ent temperature di erentials: 25oC, 40oC, and 60oC. The average packing fraction is determined from the ver- tical position of the at glass weight on top of the pile in the 3D image. The initial conditions are generated by letting particles settle into the oil lled cylinder. Af- ter the particles settle, the glass top is allowed to sink onto the surface of the uid immersed particles. Fill- ing in oil rst is necessary to eliminate air bubbles from the sample, but leads to signicant variability in the initial packing fraction. Nevertheless, the increase in packing fraction during thermal cycling can be t with an exponential (t) =0Aet=as shown in Fig. 2 with0= 0:6190:0008,A= 0:0280:0007, and = 4:87 cycles0:31 cycles. The compaction rate is slower than the faster of the two time scales, 2.72 cycles, reported by [11], consistent with a weaker forcing of the particles due to buoyancy forces. We nd that the pair correlation function g(r) does not evolve signicantly during compaction, as shown in Fig. 3. This is not surprising since the particles only need to move closer by about 0 :001Don average to achieve an increase in packing fraction of 1 :5%. The overall shape of g(r) is consistent with a random arrangement of particles in the presence of some ordering at the boundaries. The Voronoi construction denes a unique partitioning of space where each particle is assigned a local 2.0 1.0 0.0 r FIG. 3: Pair correlation function g(r) averaged over 10 ther- mal cycles. hood, the Voronoi cell, corresponding to the region of space closest to a given particle. The Voronoi cell struc- tures were determined using the QHULL algorithm [15]. To avoid boundary artifacts, Voronoi cells were computed for all particles, but only the volumes of particles that are not on the boundaries we used in the analysis. The dis- tributions of Voronoi volumes is shown in Fig. 4. The distribution is non-gaussian with a sharp cuto at small volumes and a broad range of large volumes, similar to distributions observed in simulations in glass-forming liq- uids [16] and in recent experiments of granular materials [8]. One possible functional form of the distribution of voronoi volumes proposed by Aste et al. [8] contains only one tting parameter k. Fitting our Voronoi cell to this function yields k= 24, apprecia- bly larger than the kvalue,k= 12, suggested by Aste et al. [8], however. The larger polydispersity in bead diameters in the experiments presented here (10 % as opposed to 2 % to 5 %), could explain the wider distribu- tion of Voronoi volumes. We nd that the distribution of Voronoi volumes does not change signicantly as the system is Rahman's investigation of cooled liquids, we analyze particle motion and its relation to the Voronoi cell shape. We dene the vector ~ vi;jto be the displace- ment of the center of particle ifrom cyclejtoj+ 1 (see Fig. 5). Next, we dene a vector describing the Voronoi cell shape relative to the particle center. From the per- spective of the particle, the vertices of the vornonoi con- struction correspond to the direction in which a particle sees a void between three neighbors. The mean po- sition of all vertices therefore indicates where a particle would see more local void spaces. The vector ~ ui;jdenes the displacement from the center of particle iat cyclej to the mean position of its corresponding Voronoi ver- tices, as shown in Fig. 5. The averages for j~ ujandj~ 1 mm (0.33 D) larger than the Voronoi Cell Volume Experiment Aste et alFIG. 4: Histogram of Voronoi volumes i,j vr ri,j i,j+1 th FIG. 5: Denition of particle displacement vector vand u vector for a cross-section of the 3D Voronoi volume. Since this is a cross-section of the 3D Voronoi cell, the particle need not be in contact with any of the edges of the Voronoi volume. with which we detect particle positions. To determine the correlation between particle displace- ment and Voronoi shapes, we then consider the alignment of~ ui;jand~ vi;j. Specically, we calculate cos( ) for each image, where is the angle between ~ ui;jand~ vi;jfor each particle. The probability distribution of cos averaged over all cycles is shown in Fig. 6. In addition, we show the distribution for the rst and the last cycle, and a control for two 3-D images without thermal cycling be- tween the images. We nd that the distribution peaks at cos= 1, indicating that the particle moves toward the center of the vertices of its Voronoi cell. Particle motion and Voronoi shape are indeed using the laser sheet scanning method, we visu- alize the internal structure and dynamics of a jammed granular material. Under quasi-static forcing via ther- mal cycling ows are slow enough (less than 0:5 D between frames), so we can observe the microscopic dy-4 namics of this strongly interacting particle system. While the di erences in local structures are too small to be ob- servable in local distributions such as g(r) or the Voronoi volume distribution, the Voronoi volume appears to hold important clues for the future dynamical evolution of the particles. Voronoi reconstruction indicates that particles tend to move toward the centers of Voronoi vertices as long ago observed in Rahman's pioneering simulations of particle motion in cooled liquids [10]. This in our granular uid is independent of the size of the Voronoi volume, the velocity of particles, and the position of particles within the granular column. Rahman [10] and others following him [17] inferred from the correlations in the tracer particle displacement and the Voronoi cell shape that the particles were moving in tube-like environments, thus anticipating the string- like motion in cooled liquids that has recently become widely appreciated [9, 18]. This raises questions about whether such collective interparticle displacements particle motion in compactied granular ma- terials. The absence of equilibrium in granular uids, however, complicates the denition of mobile and col- lectively moving particles in granular materials, since there is no model such as Brownian motion to provide a aseline for this comparison. A recent study of a quasi-2D air-driven granular material [19] indicates the presence of collective string-like motion as in cooled liq- uids so the general presence of such collective motions in driven granular media seem highly plausible. How- ever, we expect important di erences to emerge in sys- tems such as ours where the volume of the material is 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 P(cos( th)) -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 cos( th)0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 P(cos( th)) -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 cos( th) a) c) b) d) 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 P(cos( th)) -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 cos( th) FIG. 6: a) Preferred Direction PDFs for system with  T= 40oC for each thermal cycle. b) Preferred Direction PDFs for system with  T= 25oC for each thermal cycle. c) Pre- ferred Direction PDFs for system at constant temperature d) 3D reconstruction of system from the perspective of a given particle facing ve vertices of its Voronoi cell. Notice that the vertex is located in the void between in time with compaction. We plan to study the evolutionary or aging dynamics of our granular uid in the future. We thank Krisztian Ronaszegi for assistance in data analysis. This work was supported by NSF and CTS0625890. Ocial contribution of the National Institute of Standards and Technology - Not subject to copyright in the United address: address: C. S. O'Hern, L. E. Silbert, A. J. Liu, and S. R. Nagel, Phys. Rev. E 68, 011306 (2003). [2] J. B. Knight, C. G. Fandrich, C. N. Lau, H. M. Jaeger, and S. R. Nagel, Phys. Rev. E 51, 3957 (1995). [3] M. Toiya, J. Stambaugh, and W. Losert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 088001 (2004). [4] A. J. Liu and S. R. Nagel, Nature 396, 21 (1998). [5] E. R. Weeks and D. A. Weitz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 095704 (2002). [6] A. H. Marcus, J. Schoeld, and S. A. Rice, Phys. Rev. E 60, 5725 (1999). [7] P. Richard, P. Philippe, F. Barbe, S. Bourl es, X. Thibault, and D. Bideau, Phys. Rev. E 68, T. Aste, T. D. Matteo, M. Saadatfar, T. J. Senden, M. Schrter, and H. L. Swinney, Euro. Phys. Lett. 79, 24003 (2007). [9] J. F. Douglas, J. Dudowicz, and K. F. Freed, The Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 144907 (pages 17) (2006). [10] A. Rahman, J. Chem. Phys. 45, 2585 (1966). [11] K. Chen, J. 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In no case does it imply endorsement by NIST or imply that it is necessarily the best product for the procedure.
Steven Slotterback
Steven Slotterback, Masahiro Toiya, Leonard Goff, Jack F. Douglas, Wolfgang Losert
Particle motion during the compaction of granular matter
4 pages, 6 Figures, to be submitted to PRL
We track particle motions in a granular material subjected to compaction using a laser scattering based imaging method where compaction is achieved through thermal cycling. Particle displacements in this jammed fluid correlate strongly with rearrangments of the Voronoi cells defining the local spatial partitioning about the particles, similar to previous observations of Rahman on cooled liquids. Our observations provide further evidence of commonalities between particle dynamics in granular matter close to jamming and supercooled liquids.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Feb 2008 20:23:35 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Slotterback", "Steven", "" ], [ "Toiya", "Masahiro", "" ], [ "Goff", "Leonard", "" ], [ "Douglas", "Jack F.", "" ], [ "Losert", "Wolfgang", "" ] ]
Universal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 2 1. Introduction New types of two-dimensional system on which meaningful physical experiments can be performed include optical lattices of trapped atomic gases [1], ma gnetic surfaces [2] and d-doped magnetic layers [3]. These add to a list of well established two dimensional systems that includes ultrathin magnetic films [4], atomic m onolayers (both physi- and chemisorbed) [5, 6, 7, 8], crystalline surfaces [9], s [10] and arrays of interacting Josephson junctions [11]. Rec ent on the concept of extended universality [12], the e ffects of finite size [13, 14], and the dipolar interaction [15, 16] should be particular ly relevant to understanding experiments on these systems, both old and new. The key experiment on two dimensional systems is to test the existe nce and temperature dependence of a magnetic or crystalline order param eterm(T). In cases wheremcan be measured experimentally (which excludes, for example, supe rfluid films [7]), this is invariably found to approximate a power law over a cert ain range of temperature: m~(Tc-T)b, whereTcis the transition temperature. Theory predicts a limited number of possibilities for the value of the exponent b, as dictated by the universality class of the system. In two dimensions crystal symmet ries and Ising, crystalfield anisotropy(XY h4) arethe three main experimentally three and four state Potts models provide additional universa lity classes observed in experiments on adsorbed 18] and surfa ce reconstruction [9]. For the Ising, three- and four-state Potts models, For the XY model, one expects ~b= 0.23, a universal number that arises in the finite size scaling at the phase trans ition [19, 20], though not a conventional critical exponent [21]. For XY h4, theory predicts a critical exponent b1/h4and thus a continuous spectrum of values when sampled over many real systems (see references [22, 23] and this work). We have tested these ideas by means of an extensive survey of exp erimental two dimensional critical exponents, including data for magnetic ultrath in films, layered magnets that exhibit a temperature regime of two dimensional beha viour [24, 25, 26, 27], order-disorder transitions in adsorbed gaseous monolayers [1 7, 18], and [9]. The results are presented in Figure 1 and in the appendix. As observed previously on more limited data sets [4, 21, 28, 29], the dist ribution of b's is distinctly bimodal, with strong peaks at b= 0.12 andb= 0.23, as expected for the Ising and XY models. In several cases ideal Ising [24, 30] and XY [25 , 26, 27, 31, 32] behaviour has been confirmed in great detail by measuring thermod ynamic quantities other than the magnetization. Likewise there is compelling evidence f or in several non magnetic systems [17, 18, 33, 34, 9]. Ho wever the XY h4 universality is more elusive. Of particular relevance to the present d iscussion are monolayer Fe/W(100) [32] and the layered ferroma gnets Rb 2CrCl4[25] and K 2CuF4[26], easy plane systems which have been shown to exhibit the full ran ge of ideal XY behaviour despite their 4-fold symmetry. Another very well magnetK 2FeF4[31], but this is not XY-like, with b= 0.15 intermediate between the XY and Ising values. Claims for XY h4universality have been made for the ferromagnetic films Fe/[Au or Pd](100) [35], characterised only to a limited extent, as well as the forwhich full are available. The behaviour of these candidates for XY h4is seen to fallUniversal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 3 Figure 1. Histogram of bvalues for all two-dimensional systems reported in Tables A1, A2 and A3. The universal window is highlighted by t he grey for inclusion in the data set are discussed in the ap pendix. into two categories, which on closer inspection appears to be relate d to the strength of h4: those with weak h4are XY-like with b0.23, while those with stronger 0 .125<=b<=0.23. no experimental evidence of the divergence of the exponent bimplied by b1/h4. Instead, most experimental data that cannot be ascribed to the Potts classes lies in a universal window, bounded by the Ising and XY values. There ar e exceptions at the upper bound where crossover to three dimensional behavio ur may increase the value of bupwards from 0 .23 [21, 38]. However, it is clear from the histogram that the majority of systems are indeed encompassed in a limited range be tween the Ising and XY values. 2. Universality Classes in Two we address the main question of why the universal window ex ists, it is relevant to specify the occurrence and relationships between two dimension al Considering first magnetic degrees of freedom, we ignore the possibility of truly Heisenberg behaviour, remarking that the broken transla tional to layers or surfaces, combined with a condition of crysta l periodicity, means all real systems have at least one p-fold axis, which necessarily introduces Thus, although pure Heisenberg behaviour may be observable over a restricted temperature range [39, 40], it must give way to behaviou r characteristic of the perturbations at temperatures near to the phase transition . These Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 4 Table 1. Classification of continuous transitions which can be obser ved in two- dimensional magnetic systems and in structural order-diso rder transitions on surfaces. *indicates the occurrence of a particular universality clas s, its absence. The special case of the square lattic e dipolar system is discussed in the Class Magnetic Systems Adsorbed Systems Ising * * XY * * XYh4 * * 3-state Potts x * 4-state Potts x * take the form of axial anisotropy (either easy axis or easy plane) a ndp-fold ( p= 1,2,3,4 and 6). Easy-axis systems are generally Ising-like (despite t he fact that the normal to the plane is usually a polar axis) while easy-pla ne systems withp= 2-6 should be described by the XY hpmodel. XY h2is in the Ising class, whereas XY h3is in the 3-state Potts class, although it is very unlikely in magnetic systems owing to time reversal symmetry (we found no examples). universality class distinct from the 4-state Potts class, while the p hase transition in XYh6is in the XY class [22]. Inclusion of the dipolar interaction on lattices oth er than the squarelattice does not add extra Ho weverthe case ofthe square lattice must be regardedas an unsolved problem: perturba tive calculations [41] and numerical results [42, 43, 44] suggest that the square lattice dipolar model belongs to XYh4, but the renormalisation group calculations of Maier and Schwabl ind icate a different set of critical exponents [15]. The experimental data c onsidered here are consistent with the former result rather than with the latter, but Maier and could yet be born out on an as yet mod el dipolar system. At least as far as the existing experimental data set is concerned, we conclude that, for magnetic systems, there are only three main universality classe s: Ising, XY and XYh4. The samein but possibility of the 3- or 4-state Potts classes due to comp eting nearest neighbour [46, 47]. Indeed, Schick [46] used argum ents from Landau theory to classify the phase transitions of two dimensional adsorb ed systems into only four classes: the Ising, XY h4, 3- and 4-state Potts. This set is supplemented by a chiral 3-state Potts class which shares conventional exponents with the pure 3-state Potts class [48] (hence for present purposes we shall treat thes e two cases as a single class). One result of the current work is that the pure XY class is als o relevant transitions in adsorbed layers. Combining these ob servations we have five universality classes for structural systems and three for ma gnetic systems, as summarised in Table 1. 3. Calculation of Critical Exponents The relationship between the Ising, XY, XY hpand clock models may be discussed with reference to the following (1)Universal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 5 in which the thi's are the orientations of classical spins of unit length situated on a square lattice with periodic boundary conditions and confined to the XY plane, Jis the coupling constant and hpis thep-fold crystal field. It should be noted that unlike real systems, the lattice symmetry in computer simulations does no t constrain the spin symmetry, and consequently the adoption of a square lattice d oes not restrict the generality of our arguments. In the limit hp- , the Hamiltonian (1) is called a clock model, since thiis restricted to discrete values evenly spaced around a circle: 2p(n/p), n= 1,...,p-1. Jos' e, Kadanoff, Kirkpatrick and Nelson (JKKN) [22] have shown that for p >4,hpis an irrelevant scaling field down to with the result that fluctuations restore the con tinuous symmetry of the 2dXY model above a threshold temperature, leading to a KTB tr ansition [20] and quasi-long range order over a finite range of temperature. Re cently it has been shown [12] that a similar scenario remains valid even for infinitely stron g crystal field strength, with the result that fluctuations restore continuo us symmetry for p- state clock models with p >4, although for 4 < p<=6 this occurs above the KTB temperature, TKT. Forp= 2 and 3, hpis relevant, leading to phase transitions in the Ising and 3-state Potts universality class respectively. h4, on the other hand, is a marginal perturbation [22]. A second order phase transition is pr edicted critical exponents depending on the field strength . Ash4- , XYh4 crosses over to the 4-state clock model, which is equivalent to two p erpendicular Ising models, and the transition falls into the Th e for XY h4is hence bounded by the Ising universality class for large h4. The non-universal exponents of XY h4can be calculated analytically within the framework proposed by JKKN. They showed that to describe the e volution of the KTB transition in the presence of a weak p-fold field it is sufficient to replace (1) by the generalized Villain Hamiltonian [22, The integers mijmaintain the periodicity of the for rotations over an angle 2 p.SRis a directed sum of integers mij around a square plaquette of four sites centred at SR= 0,+-1,+-2...and isthereforea quantumnumber centred on the dual lattice site /vectorR.y0is related to the chemical potential u and fugacity yfor the creation ofa neighbouringdual In the original Villain model y0= 1 but it is introduced here as a parameterwhich is re normalizedin the subsequent flows. Similarly ypis a fugacity for a locking process of spins along one integer sitei. For weak crystal fields, (hp/kBT), which reproduces the field contribution to the partition function to leading order in yp. For and (2) transforms into a discrete p-state model. Note however that this is not the p-state clock model: although the Villain model maintains the symmetry it destroys the local O(2) symmetry of the pair interaction. The discrete terms ( (n/p)2p, n= 0,1,...,p-1 hence do not have this symmetry over the interval -p p. Forp= 4 thisUniversal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 6 means that neighbouring spins orientated perpendicularly have an e nergy less than half that of antiparallel spins and the ordered state has lower lying e xcitations than the corresponding clock model. It is therefore not clear whether t he Villain model falls into the correct universality class in the strong field limit and for q one should use Hamiltonian (1) rather than (2). Withypset equal to zero, a direct space renormalization analysis for the s pin- spin resulting from (2) leads to RG flow equatio ns for an constant Keffand vortex fugacity, y. ForKeff= 2/p,y= 0, the flows yield the KTB transition [51]. In the presence of the p-fold field the flow equations are modified and a third equation is generated [22, 52]. For the explicit cas e withp= 4, these (3 (3c) wherebis the scale factor and where the equations are valid as b-1. This set of equations has fixed points at K*= 2/p,y* 0=+-y* 4. We can calculate the linearized transformation matrix evaluated at the fixed point, *:Mi,j=Ki Kj|*, for the eigenvalues we find l= (4) wherea= 8p3~ye-2pln(b), and wherey0=y4= ~y. Writing l=bswe extract the three scaling exponents. There is one relevant exponent, which is interpreted as s1= 1/n, the exponent taking the coupling constant away from the critical value at the now regular se cond order There is also one irrelevant variable s2, which is interpreted as driving the vortex fugacity to zero. Finally, there is one marginal variable, s3, which, as announced, ystalfield. Taking h4= 0 all eigenvalues become marginal, consistent with the particular sca ling properties of the 2dXY model. In the small field limit, s1=-s3= 4pe-p~h4ands2= 0. This gives the non-universal correlation length exponent [22] n1.8(kBTKT/h4). The strong field limit, y4= 1 gives n0.47, which should be compared with the exact result for the Ising model, n= 1. The agreement is poor, as might be expected given the distortion of the four fold interaction imposed by the Villain model. It is clear from this result that a quantitative calculation for the strong field limit req uires a Hamiltonian. In order to calculate bfrom the scaling relations [53], a second relevant scaling exponent is required. In this case the anomalous dimension exponen tecan [22]. Atthe KTBtra nsitionofthe XY model,e= 1/4, giving the universal jump in the effective spin stiffness, Keff= 2/p. It follows from the scaling relation 2 b= (d-2+e)nthat the finite size scaling exponent b/n= 1/8, as in the Ising model, despite the fact that here the true bandnare not defined. This is an example of weak universality [54] between the tw o models. A striking result in the presence of a 4-fold field is that eremains unchanged to lowest order inh4[22], indicating that a weak universal line extends out from the XY mod el along the h4axis. Here we make the hypothesis that the line extends right to the IsingUniversal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 7 limit, in which case e= 1/4 for allh4. This is clearly a reasonable assumption for the level of calculation made here. It is also an appealing result as other e xamples of are far less accessible to experiment [55]. Analysis of the numerical data presented in the next section lends weight to this hypothesis, altho ugh the is found to divide into two regimes, depending on the stren gth of the h4 field. From this analysis we therefore predict a range of non-universal m going weak field, to b= 1/8 in the strong field limit. To make quantitative comparison with simulation and experiment we need to estimate bas a function of h4/J. The critical value K*= 2/pcorresponds to a renormalized coupling constant, Jeff, valid at large length scale such that kBTKT=pJeff/2. In general Jeff< J: for the while for the XY Hamiltonian (1) kBTKT/J0.9 and is different Hence, while wecan mak ea for the low field (6) withaa constant of order unity, scaling equation (5) by a factor not lead to an accurate quantitative estimate for aand the precise value is beyond the scope of the present calculation. 4. Competition with Essential Finite Size Effects The survey of the bvalues illustrated in Figure 1 shows a clear discrepancy between theory presented above and experiment: the large values of bpredicted for small h4 do not appear and the range of values is cut off at b0.23. As the latter is an effective exponent characteristic of XY criticality up to a finite lengt h scale, it seems clear that the non-universal critical phenomena are suppressed , for weak field, by the exceptional finite size scaling properties of the pure 2dXY model [21 , 57, 58]. This hypothesis can be tested by numerical simulation, in which both h4and the system size may be directly controlled. In a real XY system the relevant length scale will in most cases be less than the physical size of the system: for example, it could be a coherence len gth controlled by defects or dipolar interactions [59], or, in the case of layered sys tems, a crossover scale to the third dimension [60, 21]. Thus, although real systems mig ht have, for example, 1016spins, the relevant scale for XY critical behaviour will typically be much smaller and compatible with the scale of Monte Carlo simulations, w here the appropriate length scale is simply the system size. This finite length sc ale gives rise to a finite magnetization that disappears at the rounded KTB tr ansition. As emphasised in [21], this is perfectly consistent with the Mermin-Wagne r theorem [61], which proves that the magnetization will be strictly zero in the therm odynamic limit. It is easy to convince oneself that finite size corrections to the the rmodynamic limit are important for any physically realizable cut off length scale. The re sulting low temperature magnetization is therefore directly relevant for exp eriment. In Figure 2(a) we show the magnetic order parameter, the therma lly moment normalized to unity, versus temperature, with diff erent 4-fold fieldUniversal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 8 (a) (b) Figure 2. Monte Carlo data for the 2dXY model in the presence of a 4-fold crystal field, with N= 104. Plot (a) displays the magnetization data of the XY model in the presence of increasingly strong anisotropies. Plot (b) displays the same data as a function of reduced temperature t, in a logarithmic scale. In both plots the universal window is highlighted by the blue shad for a system with N= 104spins. For h4= 0 the magnetization is characterized by the effective critical exponent, ~b0.23. A finite size analysis of Kosterlitz' renormalization group equations shows that in the regio n of the transition it approaches a universal number ~b= 3p2/1280.23, in agreement with both experiment and simulation data, such as that shown here. For weak crystal field, h4there is no change in the the region of the transition and the magnet ization data coincide with the data for zero field [62]. Only for h4/J>=0.5 do they leave the zero field data through the transition, approaching results fo r the 4-state clock model for large values of h4/J. In Figure 2(b) we show log( m) against log( t), where t= (T-Tc)/Tc. The transition temperature Tcis calculated from a finite size scaling analysis of the fourth order Binder cumulant for M[63, 64, 59] and is an estimate of the value in the thermodynamic limit. The slopes, for small t, give a first estimate of the exponent b, indicating that it lies in the interval 1 /8< b(h4)<0.23 for all values ofh4, exactly as observed in experiment. The crossover to Ising behav iour is slow: for h4/J= 1,b(h4)0.15 and to approach b1/8 requires h4/Jin excess of 5.Universal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 9 (a) (b) -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 t Lb/n L = 16 L = 24 L = 32 L = 48 L = 64 L = 100h4 = 2.0 Tc = 1.065 b = 0.137 n = 1.09 (c) (d) Figure 3. Best data collapses for the 2dXY model with 4-fold crystal fie ld h4/J= 1.0 andh4/J= 2.0 for different system sizes. Hence the data here, as in previous numerical work [62, 65, 64], sho w evidence for a finite pocket of XY critical behaviour for small values of h4. This appears to refute the prediction of JKKN, derived explicitly in the previous section, tha t the exponents vary continuously with h4[65] (see the further discussion below). For strengths, however, the non-universal criticality does appe ar to hold as can be confirmed by a more detailed finite size scaling analysis. The values of bandncan be estimated more accurately by collapsing data for various system siz es onto the The best data collapses for h4/J= 1 and h4/J= 2, with Tc in each case fixed from the Binder cumulant calculation, are shown in F igure 3. We findb= 0.148(5) and b= 0.136(10), in good agreement with the values found from Figure 2(b), and n= 1.19(4),n= 1.09(8). The ratio b/n= 0.126(4) in each case, is in agreement with the weak universality hypothesis. Similar results for h4/J= 0.5 can be found in [65]. Although these exponent values are not so different from the Ising model values, the data collapse is less satisfactory when Ising expo nents are studying the finite size scaling properties of mat the transition. In Figure 4 we show log( m) against log( L) forh4/J= 1 for a range of temperatures near the transition. At the transition one expects a power law evolution char acterised by the finite size scaling exponent e/2 =b/n. The best power law occurs at Tc= 1.010(5)J, which is the same as the value found from the Binder cumulant method . The scaling exponent e/2 = 0.126(3), is the same as that found for the data collapse in FiguresUniversal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 10 Figure 4. Magnetisation magainst system size L, in log-log scale, for the 2dXY model with 4-fold crystal field h4/J= 1.0, for temperatures near the transition. 3(a) and 3(b). This and previous numerical work [62, 65, 64, 66] are consistent wit In this case the crossover exponent to the new universa lity class is zero at best on exponentially large length scales, as a result of corrections to scaling [62]. Hence, for small and intermediate crystal field stren gths the finite size scaling appears compatible with that of the continuous symmetr y of the 2dXY model[62], no evidence of such a crossover for small fields. It therefo re remains an open question whether the pocket of pure XY behaviour for small h4/Jis a related to excessively slow crossover, or whether it r emains right to limit. In either case this is the main result of this sectio n: large values ofbare indeed masked by the pocket of 2dXY behaviour, leading to the e ~bfor weak h4and creating a divide between systems with strong and b(h4)<0.23. The threshold value of h4, separating the two regimes can be estimated theoretically by putting b(h4) = 0.23 in Equation (6). Using kBTKT/J0.9 givesa= 1.6 and h4/J0.9, a ratio of order unity, in agreement with the above general argu ments, but an over estimate compared with numerics, where the change of regime occurs for h4/J~0.5, corresponding to a1. Having confirmed that e0.25 over the whole range of h4, we finally fix e= as a function of h4. The estimates of nandb, summarised in Table 2, are in good agreement with all previous unconstrained estimates. We also include by a typical experimental analysis of fixing Tcfrom the maximum in the susceptibility or where the magnetization approaches zero, an d deriving bfrom a log-log plot. There is seen to be a systematic error between the diff erent estimates ofb, especially for small values of h4. Nevertheless, the experimental exponents are still found to lie in the universal window of values predicted for the t rue exponents of the underlying model. The various critical exponents plotted in Fig ure 5 are foundUniversal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 11 Table 2. Critical exponents for the XY h4model, as determined from a finite size scaling analysis, and as measured directly from Monte Carlo magnetization data for a system of size L= 100. h4n b TL cb(TL c) 0.5 1.37(6) 0.171(10) 1.01(1) 0.214(9) 1 1.19(4) 0.148(5) 1.04(1) 0.196(6) 2 1.09(8) 0.136(10) 1.08(1) 0.155(3) 5 1.04(6) 0.130(7) 1.12(1) 0.129(3) 1.00(5) 0.125(6) 1.14(1) 0.123(3) 0 0.5 1 1.5 5. Exponents bandnmeasured from a finite size scaling analysis of the Monte Carlo data plotted against 1 /h4. to be linear in 1 /h4. By fitting to b(h4) = 0.125+a/h4, we estimate the constant a to be 0.032 for the true exponents, and 0.05 for the experiment al exponents. These values are clearly very different from that expected for the const antain Equation (6), but once outside the pocket of pure XY behaviour we are no longer in the weak field regime for which Equation (6) is valid, as was shown in the previous sec tion. 5. The Strong Field-Weak Field evidence for the strong field-weak field divide comes f rom making head to head comparisons between systems listed in the appendix. A quantitative comparison is afforded by the ferromagnet Rb 2CrCl4[67] and the antiferromagnet K 2FeF4[31], both quasi two dimensional square lattice systems withS= 2. In both systems the intra-plane isotropic exchange coupling, Jis much bigger than the inter-plane value J', giving rise to an extended temperature range with two dimensional critical fluctuations. However, while the ferro magnet shows all the characteristics of the pure XY universality class [25, 68], the an tiferromagnet exponents, with b= 0.15 [31], which we now see to be consistent with XYh4. A realistic model Hamiltonian for either system has the following (7)Universal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 12 Table 3. Main parameters for K 2FeF4and Rb 2CrCl4, as determined from experiment [31, 2 2 J(K) -15.7 15.12 D(K) 5.7 1.06 E(K) -0.49 0.123 ~D 0.363 0.07 ~e 0.0052 0.0013 b 0.15(1) 0.230(2) where the weak interplane exchange and a weak fourth order axial term are ignored (in the case of Rb 2CrCl4small departures from tetragonal symmetry are neglected for the purpose of this of the Heisenberg exchange and the 4-fold term ebreaks symmetry ForbothRb 2CrCl4 and K 2FeF4accurate estimates of the Hamiltonian parameters were derived by fitting magnon dispersions measured by neutron scattering to a self-con sistent spin wave calculation [31, 67, 69]. However, in order to fit the spectra, the fo urth order term was decoupled into an effective second order term, with amplitude E6eS2. In the low temperature limit one can estimate parameters ~ are shown in Table 3 for both materials. To get an estimate of the 4-fold field that determines the critical ex ponents, it is tempting to assume that systems with S= 2 are classical and to associate ~ e with the parameter h4/Jarising from Equation (1). The parameter ~ e= 0.0013 for Rb2CrCl4and 0.0052 for K 2FeF4, which seem sufficiently small to put both systems into the weakfield regimewith pure XYuniversality, ashas been direct ly simulation [70]. However, assigning an effective classical Ha miltonian of the form (1) for systems with finite Sis not so straightforward: for finite S, through the uncertainty principle, out-of-plane and in-plane spin fluctuations a re not As a consequence the energy scale for in-plane spin r otations and the consequent effective value for h4depend collectively on JandDas well as on ~ e. This can be seen from a detailed consideration of the magnon dispers ion arising from (5). This calculation reveals a distinct difference between the f erromagnetic and cases, with the latter retaining strong qua ntum effects even for S= 2. For the antiferromagnet one finds two magnon branches which , forD=e= 0, are degenerate and gapless for zero wavevector and where each mode constitutes a conjugate in-plane and out-of-plane spin fluctuation term of equa l amplitude. For finite crystal field strength the degeneracy is lifted, energy gaps appear everywhere in the spectrum and the symmetry is broken between the in-plane an d amplitudes. In the following we refer to a mode as in-plane or out-of-plane if the conjugate variable with the largest amplitude is in, or out of the plane. To lowest order in 1 /Sthe out-of-plane branch develops a gap at zero wave (8) while the in-plane branch (9)Universal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 13 (herez= 4). These gaps depend on the geometric mean of the exchange fie ldzJ and the crystal field eorDwith the result that they are surprisingly large on the scale ofJ, as noticed by Thurlings et al.[31]. For K 2FeF41= 70.8 K, 2= 23.9 K at 4.2 K, renormalising only weakly with temperature [31]. 1is larger than the transition temperature, TN= 63KJS2, so the out-of-plane branch of will be frozen by quantum effects over the whole of the ordered phase, leaving the predominantly in-plane spin fluctuations only. Interpret ing these as the classical fluctuations in an effective plane rotator model with Hamilto nian (1) leads to a crystal field, h4(eff), of the order of 2. This gives h4(eff)/JS2~0.33 which is the right order of magnitude to fall into the strong field category . The fact that for K2FeF4,TN/JS21, as is the case for the model systems with Hamiltonian (1) presented in the previous section, is highly consistent with this in order terms in 1 /Srenormalize Dand|E|such that the values given in table 3 are higher than those predicted by fitting to linear spin wave theor y. One can further speculate that quantum fluctuations for the in-plane bra nch will renormalize the effective h4in (1) [64] to an even higher value. The non-universal for K 2FeF4could therefore be examples of the XY h4universality class. For the ferromagnet Rb 2CrCl4,Dflattens the cone of spin precession giving a range of qvalues where the energy spectrum varies approximately linearly with wave vector, but does not open a gap. The field eopens a zero wave vector energy gap that varies as De. It is of order 1 K, decreasing to zero at the Tc= 52 K, and so can hardly affect the thermodynamics in the critical region. Although the effective value of h4depends on the geometric mean of Dande rather than just the bare value of eit is independent of Jand hence much smaller than than for the case. This places Rb 2CrCl4in the weak field with the observation of XY universality for this material [25, 68]. From this comparison, it seems likely that magnetic systems that sho w true XY h4 universality will mostly be . Indeed a similar spin dim due to quantum suppression of fluctuations has recen tly been observed in quantum Monte Carlo simulations with a Hamiltonian similar to (5) [58]. Mo re calculations beyond the spin wave approximation are required to clar ify this point. Among oxygenabsorbed onto Mo(110)[37 ] or W(110) [71] and hydrogen on W(110) [36] have both been claimed to fall into the X four fold equivalents of the two stage melting proces s for systems [45]. Note that the (110) surface does not h ave four fold symmetry, but if we adopt these claims as a premise, then a comparis on of the two systems is indeed perfectly consistent with XY h4universality and with the about the strong field-weak field divide. Electron hybrid ization between absorbed and substrate particles will result in the generation of ele ctronic dipoles aligned perpendicularly to the (110) surface. The resulting 1 /r3interaction between the particles is repulsive and of sufficiently long range to ensure crys talization into a square lattice. The (110) surface provides a substrate potentia l with 4-fold topology (though not 4-fold symmetry) and which can be made commensurat e with the free standing array by tuning the adsorbate density, the clearest exa mple being the (2 x2) lattice structure [36]. The result is claimed to be in the XY h4universality class and the measured exponents, b0.19 [37, 71], are, in light of the current work, consistent with this. In principle, the same should be true for the (2 x2) ordering transition for hydrogen on W(110) but the measured b, 0.25, is consistent with the pure XY model [36]. Hydrogenbeing so much lighterthat oxygen, largerzero point Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 14 should make the substrate potential less effective at pinning the cr ystal, putting it in the category of systems with a weak field h4, consistent with the Other Exponents and Scaling evidence for the experimental relevance of the finite size effects is found in the behaviour of other critical exponents. The exponent e, which according to the previous weak universality arguments should be 0 .25 for all h4, is only found to the theoretical value for model Ising systems such a s Rb2CoF4[72]. For model XY systems the predicted e= 0.25 ord= 15 are always observed at a temperature well below Tc(say 0.9Tc), withe(T) increasing to larger decreasing, since d= (4-e)/e. For example in the XY 2CrCl4andK several different methods [26, 73, 68]: in both cases erises to about e= 0.35 atTc. This is a very strong signature of the finite size scaling properties o f the XY model and is consistent with the predicted logarithmic shift in transit ion 51], for a finite size system [74]. As the measured continuously through the transition its value at Tc(L) is thus expected to be in excess of e= 1/4. It seems that the anomalous value of e >0.25 extends to systems with XY h4 universality: for example, in K 2FeF4it is estimated to be e0.35. This is again consistent with the shift in transition temperature observed in finit e size [ in the four fold field problem, n >1 which means that shift remains onecans critical exponent from the initial slope, for T > T c, will lead to an overestimate of e. As experiments do not, in general, have access to the finite size sc aling to numerical studies, it seems reasonable that the experim entalevalues are generally larger than the expected thermodynamic limit value. Thus, we propose that e(Tc) appearing greater that 1/4 remains a finite size the measured values of nare systematically smaller than unity, while a consequence of weak universality is that nshould be greater than one for all finite h4. For example for K 2FeF4n0.9, giving b/n= 0.16, greater than the predicted ratio 1/8, but together with g1.5 the set of exponents do satisfy the 2 b+g=dn, as well as the relation b/n=d-2+e/2. The same holds true for oxygen on W(110) [71], for which bandghave been determined to be 0.19 and 1.48, respectively. The shift in nis therefore consistent with the shift in e. It seems reasonable to assume that these changes are also due to finite size effects, which at present prevent the observation of the weak universal line we hav e shown evidence for, for all values of h4. More detailed experimental and numerical studies to clarify this point would be of great interest. 7. Conclusions In conclusion, the XY model with four fold crystal field is of relevanc e to a great number of experimental two dimensional systems. We have f ocused on the largest experimental data sets, those for two-dimensional magn ets, adsorbed gaseousUniversal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 15 monolayers and in particular on the measured exponent b. With regard to the histogram in Figure 1, the systems that comprise it can only be fully un derstood on a case by case basis. However, we show in this paper that the Hamiltonian (1) contains the of values h4would, because of the marginal finite size scaling properties of the model, produce a probability density of the same form as Figur e 1 with a continuous spectrum bounded by peaks at the Ising and XY limits. Th is is what we referto asthe exponents. We havef urthershownthat the actual values of the four fold crystal field that occur in real syst ems are, at first sight, too small to take any system away from the XY limit. However, we hav e identified at least one mechanism, in whereby the four fo ld field is by quantum confinement of the spins to the easy plane. Oth er mechanisms of realising XY h4universality are possible in individual cases [41, 47]. We the relevance of finite size scaling corrections to th e experimental data set, with the relevant length scale giving a crossover away from XY c riticality. Future work should focus on the finite size scaling aspects and on individual s ystems to see if a more accurate quantitative connection between the physical h4and the behaviour can be established. Further to this, we propose here that the non- universal exponents of XY h4should satisfy weak universality, with b/n= 1/8 for this istruein tefield values. The robustness of the pocket of true XY behaviour, observed fo r weak fields [62, 65], in the thermodynamic limit remains an open question. Finally we remark t hat all evidence confirms that truly two dimensional systems, quasi two d imensional systems and numerical simulations reveal the same syndrome of behaviour, so much can be learned about new two dimensional systems [2, 3] through comparis ons with old ones [31, 67]. It is fortunate that there is such an extensive and ca refully determined data is a pleasure to thank Maxime Clusel, Martin Greven, Bj orgvin Hj orvarsson and Marco Picco for useful discussions. PCWH thanks the London C entre and the Royal Society for financial support and t he Rudolph for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, for hos pitality during the completion of this work. AT thanks the EPSRC for a Construction of the Histogram of bExponents In constructing the histogram ofexperimental two dimensional bexponents, a number of factors were considered. First, it was crucial to avoid circular lo gic by excluding those systems which were assigned a dimensionality purely on the bas is of ence. no such cases in the literature. Therefore all systems includ ed in the histogram are assigned as two dimensional on the basis of compelling experiment al evidence of two dimensionality. Likewise we found no examples of systems conside red to be two dimensional that exhibit b1/3, which might, in the absence of extra evidence, be mistakenly assigned as three dimensional systems and wrongly ex cluded from the data set. It should be noted that in layered magnets, the cros sover from twoUniversal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 16 dimensional to three dimensional exponents is generally very sharp ly defined so there is no ambiguity in identifying the two dimensional regime. A second crite rion for inclusion in the histogram was that the exponents were determined w ith and accuracy (typically b <+-0.01). This inevitably necessitated a subjective judgement, but only a few results were excluded on the se grounds: singlecryst is generally accepted to be inadequate for the accurate dete rmination of b. The experimental exponents are generally not asymptotic exponents , but the numerical study presented above reveals that the difference between asym ptotic exponents and those determined using finite size scaling techniques at tempera tures down to ~0.9TL cis generally negligible at the level of accuracy required for the prese nt purpose. The histogram also excludes a number of interesting syst ems on the basis of there being legitimate grounds for alternative explanations for t heir behaviour. These include metamagnetic materials [75], syst ems transitions [76, 77, 78], and bulk systems undergoing or [79]. The following tables lists all the systems included in the histogram. Tab le A1 contains data for layered magnets, and includes examples of molecu lar magnets [80]. Note that K 2MnF4represents two data points in the histogram as the elegant work of van de Kamp et al.[81] used a magnetic field to tune the system between Ising and XY symmetry, with brecorded for both cases. In all other cases the b's are determined in zero applied field. Table A2 contains data for ultrathin magnetic films . Although there are several cases in which films of different thicknesses have been measured in order to study crossover to three dimensional behaviour, only th e values of bin the two dimensional limit are reported here, and are included as only one d ata point in the histogram. Finally, Table A3 includes data for adsorbed gaseous monolayers, and systems undergoing surface reconstruction and melting process es. Our aim has been to make an exhaustive surveyup to the time of public ation. rlooked,but weare confident that these cases would not significantly modify the form o f the Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 17 Table A1. List of 2d critical exponents bfor layered magnets reported in the literature, mostly measured by neutron diffraction (F = f erromagnet, A = antiferromagnet, Fo = (HCO 2), chdc = = b t range Tc(K) Type 0.119(8) 1 A [82] ErBa2Cu3O7 0.122(4) 0.11 -1*10-40.618 A [83] K2CoF4 0.123(8) 1 A 0.135 3 *10-1-1*10-219.2 A 7 A [84] K2NiF4 0.138(4) 2 A [85] K3Mn2F7 0.154(6) 1 A T) 0.15(1) 1 *10-1-1*10-354 A [81, 87] K2MnF4 0.15(1) 1 A [88] K2FeF4 0.15(1) - 63.0(3) A [31] Rb2MnF4 0.16(2) 1 *10-1-3*10-338.4 A 0.165(5) - 5.30(2) A [89] BaFeF 4 0.17 3 *10-1-1*10-2A [90] Cr2Si2Te6 0.17(1) 6 F [91] CsDy(MoO 4)2 0.17(1) - 1.36 A [92] CoCl2*6H2O 0.18 4 *10-1-4*10-22.29 A 4 *10-1-1*10-2~15 F 4 *10-1-2*10-2~15 F [93] KFeF4 0.185(5) 3 A [94, 90] Fe(NCS) 2(pyrazine) 2 0.19(2) 2 *10-1-3*10-26.8 A [95] Rb2FeF4 0.2 3 *10-1-2*10-356.3 A [85] La2CoO4 0.20(2) - 274.7(6) A 6 *10-1-9*10-2~15 A [93] NH4MnPO 4*H2O+0.21(3) 8 A [93, 97] K2CuF4 0.22 3 *10-1-3*10-26.25 F 5 A [99] CuFo2*CO(ND 4 A [99] Tanol suberateSS0.22 7 *10-1-2*10-20.7 F [100] Sr2CuO2Cl2 0.22(1) 2 A [40] MnFo2*2H2O 0.22(1) 4 *10-1-4*10-23.6 A [101] La2NiO4 0.22(2) 8 A 0.23 3 A [27] Cu(DCO 2)2*4D2O 0.23(1) t >6*10-2 16.54(5) A [103] Rb2CrCl4 0.230(2) 2 *10-1-1*10-252.3 F [25] Gd2CuO4 0.23 7 *10-1-3*10-36.4 A 7 F [105] KMnPO 4*H2O+0.23(2) t >9*10-2~15 A 0.23(2) 1 F [106] ErCl3 0.23(2) 4 A [107] (d6-5CAP) 2CuBr4 0.23(4) 4 A [108] Li2VOSiO 4SS0.235(9) 4 *10-1-2*10-22.85 A [109] Li2VOGeO 4SS0.236 - 1.95 A - 145.0(5) A 0.24(3) - 110(1) A [112] RbFeF 4 0.245(5) 6 A [90] MnPS 3 0.25(1) t >3*10-278.6 A [113, 0.25(3) - 60.5 F 0.26(1) 5 *10-2-5*10-3410 A T) 0.26(1) 1 *10-1-2*10-354 A [87, 81] Rb2CrCl3Br 0.26(1) 9 *10-1-1*10-255 F [117, 118] Rb2CrCl2Br2 0.26(1) 9 *10-1-3*10-257 F [117, 118] KMnF 4 0.26(1) 3 A [119] RbMnF 4 0.26(1) 3 A [119] *Studied by M ossbauer by bulk by proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). SSStudied by muon Spin Rotation ( uSR). PStudied by ac Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 18Table A2: Summary of transition temperatures Tcand magnetisation bfor epitaxial magnetic films grown on a range of substrates. T he thickness dmindenotes the thickness at which these quantities were measur ed andtrange indicates the range of reduced temperature over which bwas measured. The magnetic anisotropy is indicated by the direc tion of the easy axis, and can either be perpendicular ( ) or parallel ( /bardbl) to the film plane. System Structure dmin(ML) b t range Tc(K) Anisotropy Method ++ Reference Fe onPd(100) bct, 1 x1 2.0 0.125(10) t <3*10-2613.1 ECS [120] 1.2 0.127(4) 1 *10-1-3*10-3<100 MOKE [121] Ag(100) bcc, 1 x1 2.5-2.7 ++0.124(2) 1 *10-1-1*10-3324 MOKE [122, 29] W(110) bcc, 1 x1 0.8 0.124(1) 1 /bardbl[1 10] SPLEED [123, 4] 1.0 0.134(3) 1 *10-1-5*10-2224 /bardbl[110] SPLEED [30] 1.7 0.13(2) - 317 /bardbl[110] MOKE [124] Ag(111) bcc, 1 x1 1.8 0.139(6) 1 *10-1-1*10-3~450 /bardbl MOKE [125] 2.0 0.130(3) 1 *10-1-1*10-3~450 /bardbl MOKE [125] Cu(100) fct, 4 x1~2.5++0.17(3) 1 *10-1-1*10-2370 ++ MOKE [126, 127, 128] W(110)++ bcc, 1x1 0.82 0.18(1) 3 /bardbl[110] TOM, CEMS [129, 130, fcc, 1 x1 4.0 0.212(5) 3 /bardbl LMDAD [132] W(100) bcc, 1 x1 1.6 0.217(2) 1 /bardbl[001] CEMS, SPLEED [32, 133] Au(100) bcc, 1 x1 1.0 0.22(1) 1 *10-1-1*10-3300 /bardbl[001] SPLEED [134] 2.0 0.25(1) 2 *10-1-1*10-4290 /bardbl[001] ECS [135] W(100)++ bcc, 1x1 1.5 0.22(2) - 282(1) /bardbl[001] CEMS [4] V(001) bcc 3 0.23(1) 2 *10-1-2*10-2~190 /bardbl MOKE [136] Pd++ - 0.2-0.4++0.23(1) 2 *10-1-2*10-2>50 /bardbl MOKE [3] GaAs(100) bcc, 2 x6 3.4 0.26(2) 1 /bardbl MOKE [137] Co onCu(111) fcc, 1 x1 1.0 0.125 - 433 TOM [138] 1.5 0.15(8) - 460 MOKE [139] Cu(100) fcc 2.0 0.24 - ~ 240 /bardbl MOKE [140, 141] Continued on next pageUniversal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 19Table A2 - continued from previous page System Structure dmin(ML) b t range Tc(K) Anisotropy Method ++ Reference Ni onW(110) fcc, 7 x1 2.0 0.13(6) 1 *10-1-1*10-3325 /bardbl[001] FMR [142] Cu(111) fcc, 1 x1 2.0-3.0 ++0.24(7) 3 *10-1-6*10-3380 /bardbl MOKE [143] Cu(100) fcc, 1 x1 4.1 0.23(5) 3 *10-1-1*10-2284 /bardbl MOKE [144, 139] V onAg(100) bcc, 1 x1 5.0 0.128(10) 3 /bardbl[001] ECS [145] Gd onY(0001) hcp 1.0 0.23(5) 1 *10-1-8*10-3156 /bardbl MOKE 1.0 0.244 2 *10-1-4*10-3296 /bardbl SQUID [147] CoAl(100) bcc, 1 x1 0.22(2) 2 *10-1-7*10-3~90 /bardbl MOKE properties were measured by the following tec hniques: Electron Capture Spectroscopy (ECS), Magneto Opt ical Kerr Effect (MOKE), Spin Polarised Low Energy Electron Diffraction (SPLEED), Torsio n Oscillation Magnetometry (TOM), Convertion Electron M o ssbauer Spectroscopy (CEMS), Linear Magnetic Dichroism in the Angular Distribution of ph otoelectron intensity (LMDAD) and Superconducting QUantu m Interference Device determined by averaging over values of a range of fil ms of different spin reorientation transition from /bardbltowith increasing T. ++Coated with Ag. ++Pd layers d-doped with Fe.Universal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents 20 Table A3. 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Andrea Taroni
Andrea Taroni, Steven T. Bramwell and Peter C. W. Holdsworth
Universal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents
26 pages, 5 figures and 6 tables. Uses longtable package
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 275233 (2008)
Two dimensional condensed matter is realised in increasingly diverse forms that are accessible to experiment and of potential technological value. The properties of these systems are influenced by many length scales and reflect both generic physics and chemical detail. To unify their physical description is therefore a complex and important challenge. Here we investigate the distribution of experimentally estimated critical exponents, $\beta$, that characterize the evolution of the order parameter through the ordering transition. The distribution is found to be bimodal and bounded within a window $\sim 0.1 \le \beta \le 0.25$, facts that are only in partial agreement with the established theory of critical phenomena. In particular, the bounded nature of the distribution is impossible to reconcile with existing theory for one of the major universality classes of two dimensional behaviour - the XY model with four fold crystal field - which predicts a spectrum of non-universal exponents bounded only from below. Through a combination of numerical and renormalization group arguments we resolve the contradiction between theory and experiment and demonstrate how the "universal window" for critical exponents observed in experiment arises from a competition between marginal operators.
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[ [ "Taroni", "Andrea", "" ], [ "Bramwell", "Steven T.", "" ], [ "Holdsworth", "Peter C. W.", "" ] ]
TABLE I. Electron Lens and T evatron Collider parameters. Parameter Symbol Value Unit Tevatron Electron Lens e-beam energy (oper./max) Ue 5/10 kV Peak e-current (oper./max) Je 0.6/3 A Magnetic field in main solenoid Bm 30.1 kG Magnetic field in gun solenoid Bg 2.9 kG e-beam radius in main solenoid ae 2.3 mm Cathode radius ac 7.5 mm e-pulse repetition period T0 21 us e-pulse width, 0 -to-0 Te 0.6 us Interaction length Le 2.0 m Tevatron Collider Circumference C 6.28 km Proton( p)/antiproton( a) energy E 980 GeV p- bunch intensity Np 250 109 a- bunch intensity (max.) Na 50-100 109 Number of bunches NB 36 Bunch spacing Tb 396 ns p-emittance (normalized , rms) ep 2.8 um a-emittance (normalized , rms) ea 1.4 um Max. i nitial luminosity /1032 L0 2.9 cm-2s-1 Beta functions at A11 TEL by,x 150/68 m Beta functions at F48 TEL by,x 29/104 m p-head -on tuneshift (per IP ) p 0.010 a-head-on tuneshift (per IP ) a 0.014 p-long-range tuneshift (max.) DQp 0.003 a-long-range tuneshift (max.) DQa 0.006 1. INTRODUCTION Soon after the introduction of the concept of colliders more than 40 years ago, it was recognized that beam -beam effects due to the immanent e lectromagnetic interaction of the colliding bunches of charged particles can seriously limit the collider luminosity. The luminosity L of an circular collider with equal beam sizes in both transverse directions is equal to HNNNf LB *2 1 04 (1) where g denotes the relativistic gamma factor, f0 the revolution frequency , N1,2 the bunch population in both colliding beams (distinguished by the subscripts ,,1 and ,,2) , NB the total number of bunches, e the normalized emittance which is related to the trans verse rms beam size s at the interaction point (IP) through the beta function (Twiss parameter of the optical focusing latter ) at the IP , b*, via e=gs2/ b*, and, finally, H a geometric reduction factor (less than unity) due to a so - called hour-glass effect (variation of the beta function over the length of the collision region) and possibly also due to incomplete geometric ov erlap of the beams at the IP . The rate of high -energy physics (HEP) reactions is equal to product of the luminosity and the reactio n cross section. Strong transverse electric and magnetic (EM) fields of the opposite bunch es can lead to a blowup of the beam emittances, a significant loss of the beam intensity and an unacceptable background in the HEP detectors. The fields of a bunch wi th round Gaussian charge distribution of rms size at radius r scale as: )2/ exp(12),(2 2 2 rreNBEr (2). The commonly used figure of merit for such EM interaction is the beam -beam parameter 4/0Nr , where r0e2mc2 is the classical particle radius (in cgs units) and N2 the number of particles in the opposing bunch [2]. This parameter is approximately equal to the shif t of the betatron tune Qff0 of core particles due to the beam -beam forces. The tune Qx,y , a key stability parameter, is the number of periods of a particles horizontal or vertical oscillations in the focusing latti ce over one turn around the ring. While core particles undergo a significant tune shift, the tune shift is negligible for halo parti cles with large oscillation amplitudes. The EM forces drive nonlinear resonances n=kQ x+lQ y (with n,k,l denoting integer s) which can result in an instability of the particle motion and ultimately particle loss. The beam -beam limit in modern hadron collider s is empirically found at (NIP is the number of IPs), while it can exceed 1.0maxIPN in high energy e+e- colliders [3 ]. In the Tevatron collider, beams of protons and antiprotons share the same beam pipe and magnet ap erture and, in order to reduce the number of head -on interactions, the beams are placed on separated orbits everywhere except the CDF and D0 detectors IPs by using electrostatic separators. The long -range interaction between separated beams can be derived from Eq.(2) if r >> s . The effect scales as (E,B) ~ N2 / r. Besides being nonlinear, the long -range effects vary from bunch to bunch which makes them hard to treat. Head -on and long -range beam -beam effects seriously affect the collider performance, reducing the lumino sity integral per HEP store ( period of continuous collisions ) by 10 -30%. Tuning the collider operation for optimal performance becomes more and more cumbersome as the beam intensities and luminosity become larger. A comprehensive review of the beam -beam ef fects in the Tevatron Collider Run II can be found in Ref. [4]. Electron lenses were proposed for compensation of both long -range and head -on beam - beam effects in the Fermilabs Tevatron [5 ]. An electron lens employs a low -energy beam of electrons that co llides with the high -energy bunches over an extended length Le. Electron space - charge forces are linear at distances smaller than the characteristic beam radius rae (with ae signifying the electron -beam radius), but scale as 1/r for rae , similar to Eq.(2). such a lens can be used for linear and nonlinear force compensation by manipulating the beam -size ratio ae/ and the current -density distribution je(r) . The electron current profile (and thus the EM field profiles) can easily be changed for different applications. Moreover, the electron -beam current can be adjusted between individual bunches, equalizing the bunch -to-bunch differences and opt imizing the performance of all bunches in a multi -bunch collider. Another advantage of the electron lens is the absence of nuclear interactions with (anti)proton beams since the electron beam acts only through EM forces - so, there are no radiation issues . Finally, coherent instabilities are greatly suppressed because of two reasons: a) fresh electrons interact with the high -energy particles on each turn, eliminating the possibility for multi -turn amplification due to a memory of the electron beam ; b) the electron beam is made very rigid transversely by immers ion in a very strong magnetic field. (This field also helps to keep the electron beam straight and its distribution unaffected by the high -energy beam EM fields). For effective beam -beam compensation (BBC), the number of electrons required is roughly the same as the number of particles in the high -energy bunch. This implies that most modern colliders only need a few amperes of electron -beam current to achieve successful BBC. Figure 1: General layout of the Tevatron Electron Lens and its main components. Two Tevatron Electron Lenses (TELs) were built and installed in two different locations of the Tevatron ring, A11 and F48. Figure 1 depicts a general layout of the TEL. A list of the TEL and releva nt Tevatron parameters is given in Table 1. Three conditions were empirically found to be crucial for successful BBC : 1) the electron beam must be transversely centered on the proton (or on antiproton) bunches, within 0.2 -0.5 mm, along the entire interacti on length; b) fluctuations in the current needs to be less than one percent, and timing within one nanosecond, in order to minimize emittance growth; and c) the transverse profile of the current density should have no sharp edges. Figure 2: Three profil es of the electron current density at the elect ron gun cathode: black - flat-top profile; red - Gaussian profile; blue - smooth -edged, flat -top (SEFT) profile. Symbols represent the measured data, the solid lines are simulation results . All data refer to a n anode -cathode voltage of 10 kV. The shape of the electron current density distribution is determined by the electron gun (geometry of its electrodes and voltages). In our beam studies, we employed three types of electron guns generating flat -top, Gaus sian, and smoothed -edge -flat-top distributions, as shown in Fig.2, and for all experimental results presented in this report we mention which gun was being used at the time. The desired distributions were generated from a convex impregnated tungsten therm o- cathode of either 5mm or 7.5 -mm radius [6] . In order to keep the electron beam straight and its distribution unaffected by its own space - charge a s well as from the high-energy beams EM fields, the electron beam is immersed in a strong magnetic field of about Bgun=3 kG (4 kG maximum) at the electron -gun cathode and some Bgun =30 kG (65 kG maximum) inside the main superconducting (SC) solenoid. The TEL magnetic system compresses the electron -beam cross -section area in the interaction region by the facto r of Bmain/Bgun 10 (variable from 2 to 30), proportionally increasing the current density of the electron beam in the interaction region. Most experiments have been performed using an electron beam with an energy between 5 keV and 10 keV and a current b etween 0.5 A and 3 A. The deviations of the magnetic field lines from a straight line are less than +-100 m over the entire length of the SC solenoid. The strongly magnetized electron beam follows these field lines; therefore, it does not deviate from the straight Tevatron beam trajectory by more than 20% of the Tevatron beam rms size 0.5-0.7mm in the location of the TELs. To assure proper placement and overlap of the electron beam with the high-energy beam all along the interaction length, b eam position monitors (BPMs) and steering magnets are employed in the TELs. Two pairs of BPMs, one horizontal and one vertical, are located at either end of the main solenoid. The BPMs simultaneously report measured transverse positions for all three beams passing through (electron s, proton s, and antiproton s), thus allowing the electron beam to be centered either on the antiproton beam or on the proton one. The BPM accuracy is about 0.1 mm. The electron beam steering is done by adjusting currents in superco nducting dipole correctors (2 - 8 kG maximum field) installed inside the main solenoid cryostat. Fig ure 3 schematically presents all three beams inside the A11 TEL beam tube. It indicates the relative sizes of 1 , 2, and 3 ellipses for the 980- GeV proton s and antiprotons as well as for the round (SEFT) electron beam centered on the proton beam. Figure 3: Schem atic of the transverse electron beam alignment with respect to the proton and antiproton beam s. In order to enable operation on a single bunch in the Tevatron w hich has a bunch spacing of 396 ns, the anode voltage, and consequently the beam current, are modulated with a characteristic on -off time of about 0.6 us and a repetition rate equal to the Tevatron revolution frequency of f0 = 47.7 kHz b y using a HV Marx pulse generator or a HV RF tube base amplifier. Electron currents leaving the cathode, into the collector, and onto the collector entrance electrode are measured by three inductive coils. The vacuum in the TEL is usually under 2 10-9 Torr, sustained by three ion pumps with 300 l/s total pumping speed. The TEL magnets have a minimal effect on the 980 -GeV proton -beam path - with the orbit distortion around the ring staying within +-0.2 mm. The broadband impedance of the TEL components is Z/n0.1 , much less than the total Tevatron impedance of 53 . More detailed description s of the TEL, its components and the associated beam diagnostics can be found in Ref s. [7] and [8 ] and references therein. The s ucces sful use of electrons for the compensation of beam -beam effects in the Tevatron - namely, the improvement of the colliding beam lifetime by the TELs - was already reported in Ref. [1]. In this article we describe in full detail a variety of beam experimen ts performed with the electron lenses. In the next section we d iscuss the experimentally measured dependencies of the particle betatron tunes on electron beam current, energy and position. Section 3 describes the effects arising from imperfections and nois es of the electron beam, as well as observations of longitudinal waves excited in the electron beam . The r esults presented in Section 4 focus on the effect of the electron current -density profile on the Tevatron beam losses. The r eduction of the antiproto n emittance -growth rate using the TELs is discussed in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 presents the observed improvements in the lifetime of the Tevatron beam intensity and in the Tevatron luminosity under the action of the Tevatron Electron Lenses. 2. SHIFT OF BETATRON TUNES BY ELECTRON LENSES A perfectly steered round electron beam with current density distribution je(r), will shift the betatron tunes Qx,y of small amplitude high -energy (anti -)protons by [5 ]: ee epeyx yx jecrLdQ 1 2, , (3), where the sign reflects focusing for protons and defocusing for antiprotons, e=ve/c is the electron beam velocity, x,y are the beta-functions at the location of the lens, Le denotes the effective interaction length between the electron beam and the protons or antiprotons , rp=e2/mc2 = 1.5310- 18 m is the classical proton radius, and p = 1044 the relativistic Lorentz factor for 980 -GeV protons. If the electron beam is much wider than the (anti)proton beam, then all of the high -energy particles acquire the same dQx,y. The factor 1e reflects the fact that the contribution of the magnetic force is e times the electric force contribution, and its sign depends on the direction of the electron beam; both TELs direct the beam against the antiproton flow. The first T EL, TEL-1, is installed in the F48 sector, where the horizontal beta -function x = 104 m is larger than the vertical beta - function y = 29 m. Correspondingly, it mainly affects horizontal beam tunes. TEL-2, the second TEL, is placed in the A11 sector, where y = 150 m is larger than x = 68 m, so that it affects the vertical tune more strongly . Note that the electron beams are round in both lenses. The shifts of the Tevatron betatron tunes by the TELs were measured in great detail and found to be in very good agreement with Eq.(3). Figure 4: Tevatron horizontal 21 -MHz Schottky spectrum of three 980 GeV proton bunches with one bunch tune-shifted by TEL1 ( electron current Je=2.6A, electron energy Uc = 7.6 kV, flat-top electron gun). 21 MHz and 1.7 GHz Schottky detectors are used in Tevatron to mea sure the tunes of the proton and antiproton bunches [9 ]. The 21 MHz vertical and horizontal Schottky detectors have very good tune resolution but are not directional and do not allow to measure tunes of i ndividual bunches. The 1.7 GHz detectors are less accurate but they have larger bandwidth, allow to perform measurements for individual bunches and are directional, so, proton and antiproton signals are measured separately. Figure 4 depicts the 21 MHz Sch ottky spectra during one of the TEL -1 studies: only three proton bunches were circulating in the Tevatron (without antiprotons), and the electron pulse was timed on only one of the three bunches. A series of synchro -betatron sidebands, separated by the s ynchrotron tune Qs 0.0007, on the left correspond to the signal from the two bunches not affected by the TEL -1, and their central line (highlighted by a marker) is found at the fractional horizontal tune of Qx = 0.5795. A similar series of lines on the ri ght, which belong to the TEL-affected proton bunch , is shifted by dQx,=0.0082 to Qx=0.5877. The shape of the Schottky spectra depends on the proton intensity, machine chromaticity, tuning, working point, etc. Application of the electron beam may or may no t cause a variation of the spectra l shape. T he typical tune measurement error for the 21 MHz detector is estimated to be about Q 0.0002. Figure 5 : Shift of the 980-GeV proton betatron tunes by electron lenses : a) top - horizontal tune shift vs . the electron current in TEL -1, over several separate experiments (flat-top beam profile) ; b) bottom - vertical tune shift vs. TEL -2 current (SEFT gun, store #4224). Solid lines are theoretical predictions according to Eq.(3). After properly synchroni zing the electron beam for maximum effect, we have studied the dependence of dQx on the peak electron current. The results are presented in Fig.5 and compared with Eq.(3). The theoretical dependence is nonlinear because the electron energy inside the vacuu m pipe (and thus e) decreases with increasing current due to the electron space charge, Ue.=Uc.-gQSC, where g is a factor depending on the chamber and beam geometr ies. In Figure 5a, the tuneshift data measured by 21 MHz Schottky detector during four selec ted experiments with TEL -1 is shown. The TEL cathode voltage was set to -7.5 kV in experiments #4 and #14, to -8kV in the experiment #18 and to -4.7kV in the experiment #25. The voltage difference is the reason of significant variation of slopes in Fig.5a . The experiment labeled as Experiment #4 is in fact one of the earliest with the TEL -1 after it was installed in the Tevatron and the large discrepancy between measured tuneshift and theoretical prediction was due to poor translation alignment (see also d iscussion below). In the other three experiments with better alignment , the maximum discrepancy did not exceed ~20% at Je.=2 A. There are systematic errors in a number of the parameters used in numerically calculating Eq.(3). For example, ae2 is known only to within 10%, the effective length Le depends on the precision of the steering and may vary within 10%, and the electron current calibration contribute s about 5% error [10]. Fig ure 5b presents the vertical tune shift induced by the TEL -2 electron cu rrent from the SEFT gun. There is an excellent agreement between the tune shift measured by the 1.7 GHz Schottky tune monitor and the theory. The dependence of the tune shift on the electron energy also agrees with the theoretical predictions; pertinent results displayed in Fig.6 show 980 -GeV antiproton tune -shift measurements at various cathode voltages Uc, ranging from -6 kV to -13 kV. As the total electron beam current ( which is determined by the gun cathode -anode voltage difference, and shown by the dashed line) was kept constant, the total electron space -charge QSC grew for smaller values of Uc, inducing correspondingly larger tune shift. Figure 6 : Horizontal tune shift of 980 -GeV antiprotons versus cathode voltage (electron energy). This d ata used TEL -1 with the flat -top electron gun. Figure 7 : TEL -1-induced shift of 980 GeV proton horizontal (black line) and vertical (blue line) betatron tune versus delay time for an 800-ns long pulse of electrons (1.96 A peak current, -6.0 kV cathode v oltage, flat -top gun). Fig.7 illustrates how the proton tune shifts depend on the time delay between the 2A electron pulse and the arrival of the proton bunch. With a small correction for the electron beam propagation time along the TEL interaction region (~50ns), the tune shift follows the electron pulse shape. One important conclusion is that the electron pulse is short enough to allow shift ing the tune of any given bunch without touching its neighbors 396 -ns away. This feature was extremely useful ove r the entire series of beam studies with the TELs, as it allowed us to vary electron beam parameters and to tune up the lens affecting just one bunch out of 36 circulating in the machine. As seen in Fig.7, the horizontal tune shift is about four times the vertical one dQx/dQy , which is close to the design beta function ratio x/y=101/28=3.6. The remaining discrepancy can be explained by the beta -function measurement error, which could be as big as 20%, or a small ellipticity of the electron beam, or a mis-steering of the electron beam, which m ay play a role if it is not small compared with ae. Figure 8 : TEL1 -induced shift of 980 GeV proton horizontal betatron tune versus vertical (filled circles) and horizontal (open circles) el ectron beam displacement ( Je =1A, Uc =6.0 kV , flat -top electron gun). As long as the proton beam travels inside a wider electron beam, the proton tune shift does not depend much on the electron beam position dx,dy ; for example, in the case of a 1 -A electron beam, dQx(dx,dy ) dQmax = 0.0021 if the displacement |dx,y| < 2 mm, as illustrated in Fig.8. However, when the distance between the centers of the two beams exceeds the electron -beam radius ae then one expects |dx|>a e, and dQx(dx,=0,d y) +dQmax/(dy/ae,)2 |dy|>a e . Such a change of the sign of the tuneshift is clearly seen in Fig.8. To summarize, the experimentally observed shifts of the betatron tunes of 980 GeV protons and antiprotons due to TELs agree reasonably well with theoretical predictions . 3. STUDIES OF ELECTRON BEAM FLUCTUATIONS EFFECTS Fluctuations in the electron beam can lead to several phenomena in the high energy beams: a) turn-by-turn electron current jitter and transverse electron beam posit ion fluctua tions can blow up the transverse emittance - e.g. theory [5 ] predicts sizable growth if the rms current fluctuations J exceed (3 -10)mA or if the position jitter X in a multi -Ampere beam is bigger than 0.2 m; b) electron pulse timing jitter results in si milar effects if the pulse does not have a flat -top; c) low - frequency variations of the parameters may result in the orbit or/and tune variations leading to a faster dynamical diffusion. High-frequency current fluctuations measured directly from the TEL -1 BPM signal s using a 15 bit ADC s egmente d memory scope showed (J/J) (4-10)10-4 for pulses of current J 0.3-0.5A; we also estimate an upper limit on the beam position stability of about 10 m [11 ]. To observe the effect that the level of fluctuations has on the antiproton emittance g rowth, the electron gun HV modulator pulse circuit was modified to produce a random -amplitude pulse. This was established by setting an average pulse amplitude mo dulated by a noise generator. At different noise levels, t he 980 GeV antiproton bunch emittance is observed long e nough to record its growth by so called Fly ing Wires beam size monitors [9 ]. Fig ure 9 shows that the emittance growth increases - as expected in [5 ] - with the square of the amplitude fluctuations. The Tevatron high-intensity proton and antiproton beams, without the TEL , have a typical emitta nce growth of 0.04-0.2 mm-mrad/hr. If the TEL is allowed to only enha nce the emittance growth by 0.01 mm- mrad/hr, added in quadrature to the Tevatron's inher ent emittance growth, then according to the measured dependence in Fig. 9 this limit corresponds to about 3mA peak -to-peak current variation. Figure 9 : Horizontal emittance growth rate of 980 GeV antiprotons vs TEL 1 electron current fluctuation ampl itude (flat -top electron gun). Another source of fluctuations is timing jitter. It was noted that a large timing jitter of about 10ns peak -to-peak (due to an instability of the synchronization electronics) leads to a detectable emittance growth and to a significant increase in the 21 MHz Schottky detector signal power. Th is effect was particularly large on the rising and falling slopes of the electron pulse (where the derivative of the electron current dJe/dt is large). Elimination of the source of the instability and use of optical cables for synchronization of the TEL pulsing with respect to the Tevatron RF allowed us to reduce the jitter to less than 1 ns and to bring the corresponding emittance growth to within the tolerable level. In nominal operati on conditions of the TEL, without the noise generator, with low -frequency current variations reduced to under 5mA, and with timing jitter under control, we observed no detectable additional emittance growth within the resolution of our beam size monitors (d/dt) rms~0.02 p mm/hr. Monitoring the 21 MHz Schottky power is useful for study ing the effect of the beam displacement. Fig ure 10 presents the dependence of the Schottky power on the TEL2 vertical beam position ( the electron beam is perfectly aligned with the proton beam horizontally). A n additional electron current noise of about 50mA peak -to-peak was induced in order to make the effect more prominent. The study was performed at the end of HEP store #5152 with both proton and antiproton beams present. One can see that the Schottky power rises with increas ing separation of the electron and proton beam s - approximately as P~E y2, where the electric field due to the electron space charge is given by Eq.(2). The asymmetry of the measured power with respect t o vertical position can be explained by the effect of the TEL2 on the antiproton beam - its position is indicated by the red ellipse in Fig. 10; see also Fig. 3 for reference (note that the 21 MHz Schottky monitor is not directional and reports the power f rom both the proton and antiproton beams circulating in the machine). Figure 10: Vertical Schottky power vs TEL2 electron beam vertical in store #5152. Electron current noise amplitude about Je=50mA p eak-to-peak (SEFT electron gun). Figure 11 : K-modulation position scan with TEL1 (flat-top electron gun). Tickling of the proton orbit by the electron beam can be used for electron beam steering . The idea is similar to the K-modulation in the beam based alignment [12]: variation of the electr on cur rent in the electron lens cause s variations in the proton beam orbit around the ring if the electron le ns beam is not centered. Fig ure 11 shows the rms amplitude of the vertical proton orbit variation at the Tevatron BPM located in the A0 sector vs . the vertical displacement of the TEL1 electron beam at F48 . The current of the latter was modulat ed as Je [A]=1.02+ 0.18sin( 2t*107Hz) . The amplitude becomes equal to 0 if the proton beam goes through the center of the electron beam. Maximum amplitude of the orbit response at 107 Hz is about a few micrometers. The 7 -mm distance between the two peaks reflects an effective diameter of the electron current distribution, and, thus, indicates some angular misalignment of the electron beam because it exceeds the electron beam diameter 2ae3.5 mm. Therefore, steering by the orbit tickling should concentrate not only on the search of the minimum orbit response, but also on getting the two maxima closer to each other. Yet another indication of a good steering of t he electron beam is the observation of longitudinal space -charge waves in the electron beam induced by the proton bunches. Fig ure 12 presents digital scope records of the TEL2 BPM signal (pickup) and electron current pulses measured at the cathode and at t he collector of the lens. The difference between the last two is that the electron current pulse in the collector exhibits additional waves (wiggles starting around t=0 ns) due to interaction with the protons. The amplitude of the waves is about 5% of the maximum total electron current. Any significant separation of the electrons and protons (several mm transversely , or timing the electron pulse away from the proton bunches, e.g. in the abort gap) leads to the disappearance of the waves and to the collecto r signal becom ing like the one at the gun . Detail ed theoretical analys es and extensive experimental studies of these waves have been reported in [13]. Figure 12: Longitudinal waves in the TEL2 electron beam excited by the interaction with a proton bunc h: red - TEL2 beam pickup signal, black - electron current measured at the SEFT electron gun cathode, blue - electron current measured at the collector. 4. EFFECT OF ELECTRON BEAM CURRENT PROFILE ON HIGH ENERGY BEAM LIFETIME Typically the lifetime of (anti)proton bunches in the Tevatron, before collisions and without the TEL , is on the order of 1 50-600 hours. As a bunch traverses the Tevatron ring billions of times, several mechanisms contribute to a gradua l growth in its emittance of about 0.04 -0.2 mm-mrad/hr . These include: residual -gas scattering, intra -beam scattering , and fl uctuations in the ring elements [14]. As the bunch size increases, particles gradually diffuse to larger oscillation amplitudes until they finally collide with some aperture res triction, usually one of many retractable collimators inserted in the Tevatron beam pipe. As shown in Ref. [4 ] and as will be discussed further below, the beam -beam interaction with either the electron beam or the opposite high -energy beam can lead to a significant decrease of the beam lifetime. Originally, it was planned to generate an electron beam wide enough to cover all of the high energy proton or antiproton beams - and th is large size was thought to be helpful to maintain low particles loss rates. In reality, however, there are always particles with amplitudes beyond the electron beam cross section . For such particles with oscillations larger than the size of the electron beam, the electric field due to the electron space charge is no longer linear with the transverse displacement and the resulting nonlinearities may significantly change the particle dynamics depending on the electron current distribution. As we found experimentally , in the worst case of the flat -top electron beam, the electron beam edges act as a ``gentle'' collimator, since the outlying particles are slowly driven out of the bunch until they eventually hit the collimators. A convenient way to measure this effect is to observe the bunch size as the TEL trims away extraneous part icles. In Fig.13, one bunch was monitored over hundred minutes as the TEL-1 was shav ing the bunch size. The current of the TEL was initially set to 1 A for the first 45 minutes. After a ten -minute respite, the current was increased to 2 A (these setti ngs are shown above the plot). After about 85 minutes, the TEL-1 was purposefully mis -steered in order to observe a ``blowup'' in the bunch sizes. The upper data in Fig.13 show the horizontal and vertical beam size s measured many times during this process . Also indicated is the longitudinal bunch size. The open circles show the intensity of the bunch during this pro cess. One can see a fast initial decreasing of sizes, but after about ten minutes, the rate of decrease drops significantly; this implies that the large -amplitude particles have been removed , and the core is more stable inside the electron beam. In addition, the increase of the TEL -1 current to 2 A was expected to worsen the bunch -size lifetime, but the smaller bunch was well preserved for th e remaining time that the TEL -1 electron beam was on and centered on the proton beam . The stability of the bunch size is remarkable, suggesting that the flattop profile was ideal for the small bunch size. The b unch intensity decay rate also decreases sig nificantly after a short interval of faster losses, and when the electron current is doubled, the decay rate is nearly unchanged. After the bunch wa s observed for a while, the electron beam was moved transversely so that the bunch intercepted the edge of the electron beam. As expected, the particles were suddenly experiencing extremely nonlinear forces, causing emittance (and size) growth, shown by the bump in the upper plot of Fig.13 , and heavy losses, shown by the fast decline of the lower plot. Fig.1 3: Scraping of a proton bunch due to interaction with the TEL-1 electron beam (flat -top electron current distribution). Fig.14 presents the results of an experiment where the proton loss rate, as indicated by the CDF detector beam -loss mo nitors, was measu red as the TEL current was changed. This test was performed with the flat -top electron beam centered on a single proton bunch, and the cathode voltage was -10 kV. The losses varied from about 250 Hz at low currents to 1 kHz at the highest currents. At z ero current, the aver age loss rate was approximately 230 Hz over a large portion of an hour. The losses data were converted into lifetimes, pr oducing more tangible results. This convers ion was straig htforward, since the lifetime is given by = -kN/(dN/dt) , where N was the current total number of particles and (dN/dt ) was the loss rate measured by the beam -loss monitors. The constant k was determined from a calibration test. During a period of a couple hours, the bunch was allowed to proceed without any c hanges made to the TEL -1 After this amount of time, the number of particles had diminished enough to directly compute the lifetime. Since the number of particles and the average loss rate were also known, the constant k could be derived for the conditio ns of the experiment [7]. The maximum current in this experiment was about Je=0.75A and the corresponding proton tune shift was about dQx = 0.0022. Despite of the small tune shift , the proton bunch lifetime at the higher electron -beam currents was less th an 50 hours, significantly less than the typical 175 -hour lifetime without interference. While it was impossible to guarantee that the electron beam was perfectly centered on the proton orbit, adjustments of the beam position yielded no improvement in the bunch lifetime. The solid line in Fig.14 represents the fit -1 [1/hr]=1/ 150+J e 2/30. In this experiment, the electron radius was ae =1.6 mm, and the proton rms beam size at the location of the TEL-1 was about x =0.8 mm , correspond ing to an rms normali zed emittance of about 5 mm- mrad. Figure 14 : Dependence of the proton bunch intensity l ifetime on the TEL-1 current (flat top electron current distribution). The examples presented above and the unsatisfactory low beam lifetime in the BBC experiment s during HEP stores, convinced us that the flat -top electron current distribution edges introduce severe constraints on the performance of the TEL -1. A Gaussian gun was designed to obtain much smoother edges , so that particles at large betatron amplitudes would not feel strongly nonlinear space -charge forces. Fig ure 2 compares the current density profiles for the flat -top and Gaussian gun. In order to quantify the differences between these two guns , a scan of working points (Qx , Qy ) was performed with e ach of them . In this test, the Tevatron horizontal and vertical tunes were independently adjusted to cover approximately a 0.020 span in both dimensions. By adjusting the tunes in 0.002 increments, the loss rate was measured, recorded, converted to a lif etime, and plotted in Fig.15 . In order to simplify the interpretation of the results , both guns were set to currents such that the horizontal tuneshift was 0.004 and the vertical was 0.0013. The Tevatron is equipped with tune-adjustment quadrupole magnet circuits , which provided a convenient way to adjust the tune. Confirmation of the correct t une was possible with the Schottky detectors, but sometimes when the loss rate was high, an accurate measurement of the tune was difficult to determine . Whenever th e tunes were adjusted, a short amount of time was needed before the loss rate stabilized. Sometimes it reacted quickly, while at other times it required a longer period before a specific loss rate could be determined. The number of protons in the test bu nch was measured throughout the experiment period, and a calibration test was performed as mentioned in the previous section. This allowed the loss-rate data to be converted into lifetimes as shown in Fig.15. The shaded scale shown on the right side of t he scans indicates the lifetime, in hours, witnessed at each data point. In order to more effectively convey the regions of high and low lifetime, a two -dimensional interpolation algorithm turned the individual data points into a smooth, shaded surface. Contour lines are drawn at multi ples of 20 hours. Unfortunately, the regions covered by the two scans do not span exactly the same tune space, but there was a sufficient overlap to make the significant differences between the flattop and the Gaussian gun s apparent. In Fig.15a, the flat -top gun usually produced poor lifeti mes. This implies that the TEL -1 flattop gun tended to excite oscillations in at least some portion of the bunch particles, and the recorded lifetimes were mostly less than ten hours. However, in the tune space region near the main diagonal Qx =Q y , there is a relatively consistent pattern of lower losses. Along this strip, lifetimes as high as seventy hours were observed, almost as high as the lifetime of the bunch unaffected by the TEL-1. The large region s of low lifetime again support the hypothesis that the flattop electron beam with sharp edges is adversely affecting protons. The outlying particles, witnessing strongly nonlinear focusing forces from the electron beam, do not su rvive as long as the core particles. Through the majority of the tested tune space, these particles are lost very quickly, and the gradual emittance growth of the core protons constantly feeds these losses. Only in a small working -point region do the ou tlying particles not escape so nimbly, slowing the rate at which particles are lost. The second scan , in Fig.15 b, shows the massive difference that the Gaussian gun had on the lifetime. The highest measured lifetimes were around 130 hours, almost indistin guishable from the bunch lifetime without the TEL -1. Much larger regions of lifetimes over twenty hours can also be seen. The fact that the highest lifetimes are nearly the same as for the unperturbed proton bunch bolsters the idea that TEL -1 fluctuations cannot, by themselves, remove particles from the bunch completely. Instead, we believe that the fluctuations contribute to a gradual emittance growth, and because there are no strongly nonlinear edges to the electron beam, the protons are still stable at larger orbits. This interpretation explains why a much larger percentage of the tested tune space offered moderate lifetimes tha n for the flat -top gun and why the best lifetimes observed are significantly longer with the Gaussian gun. Figure 15 : Conto ur plots of proton bunch lifetime scans over a range of vertical and horizontal betatron tunes : a) top - with dQx=0.004 induced by TEL -1 with the flat -top electron gun ; b) bottom - with dQx=0.004 induced by TEL -1 with the Gaussian electron gun. A significant improvement of the particle lifetime thanks to the employment of the Gaussian electron gun was critical for the first observation of a successful beam -beam compensation of the antiproton emittance growth. 5. COMPENSATION OF ANTIPROTON BEAM EMITTANCE GROWTH BY ELECTRON LENSES After the installation of the Gaussian electron gun early in 2003 and the demonstration of a good proton lifetime with it, we successfully employed TEL -1 for beam -beam compensation in HEP stores - initially for the suppression of vertical emittance growth in the antiproton bunches. In general, the beam -beam phenomena in the Tevatron collider are characterized by a complex mix ture of long -range and head -on interaction effects, record high beam -beam parameters for both protons and antiprotons (the head -on tune shifts are about p=0.020 for protons and a=0.028 for antiprotons, in addition to long -range tune shifts of DQp=0.003 and DQa=0.006, respective ly), and remarkable differences in beam dynamics of individual bunches. Fig ure 16 displays the Tevatron beam tunes at the beginning of a high -luminosity HEP store on a resonance plot. Particles with up to 6s amplitudes are presented. Small amplitude particles have tunes near the tips of the ties depicted for all 36 proton and 36 antiproton bunches. The most detrimental effects occur when particle tunes approach the resonances. For example, an emittance growth of the core of the beam is observed near the fifth -order resonances (defined as nQx+mQ y=5, such as Qx,y =3/5=0.6 ) or fast halo particle loss near twelfth -order resonances (for example, Qx,y =7/120.583). Overall, the beam -beam effects at all stages of the Tevatron operation result in about 10 -15% loss in a stores integrated luminosity for a well -tuned machine but it can ofte n be as high as 20 -30% in case of non -optimal operation [4]. Figure 16 : Tevatron proton and antiproton tune distributions superimposed onto a resonance line plot. The red and green lines are various sum and difference tune resonances of up to twelfth order. The blue dots represent calculated the tune distributions for all 36 antiproton bunches; the yellow represent the protons. The tune spread for each bunch is calculated fo r particles up to 6s amplitude taking into account the measured intensities and emittances. In the Tevatron , the 36 bunches in each beam are arranged in three trains of 12 bunches each, and the spread of the intensities and emittances among the proton bun ches is usually quite small. Consequently, a thr ee-fold symmetry is expected [15 ] and observed [15, 4 ] in the pattern of the antiproton bunch orbits (which vary by about 40 microns bunch -to-bunch), tunes (which vary by up to 0.006 bunch -to-bunch) and ch romaticities (6 units of Q'=dQ/(dp/p) variations). It is not surprising that with such significant differences in orbits, tunes, and chromaticities, the antiproton bunch intensity lifetime and emittance growth rates vary considerably from bunch to bunch. A s an illustration, Fig.17 shows the vertical emittance blowup early in an HEP store for all three trains of antiproton bunches. Figure 17 : Antiproton bunch emittance increase over the first 10 minutes after initiating collisions for HEP store #3231 w ith an initial luminosity L=481030cm-2s-1. One can see a remarkable distribution along the bunch train which gave rise to the term scallops (three scallops in three trains of 12 bunches) for this phenomenon - the end bunches of each train exhibit lower emittance growth than the bunches in the middle of the train. Because of the three -fold symmetry of the proton loading, the antiproton emittance growth rates are the same within 5 -20% for corresponding bunches in different trains (in other words, bunch es #1, #13, and #25 have similar emittance growths). The effect is dependent on the antiproton tunes, particularly on how close one bunch is to some important resonance. Typically, the Tevatron working points during 2003 were set to Qx = 0.582 and Qy = 0.590. At this working point, fifth - order (0.600), seventh -order (0.5714), and twelfth -order (0.583) resonances all play major roles in the antiproton beam dynamics. It was observed that vertical tune changes as small as -0.002 often resulted in a reductio n of the amplitude of the scallops. Smaller but still definite scallops were also seen in protons. After the initial 0.5 -1 hour of each store, the growth rate of each bunch decreased significantly . This decrease is understood to be due to the steady decrease of the antiproton tune shift induced by the protons while the proton beam size grows and the proton intensity rapidly decreases at the beginning of a HEP store. Figure 18. Evolution of antiproton bunch emittances over the fisrt 30 minutes of H EP store #2540: emittances for the ninth bunch in each of three trains are presented: #9, #21, and #33; TEL -1, with the Gaussian electron gun, is acting only on bunch #33. TEL-1 was used at the beginning of several HEP stores in an attempt to reduce the emittance growth during the first half hour of collisions by acting on a single bunch. The goal was to significantly decrease the emittance growth of the particular bunch with respect to its sibling bunches (the equivalent bunches in the other two train s), or with respect to the same bunch in other, similar stores. TEL-1was timed on a single antiproton bunch at the beginning of the Tevatron stores and the vertical emittance growth of that antiproton bunch was monitored. Figure 18 presents the evolution of the vertical rms sizes of three antiproton bunches (#9, #21, and #33) over the first 34 minutes after initiating collisions in store #2540 (May 13, 2003). The TEL was acting only on bunch #33. The bunch size was measured by a Synchrotron Light Monito r [9,16 ]. The corresponding emittance growth was 0.68 +- 0.06 mm-mrad/hr for bunch #9, 0.37 +- 0.07 mm-mrad/hr for #21, but only 0.16 +- 0.07 mm-mrad/hr for #33, shown by the fitted lines in Fig.18. During this experiment, TEL -1 was set to a current of 0 .6 A, an energy of 4.5kV , and an rms beam size of 0.8 mm. Given an interaction length of 2.0 m, the expected maximum horizontal antiproton tune shift is -0.004, and the expected vertical one is -0.001. After 34 minutes the TEL1 was turned off, and the em ittances of all three bunches leveled. Several attempts were made to test this ability, each on a new store during the first short period. These tests, along with pertinent parameters, are summarized in Table 2 , where each row represents a different stor e (the designated store number is listed down the left column). Table 2: Growth of the rms vertical antiptoton bunch emittance in the beginning of stores. All of the growth numbers are in units of mm-mrad/hr, with a typical fit error of +-0.07 mm mra d/hr. For the indicated stores, TEL -1 was acting on bunch #33. Store # duration #9 growth #21 growth #33 growth #2536 40 min 1.65 1.53 1.55 #2538 35 min 0.32 0.28 0.46 #2540 34 min 0.68 0.37 0.17 TEL-1 on #2546 30 min 0.65 0.32 0.67 TEL-1 on #2549 26 min 0.75 0.60 1.18 TEL-1 on #2551 34 min 1.12 1.1 1.17 In the thre e stores listed without TEL -1 in Table 2, the emittance growth rate of bunch #33 is similar or just slightly larger than that of its s iblings. In stores #2546 and #2549, it is still larger. However, in store #2540, the growth of bunch #33 is significantly less than that of the other two bunches . The differences between consecutive stores are considerable, but the only intentional differenc e is the application of TEL -1. Soon after st ore #2551, a set of sextupole correction magnets was employed to lower the antiproton tune sufficiently enough (without affecting proton tunes) so that the scallops were avoided and there was no operational need in usage of TEL -1 for that purpose anymore. The effect of TEL -1 in stores #2540, #2546 and #2549 is obvious, though not well - controlled, since it can have an adverse effect instead (store #2549, for example). We believe that the uncertainty is due to insufficiently precise centering of the electro n beam on the antiproton orbit. There were two reasons for that: the antiproton orbit itself changes from store to store by as much as 1 mm at the TEL -1 location ; and the BPMs used in TEL -1 have an observable 0.5 -1.5 mm system atic difference between the na nosecond -scale antiproton bunch and the microsecond -scale electron pulse scales (though the statistical accuracy of either measurement was about 30 microns). Such a large error in the BPM measurement led to difficult ies in the experiment repeatability. 6. IMPROVEMENT OF PROTON BEAM INTENSITY LIFETIME AND LUMINOSITY LIFETIME BY ELECTRON LENSES In 2004 -2006, we have introduced four very important changes in the Tevatron and TEL operation which allowed a very regular, repeatable and successful employment of el ectron lenses for beam -beam compensation. Firstly, the Tevatron automatic orbit stabilization system wa s installed and commissioned [17 ], so that typical store -to-store orbit changes as well as low - frequency orbit drifts during HEP stores do not exceed 0.1 mm (high frequency orbit jitter is still uncorrected, but it is not very significant - about 0.02 -0.04 mm peak -to-peak). Secondly, a new signal processing technique was introduced for the TEL BPMs which reduced the frequency dependence of the monitors fr om 0.5 -1.5 mm down to about 0.1 mm [18 ]. Thirdly, the second electron lens was built and installed at the A11 l ocation of the Tevatron ring [19, 8 ] that allowed us to conduct dedicated beam -beam compensation studies very often - ultimately, in every HEP st ore - with one of the lenses while the other one is always dedicated to the abort gap cleaning (a standard TEL job since early Run II - see Refs. [20, 16 ]). Last, but not least, electron guns with smoothed -edge -flat-top current distributions were desig ned, built and installed in both TEL -1 and TEL -2 [6]. All the results presented in this Chapter are obtained with the SEFT electron guns. After commissioning of all these features and attainment of stable operation, a significant improvement of proton beam lifetime under the action of electron lenses was demonstrated [1]. Figure 19: a) top - proton -bunch intensity loss rates and b) bottom - antip roton -bunch intensity loss rates at the beginning of the Tevatron store #5155, Dec. 30, 2006, with an initial luminosity L=250x1030 cm-2s-1 . A significant attrition rate of the protons due to their interaction with the antiproton bunches, both in the main IPs and in the numerous long -range interaction regions is one of the most detrimental effects of the beam -beam interaction in the Tevatron [4]. This effect is especially large at the beginning of the HEP stores where the total proton beam -beam tune shift induced by the antiprotons at the two main IPs (B0 and D0) can reach the values of 2proton=+0.02 0. Fig. 19a) shows a typical distribution of proton l oss rates at the beginning of a high -luminosity HEP store. Bunches #12, 24, and 36 at the end of each bunch train typically lose about 9% of their intensity per hour while other bunches lose only 4% to 6% per h our. These losses are a very significant part of the total luminosity decay rate of about 20% per hour (again, at the beginning of the high luminosity HEP stores). The losses due to inelastic proton -antiproton interactions dNp/dt=int L at the two main IPs (int =0.07 barn) are small (1 -1.5%/hr) compared to the total losses. Losses due to inelastic interaction with the residual vacuum are less than 0.3%/hr. The single largest source of proton losses is the beam -beam interaction with the antiprotons. Such c onclusion is also supported by Fig.19 a) , which shows a large bunch -to-bunch variation in the proton loss rates within each bunch train, but very similar rates for equivalent bunches, e.g. bunches #12, 24, and 36. On the contrary, antiproton intensity loss es dNa/dt are about the same for all the bunches - see Fig. 19 b) - as they are mostly due to luminosity burn -up and not determined by beam -beam effects. The r emarkable distribution of the proton losses seen in Fig.19, e.g. particularly high loss rates fo r bunches #12, 24, 36, is usually thought to be linked to the distribution of betatron frequencies along the bunch trains bunch. Bunches at the end of the trains have their vertical tunes closer to the 7/120.583 resonance lines - see Fig.20 - and, there fore, the higher losses. The average Tevatron proton tune Qy of about 0.588-0.589 lies just above this resonance, and the bunches at the end of each train, whose vertical tunes are lower by DQ y=-(0.002 -0.003) due to the unique pattern of long -range interactions , are subject to stronger beam -beam effec ts [4]. The tunes Qy Qx are carefully optimized by the operation crew to minimize the overall losses of intensity and luminosity . For example, a n increase of the average vertical tune by quadrupole correctors is not possible because it usually results in higher losses and scallops as small amplitude particle tunes move dangerously close to the 3/5=0.600 resonance (see Fig.16). When properly ali gned, the TEL -2 electron beam focuses protons and, thus, produces a positive vertical tune shift of the proton bunch it acts on , proportional to the electron current - as depicted in Fig. 5 - and, therefore, it should reduce the losses. A pr eliminary alignment of the electron beam h as been done by relying on the TEL beam position measurement system. Ho wever, additional fine tuning i s usually necessary to achieve the best possible compensation. Measurements of the proton loss rate versus the electron beam p osition with an increased electron current were performed at the very end of a store, when no beam -beam related losses occur. This approach allowed us to determine the optimal electron beam position. Since the Tevatron orbit is kept stable by the orbit fee dback system within 100 m, the end -of-store values can be used throughout other stores, unless an optics change is introduced. Figure 20 : Proton bunch tunes meas ured by Digital Tune Monitor [21 ] at the beginning of store #5301 (March 3, 2007) with an initial luminosity L=203x1030 cm-2s-1 In one of the very first BBC demonstrati on experiment, we timed the TEL-2 electron pulse onto bunch P 12 without affecting the other bunches. The transverse alignment of the elect ron beam is illustrated in Fig.3 above . Figure 21a) shows that w hen the TEL p eak current was increased to 0.3A, the lifetime =N p/(dN p/dt) of bunch P 12 wen t up to 17.4+-0.1 hours from 8.75+-0.1 hours (in other words, the loss rate 1/ improved two -fold from about 11.4 %/hr to some 5.7%/hr). At th e same time, the lifetime of bunch P24 , an equivalent bunch in another bunch train, remained low and did n ot change significantly ( =8.66 hour lifetime slightly improved to 10 hours due to natural reasons - see discussion below ). The TEL was left on P12 f or the first 1.5 hours of the store and the intensity decay of that particular bunch was one of the lowest among all 36 proton bunches - as shown in Fig.21 b) which presents the loss rates corrected for luminous intensity decay which is not due to beam -beam effects (dN p/Np)NL /dt=(dN p/Np)total /dt -int L /Np. It is noteworthy, that the vertical tune shift caused by such a moderate electron current Je =0.3A is about dQy=+0.0007 (as can be seen in Fig.5b) and it is not sufficient for P12 to reach the averag e tune dQy <|DQ y|0.002 . Therefore, the TEL -induced tune shift could not be considered as the only mechanism responsible for the significant lifetime improvement in that experiment . Figure 21: a) Intensity decay of proton bunch 12 affected by the TEL-2 and reference bunch 24 at the beginning of store #5123 with an initial luminosity L=197x1030 cm-2s-1. The b lue line shows the measured TEL -2 peak current; b) the average non -luminous bunch intensity loss rate in the first 1.5 hours of the store. To explore the electron lens effects in more detail, another series of BBC studies has been performed in one of the highest luminosity Tevatron stores #5183, in which the TEL -2 operated in a DC regime with Je=0.3A - thus, providing the same effect on all prot on bunches in the beam - and has been regularly turned off and on. When the TEL -2 was turned on at the very beginning of the store, it improved the intensity lifetime of all the bunches, as presented in Fig.22, although the largest improvement R=2.2, defin ed as the ratio of the proton lifetime with the TEL and without it, has been observed for bunches P12, P24 and P36, as expected. Later in the store, the TEL -2 has been turned off for some 20 minutes, then, by use of magnet correctors, an equivalent tune change of dQy0.0008 has been introduced and the beam intensity decay measured for some 20 -30 minutes. After that, the tune correction has been turned off for 20 -30 minutes for reference lifetime measurement, which was followed by another 1/2 hour of TEL -2 operation, and so on. Figure 23 shows the total proton intensity lifetime measured for each of these intervals. One can see that initially the beam lifetime improves every time when either TEL2 or the tune correction has been introduced. Nevertheless, a fter some 5 hours into the store, the TEL -2 still lead to the lifetime improvement while during two periods of tune correction the lifetime slightly decreased with respect to the unperturbed reference periods ( the black bars in Fig.23). Besides a significant reduction of the proton intensity loss rates, the luminosity lifetime L=L/(dL/dt) has been improved as well. Fig ure 24a) compares the changes of the lifetime of the combined luminosity for the three bunches #12,24 and 36 due to TE L-2 and due to the tune correction in the same store #5183. The height of each bar is equal to : ) ( ) () (2 changethe after period reference changethe before period withR L Ly L L . (4) The luminosity lifetime improvement due to TEL -2 is about 12% at the beginning of the store. Later in the store the TEL-2 effect was somewhat larger than that of the global tune correction dQy . The e volution of the average proton and antiproton tunes is shown in Fig.24b). The TEL induced improvements in the luminosity lifetime of about 10% are significantly smaller than the corre sponding changes in the proton intensity lifetime (about a factor of 2) because the luminosity decay is driven mostly by other factors, the strongest being the proton and antiproton emittance increase due to intra -beam scattering and the antiproton intensi ty decay due to luminosity burn-off. Usually, these factors combined lead t o the decay of instantaneous luminosity approximately given by [4] LtLtL/1)(0 (5) so that the total integrated luminosity over a store is proportional to the produc t of the initial luminosity and the luminosity lifetime L0Lln(1+ T /L), where T denotes the store duration. Therefore, a 10% improvement of the luminosity lifetime L due to TEL -2 results in a proportional increase of the integrated luminosity. Figure 22: Pro ton bunch lifetime improvement due to TEL -2 (DC regime) early in store #5183 with initial luminosity L=253 x1030 cm-2s-1. Figure 23: Average proton intensity lifetime dt/(dN p/Np)total in store #5183 when, repetitively, the TEL-2 was turned on protons wit h 0.3A of DC electron current (red bars), then turned off for reference (black bars), next the proton vertical tune was shifted up 0.0008 by quadrupole and sextupole tune correctors (green bars), and the correctors were finally turned off again (black). Figure 24: a) top - Luminosity lifetime improvement by TEL -2 and by tune correctors in store #5183 ; b) bottom - the average vertical tunes of the proton and antiproton bunches measured by the 1.7 GHz Schottky detectors. Figure 25: Relative improvement of th e TEL induced proton bunch #12 lifetime vs. time (store #5119, Dec. 12, 2006 , initial luminosity L=159x1030 cm-2s-1) Usually, t he proton lifetime, dominated by beam -beam effects, gradually improves with time in a HEP store and reaches some 50 -100 hour s after 6 -8 hours of collisions. T his is due to the decrease in the antiproton population and to an increase in antiproton emittance, both contributing to a reduction of the proton beam -beam parameter xp. In store #5119, we studied the effectiveness of the beam -beam compensation by repeatedly turning TEL -2 on a single bunch P12 and off ever y half hour for 16 hours. The relative bunch intensity lifetime improvement R is plotted in Fig.25 [1] . The first two data points correspond to Je=0.6A , but subsequent points were taken with Je=0.3A to observe the dependence of the compensation effect on the electron current . The change of the current resulted in a drop of the relative improvement from R=2.03 to R=1.4. A gradual decrease in the relative lifetime improvement is visible until after about ten hours, where the ratio reaches 1.0 (i.e., no gain in the lifetime). At this point, the beam -beam effects have become very small, providing little to compensate. Similar experiments in several other stores with initial luminosities ranging from 1.5*1032 cm-2 s-1 to 2.5*1032 cm-2 s-1 reproduc ed these results. Figure 26: Proton bunch intensity loss rates detected by D0 counters: black - for reference bunch 14, red - for bunch 13 affected by TEL-1 (first 4 hours in store #5352 L=197x1030 cm-2s-1) Comparable improvement of the proton intensity lifetime (up to 40%) has been observed in experiments performed with TEL -1. The only design difference between the two lense s is that the TEL-1 bending section has a 90 degree angle between the gun solenoid and the main solenoid while this angle is about 57 degrees for TEL-2 (depicted in Fig.1). TEL -1 is installed in a location with large horizontal beta -function and mostly shi fts horizontal proton tune up. As the proton horizontal tunes are lower by DQ x-(0.002 -0.003) for the bunches at the beginning of the bunch trains , P1, P13, and P25 [4 ], the TEL -1 effect is the largest for them. The r eduction of the global proton loss rates due to the electron lenses can easily be seen by the local halo loss rate detectors installed in the D0 and CDF detectors, which can measure the loss es on a bunch -by-bunch basis. Figure 26 shows the dependence of D0 proton loss rate on the TEL-1 electron current. In this experiment TEL -1, being a horizontal beam -beam compensati on device, was acting on P13 which has the lowest horizontal tune. Bunch P14 - unaffected by TEL -1 - was chosen as a reference bunch because its behavior in terms of halo and lifetime was very similar to P13 , without TEL . The loss rate of P13 dropped by ab out 35% once a 0.6A -peak electron current was turned on, while the P14 loss rate stayed unaffected. After about 12 min the e -current was turned off which made the P13 loss rate return to the reference level. The loss reduction has been repeated several ti mes over the next 4 hours in this store and it was confirmed in several other HEP stores . . Figure 27: Proton loss rate measured at the D0 detector vs horizontal displacement of electron beam in TEL-1. We have also studied the dependence of the loss -rate reduction on the electron beam position with respect to the proton beam position. Figure 27 demonstrates that if the electron beam is displaced from the proton orbit by more than 4 mm, the effect of the TEL -1 on the D0 proton halo loss rate vanishe s. 7. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Superconducting hadron colliders - Tevatron, HERA, RHIC and LHC, being the most notable examples - are the most sophisticated instruments for the cutting edge high -energy physics research. The effectiveness and luminosity of suc h complex and costly machines is limited by the EM beam -beam interaction. Contrary to electron -positron storage rings, the beam -beam effects in hadron colliders do not set a hard limit on performance. Instead they lead to bigger and bigger losses or emitta nce blow -ups until they result in either intolerable energy deposition in the superconducting magnets (quenches) or in intolerable detector halo backgrounds. Due to the absence of synchrotron -radiation damping, numerical simulations of beam -beam effects in hadron colliders are very cumbersome, extremely time consuming and have not yet reached the level of satisfactory trustworthiness. Therefore, experimental studies of beam -beam effects and especially, their compensation are of utmost importance . All reason able beam -beam compensation proposals become the subject of detail ed experimental studies. The o utcome of studies on four -beam compensation, the use of octupole magnets for compensating beam -beam nonlineari ties, and the long-range beam -beam compensation wi th use of current -carrying wires is overviewed in Ref.[1] and references therein. Beam -beam compensation with low energy electron beams has many advantages compared to the a fore-mentioned scheme s. T his article, together with Ref.[1], summarizes the results of the pioneering studies with the Tevatron electron lenses. Major outcome s of our work are the development of electron lenses, the demonstration of their compatibility with the operation of superconducting hadron collider and the experimental proof of compensation of beam -beam effects in the Tevatron proton -antiproton collider. The results of the BBC studies presented in this article demonstrate that the TELs shift the proton and antiproton tunes as originally predicted in Ref. [5 ] and Eq.(3). Both lens es built - TEL-1 and TEL -2 - produce a very strong positive effect on the lifetime of the Tevatron proton bunches which otherwise suffered most from the collisions with antiprotons. The observed lifetime improvement at the beginning of a HEP store (when the beam brightness and luminosity are highest , and the beam -beam interaction is strongest) can be as big as a factor of 2. Only some 10 hours into the stores, the beam -beam effects and the BBC gains decrease to insignificant levels. The beam -beam compensat ion effect is found to be tune dependent and somewhat outperforming the traditional tune correction method. It has to be noted that the difference between two electron lenses - bending angle of the electron trajectory is 90 degrees in one lens and 57 degrees in another - did not significant ly impact the reduction of the proton losses by both lenses. We experimentally learned that for the successful operation of electron lenses one needs a smooth transverse distribution of the electron current density, a good alignment of the electron electron beam on the beam of interest - within a fraction of proton or antiproton rms beam size; and low noises and ripples in the electron beam current and position. We have observed the reduction of the antiproton emittanc e growth rate in some early BBC studies with TEL -1, but the effect was not reproduced reliably , because of poor control of the electron beam centering on the antiprotons. We have not seen any sign of coherent instabilities due to the (anti) proton beam i nteraction with the electron beam, despite initial concerns [5 ]. Naturally, as the next step of the BBC program, we plan to incorporate the Tevatron Electron Lenses into the routine operation of the Tevatron collider. The v ersatility of the electron l enses allows t heir use for many other purposes, e.g. for the removal of unwanted DC beam particles leaking out of RF buckets into the Tevatron abort gaps between the bunch trains [16 ]. There are also proposals to use electron lenses for space -charge compe nsation in high i ntensity proton synchrotrons [22 ], for the reduction of a tune spread in proton -proton or l ike-charge colliding beams [23, 5 ], and for beam collimation in the LHC [24 ]. An LHC electron lens with about 2.4 A of DC current can compensate hea d-on effects induced by collisio ns with 2.3e11 proton bunches, twice the LHC nominal bun ch intensity[25 ]. As such, the electron lenses combined with current carrying wires for long -range beam -beam compensation are believed to allow reach ing higher collider luminosities without a significant increase of particle loss rates or emittance growth rates. We would like to thank J.Annala, T.Bolshakov, A.Burov, R.Dixon , B.Drendel, J.Featherstone, D.Finley , R.Hively, S.Holmes, A.Jansson, A.Klebaner, M.Kufer, V.Lebedev, J.Marriner, A. Martinez, S.McCormick, E.McCrory , D.McGinnis, N.Mokhov, R.Moore, J.Morgan, M.Olson, H.Pfeffer, D.Wolff, V.Scarpine, G.Saewert A.Shemyakin, J.Steimel , A.Valishev (FNAL) , A.Kuzmin, M. Tiunov (BINP, N ovosibirsk) , S.Kozub, V. Sytnik, L. Tkachenko (IHEP, Protvino), V.Danilov (ORNL), W.Fischer, Y.Luo, S.Peggs (BNL), E.Tsyganov (South -Western Medical Center), and A .Seryi (SLAC) for valuable technical contributions , assistance during beam studies and useful discussions on the subject. Fermilab is operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE -AC02 -07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy . REFERENCES [1] Shiltsev V, Alexahin Y, Bishofberger K, Kamerdzhiev V, Kuznetsov G, and Zhang X-L 2007 Phys.Rev.Lett. 99 2448 01 . 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Vladimir Shiltsev
V.Shiltsev, Yu.Alexahin, K.Bishofberger, V.Kamerdzhiev, V.Parkhomchuk, V.Reva, N.Solyak, D.Wildman, X.-L. Zhang, F.Zimmermann
Experimental Studies of Compensation of Beam-Beam Effects with Tevatron Electron Lenses
submitted for publication in New Journal of Physics
New J.Phys.10:043042,2008
Applying the space-charge forces of a low-energy electron beam can lead to a significant improvement of the beam-particle lifetime limit arising from the beam-beam interaction in a high-energy collider [1]. In this article we present the results of various beam experiments with electron lenses, novel instruments developed for the beam-beam compensation at the Tevatron, which collides 980-GeV proton and antiproton beams. We study the dependencies of the particle betatron tunes on the electron beam current, energy and position; we explore the effects of electron-beam imperfections and noises; and we quantify the improvements of the high-energy beam intensity and the collider luminosity lifetime obtained by the action of the Tevatron Electron Lenses.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 4 Feb 2008 21:08:44 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Shiltsev", "V.", "" ], [ "Alexahin", "Yu.", "" ], [ "Bishofberger", "K.", "" ], [ "Kamerdzhiev", "V.", "" ], [ "Parkhomchuk", "V.", "" ], [ "Reva", "V.", "" ], [ "Solyak", "N.", "" ], [ "Wildman", "D.", "" ], [ "Zhang", "X. -L.", "" ], [ "Zimmermann", "F.", "" ] ]
Controlling the quantum computational speed 2 1. there are a great interest for developing the computer device. This is mainly due to the complications of the problems which we are usually facing an d urgently need to find their solutions [1, 2, 3]. To overcome these problems we have t o find a computer device with high capacity and speed or we have to develop a new kind of computer has such properties. This in fact means that we need one has a large mem ory, an and a large hard disk. This stimulated and encouraged th e researcher to seek for another kind of computer different to that of the classica l one, that is the quantum computer. However, in the quantum information and more precisely in the quantum computer there is an important question would be raised, w hat is the speed of sending information from nod to the other one that to reach the final output. Since the information is coded in a density operator, therefore we ask ho w fast the density operator will change its orthogonality. In other words, we search for a minimum time needed for a quantum system to pass from one orthogonal state to another [4]. To perform this task we need qubit contains the information to evolve t hrough a unitary operator where the carrier transforms it from one nod to the oth er. For entangled qubit pair, one can see the operators cause a decay of entanglement [5, 6, 7]. Further, it has been shown that the classical noise leads to what is called entanglement sudden death [8]. Moreover, the time-depende nt interaction of a single qubit with a field can also produce such a phenomena as well as a This means that there are different factors wou ld be involved and affect the transmission speed and consequently the information. R ecently the efforts in quantum information research are directed towards improving the performance of single qubit interaction. Also, evolution speed (maximum transition rate be tween and the time evolution of some models has been discussed in Re f. [9]. The main purpose for the present communication is to consider the in a single qubit and an external field for the classical treatm ent and the interaction between a single qubit and cavity field for the quantum tr eatment. This is to shed some light on the general behavior of the interaction proce ss and its the speed of the computation [4] (maximum number of orthogon al states that the system can pass through per unit time), speed of orthogonality [1 0] (minimum time for a quantum state evolve into orthogonal state 0) and speed of evolution [11] (maximum transition rate between orthogonal sta te). The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we consider the classica l treatment, where we calculate the general form of the time evaluation of the de nsity operator. The quantum interaction of the qubit will be considered in Sec. 3, where w e introduce the unitary operator in an adequate form. Also, we obtain the final sta te by means of the Bloch vectors. Also we study the effect of the field parameters on t he speed of the quantum computation. Finally, our conclusion is given in Sec 4 .Controlling the quantum computational speed 3 2. Classical treatment of Qubit Let us start out with a short reminder on a general form of the den sity operator of a qubit with the aid of analogs of Pauli's spin vector operator- -s. This row vector refer to the three dimensional vector [13] - -sae| a= (sx,sy,sz) - -ex - -ey - -ez , (1) where- -ex,y,zare orthonormal vectors of the three coordinate axes to which t he components siarereferredand siarePauli = an even permutation of x,y,z. In this case, the density operator can be represented in the following form [11] ra=1 2(1+- (2) where- effective Hamiltonian for one qubit can be defined as (3) whereaiare the external field components. The unitary evolution operato r can be obtained from the Hamiltonian, (4) Using the density operator (2), Alice qubit can be transformed (5) where the component of~-sare given obtained the above analytical expressions for ~ sx,~syand ~sz, we are therefore in position to investigate the speed of the orthogonality and hence t he speed of computation. To clarify our idea let us assume that the user Alice has encoded some information in her qubit which is defined (7)Controlling the quantum computational speed 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 Scaled 10 15 20 25 30 Scaled 10 15 20 25 30 Scaled 10 15 20 25 30 Scaled 1. The speed of orthogonality of qubit as a function of the scaled time, where, the component represented by the solid curve, while represented by the dotted-curve. The other parameters are sx= 1 and sy=sz= 0, (b)a1=a2=a3=p 3, the time evolution of the unitary operator, (4) one can trans formrainto ~rafrom which the new Bloch vectors take the us assume that Alice has prepared her qubit such as sx= 1 andsy=sz= 0. Then the eigenvectors of the (7) state can be written as v1= [-1,1],andv2= [1,-1]. (9) Thus, it will be easy to get the eigenvectors for the final state ~ ra, which is described by Bloch vectors (8). After some algebraic calculations, we can explicit ly writeuias u1=u2= G = (1+cos2 In order to facilitate our discussion let us define the scalar product of the vectors uiandvisuch (11) It should be noted that in our calculations we have taken into accoun t all the of uiandvi. In figure (1) we have plotted the amplitude values of Spijagainst the scaled time to display its behavior for different values of the cont rol parameter ai.In figure (1 a) we have considered the case in which ai=p/2 where one can coincides on the horizontal axis at different period of time.Controlling the quantum computational speed 5 However, when we change the value of the parameters aisuch asai=p/3 it is noted that there is decreasing in the number of coincidences points which r efer to reduction in the computation speed, see figure (1b). This phenomenon gets mo re pronounced for the case in which ai=p/4, see figure (1c). Thus we may conclude that as the value of the control parameters aiincreases as thespeed ofthe computation increases andvise vers a. On the other hand when we consider different values for the contro l parameters a2=p 3, a3=p 4, then more decreasing can be seen in the In the meantime we can observe irregular fluctuations in bot h functions Sp1jand Sp2jin addition to the intersection at different points, see figure (1d). T his is contrary to the previous cases where regular oscillations can be realized in eac h case. 3. Quantum treatment of Qubit Now let us turn our attention to consider the quantum treatment o f the taking into account the quantized field interacting with a sing le qubit. In this case the Hamiltonian can be written (12) where ^a+and ^aare the creation and annihilation operators satisfy the commutatio = 1.We denoteby lthe coupling constant andthe detuning szare usual raising (lowering) and inversion operators for the two-le vel atomic system, satisfying [ sz,s+-] =+-2s+-and [s+,s-] = 2sz. The operator r(t) is given by r(t) =U(t)r(0)U+(t), (13) wherer(0) =ra(0)rf(0) is the initial state of the system. We assume that the initial state of the qubit ra(0) is given by equation (7) while the field starts from a Fock state. Under the above assumptions the unitary evolution operator U(t) can be defined as U(t) u12=-ieSna, u21=u+ 12, C n= cos(ungt), u should be noted that in the above equations, we have introduced the parameters e andgto connect up the coupling parameter lsuch thatl=eg.This in fact would enable us to discuss the effect of the coupling parameter using einstead oflregarding gas a dimensionless parameter. Using Eqs.(13) and (14) one can obta in the the quantum computational speed 6 5 10 15 20 25 30 Scaled 10 15 20 25 30 Scaled 10 15 20 25 30 Scaled 10 15 20 25 30 Scaled 2. The same as figure 1, but n= 10,/g= 2 (a) e= 0.05, (b)e= 0.1, (c)e= 0.15 and (d) e= density operator r(t) in Bloch vectors representation, (15) The parameters sx,syandszwhich appear in the right hand side of equation (15), describe the initial state Bloch the quantum computational speed 7 Infact, sks. Forexample, one may consult a recent applications given in Ref. [15]. In the meantim e it would be interesting to employ the Hamiltonian given by equation (12) that t o discuss the speed of computation. This is extensively used in the field of quantum information to describe the interaction between field and qubit, particularly for inv estigating the loss Furth ermore, comparewith the classical treatment the interaction Hamiltonian contains three different parameters to control the dynamics of the system, the detuning parameter ,ethe and the mean photon number These parameters are involved through the Rabi frequency lnas well as in the Bloch vectors themselves. This would give us a wide range of variety to discuss the variation in Spijresultant of change one of these parameters. To do so we have numerically calculated the ov erlap between the initial and the final states of Spij. For example, to see the effect of the ewe have considered the number of photons n= 10, and the /g= 2,whilee= 0.05. In this case and from figure (2a) we can see nearly perfect overlap between both of Sp1jandSp2jas well as coincidences at the horizontal line showing high speed. Inc rease the value of esuch thate= 0.1 leads to slight increase in the speed of increases in one of the projectors value, see figure (2b). M ore increases in the coupling parameter e= 0.15 shows increasing in the speed of computation but with between the two projectors, see figure (2c). More increasing in the coupling valuee= 0.2 leads to more decreasing in the speed of computation but with regu lar increasing in both projectors value. This means that there is a cert ain value (critical value) of the coupling parameter where the speed of computation r eaches its toslow down. To examine theeffect ofthemean pho tonnumber we have considered the case in which n= 20,keeping the other parameters unchange as in figure (2a). In this case we observe no change in the speed of orthogona lity and the behavior in general is the same as before, however, there is increasing in the amplitude for one of the projectors, see figure (3a). However, if we decrease the value of the /g= 1 drastic change can be realized. For instance, we can see decrea sing 5 10 15 20 25 30 Scaled 10 15 20 25 30 Scaled 3. The same as figure (2a), but n= 20, (a) /g= 2, (b) /g= 1.Controlling the quantum computational speed 8 in the number of the oscillations period, increasing in one of the proje ctor amplitude, in addition to decrease in the speed of computation, see figure (3b) . Thus we come to conclusion if one increases the value of the detuning parameter t hen the speed of the interaction increases. This result is in agreement with that given by Montangero [17], where they investigated the dynamics of entanglement in quant um computer Conclusion In the above sections of the present paper we have considered th e problem of inquantum information. The problem has been handled f romtwo different point of view; where we have considered both of classical and quant um treatments. The main concentration was on how to improve and control the computa tion's speed in each case separately. For the classical treatment it has been sho wn that the speed of computation is proportional with the total value of the external fi eld. However, for quantum treatment we have seen that the speed of computation is sensitive to the variation of the coupling parameter and the detuning parameter. I n the meantime we found the mean photon number does not play any role with the speed of computation but it isjust effect theamplitude of the projectors. This infact wou ld turn our attention to look for the atom-atom interaction to be discussed in a forthcom ing of us (M.S.A) is grateful for the financial support from the pro ject Math 2005/32 of the research center, College of Science, King Saud Univ ersity. [1] V. N. Gorbachev, A. I. Trubilko, Laser Phys. Lett. 3, 59 (2005) [2] C. H. Bennett and P. W. Shor, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 44, 2724, (1998). [3] G. Brida, M. Genovese, M. Gramegna, Laser Phys. Lett. 3, 115 (2005); M. Abdel-Aty, Laser Phys. Lett. 1, 104 (2004). [4] N. Margolus and L. B. Levitin, Physica D 120, 188 (1998); J. Batle, M. Casas, A. Plastino, A. R. Plastino, Phys. Rev. A 72, 032337 (2005); A. Borrs, M. Casas, A. R. Plastino and A. Plastino , Phys. Rev. A 74, 022326 (2006). [5] T. Yu, J. H. Eberly, Phys. Rev. B 68, 165322 (2003). [6] M. Ban, S. Kitajima and F. 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Nasser Metwally NM
N. Metwally, M. Abdel-Aty and M. Sebawe Abdalla
Controlling the quantum computational speed
9 pages, 10 figures
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 24, 4143-4151 (2008).
The speed of quantum computation is investigated through the time evolution of the speed of the orthogonality. The external field components for classical treatment beside the detuning and the coupling parameters for quantum treatment play important roles on the computational speed. It has been shown that the number of photons has no significant effect on the speed of computation. However, it is very sensitive to the variation in both detuning and the interaction coupling parameters.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 5 Feb 2008 08:41:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Metwally", "N.", "" ], [ "Abdel-Aty", "M.", "" ], [ "Abdalla", "M. Sebawe", "" ] ]
2 JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN relative invariants, they interpreted the degeneration fo rmula as a a complicated upper triangular linear map from relative invari- ants to absolute invariants. One consequence of their corre spondence is that the absolute and relative invariants determine each other. Such a correspon- dence is a very powerful tool in determining the totality of G But it is not effective in determining any single invar iant. A nat- ural question is if a divisor with a stronger condition will g ive us a much stronger correspondence? We answer this affirmatively for so -called posi- tive symplectic divisors. We call a symplectic divisor Zpositiveif for some tamed almost complex structure J,C1(NZ)(A)>0 for a non-trivial J-sphereinZ. This is a generalization of ample divisor from algebraic geometry. One of our main theorems is the followin g call 0 effective if there is a nonzero genus zero Gromov-Witten invariant of Zwith class A. Letp:PZ-Zbe the projection. Maulik and Pandharipande show that any nonz ero absolute or relative Gromov-Witten invariant of PZis determined by the Gromov- Witten invariants of Z. It is a direct consequence of their argument that if a nonzero genus zero Gromov-Witten or relative Gromov-Witt en classB, thenp*(B) stably effective LetV= stably effective }. Theorem 1.1. Suppose that Zis a positive divisor and V>=l. Then T -Xandi!=PDi*PD, the summation runs over all partitions are the products of some [M1] also considered the similar comparison result in the the above theorem means that there is no low er order term in the degeneration formula. The second motivation comes from symplectic birational geo metry. A fundamental problem in symplectic geometry is to generaliz e birational ge- ometry to symplectic geometry. In the 80's, Mori introduced a program to- wards the birational classification of algebraic manifolds of dimension three and up. In 90's, the last author [R1] speculated that there sh ould be a sym- plectic geometric program. First of all, since there is no no tion of regular or rational function in symplectic geometry, we must theref ore first define the appropriate notion of symplectic birational equivalen ce. For this pur- pose, in[HLR], berg's DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 3 cobordism to replace birational maps. Secondly, we need to s tudy what geo- metric properties behave nicely under this birational cobo rdism. In [HLR], the authors defined the uniruledness of symplecitc manifold s by requiring a nonzero Gromov-Witten invariant with a point insertion an d settled suc- cessfully the fundamental birational cobordism invarianc e of [M2] proved that Hamiltonian S1-manifolds are uniruled using the techniques from Tian-Jun Li and the second author [LtjR] inves tigate the dichotomy of uniruled symplectic divisors. The dichotomy a sserts that if the normal bundle is non-negative in some sense, then the amb ient manifold is uniruled. It is clear that our stronger comparison theorem should yiel d stronger re- sults. This is indeed the case. As an application of our compa rison . uniruledness (see [HLR]), we define the notion of k-point (strongly) ratio- nal connectedness by requiring a non-zero (primary) Gromov -Witten invari- ant withkpoint insertions (see section five for the detailed discussi on). Of course, one important problem here of interest is whether th e notion of rational connectedness is invariant under biration al cobor- dism given in [HLR]. From the blowup formula of [H1, H2, H3, HZ , La], we know that symplectic rational connectedness is invariant u nder the symplec- tic blowup along points and some special submanifolds with c onvex normal bundles. The general case is still unknown. We should mentio n that a longstanding problem in Gromov-Witten theory is to charact erize connectedness in terms of Gromov-Witten theory . Our second main theorem is the following theorem analogous to the theor em of McDuff [M3, LtjR] for uniruled 1.2. Let(X,o)be a compact 2ndimensional symplectic manifold which contains a submanifold to Pn-1whose normal Chern number m>=2, thenXis strongly rationally connected. The paper is organized as follows. In section two, we first rev iew Gromov- Witten theory and its degeneration formula to set up the nota tion. In Sec- tion three, we prove some vanishing and non-vanishing resul ts for invariants of P1-bundles. In section four, we prove a com- parison theorem between absolute and relative Gromov-Witt en invariants. In section five, we generalize the from divisor to ambient space of [LtjR] to the case k-point rational Both of the authors would like to thank Zhenbo Qin who took part in the early time of this work. This article was p repared during the first author's visit to the Department of Mathemat ics, Univer- sity of Michigan-Ann of Mathematic s, University of The first author is grateful to the dep artments for4 JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN their hospitality. The authors would like to thank Tian-Jun Li for his valu- able suggestions and telling us about McDuff's work. Thanks a lso to A. Greenspoon for his editorial this section, we want to review briefly the constructions o f in the definitions of the absolute and relative G W are the main tool of our paper. We refer to [R1, LR] for th e Suppose that ( X,o) is a compact symplectic mani- fold andJis a tamed almost complex 2.1. A map is an equivalence class of pairs(S,f). HereSis a connected nodal marked Riemann surface with arithmetic genus g,ksmooth marked points x1,...,xk, andf: S--Xis a continuous map whose restriction to each component of S(called a com- ponent offin short) is J-holomorphic. Furthermore, it satisfies the if f|S2is constant (called aghost bubble)for some theS2-component has at least three special points (marked points o r nodal points). (S,f),(S',f')are equivalent, or (S,f)~(S',f'), if there is a biholomorphic map h: S'--Ssuch thatf'=f*h. An essential feature of Definition 2.1 is that, for a stable (S,f), the automorphism group Aut(S,f) ={h|h*(S,f) = (S,f)} is finite. We define the moduli space MX A(g,k,J) to be the set of equiva- lence classes of stable J-holomorphic maps such that [ f] =f*[S] =A H2(X,Z). The virtual dimension of MX A(g,k,J) is computed by index the- ory, virdim RMX A(g,k,J) = the complex dimension of MX A(g,k,J) is highly singular and may have larger dimen- sion than the virtual dimension. To extract invariants, we u se the neighborhood method. First, we drop the J-holomorphic condition from the previous definition and require only that each component of fbe smooth. We call the resulting object a stable map or a C-stable map. Denote the corresponding space of equivalence classes by is clearly an infinite dimen- sional space. It has a natural stratification given by the top ological type of S together with the fundamental classes of the components of f. The sta- bility condition ensures that BX A(g,k,J) has only finitely many strata such that each stratum is a Fr' echet orbifold. Further, one can us e the preglu- ing construction to define a topology on BX A(g,k,J) which is Hausdorff a compact subspace. (see [R1]).POSITIVE DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 5 We can defineanother with amap p: that the fiber is p-1(S,f) = ohm0,1(f*TX). The Cauchy-Riemann oper- ator is now interpreted as a section of p: nothing but MX A(g,k,J). At each (S ,f)MX A(g,k,J), there is a canonical decomposition of the tangent space of ohm0,1into the horizontal piece and the vertical piece. Thus we can linearize Jwith respect to deformations of stable maps and project to the vertical piece to obtain an elliptic complex (1) LS,f: explanations are in order for formula (1). Choose a c metric on Xand letbe the Levi-Civita connection. When S is irreducible, induces a connection on f*TX, still denoted by . ThenLS,f=, whereis the projection of onto the S is reducible, formula (1) is interpreted as follows. F or that S is the union of S 1and S2intersecting at pS1andqS2. Let the corresponding maps be f1andf2. Then = then the restriction of LS1,f1LS2,f2to ohm0. It is clear =v2(q)}. To understand Coker it is convenient to use another el- liptic complex. The idea is as follows. We would like to drop t he condition v1(p) =v2(q). standard method motivated by algebraic geometry is to allo w a simple pole at the intersection point. This leads = is well-known JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN 0}. If S has more than two components, the construction above ext ends in of J, of the nodal marked Riemann surface S. Def(S) fits into the short exact the first term represents the deformation space of S pre serving the nodal point and the third term represents the smoothing of th e nodal is a product, with each factor being the of a component while treating the nodal point as a new ma rked point. The full linearization of Jis given by LS,f1 2Jdf. Denote Def(S,f) = Ker( = Coker( = 0, (S,f) is a smooth point of the moduli space and Def(S,f) is its tangent space. Now we choose a nearby symplectic form o'such thato'is tamed with J and[o'] is arational cohomology class. Using o', B. Siebert [S1] (see also It has the property of dominating any local finite dimensio nal orbifold bundle as follows. Let Ube a neighborhood of (S an orbifold bundle over U. Then Siebert constructed a bundle E overBA(g,k,J) such that there is a surjective bundle map E|U--FU. For each (S extends to a local orbifold bun- dleF(S,f) over a neighborhood ~US,fof (S,f). Then we use to find a global orbifold bundle E(S,f) dominating F(S,f). In fact, any global orbifold bundle with this property will w ork. We also remark that it is often convenient to replace Obs(S,f) by CokerLS,fin Over each ~US,f, by the domination property, we can construct a stabilizing term in ~US,fsuch thateS,f is surjective onto Obs(S,f) at (S,f). Obviously, eS,fcan be viewed as a map from E(S,f) to ohm0,1. Then the stabilizing no cokernel at (S ,f). By semicontinuity, it has no cokernel in a neigh- borhood DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY is compact, there are finitely many the finite dimensional vector bundle over U,p:E|U-- U. The stabilizing equation J+ecan be interpreted as a section of the bundle p*ohm0,1- E|U. By construction, this transverse to the zero section of p*ohm0,1- E|U. The setUX Se= (J+e)-1(0) is called the virtual neighborhood in [R1]. The heart of [R1] is to show that UX Sehas the structure of a that UX Se E|U. OverUX Sethere is the tautological comes with the tautological inclusion map SX:UX Se-- can be viewed as a section of EX. It is easy to check that S-1 X(0) one can show that SXis a proper section. Note that the stratification of BA(g,k,J) induces a natural We can define from lower stratum to higher stratum. For example, we can first define egon a stratum and extend to a neighborhood. Then we define eg+1at the next stratum supported away from lower strata. One consequence of this construction is t hatUX Sehas the same stratification as that of E. Namely, if BD'BDis a lower a submanifold of codimension at least 2. There are evaluation a natural map from USe--Xk, which can be shown to be smooth. Let Th be the Thom form of the finite dimensional bundle 2.2. The (primary) Gromov-Witten invariant is defined For the genus zero case, we also write JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN Definition 2.3. For each marked point xi, we define an orbifold complex line bundle fiber is T* xiSat(S,f). Such a line bundle can be pulled back to UX Se(still denoted by Li). Denotec1(Li), the first Chern class of Li, 2.4. The descendent Gromov-Witten invariant is defined 2.5. In the stable range 2g+k>=3, one can also define non- primary GW invariants (See e.g. [R1]). Recall that there is a map the unstable components of the source Rie- mann surface. We can introduce a class kfrom the Deligne-Mumford space viapto define the ancestor GW primary Gromov-Witten invariants are the special invari ants with the point class in M0,k. Remark 2.6. For computational purpose we would mention the of the virtual neighborhood construction. Suppo sei:DXis a submanifold. For aH*(D;R)we the One can construct Gromov-Witten invariants with an insertion of the form i!(a)as follows. Apply the virtual to the compact ) =ev-1 1(D)to obtain a virtual neighborhood USe(D)to- gether with the natural map evD:USe(D)--D. It is easy to show 2.7. For each we can conveniently associate a simple graph Gof one vertex decorated by (g,A)and a tail for each marked point. We then further decorate each tail by (di,ai)and call the a weighted graph . Using the weighted graph notation, we denote the above invariant by We can also consider the disjoint union G*of several such graphs and use AG*,gG*to denote the total homology class and total arithmetic genus. Here the to tal arithmetic genus is Then, we define the product of Gromov-Witten invariants of the connected DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 9 2.2.Relative GW-invariants. In this section, we will review the The readers can find more details in the refer ence [LR]. LetZXbe a real codimension 2 symplectic submanifold. Suppose thatJis ano-tamed almost complex structure on XpreservingTZ, i.e. makingZan almost complex submanifold. The relative Gromov-Witten in- variants are defined by counting the number of stable J-holomorphic Zat finitely many points with prescribed tangency. More pre- cisely, fix a k-tupleTk= (t1,***,tk) of positive integers, consider a map f:C--Xsuch that the divisor would like to consider the moduli space of such curves and apply the virtual to constructthe relative i nvariants. But this scheme needs modification as the moduli space is not compact. It is true that for a sequence of J-holomorphic maps (S n,fn) as above, by possibly passing to a subsequence, fnwill still converge to a stable (S,f). However the limit (S ,f) may have some Z-components, i.e. components whose images under flie entirely in Z. To deal with this problem the authors in [LR] adopt the open cy linder model. Choose a Hamiltonian S1functionHin a tubu- lar neighborhood X0ofZwithH(X0) = [-o,0] andZ=H-1(-o). Next we need to choose an almost complex structure with nice prope rties near Z. An almost complex structure JonXis said to be tamed relative for some ( X0,H), and such that Zis an almost complex submanifold. The set of such Jis nonempty and forms a contractible space. With such a choice of almost complex str ucture,X0can be viewed as a neighborhood of the zero section of the complex line bundle NZ|Xwith theS1action given by the complex multiplication e2pith. Now we removeZ. The end of X-Zis simplyX0-Z. Recall that the biholomorphic to the half cylinder S1x[0,). Therefore, as an almost complex manifold, X0-Zcan be viewed as the almost complex half cylinder Px[0,) whereP=H-1(0). In this sense,X-Zis viewed as a manifold with almost complex cylinder end. Now we consider a holomorphic map in the cylinder model where the marked points mapped into Zare removed from the domain surface. Again we can view a punctured neighborhood of each of these marked p oints as a half cylinder S1x[0,). With such a J, aJ-holomorphic map of Xintersecting Zat finitely many points then exactly corresponds to a J-holomorphic map to the open manifold X-Zfrom a punctured Rie- mann surface which converges to (a multiple of) an S1-orbit at a JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN Now we reconsider the convergence of (S n,fn) in the cylinder model. The creation of a Z-component fncorresponds to disappearance of a part of im(fn) to infinity. We can use translation to rescale back the missi ng part of im(fn). In the limit, we may obtain a stable map ~fnintoPxR. When we obtainXfrom the cylinder model, we need to collapse the S1-action at infinity. Therefore, in the limit, we need to take into accoun t maps into the closure ofPxR. LetYbe the projective completion of the normal bundle NZ|X, i.e.Y=P(NZ|XC). ThenYhas a zero section Z0and an We viewZXas the zero section. One can further show that ~fnis indeed a stable map into Ywith the stability specified below. To form a compact moduli space of such maps we thus must allow t he targetXto degenerate as well (compare with [Li1]). For any non-nega tive integerm, construct Ymby gluing together mcopies ofY, where the infinity section of the ithcomponent is glued to the zero section of the ( i+ 1)st component for 1 <=i<=m. Denote the zero section of the and the infinity section by Zi, so We will also denote ZmbyZif there is no possible confusion. Define Thus Sing be referred to as the root component and the other irredu LetAut ZYmbethegroup of automorphismsof andthemorphismto Z. Andlet AutZXmbe the group of automorphisms of ZYm(soAut ZXm= Aut ZYm~= (C*)m, whereeach factor of ( C*)mdilates thefibersof the Denote by p[m] :Xm--Xthe map which is the identity on the root component X0and contracts all the bubble components to Z0via the fiber bundle projections. Now consider a nodal curve Cmapped into tangency to Z. There are two types of marked points: (i) absolute marked points whose images under flie outside Z, relative marked points which are mapped into Zbyf, labeled by yj. A f:C--Xmis said to the two branches at the nodeare mappedto different irreducib le components of Xmand the orders of contact to Ziare a | DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 11 wherehis an isomorphism of marked curves and tAutZ(Xm). With the preceding understood, a relative J-holomorphic map to Xmis said to be stable if it has only finitely many introduced the notion of a weighted graph in Remark 2.7. We need to refine it for relative stable maps to ( X,Z). A (connected) relative graph G consists of the following data: (1) a vertex decorated by AH2(X;Z) and genus g, (2) a tail for each absolute marked point, (3) a relative tail for each relative marked 2.8. LetGbe a relative graph with k(ordered) relative tails andTk= (t1,***,tk), ak-tuple of positive integers forming a partition of A*Z. A relative J-holomorphic map to (X,Z)with type a marked curve a map f:C--Xmfor some non-negative integer msuch that (i)Cis a connected curve (possibly reducible) of arithmetic gen usg, (ii) the (pm*f)*[C] =A, (iii) thexi,1<=i<=l, are the absolute marked points, (iv) theyi,1<=i<=k, are the relative marked be the moduli space of pre-deformable relative maps with type (G ,Tk). Notice that for an element the intersection pattern with Z0,...,Zm-1is only constrained by the genus condition and the pre-deformabili ty condition. Now we apply the virtual neighborhood technique to construc in section 2.1. Considerthe configuration space BG(X,Z,J) of equivalence classes of smooth pre-deformable relative sta ble maps. Here we still take the equivalence class under C*-action on the fibers of P(NZ|XC). In particular, the subgroup of C*fixing such a map is required to be finite. The maps are required to intersect the Zionly at finitely many points in the domain curve. Further, at these points, the map is requir ed to have a holomorphic leading term in the normal Taylor expansion fo r any local chart ofXtakingZto a coordinate hyperplane and being holomorphic in the normal direction along Z. Thus the notion of contact order still makes sense, and we can still impose the condit ion and contact order condition at the yibeing governed by Tk. Next, we can define ohm1similarly. We also need to understand the Obs space. The discussion is similar to that of stable maps. According to its label, a relative stable map is naturally di vided into components of two types: (i) a stable map in Xintersecting Ztransversely, called a rigid factor;12 JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN (ii) a stable map in P(NZ|XC) such that its projection to Zis stable and it intersects called a rubber factor. For each component (S ,f), we also have the extra condition that an order fixed by the graph. Suppose that f(yi)Z0orZwith order ti. The analog of (1) is LX,Z S,f: an element uohm0 ris an element of ohm0(f*TX) or following property: Choose a unitary connection on Nso that we can decompose the tangent bundle of P(NZ|XC) into tangent and normal directions. Near f(yi),u(yi) can be decomposed into ( uZ,uN) where uZ,uNare tangent and normal components, respectively. Now we req atyiwith order ti. When S consists of two at one point, we require their uZcomponents be the same at the intersection point. We can also consider the analog of = 0}.Also an element v~ohm0,1 ris required to have a simple pole at each yisuch that Res yivTZ, and if two components are joined together, we require that the sum of the residues b e zero. the (ti-1)-jet space, and the map Tti(f) is the (ti-1)-jet offatyi, i.e. the first (ti-1) terms of the Taylor polynomial. It is clear that Coker ~LX,Z Shas a similar description as Coker ~LX S, the only difference being that we require the residue at each nodal poin t be the process of adding the deformation of a nodal Riem ann surface is identical. In addition to the evaluation maps on --X, are also the evaluations --Z, the target of fisXm.POSITIVE DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 13 Definition 2.9. the relative Gromov-Witten the Thom class of the bundle EX,Zand Aut(Tk)is the symmetry group of the partition Tk. Denote by Tk={(tj,bj)|j= partition of A*Z. If the vertex of Gis decorated by (g,A), we will sometimes 2.10. In[LR]only invariants without descendent classes were con- sidered. But it is straightforward to extend the definition o f[LR]to classes. We can decorate the tail of a relative graph G by ( di,ai) as in the absolute case. We can further decorate the relative tails by the weigh ted partition Tk. Denote the resulting weighted relative graph by G {(di,ai)}|Tk. In [LR] the source curve is required to be connected. We will also nee d to use a disconnected version. For a disjoint union G*of weighted relative graphs and a corresponding disjoint union of partitions, still den oted byTk, we denote the corresponding relative invariants with a disconnected domain, which is simply the product of the conn ected Notice that although we use *in our notation following [MP], our disconnected invariants are different. The disconnected invariants there depend only on the genus, while ours depend on the finer graph d ata. 2.3.Partial orderings on relative GW invariants. In [MP], the au- thors first introduced a partial order on the set of relative G of a P1-bundle. The authors, [HLR], refined their partial order on the set of relative Gromov-Witten invariants of a Blow-up ma nifold relative to the exceptional divisor, and used this partial order to ob tain a of Gromov-Witten theor y. In this subsec- tion, we will review the partial order on the set of relative G . First of all, all Gromov-Witten invariants vanish if AH2(X,Z) is not an effective curve class. We define a partial ordering on H2(X,Z) as a nonzero effective curve class. The set of pairs ( m,d) is by the following size relation (2) ( ifm=m'and JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN Letube a partition weighted by the cohomology of Z, may place the pairs of uin decreasing order by size (2). We define deg(u) lexicographic ordering on weighted partitions is defined a s after placing the pairs in uandu'in decreasing order by size, the first pair for which uandu'differ in size is larger for u. For the nondescendent relative Gromov-Witten by /badbl/badblthe number of absolute 2.11. A partial ordering*<on the set of nondescendent invariants is defined as one of the conditions below in (a) and in (a)-(b) and in (a)-(c) and in (a)-(d) and formula. Now we describe the degeneration formula of GW-invariants under symplectic cutting. As an operation on topological spaces, the symplectic cut is the circle orbits in the hypersurface H-1(0) to points in Z. Suppose that X0Xis an open codimension zero submanifold with a Hamiltonian S1-action. Let H:X0-Rbe a Hamiltonian function with 0 as a regular value. If H-1(0) is a separating hypersurface of X0, then we obtain two connected manifolds X+- 0with boundary X+- 0=H-1(0). Sup- pose further that S1acts freely on H-1(0). Then the symplectic canonically a symplectic manifold of dimension 2 less. Collapsing the S1-action onX+-=H-1(0), we obtain closed smooth respectively real codimension 2 submanifolds Z+-=Z with opposite normal bundles. Furthermore X0+-admits a symplectic agrees with the restriction of oaway from Z, and to Z+-agrees with the canonical symplectic structure oZonZ from symplectic reduction. This is neatly shown by considering X0xCequipped with symplectic structures and the product S1-action onX0xC, wherePOSITIVE DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 15 S1acts onCbycomplex multiplication. Theextended action isHamilton ian if we use the standard symplectic its negative the moment map is u+(u,w) is the disjoint union of S1-invariant sets {(u,w)|H(u) = 0}. We defineX0+to be the symplectic reduction u-1 +(0)/S1. ThenX+ 0is the disjoint union of an open symplectic submanifold and a close d codimension 2 symplectic submanifold identified with ( Z,oZ). The open piece can be identified symplectically X0 by the map if we use -idwd-w, then the moment map is u-(u,w) the corresponding symplectic reduction u-1 -(0)/S1, denoted by X- 0, is the disjoint union of an open piece identified symplecticall y the map and a closed codimension 2 identified with ( Z,oZ). We finally define X+andX-.X+is simplyX0+, whileX-is obtained from gluing symplectically Notice that X-= (X--X0)X0-as a set. The two symplectic manifolds ( X+-,o+-) are called the symplectic cuts we have a continuous wehave o+|Z=o-|Z. Hence, thepair( o+,o-) defines a cohomology class of X+ZX-, denoted by [ o+Zo-]. It is easy to observe that (3) p*([o+Zo-]) = [o]. LetBH2(X;Z) be in the kernel (3) we have o(B) = 0. Such a class is called a vanishing cycle. For AH2(X;Z) define [A] =A+Ker(p*) and (4) JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN Notice that ohas constant pairing with any element in [ A]. It follows from the Gromov compactness theorem that there are only finitely m any such elements in [ A] represented by J-holomorphic stable maps. Therefore, the summation in (4) is finite. The degeneration formula expresses terms of relative in- variants of ( X+,Z) and (X-,Z) possibly with disconnected domains. To begin with, we need to assume that the cohomology class aiis of are classes with a+ i|Z=a- i|Zso that they give rise to a formula. Wefi rstspecify the relevant topological type of a marked Riemann surface ma pped into X+ZX-with the following properties: (i) Each connected component is mapped either into a respective degree 2 homology class; (ii) Theimages of two distinct connected components only in tersect each other along Z; (iii) No two connected components which are both mapped into X+or X-intersect each other; (iv) The marked points are not mapped to Z; (v) Each point in the domain mapped to Zcarries a positive the order of tangency). By abuse of language we call the above data a ( X+,X-)-graph. Such a graph gives rise to two relative graphs of ( X+,Z) andX-,Z) from (i- iv), each possibly being disconnected. We denote them by G* +and From (v) we also get two partitions T+andT-. We call ( g,A,l)-graph (G* -,T-) satisfy the following constraints: the total number of mar ked points isl, the relative tails are the same, i.e. T+=T-, and the identifica- tion of relative tails produces a connected graph of Xwith total and arithmetic genus g. Let{ba}be a self-dual basis of H*(Z;R) Given g,Aandl, consider a degenerate ( g,A,l)-graph. Let Tk=T+=T-andTk be a weighted partition {tj,baj}. the dual degeneration formula for reads as DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 17 where the summation is taken over all degenerate ( g,A,l)-graphs, and (Tk) GW-invariants of Zis a symplectic submanifoldof Xof codimension 2. When applying the degeneration formula, we often need to express the invariants of Xas a summation of products of invariants of symplectic cuts of X. Thus if we want to obtain a comparison theorem of Gromov-Witten invariant by t he degenera- tion formula, the point will be how to compute the relative Gr of a P1-bundle. In this section, we will prove a vanishing theorem forgenus zerorelative Gromov-Witten invariants of the the infinity section and compute some genus zero two-point relative fiber class GW invariants of the Lis aline bundleover ZandY=P(LC). section and zero section of Yrespectively. Let b1,***,bmZbe a self- dual basis of H*(Z,Q) containing the identity element. We will often by bid. Thedegreeof H*(Z,Q). Weview bias an element of H*(Y,Q) via the pull-back by [Z], [D]H2(Y,Q) denote the cohomology classes associated to the divisors. Define classes in H*(Y,Q) will use the following 1,[Z],or[D]. The second assignment depends upon the integer part of ( i-1)/mZ. a basis of manifolds, H*(Z,Q). If there is no confusion, we will also use b1,***,bmZas a self-dual basis class invariants. In this subsection, we mainly compute According to [MP], we may transfer the computation of this invariant on that of some associated invariants on P1. Suppose that Lis a line bundle over Zand Y=P(LO) the fiber of Latz.18 JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN Denote by p:Y--Zthe projection of the P1-bundleY. Moreover there are two inclusions (sections) of ZinY=P(LO): (1) the zero section z--(z,0C), denoted by Z, (2) the section at infinity z--(z,Lz0), denoted by D. Let G be the relative graph with the following data (1) a vertex decorated by A=sFH2(Y,Z) and genus tails. For any non-negative integer m, defineYmby gluing together mcopies of Y, wheretheinfinity section of the ithcomponent is glued to thezero section of the (i+1)st(1<=i<=m) component; see Section 2.2 for details. Denote byp[m] :Ym--Ythe map which is the identity on the root component Y0and contract all the bubble components to D0via the projection of the fiber bundle of ak-tuple of positive integers forming a partition ofs. Denote by MG,Tk(Y,D) the moduli space of morphisms f: that (1) is a prestable curve of genus zero with labsolute marked points marked Cartier divisor and deg( p[m]*f) =s. (3) The predeformability condition: The preimage of the sin gular lo- cus a union of nodes of C, and ifp is one such node, then the two branches of Catpmap into differ- ent irreducible components of Ym, and their orders of contact with the divisor Di(in their respective components of Ym) are equal. The morphism fis also required to satisfy a stability condition that there are no infinitesimal automorphisms of the sequence of m aps --Ymp[m]--Ywhere the allowed auto- morphisms of the map from YmtoYare Aut D(Ym). (4) The automorphism group of fis finite. Two such morphisms are isomorphic if they differ by an isomorph ism of the domain and an automorphism of ( Ym,D0,D). In particular, this defines the automorphism group in the stability condition (4 ) above. We introduce some notations which are used in [Li1]. For any n on- negative integer m, let P1[m] a chain of m+ 1 copies P1, where P1 (l)is glued to The irreducible component P1 (0)will also be referred to as the root component and the other irreducible components w ill be calledPOSITIVE DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 19 the A point fixed on P1 (m). Denote still byp[m] :P1[m]--P1the map which is the identity on the root component and contracts all the bubble components to p(0) 1. Form>0, let P1(m) the union of bubble components of P1[m]. Similar to the case of Ym, we may define the associated moduli of relative stable maps to ( P1,p(0) 1), see [Li1] for its we first review algorithm [MP ] which re- duces the relative Gromov-Witten invariant of ( Y,D) of fiber class to that of (P1,p1). Note that the moduli space of stable relative fibered over Z, (5) p:MY--Z, with fiber isomorphic to the moduli space of maps of degree stoP1relative to the infinity point p1with tangency order fact,MYis the fiber bundle constructed from the principal to Land a standard S1-action on obstruction theory of MYis obtained from the MP1-fiber bundle structure over Z. The relationship between the p-relative class [ M-M+]virpand the virtual fundamental class [ M-M+]vir is given by the equation (6) [ the Hodge bundle. Since we only consider the case of genus z ero, (6) can be written as [MY]vir= [MY]virp. By integrating along the fiber, we can compute the relative Gr omov- Witten invariants of Yby computing the equivariant integrations in the relative Gromov-Witten theory of P1; see [MP] for the the cohomology weighted partition of s. By defini- tion, we JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN where the interior theory of ( P1,p1) after replacing the hyperplane class on via (7), we may reduce the computation of relativ e Gromov- Witten invariants that 1<=i<=l. About the two point genus zero relative Gromov-Witten invar iant of (P1,p1), we have Lemma 3.1. 0. (ii)Fors>0, we proof of (i) follows from a simple dimension calculation and (ii) of the lemma is Lemma 1.4 of [OP]. In [HLR], the authors generali zed the result to general projective space Pnvia localization 3.2. a cohomology weighted partition of s. 0 except fors=k= 1andq= 0. (ii)Fors>0, we have the two-point relative d=s 0, d 1, we From (7), we are reduced to a relative Gromov-Witten inv ariant ofP1of the dimension count shows that this invariant of P1is nonzero only if s+k= 2-q. Sinces>0 andk>0, the only possibility is s=k= 1 andq= 0. The proof of (ii) directly follows from (7) and Lemma 3.1.POSITIVE DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 21 (iii). From (7), we remains to prove 1. In fact, we consider the absolute invariant of P1withl+1 point insertions: First of all, by divisor axiom, we know that this absolute invarian t equals 1. We apply the degeneration formula to this invariant of P1and distribute one point insertion to one side and other lpoint insertions to other side. Then we have 1 the last equality, we used Lemma 3.1. This proved vanishing theorem. In this subsection, we will prove a vanishing result for some relative Gromov-Witten invariants of P1-bundle, in particu- lar, for some non-fiber homology class invariants. Let G0be a relative graph with the following data: (i) a vertex decorated by a homology class AH2(Y,Q) and associated to l+qabsolute marked tails associated to krelative marked points. Denote byAthehomology class of therelative stablemap (S ,f) to (Y,D) and byFthe homology class of a fiber of Y. a partition of D*Aanddi, 1<=i<=l, bepositive integers. Denote byi:Z--Ythe inclusion of ZintoYvia the zero section of Y. Then for any bH*(Z,R), the inclusion map ipushes forward the class b to a cohomology class i!(b)H*(Y,Q), determined by the pull-back map i*and Poincar' e 3.3. Assume that anyJ-holomorphic curve CintoZ. Then and any weighted partition we 0, whereconsists of insertions of the form projection a map between the moduli spaces, denoted also by p, (8) JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN the unstable rational component whose image is a fi ber. pis well-defined if By the definition, pcommutes with the evaluation map. Furthermore, there is also a natura l well) on ohm0,1commuting with the map on configuration with p. Hence, it induces a map from Coker LY,Dto CokerLZ. We claim that pinduces a map on a virtual an integral symplectic form on Z. Using Siebert's we can construct a bundle Edominating the local obstruction bundle generated by Coker LZ p(S,f).p*Eis a bundle over BG0,Tk(Y,D,J). We want to show that p*Edominates its local obstruction bundle. Let (S ,f) be a relative stable map of ( Y,D). Then we have Lemma 3.4. CokerLY,D S,fis isomorphic to Coker is well-known that a stable map can be naturally decompose d into connected components lying outside of D( rigid factors) or factors). Let (S ,f) be a rigid factor or a rubber factor with relative marked points x1,***,xrsuch order ki. In both cases, it is a stable map into Y. We take the complex first study the cohomology There is a short 0 the vertical tangent bundle. It induces a short exact sequ ence (10) 0 a Hermitian metric and a unitary connection on L. It induces a splitting of (9). We choose a metric of TYas the direct sum of the where the second one is induced from a metric on Z. The Levi-Civita connection is a direct sum. Then f*Vis a holomorphic line bundle with respect to pullback of the Levi-Civita connecti on. (10) induces a long exact sequence in induces exact that the normal bundle at the zero or infinity section is t he restric- tion ofV. It is obvious that H1 ~L(f*p*TZ) =H1(f*p*TZ). An element ofPOSITIVE DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 23 H1 ~L(f*V) with residue in TZmust have zero residue. Therefore, (11) H1 ~L(f*V) =H1(~f*V), where (~S,~f) is obtained from (S ,f) by dropping the new marked points. For the same ={vH0(f*V)|v(xi) = 0}. We claim that H1(~f*V) = 0. Note that since S is a tree of P1's, we see thatH1(L) = 0 for any line bundle Lon S satisfying deg( L|S)>=0 for any irreducible component S of~S. Now we have deg(~f*V|S) =~f*[~S]*c1(V) we conclude that H1 ~L(~f*V) = 0. Next, we show that (12) iTkixi is surjective. It is enough to show that the restriction to H0 ~L(f*V) is surjec- tive. Consider the exact i~f*Vkixi--0. It induces a long exact each = 0. This implies that H0(~f*V)-- Nowwegobackto becomes (13) H0 ~L(f*V)-- iTkixi, which is obviously surjective. By (11), we have proved that C is isomorphic to H1(f*p*TZ). Then, we argue that H1(f*p*TZ) is isomorphic to H1(p(f)*TZ). This is obvious if p(f) contracts an P1,p*f(P1) = constant and P1has one or two special is obtained by contracting P1. Note that space of meromorphic 1-forms on P1with a simple pole at one or two points is zero or 1-dimensional. If P1has only one special point, the residue at the special point has to be zero. We can simply contract thi s component24 JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN and remove the pole at the other component which P1is connected to. If P1 has two special points, the residues at the two points have to be the same. Then we can remove this component and the joint residue at the two special points. Then we identify H1(f*p*TZ) that (S ,f) has more than one subfactor. Both Coker obtained by requiring the residues at the new marked points to be opposite to each other. Then our proof also exten ds to this case. Then we finish the proof of Lemma we continue the proof of Proposition 3.3 . Since we have iden- tified the obstruction spaces, we first choose a stabilizatio n to dominate the local obstruction bundle generated by CokerLZ p(S,f). Then, we pull back By Lemma 3.4, it dominates Coker LY,D. This implies that pinduces a smooth map on virtual neighborhood and a commutative diagram on obstruct ion the proper sections SY,D,SZcommutes with the above with the evaluation map for those biclasses. Choose a Thom form Th of EZ. Its pullback is the Thom form on EY,D(still denoted by Th). It is clear that dimDi= dimUY,D Se-2. By our construction, the Diintersect each other transversely. Note that dimUY,D Se= 2(Z*(A)+1). By definition, we (15)POSITIVE DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 25 where Then, from (15)and Z*(A)>=d, we = 0. In the last equality, we use 0 onUZ Se. Hence, the relative invariant is zero. This completes the proof of P roposition 3.5. McDuff also proved the same result in the case without in- sertion classes biby a totally different method; see Lemma 1.7in[M1]. 3.3.A nonvanishing theorem. formula, we often need to compute some special terms where the degener ation graph lies completely on the side of the projective bundle. In the p revious subsec- tion, we proved a vanishing theorem for some relative invari ants of (Y,D). In this subsection, we will consider the case where the relat ive invariants of (Y,D) with empty relative insertion on Dare no longer zero and the invariant of Zwill contribute in a nontrivial way. Suppose that AH2(Z,Z). Denote by i:Z--Ythe embedding of Z intoYas the zero section. Consider the relative invariant of ( of insertions of the form p*a1,***,p*al. The = =CZ 1(A)+Z*A, so both invariants are well-defined only 3.6. LetAH2(Z,Z). Suppose that any holomorphic curve CintoZ. of insertions of the form the embedding of ZintoYas the zero a Hermitian metric and a unitary connection on Lsuch that they induce a splitting 0 the vertical tangent bundle. We choose a metric of TYas the direct sum of a metric on Vandp*TZ, where the second one is induced26 JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN from a metric on Z. The Levi-Civita connection is a direct sum. Therefore, we may choose almost complex structures that we may choose the direct sum JZJVas an almost complex structure JY onTY. It is easy to see that -commutes with p. ?From Lemma 3.4, we know that the projection p:Y--Zinduces a smooth map virtual neighborhoods and the obstruc- tion bundle the pullback of the obstruction bundle EZ overUZ Se. Therefore, by the definition of Gromov-Witten invariants, we (16) We claim that deg( pSe) = 1. In fact, by the construction of virtual neighborhoods, we kn ow that for every generic element ( there is a section nof the obstruction bundle EZsuch that -JZ~f=n. Suppose that a generic element ( a preimage of underpSe. That is,fis a lifting of the marked points x1,***,xk. Therefore, from the fact that -commutes withp, we have that ( satisfies (17) -JYf=p* Sen. If we choose a local coordinate ( z,s) onY, wheresis the Euclidean coordi- nate on the fiber P1, then locally we may write f= (~f,fV). Therefore (17) locally can be written 0 Since-2= 0 always holds on P1, it follows from a well-known fact of complex geometry that f*Lis a holomorphic line bundle over P1. Moreover, (18) shows that fVgives rise to a holomorphic section of the bundle f*L, up toC*, which vanishes at the marked points x1,***,xk. Since deg( f*L) = Z*A, therefore, from our assumption that k=Z*A+ 1, we know sections. Therefore, fV 0. This says that the only preimage of a generic element ( itself. This implies deg( pSe) = 1. This proves the comparison theorem LetXbe a compact symplectic manifold and ZXbe a smooth sym- plectic submanifold of codimension 2. i:Z--Xis the inclusion map. The cohomological DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 27 is determined by the pullback i*and Poincar' e 4.1. A symplectic divisor Zis said to be positive if for some tamed almost complex structure J,C1(NZ)(A)>0for anyArepresented by a non-trivial J-sphere inZ. This is a generalization of ample divisor from algebraic geo metry. Define (19) V:= a stably effective class }. In [MP], the authors point out that the relative Gromov-Witt en theory of (X,Z) does not provide new invariants: the relative Gromov-Witt en theory of (X,Z) is completely determined by the absolute Gromov-Witten th eory ofXandZin principle. In this section, under some positivity assump tions on the normal bundle of the divisor, we will give an explicit r elation be- tween the absolute and relative Gromov-Witten invariants, which we call as a comparison theorem. The main tool of this section is the deg of Gromov-Witten invariants. The central theorem o f this 4.2. Suppose that Zis a positive divisor and V>=l. Then T the summation runs over all possible weighted partiti are the products of some perform the symplectic cutting along the boundary of a tub of Z. Then we have Since biH*(Z,R), we choose the support of i!(bi) nearZ. Then,i!(bi)-= Hereiin the second term is understood as the inclusion map ofZvia the zero section into Y=P(NZ|XC). Up to a each aiis Poincar' e dual to an immersed submanifold Wi. We Z. the projection. Clearly, pinduces the still denoted by p. The symplectic cutting =h*~ai. In other words, we can choose we apply the degeneration formula for nts of(X,Z) and (Y,D). Moreover, from the degeneration formula, each summand Ps Cmay consist of a product of relative Gromov-Witten invariants w ith curves of both ( X,Z) and (Y,D).28 JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN On the side of Y, there may be several disjoint components. Let A'be the total homology class. Then, from our assumption, we have Z*A'= Z*A>=d. Suppose that we have a nonzero summand Ps C/ne}ationslash= 0. We claim that each factor from the relative Gromov-Witten invariant s of (Y,D) must be in the form the homology class of a fiber of Yandgis a basis element of H*(D,R) 0. Note that for these components, Z*(sF) =s. From our assumption V>=dand Proposition 3.3, the nonzero factor of the relative Gromov-Witten invariants of ( Y,D) must be the fiber class From Proposition 3.2, we know that the nonzero f actor must be of the form Moreover, if somebi= [pt], then the marked point must be in a two-point component and the nonzero relative invariant must be 1. Since there are no vanishing two-cycles in this case, we may w rite down the summation as T thesummation runsover all possibleweighted partiti theproductof some bjclasses. We complete the proof of our comparison 4.3. Under the assumption of Theorem 4.2. If the product of any twobjclasses vanishes, then we TT={(1,b1),***,(1,bl),(1,[Z]),***,(1,[Z])}is a weighted connected symplectic connectedness in algebraic geometry. The basic ref- erence for this subsection is [A]. We refer to [C, D, K, KMM1, K MM2, V] for more details. Let us recall the notion of rational connectedness in algebr aic 5.1. LetXbe a smooth complex projective variety of We say that Xis rationally connected if one of the conditions holds. (1)Any two points of Xcan be connected by a rational curve (called as rationally general points of Xcan be connected by a chain of rational curves (called as rationally finite set of points in Xcan be connected by a rational curve.POSITIVE DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 29 (4)Two general points of Xcan be connected by a very free rational curve. Here we say that a rational curve CXis a very free curve if there is a surjective morphism f:P1--Csuch allai>=1. Next let us look at some properties of rationally connected v 5.2. The following properties of rationally connected mani- folds connectedness is a birational connectedness is invariant under smooth deform ation. (3)IfXis rationally connected, then H0(X,(ohm1 X)m) = 0for varieties (i.e., smooth complex projective varieties Xfor which -KXis ample) are rationally connected. In particular, smooth hy - persurfaces of degree dinPnare rationally connected for connected varieties are well behaved under fibra tion, i.e.: LetXbe s smooth complex projective variety. Assume that there exists a surjective morphism f:X--YwithYand the general fiber offrationally connected. Then Xis rationally connected. An important theorem connecting birational geometry to Gro is the result of Koll' ar and Ruan [K], [R1]: a uniruled has a nonzero genus zero GW-invariant with a point i nsertion. A longstanding problem in Gromov-Witten theory is that a sim ilar result withtwo point forrationally co nnected s. 5.2.Rationally connected symplectic divisors. In this subsection, we want to apply our comparison theorem to study the k-point rationally con- nectedness properties. We will show that a symplectic manif old rationally connected if it contains a k-point stro ngly rationally positivenormal bundle. Ourmain tool is the degeneration formula of Gromov-Witten invarian ts and our com- parison Theorem 4.2. Before we state our main theorem, we want first to define the not ion of k-point rational 5.3. LetAH2(X,Z)be a nonzero class. Ais said to be ak-point rationally connected class if there is a nonzero Grom non-negative integers. We call strongly rationally connected class if di= 0, 1<=i<=l, in (20).30 JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN Definition 5.4. Xis said to be (symplectic) k-point (strongly ) if there is a k-point (strongly) rationally connected class. We simply call a 2-point (strongly) rationally connected symplectic manifo ld as (strongly) rationally connected symplectic manifold. Remark 5.5. From the definition of uniruledness of [HLR], a1-point ra- tionally connected symplectic manifold is equivalent to a u niruled From the definitions, we know that a k-point (strongly) symplectic manifold must be uniruled. Remark 5.6. It is possible that k-point rational connectedness is strongly rational connectedness. We do not know how t o 5.7. It is well-known that for any positive integer k, the strongly rationally 5.8. LetG(k,n)be the Grassmannian manifold of k-planes in Cn. It is well-known that the classical cohomology of Gr(k,n)has a basis of Schubert classes sl, aslvaries over partitions whose Young diagram fits in The (complex) codimension of the number of boxes in the Young diagram. The quantum cohomol ogy of the Grassmannian is a free module over the polynomial ring Z[q], with a basis of Schubert classes; the variable qhas (complex) degree n. The quantum product slsuis a finite sum of terms qdsn, the sum over -dn, each occurring with a nonnegative coefficient (a Gromov-Witten invariant). Denote by r=s((n-k)k)the class of a point. In[BCF], the authors proved that This means that the symplectic rationally 5.9. For any integer d>=0, Consider the Grassmannian [BKT]proved that for three points in general position, there is a unique morphism f:P1--G(d,2d) of degreedsuch thatf(0) =U,f(1) =Vandf() =W. This implies that the Gromov-Witten invariant 1. Therefore, strongly rationally 5.10. Hilbert scheme of points on P1xP1. In[P], the author gave a Q-basis forA*(H)as follows: T0= class of a point. The author also computed the quantum product T4T4=T13+ 2q1q2q2 3T4. So we have 0. This implies that His symplectic rationally connected. ?From the computation of [G], it is easy to know that Hilb2(P2)also is symplectic rationally DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 31 Since Gromov-Witten invariants are invariant under smooth k-pointrational undersmoothsy m- plectic deformations. It is not yet known whether a projecti ve manifold is symplectic rationally connected. Mo reover, so far, we could not show that this notion is invariant under symplec tic defined in [HLR]. We will leave this for future res earch. How- ever, sdirection. From the blowup formula of Gromov-Witten invariants in [H1, H2, H 3, HZ, La], we have Proposition 5.11. Suppose that Xis ak-point strongly rationally con- nected symplectic manifold. Let ~Xbe the blowup of Xalong a finite number of points or some special submanifolds with convex normal bu ndles (see, [H1, La]). Then ~Xisk-point strongly rationally connected. In 1991, McDuff [M3] first observed that a semi-positive sympl ectic 4- manifold, which contains a submanifold to P1whose normal Chern number is non-negative, must be uniruled. In [L tjR], the authors generalize McDuff's result to more general situatio ns. More impor- tantly, they gave a rather general from divisor to ambient space of uniruled symplectic manifolds. In this sub section, we will generalize their inductive construction to the case of rati onally that Xis a compact symplectic manifold and ZXis a sym- plectic submanifold of codimension 2. Denote by NZ|Xthe normal bundle ofZinX. Denote by i:ZXthe inclusion of ZintoX. LetVbe the minimal normal in (19). We call aclass class ifZ*A=V. Theorem 5.12. Suppose that Xis a compact symplectic manifold and Z Xis a symplectic submanifold of codimension 2. IfZis k-point connected and AH2(Z,Z)is a minimal class such that (21) 0 for thenXis k-point strongly rationally connected. In particular, if i:Z-Xis then Xisk-point strongly symplectic rational connected if we can always increase the number of Z-insertions by adding divisor insertions in (21), therefore, without loss of gene rality, we may as- sume thatr=Z*A+1. Consider the following Gromov-Witten the invariant (22) is nonzero, then we are done. So in the fo llowing we assume that the invariant (22) equals zero.32 JIANXUN HU & YONGBIN RUAN To find a nonzero Gromov-Witten invariant of Xwith at least we first apply the degeneration formula to the in variant (22) to obtain a nonzero relative Gromov-Witten invariant of ( X,Z) with at least kpoint insertions, then use our comparison theorem to obtain a invariant of X. We perform the symplectic cutting along the boundary of a tub of Z. Then we have we choose the support of [ 0, (bi*Z)-= 0, ([pt])+= [pt], (bi*Z)+=i!(bi). Here iin the second term is understood as the inclusion map of Zvia the zero section into Y=P(NZ|XC). Up to a rational multiple, each aiis Poincar' e dual to an immersed submanifold Wi. We can perturb Wito be transverse toZ. In a neighborhood of Z,Wiisp-1(WiZ), the projection. Clearly, pinduces the projection denoted by p. The symplectic cutting naturally decomposes =h*~ai. In other words, we can choose we apply the degeneration formula for the nts of(X,Z) and (Y,D). Moreover, from the degeneration formula, each summand Ps Cmay consist of a product of relative Gromov-Witten invariants w ith curves of both ( X,Z) and Y, Weclaim that every component on the side of Yis a multiple of the fiber class. Suppose that there is a component on the side of Ywhich has a homology andFis the fiber class. Then we have Z*(A'+uF) =Z*A'+u. Since every component must intersect the infinity section ofY,u >0. Therefore, we have Z*(A'+uF)>=V+ 1. From Proposition 3.3, we know that the contribution of this compo nent to relative Gromov-Witten invariants of ( Y,D) must be zero. So the corresponding summand in the degeneration formula mu st be zero. From Proposition 3.2 and the same argument as in the proof of T heorem 4.2 , we have 0 DIVISORS IN SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY 3.6 inthe last equality andthesummati on runsover the possible partitions the product of some biclasses.. 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Jianxun Hu
Jianxun Hu and Yongbin Ruan
Positive divisors in symplectic geometry
math.SG math.AG
In this paper, we gave some explicit relations between absolute and relative Gromov-Witten invariants. We proved that a symplectic manifold is symplectic rationally connected if it contains a positive divisor symplectomorphic to $P^n$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 5 Feb 2008 11:27:27 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hu", "Jianxun", "" ], [ "Ruan", "Yongbin", "" ] ]
Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 2 Keywords : water chemistry, acid-water supermolecules, bindi ng energy, density functional theory (B3LYP) and MP2 calculations. 1. Introduction One of today recurrent topics of physical chemistry and chemical physics is the theoretical investigat ion of gas-phase clusters [1-4], including hydrogen-bon ded complexes. The interaction of an acid molecule with water can lead to many different structures that co uld depend on chosen level of theory. It is well-kn own that the hydration process has important implications in the context of atmospheric chemistry and aerosol, because there occur reaction mechanisms of introduction of substantial amount of gas phase chlorine and bromin e compounds into the marine troposphere [5-6]. The de velopment of supersonic jet nozzles allowed extensi ve studying of different molecular clusters in complic ated experiments, for instance, see in Refs. [7-11] . On the other hand, ab initio theoretical studies are widely used in addition to experimental investigations. Thus, a large set of the structural and thermochemical data were obtained in this theoretical study with quantum-mec hanical methods. In Ref. [12] was mentioned that the available struc tural, spectroscopic, and thermochemical data are s till limited for the majority of hydrated halides. That is also true for chlorine-, bromine-, and iodine-co ntaining acids, the recent theoretical and experimental inve stigations of which can be found in refs. [13-29]. Hypochlorous (HClO), hypobromous (HBrO), and hypo-i odous (HIO) acids are, probably, the simple example s and represent weak acids. Chlorous (HClO 2), bromous (HBrO 2), and iodous (HIO 2) acids of relatively weak- acid family are also well-known. Chloric acid with the chemical formula HClO 3 is known as a strong acid with pK a ~ - 1 and oxidizing agent. Bromic acid with the ch emical formula HBrO 3 is a key reagent in the well- known oscillating reaction and has about 62% bromine, 1% hydrogen, and 37% oxygen . Iodic acid with the chemical formula HIO 3 can be obtained as a white solid and is an insolub le compound, unlike chloric acid or bromic acid. Perchloric acid (HClO 4) is an oxoacid of chlorine and is a colorless liqu id soluble in water. Perchloric acid is a strong super -acid completely dissociating in an aqueous solutio n comparable in strength to sulfuric acid (H 2SO 4) or nitric acid (). Perbromic acid (HBrO 4) is a strong acid and Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 3 strongly oxidizing, and is the least stable of the halogen (VII) acids. Per-iodic acid (HIO 4) has heavy iodine atom and is widely used in organic chemistry for st ructural analysis. On the other hand, there is much work on experiment al and theoretical investigations of strong nitric super-acid (HNO 3) that is a highly corrosive and toxic acid that ca n cause severe burns. Example interesting theoretical and experimental studies of nitric acid can be found in Refs. [30-36] and [37-42], respect ively. Also, there exist much theoretical (in general, density-f unctional theory or DFT) and experimental work on s tudying the strong super-acid, H 2SO 4, see Refs. [43-46] as well as Refs. [47-50] of DFT -study. It is thought that due to experimental difficulties in in vestigations of the Sulfurous acid H 2SO 3, less attention is paid to the acid study [51-52], and it is little known a bout the so-called Sulfonic acid, which has the sam e chemical formula H 2SO 3. The acid with the simplest chem ical formula H 2S (Sulfane or Hydrogen sulfide) is a covalent hydride structurally related to water (H 2O) since oxygen and sulfur occur in the same periodic table group. Hydrogen sulfide is weakly ac idic, and references on the acid studies can be fou nd in [53- 56]. Hydrogen selenide (H 2Se) is the simplest hydride of selenium studied in Ref. [57], a colorless, flammable gas under standard conditions, and soluble in water . The properties of H 2S and H 2Se are similar. The well- known acids, phosphoric acid (H 3PO 4) and phosphorous acid (H 3PO 3), were studied in Refs. [58-62]. Phosphoric acid (H 3PO 4) also known as orthophosphoric acid or phosphoric (V) acid, is an inorganic acid and very commonly used as an aqueous solution. Phosphoric acid is also used as the elec trolyte in phosphoric-acid fuel cells. Phosphorous acid [63 -64], also called phosphonic acid, is one of the we ll-known and commonly used oxoacids of phosphorus. The other well-known acids are boric acid (H 3BO 3 or B(OH) 3) also called boracic acid or orthoboric acid , and boron oxide hydroxide (metaboric acid) with th e chemical formula HBO 2. There is much work on the H 3BO 3 and HBO 2 acids used in medicine, for instance, see Refs. [65-70]. A highly valuable precursor to many chemic al compounds ranging from polymers to pharmaceutica ls, hydrogen cyanide is a chemical compound with the fo llowing chemical formula HCN. A solution of hydroge n cyanide in water is called hydrocyanic acid. Hydrog en cyanide is a colorless, very poisonous, and high ly volatile liquid that boils slightly above room temp erature at 26 degC (78.8 degF). Recent studies on the w eakly acidic hydrogen cyanide can be found in Refs. [71-7 3]. It is noted that HCN as a simplest nitrile syst em can act Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 4 as both proton donor and proton acceptor systems in cluster formation that can be the case for water a nd alcohol molecules. The interaction of HCN with water can le ads to two different structural motifs. 2. Ab initio calculations All the calculations were performed using the GAUSS IAN-03 program [74], see also the famous books [75-77]. The minimum-energy molecular structures of all supermolecular isomers were completely optimiz ed by using theory (DFT [78]) calcu lations employing Becke's three-parameter exchange potential [79-80] and the Lee-Yang-Parr correlation functional [81] (B3LYP) as well as the Moller-Ples set [82] second-order perturbation theory (MP2) calculations employing Dunning's augmented basis set [83-84] of the Aug-cc-pVDZ quality. In a supermolecule consisting of two m olecules (for instance, in the water dimer) basis functions from one molecule can help compensate for the basis set incompleteness on the other molecule , and vice versa. This effect is known as basis set super position error (BSSE) which will be zero in the cas e of a complete basis set. An approximate way of assessing the BSSE is the counterpoise (CP) correction metho d [85- 86], in which the BSSE can be estimated as the diff erence between monomer energies with the regular ba sis and the energies calculated with the full set of basis functions for the whole supermolecules studied in t his paper. In addition to the binding energies ( E), zero-point energies ( ZPE ), the enthalpies ( H), and the Gibbs free energies ( G) at 298K and 1 atm are also reported for both the B3LYP and MP2 theoretical methods. Average relativistic effective potential (AREP) and spin-orbit (SO) operators for the chemical element s of the second transition row have been published in Ref. [87], in which particular attention was focus ed on the portioning of the core and valence space, as well a s Gaussian basis sets with contraction coefficients for the lowest energy state of each atom were introduced. D iscussion of the details and complete review were g iven in Ref. [88]. More general reviews on the subject of e ffective core potentials can be also found in the l iterature [89-90]. The effective core potential of Ref. [87] called CRENBL ECP was used in this report to calcul ate structural and energetic properties of (super)-mole cules containing the heavy iodine atom possessing t he atomic number 53 in the periodic table of chemical element s of Mendeleev. Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 5 3. Results and discussion It was found with the B3LYP-DFT methods using the b asis set of Aug-CC- pVDZ quality that three possible isomers for the chemical formula H 2SO 3 can exist. The most stable of them, the so-called Sulfurous acid (H 2SO 3) possesses the lowest energy on the potential ener gy surface, and its molecular structure is shown in Figure 1a with both hydrogen atoms rotated towar ds the third molecular oxygen, which is not coupled with a hydrogen atom. The second, less stable H 2SO 3 isomer has its ground state energy by about 1 kcal /mol smaller and hydrogen atoms (see the Table and Figure 1). The so-called Sulfonic acid being t he third possible H 2SO 3 isomer is the most unstable with its local minim um energy value of by about Hartrees that is ~ 1 kcal/mol smaller. However, a Sulfonic acid singl e molecule can have the strongest coupling with a s ingle water molecule (H 2O) with a 10% larger binding energy EB compared with the other two isomers. Indeed, it is possible to suggest a 10% difference in energy can be treated as non-significant, and hence, one deals here with an isoenergetic case like studied in Refs. [Kim, ot hers?]. Using the Moeller-Plesset second-order pert urbation theory (MP2) [], obtained binding energies are alwa ys larger than corresponding those calculated at th e hybrid B3LYP-DFT level of theory. Moreover, some optimized structures shown in Figure 1 cannot be found with the MP2-method, for instance, the structure shown in Ta ble 1 with the largest binding energy Eb for the mo st stable H2SO 3 isomer. That can be explained by the way that the potential energy surfaces (PESs) for both commonly- used methods can give even qualitatively different results concerning structure optimization. Also, fo r Sulfonic acid it was found that the water oxygen can interac t with the H 2SO 3 molecular hydrogen coupled with sulfur atom. That is natural because an H 2O-molecule can readily interact with an H 2S-molecule [], if a sulfur atom is placed instead of an oxygen atom in a water dimer. However, in the case of O=HS-interaction for the H 2SO 3- H2O complex system the twice binding energy can be ob tained compared with the relatively more simple system of an H 2S-H2O-system. Calculations were done with the B3LYP-DFT method, u sing the basis set of Aug-CC- pVDZ quality. Energy of water monomer is pVDZ) = - 76.4446427 atomic units (Hartrees). It is Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 6 noted that the energy difference between the parall el-like and hydrogen orientation s for H 3PO 4 is as high as the following value: EM(H 3PO 4, pVDZ) = - EM(parallel) ~ 0.90 kcal/mol. The same value for Phosphonic acid H 3PO 3 is as follows: EM(H 3PO 3, pVDZ) = - EM(parallel) = ~ 1.79 kcal/mol. This difference betwee n the parallel-like and hydrogen orientations for Sulfuric ac id H 2SO 4 two possible hydrogen orientations is as high as t he following value: EM(H 2SO 4, pVDZ) = - EM(parallel) ~ - 1.13 kcal/mol. The same value for Sulfurous acid H 2SO 3 is as follows: EM(H 2SO 3, pVDZ) = - EM(parallel) ~ 0.93 kcal/mol. Using the MP2 calculati ons, these values for H 3PO 4 are as follows: EM(H 3PO 4, MP2/Aug-CC- pVDZ) ~ 0.98 kcal/mol; the value for Phosphonic acid H 3PO 3 is as follows: EM(H 3PO 3, MP2/Aug-CC- pVDZ) ~ 1.88 kcal/mol; for Sulfuric acid H 2SO 4 one can calculate EM(H 2SO 4, MP2/Aug-CC- pVDZ) ~ - 1.17 kcal/mol; for Sulfurous acid H 2SO 3 is as follows: EM(H 2SO 3, MP2/Aug-CC- pVDZ) ~ 0.81 kcal/mol. The interaction energies EB of different molecules with a single water molecul ar, where ET represents the total energy of a sample molecule plus a single water molecule, EC is the corrected energy with the basis set superposition error (BSSE) correction, EBSSE . Using the values of EBSSE and EBC = EC - EM - Ew, the binding energy EB = ( EB + EBC +- EBSSE )/2 BSSE from the book 4. Conclusions Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 7 In this report, we have investigated the structural and energetic characteristics of the interaction o f single acid molecules with a single water molecule. Both c ommonly-used theoretical methods, the Becke's three - parameter exchange potential with the Lee-Yang-Parr correlation functional and the second-order Moller - Plesset perturbation theory, have shown good agreem ent for optimized structures' finding and binding e nergies' calculations, using the same Dunning's basis set of Aug-cc-pVDZ quality and the CRENBL ECP effective core potential for molecules containing heavy iodine ato m. However, some MP2 optimized structures of the ac id- water supermolecules cannot be found for the corres ponding B3LYP-DFT calculations that can be explaine d by the fact of uniqueness of each potential energy sur face for the theoretical methods. That is even dram atic for the Sulfurous acid-water (H 2SO 3-H2O) supermolecular isomers, because the correspondin g MP2 optimized structures cannot be found for the B3LYP-DFT ones w ith the smallest and highest (most stable structure ) binding energies. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the Pohang Universi ty of Science and Technology for support from a POSTECH grant. Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 8 References [1] Bernstein, E. R., Ed. Atomic and Molecular Clusters ; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1990. [2] Scheiner, S. Hydrogen bonding: A theoretical perspective ; Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1997. [3] Wilson, K. R.; Cavalleri, M.; Rude, B. 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Note that some MP2 structures for the B3LYP ones were not fou nd, and hence, their energies were not introduced i n the Table. Here the energies (E), zero point energies ( ZPE), thermal enthalpies (H), and thermal free ener gies (G) are given in the Hartree energy units, and the corr esponding binding energies E, ZPE, H, and G are given in kcal/mol. The CRENBL ECP effective core potentia l was used to calculate energies of supermolecules containing the heavy iodine atom. In the first colu mn of the table, the labels in the parentheses for the isomers corresponds to those for the (sup er)-molecular structures shown in Figures 1 and 2. Name E, Hartrees ZPE H G E, kcal/mol ZPE H G H2O(MP2) -76.26091 -76.23958 -76.23580 -76.25723 - - - - H2O -76.44464 -76.42341 -76.41963 -76.44106 - - - - H2S0 4(MP2) -699.06475 -699.02675 -699.02045 -699.05525 - - - - H2S0 4(trans) -700.28055 -700.24300 -700.23659 -700.27159 - - - - H2S0 4-H2O(MP2) -775.34588 -775.28290 -775.27385 -775.31551 -12.69 -10.40 -11.05 -1.903 H2S0 4-H2O(1U11t) -776.74293 -776.68058 -776.67145 -776.7132 7 -11.13 -8.89 -9.56 -0.385 H2S0 4-H2O(MP2) -775.34595 -775.28288 -775.27387 -775.31548 -12.73 -10.39 -11.06 -1.879 H2S0 4-H2O(1U'11t) -776.74287 -776.68052 -776.67139 -776.713 27 -11.09 -8.85 -9.51 -0.384 H2S0 4(MP2) -699.06289 -699.02522 -699.01867 -699.05429 - - - - H2S0 4(cis) -700.27875 -700.24148 -700.23486 -700.27064 - - - - H2S0 4-H2O(MP2) -775.34407 -775.28120 -775.27206 -775.31432 -11.55 -9.34 -9.92 -1.15 H2S0 4-H2O(1U11c) -776.74119 -776.67894 -776.66975 -776.7120 6 -10.04 -7.86 -8.49 0.37 H2S0 4-H2O(MP2) -775.34380 -775.28045 -775.27151 -775.31263 -11.38 -8.87 -9.58 -0.09 H2S0 4-H2O(1U12c) -776.73931 -776.67662 -776.66750 -776.7097 0 -8.86 -6.40 -7.08 1.85 H2S0 4-H2O(MP2) -775.33002 -775.26908 -775.25847 -775.30624 -2.74 -1.73 -1.40 3.92 H2S0 4-H2O(1U10c) -776.72768 -776.66750 -776.65661 -776.7067 0 -1.56 -0.69 -0.24 3.74 H2SO 3(MP2) -624.01878 -623.98708 -623.98107 -624.01499 - - - - H2SO 3(p) -625.07765 -625.04605 -625.04003 -625.07395 - - - - H2SO 3-H2O(MP2) -700.29837 -700.24089 -700.23255 -700.27197 -11.72 -8.93 -9.84 0.16 H2SO 3-H2O(1U12sp) -701.53721 -701.48016 -701.47170 -701.511 91 -9.36 -6.71 -7.55 1.95 H2SO 3-H2O(MP2) -700.29665 -700.23982 -700.23114 -700.27185 -10.64 -8.26 -8.95 0.23 H2SO 3-H2O(1U'11sp) -701.53700 -701.48042 -701.47177 -701.51 228 -9.23 -6.87 -7.60 1.71 H2SO 3-H2O(MP2) - - - - - - - - H2SO 3-H2O(1U01sp) -701.52625 -701.47145 -701.46138 -701.507 87 -2.48 -1.24 -1.08 4.49 H2SO 3-H2O(MP2) - - - - - - - - H2SO 3-H2O(1U00sp) -701.52244 -701.46871 -701.45785 -701.507 18 -0.09 0.48 1.14 4.92 H2SO 3-H2O(MP2) - - - - - - - - H2SO 3-H2O(1U11sp) -701.53796 -701.48116 -701.47264 -701.512 91 -9.83 -7.34 -8.15 1.32 H2SO 3-H2O(MP2) -700.28656 -700.23131 -700.22154 -700.26485 -4.31 -2.92 -2.93 4.63 H2SO 3-H2O(1U02sp) -701.52574 -701.47097 -701.46092 -701.506 15 -2.16 -0.94 -0.79 5.56 H2SO 3-H2O(MP2) -700.28563 -700.23057 -700.22062 -700.26629 -3.73 -2.46 -2.35 3.73 H2SO 3-H2O(1U'01sp) - - - - - - - - H2SO 3(MP2) -624.01749 -623.98565 -623.97971 -624.01334 - - - - Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 13 H2SO 3(ap) -625.07617 -625.04441 -625.03846 -625.07211 - - - - H2SO 3-H2O(MP2) -700.29397 -700.23728 -700.22837 -700.26928 -8.96 -6.67 -7.22 1.85 H2SO 3-H2O(1U02sa) -701.53319 -701.47688 -701.46786 -701.509 15 -6.84 -4.65 -5.14 3.68 H2SO 3-H2O(MP2) -700.29657 -700.23945 -700.23090 -700.27104 -10.59 -8.03 -8.81 0.75 H2SO 3-H2O(1U'11sa) -701.53654 -701.47969 -701.47115 -701.51 126 -8.94 -6.41 -7.21 2.36 H2SO 3-H2O(MP2) -700.29389 -700.23716 -700.22826 -700.26922 -8.91 -6.59 -7.15 1.89 H2SO 3-H2O(1U'02sa) -701.53316 -701.47681 -701.46779 -701.50 911 -6.82 -4.61 -5.10 3.71 H2SO 3-H2O(MP2) -700.29709 -700.23983 -700.23135 -700.27133 -10.92 -8.27 -9.09 0.56 H2SO 3-H2O(1U11sa) -701.53692 -701.47995 -701.47146 -701.511 46 -9.17 -6.58 -7.41 2.23 H2SO 3(MP2) -623.98171 -623.94863 -623.94338 -623.97576 - - - - H2SO 3(s) -625.03453 -625.00216 -624.99684 -625.02935 - - - - H2SO 3-H2O(MP2) -700.26253 -700.20423 -700.19638 -700.23548 -12.50 -10.06 -10.80 -1.56 H2SO 3-H2O(1U11su) -701.49683 -701.43945 -701.43156 -701.470 73 -11.08 -8.70 -9.46 -0.20 H2SO 3-H2O(MP2) -700.25228 -700.19628 -700.18671 -700.23177 -6.06 -5.07 -4.73 0.77 H2SO 3-H2O(1U00su) -701.48756 -701.43234 -701.42280 -701.467 18 -5.26 -4.25 -3.97 2.03 H3PO 4(MP2) -643.01739 -642.96931 -642.96206 -642.99877 - - - - H3PO 4(p) -644.21347 -644.16560 -644.15825 -644.19526 - - - - H3PO 4-H2O(MP2) -719.30076 -719.22718 -719.21745 -719.26078 -14.09 -11.48 -12.30 -2.99 H3PO 4-H2O(1U11pp) -720.67652 -720.60332 -720.59356 -720.636 72 -11.55 -8.97 -9.84 -0.25 H3PO 4-H2O(MP2) -719.30044 -719.22692 -719.21711 -719.26024 -13.89 -11.32 -12.08 -2.65 H3PO 4-H2O(1U'11pp) -720.67610 -720.60310 -720.59316 -720.63 684 -11.29 -8.84 -9.59 -0.32 H3PO 4(MP2) -643.01896 -642.97086 -642.96357 -643.00046 - - - - H3PO 4(ap) -644.21204 -644.16431 -644.15692 -644.19394 - - - - H3PO 4-H2O(MP2) -719.29911 -719.22582 -719.21603 -719.25942 -13.06 -10.63 -11.41 -2.15 H3PO 4-H2O(1U''11pa) -720.67510 -720.60219 -720.59237 -720.6 3570 -10.66 -8.27 -9.09 0.39 H3PO 4-H2O(MP2) -719.29511 -719.22198 -719.21188 -719.25570 -10.54 -8.22 -8.80 0.19 H3PO 4-H2O(1U02pa) -720.67045 -720.59778 -720.58758 -720.631 78 -7.74 -5.50 -6.09 2.85 H3PO 4-H2O(MP2) -719.29956 -719.22610 -719.21632 -719.25931 -13.34 -10.80 -11.59 -2.07 H3PO 4-H2O(1U'11pa) -720.67544 -720.60237 -720.59257 -720.63 559 -10.88 -8.38 -9.22 0.46 H3PO 4-H2O(MP2) -719.29995 -719.22636 -719.21665 -719.25952 -13.58 -10.97 -11.80 -2.21 H3PO 4-H2O(1U11pa) -720.67581 -720.60270 -720.59292 -720.635 98 -11.10 -8.59 -9.44 0.22 H3PO 3(MP2) -567.90391 -567.86147 -567.85460 -567.89029 - - - - H3PO 3 -568.94357 -568.90125 -568.89438 -568.93000 - - - - H3PO 3(ts) -568.94758 -568.90518 -568.89847 -568.93371 -2.52 - - - H3PO 3-H2O(MP2) -644.18446 -644.11649 -644.10713 -644.14904 -12.32 -9.69 -10.50 -0.95 H3PO 3-H2O(1U'11pt) -645.40428 -645.33671 -645.32729 -645.36 926 -7.56 -5.10 -5.76 3.46 H3PO 3-H2O(MP2) -644.17595 -644.10945 -644.09892 -644.14595 -6.99 -5.27 -5.35 0.98 H3PO 3-H2O(1U''01pt) -645.39751 -645.33138 -645.32078 -645.3 6788 -3.32 -1.75 -1.68 4.33 H3PO 3-H2O(MP2) - - - - - - - - H3PO 3-H2O(1U'01pt) -645.40214 -645.33612 -645.32567 -645.37 153 -6.22 -4.72 -4.74 2.04 H3PO 3-H2O(MP2) -644.18322 -644.11566 -644.10618 -644.14827 -11.55 -9.17 -9.91 -0.47 H3PO 3-H2O(1U01pt) -645.40248 -645.33611 -645.32587 -645.371 13 -6.43 -4.72 -4.87 2.29 H3PO 3-H2O(MP2) -644.18466 -644.11665 -644.10732 -644.14901 -12.45 -9.79 -10.62 -0.93 H3PO 3-H2O(1U11pt) -645.40431 -645.33669 -645.32733 -645.369 05 -7.58 -5.08 -5.79 3.59 H3PO 3(MP2) -567.90943 -567.86678 -567.86054 -567.89518 - - - - H3PO 3(p) -568.94195 -568.89975 -568.89348 -568.92811 - - - - H3PO 3-H2O(MP2) -644.17778 -644.11144 -644.10152 -644.14518 -4.67 -3.19 -3.25 4.54 H3PO 3-H2O(1U02p) -645.39076 -645.32528 -645.31505 -645.3606 1 -2.61 -1.33 -1.22 5.37 H3PO 3-H2O(MP2) -644.17744 -644.11119 -644.10116 -644.14617 -4.46 -3.03 -3.03 3.92 H3PO 3-H2O(1U01p) -645.39128 -645.32568 -645.31552 -645.3611 8 -2.94 -1.58 -1.51 5.02 H3PO 3-H2O(MP2) -644.19121 -644.12295 -644.11437 -644.15495 -13.10 -10.41 -11.32 -1.59 Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 14 H3PO 3-H2O(1U11p) -645.40516 -645.33742 -645.32887 -645.3692 2 -11.65 -8.95 -9.89 -0.03 H3PO 3-H2O(MP2) -644.19094 -644.12270 -644.11410 -644.15458 -12.93 -10.26 -11.15 -1.36 H3PO 3-H2O(1U'11p) -645.40488 -645.33722 -645.32862 -645.369 04 -11.47 -8.82 -9.73 0.08 H3PO 3(MP2) -567.90643 -567.86383 -567.85764 -567.89197 - - - - H3PO 3(ap) -568.93909 -568.89695 -568.89073 -568.92508 - - - - H3PO 3-H2O(MP2) -644.18361 -644.11602 -644.10697 -644.14854 -8.33 -6.06 -6.68 2.43 H3PO 3-H2O(1U11a) -645.39728 -645.33043 -645.32129 -645.3634 3 -6.71 -4.56 -5.14 3.61 H3PO 3-H2O(MP2) -644.18361 -644.11603 -644.10697 -644.14857 -8.32 -6.07 -6.68 2.41 H3PO 3-H2O(1U'11a) -645.39721 -645.33040 -645.32121 -645.363 13 -6.66 -4.54 -5.08 3.79 H3BO 3(MP2)lower -251.91840 -251.86965 -251.86432 -251.89 611 - - - - H3BO 3 -252.53406 -252.48561 -252.48015 -252.51215 - - - - H3BO 3(lower) -252.54088 -252.49203 -252.48672 -252.51845 -4.28 - - - H3BO 3-H2O(MP2) -328.19370 -328.11998 -328.11168 -328.15081 -9.03 -6.75 -7.26 1.59 H3BO 3-H2O(1U11b) -328.99748 -328.92382 -328.91553 -328.9546 2 -7.50 -5.26 -5.76 3.07 HBO 2(MP2) -175.57830 -175.55828 -175.55395 -175.58157 - - - - HBO 2 -176.01562 -175.99542 -175.99110 -176.01867 - - - - HBO 2-H2O(MP2) -251.85549 -251.81075 -251.80334 -251.84109 -10.21 -8.09 -8.53 -1.43 HBO 2-H2O(1U01b) -252.47583 -252.43113 -252.42371 -252.4614 7 -9.77 -7.72 -8.14 -1.09 HCN(MP2) -93.18366 -93.16806 -93.16453 -93.18749 - - - - HCN -93.43705 -93.42089 -93.41738 -93.44027 - - - - HCN-H 2O(MP2) -169.45159 -169.41244 -169.40543 -169.44052 -4.41 -3.01 -3.20 2.64 HCN-H 2O(1U'00n) -169.88750 -169.84787 -169.84090 -169.875 86 -3.64 -2.24 -2.44 3.43 HCN-H 2O(MP2) -169.45359 -169.41480 -169.40746 -169.44282 -5.66 -4.50 -4.48 1.19 HCN-H 2O(1U00n) -169.88980 -169.85063 -169.84336 -169.8782 1 -5.09 -3.97 -3.98 1.97 HNO 3(MP2) -280.28489 -280.25848 -280.25399 -280.28425 - - - - HNO 3 -280.94027 -280.91394 -280.90948 -280.93969 - - - - HNO 3-H2O(MP2) -356.55047 -356.50089 -356.49221 -356.53662 -2.94 -1.78 -1.52 3.05 HNO 3-H2O(1U10n) -357.38804 -357.33866 -357.33002 -357.3729 3 -1.96 -0.82 -0.57 4.91 HNO 3-H2O(MP2) -356.56223 -356.51103 -356.50347 -356.54149 -10.31 -8.15 -8.59 0.00 HNO 3-H2O(1U11n) -357.40016 -357.34940 -357.34187 -357.3798 1 -9.57 -7.56 -8.01 0.59 HNO 3-H2O(MP2) - - - - - - - - HNO 3-H2O(1U'11n) -357.38765 -357.33871 -357.32981 -357.375 13 -1.72 -0.85 -0.44 3.53 H2S(MP2) -398.85322 -398.83789 -398.83410 -398.85812 - - - - H2S -399.41512 -399.40022 -399.39642 -399.41980 - - - - H2S-H2O(MP2) -475.11923 -475.08050 -475.07283 -475. 10991 -3.20 -1.90 -1.84 3.41 H2S-H2O(s1U00) -475.86394 -475.82531 -475.81800 -47 5.85414 -2.62 -1.06 -1.22 4.22 H2S-H2O(MP2) -475.11960 -475.08052 -475.07312 -475. 10967 -3.43 -1.92 -2.02 3.56 H2S-H2O(s1U'00) -475.86340 -475.82528 -475.81757 -4 75.85482 -2.28 -1.04 -0.95 3.79 H2Se(MP2) -2401.13051 -2401.11656 -2401.11275 -2401.1 3829 - - - - H2Se -2402.76114 -2402.74781 -2402.74400 -2402.76891 - - - - H2Se-H2O(MP2) -2477.39602 -2477.35885 -2477.35101 -2477.39 000 -2.88 -1.70 -1.54 3.47 -2479.20959 -2479.17253 -2479.16521 -2479 .20265 -2.39 -0.82 -0.99 4.59 H2Se-H2O(MP2) -2477.39711 -2477.35950 -2477.35202 -2477.39 012 -3.57 -2.11 -2.18 3.39 -2479.20855 -2479.17237 -2479.16439 -247 9.20404 -1.74 -0.72 -0.47 3.73 HClO(MP2) -535.14531 -535.13502 -535.13114 -535.158 14 - - - - HClO(MP2) -535.24445 -535.23138 -535.22749 -535.254 37 -62.21* - - - HClO -535.90020 -535.89076 -535.88682 -535.91393 - - - - HClO(lower) -535.99291 -535.97986 -535.97597 -536.0 0285 -58.18* - - - Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 15 HClO-H 2O(MP2) -611.51052 -611.47432 -611.46641 -611.50439 -3.24 -2.11 -1.96 4.53 HClO-H 2O(c1U00) -612.44142 -612.40527 -612.39740 -612.4354 1 -2.43 -1.26 -1.13 5.33 HClO-H 2O(MP2) -611.51815 -611.48040 -611.47330 -611.51093 -8.03 -5.92 -6.29 0.43 HClO-H 2O(c1U01) -612.44900 -612.41150 -612.40439 -612.4417 5 -7.18 -5.16 -5.52 1.36 HClO-H 2O(MP2) -611.51762 -611.48003 -611.47284 -611.51044 -7.70 -5.70 -6.00 0.73 HClO-H 2O(c1U'01) -612.44866 -612.41129 -612.40410 -612.441 55 -6.97 -5.03 -5.33 1.48 HClO-H 2O(MP2) - - - - - - - - HClO-H 2O(c1U''01) -612.44182 -612.40519 -612.39757 -612.43 642 -2.68 -1.20 -1.24 4.70 HClO 2(MP2) -610.18816 -610.17178 -610.16702 -610.19764 - - - - HClO 2 -611.11090 -611.09481 -611.09004 -611.12068 - - - - HClO 2-H2O(MP2) -686.46664 -686.42488 -686.41756 -686.45463 -11.02 -8.49 -9.25 0.15 HClO 2-H2O(c'1U11) -687.57126 -687.53009 -687.52275 -687.559 88 -9.87 -7.45 -8.21 1.17 HClO 2-H2O(MP2) -686.45729 -686.41738 -686.40891 -686.44910 -5.16 -3.78 -3.82 3.62 HClO 2-H2O(c'1U01) -687.56005 -687.52075 -687.51203 -687.553 40 -2.83 -1.59 -1.48 5.24 HClO 2-H2O(MP2) -686.45759 -686.41714 -686.40887 -686.44959 -5.34 -3.63 -3.80 3.31 HClO 2-H2O(c'1U10) -687.56239 -687.52259 -687.51415 -687.555 83 -4.30 -2.74 -2.81 3.71 HClO 2-H2O(MP2) -686.45686 -686.41712 -686.40847 -686.44953 -4.89 -3.62 -3.55 3.35 HClO 2-H2O(c''1U10) -687.56127 -687.52192 -687.51322 -687.55 510 -3.60 -2.32 -2.23 4.17 HClO 2-H2O(MP2) -686.46643 -686.42462 -686.41730 -686.45435 -10.90 -8.32 -9.09 0.32 HClO 2-H2O(c''1U11) -687.57116 -687.52998 -687.52262 -687.55 979 -9.80 -7.38 -8.13 1.22 HClO 3(MP2) -685.16792 -685.14761 -685.14185 -685.17556 - - - - HClO 3 -686.25447 -686.23468 -686.22896 -686.26246 - - - - HClO 3-H2O(MP2) -761.43748 -761.39420 -761.38432 -761.42923 -5.43 -4.40 -4.18 2.24 HClO 3-H2O(c1U20) -762.70492 -762.66217 -762.65230 -762.6970 1 -3.64 -2.56 -2.33 4.09 HClO 3-H2O(MP2) -761.44438 -761.39861 -761.39033 -761.43047 -9.76 -7.17 -7.96 1.46 HClO 3-H2O(c1U11) -762.71406 -762.66919 -762.66092 -762.7009 7 -9.38 -6.96 -7.74 1.60 HClO 3-H2O(MP2) -761.43935 -761.39526 -761.38601 -761.42847 -6.60 -5.07 -5.25 2.71 HClO 3-H2O(c'1U'01) -762.70444 -762.66140 -762.65175 -762.69 539 -3.34 -2.08 -1.98 5.11 HClO 3-H2O(MP2) - - - - - - - - HClO 3-H2O(c'1U'10) -762.70421 -762.66145 -762.65159 -762.69 686 -3.19 -2.10 -1.88 4.18 HClO 4(MP2) -760.12789 -760.10182 -760.09586 -760.13022 - - - - HClO 4(Im) -761.37488 -761.35035 -761.34483 -761.37832 - - - - HClO 4(lower) -761.37538 -761.35051 -761.34434 -761.37920 -0.31* - - - HClO 4-H2O(MP2) -836.40671 -836.35574 -836.34688 -836.38876 -11.24 -9.00 -9.55 -0.82 HClO 4-H2O(1U'c11) -837.83628 -837.78690 -837.77781 -837.820 28 -10.20 -8.14 -8.68 -0.01 HClO 4-H2O(MP2) -836.40759 -836.35641 -836.34763 -836.38932 -11.79 -9.42 -10.02 -1.17 HClO 4-H2O(1Uc11) -837.83693 -837.78749 -837.77835 -837.8216 4 -10.61 -8.51 -9.02 -0.86 HClO 4-H2O(MP2) - - - - - - - - HClO 4-H2O(1Uc10) -837.82204 -837.77456 -837.76395 -837.8123 2 -1.26 -0.40 0.02 4.98 HBrO(MP2) -2648.03692 -2648.02755 -2648.02363 -2648 .05194 - - - - HBrO(MP2)lower -2648.13700 -2648.12430 -2648.12037 -2648.14850 -62.80* - - - HBrO -2649.84942 -2649.84097 -2649.83699 -2649.8654 3 - - - - HBrO(lower) -2649.94485 -2649.93216 -2649.92822 -26 49.95636 -59.89* - - - HBrO-H 2O(MP2) -2724.40604 -2724.37000 -2724.36219 -2724.40 063 -5.10 -3.84 -3.78 3.20 HBrO-H 2O(b1U00) -2726.39582 -2726.35974 -2726.35201 -2726. 39024 -3.97 -2.61 -2.61 4.51 HBrO-H 2O(MP2) -2724.41033 -2724.37308 -2724.36584 -2724.40 560 -7.79 -5.77 -6.07 0.09 HBrO-H 2O(b1U01) -2726.40017 -2726.36306 -2726.35586 -2726. 39456 -6.70 -4.70 -5.02 1.80 HBrO-H 2O(MP2) -2724.40994 -2724.37277 -2724.36549 -2724.40 447 -7.55 -5.58 -5.85 0.79 HBrO-H 2O(b1U'01) -2726.39995 -2726.36299 -2726.35569 -2726 .39461 -6.56 -4.66 -4.92 1.77 HBrO-H 2O(MP2) -2724.40489 -2724.36825 -2724.36073 -2724.40 061 -4.38 -2.74 -2.87 3.22 HBrO-H 2O(b1U''01) -2726.39441 -2726.35811 -2726.35043 -272 6.39120 -3.08 -1.59 -1.62 3.90 Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 16 HBrO 2(MP2) -2723.09431 -2723.07844 -2723.07358 -2723.105 47 - - - - HBrO 2 -2725.07136 -2725.05584 -2725.05093 -2725.08295 - - - - HBrO 2-H2O(MP2) -2799.37374 -2799.33266 -2799.32519 -2799.36 350 -11.62 -9.19 -9.92 -0.51 HBrO 2-H2O(b'1U11) -2801.53171 -2801.49118 -2801.48366 -2801 .52211 -9.86 -7.48 -8.22 1.19 HBrO 2-H2O(MP2) -2799.36545 -2799.32596 -2799.31748 -2799.35 823 -6.42 -4.99 -5.08 2.81 HBrO 2-H2O(b'1U01) -2801.52198 -2801.48315 -2801.47439 -2801 .51624 -3.75 -2.44 -2.40 4.87 HBrO 2-H2O(MP2) -2799.36561 -2799.32557 -2799.31729 -2799.35 880 -6.52 -4.74 -4.97 2.45 HBrO 2-H2O(b'1U10) -2801.52392 -2801.48463 -2801.47610 -2801 .51893 -4.97 -3.37 -3.48 3.19 HBrO 2-H2O(MP2) -2799.36616 -2799.32662 -2799.31813 -2799.35 913 -6.87 -5.40 -5.49 2.24 HBrO 2-H2O(b''1U10) -2801.52430 -2801.48501 -2801.47658 -280 1.51739 -5.21 -3.61 -3.78 4.15 HBrO 2-H2O(MP2) -2799.37352 -2799.33240 -2799.32494 -2799.36 323 -11.49 -9.03 -9.77 -0.33 HBrO 2-H2O(b''1U11) -2801.53157 -2801.49102 -2801.48349 -280 1.52197 -9.77 -7.38 -8.11 1.28 HBrO 3(MP2) -2798.08840 -2798.06924 -2798.06332 -2798.097 96 - - - - HBrO 3 -2800.22489 -2800.20639 -2800.20037 -2800.23525 - - - - HBrO 3-H2O(MP2) -2874.36201 -2874.31917 -2874.30960 -2874.35 323 -7.96 -6.50 -6.58 1.23 HBrO 3-H2O(b1U20) -2876.67890 -2876.63674 -2876.62708 -2876. 67091 -5.88 -4.35 -4.44 3.39 HBrO 3-H2O(MP2) -2874.36759 -2874.32295 -2874.31459 -2874.35 556 -11.47 -8.87 -9.71 -0.23 HBrO 3-H2O(b1U11) -2876.68595 -2876.64220 -2876.63377 -2876. 67480 -10.30 -7.77 -8.64 0.95 HBrO 3-H2O(MP2) -2874.36200 -2874.31879 -2874.30949 -2874.35 202 -7.96 -6.26 -6.51 1.99 HBrO 3-H2O(b'1U'11) -2876.67767 -2876.63551 -2876.62582 -287 6.67024 -5.11 -3.58 -3.65 3.81 HBrO 4(MP2) -2873.04557 -2873.02238 -2873.01646 -2873.051 42 - - - - HBrO 4(MP2)lower -2873.04583 -2873.02242 -2873.01577 -287 3.05240 -0.1624* - - - HBrO 4 -2875.34053 -2875.31847 -2875.31148 -2875.34926 - - - - HBrO 4(lower) -2875.34054 -2875.31851 -2875.31150 -2875.3 4930 -0.0034* - - - HBrO 4-H2O(MP2) -2949.32667 -2949.27821 -2949.26890 -2949.31 227 -12.50 -10.17 -10.88 -1.66 HBrO 4-H2O(1U'b11) -2951.80283 -2951.75592 -2951.74638 -2951 .79054 -11.08 -8.79 -9.57 -0.11 HBrO 4-H2O(MP2) -2949.32744 -2949.27875 -2949.26951 -2949.31 262 -12.99 -10.51 -11.26 -1.88 HBrO 4-H2O(1Ub11) -2951.80313 -2951.75610 -2951.74656 -2951. 79045 -11.27 -8.90 -9.68 -0.05 HBrO 4-H2O(MP2) - - - - - - - - HBrO 4-H2O(1Ub10) - - - - - - - - HIO(MP2) -185.20818 -185.19959 -185.19564 -185.2248 9 - - - - HIO(MP2)lower -185.30469 -185.29229 -185.28832 -185 .31729 -60.56* - - - HIO -187.17718 -187.16945 -187.16543 -187.19482 - - - - HIO(lower) -187.26885 -187.25647 -187.25248 -187.28 147 -57.52* - - - HIO-H 2O(MP2) -261.57721 -261.54127 -261.53355 -261.57224 -7.29 -5.90 -5.92 1.43 HIO-H 2O(i1U00) -263.72435 -263.68827 -263.68068 -263.7190 1 -6.82 -5.27 -5.37 2.21 HIO-H 2O(MP2) -261.57697 -261.54015 -261.53279 -261.57289 -7.14 -5.20 -5.44 1.03 HIO-H 2O(i1U01) -263.72299 -263.68624 -263.67893 -263.7185 0 -5.96 -3.99 -4.27 2.53 HIO-H 2O(MP2) -261.57682 -261.54014 -261.53358 -261.57119 -7.04 -5.19 -5.93 2.09 HIO-H 2O(i1U'01) -263.72284 -263.68630 -263.67885 -263.719 03 -5.86 -4.03 -4.23 2.20 HIO-H 2O(MP2) -261.57525 -261.53853 -261.53127 -261.57061 -6.06 -4.18 -4.49 2.46 HIO-H 2O(i1U''01) -263.72052 -263.68408 -263.67670 -263.71 635 -4.41 -2.64 -2.87 3.88 HIO 2(MP2) -260.28542 -260.26985 -260.26492 -260.29780 - - - - HIO 2 -262.42021 -262.40494 -262.39996 -262.43293 - - - - HIO 2-H2O(MP2) -336.56710 -336.52635 -336.51883 -336.55797 -13.04 -10.62 -11.37 -1.84 HIO 2-H2O(i'1U11) -338.88078 -338.84062 -338.83293 -338.872 53 -10.00 -7.70 -8.37 0.92 HIO 2-H2O(MP2) -336.55992 -336.52040 -336.51209 -336.55298 -8.53 -6.88 -7.13 1.29 HIO 2-H2O(i'1U01) -338.87410 -338.83499 -338.82655 -338.867 94 -5.80 -4.17 -4.36 3.79 HIO 2-H2O(MP2) -336.56063 -336.52069 -336.51251 -336.55431 -8.97 -7.07 -7.40 0.45 HIO 2-H2O(i'1U10) -338.87577 -338.83651 -338.82809 -338.870 80 -6.85 -5.12 -5.33 2.00 HIO 2-H2O(MP2) -336.56240 -336.52253 -336.51445 -336.55480 -10.09 -8.22 -8.62 0.15 HIO 2-H2O(i''1U10) -338.87822 -338.83856 -338.83054 -338.87 070 -8.39 -6.40 -6.87 2.07 Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 17 HIO 2-H2O(MP2) -336.56686 -336.52608 -336.51857 -336.55768 -12.88 -10.45 -11.20 -1.66 HIO 2-H2O(i''1U11) -338.88068 -338.84052 -338.83280 -338.87 246 -9.93 -7.64 -8.29 0.96 HIO 3(MP2) -335.30904 -335.29070 -335.28445 -335.32090 - - - - HIO 3 -337.61367 -337.59580 -337.58945 -337.62628 - - - - HIO 3-H2O(MP2) -411.58734 -411.54460 -411.53516 -411.57956 -10.91 -8.99 -9.36 -0.90 HIO 3-H2O(i1U20) -414.07321 -414.03101 -414.02145 -414.0660 3 -9.35 -7.40 -7.76 0.83 HIO 3-H2O(MP2) -411.59080 -411.54665 -411.53827 -411.57979 -13.08 -10.28 -11.31 -1.04 HIO 3-H2O(i1U11) -414.07642 -414.03295 -414.02450 -414.0660 8 -11.37 -8.62 -9.67 0.79 HIO 3-H2O(MP2) -411.58629 -411.54311 -411.53402 -411.57647 -10.25 -8.05 -8.64 1.04 HIO 3-H2O(i'1U'11) -414.07064 -414.02801 -414.01877 -414.06 168 -7.74 -5.52 -6.08 3.55 HIO 4(MP2) -410.27638 -410.25449 -410.24721 -410.28727 - - - - HIO 4(MP2)lower -410.27643 -410.25448 -410.24729 -410.28 583 -0.03* - - - HIO 4 -412.75468 -412.73355 -412.72706 -412.76382 - - - - HIO 4(lower) -412.75486 -412.73359 -412.72631 -412.76497 -0.11* - - - HIO 4-H2O(MP2) -486.55877 -486.51160 -486.50197 -486.54731 -13.449 -11.013 -11.850 -2.663 HIO 4-H2O(1U'i11) -489.21846 -489.17216 -489.16243 -489.207 14 -11.894 -9.507 -10.349 -0.696 HIO 4-H2O(MP2) -486.55877 -486.51161 -486.50197 -486.54742 -13.449 -11.017 -11.850 -2.733 HIO 4-H2O(1Ui11) -489.21846 -489.17216 -489.16244 -489.2071 8 -11.895 -9.513 -10.351 -0.717 HIO 4-H2O(MP2) - - - - - - - - HIO 4-H2O(1Ui10) - - - - - - - - * - the energy difference in kcal/mol between the i somers. [1] S. Re, Y. Osamura, K. Morokuma, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103(18) 3535-3547 (1999). [2] H. Arstila, K. Laasonen, A. Laaksonen, Journ al of Chemical Physics 108(3) 1031 - 1039 (1998). [3] P. Beichert, O. Schrems, Journal of Physica l Chemistry A 102(51) 10540 - 10544 (1998). [4] C.-H. Pak, H. M. Lee, J. C. Kim, D.-W. Kim, K. S. Kim, Structural Chemistry 16(3) 187 - 202 (2005 ). [5] T. Malaspina, E. E. Fileti, J. M. Riveros, S. Canuto, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110(34) 10303 - 10308 (2006). Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 18 Table 2. The frequencies [cm -1] for the supermolecular isomers of water-coupled S ulfurous acid H 2SO 3, using pVDZ level of theory. In the parentheses are given t he optimized structure labels given in Table 1 for the H 2SO 3 supermolecular isomers. H2SO 3 (1U'11sp) H 2SO 3 (1U02sp) H 2SO 3 (1U12sp) H 2SO 3 (1U01sp) H 2SO 3 (1U00sp) H 2SO 3 (1U11sp) 49 29.(5) 37 17 18 47 163 29.(9) 155 21 27 172 194 92 196 98 39 197 343 277 399 319 154 371 409 334 429 361 314 415 476 392 474 405 379 477 795 713 738 728 727 794 1046 1074 1077 1075 1077 1050 1133 1098 1157 1095 1092 1136 3639 3700 3582 3700 3698 3622 3707 3785 3627 3749 3788 3701 3868 3885 3871 3882 3896 3860 Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 19 Figure 1 . The system configurations for optimized geometrie s (B3LYP/aug-cc- pVDZ). The label under each structure corresponds to that in t he first column of Table 1. H2O (water dimer) H2S (Hydrogen sulfide) (s1U00 ) (s1U'00) H2Se (Hydrogen selenide) (se1U00 ) (se1U'00) HCN (Hydrogen cyanide) (1U'00n) (1U00n ) HNO 3 (Nitric acid) (1U10n) (1U11n ) (1U'11n) HBO 2 (Boron oxide hydroxide) (1U01b ) H 3BO 3 (Boric acid) (lowest) (1U11b ) H3PO 3 (Phosphonic acid, anti- parallel) (1U11a) (1U'11a) H3PO 3 (Phosphonic acid, parallel) (lowest) (1U02p) (1U01p) (1U11p ) (1U'11p) H3PO 3 (Phosphorous acid ) (lowest) (1U'11pt) (1U''01pt) (1U'01pt) (1U01pt) (1U11pt ) H3PO 4 (1U''11pa) (1U02pa) (1U'11pa) (1U11pa ) H3PO 4 (Phosphoric acid, parallel) (lowest) (1U11pp) (1U'11pp) Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 20 Figure 1 . (continue) The system configurations for optimize d geometries (B3LYP/aug-cc- pVDZ). The label under each (super)molecular structure corresponds t o that in the first column of Table 1. H2SO 3 (Sulfonic acid) (1U11su ) (1U00su) H2SO 3 (anti- parallel) (1U02sa) (1U'11sa) (1U'02sa) (1U11sa ) H2SO 3 (Sulfurous acid, parallel) (lowest) (1U12sp) (1U'11sp) (1U01sp) (1U00sp) (1U11sp ) (1U02sp) H2SO 4 (Sulfuric acid, anti-parallel, trans) (lowest) (1U11t ) (1U'11t) H2SO 4 (parallel, cis) (1U11c ) (1U12c) (1U10c) Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 21 Figure2 . The system configurations for optimized geometrie s (B3LYP/aug-cc- pVDZ). The CRENBL ECP effective core potential was used for the heavy iod ine atom. The label under each (super)molecular str ucture corresponds to that in the first column of Table 1. HClO (hypochlorous acid) (c1U00) (c1U01 ) (c1U'01) (c1U''01) (lowest) HClO 2 (chlorous acid) (c'1U11 ) (c'1U01) (c'1U10) (c''1U10) (c''1U11) HClO 3 (chloric acid) (c1U20) (c1U11 ) (c'1U'01) (c'1U'10) HClO 4 (perchloric acid) (1U'c11) (1Uc11 ) (1Uc10) HBrO (hypobromous acid) (b1U00) (b1U01 ) (b1U'01) (b1U''01) (lowest) HBrO 2 (bromous acid) (b'1U11 ) (b'1U01) (b'1U10) (b''1U10) (b''1U11) HBrO 3 (bromic acid) (b1U20) (b1U11 ) (b'1U'11) HBrO 4 (perbromic acid) (1U'b11) (1Ub11 ) (lowest) Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim, Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H 2O E-mail: 22 Figure2 . (continue) The system configurations for optimize d geometries (B3LYP/aug-cc- pVDZ). The CRENBL ECP effective core potential was used for th e heavy iodine atom. The label under each structure corresponds to that in t he first column of Table 1. HIO (hypo-iodous acid) (i1U00 ) (i1U01) (i1U'01) (i1U''01) (lowest) HIO 2 (iodous acid) (i'1U11 ) (i'1U01) (i'1U10) (i''1U10) (i''1U11) HIO 3 (iodic acid) (i1U20) (i1U11 ) (i'1U'01) HIO 4 (per-iodic acid) (1U'i11) (1Ui11 ) (lowest)
Aleksey Zakharenko
Aleksey A. Zakharenko, S. Karthikyan, K.S. Kim
Ab Initio Study of Different Acid Molecules Interacting with H2O
22 pages, 2 figs, 2 tables, 90 references
physics.chem-ph physics.atm-clus physics.bio-ph physics.comp-ph physics.med-ph physics.space-ph
Using the Gaussian-03 for ab initio calculations, we have studied interaction of different acid molecules with a single water molecule. The molecular and supermolecular optimized structures were found with the Becke-3-Lee-Yang-Parr (B3LYP-hybrid potential) calculations of density-functional theory (DFT) methods as well as the Moeller-Plesset second-order perturbation theory, using the basis set of Aug-cc-pVDZ quality and the CRENBL ECP effective core potential for molecules containing heavy iodine atom. Possible isomers of studied acids and supermolecules, consisting of acid molecules coupled with a single water molecule, are shown. Energies, zero-point energies (ZPEs), thermal enthalpies and free energies, as well as the corresponding binding energies for the theoretical methods were calculated. It was found that optimized structures of supermolecular isomers with lowest energies corresponding to the global minimum on the potential energy surfaces can be different for both theories. The simplest structure acids H2S and H2Se, forming acid-water supermolecules, can give clear evidence of disagreement of the two theoretical methods concerning optimization of lowest energy structures, because the B3LYP-DFT method gives the lowest-energy structure for the first supermolecular isomer, but the MP2 method for the second possible isomer. A dramatic difference between potential energy surfaces for both theories applying to the optimized structure finding of the H2SO3-H2O supermolecular isomers was found, because MP2 supermolecular geometries cannot exist for the corresponding B3LYP-DFT ones, for which the frequency characteristics of the supermolecular isomers were also calculated. In general, the binding energies and ZPE ones for the MP2 method are 10-15% larger than those for the B3LYP-DFT method.
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[ [ "Zakharenko", "Aleksey A.", "" ], [ "Karthikyan", "S.", "" ], [ "Kim", "K. S.", "" ] ]
to define invariants for any null-homologous Legendrian (an d transverse) knot L(Y,x) (resp.T(Y,x)). As demonstrated by explicit computations, give interesting invariants for Legendrian and transverse knots, even in cases where the ambient contact structure is overtwi sted. Recall [35] that a smooth null-homologous knot KYin a closed rise to the knot Floer homology groups /hatwideHFK(Y,K) and HFK-(Y,K) (see also Section 2 for a short review of Heegaard Floer homol ogy). These groups are computed as homologies of appropriate chain comp lexes, which in turn result from doubly-pointed Heegaard diagrams of the pa ir (Y,K). For an isotopic pair K1,K2Ythe corresponding chain complexes are and hence the homologies are isomorphic. In this sense the knot Floer homology groups (as abstract groups) are invariants o f the isotopy class of the knot K. For the sake of simplicity, throughout this paper we use Flo er homology with coefficients in F:=Z/2Z. In this paper we define the invariants L(L) and/hatwideL(L) of an oriented null- homologous Legendrian knot L(Y,x). For an introduction to Legendrian and transverse knots see [10]. (We will always assume that Yis oriented and x is cooriented.) Recall that the contact invariant c(Y,x) of a contact 3-manifold (Y,x) -- as defined in [34] -- is an element (up to sign) of the Floer hom than of Y). In the same vein, the invariants L(L) determined by elements in the Floer homology of ( -Y,L). IfYadmits an orientation reversing diffeomorphism u(likeS3does), then the Floer homology of (-Y,L) can be identified with the Floer homology of ( Y,u(L)). More precisely, we will show that, given an oriented, null-h omologous Legen- drian knot Lin a closed contact 3-manifold ( Y,x), one can choose certain aux- iliary data Dwhich, together with L, determine a cycle x(L,D) in a complex defining the F[U]-modules HFK-(-Y,L,tx) (with where txis the Spincstructure on Yinduced by x(see Section 2). A different choice D'of the auxiliary data determines F[U]-module automor- phisms sending the class [ x(L,D)] to the class [ x(L,D')]. Formulating this a bit more formally, we can consider the set of pairs ( M,m), whereMis an F[U]-module and mM, and introduce an equivalence relation by declaring two pairs (M,m) and (N,n) equivalent ifthereisan thatf(m) =n. Let [M,m] denote the equivalence class of (M,m). Then, our main result can be stated as follows: Theorem 1.1 LetLbe an oriented, null-homologous Legendrian knot in the closed contact 3-manifold (Y,x), and let txbe on Y 2induced by x. Then, after choosing some suitable auxiliary data, it is po ssible to associate to Lhomology classes that L(L) := := not depend on the choice of the auxiliary data, and in fact o nly depend on the Legendrian isotopy class of L. We can define multiplication by Uon the set of equivalence classes [ M,m] by setting U*[M,m] := [M,U*m]. We will say that L(L) nonvanishing ) and write L(L) = 0 (respectively 0) if L(L) = (respectively ). Sim- ilar conventions will be used for /hatwideL(L). Let-Ldenote the knot Lwith It turns out that the pairs L(+-L) admit to those of the pair of invariants l+-(L) of [37]. One useful feature of the invariant L(+-L) (shared with l+-from [37]) is that it satisfies a nonvanishing property, which can be formulate d in terms of the contact invariant c(Y,x) of the ambient contact 3-manifold ( Y,x). Theorem 1.2 If the contact Ozsv' ath-Szab' o invariant contact 3-manifold (Y,x)does not vanish, then for any oriented have 0. Ifc(Y,x) = 0then fordlarge it will be explained later, such strong nonvanishing prop erty does not Since a strongly symplectically fillable contact 3-manifo ld has nonzero contact invariant while for an overtwisted structure c(Y,x) = 0, it follows im- mediately from Theorem 1.2 that Corollary 1.3 If(Y,x)is strongly symplectically fillable then for any null- homologous Legendrian knot L(Y,x)the invariant L(L)is nonvanishing. If (Y,x)is overtwisted, then for any Legendrian knot Lthere isd>=0such stronger vanishing theorem holds for loose knots. Recall t hat a islooseif its complement contains an overtwisted disk (and hence (Y,x) is necessarily overtwisted). A Legendrian knot L(Y,x) in the terminology of [8]) if ( Y,x) is overtwisted, but the complement of Lis tight. 3Theorem 1.4 IfL(Y,x)is an oriented, null-homologous and loose Legen- drian knot, then L(L) = 0. Transverse knots admit a preferred orientation, and can be a up to negative stabilization, by oriented Legendr ian knots [9, 13]. This fact can be used to define invariants of transverse knots : Theorem 1.5 Suppose that Tis a null-homologous transverse knot in the contact 3-manifold (Y,x). LetLbe a (compatibly oriented) Legendrian ap- proximation of T. Then,T(T) invariants of the transverse knot type of T. The proof of this statement relies on the invariance of the Le gendrian invari- ant under negative stabilization. After determining the in variants of unknots in the standard contact 3-sphere and the behaviour of the invariants under connected sum, in fact, we will be able to de termine the effect of both kinds of stabilization on the invariant L, leading us to Theorem 1.6 Suppose that Lis an oriented Legendrian knot and L+, resp. L-denote the oriented positive, resp. negative stabilizatio ns ofL. Then, L(L-) =L(L)andL(L+) =U*L(L). The invariants can be effectively used in the study of non-loos e Notice that the invariant of a non-loose Legendrian k not is element, and can be nonvanishing only if the knot an d all its negative stabilizations are non-loose. In Section 6 a famil y of non-loose torus knots in overtwisted contact S3's are constructed, for which we can determine the invariants Lby direct that a knot type Kin a contact three-manifold is said to be if there are two transversely non-isotopic transverse knot s inYin the topological type of Kwhich have the same self-linking number. (For see[10,13].) In anovertwisted however, this definition admits refinements. (For more on knots in overtwisted contact structures, see [5, 6, 8, 16].) Namely, it is not hard to find examples of pairs of (Legendrian or transverse) knots with equal 'classical' invariants. By definition their compleme nts admit structures (one is overtwisted, the other is tight) , hence the knots are clearly not isotopic. Examples for this phenomenon will be discussed in Section 8. Finding pairs of Legendrian/tran sverse knots with 4equal classical invariants, both loose or both non-loose, i s a much more Non-loose pairs of Legendrian knots not Legendri an isotopic were found in [12]; by applying our invariants we find transverse k nots with 1.7 The knot type two non-loose, trans- versely non-isotopic transverse representatives with the same self-linking num- ber with respect to the overtwisted contact structure x12with Hopf = 12. In fact, by further connected sums we get a more general state ment: Corollary 1.8 Let(Y,x)be a contact 3-manifold with 0. Letz be an overtwisted contact structure on Ywithtz=tx. Then, in (Y,z)there are null-homologous knot types which admit two non-loose, t ransversely non- isotopic transverse representatives with the same self-li nking number. Remarks 1.9 (a) Notice that to a Legendrian knot Lin the standard contact 3-sphere (S3,xst) one can now associate several sets of invariants: l+-(L) of [37] and of thepresent work. Itwould beinteresting to compare these elements of the knot Floer homology groups. (b)We also note that recent work of c [20] pro vides for Legendrian knots L(Y,x) through the sutured contact invariant of an appropriate complement of LinY, using the sutured Floer homology of Juh' asz [21]. This invariant seems to have slightly different features than the invariants defined in this paper; the relationships between these invariants have yet to be [12] arbitrarily many distinct non-loose Legendrian kno ts with the same classical invariants are constructed in overtwisted conta ct 3-manifolds. In [14] similar examples were constructed in the standard tight con tactS3, using con- nected sums of torus knots. These constructions, however, d o not tell us any- thing about transverse simplicity of the knot types. (d)Note that connected summing preserves transverse simplici ty [14] while torus knots are transversely simple with respect to the stan dard tight contact S3[13, 28]. Therefore, in the standard contact 3-sphere there are no examples such as those of Theorem 1.7. 1Added in proof: the relation between /hatwideLand the sutured invarianthas been recently worked out in [42]. 5The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we recall fact s about open books and contact structures, Heegaard Floer groups, and the cont act Ozsv' ath-Szab' o invariants. In Section 3 we establish some preliminary resu lts on Legendrian knots and open books, we define our invariants and we prove The orem 1.1. In Section 4 we compute the invariants of a certain (stabilized ) Legendrian unknot in the standard contact S3. This calculation is both instructive and useful: it will be used in the proof of the stabilization invariance. In Section 5 we prove Theorems 1.2, 1.4 and 1.5. In Section 6 we determine the invar iant/hatwideLfor some non-loose Legendrian torus knots in certain overtwisted co ntact structures on S3. In Section 7 we describe the behaviour of the invariants wit h respect to Legendrian connected sum, and then derive Theorem 1.6. In Se ction 8 we dis- cuss transverse simplicity in overtwisted contact 3-manif olds, give a refinement of the Legendrian invariant and prove Theorem 1.7 and Coroll ary 1.8 modulo some technical results which are deferred to the : FRG-0244663. AS acknowledges support from the Clay Math ematics In- stitute. AS and PL were partially supported by OTKA T49449 an d by Marie Curie TOK project BudAlgGeo. ZSz was supported by NSF grant n and FRG-0244663. We would like to thank Tolga Et g u for many useful comments and corrections. 2 definition of the Legendrian knot invariant relies on the few basic facts listed clas sesof)s and open book decompositions (up to positive sta bilization), as it was shown by Giroux [2, 11, 18]. *An idea of Giroux (cf. [2, 11]) allows one to construct an open of Ycompatible with a contact structure x, which is also adapted to a given Legendrian knot L(Y,x). *There is a contact invariant c(Y,x) of a closed contact 3-manifold ( Y,x) originally defined in [34] and recently reformulated by Hond a-Kazez- Mati' c [19] (cf. also [20]). We describe these ingredients in more detail in the followin g subsections. In Subsection 2.1 we recall how contact 3-manifold admit open b ook decompo- sitions adapted to given Legendrian knots. In Subsection 2. 2 (which is not 6logically required by the rest of this article, but which fits in neatly at this point) we explain how, conversely, an isotopy class of embed ded curves in a page of an open book decomposition gives rise to a unique isot opy class of Leg- endrian knots in the associated contact three-manifold. In Subsection 2.3 we recall the basics of Heegaard Floer homology, mainly to set u p notation, and finally in Subsection 2.4 we recall the construction of the co ntact invariant. 2.1 Generalities on open books and contact that an open book decomposition of a 3-manifold Yis a pair (B,ph) whereBYis a (fibered) link in Yandph:Y-B-S1is a locally such that the closure of each fiber, St=ph-1(t) (apageof the open book), is a Seifert surface for the bindingB. The fibration phcan also be determined by its monodromy hph:S+1-S+1, which gives rise to an element of the mapping class group of the page (regarded as a surface w ith boundary). An open book decomposition ( B,ph) can be modified by a classical [41]. The page S'of the resulting open book ( B',ph') is Sof (B,ph) (B',ph') is obtained by composing the monodromy of ( B,ph) (extended cocore of Htransversely in a single point. Depending on whether the Deh n twist is right- or left-handed, the stabilization is called A positive stabilization is also called a Giroux stabilization . Definition 2.1 (Giroux) A contact structure xand an open book decomposi- tion arecompatible ifx, as a cooriented 2-plane field, is the kernel of a the property that dais a symplectic form on each page, hence orients both the page and the binding, and with this orientat ion the binding Bis a link positively transverse to x. In this situation we also say that the contact one-form ais compatible with the open book. A theorem of Thurston and Winkelnkemper [43] can be used to ve rify that each open book admits a compatible contact structure. Moreover, Giroux [2, 11, 18] proved the following: (1) Eachcontact Two contact structures compatible with the same open boo k are isotopic; (3) If a contact structure xis compatible with an open book ( B,ph), thenxis isotopic to any contact structure compatible with a positiv e stabilization of (B,ph). 7The construction of an open book compatible with a given cont act structure rests on a contact cell decomposition of the contact 3-manifold ( Y,x), see [11, Section 4] or [2, Subsection 3.4]. In short, consider a CW-decomposition of Ysuch that its 1-skeleton Gis a Legendrian graph, each 2-cell Dsatisfies the property that the twisting of the contact structure alon g its boundary D (with respect to the framing given by D) is-1 and the 3-cells are in Darboux balls of (Y,x). Then, there is a compact surface R(a ribbon for G) such that Rretracts onto G,TpR=xpfor an open book decomposition with binding Rand pageR which is compatible with x. We also have the following (see [11, Theorem 4.28] or [2, Theorem 3.4]): Theorem 2.2 (Giroux) Two open books compatible with the same admit isotopic Giroux proof of this statement rests on two facts. The first fact i s given by Lemma 2.3 ([11, Lemma 4.29] or [2, Proposition 3.7]) Each open book de- composition compatible with (Y,x)admits a sequence of Giroux that the resulting open book comes from a contact cell de fact(see theproofof [11, Theorem4.28]) is that a ny two contact can be connected by a sequence of operations of the following types: (1) a subdivision of a 2-cell by a Legendrian arc inter secting the dividing set (for its definition see [13]) of the 2-cell once, (2) an add ition of a 1-cell c' anda2-cell DsothatD=cc', wherecis partof theoriginal 1-skeleton and the twisting of the contact structure along D(with respect to D) is-1, and (3) an addition of a 2-cell Dwhose boundary is already in the 2-skeleton and satisfies the above twisting requirement. It is not hard to se e that operations (1) and (2) induce positive stabilizations on the open book a ssociated to the cell decomposition, while (3) leaves the open book unchange d. Thus, an invariant of open book decompositions which is cons tant under pos- itive stabilizations is, in fact, an isotopy invariant of th e compatible . Since in the construction of a contact cell decom position for a con- tact 3-manifold ( Y,x) one can choose the CW-decomposition of Yin such a way that a Legendrian knot (or link) L(Y,x) is contained in its 1-skeleton G, we 2.4 ([11, Corollary 4.23]) Given aLegendrian knot Lin aclosed, contact 3-manifold (Y,x), containing Lon a pageSand such that the contact framing of Lis equal to the framing induced on LbyS. The open book can be chosen in such a way thatLis homologically essential on the page S. Recall (see e.g. [11]) that any open book is obtained via a map ping torus con- struction from a pair (sometimes called an abstract open book ) (S,ph), which restricts as the identity near S. Our previous observa- tions amount to saying that any triple ( Y,x,L), whereLYis a Legendrian knot (or link) is obtained via the standard mapping torus con struction from a triple (S,L,ph), whereLSis a homologically essential simple closed 2.5 Let (S,ph) be an abstract open book, and let LSbe a ho- mologically essential simple closed curve. We say that the G iroux isL-elementary if after a suitable isotopy the curve in at most one point. The construction of the Legendrian invariant rests on the fo 2.6 Suppose that L(Y,x)is a Legendrian knot in a If the triple (Y,x,L)is associated via the mapping torus construc- tion with two different triples Ti= (Si,Li,phi),i= 1,2, then(Y,x,L)is also associated with a triple (S,L,ph), obtained from each of T1andT2by a finite sequence of L-elementary Giroux proof of [11, Lemma 4.29] uses L-elementary stabilizations only (cf. [11, Figure 12]) and (1)-(2) after Lemma 2.3 determine as well, while (3) leaves the open book decom position unchanged. 2.2 From curves on a page to Legendrian knots: results give a correspondence between Legendrian knots and knots on a page in an open book decomposition. In fact, with a little ex tra work, can be suitably inverted. Although this oth er direction is not strictly needed for our present applications (and hence, th e impatient reader is free to skip the present subsection), it does fit in naturally in the discussion at this point. Specifically, in this subsection, we prove the fo 2.7 Let(B,ph)be an open book decomposition of the closed, ori- ented 3-manifold Y. Letx= ker(a)be a contact structure, with aa contact 1-form compatible with (B,ph). Suppose that KS:=ph-1(1)is a smooth knot defining a nontrivial homology class in H1(S;Z). Then the smooth iso- topy class of Kon the page uniquely determines a Legendrian knot in (Y,x) up to Legendrian isotopy. The proof of this theorem rests on two technical lemmas. Lemma 2.8 Let(B,ph)bean open book decomposition of the closed, Y. a smooth family of knots which nontrivial on the page and provide an isotopy there exists a smooth family of contact 1-forms such that the restriction of view of the argument given in [11, pp. 115-116], it suffices t o show that there exists a smooth family ltohm1(S) such that, for each t (1)lt= (1 +s)dthnearS, with coordinates ( each boundary component of S; (2)dltis a volume form on S; (3)ltvanishes on Kt. To construct the family ltwe proceed as follows. For each t, choose a parametrized by coordinates ( s,th)[-1,1]xS1, so thatdsdthis a volume form on Uwith the orientation induced from S. Let l1,tohm1(S) be of the form (1+ s)dthnearSand of the form sdthonU. We have 2p|S|. Letobe a volume form on Ssuch onU. (The first condition can be fulfilled since KtSis nontrivial in homology, hence each component of its complement meets S.) We 0 near(S'), by de Rham's theorem there is a 1-form btohm1(S') such that dbt=o-dl1,tonS'. Let~bt be the extension of bttoSby zero. (1), (2) and (3) above, and the dependenceon tcan beclearly arranged to be smooth. Lemma 2.9 Let(B,ph)bean open book decomposition of the closed, Y. Letx= ker(a)be a contact structure, with aa contact with (B,ph). LetK(Y,x)be a smooth knot contained in nontrivial in S. Then, the )determines, uniquely up to Legendrian isotopy, a Legendria n )(Y,x) smoothly isotopic to K. ProofNotice first that Giroux's proof that two contact structures compati- ble with the same open book are isotopic shows that the space Cohm1(Y) of contact 1-forms compatible with ( B,ph) is connected and simply connected. In fact, given a0,a1C, one can first deform each of them inside Cto a0,R,a1,RC, whereR>=0 is a constant, so that when Ris large enough, the path (1 insideC(see [11]). This proves that Cis connected. A similar argument shows that Cis simply con- nected. In fact, given a loop L={az} C,zS1, one can deform it to LR={az,R} C. By compactness, when Ris large enough, LRcan be shrunk inConto{a1,R}by taking convex linear combinations. By our assumptions aCand by Lemma 2.8 there is a 1-form aKC whose restriction to Kvanishes. We can choose a path Pin the space C connecting aKtoa. Then, setting xK:= ker(aK), by Gray's theorem there is a = Ph(a,aK,P): (Y,xK)-(Y,x). We define L:= Ph(K). Since Ph is smoothly isotopic to the identity, Lis smoothly isotopic to K. Hence, to prove the lemma it suffices to show that changing our choices of a,aKorPonly changes Lby a Legendrian isotopy. Observe that if P'is another path from aKtoa, sinceCis simply connected there exists a family Ptof paths from aKtoaconnecting PtoP'. This yields a family of therefore a family of Legendrian knots Lt:= Pht(K)(Y,x) depends, up to Legendrian isotopy, on the endpoints aKand aof the path P. Suppose now that we chose a different 1-form a' KC whose restriction to Kvanishes. Then, we claim that there is a smooth that the restriction of everys. In fact, such a path can be found by first deforming each of aK anda' Kto the forms by adding multiples of the standard angular 1-form suitably modified near the binding, and then taking convex linear combinations (see [11]). Neither of the two op erations alters the vanishing property along K, therefore this proves the claim. Now we can find a smooth family Qsof paths in C, such that every s. This produces a family of Legendrian knots proving the independence of LfromaKup to Legendrian isotopy. The independence from acan be established similarly: if a'Candx= ker(a') thenas:= (1-s)a+sa'Candx= ker(as) for every s. Therefore, we can find a smooth family of paths RsinC, everys, and proceed as before. Proof of Theorem 2.7 It suffices to show that if KtSis a family of smooth knots which gives a smooth isotopy from K0toK1, then, the Leg- endrian knots L0=L(B,ph,a,K 0) andL1=L(B,ph,a,K 1) determined via Lemma 2.9 are Legendrian isotopic. By Lemma 2.8 there exists a smooth fam- ily of contact 1-forms aKtohm1(Y) compatible with ( B,ph) and such that the restriction of aKttoKtvanishes. Applying the construction of Lemma 2.9 for eachtwe obtain the required Legendrian t)(Y,x). 2.3 Heegaard Floer homologies The Heegaard Floer homology groups of a 3-manifold were introduced in [33] and extended in the case where Yis equipped with a null- homologous knot KYto variants in [35, 40]. the aspects most important for our present purp oses. We start with the closed case. An oriented 3-manifold Ycan be conve- niently presented by a Heegaard diagram, which is an ordered triple (S,a,b), where S is an oriented genus- is ag-tuple of disjoint simple closed curves in S, in H1(S;Z). Thea-curves can be viewed as belt circles of the 1-handles, while the b-curves as attaching circles of the 2-handles in an appro- priate handle decomposition of Y. We can assume that the a- transversely. Consider the tori thegthsymmetric power Symg(S) of S and define CF-(Y) as the free F[U]-module generated by the elements of the transverse inters that in this paperwe assume F=Z/2Z. Theconstructions admit asign refinement to Z[U], but we do not need this for our current applications.) For appropriate symplectic, and compatible almost complex str uctures (o,J) and relative homology class php2(x,y), we define M(ph) as the moduli space of holomorphic maps from the unit disk DCto (Symg(S),J) with the appropriate boundary conditions (cf. [33]). Take u(ph) to be the formal dimension of M(ph) =M(ph)/Rthe quotient of the moduli space by the translation action of R. An equivalence class of nowhere zero vector fields (under hom otopy away from a ball) on a closed 3-manifold is called a Spincstructure . It is easy to see that a cooriented contact structure xon a closed 3-manifold naturally induces this is the equivalence class of the oriented uni t normal vector field of the 2-plane field x. Fix apoint wS-a-b, andforphp2(x,y) #( ph{w}xSymg-1S) bynw(ph). With these definitions in place, the differential -: CF-(Y)-CF-(Y) is defined the aid of wthe elements of TaTbcan be partitioned according to of Y, resulting a the map -respects this decomposition. If the technical condition of strong admissibility diagram (S ,a,b,w) of (Y,t), the chain complex (CF-(Y,t),-) results in a group HF-(Y,t) which is an invariant of the Spinc3-manifold ( Y,t). Strong admissibility of (S ,a,b,w) for (Y,t) can beachieved as follows: consider a collection {g1,...,gn}of curves in S generating H1(Y;Q). It is easy to see that such gi(i= 1,...,n) can be found for any Heegaard decomposition. Then, by applying suffi ciently many times a specific isotopy of the b-curves along each gi(called 'spinning', the exact amount depending on the value of c1(t) on a basis of H2(Y;Q), cf. [33]) one can arrange the diagram to be strongly admissible. 13By specializing the F[U]-module (CF-(Y,t),-) toU= 0 we get a new chain complex ( resulting in an invariant /hatwiderHF(Y,t) of the Spinc3- manifold (Y,t). In addition, if c1(t) is a torsion class, then the homology groups HF-(Y,t) come with a Q-grading, cf. [32], and hence split as HF-(Y,t) isgenerated over Fbytheelements of TaTb, and hence also each /hatwiderHF(Y,t) are finitely generated F-modules. There is a long exact establishes a connection between the two versions of t he theory. Suppose now that we fix two distinct (S,a,b,w) is a Heegaard diagram for Y. The ordered pair of points (w,z) determines an oriented knot KinYby the following convention. We consider an embedded oriented arc zin S fromztowin the complement of thea-arcs, and let ebe an analogous arc from wtozin the complement of theb-arcs. Pushing zandeinto thea- we obtain a pair of oriented arcs z'ande'which meet S at wandz. Their union now is an oriented knot KY. We call the tuple (S ,a,b,w,z ) a Heegaard with the oriented knot KY. (This is the orientation convention from [35]; it is opposite to the one from [27].) We have a corresponding differential, defined this map we get a chain complex (CFK-(Y),- K). This group has an ad- ditional grading, which can be formulated in terms of relative Spincstructures , which are possible extensions of t|Y-nKto the zero-surgery Y0(K) along knot K. GivenK, there are infinitely many relative Spinc structures with a fixed background Spincstructure on the 3-manifold Y. By choosing a Seifert surface Ffor the null-homologous knot K, we can extract a numerical invariant for relative Spincstructures, gotten by half the value ofc1(s) onF(which is defined as the integral of the first Chern class of Spincstructure of the 0-surgery on the surface ^Fwe get by capping off the surface F). Note that the sign of the result depends on the 14fixed orientation of K. The induced Z-grading on the knot Floer complex is called its Alexander grading . Whenb1(Y) = 0, this integer, together with the background Spincstructure t, uniquely specifies the relative the choice of the Seifert surface becomes irrelev ant, except for the overall induced orientation on K. For a null-homologous knot KYthe homology group HFK-(Y,K,s) of the above chain complex (with relative Spincstructure s) is an invariant of (Y,K,s), and is called the knot Floer homology ofK. The 0 of the complex defines again a new complex ( with homology denoted by The homology groups and HFK-(Y,K,s) are both finitely generated vector spaces over F. An alternative way to view this construction is the followin g. Using one base- pointwone can define the chain complex (CF-(Y,t),-) as before, and with the aid of the other basepoint zone can equip this chain complex with a filtra- tion. As it was shown in [35], the filtered chain homotopy type of the is an invariant of the knot, and the Floer homology gr oups can be defined as the homology of the associated graded object. The restriction of a relative Spincstructure sto the complement of Kextends to a unique Spincstructure tonY. The map induced by multiplication by Uchanges the relative Spincstructure, but it preserves the background Spinc structure tSpinc(Y). Thus, we can view CFK-(Y,K,t) :=srestricts to :=srestricts to :=srestricts to t as modules over F[U] (where the U-action on is trivial). If tis torsion, then there is an absolute Q-grading on these modules, as in the case of closed 3-manifolds. As before, the two versions of knot Fl oer homologies are connected by the long exact sequence *** *** A mapF: can be defined, which is induced by the map f: settingU= 1 and taking zto play the role of win the complex to the definition, this specialization simply dis regards the role of Indeed, the fact that a generator of CFK-(Y,K) belongs to the summand CFK-(Y,K,t) is determined only by the point z. On the chain level this map fits into the short exact obviously 2.10 LetF: map induced on ho- mology by f. The kernel of Fconsists of elements xof the form an element xHFK-(Y,K,t)is both in the kernel of Fand ho- mogeneous, i.e. contained in the summand determined by a fixe d relative Spinc structure, if and only if xsatisfiesUnx= 0for long exact sequence associated to Exact Sequence (2.1) i The only statement left to be proved is the characterization of homogeneous elements in ker F. IfUnx= 0 then x= (1-Un)x= of the form x= (1-U)y. Conversely, if x= (1-U)ywe may assume without loss that where each yiis homogeneous, y0=x and, fori= to the same relative Spincstructure as yi+1. A simple cancellation argument shows that the finiteness of the sum we get Unx= 0. 2.4 Contact Ozsv' ath-Szab' o invariants Next we turn to the description of the contact Ozsv' ath-Szab ' o invariant of a closed contact 3-manifold as it is given in [19]. (See [34] fo r the original defini- tion of these invariants.) Suppose that ( B,ph) is an open book decomposition of the 3-manifold Ycompatible with the given contact structure x. Con- sider the page S+1, that is, take a collection of embedded arcs {a1,...,an}such connected (therefore it is homeomorphic to a disk). Letbibe a prop- erly embedded arc obtained by a small isotopy of aiso that the endpoints of aiare isotoped along S+1in the direction given by the boundary a unique transverse point in int S+1, cf. Figure 1 and [19, Figure 2]. Considering inS-1=ph-1(-1) a diffeomorphism representing the monodromy of the gi ven open book), it is shown in [19] that the = 1: The arcsaiandbi. is a Heegaard diagram for Y. (Notice that we have the freedom of choosing hph within its isotopy class; this freedom will be used later, cf . Proposition 2.13.) For technical purposes, however, we consider the = is now a Heegaard diagram for -Y. With this choice, and the of the basepoint wwe can achieve that the proposed chain in the chain complex for defining the Heegaard Floer group is, in fac t, a cycle. More formally, putthebasepoint the ai's andthebi's andconsider theelement x(B,ph) complex corresponding to the Heegard diagram (2.2) ab ove (pointed by w). It is not hard to see (cf. [19]) that with these choices the H eegaard diagram is weakly admissible. In the following we always have to keep in mind the reversal of the a- andb-curves when working with the contact (or 2.11 ([19], cf. also [20]) The chain x(B,ph)defined above is closed when regarded as an element of the Heegaard Floer chain compl class x(B,ph)is sition. Therefore the homology class [x(B,ph)]is an invariant of the contact structure (Y,x). The original definition of this homology class is given in [34 ], which leads to a different Heegaard diagram. It can be shown that the two invar iants are identified after a sequence of handleslides; though one can w ork directly with the above definition, as in [19]. We adopt this point of view, s upplying an alternative proof of the invariance of the contact class (wh ich will assist us in the definition of the Legendrian proof of Theorem 2.11. In computing x(B,ph) we need to encounter wbutstart at x(B,ph). By -Yratherthan Y)weget that such holomorphic disk does not exist. In fact, there are no Whitney disks php2(x,y) for any ywithnw(ph) = 0 and whose local multiplicities are cf. [19, Section 3]. Thus, the intersection p oint represents a cycle in the chain complex. The independence of [ x(B,ph)] from the basis is given in [19, Proposition 3.3]. The argument relies on the observati on that two bases ofS+1can be connected by a sequence of arc slides [19, Section 3.3] , inducing handle slides on the corresponding Heegaard diagrams. (We w ill discuss a sharper version of this argument in Proposition 3.2.) As it i s verified in [19, Lemma 3.4], these handle slides map the corresponding x's into each other. In order to show independence of the chosen open book decompo sition, we only need to verify that if ( B',ph') is the result of a Giroux stabilization of ( B,ph), then there are appropriate bases, giving Heegaard decompos itions, for which the by the stabilization satisfies Ph( x(B,ph)) =x(B',ph'). Let us assume that the right-handed Dehn twist of the Giroux stabilizatio n is equal to Dg, wheregis a simpleclosed curve in the page S'of (B',ph'), andg1is the portion of it inside the page Sof (B,ph). Our aim is to find a basis is disjoint from g1. IfS-g1is connected, then choose a1to be (a little push-off of) g1, and extend {a1}to a basis for S. IfS-g1is the union of any bases of the components (possibly after isotoping some endpoints along g1) will be appropriate. Now consider the basis for S'obtained by extending the above basis for Swith the cocore an+1of the new 1-handle. Since gis disjoint from all ai(i<=n), we clearly get that be intersected only (and in a single point yn+1) Therefore the map Ph sending a generator ( y1,...,yn) to (y1,...,yn,yn+1) (with the last coordinate being the unique intersection an+1bn+1={yn+1}) establishes an the underlying Abelian groups. Since an+1contains a unique inter- section point with all the b-curves, a holomorphic disk encountered in the boundary map must be constant at yn+1, hence Ph is a chain map. Since it mapsx(B,ph) tox(B',ph'), the proof is complete. (See also [20, Section 3].) Remark 2.12 The basic properties (such as the vanishing for overtwisted and nonvanishing for Stein fillable structures, and the transfo rmation under can be directly verified for the above constru ction, cf. [19]. 18In our later arguments we will need that theHeegaard diagram can bechosen to bestrongly admissible, hencewe addressthis issuepresent ly, usingan argument which was first used in 2.13 For any Spincstructure tthe monodromy map hphof the given open book decomposition can be chosen in its isotopy cl ass in such a way that the Heegaard diagram defined before Theorem 2.11 is stro ngly that of aHeegaard diagram fora given Spinc structure tcan be achieved by isotoping the b-curves through spinning them around a set of curves {g1,...,gn}in the Heegaard surface S representing a basis ofH1(Y). It can be shown that for a Heegaard diagram coming from an open book decomposition, we can choose the curves giall in the same page, hence all gican be chosen to be in S-1. Since the spinnings are simply isotopies in this page, we can change a fixed monodromy hphwithin its isotopy class to realize the required spinnings. In this way we get a s trongly diagram for ( Y,t). 3 Invariants of Legendrian knots Suppose now that L(Y,x) is a given Legendrian knot, and consider an open book decomposition ( B,ph) compatible with xcontaining Lon a page. To define our Legendrian knot invariants we need to analyze the d ependence from the choice of an appropriate basis and from the open book deco mposition as in Section 2, but now in the presence of the Legendrian knot. Legendrian knots and bases Suppose that Sis a surface with a basis in S. If (after possibly reordering the ai's) the two arcs a1anda2have on some component of S, that is, there is an arc tSwith endpoints on a1anda2and otherwise disjoint from all ai's, then define a1+a2 as the isotopy class (rel endpoints) of the union a1ta2. The /mapsto- called an arc slide, cf. [19]. Suppose that LSis a homologically essential simple closed curve. The basis to LifLai= fori>=2 a unique transverse point. 19Lemma 3.1 For any surface Sand homologically essential knot LSthere is an adapted followseasily fromthefactthat now that {a1,...,an}is an adapted basis for ( S,L). An arc slide {ai,aj} /mapsto- {ai+aj,aj}is called admissible if the arcaiis not slid over arc a1. The aim of this subsection is to prove the 3.2 two adapted there is a sequence of admissible arc slides which trasf a first step in proving the statement on arc slides, we want t o show that, up to applying a sequence of admissible arc slides to th eai's, we may assume =. a1A1= can be assumed. Suppose that we will find arc slides reducing |a1A1|. To this end, consider the disk D2obtained by cutting Salong theai's. Then,A1D2is a collection of arcs, and (at least) one This component of A1dividesD2into two components D1and D2, and one of them, say D1, Slidinga1over all the ai's contained in the boundary semicircle of D2(cf. Figure 2(a)) we reduce |a1A1|by one, so ultimately we can assume that a1A1=. Next we apply further arc slides to achieve aiA1=(i>=2). For this, let us assume that a2 is the first arc intersecting A1when traversing A1starting from S. once, after possibly starting at the other end of A1we can assume that it first meets a2and thenL.) As before, we can find a a2and dividing D2=S-aiinto two components, one of which contains a1,a-1 1(since these are connected by L, and the segment we chose is disjoint from L), cf. Figure 2(b). If a-1 2is in the same semicircle as a1(and soa-1 1) then we can slide a2along the other semicircle to eliminate one intersection point from a2A1. Ifa-1 2is on the other semicircle, then we cannot proceed in such a simple way (since a2is not allowed to be slid over neither a1nora-1 2). Now consider the continuation of A1, which comes out froma-1 2and stays in the same component. It might go back to a2, and repeat this spiraling some more times, but eventually it wil l go to another part of the the boundary of D2, producing an arc, which starts from a2(ora-1 2) and divides D2in such a way that a1anda-1 2(ora2) are on the same side ( b) (c) ( d) Figure 2: Arc slides. it. Then,a2can be slid across the opposite side so as to reduce the inters ection number in question. After these slides we can assume that A1(n i=1ai) =. This however allows us to slide a1until it becomes isotopic to A1, cf. Figure 2(c). Consider now A2. IfA2intersects some ai, then the segment of A2connecting Sto the first such intersection (with, say, a2) dividesD2into two components, and one of them contains both disjoint from L). Ifa-1 2is on the same semicircle as a1, then sliding over the other semicircle reduces the number of intersections. The other possibility can be handled exac tly as before. Finally, we get to the position when a1is isotopic to A1and =. Now we argue as follows: consider A2and choose in different components of D2-A2. Suchaiexists be- causeA2is nonseparating. Supposewithout loss of generality that i= 2. Then on the side of A2not containing a1(anda-1 1) we can slide a2until it becomes isotopic to A2, see Figure 2(d). Repeating this procedure for each Aithe proof is of Legendrian knots Consider now a null-homologous Legendrian knot L(Y,x) and fix an open book decomposition ( B,ph) compatible with xand containing Lon the Pick a basis A={a1,...,an} S+1such thata1Lis a unique point and aiL=(i>=2). Under the above conditions we will say that the triple ( B,ph,A) iscompatible with the triple ( Y,x,L). Place the basepoint was before. Putting the other basepoint zbetween recover a knot in S+1smoothly isotopic to L: connectz andwin the complement of ai, and then wandzin the complement of bi within the page S+1. This procedure (hence the ordered pair ( w,z)) Moreover, ifthepoint zismoved the other, the orientation induced on Lgets reversed. Thus, if L is already oriented then there is only one compatible choice of position for z. Notice that zandwchosen as above determine a knot in S+1, unique up to isotopy inS+1. In turn, by Theorem 2.7 the open book decomposition togethe r with such a knot uniquely determines a Legendrian knot (up to in the corresponding contact structure. In short, (B,ph,S the triple ( Y,x,L). Recall that when defining the chain complex /hatwiderCF containing the contact in- variant, we reverse the roles of the a- andb-curves, resulting in a Heegaard diagram for -Yrather than for Y. For the same reason, we do the switch between the a- andb-curves here as well. According to our conventions, this change would reverse the orientation of the knot Las well; to keep the on L, switch the position of the basepoints wandz. The two possible locations of zandwwe use in the definition of are il- lustrated in Figure 3; the orientation of Lspecifies the location of w. With b1a1 b1a1 LwwL z zor Figure 3: There are two regions between a1andb1inS+1; the place- ment ofwis determined by the orientation of L. x=x(B,ph) = (aibi) as before, it is easy to see that there are no non- negative Whitney disks php2(x,y) withnz(ph) = 0 for any y, hence (as 22in [19, Section 3]) the intersection point xcan be viewed as a cycle in for some Spincstructure tonY. As ob- served in [35, Subsection 2.3], the Spincstructure tis determined by the point zonly, being equal to sz(x) (see [35] for notation). This shows that the con- tact invariant c(Y,x) lives in the summand of /hatwiderHF(-Y) corresponding to t. On the other hand, it is known [34] that therefore we conclude t=tx. SinceLis null-homologous, one needs to make sure that the Heegaard diagram is strongly admissible for ( Y,tx); this fact follows from Proposition 2.13. Next we will address invariance properti es of the knot Floer homology class represented by 3.3 Let (B,ph,A,w,z two open books compatible with (Y,x,L)and endowed with bases and basepoints adapted to L. Then, there are isomorphisms = = from Section 1 that, if we consider ( M,m) and (N,n) to be equivalent, and we write [ M,m] = [N,n], if there is an isomorphism of thatf(m) =n. In view of Proposition 3.3, we introduce the 3.4 LetL(Y,x) be an oriented Legendrian knot, ( B,ph,A,w,z ) an open book decomposition compatible with ( Y,x,L) with an adapted basis and basepoints. Then, we define L(L) we of Proposition 3.3 Suppose for the moment that ( B',ph') = (B,ph). Then, Proposition 3.2 provides a sequence of arc slides tran sformingA'to the chosen A. As it is explained in [19], arc slides induce handle slides o n the associated Heegaard diagrams, and the invariance of the Floer homology element under these handle slides is verified in [19, Lemma 3. 4]. Notice that since we do not slide over the arc intersecting the Legendria n knotL(and hence over the second basepoint defined by this arc), actuall y all the handle slides induce F[U]-module isomorphisms on the knot Floer groups, cf. [35]. This argument proves the statement in the special case ( B',ph') = (B,ph). We now case when ( B',ph') is anL-elementary stabilization of (B,ph). Suppose that the Dehn twist of the stabilization is along gS', withg1S. Since we work with an L-elementary stabilization, |g1L| <=1. Ifg1is separating then g1L=and we choose the bases of SandS'as in the proof of Theorem 2.11. If g1is nonseparating and extend it to an appropriate basis. For extend it further. Denote by TandT'the resulting The proof of Theorem 2.11 now applies verbati m to show the existence of automorphisms of HFK-(-Y,L,tx) [ x(B,ph,T)] to [x(B',ph',T')]. On the other hand, by the first part of the proof we know that there are other automorphisms sendi ng [x(B,ph,A)] to [x(B,ph,T)] and [x(B',ph',T')] to [x(B',ph',A')]. This proves the statement when (B,ph') is anL-elementary stabilization of ( B,ph). In the general case, since ( B,ph) and (B',ph') are two open books compatible with (Y,x,L), by Proposition 2.6 we know that there is a sequence of L- elementary stabilizations which turns each of them into the same Thus, applying the previous special case the required num ber of times, the proof is complete. Remark 3.5 LetL(Y,x) be a Legendrian knot and ( B,ph,A,w,z ) a compatible open book with adapted basis and basepoints. The n, it from the definitions that the map ffrom HFK-(-Y,L,s) induced by setting U= 0 sends the class of x(B,ph,A) in the first group to the class of x(B,ph,A) in the second group. Moreover, the chain map inducing fcan be viewed as the canonical map from the onto its quotient complex As such, it is nat- ural with respect to the transformations of the two complexe s induced by the isotopies, stabilizations fProposition3.3. Thus, it makes sense to write f(L(L)) =/hatwideL(L). Therefore /hatwide 0 readily implies 0, although the converse does not necessarily hold: a nonva L(L) determined by a class which is in the image of the U-map gives rise to vanishing /hatwideL(L). As we will see, such examples do exist. Corollary 3.6 LetL1,L2(Y,x)be oriented Legendrian knots. Suppose that there exists an isotopy of oriented Legendrian knots fr omL1toL2. Then, L(L1) (B,ph,A) be an open book compatible with ( Y,x,L1) with an adapted basis, and let f1be the time-1 map of the isotopy. Then, the is compatible with and adapted to ( Y,x,L2). The in- duced map on the chain complexes maps x(B,ph,A) the last 3.7 In fact, we only used thefact that f1: (Y,x)-(Y,x) is a mapping their orientation). In knots admitting such an identification have the s ame The existence of f1with these properties and the isotopy of the two knots is equivalent in the standard contact 3-sphere, but th e two conditions are different in general. Proof of Theorem 1.1 Corollary 3.6. 4 An L(S3,xst) is the Legendrian unknot with -1 in the standard tight contact 3-sphere. It is easy to see tha t the positive Hopf link defines an open book on S3which is compatible with xstand it contains Lon a page. A basis in this case consists of a single arc cutting the annulus. The corresponding genus-1 Heegaard diagram ha s now a HFK-(-S3,L) (the3-sphere S3 hasaunique Spincstructure, soweomit it Thetwo the position of w, corresponding to the two choices of an orientation for L, give the same class defining L(L), because in this case w1 andw2are in the same domain, cf. Figure 4( i). LetL'denote the Theknot L'then can beputon thepage of theonce stabilized open book, depicted (together with the monodromies) by Figure 4( ii), where the unknot is represented by the curve with L'next to it, and the thin circles (ii) Figure 4: The page of the open book and the basis for the along which Dehn twists are to be performed to get the m onodromy map. The page on the left represents the open book decomposit ion for the Hopf band, while the page on the right is its stabilization. T he diagram (with the use of the adapted basis of Figure 4(ii)) is shown in Figure 5. We record both possible choices of wby putting a w1and 5: Heegaard diagram for the unknot. the diagram -- thetwo choices correspondto thetwo possibleo rientations of L. Incidentally, these two choices also correspond to the two p ossible respectto agiven orientation, sincepositive stabili zation for exactly the negative stabilization for the reversed orie ntation. It still needs to be determined whether w2gives a positive or negative 4.1 The oriented knot determined by the pair negative stabilization of the oriented unknot (i.e. the stabilization with rot =-1). ProofIn order to compute the rotation number of the stabilization given by w2, first we construct a Seifert surface for L'. To this end, consider the loop A1 given by theupperpart of L'together with thedashedline C1of Figure6. 6: Computation of the rotation of L'. loop boundsadisk given the tangent vector field along A1obviously extends as a nonzero section ofxtoD1, sinceD1can be regarded as an appropriate Seifert surface for stabilization (cf. Figure 4). Define now using the lower part of L'. A Seifert surface for L'then can be given by the union ofD1,D2and the region Rof Figure 6. Extending the tangent vector field along L'to a section of xoverC1,C2first, the above observation shows that the rotation number of L'is the same as the obstruction to extending the above vector field to Ras a section of x. Notice that along Rwe have that x=TR. The region R(with the given vector field on its boundary) can be embedded into the disk with the tangent vector field along its boundary, hence a simple Euler characteristic computation shows that the ob struction we need to determine is equal to -1, concluding the proof. Notice that the monodromy is pictured on the page S+1(which also contains the knot), but its effect is taken into account on S-1, which comes in the 27Heegaard surface with its orientation reversed. Therefore when andb-curves in the Heegaard diagrams, right-handed Dehn twists of the monodromy induce left-handed Dehn twists on the diagram and vice versa. The three generators of the chain complex corresponding to t he Heegaard dia- gram of Figure 5 in the second symmetric product of the genus- 2 surface are the It is easy to see that there are holomorphic disks connecting TVandPX2(passing through the basepoint w1) through w2); and these are the only two possible not containing z. When we use w1as our second basepoint, the two disks out of TVshow that the class represented by PX1, and the class of PX2when muliplied by =PX1+U*PX2. In conclusion, in this case [ PX2] generates HFK-(-S3,L') and the invariant [PX1] is determined by the class of U-times the generator. When using w2as the second basepoint, we see that the class [ PX2] will be equal toU*[PX1], hence in this case [ PX1] is the generator. Since PX1rep- resents the Legendrian invariant, we conclude that in this c ase the modulo automorphisms of the generator of HFK-(-S3,L') (overF[U]) is equal to the Legendrian invariant of L'. In summary, we get Corollary 4.2 Suppose that L(S3,x)is an oriented Legendrian unknot withtb(L) =-1. Then L(L)is represented by the generator of the F[U]- module HFK-(L) =F[U]. IfL-is the negative stabilization of Lthen L(L-) =L(L), while for the positive stabilization L+we have L(L+) = U*L(L). 5 Basic properties of the and vanishing results The invariant Ladmits a nonvanishing property provided the contact invari ant c(Y,x) of the ambient 3-manifold is nonzero (which holds, for exam ple, when the ambient contact structure is strongly fillable). When c(Y,x) = 0 (e.g., if (Y,x) is overtwisted) then L(L) is aU-torsion element. 28Proof of Theorem 1.2 Consider the natural chain map f: by setting U= 1, cf. Lemma 2.10. Let ( B,ph,A,w,z ) be an open book compatible with ( Y,x,L) with an adapted basis and basepoints. Since the map Finduced by fon the homologies sends [ x(B,ph,A)] toc(Y,x), the nonva- nishing of L(L) when 0 obviously follows. If the above map to zero, then by Lemma 2.10 (and the fact that [ x(B,ph,A)] is homogeneous) we get that Ud*L(L) = 0 for some d>=0, verifying Theo- rem 1.2. A vanishing theorem can be proved for a looseknot, that is, for a Legendrian knot in a contact 3-manifolds with overtwisted complement. Before this result we need a preparatory lemma from contact topology: Lemma 5.1 Suppose that L(Y,x)is a Legendrian knot such that (Y,x) contains an overtwisted disk in the complement of L. Then, the a connected sum decomposition the property that x1coincides with us fix an overtwisted disk Ddisjoint from the knot Land consider a neighbourhood V(diffeomorphic to D3) ofD, with the property that Vis still disjoint from L. By the classification of overtwisted contact structures on D3with a fixed characteristic foliation on the boundary [7, The orem 3.1.1], we can whilex2is overtwisted. The statement of the lemma then follows at once. Proof of Theorem 1.4 Let us fix a decomposition of ( Y,x) as before, that is, (Y,x) = (Y,x1)#(S3,x2) with the properties that L(Y,x1) andx2is over- twisted onS3. Consideropen compatible with ( Y,x1) and (S3,x2). thefirstopenbook hasa basis adap ted toL, while the second open book has a basis containing an arc which is displaced to the left by the monodromy. (The existence of such a basis is sh own in the proof of [19, Lemma 3.2].) The Murasugi sum of the two open books and the union of the two bases provides an open book decomposition for ( Y,x), adapted to the knotL, together with an arc disjoint from Lwhich is displaced to the left by the monodromy. Since the basepoint win the Heegaard diagram is in the strip determined by the arc intersecting the knot, the holomorphi c disk appearing in 29the proof of [19, Lemma 3.2] avoids both basepoints and shows the knots Next we turn to the verification of the formula relating the in variants of a negatively stabilized Legendrian knot to the invariants of the original knot. We will spell out the details for Lonly. Then we will discuss the implication of result regarding invariants of transverse k nots. The effect of more general stabilizations ontheinvariant will beaddressedl ater usingslightly more complicated 5.2 Suppose that Lis an oriented Legendrian knot and L- denotes the oriented negative stabilization of L. Then,L(L-) on the choice of aconvenient open bookdecom position. To this end, fix an open book decomposition ( B,ph,A) compatible with ( Y,x) and with a basis adapted to L. Placewaccording to the given orientation. As shown in [11], after an appropriate Giroux stabilization the open book also accomodates the stabilization of L. The new open book with adapted together with the new choice of w(denoted by w-) is illustrated by Figure 7. As in Lemma 4.1, we can easily see that this choice provides ab abw wz zw-a'b' c Figure 7: Change of the open book after negative stabilization of L. The monodromy changes by a right-handed Dehn twist along the curvec. the negative stabilization L-. (Recall that the stabilization changed the mon- odromy of the open book by multiplying it with the right-hand ed Dehn twist Dc.) In the new page the stabilization of Lis determined up to isotopy sim- ply by changing the basepoint from wtow-. (Notice that by placing w-in the other domain in the strip between a'andb'the orientation of the stabi- lized knot would be incorrect.) Now the corresponding porti on of the 8: Stabilization in the Heegaard diagram. The top and bottom boundary components of the surface and the circles C1andC2should be thought of as identified via a reflection across the middle (do tted) line of has the form shown by Figure 8. In the picture, the top and bot- tom boundary components of the surface and the circles C1andC2should be thought of as identified via a reflection across the middle (do tted) line of the picture. Moreover, the curve bis only partially represented, due to the action of the monodromy. As before, in the diagram wgives rise to with the common z). It is straightforward from the picture that wandw-are in the same domain, hence the statement follows. It follows from Proposition 5.2 that the invariant Lof a Legendrian approxi- mation provides an invariant for a transverse knot. Proof of Theorem 1.5 Fix a transverse knot Tand consider a LofT. By [9, 13], up to negative stabilizations the depends on the transverse isotopy class of T. Therefore by Propo- sition 5.2 the equivalence classes T(T) =L(L) and/hatwideT(T) =/hatwideL(L) are invariants of the class of theknot T, and hencethe theorem follows. 6 Non-loose torus knots in S3 In this section we describe some examples where the invarian ts defined in the paper are explicitly determined. Some interesting consequ ences of these com- putations will be drawn in the next section. For the sake of si mplicity, we will work with the invariant Legendrian torus knots T(2,2n+1)in overtwisted contact S3's Let us consider the Legendrian knot L(n) given by the surgery diagram of Fig- ure 9. The meaning of the picture is that we perform contact ( 9: Non-loose Legendrian torus knot Legendrianknots, 3-manifold contain- ing the unframed knot L(n) as a Legendrian knot. (For contact ( surgery presentations see [3, 30].) Lemma 6.1 The contact structure xndefined by the surgery diagram of Fig- ure 9 is the overtwisted contact structure on S3with Hopf invariant d3(xn) = 321-2n. L(n)issmoothly T2,2n+1 and is 10 gives a smooth surgery diagram corresponding to Fi gure 9. The knot type of L(n) and the underlying 3-manifold can be easily identified. -2 -1 -3-4-4 0 0L(n)(n) Figure 10: A smooth version of Figure 9. The Kirby calculus moves of Figure 11 show that Figure 10 is eq uivalent to the left-hand side of Figure 12. Applying a number of blow-down s yields the -1 -2-4-4 -3 0 11: Kirby moves on Figure 10. right-hand side of Figure 12, veryfing that L(n) is isotopic to the positive 9 and 10 can be used to determine the signature s(X) and the kh(X) of the4-manifold surgeri 12: L(n)is the torus knot T2,2n+1. as 4-dimensional 2-handle attachments to S3x[0,1]. (As it is customary in Heegaard Floer theory, the 4-manifold Xdenotes the cobordism between S3and the 3-manifold we get after performing the prescribed su rgeries.) In addition, the rotation numbers define a second cohomology cl asscH2(X;Z), and a simple computation shows s(X) =-n-1, kh(X) =n+3, c2=-9n-1. Since we apply two (+1)-surgeries, the formula d3(x) the numberof contact (+1)-surgeries) computes d3(xn) of the contact structure, providing 1 -2n <0 for allnN. Since the unique tight contact structure xstonS3has vanishing Hopf invariant d3(xst), we get that xnis overtwisted. Applying contact ( -1)-surgery along L(n) we get a tight contact structure, since this ( -1)-surgery cancels one of the a single contact (+1)-surgery along the Legendrian unkn ot provides structureon S1xS2. disk in the complement of L(n) (since such a disk would persist after the L(n) is non-loose. As it is explained in [25, Section 6], the Legendrian link und erlying the surgery diagram for xn(together with the Legendrian knot L(n)) can be put on a page of an open book decomposition with planar pages, which is com patible with the standard contact structure xstonS3. This can be seen by considering the annular open book decomposition containing the Legendrian unknot (and its Legendrian push-offs), and then applying the stabilization m ethod described in [11] for the stabilized knots. The monodromy of this open boo k be computed from the Dehn twists resulting from the stabi lizations, to- gether with the Dehn twists (right-handed for ( -1) and left-handed for (+1)) defined by the surgery curves. Notice that one of the left-han ded Dehn twists is cancelled by the monodromy of the annular open book decomp osition we started our procedure with. This procedure results in the mo nodromies given by the curves of Figure 13. We perform right-handed Dehn twis ts along solid curves and a left-handed Dehn twist along the dashed one. The application 13: Monodromy of the open book decomposition curves represent right-handed Dehn twists, while the dashed one (parallel to L(n)) represents a left-handed Dehn twist. the lantern relation simplifies the monodromy factorizatio n to the one shown in Figure 14. Notice that in the monodromy factorization given by Figure 13 there are Dehn twists along intersecting curves, hence these elem ents of the mapping class group do not commute. Therefore, strictly speaking, a n order of the Dehn twists should bespecified. Observe, however, that although the elements do not commute, the fact that there is only one such pair of intersec ting curves implies that the two possible products are conjugate, and therefore give the same open book decomposition, allowing us to suppress the specificati on of the oftheHeega ard surface, ndaboveequips S3 with a Heegaard decomposition compatible with L(n). Thea- 14: Simplified a3 a2 a1(n) Figure 15: Another view of the monodromy. The diagram also indicates the chosen basis. (Notice that here a4intersectsL(n) in a unique point and nota1.) of this decomposition are given in Figure 16. Recall that we g et thebiarcs by the usual perturbation of the ai's and the action of the monodromy yields a Heegaard decomposition for S3with the distinguished point the Legendrian invariant /hatwideL(L(n)). A warning about orientations is in place. We illustrated the monodromy curves on the page Legendrian knot L(n), but their action must be taken into account on the pageS-1, which comes in the Heegaard surface with its opposite orien tation; hence right-handed Dehn twists take curves to the left on the Heegaard surface and vice versa. The basepoint zis placed in the 'large' region of the page S+1, while the point wis in the strip between a1andb1shown in Figure 16. This choice determines the orientation on X2Y2 B4 16: The Heegaard decomposition compatible with L(n). Recall that since L(n) is isotopic to the positive torus knot T(2,2n+1), the Leg- endrian invariant is given by an element of which is iso- morphic to This latter group is determined readily from the Alexander polynomial and the signature of the knot (sinc e it is [36, 39]. In fact, we <=n 0 these preparations we are ready to determine the invar iants of the Leg- endrian knots discussed 6.2 The homology class determined by the homology class in Alexander grading the Legendrian invariant /hatwideL(L(n))) is the only intersection point in Alexander grading 1 -n. We sketch the argument establishing this. We can orient ever ya- andb- curve in the diagram so that their intersection matrix (whos e (i,j)thentry is the algebraic intersection of aiwithbj) is M= n+1-1 0 0 -1 4-2 0 0-2 2-1 0 0-1 1 . Note that for this particular diagram, the absolute values o f the algebraic in- tersection number and the geometric intersection numbers c oincide. A simple calculation shows that there are 16 n+19 intersecton points in Ta Tb. To calculate the relative Alexander gradings of intersect ion points, it is convenient to organize them into types: specifically, the in tersection points to permutations sand then 4-tuples in terms of the notation of Figure 16 are given by quadru ples of intersection points all have one of the follow ing five types ABCD PQCD AXYD ABLM PQLM. We begin by calculating relative Alexander gradings of inte rsection points of the same type. Consider first the relative gradings between p oints of the form AiandAi+1, where now is a fixed triple of intersection points. Start from an initial path dwhich travels from AitoAi+1alonga1, then We add to this cycle copies of aiandbjto obtain a null-homologous cycle. This can be done since the ai's andbj's follows from the fact that the ambient 3-manifold is S3. Concretely, we need to solve the = 0 forniandmj. In fact, all we are concerned about is the difference in at zandwin the null-homology of the above expression. Since z andware separated by a4, and our initial curve dis supported on a1andb1, this difference is given by the multiplicity n4ofa4in the above expression. In view of the fact that # bibj= 0,n4can be obtained as the last wherevis the vector whose ithcoordinate is # dbjandMis the incidence matrix. We can find paths of the above type dconnecting Ai andAi+1whose intersection numbers with the bj's are given by the hence giving that the Alexander grading of Aiis two smaller than the Alexander grading of Ai+1. We express this by saying that the relative gradings of the Aiare given by 2 i. Repeating this procedure for the other curves, we find that relative gradings of by a fixed triple to quadruples of intersection points) are given by 0, 2n, 4n+ 2, and 2n+ 1 respectively; for C1andC2the relative gradings are 0 and 2 n+ 1 respectively, for X1andX2they are 0 and 2 n+ 1, and they are also 0 and 2n+ 1 forY1andY2. Putting these together, we can calculate the gradings of any two intersection points of the sam e type. To calculate the relative Alexander gradings of points of di fferent types, we use three rectangles. Specifically, intersection points of the here denotes some fixed pair of intersection points) have equal Alexander gradings, shown by the rectangle with verti both wandz. Similar argument relates points of type X1Y1to the ones of type B4C1. The rectangle LDMC 1containswonce, showing that the Alexander gradings of elements of the form LMare one less than the Alexander gradings of elements of the form C1D. This allows us to calculate the relative Alexander gradings of any two intersection poi nts. Given this information, it is now straightforward to see tha t there are no A1B1C1D1, andhencethat it represents a homologically nontrivial cycle in Thus, we have shown that for all nN, the class /hatwideL(L(n)) is a nontrivial generator in In fact, the absolute Alexander grading of generators is pin ned down by the following symmetry property: the Alexander grading is norm alized so that the parity of the number of points of Alexander grading icoincides with the parity 39of the number of points of Alexander grading -i. Using this property, one supported in Alexander grading 1 -n. Remark 6.3 Recall (cf. [36, 39]) (6.2) where the top generator of the free F[U]-module is at ( A=n,M= 2n) of the Fnsummand are of M= 2n-1-2i), i= 0,...,n-1. It is not hard to show that the above computation implies that L(L(n)) U-torsion element of Alexander grading 1 -n. Negative Legendrian torus knots T(2,-(2n-1))in overtwisted let us consider the knot Lk,lin the contact 3-manifold ( Yk,l,xk,l) given by the surgery presentation of Figure 17. Let 17: Non-loose Legendrian knot in S3. Proposition 6.4 The contact 3-manifold specified by the surgery diagram of Figure 17 is = 2l+ 2, hencexk,lis overtwisted. The Legendrian knot Lk,las a smooth knot is isotopic to the negative (2,2n-1) torus knot T(2,-(2n-1)), and it is non-loose in 0 -3-3-n-n-2 two slides) Figure 18: Kirby moves on the diagrams of Figure 17. ProofThe simple Kirby calculus argument illustrated in Figure 18 shows that the 3-manifold Yk,lisS3, while the formula d3(xk,l) [4] computes the Hopf invariant of xk,l. As always, sandb2denote the signature and the second Betti number of the 4-manifold Xspecified by the underlying smooth surgery diagram, while cH2(X;Z) is specified by the rotation numbers of the contact surgery curves, and qis the number of (+1)- surgeries. Simple algebra verifies that d3(xk,l) = 2l+2>=2, and since the unique tight structure on S3has vanishing Hopf invariant, we get thatxk,lis overtwisted. Following the Kirby moves of Figure 18 with t he knotLk,lwe arrive to the last surgery picture of Figure 18, and by slid ingLk,l twice over the ( -n)-framed unknot and cancelling the pair we see that Lk,lis, in fact, isotopic to the negative (2 ,2n-1) torus knot contact ( -1)-surgery on Lk,lprovides a tight contact structure, then Lk,lis obviously non-loose, since any overtwisted disk in its comp lement would give an overtwisted disk in the surgered manifold. In our case, ho wever, simply cancels one of the (+1)-surgeries definin gxk,l, and since 41a single contact (+1)-surgery on the Legendrian unknot prov ides the contact boundary of the Stein 1-handle (cf. [23]), we get that ( -1)-surgery along L provides a Stein fillable contact 6.5 In fact, by stabilizing Lk,lon theleftand then performinga con- tact (-1)-surgery westill get atight contact 3-manifold: it will b eStein fillable if we perform only one stabilization, and not Stein fillable b ut tight for The tightness of the result of these latter surgeries were verified in [17] by computing the contact Ozsv' ath-Szab' o invariant s of the resulting con- tact structures. Notice that this observation implies that after arbitrary many left stabilizations Lk,lremains non-loose, which, in view of Proposition 5.2, is a necessary condition for L(Lk,l) to be nonvanishing. (Finally note that per- forming contact ( -1)-surgery on Lk,lafter a single provides an overtwisted contact structure (cf. now [17, Section 5])) . In contrast, for the non-loose knots L(n) of the previous subsection (also having the same intuitive argument does not work, sin ce some negative surgery on the knot L(n) will produce a contact structure on the and since this 3-manifold does not admit any tight [24], the result of the surgery will be overtwiste d independently on the chosen stabilizations. Nevertheless, the overtwisted disk in the by only negative stabilizations cannot be in the co mplement of the knotL(n), since such stabilizations are still non-loose (shown by t he nonvan- ishing of the invariant we want to determine the classical invariants of Lk,l. Considering the problem slightly more generally, and let LYbe a null-homologous Legen- drian knot in a contact 3-manifold ( Y,x). Assume furthermore that Yis a rational homology 3-sphere . The knot Lhas two classical invariants: and the rotation numbers tb( L),rot(L). Recall that invariant of a Legendrian knot is define d as the framing induced by the contact 2-plane field distribution on the knot , hence, given an orientation for the knot, it naturally gives rise to a homo logy class TB H1(Y-L;Z) (supported in a tubular neighborhood of L). Fixing a the oriented intersection number of TB with Fprovides a numerical invariant, called the number tb(L)Z. number is independent of the choice of the Seif ert surface; more- over, the number is independent of the o rientation of L since the orientation of TB and the orientation of Fboth depend on this choice. Analogously, the rotation rot of Lis the relative Euler class of xwhen restricted to Y-L, with the trivialization given by the tangents of L. Again, 42a Seifert surface for Lcan be used to turn this class uniquely into an integer, also denoted by rot( L). Note that unlike the number, the sign of the rotation number does depend on the orientation of L. Suppose that S=S+S-(S3,xst) is a contact ( +-1)-surgery presentation of the contact 3-manifold ( Y,x) andLis a Legendrian knot in ( S3,xst) in Y. Theandrotation numbers ofLin (Y,x) can be obtained from the and rotation numbers of the individual components of SandLthrough the following data. Let tb 0denote the number of Las a knot in the standard contact 3-sphere (which, in terms of a front projection, is e qual to the writhe minus half the number of cusps). Writing S=n i=1Li, letaibe the integral surgery coefficient on the link component Li; i.e.ai= tb(Li)+-1 ifLiS+-. Define the linking = ifi=j lk(Li,Lj) the convention that Similarly, let the matrix ( mi,j)n i,j=1. Consider the integral rotation numbers from our Legendrian knot Land Legendrian presentation as a link in S3. Lemma 6.6 Suppose that S=S+S-(S3,xst)is a contact of the contact 3-manifold (Y,x)andLis a Legendrian knot from S, null-homologous in Y. Then the and rotation numbers be extracted from the above data by the formulae: tb(L) = turn to the verification of Equation (6.4), after a few prel Let uiS3-(LS) be a meridian for LiLS, andlibe 43its corresponding longitude. Recall that H1(S3-(LS)) is a free by the meridians ui(we continue with the convention that the i= 0 component of the link LSisL). We can express the homology class of liin terms of the other meridians by the homology groups of the surgered manifold are gotten from the homology groups of the link complement by dividing out by the relation saiui+li= 0 for i= 1,...,n; more precisely, H1(S3-(LS)) is freely generated by obtained from this free group by dividing out the 0, i= 1,...,n. The rotation numbers rican be thought of as follows. Let denote the relative Euler class of xrelative to the trivializa- tion it inherits along LS. Then, the rotation numbers are the coefficients in the expansionof thePoincar' e dual PD[ in terms of the basis of meridians PD[ e(x,LS)] Similarly, H1(Y-L)~=Z is generated by u0, the meridian of L, and the rotation number rot( L) is cal- culated by PD( e(x,L)) = rot(L)*u0. Note also that PD[ e(x,L)] is the image of PD[e(x,LS)] under the inclusion j:S3-(LS)Y-L. Thus, to find rot(L), it suffices to express j*(ui) in terms of u0. Write L view of our presentation for H1(S3-L), we see that for all i >0 we have ui=ci*u0, whereciis theithentry in the vector -M-1*L. It follows Equation (6.4). We turn now to Equation (6.3). Choose a0so that the curve l'=a0*u0+l0 is null-homologous in Y-L. Letting TB denote the framing curve of L=L0, we have that TB = tb 0*u0+l0= tb(L)-tb0=-a0. In view of our presentation for this first homology group, we see that a0is determined by the condition that 0 lk(Ln,L1)... (6.3) follows. Lemma 6.7 quin and rotation numbers of the knot Lk,lare given by tb(Lk,l) Formulae (6.3) and (6.4) to the surgery diagrams de fining Lk,l, simple algebra gives the statement of the lemma. As it is explained in the previous subsection (resting on obs ervations from [25, Section 6]), the surgery diagram for xk,l(together with the Legendrian knot Lk,l) can be put on a page of an open book decomposition with planar xstonS3. Thediagram for all choices of kandlis less apparent, hence we restrict our attention first to k= 0. In this case we get the monodromies defined by the curves of Figure 19. The application of the lantern relation simplifies the monod romy factorization to the one illustrated in Figure 20. Figure 21 helps in visual izing the curves on 'half' of the Heegaard surface. The diagram also indicate s the chosen basis. Notice that in the monodromy illustrated in Figure 19 there a re Dehn twists with intersecting curves, hence these elements of the mappi ng class group do not commute. As before, the two products are conjugate, henc e there is no need to record the order. In a similar spirit the general diagrams could be deduced -- si nce we will not use them in our computations, we will be content with working on a further special case when k= 1 andl>=1; the result is given by Figure 22. We just note here that in these cases we need to apply the lantern rela tion twice to get commuting Dehn twists as illustrated in Figure 22. For th is reason, these monodromy factorizations contain two left-handed Dehn twi sts. In Figure 23 the monodromy for L(1,l) withl>=1 is represented on 'half' of the The open book decomposition found above equips S3with a 19: Monodromy of the open book decomposition 20: The simplified monodromy of the open book for Lk,l; 0 are given by Figure 24 when l= 0 and by Figure 25 when l >0. Recall that we get the bicurves by the usual perturbation of the ai's and the action of the monodromy yields a Heegaard decomposition forS3with point the Legendrian invariant. As usual, the basepoint zis placed in the 'large' region of the page S+1, while the pointwgiving rise to /hatwideLis in the strip between a1andb1, as indicated in the pictures. It is easy to see that moving wto the other domain in the strip 21: Another view of the open book for 22: The monodromy factorization for 23: The open book for 24: The Heegaard decomposition for 0, because there is a holomorphic disk running into x. Recall that Lk,lis isotopic to the negative torus knot T(2,-(2n-1)). The the positive torus knot T(2,2n-1). In this case we have the following <=n-1 0 these preparations we are ready to determine the invar iants of some of the Legendrian knots discussed above. The computation admi ts a scheme when k= 0, so we start with that case. Theorem 6.8 LetL0,lbe given the orientation specified by the diagram of Figure 24 or Figure 25. Then, 0. ProofWe show that the intersection point x0/hatwideCFK, which is alone in its Alexander C' Figure 25: The Heegaard decomposition for Any other intersection point yin the Heegaard decomposition given by Figure 24 or 25 has Alexander grading A(y) strictly less than A(x0). The claim, in turn, will be proved by induction on l. Forl= 0 (which means that ofaLegendrian in an overtwisted S3) theexplicit determination of theAlexander gradings of each of the 19 intersection points verifies the statement. To do this we only need to find domains connecting any two intersection points, and their grading is the multiplicity of the domain contain ing the basepoint w. A straightforward linear algebra argument similar to the o ne outlined in the proof of Proposition 6.2 shows that all top three degress contain points (giving rise to homology elements), wh ile the remaining 16 intersection points are of strictly smaller Alexander grad ing. Theargument proceedsas follows: Not ice that bydeleting the top-most a- andb-curves (containing the point Aof Figure 25) in the Heegaard decomposition H1(and destabilizing the Heegaard surface) we get a Heegaard decomposition H0adaptedto T(2,2n-3). aHeegaard decomposition H-1, to T(2,2n-5). Note that the intersection matrix of the a- andb-curves has the following form -2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1......0 0 0 0 0...-2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 -4 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 -2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 Now let us group the intersection points of the original diag ram into types their coordinate on thetop-most b-curve. It is easy to see that points in each AandBare in 1-1 intersections in H0, while points in Care in 1-1 correspondence with points in H-1. From the form of this matrix it is easy to see that the relative gradings wit hin the groups co- incide with the relative gradings in their respective Heega ard diagrams H0and H-1. As usual, let x0denote the intersection point representing the point with the same coordinates except on the top-most a- circle, where Ais substituted with B. Finally,Cx0will denote the where on the top-most b-circle we choose C(and so on the we should take C') and otherwise we take the same intersection points as inx0. Our inductive assumption is that x0,Bx0andCx0are of gradings in the groups A,B,C, respectively. Therefore to conclude the argument we only need to compare the gradings of these int ersection points. This relative computation can be performed locally near the top-mosta- and b-curves and we get that A(x)-A(Bx) = 2 andA(x)-A(Cx) = 2. By the inductive hypothesis this shows that x0is theuniquecycle in thetop concluding the proof. Note that the relation found in the proof of Theorem 6.8 among st the Alexan- der gradings of the intersection points of the diagrams Hi(i=+-1,0) is a manifestation of the fact that the symmetrized Alexander po lynomial n(t) := T(2,2n-1)(t) satisfies the identity n(t) = consider two more cases, which can be handled by explicit m ocalculate the homology class; we need a little analysis of holomorphic disks. We begin with the first of these: Theorem 6.9 LetL1,1be given the orientation specified by the diagram of Figure 26. Then, 0. Recall that L1,1represents the negative torus knot diagramfor this diagram as in the other cases, we see that ther e are 149 elements inTaTb, seven of which with the same Alexander grading as the point x0 determining Indeed, in the notation suggested by that diagram, the seven intersection points in Alexander grading A= 1 are A2B2C7D1E, A2D1EP2Q1, A2D1EP1Q1, A A 1B2C5D1E, a cycle, it can be thought of as determining a subcomplex The quotient complex then is generated by the six remaini ng generators in the given Alexander gradings. Indeed, it is st raightforward to find the positive homotopy classes connecting these six gene rators with Maslov index one. There are six, and five of these are rectangles, and hence admit holo- morphic representatives. The sixth (connecting P1B3 B2 26: Adapted Heegaard diagram for L1,1. is also a planar surface, and it is not difficult to verify direc tly that it, too, always has a holomorphic representative. We assemble this i nformation of the chain complex in Figure 27. It is straightforward to verify t hat this complex is acyclic. It follows at once that x0represents the nontrivial homology class 27: Part of the chain complex for L1,1.This is the quotient by the generator A1B1C1D1E. Arrows indicate a similar vein, we have the 6.10 LetL1,2be given the orientation specified by the diagram of Figure 28. Then, 0. Recall that L1,2corresponds to adapted Heegaard diagram is pictured in Figure 28. There are 347 intersection points, 13 of which are in the same Alexander gr ading as x0. In terms of the numbering conventions from Figure 28, these are A2B1C3D1E1F A 2B2C2D1E1F A1B2C4D1E1F A 2B2C3D2E1F A1B2MVE1F A A 2D1E1P1Q2F A2D2E1P2Q2F XYC can draw a graph whose vertices consist of these generator s, and its arrows denote positive Whitney disks with Maslov index one, as pict ured in Figure 29. Those domains are written as sums of the 10 domains labelled i n Figure 28. Note that in that figure, we have abbreviated the names of gene rators (for example, dropping F, which occurs in each). In that picture, all but four of the arrows represent rectangles (and hence, immediately, n ontrivial differentials in the chain complex). Inspection of this graph immediately establishes that thereare noother non-negative Whitney disksamong thegive n generators with Maslov index one (for example, the domain from gotten as 6 + 3 -2 + 8 + 6, which contains 2 -1). To show that a homologi- cally nontrivial cycle, it suffices to show that the positive d omain 6+8 representatives, which can be done by direct me ans. (Note that it is an annulus with an appropriate YA1A2 12 3 45 678 910 Figure 28: Adapted Heegaard diagram for L1,2.The domains (in the complement ofthe a-andb-circles) labeledby 1 ,...,10 6.11 Recall + 2 7410 9 6 + 8 26 + 35 3 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 5 + 6 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 Figure 29: Complex for L1,2.We have displayed here the 13 generators in A=-3. Arrows represent domains connecting generators. All the thicker arrows actually represent quadrilaterals; there are only f our which are not: those containing 1, and those containing 6+8. where the top generator of the free F[U]-module is at (A=-(n-1), then-1 generators of the Fn-1summand are of M=-2i), i= 0,...,n-2. (This follows readily from the calculation of /hatwideHFK, stated in Equation (6.5).) Once again, the computation above can be adapted to show that the elements L(L0,l),L(L1,1) andL(L1,2) in also that there is an obvious bijection between the homoge of and the Legendrian knots Lk,lwithk+l= n-2 constructed above. Moreover, this bijection can be chosen in such a way that to then d3(xk,l) = is reasonable to expect that the Legendrian invariants /hatwideL(Lk,l) andL(Lk,l) are nonzero for all k,l>=0, and hence that L(Lk,l) is determined by xk,l. We will not address this general computation in the present pap er. 557 Connected sums Suppose that Li(Yi,xi) are oriented Legendrian knots in the contact 3- manifolds ( Yi,xi),i= 1,2. We want to relate the invariants of L1andL2with the invariants of the connected sum (see [14] for the definition of the connected sum operation in the contact sett ing). Fix open book decompositions ( Bi,phi) adapted to Li(Yi,xi) (with pages Si) fori= 1,2. We may assume that suitable portions of the open books and the adapted bases appear as in the left-hand picture of Figur e 30, where, as usual, the ordered pairs ( zi,wi) determine the orientations of the knots. We can now perform the Legendrian connected sum of ( Y1,x1,L1) and (Y2,x2,L2) in such a way that we glue the open books as well as the contact s tructures and the knots. Specifically, we take the Murasugi sum of the two op en books in the domains containing z2andw1, and then we drop these two basepoints. We can make sure that the resulting oriented knot L1#L2is smoothly determined on a page of the resulting open book by the ordered pair ( z1,w2), as illustrated in the central picture of Figure 30. The bases of arcs can also be arranged to be the same as the ones is a corresponding map of chain complexes Ph: (7.1) which (denoting the intersection point determining L(Li) byx(Li)) maps the intersection point x(L1)x(L2) to the generator ( x(L1),x(L2)) of the chain complex of the connected sum. According to [35, Section 7] th e above sisnotadapted to the Legendrian knot L1#L2, since each of the two bases contains an arc intersecting it. Nevertheless, as it will be shown in the pro of of Theorem 7.1, there is a sequence of arc slides which carries the new basis o f curves into an adapted basis for L1#L2, inducing handleslides on the underlying Heegaard diagram for ( -(Y1#Y2),L1#L2). These handleslides induce a map of chain complexes by counting holomorphic triangles (cf. [33, Sect ion 9]) Ps: the second chain complex now denotes the chain complex with respect to the adapted Heegaard diagram. Theorem 7.1 Suppose that is the oriented con- nected sum of the oriented Legendrian knots Li(Yi,xi),(i= 1,2). Then, there is a 56which maps are three Heegaard diagrams for ( -(Y1#Y2),L1#L2) coming into play: the connected sum diagram (whose a- andb-circles are gotten by doubling the initial bases), an intermediate diagram gotte n by sliding the a- circles as dictated by the arcslides in the middle diagram in Figure 30 (whose attaching circles we denote a'andb), and the final one gotten by on the b-circles, as dictated by arcslides of the bias in the right- most diagram in Figure 30 (whose attaching cicles are a'andb'). Recall, that theaiarcs determine the a-circles while the bi's give rise to the b-circles, and we are examining the Heegaard diagrams (S ,b,a),(S,b,a') and (S,b',a'). 30: Connected sums . Starting from two knots as pictured on the left, we form their connected sum to obtain a Heegaard diagra m as in the middle, where we have three sets of arcs, two sets of which are isotopic to one another, and the third is obtained as an arcslide. In the midd le picture, the dark dots represent the initial generator x(which represents the product of the two Legendrian invariants), the white dots represent the ca nonical generator for TaTa', and the grey dots represent the intermediate generator x'; whereas on the pictureon the right, the darkdots represent x', thewhitedots represent the canonical generator of TbTb', represents the Legendrian invariant for the connect ed sum). all three of these diagrams there is a unique intersection po int of thea- and b-tori which is supported in S+1: the first, x, represents the product of x(L1) andx(L2) under the connected sum map (denoted above by Ph), the second is denoted x', and the third, x'', clearly determines the Legendrian invariant for L1#L2. We claim that the three generators are mapped to one another under 57the maps induced by handleslides. As a warm-up, we argue first that x'is, indeed, a cycle. As for the contact class, we argue that for any yTb'Ta, ifphp2(x',y) is any Whitney disk with all non-negative local multiplicities, then x'=yandphis the constant disk. The argument is similar to the argument from [19] recal led in the proof of Theorem 2.11 with one slight difference: now the arcs in the bas is two regions, only one of which contains z. However, it is still easy to see (by another look at Figure 30) that any postive domain fl owing out of x'which has positive multiplicity on the other region (not con tainingz) must also have positive multiplicity at z. We now turn to the verification of the claim about the triangle maps. The Heegaard triple in this case is (S ,b,a,a',w,z), and the diagram (S an unknot in the g-fold connected sum of S2xS1. Moreover, in that diagram there is a unique intersection point Th Floer homology class. The handleslide map Ps1: CFK-(S,b,a,w,z defined by Ps1(u) as usual, p2(u,Th,y) denotes the space of homology classes of at u, Th, and y. The claim that Ps 1(x) =x'follows from the facts that *there is a triangle ps0p2(x,Th,x'), gotten as a disjoint union of the obvious small triangles in S+1, and *any other triangle psp2(x,Th,y) withnz(ps) = 0 has a negative somewhere. The first is gotten by glancing at Figure 30. To see the second, notice that any homology class psp2(x',Th,y) can be decomposed as ps0*ph, Moreover, if pshas only positive local multiplicities, then the same follows for ph; also, since nz(ps) = 0 =nz(ps0), it follows that nz(ph) = 0, as well. But by our above argument that x'is a cycle, it now follows that next the handleslide map Ps2: is defined by pairing with an intersection point top-dimensional nontrivial homology. The argument tha t Ps2(x') the Legendrian invariant for the connected sum, follows through a similar Ps 2*Ps1*Ph now homology, tox(L1#L2), which completes the proof of the theorem. The above result quickly leads to the following observation , providing Proof of Theorem 1.6 as theconnected sumwith the stabilized Legendrian unknot in the standard contact 3-sph ere, use the con- nected sum formula and the model calculation given in Sectio n 4. This that Ps-(x(L)) =x((L-) andU*Ps+(x(L)) the proof of the theorem. Note that Proposition 5.2 is a special case of Theorem 1.6; we gave a separate proof of it earlier, since that proof is somewhat more direct . As an application of our previous computations we can now prove the following r esult: Theorem 7.2 Letxidenote the overtwisted contact structure on S3with Hopf invariant d3(xi) =iZ. Then,xicontains non-loose Legendrian knots with non-vanishing Legendrian invariants /hatwideLfor eachiZ. ProofBy Proposition 6.4 and Lemma 6.1, for i>0 even the Legendrian knot L0,i-1, while fori<0 odd the knot L(i) satisfies the claim. If i= 2j-1>0 is odd then by the connected sum formula L0,j-1#L(1) is a good choice. For i= 2j <0 even take L(j)#L(1) and finally for i= 0 theknot do. Corollary 7.3 Suppose that (Y,x)is a contact 3-manifold with invariant c(Y,x)andzis an overtwisted contact structure on Ywith tz=tx. Legendrian (transverse) knots with (resp. transverse) a Legendrian unknot L(in a Darboux chart) in ( Y,x) with 0. It is not difficult to find, possibly after stabilization, a n open compatible with ( Y,x,L) together withanadapted basis, insuch a way that the two basepoints zandwdetermining Lare, in fact, in the same domain. This observation immediately implies and the Legendrian invariant /hatwideLofLis easily seen to be nonzero in , being equal to c(Y,x). Any overtwisted contact structure be given as x#xi, wherexiis the overtwisted contact structure on S3 withd3(xi) =i. This fact easily follows from Eliashberg's classification of overtwisted contact structures, together with the classifi cation of homotopy types of 2-plane fields. Now the connected sum of the Legendri an unknot with the Legendrian knot having nontrivial Legendrian knot invariant in Legendrianinvari ant formula. This knot, and each of its negative stabilizati ons are non-loose, and hence its transverse push-off is non-loose and has nontri vial Transversely non-simple knots A knot type KinS3is traditionally called transversely simple if two the standard contact structure xstboth of knot type Kand equal self-linking number are transversely isotopic. Tran sversely non-simple knot types were recently found by Etnyre-Honda, Birman-Men asco [15, 1], cf. also [29, type (for the self-linking number to be well-defined) in any contact 3- manifold (Y,x). In this form of the definition, however, it is easy to find tra ns- versely non-simple knot types provided xis overtwisted: The binding of any open book decomposition compatible with xis a null-homologous, knot, while the same binding in ( Y#S3,x#x0) (wherex0is the overtwisted contact structure on S3homotopic to xstand the connected sum is taken away from the binding) is loose. Since xandx#x0are homotopic as 2-plane fields, hence isotopic as contact structures, the bi nding gives rise to two transverse knots in x. The self-linking numbers of these two are clearly equal, while one has tight, the other overt wisted the two knots cannot be transversely isotopic . In conclusion, for overtwisted contact structures in the definition of tran sverse simplicity we 60should require that the two knots are either both non-loose o r both loose (be- sides beingsmoothly isotopic and havingidentical self-li nking). Two transverse loose knots with equal knot type and self-linking number, an d with a disk in their complement can be shown to be isoto pic. Without the existence of the common overtwisted disk, however, this que stion is the aid of the transverse invariant Tand the model calculations for in the previous section (together with a refinemen t of the gradings on Heegaard Floer homology, deferred to Section 9) we get Theorem 8.1 LetKdenote the knot type obtained by the connected sum of the negative torus knots Then, in the overtwisted (S3,x12)with Hopf invariant d3(x12) = 12there are two knots representing K, with equal and rota- tion numbers, which are not Legendrian isotopic and stay non isotopic many negative proof of Theorem 8.1 proceeds by considering a pair of app ropriate Legen- drian representatives of K, the computation of their invariants, and finally the distinction of these elements. Our candidate Legendrian kn ots knotsL1andL2are obviously smoothly isotopic to T(2,-7)#T(2,-9), and their and rotation numbers can be easil y deduced from their 8.2 The and rotation numbers of = tb(L2) =-31androt(L1) = rot(L2) =-40, with the orientations specified by Figure 17. ProofThe formulae follow from the additivity of rotation numbers and = [14, Lemma 3.3]), together with the computations of Lem ma knots in the connected sums of the corresponding over- twisted contact structures, the claim about the resulting c ontact structure fol- lows. (Recall that on S3an overtwisted contact structure is determined up to 61isotopy by its Hopf invariant, which is additive under conne cted sum.) The connected sum formula of Theorem 7.1 implies that the Legend rian invariant of both knots is determined by the tensor product of the invar iants of the summands. This argument shows that /hatwideL(L1) and/hatwideL(L2) are the knots L1,L2are both non-loose. (Notice that, in general, the con- nected sum of two non-loose knots might become loose.) The co nnected sum formula for knot Floer homology shows that in the Alexander a nd Maslov grad- ing (A= 5,M=-2) of the elements /hatwideL(Li) the knot Floer homology is isomorphic to FFF. (OnlyFFcomes from the HFK--theory, hence capable of containing /hatwideL.) Therefore to conclude our proof for Theorem 8.1 we need to show that the knots L1andL2are not isotopic. This step requires an auxiliary result from knot Floer homol ogy, showing that elements of the knot Floer group of a connected sum do remembe r the Alexan- der and Maslov gradings of their components in the summands. This leads to a refinement of the invariant, which we explain now. (The nece ssary Heegaard Floer theoretic result will be given in Section 9.) Recall that the invariant L(L) was defined as an element of up to any F[U]-module isomorphism of this module. The ambi- guity stems from the fact that for (oriented) Legendrian iso topic knots L1,L2 the isotopy is not canonical, therefore the isomorphism bet ween the knot Floer homologies HFK-(-Y,L1) and HFK-(-Y,L2) will depend on the chosen iso- topy. To prove vanishing and non-vanishing results, it was s ufficient to mod out by all the module automorphisms. When we want to distingu ish knots based on their invariants, however, we might need to underst and the neces- sary equivalence relations a little better. Notice that an i sotopy between L1 andL2induces a filtered chain homotopy between the filtered chain c (where the filtration comes from the second basepoint), hen ce any algebraic structure of the filtered chain complex provid es further restric- tions on the automorphisms of HFK-(-Y,L) we need to take into account for the invariance property to hold. For example, the lengthof a is, the minimal nfor whichdn(x) vanishes, where dnis the nthhigher derivative on the spectral sequence associated to th e filtered chain complex CFK-(-Y,L)) is such a further structure, as it is exploited in [29]. In a slightly different direction, in [31] two of the authors of the present paper have shown that the mapping class group MCG(Y,L) = the complement of the knot admits a natural action on HFK-(-Y,L), and it is not hard to see that the Legendrian invariant can be defin ed as an orbit 62of the action of MCG( Y,L) rather than of the full automorphism group. In many cases the mapping class group of a knot is relatively sma ll, hence this refinement provides a significant sharpening of the invarian t -- without the explicit action of the mapping class grou p on the knot In some cases, however, the mapping class group can be large (although might admit a fairly trivial representation on th e Floer homology), in which case the description of the action cannot be avoided . For sums of knots have infinite mapping class groups. For connected sums, therefore, we describe a slightly differe nt refinement of the invariant. For the sake of simplicity, we will be content wit h formulating the relevant results for the only. Definition 8.3 TheF-vector space M=sM*(s) isAlexander bigraded if it admits a pair (M,m) of an Alexander bigraded vector space Mand an an equivalence class [[ M,m]] of such objects by saying that (M,m) and (N,n) are equivalent if there is an isomorphism f:M-Nwith the property that f(m) =N(s1,s2). In other words, we require the isomorphisms to respect the Alexander bigrad ing of the a null-homologous Legendrian knot Lin the contact 3-manifold ( Y,x) con- sider the homology class given by the cycle x(B,ph,A) as in Definition 3.4. By slightly modifying the definition of T heorem 1.1, := 8.4 Suppose that Lis a given null-homologous Legendrian knot in the contact 3-manifold the knot type K, which is the connected sum of two knot types K1andK2. Then for any knot Kof an invariant of its oriented Legendrian isotopy class. In two Legendrian representatives of Kand/tildewide/tildewideL(L')thenLand L'are not Legendrian provides an Alexander bigradingf or theknot Floer homology of K=K1#K2by using the Alexander gradings of the knot 63Floer groupsof K1andK2. Theorem9.1 now showsthat themap f1appearing intheproofofCorollary3.6thekn respects this Alexander bigrading. Therefore the pro of of the corollary, in fact, shows that for connected sums the refined equivalenc e is an invariant of the Legendrian isotopy class of L. Proof of Theorem 8.1 As we saw above, the Legendrian knots L1andL2 both represent the knot type of K, and have equal invari- ants and rotation numbers. the cycle which determines /hatwideL(L1) is in the first summand, while the cycle which determines /hatwideL(L2) is in the last. (The image of the quotient map which contains /hatwideL, is disjoint from the middle summand.) In other words, the Alexander bigrading of /hatwideL(L1) is (3,2), while for quantity is (1 ,4). This readily implies that the refined invariants are distinct, and so by Theorem 8.4 the knots L1andL2are not Legendrian isotopic. Proof of Theorem 1.7 LetKdenote the connected sum the positive transverse push-offs T1andT2of the Legendrian knots L1andL2. By defining the refined transverse invariant ~T(Ti) as~L(Li), the proofof Theorem8.1 implies that T1andT2are transversely nonisotopic. Since their self-linking numbers sl(Ti) can be easily computed from the and rotation numbers of the Legendrian knots Li, we get that sl(T1) =sl(T2). Therefore Kas defined above is a transversely non-simple knot type in the overtwisted contact structure x12, concluding the proof. Notice that if the nontriviality of the Legendrian invarian ts of all be established, the argument used in the proof of Theorem 1.7 actually provides arbitrarily many transversely distinct transverse knots with the same classical invariants: consider the connected andk+l=m-2>=n-2 fixed (hence fixing the knot type and the numbers of the knots) and ta ke only those knots which satisfy i+k=n-2. It is not hard to see that these knots will have the same rotation numbers, but the argument given i n the proof 64of Theorem 1.7, assuming that the invariants for the Li,jare nontrivial, shows that of theirpositive transvers epush-offsdonot agree. This would be a way of constructing arbitrarily many distinc t transverse knots with the same classical invariants in some overtwisted cont actS3. Proof of Corollary 1.8. Consider the overtwisted contact structure write it as z'#x12, wherez'is an overtwisted contact struc- ture onYwithtz'=tx. (Again, by simple homotopy theoretic reasons and the classification of overtwisted contact structures, the a bove decomposition is possible.) The connected sum of the Legendrian knot Linz'having non- trivial invariant ~L(L) withL1andL2of Theorem 1.7 obviously gives a pair of Legendrian knots with equal classical invariants in z, but with the prop- erty that their transverse push-offs have distinct transvers e invariants. The distinction of these elements relies on a straightforward m odification of Theo- rem 9.1, where the components in a fixed connected sum decompo sition are not necessarily primeknots, class oftheem the knot into two connected components. This constr uction concludes the proof. 9 Appendix: On knot Floer homology of from [35] that if ( Y1,K1) and (Y2,K2) are two three-manifolds equipped with knots, then we can form their connected sum ( Y1#Y2,K1#K2). In this case, the knot Floer homology for the connected sum can be det ermined by the knot Floer homology of its summands by a K unneth formula. Ou r aim here is to investigate naturality properties of this decompositio n. Specifically, we prove the 9.1 LetKbe a knot obtained as a connected sum of two distinct prime knots K1andK2. Then there is an additional intrinsic grading on the knot Floer homology of Kwith the property More precisely, if diagrams for then there is an together with an a pair of different diagrams for K1andK2, K1#K2, that the --- --- a closed, oriented three-manifold, KYbe an oriented knot, in exactly two points. Call Sasplitting sphere forK. A splitting sphere expresses Kas a connected sum of two knots K1 andK2. In the case where one of the two summands is unknotted, we cal l the splitting sphere trivial. In this language, a knot Kis prime if every splitting sphere forKis trivial. Recall the following classical result [22]. Theorem 9.2 IfKis the connected sum of two prime knots K1andK2, then there is, up to isotopy, a unique nontrivial splitting s phereSforK. Let (S,a,b,w,z,g ) be a doubly-pointed Heegaard diagram equipped with a curvegS which is disjoint from all ai,bj,w, andz. Suppose moreover thatgis a separating curve, dividing S into two components F1andF2, Thisdecorated Heegaard diagram determines the following data: *a three-manifold Y(gotten from the Heegaard diagram) *an oriented knot KY(determined by wandz) *an embedded two-sphere Smeeting the Heegaard surface along g(con- sisting of all Morse flows between index zero and index three c ritical points passing through g); i.e. a decorated Heegaard diagram determines a knot KinYtogether with a splitting sphere S. We call (S ,a,b,w,z,g ) adecorated Heegaard with 9.3 Adecorated Heegaard move on (S,a,b,w,z,g ) is a move of one of the following Isotopies of aandb, preserving the conditions that all curves among the aandbare disjoint, and disjoint from w,z, andg; isotopy ofg, preserving the condition that it is disjoint from a,b,w, Handleslides among the aorb, supported in the comple- ment ofw,z, and away from Stabilization is obtained by forming the connected sumof (S ,a,b,w,z,g ) with a genus one pair of curves transversely in a single is the inverse 9.4 Suppose that (S,a,b,w,z,g decorated Heegaard diagrams compatible with If (Y,K,S)is diffeomorphic to (Y',K',S'), then the diagram diffeomorphic to one obtained )after a finite sequence of decorated Heegaard moves. ProofFix a Morse function f0compatible with (S ,a,b,w,z,g ). Letf1be a different Morse function compatible with (S ,a,b,w,z,g ), which agrees with f0in a neighborhood of SK. Then we can connect them by a family ft, wherein they undergo isotopies, handleslides and Since all functions have t he prescribed behavior at w,z, andg, the Heegaard moves will be supported away from w,z, the effect of isotopies of S supported near w,z, andg. Proof of Theorem 9.1 Let (S,a,b,w,z,g ) be a Heegaard diagram for K= K1#K2. Then, ouradditional gradingis defined(upto an additive co nstant) as follows. Fix a point mnearg. We define s' 1(x)-s' 1(y) =nm(ph)-nw(ph) where php2(x,y) is any homotopy class; similarly, s' 2(x)-s' 2(y) the handleslides between compatible decorated proje ctions cannot cross g(orworz), clearly, the triangle maps induced by handleslides prese rve these gradings (at least in the relative sense). 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Andras I. Stipsicz
Paolo Lisca, Peter Ozsv\'ath, Andr\'as I. Stipsicz and Zolt\'an Szab\'o
Heegaard Floer invariants of Legendrian knots in contact three--manifolds
70 pages, 30 figures
math.SG math.GT
We define invariants of null--homologous Legendrian and transverse knots in contact 3--manifolds. The invariants are determined by elements of the knot Floer homology of the underlying smooth knot. We compute these invariants, and show that they do not vanish for certain non--loose knots in overtwisted 3--spheres. Moreover, we apply the invariants to find transversely non--simple knot types in many overtwisted contact 3--manifolds.
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[ [ "Lisca", "Paolo", "" ], [ "Ozsváth", "Peter", "" ], [ "Stipsicz", "András I.", "" ], [ "Szabó", "Zoltán", "" ] ]
I. the last decade, one of main focuses of hadronic physics has been the study of the hadronic structure using hard exclusive reactions, such as Deeply Virtual Compton Scat- tering (DVCS), g*N-gN, and hard exclusive meson production (HEMP), g*N-MN. These processes have been the subject of intensive theoretical and experimental investiga- tions [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]. In addition, there were investigated inverse hard exclusive reactions such as gN-g*N-l+l-N[15] and u-channel reactions such as g*g-pp[17]. The interest to the DVCS and HEMP reactions is motivated by the fac t that in the Bjorken limit (large Q2), the corresponding amplitudes factorize [7, 8] in convolution of pe r- turbative (hard) coefficient functions with nonperturbative (sof t) matrix elements, which are parameterized in terms of generalized parton distributions (GP Ds). GPDs are univer- sal functions that contain information o n parton distributions, form factors and correlations in hadrons. GPDs also parameterize part on correlations in matrix elements describing transitions between two different hadrons, wh ich appear in reactions such as e.g. g*p-p+n[18, 19]. While the description of DVCS and HEMP based on the factorization ap proach is most general, in experiments the values of the virtualities Q2are below the range required for the validity of the factorization theorem [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]. He nce, contributions of higher-twist effects might be substantial (it is an open issue how larg e these effects are), which will affect the extraction of GPDs from the data. Therefore, it is important to have an effective model for the DVCS and HEMP amplitudes, which would inte rpolate between the photoproduction ( Q20) and deep inelastic ( Q2~ O(10) GeV2) regimes. In this paper, using the generalized vector meson dominance (GVMD ) model [26, 27, 28], which is consistent with perturbative QCD at small transverse dista nces [29], we for the amplitudes of DVCS on nucleons and nuclei, which are valid at high energies and which are applicable over a wide range of Q2. We show that the resulting cross section of DVCS on nucleons compares well to the HERA data [30, 31 ]. In particular, the W-dependence of the cross section at Q2=8 GeV2is somewhat can be interpreted as due to the onset of the hard regime bey ond the soft dynamics 2of the GVMD model. We also estimate the relative contribution of 1 /Q2-corrections, which correspond to the higher-twist corrections in perturbative QCD [32, 33, 34]. We show t hat these corrections are large: the contribution of the 1 /Q2-corrections to the DVCS amplitude at t=tminis 20% atQ2= 2 GeV2, 11% at Q2= 4 GeV2and 6% at Q2= 8 GeV2; the contribution of the 1/Q2-corrections to the t-integrated DVCS cross section is 56% at Q2= 2 GeV2, 32% atQ2= 4 GeV2and 17% at Q2= 8 the physics program of the future Electron-Ion Collider. We pr edict significant which matches well predictions of the leading-twist nucle ar shadowing in DIS on nuclei [35]. The hypothesis of vector meson dominance (VMD) [36] assumes a de finite relation be- tween the amplitude of the photon (real or virtual)-hadron intera a linear combination of the amplitudes of the corresponding stro ng production by trans- versely polarized vector mesons, (1) wherefVis the coupling constant determined from the V-e+e-decay;mVis the vector meson mass; Q2is the virtuality of the photon; Tdenotes any hadronic target. Note that Eq. (1) is written for the transversely polarized photons. In Eq. ( 1), we took into account only the contribution of the VMD model and its generalizations explain a large wealth of data on the real and virtual (Q2<1 GeV2) photon-hadron scattering, which include the pion electric form fa c- tor, total cross sections of photon-nucleon and photon-nucleu s scattering (inclusive exclusive production of vector mesons on nucleons an d nuclei, exclusive produc- tion of pseudoscalar mesons, for a review, see [37]. As the virtuality of the photon increases, Q2>1 GeV2, the simple VMD model, see Eq. (1), becomes inadequate since it leads to the violation of the app roximate Bjorken scaling. In order to restore the approximate Bjorken scaling, the simple VMD model can be generalized [38]. This can be done using the metho d of for the virtual photon-hadron scattering amplit ude [39]. In order to illustrate the approach, let us consider the forward vir tual amplitude. The dispersion representation for the imagin ary part of (2) wheresVV'is cross section (spectral function) which weakly depends on the masses MandM'. The main idea of the GVMD model [26, 27, 28] is to approximate Eq. (2)by aninfinite series of(ficticious) vector meso ns of ever increasing mass, allowing for both diagonal ( V+T-V+T) and non-diagonal ( V+T-V'+T) thedia sVV'1/M2for large M2. This softens the spectral function and leads to the approximate Bjorken scaling of the inclusive structure function F2(x,Q2), see [29] for the language of the color dipole model, the fact that sVV'1/M2for large M2 means that besides dipoles of large transverse sizes, the virtual p hoton also contains dipoles. The latter fact is called color transparen cy. One should note that, while the simple vector meson dominance model fails to reproduce the approximate scaling of the inclusive structure function F2(x,Q2) (see above), the simple VMD model predicts the correct Q2-behavior of cross sections of exclusive reactions, 41]. This is also true for DVCS: Even the simple VMD model provides the correct Q2-behavior of the DVCS cross section (up to logarithmic corrections ). The structure of this paper is the following. In Sect. II, we explain m ain assumptions of the GVMD model, which we further generalize to take into account a n on-zero 0. Wederive theexpression fortheamplitude ofDVCS onthenucleo n for the DVCS cross section. We demonstrate that the GVMD model provides a good description of the HERA data on the of the cross section of DVCS onthe proton[30, 31]. In this section, we also estimate 1 /Q2-corrections to the DVCS amplitude and the DVCS cross section. Predictions for the nuclear D VCS amplitude and for the cross section of DVCS on nuclei in the collider kinematics are p resented in Sect. III. In Sect. IV, we summarize and discuss our 1: The DVCS amplitude in the GVMD model, see Eq. (3). II. DVCS ON THE NUCLEON In this section, we extend the generalized vector meson dominance (GVMD) model [26, 27, 28] to the off-forward case and apply it to Deeply Virtual Compt on Scattering (DVCS) on the nucleon. A. DVCS amplitude The GVMD model assumes that the virtual (real) photon interacts with the hadronic target by fluctuating into a coherent and infinite sum of ficticious ve ctor mesons Vn. Then, the DVCS amplitude at the photon level, A(g*p-gp), can be graphically presented as depicted in Fig. 1. In the GVMD model, the DVCS amplitude for transversely polarized vir tual (3) whereW2= momentum of the initial photon and pthe momentum of the initial proton; t= (p'-p)2withp'the momentum of the final proton. The masses 5Mnand the coupling constants fnare connected by the following (1+2n), to the physical r0meson. Note that the relation of the vector mesons Vnconventionally used in the GVMD model to physical JP= 1-vector mesons found in the Review of particle physics [42] is not direc t. The motivation for this is that while the vector meson masses are kno wn with a up to Mr>~2 GeV, there is no accurate data on the partial decay width G e+e- for mesons heavier than r(1450). On the other hand, the parameterization (4) results for physical observables. One can check that the linear n-dependence of the ratio M2 n/M2 0in Eq. (4) is confirmed experimentally for large- n[42]. However, the slope of then-dependence is underestimated by approximately a factor of two. It is important to point out that, at high energies, the DVCS cross s ection at the photon level is dominated by the contribution of the transversely polarized virtual photons due to the helicity conservation [31]. In the language of the color dipole mod el, this dominance is explained by the dominance of the large transverse-size dipoles ove r the small see [13] for the discussion. Therefore, Eq. (3) gives the complete description of the DVCS amplitude. The quantity S n,n'(t) is amplitude, see Fig. 1. The matrix S n,n'(t) is assumed to have a tri-diagonal form with the following non-zero e = Sn+1,n(W,t) (5) wheresrpis thermeson-proton cross section for the transversely polarized meso n;eis the ratio of the real to imaginary parts of the rmeson-proton scattering amplitude; d= 0.2 is the parameter of the model. The function Fn(t) models the t-dependence of S n,n'(t), which goes beyond the of the GVMD model [26, 27, 28], which addressed only the forwardt= 0 limit. In our analysis, we use the following form of Fn(t), Fn(t) = (6) whereB1= 11 GeV-2andB2= 4.3 GeV-2. The choice of the slopes B1andB2is motivated as follows. 6For the moment, let us replace the final real photon by the rmeson. In the limit, the gp-rpcross section measured at HERA by the H1 collaboration was fitted to the form exp( -B|t|) with the slope B= (10.9+-2.4+-1.1) GeV-2[43]. The ZEUS measurement gives essentially the same value of B[44]. In the slope of the exponential fit to the g*p-rpcross section is much smaller than in photoproduction: It decreases from B= (8.0+-0.5+-0.6) GeV-2at Q2= 1.8 GeV2toB= (4.7+-1.0+-0.7) GeV-2atQ2= 21.2 GeV2[45]. This decrease of the slope of the t-dependence with increasing Q2is effectively parame- terized by Eq. (6) as a decrease of the slope with the increasing num ber of the vector meson n. Indeed, close to the photoproduction limit, the dominant contribu tion to the sum in Eq. (3) comes from the n= 0 term. In the opposite limit of large Q2, terms with large n, up toM2 n~Q2, contribute to the sum. Choosing Q2= 0 and Q2= 21.2 GeV2as we determine the values of the slopes B1andB2in Eq. (6). It is clear from the above discussion that while the value of the slope B1in Eq. (6) is , the value of the slope B2is somewhat more uncertain. We have chosen not to introduce Q2-dependent slopes B1andB2since this would contradict the spirit of the VMD model: The Wandt-dependence of the DVCS amplitude is determined solely by the vector meson-proton scattering amplitudes; the vector mes on propagators provide is important to note that the non-diagonal terms, S are essential in the GVMD model: The infinite series in Eq. (3) would have been divergen t without the non-diagonal transitions. Also, the non-diagonal terms provide t he correct scaling of section. Using Eqs. (4) and (5), the DVCS amplitude in Eq. (3) can be written in the (7) Equation (7) involves four quantities, fr,srp,eandd, which are known with a certaindegree of uncertainty. One can reduce this uncertainty by expressing th e DVCS amplitude in terms 7of the total gpcross (8) Therefore, the final expression for the DVCS amplitude (9) One should also note that another advantage of expressing the DV CS amplitude in that Eq. (9) effectively takes into account the contributions of t which enter through the phenomenological parameteriza tion ofsgp tot. In our analysis, we use the ZEUS parameterization of sgp tot(W2) [47] sgp tot(W2) = (10) where the cross section is in ub andWis in GeV. The ratio of the real to imaginary parts of the amplitude, e, is found using the Gribov-Migdal relation (11) wherep= 0.2 was used, which corresponds to the power of the W-dependence of sgp tot(W2) at largeWin Eq. (10). The remaining parameter in Eq. (9) is d, for which we use d= 0.2 [26, 27, 28, 46]. However, the exact numerical value of daffects weakly our numerical predictions. One of simplest DVCS observables is the skewing factor R, which is defined as the ratio of the DVCS to the DIS amplitudes and which was recently extracted fr om the HERA DVCS and DIS data (12) Note that we generalized the ratio Roriginally defined at t=tmin[49] to any value of t. At high energies, the minimal momentum transfer |tmin| x2 Bm2 N0, where xBis the mNis the nucleon mass. 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90R Q2 [GeV2]t = tmin t = -0.1 GeV2 t = -0.2 GeV2 FIG. 2: The GVMD prediction for the ratio R(t) of the DVCS and DIS amplitudes, see Eq. (12), as a function of Q2for three values of t. The GVMD model makes an unambiguous prediction for the ratio R, R(t) (13) Figure 2 presents the GVMD predictions for the ratio Ras a function of Q2for three values of t:t=tmin0 (evaluated with xB= 0.001),t=-0.1 GeV2andt=-0.2 GeV2. Note that in the GVMD model, the ratio Rdoes not depend on WorxBat given Q2and t. A comparison of the solid curve in Fig. 2 to the experimental results f or the ratio R, see Fig. 4 of Ref. [49], reveals that the GVMD model provides a good desc ription of the data for Q2<5 GeV2. For higher values of Q2, the GVMD model overestimates the experimental R. Therefore, the GVMD model and similar models can be used to reliably d etermine DVCS observables and generalized parton distributions at Q2of the order of a few GeV2. This can be used as an input for QCD evolution to higher Q2scales. An example of such an approach, which uses the align-jet model to construct input GPDs and which ex cellently compares to 9the HERA data on the DVCS cross section and on the ratio R, was worked out in [50]. B. DVCS cross section The DVCS amplitude in Eq. (9) is normalized such that in the Q2-0 limit, the imagi- nary part of the gp-gpamplitude is equal to the total photoabsorption cross section, se e Eq. (8). With such a normalization, the differential and integrated D VCS cross sections at the photon level (14) wheretmin -x2 Bm2 N(tmin0 in the HERA kinematics). In order to compare the GVMD model predictions to the data on the DVCS cross section at the photon level [30, 31], one needs to make sure that one comp ares the same the classic result of L. N. Hand [51], one can readily see that the HERA DVCS cross section at the photon level is indeed a properly defined and normalize d cross section of a byproduct of the above mentioned exercise, one establishes t he connection between the GVMD and GPD descriptions of the DVCS cross the Bjorken variable; x=xB/(2-xB);o2= 4x2 Bm2 N/Q2. The quantities H,E, ~Hand~Eare the so-called Compton form factors of the corresponding pro ton GPDs [12]. It is important to have the connection between the GVMD-based an d the GPD-based de- scriptions of the DVCS cross section since the both approaches ha ve an overlapping region of applicability, namely, 1 < Q2<5 GeV2. The simple expression for the DVCS amplitude in the GVMD model (9) allo ws one to examine the relative contribution of 1 /Q2-corrections, which correspond to of 1 /Q2andlet us call the leading contribution, which behaves as1 The corresponding t-integrated cross section is denoted as I:The1 /Q2-corrections totheDVCS t-integrated DVCS crosssection as functions of Q2, see Eq. (16). Q2[GeV2] RHT ampl(Q2) RHT s(Q2) 2 0.20 0.56 4 0.11 0.32 8 0.058 0.17 We quantify the contribution of 1 /Q2-corrections to the DVCS amplitude and to the DVCS cross section by introducting the ratios = = (16) The ratios functions of Q2are summarized in Table I. Note that these ratios do not depend on Win the chosen model. As one can see from Table I, the 1 /Q2-corrections are large. Moreover, due to the enhancement of the heavy vector meson contribution s tosDVCSbe- cause of the decreasing slope of the t-dependence of the DVCS amplitude with increasing n, see Eq. (6). C. Comparison to the HERA DVCS data Using Eqs. (9) and (14), we make predictions for the DVCS cross se ction and compare our findings to the HERA data [30, 31]. Figure 3 presents the W-dependence of the DVCS cross section at Q2= 4 GeV2and Q2= 8 GeV2. The solid curves correspond to the GVMD calculations; the experim ental points are those from the H1 [31] and ZEUS [30] measurements. The error bars correspond to the statistical and systematic errors added in quadrature. Th e ZEUS data taken at Q2= 9.6 GeV2have been interpolated to Q2= 8.0 GeV2using the fit to the 1.54 [30]. We shall discuss the left and right panels of Fig. 3 separately. As see n from the left panel of Fig. 3, the GVMD model reproduces both the absolute value and t heW-dependence of 11 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160sDVCS [nb] W [GeV]Q2 = 4 GeV2H1 GVMD 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160sDVCS [nb] W [GeV]Q2 = 8 3: The DVCS cross section as a function of W. The GVMD model results (solid curves) are compared to the H1 [31] and ZEUS [30] data. The error bars corr espond to the statistical and systematic errors added in well. The latter fact signifies that, at Q2= 4 GeV2, the DVCS cross section is still dominated by soft physics. At Q2= 4 GeV2, theW-behavior of with that predicted by the GVMD model, to the right panel of Fig. 3, we observe that while the GVMD m odel compares fairly with the H1 data, the model underestimates the slope of the W-dependence of sDVCS for the ZEUS data set, which has smaller error bars. In particular, the predicted 0.75+-0.15 [30]. This indicates the onset of the hard regime in the total DVCS cross section at Q2= 8 GeV2, where the GVMD model becomes Q2-dependence W= corresponds to the GVMD model; the experimental points co me from the H1 [31] and ZEUS [30] experiments. The error bars correspond to the statist ical and systematic errors added in quadrature. The ZEUS data taken at W= 89 GeV have been extrapolated to W= 82 GeV using the fitted W-dependence of sees from Fig. 4 that the GVMD model reproduces the Q2-dependence of sDVCS over a very wide range of Q2, 3<=Q2<=85 GeV2. This is quite a remarkable result that 12 0.1 1 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90sDVCS [nb] Q2 [GeV2]W = 82 4: The DVCS cross section as a function of Q2. The GVMD model result (solid curve) is compared to the H1 [31] and ZEUS [30] data. The error bars corr espond to the statistical and systematic errors added in quadrature. the model, which was initially developed for photoproduction and was la ter extended with Q2of the order of a few GeV2, provides a quantitative description for such large values of Q2. In other words, at fixed W, the GVMD model correctly of sDVCS. Figure 5 presents the comparison of the t-dependence of the GVMD model curves) to the H1 data on the differential DVCS cross section dsDVCS/dt[31]. The error bars are the statistical and systematic errors added in qua drature. As one sees from Fig. 5, the GVMD model describes dsDVCS/dtwell. This result is not quite trivial. In order to achieve this within the framework of the GVM D model, one has to assume that either all vector meson Vn-nucleon cross sections have the same of the t-dependence or that the slope decreases with increasing n, see Eq. (6). While the value of the slope B1= 11 GeV-2is fixed by photoproduction of rmesons, the value of the slope B2is model-dependent. The values B2= 4/5 GeV-2provide a good agreement with the H1 data (see Fig. 5), which were fitted to the exponential f GeV-2atQ2= 4 GeV2andB= GeV-2 atQ2= 8 GeV2[31]. 13 0.1 1 10 100 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1dsDVCS/dt [nb/GeV2] -t [GeV2]Q2=4 GeV2, W=71 GeV Q2=8 GeV2, W=82 GeV GMVD FIG. 5: The differential DVCS cross section dsDVCS/dtas a function of t. The GVMD (solid curves) is compared to the H1 data [31]. T he error bars are the statistical and systematic errors added in quadrature. D. DVCS cross section in Jefferson Lab ep-epgcross section in the DVCS regime was recently measured by the Hall A collaboration at Jefferson Laboratory (JLab) [24]. The cross sect ion involves the contri- butions of the Bethe-Heitler (BH) amplitude squared, the DVCS amp litude squared and the interference of the BH and DVCS amplitudes. Based on the kinem atics of the exper- iment, in the analysis of the data, the contribution of the DVCS amplit ude squared was neglected compared to the other two contributions [12], which allowe d for the extraction of the so-called Compton form factors of the proton. In this subsection, we check the validity of the assumption that the contribution of the DVCS amplitude squared is negligibly small by explicitly calculating the DVC S cross section within the GVMD model in the Jefferson Lab kinematics. The DVCS cros s section at the lepton level reads, see e.g. the fine-structure constant; phis the angle between the lepton and definedbyEq. (14). The extra factor 1 /(2p) in the right-hand side of Eq. (17) takes into account the fact tha t the integration over the angle phis included in the definition of The DVCS cross section does not depend on phwhen one neglects the photon helicity [11]. Using Eqs. (9) and (14), we evaluate the DVCS cross section at the lepton in the kinematics of the Hall A experiment, E= 5.75 GeV (the en- ergy of the lepton beam), Q2= 2.3 GeV,t=-0.28 GeV and xB= 0.0022 nb/GeV4. (18) This value is an order of magnitude smaller than the sum of the BH and in terference con- tributions to the ep-epgcross section, which confirms the assumption that, in the JLab kinematics, the contribution of the DVCS amplitude squared to the ep-epgcross section can be safely neglected. III. DVCS ON NUCLEI In this section, we derive the expression for the DVCS amplitude on a nucleus using the GVMD model for the photon-nucleon interactions and the gene ralized Glauber formal- ism [37] in order to account for the multiple rescattering of the vect or mesons inside the nucleus. Using the obtained amplitude, we make predictions for the n uclear DVCS cross section at the photon level in the collider kinematics. At high energies, in the GVMD model, photons (real and virtual) inter act with hadrons by fluctuating into an infinite sum of vector mesons. When the involve d hadron is a nucleus, each vector meson undergoes multiple interactions with the nucleon s of the nucleus, which leads to the attenuation (decrease) of the vector meson-nucleu s cross section compared to the sum of free vector meson-nucleon cross section. As a conseq uence, the resulting photon- nucleus cross section is smaller than the sum of the corresponding p hoton-nucleon cross sections. This phenomenon is called nuclear shadowing. It has been o bserved in with nuclei induced by real and virtual photons, see [37, 52] for review. In the GVMD model, the nuclear DVCS amplitude can be organized as a m ultiple scat- tering series (Glauber series), where each term corresponds to t he number of interactions 6: A schematic representation of the multiple scatteri ng (Glauber) series for the nuclear DVCS amplitude in the GVMD model. The dashed lines correspon d to vector mesons; the solid lines correspond to nucleons; the ovals with legs correspon d to the final and initial nucleus. the vector mesons with the nucleons. This is schematically presente d in Fig. 6, where the interactions with one, two and three nucleons are depicted. The da shed lines correspond to the vector mesons (note that the GVMD model allows for non-dia gonal vector meson- nucleon transitions); the solid lines correspond to the nucleons invo lved in the nuclear part is denoted by ovals with legs corresponding to the in itial and final nucleus. Using the standard technique [37], one can readily write down the exp ression for the nuclear DVCS amplitude (19) whereAis the number of nucleons in the nucleus (we do not distinguish proton s and is the nuclear form factor ( FA(0) = 1); r(r) is the density of nucleons in the 16nucleus [53]; /vectorbis the two-dimensional vector (impact parameter) in the plane perp endic- ular to the direction of the incoming photon, whose momentum is assu med to be ziare longitudinal positions of the nucleons of the nucleus involved in th e interaction; /vector qtis the transverse component of the momentum transfer. Since we of the elementary vector meson-nucleon scatterin g amplitudes compared to the steep t-dependence of the nuclear form factor, all scatterings of the v ector mesons in Eq. (19) occur at the same impact parameter /vectorb. In Eq. (19), ~Sn,m(W,z) 0), (20) where S n,mis defined by Eq. (5). In Eqs. (19) and (20), the exponential fact ors (except for the exp(i/vector qt*/vectorb) factor) arise due to the non-zero longitudinal momentum transf er associated with non-diagonal in mass transitions. At high (21) wherenis the energy of the incoming virtual photon in the laboratory refer ence frame; n' is the energy of the final real photon. We also used that n'=n+t/(2mN)nfor the small momentum transfer t. In Eq. (19), the first term corresponds to the left graph in Fig. 6, which describes the interaction with one nucleon of the nucleus (the Born term). The se cond term in Eq. (19) corresponds to the middle graph in Fig. 6, which describes the intera ction of of the involved photons with two nucleons of the nucleu s. Those nucleons are located at the points /vector r1= (/vectorb,z1) and/vector r2= (/vectorb,z2). This graph leads to the shadowing) of the Born term. The third term correspond s to the interaction with three nucleons of the nucleus. The dots in Eq. (19) denote higher r escattering terms not shown in Fig. 6. Equation (19) is rather general and, because of the non-diagona direct calculation of the nuclear DVCS amplitude for heavy nuclei using Eq. (19) is impossible. Therefore, for our numerical predictions, we make an a pproximation and ignore 17the non-diagonal transitions for the interactions with three and m ore nucleons (this does affect the convergence of the (22) where in the last line we used the large- Aapproximation. Therefore, Eq. (19) now comparison of nuclear shadowing in DVCS and DIS, we also give the expression for the forward nuclear DIS amplitude, which can be readily obtained fro m Eq. quantify predictions of the GVMD model for the nuclear DVCS and DIS amplitudes by considering the ratios is the nuclear DVCS amplitude of Eq. (23); the first term (Born contribution) of Eq. (23); the first term of Eq. (26). Note that RDIS amplis nothing but the the ratio of the nuclear to the structure functions, 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 = 1 GeV2, t=tminIm Re DIS 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 = 1 GeV2, t=tmin208Pb Q2 = 1 GeV2, 7: The ratios and of Eq. (25) at Q2= functions of Bjorken xB. The left panel is for40Ca; the right panel is 7 presents the ratios RIm ampl(solid curves), RRe ampl(dotted curves) and curves) at Q2= 1 GeV2andt=tmin -x2 Bm2 Nas functions of xB. The left to the nucleus of40Ca; the right panel corresponds to208Pb. Let us now discuss the results presented in Fig. 7 in detail. The solid an d coincide for xB<0.01 and deviate only slightly for 0 .01< xB<0.1, which means that the amount of nuclear shadowing is the same in the imaginary par ts of the DVCS and DIS amplitudes. This observation agrees with the results obtained w ithin the framework of a different approach to nuclear GPDs at small- xB, when the latter are modeled using the align-jet model for the nucleon GPDs and a parameterization of usu al nuclear PDFs [54]. Moreover, the amount of nuclear shadowing predicted by our calcu lations in the GVMD model matches very well the leading-twist predictions for made at somewhat higher Q2[35]. This is a consequence of the fact the GVMD model predicts a significant amount of inclusive diffraction in g*pscattering at all Q2, which controls the size of nuclear shadowing in the leading-twist theory of nuclear shad owing [35]. As the value of xBis increased (at fixed Q2), the shadowing correction decreases due to the decrease of srp(W) and due to the increasingly destructive role of the 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04RIm ampl -t [GeV2]40Ca Q2 = 1 GeV240Ca Q2 = 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02RIm ampl -t [GeV2]208Pb Q2 = 1 FIG. 8: The ratio RIm amplatQ2= 1 GeV2as a function of t. The left panel is for40Ca; the right panel is in Eq. atsmall- xB, theshadowing correction is approximately two times as large as for the ratio of the imaginary pa rts because of the fact that (1 -e)2= 1-e2-2ie, see Eqs. (5) and (23). As xBincreases, the real part of the shadowing correction receives a large contribution from the and, as a result, it steadily grows and becomes larger tha n the Born behavior of RRe amplis similar to that observed in [54]. Note, however, that since the effect oftmin(the factor FA(tmin) in the Born term) was not included in the analysis of [54], the agreement could be coincidental. We also examined nuclear shadowing in DVCS with nuclear targets as a f unction of the momentum transfer t. Figure 8 presents RIm amplatQ2= 1 GeV2as a function of t. Figure 8 demonstrates that the shadowing correction to the DVCS amplitud e has the is slower than that of the Born term. As one increases |t|, the negative correction decreases slower than the Born term, which leads to a decrease of RIm ampl. The ratio RRe amplfollows the similar trend. Equation (23) presents the g*A-gAscattering amplitude as a function of W,Q2and t. It also allows for the representation of the scattering amplitude a s a function of where/vectorbis the impact parameter conjugate to /vector qt, A(g*+A-g+A) the first term in Eq. (26), we took into account the non-zero lon gitudinal kg*-kg=xBmN, see Eq. (21), and also neglected the t-dependence of S n,m(t) compated to FA(t). Using Eq. (26), the nuclear DVCS cross section can beexpressed in the following (27) In order to quantify predictions of the GVMD model for nuclear DVC S cross sections, we introduce the ratio (28) where the numerator is calculated using Eq. (27) and the complete e xpression for the nu- clear DVCS amplitude (26); the denominator is calculated using only th e first term in Eq. of the GVMD model for the ratio RcsatQ2= 1 GeV2as a function of xB are presented in Fig. 9. The solid curve corresponds to40Ca; the dotted curve can see fromFig. 9, the predicted amount of nuclear shadow ing atsmall- xBis very large. Since the t-dependence of the nuclear DVCS amplitude is very steep, the domin ant contribution to the t-integrated cross sections entering Rcscomes from the the amount of nuclear shadowing for Rcsis equal roughly twice the amount of nuclear shadowing for RIm ampl, see Fig. 7. Finally, we would also like to point out that for nuclear DVCS, the ratio o f the imaginary parts of the DVCS and DIS amplitudes, see Eq. (12) and Fig. 2, is quit e similar to the free nucleon case. This is a mere consequence of the fact that the stru cture of the Q2-dependence of the ratio is essentially the same in the DVCS on the nucleon and on nu clei. 21 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 = 1 9: The ratio Eq. (28) as a function of Bjorken xBatQ2= 1 GeV2. The solid curve corresponds to40Ca; the dotted curve is for208Pb. IV. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION We considered Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) on nucleo ns and nuclei in W model, which was applied to forward amplitudes of Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS), to the non-forward tnegationslash= 0 case. We introduced the W-dependence of the DVCS the W-dependence of the elementary vector meson-nucleon amplitude, which was taken to be proportional to W0.2at high-W. We compared our predictions to the HERA data on DVCS on the proto n with the fol- lowing results. The GVMD model describes well the dependence of th e DVCS cross GeV2) andt. AtQ2=8 GeV2, theW-dependence of the cross section is somewhat underestimated, which can be interpreted as due to the onset of the hard regime beyond the soft dynamics of the GVMD model. We estimated the relative contribution of 1 /Q2-corrections to the DVCS amplitude and the DVCS cross section. We found that these corrections are larg e: the contribution of to the DVCS amplitude at t=tminis 20% at Q2= 2 GeV2, 11% at Q2= 4 GeV2and 6% at Q2= 8 GeV2; the contribution of the 1 /Q2-corrections to the cross section is 56% at Q2= 2 GeV2, 32% at Q2= 4 GeV2and 17% at Q2= 8 GeV2. Wealso made predictions for theDVCS amplitude andthe DVCS cross s ection which are relevant for the physics program of the futur e Electron-Ion Collider. We predicted significant nuclear shadowing, which matches well predict ions of the shadowing in DIS on nuclei. Our analysis allows us to argue that the GVMD model provides a reliable of the DVCS amplitude and the DVCS cross section with nucleons a nd nuclei in a wide range of kinematics. At fixed values of Q2, which should not be too large, Q2<~5 GeV2, the GVMD model is applicable starting from W= 2 GeV (JLab), towards W80 GeV (HERA) and beyond (real photons at the LHC). At fixed W, the GVMD model is appli- cable from the photoproduction limit up to the values of Q2, where perturbative QCD can already be used, 0 <=Q2<~5 GeV2. In addition, due to the correct 1 /Q2-scaling, predictions of the GVMD model can be extrapolated to much higher values of Q2such that the range of applicability of the GVMD model becomes very wide, 0 <=Q2<80 GeV2. The model can be applied for a wide range of t: 0<|t|<1 authors would like to thank C. 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Vadim Guzey
K. Goeke (Ruhr U., Bochum), V. Guzey (Jefferson Lab), M. Siddikov (Ruhr U., Bochum & Uzbekistan Natl. U.)
Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on nucleons and nuclei in generalized vector meson dominance model
25 pages, 9 figures, 1 table
hep-ph hep-ex nucl-th
We consider Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) on nucleons and nuclei in the framework of generalized vector meson dominance (GVMD) model. We demonstrate that the GVMD model provides a good description of the HERA data on the dependence of the proton DVCS cross section on Q^2, W (at Q^2=4 GeV^2) and t. At Q^2 = 8 GeV^2, the soft W-behavior of the GVMD model somewhat underestimates the W-dependence of the DVCS cross section due to the hard contribution not present in the GVMD model. We estimate 1/Q^2 power-suppressed corrections to the DVCS amplitude and the DVCS cross section and find them large. We also make predictions for the nuclear DVCS amplitude and cross section in the kinematics of the future Electron-Ion Collider. We predict significant nuclear shadowing, which matches well predictions of the leading-twist nuclear shadowing in DIS on nuclei.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 5 Feb 2008 17:14:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Goeke", "K.", "", "Ruhr U., Bochum" ], [ "Guzey", "V.", "", "Jefferson Lab" ], [ "Siddikov", "M.", "", "Ruhr U., Bochum & Uzbekistan Natl. U." ] ]
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/CT/D8a= log(1/h), /CP/D2/CS /D7/CT/D0/CT /D8c>0 /D7/D9 /CW 0,/D8/CW/CT/D2 /DB/CT 0 a.s., /CTmz /CX/D7 /CS/CT/AS/D2/CT /CS /CX/D2 /B4/BF/BA/BL /B5 /BF/BA/BE /C4 /CT/D8A Z /CQ /CT /CP /AS/DC/CT /CS /C1/CUun An /B8n= 1,2,... /B8 /C1/CUjn Bn /B8n= 1,2,... /B8 /CU/CP /D8/D7 /CP/D2/CS /BY /CP /D8 /BD/BA /BY /D3/D6 /D8/CW/CT /DD /D3/CU /D2/D3 /DB /CT /CW/CP /DA /CT /B4 /CU/BA /BY /CT/D0/D0/CT/D6 0, i= 1,2,...) = min{i>=1 :Si=z}, T0=:T, z Z,/D8/CW/CT /AS/D6/D7/D8 /D8/CX/D1/CT /D3/CUz /BA /CQ /DDg0(n) /D8/CW/CT /DD /D8/CW/CP/D8 /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /AS/D6/D7/D8n-1 /CT/D7 /D2/D3/D8 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /CC/CW/CT/D2 /CY/D9/D7/D8 /D0/CX/CZ /CT /CX/D2 /B4/BE/BA/BG /B5/B8 /DB /CT /CW/CP /DA /CT 1 0>0. /CP /D8 /BE/BA /BY /D3/D6T /B8 /D8/CW/CT /AS/D6/D7/D8 /D8/CX/D1/CT /D8/D30 /DB /CT /CW/CP /DA /CT /B4 /CU/BA /BY /CT/D0/D0/CT/D6 2n) n- , /DB/CW/CX /CW /D3/D2/CT /CP/D2 <) n- . /CC/CW/CX/D7 /CX/D7 /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU /BT/BA/C1/D8 /CP/D2 /CQ /CT /D7/CT/CT/D2 /D1/D3/D6/CT 2n,S1= 1) =P(T= 2n,S1=-1) 2n), /DB/CW/CX 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=j, T <) =P(Z({-z}) =j, T <) ifj= =j, T=) = (1-2q)PzQj-1 z, j= 1,2,... = 0, T=) = (1-2q). /CP/D2 /CQ /CT /D7/CT/CT/D2 /D1/D3/D6/CT T <) =E(Z({z}), T <) =E(Z({-z}), T <) <) =E(Z({z})|T <) =E(Z({-z})|T <) /CQ /DD /B4/BF/BA/BL /DB /CP/D2 /CQ /CT /CS /CU/D6/D3/D1 /CP/D2/CS /B4/BG/BA/BE/BE /B5 /CQ /DD /D9/D7/CX/D2/CV /parenleftBig E(evZ({z}), T T=)./C1/D8 /CX/D7 /CT/CP/D7/DD /D8/D3 /D7/CT/CT T <) T=) = (1-2q)ps(v)./CC /D3 /CT/CP/D7/CT /D8/CW/CT /DB /CT /DB /CT /CV/CT/D8 /CU/D6/D3/D1 /CP/D2/CS /B4/BG/BA/BE/BF /B5/BA/BY /D6/D3/D1 /B4/BG/BA/BD/BG /B5 /B9 /B4/BG/BA/BD/BH /B5/B8 w=ev/B8 /D3/D2/CT /CP/D2 /D8/D0/DD /CP/D2/CS /B4/BG/BA/BD/BL /B5 /CP/D2 /CQ /CT /CT/CS /CQ /DD /D8/CW/CT /D6/CX/CV/CW /D7/CX/CS/CT /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /D4 /D3 /DB /CT/D6/D7/D3/CUw /BA/CC/CW/CT /D2/CT/DC/D8 /D8/CW/CT /CY/D3/CX/D2 /D8 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D0/D3 /CP/D0 /D8/CX/D1/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CP/D2/CS /D8/CW/CT/D3 /D8/CX/D1/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D9/D2/CX/D8 B /BA/C8/D6/D3/D4 /BG/BA/BE/BA /BY /D3/D6K= 0,1,..., L=K+1,K+2,... 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0,1,... p1(L,0) :=P1(Ks(0,) =L,x(0,) = 0) =qL(1-2q). /B4/BG/BA/BF/BE/B5 /B8 /DB /CT /CV/CT/D8 /B4/BG/BA/BE/BL /B5 /CW /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB/D7 <) =p(1-2q)ev 1-qev, /CP/D7 /DB /CT /CV/D3/D8 /B4/BG/BA/BD/BK /B5 /CX/D2 /C8/D6/D3/D4 /BG/BA/BD/BA/CF /CT /DB/CX/D0/D0 /D2/CT/CT/CS /D7/D3/D1/CT /CQ/CP/D7/CX /CP/CQ /D3/D9/D8 /D8/CW/CT /D6/CT/DA /CT/D6/D7/CT/CS /DB /CP/D0/CZ/BA /BU/DD /D8/CW/CT /D6/CT/DA /CT/D6/D7/CT/CS /D4/CP/D8/CW j) /DB /CT /D1/CT/CP/D2 /D8/CW/CT 0-Sj) =: /CC/CW/CT/D2 /D3/CU /CP/D6/CT /DA 1) =qandP(X* 1=-1) =p= 1-q, p>q. /D8/CW/CX/D7 /CP/D2 /CQ /CT /D8/D3 /CP/D2 /B8 /CP /DB /CP/D0/CZ /CP/D8 /D8/CW/CT S* 0= 0 /B8 1,2,... /B8 /CP/D6/CT /CP/CQ /D3 /DA /CT/CU/D3/D6k<=j /CP/D2/CS /CU/D3/D6k > j /D8/CW/CT/DD /CP/D6/CT /CP/D2 /D3/CU /DA /CT/D2/CS/CT/D2 /D8 /CU/D6/D3/D1 /D8/CW/CT /D3/D2/CT/D7/B5 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /CP/CQ /D3 /DA /CT /BA /CC/CW/CT/D2 /DB /CT /CW/CP /DA /CT /CP /D8 /BJ/BA P(x*(-z,) =k) =P(x(z,) =k). /D8/D0/DD /B8 /D9/D2/CS/CT/D6 /D8/CW/CT /D7 /D3/CU /C8/D6/D3/D4 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Endre Cs\'aki
Endre Cs\'aki, Ant\'onia F\"oldes, P\'al R\'ev\'esz
On the local time of the asymmetric Bernoulli walk
We study some properties of the local time of the asymmetric Bernoulli walk on the line. These properties are very similar to the corresponding ones of the simple symmetric random walks in higher ($d\geq3$) dimension, which we established in the recent years. The goal of this paper is to highlight these similarities.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 6 Feb 2008 10:02:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Csáki", "Endre", "" ], [ "Földes", "Antónia", "" ], [ "Révész", "Pál", "" ] ]
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/CB/CW/CX /CJ/BD/B8 /CP/D2/CS /CB/CW/CX /CJ/BE/BC /B5 /D4/D6/D3 /DA /CT/CS /D8/CW/CT /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB/CX/D2/CV /D9/D4/D4 /CT/D6 /CP/D2/CS /D0/D3 /DB /CT/D6 /D0/CP/D7/D7 /D7/BA /BZ /BM /C4 /CT/D8ph(t) /CQ /CT /CP /CT /CP/D2/CSps(t) /CQ /CT /CP /D6 /CT /CP/D7/CX/D2/CV /B8 /CQ /D3/D8/CW /BA /CC/CW/CT/D2 /CU/D3/D6n /CX/CU /CP/D2/CS /D3/D2/D0/DD /CX/CU /CP/D2/CS /D3/D2/D0/DD /CX/CU /CP/D2/CS /D3/D2/D0/DD /CX/CU/integraldisplay 11 xps2n-2(x)e-ps2(x)/2dx<, /C0 /BM /C4 /CT/D8r(t)>0 /CQ /CT /D7/D9 /CW /CX/D7 /D6 /CT /CX/CU /CP/D2/CS /D3/D2/D0/DD /CP/CZ/CX/D2/CV /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /CP /D3/D9/D2 /D8 /CX/D2 /DA /CT/D6/D7/CT/D7 /D3/CU /CT/CP /CW /D3/D2/D7/D3/CU /BY/B8 /BZ/B8 /C0/B8 /BI/BA/BE /CP/D2/CS /BI/BA/BF /CP/D6/CT /D8/CW/CT /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB/CX/D2/CV /D9/D4/D4 /CT/D6 /CP/D2/CS /D0/D3 /DB /CT/D6 /D0/CP/D7/D7 /D7/BA /BI/BA/BG/BA /C4 /CT/D8Xn /CQ /CT /CP/D7 /CX/D2 /BI/BA/BD /CP/D2/CS /D0/CT/D8ph(t) /CQ /CT /CP /CT /CP/D7/CX/D2/CV /CP/D2/CSps(t) /CQ /CT /CP /D6 /CT/D7/CX/D2/CV /B8 /CQ /D3/D8/CW 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/DB/CX/D2/CV /BA /C4/BM /C4 >1 /B8 /CP/D2/CSg >1 /BA /CC/CW/CT/D2 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D4/D6 /D3/CQ 1 /D8/CW/CT/D6 /CT/D0/DD /D1/CP/D2/DDR /CU/D3/D6 = 1/CU/D3/D6 /CT /CP /CWj= /BA /C5/D3/D6 /CT /D3/DA/CT/D6/B8 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D4/D6 /D3/CQ 1 /CU/D3/D6 /CT /CP /CWR /D0/CP/D6 /CV/CT /D8/CW/CT/D6 /CT /BD/BM /C1/D2 /CU/CP /D8 /CX/D2 /CJ/BJ /DB /CT /D4/D6/D3 /DA /CT/CS /D8/CW/CX/D7 /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /CP/D7/CT /CQ/D9/D8 /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU /DB /D3/D6/CZ/D7 /CP/D0/D7/D3 /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /CP/D7/CT /D3/CU /CT/BA/CV/BA /CU/D3/D6 /D8/CW/CT /CP/D7/CT /CV/CX/DA /CT/D2 /CQ /DD /B4/BD/BA/BD/BE /B5/B8 /DB/CW/CX /CW /CX/D2 /D8/D9/D6/D2/B8 /CV/CX/DA /CT/D7/D8/CW/CT /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB/CX/D2/CV /CU/D3/D6 /D8/CW/CT /D4/D6/D3 := inf{t:Yn(t) =R} := sup{t:Yn(t) =R} /CQ /CT /D8/CW/CT /CX/D2 /D8/CT/CV/CT/D6 /CU/D3/D6 /DB/CW/CX /CW /D8/CW/CT /CT/DA /CT/D2 /D8 A(R) /D1/CT/CP/D2/D7 /D1/D3 /DA /CT/D7 /CU/D6/D3/D1R /D8/D3R+1 /CQ /CT/CU/D3/D6/CT /D8/D3R-1 /B8 /CX/D8 /CV/D3 /CT/D7 /CQ /CT/CU/D3/D6/CT /D8/D3R /B8... /CP/D2/CS /CP/D0/D7/D3 /D8/D3R+Ps(R)+1 /CP/D2/CS /CX/D8 /D2/CT/DA /D8/D3R+Ps(R)-1 /BA /CF /CT /D7/CP /DD /D8/CW/CP/D8 /D8/CW/CT /D4/D6/D3 /CT/D7/D7Yn(t) /CT/D7 /CP/D4 /CT/D7 /DA /CT/D0/D3 /CX/D8 /DD /BA /BE/BM /CC/CW/CT /D8 /D3/CU /BJ/BA/BE /B4/CU/D3/D6 /CX/D2 d= 2n+2 /B5 /DB /CP/D7 /CU/D3/D6/D1 /CX/D2 /BE/BL/BD /CP/D7 /CP /C7/BA /CP/D2/CS /CB/C0/C1/B8 /CI/BA/BM /CC/CW/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D3 /DA /CT/D6/D0/CP/D4 /D3/CU /D4/CP/D7/D8 /CP/D2/CS /D9/D2/CS/CT/D6 /CP /D8 /D4/D6/D3 /CT/D7/D7/BA /CB/D8/D3 /CB/D8/D3 /CA /CT/D4/BA /BH/BJ /BU/C7/CA /C7/BW/C1/C6/B8 /BT/BA/C6/BA /CP/D2/CS /C8 /BA/BM /C0/CP/D2/CS/CQ /D3 /D3/CZ /D3/CU /BU/D6 /AL /BY /CP /D8/D7 /CP/D2/CS/BY /BA /C0/BA/B8 /CA /CF/BA /CP/D2/CS /BU/BA/BM /BT/D2 /D3/CU /C3/CW/CX/D2 /D8 /CU/D3/D6 /D0/CP/D6/CV/CT /D8/D3 /CP /D0/CP/D7/D7 /D3/CU /C5/CP/D6/CZ /D3 /DA /CW/CP/CX/D2/D7 /D3/D2 /DA /D8/D3 /CP /BA/BV/D3/D1/D1/BA /C8/D9/D6 /CT /BT/D4/D4/D0/BA /C5/CP/D8/CW/BA /BE/BG /BV/C0/BT /C4/BA /CP/D2/CS /C8 /BT/CA/BW/C7/B8 /C2/BA/BV/BA/BM /CC/CW/CT /D0/D3 /DB /CT/D6 /CT/D2 /DA /CT/D0/D3/D4 /CT /D3/CU /D4 /CT /D7/CT/D0/CU/B9 /C5/CP/D6/CZ /D3 /DA/C8/D6/D3 /BX/D0/CT /D8/D6/BA /C2/BA /C8/D6 /D3/CQ /CP/CQ/BA /BD/BD /C3/BA/C4/BA/BM /DB/CX/D8/CW /CC /D6 /C8/D6 /D3/CQ /BA /BE/D2/CS /C6/CT/DB /CH /D3/D6/CZ/B8 /C8 /BA /CP/D2/CS /CE /BT/C6 /BX/BA/BT/BA/BM /D3/CU /DB /CP/D0/CZ/D7 /D4 /BA /C2/BA /BT/D4/D4/D0/BA /C5/CP/D8/CW/BA /BL/BL /BX/BA/B8 /BY /BT/BA /CP/D2/CS /C8 /BA/BM /CC /D8 /D2/CT/CX/CV/CW /CQ /D3/D6 /DB /CP/D0/CZ/D3/D2 /D8/CW/CT /D0/CX/D2/CT/BA /C2/BA/CC/CW/CT /D3/D6/BA /C8/D6 /D3/CQ /CP/CQ/BA /B8 /D8/D3 /CP/D4/D4 /BV/CB/FY/CA /BZ/DY/B8 /C5/BA /CP/D2/CS /C8 /BA/BM /CB/D8/D6 /D3/D2/CV /BT/D4/D4/D6 /CX/D2 /C8/D6 /D3/CQ /CP/D2/CS /BA/BT /C6/CT/DB /CH /D3/D6/CZ/B8 /C0/BA/BM /BY/CX/D6/D7/D8 /CX/CT/D7 /D3/CU /CQ/CX/D6/D8/CW /CP/D2/CS /CS/CT/CP/D8/CW /CW/CP/CX/D2/D7 /CP/D2/CS /CP/D7/D7/D3 /CX/CP/D8/CT/CS /D4 /BA /C8/D6 /D3 /BA /BT /D1/CT/D6/BA /C5/CP/D8/CW/BA /CB/D3 /BA /BD/BE/BL /BW /CE /BT/BA /CP/D2/CS /C8 /BA/BM /CB/D3/D1/CT /D3/D2 /DB /CP/D0/CZ /CX/D2 /D7/D4/CP /CT/BA /C8/D6 /D3 /BA/CB/CT /D3/D2/CS /CB/DD/D1/D4 /D3/D7/CX/D9/D1 /D3/D2 /CP/D0 /CP/D2/CS /C8/D6 /D3/CQ /B8 /BD/BL/BH/BC/BA /D4/D4/BA /CD/D2/CX/DA /CT/D6/D7/CX/D8 /DD /D3/CU /BU/CT/D6/CZ /CT/D0/CT/DD /CP/D2/CS /C4/D3/D7 /BX/CA/BW/FL/C4 /CH/C1/B8 /BT/BA /C5/BT /BZ/C6/CD/CB/B8 /CF/BA /BY/BA /CP/D2/CS /BY/BA/BZ/BA/BM /D6 /CP/D2/D7 /BY /CE /D3/D0/BA /BE/B8 /C5 /BZ/D6/CP /DB /B9 /C0/CX/D0/D0/B8 /C6/CT/DB /CH /D3/D6/CZ/B8 /CB/BA /CP/D2/CS /C2/BA/BM /DB /CP/D0/CZ/D7/BA /C1/D0 /C2/BA /C5/CP/D8/CW/BA /BF /BW/BA/B8 /C5/BA/C4/BA /CP/D2/CS /CB/C0/C1/B8 /CI/BA/BM /C7/D2 /CP /D3/CU /BX/D6/CS/EU/D7 /CP/D2/CS /CC /CP /D2/D2/BA /C8/D6 /D3/CQ /CP/CQ/BA /BE/BG /BY/BA/BU/BA/BM /D3/CU /BU/D6 /CP/D2/CS /BA /BT/D1/BA /C5/CP/D8/CW/BA /CB/D3 /BA/B8 /C8/D6/D3 /CA/BA/C1/BA/B8 /CC/C1/B8 /C2/BA/BM /BT /D2/CT/DB /D0/CP/D7/D7 /D3/CU /DD /D0/CX/D1/CX/D8 /D7/BA /C2/BA /C5/CP/D8/CW/BA /C5/CT /CW/BA /BD/BD /C7/CA/BX/CH/B8 /CB/BA /CP/D2/CS /C8/CA /CD/C1/CC/CC/B8 /CF/BA/BX/BA/BM /D3/CU /D8/CW/CTN /D4/D6/D3 /CT/D7/D7/BA/BT /D2/D2/BA /C8/D6 /D3/CQ /CP/CQ/BA /BD /C8 /BT/CA/BW/C7/B8 /C2/BA/BV/BA/BM /CC/CW/CT /D9/D4/D4 /CT/D6 /CT/D2 /DA /CT/D0/D3/D4 /CT /D3/CU /D4 /CT /D7/CT/D0/CU/B9 /C5/CP/D6/CZ /D3 /DA /D4/D6/D3 /CP/D6/CG/CX/DA/BM/D1/CP/D8/CW/BA/C8/CA/BB/BC/BJ/BC/BF/BC/BJ/BD/CJ/BD/BK /C8 /BA/BM /CA /CP/D2/CS/D3/D1 /CF /CP/D0/CZ /CX/D2 /CA /CP/D2/CS/D3/D1 /CP/D2/CS /C6/D3/D2/B9/CA /CP/D2/CS/D3/D1 /BX/D2/DA/CX/D6 /BA /BE/D2/CS /CT/CS/BA /CF /D8/CX/AS /B8 /D3/D6/CT/B8 /BW/BA /CP/D2/CS /CH/C7/CA/B8 /C5/BA/BM /BV /CP/D2/CS /BU/D6 /BA /BF/D6/CS /CB/C0/C1/B8 /CI/BA/BM /C0/D3 /DB /D0/D3/D2/CV /CS/D3 /CT/D7 /CX/D8 /D8/CP/CZ /CT /CP /D8 /D4/D6/D3 /CT/D7/D7 /D8/D3 /D6/CT/CP /CW /CX/D8/D7 /CX/D2/AS/D1 /CT /CS/CT /C8/D6 /D3/CQ /CG/CG/CG /B8 /C4 /CT /D8/D9/D6 /CT /C6/D3/D8/CT/D7 /CX/D2 /BD/BI/BE/BI /B8 /CF /BT /CC/CB/C7/C6/B8 /BZ/BA/C6/BA/BM /BT /CC /D6 /CT /CP/D8/CX/D7/CT /D3/D2 /D8/CW/CT /CC/CW/CT /D3/D6/DD /D3/CU /BY /BA /BE/D2/CS /CT/CS/BA /BV/CP/D1 /CT/D6/D7/CX/D8 /DD /BV/CP/D1 /CH/C7/CA/B8 /C5/BA/BM /CB/D3/D1/CT /BT/D7/D4 /CT /D8/D7 /D3/CU /BU/D6 /BA /C8/CP/D6/D8 /C1/BM /CB/D3/D1/CT /CB/D4 /CT /CX/CP/D0 /BY /BA
Endre Cs\'aki
Endre Cs\'aki, Ant\'onia F\"oldes, P\'al R\'ev\'esz
Transient nearest neighbor random walk and Bessel process
We prove strong invariance principle between a transient Bessel process and a certain nearest neighbor (NN) random walk that is constructed from the former by using stopping times. It is also shown that their local times are close enough to share the same strong limit theorems. It is shown furthermore, that if the difference between the distributions of two NN random walks are small, then the walks themselves can be constructed so that they are close enough. Finally, some consequences concerning strong limit theorems are discussed.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 6 Feb 2008 11:26:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Csáki", "Endre", "" ], [ "Földes", "Antónia", "" ], [ "Révész", "Pál", "" ] ]
2 FIG. 2: Circuit diagram of one this threshold ( Ui> G) the oscillator will fire, this meaning its LED will flash. This flash occurs only if a minimal time period Tminihas expired since the last fir- ing. The oscillator has also a maximal period, meaning if no flash occurred in time Tmaxi, then the oscillator will surely fire. In laymen terms firing is favored by darkness and the value of the controllable Gparameter charac- terizes the darkness level at which firing should occur. Through this simple rule the Gparameter controls the average light intensity output of the system. The tech- nical realization of the above dynamics is illustrated in Fig. 2. After the system has fired the 22 uF capaci- tor is completely discharged by the negative pulse from the inverted output of the monostable. As soon as the light flash ended, the same capacitor will start charging from the current flow through the 270 Kohm resistor. The IC1B comparator will trigger another flash as soon as the potential on the mentioned capacitor will overcome the value fixed by the group of three resistors on its pos- itive input (the firing threshold). Two of the resistors are connected to constant potentials (ground and +5 V), the third resistor is connected to the output of the sec- ond comparator IC1A which will have a value depending on the ratio between the reference voltage and a Theflash time is determined by the second capacitor together with the 12 Kohm resistor connected to the monostable. has a relatively low reaction time around 40 ms, while the minimal and maximal period of firing are around 800 ms and 2700 ms. The time of one flash is around 200 a square lattice (see Figure 1). The maximal number of oscillators which can be included are 24. A and program controls the Gthreshold parame- ter and allows us to get information automatically about the states of all oscillators. The state of an oscillator is recorded as 0 if the oscillator does not emit light and 1 when the oscillator fires (emits light). Whenever the state ofthe the programwrites in a file the corresponding time with a precision of mil- liseconds and the new states of the units. To obtain an enhanced global interaction the whole system is placed inside a closed box. The box has box. A graphical interface allows to visually control the state of the units. In order to fully understand the behavior of the sys- tem one has to accept that the coupling between pairs of oscillators are not exactly of the same strength. Also, the characteristic electronic parameters differ slightly (2-10%) among the units. III. COLLECTIVE oscillator. Whenever the Gthreshold is under a givenGcvalue the oscillator will fire with its mini- mal period and above Gcwith its maximal period. Gc depends of course on the imposed light intensity. Con- sidering more oscillators ( i= 1,...,n) and by letting them interact, interesting collective behavior appears for a certain range of the Gthreshold parameter. Due to the inhibitory nature of the considered inter- action, during the firing of oscillator ithe of the others ( will decrease. If the G parameteris so small, that under this condition the can still fire ( Uj> G), than all oscillators will fire in an uncorrelated manner. Each of them will be fir- ing at its own Tminjperiod and the interaction is thus not efficient. In such case no collective behavior can value of Gwill makethe efficient. The oscillators will avoid firing pulse of one unit (let us assume i) delays the fir- ing of the others by decreasing their voltages below the threshold: Uj< Due to the tiny differences in the coupling between the pairs (caused for example by different distances) and in the parameters of the elec- tronic elements, the Ujvoltages are different. The imme- diate consequence of this is that the next firing will occur most probably in the oscillator with the highest of course only those oscillators, which are al- ready capable of firing). This oscillator is the one which was influenced the less by the light-pulse of the previ- ous firing. If the total combined time of firing for the noscillators is smaller than the period Tmaxthe result is that after very short time phase-locking appears and a firing chain (with period T[Tmin,Tmax]) will form, each oscillator firing in a well-defined sequence. For a given system and a fixed Gthreshold this stable pattern is always the same. If the total time of firing of the n oscillators exceeds Tmax, the firing pattern will be much longer and more further and over a limit the Gthreshold pa- rameter the previously discussed weak disappears. In this case the voltages of all oscillators are much smaller than the threshold value Ui< G, so the firing of a unit can not influence the oth- ers. All oscillators will fire with their own Tmaxiperiod3 and no interesting collective behavioris observed. Again, the interaction is not efficient. The collective behavior of the system can be easily analyzed by plotting a kind of phase-histogram for the oscillator ensemble. Choosing a reference oscillator, the relative phases of all the others are defined by measuring the time difference between their pulse and the last pulse emitted by the reference oscillator. Studying these time- delays during a longer time period a histogram is a given time-delay occurred and gives thus a hint whether a constant firing pattern is formed or and computer simulated results for confirm the above presented scenario of the collective behavior. As an example, on Fig. 3, re- sults obtained on a relatively small system with n= 5 oscillators are shown. In the first column of Fig. 3 (fig- ures a, b, c and d), experimental results for four differ- ent values of the Gthreshold are plotted. For a small threshold parameter ( G= 500 mV), no (Fig. 3a). Due to the fact that the character- istic time-periods of the oscillators are slightly all values will occur with the same probability in the phase-histogram. Beginning with G= 1300 mV a kind of order begins to emerge, and a trend towards the of the oscillator pulses is observed (e.g. Fig. 3b for G= 2000 mV). In the 3000 mV threshold value (Fig. 3c) clear phase- locking appears. One can observe that a stable firing pattern has formed, each oscillator has an almost exact phase relative to the reference oscillator. For an even higher value (e.g. G= 4200 mV), disorder sets in disappears and all oscillators fire indepen- dently with their own maximal period (Fig. 3d). In the second column of Fig. 3 we present the corre- sponding simulation results. In simulations the time periodis Tmini= 900ms, the averagemax- imal period Tmaxi= 2700 ms, and the average 200 ms. For an easier comparison, the val- ues are chosen to be similar with the real We considereda uniform distribution ofthe oscilla- tors parameter around these average values using a +-50 ms interval for TminandTmaxand a+-20 ms One could argue of course that a would be much more appropriate, but given the fact that we simulate here relatively small number of oscillators the exact statistics is irrelevant. Considering some deviations from the average is however important in order to reproduce the collective behavior of the sys- tem. An uncorrelated noise in time is also considered. This will randomly shift the of each oscillator at each cycle. Again, a on a +-20 ms interval was considered. voltages of the oscillators are set to be in the interval 4100 +-100mV in dark, 2100 +-100mV when one single LED is flashing and 1050 +-100 mV when two LEDs are flashing simultaneously. Whenever kLEDs are FIG.3: n= 5oscillators. Exper- imental results are in the first column, and the correspondin g simulation results are in the second column. Figures a) and e) are for G= 500 mV; figure b) and f) are for G= 2000 mV; figures c) and g) are for G= 3000 mV, and figures d) and h) are forG= 4200 flashing the characteristic voltages of the othersare consideredto be 2100 /k+-100mV, howeverfor n= 5 oscillators only very rarely happens to have more than two oscillators simultaneously firing. This values were chosen to approximately match the and we do not try here to give a theoretical model for the nonlinear behavior of the photoresistor. Fluctua- tions in time and among the parametersof the Differencesin thestrengthofthe cou- pling between pairs of oscillators are however neglected. Using these parameters, it is assumed that each oscilla- tor can flash whenever its voltage exceeds the threshold G. The flashing cannot occur earlier than Tminior to its last firing. On Fig. 3e.,f.,g. and h., the simulated phase-histograms of the oscillators are plotted and compared with the corresponding exper- imental data. The observed experimental results, includ- ing the non-trivial synchronization (phase-locking), reproduced. It is also possible to define a kind of characterizes the observed synchronization level. Our method for calculating this is the following: 1) A reference oscillator kis chosen and the phases of all oscillators are calculated relative to this oscillator. 2) Lethi(f) denote the value of the normalized i(i= 1,...,n,i 4: Order parameters calculated from experimental (cir - cles) andsimulation (dashedline) results plotted as afunc tion of theGthreshold. Systems with n= 3,5,7,9 oscillators to phase difference (time difference) value f. Since we have a normalized histogram, hi(f)[0,1] gives the occurrence probability of phase difference value fduring the measurement = 1). 3) Awindow ofwidth ais defined (we havechosen a= 30 ms). Shifting the window with f= 1 ms step, for each discretized value of fthe sum Hi(f) calculated for each oscillator i. 4) Letrkdenote the difference between the maximum and minimum value of Hi(f) averaged over all Items 1-4 are repeated considering each oscillator in the system as reference an averaging is performed over all the (k= 1,...,n). The final order parameter is calculated thus as Averaging as a function of the reference oscillator is beneficial in order to get a smoother curve when only partial phase locking is de- tected (Figure 3b.). In such cases the very sensible on the choice of the reference 4the theGthreshold value. Systems with n= 3,5,7 and 9 oscillators are considered. Experimental (circles) and simulation results (dashed line) are again in good agree- ment. The figure also illustrates that for an value phase-locking appears. This weak is better ( ris bigger) when there are less units in the system. One obvious reason for this is that by increasing nthe total time of firing of the oscillators will increase and slowly exceed the value Tmax. As a re- sult of this the firing pattern will change from a simple firing chain to a much longer and more decreasing the value of the order parameter. From Fig. 4 it is also observable that the show more intensive fluctuations. The reason for this is probably the complex noise present in the system. IV. CONCLUSION A system of electronic oscillators light-pulses was studied. The units were de- signed to optimize the averagelight intensity of the emit- ted light-pulses, and no direct driving force favoring was considered. Although our on relatively small systems (up to 24 and rich collective behavior was observed. As a nontrivial result it was found that the inhibitory the controllable threshold parameter. This weak was realized by complex flashing patterns of the units. We believe that this study inspires oscillators will be studied with various inter- action rules. Many other interesting collective behaviors can be obtained by controlling individually the parame- ters of the units, their interaction rule and the type of coupling between them. Such systems could also yield a new approach to unconventional computing, being in many sense similar with the presently developed CNN computers Work supported from a Roma- nian CNCSIS No.1571 research grant (contract 84/2007) and a Hungarian ONR grant S.H. Strogatz, Sync: The Emerging Science of Sponta- neous Order (Hyperion, New York, 2003) [2] S.H. Strogatz and I. Stewart, Sci. Am. (Int. Ed.) 269(6), 102 (1993) [3] S.H. Strogatz, Lect. Notes Biomath., 100(1993) [4] L. Glass and M.C. Mackey, From Clocks to Chaos: The Rhythms of Life (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1988) [5] A.T. Winfree, The Geometry of Biological New-York, 1990); A.T. Winfree, J. Theor. Biol. 16, 15 (1967) [6] Z. N' eda, E. 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Neda Zoltan
M. Ercsey-Ravasz, Zs. Sarkozi, Z. Neda, A. Tunyagi, and I. Burda
Collective behavior of "electronic fireflies"
4 pages, 4 figures included
A simple system composed of electronic oscillators capable of emitting and detecting light-pulses is studied. The oscillators are biologically inspired, their behavior is designed for keeping a desired light intensity, W, in the system. From another perspective, the system behaves like modified integrate and fire type neurons that are pulse-coupled with inhibitory type interactions: the firing of one oscillator delays the firing of all the others. Experimental and computational studies reveal that although no driving force favoring synchronization is considered, for a given interval of W phase-locking appears. This weak synchronization is sometimes accompanied by complex dynamical patterns in the flashing sequence of the oscillators.
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[ [ "Ercsey-Ravasz", "M.", "" ], [ "Sarkozi", "Zs.", "" ], [ "Neda", "Z.", "" ], [ "Tunyagi", "A.", "" ], [ "Burda", "I.", "" ] ]
2 easy. In particular, currents that are connected by chi- ral transformation such as vector and axial ones should share the same renormalization. Thus, the ratio gA/gV is naturally renormalized in DWF lattice calculations [4]. Earlier (mostly quenched) lattice calculations [15, 16, 17] of this ratio gave significant underestimations by up to 20%. In a quenched calculation with DWF we found much of this deficit comes from the small lattice volumes employed in those earlier studies [4]. With the suffi- ciently large lattice volume of about (2 .4 fm)3used in our quenched calculation with DWF and the improved DBW2 gauge action [18, 19], we observed that the ratio does not depend strongly on the quark mass and ob- tained a value of 1 +-0.024(norm) in the chiral limit. The value is almost consistent with experi- ment, and combined with the very weak dependence on the quarkmass, does not require anychiral a linearone in quarkmass. Thus an do these observations hold when the quarks are treated due to the MuCap Collaboration's experiment studying ordinary muon cap- ture (OMC) by protons, u-p-nun[20]. The OMC ex- periments determine the induced pseudoscalar atq2= 0.88m2 u, wheremuis the muon mass. The new experiment yields gP= 7.3+-1.1,which 8.26+-0.16 [21], but much smaller than the last world average for OMC, ( gOMC P)ave= 10.5+-1.8 given in Ref. [22], and the value from a single capture(RMC), Recently, a quenched DWF calculation [6] reported a result, gP= with the MuCap experiment. It is interest- ing to see what value is obtained in a nf= 2 dynamical DWF formfactor, gP(q2). It is the induced part of Eq. (2), directly related to the pion-nucleon coupling, gpNN, which should at finite momentum a more traditional convention of Fp=fp/ 2~ 92 MeV. These should hold up to residual dependence on the momentum transfer q2; the pion-nucleon coupling at high momentum transfer may significantly differ from its value near zero momentum transfer. On the lattice there may also arise some corrections from the finite we study the dependence of these form factors at relatively low momentum transfer, we can try to mean square radii, defined structure functions are measured in deep of leptons from nucleons [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35], the cross section of which is factorized in terms of leptonic and hadronic (4) The leptonic tensor is known to be lun(k,k') = the cross section provides us with structure infor- mation about the target nucleon through the which is decomposed into symmetric unpo- larized and antisymmetric polarized andx=Q2/2n, andQ2=|q2|. The unpolarized structure functions are F1(x,Q2) and F2(x,Q2), and the polarized, g1(x,Q2) moments are described in terms of Wilson's op- erator product ande2are perturbatively known and anddn(u) are calcu- lable on the lattice as forward nucleon matrix elements of certain local the conventional staggered or Wilson fermions would complicate such lattice calculations for the same reasons as discussed for the form factors. The DWF cal- culations are simpler because of easier to good chiral symmetry. In particular the first momentum fraction) and helicity fraction) share a common and so their ratio is naturally renormalized in DWF calculations [36]. During the last few years lattice computations have provided many interesting results for these moments [4, 7, 8, 17, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56], in both quenched and full QCD. These calculations values for the moments of structure func- tions atleadingtwist. Oneofthe these previous calculations is significant from fits to the experimental data [17, 36, 38, 48]. In our quenched calculation [36] of these quantities we encountered similar overestimations. Interestingly, how- ever, the ratio of these quantities, very weak dependence on the quark mass an obvious question is whether this behavior sur- vives when the quarks are treated dynamically. We address these questions with a lattice QCD calcu- lation using two degenerate dynamical flavorsof domain- wall fermions and DBW2 gauge ac- tion [57]. Three bare sea quark masses of 0.02, 0.03 and 0.04 in lattice units (corresponding to pion masses of about 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 GeV) are used with about 200 gauge configurations each. The lattice cutoff is a-1~ 1.7 GeV, and the spatial volume is about (1 .9 fm)3. of various benefits of DWF such as good chiral and flavor symmetries in performing for our nucleon observables. Unlike 36] whichdid not dependence on quarkmass in most of the observ- ables, we sometimes observe significant deviations at the lightest quark mass from the heavier quark mass results. The pion mass times lattice extent, mpL, is slightly less than5atthe for calculations involving a large hadron such as the nucleon. We must therefore perform quark-mass extrap- olation on a case-by-case basis and with great caution. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec- tion II, we first briefly summarize the numerical source and sink and the operators used to calcu- late the form factors and moments of the structure func- tions. Finally we briefly summarize the numerical renormalization methods. In Section III we begin with discussion of the form factors at zero momen- tum transfer. We show the conservation of the isovec- tor vector current is under good control and then give an evaluation of the nucleon axial charge. Then we dis- cuss momentum dependence of various form factors. In particular the Dirac mean-squared charge radius is ex- tracted. The relation is shown to hold and provides an estimate of the pion-nucleon cou- pling. Finally, we describe our calculations of some low moments of the structure functions. We summarize our conclusions and future plans in Section IV. II. NUMERICAL METHOD We use DWF lattice ensembles generated by the [57]. These were generated with two de- generate flavors of dynamical quarks described by the domain-wall fermion [1, 2, 3, 14] action and gluons de- scribed by the doubly-blocked Wilson (DBW2) gauge ac- tion [18, 19]. There are three such ensembles with sea quark masses of msea= 0.02, 0.03, and 0.04 in lattice units, which respectively correspond to about 1/2, 3/4 and 1 times the strange quark mass, or degenerate pseu- doscalar meson masses of about 500, 600 and 700 MeV. The inverselattice spacingis about 1.7GeV, set from the4 r-meson mass, yielding a physical volume of (1 .9 fm)3. We study nucleon matrix elements using quark prop- agators obtained with Gaussian gauge-invariant sources with radius ( rgauss) of 4.35 for all three quark masses and additionally with Gaussian smearing radius of 8 for the lightest quark mass. The former parameter was previ- ously used for the neutron dipole moments calculation on themsea= 0.03 and 0.04 ensembles [58]. The lat- ter is a better size for overlap with the ground state of the nucleon. For details of our source definition see Ref. [58]. We use onlyunitary valence quarkmass when computing quark propaga- tors. We use two different sequential sources generated with source-sink locations, [ tsrc,tsink] = [0,10] and [15, 25], where the source-sink separation tsepis fixed as 10 lattice units, on a given gauge configuration for all threequark masses with the smaller rgauss. As for the larger rgauss, we use a different choice of source-sink 12. The longer separation causes the noise. Therefore, we use three sources placed at [tsrc,tsink] = [0,12], [9, 21] and [18, 30] to increase the statistics. obtained from two sets of parameters, the lightest quark ensemble. The parameter values and the number of configurations used from each ensem- ble are summarized in Table I. We also compile some basic physics results from Ref. [57] in the same table. We define our nucleon two-point functions with a nu- cleon interpolation field khand smearing parameters A andBas p)khB(0,-/vector p)gt-i/vector g*/vector p)t+***(9) with normalized states defined p)us(/vector p), (10) and spinors p)-us(/vector p) =E(/vector p)gt-i/vector g*/vector p) p2. The ellipsis in Eq. (9) contributions, which can be ignored in the case oft1. We often use the projector P+=1+gt 2to p) =E(/vector p)zB(/vector p)e-E(/vector two-point functions provide appropriate normal- ization factors when we extract matrix elements from three-point correlation functions, as well as estimates forthe nucleon mass. Now we define the three-point g*/vector g*/vector p')zB(/vector q=/vector p'-/vector p,/vector p=/vector psrc,/vector p'=/vector psnk,E=E(/vector psrc) and E'=E(/vector psnk). The operator S uis appropriately selected for each observable of interest discussed in the calculate the nucleon isovector form factors and some low moments of structure functions, namely the isovector vector ( gV), induced tensor ( gT), isovector ax- ial (gA), and induced pseudoscalar ( gP), form factors at5 TABLE I: Summary of simulation parameters and the numbers of configurations. The pion mass, the nucleon mass and the pion decay constant ( Fp) are also tabulated. mf 0.02 0.03 0.04 tsnk-tsrc 12 10 10 10 tsrc 0,9,18 8 4.35 4.35 4.35 # of conf. 185 each 220 each 220 each 220 each mp(GeV)[57] 0.493(5) 0.607(4) 1.28(2) 1.43(2) 0.1141(7) 0.1232(7) 0.1329(7) both zero and finite momentum transfer, and moments corresponding to the momentum helicityfraction and transversity The respective choice of the lattice operators for these observables are the same as in earlier RBC reports [4, 6, 36, 59] on quenched cal- culations, and are briefly summarized in what follows. Before we move on to discuss the operator choices for our observables of interest, we would like to briefly explain our different choice of source-sink and Gaussian smearing radius, rgauss, for the light- est quark mass ensemble (see [43, 49, 60] for the ear- lier calculations). We started our calculation by setting tsep= 10 time units and the Gaussian source smear- ing radius to 4.35, parameters previously used for the neutron dipole moments calculation on the mf= 0.03 and 0.04 ensembles[58]. Although the new results of the Gaussian source in the heaver quark-mass region agree with the heavier quark-mass points of the box source, for the same calculation with mf= 0.02, we find a signifi- cant decrease in the axial charge compared to our previ- ous box-source calculation, which used a separation of to examine whether there is a systematic error due to excited-state contamination in the new results. The effective masses plotted in Fig. 2 show that the Gaussian source with smearing radius 4.35 has a ground state plateau that begins at t-tsrc= 7 or 8 (top figure), while the box source appears to plateau sooner (bottom figure). Thus one may suspect that excited-state con- tamination accounts for the effect observed in Fig. 1. Since the major difference between the two calculations is the source type and separation, we extend the source- sink separation to tsep= 12 for the Gaussian source (the same as in the previous box-source calculation) and also increase its radius to 8 in order to reduce Indeed, the Gaussian source with radius 8 provides similar quality of plateau in the effective mass plot, as shown in the middle panel of Fig. 2. However, as shown in Fig. 1, the resulting gA/gVwith the second parameter set consistent with that of the first one {10,4.35}rather than the previousresult of the box source. So, the discrepancy between the results is probably not caused by excited-state we mentioned before, to reduce statistical fluctu- ations, we use multiple sources in the present studies. This is another difference from the previous only a single source was utilized. To make this point clear, we show the dependence of bare gVandgA on the location of the current insertion tfor each choice of the source location in Fig. 3. In the top panels, all calculations of the bare gVshow clear plateaus between source and sink locations. Although the slight depen- dence on the source location may be observed among the three sources in the all the values of these plateaus agree with one another within the statistical errors. We see no evidence of in the bare gV. On the other hand, for the bare gA(bottom panels), both the results obtained from box and Gaussian 12 exhibit larger fluctuations and less clear plateaus, while two consistent plateaus clearly appear in the cases of tsep= 10. This indicates that the causes the larger fluctuations, since the as a function of tsep. Indeed, the tsep= 12 Gaus- sian source results obtained from a single source-sink lo- cation [tsrc,tsink] = [9,21] agree with those of the box source due to the large statistical errors, while the aver- age from all three sources for good agreement with the results of this context, the lower value of the bare gAob- tained from the present studies is more statistically sig- nificant, since the box source results have been obtained only for a single source. Although a systematic er- ror from excited-state contaminations in the result be hidden, owing to the large fluctuations in that of we may choose to live with the former for the final result. This is mainly because the finite momentum much from such large fluctuations. We obtain re- sults for the form factors only from the case of tsep= 10.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 mp2 src, tsep=12 Gauss src, tsep=12 Gauss src, 1: Renormalized isovector axial charge box [43] and Gaussian smeared sources with separations ( tsep). The value from the Gaussian source with tsep= 10 and smearing radius 4.35 at the light- est quark mass of mf= 0.02 deviates significantly from the previous box-source calculation. In that case the box size i s chosen for better overlap with the ground state of the nucleo n and the longer source-sink separation ( tsep= 12) is adopted to avoid possible excited-state contaminations. This disc rep- ancy is not resolved by using a Gaussian source of an radius 8 and the same source-sink separation. As discussed in the text, this is likely caused by the larger statistical fluctua tion in the longer source-sink separation. A. Form dimensionless quantities. Thus, the isovector vector current in Eq. (1) is rewritten terms of the dimensionless vector GVand factors. Here the S uin Eq. (13) Eq. (1) isrewrit- ten the dimensionless axial GAand GPform factors. Note that the latter is normalized with twice the nucleon mass 2 mNunlike in some muon-capture literature where it is normalized with the muon mass mu. This is for numerical conve- nience in this paper, where the nucleon mass calculated on the lattice is heavier than its physical value. Here the Suin Eq. (13) is (In right-hand sides of the above two equations momentum transfer q=pn-ppbecomes very small in the forward limit, because of the small mass the neutron and proton. We use two projection operators to help us extract the momentum dependence of the form we choose P=PAz=P+g5gzfor both axial and vector currents and P=P+for vector current. We com- bine three- and two-point functions to remove time de- pendence and redundant sourceor sink normalization( z) factors psrc,/vector a local (point) source or sink and G stands for a Gaussian-smeared one. In this work, we fix the sink momentum to zero. Therefore, in the axial- current case, Eq. (17) p)(E(/vector {x,y,z}for corresponding insertion of operatorAi. In the vector current case, we use the extractGV and induced GT; the p)+mN 2E(/vector p)(E(/vector p)+mN)(GV+GT), p)(E(/vector p)+mN)(GV+GT). (21)7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 src with r=4.35 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 src with r=8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Box src FIG. 2: Nucleon effective mass plots from two-point function s. Gaussian source with smearing radius, rgauss= 4.35 (left), 8 (center), and box source (right) from the calculation in Ref . [43]. 0 5 10 15 20 25 src with tsep=10 0 5 10 15 20 25 src with tsep=12 0 5 10 15 20 25 src with tsep=12 0 5 10 15 20 25 src with tsep=10 0 5 10 15 20 25 src with tsep=12 0 5 10 15 20 25 src with tsep=12 FIG. 3: Comparison of the bare isovector vector charge gV(top) and axial charge gA(bottom) from source-sink separation tsep= 10 Gaussian source (left panels), tsep= 12 Gaussian source (middle panels) and tsep= 12 box source (right panels). One can in principle solve for with overconstrained data for each q2. B. Moments of structure functions Of the moments ofthe structure functions summarized in Eq. (8), we calculate those which do not require finite momentum transfer: the quark momentum fraction fraction transversity the Of these we calculate the for the former three: q=u-d. This simplifies as the flavor-singlet contribution drops out. Thus we fully renormalize these three so the results are compared with the an assumption of good isospin symmetry. On the other hand we do not renormalize the twist-3 moment: here our interest is to look at its individual up and down components to see if the Wandzura-Wilczek relation [61] holds. Our choice of operators (S uin Eq. (13)) for the three-point functions follow an earlier RBC paper [36]and are summarized in Table II. C. Nonperturbative order to compare our calculation with the experi- mental values, we need to establish the proper connec- tion to the continuum through renormalization. For- tunately, the well-preserved chiral and flavor symme- tries of the domain-wall fermions (DWF) make this task much easier than in the cases of more [62, 63, 64, 65]. For the form factors, the chiral symmetry of DWF as- sures the isovector vector and axial local currents ZV=ZA, up to higher order Further, since the vector current is con- served, the vector renormalization is calculated from the vector charge, gV, asZV= 1/gV. These will be and pseudoscalar form factors share this common8 TABLE II: Operators used in our mo- ments calculations, including the notation for the operato r, the explicit operator form, the hypercubic group represent a- tion, the correlator ratios and the projection operators us ed in the numerical nonperturbative renormalization in Eq. (2 6). quark momentum fraction group rep. 3+ 1 correlator ratio projection helicity fraction group rep. 6- 3 correlator ratio projection group rep. 6+ 1 correlator ratio projection matrix element d1 Su group rep. 6+ 1 correlator ratio projection well and do not requireany for structure function moments, we follow Ref. [66] and implement the (RI/MOM) scheme to ly renormalize the operators. This was first applied to structure functions by Gimenez et al.[67]. The procedure may be described as follows. First, the Fourier transform of the Green function with our operator of interest is one of the first- moment operator renormalization. In the lattice calcu- lation, we need to produce and DuS(pa;0) (23) DuS(pa;0) (24) to construct the Green function in Eq. (22). In this work, we use momenta ( px,py,pz,pt) rangingfrom (0 in units of 2 p/L. The next step is to truncate the external legs from the Green obtained after the projection operators for various structure are listed in Table II. Note that umust fall inside the renormalization window L QCDu1/a. The following steps allow us to convert the constants into the continuum MS scheme at 2 GeV. See Appendix 1 for specific details on scheme-matching coefficients, RGI run- ning equation and anomalous dimensions for various op- erators. 1. ratio of ZOG(u;a)/Zq(u;a) toZA/Zq(u;a) is computed and yields ZOG(u;a)/ZA. Each of the factors in the ratio is first exptrapolated to the chi- ral limit,mf=-mres, at fixed momentum. Us- ingZV= 1/gV, we can determine ZOG(u;a) in Eq. (26), the renormalization constant in the RI scheme, which we denote as ZRI. (See the lightly- filled circles in Fig. 4.) 2. Convert to MS scheme: We are interested in continuum quantities, in the MS scheme. The between RI and MS schemes for the op- erators discussed here have been calculated in Refs. [68, 69]. To get ZMS(u), we use the three- loopas(u) running coupling constants defined in Ref. [63] with L( nf= 2) = 300 MeV[70]. 3. Remove ( ap)2lattice artifacts: To remove O((ap)2) errors that might mimic con- tinuum scale dependence, we first divide out the continuum running factor. The resulting factors should be so any remaining ( ap)2dependence must be a lattice arti- fact. Hence, ZMS,RGIcan be obtained from a fit to the formf=A(pa)2+B. (See Fig. 4.)9 FIG. 4: Renormalization constants in the chiral limit. circles are the renormalization constants i n RI- MOM scheme, and the diamonds are MS-scheme at 2 GeV. The fits (solid lines) are used to remove residual ( Running to 2 GeV: Finally, we use the RGI formula to obtain ZMS(2 GeV). Table III summarizes the renormalization factors in MS scheme at 2 GeV for each operator. These III: Summary of renormalization factors in MS scheme at 2 GeV in the chiral limit. The number of con- figurations is about 1.23(7) 0.776(14) tion constants will be applied in Section IIIC.III. NUMERICAL RESULTS A. Vector and axial charge The isovector vector and axial charges, gVandgA, are defined as the limits of the cor- responding form factors, GV(q2) andGA(q2). Because of chiral symmetry, a ensures that the two currents, which are related by chiral share a common renormalization: ZA=ZVup to a lattice discretization error of O(a2,m2 fa2). Since the vector current is conserved, its renormalization is eas- ily obtained as the inverse of the vector charge gV= GV(q2= 0). Thus, by calculating the ratio of the three- point functions for gA/gV, we get the renormalized axial charge, (gA)ren[4]. Let us first discuss the vector charge. We note, how- ever, that since the vector charge is conserved, it can not provide a transition matrix element from one state to an- other, in particular from any excited state to the ground state. Thus the precocious plateau does not necessarily mean that excited state contamination is absent in the signal after one time unit. As mentioned earlier, to contributions at the lightest quark mass, we have lengthened the source-sink separation to 12 time units and used a largersmearing radius for the source and sink. From the fitting ranges of 3-9 fortsep= 12and3-7for tsep= weob- tain the plot in Fig. 6. This figure shows that larger fluc- tuations appear in the case of the longer time separation. By linearly extrapolating three points of tsep= 10 to zero quark mass, we obtain an estimate of gV= 1.308(9) andZV= 0.764(5). The resulting value agrees reason- ably well with the value of ZA= 0.75734(55) found in Ref. [57], which was determined from the ratio of two- point meson correlation functions. Thus we conclude that excited state contamination in our value of Fig. 7 we present the raw results for the bare ax- ial charge. After taking an average of all sources, the a plateau emerges, even in the case of tsep= 12 (top figure), albeit with larger statistical errors. As can be seen from this figure, the plateaus settle in after about three time slices for both tsepcases at the lightest quark mass. This indicates that excited-state contamination is negligible compared to the statistical error. Correspond- ing renormalized values are obtained from the ratio of correlation functions, and are presented in Fig. 8. As ex- pected, we also find that plateaus settle in after about three time slices for all cases. By using the fitting ranges shown in this figure, we obtain the values in Table IV and Fig. 9. We observe that our axial charge value at the lightest quark mass deviates significantly from the heavier quark mass points. This deviation causes the linear extrapo- lation to the physical point to deviate from experiment by more than five standard deviations. (The obtained value is given as gA/gV= 0.89(6) with a poor value of10 0 2 4 6 8 10 tsep=12 0 2 4 6 8 10 tsep=10 0 2 4 6 8 10 tsep=10 0 2 4 6 8 10 tsep=10 FIG. 5: Bare vector charge as a function of the current in- sertion time. Results are averaged over all sources. The top figure depicts tsep= 12 calculation at the lightest quark mass,mf= 0.02. The other three figures are obtained from tsep= 10 calculations at all three quarkmasses (in order of in- creasing mass from top to bottom). The fit ranges are shown by horizontal lines. kh2/dof = 11.3) Omitting the lightest mass point, a con- strained linear fit gives gA/gV= 1.23(12) at the physical point, Asmentioned in Section II, our physical volume is about (1 .9 fm)3. In light of our previous quenched calculation [4] where we saw that a small volume resulted in a small axial charge, one may worry that a similar finite-volume effect away to interpret the finite-volume effect has been proposed by Beane and Savage [71] within the small scale expan- sion (SSE) scheme [72], which is one possible extension of HBChPT with explicit degrees of freedom. The SSE scheme can provide milder quark-mass dependence for the axial charge, which seems to be consistent with lattice results, while either leading order (LO) or next- to-leading order (NLO) HBChPT shows strong quark- mass dependence in the vicinity of the chiral limit [73].0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 mp2 limit FIG. 6: The isovector vector-charge ( gV)bareas a function of the pion mass squared. There is a caveat that we have to arbitrarily fix at least one of the four parameters in SSE. However, if one con- siders only the finite-volume correction dgA(which is gA(L)-gA(L=)) within this model, dgAdepends only on two phenomenological parameters, the N- cou- pling (cA) and - coupling ( g1)1, which can be barely fixed. Furthermore, if the N- coupling is set to zero, the Beane-Savage formula for the finite-volume correc- tion togAreduces to that of HBChPT at leading order. In the original paper [71], dgAis predicted to be positive. This remains true in the case of cA= 0, where SSE re- duces to LO HBChPT. In this sense, this formula fails to account for the negative dgAobserved in the quenched DWF calculation. In Ref. [74], a finite-volume study of gAhas been done withnf= 2 dynamical clover simulations. They also ob- serve negative dgAin both quenched and dynamical sim- ulations. Although their lattice data points are outside of the range of applicability of SSE (or LO HBChPT), they can fit their data using the SSE formula for gAwith TABLE IV: Bare isovector vector and axial charges, their ratio ( gA/gV)barewhich is extracted from data summarized in Figs. 5, 7 and 8}1.28(3) 1.28(12) 4.35}1.299(6) 1.27(4) 0.97(4) 0.03{10, 4.35}1.291(3) 1.53(3) 1.19(3) 0.04{10, 4.35}1.2865(13) 1.51(2) 1.171(16) 1The correspondence between the SSE notation and the param- eters used in Ref. [71] can be found in Ref. [74]. Here, we pref er to use the original SSE notation.11 0 2 4 6 8 10 tsep=12 0 2 4 6 8 10 tsep=10 0 2 4 6 8 10 tsep=10 0 2 4 6 8 10 tsep=10 FIG. 7: The bare axial charge as in Fig. 5 the finite-volume corrections, which should be negative. They insisted that the parameters adopted in the Beane- Savage paper do not fully reflect decoupling are guaranteed to reduce SSE to LO HBChPT whencA= 0. Indeed, their adopted parameter set from the concept of SSE, this suggests that the sign of dgApredicted from SSE is very sensitive to adopted parameters. We find that the choice of cA strongly affects the sign of dgA, as shown in Fig. 10. We fix the chiral limit value of the axial charge gA, the pion decay constant Fpand theN- mass splitting 0to their physical values and set g1= 3.0 as in Ref [71]. We also set L= 1.9 fm. We vary the remaining pa- rameter of the N- coupling cAfrom 0 to 1.5. Here, we recall that cA= 1.5 is adopted in Ref. [74], while cA= 1 in Ref. [71]. The predicted correction at our sim- ulation point, less than 5%, is negligible. Furthermore, the sign of dgAseems to be positive, against our expec- tation. Therefore, the finite-volume correction from SSE can not account for our data either qualitatively or Again, it is likely that the heavy quark masses in our simulation do not allow use of such formulae. We0 2 4 6 8 10 tsep=12 0 2 4 6 8 10 tsep=10 0 2 4 6 8 10 tsep=10 0 2 4 6 8 10 tsep=10 FIG. 8: The axial-to-vector charge ratio as in Fig. 5 will come back to this finite-volume question when we discuss the momentum dependence of the form factors and quark momentum and helicity fractions. B. Momentum dependence of form factors As described in the previous subsection, data not seem to suffer from excited-state contamination. Therefore, we focus on those data sets for analysis of the form factors at fi- nite momentum transfer in this subsection. 1. Vector current Under the present assumption of exact isospin symme- try that ignores strange quark contribution, a exercise in SU(2) Lie algebra leads to the follow- ing wellknown relationsbetween the elements in neutron beta decay and the isovector part of the nucleon electromagnetic current matrix ele-12 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 mp2 [GeV2]0.850.90.9511. 9: The axial-to-vector charge ratio as a function of tsep= 10 ortsep= 12 deviate significantly from the heavier mass points. Omitting the lightest mass point, a constrained lin ear fit is performed. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 mp2 (LO 10: Finite volume correction of the axial charge gAis predicted within O(e3) SSE. The sign of dgAis very sensitive to the choice of This relates the weak vector and induced tensor form factors with the isovector part of the nucleon electromagnetic form =GV(q2) =GT(q2). They are related to the more conventional magnetic GMform (30) GN M(q2) p(proton) or n(neutron). The isovector ones Gv E,Mare defined by Theeas- iest quantity for such a comparison is the charge radius, which is conventionally defined as proton mean-squared charge radius is known ex- perimentally [5] as 0 .7656(119) fm2and the neutron, - 0.1161(22), resulting in an estimate of 0 .636(12) fm2for the mean-squared Dirac radius of the nucleon. (For details, see Appendix A of Ref [6]). The raw results from the lattice are presented in Fig. 11. From these we extract the values of the Dirac 0 2 4 6 8 10 11: Bare Dirac isovector form factor as a function of the current insertion time at the heaviest pion mass ( mf= 0.04). The horizontal lines represent the average value (solid lin es) and their one standard deviations (dashed lines) in the fitte form factor, normalized by the value at q2= 0, as listed in Table V. In Fig. 12, we plot all three mfresults for GV(q2) as a function of Euclidean four- momentum squared together with the dipole form the empirical value of the isovector Dirac dipole mass M= 0.857(8) GeV, which is evalu- ated from the electric charge and magnetization radii of the proton and neutron. Different symbols represent the values obtained from different quark masses. As can be seen, there is no large quark-mass dependence. Our cal- culation points are located far from the empirical curve. The slope of the form factor at q2= 0 determines the mean-squared radius, which can be related to the corre- sponding dipole mass 12/M2. To extract the mean-squared radius from our data, we simply adopt the dipole form for fitting three lower q2points including theq2= 0 value. The fitted values of the Dirac dipole massMVand corresponding mean-squared Dirac listed in Table VI. We show the quark-mass dependence of measured mean square Dirac radius in Fig. 13. Although it is dif- ficult to extrapolate the lattice estimates at the three13 TABLE V: Momentum transfer dependence of the isovector form factors. n2refers to the momenta carried by the vertex in units of (2 p/L)2. mfn2= 0n2= 1n2= 2n2= 3n2= 4 0.02 1.299(6) 0.86(3) 0.68(3) 0.63(7) 0.51(17) GV0.03 1.291(3) 0.882(18) 0.73(3) 0.62(4) 0.48(5) 0.04 1.2865(13) 0.930(12) 0.725(17) 0.61(3) 0.58(5) 0.02 N/A 2.13(15) 1.53(11) 1.28(18) 1.1(4) GT0.03 N/A 2.67(13) 2.05(10) 1.57(12) 1.11(13) 0.04 N/A 2.81(9) 2.04(7) 1.69(8) 1.18(13) 0.02 1.27(4) 1.09(4) 0.92(5) 0.87(9) 0.58(19) GA0.03 1.53(3) 1.16(2) 0.97(4) 0.87(5) 0.69(8) 0.04 1.51(2) 1.21(2) 0.99(3) 0.88(4) 0.82(8) 0.02 N/A 9.3(8) 4.9(5) 3.3(5) 1.8(7) GP0.03 N/A 9.5(6) 6.1(4) 4.2(4) 2.6(4) 0.04 N/A 9.7(5) 6.1(4) 4.4(3) 3.1(4) 0 0.5 1 (dipole) FIG. 12: dependence of vector form fac- tors. A dashed curve corresponds to the dipole form with the empirical value of the dipole mass MV= 0.857(8) GeV, which is evaluated from the electric charge and magnetization rad ii of the proton and neutron. heavy pion masses to the physical pion mass, the in our observed range of m2 pallows us to perform a simple linear extrapolation. Then we ob- tain the mean-squared radius of the vector form factor at the physical point: 0.281(32) fm2, which is much smaller than the experimental value of 0 .636(12) fm2. However, it is well known that this particular quan- tity, as well as the pion charge radius, has a logarith- mic divergence in heavy baryon chiral perturbation the- ory (HBChPT) as one approaches the chiral limit [75]. The dotted curve plotted in Fig. 13, is the dependence of the vicinity of the physical point within leading order (LO) HBChPT. (See Appendix 2b for more details.) As can be seen, the very which is associated with theTABLE VI: Dirac mean-squared charge radius obtained from fitting to the conventional dipole 1.40(5) 0.239(19) 0.03 1.49(4) 0.209(12) 0.04 1.57(3) 0.190(8) Expt. 0.857(8) 0.636(12) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 mp2 src, (LO) FIG. 13: The mean-squared Dirac radii simple linear extrapolation with respect to the pion mass squared underestimates the experimental point (asterisk) . A dottedcurveis - squared Dirac radius from LO HBChPT in the vicinity of the physical divergence, near the physical point is pre- dicted by HBChPT at leading order. This may account for the smaller values of our measured mean-squared ra- dius, GeV). Thus, we may expect that there is non-linear behav- ior in terms of m2 pin the vicinity of the physical point. This expectation may look like somewhat contradictory to what we argue for gAwith HBChPT and SSE. How- ever, we recall that the logarithmic divergence can not be cured by higher-order corrections, whereas the dependence of gA, which simultaneously im- plies slower convergence of the chiral expansion, should be modified by higher-order corrections. Indeed, both the one-loop effective field theory approach with explicit degrees of freedom (SSE) [73] and two loop [76] present flat quark-mass dependence at least down to mp~0.3 GeV. To observe this, we have the location of the intersection between the LO HBChPT curve and the extrapolated line obtained from our three data points in Fig. 13. We leave this issue to future we extract the induced-tensor (Pauli) form fac-14 tor,GT, from the vector current; the raw data is listed in Table V, and an example of mf= 0.04 at various transfer momenta is shown in Fig. 14. This corresponds 0 2 4 6 8 10 14: The bare Pauli isovector form factor as in Fig. 11 to the combination Fp 2-Fn 2of the nucleon form factors. The renormalized Pauli form factor can be obtained from Gren T(q2) =GT(q2)/GV(0) with vector current renormalization ZV= 1/GV(0). Fig. 15 shows a comparison of our data and the dipole form 0 0.5 1 (dipole) FIG. 15: dependence of the induced- tensor form factors. The dashed curve corresponds to the dipole form with the experimental value of the dipole mass MT= 0.778(23) GeV and nucleon magnetic moment F2(0) +q2/M2 T)2with the experimental values of Gren T(0) =F2(0) = 3.70589 and MT= 0.778(23) GeV, as described in Appendix A of Ref [6]. The heaviest two pion mass points are almost degenerate, as was the case with the Diracformfactor. However,the pion mass here is closer to the experimental values. Again, this could either be interpreted as a trend to- ward the experimental values with decreasing pion mass or merely finite-volume we fit our Gren T(q2) to the dipole form corresponding dipole mass 12/M2 T. In contrasttothe dipole fit on GV(q2), it is since we do not have data on the value of Gren T(q2) at q2= 0 without the q2extrapolation. Here, the value of theGren T(0) is associated with the difference between the proton and neutron magnetic moments up-un= 1+F2(0). Thefitted we perform the dipole fit with the two lower q2 points. TABLE VII: Pauli mean-squared charge radius obtained from fitting to the conventional dipole form and the of the ratio atq2= 0 with the linear q2fitting 2.57(37) 1.29(16) 0.28(7) 3.69(41) 0.03 2.89(22) 1.53(12) 0.20(3) 4.23(26) 0.04 3.32(17) 1.36(6) 0.25(2) 4.24(17) Expt. 3.70589 0.778(23) 0.773(32) 4.70589 In Fig. 16, we plot values of as a func- tions of pion mass squared along with a naive to the physical pion mass. In the upper panel of Fig. 16, we linearly all three points, finding 0.17(11) fm2. the experimental measurement, 0 .773(32) fm2, and similar to what we observed for the Dirac Lighter pions in future measurements would be desirable to see whether there is an increase in radius as we approach the physical pion mass. In the lower panel of Fig. 16, although the value mea- sured at the heaviest point is close to the the extrapolated value of F2(0) at the physical point also tends to somewhat underestimate the experi- mental value. However, we recall that the value of F2(0) is highly dependent on our adopted fitting form. For example, a monopole fit yields a larger F2(0) which lies closer to the experimental value. Therefore, our estima- tion ofF2(0) should carry a large systematic uncertainty due to also have an alternative way to evaluate F2(0) = up-un-1. The ratio of the form fac- torGv M(q2) and the isovector electric form factor the difference between the proton and neutron magnetic moments in the forward limit, which is related to 1 + F2(0). it is known that this ratio shows no q2depen- dence at low q2since both form factors are well fitted by the dipole form with the comparable dipole [6]. Some RBC results on related ratios for the heavier quark masses were reported in Ref. [58]. In Fig. 17, we show the q2dependence of the ratio , 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 mp2 src, 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 mp2 src, 16: The mean-squared Pauli radius and the value of Gren T(0) =F2(0), which is associated with the dif- ference between the proton and neutron magnetic moments, up-un= 1 +F2(0), (bottom) and as a function of pion mass squared. A simple linear extrapolation with respect to the pion mass squared underestimates the experimental poin t (asterisk). We therefore use a simple linear fitting form with respect toq2for an alternative evaluation of the value up-un. In Fig. 18, we plot values of up-un, from two 1+ F2(0) andGM(0)/GE(0), as functions of pion mass squared. Both determinations are with each other within the statistical is observed; the heavier two points in the case of GM(0)/GE(0) are the same within error, while slight downward m2 pdependence appears in the re- sults of 1 + F2(0). The simple linear extrapolation of GM(0)/GE(0) yieldsup-un= 3.4(7), which gives the better agreement with the experimental value. We may quote this value for our final value of up-un, since the latter approach appears to have smaller systematic error in Axial-vector current In Fig. 19 we present the raw data for the axial form factorat finite momentum transfer. These allowus to ex-0 0.5 1 17: The q2dependence of the ratio . A simple linear extrapolation with respect to q2is utilized for an alternative evaluation of up-unthanks to its mild q2 dependence. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 mp2 - unfrom 1+F2(0) from 18: Comparison of two determinations of up-un. There is no appreciable m2 pdependence for the results A simple linear extrapolation is applied to them. The resulting extrapolated value at the physical poin t shows the better agreement with the experimental value as listed in Table V and plotted in the top of Fig. 20. The axial form factor is fitted with the dipole form, at least at low q2; so are the Dirac and Pauli form factors [21]. The dashed curve in the top of Fig. 20 shows the dipole form with an of the axial dipole mass MA= 1.026(21) GeV [21]. Our lattice data lie abovethe experimental curve. Notice that the likely finite volume effect the axial charge leads to the non-monotonic behavior of the form factor with quark mass, and leads to the of the mean-square axial radius. To extract the mean-squared radius of the axial vector form factor, we perform the dipole fit to the three lowest q2points and convert the axial dipole mass MAinto the mean-squared axial radius The obtained values are16 0 2 4 6 8 10 19: The bare axial form factor as in Fig. 11 TABLE VIII: Dipole fits for dependence of the axial form 2.26(25) 0.091(20) 0.03 1.72(7) 0.158(11) 0.04 1.90(7) 0.129(9) Expt. 1.026(21) 0.444(19) listed in Table VIII and the bottom of Fig. 20. We also plot the mean-squared axial radius as a function of the pion mass squared. As can be seen, the value of the lightest pion mass shows a large reduction fluctuations. This large reduction in the axial radius suggests finite-volume effects could be significant at the lightest quark mass. There is renewed interest in the pseudoscalar form fac- tor,GP(q2), due to the recent MuCap Collaboration experiment studying ordinary muon cap- ture by protons, u-p-nun, and because of radiative correction calculations[77] that al- low precise extraction of the form factor from these ex- periments. Using the new MuCap results, a value = 7.3+-1.1 is found[20, 77] which, using PCAC and chiral perturbation theory, is now in good agreement with QCD, gP= 8.26+-0.12 [21]. Ear- lier, a TRIUMF group obtained a value of 12 al.[78] gotgP= 10.6+-1.1 after reanalyzing the TRIUMF data. Including the new MuCap result, the world average is 8 .7+-1.0 [77]. The induced pseudoscalar form factor GPis obtained from Eq. (18), and is shown in Fig. 21. This allows us to extract its momentum dependence which is listed in Table V and plotted in Fig. 22. As is noted in the pre- vious section, we use a dimensionless definition for this, as well as the other three form factors, and use twice the nucleon mass 2 mNestimated for each ensemble of0 0.5 1 (dipole) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 mp2 src, 20: (Top) dependence of vector form factors. The dashed curve corresponds to the dipole form with the experimental value of the dipole mass MA= 1.026(21) GeV, evaluated from pion Mean-square axial radii The shaded regions are naive linear extrapolations (with error s) of our data points to the physical pion mass. An of the measured the lightest quark mass This is different from some where the muon mass is used for normalization. dependenceofthepseudoscalarform factorGP(q2) has so far only been studied by one pion experiment at Saclay in 1993 [79] with range below 0 .2 GeV2. Fig. 22 shows the q2dependence of the ratio of the induced pseudoscalar to axial form Though our lattice momenta transfer are much higher than experimentally explored values, they trend upward toward the is its relation with the axial form factor through the PCAC relation and pion-pole dominance (PPD) model [80]: GPPD P(q2) (32) To see how the pion-pole behavior is preserved in mea-17 0 2 4 6 8 10 21: The bare pseudoscalar form factor as in Fig. 11 0 0.5 1 22: dependence of the form factor compared with we consider the following (33) which is inspired by the above PCAC prediction. If has exactly the same form described in Eq. (32), this ratio yields unity in the entire q2region. In Fig. 23, weplot the q2. q2depen- dence. Thus, the q2dependence of the PPD model ap- proximately accounts for that of measured GP(q2). of the ratio aPPDreveal aq2inde- pendent plateau within the statistical errors. We simply take the weighted average of aPPDwithin four then plot them against the pion mass squared. As shown in Fig. 24, the average values of aPPDgradu- ally approach unity as the pion mass decreases. A simple linear extrapolation of the quenching factor aPPDto the chiral limit yields 0.85(8), which is only about 2 stan- dard deviations away from the theoretical expectation.0 0.5 1 23: The ratio of GP(q2) andGPPD P(q2) as a function of four-momentum squared q2. Deviation of the ratio from unity indicated by dashed line is the deviation from the PPD model. However, the deviation is rather modest. At least, th e q2dependence of the PPD model approximately accounts for that of measured GP(q2). 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 mp2 src, dominance model FIG. 24: The quenching factor aPPDis plotted as a function of the pion mass squared. One can obtain gPwith input from 0.88m2 uwithmu= 0.10568 GeV and mp= 0.13957 GeV. MAandgAare 1.38(16) GeV and from naive linear fit using two heavier pion mass points. We found gP= 7.68+-1.03 (35) with statistical error evaluated by jackknife analysis. This is consistent with the world average value of 8.7+-1.0 [77]. The pseudoscalar form factor GPis related to the pion-nucleon coupling, gpNN, through the relation zero momentum transfer, the relation reduces to the following (37) Testing the relation experimentally in this zero- momentum form is a little tricky because the value of the pion-nucleon coupling, gpNN, is not known at zero momentum transfer, but at the pion pole. Worse, the pion-pole value of the coupling varies from analysis to analysis. A conventional partial-wave analysis of the pion-nucleon elastic scattering data to 2 GeV 13.169+-0.057. Substituting the latter, we find there is a slight discrepancy from the relation at zero momentum transfer, GT, [84] defined as GT= 1-mNgA/FpgpNN (38) which is (2 .259+-0.591)% if we use the mean nucleon massmN= 938.9 MeV. Testing the relation at finite momenta transfer is more difficult, from experiment. Thus it is useful to extract the pion-nucleon coupling, gpNN, from our lattice (39) See Fig. 25 for gpNN,latresults. A linear fit is performed 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 mp2 25: Lattice estimate for the pion-nucleon from the relation as defined in Eq. (39). Omitting the lightest mass point, a fit is the lightest mass point to give an estimate of gpNN= 15.5+-1.4 at the physical point. This should be0 0.5 1 26: dependence of the discrepancy as defined in Eq. (40). compared with the experimental estimates at the pion pole such as 13 .75+-0.15 or 13.169+-0.057 in the above. Now let us examine the relation by looking at the discrepancy GT(q2) defined by the lattice quantities as (40) see Fig. 26 for the value of GT(q2). Note again that we are using the pion-nucleon coupling value determined and vari- ationat finite momentum transfer. Fromourdata forthe two heavier quark mass values, we observe the discrep- ancy is strongly dependent on the momentum transfer beyond about q20.5 GeV2. This suggests the pion- nucleon coupling at such high momentum transfer values is very much different from the low region. Note our pion mass squared is roughly m2 p= 0.25, 0.36 and 0 .49 GeV2, or below the lowest q2in the plot, and the physical pion mass is even lower. Thus our data also suggest the relation holds at low momentum transfer, q2<=0.5 GeV2. In that re- gion the lightest quark mass result is in broad agreement with the heavier masses, albeit with large statistical er- ror. It is desirable to investigate this further at lower momentum transfer. C. Momentum and helicity fractions Let us now turn our attention from the elastic form factors to the deep inelastic structure functions. As are calculable on the lattice in regard to the struc- ture functions are their low-order moments. In this work we limit ourselves to the lowest order non-trivial mo- ments that are calculable with zero momentum transfer. As in previous RBC reports, the operator at the chiral limit are obtained 19 using the RI/MOM scheme as described in Sec. IIC. We first discuss the quarkmomentum fraction, or the first moment of the unpolarized structure func- tion. The bare lattice three-point correlators are inTableIX. Theresultsfor tsep= 12 andtsep= 10 at the lightest pion mass differ by about two standard deviations. This may suggest excited in this quantity, even though its plateau looks very nice and flat over the range 3 <=t<=7 for tsep= 10. From the top panel in Fig. 27, the plateau FIG. 27: Bare momentum fraction as a function of the op- erator insertion time. Results are averaged over all source s. The top figure depicts the tsep= 12 calculation at the lightest quark mass, mf= 0.02. The other three figures are 10 calculations at all three quark masses (in order of increasing mass from top to bottom). The fit ranges are shown by horizontal lines.FIG. 28: Renormalized first moment of the unpolarized struc- ture functions or the quark momentum fraction, Note that the circles indicate the data at each pion mass with two errorbars: the inner are statistical errorbars and the oute r are errorbars propagated with renormalization factors. The so lid square is the extrapolated point; the star is the experimen- tal value; and the band shows the chiral extrapolation 12 is not so clear or flat, owing to the much larger statistical fluctuations in the data for this separation. However, since it is low on the left and high on the right, the average value is range. In using a box source on a single time slice and 60], the momentum frac- tion was consistent, within large statistical errors, with thetsep= 10 result. In this study, we can not conclude whether this is a true systematic effect or just given the quality of the tsep= 12 plateau. We show the results for all the measurements but only use the result from tsep= 10 at the lightest pion mass for extrapolation. Similar results would be obtained us- ing thetsep= 12 result at the lightest mass since the larger error on this point does not tightly constrain the fit. Using the fit ranges indicated in the figures and presented in subsection IIC, we arrive at the values of in Fig. 28. Note that there is only small pion-mass dependence; therefore, we use a simple linear fit. The quality of this fit in terms of kh2 per degree of freedom is reasonable at 0.28. The value is 0.282(19), overshooting the experimental value, 0.154(3) [30, 33, 35], by five to six standard deviations. Here, the trend of the tsep= 12 data point is suggestive, but again, not conclusive be- cause of the relatively large statistical error. The quark helicity fraction, is the first mo- ment ofthe polarized structure function. The bare listed in Table IX. Similar remarks and the plateaus for tsep= 10 and 12 as for the mo- mentum fraction hold here as well. The at the chiral limit for the helicity fraction can be found in Sec. IIC. Fig. 30 shows the renormalized quan- tities at each pion mass point. A linear fit to these values20 FIG. 29: The bare helicity fraction; symbols as in Fig. a chiral extrapolation of 0.286(25), over- shooting the experimental value of 0.196(4) [28, 29, 38] by almost four standard deviations. The quality of the fit is poor, as kh2per degree of freedom is 6.78. In con- trast to the momentum fraction, the result at the light mass deviates from the heavier pion mass points, even at tsep= 10, a situation similar to the deviation observed in the axial charge. This trend is welcome since the experi- mental value apparently must be approached from above and suggests trying fits different than linear, to which we turn below, after discussing the ratio of the to the helicity fraction. In an earlier quenched calculation [36] we reported that the ratio of the momentum and helicity fractions, /an}bracketle{tx/an}bracketri}htu-d/ agrees well with the experimentalFIG. 30: Renormalized first moment of the polarized struc- ture functions or quark helicity fraction, as a func- tion ofm2 p. (Similar graphics description as in Fig. 31: Renormalized ratio the quark momentum and helicity fraction. A linear fit is shown with an error estimate at the physical pion mass. Experiment 0.78(2). The quark mass dependence of this ratio is presented in Fig. 31. Unlike the quenched case where the in rough agreement with experiment, there is a notice- able deviation for the lightest pion mass. A naive gives very poor fit quality, kh2/dof = 15.7, and a value at the physical pion mass of 0 .93(7), which is about two standard deviations above the This may be due to systematic effects like finite vol- ume, or excited state contamination; the tsep= 12 point is consistent with experiment and shows the weak mass dependence observed in the quenched case. Since our pion masses are rather heavy (700, 600 and 500 MeV), it is not surprising that the chiral extrapo- lation to the physical pion mass (140 MeV) sometimes misses the experimental values. Also our heavy pion masses probably invalidate the application of a leading- order chiral form. The chiral extrapolation should such as the 2+1-flavor ones being generated jointly by RBC and UKQCD 86], a work which is in progress. Nevertheless, it is a to try to extend the extrapolations beyond lin-21 TABLE IX: Bare fractions and their naturally renormalized ratio at each sea quark 12 0.195(17) 0.22(3) 0.99(14) 0.02 10 0.236(9) 0.255(11) 0.93(4) 0.03 10 0.242(6) 0.306(6) 0.790(17) 0.04 10 0.253(4) 0.306(6) 0.827(12) FIG. 32: Renormalized quark momentum fraction, and helicity fraction, The phenomenological fit (brown band) is according to Refs. [87, 88, 89]. The dashed lines are the linear extrapolation for comparison. (Graphi cs conventions as in Fig. 28.) ear forms. We now discuss how some such attempts fair with our data. We begin with a parametrization by Chen, et al.[87, 88, 89] (the relevant equations are summarized in ap- pendix 2c.) axial charge gA,exp, pion decay constant Fp,expand the scaleu(set to the pion mass), to their s and fit the coefficients Cande(u2). The results are summarized in Fig. 32. The fit yields 0.147(9) after extrapolation, which is consistent with the experimental value. However, the quality of the fit is poor, kh2/dof = 2.19; this is caused by a the fit formdue tologterms. helicity fraction extrapolation results in a value of 0.170(14), again, consistent with the The fit forthe while still poor, is improved over the linear one, with a kh2per degree of freedom of 3.57.Another alternative is to consider the dependence m2 p/F2 p,lat, asshown in Fig. 33. Similar analyses have been done before, for example, inRefs.[50, 90]. (Notethat at eachmfto be consistent with the chi- ral extrapolation formulation used in Refs. [87, 88, 89].) Since this is a dimensionless quantity, there is no system- atic error coming from the lattice scale it is a good way to find out whether we have control over lattice artifacts. For the momentum fraction, the fit yields an extrapolated value of 0.260(30) with an = 0.48. Thatthis earlier ones indicates no further uncontrollable sys- tematics other than the extrapolation itself. The value is about three standard deviations above experiment. Note the larger error on the extrapolated point is caused by the re-scaling of the extrapolation range. Similar con- clusions are drawn for the helicity fraction, updated extrapolation brings the value to two standard deviations of experiment. degree of freedom for this fit is still large at 5.17. The fit results from the non-linear chiral extrapola- tions (see Appendix 2c for more details) are summarized in Fig. 33. The momentum fraction is 0.171(19) at the physical point and agrees with experiment within one standard deviation. The fit has an acceptable kh2per terms of mpand the experimental number. However the fit quality is poor: kh2/dof = 4.57. These values are consistent with the earlier fits. The trial fits and extrapolations are summarized in Table X. In the cases of both the quark momentum and helicity fraction, the extrapolation with the chiral form seems to give us consistent values with the these extrapolations require a 50% drop from the magnitude of our measured points and do not al- ways give the smallest kh2/dof. We simply must measure at lower pion masses before such extrapolations can be deemed trustworthy. Also note that the terms of m2 por the dimensionless quantity consistent with each other. We emphasizethat the consistent with a simple linear form, but that it does trend as the quark mass is reduced. D. interesting quantity regarding the spin struc- ture of the nucleon is its transversity[91, 92], The rawdata are shown in Fig. 34, together with the fit range we use; Table XI summarizes the bare values. Again, at themf= 0.02point, to control possible excited state 33: Renormalized quark momentum fraction, and helicity fraction, in terms of m2 p/F2 p,lat. The blue band indicates the linear extrapolation and the brown band is the phenomenological fit as described in Refs. [87, 88 , 89]. (Graphics conventions as in Fig. 28.) in this case the two choices give results that are com- fortably consistent. Therefore, we use the value 10 for all further analysis and these fit values and the renormalization at the chiral limit listed in Table III we obtain the as shown in Fig. 35. Similar to the axial charge radius, we observe a significant deviation at the lightest quark mass. We extrapolate linearly and 0.93(6) + 0.37(17)m2 pwith akh2per degree of freedom of 7.3. This translates into a value at the physical point of 0.93(6). It will be interesting to com- pare this result with experiment when the latter Twist-3 moment We also calculated the twist-3 first moment of the po- larized structure function, d1. The good chiral symmetry ofDWF the calculation, unlike in calculations with that violate chiral symmetry, such as Wil- son fermions. The calculated bare values are summa- rized in Fig. 36 and Table XII. The quark-mass depen- dence of the bare values is plotted in Fig. 37. (Note that we do not intend to compare these calculations with experiment so do not renormalize them.) A linear + 0 .126(4)m2 pand an dbare 1=-0.0035(13) at the physical pion mass,which is about three standard deviations awayfrom zero, but small compared to the values at non-zero mass. This suggests the Wandzura-Wilczek relation [61], which CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK In this work, we have presented numerical lattice QCD calculations using two degenerate flavors of dynamical (DWF) quarks. We calculated isovector vector, axial, tensor and pseudoscalar form factors and some found that the ratio of the axial charge to vec- tor charge, gA/gV, has a significant drop at the light- est pion mass point (about 500 MeV) which may be a sign of finite-volume effect; the heavier pion mass points (around 600 and 700 MeV) are in rough agreement with experiment and show small dependence on the quark mass. A linear extrapolation in pion mass-squared gives 0.89(6), which deviates from experiment by more than five standard deviations; leaving out the lightest point gives 1.23(12). If the downward trend at the lightest point, away from experiment, is indeed a then even mpL5 is not large enough for nu- cleon calculations with dynamical fermions, in contrast to quenched calculations [4]2. TABLE X: Summary of the extrapolations of the renormal- ized first moment of the unpolarized distribution. The chira l perturbation theory formulation can be found in Ref. [87, 88 , 89] or appendix 2c. The fit parameters are in the order of fit slope, intersection for the linear fits and C,efor the vs. m2 p0.282(19) 0.28 {0.09(5), 0.280(19) } Linear vs. 0.48 {0.0024(12), 0.26(3) } ChPT vs. m2 p0.147(9) 2.19 {0.109(8), 2.64(11) } ChPT vs. 0.85 {0.139(17), 3.74(22) } experiment vs. m2 p0.286(25) 6.78 {0.21(6), 0.281(27) } Linear vs. 5.17 {0.0061(17), 0.22(4) } ChPT vs. m2 p0.170(14) 3.57 } ChPT vs. 4.57 {0.135(27), 3.31(20) } experiment may infactbe illusorydue to the presence ofquenc hed chiral logs as recently argued in [93]23 TABLE XI: Bare 12 1.29(11) 0.02 12 1.25(4) 0.03 10 1.43(3) 0.04 10 1.41(4) TABLE XII: Bare values of the twist-3 moment d1of the polarized structure du 1 dd 1 0.02 12 0.0240(25) 0.0185(19) -0.0055(13) 0.02 10 0.0246(8) 0.0189(7) -0.0056(4) 0.03 10 0.0411(8) 0.0325(6) -0.0085(3) 0.04 10 0.0544(7) 0.0428(6) -0.0117(3) We studied the dependence of the Dirac, Pauli, axial and induced pesudoscalar form fac- tors. each pion mass points that are more than 50% higher than the experimental ones, while the mean-square charge radii, far below experiment. Similar effects have been ob- served in the past dynamical calculations [50]. Most studies expect to see a dramatic increase at lowerpion mass; although this trend is not observedin our current study, it may be resolved in the future with lighter pion magnetic moments of nucleon were calculated in two different ways: first, directly from extrapolation of the Pauli form factor and second, by looking at the ratio of the isovector electric and magnetic in the forward limit; the latter expres- sion has milder momentum dependence. Using the ra- tio method, we see decreasing m2 pdependence, and with a simple linear extrapolation we find up-un= 3.4(7), roughly consistent with the experimental value. In studying the axial current form factors, we find that the renormalized axial form factor at finite momenta ap- pears to be in broad agreement with experimental val- ues from neutrino scattering. The relation appears to hold for low momentum GeV2. Assuming the relation, we obtain an es- timate for the pion-nucleon coupling of gpNN= = 7.68+-1.03, which is con- sistent with experiment. For the structure functions, the renormalized a trend toward their re- spective experimental values at the lightest quark mass point in our study. The quark momentum GeV), is 0.282(19) by simple linear chiral ex-FIG. 34: The bare values of the transversity; symbols as in Fig. 27. trapolation, which overshoots the experimental value by more than three standard deviations. The quark GeV), is 0.286(25) by simple , which overshoots the experimental value by almost four standard deviations. The former does not deviate significantly from a linear ansatz when the source-sink separation is set to 10 time slices. When in- creased to 12, the lightest point lies below the straight line fit, suggesting possible excited state 10, and perhaps the desired physical quark mass dependence for tsep= 12. However, the statistics for the larger separation are relatively poor, and defini- tive conclusions can not be drawn. A similar pattern holds for the helicity fraction, except that at tsep= 10 a non-linear quark mass dependence is already observed.24 FIG. 35: renormalized transversity wit h linear extrapolation to the physical pion mass. (Graphic co n- ventions as in Fig. 28.) Non-linear fits motivated by chiral perturbation theory were also used to fit the data. Again, these trends in some cases, but definitive results re- quire simulations with lighter quark masses and work that is now well underway. We also calculated transversity and twist-3 matrix elements. The transversity renormalized at 2 GeV), is 0.93(6) by simple linear extrapola- tion inm2 p. However, there is noticeable non-linearity in the data. A linear extrapolation to the physical point yields twist-3 operator, which is about three standard deviations awayfrom zero, indicating only small breaking of the even with our dynamical calculations, we cannot resolve the long-standing differences between the predictions of QCD and experimental measurements, in such quantities as the charge radii, and quark mo- mentum and helicity fractions. If both QCD and the relevant experiments are correct, we expect to see a dra- matic shift in these values as the constraints of high quark mass, small volume and coarse lattice spacing are lifted. The limitations of the current gauge ensembles do not allow such a study at this stage. However, we are currently studying these quantities with a new se- ries of ensembles produced by the RBC and [85, 86]. And another ensemble is being generated by these groups and LHPC. They are respec- tively ata-1= 1.7 and 2.1 GeV lattice cutoff with up to (2.75 fm)3volumes; they feature physical quark mass and two degenerate up and down quarks as light as 1/7 the strange mass. This will give us better control of the systematic errors in a calcula- tion with much lighter pion masses in the valence and the sea sectors; whether we will start to see the curva- ture suggested by the chiral perturbation theory or models will be very interesting to dis- cover.FIG. 36: The bare twist-3 moment d1; symbols as in Fig. authors would like to acknowledge S. Choi for his private communication providing actual values of the form factor gP(q2) in his experiment and Kostas Orginos for his useful discussions on this work. We thankRBC National Laboratory and the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy for providing the facilities essential for the completion of this work. In addition, TB and TY were partially funded by US Department of En- ergy Outstanding Junior Investigator Grant SS is supported by the JSPS for a Grant-in- Aid for Scientific Research (C) (No. 19540265); HWL is supported by DOE 37: Bare values of the twist-3 moment d1, with lin- ear extrapolation to the physical pion point. Up quark (up triangles), down quark (down triangles), and the (circles) are shown. which the Jefferson Science Associates, LLC operates the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Nonperturbative this appendix, we describe the formulation we used inthe moredetail. In subsection IIC, we obtain renormalization constants in RI/MOM scheme. In order to compare our results with the experimental ones, we need to further to convert constant to MS scheme. In the case of the first moments of the momentum fraction and helic- ity operators, one finds the conversion equations in the continuum via [68] ZMS ZRI= (43) hu(p) (44) wherex= 0 in Landau gauge. momentum fraction helicity operators. In the tensor- current case, we use the matching factor calculated from Ref. [94]: ZMS ZRI= use the three-loop solution for the running LQCD= 300 MeV[70]. The various scheme ,(47) whereNcis the number of colors and nfis the number of quark flavors. In the quenched approximation, nf= 0; in this work, nf= 2. The running of the Z-factors to two loops [95] is C(u2) defined by the anomalous dimensions gidi- vided by 2 b0. The anomalous dimensions for twist- two operators of interest were calculated by Floratos et al.[69]: g0= twist-noperator. (Note that where TF(nf) The anomalous dimensions for the operator, such as Osq 34, can be found in Ref. [96] g0= Chiral extrapolation models In this appendix, we collect some relevant formulae used in this paper from various models proposed to con- duct chiral extrapolations for baryonic observables. a. Finite-volume correction on gA The small-scale expansion scheme [72] tries to use ex- plicit degrees of freedom from the pion, nucleon and (1232) resonance, expanding in terms of 0, the mass splitting between the Nand in the chiral limit. This splitting is treated as a small parameter, of the orderO(o). They define g0 AandF0 pas the value of the the pion decay constant Fpin the andg1the axialcoupling We simply abbreviate 0,g0 AandF0 pas , gAandF0 pin the following O(o3), the nucleon axial charge, gA, was proposed in Ref. [71] within the SSE (52) with modified Bessel function of the second kind Ka(z). (Note that the min the above equations are short formp.) This formula can be reduced to that of LO HBChPT with cA= 0. b. The mean-squared Dirac radius in HBChPT Heavy baryon chiral perturbation involves only the pion and in terms of the momentum p. At leading order (LO), once we use the physical values of gA,Fp andstead of their values in the chiral limit, the HBChPT formula provides a closed form for the m2 p dependence of the Dirac mean-squared radius withoutunknown parameters [75, the scale ushould be set by the physical value of the pion mass as u= 0.139 GeV3. c. Chen, et al. Chenet al.[87, 88, 89] calculate a chiral in the continuum for the moments of the un- polarized and helicity missing factor of 2 in the prefactor of ln m2 pterm, which can be found in Ref. [98], causes an accidental agreement between t his leading one-loop form and lattice data obtained in the heavyquark mass region. C/bracketleftBigg 1-3g2 A,exp+1 (4pFp,exp)2m2 p,latln/parenleftBigg m2 p,lat u2/parenrightBigg/bracketrightBigg +e(u2)m2 p,lat (4pFp,exp)2(54) ~C/bracketleftBigg 1-2g2 A,exp+1 (4pFp,exp)2m2 p,latln/parenleftBigg m2 p,lat u2/parenrightBigg/bracketrightBigg + (55) We useu= 0.139 MeV and Fp,exp= 92.4 MeV in is a variation of this formulation replacing scale utoFp,lat. Thisprovides a dimensionless the extrapo- lation, which is independent of the scale setting in the lattice calculation. [1] D. B. Kaplan, Phys. Lett. B288, 342 (1992), Y. Shamir, Nucl. Phys. B406, 90 (1993), V. Furman and Y. Shamir, Nucl. Phys. B439, 54 S.Sasaki, K.Orginos, S.Ohta, Phys. Rev. D68, 054509 W. M. Yao et al. (Particle Data Group), J. Phys. G33, 1 (2006). [6] S. Sasaki and T. Yamazaki (2007), arXiv:0709.3150 [hep- lat]. [7] P. Hagler et al. (LHPC) (2007), arXiv:0705.4295 [hep- lat]. [8] T. Yamazaki and S. Ohta (RBC and UKQCD), PoS LAT2007 , 165 (2007), arXiv:0710.0422 [hep-lat]. [9] K. F. Liu, S. J. Dong, T. 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Huey-Wen Lin
Huey-Wen Lin, Tom Blum, Shigemi Ohta, Shoichi Sasaki, Takeshi Yamazaki
Nucleon structure with two flavors of dynamical domain-wall fermions
28 pages in two columns; 37 figures, 12 tables
We present a numerical lattice quantum chromodynamics calculation of isovector form factors and the first few moments of the isovector structure functions of the nucleon. The calculation employs two degenerate dynamical flavors of domain-wall fermions, resulting in good control of chiral symmetry breaking. Non-perturbative renormalization of the relevant quark currents is performed where necessary. The inverse lattice spacing, $a^{-1}$, is about 1.7 GeV. We use degenerate up and down dynamical quark masses around 1, 3/4 and 1/2 the strange quark mass. The physical volume of the lattice is about $(1.9{fm})^3$. The ratio of the isovector vector to axial charges, $g_A/g_V$, trends a bit lower than the experimental value as the quark mass is reduced toward the physical point. We calculate the momentum-transfer dependences of the isovector vector, axial, induced tensor and induced pseudoscalar form factors. The Goldberger-Treiman relation holds at low momentum transfer and yields a pion-nucleon coupling, $g_{\pi NN} = 15.5(1.4)$, where the quoted error is only statistical. We find that the flavor non-singlet quark momentum fraction $<x>_{u-d}$ and quark helicity fraction $<x>_{\Delta u-\Delta d}$ overshoot their experimental values after linear chiral extrapolation. We obtain the transversity, $<1 >_{\delta u-\delta d} = 0.93(6)$ in $\bar{\rm MS}$ at 2 GeV and a twist-3 polarized moment, $d_1$, appears small, suggesting that the Wandzura-Wilczek relation holds approximately. We discuss the systematic errors in the calculation, with particular attention paid to finite-volume effects, excited-state contamination, and chiral extrapolations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 6 Feb 2008 19:05:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lin", "Huey-Wen", "" ], [ "Blum", "Tom", "" ], [ "Ohta", "Shigemi", "" ], [ "Sasaki", "Shoichi", "" ], [ "Yamazaki", "Takeshi", "" ] ]
(3) wheretp= (ep-u)/T. For an isotropic system, the collision integral Ihas been evaluated analytically by an elaborate As we cannot assume the predominance of normal scattering processes in gen- eral cases of anisotropic Fermi liquids of our concern, we have to make approximations in another way. To simplify the multiple momentum sum in I, we term should come from a thermal neighborhood of the FS in any case. Moreover, as in the isotropic case, todescribe the momentum dependence of the solutions li, we decouple the crystal momentum variable pinto the radial (energy) direction tp= (ep-u)/Tand the per- pendicular component -ohmp, and set 1,2). Then the momentum sum is written the density of quasiparticle states (DOS) under the normalization 1. By integrating over the energy vari- ables, we obtain equations for Mi(-ohmp). First we note that we can reproduce the same 15]. By setting N1(tp) as a constant, the energy integrals which appear in the four terms in I[l1] of Eq. (2) can be calculated analytically. As a result, we (4) and s= (5) In Eq. (4), we used rp=d(ep-u). Assuming the an- gular dependence M1,pvpx, we obtain the the electrical resistivity s-1=AT2. On the other hand, we have to make a further approx- imation for k0. By taking the t-derivative at tp= 0 of Eq. (3), while adopting we finally obtain similar equations, we obtain the thermal resistivity k-1 0=BT. It is remarked that the difference in the integrand kernels of Eqs. (4) and (7) stems from the fact that N2(t) fork0 is an odd function, while N1(t) forsis even. To evalu- ate the Lorenz number above, we obtain L < L the Boltzmann constant kis written constant prefactorin Eq. (8) is separated as it comes from the energy integral, and corresponds to the result first derived by Herring[8], though our result differs by p2/12. In addition, the dimensionless factor Lin Eq. (8) originates from the directional dependence of scattering, and is given explicitly (10) Note that one would find a trivial result L= 1, a ofthe terms following vp1xin the parentheses of well asthe numeratorofEq. (9). To have a nontrivial effect L negationslash= 1, it is essential not to momentum structure of the relevant quasiparti- cle scatterings on the FS. In fact, Lquantifies the effect of FS geometry on the availability of phase space for scatterings to relax the transport the above expression represents the fact that thermal and electrical resistivities are determined mainly by different types of scattering processes, that is, normal processes are important for the thermal resistivity B, while the electrical Ais caused by Umklapp processes. In fact, for the numerator, or the resistivity coefficient A, to take a finite value, there must exist at least a set of four momenta pi(i= 1,2,3,4) on the FS satisfying the Umklapp condition p1+p2=p3+p4+G, 0) is a reciprocal lattice vector. This is not met if the FS is too small. Indeed, there is a limit Fermi radius estimated by the relation |pi|=|G|/4 which holds at the threshold where all the vectors are parallel or antiparallel. In the vicinity of the threshold, one should expect a strong FS dependence of L. This is a matter of our concern in RESULTS A. Simple Model The factor Lmay be sensitive to the momen- tum dependence of the scattering probability the scattering amplitudes for quasiparticles with parallel and antiparallel spins. In particular, the momentum depen- dence can give rise to a conspicuous effect in the vicinity of quantum critical points where there are quantum fluc- tuations localized in kspace. To take this into account, we may 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7L nsquareAFM: x=1 x=0 FM: x=1 FIG. 1: For a parabolic band on a square lattice, the dimen- sionless Lorenz factor Lin Eq. (8) is shown as a function of the filling nper orbital. For x= 0 (solid line), for x= 1 and Q= (p,p) (dashed line, AFM), and for x= 1 and Q= (0,0) (dotted line, FM). In all cases, Lmust vanish at the order to represent the effect of fluctuations In addition to the correlation length x, one may adopt where the sum is taken over the nearest neighboring lattice vectors d, as it gives a simple lattice periodic function to give g(k)k2 in the long wavelength limit k-0. To illustrate how Lvaries, let us first investigate a simple two-dimensional (2D) model. We should make a specialremark, however. In onewill find that normal forward scatterings make the denomi- natorBof Eq. (9) logarithmically divergent, as so for the inverse lifetime of quasiparticle which corresponds to the denominator of Eq. (9) with c= 0[16]. On the al.[17]. In effect, the divergence is suppressed by a small decay rate G assigned to the quasiparticle In a real system, such a cutoff must be provided by an inevitable effect of three dimension- ality of the system or by a finite density of impurities. As the dependence on G is logarithmic and weak numer- ically, here we present a typical behaviour assuming G as a given constant for we discuss the simplest case of a parabolic band on a square lattice. It is easy to show that the re-4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6L nsc fcc 0 0.5A B 0 0.5sc A B FIG. 2:L(A/B)of aparabolic bandon asc lattice andafcc lattice. In the inset, the resistivity coefficients As-1/T2 andBfor the sc lattice are shown as a function of n. sult is independent of the quasiparticle mass, so that we may simply use ep=p2. We obtain Fig. 1 for G = 0.02, which representatively shows Las a function of the electron number nper orbital for three types to Eq. (11). As expected, are clearly observed. The solid line for x= typically shows the first onset of the Umklapp processes involving the smallest reciprocal lat- tice vector G= (2p,0) atnc,1=p/160.20, as well as the second one at nc,20.39 forG= (2p,2p). It is noted that the threshold fillings can be easily evalu- ated as they are geometrically determined by the given FS. Thedashedline indicatesthat the > nc,2is the (AFM) fluctuations with Q= (p,p). On the other hand, the ferromagnetic (FM) (0,0) generally suppress L, as they strengthen the relative weight of the normal processes contributing to the thermal resistivity B. Similarly, one may obtain results for three in which no cutoff is required. In Fig. 2, we observe the dependence of Lfor the parabolic band in a simple cubic (sc) lattice and a face centered cubic (fcc) lattice with Wpp' k=const. For the sc lattice the first threshold lies at nc,10.065 due toG= (2p,0,0), while it is at nc,10.085 with G= (2p,2p,-2p) for the fcc lattice. For the latter, the secondary kinks expected at nc,20.13 to G= (4p,4p,0) and (4 p,0,0), respec- tively, are not so conspicuous as that found clearly at nc,20.19 due to G= (2p,2p,0) for the sc lattice. In the inset of Fig. 2, the resistivity coefficients AandB are shown respectively for the sc lattice. We remark that the presence of the threshold nc,1may be more from a relatively gradual n-dependence of L than from the electrical resistivity coefficient A, which drops abruptly at nc,1. The results exemplify that the ideal Lorenz ratio is not a constant number but shows the lattice structure dependence I: Calculated values for the ideal Lorenz ratio are compared with (x= 0) 1.0 1.3 Pd (x= 5@A) 0.60 0.78 1.1 [3] Ni 1.1 1.4 1.0 [4] Pt 1.0 1.3 0.1 [5] Fe 0.87 1.1 1.1 [6] W 0.61 0.79 0.2-0.4 [7] 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 M x=0.6 FIG. 3: For a single band tight-binding model of Na xCoO2, Las a function of xas well as the Fermi surfaces at x= 0.6 are shown to indicate the strong effect caused by a due to the hopping integrals t2andt3. B. Transition metals In principle, we can evaluate Lfor real materials though it would generally require a hard task numeri- cally. Let us evaluate them for transition metals in the same manner as described elsewhere[18], i.e., from the result of a first principle band calculation, we pick up a main band with the largest DOS, for which we apply Eq. (10). Table I shows calculated values along with 4, 5, 6, 7]. regarded Wpp' kas a constant, except Pd for which effect with the correlation length x= 5@A[19], which is taken into account as above in Eq. (11). Con- sidering the approximations made to derive Eq. (10), for the scattering amplitudes and so on, we conclude that we could explain a small Lexpof tungsten, among others. This must be primarily due to a peculiar FS[20]. For platinum, however, the observed value[5] is inexplicable by our single band result.5 C. Na xCoO2 Lastly, we discuss a tight-binding model of Na xCoO2. Though this material has attracted much interest by its large thermopower, it is of particular interest for us be- cause of its simple cylindrical FS. As a nearly 2D sys- tem on a triangular lattice, it has an almost circular hole surface centered at the G point with a slight bulging into the sides of the hexagonal Bril- louin zone[11, 21, 22]. Therefore, it provides us with an unique case to realize the nontrivial effect as discussed above. Indeed the FS suggests that the Umklapp thresh- old must exist around xc~0.6, and one should expect that even a slight change in the shape of the FS around the threshold could have a striking effect on the of the genuine quasiparticle transport prop- erties and the ideal Lorenz factor. In fact, if we assume a undistorted parabolic band, it is straightforward to show that we should obtain xc= 2nc,1-10.55. Never- theless, experimentally, the T2dependence of the electri- cal resistivity has been observed up to x0.7[23, therefore, it mustbe 22]. For definiteness and simplicity, we restrict ourselves to the doping regime where the three dimensional effect is ir- relevant. We do not consider incipient ferromagnetic Below, we pay special attention to an ex- pected nontrivial behavior that the factor Lshould tend to vanish as we approach a threshold x<~xc. We present results for a 2D tight-binding model on a triangular lat- tice, in which up to the third neighbor hopping integrals ti(i= Ref. [26], whereKuroki and Arita have discussed the thermopower and the elec- trical conductivity by a relaxation time a single time scale t. Here the approximation must be abandoned from the outset, since otherwise one would only obtain a trivial result of a constant value regardless of the FS, as mentioned above. To see how Ltends to vanish around we show Fig. 3 in which the x-dependence of L aroundx<~xcis shown for t1>0 and G/t1= 0.02, along with the Fermi surface for x= 0.6. In comparison with the dashed line for t2=t3= 0, the solid line shows the strong effect around x<~xcdue to a slight modification of the FS caused by t2andt3. In effect, as the itself depends sensitively on portions of the FS closest to the Brillouin zone boundary, the result cannot be regarded as a quantitative prediction. Fur- thermore, unfortunately, it is not easy to compare this nontrivial prediction directly with experimental results, because the intrinsic electron term of the thermal resis- tivity (BT) for the perovskite oxides has been com- pletely outweighed by contributions due to phonons 24]. Those extrinsic terms have to be sep- arated out properly to verify the nontrivial filling as the vanishment of the factor Lessentially 0 5 10 0.5 4: As in Fig. 3, shown are the filling xdependences of the factor F, proportional to the KW ratio A/g2. reflects that of the electrical resistivity, it would be in- teresting also to calculate the xdependence of the resis- tivity coefficient A, or the Kadowaki Woods (KW) ratio A/g2. To evaluate the resistivity coefficients the absolutevalue ofthe Assuming the strong coupling then we obtain A/g2= in Fig. 3 for L, we show Fas a function of xin Fig. 4. The ratio A/g2also vanishes as xapproaches xc, as expected. However, numerically, we find that it should remain of the order of a common value, A/g2 1x10-5uohm cm(mol K/mJ)2. Liet al.[23] have observed a strongly enhanced deviation from this standard value forx= 0.7, which should be well beyond the threshold xc. Itisdifficult toregardthe a FS effect. Apart from taking into account a relevant three dimensional effect, one would have to assume an enhanced scattering may be due to strong scatterings caused by a proximity to some sort SUMMARY In summary, on the basis of anisotropic Fermi liquid theory, we investigated the ideal Lorenz ratio for cor- related metals by taking due care of the momentum de- pendence oftransport to mutual elastic scatterings between quasiparticles. 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Takuya Okabe
Takuya Okabe
Fermi Surface Effect on Lorenz Number of Correlated Metal
6pages, 4figures
We investigate an effect that an ideal Lorenz number $L_{\rm i}$ of correlated metal shows peculiar Fermi surface dependence, which is caused by the onset of a particular channel of Umklapp scattering. We evaluate $L_{\rm i}$ for some simple models and transition metals, and note that $L_{\rm i}$ for Na$_x$CoO$_2$ decreases sensitively as $x$ approaches an Umklapp threshold around $x_c \simeq 0.6$.
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[ [ "Okabe", "Takuya", "" ] ]
1 Introduction The sequence of papers [Molchan 1991, 1997, 2002] was an attemp t at a probabilistic interpretation of what had been done in empirical earth quake prediction during the 1980-1990s. These papers deal with the pro blem of predicting the time of a large event in a fixed region. The prediction involved the following concepts: the information flow I(t) used for prediction; a prediction strategy pconsisting of a sequence of deci- sionsp(t) that are relevant to consecutive time intervals ( t,t+);a decision , which is based on the information I(t), and which is to choose an alarm level for a time (the zero level means an absence of alarm); losses, which re- sult from p(t) and depend on whether the decision is suitable for the actual seismic situation in ; the goal of prediction , which is to minimize a loss functional for the monitoring period T1. In the general case the optimal strategy is found as the solution o f a Bellman-type equation. However, there is one important case (at le ast, at the research stage of prediction) for which the optimal strategy is viz., the case where the goal function can be described in t erms of known prediction characteristics: the rate of alarm time, t, and the rate n. The optimal strategy is then described with the help of (a) conditional intensity of target earthquakes given I(t) and (b) the n&t (error) diagram, G (Fig. 1). The latter is defined as the low bound of the set of the prediction characteristics ( n,t)[0,1]2that are relevant to all possible strategies pbased on I={I(t)}. If the flow Iis trivial, i.e., supplies no information for prediction, then G consists of the diagonal Dof the square [0 ,1]2:n+t= 1. The curve G is a decreasing convex function. The greater the amount of infor the larger is the distance between curves G and D. More precisely, the condition I1(t)I2(t) implies G 1>=G2. In the ideal case, G degenerates to the point n=t= 0. In actual practice the target earthquakes are large, hence rar e, events. This causes difficulties for statistical validation of a prediction algorit hm in a small region. That difficulty is being overcome by parallel application of g. algorithm and RTP algorithm [Keilis-Borok et al., 2004]). Prediction results are, as before, presented using the error diagram, where tis replaced with the rate of space-time alarms ~ t. The properties of the modified diagram have not been studied yet. Moreover, the generalization of titself is not unique. 2For example, ~ tcan be represented by the area of the alarm space Aor by the expected number of target events within A, i.e.,l(A). Thus the case of space-time prediction needs analysis, and such an analysis is presen ted below (see Section 3). Next, we also discuss two more issues: the relation between predict ion and forecasting (sect. 4), and the relation between predictability and self- similarity (sect. 5). These issues seem to be urgent, considering th at fore- casting is dominant in prediction research today, and the scaling laws in- dicating self-similarity are frequently regarded as an obstacle in the way Time Prediction Let us remind some facts concerning the simplest situation (see belo w) in predicting the time of a target event in a fixed region [Molchan, 2002]. The sequence oftarget events intheregionwill beconsidered asar andom stationary point process dN(t), where N(t) is the number of events in the interval (0 ,t) andP(N(t)>=2) =o(t). The prediction of dN(t) is based on the information flow I(t), such that the {dN(t),I(t)}form a process; I(t) may be thought of as a catalog of earthquakes in a moving time interval ( t-t0,t-t1) witht0> t1>=0 fixed. A p={p(t)}consists of a sequence of decisions p(t):p= 1 means an alarm during ( t,t+ ), while p= 0 means an absence of alarm. The occurrence of a target earthquake during an alarm is termed a suc cess. Each decision is based on I(t). The strategies are stationary and related in a stationary manner to the process following prediction results are to be recorded during time tk=k* (2) 3where the logical function 1Aequals 1 if Ais true and 0 otherwise. These statistics determine the empirical rates of alarm time and failures-t o-predict. It follows from the above assumptions that tTandnThave respectively, as T- . They characterize the of a strategy pbased on the information I={I(t)}. On the other hand, the n&tdiagram mentioned in Introduction characterizes the prediction capability of of a goal function of type ph(n,t), (3) is called here the simplest prediction problem . The choice of phis governed by the particular applications of prediction considered. There are o nly two general limitations: phshould increase with increasing nandtand the be convex. Typical examples of phthat are used at the research stage are max( n,t) andn+t. The strategy that optimizes the first of these functions is called the minimax strategy, for which n=t. The quantity e= 1-(n+t) is frequently used to characterize the efficiency of a prediction; it is t he higher the closer eis to 1. An example of phexpressed in terms of damage is ph=aln+bt, (4) wherelis the rate of target events, ais the cost resulting from a is the cost of maintaining an alarm during ( t,t+). Therefore, (4) gives the loss rate entailed by p. We now describe the structure of the optimal strategy. Let r(t) = the conditional rate of target events given I(t). The optimal strategy in the problem (3) then declares an alarm every time r(t) exceeds a threshold r0. The threshold is r0=b/awhen (4) isused. Inthegeneral case of ph(n,t), we have to find the level csuch that the line {ph=c}is tangent to the error diagram G (see Fig. 1). Suppose this occurs at a point Q= (n0,t0). the slope of G at )I Figure 1: Error set E(I) for prediction strategies based on a fixed type of information I={I(t)}. The point Acorresponds to an optimistic strategy, the point Bto a pessimistic strategy, the diagonal strategies of random guess. G is the error diagram of optimal st rategies. Small arrows indicate strategies better that p0, i.e. strategies with lines are isolines of a loss function ph(n,t); the isoline of levelc*is tangent to G at the point Q, which corresponds to the optimal errors in the problem (3). The line ( a,b) is tangent to G at Qand separates the two convex sets E(I) and{ph<=c*}. The Relation to Hypothesis Testing . We remind a classical problem in mathematical statistics (see, e.g., Lehmann, 195 9). Con- sider anobservation x, avector, orafunctional object. 5It belongs to the population with distribution P0(dx) (hypothesis H0) or H1). Adecision p(x) = 0 or 1 in favor of H0orH1, respectively, entails errors of two kinds, viz., a=P0{p(x) = 1}andb=P1{p(x) = 0}. Let us fix aand minimize the error bby a suitable choice of p. The lemma of J. Neyman and E. Pearson reads that, under certain regularity re quirements, the optimal rule is such that p(x) = 1, as soon as L(x) p(x) = 0; note that the threshold depends on a. In applications the power of the optimal test, 1 -b, is considered as a function of a, and called the Relative Operating Characteristic (ROC), see [Swets, 1973]. The prediction problem (3) is remarkable in that it can be interpreted in terms of hypothesis testing, so that the characteristics ( n,t) become errors of the two kinds [Molchan, 2002]. The crucial observation for this is the follow- ing: the globally (in time) optimal strategy in (3) consists of locally opt imal decisions on small time intervals ( t,t+). One can therefore disregard the global prediction problem and consider it on the interval ( t,t+). In this casep(t) interprets incoming information x=I(t) in terms of whether a tar- get event will or will not occur in the interval ( t,t+). The become errors of the two kinds, if P0is the natural probability measure for the data I(t) at time t, whileP1(dx) is the conditional measure for I(t) givendN(t) = 1. Recalling the definition of the risk function r(t), one has P1(dx) =P{dN(t) = = 1} =P{dN(t) = 1|I(t) = =r(t)/l. Furthermore, since nandtare identical with the errors arising from testing H1vs.H0, we have 6ROC ={(1-n,t) : (n,t)G}= Gc that is, the curves ROC and G are dual. For this reason Gcis sometimes called ROC and sometimes the Molchan diagram. However, these names have different implications. The firs t name (ROC) always focuses our attention on errors of two kinds in a stat istical problem, while the names n&tor error or Molchan diagram emphasize the connection between two of the many characteristics of prediction . The of the curve G is possible thanks to specific feature s of the goal function and to the structure of the globally optimal strateg y. With a modified goal function, the error diagram loses its relation to optima l strate- gies. The reason for this is that locally optimal decisions do not gener ally constitute the globally optimal strategy [Molchan & Kagan, 1992]. In this context we mention the case of prediction for an inhomogene ous Poisson process with a periodic rate function. It is commonly though t that the prediction of a Poisson process is trivial, and therefore does no t Molchan [1997, 2002] showed that this is not true, if the losses also include some cost for each switching from alarm to nonalarm and b ack again. An optimization problem of this kind is reasonable to avoid the cr y wolf aside the unimportant discussion of a suitable name for the n&t diagram, we put new questions: what are the analoguesof G and Dfor space- time prediction? What is the structure of the optimal strategy for a goal function that is similar to (3)? 3 Space-time Prediction For a theoretical analysis of prediction of large events in space-tim e it is sufficient to divide region Ginto disjoint parts Giand to consider the vector point process dN(t) the component =o() describes the time sequence of target events in subregion Gi. In that case a prediction strategy p(t) of the sequence of alarm in Gixt 0 no alarm in Gixt, the decisions being based on the information I(t). Again the prediction results will be characterized by (1) and (2). He re, tT= (t1 T,...,tk T) is a vector whose i-th component defines the ratio of alarm time inGiduring time T. When the vector process ( dN(t),I(t),p(t)) is ergodic and stationary, the numbers nTandtThave the deterministic limits n[0,1] andt[0,1]k, respectively, as T- . The use of all possible strategies pbased on I={I(t)}yields the a subset of the cube [0 ,1]k+1. The setEis convex. This can be demonstrated as follows. Having two strategies, p1andp2, with the characteristics ( n,t)i,i= 1,2, we can devise a new one with the errors ( wherep+q= 1 and 0 itissufficient p1(t) with probabilities pandq, respectively. Changing pfrom 0 to 1, we get the straight segment that belongs to Eand connects ( n,t)1with Eis convex. The setEalways contains the following simplex: ~D:n+< l,t > / L = the l= (l1,...,l k) are the rates of target events in the subregions {Gi}, and< a,b > Equation (5) is satisfied by the g(t,t+) in subregion Giwith probability Then the success rate in Gi islipi/L. Therefore, we have n= 1-< l,p > / L andti=pi, i.e., (5) becomes an identity. The simplex (5) is an analogue of the diagonal Dused in the time pre- diction. The boundary of the convex set Ethat lies below the plane (5) will be denoted ~G and termed the error diagram as above. We shall show that the diagram defines optimal strategies. To do this, we consider a fu require that the level sets {ph(n,t)<=c}be convex for any c >0. Now we define the goal of time-space prediction using (3) with t= = lim -0P{N(i)(t) = 1|I(t)}/, the conditional rate of target events in subregion Gi, given the information I(t), and denote by li the unconditional rate. Statement 1. The optimal strategy for the space-time prediction with the goal function (3)declares an alarm in Gix[t,t+]as soon as r(i)(t)> r(i) 0 and does not declare otherwise . The thresholds are =aLn+< b,t > . (6) For the general case of ph(n,t),we consider the level csuch that the surface ph(n,t) =cis tangent to ~Gat a point the~Gfunction. Conversely, for any point Q= (n,t)~Gwe can find the loss function ph(n,t)for which Qis optimal, i.e., ph(Q) = the strategies pare based on All components of the optimal strategy are interconnected due to the data I(t) which are common to subregions is ergodic, the time average (1) can be identified with the ensemble average (over I(t)) of the single term in ( t,t+). N(T)/S-L asT- . From this it follows that the globally optimal strategy for (3) can be derived by optimizing the decision in every interval ( t,t+). Putting 1= (1,...,1), we have 9n= lim -0E <1-p(t),N(t)/> /L = = lim -0E{E = =E <1-p(t),r(t)> /L = 1-E < p(t),r(t)> Suppose ph(n,t) is of the linear form (6). Then ph(n,t) =aL+E < p(t),b-ar(t)> . (8) The components of p(t) take on values in [0 ,1]. Obviously, (8) has the least value, when we put p(i)(t) bi-ari(t)>=0 1, now that ph(n,t) is a nonlinear increasing function with convex level sets, {ph<=a}. Thenthereexists alevel csuch that thesurface ph(n,t) = cis tangent to ~G at some point Q. By the definition of ~G,cis the least value of the goal function given the predictive information {I(t)}. Let us construct a plane that is tangent to ~G at the point Q,an+< b,t >=c. It separates ~G and the surface ph(n,t) =c, because the minimization of phis equivalent to the minimization of the linear function an+ (b,t). The use of (8) and (9) yields (7). Actually, we have also proved the final part of the statement, because at any pointQ~G there exists a plane of support to ~G. Prediction efficiency . At theresearch theefficiency of a time-space strategy pis sometimes characterized by the quantity e= 1-(n+ ~t), (10) is the rate of space-time alarm measured in terms of the rate of tar get events, {li}. One can suggest some reasons in favor of this choice of e. 10First,|e| <=1 wheree= 0 for all trivial strategies, i.e., ( np,tp)D, and e= 1 for the ideal strategy with zero (1-n)-~t. ~ t= the rate of target events, which can be predicted by chance u sing the same space-time alarm characteristics ( t(1),...,t(k)) asphas. Therefore, e determines the rate of nonrandom successes of the strategy p. Third,e=e(p) is proportional to the Euclidian distance, r(Q,~D), be- tweenQ= (n,t) and~D; moreover, e= 1 for the ideal strategy having (n,t) = (0,0) =O. Therefore, e(p) i.e.,eis the rel- ative distance between pand the trivial strategies set in the interpretation of edoes not depend on the space parameter k. This is important for the comparison of predictions, because the space partition {Gi}is an independent element of a prediction the following additivity property: e= (ni,ti) andei= 1-ni-tiare respectively the errors and the efficiency ofpin subregion Gi. This follows from (10) and the is a weighted mean of the efficiencies in subregions {Gi}. The additivity of eholds only for linear functions of the type 1 for exact formulation and proof). To optimize e= 1-(n+ ~t), we must, in accordance with Statement 1, declare an alarm in Gixt, as soon as the probability gain ( the level 1. This level is a point of equilibrium of PG, therefore, the alarm which optimizes ecan be unstable in the general case of {I(t)}. The following example is relevant to the stable situation [Molchan, 2002 ]. Example 1 (characteristic earthquakes) . Consider the time in which I(t) is the time u=t-tk>=0 that has elapsed since the last event tk. In that case the optimal strategy for e= 1-n-tdeclares an alarm in the interval ( tk,tk+1) as soon t=tk+u, whereFis the distribution of k= (tk+1-tk) In many interesting cases F'/(1-F) has at most one extremum in the open interval (0 ,). Therefore the optimal alarm in ( tk,tk+1) consists at most of two intervals. It is easy to see [a]+=a, ifa >0 and [a]+= 0, ifa <0. The following table presents values of edepending on the coefficient of variation V=s/m(s2is the variance of F) for three types of distributions F, viz., Weibull ( F(x) = 1-exp(-lxa)), Log-Normal, and Gamma ( F'(x) .25 .50 .75 e.52 - .60 .32 - .38 .15 - .22 Here all distributions have the same mandVparameters. Note that V0.6 for segments of the San Andreas fault, and that the model has a direct relation to the prediction of characteristic earthquakes. T herefore, our example with nontrivial prediction can be of interest for comparison with other available prediction methods. Trivial Strategies . In the time prediction case the trivial strategies are described by the diagonal n+t= 1 of the square [0 ,1]2. The end points (1 ,0) and (0 ,1) correspond to the so-called optimistic (see Fig. 1). A pessimist maintains alarm all the time, while a n optimist never uses it. These strategies are remarkable, because in the points (1,0) and (0,1) are also the end points of the curve G, thatis, beoptimalones. Tounderstand better, we consider the following 2 (nonregular G). Let us consider the following model of >0 are i.i.d. random variables with the mean E(tk+1- tk) =mand{ek}are independent binary random variables with the 1) =p,P(ek= 0) = 1 -p. In this model there are two types of target events, viz., main shocks {tk}and reshocks {t' k=tk+1}that may or may not occur. To predict tk+1usingI(t) ={tp:tp< t}andtk< t < t k+1it is sufficient to declare an alarm at the moment tk+aand cancel it after t=tk+1. predicted by short-term alarm at the moment tk+1-0. Now it is not difficult to see that the end points ( n,t) of G are ((1+ p)-1,0) and (0,1-a/m). These points correspond to the regular situation, provided tha t p=a= 0. In the case of space-time prediction, the trivial strategies are de scribed by the equation n+ ~t= 1, 0<=n,ti<=1. All solutions to that equation are obtained as the convex hull of extreme points ( n,ti=ei,i= 1,...,k), where ei= 0 or 1, and n= 1-~t. By definition we are in the regular situation , if all extreme points of ~D belong to ~G. This is true, if and only if I={I(t)}is regular in each sub- regionGi,i= 1,...,k. In the regular situation, strategies that maintain a continual alarm in part of the area of interest and no alarm in its supp lement are optimal and trivial at once. This type of strategies includes Kullb ack's strategy [Kullback, 1959] (relative intensity in the terminology of Holliday et al. [2005]). The principle of the strategy is as follows. Suppose we k now the epicenter density of target events, f(g). Find the locations where f > c anddeclare acontinual alarmthere. This th eresearch stage in order to minimize the alarm space volume. In the polemical paper by Marzocchi et al. (2003), the Kullback str ategy is used for comparison with the M8 algorithm in the prediction of M8 (M7.5) earthquakes worldwide. Note that the Kullback strategy has n+ ~t= 1. Therefore, the relative predictive potential of the M8 algorithm can be measured by the quantity e= 1-(n+ ~t). To estimate ~ tin a robust manner, we come to a nontrivial problem: to what degree ca n (say, M= (seeli/L in (10))? The problem is simpler for the case of predicting M= 7.5;8 along the Pacific Belt, because one has to compare smoothed on e- dimensional seismicity distributions along the belt. This important pro remains unexplored. For the moment one can obtain only a rough estimate for the variabilit y ofn+ ~tin theM8 case. Denoting by N(T) the number of target events 13for the monitoring period T, we find that a will alter n by the amount dn1/N(10% in the prediction of M= 8). According to [Kossobokov, 2005], ~ tin the prediction of M= 7.5;8 varies within 5 - 10% when M= 4,5,6,7 is used to estimate the density of target the variability of n+ ~tforM= 8 does not exceed 20%. 4 Prediction versus to Statement 1, the prediction problem considered in its s implest version can be split into two. The one consists in estimating the condit of magnitude Mevents in a space-time bin dgxdt, while the other reduces to choosing a threshold r0(g) forr(t,g,M). This is an important conclusion for prediction practice, since the first proble m is in the seismologist's full competence, while the second is at the option o f the customer. At first sight, the seismologist has merely to focus his eff orts on the problem of estimating the risk function r(t,g,M), i.e., on the our view forecasting is different from prediction in that it involves n o decisions, and prediction statements are probabilistic in character , namely, a target event Mis expected to occur in the bin dgxdtwith some For the small-bin case, the present time, forecasting dominates the problem of earthq uake prediction. Prediction proper came to be viewed as a binary forecas ting, where there is no problem of choosing the thresholds. This transfo rmation of the original prediction problem calls for some discussion. When the information I(t) consists of anearthquake catalog, the problem of modeling r(t,g,M) is equivalent to constructing a model of the seismic process in the phase space ( t,g,M) in terms of conditional rate. An example is the self-exciting model (ETAS as it is called of forecasting for prediction raises a key question: w hat modelof Inprediction, is chosen and transformed in such a way as to detect characteris tic patterns premonitory to individual target events. At the resear ch stage, the prediction is thought to be the better, the smaller the errors n, ~t, or the combination n+ ~t, say. In forecasting, the goal is hazy; forecasting based on the condit ional rate r(t,g,M) is considered to be the better, the better is an agreement betwe en 14the model of rand seismicity observed during a test period. Target events are rare as a rule, while premonitory phenomena are weak. For that reason the contribution of the latter into the fitting of the model of ris small too. Therefore a good model of seismicity will be determined mainly by typ ical seismicity patterns, such as clustering and aftershocks, regard less of whether they are premonitory or not. Under these conditions it is difficult to e xpect that the good model can automatically possess predictive proper ties in relation to large earthquakes. Therefore, having formally set up t we shall arrive at errors n,~tthat are close to the diagonal n+ ~t= 1, i.e., will obtain a misleading objective proof that large events ar ETAS model is often considered to be the most suitable for desc rip- tion of seismicity [Ogata, 1999; Kagan and Jackson, 2000]. It is defin ed in a form convenient for prediction, in terms of the risk (12) Here,U>=0 istheconditional aftershocks forane vent (ti,gi,Mi), andU0>=0 is the rate of main shocks. The parameterization of UandU0used in (12) is too simplistic for prediction ts, argetevents were preceded by patterns like seismicity increase and quiescence. When a threshold r > r0isdefined, themodel (12) will increase, but not to quiescence. The values of rare small in quiescent areas. Ogata [1988] tried to adapt (12) to deal with prediction of large events. I n order to be able to respond both to seismicity increases and to quiescence , alarms were to be declared in two cases, when rwas large and when rwas small enough. This contradicts Statement 1. The use of two thresholds instead of a single one means that (12) is not the risk function for large events . It thus appears that prediction of rare events need not rely on a d model. This can be seen from Example 1, when it is compared with results of the M8 method, as well as from Statement 1, which asserts that detailed knowledge of r(t,g)/l(g) is only needed about a fixed level c= 1. On the other hand, overfine detail in r/lclose toc= 1 may inflate the number of false alarms. Considering forecasting instead of pre diction, 15we change the original goals and may misrepresent the predictability of rare events. 5 Predictability and Scale laws are well known for seismicity: the distribution of events o ver energy (the law), the decay of seismicity in time following a large earthquake (the Omori law), the relation between source d imensions and earthquake energy, and spatial fractality of seismicity. The a bove list is being rapidly supplemented in recent years by laws that use scaling o ver different combinations of time, space, and energy. An example is the 2002; Mo lchan and Kronrod, 2007]. Similarity ideas are actively used in the passage f rom the prediction of magnitude Mto that of M-. The first attempt in this direction was for the CN algorithm (see, e.g., [Keilis-Borok and Rotwain t,g,M), the same predictability should be expected for MandM-. In particular, the events with MandM- are predictable or unpredictable at the same time based on the ( t,g,M) data. The long-continued monitoring of target events using the M8 algorithm gives the following results [Kossobokov , 2005]: for the period 1985-2003 the error statistic n+~tis equal to 2 /11+0.330.5 and 22/52+0.340.8, forM8 andM7.5, respectively. The difference inn+ ~tis substantial. If the difference is statistically significant, then it is natural to ascribe it to a violation of the similarity conditions. Indeed , the similarity condition for earthquakes is changed, when the source dim ension is comparable with the width (W) of the seismogenic lithosphere [Scholz, 1990; Pacheco et al., 1992; Okal and Romanowicz, 1994]. The M= 7.5,8.0 events fall in this category. Because Wis subject to scatter worldwide, the finite- depth effect must be more relevant to M= 8 events. There exist models for which one can neatly identify the size effect and its relation to predict abil- ity. Shapoval and Shnirman [2006] considered an avalanche model o f the Bak type to show that events whose size is comparable with the size o f the system are predictable similarly to the M= 8 events in the M8 ~t0.5. At the same time, the events that obey the power law distribution over energy are predicted much worse. Whether the similarity conditions are violated is frequently inferred f rom 16the presence of a bend in the frequency-mag nitude re- lation. It is rather difficult to detect such a bend, especially in a region al environment. In that context we give a very simple example in order t o demonstrate that the linearity of the relat ion does not preclude the predictability of individual 3 (predictability vs. GR law ). Consider a region where events with, say, M= 3,4,5, and 6 occur. The M= 3,4, and 6 events are in space-time. For the sake of simplicity we assume the d istri- butions of all events to be uniform. Select 10% of the area, G, and require that each M= 5 event in Gbe necessarily followed by a M= 6 event during a timed(the location is left unspecified). This pattern allows the times of M= M= 5events. on the choice of d. At the same time, the law will hold in the entire area, if the rates for M= 3,4, and 5 are l(M) =a*10-M. This relation is also true for M= 6, because one has l(M= 6) =l(M= construction. The model has an obvious extension to the space Now since the M= 3,4 andM= 5 events are independent, it follows that the M= 5 events are unpredictable. The result is that, even though the Gutenberg- Richter law holds, only the M= 6 events are predictable. This demonstrates that a violation of the similarity cond itions need not entail changes in the law. 6 Conclusion 1. Thesimplest nts has been extended to the case of space-time prediction. We have f ound an analogue of the error diagram and described the optimal prediction strate- gies. The possibility and simplicity of this extension are due to a special choice of the class of goal functions (see (3)). In this particular c ase the globally optimal strategy can be constructed as a combination of loc ally op- timal decisions. The situation becomes radically different, when the g oal function is not a function of ( n,t) alone. 2. s: modeling of the risk function r(t,g,M) and choosing its threshold. However, 17a separate solution of these problems is a questionable way to real p rediction. 3. In the theory presented here, the volume of space-time alarm Ashould be measured by the expected number of target events rather th an geomet- rically as the product of area and time. Due to the simple statistical a nd geometric interpretation of e= 1-n-~t, this quantity is a natural candidate to represent the prediction efficiency at the research stage. 4. 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George Molchan
G. Molchan, V. Keilis-Borok
Earthquake Prediction: Probabilistic Aspect
21 pages, 1 figure
physics.geo-ph physics.data-an
A theoretical analysis of the earthquake prediction problem in space-time is presented. We find an explicit structure of the optimal strategy and its relation to the generalized error diagram. This study is a generalization of the theoretical results for time prediction. The possibility and simplicity of this extension is due to the choice of the class of goal functions. We also discuss issues in forecasting versus prediction, scaling laws versus predictability, and measure of prediction efficiency at the research stage.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 8 Feb 2008 10:56:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Molchan", "G.", "" ], [ "Keilis-Borok", "V.", "" ] ]
2 8 Moore neighbor interactions it has the following indeces k,lare for its neighbors. is also possible. The set of called a template and controls the whole sys- tem. An operation is performed by giving the initial states of the cells, the input image (the input values of all cells) and by defining a template. The states of all cells will vary in parallel and the result of the operation will be the final steady state of the CNN. If the state values (xi,j) of all cells remain bounded in the [ -1,1] re- gion (i.e. yi,j=xi,jholds for each cell at any time t), than each operation is equivalent with solving a differ- ential equation defined by the template itself [5, 6, not remain bounded, than the function described at the definition of the takesan important role. The final steady state will not be simply the solution of the differential equa- tion, and this case can be used for defining other as well [13]. The CNN-UM [3] is a programmable analogic (analog & logic) cellular wave computer. Beside the analog cir- cuits described by Eq.1, each cell contains also a logic unit, local analog and logic memories and a local com- munication and control unit. The logic unit and logic memories are included to complement the analog com- putation. In this manner basic logic operations can be performed without defining complicated templates for it. In the local logic memories one can save a binary value (1 and 0 respectively), and in the local analog memories it is possible to save real values between -1 and 1. Since the CNN array is mainly used for image processing and acquisition, the binary values are often referred as black and white, and the real values bounded between -1 and 1 are mapped in a gray-scale scheme. Beside these local units, the CNN-UM has also a global analog program- ming unit which controls the whole system, making it a programmable computer. It can be easily connected to PC type computers and programmed with special lan- guages, for example the Analogic Macro Code (AMC). The physical implementations of these computers are numerous and widely different: mixed-mode CMOS, em- ulated digital CMOS, FPGA, and also optical. For processing, robotics or sensory computing purposes [9], so the main practical drive in the mixed-mode was to build a visual microprocessor [13]. In the last decades the size of the engineered chips was con- stantly growing, the new cellular visual [4] for example has 176 x144 processors, eachcell hosting also 4 optical sensors. Parallel with increas- ing the lattice size of the chips, engineers are focusing on developing multi-layered, 3 dimensional chips as well. For the first experimental versions the templates (cou- pling parameters) are defined identical for all cells. This means that for example A(i,j;i+1,j) is the same for all (i,j) coordinates. In such way, on the allthe x3 matrix. Totally, 9+9+1 = 19 parameters are needed to define the whole, globally valid, template ( {A,B,z}). On the latest versionofthe CNN chips parameter can already be locally varied. It is expected that on newer chips one will be able to sepa- rately control also the A(i,j;k,l) andB(i,j;k,l) connec- tions as well. Many applications ideal for the analogic and of the CNN-UM were alreadydeveloped and tested. Studies dealing with partial differential equations [5, 6] or cellular automata models [7, 8] prove this. In some of our latest publications we have shown that CNN computers are suitable also for stochastic simulations. The natural noise of the analog chip can be effectively used to generate random numbers approximately 4 times faster than on digital computers [10]. We also in which the site-percolation problem and the two-dimensional Ising model was properly solved on the ACE16K chip (with 128 x128 cells) [10, 11]. III. NP-HARD OPTIMIZATION ON aim of the present study is to prove that CNN computing is also suitable for solving effectively problems on spin-glass type lattice of Eq. 1) can be locally controlled. Ma- trixAis considered symmetric A(i,j;k,l) = 1forall( i,j), ((i,j) and (k,l) denote two neigh- boring cells). Matrix B, which controls the effect of the input image, will be taken simply as: B(i,j;i,j) =band B(i,j;k,l) = 0,{i,j} The parameter zis cho- sen asz= 0, so finally our template is defined by {A,b} alone. In an earlier work Chua et al.[2] defined a for the CNN, which behaves like the of the system. For the CNN defined above it can be written simply as E(t) i,j;k,l >denotes pairs of Moore neighbors, each pair taken only once in the sum. yi,jdenotes the output value of each cell and ui,jstands for an arbitrary input image. By choosing the parameter b= 0, the en- ergy of this special CNN is similar with the energy of3 an Ising type system on square lattice with locally vary- ing coupling constants. The difference is that Ising spins are defined as +-1, while here we have continuous val- ues between [ -1,1]. Since the A(i,j;k,l) coupling con- stants can be positive and negative as well, locally cou- pled spin-glasses can be mapped in such systems. In the following we will be especially interested in the case when the A(i,j;k,l) couplings lead to a frustration and the quenched disorder in the system is similar with that of spin-glass systems ([14, 15]). The Lyapunov function defined by Chua et al.has two important properties [2]: 1.) it is always a mono- tone decreasing function in time, dE/dt<=0, so starting from an initial condition Ecan only decrease during the dynamics of the CNN. 2.) the final steady state is a local minimum of the energy: dE/dt= 0. In addition to these, our CNN has also another important property: due to the fact that all self-interaction parameters are A(i,j;i,j) = 1, it can be shown that the output values of the cells in a final steady state will be always either 1 or-1. The local minima achieved by the CNN is thus an Ising-like configuration. We can conclude thus that starting from any initial condition the final steady state ofthe template - meaning the result of an operation- will be always a local minimum of the spin-glass type Ising spin system with local connections defined by matrix A. The fact that one single operation is needed for finding a local minimum of the energy, gives us hope to develope fast optimization algorithms. As already emphasized, the complex frustrated case (locally coupled spin-glass type system), where the A coupling parameters generates a non-trivial will be considered here. The minimum systems is searchedby an algorithm which is similar with the well-known simulated annealing method [16]. The noise is included with random input images (ui,jvalues in eq. 2) acting as an external locally variable magnetic field. The strength of this field is gov- erned through parameter b. Whenever bis different from zero, our CNN template minimizes the energy with form 2: the first part of it being the energy of the type model and the second part an additional term, which gets minimal when the state of the system is equal to the input image (the external magnetic field). If bis large, the result will be the input image itself, if b= 0 the result is a local minimum of the pure Ising-type sys- tem. For values in between, our result is a the two cases. Slowly decreasing the value of bwill result in a process similar with simulated anneal- ing, where the temperature ofthe system is First big fluctuations of the energy are allowed, and by decreasing this we slowly drive the system to a low energy state. Since the method is a stochastic one, we can of course never be totally sure that the global minimum will be achieved. The steps of the algorithm are the following: 1. One starts from a random initial condition x, and b= 5 (with this value the result of the template is al-most exactly the same as the input image). 2. A binary random input image uis generated with 1 /2 probability of black (1) pixels, 3. Using the xinitial state and the uinput image the CNN template is applied, 4. The value of bis decreased with steps b, 5. Steps 2-4 are repeated until b= 0 is reached. The results of the previous step (minimization) is as the initial state for the next step. 6. When reaching b= 0 the image (Ising spin configura- tion) is saved and the energy is calculated. In the classical simulated annealing algorithm of steps for a single temperature are needed. Here the CNN template working totally in parallel re- places all these steps. Similarly with choosing the cool- ing rate in simulated annealing, choosing the value of b is also a delicate problem. A proper value providing an acceptable compromise between the quality of the results and speed ofthe algorithmhas to be found. For eachsys- tem size one can find an optimal value of b, but as one would expect this is rapidly decreasing by increasing the system size. It is much more effective, both for perfor- mance (meaning the probability of finding the real b= 0.05step and repeat the whole cooling process several times. As a result, several different final states will be obtained, and we have a higher probability to get the right global minima between these. For testing the efficiency of the algorithm one needs to measure the number of steps necessary for finding the right global minima. To do this, one has to previously know the global minima. In case of small systems with L= the phase-space. For bigger systems the classical sim- ulated annealing algorithm was used. The temperature was decreased with a rate of 0 .99 (Tfinal/Tini) and 1000 Monte Carlo steps were performed for each temperature. In the present work spin-glass systems with A(i,j;k,l) =+-1 local connections were of the positive bonds was the amount of frustration in the system), and local interactions with the 8 Moore neighbors were considered. For several pdensities of the positive links and various system sizes, we calculated the average number of steps needed for finding the energy minimum. As naturally is expected for the non-trivial the needed simulation time exponentially increases with the system size. As an example, the p= 0.4 case is shown on Fig. 1a. Circles represent the estimated time on CNN computers and stars illustrate the time measured on a Pentium 4, 3.4 GHz computer using the classical simulated annealing method. For the calculation time on CNN computers we have used a convention (arguments given in the next paragraph) that roughly 1000 simulation steps are made in 1 second. As observable in the figure, we could made estimates for relatively small system sizes only ( L>=12). The reason for this is that we had to simulate also the operations4 FIG. 1: a) Time needed to reach the minimum energy as a function of the lattice size L. Circles are for estimates on CNN computers and stars are simulated annealing results on 3.4 GHz Pentium 4. Results are averaged on 10000 with p= 0.4 probability of positive bonds. For the CNN algorithm b= 0.05 was chosen. For the initial temperature was T0= 0.9 , final tem- perature Tf= 0.2 and the decreasing rate of the temperature was fixed as 0 .99. b) Number of steps needed for reaching the presumed global minima as a function of the probability p, of positive connections. Simulation results with the propo sed algorithm on a CNN lattice with size L= 7. on the CNN chip, and for large lattices a huge system of partial differential equations had to be solved. This process gets quite slow for bigger lattices. The needed average number of steps to reach the esti- mated energy minima depends also on the pprobability of the positive connections in the system. On Fig.1b we illustrate this for a system with size L= 7. To ob- tain this data for each pvalue 5000 different systems were analyzed. As observable on Fig.1b the system is almost equally hard to solve for all pvalues in the let us have some thoughts about the estimated speed of such an optimization algorithm. As on the nowadays available CNN chips, only pa- rameterzcan be locally varied, parameters AandBare 3x3 matrices, uniformly applied for all cells. The rea- son for no local control of AandBseems to be simply the lack of motivations. In image processing applications no really useful algorithms were developed, which would require these locally variable connections. Realizing the local control of AandBis technically possible and is ex- pected to be included in the newer versions of the CNN chips. This modification would not changethe properties and the speed of the chip, only the control unit and tem- plate memories would become more complicated. the connection parameters in the local mem- ories of the chip would take a slightly longer time. In the specific problem considered here the connection pa- rameters have to be introduced only once for each prob- lem, so this would not effect in a detectable manner the speed of calculations. Based on our previous experience with the ACE16K chip (with sizes 128 x128) [10, 11] we can make an estimation of the speed for the algorithm. This chip with its parallel archi- tecture solves one template in a very short time - of Foreachstep in needs to generate a random binary image. This pro- cess is already 4 times faster on the ACE16K chip than on a 3.4 GHz Pentium 4 computer and needs around 100us(see [10]). It is also helpful for the speed, that in the present algorithm it is not needed to save informa- tion at each step, only once at the end of each cooling process. Saving an image takes roughly 10 milliseconds on the ACE16K, but this is done only once after sev- eral thousand of simulation steps. Making thus a rough estimate for our algorithm, a chip with similar proper- ties like the ACE16K should be able to compute in one second, independently of the lat- tice size. Using the lower estimation value (1000 steps /second) and following up the number of steps needed in case ofp= 0.4, the estimated average time for solving one problem is plotted as a function of the lattice size in Fig. annealing (SA) performed on a 3 .4 GHz Pen- tium 4 (stars on Fig. 1a), the results for larger lattice sizes are clearly in favour of the CNN chips. For testing the speed of simulated annealing we used the initial temperature T0= 0.9 , final temper- atureTf= 0.2, decreasing rate of the temperature 0 .99. Results were avereged for 10000 different bond distribu- tions. From Fig. 1a it results that the estimated time needed for the presented algorthim on a CNN chip would be smaller than simulated annealing already at 10 x10 lattice like systems have many applications in which global minimum is not crucial to be exactly found, the minimization is needed only with a margin of error. In such cases the number of requested steps will As an example in such sense, it has been shown that using spin-glass models as their cost-performance is excellent [17], and the systems are usually not even in the spin-glass phase. In this manner by using the CNN chip, finding could be very fast, even on big lattices. IV. CONCLUSION A cellular neural network with locally variable param- eters was used for finding the optimal state of locally coupled, two-dimensional, Ising type spin-glass systems. By simulating the proposed optimization algorithm on a CNN chip, where all connections can be locally con- trolled, very good perspectives for solving such NP digital computers already at a 10 x10 lattice size. Chips with 2 and 3 layers of cells were also XENON) and increasing the number of lay- ers is expected in the near future. This further extends the number of possible applications. On two layers is possible to map already a spin system with any connec- tion matrix (even globally coupled spins) and also other important NP-hard problems (e.g. K-SAT) may supported from a Romanian CNCSIS No.1571 research grant (contract 84/2007)and a Hungarian ONRgrant H. Nishimori, Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing. An Introduction. Oxford, 2001) [2] L.O. Chua, L. Yang, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 35, 1257 (1988) [3] T.Roska, L.O. Chua, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II 40, 163 (1993) [4] T. Roska, L.O. Chua, D. Wolf, T. Kozek, R. Tetzlaff, F. Puffer, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I: Fundamental Theory and Applications 42, 807 (1995) [6] T. Kozek, L.O. Chua, T. Roska, D. Wolf, R. Tetzlaff, F. Puffer, K. Lotz, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I: Fundamental Theory and Applications 42, 816 (1995) [7] J.M. Cruz, L.O. 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M\'aria Ercsey-Ravasz
M\'aria Ercsey-Ravasz (P\'eter P\'azm\'any Catholic University), Tam\'as Roska (P\'eter P\'azm\'any Catholic University), Zolt\'an N\'eda (Babes-Bolyai University)
Cellular neural networks for NP-hard optimization problems
cond-mat.dis-nn cond-mat.stat-mech
Nowadays, Cellular Neural Networks (CNN) are practically implemented in parallel, analog computers, showing a fast developing trend. Physicist must be aware that such computers are appropriate for solving in an elegant manner practically important problems, which are extremely slow on the classical digital architecture. Here, CNN is used for solving NP-hard optimization problems on lattices. It is proved, that a CNN in which the parameters of all cells can be separately controlled, is the analog correspondent of a two-dimensional Ising type (Edwards-Anderson) spin-glass system. Using the properties of CNN computers a fast optimization method can be built for such problems. Estimating the simulation time needed for solving such NP-hard optimization problems on CNN based computers, and comparing it with the time needed on normal digital computers using the simulated annealing algorithm, the results are astonishing: CNN computers would be faster than digital computers already at 10*10 lattice sizes. Hardwares realized nowadays are of 176*144 size. Also, there seems to be no technical difficulties adapting CNN chips for such problems and the needed local control is expected to be fully developed in the near future.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 8 Feb 2008 13:26:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ercsey-Ravasz", "Mária", "", "Péter Pázmány Catholic University" ], [ "Roska", "Tamás", "", "Péter Pázmány Catholic University" ], [ "Néda", "Zoltán", "", "Babes-Bolyai University" ] ]
usually remains in its ground state i.e., target elas tic while in the latter ( doubly inelastic) , the target also gets excited or ionized i.e., target inelasti c . Since these two cha nnels lead to different final products, their contributions are to be added in coherently ( i.e., in th e cross section level ) . The relative importance of the two channels de pends on the incident en ergy as well as on the particular collision system. Since the pioneering experimental discovery [ 2 ] of the ELC, a significant number of experimental [ 3 - 14 ] and theoretical studie s [ 15 - 25 ] were pe rformed on the loss process ( ELC ) in different ion - atom , atom - atom collisions. In all the measurements [ 1 - 14 ] of such process, a prom inent cusp shaped ( broad ) peak , depending on the kinematics was observed in the angular ( ener gy ) distributions of th e ejected electron . This peak was attributed to the electron loss from th e projectile ion / atom into its low - lying continuum, usually referred to as the ELC peak ( electron lo ss peak ). Proper of the ELC peak in respect of magnitude, position asymmetry etc. is still now a challenge to the theorists. Until very recently, experimental [ 2 - 10, 12 ] and theoretical [ 15 - 22 ] investigations on the ELC process were mostly limited to bare , partially stripped [ 2 - 6, 15 , 16, 19 - 22 ] or neutral [ 7 - 10, 12, 17, 18 ] heavy projectiles. The first observat ion on the ELC process by light neutral projectile due to Armitage et al [ 11 ] fo r the Ps - He atom system stimulated [ 23 - 26 ] to venture the study of this process. The basic difference between the heavy projectile and the light projectile impact ELC phenomena is that, in the former case the deflection as well as the energy loss of the projectile, due to its heavy mass is negligibly small leading to a pronounced peak / cu sp in the forward direction , while in the latter case , the lightprojectile can scatter to large angles and its ener gy loss is also not neglig ible leading to a broad ELC peak / cusp. In both the cases, the ELC phenomenon occurs particularly when the ejected electron and the scattered projec tile are very close to each other in the velocity space ( p ev v ) . Study of the dynamics e.g., angular and energy dist ributions of the ELC process gives about the ionizing mechanisms and provides a unique insight into the as well into the atomic structure of the collision partners. In the experiment of Armitage et al [ 11 ] , apart fr om the absolute break up cross se ctions, the longitudinal positron energy distributions were also m easured in arbitrary units ( not absolute ) in search of ELC. Regarding the theoreti cal situation for this process , only a limited number of works were reported [ 23 - 26 ] following the experiment [ 11 ] probably because of the complexity lying with the five body system . Sarkadi [ 23 ] st udied the ELC phenomena in the framework of the Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo ( CTMC ) model . Later, Starrett et al [ 25 , 26 ] performed a quantal calculation in the frame work of Impul se Approximation ( IA ) restoring to the so called peaking approximation , supposed to be re liable at high incident energies. The of the quantal [ 25, 26 ] calculations with the existing experiment [ 11 ] was quite good , although a significant quantitative di screpancy was noted in some cases. The present work addresses the target elastic break up process: )1( )1( ) ( s He e e s He ee ++- +- + + ( I ) with the motivation for a detailed study of the decoupled angular and the energy distributions of both the e+ and the e- , the need for which was already emphasized in the experimental work[ 11 ] . Both the ELC and the asymmetric ionization processe s are studied giving on the former one ( ELC ) . Since the el ectrons of the He atom are much more tightly bound than the electron of the Ps atom, the probabi lity of the electron loss from the projectile Ps is expected to be much higher than the ionizati on of the target. Due to the large excitation energy of the He atom we have neglected any virtual or real excitation of th e He target during The Ps - He break up process is essentia lly a five body problem. The of such a process is quite difficult since both the in itial components of the reaction ( I ) are composite bodies and prope r inclusion of the electron exch ange effect is therefore even more difficult [ 27, 28 ] . As such , one has to resort to some simplifying assumptions for the theoretical modeling of such a many body ( five body ) reac tion process . The is performed in the frame work of the post collisional Coulomb Distorted ( CDEA ) taking acc ount of the proper asymptotic three body boundary condition in the final channel and the full three body interaction is also incorporated in the final channel which is highly crucial for a proper theoretical description of such ELC process. We also consider the electron exchange e ffect between the project ile and the target electrons in the frame work of a simplified model similar to the Oc hkur Rudge Approximations [ 27 - 29 ] in order to remedy the difficulties of the Born Oppenheimer approximation arising from the nonorthogonality of the wave functions . 2. Theory The prior form of the ionization amplitude for the aforesaid process is given as : i i fprior if V T ps-Ps= ( 1a ) ) ,,,( ) ,,,(4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 rrrr V rrrr fii f ps-Ps= ( 1b ) ) ,,,( ) ,,,(4 3 2 1 4 2 3 1 rrrr V rrrr gii f ps-Ps= ( 1c ) where f and g are the direct and exchange amplitudes respectively. The initial asymptotic state solution ips occurring in equation (1a) is chosen as: ),() . ( 4 3) (2 1 rrHeiki e rrPs ivvvv vvphr phps - = ( 2 ) where 2 /) (2 1 r rvv+=r ; 1rv 2rv are the position vectors of the positron and the electron of the Ps and 4 3,rrvv are the position vectors of the two bound electrons of the He atom with respect to the target nucleus. ikv being the incident momentum of the Ps atom. PSph and Heph are the respective ground state wave functions of the Ps [ 24 ] and the He [ 30 ] atom. iV in equation ( 1a ) is the perturbation in the initial channel which is th e part of the total interaction not diagonalized in the initi al state and is given as: 24 14 23 13 2 11 1 1 1 r r r r rZ rZVt t i +-+--= . ( 3 ) where ,31 13 r r rvvv-= ,32 23 r r rvvv-= ,41 14 r r rvvv-= ,42 24 r r rvvv-= tZ is the charge of the target nucleus. -Psfin equation ( 1a ) is an exact solution of the five body problem satisfying the incoming - wave boundary condition. In the presen t prescription the full five body final state wave function -Psf is approximated in the framework of the CDEA by the following ansatz: ) ,( ]) . ( ,1, [),( )2( ) ,,,( 2 1 12 12 12 121211.. .. 2/3 4 3 2 11222 11 4 3 rr r k rki i FN e errHerrrr fkrki rki f v vvvv vvvvvvvvv kh aphp + - -= Ps- - (4a) where 12121 kv ua-= , ,2/) (21 12 k k kvvv -= 12kNv= exp ( - 212ap ) ) 1(12ai+G , ( 4b ) ubeing the electron - positron reduced mass, 2 1,kkvv are the final momenta of the +e and the -e respectively. In equation ( 4a ) ) ,(2 1rrfvvkh represents the distorted wave function of the outgoing +e and the -e in the frame work of the ei konal approximation [ 24 , 31 ] and assumes the following form : 2 1) ( ) ( ),(2 2 1 1 2 1e ekhi Zi Z f r r r r rr + +=- vv ; 11kZt=e 22kZt=e and Zr1 , Zr2 are the z components of the respective vectors 1rv and 2rv . In constructing the final stat e wave function, the following assumptions are made. Since the process studied is the target elastic, the target electrons are considered to be passive in the interaction with the outgoing e- and the +e and the distorting potential felt by these two particlesis due to the target nucleus only, thereby re ducing the five body problem to a three body one in the final channel. This approximation is suppos ed to be legitimate unl ess the collision energy reaches a very high value and for a not too heavy atomic target [ 31 ] . However, the influence of the atomic electrons on the projec tile ionization is considered th rough the first order ( V i in equations 1a - 1c ) . After much analytical reduction [ 32, 33 ] , the ionization amplitude ifT in equation ( 1a ) is finally reduced to a two dimens ional numerical integral [ 34 ] where ifT includes the direct as well as the exchange amplitude. ifT = 2g f- ( 5 ) The exchange effect is considered in th e frame work of Ochkur Rudge approximation [ 27 - 29 ]. The triple differential cross section ( TDCS ) for the i onization process is given by : 2 2 1 2 1 13 if iiTkkk d ddEd u s=ohmohm ( 6 ) The corresponding expression for the double differe ntial cross section ( DDCS ) is obtained by integrating the TDCS in equation ( 6 ) over the solid angl e of the positron ( 1 1,phth) or the electron ( 22,phth ) and is given by : 2,12 2 1 12 22 ,ohm =ohm d Tkkk ddEd if iiu s ( 7 ) 3. Results and Discussions The triple ( TD CS ) and the double ( DDCS ) diffe rential cross sections are computed for the ELC phenomena at intermediate and high incident energies with respect to the threshold ( 6.8 eV ) of the pro cess ( I ) using the coplanar geometry. For the TDCS curves we adopt the conventional notation [ 24 ]. Present re sults are compared with the available theory [ 25 ] and experiment [ 11 ] , wher e possible. It should be menti oned here that the refers to the longitudinal energy distributions of the e+ ( only ) measured in arbitrary units while the present DDCS represent the conventional DDCS for both the e+ and the e - . Figure 1 shows the angular distributions ( 1th ) of the scattered positron ( TDCS ) at the incident positronium energy 33 eV for some fixed values of the ejected electron angle .2th All the curves exhibit an ELC cusp around 2 1thth=. The well-known Coulomb density factor [ 35 ] is responsible for such si ngular structures. The qualitative behaviour of the present TDCS more or less agrees with the th eoretical findings [ 25 ], displayed in the inset of the fig. 1 . Figure 2 elucidates the +e angular distributions ( TD CS ) at different for the forward ( )00 2=th emission of the electron. Apar t from the broad ELC cusp around 0 10=th , the e+ distribution also shows a rise in the backward directions. The Ps breakup cross section is found to increase with increasing incident energy ( fig.2 ), as is expected in an ionization process. The cusp around the forward scattering angle ( =1th 00 ) of the e+ becomes broader with decreasing incident ener gy, since due to its light mass the e+ is to a higher angle at lower scattering energies. Figures 3a - 3c demonstrate the energy distributions ( DDCS ) of the -eand the +e at different incident energies. In these cases the DDCS refers to the summation over the ( 1 1,phth ) of the positron for a fixed emission angle ( )00 2=th of the electron barring the fig 3c which also includes the DDCS corresponding to some other higher ejection angles. As is apparent from the figures, the DDCS exhibits a broa d peak slightly below ( above ) half of the residual collisi on energy E res / 2 in the outgoing -e( +e) energy spectra . Th e shifting of the DDCS peak from the 2/resE corroborates qualitativ ely the experimental findings for heavy particle [ 12 ] as well as for Ps impact [ 11, 36 ] ionization process, al though in the latter , the shift is in the opposite di rection. However, it may be pointed out here that the experimental [ 11 ] data for the process ( I ) are expresse d in arbitrary units ( not absolute ). Fig. 3a also includes the First Born Approximation ( FBA ) DDCS results extracted from the present computer code. It is evident from the figures that the present eikonal DDCS in sharp contrast to the FBA results in respect of the posi tion of the ELC peak. In fact, the present DDCS peak shifts to wards the lower ejected energy from E res / 2 while both in the FBA and IA [ 25 ] the situation is just the reve rse. It should be pointed out here that the FBA ( unlike the present model ) does not take account of the final cha nnel distortion due to the target nucleus , responsible for the sh ift of the DDCS peak [ 12 ] . Fu rther, it is well known that the FBA is not supposed to be adequate at lower inci dent energies. It is al so indicated from the figures ( 3a - 3c ) that the inclusion of elect ron exchange effect does not modify the of the curves. Figure 3c clearly reflects a strong +--e e asymmetry in the DDCS as was also observed in the experiment [ 11, 36 ]. As may be noted from fig. 3c , the lower electron energy is favoured in the -e energy spectrum while in the positron energy spectrum , the reverse is true, i.e., the higher positron energy is preferred. Further, this asy mmetry dies out with energy ( eg., 200 eV, 500 eV in fig 3b ) , corroborating qualitative ly the other results [ 25, 26 ]. A plausibl e physical explanation for the apparent +--e e asymmetry in the energy spectrum ( DDCS ) as well as its behaviour with respect to the incident energy could be given as follows. In the post collisiona l interaction, the -e and the +eare distorted by their increasing interact ions with the target. Since the +e feels repulsion while the -efeels attraction due to the short range interaction with the targ et nucleus, on an average the -e remains closer to the target while the +e moves away from it. As su ch, the probability of the -e( +e) to suffer hard ( soft ) collisions with the target increases with de creasing incident energy. Thus in the post collisional effect , the electr on is in the combined field of its parent ( +e ) and the target nucleus indicating th at the description of the ELC process is beyond single center and is the outcome of a two center effect. Fig. 4 illustrate s a comparison between the present DDCS ( e + energy distribution ) and the experimental longitudinal e+ distributions ( in ar bitrary units [ 11 ] ) . The present DDCS are normalized ( scaled up by a factor of 1.5 ) to the ex perimental cross sections at the maxima of As is revealed from th e figures the present DDCS peak ( e+ energy distribution ) shifts towards the higher value of the E res / 2 in contrast to the expe rimental shift [ 11 ] , which occurs at a lower value of E res / 2 . It may be mentioned in this context that the of Starret etal [ 25 ] more or less agree qua litatively in this respect with the experiment [ 11 ] . Finally, fig. 5 displays the DDCS summed over 1 1,phth ( direct as well as exchange ) as a function of the ratio of the ejection velocity to the scattered velocity ( pe vvR= ) for forward emission of the electron ( i.e., 0 20=th ) , at different incident energies. Fig. 5 that the peak of the DDC S curves occur at a lower ratio of pe vv than unity ( i.e., pe vv < 1 ) , particularly for lower incident energies ( e. g. , E i = 33 eV ) . However, the position of the DDCS peak shifts towards the higher ratio of pe vv with increasing incide nt energy and attains a value of almost unity ( pe vv 1) at iE = 100 eV ( vide fig. 5 ) . This shifting is in conformity with the experimental findings of Shah et al [ 12 ] for heavy particle impact. The occurrence of the DDCS peak value at a lower ratio of pe vv ( i.e., pe vv <1 ) could again be at tributed to the post collisional interactions .3. Conclusions The salient features of the pr esent ELC study are outlined below. The angular distribution of the elec tron / positron ( TDCS ) e xhibits a broad cusp like structure ( unlike the sharp cusp for heavy proj ectile ) at around half the residual energy ( E res / 2 ) for forward emission of the -e and the +e( 0 2 1 0==thth ) indicating the occurrence of the ELC phenomena. The broadness of the cusp could be as cribed to the larger deflection of the light projectile Ps as compared to the forward scattering of the hea vy projectile. The peak in the electron energy distributions ( DDCS ) occurs at below half the residual energy ( E res / 2 ) particularly at lower incident energies . The position of the DDCS peak ( summed over 1 1,phth ) for forward electron emission shifts gradua lly towards the higher value of the ratio pe vv with increasing incident energy corr oborating qualitatively the expe rimental observations for both heavy and light projectiles. Finally, the proper judgment of a theoretic al model needs a more rigorous for the lower level differential cr oss sections e.g., DDCS, TDCS for a wider incident energy range . References: 1 ) . D . R Bates and G .W Griffing Proc. Phys. Soc. London Sect. A 67, ( 1954 ) 663. 2 ) .G. B Crooks and M . E Rudd Phys. Rev. Lett 25 , ( 1970 ) 1599. 3 ) .D . Bruch , H . Wieman and W. B Ingalls Phys. Rev. Lett. 30 , ( 1973 ) 823 . 4 ) .W . E Wilson and L . H Toburen Phys. Rev. A 7, (1973 ) 1535. 5 ) .M . Breinig et al Phys. Rev. A 25, (1982 ) 3015. 6 ) .L . Gulyas , Gy. Sazb o', A. K o&&ve'r , D. Ber e'nyi, O . Heil and K. O. Groeneveld Phys. Rev. A. 39, ( 1989 ) 4414 7 ) . H. Trabold , G . M . Sigaud, D. H. Jakubassa -Amundsen, M. Kuzel, O. Heil and K. O. Groeneveld Phys. Rev. A 46, ( 1992 )1270. 8 ) . O . Heil, R. D. Dubois, R. Maier, M. Kuzel and K. O. Groeneveld Phys. Rev. A. 45, ( 1992 ) 2850 . 9 ) . M . Kuzel, R. Maier, O. Heil, D. H Jakubassa -Amundsen, M. W Lucas and K. 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Figure 2. TDCS ( in units of a.u ) agains t the scattered positron angle ( 1th ) for energies where the ejected electron angle ( 2th) is fixed at 00. Both the energies of the ejected electron and that of the scattere d positron are equal. Solid curve for E i = 18 eV, E 1 = E 2 = 5.6 eV, dotted curve for E i = 50 eV, E 1 = E 2 = 21.6 eV. and dashed curve for E i = 200 eV, E 1 = E2 = 96.6 eV. Figure 3. a. Double differential cross sections ( DDCS ) summed over the +e scattering angles ( 1 1,phth ) against the ejected ( scattered ) electron ( positron ) energy for electron emission angle 0 20=th , at incident energy =iE 18 eV. Lower abscissa represents the electron energy while the upper abscissa corresponds to the positron energy in eV. Solid curv e represents the present direct result, dotted curve represents the present FBA re sults, dashed curve for exchange interaction inthe frame work of Ochkur Rudge approximation [ 27, 28 ]. Inset exhibits the 3D DDCS ( both energy and angular distributions ) of Starrett et al [ 25 ]. b. Same DDCS but at highe r incident energies 500=iE eV, 200 eV and 100 eV . Solid curves for direct results, dashed curves for excha nge results in the frame work of Ochkur [ 27, 28 ]. c. Same DDCS but for different values of the electron emission angles at incident energy =iE 33 eV. Lines with solid circles for 0 20=th . Solid lines for direct results, dashed lines for exchange results due to Ochkur Rudge approximati on [ 27, 28 ] . Lines with open circles for 0 210=th , lines with triangle for 0 245=th . Same notations are used for direct and exchange results. Fig. 4. DDCS summed over the e- scattering angles ( 2 2,phth) against the scattered +e energy for +e emission angle 0 10=th at incident energies =iE 25 eV & 33 eV & the longitudinal energy spreads of +e due to Armitage etal [ 11 ] . Fig.5 . The DDCS ( summed over the positron scatteri ng angles ) is plotte d against the ratio pe vv for two different incident energies. The electron emission angle is fixed at 00. Line with open circles for 100=iE eV, line with solid circles for 33=iE eV, solid lines for direct result, dashed lines due to Ochkur Rudge approximation [ 27, 28 ].
Chandana Sinha
Susmita Roy and C. Sinha
Electron loss to the Continuum in the Projectile ionization for Positronium - Helium atom collision
21 pages, 10 figures
The dynamics of the electron loss to the continuum (ELC) from the light neutral projectile positronium (Ps) atom in collision with the He atom is studied in the framework of the post collisional Coulomb Distorted Eikonal Approximation (CDEA). Both the fully differential (TDCS) and the double differential (DDCS) cross sections are investigated in the intermediate and high incident energies. Results are compared with the existing experiment and other theories, where possible.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 8 Feb 2008 18:09:11 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Roy", "Susmita", "" ], [ "Sinha", "C.", "" ] ]
collision , ( e, 2e ) and simultaneous el ectron photon excitation ( SEPE ) the collision parameters are under full control could give detailed insight into the aforesaid processes. By virtue of the increasing progress in th e availability of more powerful and tunable lasers , such pr ocesses are nowadays being observed in laboratories [ 2 - 9 ] . Apart from the theore tical interests, the motivation for such field processes is several fold from the practical point of view. Particularly , the LA ionization of atom / ions by charged pa rticles play a very dominant role in many applied fields , such as , plasma confinem ent in fusion plasma , plasma heating , high power gas lasers , gas break down , semic onductor physics [ 1 ] , etc. Further , the LA electron - atom collision allows experime ntal observations of different [ 10 , 11 ] at relativ ely moderate field intensities. It also allows to measure some electron - atom / ion scattering parame ters which otherwise ( in the field free case ) would not be accessible to experiment s. Despite such immense importance , the details of the dynamics of the laser assi sted processes is far from being well understood and is still now a subject of great challenge [ 12 ] . Recently Horr et al [ 11, 13, 14 ] performed a kinematically on the ( ) 2,e eng of He atom using a multiparticle They measured for the first time the fully differential cross sections ( TDCS ) as well as the doubly differen tial cross sections ( DDCS ) with an exchange of up to ten photons and observed significant differe nces ( both in shape and magnitude ) as compared to the field free ( FF ) situat ions. The fully differential cross sections provide the most detailed information of an ionization process si nce the of that particular process are smoothed out by the integration steps to evaluate the lower order differentials ( doubly and singly ) and the total ionization cross sections. Thus for a proper judgement of a particular theo retical model , the study of the TDCS is highly needed. In the experiment of H o&&rr et al [ 11 ] , si gnificant differences were observed ( both in shape and magnitude ) as compared to the field free situations which could not be explained in the first order quantum calculations , e. g., the FBA or the simplified model prescribed by the Author s themselves [ 11 ]. Thus the need for a more refined theory cannot be over emphasized, as was also pointed out by H o&&rr et al [ 11 ] . This motivated us to attempt the present work that studies the laser- ionization ( eneg, ) of the H atom , theoretically the most preferred target , with the exchange of ( n ~10 ) photons and compares qualitatively the results with the experimental findings [ 11 ] for th e He target. The kinematical parameters for the present study is therefor e chosen in accordance with the experiment [ 11, 14 ]. Regarding the theo retical situation, a number of theoretical calculations [ 15 - 23 ] exist in the literature for the lase r-assisted ( e, 2e ) pr oblem of the H and the He atoms, prior to the experiment [ 11 ]. However, these studies refer mostly to single photon absorption or emission while the experiment involves multiphoton ( ~ 10 ) exchange. Theoretically , in a LA proces s , the laser usually plays the role of a third body and introduces some new degrees of freedom ( e.g. intensity, frequency and polarization ). It can thus modify the collision dynamics significantly ( as also observed in the experiment ) and hence it might be possible to control the by suitable choice of the laser parameters i.e. , to enhance or suppress the ionization cross sections as per the requ irement in a particul ar physical process. The present model inco rporates the following distin ctive features that were not taken into account in the simplified classical model [ 11 ] or in the FBA [ 15 , 24 ] . 1) The target dressing in presence of the lase r field is considered both in the initial and final channels. 2) Instead of the Coulomb Volkov ( CV ) , a more refined wave function , the Modified Coulomb Volkov [ 25 ] is consid ered for the dressed ejected electron in the combined field of the laser as well as the coulomb field of the residual The correlation between the projectile elec tron and the ejected electron is taken in to account in the final ch annel thereby satisfying the asymptotic three body boundary condition which is one of the esse ntial criteria for a reliable estimate of an ionization process. 4 ) The projectile target nucleus ( residual ) in the fi nal channel is considered by using the Coulomb Volkov wavefunction ( CV ) instead of the plane wave Volkov one [ 11, 15 ]. Theory The present study deals wi th the following laser-assi sted ( e, 2e ) reaction : ()+-+ + - +- + H k Ee k Ee w n s H k Eei i 22 1 1 0, ) , ( ) ,( )1( ) , (v v veg ( 1 ) where 2 1,, EEEi and ikv , 1kv , 2kv are the energy and the mome ntum of the projectile , scattered and the ejecte d electron respectively, ) , (oeogv represents the laser photon with frequency o and field strength oe, n is the number of photon exchange during the process . The laser field is treated cla ssically and is chosen to be single mode and spatially homogeneous electric field represented by ) (sin )( doe e+= t tov v corresponding to the vector potential ( in the coulomb gauge ) ) (sin )(0 do+ = t A tAv v with Av oe/0vc= and d is the initial phase of the laser field. Within th e framework of a first order theory in the interaction potential , the prior form of the transition matrix element ifT for the process ( 1 ) is given as : i i f if V dti T ps- -Ps -= ( 2 ) In the present model the projectile - laser in teraction is treated to all orders while the laser - target interaction is considered in the frame work of the first order time dependent perturbation theory . Thus the initial channel asymptotic wave function ips ( in Eq. 2 ) is chosen as =ips ikd ikhph where ikkh denotes the plane wave Volkov solution for the laser dressed in cident electron with momentum ikv and d iph represents the dressed wave function of the ground state hydrogen atom [ 25 ] : ]) ) (sin . .([exp )2(),(012/3 1 tE t k rki trik i i ik -+ + =-doa p khvvvv v ( 3a ) )]21(. ) (sin1[1), (1 1011 0 1. rr t e e e t rr tWi d irai+ + - =- - - vv vv vv edo pphl ( 3b ) The factor 1.raievv- in Eq. ( 3b ) is introduced in order to maintain the between the projectile Vo lkov wave function a nd the dressed target wave function [ 26 ] . iV in Eq. ( 2 ) is the pert urbation potential corresponding to the asymptotic wave function ips in the initial channel.. The final channel wave function -Psf in Eq. ( 2 ) represents the exac t solution of the following three body Schrodinger equation 0 ) ( =Ps-- f EH ( 4 ) For a laser assisted ionization process, one of the major difficulties lies with the proper choice of the ejected electr on wave function under the combined field of the residual target nucleus and the external laser fiel d. In the present model the laser wave function of the ionized electron 2Kph ( with momentum 2kv ) is chosen as [ 19 , 25 ]]) (sin . [exp). ( exp) ( exp ),(02 2 222do a+ - -= Ph t ki rai tEi trkkd vv vv v odo ps+-+ +- 2)] ([ 2)2()( 2,[ [ kEnEt i pxe nirkcxv )2( 2) ( [exp] 2rn nkME Et i k nvpsodo --+-- ])(, ) (sin .2)( 22r t kikcov vv-+ +ps doa ( 5 ) where )2()( 2,rkcv-ps = )). ( ,1, ( ). ( exp ) 2(2212 211 2 2 22/3rkrki i F rki Cvv vv + - --a p ; 22/k Z=a ; 2kEbeing the energy of the ejec ted electron and the constant ) 1()2/ ( expjjj i C a ap+ G = , 22,)( 20, . kcn kn r M-=ps epsvv, and 2 0 0 /oea=v. It may be noted that the first term of equation ( 5 ) , i.e., the zeroth order to the so called Coulomb Volkov ( CV ) soluti on. Hereafter this will be referred as CV while the full dressing term of the ejected electron will be referred as MCV ( Modified Coulomb Volkov ) . The final state wave function ) ,(2 1rrfvv-Ps in Eq. ( 2 ) satisfying the exact asymptotic three body incoming wave boundary condition is approximated as: ) ,(2 `1rrfvv-Ps = ) . ( ,1, ( )( ) (12 12 12 12 121 1 1 2 2 r k rki i F r rfkKd vv v v- -a kh ph ( 6 ) where fkkh corresponds to the CV wave function for the scattered electron in the final state and is given by]) ) (sin . .([exp )2(),(012/3 1 t E t k rki tr fkff fk -+ + =-doa p khvvvv v ). ( ,1, [1 11 111 rk rki i FCf fv+ - -a ] ( 7 ) with fkv v/11=a , 1212/1 kv =a , 2 1 12 kk kvvv -= The last term in Eq. ( 6 ) containing th e confluent hyper geomet ric function represents the coulomb correlation be tween the scattered ( )1rvand the ejected ( )2rv electrons. The expressions for the triple ( TDCS ) and the double ( DDCS ) sections accompanied by the tr ansfer of n number of photons are 2 2 1 2 2 13 ifn iiTkkk dE ddd=ohmohms ( 8a ) 1 2 1 s s ( 8b ) Results and Discussions : Triple ( TDCS ) and Double ( DDCS ) differential cross sections are computed for the laser-assisted multiphoton ionization ( een 2,g ) process of the hydrogen atom, where n denotes the number of photons absorbed or emitted. With a view to qualitative comparison with the only available experiment of Horr et al [ 11 ] for the Helium target, the present kinematic s are chosen in accordance with the measurement [ 11 ] and as such only the as ymmetric coplanar geometry is considered . The polarization of the laser field is chosen to be para llel to the incident ( electron ) momentum direction. The corr esponding field free ( FF ) results are also presented for comparison . Figs. 1 & 2 demonstrate the angular distributions of the ejected electron ( TDCS ) and the difference spectra field assisted - field free ( FA - FF ) for the incident electron energy 1000 eV with the laser frequency of 1.17 eV and a fieldstrength of 5.0 x 109 V / m. Although the present study is done for the simplest H atom while the measurement refers to the experimentally preferred target, He atom, the qualitative comparison betw een the two is supposed to be quite meaningful. As noted from the figures, the LA binary peak of the MCV TDCS is as compared to the FF one , in agreement with the experimental findings [ 11 ] but in disagreement with the FBA pr ediction [ 15, 24 ] which shows the , e. g. , the diminution of the LA binary peak intensity . Regarding the position of the peak , th e present binary peak shifts s lightly towards the lower ejection angle from the momentum transfer direction qv, indicating the signature of higher order effects. This feature also corroborates the experimental data [ 11 ] . Needless to say, the FBA does not exhibit this feature and predicts the binary and recoil peaks along the momentum transfer directions. Further, fig. 2 ( a ) reveals that for higher ejection energy and small momentum transfer ( e.g., for E 2 = 18 eV , q = 1) the pres ent CV binary peak lies slightly below the FF peak, in corroboration with the e xperimental findings [ 14 ], however the MCV binary peak in this case over estimates the experiment [ 14 ] . Thisalso establishes the fact that the pres ent MCV model is more suitable for lower ejection energies [ 19 ] while for higher ej ection energies , the CV model is better suited. The comparison of the difference spectr a with the experiment in figs.1 ( e - h ) and 2 ( b ) are self explanatory . Figures 3 demonstrat e the MCV doubly differential cross sections ( DDCS ) 22/ dEdq ds [ Fig. 3 ( a ) ] along with the differenc es of such spectra [ Figs. 3 ( b ) - ( d ) ] with the field free ones ( FA - FF ) for some selected dynamics. A clear deviation is noted between th e present H atom MCV results and the experiment ( for He atom ) regarding the shape of the curv e. The present MCV DDCS ( figs. 3 ( a ) ) exhibit a peak between ~ 10 - 15 eV for q= 0.22 while the corresponding DDCS with the CV decreases monot onically with increasing E 2 , the latter being in with the experiment [ 11 ]. Howeve r, the difference spectra FA - FF in figs. 3 (( b ) - ( d )) more or less follows the experimental behaviour. We now come over to figs 4 & 5 which provide some information about the individual photon exchange ( n ) distribution . Fig. 4 exhibi ts the distribution of n in respect of DDCS while fig. 5 plots the total inelasticity Q' [ 11 ] of the reaction v n Q vQ /) ( / oh+-=' , v being the projectile veloc ity and Q is the change of the total internal energy of the target. Fi gs. 4 & 5 may be compared qualitatively with figures 3 ( a ) & 3 ( b ) of Ref [ 11 ] . Fig. 6 represents the difference in the DDCS spectrum ( FA - FF ) with respect to the variation of the transverse momentum transfer ( )q. A fair is noted with the e xperiment except for very low qvalues ( ~ 0 - 0.2 a.u. ). Finally we present ( in fig. 7 ) some additional results for the distribution ( TDCS ) at a lower in cident energy 200 eV along with the high energy results ( 1000 eV ) for comparison. The importance of the former has already been emphasised by Horr et al [ 11 ] anticipat ing future experiments at lower Since for the present kinematics , the absorption ( n = 1 ) and emission ( n = -1 ) cross sections are found to be more or less similar ( both in nature and magnitude) , we present only the absorption cross sect ions . For lower incident energies, are noted in th e LA cross sections , e.g., th e FF binary peak is in presence of the field while an enhancement is noted in the recoil peak intensity. In other words, th e ejected electron suffers a strong backward scattering in presence of the field leading to a strong recoil peak as co mpared to the FF case except for the no photon transfer case ( n = 0 ) wh ere strong enhancement is noted in the LA binary peak ( not shown in the figure ). The enhancement in the present LA recoil peak ( for n 0 ) is in accordance with the theore tical findings of Cavaliere et al [ 15, 24 ] for single photon transfer. In particular , for the single photon case ( 1 +-=n ) , the ratio of the binary peak intensity to the recoil peak intensity ( b / r ) changes drastically in presence of the field from rb/1.17 ( FF ) to 46 .0 /rb ( MCV ). However the CV result ( b / r 3 .1 ) almost follows the behaviour of the FF one. On the otherhand , for the two photon transfer case ( ) 2+-=n , the FF rb/ ratio changes from 1> to 1< both in the the CV and MCV m odels, although the change is much more significant in the latter A strong enhancement is noted in the present LA binary peak intensity of the TDCS for exchange of multi photons ( n ~ 10 ) corroborating ( qualitatively ) the experimental findings due to Horr et al [ 11 ] . The present MCV model that acc ounts for a refined wave function of the ejected electron ( than the CV ) gives better agreement with the experiment for lower ejection energies while for higher ejection energies the CV results are more close ( qualitatively ) to the experiment. Comparison of the indi vidual photon distributions with the multiphoton case reflects the importance of the higher values of the photon num ber in the LA ( e, 2e ) process. The good ( qualitative ) agreement of the pres ent findings with the measurement might stimulate furthe r detailed experimental studies. Studies on the multiphoton ionization ( ) , eneg o f H e a t o m , t h e experimental target , is in progress a nd will be reported in a future [ 1 ] . R. D o&&rner et al . , Adv. At. Mol. Opt. Phys . 48 , 1, ( 2002 ) . [ 2 ] . A. Weingartshofer , E. M. Clarke, J. K. Holmes , and C. Jung , Phys. Rev. A . 19 , 2371, ( 1979 ). [ 3 ] . N. J. Mason and W. R. Newell , J. Phys. B., 20 , 1357 , ( 1987 ) . [ 4 ] . N. J. Mason and W. R. Newell , J. Phys. B., 22 , 777 , ( 1989 ). [ 5 ] . B. WallBank , J. K. Holmes , A. Weingartshofer, J. Phys. B., 23 , 2997 ( 1990 ).[ 6 ] . S. Luan, R. Hippler , and H. O. Lutz , J. Phys. B. , 24 , 3241 ( 1991 ) . [ 7 ] . B. WallBank , J. K. Holmes , S. 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The triply differential cross-section ( TDCS = 2 2 13/ dE dd d ohmohms ) in a.u. as a function of the ejected elec tron angle for the ionizati on of hydrogen atom by electron impact in the presence of laser fiel d . The incident projectile energy E i = 1000 eV. Laser parameters used 9105xo=e V / m and o = 1.17 eV. ( Ti : Sapphire laser ) Figs. ( a - d ) the field assisted ( FA ) and field free ( FF ) TDCS .F igs (e - h ) the FA - FF of the TDCS in coplanar geometry for different momentum transfer q and electron energies 2E. )(a 1 , 7.32 = = q eV E , 1 , 12 )(2 = = q eV Eb , ,1 , 15 )(2 = = q eV Ec 5.1 , 15 )(2 = = q eV Ed . The figs. ( a - h ) are scaled up or down conveni ently to fit the experi mental data . Fig. ( a ) scaled up by 2 factor , figs. ( b & c ) scaled down by 2 fact or , fig. ( f ) scaled down by 8 factor , figs. ( g & h ) scaled downed by 7 factor . Solid curve: denotes the summed TDCS over n upto 3+-=n for MCV case, Dotted curve: denotes the same TDCS for CV case ; Dashed curve: denotes the FF TDCS for the ejected electron. represents exp. FA and represents exp. FF [ 11] .Fig. 2 Same as fig . 1 but for eV E 182= and 5 .0=q . represents exp. FA and represents the exp. FF [ 11 ] . Fig. 3 The doubly differential cross- sections ( DDCS ) in a.u. 22/ dEdq ds as function of ejected electron energy ( )2E for different transverse momentum transfers q. Fig. ( a ) the FA DDCS considering both the full dressing of the ejected electron ( MCV ) and the zeroth - order dressing ( CV ) for 22 .0=q . Solid curve : denotes the MCV results . Dotted curve : denotes the CV results. Figs. ( b ) - ( d ) ( FA ) minus field free ( FF ) doubly differential cross-section respectively. Solid line represents the present DDCS . The experimental points [ 11 ] are give n as inset in the corresponding figs. Fig. 4 Ratio of MCV / CV photon distributions for 22 .0=q Fig. 5 Difference of the double - differential cross-section FA - FF against Q'/ v ( ) ohn Q Q+-=' for 22 .0=q . Solid curve : denotes MCV results minus FF, Dotted curve : denotes CV results minus FF. Fig. 6 Difference of the DDCS FF FA d d d s ss2 2 2- = as function of the different transverse momentum transfer ( )q for different electron energies 2E ( a ) eV E 62= , represents expe rimental data [ 14 ] ( b ) eV E 142= , experimental data [ 14 ] given as inset . Fig. ( a ) scaled down for comparison with the experimental data [ 14 ] Fig. 7 TDCS ( a.u . ) versus the ejection angle with m V/ 10 59 0x=e a n d eV17.1=o . The ejected electron energy is =2E 5eV and the scattering angle is 0 1 3=th . Figs. ( a ) & ( b ) for single photon ( ) 1=n and two ( ) 2=n respectively for incident energy eV Ei 200= . Figs. ( c ) & ( d ) represents the same for incident energy eV Ei 1000= . Solid curve : MCV results , Dotted curve : CV results , Dashed curve : FF results . Fig . 1 Fig . 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 6
Chandana Sinha
S.Ghosh Deb, S. Roy and C. Sinha
Laser-assisted multiphoton ionization of a hydrogen atom by electron impact
20 pages, 22 figures
The dynamics of the electron impact multiphoton ionization of a hydrogen atom in the presence of an intense laser field has been studied theoretically, with a view to comparing (qualitatively) the results with the recent kinematically complete experiments of Horr et al [ Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 94, 153201, (2005) ] for the He target. Significant laser modifications are noted in the present doubly (DDCS) and the fully differential cross sections (TDCS). For most of the explored kinematics (chosen in accordance with the experiment), the present binary peak intensity of the laser-assisted TDCS is significantly enhanced with respect to the field free ones, in agreement with the experiment but in contradiction with the existing first order theories. Importance of the multiphoton effects are also studied.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 8 Feb 2008 18:15:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Deb", "S. Ghosh", "" ], [ "Roy", "S.", "" ], [ "Sinha", "C.", "" ] ]
2 Rc=w0was set to generate high purity LG modes. Here, we adjustRc=w0to create a superposition of LG` pmodes that produces a dark ring at the focus of a lens that is bounded in both the radial and longitudinal 1c shows the calculated r-zcross-section of a toroidal beam with `= 1 as it propagates along z through the focus of an f=215 mm focal length lens (w0= 1:7mm). We have chosen values of Rcsuch that the barrier heights in the longitudinal and transverse di- rections are equal. For `=0, 1, and 2, this condition is satised for Rc=w00.71, 0.79, and 0.85. The small numerical aperture (NA= w0=f=0.008) leads to a long aspect ratio of1:300 for`= 1, dened as the ratio of the longitudinal trap frequency !kto the transverse The mode composition is dominated by p= 0 (single-ringed) and p= 1 (dual-ringed) modes. For`= 0, e.g., thep= 0(1) fraction is 13%(78%). The potential is harmonic in all directions, as indicated in Fig. 1c. Under these conditions, the ratio of the inner radial barrier height to the outer radial barrier height is 25-35%. The radius of the trap depends linearly on `, as it does for hollow beams [30, 31]. The trapping beam is derived from a 30 mW extended cavity diode laser tunable from 776-780 nm. The beam is amplied to350 mW with a tapered amplier of which150 mW is coupled into polarization The linearly polarized ber output is mm, and reshaped by a 512x512 re ective SLM (Boulder Nonlinear Systems) with 15 m pixels and 90% absolute di raction eciency. A 4- fimaging setup relays this modied Gaussian beam to a (MOT). The 4- frelay roughly positions the focus of the ring trap over the MOT, but ne longitudinal adjust- ments are controlled entirely by the SLM by adding a lens phase prole  lens(r;) =r2=f. We compensate for wavefront errors imposed by the SLM by calibrating the programmed phase on a pixel-by-pixel basis. The experiment begins with a MOT containing 107 85Rb atoms. After a 1 second loading time, the MOT coils are shut o , and the atoms are cooled to 5 a 10 ms molasses cooling stage. All cool- ing and trapping beams are then extinguished, followed by a 100s pulse that optically pumps the atoms into the F=2 hyperne level. The toroidal beam power is ramped to150 mW over 5 ms during the molasses stage. This ramp adiabatically loads atoms into the trap and mini- mizes the energy gained in the loading process. The trap diameter is signicantly smaller than the initial MOT size, so we typically load only a small fraction of atoms (5104) into the traps. Collisions with background gas limit the trap 1/ elifetimes to1 s. After a variable delay, the trapped atoms are imaged onto an CCD camera (Andor Luca) by a 500 s pulse from the MOT and repump beams. Immediately prior to the imaging pulse, the trapping beam is switched o to avoid Stark shifting of the levels. For linear optical potential is [19] FIG. 2: (Color online) a) Image of atom cloud taken along x- axis for `= 1. b) Images taken along z-axis (left) and proles (right) for toroidal traps using `= 02. The proles are shown for comparison (dotted line). Trap time for this gure is 600 ms. U(r) =~I(r) 24Is  +  mW/cm2is the saturation MHz is the linewidth, and  LS=27.1 THz (=15 nm) is the ne structure splitting. The resulting trap depths for `= 1 and  = 0 :5 nm, 1.0 nm, 2.0 nm, and 4 nm are 0.26 ~, 0.13 ~, 0.065 ~, and 0.033 ~ (at 780 nm, 1 nm$493 GHz). At  = 1 nm, !?2800 Hz and!k23 Hz. We record images of the trapped atoms with the cam- era axis along xand along z. Images along xshow the longitudinal trap extent (Fig. 2a), while those along zshow the toroidal structure (Fig. 2b). The head-on views in Fig. 2b are taken after a trap time of 600 ms for`= 02. Also shown are the intensity proles in the focal plane and atom dis- tributions in the xandy(gravity) directions. Because the trapping beam is propagating horizontally, the po- tential is not azimuthally symmetric. The energy di erence between the intensity nulls for `= 2 is /302200 kHz for85Rb, which is larger than the atom cloud temperature of 2 100 kHz. Thus, most atoms are found in the bottom portion of the trap. For`1, atoms could initially be loaded on the axis of the beam, along which there is no barrier. This is seen for`= 2 in Fig. 2. In our conguration it takes a few sec- onds for these atoms to drift away. Although there should be little interaction between axial atoms and the ring- trapped atoms under adiabatic loading, the axial atoms can be reduced by several means, such as orienting the trapping beam vertically, or loading from an atom distri- bution that has been dimpled by a blue-detuned Gaus- sian beam, as in Ref. [1]. A vertical propagation axis would permit a symmetric ring potential in a but optical access in this direction was limited.3 FIG. 3: a) Measurement of F=3 fraction as a function of time for =0.5nm (triangles), 1.0 nm (diamonds), 2.0 nm (squares), and 4 nm (circles). Fits (solid lines) using the model described in the text. b) Comparison of 0.5 nm data with a single parameter exponential curve and constraints prevent high contrast images of the toroidal atom distributions. We use an 85 mm Nikon f/1.4 lens, the front element of which is 250 mm away from the trap location. This lens collects the and achieves a peak resolution of 5m but su ers from spherical aberration, which causes the observed loss of contrast. One benet of dark traps for coherent atom manipu- lation is the suppression of photon scattering events [18, 19, 20, 21]. We measure the spin relaxation rate due to Raman scattering by measuring the fraction of atoms in the trap that transfer to F=3 as a function of trap [32]. The atoms are rst pumped into the F=2 hyperne level. After a variable trapping time, we image only the atoms that transfer to F=3 by using a 10 s pulse of resonant cycling transition light. Within 2 ms, both the repump and the cycling transition beams are switched on to im- age the atoms in both the F=2 andF=3 states. For background subtraction, two images with the same pulse sequence are taken with no atoms present. This type of background subtraction is necessary to eliminate false counts due to CCD ghosting. By taking the images dur- ing a single loading cycle, the e ect of atom number uc- tuations is reduced. These images are recorded along x (as in Fig. 2a). Between the rst two imaging pulses, the atom distribution expands slightly beyond the few integrated rows of pixels. This leads to a slightly low estimate of the total atom count, but the resulting F=3 normalized signal is proportional to the actual F=3 frac- tion. We record the F=3 signal fraction as a function of trap time for four di erent detunings (Fig. 3a). In the that all atoms have an equal scattering rate, each curve can be modeled by a single =C(1 - exp(-t=)), as was used in Ref. [18], whereis the 1/edecay time. For  1 nm, however, a single relaxation rate was not observed (Fig. 3b). This di erence between our results and those of Ref. [18] is most likely due to di erences in the trap loading tech- nique, which we have found to a ect the rate curves. We note that the F=3 fraction at long times should approach 7/12, but our measured values are higher due to the described above. Instead of modeling the spin-relaxation with a time constant, we chirp to be(t) =0+t1=2so that we can estimate the relax- ation rate at di erent times. We choose a sublinear chirp rate so that the exponential will decay at long times, but the exact functional form will depend on trap geometry. A steadily increasing should be expected since atoms initially loaded into the trap in locations of high photons more quickly than those loaded into the dark portions of the trap. Thus, a rapid increase in the F=3 fraction is observed for small t, followed by times for the atoms with the least total energy. Using this form for the F=3 fraction, approximate spin- relaxation lifetimes at t = 0 for  = 0 :5 nm, 1.0 nm, 2.0 nm, and 4 :0 nm are 35 ms, 115 ms, 460 ms, and 1440 ms; after 500 ms, these increase to 140 ms, 230 ms, 750 ms, and 1500 ms. The scattering time for atoms in a red-detuned trap of comparable depth at =0.5nm would be 2.5 ms, which is 50 times shorter than our recorded value. In Ref. [18], the blue-detuned trap had a scattering lifetime 700 times longer than a comparable red-detuned trap at 0.5 nm. That work used signicantly higher intensities, where the di erences between red- and blue-detuning are more dra- matic. Photon scattering may be reduced substantially by using commercially available lasers with higher power and larger detuning. For  >LS, spin relaxation is further suppressed, asymptotically scaling as 4[32]. The time-dependent scattering rate is likely not limited to toroidal geometries, but to the best of our knowledge, it has been observed for the rst time in this report. Also, we point out that we did not directly measure the rate, but for our  this is on the same order as the spin-relaxation rate. A recoil scattering rate of 1 s1 corresponds to a heating rate of 400 nK/s. To demonstrate the time-dependent scattering we perform Monte Carlo simulations for  = 0:5 nm. The simulated trap is ramped on over 5 ms. The atom cloud is initially in the F= 2 state and nor- mally distributed in position and velocity to match the MOT size and temperature. Molasses e ects are ignored. Within each time step, each atom's hyperne level is changed with a probability determined by the local scat- tering rate, as calculated from the [32]. The simulation results, compared to data in Fig. 3b, conrm the time-dependent relaxation rate described above. For comparison, the data have to have an asymptotic value of 7 =12. To demonstrate axial connement and to quantify the4 FIG. 4: (Color online) a) Spin-relaxation curves for three dif- ferent starting positions. b) Images of longitudinal oscillation of the atom cloud using trap displacement from left to right of 3 mm, 1.5 mm, and of the scattering rates on the starting po- sition of the atoms in the trap, we displace the trap minimum from the MOT by adjusting the lens function written to the SLM by a few MOT radii (MOT radius 250m). Thus, most atoms are initially located in re- gions of high intensity, reducing the overall scattering life- time. When the atom cloud is displaced 3 mm, 1.5 mm, and 0.0 mm away from the trap minimum, the rate constants (for  = 1 nm) are 145 ms, 195 ms, and 230 ms (Fig. 4a). For each displacement, we show a composite image of the side views of the trap (Fig 4b), where each row in the image is a di erent slice in time. These images show the atom cloud oscillating in the longitudinal direction when the trap is not well over- lapped with the atom cloud. By displacing the trap focus,we can also estimate the longitudinal trap frequency. For  = 1 nm, we measure !k22 Hz. This agrees well with the estimate of !k23 Hz from the proles shown in Fig. 1. The scattering rate data and the composite images can be used to optimize the location of the trap focus, which is done to 100m with the SLM. As with all single-beam traps, the aspect ratio scales with the inverse of the trapping beam NA. For similar beam parameters, an aspect ratio of 10 could be real- ized by using a f= 10 mm lens. A crossed beam geom- etry, in which additional beams cap the potential in the longitudinal direction, allows signicantly tighter longi- tudinal connement and larger diameter traps. In these cases, the ratio Rc=w0can be changed for optimal con- nement. One possibility is to use values of Rc=w0such that the modied beam is primarily in a single LG` p=1 mode [29]. Pure LG` p=1modes have a radial intensity null that persists for all values of z. WhenRc=w0is chosen such that the most pure LG` p=1is formed, the inner radial barrier height is roughly 3 larger than the outer one, and the longitudinal barrier is minimized. Therefore, the crossing beam can be well outside the focal plane, where better beam quality is observed but the ring-shaped null remains dark. The reduction of aberration e ects outside the focal plane was shown for hollow beams in Ref. [31]. We have used a spatial light modulator to of LG modes that form single-beam, dark ring traps for cold atoms. We have shown that the atoms can be held in these potentials with long state lifetimes. We have observed atom dynamics in the longitudinal di- rection and shown that by modifying the trap alignment with the SLM we can optimize the scattering lifetime. This work was funded by the Oce of Naval Research and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. [1] K. Helmerson et al. , Nuclear Physics A 790, 705c (2007). [2] S. Gupta et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 143201 (2005). [3] P. Jain, A. S. Bradley, and C. W. Gardiner, Phys. Rev. A76, 023617 (2007). [4] Y. V. Bludov and V. V. Konotop, Phys. Rev. A 75, 053614 (2007). [5] A. D. Jackson and G. M. Kavoulakis, Phys. Rev. A 74, 065601 (2006). [6] I. Lesanovsky and W. von Klitzing, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 083001 (2007). [7] T. Fernholz et al. , Phys. Rev. A 75, 063406 (2007). [8] O. Morizot et al. , Phys. Rev. A 74, 023617 (2006). [9] O. Dutta, M. J a askel ainen, and P. Meystre, Phys. Rev. A74, 023609 (2006). [10] A. S. Arnold, C. S. 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Fredrik Fatemi
Spencer E. Olson, Matthew L. Terraciano, Mark Bashkansky, Fredrik K. Fatemi
Cold atom confinement in an all-optical dark ring trap
5 pages, 4 figures
Phys. Rev. A 76, 061404(R) (2007)
We demonstrate confinement of $^{85}$Rb atoms in a dark, toroidal optical trap. We use a spatial light modulator to convert a single blue-detuned Gaussian laser beam to a superposition of Laguerre-Gaussian modes that forms a ring-shaped intensity null bounded harmonically in all directions. We measure a 1/e spin-relaxation lifetime of ~1.5 seconds for a trap detuning of 4.0 nm. For smaller detunings, a time-dependent relaxation rate is observed. We use these relaxation rate measurements and imaging diagnostics to optimize trap alignment in a programmable manner with the modulator. The results are compared with numerical simulations.
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[ [ "Olson", "Spencer E.", "" ], [ "Terraciano", "Matthew L.", "" ], [ "Bashkansky", "Mark", "" ], [ "Fatemi", "Fredrik K.", "" ] ]
2 conducting state (with an increased damping, however). It is also known that the quasiparticles of HTSs do not form Landau levels (9). Thus, it is very likely that the quantum oscillation experiments are accessing the nor- mal state beyond the realm of But what kind of state? As the oscillations denitively point to both electron and hole pockets, it cannot be a con- ventional Fermi surface, rather one that has undergone a reconstruction due to a broken symmetry at variance with the RVB picture [11]. We may be nally beginning to understand these after two decades. The y in the oint- ment is the lack of observation of electron and hole pock- ets in other measurements in hole-doped (in angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, for instance) that are also capable of measuring Fermi sur- faces [see, however, the work on electron-doped materi- als [12]]. Missing so far in experiments are also the higher frequency oscillations that must arise from the hole pock- ets, not just the electron pockets [4]. With further ex- perimental work, we should be able to tell just what kind of animal we are dealing with. [ Note added : A higher frequency is now seen and is believed to arise from order|S. Sebastian, N. Harrison, and G. Lonzarich, private work was supported by NSF under grant: DMR- 0705092. Special thanks are due to Hae-Young Kee for many discussions and collaborations. I would also like to thank E. Abrahams, N. P. Armitage, R. B. Laughlin, Z. Tesanovic, and J. Zaanen for important comments. [1] J. G. Bednorz and K. A. M uller, Z. Physik B 64, 189 (1986). [2] N. Doiron-Leyraud, C. Proust, D. LeBoeuf, J. Levallois, J. B. Bonnemaison, R. X. Liang, D. A. Bonn, W. N. Hardy, and L. Taillefer, Nature 447, 565 (2007). [3] A. F. Bangura, J. D. Fletcher, A. Carrington, J. Lev- allois, M. Nardone, B. Vignolle, P. J. Heard, N. Doiron- Leyraud, D. 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In ( a) we have shown a two-dimensional example, is pertinent to high temperature superconductors that consist of weakly coupled CuO-planes. For N-atoms, with unit cells containing 1 atom in a square aa, there are ex- actly 2 Navailable states, as each state can be lled by elec- trons with two distinct spin orientations. The diamond in (a) is called the reduced Brillouin zone (RBZ) and contains exactly half the number of available states. In ( a) the unoc- cupied states are colored red; these, holes, in a otherwise lled BZ, respond as charge carriers with positive sign in response to electric elds. The constant energy contours are shown as the set of black curves. The lled diamond corresponds to one electron per unit cell. The complementary sets within the BZ, when reassembled together, will form an identical diamond, which we may say is lled with holes. In ( a) the red area corre- sponds to (1+ x) holes per unit cell of the crystal lattice. The excess, x, is called the doped holes. High temperature are schizophrenic. In some regimes they behave as though they consist of (1 + x) charge carriers, holes, while in the underdoped regime their properties are determined in- stead by xdoped holes. This is an important mystery. A class of theories posit that FS reconstructs in the Consider shifting the FS in ( a) by vectors will give rise to the Figure ( b), ignoring the shading for clarity. Interesting quantum mechanical processes, about which there can be much debate, can result in in ( c), as in a kaleidoscope. However, if we contin- ued to consider the full BZ, we would double the number of states. All distinct states are contained in the RBZ, but there are now two distinct sets of energy levels, the upper band and the lower band. However, we continue to use the full BZ in (c), as a better aid for visualization. Because the RBZ is the fundamental unit in the wave vector space, the new unit cell of the crystal lattice is doubled, given by a the full translational symmetry of the original lattice is broken. The FS now consists of disconnected sheets of blue and red areas. The remarkable fact is that the charge carriers in the blue region behave like electrons of fraction neand in the red region like holes of fraction nh. The doped holes is easily seen to be x= 2nhne, as there are two hole pockets and one electron pocket in the RBZ. The broken symmetry invoked here is called commensurate, as the translational in- variance of the crystal of integer multiples of the next nearest neighbor lattice vectors of the original lattice is still preserved. The broken symmetry can also be incommensurate with the original crystal lattice and can give rise to more complex
Sudip Chakravarty
Sudip Chakravarty
High temperature superconductivity: from complexity to simplicity
An edited shorter version is published in Science
Science, 319, 735 (2008)
I discuss the recent quantum oscillation experiments in the underdoped high temperature superconductors.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 8 Feb 2008 21:16:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chakravarty", "Sudip", "" ] ]
The quantum information theory has made rapid progress in re cent years and more and more efforts have been expended on the study of quantum information in the relativistic framework [1]. Especially, the entanglement in a relativistic setting has received considerable attention because it is considered to be a major resource for quantum information tasks such as quantum computation and so on [2]. Despite the potential int erest to quantum information, the study of entanglement can also help us get a deeper understanding o f the black hole thermodynamics [3] and the black hole information paradox [4]. Thus, many autho rs have investigated the entanglement in the relativistic frames inertial or not for various fields [5, 6, 7]. More recently, Fuentes-Schuller et al.[6] and Alsing et al.[7] explicitly demonstrated that the entanglement is a quantity depending on a relative accelera tion of one of the observers who, before being accelerated, shared a maximally entangled bosonic or fermionic pair. Their results also showed that the different type of field will have a qualitatively differe nt effect on the degradation of entangle- ment produced by the Unruh effect [8]. Choosing a generic state as the initial entangled state in this Brief (0.1) whereais some real number which satisfies |a| the so-called wewill try to seewhateffects thisuncertainly ini tial entangled state will on entanglement for two relatively accelerated observers d ue to the presence of an initial state parame- tera. Notice that the Schwarzschild space-time very close to the event horizon resembles the Rindler space in the infinite acceleration limit [6, 9]. Hence, as in [ 6, 7] our results in this limit can be applied to discuss the entanglement between two free bosonic or ferm ionic modes seen by observers when one observer falls into a black hole and the other barely escapes through eternal uniform coordinates are appropriate for describing the vie wpoint of an observer moving with uni- form acceleration. The world lines of uniformly accelerate d observers in the Minkowski to hyperbolae in the left (region I) and right (re gion II) of the origin which are bounded by light-like asymptotes constituting the Rindler horizon [6, 7], so two Rindler regions are from each other [10]. An observer undergoing u niform acceleration remains constrained to either Rindler region I or II and has no access to the other s ector. The system in Eq. (0.1) is bipartite from an inertial perspective, but in a non-inerti al frame an extra set of modes in region II becomes relevant. Thus, we will study the mixed-state ent anglement of the state as seen by an inertial observer Alice detecting the mode sand a uniformly accelerated observer Bob with ain region I detecting the second mode k. Bosonic entanglement For a free scalar field, the Minkowski vacuum state can be expr essed as a 2two-mode squeezed state in the Rindler frame [8, (0.2) where cosh r= the wave vector and ris the acceleration parameter, the mode and -II-anti particle mode respectively. Using Eq. (0.2) and the first excited state [6, can rewrite Eq. (0.1) in terms of Minkowski modes for Alice and Rindler modes for Bob. Since Bob is causally disconnected from region II, we will trace ov er the states in this region and The partial transpose criterion provides a sufficient condi tion for the existence of entanglement in this case [11]: if at least one e igenvalue of the partial transpose is negative, the density matrix is entangled; but a state with p ositive partial transpose can still be entangled. It is well-known bound or nondistillable entang lement [12]. Interchanging Alice's qubits, we get the eigenvalues of the partial transpose rTA ABin the (n,n+1) Obviously the eigenvalue ln -is always negative for ( r <). Hence, this mixed state is always entangled for any finite a cceleration of Bob. In the limit r- , the negative eigenvalue will go to zero. To discuss this fur ther, we will use the logarithmic negativity which serves as an upper bound on the entanglement of distillation [12]. monotone is defined as N(r) = log2||rT||, where||rT||is the trace norm of the rT. We therefore find N(rAB) = vanishing acceleration ( r= 0),N(rAB) = log2(1 + 2|a| 1-a2). In the range 0 <|a| <=1/ 2 the larger a, the stronger the initial entanglement; but in the range 1 / 2<= |a|<1 the larger a, the weaker the initial entanglement. For finite acceleratio n, the monotonous decrease of N(rAB) with increasing rfor different ameans that the entanglement of the initial state is lost to th e thermal fields generated by the Unruh effect. From Fig. 1 it is surprisingly fo und that the same initial its normalized be degraded along two different trajectories except for the maximally entangled state, i.e., |a|= 1/ 2. This phenomenon, due to the coupling of aand the hyperbolic functions related to r, just shows the inequivalence of the quantization for a scal ar field in the Minkowski and Rindler coordinates. The logarith mic negativity is exactly zero for any a in the limit r- , which indicates that the state doesn't have the distillabl e entanglement. 1 2 3 4 1: Logarithmic negativity of the bosonic modes versus rfor different a. The mutual information, which can be used to estimate the tot al amount of correlations between any two subsystem of the overall system, is defined as [13] I(rAB) (0.4) whereS(r) =-Tr(rlog2r) is the entropy of the density matrix r. From Eq. (0.3), we can obtain the entropy of this joint state S(rAB) (0.5) Tracing over Alice's states for rAB, we get Bob's density matrix in region I; its entropy is S(rBI) (0.6) In the same way, we have Alice's density matrix by tracing ove r Bob's states; its entropy is given by S(rA) (0.7) 4We draw the behaviors of the mutual information I(rAB) versus rfor different ain Fig. 2. For vanishing acceleration, the initially mutual information the range 0 <|a| <=1/ 2 the larger a, the stronger Ibi; but in the range 1 / 2<= |a|<1 the largera, the weaker Ibi. As the acceleration increases, the mutual information bec omes smaller. It is interesting to note that except for the maximally entan gled state, the same initially for aand 1-a2will be degraded along two different trajectories. However, i n the infinite acceleration limit, the mutual information conver ges to the same value again, i.e., which equals to just half of Ibi. Obviously if Ibiis higher, it is degraded to a higher degree in this limit. Since the distilla ble entanglement in the infinite is zero, we are safe to say that the total correlations c onsist of classical correlations plus in this limit. 2 4 6 8 2: Mutual information of the bosonic modes versus rfor different a. Fermionic entanglement With the single-mode approximation used by Alsing et al., the vacuum can be written as (0.8) and the only excited state is given (0.9) where cos r= (1 the acceleration parameter ris in the range 0 <=r<=p/4 for 0<=a<= in this case. Using Eq. (0.8) and (0.9) for the Minkowski part icle states tracing over the modes in the region II, we get rAB= The partial transpose criterion provides a necessary and s ufficient condition for entanglement in a mixed state of two qubits [11]: if at lea st one eigenvalue of the partial transpose 5is negative, the density matrix is entangled. Interchangin g Alice's qubits, we obtain an eigenvalue of the partial transpose is always negative for 0 <=r<=p/4. Thus, the state is always entangled for any of Bob. The logarithmic negativity is express ed as N(rAB) = vanishing acceleration ( r= 0),N(rAB) = log2(1 + 2|a| 1-a2). For finite acceleration, 3: Logarithmic negativity of the fermionic modes versus rfor different a(notice that ). entanglement is degraded by the Unruh effect just as shown in Fi g. 3. We find that in the range 0<|a| <=1/ 2 for the larger a, the initial entanglement is higher, but it isn't always deg raded to a higherdegree. than that of the maximally entangled state, i.e., log2(3/2)0.585, and for maximally final entanglement is In the range 1 / 2<= |a|<1 the larger a, the weaker the initial entanglement and the lower the final e ntanglement. Unlike the behaviors of the bosonic case, except for the maximally entangled stat e, the same initial entanglement of tically reach two differently nonvanishing minimum values in the infin ite acceleration limit ( r=p/4) due to the coupling of aand the trigonometric functions related to r. In the infinite acceleration limit N(rAB) = 0, which means that the state is always entangled. This is in strong contrast to the bosonic case and shows that the fe rmionic system can be used as a resource for performing certain quantum information processing tas ks. Similar to the bosonic case, we go through the same process ag ain and get the mutual information 6for these fermionic modes I(rAB) = (0.11) whose trajectories versus rfor different aare shown by Fig. 4. For vanishing acceleration, the initial 4: Mutual information of the fermionic modes versus rfor different a. mutual information is whose behaviors are the same to Ibiof the bosonic modes. The mutual information becomes smalle r as the acceleration increases, and again we surprisingly find that the same initially mutual information for aand 1-a2will be degraded along two different trajectories except for the maxi mally entangled state. In the in limit the mutual information converges to Iff=-[a2log2a2+ is just half of Ifi. This behavior is reminiscent of that seen for the bosonic ca se, so we (0.12) which is independent of aand the type of field. It should be noted that if we set the initial entangled state a (0.13) we will have the same behavior of the entanglement degradati on for the same ajust as shown in the entanglement of the scalar and Dirac fields in non-inertial frames is degraded by the Unruh effect as the Bob's rate of acceleration increases , but their behaviors of the degradation of entanglement are different for the same initial state param etera. It is surprisingly found that 7the same initial entanglement for aand 1-a2will be degraded along two different for the maximally entangled state, which just shows t he inequivalence of the quantization for a free field in the Minkowski and Rindler coordinates. In the i nfinite acceleration limit, which can be applied to the case Alice falling into a black hole while Bob b arely escapes, the state doesn't have the distillable entanglement for any afor the scalar field but always remains entangled to a degree w hich is dependent of afor the Dirac field. It should be noted that for we will have the maximally final entanglement for the fermionic state in this limit. Further analysis shows that the mutual information is degraded to a nonvanishing minimum va lue which is dependent of afor these two fields with increasing acceleration parameter r. However, it is interesting to note that the in the infinite acceleration limit equals to jus t half of the initially mutual is independent of aand the type of field. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foun dation of China under Grant No. 10675045; the FANEDD under Grant No. 200317; the Hunan Provi ncial Natural Science 07A0128; A. Peres and D. R. Terno, Rev. Mod. Phys. 76, 93 (2004); D. Boschi, S. Branca, F. De Martini, L. Hardy, and S. Popescu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1121 (1998); J. W. Pan, C. Simon, C. Brukner, and A. 1067 (2001); S. J. van Enk and T. Rudolph, Quant. Inf. Comput. 3, 423 (2003). [2] D. Bouwmeester, A. Ekert, and A. Zeilinger, The Physics of Quantum Information 2000. [3] L. Bombelli, R. K. Koul, J. Lee, and R. Sorkin, Phys. Rev. D 34, 373 (1986); C. Callen and F. Wilzcek, Phys. Lett. B 333, 55 (1994). [4] S. W. Hawking, Commun. Math. Phys. 43, 199 (1975); Phys. Rev . D 14, 2460 (1976); H. Terashima, Phys. Rev. D 61, 104016 (2000). [5] A. Peres, P. F. Scudo, and R. Terno, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 230402 (2002); R. M. Gingrich and C. Adami, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 270402 (2002); P. M. Alsing and G. J. Milburn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 180404 (2003). [6] I. Fuentes-Schuller and R. B. Mann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 120404 (2005). [7] P. M. Alsing, I. R. B. Mann, and T. E. Tessier, Phys. Rev. A 74, 032326 (2006). [8] P. C. W. Davies, J. Phys. A 8, 609 (1975); W. G. Unruh, Phys. Rev. D 14, 870 (1976). [9] R. M. Wald, General Relativity (University of Chicago Press, Chicago), 1984. [10] N. D. Birrell and P. C. W. Davies, Quantum fields in curved space (Cambridge University Press, New York), 1982. [11] A. Peres, Phys. 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Jiliang Jing
Qiyuan Pan and Jiliang Jing
Degradation of non-maximal entanglement of scalar and Dirac fields in non-inertial frames
9 pages, 4 figures
The entanglement between two modes of the free scalar and Dirac fields as seen by two relatively accelerated observers has been investigated. It is found that the same initial entanglement for an initial state parameter $\alpha$ and its "normalized partner" $\sqrt{1-\alpha^{2}}$ will be degraded by the Unruh effect along two different trajectories except for the maximally entangled state, which just shows the inequivalence of the quantization for a free field in the Minkowski and Rindler coordinates. In the infinite acceleration limit the state doesn't have the distillable entanglement for any $\alpha$ for the scalar field but always remains entangled to a degree which is dependent of $\alpha$ for the Dirac field. It is also interesting to note that in this limit the mutual information equals to just half of the initially mutual information, which is independent of $\alpha$ and the type of field.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 9 Feb 2008 02:06:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Pan", "Qiyuan", "" ], [ "Jing", "Jiliang", "" ] ]
Here the columns are the Lie brackets [ e1,e2],[e1,e3] and [e2,e3]. That means [e2,e3] =e1and all the other brackets are zero (except of course [ e3,e2] =-e1). This is the only nilpotent three dimensional Lie algebra. We compute infi nites- imal Lie and Leibniz deformations and show that there are three add itional Leibniz cocycles beside the five Lie cocycles. We will show that all thes e in- finitesimal deformations are extendable without any obstructions . We also de- scribe the versal Leibniz deformation. The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 1 we recall the n about Lie and Leibniz cohomologyand deformations. In S ection deformations of the nilpotent Lie algebra n3. In Section 3 we give the classification of three dimensional nilpotent Leibniz algebras. Am ong those n3is the only nontrivial Lie algebra. Then we compute Leibniz cohomology and give explicitly all non-equivalent infinitesimal deformations. In Se ction 4 we show that all infinitesimal deformations are extendable as all the Massey squares turn out to be zero. We identify our deformations with the Finally we show that the versal Leibniz deformation is the u one, and describe the base of the versal deformation . 2 us recall first the Lie algebra 2.1. Suppose gis a Lie algebra and Ais a module over g. cochain of the Lie algebra gwith coefficients in Ais a skew -symmetric q-linear map on gwith values in A; the space of all such cochains is denoted by Cq(g;A). Thus,Cq(g;A) =Hom(Lqg,A); this last Cq(g;A)into ag-module. The defined by the complete the definition by putting Cq(g;A) = 0forq <0,dq= 0for q<0. As can be easily checked, dq+1*dq= 0for allq, so that (Cq(g,dq))is an 2algebraic complex; this complex is denoted by C*((g;A)), while the is referred to as the cohomology of the Lie algebr agwith is denoted by Hq(g;A). Leibniz algebras were introduced by J.-L. Loday [7, 9]. Let Kdenote a 2.2. A Leibniz algebra is a K-moduleL, equipped with a that satisfies the Leibniz = y, zL. Any Lie algebra is automatically a Leibniz algebra, as in the presence of antisymmetry, the Jacobi identity is equivalent to the Leibniz identit y. More examples of Leibniz algebras were given in [7, 8, 9], and recently for in stance in [2, 1]. LetLbe a Leibniz algebra and Ma representation of L. By definition, M is aK-module equipped with two actions (left and right) of L, [-,-] :LxM--Mand [-,-] :MxL--Msuch that [x,[y,z]] = whenever one of the variables is from Mand the two others from := Hom K(Ln,M), aK-homomorphism defined (CL*(L;M),d) is a cochain complex, whose cohomology is called the co- homology of the Leibniz algebra Lwith coefficients in the representation M. Thenth cohomology is denoted by HLn(L;M). In particular, Lis a repre- sentation of itself with the obvious action given by the bracket in L. of Lwith coefficients in itself is denoted by the symmetric group of nsymbols. Recall that a called a ( p,q)-shuffle, if s(1)< s(2)<***<s(p), ands(p+1)< 3s(p+ 2)<***< s(p+q). We denote the set of all ( p,q)-shuffles in andbCLq+1(L;L), s(p+q+1))}. The graded cochain module CL*(L;L) equipped with the bracket defined by [a,b] the differential map dbyda= is a Lie algebra. Let now Ka field of zero characteristic and the tensor product over Kwill be denoted by. We recall the notion of deformation of a Lie (Leibniz) algebra g(L) over a commutative algebra base Awith a fixed augmentation e:A-K and maximal ideal M. everyk(see [5]). Definition 2.3. A deformation lof a Lie algebra g(or a Leibniz algebra L) with base (A,M), or simply with base Ais anA-Lie algebra (or an structure on the tensor product Ag(orAL) with the bracket [,]l such anA-Lie algebra ( A-Leibniz algebra) homomorphism. A deformation of the Lie (Leibniz) algebra g(L) with base Ais called in- finitesimal , orfirst order , if in addition to this M2= 0. We call a k, ifMk+1= 0. A deformation with base is called local if Ais a local algebra over K, which means Ahas a unique maximal a complete local algebra ( A= lim--n-(A/Mn)), where Mis the maximal ideal in A. Then a deformation of g(L) with base Awhich is obtained as the projective limit of deformations of g(L) with base A/Mnis called a formal deformation 2.4. Supposelis a given deformation of Lwith base e:A-K. LetA'be another commutative algebra with identity and a fixed augmentation e':A'-K. Suppose ph:A-A'is an with ph(1) = 1 ande'*ph=e. Letker(e') =M'. Then the deformation of Lwith base (A',M')and a1,a2Aandl1,l2L. HereA'is considered as an A-module by the map a'*a=a'ph(a)so that A'L= 2.5. (see [3]) Let Cbe a complete local algebra. A formal deforma- tioneof a Lie algebra g(Leibniz algebra L) with base Cis called versal, if (i) for any formal deformation lofg(L) with base Athere exists a that the deformation lis equivalent to f*e; (ii) ifAsatisfies the condition M2= 0, thenfis unique. Theorem 2.6. IfH2(g;g)is finite dimensional, then there exists a versal de- formation of g(similarly for from the general theorem of Schlessinger [11], like it was show n for Lie algebras in [3]. In [4] a construction for a versal deformation of a Lie algebra was g iven and it was generalized to Leibniz algebras in [5]. The computation of a sp ecific example is given in [10]. Let us describe the universal infinitesimal deformation (see [4] and [5]). For simplicity we will only discuss the Leibniz algebra case. Assume that dim(HL2(L;L))<. Denote the space HL2(L;L) byH. Consider the algebra C1=KH'whereH'is the dual of H, by = (k1k2,k1h2+k2h1) for that the second summand is an ideal of C1with zero a =Hom(L2;L) which takes a cohomology class into a cocycle representing it. Notice that there is an isomorphism H'L~=Hom(H;L), so we have C1L= the above identification, define a Leibniz bracket on C1Las follows. For the map ps:H--Lis given by ps(a) foraH. It is straightforward to check that C1Lalong with the above bracket e1is a Leibniz algebra over C1. The Leibniz identity is a consequence of the fact that du(a) = 0 foraH. Thuse1is an infinitesimal deformation of Lwith base C1=KH'. It is proved in [5]: Proposition 2.7. Up to an isomorphism, the deformation e1does not depend on the choice of u. Remark 2.8. a basis of the dual basis. Letu(hi) =uiCL2(L;L). Under the identification element to Then fortheir bracket particular, for l1,l2Lwe main property of e1is the universality in the class of infinitesimal de- formations with a finite dimensional 2.9. For any infinitesimal deformation lof a Leibniz algebra L with a finite dimensional base Athere exists a unique homomorphism thatlis equivalent to the push-out ph*e1. After obtaining the universal infinitesimal deformation we could like t o ex- tend it to higher order. If we have a universal infinitesimal deforma tion with basis the obstructions to extend it to a second order deforma- tion arethe Lie brackets[ phi,phj] in the [3, 5]). This arealso called first order Massey operations. If these bracket cochains a re coboundaries we can extend our infinitesimal to the second order deformation. T he construc- tion of a versal deformation for Leibniz algebras is given in [5]. 63 Deformations of the three dimensional Lie al- gebran3 Let us recall the classification of three dimensional complex Lie algeb ras. Fix The nilpotent algebra n3with the commutator matrix 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 . The solvable algebra r3,1with the matrix 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 . The simple Lie algebra sl2with the matrix 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 . and the projective family of pairwise non isomorphic algebras d(r:s) with the matrix 0r1 0 0s 0 0 0 . In [6] the moduli space of these Lie algebras is described with the help of Let us recall the results for the nilpotent Lie algebr an3. The cohomology spaces of the classified algebras are as follows. Type H1H2H3 n3 4 5 2 d=r3,1 3 3 0 d(1 : 1) = r3 1 1 0 d(r:s) 1 1 0 d(1 : 0) = r2C 2 1 0 d(1 :-1) =r3,-1 1 2 1 sl2 0 0 0 7We getH2(n3;n3) is five dimensional. Let us give explicit which form the basis of H2(n3;n3). We give the non zero =e2, f2(e1,e3) =e2. It is easy to check that all the Massey brackets are zero. So the u deformation is versal and is given by the us check that how our infinitesimal deformation (which are real defor- mations) fit in the moduli space of three dimensional Lie algebras. The first deformation with cocycle f1has the matrix 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0t . which is equivalent to r2C. The second deformation with cocycle f2has the matrix 0 0 1 t0 0 0-t0 . which is equivalent to sl2. The third deformation with cocycle f3has the matrix 0 0 1 0 0 0 t0 0 . which is equivalent to r3,-1. The fourth deformation with cocycle f4has the matrix 0t1 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 8which is equivalent to r2C. The fifth deformation with cocycle f5has the matrix 0 0 1 0t0 0 0 0 . which is equivalent to sl2, the Lie algebra r3,-1that means that the Lie algebra n3deforms to the family in two different ways. The third and fifth deformations are equ ivalent to r2C. which means that n3deforms to r2Cin two different ways. 4 Leibniz deformations of n3 The classification of three dimensional nilpotent Leibniz algebras is kn own. Let us recall the definition. We takeL1=L,Lk+1= [Lk,L] 4.1. A Leibniz algebra Lis called nilpotent if there exists an integer nNsuch that L1L2...Ln= 0. The smallest integer nfor whichLn= 0is called the nilindex of L. The classification of complex nilpotent Leibniz algebras up to isomorph ism for dimension 2 and 3 is in [7] and [1]. In dimension three there are five no n isomorphic algebras and one infinite family of pairwise not isomorphic alg ebras. The list of this classification is given below. l1: abelian l2: [e1,e1] =e2 l3: [e2,e3] =e1,[e3,e2] =-e1 l4: [e2,e2] =e1,[e3,e3] =ae1,[e2,e3] =e1;aC l5: [e2,e2] =e1,[e3,e2] =e1,[e2,e3] =e1 l6: [e3,e3] =e1,[e1,e3] =e2 Let us mention that in this list only l3is a Lie algebra. This is the one which is denoted by n3and this is the case we are computing. Now we consider the Leibniz algebra L=l3=n3and compute its second Leibniz cohomology space. 9Our computation consists of the following steps: (i) To determine a basis of the space of cocycles ZL2(L;L), (ii) to find out a basis of the coboundary space BL2(L;L), (iii) to determine the quotient space HL2(L;L). (i) LetpsZL2(L;L). Thenps:L2--Lis a linear map and dps= 0, = for for 1<=i,j,k<=3. Since dps= 0 equating the coefficients of we get the following that there is no relation among Therefore, in terms of the ordered basis matrix corresponding to ps is of the inC. LetphiZL2(L;L) for 1<=i<=11, be the cocycle with xi= 1 and xj= 0 the above matrix of ps. It is easy to check that a basis of gCL1(L;L) = Hom(L;L). Suppose the matrix associated to ps0is same as the above 1,2,3. The matrix associated to gis given the definition of coboundary we get dg(ei,ej) = 1<=i,j<=3. The matrix dgcan be written 0 0 0 0 0 0 -g2 10g2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -g3 10g3 1 also a cocycle in CL2(L;L), comparing matrices dgandM we conclude that the matrix of ps0is of the 0 0 0 0 -x40x40 0 0 0 0 0 fori= 1,4,7 be the coboundary with xi= 1 andxj= 0 the above matrix of ps0. It follows a basis of the coboundary space BL2(L;L). (iii) It is straightforward to check where [phi] denotes the cohomology class represented by = 8. The representative cocycles of the cohomology classes forming a b asis of HL2(L;L) are given explicitly below. we give the non zero =e3, ph1(e3,e2) =e2, ph2(e2,e1) =-e2,ph2(e1,e3) =-e3,ph2(e3,e1) =e3, ph3(e2,e1) =e1, ph4(e3,e1) =e2, ph5(e3,e1) whereu0denotes the original bracket in L. This gives 8 non-equivalent infinitesimal deformations 1<=i<=5. This are exactly the cocycles presented in the previous section. The last three cocycles define Leibniz deformations, more precisely matrix 0 0 0 0 t1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . ph10defines the infinitesimal deformation with matrix 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 t-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . ph11defines the infinitesimal deformation with matrix 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 enilpotent and they are real deformation. So they can be identified with the giv en list. Namely the u6is combination of l3andl2.u10is combination of combination of l2andl3. Remark 4.2. Notice here that fi=phifori= 1,***,5. So, if we consider deformations of the Leibniz algebra L, that automatically contain all infinitesimal Lie algebra deformations. It is interesti ng to note that we get few more deformations of the original bracket u0giving different Leibniz by considering the Leibniz algebra deformatio n. In order to get a simpler expression for the nontrivial cocycles let u s wedescribethe deformationfor L. Let usdenote a basis By Remark 2.8 the universal of Lcan be written as [1ei,1ej]e1= Extension of the infinitesimal deformation Let us try now to extend the universal infinitesimal deformation. A ll the 8 infinitesimal deformations considered as one parameter deformat ions are as [ -phi,-phi] = 0 fori= 1,***,8. Now let us consider the mixed brackets [ -phi,-phj] For the Lie part we get nontrivial 3-cochains from which two of them are linearly indepen dent. We get two relations on the parameter 0 t1t5= 0. This way the versal Lie deformation [ ,]v1of the Lie algebra n3is defined by the infinitesimal part as versal basis is the factor cocycles corresponding to only Leibniz algebras result in trivial m = 0 fork,l= 6,7,8. If we take the bracket of a cocycle from the Lie set and take the br acket with a cocycle from the Leibniz set, it turns out that not all the Massey b rackets are trivial. [-ph5,-ph11] are nontrivial three cochains. They give us second order relation o n the base of the versal 0, t3t6= 0, t5t6= 0, t5t8= 0, t3t8= 0,t2t8, t3t7andt2t6= 0. together with the relations for the Lie part we get all the second or der relations for the base of the Leibniz versal no higher order brackets show up we get that the versal Leibniz defor- mation [,]vis defined as base of the versal Leibniz deformation is the factor Albeverio, S. and Omirov, B. A. and Rakhimov, I. S. Varieties of Leibniz algebras of dimension less than five , Comm. Alg., Ayupov, Sh. A. and Omirov, B. A. 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An Example of Constructing Versal Deformation for To appear in Comm. Alg., arXiv : math.QA/ 071212.2096v1 13 Dec 2007. [11] Schlessinger, M. Functors of Artin rings , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (1968), 208-222. Alice Lor'and University, Budapest, Hungary. e-mail: Mandal Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India. e-mail: ashis
Ashis Mandal
Alice Fialowski and Ashis Mandal
Leibniz algebra deformations of a Lie algebra
15 pages
math.KT math.QA
In this note we compute Leibniz algebra deformations of the 3-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebra $\mathfrak{n}_3$ and compare it with its Lie deformations. It turns out that there are 3 extra Leibniz deformations. We also describe the versal Leibniz deformation of $\mathfrak{n}_3$ with the versal base.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 9 Feb 2008 14:24:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fialowski", "Alice", "" ], [ "Mandal", "Ashis", "" ] ]
2 Kirwan's original proof of surjectivity involved studying t he Morse the- ory of the norm square of the moment map ||u||2, which has minimum u-1(0). In fact ||u||2is not Morse-Bott, but instead satisfies Kirwan's min- imal degeneracy condition, which allows the basic construc tions of Morse theory to be carried out. Modern proofs of Kirwan surjectivity have avoided these techn icalities. In [TW98], Tolman and Weitsman computed the kernel of kfor torus ac- tions using the honest Morse-Bott functions ux, rather than ||u||2, the prin- ciple being that the kernel of kis built up of contributions from each circle in the torus. In [Gol02], Goldin used their ideas to produce a simplified proof of Kirwan surjectivity for torus actions, using circle s actions and re- duction in stages. Goldin's proof contains a gap, which was resolved by Ginzbur ([GGK02] appendix G). They introduce the notion of a no ndegen- erate abstract moment map, which abstracts the relevant Mors from the symplectic case, and prove Kirwan's theo rems in this general setting. In this paper, we generalize Kirwan injectivity and surjecti vity to Hamil- tonian actions on compact generalized complex manifolds, i n the sense of Lin-Tolman [LT05]. Generalized complex (GC) manifolds wer e introduced by Hitchin in [H02] and developed by Gualtieri in his thesis [ Gua03]. They form a common generalization of both complex and symplectic manifolds and so are well suited to the study of Mirror Symmetry and confo rmal field theory. Generalized complex manifolds can also incorporat e a twist by a closed 3-form Hohm3(M). WhenHis integral it may be interpreted as the curvature of a gerbe over Mand is known in the physics literature as 3-form flux. In the presence of a twisting H, it becomes interesting to study the twisted de Rham cohomology of M,H(M;H), which is defined to be the cohomol- ogy of the complex consisting of the usual de Rham forms ohm(M)with a twisted differential d+H. For example, Gualtieri [Gua04] showed that for an H-twisted generalized K ahler manifold M,H(M;H)inherits a Hodge decomposition and in Kapustin-Li [KL04], H(M;H)is identified as the BRST cohomology of states for the associated conformal fie ld theory. In [LT05], Lin-Tolman extended the notion of Hamiltonian ac tions and reduction in symplectic geometry to the realm of generalize d complex ge- ometry. In the presence of a twisting 3-form Hohm3(M), their a generalized moment map u:M-g*and a moment which H+ais an equivariantly closed 3-form in the Cartan model (c.f. [GS99] ). This construction turns out to b e something very natural in physics. It has been shown by Kapustin and Toma siello [KT06] that the mathematical notion of Hamiltonian actions o n K ahler manifolds is in perfect agreement with the physical no- tion of general (2,2)gauged sigma models with three-form by Atiyah-Segal [AS05], the second author in [Lin0 7] usedH+a to define the twisted equivariant cohomology, HT(M;e+a). The basic properties of the twisted equivariant cohomologies were st udied in [Lin07] using Hodge theory, especially in the case of Hamiltonian ac tions on com- pact generalized K ahler manifolds. In the current paper we study the cohomology using Morse theory, in the more gener al case of Hamiltonian actions on compact generalized complex manifo lds. The fol- lowing proposition is crucial to our 1.1. Consider the Hamiltonian action of a (compact) torus Ton a compact twisted GC-manifold Mwith a generalized moment map u:M-t*. Thenuis a nondegenerate abstract moment map in the sense of [GGK02] (see Definition 1.1 paraphrases a result from Nitta's very inte resting recent work [NY07]. Nitta's result was known by the authors to hold u nder ad- ditional hypotheses but his general result came out as a welc ome Nitta's theorem is central to our work, we provide a s of Proposition 1.1 in Section 6. Our proof is a variatio n of Nitta's which has the advantages of being somewhat simpler and of ext ending to some examples of noncompact manifolds M. One key ingredient in Nitta's proof is the maximum principle for func tions on al- most complex manifolds, for which we provide a proof in Appen dix A. In view of the above proposition, results from [GGK02] prove t hat Kir- wan injectivity and surjectivity hold for ordinary equivar iant cohomology. In our paper, we use parallel arguments to prove twisted versions of equi- variant formality, Kirwan injectivity, and Kirwan surjectiv ity: Theorem 1.2 (Equivariant formality) .Consider the Hamiltonian action of a compact connected group Gon a compact H-twisted generalized complex manifold M. Then we have a non-canonical the moment one form of the Hamiltonian action. Theorem 1.3 (Kirwan injectivity) .LetTbe a compact torus and let Mbe generalized Hamiltonian T-space with induced equivariant 3- formH+a, and leti:MT-Mdenote the inclusion of the fixed point set. Then the induced an 1.4 (Kirwan surjectivity) .LetMbe a compact H-twisted T-space with induced equivariant 3-form H+aand moment map u, whereTis a compact torus. For ct*a regular value of uwe have: (1.1) a surjection, where ~His the twisting 3-form inherited through results are established more generally for compact no moment maps with compatible equivariantly closed 3-form. We ex- pect that Kirwan surjectivity remains true for the Hamiltoni an action of a compact connected Lie group on a compact twisted generalize d and we hope to return to this question in a later wor examples of Hamiltonian torus actions on ge manifolds to which our results may be applied have be en con- structed in [Lin07] and [Lin07b]. New examples constructed using surgery on toric varieties will be included in a forthcoming paper by the authors. We would also like to mention that a stronger version of Theor em 1.2 was previously proven for the case of Hamiltonian action of a com pact Lie group on a generalized K ahler manifold in [Lin07], using th e-lemma and generalized Hodge theory. We discuss now one possible application of our results. Supp ose(M,J) is a twisted generalized complex manifold with a Hamiltonia nGaction, and suppose Lis of J. ThenLhas a natural Lie al- gebroid structure, c.f. [Gua03]. Moreover, the existence of a induces a Lie algebra map g-C(L). So there is an equivari- ant version of the Lie algebroid cohomology associated to th e , in the sense of [BCRR05]. The twisted equivariant co homology studied in the current paper is closely related to the equiva riant Lie alge- broid cohomology. Indeed, they are canonically isomorphic to each other ifMis a generalized Calabi-Yau manifold satisfying the -lemma. It is well known that information on the deformation of generaliz ed is contained in the Lie algebroid cohomology of L. Therefore, the results established in this paper may indicate a close re lationship be- tween the deformation theory of the generalized complex man ifoldMand that of its generalized complex quotients. The layout of the paper is as follows. Section 2 reviews twist ed equi- variant cohomology and proves a few lemmas for later use. Sec tion 3 uses Morse theory to prove twisted Kirwan injectivity and surjecti vity for non- degenerate abstract moment maps. Section 4 gives a quick rev iew of gen- eralized complex geometry. Section 5 recalls the definition o f maps and proves Proposition 1.1. Section 6 establish es the main results of this paper, namely, Theorem 1.2, 1.3, 1.4. Append ix A proves the maximum principle for functions on almo st Appendix B establishes a key Lemma about nondege nerate ab- stract moment maps postponed from SS3. Appendix C compares of twisted equivariant cohomology existed in the l iterature. Ap- pendix D collects some commutative algebra results that we m ake frequent use of throughout, but particularly in Section : The authors would like to thank Marco Gualtieri, Yael Karshon, Eckhard Meinrenken, Paul Selick, and Ping Xu for Y.L. is grateful to Lisa Jeffrey for providing him a at the University of Toronto, where he started hi s work on the equivariant cohomology theory of GC manifolds. 2. R EVIEW OF TWISTED EQUIVARIANT COHOMOLOGY In this section we review twisted equivariant cohomology, a s developed in Atiyah-Segal [AS05], Hu-Uribe [HuU06], Freed-Hopkins- Teleman [FHT02] and Lin [Lin07]. 2.1. Definitions. LetGbe a compact connected Lie group with Lie algebra gand dual g*. ForMa smooth G-manifold, we denote by xMthe vec- tor field on Mgenerated by xg. The equivariant de Rham a differential graded algebra assoc i- ated to the G-manifold M. Here, ohmG(M) = (ohm(M)Sg*)G is the space of polynomial functions on gtaking values in the space of dif- ferential forms ohm(M), which are equivariant under the induced the adjoint action on the symmetric algebra Sg*, anddGis defined by extending linearly the andxg. It comes equipped with a equivariant de Rham complex computes the (Borel) equiva riant coho- mology of Mwith real coefficients (we refer to [GS99] for more 2.1. WhenGis trivial (ohmG(M),dG)is the usual de Rham complex. Example 2.2. In the special case that G=Tis a compact torus with trivially on twe have: ohmT(M) the space of T-invariant differential the direct The differential dGex- tends in a natural way to ^ohmG(M)and we adopt the convention that HG(M) is defined to be the cohomology of the complex we have abusively reused dGto denote its extension to ^ohmG(M)). It HG(M) opposed to the more conventional direct sum. In the untwis ted setting this is not a serious modification, but once twisting is introd uced the direct product is much easier to work with. In this context, the equi variant coho- mology of a point is (^Sg*)G, the ring of G-invariant formal power series on g. Given adG-closed 3-form, eohm3 G(M), we define a twisted Because eis closed and of odd degree, it follows that d2 G,e=0 and we define the e-twisted equivariant dG,eis an odd operator, H(M;e)inherits a Z2-grading from the Z-grading on ohmG(M). Because dG,eis usually not a derivation, HG(M;e) is usually not a ring, but is instead a module for the untwiste d ring HG(M)and hence also for ^Sg*. Remark 2.3. The cochain complex we are using to define twisted cohomol- ogy differs from those found in [FHT02] and [HuU06], but give s rise to a naturally isomorphic cohomology theory (see Appendix C). Remark 2.4. We show in Appendix C that for a compact manifold Mthe completion of twisted equivariant cohomology is obtained b y extension of scalars from the uncompleted version, 2.5. Suppose Gacts trivially on M. Then any d-closed a dG-closed 3-form e1ohm3 G(M). In this case it is easy to see that as 2.6. More generally, let Gact onMsuch that a normal subgroup HGacts trivially. Then there is an induced G/H action on Mand a may consider a more general class of twisted complexes usi ng the no- tion of differential graded modules. Let (C*,d) = (k>=0Ck,d)be a cochain complex graded by the nonnegative integers. We say that (C*,d)is a or simply a ohmG(M)-module, if C*is a graded mod- ule of the graded algebra ohm* G(M)and for all aohmG(M)of pure degree andxC*, the differential satisfies the identity: d(ax) differential dextends naturally to a differential on which by abuse of notation we also call d. A closed 3-form twisted differential de:=d+eon^Cand we define HG(C*;e) =kerde/imde. The module structure descends to make module 2.7. Leti:ANa pair of embedded submanifolds of Mpre- served by G. We use the algebraic mapping cone to define the complex differential d(n,a) = (-dG(n),dG(a) +i*(n)). ThenohmG(N,A)is under the action x(n,a) = (xn,xa). we will use that HG(N,A;e) =HG(N,A;j*e), wherej:N-Mis the Basic Properties. Twisted cohomology is invariant under 2.8. Letph: a degree Then the induced map a degreenmod 2 isomorphism for all Using the algebraic mapping cone construction, it suffices to prove that if(C*,d)is acyclic, then so is where ckCk. Then necessarily d(ci) =0. By acyclicity, there exists bi-1Ci-1such that d(bi-1) =ci, so c-de(bi-1) lowest degree term lying in Ci+1. Iterating the process, we can de(b) =c. /square8 It follows that many important properties of untwisted equi variant co- homology, such as homotopy invariance and excision, extend to 2.9. LetGbe compact connected with maximal torus Tand For any G-manifold Mand twisting eohm3 G(M), we have a natural the image of eunder the map restricting the action. Proof. The map to a quasiisomorphism is also a ohmG(M)-module homomorphism in the obvious way. Thus by Proposition result helps justify our later focus on torus actions. Recall that in untwisted equivariant cohomology, we have th e that the action of GonMis free. We have the following 2.10. ([Lin07] , A.4.) Let Mbe a smooth G-manifold upon which G acts freely and suppose dimH(M)<. = a short exact sequence twisting by egives rise to a six term exact sequence in the 2.11. Recall the notation of Example 2.7. The pair i:A-N gives rise to a short exact sequence of ohmG(M)-modules, where the algebraic mapping cylinder, Cyl(i*), is naturally quasiisomorphic to ohmG(N). We obtain a six term exact ----H0 G(N;e)- -H1 G(N;e)---- next lemma shows that up to (noncanonical) isomorphism, thee- twisted equivariant cohomology depends only on the cohomol ogy 2.12. Letbohm2 G(M)be an equivariant 2-form and let exp(b) Then for any wedging by an isomorphism of chain : in particular determines an isomorphism The map exp(b)(*) :^C-^Cis certainly even and linear. The equations exp(b)exp(-b) =exp(-b)exp(b) =id^Cimply that exp(b) (*)is an isomorphism of vector spaces. Finally, for a^Cwe have de(exp(b)a) differentials. /square We may now state and prove the Thom isomorphism, which is due t o Hu-Uribe 2.13. Letp:E-Nbe an orientable real vector bundle of rank inclusion as the zero section. Let Gbe a compact torus acting onEby bundle automorphisms, inducing an action on N. Leteohm3 G(E)be a dG-closed form and let tohmr G(E,E-N)be adG-closed form representing the usual equivariant Thom class (c.f. [GS99] ). Then the an isomorphism of degree (r mod 2 ), By homotopy invariance p*is an isomorphism. The map t: aohmG(E)-module morphism and induces a degree r isomorphism so by Proposition 2.8 HG(E;e)t- also an isomorphism. Finally, exp (b)is an isomorphism by Lemma 2.12. /square The equivariant Euler class plays the same role for twisted e as it does for untwisted equivariant cohomology . Lemma 2.14. Letp:E-Nsatisfy the hypotheses and notation of and let the equivariant Euler class of E. Then the following diagram is the Thom isomorphism of Proposition 2.13, and jis induced by the inclusion map of forms. Proof. The map i**j*phis induced by a map of forms by h(a) a form representing the equivariant Thom class and =e-p*(i*(e)). We may choose bso thati*(b) =0, because if it doesn't we can replace Thush(a) =ai*(t). Because i*(t)represents the equivariant Euler class, this completes the proof. /square Hu and Uribe go on to prove the following twisted version of th e local- ization theorem. Theorem 2.15. ([HuU06] ) LetTbe a compact torus acting on a smooth, closed manifold Mand leti:MT-Mdenote the inclusion of the fixed point set. Then for anydT-closed 3-form eohm3 T(M), the kernel and cokernel of the induced Spectral Sequences. We now consider two spectral sequences associ- ated filtrations of the complex (^ohmG(M),de), both of which converge Appendix C for an explanation of convergence propertie s). First consider the filtration of Fp=Fp^ohmG(M) satisfies dG,e(Fp)Fp+1. The resulting spectral sequence untwisted cohomology, while d2is the wedging map e(.) Thus by Proposition 2.12, this spectral sequence collapses at E1if and only if eis cohomologous to zero. In particular, if dim H(M)<then in the nonequivariant case: (2.4) dim equality if and only if eisd-exact. Now consider a different Lp=Lp^ohmG(M) gives rise to a spectral sequence wheree(0)be the ordinary 3-form obtained by evaluating 2.16. We say that a G-manifold formal if the spectral sequence defined above collapses at E1. In this case HG(M;e)is non- canonically isomorphic to a module over (^Sg*)G. Notice that the quotient complex canonically iso- morphic to ohm(M). This gives rise to a natural map all twistings e. We have a version of the Leray-Hirsch theorem in 2.17. TheG-manifold formal if and only if the natural map The spectral sequence associated to the filtration collapses at page E1if and only if the injections Lp+1-Lpinduce injections in allp. By the associated six term exact sequence, is true if and only if surjective. Of course H(Lp/Lp+1;dG,e) together, we see that Mis equivariantly formal if and only if the natural surjective for all p. Whenp=0,p0is exactly one direction of the equivalence. The opposite dire ction follows by noting that for we have pp(phs) = p0(ph)s. 2.18. AG-manifold formal if and only if M it formal as a T-manifold under the restricted maximal torus action, where e'is the image of eunder the induced map We use the criterion of Proposition 2.17 The natural map through the natural map ifphis surjective, so must ph'. On the other hand, the map where the action of the Weyl group WonH(M;e(0))is induced by N(T)action restricted from G. Since this action is isotropically trivial, we find that if ph'is invariant under the Waction, so is the restricted the proof. /square It is worth noting that a G-manifold that is equivariantly formal for e=0 may fail to be formal for 2.19. LetU(1)act trivially on S1. Choose a twisting esatisfying 0/negationslash= [e]H1(S1) x. [e(0)] =0, whileHU(1)(M;e) =0. The second assertion here follows from the {Lp}spectral sequence differential d1defined by wedging by [e]so that H(E1,d1) =E2=0. 3. M ORSE this section, unless otherwise stated, Tis a compact torus with Lie algebra tacting on a closed smooth manifold M. Recall the fol- lowing definition from 3.1. An nondegenerate abstract moment map u:M-t*is a map u:M-t*such that for every vector xt, (1)Crit(ux) ={xM=0}, and (2)ux:M-Ris a Morse-Bott 3.1 is an abstraction of the Morse theoretic propert ies of sym- plectic moment maps which are responsible for results such a s Kirwan in- jectivity and surjectivity, as well as convexity (c.f. [GGK0 2]). In [NY07] Nitta actually proved that the components of moment map for H amilton- ian torus actions on compact generalized complex manifolds are moment maps (see also SS5). Thus it follows that Kirwan in- jectivity and surjectivity for the usual equivariant cohom ology must hold for GC-Hamiltonian actions. To prove twisted versions of these theorems, we must impose a compat- ibility condition on the twisting 3.2. Leteohm3 T(M) lete1denote the component of elying inohm1(M)Tt*. We say that eiscompatible if for wheree1is regarded as a linear map e1: the Lie algebra of the isotropy subgroup of the point pM. Our goal in this section is to prove the following two results : Theorem 3.3. [Kirwan Injectivity] Let Mbe a smooth, compact T-manifold with abstract moment map u:M-t*, and compatible equivariantly closed Then formal . In particular, the injective as 3.3 may be generalized to noncompact Musing the that the fixed point set MTis compact and that some of the moment map ux:M-Ris proper and bounded below. Working in such generality is cumbersome, so we stick with co 3.4. [Kirwan Surjectivity] Let Mbe a smooth, compact T-manifold with abstract moment map u:M-t*, and compatible equivariantly closed 3- formeohmT(M). Suppose Madmits an invariant almost complex structure. Then the map in equivariant cohomology induced by inclusion of t he zero level a surjection. In the event that Tacts freely on explained in Proposition 2.10. As before, Theorem 3.4 may be generalized to include some exa mples of noncompact manifolds but for the sake of simplicity we work w ith com- pactM. In our proof of Theorem 3.4 we found it necessary to require a invariant almost complex structure, though we suspect the t heorem holds without this additional hypothesis. The presence of an inva riant almost complex structure in the case of a GC Hamiltonian actions was proven by Nitta [NY07] and played an important part in his work. Letf:M-Rbe a smooth function. We denote the critical set of fby Crit(f) ={xM|dfx=0}. ForxCrit(f), the Hessian Hessx(f) :TxM- T* xMis the symmetric linear map defined by the formula < Hess x(f)(v),w any vector field satisfying ~vx=v,Lis the Lie derivative and <,> is the pairing between TxMandT* xM. The Hessian is more often defined as the quadratic form < Hess x(.),. >, but the definition as a linear map is more convenient for us. Definition 3.5. LetMbe a smooth, closed manifold. A smooth function f:M- Ris called Morse-Bott if the connected components of Crit(f) ={xM|dfx= 0}are closed submanifolds of Mand for all xCrit(f)the kernel of the ker(Hessx(f)) }be the set of connected components of Crit(f). The function fis constant on each component Ciand we define ci:=f(Ci) R. We will assume for simplicity of exposition that ci=cjif and only if i=j, though all the proofs can be adapted to work without this ass ump- tion. We choose the indexing i=0,1,...,n so thatci< cjif and only if i < j . Choose a Riemannian metric gonM. Usinggto identify TM~=T*M, we may regard Hessx(f)as an automorphism of TxMforxCrit(f). Because it is symmetric, Hessx(f)is diagonalizable with real eigenvalues. We define the negative normal bundle niofCiby setting ni,xto equal the sum of negative eigenspaces of Hessx(f). Up to isomorphism, niis independent of the choice of g. We call the rank of nitheindex ofCiand denote it l(i). In the presence of a compact torus T-action on equivariant vector bundles over If the interval [s,t]contains no critical values forf, the inclusion Ms-Mtis a homotopy equivalence. In particular, if a14 torusTacts and eohm3 T(M)is a closed then for some o > 0 sufficiently small, we obtain for each critical value cia six term exact canonical isomorphisms excision and the Thom isomorphism, we obtain isomorph isms: (3.2) the superscript grading is taken mod 2. Definition 3.6. AT-invariant Morse-Bott function fis if the vertical arrows in (3.1) are zero for all critical values ci. An important consequence is that isomorphic to an associated graded object of 3.7. Suppose that fis bounded below, e-equivariantly perfect Morse- Bott function on Mand that the negative normal bundles are all orientable. The n there is an isomorphism of the associated graded ring determined by the the index of Cimod2. Proof. Because perfect, the exact sequence (3.1) decom- poses into exact sequences (3.3) follows that Applying (3.2) com- pletes the proof. /square It was noticed by Atiyah and Bott that an invariant Morse-Bott function can sometimes be shown to be equivariantly perfect using onl y negative normal bundle data as follows. If the negative normal bundle is orientable, we construct a commutative ----HT(Mc+o;e)- the upper square is excision and the bottom square is fr om Lemma 2.14. IfEulT(ni) injective then jmust also be injective. We obtain the self perfecting principle: Lemma 3.8. Suppose that for all critical sets Ci,EulT(ni)is not a zero i.e. for all aHT(Ci;e), we have aEulT(ni) =0if and only if a=0. Then perfect. Atiyah and Bott discovered a simple criterion implying that EulT(ni)is not a zero divisor in the nontwisted setting. We adapt their p roof to the twisted case. Lemma 3.9. Letn-Nbe aT-equivariant oriented vector bundle over a compact manifold Nand suppose there exists a subtorus STsuch that nSis exactly the zero section of n. the natural inclusion (see Example 2.6). Then EulT(n)is not a zero divisor for HT(N;e). Proof. By Example 2.6 the untwisted equivariant cohomology satisfie was shown in [AB82] SS13, that the equivariant Euler class =1b0+positive degree terms in nonzero. Also by Example 2.6, we have a natural ideal the Jacobson ideal of HT/S(N), so by Nakayama's Lemma the filtration by Appendix D). For aHT(N;a)nonzero, define It follows that aEulT(n) is nonzero. /square16 Notice that Definition 3.2 ensures that if Nis a component of MSand nis a subbundle of the normal bundle of NinM, then the hypotheses of Lemma 3.9 apply. Lemma 3.10. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3.3, for a generic choice of xt, the moment map component perfect. Proof. For generic choice xt, the image of exp:span{x}-Tis it follows that Crit(f) ={pM|xM=0}=MT By Lemma 3.8, it suffices to show for each connected component CiofMT with negative normal bundle ni-Ci, no This is a consequence of Lemma 3.9 in the case S=T. /square Proof of Theorem 3.3. By Proposition 2.17, equivariant formality is equiva- lent to surjectivity of the natural map HT(M;e)-H(M;e). We prove this by induction on generic com- ponent of the moment map as in Lemma 3.10. For the base case Mtis empty for small tbecauseMis compact. In the induction step, assume that sur- jective. Using long exact sequences for the pair and Lemma 3. 10 we obtain a commutative a diagram chase we are reduced to proving that By the Thom isomorphism this is equivalent to showing that the critical sets Ciare equivariantly formal. By the com- patibility of ethis follows from Example 2.5. The injectivity of from 2.15, torsion free. 3.11. Under the hypotheses of 3.3 we have an = By equivariant by equivariant perfection of a generic component of th e Morse we ignore the Z2-grading. The summands free, hence projective over now turn our attention to the proof of the Kirwan surjectivi ty Theo- rem 3.4. We will need the following 3.12. LetMbe a compact T-manifold with nondegenerate abstract moment map u:M-t*for which 0t*is a regular value, and suppose that Madmits a T-invariant almost complex structure. Then we may choose a that (1) to a rank a regular value for the moment map The restriction of uxk+1to the submanifold Mk=u-1 k(0)Mis Morse- Bott with critical set equal to the points where Tk+1acts with positive proof of Proposition 3.12 is postponed until Appendix B. Proposition 3.12 allows us to factor the Kirwan map the sequence of submanifolds determined by Proposi tion =HT(u-1(0)). Our strategy to prove Theorem 3.4 is to show that each map in th is com- position is surjective. We do this by applying the following lemma to the T-manifold u-1 k(0)with function (uxk+1)2, which completes the proof of Theorem 3.4. Lemma 3.13. LetXbe compact smooth T-manifold with no orbits of than d, and letNbe the union of dimension dorbits. Let f:X-Rbe an T-invariant function such that Crit(f) =Nf-1(c0), wherec0is the minimum value off. Suppose that fis Morse-Bott except possibly at the minimum f-1(0). ForC=Cia connected component of N, lettCdenote the infinitesimal letTC=exp(tC)its torus. If eohm3 T(X)is adT-closed form the map induced by The map an isomorphism, suppose inductively that surjective for some i. We must show that By Lemma 3.8, it will suffice to show that EulT(ni)is not a zero18 divisor for HT(Ci;e), whereCiis a connected component of N. This follows from Lemma 3.9 using S=TCi. /square Proof of Theorem 3.4. /square 4. G ENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY LetVbe anndimensional vector space. There is a natural bi-linear pair - ing of signature (n,n)onVV*which is defined complex structure on a vector space Vis an orthogonal lin- ear map J:VV*-VV*such that J2= -1. LetLVCV* C be the -1eigenspace of the generalized complex structure J. ThenLis maximal isotropic and LL={0}. Conversely, given a maximal thatLL={0}, there exists an unique generalized is exactly L. LetMbe a manifold. A generalized almost complex structure on a man- ifoldMis an orthogonal bundle map that for anyxM,Jxis a generalized complex structure on the vector space TxM. Given a closed three form Hohm3(M), anH-twisted generalized com- plex structure Jis a generalized almost complex structure such that the sections of of Jare closed under the e-twisted Courant bracket , i.e., the bracket defined by the = generalized almost K ahler structure is a pair of two commu ting gen- eralized almost complex structures J1,J2such that 0 where the canonical pairing on TCMT* CM. A generalized almost K ahler structure (J1,J2)is called an H- twisted generalized K ahler structure if both gen- eralized complex structures. Given a generalized almost K ahler defineG(A,B) ThenG is a Riemannian metric on TMT*M, and its restriction to TMdefines a Riemannian metric gonM. LetG= -J1J2. whereC+-is of G. Letp:TMT*M-TM be the projection map. an isomorphism. Since J1commutes with G,C+-is invariant under J1. By projecting from C+-,J1induces two almost complex structure are compatible with the Riemannian metric g.19 Conversely, if there are two almost complex structures I+andI-which are compatible with a Riemannian metric gonM, 0 b 0 -b a generalized almost K ahler structure, where o+-=gI+-are the of the Hermitian structures (g,I+-), andbis a two form. The following remarkable result is due to 4.1. ([Gua03] ) AnH-twisted generalized K ahler structure is equiva- lent to a triple of a Riemannian metric gand two complex structure compatible with g, satisfying the integrability H+db=dc +o+, thei(-)operator associated to the complex structure I+-, andbis a two form. In particular, a triple the above assumption defines a generalized K ahler pair J1,J2by the formula (4.1). We close this section with a quick review of generalized comp lex sub- manifolds as introduced in [BB03] (See also [BS06]). Althou gh [BB03] only defined generalized complex submanifolds for untwisted gene ralized com- plex structures, the definition given there extends naturall y to the twisted case as well. LetWbe a submanifold of an e-twisted generalized complex manifold (M,J), letLTCMT* CMbe of J, and let i:W- Mbe the inclusion map. At each point defines a maximally isotropic distribution of are closed under the i*H-twisted Courant bracket. If LWis a sub- bundle of TCWT* CWand ifLWLW=0, thenWis said to be a ge submanifold.1It is clear from the definition that if Wis a gen- eralized complex submanifold then there exists a unique i*H-twisted gen- eralized complex structure is exactly LW. It is well-known that the fixed point submanifold of a symplect ic torus action on a symplectic manifold is a symplectic submanifold . [Lin06] ex- tends this fact to generalized complex 4.2. Suppose the action of a torus Ton anH-twisted ge manifold (M,J)preserves the generalized complex structure J. And supposeZis a connected component of the fixed point set. Then Zis a ge submanifold of M. Leti:Z-Mbe the inclusion map. Then Zcarries a i*H-twisted generalized complex structure. 1It is noteworthy that the sufficient and necessary condition s forWto be a ge submanifolds have been found in [BS06].20 5. G ENERALIZED MOMENT MAPS First we recall the definition of Hamiltonian actions on H-twisted gener- alized complex manifolds given in 5.1.2[LT05] ) Let a compact Lie group Gwith Lie algebra gact on a manifold M, preserving an H-twisted generalized complex structure J, closed. The action of Gis said to be Hamiltonian if there exists a smooth equivariant function u:M-g*, called the generalized moment map , and a 1-form aohm1(M,g*), called the moment one form , so that a)Jdux= -xM-axfor allxg, wherexMdenotes the induced an equivariantly closed three form in the usual Cartan Mode l. Remark 5.2. AnH-twisted generalized complex structure by restriction and projection a map b:T*M-TM which is a real Poisson bi-vector, see for instance [Gua03] a nd [BS06]. If the action of a compact Lie group Gon a generalized complex manifold (M,J)is Hamiltonian with a generalized moment map u-g*, then calculation shows -b(dux) =xM, wherexMis the vector field on Minduced by xg. This shows clearly that the action of Gis Hamiltonian with respect to the Poisson bi-vector b. Let a compact Lie group Gact on a twisted generalized complex generalized moment map u. LetOabe the co-adjoint orbit through ag*. IfGacts freely on u-1(Oa), thenOaconsists of regular val- ues and Ma=u-1(Oa)/Gis a manifold, which is called the ge quotient . The following two results were proved in [LT05]. Lemma 5.3. Let a compact Lie group Gact freely on a manifold M. LetHbe an invariant closed three form and let abe an equivariant mapping from gtoohm1(M). Fix a connection thohm(M,g*). Then ifH+aohm3 G(M)is equivariantly closed, there exists a natural form Gohm2(M)Gso thatixMG=ax. closed and basic and so descends to a closed the image of [H+a]under the Kirwan map. Proposition 5.4. Assume there is a Hamiltonian action of a compact Lie group G on anH-twisted generalized complex manifold (M,J)with generalized moment one-form aohm1(M,g*). LetOabe a co-adjoint orbit through ag*so thatGacts freely on u-1(Oa). Given a connection on u-1(Oa), the generalized complex quotient Mainherits an Condition (b) was not imposed in [LT05, Definition A. 2.]. However, in order to make the quotient construction work, Tolman and the author m ade it clear in [LT05, Prop. A.7, A.10] that H+amust be equivariantly closed in the usual equivariant Carta n model.21 complex structure /tildewideJ, defined as in the Lemma 5.3. Up to independent of the choice of connection. 5.1. Nitta's theorem and compatibility. The rest of this section is devoted to the proof of Proposition 1.1, which indeed has already bee n established by Nitta in [NY07]. However, since Proposition 1.1 is centra l to our paper and since we believe more details are needed in Nitta's argum ent to make it more accessible, we will present a self-contained detail ed proof in our paper. The essential step in the proof of Proposition 1.1 is t he that the restriction of axto the fixed point set Fxvanishes. To prove it in full generality, we are going to use the maximum pr inciple of functions on almost complex manifolds , as advocated in [NY07, Prop. 3.1]. Note that our proof differs slightly fr om the one given in [NY07]. For instance, our proof does not involve the use of a Levi- Civita connection, and we apply Proposition 4.2 in an essent ial way. We would also like to mention that when the generalized complex manifolds have constant types, one can construct more elementary proo fs using the Darboux theorem of generalized complex structures [Gua03] . Lemma 5.5. Suppose the trivial action of a torus Ton a compact H-twisted gener- alized complex manifold (M,J)is Hamiltonian with a generalized moment map uand a moment one form a. Thendux=ax=0for allxt. Proof. It has been shown that there exists a generalized almost comp lex structure J2such that J1=JandJ2form a generalized almost K ahler pair, see for instance, [Ca06, Sec. 3] and [NY07]. As we expla ined in Sec- tion 4, the generalized almost K ahler structure induces a t of a Riemannian metric gand two almost complex structures with g; moreover, one can reconstruct J1andJ2from the triple (g,I+,I-)using Formula (4.1). Given xt, by assumption we haveJ1dux=ax, 0 b 0 -b A straightforward calculation shows that o-1 +(dux) =o-1 -(dux), compatible with g, we have o+-=gI+-= -I* +-gand It follows from o-1 +(dux) However, since by assumption the trivial action is Hamiltonian, condition b) in Definition 5.1 implies that dax=0. Locally, we can always find a function hsuch that I* +-dux=dh. If the complex structure J2is integrable, i.e., (J1,J2)forms a general- ized K ahler pair, then I+-must be integrable complex structures and uxis locally the real part of the I+--holomorphic function ux+ -1h. IfMis22 compact, it follows from the maximum principle of the real pa rt of a holo- morphic function that uxhas to be a constant. In the general case, locally uxis the real part of a function with respe ct to al- most complex structures I+-. By the maximum principle of the real part of a function as we explained in Appendix A ,uxhas to be a constant provided Mis consider the Hamiltonian action of a compact connected t orusTon a compact H-twisted generalized complex manifold Mwith a map u. Suppose that xtgenerates a compact connected sub- torusT1inT, i.e.,xis a generic element in the Lie algebra t1ofT1T. Lemma 5.6. Under the above assumptions, the critical set Crit(ux) with the fixed point set Fof theT1action on Mfor anyxg. Proof. The inclusion Crit (ux)Fis obvious. It suffices to show that for any xFwe have (dux)x=0. By Proposition 4.2 the fixed point set Fof the T1-action is a generalized complex submanifold. Moreover, it f ollows from [Lin07, Lemma 4.8] that the induced trivial action of T1onFis Hamiltonian with the generalized moment map u|F:F-t* 1. SinceMis compact, Fhas to be compact itself. By Lemma 5.5, we have (dux)|F=0. Choose a T1- invariant metric on M. grad (ux), the gradient flow ofux, is also invariant under the linearized T1action. It follows that at each pointxF, grad(ux)is tangent to F. This implies that for any 5.7. It is clear from the proof that in the statement of Lemma 5.6, we need only to assume that all fixed points submanifolds a re com- pact. This compactness assumption here is essential. For in stance, Hu [Hu05, Sec. 4.5] constructed an example of a Hamiltonian S1action on a generalized complex manifold with a proper moment map fsuch Lemma 5.6 fails because in Hu's example the fixed is a copy of complex plane Cwhich is non-compact. We are ready to give a proof of Proposition 1.1. We are going to use the same notations as in Lemma 5.6. Proof of Proposition 1.1. Letf:=ux. In view of Lemma 5.6, it suffices to show that the Hessian of fis nondegenerate in the normal direction to MT1. Because xis generic, MT1=ker(X). The vector field Xlinearizes at p MT1toA End(TpM)defined by the formula A(wp) = SinceT1is connected we have Tp(MT1) = kerAas subsets of TpM. The Hessian of fatpis a linear map Hessp(f) :TpM-T* pM, = We need to show that for allpcrit(f), letbbe the canonical Poisson bivector associated to the general ized complex structure J. As we explained in Remark 5.2, we have X= =LwX= -Lw(bdf) = = we've used that dfp=0and(Lwdf)p= ker (Hessp(f))ker(A) =Tp(MT1) =Tpcrit(f)as desired. /square Remark 5.8. Choose an invariant generalized almost complex structure J2 such that (J,J2)form a generalized almost K ahler pair. It is easy to show that for any pM,TpMsplits as the direct sum of TpMT1andN, whereNis the orthogonal complement of TpMT1inTpMwith respect to the Riemann- ian metric induced by the generalized almost K ahler pair (J,J2); more- over, the vector space Ninherits a generalized K ahler structure which is invariant under the linearized action of T1onN. It follows that Nadmits a complex structure which is invariant under the operator Awhich we de- fined in the proof of Proposition 1.1. As a direct consequence, we see have even index. So f=uxmust be a Morse-Bott func- tion of even index. It follows easily from Proposition 1.1 that the twisting for with the torus action (Definition 3.2). Corollary 5.9. LetTxM-Mbe a Hamiltonian T-action for a compact, generalized complex manifold Mwith moment map u:M-t* and moment 1-form a. ForxM, denotetxto be the infinitesimal stabilizer of we regard axas an element of Condition a) of Definition 5.1 allxt. Proposition 1.1 says that if ax x=0. /square 6. K IRWAN INJECTIVITY AND SURJECTIVITY AND ITS 1.1 establishes that the moment map uof a compact H- Hamiltonian T-space is a nondegenerate abstract moment map and Corollary 5.9 establishes that the equivariant twistin g 3-form H+a is compatible. Thus Theorems 1.3 and 1.4 follow from Theorem 3.3 and Theorem 3.4 respectively. Theorem 1.2 then follows from Pro position 2.1824 because the restriction of a generalized Hamiltonian actio n is . One of the early motivations for this paper was to prove the fo 6.1. Let(M,J,H)be a complex generalized complex manifold with nonexact twisting H. Then any generalized Hamiltonian torus action must have fixed point locus of dimension at least four. Proof. LetTbe the torus and uthe moment map. By Proposition 1.1 and Corollary 5.9 (M,T,u)is an abstract moment map with compatible equi- variant twisting H+awhereais the moment 1-form. Thus by =dimH(MT;H). On the other hand, 0is always a compatible twisting so dimH(M) not exact, we know by (2.4) that dim H(M;H)<dimH(M). Con- sequently H(MT;H)< H(MT)and we conclude that the restriction of Since His a 3-form, it must be that MThas a component of dimension 3 or more, and because MTis even dimensional (see Prop. 4.2) this completes the proof. /square Theorem 6.1 stands in stark contrast with the symplectic wor ld, actions with isolated fixed points abound (e.g. t oric mani- folds). In the course of writing this paper, we discovered a p roof of Theo- rem 6.1 that avoids twisted cohomology and in fact leads to ev en We will present these arguments in a future pap er, along with new examples of compact GC Hamiltonian A. M AXIMUM PRINCIPLE FOR PSEUDO ON ALMOST COMPLEX MANIFOLDS In this section, we give a self-contained proof of the maximu m principle for functions on almost complex manifo lds. We be- lieve that the maximum principle in this setting should have been known to experts working in the related areas and we are not claimin g any origi- nality. We are presenting a proof here just because the centr al results of our paper are built upon it for which we can not find a good reference . Let(M,J)be an almost complex manifold. Then the almost induces a splitting of the complexified cotangent b undleT* C(M) In this context, a complex valued function f+ ig C(M)is defined to be a function on anyxM. In this appendix, we prove the A.1. Suppose(M,J)is an almost complex manifold. Suppose fis the real part of a function f+igonM. Then for any xMthere exists an open neighborhood Bxsuch beginning the proof, we first recall the maximum princi ple for the elliptic partial differential equations of second order as treated in [GT1977]. LetLbe a second order linear differential operator on a domain ohmofRm given by (A.1) said to be elliptic at xohm if the coefficient matrix [aij(x)]is positive definite. Lis said to be elliptic in ohmif it is elliptic at each point of ohm. The following maximum principle is a fundamental result in the theory of elliptic A.2. ([GT1977, Thm. 3.1] ) LetLbe an elliptic operator in the Suppose that (A.2) Lu>=0(<=0)inohm, are ready to present a proof of Theorem A.1. Proof. Given an arbitrary point pM, we can choose a coordinate neigh- borhood that under this coordinate sys- tem the almost complex J(x) = with the standard on R2nat the point p, i.e., J(p) the nxnzero matrix and Inthenxnidentity matrix. Note any1<=k<=2n. We J xk=Jp k xp. We get the following generalized over the index kwe get a second order linear the Kronecker symbol. Since J(p)coincides with the stan- dard complex structure on R2n, a simple calculation shows that the matrix [apq(p)] =2I2n, whereI2ndenotes the 2nx2nidentity matrix. This shows clearly that the matrix [apq]is a positive definite symmetric matrix at pand so must be a positive definite symmetric matrix on an open ball pBU. Thus Equation A.4 is a second order elliptic equation on a bou nded ball B. Now Theorem A.1 is a simple consequence of Theorem A.2. /square APPENDIX B.NONDEGENERATE ABSTRACT MOMENT MAPS In this section we will prove Lemma 3.12. This result was used without much explanation in appendix G of [GGK02] but was later recogn ized to be subtler than it appears. Here we provide a detailed proof u sing an ex- tra hypothesis, the existence of an invariant almost (more g enerally stable) complex let Tbe a compact torus with lie algebra t,Mbe a and ph:M-t*a nondegerate, abstract moment map ( Def. 3.1). As explained in [GGK02], condition 1 of Definition 3.1 is equiva lent to the condition that for all pM, (B.1) dphp(TpM) = tp.27 Here given a subspace ht,ht*denotes the annihilator of ht. That said, the next Lemma is not so B.1. tq= g wheregis the Lie algebra of a subtorus GT. Ifpandqlie in the same connected component of The map phg:M-g*defined by composing phwith the projection pg*: t*-g*is a moment map for the restricted Gaction. By to a locally constant function on MGsophg(p) =phg(q)and = g. /square For compact Tmanifold M, there can only be a finite number of distinct isotopy groups TpT, for each of which MTphas a finite number of com- ponents. We B.2. IfMis compact, then the set of vector finite. Lemma B.3. LetMbe a compact T-manifold equipped with a nondegerate mo- ment map phand suppose that 0t*is a regular value for ph. There exists a codimension 1 subtorus HTwith Lie algebra hfor which 0 is a regular whereph*: t*-h*is The hyperplane Grassmanian the set of codi- mension one subspaces ht. Those subspaces integrating to codimension one subtori form a dense subset of Gr1(t), so to prove Lemma B.3 it will suffice to show that the is a regular value for a nonempty open set. It is somewhat clearer to work with the projective space P(t*), which is canonically isomorphic to Gr1(t)via the correspondence h-h. follows easily that 0is a regular value for phhif and only t p+h for allpMsatisfying ph(p)h. Ifph(p) =0thenim(dphp) = t*by hypothesis. If ph(p)h-0, then span(ph(p)) = h. Thus if hlies outside of the finite set of proper vector subspaces described in Corollary B.2, the moment map phhis guaranteed to be regular at zero. This is an open and nonempty condition, co mpleting the proof. Lemma B.3 enables us to prove (i) and (ii) of Propos ition 3.12. In particular, we construct a sequence of subtori that the moment map phkfor eachTkis regular at 0, and then xktk-tk-1. We prove (iii) in two steps. We denote the restricted functio B.4. The critical set Crit(fk) ForpMwe = = we have used Equality B.1. /square It remains to prove that the critical points of nonde- generate. According to [GGK02], if Madmits an invariant almost , then in the neighborhood of every orbit Madmits a for which the moment map is Hamiltonian. We can the n use the following local canonical form [GS82] for symplectic Hamil tonian actions. Lemma B.5. ([GS82] ) Suppose that Madmits a T-invariant almost . For pMchoose a complimentary Lie subalgebra httotpso thatt*= h*t* p. Then for some Tprepresentation V, there is a from an invariant neighborhood of pto an invariant neighborhood of the zero section of the associated bundle TxTp(h*V)sending the moment mapphto the t* defined by ph'(t,e,v) = (e,q(v)), whereq:V-t* pis a quadratic form. Applying this to the case = tkat a critical point p offk, we obtain a local model for =e+q(v). Here a neighborhood of pinu-1 k(0)maps (up to a nonzero scalar multiple) to the quadratic form q. Thus in some local coordinates, fklooks like a quadratic form near pinph-1 k(0)and hence is nondegenerate, completing the proof of Lemma 3.12. APPENDIX C. F URTHER ASPECTS OF TWISTED call a G-invariant open cover good if all nonempty intersections of the Uaare tubular neighborhoods of some G- orbit inM. For example, every G-equivariant vector bundle over a compact manifold Madmits a finite equivariantly good cover.29 Lemma C.1. LetMbe aG-manifold admitting a finite equivariantly good Then for all JI, and for any twisting dG-closed have an isomorphism of some closed subgroup HG. Proof. By definition we know that aJUais equivariantly homotopy equiv- alent to a homogeneous space G/H for some subgroup HG. But it is a standard result that =0(c.f. [AB84]). Thus eis cohomologous to zero. It C.1 can be used to prove twisted equivariant cohomolog y results using C.2. LetMbe a smooth G-manifold admitting a finite, open cover. Then for any twisting e,HG(M;e)is a finitely generated For any closed subgroup HG,H(BH)is finitely generated number of generators is bounded by the Weyl shown to be finitely generated by repeated application and Lemma D.2. /square There a couple of different versions of twisted equivariant in the literature and we take a moment to reconcile them. In [FHT02], it is defined as the cohomology of the complex of forma l Lau- rent series degree -2with differential d+eb. This makes a graded complex, producing Z-graded co- homology ~H* G(M;e). The reader can readily verify closed (exact) if and only closed (exact) for dG+e. It follows on the nis an integer and [n]is its reduction mod 2. Another version comes from [HuU06]. They define -HG(M;e)to be the cohomology of the complex (ohm(M)^Sg*)with differential dG+e. There is a natural injective chain induces an isomorphism in cohomology in most interest ing C.3. LetMbe a smooth G-manifold admitting a finite, open cover. Then Using Equation 2.1, it is easy to prove the isomorphism holds on tubular neighborhoods of G-orbits. This extends to Mby repeated applica- tion of Mayer-Vietoris. /square This result allows us to compare HG(M;e)with the cohomology of the direct sum complex (ohmG(M) C.4. ForMadmitting a finite equivariantly good cover, HG(M;e) is canonically isomorphic to it is obtained by extension of scalars). Proof. By Proposition C.3 The formal power flat over Sgso it factors through taking cohomology (see Lemma D.5). Thus -HG(M;e) ([Mc01] Def. 3.8) that given a filtration {FpA}of a differential com- plex(A,d), the associated spectral sequence (Ep r,dr)is said to toH(A,d)if the induced maps isomorphisms. The first of C.5. LetMadmit a finite G-equivariantly good open cover. Then the spectral sequences associated to the filtrations in SS2.3 both converge strongly to HG(M;e). Proof. First note that the filtrations are cofinal, convergence of the spectral sequence determined by {Fp}implies conver- gence of that for the filtration is exhaustive and weakly convergent. By ( [Mc01] Thm 3.2) it only remains to show that we have an note that if e=0, then the filtration FpHG(M) (C.1) certainly holds. Next, note that wedging by exp(b)for the filtration Fp, so by Lemma 2.12, (C.1) must hold for exacte. Finally, because emust become exact when restricted to of orbits, we may use Mayer-Vietoris and the five lemma to prove the general case. C.5 was proven with more general hypotheses in [ FHT02] using a Mittag-Lefler condition. We include our own proof beca use it is more D. C OMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA The results in this section are standard. Our principal refe rence is Mat- sumura [Mat89] Chapter 8. Recall that a module is Noetherian is it satisfies the ascendin g chain con- dition. A ring is Noetherian if it is Noetherian over itself. Throughout, R will denote a Noetherian, commutative integral domain. Lemma D.1. LetMbe anR-module. The following are finitely a finite D.2. For a short exact sequence of Noetherian if and only if both KandNare Mis called flat if the functor to abelian groups is exact. Lemma D.3. ForRan Noetherian, integral domain, the following are flat over R: (1) the quotient field of R. (2) anyI-adic completion of R, forIRan ideal. (3) any projective module over R. Recall that for IRan ideal and ManR-module, the I-adic completion ofMis defined by the inverse have ^Ris a ring and ^Mis D.4. IfMis finitely generated R-module, then there is a natural isomor- phism that a R-chain complex (C,d)is anR-module C, equipped with a morphism d:C-Csatisfying d2=0. The homology is defined H(C,d) =kerd/imdand is an R-module. Given a module MoverR, the tensor product (CM,d1)is aZ-chain complex. Lemma D.5. (ex. 7.6 in [Mat89] ) Let(C,d)be anR-chain complex and let M be flat over R. Then we have a natural isomorphism Jacobson radical is the a unit in R for all sS}. Lemma D.6. (Nakayama's Lemma) Let Mbe a nonzero finitely generated Jacobson radical of R. remark that Nakayama's Lemma works for not necessarily co mmu- tative rings (see 4.3.10 [We94]) so we can apply it to super co mmutative rings like HT(M). We have some particular examples in mind. For instance the po IfI= (x1,...,xn)Ais the augmentation ideal, then theI-adic completion is the ring of formal power series, so^Ais flat over A. BothAand^Aare Noetherian commutative integral domains so their quotient fields are flat over each of M. Atiyah, R. Bott, Yang-Mills equations over Riemann surfaces , Phil. Trans. Soc. Lond. A, 308, 523 - 615, (1982). [AB84] M. Atiyah, M. Bott, The moment map and equivariant cohomology , Topology 23 (1984), no. 1, 1 - 28. 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Yi Lin
Thomas Baird, Yi Lin
Topology of generalized complex quotients
33 pages, substantial changes made, expositions on twisted equivariant cohomology improved
Journal of Geometry and Physics 60(10) (2010) 1539-1557
math.DG math.SG
Consider the Hamiltonian action of a torus on a compact twisted generalized complex manifold $M$. We first observe that Kirwan injectivity and surjectivity hold for ordinary equivariant cohomology in this setting. Then we prove that these two results hold for the twisted equivariant cohomology as well.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 10 Feb 2008 18:52:45 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 1 Aug 2008 20:49:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Baird", "Thomas", "" ], [ "Lin", "Yi", "" ] ]
2 if one makes the following the components of the external magnetic field, andEjis the electric field produced, for exam- ple, by nuclei in molecules or solids. The Hamiltonian of Eq. (1) also covers popular 2D models of linear SO interaction of Rashba and/or Dresselhaus form [15]. In this case the time component of SU(2) po- tential is still given by Aa 0=guBBa, but with an while the spatial components are defined as follows, Az= 0, Ax= 2m(btx-aty),Ay= the Rashba and Dresselhaus SO cou- pling constants beauty of the representation (1) is that the corre- sponding action S[Ps,Au] (4) is invariant with respect to local non-Abelian UPs,Au/mapsto- an arbitrary SU(2) matrix. The above gauge invariance immediately implies of a color current, Ju=Ja uta, with 0 is a covariant derivative, Ps+taPssa(r,t) the covariant conservation law of Eq. (6) 0. Apparently the second and the fourth terms in this equa- tion violate conservation of the spin Ja 0=sa. The sec- ond term causes the spin precession in the U(1) The fourth term is the internal torque due to SO interaction. However, the variational definition of the spin four-current, Eqs. (7) and (8), based on the gauge invariance, leaves no room for an ambiguity. As soon as we identify the zeroth component, dS/dAa 0, with the spin density, we are forced to accept that the spa- tial part,dS/dAa j, is the spin current. Ja iis coupled to Aa iin exactly the same fashion as Ja 0is coupled to Aa 0,which is absolutely analogous to the familiar case of the charge four-current coupled to U(1) gauge field. One can also show that Ja i, Eq. (8), is a proper dissipative to an effective SU(2) electric field Fa 0i[16]. It is worth noting that Eq. (8) coincides with the of the spin current [2, 4, 5]. Armed with the gauge invariant Hamiltonian and the variational definition of Ja iwe are ready to approach the problem of equilibrium spin currents. SO interac- tion enters the Hamiltonian as an effective field. If a magnetic part of this color field is nonzero one naturally expects an orbital response in a form of color diamagnetic currents. These currents, if exist, are given by the derivative of the energy (ther- modynamic potential) E[Aa i] respect to Aa i. Since the energy is gauge invariant it can depend on Aa i only via invariants composed of the field (9) A particularform of invariantsis determined by the sym- metry of a particular system. For the sake of clarity I consider explicitly the case with linear SO coupling of the type. I also assume that the external scalar potential and the usual magnetic field are zero, i. e. in Eq.(1)U= 0andA0= 0. Aa ithe system is rotationally invariant, the first SO correction to the energy must be proportional to tr( FijFij), i. (10) wherelis a constant (on dimensional grounds l~ pD-2 F/m, wherepFis the Fermi momentum and D >1 is the dimension of space). Calculation of the is exactly of the form of Yang-Mills magnetostat- ics equation. Physically the result is very similar to the case of U(1) magnetic field: an external field currents aimed at compensating that field. There is, however, an essential difference in the spa- tial distribution of diamagnetic currents. In U(1) case the currents in the bulk vanish when the magnetic field approaches a constant. Only the integral defining the induced magnetic moment remains finite. In contrast, in the non-Abelian case bulk diamagnetic currents ex- ist even for a constant in space field. The reason is the commutator in the right hand side of Eq. (11). A simi- lar commutator in Eq. (9) gives a nonzero magnetic field even for a vector potential. Thus, in the case of a homogeneous field ( SO coupling constants), the bulk spin current is given (12)3 Equation (12) showsthat in the the spin current is proportional to the third power of non- Abelian potential. This naturally explains why spin current is proportional to a3[5]. The above phenomenology can be confirmed by calculations of the spin current for an ex- actly solvable model of noninteracting particles. First I consider homogeneous Ai. In this case the spin current, Eq. (8), is given by the the fermionic Matsubara frequency, and nis the density of particles. The one particle Green's is defined as follows ^G(o,p) (15) E+-(p) (16) After summation over oEq. (13) takes the (17) wherenF(E) is the Fermi distribution function. In the second term in Eq. (17) the density of particles is rep- resented as +nF(E+)]. The rest of calculations is straightforward. Assuming as usual that SO coupling is weak, we expand the distribution in terms and keep the first nonvanishing term in Eq. (17). This term is, as ex- pected, of the third order in Aa j. The final result at zero temperature is the the density of states at the Fermi level. It is easy to see that the expressionin the brackets in Eq. (18) is exactly the double righthand side of Eq. (12). Hence the phenomenological coefficient in the SO energy is l=NF/24m2. Thus the indeed confirm a diamagnetic nature of theequilibrium spin currents. The spin current in the model is obtained by inserting Aa i of Eq. (3) and NF=m/2pinto Eq. (20) Settingb= 0 we exactly recover the result by Rashba [5]. It is very interesting to realize that the formula for the spin current obtained in Ref. 5 is a hidden form of a covariant curl of the non-Abelian magnetic field! The spin current of Eqs. (19), (20) is zero at a=+-b. The reason is that the color magnetic field Fz xy= 4m2(a2- b2) vanishes at these special values of SO constants. In the absence of magnetic field there are no I will show that the gauge invariance allows to significantly simplify practical calculations of the spin current using powerful techniques of the linear response theory, in spite of an obvious nonlinearity in Aa i. Let Aa i(r) isweak (here we allow for a general inhomogeneity of the poten- tial). The standard linear response theory [17] yields Ja i(r) (21) where the response function is defined by the Kubo operator ^Ja iin Eq. (22) is given by the first term in the right hand side of Eq. (8). Due to the gauge invariance the vector potential Aa i can enter Eq. (21) only via the linearized field and, possibly, its spatial derivatives, i. By the same token, to recover the formula valid to the first order in the full nonlinear field strength, Fa ijof Eq. (11), we simply have to make the following Fa ij, other changes are forbidden by the gauge practice I consider again the example of a homogeneous (in the absence of Aa i(r)) and noninteracting electron gas with linear SO interaction. In this case Eq. (22) for the spin current response function in the momentum representa- tion simplifies as follows khab ij(q) Equation (24) coincides, up to a numer- ical factor, with a static charge current response field, which provides us with another confirma- tion of the diamagnetic nature of the equilibrium spin currents. To calculate the spin current response function we follow the usual route [17]. In the limit of qpF, which means that SO constants are slowly changing on the scale of p-1 F,khab ij(q) takes the form khab ij(q) this equation from q- tor-space, and in- serting the result into Eq. (21) we get for the spin (25) The final step is a substitution of Eq. (23), which yields the final gauge covariant expression valid to the first or- der in the total non-Abelian magnetic field Fij, Eq. the standard linear response theory the substitution of Eq. (23) exactly recovers the Yang-Mills form of the spin current, Eq. (11), with the correct coefficient l=NF/24m2. An obvious advantage of this way is that it allows to include the effects of interaction and external example, impurity scattering). The formalism is also easily transferable to nonequilibrium the general conclusion about the nature of equilibrium spin currents is not restricted to the model. Such diamagnetic present in any system with SO the effective color magnetic field of Eq. (9) is nonzero. As vanishing Fijis actually an exception (like in the case a=+-b) it should be possible to find for ab initio electronic structure calculations. In conclusion I identified the equilibrium spin currents with diamagnetic color currents in the presence of a non- Abelian field generated by SO coupling. If the particles have a color charge coupled to physical Yang-Mills fields, like in quark-gluon plasma, the color currents would pro- duce a back reaction field to compensate the external one. The absence of such back reaction does not make the equilibrium spin currents less real. They are as real as currents in a rotating refer- ence frame. One of the main outcomes of this work is should exist in most real systems. The it especially intriguing to observe and, possibly, to control such currents experimentally. In this respect a proposal by Sonin [7], connecting spin currents to me- chanical deformations, looks especially interesting. it isnot necessarilytodo exper- iments with a Rashba medium. Any material with strong SO interaction the same effect. Possibly the color diamag- netic currents can be also observed in trapped fields [11, 12]. I am grateful to G. Vignale for valuable comments. This work was supported by the Ikerbasque address: de [1] I.VZuti' c, J. Fabian, and S. Das Sarma, Rev. Mod. Phys. 76, 323 (2004). [2] E. I. Rashba, in Future Trends in Up the Nano Creek , edited by S. Luryi, J. M. Xu, and A. Zaslavsky (Wiley, Hoboken, J. Shi, P. Zhang, D. Xiao, and Q. Niu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 076604 (2006). [4] H.-A. Engel, E. .I. Rashba, and B. I. Halperin, in Hand- book of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials uller NewYork, 2007), Vol. 5; E. I. Rashba, Phys. Rev. B 68, 241315(R) (2003). [6] E. B. Sonin, Phys. Rev. B 76, 033306 (2007). [7] E. B. Sonin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 266602 (2007). [8] J. Fr ohlich and U. M. Studer, Rev. Mod. Phys. 65, 733 (1993). [9] A. Rebei and O. Heinonen, Phys. Rev. B 73, 153306 (2006); P.-Q. Jin, Y.-Q. Li, and F.-C. Zhang, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39, 7115 (2006); P.-Q. Jin and Y.-Q. Li, Phys. Rev. B 74, 085315 (2006); B. A. Bernevig, J. Oren- stein, and S.-C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 236601 (2006); N.Hatano, R.Shirasaki, andH.Nakamura, Phys. Rev. A75, 032107 (2007); B. W. A. Leurs, Z. Nazario, D. I. Santiago, and J. Zaanen, arXiv:0705.2953 (2007). [10] For example, it remains unnoticed that the vanishing static spinHall of the SU(2) gauge invariance. [11] K. Osterloh, M. Baig, L.Santos, P.Zoller, andM. Lewen- stein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 010403 (2005). [12] J. Ruseckas, G. Juzeliunas, P. Ohberg, and M. Fleis- chhauer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 010404 (2005). [13] The usual U(1) external vector potential Aiis not shown in Eq. (1). If needed, it is added additively to Ai. [14] The Greek subscripts u,n...label space-time coordi- nates, while the Latin subscripts i,j,k,... , and are usedtolabel spatial coordinates and the directions in theinternal spin space, respectively. Th e summation over repeated indexes is assumed throughout. [15] R. Winkler, Spin-Orbit Coupling Effects in Two- Dimensional Electron and Hole Systems 2003). [16] Using Eqs. (1) and (6) we G. F. Giuliani and G. Vignale, Quantum Theory of the Electron Liquid (Cambridge University Press, Cambrige, 2005).
Ilya V. Tokatly
I. V. Tokatly
Equilibrium spin currents: Non-Abelian gauge invariance and color diamagnetism in condensed matter
RevTeX, 4 pages
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 106601 (2008)
The spin-orbit (SO) interaction in condensed matter can be described in terms of a non-Abelian potential known in high-energy physics as a color field. I show that a magnetic component of this color field inevitably generates diamagnetic color currents which are just the equilibrium spin currents discussed in a condensed matter context. These dissipationless spin currents thus represent a universal property of systems with SO interaction. In semiconductors with linear SO coupling the spin currents are related to the effective non-Abelian field via Yang-Mills magnetostatics equation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 10 Feb 2008 20:28:35 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tokatly", "I. V.", "" ] ]
In the last years great effort has been devoted to the developmen t of and communication technology [1]. Among them creation a isakeyissue andexperimental realizat ionswith the use of photons, atoms, ions, nuclear-magnet, superconduc ting qubits etc. have been reported [2]. There, the entanglement between spatially are mainly used to exploit non-local property of quantum s ystems. In contrast, investigations of two-qubit entanglement with neutron s, one of the most useful quantum system to be utilized for studies of quantum m [3], have been performed with the use of their degrees o f freedom, namely spin and path, in a single particle: a violation of a Bell-like inequality [4], contextual nature of quantum theory [5], and a full tomograph ic analysis of Bell-states [6] were carried out. For further development towards it is inevitab le to es- tablish manipulation of other degrees of freedom. It is know that th e total energy of neutrons can be manipulated with the use of interactions between a neutron's magnetic moment and a time-dependent oscillating magnet ic field [7,8,9]. Recently, we have accomplished an experiment to exhibit a cohe rent energy manipulation of neutrons with the use of radio-frequency ( RF) oscil- lating magnetic field [10], enabling neutrons to be applied for investigat ions of Thus, we find it significant to demonstrate e xplicitly a phase manipulation for different energy eigenstates which will be ut ilized in forthcoming experiments such asa demonstrationof triple-entan glment with a GHZ-state [11]. In the neutron scattering community, a spin prece ssion, and utilized for zero-field spin-echo spectroscopy [14,15,16 ,17]. When a neutron is exposed to a stationary magnetic field, the motion of its 2spin vector is thoroughly described by the Bloch-equation exhibiting (1) wheregis the gyromagnetic ratio given by magnetic mo- ment and the neutron's spin, respectively. This is the equation of mo tion of a classical magnetic dipole in a magnetic field, which shows the precess ion of the spin vector /vectorSabout the magnetic field /vectorBwith the Larmor It is worth noting here that the Larmor precession angle (ro- tation angle) is obtained with a frequency oLand the propagation time T as oLT, solely depends on the strength of the applied magnetic field. In pr ac- tical experiments, the Larmor precession is utilized by a variety of D C contrast, when a neutron interacts with a time-dependent, ra ther oscillat- ing, magnetic field, photon exchange occurs and the total energy of neutrons is shifted. In particular when a so-called resonant spin-flipper is act ivated, decreases (or increases) by the interaction [9]. As a con- sequence, an additional phase, a zero-field phase, oRT is accumulated during the propagation afterwards. This phase shift, alternatively a spin precession, due to energy shift emerges even without a guide field, thus it is refe rred to a zero-field precession in literature [12,13]. It should be emphasized t hat this zero-field phase is independent of the applied guide field, namely the L armor phaseoLT, and purely depends on the frequency of the spin-flipper. In the following neutron polarimeter experiments, we demonstrate how on e can tune 3a zero-field phase oRT and a Larmor phase oLT 1. Experimental setup for demonstrations of zero-field and Larmor spin pre- cessions. From a polarized incident beam the first p/2 spin-rotator generates a superposition of The first RF flipper induces the energy shift each flipped spin eigenstate which leads to the zero-field spin precession until the second RF flipper where the energy difference is compensated. T he guide field B0, permeated along the beam path, leads to the Larmor spin prece ssion. The second p/2 spin-rotator together with the analyzer enables to exhibi t the intensity modu- lation due to the spin precessions. The translation of the DC and the RF individually the two phases when the RF flipper is turned on and off. The experiments were carried out at the neutron polarimetry facilit y at the 250-kW TRIGA research reactor of the Atomic Institute of the Au strian Uni- versities inVienna [18,19,20,21]. Aschematic view s etup is shown in Fig.1. The incident neutron beam is monochromatized (with a m ean wave length of l= 1.99@A which corresponds to a velocity of 1990 m/s) by the use of a pyrolitic graphite crystal and degree o f 98%) by reflection from a bent Co-Ti supermirror array. The diameter of the beam is confined to about 4mm in diameter by a Cd diaphragm. Th e initial polarization vector /vectorPiis perpendicular to the beam trajectory and de- fines the + ^z-direction. Another suppermirror array is used to analyze the fina l 4polarization /vectorPf. Depolarization of the neutron beam is minimized by applying a guide field along the beam trajectory wherever necessary: this g uide field B0 determines the Larmor frequency oL. In a neutron polarimeter setup described above, after going thro ugh an incident polarization is interpreted as superposit ion of two orthogonal spin states different phase shifts of these two states under further spinor manipulations result in a polarization change of the em erging neutron beam, i.e., we take a neutron sc heme. Be- tween the two p/2 spin-rotators, three spin-flippers are placed in the ition,one of the RF and the DC flippers are mounted together on a single trans lator, al- lowing to tune the propagation time of neutrons between the RF spin -flippers. The polarization vector after passing through all spin-flippers is ex pected to lie in the xy-plane, resulting from the interference between the sta tes A spin analyzer together with the second p/2 spin-rotator is used to resolve the different phase shifts accumulated through spin-flips. The first experiment shows a pure Larmor precession: both RF flipp ers are turned off and only the DC flipper is in operation. In this case, the sup the flipped states simply propagate within the guide field B0. These states the eigenstates of the guide field: no additional spinor rotation occurs. Then, each state mere ly obtains a Larmor phase adue to the guide field, which is given (2) 5Fig. 2. (a) Typical intensity oscillations with least squar e fits for the Larmor spin precession. Curves are shown with the guide field B0=10.90, 10.79, Dependence of the period on the strength of the gu ide field depicted for seven values of the guide field. A clear linear dependence agrees well with the theoretical predictions (see, Eq. after the DC flipper, the propagation time at the initial position, and the time shift for T 1, T2by shifting the position of the DC flipper. After the beam passes the p/2 spin-rotator and the analyzer, clear sinusoidal of high contrast were obtained. Typical experimental d ata with least square fits are shown in Fig.2(a): the strength of the guide fie ld was varied at B0=10.90, 10.79, 10.69, 10.58G. The shift of the oscillations is due tooLT (see,a0in Eq.(2)). In addition, the dependence of the period of the oscillations on the strength of the guide field is plotted in Fig.2(b). A line ar 6dependence, of which inclination is in good agreement with the theore value, is seen, which confirms the precession angle given b y Eq.(2). Fig. 3. (a) Typical intensity oscillations with least squar e fits for the zero-field spin precession. Curves are shown at the RF flipper frequenci esoR= 30.9, 30.6, 30.3, 30.0 kHz. (b) Dependence of the period on the frequency depicted for seven values of the frequency. A clear linear dependence agrees we ll with the (see, Eq. (3)). Next, characteristics of the zero-field precession are considere d: both RF flip- pers are turned on. In this case, the superposed states once flipped to and finally again flipped back to Then, the spin precession angle a'is expected to be given by the propagation time, T 1, T2, and T 3after each spin flipper expected to be induced by the change of T, since a positive and a n 1andT the DC flipper and the second RF flipper. In order to prove the fr of the precession, the frequency of the RF flippers w ere varied with keeping the strength of the guide field by B0=10.59G. Typical are shown in Fig.3(a) at the RF flipper frequencies of oR=30.9, 30.6, 30.3, and 30.0kHz. Clear sinusoidal oscillations of high contrast Aslight the flip-mode. And the shift of the oscillations arises from oRT In addition, a dependence of the period on the frequency is plotted in Fig.3(b). A linear dependence is seen and its inclination is in good agreem ent with the theory, which confirms the precession angle given by Eq.(3) . Note that the setup is constructed in a way that no spin rotation du e to the Larmor precession will occur, since the Larmor precessions be fore and after the second RF flipper, i.e., T 1and T 3, are compensated each other with all flippers turned on (see Eq.(3)). This independence of the La rmor precession can also be accessed in our experimental setup. In par ticular, the frequency of the RF flippers were tuned at the resonance o0=31.8kHz and the strength of the guide field was varied at B0=10.90, 10.79, 10.69, 10.58G. Typical experimental data with least square fits are shown Fig.4(a) : oscillations are obtained, confirming no spin rotationdue t o Larmor 8Fig. 4. (a) Typical intensity oscillations with least squar e fits for the Curves are shown with the guide field B0=10.90, 10.79, 10.69, 10.58G. All curves are identical as expected. (b) The period is plott ed versus the strength of the guide field for seven values. It is constant and indepen dent of the strength of the guide In addition, the period is plotted versus the strengt h of the guide field in Fig.4(b). Independent behavior of the period from the field st rength is seen as expected by Eq.(3). The results are in good agreement with theoretically predicted beha vior: the frequency of the oscillating fields affects only on the zero-field prec ession while the strength of the field does on the Larmor precession. The tact ics, that the RF and the DC flippers are displaced by the same amount, allows individu al control of both precessions. This is a great advantage for the se parate of the two-spaces, i.e., spin and energy spaces, in futu re neutron 9optical experiments. We are now proceeding further neutron inte rferometric and polarimetric experiments, where in a single ne utron system will be investigated, in particular, with the use of entangleme nt be- tween degrees of freedoms such as path, spin, and energy. In summary, we have presented experiments with a neutron polarim eter where two spin-precessions are manipulated to show their characteristic s. The zero- field precession is independent of the strength of the guide field and purely depends on the frequency of the RF spin-flippers, where an energ y shift oc- curs. In contrast, the Larmor precession solely depends on the s trength of the applied magnetic field. In addition, we have exhibited a method to manip the two phases, resulting from each spin precession. The method used here will be utilized in further neutron optical experiments dea ling with in a single particle system. This work has been partly supported by the Austrian Science Found ation, FWF (P17803-N02). Y.H. would like to thank the Japan Science and Te ch- nology Agency (JST) for financial Quantum Computation and Quantum Information , (Cambridge Unviversity Press, Cambridge, 2000). [2] Exploring the Quantum Press, Oxford, 2006). [3] H. Rauch and S.A. Werner, Neutron Interferometry , (Clarendon Press, Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, and H. Rauch, Nature425, 45 (2003). [5] Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, and H. Rauch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 230401 (2006). [6] Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, S. Filipp, J. Klepp, an d H. Rauch, Phys. Rev. A76, 052108 (2007). [7] B.Alefeld, G. Badurek, and H. Rauch, Z. Phys B 41231 (1981). [8] G. Badurek, H. Rauch, and J. Summhammer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 1015 (1983). [9] J. Summhammer, Phys. Rev. A 47, 56 (1993). [10] S. Sponar, J. Klepp, R. Loidl, S. Filipp, G. Badurek, Y. H asegawa, and H. Rauch, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. [11] D.M. Greenberger, M.A. Horne, and A. Zeilinger, in Bell's Theorem, Quantum Theory, and Concepts of the Universe The Netherlands, 1989). [12] R. Golub, R. G ahler, and T. Keller, Am. J. Phys. 62779 (1994). [13] W.H. Kraan, S.V. Grigoriev, R. kreuger, F.M. Mulder and M.Th. B 297, 23 (2001). [14] R. G ahler, and R. Golub, Z. Phys. B 65269 (1987). 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Yuji Hasegawa
S. Sponar, J. Klepp, G. Badurek and Y. Hasegawa
Zero-field and Larmor spinor precessions in a neutron polarimeter experiment
12 pages, 4 figures
We present a neutron polarimetric experiment where two kinds of spinor precessions are observed: one is induced by different total energy of neutrons (zero-field precession) and the other is induced by a stationary guide field (Larmor precession). A characteristic of the former is the dependence of the energy-difference, which is in practice tuned by the frequency of the interacting oscillating magnetic field. In contrast the latter completely depends on the strength of the guide field, namely Larmor frequency. Our neutron-polarimetric experiment exhibits individual tuning as well as specific properties of each spinor precession, which assures the use of both spin precessions for multi-entangled spinor manipulation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:10:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sponar", "S.", "" ], [ "Klepp", "J.", "" ], [ "Badurek", "G.", "" ], [ "Hasegawa", "Y.", "" ] ]
massmZ'>400 GeV and/or mZ'>800 GeV have been obtained [9], which are dependent on a specific model. No actual signals of the Z'have been detected. In recent experiments at Tevatron the derived low bou nds are a little bit larger and correspond to the masses mZ'>850 GeV [4]. On the other hand, in series of papers [1][2] a model independent met hod of searching for the Z'was developed. This approach accounts for a of an underlying unknown in other respect theory. The re quire- ment of results in a series of relations between low en ergy parameters describing interactions of the Z'with fermions of the standard model. This reduces the number of low-energy parameters which mu st be fitted in experiments. In this way the couplings of Z'to the fermions of the standard model and the mass mZ'were estimated at 1 -2sCL in the one- parameter [1] and many-parameter [2] fits. If these relations are not taken into consideration, no signals (hints, in fact) follow. It was also concluded that the statistics of the LEP experiments is n ot too large to detect the Z'as the virtual state with enough high precision. So, some further analysis is reasonable. One needs in the estimates whic h could be used in future experiments. To determine them in a maximally full wa y we address to the analysis based on the predictions of the neural n etworks (for applications in high energy physics see, for example, [7]). The m ain idea of this approach is to constrain a given data set in such a way tha t an amount of the data is considered as an inessential background and omitted. The remaining data are expected to give a more precise fit of the par ameters of interest. This is the goal of the present investigation. We treat the full data set on the Bhabha scattering process obtained in LEP2 exper iments by using the neural network method in order to determine the coupling s to the fermions and the mass of the Z'boson. 2 Neural network(NN) predictions The lack of statistics in LEP experiments does not allow the determina tion of theZ'-boson mass with CL more than 2 sin one-parameter fit [1] and more than 1 sin two-parameter fit [2]. We propose two points to overcome this restriction for the case of the Bhabha scattering process wh en a many parameter fit is applied. First, an increase in parametric space could be compensated by an in - crease in the data set, if all possible information is included in consider a- 2tion. In this paper we take into consideration the differential cross by the L3 Collaboration at 183-189 GeV, OPAL Collaboratio n at 130-207 GeV, ALEPH Collaboration at 130-183 GeV and the cross-s ections obtained by the DELPHI Collaboration at energies 189-207 GeV. The y form the set of differential cross-sections and their uncertainties for the center of mass we use NNs to predict the data set of the investigated pro cess with increased statistics. In experiments, the 4 pscattering angle is divided into bins where the detectors are placed. For each bin we have a differential cross-se ction and an uncertainty [8]. The Z'extends the SM and therefore contributes to the differential (1) wherez= costh,this a scattering angle,dsSM dzis the contribution coming due to the SM particles anddsZ' dzis the contribution due to the Z'presence. In actual calculations, the first term was taken from the results rep orted by the LEP Collaborations and the second one has been calculated in the impr oved Born approximation with the relations due to been ta ken into account. In this case it is possible to construct the observable s which uniquely pick out the Z'virtual state [1],[2]. Hence, the signal of the Z'could be searched in the deviation of experi- mental differential cross-section from the SM differential cross- section. Taking into account all the noted above we prepare the needed exp er- imental data set. It consists of a differential cross-section for t he Bhabha process and an uncertainty. In order to use it in our analysis we sub tract from it the SM differential cross-section for the Bhabha process. Going this way we obtain the data set: 1. scattering sector(bin). 2. ds dz- the difference between a measured differential cross-section an d the corresponding SM differential uncertainty. An overall distribution of the data is shown in Fig.1. As it is seen, this forms the set of segments determining the value of the cross-sec tion with its 3Figure 1: Experimental data are segments resulting from the expe Bins are enumerated. 1-5 bins correspond to scat tering in the backward direction ( Costh <0), the others - forward direction ( Costh To obtain a more strict constraint on the axial-vecto r -a2and vector -v2couplings squared, we have to decrease the lengths of segments. For this purpose the NN analysis is applied. At first stage, the NNs were trained to recognize the signal and th e contribution of the Z'to a differential cross-section for the Bhabha process obtained within the SM extended by Z'was taken as the signal. Analytic expression for this contribution reads the functions depend on the SM couplings. In actual analysis they have been calculated with accounting for the relations due to . This contribution was computed for the values of 0 Such the choice is based on the results, obtained in [1]. As the background we set the deviation from the signal equaled to t he redoubled uncertainty of LEP2 experimental data. Thus, the net work was 4trained to discard data, which correspond to large deviations from the signal, but include the ones corresponding to the probable signal of the Z'. The NN processing makes the cutoff of the data. The cutoff eliminate s the data which are assumed to be the background signal. Side by side with the background signals the NN could discard the signal data too. Bu t total amount of these events is negligibly small as compared to the amount of discarded background points. To create and train NNs the MLPFit program [6] was used. Three-la yer NNs were used, with 2 neurons in input, 10 neurons in hidden and 1 neu ron in output layer. An input vector for the networks consists of the scattering sect or and the differential cross-section for this sector. The training algorithm w ith back propagation of errors was used. The type of training - with tutor - was applied. We also worked out a necessary computer program to solve processing, the NNs discarded all the data that have produ ced a less than 0.9 at NN output. After NN processing, the length of segm ents was decreased. The total decrease of them is 3-27 percent (the se values vary for different data sets). The comparative general plot of data se t before and after the application of the NN is shown in Fig.2. After NNsprocessing, thedata were analyzed by meansof the an observable by si, one can construct the (3) where sexpanddsis the deviation of the measured cross-section from the SM one and the uncertainty for the Bhabha process, and sthis the calculated Z'contribution. The sum in Eq.(3) refers to either the data in one specific process or the combined data for several processes. By the estimate for the Z'couplings was derived. The confidence area in the parameter space (- v,-a) corresponding to the probability bis defined theb-level of the kh2-distribution with 2 degrees of freedom. The analysis of the kh2-function for the - v2observable gives kh2 min= 158.49 at -v2= 2.37x10-4. The 95% CL area ( kh2 CL= 5.99) is shown in Fig.3. From 5Figure 2: Plot of e+e--e+e-process data before and after NN processing. this area the value - v2= obtained. The 95% CL area for data before the NN processing is shown in Fig.4. The analysis of the kh2-function for the - a2observable results in kh2 min= 629.66 at -a2= 1.6x10-7. The 95% CL area ( kh2 CL= 5.99) is shown in Fig.5. To compare the results, the 95% CL area for data before NN proce ssing is shown in Fig.6. As one can see, the zero point of - ais inside the confidence area. So, limitonitsvalue- a2<=1.1x10-4 at the 2sCL. To constrain the value of Z'mass by the derived bounds on the four- fermion couplings - v2let us assume that the coupling - gis of the order of the SM gauge couplings, - Then the obtained value - v2 corresponds to mZ'= 0.53-1.05 TeV. In Ref. [1] the value - v2= obtained for the Bhabha process at the 2 sCL within one-parameter fit. 3 ground. We note once again that the NN discards not only a background but a lso 6Table1: Constraints onthe - v2obtained fit two-parameter fit NN two-parameter fit 1s 2s 2s <=1.44 2.4+-1.99 the signal. Nevertheless, the discarded signal data are negligibly sm all as compared to the discarded background ones. The obtained values of - v2= comparable to the results obtained in [1]. In this paper the result s were obtained within the one-parameter fit. In paper [2] it was shown tha t there is only a 1 sCL hint in the two-parameter fit. The analysis carried out in the present investigation shows the 2 sCL hint of the Z'. The estimate of the mass value gives mZ'= 0.53-1.05 TeV. This is signaling a comparably not heavyZ', that is of interest for the experiments at the Tevatron and LHC. The estimated couplings arealso important to analyze the current a data. To conclude, we note that the derived predictions of the NNs analys is of the two parameter fits are in good agreement with other one-pa fits accounting for the Z'gauge boson existence [5], A.V. Gulov and V.V. Skalozub, Phys. Rev. D 70, 115010 (2004). [2] A.V. Gulov and V.V. Skalozub, Phys. Rev. D 76, 075008 (2007). [3] A. Leike, Phys. Rep. 317, 143 (1999). [4] T. G. Rizzo, Presented at Conference onH igh Energy Physics (ICHEP 2008), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 200 8. [5] A. Ferroglia, A. Lorca, J.J. van der Bij, Annalen Phys.16:563-578 ,2007 [6] MLPFit, V.M.Abazov et al. [D0 Collaboration], Phys. Lett. B 517, 282 (2001). [8] ALEPH Collaboration (R. Barate et al.), Eur. Phys. J. C 12, 183- 207(2000); DELPHI Collaboration (J. Abdallah et al.), Eur. Phys. J. C45, 589-632(2006); L3 Collaboration (M. Acciarri et al.), Phys. Lett . B479, 101-117(2000); OPAL Collaboration (K. Ackerstaff et al.), Eur. Phys. J. C 2, 441-472(1998); OPAL Collaboration (G. Abbiendi et al.), Eur. Phys. J. C 6, 1-18(1999); OPAL Collaboration(G. Abbiendi et al.), Eur. Phys. J. C 33, ALEPH Collaboration, DELPHI Collaboration, L3 Collaboration, the LEP Electroweak Working Group, the SLD Heavy Flavour, Electroweak Working Group, 3: The 95% CL in - v--aplane for - v2observable. The data set after the NN 4: The 95% CL in - v--aplane for - v2observable. The data set before the NN 5: The 95% CL in - v--aplane for - a2observable. The data set after the NN processing. As it is seen, the zero point of - ais inside the 6: The 95% CL in - v--aplane for - a2observable. The data set before the NN processing. 12
Alexey Gulov
A. N. Buryk, V. V. Skalozub
Neural network predictions for Z' boson within LEP2 data set of Bhabha process
12 pages, 6 figures; results of all the LEP2 collaborations were analysed
The neural network approach is applied to search for the Z'-boson within the LEP2 data set for e+ e- -> e+ e- scattering process. In the course of the analysis, the data set is reduced by 20 percent. The axial-vector and vector couplings of the Z' are estimated at 95 percent CL within a two-parameter fit. The mass is determined to be 0.53-1.05 TeV. Comparisons with other results are given.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 11 Feb 2008 17:53:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 15 May 2009 16:09:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Buryk", "A. N.", "" ], [ "Skalozub", "V. V.", "" ] ]
1 Introduction One of the major subjects in particle physics is to determine the CKM matrix elements in order to test the standard model and find a clue to the physics be yond. While the precision of the experimental data from Bfactories having been improving are still large uncertainties in the CKM matrix elements due to t he which includes those in the lattice determination of the weak matrix elements is often the case that a symmetry helps to obtain nonperturbat ive results in field theories. For example, the chiral Lagrangian based on the approx imate chiral symmetry can help to understand the quark mass dependence of the light mes ons and also to relations between different physical quantities related b y the chiral symmetry. For theBmesons, there is another symmetry called 'heavy quark symmetry' which largequarkmass. heavy meson effective theory, which gives a systematic descrip tion of the including 1 /Mcorrections. Using this effective theory one can understand the light quark mass dependence of various physical observables of th eBmeson weak matrix elements and can also derive nontrivial relations between different q uantities, provided the low energy constants being determined from some method. The heavy meson effective Lagrangian has single low energy constan t at the leading order of the 1 /Mexpansion. This constant, ^ gb, is called the B*Bpcoupling. is determined, the heavy meson effective theory can predic t which are important for CKM phenomenology [1]. For examp le the light analytic terms , analytic terms . (2) FandBare the low energy constants associated with these operators, a nd correspond to those quantities in the chiral limit of the light quark. Also the form fac torf+(q2) for the semileptonic decay B-plncan be expressed in terms of the B*meson decay constant fB*and ^gbas f+(q2) (3) wherevis the velocity of the Bmeson,kis the pion momentum, and = it isquite important to determine the B*Bpcoupling very precisely fromlattice QCD simulations. For this purpose, one of the promising approaches is to use the heavy quark effective theory (HQET) with nonperturbative accuracy inc luding allows systematic treatment of the bquark in the continuum theory where 1 /M corrections can also be systematically included with nonperturbativ e its usefulness, it is very difficult in practice to calculate the ma trix elements for heavy-light systems with HQET [2, 3, 4]. This is because in the heav y-light system the self-energy correction to the static quark gives a significant c ontribution to the correlators. In fact, recent results of ^ gare ^g= fornf= 0 [3], (4) ^g= 0.51+-0.10stat fornf= 2 [4], (5) which have about 5% and 15% statistical errors for quenched and u nquenched cases, re- spectively. An alternative method which extracts ^ gfrom theBquark potential was proposed in Ref. [5], but such accuracies would not be sufficient to te st new significant improvements for statistical precision in HQE T are needed. Fortu- nately the two techniques to reduce the statistical error are dev eloped recently, which are the new HQET action [6, 7] with HYP smearing [8] and the all-to-all prop agators [9] with the low mode averaging [10, 11]. Negishi et al.[12] tested applicability of these methods on a quenched lattice, and found that the statistical accuracy is d rastically improved as ^g= 0.517(16) stat.fornf= 0, (6) namely at 2% level, even with a modest number of final goal is to extend the above strategy to unquenched simu lations and give a precise value of the B*Bpcoupling ^gbwith 2 + 1 flavors in the continuum limit. In this paper, we study the static B*Bpcoupling in nf= 2 unquenched QCD combining two techniques of the HYP smeared link and the all-to-all propagato rs. Our purpose is two-fold. The primary purpose is to perform the first high precision study of ^ginnf= 2 unquenched QCD, which serves a reference point for future stud ies with better control over the systematic errors. The secondary goal is to understan d in what conditions ofthe statistical errorsonthe time and the numbers of low-lying eigenmodes, as well as their behavio r against variation of the quark mass and the lattice spacing. This will help us to underst and in which region of parameters the method can give good control over the statist ical errors, which will also be useful to precision calculations of other physics parameters fo r heavy-light systems. This paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we describe the meth od to from the Bmeson matrix element. Section 3 explains our In this section we first arrive at our final result for the B*Bpcoupling with our best parameter setting. Then in Section 4, the efficiency of the low m ode averaging is examined in detail. Conclusion is given in Section 5. 22 Lattice observables The Lagrangian of heavy meson effective theory is given (7) where the low energy constant ^ gbis the four-velocity of the heavy-light meson BorB*, andH,Du,Auare described by the B,B*andpfields x= exp(ip/f), A can be obtained from the form factor at zero recoil which c orresponds to the matrix pB*=/vector pB=0= (mB+mB*)A1(q2= 0)o(l) i, (10) whereA1(q2= 0) is the matrix element of the transition from BtoB*at zero recoil with axial current for polarization [2]. In the static limit, ^g=A1(q2= 0) (11) holds. The matrix element the zero recoil can be obtained from the ratio of 3-point and 2-point functions, some operator having quantum numbers of the We apply the smearing technique to enhance the grou nd state contributions to the correlators as OB(t,/vector x) rph(/vector r)-q(t,/vector x+/vector r)g5h(t,/vector x), x) rph(/vector r)-q(t,/vector x+/vector r)gih(t,/vector x), x) is the smearing function. 3The lattice HQET action in the static limit is defined (16) whereh(x) is the heavy quark field. The static quark propagator is obtained b y solving the time evolution equation. As is well known, the HQET propagator is very noisy, and it becomes increasingly serious as the continuum limit is approached. In order to reduce the noise, the Alpha collaboration [6, 7] studied the HQET action in which th e link variables Uu(x) are replaced by the smeared links Wu(x) in order to suppress the power divergence. They found that the noise of the static heavy-light meson is significa ntly suppressed with so-called HYP smearing [8]. The statistical error is further suppressed by applying the all-to- all propagator tech- nique developed by the TrinLat collaboration [9]. Defining the Hermitian lattice whereDis the lattice Dirac operator, the quark propagator Sq(x,y) is expressed by the inverse of the Hermitian Dirac operator -Q=Q-1as Sq(x,y) =-Q(x,y)g5. (17) We divide the light quark propagator into two parts: the low mode par t and the high mode part. The low mode part can be obtained using low eigenmodes of Hermitian Dirac operatorQ. The high mode part can be obtained by the standard random noise m ethods with time, color, and spin dilutions. With the projection operators int o the low and high mode P 1= 1-P0, the propagator can be decomposed into two parts a s -Q=-Q0+-QP1, (19) -Q0(x,y) (20) (-QP1)(x,y) (21) whereNris the number of random noise and jis the index for dilution to label the set of time, spin and color sources, j= (t0,a0,a0). The low mode part Q0is constructed from the eigenvectors v(i)with their eigenvalues li, which are to be obtained at a preceding stage. As the random noise vector for the high mode part, we adop t the complex Z2noise. The random noise vector with dilution is given (22) 4blattice size cswa-1[GeV] k m 123x24 1.60 0.9177(92) 0.1409 1.06 200 100 0.1430 0.90 200 100 0.1445 0.75 200 100 0.1464 0.49 200 100 1.95 163x32 1.53 1.269(14) 0.1375 1.13 0 120 0.1390 0.92 200 150 0.1400 0.76 200 150 0.1410 0.54 200 150 Table 1: The simulation parameters. The values of the lattice spacing and the pion mass are from Ref. [13]. psis given as ps[r](x) (23) which is obtained by solving a linear equation Qps[r]=P1e[r]. Further details of the computation methods are given in Ref. [12]. Combining these propagators, we can obtain the 2-point functions for the which are averaged all over the spacetime. Similarly, the 3-po int functions can be divided into four parts: low-low, low-high, high-low and high-high part s. 3 Results 3.1 Simulation setup Numerical simulations are carried out on 123x24 lattices at b= 1.80 and 163x32 lattices atb= 1.95 with two flavors of O(a)-improved Wilson quarks and Iwasaki gauge action. We make use of about 100 to 150 gauge configurations prov ided by [13] through JLDG (Japan Lattice DataGrid). We use t fermion for the light valence quark with the masses set equal t o the sea quark masses. We use the static quark action with the HYP smeared links wit h the values ( a1,a2,a3) = (0.75,0.6,0.3) (HYP1) [6, 7]. The ph(r) = exp(-0.9^r), where heavy quark and the light quark in lattice units. The configuratio ns are fixed to the Coulomb gauge. We obtain the low-lying eigenmodes of the Hermitian Dirac operator us ing Lanczos algorithm. The low mode parts of the correlatio n functions are com- puted with Nev= 200 low-lying eigenmodes, except for the case of k= 0.1375 atb= 1.95 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 mass mass (3-point) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 mass mass (3-point) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 mass mass (3-point) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 mass mass (3-point) Figure 1: The effective mass plot of the 2-point and 3-point function s atb= 1.80. Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right panels correspond to k= 0.1409, 0.1430, 0.1445, 0.1464, is obtained with Nev= 0. The reason of this choice will be explained in Sec. 4. The high mode parts of the correlation functions are computed with vector with Nr= 1. The number of time dilution for each configuration are set to Nt0= 24 atb= 1.80 andNt0= 32 atb= 1.95, respectively. This setup is based on the experience from the work by Negishi et al. [12]. 3.2 Correlation function and effective mass Figures 1 and 2 show the effective mass plots for the 2-point and 3-p oint functions . We find that the 2-point functions exhibit nice plateaux at t>=4 forb= 1.80 and att>=5 forb= 1.95. From this result we take tA= 5 forb= 1.8 andtA= 6 forb= 1.95 as a reasonable choice for the time separation between the current Aiand theBmeson source. We also find that the effective masses of the 3-point functions give c onsistent values with those of the 2-point functions. We fit the 2-point and 3-point func tions to exponential 60 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 mass mass (3-point) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 mass mass (3-point) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 mass mass (3-point) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 mass mass (3-point) Figure 2: The effective mass plot of the 2-point and 3-point function s atb= 1.95. Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right panels correspond to k= 0.1375, 0.1390, 0.1400, 0.1410, with single exponent as C2(t) =Z2exp(-Estatt), C 3(t) =Z3exp(-Estatt), constant parameters and Estatcorresponds to the energy of the heavy-light meson. The fit ranges are chosen appropriately by obs erving the effective mass plots as listed in Table 2. The bare B*Bpcoupling can be obtained by the ratio of the fit parameters as ^ gbare =Z3/Z2. Alternatively, the B*Bpcoupling is also extracted from the ratio of the 3-point and 2-point functions, C3(t)/C2(t), as shown in Figures 3. We find that the fit of the ratio C3(t)/C2(t) to a constant value gives consistent value with the value of Z3/Z2. Since the statistical accuracy is better, we employ ^gin the following analyses. The results are summarized in Table 2. 7b k 0.1409 (5,10) (8,10) 0.9412(19) 2.252(21) 0.612(5) 0.1430 (5,10) (8,10) 0.8839(21) 2.294(23) 0.598(5) 0.1445 (5,10) (8,10) 0.8343(16) 2.342(13) 0.591(4) 0.1464 (5,10) (8,10) 0.7488(17) 2.381(27) 0.578(5) 1.95 0.1375 (8,14) (11,14) 0.7669(27) 2.435( 8) 0.618(8) 0.1390 (8,14) (11,14) 0.7093(18) 2.471(16) 0.615(5) 0.1400 (8,14) (11,14) 0.6638(15) 2.461(14) 0.599(4) 0.1410 (8,14) (11,14) 0.6098(14) 2.400(13) 0.571(4) Table2: Thenumerical mesonenergy aE, 2-point functions Z3/Z2, and ^g. and are the fit ranges for the 2-point and 3-point correlators, respectively. For the values of ^g, only the are quoted. 3.3 Physical value of the B*Bpcoupling and chiral physical value of the B*Bpcoupling is obtained by multiplying the bare value by the renormalization constant. We use the one-loop result of the re normalization factor for the axial vector current Ai= bA= the gauge coupling g2 MS(u) = 3.155, 2.816 and ZA= 0.932, 0.939 for b= 1.80 and 1.95, respectively, as given in Ref. [13]. We arrive at the results of ^ gfor ourkvalues in Table 2. We take the chiral extrapolation of the B*Bpcoupling employing the following respectively (b)th (c) the quadratic plus chiral log extrapolation where the log coe fficient is determined from ChPT [14, 15, 16]. We use three lightest data points for the fit ( a), while all the four points for (b) and (c). We obtain physical values of the B*Bpcoupling in the chiral limit as ^g= 0.57(1), 0.57(2), 0.52(1) at b= 1.80 and ^g= 0.548(6), 0.529(10), 0.480(8) at 87 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 tA=6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 tA=6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 tA=6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 tA=6 Figure 3: The ratio of the 3-point and 2-point functions versus tatb= 1.95. Correspon- dence of the panels and the values of kis the same as in Fig. 2. b= 1.95 from the fit (a), (b), (c), respectively. Figure 4 shows these c hiral take the average of the results from the linear fit and the quadr atic plus chiral log fit as our best value and take half the difference as the systematic e rror from the 0) = 0 .543(5) 1.80, (26) = 0.516(5) 1.95. (27) Since we have only two lattice spacings, naive continuum extrapolatio n would not give a reliable result. However, the results at these two lattice spacings are consistent within quoted we take the result at b= 1.95 as our best estimate for the 1We do not observe a large scaling violation for ^ gas opposed to the case of fpby . A possible explanation is that the large scaling violation f orfpmight come from the perturbative error of cA, which is the O(a)-improvement coefficient of the light-light axial vector current. If this is the case, fpreceives significant systematic error from the O(a)-improvement term for the temporal axial vector current acA4Pdue to the chiral enhancement, whereas ^ gdoes not receive such a systematic error since the corresponding term acAiPdrops out from the matrix element by the sum over the space. 90 0.5 1 (3pt) quad (4pt) data best value 0 0.5 1 (3pt) quad (4pt) data best value Figure 4: The chiral extrapolation of the physical B*Bpcoupling at b= 1.80 (left panel) andb= 1.95 value of ^ g, and estimate the discretization error of O((aL)2) by order counting with L~0.3 GeV. Including the perturbative error of O(a2) also by order counting, our results for ^gis ^gnf=2 = 0.516(5) (28) In our study, each of the chiral extrapolation error, the pertur bative error, and the dis- cretization error is about 6% level. The perturbative error can be r emoved by employing the nonperturbative renormalization such as the RI-MOM scheme, which is to the light-light axial vector current. The discretization er ror could be reduced by computing on finer lattices. For example, an order counting estim ate suggests that error would be reduced to about 2% on the configura tions of CP-PACS at b= 2.10. In contrast, it is not straightforward to control the chiral e xtrapolation error. It is definitely necessary to use recent unquenched configuration s with smallest pion mass mp~0.3 GeV. More predominant approach is to employ a fermion formulation possess- ing the chiral symmetry, such as the overlap fermions, which makes the more transparent. 4 Applicability of the low mode averaging In this section, we examine under what condition the all-to-all propa gator technique, in particular the low mode averaging, is efficient to reduce the statistic al error. This would give us a guide to extend our computation to unquenched simulations with smaller quark masses and finer lattices. We mainly investigate the case of b= 1.80 in the 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 5: The low-lying eigenmode distribution for various katb= 1.80 with 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 6: The low and high mode contributions to the 2-point correlat ors versustat b= 1.80. k= Observation of the noise to signal ratio Figure 5 shows the distribution of about 250 lowest eigenmodes for e achk. Since the contribution of each mode v(i)to the correlator is multiplied by 1 /li, one naively expects that with a fixed number of modes the low mode averaging should be pa rticularly effective for the smallest quark mass. This is indeed true for the 2-point and 3 -point correlators. Figure 6 represents the low and high mode cont ributions to the For the smaller quark mass, the low mode part is indeed more dominant the 2-point correlator in the earlier t. In Figure 7 we show the comparison of the noise to signal ratio of the 2-point functions with different number of low eigenmodes, Nev= 0, 50, 100, 200 for k= 0.1464 and k= 0.1430 atb= 1.80. For the smallest quark mass, the statistical error of the 2-po int function is 1.5-2 times improved as Nevis changed from 0 to 200. While this is not a 110 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 7: The time dependence of the noise to signal ratio for k= 0.1464 (left panel) andk= 0.1430 (right) at b= 1.80 with 40 improvement, comparing the costs to determine the low-lyin g eigenmodes and to solve the quark propagator (the latter is 8-10 times larger than th e former), there is still an advantage to adopt the low-mode averaging. Projecting out th e low-lying modes also improves the cost of solving the quark propagator. These effects are amplified as going to smaller quark mass region. In the region of larger light quark mass, however, the situation is diff erent. The right panel of Fig. 7 shows the noise to signal ratio of the 2-point functio n fork= 0.1430. The noise to signal ratio for t <7 achieves about factor 1.3 improvement in the as we change Nevfrom 0 to 200. For t>7, on the contrary, the noise to signal 0 starts to grow more rapidly than that with Nev= 0 which keeps to grow steadily. As the result, the low-mode averaging deteriorates the s tatistical accuracy at this and larger light quark masses. 4.2 High mode and low mode contributions to the noise To investigate the origin of this behavior, we examine the high mode an d low to the error of correlator separately. In general, by projecting out larger number of low modes, the high m ode part de- creases. Therefore one might naively expect that the error also d ecreases. This is indeed the case for k= 0.1464. However for k= 0.1430 such a naive expectation does not hold. Figs. 8 shows the time dependence of the error for the high mode pa rt of the 2 point correlator with various values of Nevatk= 0.1464 andk= 0.1430. As is displayed in the right panel of Fig. 8, although the error of the high mode contribut ion to the correlator atk= 0.1430 does decrease at t<7 with larger Nev, the errors of the high mode part at t >7 withNev= 50,100,200 exceed that with Nev= 0. This clearly indicates that for t >7 both the high and low mode parts of the correlator individually have la rge errors, but when they are combined the error of the total correlator bec omes small. In this situa- 120 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 8: The time dependence of the noise from the high mode part f ork= 0.1464 (left panel) and k= 0.1430 (right) at b= 1.80 with 40 1 2 3 4 5678 9 10 11 (noise) High mode part Low mode part (noise) Low mode part (eigen)b = 1.80, k = 0.1430, Nev = 50 Figure 9: The noise to signal ratio of the low and high mode parts for t he for k= 0.1430 atb= 1.80 with 40 configurations. The signal part is always taken to be the total correlator using only the noisy estimator. Th e projection is made with 50 eigenmodes. tion if the low mode part is improved by the low mode averaging, which re duces the error by certain factor, the error of the high mode part of the same size remains unreduced and dominates the error of the correlator. To see it more clearly, let us decompose the 2-point correlator comp uted by the noisy estimator (corresponding to Nev=0) into the high and low mode parts. The total corre- lators are computed only with the noisy estimator (denoted as 'tota l(noise)'). The high and low mode parts ('high(noise)' and 'low(noise)') are separately co mputed using the ex- actly same random source as for the total correlators but proje cted into the high and low mode spaces with the projection operators P1andP0, respectively. Figure 9 displays the statistical errors from the low and high mode parts normalized with t he total correlator, 130 1 2 3 4 5678 9 10 11 (noise) Low mode (Nev =200) Low mode (Nev = 50) Low mode (Nev = 16) Low mode (Nev = 4) Low mode (Nev = 1)b = 1.80, k = 0.1464 0 1 2 3 4 5678 9 10 11 (noise) Low mode (Nev =200) Low mode (Nev = 50) Low mode (Nev = 16) Low mode (Nev = 4) Low mode (Nev = 1)b = 1.80, k = 0.1430 Figure 10: The noise to signal ratio of the low and high mode parts for the at b= 1.80 with 40 configurations. The signal part is always taken to be the total correlator using only the noisy estimator. The left and rig ht panels show the dependence of the error of 'low(noise)' on Nevfork= 0.1464 andk= 0.1430, respectively. in the case of Nev= 50 atk= 0.1430. For comparison we also show the error of the low mode part determined with low mode averaging ('low(eigen)'). This figu re confirms that the fluctuations of the low and high mode parts are almost the same s ize and compensate in the total correlator so as to give much smaller error. The errors of the low mode parts, Enoise(t) andEeigen(t), exponentially grow with similar rates, while different from that of the total correlator. Such a behavior continues as we decrease Neveven down to a few Nev. The right panel of Fig. 10 shows the case of Nev= 1, 4, 16, 50, 200 for k= 0.1430, where the fluctuations of the low mode part, Enoise(t), grows similar rates, while absolute values are shifted downward. The left panel of Fig. 10 shows the case for k= 0.1464. We observe that the low mode part ('low(noise)') does not exceed the signal by la rge amount, which explains the behavior observed in Fig. 7. The reason why projecting into the low or high mode part provides a d rastic en- hancement of the error is still unknown. Although the phenomena t hemselves are and deserves for further studies, in this paper we res trict ourselves within to applicability of the all-to-all propagator technique to th e static When is the low mode averaging efficient? We have seen that the low mode averaging is efficient only if the error o f the noisy estimator (not the correlator itself) is dominated by the low mode pa rt. Once the errors from the high and low mode parts of the correlator start to exceed the error of the the low mode averaging is no longer effective but it makes the situation even 140.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 t 11: The time dependence of the noise to signal ratio of the 2- point correlators at b= 1.95. The results are determined with Nev= 200, while for k= 0.1375 theNev= 0 result is also displayed. much worse. Our result implies that at b= 1.80 andk<0.1430, the rapid growth of the error att>=7 in Fig. 7 signals the breakdown of the above condition. For k<=0.1430, the noisy estimator without the low mode averaging works better. T hus the low mode averaging is only efficient in the small quark mass region. However, sin ce we have already taken the data and they provided satisfactory statistical accur acy of 2% level, we adopted the result with the low mode averaging propagator at b= 1.80. As for b= 1.95, the low mode averaging has not provided sufficient statistical accuracy fork= 0.1375. Thus we adopted the noisy estimator without the low mode averaging at th iskas was already noted in the previous section. The results at b= 1.95 are displayed in Figure 11. The figure shows the noise to signal ratio of the 2-point correlators at each kagainsttin physical units. For k= 0.1375 both the results with Nev= 0 and 200 are shown, and the former indeed exhibits error. For all the values of kwithNev= 200, the slopes of the rate of the noise to signal ratio change around t~16, and beyond that tthe slopes become steeper as the quark mass increases. This behavior is clear ly explained with the breakdown mechanism of the low mode averaging mentioned above. We can also extract a hint on the lattice spacing dependence of the s tatistical accuracy by comparing b= 1.80 andb= 1.95. Comparison of Figs. 7 and 11 implies that the noise to signal ratio is similar or even smaller for finer lattices. This is pa rtly explained by the fact that as going the finer lattices one has the larger numbe r of lattice points (if the volume is kept unchanged) which are used for the all-to-all prop agator. As observed in Figs. 1 and 7, the statistical errors at b= 1.80 rapidly increases beyond t~8, to t~1.6 fm in physical units. Thus the low mode averaging breaks down almost at the same physical distances at these two lattice spacings . This implies that also 150 0.5 1 result (123 x 24) Our result (163 x 32) Becirevic et al. (nf=2) Negishi et al. (nf=0) Abada et al. (nf=0) Figure 12: Comparison of ^ gwith other calculations [3, 4, 12]. In our results, the small and large errors represent the statistical error and the pertur bative error, respectively. on finer lattices of a~0.1 fm, one can extract precise values of B*Bpcoupling from the regiont<1.6 fm by applying the same methods as this work, while careful tuning o f the smearing function would be indispensable. 5 Conclusion In this paper, we computed the B*Bpcoupling on unquenched lattices using the HYP smearing and the all-to-all propagators. Using the low mode averag ing with 200 eigen- modes, the statistical errors are kept sufficiently small for smaller quark masses. On the other hand, as was investigated in Sec. 4 in detail, the low mode avera ging is not efficient for larger light quark mass region, where the simple noisy estimator p rovides better pre- cision. In either case, the statistical error is controlled below 2% lev el in the chiral limit. We obtained consistent results at two lattice spacings. Our best es timate of the B*Bp coupling in the static limit is represented in Eq. (28). Figure 12 compar es our results with other recent works on the B*Bpcoupling [2, 4, 12]. The improvement in is drastic, which proves the power of the improvement tec hniques employed in this paper. For future prospects, better control over the systematic err or from the chiral extrap- olation is indispensable. For this purpose, the configurations with dy namical overlap fermions by JLQCD collaboration would be a good choice [18, 19, 20]. In order to obtain ^gbat the physical bottom quark mass, one needs to understand the mass dependence of ^ g. Simulations with the charm quark mass region and interpolation with th e static limit are desired. The methods adopted in this work are in principle also applicab le to other weak 16matrix elements of the Bmesons, such as fB,BB, and the form factors, and expected to provide high precision results required in precision flavor would like to thank S. Aoki, M. Della Morte, N. Ishizuka, C. Sachraj da, T. Umeda for fruitful discussions. We are also grateful to S. Fajfer and J. Kam enik for useful comments. We acknowledge JLDG for providing with unquenched configurations from . The numerical calculations were carried out on the ve ctor KyotoUniv ersity Nuclear Physics, Osaka University and also Blue Gene/L at High En ergy Thesimulation alsoowes toa gigabitnetwork SIN ET3 supported forefficient datatransfersu supported in part by the Grant-in-Aid of the Ministry of Education (Nos. C. G. Boyd and B. Grinstein, Nucl. Phys. B 442, 205(1995) G. M. de Divitiis, L. Del Debbio, M. Di Pierro, J. M. 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Hiroshi Ohki
Hiroshi Ohki, Hideo Matsufuru, Tetsuya Onogi
Determination of B*B pi coupling in unquenched QCD
YITP-08-3, KUNS-2123, KEK-CP-206
The $B^* B\pi$ coupling is a fundamental parameter of chiral effective Lagrangian with heavy-light mesons and can constrain the chiral behavior of $f_B$, $B_B$ and the $B\to \pi l \nu$ form factor in the soft pion limit. We compute the $B^* B \pi $ coupling with the static heavy quark and the $O(a)$-improved Wilson light quark. Simulations are carried out with $n_f=2$ unquenched $12^3\times 24$ lattices at $\beta=1.80$ and $16^3\times 32$ lattices at $\beta=1.95$ generated by CP-PACS collaboration. To improve the statistical accuracy, we employ the all-to-all propagator technique and the static quark action with smeared temporal link variables following the quenched study by Negishi {\it et al.}. These methods successfully work also on unquenched lattices, and determine the $B^*B\pi$ coupling with 1--2% statistical accuracy on each lattice spacing.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 12 Feb 2008 03:57:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ohki", "Hiroshi", "" ], [ "Matsufuru", "Hideo", "" ], [ "Onogi", "Tetsuya", "" ] ]
- 2 - the GOODS-N field. We are thus encouraged to apply far infrared ice emission models to the available observations of HDF 850.1, the brightest sub in the Hubble Deep Field . We suggest that a redshift as large as 13 may need to be considered for this source, nearly a factor of three ab ove the usual top estimate. Inclusion of the possibility of far infrared ice emission in the spectral energy distributions of model sources generally broadens the ran ge of redshifts to beconsidered forsubmillimeter sources headings: galaxies: high redshift, formation -- infrared: galaxies -- galaxies: individual: IRAS 00188-0856, IRAS 14348-1447, QSO J114 8+5251, HDF 850.1 1. discovered in surveys undertaken using 450/850 um SCUBA camera mounted on the JCMT have a high number density per unit solid angle ( ~104deg-2; S850>1 mJy; Sanders 2000; Wang et al. 2004) and are thought to trace the dus t emission from sources at a range of redshifts. Sources brighter than 1 mJy which have Arp 2 20-like far infrared (FIR) spectral energy distributions (SEDs) are ultraluminous in the h100= 0.71, ohmm= 0.27, and ohmL= 0.73 cosmology consistent with cosmic microwave background (CMB) a nd Type 1a SNe observations (Spergel et al. 2003; Nolta et al. 2004; Riess et a l. 2004) unless they are at redshifts <1 so that, thus far, submillimeter surveys do not detect normal g alaxies at high redshift. This should be the case even for gravitational lens am plification up to a factor of 4 for 2 mJy limit surveys. It is therefore a sensible approach to consider the properties of lo cal galaxies (ULIRGs; Sanders & Mirabel 1996) as a guide to un derstanding sources detected in submillimeter surveys with the proviso that the high reds hift universe may not conserve these properties. It has already been noted that the n umber density of ULIRGs increases with redshift at a rate much larger than can be explained u sing geometric con- siderations alone (Kim & Sanders 1998) and deep field observations u sing theHubble Space Telescope have found quite obvious morphological evolution at higher redshift s compared to local conditions ( e.g.Brinchmann et al. 1998). While these particular evidences of evolutio n as a function of redshift do not directly speak to ULIRG SED evolutio n, they do suggest that this proviso cannot be lightly discounted. Ice is present in the dense ISM of the Galaxy. It is observed to occu r above a threshold depth of A V~3 within molecular clouds but is absent on the cloud edges and in the diffu se- 3 ISM (Whittet et al. 1988). Because ice is not expos ed to star light, far infrared (FIR) emission from ice is not expected from quiescent clou ds. The FIR emission from these ice bearing clouds arises from the first few ice-free A V. To observe ice emission in the Galaxy, centrally heated sources are needed. If mid-infrare d (MIR) radiation can illuminate the ice bearing grains so that they may be heated, then the FIR emission will be dominated by ice if the ice mantles provide a moderate fraction of the total grain volume. This FIRdominance isowing togreaterFIR tosilic ate In the models presented by Aannestad (1975), a mantle-t o-core volume ratio of 0.33 doubles the 60 um opacity: a 10% increase in grain radius doubles the in the Galaxy which are centrally heated turn out to be g ood sources for observing FIR ice emission ( e.g.Dartois et al. 1998). And, there is mounting evidence that a significant fraction of local ULIRGs are also centrally heated (Dud ley & Soifer et al. 2002; Imanishi & Dudley 2000; Imanishi & Maloney 2003; Imanishi et al. 2006a; Spoon et al. 2006) so that the FIR emission is a result of MIR h eating. Thus, if ice is present in the FIR emitting regions, its effects on the FIR opacity m ay be important. This situation differs from what occurs in lower luminosity starburst g alaxies where the FIR emission arises from the surfaces of molecular clouds which are heat ed by optical and far UV rather than MIR light. The interiors of the clouds, where ice pres umably exists, are not strongly heated by the mainly FIR emission arising from their surface s. If submillimeter galaxies are similar to ULIRGs in more than just their lum inosity, then they may also sometimes have FIR emission that is powered by MI R light. For the question of the similarity between submillimeter galaxies and local ULIRGs to estimate redshifts for the submillimeter sources base d on their radio fluxes could be guided by local ULIRG samples. For the 13 ULIRGs brighter t han 5.24 Jy at 60 um (Soifer et al. 1987; Sanders et al. 1995) available to the VLA, the m ean logarithm of the ratio of FIR-to-20 cm radio flux is 0.22 dex larger than q=2.43+-0.19 (Condon et al. 1991) for starburst galaxies when calculated using radio measurements r eported by Condon et al. (1991) and Yun et al. (2001). While the mean differs at only the 1 slevel, the dispersion of qis a factor 1.6 (in dex) larger than for the lower luminosity star formin g galaxies. Using a different luminosity binning, Helou et increasing luminosity. The implication for redshift estimation is tha t the range of likely redshifts would increase when using ULIRG properties rather than starburst properties. And, a trend away from what is seen in local ULIRGs, say through mo re powerful starbursts at earlier times, could have complex implications for estimating redshif ts of submillimeter- 4 - galaxies using radio broad limits on the redshift distribution derive from submillim eter observa- tions alone where the relative infrequency of detecting 450 umemission leads to (weak) lower limits on the redshifts while the detections themselves at 850 um lead to upper limits since, baring extraordinary luminosities, the turnover from the Rayleigh- Jeans-like portion of the SED at high redshift leads to source fluxes dropping below survey de tection limits. Given the large potential effect of ice on the FIR opacity of submillimet er galaxies, we first review the evidence for the presence of ice in centrally heated ULIRGs and estimate an expected FIR SED for a case where FIR ice opacity can be expected to be dominant based on a rough abundance analysis. We then search for FIR ice spectra l features in the available data on ULIRGs. We discuss why a high relative abundance of ice durin g the epoch of reionization might be expected and present somewhat firmer eviden ce for FIR ice emission in thez= 6.42 source QSO J1148+5251 than can yet be demonstrated for ULI RGs. We then take the submillimeter galaxy HDF 850.1 as an example to show how FIR ice emission allows a very large redshift estimate. 2. Ice in ULIRGs 2.1. of strong absorption features from refractory d ust in ULIRGs trace dust that is cooler than the temperature of a blackbody emitting at the w avelength of the feature: ~300 K for the 10 um silicate feature and ~150 K for the 20 um silicate feature for example. Thus, 20 um silicate features are weak in ULIRGs compared to 10 um features owing to the dust radial temperature gradient. Ice absorption, o n the other hand, should only occur in the cooler outer regions of the dust envelope and so ma y show the same relative feature strengths found in the laboratory unless the abs orbing covering factor is a strong function of the emitting source's wavelength dependent siz e (buried source where T has been eliminated between the Wein Displacement and Stefan-Boltzmann Laws, Lis the portion of IR luminosity corrected for extended star formation, lruns from 2 um to the lesser of either the wavelength where the source is no longer optically thick or the peak FIR wavelength and scattering is ne glected). MIR ice absorption is therefore consistent with a portion of the FIR emissio n being powered by the MIR rather than the optical and UV portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, it is necessary to be certain that the reported absorption is indeed ow ing to ice. As an example, Spoon et al. (2002) claim ice absorption in 18 galaxies based on 6 um absorption including- 5 - IRAS 17208-0014 the third brightest ULIRG. However OH bond ben ding needn't occur in ice alone. The absence of 3 um absorption in the spectra of the dust continuum Mkn 231 and IRAS 05189-2524 presented by Spoon et al. ( 2002), where veiling by starlight is unimportant, suggests that an identification of water ic e may be premature for these sources and refractory materials such as those studied by Greenberg et al. (1995) may provide a more convincing model. An apparent 6 um dip in the spectrum of Mkn 231 plotted by Weedman et al. (2005) similar in amplitude to the 6.2 um hump for which they report a measurement tends to confirm the Spoon et al. (2002) claim of 6 um absorption in this source. The spectrum of Arp 220 may be consistent with a contribu tion of 12.5 um libration mode absorption, supportive of the Spoon et al. (2002) identificat ion of ice absorption in this source but, until recently (Imanishi et al. 2006a; Risaliti et al. 2006; Imanishi 2006), the only well confirmed case of ice absorption among ULIRGs in their samp le was that of IRAS 00188-0856 where ice absorption at 3 um confirms the identification (Imanishi & Maloney 2003). See Imanishi et al. (2006b) for further well confirmed ice id illustrate this we present Fig. 1 which employs a slightly detailed mode l to explain the absorption features observed between 2.7 and 12.4 um. The upper panel reproduces the 3um spectrum reported by Imanishi & Maloney (2003) together with a n absorption model composed of amorphous ice and refractory carbonaceous absor ption applied to a and veiled by some starburst-like emission. The model is t hen applied in the lower panel with some adjustment made for expected reduced ref at owing to a presumed dust temperature gradient. It h as not been possible to fit the entire 3 um absorption without using ice. Thus, the absorption at 6 um also is to water ice. With these data, 12.5 um water ice absorption, while included in the model, does not seem to be required so that one may conclude t hat two features, and particularly the degeneracy breaking short wavelength edge o f the 3um to the fairly robust identification of ice in IRAS 00188-08 56. We note that the need for strong silicate absorption in this source is confirmed by the clear presence of 18 um silicate absorption (Imanishi et al. 2006b) Thus, ice absorption could play a significant role in ULIRGs, but the ev idence is not yet as strong as that showing that the MIR emission is often absorb ed by refractory dust. Evidence rseshapestill. This is primarily owing to a lack of observational data. In Fig. 2 we present archival ISO in the shortest wavelength detector band SW 1. This st ructure is compared to the spectrum oftheicy et al.2002)tran For Mkn 231, as just noted, the absence of 3 um ice absorption would lead to somewhat arguments to allow acceptance of the Spoon et al. (2002 ) identification of the 6- 6 - um absorption, but once made, such arguments would likely allow absor ption at even . A complex geometry has already been invoked for this source on a smaller physical scale to explain its low X-ray flux (Maloney & Reynolds 2000). For IRAS 17208- 0014, the present spectrum would tend to confirm the Spoon et al. (2002) identification of the 6um absorption as do 3 um spectra (Risaliti et al. 2006; Imanishi 2006). For either source, the presence of crystalline ice implied by the possible 43 um absorption would imply a low cosmic ray abundance at least in the region where the absorptio n is produced since ion bombardment erases crystalline structure in cold ices (Moore & Hud son 1992). The inset in Fig. 2 shows the relationship between the wavelength of the 43 um peak and ice by Smith et al. (1994) which we have invoked to shift the ice spectrum derived from HD 161796, an evolved ice forming star (Hoogzaad et al. 2002) , beyond the corrections made for the source redshifts to better match the spectra. Inv ersion of these imply temperatures at which amorphous ice may exist and would b e Constraints on cosmic ray abundance would need account for the rate at ice is introduced into the absorbing region either through (substantial) changes in luminosity of the source which may allow the annealing of amorphous ice to crystalline ice, processing of ice by local heat sources in the region, or the migratio n of crystalline ice into the region. The discovery of substantial radial molecular gas motio n in the ULIRG IRAS 08572+3915 (Geballe et al. 2006) suggests the third possibility need s close scrutiny. Since the SW1 detector of LWS is problematic, these sources must be inde pendently that iceispresent Millimeter morphology We have examined the LWS SW1 spectra of a two other ULIRGS, Arp 2 20 and Mkn 273, finding no feature consistent with crystalline ice absorption. I n the case of Arp 220, the FIR spectrum appears to be optically thick (Gonz' alez-Alfonso et a l. 2004). There is every reason to think ice should be present owing to the source temperat ure, the clear presence of water vapor, as well as supportive MIR observations already me ntioned. Here, ice may help to resolve an issue raised by Soifer et al. (1999) with regard to F IR sources that are optically thick showing any detectable emission in the MIR owing to over whelmingly large implied MIR opacity. Since ice strongly enhances the FIR opacity comp ared to refractory dust, a given FIR optical depth can be achieved with less dust, up to a factor of seven in the models computed by Aannestad (1975). This effect can make the iss ue raised by Soifer et al. (1999) less troubling, though other approaches such as examining the effects of the dust density distribution ( e.g.Nenkova et al. 2002) may also need to be explored as well. Ice may also have the effect of making millimeter continuum size estimates s maller than what- 7 - might be expected for refractory dust that is optically thick in the F IR since the opacity of ice mantled grains is lower than that of bare grains at millimeter wavelen gths. This could yield a cuspy morphology in the millimeter where one would usually expect a relatively more flattened morphology owing to the cooler outer regions being r elatively brighter in the millimeter under the assumption of higher refractory dust opacity. 2.3. FIR ice spectrum The infrared laboratory spectrum of crystalline water ice has been well known for some time (Bertie et. al 1969) and differences between the spectrum of crystalline and amorphous ice have been exploited to aid understanding of astronomical sourc es (e.g.Dartois et al. 1998). However owing to the low thermal conductivity of amorphou s ice, preparation of laboratory samples, via vapor deposition, that are thick enough to conduct investigations at wavelengths longer than100 umhasbeen toodifficult until recently. Inparticular whether or not amorphous ice has a feature correspond ing to the broad feature centered near 150 um identified by Bertie et. al (1969) as a phonon mode in crystalline ice. Since nature provides sources rich in amorphous ice, it may be th at such a comparison could be made through observations of these sources. The spect ral coverage of the ISO LWS spectrometer extended to ~200um, too short to fully cover the broad 150 um crystalline ice feature. Comparison between the ISO LWS data presented by D artois et al. (1998) for RAFGL 7009S, a deeply embedded ultracompact H IIregion, and the provided by McCutcheon et al. (1995) yield a modified o ptically thin set of T=27 K, b=2.1 (where the dust emissivity is proportional to l-b) when attempting to the match data near 190 um. The large value of bis suggestive of the atedsource. However, full spectroscopic confirmation is needed to decide if the long wavele ngth departure of the data from the model of Dartois et al. (1998) indicates the existenc e of an amorphous ice feature analogous to the 150 um crystalline ice work by Curtis et al. (2005) has explored the optical p roperties of amor- phous ice between 15 and 200 um. There is little question that most of the ice in the thick films used by Curtis et al. (2005) deposited at T<=126 K differs from ice deposited above this temperature since the wing of the libration band is clearly shifted so it seems safe to conclude that amorphous ice, clearly present in the thinner samples , is also largely present in the thicker samples despite issues related to the low thermal cond uctivity of amorphous ice which hampers the (rapid) growth of thick samples. Gerakines et al. (2005) have also had recent success in growing thick samples of amorphous ice using lo w deposition rates.- 8 - Schober et al. (2000) take a different approach: annealing samples of high density amor- phous ice into the low density amorphous ice found in space. As with th e LWS amorphousice optical constants (Curtis et al. 2005)do no t extend tothe (300 um) where crystalline ice shows absorption whose wavelength depend ence is de- scribed by l-4(Bertie et. al 1969). Unlike natural sources, however, where te mperature and grain size effects make full spectral coverage of a broad feature nearly absolutely necessary to ascertain its reality, the controlled laboratory conditions allow a r easonable extrapolation to be considered reliable. The finding of Curtis et al. (2005) that the imaginary part of the refractive indices of amorphous and crystalline ice are very similar be tween 100 and 200 um would appear to be consistent with the suggestion of Schober et al. (2000) that the order in amorphous ice indicated by sharp features in inelastic X-ray scatte ring data may be owing to a hydrogen network that is also present in crystalline ice. If this o rder is indeed present, then a shared spectral structure for the interaction of (FIR) p hotons with phonons between the two types would allow a first order substitution of crystalline ice o ptical constants for the unknown values for amorphous ice beyond 200 um. 2.4. FIR ice emission Turning to photometry, and returning to ULIRGs, if we accept the Spoon et al. scheme then the spectrum of IRAS 14348-1447 as re ported by Genzel et al. (1998) or Charmandaris et al. (2002) must be considered Class II, that is 6 um ice absorp- tion is present and partially filled in by 6.2 um polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission. This source occupies an extreme position in the dust emissivity ( b) vs. 100 um optical depth (t100) diagram given by Klaas et al. (2001) with both high t100(5) andb(2). Since the effects of optical depth and emissivity are intertwined, a lower o ptical depth can imply a larger value of b. For example, b= 2.4 andt100= 0.1 does about as well as the Klaas et al. (2001) parameters for data longward of 100 um. However, values of blarger than 2 are not generally found except where ice is thought to be present ( e.g.Lis et al. 1998) or are lower than found in ULIRGs (67 K for the Klaas et al. (2001) fit or 26 K at the lower optical depth and larger btested here). In Fig. 3 we compare the fit proposed for IRAS 14348-1447 by Klaas et al. (2001) with an alternative mode l. The model shown by the dashed line is that of Klaas et al. (2001), while that shown by the t hick solid line is a core-mantle grain model taken from Aannestad (1975) but modifie d to have amorphous ice features in the following way: First, opacity data from Smith et al. (1 994) for crystalline ice cooled to 70 K was matched to the Aannestad (1975) curve for V m/Vc=0.95 by to approximate the Mie calculation results along with the addition of an underlying continuum opacity. Second, amorphous ice opacity da ta (Smith et al. 1994;- 9 - deposited at 10 K and warmed to 70 K) was substituted between 30 a nd 70um based on this matching after adjustment for the differing sample thicknesse s. This opacity curve was used to calculate a model with 16 and 71 K components. If we take te mperature and optical depth as free parameters for the Klaas et al. (2001) fit (2 parame ters; normalization fixed by IRAS) and two temperatures, two optical depths, and the rela tive contribution at 90 um of these two components as 5 free parameters for the present m odel then we may estimate how well the two models represent the data if we know something abo ut the errors in the data. The statistical errors for the data are thought to be small but the absolute calibra- tion error could be large, ~30%. What is important for comparing models is the from filter to filter. We have thus assumed 13% errors fo r the ISOPHOT data to give a filter-to-filter accuracy of 20% (Klaas et al. 2000). The fit of Klaas et al. (2001) for data longward of 20 um is unacceptable (P( kh2,n)=0.02) under our assumption about the errors. A marginally acceptable fit (P( kh2,n)=0.4) is found for the amorphous ice model. Detailed inspection of the ice fit suggests that the 150 um ice feature is not accounting for all of structure in the data. The thin solid line (V m/Vc=0.33, T=28.8 K; t90= 0.2 and Vm/Vc=0.95, T=80.5 K, t90= 0.08 crystalline ice; onion-skin model with warm, T=180 K, refractory dust in the interior) shows that this might be possible. H owever, our method of substituting amorphous for crystalline ice is unlikely to work well for t he thin mantle used here. Given the assumption regarding the data errors made here, it is not possible to make a clear claim that ice emission is detected in this source. Assuming large r errors could make both low free parameter models acceptable while reducing the error s could make the simpler ice model unacceptable while the more complex model cannot be evalu ated via reduced SED mode observations could be definitive since the strong 70 um curvature in the ice models cannot be produced with standard refr actory dust. Thus, both astronomical and laboratory far infrared data leave q uestions about ice unanswered. Crystalline ice has a feature near 150 um which has yet to be with amorphous ice. Comparison between crystalline and a morphous ice has between100an d 200um. Beyond 200 um questions remain which are presently answered by extrapolation of the laboratory data and hints from the astronomical data. Sub stituting crystalline ice for more common (in space) amorphous ice to consider wavelengths long er than 100 um could add to (systematic) uncertainties in photometric redshift estimat ion that can not be well addressed without further observations or measurements. Reg ardless of the remaining the 150 um feature, for the main purpose of this work it is prudent to conside r the more extreme consequences of crystalline ice emission on redsh ift estimation which are examined after the next section.- 10 - 3. Ice at high redshift 3.1. Pair instability SNe enrichment Just as interplanetary grains may preserve a record of the sourc es of ISM at what is presently observed to be z= 0.43, the solid phase of the ISM at high redshift may also record the conditions of the earliest enrichment. Particularly for sources that contribute tothe reionizationof theuniverse (7 < z <14; Spergel et al. 2006), scenarios which attribute substantial enrichment to pair instability SNe early o n may leave a mark on the solid phase of the ISM which could linger through some subsequen t processing. A chief attribute of pair instability SN enrichment is an early high abundance o f oxygen relative to other metals that usually deplete to the the solid phase of the ISM. For example, a 186 M progenitor yields number abundance ratios of 126:29:15:10:8:1 (Heger & Woosley 2002) which, after formation of C O (29 O (16 O and 4 Si removed), silica (50 O removed), and SO 2(20 O removed), leaves 9% of the oxygen available to form OH and H 2O. For a 100 M progenitor, O:C:Mg=48:9:1 with little Si, S or56Ni leaving 80% of the oxygen available to combine with hydrogen assum ing the refractory solid state is MgO. In the absence of56Ni, the formation of solids should be enhanced since it may commence at a higher density in the SNR. These estimates for the available oxygen are essentially lower limits, more complete treatment s which consider the possibility that the ejecta are unmixed (Nozawa et al. 2003; Schneid er et al. 2004; we might expect grains with large mantle-to-core volume ratio s to result from a period of pair instability SN enrichment. The continued presence of these ic e grains would depend on the rate of reprocessing of this initial solid phase in the ISM. 3.2. Ice emission in a high redshift quasar The Gunn-Peterson trough in QSO J1148+5251 ( z= 6.42; Bertoldi et al. 2003b) sug- gests that this source may be participating in the last phases of reio nization (Fan et al. 2003). That the quasar exists indicates that the source has been contributing to reioniza- tion for some time and we may take the beginning of reionization as an e stimate of it's age (~500 Myr) which gives a high average accretion rate for a blackhole ma ss of 3x109M (Willot et al. 2003). Thus, it seems plausible that pair instability SN enric hed material with a high ice content is being supplied toward the center of this activity a s the blackhole and presumably its stellar system grow in mass. On the other hand, ice als o forms in the more evolved ISM of the Galaxy so an indication of the presence of ice need n't be fully attributed- 11 - to ice rich regions that might be formed by pair instability SNe. Fig. 4 shows an indication that the rest frame FIR emission from QSO J 1148+5251 is better explained by ice than refractory dust emission. Three mod els are compared to photometric observations: 1) a refractory model (dashed line T= 55 K;t60= 0.3;b= 2) is similar to that given by Beelen et al. (2006), 2) a simple ice model (dot- dashed line; T=43 K;t60= 0.4, Vm/Vc=5.6 amorphous), and 3) a more complex ice model described below (solid line). In Fig. 4, it is not possible to formally access the goodness of fit thro ugh a even for the refractory dust model (dashed line) since the number of free parameters (normalization, temperature, optical depth, and op acity index) is the same as the number of points to be fit. If one were to assume b= 2 owing to insufficient time since the first enrichment to produce large grains then kh2 n= 10.7 which strongly rules out (P(kh,n)=0.001) this model. That the fit is done by eye probably does not affe ct this assessment but a failure to account for systematic errors could s ince different groups give 850 um photometric estimates using the same data that vary by as much a s the refractory dust model differs from the present data. By selecting a particular mant le-to-core volume ratio (5.6) we may comparably provide a single degree of freedom andobta inkh2 n= 3.9 which would indicate that the model is not fully ruled out by the dat a is an improvement on the refractory dust model, again with the p roviso that we have only considered statistical errors. More elaborate (multi-temper ature) refractory dust or ice mantled grain models can fit the detections essentially perfectly and are useful to calculate as they can indicate what further observations would be decisive. T he solid line in Fig. 4 is such a model where T=71 K; t60= 0.4 ice-mantled dust is obscured by T=24 K; t60= 0.4 ice-mantled dust. A similar model using b= 2 refractory dust (not plotted; T=300 K; t60= 0.1 is obscured by T=18 K; t60= 1 dust) exceeds the plotted 400 um upper limit (arrow in Fig. 4; 0.39 mJy 3 s; Bertoldi et al. 2003a) by a factor of 1.9 and is unphysical in a number of ways including that the cool component is cooler than the CMB atz= 6.42. The ice models distinguish themselves from the plotted refractory dust model by being fainter by at least a factor of 4 at rest wavelength 400 um (3 mm observed frame). The present upper limit does not distinguish these cases. Such a measurement sh ould be possible using CARMA. Determining the composition of the emitting material can also affect estimates of the dust mass and thus estimates of the amount of past enrichmen t (and star formation) in the QSO J1148+5251 system. For the present ice model, 7 times as m uch refractory dust would be needed to produce the same FIR opacity so that a lower leve l of total enrichment might be at high redshift, where theory suggests that we might most anticipate it owing- 12 - to expectations about early ISM enrichment, we find evidence for F IR ice emission which, while still debatable, seems moderately persuasive and which can be r elatively easily checked with further observations using existing telescopes. Now we may tu rn to our main theme. We have employed amorphous ice to consider IRAS 14348-1447 and Q SO J1148+5251, but now we consider crystalline ice both because its effect on redshift es timation is the most dramatic and because ice may form at fairly warm temperatures in th e SNRs associated with pair instability SNe. 3.3. Ice emission in 450 um submillimeter sources A set of sources that could be at high redshift and which demonstra te the effects of ice are reported by Pope et al. (2005). They are detected at 450 um but not at 850 um. We consider the 7 sources tabulated by Pope et al. (2005) and two sou rces from the original list of Borys et al. (2003) which were recovered above 3.5 sby Pope et al. (2005). These have drawn our attention because the reported 850 um upper limits indicate large values of b (Borys et al. 2004; based on original list). Large values of bcan indicate the presence of ice emission. Ifwegenerate3 slower umfluxdensity measurements less with upper limits then the lowest lower limit is 8.7 and is only one of two that can be consistent w ithb <2 dust. This method of calculating limits can be more conservative than calcula ting the ratio of the 450 measurement to the 850 um 3supper limit (giving 13.4 in this case) but its extension to 2sshould be viewed with caution since detections at the 2.9 slevel are customarily reported as 3slimits. In such situations, when data with comparable signal-to-noise ratios the 2 sextension may be violated much more frequently than the name implie s if many of these near misses lurk in the original data. However, Pope et al. (2005) report no detection from applying the method of Caillault & Helfand (1985) (s tacking) to the 850 um data at the positions of the 450 um sources they detect above 3.5 s. In five cases where upper limits are calculated below we substitute the ratio of the 450 um 3supper limit-to-the 850 measurement when it gives a more conservative value. In Fig. 5 we plot, as a function of redshift, the 450-to-850 um flux density ratio calcu- lated for a series of SEDs. The dashed line is for a model with T=60 K, b=2, andt90=2. On this line are plotted at z= 0.9 andz= 0.5 the 3slower limits (filled circle and diamond) for SMM J123603+620942 and J123631+620657. The arrows in the figure extend to the 2slower limits. In these cases the argument given by Borys et al. (2003 ) forz <1 may be applied directly, though tenuously, at the 3 slevel with no assumptions about ice but this is not the case for the 7 remaining lower limits. There may be some d ifficulty however- 13 - accommodating these two sources at these low redshifts unless so urces with 0.2-2 Jy level flux densities are present at 70 um while Frayer et al. (2006) find about four ~30 mJy sources at 70 um in this region and we are unaware of any IRAS sources in this field. At these low redshifts, it is a losing proposition to attempt to increase t he dust temperature to increase the redshift to avoid the 70 um constraint in an effort to avoid requiring ice emission. When ice is invoked, then these and the remaining lower limits m ay all be ac- commodated but the range of consistent redshifts expands. The remaining curves in Fig. 5 correspond to increasing ice temperature. The dot-dashed cur ve uses an SED similar to that shown in Fig. 1 (T=30 K), the curve has T=5 0 K as in Fig. 7., and the solid curve has T=150 K; t90= 0.04 and V m/Vc=5.6 for all ice models. For the solid curve, ambiguity between amorphous and crystalline ice is physic ally resolved in favor of crystalline ice. The SMM J123603+620942 and J123631+620657 lim its are replotted on the solid curve giving a redshift limit z <10.2. This limit is little changed if the maximum possible ice temperature (170 K) is used. All the 3 slimits can be accommodated at z= 9.5 but only SMM J123603+620942 and J123631+620657 can also be acc ommodated there at the 2slevel. SMM J123657+622033 (filled square) shows this clearly where it is plotted at z= 9.6. The 2 slevel for SMM J133747+621600 (filled clover leaf) also constrains th e ice temperature to be T K. It is plotted on the T=30 K curve at z= 1.9. The other than SMM J123727+621042 are plotted with redshif t upper limits well within the epoch of reionization. However, as with sources plotted on the T = 30 K curve, the 2slimits cannot be accommodated for That 7 of 9 of the 450 um sources in the GOODS-N field require ice to explain the 850 um non-detections without recourse to any other constraint suggests strongly that the possible effects of ic e emission must be considered when interpreting submillimeter observations. Ice dramatically chan ges redshift limits: by a factor of 20 for SMM the other direction, for the sources with 850 um detections and 450 um upper limits that also have estimated redshifts (Borys et al. 2004) we may a lso begin to constrain the presence of ice. 14 upper limits are plotted in Fig. 5 as open circles for sources where a redshift estimate is given. The open diamonds are also upper limits plo tted (but without arrows to avoid crowding) at the lower limits to their redshift given by Borys et al. (2004). For redshift estimates with z <3 the upper limits are constraining on the likelihood that optically thin ice contributes to the FIR opacity: at the 2 slevel (arrow heads) little T >30 K optically thin ice seems to be needed. At the 3 slevel 4 of 11 sources could be consistent with a contribution of optically thin ice emission to the source SEDs. On e source with a redshift lower limit ( z >2.7; SMM J123652+621225) needs to be optically thick and cool (T~40 K) or at a higher redshift as already noted by Borys et al. (2004) . The with with redshift estimates above 3 or redshift lower limits a re not constraining- 14 - on the presence of ice. The present considerations suggest that the 450 and ( z <3) 850 um detected sources differ physically in that the former have optically thin ice emission that dominates their FIR opacity while the latter may be optically thick at 85 0/(1+z)um or that refractory dust dominates their FIR opacity or both. The averag e 450-to-850 um ratio for the 850um source calculated from the stacked 450 um and the average of the 850 um flux densities reported by Pope et al. (2005) is 0.5 which we have plotted a s a small open square atz= 4.25. The plotted redshift would be consistent with T=30 optically thick material or T=20 optically thin ice or b= 2 dust. If it is true that 850 um sources are on average fainter at 450 um than at 850 um then it seems at though many of the 850 um sources must lie at z >4 and ice may be needed to make them detectable at 850 um with (see end of Sec. 4.2). We do worry, however, that the s tacked 450 um flux owing to the smaller 450 um beam or that the data were normalized prior to stacking making the reported units ambiguous. QSO J1148-5251 is also plotted (small filled circle). As discussed above, it seems to require ice emission. Just as detected 850 um sources must be at least ultraluminous, so also must the detected 450 um sources be hyperluminous (L >1013L). In Fig. 6 we plot the models shown in Fig. 5 giving their 450 um brightness as a function of redshift under the aboutluminosity: Themodels an dice atT=30 and50K are ten times more luminous than ULIRG IRAS 00188-0856(Fig. 1), the m odel for T=150 K ice is 10 times more luminous still, and we have also plotted the complex amor phous ice model for QSO J1148+5251 at it's observed luminosity (short dashed line an d filled circle; ~1013 L; Beelen et al. 2006). The brightnesses of the 450 um sources given by Pope et al. (2005) lie in the range 77-to-291 mJy so that the plotted models would need t o be scaled up by a factor of a few to cover this range fully unless the sources are at z <0.2. For example, one of the brighter sources (SMM J123631+620657; 263 mJy) would have a luminosity of 6 x1014 Lfor the T = 150 K ice model if located at z= 9.5, a factor of three higher than the most luminous hyperluminous source listed by Verma et al. (2002). It's lumin osity would be 10 times lower for the T = 30 K ice model located at z= 2, near the middle of the distribution of luminosities in their list. FromFig. 5 we estimate that the 450 um sources would populate the redshift ranges 1-3 and 5-10, with the latter range having a lar ger comoving volume by a factor of 1.7. If ice is only important close to reionization so that th e sources were all at 9.2< z <10.2 (see solid line in Fig. 6) then the luminosities require about a tenth of t he stellar mass of M87 per source to be involved in star formation. The s pace density would comparable to the local density of clusters of galaxies (Bahcall et al. 2003) and the luminosity density would be about a factor of 100 higher than the local FIR value (Saunders et al. 1990). This would th en imply a minimum of per proton if the 450 um luminosity traces a factor of ten smaller- 15 - ionizing luminosity: about 102more recombinations than for the lifetime of a typical H II region which seems too high for reionization unless dust competes effi ciently for the other hand, there are six 850 um sources with flux densities above 20 mJy listed by Pope et al. (2005) which could be close to hyperluminous (see Fig. 7 ) so that we need only postulate a similar population which is (thus far) invisible a 850 um owing to the effects of ice and thus expect to find these sources at a range of redshift s. There is very clear evidence of ice rather than dust providing the FI R opacity in 7 of the 9 450um sources considered here. But, the redshifts may or may not be h igh and is needed to constrain the redshifts. 4. HDF 850.1 and ice 4.1.z= 5 The search for counterparts at other wavelengths to the bright est 850um source in the Hubble Deep Field has been arduous but Dunlop et al. (2004) make a co nvincing case for detections in the radio and near infrared (NIR) and summarize subm illimeter (Aretxaga et al. 2003) of these observations leads them t o conclude that the red- shift of HDF 850.1 lies in the range 4.1 +-0.5. Since the SED of a high qULIRG is included in the 20 templates in the model input, the eff ects of the change in the radio-FIR relation for ULIRGs compared to lower luminosity gala xies noted in the introduction should be partly represented in their estimate. Similarly , the suggestion of ice emission in the SED of IRAS 14348-1447 (Fig. 3) could also influence th e estimate if the photometric data were used directly rather than fitted with a modifi ed blackbody. In gen- eral, reliance on modified blackbodies will give lower estimated redshift s for cooler sources when more than one point on the Rayleigh-Jeans curve is available, as is the case for HDF 850.1, but the addition of an ice emission feature can increase the es timated redshift even for a cool source. As one example, the bow-tie shown in Fig. 1 on the FIR continuum corr esponds to the range of redshift one would calculate for HDF 850.1 based on two est imates of its 850 um flux density (Dunlop et al. 2004; Wang et al. 2004) and the 1.3 mm flux d ensity reported by Downes et al. (1999). That is 5.4 < z <5.6. It should be noted, even before describing the model upon which this is based, that a detailed comparison betwe en the SED shown in Fig. 1 and the optical and NIR limits and detections for HDF 850.1 is not possible owing to insufficient wavelength coverage for IRAS 00188-0856. See Dun lop et al. (2004) fig. 6 for- 16 - a comparison with data from two ULIRGs and a luminous infrared galax y calculated for a range of redshifts. However, the effects of far infrared ice emis sion can be this example. The model, the short-dashed line in the lower panel of Fig. 1, is based on curves given by Aannestad (1975) which are the results of calcu lations of the of ice mantled crystalline silicate grains. And, it is crystallin e water ice in the mantles. We chose the mantle-to-core volume ratio = 5.6 curve to mo st closely match the ratio of 3 um ice to silicate optical depth used in the model shown by the solid lines in Fig. 1. For a number of reasons this choice is probably not fully const rained by this ratio: the optical depth to which the silicate absorption is sensitive may be la rger than for ice; an odd shift in the wavelength of the silicate feature may indicate a py roxene composition with a different optical depth ratio than us ual; the crystalline silicate in the Aannestad (1975) calculation is somewhat dissimilar to astroph ysical silicate models. However the first two effects may be compensating so that as a rou gh abundance analysis, the expectation that ice would dominate the FIR opacity in this sourc e seems well founded. This condition, and the need for the ice emission to be moderately opt ically thin are really the only two requirements for ice to strongly affect redshift estima tion. The optical depth of the model of far infrared emission shown in the lower panel of Fig. 1 is set to correspond to the 3um ice optical depth used in models shown by the solid line in the upper pan el (where ice and refractory material contribute equally to the absorption o ptical depth at 3.1 um). The temperature of the far infrared emission model is set to rough ly reproduce the IRAS 60 and 100um measurements. This temperature also accentuates the effects of the broad 150 um feature over which the HDF 850.1 data are displayed. The range of redshifts needed to place HDF 850.1 on this model falls outside of the range estimated by D unlop et al. (2004) and gives a first indication that the effects of ice on photometric red shift estimation (as opposed to just limits) can be using sub millimeter sources is asensible cosmicevolution. However, at higher redshift, this proviso seems fairly likely to break down. Man y local ULIRGs appear to be produced in the mergers of gas rich spiral galaxies and it has been argued (Mihos & Hernquist 1996) that the dynamical stability provided by bu lges may preserve gas reservoirs for the final merger stages associated with some U LIRGs. Owing to the finite lifetime of the universe, there are earlier periods when the pre cursor systems may not resemble present day precursors in their dynamical state or star -to-gas mass ratio. It is not at all clear that seed SMBHs (Osterbrock 1993) would be prese nt at sufficient mass to- 17 - allow accretion to be an energetically important or dominant power so urce as suspected for local ULIRGs ( e.g.Imanishi et al. 2006a). Thus, in what follows we assume star format ion as the main power source at higher redshift. A sketch of how cryst alline ice might exist in a primordial galaxy environment is also given to explore the plausibility of a very large effect of ice on redshift estimation. It is to be noted that giving up a c entral power source such as would be provided by an AGN would usually mean that ice mantled grains absorbed in reactive regions (PDRs) rather t han in molecular clouds where ice is thought to exist unless an improbable scenario involving an overabundance of protostars such as that proposed by Roussel et al. (2003) bu t previously discounted by Dudley & Wynn-Williams (1997) is invoked. Below we argue for such an ov erabundance. In Fig. 7 we show the observations of HDF 850.1 at z= 12.6 This is 18 beyond the Dunlop et al. (2004) estimate. So far as we can tell, neither the new Zband upper limit reported here, nor the released SpitzerIRAC and MIPS GOODS im- ages (Dickinson et al. 2006) rule out either the model shown in Fig. 7 o r the analysis of Dunlop et al. (2004) so long as a reddish ULIRG (see Dudley (1999) fo r a discussion of 12-to-60 um flux density ratios in ULIRGs) is used as a basis for the Dunlop et al. ( 2004) analysis. Dunlop et al. (2004) argue that the lensing source (solid dia monds in Fig. 7) is evolved, in which case much of the tentative observed frame 24 um flux density could be owing to HDF 850.1 but little of the 8 um flux density. At z= 4.1, Mkn 231 and 273 could be too blue to account for this level of emission whereas Arp 220 or I RAS 17208-0014 would not violatethisdatum iftreated asanupper limit. Ontheother hand, atz= 1.1 thechances of finding a younger elliptical galaxy to act as a lens are increased so t hat some or all of the observed 24 um flux density could be owing to the lensing galaxy. This would still not ru le out the Dunlop et al. (2004) redshift estimate for HDF 850.1 but wou ld accommodate the present estimate under the assumption of the plotted starburst model. The shaded region in Fig. 7 shows a possible range for the spectral shape of the lens sou rce emission. The source labeled 1b in fig. 8 of Wang et al. (2004) may also contribute to the 24 um emission though only slightly to the IRAC data. If it is similar to NGC 253, and at a redshif t ofzph= 1.76 (Fern' andez-Soto et al. 1999) then up to ~30% of the 24 um flux density might be attributed to this source but again negligibly at 850 um. The model for HDF 850.1 shown in Fig. 7 (thick gray line) is similar to that shown in Fig. 1 in that it has the same mantle-to-core volume ratio and optica l depth however the temperature is higher as it must be owing to the higher CMB tempe rature at z= 12.6. Whereas inFig. 1, the150 theredshift placeme nt of the HDF 850.1 data, in Fig. 7, shorter wavelength spectral stru cture also owing to ice is influential. Interestingly, assuming that there is a foreground neu tral intergalactic medium- 18 - as a result of incomplete reionization (Spergel et al. 2006), one wou ld expect or a Ly ablackout to occur in the Hband for z= 12.6 the shortest thin line using a Heaviside function as multiplier. Here the thin line is a y oung generated using Starburst99 (Leitherer et al. 1999). It is notable that taking the onset in redshift of the Gunn-Peterson trough to be ~6 (Fan et al. 2004) absorption at the Lyman limit at z <12.6 easily overlaps Ly aabsorption between z= 6 and z= 9.2. One expects pretty thorough opacity shortward of Ly a. While the choices of parameters of the starburst model are meant only to be suggestive, for the model shown in Fig. 7, the free-free emission expected bas ed on the rate of produc- tion of ionizing photons would explain about 20% of the observed radio emission et al. 1991) while retaining the starburst model as it is and cor recting for to account for the model infrared emission would over pr oduce the radio emission so that a lower contribution of stars which produce ionizing photons to the observed frame K' band flux might provide a more likely scenario. Alternatively, invoking a chemical trig- ger for star formation discussed below, it is conceivable that an obj ect could be caught in a phase when a sufficient number of stars are in an ultracompact H IIregion given a sufficiently high ionization parameter, higher than usua lly required if the gas- to-dust mass ratio is high owing to low enrichment, free-free emissio n would be et al. 1998). As noted in the introduction, sources at high redshift should event ually drop out of 850 um surveys. In Fig. 8 we plot, for the same far infrared luminosity, th e expected 850 um brightness as a function of redshift for an Arp 220-like SED and the two distributions shown in Figs. 1 and 7. The 30 K model is truncated at z= 11 since the cosmic temperature exceeds the model temperature above th is redshift. As can be seen, the models with ice select for high redshift sources assuming such so urces exist. For the 30 K model the brightest (non-local) source would be found near a red shift of 5 and for the 50 K model near a redshift of 13. Should ice play the role proposed here in a moderate fraction of the detected 850 um sources, it would be of little surprise that the brightest source in t he HDF (850.1) would be among them. 4.3. Why star formation? Our choice of presenting a model that uses star formation as a pow er source may seem strange given that PDRs would be inefficient at producing ice emission w hich we require to allow, for example, HDF 850.1 to be detected at z= 13. One phase of star formation that- 19 - does allow MIR radiation to heat ice is the protostar phase. This phas e is brief compared to O star life times and thus would not typically be expected to provide th e dominant source of FIR radiation in a galaxy. Protogalaxies, however, are by definitio n required to be young, so that while the argument concerning the relative brevity of the pr otostar phase cannot be ignored, it may be overcome if the star formation rate is increasing r apidly with time. And, it is just such sources that one might expect to be observed as the y populate the top of the infrared luminosity function since they would be the most efficient at c onverting radiation to FIR wavelengths. A rapidly increasing star formation rate might be expected in a situat ion where the gas cooling efficiency is increasing owing to ongoing initial enrichment. A pos itive feedback can lead to an exponentially increasing system response. The number at the right hand of Fig. 8 shows the 850 brightness (in mJy) of the three SED shapes consid ered here if we adopt the lensing amplification proposed by Dunlop et al. (2004) for HDF 850 .1 for a source with the FIR luminosity of IRAS 00188-0856. The increase in luminosity req uired to match the Hughes et al. (1998) estimate for HDF 850.1 would be a factor of 2.3 f or the dashed curve taken at a redshift of 13. This would then correspond to 7) or 107O stars and 1.5 x1011G0 stars for a Salpeter initial mass function (m-2.35), or roughly a galaxy's worth of star formation. This then would be the limit for the c ontinued in the star formation rate: the amount of available enricha ble gas. Night et al. (2005) find 4 objects with 1011Min stars at z= 6 in their largest cosmological simulation (142 Mpc; large enough to contain ~1 ULIRG at z= 0). Thus, there is some suggestion that relatively massive objects (or perhaps regions that will become obj ects) are forming their stars a few dynamical timescales earlier than this. Notwithstanding the existence of highredshift quasars, it seems to us that t hereis a need to account for massive sources at intermediate redshift which last formed stars n earz= 13 (Stockton et al. 2004; Jimenez 2000) as well as the apparent monotonic increase in t he comoving rate of gamma-ray bursts out to z= 7 (Le & Dermer 2007). However, in the universe, we would usua lly take ice emission as an indication of a buried compact power source at least at ULIRG lumin osities, and, should blackhole growth commonly reach ~107Mbyz= 13, as must happen at least eredshift apply during reionization.- 20 - 5. Summary and prospects Far infrared ice emission may be crucially important to understanding the far of sources at high redshift and may strongly affect the ran ge of redshifts estimated for submillimeter sources, even placing them at reionization redshift s. Observations of in- frared ice emission are definitive in Galactic protostars and the winds of evolved stars but are scant and not fully persuasive for the local analogs of the subm illimeter sources, the ULIRGs. This, despite mounting evidence that ice is involved in absorb ing much of the energy that is finally emitted in the far infrared in a substantial frac tion of ULIRGs. We find stronger indications that ice emission is important at high reds hift. The data for QSO J1148+5251 as well as the 450 um sources cataloged by Pope et al. (2005) are both strongly suggestive. We feel that further investigation alon g these lines could be considered two models where the presence of far-infrared e mission features owing to ice in the SED of HDF 850.1 would place it at redshifts larger than the range ice by Dunlop et al. (2004). In the first, the use of crystallin e ice at 150 um as subject tofur amorphous ice. In the second, consideration of a first chemical enrichment that crystalline ice could be present at early times while ene rgetic and may be compatible with protostars in protogalaxies p roducing the sort of features we consider here. In the second model, a Lyman ablackout would be consistent with the NIR photometry for HDF 850.1. However, we do not prefer this model and its higher redshift over the redshift range estimated by Dunlop et al. ( 2004) or z~5.5 from our first model. What we find to be important is that far infrared ice emiss ion could have such a dramatic effect on the estimated redshift. It should be noted that redshifts estimated from the radio-FIR relation could also turn out to be lower when ice emission is invoked since a large flux density ratio is easier to produce w ith high bat some redshifts. So, the main conclusion of this work is that ice broadens t he range of redshifts to be considered for a given submillimeter source and that ice is quite likely to be important at high redshift. Some astronomical observations which could aid progress on open is sues are: *Continuum observations at 3 mm of QSO J1148+5251 may confirm ice e mission in Atacama LargeMillimeter Array may be ableto isolate the transitio nfromdust emission for sources of this type and allo w more reliable redshift- 21 the role of ice emission locally could be taken up using SOF IA or Spitzer. *Very low resolution H-band spectroscopy might test the possibility o f a Lyman a blackout for HDF studies which target H 2O and OH maser emission may give definite red- shifts using a new generation of radio telescope arrays even if the c ontinuum is below detection have commented helpfully at various stages of this work. Some are: S. Chubb, E. Dwek, J. Fischer, P. Gerakines, A. Li, M. Moore, L. J. Ric kard, E. Shettle, and H. Smith and an anonymous referee. Research in infrared astr onomy and particularly the astrophysics of celestial backgrounds at the Naval Researc h Laboratory is supported by the Office of Naval Research (USA). This publication makes use of da ta products from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University o f Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Nationa l Science Foundation. Use is also made of the USNOFS Image and Catalog Archive operated b y the United thearchive ofresults edInfrared Space the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database operated by JPL a nd Caltech, and data from the GOODS project from NASA's SpitzerandHubble Space Telescopes P. A. 1975, ApJ, 200, 30 Aretxaga I., Hughes D. H., Chapin E. L., Gaztanaga E., Dunlop J. 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The model consists of an a= 2 (flux density fnn-a) power-law continuum to which absorption is applied together with an unabsorbed component which is a combination of an archival spectrum of M 82 (ISO SWAA11600319) and a blackbody of temperature 2500 K to represent additional stellar photospheric emission (displayed in the lower panel The two absorption components used are: (1) a volatile admixt ure (H 2O:CO=2:1) of amorphous ice measured at 10 K (Hagen et al. 1983) and (2) the r efractory EURECA- B curve presented by Greenberg et al. (1995). The effects of abs orption by the ed with the dashed line. The volatile andrefractory compon ents have contributions to the absorptionat 3 umbut therefractory component contributes little at the short wavelength edge suggesting that a volatile component is required. Lower (solidline), opticaldepthinth better match the 6 um absorption and with a smaller additive M 82 component is applied to longer wavelength data. Here, the effects of silicate absorption have also been included based on fig. 5 of Dudley & Wynn-Williams (1997) but oddly shifted to th e red by about 0.6 um at 10um, perhaps owing to differing composition. The inset shows the effect s of adding the spectrum of M 82 as in the upper panel and without this compone nt in the model at all (bounding dotted lines). The spectral resolution of the model m atches that of the data in the inset. The short-dashed line is an emission model described mor e fully in the text (Sec. 4.1). Data sources for IRAS 00188-0856 in descending orde r in the legend are from Imanishi & Maloney (2003); Monet et al. (1998); Cutri et al. (2003 ); Moshir et al. (1990); and Charmandaris et al. (2002). R and K' data are in rough agreeme nt with the photometry given by Kim, Veilleux & Sanders (2002). Fig. 2.-- Highly processed data products from the ISO Archive (hpdp 05100540 2.tar and hpdp65000608 2.tar with minimal ISAP post processing) are compared with a 43 um ice absorption feature derived from the spectrum of HD 161796 (also from the ISO The diamonds and circles are data for Mkn 231 and IRAS 17208 The solid lines are derived from the ISO SWS spectrum o f HD 161796 using a single temperature (140 K) to estimate emissivity after the manne r of Roche & Aitken (1984) and then converted to absorption. The inset is described in the text.- 28 - Fig. 3.-- Observational data for IRAS 14348-1447 (filled circles) are plotted at their et al.(2001). Horizontalbar solid line shows an optically thin (in the FIR) ice emission model whose bparameter (100 and 300-900 um) is~2.3 as compared to ~1.9 for a bare (refractory) core. Adjustment of the core to smaller bwould result in a smaller bfor the mantled grain as well. In fitting the model data at 95 and 450 um were matched and various mantle-to-core volume ratios were compared with photometry between these wavelengths. The dashed line reproduces the fit proposed by Klaas et al. (2001) which is quite optically thick in the FI R and has b=2. Fig. 4.-- Observational data for QSO J1154+5251 (filled circles and ar row) are plotted at their rest wavelength in mJy as reported by Bertoldi et al. (2003a) (3 mm); Bertoldi et al. (2003b) (1.2 mm); Robson et al. (2004) (850 and 450 um); Beelen et al. (2006) (350 um). The lines represent emission models. The dashed and dot-dashed ar e single whilethes model with colder ice obscuring warmer ice. Fig. 5.-- The observed frame 450-to-850 flux density ratio calculate d for a series of emission models is plotted as a function of redshift together with 9 observed lower limits (large filled symbols), 34 observed upper limits (medium open symbols), and two d etections Individual 450 um source and detection identifications are given in the legend. The models, also in the legend, are more fully described in the text. Fig. 6.-- Brightness in mJy at the observed wavelength 450 um is plotted as a function of redshift for a set of models. Four of the models are carried over fr om Fig. 5: The solid line represents 150 K ice, the triple dot dashed line, 50 K ice, the dot das hed line 30 K ice and the long dashed line 60 K refractory dust. A fifth model (short das hed line) is taken from the solid line in Fig. 4: 71 K ice is obscured by 24 K ice. Infrared luminositie s for the models are constant as a function of redshift and are 2 x1013L: long-dashed, dot-dashed, and lines, 2 x1014L: solid line, and1 x1013L: short-dashed line. Weremark that just as standard dust shows roughly redshift independent b rightness at 850 um, so too does T=50 K ice (triple dot dashed line) at 450 um. The filled circle is QSO J1148+5251.- 29 - Fig. 7.-- Observational data for HDF 850.1 (filled circles) are plotted f or a rest wavelength and luminosity scale corresponding to a redshift of 12.6 and account ing for the effects of gravitational lensing by reducing the apparent luminosity by a facto r of 3. The data, except for theZband limit, are reported or summarized in Dunlop et al. (2004). The Zband limit is measured from GOODS ACS data (Giavalisco et al. 2004) by subtr acting the image of the lensing galaxy from itself after a rotation of 180*. The limit is 2 sdrawn from the weight image for an 0 .''5 aperture centered at the IRAM position (Downes et al. 1999) and corresponds to Z-K'>3.5 (Vega). Data for the lensing source (filled diamonds) should be read relative to the HDF 850.1 data (filled circles) as the scalings in w avelength and luminosity do not apply. Here the I-K'photometry are from Dunlop et al. (2004) while the 3.6-24 um points are measured from GOODS IRAC and MIPS images (Dickinson e t al. 2006). The IRAC data are 6 .''0 diameter aperture photometry subtracting an equal area outer annulus. The 24 um datum is obtained through radial profile fitting after subtraction of a confusing source and is perhaps a 2.5 smeasurement of 20 uJy. The dashed line is scaled (z= 1.1 wrt observed frame; Fern' andez-Soto et al. 1999) data for th e elliptical galaxy NGC 1399 (Persson et al. 1979;Athey et al. 2002) and the triple-dot-da shed line is for the galaxy NGC 3928 (Huchra 1977; 2MASS; Xilouris et al. 2004) with the shaded region between them showing the age dependent range of mid-infrared flux suggested b y models for reported by Temi et al. (2005). The models shown as solid line s are described more fully in the text. Fig. 8.-- The 850 um brightness as a function of redshift is shown for three calculated SEDs. The solid line corresponds to the FIR SED shown in Fig. 1. The lon g-dashed line corresponds to an optically thin T= 45,b= 1.2 modified blackbody similar to the Scoville et al. (1991) fit for Arp 220. The short-dashed line corresp onds to the FIR SED shown in Fig. 7 all normalized to the FIR luminosity of IRAS 00188-0856 . The arrows for the solid, dot-dashed, and dashed lines indicate redshifts for HDF 8 50.1 estimated using Fig. 1, Dunlop et al. (2004), and Fig. 7 respectively. The numbers at the right are a conversion of the vertical scale for the gravitational lens amplification factor of three estimated for HDF 850.1.- 30 - 2.5 3.0 3.5 Rest wavelength ( um)110Flux density (mJy)IRAS 00188-0856 and ice 1 10 100 Rest wavelength ( density + M 82 (ISO) + absorbed Crystalline ice (t89 um=0.02, T=30 K) 10 10100 Fig. 1.--- 31 - 40 45 50 55 Wavelength ( density (W/m2/um)Mkn 231 IRAS 17208-0014Smith et al. 1994 050100150 T wavelength ( um) Fig. 2.--- 32 - 10 100 1000 Rest wavelength ( density (Jy)IRAS 14348-1447 Klaas et al. T = 67 K t100 = 5 P(kh2,n) = 0.02 Aannestad grainsVm/Vc = 0.95 amorphous ice T1 = 16 K t90 = 0.007 5% flux at 90 um T2 = 71 K t90 = 1.6 95% flux at 90 um P(kh2,n) = 0.4 Fig. 3.--- 33 - 40 100 200 300400 Rest wavelength ( density (mJy)QSO Temperature Dust: T=55 K, t100=0.1, b=2 Single Temperature Ice: T=43 K, t60=0.4, Vm/Vc=5.6 Two Temperature Ice Fig. 4.--- 34 - 0 2 4 6 8 10 J123747+621600T = 150 K ice T = 50 K ice T = 30 K ice T = 60 K dust 850 um 850 um QSO J1148+5251 Fig. 5.--- 35 - 0 2 4 6 8 10 um brightness (mJy)+ 10QSO J1148+5152 amorphous ice T = 150 K crystalline ice T = 50 K crystalline ice T = 30 K crystalline ice T = 60 K, b=2, t90=2 dust Fig. 6.--- 36 wavelength ( (LO *) Lya BlackoutHDF yr MU=100 MO * L=1.6x1011 LO *Vm/Vc=5.6 T=50 K t90 LO * Lens: z=1.1 Fig. 7.--- 37 - 0 5 10 15 um brightness (mJy) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T = 30 K ice T = 45 K, b = 1.2 dust T = 50 K ice Fig. 8.--
Charles Dudley
C. C. Dudley, M. Imanishi and P. R. Maloney
Ice emission and the redshifts of submillimeter sources
37 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal
Observations at submillimeter wavelengths have revealed a population of sources thought to be at relatively large redshifts. The position of the 850 $\mu$m passband on the Rayleigh-Jeans portion of the Planck function leads to a maximum redshift estimate of $z\sim$4.5 since sources will not retain their redshift independent brightness close to the peak of the Planck function and thus drop out of surveys. Here we review evidence that ice absorption is present in the spectra of local ultraluminous infrared galaxies which are often taken as analogs for the 850 $\mu$m source population. We consider the implication of this absorption for ice induced spectral structure at far infrared wavelengths and present marginal astronomical evidence that amorphous ice may have a feature similar to crystalline ice near 150 $\mu$m. Recent corroborative laboratory evidence is supportive of this conclusion. It is argued that early metal enrichment by pair instability SN may lead to a high ice content relative to refractory dust at high redshift and a fairly robust detection of ice emission in a $z=6.42$ quasar is presented. It is further shown that ice emission is needed to understand the 450 $\mu$m sources observed in the GOODS-N field. We are thus encouraged to apply far infrared ice emission models to the available observations of HDF 850.1, the brightest submillimeter source in the {\it Hubble Deep Field}. We suggest that a redshift as large as 13 may need to be considered for this source, nearly a factor of three above the usual top estimate. Inclusion of the possibility of far infrared ice emission in the spectral energy distributions of model sources generally broadens the range of redshifts to be considered for submillimeter sources compared to models without ice emission.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 12 Feb 2008 16:34:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dudley", "C. C.", "" ], [ "Imanishi", "M.", "" ], [ "Maloney", "P. R.", "" ] ]
2the -H ion. Negative ions also play a major role in a number of areas of Physics & weakly ionized gases and pl asmas [ 1 - 4 ]. Particularly the-H ion finds applications as it can be used as an efficient antioxidant in human body. The present study addresses the charge transfer reaction in the si mplest Ps - atom system e. g., - ++- + H e s H ps s Ps )1( )2,2,1( , where the ground ( 1s ) or the excited ( 2s, 2p ) state Ps breaks up to form a -H ion in the final channel. In vi ew of the fact that the present process becomes exothermic for higher Ps eigen states ( 4 >=n , for the Chandrasekhar [ 4 ] wave function of the -H ion ) , the importance of th e Ps excited states in the -H ion formation can not be overemphasized. It is thus quite wort hwhile to make a comparative study of the -H ion formation cross sections ( both differential and total ) between the ground and the excited states , particularly in respect of the incident ener gy and the angular momentum quantum number ( l ). Further, the present theoretical estimates, in absence of any ot her results , could provide some guidelines to the future experiment s involving individual excited Ps st ates , the latter being already feasible for the Ps formation process [ 5 ] . The excited states of the H atom on the other hand, are expected to be less important th an those of the Ps in the -H ion formation. The importance of the Ps excited states was also noted [ 6 ] in the production of low energy antihydrogen ( H) atoms by collision with antiprotons ( -+-+ e H Ps p ) where the H production was found to increase rapidly with the exc itation of Ps. Although to our knowle dge, there exists no in the literature as yet for collisions involving the excited Ps as target , measurements on the production of excited states Ps were reported much earlier [ 7, 8 ] . To obtain reliable results at very low in cident energies, it is essentia l to take into account the effect of all possible channels and a coupled channe l approach is therefore needed. Therefore, the importance of the inclusion of th e above rearrangement channel in the scattering process of the PS + H system in the frame work of a coupled channel approach can not be over emphasized . Further, since the negative hydrogen ion does not posse ss any discrete excited state, this transfer process has an added advantage both in respect of experimental and However, despite such paramount im portance, theoretical study of this process is quite limited [ 9, 10 ] probably because of the complexity lying with the four body problem. As such , in3the absence of any experimental da ta or any sophisticated theoretic al calculations , a but a consistent model could provide a re asonable estimate for this important reaction and provide some guidelines for the future experiments as well as for the sophisticated ( e. g. , CC , R Matrix ) theories. Theoretically, Ps - atom scattering is one of the most difficult problems since both the projectile and the target are composite objects with internal structures. In the present calculation , the four body problem is dealt within the framew ork of post collisional Coulomb Modified ( CMEA ) wher e proper care is taken into acc ount of the long range between the out going positron and the -H ion in the final channel. For ionic species, this effect should in no way be neglected to obtain reliable results especially at low andintermediate incident energies. It should be pointed out here that this long range was totally neglected in the coupled two channel calcul ations ( for ground state only ) of Biswas [ 9 ] . The present CMEA model takes account of the highe r order distortion effects in the asymptotic region as well as in the collisional region and as such unlike the plain eikonal , it can be pushed even up to quite low incident energies . In fa ct, inclusion of higher or der effects is essential for a rearrangement process where the First Born type approximation ( Coulomb Born for the ionic case) is not supposed to be adequate. Further, the present Coulomb Born ( CB ) results , extracted from the present CMEA code could also serve the purpose of reliable inputs to the Close Coupling ( CC ) approximation . However, it should be mentioned here, that at extreme low energies ( near threshold ) the presen t model might not yield qui te reliable results and as already mentioned , a more sophisticated ca lculation ( e.g., CC or R Matrix ) is needed. Since the -H ion can exist only in it s ground singlet state ( S = 0 ) , the above charge transfer channel occurs in the electronic spin singlet only. The present work gives special emphasis on electron capture from the excited states of Ps ( 2s, 2p ) since few re sults for the ground state capture were reported earlier [ 10 ] . To the best of our knowledge, th is work is the first for the negative hydrogen ion formation from the excited states of Ps. 2 Theory: The prior and the post forms of the transition amplitude for the above process are given as4 ii fprior if V T ps-Ps= ( 1a ) +Ps =iffpost if V Tps ( 1b ) where iV or fV is the initial or final channel pertur bation which is the part of the not diagonalized in th e initial or final state. In equation ( 1b ) or ( 1a ), +Psior -Psf is an exact solution of the four body problem sa tisfying the outgoing or incoming - wave respectively. The present calculations are performed in the framew ork of post Modified Eikonal Approximation ( CMEA ) as well as in the Coulomb ( CBA ) and as such only the prior form of the transition amplitude ifT in equation ( 1a ) is adopted. Thus -Psf in equation ( 1a ) satisfies the equation 0 ) ( =Ps-- f EH ( 2 ) The asymptotic initial channel wave function ipsof equation (1a) is chosen as ).( )2( ) (1Riki e r HrxPs ivv v vvph phps-= ( 3 ) where 2/) (1rx Rvvv += ; xv and 1rv be the coordinates of the positron and electron forming the Ps atom ( initially ) with respect to the target nucle us, while the coordinate of the target ( H atom ) electron being denoted as 2rv. Psph stands for the ground ( 1s ) or the excited ( 2s, 2p ) states wave function of the Ps atom [ 11 ] while Hph represents the ground - state wave function of H atom. The initial channel perturbation iV in equation (1a) is given by eT pTt t i V V r r rZ rx xZV += -+---= 2 11 21 1 vv vv ( 4 ) where pTV refers to the positron - target interaction while TeV refers to the electron - The exact final state wave function -Psfoccurring in the prior fo rm of equation (1a) is approximated in the framework of Coulomb Modified Eikonal Approximation ( CMEA ) as5)2,1( 11 1exp)]1 1( ) (1 1 rr zd z rxxx kxki i Fxki e - G -=Ps -- phaa aap e ( 5 a ) with 111 k-=a , 111 k=e . The corresponding final state wa ve function in the Coulomb ( CBA ) is given as : )2,1( )]1 1( . ) (1 1rr xkxki i Fxki e iHfvvvvvv -+- G -=Ps --ph a aap ( 5b ) where )2,1(rrHvv-ph in equations ( 5a ) & ( 5b ) corresponds to the -H ion ground - state wave function of Chandrasekhar [ 4 ] and is given by : )2 1 2 1( )4/1( N rrHab ba p ph-- +-- =-vv ( 6 ) with N = 0.3948, a= 1.03925 , b= 0.28309 . The ground state energy of the -H ion for this wave function [ 4 ] is E = -0.513 a. u. Although the pres ent work uses the simpler wave function ( -H ion ) of Chandrasekhar [ 4 ] that was widely us ed successfully [ 9, 12 - 15 ] , more functions are available in th e literature [ 12, 16 ] involving expl icit correlation ( e - e ) terms and producing more accurate binding energy of the -H ion. However, the correlated wave function is expected to be more suitable and in fact una voidable for the two electr on transition processes that are mainly governed by the e - e correlation [ 17, 18 ] . Since the present work refers to single electron capture and the -H ion is formed in the final state, to our belief , the use of this of the -H ion [ 4 ] which partly takes accoun t of the e - e correlation [ 13, 14 ] is quite justified and is supposed to give reasonable description of the physics of the target for this particular process where the electr on is transferred from the Ps at om to the one electron target to form the -H ion in the final state. In fact , the choice of this simpler wave function is mainly dictated by the feasibility of the present calculati on which is already quite involved for a four body6problem. Even in the simple first Born approxi mation ( FBA ) , the mathematical expression for the scattering amplitude becomes quite comple x with the correlated wave function [12]. Using equations ( 2 ) - ( 6 ) in equation 1(a) and then after much analytical reduction [ 19 ] , the transition amplitude is finally reduced to a two - dime nsional integral to be [ 19, 20 ]. The differential cross section for the process studied is given by ( 7 ) where ivand fvare the initial and the final velocities of the Ps and the +erespectively. The factor of 41 in eqn.( 7 ) is introduced to account fo r the singlet ( para ) state formation of -H. The ortho state of -H being much unstable, does not contribute to the -Hformation cross sections [ 9 ]. The total cross section s is obtained by integrating eqn. ( 7 ) over the solid angle of the outgoing positron, i. e., ththospsp dddsin 2 0= ( 8 ) 3 Results & Discussions: We have computed the results for the -H ion formation cross sections , both differential ( DCS ) and total ( TCS ) , for the charge tr ansfer reaction Ps ( 1s, 2s, 2p ) + H ( 1s ) - +e + -H ( 1s ) in the Coulomb Modified Eikonal Approximation ( CMEA ) . For comparison , Coulomb Born approximation ( CBA ) results are also extr acted from the present CMEA code . Since the threshold energy for th is particular process is 6.45 eV for the ground ( n = 1 ) Ps state and 1.35 eV for the excited ( n = 2 ) Ps stat es, the DCS results at a much lower incident Ps energy ( e.g., 2 eV or 5 eV ) are exhibited in figure 1 for the exci ted states ( 2s, 2p ) of Ps only. Figures 1 - 3 exhibit the pres ent differential cross sections ( DCS ) from the ground and excited ( 2s, 2p ) states of Ps for incident energies ( E i ) 2 eV, 5 eV, 10 eV and 30 eV respectively.7 Figures 1 - 3 reveal that the -H ion formation is strongly favoured in the for all the stat es of Ps , although th e maximum DCS ( at ) 0o=th that mainly governs the magnitude of the total formation cross section ( TCS ) , is largest for the 2p state and smallest for the 2s one , while the 1s st ate lies in between , i.e., s s p 2 1 2ff . In contrast , for angles , the partial DCS follows the order 1s > 2p > 2s ( vide fig. 2 ) . This trend of the DCS at forward angles is noted even up to 25 eV ( not shown in figure ) , although with energy, the maximum of the 2p DCS decr eases and tends towards the 1s maximum ( vide fig. 3 ) . As for the qualitative comparison , the 1s , 2s DCS , ( figs 2 & 3 ) exhibit a distinct minimum followed by a broad maximum ( or a s houlder like structure ) depending on the incident energy. Both the minimum and the maximum sharpe n and move towards the forward direction with increasing E i . For the 2p state on th e other hand , instead of a distinct minimum , only a kink followed by another broad minimum are noted ( to be explained later ) . Here also the positions and the sharpness of the structures ar e dependent on the incident energy . Fig.1 . Differential cross se ctions ( DCS ) ( in 1 2 0-sra ) for the -H ion formation in terms of the scattering angle th of the outgoing positron in Ps + H atom collisions for incident energy (iE) = 2 eV and 5 eV. Dashed line for 2p state , dotted line for 2s state of the Ps atom for (iE) = 2 eV. For iE= 5 eV, solid line for 2p state , dotted line with open circle for 2s state of Ps atom.8 Figs. 4 ( a ) - 4 ( c ) exhib it the CMEA DCS ( 1s, 2s & 2p ) at Ps energy 15 eV along with the individual contributi ons to the total DCS due to the net attractive and repulsive parts of the total prior interaction , iV in equation ( 4 ) . The net attr active interaction that governs mainly the soft collision , strongly dominates ( by orders of magnitude ) over the repulsive one at forward angles and as such de termines the nature of the full DCS. The occurrence of the distinct minimum in the 1s, 2s DCS ( vide figs 1 - 4 ( b ) ) maybe ascribed to the destructive interference between th e attractive and the re pulsive parts of the Fig. 2. Differential cross sections ( DCS ) ( in 1 2 0-sra ) for the -H ion formation in terms of the scattering angle th of the out going positron in Ps + H atom collisions from the 1s, 2s, 2p states of Ps at om for incident energy (iE) = 10 eV, solid line for 2p state , dotted line for 2s state, dash dot line for 1s state of the Ps atom.Fig. 3 . Same DCS as in fig. 2 but for iE= 30 eV.9scattering amplitude at this particul ar angle . Since with increasing iE, the amplitude for the attractive part becomes more and more peaked in the forward direction , the position of the DCS minimum shifts towards smaller angles with increase of impact energy . The absence of the deep minimum in the 2P DCS ( fi g. 4c ) is attributed to the fact that the minima for the m degenerate state occur at different scatte ring angles , i. e., the ma xima and minima of the 2p 0 ( m = 0 ) state occur at different sc attering angles than those for the 12+-p ) 1 (+-=m states. Fig. 4. ( a ) Differential cro ss sections ( DCS ) ( in 1 2 0-sra ) for the -H ion formation in terms of the scattering angle th of the out going positron in Ps + H atom collisions for iE = 15 eV, from 1s state of Ps , solid curve for full interaction potential iV in equation ( 6 ) , do tted curve for the DCS calculated with the net attractive part [ eTV in eqn. ( 6 )] of the interaction potential iV at iE = 15 eV, dashed curve for the DCS calculated with the net repulsive part [ pTV in eqn. ( 6 ) ] of the iV at iE = 15 eV. ( b ) same as ( a ) but for 2s state of Ps , ( c ) same as ( a ) but for 2p state of Ps atom.10 Figures 5 & 6 that display the DCS ( 1s, 2s, 2p ) at some hi gher incident energies, ( e.g., Ei = 50 , 100, 150 & 200 eV ) reveal that with increasing E i , a double peak structure starts appearing and as in the case of the first minimum ( vide figs. 1 - 4 ), the position of the secondary peak shifts towards smaller angles. Further, the s econdary structures for a ll the states, become more and more prominent with increasing E i , indicating the importance of the higher - order effects at higher incident energies . The inset of fig. 5 ( for th e 1s state ) gives a more clear evidence of this. Fig. 5. -H ion formation cross section ( DCS ) from the 2s state of Ps atom for different dashed dot curve for iE = 50 eV, dashed curve for iE = 100 eV, dotted curve for iE = 150 eV, solid curve for iE = 200 eV. Inset same DCS but from 1s state of Ps.Fig. 6. Same as Fig. 5 but for 2p state of Ps. Inset CB DCS for E I = 300 eV. Solid curve for the 1s state of Ps, dashed curve for 2s state of Ps anddotted curve for 2p state of Ps.11 The appearance of the double peak structure in the 1s & 2s DCS at higher E i could be attributed to the higher order effect that is taken into account through the post collisional For the 2p state on the other hand , this prominent secondary peak is again somewhat suppressed resulting in some hump like structures ( fig. 6 ) , due to the same reason as stated before for the first minimum . It should be pointed out here that no such secondary structure occurs in the CBA results ( vide the inset of fig. 6 ) even at very high incident energy ( e. g., 300 eV ). Figures 7 & 8 exhibit the par tial ( 1s, 2s, 2p ) total cros s sections ( TCS ) for the -H ion formation for a wide range of incident energies . As is noted from the fi gures, at very low ( up to 15 eV ) , the partial TCS follows the order 2p > 1s > 2s while at ( 15 - 25 eV ) , the order is 1s > 2p > 2s . Beyond 25 eV onwards ( up to 200 eV ) the partial TCS is in the decreasing order i.e., 1s > 2s> 2p . The dominan ce of the 2p TCS at low incident energies could probably be attributed to the long range polarization effects which is much stronger for the 2p state than for any other states. In fact, a major contri bution to the that mainly dominates at lower incident ener gies , comes from the lowest lying p state ( i. e., 2p state ). Fig. 7 . Partial total cross se ctions ( TCS ) ( units of 2 0ap ) for -H formation from 1s, 2s a nd 2p states of Ps for incident energy range from threshold - 50 eV. Solid curve for 2p state, dotted curve for 2s state, dash dot curve for 1s state. Inset same TCS but for incident energy range threshold - 15 eV.12Fig. 8. Partial total cross sections ( TCS ) for -H formation from 1s, 2s and 2p states of Ps atom and the integrated cross section ( 1s+ 2s + 2p ) for a wide rang e of incident energy ( up to 200 eV). Solid curve for 2p state, dotted curve for 2s state, dash dot curve for 1s state and dash- double dot curve for integrated results. Figure 8 also demonstrates the integrated CMEA total cr oss sections ( 1s + 2s + 2p ) for the incident energies up to 200 eV. As is evident from fig. 8, all the partial TCS and obviously the integrated one decrease monot onically with increasing incident energy. 13Table 1: Partial CMEA and Integrated TCS for the -Hion formation from the ground ( n = 1 ) and the excited ( n = 2 ) states of Ps ( * CBA is derived from the present CMEA code ). Partial Total Cross Sections Integrated Total )1s 2s 2p 1s + 2s + of Biswas [ 9 - - - 16.55 19.51 83.09 84.67 99.64 (2s+2p) 104.18(2s+2p) 5. - - - 1.86 0.95 6.47 6.31 8.33 (2s+2p) 7.26 (2s+2p) 10. 0.77 0.37 - 0.47 0.28 1.05 0.87 2.29 1.52 15. 0.32 0.19 0.056 0.18 0.13 0.29 0.23 0.79 0.55 20. 0.16 0.11 0.105 0.09 0.07 0.11 0.08 0.36 0.26 25. 0.09 0.06 0.121 0.048 0.038 0.049 0.037 0.187 0.135 30. 0.05 0.04 0.1137 0.03 0.02 0.024 0.018 0.104 0.078 40. 0.02 0.017 0.075 0.012 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.04 0.033 50. 0.01 0.008 0.04 5.6E-3 4.60E-3 3.17E-3 2.18E-3 0.02 0.01 60. 5.5E-3 4.3E-3 0.02 2.9E-3 2.4E-3 1.4E-3 9.6E-4 9.8E-3 7.6E-3 70. 3.1E-3 2.4E-3 0.014 1.7E-3 1.3E-3 7.2E-4 4.7E-4 5.5E-3 4.17E-3 80. 1.9E-3 1.4E-3 7.1E-3 1.0E-3 8.0E-4 3.9E-4 2.5E-4 3.3E-3 2.45E-3 100. 7.9E-4 5.9E-4 2.4E-3 4.2E-4 3.25E-4 1.34E-4 8.30E-5 1.34E-3 9.98E-4 150. 1.45E-4 1.04E-4 - 7.72E-5 5.67E-5 1.75E-5 1.02E-5 2.39E-4 1.71E-4 200. 4.05E-5 2.79E-5 - 2.14E-5 1.56E-5 3.99E-6 2.34E-6 6.59E-5 4.58E-5 350. 2.81E-6 1.81E-6 - 1.64E-6 1.15E-6 5.26E-7 4.46E-7 4.97E-6 3.41E-6 500. 4.59E-7 2.84E-7 - 3.50E-7 2.64E-7 2.73E-7 2.63E-7 10.82E-7 8.11E-714 For the sake of some numerical measur e, we have displayed in table 1 a few partial and integrated ( 1s + 2s + 2p ) CMEA TCS al ong with the corresponding CB results. The CB results are always found to be higher than the CMEA one s except at the thresh old region. Further, the significant discrepancy between the present CMEA ( both in the part ial and the integrated TCS ) and the CB results even at a ve ry high incident energy ( e. g. , iE= 500 eV ) indicates the importance of higher order effects fo r a rearrangement process. Tabl e 1 also reveals that at lower incident energies, the discrepancy between the CM EA and the CB results is much higher for the 1s and 2s states than for the 2p one, while at higher iE, the reverse is true, i. e. , the deviation is most for the 2p state. To our knowledge, the only theoretic al results available for this particular charge ( for the ground state Ps onl y ) is due to Biswas [ 9 ] in the framework of coupled two channel approximation using their [ 9 ] model exch ange method as well as the abinitio exchange method. As stated before , the large deviations ( vide Table 1 ) noted between the two theories ( present and that of Biswas [ 9 ] ) could probabl y be attributed to the Aut hor's [ 9 ] neglect of the long range Coulomb attraction between the +e and the -H in the final channel. Further, the neglect of this interaction leads to an unphysical behaviour , e. g. , the TCS of Biswas [ 9 ] converge to the FBA results while , the present CMEA TCS tend to converge to the Coulomb Born results at very high incident energies, as is expected physically for the pr esent process leading to an ion formation in the final channel . It should be em phasized that this long ra nge Coulomb the charged particles should in no wa y be neglected to obtain reliable results. 4 Conclusions : At low and intermediate incident energies, the excited states of the Ps play a dominant role in the -H ion formation cross sections while at high er energies, the capture from the ground state Ps dominates. Particularly the Ps 2p state is found to be the dominant process among the three states ( 1s, 2s, 2p ) at ve ry low incident energies. The distinct double peak stru ctures occurring at highe r incident energies ( E i ) in the 1s, 2s DCS ( which are absent in the CBA ) could be the manifestation of hi gher order effects. The signature of the double peak becomes more and more prominent with increasing iE indicating the15increasing importance of the higher order effects with incident ener gy. For the 2p state however , the double peak structure is not so prominent as in the case of 1s , 2s because of the m - degenerate states. The discrepancy between the pr esent CMEA and the CBA TCS arising due to higher order effects retains even at a very high incident ener gy as is expected for a rearrangement process. 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Chandana Sinha
S. Roy snd C. Sinha
Formation of negative hydrogen ion in Positronium - Hydrogen collisions
16 pages, 10 figures
The importance of the excited states of Positronium (Ps) in the formation cross sections(both differential and total) of the negative hydrogen ion (H^-) are investigated theoretically for the charge transfer reaction, Ps (n = 1, 2) + H --> e+ + H^- for a wide range of incident energies (e. g., threshold - 500 eV) . The calculations are performed in the frame work of a qualitative model, the post collisional Coulomb Modified Eikonal Approximation (CMEA) . A comparative study is also made between the capture from ground and excited states of the Ps. The present CMEA model takes account of higher order effects which is essential for a rearrangement process where the First Born type Approximation (Coulomb Born for the ionic case) is not supposed to be adequate. At low incident energies, the excited states of Ps (2s, 2p) are found to play a dominant role in the H^- formation cross sections . Significant deviations are noted between the present CMEA and the Coulomb Born (CBA) results even at very high incident energies (e.g., Ei = 500 eV), indicating the importance of higher order effects. At high incident energies the present CMEA differential cross section (DCS) exhibits a double peak structure which is totally absent in the CBA and could again be attributed to higher order effects.
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[ [ "Sinha", "S. Roy snd C.", "" ] ]
2 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO 11. Calculation of potential function 75 12. Non-unitary flat connection on L(u) 84 13. Floer cohomology at a critical point of potential function 88 14. Appendix 1 : Algebraically closedness of Novikov fields 94 15. Appendix 2 : Tn-equivariant Kuranishi structure 95 16. Appendix 3 : Smooth correspondence via the zero set of multise ction 101 References theory of Lagrangian submanifolds plays an important role in sy mplec- tic geometry since Floer's invention [Fl] of the Floer cohomology and s to the class of monotone Lagrangian submanifolds [Oh1]. After the introduction of Astructure in Floer theory [Fu1] and Kontsevich's symmetry proposal [Ko], it has also played an essential role in a formulation of mirror symmetry in string theory. In [FOOO1], we have analyzed the anomaly 2/e}aioslash= 0 and developed an obstruc- tion theory for the definition of Floer cohomology and introduced th e class of unob- structed Lagrangian submanifolds for which one can deform Floer's original de fini- tionofthe b. Expanding the discussion in section 7 [FOOO1] and motivated by the work of Cho- Oh [CO], we also introduced the notion of weakly unobstructed Lagrangian submanifolds in Chapter 3 [FOOO3] which turns out to be the right class of Lagrangia n subman- ifolds to look at in relation to the mirror symmetry of Fano toric A-model B-model proposed by physicists (see [Ho], [HV]). In the present paper, we study the this earlier work of Givental [Gi1] which advocates that quantum co homology ring is isomorphic to the Jacobian ring of a certain function, which is called t he Landau- Ginzburg superpotential. Combining this study with the results from [FOOO3], we also apply this study to symplectic topology of Lagrangian fibers of t oric manifolds. While appearance of bounding cochains is natural in the point of view o f de- formation theory, explicit computation thereof has not been carr ied out. One of the main purposes of the present paper is to perform this calculatio n in the case of fibers of toric manifolds and draw its various applications. Especially w e show that each fiberL(u) atut*is weakly unobstructed for anytoric manifold p:X-t* (see Proposition 4.3), and then show that the set of the pairs ( L(u),b) of a fiber L(u) and a weak bounding cochain bwith nontrivial Floer cohomology can be cal- culated from the quantum cohomologyof the ambient toric manifold, at least in the Fano case. Namely the set of such pairs ( L(u),b) is identified with the set of from quantum cohomology to the relevant Novikov r ing. We also show by a variational analysis that for any compact toric manifold th ere exists at least one pair of ( u,b)'s for which the Floer cohomology of ( L(u),b) is nontrivial. We call a Lagrangian fiber (that is, a roughly speaking, if its Floer cohomology is nontrivial. (See Definition 4.11 for its precise defin ition.) The main result of this paper is summarized as follows. (1) WhenXis a compact Fano toric manifold, we give a method to locate all the balanced FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 3 (2) Even when Xis not Fano, we can still apply the same method to obtain a finite set of Lagrangian fibers. We prove this set coincides with the set of balanced Lagrangian fibers under certain nondegeneracy cond ition. This condition can be easily checked, when a toric manifold is given. Now more precise statement of the main results are in order. LetXbe anndimensional smooth compact toric manifold. We fix a Tn- equivariant K ahler form on Xand the moment map. The image P=p(X)(Rn)*is called the moment polytope . ForuIntP, we denoteL(u) =p-1(u). The fiber L(u) is a Lagrangian torus which is an orbit of theTnaction. (See section 2. We refer readers to, for example, [Au], [Fu l] for the details on toric manifolds.) We study the Floer cohomology defined in [F OOO3]. According to [FOOO1, FOOO3], we need an extra data, the bounding c ochain, to make the definition of Floer cohomology more flexible to allow more gene ral class of Lagrangian submanifolds. In the current context of Lagrangia n torus fibers in toric manifolds, we use weak bounding cochains . Denote by Mweak(L(u);L0) the moduli space of (weak) bounding cochains for a weakly unobstruct ed L(u). (See the end of section 4.) In this situation we first show that each element in H1(L(u);L0) gives rise to a weak bounding cochain, i.e., there is a natural Mweak(L(u);L0). (1.1) (See Proposition 4.3.) Here we use the universal Novikov ring L a formal parameter. (We do not use the grading parameter eused in [FOOO3] since it will not play much role in this paper.) Then L 0is a subring of L defined (1.3) We also use another (1.4) We note L is the field of fractions of L 0and L 0is a local ring with maximal ideal L+. Here we take the universal Novikov ring over Qbut we also use ring over Cor other ring Rwhich we denote LC, LR, respectively. (In case Rdoes not contain Q, Floer cohomology over LRis defined only in Fano case.) Remark 1.1. If we strictly follow the way taken in [FOOO3], we only get the embedding H1(L(u);L+)- Mweak(L(u)), not (1.1). Here Mweak(L(u)) defined in [FOOO3]. (We note that where the right hand side is defined at the end of section 4.) However we can modify the definition of weak unobstructedness so that (1.1) follows, using the idea of Cho [Cho]. See section 12.4 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Hereafter we use the symbol bfor an element of Mweak(L(u);L+) andxfor an element of next consider the quantum cohomology ring QH(X;L) with the ring L as a coefficient ring. (See section 6.) It is a commutative ring for the toric case, since QH(X;L) is generated by even degree cohomology 1.2. (1) We define the set Spec( QH(X;L))(LC) to be the set of L algebra homomorphisms ph:QH(X;L)-LC. (In other words it is the set of all LCvalued points of the scheme Spec( QH(X;L)). (2) We next denote by M(Lag(X)) the set of all pairs ( such 1.3. IfXis a Fano toric manifold semi-simple in addition, we = #(M(Lag(X))). (1.5) We remark that a commutative ring that is a finite dimensional vector space over a field (e.g., L in our case) is semi-simple if and only if it does not cont ain any nilpotent element. We also remark that a compact toric manifold is Fan o if and only if every nontrivial holomorphic sphere has positive Chern numbe r. We believe that (1.5) still holds in the non-Fano case but are unable to prove it at the time of writing this paper. We however can prove that there e xists a fiber L(u) whose Floer cohomology is nontrivial, by a method different from the proof of Theorem 1.3. Due to some technical reason, we can only provethe f ollowing slightly weaker 1.4. Assume the K ahler form oofXis rational. Then, there exists uIntPsuch that for any N R+there exists suspect that the rationality assumption in Theorem 1.4 can be rem oved. It is also likely that we can prove M(Lag(X)) is nonempty but its proof at the moment is a bit cumbersome to write down. We can however derive the following theorem from Theorem 1.4, without rationality 1.5. LetXbe anndimensional compact toric manifold. There that the following holds for any Hamiltonian diffeomorp transversal to L(u0)in addition, (1.7) Theorem 1.5 will be proved in section 13. We would like to point out that (1.6) can be derived from a more genera l inter- section result, Theorem 2.1 [EP1], obtained by wit h a different method using a very interesting notion of partial symplectic quasi-s tate FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 5 out of the spectral invariants defined in [Sc], [Oh3]. (See also [Vi], [Oh2] for in the context of exact Lagrangian 1.6. Strictly speaking, Theorem 2.1 [EP1] is stated under the semi-positive and ois rational because the theory of spectral invariant was developed in [Oh3] under these conditions. The rationality assum ption has been removed in [Oh4], [Us] and the semi-positivity assumption of oremoved by Usher [Us]. Thus the spectral invariant satisfying all the propertie s listed in [EP1] section 5 is now established for an arbitrary compact symplectic man ifold. By the argument of [EP1] section 7, this implies the existence of a partia l Therefore the proof of Theorem 2.1 [EP1] goes thro ugh without (semi-positivity and rationality) and hence it implies (1.6) . (See the introduction of [Us].) But the result (1.7) is new. Our proof of Theorem 1.5 gives an explicit way of locating u0, as we show in sec- tion 9. (The method of [EP1] is indirect and does not provide a way of fi nding such u0. See [EP2]. Below, we will make some remarks concerning Entov-Polte in the perspective of homological mirror symmetry.) In va rious we can find more than one element u0that have the properties stated in this theorem. Following terminology employed in [CO], we call any such to rus fiber L(u0) as in Theorem 1.4 a balanced Lagrangian torus fiber. (See Definition 4.11 for its precise definition.) A criterion for L(u0) to be balanced, for the case x= 0, is provided by Cho-Oh [CO] and Cho [Cho] under the Fano condition. Our proofs of Theorem s 1.4, 1.5 are much based on this criterion, and on the idea of Cho [Cho] of twisting line bundles in the construction of Floer boundary operator . This criterion in turn specializes to the one predicted by physicists [HV], [Ho], which re lates the location of u0to the critical points of the Landau-Ginzburg precise description of balanced Lagrangian fibers including the dat a of bound- ing cochains involves the notion of a potential function : In [FOOO3], the authors have introduced a an arbitrary weakly unobstructed Lagrangian submanifold L(X,o). By varying the function POLoverL {p-1(u)|uIntP}, we obtain the (1.8) This function is constructed purely in terms of A-model data of the general sym- plectic manifold ( X,o)withoutusing mirror symmetry. For a toric ( X,o), the restriction of POtoH1(L(u);L+) (see (1.1)) can be made explicit when combined with the analysis of holomorphic discs atta ched to torus fibers of toric manifolds carried out in [CO], at least in the Fano c ase. (In the non-Fano case we can make it explicit modulo 'higher order terms'.) This function extends 1.7. In [EP3] some relationships between quantum cohomology, quasi- state, spectral invariant and displacement of Lagrangiansubman ifolds are discussed : Consider an idempotent iof quantum cohomology. The (asymptotic) spectral6 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO invariants associated to igives rise to a partial symplectic quasi-state via the pro- cedure concocted in [EP3], which in turn detects o f certain La- grangian submanifolds. (The assumption of [EP1] is weaker than our s.) In the current context of toric manifolds, we could also relate them to Floer cohomology and mirror symmetry in the following way : Quantum cohom ology is decomposed into indecomposable factors. (See Proposition 7.7.) L etibe the idempotent corresponding to one of the indecomposable factors. a Lagrangian torus fiber whose is detected by the quasi-state obtained from i. We conjecture that Floer is nontrivial for some x. (See Remark 5.8.) This bounding cochain xin turn is shown to be a critical point of the potential in [FOOO3]. On the other hand, ialso determines a homomorphism phi:QH(X;L)-L. It corresponds to some Lagrangian fiber L(u(2,i)) by Theorem 1.3. Then this will imply via Theorem 4.10 that the fiber L(u(2,i)) is conjecture that u(1,i) =u(2,i). We remark that u(2,i) is explicitly calcu- lable. Hence in view of the way u(1,i) is found in [EP1], u(1,i) =u(2,i) will give some information on the asymptotic behavior of the spectral invar iant fix a basis of the Lie algebra tofTnwhich induces a basis of t*and hence a coordinate of the moment polytope Pt*. This in turn induces a basis of H1(L(u);L0) for eachuIntPand so identification We then regard the potential function as a : prove in Theorem 4.10 that Floer cohomology with x= (x1,***,xn),u= (u1,***,un) is nontrivial if and only if ( x,u) = 0, i= 1,***,n. (1.9) To study (1.9), it is useful to change the variables xito yi=exi. In these variables we can write potential function as a Laurent polynomials which do not depend on u, andci(u) are positive real valued functions. When Xis Fano, we can express the right hand side as a finite sum. (See Theorem 4.5.) We define a function POuofyi's a Laurent polynomial of nvariables with coefficient in L. We denote the set of Laurent polynomials consider its ideal generated by the partial derivatives of POu. FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 7 Definition 1.8. We call the quotient ring Jac(POu) ring ofPOu. We will prove that the Jacobian ring is independent of the choice of uup to isomorphism (see the end of section 6) and so we will just write Jac(PO) for Jac(POu) when there is no danger of 1.9. IfXis Fano, there exists a Lalgebra quantum cohomology ring to the Jacobian ring such that psu(c1(X)) =POu. Theorem 1.9 (or Theorem 1.12 below) enables us to explicitly determine all the pairs (x,u) with/e}aioslash= 0 out of the quantum cohomology of X. More specifically Batyrev's presentation of quantum cohomology in terms of the Jacobian ring plays an essential role for this purpose. We will exp lain how this is done in sections 7, 8. Remark 1.10. (1) Theidea thatquantum the Jacobian ring begins with a celebrated paper by Givental. (See Theor em 5 (1) [Gi1].) There it was claimed also that the Dmodule defined by an oscillatory integral with the superpotential as its kernel is isomorp hic Floer cohomology of periodic Hamiltonian system. When one takes its WKB limit, the former becomes the ring of functions on its characteristic variety, which is nothing but the Jacobian ring. Th e latter becomes the (small) quantum cohomology ring under the same limit. Assuming the Ansatz that quantum cohomology can be calculated by fixed point localization, these claims are proved in a subsequent paper [Gi2] for, at least, toric Fano manifolds. Then the required fixed point localizat ion is made rigorous later in [GrPa]. See also Iritani it hasbeen advocatedthat Landau-Ginzbur is, thepotential function quantum cohomologyof X. A precise mathematical statement thereof is our Theorem 1.9. (See for example p. 473 [MIRROR].) Our main new idea entering in the proof of Theorem 1.3 other than those already in [FOOO3] is the way how we combine them to on Lagrangian submanifolds. In fact Theorem 1.9 itself e asily follows if we use the claim made by Batyrev that quantum cohomology o ions, called quantum Stanley-Reisner relation and linear relation. (This claim is now well established.) We include this simple derivation in section 6 sake, since it is essential to take the Novikov ring L a s the coefficient ring in our applications the version of which does not seem t o be proven in the literature in the form that can be easily quoted. (2) The proof of Theorem 1.9 given in this paper does not contain a se rious study of spheres. The argument which we out line in8 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Remark 6.15 is based on open-closed Gromov-Witten theory, and diff er- ent from other various methods that have been used to calculate G romov- Witten invariant in the literature. In particular this argument does n ot use the method of fixed point localization. We will present this concep tual proof of Theorem 1.9 in a sequel to this paper. (3) The isomorphism in Theorem 1.9 may be regarded as a particular ca se of the conjectural relation between quantum cohomology and Hoc of Fukaya category. See Remark 6.15. (4) In this paper, we only involve small quantum cohomology ring but w e can also include big quantum cohomology ring. Then we expect Theorem 1.9 can be enhancedto establisha the Frobeniuss tructure ofthe cohomology(see, forexam ple, [Man]) and that of Landau-Ginzburg model (which is due to K. Saito [Sa]). Th is statement (and Theorems 1.3, 1.9) can be regarded as a version of mirror symmetry between the toric A-model and the Landau-Ginzburg B-model. In various literature on mirror symmetry, such as [Ab], [AKO], [Ue], the B- model is dealt for Fano or toric manifolds in which the derived categor y of coherent sheaves is studied while the A-model is dealt for Landau-G inzburg A-models where the directed Acategory of Seidel [Se2] is studied. (5) In [Aur], Auroux discussed a mirror symmetry between the A-model side of toric manifolds and the B-model side of Landau-Ginzburg models. The discussion of [Aur] uses Floer cohomologywith C-coefficients. In this paper we use Floer cohomology over the Novikov ring which is more suitable fo r the applications to symplectic topology. (6) Even when Xis not necessarily Fano we can still prove a similar (1.10) where the left hand side is the Batyrev quantum cohomology ring (se e Definition 6.4) and the right hand side is the Jacobianring of some func tion PO0: (See (4.9).) In the Fano case PO0=PO. (1.10) is Proposition 6.8. (7) During the final stage of writing this article, a paper [CL] by Cha n and Leung was posted in the Archive which studies the above isomorphism via SYZ transformations. They give a proof of this isomorphism for the case whereXis a product of projective spaces and with the coefficient ring C, not with Novikov ring. Leung presented their result [CL] in a confere nce held in Kyoto University in January2008 where the first named autho r also presented the content of this paper. From our definition, it follows that the leading order potential funct can be extended to the whole product (LC 0)nxRnin a way that they are invariant under the translations by elements in (2 p-1Z)n(LC 0)n. Hence we may regard PO0as a function defined the non-Fano case, the function POis invariant under the translations by ele- mentsin maynot This is because the infinite sum appearing in the right hand side of (4.7) may n ot converge in non-Archimedean topology for u /IntP.LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 9 Definition 1.11. We denote Crit( PO)) the subset of ( the = = 1,***,n. We define M(Lag(X)) in Definition 1.2. (We use the same definition in non-Fano case.) In view of Theorem 1.12 (2) below, we also introduce the subse t M0(Lag(X)) also remark PO0=POin caseXis Fano. The following is a more precise form of Theorem 1.3. Theorem 1.12. (1)There exists a bijection exists a bijection Fano and xis a critical point of semi-simple, = #(Crit( PO0)). Remark 1.13. (1) Theorem 1.12 (3) does not hold in non-Fano case. We give a counter example (Example 8.2) in section 8. In fact, in the case of Ex ample 8.2 some of the critical points of PO0correspond to a point uRnwhich lies outside the moment polytope. (2) In the Fano case Theorem 1.12 (3) = Crit( PO) = Crit( PO0). We would like to point out that PO0is explicitly computable. But we do not know the explicit form of PO. However we can show that elements of Crit( PO0) and of Crit( PO) can be naturally related to each other under a mild (Theorem 10.4.) So we can use PO0in place of POin most of the cases. For example we can use it to prove that the following : Theorem 1.14. For anyk, there exists a K ahler form on X(k), thekpoints blow up ofCP2, that is toric and has exactly k+1balanced fibers. See Definition 4.11 for the definition of balanced fibers. Balanced fibe r satisfies the conclusions (1.6), (1.7) of Theorem 1.5. We prove Theorem 1.14 in section 10. Remark 1.15. The cardinality of with non- vanishing Floer cohomology is an invariant of Lagrangian submanifold L(u). This is a consequence of [FOOO3] Theorem G (= [FOOO2] Theorem G).10 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO The organization of this paper is now in order. In section 2 we gather some basic facts on toric manifolds and fix our notations. Section 3 is a brie f review of Lagrangian Floer theory of [FOOO1, FOOO3]. In section 4, we describ e our main results on the potential function POand on its relation to the Floer cohomology. We illustrate these theorems by several examples and derive their c onsequences in sections 5 - 10. We postpone their proofs until sections 11 - 13. In section 5, we illustrate explicit calculations involving the potential f unctions in such examples as CPn,S2xS2and the two points blow up of CP2. We also discuss a relationship between displacement energy of Lagrangian s ubmanifold (see Definition 5.9) and Floer cohomology. In sections 6 and 7, we prove th e results that mainly apply to the Fano case. Especially we prove Theorems 1.3, 1.9 an d 1.12 in these sections. Section 7 contains some applications of Theorem 1.9 especially to the case of monotone torus fibers and to the Q-structure of quantum cohomology ring. In section 8 we first illustrate usage of (the proof of) Theore m 1.3 to locate balanced fibers by the example of one point blow up of CP2. We then turn to the study of non-Fano cases and discuss Hirzebruch surfaces. Sect ion 8 also contains some discussion on the semi-simplicity of quantum cohomology. In sections 9 and 10, we prove the results that can be used in all tor ic cases, whether they are Fano or not. In section 9, using variational analy sis, we prove existence of a critical point of the potential function, which is an imp ortant step towards the proof of Theorems 1.4 and 1.5. Using the arguments of this section, we can locate a balanced fiber in any compact toric manifold, explicitly solv ing simple linear equalities and inequalities finitely many times. In section 10, we pr ove that we can find the solution of (1.9) by studying its reduction to C= LC 0/LC +, which we call the leading term equation. This result is purely algebraic. It imp lies that our method of locating balanced fibers, which is used in the proof of T heorem 1.3, can be also used in the non-Fano case under certain nondegenerac y condition. We apply this method to prove Theorem 1.14. We discuss an example of blo w up of CPnalong the high dimensional blow up center CPmin that section. We also examples and demonstrate phe nomena which occur in Forexample (( X,oi),Li) ofpairs that have nonzero Floer cohomology for some choice of bounding co chains, while its limit ((X,o),L) has vanishing Floer cohomology for any choice of bounding cochain (Example 10.17). We also provide an example of Lagrangian su bmanifold Lsuch that it has a nonzero Floer cohomology over LCfor some choice of but vanishing Floer cohomology for any choice of bounding c ochain over the field LFwith a field Fof characteristic 3 (Example 10.19). In section 11, we review the results on the moduli space of holomorp hic discs from [CO] which are used in the calculation of the potential function. We rewrite them in the form that can be used for the purpose of this paper. We also discuss the non-Fano case in this section. (Our result is less explicit in the non -Fano case, but still can be used to explicitly locate balanced fibers in most of the c ases.) In section 12, we use the idea of Cho [Cho] to deform Floer cohomology b y an rather than from H1(L(u);L+). This enhancement is crucial to obtain an optimal result about the non-displacement of Lagrang ian fibers. In section 13 we use those results to calculate Floer cohomology and co mplete the proof of Theorems 1.4 and 1.5 etc.LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 11 We attempted to make this paper largely independent of our book [F OOO1, FOOO3] as much as possible and also to make the relationship of the co ntents of the paper with the general story transparent. Here are a few ex amples : (1) Our definition of potential function for the fibers of toric manif olds in this paper is given in a way independent of that of [FOOO3] except the st i-sections on the moduli space of discs which provides a rig orous definition of Floer cohomology of single Lagrangian fiber. Such details are provided in section 3.1 [FOOO3] (= section 29 [FOOO2]). (2) Similarly the definition of Aalgebra in this paper on the Lagrangian fiber of toric manifolds is also independent of the book except the pr ocess going from An,Kstructure to Astructure, which we refer to section 7.2 [FOOO3] (= section 30 [FOOO2]). However, for all the applications in th is paper, only existence of An,Kstructures is needed. (3) The property of the Floer cohomology HF(L,L) detecting Lagrangian in- tersection of Lwith its Hamiltonian deformation relies on the fact that Floer cohomology of the pair is independent under the Hamiltonian iso- topy. This independence is established in [FOOO3]. In the toric case, it s alternative proof based on the de Rham version is given in [FOOO4] in a more general form than we need in this paper. The authors would like to thank H. Iritani and D. McDuff for helpful d iscussions. They would also like to thank the referee for various helpful commen ts. 2.Compact toric manifolds In this section, we summarize basic facts on the toric manifolds and s et-up our notations to be consistent with those in [CO], which in turn closely follow those in Batyrev [B1] and M. Audin structure. In ordertoobtainan we need a combinatorial object S, a complete fan of regular cones , in an n-dimensional vector space over R. LetNbe the lattice Zn, and letM=HomZ(N,Z) be the dual lattice of rank 2.1. A convex subset sNRis called a regular k-dimensional cone (k>=1) if there exists klinearly independent elements v1,***,vkNsuch the set {v1,***,vk}is a subset of some Z-basis ofN. In this case, we integral generators of s. Definition 2.2. A regular cone s'is called a faceof a regular cone s(we write s's) if the set of integral generators of s'is a subset of the set of of s. Definition 2.3. A finite system S = s1,***,ssof regular cones in NRis called fan ofregularcones, if the ifsS ands's, thens'S; (2) ifs,s'are in S, then K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO The set of all k-dimensional cones in S will be denoted by S(k). Definition 2.4. Let S be a complete n-dimensional fan of regular cones. Denote byG(S) ={v1,***,vm}the set of all generators of 1-dimensional cones in S ( m= Card S(1)). We call a subset P={vi1,***,vip} G(S) aprimitive collection not generate p-dimensional cone in S, while for all subset of Pgenerates a k-dimensional cone in S. Definition 2.5. LetCmbe anm-dimensional affine space over Cwith the set of coordinates z1,***,zmwhich are in the one-to-one correspondence of G(S). Let a primitive collection in G(S). Denote byA(P) the affine subspace in Cndefined by the 0. Since every primitive collection Phas at least two elements, the codimension of A(P) is at least 2. Definition 2.6. Define the closed algebraic subset Z(S) inCmas follows Z(S) over all primitive collections in G(S). Put U(S) 2.7. LetKbe the subgroup in Zmconsisting of all lattice vectors l= (l1,***,lm) such 0. Obviously Kis isomorphic to Zm-nand we have the exact (2.1) where the map psends the basis vectors eitovifori= 2.8. Let S be a complete n-dimensional fan of regular cones. Define D(S) to be the connected commutative subgroup in ( C*)mgenerated by all one- parameter (l1,***,lm)K. It is easy to see from the definition that D(S) acts freely on U(S). Now we are ready to give a definition of the compact toric manifold XSassociated with fan of regular cones S. Definition 2.9. Let S be a complete n-dimensional fan of regular cones. Then called the compact toric manifold associated with S. There exists a simple open coverings of U(S) by affine algebraic FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 13 Proposition 2.10. Letsbe ak-dimensional cone in Sgenerated by the open subset U(s)Cmas U(s) 0for allj / the open sets U(s)have the following any two cone s1,s2S, one hasU(s1)U(s2) =U(s1s2); Letsbe ann-dimensional cone in S(n)generated by spans the lattice M. We denote the dual Z-basis of the lattice the canonical pairing between lattices NandM. Then the affine open subset U(s)is isomorphic to Cnx(C*)m-n, the free, and the space of D(S)-orbits is isomorphic to the coordinate functions monomials a pointpUsas functions of its homogeneous coordinates structure. In the last subsection, we associated a compact man- ifoldXSto a fan S. In this subsection, we review the construction of symple ctic (K ahler) manifold associated to a convex polytope P. LetMbe a dual lattice, we consider a convex polytope PinMRdefined by {uMR| >=ljforj= 1,***,m} a dot product of MR~=Rn. Namely,vj's are inward normal vectors to the codimension 1 faces of the polytope P. We associate to it a fan in the lattice Nas follows: With any face G of P, fix a point u0in the (relative) interior of G associated fan is the family S( P) of dual convex cones VsG={xNR| >=0ysG} (2.5) ={xNR| <= pP,uG} dual pairing MRandNR. Hence we obtain a compact toric to a fan S( P).14 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Now we define a symplectic (K ahler) form on XS(P)as follows. Recall the exact sequence induces another exact sequence bykthe Lie algebra of the real torus K. Then we have the exact sequence of Lie we have the dual of above exact consider Cmwith symplectic The standard action Tn onCnis hamiltonian with moment map u(z1,***,zm) (2.7) For the moment map uKof theKaction is then given we choose a Z-basis of KZmas Q1= its dual basis of K*. Then the map i*is given by the matrix Qtand so we the coordinates associated to the basis {q1,***,qk}. We denote again by of (SeeAudin[Au]) .Then for any r= we have a =XS (2.9) And for each (regular) value of rk*, we can associate a symplectic form oPon the manifold XSby symplectic reduction [MW]. To obtain the original polytope Pthat we started with, we need to choose ras follows: Consider ljforj= 1,***,mwhich we used to define our polytope Pby the set of inequalities >=lj. Then, for each a= 1,***,m-n, we for the residual Tn~=Tm/Kaction onXS(P), and for its moment map p, we have p(XS(P)) =P.LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 15 Using Delzant's theorem [De], one can reconstruct the symplectic fo rm out of the polytopeP(up toTn-equivariant symplectic In fact, Guillemin [Gu] proved the following explicit closed formula for the Tn-invariant K ahler form associated to the canonical complex structure on X=XS(P) Theorem 2.13 (Guillemin) .LetP,XS(P),oPbe as above the associated moment map. Define the functions on (Rn)* li(u) 1,***,m (2.10) l(u) we affine functions liwill play an important role in our description of as in [CO] since they also measure symplectic areas o(bi) of the More precisely we have o(bi) = 2pli(u) (2.12) (see Theorem 8.1 [CO]). We also 1,***,m} (2.13) by definition theory of filtered A-algebras In this section, we provide a quick summary of the deformation and o of LagrangianFloer in [FOOO1, FOOO3] for We also refer readers to the third named author's su rvey paper [Ohta] for a more detailed review, and refer to [FOOO3] for complete details of the proofs of the results described in this section. We start our discussion with the classical unfiltered Aalgebra. Let Cbe a gradedR-module where Ris the coefficient ring. We denote by C[1] its byC[1]k=Ck+1. Define the bar complex B(C[1]) by Bk(C[1]) B(C[1]) =Rby definition. B(C[1]) has the structure of graded coalgebra . Definition 3.1. The structure of Aalgebrais a sequence of Rmodule k= 1,2,***,16 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO of degree +1 such that the coderivation 0, which is called theA-relation. Here we denote by the unique extension of mkas a coderivation on B(C[1]), that 0 can be written = 0, where*is the same as above. In particular, we have m1m1= 0 and so it defines a complex is defined in the same way, except that it also includes the first two terms of the Arelation for a weakLalgebra are given as m1(m0(1)) = = 0. In particular, for the case of weak Aalgebras, m1will not satisfy boundary prop- erty, i.e., 0 in general. We now recall the notion of 3.2. An element eC0=C[1]-1is called a unit if it = 0 fork>=2 ork= 0. (2)m2(e,x) = (-1)degxm2(x,e) =xfor allx. Combining this definition of unit and (3.1), we have the following immediat e lemma. Lemma 3.3. Consider an a ground ring Rfor which m0(1) =lefor somelR. Thenm1m1= 0. Now we explain the notion of the We define the ring is a graded ring by defining deg T= 0, dege= 2. Let L+ 0,novbe its maximal ideal which consists of the the free graded L 0,novmodule over the basis {vi}. We define it such that {Tlvi}is a free basis Here lR,l>=0. We call this filtration the energy filtration . (Our not be finitely generated. So we need to take completion.) We den ote byC the completion respect to the energy filtration. The a natural non-Archimedean topology on is a weak Aalgebra such that Aoperators m have the following properties : (1)mkrespect the energy FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 17 (3) The reduction mkmod does not contain e. More precisely speaking, it has the form anRmodule homomorphism. (Here Cis the freeRmodule over the basis vi.) (See Definition 3.2.20 [FOOO3] = Definition 7.20 [FOOO2].) Remark 3.4. (1) In [FOOO3] we assume m0= 0 for (unfiltered) Aalgebra. On the other hand, m0= 0 is not assumed for filtered Aalgebra. satisfying m0= 0 is called to be strict. (2) In this section, to be consistent with the exposition given in [FOOO 3], we use the Novikov ring L 0,novwhich includes the variable e. In [FOOO3], the variable eis used so that the operations mkbecome to have degree one for allk(with respect to the shifted degree.) But for the applications of this paper, it is enough to use the Z2-grading and so encoding the degree with a formal parameter is not necessary. Therefore we will use th e ring L0in other sections, which does not contain e. An advantage of using the ring L 0is that it is a local ring while L 0,novis not. This makes it easier to use some standard results from commutative algebra in later sectio ns. We would like to remark that as a Z2graded complex a Zgraded complex over L0,novis equivalent to the complex over L 0. Next we explain how one can deform the given filtered Aalgebra (C,m) by by re-defining the Aoperators defines a new weak A-algebra for arbitrary b. Here we simplify notations by writing eb= that each summand in this infinite sum has degree 0 in C[1]. When the ground ring is L 0,nov, the infinite sum will converge in the non-Archimedean topology 3.5. mod L 0,nov{e}if and only mod L 0,nov{e}. (3.2) We call the equation (3.2) the AMaurer-Cartan equation . Definition 3.6. Let (C,m) be a filtered Aalgebra in general and BC[1] be its bar-complex. An element bFlC[1]0(l>0) is called a weak bounding cochain if it satisfies the equation (3.2). If the bsatisfies the strict = 0 we call it a (strict) bounding cochain . From now on, we will also call a weak bounding cochain just a bounding c Ingeneralagive nAalgebra may or may not have a solution to 3.7. A called weakly unobstructed if the equation (3.2) has a solution K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO One can define a notion of gauge equivalence between two bounding c ochains as described in section 4.3 [FOOO3] (=section 16 [FOOO2]). The way how a filtered Aalgebra is attached to a Lagrangian arises as an Adeformation of the classical singular cochain the instanton contributions. In particular, when there is n o as in the case p2(M,L) = 0, it will reduce to an Adeformation of the singular cohomology in the chain level including all possible higher now describe the basic Aoperators mkin the context of Aalgebra of Lagrangian submanifolds. For a given compatible almost complex stru ctureJ, consider the moduli space Mk+1(b;L) of stable maps of genus zero. It is a 0,ziD2,[w] the conformal of the disc D2. The expected dimen- sion of this space is given by n+u(b)-3+(k+1) =n+u(b)+k-2. Now givenksingular chains [ ofL, we put the coho- mological grading deg Pi=n-dimPiand regard the chain complex C*(L) as the cochain complex CdimL-*(L). We consider the fiber =w(zi). A simple calculation shows that we have the expected each given bp2(M,L) andk= 0,***, we we denote by C[1] the completion of a suitably chosen countably chain complex with L 0,novas its coefficients with respect to the non- Archimedean topology. (We regard C[1] as Then by choosing a system of multivalued perturbations of the right hand side of (3.3) and a tri- angulation of its zero sets, the map mk:Bk(C[1])-C[1] is defined, has degree 1 and continuous with respect to non-Archimedean topology. We ex tendmkas by (3.1). Finally we take the (3.4) A main theorem proven in [FOOO1, FOOO3] then is the following cobound 3.8. (Theorem 3.5.11 [FOOO3] = Theorem 10.11 [FOOO2]) LetLbe an arbitrary compact relatively spin Lagrangian submanifo ld of an arbitrary tame symplectic manifold (M,o). The coderivation /hatwidedis a continuous map that satisfies theA 0.LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 19 TheAalgebra associated to Lin this way has the homotopy unit , not aunit. In general a filtered Aalgebra with homotopy unit canonically induces a canonical model ofthe given filtered Aalgebra. In the geometric context of Aalgebra associated to a Lagrangian submanifold LMof a general symplectic manifold ( M,o), the canonical model is defined on the cohomology group H*(L;L0,nov). We refer to [FOOO5] for a quick explanation of construction by summing over trees of this canonical model. Once theAalgebra is attached to each Lagrangian submanifold L, we then construct a filtered AbimoduleC(L,L') for the transversal pair of s LandL'. HereC(L,L') is the free L 0,novmodule such that the set of its basis is identified with LL'. The filtered Abimodule structure is by definition is a family of the completion of algebraic tensor product.) Let us briefly describe the definition of nk1,k2. A typical element of the tensor has the Then the image nk1,k2thereof is given homotopy class of Floer trajectories connecting pandq, the sum- mation is taken over all ( q,B) = isthe inthe 'zero' dimensional moduli space cut-down by intersecting with the given chains 3.9. (Theorem 3.7.21 [FOOO3] = Theorem 12.21 [FOOO2]) Let(L,L') be an arbitrary relatively spin pair of compact Lagrangian s ubmanifolds. Then a left (C(L),m)and right on C(L,L'). What this theorem means is explained below as Proposition be the completion of the di- rect sum of define the boundary operator /hatwidedon it by using the maps K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO follows the second and the third lines are induced from mandm'by Formula (3.4) 3.10. The 0. TheAbimodule structure, which define a boundary operator on the bar c om- plex, induces an operator d=n0,0on a much smaller, ordinary free L generated by the intersections LL'. However the boundary property of this Floer's 'boundary' map dagain meets obstruction coming from the obstruc- tions cycles of either L,L'or of both. We need to deform dusing suitable of L,L'. In the case where both L,L'are weakly unobstructed, we can carry out this deformation of nusing weak bounding chains bandb'of to in a way similar to mb. Namely we by db,b'(x) can generalize the story to the case where Lhas clean intersection with L', especially to the case L=L'. In the case L=L'we have nk1,k2=mk1+k2+1. So in this case, we have db,b'(x) =m(eb,x,eb'). In general db,b'does not satisfy the equation db,b'db,b'= 0. It turns out that there is an elegant condition for db,b'db,b'= 0 to hold in terms of the introduced in [FOOO3], which we explain in the next section. In the case db,b'db,b'= 0 we define Floer cohomology = Lnovbe the field of fraction of L 0,nov. We define extending the coefficient ring L 0,novto Lnov. is invariant under the Hamiltonian isotopies of LandL'. Therefore we can use it to obtain the following result about non-displacement of Lagrangian su Letps:X-Xbe a Hamiltonian diffeomorphism such that ps(L)is Then we Floer cohomology with coefficient L 0,novis not invariant under the Hamiltonian isotopy. We however can prove the f ollowing The- orem 3.12. There exists an integer aand positive numbers li(i= 1,***,b) suchLAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 21 that = Theorem 6.1.20 [FOOO3] (= Theorem 24.20 [FOOO2]).) Let ps:X-X be a Hamiltonian diffeomorphism and /badblps/badblis its Hofer distance (see [H]) from the identity map. Theorem 3.12. (Theorem J [FOOO3] = TheoremJ [FOOO2]) Ifps(L)is transver- sal toL', we have an later sections, we will apply Theorems 3.11,3.12 to study non-displa cement of Lagrangian fibers of toric in the previous section is not suitable for explicit calculations as in our study of toric manifolds. For this computational purpose, we work with the on the canonical model defined on H(L;L0) which has a finiterank over L 0. Furthermore this has a strict unit egiven by the dual of the RecallC(L,L0) itself has only a element bH1(L;L+) is called a weak bounding cochain if it satisfies 0 modPD([L]) L. andPD([L])H0(L) is its Poincar' e dual. We denote by the set of weak bounding cochains of L. We sayLisweakly unobstructed if/e}aioslash=. Themoduli space by suitable gauge equivalence. (See chapter 3 and 4 [FOOO3] for more e 4.1 (Lemma 3.6.32 [FOOO3] = Lemma 11.32[FOOO2]) .Ifb thendb,b*db,b= 0, wheredb,bis the deformed Floer operator defined by db,b(x) =mb 1(x) =:/summationdisplay k,l>=0mk+l+1(bk,x,bl). Forb, we an appropriate subcomplex of the singular chain complex of L. When Lis weakly unobstructed i.e., we define a the equation m(eb) is the potential function introduced in [FOOO3].22 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Theorem 4.2 (Proposition 3.7.17 [FOOO3] = Proposition 12.17 [FOOO2]) .For eachb, the mapdb,b'defines a continuous satisfies db,b'db,b'= 0, provided PO(b) =PO(b'). (4.2) Therefore for each pair ( b,b') ofb that satisfy (4.2), we define the ( b,b')-Floer cohomology of the pair ( L,L') in the rest of this section we state the main results concerning t he of the potential function for the case of Lagrangian fi bers of toric mani- folds. For the later analysis of examples, we recall from [FOOO1, FOOO3] t hatmkis further decomposed the Maslov index. Firstly we remove the grading parameter efrom the ground ring. Secondly pin frontofthe affinefunction liin the exponentsof the parameter Tlater in this paper, we redefine TasT2p. Under this arrangement, we get the formal power series we will use throughout the paper. Now we restrict to the case of toric manifold. Let X=XSbe associated a complete regularfan S (in other wordsS is the normal fan of X), Tn~=Tm/K. will exclusively use NRandMRto be consistent with the standard notations in toric geometry instead of t(orRn) andt*(or (Rn)*) as much as possible. Denote the image of p:X-MRbyPMRwhich is the moment polytope of theTnaction onX. We will prove the following in section 11. Proposition 4.3. For anyuIntP, the fiberL(u)is weakly unobstructed. More- over we have the canonical an integral basis e* iofNandeibe its dual basis on M. With this choice made, we identify MRwithRnas long as its meaning is obvious from the H1(Tn;Z) we regard eias a basis of H1(L(u);Z). The following immediately follows from 4.4. We writep= (p1,***,pn) :X-MRusing the coordinate of MR associated to the basis ei. LetS1 iTnbe the subgroup whose orbit Thenpiis proportional to the moment map of S1 iaction onX.LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I Mweak(L(u)). We study the potential a choice of the family of bases {ei}onH1(L(u);Z) foruIntPis made as above starting from a basis on N, then we can regard this function as a function of (u1,***,un)PMR. We denote its value by PO(x;u) We the decomposition of the boundary of the moment polytope into it s faces of codimension one. ( iPis a polygon in an n-1 dimensional affine subspace of MR.) Letlibe the affine functions li(u) in Theorem 2.13. Then the followings hold from constructio n : (1)li0 1,***,m}. (3) The coordinates of the vectors vi= (vi,1,***,vi,n) are all 4.5. LetL(u)Xbe as in Theorem 1.5 and libe as above. Suppose Xis Fano. Then we can take the canonical model of Astructure of L(u)over uIntPso that the potential function restricted the form PO(x;u) = as in(4.4). Theorem 4.5 is a minor improvement of a result from [CO] (see (15.1) of [CO]) and [Cho] : The case considered in [CO] corresponds to the case wh ereyiU(1) {zC| |z|= 1}and the case in [Cho] corresponds to the one where yiC{0}. The difference of Theorem 4.5 from the ones thereof is that yiis allowed to contain T, the formal parameter of the universal Novikov ring encoding the energy.24 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO For the non-Fano case, we prove the following slightly weaker state ment. The proof will be given in section 11. Theorem 4.6. LetXbe an arbitrary toric manifold and L(u)be as above. Then there such there are infinitely many non-zero cj's, we [o]ajfor someajp2(X)with nonpositive first Chern note that although POis defined originally on (LC +)nxP, Theorems 4.5 and 4.6 imply that POextends to a function on (LC 0)nxPin general, and to one on (LC 0)nxMRfor the Fano case. Furthermore these theorems also imply the periodicity of distinguish it from PO. We call PO0theleading order potential function . We will concern the existence of the bounding cochain xfor which the Floer cohomology is not zero, and prove that critical points of thePOu(as a function of y1,***,yn) have this property. (Theorem 4.10.) This leads us to study the = 0, k= 1,***,n, regard POuas either a function of xior ofyi. Since the variable ( xioryi) is clear from situation, we do not mention it 4.7. We assume that the coordinates of the vertices of Pare rational. Then there exists u0IntPQnsuch that for each Nthere exists 1,***,n. (4.11) Moreover there exists = 0, k= 1,***,n. (4.12)LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 25 We will prove Proposition 4.7 in section 9 . Remark 4.8. (1)u0is independent of N. Butyimay depend on N. (We believe it does not depend on N, but are unable to prove it at the time of writing this paper.) (2) If [o]H2(X;R) is contained in H2(X;Q) then we may choose Pso that its vertices are rational. (3) We believe that rationality of the vertices of Pis superfluous. We also believe there exists not only a solution of (4.11) or of (4.12) but also o f (4.10). However then the proof seems to become more cumbersom e. Since we can reduce the general case to the rational case by approxima tion in most of the applications, we will be content to prove the above weak er statement in this paper. We put xi= logyiL0 and logyiis well-defined (by using non-Archimedean topology on L0) and is contained in L 0. We remarkthat xiisdetermined from yiupto of2 p-1Z. It will follow from (4.8) that changing xiby an element of 2 p-1Zdoes not Floer cohomology. So we take for example Im xi[0,2p). (See also Definition 1.2 the zero-orderterm of yii.e., the complex number such that yi-yi,00 mod LC +. If we put an additional assumption that yi,0= 1 fori= 1,***,n, thenxlies defined. Then (4.11) combined with the argument from [CO] (see se ction 13) now consider the case when 1 for some i. In this case, we follow the idea of Cho [Cho] of twisting the Floer cohomology of L(u) bynon-unitary flat line bundle and proceed as follows : We =yi,0. (4.15) LetLrbe the flat complex line bundle on L(u) whose holonomy representation is r. We userto twist the operator mkin the same way as [Fu3], [Cho] to obtain which we write ( H(L(u);L0),mr). It is weakly (See section 12.) We deformthe filtered Astructure 0 holds. Denote by the We denote the potential function of ( H(L(u);L0),mr) K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO which is defined in the same way as POuby using mrinstead of m. Letxbe as in (4.13) and put xi,0= logyi,0, (4.16) From the way how the definition goes, we can easily prove Lemma 4.9. POu r(b) =POu(x). We note from the remark right after Theorem 4.6 that POuhas been extended to a function on (LC 0)nand hence the right hand side of the identity in this lemma has a well-defined meaning. Lemma 4.9 will be proved in section 13. Now we have : Theorem 4.10. Letxi,yi=exi, Letxi,0 andbbe as in(4.16). Then we satisfied instead then we 4.10 is proved in section 13. Using this we prove Theorem 1.5 in section 13. More precisely, we will also discuss the following two points in that s ection : (1) We need to study the case where ois not necessarily rational. (2) We only have (4.18) instead of (4.17). Next we give Definition 4.11. Let (X,o) be a smooth compact toric manifold, Pbe its moment polytope. We say that a fiber L(u0) atu0Pisbalanced if there exists a that (1)oiis aTninvariant K ahler structure on Xsuch that lim i-oi=o. (2)uiis in the interior of the moment polytope Piof (X,oi). We make an appropriate choice of moment polytope Piso that they converge to P. Then lim i-ui=u0. (3) For each N, there exist a sufficiently large say that L(u0) isstrongly balanced if there exists xH1(L;LC 0) such 'strongly balanced' implies 'balanced'. The converse is not tr ue in general. See Example 10.17. We also refer readers to Remark 13.9 fo r other of being balanced (or strongly 4.10 implies that L(u0) in Proposition 4.7 is balanced. We will prove the next following intersection result in section 13. Theorem 1.5 will then be a consequence of Propositions 4.7 and 4.12. IfL(u0)is a balanced Lagrangian fiber then the following holds for any Hamiltonian diffeomorphism (4.19)LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 27 Ifps(L(u0))is transversal to L(u0)in addition, (4.20) Denoting we sometime write from now on. We also it is the set of pairs ( r,b) whereris a holonomy of a flat Cbundle over L(u) andbH(L(u);L+) is a weak bounding cochain of the filtered to L(u) and twisted by r. With this definition of Mweak(L(u);L0), we have : H1(L(u);L0) this section, we discuss various examples of toric manifolds which illu strate the results of section 4. Example 5.1. ConsiderX=S2with standard symplectic form with area 2 p. The moment polytope of the standard S1-action by rotations along an axis becomes P= [0,1] after a suitable translation. We have l1(u) =u,l2(u) = 1-uand PO(x;u) zero 1/2 not an element of universal Novikov ring. In particular, there is no critical point in LC 0LC +. Ifu= 1/2 theny=+-1. The case y= 1 corresponds to x= 0. We other case y=-1, corresponds to a nontrivial flat bundle on S1. Example 5.2. We consider X=CPn. a simplex. We of the equation (4.10) are given k= 0,***,n.28 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. Thecase k= 0. The other cases correspond to appropriate flat bundles on Tn. Remark 5.3. The critical values of the potential function is ( 0,***,n. We consider the quantum cohomology first Chern class c1is (n+1)z. The eigenvalues of the 0,***,n. It coincides with the set of critical announced this statement at the homological mirror sy mmetry con- ference at Vienna 2006. (According to some physicists, this state ment is known to them before.) See [Aur]. In our situation of Lagrangian fiber of co mpact toric manifolds, we can prove it by using Theorem 1.9. In the rest of this subsection, we discuss 2 dimensional the basis of H1(T2;Z) as in Lemma 4.4. We put Letebe the standard basis of H0(T2;Z)~=Z. The proof of the following proposition will be postponed until section 13. Proposition 5.4. Then the mx 1is given as follows : mx 1(ei) = 0.(5.1) We remark that we do not use the grading parameter e, which was introduced in [FOOO3]. So the boundary operator mx 1is of degree -1 rather than +1. (Note we are using cohomology notation.) In other words, our Floer cohom ology is (5.1) in our disposal, we examine various 5.5. We consider M=CP2again. We put u1=o+ 1/3,u2= 1/3. (o >0.) Using (5.1) we can easily find the following isomorphism for the Floer cohomology with L 0coefficients us apply Theorem J [FOOO3] (= Theorem 3.12) in this situation. (Se e also Theorem 5.11 below.) We consider a Hamiltonian diffeomorphism ps:CP2-CP2. We denote by Hofer distance of psfrom identity. Then we andps(L(u)) is transversal to L(u). We remark o[CP1] = 2p by (2.12). We remark that this fact was already proved by Chekanov [Che]. (Ac tually the basic geometric idea behind our proof is the same as FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 29 Example 5.6. whereS2(r) denotes the 2-sphere with radiusr. We assume a<b. ThenB= [0,a]x[0,b] and we have us take u1=a/2,u2=b/2. Then POu y1= are solutions of (4.10). Hence we can apply Theorem 4.10 to our torus. We next put u1=a/2,a<2u2<b. Then POu y1= Tu2-y-2 2Tb-u2. We puty1=y2= 1. ThenPOu y1= 0. We find a Hamiltonian diffeomorphism. Then, Theorem J [FOOO3] (= Theorem 3.12) implies is transversal to L(u). Note there exists a disc with symplectic area pa(<2pu2). Hence our result improves a result from [Che]. Example 5.7. LetXbe the two-point blow up of CP2. We may take its K ahler form so that the moment polytope is given by P={(u1,u2)| depends on the choice of K ahler form. We Fano in our case. (Case 1:a= 0). In this case Xis monotone. We put u0= (0,0).L(u0) is a monotone . We have POu0 y1= solutions of (4.10) are given by = 0 in C. (There are 5 2:a>0). We putu0= (0,0). Then POu0 y1= consider, for example, the case y1=y2=t. Then (4.10) becomes t3-t-Ta= 0. (5.3)30 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO The solution of (5.3) with t1 mod L +is given by t= us put by Theorem 4.10 we like to point out that in this example it is essential to deform Floer co ho- mology using an element xofH1(L(u0);L+) containing the formal parameter Tto obtain nonzero Floer there are actually 4 solutions such mod L the current case there is another point u' 0= (a,a)Pat whichL(u' 0) is balanced1. In fact at u' 0= (a,a) the equation (5.3) becomes 0 putt=y1=y2to obtain t3T2a-t-1 = 0 This equation has a unique solution with t -1 mod L +. (The other solution is T2at31 mod L +, for which Theorem 4.10 is not applicable.) The total number of the solutions ( x,u) is 5. (Case 3:a<0). We first consider u0= (0,0). assume yisatisfies (4.10). It is then easy to see that y-1 10, ory-1 20 mod L +. In other words, there is no ( y1,y2) to which we can apply Theorem 4.10. Actually it is easy to find a Hamiltonian diffeomorphism ps:X-Xsuch =. We next take u' 0= (a/3,a/3). Then POu' 0 y1= putting y1=y2=tfor example, (4.10) = 0. (5.4) 1Using the method of spectral invariants and symplectic quas i-states, Entov and some non-displaceable Lagrangian fiber which wa s not covered by the criterion given in [CO] (see section 9 [EP1]). Recently this example, among o thers, was explained by Cho [Cho] via Lagrangian Floer cohomology twisted by non-unitary lin e FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 31 Let us put logt= (5.4). Theorem 4.10 is applicable. (There are actually 3 solution s of (4.10) corresponding to the 3 solutions of (5.4).) There are two more points u= (a+1,a),(a,a+1) where (4.10) has a solution in (L0L+). Eachuhas one solution b. Thus the total number of the pair ( x,u) is again 5. We remark 5 is not just a coincidence but an example of general phenomenon stated as in Theorem 1.3. We remark that as a-1 ourXblows down to S2(1)xS2(1). On the other hand, asa- -1 ourXblows down to CP2. The situation of the case a >0 can be regarded as a perturbation of the situation of S2(1)xS2(1), by the effect of exceptional curve corresponding to the segment u1+u2= 1+a. The situation of the case a <0 can be regarded as a perturbation of the situation of CP2by the effect of the two exceptional curves corresponding to the se gmentsu1= 1 and u2= 1. An interesting phase change occurs at a= 0. We remark that H2(X;R) is two dimensional. So there are actually two param- eter family of symplectic structures. We study two points blow up of CP2more in Example 10.17. The discussion of this section strongly suggests that Lagrangian F loer theory (Theorems G, J [FOOO3] = Theorems 3.11, 3.12) gives the optimal res ult for the study of non-displacement of Lagrangian fibers in toric 5.8. LetXbe a compact toric manifold and L(u) consider the following two conditions : (1) =. (2)L(u) is follows from Proposition 4.12. In many cases (1) =(2) can be proved by the method of [Mc]. However there is a case (1) =(2) does not follow, as we will mention in Remark 10.18 and will prove in a sequel of this series of pa pers, using the bulk deformation of Lagrangian Floer cohomology. We conj ecture that after including this wider class of Floer cohomology, we can detect all the non- displacable Lagrangian fibers in toric manifolds, by Floer the argument employed in Example 5.6 we can discuss the relation ship betweenthe Hoferdistance and displacement. First weintroduce s purpose. We denote by Ham(X,o) the group of Hamiltonian (X,o). For a time-dependent Hamiltonian H: [0,1]xX-R, we timet-map of Hamilton's equation . x=XH(t,x). The Hofer norm of psHam(X,o) is defined to [H].)32 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Definition 5.9. LetYX. We define the displacement energy e(Y)[0,] by e(Y) := pute(Y) =if there exists no psHam(X,o) withps(Y)Y=. Let us consider : Ln 0xP-L+as in Theorem 4.5. Definition 5.10. We define the number E(u)(0,] as the supremum of all l such that there exists modTl(5.5) fori= 1,***,n. (Here we consider universal Novikov ring with C-coefficients.) We callE(u) thePO-threshold of the fiber L(u). We put E(u) = limsup is taken over all sequences oianduisuch thatoiis a sequence of Tninvariant symplectic structures on Xwith limi-oi=oanduiis a sequence of points of moment polytopes Piof (X,oi) such that Piconverges to Pandui converges to We will give an example where in Example 10.17 (10.16). Theorem 5.11. For any compact toric manifold XandL(u) (5.6) We will prove Theorem 5.11 in section 13. Remark 5.12. The equality in (5.6) holds in various examples. However there are cases that the equality in (5.6) does not hold. The situation is the sam e as Remark 5.8. We like to remark E(u),E(u) can be calculated in most of the cases once the toric manifold Xis given explicitly. In fact the leading order potential function PO0is explicitly calculated by Theorem 4.5. We can then find the maximal valu e lfor which the polynomial modTl has a solution yiL0L+. In a weakly degenerate case this value of lfor PO(u;***) is the same as the value for PO0(u;***). (See section 10.) Remark 5.13. Appearance of a new family of discs with Maslov index 2 after blow up, which we observed in Examples 5.7 can be r elated to the operator qthat we introduced in section 3.8 [FOOO3] (= section 13 [FOOO2]) in the following way. We denote by Mmain k+1,l(b) the moduli space of stable maps f: (S,S)-(X,L) from bordered Riemann surface S of genus zero with linterior and k+1 and in homology class b. (See section 3 [FOOO1] (= subsection 2.1.2 [FOOO3]). The symbol main means that we require the boundary mark ed points to respect the cyclic order of S.) Let us consider the case when Maslov index of bLAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 33 is 2n. More precisely we take the following class b. We use notation introduced at the beginning of section 11. We put b=bi1+***+bin, an vertex of P. We assume [ f] Mmain 0+1,1(b) is Fredholm regular atf. The virtual dimension of Mmain 0+1,1(b) is 3n. Let us take the unique point pXsuch thatp(p) =p.pis theTnfixed point. We assume moreover f(0) =p. We blow up Xat a pointp=f(0)Xand obtain/hatwideX. Let be the homology class of the exceptional divisor E=p-1(p). Nowfinduces a map /hatwidef: The Maslov index of the homology class [ 2. We put /hatwideb= a fixed point of Tnaction, aTn-invariant perturbation lifts to a per- turbation of the moduli space Then any Tn-orbit of the moduli of holomorphic discs passing through pcorresponds to the and vice versa. Namely we have an isomorphism Mmain 0+1,1(b)evxX{p}~= (5.7) Hereevin the left hand side is the evaluation map at the interior marked point. (Actually we need to work out analytic detail of gluing construction e tc.. It seems very likely that we can do it in the same way as the argument of Chapte r 10 [FOOO2]. See also [LiRu].) Using (5.7) we may prove defined in section 3.8 [FOOO3] (=section 13 [FOOO2]). (Here Qis a chain in XandPiare chains in L(u), the evaluation map at the 0-th boundary marked point. In the right hand side, we take fib er product over XxLk.) This is an example of a blow-up formula in Lagrangian Floer cohomology and Jacobian ring In this section, we prove Theorem 1.9. Let PO0be the leading order . (Recall if Xis Fano, we have PO0=PO.) We define the monomial zi(u) this with (2.3). It is also suggestive to write zialso as zi(u) x= (x1,***,xn), yi=exi. (6.2) By definition we (6.4) The following is a restatement of Theorem 1.9. Let ziH2(X;Z) be the Poincar' e dual of the divisor p-1(iP).34 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Theorem 6.1. IfXis Fano, there exists an thatpsu(zi) [Ful]) and by definition, Theorem 1.9 follows from Theorem 6.1. In the rest of this section, we prove Theorem 6.1. We remark that zi(i= 1,***,m) generates the quantum cohomology ring QH(X;L) as a L-algebra (see Theorem 6.6 below). Therefore it is enough to prove that the assign ment~psu(zi) = zi(u) extends to a homomorphism ~psu: that induces an isomorphism in QH(X;L). In other words, it suffices to show that the relations among the generators in L[ z1,***,zm] and inJac(POu 0) are mapped to each other under the assignment ~psu(zi) =zi(u). To establish this correspondence, we now review Batyrev's description of the relations among zi's. We first clarify the definition of quantum cohomology ring over the un iversal Novikov rings L 0and L. Let ( X,o) be a symplectic manifold and ap2(X). Let M3(a) be the moduli space of stable map with homology class aof genus 0 with 3 marked points. Let ev:M3(a)-X3be the evaluation map. We can define the virtual fundamental class whered= 2(dim We define a1Qa2H*(X;L0) by the following the Poincar' e duality. Extending this linearly we obtain the the coefficient ring further to L, we obtain the (small) qua ntum coho- mology ring QH(X;L). Now we specialize to the case of compact toric manifolds and review Ba of quantum cohomology ring. We consider the exact s (6.6) We choose its basis adapted to this exact sequence as follows : Consider the divisor p-1(iP) and take a small disc transversalto it. Each such disc gives rise to an (6.7) The set of [ bi] withi= 1,***,mforms a basis of p2(X;L(u))~=Zm. The boundary map [b]/maso-[b] is identified with the corresponding Using the basis chosen in Lemma 4.4 on H1(L(u)) Then this homomorphism maps [ bi] to [bi]~=vi= (vi,1,***,vi,n), as in (4.4). By the exactness of (6.6), we have an = 0}. (6.9) Lemma 6.2. We (6.10)LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I = 0. (6.11) In particular, the right hand side of (6.10)is independent of u. Proof.(6.10) follows from the area formula (2.12), o(bi) = 2pli(u).On the other hand if = 0, we 0. By the definition of li,li(u) -li, from Theorem 2.13, this equation is precisely (6.11) and hence the proof. /square LetP {1,***,m}be a primitive collection (see Definition 2.4). There exists a unique subset P' {1,***,m}such in the interior of the cone spanned by {vi'|i' P'}, which is a member of the fan S. (Since Xis compact, we can choose such P'. See section 2.4 [Ful].) We (6.12) SinceXis assumed to be nonsingular ki'are all positive integers. (See p.29 of [Ful].) We put o(P) (6.13) It follows from (6.10) that 2 po(P) is the symplectic area of the homotopy class b(P) (6.14) Lemma 6.3. LetPbe any primitive collection. Then the cone spanned by {vi'|i' P'}belongs to the fan S, we for any we haveli'(u') = 0. By the choice of ki'in (6.12), we haveb(P) = 0. Therefore by Lemma 6.2 and by the continuity of the right hand side of (6.13) we can evaluate o(P) at a point Then we obtain o(P) a primitive collection, and in particular does not form a member of the fan, there must be an element vi Psuch thatli(u')>0 and soo(P)>0. This finishes the proof. /square Now we associate formal variables, z1,***,zm, tov1,***,vm, 6.4 (Batyrev [B1]) .(1) Thequantum SRo(X) is the ideal generated by z(P) (6.15)36 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO in the polynomial ring L[ z1,***,zm]. HerePruns over all primitive We denote by P(X) the ideal generated (6.16) forj= 1,***,n. In this paper we call P(X) thelinear relation ideal . (3) We call the quantum cohomology ring . Remark 6.5. We do not take closure of our ideal P(X) +SRo(X) here. See Proposition 8.6. Theorem 6.6 (Batyrev [B1], Givental [Gi2]) .IfXis Fano there exists a ring isomorphism from QHo(X;L)to the quantum cohomology ring QH(X;L)ofX such thatziis sent to the Poincar' e dual to p-1(iP). The main geometric part of the proof of Theorem 6.6 is the 6.7. The Poincar' e dual to p-1(iP)satisfy the quantum Stanley- Reisner relation. We do not prove Proposition 6.7 in this paper. See Remarks 6.15 and 6.1 6. However since our choice of the coefficient ring is different from othe r literature, we explain here for reader's convenience how Theorem 6.6 follows fro m by sending zitoPD(p-1(iP)). LetFkQH(X;L) be the direct sum of elements of degree <=k. LetFkQHo(X;L) be the submodule generated by the polynomial of degree at most k/2 onzi. Fano, it follows also recall the cohomology ring H(X;Q) is obtained by putting T= 0 in quantum Stanley-Reisner relation. Moreoverwe find that the seco nd product of the right hand side of (6.15) has degree strictly smaller than the first sin ceXis Fano. Therefore the graded ring gr(QH(X;L)) isomorphic to the (usual) cohomology ring (with L coefficient) as a rin g. The same holds for QHo(X;L). It follows that his an isomorphism. /square In the rest of this section, we will prove the following Proposition 6.8. Theorem 6.1 follows immediately from Proposition 6.8 and Theorem 6.6. Proposition 6.8. There exists an isomorphism thatpsu(zi) FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 37 We remark that we do notassume that Xis Fano in Proposition 6.8. We M0(Lag(X)), trequirestudy of discs or spheres. Proof of Proposition 6.8. We start with the following 6.9. The =zi(u) (6.18) induces a well-defined ring a primitive collection and P',ki'be as in (6.12). We (6.1). On the other (6.12). =o(P) by (6.13). In other words, (6.18) defines a well-defined (6.19). We now prove that /hatwidepsuis an isomorphism. the homomorphism induced by the boundary map pr([b]) = [b].(See (2.1).) We remark pr(c1,...,cm) = (d1,...,dn) element in the kernel of pr. We write it positive and IJ=. We define r(A) (6.21) We remark that a generator of quantum Stanley-Reisner ideal cor responds to r(A) for whichIis a primitive collection PandJ=P'. We also remark that the case I=orJ=is included. Lemma K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Proof.This lemma is proved in [B1]. We include its proof (which is different from one in [B1]) here for reader's convenience. We prove the lemma by an in duction over the values E(A) we fix a point u0IntPduring the proof of Lemma 6.10. SinceIJ=, at least one of not span a cone that is a member of the fan S. Without loss of generality, we assume that {vi|iI} does not span such a cone. Then it contains a subset P Ithat is a We take P',ki'as in (6.12) and (6.22) ThenZlies inSRo(X) by construction. We recall from Lemma 6.2 that the =o(P) are independent of uand positive. By the definitions (6.21), (6.22) of r(A) andZ, we can an appropriate Bin the kernel of prand a constant c. Moreover we follows that lh(u0)>0 which in turn gives rise to E(B)<E(A). The induction hypothesis then implies r(B)SRo(X). The proof of the lemma is now complete. 6.11. ziis invertible compact, the vector -viis in some cone spanned by nonnegative integers. Lemma 6.10. Since invertible in the field L, it follows the inverse of ziin the quotient ring. /square We recall from Lemma 6.2 that is independent of u. (6.23) (Note we have not yet proved that L[ is an integral domain. This will follow later when we prove Proposition 6.9.)LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I the lattice Zn, we can always assume the following by changing the order of vi, if 6.12. The determinant of the nxnmatrix (vi,j) be the inverse matrix of ( vi,j). implies that each vi,jis an integer. Inverting the matrix ( vi,j), we (6.24) from (6.20) where ci(u) define using Corollary precisely, we plug (6.23) here if +-vi,jis negative. The identity a consequence of (6.24). We next calculate ( and lh(u) : (6.25) To see (6.25), we consider any We define its multi- plicative valuation vu(Z)Rby putting vu(yi) = 0,vu(zi) =vu(zi) =li(u),vu(Ta) =a. We also define a (multiplicative) grading r(Z)Znby r(yi) =ei, r(zi) =r(zi) =vi, r(Ta) = 0. and byr(ZZ') =r(Z)+r(Z'). We remark that vuandrare consistent with (6.1). We next observe that both vuandrare preserved by by (6.23). This implies (6.25). Now we use Lemma 6.10 and (6.25) to proof of Proposition 6.9 is now complete. /square Next we prove Lemma 6.13. LetP(X)be the linear relation ideal defined in Definition 6.4. inP(X). Then we K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO by (6.1) and (6.4). Since yj's are invertible in L[ this identity implies the lemma. /square The proof of Theorem 6.1 and of Proposition 6.8 is now complete. /square Remark 6.14. Proposition6.8 holds for unit. The proof is the same. We =zi(u') (6.26) It is an isomorphism. We well-definedness psu',uis proved from this formula or by checking directly. In case no confusion can occur, we identify them by Jac(PO0). =zi(u') we write them ziwhen we regard it as an element of Jac(PO0). In case we as an element of Jac(PO0) we write it as yi(u) 6.15. The above proof of Theorem 6.1 uses Batyrev's presentation of quantum cohomology ring and is not likely generalized beyond the case of compact toric manifolds. (In fact the proof is purely algebraic and do notcontain serious study of curve, except Proposition6.7, which we quote without proof and Theorem 4.5, which is a minor improvement of an earlier resu lt of [CO].) There is an alternative way of constructing the ring homomorphism psuwhich is less computational. (This will give a new proof of Proposition 6.7.) We will give this conceptual proof in a sequel to this paper. We use the the class ziH2(X;Z) the Poincar' e dual to p-1(iP) we put psu(zi) (6.27) Here we put the right hand side is a formal power series of in L. Using the description of the moduli space defining the operators q1,k;b(See sec- tion 11.) it is easy to see that the right hand side of (6.27) coincides wit h the definition of ziin the current case, when Xis Fano toric. Extending the to an arbitrary homology class zof arbitrary degree we obtain psu(z) (6.28) Sinceu(b) = ring homomorphism from quantum cohomology to the Jacobian ring Jac(POu). We may regard Jac(POu) as the moduli space of deformations of Floer theories of Lagrangian fibers of X. (Note the Jacobian ring parameterizes deformations of aLAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 41 holomorphic function up to an appropriate equivalence. In our case the equivalence is the right equivalence, that is, the coordinate change of the domain.) Thus (6.28) is a particular case of the ring is the Hochschild cohomology of Fukaya category of X. (We remark that Hochschild cohomology parameterizes deformations o of such a homomorphism is a folk theorem (See [Ko]) which is verified by various people in various favorable situations. (See for example [Aur ].) It is conjec- tured to be an isomorphism under certain conditions by various peop le including P. Seidel and M. lX(tonon- Fano toric manifolds, for example) and also for including big quantum c ohomology group into our story. (We will then also need to use the operators forl>=2.) These points will be discussed in subsequent papers in this series of p apers. In this paper we follow more elementary approach exploiting the known c alculation of quantum cohomology of toric manifolds, although it is less conceptua l. Remark 6.16. There are two other approaches towards a proof of Proposition 6.7 besides the fixed point localization. One is written by Cieliebak and Sa lamon [CS] which uses vortex equations (gauged sigma model) and the othe r is written by McDuff and Tolman [MT] which uses Seidel's result of quantum cohomology ring at moment polytope In this section, we discuss applications of Theorem 1.9. In particular , we prove Theorem 1.12. (Note Theorem 1.3 is a consequence of Theorem 1.12.) The next theorem and Theorem 1.9 immediately imply (1) of Theorem 1.12. Theorem 7.1. There exists a the right hand side is the set of unital LC-algebra start with the following 7.2. For an element xL{0}, we define its valuation vT(x) as the unique number lRsuch note that vTis multiplicative non-Archimedean valuation, i.e., 7.3. For exists a unique = 0 (7.1) for allj= still assume Condition 6.12. By definition (6.1) of zi, of phand multiplicative property of valuation, we (7.2)42 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO fori= 1,***,m. On the other hand, since li(u) -liand there is a unique uthat =li(u) (7.3) fori= 1,***,n. (7.1) and hence the proof. /square We remark that obviously by the above proof the formula (7.3) auto matically holds Lemma 7.3 as well. Proof of Theorem 7.1. Consider the maps Ps1(ph) =uMR whereuis obtained as in Lemma 7.3. Since yi(u)L0L+it follows that we can define its logarithm on L 0as a convergent power series with respect to norm. Set (x,u) = (Ps 1(ph),Ps2(ph)). Sincephis a ring homomorphism from it follows from the definition of the Jacobian ring that POu 0 yi(x) = 0. Therefore by Theorem 4.10, /e}aioslash= 0. We have thus defined Ps (x,u)Crit(PO0). We put We define a homomorphism ph: Jac(PO0)-L by =exi. It is straightforward to check that phis well-defined. Then we define Ph( x,u) :=ph. It easily follows from definition that Ph is an inverse to Ps. The proof of T heorem 7.1 is complete. /square We next work with the (Batyrev) quantum cohomology =ziQz,whereQis the product in is generated by even degree elements it follows that it is com- mutative. Therefore we (7.4) Definition 7.5. Forw= put QHo(X;w) 0 fori= 1,***,nand largeN.} We say that wis aweightofQHo(X) ifQHo(X;w) is nonzero. We denote by W(X;o) the set of weights of QHo(X) . We remark that wi/e}aioslash= 0 sinceziis invertible. (Corollary 6.11.) Remark 7.6. Sincezi,i= by Condition 6.12, we have the following. For each w= (w1,***,wn), there exists only on wsuch that 0 also holds for i=n+1,***,m, if Nis sufficiently large and FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 43 Proposition 7.7. (1)There exists a factorization of the exists a a local ring and (1)is the factorization to of decomposition (1) as a LC-vector space is a standard linear algebra, using the fact that LCis an algebraically closed field. (We will prove this fact in appendix as Lemma 14.1.) If zQHo(X;w) andz'QHo(X;w') = ((zi-wi)NQz)Qz'= = This implies that the is a ring a unital LCalgebra homomorphism. It induces a homomorphism QHo(X;L)-LCby (1). We denote this ring homomorphism by the same letter ph. LetzQHo(X;w) be an element such that 0. Then =ph((zi-wi)NQz) = : QHo(X;w)-LC. (2) is a finite dimensional LCalgebra and LCis we have an somek. (Here rad = {zQHo(X;w)|zN= 0 for some N.}) Since there is a unique unital LC-algebra homomorphism : QHo(X;w)-LC, it follows that k= 1. Namely QHo(X;w) is a local ring. It also implies that QHo(X;w) is indecomposable. /square The result up to herealsoworksfor the non-Fanocase. But the ne xt the fact that Xis Fano since we use the equality 7.8. IfXis Fano then Crit(PO0) a weight. We take may take zso LC +, whereis the classical cup product. (We use QHo(X;L) =QH(X;L) here.) It follows that wn iz= (/hatwidezi)n(z) = (zi)nQz(zi)nzmod LC +.44 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Therefore wiLC +as (zi)nz= 0. (7.3) and (7.5) then imply li(u) /square We are now ready to complete the proof of Theorem 1.12. (1) is Theo rem 7.1. (2) is a consequence of Theorem 4.10. (3) is Theorem 7.8. If QHo(X;LC) is semi- simple, then (7.6) and k= 1 there a LCalgebra. (4) follows from (7.7), Proposition 7.7 (2), and Theorem 7.1 . The proof of Theorem 1.12 is complete. /square We next explain the factorization in Proposition 7.7 (1) from the point of view of Jacobian ring. Let ( 7.9. We consider the ideal generated (7.8) i= 1,***,n, in the ring L[[ w1,***,wn]] of formal power series where We denote its quotient ring by 7.10. (1)There is a direct product decomposition a to wW(X;o)via the in Proposition 7.7 (2)and Theorem 7.1, then psuinduces an one dimensional (over L) if and only if the invertible over Latx. Proof.We putyi=exi. Letm(x,u) be the ideal generated by yi-yi, in the ring : Jac(PO0) is finite dimensional over L it follows the localization of the ring Jac(PO0) atm(x,u). Using finite dimensionality of Jac(PO0) againwe havean isomorphism which sends yi-yitowi. follows. Now we prove (2). If zQHo(X;w) then 0. Let be the projection. We then = 0. (7.9)LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 45 We remark ( x',u') andy' iare exponential of the coordinates of x'. We define the by /hatwideyi(c) =yic. By definition of Jac(PO0;x,u) the eigenvalue of /hatwideyiisyi. Therefore (7.9) and (7.10) imply that px,u(psu(z)) = 0 unless ( x,u) = (x',u'). (2) follows. Let us prove (3). We first remark L = LCis an algebraically closed field (Lemma 14.1). Therefore dim LJac(PO0;x,u) = 1 if and only if the ideal generated by (7.8) (fori= 1,***,n) is the maximal ideal m= (w1,***,wn). We remark that m/m2= Lnand elements (7.8) reduces (3) follows easily. /square We recall that a symplectic manifold ( X,o) is said to be (spherically) monotone if there exists l>0 such that c1(X)a=l[o]afor allap2(X). Lof (X,o) is said to be monotone if there exists l >0 such that u(b) =lo(b) for anybp2(X,L). (Hereuis the Maslov index.) In the monotone case we have the following : Theorem 7.11. IfXis a monotone compact toric manifold then there exists a uniqueu0such whenever Moreover L(u0)is monotone. Remark 7.12. Related results are discussed in Fano, we have QHo(X;L) =QH(X;L). We assume >0. Letabe the contribution to the moduli space of curve of homology class aH2(X;Z) in the quantum cup product. (See (6.5).) We have a decomposition = = 2l,vdeg(x) = QH(X;L)suchthat vdeg(aQ b) virtue of (7.11). Moreover for cL andaQH(X;L) we havevdeg(ca) = letwbe a weight and = 2 it follows =vdeg(zix) = if ( x,u) corresponds to wthenli(u) =vT(wi) = 1/l. Namely uis independent of w. We denote it by u0.46 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. (i= 1,***,m) given by (6.7), we have o(bi) = 2pli(u0) = 2p/l. Henceu(bi) =lo(bi)/p. it follows that L(u0) is monotone, as required. /square So far we have studied Floer cohomology with LC-coefficients. We next consider the case of LFcoefficient where Fis a finite Galois extension of Q. We choose F so that each of the weight wlies in (LF 0)n. (Since every finite extension of LQis contained in such LFwe can always find such an F. See appendix.) Then we have a (7.12) It follows that the Galois group Gal(F/Q) acts onW(X;o). It induces a PO0). Wewriteitas( remark the 7.13. (1)s(u) =u. (2)We write by yi(x)the exponential of the coordinates of x. indecomposable, there exists u0suchthat whenever corresponds to ( x,u). Then li(s(u)) =vT(wi(s(x,u))) =vT(swi(x,u)) =vT(wi(x,u)) =li(u). (1) follows. (2) follows from the definition and (1). (3) is a conseque nce of (1). /square A monotone blow up of CP2(at one point) gives an example where the assump- tion of Proposition 7.13 (3) is satisfied. It seems interesting to observe that the ring QH(X;LQ) jumps sometimes when we deform symplectic structure of X. The point where this jump occurs is closely related to the point where the number of balanced Lagrangian fiber s jumps. In the case of Example 5.7 we remark that x5+x4-2x3-2x2+1 = also refer readers to Example 10.10 for further example. Remark 7.14. In sections 11 - 13, we will use de Rham cohomology of to define and study Floer cohomology. As a consequenc e, our results on Floer cohomology is proved over LR 0or LC 0but not over LQ 0or LF 0. (The authors believe that those results can be also proved over LQ 0by using the singular coho- mology version developed in [FOOO3], although the detail of their pro ofs could be more complicated.) On the other hand, Proposition 6.8 and Theorem 6.1 are proved over LQ 0. There- fore the discussion on quantum cohomology here works over LF 0. We also remark that, though Proposition 7.13 (3) is related to Floer c ohomology, its proof given above does notuse Floer cohomology over LQ 0but uses only FloerLAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 47 cohomology over LC 0and quantum cohomology over LQ 0. In fact, the proof above implies the following : If = 0 thenu=u0. This is examples and remarks In this section we show how we can use the argument of the last 2 sec tions to illustrate calculations of M(Lag(X)) in 8.1. We consider one point blow up XofCP2. We choose its K ahler form so that the moment polytope u1+u2<=1, u2<=1-a}, 0<a<1. The potential function quantum Stanley-Reisner relation (8.1) and linear relation is z1-z3= 0,z2-z3-z4= 0. (8.2) We solve (8.1), (8.2). We obtain X3(Ta+X) =T1+a, We consider valuations of both sides of (8.3). There are three different cases to consider. Case 1; vT(X)>a: (8.3) implies 3 vT(X)+a= 1+a. Namely vT(X) = 1/3. So a<1/3. Moreover vT(Y) = 1/3. We have u1=vT(X) = 1/3,u2=vT(Y) = 1/3. (See Lemma 7.3.) Writing X=a1T1/3+a2Tl+ higher order terms with l >1 3 and substituting this into (8.3), we obtain a3 1= 1 which has 3 simple roots. Each of them corresponds to the solution for xby Hensel's lemma (see Proposition 3 in p 144 [BGR], for example). (It also follows from Theorem 10.4 in section 10.) Case 2; vT(X)< a: By taking the valuation of (8.3) we obtain u1=vT(X) = (1+a)/4. Hencea>1/3. Moreover u2=vT(Y) = (1-a)/2. In the same way as Case 1, we can check that there are four solutions. Case 3; vT(X) =a: We putX=a1Ta+a2Tl+ higher order terms where l>a. (Case 3-1: : By taking valuation of (8.3), we obtain u1=vT(X) = 1/3. Thena= 1/3 andu2=vT(Y) = 1/3. (8.3) = 0. (8.4) (In this case X=a1Tahas no higher term.) There are four solutions. We remark that (8.4) is irreducible over Q, since it is so over Z2. Namely the assumption of48 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Proposition 7.13 (3) is satisfied. Actually Xis monotone in the case a= 1/3. Hence the same conclusion (uniqueness of u) follows from Theorem 7.11 also. (Case 3-2: a1=-1) : By taking valuation of (8.3), we obtain l= 1-2a.l = 1-2a. (u1=vT(X) =a.) There is one solution. In summary, if a<1/3 there are two choices of u= On the other hand the numbers of choices of xare 1 and 3 there is the unique choice u= The number of choices of xis 4. We next study a non-Fano case. We will study Hirzebruch surface Fn. NoteF1 is one point blow up of CP2which we have already studied. We leave the case F2 to the reader. Example 8.2. We consider Hirzebruch surface Fn,n>=3. We take its K ahler form so that the moment polytope u1+nu2<=n, u2<=1-a}, 0<a<1. The leading order potential function y-1 1y-n 2Tn-u1-nu2,z4=y-1 2T1-a-u2. The quantum Stanley-Reisner relation and linear relation (8.5) z1-z3= 0,z2-nz3-z4= 0. (8.6) Let us assume nis odd. We casen= 2n'is even we put rest of the argument are similar and is omitted.) Then =T. (8.7) Case 1 ; (n-2)vT(Z)>-a: In the first case, we have vT(Z) = (a+1)/4. automatically satisfied.) Therefore u1=vT(z1) = (1-a)/2. We also can check that there are 4 solutions. We remark that we are using PO0in place of PO. However we can use Corollary 10.6 to prove the following lemma. This lemma in particular implies that balanced which was already shown above in Example 8.1 for the case n= 1. Lemma 8.3. Lety(i)L0xL0(i= 1,***,4) be critical points Then there exists y(i)'L0xL0which is a critical L +. We will prove Lemma 8.3 in section 10. Case 2 ; (n-2)vT(Z)<-a: We havevT(Z) = 1/(n+2). This can never occur since 3 ; (n-2)vT(Z) =-a: We higher 3-1 : : Then vT(Z) = (a+1)/4. Since case never occur.LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 49 (Case 3-2 : nan-2 1=-1) : We have 4 have u1=vT(z1) =-na n-2, u 2=vT(z2) = 1-a-vT(z4) (u1,u2) isnotin the moment polytope. In Example 8.2, we have M(Lag(X)) Crit(PO0). On the other hand, the order of M(Lag(X)) is 4 and is equal to the sum of 8.4. In a sequel of this series of papers, we will prove the = QH(X;L) is semi-simple. If we count the right hand side with multiplicity, the same equality holds without assuming next discuss the version of the above story where we substitut e some explicit number into the formal variable T. LetuIntP. We define a Laurent tC{0}. Inthe samewaywedefine overCby substituting T=tin the quantum The argument of section 6 goes through to (8.8) In particular the right hand side is independent of uup to an isomorphism. in the right hand side of (8.8) is the quotient of the polynomia l PO0,T=t/yi. (i= 1,***,n.) We remark that right hand side of (8.8) is always nonzero, for small t, by Propo- sition 4.7. It follows that the 0 (8.9) has a solution yi/e}aioslash= 0 foranyu. Namely, as far as the Floer cohomology after T=t substituted, there with nonvanishing Floer for anyuIntP. Since the version of Floer cohomology after substituting under the Hamiltonian isotopy, this is not useful for the application to symplectic topology. (Compare this wit h section 14.2 [CO].) The relation between the set of solutions of (8.9) and that of (4.10) is stated as follows : Let ( be a branch of the solutions of (8.9) for t/e}aioslash= 0 wherecis an integer with 1 <=c<=lfor somelN. We can easily show that it is a holomorphic function of tonCR-. We consider its behavior as t-0. For generic50 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO uthe limit either diverges or converges to 0. However if ( x,u)M0(Lag(X)) there is some csuch thaty(c) i(t;u) =exi(t). To prove this claim it suffices to show that if ( x,u)Crit(PO0) for 0 <|t|< o. small positive number.) This follows from the following Lemma 8.5. Let Lconv 0be the such for Lconvbe its field of fractions. We put Lconv += Lconv 0L+. Lemma 8.5. The field Lconvis algebraically closed. We will prove Lemma 8.5 in section 14. We go back to the discussion on the difference between two sets M0(Lag(X)) and Crit( PO0). (See Definition 1.11 for its definition.) The rest of this section owes much to the discussion with H. Iritani and also to his papers [Iri1 ], [Iri2]. The results we describe below will not be used in the other part of this pap er. We recall that we did nottake closure of the ideal ( P(X)+SRo(X)) in section 6. This is actually the reason why we have Crit(PO0). More precisely we have the following Proposition 8.6. We consider the polynomial ring L[ z1,***,zm]. We define its norm /badbl*/badblso take the closure of the ideal ( P(X)+SRo(X)) with respect to this norm and denote it by Clos( P(X)+SRo(X)). We put QHo(X;L) be the set of all weight such that the corresponding ( x,u) satisfies uIntP. We remark that wWgeo(X;o) if and only if vT(wi)>0 for 8.6 (Iritani).There exists an We first assume vT(wi) =-l <0. (The casevT(wi) = 0 will be discussed at the end of the proof.) Then, there exists fL0L+such thatTlfwi= 1. LetxQHo(X;w). 0. We take ksuch that 0, 0 and replace xby We then have Since lim 0, it follows that x= 0 inQHo(X;LC). This is a next assume vT(wi)>0 for alli. We consider the homomorphism ph: FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 51 defined by ph(zi)(x) =ziQx. We haveph(P(X) +SRo(X)) = 0. We may choose the basis of QHo(X;w) so thatph(zi) is upper triangular matrix whose diagonal entries are all wiand whose off diagonal entries are all 0 or 1. We use it and vT(wi)>0 to +SRo(X))) = 0. Namely phinduces a homomorphism from QHo(X;L). It follows easily that the restriction of the projection toQHo(X;w) is an isomorphism to its image. We finally show that for uP, there is no critical point of PO0on L +. We remark that vi(iI) is a part of the Zbasis ofZn, sinceXis by changing the variables to appropriate y' iit is easy to see that there is no nonzero critical point The proof of Proposition 8.6 is now complete. /square To further discuss the relationship between the contents of sect ions 6 and 7 and those in [Iri2], we compare the coefficient rings used here and in [Iri2]. I n [Iri2] (like many of the literatures on quantum cohomology such as [Gi1]) the for mal power series ring Q[[q1,***,qm-n]] is taken as the coefficient ring. ( m-nis the rank of H2(X;Q) and we choose a basis of it.) The superpotential in [Iri2] (which is the same as the one used in [Gi1]) is given a matrix element of a splitting of We will show that (8.11) pulls back to our potential function POu 0after a simple change of variables. Let aaH2(X;Z) be the basis we have chosen. (We choose it so that [o]aais positive.) Lemma 8.7. There exists fj(u)R(j= 1,***,n) such consider the exact is in the image of H2(X;Z) if and only (Herevi= For given aH2(X,Z) denotei*(a) = (c1,***,cm). Then we [o]a= change the notation so that it is consistent to ours. m,n,v i,jhere corresponds to r+N, r,xi,bin [Iri2], respectively.52 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO This implies the lemma. /square We now sj(u) =Tfj(u)yj. (8.12) We obtain the (8.13) We remark that if we change the choice of K ahler form then the iden changes. In other words, the story over Q[[q1,***,qm-n]] corresponds to studying all the symplectic structures simultaneously, while the sto ry overL focuses on one particular symplectic structure. In [Iri2] Corollary 5.12, Iritani proved semi-simplicity of quantum coh omology ring of toric manifold with coefficient ring It does not imply the semi-simplicity of our QHo(X;L) since the semi-simplicity in general is not preserved by the pull-back. (On the other way round, semi-simplicit y follows of the pull-back.) However it is preserved by the pull-ba ck at a generic point. Namely we 8.8. The set of Tn-invariant symplectic structures on Xfor semi-simple is open and dense. Proof.We give a proof for completeness, following the argument in the proo f of Proposition 5.11 [Iri2]. Consider the By Kushnirenko's theorem [Ku] the Jacobian ring of Fw1,***,wm is semi-simple for a generic w1,***,wm. We put wi= is easy to see that when we move [ o]aaandu(there then wimoves in an arbitrary way. Therefore for generic choice of o andu, the Jacobian ring Jac(POu 0) is semi-simple. Since Jac(POu 0) is to isomorphism, the proposition follows. /square Remark 8.9. Combined with Theorem 1.9, this proposition gives a partial answer to Question in section 3 analysis of potential function In this section, we prove Proposition 4.7. Let PObe defined as in (4.7). We define s1(u) = inf{li(u)|i= 1,***,m}. s1is a continuous, piecewise affine and convex function and s10 onP. = 0 by definition. We put S1= 9.1. There exist sk,Sk, andPkwith the following FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 53 (1)Pk+1is a convex polyhedron in a continuous, convex piecewise affine = defined for k= 1,2,***,Kfor a single point. Example 9.2. LetP= Thens1(u1,u2) = = over k. We assume that for k= 1,***,k0so that (1) - (7) of Proposition 9.1 are satisfied for definesk0+1by (3) and (4). We will prove that it satisfies (2). We use the following lemma for this purpose. Lemma 9.3. =Sk0. Proof.We =Sk0}. (9.1) By (6) fork=k0-1, we find that sk0(u) =Sk0. Then (3) for k=k0-1 implies that there is lisuch thatli(u) =Sk0. ThusI' k0is non-empty. We take the that Int Pk0is relatively open in Ak0. Now sinceuPk0, we cantake a /vector u small o>0. It follows from (7) for k=k0-1 thatu+o/vector uIntPk0-1, and henceu+o/vector definition, we also have sk0(u)<=Sk0for alluPk0-1. Therefore we u)<Sk0. It follows that there exists liI' k0such u)<li(u) u). (9.2) Since (9.2) holds for any /vector u /Pk0, it holds for o/vector u:=uj-u for any sufficiently large j. We note that since uj=u-uj is an 'outward' vector as a tangent vector in TuAk0atuPk0. Therefore we haveu+/vector uj/Pk0. uj, it follows from (9.2) that li(uj)>Sk0 (9.3) for any sufficiently large j. Therefore we have sk0+1(uj) = li(uj)>Sk0} (9.4) and limj-sk0+1(uj) = limj-li(uj) =li(u) =Sk0. This finishes the proof of the lemma. /square54 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Lemma 9.3 implies that sk0+1is continuous and piecewise linear in a neighbor- hood ofPk0. We can then check (2) easily. We defineSk0+1by (5). Then we can define Pk0+1by (6). (In other words the right hand side of (6) is nonempty.) (7) is a consequence of Lemma 9.3 . We can easily check that Pk0+1satisfies (1). We finally prove that PKbecomes a point for some K. LetukIntPkand =Sk}. (9.5) Herek= 1,***,K. We remark that Ikis independent of the choice of ukIntPk. Note we defined I' k0by the formula (9.1). We have Ik0I' k0. But the equality may not hold in general. In fact uin the boundary of Pk0butuk0is an interior point ofPk0. Therefore if liIk0thenliis constant on Pk0. But element of I' k0 may not have this property. In case some liIk0+1is not constant on Pk0it is easy to see that dim Pk0+1< dimPk0. We remark that there exists some is not constant a point. Therefore if dim 0, there exists k'>k0such Therefore there exists Ksuch thatPKbecomes a point). Hence we have achieved (8). The proof of Propos ition 9.1 is now complete. /square Remark 9.4. In a recent preprint [Mc], McDuff pointed out an error in the state- ment (1) of Proposition 9.1 in the previous version of this paper. We h ave corrected the statement and modified the last paragraph of its proof, followin g the corre- sponding argument in section 2.2 of [Mc]. We thank her for pointing out this error. The next lemma easily follows from 9.5. If all the vertices of Plie inQnthenu0Qn. Here{u0}=PK. By polytope, we may assume, without loss of the origin. In the rest of this subsection, we will prove that PO0has a critical point on (L 0L+)n. More precisely we prove Proposition 4.7 for u0=0. (We remark that if Pandliare given we can easily locate u0.) Example 9.6. Let us consider Example 8.1 in the case a >1/3. Atu0= ((1 + a)/4,(1-a)/2) we have POu0= the constant term yi;0of the coordinate yiof the critical point is 0. (9.6) Note the first equation comes from the term of the smallest expone nt and The second equation comes from the term which has second smalles t exponent and contains both y1;0andy2;0. So we need to solve the equation induc- tively according to the order of the exponent. This is the situation w e want to work out in general. We remark that the affine space Aidefined above in the proof of Lemma 9.3 MR=A0A1 *** AK-1AK={0} is a nonincreasing sequence of linear subspaces such that Int Pkis an open subset ofAk. FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 55 be the annihilator of AlMR. Then we have {0}=A 0A 1 *** A K-1A K=NR. We =Sk}, (9.7) fork= 1,***,K. In fact renumber each of Ikin (9.7) so that {lk,j|j= 1,***,a(k)}=Ik. (9.8) By = inf jlk,j(u) (9.9) in a neighborhood of 0inPk-1. In factsk-1(0) =Sk-1<Sk=sk(0) and {li(0)|i= =. Lemma 9.7. IfuAkthenlk,j(u) =Sk. Proof.We may assume k < K. Hence 0IntPk. We regard uAk=T0Ak. By (9.9), we have sk(eu) = inf{lk,j(ou)|j= =SkforeuPkit follows that lk,j(u) =Sk. /square Lemma 9.7implies that the linearpart dlk,joflk,jis anelement of A kt=NR. In fact iflk,j=li, we havedlk,j=vifrom the definition of li,li(u) -li given in Theorem 2.13. Lemma 9.8. For anyvA k, there exist nonnegative real numbers to the contrary j= we can find uAk-1Aksuch that dlk,j(u)>=0 (9.10) for allj= follows a sufficiently small e. On the other hand, (9.10) implies dlk,j(eu)>=0 for all e>0 and =Sk. Therefore by definition of skin Proposition 9.1 we is a contradiction. /square56 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Applying Lemma 9.8 inductively downwards starting from l=kending atl= 1, we immediately obtain the 9.9. For anyvA k, there exist cl,j>=0forl= 1,***,k,j= 1,***,a(l) such denote I={li|i= (9.11) It is easy to see that lI=l(0)>SK. (9.12) Now we go back to the situation of (4.7). We use the notation of (4.7) . In this case, for each k= 1,***,K, we also associate, in Definition 9.10, a set Ikconsisting of pairs (l,r) with an affine map 9.10. We say that a pair ( l,r) = (l' j,rj) is an element of Ikif the following holds : (1) 0 (1) does not hold for some i,jif we replace kbyk-1. A pair (l,r) = (l' j,rj) as in (4.7) is, by definition, an element of IK+1if it is not contained in any of Ik,k= 1,***,K. Lemma 9.11. follows from Definition 9.10 (1) and Lemma 9.7. If (l,r) = (l' j,rj)Ikthen there exists 0,li=lk,j'. =Sk. (2) follows. The proof of (3) is the same. /square Lemma 9.12. The vector space Akis defined over Q. Proof.Akis defined by equalities of the type li=SkonAk-1. Since the linear part oflihas integer coefficients, the lemma follows by induction on k. /square We putd(k) = dimAk-1-dimAk= dimA k-dimA k-1. We choose 1,***,K,j= 1,***,d(k)) such that the following condi- tion holds. Here 9.13. aQbasis If (l,r)IkorlI, = 0 ifAk=Ak-1. We identify in the same way as Lemma 4.4 and let be the element corresponding to e* k,jby this other words, FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 57 wheree* iis as in Lemma 4.4, then we putyk,j=exk,j.We define Y(k,j) (9.13) And for (l,r)IkorlI, we define Y(l) (9.14) By Theorem 4.6 there exists c(l,r)Qsuch that 9.14. 0. 0. Lemma 9.7 it follows that v(k',j'),(k,j)= 0 fork >k'. (1) follows. (2) follows from Lemma 9.11 (1) in the same way. (3) follow s from Lemma 9.11 (2). (4) follows from Lemma 9.11 (3). (5) follows from (9.1 2). /square Now equation (4.10) becomes 0 =PO0 yk,j. We calculate this equation using Lemma 9.14 to find that it is equivalent t o : 0 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Note the exponents of Tin the second, third, and fourth terms of (9.18) are all strictly positive. So after putting T= 0 we have 0 (9.19) Note that the equation (9.19) does not involve Tbut becomes a numerical equation. We call (9.19) the leading term equation . Lemma9.15. There exist positive real numbers yk,j;0,k= 1,***,K,j= the leading term equations for k= remark the leading term equation for k,jcontain the monomials in- volving only yk',jfork'<=k. We first solve the leading term equation for k= follows from Corollary 9.9 that for any ( 0, there exists we = attains its minimum at some point of Rd(1). Taking its exponential, We obtain we have already found yk',j;0fork'<k. Then we logyk',j;0. Again using Corollary 9.9, we = +. for any 0. Hence attains a minimum and we obtain yk,j;0. Lemma 9.15 now follows by induction. /square We next find the solution of our equation (4.11) or (4.12). We take a s FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 59 We remark that (4.11) is equivalent modTN-Skk= 1,***,K,j= also L +. (9.22) For given positive numbers R(1),***,R(K) we define the discs D(R(k)) Rd(k) and the k= 1,***,K}. We we consider the Jacobian of the (9.23) We remark that PO0 kdepends only on all PO0 k,k= 1,***,K(9.23) induces a by PO0= next lemma is closely related to Lemma 9.15. Lemma 9.16. We may choose the positive numbers R(k)fork= 1,***,Ksuch that the following holds : (1)PO0is nonzero on map degree 1. Proof.We first prove the following sublemma by an upward induction on k0.60 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Sublemma 9.17. There exist R(k)'s for1<=k<=Ksuch that for any given 1<=k0<=Kwe casek0= 1 the existence of R(1) satisfying (9.24) is a consequence of Corollary 9.9. We assume that the sublemma is proved for 1 ,***,k0-1. For each fixed x= we can find R(k0)xsuch that (9.24) holds for This is also a consequence of Corollary 9.9. We take supremum of R(k0)xover the compact set and obtainR(k0). The proof of Sublemma 9.17 is complete. /square It is easy to see that Lemma 9.16 follows from Sublemma 9.17. /square We now use our assumption that the vertices of Plies inMQ=Qnand that rjQ. Replacing TbyT1/Cif necessary, we may assume that all the in (9.20) are integers. polynomials of Define the set Xby the set consisting = 0, (9.25) fork= 1,***,K,j= 1,***,d(k). Clearly Xis a real affine algebraic variety. (Note the equation for yiare polynomials. So we need to regard yi(notxi) as variables to regard Xas a real affine algebraic variety. ) Consider the =q which is a morphism of algebraic varieties. Lemma 9.18. There exists a sufficiently small o>0such that if consider the real analytic q-family of (9.26) Replacing we can repeat construction of the each fixed qRin the same way as we defined PO0. Then the conclusion of Lemma 9.16 holds for PO0 N,qif|q|is sufficiently small. (This is a consequence ofLAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 61 Lemma 9.16 and (9.26).) Lemma 9.18 follows from elementary algebraic t 9.18 implies that we can find y0= a sequence (yh,qh) = 1,2,***such thatqh>0 and lim h-(yh,qh) = (y0,0).Therefore by the curve selection lemma (Lemma 3.1 [Mi]) there exists a real analytic map g: [0,o)-X such thatg(0) = (y0,0) andp(g(t))>0 fort >0. We reparameterize g(t), so that itsq-component is ta/b, whereaandbare relatively prime integers. We denote the yk,j-components of g(t) the element ( the required solution of only a finite number of summands, we can take PO0,N= PO0. Therefore we can find a solution of (4.12) for PO0. The proof of Proposition 4.7 is now complete. of higher order term in nondegenerate cases In this section, we prove a rather technical (but useful) result, w hich shows that solutions of the leading term equation (9.19) correspond to actual critical points under certain non-degeneracy condition. For this purpose, we slig htly modify the argument of the last part of section 9. This result will be useful to d 0 for some xin non-Fano cases. (In other words we study the image of M(Lag(X))-IntPby the map ( x,u)/maso-u.) In fact it shows that we can use PO0in place of POin most practical cases. We remark that we explicitly calculate PO0but do not know the precise form of PO in non-Fano cases. In order to state the result in a general form, we prepare some no tations. Let u0IntP. (In section 9, u0is determined as the unique element of PKdefined in Proposition 9.1. The present situation is more general.) We define positive real numbers (10.1) and the =Sk}, (10.2) fork= 1,***. We renumber each of Ikso that {lk,j|j= 1,***,a(k)}=Ik. 10.1. LetA lbe the linear subspace of NRspanned by We define Kto be the smallest number such that A K=NR.62 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Note our notations here are consistent with one in section 9 in case {u0}=PK. We define IandIkby (9.11) and Definition 9.10. Then Lemma 9.11 and (9.12) hold. We choose e* i,jHom(MQ,Q) such that Condition 9.13 is satisfied. (Note A lis defined over are defined in the same way as section 9. We defineY(k,j) by (9.13) and Y(l) by (9.14). Then (9.15) and Lemma 9.14 hold. We remark that Corollary 9.9 does nothold in general in the current situation. In fact we can the assumption of Corollary 9.9 but we may not be able to ensur 10.2. (1) We call 0 k= 1,***,K, j= term equation atu0. We regard it as a polynomial equation for yk,jC{0},k= 1,***,K,j= 1,***,d(k). (2) A solution y0= leading term equation is said to beweakly nondegenerate if it is isolated in the set of solutions. (3) A solution y0= leading term equation is said to bestrongly nondegenerate if the invertible for k= 1,***,K, aty0. (4) We define the multiplicity of leading term equation in the standard w ay of algebraic geometry, in the weakly nondegenerate case. Example 10.3. In Example 9.6, the equation (9.6) is the leading term either 10.4. For any strongly nondegenerate solution y0= (yk,j;0)of leading term equation, there exists a solution y= = 0 (10.4) such that yk,jyk,j;0mod LC +. If all the vertices of Pandu0are rational, the same conclusion holds for y0. We prove the following at the end of section 13. Lemma 10.5. We assume [o]H2(X;Q)and choose the moment polytope P such that its vertices are all rational. Let u0IntPsuch that POu0 0has critical point in (L0L+)n. Thenu0is FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 63 Corollary 10.6. Assume one of the following conditions : (1)The corresponding solution of the leading term equation is s trongly [o]H2(X;R)is rational and the corresponding solution of leading term equation is weakly there exists x'such that LC +. Remark 10.7. (1) Using Proposition 10.8 below, we can also apply Theorem 10.4 and Corollary 10.6 to study non-displacement of Lagrangian fibe rs for the weakly nondegenerate case, without assuming rationality. See the last step of the proof of Theorem 1.5 given at the end of section 13. (2) The conclusion of Theorem 10.4 does not hold in general without w assumption. We give an example (Example 10.17) whe re both the assumption the conclusionof Theorem 10.4 fail to hold. (3) In this section we work with LCcoefficients, while in the last section we work with LRcoefficients. We also remark that in the last section, we did notassume the weak nondegeneracy condition. (4) If we define the multiplicity of the element of M0(Lag(X)) as the dimen- sion of the Jacobian ring Jac(PO0;x,u0) in Definition 7.9 (namely as the Milnor number) then the sum of the multiplicities of the solutions of (10 .4) converging to y0asT-0, is equal to the multiplicity of y0. (5) In the strongly nondegenerate case, the solution of (10.4) wit h the given leading term is 10.8. Let(X,o)be a compact toric manifold with moment polytope P andu0IntP. Then there exist (X,oh)with moment polytope that the following holds: (1) vertices of Phanduh 0are rational. (3)The leading term equation at uh 0is the same as the leading term prove Proposition 10.8 at the end of section 13. We first derive Theorem 1.14 and Lemma 8.3 from Theorem 10.4 before proving Theorem 10.4. Proof of Theorem 1.14. We start with CP2and blow up a T2fixed point to We take a K ahler form so that the volume of the exceptional CP1 is 2po1which is small. We next blow up again at one of the fixed points so that th e volume of the exceptional CP1iso2and is small compared with o1. We continue k times to obtain X(k), whose K ahler structure depends on o1,***,ok. NoteX(k) is non-Fano for k>3. LetP(k) be the moment polytope of X(k) andPO0,kbe the leading order potential function of X(k). We remark that P(k) is obtained by cutting out a vertex ofP(k-1). (See [Ful].) Lemma 10.9. We may choose oi(i= 1,***,k) so that the following holds for l<=k.64 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO (1)The number of balanced fibers of P(l)isl+1. We write them as L(u(l,i)) i= in of the vertices corresponding to the point we blow up. (4)The leading term equation of the same as the leading term equation of leading term equations are all strongly proof is by induction on k. There is nothing to show for k= 0. Suppose that we have proved Lemma 10.9 up to k-1. Letwbe the vertex of the polytope we cut out which corresponds to the blow up of X(k-1). Letli,li'be the affine functions associated to the two edges containing w. It is easy to see that P(k) also have if we choose oksufficiently small, the leading term equation at u(k-1,i) does not change. We takeu(k,k)such that li(u(k,k)) =li'(u(k,k)) =ok. It is easy to see that there exists such u(k,k)uniquely if okis sufficiently small. remark that ofZ2, sinceX(k-1) is smooth toric.) Then we the leading term equation is 1+y' 1= 1+y' 2= solution( -1,-1). Inparticularit can also easily check that there is no other solution of leading term equation. The proof of Lemma 10.9 now follows by Theorem 10.4. /square Theorem 1.14 immediately follows from Lemma 10.9. /square Note that Theorem 1.14 can be generalized to CPnby the same proof. Proof of Lemma 8.3. Letu0= We leading equation is 1-y-2 2= 0,1-y-2 1y-1 2= The lemma them follows from Corollary 10.6. /square We give another example which demonstrates the way how one can us e the leading term equation and Theorem 10.4 to locate balanced FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 65 Example 10.10. Let us consider CPnwith moment polytope We take to u1=***=ul= 0. (l>=2.) We blow up CPnalong the center CPn-land denote the blow-up by X. (The casel=n= 2 is Example 8.1.) We take a(0,1) so that the moment polytope of we use PO0in place of the potential function PO. Since the all the critical points of PO0are weakly nondegenerate, they correspond to the critical point s of PO. (We thank D. McDuff for pointing out that this example is not Fano.) T he function PO0is given denote zi=Tuiyi, the quantum Stanley-Reisner relations are : z1***znz0=T, z1***zl=zTa. By computing the derivatives yiPO0 yi, we obtain the linear relations which can be written as zi-z0+z= 0 for i<=l zi-z0= 0 for we for 0. We also have (10.5) Case 1; (l-1)vT(X)<a: In this case, we obtain vT(X) condition ( l-1)vT(X)<athen is equivalent we have vT(X+Y) =vT(Y) > l. At the point u= (u1,***,un) withui=vT(X) for fori>=l, we obtain the leading term equation, it is useful to make a change of v ariables K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO In fact, using the notation which we introduced at the beginning of t his section, we have S1=vT(Y), the vector space generated by /ui, (i=l+1,***,n) and/u1+***+ /ul. We also have A 2=Rn. Therefore a basis satisfying Condition 9.13 variables corresponding to this basis is y2,***,yn,y. In these variables, POu 0 has the the leading term equation becomes : 0 = = = 2<=i<=l. Its solutions thn-l+2= 1 y2=***=yl=r, rl=th. It follows that this leading term equation has l(n-l+2) solutions, all of which are strongly 2; (l-1)vT(X)>a: We have vT(X) =1 n+1. We also have vT(Y) =lvT(X)-a>vT(X) and hence vT(X+Y) =vT(X) =1 n+1. The condition ( l-1)vT(X)> abecomesa <l-1 n+1.If we consider the point u= (u1,***,un) withui=vT(X) =1 n+1fori= 1,***n,POu 0has the so the leading term equation is obtained by solutions thn+1= 1. There aren+1 solutions all of which are strongly 3; (l-1)vT(X) =a: (Case 3-1; We have ui=vT(X) =vT(Y) = 1/(n+1) (i= 1,***,n),a= (l-1)/(n+1). In this formula implies that the symplectic area of all discs with Maslov inde x 2 are FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 67 The leading term equation = 0, i= = 0, i =l+1,***,n. Its solutions are 1, It looks rather cumbersome to check whether (10.6) has multiple root. Certainlyall the The nu with multiplicity is l(n-l+2). (Case 3-2; -Xl-1TamodTaL+.) We put vT(z0) =l>vT(X) =a l-1. Using (10.5) we condition We haveui=vT(X) =l,i>l. We first term gives the leading term equation 0, i= 1,***,l. It solution is The second term of POu 0gives the leading term 0, i=l+1,***,n. Its solutions are 1. Thus the leading term equation has ( l-1)(n+ 1-l) solutions all of which are strongly remark that ( =l(n-l+2). Hence the number of solutions are always l(n-l+ 2) which coincides with the Betti number of X. There are 2 balanced fibers for a <(l-1)/(n+1) and 1 balanced fiber for wec as follows : QH(X;LQ) K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. we assume (10.6) has only a simple root in case a= (l-1)/(n+1). We use the next lemma to show (10.7). Lemma 10.11. a critical point of POu *. We assume L +) is a strongly nondegenerate solution of leading term equation. We also assume that yi;0FwhereFCis a an element of LF 0. We prove Lemma 10.11 later this section. We are now ready to give the proof of Theorem 10.4. Proof of Theorem 10.4. We first consider the weakly nondegenerate case. Let mbe the multiplicity of y0. We choose dsuch that the ball Bd(y0) centered at y0and of radiusddoes not contain a solution of the leading term equation other than y0. ForyBd(y0) we define PO(y) well defined and of degree m/e}aioslash= 0 by the definition of For qC,wedefine substituting qtoT. Then in the same way as the proof of Lemma 9.18 we can prove the following. Lemma 10.12. There exists o>0such that if |q|<o, the equation 0 (10.8) has a solution in Bd(y0). The sum of multiplicities of the solutions of to is a polynomial equation. Hence multiplicity of its solution is well-de fined in the standard sense of algebraic geometry. Now we assume that all the vertices of Pandu0are contained in Qn. (10.8) also depends polynomially on q'=T', whereT'=T1/C!for a sufficiently large integer C. (We remark that Cis determined by the denominators of the coordinates of the vertices ofPand ofu0. In particular it can be taken to be independent of N.) We denote y= (y1,***,yn) and (q')C!satisfying (10.8) }.LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 69 We consider the {q'C| |q'|<o}. (10.9) By choosing a sufficiently small o>0, we may assume that (10.9) is a local isomor- phism on the punctured disc {q'|0<|q'|< o}. Namely,pq'is an ' etale covering over the punctured disc. We remark that for each q'the fiber consists of at most mpoints, since the multiplicity of the leading term equation is m. We putq''= (q')1/m!. Then {q''C|0<|q''|<o} (10.10) of (10.9) becomes a trivial covering space. Namely there exists a sin gle valued section o}. It extends to a holomorphic section of {q''| |q''|<o}. In other words there exists a holomorphic family of solutions of (10.8 ) which is parameterized by q'' {q''| |q''|< o}. We putT''= (T')1/m!. Then by taking the Taylor series of the family of solutions at 0, we obtain the following : Lemma 10.13. If all the vertices of Pandu0are rational, then for each mod that remark that Lemma 10.13 is sufficient for most of the applications. In fact it implies that L(u0) is balanced if there exists a weakly nondegenerate solution of leading term equation at u0. Hence we can apply Lemma 4.12. For completeness we prove the slightly stronger statement made f or the case in Theorem 10.4. The argument is similar to one in [FOOO3] (= subsection 30.11 [FOOO2]). For each N, we denote by the set of all ( where k= 1,***,K,j= 1,***,a(k),l= 1,***,N, such isthesetof variety (of finite dimension). Lemma 10.13 implies that is nonempty. For N1>N2there exists an obvious complex algebraic variety.70 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO To complete the proof of Theorem 10.4 in the weakly nondegenerate case, it suffices to show that the projective (10.12) is nonempty. Lemma a theorem of Chevalley (see Chapter 6 [Mat]), each Im IN,1is a con- structible set. It is nonempty and its dimension dimIm IN,1is nonincreasing as N - . Therefore we may assume dimIm IN,1=dforN >= N 1. We considerthe numberof IN,1. This number is nonincreasing for N >= N 1. Therefore, there exists N2such that for N >= N2the number of ddimensional irreducible components of Im IN,1is independent ofN. It follows that there exists XNa sequence of ddimensional of Im IN,1such thatXN+1XN. Since dim( XNXN+1)< d, it follows from Baire's category theorem that Hence the lemma. /square Lemma 10.15. There exists a sequence 1,2,3,***msuch 2,***,mand proof is by induction on m. The case m= 1 is Lemma 10.14. Each of the inductive step is similar to the proof of Lemma 10.14 and so it omitte d./square Lemma 10.15 implies that the projective limit (10.12) is nonempty. The p roof of weakly nondegenerate case of Theorem 10.4 is complete. We next considerthe We provethe induction on N. LetGbe a submonoid of ( R>=0,+) generated by the in the exponent of (9.18). Namely it is generated by Sk'-Sk(k'>k), define 0 10.16. We assume that y0= a strongly non- degenerate solution of the leading term equation. Then, the re modTlN+1. FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 71 Moreover we may choose y(N) k,jso proof is by induction on N. There is nothing to show in the case N= 0. Assume we have proved the lemma up to N -1. Then we y(N) k,jof the some k,j,N. Then we can stronglynondegenerate,wecanfind k,j'',N Cso that the right hand side become zero module TlN+1. The proof of Lemma 10.16 is complete. /square By Lemma 10.16, the limit lim We set yk,j:= is the required solution of (10.4). The proof of Theorem 10.4 is co mplete /square Proof of Lemma 10.11. We assumption yk,j;0F. We remark that (10.15) gives a linearequation which determines on l. We use it to show on l./square We next give an example where weakly nondegeneracy condition is not 10.17. Consider the 2-point blow up X(a,b) ofCP2with its moment polytope given b<=u1+u2<=1}. We consider the case when 1 -ais sufficiently small. The potential function remark that Xis Fano.) We fix aand movebstarting from zero. When bis small compared to 1 -a, there are two balanced fibers. One is located at ((1+ a)/4,(1-a)/2). This corresponds to the location of the balanced fiber of the one point blow up, which is nothing but the case b= 0. The72 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO other appears near the origin and is ( b,b). The leading term equation at the first point is 1-y-2 2= 0,1-y-2 1y-1 2= 0. The solutions are ( y1,y2) = all of which are strongly nonde- generate. The leading term equation at the second point is 1+y1= 1+y2= 0. (-1,-1) is the nondegenerate solution. Thus we have 5 solutions. The situationjumps when b= (1-a)/2. Denoteb0= (1-a)/2forthe simplicity of notation. In that case the potential function at ( b0,b0) leading term equation is 1+y2= 0,1+y1-y-2 2= 0. Its solution is (0 ,-1). Sincey1= 0 it follows that there is no solution in (L 0L+)2. Hence there is no weak bounding cochain xfor which the Floer is nontrivial. In other words, the fiber is not strongly balanced. On the other hand, this fiber L(b0,b0) inX(a,b0) is balanced because by close to b0andb <b0, we can approximate it by the which the Floer cohomology is non-trivial. In inX(a,b0) is not displaceable. We can also verify that E(b0,b0) =inX(a,b0) we examine where the missing solutions at b=b0have gone. We whereb0= The potential function leading term equation is 1-y-2 2= 0,1+y2= 0. (10.18) The solution is y2=-1 andy1is arbitrary. Thus there areinfinitely many solutions of the leading term equation. Therefore these solutions of (10.18) are not . So we need to study the critical point of (10.17) more carefully. The condition that (y1,y2) is a critical point of (10.17) is written 0.(10.19) The leading order term of y2should be -1. We need to study also the second order term. We can write y2=-1+cTu, y1=d,LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I Then we have -2cTu+dTl10 modTmin{u,l1}L+, (10.21) (10.20) implies u=l1. (10.21) then implies l2-l1=l1. It implies u1= -1/4 mod L +, d2cmod L +. (10.22) Since the three solutions of the C-reduction of (10.22) are all simple, we can show, by the same way as that of the proof of Theorem 10.4, that all solut ions correspond to solutions of the equation (10.19). Therefore, L(1/3,b0) is a strongly remark that solutions of the leading term equation (10.18) do not lift to solutions of (10.19) unless u1= 1/3 andy1=-1. This shows that the assumption in Theorem 10.4 is essential. We remark that at ((1+ a)/4,(1-a)/2) the leading term equation becomes 1-y-2 2= 0. Its solutions in ( C{0})2are (+-1/ 2,1). The number of solutions jumps from 4 to 2 here. 2+3 = 5. So this is consistent with Theorem 1.3. In summary for the case of ( a,b0) withb0= (1-a)/2, there are 3 balanced fibers (1/3,b0), ((1 +a)/4,b0) and (b0,b0). The first two of them are and the last is not strongly balanced. The balanced fiber L(1/3,b0)X(a,b0) disappears as we deform X(a,b0) to X(a,b) asb0moves to nearby b. To see this let us take bwhich is slightly bigger thanb0= (1-a)/2. Then and (1 -a-b,b) are the balanced fibers. The leading term equation at the first point is 1-y-2 2= 0, y2-y-2 1y-1 2= 0. Hence there are 4 solutions ( +-1,+-1). The leading term equation at the second point is 1+y2= 0, y1-y-2 2= 0. Hence the solution is (1 ,-1). Total number is again 5. We remark that the Q-structure of quantum cohomology also jumps at b= (1-a)/2. slightly smaller than (1 slightly larger than (1 -a)/2. Remark 10.18. In a sequel of this series of papers, we will prove that L(u1,(1- a)/2)) is not displacable for any in the case b=b0. We will use the bulk deformation introduced by [FOOO3] section 3.8 (= [FOOO2] section 13) to prove it. The next example shows that Theorems 1.3, 1.4 and 10.4 can not be ge neralized to the case of a positive 10.19. Consider the 2-point blow up XofCP2with moment K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO SinceXis monotone for o= 1/3, it follows that Xis Fano. We will assume o>0 is sufficiently small. Then the fiber at u0= (1/3,1/3) is balanced. Now we consider the Novikov ring LFwithF=F3a field of characteris- tic 3. We will prove that there exists noelement xH(L(u);LF 0) such 0. The potential function at the critical point equation is given 0i= 1,2 From this it follows that yi1 mod L +. In fact the leading term equation is aia1a2= 1 fori= 1,2 which is reduced to a1=a2=a, a3= 1. Obviously this equation has the unique solution a1=a2= 1 inF3. Going back to the study of solutions of the critical point equation (1 0.23), we first provey1=y2. We putzi=y-1 i. We assume 0 and put Then by (10.23) we = 0. This is a contradiction since the left hand side is congruent to now put x=yiand obtain x3-tx-1 = 0. (10.24) We prove: Lemma 10.20. (10.24)has no solution in LF3 0. Proof.We putx= 1+t1/3x'and = 0. This equation resembles (10.24) except that tis replaced by t1/3. We now a solution of (10.24) modulo t1+PN i=13-i. It is easy to see that there are no other solution of (10.24) modulo follows in LF3 0. Thus there is no solution of (10.24) over a field of char- acteristic 3. FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 75 Lemma 10.20 implies that the field of fraction of the Puiseux series ring with co- efficients in an field of is It is well known that this phenomenon does not occur in the c ase of charac- teristic zero. See, for example, Corollary 13.15 [Ei]. Since we could no t find a proof of a similar result for universal Novikov ring in the literature, we will pr ovide its proof in the appendix for completeness. (We used it in the proof of T heorem 1.12 in section of potential function In this section, we prove Theorems 4.5 and 4.6. We begin with a review o f [CO]. Letp:X-Pbe the moment map and the decomposition of the boundary of Pinton-1 dimensional faces. Let biH2(X,L(u);Z) be the elements such that bi[p-1(Pj)] ifi=j, 0 Maslov index u(bi) is 2. (Theorem 5.1 be the moduli space of stable maps from bordered Riemann surfaces of genus zero with k+1 boundary marked points in homology class b. (See [FOOO1] section 3 = [FOOO3] subsection 2.1.2. We require the boundary marked points to respect the cyclic order of S1=D2. (In other words we consider the main component in the sense of [FOOO1] section be its subset consisting of all maps from a disc. (Namely the stable map without disc or sphere bubble.) The next theorem easily fo llows from the results of [CO]. In (3) Theorem 11.1 we use the spin structure of L(u) which is induced by the diffeomorphism of L(u)~=Tnby theTnaction and the of the tangent bundle of Tn. Theorem 11.1. (1)Ifu(b)<0, oru(b) = 0, empty. (2)Ifu(b) = empty. (3)Fori= 1,***,m, we (11.1) Moreover Fredholm regular. Furthermore the an orientation preserving anyb, the moduli space Fredholm regular. a not empty then there exists realized by holomorphic sphere. There is at least one nonz eroki.76 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Proof.For reader's convenience and completeness, we explain how to dedu ce The- orem 11.1 from the results in [CO]. By Theorems 5.5 and 6.1 [CO], is Fredholm regular for any b. Since the complex structure is invariant under the Tnaction and L(u) isTn invariant, it follows that Tnacts on and ev:-L(u) isTnequivariant. Since the Tnaction onL(u) is free and transitive, it follows that evis a submersion if is nonempty. (4) follows. We assume is nonempty. Since evis a submersion it follows that n= dimL(u)<=dim 0. Therefore u(b)>=2. (1) follows. We next assume u(b) = 2, and is nonempty. Then by Theo- rem 5.3 [CO], we find b=bifor somei. (2) follows. We next prove (5). It suffices to consider [f] decompose the domain of uinto irreducible components and restrict the restriction of fto disc or respectively. We 5.3 [CO] implies that each of fjis homologous to the sum of the element ofbi. It implies (5). We finally prove (3). The fact that evis a diffeomorphism for b=bi, follows dirctly from Theorem 5.3 [CO]. We next prove that evis orientation a principal homogeneous space of Tn, the tangent bundle TL(u) is trivialized once we fix an isomorphism TnS1x *** xS1. Using the orientation and the spin structure on L(u) induced by such a trivialization, *** xS1by an orientation preserving, (resp. reversing), isomorphism, the corresponding orientations on L(u) andM1(b) is preserved, (resp. whether ev:M(bi)-L(u) is orientation preserving or not does not depend on the choice of the identification eachi= 1,...,m, we can find an automorphism phof (C*)nand a biholo- morphic map =Lstd, 1}. Under this identification, M1(bi) is identified with the space of holomorphic 2,...,nwith|wk|= 1. Therefore it is enough to check the statement that evis orientation preserving in a single example. Cho [Cho] proved it in the case of the Clifford torus in CPn, hence the proof. To prove (11.1) and complete the proof of Theorem 11.1, it remains t o (Herei0 {1,***,m}.) Let [f]LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I We take kiandajas in (5). (Here b=bi0). We the convexity of P, (5) andki>=0, we show the (11.2) holds and that the equality holds only if ki= 0 1, as follows : By (5) we a constant. Since ki>=0 andli0(u') = 0 foru'i0P, it follows that c<=0. (Noteli>=0 onP.) Sincebio=li(u), we have the inequality (11.2). Let us assume that the equality holds. If there exists = 0} {u'P|li(u') =lj(u') = 0} iPjP. This is a contradiction since i0Pis codimension 1. Therefore there is only one nonzeroki. It is easy to see that i=i0andki0= 1. On the other hand since ajo>0 it follows there is no sphere bubble (that is aj). Moreover the equality holds in (11.2). Hence the domain of our stable map is irreducible. The proof of Theorem 11.1 is now complete. /square Next we discuss one delicate point to apply Theorem 11.1 to the proof s of The- orems 4.5 and 4.6. (This point was already mentioned in section 16 [CO].) Let us consider the case where there exists a holomorphic sphere f: that f(0) =g(1). We glueD2andS2at 0D2and 1S2to obtain S. fandginduce a stable maph: Fredholm regular since gmay not be Fredholm regular or the evaluation is not transversal at the interior nodes. In othe r words, may not be Fredholm regular in gbyitsmultiple Mmain 1(L(u),b) such that u(b) is negative. Theorem 11.1 says that all the holomorphic disc without any bubble are Fredholm regular. However w e can not expect that all stable maps in Mmain 1(L(u),b) are Fredholm regular. In orderto proveTheorem4.6, weneed to find maps. For this purpose we use the Tnaction and proceed as follows. (We remark that many of the arguments below are much simplified in the Fa no case, where there exists no holomorphic sphere K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. of Kuranishi structure and section 17-18 [FOOO1] (or se ction 7.1 [FOOO3] = section 29 [FOOO2]) for its construction in the context we current ly deal with.) We may construct Kuranishi neighborhoods and obstruction bund les that carry Tn actions induced by the Tnaction onX, and choose Tn-equivariant Kuranishi maps. (See Definition 15.4.) We note that the evaluation We use the fact that the complex structure of is a freeTn-orbit to find such a Kuranishi structure. (See Proposition 15.7 for the detail.) We remark that the Tnaction on the Kuranishi neighborhood is free since the Tnaction onL(u) is free and We take a perturbation (that is, a multisection) of the Kuranishi map that is Tnequivariant. We can find such a multisection which is also transversal to 0 as follows : Since the Tnaction is free, we can take the quotient of Kuranishi neighborhood, obstruction bundle etc. to obtain a space with Kuranishi structure. Then we take a transver sal multisection of the quotient Kuranishi structure and lift it to a multisection of th e of M1(L(u),b). (See Corollary 15.15 for detail.) Let sbbe such a multisection and let M1(L(u),b)sbbe its zero set. We remark that the (11.3) is a submersion. This follows from the Tnequivariance. This makes our construc- tion of system of multisections much simpler than the general one in s ection 7.2 [FOOO3] (= section 30 [FOOO2]) since the fiber product appearing in th e induc- tive construction is automatically transversal. (See subsection 7.2 .2 [FOOO3] = section 30.2 [FOOO2]) for the reason why this is crucial.) More precisely we prove the following Lemma 11.2. Mmain 1(L(u),b) (11.4) be the forgetful map which forgets the first, ..., k-th marked points. (In other words, only the 0-th marked point remains.) We can construct our K uranishi struc- ture sothat it is compatiblewith forget0in the samesense asLemma 7.3.8[FOOO3] (= Lemma 31.8 [FOOO2]). Lemma 11.2. For each given E >0, there exists a system of multisections the following properties : (1)They are transversal to 0. (2)They are invariant under the Tnaction. (3)The multisection sb,k+1is the pull-back of the multisection sb,1by the for- getful map (11.4). (4)The restriction of sb,1to the boundary of the fiber product of the multisections sb',k'with respect to the identification of the do not perturb FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 79 Proof.We construct multisections inductively over ob. Since (2) implies that fiber products of the perturbed moduli spaces which we have alrea dy constructed in the earlier stage of induction are automatically transversal, we ca n extend them so that (1), (2), (3), (4) are satisfied by the method we already e xplained above. We recall from Theorem 11.1 (3) it is Fredholm regular and its evaluation map is surjective to L(u). Therefore when we perturb the multisection we do not need to worry about com patibility of it with other multisections we have already constructed in the ear lier stage of induction. This enable us to leave the moduli space Mmain 1(L(u),bi) unperturbed for allbi. The proof of Lemma 11.2 is complete. /square Remark 11.3. We need to fix Eand stop the inductive construction of multisec- tions at some finite stage. Namely we define sb,k+1only forbwithbo<E. The reason is explained in subsection 7.2.3 [FOOO3] (= section 30.3 [FOOO2]). We can go around this trouble in the same way as explained in section 7.2 [FOOO 3] (= section 30 [FOOO2]). See Remark 11.11. Remark 11.4. We explain one delicate point of the proof of Lemma 11.2. Let ap2(X) be represented by a holomorphic sphere with c1(X)a <0. We consider the moduli space M1(a) of holomorphic sphere with one marked point and in homology class a. Let us consider bp2(X;L(u)) and the moduli of holomorphicdiscs with one interiorand k+1boundary markedpoints and of homotopy class b. The fiber evaluation mapsat If we want to define a multisection compatible with the Mmain k+1(b+a) (11.5) then it is impossible to make it both transversal and Tnequivariant in general : This is because the nodal point of such a singular curve could be cont ained in the part ofXwith non-trivial isotropy group. Our perturbation constructed above satisfies (1) and (2) of Lem ma 11.2 and so maynotbe compatible with the embedding (11.5). Our construction of the perturbation given in Lemma 11.2 exploits the fact that the Tnaction acts freely on the Lagrangian fiber L(u) and carried out by induction on the number of disc components (and of energy) only, regardless of the number of sp here components. The following corollary is an immediate consequence of Lemma 11.2. Corollary 11.5. Ifu(b)<0oru(b) = 0, empty. Now we consider bp2(X;L) withu(b) = 2 and bo < E, whereEis as in Lemma 11.2. One immediate consequence of Corollary 11.5 is that the chainof Mmain 1(L(u),b) becomes a cycle. More precisely, we 11.6. Letbp2(X;L) withu(b) = 2 andbo<E, whereEis as in Lemma11.2. We K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Lemma 11.7. The number cbis independent of the choice of the system of (1)-(5)of Proposition 11.2. Proof.If there are two such systems, we can find a Tninvariant homotopy between them which is also transversal to 0. By a dimension counting argumen t applied to the parameterized version of Mmain 1(L(u),b) and its perturbation, we will have version of Corollary 11.5. This in turn implies that the p moduli space defines a compact cobordism betwe en the perturbed moduli spaces of Mmain 1(b) associated to the two such systems. The lemma remark cbi= 1 wherebi(i= 1,***,m) are the classes corresponding to each of the irreducible components of the divisor p-1(P). IfXis Fano, then cb= But this may not be the case if Xis not Fano. We now will use our perturbed moduli space to define a structure of on the de Rham cohomology We will write itmcan. We take aTnequivariant Riemannian metric on L(u). We observe that a differ- ential form ronL(u) is harmonic if and only if So we with the set of Tnequivariant forms from now on. We consider the evaluation map ev= differential forms on L(u). We = (11.6) We remark that integration along fiber ( ev0)!is well defined and gives a smooth form, since ev0is a submersion. (It is a consequence of Tnequivariance.) More Weput (ev1,***,evk) :M -Ls,evt=ev0:M -Lt. Thus we are in the situation we formulate at the beginning of section 16. Then using Lemma 16.9 and Remark 16.8 (1), we = (11.7) We remark that the right hand side of (11.7) is again Tnequivariant since 11.2 (4) using Lemmata 16.9, 16.10, we have the following (See the end of section 16 for sign.) We now (11.9)LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 81 We extend (11.9) to rH(L(u);LR 0) such that it is L 0multilinear. Then (11.8) implies that it defines a structure of a filtered Astructure on H(L(u);LR 0) in the sense of section 3. We also remark that our filtered Aalgebra is unital and the constant 0 form 1H0(L;R) is a unit. This is a consequence of Lemma 11.2 (3). We next calculate our filtered Astructure in the case when riare degree 1 forms. Lemma 11.8. = 2, we the Poincar' e dual to the fundamental class. In other word s it is thenform = 1. Proof.It suffices to consider the case x=rH1(L(u);R), and =cb k!(bx)k. *** <=tk<=1}. (11.11) We define an iterated blow-up, denoted by /hatwideCk, ofCkin the following way. Let S=Dbe the boundary of the unit disc be the homology class of the unit disc. We consider the moduli space Mk+1(C,S;bD) and the evaluation map /vector ev= (ev0,***,evk) fix a pointp0SCand Mk+1(C,S;bD). We make the identification S1{p0}~=(0,1). Then/vector evinduces a Ck. In this sense /hatwideCkis regarded as an iterated blow up of Ckalong the diagonal (that is the set of points where ti=ti+1for somei). We identify D=S~=R/Z~=S1. We (11.12) In fact, Corollary 11.5 implies of finitely many free Tn orbits (with multiplicity Q) andMmain 1(L(u),b)s=s. By Lemma 11.2 (3) we have a map s- s. It is easy to see that the fiber can be identified with this identification, the evaluation map /vector evis induced = [tib]*ev(u) (11.13) for (u;t1,***,tk) K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. is identified to an element of the universal cover and [tib]L(u) acts as a multiplication on the torus. ev(u) is defined by the evaluation map We also have =ev(u). (11.14) We remark that is a diffeomorphism (See Theorem 11.1 (3)). Now we proof of Lemma 11.8 is now complete. /square Remark 11.9. We can prove that our filtered Aalgebra is homotopy equivalent to the one in [FOOO3] Theorem A (= [FOOO2] The orem A). The proof is a straight forward generalization of section 7.5 [FOOO3] (= section 33 of [FOOO2]) and is omitted here. In fact we do not need to use this fac t to prove Theorem 1.5 if we use de Rham version in all the steps of the proof of T heorem 1.5 without involving the singular homology version. Remark 11.10. We constructed our filtered Astructure directly on de Rham cohomology group H(L(u);LR 0). The above construction uses the fact that wedge product of harmonic forms are again harmonic. This is a special feat ure of our situation where our Lagrangian submanifold Lis a torus. (In other words we use the fact that rational homotopy type of Lis we can construct filtered Astructure on the de Rham reduce it to the de Rham cohomology by homological alge- bra. Namely we consider smooth forms riwhich are not necessarily harmonic and use (11.6) and (11.9) to define (The proof of Aformula is the same.) Using the formality of Tn, we can show that the canonical model is the same as ( We omit its proof since we do not use the case of arbitrary relatively spin Lagrangian submanifold in a sy See [Fu5]. Proof of Proposition 4.3. Proposition 4.3 immediately follows from Corollary 11.5, Lemma 11.8 and Lemma 11.9 : We just take the by the degree reason, we need to take sum over bwithu(b) = 2. Sincebis assumed to lie in H1(L(u),L+) not just in H1(L(u),L0), the series appearing as the scalar factor in (11.15) converges in non-Archime dean topology of L0and so the is a multiple of PD([L(u)]). HenceLAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I by definition (4.1). We remark that the gauge equivalence re- lation in Chapter 4 [FOOO3] is trivial on H1(L(u);L0) and We omit the proof of this fact since we do not use it in this pa- per. /square Proof of Theorem 4.5. index is nonpositive. Then Theorem 11.1 (5) implies that if 0 then Mmain 1(L(u),b) is empty. Therefore again by dimension count- ing as in Corollary 11.5, we On the other hand, we obtain PO(x;u) (6.8), (11.15) and the definition of PO. we obtain hence the proof of Theorem 4.5. /square Proof of Theorem 4.6. Letbp2(X),u(b) = 2 and Theorem 11.1 (5) implies one of the terms of the right hand side of (4.7). We remark that does not contribute to mcan k(b,***,b) by the degree reason. When all the vertices of Plie inQn, then the symplectic volume of all ajare in 2pQ. Moreover obi2pQ. Therefore the exponents bo/2pare rational. The proof of Theorem 4.6 is complete. /square Remark 11.11. We remark that in Lemma 11.2 we constructed a system of mul- tisections only for withbo < E. So we obtain only an An,K structure instead of a filtered Astructure. Here ( n,K) = (n(E),K(E)) depends onEand limE-(n(E),K(E)) = (,). It induces an An,Kstructure m(E)on H(L;L0). (See subsection 7.2.7 [FOOO3] = subsection 30.7 [FOOO2].) In the sa me way as section 7.2 [FOOO3] (= section 30 [FOOO2]), we can find ( that asE- and the following m(E1)is equiv- alent tom(E2). This implies that we can extend m(E1)(regarded as to a by Theorem 7.2.72 [FOOO3] (= Theorem 30.72 [FOOO2]). (We also remark that for all the applications in this paper we can use fi for sufficiently large n,K, in place of filtered Astructure.)84 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Moreover we can use Lemma 11.7 to show the following. If is independent of E. So in particular it coincides to one of we define as above. In other words, since the number cbis independent of the choice of the multisections it follows that the potential function in Theor em 4.6 is independent of it. However we do not know how to calculate it. Remark 11.12. We used de Rham cohomology to go around the problem among chains in the classical cup product. One draw back of this approach is that we lose control of the rational homotopy type. N amely we do not prove here that the filtered Aalgebra (partially) calculated above is to the one in Theorem A [FOOO3] (= Theorem A [FOOO2]) ove rQ. (Note all the operations we obtain is defined over Q, however.) We however believe that they are indeed homotopy equivalent over Q. There may be several possible ways to prove this statement, one of which is to use the rational de Rham forms used by since the number cbis independent of the choices we made, the struc- ture of filtered Aalgebra on H(L(u),LQ) is well defined, that is independent of the choices involved. The Q-structure is actually interesting in our situation. See for example Proposition 7.13. However homotopy equivalence of the Q-version of Lemma 11.9 is not used in the statement of Proposition 7.13 or in its pro flat connection on L(u) In this section we explain how we can include (not necessarily unitary) flat bun- dles on Lagrangian submanifolds in Lagrangian Floer theory following [ Fu3], [Cho]. Remark 12.1. We need to use flat complex line bundle for our purpose by since we want the series mb 1(x) the case of Lagrangian fibers in toric manifold, the above series converges for bH1(L;L0). The convergence is the usual (classical Archimedean) topology on Con each coefficient of Tl. This is not an accident and was expected to happen in general. (See C onjecture 3.6.46 [FOOO3] = Conjecture 11.46 [FOOO2].) However for this conver gence to occur, we need to choose the perturbations on Mmain k+1(L,b) so that it is via the forgetful map. We can make this choice for the current toric situation by Lemma 11.2 (3). In a more general situat ion, we need as a chain in the free loop space. (See [Fu4].) On the other hand, if we use the complex structure other than the standard one, we do not know whether Lemma 11.2 (3) holds or not. So in the pr oof use a bounding cochain blying inH1(L;L0). The idea, which is originally due to Cho [Cho], is to change the leading order term of xby twisting the flat bundles on L.LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 85 LetXbe a symplectic manifold and Lbe its relatively spin Lagrangian subman- ifold. a representation and Lrbe the flat Cbundle induced by r. We replace the formula (11.9) this with (4.3) in section 4.) Proposition 12.2. a filtered that [ f] Mmain k+1(L,b) is a fiber product of [ f1] [f2] Mmain k-l(L,b2). Namely =evi(f1) for some i. Then it is easy to see that r(b) =r(b1)r(b2). (12.1) (12.1) and (11.8) imply the filtered Arelation. /square The unitality can also be proved in the same way. The well definedness (that is, independence of various choices up to homotopy equivalence) can a lso be proved in the same way. Remark 12.3. We have obtained our twisted filtered Astructure on the (un- twisted) cohomologygroup H*(L;L0). This is because the flat bundle In consideraflat bundle obtain a filtered Astructure on cohomology group with local coefficients with values inHom(L,L). The filtered Astructure mr,can kis different from mcan kin general as we can see from the expression of the potential function given in Lemma 4.9. In the rest of this section, we explain the way how the Floer cohomolo gy detects the Lagrangian intersection. Namely we sketch the proof of Theor em 3.11 in a Hamiltonian isotopy with ps0= identity. We put ps1=ps. We consider the pair L(0)=L(u), L(0). We then {Jt}t[0,1] of compatible almost complex structures such that J0=Jwhich is the standard complex structure of We consider the homotopy class of a (12.2) such that (1) limt--ph(t,t) =p, limt-+ph(t,t) K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO We denote by the set of all such homotopy classes. There are obvious maps p2(L(1),L(0);p,r)xp2(L(1),L(0);r,q)-, p2(X;L(1))x-, xp2(X;L(0))-.(12.3) We denote them by #. Definition 12.4. We consider the moduli space of maps (12.2) satisfying (1), (2) above,in homotopyclass B, andsatisfiesthe 0. (12.4) We denote it by take its stable map denote it by divide this space by the Raction in- duced by the translation of tdirection to obtain maps =ph(0,i),for i= 0,1. Lemma 12.5. an oriented Kuranishi structure with cor- ners. Its boundary is isomorphic to the union of the followin g three kinds of fiber products as spaces with Kuranishi The fiber product is taken over L(1)~=L(u)by The fiber product is taken over L(0)~=L(u)by =u(b')+u(B''), u(B'#b'') the notations are as in 12.5 is proved in subsection 7.1.4 [FOOO3] (= section 29.4 [FOOO2]) . Lemma 12.6. There exists a system of multisections on is transversal to 0.LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 87 (2)It is compatible at the boundaries described in Lemma 12.5. H ere we pull back multisection of one use the multisection in Lemma 11.2 on can find such system of multisections inductively using the fact is a submersion and Lemma 12.5 (1) is a direct product. /square In the case when u(B) = 1, we define n(B) = is the number of zeros of our multisection counted with sign and multiplicity. We use it to define Floer be the free L 0,novmodule generated by L(0)L(1). We will define boundary operator on the representation. We take harmonic 1 form hi H1(L(i);C) such that ri(g) = M(L(0)). An element B induces a pathi: 0,1. We = is an element of L 0L+. It is easy to see as in Lemma 12.5 (2).) Now we define /a}backele{d(h0,h1),(b0,+,b1,+)(p),q/a}backei}h =/summationdisplay B;u(B)=1n(B).(12.7) For the case we write C(B;h0,b+) and dh0,b+, in place of We consider B withu(B) = 2. We consider the boundary of We put dBB,p=q, andBis the class of constant map, 0 otherwise.88 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Then using the classification of the boundary of in Lemma 12.5 we have the following equality : 0 (12.8) where the summention in the first, second, third terms of right han d side is taken over the set described in Lemma 12.5 (1), (2), (3), respectively, a ndcbis defined in Definition 11.6. We multiply (12.8) by and calculate the right hand side by using Formulae (12.5), (12.6) and Lemma 11.8. It is easy to see that the first term second term is 0 if and The third term gives PO(b(1))*idin a similar way. 12.8. Letb(0) =h0+b+andb(1) =ps*(b(0)). We PO(ps*(b(0))) =PO((b(0))). Now we have Lemma + 1 Immr,can,b + 1L0L. Herer(g) = + 1(x) 12.9implies (the rtwisted versionof) Theorem3.11in ourcase. We omit the proof of Lemma 12.9 and refer section 5.3 [FOOO3] (= section 22 [F OOO2]) or section 8 cohomology at a critical point of potential function In this section we prove Theorem 4.10 etc. and complete the proof o f of Lemma 4.9. LetbH2(X,L(u0)) withu(b) = 2 and Mmain 1(L(u0),b) be nonempty. We have Theorem 11.1 (5). Let rbe as in (4.15). We have r(b) Thus we have r(bi) FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 89 Therefore for bH1(L(u0);LC +) we the other hand, it follows from Theorems 4.5 and 4.6 that the left a nd the right sides of this identity correspond to those in Lemma 4.9 respect ively. This finishes the proof of Lemma 4.9. /square Proof of Theorem 4.10. Letx+= We put x(x+) b(x+) Lemma 4.9 we as in (4.13). Then we = 0, where the last equality follows from the assumption (4.12). (In case when (4.11) is assumed we have ' 0 modTN' in place of '= 0'.) On the other hand, we here and hereafter we write bin place of b(x+) withx(x+) =x. we 0 if (4.12) is satisfied 0 modTNif (4.11) is satisfied .(13.3) We remark that by the degree reason mr,can,b 1(ei) is proportional to PD[L(u0)]. We next prove the vanishing of mr,can,b 1(f) for the classes fof higher degree. Namely we prove Lemma 13.1. have 0 if(4.12)is satisfied 0 modTNif(4.11)is satisfied.90 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Proof.Letd= degfand 2l=u(b). We say ( d,l)<(d',l') ifl < l'orl=l', d < d'. We prove the lemma by upward induction on ( d,l). The case d= 1 is (13.3). We remark that mk,b= 0 ifu(b)<=0. We assume that the lemma is proved for ( d',l') smaller than ( d,l) and will prove the case of ( d,l). Since the case d= 1 is already proved, we may assume that deg fi>=1. By theA-relation we remark that mr,can,b 1,b0= 0 since we are working on a canonical model. The first two terms of the right hand side vanishes by the induction h ypothesis since deg The third term also vanishes since u(b1)< u(b). The proof of Lemma 13.1 is complete. /square Lemma 13.1 immediately implies Theorem 4.10. /square Proof of Proposition 5.4. Let us specialize to the case of 2 dimension. In case dimL(u0) = 2, we can prove mr,can,b 1,b= 0 foru(b)>=4 also by dimension counting. We can use that to prove Proposition 5.4 in the same way as above. /square Proof of Proposition 4.12. Letoi,ui,xi,Nbe as in Definition 4.11. We not satisfy (4.19) or (4.20) and will deduce a contradiction. We use the same (time dependent) Hamiltonian as psto obtainpsi: an integer Nsuch that largei. Then for sufficiently large i, L(ui 0) andpsidoes not satisfy (4.19) or (4.20). In fact if ps(L(u0))L(u0) =then for sufficiently large i, we =. Ifps(L(u0)) is transversal to L(u0) and if (4.20) is not satisfied, the other hand, by Theorem 4.10 we follows from Universal Coefficient Theorem (13.4) such thatc(i)>= Nanda+2b>=2n. This contradicts to Theorem J [FOOO3]. (In fact Theorem J [FOOO3] (= Theorem 3.12) and (13.4) imply that (4.19) and (4.20) hold forL(ui) Proposition 4.12 is proved. /square Proof of Theorem 5.11. The proof is the same as the proof of Proposition 4.12 above. /square Now we are ready to complete the proof of Theorem 1.5.LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 91 Proof of Theorem 1.5. In the case where the vertices of Pare contained in Qn, Proposition 4.7 and Theorem 4.10 imply that L(u0) is balanced in the sense of Definition 4.11. Therefore Proposition 4.12 implies Theorem 1.5 in this ca se. If the leading term equation is strongly nondegenerate, Theorem 1.5 a lso follows from Theorem 4.10, Theorem 10.4 and Proposition 4.12. We finally present an argument to remove the rationality assumption . In view of Lemma 4.12, it suffices to prove the following Proposition 13.2. In the situation of Theorem 1.5, there exists u0such thatL(u0) is a balanced Lagrangian as in Theorem 1.5. Let us consider sk,Sk,Pkas in section 9. We obtain u0Psuch that {u0}=PK. We will prove that L(u0) is balanced. We perturb the K ahler form oofXa bit so that we obtain o'. LetP'be moment polytope and be the corresponding piecewise affine function, number, subset of Po'obtained for o',Po'as in section 9. Proposition 13.3. We can choose ohso thatohis rational and dimPkfor allk. Proof.We writeIo' kthe setIkdefined in (9.7) section 9 for o',P'. We will prove the following lemma. We remark that the set KofTninvariant K ahler structure o'is regarded as an open set of an affine space defined on Q(that is the K ahler cone). We may regard Kas a moduli space of moment polytope as follows : We consider a polyhedron P'each of whose edges is parallel to a corresponding edge of P. Translation defines an Rnaction on the set of such P'. The quotient space can be identified with K. Lemma 13.4. There exists a subset PkofKwhich is a nonempty open subset of an affine subspace defined over Qsuch that any element o'Pkhas the : (1) dimPo' l= 13.5. In the case of Example 8.1, the set Po' ketc. jumps at the point a= 1/3 in the K ahler cone. Hence the set Pkmay have strictly smaller the affine space defined in section 9. (We put o'to specify the symplectic form.) We write lo i,lo' iin place of lito specify symplectic form and moment polytope. We remark that the linear part of lo iis equal to the linear proof of Lemma 13.4 is by induction on k. Let us first consider the case k= 1. We remark that dimAo 1}. It is easy to see that P' 1is a nonempty affine subset of Kand is defined over Q. Sublemma 13.6. Ifo'P' 1and is sufficiently close to o, thenPo' 1is an polyhedron in /hatwideAo' 1. In particular K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Proof.The tangent space of /hatwideAo' 1is parallel to the tangent space of Ao 1. constant on /hatwideAo' 1. We the other hand, if So 1on IntPo 1. Therefore if close to owe a neighborhood of a compact subset of IntPo 1, which we identify with a subset of P'. This implies the sublemma. /square The Condition (1), (2) of Lemma 13.3 in the case k= 1 follows from Sublemma 13.6 k-1. Weremark We dimAo k}. P' kis a nonempty affine subset of Kand is defined over Q. We can show that a sufficiently small open neighborhood PkofoinP' khas the required properties in the same way as the first step of the induction. The proof of Lemm a 13.4 is complete. In factthe seto frational points are dense in PK. 13.2 follows from Proposition 13.3, Proposition 4.7 and The orem 4.10. /square The proof of Theorem 1.5 is now complete. /square Proof of Proposition 10.8. The proofis similar to the Let Ikbe as in (10.2). We write it as Ik(P,u0), wherePis the moment polytope of (X,o). We define Ik(P',u' 0) as follows. LetP'be a polytope which is a small perturbation of Pand such that each of the faces are parallel to the corresponding face of P. Letu' 0IntP'. Let us consider the setK+of all such pairs ( P',u' 0). It is an open set of an affine space defined overQ. Each of such P'is a moment polytope of certain K ahler form on X. (We remark that K ahler form on XdetermineP'only up to eachP', we take corresponding K ahler form on Xand it determines a poten- tial function. Therefore Ik(P',u' 0) is determined by (10.2). We define A l(P',u' 0) in the same way as Definition 10.1. Lemma 13.7. There exists a subset QkofK+which is a nonempty open set of an affine subspace defined over Q. All the elements the . (1) dimA l(P',u' 0) = proof is the same as the proof of Lemma 13.4 and is omitted. Now we take a sequence of rational points ( to ( P,u0). Lemma 13.7 (2) implies that the leading term equation at uh 0is the same as the leading term equation at u0. The proof of Proposition 10.8 is complete. FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 93 Proof of Lemma 10.5. Let [o]H2(X;Q). We may take the moment polytope P such that its vertices are rational. (This time we do not change Pthroughout the proof.) Let u0IntPand we assume that POu0 0has a nondegenerate critical point in (L0L+)n. We defineIk(P,u) as above. In the same way as the proof of Lemma 13.7 we can prove the 13.8. The setPkof the following an open neighborhoods u0in certain affine subspace on Q. (1) dimA l(P,u) = dimA l(P,u0)for =Il(P,u0)for alll<k. We omit the proof. We take Ksuch that (NotePNR=M* R.) By Sublemma 13.8 there exists a rational points uiinPKwhich converges to u0. (1), (2) above implies the same leading term 0L+)n. finite dimensional, it follows that we may take a subsequence ukisuch Henceu0=uki, is rational as required. /square Remark 13.9. We can replace Definition 4.11 (3) fact the following three conditions are equivalent to one another is obvious. (3) =(1) is Theorem 4.10. Let us prove (2) =(3). Suppose (3) does not hold. We wherecC{0}and 0<=l< N. Then (13.2) implies TN-lPD[L(u)] = 0 is a unit, (2) does not hold. Remark 13.10. The proof of Theorem 4.10 (or of Lemma 13.1) does = 0 So it does not imply that the numbers cb(Definition 11.6) de- termine the filtered Aalgebra (H(L(u);L0),m) up to homotopy equivalence. We however believe that this is indeed the case. In fact the homology group H(L(Tn);Q) of the free loop space L(Tn) is trivial of degree > n. On the other hand, dim Mmain 1(L(u0);b) =n+u(b)-2. Hence if u(b)>=4 there is no nonzero homology class on the corresponding degree in the free loop space. Using the argu- ment of [Fu4] it may imply that the contribution of those classes to th e homotopy type of filtered Astructure is automatically determined from the contribution of the classes of Maslov index 2. On the other hand, disc with Maslov index >=4 to the operator ql,k,bintroduced in section 3.8 [FOOO3] (= section 13 [FOOO2]) : Namely ql,k,bis the operator that involves a cohomology class of the ambient symplectic manifold X. (See Remark 6.15) It seems that tropical geometry will play a role in this calculation.94 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO 14.Appendix 1 : Algebraically closedness of Novikov fields Lemma 14.1. IfFis an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, 0 be a polynomial equation with LFcoefficients. We will prove that it has a solution in LFby induction on n. We may assume that an= may assume an-1= 0. (Here we use the fact that of Fis 0.) We may assume furthermore a0/e}aioslash= 0, since otherwise 0 is a solution. We put c= Then our equation is equivalent to P(y) 0. We remark that bn= 1,bn-1= 0. Moreover vT(bk) We define bkFto be the zero order term of bki.e., to satisfy bkbkmod L +. We consider the equation P(y) 0.By our choice ofcthere exists k < n-1 such that bk/e}aioslash= 0 andbn= 1,bn-1= 0. Therefore Phas at least two roots. (We use the fact that the characteristic o fFis 0 here.) SinceFis algebraically closed we can decompose of nonzero degree and coprime. Therefore by Hensel's lemma , there exists Q,RL0[y] such that P=QRand degQ= degQ,QQmod L +,RR mod L +3. Since the degree of Qis smaller than the degree of P, it follows from that Qhas a root in LF. The proof of Lemma 14.1 is now complete. /square By a similar argument we can show that if Fis characteristic 0 then a finite algebraic extension of LFis contained in LKfor some finite extension KofF. (We used this fact in section 7.) Proof of Lemma 8.5. In view of the proof of Lemma 14.1, it suffices to show that Lconv 0is Henselian. (Namely Hensel's lemma holds for it.) Let P(X) assume that its C-reductionPC[X] is decomposed as P=QR, whereQand Rare monic and coprime. We ai,0C, formal variables. 3A proof of Hensel's lemma, in the case when valuation is not ne cessarily discrete, is given, for example, in p 144 [BGR]. See also the proof of Lemma 8.5 given b elow.LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 95 Theconvergent power series ring C{Z0,***,Zn-1}is Henselian (see section 45 [Na]). Therefore there exist monic polynomials theC-reduction of On the other hand, it is easy to see a continuous ring homomorphism C{Z0,***,Zn-1} - Lconv 0. such that QR=P. Hence as required. 2 : Tn-equivariant Kuranishi structure In this section we define the notion of Tnequivariant Kuranishi structure and prove that our moduli space Mmain k+1(b) has one. We also show the existence of Tn equivariant perturbation of the Kuranishi map. LetMbe a compact space with Kuranishi structure. The space Mis covered by a finite number of Kuranishi charts ( satisfy the following : Condition 15.1. (1)Vais a smooth manifold (with boundaries or corners) and Gais a finite group acting effectively on Va. (2) pra:Ea-Vais a finite dimensional vector bundle on which G aacts so that prais Ga- a Gaequivariant section of Mis a homeomorphism to its image. (5) The union of psa(s-1 a(0)/Ga) for various aisM. We assume that a good coordinate system, in the sense of Definition 6.1 [FO] or Lemma A1.11 [FOOO3] (= Lemma A1.1 1 [FOOO2]). This means the following : The set Ahas a partial order <, Then, there exists a G a1-invariant open a smooth embedding a bundle covers pha2,a1. Moreover there exists an Ga1-Ga2.We require that they satisfy the 15.2. (1) The maps an embedding of (15.1) (3) We have We have in the similar K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Condition 15.3. Mhas a tangent bundle : i.e., the differential of sa2in the direction of the normal bundle induces a bundle sayMis oriented if Va,Eais oriented, the G aaction is orientation orientation 15.4. Supposethat MhasaTnaction. in the strong sense if the following holds : (1)Vahas aTnaction which commutes with the given G aaction. (2)Eais aTnequivariant bundle. (3) The Kuranishi map and psais aTnequivariant map. (4) The coordinate changes 15.5. We remark that Condition (1) above is more restrictive than the condition that the orbifold Va/Gahas aTnaction. This is the reason why we use the phrase in the strong sense in the above definition. Hereafter we will say Tn equivariant instead for a smooth manifold. A strongly continuous smooth map ev:M -Lis a family of G ainvariant smooth maps eva:Va-L (15.2) which induce eva:Va/Ga-Lsuch (Note Gaaction onLis trivial.) We say that evis weakly submersive if each of evain (15.2) is a 15.6. Assume that there exists Tnactions onLandM. We say that ev:M if evain (15.2) is we show Proposition 15.7. The moduli space Mk+1(b)has aTnequivariant such that ev0:Mk+1(b) strongly continuous the Tnequivariance this is proved in section 7.1 [FOOO3] (= section 29 [FOOO2]). Below we explain how we choose our Kuranishi structure so that We also include the case of the moduli space Mk+1,l(b) with interior marked points. We first review the construction of the Kuranishi neighborhood fr om section 7.1 [FOOO3] (= section 29 [FOOO2]). Letx= ((S,/vector z),w) Mk+1,l(b). Let Sabe an irreducible component of S. We consider the za) is the space of section vofw*(TX) ofW1,pclass with the following properties. (1) The restriction of vtoSais zais the set of S which is either singular or marked. We assume that vis 0 at those FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 97 L0,1is the bundle of (0 ,1) forms on S is the set of sections of W0,pclass the linearization of (See[Fl].) choose open subsets Waof Sawhose closure is disjoint from the boundary of each of the irreducible component S aof S and from the singular points and marked points. By the unique continuation theorem, we can choose a finite d (the set of smooth sections of compact support in Wa) such nontrivial automorphisms, we be invariant under the next associate a finite dimensional subspace E0,a((S,/vector z),w') forw'which is 'C0close tow.' We need some care to handle the case where some za) is not stable, that is the case for which the automorphism group Gaof (Sa,/vector za) is of positive dimension. (Note Gais different from the of ((S a,/vector za),w|Sa). The latter group is finite.) We explain this choice of E0,1 below following Appendix [FO]. For each unstable components S a, pick points za,iS, (i= 1,***,da) with the following 15.8. (1)wis immersed at za,i. (2)za,iin the interior of S z. (3) (Sa;(/vector is stable. (4) Let G = G( x) be the group of automorphisms of x= ((S,/vector z),w). IfgG, g(Sa) = a,w)atwa(za,i). =za',i'. We add extra interior marked points {za,i|a,i}in addition to /vector zon (S,/vector z), and obtain a stable curve (S ,/vector z+). (Namely /vector z+=/vector z{za,i|a,i}.) (We choose an order of the added marked points and fix it.) We consider a neighborhood U0of [S,/vector z+] inMmain k+1,l', that is the moduli space of bordered stable curve of genus 0 with k+ 1 boundary and l'interior marked points. Let G 0be the group of automorphisms of ((S ,/vector z+),w). Now both G and G 0 are finite groups and G G0. An element gG induces an automorphism g: S-S which fixes marked points in/vector zand permutes l-l'marked points {za,i|a,i}, by Condition 15.8 (4). Therefore we obtain an element of [ g*(S,/vector z+)] that is different from [S ,/vector z+] only by reordering of marked points. We take the union of neighborhoods o f [g*(S,/vector z+)] for variousgG denote it by U. U0is written as V0/G0whereV0is a manifold. Moreover there exists a manifold Von which G acts such that there is a 'universal family' M-Vwhere the fiber S( v) ofvV is identified with the bordered marked stable curve that represent s the element [v]V/G Mmain k+1,l'. There is a G action on Msuch that M-Vis G equivariant.98 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO By the construction, each member S( v) of our universal family is diffeomorphic to S away from singularity. More precisely we have the following : Let S0= SSwhereSis a small neighborhoodof the union of the and the marked point sets. Then for each vthere exists a smooth embedding iv: S0-S(v). The error of this embedding for becoming a biholomorphic map goes to 0 as vgoes to 0. We may assume v/maso-ivis G invariant in an obvious smoothly on v. We may choose Waso thatWaS0for eacha. We moreover assume invariant under the G action in the following sense : if gG and Sa'=g(Sa) then the isomorphism induced by we consider a pair ( w',v) where w': assume : Condition 15.9. There exists o>0 depending only on xsuch that the For any connected component Dcof S(v)Im(iv), the diameter of w'(Dc) inX(with a fixed Riemannian metric on it) is smaller than o. For each point xWawe use the parallel transport to make the this identification we obtain an this embedding I(v,w'), we consider the equation w'0 (15.4) together with the additional (15.5) LetV(x) be the set of solution of (15.4), (15.5). This is a smooth manifold (wit h boundary and corners) by the implicit function theorem and a gluing a atboundary and corner.) Since we can make all the construction above invariant under the G( x) action, the space V(x) has a G( x) action. (Note that we may choose Na,iso invariant under the action of G( x).) The obstruction bundle Eis the at in (v,w'). We omit the construction of coordinate changes. See [FOOO3] sect ion 7.1 (= [FOOO2] section 29) which in turn is similar to section 15 [FO]. The Kuranishi map is given by ((S',/vector (15.6) We have thus finished our review of the construction of Kuranishi c harts.LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 99 Now we assume that Xhas aTnaction, which preserves both the complex and the symplectic structures on X. We also assume that Lis aTnorbit. We want to construct a family of vector spaces ( so that it is invariant under the Tnaction. We need to slightly modify the for this purpose. In fact it is not totally obvious to ma ke the this purpose we proceed in the following way. We fix a point p0Land consider an are going to construct a Tnequivariant Kuranishi neighborhood of the Tn orbit ofx. LetvVandw': be as before. We 15.9 by the 15.10. Letz0be the 0-th boundary marked point and let gTnbe the unique element satisfying w'(z0) =g(p0). There exists o>0 depending only on xsuch that the following holds. (1) For any connected component Dcof S(v)Im(iv), the diameter of w'(Dc) inX(with a fixed Riemannian metric on it) is smaller than o. Now we define an follows : We first use the gaction to define an we use the parallel transport in the same way as before to defi composing the two we obtain the embedding I(v,w'). Now we consider the equation w'0 (15.7) together with the additional (15.8) as before. Clearly these equations are Tninvariant. It is also G( x) invariant. Note the action of the automorphism group G( x) ofxof our Kuranishi structure, which is a finite group, acts on the source while Tnacts on the target. Therefore it is obvious that two actions commute. By definition the obstruction bundle has a Tnaction. Moreover (15.6) is Tn equivariant. It is fairly obvious from the construction that coordin ate changes of the constructed Kuranishi structure is also proof of Proposition 15.7 is now complete. /square Remark 15.11. (1) From the above construction, it is easy to see that Kuranishi structure is compatible with the gluing at the boundary marked points. Namely under the Mk1+k2(b1+b2)100 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO the restriction of the Kuranishi structure of the right hand side c oincides with the fiber productofthe hand side. More precisely speaking, we can construct the system of our Kuranishi structures so that this statement holds : this Kuranishi structure is constru cted in- ductively over the number of disc components and the energy of b. (2) On the otherhand, when we construct the the way we described above it may not be compatible with the gluing at the interior marked point. Namely by the Mk+1(b+a) (15.9) the restriction of the Kuranishi structure of the right hand sides may not coincide with the fiber product of the Kuranishi structure of the le ft hand side. This compatibility is not used in this paper and hence not required . See Remark 11.4 where similar point is discussed for the choice of contrary to the choice of multisections mentioned in Remar k 11.4, we remark that it is possible to construct Tnequivariant compatible with (15.9). Since we do not use this point in the paper, we will not elaborate it Let( a Kuranishi chart of M. ForxVawe consider the fiber Ea,xof the bundle Eaatx. We take its lcopies and consider the direct product El a,x. We take the quotient thereof by the action of symmetric group of order l! and let Sl(Ea,x) be the quotient space. There exists a map tmm:Sl(Ea,x)- Slm(Ea,x),which to smooth multisection sof the of an open maps xUito si(x) Sli(Ea,x). They are required to have the following properties : Condition 15.12. (1)Uiis Ga-invariant. siis Ga-equivariant. (We remark that there exists an obvious map g:Sli(Ea,x)- Sli(Ea,gx) for each gGa.) (2) IfxUiUjthen we have tmlj(si(x)) =tmli(sj(x)) and smooth in the following sense. For each xthere exists a smooth section ~ a neighborhood of xsuch that ~si(y) = si(y) = identify two multisections ( {Ui},{si},{li}), if tmli(si(x)) =tml' j(s' j(x)) We saysi,jto be abranchofsiin the situation of (15.10). We next prove the following lemma which we used in section 11. Lemma 15.13. LetMhave aTnaction and a Tnequivariant Kuranishi that the Tnaction on each of the Kuranishi neighborhood is free. Then we can descend the Kuranishi structure to M/Tnin a canonical way.LAGRANGIAN FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 101 Proof.Let be a Kuranishi chart. Since Tnaction onVais free Va/Tnis a smooth manifold and Ea/Tn-Va/Tnis a vector bundle. Since G The Tn equivariance of saimplies that we have a section saofEa/Tn-Va/Tn. MisTnequivariant it induces a map s-1 a(0)- M/Tn. Thus we obtain a Kuranishi chart. It is easy to define the coordinate cha nges. 15.14. In the situation of Proposition 15.13, we say that a system of multisections of the Kuranishi structure of MisTnequivariant , if it is induced from the multisection of the Kuranishi structure on M/Tnin an obvious way. Corollary 15.15. In the situation of Proposition 15.13, we assume that we have a Tnequivariant multisection at the boundary of M, which is transversal to 0. Then it extends to a Tnequivariant multisection of 3 : Smooth correspondence via the zero set correspondence, when appropriate submersive propert ies are satisfied. Such a construction is a special case of the techniques of using a co ntinuous family of multisections and integration along the fiber on their zero se ts so that smooth correspondence by spaces with Kuranishi structure indu ces a map between de Rham complex. This (more general) technique is not new and is known to some expert s. In fact [Ru], section 16 [Fu2] use a similar technique and section 7.5 [FOOO3] (= s ection 33 [FOOO2]), [Fu4], [Fu5] contain the details of this more general tech nique. We explain the special case (namely the case we use a single multisectio n) in our situation of toric manifold, for the sake of completeness and of rea der's a space with Kuranishi structure and evs:M -Ls,evt:M -Lt be strongly continuous smooth maps. (Here sandtstand for source and We assume our smooth manifolds Ls,Ltare compact and oriented without boundary. We also assume Mhas a tangent bundle and is oriented in the sense of Kuranishi that Lthas a free and transitive Tnaction, and We assume that the Kuranishi structure on MisTnequivariant and the mapsevs,evtareTnequivariant. Let{}beaTnequivariantKuranishicoordinatesystem(good coordinate system) of M. We use Corollary 15.15 to find a Tnequivariant (system) of multisection sa:Va-Eawhich is transversal to 0. Letthabe a smooth differential form of compact support on Va. We assume that thais Ga-invariant. Let fa:Va-Lsbe a Gaequivariant submersion. (The G a action onLsis trivial.) We next define integration along the fiber (,sa,fa)*(tha)ohmdegtha+dimLt-dimM(Lt). We first fix a. Let (Ui,sa,i) be a representative of sa. Namely {Ui|iI}is an open covering of Vaandsais represented by sa,ionUi. By the definition of the102 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. Uiis Ga-invariant. We may shrink Ui, if necessary, so that there exists a lifting~sa,i= as in a partition of unity subordinate to the covering {Ui|iI}. By replacing khiwith its average over G awe may assume khiis Ga-invariant. We ={xUi|~sa,i,j(x) = 0}. (16.1) By assumption ~s-1 a,i,j(0) is a smooth manifold. Since the Tnaction onLtis free and transitive it follows (16.2) is a 16.1. We define a differential form on Ltby (,sa,evt,a)*(tha) =1 #GaI/summationdisplay i=1li/summationdisplay j=11 li(evt,a)!/parenleftBig khitha|~s-1 a,i,j(0)/parenrightBig .(16.3) Here (evt,a)!is the integration along fiber of the smooth submersion (16.2). Lemma 16.2. The right hand side of (16.3)depends only on , sa,evt,a, andthabut independent of the following choices : (1)The choice of representatives partition of unity khi. Proof.The proof is straightforward generalization of the proof of well-de finedness of integration on manifold, which can be found in the text book of man ifold theory, and is left to the leader. /square So far we have been working on one Kuranishi chart ( We next describe the compatibility conditions of multisections for variou sa. During the construction we need to shrink Vaa bit several times. We will not this point Fora1<a2, We use an appropriate G a2invariant Riemannian metric on Va2to define the exponential theoneighborhood of the zero section of Expa2,a1, we identify an open subset of it by the extend the orbibundle Also we extend the (which is induced by /hatwidepha2,a1) fix a G a-invariant inner product of the bundles Ea. We then have a We can use Condition 15.3 to modify Expa2,a1in (16.4) so that the following is FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I 103 Condition 16.3. Ify= modEa1. (16.6) Let us explain the notation of (16.6). We remark that ~ Pr(~y)Va2,a1. claims that it coincides with sa2modulo (Ea1)x. We remark that Condition 15.3 implies an isomorphism. Therefore we can use the implicit function theorem to that Condition 16.3 16.4. A multisection sa2ofVa2is said to be compatible withsa1if the following holds for each y= . sa2(y) a (single valued) section. Therefore via the isomorphism (16.5) the right hand side of (16.7) defines an element of Sli(Ea2)x(x= Pr(~y)), and hence is regarded as a multisection of p* a2Ea2. In other words, we omit (16.7). We next choose a partition of unity khasubordinate to our Kuranishi charts. To define the notion of partition of unity, we need some notation. Le t the projection. We fix a G a1-invariant positive definite metric ofNVa2,a1Va2and be the norm with respect to this metric. We fix a sufficiently small dand letkhd:R-[0,1] be a smooth function such that khd(t) be the image of the exponential map. push out our function and denote it by the same symbol. We call ra2,a1atubular distance function . We require ra2,a1to satisfy conditions for various tubular neighborhoods and tubu lar which is formulated in sections 5 and 6 in [Ma]. LetxVa. We takexa-such that Exp( xa-) =x.104 K. FUKAYA, Y.-G. OH, H. OHTA, K. ONO Definition 16.5. A system {kha|aA}of Ga-equivariant smooth of compact support is said to be a partition of unity subordinate to our Kuranishi chart if = 1. Lemma 16.6. There exists a partition of unity subordinate to our Kuranis hi chart. We may choose them so that they are may assume that Ais a finite set since Mis compact. By shrinking Vaif necessary we may assume that there exists V- asuch thatV- ais a subset of Vaand etc restricted to V- astill defines a good coordinate system. We take a G ainvariant smooth function compact support and satisfies kh' a= 1 onV- a. We define ha(x) compatibility of tubular neighborhoods and tubular distance fu nctions, we can show that hais Gainvariant Therefore kha(x) the required properties. /square Now we consider the situation we start with. Namely we have two stro ngly continuous Tnequivariant smooth maps evs:M -Ls, evt:M -Lt andevtis weakly submersive. (In fact Tnaction onLtis transitive and free.) Let a differential form honLsbe given. We choose a Tnequivariant good coor- dinate system {}ofMand aTnequivariant multisection repre- sented by {sa}in this Kuranishi chart. Assume that the multisection is transversa l to zero. We also choose a partition of unity {kha}subordinate to our Kuranishi chart. Then we (16.8) which is a differential form on Va. Definition 16.7. (16.9) This is a smooth differential form on Lt. It isTnequivariant if 16.8. (1) Actuallythe ,sa. We write sto demonstrate this choice and The right hand side of (16.9) is independent of the choice of part ition of unity. The proof is similar to the of integration on ma FLOER THEORY ON COMPACT TORIC MANIFOLDS I M, thechoices( forM. We then have the following : Lemma 16.9 (Stokes' theorem) .We = will discuss the sign at the end of this the partition of unity khait suffices to consider the case when Mhas only one Kuranishi chart Va. We use the open covering UiofVaand the partition of unity again to see that we need only to study on one Ui. In that case (16.10) is immediate from the usual Stokes' formula. /square We next discuss composition of smooth correspondences. We cons ider the fol- lowing situation. evt;st:Mst-Lt be as before such that Tnaction onLtis free and transitive. evs;rs:Mrs-Ls be a similar diagram such that TnonLsis free and transitive. Using the fact that evs;rsis weakly submersive, we define the fiber a space with Kuranishi structure. We write it as Mrt. We have a diagram of strongly continuous smooth next make choices It is easy to see that it deter- mines a choice srtforMrt. Now we have : Lemma 16.10 (Composition formula) .We have the following formula for form a partition of unity it suffices to study locally on Mrs,Mst. In that case it suffices to consider the case of usual manifold, which is well-kn own. /square We finally discuss the signs in Lemmas 16.9 and 16.10. It is rather cumbe rsome to fix appropriate sign convention and show those lemmata with sign. 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Yong-Geun Oh
K. Fukaya, Y.-G. Oh, H. Ohta, and K. Ono
Lagrangian Floer theory on compact toric manifolds I
84 pages, submitted version ; more examples and new results added, exposition polished, minor typos corrected; v3) to appear in Duke Math.J., Example 10.19 modified, citations from the book [FOOO2,3] updated accoding to the final version of [FOOO3] to be published
Duke Math. J. 151, no. 1 (2010), 23-175
math.SG math-ph math.AG math.MP
The present authors introduced the notion of \emph{weakly unobstructed} Lagrangian submanifolds and constructed their \emph{potential function} $\mathfrak{PO}$ purely in terms of $A$-model data in [FOOO2]. In this paper, we carry out explicit calculations involving $\mathfrak{PO}$ on toric manifolds and study the relationship between this class of Lagrangian submanifolds with the earlier work of Givental [Gi1] which advocates that quantum cohomology ring is isomorphic to the Jacobian ring of a certain function, called the Landau-Ginzburg superpotential. Combining this study with the results from [FOOO2], we also apply the study to various examples to illustrate its implications to symplectic topology of Lagrangian fibers of toric manifolds. In particular we relate it to Hamiltonian displacement property of Lagrangian fibers and to Entov-Polterovich's symplectic quasi-states.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 12 Feb 2008 20:34:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 9 Apr 2008 13:26:58 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sat, 5 Sep 2009 04:47:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fukaya", "K.", "" ], [ "Oh", "Y. -G.", "" ], [ "Ohta", "H.", "" ], [ "Ono", "K.", "" ] ]
2 from a microscopic SC theory, and no explicit calcula- tions of the doping dependence of the microwave con- ductivity has been made so far. In this paper, we start from the kinetic energy driven SC mechanism20, and study the effect of the scatterers on the microwave conductivity of cuprate superconductors. We evaluate explicitly the mi- crowave conductivity of cuprate superconductors within the nodal approximation of the quasiparticle excita- tions and scattering processes, and qualitatively repro- duced some main features of the microwave conductiv- ity measurements on cuprate superconductors in the It isshownthat the energy dependent microwave conductivity spec- trum. At low temperatures, the microwave conductiv- ity increases linearly with increasing temperatures, and reaches a maximum at intermediate temperature, then decreases with increasing temperatures at high temper- atures. In contrast with the dome shape of the doping dependent SC gap parameter, the minimum occurs around the optimal doping, and then increases in both underdoped and overdoped regimes. This paper is organized as follows. We present the basic formalism in Sec. II, and then discuss the and doping dependence of the of cuprate superconductors in the SC state in Sec. III, where we show that the quasiparticle transport of cuprate superconductors in the SC state can be qual- itatively understood within the framework of the kinetic energy driven SC mechanism by considering the effect of the extended impurity scatterers. Finally, we give a summary in Sec. IV. II. the presence of the two-dimensional CuO 2plane, and it is believed that the unconventional physical It has been argued that the t-Jmodel on a square lattice captures the essential physics of the doped CuO is spin operator with t= (t1,t2,t3) as Pauli matrices, the constrained elec- tron operator ^Cis=Cis(1-ni-s) the chemical potential. In the operator, the operators C+ isandCisare to be thought of as operating within the full Hilbert space, while the constrained electron operator ^C+ is(^Cis) andthere- fore represents physical creation (annihilation) occupancy22,23. The strong electron correlation ofthe electronsin the restricted Hilbert space with- out double electron occupancy3, which can be treatedproperly in analytical calculations within the (CSS) fermion-spin theory24, where the as with the spinful fermion the charge degree of freedom together with some effects of spin configuration rear- rangements due to the presence of the doped hole itself (dressed holon), while the spin operator Sidescribes the spin degree of freedom (spin), then the motions of elec- trons are restricted in the restricted Hilbert space with- out double electron occupancy in analytical calculations. In particular, it has been shown that under the decou- pling scheme, this CSS fermion-spin representation is the restricted Hilbert space without double Moreover,these dressed holon and spin and in this sense, they arerealand can be interpreted as the physical excitations26. In this CSS fermion-spin representation, the low-energy behavior of thet-Jmodel (1) can be expressed (2) withJeff= (1-d)2J, hole doping concentration. As an important con- sequence, the kinetic energy term in the t-Jmodel has been transferred as the dressed holon-spin reflects that even the kinetic energy term in the t- JHamiltonian has strong Coulombic contribution due space without double electron we have developed a kinetic energy the dressed holon-spin interaction from the kinetic energy term in the t-Jmodel (2) induces the dressed holon pairing state with the d-wave symmetry by ex- changing spin excitations, then the electron Cooper from the dressed holon pairing state are due to the charge-spin recombination, and their condensa- tion reveals the d-wave SC ground-state. Moreover, this d-wave SC state is controlled by both SC gap then the temperature occurs around the optimal doping, and decreases in both underdoped and overdoped regimes. In particular, we have shown that this SC state is the conventional BCS like with the d-wave that the basic BCS formalism with the d-wave SC gap function is still valid in quantitatively reproducing all main low energy features of the ARPES experimen- tal measurements on cuprate superconductors, although the pairing mechanism is driven by the kinetic energy by exchanging spin excitations, and other exotic mag- netic beyond the BCS formalism. Fol- lowing our previous the full dressed holon Green's function in the SC state can be obtained3 in the Nambu representation as, ~g(k,o) (3) wheret0is the unit matrix, the renormalized dressed holon excitation spectrum -xk=ZhFxk, with the mean- field (MF) dressed holon excitation spectrum xk= Ztkhgk-u, the spin correlation function the number of the nearest neighbor sites, the renormalized dressed holon d-wave pair gap function -hZ(k) =ZhF-h(k), where the ef- fective dressed holon d-wave pair gap function -h(k) (coskx-cosky)/2, and the dressed holon quasiparticle spectrum the dressed holon quasiparticle coherent weight ZhFand effective dressed holon gap parameters -hare determined by the following two (4a) 1 ZhF= where k0= 2ZJeff,o= 1 + 2 tph/Jeff, the dressed holon's particle-hole the spin correlation = = ( = andnF(Ehk) are the boson and fermion distribution functions, respectively, and the MF spin excitation (1-a)/(2Z), and the spin C= In order to satisfy the sum rule of the correlation function 1/2 in the case without the an important decoupling parameter ahas been introduced in the above MF which can be regarded as the vertex correction. These two equations in Eqs. (4a) and (4b) must be solved simul- taneously with other self-consistent equations, then all order parameters, decoupling parameter a, and chem- ical potential uare determined by the the CSS fermion-spin theory24,25, the and dressed holon Green's function. Following our previouswecanobtaintheelectrondi- agonal and off-diagonal Green's functions in the SC state as, G(k,o) (6a)4 G+(k,o) where the dressed holon quasiparticle co- herence factors U2 hk= (1 +-xk/Ehk)/2 andV2 hk= (1- -xk/Ehk)/2. These convolutions of the spin Green's func- tion and dressed holon diagonal and off-diagonal reflect the charge-spin recombination30. Since the spins center around the [ p,p] point in the then the main contributions for the spins comes from the [ p,p] point. In this case, the and off-diagonal Green's functions in Eqs. (6a) and (6b) can be approximately reduced as the BCS for- malism with the d-wave SC gap function in terms of op=[p,p]~0 and the equation20,241/2 = (1/N)/summationtext pBpcoth(bop/2)/(2op), G(k,o)ZF/parenleftbiggU2 k o-Ek+V2 k o+Ek/parenrightbigg , the electron quasiparticle coherent weight ZF= ZhF/2, the electron quasiparticle coherence factors U2 k V2 hk+kA= (1 + -ek/Ek)/2 andV2 kU2 hk+kA= (1- -ek/Ek)/2, with =-hZ(k)/2, and electron i.e., the hole-like dressed holon quasiparticle coherence hole-like dressed holon Ehkhave been transferred into the coherence factors UkandVkand spectrum Ek, respectively, by the convo- lutions of the spin Green's function and dressed holonGreen's functions due to the charge-spin means that within the kinetic energy driven SC mechanism, the dressed holon pairs condense with the d-wave symmetry in a wide range of the hole then the electron Cooper pairs originat- ing from the dressed holon pairing state are due to the charge-spin recombination, and their condensation auto- matically gives the electron quasiparticle character. For the convenience in the following discussions, these elec- tron Green's functions in Eq. (7) in the SC state can be expressed in the Nambu representation as, ~G(k,o) -ekt3 o2-E2 k. (8) With the helpsofthis BCS en- ergy driven SC mechanism, now we can discuss the effect of the extended impurity scatterers on the in cuprate superconductors. In the presence of impurities, the unperturbed electron Green's function in Eq. (8) is dressed via the impurity (9) with the self-energy function ~S(k,o) has been shown that all but the scalar component In this case, the dressed electron Green's function in Eq. (9) can be explicitly rewritten as, ~GI(k,o) (10) Based on the phenomenological d-wave BCS-type elec- tron Green's function17, the energy and temperature de- pendence of the microwave conductivity of cuprate has been fitted19, where the electron S 0(k,o) andS 3(k,o) havebeen treated within the framework of the T-matrix their the electron ~S(k,o) can be obtained approximately as, ~S(k,o) =ri~Tkk(o), (11)withriis the impurity concentration, and ~Tkk(o) is the diagonal element of the the impurity scattering potential. As men- tioned in Sec. I, there is no gap to the at the four nodes for the d-wave SC state of cuprate superconductors, therefore the generated only around these four nodes. It has this characteristic feature is very useful when considering the impurity scattering, since the ini- tial and final momenta of a scattering event must always be approximately equal to the k-space location of one of the four nodes in the zero temperature and zero energy, while the impurity scattering potential Vkk'varies slowly over the area of a node. In this case, a general Vkk'need only be evaluated in three possible case: the intranode impurity scattering the same node), the adjacent-node Vkk'=V2(kandk'at the adjacent nodes), and the opposite-node impurity scattering the opposite nodes), then the impurity scat- tering potential Vkk'in the T-matrix can be (13) At the zero temperature and zero energy, these nodes re- duce to points. In this case, this nodal the impurity potential can reproduce any However, at finite temperatures and impurity potential because this nodal the Brillouin zone quadrant around a It has been shown19that although the strict for- ward scattering limit can therefore not be reached at still appropriate to treat the intermediate range scat- ters. Therefore in the following discussions, we employ the simplified impurity scattering potential in Eq. (13) to study the impurity scattering effect on the quasipar- ticle transport of cuprate superconductors. Substituting Eq. (13) into Eq. (12), the T-matrix can be obtained as a 4x4-matrix around the nodal points, ~Tjj'(o) is the integral of the electron Green's func- tion, and can be obtained as, ~IG(o) and~GI3(o) are given by, ~GI0(o) the self-energy functions S 0(o) and S 0(o) are eval- uated as, S0(o) (17a) S3(o) the framework of the linear response theory, the microwave conductivity of cuprate superconductors can be calculated by means of the Kubo formula as31, s(o,T) =-ImP(o,T) o, (18) with P(o,T) is the electron current-current in the SC state, and can be expressed as, P(t-t') =-< TtJ(t)*J(t')> . (19)In the CSS fermion-spin the operator can be evaluated within the t-Jmodel (2), the currentdensity ofelec- trons is obtained by the time derivation of this polariza- tion operator using the Heisenberg's equation of the electron velocity at the nodal points. According to this current density (21), correlation function in Eq. (19) can be obtained as, P(ion,T) is the vertex function, and can be evalu- ated explicitly as the sum of ladder diagrams, P(ion) (23) where the kernel function J(o,o') is expressed as, J(o,o') the = = the functions I(0) 0(o,o') andI(0) 3(o,o') are give Eq. (23) into Eq. (18), the microwave conductivity of cuprate superconductors is obtained explicitly as, s(o,T) emphasize that based on the nodal approxima- tion of the quasiparticle excitations and this ofcuprate in Eq. (27) is obtained within the kinetic energy driven SC mechanism, although its expression is similar to that obtained within the formalism with the d-wave SC gap MICROWAVE CONDUCTIVITY OF CUPRATE cuprate superconductors, although the values of Jandtis believed to vary somewhat from compound to compound, however, as a qualitative discussion, the commonly used parameters in this paper are chosen ast/J= 2.5, with an reasonably estimative value of J~1000K. We are now ready to discuss the doping,energy, and temperature dependence of the quasiparti- cle transport of cuprate superconductors in the SC state with extended impurities. We have performed a cal- culation for the microwave conductivity s(o,T) in Eq. (27), and the results of s(o,T) as a function of en- ergy with temperature T= 0.002J= 2K (solid line), T= 0.004J= 4K (dashed line), T= 0.008J= 8K (dash-dotted line), and T= 0.01J= 10K (dotted line) under the slightly strong impurity scattering 58J,V2= 49.32J, andV3= 40.6Jat the im- purity concentration r= 0.000014for the doping 0.15 are plotted in Fig. 1 in comparison with the corresponding experimental results of cuprate in the SC state14(inset). Obviously, the en- ergy evolution of the microwave conductivity of qualitatively reproduced. In partic- ular, a low temperature cusplike shape of the is obtained for cuprate superconductors in7 Z-     1: The microwave conductivity as a function of energy withT= 0.002J= 2K (solid line), T= 0.004J= 4K (dashed line), T= 0.008J= 8K (dash-dotted line), and T= 0.01J= 10K (dotted line) at r= 0.000014 for t/J= 2.5, V1= 58J,V2= 49.32J, andV3= 40.6Jind= 0.15. Inset: the corresponding experimental result of cuprate supercon - ductors in the SC state taken from Ref. [14]. the presence of the impurity scattering. At the low en- ergy regime ( o <0.0002J), this low temperature mi- crowave conductivity s(o,T) rises rapidly from the to a much larger. However, this low temperature s(o,T) becomes smaller and varies from weakly energy dependence at the intermediate energy regime (0 .0002J < o < 0.0008J), to the almost at the high energy regime ( o >0.0008J). For a better understanding of the physical properties of the microwave conductivity s(o,T) in cuprate , we have studied the doping evolution of the microwave conductivity, and the result of s(o,T) as a function of doping with temperature T= 0.002J= 2K and energy o= 0.000087J1.81GHz under the slightly strong impurity scattering potential with V1= 58J, V2= 49.32J, andV3= 40.6Jat the impurity 0.000014 is plotted in Fig. 2 (solid line). For comparison, the corresponding result of the SC gap parameter of cuprate superconductors is also shown in the same figure (dashed line). Our result shows that in contrast to the dome shape of the doping dependent SC gap the microwave decreases with increasing doping in the under- doped regime, and reaches a minimum in the optimal doping, then increases in the overdoped regime. This doping dependent behavior of the low energy s(o,T) at low temperatures is also qualita- tively consistentwith the 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 2: The microwave conductivity as a function of doping withT= 0.002J=K and o= 0.000087J1.81GHz at r= 0.000014 for t/J= 2.5,V1= 58J,V2= 49.32J, and V3= 40.6J. The dashed line is the corresponding result of the superconducting gap parameter. ity limit8s1/ at low energy as temperature T-0, if this SC gapparameter in the the similar dome shape doping depen- dence. In the above discussions, we mainly study the effect of the extended impurity scatterers on the at low temperatures( TTc) and lowenergies (o). Now we discuss the temperature dependence of the quasiparticle transport of cuprate where Tmay approach to Tcfrom low In this case, it has been shown19that the process should be considered at higher tem- peratures, such as the scat- tering. This is followed from the fact that the inelas- tic scattering process is sup- pressed at low temperatures due to the large SC gap pa- rameter in the quasiparticle excitation spectrum. How- ever, the contribution from this inelastic process is increased rapidly when Tapproaches to Tcfrom low temperature side, since there is a small SC gap parameter near Tc. In par- ticular, it has been pointed out33that the the scattering process to the transport lifetime is exponentially suppressed at and therefore the effect of this inelastic scattering can be considered by adding the inverse transport to the imaginary part of the self-energy function S 0(o) in Eq. (17a), then the total self-energy function Stot 0(o) can be expressed = has been chosen as [2 Using this total self-energy func- tion Stot 0(o) to replace S 0(o) in Eq. (27), we have8 7-       3: The microwave conductivity as a function of temper- ature with energy o1.14GHz (solid line), o2.28GHz (long dashed line), o13.4GHz (dash-dotted line), o 22.8GHz (dotted line), and o75.3GHz (short dashed line) atr= 0.000014 for t/J= 2.5,V1= 58J,V2= 49.32J, and V3= 40.6Jind= 0.15. Inset: the corresponding experimen- tal result of cuprate superconductors in the SC state taken from Ref. [14]. performed a calculation for the microwave and the results of s(o,T) as a function of temperature Twith energy o= line), o= (long dashed line),o= (dash-dotted line), o= 0.001094J22.8GHz (dotted line), and (short dashed line) under the slightly strong impurity scattering potential with V1= 58J,V2= 49.32J, andV3= 40.6Jat the r= 0.000014 for the doping 0.15 are plotted in Fig. 3 in comparison with the corresponding experimental results of cuprate in the SC state14(inset). Our results show that the temperature dependent microwave T0.25J25K for energy o= and then falls roughly linearly. However, this broad peak in the mi- crowave conductivity spectrum resulting from the tem- perature dependent impurity scattering rate in Eq. (28)is energy dependent, and moves to higher increasing energies, in qualitative agreement with the experimental data14. Within the framework of the kinetic energy driven d- wave cuprate our present results of theenergyandtemperaturedependenceofthe by considering the effect of the scatterers are qualitatively similar to the ear- lier attempts to fit the experimental data by using d-wave BCS this agreement is important to confirming the nature of the SC phase of cuprate the d-wave BCS-like SC state within the kinetic en- ergy driven SC mechanism. It has been there are some subtle differences for different fami- lies of cuprate superconductors, and these subtle differ- ences may be induced by the other effects except the impurity scattering. However, we in this paper are pri- marily interested in exploring the general notion of the effect of the extended impurity scatterers on the kinetic energy driven cuprate superconductors in the SC state. The qualitative agreement between the present of impurities has a crucial effect on the of cuprate SUMMARY In conclusion we have shown very clearly in this pa- per that if the effect of the extended impurity scatter- ers is taken into account in the framework of the ki- netic energy driven d-wave the mi- crowave conductivity of the t-Jmodel calculated based on the nodal approximation of the quasiparticle excita- tions and scattering processes per se can correctly repro- duce some main features found in the measurements on cuprate superconductor in the SC including the energy and tempera- turedependenceofthespectrum. The theory also predicts a V-shaped doping conductivity, which is in contrast with the dome shape of the doping dependent SC gap parameter, and therefore should be verified by further work was supported by the National Natural Sci- ence Foundation of China under Grant No. 10774015, and the funds from the Ministry of Science and Tech- nology of China under Grant Nos. 2006CB601002 whom correspondence should be addressed. 1See, e.g., the review, C. C. Tsuei and J. R. Kirtley, Rev. Mod. Phys. 72, 969 (2000). 2J. Bardeen, L. N. Cooper, and J. R. Schrieffer, Phys. Rev. 108, 1175 (1957); J. R. Schrieffer, Theory of Benjamin, New York, 1964. 3P. W. Anderson, in Frontiers and Borderlines in Many Particle Physics , edited by R. A. Broglia and J. R. Schrief- fer (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987), p. 1; Science 235, 1196 (1987).9 4See, e.g., the review, A. Damascelli, Z. Hussain, and Z. X. Shen, Rev. Mod. Phys. 75, 473 (2003), and Matsui, T. Sato, T. Takahashi, S. C. Wang, H. B. Yang, H. Ding, T. 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Shiping Feng
Zhi Wang, Huaiming Guo, and Shiping Feng
Doping and energy dependent microwave conductivity of kinetic energy driven superconductors with extended impurities
9 pages, 3 figures
Physica C 468, 1078 (2008)
cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.str-el
Within the framework of the kinetic energy driven superconducting mechanism, the effect of the extended impurity scatterers on the quasiparticle transport of cuprate superconductors in the superconducting state is studied based on the nodal approximation of the quasiparticle excitations and scattering processes. It is shown that there is a cusplike shape of the energy dependent microwave conductivity spectrum. At low temperatures, the microwave conductivity increases linearly with increasing temperatures, and reaches a maximum at intermediate temperature, then decreases with increasing temperatures at high temperatures. In contrast with the dome shape of the doping dependent superconducting gap parameter, the minimum microwave conductivity occurs around the optimal doping, and then increases in both underdoped and overdoped regimes.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Feb 2008 04:25:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Zhi", "" ], [ "Guo", "Huaiming", "" ], [ "Feng", "Shiping", "" ] ]
2 and those already found ones minimizes the for all possible choice of the current basis state. This process of finding a new basis state continues of E. Without loss of generality, in the fol- lowing discussions, we focus on fermion systems, and use all possible Slater determinant states as set. Note that, for fermion systems, the first step is to find a Slater determinant state that minimizes the . This is just the well known Hartree-Fock ap- proximation. We employ an iterative method to search a new determinant state, including the first one. We de- note the single particle basis states as (i= the operator for creation (annihilation) of the state vacuum state. A determinant state can be expressed (2) wheremis particle number and F+ j(Fj) is operator for single particle state, Searching for the determinant equivalent to find the coefficients {cij}(or the use an iterative relaxation procedure to search the operators {F+ j}. From an initial trial state in the form of (2) which can be chosen randomly, we optimize Each step of the the Rayleigh quotient. This iteration continues until the convergenceofthe Note that the determinant state (2) is a multi-linear function of the coefficients {cij}. For a fixed just a linear function of Thus an approximate ground state Ps be written (4) This means that we can improve Ps kand hence up- date the operator F+ jby finding the lowest eigenstate of the Hamiltonian in the subspace spanned by 1,***,n}and those previously found relaxation procedure to update the operators F+ j is the key ingredient of this contribution. Suppose we have already obtained k-1 determinant states the searching process for k-th determinant state the form (2) involves the following iteration: (1) randomly generate a determinant state Forj= 1,2,***,m, do the following iteration loop to update Calculate the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian in the subspace Ks(k) jspanned by Find the ground state Psj kof the Hamiltonian in the above subspace Ks(k) j, Update F+ jby 1,***,n); Then make to other single and restore unit length by a normalization procedure. (3) Check the convergence of the Rayleigh quotient. Repeat the step (2) until reaching convergence. In case ofk= 1, the above searching process of finding the first determinant state is the same as the Hartree- Fock algorithm. A randomly generated initial trial state needs several tens of iteration rounds to converge. Each of subsequent determinant states needs about similar rounds of iteration. Here, the main numeric cost is the step (2a) for calculation of the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian between basis states. The step (2b) of find- ing lowesteigenstate in the subspace can be via iteration algorithm [11, 12] that needs only small portion of the computation cost. Starting from k= 2, the number of iteration to on the initial choice. If a trial state has large overlap with the state ( one may reach convergence by just a few rounds of Ps the approxi- mate ground state energy and wave function obtained in the previous step. One can understand this property by considering minimization of the Rayleigh quotient in the two dimensional subspace spanned by Ps k-1and the trial stateph[5]. From this observation, we perform a preparing treatment of the trial state before step (2) of the above iteration procedure. The preparing treatment of the initial trial state phis to modify the state phso that it has maximum overlap with the state ( This procedure is easy to carry out by exploiting the fact that state ph, or is a multi-linear function of the coefficients cij(or the operators F+ j). We maximize the overlap iteratively by updating the operators F+ j, (j= 1,***,m), consecutively. Usually, 3 to 5 rounds of the iteration are enough. After such preparing treat- ment, one usually needs about 2 to 3 iteration rounds of the searching process to minimize the Rayleigh quo- tient. Thus, such preparing treatment makes the about 5 to 10 times faster. As an optional choice to achieve high accuracy, one can perform backward optimization after reaching con- vergencein already found basis states one by one (One can also choose to update some selected basis states [7]). The op- eration to update a basis state is the same as searching a new basis state. It is numerically expansive to per- form the backward optimization. In fact, searching the basis states one by one is a kind of restriction on the de-3 terminant states, and the backward optimization means removing such constraint. At first sight, the current method shares some features with the Path-Integral Renormalization Group (PIRG) algorithm [3, 4]. However, based on different strate- gies, the PIRG and the current method are two differ- ent methods of searching basis determinant states. The PIRG filters out the ground state by repeatedly summation of determinant states and keeping some of the determinant states as new basis states to update the trial ground state At each step, the PIRG must update whole basis states, while the method and exploiting the multi-linearity of the determinant states. Updating basis states in PIRG, i.e., choosing some determinant states from those ones that span the state involves many sizable matrices. The diagonalization in subspace is a major numeric cost of PIRG, while it takes only a small portion of numeric operations in current method. The current method only calculates matrix elements of the Hamiltonian between determinant states, this is much easier and more efficient than expanding into summation of determinant states. We test the above method via the two Hubbard mode on a N=LxLsquare lattice with periodic condition. The Hamiltonian is the creation (annihilation) operator of an electron with spin satj-th site and the on-site Coulomb energy. The summation nearest-neighbor sites. TABLE I: Ground state energies of some the 4 x4 SD MP N Exact 10/16 4 -19.5808 -19.58 -19.5775 1874 -19.5808 14/16 4 -15.7296 -15.49 -15.7107 1865 -15.7446 16/16 4 -13.59 -13.5963 1622 -13.6219 10/16 8 -17.4800 -17.40 -17.4625 2000 -17.5104 14/16 8 -11.648 -11.6763 2000 -11.8688 16/16 8 -8.41565 1850 -8.46889 14/16 12 -9.696 -9.79500 2000 -10.0515 16/16 12 -5.95238 1950 -5.99222 Table I shows ground state energies(in the unit of t) of some 4x4 systems. The column system indicates the number lattice number. Nis num- ber of basis determinant states to span the ground state of the current method (MP). We list the results of the Constrained Path Quantum Monte Carlo (CPMC) [13], Stochastic Diagonalization (SD) [5], and exact [14, 15, 16, 17] for comparison. The accuracy of our method is almost unchanged for various interac- tion strength Uand filling number. This demonstratesthe stability of the method. All initial trial states for searching basis determinant states are randomly gener- ated without any symmetry consideration. We use con- vergence rate o= deter- mine the number of basis states, where state energies obtained with nandn-1 basis states, respectively. The searching for basis states stops ifois smaller than a criteria o0, or maximum of basis states is reached. Usually, o0= 10-5is enough to obtain quite reasonable result. At this setting, one usually needs several hundreds basis states which increases slowly with U. Ifo0= 10-6, one needs sev- eral thousands of basis states for convergence. result from about 100 basis states is quite states, usually less than 60 basis states, make dominant contribution. And the first one, i.e., the contributes most. The number of dom- inant basis states increases slowly with the After the dominant basis states, the contri- bution from each of following ones drops rapidly. TABLE II: Correlation functions of some the 4 x4 systems. Method system U/t 10 /16 4 -0.0556 0.731 0.504 MP(800) 10 /16 4 -0.0559 0.7315 0.5089 Exact 10 /16 4 -0.0556 0.73 0.506 QL 16 /16 4 -0.0363 3.42 0.3946 MP(437) 16 /16 4 -0.0478 3.490 0.3888 Exact 16 /16 4 -0.0475 3.64 0.385 CPMC 10 /16 8 -0.0462 0.761 0.4403 MP(800) 10 /16 8 -0.0493 0.7645 0.4412 Exact 10 /16 8 -0.0485 0.75 0.443 Table II shows ground state's correlation functions of some 4x4 systems. The comparing results of CPMC, Quantum Langevin (QL), and exact diagonalization are from [13], [17], and [14, 17], respectively. Here Smand Sdare magnetic and density structure factors [13], re- spectively; and r(r) is the one body density matrix. The number in the column method is the number of basis states of our method (MP). The current method obtains the ground state energy and wave function at the same time. Then calculation of the correlation functions and other related quantities is a trivial task that simply reads the wave function. In comparison with the exact result, we see that the wave functions are almost in the same ac- curacy as the correspondent energies. Again, the begin- ning severaltens ofbasisstates demonstrate this property, as indicated in the paren- theses, we use only several hundreds of basis states to calculate the correlation functions in table II. Since our program does not perform any symmetry treatment, we can only compare non-degenerated ground states with the exact result. In fact, the present method can take into account of symmetries. After the searching process of finding basis determinant states, the resultant wave4 function is usually a combination of ground states with different symmetries. One may employ, e.g., the [18] to filter out the target symmetry. This may further improve the accuracy. TABLE III: Ground state energies (in the unit of t) of some large systems with U= 4t. system QMC VMC SD MP N 26/6x6 -42.32 -40.77 -41.0757 400 34/6x6 -33.30 -32.76 -32.7323 940 36/6x6 -30.96 -30.384 -30.5166 905 50/8x8 -72.80 -67.00 -68.5029 630 54/8x8 -67.55 -63.8981 560 62/8x8 -57.70 -55.5255 490 64/8x8 -55.23 -53.583 472 100/10x10 -86.70 -82.9549 152 Table III shows ground state energies for large system size that exact diagonalization is impossible. Here Nis the number of basis states of the current method (MP). Our result is quite close to that of the SD [5], and the variational quantum Monte-Carlo (VMC) [4]. It is worth to note that the number of basis states of our method is several orders smaller than that of the SD algorithm. As a consequence, our method needs much less memory, and there is no need for external storage. There are several percent of discrepancy with the Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) result [19], this disagreement increases with the system size. This needs further investigations. The dis- crepancy between QMC result and the strict is also found by other authors, see, e.g., [3, 4, 18]. For practical applications, the extrapolation method in- troduced in PIRG's implementation is an useful tool to handle the discrepancy with QMC results [3, 18]. Simi- lar to the 4 x4 cases, the beginning several tens of basis states make dominant contribution. For a fixed interac- tion strength U, the contribution from the dominant ba- sis states increaseswith the system size. This means that one needs less basis states for larger system size. On the other hand, the computation cost to search a basis state scales about quadratically with the system size. The With out a randomly generated trial state phand the vanishes. One must substan- tially increase accuracy requirement for following steps, which in turn increases numeric cost. The computation cost scales about quadratically with the number of 1 shows the relative error the number of basis states n, whereEnis the ground state energy obtained with nbasis states, and E0 is the converged ground state energy (or exact ground state energy if available). This illustrates the of the method. The first basis state makes most important contribution. It accounts for about 80% 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 U=12 16/16 U= 4 36/36 U= 4 54/64 U= 4 64/64 U= 4 100/100 U= 4 FIG. 1: Relative error Erversus number of basis states nfor various filling numbers and system sizes. to 95% of the ground state energy depending on sys- tem size and correlation strength. Roughly speaking, the mean field effect increases with the system size, and decreases with the correlation between electrons of the system. For system size N0= 4x4 withU= 12t, the contribution of the first basis state is about 80%. As the system size reaching N0= 10x10 withU= 4t, the con- tribution of the first basis state is more than 90%. As a consequence, for a same accuracy requirement, the num- ber of necessary basis states decreases with system dominant basis states. These basis states contribute more than 95% to the ground state for moderate correla- tion. Then contribution from each of the following basis states drops rapidly. However, the major computation cost for Fig. 1 is to search the remaining basis states. In practical calculations, one usually needs several tens of basis states for a reasonable accuracy. We perform backward optimization for some cases to improve the accuracy. There is very limited improve- ment from the backward optimization if the MP method is converged. The improvementis usually less than 0 .5%. If backward optimization is performed before the conver- gence of MP process, the improvement can be more than 1.5% for some cases. Our calculation is performed on single PC (AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 248). Parallel implementation is easy for the current method. Since the major numeric cost is the computation of the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian during the search of the basis states, par- allel implementation can be simply realized by requiring each node handling some matrix elements of the are many possible ways to improve the current method. For example, it is worth to explore other type of basis states. In the present form, our method is an ex- tension to the mean field HF approximation. the redundancy ofthe states increase the redundancy of the over-complete basis states, i.e., enlarging the searching space, it is possible to speed up the convergence of MP method for searching the basis states. On the other hand, for particles moving in 3D space, storage of a single particle state needs siz- able memory, one may choose the basis states for single particles as product of one dimensional wave functions. In principle, this method is able to compute the exited states. With some modifications, it may be feasible to calculate the low-lying exited sign problem. It can apply to any system that can apply Hartree-Fock algorithm, and can be regarded as an extension to the Hartree-Fock algorithm. Several tens of determinant states are usually enough for This method may offer an alternative to explore quantum effects of Many body systems. This work is supported by the National Science Foun- dation of China (Grant No. 10375042). We discussions with Prof. W. Wang. [1] M. Nest, R. Padmanaban, and P. Saalfrank, J. Chem. Phys.126, 214106 (2007); M. Nest, T. Klamroth, and P. Saalfrank, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 124102 (2005); M. H. Beck and H.-D. Meyer, J. Chem. Phys. 114, 2036 (2001). [2] Gregory Beylkin, Martin J. Mohlenkamp, [math-ph]. [3] M. Imada and T. Kashima, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 69, 2723 (2000); T. Kashima and M. Imada, ibid.70, 2287 (2001). [4] T. Yanagisawa, Phys. Rev. B 75, 224503 (2007). [5] H. 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Quanlin Jie
Quanlin Jie
Approximating the ground state of fermion system by multiple determinant states: matching pursuit approach
5 Pages, 1 figure
Phys. Rev. E 77, 026705 (2007)
cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mes-hall
We present a simple and stable numerical method to approximate the ground state of a quantum many-body system by multiple determinant states. This method searches these determinant states one by one according to the matching pursuit algorithm. The first determinant state is identical to that of the Hartree-Fock theory. Calculations for two-dimensional Hubbard model serve as a demonstration.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Feb 2008 06:23:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jie", "Quanlin", "" ] ]
2 Ohashi, Chiba and Inoue with density distribution of rr-2, Einstein radius is written (1) wherertis a supposed tidal radius of an SIS lens and Mtis a total mass angular diameter distances between lens and source and between observer and source, observations of lens systems in a galactic scale hav e revealed that the density distribution of a galaxy lens, being composed of both baryonic and dark matter, is well represented by an SIS profile. However, a ctual density pro- files in subhalos are yet to besettled. According to N-body si mulations based on the CDM model, i.e., without taking into account dissipativ e baryonic matter, all dark halos appear to show a shallower density profile at th eir central parts, expressed as rrgwith-1.5< g <-1 (e.g., Navarro et al. 2004). If this is the case, then a dark halo with this profile has a smaller Einst ein radius than an SIS case, so the resulting lensing signal to be observed by VSOP-2 would be biased further in favor of more massive subhalos. How baryon ic components, if there are any, affect a dark halo profile is yet uncertain: an adi abatic contrac- tion of a halo as driven by gas cooling yields a steeper densit y profile, activity and associated heating by supernovae ex plosion may make a gravitational potential shallower owing to galactic wind. Whatever effects of baryonic components are at work, an SIS profile would provide a possibly upper limit to the lensing signal of subhalos. As is shown in equation (1), the size of an Einstein radius dep ends on the distance ratio, Dls/Dos. We plot, in Figure 1, this dependence for a subhalo ofMt= 5x107Mandrt= 1.0 kpc, using known lensing systems taken from CASTLES. 3. Simulated weshowsimulated images of agravitational lens parameters of MG0414+0534, where a source image and a le nsing galaxy are at redshifts of 2.64 and 0.96, respectively. We assume an SIS profile for the density distribution of a subhalo. The locally distorted feature for an arc-like lensed image i n Figure 2 can To distinguish the effect of subhalo lensing alone, we s hould select a lens system showing multiple images as a target: intrinsic subst ructure in a source would be seen in all multiple images, whereas subhalos yield particular features in each image. Thus it is possible to extract the lensing sign als of subhalos by subtracting features in lensed K.T. & Chiba M. 2003, ApJ, 591,L83 Inoue K.T. & Chiba M. 2005, ApJ, 633,23 Inoue K.T. & Chiba M. 2005, ApJ, 634,70 Navarro J.F. et al. 2004, MNRAS, 349, 1039DARK MATTER SUBSTRUCTURE 3 Figure 1. The dependence of an Einstein radius on lens and source re dshift in the case of Mt= 5x107Mandrt= 1.0kpc. Filled circles: known lensing systems taken from CASTLES. Solid lines: the size of an Einstein angle in units of mas or that of an Einstein raidus projected in a lens plane in un its of pc. Figure 2. Simulated lensed images perturbed by a subhalo with Mt= 5x 107Mandrt= 1.0 kpc, where the angular resolution is assumed to be 10, 1 and 0.1 [mas] for left, middle, and right panels, respectively. In this le nsing system, a source image and a lensing galaxy are at redshifts 2.64 and
Shigenori Ohashi
Shigenori Ohashi, Masashi Chiba, and Kaiki Taro Inoue
Lens Mapping of Dark Matter Substructure with VSOP-2
three pages, two figures, to be published in ASP conference series in the proceedings of 'Approaching Micro-Arcsecond Resolution with VSOP-2: Astrophysics and Technology'
Hierarchical clustering models of cold dark matter (CDM) predict that about 5% - 10% of a galaxy-sized halo with mass ~ 10^12 solar masses (M_sun) resides in substructures (CDM subhalos) with masses <= 10^8 M_sun. To directly identify such substructures, we propose to observe radio continuum emission from multiply imaged QSOs using VSOP-2 with a high angular resolution.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Feb 2008 07:02:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ohashi", "Shigenori", "" ], [ "Chiba", "Masashi", "" ], [ "Inoue", "Kaiki Taro", "" ] ]
I. INTRODUCTION The question as to why the Planck and electroweak scales differ by so many orders of magnitude remains mysterious. In recent years, attempts hav e been made to address this hierarchy issue within the context of theories with extra spatia l dimensions. In spacetimes even with the assumption of Einstein - that t he left-hand side of the field equations is the most general symmetric conserved tensor co ntaining no more than two derivatives of the metric - the field equations need to be generalized . This been done by Lovelock [1], and he found a second rank symmetric conserved which contains upto second order derivative of the metr ic. Other higher curvature gravities which have higher derivative terms of the metr ic, e.g., terms with have serious problems with the presence of tachyons and ghosts as well as unitarity, while the Lovelock gravity is free of these p roblems [2]. Many authors have considered the possibility of higher curvature t erms in the field equa- tions and how their existence would modify the predictions about the gravitating system. Here, we areinterested inthe properties ofthe black holes, andwe want to know which prop- erties of the black holes are peculiar to Einstein gravity, and which ar e robust features of all generally covariant theories of gravity. This fact provide a strong motivation for considering new exact solutions of Lovelock gravity. We show that some proper ties of NUT solutions are peculiar to Einstein gravity and not robust feature of all gener ally covariant theories of gravity. Although the nonlinearity of the field equations causes to h ave a few exact black hole solutions in Lovelock gravity, there are many papers on this sub ject [3, 4, 5]. In this letter we introduce Taub-NUT metrics in third order Lovelock gravit y, and investigate which properties of these kinds of solutions will be modified by considering h igher curvature terms in the field equations. The original four-dimensional solution [6] is only locally asymptotic flat . The spacetime has as a boundary at infinity a twisted S1bundle over S2, instead of simply being S1xS2. There are known extensions of the Taub-NUT solutions to the case when a is present. In this case the asymptotic structure is only locally de Sitter (for pos- itive cosmological constant) or anti-de Sitter (for negative cosmo logical constant) and the solutions are referred to as Taub-NUT-(A)dS metrics. In genera l, the Killing vector that corresponds to the coordinate that parameterizes the fibre S1can have a point set (called a NUT solution) or a two-dimensional fixed point set (referred to as a 'bolt' solution). Generalizations to higher dimensions follow closely th e [7, 8, 9]. Also, these kinds of solutions have been generalized in t he presence of field and their thermodynamics have been investigated [10, 11]. It is to suppose that the generalization of these solutions to t he case of Lovelock gravity, which is the low energy limit of supergravity, might provide us with a wind ow on some interesting new corners of M-theory moduli space. The outline of this letter is as follows. We give a brief review of the field e quations of third order Lovelock gravity in Sec. II. In Sec. III, we obtain Taub -NUT solutions of third order Lovelock gravity in eight dimensions and then we check the con jectures given in Ref. [4]. We finish this letter with some concluding remarks. II. FIELD EQUATIONS The vacuum gravitational field equations of third order Lovelock gr avity may be 0, (1) whereai's are Lovelock coefficients, G(1) unis just the Einstein tensor, and second and third order Lovelock tensors given as G(2) un= (3) In Eqs. (2) and (3) the Gauss-Bonnet Lagrangian and L3= the third order Lovelock Lagrangian. Equation (1) does not cont ain the derivative of the curvatures, and therefore the derivatives of the metric higher t han two do not appear. In order to have the contribution of all the above terms in the field equ ation, the dimension Here, forsimp licity, of the dimensionally continued gravity in eight dimensions. Th e gravity in Ddimensions is a special class of the Lovelock gravity, in which the Lovelock coefficients are reduced to two by embedding the Lorentz a larger AdS group SO(D-1,2) [12]. By choosing suitable unit, the remaining two fundamental constants can be reduced to one fundamental con stantl. Thus, the ai's can be written as a0=-21 l2, a1= 3, a2=3l2 20, a3=l4 120. III. In constructing these metrics the idea is to regard the Ta ub-NUT spacetime as aU(1) fibration over a 6-dimensional base space endowed with an Einst ein-K ahler metric dohmB2. Then the Euclidean section of the 8-dimensional Taub-NUT spacet ime can be some covariantly constant 2-form. Here Nis the NUT charge and F(r) is a function of r. The solution will describe a 'NUT' if the fixed point set of the U(1) isometry /t(i.e. the points where F(r) = 0) is less than 6-dimensional and a 'bolt' if the fixed point set Here, we consider only the cases where all the facto r spaces of Bhave zero or positive curvature. Thus, the base space Bcan be the 6-dimensional space CP3, a product of three 2-dimensional spaces ( T2orS2), or the product of a 4-dimensional space CP2with 4a 2-dimensional one. The 1-forms and metrics of [13] AS2= 2costhidphi, (6) AT2= 2eidzi, d (7) ACP2= (8) dohm2 CP2= To find the metric function F(r), one may use any components of Eq. (1). After some calculation, we find that the metric function F(r) for any base space Bcan be written as F(r) (11) where Ps = the dimension of the curved factor spaces of B. The constant band the on the choice of the base space as: 5B b E B CP32 0 (8 N2-l2)2 S2xCP29 12(r4+N4) 24 0 32 N4 and B C CP3 = we have written the metric function F(r)for specific values of Lovelock to dimensionally continued Lovelock gravity in 8 dimensions, t he form of F(r) for arbitrary values of ai's is the same as Eq. (11) with more complicated E,BandC. 6A. Taub-NUT Solutions: The solutions given in Eq. (11) describe NUT solutions, if (i) F(r=N) = 0 and (ii) F'(r=N) = 1/(4N). The first condition comes from the fact that all the extra dimens ions should collapse to zero at the fixed point set of /t, and the second one is to avoid with a smoothly closed fiber at r=N. Using these conditions, one finds that the third order Lovelock gravity, in eight dimensions admits NUT solut ions only with CP3 base space when the mass parameter is fixed to be mn= (12) Computation of the Kretschmann scalar at r=Nfor the solutions in eight dimensions shows that the spacetimes with base spaces a curvature singularity at r=Nin Einstein gravity, while the spacetime with B=CP3 has no curvature singularity at r=N. Thus, the conjecture given in [4] is confirmed for third order Lovelock gravity too. Here we generalize this conjectu re for Lovelock gravity as For the non-extremal NUT solutions of Einstein gravity whic h have no curvature the Lovelock gravity admits NUT solutions, while the Lovel ock gravity does not admit non-extremal NUT when the spacetime has curvature sin gularity at r=N. Indeed, we have non-extreme NUT solutions in 2+2 kdimensions with non-trivial fibration when base space is chosen to be CPk. Although we have not written the solutions in 2+2kdimensions and with arbitrary ai's, but calculations confirm the above conjecture. B. Extreme Taub-NUT Solution The solutions (11) with the base space extremal NUT solutions provided the mass parameter is fixed to be mB2 n= 128N7, (13) mB3 n= (14) Indeed for these two cases F'(r=N) = 0, and therefore the NUT solutions should be regarded as extremal solutions. Computing the Kretschmann sca lar, we find that there is a curvature singularity at r=Nfor the spacetime with B3=S2xT2xT2, while the 7spacetime with B2=T2xT2xT2has no curvature singularity at r=N. This leads us to the generalization of second conjecture of Ref. [4]: Lovelock gravity has extremal NUT solutions whenever the base space is a product of 2-torii wit h at most one of positive curvature . Indeed, calculations in other dimensions show that when the base space has at most one two dimensional curved space as one of its factor spaces, then Lovelock gravity admits an extreme NUT solution even though there exists a at r=N. IV. CONCLUDING theexistence in8-dimensional thirdorder Lovelock gravity with cosmological constant. Although one can do the calcula tions for any arbitrary values of Lovelock coefficients, we chose them as those of dimension ally continued Lovelock gravity in eight dimensions to have more compact form for the solutio ns. It is worthwhile to mention that this choice of Lovelock coefficients has no effect on t he properties if the solutions. These solutions are constructed as circle fibrations ove r even dimensional spaces that in general are products of Einstein-K ahler spaces. We foun d that as in the case of Gauss-Bonnet gravity, the function F(r) of the metric depends on the specific form of the base factors on which one constructs the circle fibration. In othe r words we found that incontr metric in any dimension is independent of the specific form of the b ase factors. Thus, one may say that the sensitivity of the NUT solutions on the geometr y of the base space is a common feature of higher order Lovelock gravity, which does no t happen in have found that when Einstein gravity admits non-extremal NUT solutions with no curvature singularity at r=N, then there exists a non-extremal NUT solution in third order Lovelock gravity. In 8-dimensional spacetime, this happens when the metric of the base space is chosen to be CP3. Indeed, third order Lovelock gravity does not admit non- extreme NUT solutions with any other base spaces. Although we hav e not written the NUT solutions in other dimensions, we found that in any dimension 2 k+2, we have only one non- extremal NUT solution with CPkas the base space. That is, the Lovelock gravity singles out the preferred non-singular base space CPkin 2 + 2kdimensions. We also found that 8only when the base space is third order Lovelock gravity admits extremal NUT solution. Calculations show th at the extremal NUT black holes exist for the base spaces We have extended these observations to two conjectures about th e existence of NUT solutions in Lovelock gravity. The study of thermodynamic properties of the se solutions remains to be carried out in work has been supported financially by Research Institute for Astronomy and As- trophysics of Maragha. [1] D. Lovelock, J. Math. Phys. 12, 498 (1971); N. Deruelle and L. Farina-Busto, Phys. Rev. D 41, 3696 (1990); G. A. Mena Marugan, ibid.46, 4320 (1992); ibid. 4340 (1992). [2] B. Zwiebach, Phys. Lett. B 156, 315 (1985); B. Zumino, Phys. Reports 137, 109 (1986). [3] D. G. Boulware and S. Deser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2656 (1985); J. T. Wheeler, Nucl. Phys. B 268, 737 (1986); J. T. Wheeler, ibid.273, 732 (1986); D. L. Wiltshire, Phys. Lett. B 169, 36 (1986); R. G. Cai, Phys. Rev. D 65, 084014 (2002); R. G. 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M. Hossein Dehghani
S. H. Hendi and M. H. Dehghani
Taub-NUT Black Holes in Third order Lovelock Gravity
10 pages
We consider the existence of Taub-NUT solutions in third order Lovelock gravity with cosmological constant, and obtain the general form of these solutions in eight dimensions. We find that, as in the case of Gauss-Bonnet gravity and in contrast with the Taub-NUT solutions of Einstein gravity, the metric function depends on the specific form of the base factors on which one constructs the circle fibration. Thus, one may say that the independence of the NUT solutions on the geometry of the base space is not a robust feature of all generally covariant theories of gravity and is peculiar to Einstein gravity. We find that when Einstein gravity admits non-extremal NUT solutions with no curvature singularity at $r=N$, then there exists a non-extremal NUT solution in third order Lovelock gravity. In 8-dimensional spacetime, this happens when the metric of the base space is chosen to be $\Bbb{CP}^{3}$. Indeed, third order Lovelock gravity does not admit non-extreme NUT solutions with any other base space. This is another property which is peculiar to Einstein gravity. We also find that the third order Lovelock gravity admits extremal NUT solution when the base space is $T^{2}\times T^{2}\times T^{2}$ or $S^{2}\times T^{2}\times T^{2}$. We have extended these observations to two conjectures about the existence of NUT solutions in Lovelock gravity in any even-dimensional spacetime.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Feb 2008 12:36:50 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 5 Aug 2008 05:19:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hendi", "S. H.", "" ], [ "Dehghani", "M. H.", "" ] ]
onKn. Attention shall also be paid to the morphology of the channel walls, resolved with transmission (TEM), and how it affects the crystallographic direction (SiNCs) are etched into the surface of a Si (100) wafer [12]. After the channels reach the desired length Lof 200+-5um, the anodization current is increased by a factor of 10 with the result that the SiNC array is de- tached from the bulk wafer [13]. The crystalline Si walls call for irregular channel perimeters as one can see in the TEM pictures of Fig. 1(c), recorded from a mem- brane part Ar ion milled to ~5 nm thickness. In however, the SiNC's cross-section can be described as circular with a diameter of ~12 nm, in ac- cordance with the analysis of an Ar sorption experiment atT= 86 K, which yields additionally a SiNCs density of Ph = (1 experimental setup consists of a copper cell with an inlet and outlet opening [14]. Inlet and outlet are connected via stainless steel capillaries of radius rc= 0.7 mm and length lc= 70 cm with two gas reservoirs, R1 and R2, of an all-metal gas handling. Additionally two pneumatic valves V1 and V2 are used to open and closethe the sample celland R1 and the sample cell and R2. Four thermostatted gauges allow us to measure the gas pressures in R1 and R2, p1andp2, resp., over a wide pressure range (5*10-3mbar< p <1 bar) with an accuracy of 10-3mbar. The cell is mounted in a closed-cycle He cryostat to control the temperature between 40 K and 300 K with an accuracy of 1 mK. Our goal of studying gas transport dynamics over a largeKnrange necessitates a thorough understanding of the intrinsicflow There- fore, we start with measurements on He flow through the macroscopic capillaries and the empty sample cell at room temperature T= 297 K. We record the timetafter initial conditions, p1=ps> p2= 0 mbar att= 0 s. In Fig. 1 (a) plotted for starting pressures of ps= 0.1 and 100 mbar. We ob- serve pressure equilibrations towards peq= 0.4*ps. The value 0.4 is dictated by the volume ratio of R1 to R2. From the p(t)-curves we derive characteristic to the recipe downstream from R1 to R2. In order to quantify the gas rarefaction we resort, therefore, to a calculation of a mean Knudsen number Knc=l(p)/rcin the a mean pressure, p=peq. This justified by the analysis provided below and by theo- retical studies which indicate differences of less than 1% between flow rates calculated with an exact and an av- eraged treatment for Kn[10, 15]. In Fig. 1 (c) we plot measured tvalues versus a psvari-ation from 0 .01 to 100 mbar. For increasing Knc. In an intermediate Kncrange, 0.1< Knc<0.6, we observe a cross-overregime towards a saturation plateau with t~140 s that extends to These changes in the prelaxation and hence flow dynamics are reminiscent of the three distinct transport regimes known to occur for gases as a function of their rarefaction [10, 16]: For Knc<0.1 the number of interparticle collisions still predominates over the number of particle-wall collisions. is valid and predicts a decreasing flow rate and hence increasing tdue to the 1 /Kn-scalingofthe particle num- ber density in gas flows. For Knc>1 we enter the pure KD regime[1], where theory predicts a He KD DHe cdependent, however a flow (1) which is responsible for the plateau in tfor the In Eq. 1 pi,porefers to the inlet and outlet pressure of the capillary considered, resp., andkBto the Boltzmann factor. In the the interparticle collisions occur as often as particle-wall collisions which gives rise to the found for t. We elucidate this behavior in more detail by divid- ing the flow path within our apparatus into two flow segments (up- and downstream capillary) and calculate the particle number changes along the flow path and the resulting p1(t),p2(t) with a 1 ms resolution using theunified flow model of Beskok and Karniadakis (BK- model)[10, 17, 18] and a local Kn-number for each flow segment, 2 comprises a Hagen-Poiseuille term, a term which treats the transition of the transport coefficient i.e. the bare dynamic viscosity u(T), to the KD transport coefficient, and a generalized velocity slip term, which is second-order accurate in Knin the slip and early transition flow regimes ( Kn <0.5). The model captures for Kn-0 the no-slip Hagen-Poiseuille limit, whereas it transforms to Eq. 1 for Kn1. As veri- fied by comparison of the BK-model with Direct Simula- tion Monte Carlo and solutions of the Boltzmann equa- tion, a choice of b=-1 for the slip parameter results in the correct velocity profile and flowrate, as well as a proper pressure and shear stress distribution in a wide Kn-range, including the transition flow regime. After optimizing the free parameters in Eq. 2, a1andb, we ar- rive at the p(t)- andt(Knc)-curves depicted in Fig. 1 (a) and (c), resp. The good agreement of the BK-model pre-dictions with our measurements is evident and the ex- tracted parameters a1= 10+-0.2 andb= 0.412+-0.06 m2/s) agree with BK-modelling of He gas flow as a function of rarefaction [10, 19]. An anal- ogous analysis for Ar gas flow yields a1= 1.55+-0.05and b= 0.1+-0.02 (DAr c= 0.134+-0.02 m2/s). FIG. 2: (color online) Pressure relaxation time tfor He (cir- cles) and Ar (triangles) measured with built-in SiNC mem- brane at T= 297 K versus Knudsen number in the SiNCs Kn (bottom axis) and in the capillaries Knc(top axis). The lines represent calculated t(Kn)-curves. Inset: TEM cross section of a SiNC in comparison with a circular channel perimeter of 12 nm diameter (dashed line). The SiNC's perimeter is highlighted by a intrin- sic flow apparatus, we can now turn to measurements with the SiNC membrane. The mem- brane is epoxy-sealedin a copper ring [14] and special area, A= 0.79+-0.016 cm2in order to allow for a reliable determination of the number of SiNCs in- serted into the flow path, N= Ph*A= (11.8+-1)*1010. As expected the significantly slowed down after installing the membrane - compare panel (a) and (b) in Fig. 1. Choosing selected pswithin the the SiNCs from 102to 107, we find an s, when compared to the empty cell mea- surements - see Fig. 1 (c). From the bare offset in tfor Knc>1, we could calculate DHein the SiNCs. We are, however, interested in the DHebehavior in a wide Kn- range, therefore we modify our flow model by inserting a segment with KD transport mechanism channels with d= 12 nm and L= 200um in between the capillary flow segments. Adjusting the single free parameter in our simulation, the value of the He diffusion coefficient DHein a single SiNC, we arrive at thep(t)- andt(Kn)-curves presented as solid lines in Fig. 1 (b) and (c), resp. The agreement with our mea- surement is excellent and the model yields a Kninde- pendent DHe= 3.76+-0.8 mm2/s.It is worthwhile to compare this value with for D. In his seminal paper he derives an ex- pressionfor Dwith afactor G, charac- teristic of the KD effectivity of the channel's shape, and a factor solely determined by the mean thermal velocity of the particles vgiven by the kinetic theory of by an analysis of the number of a given section of a channel in unit time after completely diffuse reflection from an arbitraryelement of wall surface and while assuming an equal collision acces- sibility of all surface elements, Knudsen derived an ana- lytical expression for Gfor a channel of arbitrary shape. Knudsen's second assumption is, however, only strictly valid for circular channel cross-sections, as pointed out by v. Smoluchowski [1] and elaborated for fractal pore wall morphologies by Coppens and Froment [5]. Given the roughly circular SiNCs' cross section shapes, we nev- ertheless resort to Knudsen's formula, here quoted nor- malized to the KD form factor for a perfect (4) The integral in Eq. 4 depends on the ratio of and cross sectional area A(l) along the chan- nel's long axis direction l, only. This ratio is optimized by a circle, accordingly the most effective KD channel shape is a cylinder, provided one calls for a fixed Aalong the channel. Eq. 4 yields due to our normalization just G=dand we would expect a DHeof 5 mm2/s for He KD in a SiNC, if it were a cylindrical channel of d= 12 nm. A value which is ~30% larger than our measured one. If one recalls the TEM pictures, which clearly cross-sections this finding is not surprising. In fact these pictures deliver precisely the for an estimation of the influence of the on the KD dynamics. We determine the ra- tioo/Aof 20 SiNC cross sections, and therefrom values ofG. The values of the SiNC in Fig. 1 (top), (bottom) and Fig. 2 corresponds to Gs of 9.1 nm, 10.3 nm, and 10.6 nm, resp. Tacitly assuming that the on the perimeter are of similar type as along the channel's long axis we take an ensemble average over the 20Gvalues and arrive at a mean Gof 9.9 nm, which yields aDHeof 4.1 mm2/s, a value which agrees within the error margins with our measured one. To further explore the KD transport dynamics in the SiNCs we now focus on the mandTdependency of D. In Fig. 2 the t(Kn) curve recorded for Ar and He atT= 297 K are presented. Both exhibit a similar form, the one of Ar is, however, shifted up markedly towards larger t. Our computer model can quantita- tively account for this slowed-down dynamics by a fac- tor 2.97+-0.25 decrease in Das compared to the Hemeasurements, which confirms the prediction of Eq. 3.16. For the exploration negligible physisorption tendency, even at low T. in Fig.3. We againperform assuming KD in the SiNC array superimposed to the transport in the supply capillaries, presented as lines in Fig. 3, and optimize the single free parameter D(T) in order to match the observed t(Kn,T) behavior. deviations at larger Kncand decreasing along the flow path [10], we find, in agree- ment with the experiment, increasingly faster dynamics with decreasing T. Note, this finding for a diffusion process results from the 1 /Tscaling in Eq. 1, which reflects the T-dependency of the particle number density in gas flows. By contrast, the by our simulations, scales in excellent agree- ment with T, see inset in Fig. 3, confirming result down to the lowest 3: (color online) Pressure relaxation time tfor He gas flow through SiNC membrane (symbols) and simulated t(Kn) (lines) versus Knudsen number in the SiNC membrane Kn (bottom axis) and in the supply capillaries Knc(top axis) at selected temperatures T. Inset: He diffusion coefficient DHe in SiNCs in comparison with the Tprediction of Eq. 3 (line) plotted versus T. We find no hints of anomalous fast KD here, as was re- cently reported for a bundle of linear carbon nanotubes [7] and explained by an highly increased fraction of spec- ularly reflected particles upon wall collisions [1]. The al- tered collision statistics was attributed to the and the atomical smoothness of the nanotube walls. The SiNC walls are also crystalline, however, not atomical flat, as can be seen from our TEM analysis. Along with the formation of a native oxide layer, typical of Si surfaces, which renders the near surface silica like, this, presumably, accounts for the normal KD observed here contrasting the one found for the graphitic walls of carbon nanotubes. We presented here the first detailed study of gas trans-port in linear SiNCs. Our conclusions are drawn from a correct treatment of gas flow over 10 orders of magnitude in gas rarefaction, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the largest Knrange ever explored experimentally. properties of KD, an independency of D onKn, its scaling predictions on m,T, and on details of the channel's structure, resolved with sub-nm resolution, are clearly exhibited by our measurements. We thank A. Beskok for helpful discussions and the German Research Foundation (DFG) for support within the priority program 1164, Nano- & Microfluidics M. Knudsen, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 333, 75 (1909), M. v. Smoluchowski, ibid. 338, 1559 (1910). [2] J. K arger and D. Ruthven, Diffusion in Zeolites and Mi- croporous Solids (Wiley & Sons, New York, 1992), S. M. Auerbach, Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 19, 155 (2000). [3] D. Wallacher et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 195704 (2004). [4] P. Huber and K. Knorr, Phys. Rev. B 60, 12657 (1999); R. Paul and H. Rieger, J. Chem. Phys. 123, 024708 (2005); R. 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Patrick Huber
Simon Gruener and Patrick Huber
Knudsen Diffusion in Silicon Nanochannels
4 pages, 3 figures
Physical Review Letters 100, 064502 (2008)
physics.flu-dyn cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.stat-mech nlin.SI physics.chem-ph
Measurements on helium and argon gas flow through an array of parallel, linear channels of 12 nm diameter and 200 micrometer length in a single crystalline silicon membrane reveal a Knudsen diffusion type transport from 10^2 to 10^7 in Knudsen number Kn. The classic scaling prediction for the transport diffusion coefficient on temperature and mass of diffusing species,D_He ~ sqrt(T), is confirmed over a T range from 40 K to 300 K for He and for the ratio of D_He/D_Ar ~ sqrt(m_Ar/m_He). Deviations of the channels from a cylindrical form, resolved with transmission electron microscopy down to subnanometer scales, quantitatively account for a reduced diffusivity as compared to Knudsen diffusion in ideal tubular channels. The membrane permeation experiments are described over 10 orders of magnitude in Kn, encompassing the transition flow regime, by the unified flow model of Beskok and Karniadakis.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Feb 2008 15:51:58 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gruener", "Simon", "" ], [ "Huber", "Patrick", "" ] ]
2. DEFINITIONS AND NOTATIONS Definition Let ()B,G be a measurable space. Let GA, and suppose that for every BB , we have B.BA We then say that A is measurable with respect to ()B,G . We denote the totality of such measurable sets A by .B~ (c.f. [1]). The following definition and two notations are from [5]. Notation For any class E of sets, S (E) is the smallest -sring containing E. Definition A nonAempty class E of sets is hereditary if . and whenever , EFE F E E Notation H(R) denotes the smallest hereditary set containing a ring R. Notation Let X be a set having nonAempty intersection with the set containing all elements occurring in the sets of R. Notation Let K { })( )(RHERHEBXBK = Definition A set is measurable* is if measurable** is EHE EQ KQ - - u u -*u Measurable; that is , if E HA set measurable* any for and - u , [ ] ]) ( [ * ) ( * )( *cEQAEQAA + = u u u . 3. INDUCED MEASURES Theorem 3.1 If *u is an outer measure on a hereditary H ring-s and if S is the class of all * *u Ameasurable sets, then S is a ring. Proof Let . ,SML Then for any SGLSG , and .SGM SGML ) ( SML (I) We now show that . , ) ( SGSGLM - Since GM is -*u measurable, =)( *Au [ ][ ]) ( * ) ( * ' + GMAGMA u u (II) Since GL is -*u measurable, [ ]) ( *GMA u =[ ][ ]) () ( * ) () ( * ' + GLGMAGLGMA u u (III) Also, [ ]) ( * 'GMAu =[ ][ ]) () ( * ) () ( (* '' +' GLGMAGLGMA u u (IV] Substituting (III) and (IV) into (II) )( *Au = [ ]) () ( * GLGMA u + [ ]) () ( * ' GLGMAu + [ ]) () ( * GLGMA 'u + [ ]) () ( * '' GLGMAu (V) It is not difficult to establish that: ) () ( ' GLGMA = [ ]GLMA - ) ( (VI) Also, substituting [ ]'' GLMA ) ( in place of A in ( V). [ ]{ }'-GLMA ) ( *u = [ ]{ }'' GLMA ) ( *u = [ ]{ }) () ( ) ( * GLGMGLMA ''u + [ ] [{ }] ) () ( ) ( * ''' GLGMGLMAu + [ ]{ }) () ( ) ( * GLGMGLMA '''u + [ ]{ }) () ( ) ( * '''' GLGMGLMAu (VII) We can easily prove (1), (2), (3) and (4) below. [ ] ) () ( ) ( GLGMGLMA '' = ) () ( GLGMA (1) [ ] ) () ( ) ( ''' GLGMGLMA = ph (2) [ ] ) () ( ) ( GLGMGLMA ''' = ) () ( GLGMA ' (3) [ ] ) () ( ) ( '''' GLGMGLMA = ( ) ( )'' GLGMA (4) From (V), (VI), (1) ,(2), (3), and (4) ()[ ] { }GLMAA - =* )( *u u ( )[ ]{ }'- + GLMA*u Hence ()GLM - is -*u measurable for any .SG Hence ( M-L) is -**u measurable i.e. (M-L) S (VIII) From (I) and (VIII) S is a ring. Theorem 3.2 If *u is an outer measure on a hereditary ring -s H and if S is in the class of all -**u measurable sets, then S is a . ring -s Proof: Let ,,2 1LL ... be an infinite sequence of sets in S Then for any SG, SGLi ; i = 1, 2,... ( )()()SGLGLGLL = ... ...2 1 2 1 since S is an rAring (Theorem B Hence ( ) SLL ...2 1 Hence S is a sA ring. Definition Let u~ be a set function defined on S by =)(~Pu SPTP ST ), ( * supu Lemma 3.3 If HA and if {}nL is a disjoint sequence of sets in S with LL nn= =U 1, then STsup ( )TLAn n =1*u = =1sup nST ( )TLAn*u Proof Let ( )TTAn*u take its maximum value for nTT= and let . 1UT nn= =U Then SU and ) ( * ) ( * sup ULATLAn n ST = u u (I) Suppose that ( ) ( ) . * * 1 1ULAVLASVn nn n > = =u u Then some value of n, N says, ( )( ), * * ULAVLAn n > u u contradicting (I). Hence ( ) = 1* sup nn STTLAu = ( ) = 1* nnULAu == 1sup nST ( )TLAn*u Theorem 3.4 If HA and if { nL} is a disjoint sequence of sets in S with , 1LLnn= =U then ) (~) (~ 1n nLALA = =u u Proof Let T be an arbitrary element of .S Then } {TLn is a disjoint sequence of sets in S and ) ( 1TLVTLnn = =. Hence ) ( * ) ( * 1TLATLAn n = =u u from Theorem 11.B, by [5] ] )( [ * sup 1TLAn nST =u = = 1) ( * sup nn STTLAu from the previous lemma. i.e. ) (~) (~ 1n nLALA = =u u Definition The set function u is defined on S by ),( * )(EEu u= for .SE Remark u is a complete measure on .S(Theorem 11 (c), [5]). Lemma 3.5 ( ) = TLn nST 1sup u = =1sup nST ()TLnu where {}nL is a disjoint sequence in .S Proof As S is monotone, it is easy to show that nT ) (TLnu takes its maximum value for .nTT= Let . 1U == nnTU Then SU and ) ( ) ( sup ULTLn n ST = u u = 1) ( sup nn STTLu = = 1) ( nnULu = = = TL nn STU 1supu = = 1) ( sup nn STTLu Theorem 3.6 If *u is an outer measure on a hereditary -sring E and if S is the class of all * *u A measurable sets, then every set of outer measure zero belongs to S and u~ is a complete measure on .S Proof : If EE and 0 )( *=Eu , then for any , and HASG )( * )( * )( * AEA u u u + = . () [ ] () [ ]cGEAGEA + >= * * u u Since () [ ] () [ ]cGEAGEAA + <= * * )( * u u u , () [ ] () [ ]cGEAGEAA + = * * )( * u u u . Hence .SE Countable Additivity. Let {}nL be a disjoint sequence in .S For any ,ST = ( ) =U 1nnTLu = ( )TLn n =1u since u is a complete measure on .S (Theorem 11.c [5]). = TL nn STU 1supu = ( ) = 1sup nn STTLu = ( )TLn nST =u 1sup (by the previous lemma). STsup = =1nSTsup()TLn *u i.e. ( )n n nNLL = == 1 1~ ~u uU . u~ is count ably additive and hence a measure . Completeness If CFSE , and (), 0~=Eu then ()0~=Fu and so .SF Hence u~ is complete. Remark u~ is called the measure induced by . * u Theorem 3.7 Every set in ) (RS is . measurable**-u Proof: Let .SE For any element G of S, .SGE Hence E is -**u measurable. SE SS Since SR (Theorem A, page 49, [5]), .SR Since S is a -sring. . )(SRS Theorem 3.8 If ), (RHE then { }SFEFE = : )(~inf)( * u u = inf { })( : )(~RSFEF u Proof : Recall that ( ) = = = U 1 1 and : inf)( * nn n nn EEREE F u u If ,RF then, by the above definition, ). ( )( *FFu u = Since ,RF ,SF SF. STF = sup)(~u )( *TFu = ) ( *Fu , if RF )(Fu = ) (~Fu From (I), ( ) ( ) . and , :~inf)( * 1 1 >= = = U nn n nn EERSEE E u u Since every sequence {}nE of sets in S (R) for which FEE nn= =U 1 may be replaced by a disjoint sequence with the sam e property without increasing the sum of the measures of the terms of the sequenc e, and since, by the definition of u~, SFFE >= ),( * )(~u u it follows that () () { }RSFEFE >= :~inf)( * u u (){ }SFEF >= :~infu (){ }SFEF >= : * infu )( *Eu>= and the result follows. Remark Given n measure spaces ( ),,,iiiSXu with the sSi, being mutually disjoint, the measure a Tu can be defined on the space T, where = = =.,...,2 , 1 , 1niSAATiin iiU and = == n iin iiT AA 1 1Uu T can be defined in a variety of other ways. We can also consider the outer measure *iu and set function iu~associated with each , ,...,2 , 1 .nii=u , and investigate the measure induced by the . ' siu REFERENCES [1] DaoAXing X (1972) Measure and Integration Theo ry on Spaces, translated by Elmer J. Brody. Academic Press. [2] Dubins LE (1974) On the LebesgueAlike extension of finitely additive measures. Ann. Probab. Vol. 2, No. 3, 456A463. [3] Fric F (2002) Lukasiewicz tribes are absolutely sequentially closed bold algebras, Czechoslovak Math. J., Vol. 52, No. 4, 861A874. [4] Fric R (2005) Extension of measures: a categori cal approach, Math. Bohem. Vol. 130, No. 4, 397A407. [5] Halmos PR(1950) Graduate Texts in Mathematics A Measure Theory, [6] Krawczyk A and Zakrzewski P (1991) Extensions o f measures invariant under countable groups of transformations, Trans. Amer. M ath. Soc., Vol. 326, No. 1, 211A226. APPENDIX Detailed Proof of Theorem 3.1 Proof Let . ,SML Then for any GLSG , and .SGM Now, ) () ( ) ( GMGLGML = Since SGMGL , and S is a ring. SGMGL ) () ( SGML ) ( SML (I) We now show that . , ) ( SGSGLM - Since GM is -*u measurable, =)( *Au [ ][ ]) ( * ) ( * ' + GMAGMA u u (II) Since GL is -*u measurable, [ ]) ( *GMA u =[ ][ ]) () ( * ) () ( * ' + GLGMAGLGMA u u (III) Also, [ ]) ( * 'GMAu =[ ][ ]) () ( * ) () ( (* '' +' GLGMAGLGMA u u (IV] Substituting (III) and (IV) into (II) )( *Au = [ ]) () ( * GLGMA u + [ ]) () ( * ' GLGMAu + [ ]) () ( * GLGMA 'u + [ ]) () ( * '' GLGMAu (V) Now ) () ( ' GLGMA = ) () ( GLGMA '' = GGMALGMA '' () ( = [ ]GLMA ' ) ( = [ ]GLMA - ) ( ( VI) Also, [ ]{ }'-GLMA ) ( *u = [ ]{ }'' GLMA ) ( *u = [ ]{ }) () ( ) ( * GLGMGLMA ''u + [ ] [{ }] ) () ( ) ( * ''' GLGMGLMAu + [ ]{ }) () ( ) ( * GLGMGLMA '''u + [ ]{ }) () ( ) ( * '''' GLGMGLMAu , (VII) substituting [ ]'' GLMA ) ( in place of A in ( V). [ ] ) () ( ) ( GLGMGLMA '' = ) () () ( GLGMGLMA '' = [ ] ) () ( ) ( GLGMLGMA ' = ) () ( GLGMA (1) [ ] ) () ( ) ( ''' GLGMGLMA = ) () () ( GLGMGLMA '''' = ) () ( LGMGLMA ''' = ) () ( LGMLGMA ''' = ph (2) [ ] ) () ( ) ( GLGMGLMA ''' = ) () () ( GLGMGLMA '''' = ) () ( GLMGLMA ''' = ph'' ) () ( GLMGLMA = ) (GLMA '' = ) () ( GLGMA ' (3) [ ] ) () ( ) ( '''' GLGMGLMA = ) () () ( GLGMGLMA '''''' = [ ][ ] { }) ( ) ( ) ( GLGGLMGLMA '''''''' = [ ][ ][ ] { }) ( ) ( ) ( '''' GLGGLMLGMA = [ ] [ ] { } [ ] { } [ ] [ ]) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ''''''' GLGGLGLGMLGMA = [ ] ( ) ( ) ''' GLGMLGMA ) ( = ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) '' '' GLGMLGLGMA = ( ) ( ) ( ) ''' '' GLGMLGLGMA ) ( = ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) '' '' GLGMGLGMA = ( ) ( ) ( ) ''' GLGLGMA = ( ) ( ) ( ) [ ] { }GLGLGMA '''' = ( ) ( ) [ ] { }GLUGMA ''' = ( ) ( )'' GLGMA (4) From (V), (VI), (1) ,(2), (3), and (4) ()[ ] { }GLMAA - =* )( *u u ( )[ ]{ }'- + GLMA*u Hence ()GLM - is -*u measurable for any .SG Hence ( M-L) is -**u measurable i.e. (M-L) S (VIII) From (I) and (VIII) S is a ring.
Peter Chami
Peter S Chami and Norris Sookoo
Induced Measures on "Mu**"- measurable Sets
We investigate extension of a measure to a very general set of undetermined structure. Structure may be imposed on this set in special cases
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Feb 2008 19:23:22 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chami", "Peter S", "" ], [ "Sookoo", "Norris", "" ] ]
2 Zirm et al. Fig. 1.-- diagram for the MRC 1138-262 NICMOS field (o pen black circles). The large yellow star is the radio galaxy itself. The blue background points are fr om the NICMOS data of the Ultra Deep Field and Hubble Deep Fiel d North. The deep fields cover 2.5x the area of our observations. Also s hown are the confirmed Ha(orange filled circles) filled circles) emitters. The three dot-dash lines sh ow where the CMRs of lower redshift clusters would lie under d The top line is the Coma cluster with no evoluti on, simply redshifted to z= 2.16 and observed through the NICMOS filters. The next line down is the same but for the z= 1.24 cluster RDCS1252. Finally, if we passively de-evolve RDC S1252 to redshift z= 2.16 (almost exactly two Gyr), assuming a median age for the 1252 g alaxies of about 3 Gyr (or zform~3), we get the third line. more than 100 candidate companion galaxies. This tar- get served as the proof-of-concept for the successful VLT Large Program summarized in Venemans et al. line-emitting aandHa), galaxies and red et al. 2002; Kurk 2003; Kurk et al. 2004a,b; Croft et al.2005;Stevens et al.2003). FifteenoftheLy a and 9 of the H aemitters have now been confirmed to lie at the same redshift as the ra- dio galaxy. The I-K-selected Extremely Red >4.3 Vega) seem concentrated around the RG but have no spectroscopic redshifts at this time. However, by obtaining deep images through the which effectively span the4000@A-break at z= 2.16, accurate and precise colors and basic can be measured for the red galaxy population. In this paper we present the first results from this project. The article is organized as follows: in Section SS??we describe the data and in Section SS??we present the comparison be- tween the red galaxy counts in this field and in deep field data, in Section SS??we present the full and our fits to the red sequence. We use a (ohmL,ohmM) = (0.73,0.27),H0= 71 km throughout. At z= 2.16 one arcsecond is equiv- alent to 8.4 kpc. All magnitudes are referenced to the AB system (Oke 1974) unless otherwise DATA REDUCTIONS Nascent Red-Sequence at z~2 3 Fig. 2.-- diagram us- ing the ACS and NICMOS data. Arrows represent limits where the galaxy is only detected in a single band for that color. Fi lled circles indicate -confirmed Lyman- a(green) and H-a(orange) emitting protocluster members. Theyellow staris the radio galaxy. The blue, green and red grids indicate the regi ons oc- cupied by galaxies with an star-fo rmation ratet= 0.15 Gyr (red), t= 0.4 Gyr (green) and a t= 1000 Gyr (blue) at z= 2.16 for three ages (0.1, 1 and 3 Gyr) and two different extinctions ( E(B-V) = 0.0,1.0). The NICMOS instrument on-board HSTis capable of deep near-infrared imaging more quickly than from the ground but with a relatively small In the case of MRC 1138-262, we know that galaxies are overdense on the scale of a few ar- cminutes (Kurk et al. 2004a; Croft et al. 2005) and are thus well-suited for observations with NICMOS camera 3 onHST. We used 30 orbits of HSTtime to image 10 of the 24 confirmed members and ~70 of the can- didate (narrow-band excess sources and EROs) proto- cluster members in both the We used seven pointings of NICMOS camera 3 in both fil- ters and one additional pointing in H160alone. This single 'outrigger' H160pointing was included to optical morphological information for a candidate members. These an AB limiting magnitude ( m10s; 10s, 0.''5 diam- eter circular aperture) of m10s= 24.9 mag in J110and m10s= 25.1 mag in H160. The same field was imaged in theg475(m10s= 27.5 mag) and I814(m10s= 26.8 mag) filters using the Wide-Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys on HSTas part of a Guaranteed Time program (# 10327; Miley et al. 2006). These opti- cal data areuseful for their higher coverage of the rest-frame far-UV, thus extending the observed SEDs of candidate protocluster members the emitted spectrum. In allow us to partially star-formation from evolved stellar populations in the candidate RS from the HSTarchive, the IRAF task PED- SKY and the dither/drizzle package to combine the im-agesin a mosaic. The dither offsets wererefined with one of Alignment of the to each other was accomplished using a rebinned version of the ACS I814image as a reference. The final mosaic has a pixel scale of 0 .''1. Galaxies were selected using the H160-band image for detection within SExtrac- tor (Bertin & Arnouts 1996). We used a 2 with a minimum connected area of 10 pixels. We also corrected the NICMOS data for the non-linearity (de Jong 2006). Total were estimated by using the MAG AUTO values from were determined by (Bertin & Arnouts 1996) in two-image mode using the H160image for object detection and The J110image wasPSF-matched to the H160 band. The resulting colors and magnitudes are shown in Figure 1. For galaxies which are not detected at 2 s significance in the J110-band (those to the right of the thick dashed line, representing J110,tot>26.7, in Fig. 1) we consider the color to be a lower limit. We also measured similarly PSF-matched, isophotal colors using the two ACS bands and have used them to construct a di- agram (Figure 2). We compared these colors to those of model SEDs for different ages, star-formation his- tories and dust extinctions. Using the 2007 Charlot & Bruzual population synthesis models we have con- structed spectral energy distributions for galaxies with an star-formation rate with time constants of t= 0.15,0.4,1000.0 Gyr (the red, green and blue grids in Fig. 2 respectively). Each model's colors are calculated for ages of 0.1, 1 and 3 Gyr and forE(B-V) = 0.0 and 1.0. Aging of the population moves primarily the J110-H160color to the red while the dust extinction significantly reddens the g475-I814 color. From this analysis it appears that the t= 0.4 Gyr model represents well the colors of a majority of the extend the wavelength coverage for the protoclus- ter galaxies we also incorporated ground-based Un-band data from LRIS-B on the Keck telescope, Ks-band imag- ing from VLT/ISAAC and three band IRAC imaging (the 3.6, 4.5 and 5.8 um bands) from the Spitzer Space Telescope . The Keck U-band data (PI W. van ISAAC data (PI G. Miley) were taken in Period 73 in service mode. The Spitzerdata are from the IRAC Guaranteed Time program (PI G. Fazio, Program #17). We have smoothed the imaging data for all bands, apart from the IRAC data, to match the resolution of the Un- band image (approximatedby a FWHM then used SExtractor to measure galaxy a 0 .''5 radius circular aperture for each smoothed image. To incorporate the IRAC data, which has much poorer angular resolution, we derived aperture magni- tudes which were then corrected to match the smoothed data. These aperture corrections were derived using the photometric curves-of-growth for 20 stars in the field. The resulting catalog was used to generate estimates as described below in Section REDSHIFTS4 Zirm et al. Fig. 3.-- upper panel: Distribution of high-confidence ( redshifts and their selection function assumi ng a uni- formN(z) for our model template galaxies (yellow curve) galaxies in the MRC 1138-262 NIC- MOS field. The peak between z= 2.1 andz= 2.4 is significant. middle panel: Sum of redshift probabili ty distri- butions for all the galaxies in the upper panel. 38.5% of the t otal probability is contained in the redshift interval from 2 to 2 .3. lower 2 panels: two examples of the probability distribution func tion for individual galaxies We have used the ACS ( g475,I814), NICMOS ( J110, H160), ground-based Un-band from Keck/LRIS-B, KS- band imaging from VLT/ISAAC and to estimate photometric redshifts for our H160- band selected sample. We input a catalog of aperture galaxy magnitudes, based on the matched, smoothed images described above, into the Bayesian photomet- ric redshift code (BPZ) of Ben' itez (2000) using a uni- form prior. We felt that the default prior, based on optical galaxy selection and spectroscopy in the HDF- N, would not necessarily represent the redshift dis- tribution for our near-infrared selected galaxies. We generated our own extensive set of template spectral energy distributions using the models of Charlot & Bruzual (2007). All these SEDs are tmodels with values for t= Gyr and ages = We also included mod- els with internal dust extinction ranging from E(B- V) = mag and metallicity of (Z/Z) = [0.3,1.0,2.5]. We focused particular attention on In the upper panel of Figure 3 we present the high photo- zdistribution for the NIR-color subsample. We ran by redshifting our template set, adding ap- propriate photometric errors and using BPZ to recover the redshifts. The yellow curve represents the function for this color cut, template set and fil- ters assuming that these model galaxies follow a uniform N(z) over this redshift interval. The simulation results were free of significant systematic errors and the random errors are estimated to be dz/z~0.1. Based on these SED fits, the approximate ages of the red galaxies lie between 1 and 2.5 Gyrs and theirstellar masses are of order a few x1010M. These stel- lar masses are reasonable as are the absolute magnitudes (see Figure 6). More detailed SED modeling is deferred to a future paper. There is a clear excess of galaxies between z= 2.0 and z= 2.5. For each galaxy fit by BPZ we have generated the full redshift probability distribution. In the lower panel of Fig. 3 we show the H160-band these probability distributions. There is a clear peak (containing 38.5% of the total probability compared to only 17% of the total selection function in the same red- shift interval) between z= 2.0 andz= 2.3, consistent with the significant peak in the redshift histogram itself. 4.NICMOS GALAXY camera 3 provides good angular resolution over its entire field-of-view. The FWHM of the PSF in our final mosaic is 0.''27. To exploit this resolution we have used the GALFIT code (Peng et al. 2002) to fit an- alytic S' ersic profiles (Sersic 1968) to all theH160<=24.5 sources in our H160-band mosaic. individually by generating a TinyTim simulated PSF (Krist 1993) at the galaxies' positions in each fashion as for the data themselves (see Zirm et al. 2007). We restricted the S' ersic index, n, to be between 1 and 5. We will present a full analysisof the morphologies of these galaxies in a future paper. For the current work, we use these derived sizes and profile shapes to assist us in selecting the morphological early-type members of the red galaxy population. In Figure 4 we show the distribution of galaxy ages de- rived via these SED fits as parametrized by the tvalue for the best-fitting model for those galaxies with high and low S' ersic index ( n>=2.5, red line, and n <2.5, blue Fig. 4.-- Distribution of inferred stellar ages (in terms of t) for both the concentrated ( n>=2.5, red line) and diffuse ( n <2.5, blue line) galaxies which are well-resolved in the NICMOS da ta. Constant star-formation models, for which the e-folding time is infinite, are placed at the left-hand edge of the plot. The blu e and red distributions are quite different. Of particular not e is that the most evolved galaxies generally have high nwhile the low n galaxies dominate the star-forming population.The Nascent Red-Sequence at z~2 5 Fig. 5.-- Histogram of the color distributions for the 1138 and deep fie lds (blue). The deep field data has been normalized by total ar ea to the 1138 data. Note the clear excess of red galaxies in the 1 138 field. At 1 (horizontal dotted lines) for than the 2 s J110-band limit (dashed line) there is an overdensity of a factor of 6.2 in the 1138 field. line). these distributions they are not identical and that they differ in the sense that one might expect, namely, that the concentrated galaxies appear to be comprised of older stellar populations. This trend gives us some con- fidence in trying to select the early-type galaxies using these data which is important for our discussion of relation in Section ??. 5.SURFACE OVERDENSITY OF RED GALAXIES To compare this protocluster field to more generic 'blank' field data we have compiled catalogs for the public NICMOS data in both the Hubble Deep Field North (HDF-N) and the Ultra Deep Field (UDF). Fig- ure 1 shows the diagram (open black circles) and the color distributions for both the MRC 1138-262 and the combined HDF-N and UDF galaxy catalogs (blue circles). The deep field data selected. The area of the two deep fields is roughly 2.5 times the area of our protocluster ob- servations. We have applied no correction to the deep field number counts to account for clustering in those fields. The color histogram in Figure 5 shows the area- normalized galaxy counts from the two deep fields (blue line) and from the 1138 field to the same (2 s) of J110= 26.7 mag (AB). The red dashed line shows the difference between the two color is clear that the radio galaxy field is overdense in red galaxies by a large factor. For sources with colors be- tween 1, the lines in Fig.1(5), and brighter than our (26.7), we calculate an of 6.2 when compared to the deep fields data. We note that the exact value of the measured overdensity is rather sensitive to systematic color offsets between the protocluster and deep field data. A redward shift of 0.056 Zirm et al. Fig. 6.-- Linear fits to the rest-frame U-B(Vega) color-magnitude diagrams for three different sub-sa mples of the H160-band selected NICMOS sample. Panel (A) shows the fit (solid line) and intrin sic scatter (1 s; dotted lines) for a sample selected to have 1 The crossed-out point are those which are rejected as outl iers in more than half of the realizations (see SS??). Both the observed and intrinsic scatter are smaller than the initial color cut. Panel (B) shows the fit and intrinsic scatter for a p hotometric sample with 2 .0< zphot<2.5. The stars indicate galaxies whose preferred photometric template has an age <4t, while galaxies with older than this limit. Panel (C) sho ws the fit and scatter for those galaxies which meet the same re dshift cut but also are well-resolved with a high S' ersic index ( n >2.5) and best-fit by an age to 5 .0. However, we are confident that these sys- tematic offsets remain small ( <0.05 mag) since we have usedthe sameinstrument, filters, code with very similar input parameters for both the deep field and 1138 datasets. Looking back at Figure 2 we can see that many of the - confirmed line emitters (filled blue circles) and red galax- ies in the overdensity are well-represented by the t= 0.4 Gyr model (green lines) at different ages and current work is not the first to observe red galax- ies in this field. Kurk et al. (2004) identified a small (~1.5x) surface overdensity of extremely red >4.3 Vega magnitudes) using data. Many of these EROs are also identified as red in the NICMOS J110-H160color. More recently Kodama et al. (2007) observed this field us- ing the wide-field NIR imager, MOIRCS, on the These authors found several bright (presum- ably massive) red galaxies over a wider field-of-view but to shallower depths than the NICMOS data presented here. 24 of their color-selected protocluster candidates are within our NICMOS mosaic. 23 of the 24 are iden- tified in our data as being red in J110-H160. Further- more, 18ofthe have J110<26.67) are also identified by Kodama et al. as protocluster candidates. The much larger num- ber of red galaxies in the NICMOS data is primarily due to fainter galaxies detected at high significance in our deeper data. 6.AN EMERGENT RED-SEQUENCE? To study the colors and magnitudes of these galaxies in more detail and to possibly identify a red-sequence in the 1138 field we have split the galaxies into defined by J110-H160color, and morphology (S' ersic index). The first sam- ple (Sample A) comprises all 56 galaxies with 1 andH160<24.5 and includes the ra- dio galaxy itself. Sample B is made up of all 28 galaxies with a robust photometric redshift between 2.0 and andH160<26.0. This liberalcolor cut is included to select galaxies which comprise the largeobserved Finally, sample C contains seven galaxies with the same photometric red- shift cut but which also have well-resolved H160-band profiles with S' ersic index n >2.5. All of these galaxies' SEDs are also best-fit by models with relatively little on-going star-formation. We use a limit of (age>=4xt, cf. Grazian et al 2007 ). C mimics the color, morphological and photo- metric redshift selection of early-type galaxies in clusters atz~<1. The photometry, photo- zs and sizes of the sample C galaxies are listed in Table 1, their distributions are shown in Figure 6 and the two-dimensional spatial distribution of the Sample A galaxies is plotted in Figure 7. We note that because the measured overdensity is a factor of 6, we one of every seven sample A galaxies to be a field galaxy. However, this should not effect our results these three sample selections we have fit a line 6). For comparison to lower redshift galaxy clusters we have transformed our observed J110-H160color into rest-frame using the following (2) The small in these using a family of t-models with a range of ages (0.1-12 Gyr), t(0.1-5 Gyr) and three metallicities (0 .4,1 and 2.5Z). To fit the CMR we used a bootstrap to estimate the erroron the fitted slope. we ran Monte Carlo realizations of the contribution of the photometric errors to the observed color scatter about the fit line, i.e., by fixing a color-magnitude relation we calculate the measurement scatter with zero intrin- sic scatter. We then calculate the intrinsic scatter byThe Nascent Red-Sequence at z~2 7 Fig. 7.-- Spatial distribution of galaxies (red circles) relative to the radio galaxy MRC 1138-262 (yellow star) for the color-se lected sample defined in the text (A) and shown in the first panel of Fig. 6. The irregular black outline encloses the coverage of the 7 NICMO S camera 3 pointing with both (in quadrature) the estimated from the observed scatter. We show these fits (solid line) and the intrinsic scatters (dotted lines) for the three samples (A, B and C) in Figure 6. The fits to both Sample's A and B have nearly identical 0 .027 and 0 .026 respectively, and intrinsic scatters (0 .10 and 0 .12). While these slopes are comparable to those found for the redshift cluster CMRs, the intrinsic scatters are considerably higher. However, the scatter measured for the eight galaxy Sample C is comparable to that of the lower redshift samples but with a much steeper slope (0.130). When these scatters are compared to based on lower redshift clusters 1252.9-2927 at z= 1.24; Gobat et al. 2008) we find that the 1138 protocluster has lower than This may suggest that the 1138 protocluster is in a more advanced evolutionary state than RDCS 1252 was atz= 2.2. We have calculated three representative color- magnitude relations for comparison to the colors and magnitudes of the red galaxies (three dot-dash lines in Fig. 1). We have taken two lower redshift clusters, Coma atz= 0.023 and RDCS 1252.9-2927 at z= 1.24, and transformed them to the observed filters and z= 2.16 under the assumption that the colors do not evolve. In this no evolution case (the two dot-dash lines in Fig. 1) the CMRs appear at the red edge of the observed over- density. There is almost exactly 2 Gyr of cosmic time between z= 2.16 andz= 1.24 in our adopted cos- mology. From Blakeslee et al. (2003) we know that the median redshift of last significant star-formation for the RDCS 1252 galaxies is between z= 2.7-3.6. There- fore, if we observe those galaxies at z= 2.16 they will be significantly younger and hence bluer. In fact, this passively de-evolved line (bluest dot-dash line in Fig. 1, labeled 'zform~3') does fall blueward of the red We discuss the implications for these com- parisons in Section ??. We have also translated the Kodama et al. to our NICMOS filters assuming all the red galaxies lie at z= 2.16. These bright galax- ies also fall along the passively de-evolved line with the radio galaxy. We have used our suite of SED models to estimate the color transformation from J-KSto our NICMOS the Kodama et al. bright red galaxies fall where the RDCS 1252 passive line crosses our color cut atJ110-H160= 1.1. This result hints at a in the red galaxy population of this proto- cluster. Namely, that there are faint red galaxies that are inconsistent with cluster members either due to large amounts of dust, or due to higher redshifts of formation but that the more luminous proto- cluster members may have already finished forming have identified a (6.2 x) and a corresponding photometric redshift 'spike' of red which are likely associated with a at z= 2.16. The optical-NIR spectral energy distributions of these sources suggest that they comprise both evolved galaxies as well as galaxies. Based on our SED fits from the photometric redshift determinations, the approximate ages of these sources lie between 1 and 2.5 Gyrs and their stellar masses are of order a few x1010M. Detailed modeling of the SEDs for the pro- tocluster population, along with their morphologies, is reserved for a future with the CMRs of lower redshift the blue- wardofthe That the redgalax- ies in 1138 are also redder than the zform~3 case sug- gests both that there are galaxies with significant dust content, an by the SED fits, and galaxies. Of course, without a classical, low- scatter red-sequence to use as a baseline there remains8 Zirm et al. TABLE 1 Properties of Red Galaxies in the MRC 1138-262 Field: H160<24.51 ID zphotaOddsbSED TypecS' ersic re re H160dUn-g475 g475-I814 I814-J110 J110-H160 (BPZ) Index ('') (kpc) (AB) (AB) (AB) (AB) (AB) (n) 606 2.04 0.98 1.00 3.4 +-0.4 0.21 +-0.01 1.79 +-0.10 23.09 +-0.03 1.10 0.79 1.18 1.06 507 2.09 1.00 1.00 5.0 +-0.4 0.24 +-0.01 1.99 +-0.08 22.50 +-0.01 28.88 -27.16 2.22 1.52 314 2.10 1.00 1.00 5.0 +-0.7 0.15 +-0.01 1.28 +-0.05 23.03 +-0.01 1.92 1.38 1.89 1.29 586 2.10 1.00 1.00 5.0 +-0.3 0.40 +-0.03 3.34 +-0.23 21.77 +-0.01 1.80 1.89 2.22 1.61 547 2.23 1.00 1.00 5.0 +-0.6 0.12 +-0.00 1.02 +-0.04 22.70 +-0.01 1.30 1.13 1.67 1.36 493 2.25 1.00 1.00 3.5 +-0.3 0.56 +-0.04 4.72 +-0.36 22.75 +-0.02 0.63 1.28 2.19 1.64 312 2.42 1.00 1.00 5.0 +-0.3 0.38 +-0.02 3.20 +-0.19 22.00 +-0.01 -28.02 1.45 1.94 1.55 127 2.44 1.00 1.00 2.7 +-0.6 0.12 +-0.02 1.01 +-0.18 22.64 +-0.01 0.34 1.04 1.37 1.40 aThe errors on these photometric redshifts are approximatel y 0.1-0.2 bThe ODDS parameter approaches unity when the probability di stribution function has a single narrow peakcBest-fit broad-band template type: 0: dusty and star-formi ng 1: quiescent dTotal magnitudes based on the SExtractor MAG AUTO uncertainty in the age of the population as a whole. The results of Steidel et al. (2005) suggest galaxiesare older than their field counter- parts at z~2.3 and that these ages and stellar masses were broadly consistent with evolution to lower redshift cluster galaxies. However, their protocluster andstar-forming. With future spec- troscopy of our red galaxy sample it will be possible to see if these differences persist when looking at a more varied galaxy sample. For three samples ofgalaxiesdrawn from the full H160- band selected dataset we have fit a color-magnitude re- lation and estimated the intrinsic scatter. The CMR at z= 2.16 is not as well-defined as at z~1 or 0. For sample C, made up of 8 galaxies, the color, best-fit spec- tral template, morphology and photo- zall point towards them being galaxies within the proto- cluster. For this small sample, the estimated is rather low and may suggest that these galax- ies represent the forming red-sequence in this protoclus- ter. The slope of this relation is extremely steep com- pared to lower redshift clusters. The slope of the CMR is generally assumed to be a manifestation of the relation and would therefore flatten at higher redshift. The major caveat regarding the steep slope ofSample C is that none of these galaxies are confirmed protocluster members. Therefore, this relation may just be a random, although coincidence rather than a nascent CMR. How- ever, further deep NIR imaging coverage of this field is required to identify additional members of this galaxy class. Support for program # 10404 was provided by NASA through a grant (GO-10404.01-A) from the Space Tele- scope Science Institute, which is operated by the Associ- ation ofUniversities for Researchin Astronomy, Inc., un- der NASA contract NAS 5-26555. The work of SAS was performed in part under the auspices of the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administra- tion by the University of California, Lawrence Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng- 48. JK is financially supported by the DFG, grant SFB 439. WvB acknowledges support for radio galaxy stud- iesat UC Merced, including the workreported here, with the Hubble Space Telescope and the Spitzer Space Tele- scope via NASA grants HST # 10127, SST # 1264353, SST # 1265551, SST # E. F., et al. 2004, ApJ, 608, 752 Ben' itez, N. 2000, ApJ, 536, 571 Bertin, E. & Arnouts, S. 1996, A&AS, 117, 393 Blakeslee, J. P., et al. 2003, ApJ, 596, L143 Blakeslee, J. P., et al. 2006, ApJ, 644, 30 Bruzual, G. & Charlot, S. 2003, MNRAS, 344, 1000 Charlot, S. & Bruzual, G. 2007, in prep Croft, S., Kurk, J., van Breugel, W., Stanford, S. A., de Vrie s, W., Pentericci, L., & R ottgering, H. 2005, AJ, 130, 867 de Jong, R. 2006. 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Andrew Zirm
Andrew W. Zirm (JHU), S.A. Stanford (UC Davis/IGPP), M. Postman (STScI), R.A. Overzier (MPA/Garching), J.P. Blakeslee (HIA), P. Rosati (ESO), J. Kurk (MPIA/Heidelberg), L. Pentericci (Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma), B. Venemans (Cambridge), G.K. Miley (Leiden), H.J.A. Roettgering (Leiden), M. Franx (Leiden), A. van der Wel (JHU), R. Demarco (JHU), W. van Breugel (UC Merced/IGPP)
The Nascent Red Sequence at z~2
8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ (to appear June 1, 2008, v679n2)
We present new constraints on the evolution of the early-type galaxy color-magnitude relation (CMR) based on deep near-infrared imaging of a galaxy protocluster at z=2.16 obtained using NICMOS on-board the Hubble Space Telescope. This field contains a spectroscopically confirmed space-overdensity of Lyman-alpha and H-alpha emitting galaxies which surrounds the powerful radio galaxy MRC 1138-262. Using these NICMOS data we identify a significant surface-overdensity (= 6.2x) of red J-H galaxies in the color-magnitude diagram (when compared with deep NICMOS imaging from the HDF-N and UDF). The optical-NIR colors of these prospective red-sequence galaxies indicate the presence of on-going dust-obscured star-formation or recently formed (<~ 1.5 Gyr)stellar populations in a majority of the red galaxies. We measure the slope and intrinsic scatter of the CMR for three different red galaxy samples selected by a wide color cut, and using photometric redshifts both with and without restrictions on rest-frame optical morphology. In all three cases both the rest-frame $U-B$ slope and intrinsic color scatter are considerably higher than corresponding values for lower redshift galaxy clusters. These results suggest that while some relatively quiescent galaxies do exist in this protocluster both the majority of the galaxy population and hence the color-magnitude relation are still in the process of forming, as expected.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 21:00:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zirm", "Andrew W.", "", "JHU" ], [ "Stanford", "S. A.", "", "UC Davis/IGPP" ], [ "Postman", "M.", "", "STScI" ], [ "Overzier", "R. A.", "", "MPA/Garching" ], [ "Blakeslee", "J. P.", "", "HIA" ], [ "Rosati", "P.", "", "ESO" ], [ "Kurk", "J.", "", "MPIA/Heidelberg" ], [ "Pentericci", "L.", "", "Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma" ], [ "Venemans", "B.", "", "Cambridge" ], [ "Miley", "G. K.", "", "Leiden" ], [ "Roettgering", "H. J. A.", "", "Leiden" ], [ "Franx", "M.", "", "Leiden" ], [ "van der Wel", "A.", "", "JHU" ], [ "Demarco", "R.", "", "JHU" ], [ "van Breugel", "W.", "", "UC\n Merced/IGPP" ] ]
1 Introduction The origin of biological homochirality, that is, the almost exclusive one - handedness of chiral molecules in biological organisms, is a fundamen tal problem for which there is not yet a convincing solution. Several mec ha- nisms have been proposed to explain chiroselection among the two po of a chiral molecule (see for example [1, 2, 3] and refer ences therein). These mechanisms involve chance, b-radiolysis [4], circularly polar- ized light [5, 6, 7], magnetic fields [8, 9], and violation of parity in the weak interaction (see below). The discovery of an excess of L-amino acids in meteorites [10, 11] ha s reinforced the idea of an extraterrestrial origin of biological homo chirality [1, 12]. In this context, universal mechanisms of chiroselection suc h as parity violation in weak interactions would acquire special interest in spite th eir tiny effects, without of course underestimating other mechanisms . The effect of electroweak interactions between electrons and nuc lei me- diated by the Z0, have been extensively studied and observed in atoms (see the review [13]), and only predicted in molecules, where an energy diffe rence between the two enantiomers of chiral molecules has been estimate d to be between 10-16and 10-21eV [14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. In the laboratory, no con- clusive energy difference have been reported in experimental spec reaching an energy resolution of about 10-15eV [19]. The above tiny energy difference would require a powerful mechanis m of amplification in order to induce a real enantioselective effect. Oth erwise the small energy difference would be masked by the natural broade ning of the energy levels of the molecule, thermal fluctuations and environ ment in- teractions, which do not discriminate, in average, between L and D e nan- tiomers. There is active research on amplification mechanisms in which a permanent although very small interaction acting always in the same direction, and under appropriate conditions, could lead to an effective Some mechanisms are based on nonlinear autocat- alytic processes of polymerization or crystallization along a large per iod of time [20, 21]. Another one involves a second-order phase transition below a certain critical temperature [22] that could work at low temperatu res such as those of the interstellar space. However, theoretical or experim ental conclu- sive results from the diverse mechanisms to amplify enantioselection based on electroweak energy difference, are not yet at hand (e.g.,[23, 24]) . 1Another universal mechanism that could discriminate between the t axial-vector interaction mediated by charged electrowea k bosons W+-. This process discriminates on the basis of an asymmetry between t he number of neutrinos and antineutrinos, and that electrons of opp osite have opposite helicity. Considering the cosmological re lic sea of neutrinos, the estimated energy difference between the two en antiomers was found to be even lower than the value 10-21eV mentioned above [25]. However, it could increase significantly under bigger neutrino fluxes , as in supernova remnants [26] assumed that big molecules could survive in Revisited assumptions about the number density of cosmolog- ical neutrinos in the relic sea lead to an increase of the mentioned ene rgy difference, as we shall see in the next section. Looking for other universal mechanisms acting also outside of the E arth, we analyze here the possible enantioselective effect of chiral dark m atter on chiral molecules. The existence of dark matter is inferred from astrophysical obse rvations in light of studies of the dynamics of stars in the local disk environmen t, rotation curves for a large number of spiral galaxies, gravitationa l lensing by clusters of galaxies and some large scale studies of the Universe ( for a recent review of experimental searches for dark matter see for example [27]). A vast variety of candidates have been proposed for dark matter content, from baryonic to non-baryonic matter. The non-baryonic candida tes are basically postulated elementary particles beyond the Standard Mod el which have not been discovered yet, like axions, WIMPs (Weak Interactin g and other exotic candidates. The baryonic candidates a re the Massive Compact Halo Objects (Macho) [28]. Another important diffe rence is the hot versus cold dark matter. A dark matter candidate is called hot if it was moving at relativistic speeds at thetimewhen galaxies couldjust s tart to form, andcoldifit wasmoving atthattime. Thepro blem is that hot dark matter cannot reproduce correctly the observe d structure of the Universe. Therefore we focus our attention on cold dark matt er. The fact that dark matter interacts weakly with matter makes its dete ction very difficult [27]. However many experiments are currently in progress in o rder to reach this goal. Here we estimate the energy difference between the two enantiome rs of a chiral molecule, due to the weak type interaction between non-bar yonic cold dark matter (specifically WIMPs) and molecular electrons with non ze ro he- licity. Experimental results on dark matter are used. Given the res emblance 2in the procedure with the energy difference induced by cosmological neutri- nos, estimated in a previous work [25], we first recall this procedure at the time we improve the result we obtained in that work. 2 Energy difference between opposite enan- tiomers induced by cosmological a previous work [25], we consider interac tions mediated by the axial-vector Hamiltonian (1) whereGFis Fermi's constant, e(n) denotes the electron (neutrino) spinor field, -e(-n) is its adjoint spinor, guare the Dirac matrices (regarded as a four-vector), g5=ig0g1g2g3, andgV,Aare suitable coupling constants the strength of the interactions. As it was discusse d for exam- ple in [29], in the non-relativistic limit it is possible to make the for the dominant temporal components of the fou in the above se*/vector neutrinos) neutrinos) , (2) where the number density differences, to and left-right helicity eigenstates respectively. Obvio usly they are not zero only in the case where there is a net lepton number or he licity in the cosmic neutrinos background. We recall from [25] and [30] tha t for Dirac neutrinos the energy splitting obtained for the electron se*/vector (3) where the expected value of the electron helicity se*/vector opposite signs for the two opposite enantiomers, as we can see from a simplified chir al molecule model [31]. In this model, a dominant axial symmetry around a xis Z, with a perturbative potential of period a, is assumed, so that the electronic molecular states can be described by superp osition of 3eigenstates of both angular momentum Lzand linear momentum Pz(eigen- values -hn(2p/a)), in the These L and R states have then opposite (6) Notice that we are using all the time natural units where - h=c= 1. The spin of the electron can be taken into consideration by replacing Lzwith Jz=Lz+Sz. In a realistic chiral molecule the electronic states would not be eigenstates of the helicity, but its mean value would have opposite sign for L and R enantiomers. The parameter C <1/2 accounts for the degree of chirality. We note that the velocity of the molecule carrier (interstellar grains , me- teorites, the Earth...) does not contribute to the helicity of the elec trons: If /vectorPTis the translational momentum of the carrier, the electronic wave f include the factor the position of the molecule), and the contribution of /vectorPTto the electron helicity is 0, 0 as can be seen from Eqs. (4,5). We also remark that the particle flux is assumed to be isotropic, thus, its int erac- tion with the electrons of a chiral molecule is the same irrespective of the orientation of the molecule. The energy difference that we obtained, assuming complete neutrin o- antineutrino asymmetry, with number density of about 10-2cm-3,C= 1/2, a~1 Angstrom and the electron helicity given by Eq. (6), was of the ord er of 10-26eV [25]. However, it has been recently suggested [29, 32] that, in scenario s beyond the standard model, the density asymmetr ynn-n-n could be up to the order of ~10-1050 cm-3. Although the extreme upper bound density asymmetry seems to be excluded by considerations o f primor- dial nucleosynthesis [33], we consider it to estimate an upper bound o f the energy difference. 4If we take the value nn-n-n~1000 cm-3, we then obtain an upper bound for the energy difference between enantiomers of the order of 10-21eV, per molecular electron with non zero helicity. Evidently this tiny energy ne eds massive amplification mechanisms as those mentioned at the beginning in order to induce an effective 3 Energy difference between opposite mat- ter In a similar way to the interaction above consider ed, we are now to estimate the electron energy splitting induced by the axia between a fermionic dark matter candidate (typically a W IMP) and an electron. The relevant Hamiltonian density can be written (8) wherekhis the dark matter spinor which can be Dirac or Majorana. The indexiruns through i=e,u,d,s, i.e., we are considering also the the dark matter particle and the u,dandsquarks. This will be important later in order to use the present experiments trying to m easure the WIMP flux on Earth to set some bounds on the possible effect of d ark matter on opposite enantiomers. Therefore de,du,ddanddsare the coupling of thekhfield to the different matter fields WIMPs are typical examples of cold dark matter and heavy by defi ni- tion, we can invoke again the non-relativistic limit. Thus, as it was the c ase of neutrinos, for Dirac WIMPs the term - khgukhdominates with the of this vector being proportional to nkh-n-kh. For the Majorana case only the axial vector - khgug5khremains and its temporal component be- comes proportional to nkhl-nkhr, as in Eq. (2). The expression for the corresponding electron energy splitting is s imilar to that of Eq. (3), E~de|n se*/vector (9) where nis the appropriate number density difference corresponding to the Dirac or the Majorana case. In principle these differences depend o n the unknown nature of the dark matter and its evolution along the unive rse history. In the following we will write these differences as |n|=anwhere 5nis the total WIMP number density. Clearly the parameter ais a measure of the degree of or left-right asymmetry pre sent in the the dark matter respectively. For example, in the case of Dirac dar k matter, a= tand a= 0 means a complete symmetry. As in the neutr ino case, interactions between molecular electrons withnonzero helicit y andcold dark matter could lead to an energy difference between the two ena ntiomers of a chiral molecule whenever the parameter ais different from zero. To have an estimation of the energy difference, we consider the interaction between WIMPs and an electron of a chiral molecule. Let r=nMkhbe the energy density of those WIMPs, with Mkhbeing their mass and ntheir number density. The density of WIMPs trapped in the gravitational potent ial wall of the galaxy is expected to be of the order of r~0.3 GeV cm-3. Then the energy splitting can be written as E~dear Mkh| se*/vector (10) In order to see how important this splitting could be, we need to know which values of the coupling constant deare acceptable. In principle there is no any available experimental information about de. However one that could be done is that all the dicouplings are at least of the same order of magnitude. In the absence of a theory of WIMPs this seems to be not so bad assumption since WIMPs does not interact st rongly with matter. If this is the case, one can then use the present boun ds on the elastic cross-section proton -khto get some information about the size of the dicouplings. In order to compute this cross section, one needs to re late with the proton -khcoupling. This can be done by using the effective Hamiltonian (see [34] and references (11) wherepis the proton spinor and suis its spin vector (here we are considering the Majorana case but the Dirac case can be treated in a similar way) . The couplingapis defined (12) The constants are introduced trough the proton matrix 2suq(p). we have u(p)0.78, d(p) -0.5 and s(p) -0.16. Then, byusing standardmethods, which is given in the proton rest frame qis the momentum transfer, vkhis the proton -kh reduced mass the proton mass) is just the non-relativistic cross section fo r van- ishing momentum transfer. Now days there are many experiments a round the world trying to detect WIMPs directly (visit the webpage [35] for com- plete and upgraded report of their main results). Usually they set e xclusion regions on the plane sn-Mkh. From the recent XENON10 2007 [35] we learn for example that, for Mkh100 GeV,snmust be lesser than 10-43cm2 and, forMkh1000 GeV, lesser than 10-42cm2. Assuming for simplicity all the quark couplings to be the same, i.e. dqduddds, we Then we get that for Mkh100 GeV, d2 q<10-13GeV-4. As discussed above we now assume de~dq. Then it is possible to set a bound on the energy splitting which turn to be very tiny even in best case corresponding to Mkh100 GeV. We obtain in this case, with an electron velocity about 10-2, E<=a10-44eV. 4 Conclusion We have analyzed the effect of cold dark matter on the discrimination be- tween the two enantiomers of a chiral molecule whose external elec trons have opposite helicities in the respective opposite enantiomers. The estim ated energy difference between the two enantiomers, due to WIMP-elec tron in- teraction, is found to be extremely small, several orders of magnit ude lower than that induced by electron-nuclei weak interaction. Hence, da rk matter would be discarded as inductor of chiroselection between enantiome rs and then of biological homochirality. By contrast, the enantioselective effect of the cosmological relic sea of neutrinos acquires relevance with the c about the number density of cosmological neutrinos. In this case we obtain an energy difference between 10-23and 10-21eV for the two opposite enantiomers per molecular electron with non zero helicity. T he up- per bound of the energy difference, although could be excluded by r mentioned, reaches the same order of magnitude as the energy dif- ference induced by the well known electron-nucleus electroweak in teraction in some work is supported by DGICYT (Spain) project BPA2005-02327 , M/ESP- 137, and by the MEC (Spain) projects d FIS2004- 03267. The work of P. Bargue~ no was supported by the FPI grant BES-2006- 11976 from the Spanish MEC. The authors would like to thank A. L. Ma roto and R. P' erez de Tudela for useful Bonner, W.A., Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. 21, 59 (1991) . [2] A. Jorissen and C. Cerf, Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. ,32, 129 (2002). [3] D. B. CLine (Ed.), Physical Origin of Homochirality in Life , AIP R.A. Hegstrom, A. Rich and J. Van House, Nature,313, 391 (1985). [5] J. Bailey, A. Chrysostomou, J.H. Hough et al.,Science,281, 672 (1998) [6] J. Bailey, Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. ,31, 167 (2001). [7] M.Buschermhle, D.C.B. Whittet, A.Chrysostomou et al.,Astroph. 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Antonio Dobado
Pedro Bargueno, Antonio Dobado and Isabel Gonzalo
Could dark matter or neutrinos discriminate between the enantiomers of a chiral molecule?
We examine the effect of cold dark matter on the discrimination between the two enantiomers of a chiral molecule. We estimate the energy difference between the two enantiomers due to the interaction between fermionic WIMPs (weak interacting massive particles) and molecular electrons on the basis that electrons have opposite helicities in opposite enantiomers. It is found that this energy difference is completely negligible. Dark matter could then be discarded as an inductor of chiroselection between enantiomers and then of biological homochirality. However, the effect of cosmological neutrinos, revisited with the currently accepted neutrino density, would reach, in the most favorable case, an upper bound of the same order of magnitude as the energy difference obtained from the well known electroweak electron-nucleus interaction in some molecules.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:35:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bargueno", "Pedro", "" ], [ "Dobado", "Antonio", "" ], [ "Gonzalo", "Isabel", "" ] ]
{ 2 { in a pixel with a specied column density rising sharply for N(H2) = 61021 cm2. We determine a relatively low star formation eciency (mass of young stars/mass of molecular gas), between 0.3 and 1.2 percent, and an average star formation rate during the past 3 Myr of 8 105stars yr1. Subject headings: ISM: molecules { individual (carbon monoxide) ISM: (Taurus) 1. INTRODUCTION The close association of young stars and concentrations within molecular clouds indicates that stars form in cloud cores, which are regions of increased density within the bulk of molecular clouds (cf. Beichman et al. 1986). While the evolution from cloud core to protostar is dominated by gravity, the physics controlling the process in which the cores themselves, and the clouds in which they are embedded, are formed and evolve is still quite on the scale of pc to tens of pc molecular clouds are close to satisfying virial gravitational and kinetic energies, the signicance of this equality is not entirely clear. Furthermore, the role of magnetic eld, while often postulated to be uncertain (Shu et al. 1987; Heiles & Crutcher 2005). Finally, the formation of molecular clouds themselves, and their lifetime, remains very much a matter of discussion (e.g. Hartmann et al. 2001) Molecular clouds may be formed by compression of atomic gas, with the and extinction enhancing the formation rate of molecules, starting with H 2, for enables the buildup of a substantial fraction of the total hydrogen density even when the visual extinction A Vis only a fraction of a magnitude. It has also been suggested that the large molecular cloud presence in galactic spiral arms is the result of of molecular material existing in the interarm region, as discussed by Pringle, Allen, & Lubow (2001). While one viewpoint has held that molecular clouds have relatively long lifetimes, and are disrupted only by the energy injected by massive star formation and evolution, another picture is that molecular clouds are relatively transient objects, with the denser regions representing only turbulent uctuations of density rather than bound condensations (see e.g. review by V azquez{Semadeni 2007). These issues have been discussed on global scale, addressing the distribution of clouds and the apportioning of molecular and atomic gas in the Galaxy. They are also very relevant to studies of specic molecular cloud complexes, with one of the best{studied of these being that in Taurus. The structure of the interstellar gas in atomic and molecular form, the stellar{ 3 { population, the issue of star formation rate, and the role of di erent physical processes have all been the subject of numerous papers focused on the Taurus region, primarily because its proximity (140 pc; Elias 1978)1allows very detailed studies of the morphology of the gas and the relationship between gas and stars. The sheer volume of the data that have been obtained and the number of analyses that have been carried out preclude giving a complete listing of the references to Taurus, so we will have to be selective rather than that we may have omitted many valuable very closeness of Taurus means that available instrumentation, particularly at has faced a challenge to cover the entire region with angular resolution sucient to reveal the morphology of the gas. The result has been that previous large{scale surveys of molecular line emission at millimeter wavelengths have been limited to quite low (Ungerechts & Thaddeus 1987). The survey of Ungerechts & Thaddeus (1987) covers essentially all of Taurus and part of Perseus, but the 300angular resolution of the map (obtained by averaging multiple telescope pointings to obtain a larger e ective beam size) yields only 3000 pixels in the 750 square degree region mapped. The pixel size corresponds to a linear size of 1.2 pc at a distance of 140 pc, which is suciently large to blur out structure at important astrophysical scales. In fact, the maps of Ungerechts & Thaddeus (1987), while delineating the large{scale structure quite well, show an almost complete absence of ne detail. This is in part due to the use exclusively of12CO, which is suciently optically thick that signicant variations in column densities can be entirely hidden, as well as to the low angular have been a number of investigations of molecular gas in the Taurus region with higher angular resolution, but these have typically been limited to small subregions within the overall gas distribution. These studies, with '10to 20angular resolution include a few thousand to'30,000 spatial pixels (Schloerb & Snell 1984; Duvert, Cernicharo, & Baudry 1986; Heyer et al. 1987; Mizuno et al. 1995). These studies, with the combination of higher angular resolution and use of the J = 1 !0 transition of13CO do reveal considerable structure in the molecular gas, but have not elucidated its relationship to larger{scale features in the molecular gas distribution. A number of other studies have utilized yet higher angular resolution and di erent tracers to probe gas having di erent characteristic properties over limited regions. Some examples include Langer et al. (1995) employing CCS, Onishi et al. (1996) and Onishi et al. (1998) using C18O, Onishi et al. (2002) using H13CO+, and Tatematsu et al. (2004) 1This value, from Elias (1978), is so entrenched in the literature that we will use it despite the by Hartigan & Kenyon (2003) that the distance should be reduced by about 10%, to 126 pc.{ 4 { employing N 2H+. Many individual cores have been observed in ammonia, a tracer in which they appear relatively well{dened, as indicated by compilation of Jijina, Myers, & Adams (1999). Most of the regions covered by these studies have been pre-selected based on the large{scale surveys discussed above. In these maps, we see indications of ner{scale structure, but the emission is generally quite spatially restricted compared to that seen in the more abundant isotopologues of carbon monoxide. In this paper we present the initial results from a large{scale high angular resolution study of the Taurus molecular clouds using12CO and13CO. The data cover square degrees on the sky (11.5in R.A. by 8.5in decl.) corresponding to a region 28 pc by 21 pc. The reduced maps include 3.2 pixels in each pixel size to 0.014 pc. The linear dynamic range (LDR, dened as map size divided by Nyquist{sampled interval) of the maps thus exceeds 1000, which is the largest of any molecular cloud study carried out to date. The good angular resolution and large LDR together allow us to examine in detail the relationship between the relatively ne structures seen, especially in13CO, with the large{scale distribution of the the young stars in the region, and the magnetic eld. The region of Taurus studied here has been observed using a variety of other tracers. The Leiden/Dwingeloo 21 cm study (Burton & Hartmann 1994) traced the atomic hydrogen in this direction, but with an angular resolution of 350. One investigation (Shuter et al. 1987) used the Arecibo radio telescope having an angular resolution of 40, but included only 1300 positions to probe the self{absorption seen in the 21 cm HI line. This cold atomic hydrogen appears to be associated with molecular gas (Li & Goldsmith 2003; Goldsmith & Li 2005), but the limited sampling of Shuter et al. does not reveal much about its morphology. The far{infrared emission from Taurus has been studied by Abergel et al. (1995), who also compared it to moderate resolution maps of12CO J = 1!0 emission. The dust column density distribution has been examined by Padoan et al. (2002) and does bear a quite to the integrated intensity of13CO and thus to the column density of gas in relatively high extinction regions. We discuss the observations and data reduction procedure in x2. Derivation of the col- umn density in the di erent portions of the maps is presented in x3, in which we also discuss the distribution of column density and mass in the region. We present a brief discussion of the large{scale gas kinematics in x4. We address the relationship of the molecular material and the magnetic eld in x5, and discuss the relationship of the gas and the young stars in the region inx6. We discuss some of the interesting features of the morphology of the gas inx7. We summarize our results in x8.{ 5 { 2. OBSERVATIONS The observations were taken between 2003 November and 2005 May using the Quabbin millimeter wave telescope. The 32 pixel SEQUOIA focal observed the J = 1 !0 transition of12CO and13CO simultaneously. Since the receiver uses ampliers for the rst stage, there is no issue of the sideband gain uncertainty and its e ect on calibration. Sixteen pixels are arranged in a 4 x 4 array in two polarizations. The main beam of the antenna pattern had a full width to half maximum angular width of 4500for12CO and 4700for13CO. The data were obtained using an on{the{ y (OTF) mapping technique. A was observed using position switching several times per observing session to consistency. Details of the data{taking, data reduction, and calibration proce- dures are given by Narayanan et al. (2007). The signals from a band of frequencies around each spectral line were sent to an autocorrelation spectrometer with 1024 lags covering 25 MHz for each spectral line. The lag spacing of the spectrometer system corresponds to 0.068 km s1for13CO and 0.065 km s1for12CO. The data cube of each isotopologue employed in the subsequent analysis included 76 spectral channels for13CO and 80 channels for12CO covering approximately -5 km s1to +14.9 km s1and thus included 2.4 108voxels. As discussed in detail by Narayanan et al. (2007), the overall quality of the data was excellent. After calibration and combination of the 300by 300submaps which were the units in which the data was taken, the data were resampled onto a uniform grid of is very close to the Nyquist sampling interval =2Dfor the 13.7 m diameter at a wavelength of 2.6 mm. The images produced by the combination of the submaps and regridding were 2069 pixels in RA by 1529 pixels in decl., thus spatial pixels resampled onto a uniform 2000grid. The nal data set has a well{ behaved distribution of noise with a mean rms antenna temperature equal to 0.125 K for 13CO and 0.28 K for12CO in channel widths of 0.27 km s1and 0.26 km s1, respectively. We show the basic13CO data in Figure 1, which gives the intensity of the13CO J = 1!0 transition integrated over the velocity range 2 km s1to 9 km s1. This interval all of the emission in the Taurus region, with the exception of some isolated areas with gas at'10 km s1, which may well not be associated with Taurus, and a limited amount of emission in the velocity range 1 km s1to 2 km s1. Figure 2 displays the12CO J = 1!0 peak emission within this same velocity interval. Note that in both of these gures, the emission is not corrected for the antenna eciency. Narayanan et al. (2007) present 2A 16 pixel version of the array is described in Erickson et al. (1999).{ 6 { Fig. 1.| Antenna temperature of the13CO J = 1!0 transition integrated over the velocity range 2 km s1to 9 km s1. The scale is shown in the bar at the right; values have not been corrected for antenna eciency.{ 7 { images of the emission of both isotopologues in 1 km s1bins covering the range 0 km s1 to 13 km s1. It is evident that the12CO is detectable over a signicantly larger area than is the 13CO. Particularly in the northeast portion of the map, we see very extended12CO emission, where there is relatively little13CO. There are also two interesting regions of quite strong 12CO emission, at 4h22m+28300and 4h48m+29400, which are among the warmest and yet which do not show up as signicant local maxima in the13CO (and hence column density). In general, the warmer gas as traced by12CO is seen in regions of high column density, but the amount of structure seen in the optically thick12CO with our , sampling, and sensitivity, is very impressive. Fig. 2.| Maximum antenna temperature of the12CO J = 1!0 transition over the velocity range 2 km s1to 9 km s1. The antenna temperature has not been corrected for the 8 { 3. COLUMN DENSITY, COLUMN DENSITY DISTRIBUTIONS, AND CLOUD MASS 3.1. Mask Regions In order to facilitate analysis of the data to determine column densities, we have broken the Taurus data up into 4 regions, according to the detection or nondetection of12CO and 13CO. The detection thresholds are dened by the requirement that the integrated intensity over the velocity range extending from 0 km s1to 12 km s1be a minimum of 3.5 times larger than the rms noise in an individual pixel over this 12 km s1velocity interval. The median values are Tint= 0.18 K kms1for13CO andTint= 0.40 K kms1for12CO. Since the peak values of the integrated intensity are 6 K kms1for13CO and 18 K peak integrated intensities are 30 to 50 Tint. We dene mask 0 to be the region in which neither12CO nor13CO is detected, mask 1 to be the region in which12CO is detected but13CO is not, mask 2 to be the region in which both isotopologues are detected, and mask 3 to be the region in which13CO is detected but 12CO is not. The di erent regions and the number of pixels in each are given in Table 1. The average spectra of mask 0, mask 1, and mask 2 regions are shown in Figure 3. These proles are valuable for deducing general characteristics of the regions, but it must be kept in mind that the characteristics of the average prole are quite di erent from those of individual proles. The di erence is primarily due to systematic velocity shifts across the cloud; these result in the average spectra being much weaker and broader than The line width of the averaged mask 1 spectra is close to a factor of 2 greater than the average line width of spectra in this region. For mask 2, the ratio is '1.5. Along with this, the peak intensities are much weaker than those seen in individual spectra or even in spectra averaged over a restricted region. Consequently, in determining 1. Mask Regions in the Taurus Map Mask Region Characteristics Number of Pixels 0 neither12CO nor13CO 944,802 112CO but not13CO 1,212,271 2 both12CO and13CO 1,002,955 313CO but not12CO 3,473{ 9 { of the molecular gas, we have used individual spectra wherever possible to derive 3.| Spectra averaged in each of the three signicant mask regions of the Taurus map, arranged from mask 0 (bottom) to mask 2 (top). In each panel, the12CO J= 1!0 spectrum is the more intense (blue), while the weaker13CO spectrum is plotted in red. The scale for the12CO is on the left hand side, while that for the13CO is on the right hand side, expanded by a factor of three relative to that of13CO. The dashed vertical lines delineate the velocity range used to dene the material in the Taurus region. As expected, the lines are strongest in mask 2. The12CO to13CO ratio at the line peak in mask 2 is just over 3, consistent with relatively high optical depth in the more We do see that when an average over 106pixels of mask 1 is formed, we readily see emission in13CO as well as12CO. The ratio of peak intensities is in mask 1 than in mask 2. The value, about 10, is still much less than the ratio [12CO]/13CO], suggesting that the12CO in mask 1, while optically thick, typically has lower opacity than in mask 2.{ 10 { The mask 012CO and13CO spectra show two or three peaks, including velocities for which the emission in mask 2 is very weak compared to that in the range of the peak emission, 5 km s1to 8 km s1. In particular, the 10 km s1emission feature comes from a fairly extended region in the northern portion of our map, but is so weak that only when averaging over modest-sized ( 1 square degree) regions in mask 0 can it be detected. Emission in this velocity range can be quite clearly seen in the mask 1 spectrum, but hardly can be detected in mask 2. This is consistent with it being relatively low average column density material, which is extended over quite large areas. Thus, even in what we consider largely empty regions between the major, well{known subunits of the Taurus molecular cloud complex, there is molecular gas. This is discussed further in the following section. The overall composition of the mask 0 region, particularly the presence of atomic gas, is the subject of another study. The mask 0, mask 1, and mask 2 regions have close to equal numbers of pixels. however, is very di erent. Figure 4 shows the four mask regions. It is evident that the mask 1 predominantly surrounds mask 2, which is consistent with the expectation that both isotopologues are detected in the regions of highest column density (mask 2) while in the periphery of these regions we detect in individual pixels the12CO but not pixels in mask 3 are unusual inasmuch as they exhibit detectable13CO emission but not12CO. There are evidently very few such pixels ( '0.1% of the total), although this number is considerably larger than would be expected purely on the basis of Gaussian On close inspection of these spectra, it appears that the problem is due to very low level baseline imperfections partially canceling the12CO integrated intensity, resulting in a on{detection of this isotopologue. We thus ignore the mask 3 pixels in further analysis of the emission from Taurus. 3.2. Calculation of the Column Density We wish to exploit the large linear dynamic range of our map to examine the structure in the column density, and thus wish to determine the column density for as many pixels as possible. This is also important for accurately determining the total molecular mass of the region. In what follows we divide the problem into two parts. The rst is determination of the carbon monoxide column density. While subject to its own uncertainties due to excitation, optical depth, and limited signal to noise ratio, we can carry out this step of the analysis based only on data in hand. The second step is conversion of the carbon monoxide column densities to molecular hydrogen column densities, and nally to total cloud mass. This is evidently dependent on the processes which determine the fractional abundance of{ 11 { Fig. 4.| Image showing the mask regions (see text for denitions) in the Taurus molecular cloud. Mask 0 is shown in black, mask 1 in blue, and mask 2 in red. The relatively few mask 3 pixels are not shown.{ 12 { the various isotopologues observed. Since the additional uncertainties in the second step are large, we present results rst in terms of the carbon monoxide distribution and results for the molecular hydrogen distribution and the total molecular mass. This second step should benet signicantly from combination of our data with dust column density determined from e.g. 2MASS data. This e ort is in progress and will be reported in a subsequent Carbon Monoxide Column Density The three di erent di erent regions of the cloud, dened by the detectability of require di erent schemes to determine the carbon monoxide column density. We ignore mask 3 in determining the column density and to the mass of the cloud as we cannot readily correct for the articial non{detections of12CO (discussed above). Its extremely small area and weak13CO emission make its contribution negligible. Mask 2 represents the portion of the cloud that is most conventional in terms of column density determination. Since we have both12CO and13CO in each pixel, we determine the kinetic temperature from the peak value of the12CO (with appropriate correction for antenna eciency). Here (as well as for other mask regions), we use the maximum of12CO in the velocity interval between 0 km s1and 12 km s1. The is distributed from 3 K to 21 K, but with the vast majority of positions having kinetic temperatures between 6 K and 12 K. Since mask 2 is the densest portion of the cloud, we assume that the13CO levels are populated in LTE at the kinetic temperature, but we calculate a nominal value for the optical depth from the ratio of the peak13CO using the usual equation of radiative transfer in a uniform medium. We assume a 12CO to13CO abundance ratio of 65, very close to the average value for local clouds found by Langer & Penzias (1993). We use the value of optical depth obtained to make a to the13CO column density derived assuming optically thin emission, with the usual formula N(13CO corrected) = N(13CO assumed optically (1) Mask 1 presents the greatest challenge in terms of column density determination since it encompasses approximately one third of the area mapped and has reasonably However, since the13CO is not detected in individual pixels, we need a di erent scheme to extract the column density. We have developed a statistical approach, which should be applicable to other large maps in which only the more abundant isotopologue is detected in individual pixels. The procedure assumes that the12CO is optically thick at{ 13 { its peak, and that the value of the antenna temperature can directly be converted to the excitation temperature of the12CO. Since mask 1 points lie at the periphery of the regions of high extinction and greater molecular column density (as witnessed by the detection of 13CO in each mask 2 pixel), they encompass lower column density gas which is by lower volume density. Therefore we cannot assume that LTE applies as it does in mask 2. Approximately half of the mask 1 positions have an excitation temperature 7.5 K, and if in LTE the gas would have to be unusually cold. It is thus reasonable to assume that this gas is subthermally excited. To analyze positions in mask 1 we use a transfer analysis employing a spherical cloud large velocity gradient (LVG) code to compute the line intensities (e.g. Snell 1981; Goldsmith, Young, & Langer 1983). We are using an LVG model largely as a tool to characterize the e ect of trapping, which is important for excitation of CO at lower density. We do not believe it any statement about the detailed kinematics of the gas. The sensitivity of our results to the details of the velocity eld should be quite small. We have assumed that the kinetic temperature of the mask 1 region is uniformly 15 K, somewhat higher than well-shielded dense gas, which is plausible in view of in the peripheral regions surrounding regions of high extinction. (e.g. Li, Goldsmith, & Menten 2003). We take advantage of the large number of pixels in our map, and bin the data according to the excitation temperature of the12CO determined as described above. In each bin, we have a sucient number of pixels that the13CO J = 1!0 line is detected with good signal to noise ratio. For each Texbin, we then have the12CO excitation temperature and the integrated intensity ratio. The data generally have the ratio decreasing with increasing Tex, from'22 forTex= 4.5 K to'13 forTex= 2.5 K. The free parameters are the12CO column density, the H 2density, and ratio. The latter cannot be assumed to be a xed value (e.g. 65), due to the complicating presence of isotopic enhancement due to chemical and/or photo e ects (e.g. Watson et al. 1976; Bally & Langer 1982; Chu & Watson 1983; Van Dishoeck & Black 1988). We thus consider R=12CO/13CO between 25 and 65. With three free parameters and only two observables, we cannot uniquely determine the properties of the gas in mask 1. Rather, we compute for each Texbin, a family of R, density and CO column density per unit line width solutions. If we knew a priori the value ofR, then we could compute a unique density and CO column density per unit line width for eachTex. With no knowledge of R, then the values of density and CO column density per unit line width span a range of approximately a factor of 4, with density and CO column density per unit line width inversely correlated. The family of solutions for the of the gas show some signicant general characteristics. First, for higher values ofTex, only solutions with R50 t the data. This is encouraging as the higher excitation{ 14 { gas has on average the largest column density and we do not expect signicant fractionation in the more shielded regions. On the other hand, for lower values of Tex, values ofRas large as 65 are excluded, and the range of acceptable solutions gradually shifts from R50 at Tex= 7.5 K to values of R30 atTex= 4.5 K. Correspondingly, the allowable solutions for the gas density and CO column density per unit line width decrease with temperature. This trend again is consistent with increasing fractionation in the less well{shielded regions at the periphery of the clouds (see Liszt 2007) for a discussion of this e ect in di use clouds). These regions dominate the positions found within our mask 1. This result agrees with the behavior found in previous observational studies (e.g. Goldsmith et al. 1980; Langer et al. 1980; Young et al. 1982; Langer et al. 1989; Goldsmith & Li 2005; Kainulainen et al. 2006). It is not possible to model the mask 1 observations with a xed value of the in situ carbon monoxide isotopic ratio but rather require that the value of Rvary signicantly with excitation temperature. We have chosen solutions such that Rvaries smoothly from a value of 65 atTex12.5 K to a value of 30 for Tex= 4.5 K. With this choice of R, we nd that the gas density and CO column density per unit line width both increase monotonically with increasing excitation temperature. The solutions we have chosen are shown in Table 2 and in Figure 5. We emphasize that these solutions are not unique, but depend on our choice of R. However, the general behavior of the solutions are physically plausible, given that we expect the excitation temperature to increase as one moves from the cloud interior to the cloud periphery. This suggests that binning by Texis a useful approach, and gives us a on how the physical conditions vary as a function of excitation temperature and position in the cloud. Our assumption of 15 K for the kinetic temperature is a potential source of error in determining the carbon monoxide column density. To assess this, we have carried out using a kinetic temperature of 25 K which seems an upper limit to what one might expect in a cloud edge in a region with modest UV intensity. We nd that for this value of the kinetic temperature, the column density per unit velocity gradient is approximately a factor 1.5 larger than for a kinetic temperature of 15 K, and the derived H 2density is a factor of 2.5 lower, for an assumed value of R. The same trends of carbon monoxide column density and H 2density as a function of Rare seen for the higher kinetic temperature as for the lower. The uncertainty resulting from the assumption of a xed kinetic temperature is thus of the same order as resulting from our choosing a best value of R, and combining these could yield a factor of 2 uncertainty in N(CO). Observations of multiple transitions of carbon monoxide isotopologues would provide a more accurate estimate of the molecular column density. However, observations of these transitions over a region of comparable size would pose a formidable challenge for currently available telescopes and receiver systems.{ 15 { To obtain the column density for each line of sight, we utilize an analytic t to the relationship between the CO column density per unit line width and the excitation temper- ature obtained for the set of (1:4731016+ 4:6721015Tex). We multiply the results by the observed FWHM12CO line width  vfrom the data. The use of the LVG model introduces some uncertainty because the carbon monoxide excitation is quite subthermal, and the excitation temperature does depend on the optical depth, and is quite di erent for12CO and13CO. Nevertheless, the likely error in the trapping predicted by the LVG and other models is relatively modest compared to other uncertainties inherent in this analysis. In mask 0, after averaging '106spatial pixels, we are able to detect both we thus analyze the emission for the region as if it were a single spatial entity. The general analysis follows the procedure described above for mask 1. The fact that the ratio is'19 indicates that the13CO is almost certainly optically thin. This is also the case for mask 1, and here as well results in the12CO and13CO having quite temperatures due to the radiative trapping for the more abundant we x the kinetic temperature to be 15 K, re ecting increased heating in regions of low extinction, and assume that the average line width is 2 km s1, similar to that observed for the low excitation gas of mask 1. Note that the average mask 0 spectrum (Figure 3) is much broader than 2 km s1, but the large value of the line width re ects changes in the line center velocity over the entire region observed. Following the trend of Rfrom mask 1, we assume this ratio to have a value of 20. The mask 0 data cannot be t satisfactorily by larger values of Rthus conrming that relatively strong isotopic selective e ects are at work in the low density/low column density regions of Taurus. With these assumptions, the parameters we derive, although again not unique as described above, are n(H2) = 75 cm3, andN(12CO) = 7.51015cm2. The carbon monoxide excitation in this region is evidently highly subthermal, consistent with the low derived H 2density and the modest12CO optical depth. This very low value for the density of the mask 0 region gives a reasonably low column density for the of the gas in Taurus. Taking a representative dimension for mask 0 of 1.5 1019 cm2, we obtain N(H2) = 1.11021cm2. This corresponds to A v'1 for the of the cloud, consistent with that determined from stellar reddening (Cernicharo & Gu elin 1987). The spatial distribution of column densities from the three mask regions is shown in Figure 6. The column density for mask 0 is a single value <N(12CO)>= above. The column density distribution in the mask 1 region is a relatively Gaussian distribution with a mean value <N(12CO)>= 3.61016cm2. The column{ 16 { Fig. 5.| Parameters of mask 1 pixels binned by12CO excitation temperature Tex. The bottom panel shows the intensity ratio (left hand scale; triangles), and the number of pixels in each excitation temperature bin (right hand scale; squares). The most common excitation temperatures are between 6 K and 10 K. The middle panel shows the H 2density (left hand scale; triangles) and12CO column density assuming a line width of 1 km s1(right hand scale; squares). These are obtained from the12CO and13CO intensities. The top panel shows the derived12CO/13CO abundance ratio. The H 2density,13CO column density, and the derived12CO13CO ratio all increase monotonically as a function temperature.{ 17 { Fig. 6.| Histogram of12CO column density distributions in mask 0, 1, and 2 regions mapped in Taurus. The mask 0 data are indicated by the vertical dashed line, which represents 106pixels in this region. The distribution for mask 1 is shown by the solid (blue) curve, that for mask 2 by dot{dashed (red) curve, and the combination of the two regions by the long{dashed (black) curve. The abscissa is the logarithm of the12CO column density, dened in bins of width 0.1 dex, except for mask 0 which is a single value. The ordinate is the logarithm of the number of pixels in each column density bin. The total number of pixels included is close to 3.1 million.{ 18 { density distribution in the mask 2 region is at{topped with a mean value distribution of carbon monoxide in the Taurus region is shown in Figure 7. This gure dramatically illustrates the complexity of the molecular gas distribution. The impres- sion given is quite di erent from that of studies with low angular resolution, in that instead of an ensemble of elaxed, fairly smooth condensations one sees a great deal of structure, a strong suggestion of cavities and surrounding regions with enhanced column densities. The large size of the region covered also suggests relationships between the di erent portions of the Taurus molecular region. The most striking of these points will be addressed brie y later in this paper. Fig. 7.| Distribution of carbon monoxide in Taurus region expressed as the logarithm of the12CO column density (cm2) in mask 1 and mask 2 regions. The scale is indicated by the bar on the right hand side. The12CO column density in the mask 0 region (indicated by light grey density) is 7.5 1015cm2, as discussed in the text. The maximum12CO column density is a factor of '100 larger.{ 19 { 3.2.2. Molecular Hydrogen Column Density and Mass Most studies of molecular regions using carbon monoxide have emphasized regions in which the column density is suciently large that dust shielding plus self{shielding result in an symptotic12CO abundance between 0.9 104and 3.0104relative to H 2(see e.g. Frerking, Langer, & Wilson 1982; Lacy et al. 1994). In our study of Taurus, only the mask 2 region is plausibly consistent with this assumption. The remainder of the cloud is characterized by lower densities and column densities, and the fractional abundance of carbon monoxide must be regarded as being signicantly uncertain and likely to be dependent on the is considerable value in trying to make a self{consistent model for the carbon monoxide as a tracer of total molecular (H 2) column density. To this end, we have used the theoretical modeling by Van Dishoeck & Black (1988). We have utilized the curve for IUV= 1.0 (in units of Habings), carbon depletion C= 0.1, and models T1{T6, which correspond to temperature range 40 K to 15 K and n H= 500 cm3to 1000 cm3throughout the model slab being considered. We have used a polynomial t to the data from the in Figure 8 of Van Dishoeck & Black (1988) for the relationship between CO and H 2 column densities. This value of carbon depletion is recommended by Van Dishoeck & Black (1988) as agreeing with the available Taurus data. We also note that the carbon abundance as given by these models of Van Dishoeck & Black (1988) agrees well at low column densities with the UV measurements of Sonnentrucker et al. (2007) and Burgh et al. (2007). The lower CO lines in absorption from di use clouds lying in front of millimeter con- tinuum sources have been observed by Liszt & Lucas (1998). The clouds, analyzed by Liszt (2007) have a range of H 2column density (determined by UV absorption; Federman et al. 1994) which extends from 5 1020cm2to just above 1021cm2, and thus includes our mask 0 (and very low end of mask 1) results. While there is considerable scatter among various clouds having the same hydrogen column density, the best t relationship gives X(12CO) = 5106forN(H2) = 1021cm2. This is quite close to our results and again reinforces the general applicability of a reduced carbon monoxide fractional abundance for low extinction cloud material. The specic parameters we have adopted have been chosen, in addition to being consistent with the measurements of low column density di use clouds, to give good agreement at high column densities with the mm emission measurements of Bachiller & Cernicharo (1986), Cernicharo & Gu elin (1987), and Alves, Lada, & Lada (1999). The strong dependence of CO column density on H 2column density re ects the onset of self{shielding when N(CO) reaches '1015cm2. This produces a rapidly increasing CO fractional abundance as a function of H 2column density in the range covered by the mask{ 20 { 0 and mask 1 regions of our study, and a gradual leveling out of N(CO)/N(H 2) in mask 2. The most signicant di erence is that using this approach we nd that the low CO column densities correspond to considerably larger H 2column densities than would be found if a constant fractional abundance of CO were adopted. We convert our CO distribution to a molecular hydrogen distribution using the nonlinear relationship, and the result is given in histogram form in Figure 8. Fig. 8.| Histogram of H 2column density distribution in Taurus. The distribution of column density in the mask 0 region is given by the vertical (dashed) line, in the mask 1 region by the solid (blue) curve, in the mask 2 region by the dot{dashed (red) curve, and in the combination of the two regions by the long{dashed (black) curve. When compared to Figure 6, it is evident that the varying fractional abundance has re- sulted in a signicant compression in converting the carbon monoxide to H 2column densities. The drop in X(CO) in regions of lower extinction and lower density means that the rela- tively weak emission that we observe there implies a greater H 2column density than would be derived assuming a constant fractional abundance. Taking mask 0 as an example, the CO{ 21 { column density of 7.5 1015cm2, with fractional abundance 7.0 106corresponds to an H 2 column density equal to 1.1 1021cm2using the variable fractional abundance, more than an order of magnitude larger than would be obtained using the canonical abundance of 104. This suggests that the majority of the area within the Taurus molecular cloud complex has a visual extinction from molecular hydrogen on the order of 1 magnitude. This is consistent with the hydrogen column density of mask 1 discussed in the previous section, as well as with the halo component of the HCL2 region discussed by Cernicharo & Gu elin (1987). There is certainly a high column density tail which reaches 1022cm2, but this includes only a very small fraction of the cloud area and mass. While13CO is not the ideal tracer of the densest component of the cloud, this study makes it clear that only about 103 of the pixels with12CO detectable have Av5. Despite the relatively low density in mask 0 and mask 1 regions, the time scale to arrive at the the low fractional abundance of carbon monoxide found there is quite modest. Using the expression from Section 4.1 of Liszt (2007), we nd that if we start with X(e) = 105 andn(H2) = 100 cm3, the characteristic time to reach X(CO) = 105is only105yr. This is consistent with results obtained using explicit time{dependent models with CO formation and destruction by E. Bergin (private communication). Thus, whatever the history of the di use surroundings of dense clouds, the low but signicant abundance of carbon monoxide found there appears entirely plausible. We show the spatial distribution of H 2column density in the Taurus region mapped in Figure 9. The contributions of individual pixels in mask 1 and mask 2 are 50 percent of the total molecular mass of the region is in directions in which 13CO cannot readily be detected in an individual map pixel. From the masses in each mask region, we compute the total mass of the region of Taurus mapped in the present study. The results (including correction for He and heavy elements) are given in Table 3. For mask 0, we have considered the entire area it comprises to be characterized by the single set of conditions derived in the previous subsection, while the contribution of mask 3 has 3 shows that assuming the physically plausible variable fractional abundance of carbon monoxide gives a total mass of the region a factor approximately 2.5 times larger than that obtained using a uniform high abundance characteristic of well{shielded regions. We also see that the contributions from the low column density mask 0 and mask 1` regions are considerably enhanced and that their contribution to the total mass is no longer negligible as would be the case if a constant fractional abundance obtained.{ 22 { Table 2.12CO Excitation Temperature Bins in Mask 1 and Best Estimates of Number of Pixels n(H 2) Observed Ratio 4.5 21.7 32321 125 0.7 30 5.5 21.7 113923 200 1.0 35 6.5 19.6 202328 250 1.4 38 7.5 16.7 245949 280 2.0 40 8.5 14.9 211649 325 2.7 42 9.5 13.9 175431 425 3.1 45 10.5 13.4 122423 550 3.6 50 11.5 13.0 65428 850 3.7 55 12.5 12.8 27387 1200 4.3 65 1The last three columns are model values. Table 3. Mass of Region in Taurus Mapped Mask Region Mass (103M) a b 0 0.1 4.1 1 1.7 7.7 2 7.8 11.8 Total 9.6 23.6 aUsing constant H 2/CO ratio equal to 2104 bUsing H 2/CO ratio with I(UV) = 1.0 andC= 0.1 from Van Dishoeck & Black (1988){ 23 { Fig. 9.| Image showing the molecular hydrogen column density distribution derived from mask 0, mask 1, and mask 2 regions in Taurus. The scale is indicated by the bar on the right, expressed as the logarithm of the derived H 2column density in cm2.{ 24 { 3.3. Cloud insight into the structure of the cloud can be obtained by examining the cumu- lative distribution of cloud mass and area as a function of column density. This information in shown in Figure 10. Our survey focused on the region of the Taurus molecular cloud known to have most prominent high density regions with exceptional chemical diversity (TMC-1; Pratap et al. 1997) and prominent star formation (e.g. L1495). Nevertheless, we see that half of the cloud's mass is in material with N(H 2) less than 2.11021cm2. Only about 5% of the cloud's mass occurs at H 2column densities above 5 1021cm2, or visual than 5. The column density we derive may be modestly underestimated due to in- complete correction for saturation in our13CO observations for large column densities, and as a consequence of molecular depletion at high densities, but even together these e ects are unlikely to increase this fraction by a factor of 2 (see e.g. Alves, Lada, & Lada 1999). The fraction of the cloud area with N(H 2)51021cm2is only 0.02. Another view of the mass distribution can be obtained by attempting to dissect the cloud by extracting the well{recognized high column density regions from the remainder of the gas. In Figure 11 we show the division into eight regions, which together 25% of the area of the map. We have generally followed the region limits and designations given in Fig. 3 of Onishi et al. (1996). We give the mass of each of these regions in Table 4. The total mass contained in these regions, 9807 M, is 42% of the total mass included in the region we have studied, and their combined area is 21% of that of the region we have mapped. However, since we have made an unbiased map of13CO rather than a map restricted to regions of strong intensity (as Mizuno et al. 1995, did in their13CO survey), we include somewhat larger areas. The masses we derive for L1495/B213 and for B18 are approximately a factor of 3 larger than those obtained by Mizuno et al. (1995), and that for HCl2 is a factor of 2 larger. It is evident that a large fraction of the mass even within the boundaries shown in Figure 11 is in relatively low{density gas. Having a well{sampled12CO map of a large region and a mass determination allows us to examine the application of a CO luminosity to mass conversion factor (Dickman, Snell, & Schloerb 1986) to Taurus. In Table 5 we show the results for the di erent mask regions and the total. The entries in the third column are obtained using a conversion factor M( M) = 4.1L CO(K km s1pc2). This value is obtained using the Egret {ray data (Strong & Mattox 1996), and a factor 1.36 for the total mass per H 2molecule (including He and metals) in the gas. For mask 0, the CO luminosity drastically underestimates the mass, due to excitation of the CO and its modest optical depth. For the denser regions, the agreement is much better. The surprisingly close agreement for the complete Taurus region{ 25 { Fig. 10.| Cumulative fraction of Taurus as a function of molecular hydrogen column density. The solid (blue) curve gives the fraction of the area characterized by column density less than specied value, and the dotted (red) curve gives the fraction of the mass Half the area mapped has column density below 1.6 1021cm2, and half the mass of the cloud is included in regions having column density below 2.1 1021cm2.{ 26 { Fig. 11.| Image showing H 2column density overlaid with the eight well-known regions of high column density as designated by Onishi et al. (1996). These regions dene the masses and areas given in Table 4.{ 27 { Table 4. Mass of High{Density Regions in Taurusa Region MassbArea M pc2 L1495 2616 31.7 B213 1095 13.7 L1521 1584 17.6 HCl2 1513 15.8 L1498 373 5.7 L1506 491 7.7 B18 1157 14.5 L1536 978 16.6 Total 9807 123.3 aRegions dened in Fig- ure 11 bIncludes correction for He{ 28 { may, to a certain extent, be fortuitous, but it suggests that use of the12CO luminosity to derive total mass of molecular regions does appear to work reasonably well for regions with only low{mass young stars, as well as for regions with young high{mass stars. 4. LARGE SCALE KINEMATICS OF THE MOLECULAR GAS Previous studies have revealed a variety of motions on di erent scales within the Taurus complex. These include velocity gradients along individual laments possibly indicative of rotation, along with a systematic East{West velocity di erence as one moves across the region. In Figure 12 we show a color{coded image of the integrated intensities in three velocity intervals for the two isotopologues. There is a great deal of structure seen even in this relatively crude representation of the velocity eld. Certain regions, and particularly the edges of particular regions, show up as having signicantly shifted velocities relative to the surrounding gas. This coarsely divided integrated intensity does not give the full measure of the com- plexity of the13CO and12CO line proles in Taurus. An indication of this can be seen in Fig. 20 of Narayanan et al. (2007), in which it is evident that in general the regions lines exhibit this characteristic in both12CO and13CO. Since the visibility of the multiple peaks is approximately equal in the two isotopologues, it is unlikely to be a result of self{absorption, but rather an indication of multiple, kinematically distinct compo- nents. These are most prominent in several regions of Taurus, notably the western part of B18, north of L1521, in B213 and west thereof, and in the southern part of Heiles' Cloud 2. This indicates that some regions are characterized by a considerably greater degree of velocity multiplicity along lines of sight. There does not appear to be any correlation of with e.g. star formation. 5. MOLECULAR GAS AND THE MAGNETIC FIELD The Taurus Molecular Cloud has long been a target for investigations of the eld and its role within the dynamics of the molecular gas component (Moneti et al. 1984; Heyer et al. 1987; Heyer 1988; Goodman et al. 1992; Troland et al. 1996; Crutcher & Troland 2000). Many of these studies have compared the distribution of gas and dust with respect to the magnetic eld geometry inferred from optical of background stars. The relationship of the cloud geometry to the magnetic eld morphology is an essential aspect of models that have been developed for the formation{ 29 { Fig. 12.| Color{coded image of the integrated intensities in three velocity intervals of carbon monoxide in Taurus, with emission at velocities between 3 km s1and 5 km s1coded blue, between 5 km s1and 7 km s1coded green, and between 7 km s1and 9 km s1coded red. Upper panel:12CO with blue{ and red{coded intervals scaled to 7.5 K kms1and the green{coded interval scaled to 15 K kms1. Lower panel:13CO with blue{ and scaled to 5.0 K kms1and the green{coded interval scaled to 2.5 K kms1.{ 30 { of Taurus (Gomez de Castro & Pudritz 1992; Hartmann, & V azquez{ Semadeni 1999). These have hypothesized an initial alignment of a more di use cloud with the Galactic magnetic eld as part of the initial conditions for formation of the dense cloud, with the gas streaming along magnetic eld at intermediate scales ( 1 pc), the situation has become more complex. In particular, toward the western end of the Taurus cloud, the long axis of the L1506 lament is oriented along the eld in contrast to alignments of Heiles' Cloud 2 and the B216 and B217 laments for which the eld is essentially perpendicular to the axis of the et al. 1992). Note that the latter structure is denoted B213 in Figure 11. From this departure from rigorous alignment, Goodman et al. (1992) conclude that either the magnetic eld does not dominate the cloud structure at these scales and densities, or that the optical polarization measurements probe a volume that is spatially distinct from the dense laments. Goodman et al. (1992) demonstrate that polarization by at optical and infrared wavelengths is produced by dust grains within the outer, low column density envelopes of the molecular clouds and provides little or no information on the magnetic eld direction within the high density and13CO data presented in this study a ord an opportunity to extend to lower column densities than these previous investigations. We have used the data assembled by Heiles (2000), taken from other sources, and superimposed this on a gure showing the integrated intensities of12CO and13CO. Figure 13 shows the results. This gure highlights the relationship between the eld direction and the morphology of the dense laments of gas discussed in the references given above. We can use the12CO emission to probe the relationship between the lower column density portions of Taurus and the magnetic eld. This comparison is shown in the top half of Figure 13. Within the faint, low surface brightness12CO emission, we see which are discussed in more detail in x7.2.6. Remarkably, these features within the Taurus Cloud follow the local orientation of the magnetic eld even as the vary from a mean of 53 degrees within the northeast corner of the surveyed area, to 81 degrees within the southwest corner. The alignment of these faint features points toward a strong coupling of the gas with the interstellar magnetic eld. Such strong coupling may be expected in these low column density regions that are more exposed to the ambient, UV radiation eld, which maintains a higher degree of ionization. The origin of these threadlike features and the mechanism whereby they are aligned with the magnetic eld are not established, but we can speculate on several processes that may be responsible. The channel maps of the molecular line emission identify regions of systematic motions over scales from the resolution limit up to 300to 600. If the magnetic{ 31 { Fig. 13.| Upper panel: magnetic eld direction in Taurus superimposed on the12CO antenna temperature distribution integrated over the 5 km s1to 8 km s1velocity range, chosen to emphasize striations and other ne structure. The line segments indicate the direction of the magnetic eld derived from observations of absorption by polarized dust grains; their length is proportional to the fractional polarization. The horizontal bar at lower left in each panel indicates 5% fractional polarization. Lower panel: magnetic eld direction superimposed on the distribution of13CO antenna temperature integrated over the same velocity interval. The integrated intensities for each panel in K kms1are indicated by the bar at the right.{ 32 { eld is well coupled to the neutral gas by frequent ion-neutral collisions but the magnetic energy is small with respect to the kinetic energy of the gas, then the eld can be carried by these large scale ows within the cloud. Correspondingly, the eld lines would be stretched along the direction of the ow. Alternatively, the narrow emission threads may arise from successive compressions and rarefactions of the gas and magnetic eld produced by magne- tosonic waves that propagate perpendicular to the eld. Within the subthermally excited regime, which likely prevails within these regions of low surface brightness, these column density perturbations would produce corresponding variations in the12CO intensity. 6. MOLECULAR GAS AND YOUNG STARS IN TAURUS The distribution of young stellar objects with respect to the molecular gas may o er valuable insights to the formation of stars within a dense interstellar cloud. For comparison with our molecular images, we adopted the set of pre-main sequence stars in the Taurus regions from S. Kenyon (2007 private communication, to be published in 2008). This list is comprised of data from many surveys in optical and infrared wavebands3. The pre{ main sequence stars are divided into three populations according to their colors. If the R-K magnitude is larger than eight, the star is categorized as likely to be a Class I or younger source. If R-K is smaller than eight, the source is likely to be a T-Tauri star. If the source is not detected in either R or K, it is is likely to be in which case it is probably still a protostar, younger than a T-Tauri star. In the region covered by our map, there are a total of 230 stars, 18 of which are Class I or younger, 44 are extended, and 168 are likely to be T-Tauri stars. The stars are shown overlaid on the distribution of the H 2column density in Figure 14. The distribution of pre{main sequence stars generally follows that of the dense gas, although a many of the stars in the older category are located in regions with only di use gas emission. As noted by Hartmann (2002), the young stars are grouped in three nearly parallel bands that are associated with Heiles' Cloud and L1536. The relationship between H 2column density and stellar population is examined further in Fig. 15. Roughly equal number of stars can be found in each of the column density bins spanning the range from 0 to 6 panel). Although the number of stars drops towards higher column density regions, such direct examination of the distribution of stars is somewhat misleading inasmuch as our map includes a substantial area with very 3We obtain essentially the same results using the data compiled by F. Palla, which was also provided to us as a private communication.{ 33 { Fig. 14.| Locations of young stars in Taurus superimposed on map of the H 2column density. The stellar positions are from Kenyon (2007). The diamonds indicate di use or extended sources (of which there are 44 in the region mapped), the squares indicate Class I or younger stars (18), and the asterisks indicate T-Tauri stars (168). It is evident that the di use and younger sources are almost without exception coincident with regions of relatively large column density, while the older stars show a much larger probability of being found in regions of lower column density.{ 34 { Fig. 15.| Upper left: number of stars as a function of column density. The same bins of column density are used in all panels. Upper right: fraction of pixels in each column density bin. Lower left: surface density of stars obtained by dividing the number of stars in each bin by the area of the map corresponding to each bin. Lower right: surface density of stars in each bin for likely class I and di use sources (solid line) and likely T-Tauri stars (dashed line). The division of sources is discussed in the text.{ 35 { weak or no carbon monoxide emission, as shown in the upper right panel of Figure 15. The surface density of stars versus column density is plotted in the lower left panel. A signicant jump in the surface density occurs at around N(H2) = 61021cm2, or roughly, A v= 6, suggestive of a threshold for star formation. Note that the same trend is visible even in a sample of mostly T-Tauri stars (lower right panel). In Taurus, neither the dispersion of gas due to star formation nor the dispersion of stars due to stellar motion is likely to have altered the collocation of very dense gas and highly extincted young stars. The threshold in column density for star formation is consistent with the conclusion of Mizuno et al. (1995) with the di erence being our nding a higher threshold of of 31021cm2. Given the larger number of stars available for the present work, the signicance of the change in the stellar surface density is also higher. With our rather complete coverage of gas and stars, we can examine the relationship of the stellar mass to the gas mass, which denes the star formation eciency (or SFE). From a very simplied point of view of the time evolution of the star formation process, we can dene the star formation eciency in three ways. In the rst, the SFE is dened as the mass of all known young (pre{main sequence) stars divided by the total gas mass. Assuming an average mass of 0.6 solar mass for each of the stars in our sample (following Palla & Stahler 2000) and the total molecular mass of 2.4 104M(Table 3), the star formation eciency thus dened is 0.6 percent. In the second, we dene the SFE more strictly for the current epoch, i.e., counting only the mass of protostars and of dense gas (that in our mask 2 region). The SFE thus dened in this more restricted sense is about 0.3 percent. For the third method, we adopt a less physically motivated but procedurally simple approach of dening the star to be the mass of all pre{main sequence stars divided by the mass of dense gas, we obtain an SFE equal to 1.2 percent. These low values conrm that Taurus is a region of relatively low star formation eciency. Since star formation is an ongoing process in Taurus the SFE as dened will evolve with time. A more meaningful quantity is the star formation rate per unit molecular gas mass. The star formation history of Taurus is a topic of some controversy (cf. Palla & Stahler 2000; Hartmann et al. 2001; Palla & Stahler 2002), particularly the issue regarding whether the star formation rate is presently accelerating or has already reached a peak and is there does seem to be agreement that star formation has been rapid. Star formation in Taurus began over 10 Myr ago, but most of the identied pre-main sequence stars have formed in the past 3 Myr (Palla & Stahler 2002). The average star formation rate over the past 3 Myr within the region of Taurus included in this study has been '8105{ 36 { stars yr1. Assuming as before an average mass of 0.6 solar masses, we derive a star formation rate of 5105Myr1. Thus, the star formation rate per unit molecular gas mass is approximately 2109Mper year per solar mass of molecular gas. If this rate were to continue, the gas consumption timescale would be over 400 Myr. However, most of the dense gas is likely to be dispersed by the winds from the newly forming stars long before a signicant fraction of the cloud mass is converted into stars. It is intriguing that the star formation rate per unit molecular gas mass in Taurus is very similar to that found globally in the Milky Way (assuming a total molecular mass of 2 109Mand a star formation rate of 3Myr1). 7. MORPHOLOGY OF THE MOLECULAR GAS 7.1. General Structure of the Gas 7.2. Regions of Interest In this section we discuss several of the regions of particular interest that stand out in the carbon monoxide emission from Taurus. These are to some degree re ections of the complex structure seen on a large scale, but highlight some of the varied structures that can easily be identied. The present discussion is by no means complete but does illustrate the varied and complex structures found in this region in which only low mass star formation is taking place. These are grouped together by location within the cloud so that they can be highlighted by detailed images, but this does not necessarily re ect any physical di erent features. 7.2.1. Filamentary Structure Within the Dense Gas A very striking feature of the molecular gas within the dense portion of Taurus is the fact that the13CO emission is highly structured even in integrated intensity, as can be seen in Figure 1. An impressive example is shown in Figure 16 which shows a several approxi- mately parallel laments at 4h27m+26450, having a southeast to northwest orientation. The laments are'20' to 25' (0.8 pc to 1.0 pc) long, with a '6:1 length to width ratio. These laments are readily visible in individual velocity images (Narayanan et al. 2007) as well as the13CO integrated intensity image, but are invisible in the12CO data. The peak H 2 column density of the laments is 3 1021cm2, about a factor of two greater than that of{ 37 { the region between them. Another very interesting feature visible in Figure 16 is the almost complete centered at 4h31m+28010. It is fairly circular, having an angular diameter of to 0.73 pc. The molecular hydrogen column density is typically 3 1021cm2 around the periphery of the ring and 1.8 1021cm2in the center. This ring shows up quite clearly in the12CO integrated intensity image in from 7.5 K kms1 in the center to'11 K kms1on the periphery. This features is not discernible in the 12CO maximum intensity image, indicating that it is showing increased line width, kinematic structure is not evident. 7.2.2. Cometary Globules and Ring in Large Cavity A structure that appears to be a large cavity is visible at the eastern end of B213, just to the north of B18, visible in the12CO image, but more clearly in the13CO (Figure 1). An enlarged image is shown in Figure 17. The center of the cavity is approximately 4h29m+25300. Although the cavity is still clearly visible, it is 400(1.6 pc) in12CO compared to 700(2.9 pc) in13CO. The minimum H 2column density of the cavity is 1.4 1021cm3(it is included in mask 1), but the13CO is detected when averaged over a reasonable number of pixels. The boundary of this cavity contains an impressive number of young stars, which in fact nearly completely surround it. To the north, these seem to be distributed around the periphery of the cavity, but at its western edge (the eastern end of B213), there are three prominent condensations, looking remarkably like cometary globules, projecting into the cavity. Some properties of the condensations are shown in Table 6. The globules in terms of maximum12CO temperature. The maximum column density of each of the globules is close to 4 1021cm2. We have not been able to identify any source that would be responsible for forming the cavity, but this may be a result of its relatively great age. As indicated in Table 6 (see also Figure 14), each of the globules contains a T Tauri star, with Globule 2 containing two stars. DF Tau is located slightly inwards (toward the cavity center) relative to Globule 1, while the stars in Globules 2 and 3 are located 30away from the cavity center compared to the tip of the globule. There does not appear to be any kinematic signature giving clues to the origin of the globules, or revealing an e ect of the star formation. For example, although the star DG Tau B in Globule 2 has an optical jet which is presumed to be driving the observed red{shifted molecular out ow (Mitchell,{ 38 { Table 5. Comparison of Masses Determined from12CO and13CO With Those Derived from CO Mass from12CO Luminosity Mass from 12CO and13CO12CO Luminosity (M) (K km s1pc2) ( M) mask 0 4081 193 791 mask 1 7699 2052 8413 mask 2 11752 3305 13550 Total 23532 5550 22754 Table 6. Properties of Cometary Globules In B213{B18 Cavity Globule Number RA(J2000) Decl(J2000) Mass Embedded Star M 1 4h26m49s.8 2539006005.9 DF Tau 2 4h27m06s.3 2606007008.3 DG Tau FV Tau 3 4h29m25s.5 2614042004.1 FW Tau{ 39 { Fig. 16.| Enlarged image of13CO integrated intensity showing lamentary structures lo- cated near 4h27m+26450. A nearly circular ring{like structure centered at 4h31m+28is also visible. The young stars in this region are indicated by the symbols dened in Fig. 14. The diamonds indicate di use or extended young stellar sources, the square indicates a Class I or di use source, and the asterisks indicate T-Tauri stars.{ 40 { Fig. 17.| This enlarged13CO integrated intensity image shows the cavity between B213 and B18. At the northwest, three cometary globules are evident, having properties presented in Table 6 and discussed in the text. A nearly complete ring is also seen at the eastern edge of the cavity. The diamonds indicate di use or extended young stellar sources, the squares indicate Class I or younger stars, and the asterisks indicate T-Tauri stars.{ 41 { Sargent, & Mannings 1997), we do not see an e ect on the quiescent gas stars in question range from 0.2 Lto 2.2L, and have ages between 0.6 Myr (DG Tau) to 1.2 Myr (FW Tau). Stars of this age may well have moved a signicant distance since their formation, so that it is not surprising that if they were formed in these globules by e.g. radiative implosion (Bertoldi & McKee 1990), they may now appear displaced from their formation sites. 7.2.3. Irregular Filament or Boundary in L1536 Fig. 18.| Filament running to northwest from L1536 seen in13CO integrated emission. have a maximum H 2column density of 5 1021cm2. The diamonds indicate di use or extended young stellar sources and the asterisk indicates a T-Tauri star.{ 42 { A very long lament having one end in the south{central portion of L1536 and extending to the northwest is visible in the13CO emission, shown in an enlarged view in Figure 18. The lament center is at 4h23m+23450, and its length is 2, corresponding to 4.9 pc. The morphology of the lament is suggestive of its being a boundary between regions of lower (to the south) and higher (to the north) column density. The form of the lament is of a helix, but it could simply have an irregular shape. The H 2column density along the lament is typically 3 1021cm2, but reaches 51021cm2in the regions of strongest emission. The region surrounding the lament has a H 2column density of 1.3 to 1.51021cm2, only slightly greater than our minimum value dened by mask 0 of 1.1 1021 cm2. This lament, is roughly parallel to the structure formed by B18 and L1506, to the lamentary part of B213, and also to the less well{dened but still quite attened structure formed by Heiles' Cloud 2 and L1521. This thin lament is the most southerly and furthest from the Galactic plane of all of these structures. The position angle of all four of clouds is approximately 45relative to the plane of the Milky Way. 7.2.4. Molecular Ring and Planar Boundary Figure 19 includes several di erent structures. The rst is the molecular ring, studied in detail by Schloerb & Snell (1984). This ring, 300(1.2 pc) in diameter, centered contains at least 6 dense condensations visible in the13CO image. The best{studied of these is the chemically very interesting TMC-1 ridge, observed in detail by Pratap et al. (1997) and many others. The ridge (the NH 3peak is at 4h41m21s+25480) is not very prominent in the13CO integrated intensity image, which is presumably a result of the signicant optical depth in the ring material, which may not be corrected for entirely by the simple process (described in x3.2.1) employed here. The peak H 2column density we derive is 7 1021cm2which is somewhat less than half of that which would be derived from the C18O observations of Pratap et al. (1997). Given the diculties expected in deriving the column density in regions of optically thick emission in which signicant temperature gradients may be present, this di erence is not ridge is more visible in our12CO map than in that of Schloerb & Snell (1984) due to the better sampling in the present work. The second noticeable feature in Figure 19 is the very straight boundary of the seen in13CO centered at extending for over 1 degree (2.4 pc). The questions of the formation of this interface and how it is maintained are intriguing. In this region, the12CO emission extends signicantly beyond that of the13CO away from the high column density portion of the cloud, typically by 0.5 pc. As can be seen in Figures{ 43 { Fig. 19.|13CO integrated intensity image showing the molecular ring in Heiles' Cloud 2 centered at 4h40m30s+25450. We also see the very well{dened planar boundary centered at 4h38m30s+26500. The12CO boundary in this region is not at all sharp, having a as seen most clearly in Figure 13. The diamonds indicate di use or extended young stellar sources, the squares indicate Class I or younger stars, and the asterisks indicate T-Tauri stars.{ 44 { 2 and 13, the12CO emission is highly structured, particularly perpendicular to the This behavior is not restricted to this portion of the cloud boundary, but in fact is a general characteristic of the12CO emission in the mask 1 region surrounding the high column density portion of the cloud (mask 2) where13CO is detected in individual we note the intriguing feature to the west of the better{known ring discussed above. With a center at 4h37m+26450, this is again a slightly non circular ring having a diameter of 300(1.2 pc). Given the complexity of the structure observed in our study of the molecular gas in Taurus, this could certainly be a superposition of laments rather than a ring. 7.2.5. L1495 and B213 The L1495 region contains the greatest concentration of young stars within the region of the Taurus molecular cloud that we have mapped. Figure 20 shows the eastern part of L1495; the western part (seen in Figure 1) is more di use. The enlarged image also shows the very narrow B213 lament which extends to the southeast from L1495. The13CO emission and the H 2column density we derive from it, are relatively continuous over the high column density portion of L1495 and the B213 lament. In C18O (Onishi et al. 1996) individual dense cores are better resolved, and in HCO+(Onishi et al. 2002) they stand out yet central part of of L1495 contains over 20 young stars in Palla's compilation (Palla 2008), and has a maximum H 2column density of 1022cm2, which is the highest we see in our map. The mass of the L1495 region is (Table 4) 2.6 103M, but a signicant fraction of this is in the spatially extended, lower density material. The B213 lament is approximately 750or 3 pc in length, and only 4.50or 0.2 pc thick. One of the curious features about this structure is that while there are dense cores seen along its entire length (Onishi et al. 1996, 2002), young stars have apparently not yet formed in the northwestern 300(1.2 pc) long portion closest to L1495. The magnetic eld orientation at the boundaries of this lament is strikingly oriented perpendicular to its long axis, as in Figure 13, and discussed in x5. 7.2.6. Striations in12CO Emission One of the surprising features in the map of12CO is the prominent striations (or threads, or strands) seen in the lower level emission seen away from the main molecular condensations.{ 45 { Fig. 20.| Enlarged13CO integrated intensity image of the western portion of and the lamentary region B213 (running to the southeast from The diamonds indicate di use or extended young stellar sources, the squares indi- cate Class I or younger stars, and the asterisks indicate T-Tauri stars.{ 46 { These can be recognized in Figure 2, but this e ect is more visible in the enlarged image shown in Figure 21. Another region in which this is very prominent is located at 4h15m +24300. These are similar to structures seen within some infrared cirrus clouds. The striations are visible in images of maximum antenna temperature and also integrated . The characteristic values are TA= 3 K on the striations and 2 K between from'2.8 K kms1on the striations to between 1 and 1.5 K kms1 between them. Given that the density in these regions is low, the12CO emission is almost certainly subthermally excited so that it is dicult to determine the kinetic on the procedure described in x3.2.1, which assumes Tkinequal to 15 K, the H 2column density of the striated features is 2 1021cm2, approximately double that of the A striking feature of the striations is their alignment parallel to the direction of the magnetic eld measured by optical starlight polarization, as shown in Figure 13 and discussed inx5. 8. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS We have carried out a large{scale survey of the molecular gas in Taurus by mapping a 100 square degree region with the 13.7 m Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory The J = 1 !0 transition of12CO and of13CO were observed simultaneously using the 32 pixel Sequoia focal plane array receiver. The observing and data reduction techniques are discussed by Narayanan et al. (2007). In this overview, we have discussed some of the highlights of the data that we have obtained, deferring detailed analyses to future papers. The combination of an unbiased, high sensitivity survey with coverage of a relatively large area allows us to study the structure and properties of the molecular gas in new ways. With approximately 3 million independent spatial pixels, we have a linear dynamic range which is unequaled in previous studies of the Taurus region. While our angular resolution is inferior to that obtained with larger/higher frequency telescopes or interferometers, the strength of the present work is to show the relationship between structures on scales 0.04 pc to 10 degrees (approximately 25 pc). Our observations are sensitive to a range of column densities equivalent to a range in visual extinction between 1 and Morphology One of our key conclusions is that the morphology of this region is very complex. In contrast to earlier large{scale surveys carried out with low in which clouds appeared largely smooth{edged and having little structure, we nd an astoundingly rich range of structures including laments, ridges, blobs, and holes. The internal structure is more striking in13CO than in12CO which is not surprising given{ 47 { Fig. 21.| One of the regions showing prominent striations in the12CO emission, displayed here in an image of the maximum12CO antenna temperature. The diamonds indicate di use or extended young stellar sources, the squares indicate Class I or younger stars, and the asterisks indicate T-Tauri stars.{ 48 { the large optical depth of the former isotopologue. The laments have lengths up to 3 pc, and axial to transverse dimension ratios as large as 15:1. Holes in the molecular emission appear on a large range of scales extending from 0.1 pc to 3 pc. The edges of the dense molecular regions are generally very irregular, with structures on the order of 0.1 pc in size visible especially in12CO which traces cloud boundaries which are more extended than seen in the13CO. This hair{like edge structure is found to be common in12CO while the13CO cloud boundaries are relatively sharper but still quite irregular. There is one notable exception in which we nd a sharp, straight boundary in 13CO almost 2.5 pc in length. Cloud Mass and Mass Distribution Having both the12CO and13CO detected in regions of relatively large column density (mask 2, comprising about 1/3 of the map pixels), we have used the standard method to derive the kinetic temperature and molecular column density, including a correction for saturation of the13CO which becomes signicant for the regions of greatest column density. To analyze portions of the image (mask 1 comprising about 1/3 of total area of the cloud mapped) in which we detect12CO but not13CO in individual pixels we use a di erent approach. With '1 million such pixels available, we have binned them by12CO excitation temperature Tex. When spectra within a bin are averaged, the13CO as well as the12CO is readily detectable, and we obtain the H 2density and the CO column density. We thus have a relationship which gives us n(H 2) and N(CO) as a function of Tex(12CO). Since the excitation temperature is available for each pixel, we can derive the CO column density for each line of sight. Averaging together all the pixels in mask 0 (in any one of which neither12CO nor13CO was detectable), we detect both use the two spectra to derive the average density and column density for mask 0, the nal third of the map. This procedure allows us to determine the CO column density throughout the region mapped, including even regions of relatively low column density. To convert N(CO) to total column density, we have used the results of Van Dishoeck & Black (1988) which are appropriate for Taurus. The essential point is that the of carbon monoxide drops as the total H 2column density is reduced, as a result of reduced dust shielding and self{shielding. Inverting this argument, the column density of H 2 corresponding to a low column density of carbon monoxide is larger than would be a constant fractional abundance for CO. The result is that the total mass for the region of Taurus mapped is close to 2.4 104M, compared to less than 1 104Mthat would be found using a standard, uniform fractional abundance. We nd that half the mass of the cloud is contained in regions having column density below 2.1 1021cm2. This result reduces the fraction of mass found in dense cores by a factor greater than 2, and also conrms the presence of signicant external pressure in the regions external to the dense regions. The{ 49 { total mass for the region we have mapped thus obtained agrees well with that predicted from the CO luminosity, 5.55 103K km s1pc2, and a standard conversion M( M) = 4.1 L CO (K km s1pc2). It seems likely that our conclusion that a signicant component of di use molecular gas accompanies the more widely studied high density regions is not restricted to Taurus. It reinforces the importance of observations which can study this di use which is not readily detected in individual spectra with the sensitivity in large{scale molecular cloud surveys. Cloud Structure and Star Formation The structural complexity over a wide range of scale sizes hints at the richness of the physical processes which underly the formation and evolution of molecular cloud complexes such as Taurus. The present data set, both in terms of morphology and mass distribution, constitutes a potentially valuable resource for comparison with outputs from simulations of cloud formation. The large scale that we see conrms that identied in earlier studies. Along with the complexity of the line proles observed along many lines of sight, this poses a real challenge for any detailed theoretical model of this region. We see a varied relationship between the magnetic eld as measured by polarization of background stars, and the distribution of the gas. In the more di use regions traced by 12CO we see large{scale alignment between the eld direction and striated structure in the gas. Although we have not been able to measure any kinematic signature, the appearance is strongly suggestive of ows along the eld lines. In several of the very elongated laments seen in the denser gas traced by13CO, the magnetic eld is oriented perpendicular, or to the major axes of the laments. Combined with the hair{like appearance of the boundaries of these laments seen in13CO but more prominent in12CO, this again suggests that motions of material along the eld lines have been responsible for building up the regions of higher density within the overall molecular cloud. The surface density of very young and moderately young stars shows a rapid increase at a H 2column density of 6 1021cm2, conrming the existence of a threshold for star formation. We have used new compilations of young stars in the Taurus region to calculate the star formation eciency (SFE). Our large value for the gas mass, especially in regions of lower column density, results in the SFE, taken to be the mass of all young stars in the region divided by the total molecular mass, to be 0.6 percent. Taking the SFE for most recent star formation by comparing the mass of only the embedded protostars with that of the dense gas, gives an SFE equal to 0.3 percent. If we consider all of the young stars (whether or T-Tauri stars) in the region of high column density, we obtain a SFE equal to 1.2 percent. The average star formation rate over the past 3 Myr within the region of Taurus included in this study has been '8105stars yr1, corresponding to a mass going{ 50 { into new stars of 5 work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation through to Cornell University, and by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California In- stitute of Technology. The Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory is operated with support from the National Science Foundation through NSF grant AST 05 40852 and with permission of the Metropolitan District Commission. We thank Yvonne Tang for contri- butions to data taking and analysis of dense condensations in Taurus, and Marko Krco for assistance with observations. We thank Pierre Hily{Blant for the suggestion to compare the magnetic eld and integrated intensity maps in Taurus, and for many useful this and other topics. We are indebted to Francesco Palla and Scott Kenyon for pro- viding compilations of young stars in the Taurus region and their properties. We thank Ted Bergin for carrying out time{dependent calculations of the CO abundance in di use regions. We thank the anonymous reviewer for very carefully reading the lengthy manuscript, not- ing some problems, and making some suggestions for further work which has improved this study. 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Paul Goldsmith
Paul F. Goldsmith, Mark Heyer, Gopal Narayanan, Ronald Snell, Di Li, and Chris Brunt
Large-Scale Structure of the Molecular Gas in Taurus Revealed by High Linear Dynamic Range Spectral Line Mapping
53 pages, 21 figures
We report the results of a 100 square degree survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud region in the J = 1-0 transition of 12CO and 13CO. The image of the cloud in each velocity channel includes ~ 3 million Nyquist sampled pixels on a 20" grid. The high sensitivity and large linear dynamic range of the maps in both isotopologues reveal a very complex, highly structured cloud morphology. There are large scale correlated structures evident in 13CO emission having very fine dimensions, including filaments, cavities, and rings. The 12CO emission shows a quite different structure, with particularly complex interfaces between regions of greater and smaller column density defining the boundaries of the largest-scale cloud structures. The axes of the striations seen in the 12CO emission from relatively diffuse gas are aligned with the direction of the magnetic field. Using a column density-dependent model for the CO fractional abundance, we derive the mass of the region mapped to be 24,000 solar masses, a factor of three greater than would be obtained with canonical CO abundance restricted to the high column density regions. We determine that half the mass of the cloud is in regions having column density below 2.1x10^{21} per square cm. The distribution of young stars in the region covered is highly nonuniform, with the probability of finding a star in a pixel with a specified column density rising sharply for N(H2) = 6x10^{21} cm^{-2}. We determine a relatively low star formation efficiency (mass of young stars/mass of molecular gas), between 0.3 and 1.2 %, and an average star formation rate during the past 3 Myr of 8x10^{-5} stars yr^{-1}.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Feb 2008 23:34:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Goldsmith", "Paul F.", "" ], [ "Heyer", "Mark", "" ], [ "Narayanan", "Gopal", "" ], [ "Snell", "Ronald", "" ], [ "Li", "Di", "" ], [ "Brunt", "Chris", "" ] ]
up to times |t| <= O(u-2). In (1.1)zais interpolated by a solution of the non- linear Schr odinger equation (NLS) and has a behaviour which is indep endent of the BC. On the contrary z1depends on the BC. Precisely, its exponentially in the periodic case, but only as |k|-3in the theory we develop in order to give the representation (1.1) pro vides a clear interpretation of the phenomenon. Indeed, it turns out tha t the normal form of the system is independent of the BC (and coincides with the N LS), but the coordinate transformation introducing the normal form h as properties which are different in the periodic and in the Dirichlet case. In particula r, in the Dirichlet case it maps sequences which decay fast into sequences wh ich decay as|k|-3. This introduces the slow decay in the Dirichlet case. It should be pointed out that our result still depends on the size Nof we think that (within the range of validity of our re- sult) we clearly show the role of the boundary conditions and provide a of the numerical ethe- ory of the Navier Stokes equation (see e.g. [Tem91]), where it is well k nown that the spectrum of the solution depends on the boundary conditions. that a power law decay of localized object has been previously observed in nonlinear lattice dynamics in [DP03, Pey04, Fla98, GF05] and that th e con- nection between the nonlinear Schr odinger equation and the dyna mics of in manypapers(see e.g. [Kal89, KSM9 2, Sch98]). The paper is organized as follows: in sect. 2 we present the model, st ate our main result and discuss its relation with numerical computations. In s ect. 3 we give the proof of the normal form construction. In sect. 4 we give the proof of the decomposition (1.1). Some technical details are deferred to th e appendix. Each section is split into several This work was partially supported by MIUR under the project COFIN2005 Sistemi dinamici nonlineari e applicazioni fisich e. We thank Antonio Ponno, Luigi Galgani and Simone Paleari for many disc ussion and suggestions during the preparation of this paper. We also than k Sergej Flach and Michel Peyrard for some interesting our normal form holds in the region of the phase point s with small energy density o2, independently of N. The limitation o~ucomes from the fact that we are only able to study the dynamics of the NLS in this situation. 22 Main result In this chapter we present the model, we recall some numerical simu lations (see [BMP07]) which clearly show the dependence of the metastable Fourie r decay on the boundary conditions and we finally state the main theoretical result and use it to explain the numerics. 2.1 The model. We consider a chain of particles described by the Hamiltonian function H(p,q) (2.1) wherejruns from 0 to Nin the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions 0, while it runs from -(N+1) toNin the case of conditions (PBC), i.e. q-N-1=qN+1. The corresponding (2.2) We recall that the standard Fermi Pasta Ulam model is obtained by t aking V0 andW(x) Here instead we will take V(x) W(x) =1 2ax2, our Hamiltonian has the form H=H0+H1+H2, (2.4) H0(p,q) (2.5) H1(p,q) H2(p,q) (2.6) Remark 2.1.In the case where V(x) =V(-x) (2.7) the equations (2.2) with PBC are invariant under the involution qj/masto- -q-j, pj/masto- -p-j. As a consequence the submanifold of the periodic sequences which are also skew-symmetric, is invariant under the dynamics. For this r eason when (2.7) is fulfilled the case of DBC is just a subcase of the case of PBC. T his happens in the standard FPU model and also in the case of the Hamilto nian (2.1) with the potential (2.3) and a= 0. The case a/ne}ationslash= 0 is the simplest one where a difference between DBC and PBC is the vectors ^ek(j) k= k = 0, (-1)j 2N+2, k =-N-1,(2.8) then the Fourier basis is formed by ^ ek,k= 1,...,NanddPD= 2 in the case of DBC, and by ^ 1 in the case of PBC. Here we will treat in a unified way both the cases of DBC and PBC, thus we will not specify the set where the indexes jandkvary. Introducing the rescaled (^pk,^qk) defined q (2.9) where the frequencies are defined (2.10) the Hamiltonian H0is changed ^q2 k 2. (2.11) 2.2 The phenomenon and its numerical evidence. Let us define the energy of a normal mode and its time average by Ek:=ok^p2 k+ ^q2 k 2, . In the case of PBC the oscillators of index kand-kare in resonance, so the relevant quantity to be observed is the average an initial datum with all the energy concentrated on the first F ourier mode with energy density E H0/N= 0.001. Integrating the system numeri- cally one can see that after a short transient the time averages of the relax to well defined steady values, which persist for very long times. In figures 1 we plot in a semi-log scale the time-average energies (or ) at time T= 105(subsequent to the relaxation time) as a function of the index k. The parameters in the two panels are a= 0.25,b= 0 and a= 0,b= 0.25 respectively. In both the cases a= 0.5. In each distribution the dots refer to the DBC case while the crosses pertain the PBC on e2. 2Actually we plot only modes with odd index, since, as shown in [BMP07] the only modes with odd index t 4Figure 1: Averaged harmonic energies distribution. DBC (dots) and PBC (crosses) with N= 511,a=.5,E= 0.001,T= 105. Panel (a): amodel witha= 0.25. Panel (b): bmodel with b= 0.25. While in panel (b) one clearly observes a perfect overlapping of the e xpo- nential part of the decays, in panel (a) a sharp difference arises. Indeed, while the PBC solution is once more characterized by an exponential distr ibution, in the case of DBC one sees a richer behavior: at an energy approxima tely equal to 10-8there is crossover and a new regime appears. Nevertheless, a str iking similarity among the exponential part of the two dynamics is evident. To describe more carefully the situation in the case ofDBC we plot in fig ures 2 four different distributions of the quantities in a semi-log and in a log- log scale respectively. They correspond to different values of the e nergy density (see the caption). In the first panel we plot the first part of the d istribution: we notice that by decreasing the energy density, the slope of the exp onential decay of the low frequencies increases. In the second figure, instead, w e focus our attention on the second part of the distribution: we see that the c are parallel. So a change of energy only induces a translation . Except for the last part, that we will interpret as due to discreteness effects , the curves are very well interpolated by a straight line giving a power decay with an ex ponent close to-6. A similar behavior is also obtained if one excites a few modes of large wave length. 2.3 Explanation of the phenomenon. In order to state our main result we need a topology in the phase spa ce. Definition 2.1. Let us define the spaces l2 s,sof the sequences := max {1,|k|},(2.12) 5 1e-25 1e-20 1e-15 1e-10 1e-05 50 100 150 200 1e-35 1e-30 1e-25 1e-20 1e-15 2: DBC with parameters N= 511,a= 0.5,a= 0.1,T= 105. Panel (a): distribution of semi-log scale. Energy densities: E= Panel (b): distribution of log-log scale. Energy densities: E= the phase spaces main part of the solution will be described by NLS, so we consider a a smooth solution ph(x,t) of the nonlinear Schr odinger fixedtwe will measure the size of a function phby the ^phkare the Fourier coefficients of ph, which are defined by ph(x) ; (2.15) here ^ec k(x) is the continuous Fourier k> 0 1 2pk= (2.16) Remark 2.2.The dynamics of (2.13) is well known [FT87, GK03]. Precisely, if ~g <~g*thens>=0 there exists 0 <=s'<ssuch that from 1 for all to ph(x,t) we define an approximate solution of the original model main result concernsthe za(t) and the solution z(t) of the original system with initial datum z(0) :=uza(0) Theorem 2.1. thenT >0there exists u*>0with the following properties: if u<u*then there exists z1(t)defined for |t| <=Tu-2 such that z(t) =uza(t)+u2z1(t) (2.18) wherezais the approximate solution just defined (2.19) with1 2<s , s'>0if PBC 1 2<s<5 2, s'= 0if DBC(2.20) The above result gives an upper estimate of the error z1(t). We want now to compute it, at least for short times. To this end we assume, for simp licity, that ph0is purely imaginary, i.e. that the initial datum has zero velocity. Consid er now the complex function ps10with Fourier coefficients given Ph(x) :=-iph0(x)2, and letz10(p10,q10) be the sequence have the 2.2. For any 0<b<1, one <=T ub(2.22) The above theorems provide the interpretation for the numerical results of the previous paragraph. Referring to FIG. 1, we identify the expo nential part of the distribution as due to the main part of the solution, namely za, which is the same for both the boundary conditions. In the case of PBC, th e implies that also the error z1is exponentially decreasing; thus the whole solution is in particular exponentially localized in Fourier space. In the case of DBC the situation is different. Indeed the correction , convergent; this is very close to say taking svery close to 5 /2 essentially gives a power law decay like |k|-6. Then theorem 2.2 shows that this is actually optimal, as seen by taking ph0(x) = isinx (2.23) (as in the numerical computations). Indeed in such a case one that (2.22) shows that after a time of order 1 the energy of the k-th mode is of orderu2/k6as shown by the numerics. 3 The normal form construction. In this part we introduce and use the methods of the normal form t heory for the proof of our main result. Accordingly one looks for a canonical tran the system in a simpler form. 3.1 Preliminaries and main claim. We first need to introduce some denote a phase point. In particulara phase point can be represe nted using the coordinates ( pj,qj) of the lattice's particles or the Fourier coor- dinates (^pk,^qk). *In the phase space we will also use coordinates psdefined in real a Hamiltonian function H, we will denote by XHthe correspond- ing Hamiltonian vector field. Thus if one uses for example the one has XH(p,q) we will write the Hamilton equations of a Lie transform Ph1 khgenerated by a Hamiltonian function khis the time one flow of the corresponding Hamilton equations, namely Ph1 kh:= Poisson bracket {f,g}of two function f,gis defined normalizing transformation will be constructed by composing tw o Lie transforms T1= Ph1 kh1andT2= Ph1 kh2generated by two functions be 4 respectively, an elementary computations shows that H*T1*T2=H0 h.o.t. (3.4) where the term (3.2) is a homogeneous polynomial of degree 3, the t erm (3.3) has degree 4 and h.o.t denotes higher order terms. We will construc t a function kh1such that (3.2) vanishes and we will show that there exists a kh2such that (3.3) is reduced to normal form. To make precise the construction we need to split H0as H 00(z) ^q2 k 2, (3.5) H01(z) ^q2 k 2, n k:=ok-1 3.1. A polynomial Zwill be said to be in normal form if it Poisson commutes with H00, i.e. if {H00,Z} 0. (3.6) Remark 3.1.In order to study the system with DBC we will alwaysextend the system to a system defined for PBC, which is invariant under the involution qj/masto- -q-j,pj/masto- -p-j. The extension of the b-model is obtained without modifying the equations, while the extension of the a-bmodel is given by the (3.7) 9wheresjis a discretization of the step function given by sj:= 1 ifj>=1 0 ifj= 0 -1 2qj-qj+1-qj-1, (3.9) is the discrete Laplacian. The need of the introduction of the sequence sjis at the origin of the finite smoothness of the solution in the DBC c ase. We are going to prove the 3.1. Assumea <1/3. Then, there exists an analytic z=T(ps), defined in a neighborhood of the (3.10) whereZis in normal form and the following holds true 1) The remainder, the normal form and the canonical transfor mation are estimated , s >=0if PBC 1 2<s<5 2, s= 0if constants independent of N. 2) One has by kh01(ps) the parameters vary in the s= 0for s>=0for PBC(3.17) 103) The normal form has the following the parameters varying in the range (3.17). The proof of this theorem is divided into three parts. In the first on e we will prove an abstract normal form theorem under the assumption that the non- linearity corresponding to the system (2.4) is smooth. In the secon d part we will prove such a smoothness assumption. In the third part we will co mpute the first order term of the normal form and of the transformatio n and we will estimate the corresponding errors. We point out that there are 3 delicate points in the proof: the first o ne is to solve the homological equation (see lemma 3.3); the second one is t o prove smoothness of the perturbation in the optimal space, and the thir d one is the actual computation of the main part of the normal form and of the . 3.2 An abstract normal for theorem. First we recall that a homogeneous polynomial map F:Ps,s- Ps,sof degree ris continuous and also analytic if and only if it is bounded, i.e. if there exis ts a constantCsuch Ps,s. 3.2. The best constant such that (3.20) holds is called the norm of F, and will be denoted byFs,s. One has Fs,s:= 3.3. A polynomial function f, homogeneous of degree r+2, will be said to be of class Hr s,sif its Hamiltonian vector field Xfis bounded as a map fromPs,sto itself. Theorem 3.2. LetH0be as above (see (2.11)) witha <1/3. Assume that Hj Hj s,sfor some fixed s,sand forj= 1,2; then there exists an transformation T=T1*T2, defined in a neighborhood of the origin in Ps,ssuch that H*T=H0+Z+R, (3.22) whereZis in normal form and the remainder, the normal form and the ca non- ical transformation are bounded (3.25) with constants CR,Z,Tdepending only on rest of this subsection will be occupied by the proof of theorem 3.2. First we need some simple estimates. Lemma 3.1. Letf Hr s,sandg Hr1s,s, then{f,g} Hr+r1s,s, remember that X{f,g}= [Xf;Xg] =dXfXg-dXgXf. (3.27) We recall now that, given a polynomial Xof degreer+1, there exists a symmetric form /tildewideXsuch that X(z) (3.27) is explicitly given by X{f;g}= ) (3.28) moreover from (3.21) one which the thesis immediately follows. Remark 3.2.Letf Hr s,sthen the corresponding vector field generates a flow in a neighborhood of the origin in Ps,s. Lemma 3.2. Letkhbe of class Hr s,s, and letf Hr1s,s. LetPh1 khbe the Lie transform generated by kh, then each term of the Taylor expansion of f*Ph1 khis a polynomial with bounded vector the gets that the Taylor expansion of f*Ph1 khis given f l=1 l{kh,fl-1}, l>=1. Then, the thesis follows from lemma 3.1 A key role in the proof of theorem 3.2 is played by the so called homologic al equation, (3.30) wherefj Hj s,sis a given polynomial, and khj Hj s,s,Zj Hj s,sare to be determined with the property that Zjis in normal form. Lemma 3.3. Consider the Homological equation (3.30)withfjof 1,2. Assume that a<1 3, then(3.30)admits a solution khj,Zj we rewrite the homological equation (3.32) where the operators L0andL1are defined defined by (3.5). We will invert L0and solve (3.32) by Neumann series (see [BDGS07]). We begin by showing that the space Hj s,s,j<=2 decompose into the sum of the kernel Ker( L0) ofL0and of its range Im( L0). Moreover, we show that L0 is invertible on its range. Givenf Hj s,swithj= 1,2 , , (3.34) where Pstis the flow of XH00andT= 1 is its period. Then an explicit compu- tation shows that ZKer(L0), and that (see [BG93]) L0kh=f-Z . (3.35) 13Thus denoting by Qthe projector on the kernel of L0, on the range, one sees that the (3.33) is a concrete de finition ofQ, while (3.34) is the definition of L-1 0restricted to Im( L0). It remains to show thatZ,kh Hj s,s. Remark that, since Pstis a canonical transformation one has XZ(z)XQf(z) , , (3.37) From which it follows the last norm is the norm of L-1 0as a linear operator acting on the space Hj s,s, and thusQf Hj s,s,L-1 0Pf Hj s,s. We comenow tothe true We look fora so Applying PorQto (3.32), remarking that since [L0,L1] = 0 one has [ P,L1] = [Q,L1] = 0, we Qf j=Zj. (3.40) The first of (3.40) is formally solved by Neumann series, i.e. khj:= show the convergence of the series in operator norm we need an estimate To this end remark that, for any s,sone has XH01ss<=2a , which using lemma 3.1 implies /bardblL1/bardbl <=2a(j+1)<=6a. It follows that the series (3.41) converges provided a<1/3, which is our assumption, and (3.42) which concludes the proof. End of the proof of Theorem 3.2 . From lemma 3.3 one has that the solution kh1 of the homological equation with f1H1is well defined providedH1 H1 s,s for somes,s. Thenkh1generates a Lie transform T1which puts the system in normal form up to order 4. Then the part of degree four of H* T1takes is of class H2 s,s. It follows that one can use the homological equation with such a known term and determine a kh2which generates the Lie tran the system in normal form up to order 4. This concludes the proof of theorem 3.2. 143.3 Proof of the smoothness properties of the nonlinearity In this subsection we prove the following lemma Lemma 3.4. LetHj,j= 1,2be given by (2.4). Consider the vector fields XHjof the cubic and of the quartic terms of the Hamiltonian: they fulfill s >=0if PBC 1 2<s<5 2, s= 0if , s>=0both cases (3.45) where we set Gj:=XHjs,s. The proof will be split into two parts. First we show that it is possible to prove the result working on interpolating functions, and then we sh ow that nonlinearities have a smooth vector field when the pa rameters s,svary in the considered range. Remark 3.3.DefineTlas the map the case of PBC, and [ [T2(q)]j:=q3 jin the case of DBC. Then the vector field XHlhas moreover the norms are defined in terms of the Four ier variables, so we have to estimate the map constructed as is immediate to realize that the maps 1 and 2 are smooth (the frequ encies are between 1 and 3) so it is enough to estimate the remaining maps. I n turns the remaining maps essentially coincide with the map Tl(q) read in terms of standard Fourier variables (without the factorsok). These are the maps we will estimate. All along this section we will use a definition of the Fourier c oefficients of a sequence not including the factorsok, namely we define start by showinghow to use the interpolationin orderto makeest imates. To this end we define an interpolation operator Iby [I(q)](x) (3.46) 15We also define a restriction operator Rthat to a function associates sequence, (3.47) We remark that the operator Ris defined on functions which do not necessarily have finitely many non-vanishing Fourier 3.4.With the definition (2.14) one (3.48) Lemma 3.5. For anys>1/2there exists a constant C6(s)such that one (Ru)j; using the = =1u^ek(j) (3.50) one (3.51) Let's define gm,k(s,s) replace (3.51) in the norm then we since k=-(N+1),...,N, we can estimates the two factors of >= |2(N+1)|m|-|k|| m= 0, N+1>= |k|, m/ne}ationslash= 0, which m = m/ne}ationslash= 0 which 3.3. a polynomial map, assume that there exists an interpolating polynomial map Tc such that T=RTcI. If the mapTcis bounded in some space Hs,s, withs>1/2, thenTis bounded in l2 s,s. Moreover one (3.52) First we define the interpolating maps we have to study. They are Tc l(u) := ul+1in the case of PBC and Tc 1(u) = sgn(x)u2(x) andTc 2(u) :=u3in the case of DBC. Here we introduced the function sgn(x) := 1 ifx>0 0 ifx= 0 -1 in the forboth boundar yconditions are proved in Lemma A.1 by a standard argument on the Sobolev norm of the product of two functions. We come to the estimate of Tc 1in the case of DBC. We will denote by Hs othe subspace of Hs,0composed by the odd functions u(x) on [-p,p]. Lemma 3.6. For any 1/2<s<5/2, The operator Tc 1(u) :=u2sgn(x) is smooth from Hs oin itself and there exists C7(s)such begin with the case 2 <=s <5 2. First, observe that the function Tc 1(u) is odd when uis odd. we will prove the thesis by showing that the second weak derivative d2Tc 1(u) ofTc 1(u) is inHs-2 o. First remark that, by an which exploits the fact that u(0) = 0 one has d2Tc 1(u) = show now that both terms are in Hs-2 o. The second term can be considered as the product of the function d2uHs-2 oand of sgn( x)u. This last function is of classH1, as it is seen by computing its derivative, = sgn(x)du(x) +d(x)u(x) = clearly belongs to L2. From lemma A.1 it follows that the the term sgn( x)(u'2), it can be considered as the product of u'2Hs-1and of sgn( x), which is of class Hr ofor allr <1/2, as it can be seen by explicitly computing its Fourier coefficients. Thus lemma A.1 give s the result. The case 1 <=s <2 is easier and works in a very similar way. 0<=s <1, the = belongs to Hswith 0<=s <1, which gives the thesis. Quite different is the case1 2<s<1, since by hypothesis no weak for the function u(x). We exploit the following equivalent definition of the norm of the Sobolev space Hs o([-p,p]) with real exponent (3.53) and the skew-symmetry of the periodic function u(x)Hs o. We want to prove thatg(x) more (3.54) The symmetries of g(x) on the given domain allow to simplify the integral Computation of the normal form and of the this section we will concentrate on the case of DBC which is the mos t again the Hamiltonian (2.4), introduce complex variables xj,ej defined by xj=pj+iqj 2, e 3.5.The above splitting is different from the one introduced in (3.5) which had been used in the proof of lemma 3.3, and which was based on t he Fourier variables. In particular one has {H00;H01} 0, but{H00;H01} the variables ( x,e) the flow PhtofH00acts as follows Pht(x,e) third order part of the Hamiltonian takes the (3.59) wheresjis the discrete step function defined in (3.8). The form of H2will be given (3.60) we rewrite the homological equation for kh1as (3.61) which is solvable since the Kernel of L0+L1=L0+L1on polynomials of third order is empty. The solution kh1of (3.61) is unique and, as shown in Lemma 3.3, exists. By a direct computation one (3.62) we are going to show that the second term is much smaller than the fir st one. Before starting, a couple of remarks are in order. 19Remark 3.6.The discrete Laplacian is l2-symmetric on periodic (3.63) This is an immediate consequence of the fact that in Fourier variables it acts as a multiplier by a real factor. Remark 3.7.In Fourier coordinates the discrete Laplacian 1defined in (3.9) acts as a multiplier by sin2ku. It follows that it has norm 1 when acting on anyone of the spaces l2 s,s. Moreover, since |sin2(ku)| <=ks1us1, s 1[0,2], ku [0,p] one also s 1[0,2]. (3.64) From (3.64) and (3.57) it 3.7. Assumea<1 3, there exists C8(a,G1)such (3.66) with s= 0for DBC 0<=s1<s-1 2, s1<=2s>=0for to (3.62), let's kh the homological equation {H00,kh10}=H1, it can be by kh10(x,e) also thesis follows from (3.28), (3.42) and (3.64). We move to the second Homological (3.68) More explicitly, the leading term ~H20is composed proceeding, it is useful to perform the change of ps (3.69) which puts the quadratic part into diagonal form. This implies a modific ation of~H20, which however is of higher order and therefore will be included into t he remainder terms. Indeed, the Lemma below shows that the differen ce between xandpsis small Lemma 3.8. For any 2>=s1>=0it holds Taylor expansion of the frequencies is the 3.4. In terms of the variables ps,-psone has there exists C9(a,G1)such averaging (3.71) with respect to the flow Phtit is now immediate to get the following 3.5. The normal form Zis composed of two terms, Z=Z0+Zr, where the leading term Z0is smooth and reads Z0(ps) = (3.73) while the remainder is s= 0for DBC 0<=s1<s-1 2, s1<=2,s>=0for PBC (3.74) Thus we have proved that the formula for Z0holds. The formula for kh10 implies that the canonical transformation has the structure (3.15 ) and this con- cludes the proof. 4 Proof of Theorem 2.1 To discuss this issue we first write the equations of motion of the firs t part of the normal form, namely of H0+Z0, in the form i.psj= (4.1) whereAis a linear operator which in the Fourier variables acts as a multiplier byok= now an interpolating function for ps, in other words a function usuch that psj=ou(uj), Then, uptocorre ctions of higher order, ufulfills the (4.4) which, up to a Gauge transformation and a scaling of the time introdu ced by u(x,t) =eitph(x,t), t :=au2t, (4.5) gives the NLS g :=~g ao2 u2. (4.6) In order to get a bounded value of g, from now on we take o=u. We now compare an approximate solution constructed through NLS and the true solution of our Hamiltonian system. More explicitly, correspond ing to a solutionpha(t) of the NLS with analytic initial datum, we define an the original model by psa j(t) (4.7) We also consider the true solution ps(t) of the Hamilton equation of the original model, with initial datum now on we will restrict to the case of DBC which is the comp licate one. We first work in the variables in which His reduced to the normal (4.8) Lemma 4.1. Letpsbe the solution of the equations of motion of datum ps(0) =T-1(ps0)and letpsabe as defined in (4.7), that the NLS equation for psamay be rewritten (4.9) where R1:= thatXR1fulfills the compare psawith the full solution psof the initial datum ps0=T-1(ps0), whose difference from ps0(initial datum for psa) is controlled we apply the Gronwall lemma (see lemma A.3) with A:=XH0, P=XZ+XR, R=XR1, obtaining that the error ps1:=ps-psafrom the NLS dynamics (4.10) and is estimated 6CZ. When we go back to the original variables, the solution zmay be split as z=T(ps) =T(psa+ps1) we have z z precisely, we claim that it holds Lemma 4.2. We to times s.t. |t| first inequality comes directly from the lemma 4.1. Concerning the second one, we remark of Xkh1and Lagrange mean value theorem). Finally from (3.66) with s1= 1 we have Xkh1(psa) now analyze the first correction z1. To this end we analyze separately its two terms. First remark that, from (4.10) one has whereps10 solves the equation .ps10=Aps10with initial datum T-1(ps0)-ps0. Thus we have ps10= (4.13) We now analyze the other term. To this end, with the aim of considerin g the short time dynamics, we rewrite the equation (4.9) exploiting the of Xkh01we yields the case of ps0= iuz0(zero velocity initial datum) we gives immediately the thesis. 25A Appendix: a few technical lemmas. Lemma A.1. there exists C=C(r,s)such that the following inequality this proof it is useful to use the expansion of uandvon the Thus we will write u(x) and remark that if in the definition of the norm cf (2.14) we substitute such coefficient s to the coefficients on the real Fourier basis, nothing changes. This is due t o the fact that both the basis of the complex exponentials and the real Fourie r basis are orthonormal. The advantage is that in terms of the complex expone ntials the product is mapped into the convolution of the Fourier coefficients, t hus we have simply to estimate the norm of the function whose Fourier coefficient s (A.2) As a preliminary fact we define the prove that there exists a constant C(s,r) such (A.3) To obtain (A.3) we need some preliminary inequalities. For any positive aand bone (A.4) and for any (A.4), (A.5) and [ j]<[j-k]+[k] it gives (A.3) with C= concludes the proof. We state here a version of the Gronwall Lemma which is suited for our estimates. First we recall the following lemma. Lemma A.2. Letx: [0,T]- Pbe a differentiable function and Pa Banach space. Assume that t[0,T]it fulfills the integral and non negative parameters, (A.7) The lemma we use in sect. 4 is the following one. Lemma A.3. Letz(t),za(t) P,t[-T,T]be respectively the solutions =za 0 whereAis the generator of a unitary group in P, <=C. Assume also that the non-linearity Phas a zero of third order at the origin and that the remainder Ris estimated then the following estimate <= t difference d(t) is solution of the differential Duhamel formula one has d(t) Lagrange mean value theorem to estimate P(za(s) +d)-P(za(s)) and the fact that Ais unitary one <= fulfills (A.6), from which the thesis D. Bambusi, J.M. Delort, B. Gr' ebert, and J. Szeftel, Almost global existence for Hamiltonian semi-linear Klein-Gordon equat ions with small Cauchy data on Zoll manifolds , Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 60 (2007), no. 11, D. Bambusi and A. Giorgilli, Exponential stability of states close to resonance in Hamiltonian systems , J. no. 3-4, 569-606. [BG08] G. Benettin and G. Gradenigo, A study of the Fermi Pasta Ulam problem in dimension two , Chaos (2008). [BMP07] D. Bambusi, D. Muraro, and T. Penati, Numerical studies on bound- ary effects on the FPU paradox , Phys. Lett. A (2007). 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Dario Bambusi
D. Bambusi, A. Carati, T. Penati
Boundary effects on the dynamics of chains of coupled oscillators
We study the dynamics of a chain of coupled particles subjected to a restoring force (Klein-Gordon lattice) in the cases of either periodic or Dirichlet boundary conditions. Precisely, we prove that, when the initial data are of small amplitude and have long wavelength, the main part of the solution is interpolated by a solution of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, which in turn has the property that its Fourier coefficients decay exponentially. The first order correction to the solution has Fourier coefficients that decay exponentially in the periodic case, but only as a power in the Dirichlet case. In particular our result allows one to explain the numerical computations of the paper \cite{BMP07}.
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[ [ "Bambusi", "D.", "" ], [ "Carati", "A.", "" ], [ "Penati", "T.", "" ] ]
Amplification and discrimination of photons 2 1. on the interaction of a large number of identical two-level at oms and low intensity single mode radiation. This analysis provides a deeper understanding of the of millions of atoms to few input photons within the basic mod el [1] of atom- field collective behavior of Ntwo level atoms with single mode by Dicke [1] in1954, has led to vast array of interesting physical phenomena in quantum optics and recently, in artificial condensed matter syst ems [2]. The is an entirely novel application of the Dicke model. The fa ct that the sum of the number of photons and the number of atoms in the excited st ates is a ofrearrangingth rofphotons. A projective measurement on temporally evolving combined multiatom- radiation system is shown to lead to both these features. 2. Physical Model The Hamiltonian characterizing the interaction of Ntwo level atoms with a single mode radiation is given by (- h= the atom-photon coupling parameter; o0, the atomic splitting and o the filed frequency; a+(a) are creation (annihilation) operators of the field satisfying the bosonic commutation relations [ a, a+] = 1. The collective (pseudo) spin operators of the two-state (2) obey the commutation = 2Sz,[Sz,S+-] =+-S+-. (3) It is well-known [3] that the excitation constant as the system evolves under the Hamiltonian (1). The states |S=N 2, equivalently ne= 0,1,2,...,N, andn= 0,1,2,...), with a fixed eigenvalue ++n+neof (4) span the space of the Hamiltonian. The symmetric atomic Dicke states |S=N 2, ++The Fock states n= 0,1,2,...denote eigenstates of the photon number operator nand the Dicke states eigenstates of and discrimination of photons 3 (except for ne= 0 and N) are well-known for their entanglement properties [4, 5, 6]. These are essential inthe ensuing discussion SS. The collective ground state of the atomic system is denoted by this sequel. A given initial state of the combined atom-radiation system, rAR(0) evolves to rAR(t) a projection operator P A0IR, with P unit operator in the radiation space, gives us the conditional density ma trix of the system ((where all the atoms are projected to the ir collective ground state)), urement maximum number of photons are emitted consequently. The co llective atomic ground state serves as a detection device and the projection ope ration at intervals of time corresponds to efficient measurement of t he radiation state containing maximum number of photons allowed. It may be observed t hat the ofatomsinthe of photons, leading to photon amplification. This is evident if ne> nnumber ninputphotons, inwhichcase subesquent measurement projects the atoms to their collective ground state =n+ne. More generally, - judicious choice of the initial state and the time of projection measurement is the basis of in this model. When a pure collective low lying excited state o f atoms are considered, the method outlined above results in photon number dis crimination as well. 3. Photon amplification with different initial states 3.1. Pure atom-photon state us consider an initial atom-photon state |S=N 2,|n/angbracketright (6) withne<< N,and the number of atoms Nsufficiently large so that the mapping Sz=b+b-N 2(7) in terms of bosonic operators b, = 1, (8) reduces the Hamiltonian (1) into a two mode bosonic interaction stru cture [2] (up (9) SSDicke states with a specific permutation symmetry are chosen here because of the greatest by them in their theoretical analysis and also due to their cur rent experimental relevance [4, 5].Amplification and discrimination of photons 4 Temporal evolution in this approximation thus assumes the form, U(t) (10) (Here we have denoted gt=t.) It may be noted that U(t) acts as a passive on the two mode bosonic Fock states initial states of the form (6) get confined within the space spanned by the ( ne+n+1) basis states 0,1,2...such that time evolution. It is U(t) i.e., - unit probability. In general, we have, U(t)=e-it[(n+ne)o g+No0 2g]/summationdisplay n'e,n'|n' e,n'/angbracketright/angbracketleftn' e,n'|e-it(b+a+ba+)|ne,n/angbracketright =e-it[(n+ne)o g+No0 2g]/summationdisplay n'e,n'|n' e,n'/angbracketrightdne+n 2 n'e-n' 2,ne-n 2(2t) xe-ip[(n' e-n')-(ne-n)]/4dn'e+n',ne+n, (11) where [9] dj m',m(2t) (12) with the sum over ktaken such that none of the arguments of the factorials in the denominator are negative. A measurement P A0IRat an instant tprojects all the atoms to ground state: PA0IRU(t)=/summationdisplay n'|0,n'/angbracketrightdne+n 2 -(n+ne) 2,ne-n 2(2t)dn',ne+n xeip[(ne-n+n')]/4e-it[(n+ne)o g+No0 2g] =e-it(no+N 2o0)e-ine(ot-p 2)(-1)ne/radicalBig P(ne,n,t)|0;n+ne/angbracketright.(13) Thus, the probability of finding the atoms in ground state, which in tu rn corresponds to that of photon amplification n-n+ne, is given by P(ne,n,t) sin2ne(t). (14) In Figs. 1 (a), (b), (c), we have displayed the probability of maximum photon emission for three choices of ne= 1,10,and 25, each with different values for the number of photons n= 0,1,5,10,as a function of scaled time t.Forn= 0 i.e., dark photon input state, the probability has a single peak /bardblin the range 0 <=t<=pwith = 1, which corresponds to swapping of atom-photon - when n/negationslash= 0 the projective measurement P A0IRleads to - to maximum photon emission; this is not a /bardblThe probability P(ne,n,t) exhibits repetitive structure with a period p, as is evident from and discrimination of photons 1. Probability P(ne,n,t) of finding the atoms in ground state as a function of scaled time tfor different values of initial photon numbers n. Maxima in at scaled times tn= swap action and occurs with probability 0 <= 0,t)<1. Clearly, the probability 0,t) vanishes at scaled time t=p/2, in order to give way to complete swap action - . The probability profile for maximum photon emission n-n+netherefore reveals two peaks around t=p/2 0. The maxima of probabilities corresponding to different input photon n umbers are well separated and they appear periodically at tn= for photon number define the time of perception tp(ne,n),for a given neandn, as the time at which the probability P(ne,n,t) attains its maximum. This determines the of the photons. An examination of these figures reveal: (i) for a given ne, the time of perception tp(n,ne) reduces as more and more photons are detected - with lesser and lesser efficiency. Moreover the widths in the probabilities P(ne,n,t) (ii) As neincreases, there is a threshold time for the detection of photons, before which the probabilities are zero. In particular, fo rne= 1, there is an instant response to photons (for all n) as seen in Fig. 1(a), whereas for higher values ofnethere is a delay in such a response (See Fig. 1. (b), and (c)). (iii) For a ntheprofileof probability asafunctionof timesharpens as maximum value of the probability drops with this, as is evident from Figs. 1.Amplification and discrimination of photons 6 3.2. Pure state of atoms with low intensity coherent radiati on The above discussion was confined to pure photon number states. We now show that an enhanced photon amplification behavior is realized, when initially a low state of radiation |a/angbracketright=e-|a|2/2/summationdisplay n=0an n!|a|2<1 (15) is considered as input. The probability of finding the atoms in ground s tate is obtained by following the procedures given in (11) and (13): P(ne,a,t) 2. Probability P(ne,a,t) of finding the atoms in ground state as a function of scaled time tfor different values of initial intensity |a|2and for different choices of ne, the initial number of atoms in excited state. The probability profile (16) - with coherent radiation as input - is a ser ies atom-photon Fock state probabilities P(ne,n,t), dark photon being the leading term for low value of intensity |a|2. Thus, the to low intensity coherent light has a similar structure as th at of dark P(ne,0,t) (see Fig. 1) with small contribution from higher order terms |a|2n, n= 1,2,.... It may be seen from Fig. 2 that the probability P(ne,a,t) is found to be nearly zero in the begining and raises to a maximum at t=p/2 (peak An increase in the initial intensity of coherent radiation has the effect of reducing the probability of finding the atoms in their ground and discrimination of photons 3. Probability of finding the atoms in ground state under time by the Hamiltonian (9), when initial atomic state is chosen a s (i) a (ii) pure state and the radiation in a coherent asa function ofscaledtime t, fortwodifferent values ofinital intensity of the intensity of radiation,I(t) I(t=0)= |a|2,(after performing P A0on the temporally evolving state approaches the when theprobability offinding . 3.3. Mixed state of atoms with low intensity coherent radiat ion So far, we have considered pure atomic states. It is of interest to investigate how the effects found above may get modified when mixed atomic states are e mployed. For simplicity, we choose here a chaotic mixture ( ne+ 1) of low lying collective excited states of ne<< N, (17) along with low intensity coherent radiation. The probability of finding t he atoms in ground state under time evolution in this model is readily found to be, P(ratom,a,t) (18) The probability P(ratom,a,t) as well as P(ne,a,t) (see Eq. (16)) associated with a pure atomic state plotted, as a function of scaled time t, in Fig. 3 (a) and (b) for two different choices of the initial intensity of radiation for a fixed ne= 25.We observe that while the maximum probability remains the same for a given initial int ensity of radiation |a|2,the mixed states ratomresult in a wider spread around the maximum value (at t=p/2) compared to their pure state counterparts. Also, the probab builds above the background as the intensity of the radiation |a|2increases, the maximum probability drops down. It may be noted tha t the photon amplification the for mixed atomic states ratomin contrast to its corresponding valuene |a|2in the case of pure and discrimination of photons 8 4. Summary We have presented a scheme for photon amplification and discriminat ion based on the Dicke model interaction between single mode radiation and N-atom system. This involves large wherethenumber Nofatoms. Further, this approximation enforces that the number nof input photons is small, compared toN. This leads to a beam splitter feature for time evolution under the int (9), thus ensuring entanglement between the atoms in c ollective excited states and the photons [10]. Emission of maximum number of photons corresponds to a completely uncorrelated atom-radiation system, with all the at oms in the ground state and this is acheived via a projective measurement at a suitable interval of time. Concepts like threshold time andtime of perception for exposure to low intensity light emerge as characteristic features of our investigation. Discrimina tion of small number of photons is also realized in this scheme. 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Usha Devi A. R.
A. R. Usha Devi, R. Prabhu, and A. K. Rajagopal
A scheme for amplification and discrimination of photons
8 pages, 3 figures, RevteX, Minor revision, References added
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 (2008) 235501
A scheme for exploring photon number amplification and discrimination is presented based on the interaction of a large number of two-level atoms with a single mode radiation field. The fact that the total number of photons and atoms in the excited states is a constant under time evolution in Dicke model is exploited to rearrange the atom-photon numbers. Three significant predictions emerge from our study: Threshold time for initial exposure to photons, time of perception (time of maximum detection probability), and discrimination of first few photon states.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 16 Feb 2008 05:33:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 1 Apr 2008 14:33:21 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 1 Dec 2008 10:28:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Devi", "A. R. Usha", "" ], [ "Prabhu", "R.", "" ], [ "Rajagopal", "A. K.", "" ] ]
2 EON-KYUNG LEE AND SANG-JIN LEE Figure 1. This braid is{1,4,5}-pure and and letDnbe then-punctured disk D2{1,...,n}. The braid groupBnis defined as the group of of Dnthat fix the boundary theboundary. Equivalently, n-braidscanbe defined for each t[0,1], andl(D2x{0,1}) The admissible isotopieslie in the interior of D2x[0,1]. Then-braid group Bnhas the well-known Artin presentation 1.1. ForaBn, letpadenote its induced permutation on {1,...,n}. Ifpa(i) =i, we say that aisi-pure, or thei-th strand of aispure. ForP{1,...,n}, we say that for each iP. Definition 1.2. LetBn,1denote thesubgroupof Letlk : Bn,1-Z be the homomorphism measuring the linking number of the first stran d with the other strands: Bn,1is generated by and lk is defined by lk( s2 1) = 1 and lk( si) = 0 fori>=2. A braidais said to be 1-unlinked if it is 1-pure and lk( a) = 0. Let n:Bn,1-Bn-1be the homomorphism deleting the first strand. For example, the braid in Figure 1 is {1,4,5}-pure and 1-unlinked. Note that are nothing more than pure braids in the usual sense, and th at lk is a conjugacy invariant of 1-pure braids because lk( bab-1) = = lk(a) fora,bBn,1. From the presentation of Bn, it is obvious that the Artin group A(An) is isomorphic to Bn+1. The other Artin groups A(Bn),A(~An-1) andA(~Cn-1) are known to be isomorphic to follows [All02, CC05, BM07]. A(Bn) {aBn+1|ais {aBn+1|ais now on, we identify A(An) withBn+1, and the Artin groups A(Bn),A(~An-1) the subgroups of Bn+1yield monomorphisms See Figure 2. There are another type of monomorphisms which can be described b y isomorphisms between Artin groups of type Band centralizers of periodic braids. The well-known Nielsen-Thursto n classification of mapping classes of surfaces (possibly with punctur es) with negative Euler charac- teristic into periodic, reducible and pseudo-Anosov ones [Thu88] yie lds an analogous braids. An n-braidais said to be periodic if some power of it is a power of 2, where if there is an essential curve system in Dnwhose ON THE SET OF CONJUGACY CLASSES 2. ps1,...,ps 6are monomorphisms between Artin 3. The braids dandoare represented by rigid rotations of punctured disks. class is invariant under the action of a;pseudo-Anosov if there is a pseudo-Anosov on the interior of Dnrepresenting amodulo 2, that is, there exist a pair of transverse measured foliations ( Fs,us) and (Fu,uu) and a real l>1, called dilatation , such that f(Fs,us) = (Fs,l-1us) andf(Fu,uu) = (Fu,luu). Every braid belongs to one of the following three mutually disjoint classes: periodic; pseudo-Anosov; non-pe riodic and reducible. We say that two braids are of the same Nielsen-Thurston type if both of them belong to the same thendn= 2=on-1. If we need to specify the braid index n, we will write d=d(n),o=o(n)and = (n). The braids dandoare induced by rigid rotations of the punctured disk as in Figure 3 when the punctures are at the o rigin or evenly distributed on a round circle centered at the origin. Due to L.E.J. Brouwer [Bro19 ], B. de K' er' ekj' art' o [Ker19] and S. Eilenberg [Eil34] (see also [CK94]), it is known that an n-braid is periodic if and only if it is conjugate to a power of doro. For a group Gand an element gG, letZG(g) denote the centralizer of ginG, that is, ZG(g) ={hG:gh=hg}. If the group Gis clear from the context, we write simply Z(g). The following theorem is a consequence of the result of D. Bessis, F. Dign e and J. Michel [BDM02] on irreducible complex reflection groups. See also [GW04]. Theorem 1.3 ([BDM02]) .LetoBnbe conjugate to dk(resp.ok), wherekis not a Then the centralizer Z(o)is isomorphic to the Artin group A(Bd), where d= gcd(k,n)(resp.d= andd>=1. The centralizer Z(od (md+1)) consists of 1-pure braids because the first strand ofod (md+1)is the only pure strand. By theorem 1.3, we of the above isomorphisms and inclusions yield monomorp The monomorphisms ps4andps54 EON-KYUNG LEE AND SANG-JIN LEE in [BDM02] and [GW04] are such that ps4(o(d+1)) the homomorphism deleting the first strand (see Definition 1.2). See Figure 2. In [BGG06] J. Birman, V. Gebhardt and J. Gonz' alez- Meneses described explicitly in terms of standard generators the m onomorphism whenm= 2. The following theorem is the main result of this paper. Theorem 1.4. Letobe a periodic n-braid, and let a,bZ(o). Ifaandbare conjugate in Bn, then they are conjugate in Z(o). We prove the above theorem, relying on the Nielsen-Thurston class ification of braids. In the case of pseudo-Anosov braids, we obtain a stronger result: if a,bZ(o) are pseudo-Anosov and conjugate in Bn, then any conjugating element from atobbelongs toZ(o) (see Proposition 5.1). The case of periodic braids is easy to prove due to the uniqueness of roots up to conjugacy for Artin groups of type B[LL07], hence most part of this paper is devoted to the case of red the characterization of Z(o) as the Artin group of type B, we obtain the which is equivalent to the above theorem (see Lemma 4.3 for the 1.5. Form>=2andd>=1, the monomorphisms injective functions on the set of conjugacy classes. The above corollary implies that ps4is also injective on the set of conjugacy classes and a further monomorphism of A(Bn) intoA(An), and have the 1.6. Forn>=3, none of the monomorphisms andinduces an injective function on the set of conjugacy classe s. For the proof of the above theorem, we present three examples w hich show that the not injective on the set of conjugacy classes. For instance, t he first example is a pair of elements in Bn+1,1that are conjugate in Bn+1, but not conjugate in Bn+1,1. We close this section with a remarkon a monomorphismfrom A(An-1) toA(Dn). The Coxeter graph of type Dnis as the standard generators of A(An-1) andA(Dn). be the homomorphisms defined by i(si) =s1;p(ti) =si-1fori>=2. Because p*iis the identity, pis an a monomorphism, further, iis injective on the set of conjugacy classes. It is known by J. Crisp and L. Paris that A(Dn) is isomorphic to a semidirect product Fn-1A(An-1), where Fn-1is a free group of rank n-1 this section, we review the uniqueness of roots up to conjugacy in some Artin groups, and some tools useful in handling reducible braids such as canonical redu ction system and ON THE SET OF CONJUGACY CLASSES 5 2.1.Periodic braids. The center of Bnis the infinite cyclic group generated by 2. Ann-braid is periodic if and only if it is of finite order in the central quotient Note that dgenerates a cyclic group of order the same group in and only if gcd( a,n) = gcd(b,n). In fact, we have the following. Lemma 2.1. Letaandbbe integers. In Bn, the following hold. (i)Z(da) =Z(db)if and only if gcd(a,n) = =Z(ob)if and only if gcd(a,n-1) = the above, (iii) is a direct consequence of (i) and (ii). The central quotient the group of isotopy classes of of Dn without the condition of fixing Dnpointwise on and isotopies. If a not fix Dnpointwise, it determines a braid modulo of roots up to conjugacy in some Artin groups. It is known that the k-th roots of a braid are unique up to conjugacy by J. Gonz' alez-Me neses [Gon03], and this is generalized to the Artin groups A(Bn) =A(Cn),A(~An) andA(~Cn) [LL07]. Theorem 2.2 (J. Gonz' alez-Meneses [Gon03]) such that ak=bkfor some nonzero integer k. Thenaandbare conjugate in Bn. Theorem 2.3 (E.-K. Lee and S.-J. Lee [LL07]) .LetGdenote one of the Artin groups of affine type ~An-1,~Cn-1. Ifa,bGare such that ak=bkfor some nonzero integer k, thenaandbare conjugate in G. Corollary 2.4. LetGdenote one of the Artin groups of finite type An,Bn=Cnand affine Letaandbbe elements of G, and letkbe a nonzero integer. Then, in Gif and only if so are reduction system of reducible braids. Abusing notation, we use the same symbol for a curve and its isotopy class. Hence, for curves that C1 andC2are isotopic, unless stated otherwise explicitly. A curve systemCinDnmeans a finite collection of disjoint simple closed curves in Dn. It is said to be essential if each component is homotopic neither to a point nor to a puncture n or to the boundary. For an n-braidaand a curve system CinDn, leta*Cdenote the left action of a onC. Recall that an n-braidais reducible if a*C=Cfor some essential curve system CinDn, called areduction system ofa. For a reduction system Cof ann-braida, letDCbe the closure of Dn(C) inDn, where N(C) is a regular neighborhood of C. The restriction of ainduces a on DC that is well defined up to isotopy. Due to J. Birman, A. Lubotzky and J. McCarthy [BLM83] and N. V. Ivanov [Iva92], for any n-braida, there is a unique canonical reduction system R(a) with the following =R(a) for 0. (ii)R(bab-1) =b*R(a) for allbBn. (iii) The restriction of ato each component of DR(a)is either periodic or pseudo-Anosov. A reduction system with this property is said to be adequate. (iv) IfCis an adequate reduction system of a, thenR(a)C. Note that a braid ais non-periodic and reducible if and only if LetRext(a) denote the collection of outermost components of R(a). ThenRext(a) satisfies the properties (i) and (ii).6 EON-KYUNG LEE AND SANG-JIN LEE (a) a standard curve system (b) the unnested standard curve s 4. Some standard curve systems in braids with a standard reduction system. Here we introduce some notions in [LL08] that will be used in computations involving reducible 2.5. An essential curve system in Dnis said to be standard if each component is isotopic to a round circle centered at the real axis as in Figure 4 (a), andunnested if none of its components encloses another component as in Figure 4 (b). Two curve said to be of the same type if there is a diffeomorphism f:Dn-Dnsuch thatf(C1) is isotopic toC2. Rext(a) is unnested for any non-periodic reducible braid a. Ifaandbare are of the same type. Recall that an ordered k-tuplen= (n1,...,nk) is ak-composition of for eachi. Unnested standard curve systems in Dnare in one-to-one correspondence of nfor 2<=k<=n-1. Thek-braid group Bkacts on the set of k-compositions as a*(n1,...,nk) = 2.6. For a composition n= (n1,...,nk) ofn, letCndenote the curve system ni>=2Ci inDn, whereCiwithni>=2 is a round circle enclosing the punctures example, Figure 4 (b) shows Cnforn= (1,1,2,1,2,3). For compositions of the same type if and only if n1andn2induce the same partition of nsuch as n1= (2,2,1) andn2= 2.7. Letn= (n1,***,nk) be a composition of n. (i) Let ^a=l1***lkbe ak-braid, where the right endpoint of liis at thei-th position from bottom. We define then-braid obtained from ^ aby takingniparallel copies oflifor eachi. See Figure 5 (a). (ii) LetaiBnifori= 1,...,k. We define ( a1***ak)nas each a' iis the image of aiunder the homomorphism Bni-Bndefined by See Figure 5 (b). We will use the notation See Figure 5 (c). and For 2.8 ([LL08, Lemmas 3.5 and 3.6]) .Letn= (n1,...,nk)be a composition of n.INJECTIVITY ON THE SET OF CONJUGACY CLASSES 5. n= (2,3,1) (i)The expression unique, that is, if standard if and only if acan be expressed as this case, (a1b1***akbk)n= (a1***ak)-1 n= (n)if and only if ^a= (k)andai= 2.8 (iii)-(vii) are similar to the computations in the wreath produ ctGBk, wherek- braids act on the k-cartesian product of Gby permuting coordinates. Let letn= (m,...,m ) be a composition of n. LetBn(Cn) ={aBn|a*Cn=Cn}. Then Lemma 2.8 shows that Bn(Cn) is indeed isomorphic to BmBk. Definition 2.9. Letn= (n1,...,nk) be a composition of n, and letaBnbe such that a*Cn is standard. Then ais uniquely expressed as Lemma 2.8. We call ^ a then-exterior braid ofa, and denote it by Ext n(a). The braids a1,...,akare called If Ext n(a) is the identity, ais called an n-split braid . The lemma below follows from the above lemma and properties of Rext(*). Lemma 2.10. such that a*Cn=b*Cn=Cnfor a composition nofn. (i) Ext n(ab) = Ext = Ext =Rext(b) =Cnandgis ann-braid with b=gag-1, = Ext of Theorem 1.6 In this section, we prove Theorem 1.6 by presenting three examples which show that none of the monomorphisms injective on the set of conjugacy classes for n>=3. Recall that A(An) =Bn+1; A(Bn) =Bn+1,1;A(~An-1) ={aBn+1|ais of Theorem 1.6. Consider the following ( n+1)-braids for n>=3. See Figure let us consider a1andb1. 1-pure, they belong to Bn+1,1. They are conjugate in Bn+1becauseb1= However they are not conjugate in8 EON-KYUNG LEE AND SANG-JIN 6. The examples for Theorem 1.6 when n= 4 Bn+1,1because lk( a1) = 1 and lk( b1) = 2. This shows that ps1:A(Bn)-A(An) is not injective on the set of conjugacy classes. The second pair ( a2,b2) is similar to the first one. Notice that n>=3. hence they belong to A(~Cn-1). They are conjugate in 1-pure and b2= However a2cannot be conjugated to b2by an{1,n+ 1}-pure braid. An easy way to see this is to consider the linking number, say lk', of (n+1)-st strand with the other strands, which is a well-defined homom orphism from A(~Cn-1) to Z. Because lk'(a2) = 1 and lk'(b2) = 2, the braids a2andb2are not conjugate in A(~Cn-1). This shows that is not injective on the set of conjugacy classes. Now, let us consider the last pair ( a3,b3). Because both a3andb3are 1-unlinked, they They are conjugate in 1-pure and claim below shows the structure of ZBn+1(a3). It is a direct consequence of the main result of J. Gonz' alez-Meneses and B. Wiest in [GW04], however we provide a proof for the generated by a3andkh= In particular, every 1-pure with lk(z)0 (modn). Proof of Claim. Letn= (1,n) be a composition of n+1, and let Z(a3) =ZBn+1(a3). Note that a3= =Cn. See Figure 6 (d). If gZ(a3), theng*Cn=Cn, hencegis of the some ^gB2andg1Bn. By direct computation, we can see that gZ(a3) if and only if ^g=s2k 1for with d(n). BecauseZBn(d(n)) is infinite cyclic [BDM02], Z(a3) is generated by lk( kh) =nand lk(a3) = 0, every element in Z(a3) has linking number a multiple of n. /square Assume that a3andb3are conjugate in A(~An-1). Then there exists a 1-unlinked ( n+1)-braid gsuch Therefore s2 1gZBn+1(a3). Because lk( s2 1g) = lk(s2 1)+lk(g) = 1+0 = 1, lk( s2 1g) is not a multiple of n>=3. It is a contradiction. This is not injective on the set of conjugacy classes. /square 4.Braids in the centralizer of a periodic braid In this section, we review isomorphisms between Artin groups of typ eBand centralizers of periodic braids, and make some tools useful in proving Theorem 1.4.INJECTIVITY ON THE SET OF CONJUGACY CLASSES 9 (a)C (b)C'(c) (d) (e) Figure 7. The figures in two rows show the same curves with different location o f One of the difficulties in proving Theorem 1.4 lies in dealing with Let ( a,b,o) be a triple of n-braids such that ois periodic and both aandbare non- periodic reducible braids in Z(o) which are conjugate in Bn. IfRext(a) andRext(b) are standard, it would be very convenient for computations, but they are not nec essarily standard. Our strategy is to construct another such triple ( a',b',o') such that bothRext(a') andRext(b') are standard. This new triple is related to the original one by conjugations so that if a'andb'are conjugate in Z(o') thenaandbare conjugate in Z(o). This construction is the main theme of this section. The following lemma is obvious, hence we omit the proof. Lemma 4.1. Letobe a periodic n-braid, and let aandbbelong toZ(khokh-1). Furthermore, conjugate in Z(khokh-1)if and only if aandbare conjugate in toZ(o). Furthermore, conjugate in Z(o)if and only if aandbare conjugate in Z(o). From the above lemma, one can think of two ways in order to make Rext(a) First, one can expect that there exists khBnsuch that both kh*Rext(a) andkh* Rext(b) are standard. If it is true, ( can be taken as a desired triple by Lemma 4.1 (i). Second, one can expect that there exist kh1,kh2Z(o) such that kh1*Rext(a) and kh2*Rext(b) are standard. If it is true, ( can be taken as a desired triple by Lemma 4.1 (ii). However the following example shows that each of thes e ideas does not work for itself. Our construction will be as ( wherekh1,kh2Z(o) and khBnsuch that are standard and khokh-1is a special kind of periodic braid (see Corollary 4.14). Example 4.2. Consider the 4-braids o=d2= (s3s2s1)2, element ois a periodic 4-braid which corresponds to the p-rotation of the punctured disk when punctures are distributed as in Figure 3 (a). aandbare reducible braids in Z(o) which are conjugate in B4. LetC=Rext(a) andC'=Rext(b). They enclose two punctures as in Figure 7 (a) and (b). There are three standard curves in D4enclosing two punctures as in Figure 7 (c)-(e) and the geometric intersection numbers between two of them are either 0 o r 2. Because the number between CandC'is 4, there is no 4-braid khsuch EON-KYUNG LEE AND SANG-JIN LEE Assume that there exists kh1Z(o) such that kh1*Cis standard. Because Cencloses two punctures, so does kh1*C. Therefore kh1*Cis one ofthe three curvesin Figure 7 (c)-(e). invariant under the action of =kh1*(o*C) =kh1*C. Because none of the curves in Figure 7 (c)-(e) is invariant under the action of o, it is a contradiction. Similarly, there is no kh2Z(o) such that kh2*C'is standard. The monomorphisms ps5andps6are compositions of an isomorphism phand the inclusion withm>=2;ois a periodic n-braid conjugate to dkwithd= gcd(k,n) or tookwithd= gcd(k,n-1). Observe the injective on the set of conjugacy classes if and only if so is i*ph. (ii) Leto'be a periodic n-braid which is conjugate to o, and leti':Z(o')-Bnbe the inclusion. Then iandi'are related by an inner automorphism, say Ikh, ofBnand its restriction to Z(o) as injective on the set of conjugacy classes if and only if so is i'. (iii) Consequently, the injectivity of i*phon the set of conjugacy classes depends only on the conjugacy class of o. Therefore Theorem 1.4 states that i:Z(o)-Bnis injective on the set of conjugacy classes for any periodic n-braido. And Corollary 1.5 is equivalent to i:Z(o)-Bnbeing injective on the set of conjugacy classes for any noncentral periodic n-braido. Because Theorem 1.4 obviously holds for central braids o, we have the following. Lemma 4.3. Theorem 1.4 and Corollary 1.5 are equivalent. We remark that there are infinitely many isomorphisms from Bd+1,1toZ(o), and any two of them are related by an automorphism of Bd+1,1=A(Bd). See [CC05] for the classification of automorphisms of Artin groups of type braids and their centralizers. Letmanddbe integers with m>=2 od, following the work in wherez0is the origin and zi,jis the complex number with|zi,j|=iand arg(zi,j) = 2p(j-1)/m. we construct a covering map a diffeomorphism in Figure 8. Let rmbe the clockwise (2 p/m)-rotation of D(m) n. The identification diffeomorphic to the ( d+1)-punctured disk Dd+1. We write the natural ON THE SET OF CONJUGACY CLASSES D(m) nandrm 8. The punctured spaces D(m) nandDd+1, wheren= 13,m= 3 andd= (b) Figure 9. The diffeomorphism u3,2 u3,3 u3,4 Figure 10. The periodic braid u3,dford= 1,2,3,4 phm,dis a covering map whose group of covering transformations is the cy clic group generated by rm. We construct a fixes as follows. First, cut circles into disk and dannuli with mpunctures as in Figure 9 (a). Then, define em,don each punctured annulus as in Figure 9 (b) such that it coincides at the inte rsections of two adjacent annuli, and extend em,dto the once-punctured disk in an obvious way. Such a unique up to 4.4. Letmanddbe integers with m>=2 andd>=0. We define an ( as follows: um,0is the unique braid with one strand; for regarded as an ( md+1)-braid by using the inclusion 1<=i<=m(d-1). See Figure 10 for um,dwithm= 3 and 1<=d<=4.12 EON-KYUNG LEE AND SANG-JIN /d63/d95 /d111/d111 11. Monomorphisms the construction, we can see the the braid um,dmodulo 2. (ii) Ann-braid belongs to Z(um,d) if and only if it is represented by a rm-equivariant diffeomorphism fixes the boundary (um,d)m= 2 (n)= (od (n))m,um,dis conjugate to od (n), hencen(um,d) is conjugate to dd (n-1). Recall that the monomorphisms ps4,ps5andps6are induced by the isomorphisms Bd+1,1 Z(od (n)) in [BDM02, GW04]. In the same way, we define using isomorphisms Bd+1,1Z(um,d) 4.5. Letm>=2 andd>=1, and letn=md+1. We define an follows. Let aBd+1,1, that is,ais a 1-pure ( d+ 1)-braid. Then ais represented by a diffeomorphism f:Dd+1-Dd+1that fixes the first puncture together with all the boundary points. Let the lift of f(with respect to phm,d) that fixes hence a braid in Z(um,d). We define ph(a) as the braid represented by monomorphisms ps' 4andps' 6are compositions of phwith the inclusions respectively. The monomorphism ps' 5is the composition of phwith the homomorphism n:Bmd+1,1-Bmd. See Figure 11. By the construction, ps' 4(2 (d+1)) =ps' 6(2 (d+1)) =um,d. The following lemma looks obvious, but we include a sketchy proof for 4.6. Letpsdenote either The monomorphism pspreserves the Nielsen-Thurston type, that is, for aBd+1,1 (i)ais periodic if and only if ps(a)is pseudo-Anosov if and only if ps(a)is reducible and non-periodic if and only if ps(a)is reducible and The case of ps' 4is the same, and the case of ps' 5can be proved the three classes {periodic braids mutually disjoint, it suffices to prove (i) together with (ii)'and pseudo-Anosov, then ps(a) is reducible and non-periodic, then ps(a) is reducible and ON THE SET OF CONJUGACY CLASSES 13 (i)ais periodic=ak= (2)lfor 0 =ps(2l) =ul m,dfor 0 andlZ =ps(a) is that aBd+1,1is pseudo-Anosov. There is a pseudo-Anosov defined on the interior of Dd+1representing amodulo 2 (d+1). Let~fbe the lift of f(with respect tophm,d) defined on the interior of D(m) md+1. Then~fis also a pseudo-Anosov invariant measured foliations of flift to invariant measured foliations of ~fwith the same dilatation. Therefore a pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphism. Since modulo 2 (md+1),ps(a) is that aBd+1,1is reducible and non-periodic. Then ps(a) is non-periodic by (i). Because ais reducible, there exists a diffeomorphism f:Dd+1-Dd+1, which represents a, together with an essential curve system Csuch thatf(C) =C. and let ~fbe a lift offwith respect to phm,d. Then~Cis an invariant essential curve system of ~f, henceem,d(~C) is a reduction system of ps(a). 4.7. Letm>=2andd>=1. Letobe a 1-pure braid conjugate to od (md+1), and let aZ(o). Thenaandn(a)have the same Nielsen-Thurston type, that is, (i)ais periodic if and only if n(a)is pseudo-Anosov if and only if n(a)is reducible and non-periodic if and only if n(a)is reducible and loss of generality, we may assume that o=um,d. Then there exists - aBd+1,1 such thata=ps' 4(-a) andn(a) =ps' 5(-a). By Lemma 4.6, aand -a(resp.n(a) and -a) have the same Nielsen-Thurston type. Therefore aandn(a) have the same Nielsen-Thurston type. /square From Lemma 4.6 and its proof, we can see that the monomorphisms reduction systems to canonical reduction systems as f 4.8. Letm>=2andd>=1, and letaBd+1,1be reducible and non-periodic. If Cis the canonical reduction system of a, the canonical reduction system of and the canonical reduction system of ps' 5(a)is obtained from the first puncture. In particular, Rext(ps' 4(a)) =Rext(ps' 6(a)) obtained forgetting the first prove the corollary only for the case of ps' 4. The other cases are similar. Recall that the canonical reduction system of a braid is the smallest adequate redu ction system of it. LetCDd+1be the canonical reduction system of aBd+1,1. Following the construction in Lemma 4.6, let ~C=ph-1 m,d(C) the proof of Lemma 4.6, Dis a reduction system of ps' 4(a). BecauseCis adequate,D is adequate by Lemma 4.6 (i) and (ii). Hence there is a subset D'ofDwhich is the system of ps' 4(a). Note that claim that ~C'=ph-1 m,d(C') and thatC'is a reduction system of a.14 EON-KYUNG LEE AND SANG-JIN LEE SinceD'is the canonical reduction system of ps' 4(a) and since ps' 4(a) commutes with =R(ps' 4(a)) =D'. Because the diffeomorphism 2, the above formula =~C', that is, if ~C'contains a component of ~Cthen it contains all the components of ~C in therm-orbit of this component. Since the covering transformation grou p ofphm,dis and a diffeomorphism representing asuch thatf(C) =C. Let~fbe a lift of fwith respect to phm,d. Then~f(~C) =~Cbecause ~C=ph-1 m,d(C). The diffeomorphism braid ps' 4(a). is a reduction system of ps' 4(a), one has ~f(~C') =C'because ~C'=ph-1 m,d(C') and~fis a lift offwith respect to phm,d. HenceC'is a reduction system of a. SinceD'is adequate, the reduction system C'is also adequate by Lemma 4.6 (i) and (ii). BecauseCis the canonical reduction system of a, it is the smallest adequate reduction system of a, henceCC'. BecauseC'C, this impliesC=C'and henceD=D'. So far, we have shown that if Cis the canonical reduction system of is the canonical reduction system of ps' 4(a). IfC''is the collection of the outermost components ofC, is the collection of the outermost components of /square We remark that the above argument actually shows that there is a o ne-to-one This correspondence satisfies the property that Cis a reduc- tion system (resp. an adequate reduction system, the canonical reduction system) of aBd+1if and only is a reduction system (resp. an adequate reduction system, th e system) of ps' 4(a). For 1<=i<=dand 1<=j<=m, letx0andxi,jbe the integers such that x0= 1 In other words, (1 ,2,...,md +1) = (x0,x1,1,...,x =x0andem,d(zi,j) =xi,jfor 1<=i<=dand 1<=j<=m. The induced (x0)(x1,m,...,x 4.9. Letm>=2andd>=1, and letthbe a permutation on {1,...,md + 1}. Then the following conditions are an induced permutation of an element of with the induced permutation of um,d (iii)this such that th(x0) =x0andth(xi,j) a rearrangement of 1,...,d. (Hereafter we regard the being taken modulo is clear. Let us show that (ii) =(i). Suppose that (ii) is true. The centralizer of pum,dis generated by two types of permutations thifor 1<=i<=d-1 andti for 1<=i<=d, where (i) the permutation thiinterchanges the i-th and the ( i+1)-st cycles of pum,d, more =xj,kfor ON THE SET OF CONJUGACY CLASSES 15 (a) (b) (c) Figure 12. (a) shows the punctured disk D(3) 13. (b) and (c) illustrate inducing th2andt3, 13. The curve system CdinDd+1is lifted toCm,dinD(m) n, and then mapped toCLm(d)inDn. Heren= 13,m= 3,d= 4 and d= (2,2,1). (ii) the permutation tishifts thei-th cycle of pum,dby one in a way that ti(xi,k) =xj,kfor that thiandtiare induced permutations of elements of Z(um,d). Let the punctures be located as in Figure 12 (a) so that the clockwise 2 p/m-rotation. Figure 12 (b) and (c) illustrate diffeomorphisms whose induced permutations inter change two cycles or shift a cycle by one. braids in the centralizer of a periodic braid. Letmanddbe integers with m>=2 andd>=0, and letn=md+1. Let d= (d0+1,d1,...,dr) be a composition of d+1. We define a composition Lm(d) ofnas Lm(d) = (md0+1,d1,...,d example, if d= (2,2,1) thenL3(d) = (4,2,2,2,1,1,1), and if d= (3,2,1) thenL3(d) LetCm,ddenote the curve system ph-1 m,d(Cd) inD(m) n. See Figure 13. We construct a to em,dsuch that it fixes the boundary and sends First, we cut the punctured disk D(m) n(resp.Dn) byrround circles into one ( md0+1)-punctured disk and rannuli such that each or mcomponents as in Figure 14 (a). Then, on each annulus, define em,das in Figure 14 (b), and on the ( md0+ 1)-punctured disk, define em,das em,d0. Such a diffeomorphism em,dis unique up to isotopy.16 EON-KYUNG LEE AND SANG-JIN (b) Figure 14. The diffeomorphism 13,m= 3,d= 4 andd= (2,2,1). (a)u3,2 (b)u3,d (c)CL3(d) Figure 15. The braidu3,dwithd= (2,2,1) in (b) is obtained from the braid u3,2in (a) by taking four parallel copies of the first strand and two para llel copies of the next three strands, and then by concatenating some inter ior braids. This braid has the standard reduction system in (c). Definition 4.10. Letn=md+ 1 withm>=2 andd>=1. Letd= (d0+ 1,d1,...,dr) be a composition of d+1 and n=Lm(d). We define an Figure 15 (b) for um,dwithm= 3 and d= (2,2,1) and compare it with um,rin Fig- ure 15 (a). conjugate to od (n). Observe that if and only if it is represented by arm-equivariant fixes the boundary pointwise. Lemma 4.11. Letd= a and let n=Lm(d). Letabe ann-braid with a*Cn=Cn. Then,aZ(um,d)if and only ifais of the /bracehtipupright liai***ai/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m-li))n such that whereki's andli's are integers such thatp^a(xi,j) =xki,j-lias in Lemma of the form a=/a}bracketle{t^a/a}bracketri}htn(a0a1,1***a1,m/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m***ar,1***ar,m/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m)n.INJECTIVITY ON THE SET OF CONJUGACY CLASSES 17 Suppose that aZ(um,d). we have ^aum,r= Ext n(aum,d) = Ext n(um,da) =um,r^a, hence ^aZ(um,r). By Lemma 4.9, p^ais of the form p^a(x0) =x0andp^a(xi,j) =xki,j-li, 0<=li<m. Sincep^a(xi,j) = (md0+1,d1,...,d 1/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,dr,...,dr/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m), one has ^a-1*n= (md0+1,dk1,...,dk1/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,dkr,...,dkr/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m). Thereforedki=difor 1<=i<=rbecause ^a*n=n. Now we compute aum,dandum,dastraightforwardly: a*um,d=/a}bracketle{t^a/a}bracketri}htn(a0/circleplustextr i=1(ai,1***ai,m))n */a}bracketle{tum,r/a}bracketri}htn(um,d0/circleplustextr i=1(2 (di)1***1))n =/a}bracketle{t^a/a}bracketri}htn/a}bracketle{tum,r/a}bracketri}htn*(a0/circleplustextr i=1(ai,mai,1***ai,m-1))n *(um,d0/circleplustextr i=1(2 (di)1***1))n =/a}bracketle{t^aum,r/a}bracketri}htn(a0um,d0/circleplustextr i=1(ai,m2 (di)ai,1***ai,m-1))n, um,d*a=/a}bracketle{tum,r/a}bracketri}htn(um,d0/circleplustextr i=1(2 (di)1***1))n */a}bracketle{t^a/a}bracketri}htn(a0/circleplustextr i=1(ai,1***ai,m))n =/a}bracketle{tum,r/a}bracketri}htn/a}bracketle{t^a/a}bracketri}htn*(um,d0/circleplustextr i=1(1***1/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright li2 (di)1***1/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m-li-1))n *(a0/circleplustextr i=1(ai,1***ai,m))n =/a}bracketle{tum,r^a/a}bracketri}htn(um,d0a0 /circleplustextr i=1(ai,1***ai,li2 (di)ai,li+1ai,li+2***ai,m))n. Comparing the above two formulae, we have a0Z(um,d0). In addition, for 1 thenahas the desired form. The other direction is straightforward. 4.12. Letn=md+ Letd= (d0+ 1,d1,...,dr)be a composition of d+ 1, and let n=Lm(d). Letabe ann-braid with a*Cn=Cn, and let the n-exterior braid of abe pure. Then, aZ(um,d)if and only if ais of the Ext n(a) is pure,ki=iandli= 0 fori= 1,...,rin Lemma 4.11. /square Lemma 4.13. LetCbe an unnested curve system in Dn such thatum,d*C=C. Then there exist zZ(um,d)and a composition d= ann-braid represented by em,d*e-1 m,d.18 EON-KYUNG LEE AND SANG-JIN 16. This figure shows the constructions in the proof of Lemma 4.13. Proof.The construction of dandzcan be viewed in Figure 16. Let C'=e-1 m,d(C). It is a curve system inD(m) nsuch thatrm(C') is isotopic loss of generality, we may assume that rm(C') =C'. Proof.Give a complete hyperbolic geometry on the interior of Dd+1, and lift it to the interior of D(m) nby using the covering Thenrmis an isometry. Let C''be the unique geodesic curve system isotopic to C'. Becauserm(C'') is isotopic toC'', we haverm(C'') =C''./square Now we assume that rm(C') =C'. Because -C'is an unnested curve system inDd+1, there exists a diffeomorphism - the first puncture and the that -g(-C') is a standard unnested curve system, hence - g(-C') =Cdfor a composition d= (d0+1,d1,...,dr) ofd+1. Note that - gcan be chosen so that the lift of - gthat Then gis with g(C') =ph-1 m,d(Cd) =Cm,d. represented by handf, respectively. Because zZ(um,d). By the construction, ( f*h)(C) =CLm(d), hence (khz)*C=CLm(d). 4.14. LetC1andC2be unnested curve systems inDnthat are of the same type and invariant under the action of um,d. Then there exist khBn,INJECTIVITY ON THE SET OF CONJUGACY CLASSES a composition d= Lemma 4.13 to C1andC2, we and compositions d= (d0+ 1,d1,...,dr) andd'= ofd+1 represented by respectively. Because C1andC2 are of the same type, so are This implies Therefore kh=kh'. Notice that the diffeomorphisms ( respectively, modulo 2. Since the two the same, 2. conjugate. 4.15. Let L be achoice function for the set k>=1Bk, hence let [a] denote the conjugacy class of ainBk. Letm>=2 andt>=0. We = L(Z(um,t)[a]) ifaBmt+1and andl(a) = L([a]) otherwise. We calll(a) theconjugacy representative ofawith respect to ( m,t). Thenlhas the following is conjugate to a. Two braids aandbare conjugate if and only if l(a) =l(b). (ii) IfaZ(um,t), 4.16. Letd= a and let n=Lm(d). toZ(um,d)such that ^ais a pure braid. Let l=lm,d0. Suppose that a0andl(a0)are conjugate in Z(um,d0). Then there exists an n-split braid ginZ(um,d)such one hasa0Z(um,d0) by Lemma 4.11, hence l(a0)Z(um,d0). By the hypothesis, there exists g0Z(um,d0) such that g0a0g-1 0=l(a0). For 1<=i<=r, choose giBdisuch Usinggi's, define an n-split braid Corollary 4.12, gZ(um,d). Because the n-exterior braids of aandgare pure braids, we can compute the conjugation as completes the proof. /square20 EON-KYUNG LEE AND SANG-JIN LEE 5.Proof of Theorem 1.4 In this section we prove Theorem 1.4. Let us explain our strategy. Letobe a periodic n-braid, and let a,bZ(o) be conjugate in Bn. Ifaandbare periodic, it is easyto provethe theorem becausewe mayassumethat Corollary2.4. If a andbare pseudo-Anosov, then we obtain a stronger result in Propositio n5.1 that any between aandbmust be contained in Z(o). (This result will be crucial in dealing with reducible braids.) However a far more laborious task is required when aandbare reducible. Let us say that a periodic braid is if it is conjugate to a power of d(resp. a power of o). The periodic braid ois eitherd-type oro-type, and Theorem 1.4 can be proved similarly for the two cases. One possible strategy for escaping repe tition of similar arguments would be writing an explicit proof for one case and then showing that t he other case follows easily from that. However this strategy hardly works. It seems that (w henaandbare reducible) the proof ford-typeomust contain most of the whole arguments needed in the proof for o-typeo, and that the theorem for d-typeois not a consequence of that for 5.2 is a key step in the proof of the theorem when aandbare reducible. The proposition may look rather unnatural at a glance, but it is written in that form in order to minimize repetition of similar 5.1. Letobe a periodic n-braid, and let aandbbe pseudo-Anosov braids in Z(o). Ifgis ann-braid with b=gag-1, the inner automorphism such that Io(kh) =o-1khoforkhBn. Since a,bZ(o), we haveIo(a) =aandIo(b) =b. =Io(gag-1) Theng0Z(a). It is known by J. Gonz' alez-Meneses and B. Wiest [GW04] that the centralizer of a pseudo-Anosov braid is a free abelian grou p of rank two. Since and with o, henceIk o(g0) =g0for allk. Take a positive integer msuch thatomis central. Since Im o(g) =g-1g= 1. Since braid groups are torsion free (for example see [Deh98]), we ha veg0= 1, hence g=Io(g). This means that gZ(o). /square We remarkthat, in the the pseudo-Anosovcon dition onaandbis a non-central periodic braid, and let gbe a braid which does not belong to Z(o). Let a=b= 2. Because 2is central, we have a,bZ(o) andgag-1=b. However, Rec the homomorphism deleting the first 5.2. Letm>=2andd>=1. Letobe a 1-pure braid conjugate to od (md+1). Letaand bbe pure braids in Z(o)such that either aandbare conjugate in in Bmd. Thenaandbare conjugate in Z(o). Before proving the above proposition, we prove Theorem 1.4 assum ing the ON THE SET OF CONJUGACY CLASSES 21 Proof of Theorem 1.4. Letobe a periodic n-braid, and let a,bZ(o) be conjugate in Bn. We will show that aandbare conjugate in Z(o). Claim. Without loss of generality, we may assume that ois non-central, and both aandbare pure braids. Proof of Claim. Ifois central, then Z(o) =Bn, hence there is nothing to prove. Hence we may assume that ois that Theorem 1.4 holds for pure braids. Choose a positive int egerksuch thatakand bkare pure. By assumption, akandbkare conjugate in Z(o). Because Z(o) is isomorphic to A(Bl) for conjugate in Z(o) by Corollary 2.4. This shows that it suffices to prove Theorem 1.4 for the case where aandbare pure braids. /square Now we assume that ois noncentral, and both aandbare pure braids. By Lemma 4.1 (i), we may assume that o=ddoro=odfor somed. By Lemma 2.1, we may further assume that dis a positive integer which is a divisor of nifo=ddand a divisor of n-1 ifo=od. Therefore there is a positive integer msuch if o=od. Note that m>=2 becauseois central if m= 1. Ifo=od, thenaandbare conjugate in Z(o) by Proposition 5.2. Now, suppose that o=dd. Let -aand-bbe the elements of Bd+1,1such thatps5(-a) =aand ps5(-b) =b. Leta'=ps4(-a) andb'=ps4(-b). Thena'andb'are (n+1)-braids in Z(od (n+1)) such thatn(a') =aandn(b') =bare conjugate in Bn. BnZ(dd (n)) b a', b' pure, so are a'andb'. Applying Proposition 5.2 to ( a',b',od (n+1)), we conclude that a'andb'are conjugate in Z(od (n+1)). This implies that - aand-bare conjugate in Bd+1,1, henceaandbare conjugate in Z(dd) =Z(o). /square Proof of Proposition 5.2. Letn=md+ 1. Recall that m>=2 andd>=1;ois a 1-pure braid conjugate to od (n);aandbare pure braids in Z(o) such that either aandbare conjugate in Bn orn(a) andn(b) are conjugate in Bn-1. We will show that aandbare conjugate in Z(o) by using induction on d>=1. By Lemma 4.1, we may assume that o=um,d. Claim 1. (i)aandbare conjugate in Z(o)if and only if n(a)andn(b)are conjugate in Z(n(o)). (ii)The braids the same Nielsen-Thurston type. (iii)The proposition holds if ais periodic or pseudo-Anosov, or if d= 1. (iv)Ifais non-periodic and reducible, then of the same type. Proof.Let -aand-bbe the elements of Bd+1,1such thata=ps' 4(-a) andb=ps' 4(-b), hencen(a) = ps' 5(-a) andn(b) =ps' 5(-b). We have the following commutative diagram, where the isomorphism s preserve the Nielsen-Thurston type by Lemma 4.6 and Corollary 4.7. Z(n(o)) n(b) a, b/d31 EON-KYUNG LEE AND SANG-JIN LEE (i) This follows from the fact that n:Z(o)-Z(n(o)) is an Because npreserves the Nielsen-Thurston type, ( a,n(a)) and (b,n(b)) are pairs of braids with the same Nielsen-Thurston type. By the hypothesis, either ( a,b) or (n(a),n(b)) is a pair of braids with the same Nielsen-Thurston type. Therefore the braids a,b,n(a) andn(b) have the same Nielsen-Thurston type. (iii) Suppose that ais pseudo-Anosov. Then b,n(a) andn(b) are pseudo-Anosov by (ii). If a andbare conjugate in Bn, they are conjugate in Z(o) by Proposition 5.1. If n(a) andn(b) are conjugate in Bn-1, they are conjugate in Z(n(o)) by Proposition 5.1, hence aandbare conjugate inZ(o) by (i). Suppose that ais periodic. Then b,n(a) andn(b) are periodic by (ii). Since a,b,n(a) and n(b) are periodic and pure, they are central. If aandbare conjugate in Bn, thena=b. Ifn(a) andn(b) are conjugate in Bn-1, thenn(a) =n(b), that d= 1. Because - -ais periodic. Hence ais periodic. From the above discussion, aandbare conjugate in Z(o). (iv) The braids n(a),bandn(b) are non-periodic and reducible by (ii). Ifaandbare conjugate in Bn, thenRext(a) andRext(b) are of the same type. Suppose that n(a) andn(b) are conjugate in Bn-1. Taking conjugates of - aand-bby necessary, we may assume that Rext(-a) andRext(-b) are standard. Let d1= andd2= (e0+1,e1,...,es) be the compositions of d+1 such thatRext(-a) =Cd1 andRext(-b) =Cd2. Let n1= (md0+1,d1,...,d 1/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,dr,...,dr/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m),n' 1= (md0,d1,...,d 1/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,dr,...,dr/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m), n2= (me0+1,e1,...,e 1/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,es,...,es/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m),n' 2= (me0,e1,...,e 1/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,es,...,es/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m), wheremd0(resp.me0) is deleted if d0= 0 (resp. e0= 0). Let us write C1C2 if two of the same type. By Corollary Bn-1, the following equality holds between multisets consisting of integ 1/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,dr,...,dr/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m}={me0,e1,...,e 1/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,es,...,es/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m}. Sincem>=2, one there is an r-permutation thsuch of the same type, hence so are Rext(a) the above claim, the proposition holds if d= 1, or ifais periodic or pseudo-Anosov. Thus we may assume that d>=2 and that ais non-periodic and reducible. Claim 2. Without loss of generality, we may assume that o=um,dfor a composition d= ofd+1, and thatRext(a) =Rext(b) of Claim 2. Recall that we have assumed that o=um,d. By Claim 1 (iv), Rext(a) and Rext(b) are of the same type. They are invariant under the action of o. By Corollary 4.14, there exist khBn,kh1,kh2Z(o) and a composition dofd+ 1 such that = (khkh2)*Rext(b) =CLm(d). Notice that ( khkh1)*Rext(a) (khkh2)*Rext(b) By Lemma 4.1, it suffices to show that conjugate in Z(khokh-1) =Z(um,d). ON THE SET OF CONJUGACY CLASSES 23 Let us assume the hypothesis stated in Claim 2. By Corollary 4.12, aandbare written ^a,^bZ(um,r) By the induction hypothesis, a0andl(a0) are By Lemmas 4.16 and 4.1 (ii), we may assume that ai's andbi's are that is, ai=l(ai) andbi=l(bi) for 0<=i<=r. The braids n(a) andn(b) are written differently according to whether d0>=1 ord0= 0. Let n'be a compositions of n-1 such that n'= (md0,d1,...,d 1/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,dr,...,dr/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m) ifd0>=1, n'= (d1,...,d 1/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,dr,...,dr/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m) ifd0= 0. By Corollary4.8, Rext(n(a)) andRext(n(b)) are obtained from Rext(a) andRext(b), respectively, by forgetting the first puncture. Since Rext(a) =Rext(b) =Cn, one has Rext(n(a)) =Rext(n(b)) =Cn'. Ifd0>=1, thenn(um,d),n(a) andn(b) are written as n(um,d) =/a}bracketle{tum,r/a}bracketri}htn'(n(um,d0)/circleplustextr i=1(2 (di)1***1 /bracehtipupleft this case, 0, thenn(um,d),n(a) andn(b) are written as n(um,d) =/a}bracketle{tn(um,r)/a}bracketri}htn'(/circleplustextr i=1(2 (di)1***1 /bracehtipupleft this case, 3. ^aand^bare conjugate in Bmr+1. Proof of Claim 3. in Bn, then the n-exteriorbraids ^ Lemma 2.10. Suppose that n(a) andn(b) are conjugate in Bn-1. Ifd0>=1, then ^aand^bare conjugate in Bmr+1by Lemma 2.10 because Rext(n(a)) =Rext(n(b)) =Cn'and then'-exterior braids of n(a) andn(b) are ^aand^b. Similarly, if d0= 0, thenn(^a) andn(^b) are conjugate in Bmr, hence ^aand ^bare conjugate in Z(um,r) by the induction hypothesis. =Cnand Ext n(a) = ^a, then-exterior braid ^ ais either periodic or 1. ^ais periodic. Letk=mr+1. Since ^aand^bare pure and periodic, they are central. Because they are conjugate by the above claim, ^ a=^b= 2u (k)for some integer u. Claim 4.a0=b0and there is an r-permutation thsuch EON-KYUNG LEE AND SANG-JIN LEE Proof of Claim 4. Ifaandbare conjugate in Bn, then the following equality holds consisting of conjugacy classes by J. Gonz' alez-Menese s [Gon03, Proposition 3.2]: /braceleftBig [a0],[a1],...,[a1]/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,[ar],...,[ar]/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m/bracerightBig =/braceleftBig [b0],[b1],...,[b1]/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,[br],...,[br]/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m/bracerightBig . Sincem>=2, [a0] = [b0] and there is an r-permutation thsuch that [bi] = [ath(i)] for 1<=i<=r. By the induction hypothesis, a0andb0are conjugate in Z(um,d0). Ifn(a) andn(b) are conjugate in Bn-1andd0>=1, then the following equality holds consisting of conjugacy classes: /braceleftBig [n(a0)],[a1],...,[a1]/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,[ar],...,[ar]/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m/bracerightBig =/braceleftBig [n(b0)],[b1],...,[b1]/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,[br],...,[br]/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m/bracerightBig . Sincem>=2, [n(a0)] = r-permutation thsuchthat[bi] = the induction hypothesis, a0andb0are conjugate in Z(um,d0). Ifn(a) andn(b) are conjugate in Bn-1andd0= 0, then the following equality holds consisting of conjugacy classes: /braceleftBig [a1],...,[a1]/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,[ar],...,[ar]/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m/bracerightBig =/braceleftBig [b1],...,[b1]/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m,...,[br],...,[br]/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m/bracerightBig . Then there is an r-permutation thsuch that [bi] = [ath(i)] for 1<=i<=r. In this case, a0andb0are the unique braid with one strand. From the above three cases, we can see that a0is conjugate to b0inZ(um,d0) and there is an r-permutation thsuch thatbiis conjugate to ath(i)for 1<=i<=r. Because we have assumed braid of aandbis the conjugacy representative with respect to ( m,d0), one 1<=i<=r. /square In the above claim, thmust satisfy di=dth(i)for all 1<=i<=r. By the claim, we Lemma 4.9, there exists ^zZ(um,r) such that the induced permutation of ^zfixesx0and 1<=i<=rand 1<=j<=munder the notation of the lemma. Let all 1<=i<=r, hencezZ(um,d) by Lemma 4.11. On the conjugate in Z(um,d). Case 2. ^ais 5. The braids aandbare conjugate in Bn. Proof of Claim 5. Ifaandbare conjugate in Bn, there is nothing to prove. Therefore, as- sume that n(a) andn(b) are conjugate in Bn-1. Letgbe an (n-1)-braid with n(b) = g-1n(a)g. SinceRext(n(a)) =Rext(n(b)) =Cn', one hasg*Cn'=Cn'and Ext n'(n(b)) by Lemma 2.10.INJECTIVITY ON THE SET OF CONJUGACY CLASSES 25 First, suppose that d0>=1. Because g*Cn'=Cn',gis of the form g=/a}bracketle{t^g/a}bracketri}htn'(g0g1,1***g1,m/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m***gr,1***gr,m/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m)n'. In this case, ^b= ^g-1^a^g. Because ^aand^bare pseudo-Anosov braids in Z(um,r), one has ^g Z(um,r) by Proposition 5.1. In particular, ^ gis 1-pure by Lemma 4.9. Since n(b) ^a,^band ^gare all 1-pure, we have n(b0) =g-1 0n(a0)g0. By the induction hypothesis, such that b0=g'-1 0a0g' 0. Letg'be then-braid obtained from gby that is, g'=/a}bracketle{t^g/a}bracketri}htn(g' 0g1,1***g1,m/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m***gr,1***gr,m/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m)n. We can easily show b=g'-1ag'by using the fact that n(b) =g-1n(a)g, ^gis 1-pure, suppose that d0= 0. Because g*Cn'=Cn',gis of the form g=/a}bracketle{t^g/a}bracketri}htn'(g1,1***g1,m/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m***gr,1***gr,m/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m)n'. In this case, n(^b) = ^g-1n(^a)^g. Since ^aand^bare in Z(um,r),n(^a) andn(^b) arein Thus ^ is an isomorphism, there exists ^ g'Z(um,r) withn(^g') = ^g. Then^b= ^g'-1^a^g'. In addition, ^ g'is 1-pure by Lemma 4.9. Since d0= 0, botha0andb0are the unique braid with one strand. Let g'be then-braid obtained from gby replacing ^g'and by inserting the trivial 1-braid as follows: g'=/a}bracketle{t^g'/a}bracketri}htn(1g1,1***g1,m/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m***gr,1***gr,m/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m)n. We can easily show b=g'-1ag'by using the fact that n(b) =g-1n(a)g,^b= ^g'-1^a^g', and ^g'is 1-pure. /square Recall that aandbare of the andbi=l(bi) for conjugate in Bnby the above claim, there is an n-braidgsuch =Rext(b) =Cn, we haveg*Cn=Cn, hencegis of the form g=/a}bracketle{t^g/a}bracketri}htn(g0g1,1***g1,m/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m***gr,1***gr,m/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m)n. Since ^aand^bare pseudo-Anosov braids in Z(um,r) and^b= Ext n(b) = Ext n(gag-1) = ^g^a^g-1, we have ^gZ(um,r) by Proposition 5.1. Let thbe the (mr+ 1)-permutation induced by ^ g. By Lemma 4.9, th(x0) =x0and there exist integers 1 <=ki<=rand 0<=li< msuch that th(xi,j) =xki,j-lifor 1<=i<=rand 1<=j<=m. Define kh=/a}bracketle{t^g/a}bracketri}htn(1/circleplustextr i=1(2 (di)***2 (di)/bracehtipupleft /bracehtipupright li1***1/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright m-li))n.26 EON-KYUNG LEE AND SANG-JIN one hasdi=dkifor 1<=i<=r. ThuskhZ(um,d) by Lemma 4.11. one hasb'Z(um,d) withb'*Cn=Cn. Since Extn(b') = Ext n(kh-1bkh) = ^g-1^b^g= ^ais pure,b'is of the following form by Corollary both Ext n(b) and Ext n(kh) are 1-pure, one has b' 0=b0, =l(b' 0). By Lemma 4.16, there exists an n-split braid kh'inZ(um,d) such that (1) are conjugacy representatives, that is, b'' i=l(b'' i) for 0<=i<=r. Now we will show that b''=a. Letkh''=g-1kh. Thenkh''*Cn=Cn. Because Ext n(kh'') = ^g-1^g= 1,kh''is ann-split braid. Note both braids, so is kh''kh'. Therefore kh''kh'is of the the n-exterior braids of aandkh''kh'are pure braids, the conjugation ( be computed ( (1) and (2), we can see that aiandb'' iare conjugate for 0 <=i<=r. conjugacy representatives with respect to ( m,d0), we have ai=b'' ifor 0<=i<=r, hence a=b''. Because a=b''= conjugate in Z(um,d). /square We remarkthat in the above proofwe can show by a straightforwar dcomputation that b' i=bki fori= 1,...,r. In particular, the n-interior braids b' 0,...,b' rare conjugacy representatives with respect to ( m,d0), hence we can take kh'= 1 andb''=b'. This means that a=kh-1bkh, where khdepends only on nand ^g. However we introduced kh'andb''because it is much simpler The authors are grateful to the anonymous referee for valuable comments and suggestions. This work was done partially while the authors were visiting Department Kojima and Eiko Kin for their hospitality and interest in this work. This work was sup- ported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the Ko rean Government (MOEHRD, Basic Research Promotion Fund) ON THE SET OF CONJUGACY CLASSES D. Allcock, Braid pictures for Artin groups , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354(2002), E. Artin, Theorie der Z opfe , Hamburg Abh. 4(1925), 47-72. [BM07] R.W. Bell and D. Margalit, Injections of Artin groups , Comment. Math. Helv. 82(2007), 725-751. [BDM02] D. Bessis, F. Digne and J. 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Soc. 19 (1988), of Mathematics, Sejong University, Seoul, 143-7 47, Korea E-mail address of Mathematics, Konkuk University, Seoul, 143-7 01, Korea E-mail address
Sang-Jin Lee
Eon-Kyung Lee and Sang-Jin Lee
Injectivity on the set of conjugacy classes of some monomorphisms between Artin groups
27 pages, 16 figures, published version
Journal of Algebra, vol. 323, no. 7, pp. 1879-1907, 2010
math.GT math.GR
There are well-known monomorphisms between the Artin groups of finite type $\arA_n$, $\arB_n=\arC_n$ and affine type $\tilde \arA_{n-1}$, $\tilde\arC_{n-1}$. The Artin group $A(\arA_n)$ is isomorphic to the $(n+1)$-strand braid group $B_{n+1}$, and the other three Artin groups are isomorphic to some subgroups of $B_{n+1}$. The inclusions between these subgroups yield monomorphisms $A(\arB_n)\to A(\arA_n)$, $A(\tilde \arA_{n-1})\to A(\arB_n)$ and $A(\tilde \arC_{n-1})\to A(\arB_n)$. There are another type of monomorphisms $A(\arB_d)\to A(\arA_{md-1})$, $A(\arB_d)\to A(\arB_{md})$ and $A(\arB_d)\to A(\arA_{md})$ which are induced by isomorphisms between Artin groups of type $\arB$ and centralizers of periodic braids. In this paper, we show that the monomorphisms $A(\arB_d)\to A(\arA_{md-1})$, $A(\arB_d)\to A(\arB_{md})$ and $A(\arB_d)\to A(\arA_{md})$ induce injective functions on the set of conjugacy classes, and that none of the monomorphisms $A(\arB_n)\to A(\arA_n)$, $A(\tilde \arA_{n-1})\to A(\arB_n)$ and $A(\tilde \arC_{n-1})\to A(\arB_n)$ does so.
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[ [ "Lee", "Eon-Kyung", "" ], [ "Lee", "Sang-Jin", "" ] ]
2 M. FRIEDMAN AND M. Here we prove that although the latter groups ar e isomorphic, the surfaces are not FGE. Therefore, these surfaces are also not BMT-equivalent , which means that the surfaces are not in the same component of the Hilbert scheme of linearly em bedded K3 : We are very grateful to Ciro Ciliberto, for pointing out the for the magician K3 surface and for other helpful disc ussions. We also wish to thank Meirav Amram for her fruitful The K3 surfaces and the BMT invariant In this section we recall the main definitions and constructi ons regarding the two embeddings of theK3 surface, and the braid monodromy factorization (=BMF) rel ated to a (branch) curve. We begin with the introduction of the two embeddings of a K3 surface. 2.1.Two embeddings of a K3surface. Recall that the surfaces with Kodaira dimension which equals to 0 ,that are simply connected, have in fact trivial c anonical bundle, and are called K3 surfaces. The invariants for such surfaces are pg= 1,q= 0,e= 24. The moduli space of all K3 surfaces is surfaces are not algebraic; the algebraic ones are classifi ed by an infinite on an integer g>=2) of 19-dimensional moduli spaces. The general member of th e family has a rank one Picard group, generated by an ample clas sHwithH2= 2g-2; the general member of the linear system |H|is a smooth curve of genus g, and this linear system maps the K3 surface to Pgas a surface of degree 2 g-2. For example, a K3 surface is a smooth quartic surface inP3. The quartic surfaces in P3form the family with g= 3. The integer gis called the genusof the family. The first embedded surface is a K3 surface of genus 9, embedded in CP9by the pillow (2,2)- pillow degeneration (see [6] for details). The resulting em bedding can be degenerated into a union of 16 planes, such that the whole degenerated object would r esemble a pillow (see figure 1 We denote by X1the embedded K3 surface, and by ( X1)0the degenerated surface (see [17] for an explicit definition of a 1: (X1)0- the (2,2)-pillow triangle denotes a plane Figure 2: A 2-dimensional figure of ( X1)0: the boundaries are identified (top to top, bottom to bottom, side to side)ON NON FUNDAMENTAL GROUP EQUIVALENT SURFACES 3 The degeneration process has a local inverse - the regener ation process (see an explanation in the following subsection), and for it we need to fix a numerati on of vertices (and the lines; see [1] for details). This is done in the following way (see figure 3): 1 2 3 4 9 5 6 7 81 2 3 4105 6 7 8 Figure 3: The numeration of the singular points of ( X1)0 The 16 planes meet each other along a total of 24 lines, each jo ining 2 of the 10 We numerate the lines as follows: if Lhas endpoints a < bandMhas endpoints c < This gives a total ordering of the lines, which we interpret as a numbering from 1 to 24, as shown in figure 4. 1 2 3 4 9 5 6 7 81 2 3 4105 6 7 81 16 10 121 2 3 76 11 10 22 Figure 4: The numeration of the intersection lines of ( X1)0 Under a general projection p: (X1)0-CP2, each of the 16 planes is mapped isomorphically to CP2. The ramification locus R1ofpis a local isomorphism. Here R1is exactly the 24 lines. Let (S1)0=p(R1) be the degenerated branch curve. It is a line arrangement, c omposed of the image of the 24 lines. The second embedded surface is also an embedded K3 surface of genus 9 in CP9. We call hat. degeneration into a union of 16 planes are described in [5 ]. The dual graph of the is presented explicitly in [5, pg. 430] - and from it w e can build the degenerated surface (see figure dual graph* (X2)0: degenerated surface Figure 5: Every point in the dual graph represents a plane; every plane represents a point4 M. FRIEDMAN AND M. TEICHER Denote by X2this embedded surface, and by ( X2)0the degenerated surface. We can depict a 2-dimensional graph of ( X2)0, where the boundaries are identified (see figure 6): Figure 6: (X2)0- the boundaries are identified (top to bottom) Once again, we numerate the vertices and then the edges. We no te that the extreme edges of the graph ( X2)0are actually 4-points: singular points in the degenerated s urface which are the intersection of four planes. In order to regenerate it (see [ 19] for the possible degenerations of this point), we need to numerate the vertices in such a way that the number of entering and exiting lines from these points will be equal. Therefore, we numerat e them as vertices 5 and 6. Following the symmetry appearing in the graph, we numerate the other ve rtices as follows (see figure 7): 5 3 1 61074 29 83 1 7: Numeration of ( X2)0 Note that ( X2)0also contains 24 intersection lines and 10 singular points. We denote by ( S2)0= p2(R2) the degenerated branch curve with respect to a generic proj ectionp2: (X2)0-CP2. Since every two K3 surfaces are diffeomorphic, X1andX2are also diffeomorphic. Note that the Hilbert scheme of embedded linearly normal K3 surfaces can b e reducible. This is indeed the case here - the Picard group Pic X1is generated by1 2H(whereHis the hyperplane class; see [6]) and PicX2is generated by H(see [5]). Two polarized K3 surfaces are projectively deformation equ ivalent if and only if there is a dif- feomorphism which carries the hyperplane class to the hyper plane class. As indicated above, this is not the case. We show in the following sections that these s urfaces are also not that the fundamental groups of complement of the branch c urve can also be used in order to differentiate between irreducible components of the Hilbe rt scheme. Thus it is a that arises in consideration s. 2.2.The braid group and the BMF. Recall that computing the braid monodromy is the main tool to compute fundamental groups of complements of curves . The reader whois familiar with this subject can skip the following definitions. We begin by defini ng the braid monodromy associated to a curve. LetDbe a closed disk in R2, KInt(D), Kfinite,n= #K. Recall that the can be defined as the group of all equivalent diffeomorphisms bofDsuch that b(K) =K, b|D= Id|D.ON NON FUNDAMENTAL GROUP EQUIVALENT SURFACES 5 Definition :H(s), half-twist defined by simplepathin Int(D)connecting a small regular neighborhood Uofscontained in Denote by H(s) the diffeomorphism of Dwhich switches aandbby a counterclockwise 180*rotation and is the identity on D. Thus it defines an element of half-twist defined by s. Denote [A,B] We recall the Artin presentation of the braid group: Theorem 2.1. Bnis generated by the half-twists Hiof a frame Hiand all the relations from: [Hi,Hj] = 1if|i-j|= 1. Assume that all of the points of Kare on theX-axis (when considering DinR2). In this situ- ation, ifa,bK, andza,bis a path that connects them, then we denote it by Za,b=H(za,b). If za,bis a path that goes below the X-axis, then we denote it by Za,b, or justZa,b. Ifza,bis a path that goes above the x-axis, then we denote it by Za,b. We also denote the braid induced from a path connecting the points aandbbelow (resp. above) the X-axis, going above (resp. below) it from the point ctill : The braid monodromy w.r.t. S,p,u LetSbe a curve, SC2. Letp:S-C1be defined by p(x,y) =x.We denote deg a naturally defined is called the braid monodromy w.r.t. S,p,u,whereBmis the braid group. We In fact, denoting by E, a big disk in C1s.t.EN, we can also take the path inEnot to be a loop, but just a path. This induces a the models ( D,K) at the two ends of the considered path, where Dis a big disk in :psT,Lefschetz diffeomorphism induced by a path T LetTbe a path in Econnecting x0withx1,T: [0,1]-E. There exists a of diffeomorphisms ps(t):D-D, t[0,1],such =K(T(t)) for allt[0,1], andps(t)(y) =yforallyD. For emphasiswewrite ps(t): Lefschetz diffeomorphism induced by a path Tis the =K(T(t)) for allt[0,1], we have a family of canonical allt[0,1]. We recall Artin's theorem on the presentation of the Dehn twi st of the braid group as a product of braid monodromy elements of a geometric-base (a base of p=p(C1-N,u) with certain prop- erties; see [14] for definitions).6 M. FRIEDMAN AND M. TEICHER Theorem 2.2. LetSbe a curve transversal to the line in infinity, and phis a braid Letdibe a geometric (free) base (g-base) of p,and2is the generator of Center(Bm). product is also defined as the braid monodromy factorization (BMF) related to a curve S. Note that if x1,...,xn-1are the generators of Bn, then we know that 2= deg(2) to findout what is factorizati on of 2 p, wehave to findout We refer the reader to the definition of a skeleton (see [15])lxj,xjN, which is a modelofaset all when we approach this point from the right. To describe this situation in greater detail, forxjN, letx' j=xj+a. So the skeleton in xjis defined as a system of paths connecting the points in K(x' j)D(Aj,e) when 0<ae1,D(Aj,e) is a disk centered in Ajwith radius e. For a given skeleton, we denote by braid which rotates by a small neighborhood of the given skeleton. Note that if lxjis a single path, then also refer the reader to the definition of dx0, forx0N(see [15]), which describes the Lefschetz diffeomorphism induced by a path going below x0, for different types of singular points (tangent, node, branch; for example, when going below a node , a half-twist of the skeleton occurs and when going below a tangent point, a full-twist occurs). We define, for x0N, the following number: ex0= 1,2,4 when (x0,y0) is a branch / node / tangent point (respectively). So we have the following stat ement (see [15, Prop. 1.5]): Letgjbe a path below the real line from xjtou, s.t.l(gj) =dj. So phu(dj) =ph(dj) = denoting xxj= get - ph(dj) = that the last formula gives an algorithm to compute the n eeded a detailed explanation of the braid monodromy, see [14]. We shall now define an equivalence relation on the BMF. Definition :Hurwitz moves : Let/vectort= (t1,...,tm)Gm. We say that /vector s= (s1,...,sm)Gmis obtained from /vectortby the obtained from /vector sby the Hurwitz move R-1 k) :Hurwitz move on a a group two factorized expressions of t.We say thats1*...*smis obtained from t1*...*tmby a Hurwitz move Rkif (s1,...,sm) is obtained from (t1,...,tm) by a Hurwitz move Rk.ON NON FUNDAMENTAL GROUP EQUIVALENT SURFACES 7 Definition :Hurwitz equivalence of factorizations are Hurwitz equivalent if they are obtai ned from each other by a finite se- quence of Hurwitz :Braid monodromy type of curves (BMT) Two curves S1andS2are of the same BMT (denoted by ~=) if they have related BMF's that 1998, the following theorem was proved ([8]) : Theorem 2.3. IfS1~=S2, thenS1is isotopic to S2(whenS1,S2are any curves). Thus, an invariant of surfaces can be derived from the BMT of t he branch curve of a :Braid monodromy type of surfaces (BMT) The BMT of a projective surface is the BMT of the branch curve o f a generic projection of the surface embedded in a projective space by means of a complete linear the following was proved ([8]): Theorem 2.4. The BMT of a projective surface Xdetermines the diffeomorphism type of X. We recall now the regeneration methods. The regeneration methods are actually, locally, the revers e process of the degeneration method. When regenerating a singular configuration consisting of li nes and conics, the final stage in the regeneration process involves doubling each line, so that e ach point of Kcorresponding to a line labellediis replaced by a pair of points, labelled iandi'. The purpose of the regeneration rules is to explain how the braid monodromy behaves when lines are dou bled in this manner. We wherezi,jis a path connecting points in K. The rules are (see [16, pg. regeneration rule : The regeneration of a branch point of any conic: Afactorofoftheform regeneration rule : The regeneration of a node: A factor of the form Z2 ijis replaced by a factorized expression regeneration rule : The regeneration of a tangent point: A factor of the form Z4 ijin the braid monodromy factorized expression is replaced by Z3 i,jj':= a result, we get a factorized expression, which, by [8], de termines the diffeomorphism type of our surface, and, by [20], determines p1(CP2-S). This is explained in the following that we have a curve -SinCP2and its BMF. Then we can calculate the groups p1(CP2-S) andp1(C2-S) that a g-base is an ordered free base of p(DF,v), whereDis a closed disc, Fis a finite set in Int(D),vDwhich satisfies several conditions; see [14], [15] for the ex plicit ag-base and hereS=CuS. We cite now the Zariski-Van Kampen Theorem (for cuspidal curves) in ord er to compute the relations between the generators in G. Theorem 2.5. Zariski-Van Kampen (cuspidal curves version) LetSbe a cuspidal curve in a braid monodromy factorization w.r.t. a half-twist and nj= 1,2,3.8 M. FRIEDMAN AND M. TEICHER For everyj= 1...p, such that Aj,Bjcan be extended to a g-base ag-base to the expressed in terms of Gi. Thenp1(C2-S,u)is generated by the images of the only relations are those implied from {Vnj j},as ifnj= 1 [Aj,Bj] = 1 ifnj= 1ifnj= 3. p1(CP2-S,*)is generated by {Gi}with the above relations and one more 1. The following figure illustrates how to find Ai,Bifrom the half-twist Vi=H(s): s u0 u0u0AVBV1 2 3 4 5 6 s Figure 8 So: AV= G-1 4G6G4, BV= G1. We finish this subsection by recalling the definition of ~Bn. Definition : 1. LetX,Ybe two half-twists in Bn=Bn(D,K). We say that they are defined by two simple paths x,ewhich intersect transversally in one point different from their ends. 2. LetNbe the normal subgroup of Bngenerated by conjugates of [ X,Y], whereX,Yis a transversal pair of half-twists. Define ~Bn=Bn/N. 3. LetYi, i= 1,..,4 be four half-twists in Bn(resp.~Bn) corresponding to simple paths ei, i= 1,...,4, such that in its interior there are no points of K. Then we say that Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4form agood quadrangle inBn(resp. in ~Bn). Lemma 2.1. a good quadrangle then [11, section 1.1]. the the BMF of the branch curve of the first (resp. second) K3 sur face. Before computing ph1,ph2, we need a few notations. Denote the intersection lines on ( 1,2 (recall that ( Xi)0is the degeneration of the K3-surfaces Xi,i= 1,2), and by 1,2 the intersection points of these lines. Take generic proje ctionspi: (Xi)0-CP2, and let (Si)0be the branch curve in CP2,(phi)0- their braid monodromy, and j,...,24. So, 1,2, j= 1,...,24 are the singular points of (Si)0. LetCibe the union of all lines connecting pairs of the vi,j(Si)0. (Si)0is a subcurve ofCi. By [14, Theorem IX], we get a full description of the braid mo nodromy of Ci: 1,2) with an appropriate description of L.V.C. We use this form ula to obtain aON NON FUNDAMENTAL GROUP EQUIVALENT SURFACES 9 description of ( phi)0by deleting factors that involve lines which do not appear in (Si)0. Thus, we get (phi)0= 2 (Si)0= We describe each factor The factors to parasitic intersections; these are intersec tions created by lines that do not intersect in CP9but may intersect in CP2. By [14] we know that Fori= 1, the global BMF, together with the /tildewideC1,jis presented in [1, Section 4.1]. For i= 2, we have (by [14, Thm. X.2.1]): D2,1=id that a point in a totally degenerated surface is calle d ak-point if it is a singular point which is the intersection of In (S1)0, we have six points, which are 6-point ( v1,j,j= 2,4,5,7,9,10) and four points which are 3-point ( v1,j,j= 1,3,6,8 ; note that the regeneration of this 3-point is not similar t o the regular 3-point. See [1] for the braid monodromy factorizat ion of the regeneration of our 3-point). In (S2)0, we have eight points which are 5-point ( 5,6) and two points which are 4-point ( v2,j,j= 5,6). Note that the original branch curve, S2, has also a few extra branch points. The existence of the extra branch points will be prov ed later (see Proposition (3.5)).10 M. FRIEDMAN AND M. TEICHER The local braid monodromies, which are are introduced and regenerated in the We denote the outcoming local BMF, resulting fr om the total regeneration as ph2,j. Thus after performing a total regeneration to the whole BMF , the resulting BMF will be of the wherebiare braids corresponding to the extra branch points. Before presenting the expressions for local and global BMFs , we give a few notations. Let a,b,c,dZ; andc<b,a<d that for ( ph1)0and the singular points of ( S1)0, the regeneration process was already done [1], and thus we have the 3.1. The BMF of the branch curve of ph1,jcan be found in [1]. Proof.see [1]. /square Thus, we have to compute the BMF of the branch curve of X2. We begin by citing the results about the points v2,5andv2,6; these are 4-points and for this type, the BMF of a fully regen was computed in [3]. Proposition 3.1. The local braid monodromy ph2,5in a small neighbourhood around v2,5has the following the local braid monodromy ph2,6(forv2,6) has the same form, when substituting [3]. /square We now move on to compute the local braid monodromy around a sm all neighbourhood of v2,3, which is a 5-point. We will give - for this point - a detailed tr eatment for the computation of the local BMF, while for the other points ( v2,j,j= 1,2,4,7,***,10) we will just give the final results. We examine the point v2,3in the degenerated surface ( X2)0. Drawing a local neighbourhood of v2,3and numerating the lines -Li(1<=i<=5) locally, we get:ON NON FUNDAMENTAL GROUP EQUIVALENT SURFACES 9 By the degeneration process, line 3 is regenerated first. By t he Claim in [16, Section 2], we know that lineL3is regenerated into a conic. More explicitly, we get that aft er regenerating a small neighbourhood Uofv2,3,L3turns into a conic Q3such thatQ3is tangent to L1and L5. Denote the resulting branch curve, after the regeneration by/tildewideV. Thus, the singularities as in the figure 10 Proposition 3.2. The local braid monodromy factorization of the above configur ation the braids to the following paths: 1 2 3 3' 4 5 1 2 3 3' 4 5 Figure the singular points of a small neighbourhood (that is U) ofv2,3(see figure 10) with respect to p1(the projection to the X-axis) as the intersection points of the tangent points of Q3andL1,L5. p7- the branch point of Q3. p8- the intersection point of be a closed disk on the X-axis (resp. Y-axis). Let N={x(pj) LetMbe a real point on the x-axis, There is s.t. each path gjis below the real line and the values of phM with respect to this base and ExDare the ones given in the proposition. We look for phM(l(gj)) forj= 1,***,8. Choose a above and put all the data in the following table:12 M. FRIEDMAN AND M. - So, we get the not affect this path) phM(l(g2)) ---- ----- - <3',4>1233'45= not affect this path) phM(l(g4)) ----- not affect this path) phM(l(g5)) ---- ---- - <2,3>1233'45= ~z2,3 phM(l(g6)) ---- ----- ---- - <2,3> 1233'45= 1233'45<2,3>- ---- ----- ---- - <2,3>1233'45= the braid induced from the motion 123ON NON FUNDAMENTAL GROUP EQUIVALENT SURFACES 13 phM(l(g8)) = regeneration regenerates asmallneighborho whichis, bydefinition, a 4-point. Since this type of 4-point and its BMF of its regene ration was treated earlier [3], we can find out what is the BMF of v2,3after the full 3.3. The local BMF ph2,3around a small neighborhood of the braids to the following paths: 2 2` 3 3' 4 4`11` 5 5` 2 2` 3 3' 4 4`11` 5 5` andZais the braid induced from the motion: 2 2` 311` Figure the regeneration rules, we (by the second the third regeneration rule) (3) 3.1. Note that the last BMF was given when numerating the lines in t he So, when numerating globally, we the braid induced from the motion: 2 2` 311` 3`9 Figure now write the other 3.4. The local braid monodromy to the following paths:14 M. FRIEDMAN AND M. TEICHER 11`55'7 7`11 11 '1515'7 7`11 11 '1515' Figure 14 The local braid monodromy to the following paths: 22`66'8 8`1212 '2020' 8 8`1212 '2020' 66'8 8`1212 '2020' Figure 15 andZa2is the braid induced from the motion:8 8`1212 '20. The local braid monodromy to the following paths: 4 4`13 13' 17 22` 17` 4 4`13 13' 17 22` 17`2222` Figure 16 andZa4is the braid induced from the motion: 2 2` 3 3'13. The local braid monodromy to the following paths: 8 8` 9 9` 10 77` 10`24 24` 8 8` 9 9` 10 77` 10`24 24` Figure 17 andZa7is the braid induced from the motion:7 7` 8 8'9. The local braid monodromy to the following paths: 12 14 14`19 19` 12`1313`11 11` 12 1414 `19 19` 12`1313` Figure 18ON NON FUNDAMENTAL GROUP EQUIVALENT SURFACES 15 andZa8is the braid induced from the motion:11 11`1212 '13. The local braid monodromy to the following paths: 16 1818 `19 19` 16`1717`15 15` 16 1818 ` 16`1717`15 15` 1616`1717`15 15` Figure 19 The local braid monodromy to the following paths: 21 2323 `24 24` 21`2222`20 20` 2121`2222`20` 21 2321`2222`20 20` Figure 20 andZa10is the braid induced from the 22`. Performing the regeneration affects also the braids induced f rom the parasitic line byC2,ithe braid, which is created from the regeneration a product of a 2-degree braid Z2 i,j, which becomes, as a consequence of the rule, an 8-degree braid: If the path representing the braid Z2 i,jwas above/below a point p, then the induced braids would be above/below the points pand p'. Before wepresent the global BMF, wehave tocheck if there are extra branchpoints in the branch curves, that are created during the regeneration of a line Li. An extra branch point contributes to a factorization the factor Zi,i'. (By contributes we mean that one should multiply the Zi,i'from the right). X1: It was proven in [1, prop. 16] that the factorization a BMF of the branch curve ofX1. Thus, there are no missing braids in the factorization abov e, and therefore there are no extra branch points. X2: Denote by /tildewide If/tildewide was the BMF of the branch curve of X2, then deg( /tildewide) = deg(2 48) = 48*(48-1) = 2256. We show that this is not the situation here. deg( /tildewide) = 8*184 = 1472 .Forj= 5,6, v2,jare 4-point, and by [16], deg( ph2,5) = deg(ph2,6) = 48.For 1<=j<=10, j/e}atioslash= 5,6v2,jare 5-point. Although these16 M. FRIEDMAN AND M. TEICHER points have different configurations, their BMFs -ph2,jstill have 6 factors of degree 3, 8 factors of degree 2, one factor of degree 1, and a factor representing th e BMF of the regeneration of a 4-point, whose degree is 48. Thus 1<=j<=10, j/e}atioslash= 5,6,deg(ph2,j) = 6*3 + 8*2 + 1 + 48 = 83. = 1472+2 *48+8*83 = the forgetting is clear that if /tildewide was a BMF, then = 2. However, this is not the case in the current situation. It was proven in [18] (see also [19]), tha t if =k <2, then there are (2-k) extra branch points, and so there is a contribution of the fa 3.5. (1) The regeneration of the lines L2,j, j= factors The regeneration of the lines L2,jj= the factor We prove this case for j= 3; the other cases are done using the same method. By Lemma 3.3.3 (or Proposition 3.3.4) in [19], it is enough to pr ove that deg( f3(/tildewide)) = 0. The braids coming from the parasitic intersection are sent by f3(and by any fi, in fact) to Id, so it is enough to look only at the factors ph2,k,1<=k<=10 that involve braids, one of whose end points are 3 or 3'. The only suitable k'sarek= 5 andk= 3. Since v2,3andv2,5are both of 4-point, by [16, Lemma 8, (iv)], deg( f3(ph2,3) = deg(f3(ph2,5)) = 0. Therefore deg( f3(/tildewide)) = 0. (2) We prove for j= 7; the other cases are done using the same method. It is enoug h to prove = 1 (by [19]). As in (1), we only consider the factors a 5-point. The first regeneration is of the line L2,15, (which turns into a conic, that intersects the line L2,7at two nodes, which induce braids of the form which does not contribute to the regeneration factors of the form Z7,7'. After this regeneration, we are left with the regeneration of a 4-point, and by [16, Lemma 8, (iv)], we get deg( f7(ph2,1)) = 0. v2,7is also a 5-point. The first regeneration is of the line L2,9, which turns into a conic, Q2,(9,9'), that is tangent to L2,7(by [16, Claim 1]). This tangency point is regenerated into t hree cusps (see [15]) which induces the product of three braids - By [16, Lemma 2, (i)], we see that deg( f7(Z(3) 77',9)) = 1. Again, the regeneration afterwards of the 4-point doe s not contribute a factor of the form Z7,7'to the factorization. Thus, we get deg( f7(ph2,7)) = 1, = 1. /square Define an ordered for 1 <=n<=16 a braid monodromy factorization for S2. The proof is divided into a number of lemmas.ON NON FUNDAMENTAL GROUP EQUIVALENT SURFACES 17 Lemma 3.1. a braid monodromy factorization for S2, where somehj Proposition VI.2.1 from [14] on S2, we get that determined by the regeneration of the embedding 4 when j= 5,6 andk= 5 otherwise (1 <=j<=10, j/e}atioslash= 5,6; see the definition of regeneration of an embedding in [16, Sec. 1]). blare factors that are not and each bnis of the form Yti i,Yi, is a positive half-twist, 0 <=ti<=3. Note = deg(ph2,j). By the previous proposition, we know part of the bl's; so we can say compute By earlier computations and the previous 2232+2 *8+8 = 2256 = 48 *47 = deg(2 48) = degph2. Thus, we have to compute Since l,blis a positive power of a positive half-twist, we getbl= 1l. So we 3.2. theinvariance rules for theBMF of 4- and5- point ( see [16] and (5))), we can apply them as in [16], and get also a braid that although the invariance rules for the 5-point are d ifferent from the invariance rules of the standard 4/6 - point, what matters, as can be seen in [16, S ection 4] is that the invariance rule regarding the horizontal lines in the 5-point (the two lines that are regenerated last) remains the same in this type of point. the fundamental for X2.By the Van Kampen theorem (Theorem (2.5)), we can compute the relations between the generators in the fundamental group o f the complement of the branch curve. We will prove that p1(C-S2) is a quotient of ~B16. In order to do so, we have to compute the local relations (or the local fundamental groups of the comp lement of the branch curve) arising from each singular point of the branch curve. Note that point sv2,5,v2,6are of the type 4-point, which was investigated in [11], [18]. Thus, we have to look at the remaining 5-points. We focus only on one 5-point - v2,3; for the other 5-points, the procedure for deducing the rela tions is the same, and we state (later) only the relations coming from the branch points for these points. Recall that in the regeneration process, every line is doub led, and thus SiCwill contain 48 = 2*24 points. The generators of p1(C2-S,u) (see the Van Kampen Theorem (2.5)) induced from this doubling are denoted as {Gi,Gi'}24 i=1, where each pair from the same line.18 M. FRIEDMAN AND M. Gior Gi'. Before examining ph2,3we state the following Remark 4.1. we have the following relations = 1. The proof of this remark is based on the parasitic intersecti on braids. From each braid of the expressions C2,i(i= 1,...,10), using complex conjugation and the Van Kampen Theorem, w e can induce the above 4.1. The following relations in p1(C2-S2)are induced from 1 (2) [-Gi,-Gj] = 1whereLi,Ljdo not bound the same triangle, besides (i= 1',j= 3),(i= 1,j= 3')and(i= 1,j= 21) (3) G1= the course of the proof we use the Van Kampen Theorem, the in variance relations of the 5-point, and the complex conjugation method (see [16]). We p rove the proposition in several steps. Step 1: By looking at the braids (in we induce invariance relations and complex conjugation for th e last braid) the following = [-G3,-G9] 1. Step 2: Note that the factors in ( F3*(F3)th) are conjugated by Za3. Denote the induced from ( F3*(F3)th) (after the conjugation) by G9G3G-1 9by step 1= G 3/tildewideG3'= G9G3'G-1 9= G9G1'G-1 9. the other /tildewideGi-s are not changed. So, we have, by the braid 1 Step 3: From the braid Z2 16',21inF3, we get the relation: [G 16',G21] = 1. Looking on the of the braid ( Z2 16',21)th, we now get the = = [G16',G21'] = 1. By performing another time the invariance relation ( r16r21), we get [G 16,G21] = 1. = 1, we get [G 16,G21'] = 1. So we have the relation [ -G16,-G21] = 1. Step 4: From the braid ( we get the 1. By Step 3 we get <G21,G3'>= 1; in the same way, we get <G21,G3'>= 1 and by invariance relation, we get: <-G21,-G3>= 1.ON NON FUNDAMENTAL GROUP EQUIVALENT SURFACES 19 Step 5: From the braid (( we get the relation: G1= 1. By the invariance relations, we get: <-G16,-G1>= 1. Step 6: We know that G 1= thus (G 1)G-1 9G16= (G3')G-1 21(by [G16,G21] = 1). From the braid (( we get the = 1 or 1 = [G [G 3,G1] and by invariance we get [G 3',G1'] = 1. /square The following proposition proves the missing relations (e. g., [-G1,-G21] = 1). The reason enowrelations 4.2. The following relations in = [-G1,-G21] = 1. Proof.Due to the invariance relations of v2,3, it is enough to prove [G 1,G3'] = 1 and [G 1,G21] = 1. By the braid Z3,3'(induced from an extra branch point), we know that G 3= G3'. Thus, by the last proposition ((4.1), Step 6), we have 1 = [G1,G3] = G 21commutes with G 5',G7,G15and G11(due to the parasitic intersection braids), we have that [G 1,G21] = 1. 4.3. 9,13,15,20,Gi= divide the proof into 2 lemmas. Lemma 4.1. Fori= : G i= Gi'. Proof.The relation G i= Gi'is induced from the braids Zi,i'which are created from the extra branch points (by Proposition 3.6). /square Lemma 4.2. Fori= 1,2,19,24 : G i= Gi'. Proof.We will prove in details only for i= 1; the proof for the other i's is the same. We know (from the braid (( the relation: G 1= used the relation G 5= G5'). Operating the invariance relations ( r1r5)(r7r11) and taking the inverse, we get: G-1 1'= the above relations and using Lemma 4.1, we get G-1 1'G1= 1, or G 1= G1'.20 M. FRIEDMAN AND M. TEICHER Fori= 2, we use the braid (( the same method as above. Fori= 19,24, one can use the braids (( the braid (( and continue as above. /square Remark 4.2. For each 1 <=i<=10 we denote by G2,ithe local fundamental whose generators are Gj, such that one of the endpoints of L2,jisv2,i. Generalizing Propositions 4.1 and 4.2, it is easy to prove that not bound a common triangle, [ -Gi,-Gj] = 1; and a common triangle, <-Gi,-Gj>= 1 4.3. It is important to state which braids are coming from the bran ch points. We list below (for each ph2,i, for 1<=i<=10, i/e}atioslash= 5,6) which braid is induced from a branch point, that is created during the regeneration of the horizontal lines of t he 5-point. We use the double and and the last proposition, and we obtain: . i= 1 : G 1= 2 : G 2= 3 : G 1= 4 : G 2= 7 : G 24= 8 : G 19= 9 : G 18= 10 : G 23= 4.4. Fori= 5,6, there exist a homomorphism proposition is proven in [18]. 4.5. For1<=i<=10, i/e}atioslash= 5,6, there exist a homomorphism the Remark (4.3) we prove only for i= 1, and the proof for the other i's is done in the same way. It is easy to check that a1:B5-G2,1is = G7a1(X2) = G5a1(X3) = G11a1(X4) = the images of the following 21 Tis transversal to X2. Lettbe the image of Tin/tildewideB5; by the definition of /tildewideB5we have [t,x2] = 1. To show that the desired it is enough to check = 1. We claim that a(T) = G1, because a(T) = G1.ON NON FUNDAMENTAL GROUP EQUIVALENT SURFACES 21 So we have [ a(T),a(X2)] = [G 1,G5] = 1. The last proposition deals with the relations between G i'and Giinp1(C2-S2), where i= 9,13,15,20. 4.6. The following relations in G13'= G 9'= G 15'= G15 (iv) G 20'= G20 Proof.(i) From the braid we induce: G13= [-G4,-G2] = [-G4,-G13] = 1 and G 2= G2',G17= G17', we get 1 = : 1 = [-G2,-G17] = 1, we get G-1 13G13'= Proposition (4.5), the braids in F13: images of a good and thusF13= 1 (by Lemma (2.1) on good quadrangles in /tildewideBn). Thus G-1 13G13'= We apply the same procedure as in (i) to the braid Taking the complex conjugate of we inducethe relation (using G 1= = the same method as in (i) (using we get that G15G-1 15'= 1 or G 15= G15'. (iv) Taking the complex conjugation of we induce the relation (using G 2= G2',G8= G8'), and [-G12,-G20] = 1): G20'= we proceed as in (iii). Thus: G 20= G20'. /square These propositions show that p1(C2-S2) is generated only by {Gi}24 i=1, since the expressed only in terms of the (G i')'s. Our last goal is to prove the 4.1. G2=p1(C-S2)is a quotient of need to build an epimorphism ~ But first we build a new represen- tation forB16. Consider the geometric model ( D,K), #K= 16 as in figure 22. Let that connect points in KandTibe the half-twists corresponding to ti(that is,Ti=H(ti), iI).22 M. FRIEDMAN AND M. 22 Lemma 4.3. There exists a presentation of B16when the generators are {Ti|iI}and the relations 1ifTi,Tjare = 1ifTi,Tjare = 1. Proof.This is a standard consequence of the usual presentation of B16(D,K) (see [14]). transversal half-twists and let By the previous generated by the images of and has same relations. Using Remark 4.3 we can define the missing Tj's (where 1 <=j<=24,j /I). We begin with j= 8,11,12,16,17,22 : T8= can use T8andT12since these T's are already defined) T22= used G 20= G20'). In order to find out how to define T3(andT5), we look at a relation induced from at the braid ( we get the relation G 3= Thus we defineT3= In the same way we define T5= By Remark 4.3, let by {~Tj}24 j=1the images of we can say that /tildewideB16is generated by andwhenthe Define ~ a(~Tj) = Gj,1<= j<=24. By Remark 4.2, it is easy to see that i,jsuch thatTiandTjare consecutive, 1; and whenTiandTjare disjoint, [ Ti,Tj] = 1. The relations induced from the action of taking quotient by transversal) are also preserved, due to Propositions 4.4 and 4.5. Also, ~ ais an epimorphism, since for every generator G jofG2there exists a ~Tjs.t. ~a(~T) = Gj. for X1.As in subection (4.1), we can compute the local relations ind uced from each local braid monodromy. However, a quotient of the f undamental group of X1- called the stabilized fundamental group - was already computed in [ 4]. Noticing that X1can be regarded as a double cover of CP1xCP1branched along a smooth algebraic curve of degree (4,4), we c an use [4, Theorem 4.6]. Let the geometric monodromy representation morphism (here n= 16). Theorem 4.2. : LetK1be the normal subgroup of by all geometric generators of p1(C2-S1), such that disjointON NON FUNDAMENTAL GROUP EQUIVALENT SURFACES (ker(Th the degree morphism. [4, Thm. 4.6]. /square The called the stabilized fundamental group . Note that the does not affect p1(C2-S2) =G2, already the BMT's. In this subsection we prove that the BMF's of the branch curve s X1andX2are not equivalent. We will do this by looking at the stabiliz ed fundamental groups, related toX1andX2. We denote by K2the normal subgroup of p1(C2-S2) generated by all commutators [ g1,g2],g1,g2- geometric generators of p1(C2-S2), such that Th 2(g1) and Th 2(g2) are disjoint transpositions (here Th the geometric monodromy morphism). As was noted, We also note that K1=K2; since it is enough to pick one pair of geometric generators (e.g., x2and (x2)x3x1, when the xi's are geometric generators), and 4.3. that Denote G0 2.= (ker(Th is known from [18] what is the commutant subgroup of ~Pn,0= : [ ~Pn,0,~Pn,0] is isomorphic to Z2. Therefore, [ G0 2,G0 2] is a subgroup of Z2, But ifG1/K1G2/K2were isomorphic, then these two commutant sub- groups would be equal. /square Remark 4.4. We believe that an explicit computation of p1(C2-S1) (as in [11], [17]) would have shown that for the Galois covers. the Galois covering correspond- ing top1(see [11] for definitions). Recall that p1(/tildewideXi) = kerTh Th n= degpi(i= 1 or 2; the degree is the same) and {Gi,j}are the generators of p1(C2-Si), fori= 1,2. In [1] it was proved that ={e}. This is also the case for X2. We know that the divisibility index of (the embedding of) X2is 1. SinceG2is a quotient of /tildewideB16, we can now use [10, Theorem 4.1] to prove that ={e}. The Main Result : Since the stabilized fundamental groups induced from them are not not to ph2. Therefore, X1andX2are not BMT-equivalent. Note that this inequivalence cannot be deduced from the computat ion of the fundamental groups of the Galois covers, as these groups are isomorphic.24 M. FRIEDMAN AND M. Invariance rules for the BMF of a 5-point This appendix shows that the BMF of a 5-point is invariant und er certain braids. We focus on the BMFph2,3, where the invariance rules for the other phi,j(i= 1,2,1<=j<=10) are calculated in the same way. Recall that two factorizations are Hurwitz equivalent if th ey are obtained from each other by a finite sequence of Hurwitz : A factorized expression invariant under a factorized expression in a group G. We say that tis invariant under hGif Hurwitz equivalent to t1*...*tm. We recall now a few invariance rules (see [16, section 3]): Invariance rule invariant under rule III:Z(3) i,jj'is invariant under Zq jj'. For our purposes (see the last paragraph in the proof of Lemma (3.2)), it is enough to prove 5.1. ph2,3is invariant under first look at the factors outside ( F3*(F3)th)Za3. By the Invariance rule II, the invariant under Z33'andZ1616'; by ([16, invariance remark (iv)]), these factors are also invariant under the paths are disjoint). Again, by the same invariance remark, ~Z9,9'is invariant under Zii'i= 1,3,16,21. By the Invariance rule III, the factors invariant under also under Z33'and Z1616'by the Invariance remark (iv)). We note that the conjugation by the braid Za3is actually conjugation by so it is also invariant under Zii'i= 1,3,16,21 (by invariance rule II and remark (iv)). When looking at the expression F3*(F3)th, we see that this case was already done in [3, invariance prop erty 8.7]; it was proved there that F3*(F3)this invariant under ( M. Amram, C. Ciliberto, R. Miranda, M. Teicher, Braid monodromy factorization for a non-prime K3surface branch curve , Israel Journal of Mathematics, to appear. [2] M. Amram, M. Friedman, M. Teicher, The fundamental group of complement of a branch curve of a Hir submitted to Topology. [3] M. Amram, M. Teicher, The fundamental group of the complement of the branch curve o f the double torus , Journal of Mathematics, 40(4), (2003), 587-893. [4] D. Auroux, S. K. Donaldson, L. Katzarkov, M. Yotov, Fundamental groups of complements of plane curves and symplectic invariants , Topology 43, (2004), 1285-1318. [5] C. Ciliberto, R. 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Michael Friedman
Michael Friedman, Mina Teicher
On non Fundamental Group Equivalent Surfaces
Algebr. Geom. Topol. 8 (2008) 397-433
In this paper we present an example of two polarized K3 surfaces which are not Fundamental Group Equivalent (their fundamental groups of the complement of the branch curves are not isomorphic; denoted by FGE) but the fundamental groups of their related Galois covers are isomorphic. For each surface, we consider a generic projection to CP^2 and a degenerations of the surface into a union of planes - the "pillow" degeneration for the non-prime surface and the "magician" degeneration for the prime surface. We compute the Braid Monodromy Factorization (BMF) of the branch curve of each projected surface, using the related degenerations. By these factorizations, we compute the above fundamental groups. It is known that the two surfaces are not in the same component of the Hilbert scheme of linearly embedded K3 surfaces. Here we prove that furthermore they are not FGE equivalent, and thus they are not of the same Braid Monodromy Type (BMT) (which implies that they are not a projective deformation of each other
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 16 Feb 2008 17:17:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Friedman", "Michael", "" ], [ "Teicher", "Mina", "" ] ]
The hierarchy problem, especially the problem of how to stabilize the H iggs mass under the quantum correction, has played a key role to motivate th e physics beyond the standard model. Almost all possible scenarios to solve the problem inv oke to some sort of symmetry in order to protect the Higgs mass at the quantum leve l. Supersymmetry is the most popular scenario and has been extensively the gauge-Higgs unification scenario [2, 3, 4] has obtained a revived interest as a possible new avenue to solve the problem [5]. In this scenario the H iggs is regarded as theextra spacecomponent ofhigher dimensional gaugefieldsandt the Higgs mass becomes finite by higher dimensional gauge symmet ry without relying on the supersymmetry. This fact has been verified [5]-[10] at one lo op level and [11] at two loop level in various models by explicit calculations. By the same rea soning, the gauge-Higgs unification predicts the physical observables to be fin ite thanks to the Thed S and T parameters in the gauge-Higgs unification was investigate d and an between them, which is only spcific to the gauge-Higgs unifica tion, was predicted to be finte in six dimensional case [12]. The anomalous magnetic moment in the gauge- Higgs unification was found to be finite in arbitrary dimension [13]. Rece ntly, the gluon fusion process [14, 15, 16] and the two photon decay of the Higgs b oson [15] crucial for the LHC physics were studied and a very interesting prediction was r eported. There have been many works on rich structure of the theory and its phenomen ology, see possible interesting scenario is to regard the Higgs as a pse udo Nambu- Goldstone (PNG) boson due to the breakdown of some global symme try. As far as the global symmetry is larger than local gauge symmetry, even though some N-G bosons are absorbed to gauge bosons via Higgs mechanism on the spontaneous symmetry breaking, there should remain some physical PNG bosons, which can be identifie d as the Higgs bosons [36]-[42]. The scenario faces a difficulty at quantum level, once gauge interactions are switched on. Namely, the Higgs mass suffers from a quadratic div ergence, the original global symmetry is partly gauged and therefo re the global symmetry is hardly broken by the gauge couplings. However, such difficulty may be avoided, once direct products of identical global symmetries are taken. It is inte resting to note that such dimensional deconstruction or related little Higgs scenar ios [43] can be regarded as a kind of gauge-Higgs unification, where the extra space has finit e number of lattice points. In fact, it is a recent remarkable progress to have establis hed the relation between a four dimensional theory with global symmetry Gand a five dimensional gauge theory with gauge symmetry G, through the AdS/CFT correspondence (holographic approach) [44, 45]. The gauge hierarchy problem was originally discussed in the framewor k of Grand Unified Theory (GUT) as the problem to keep the discrepancy betwe en the GUT scale andtheweak scale. Soitwill bemeaningful GUT. The PNG boson scenario in the framework of GUT was discussed long t ime ago [36]. Since the global symmetry needs to be larger than the gauge symme trySU(5), a minimal model with an SU(6) global symmetry was proposed. As explained above, unfortun ately the Higgs boson suffers from a quadratic divergence at quantum lev el, and SUSY was introduced to eliminate the unwanted divergence. In this work, in view of the recent progress mentioned above, we at tempt to construct 1a GUT model based on the scenario of gauge-Higgs unification, which is refered to as grand gauge-Higgs unification. A nice thing in our scenario is that t he Higgs mass is automatically stabilized at the quantum level without relying on the SU SY. What we adopt is a minimal grand gauge-Higgs unification model, i.e. 5-d imensional (5D) GUT with an SU(6) gauge symmetry. It is interesting to note that an SU(6) symmetry emerges again, as suggested by the AdS/CFT correspo ndence. This is thegaugesymmetry needstobeenla since Higgsinevitably belongs to the adjoint representation of the Higgs should behave as the fundamental representation o fSU(5). In addition to the finite Higgs mass, as a bonus, we find that the sect or of of the theory just accommodates three generations of quarks and leptons. Namely, we do not encounter the problem of introducing massless ex otic particles in quarks and leptons belong to, which often happe ns in the Another remarkable feature, we will see below, is that t he dangerous proton decay due to the exchange of GUT particles turns out to be prohibit ed at least at the tree level without any symmetry. This is due to the splitting multiplet m [4]. We will see the desirable pattern of gauge symmetry b reaking is realized without introducing additional scalar matter fields. In ref. [46], an elegant 5D SU(6) grand gauge-Higgs unification model was discussed, but as a SUSY theory. In this context, a non-SUSY SU(6) grand gauge-Higgs has been already studied [21], where the main focus was in the p attern of elec- troweak symmetry breaking and a viable Higgs mass satisfying the ex perimental lower limit was obtained. The set-up of our model concerning gauge-Higgs sector just follo ws the model of [21] and [46]. The 5D space-time we consider has an extra space compact ified on an a radius R, whose coordinate is y. On the fixed points y= 0,pR, the are assigned as P= diag(+ ,+,+,+,+,-) aty= 0, P'= diag(+ ,+,-,-,-,-) aty=pR,(1) which implies the gauge symmetry breaking aty= 0, aty=pR. (3) in each fixed point. These symmetry breaking patterns are inspired by [21, 36, 46]. It is instructive to see the concrete parity assignments of each comp onent of the 4D gauge fieldAuand 4D scalar field A5, Au= (+,+) (+,+) (+,-) (+,-) (+,-) (-,-) (+,+) (+,+) (+,-) (+,-) (+,-) (-,-) (+,-) (+,-) (+,+) (+,+) (+,+) (-,+) (+,-) (+,-) (+,+) (+,+) (+,+) (-,+) (+,-) (+,-) (+,+) (+,+) (+,+) (-,+) (-,-) (-,-) (-,+) (-,+) (-,+) (+,+) , (4) 2A5= (-,-) (-,-) (-,+) (-,+) (-,+) (+,+) (-,-) (-,-) (-,+) (-,+) (-,+) (+,+) (-,+) (-,+) (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) (+,-) (-,+) (-,+) (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) (+,-) (-,+) (-,+) (-,-) (-,-) (-,-) (+,-) (+,+) (+,+) (+,-) (+,-) (+,-) (-,-) , (5) where (+ ,-) means that the Z2parity is even (odd) at y= 0(y=pR), for (KK) mode expansion in each type of the parity assignme nt is given by Ph(+,+)(x,y) (6) Ph(+,-)(x,y) (7) Ph(-,+)(x,y) (8) Ph(-,-)(x,y) (9) Noting that the 4D massless KK zero mode appears only in the (+ ,+) component, the gauge symmetry breaking by orbifolding is found (see Auparity assignment) to (10) Here the hypercharge U(1)Yis contained in the upper-left 5 x5 block of Therefore, we (11) at the unification scale, which will be not far from 1 /R. This means that the Weinberg angle is just the same as the Georgi-Glashow SU(5) GUT, namely sin2thW= 3/8 (thW: Weinberg angle) at the classical level. In fact, we can explicitly confir m it for a given in (14) the third component of SU(2)LandQis an electric charge. In order to compare with the experimental data, the gauge coupling running eff ects have to be taken into account. Such a study is beyond the scope of this work. Since H iggs belongs to the doublet of SU(2)Land the electroweak gauge symmetry is embedded into ordinary SU(5), the Z boson mass is given (13) at the classical level. 3On the other hand, concerning A5, the zero mode appears only in the doublet com- ponent, as we wish. The colored Higgs has a mass at least of the orde r of 1/R, and splitting is automatically realized [47]. Let us now turn to the non-trivial question of how quarks and lepto ns can be accom- modated into the representations of SU(6), without introducing exotic states in the zero mode sector. Key observation is that the fundamental represen tation6ofSU(6) contains a doublet of SU(2)Land symmetric products of 6easily introduces a triplet of SU(2)L, which is exotic. We therefore focus on the possibility of totally antisy mmetric tensor of SU(6). We find that the minimal set to accommodate one generation of quarks and leptons contains two 6*and Their parity assignments are fixed according to (1), 6*= 6*L= /bracehtipupright 5*(1,1)(-,-) (0,5)/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright 1 6*R= /bracehtipupright 5*nR(1,1)(+,+) (0,5)/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright 1(14) 6*= 6*L= /bracehtipupright 5*(1,1)(+,-) (0,5)/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright 1 6*R=d* R(3*,1)(+,+) (1/3,-1)(1,2)(+,-) (-1/2,-1)/bracehtipupleft /bracehtipupright 5*(1,1)(-,+) (0,5)/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright 1(15) 20= 20L=qL(3,2)(+,+) (1/6,-3)(3*,1)(+,-) (-2/3,-3)(1,1)(+,-) (1,-3)/bracehtipupleft the numbers written by the bold face in the parenthesis are t he The numbers written in the subscript denote the charges means the chirality. Note that the the first and the second lies in the relative sign of the parity aty= 0. The corresponding representations of SU(5) are also displayed. It is inter- esting that the charged lepton doublet lLand the right-handed down quark singlet d* R are separately embedded in different Similarly, the quark doublet qL and the right-handed up quark uR, electron eRare separately embedded in different remarkable fact is that one generation of quarks and leptons (inc ludingneR) ns, exotic particles. Since the zero mode sector is nothing but the m atter content of the standard model (including neR), we have no 4D gauge anomalies with respect to the standard model gauge group. As the wave functions of zero mode s arey-independent and the non-zero KK modes are vector-like, there is no anomalies even in the 5D sense. As 4for the remaining U(1)X, we can easily see that the symmetry is anomalous and is broken at the quantum level. Thus its gauge boson should become heavy and is expected to be decoupled from the low energy sector of the theory [19]. Next, let us study whether we can obtain the correct pattern of e lectroweak We will see below that for such purpose the minimal set of matter fields is not sufficient and we need to introduce severa l massless to the adjoint representation of SU(6). One-loop induced Higgs ( A5) potential due to the matter fields (Nadand 3 denote the number of adjoint fermions and 3 generations, re spectively) is calculated as V(a) The dimensionless parameter ais defined by the twenty seventh generator of SU(6) possessing the values in the (2,6) component of 6x6 matrix. As can be seen in Fig. 1, if we have no adjoint fermion Nad= 0, the potential is minimized at a= 1 where the desired electroweak symmetry breaking is not realized, namely On adding the adjoint fermions, we can 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1: One-loop Higgs potential with no adjoint fermion, massless fermions of 3 x(6*+ 6*) and 3x20. The potential minimum is located at a= 1. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -4-22468 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -10102030 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -202040 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 2: One-loop Higgs potential with massless fermions of severa l adjoints, 3 x (6*+6*+20) representations. The plots from the left to the right correspon d to the cases with one to four adjoint fermions. Their minimum is located a from Fig. 2 that the nontrivial minimum appears in the range 0 < a <1 where the 5desired electroweak symmetry breaking realized. Note that the value of aat the minimum tends to become smaller, as the number of the adjoint fermions is larger. This feature is useful in order to make a Higgs mas s heavy. Higgs mass can be obtained from the second derivative of the potential the value of aat the minimum of the potential. The relation derived from the gauge-Higgs unification MW=a0/Ris used in the last expression. The The Higgs masses for several choices of Nadare numerically calculated and tabulated in the table below. Adj No. a0Higgs mass 20 0.216557 113.9 g4GeV 21 0.216083 116.9 g4GeV We can obtain a viable Higgs mass satisfying the experimental lower bo und if more than 20 adjoint fermions are introduced ( g4is assumed to be O(1)). Here we note that this result is just an existence proof not a realistic example for getting a relatively heavy Higgs mass. In our results, the compactification scale is a little bit low, 1 /R=MW/a0370 GeV, which contradics with the current experimental data. There fore, we need for obtaining a viable Higgs mass with more realsitic situa tion. As one of the possibilities, it would be interesting to analyze the Higgs potential with only three pairs of fermions in the representations ( 6*+6*+20) on the warped space since it has been suggested that the Higgs mass on the warped space is enhanc ed comparing to the case of flat space [27]. The extension to the case of massive fermion is straightforward. W e can bulk mass of the type Mo(y) (o(y) : sign function) for fermions. The Higgs potential is then given by [48] V(a) the bulk masses of fermions are taken to be a common value M for simplicity. We will skip all the detail of the analysis by use of this pot ential, except reporting that there do not appear any drastic qualitative and qua ntitative change from the case of M= 0. 6The relation MW=a0/Rtells us that the compactification scale 1 /Ris not so far from the weak scale MW, and therefore the GUT scale also cannot be extremely greater than the weak scale MW(Above the compactification scale, a power-law running of gauge couplings is expected [49]). Thus we have to worry about possible too rapid proton such baryon number violating amplitude concerning K K zero modes turns out to be forbidden at least at the tree level. This is essentially becau se the quarks and leptons are separated into different representations in our mo del although they are accommodated in the same representation in ordinary SU(5) GUT. From (16) we learn the type of baryon number (and lepton number) changing vertices ofAuandA5is limited. Namely concerning fermionic zero-modes, only possibility is uR-eRdue to colored 4D gauge boson Auwith (SU(3),SU(2)) quantum number ( 3,1) andqL-eRdue to lepto-quark 4D scalar A5with (3,2). Let us note these relevant AuandA5are of colored Higgs and X,Ygauge bosons in ordinary SU(5) GUT. Though these bosons couple to baryon number changing currents, these intera ctions do not lead to net baryon number violation, since each of gauge or Higgs boson couples to unique baryon number violating current. In the diagrams where these bosons are exchanged, one vertex with B= 1/3 and another vertex with B=-1/3 which is the Hermitian conjugate of the other necessarily appear, thus leading to no net baryon num ber violation. In other words, we can assign definite baryon (and lepton) number to each b oson, and in such a sense baryon number is preserved at each vertex. It will be defin itely necessary to consider whether such mechanism to preserve net baryon number is also operative at loop diagrams, though it is not discussed here. In summary, we have investigated a 5D SU(6) grand gauge-Higgs unification on an orbifold S1/Z2, with a realistic matter content. Three generation of quarks and leptons with additional right-handed neutrinos are jus t embedded as the zero modes of the minimal set of representations, 3 x(2x6*+20), without introducing any exotic particles in the same representations. As a remarkable feat ure of the model, we have found the dangerous proton decay is forbidden at the tree le vel. We have also found that the desired pattern of electroweak symmetry breaking is dyn amically realized by in- troducing suitable number of adjoint fermions. Higgs mass was also c alculated and shown to become heavy, if certain number of the adjoint fermions are intr oduced. Searching for a simpler matter content yielding a reasonable Higgs mass is desirable an d a very nontrivial task. This is left for a future work. There are still many issues to be studied. The construction of the r ealistic hierarchy of Yukawa couplings is a fundamental problem in the gauge-Higgs unifica tion since Yukawa coupling is naively the gauge coupling which is flavor independent. One o f the to avoid the problem [18] is that the mixing between the bulk massive fermions and the brane localized quarks and leptons generates non-local Yu kawa couplings out the bulk massive fermions. The huge hierarchy is the n realized by anorder one tuning of the bulk mass. It is very important to study whether t his proposal can be incorporated into the present model. To study the energy evolutio n of gauge couplings and their unification is another important issue. 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Nobuhito Maru
Nobuhito Maru
Towards A Realistic Grand Gauge-Higgs Unification Scenario
11 pages, 5 eps figures, To appear in the proceeding of International Workshop on Grand Unified Theories: Current Status and Future Prospects (GUT07), December 17-19 2007, Kusatsu, Japan
In this talk, we discuss an attempt to construct a realistic model of the grand gauge-Higgs unification. We investigate a 5D SU(6) grand gauge-Higgs unification model compactified on an orbifold S^1/Z_2. Ordinary quarks and leptons, together with right-handed neutrinos, are just accommodated into a minimal set of representations of the gauge group, without introducing any exotic states in the same representations. The proton decay turns out to be forbidden at least at the tree level. We also find a correct electroweak symmetry breaking SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y \to U(1)_{em} is easily realized by introducing suitable number of adjoint fermions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 17 Feb 2008 13:01:52 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Maru", "Nobuhito", "" ] ]
2 SL. SHTRAKOV Let S be a set of identities. For t,sWt(X) we write S|=tsif, given any algebraA,A|= S= A|=ts. The operators IdandModare defined for classes of algebras KAlg(t) and for sets of identities S Id(t) as follows Id(K) set of fixed points with respect to the closure operators complete lattices L(t) andE(t) of all varieties of type tand of all (logics) of type t. In [1] deductive closures of sets of identities are used to describe s ome elements of these lattices. We will apply the concept of S -compositions of terms to study the latticesL(t) andE(t). We use the concept of essential variables, as defined in [5] and thereforewe considersuch variableswith respect to a given set is a fully invariant congruence. In Section 2 we investigate the concept of S -essential variables and positions. The fictive (non-essential) variables and positions are used to simplif y the deduc- tions of identities in equational theories. We introduce S -composition of terms for a given set S of identities. In Section 3 we describe the closure operator S Rin the set of all identities of a given type, which generate extensions of fully invariant congruenc es. The varieties which satisfy S R-closed sets are fully invariant congruences and they are called stable. The stable varieties are compared to solid ones [2, 4, 6]. In Section 4 we introduce and study S -balanced identities and prove that S-balanced property is closed under S of terms Iftis a term, then the set var(t) consisting of those elements of Xwhich occur intis called the set of input variables (or variables) fort. a non-variable term, then fis theroot symbol (root) oftand we will a term tWt(X) the set Sub(t) of its subterms is defined as follows: if tXF0, thenSub(t) ={t}and thenSub(t) a term tis defined inductively: if tXF0thenDepth(t) = 0; and thenDepth(t) 2.1. Letr,s,tWt(X) be three terms of type t. Byt(r-s) we will denote the term, obtained by simultaneous replacement of ever y occurrence ofras a subterm of tbys. This term is called the inductive composition of the termstands, byr. In =tifr =sift=r, andESSENTIAL VARIABLES AND POSITIONS IN TERMS 3 (iii)t(r-s) m-sm) means the of t,r1,...,r mbys1,...,s m. In the particular case when rj=xjfor j= 1,...,mandvar(t) ={x1,...,x m}we will briefly write t(s1,...,s m) m-sm). Any nodeslabelled asthe operat ionsymbols and its leaves labelled as variables or nullary operation symbols. Often the tree of a term is presented by a diagram of the corresponding term as it is shown by Figure 1. Lettbe a type andFbe its set of operation symbols. Denote by LetN* Fbe the set of all finite strings over NF.The setN* Fis naturally ordered by a prefix ofq.The Greek letter e, as usual denotes the empty word (string) over NF. To distinguish between different occurrences of the same operatio n symbol in i.e., an element ofa give nset. Usually positions are finite sequences (strings) of natural number s. Each position is assigned to a node of the tree diagram of t, starting with the empty sequence e for the root and using the integers j, 1<=j<=nifor thej-th branch of an symbol fi. So, let the position assigned to a node oftlabelled by the ni-ary operational symbol fi. Then the position assigned to thej-th child of this node is a1a2...asj. The set of positions of a term tis denoted by Pos(t) and it is illustrated by Example 2.1. Thus we have be a term of type tand be the function which maps each position in a term tto the subterm of t, whose root node occurs at that 2.2. Lett,rWt(X) be two terms of type tandpPos(t) be a position in t.The positional composition of tandronpis the term from tby replacing the term subt(p) byron the position p, only. Example 2.1. Lett= andu= f(x4,x1). The positions of tanduare written on their nodes in Figure 1. Then the positional composition of tanduon the position 121 Pos(t) ist(121;u) andsubt(121) 2.1. The positional composition has the following properties: 1. a pair with =t(p1;t1)(p2;t2) SL. SHTRAKOV # #r rr rr rr r r r r rr r r12 12121 121e 1211 12111 1 1x1 x1 11 11122 1221212 12122 12112 x3 x3x2 x1x1 x2 # # # # # # # # r r e e2 2x4 x412111x1r r 1. Positional composition of terms andpis a permutation of the set {1,...,m}, then t(p1,...,p m;t1,...,tm) =t(pp(1),...,p andqPos(s), thent(p;s(q;r)) Lets,tWt(X) andrSub(t) be terms of type t. Let{p1,...,p =r}. Then we have t(p1,...,p m;s) =t(r-s), which shows that any inductive composition can be represented as a positional one. On the other side there are examples of positional composition s which can not be realized as inductive 2.3. Let SId(t),tWt(Xn) be ann-ary term of type an algebra of type tand letxivar(t) be a variable which occurs in t. (i) [5] The variable xiis called essential fortwith respect to the algebra Aif there are n+1 elements a1,...,a i-1,a,b,a i+1,...,a nAsuch that tA(a1,...,a i-1,a,ai+1,...,a i-1,b,ai+1,...,a n).ESSENTIAL VARIABLES AND POSITIONS IN TERMS 5 The set of all essential variables for twith respect to Awill be denoted denotes the set of all variables in var(t), which are not essen- tial with respect to A, called fictive ones. (ii) A variable xiis said to be S-essential for a term tif there is an algebra A, such thatA|= S and xiEss(t,A).The set of all S-essential variables for t will be denoted by Ess(t,S).If a variable is not S -essential for t, then it is denotes the set of all S -fictive variables for t. Proposition 2.1. 2.1. A variable xiisS-essential for t if and only if there is a term rof typetsuch that some algebra AAlg(t)withA|= for some nNand letAAlg(t) be an algebra for whichA|= S and xiEss(t,A). Then from Lemma 3.5 of [5] it follows let us assume that there is a term for an algebraAAlg(t) withA|= S. LetmNbe a natural number for which rWt(Xm). So, there are n,b1,...,b mAsuch that rA(b1,...,b i-1,rA(b1,...,b m),ai+1,...,a n). The last inequality shows that S-essential for 2.1. then for each term rWt(X), we have 2.2. A variable xiisS-essential for tWt(Xn)if and only if xi is essential for twith respect to any Mod(S)-free algebra with at least 2.3. LetSId(t)be a set of identities of type tandtsS. If a variable xiisS-fictive for t, then it is fictive for swith respect to each concept of S-essential positions is a natural extension of S -essential 2.4. an algebra of type t,tWt(Xn), and let pPos(t). (i) then the position pPos(t) is called respect to the algebra A. The set of all essential positions for twith respect toAis denoted by PEss(t,A).When a position pPos(t) is not essential6 SL. respect toA, it is called fictivefortwith respect toA. The set of all fictive positions with respect to Ais denoted by PFic(t,A). (ii) then the position pPos(t) is called S- essential fort. The set of S-essential positions for tis denoted by PEss(t,S). When a position is not S -essential for tit is called denotes the set of all S-fictive positions for t. The set of S-essential subterms of tis defined as follows: SEss(t,S) denotes the set SFic(t,S) S-essential subterms of a term are subterms which occur at a erm, andcan occur in both S-essential and non-S-essential positions, we note that a subterm is S-essential if it occurs at least once in a S-essential position, and 2.2. Lett= (2) and let Let us consider the variety RB=Mod(S) of rectangular bands, where S f(x1,x1)x1}. It is not difficult to see that the S -essential positions and subterms of tare PEss(t,S) ={x2}. The S-essential and S-fictive positions of tare represented by large and small black circles, respectively in Figure 2. Note that This is because there is one subterm, f(x1,x2), which occurs more than once, once each in an essential and non-essential position, so that r r r r 1f21f x3211x2 x2x1 11 2. S-essential positions for tfrom Example 2.2.ESSENTIAL VARIABLES AND POSITIONS IN TERMS 7 Theorem 2.2. IfpPEss(t,S), then each position for =sandsubt(p) =r. that rSub(s) a natural number such that it follows that there is a term vWt(X) for there is an algebra typetsuch that A|= S and a natural number such that tWt(Xm) andvWt(Xm). Let (a1,...,a m)Ambe a tuple such that tA(a1,...,a m). LetuWt(Xm) be the term we have S |=t(p;v)t(q;u) and tA(a1,...,a m). Consequently 2.4. IfqPFic(t,S), then each position for t. Theorem 2.3. LettWt(X)be a term of type tand letSId(t)be a set of identities of type t.IfpPFic(t,S), each and let us suppose that the theorem is false. Then there is a term vWt(X) such that =rand letnbe a natural number, such that v,tWt(Xn). Then t(p;v) and t=t(p;r) supposition shows there is an algebra elements a1,...,a n,a,bofA such n) andb=vA(a1,...,a n). This means that Hence pPEss(t,S), which is a contradiction. /square8 SL. 2.5. IfpPos(t)is aS-fictive position for t, thenpis fictive for t with respect to each algebra AwithA|= S. Corollary 2.6. thenpis essential for twith respect to each Mod(S)-free algebra with at least n+1free generators. If S|=tsandsSub(t) is a proper subterm of t, one might expect that the positions of twhich are outside of shave to be S-fictive. To see that this is not true, we consider the set of operations ,and!with type t:= (2,2,1). Let S be the set of identities satisfied in a Boolean algebra. Then it is easy t o prove that ift=x1(x2!(x2)), then we have S |=tx1, butPEss(t,S) =Pos(t). Now, we are going to generalize composition of terms and to describe the cor- responding deductive systems. Let S be a set of identities of type t. Two terms tandsare called S S -equal) if 2.5. Lett,r,sWt(X) and the set of all subterms of twhich are S-equal to r. Term S-composition of tandrbysis defined as =tif =sif S|=tr, and (iii)tS(r-s) the set of all positions of are S-equal to r. m}be the set of all the minimal elements in S Pt rwith respect to the ordering in the set of positions, i.e., pPt r if for each qPt rwe have Letrj=subt(pj) forj= 1,...,m. Clearly, tS(r-s) 2.3. Let us consider the set S of identities satisfied in the variety RB of rectangular bands (see Example 2.2). Let r=f(x1,x2) and let the terms tand ube the same as in Example 2.1. Then we =t(121;u) (see Figure 1). So, the term tS(r-u) is the term obtained from tby replacing rbyuat any minimal positions whose subterm is S-equal to r, where minimality refers to the set of 2.2. IfS|=rv, IftS(u-u) =t, then the proposition is obvious. Let us assume Hence S m}andESSENTIAL VARIABLES AND POSITIONS IN TERMS 9 piPt u. allj{1,...,k}, then since for some j{1,...,k}, then we have S we obtain we have S |=tS(u-u)t. (ii) and (iii) are clear. 2.7. (i)PtS(u-u) u= =tS(u-u)(u-v)for any term 2.3. IfS|=tsandS|=rv, we consider a deductive system, which is based on the S-compo sitions varieties and globally invariant congruences Our next goal is to introduce deductive closures on the subsets of Id(t) which generate elements of the lattices L(t) andE(t). These closures are based on two concepts - satisfaction of an identity by a variety and deduction of an 3.1. [1] Aset Sofidentities oftype sat- isfies the following axioms (some authors call them deductive rules , productions, ttS for each term ( ( tsS) & inductive & positional & (rWt(X)) & (subr(p) any set of identities S the smallest D-deductively closed set containing S is called the D-closure of S and it is denoted by D(S). Let S be a set of identities of type t.FortsId(t) we say if there is a sequence of identities ( D-deduction) t1 s1,...,tnsn, such that each identity belongs to S or is a result of applying any of the derivation rules D1-D5to previous identities in the sequence and the to [1], S |=tsif and only if tsD(S) and the closure D(S) is a fully invariant congruence for each set S of identities of a given ty pe. It is known that there exists a variety VAlg(t) withId(V) = S if and only if S is a fully invariant congruence (Theorem 14.17 [1]). Using properties of the essential variables and positions we can divid e the four rules which distinguish between operating with essential or fictive objects in the identities.10 SL. 3.1. A closed if it satisfies rules variable inductive & (rWt(X)) & variable inductive & (rWt(X)) & positional term & (subr(p) =t, positional term & (subr(p) =t, will say that a set S of identities is complete if D(S) =Id(t). It is clear that if S is a complete set, then Mod(S) is a trivial variety. For fictive positions in terms and complete sets of identities, we have : S is =PFic(t,S). Let S be a non-complete set of identities. Then from Theorem 2.1 and Theorem 2.3, it follows that when applying the rules D'' 4andD'' 5, we can skip these steps in the deduction process, without any reflection on the resulting iden tities. Hence, if S is a non-complete set of identities, then S is D-deductively closed if it satisfies the rules orderto obtain new elements in the lattices L(t) andE(t), we haveto extend the derivation rules 3.2. A set S of identities is S R-deductively closed if it satisfies (rSEss(t,S)) & any set of identities S the smallest S R-deductively closed set containing S is called S R-closure of S and it is denoted by S R(S). Let S be a set of identities of type t.FortsId(t) we say if there is a sequence of identities t1s1,...,tnsn, such that each identity belongs to S or is a result of applying any of the der ivation SR1to previous identities in the sequence and the last an identity and Abe an algebra of type for every and vWt(X). Let S be a set of identities. For t,sWt(X) we say S|=SRts(read: S SR-yieldsts) if, given any algebra A, A|=SRS= VARIABLES AND POSITIONS IN TERMS 11 Theorem 3.1. SRis a closure operator in the set Id(t), i.e., (i) SSR(S); (ii) SR(SR(S)) = S R(S). The following lemma is clear. Lemma 3.1. For each set SId(t)and for each identity tsId(t)we 3.2. (The Completeness Theorem for SR-Equational Logic) Let S Id(t)be a set of identities and tsId(t). implication S by SSRts= tsSR(S) since we have used only properties under which S R(S) is closed, i.e., under D1,D2,D3,D4and SR1. For the converse of this, let us note that for tWt(X) we have SSRtt and iftsS then SSRts. If SSRts, then there is a formal S R-deduction then t1s1,...,tnsn, sntnis a SR-deduction of st. If SSRtsand a SR-deduction of tsand a SR-deduction of tnrk is a SR-deduction of tr.Hence SSRtr. Let S|=SRts, S|=SRrv, S|=SRuwand Suppose that S SRts, SSRrvand mvmandu1w1,...,u of ts,rvanduw. r1v1,...,r mvm, u1w1,...,u kwk, a SR-deduction of tS(r-u)sS(v-w). Hence /square Theorem 3.3. For each set of identities Sthe closure SR(S)is a fully but SR(S)is not in general equal to D(S). Proof. Let S be a S R-deductively closed set of identities. We will prove that S is a fully invariant congruence. It has to be shown that S satisfies t he ruleD5, i.e., ifrWt(X),tsS andpPos(r), /PEss(r,S), then according to Proposition 3.1 we have S |=r(p;v) r(p;w) for all terms v,wWt(X).12 SL. and let nbe a natural number such that r,t,sWt(Xn) and let us consider the term u=r(p;xn+1). Clearly, uuS, because of D1. We have uS(xn+1-v) =u(xn+1-v) =u(p;v) for each vWt(X).Now from S R1we we will produce a fully invariant congruence S, which is not SR- deductively closed. Let us consider the variety SG=Mod(S) of S Theorem 14.17 of [1] it follows that if S is a fully invariant congruen ce, thenD(S) and is not difficult to see that S |=ts, i.e.,tsD(S). Let us set r=v= f(x1,x2) andu=w=x1. Clearly, for each zWt(X) we have PEss(z,S) andvSEss(s,S). Since obtain tS(r-u) =f(f(x1,,x1),x2) and sS(v-w) the other side we have is a proper subset (equational theory) of S R(S) and Mod(SR(S)) is a proper subvariety of SG, which contains the variety RBof rectangular bands as a subvariety, according to Example 3.1, below. /square Lemma 3.2. For each set SId(t)and for each identity tsId(t)we lemma follows immediately from Lemma 3.1 and Theorem 3.2. Definition 3.3. A set of identities S is called a globally invariant congruence if it is SR-deductively closed. A variety Vof typetis called stable if Id(V) is SR-deductively closed, i.e., Id(V) is a globally invariant congruence. Note that when S is a globally invariant congruence it is possible to or replacements in any place (operation symbol) of te rms which explains the word 3.1. Now, we will produce a fully invariant congruence S, which is a globally invariant congruence. Let us consider the variety RB=Mod(S) of rectangular bands, where S is defined as in Example 2.2.ESSENTIAL VARIABLES AND POSITIONS IN TERMS 13 The set S consists of all equations stsuch that the first variable with the first variable of t, i.e.,leftmost (t) =leftmost (s) and the last variable (rightmost) of sagrees with the last variable of t, i.e.,rightmost (t) = rightmost (s). It is well known that S is a fully invariant congruence and a congruence ( see [2, 4]). From Theorem 14.17 of [1] it follows that Id(RB) be six terms such that S we have leftmost (t) =leftmost (s), leftmost (r) =leftmost (v), leftmost (u) =leftmost (w), rightmost (t) =rightmost (s), rightmost (r) =rightmost (v), rightmost (u) =rightmost andvSEss(s,S) (see Example 2.2), we obtain leftmost (t) =leftmost (r), leftmost (s) =leftmost (v) or rightmost (t) =rightmost (r), rightmost (s) =rightmost (tS(r-u)) =leftmost (sS(v-w)) and rightmost (tS(r-u)) =rightmost (sS(v-w)). We are going to compare globally invariant congruences with the tota lly invari- ant congruences, defined by [2, 4] the solid varieties are defined by adding a new derivation rule w hich uses the concept of -Wt(X) be a mapping which assigns to every operation term. Such mappings are called (of type t). If one replaces every operation symbol fin a given term tWt(X) by the term s(f), then the resulting term ^ s[t] is the image of tunder the extension ^ son the setWt(X). The monoid of all is denoted by Hyp(t). Let S be a set of identities. The derivation rule is d efined as follows: H1() (tsS set S is called kh-deductively closed (hyperequational theory, or totally in - variant congruence) if it is closed with respect to the rules of a set S of identities is defined in a natural way and the meaning of S |=khand Skhis clear. It is obvious that D(S)kh(S) for each set of identities S Id(t). There are examples of S such that which shows that the is a proper subvariety of Mod(D(S)). A variety Vfor which Id(V) iskh-deductively closed is called solidvariety of type t[2].14 SL. SHTRAKOV A more complex closure operator on sets of identities is studied in [3]. T his operator is based on the concept of coloured terms and multi-hype next proposition deals with the relations between the closure op erators S 3.2. There exists a stable variety, which is not a solid us consider the type t= (2) and S will show that LA=Mod(S) is a stable variety. So, we have to prove that (1) S S|=ts, S|=rv, S|=uw,rSEss(t,S) will proceed by induction on Depth(t) - the depth of the term t. The case Depth(t) = 0 is = 1. If t=f(x1,x2) then and (1) is satisfied in this case. Let us consider the case t=f(x1,x1). clearly (1) for some s1Wt(X). Since the positions in s1are S-fictive in sit follows that vcan be one of the terms x1ors. On the other side we have SEss(t,S) ={x1,t}. Hence (1) is satisfied, again. Our inductive supposition is that if Depth(t)< kthen (1) is satisfied for with S|=ts, S|=rv, S|=uw,rSEss(t,S) =k >1 andDepth(s)>=k. Then we have t=f(t1,t2) and s=f(s1,s2), such that t1ort2is not a variable. If S|=tror S|=sv, then by Definition 2.5 ( ii) and the transitivity D3, it follows that (1) is S |=uwand we are done. Next, we assume that S let t1X. Thens1=t1and S|=t2s2. Thus, from the it follows that (1) is let t1/X. Then we have s1/X, also. Hence and S|=t2s2. Let S|=t11t2and S|=s11s2. Then we have S |=tf(t2,t2) On the other side all positions in in tands, respectively. Thus we (1) is satisfied, in this case, again. If S |=t11t2and have and S|=s1s2t2. This implies that (1) is satisfied, again. Let S|=t1t2. Then we have S |=tf(t1,t2). Now, we proceed similarly as in the case S |=t11t2and If VARIABLES AND POSITIONS IN TERMS 15 and then we have S Hence S|=t1s1and S|=t2s2. Again, from the inductive supposition we prove (1). To prove that LAis not a solid variety, let us consider the following andz=f(x1,x1). LetsHyp(t) be the , defined as follows: s(f(x1,x2)) :=f(x2,x1). It is clear that S |=yz. On the other side we have ^ s[y] =f(x1,f(x2,x1)) and ^s[z] =f(x1,x1). Thus, we ^s[y]^s[z]. Hence LAis not a solid variety. /square Remark 3.1. By analogy, it follows that the stable, but not solid, also. The varieties of left-zero bands L0 and of are other examples of stable varieties, which are not solid ones. We do not know whether there is a non-trivial solid variety which is not stable? 4. S-balanced identities and simplification of identities [1, 4] are identities in which the same variables occur on each side of the identity. Balanced identities are identities in which each var iable occurs the same number of times on each side of the identity. In an analogous way we consider the concept of S -balanced be two terms of type tand SId(t) be a set of the set of all S-essential positions from Pt r, 4.1. Let SId(t). We will say that an identity tsof 4.1. Let S be the set of identities satisfied in the variety RBof rect- angular bands (see Example 2.2). Let us consider the following three terms Clearly, S|= ts, S|=tr,SEss(t,S) =SEss(r,S) Thus we EPt x3={22}, EPs x3={22}, EPr r={e}.Hence the identitytris S-balanced, but tsis not 4.1. LetSId(t)be a set of S-balanced identities. If there is a SR-deduction of tswithS-balanced identities, then tsis of type t.16 SL. and let tsandsrbe two S-balanced identities of typet. Then for each term qWt(X) we shows that the identity tris S-balanced, too. Lettsis a S-balanced identity in S R(S) and let rWt(X) be a term with tSEss(r,S) andsubr(p) =t. We have S|=SRr(p;s)r. From Proposition 2.2, we allqWt(X). Consequently the identity r(p;s)ris S-balanced, S-balanced identities from S R(S). We have to prove that the resulting identity tS(r-u)sS(v-w) is S-balanced. This will be done by induction on the depth (also called height by The basis of induction is Depth(t) = 1 (the case Depth(t) = 0 is n)Wt(Xn) and let s=g(s1,...,s m).Hence, if 1. (ia) If S|=rt, then S|=vsand we have tS(r-u) =uandsS(v- w) =w. is S-balanced in this case. (ib) Let each xiXn, If r /Xn{t}, Thus we have tS(r-u) =tandsS(v-w) =s and the resulting identity tsis S-balanced. (ic) Let S|=rxifor some xiXnand We have tS(r-u) =tS(xi-u) andsS(v-w) =EPw qfor each qWt(X), i.e., the resulting identity tS(r-u)sS(v-w) is S-balanced, again. (ii) andsWt(X), such that the identity S|=tsis S-balanced. Suppose that for each t'SEss(t,S) with is true: if S |=t's'is S-balanced identity for some s'Wt(X), is S-balanced, also. (iia) Let S|=rt. Then we =EPw q for each qWt(X) and the resulting identity is S -balanced in that case, again. (iib) Let S|=rtifor some i= 1,...,n.As in the case ( ic) it can be proved that the identity tS(r-u)sS(v-w) is Let eachi= 1,...,nand there is loss of generality assume that all such jare the natural numbers from the set VARIABLES AND POSITIONS IN TERMS 17 LetjL. If S|=ttjis a S-balanced identity, then S also and by our assumption, we have that S-balanced identity. Hence we have that the resulting identity is S -balanced in this case, also. If alljLthen since tsis a S-balanced identity, there are subterms s1,...,s lofssuch that S|=tjsj. According to our the last identities are S -balanced. EPt r=l j=1EPtjrandEPs v=l j=1EPsjv. is a S-balanced identity. /square The complexity of the problem of deduction depends on the complexit y of the algorithm for checking when a position of a term is essential or not wit h respect to a set of identities. The complexity of that algorithm for finite algebra s is discussed in [5], but it is based on the full exhaustion of all possible cases. There shouldbe a caseorcases, when the ca nbe This is, for instance, when a variable xdoes not belong to var(t) we obtain x Theorem 2.1). Then we can skip the rules D'' 4andD'' 5, according to Proposition 3.1. Obviously, it is very easy to check if xvar(t) or S. Burris, H. Sankappanavar, A Course in Universal Algebra , The millennium edition, 2000 [2] K.Denecke, D.Lau, R.P oschel, D.Schweigert, Solidifyable Clones, General Algebra 20, Hel- dermann Verlag , Berlin 1993, pp.41-69. [3] K.Denecke, J.Koppitz, Sl.Shtrakov, and Coloured Solid Varieties , J. Algebra and Computation, Volume 16, Number 4, August, 200 6, pp.797-815. [4] E. Gracz' ynska, On Normal and Regular Identities and Hyperidentities , Universal and Ap- plied Algebra, Turawa, Poland 3 - 7 May 1988, World Scientific (1989), 107-135. [5] Sl. Shtrakov, K. Denecke, Essential Variables and Separable Sets in Universal Algebr a, J. Multi. Val. Logic, 2002, vol. 8(2), pp 165-181. [6] W. Taylor, Hyperidentities and Hypervarieties, Aequationes Mathematicae, 23(1981), 30-49. E-mail address of Computer Science, South-West University, 270 0 Blagoevgrad,
Slavcho Shtrakov
Slavcho Shtrakov
Essential variables and positions in terms
17 pages, 2 figures
J. Algebra Universalis, Vol. 61, No 3-4, (2009), pp. 381-397
math.GM cs.IT math.IT
The paper deals with $\Sigma-$composition of terms, which allows us to extend the derivation rules in formal deduction of identities. The concept of essential variables and essential positions of terms with respect to a set of identities is a key step in the simplification of the process of formal deduction. $\Sigma-$composition of terms is defined as replacement between $\Sigma$-equal terms. This composition induces $\Sigma R-$deductively closed sets of identities. In analogy to balanced identities we introduce and investigate $\Sigma-$balanced identities for a given set of identities $\Sigma$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 17 Feb 2008 15:43:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 22 Jul 2008 18:30:41 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 1 Sep 2008 07:53:14 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Tue, 19 Jan 2010 12:51:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Shtrakov", "Slavcho", "" ] ]
2 FIG. 1: (a) SEM image of a typical suspended device taken at 15with respect to the sample plane. (b) AFM image of the suspended device #1 before the mea- surements. (c) AFM image of the device #1 after the mea- surements with graphene removed by a short oxygen plasma etch (same z scale). (d) Device schematic, side-view. Degen- erately doped silicon gate (blue), partly etched SiO single-layer graphene (pink) and Au/Cr of a nished device taken at 15angle with respect to the sample plane. The graphene is apparent as a thin sheet suspended above the surface of the remaining SiO 2. The sheet is supported by six gold electrodes attached to SiO 2, which have been slightly undercut during the BOE etching step (see Fig. 1d). Atomic force microscopy (AFM) (Figs. 1b,c) demonstrates convincingly the in- tegrity of the graphene sheet, its suspension above the oxide and the atness of the substrate below it. Fig. 1b clearly indicates a at graphene surface 150 nm above the surface of SiO 2. The single layer of carbon atoms, which makes up graphene, is remarkably robust and is not damaged by repeated AFM imaging. Fig. 1c show the same device after completion of the electrical mea- surement and after removal of the suspended graphene via an oxygen plasma etch [15]. It reveals the previ- ously hidden SiO 2substrate below the graphene. The height variation of the substrate is less than 20 nm, with a slight bowing towards the center of the device. We thus conclude that our fabrication process results in graphene devices suspended 150 nm above SiO 2substrate measurements on suspended graphene de- vices are performed in a sample-in-vacuum cryostat with a pressure of less than 5 105mtorr. A total of one four-probe and two six-probe devices were measured. Be- fore cooling the cryostat to its base temperature of 5 K the devices are thermally annealed in situ to 400 K, asthis has been shown to reduce spurious doping in un- suspended samples [5, 21]. Four-probe measurements are performed using standard low-frequency lock-in tech- niques with the excitation current less than I= 100 nA. A typical measurement consists of sending the current between electrodes labeled 1 and 4 in Fig. 1a and record- ing the voltages Vxx(Vxy) between electrodes 2 and 3 ( 2 and 6 ) respectively. The resistance is calculated as Rxx=Vxx=Iand the Hall resistance as Rxy=Vxy=I. To convert resistance to resistivity we estimate the ra- tio of sample width to spacing between voltage probes from images such as shown in Fig. 1. Following the general approach for extended voltage probes we use the center-to-center distance along the current path ( L) as the sample length and the distance between voltage probes perpendicular to the current path as the sample width (W). The sheet resistivity xxis then ). The uncertainty in actual current and voltage distribution within our specimens may place an error on the estimated value of xxof less than 30%. The resistivity is measured as a function of gate between graphene and the degenerately doped silicon substrate. Special care is taken not to collapse the devices as applying gate voltage Vgof ei- ther sign leads to an attractive force between the graphene [9, 13] and the gate. The observa- tion of graphene collapse at Vg= 20 V in similar samples leads us to limit the range of applied gate voltages to 5 V throughout our experiments. Following Bunch et al.[13], we estimate the force acting on our typical de- vice #1 at Vg=5 V 150 nm are thicknesses of the remain- ing and etched SiO 2andL;W3m are the length and the width of the device. Using simple mechanics, we estimate the maximum strain in graphene to be in the rangeVg=5 V a Young modulus E=1 TPa and a thickness t=0.34 nm [13]. We deduce that this strain level does not signicantly a ect electronic transport in graphene. The blue line of Fig. 2a shows the low sample #1, measured as a function of the gate voltage Vg. We observe the Dirac peak, indi- cated by a maximum in the resistivity, at the gate voltage VDclose to zero. The small reproducible uctuations in xx(Vg) are consistent with universal conductance uctu- ation, typically seen in mesoscopic devices [16, 17]. The carrier density nis determined via Hall e ect measure- ments asn(Vg) =B=exy(Vg;B), whereBis the applied magnetic eld. The gate capacitance of the device is cal- culated aFm2. [1, 2] The measured capacitance is close to the value Cg 475 aFm2expected for graphene suspended 150 20 nm above 150 20 nm of residual SiO 2, as calculated us- ing the serial capacitor model. This provides an inde- pendent verication that the device is suspended during3 FIG. 2: (a) Measured four-probe resistivity xxas a function of gate voltage Vgfor the device #1 before (blue) and after (red) current annealing; data from traditional on the substrate (gray dotted line) shown for compar- ison. The gate voltage is limited to 5 V range to avoid mechanical collapse. (b) Mobility = 1=en xxas a function of carrier density nfor the same devices. the measurements. Finally, using the above carrier den- sity, we determine the electron mobility = 1=nexx 28,000 cm2V1s1atn= 21011cm2. This is compa- rable to the best reported values for unsuspended devices at the same density [1, 2, 18, 19]. Thus, despite removing the substrate, at this stage the scattering in graphene is not signicantly reduced, which leads us to the conclu- sion that it is caused by residual impurities absorbed on the graphene surface. Further mobility enhancement requires removal of the remaining impurities. This is accomplished by sending a large current through the device. For unsuspended sam- ples, this current annealing was demonstrated to heat the graphene sheet locally to an estimated T600 C and to desorb most of the residues remaining on the sur- face of the device from the fabrication steps. While cur- rent annealing has been shown to improved the quality of electrical transport in unsuspended devices, the treat- ment did not lead to signicant mobility Most likely, impurities permanently trapped at the interface between graphene and the substrate are respon- sible for this lack of improvement. Suspended devices, on the other hand, are not be subject to such impurities from both sides of the graphene sheet are free to desorb. Current annealing is implemented by ramping the current across the device up to a pre- dened setpoint, waiting for several minutes, decreasing the current to zero and remeasuring the electrical trans- port properties of the specimen. The procedure is until changes appear in the gate response of the device, which start to occur only at very large cur- rent densities of 2108A/cm2, estimated assuming a graphene thickness 0.34 nm. For every device measured, current annealing leads to a remarkable di erence in the transport properties com- pared to the initial state, which we illustrate using device#1 as an example. Upon current annealing, the resis- tance of sample #1 decreases by more than a factor of 8 for voltages away from the Dirac point. At the same time the width of the Dirac peak reduces by about a factor of 20, while the maximum resistivity of the device hardly changes (Fig. 2a). These large changes re ect a greatly improved sample quality. We quantify this improvement via three di erent measures: carrier mobility, width of the Dirac peak and the onset eld of Shubnikov rst measure of sample quality is carrier mobility  evaluated at high electron density, where saturates. In unsuspended devices, the mobility ranges between 2,000 and 25,000 cm2V1s1at n= 51012cm2being the highest value reported in the literature [1, 18, 19]. Due to the gate voltage limita- tion in our devices we measure the mobility at a 21011cm2, where the highest reported  is about 30,000 cm2V1s1(Fig. 2b, dotted line). This value is comparable to the mobility of 28,000 cm2V1s1 (Fig. 2b, blue line) in the suspended sample #1 before current annealing. Upon current annealing, the resis- tance decrease in sample #1 translates into an increase of mobility to 230,000 cm2V1s1(Fig. 2b, red line) measured at our highest density of n= suspended device exhibits mobilities higher than 60,000 cm2V1s1after annealing. Our peak mobility of 230,000 an improvement of about a factor of 10 over values reported in the literature so far, and is the central result of this work. In addition to the mobility enhancement, we notice that the Dirac peak of suspended and annealed samples is very narrow compared to both that of suspended devices before annealing and traditional substrate supported de- vices. We argue that the width of the Dirac peak is re- lated to the charge inhomogeneity inside the sample. As has been demonstrated recently, at small charge densi- ties the graphene breaks into mesoscopic puddles of hole and electrons [22]. The mechanism causing the forma- tion of puddles is debated [7, 8, 10], but it is accepted that the presence of puddles changes transport resulting in a broadened Dirac peak. We quantify the changes in sample quality by measuring  WDirac , dened as twice the carrier density at which the resistiv- ity decreases by a factor of two from its maximum value. Such WDirac provides an upper bound for the due to puddle formation. In device #1, for example, the Dirac peak narrows to about 2 1010 cm2(Fig. 2b, red line), an improvement of more than 10 times compared to the same sample before annealing (Fig. 2b, blue line) and compared to typical high devices (Fig. 2b, black dotted line). We re- mark that the reduced charge inhomogeneity is correlated with enhanced carrier mobility (Fig. 3b). Compared to unsuspended samples (black squares) where a typical charge inhomogeneity is 2-9 1011cm2while the mobil-4 FIG. 3: (a) xxcomponent of Hall resistance as a function of magnetic eld for the suspended sample #1 before anneal- ing (blue) and after annealing (red) at n= K. (b) Full width at half maximum of the Dirac peak WDirac plotted as a function of device mobility for all three measured suspended devices (red circles) and pre- viously studied devices on the substrate (black squares). (c) Conductivity as a function of carrier density nfor the sam- ple #1 after current annealing. ity ranges from 2,000-30,000 cm2V1s1, the suspended and annealed samples (red circles) exhibit both an order of magnitude higher mobility and an order of magnitude lower charge inhomogeneity, following the trend seen in the unsuspended we turn to the onset of the Shubnikov as a measure of sample quality. In a sim- ple model, these oscillations commence at magnetic eld BSdHstrong enough for a charge carrier to complete one cyclotron orbit without scattering, which is where!cis the cyclotron frequency and  is the scattering time. In graphene, a semiclassical re- lation yields wherevF= 106 m/s is the Fermi velocity. This results in an Figure 3a shows the SdH e ect in our highest mobility specimen, sample #1. Oscilla- tions are observed as low as BSdH250 mT (Fig 3a, red line), while no SdH oscillations are observed before current annealing (Fig. 3a, blue line). Other exhibit BSdHranging from 250 to 600 mT, and for the best device at n= 21011 cm2. On the other hand, in unsuspended devices SdH oscillations at the same density are seen at elds larger than700 mT, corresponding to 71014s. There- fore, the early onset of Shubnikov deHaas oscillation in the suspended devices is consistent with reduced time and thus is indicative of cleaner samples. While the onset of the SdH oscillations is a for sample quality, we cannot deduce directly a quantum scattering time q, since other factors, such as density inhomogeneity, also a ect the the results of our transport measure- ments on in-situ annealed, suspended graphene samples, we observe a considerable improvement in sample qual- ity measured by the enhanced mobility, reduced and increased scattering time. In partic- ular, we observe about an order of magnitude improve- ment in carrier mobility and sample homogeneity, while the improvement in the onset eld of the SdH oscilla- tions is about factor of 3. Overall, we conclude that our fabrication procedure results in very clean far fewer scatterers compared to the previ- ously studied substrate supported devices. samples prior to current annealing as well as current annealed but unsuspended samples [20] do not exhibit the aforementioned quality improvement. This suggests that impurities trapped between the SiO 2and graphene are limiting the mobility of the current gener- ation of unsuspended graphene we consider the nature of the residual scatter- ers in our devices. Upon current annealing, the carrier mean free path lin our samples approaches the of the device. Indeed, using a between the mobility and the mean free path wherekF= (n)1=2, we estimate l1:2m for the sample #1 at n= both the edges of the device and the elec- trodes may contribute considerably to scattering. This is consistent with the observed strongly sublinear depen- dence of the conductivity (n) = 1=xx(n) as a function of carrier density n(Fig. 3c). Such behavior was argued to result from the short-range scattering [7, 18], with point defects or sample edges. Overall, we speculate that extrinstic sources of scattering may still be the limiting factor in the present geometry and that larger area devices may exhibit even higher acknowledge fruitful discussions with and experi- mental help from Erik Henriksen, Je rey Kysar, Andrea Young, Barbaros Ozyilmaz, and Pablo work is supported by the NSF (No. DMR-03- 52738), NSEC grant CHE-0641523, NYSTAR, DOE and No. (No. N000150610138), FENA MARCO, W. M. Keck Foundation, and the Microsoft Project Q. [1] K. S. 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Kirill Bolotin
K. I. Bolotin, K. J. Sikes, Z. Jiang, M. Klima, G. Fudenberg, J. Hone, P. Kim, H. L. Stormer
Ultrahigh electron mobility in suspended graphene
4 pages, 3 figures, references updated
Solid State Communications 146, 351-355 (2008)
cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci
We have achieved mobilities in excess of 200,000 cm^2/Vs at electron densities of ~2*10^11 cm^-2 by suspending single layer graphene. Suspension ~150 nm above a Si/SiO_2 gate electrode and electrical contacts to the graphene was achieved by a combination of electron beam lithography and etching. The specimens were cleaned in situ by employing current-induced heating, directly resulting in a significant improvement of electrical transport. Concomitant with large mobility enhancement, the widths of the characteristic Dirac peaks are reduced by a factor of 10 compared to traditional, non-suspended devices. This advance should allow for accessing the intrinsic transport properties of graphene.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 17 Feb 2008 16:53:59 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 27 May 2008 23:59:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bolotin", "K. I.", "" ], [ "Sikes", "K. J.", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Z.", "" ], [ "Klima", "M.", "" ], [ "Fudenberg", "G.", "" ], [ "Hone", "J.", "" ], [ "Kim", "P.", "" ], [ "Stormer", "H. L.", "" ] ]
1 Micro-Bunch Injection into the Main Injector from a Superconducting RF Linac Following the method of time-structured multi-turn injection from the 400-MeV linac to Fer- milab's Booster [1], we have further explored the scheme of micro-bunch injection for applications to Fermilab's Main Injector, (from a future Superconducting RF (SCRF) linac to an upgraded Main Injector parasitic longitudinal painting. The future SCRF linac referred here can be either the 8-GeV SCRF linac Proton Driver [2, 3, 4], or the Project-X linac [5]. 1.1 Overview of the Main Injector The Main Injector (MI) is a ring with a circumference of about 3.3 (km). The central role of the MI is to connect to the Tevatron, the Booster, the Anti-Proton source, switchyard, and the Recycler Ring via a number of beam transport lines within the Fermilab accelerator complex. The MI accelerates and decelerates particle beams with energy ranging from 8 (GeV) and 150 (GeV), depending on the operation mode. The harmonic number of the MI is 588 and the harmonic RF at injection is 52.8114 (MHz)2. 1.2 Overview of the 8-GeV Superconducting RF Linac An 8-GeV SCRF linac has been proposed as a single-stage Hinjector into the Main Injector as a replacement for the aging 400-MeV Linac and the 8-GeV Booster. This new 8-GeV SCRF linac would be the highest-energy Hmulti-turn injection system in the world. Fermilab has been carrying out design studies [4, 6] of the SCRF linac and injection systems[7] over the last several years. The linac design[8] utilizes a warm-temperature 325-MHz RFQ and rebunching cavities to bunch the beam at 325 (MHz). At b=0:89 (about Ekin=1:1(GeV)), the RF of the (SC) cavities is 1.3 (GHz). The ultimate bunch structure required for injection into the MI will be formed by a 325-MHz fast chopper system[9]. The fast chopper system will be required to remove individual 325-MHz bunches or bunch trains for matching to the MI RF structure and providing a beam-abort notch: two out of every six to be removed. 1We will use the Main Injector (MI) and an upgraded version of the Main Injector (MI-2) interchangeably through- out this article. 2For the sake of brevity and convenience, 53 MHz is referred to as MI RF is referred to as a 325-MHz bunch hereafter. 21.3 Time Structure of the Main Injector In the injection model the fast chopper system located at the front end of the 8-GeV SCRF linac produces a train of four micro-bunches for being injected into the MI. Illustrated in Figure 1 is a schematic for one MI RF bucket populated with an initial train of four micro-bunches. The two chopped micro-bunches are represented by two consecutive empty 325-MHz RF buckets. A train of four 325-MHz micro-bunches are synchronously injected into a standing 53-MHz bucket. The length of the two chopped micro-bunches is equivalent to 6 ns. More details of the time structure of each MI RF bucket after the first synchronous injection from a SCRF linac are illustrated in Figure 2. A total beam notch per MI RF bucket is about 6 ns, which corresponds to two 325- MHz RF buckets, whereas the principal RF harmonic of 52.8 (MHz) and the sub-harmonic of 325 (MHz). Illustrated in Figure 3 is a phase-space ( DE;q) plot containing the very first train of with an RF-voltage waveform drawn in the background. The following is a list of Figure 1: Three consecutive 53-MHz RF buckets used for the Main Injector. Figure 2: Time structure of the single RF system used for the Main Injector 3Figure 3: Single RF system: the injection of 4 micro-bunches at the 1stturn with an RF waveform drawn in the parameters that can be seen in the header of each ESME phase-space plot presented in this of turns), HB(bucket height), SB(bucket area), Sb(bunch area), V(RF voltage), Es(synchronous energy), ns(synchrotron tune), pdot ( dp=dt), h(slip factor), ts(revolution period), h (harmonic number), Y(synchronous phase), and N (number of horizontal axis represents Dq(=qqs) in units of degrees, and the vertical axis on the left is DE(=EEs) in units of MeV , and the vertical axis on the right is Vr fin units of kVfor the RF waveform. In addition to the phase-space plot, the one of four micro-bunches are plotted, using output data generated by ESME simulations as shown in Figures 4 and 5. 4Theazimuthal density is referred to as the charge density, or the azimuthal profile of distribution is referred to as the profile of macro-particles in energy ( DE) 4: Zero-centered charge density with tail portion; (left) on a linear scale (right) on a logarithmic scale The root-mean-square (RMS) width of one micro-bunch is 1.96 104(deg), which corre- sponds to 6.05 (ps). The area in red, indicating the tail portion of a micro-bunch, is about 1.34%. To make the tail portion of a micro-bunch stand out, the density distribution is plotted on a loga- rithmic scale. The RMS value of initial energy spread is about 0.26 (MeV) per each the MI to be a 11.1338- us, or 360-degree ring, we used the following conversion factor: 0:032335 (deg=ns) (1) Figure 5: Zero-centered energy density; (left) on a linear scale (right) on a logarithmic scale 5The principal MI RF is 53 (MHz) and the SCRF linac bunching frequency is 325 (MHz). From the MI RF, we can obtain an integer harmonic number of 588. The width of an MI RF bucket is 18.935 (ns), into which trains of micro-bunches are injected repeatedly during the first 270 turns, while filling in one MI RF bucket in the region of 6 (ns) around its center. The beam notch that is kept free of beams is 3.3 (ns) long, on the basis of an earlier injection study performed with a long bunch [11]. In the following sections, we will explore and discuss several different scenarios of micro-bunch injection, based upon the RF parameters used in the current MI operation. 1.4 Micro-Bunch Injection Scenarios for the Main Injector The goals for modeling the time-structured multi-turn injection into the MI with a SCRF linac are three-fold: (1) To find the optimized RF system of Fermilab Main Injector with the following aspects: (a) Efficient RF capture methods with minimum particle losses (b) Main Injector RF system with adequate RF parameters (c) Minimizing space-charge effects in all degrees of freedom (d) Optimizing total capture time and total injection time (2) To design a fast beam-chopper system to make nearly loss-free injection attainable (3) To investigate any limits on the intensity upgrades from the current Main Injector Table 1: Main Injector Parameters for ESME Simulations Mean Radius 528.297 (m) Beam Momentum (at injection) 8.889 ( GeV gamma) Harmonic No. phase) 0.0 (deg) effective beam radius (at injection) 0.0050 (m) effective beam-pipe radius (at injection) 0.051 (m) No. of Space-Charge Bins 64 No. of FFT Bins 64 Micro-Bunch Intensity 2.65 108 Total Intensity (after injection is complete) 1.54 1014 6With the above aims in mind, we modeled four different scenarios of synchronous injection over 270 injection turns, but with different RF harmonic systems and RF parameters. Listed in Table 1 are the key parameters of the Main Injector that were employed in ESME simulations for all scenarios presented in this article. 2 Scenario I synchronous injection of a train of 4 micro-bunches into a standing RF bucket single RF Harmonic (53 MHz) Vr f= 800 (kV) (fixed RF voltage with no ramping) 270 injection turns (3 ms)!2,700 turns (30 space charge longitudinal painting in RF-phase ( q) direction We begin with a single RF system of 53 (MHz) and the fixed RF voltage ( Vr f) of 800 (kV). Referring to Figure 3, a set of four blobs captured in an RF bucket represent the first train of micro-bunches that are synchronously injected into a standing RF bucket. The dotted sinusoidal curve for RF voltage waveform in the background of the phase-space figure indicates the single RF harmonic and the amplitude of RF voltage. The single turn in the MI in terms of the average machine circumference and the can be expressed with the following relationship for use as conversion =11:1338 (us) =3319 :388(m) (2) As illustrated in Figure 2 the relationships, which can be used as conversion factors for one MI RF bucket, are derived from Eqn. (2): 52:8114 (MHz) =18:9353 (ns) =0:6122 (deg) =5:645(m) (3) Due to the longitudinal mismatch , orRF mismatch between the SCRF linac and the MI, inherent phase slips, or phase jitters can be induced in the form of uncontrolled orparasitic painting in RF-phase direction. With fandlbeing radio frequency and RF wavelength, respectively, we computed the RF ratio ( Rr f): 7Rr f=fPD fMI=325 MHz 52:8114 (m) 0:9173 which PD stands for the 8-GeV SCRF Proton Driver. Referring to Figure 2, Eqn. (4) implies that a total of 6 linac RF buckets can fit into one MI RF bucket. Since the RF ratio is a non- integral number, a modulus of the RF ratio is computed as for the case of modeling the f mod=0:154 (5) Then, the range of phase jitters within one MI RF bucket can be (deg) =0:0153 (deg) (6) With phase slips included after the first three injection turns, trains of micro-bunches captured in an MI RF bucket and their discrete charge distribution are acquired as shown in Figure 6. For each successive MI RF bucket, a train of 325-MHz bunches advance by 0.0153 (deg). Accordingly, over 6 injection turns, the trains of micro-bunches slip through the phase direction across one f=0:0995 (deg) 0:0153 (deg)=6:5 (7) Having this amount of uncontrolled phase slips included, we simulated the SCRF with ESME over 270 injection turns. During the 270 turns, longitudinal painting takes place at each turn within the MI RF bucket under the influence of longitudinal space charge, as illustrated by Figure 7. Shown in Figure 8 is one-peaked continuous distribution of charge density6 at the 270thturn. The turn-by-turn evolution of longitudinal emittance growth for the case of a single RF harmonic is shown in Figure 9(a). As the number of macro-particles increments, so does the longitudinal emittance up to about 0.08 (eV-s). Then, the emittance reaches its equilibrium and remains constant until the end of the simulation run. The induced voltage ( Vsc) arising fields ( E(z)) is proportional to the g-factor , which is defined as 1 voltage per turn can be computed at a specific turn from the charge 6Charge density , orazimuthal density is referred to as charge line density ( l), for In particular, we looked at the induced voltage arising from the symmetric at the end of injection (at the 270thturn), as shown in Figure (8) where Rw,Rb,b,g,l, and zdenote effective beam pipe radius, effective beam radius, line density, and longitudinal path length, respectively. In the case of the Main Injector at an injection energy of 8.0 (GeV), the value of g-factor is 5.64: (a) three trains of micro-bunches in an MI RF bucket (b) charge density 6: [ Scenario I ] Single RF bucket and discrete charge density after 3 injection turns 9(a) 270 turns (b) 2,700 turns Figure 7: [ Scenario I ] Synchronous injection of micro-bunches with a single RF system (a) after 270 turns (b) after 2,700 turns; note that +LSC in each figure title indicates inclusive of Longitudi- nal Space Charge . 10(a) 270 turns (b) 2,700 turns Figure 8: [Scenario I] Distribution of charge density with a single RF harmonic at the 270thturn and at the Turn-by-turn evolution of longitudinal emittance with a single RF harmonic over 270 turns (b) Evolution of the number of injected a single RF harmonic over 270 turn (c) Induced DEper turn ( DE=turn) due to space charge with a single RF harmonic at the 270thturn (d) Turn-by-turn evolution of collective voltage in frequency domain over 270 turns (e) Turn-by-turn evolution of bunching factor Figure 9: [Scenario I ]Additional calculations in relation to longitudinal space-charge effects12Drawn in Figure 9(d) is the peak collective voltage in frequency domain ( ^VFD) computed at each turn. The collective voltage goes up to about 50.0 (keV) at the end of the injection process. Since the bunching factor is usually defined as average current ( hIi) over peak current ( ^I) for con- venience, its value is upper-bounded at unity. Figure 9(e) shows that the bunching factor converges to the value of about 0.3 for the case of Scenario I. 3 Scenario II In Scenario II, the injection process described in Scenario I is followed by RF-voltage ramping linearly up to 150% of the initial value. Thus, the RF voltage ramping lasts for additional 27 (ms), and the total injection time elapses about 30 (ms). Vr f;i= 800 (kV), Vr f;f= 1,200 (kV) ramping RF voltage after the injection is complete At the end of RF-voltage ramping, the entire macro-particles are well captured within an en- larged RF bucket as depicted in Figure 10. With RF-voltage ramping, the bucket area is enlarged, such that beam loss arising from space-charge effect can be avoided. Figure 12 shows the varia- tion of RF voltage from 800 (kV) to 1,200 (kV) during the interval from the 270thturn through the 2,700thturn. In comparison to Figure 8 from Scenario I, the gradient of charge are reduced and spread more out with ramping RF voltage over extended 2,700 turns (cf. Figure 11). Yet, a peaked distribution centered around the origin is observed. The ( el) grows up to 0.085 (eV-s) with a fixed RF voltage at 800 (kV). Once the RF voltage starts ramping linearly, the emittance continues to grow gradually up to 0.09 (eV-s) as plotted in Figure 13. In an attempt to further reduce the voltage and to attain a more uniform charge distribution, a dual RF harmonic system is explored in Scenarios III and IV in the 10: [ Scenario II ] Synchronous injection of micro-bunches with a single RF harmonic and ramping RF voltage Figure 11: [ Scenario II ] Distribution of charge density with a single RF harmonic and ramping RF voltage after 2,700 turns 14Figure 12: [ Scenario II ] RF voltage curve over 2,700 turns Figure 13: [ Scenario II ] Turn-by-turn evolution of longitudinal emittance ( el) with a single RF system 154 Scenario III Dual RF Harmonics: fr f;1= 53 MHz and fr f;2= 106 MHz H1=588 and 2.0 Vr f;1=400(kV)andVr RF voltages) RH=Vr f;2=Vr f;1= 0.75 In Scenario III, we explored a scheme of injecting micro-bunches into an MI RF bucket with dual RF harmonics of 400 (kV) on 53 (MHz) and 300 (kV) on 106 (MHz). The higher-order RF harmonic ( H2=1176) is as double as the principal RF harmonic ( H1=588). The secondary RF voltage ( Vr f;2) is 75% of the principal RF voltage ( Vr f;1). The RF voltage waveform of the higher harmonic for dual RF harmonics can be obtained on the basis of Eqn. (9): V=Vr f;2sin(H2f2+y2); (9) where Vr f,H,f, and yare RF voltage, harmonic number, phase angle of each phase of RF cavity, respectively. As can be seen in Figure 15, the waveform has a negative slope around the stable phase of 0 (deg). By adding a higher secondary harmonic RF voltage to a principal harmonic RF voltage, a flat-bottom potential energy can be produced. With the dual RF system, the RF-bucket contour is also flattened at the top and bottom on a phase-space plot, resulting in a flattened charge distribution. Besides, the principal RF voltage can be half as high as the RF voltage used for the case of single RF harmonic. Since the flat-bottom potential energy can iron out the peaked charge distribution, the utilization of a dual RF system offers a great advantage over the single RF harmonic. Eventually, the dual RF system helps to lower the set by space-charge effects. After 2,700 turns, the formation of localized is observed around three local bumps of the dual-harmonic voltage waveform. The time evolution of injected macro-particles inside a dual RF bucket is shown in Figure 16. From turn 1 through turn 270, trains of four micro-bunches are injected with parasitic phase offsets. After the injection process is complete, in order to reach an equilibrium state, injected circulated up to 2,700 turns with no further injection. In Figure 17, trains of injected micro- bunches captured in a dual RF bucket drawn on a phase-space plot at every 100 turns starting from the 1stturn through the 2,700thturns. Note that as time elapses after the completion of 16injection process, sporadic dips in between lumps of macro-particles are gradually disappeared. In Figures from 18 through 20 three plots of longitudinal phase space, charge density, and energy density comprise each row corresponding to turn number indicated below each phase-space plot. With the careful choice of RF voltages ( RV=0:75), a bi-modal charge distribution is created due to a pair of potential wells around the stable phase of 0 (deg). As the turn number painting progresses in a parasitic fashion, thus leading up to a continuous bi-modal charge Dual RF bucket (b) charge 14: [Scenario III] (a) Dual RF bucket capturing the first train of micro-bunches and its RF waveform in the background (b) Its discrete charge after 270 turns (b) after 2,700 turns Figure 15: [ Scenario III ] Micro-bunches captured within the dual-RF MI bucket and painting after 270 turns and 2700 turns 18(a) after 270 turns (b) after 2,700 turns Figure 16: [ Scenario III ] Distribution of charge density with longitudinal painting included 19(a) 1stturn (b) 100thturn (c) 200thturn (d) 270thturn (e) 600thturn (f) 900thturn (g) 1,200thturn (h) 1,500thturn (i) 1,800thturn (j) 2,100thturn (k) 2,400thturn (l) 17: [ Scenario III ] Time evolution of phase space with longitudinal painting from the 1stinjection turn through 2,700 turns 20(a) 100thturn (b) charge density (c) energy density (d) 200thturn (e) charge density (f) energy density (g) 270thturn (h) charge density (i) energy density (j) 300thturn (k) charge density (l) energy density Figure 18: [ Scenario III ] Time evolution of phase space with longitudinal painting starting from the 100thturn through the 300thturns 21(a) 600thturn (b) charge density (c) energy density (d) 900thturn (e) charge density (f) energy density (g) 1,200thturn (h) charge density (i) energy density (j) 1,500thturn (k) charge density (l) energy density Figure 19: [ Scenario III ] Time evolution of phase space with longitudinal painting starting from the 600thturn through the 1,800thturn (b) charge density (c) energy density (d) 2,100thturn (e) charge density (f) energy density (g) 2,400thturn (h) charge density (i) energy density (j) 2,700thturn (k) charge density (l) energy density Figure 20: [ Scenario III ] Time evolution of phase space with longitudinal painting starting from the 1,800thturn through the 2,700thturns 235 Scenario IV: Optimized MI RF Dual RF Harmonics: fr f;1=53MHz andfr and H1=588 RH=fr f;2=fr f;1=2:0 Vr f;1= 400 (kV) and Vr f;2= 200 (kV) (fixed RF IV is under the same conditions as Scenario III, except that the secondary RF voltage setting is 50% of the principal RF voltage setting. Scenario IV is more advantageous than Scenario III in that its optimized RF waveform has a nice plateau around the stable phase of 0 (deg) as seen in Figure 21(a). Through the parasitic longitudinal painting under the influence of space charge at each turn, a total of 1,080 (4 270) micro-bunches are injected over 270 turns. injected micro-bunches are circulated for as long as 30 (ms), thereby transforming gradually into a continuous macro-bunch , orlong bunch spanning over the region between -0.2 (deg) and +0.2 (deg) within the MI RF bucket. Unlike in Figure 16 (a) for Scenario III, localization at two positions is not observed in Figure 22 (a) when the injection over 270 turns is complete. After extended circulation of beams up to 2,700 turns with no further injection, the beam charge distribution becomes continuous and smoother in between -0.2 (deg) and +0.2 (deg). (see Figure 22). As a consequence, the bi-modal distribution of charge density observed from Scenario III (Figures 18 through 20) is not observed any longer (Figures 21 through 26). As the number of injected macro-particles increments, the process of longitudinal painting the fine structure of charge distribution gradually vanishes, and the contour of becomes smoother after 2,700 turns. With phase offsets alone without energy jitter, this painting effect stands out in charge distribution, rather than energy distribution as observed in Scenario III. As shown in Figures 27(a) and 27(b), an encouraging result is obtained with the dual RF harmonic system. The longitudinal emittance grows and reaches its equilibrium value, which is about a half of the emittance in the cases of the single RF harmonic system. The peak induced voltage ( ^Vsc) due to space charge was computed using asymmetric charge distributions seen in Figure 27(b). Its peak space-charge voltage rises up to 50 (kV) per turn according to Figure 27(b). Plotted in Figure 27(c) is the evolution of peak voltage induced by space charge. Using the phase modulation in a controlled fashion enables us to maneuver charge distribution, thus resulting in further lowering space-charge voltage. 24(a) at the first turn (b) at the 270thturn (c) at the 21: [ Scenario IV ] Optimized Dual RF System: Synchronous injection of at the 1stturn (b) at the 270thturn, and (c) at the 2,700thturn25(a) at the 270thturn (b) at the 22: [ Scenario IV ] Distribution of charge density with optimized dual RF harmonics (a) at the 270thturn and (b) at the 1stturn (b) 100thturn (c) 200thturn (d) 270thturn (e) 600thturn (f) 900thturn (g) 1,200thturn (h) 1,500thturn (i) 1,800thturn (j) 2,100thturn (k) 2,400thturn (l) 23: [ Scenario IV ] Time evolution of injected micro-bunches captured within an optimized MI RF bucket with dual RF harmonics; starting from the 1stinjection turn through the 2 ;700thturn 27(a) 100thturn (b) charge density (c) energy density (d) 200thturn (e) charge density (f) energy density (g) 270thturn (h) charge density (i) energy density (j) 300thturn (k) charge density (l) energy density Figure 24: [ Scenario IV ] Time evolution of injected micro-bunches inclusive of effect; starting from the 100thturn through the 300thturn 28(a) 600thturn (b) charge density (c) energy density (d) 900thturn (e) charge density (f) energy density (g) 1,200thturn (h) charge density (i) energy density (j) 1,500thturn (k) charge density (l) energy density Figure 25: [ Scenario IV ] Time evolution of injected micro-bunches inclusive of effect; starting from the 600thturn through the 1500thturn 29(a) 1800thturn (b) charge density (c) energy density (d) 2100thturn (e) charge density (f) energy density (g) 2400thturn (h) charge density (i) energy density (j) 2,700thturn (k) charge density (l) energy density Figure 26: [ Scenario IV ] Time evolution of injected micro-bunches inclusive of effect; starting from the 1 ;800thturn through the 2 ;700thturn 30As presented in Figure 27(d), the bunching factor calculated at the completion of in Scenario IV turns out to be close to that of Scenario I. It is worthwhile to note that the bunching factor (BF) calculations are important in that the BF gives us an idea of how large tune spreads will be prior to calculating 3-D space charge effects while tracking beams. (a) Growth of longitudinal emittance over 2,700 turns (b) Additional DEinduced by longitudinal space charge after 2,700 turns (c) Time evolution of peak voltage in frequency domain over 2,700 turns (d) Time evolution of bunching factor Figure 27: [Scenario IV] Time evolution of longitudinal emittance and energy gain/loss arising from longitudinal space-charge effect 316 Concluding Remarks We have investigated different scenarios of injecting micro-bunches from a SCRF linac into the MI ring under the influence of longitudinal space charge: from the 8-GeV linac Proton Driver to the Main Injector The RF mismatch between a linac and a ring can induce phase slips with trains of micro- bunches, leading to the longitudinal painting phenomenon in an uncontrolled fashion. Thus, it is considered rather advantageous to use harmonics of non-integral ratio between a linac and the ring in order to increase proton intensity by benefiting from parasitic longitudinal painting. charge redistribution in longitudinal space can take place by circulating injected beams with no further injection. In other words, charge roaming within the RF bucket in space can help lower the gradient of charge distribution, thereby reducing its induced voltage arising from the space-charge effect. In addition to longitudinal painting, future simulations are planned to include both phase and energy jitters due to errors in the SCRF linac. Because of the short bunch length of the linac beam, it is anticipated that the impact of the broad-band impedance may play an important role in the context of longitudinal dynamics[13]. An optimized dual RF system and longitudinal painting can overcome beam-intensity limits set by the space-charge effect in high-intensity and low-energy machines. Four different scenarios of injecting that a double RF system with the harmonic ratio ( RH=1176 =588) of 2.0 and the voltage ratio ( RV=200kV=400kV) of 0.5 are most favored for minimizing the longitudinal space- charge effect. All of the scenarios for the time-structured multi-turn injection including animations are available on a Fermilab website [14]. 7 wish to thank J. Maclachlan of the Proton Source Department and J-P. Carneiro of Accelerator Physics Center (APC) of Fermilab. Authors had useful discussions with J. multi-turn injection with macro-bunches at the outset. J-P. Carneiro provided us with an input file of the 8-GeV SCRF linac distribution that were generated by the TRACK P. S. Yoon, Chapter 7, Ph.D. dissertation, Oct. 2007 32[2] G. W. Foster and J. A. MacLachlan, A multi-mission 8-GeV Injector Linac as a Fermilab Booster Replacement , Proceedings of LINAC 2002, Gyeongju, Korea, p. 826. [3] G. W. Foster, An 8-GeV Superconducting Injector Linac , Proceedings of PAC 2005, Knoxville, TN [4] G. W. Foster ed., An 8-GeV SC RF Linac Proton Driver Techinical Design Study #Technical Design Link version 56-1, Nov. 2005. [5] Fermilab Steering Group, Fermilab Steering Group Dec. 2007 [6] Agenda for the HTransport and Injection Mini-Workshop, December 9-10, 2004, Fermi- lab, URL: D. E. Johnson, P. S. Yoon, C-J Liaw, D. Raperia, and J. Beebee-Wang An 8-GeV HMulti-turn Injection System for the Fermilab Main Injector Proc. of PAC 2007, Alberquque, NM; P. N. Ostroumov, Physics Design of the 8-GeV HLinac , New Journal of Physics vol. 8 No.11 [November 2006]p. 281, [9] R. Madrak, Fast Beam Chopper for MEBT in the High Intensity Neutrino Source 2901, April 2007 [10] J. A. MacLachlan, Multiparticle Dynacmics in the E- FTracking Code ESME , =102, 2002 [11] J. A. MacLachlan, Presentation at the Proton Driver meeting , 2005 [12] P. S. Yoon, Presentation at the Proton Driver meeting , 2005 [13] G. P. Jackson, Impact of Microwave Impedance in Proton Driver Beams during , 34thICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Power Proton, and Multispecies Ions, Naperville, IL May 2005 [14] P. S. Yoon, The Injection Modeling for the Main Injector URL:
Phil Yoon PhD
Phil S. Yoon, David E. Johnson, and Weiren Chou
The Modeling of Time-Structured Multiturn Injection into Fermilab Main Injector (Microbunch Injection with Parasitic Longitudinal Painting)
42 pages, 35 figures
physics.acc-ph physics.comp-ph
This paper presents the modeling of time-structured multiturn injection for an upgraded Main Injector with the 8-GeV Superconducting RF proton driver, or an ILC-style linac, or a Project-X linac. The Radio-Frequency mismatch between a linac and the upgraded Main Injector will induce parasitic longitudinal painting in RF-phase direction. Several different scenarios with a choice of different RF parameters for single RF system and double RF system in the presence of longitudinal space charge have been investigated. From the studies of microbunch injection with the aid of ESME (2003) numerical simulations, it is found that the dual RF system with a choice of appropriate RF parameters allows us to overcome the space-charge limitation set by beam intensity during the multiturn-injection process. A double RF system with a harmonic ratio (R_H = H_2/H_1) of 2.0 and a voltage ratio (R_V = V_2/V_1) of 0.5 are most favored to reduce both longitudinal and transverse effects of space charge in the Main Injector.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 18 Feb 2008 07:39:38 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 5 Aug 2012 08:57:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yoon", "Phil S.", "" ], [ "Johnson", "David E.", "" ], [ "Chou", "Weiren", "" ] ]
2where in standard ionized equilibrium state, -3/2 1/2 15.mkg 105.7-xe and -15/2 5/2 44.mkg 104-x'e are valid. It is a good approximation to treat the charged particles as a single fluid, therefore, the drift velocity is given by )2() 1(1 02 2/5 2/3u (3) which is obtained by assumption that the pressure and gravitational force on the charged fluid component are negligible compared to the Lorentz force because of the low ionization fraction. In this way, the magnetic fields are directly evolved by charged fluid component, as follows: )(zBvz zvBdtdB +-= . (4) The ion density is negligible in comparison to the neutral density, thus, the mass conservation is given by zv dtd -=rr. (5) The momentum equation then becomes )2(1 02 u rBpzgdtdv+-= (6) where r2ap= is the pressure ( a is the isothermal sound speed) and the gravitational acceleration g obeys the poisson's rpgzg4-=. (7) Following the many previous treatments, a further simplification is possible if we introduce the surface density between mid-plane and 0>z as ''z zdtz 0),(rs . (8) By transformation from ) ,(tz to ) ,(ts , the drift velocity is given by )2() 1(1 02 2/5 (9) and the equation (4) becomes ]) 1([1)(2/5 2/12 0 srerseugr '+ = -B B B tAD. (10) With the above, field equation (7) can be integrated to give spG g 4-= , (11) while the equation of continuity (5) and the equation of motion (6) take the form rs1=z (12) and )2( Gtz+--=, (13) respectively. The layer is assumed to be in equilibrium at all times, supported against its own self-gravity by the magnetic gas pressure. The loss of flux from ambipolar diffusion is exactly compensated for by the compression of the layer which is necessary to maintain equilibrium. In this approximation, the left-hand side of equation (13) is zero, and we may integrate the force balance to obtain ) (222 2 2 02 sspru- =+G aB (14) where integration constant s is the value of s at =z (where r is zero). Following the work of Shu (1983), we introduce the non-dimension quantities 3, 2~ ,)2(~ ,)2)(22(~, 2~ ,2~ ,2~ ,~ 5 2/5502 22 dAD d ADv G avGataG GtGBB (15) so that we rewrite the basic equations (10), (12) and (14) as follows: )~~ ~ ~~ (~)~~ (~ 2 2/12 srersr += -B B B t, (16) rs~1 ~~ =z, (17) 2 2 ~1~ ~sr-=+B , (18) and the drift velocity (9) as srer~~ ~~ ~1 ~2 2 2/1 +-=-Bvd . (19) Here, a natural family of initial states is generated by assuming that the initial ratio of magnetic to gas pressure is everywhere a constant, 0a, i.e., 02~/~ar= B at 0~=t . Then one finds from equations (17), (18) and (19) that )/( , (20) )/( cosh 1)/ sinh( 2 12 5 2/5 0 00 )0,( - ='+ +=zzzz G (21) where ) 1(/ 202 2 0 a spr + a G is the central density of the layer at 0=t , and 0 02/) 1( rpa G a z+ is a length-scale parameter. Figure 1 shows the initial neural density, ion density, and drift velocity in the cloud and outercloud medium for -3 14 0 kg.m 107.1-x=r , -1km.s 3.0=a , and 10=a . We can solve the equations (16)-(19) by finite difference techniques under the initial and boundary conditions. Figure 2a presents graphically the solution for dv~, which carried out to time 20~=t with initial condition 10=a . As the magnetic field leaks from the neutral gas, the volume density of the neutrals shifts in profile from equation (20) to that case with 00=a (Fig. 2b), and the drift velocity gradually settles. 3 Two-fluid SPH construction In two-fluid SPH technique of HW, the initial SPH particles are represented by two sets of molecular particles : magnetized ion SPH particles and non-magnetized neutral SPH particles. In this method, for each SPH particle we must create two separate neighbor lists: one for neighbors of the same species and another for those of different species. Consequently, each particle must have two different smoothing lengths. In the following sections we refer to neutral particles as a and b, and ion particles as a and b, the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to both ions and neutral particles. We adopt the usual smoothing spline-based kernel (Monaghan & Lattanzio 1985) and apply the symmetrized form proposed by Hernquist & Katz (1989). We update the adaptive smoothing length according to the octal-tree based nearest neighbor search algorithm (NNS). The chosen physical scales for length and time are AU 200][ =l , and yr 10][3=t , respectively, so that velocity unit is approximately -1km.s 1][=v . The gravity constant is set 2 3 1][][][1- -= tl m G for which the calculated mass unit is kg105.4][29x=m . Consequently, the derived physical scale for density and drag coefficient are -3 11kg.m 107.1][-x=r and 1 1 3 t mlADg , respectively. In this manner, the numerical values of e and e' are 2/1 2/3 9][][108.1 m l--x and 2/5 2/15 17][][105.3 m l--x , respectively. The magnetic field is scaled in units such that the constant 0u is unity. Specifying 10=u therefore scales the magnetic field equal to nT 1.5][=B . 4 Fig. 1. The initial neural density, ion density, and drift velocity in the cloud and outercloud medium (gray region) for -3 14 0 kg.m 107.1-x=r , -1km.s 3.0=a , and 10=a . Fig. 2. (a) The non-dimensional drift velocity pl otted against the non-dimensional vertical coordinate at times t~ equal to 0, 3, 5, 10, and 20 using the finite difference technique. (b) The same plot as (a) but for non-dimensional neutral gas density. The initial conditions for this simulation are a density given by equation (20), with a parallel magnetic field directed perpendicular to the z-axis so that the initial ratio of magnetic to gas pressure is everywhere a constant ( 10=a ). The central density is assumed to be ][103r- and the magnetic field is assumed to be frozen in the fluid of charged particles. We choose a molecular cloud which the mean molecular mass of neutrals and ions are respectively Hm3.2 and Hm30 , where Hm is the mass of hydrogen atom. Both fluids are assumed to be isothermal, and at a sound speed of ][3.0v. The neutral density in place of neutral particles, ar,n, is estimated via usual summation over neighboring neutral particles, while in place of ions, an,r, is given by interpolation technique from the values of the nearest neighbors. The ion density is evaluated via equation (2) for both places of ions and neutral particles. According to this new ion density, we update the mass of ion a as old anew a old anew a m mrr= , (22) in each time step so that the usual summation law for density of ions might being appropriate. The SPH form of the drift velocity of ion particle a is given by HW as ]1[1 , , 0 ,, P- - = b aab ab b b aab a b bib ai an (23) where abP is the artificial viscosity between ion particles a and b. But, it is better to remember the second golden rule of SPH which is to rewrite formulae with the density inside operators (Monaghan 1992). In this case, the drift velocity (3) is interpolated as ] ) (21[1 ,,2 2 , , 0 ,, P - - - = b aab ab bib ai b aab a b bib ai an ADaddzdW m dzdWB Bmvrrrrurg, (24) where two extra density terms are introduced, one outside and one inside the summation sign. This comes as a result of the approximation to the volume integral needed to perform function interpolation. 5There is not any analytical expression that lets us calculate the value of drift velocity of the neutral particles. Here, we use the interpolation technique that starts at the nearest neighbor, then add a sequence of decreasing corrections, as information from other neighbors is incorporated (e.g., Press et al. 1992). These drift velocities at neutral places are used to estimate the drag acceleration, aarg, ,d i AD drag v a= , instead the method of HW who used the expression of Monaghan & Kocharayan (1995). The gravitational acceleration in the self-gravitating SPH acceleration equation for neutral particle a may be obtained by equation (11), as follows a aspG agrav 4,+-= (25) where plus is for 0 <az , minus is for 0 >az , and as is the total surface density between mid-plane and neutral particle a. The ion momentum equation assuming instantaneous velocity update so that we have ad a v Wvmv,+ = babb bb r (26) where the first term on the right-hand side gives the neutral velocity field at the ion particle a, calculated using the standard SPH approximation. In ambipolar diffusion process, the ion particles are physically diffused through the neutral fluid, thus, the ions will be bared in the boundary regions of the cloud (i.e. without any neutral particles in their neighbors). We check the position of ions before making a tree and nearest neighbor search, so that we send out the bared ion particles in the boundary regions of the simulation at next time-step. We assume that the cloud layer is spread from -= z z 5.4 t o += z z 5.4 (according to Fig. 1). Both the cloud and boundary regions contain ion and neutral particles. The complete system is represented by N (310= ) discrete but smoothed SPH particles (i.e. Lagrangian sample points) with 2/N ions and 2 /N neutral particles. We set up boundary particles (14h up and down in z) using the linear extrapolation approach (from the values of the inner particles) to attribute the appropriate drift velocity, drag acceleration, pressure acceleration, and the magnetic induction rate to the boundary particles. The present SPH code has the main features of the TreeSPH class (Barnes & Hut 1986), so that the nearest neighbors searching are calculated by means of this procedure. We integrate the SPH equations using the simple integration scheme. The selection of time-step, t, is of great importance. There are several time-scales that can be defined locally in the system. For each particle 1, we calculate the smallest of these time-scales using its smallest smoothing length, 1h, i.e. ], , (27) where i AB v ru0/= is the Alfven speed of ion fluid and courC is the Courant number which in this paper is adopted equal to 0.8 (for numerical stability). The evolution were carried out to time ][56t (equivalent to 1~=t ), a chore that took about 10 hours on a 3.6 GHz (Pentium IV) processor. Figure 3 presents the diffusion of the magnetic field profile which accurately matches with Fig. 2 of this paper and/or Figure 1 of Shu (1983). The energy equation follows from the first law of thermodynamics, that is 01 (28) where g is the polytropic index, and ),(Trohm is the net cooling function. Nejad-Asghar (2007) has considered a constant initial form of the temperature profile in the layer, and has solved numerically the nonlinear isobaric energy equation with approximation that the dynamics of the layer is solely determined by the isothermal equations as outlined by Shu (1983). In this way, a large temperature gradient was created with time at the interfaces between different isobaric unstable thermal phases. In the context of his thermal instability analysis in the molecular layer, he found that the isobaric thermal instability can occur in some regions of it; therefore it may produce the layer fragmentation and formation of the spherical AU-scale condensations. Trusting on the two-fluid SPH code, we can go ahead to study the thermal phases of the aforementioned molecular layer. Running this process by smoothed particle hydrodynamics is a future work of the authors. Furthermore, the macro-velocity fields in the molecular clouds are highly turbulent 6 Fig. 3. The magnetic field against the vertical distance at times 0=t (solid) and yr1065.54x (dash), using the two-fluid SPH technique. and supersonic (Larson 1981). It is then of uppermost importance to consider both collision and merger of the formed condensations. Merging is possibly the main onset mechanism to form dense cores, which likely evolves to star formation. References Barnes, J., Hut, P., 1986, Nat, 324, 446 Black, D.C., Scott, H., 1982, ApJ, 263, 696 Fiedler, R.A., Mouschovias, T.C., 1992, ApJ, 391, 199 Hernquist, L., Katz, N., 1989, ApJS, 70, 419 Hosking, J.G., Whitworth, A.P., 2004, MNRAS, 347, 994 (HW) Larson, R.B., 1981, MNRAS, 194, 809 Mestel, L., Spitzer, L.J., 1956, MNRAS, 116, 503 MacLow, M.M., Norman, M.L., Konigl, A., Wardle, M., 1995, ApJ, 442, 726 Monaghan, J.J., 1992, ARA&A, 30, 543 Monaghan, J.J., Lattanzio, J.C., 1985, A&A, 149, 135 Monaghan, J.J., Kocharyan, A., 1995, Comp. Phys. Commun., 87, 225 Nejad-Asghar, M., 2007, MNRAS, 379, 222 Padoan, P., Zweibel, E., Nordlund, A., 2000, ApJ, 540, 332 Press, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T., Flannery, B.P., 1992, Nmerical Recipes, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Scalo, J.M., 1977, ApJ, 213, 705 Shu, F., 1983, ApJ, 273, 202
Mohsen Nejad-Asghar
M. Nejad-Asghar and D. Molteni
Modeling fragmentation of the self-gravitating molecular layer by smoothed particle hydrodynamics
to appear in proceeding of The JENAM 2007, August 20-25, Yerevan, Armenia
We revisit the modeling of ion-neutral (or ambipolar) diffusion with two fluid smoothed particle hydrodynamics, as discussed by Hosking & Whitworth. Some parts of the technique are optimized to testify the pioneer works on behavior of the ambipolar diffusion in an isothermal self-gravitating layer. The frictional heating by ambipolar diffusion is examined, and its effect on fragmentation of the layer is studied. The results are compared to the thermal phases of instability as obtained by Nejad-Asghar.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 18 Feb 2008 08:47:34 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 13 Apr 2008 04:43:31 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nejad-Asghar", "M.", "" ], [ "Molteni", "D.", "" ] ]
2 II. THE CONTROLLED USING A STATE Ac' inet al.[31] gave the minimal decomposition of any pure three-qubit state in terms of orthogonal product states built from local bases----a generalization of Schmidt decomposition. They proved that for any pure state the existence of local bases which allow one to build a set of five in a unique form. That is, for every pure state of a composite system, 123, there exist orthonormal system 1, orthonormal states 2, and orthonormal states system 3 such 1.(2) It is uniquely characterized by the five entanglement that Alice is to deliver an unknown state to a distant receiver Bob supervised by the controller Char- lie via a quantum channel of a normalized general in(2), Char- lie, particle 2 is in Alice's side, while Bob has particle 0 through out the paper. Since if a0= 0, a tensor product state of a pure state of par- ticle 1 and a pure state of particles 2 and 3, but not a true tripartite entangled state. Bob can get the qubit of quantum information carried by the unknown state only if he obtains the permission of Charlie (i.e., Charlie is trustworthy and getting the approval of Charlie, Alice and Bob begin their teleportation under the control of Charlie. The controller Charlie measures his particle in the broadcasts his measurement result. Here tripartite state be reexpressed (8) After Charlie's measurement, the quantum channel is collapsed to probability p1and p2, respectively. By Schmidt and{-03,-13}) are orthonormal bases of system 2 (system 3), and con- currence of simplicity, we write (9) and (10) that the unknown quantum state the sender Alice wants to teleport to Bob 1.(14) If the measurement outcome of Charlie is then the collect state of particles 2, 3 and 4 +- +- makes a Bell measurement on her particles 2 and 4. She obtains respec- tively. Then she conveys her measurement outcome to Bob over a classical communication channel. In order to achieve teleportation, Bob needs to in- troduce an auxiliary particle bwith the initial performs a collective unitary 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 the state of particles 3 and b. Then the measurement on his auxiliary particle bfollows. If his measurement re- sult Bob can fix up the state of his par- ticle 3, recovering by applying an unitary operation. The achievable of teleporting the unknown state in 2l10. Sim- ilarly, if the measurement result of Charlie is the achievable successful probability of teleporting the state in (14) via 2l20. Therefore, probability pof successfully controlled tele- porting an unknown qubit (14) using a general three- particle state in (2) is p= 2p1l10+2p2l20 = is clear that the successful probability is the same as the above (16) if the operation order is changed. That is, if Alice makes a Bell state measurement on her particles 2 and 4 first, the third party Charlie's measurement on his particle 1 follows, after that Bob operates his particle to acquire a qubit of quantum information Alice sends, instead of the above operation order, then they can also achieve the successful probability (16) of controlled THE MAXIMAL OF CONTROLLED USING WITH a1a2a3a4sinu= 0 In [30], we determined the analytic expression of the maximal successful probability of controlled tele- portation by using the general tripartite state (2) 0. Inthis section, wegivethe of probability of successfully controlled teleporting an unknown qubit state (14) via every three-qubit state (2) satisfying a1a2a3a4sinu= 0 and investigate how to achieve it (that is, Charlie finds optimal the maximum of (16) is pmax= max{p} = orderto get the maximum pmaxofpin (22), we need only obtain the minimum (23) In other words, to reach the maximal probabilityof exact controlled teleportation through an arbitrary quantum channel (2), the supervisor Charlie needs only to choose optimal measurement basis, i.e. min at the points such that P(th,ph) = 0,Q(th,ph) = 0,(25) or, the boundary of thandph. From Eq.(24) and Eq.(25), there 0.(28) Lety= cotth,t= cotth 2,th(0,p), then sin These will be useful throughout the paper. Next we give controller's optimal measurement basis (3) for every kind of given quantum channel (2) 0. That is, we determine the two measurement basis (3). To state clearly, we classify the quantum channel (2) into the fol- lowing cases. Next we examine quantum channels (2) with the following different give the maximal probability of exact teleportation via any three- qubit state (2) with a1a2a3a4sinu= 0, and tripartite states that can collapse to an EPR pair af- ter Charlie's 0, 0 The quantum channel (2) with three coefficients be- ing 0 is the only one satisfying a1=a2=a3= 0 0, since others are biseparable (one party is quantum channel of controlled can be seen |costh| <= |1-2a2 0|. It implies that pmax= 1-|1-2a2 0|. th= 0, thenP(th,ph) = 0 orQ(th,ph) = 0, which means that af- ter Charlie's measurement the state of Alice's particles 2and 3 can be an EPR pair with probability 2 if cos th= 1-2a2 0= 0 or costh=-1+2a2 0= thenP(th,ph) =Q(th,ph) = 0, that is, after Charlie measures quantum channel in particles2 and 3 arecollapsedto teleportation can be achieved if a0=1 2(i.e quan- tum channel is in GHZ state) and th=p 2. That is, one can send perfect unknown state to another using GHZ state as a quantum channel via controller's measurement in the basis 0, 0 0. These states are called tri-Bell states in [31]. Note that (31) is contained here, since the quantum channel (2) in case ofa1=a4= 0 LOCC equiva- lent to = 0, then cos It is not difficult to prove ifa2=a3. Thus,P(th,ph) = 0 if and only if a2=a3, andth=p. From (19), there is Q(th,ph) = 0 if and only if a2=a3, andth= 0. Combining (19) and (20), there for the quantum channel (2) such that a1= a4= 0,a2=a3 0, can be collapsed to a Bell state with probability p1=p2= 1-a2 0by his particle in the basis we suppose that 0 0. From (28), we derive 0. Thus, th= 0,p 2,p. By checking, th= 0,p 2,pare roots of (24). Note that if th= 0,p, thena2/ne}ationslash=a3 by 0 and 0. ifth= 0,p anda2/ne}ationslash=a3;/radicalbig P(th,ph) if th=p 2. Therefore, min/braceleftig/radicalbig P(th,ph)/bracerightig = is, for quantum channel (2) with a1=a4= 0 the con- troller should choose measurement basis oth- erwise, he selects measurement basis (3) with th=p 2(i.e. he measures in the basis where ph[0,2p]), thus, the controlled teleportation in Section II can achieve maximal successful probability pmax<1. C. one is a1=a2= 0, the other is a1=a3= a1=a2= 0 0. First, 0 and 0. If P(th,ph) = 0, then cos or which are impossible. Thus, 0. By (19), there is also 0. The quan- tum channel (2) with the characterization a1=a2= 0 0 can never collapse to an EPR pair af- ter Charlie's measurement. Second, (28) implies 0. It follows that th= 0,p 2,p. By checking,th= 0,p 2,pare the roots of (24). We can get min{/radicalbig P(th,ph)}=/radicalbig P(p 2,ph)+/radicalbig Q(p 2,ph) =/radicalbig 1-4a2 0a2 4>0. (34) pmax= Similarly, when a1=a3= 0, we have pmax= That is, the controlled quantum channel (2) satisfying a1=a2= 0 0, ora1=a3= 0 0 can only suc- ceed with optimal probability pmax= one is a2=a4= 0, the other is a3=a4= 0 For the quantum channel with characterization either a2=a4= 0 0, ora3=a4= 0 0, since P(th,ph) =p2 1,Q(th,ph) =p2 2, so min{/radicalbig P(th,ph)}= 1, andpmax= 0 for both cases. It can also be seen directly from the quantum channel (2) with these two being bisep- arable states.E.a2=a3= 0 The quantum channel (2) with coefficients 0, 0, are extended GHZ states according to the classification in [31]. For this kind of quantum channel, we can derive that P(th,ph) (37) Q(th,ph) (38) and pmax= 1-min{/radicalbig P(th,ph)}= <= |1-2a2 4|. Note that the set Sof (th,ph) such that <= |1-2a2 4|is a region, as we can see easily that case of 0 <=u<=p 2, and case (37) and (38), we have that P(th,ph) =Q(th,ph) = 0ifandonlyif which means that as long as Charlie measures the quantum the basis(3) satisfying Alice and Bob can obtain an EPR pair with certainty (i.e. with probability p= 1 and with unit fidelity. Note that the LOCC equivalent to the state in (40). That is, the states in (41) or (40) can be used for perfect teleportation. Clearly, one can achieve via these states by the controller making a measurementon his particle using the basis (3) satisfying 0. More important, this kind of states in (41) or (40) aredifferent from GHZ state according to the classification in [31]. F.a1= 0 In this section, we investigate the quantum channel with coefficients having a1= 0 0. Evidently, /radicalbig P(0,ph)+/radicalbig Q(0,ph) =/radicalbig P(p,ph)+/radicalbig Q(p,ph) =a2 0+/radicalbig (1-a2 0)2-4a2 2a2 3 =a2 0+/radicalbig [a2 4+(a2-a3)2][a2 4+(a2+a3)2],(42)6 andP(th,ph) 0 in case of th= 0,p. We first examine the condition of P(th,ph) = 0. If P(th,ph) = 0, then cosph= that z= to -whenttends to 0 and + , andz=-1 holds only if a2=a3andt=a4 a0. It follows that z<= -1, where the equality occurs if and only if a2=a3and th=th0, where 0< th0< p. Therefore, only there isP(th,ph) = 0. By (19) and (20), we have Q(th,ph) = 0 iffa2=a3, ph= 0, andth=p-th0, and /parenleftbig/radicalbig P(th,ph)/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle P(th,ph)=0 =/radicalbig Q(th0,p)|a2=a3 =/parenleftbig/radicalbig P(th,ph)/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle Q(th,ph)=0 =/radicalbig P(p-th0,0)|a2=a3 = a8 0+2a4 0a2 4-2a6 0a2 4+a4 4-2a2 0a4 4-3a4 0a4 4+8a2 0a2 3a4 4-4a4 3a4 4 a2 0+a2 4 =/radicalbig 1-4a2 3+4a4 3-4a2 4+12a2 3a2 4+4a4 4. (45) That = 0 or Q(th,ph) = 0. It is shown that an EPR pair can be obtained with probability Charlie using measurement basis (3) with ( th,ph) = (th0,p), or (th,ph) = (p-th0,0), where 0<th0<p. Next we assume that P(th,ph) 0. From (26) and (27), there = = 0, respectively. By 2 = 0, and 0, there are we need only to examine the case sin ph= 0, i.e. ph= 0,p,2p, whileP(th,ph) 0 andth(0,p). Now let us consider the case ph= 0. From (28), 0, (47) which implies that y= (48) y= that when a2=a3, then there is cot th2= which implies = 0) since the expression y= cotth2and y= cotth3because of the hypothesis P(th,ph) 0. By checking, it can be proved that th1,th2are the roots 0. Thus min/braceleftig/radicalbig P(th,0)+/radicalbig Q(th,0)/bracerightig = min/braceleftig/radicalbig P(th1,0)+/radicalbig Q(th1,0),/radicalbig P(th2,0)+/radicalbig Q(th2,0),/radicalbig P(0,0)+/radicalbig Q(0,0)/bracerightig , min/braceleftig/radicalbig P(p-th0,0)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle a2=a3,/radicalbig P(th1,0)+/radicalbig Q(th1,0),/radicalbig P(0,0)+/radicalbig Q(0,0)/bracerightig ,ifa2=a3.(51) For the case ph=pand the case ph= 2p, from (19), (20), and (21), we if then min{/radicalbig P(th,ph)} = then min{/radicalbig P(th,ph)} = 0 In this section, we consider the quantum channel (2) with coefficients satisfying a4= 0 0. Note that /radicalbig P(0,ph)+/radicalbig Q(0,ph) =/radicalbig P(p,ph)+/radicalbig Q(p,ph) =a2 0+/radicalbig (1-a2 0)2-4a2 2a2 3 =a2 0+/radicalbig [a2 1+(a2-a3)2][a2 1+(a2+a3)2], andP(th,ph) 0 in case of th= 0,p. Next we suppose that sin 0, that is = 0. We can see 0 (55) implies that cos(ph-u) that both to -whent-0 and t-+. Sincez1<= there is no phsuch that cos( ph- u) Note that -1, where the equality z2=-1 holds follows that cos( ph-u) andth=th0, where = 0 if and only if a2=a3,ph=p+u, and th=th0. Therefore, /parenleftbig/radicalbig P(th,ph)/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle P(th,ph)=0 =/radicalbig Q(th0,u+p)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle a2=a3 =q (a4 0+a2 1+a2 0a2 1-2a2 1a2 3)(a4 0+a2 1+a2 0a2 1+2a2 1a2 3) a2 0+a2 1.(57) By (19), we know that Q(th,ph) = 0 if and only if a2= a3,ph=u, andth=p-th0and /parenleftbig/radicalbig P(th,ph)/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle Q(th,ph)=0 =/radicalbig P(p-th0,u)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle a2=a3 =/parenleftbig/radicalbig P(th,ph)/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle P(th,ph)=0.(58) Fromabove,we canseethatthe quantum channelwith a4= 0,a2=a3, 0 can be collapsed to an EPR pair with probability with ( th,ph) = (th0,u+p) or (th,ph) = (p-th0,u)). In the following we suppose that P(th,ph) 0. From (26) and (27), we = = 0. (59) It follows that the minimum must occur at either the hyperplane sin( ph-u) = 0 or the hyperplane 0 when P(th,ph) 0 andth(0,p). Now we consider the two hyperplanes. If 0, then cos( ph-u) = 0, 0,p,2pin case ofu= 0, we first investigate the caseph=u. From (28), we = 0, (61) that 0, or = 0, there a root of (24). = 0, (62)8 there (Since when a2=a3there i.e.Q(p-th0,u) = 0, which contradict with the hypothesisP(th,ph) 0). By checking, we see th3is aroot 0, whileth2is not. Hence, min/braceleftig/radicalbig P(th1,u)+/radicalbig Q(th1,u),/radicalbig P(th3,u)+/radicalbig Q(th3,u),/radicalbig P(0,u)+/radicalbig Q(0,u)/bracerightig , min/braceleftig/radicalbig P(th1,u)+/radicalbig Q(th1,u),/radicalbig P(p-th0,u)|a2=a3,/radicalbig P(0,u)+/radicalbig Q(0,u)/bracerightig ,ifa2=a3.(63) Forph=u+p,u+2p, there (20) and (19). Thus, ifa2=a3, then min/braceleftbig/radicalbig P(th,ph)/bracerightbig = min/braceleftbig a2 0+/radicalbig (1-a2 0)2-4a2 2a2 3,/radicalbig 1-4a2 2a2 3,/radicalbig P(th1,u)+/radicalbig Q(th1,u),/radicalbig Q(th0,p+u)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle a2=a3/bracerightbig ; (65) then min/braceleftbig/radicalbig P(th,ph)/bracerightbig = cotth0 2=a1 a0, cotth1=-a1 a0, One is a2= 0, the other is a3= 0 We now discuss the quantum channel (2), the coeffi- cients of which satisfying a2= 0, 0. When sinth= 0, i.e.th= 0,p, then /radicalbig P(0,ph)+/radicalbig Q(0,ph) =/radicalbig P(p,ph)+/radicalbig Q(p,ph) =a2 0+/radicalbig (1-a2 0)2-4a2 1a2 4 =a2 0+/radicalbig [a2 3+(a1-a4)2][a2 3+(a1+a4)2],(67) andP(th,ph) 0 in case of th= 0,p. Next we suppose that sin 0. First, we prove that P(th,ph) 0. IfP(th,ph) =0, is an imaginary num- ber, so 0. From (19), there is also 0. Thatis, nomatterwhatkind choose, Alice and Bob can never share an EPR pair after his the minimum should occur at the point satisfying (24) and (25), or th= 0. From (26) and (27), there = = 0. (69) It follows that the minimum should occur at the point such that sin( ph-u) = 0, or 0, orth= 0. From 0, we know that cos(ph-u) =-a0cotth a1, and /parenleftig/radicalbig P(th,ph)/parenrightig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle {th(0,p),cos(ph-u)=-a0cotth a1} =/radicalbig 1-4a2 0a2 4-4a2 1a2 4. (70) For the case sin( ph-u) = 0, since equality (64) holds, we need only to consider the case ph=u. From 0, (71) which follows that cotth= the roots of 0, while th3is not. It is not difficult to for quantum channel (2) with a2= 0 0, there is min{/radicalbig P(th,ph)} = for quantum channel (2) with a3= 0 0 we also obtain min{/radicalbig P(th,ph)} = 0 In this section, we investigatethe quantum channel (2) withu= 0 0. Evidently, /radicalbig P(0,ph)+/radicalbig Q(0,ph) =/radicalbig P(p,ph)+/radicalbig Q(p,ph) =a2 0+/radicalbig (1-a2 0)2-4(a2a3-a1a4)2 =a2 0+/radicalbig [(a2-a3)2+(a1+a4)2][(a2+a3)2+(a1-a4)2] (75)andP(th,ph) 0 in case of th= 0,p. In the follow- ing, we suppose that 0,p, i.e.th(0,p). We first consider the case P(th,ph) = 0. IfP(th,ph) = that if a1a4-a2a3>0, thent[t0,+); if a1a4-a2a3<=0, thent(0,+). Obviously, both z1 andz2go to-whent-+. We can prove that no in- tersection point with the straight line z=-1. Sincez1 is a continuous function of tand tends to -whent tends to + , soz1<-1. Thus, there is no Let us look at z=z2.z2=-1 implies 0, (76) which follows imaginary numbers, while t3andt4 are real numbers only if a2=a3. By checking, a root of equation z2=-1, and the maximum point of function z=z2. Sincez=z2 is a continuous function of t, tends to -whenttends to +, and has only one intersection point with there must be z2<= -1, where the equality10 holds It = 0 iffa2=a3,ph=p, andth=th0, From (19), we can showthat Q(th,ph) = 0 iffa2=a3,ph= 0, andth=p-th0. Therefore (/radicalbig P(th,ph))/vextendsingle/vextendsingle P(th,ph)=0 =/radicalbig Q(th0,p)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle a2=a3 =/radicalbig P(p-th0,0)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle a2=a3 = (/radicalbig P(th,ph))/vextendsingle/vextendsingle Q(th,ph)=0 =/radicalig (1-2a2 4)2+4a2 3(-1+a2 1+a2 3+2a1a4+3a2 4). It is shown that the quantum channel (2) with u= 0, anda2=a3, collapses to an EPR pair with probability measurement in the basis (3) with either ph=p andth=th0, orph= 0 andth=p-th0in case ofa2=a3. In the following we suppose that P(th,ph) 0. By (26), there 0. (77) Note 0 ifa2a3=a1a4. = 0 implies that cos ph= 0. Thus, (77) implies that sin ph= 0, cosph= 0, or y=2 case of sin2 0. From (27), there (78) and (79), we obtain 0, (80)which implies that cos ph= 0. Next we only need to examine the two cases sin ph= 0, and cosph= 0, that is, ph= let look at the hyperplane ph= 0. From (28), 0. (81) First, we consider the case 0. In this case, (81) has the following solution y= ifa2=a3,then1 2; y= checking, we show that th1is a root of ( P(th,0)+ Q(th,0)) th/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle 0= 0, while th2is a root only ifa2>a3, andth3is a root only if a2<a3. Second, we consider the case a1a4-a2a3= 0. From (81), we get y4= checking, we know that only th4is a root 0. Therefore,11 min/braceleftig/radicalbig P(th1,0)+/radicalbig Q(th1,0),/radicalbig P(th2,0)+/radicalbig Q(th2,0),/radicalbig P(0,0)+/radicalbig Q(0,0)/bracerightig ,ifa2>a3and 0, min/braceleftig/radicalbig P(th1,0)+/radicalbig Q(th1,0),/radicalbig P(th3,0)+/radicalbig Q(th3,0),/radicalbig P(0,0)+/radicalbig Q(0,0)/bracerightig ,ifa2<a3and by (52), there we investigate the hyperplanes 0, there is cos th= 0, i.e. th=p 2. Similarly, 0, we also getth=p 2. It is direct from (19) and (20) that /radicalbig P(p 2,p 2)+/radicalbig Q(p 2,p 2) =/radicalig P(p 2,3p 2)+/radicalig Q(p 2,3p 2) =/radicalbig 1-4a2 2a2 3+8a1a2a3a4-4a2 0a2 4-4a2 1a2 4.(84) Therefore, min{/radicalbig P(th,ph)} = min{/radicalbig P(0,ph)+/radicalbig Q(0,ph),/radicalbig P(p 2,p 2)+/radicalbig Q(p 2,p 2), min{/radicalbig P(th,0)+/radicalbig Q(th,0)}}. (85)J.u=p 0 In this section, we examine the quantum channel (2) with coefficients satisfying u=p 0. Let us start with the special case sin th= 0. In this case, there =Q(p,ph) 0,P(p,ph) = 0 if and only if a2=a3anda1=a4, andQ(0,ph) = 0 if and only if a2=a3anda1=a4. Next we suppose that sin 0, we look for the condition of P(th,ph) = 0, Q(th,ph) = 0. IfP(th,ph) = 0, since ( implies that 0. Di- rectly, if and only case case ofa1< a4and 12 and [(1-a2 0)a1-2a4(a2a3+a1a4)]2 -{2/radicalbig (a2a3+a1a4)}2 =a2 1[(a1-a4)2+(a2-a3)2][(a1+a4)2+(a2+a3)2] >0. (88) It follows case case ofa1<a4. Thus, ifa1>a4, then both z1andz2 go to +whent-0; ifa1< a4, then both z1andz2 go to-whent-0. Now suppose that a1>a4. Fromz1= 1, there 0,(93) the solutions of which imaginary numbers, and t13andt14 are positive real numbers only if a2=a3anda1> a4. It is not difficult to check that th0is a root of z1= 1 and the minimum point of z1in case ofa1> a4and a2=a3. Heret= comes a continuous function of t, goes to + whent-0, and has only one intersection point with straight line z= 1, where the equality z1= 1 holds iff a2=a3,a1> a4and We can show that z2>1 in case of a1>a4in the same way. Similarly, we can prove that if a1<a4, -1, wherez2=-1 iffa2=a3,a1< a4, and t= Therefore, P(th,ph) = 0 iffph= 0 andth=th0in case ofa2=a3anda1>a4, case ofa2=a3anda1<a4. It can be derivedthat /parenleftig/radicalbig P(th,ph)/parenrightig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle P(th,ph)=0, from (19) and (20), Q(th,ph) = 0 case ofa2=a3anda1>a4, orph= 0 andth=p-th0in case ofa2=a3anda1<a4, and (/radicalbig P(th,ph))|Q(th,ph)=0 = (/radicalbig P(th,ph))|P(th,ph)=0.(96) From above, it can be seen that the quantum channel (2), the coefficients of which satisfy anda2=a3, can be collapsed to a Bell state with probability in the basis (3) with ( th,ph) = (th0,0) or (th,ph) = (p-th0,p) in case of a1>a4, or (th,ph) = (th0,p) or (th,ph) = (p-th0,0) in case of a1< a4. In particular, this purifiedto anEPRpair with probability 2 a2 1+2a2 2via controller's measurement in the basis case ofa1=a4. In the following, we suppose that P(th,ph) 0. In orderto obtain the minimum , we need to find the points such that equations (26) and13 (27) hold. From (26), we get sin ph= 0, 0. (97) By (27), we have sin ph= 0, 0. (98) If = 0, then (97) and (98) become y= 0, = However, if ( 0, then (97) and (98) become cosph =ya0{-2a1a2 4(a2 3+a2 2)+a2a3[2a1a2a3+a4+2(a2 1-a2 2-a2 3)a4]} 2(a2a3+a1a4) (101) and y(1+y2)a3 0a2 2a2 3a2 4(2a2a3a4-a1(1-2a2 4))2 (a2a3+a1a4)= That is, y= 0, cosph= 0. For getting the minimum point , it is enough for us to consider the 0, and cos ph= 0. For hyperplane sin ph= 0, we need only to consider the case ph= 0 by (19), (20), and (21). For hyperplane cos ph= 0, we need only to consider the caseph=p 2by (19) and (20). Now, let us consider the case ph= 0. In this case (28) becomes [-2a1a2a3+a4-2a2 1a4+2ya0(a2a3+a1a4)] x[4y2a2 0 +2ya0(2a1a2a3-4a3 1a2a3-2a1a3 2a3 -2a1a2a3 3-a2 2a4+4a2 1a2 2a4+2a4 2a4-a2 3a4 +4a2 1a2 3a4+2a4 3a4-8a1a2a3a2 4+2a2 2a3 4+2a2 3a3 4) +(a2-2a2 1a2-2a3 2+2a1a3a4-2a2a2 4) x(a3-2a2 1a3-2a3 3+2a1a2a4-2a3a2 4)] = 0. (103)If /ne}ationslash= 0, then y= a root of equation (24), while th2is a root of equation (24) only in case of a2<a3, andth3is a root of equation (24) only in case of a2>a3. If (a1a2-a3a4) = 0, then and y= a root of equation (24), while th5is a root of equation (24) only if a2>a3. If (a1a3-a2a4) = 0, then and y= a root of equation (24), while th7is a root only ifa2<a3. Ifa1=a4anda2=a3, then y= (107) whereth8is a root of equation (24). Therefore, min/braceleftbig/radicalbig P(th,0)+/radicalbig Q(th,0)/bracerightbig = min{/parenleftig/radicalbig P(th,0)+/radicalbig Q(th,0)/parenrightig |a2>a3},ifa2>a3, min{/parenleftig/radicalbig P(th,0)+/radicalbig Q(th,0)/parenrightig |a2<a3},ifa2<a3, min{/parenleftig/radicalbig P(th,0)+/radicalbig Q(th,0)/parenrightig |a2=a3},ifa2=a3. (108) Here,14 min{/parenleftig/radicalbig P(th,0)+/radicalbig Q(th,0)/parenrightig |a2>a3} = min{/radicalbig P(th1,0)+/radicalbig Q(th1,0),/radicalbig P(th3,0)+/radicalbig Q(th3,0),/radicalbig P(0,0)+/radicalbig Q(0,0)},if/ne}ationslash= 0 min{/radicalbig P(th6,0)+/radicalbig Q(th6,0),/radicalbig P(0,0)+/radicalbig Q(0,0)}, ifa1a3-a2a4= 0anda1/ne}ationslash=a4; (109) min{/parenleftig/radicalbig P(th,0)+/radicalbig Q(th,0)/parenrightig |a2<a3} = min{/radicalbig P(th1,0)+/radicalbig Q(th1,0),/radicalbig P(th2,0)+/radicalbig Q(th2,0),/radicalbig P(0,0)+/radicalbig Q(0,0)},if/ne}ationslash= ifa1a2-a3a4= 0 min{/radicalbig P(th6,0)+/radicalbig Q(th6,0),/radicalbig P(th7,0)+/radicalbig Q(th7,0),/radicalbig P(0,0)+/radicalbig Q(0,0)},ifa1a3-a2a4= ifa1=a4.(111) By (19), (20) and (21), we let us examine the case ph=p 2. In this case, (28) goes 0,(113) which implies that th=p 2. It is shown that th=p 2is sum up, min{/radicalbig P(th,ph)} = min/braceleftig/radicalbig P(0,ph)+/radicalbig Q(0,ph),/radicalbig P(p 2,p 2)+/radicalbig Q(p 2,p 2), min{/radicalbig P(th,0)+/radicalbig Q(th,0)}, (/radicalbig P(th,ph))|P(th,ph)=0/bracerightig . (115)IV. CONCLUSION In brief, we give the analytic expression of the lo- calizable entanglement (LE), the maximum of proba- bility of successfully controlled teleporting an unknown qubit state (14) via every three-qubit state (2) 0and investigatehowto achieveit (that is, measurements, and communicates the results). The authors thank Prof. J. I. Cirac for his and for his hospitality during their stay f ur Quantenoptik. This work under Grant No: 10671054,Hebei Natural of China under Grant Nos: and the Key Project of Science and of Education Ministry of China under Grant No: 207011. [1] C. H. Bennett, G. Brassard, C. Crepeau, R. Jozsa, A. Peres, and W. K. Wooters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, M. Fujii, Phys. Rev. A 68, 050302 (2003). [3] N. 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Ting Gao
Ting Gao, Feng-Li Yan, and You-Cheng Li
Optimal Controlled teleportation via several kinds of three-qubit states
15 pages
Science in China Series G, 51 (2008) 1529.
The probability of successfully controlled teleportating an unknown qubit using a general three-particle state is investigated. We give the analytic expressions of maximal probabilities of successfully controlled teleportating an unknown qubit via several kinds of tripartite states including a tripartite GHZ state and a tripartite W-state.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:44:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gao", "Ting", "" ], [ "Yan", "Feng-Li", "" ], [ "Li", "You-Cheng", "" ] ]
2 BH as a function of the initial orbital angular The spin and mass of the final BH were computed using the apparent horizon formula [21, 24]. The bottom panel of Fig. 1 displays the fraction of an- gular momentum radiated ( Jrad/L= 1-aMh/L). Fig- ure 2 shows, as a function of L/M2 h, in the top panel the final mass Mh/Madmrelative to the total ADM mass and in the bottom panel the fraction of energy 1-Mh/Madm. The verticallines in Figs. 1 and 2 denote the value of maxi- mum. We have also calculated both the radiated an- gular momentum and energy via the Weyl tensor. The results are consistent with those in Figs. 1 and 2. How- ever, the values obtained form Jrad/L= 1-Mh/Madmare more accurate because they are not as susceptible to resolution effects as those derived from wave extraction. We have carried out sim- ulations at resolutions of M/45,M/48,M/52 andM/64 for ten representative cases in Figs. 1 and 2 to check con- vergence and make error estimates. We found that the results are consistent with the 4th-order accuracy of our code and that the errors in the quantities displayed in these figures are not larger than 3%. We haveselected the different behaviors in our series. These six cases areL/M2= 0.512, 1.208, 1.352, 1.376, 1.382 and 1.387 or equivalently L/M2 h= 0.521, 1.282, 1.522, 1.480, 1.498 and 1.554. We will refer to them as encounters Ea, Eb, Ec, Ed, Ee and Ef, respectively. Cases Ed, Ee and Ef correspond to the last three points in Figs. 1 and the radiated angular momentum is Jrad/L<~0.15, so the final BH has a/Mhclose toL/M2 h. The evolution is rather simple in these cases: immedi- ate merger, with minimal inspiral. For instance, in case Ea (Fig. 3), L/M2 h= 0.521, and Jrad/L= 0.05; thus most of the angular momentum goes into the final BH, a/Mh= 0.496. Fig. 4.Ea shows the corresponding ra- diated gravitational wave ( M rRePs2,2 4). All waveforms were extracted at radius 50 M. As the initial angular momentum increases, the radi- ated angular momentum also increases, suppressing and limiting the spin of the final BH. Eventually for large enough initial angular momentum, so much angular mo- mentum is radiated that, as seen in Fig. 1, the final spin reaches a maximum of 3.Eb shows the tracks of the BHs in the neighbor- hood of this maximum. Fig. 4.Eb shows the correspond- ing radiated waveform. For even larger initial the spin of the final BH actually L/M2 h. mergerisnot only preceded by several hang-up orbits [16, 19], but also the merger yields a highly distorted BH that radiates CaseEcwith represents this situation in which almost 50% of the initial angular momentum is radiated (see path in Fig. 3.Ec and radiated waveform in Fig. 4.Ec). A persistent feature of the mergers with L/M2 h<~1.3 is that the separation between the BHs (the coordinateFIG. 1: Top panel, spin of the final BH a/Mhand, bottom panel, angular momentum radiated Jrad/Lvsthe initial or- bital angular momentum L/M2 h. distance between the punctures) time (monotonic inspiral). Comparing cases Ea, Eb and Ec in Fig. 4, we see general qualitative agree- ment: gravitational waves with fre- quency and amplitude increasing in time, followed by es- sentially fixed-frequency ringdown waves. There is, how- ever, a hint of disappearance of the monotonic spiral in case Ec. The amplitude of the gravitational radiation has a shoulder at about time ~110M. For a period of time equal to two wave oscillations, the decline of recommences. separation as a function of time (Fig. 6.Ec) clearly shows there is a plateau in the separation centered at time~50M, which is absent for cases Ea or Eb. For a brief period of time there is a closely circular phase in which the BHs want to fly apart, but just manage to stay at roughly constant separation. The last three points in Figs. 1 and 2 are the cases la- beledEd, EeandEf. merger but escape and recapture; they all show initial approaches followed by increasing of 14 M, 25Mand 42Mbefore the final merger (see Figs. 3 and 6). Because the interaction in- volvestwo close approaches, there are two bursts of grav- itational radiation, one from the first flyby [25] and the other from the merger (see Fig. 5). We are astrophysical implications of detections of3 FIG. 2: Top panel, mass of the final BH Mh/Madmand, bot- tom panel, energy radiated Erad/Madmvsthe initial orbital angular momentum L/M2 h. these multiple gravitational bursts and hangups in glob- ular clusters [26]. For the Ef case, there is an approximate hangup with separation ~4-5Maround time ~950Msimilar to the shoulder seen in Fig. 6.Ec around time ~50M. This structure shows up in the waveform for this Ef case; we actually see a (lower amplitude) precursor to the radi- ation burst associated with the merger, a hint that or- bits with many repeated bounces are possible. For even slightly (0 .1%) greater initial angular momentum than case Ef, the BHs complete approximately one loop and then escape. This is a possible indication of chaotic be- havior (exponential dependence on initial conditions, c.f. Ref. [19]). Repeated bounce orbits would have to be found with initial angular momentum very slightly above that which resulted in Fig. 3.Ef. As with all critical phe- nomena, the problem becomes one of careful tuning of the parameters. Note that these interactions of nonspin- ningBHs produce chaotic orbital dynamics, in contrast to the chaos found in spinevolutions [27, 28]. One ofthe main conclusionsof ourworkis that there is an upper limit on the Kerr parameter forthe finalmerged BH from nonspinning BH merger. For our sequence this maximum is a/Mh0.823. We can understand this observation by examining the timing of the formation of the final BH and the radiation from the merger. It ap- pearsthat the ex-FIG. 3: BH tracks of the encounters. The coordinate dimen- sions of the top four panels are 12 Mx12Mand 16Mx16M for the 2 bottom -0.100.1Eb 0 50 100 150 4: Waveforms for the Ea, Eb and Ec encounters.4 0 100 200 300 0 200 400 200 400 600 800 1000 5: Waveforms for the Ed, Ee and Ef encounters.cited state which is essentially a highly distorted BH. the apparent horizon forms. This is consistent with close limit BBH calculations [29] that show merging BHs behaving like a perturbed BH, even before a common ap- parent horizon forms, so long as the merging BHs are in- side the peak of the effective potential of what will be the final BH. This intermediate state emits the largest part of the radiated energy and angular momentum. Because this mechanism is universal (excitation of such a state is inevitable, and it will inevitably radiate), it of equal mass (or presumably, roughly equal mass) BHs can lead to a final BH with maximal spin parameter a/Mh1. This result does not directly affect spin up by accretion since mass accretion will not excite the low lmodes that strongly radiate angular mo- mentum. Thus typical gas accretion can in principle lead to final spins much closer to the limit a/Mh= 1. Work was supported by NSF grants PHY-0653443 to DS, PHY-0653303, PHY-0555436 and PHY-0114375 to PL and PHY-0354842 and NASA grant NNG 04GL37G to RAM. Computations under allocation TG- PHY060013N, and at the Texas Advanced University of Texas at Austin. We thank M. An- sorg, T. Bode, A. Knapp and E. Schnetter for contribu- tions to our computational F. Pretorius, Class. Quant. Grav. 23, S529 (2006), F. Pretorius, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 121101 (2005). [3] S. Brandt, R. Correll, R. G' omez, M. F. Huq, P. Laguna, L. 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Pablo Laguna
M. C. Washik, J. Healy, F. Herrmann, I. Hinder, D. M. Shoemaker, P. Laguna, R. A. Matzner
Binary Black Hole Encounters, Gravitational Bursts and Maximum Final Spin
Replaced with version to appear in PRL
gr-qc astro-ph
The spin of the final black hole in the coalescence of nonspinning black holes is determined by the ``residual'' orbital angular momentum of the binary. This residual momentum consists of the orbital angular momentum that the binary is not able to shed in the process of merging. We study the angular momentum radiated, the spin of the final black hole and the gravitational bursts in a series of orbits ranging from almost direct infall to numerous orbits before infall that exhibit multiple bursts of radiation in the merger process. We show that the final black hole gets a maximum spin parameter $a/M_h \le 0.78$, and this maximum occurs for initial orbital angular momentum $L \approx M^2_h$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 18 Feb 2008 17:24:58 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 22 Jul 2008 14:38:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Washik", "M. C.", "" ], [ "Healy", "J.", "" ], [ "Herrmann", "F.", "" ], [ "Hinder", "I.", "" ], [ "Shoemaker", "D. M.", "" ], [ "Laguna", "P.", "" ], [ "Matzner", "R. A.", "" ] ]
- 2 - the star formation process, such limited views may miss fine, struct ural features within the cloud or fail to recognize large scale patterns in the gas. Yet such s tructure provides critical clues to the prevailing physical processes that govern the format ion of stars. The sheer volume of the data that have been obtained and the numb er of analyses that have been carried out preclude giving a complete listing of the re ferences to Taurus, so we will have to be selective rather than comprehensive, recogniz ing that we may have omitted many valuable contributions. The most complete inventory o f the molecular gas content within the Taurus cloud is provided by Ungerechts & Thadde us (1987), who ob- served12CO J=1-0 emission from 750 deg2of the regions. They estimate the molecular mass resident within the Taurus-Auriga cloud to be 3.5 x104M. However, the 30'angular resolution of this survey precludes an examination of the sm all scale structure of the cloud. Targeted studies with higher angular resolution of13CO and C18O emission from individual sub-clouds of Taurus reveal some of the r elationships between the molecular gas, magnetic fields, and star formation but offer little insight to the coupling of these structures to larger scales and features (Schloerb & Sn ell 1984; Heyer et al. 1987; Mizuno et al. 1995; Onishi et al. 1996). Other studies have utilized ot her molecular trac- ers and even higher angular resolution to probe gas having different characteristics in some limited small regions of Taurus. Some examples include Langer et al. (1 995) employing CCS, Onishi et al. (1996) and Onishi et al. (1998) using C18O, Onishi et al. (2002) using H13CO+, andTatematsu et N 2H+. Manyindividual in NH 3, a tracer in which they appear well-defined, as indicated by the comp ilation of Jijina, Myers, & Adams (1999). The Leiden/Dwingeloo 21 cm study (B urton & towardsTaurus, but withanan (Shuter et al. 1987) used the Arecibo radio telescope having an angular res- olution of 4', but included only ~1300 positions to probe the self-absorption seen in the 21 cm HI line. This cold atomic hydrogen appears to be associated with molecular gas (Li & Goldsmith 2003; Goldsmith & Li 2005), but the limited sampling of S huter et al. does not reveal much about its morphology. The far-infrared emis sion from Taurus has been studied by Abergel et al. (1995), who also compared it to mode rate resolution maps of13CO J = 1 -0 emission. The dust column density distribution has been examined fr om 2MASS extinction by Padoan et al. (2002) and does bear a quite close resemblance to the integrated intensity of13CO, and thus to the column density of gas. With the deployment of heterodyne focal plane arrays at millimeter a nd mounted on large or moderate-sized telescopes, it is p ossible to construct high spatial dynamic range, spectroscopic images of molecular line emissio n from 2000). wepresent thedatafr of12CO and13CO J=1-0 emission obtained with the FCRAO 14m telescope and- 3 - the 32 element SEQUOIA focal plane array. The combined dataset o f12CO and13CO allows us to make a much more accurate inventory of gas column density an d mass for the s, depth,12CO is insensitive to variations in underlying column density. However, because of its higher abundance, it is effective in tracing much of the lower column density regions in the molecular cloud. The13CO transition, with its lower optical depth, allows us to probe deeper into the envelopes and trace the underlying struc ture of the molecular gas. Using both12CO and13CO we can derive the structure and column density of the molecular gas in different regimes of column density. The data from this survey constitute the most detailed view constructed to date of a molecular cloud and provides c ritical information for detailed studies of gas dynamics within the molecular interstellar mediu m. In this paper, hods, of noise and line emission from this survey. Detailed s cientific motivation and results can be found in Goldsmith et al. (2008). 2. telescope and the 32 pixel focal plane array SEQUOIA ( Erickson et al. 1999) of the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory. The FWHM beam sizes of the telescope at the observed frequencies are 45''(115.271202 GHz) and 47''(110.201353 GHz). The main beam efficiencies at these frequencies are 0.45 and 0.50 respectively as determined from mea- surements of Jupiter. Previous measurements of the extended e rror beam of the telescope and radome structure by measuring the disks of the sun and moon in dicate that there can be ~25% net contribution from extended emission outside the main beam f rom a region ~0.5* in diameter. The shape of this error beam is approximately circular, b ut the amount of contribution of emission at any given point from this error beam patt ern depends on details of the distribution of the emission from the source. All data presen ted here are in for telescope beam efficiencies. The backends were c omprised of a system of spectrometers each configured with 25 MHz band width and 1024 29.5 kHz per channel corresponding to 0.076 km s-1(12CO) and 0.080 km s-1(13CO) at the observed frequencies. The total coverage in velocity is 65 km s-1(12CO) and 68 km s-1 (13CO) respectively. The spectrometers were centered at a v LSRof 6 km s-1.- 4 - 2.2. Data 2003 and ending in May 2005. The12CO and13CO lines were observed excellent positional registration and calibration. System te mperatures ranged from 350-500 K for the12CO line and 150-300 K for the13CO line. The fiducial center position of the map was a(2000) = = 24*25'13''.08. The ~98 of the cloud was divided into 356 submaps, each 30'x30'in size. Each submap was observed using the On-The-Fly (OTF) mapping technique in which the telescope is continuously scanned back and forth along the Right Ascension axis while rapidly reading the spectrometers. The telescope was scanned at a rate such th at 2 samples of data were collected while traversing the FWHM beam width at 115 GHz (45''). An additional ramping offset of 1'at the beginning and end of each scan was used to ensure stable mot ion of the antenna. OTF scans were spaced by 34''in declination. Since the SEQUOIA dewar is fixed with respect to the coordinate system, the sca nning rate and between scan rows assured that the target field was dense ly sampled by the array. A given position on the sky was observed by most of the pixels in the arr ay. Such increase the effective integration time at that posit ion and also dilute the effects that arise from the small variations of noise and gain betwee n the pixels of the array. With a focal plane array and ramping offsets, there are data points that lie outside of the target 30'x30'area. Upon convolution into a regularly spaced grid (see SS2.3), these peripheral points contribute to the integration times of points loca ted within but near the edge of the target area. To increase our mapping efficiency the sub maps were spaced by 33', which enabled the peripheral spectra from contiguous submaps to be coadded with time to achieve the desired sensitivity. The target s, for each convolved (see SS2.3)12CO and13CO spectrum were 0.65 K and 0.25 K respectively as gauged by the root-mean square of antenna temperature values within sig nal-free backend channels. The sensitivity of a submap was evaluated by the median rms value of s, from the set of constituent spectra. Submaps with rms values in excess of 0.75 K we re re-observed until the median value of sof the co-added set of data was less than this maximum allowed spectral data requires a clean OFF position, whic h is free of line emission over the entire footprint of the SEQUOIA array. We used 5 different OFF positions spread around the Taurus molecular cloud. The right ascension and declinations of the OFF positions used in J2000 co-ordinates are (04h20m00s, 23*00'00''), (04h42m00s.9, 24*43'28''), (04h01m15s, 27*32'00''), and (04h20m05s.01, 32*24'59''.2). For any given submap observed, we typically chose the closest OFF position. The first two positions were known to be free of CO emission from previous studies. The oth er positions were- 5 - derived from constructing small maps in12CO and13CO at each position (a guess at an initial OFF was derived from the IRAS 100 um map). These maps were typically 10'x10' in size, and it was verified that12CO was not detectable to ~0.25 K level in the map. In addition to the OTF maps, for each day of observing, pointing and focus measure- ments were made using a SiO maser source, IKTau (03h53m28s.81, 11*24'22''.60) every few hours. The pointing accuracy of the FCRAO 14 m telescope is typically better than 5''. After each pointing observation, a single 80 second long position-sw itched observation in 12CO and13CO was performed at the fiducial center position to keep track of t he accuracy of the whole survey (see SS3.1). For the observing campaign, a dynamic website with a relational data base backend was created. From this website, the observing team could monitor the s tatus of to date, plan new observations, generate observing scripts , immediately reduce the OTF map after it was completed using a simple data reduction pipeline, v iew the of the spectra at the fiducial center position, and prod uce summary statistics of the map. The website also listed the sensitivities obtained in each subm ap, and list of submaps left to observe. 2.3. Data mapping generates a set of data that is densely but irre gularly sampled on the sky. To construct regularly sampled spectroscopic data cube s and to coadd measurements, the data were convolved into an outpu t grid using a kernel that accounts for the edge taper of the 14m antenna to minimize noise alia sing, and retains the full angular resolution of the telescope. In addition to this spatial w eighting, a spectrum was further weighted by the factor s-2, wheresis the measured rms noise. The spatial pixel separation in the regridded maps is 20''. Following this initial processing of submaps into data cubes, a system atic trend was present in the spectral baselines owing to gain drifts in the receiver . Each OTF scan begins with the measurement of OFF position, followed by two raster scann ed rows of ON Thefinal both OFF position observations weighting them equally. Spectr a taken close in time to either of theOFFpositions typically show a concave curvature inthe baseline. While spectra taken approximately midway between the two OFFs typically show a co nvex curvature in baseline. These curvatures were small with respect to the noise of any single spectrum but were evident when averaging spectra with comparable time displa cements from the off- 6 - measurement or when integrating individual spectra over velocity in tervals comparable to the half period of the baseline curvature. To rectify these baseline curvatures, we subtracted a baseline po lynomial that ap. polynomial along the spectral axis was sufficient and variation s along the spatial axes could be adequately described by a first order polynomial. According ly, for each submap, we fit the parameterized baseline the central coordinates of the submap, and fi=ai+bi(x-x*) parameterize the variation of the baseline curvature over the sp atial axes. In the fitting procedure, we exclude the window -5< VLSR<15 km s-1that contains the spectral line emission from the Taurus Molecular Cloud. This procedure has the advantage that only 12 parameters are re quired to specify the baselines for an entire submap, rather than the three per spectr um that would be needed for a standard baseline subtraction. All of the parameters are recor ded so that the unbaselined data could be recovered if necessary. The fitting of a smooth base line function to an entire submap also avoids the inadvertent removal of a broad, low-level, lo calized emission line component that could be produced by outflows and other energet ic processes. The maximum amplitudes of the baseline curvature were typically grea ter in the13CO data, where the most severe cases were still limited to levels less tha n 25 mK ( s/10). To demonstrate the need and effect of this baselining procedure, we s how in Figure 1a13CO spectra averaged over 10'x10'boxes from a submap representative of the worse cases of baseline curvature. We emphasize that the curvature is not readily evident in a single spectrum. The thick solid lines show the fitted parameterized baselin es averaged over the same boxes. The spatial variation in curvature is most significant alo ng the scanning ( x) direction, as noted above, with a slow drift in the ydirection as the ON-OFF varies during the 2-hour submap observation. Figure 1b shows the same average spectra after removal of the fitted baselines, with thick lines at ze ro intensity for reference. The 356 regridded submaps, each of which have a size of ~30'x30', were into a set of larger data cubes. There are 88 such con solidated cubes, forming a grid of 11 x8 data cubes, dubbed hard-edge cubes (as they do not have over lapping regions between two contiguous cubes). Each 'hard-edge' cube is assembled from a set of input regridded 30'x30'cubes, after removing the spectral and spatially derived above from each cube, and subsequently averaging the data together, weighting- 7 - them by s-2, wheresis the rms in the derived baseline. In angular offsets, the full extent of the combined hard-edge cubes are (5.75*,-5.75*) in RA offsets and ( -2.75*, 5.75*) in Dec offsets from the fiducial center of the map. Thus for the full 1 1.5*x8.5*region spaced at 20'', there are 3,167,100 spectra in each isotopologue in the combined se t of hard-edge cubes. Most of the hard-edge cubes have a spatial size of 1 squar e degree, except for the cubes that lie on the four edges of the region covered, which measu re 1.25 square degrees. The hard-edge cubes at the four corners of the Taurus map have a size of 1.5625 square degrees (1 .25*x1.25*). 3. Results 3.1. Calibration Uncertainty in Data In order to track the relative calibration of the survey that was ta ken over the course of two observing seasons, we made (PS) measurem ents on the central (0,0) position every few hours. Since SEQUOIA does not rotate with the s ky, only the (0,0) po- sition was uniformly repeated. These (0,0) spectra were baseline su btracted and integrated over the velocity intervals 2-10 km s-1and 3-9 km s-1for12CO and13CO respectively to produce an integrated line intensity. Both the line profile shape and in tegrated intensity offer a cross check on the pointing and focus state of the telescop e system. The set of also provide a quantitative measure of the calibratio n uncertainty of the data. Figure 2 shows the full set of measurements taken over the cours e of the survey. The mean and standard deviation, weighted by the statistical error for eac h spectrum, of the for both isotopologues are 12 .5+-0.93 K km s-1and 4.6+-0.43 K km s-1. the statistical uncertainties in quadrature, the est imated calibration uncertain- ties for12CO and13CO are 0 .87 and 0.43 K km s-1respectively, corresponding to a uncertainty of 7% for12CO and 9.3% for13CO. Submaps that followed or pre- ceded position switched measurements that significantly deviated f rom these mean values were reobserved. 4. Noise measures of cloud structure rely on the sensitivity of the data, its uni- formity across the target field, and the underlying noise characte ristics of the data. For individual submaps, On-the-Fly Mapping with a focal plane array pro duces near over most of the field. Toward the edges of the submap, the noise necessarily- 8 - increases as there is less integration time accumulated at these pos itions. However, our placement of submaps ensured that there are sufficient overlaps o f contiguous fields so that these spectra accumulated additional integration time. Indeed, u pon the construction of the 1 deg2cubes, the sensitivity of these edge spectra is comparable or be tter than the spectra from the central parts of any submap. For a given spectrum, the statistical error of the antenna tempe rature at any channel, s, is conventionally estimated from the standard deviation of antenn a temperatures within intervals in which no signal is present. This measure includes noise con tributions from the instrument and atmosphere. For the Taurus Survey, we have calc ulatedsfor all the co- added convolved and resampled12CO and13CO spectra excluding values within the velocity range of the Taurus cloud (-5 < VLSR<+15 km s-1). The cumulative distributions of s(12CO) ands(13CO) are shown in Figure 3. The steepness of these distributions provid es an approximate measure of noise uniformity. The first, second, an d third quartile values are 0.53 K, 0.58 K, and 0.63 K for12CO and 0.23 K, 0.26 K, and 0.28 K for13CO. The antenna temperature distribution of all voxels within the data c ube offers another measure of the noise properties. In Figure 4, this distribution is sho wn for the composite 12CO and13CO data cubes ofthesurvey. statistical no ise contributes to the peak component centered on T* A=0.0 K. Signal from the Taurus cloud is responsible for the excess positive emission. In the ideal case in which all spectra ha ve gaussian with constant rms value, s, the dispersion of the voxel distribution about T* A=0 K would be equivalent to s. More realistically, the noise is not uniform and not For example, the use of a common reference position for many source correlated noise. With OTF mapping using a focal plane ar ray, where a given position on the sky is sampled by many pixels in the array, this effect is p resent but not as severe as discrete mapping methods that share reference pos itions (Heyer et al. 1998; Jackson et al. 2006). As shown in Figure 3, the noise of this survey is not uniform. To assess departures from the gaussian character of the distribut ion of noise in the12CO and 13CO data, we have generated equivalently sized data cubes filled with g aussian noise values that follow the same distribution of svalues shown in Figure 3. The respective distributions of these purely gaussian noise spectra, shown as the dotted lines in Figure 4, provide an excellent matchto thezero-centered noisecomponents. Weconc lude the12CO and13CO data cubes can not be readily distinguished from pure gaussian no ise. It is dominated by statistical fluctuations from the receiver and th e sky rather than by systematic contributions.- 9 - 5. Images Two dimensional images are generated from the spectroscopic dat a cubes by reducing the information of each spectrum to a single scalar value. These red uctions include maps of maximum value, the integration of spectra over a set of velocity in tervals (zero moment), and higher moments such as the centroid velocity or line width. To con vey a fraction of the information resident within these data cubes, we show some of thes e reductions in images of the Taurus Cloud. Zero moment images derived from the12CO and13CO data cubes over the V LSRrange 0 to 12 km s-1in 1 km s-1intervals are presented in Figure 5. The two images show quite distinct distributions between the two isotopologues. The12CO J=1-0 integrated emission is mostly diffuse, even towards the three known primary sub clouds of Taurus (Heiles' Cloud 2, Barnard 18, L1495). In the most faint regions, there are weak s treaks or striations of12CO emission that are typically aligned with the local magnetic field direction (Goldsmith et al. 2008; Heyer et al. 2008). The13CO J=1-0 emission is mostly distributed within high con- trast filaments. However, even within the diffuse regions, the weak13CO emission exhibits a striated pattern. These differences between the12CO and13CO distributions can be to the higher opacity of the12CO emission that likely limits its probed volume to the low column density envelope of the cloud. Images of peak12CO and13CO intensity are shown in Figure 6. For the optically thick12CO line, the peak intensity is a valuable measure of the excitation temperature. In Figures 7-19, we show the distribution of12CO and13CO J=1-0 emission averaged over 1 km s-1velocity intervals centered at V LSR0.5, 1.5, 2.5 ... 12.5 km s-1. As noted by many previous studies (Brunt & Mac Low 2004; Lazarian & Pogosy an 2000), more of the emission is found at the higher spatial frequencies when integra ting over small The structure that is measured arises from variations in the velocity field rather than those of density or column density (Brunt & Mac Low 2004). Th ese narrow images reveal stunning textural patterns and individu al features that occur over a broad range of scales. There are regions of faint, low surface br ightness emission, most notably evident in the12CO data. Often, this emission component exhibits low that are similar to the wind swept structures observed w ithin terrestrial cirrus clouds. Owing to lower optical depth, the13CO emission shows more high contrast from higher column density regions located deeper within t he cloud. The fea- ture located within the southwest corner with V LSR~10 km s-1in Figure 16 may not be associated with the Taurus cloud.- 10 - 6. Box Averaged Spectra To convey the coarse velocity field of the cloud and to further emph asize the quality of the data, we have constructed average12CO and13CO J=1-0 spectra from each 1, 1.25, or 1.56 deg2cube. These are shown in Figure 20 overlayed upon images of integra ted intensity. Each spectrum is an average of 32,400, 40,500, or 50,625 individual s pectra with typical rms values of 0.014 K for12CO and 0.006 K for13CO (T* A). These rms values are greater than one would expect averaging this number of spectra each with t he respective median values shown in Figure 3. This discrepancy arises from spatially corre lated noise imposed on spectra sharing a common reference measurement in the OTF data collection scheme. The average spectra demonstrate excellent baseline fidelity with no evid ence for any systematic noise average spectra do reveal several significant properties of the Taurus velocity field. The previously established large scale velocity gradient across the T aurus Molecular Cloud is apparent in the systemic shift of the spectra from blueshifted ve locities on the eastern side to redshifted velocities on the western portion of the cloud. In add ition, many of the average spectra exhibit asymmetries and multiple velocity components that a ttest to the along the line of sight. 7. Emission and13CO data cubes of Taurus provide panoramic views of the structure of a 104Mmolecular cloud. The resident information is sufficiently vast to requir e of the data that may offer insight to the prevailing cond itions or state of the cloud. The cumulative probability density function is defined to be P(f*) =/integraltext =/braceleftbigg0 forf(x,y)> f* 1 the 2 dimensional distribution of some measured parameter, f*a moving thresh- old of that parameter, and fmaxthe maximum value of the measured parameter in the whole map. The weighted cumulative PDF biases each bin of f(x,y) by the total of all contributing pixels, Pw(f*) =/integraltext T(x,y,v)dv/integraltext 11 - Figures 21 and 22 show the cumulative PDF and weighted cumulative PD F for inte- grated intensity (denoted as W(12CO) and W(13CO) respectively), and peak (denoted as T max(12CO) and T max(13CO) respectively). The weighting func- tion used is the corresponding integrated intensity. The unweighte d cumulative PDF shows the cumulative fraction of projected area as a function of integra ted intensity (Figure 21) and peak temperature (Figure 22). The weighted cumulative PDF sh ows the of integrated intensity as a function of integrated intens ity (Figure 21) and peak temperature (Figure 22). The median values for the weighted PDFs of integrated intensity are 6.9 and 1.9 K km s-1for12CO and13CO respectively. Similarly, for peak temperature, the weighted median values are 4.1 K and 1.9 K. These figures demonst rate that much of the 12CO and13CO signal originates from lines of sight within the low surface brightne ss regime of the Taurus cloud. For example, the weighted cumulative PDFs dem onstrate that half of the12CO flux of a cloud is emitted within the low surface brightness portion o f the Taurus molecular cloud having12CO integrated intensity less than 6.9 K km s-1and peak K. In terms of projected area, only ~20% of the cloud's area has >=6.9 K km s-1or peak temperature >=4.1 K in12CO. 8. Conclusions The FCRAO Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud is a powerful set of data to gasdynamics andthestar formationprocess with and spatial dynamic range. It offers a valuable complement to observat ions at other wavelengths that probe the dust component and the population of young stellar objects. In this paper, we summarized the instrumentation, data collection and processing procedures used in the survey. We also characterized the noise and signal distributions of the survey. The of the cloud, its column density distribution and mass, an d relationship with the magnetic field are discussed in Goldsmith et al. (2008). This work was supported by NSF grant AST 05-40852tothe Five Colle geRadio Astron- omy Observatory, NSF grant AST-0407019 to Cornell University, and by the Jet California Institute of Technology. We thank Yvonne Tang and Marko Krco for for assistance with A., Boulanger, F., Fukui, Y., & Mizuno, A. 1995, A&A, 111, 48 3- 12 - Brunt, C.M. & Mac Low, M. 2004, ApJ, 604, 196 Burton, W.B. & Hartmann, D. 1994, in Unveiling Large-Scale Structu res Behind the Milky Way, ASP Conf. Serives, Vol. 67, C. Balkowski & R.C. Kraan-Kortwe g eds. (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), 31 Erickson, N.R..Grosslein, R.M., Erickson, R.B., &Weinreb, S.1999,IEE Tech., 47(12), 2212 Goldsmith, P.F. & Li, D. 2005, ApJ, 622, 938 Goldsmith, P. F., Heyer, M. H., Narayanan, G., Snell, R. 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The rightmost column of spectra correspon ds to observations taken close in time to an OFF measurement, while the leftmost column corres ponds to spectra taken farthest in time from an OFF observation. The middle column re presents a time in between these extremes. See the text for details. (b) The same b ox-averaged spectra after baseline removal, with thick lines at zero intensity for reference.- 15 - 20042004.2 2004.4 2004.6 2004.8 20052005.2 Intensity (K km/s) Fig. 2.-- Integrated intensity in the spectra for t he (0,0) position for both polarizations and both isotopologues over the entire observin g period. The12CO data have integrated intensity 12.5 K km s-1and the13CO data have integrated intensity 4.6 K km s-1. The error bars denote 1 sstatistical errors in these values. The12CO data are denoted by crosses and plus symbols and the13CO data by squares and diamonds, for the two polarizations. The horizontal solid lines show the mean integrate d intensities derived for each data set and the dashed lines indicate +-standard deviation about these mean values. The gapin coverage inthe middle of year 2004 is due to the normal sum mer shutdown period of the FCRAO 14 m telescope.- 16 - Fig. 3.-- Cumulative distributions of rms values, s(12CO) and s(13CO) derived from signal- free channels within the Taurus12CO and13CO data cubes.- 17 - Fig. 4.-- The distribution of voxel values within the composite12CO and13CO data cubes (solid lines). The dotted lines show the distribution of values obtained from data cubes of equal size containing only gaussian noise with values of sthat follow the same in Figure 3. These provide an excellent fit to the data and demo nstrate the near gaussian character of the noise of individual spectra.- 18 - Fig. 5.-- Integrated Intensity Images for12CO (top) and13CO (bottom). The images are obtained over -5 to 20 km s-1and 3 to 9 km s-1for12CO and13CO respectively. The colorbar on the right shows the integrated intensity scale in K.km s-1. In the13CO figure, we also overlay outlines of a few well-known regions in Taurus as design ated by Onishi et al. (1996).- 19 - Fig. 6.-- Images of peak intensity, T max, for12CO (top) and13CO (bottom). The peak temperature in the velocity range of 0 to 12 km s-1is used in both cases. The colorbar on the right shows the T maxscale in antenna temperature units (K).- 20 - Fig. 7.-- Images of12CO (top) and13CO (bottom) emission integrated between V LSR0 to 1 km s-1.- 21 - Fig. 8.-- Same as Figure 7 for V LSR1 to 2 km s-1.- 22 - Fig. 9.-- Same as Figure 7 for V LSR2 to 3 km s-1.- 23 - Fig. 10.-- Same as Figure 7 for V LSR3 to 4 km s-1.- 24 - Fig. 11.-- Same as Figure 7 for V LSR4 to 5 km s-1.- 25 - Fig. 12.-- Same as Figure 7 for V LSR5 to 6 km s-1.- 26 - Fig. 13.-- Same as Figure 7 for V LSR6 to 7 km s-1.- 27 - Fig. 14.-- Same as Figure 7 for V LSR7 to 8 km s-1.- 28 - Fig. 15.-- Same as Figure 7 for V LSR8 to 9 km s-1.- 29 - Fig. 16.-- Same as Figure 7 for V LSR9 to 10 km s-1.- 30 - Fig. 17.-- Same as Figure 7 for V LSR10 to 11 km s-1.- 31 - Fig. 18.-- Same as Figure 7 for V LSR11 to 12 km s-1.- 32 - Fig. 19.-- Same as Figure 7 for V LSR12 to 13 km s-1.- 33 - Fig. 20.-- Mosaic of box-averaged spectra over the 88 hard-edged sub-cubes for12CO (top) and13CO (bottom) overlayed on images of the integrated intensity of eac h isotopologue. The velocity scale on the x-axis is 0 to 15 km s-1, and the temperature scale ranges from -0.1 to 4.5 K for12CO and -0.005 to 2.0 K for13CO. The vertical dotted line in each spectrum denotes V LSR=7.0 km s-1.- 34 - Fig. 21.-- Weighted (solid line) and unweighted (dotted line) cumulative p robability den- sity functions as a function of12CO and13CO integrated intensity (denoted as W(12CO) and W(13CO) respectively). The unweighted and weighted cumulative PDFs de scribe the fractional contribution by projected area and integrated intens ity emission respectively.- 35 - Fig. 22.-- Weighted (solid line) and unweighted (dotted line) cumulative p robability as a function of12CO and13CO peak intensity.
Gopal Narayanan
Gopal Narayanan, Mark H. Heyer, Christopher Brunt, Paul F. Goldsmith, Ronald Snell, and Di Li
The Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory CO Mapping Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud
35 pages, 22 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series; The figures have been compressed in this version. Full-resolution figures of paper available at http://www.astro.umass.edu/~gopal/taurus-datapaper/
The FCRAO Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud observed the 12CO and 13CO J=1-0 emission from 98 square degrees of this important, nearby star forming region. This set of data with 45" resolution comprises the highest spatial dynamic range image of an individual molecular cloud constructed to date, and provides valuable insights to the molecular gas distribution, kinematics, and the star formation process. In this contribution, we describe the observations, calibration, data processing, and characteristics of the noise and line emission of the survey. The angular distribution of 12CO and 13CO emission over 1 km/s velocity intervals and the full velocity extent of the cloud are presented. These reveal a complex, dynamic medium of cold, molecular gas.
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[ [ "Narayanan", "Gopal", "" ], [ "Heyer", "Mark H.", "" ], [ "Brunt", "Christopher", "" ], [ "Goldsmith", "Paul F.", "" ], [ "Snell", "Ronald", "" ], [ "Li", "Di", "" ] ]
2 Albert et al., Wu et al. [21, 22] studied the robustness of complex networks under incomplete information, i.e., one can only obtain the information of partial vertices. Co- hen et al. [23, 24] developed the first analytical approach to calculating the critical removal fraction of a network under random failure or intentional attack. Callaway et al. [25] put forward an alternative and more general ap- proach using a generalization of the generating we consider a source vertex and a termination ver- tex, there may be several alternative paths between them. When one path fails, the two vertices can still communi- cate through other alternative paths. It is intuitive that the more alternative paths, the more robust the connect- edness between the two vertices. This observation leads us to consider the redundancy of alternative paths as the root of the robustness of networks, which ensures that the connection between vertices still remains possible in spite of damage to the network. Although it would be ideal to define this redundancy as the number of alterna- tive paths of different lengths for all pairs of vertices, thi s measure is very difficult to calculate. Note, however, that the number of closed walks in a network is a good index for the number of alternative paths. In this paper, we propose a new robustness measure of complex networks based on the number of closed walks. A complex network can be viewed as a simple undi- rected graph G(V, E), where Vis the set of vertices, and EVxVis the set of edges. Let N=|V|andM=|E| be the number of vertices and the number of edges, re- spectively. Let dibe the degree of vertex vi. Letdminbe the minimum degree and dmaxbe the maximum degree ofG. Let A(G) = (aij)NxNbe the adjacency matrix of G, where aij=aji= 1 if vertex viandvjare 0 otherwise. A walk of length kin a graph Gis an alternating sequence of vertices and where viVandei= (vi-1, vi)E. A walk is closed if v0=vk. Closed walks are directly related to the subgraphs of the graph. For instance, a closed walk of length k= 2 corresponds to an edge and a closed walk of length k= 3 represents a triangle. Note that a closed walk can be trivial, i.e., containing repeated vertices, leading to th e length of a closed walk being infinite. The number of closed walks is an important index for complex networks. For example, Estrada et al. have measured vertex cen- trality [26] and network bipartivity [27] based on the number of closed walks. Here we define the redundancy of alternative paths as the number of closed walks of all lengths. Considering that shorter closed walks have more influence on the redundancy of alternative paths than longer closed walks and to avoid the number of closed walks of all lengths to diverge, we scale the contribution of closed walks to the redundancy of alternative paths by dividing them by the factorial of the length k. That is, we define a weighted sum of numbers of closed where nkis the number of closedwalks of length k. Using matrix theory, we know liis the ith largest eigenvalue of A(G). Specifi- cally, 2M. Using Eq. (1), we (2) shows that the weighted sum of closed walks of all lengths can be derived from the graph spectrum. Noting that Swill be a large number for large N, we scaleSand denote it by -l -l= (3) which corresponds to an 'average eigenvalue'. We pro- pose to call it natural connectivity ornatural eigenvalue . A desired property of natural connectivity is that it changes monotonically when edges are added or the graph obtained by adding an edge eto Gand let ^ nk= ^n' k+ ^n'' kbe the number of closed walks of length kinG+e, where ^ n' kis the number of closed walks of length kcontaining eand ^n'' kis the number of closed walks of length kcontaining no e. Note that ^ thus ^ nk>=nk. It is easy to show that ^ nk> nk for some k, e.g., ^ n2=n2+ 2. Consequently, -l(G+e)> -l(G), indicating that the natural connectivity monotonically as edges are added. In Fig. 1, we illustrate two simple graphs with six vertices, where graph (b) is obtained by adding an edge to graph (a). Our intuition suggests that graph (b) should be more robust than graph (a), which agrees with our measure. The natural connectivity of graph (a) and (b) are 1.0878 and 1.3508, respectively. However, some robustness above can not distinguish the two graphs. For example, both graphs have identical edge connectivity 2 and identical algebraic connectivity 0.7369. FIG. 1: Graph (b) is obtained from graph (a) by adding an edge. Both graphs have identical edge connectivity and iden - tical algebraic connectivity, but are distinguished by our pro- posed natural is evident from Eq. (3) that l1>=-l>=lN. Moreover, for a given number of vertices Nand following the discus- sion on monotonicity above, the empty graph consisting of isolated vertices has the minimum natural connectiv- ity and the complete graph, whose vertices are has the maximum natural connectivity. It is known that l1=l2=...=lN= 0 for the empty l2=l3=...=lN=-1 for the com- plete graph [28]. Hence we obtain the following bound for the natural explore in depth the natural connectivity measure and compare it with other robustness measures, we con- sider a scenario of edge elimination. As edges are deleted, we expect the decrease of the robustness measure, and we also expect different behavior for different edge elim- ination strategies. We generate initial networks with a power-law degree distribution using the BA model [29]. We remark that the type of network has no effect on the analysis and conclusions. We consider four edge elimina- tion strategies: (i) deleting the edges randomly (ii) deleting the edges connecting and high-degree vertices in the descending or- der of di*dj, where dianddjare the degrees of the end vertices of an edge (rich-rich strategy); (iii) deletin g the edges connecting low-degree vertices and in the ascending order of di*dj(poor-poor strat- egy); (iv) deleting the edges connecting high-degree ver- tices and low-degree vertices in the descending order strategy). Along with the we investigate three other robustness mea- sures: edge connectivity kE(G), algebraic and critical removal fraction of vertices under ran- dom failure fR c. To find the critical removal fraction of vertices, we choose k< k2> / < k > <=2 as the crite- rion for the disintegration of networks [23]. The results are shown in Fig. 2. Each measure is an average over 100 realizations of a BA network. From Fig. 2(a) and Fig. 2(b), we find similar be- haviour between kE(G) and a(G). The first observation is that deleting a small quantity of edges connecting high- degree vertices and high-degree vertices has no obvious effect on the robustness measured by the edge or alge- braic connectivity. On the other hands, the robustness drops rapidly under the poor-poor strategy, i.e., when small quantity of edges connecting low-degree vertices and low-degree vertices are deleted. It is generally be- lieved that the edges between high-degree vertices are important, and the edges between low-degree vertices are inessential for the global network robustness. For exam- ple, in the Internet, the failure of the links between core routers will bring a disaster, but there is no effect on the network robustness if we disconnect two terminal com- puters. Clearly, robustness measures based on edge or algebraic connectivity do not agree with our intuition. These unexpected features can be explained by the also known as Fiedler's0 500 10000123 number of deleted edgesedge connectivity 0 500 of deleted edgesalgebraic connectivity 0 500 of deleted edgescritical removal fraction0 500 of deleted edgesnatural 2: The robustness measured by edge connectivity (a), algebraic connectivity (b), critical removal fraction of v er- tices (c) and natural connectivity (d) as a function of num- ber of deleted edges for four edge elimination strategy (circles), rich-rich strategy (squares), poor- poor strategy (diamonds) and rich-poor strategy (triangle s). The initial network is generated using the BA model, where N= 1000 and < k >6. Each quantity is an average over 100 [13], where k(G) is the vertex connectivity. In fact, we find that the probability of kE(G) =dmin almost approaches to 1. After a few edges vertices and low-degree vertices are to zero rapidly, but dminis preserved un- der rich-rich strategy. Moreover, we find that, for all four strategies, the edge or algebraic connectivity is equa l to zero after particular edges are deleted, even in the case where only very few vertices are separated from the largest cluster. This means that both the edge connec- tivity and the algebraic connectivity lose the network is 2(c) shows the critical removal fraction of ver- ticesfR cas a function of the number of deleted edges. Contrary to the result of edge or algebraic connectiv- ity and in agreement with our intuition, we observe that the rich-rich strategy is the most effective edge elimina- tion strategy and the poor-poor strategy is the worst we find that there are irregular fluctuations in the curves. This shows that the critical removal frac- tion is not a sensitive measure of robustness, especially for small sized networks. In Fig. 2(d), we display the results of the natural con- nectivity according to Eq. (3). We find a clear varia- tion of the measure with distinct differences between the four edge elimination strategies, showing a clear ranking for the four edge elimination strategies: rich-rich strategy random strategy which agrees with our intuition. For the ran- dom strategy, we observe a linear decrease of the natu- ral connectivity. For the rich-rich strategy or the natural connectivity decreases rapidly with4 the edge elimination. For poor-poor strategy, deleting a small quantity of edges connecting low-degree vertices and low-degree has weak effect on the robustness. More- over, we find that the curves for natural connectivity are surprisingly smooth, which indicates that the can measure the robustness of complex net- works stably even for very small sized networks. In fact, we have found that the curves for natural connectivity are also smooth without averaging over 100 for one individual network. However, in the case of individual networks, we find stepped curves for the edge or algebraic connectivity and large fluctuations for the critical removal fraction. In summary, we have proposed the concept of natu- ral connectivity as a spectral measure of robustness in complex networks. The natural connectivity is rooted in the inherent structural properties of a network. The the- oretical motivation of our measure arises from the fact that the robustness of a network comes from the redun- dancy of alternative paths. The natural connectivity is expressed in mathematical form as an average eigenvalue and allows a precise quantitative analysis of the Our measure works both in connected and disconnected networks. We have shown that it changes strictly monotonically with the addition or deletion of edges. To test our natural connectivity measure and com-pare it with other measures, we have designed a scenario of edge elimination, in which four different edge elimi- nation strategies are considered. We have the natural connectivity has an acute measuring the robustness of complex networks and can detect small variations of robustness stably. Rich infor- mation about the topology and dynamical processes can be extracted from the spectral analysis of the networks. The natural connectivity sets up a bridge between graph spectra and the robustness of complex networks. It is of great theoretical and practical significance in network de- sign and optimization to link the robustness to other net- work structural or dynamical properties (e.g., diffusion, would like to thank Mauricio Barahona and Quo- qing Zhang for useful discussions and comments. This work is in part supported by the National of China under Grant No. 70501032, No. 70771111 and No. 60673168. 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Jun Wu
Jun Wu, Yue-Jin Tan, Hong-Zhong Deng, Yong Li, Bin Liu, Xin Lv
Spectral Measure of Robustness in Complex Networks
4 pages, 2 figures
cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.dis-nn math.CO
We introduce the concept of natural connectivity as a robustness measure of complex networks. The natural connectivity has a clear physical meaning and a simple mathematical formulation. It characterizes the redundancy of alternative paths by quantifying the weighted number of closed walks of all lengths. We show that the natural connectivity can be derived mathematically from the graph spectrum as an average eigenvalue and that it increases strictly monotonically with the addition of edges. We test the natural connectivity and compare it with other robustness measures within a scenario of edge elimination. We demonstrate that the natural connectivity has an acute discrimination which agrees with our intuition.
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[ [ "Wu", "Jun", "" ], [ "Tan", "Yue-Jin", "" ], [ "Deng", "Hong-Zhong", "" ], [ "Li", "Yong", "" ], [ "Liu", "Bin", "" ], [ "Lv", "Xin", "" ] ]
No. 2 meson difference of hadron RCPin intermediate p T region. In the present paper, with quark combina- tion at all p T, we use our quark combination model to study the hadron p Tspectra from central to pe- ripheral collisions. We investigate the p Tspectra of identified hadrons at midrapidity in different central- ities in Au+Au collisions atsNN=200 GeV to ob- tain the centrality dependence for the hot and dense quark matter. Further- more, we apply it to relative smaller Cu+Cu calculate the transverse momentum spectra of final hadrons and nuclear modification factors RCP in Cu+Cu collisions atsNN= 200 GeV, and com- pare them with the experimental data from STAR and PHENIX the next two sections, we briefly introduce the quark combination model and the transverse momen- tum spectra of quarks just before hadronization. The results and discussions are in Sect. 4. Summary is given in Sect. 5. 2 The quark combination model Within the same quark combination mechanism, all kinds of combination-like models, such as recom- bination model[15, 21, 33], and coalescence model[16, 19], have their own features. Our quark was first proposed for high energy 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]. Recently we have ex- tended the model to heavy 22, 24, 40]. The model describes the pro- duction of initially produced ground state and baryons (56 -plets). In principle, it canalsobe applied tothe production ofexcited states [36]and exotic states[24]. These hadrons through com- bination of constituent quarks are then allowed to decay into the final state hadrons. We take into ac- count the decay contributions of all resonances and 36 -pletmesons, and cover all available decay channels by using the decay pro- gram of PYTHIA 6.1[41]. The main idea is to line up quarks and anti-quarks in a one-dimensional order in phase space, e.g. in rapidity, and let them combine into initial hadrons one by one following a combina- tion rule. See the second section of Ref.[24]for the short description of such a rule. Of course, we also take into account the near correlation in by limiting the maximum transverse mo- mentum difference for quarks and antiquarks as they combine into hadrons. The flavor SU(3) symmetry with strangeness suppression in the yields of hadrons is fulfilled in the model[34, 36].3pTspectra of the constituent quarks at hadronization It is known that the measured hadron p Tspec- tra in relativistic heavy ion collisions exhibit a two- component behavior. The spectra take an exponen- tial form at low p Tand a power-law form at high pT. Based on parton-hadron duality, the spectra of constituent quarks just should also have the same property. In principle, the quarks just before hadronization come from two parts, i.e. the thermal quarks from the hot medium produced in collisions and the minijet quarks from initial hard collisions. The final hadrons are the total contribution of the two parts. But, just as shown in the second figure in Ref.[8], the mini- jet quarks dominate the large transverse momenta where thermal quarks take a very small proportion, and thermal quarks dominate the low transverse mo- mentum region where the minijet quarks havea Therefore, we can neglect the two similartothe treatment in Ref.[16], and adopt a piecewise function to describe transverse momentum distribution of is the step function, Nthis the number of thermal quarks and Njetis the number of mini- jet quarks. p 0is the transition point from to power-law distribution, which is de- termined by the spectra continuity. In fact, the inter- action between the thermal quarks and the minijet quarks leads to a smooth spectrum around p 0, and we neglect this effect in this paper. The hot and dense quark matter produced collisions at RHIC energies shows a significant collective character[12, 13, 42]. The p Tspec- tra of thermal quarks at hadronization can be de- scribed by a thermal phenomenological model incor- porating the transverse flow of thermal medium[43]. The quarks and antiquarks transversely boost with a flow velocity profile br(r) as a function of position r.br(r) is parameterized by the sur- face velocity bs:br(r) =bsxn, where the thermal source maximum radius (0<x <1). The transverse flow of thermal medium can be equivalently described by a superposition of a set of thermal sources, each boosted with transverseNo. 3 rapidity the normalization constant in the the modified Bessel the transverse mass of the constituent quark. Tis the hadronization tempera- ture. The average transverse velocity can be (3) With fixed hadronization temperature T=170 MeV and parameter n=0.5, the average transverse of the hot and dense quark matter. The quarks and antiquarks with high are mainly from the minijets created in ini- tial hard collisions among nucleons. Here the so- called minijet quarks are those just before hadroniza- tion. They are the parton remnants after the revo- lution of the initial hard partons by gluon radiation and split, and are different from those in the frag- mentation model. The p Tspectra of minijet quarks at hadronization can be parameterized as the normalization constant in the are four independent parameters in Eq. (1) to determine the transverse momentum Here, we of these parameters for the light and strange quark p Tspectra at midrapidity from the data of p0 andK0 s[44, 45], respectively. In our quark , removing the resonance decay the measured we getthe initially produced momentum spectra. The values of param- eters are inversely extracted from these initial spec- tra. We obtain four groups of results corresponding to the centrality bins 0 -10%, 20-40%, 40-60%, and 60-80%. They are shown in Fig. 1. The lines in the figure are the parameterized results, from which we can get the quark p Tspectra in any collision central- ity. In Fig. 2, we also show the quark p Tspectra in four collision centralities 100 200 300 400Au+Au 100 200 300 100 200 300 400(c) Npart<br > Npart681012 0 100 200 300 1. The values of the parameters anda(d) for the p Tspec- tra of light quarks(filled circles) and at dif- ferent centrality bins. The corresponding cen- trality bins are 0 -10%, 20-40%, 40 -60%, and 60-80%. The solid and dashed lines are the parameterized results for light and strange quarks 2 4 6 8 10 12Au+Au 2 4 6 8 10 2. The p Tspectra of the light quarks (a) and strange quarks (b) at midrapidity atsNN=200 GeV. One can see from Fig. 1 that the centrality de- pendence of the parameter Nthis different from that ofNjet. As we know, the thermal quarks which dom- inate the low p Tregion carry most of the collision en- ergy. centrality is proportional to the number of nucleon participants Npartat the fixed collision en- ergy. Therefore, the number of thermal quarks is approximately proportional to Npart. The minijet quarks with high p Tare mainly from the hard-jet created in initial hard collisions among nucleons, and their quantity is mainly determined by the number of binary collisions Ncoll, which is obviously Generally, the higher the collision cen- trality is, the bigger the bulk volume for hot medium,No. 4 the stronger the transverse collective flow b. The bigger the bulk volume for hot medium is, the more energy loss for minijet quarks, thus the steeper spectra and the bigger the parameter a. It is further observed that the strange quarks are different from light quarks not only in the quantity (due to strangeness suppression) but also in the mo- mentum distribution. It is easy to understand that the spectrum of strange quarks at high p T, due to its heavier effective mass, is steeper than that of light quarks, i.e. a(s)>a(u,d). In the low p Trange, how- ever, the spectrum of strange quarks is flatter than the light quarks because b(s)> b(u,d). By analyzing the data of multi-strange hadrons ph, Ks and ohm, Ref. [46]also draws the same conclusion. Furthermore, the similar property is also obtained in longitudinal As we know, the expansion evolution of the plasma in the partonic phase is also a process of obtaining the effective mass for partons. Due to the heavier effective mass, the strange quarks may undergo a stronger hydrodynamic expansion in the partonic phase than the light at top RHIC energy exhibit a high degree of transparency, there are still a few net-quarks which stopped in the midrapidity region. The pTspec- tra of both p0andK0 scan not reflect the informa- tion of net quarks[40]. We obtain the number of net quarks at midrapidity in different centrality bins by fitting the rapidity densities of net-proton[26]. Note that the ratios of p-/p+and -p/pmeasured by STAR and PHENIX weak dependence of centrality and transverse momentum[26, 48]. The transverse momentum distribution of net quarks is taken to be the same as that of the newborn light quarks in the model. With the input, we can give the transverse mo- mentum distributions of various hadrons in centralities and the nuclear modification fac- torsRCPfor these hadrons. Just as mentioned in the above section, we consider the decay all available decay channels of all resonances by using the decay program of PYTHIA 6.1[41]. There- fore, we can directly compare our calculated results with the experimental data. 4 Results and discussions 4.1 The pTspectra of hadrons in Au+Au col- lisions We firstly calculate the transverse momentum spectra of p+-andp(-p) in different centrality bins in Au+Au collisions atsNN= 200 GeV. The results are shown in Fig. 2. Here, the pion spectra are cor-rected to remove the feed-down contributions from K0 sand L(-L). The p Tspectra of hadrons in low p T region are specially shown in the inserted plots. One can see that the calculated results agree well with the data from the STAR Collaboration. The strange hadron production can better reflect the property of the hot and dense quark matter produced in colli- sions. We also compute the transverse of strange hadrons K+-, L(-L) in differ- ent centrality bins. The results are shown in Fig. 3 and compared with the 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15Au+Au 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15Au+Au 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 3. The transverse momentum spectra of p+-andp(-p) at midrapidity in different cen- trality bins in Au+Au collisions atsNN= 200GeV. The data are taken from STAR Col- laboration 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5Au+Au 2.5 5 7.5 10 2 4 6 8 10 12Au+Au 2 4 6 8 10 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 2 1 1.5 2 4. The transverse momentum spectra of strange hadrons in different centrality bins in Au+Au collisions atsNN= 200 GeV. The data are taken from PHENIX and STAR Col- laborations [26, 49].No. 5 As shown above, the good agreement between validity of our model from the central to the pe- ripheral collisions. 4.2 The nuclear modification factors RCPfor hadrons in Au+Au collisions The nuclear modification factors RCPcan reflect more precisely the variation of hadron p Tspectra in different centrality bins. It is quantified Fig. 4, we give the computed results of and compare them with the experi- mental 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 pT (GeV/c)RCPp++p- 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 K+- 0-5%/60-80%L+L+- 0-5%/60-80% pT (GeV/c) Fig. 5. The nuclear modification factors RCP for identified hadrons in Au+Au collisions atsNN= 200 GeV. The data are taken from STAR Collaboration [48, 49, 50]. The hadrons in low p Tregion are mainly from the thermal quark combination. As shown in the first figure, the transverse collective flow of the hot and dense quark matter, denoted by decreases with the falling centrality. This leads to the p Tspectra of thermal quarks becoming softer in peripheral colli- sions, and then results in an increasing trend of RCP for hadrons in low p Tregion. The hadrons with in- termediate p Tare mainly produced by the combina- tion of thermal quarks with minijet quarks. As we all know, with the decreasing collision centrality, the volume size of the hot and dense quark matter be- comes small and the energy loss of minijet becomes small as they traverse the hot and dense medium. It leads to the p Tspectra of minijet quarks becoming harder in peripheral col- lisions, which is embodied in the decreasing value of parameter ashown in the first figure with the With the increasingofp T, the hadron RCP goes over from the rise caused by the combination of thermal quarks to fall caused by the combination of minijet quarks. One can see that the quark combi- nation model well describes the behavior of RCPfor final hadrons in the whole p Tregion considering thevariation of the transverse collective flow of the hot and dense quark matter. In addition, the data show that the RCPfor baryons clearly exhibits less suppression compared with that of mesons in intermediate transverse mo- mentum region. This type dependence of RCP, which is dependent upon the number of constituent earlier in Refs.[8, 50]as an experimental sup- port of the quark combination picture. Our results further manifest this baryon-meson difference of RCP in intermediate p Tregion. The experimental data show that the baryon- meson difference of RCPdisappears at higher p T. Us- ing the fragmentation mechanism, the Duke group in Ref.[8]has explained this common degree of suppres- sion for both baryons and mesons at high p T. Our results from the quark combination can also describe this behavior of RCPat high p T. These two mechanisms produce similar results. It suggests that the disappearance of baryon-meson dif- ference of RCPat high p Tis not caused by hadroniza- tion mechanism. The hard scatterings which take place near the surface of the collisions produce energy loss, while the away-side jets lose hadrons with high p Tin all collision centralities are mostly from these jets without energy loss. The transverse momentum distributions of these minijet quarks with high p Tin central collisions, except the quantity, Therefore, no matter what the hadroniza- tion mechanism is, there exists a similar suppression of theRCPfor baryons and mesons at high p T. It is also observed that the calculated RCPde- viates from the data to a certain degree. The rea- son may be that some effects, such as the produc- tion of excited-state hadrons and final-state rescat- tering, are not considered currently in the model. As we know, a small quantity of the are produced in relativistic heavy ion colli- sions, and the yields and momentum distributions of final hadrons are influenced by the decay contribu- tion of these excited-state hadrons to a certain ex- tent. As the decay branch ratios of many excited- state hadrons are incompletely measured, the contri- butions of excited-state hadrons are neglected in the current model. On the other hand, the perfect influence of final-state rescatteringon hadron dis- tribution is finite and small[12], so we also neglect it in the work. These two effects would affect the fine observable RCP.No. 6 4.3 The pTspectra and nuclear RCPfor hadrons in Cu+Cu we apply the of parameters in Au+Au collisions which de- termine the p Tspectra of quarks in different centrali- ties, GeV. In Fig.5, we show the p0,K0 s and hyperon L in different centrality bins and RCP for these hadrons in Cu+Cu collisions atsNN=200 GeV. The p Tspectra of hadrons in low p Tregion agree well with the data in the low region in all centrality bins. This i.e. isonlyafunction of to the collision system at the same p0 data at high transverse momenta also suggests that the energy loss of minijet quarks in Cu+Cu same participants NpartatsNN= 200 GeV. It is consistent with the recent measurement of 53]. The above results suggest that the hot and dense quark matter produced in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at the same Npartand collision energy has similar character. Of course, even at the same Npartand collision energy, the initial spatial eccentricity of the overlap in Au+Au collisions is obviously different from that in Cu+Cu collision systems. The differ- ence is clearly reflected by some important observa- tions, e.g. the elliptic flow of final hadrons and the global polarization of hyperon[12, 50, 54, 55, 10 20(a-1) Cu+Cu 200GeVp0 0-10% x105 10-20% x104 20-30% x103 30-40% x102 40-50% x101 50-60% 60-94% x10-1 5 10 15(a-2) Cu-Cu 200GeVK0 s 0-10% 5 10 15(a-3) Cu-Cu 200GeVL 0-10% 5 10(b-1) p0 5 Ks0 200GeV 00.51 0 5 10L 0-10%/40-60% (b-3) Cu+Cu 1 1.5 2 1 1.5 2 1 1.5 2 6. Thetransverse sin factors RCP(b) in Cu+Cu collisions atsNN=200 GeV. The data are taken from PHENIX and STAR Collaborations [44, 51]. 5 the centrality dependence of the trans- verse momentum distributions for the at midrapidity in Au+Au and Cu+Cu col- lisions atsNN= 200 GeV. The centrality depen- dence of the parameters for quark p Tspectra is ex- tracted from the data of p0andK0 sin Au+Au col- lisions. We calculate the transverse momentum dis- tributions of p+-,p(-p),K+-and L(-L) in five central- ity bins. The good agreement between our results and the data indicates that the quark mechanism is applicable to all The are calculated and compared with the data. The quark combination model well describes the behavior of RCPfor final hadrons in the whole pTregion considering the decrease of the central collisions to the peripheral collisions. of the baryon-meson difference of RCP at higher p Tis derived from the same transverse mo- mentum distribution of minijet quarks between the central and the peripheral collisions rather than mechanism. Furthermore, we of parameters to the relativeNo. 7 smaller Cu+Cu collision system at the same colli- sion energy. We calculate the transverse momentum spectra of p0,K0 s, and L at midrapidity in bins and RCPof these hadrons in Cu+Cu collisions atsNN=200 GeV. The results agree well with the data in low transverse momentum region in all centrality bins. It suggests that the flow of the hot and dense quark matter is only the function of Npartand independent The calculated p0spectrum at high p Tis also in good agreement with the data. These results sug- gest that the hot and dense quark matter produced in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at the same energy has similar charac- ter. We are grateful to Wang Q., Liang Z. T., Yao T. and Han W. for helpful Reisdorf W. and Ritter H. G., Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci., 1997,47: 663--709 2 Sorge H., Phys. Rev. Lett., 1999, 82: 2048--2051 3 Kolb P., Sollfrank J., and Heinz U., Phys. Lett., 1999, B459: 667--672 4 Teaney D. and Shuryak E. V., Phys. Rev. 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FengLan Shao
Yun-fei Wang, Feng-lan Shao, Jun Song, De-ming Wei, Qu-bing Xie
Centrality dependence of $p_{T}$ spectra for identified hadrons in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200$ GeV
7 pages, 6 figures
Chinese Physics C32, 976 (2008)
The centrality dependence of transverse momentum spectra for identified hadrons at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200$ GeV is systematically studied in a quark combination model. The $\mathrm{{p}_{T}}$ spectra of $\pi^{\pm}$, $K^{\pm}$, $p(\bar{p})$ and $\Lambda(\bar{\Lambda})$ in different centrality bins and the nuclear modification factors ($R_{CP}$) for these hadrons are calculated. The centrality dependence of the average collective transverse velocity $<\beta (r)>$ for the hot and dense quark matter is obtained in Au+Au collisions, and it is applied to a relative smaller Cu+Cu collision system. The centrality dependence of $\mathrm{{p}_{T}}$ spectra and the $R_{CP}$ for $\pi^{0}$, $K_{s}^{0}$ and $\Lambda$ in Cu+Cu collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200$ GeV are well described. The results show that $<\beta (r)>$ is only a function of the number of participants $N_{part}$ and it is independent of the collision system.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 19 Feb 2008 02:36:33 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 5 Mar 2009 07:22:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Yun-fei", "" ], [ "Shao", "Feng-lan", "" ], [ "Song", "Jun", "" ], [ "Wei", "De-ming", "" ], [ "Xie", "Qu-bing", "" ] ]
2De-ming Wei, Feng-lan Shao, Jun Song, Yun-fei Wang in forward rapidity region carries some information of leading particle s produced in collisions9. The experimental data about the charged-particle pseudo-rap idity density in both Au+Au and Cu+Cu collision systems have been present ed by the PHOBOS the PHENIX collaboration14, and the The data for the scaled and shifted pseudo-rapidity exhibit the limiting fragmentation phenomenon in both Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at different energies and of partons19-24, Partonic QCM29-31 have been made to described many observations. In our previous w ork29, using a Gaussian-like shape rapidity distribution for constituent quarks a s a result of the Landau hydrodynamic evolution32,33, we have presented the of charged particles in Au+Au collisions as a function of c and energy. The calculation results are in good agrement with the data in central collisions. In peripheral collisions, our predictions are sligh tly lower than data in high rapidity range. The reason may be that we have not cons idered the contribution of leading particles. In present work, taking into acco unt the leading particle influence, we apply a three-fireball picture9,34,35to describe the evolution of the hot and dense quark matter produced in collisions, and obtain the of the constituent quarks just before hadronization . Then let quarks combine into initial hadrons according to a quar k and allow the resonances in the initial hadrons to further deca y into final hadrons with the help of the event generator PYTHIA 6.136. 2. Three-fireball picture and quark combination model In this section, we introduce the three-fireball picture, which is us ed to describe the rapidity distribution of quark and antiquarksjust before hadroniz ation. In addition, we briefly introduce the QCM which describes the hadronization of th ese quarks and antiquarks produced in picture It is known that the nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC energies are n either fully stopped nor fully penetrated. As the incident nuclei penetrate th rough the target nuclei, the most of the collision energy is deposited in collision region to f orm a big central fireball, and the penetrating quark matter forms two s mall fireballs, i.e. target and projectile fireballs, in forward rapidity region. The ch arged distribution is the total contributions from the thr ee fireballs. The big central fireball which contains the main part of collision energ y, controls the rough shape of charged particle pseudorapidity distribution (w idth and evolution Here we use a Gaussian-type rapidity distribution fo r as a result of the Landau hydrodynamic system size and energy dependences of charged- particle pseudo-rapidity distribution 3 f(y) (2) Here,Eis the effective energy offered by per participant pair, and it is used t o produce the central fireball. mpis proton mass and csis the sound velocity. ocis the energy in the volume of a free hadron at hadronization. All quarks a nd anti-quarks in the central fireball are within the rapidity range [ (3) The quarknumber in the big central fireball c an be obtained from a simple quark production (4) where the parameter b3.6 GeV, and the parameter a=bm-1 4,mis averaged quark mass and it is taken to be 0.36 GeV, they are the same with Ref. 29. The two penetrating fireballs mainly consist of leading light quarks. We also adopt a Gaussian type rapidity distribution for leading quarks f'(y) the total quark number in the penetrating target and the rapidity center for target and projectile Rapidity distribution range of quarks in the center of mass frame for target fireball and y[ymax,ybeam] for projectile In this work, the spectrum width of penetrating fire balls is taken to be s'= 0.18. The total energy of the three fireballs in nucleus-nucleus collisions total energy of the two penetrating fireballs. The average numb er of quarks in penetrating projectile and target fireballs determined (7)4De-ming Wei, Feng-lan Shao, Jun Song, Yun-fei the average energy of each quark in the penetrating projective /target fire- balls, and it can be written the transverse mass of leading quarks. The pTof leading quarks is approximately taken to be 0.25 GeV, one third of the value of net-proton at forward rapidity y341. 3. The quark combination model The QCM was first proposed for high energy and recently it wasextended of initially produced ground state mesons (36 -plets) and baryons (56 - plets). In principle the model can also be applied to the production of excit ed states 43. These hadrons through combination of constituent quarks are t hen allowed to decay into the final state hadrons. We take into account the deca y contributions of all resonances of 56 -pletsbaryons and 36 -pletsmesons, and cover all available decay channels by using the decay program of PYTHIA 6.136. The main idea is to line up Nqquarks and anti-quarks in a one-dimensional order in phase space, e.g. in rapidity, and let them combine into initial hadrons one by one follo wing a combination rule (see section 2 of Ref. 42 for a short description of such a rule). We note that it is very straightforward to define the combination in one space, but it is highly complicated to do it in two or three dimensio nal phase space44. The flavor SU(3) symmetry with strangeness suppression in the y ields of initially produced hadrons is fulfilled in the model30,43. 4. Centrality, system size and energy dependence pseudo-rapidity distribution In this section, we will study the system size, energy and centrality dependence of pseudorapidity distribution of charged particles, and multiplicity d istribution in mid and forward rapidity range respectively in relativistic heavy ion c if the particle production mechanisms in A+A collisions at RI CH and LHC are the same, we predict the energy and centrality dependenc es part/2>|e0. From Eq. (6), we can see that there is only one free variable, i.e. EorE(T+P), which should be determined from the experimental data. In the pre sent work, we determine the effective energy Efor central fireball by fitting the Au+Au collisions ats= 130 GeV. Then the quark number be naturally obtained. Using this method, we get the leading quark number in different collision centralities and para meterize itCentrality, system size and energy dependences of charged- particle pseudo-rapidity distribution -2 0 2 -2 0 2 4 Fig. 1. Charged hadron pseudo-rapidity distributions for d ifferent centralities in Au+Au colli- sions atsNN= 200 GeV. The lines are our results and the points are data tak en from PHOBOS. as the function of nucleon participants (9) At other energies, basing on the relation between the number of lea ding quarks and the centrality, we can get E, and the pseudorapidity distribution in within a quark combination model. Applying Eq. (9) to other RHIC energies, we firstly calculate the cha rged par- ticle pseudorapidity distributions for different centralities in Au+Au c ollisions atsNN= 200 GeV. The data are taken from PHOBOS11,12. The results are shown in Fig. 1. The dashed lines are the contribution from the central fire balls. The dot- ted lines in the forward pseudorapidity range show the contribution s of and projectile fireballs respectively. The solid lines are the to tal contribution of the three fireballs. One can see that our results are in good agre ement with the data. In addition, we find that the contribution from leading particle s increases with the decrease of the collision centralities . We also give the results of atsNN=19.6, 62.4 GeV, and they are shown in Fig. 2. The data are taken from PHOBOS11,12. The agreement of Wei, Feng-lan Shao, Jun Song, Yun-fei Au+Au 62.4 -2 0 4 Au+Au 19.6 Gev -4 -2 0 4 2 Fig.2. Charged hadron pseudo-rapidity inAu+Au GeV. The lines are our results and the points are d ata taken from PHOBOS. results with the data is Fig. 3 showsthe char distributions in most central Au+Au collisions atsNN=19.6, 62.4, 130 and 200 GeV. The results indicate that the contribution from leading particles to s increases with the decrease of collision PHOBOS Collaboration have presented the data on charg distributions in Cu+Cu collisions atsNN=62.4, 200 GeV13. The other goal of this paper is to investigate the systematic dependen ce of in nuclear collision at RHIC energies, in terms of overall We apply Eq. (9) to Cu+Cu collisions, and give the charged distributions as a function of centrality atsNN=62.4, 200 GeV. The results are shown in Fig. 4, and compared with the data. As we ca n see, our re- sults are roughly consistent with the experimental data, but are s lightly lower than the data in the mid-rapidity range, especially for the central Cu+Cu collisions. The reason may be that we did not consider the difference between the c ollision ge- ometry in Cu+Cu and Au+Au, even at the same Npartin Eq. (9), especially for the central Cu+Cu collisions. The two system have same shape, whic h indicate a similarity particle production mechanism between Au+Au and Cu+Cu, t he results is the same as Ref. 45. Following that, we think the Au+Au and Pb+Pb c ollisions have the same particle production mechanism, so we predict the pse udorapidity dis- tribution and charged particle multiplicity in Pb+Pb collisions atsNN=5.5 TeV in the followings. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is scheduled to begin operation in May 2008. The most pressing issue for the early days at the LHC is to establish t he global fea- tures of heavy ion collisions. This involves the estimation of the inclusiv e system size and energy dependences of charged- particle pseudo-rapidity distribution -2 0 2 -2 0 2 3. The energy dependence of charged particles pseudo-r apidity distributions in most central Au+Au collisions. The lines are our results. The data are tak en from PHOBOS. particle yield and the charged pseudorapidity distribution and so on. In this work, extending Eq. (9) to LHC energy, we can predict the charged part icle pseudora- pidity distribution as a function of centrality in Pb+Pb collisions. As an e xample, we calculate the most central Pb+Pb collisions atsNN= 5500 GeV in Fig. 5. The total charged-particle multiplicity is about 18170, and pseudor apidity about 1630. Note that the sound velocity is taken be 1/3. To separatethe trivialkinematic broadeningofthe fromthe more interesting dynamics, we also study the scaled, shifted pseudorap idity wheree'=e-ybeam, in most central Au+Au, Cu+Cu and Pb+Pb collisions at different energies. The calculation results are sho wn in Fig. 6. We observe that the data at various energies and systems fall on a common centrality dependence of Nch/ < N < N 62.4, 130, 200 GeV in Au+Au collisions (open symbol) com- pared with the data (solid symbol) taken from PHOBOS13and the prediction at 5500 GeV in Pb+Pb collisions (the solid line) are shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 8 shows the c.m. energy dependence of Nch/ < N RHIC to LHC predicted by the QCM (the lines). It shows that theNch/ < N < N part/2>|e0from RHIC to LHC can grow at logarithmically withsNN.8De-ming Wei, Feng-lan Shao, Jun Song, Yun-fei -2.5 0 2.5 -2.5 0 2.5 5Cu+Cu 200GeV(b) e Fig. 4. Particles pseudo-rapidity distributions for differ ent centralities in Cu+Cu collisions atsNN=62.4, 200 GeV. The lines are our results, and the data are tak en from PHOBOS. 5. summery Within a combination model, we study the charged particle pseudo-ra pidity distri- butions in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collision systems as a function of collision ce ntrality and energy (sNN= 19.6,62.4,130 and 200 GeV), in full pseudo-rapidity range. We use a toy model, i.e. three fireballs, to describe the evolution of th e hot and dense quark matter produced in collisions. The big central fireball w hich carries the main part of collision energy controls the rough shape of the cha rged We apply the dynamicmodel to describe the the evolution ofhighly excited and possibly deconfine d in the big central fireball. As a result, we obtain a Gaussian- type rapidity spectra of constituent quarks before hadronization. The other two small fireballs in foreword rapidity carry the information of the leading particles. W e also use a Gaussian-type rapidity spectra of constituent quarks before ha dronization. Then we use our combination model to describe the hadronization of initially produced hadrons including resonances, whose decays are dealt with by the e vent d- particle pseudo-rapidity distribution in Au + Au collisions for different c entralities at 130 GeV, we extract the centrality dependence of the average number of leading quarks from the data. Then we extend it to other RHIC energies. W e calculate the charged particle pseudo-rapidity distributions in both Au+Au and Cu +Cu as a function of collision centrality, atsNN= 19.6, 62.4 and 200 GeV, in full pseudo-rapidity range. The calculation results are in good agr eement withCentrality, system size and energy dependences of charged- particle pseudo-rapidity distribution -5 0 5 10 edNch/de Fig. 5. Charged particles pseudorapidity distributions ca lculated by QCM in most central Pb+Pb collisions ats= 5.5 density from more interesting dynamics, we compute the sc aled and density distributions energies 19.6, 62.4, 130 and 200 GeV. The good agreement wit h data is found. Furthermore, we predict the total multiplicity and pseudo- rapidity distri- bution for the charged particles in most central Pb+Pb collisions atsNN= 5.5 TeV. Through investigating detailed s, we find that: from leading particles to s increases with the de- crease of the collision centrality and energy respectively; (ii)The nu mber of is, independent of collision energy, only a function of nucleo n the same system; (iii)If Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at the same co lli- sion energy are selected to have the same Npart, the resulting of charged are nearly identical, both in the mid-rapidity particle den sity and the width of the distribution. This is true for both 62.4 GeV and 20 0 GeV data. (iv)The limiting fragmentation phenomenon is reproduced. Fu rthermore, we predict the total multiplicity and pseudorapidity distribution for the charged parti-10De-ming Wei, Feng-lan Shao, Jun Song, Yun-fei -5 -2.5 0 2.55500 GeV (Pb+Pb) 200 GeV (Au+Au) 200 GeV (Cu+Cu) 130 GeV (Au+Au) 62.4 GeV (Au+Au) 62.4 GeV (Cu+Cu) 19.6 Gev 6. The scaled, shifted pseudorapidity density GeV in most cen- tral Au+Au,Cu+Cu,and Pb+Pb collisions ats=5.5TeV. The lines are our results, the symbols are data taken from PHOBOS. cles in Pb+Pb collisions atsNN= 5.5 TeV, and find the Nch/ < N < N part/2>|e0from RHIC to LHC can grow at logarithmically authors thank Qu-bing Xie, Wei-han and Tao-yao for helpful dis cussions. The work is supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundat ion of China under the grant 10775089 and Xin-Nian Wang and Gyulassy Miklos, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86: 3496 (2001). 2. Shi-Yuan Li and Xin-Nian Wang, Phys. Lett. B 527, p. 85 (2002). 3. D. Kharzeev and M. Nardi, Phys. Lett. B 507, 121 (2001). 4. D. Kharzeev and E. Levin, Phys. Lett. B 523, 79 (2001). 5. A. Capella and D. Sousa, Phys. Lett. B 511, p. 185 (2001). 6. J. Dias de Deus and R. Ugoccioni, Phys. Lett. B 494, 53 system size and energy dependences of charged- particle pseudo-rapidity distribution 11 Fig. 7. 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FengLan Shao
De-ming Wei, Feng-lan Shao, Jun Song, Yun-fei Wang
Centrality, system size and energy dependences of charged-particle pseudo-rapidity distribution
12 pages, 8 figures
Utilizing the three-fireball picture within the quark combination model, we study systematically the charged particle pseudorapidity distributions in both Au+Au and Cu+Cu collision systems as a function of collision centrality and energy, $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=$ 19.6, 62.4, 130 and 200 GeV, in full pseudorapidity range. We find that: (i)the contribution from leading particles to $dN_{ch}/d\eta$ distributions increases with the decrease of the collision centrality and energy respectively; (ii)the number of the leading particles is almost independent of the collision energy, but it does depend on the nucleon participants $N_{part}$; (iii)if Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at the same collision energy are selected to have the same $N_{part}$, the resulting of charged particle $dN/d\eta$ distributions are nearly identical, both in the mid-rapidity particle density and the width of the distribution. This is true for both 62.4 GeV and 200 GeV data. (iv)the limiting fragmentation phenomenon is reproduced. (iiv) we predict the total multiplicity and pseudorapidity distribution for the charged particles in Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 5.5$ TeV. Finally, we give a qualitative analysis of the $N_{ch}/<N_{part}/2>$ and $dN_{ch}/d\eta/<N_{part}/2>|_{\eta\approx0}$ as function of $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ and $N_{part}$ from RHIC to LHC.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 19 Feb 2008 06:38:26 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 5 Mar 2009 12:40:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wei", "De-ming", "" ], [ "Shao", "Feng-lan", "" ], [ "Song", "Jun", "" ], [ "Wang", "Yun-fei", "" ] ]
I. the last few years, several models have b een introduced in an attempt to deal with the hierarchy problem. These models can lead t o rather unique and spectacular signatures at Terascale colliders such as the LHC and I LC. In higher dimensions, it is known that the Einstein-Hilbert (EH) Lagrangian, R, can only be regarded as the first order term in an effective action, so one may on general grounds ex pect that as one probes energies approaching the fundamental scale, significant deviation s from EH expectations are likely to appear. This motivates one to consider the more general cla ss of presence of higher curvature terms can also be seen in the ren ormalization of quantum field theory in curved spacetime [1], or in the construction of low ener gy effective action th quite special, whose Lagrangian consist of the dimensionally extend ed Euler densities. This Lagrangian is obtained by Lovelock as he tried to calculate the mo st general tensor that satisfies properties of Einstein's tensor in higher dimensions [3]. Since the Lovelock tensor contains derivatives of metrics of order not higher than tw o, the quantization of linearized Lovelock theory is free of ghosts [4]. Thus, it is natural to study the effects of higher curvature terms on the properties and thermodynamics of black holes. Accepting the nonlinear terms of the invariants constructed by Rie mann tensor on the gravity side of the action, it seems natural to add the nonlinear ter ms in the matter action too. Thus, in the presence of an electromagnetic field, it is worthwh ile to apply the action of Born-Infeld [5] instead of the Maxwell action. In this paper, we g eneralize static and rotating black hole solutions of third order Lovelock gravity in the pr esence of Maxwell field [6, 7] to the case of these solutions in the presence of nonlinear electromagnetic fields. Indeed, it is interesting to explore new black hole solutions in higher cu rvature gravity and investigate which properties of black holes are peculiar to Einste in gravity, and which are robust features of all generally covariant theories of gravity . The first aim to relate the nonlinear electrodynamics and gravity has been done by Hoffman n [8]. He obtained a solution of the Einstein equations for a pointlike Born-Infeld charge , which is devoid of the divergence of the metric at the origin that characterizes the Reiss ner-Nordstr om a conical singularity remained there, as it was later objec ted by Einstein and Rosen. The spherically symmetric solutions in g ravity with or without a cosmological constant have been considered by many authors [9 , 10], while the of this theory is investigated in [11]. Also, these kinds of solu tions in the presence of a dilaton field have been introduced in [12]. The static black hole solut ions of gravity have been constructed in Ref. [13], and the rotating solution of this theory has been considered in [14]. The out line of our paper is as follows. We present the topological blac k holes of third order Lovelock gravity inthepresence ofBorn-Infeld fieldinSec. I I. InSec. III, wecalculate the thermodynamic quantities of asymptotically flat solutions and inv estigate the first law of thermodynamics. In Sec. IV we introduce the rotating solutions with flat horizon and compute the thermodynamic and conserved quantities of them. We also perform a of the solutions both in canonical and grand canonical ense mble. We finish our paper with some concluding remarks. II. TOPOLOGICAL BLACK HOLES The action of third order Lovelock gravity in the presence of nonline ar Born-Infeld field (1) where L is the cosmological constant, a2anda3are the second and third order Lagrangian, the Gauss-Bonnet Lagrangian, L3= the third order Lovelock Lagrangian, and L(F) is the Born-Infeld Lagrangian given as L(F) = (3) In the limit b- ,L(F) reduces to the standard Maxwell form L(F) =-F2, Varying the action (1) with respect to the metric tensor vector field Authe equations of gravitation and electromagnetic fields are obtained 0, the Einstein tensor, and the second and third order Lovelock tensors given as [15]: G(2) un= (7) Here we want to obtain the ( n+1)-dimensional static solutions of Eqs. (4) and (5). We assume that the metric has the following k= k= 0 represents the line element of an ( n-1)-dimensional hypersurface with constant volume Vn-1. Using Eq. (5), one can show that the vector potential can be writt en (9) 4whereqis an integration constant which is related to the charge parameter Eq. (9) and throughout the paper, we use the following abbrevia tion for the hypergeo- metric (10) The hypergeometric function (e)-1 ase-0 (b- ) and therefore Auof Eq. (9) reduces to the gauge potential of Maxwell field. One may show that the metric function f(r) (11) g(r) = the field equations (4) in the special the mass parameter. Solutions of Gauss-Bonnet gravity are not real in the whole range 0<=r <and one needs a transformation to make them real [14, 16]. But, h ere the metric function f(r) is real in the whole range 0 <=r <. In order to consider the asymptotic behavior of the solution, we pu tm=q= 0 where the metric function reduces to f(r) (13) Equation (13) shows that the asymptotic behavior of the solution is AdS or dS provided L<0 or L>0. The case of asymptotic flat solutions (L = 0) is permitted only for k= 1. As in the case of black holes of gravity [13, 14], the above metric given by Eqs. (8), (11) and (12) has an essential timelike sing ularity at r= 0. Seeking possible black hole solutions, we turn to looking for the existe nce of horizons. The event horizon(s), if there exists any, is (are) located at the root (s) ofgrr=f(r) = 0. Denoting the largest real root of f(r) byr+, we consider first the case that f(r) has only one real root. In this case f(r) is minimum at r+and therefore f'(r+) = 0. That 0. (14) 5One can find the extremal value of mass, mext, in terms of parameters of metric function by finding r+from Eq. (14) and inserting it into equation f(r+) = 0. Then, the metric of Eqs. (8), (11) and (12) presents a black hole solution with inner and outer event m > m ext, an extreme black hole for is zero since it is proportional to f'(r+)] and a naked singularity otherwise. It is a matter of calculation to show that mextfork= 0 Hawking temperature of the black holes can be easily obtained by requiring the ab- sence of conical singularity at the horizon in the Euclidean sector of the black hole solutions. One is worthwhile to note that T+is zero for m=mext. III. THERMODYNAMICS OF ASYMPTOTICALLY FLAT BLACK HOLES FOR k= 1 In this section, we consider the thermodynamics of spherically symm etric black holes which are asymptotically flat. This is due to the fact that only the ent ropy of holes of Lovelock gravity is well known [17]. Usually entropy of bla ck holes satisfies the so-called area law of entropy which states that the black hole en tropy equals one-quarter of the horizon area [18]. One of the surprising and impressive featur es of this area law of entropy is its universality. It applies to all kinds of black holes and blac k strings of Einstein gravity [19]. However, in higher derivative gravity the area law of ent ropy is not satisfied in general [20]. It is known that the entropy of asymptotically flat bla ck holes of Lovelock gravity is (17) where the integration is done on the ( n-1)-dimensional spacelike hypersurface of the Killing horizon, ~gunis the induced metric on it, ~ gis the determinant of ~ gun, and~Lkis thekth order 6Lovelock Lagrangian of ~ gun. Thus, the entropy for asymptotically flat black holes in third order Lovelock gravity andRicci tensors and ~Risthe Ricci scalar forthe induced metric ~gabon the horizon. It is a matter of calculation to show that th e entropy of black holes (19) The charge of the black hole can be found by calculating the flux of th e electric field at infinity, (20) The electric potential Ph, measured at infinity with respect to the ho rizon, is defined by Ph the null generator of the horizon. One finds Ph the metric at large r. It is easy to show that the mass of the black hole thefirst Using theexpre ssion charge, and the mass given in Eqs. (19), (20) and (23), and th e fact that f(r+) = 0, Eq. (24) r+is the real root of Eq. (19) which is a function of S. One may then regard the parameters SandQas a complete set of extensive parameters for the mass M(S,Q) and define the intensive parameters conjugate to them. These quant ities are the temperature and the electric (25) Computing M/r +andS/r +and using the chain rule, it is easy to show that the intensive quantities calculated by Eq. (25) coincide with Eqs. (16) an d (22), the thermodynamic quantities calculated in Eqs. (16) and (22 ) satisfy the first law (26) IV. THERMODYNAMICS OF ASYMPTOTICALLY ADS ROTATING BLACK BRANES WITH FLAT HORIZON Now, we want to endow our spacetime solution (8) for k= 0 with a global rotation. These kinds of rotating solutions in Einstein gravity have been introd uced in [21]. In order to add angular momentum to the spacetime, we perform the following rotation boost in (27) fori= 1...[n/2], where [ x] is the integer part of x. The maximum number of is due to the fact that the rotation group in n+ 1 dimensions is SO(n) and therefore the number of independent rotation parameters is [ n/2]. Thus the metric of AdS rotating solution with p<=[n/2] rotation parameters for flat horizon can be written (28) where Ks Using Eq. (5), one can show that the vector potential can be written sum on i). (29) 8One can obtain the temperature and angular momentum of the even t horizon by of the metric. One Next, we calculate the electric charge and potential of the solut ions. The electric charge per unit volume Vn-1can be found by calculating the flux of the electric field at infinity, (32) Using Eq. (21) and the fact that the null generator of the horizon, the electric potential Ph is obtained as Ph (33) A. Conserved quantities of the solutions Here, we calculate the action and conserved quantities of the black brane solutions. In general quantities ofthespacetime are divergent solutions. A systematic method of dealing with this divergence fo r asymptotically AdS solutions of Einstein gravity is through the use of the counterterm s method inspired by the anti-de Sitter conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondenc e [22]. For solutions of Lovelock gravity with flat boundary, /hatwideRabcd(g) = 0, the finite action is [7, (35) l= (1-3a l2)1/3. (36) One may note that Lreduces to lasagoes to zero. The first integral in Eq. (34) is a boundary term which is chosen such that the variational principle is w ell defined. In and L3b= induced metric and trace of extrinsic curvature of boundary, then-dimensional Einstein and second order Lovelock tensors (Eq. (6) ) of the trace (38) Using Eqs. (1) and (34), the finite action per unit volume Vn-1can be calculated (39) Using the Brown-York method [24], the finite energy-momentum ten sor the conserved quantities associated with the Killing vectors (42) which are the mass and angular momentum of the solution. Now using Gibbs-Duhem (43) and Eqs. (33), (39) and (41)-(42) one (44) for the entropy per unit volume Vn-1. This shows that the entropy obeys the area law for our case where the horizon is flat. 10B. Stability of the all the thermodynamic and conserved quantities of the b lack brane solutions, we now check the first law of thermodynamics for our solutions with fl at horizon. We obtain the mass as a function of the extensive quantities S,J, andQ. Using the expression for charge mass, angular momenta and entropy given in Eqs. (32), (41 ), (42), (44) and the fact thatf(r+) = 0, one can obtain a Smarr-type formula as M(S,J,Q) Ks2is the positive real root of the following S,Ji's, andQasacomplete set ofextensive parameters for the mass M(S,J,Q) and define the intensive parameters conjugate to them. These quantities are the temperature, the angular velocities, and the ele ctric calculations show that the intensive quantities ca lculated by Eq. (47) coin- cide with Eqs. (30), (31) and (33). Thus, these quantities satisfy the first law of we investigate the local stability of charged rotating black br ane solutions of third order Lovelock gravity in the presence of nonlinear electrody namic Born-Infeld field in the canonical and grand canonical ensembles. In the canonical en semble, the positivity of the heat capacity therefore the positivity of ( to ensure the local stability. Using the fact is easy to show of the two terms of Eq. (48) are positive, and therefore the condition for in the canonical ensemble is with respect to its extensive variables Xi,HM XiXj= (2M/X iXj), is sufficient to ensure the local stability. It is a matter of calculation to show tha t the determinant (49) shows that the determinant of the Hessian matrix is p ositive, and therefore the solution is stable in the grand canonical ensemble too. The stabilit y analysis given here shows that the higher curvature and nonlinear Maxwell terms in the action have no effect on the stability of black holes with flat horizon, and these kinds of black holes stable as in the case of toroidal black holes of Eins tein-Maxwell gravity [25]. This phase behavior is also commensurate with the fact that the re is no for a black object whose horizon is diffeomorphic to Rpand therefore the system is always in the high temperature phase [26]. V. CLOSING REMARKS In this paper we considered both the nonlinear scalar terms constr ucting from the cur- vature tensor and electromagnetic field tensor in gravitational ac tion, which are on similar footing with regard to the string corrections on gravity and electr odynamic sides. We pre- sented static topological black hole solutions of third order Loveloc k gravity in the presence of Born-Infeld gravity, which are asymptotically AdS for negative c osmological constant, dS for positive L. For the case of solutions with positive curvature hor izon (k= 1), one can also have asymptotically flat solutions provided L = 0. The topological solutions obtained in this paper may be interpreted as black holes with two inner and oute r event horizons for m > m ext, extreme black holes for m=mextor naked singularity otherwise. We found that these solutions reduce to the solutions of gr avity as the Lovelock coef- ficients vanish, and reduce to the solutions of third order Lovelock gravity in the presence of Maxwell field as bgoes to infinity [6]. We consider thermodynamics of solutions and found that the first law of thermodynamics is satis fied by the conserved and thermodynamic quantities of the black hole. We also consider the rotating solution with flat horizon and computed the action and conserved quantities of it through the use of counterterm method. We found that the entropy obeys the ar ea law for black branes with flat horizon. We obtained a Smarr-type formula for the mass of the black brane as a function of the entropy, the charge, and the angular momenta, a nd found that the conserved and thermodynamics quantities satisfy the first law of thermodyna mics. We also studied the phase behavior of the ( n+1)-dimensional rotating black branes in third order Lovelock gravity and showed that there is no Hawking-Page phase transition in spite of the angular momenta of the branes and the presence of a nonlinear electromag netic field. Indeed, we calculated the heat capacity and the determinant of the Hessian ma trix of the mass with respect to S,J, andQof the black branes and found that they are positive for all the pha se space, which means that the brane is locally stable for all the allowed v alues of the work has been supported by Research Institute for Astroph ysics and Astronomy of Maragha. [1] N. D. Birrell and P. C. W. Davies, Quantum Fields in Curved Space, (Cambridge Cambridge, England, 1982). [2] M. B. Greens, J.H. Schwarz andE. Witten, SuperstringThe ory, (Cambridge University England, 1987); D. Lust and S. Theusen, Lectures on String Theory, 1989); J.Polchinski, D. Lovelock, J. Math. Phys. 12, 498 (1971); N. Deruelle and L. 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M. Hossein Dehghani
M. H. Dehghani, N. Alinejadi and S. H. Hendi
Topological Black Holes in Lovelock-Born-Infeld Gravity
14 pages
In this paper, we present topological black holes of third order Lovelock gravity in the presence of cosmological constant and nonlinear electromagnetic Born-Infeld field. Depending on the metric parameters, these solutions may be interpreted as black hole solutions with inner and outer event horizons, an extreme black hole or naked singularity. We investigate the thermodynamics of asymptotically flat solutions and show that the thermodynamic and conserved quantities of these black holes satisfy the first law of thermodynamic. We also endow the Ricci flat solutions with a global rotation and calculate the finite action and conserved quantities of these class of solutions by using the counterterm method. We compute the entropy through the use of the Gibbs-Duhem relation and find that the entropy obeys the area law. We obtain a Smarr-type formula for the mass as a function of the entropy, the angular momenta, and the charge, and compute temperature, angular velocities, and electric potential and show that these thermodynamic quantities coincide with their values which are computed through the use of geometry. Finally, we perform a stability analysis for this class of solutions in both the canonical and the grand-canonical ensemble and show that the presence of a nonlinear electromagnetic field and higher curvature terms has no effect on the stability of the black branes, and they are stable in the whole phase space.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:50:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 24 May 2008 10:13:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Dehghani", "M. H.", "" ], [ "Alinejadi", "N.", "" ], [ "Hendi", "S. H.", "" ] ]
2 Abstract Signal duration (e.g. the time scales over which an active signaling in termediate persists) is a key regulator of biologi cal decisions in myriad contexts such as cell growth, proliferation, and developmental lineage commitments. Accompanying differences in signal duration are numerous downstream biologi cal processes that require multiple steps of biochemical regulation. Here, we present an analysis that investigates how simple biochemical motifs that involve multiple stag es of regulation can be constructed to differentially process signals that persist at different time scales. We compute the dynamic gain within these networks and resu lting power spectra to better understand how biochemical networks can integrate signals at different time scales. We identify topological features of these ne tworks that allow for different frequency dependent signal processing properties. Our studies suggest de sign principles for w hy signal duration in connection with multiple steps of downstream regulation is a ubiquitous control motif in biochemical systems. 3 Signal duration (e.g. the le ngth of time over which a signaling intermediate is active) is a critical determinant in mediat ing cell decisions in numerous biological processes(Fig. 1) including cell growth, pr oliferation, and developmental lineage commitments (Marshall 1995; Chen et al. 1996; Dolmetsch et al. 1997; Chen et al. 2001; Murphy et al. 2002; Sasagawa et al. 2005; Murphy and Blenis 2006; Santos et al. 2007). One fundamental issue in signal transducti on and cell decision making then is how differences in signal duration are detected to achieve the appropriate biol ogical response. Accompanying changes in signal duration are multiple stages of biochemical regulation of differing network topology that collectively inte grate an incoming signal to deliver a specific biological response. The sequential activation of multiple steps in a biochemical pathway is a ubiquitous regulator y motif involved in many aspects of gene regulation, metabolism, and intracellular signa l transduction. Many advantages of having multiple steps of regulation as opposed to having activation occur through a single step have been documented. A signaling cas cade can allow for attenuation of noise, incorporation of additional regulatory chec kpoints or proofreading steps, and increased tunability of the input signal(Ferrell and Machleder 1998; Asthagiri and Lauffenburger 2001; Swain and Siggia 2002; Thattai and van Oudenaarden 2002). Other studies have also established conditions under which signa ling cascades amplify or attenuate incoming et al. 2002; Chaves et al. 2004; Locasale et al. 2007). These conditions are established by rates of activation, rates of deactivation that are set by phosphatase activities, and the presence of scaffold protei ns. However, how these features synergize to detect differences in signal duration has not been fully studied. 4 A recent study has proposed a model that predicts how signals with different dynamical characteristics can be disti nguished upon integration into network et al. 2007a; Behar et al. 2007b). We develop a formalism to complement their approach and, as a conseque nce, identify general principles for how different network topologies can differentially integrate signals that persist at different time scales. We focus on a simple model of the sequential enzymatic activation of multiple species along a pathway to understa nd mechanistic principles underlying how multiple stages in a biochemical pathway can integrate differences in signal duration. We use a model of a weakly activated cascade(He inrich et al. 2002; Chaves et al. 2004; Bardwell et al. 2007), whose assumptions we first motivate, to investigate general principles underlying how biochemical cascad es detect the time scale dependence of input signals. The model allows us to characterize the dynamics by obtaining exact expressions for the power spectra of bioche mical networks of multiple stages with arbitrary length and connectivity. Our analysis emphasizes how signals that persist at different time scales multiple staged biochemical pathway. We first show that biochemical cascades can function as both high low and high pass filters dependi ng on the topology of the network architecture. A low pass filter removes high frequency (short duration) components of a signal and a high pass filter removes low frequency (long duration) components of a signal. These filtering capabilities are determined by differential positive and negative regulation within the biochemical module th at occurs at different time scales. Importantly, the filtering capab ilities are determined by the presence of feedback as well as the amplification and attenua tion properties at different step s in the cascade that are set 5 by the differences in phosphatase activities at different stages along the cascade. Our findings suggest design princi ples that characterize how biochemical cascades are well suited for detecting time scale dependen t differences in biochemical signals. An input signal, ()ft, activates the first member of the pathway whose activation can then activate the next member. In turn, each upstream species activates its immediate downstream target and can also be deactivated by, for example, a phosphatase. Assuming Michaelis Menten kinetics for the activation and deactivat ion of each species along the cascade, we can write an equation for the dynamics of the active form of the thi speciesix along the cascade: () ()1, ,iT ii i cat i i cat pase pase i iTiMiiiM pasekx x x kE x dx dt Kx xKx-- =- +-+, (1) wherepaseE is the concentration of the enzyme that deactivates species i, ,,ii cat cat pasekk are the catalytic constants of the activation and deactivation steps, ,,ii M M pase kk are the Michaelis constants and T ixis the total amount species avai lable at step i. We take ,,ii M Mp a s e KK at each step to be large (,,ii T M Mp a s e i KK x >) so that the kinetics of the reactions are not limited by the availabili ty of the enzyme(Goldbeter and Koshland 1981). Next, if we assume that the cascade is weakly activated (i.e. at each stage, the total number of species is much larger than the number of active species, T iix x>> ). In many biologically relevant inst ances (e.g. the Mitogen activat ed protein kinase (MAPK) cascade), the neglect of saturati on effects is rg et al. 2005). Further, modeling the deactivation as a first order reac tion is often valid when phosphatases are in 6 excess as is the case in many physiological sc et al. 2003). Eq. 1 simplifies to a system of linear first order differential equations: ()1 11 1 1i ii iidxkft k xdt dxkx kxdt+- +- -=- =- , (2) where the first species is activated at a rate ()1kft+; ,Ti ic a t i MixkkK+= and , ,i pase cat pase i i Mp a s eEkkK+= . The weakly activated cascade model has th e advantage that it is analytically tractable. Eq. 2 can be conveniently an alyzed by introducing Fourier transformed variables: () ( )it iiX dte x too=and () ()itFd t e f too=. The number of activated species at stage i becomes ()()1 The power spectrum () ()2 iiPXoo at the thi step can be obtained ()() ()()2 1 22i ii ik PP ko o o+ --= +. After iterating at each successive stage of the n step cascade, an expression for ()nPoas a function of the power spectrum of the input signal ( () ()2SFoo ) is obtained: ()()()nnPg Sooo= , (3) in which a frequency dependent gain ()ngo is defined as: + . (4) 7 ()ngois a transfer function that converts the input ()Sointo a response and provides a measure of the signal processing capabilities of the network. The change in the amplitude of the signal output is determined by the 2 1n i i ik k+ - = term and the time scale dependence of the output is modulated by the 12 11n i iko- - = + term. From the formula of ()ngo, one consequence of having multiple stages is readily apparent. In the high frequency regime 1 iko ->> , for each ik-, ()ngorapidly decays with increasing n (()2~n ngoo-). Thus, longer cascades are more efficient at filtering the high frequency components of the signal from the output. This behavior is illustrated in Fig. 2b. Fig. 2b contains plots of ()ngofor different values of n; cascades of lengths 1, 2, 3, 4n= are shown. In eq. 4, the relative values of ik-along different stages of the cascade also affects the scaling behavior of ()ngoas ochanges as well as the overall amplitude. The change in signal amplitude at the steady state (that lead s to amplification or attenuation) at step i is given by the ratio of the effective rate constants for activation and deactivation i ik k+ -. in signal amplification and 1i ik k+ -< leads to attenuation of the signal at step i (Heinrich et al. 2002; Chaves et al. 2004). Amplification or attenuation also leads to different frequency de pendent behaviors of ()ngo. For example, consider an n staged 8 cascade with rate constants ik-such that 12 2 1 ...nn nkk k kk--- - - -->> > . At frequencies nko->, ()2~n ngoo-while at frequencies 1 nnkko- - ->> , ()() 21~n ngoo--and so forth. Thus, at intermediate frequencies, a time scale separation (as determined by different deactivation rates along the cas cade), along with signal amplif ication and attenuation, also leads to different fre quency dependent behaviors of ()ngo. Fig. 2c contains plots of ()ngofor 1, 2, 3, 4n= with successively different values of ik-while keeping 1.0i ik k+ -= fixed (11.0k-= , 23.3 k-= , 36.6 k-= , 410.0k-= ). Also, from the plots in Fig. 2c (and inspection of eq. 4) , it is observed that in corporation of faster steps along the cascade influences the frequency dependence of ()ngoless than would be case when kinetics of activation are same for each successive step. The faster steps are effectively removed from ()ngo. This observation suggests a design principle in the ability of a biochemical pathway to filter signals of short durati on: when there is a positive gradient of deactivation rates (that also leads to amplification or attenuation of signal amplitude), the time scale dependence of signal integration for multi staged cascades more closely resembles th at of a pathway involving a single step. While the sequential activation of multiple steps in a biochemical pathway allows for effective filtering of the high frequency components of a signal, often the desired signal output is regulated by feedback. We w ill now show that feedback control in some instances also allows for the filtering of the low frequency (long time) components of an active signal. In these instances, signals that occur at short times can be integrated while signals with a longer duration ar e effectively filtered. 9 For instance, the signal output can be aff ected by a feedback loop that is initiated downstream of the output. This scenario would be the case when the signal output from a biochemical cascade activates its own positive or negative regulators. For instance, in mammalian cells, the activation of extra cellula r regulatory kinase (ERK) often leads to the upregulation or activation of its own et al. 2007). In this scenario, signal output is activity of the kinase at the thm step and feedback c ontrol to the signal output at step m is initiated at a later step (i.e. nm>) then the modified set of dynamical equations becomes: ()1 11 1 1f m mm mm ndxkft k xdt dxkx kx + (5) where fkis the feedback strength and sets the time scale of the feedback and 1; 1;positive feedbacku=-. After applying a Fourier transformation as before, an expression for ()f mPo, albeit now more complicated, can be obtained as a function of ()So in closed-form: ()()()ff mmPg Sooo= , (6) () ()()()()() () () ()() ()() () () () ()()()()() 2 2 2 2 222 2 2 11 1 1 11 22 222 2 112 2mi m n m f m i ii ii ii m i i m i nm f ii ii nn m f ii m i i im im ik g k kk kk k k k k k kk k kk k k k ko o o oo o u ou o o+ -= + = -- -- + - + - == + = = = ++ == - -- - + - == + == + + ++ + + + + ++- + + 1 1m i= (7). In the case of feedback regulation, th ere exists a competition between processes that are realized on multiple time scales: one for the signal to propagate along the cascade to the species involved in the signal output, and the others for the additional interactionss derived from the feedback loops to propagate and interact w ith the species involved in the output. The competition between these effect s in principle may lead to a frequency dependent optimal value of ()f mgo. At high frequencies as before, signal propagation is limited by the time it takes to move through the cascade and high frequency components of ()f mgoare filtered. Also, at low frequencies, signals can potenti ally be attenuated when the response is dominated by the activity of the feedback loop. If the feedback loops is sufficiently strong, then the low frequency components of the signal are also filtered by the cascade. In this scenario, the behavior of ()f mgowould non monotonic. We illustrate these ideas through consider ation of a three tiered cascade that consists of a chemical species carrying the i nput signal, a species c onferring the signal output, and a species activated downstream to the output that provides a feedback 11 interaction to the species conferring the signal output. In this scheme, 1m= and 2n=, and eq. 7 is simplified and ()1fgo becomes: ()()() () ( ) ( ) ( )222 12 1 22 222 12 2 1 2 2 2f ffkk g kk kk k k kko o u ou o+- -- + - - ++= -+ + ++. (8) The optimal frequencyoptois obtained by differentiating ()1fgo, ()(){} ()1/21/2 2 22 2 1 2 2 2opt f f kk kk k k k kou++ - - - -=- + -. (9) optoincreases monotonically for decreasing values of2k-and increasing values of fk. For negative feedback 1u=- , optoexists ( Im 0opto=) when (){ }1/4 222 1 2 2 2ffkk kk k k k k++- - - - ++>. Positive feedback 1u=+ requires that two conditions are satisfied for optoto be real, ()1/4 22 1 2 2 2ffkk kk kk k+ +- - - - > and () 22 1 22fkk k k k+- - ->+ . The height at the optimal frequency () 1f opt go is: ()() ()() ( ) {}2 1 122 11 2 2 2 2 1 2 22f opt ff fk g k k kk kk kk k k ko+ -- + + + - - -= -+ + - + . (10) We can also compute the width 1/2oof ()1fgoat half maximum () 1 /2f opt go . 1/2o has the form: () ()1 / 2 1 2 1 13 4 1 2 1 13 4148 2 2 48 2 2 2o g g g ggg g g g ggg=+ + + + - + - + +, (11) where () 12 2 2 1 2 2ffkk kk k k kg++- - -=- +, ()()22 21 2 2 32f kk k kg- -+=- + , ()2 32 2 2k gg-=+ , and () ()22 41 21 2 2 4f kk kk k kg-- -- +=+ - + . Fig. 3b considers plots of ()1fgofor different 12 feedback strengthsfk. The curves in Fig. 3b illustrate changes in ()1fgo, () 1f opt go , and 1/2o. Fig. 3c illustrates how ()1fgo, () 1f opt go , and 1/2ochange for different values of 2k-. A convenient way to parameterize signals of differing duration, while keeping the total amount of signal ()ft d ta= fixed, is to consider the function tft te t dtt ta- -Th= Th, where ()tTh is a Heaviside step function, dtsets the signal duration, and ais taken to be 1 ( 1a=) in the appropriate units. This form of ()ft models the behavior of a t ypical experimental signaling time course(Murphy and Blenis 2006). For this choice of signal, ()Sois easily computed; ()Sois plotted in Fig. 4a for different values of dt ranging from 1 d2.0t-= (short duration) to 1 d0.1t-= (long duration). The co rresponding plots of ()ft are shown on the inset of Fig. 4a. Figs. 4b,c illustrates how signals ()Soof large (1 d0.5t-= dotted lines) and small (1 d2.0t-= dashed lines) duration are in tegrated by the internal gains ()3goand ()1fgoof these multistage cascades of differi ng network topologies. In Fig. 4b, the signal output ()3Po, upon integration by a three-tiered ki nase cascade is shown. Taking 1.0iikk+-== for 1,2,3i , ()3goeffectively filters the short (1 d2.0t-= ) duration signal and results in an output ()3Poof small magnitude at all time scales 12po-in the 13 frequency spectrum. In contrast , for the signal characterized by1 d0.5t-= , signal processing through ()3goresults in a signal of larger amplitude. The ratio of amplitudes the optimal frequency mode ( 0o=) for the two signals is In Fig. 4c, the signal output ()1fPo, obtained from a signal output that is also affected by a downstream negative ( 1u=- ) feedback loop, is shown. Parameters used are: 12.0 k+= , 21.0 k+= , 11.0k-= , 20.01 k-= , 5.0fk=- . For the signal of long , only the small frequency components of the signal are integrated. This beha vior is in contrast with the signal output of a short duration signal 1 d2.0t-= . The amplitude difference in this case is ,0 . 5 1 ,2 . . We demonstrated how simple network structures involving multiple steps of biochemical regulation can differentially dete ct signals that have different temporal behaviors. Our models illustrate the t opological requirements n eeded for different network motifs to detect signals of differing duration. To illustrate these effects, we computed the frequency dependent internal gain for two clas ses of biochemical pathways involving multiple stages of regulation. The first model consisted of a cascade of steps and showed how changes in the number of st eps as well as the am changed the networks' ability to filter hi gh frequency (short durat ion) components of a signal. The second model consisted of a se quence of steps in which the output is connected to a downstream f eedback loop. The gain in this network can have non monotonic behavior in which th e low frequency components of the signal are also filtered at time scales commensurate with the inducti on of the regulatory loop. This behavior 14 enables the network to filter out signals of long durati on. The minimal topological features of these biochemical networks pr ovide distinct and robust mechanisms for integrating signals that persist with diffe rent characteristic time scales. 15 Fig. 1. Physiological examples of sign al duration determining the phenotypic outcome in signal transduction Four examples of branchi ng physiological processes in which phenotypic decisions are believed to be controlled by th e detection of differences in signal 1995; Murphy et al. 2002; Kortum et al. 2005; Daniels et al. 2006; El Kasmi et al. 2006; Santos et al. 2007). . 16 Fig. 2. Filtering of high frequency signals Time scale dependence of signal integration in a biochemical cascade. a.) the sequential activation of multiple stages in a signaling cascade. Superscripts (I) and (A) denote inactive and active forms of each chemical sp ecies and are dropped from the equations in the text. b.) same kinetic constants, a ll kinetic constants ar e taken to be: 1.0 iikk+-== c.) a positive gradient activati on/deactivation rates keeping 1.0i ik k+ -= fixed. 11.0 k+= , 23.3 k+= , 36.6 k+= , 410.0 k+= 17 Fig. 3.) Filtering of low frequency signals A three tiered biochemical cascade with comp eting processes occurr ing at different time scales is sufficient to filter signals at long tim e scales (Low pass filtering). a.) An initial stimulus activates a downstream species th at confers a signal output and activates a downstream species that, through feedback, inte racts with the species that carries the signal output. Superscripts (I) and (A) denote inactive and active forms of each chemical species and are dropped from the equations in the text. b.) For each plot, these parameter values were taken to be: 1u=- , 112 2 1.0 ; 0.1 kkk k+-+ -=== = . 2.5fk= (solid lines), 1.0fk= (dashed lines), 0.5fk= (dotted lines), 0.1fk= (dash-dotted lines). c.) parameter values were taken to be: 1u=-, 112 1.0f kkkk+-+==== . 20.0 k-= (solid lines), 20.5 k-= (dashed lines), 21.0k-= (dotted lines), 22.0 k-= (dash-dotted lines). 18 Fig 4.) Integration of diffe rences in signal duration a.) Differences in signal dur ation parameterized bydegt; 1 degt- = 0.1 (dash-dotted), 0.5 (dotted), 1.0 (dashed), 2.0 (solid) lines. Plots of () ()2SFoo are shown. Corresponding plots of ()ftare shown in the inset. Short 1 deg 2.0t-= and long 1 deg 0.5t-= duration signals are filtered through b.) ()3go and c.) ()1fgo resulting in b.)()3Po and c.) ()1fPofor 1 deg 2.0t-= (dashed lines) and 1 deg 0.5t-= (dotted lines). Parameters taken to be: b.) c) 12.0 k+= , 21.0 k+= , 11.0k-= , 20.01 k-= , 5.0fk=- . 19 Fig. 1. Adipogenesis Adipogenesis Selection in Negative Selection (Apoptosis) Positive Selection T Cell Stem Cell ---- Signaling Inflammatory Response ResponseSignal Duration Short Process 20 Fig. 2. a.) b.) Signal Output 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 21 c.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 22 Fig. 3. a.) 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Jason Locasale W
Jason W. Locasale
Signal duration and the time scale dependence of signal integration in biochemical pathways
27 pages, 4 figures
q-bio.MN q-bio.SC
Signal duration (e.g. the time scales over which an active signaling intermediate persists) is a key regulator of biological decisions in myriad contexts such as cell growth, proliferation, and developmental lineage commitments. Accompanying differences in signal duration are numerous downstream biological processes that require multiple steps of biochemical regulation. Here, we present an analysis that investigates how simple biochemical motifs that involve multiple stages of regulation can be constructed to differentially process signals that persist at different time scales. We compute the dynamic gain within these networks and resulting power spectra to better understand how biochemical networks can integrate signals at different time scales. We identify topological features of these networks that allow for different frequency dependent signal processing properties. Our studies suggest design principles for why signal duration in connection with multiple steps of downstream regulation is a ubiquitous control motif in biochemical systems.
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[ [ "Locasale", "Jason W.", "" ] ]
Consequently, the strain localizes into narrow deformation bands on the deformed material. According to the kinetics of the formation and displacement of the PLC bands three types of instabilities can be dis tinguished, labeled as type A, type B, and type C [4]. On increasing strain rate and decreasing temperature, one first finds randomly nucleated static bands of type C. Then comes type B band with smaller serrations where marginal spatial correlation gives the impression of hopping propagation. Finally, the continuously propa gating type A band is observed. Type A band is associated with small stress drops. Beyond its importance in metallurgy, PLC effect is a paradigm of a general class of complex nonlinear driven systems lik e earth quake, avalanches of magnetic vortices in superconductors etc. [5,6,7]. But in reality, it is very difficult to analyze all these phenomena. As PLC effect serves as a model system for them, the dynamical study of the PLC effect can give an insight of these comple x systems as well. So this effect has drawn continuous attention. Since PLC effect is very complex, it is very difficult to extract all the information a bout the dynamics from the one dimensional stress-time series data. But it is possible to predict the nature of the underlying dynamics from these experimental data. Aluminium (Al) alloys with nominal pe rcentage of Magnesium (Mg) show the PLC effect at room temperature when the specimens are deformed at a particular range of strain rates. To study the propert y of the type A PLC serrations we have carried out tensile tests on flat Al-2.5%Mg alloy sample s at a strain rate of , where only type A serrations are observed[4]. Tensile tests were conducted on flat specimens Al-2.5%Mg al loy in a servo controlled INSTRON (model 4482) machine. The whole experime nt is conducted in room temperature 311.18 10 s--x 2(300K) and stress-time data was recorded auto matically at a periodic time interval of 0.05s. The stress data obtained during deforma tion shows an increasing drift due to the strain hardening effect. The drift is corrected by the method of polynomial fitting and the analyses were carried out on the corrected data [8]. Fig. 1 shows a typical segment of the drift corrected stress-time curv e. However, it is observed that if the experiment is performed with similar samp les under identical ex perimental condition, the stress-time series data are not identical. This variation is due to the randomness in the initial microstructure of each sample a nd also the stochastic nature of the PLC dynamics. Hence, to capture the intrinsic f eatures of the dynamics of the PLC effect we have carried out the same tensile tests with 25 identical samples and constructed the covariance matrix from these test data for further analysis to capture the features of the dynamics. To extract any dynamical feat ures from an experimental time series, the data has to be stationary in statistical sense. As the first requirement of stationarity, the time series should cover a period of time which is much longer than the longest characteristic time scale that is relevant for the evolution of the system. Autocorrelation time can serve as such a time scale. Fig. 2 shows the autocorrelation function (ACF) of the one dimensional stress -time series data. It is seen that the autocorrelation time (i.e. the time at wh ich the ACF meets zero) is very small compared to the total stretch of experime ntal time under consideration . So we may approximate the PLC effect to be a stationary process [9]. To establish the stationarity on a strong basis, we have calculated the running mean and running standard deviation of the time series data. For a stat ionary process, those quantities should not differ beyond their statistical fluctuations. The statistical fluctuations are extracted from the surrogate data which represent a st ationary process. Here, the surrogates are 3constructed from the Fourier transform of the actual data by introducing random phases, keeping the amplitude constant. Fig. 3 and fig. 4 display the running mean and running standard deviation of actual time series data and its surrogates respectively. It is quite obvious from the figures that fo r the experimental stress-time data, those values vary within their statistical fluctuat ions. So the PLC time series data represents a stationary process. Fig. 5 shows the probability distribution of the stress data. The distribution is peaked and fits very well with a Gaussi an distribution. The sum of any number of data points also follows a Ga ussian distribution. The Kurtosis of the distribution is 0.1, which is close to the Gaussian limit (0) [10]. Moreover, fig. 6 shows that the plot (q-q pl ot) of the empirical Gaussian data and the actual experimental data more or less follows the straight line of slope 1. All these observations confirm the fact that the PLC stress drops are the outcome of a Gaussian process. At this point we recall an important th eorem by J. Doob [11] which states that: a one-dimensional Gaussian random process will be Markovian only when the correlation function is of the form . Doob's theorem can be generalized to n- dimensions. In that case, inst ead of a single correlation function one must deal with the covariance matrix which can be written as at-e ( ) exp( )C Qt t= , where Q is some matrix. From this it immediately follows that for an n-dimensional Gaussian Markov process the eigen value spect rum of the covariance matrix will be of an exponential form. This can be proved as follows: Let, () ( ) exp C Qt t= is the covariance matrix. Hence it can be expressed as ()22 exp ....2!QQI Qttt=++ + We now diagonalise it: 411() ( )QSC S S e Stt--= 2 11 11( )( ) ......2!SS SQ S SQ S SQ Stt-- --=+ + + If lis be the eigen values of C( t) and bis are those for Q, then from the previous equation we get: 2 11 1 2 22 2 2 2.. ......... 2! . .. . nn nIlb b lb b tt lb b =+ + + = Then it follows, 11exp( )lbt=, 22exp( )lbt=, 33exp( )lbt= i.e the eigen value spectrum of the covari ance matrix will have an exponential decay pattern for the Markov process. From th e 25 data sets containing 1000 data points each, a 1000 x25 matrix is generated from which the covariance matrix is constructed. Fig. 7 shows the eigen value spectrum of th e covariance matrix. It is seen that the eigen values decay in an exponential manner. This proves the fact that the PLC effect at high strain rates (i.e. for type A band regime) has Markov property. Hence, the stress data constitute s a Markov chain [12]. Markov chains illustrate many of the impor tant ideas of stoc hastic process in an elementary setting. Since the technical requirements are minimal, a relatively complete mathematical treatment is feasib le. A Markov chain is completely defined by its one-step transition proba bility matrix and the speci fication of a probability 5distribution on the state of the process at time t = 0. The analysis of Markov chain concerns mainly the calculation of the probabi lities of the possible realizations of the process. Central in these calculations are the n-step transition probability matrices . Here denotes the probability that the process goes from state ito state || ||) ( n ijnP P=n ijP jin transition. Formally, thn { }i X j X Pm n mn ij = = =+ | Pr) ( The methodology used in this procedure involves generation of the transition matrix from one dimensional time series data. The algorithm for the generation of the transition matrix is discussed below: 1. At first, the time series data sequence is normalized to , so that each sample value lies in the interval [0,1]. Now starting with this normalized sequence the interval [0,1] is divided into m equal subintervals The value of m is taken as the integer part of n i it1} {=n i it1} {=' . , , 2 , 1 ,m k Ik= 1 s, where s is the standard deviation of the data set. 2. Generate a new sequence 1 {}n iiX=where iX k= if it'lies in the interval . kI 3. Generate an transition matrix m mx P by estimating 1 Pr( | )jk i i PX k X+ j === Interpretation of the characteristics of the chains whose transition matrices are now in hand requires several theoretical results on finite Markov chains. There are plenty of literatures describing the theory of Markov chains. For this application, we will be primarily interested in the fundamental properties of the transition matrix. If any state j of the Markov chain can be reached starting from any other state i after a finite number of time steps n, i.e. , state i and j communicate, i.e. 0n ijP> 6i-j j for , where S is the set of all possible states of the Markov chain. For and ,ij S i- ji-, states i and j intercommunicate () ij- . A Markov chain is said to be irreducible if for all it has ,ij S i j- . By investigating the transition matrix, we observe that the condition i j- is maintained for all the states. So the Markov chain constructed from the PLC time series data is an irreduci ble one. Another such important property which can be derived from the transition matrix, is the period of the Markov chain. The period d( i) of a state i S is defined as d( i)= gcd (){ },1: 0n iinP>=> . In words, the period of i is the greatest common divisor(gcd) of the set of times that the chain can return to i, given that we start with X 0 = i. If d( i) = 1, then the state i is said to be aperiodic. A Markov chain is aperio dic if all its states are aperiodic. In our case, the Markov chain appears to be ap eriodic. Now any irreducible, aperiodic Markov chain has a unique stationary distribution. A row vector ()12, ,.....k ppp p= is said to be a stationary distribution for the Markov chain, if it satisfies (i) 0,ip>= for i = 1,2,.....,m and 11m i ip == and (ii) , Ppp= which means , 1m ii j j iPpp == for j =1,2,........,m. The experimentally obtained Markov chain c onverges to such a st ationary distribution after a sufficiently long time and one such typi cal stationary distribut ion for the strain rate of is shown in fig. 8. 311.18 10 s--x From the statistical analysis , we find that the dynamics of the type A band propagation is Markovian in nature. T hough type A band moves continuously across the specimen, the movement of the band is hindered by the presence of the obstacles 7like forest dislocations and the band is pinned by the solute atoms. These pinned dislocations are freed by thermal activa tion and the band moves further. Thus, the band moves jerkily between the obstacl es. Now, the dynamics of the band propagation between any two successive pinning positions solely depends on the strength of pinning and the thermal activat ion associated with the first pinning position between the two. Thus the process is entirely dependent on the current pinning position and does not carry the information about the pinning and strain aging at any earlier position. So the dynamics appears to be memory less which is manifested in the Markovian nature. References: - 1. F. Le Chatelier, Rev. de Metall. 6 (1909) 914. 2. A. Portevin, F. Le Chatelier, Trans. Asst . 5 (1924) 457. 3. A. H. Cottrell, Dislocations and Plastic flow in Crystals , University Press, Oxford, 1953; J. Friedel, Dislocations , Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1964. 4. K. Chihab, and C. Fressengeas, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 356 (2003) 102. 5. M. A. Lebyodkin, Y. Brechet, Y. Estrin and L. P. Kubin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 (1995) 4758. 6. S. Field et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 (1995) 1206. 7. C. J. Olson, C. Reichhardt, and F. Nori, Phys. Rev. B 56 (1997) 6175. 8. P. Barat, A. Sarkar, P. Mukherjee , S. K. Bandyopadhyay, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 055502. 9. Holger Kantz, and Thomas Schreiber, Nonlinear Time Series Analysis , Cambridge University Press, 2004. 810. Aapo Hyvarinen, Juha Karhunen, and Erkki Oja, Independent Component Analysis, John Wiley & sons, 2001. 11. J. L. Doob, Ann. Math. 43 (1942) 351. 12. J. R. Norris, Markov Chains , Cambridge University Press, 1998. Figure captions: - 1. A typical segment of drif t corrected stress-time curve for the strain rate of 1.18x 10-3s-1. 2. Autocorrelation function of the drift-corr ected stress-time data for the strain rate of 1.18 x10-3s-1. 3. Running mean for the stress-time data an d its surrogates for the strain rate of 1.18x 10-3s-1. 4. Running standard deviations for the st ress-time data and its surrogates for the strain rate of 1.18 x10-3s-1. 5. Probability distribution of the stress- time series data for the strain rate of 1.18x 10-3s-1 6. plot of the empirical Gaussian data experimental data for the strain rate of 1.18 x10-3s-1. 7. Normalized eigen value spectrum of th e covariance matrix for the strain rate of 1.18x 10-3s-1. 8. Stationary distribution of the Markov process for the stra in rate of 1.18x 10-3s- 1. 9 0 1 02 03 04 05 06 0-3-2-10123Drift corrected True Fig.1 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Correlation Function Time Fig.2 11 0 200 400 600 800 time series data surrogate data Fig.3 12 0 200 400 600 800 deviation time time series data surrogate data Fig. 4 13 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 fluctuation Gaussian fit Fig.5 14 Fig.6 15 0 5 10 15 20 Number Fig.7 16 Number Fig.8 17
Arnomitra Chatterjee
A. Chatterjee, A. Sarkar, Sourav Bhattacharya, P. Mukherjee, N. Gayathri and P. Barat
Markov Property of Continuous Dislocation Band Propagation
17 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Physics Letters A
Phy. Lett. A 372 (2008) 4016-4020
Tensile tests were carried out by deforming polycrystalline samples of substitutional Al-2.5%Mg alloy at room temperature for a range of strain rates. The Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect was observed throughout the strain rate regime. The deformation bands in this region are found to be of type A in nature. From the analysis of the experimental stress time series data we could infer that the dynamics of type A dislocation band propagation is a Markov process.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 20 Feb 2008 05:27:22 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:50:33 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chatterjee", "A.", "" ], [ "Sarkar", "A.", "" ], [ "Bhattacharya", "Sourav", "" ], [ "Mukherjee", "P.", "" ], [ "Gayathri", "N.", "" ], [ "Barat", "P.", "" ] ]
The RPCs are made up of high resistive plates (e.g. glass, bakelite, ce ramics etc.) as electrodes, which help to contain the discharge created by the passage of a charged particle or an ionizing radiation in a gas volume, and pick-u p strips are used to collect the resulting signals. Typical time resolution for a single gap RPC is ~1-2 ns. By reducing the gaps between the electrodes or by using multi-gap configuration, time resolution in such a detector can be re duced to < 100 ps [18, 19]. The RPCs are operated in two modes, viz., the proportional mode an d the streamer mode [20]. Over the years, one of the main concerns with t he use of RPCs is their long term stability. In the proportional mode, a small am ount of charge is produced in the gas, which allows the RPC to recover in a rela tively shorter time to handle high counting rates ( ~1 KHz/cm2). Ageing effects caused by the accumulated charge is also relatively less in this mode. I n the streamer mode, the amount of charge produced is considerably lar ger creating induced signals of larger magnitude. But, the recovery time is larger and the irreversible damage caused by the accumulated charge reduces th e life of the RPC. However, several remedial measures can be taken to prolon g its life under streamer mode of operation. Careful choice of materials, smooth ness of the surfaces to avoid localization of excess charges, surface treatm ent to reduce the surface resistivityor providing alternateleakage path for post-s adopted in the major high energy physics experiments. Prolong ed stable operation in streamer mode of the BELLE RPCs, though made of glas s, is a testimony to many serious efforts taken for the above cause [8]. The glass-basedRPCs are found to be more stable mainly for low rate appli- cations, even though some erosion effects are found for such cas es, these are operated in the streamer mode [20]. This has been at tributed to the corroding of the glass surface due to the large charge build u p in the streamer mode of operation. However, in the proportional mode o f operation, the detectors can be operated for longer period. At the end of nin eties, it was found that the RPCs based on bakelites show serious ageing effects reducing the efficiency drastically [21]. Detailed investigations revealed that th e use of linseed oil for the surface treatment in such cases was the main rea son for this ageing effect [22, 23]. Efforts were subsequently made to look for alt ernatives to linseed oil treatment, or to develop bakelite sheets which can be use d without the application of linseed oil [24]. It has, however, been found that f or several ongoing and future applications (e.g. CMS detectors), bakelite bas ed RPCs are chosen as preferred options mainly due to cheaper cost of fabrica tion. In the proposed India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO), the R PCs ronCalorime- ter (ICAL) [25]. As proposed presently, ICAL is a sampling calorimete r consist- ing of 140 layers of magnetized iron, each of 60 mm thickness, using R PCs of 2mx2m area as active media sandwiched between them. A 50 Kton ICAL is expected to consist of about 27000RPC modules. For ICAL RPCs, m ain design criteria are (a) good position resolution, (b) good timing resolution ( c) ease of fabrication in large scale with modular structure and most important ly (d) low cost. Detailed R & D are being performed on glass RPCs for this applica tion. 2Figure 1: Schematic diagram of a resistive plate chamber. In this article, we report a parallel effort on building and testing of th e RPC modules using the bakelite obtained from the local industries in India. The aim of the study is to achieve stable performance of the RPC detector for paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we describe t he method of assembly of the RPC modules. The section 3 contains meas urements of the bulk resistivity of the bakelite sheets used in this application wh ile the cosmic ray set-up used in our experiment are discussed in section 4. The results of the study are reported in section 5. 2. Construction of the RPC theFig. 1. Tw o 300 mm x300 mm x2 mm bakelite sheets are used as electrodes. The inner surfaces of the two sheets are separated by a 2 mm gap. Uniform s eparation of the electrodes are ensured by using five button spacers of 10 mm d iameter and 2 mm thickness, and edge spacers of 300 mm x8 mmx2 mm dimension, both being made of polycarbonate. Two nozzles for gas inlet and outlet, a lso made of polycarbonate, are placed as part of the edge spacers. All the spacers and nozzles are glued to the bakelite sheets using adhesive (grade: AY 103**MP, made by Huntsman A.M., (Europe)). The 2 mm thick active gas gap of the RPC modules are leak-checked using argon and helium s niffer probes. The edges of the bakelite sheets are sealed by applying a lay er of the epoxy adhesive to prevent permeation of moisture. After proper cleaning, a graphite coating is made on the outer surf aces of bakelite sheets to distribute the applied voltage uniformly over the e ntire RPC. A gap of 10 mm from the edges to the graphite layer is maintained to av oid external sparking. The surface resistivity varies from 500 Kohm/ /squareto 1 Mohm/ samples. The graphite coating, applied by using a spray gun , however, results in a non-uniformity (less than 20%) for a particular coated s urface. Two 3small copper foils ~20um thick are pasted by kapton tape on both the outer surfaces for the application of high voltage. The HV connectors ar e soldered on these copper strips. Equal HVs are applied on both the surfaces. In sareplaced above the graphite coated surfaces with minimum air-gap. The pick- up strips are made of copper (20 um thick), pasted on one side of 10 mm thick foam. The area of each strip is 300 mm x30 mm with a separation of 2 mm between two adjacent strips. The pick-up strips are coveredwith 100 um thick kapton foils to insulate them from the graphite layers. The ground plane, made of a luminium, is pasted on the other side of the foam. The signals from different st rips are sent through a ribbon cable, followed by RG-174/U coaxial cables us ing proper impedance in varying proportion. The gases are pre-mixed, stored in a stainless steel container and sent to the detector using stainless steel tu bes. A typical flow rate of 0.4 ml per minute resulting in ~3 changes of gap volume per day is maintained by the gas delivery system. A systematic analysis was mad e for R- 134aand Isobutane before use in the system by a PrismaQuadstar 422 Residual Gas Analyzer. The composition was found to be 98.83% for R-134a wit h 0.75% O2and 0.41% N 2and 98.93% for Isobutane with 1.07% H 2. 3. Measurement of bulk resistivity of Inth epresent work, three types of bakelite sheets have been used to build as man y modules. They are (a) mechanical grade bakelite (P-1001), (b) Superhylam grade and (c) electrical grade (P-120). The P-1001 and P-120 grade bakelites are manufactured by Bakelit e Hylam, India and the Superhylam grade is obtained from the other manufac turer Super Hylam, India. The sheets of P-1001 and P-120 are matt finished whe reas super- hylam is glossy finished. The P-1001 has good mechanical properties whereas the P-120has good mechanical and electrical properties under hu mid in India. The bulk resistivity of the electrode plates of the RPC is an important pa- rameter[26]. The high resistivityhelps in controllingthe time resolution , singles counting rate and also prevents the discharge from spreading thr ough the whole gas. We have measured the bulk resistivities of the bakelite sheets v ia the mea- surement of the leakage current. This measurement is performed at the same place and the same envir on- ment where the RPCs have been tested. The test set up is kept in a t empera- ture and humidity controlled room. These two parameters have bee n monitored during the experiment and are nearly the same around that time. Th e of different grade materials at 4 kV are tabulated in Table 1. The volume resistivity( r) vs. voltage(V) characteristics of different grade materials are shown in Fig. 2. It is clear from the figure that the bulk resistivity is con- siderably higher for the P-120 grade bakelite. For the P-1001 grad e, resistivity 40 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 10 10 10 11 10 12 10 13 Resistivity ( O-cm) Voltage (V) P-120 Superhylam P-1001 Temp: 19.5-21.0 0 C RH: 63-65% Figure 2: The volume resistivity ( r) as a function of the applied voltage for three grades of bakelites. Table 1: Mechanical and electrical properties of different grades o f bakelite. Trade NEMA BS-2572 Density Electrical Surface Bulk Name LI-1989 Grade (g/cc) strength finish (kV/mm) (ohm-cm) P-1001 X P1 1.38 3.5 Matt - P2 1.72 9.5 Glossy 1.25x1011 P-120 XXX P3 1.22 9.5 Matt 3.67x1012 5 IISCINTILLATOR III (SC1) UNIT UNIT COUNTER IICOUNTER ISCINTILLATOR I Figure 3: Schematic representation of the cosmic ray test setup. is much lower and it cannot sustain high voltage above 4 kV. Therefor e, the P-1001 grade is not considered further for building up the RPC. The superhy- lam grade, though having lower bulk resistivity than P-120, would sta nd high voltages up to 6 kV. This is also considered for the fabrication of RPC detector. 4. Cosmic ray test setup Fig. 3 shows the schematic of the setup for testing the RPC modules RPCplaneand oneplaced below are used for obtaining the trigger from the incidence of the co smic rays. The coincidence between scintillator I (350 mm x250 mm size), scintillator II (350 mm x250 mm size) and the finger (200 mm x40 mm size) is taken as the Master trigger. Finally, the signal obtained f rom the pick-up strip of the chamber is put in coincidence with the master trigger obtained above. This is referred to as the coincidence trigger of th e RPC. The width of the finger scintillator is made smaller than the total width of t he two adjacent readout strips, thereby needing a correction for dead zones in between two readout strips. The high voltage to the RPC, are applied at the ramping rate of 5 V/s o n both the electrodes. The streamer pulses are obtained starting f rom the high voltage of 5 kV across the RPC. The high voltage is applied to some of t he RPCs by using the CAEN Mod.N470 unit and to the others using the CAE N Mod.N471A unit. The leakage current as recorded by the high voltag e system is studied. The signals from two consecutive strips covered by the s cintillator III are ORed to form the final signal, for the next part of the pulse processing. The Philips Scientific leading edge discriminators (Model 708) are used for the scintillators and the RPC pulses. Various thresholds are used on the dis- criminators to reduce the noise. For our final results, a threshold of 40 mV is used on the RPC signal. We have used a CAMAC-based data acquisitio n system LAMPS, developed by Electronics Division, Bhabha Atomic Res earch Centre, Trombay, India. Counts accumulated in a CAEN (Model 257 ) scalar overa fixed time period arerecordedat and save din a periodic 6log database. The temperature and the humidity are monitored at t he time Results An important and obviousgoalof any RPC detector developmentis t o study the long term stability with high efficiency. In that spirit, the following s tudies are performed in the cosmic ray test bench of the RPC detectors. The efficiency of the RPC detector, taken as the ratio between the coinci- dence trigger rates of the RPC and the master trigger rates of th e scintillator telescope as mentioned in sec.4, is first studied by v arying the applied HV for each detector. The rates are calculated from data t aken over 30 minutes duration for each HV setting. The temperature and humidit y during these measurement are recorded to be about 22-25*C and 63-65% average master trigger rate is 0.005 Hz/cm2. The variation of efficiency with applied HV is shown in the Fig. 4 and that of the singles counting rat es with the HV is shown in the Fig. 5. It is seen that for both the bakelite g rades, the efficiency has increased from 20% to 75% as HV is ramped up from 6 .5 kV to 6.8 kV. The efficiency for the superhylam grade gradually increa ses and reachesthe plateau at ~96% from 7.5 kV, while that of the P-120grade reaches a maximum of ~79% at 7.2 kV and then decreases steadily up to ~35% as the HV is increased to 9 kV. The singles counting rates in both the cases, however, have increased more or less exponentially with sudden jumps around 6.5-7.0 kV (see Fig. 5), i.e. near the points wherethe efficiency becomes unifor m (in or starts to decrease (in case of P-120). This possib ly indicates the onset of a breakdown regime that recovers in a reasonable time for the superhy- lam grade RPC but works the other way for the P-120 grade bakelite RPC. It should, however, be noted that the singles counting rate and the le akage current of the superhylam RPC are both larger than those of the P-120 RPC , which are expected on the basis of smaller bulk resistivity of the superhyla m order to investigate the reason for the above phenomena, and taking cue from the fact that superhylam surfaces are glossy finished wh ile the P-120 surfaces are matt finished, we have dismantled the detectors and made surface profile scans over a 5 mm span of the surfaces using DekTak 117 Pro filometer. These scans, done also for the P-1001 grade, are shown in Fig. 6. I t is clearly seen that the three surfaces have a short range variation (typic scale) and a long range variation (typically ~1um length scale). The long range surface fluctuation, which is a measure of non - uniformit y, averaged over several scans are: 0.84 +-0.12um (P-120), 0.49 +-0.17um (superhylam) and 0.88 +-0.09um (P-1001). Thus the long the limits of experimental uncertainties, are nearly the same. On the other hand the a measure ofsurface roughness, are: 0.64 +-0.06um (superhylam), and 0.63 +-0.13um (P-1001), and thus indicate a superior surface quality of the superhylam silicone 75.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 020 40 60 80 100 Superhylam grade P-120 grade (without silicone coating) P-120 grade (with silicone coating) Efficiency (%) High Voltage (kV) Figure 4: The efficiency as a function of high voltage for two RPCs (silic one coated & uncoated P-120 and Superhylam grade bakelite) obtained with a gas mixture of Argon (34%) + Isobutane (7%) + R-134a (59%). The thr eshold for the RPCs are set at 40 mV for P-120 and 50mV for superhylam. 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 Superhylam grade P-120 grade (without silicone coating) P-120 grade (with silicone coating) High Voltage (kV) Singles Counting Rate (Hz/cm 2) Figure 5: Singles counting rate as a function of high voltage. 8-2 024 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 -2 024-2 024 Super Hylam Height ( um) Scan along X ( um) P-1001 P-120 Figure 6: Linear surface profile scans of the three grades of bake lite sheets. fluid (chemical formula : [R 2SiO]n, where R = organic groups such as methyl, ethyl, or phenyl) [coefficient of viscosity = 5500 cP, manufactured b y Kolkata, India] on the inner surfaces of the P-120 bakelite sheets. About 1 gm of the fluid is applied over 300 mm x300 mm area. Based on the specific gravity (1.02 at 23*C) of the fluid, the estimated coating thickness would be ~10um. This material is chosen for the following reasons: a) very low chemical reactivity with the gases used; b) good thermal stabilit y over a wide temperature range (from -100 to 250*C); c) very good electrical insulator; d) excellent adhesion to most of the solid materials, and e) low vapour . surfaces are kept under infrared lamp for 24 hours to allo w the viscous fluid to fill all the micro-crevices on the surface. The reassembled d etector is tested at the same set-up. The results of efficiency and singles co unt shown in the Figs. 4 and 5, indicate a remarkable impr ovement in the performance of the P-120 detector. The efficiency reaches from 20% to 75% as the HV is increased from 5.7 kV to 6.2 kV, while the singles count r ate, as a whole has decreased by a factor of 5. This indicates quenching o f micro- discharge after silicone treatment, which is very much desirable for functioning of the detector. The efficiency in this case reaches >95% plateau at 7 kV. It is worth noting that surface treatment with insulating / non-pola r liquid as a remedial measure was first demonstrated for the BaBar RPCs . However, 90 2 4 6 8 10 0200 400 600 800 1000 Without silicone coating With silicone coating Current (nA) Voltage (kV) Figure 7: Current as a function of the applied voltage for RPC made b y P-120 grade of stalagmites by polymerisation of uncured linseed oil dro plets had created conducting paths through the gap, thereby causing irre versible terchanged by increasing the proportion of eptane as a thinner to produce a th inner on the inner surface [27]. Our observation that silicone coating of the inner surfaces aides the proper functioning of our P-120 ba kelite RPC detector once again confirms the importance of smooth surface fi nish of the inner surfaces. To judge the improvement in the overall performance of the RPC de tec- tor, we have measured the leakage current through the RPC dete ctor with and without silicone coating and the plot of these as a function of the app lied HV as shown in the Fig. 7. Both the plots show a common feature that the c have two distinctly different slopes. While the gas gap behaves as an insulator in the lower range of applied voltage and hence the slope o ver this span scales as the conductance of the polycarbonate spacers, a t higher range of voltage, the gas behaves as a conducting medium due to the format ion of the streamers. Therefore, the slope over this range scales as the co nductance of the gas gap. It is seen that the slope in the higher range of voltage is muc h steeper for the RPC without silicone coating and hence it points to the fact th at some sort of uncontrolled streamers are being formed in the gas gap cau sing a degra- dation of the efficiency. This possibly does not happen in the RPC dete ctor with silicone coating. We have also examined the effect of discriminator threshold setting o n the efficiency curves of the RPC with silicone treated surfaces. These a re plotted in the Fig. 8. It is clear that the efficiency curves do not depend much on the threshold setting from 20 mV to 80 mV, except that the efficiency pla teau is marginally higher at the lowest threshold setting of 20 mV. 105.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 020 40 60 80 100 Efficiency (%) High Voltage (kV) 20mV 40mV 80mV Figure 8: Efficiency versus high voltage for different thresholds for silicone coated P-120 grade bakelite RPC with silicone coating. The effect of humidity on the efficiency curves has also been studied. This measurement has been done at relative humidities of 58% and 67% of t he at the sameroom temperatureof ~23*C. These curves, plotted in the Fig. 9, indicate no effect of humidity on the efficiency. Ho wever, the leakage currents, measured simultaneously and plotted in the F ig. 10, are a bit larger at higher humidity. This observation indicates that charg e leakage through the exterior surfaces may be contributing more at higher humidity. The long term stability of the bakelite RPCs has been studied using the same cosmic ray test set-up. The coincidence trigger counts of th e RPCs and the master trigger counts, accumulated over every 2 hours, hav e been for more than 6 months. The room temperature and t he have been controlled to keep them less than 24*C and 80%, respec- tively. When the humidity was larger, particularly during the monsoon season, the test set-up was shut down till it came down to 80% and below. The singles count rates of the RPCs have also been recorded simultaneously. T he Figs. 11 and 12 depict the variation of efficiency and singles count rates over the above mentioned period for both the grades of RPCs. The superhylam gra de RPC has worked with an efficiency of >95% which remained steady for 25 days, but beyond that, it deteriorated gradually to ~86% efficiency within next 13 days. The singles count rate, however, has increased from day one from 1 Hz/cm2to 10 Hz/cm2within 10 days, and then it increased slowly over the next 28 days. After that period, the singles count rate shot up to >30 Hz/cm2. The leakage current gradually increased from 3-4 uA to>10uA within that period. This RPC was discontinued after 38 days and the silicone coated P-120 gr ade RPC was then mounted. The efficiency measured was ~96% and above and has re- mained steady for more than 110 days. The singles count rate also h as remained steady around 0.1 Hz/cm2. The leakage current was found to be marginally de- 115.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 020 40 60 80 100 Humidity 58% Humidity 67% Efficiency (%) High Voltage (kV) Figure 9: Efficiency versus high voltage for different humidities for silic one coated P-120 grade bakelite RPC. 0 2 4 6 8 10 0200 400 600 800 1000 Humidity 58% Humidity 67% Current (nA) Voltage (kV) Figure10: grade bakelite RPC. 120 20 40 60 80 100 120 60 70 80 90 100 RPC of Superhylam grade RPC of P-120 grade (with silicone coating) Efficiency (%) Time (Day) Figure 11: Efficiency as a function of time for two RPC on temperature and humidity, though it has remained stea dy at~400 nA during the operation. The superhylam grade RPC has also been tested again after a gap of a few months. It has shown the same higher leakage current ( >10uA) and lower ef- ficiency ( ~86%) indicating that some intrinsic breakdown of the bulk material may have taken place. 6. Conclusion We have made a comparative study of bakelite RPCs made from two dif - ferent grades of bakelite. The RPC, made of superhylam grade bak elite with melamine coated glossy finished surface is found to have a shorter lif e. On the other hand, the RPC made from P-120 grade bakelite with matt finish ed sur- faces, which are coated with a thin layer of viscous silicone fluid, are f ound to work steadily for more than 110 days showing a constant efficiency o f>96% without any degradation. The detector is found to be less immune to variation in humidity which makes it a viable alternative to semiconductive glass ba sed RPC. 7. are thankful to Prof. Naba Kumar Mandal of TIFR, India and Pr of. KazuoAbe usefu l suggestions in course of this work. We are also grateful to Dr. C. Bhattachary a, Mr. G.S.N. Murthy, Mr. M.R. Dutta Majumdar, Mr. S.K. Thakur and Mr. S.K. Bos e of VECC for their help in the work. We acknowledge the service rende red by Mr. Avijit Das of SINP for surface profile scans of the bakelite shee ts used by us. We would like to thank the SINP workshop for making the compone nts 130 20 40 60 80 100 120 0.1 110 RPC of Superhylam grade RPC of P-120 grade (with silicone coating) Time (Day) Singles Counting Rate (Hz/cm 2) Figure 12: The single counting rate as a function of time for the two R the detectors, and Mr. Ganesh Das of VECC for meticulously fab ricating the detectors. Finally we acknowledge the help received from the sc ientific staff of Electronics Workshop Facility of SINP for building the gas flow cont rol and delivery system of the gas mixing unit used in this R. Santonico, R. Cardarelli, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. 187 (1981) 37 7. [2] Yu. N. Pestov, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. 196 (1982) 45. [3] W. B. Atwood et al., Nucl. Inst. and Meth. 206 (1983) 99. [4] M. Anelli et al., Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A 300 (1991) 572. [5] Gy. L. Bencze et al., Nucl. Inst. and Meth. 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Subhasis Chattopadhyay
S. Biswas, S. Bhattacharya, S. Bose, S. Chattopadhyay, S. Saha, M.K. Sharan, Y.P. Viyogi
Development of bakelite based Resistive Plate Chambers
15 pages, 12 figures
A Comparative study has been performed on Resistive Plate Chambers made of different grades of bakelite paper laminates, produced and commercially available in India. The chambers, operated in the streamer mode using argon : tetrafluroethane : isobutane in 34:59:7 mixing ratio, are tested with cosmic rays for the efficiency and the stability with cosmic rays. A particular grade of bakelite (P-120, NEMA LI-1989 Grade XXX), used for high voltage insulation in humid conditions, was found to give satisfactory performance with stable efficiency of > 96% continuously for more than 110 days. A silicone treatment of the inner surfaces of the bakelite RPC is found to be necessary for operation of the detector.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 20 Feb 2008 08:15:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Biswas", "S.", "" ], [ "Bhattacharya", "S.", "" ], [ "Bose", "S.", "" ], [ "Chattopadhyay", "S.", "" ], [ "Saha", "S.", "" ], [ "Sharan", "M. K.", "" ], [ "Viyogi", "Y. P.", "" ] ]
Contents 1 Introduction and conclusion 1 2 Typical relationships 6 3 Dimensional reduction on a principal bundle 13 4 Extension of the matrix T-duality 17 4.1 Nontrivial vacua and transformation between patches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.3 Example: S7-S4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5 Gauge theories on SU(n+1)(/H)and matrix model 25 5.1 Dimensional reduction of YM theory on a group manifold . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5.2 Dimensional reduction of YM theory on SU(n+1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5.3 Relations among gauge theories on SU(n+1)/H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6 Interpretation as Buscher's T-duality 33 A Spherical harmonics 34 B Derivation of (4.22) 41 C Group manifold and coset space 42 D Metrics of FuzzyCPn45 1 Introduction and of space-time is one of the key concepts in matrix models as of superstring [1-3]. This phenomenon was first observed in the a gauge theory and a matrix model. This is the so-called large N reduction [4]. It states that a large Nplanar gauge theory is equivalent to the matrix model that is its dimensional reduction to zero dimensions unless the U(1)Dsymmetry is broken, where D denotes the dimensionality of the original gauge theory. However, theU(1)Dsymmetry is in general spontaneously broken for D>2. There are two improved versions of the large N reduced model that preserve the U(1)Dsymmetry. One is the quenched reduced model [5-8]. 1The other is the twisted reduced model [9], which was later rediscove red in the context of field theories [10]. The T-duality for D-brane effect ive theories [11], which we call the matrix T-duality in this paper, share the same idea with the large N reduced model. The statement of the matrix T-duality is that U(N) Yang-Mills (YM) on RpxS1 is equivalent to U(Nx) YM-higgs on Rpwhich is a dimensional reduction of U(Nx) YM onRpxS1if a periodicity (orbifolding) condition is imposed. Also, deconstructio n [12] and supersymmetric lattice gauge theories inspired by it [13] are ana logs of the matrix T- duality. The above developments are all concerning gauge theories on flat space-time. It is important to understand how gauge theories on curved space-t ime are realized in matrix models or gauge theories in lower dimensions, because it would lead us t o gain some insights into how curved space-time is realized in matrix models as nonperturb ative definition of superstring. Note that an interesting approach to the descriptio n of curved spacetime by matrices was proposed in [14]. In[15], shipsamongthe theories. Here the SU(2|4) symmetric theories include N= 4 super Yang Mills (SYM) onRxS3/Zk, 2+1 SYM on RxS2[16] and the plane wave matrix model (PWMM) [17]. These theories are related by dimensional reductions and poss ess common features: mass gap, discrete spectrum and many discrete vacua. From the g ravity duals of those vacua proposed in [18], the following relations between these theories are s uggested: the theory around each vacuum of 2+1 SYM on RxS2is equivalent to the theory around a certain vacuum of PWMM, and the theory around each vacuum of N= 4 SYM on to the theory arounda certain vacuum of 2+1 SYM on RxS2with Combining these two equivalences, we can say that the the ory around each vacuum ofN= 4 SYM on RxS3/Zkis realized in PWMM. In [15], these equivalences were shown directly on the gauge theory side. The results in [15] not only serve a s a nontrivial check of the gauge/gravity correspondence for the SU(2|4) theories, but they are also interesting in the following aspects. Much work has been already done on the rea lization of the gauge theories on the fuzzy sphere [19-22] by matrix models [23] and on th e monopoles on the fuzzy sphere [24-28]. Note that the realization of the fuzzy spher e by matrix models can be viewed as an extension of the twisted reduced model to curved spa ce. Here in the relation between 2+1 SYM on RxS2and PWMM, it was manifestly shown that the continuum limit of concentric fuzzy spheres correspond to multi monopoles. The relation between N= 4 SYM onRxS3/Zkand 2+1 SYM on RxS2can be regarded as an extension of the matrix T-duality to that on a nontrivial U(1) bundle, S3/Zk, whose base space is S2. Furthermore, in [29], we generalized the matrix T-duality to that on an arbitrary U(1) bundle. As an application of these results, in [30], Ohta and the present authors in vestigated Chern-Simons theory on a U(1) bundle over a Riemann surface, BF theory with a mass term on the Riemann surface, which is equivalent to two-dimens ional Yang-Mills on the Riemann surface, and a matrix model. It was discussed that the former two theories associated with topological strings can be realized in th e matrix model. The results in [15] also suggests an interesting possibility of a nonpertur bative formulation of N= 4 SYM on RxS3by PWMM, which would lead to a nonperturbative test of the AdS/CFT paper is aimed at further investigation of the above developmen ts concerning andthematrix T-duality oncurved space. First, we deve lop a of YM on the total space to YM-higgs on the base space f or a general This also enables us to dimensionally reduce YM on a group manif old to a matrix model. Second, as an extension of the work [29], in the case in which th e fiber isSU(2), we show that YM on the total space is equivalent to a certain vacuum1of YM-higgs on the base space with the periodicity imposed. This enables us to realize YM on an in YM-higgs on its base space. We apply the above results to th e case ofSU(n+1) as the total space. SU(n+1) is viewed as SU(n) bundle over bundle over viewed as U(1) bundle over CPn. By the dimensional reduction, we obtain YM-higgs a matrix model. We find the commutative (continuum) limit of gauge theory on fuzzy CPn[28,31-35] realized in the matrix model coincides with YM-higgs on CPn. Namely, we show that the theory around each monopole vacuum of YM-higgs on CPnis equivalent to the theory around a certain vacuum of the matrix mo del. By combing this with the extended matrix T-duality, we realize YM-higgs on the matrix model. We also show that the extended matrix T-duality o f theU(1) case developed in [29] can be interpreted as Buscher's T-duality [36]. In the remainder of this section, we describe the organization of th e present paper, providing our results in detail, and finally describe some outlook. From the same reasoning as the case of the SU(2|4) symmetric theories, the following relationships among YM on S3, YM-higgs on S2and a matrix model hold. These theories are related to each other b y dimensional reductions. The theory around each vacuum of YM-hig gs onS2is equivalent to the theory around a certain vacuum of the matrix model. YM on S3is equivalent to Eventually, YM onS3is realized in the matrix model. It can be said that our results in this pap er basic this paper, we consider gauge theories on manifolds wit h the Euclidean signature. Here 'vacuum' represents a configuration that gives the global minimum o f the classical action. 3PSfrag replacements YM on P YM-higgs on Mdimensional reduction of fiber G[Sec. 3]G=U(1), SU(2) matrix T-duality [Sec. 4.2] Figure 1: Matrix T-duality for G=U(1),SU(2) In section 3, we develop a dimensional reduction on a general princip al fiber bundle. We start with YM on the total space, dimensionally reduce the fiber dire ctions and obtain a YM-higgs on the base space. In section 4, we examine a relationship between YM on the total spac e and YM-higgs on the base space obtained in section 3. In section 4.1, we first examine the transformations of the fields from a local patch to another local patch in YM-higgs on th e base space. In isU(1)orSU(2), YMon the total space is equivalent to the theory around a certain vacuu m of YM-higgs on the base space with the periodicity imposed. This vacuum is given by multimonopo le configuration on the base space. We already found the U(1) case of this equivalence in [29]. In the SU(2) case, we also use the result in section 2 that YM on S3is realized in the matrix model. As we realize YM on in YM-higgs on its base space. In section 4.3, as an example, we consider S7which is an SU(2) bundle over S4. In Fig. 1, we summarize our results in sections 3 and 4. In section 5, we examine a series of SU(n+ 1) symmetric theories. Fig. 2 summarizes our findings in section 5 and their relation to other sections. The cas e ofn= 1 is nothing but the example discussed in section 2. In this case, YM on SU(2) is the same as In section 5.1, as a special case of section 3, we consider a dimensional reduction of YM on a group manifold ~Gto a coset space ~G/HwhereHis a subgroup of ~G. Namely, we view ~Gas anHbundle over ~G/H. By dimensionally reducing the Killing vectors on ~Gto those on ~G/H, we obtain a theory on ~G/Hexpressed in terms of the Killing vectors. Then, we show that this theory on ~G/His rewritten into in section 3. In section 5.2, we apply the results in section 5.1 to the case of~G=SU(n+ 1) and obtain a series of theories in Fig. 2 which possess SU(n+ 1) symmetry. If we take SU(n) asH, we obtain YM-higgs on S2n+1. Note that the isometry of thisS2n+1is notSO(2n+2) butSU(n+1). Forn>=2, it is different from the homeomorphic to the ordinary one, and is called a squashed S2n+1. If we take 4PSfrag replacements YM on SU(n+ 1) YM-higgs on S2n+1 YM-higgs on CPndim. red. SU(n) dim. red. U(1) dim. red.dim. red.(i)n= 2 [Sec. 4.2, 5.3] (ii) matrix T-duality [Sec. 4.2, 5.3] (iii) commutative limit of fuzzy CPn[Sec. 5.3](iv) [Sec. 5.3] Matrix XB])2dim. 1)n= 2 [Sec. 4.2, 5.3] Figure 2: A series of theories studied in section 5. SU(n)xU(1) asH, we obtain YM-higgs on CPn. Finally if we take SU(n+ 1) itself as H, we obtain a matrix model whose action is shown in Fig. 2, where fABCis the of the SU(n+1) Lie algebra. As indicated in Fig. 2, these dimensional reductions can also be performed step by step: we obtain YM-higgs on CPnfrom YM-higgs on S2n+1 and the matrix model from YM-higgs on CPn. In the case of n= 2, as an application of the result in section 4.2, we see that YM on SU(3) is equivalent to the theory around a vacuum of YM-higgs on S5with the periodicity imposed ((i) in Fig. 2). Since S2n+1can be viewed as a U(1) bundle over CPn, in section 5.3, we show as an application of the results in section 4.2 that the theory around each vacuum of YM-higgs on S2n+1is equivalent to the theory around a vacuum of YM-higgs on CPnwith the periodicity imposed ((ii) in Fig. 2). In section 5.3, we show that the theory around each abelian monopo le vacuum of YM-higgs onCPnis equivalent to a certain vacuum of the matrix model ((iii) in Fig. 2). Combining these results, we also show that the theory around the trivial vac uum of YM-higgs on S2n+1 is realized in the matrix model ((iv) in Fig. 2). YM on SU(3) is realized in YM-higgs on CP2((v) in Fig. 2). Finally, we make a comment: it follows from the result in s ection 4 that YM on SU(n+1) is realized in YM-higgs on section 6, we discuss how the extended matrix T-dulaity found in [2 9] and reviewed in section 4.2 is interpreted as Buscher's T-duality. In appendices A- D, we describe is an open problem whether YM on SU(n+ 1) withn>=2 is realized in the matrix model. Presumably, we need to construct noncommutative counte rparts of of YM-higgs on S2n+1orCPnin the matrix model. Realization of YM on SU(n+ 1) in the matrix model should enable us to extend the matrix T-dualit y to the case ofG=SU(n+ 1). Of course, the matrix T-duality for a general Gshould still be investigated. It is important to see whether the matrix T-duality in t heSU(2) case is associated with the nonabelian T-duality discussed within the nonlinea r sigma models [37]. It is also relevant to identify the commutative limit of the matrix model consisting of the square of the commutators and the generalized Myers term with th eSU(n+ 1) which has been examined in [33,38] and find its higher-dimen sional origin. Analysis in this paper is classical. Whether the relationships among the gauge t heories we found hold quantum mechanically is a nontrivial and important problem. It should be noted that in the quantum correspondence no orbifolding condition is needed in th e matrix T-duality as far as the planar limit is concerned. This is nothing but the large Nreduction and enables us to make the size of matrices become finite and play a role of the ultr aviolet cutoff. In particular, we expect to give a nonperturbative definition of N= 4 SYM on RxS3in the planar limit in terms of PWMM [39]. 2 Typical relationships In this section, to illustrate our ideas, we describe relationships amo ng YM onS3, YM-higgs onS2and a matrix model. These relationships are essentially the same as th ose among the SU(2|4) symmetric theories found in [15]. We consider S3with radius 2 /uand regard it as the U(1) (S1) Hopf bundle on S2with radius 1/u.S3with radius 2 /uis defined 4/u2}. (2.1) The Hopf map p:S3-CP1(S2) is defined (2.2) Two patches are introduced on CP1: the patch I ( 0) and the patch II ( 0). On the patch I the local trivialization is given I) xU(1), (2.3) 6while on the patch II the local trivialization is given II) xU(1). (2.4) The equation (2.1) is solved (2.5) where 0<=th<=pand 0<=s1, s2<2p. We put ph=s1-s2, ps=s1+s2, (2.6) and can change the ranges of phandpsto 0<=ph <2pand 0<=ps <4p. The periodicity is expressed (2.7) From the local trivializations (2.3) and (2.4), one can see that thandphare regarded as the angular coordinates of the base space S2through the stereographic projection. The patch I corresponds to 0 <=th<p, while the patch II corresponds to 0 <th<=p. The metric of S3is given as (2.8) In the remainder of this section, the upper sign is taken in the patch I and the lower sign in the patch II. From (2.3), (2.4) and (2.8), one sees that the fiber S1is parameterized by y=1 u(ps+-ph) and its radius is given by 2 /u. The connection 1-form is given (2.9) The connection 1-form provides the decompo sition by determining the inverse of the dreibein = 0,Eu 3= 0 andEy 3= 1, where A= 1,2,3, a= The inverse of the dreibein is determined as Eth 1=u, Ey 3= 1, others = 0. (2.10) 7The dreibein are given E3 y= 1, others = 0, the zweibein of S2. We start with YM on (2.12) The decomposition tells us how to relate the gau ge field on S3to the gauge field and the higgs field on (2.13) Or (2.14) In (2.13) and (2.14), in order to make a dimensional reduction, we as sume that the both sides are independent of y. Then, substituting (2.13) into (2.12) yields a YM-higgs on It is convenient for us to rewrite (2.15) using the three-dimension al flat space notation. We define a vector field in terms er+a1/vector eph-a2/vector eth, er= and/vector eth=/vector er th, /vector er ph. We also introduce the angular momentum operator in flat ethph. (2.17) 8Then, (2.15) is rewritten dropping all the derivatives, we dimensionally reduce (2.18) to zer o dimensions to obtain a matrix ]. It was first found in [41] that (2.19) is obtained from (2.12) through th e dimensional reduction. We can obtain (2.18) and (2.19) directly from (2.12) in the following way . We parameter- ize the gauge field on S3asA=XAEA[18], where EAis the right invariant 1-form defined in appendix A. Then, by using the Maurer-Cartan equation (A.4), we evaluate the curvature 2-form the Killing vector dual to EA, the explicit form of which is given in (A.7). Noting that LAreduces toL(0) AwhenXAis independent of y, one can easily see that (2.12) is dimensionally reduced to (2.18). Moreover, if we assume that XAis independent of all coordinates, we obtain the matrix model (2.19) directly from (2.12) . The theories (2.15) and (2.19) possess many nontrivial vacua. Let us see how those vacua are described. First, the vacuum configurations of (2.15) with the gauge group U(M) are determined by f12+uph= 0, Daph= 0. (2.21) In the gauge in which phis diagonal, (2.21) is solved as ^a1= (2.22) 9where the gauge field takes the configurations of Dirac's monopoles , so thatnsmust be integers due to Dirac's quantization condition. Note also Thus the vacua of YM-higgs on S2are classified by the monopole charges ns/2 and their degeneracies Ns. Next, the vacuum configurations of (2.19) with the gauge group U(^M) are determined by2 [XA,XB] =iuoABCXC. (2.23) (2.23) is solved as ^XA=uLA, the representation matrices of the SU(2) generators which are in and are decomposed into irreducible the spin jrepresentation matrices of SU(2) 1) =^M. The vacua of the matrix model are classified by the SU(2) representations [ js] and their (2.25) represents concentric fuzzy spheres with different radii. In the remainder of this section, we show relationships among the th eories (2.12), (2.15) and (2.19). First, we show that the theory around the vacuum (2.2 2) of YM-higgs on S2is equivalent to the theory around the vacuum (2.24) of the matrix mo del if one puts 2 js+1 = N0+nsand takes the N0- limit tog2 S2u2/4p. We decompose the 2There is a solution to the equations of motion of the matrix model (2.1 9),XA=u 2LA, which does not satisfy (2.23). It turns out that the theory around this solution is into the background corresponding (2.22) and the fluctuatio n (s,t) label the (off-diagonal) blocks. Then, (2.18) is expanded around ( 2.22) the magnetic charge qat the origin, which takes the form eth-q/vector er. (2.27) We make a harmonic expansion of (2.26) by expanding the fluctuation in terms of the monopole vector spherical harmonics ~Yr JmqAdefined in appendix A Substituting (2.28) into (2.26) defined in (A.40) and we have used (A.37). Similarly we decompose the matrices into the background given by (2.24) and the fluctuation as Xi-^Xi+Xiand obtain the theory around defined (2.31) We make a harmonic expansion for (2.30) by expanding the fluctuatio n in terms of the fuzzy vector spherical harmonics in appendix A a role of the ultraviolet cutoff. Note also that js-jt= (ns-nt)/2 =qst. Substituting (2.32) into (2.30) defined in (A.40) and we have used (A.37). In the N0- limit, the ultraviolet cutoff goes to infinity and to A.Namely, the commutative (continuum) limit of the fuzzy spheres. Hence, in the limit in which N0- andgmm- such (2.33) agrees with (2.29). We have proven our statement. Next, we show that the theory around a certain vacuum of U(M=Nx ) a periodicity condition imposed is equivalent to U(N) YM onS3. This is an extension of the matrix T-duality to a nontrivial fiber bundle. The va cuum of YM-higgs on S2we take is given by (2.22) with srunning from -to,ns=sandNs=N. 4pg2 S2/u is identified with the coupling constant on S3,g2 S3. We decompose the fields on S2into the background and the (2.34) and impose the periodicity (orbifolding) condition on the (2.35) The fluctuations are from the patch I to the patch II as (2.36) We make the Fourier transformation for the fluctuations on each p atch to construct the gauge field on the total space from the fields on the base (2.37) We see from (2.36) that the lefthand sides of (2.37) are indeed indep endent of the patches. We substitute (2.37) into (2.26) and divide an overall extract a single period. Then, we obtain U(N) YM onS3. The details of this calculation are given as a special case of (4.13) and (4.14). Finally, combining the above two statements, we see that the theor y around (2.24) of the matrix model where sruns from -to, 2js+1 =N0+sis equivalent to U(N) YM onS3if theN0- limit is taken with g2 mm/N0fixed tog2 S3u3 16p2, the periodicity condition is imposed on the fluctuation on S2and the overall factor S sis divided. In this way, S3is realized in terms of the three matrices X1, X2, X3. In sections 3-5, we generalize the results in this section. We set u= 1 and set all parameters to a certain constant value. 3 Dimensional reduction on a principal bundle In this section, we provide the dimensional reduction of YM on a princ ipalGbundle to its base space. The case of principal U(1) bundles was already given in [29]. Here we consider the case where Gis we give a metric and a vielbein of a fiber bundle on which pure YM is d efined. We consider a principal G-bundlePon a manifold M. The base space Mhas a covering S, and the total space has a covering {p-1(U)|U S}.p-1(U) is diffeomorphic to UxGby the local trivialization. Thus it is parameterized by zM= (xu,ym) (u= the local patch an element of G. We assume that the connection of Pis expressed the generators of the Lie group G. The transition functions of a principal bundle act on fibers by left mu ltiplication. If there is overlap between UandU', the relation between fiber coodinates, g(y) onUandg(y') on U', is given by g(y') =k(x)g(y) In the overlapping region UU',b(x) must transform as b'(x') (3.3) Indeed, by using (3.3), we can assume that the total space is endowed with a metric that has th e fibered by the connection (3.1) and the isometry. As shown in [43 ], such metric can be locally expressed (3.5) Heregunis a metric on the base space and ea m(y) (a= dimM+ 1,***,dimP) are the components of the right invariant Maurer-Cartan 1-form of G, which is defined (3.6) We have assumed that the coefficient of the second term in (3.5) is ju stdabso that the resultant dimensionally reduced theoryissimple, The Maurer-Cartan 1-form satisfies the Maurer-Cartan equa 0, the structure constant of the Lie algebra of G, and is regarded as the vielbein of the Cartan-Killing metric on Gdefined by hmn(y)dymdyn of this paper, we use the following normalizations for th e traces: Tr( TaTb) =1 2dabfor the structure group of the fiber bundle and tr( TaTb) =dabfor the gauge the transformation of ea m(y) is determined by (3.2) and an (3.9) while the transformation of b(x) is given in (3.3). By introducing a vielbein on the (a= 1,***,dimM), one can write a vielbein and its inverse on the total space as follows: EA M(z) EM A(z) the inverse of ea uandea m, respectively, and The local Lorentz frame defined by (3.10) gives the l decomposition of vectors and 1-forms on the total space. Namely, a= to the directions to those of the base space and a= of the fiber space. Again, we remark that these expressions are defined locally on U. From (3.3) and (3.9), we can obtain relationships of the vielbeins between on Uand Ad(k)abEb. (3.11) where Ad(k) is the adjoint representation of k(x). (2.8) is a counterpart of (3.5), and (2.10) and (2.11) are a counterpart of (3.10). We next consider a gauge theory on the total space and make a dime nsional reduction of the fiber direction to obtain a gauge theory on the base space. W e start with U(N) YM on the total (3.12) whereD= we perform the decompostion for the gauge field AM(z) and the to (3.10). The gauge field is decomposed as AM(z) (3.13) After the reduction, horizontal components Aaand vertical components Aaof the gauge field will be naturally identified with the gauge field and the higgs fields on the base The field strength in the local Lorentz frame is rewrit ten as (3.14) Here we have defined the following -iem am, (3.15) whereois the spin connection on the base space defined by ea uandLaare the right vectors on the total space, which represent the isometry. N ote that our been performed on Uso far. When it is performed on U', the quantities on U'must be used. The transformation of ba a(x) between on Uand onU'is given by (3.3), so that that of ba ab(x) is given by b'a ab(x') = Ad(k)abbb ab(x). (3.16) The gauge field with the local Lorentz index must be transformed ac cording to (3.11) Ad(k)abAb. (3.17) In order to make the dimensional reduction, we relate the fields on t he total space to those on the base space the gauge field in the local Lorentz frame and phaare higgs fields on the base space. We assume the both sides in (3.18) are independent of ym. Using subscript of curved space, we can write (3.18) equivalently (3.19) Here (3.18) and (3.19) are a generalization of (2.13) and (2.14), res pectively. and (3.18) into (3.12) and using G=g h, we obtain YM-higgs on the base that the connection in the fiber bundle can generate nontrivia l mass terms of the higgs fields. This is reminiscent of the flux compactification in string theory . 4 Extension of the matrix T-duality In this section, we extend the matrix T-duality on nontrivial U(1) bundles developed in [29] to that on nontrivial SU(2) bundles. 4.1 Nontrivial vacua and transformation between patches As in the example in section 2, the theory on the base space (3.20) ha s monopolelike vacua, which are in general patch-dependent if the principal bundle we con sider is nontrivial. Wealsoconsid er are transformed from a patch to another. We examine, in part icular, the of fluctuations around the vacua. It is seen from (3.20) that the condition for the vacua is given by fab-ba abpha= = 0. (4.1) They are satisfied by the following (4.2) whereLaare the generators of the Lie algebra of Gsatisfying [La,Lb] =ifabcLcand gener- ally reducible. Note that as mentioned in section 3.1, ba(x) are generally The vacua are, therefore, also patch-dependent. F rom (3.3) and (4.2), we can read off the transformation properties for the vacua between pa tches: ^a'(x) (4.3) whereK(x) is obtained by replacing Taink(x) in (3.2) by ^pha=La. Note that this is the gauge transformation by K(x) except for the rotation of ^phaby Ad(k(x)), which comes us consider the theory around the vacua (4.2) and decompose the fields into the backgrounds and = =^pha+~pha(x). (4.4) The fluctuations are transformed between patches as ~a' a(x) = (4.5) One can easily see that the action (3.20) is indeed invariant under the transformation (4.3) and this subsection, we consider the case in which the fiber is U(1) orSU(2). In the case of G=U(1), the matrix T-duality indeed works as shown in [29] and its typical example was given in section 2. We extend the matrix T-duality to the case of G=SU(2) by applying the fact described in section 2 that YM on S3is realized in the matrix model. First, we review the matrix T-duality in the case of G=U(1), which is a the relationship between YM on S3and YM-higgs on S2in section 2. In this case, the metric (3.5) reduces to the following the fiber direction and 0 <=y <2p. We put dim M=d. (2.8) indeed takes the form of (4.6). YM-higgs on the base space obtained from YM on the total space is given as the U(1) case of is a special case of (4.7). We show that we obtain the U(N) YM on the total space from theU(Nx) YM-higgs on the base space through the following procedure: we c hoose a certain background of the U(Nx ) YM-higgs on the base space, expand the theory around the background and impose a periodicity condition. Note, first, that a general background of (4.7) is given (4.8) which is a counterpart of (2.22). We decompose the fields into the ba ckgrounds and the fluctuations (4.9) In particular, we take the following background: srunning from We label the (off-diagonal) blocks by ( s,t) and impose the periodicity on the fluctuations as in (4.10) The fluctuations are from a transition function; (2.36) is a special case of (4.11). We make the Fourier transformation for the fluctuations on each pat ch to construct the gauge field on the total space: Aa(x,y) (4.12) We can see from (4.11) that the lefthand sides in the above equation s are indeed invariant under the transformation between patches. Using (4.9) and (4.12 ), we can rewrite each term in (4.7) (4.13) Then (4.7) (4.14) By dividing an overall the last line in (4.14) to extract a single period, we obtain Yang-Mills theory on the total space. Next we consider the case where fiber is SU(2). In this case, YM-higgs on the base space takes the (4.15) We show that we can obtain the U(N) YM on the total space of a nontrivial the YM with three higgs on its base space in a way similar to the cas e Lasatisfyingthe SU(2)algebra,[ La,Lb] = ioabcLc, andLagenerically take a reducible representation (2.25). We expand the fi elds around this (4.16) We label the (off-diagonal) blocks of the fluctuations by ( s,t), which is ( Ns(2js+ 1))x (Nt(2jt+1)) matrix, and expand them by the fuzzy spherical (4.17) We verify from (4.5), (4.17) and (A.26) that the modes are gauge-t ransformed from the of SU(2) fork(x). In what follows, we assume that as a background we set 2 js+1 (2.25) and take the limit of N0- andT- in order. For the modes, we impose the periodicity By using these modes and the spherical harmonics on S3, we make on each patch to construct the gauge field on the total space: Aa(z) (4.20) Its inverse is a(~m) a,Jm(x) (4.21) From (4.18) and (A.8), it is verified that the lefthand sides in (4.20) ar e indeed patches as the gauge field on the total space (3.17). 21Using (4.17) and (4.21), we can obtain the following (4.22) The derivation of the above equalities is given in appendix B. Substitut ing these into (4.15), we dividing an overall the last line in (4.23) to extract a single period, we obtain Yang-Mills theory on the total As an example, we consider an SU(2)xU(1) bundle, P. Leta,b,cin (3.20) run 0,1,2,3 such that '0' corresponds to the U(1) direction and '1 ,2,3' correspond to the SU(2) direction. We assign i,j,kto theSU(2) direction. We can consider YM-higgs on the U(1) bundle on M,M', which is obtained by making the dimensional reduction of the SU(2) fiber direction for YM on the SU(2)xU(1) bundle. We realize the theory around an background of YM-higgs on M'by taking the following background in YM- higgs onM(3.20) and imposing the periodicity condition to the 1(Liin the U(1) monopole and bi arepresents the SU(2) monopole. Ris a certain constant depending on the fiber structure. By setting 2 js+1 from -TtoT, taking the limit of N0- andT- in order and imposing the to the fluctuations again, we realize YM on Pin YM-higgs on M. In a similar way, we can realize YM on an SU(2)kxU(1)lin YM-higgs on its base space. 4.3 Example: S7-S4 We present an example of our findings in the previous subsection: we considerS7with radius 2 and regard it as SU(2)~=S3Hopf bundle on S4with radius S4, itisconvenient for example [44-46]). The quaternion algebra is defined (4.26) An arbitrary element of His written as q=a+bi+cj+dk. Its conjugation q*is defined by q*a-bi-cj-dk. (4.28) The absolute value is given by |q| (4.29) S7with radius 2 is expressed by using quaternions as 4}. (4.30) The Hopf map p:S7-S4is defined by p: (4.31) 23In order to introduce local coordinates one needs to divide S4in two patches: 0). The local trivialization is given on each patch (4.32) We parameterize ( q1,q2) by using a matrix representation of quaternions as q1= 2coskh 2l, q2= 2sinkh 2kl. (4.33) wherek, lSU(2) are defined by using Pauli matrices sa(a= 1,2,3) (4.34) The ranges of variables in the above equations (4.35) In particular, |l|2= detl= 1 and |k|2= detk= 1 hold. One can easily see from (4.32) and (4.33) that on U1the fiber space SU(2) is described by lwhile onU2that is In the following, we restrict ourselves to the region U1. We denote sets of coordinates as xu= (kh,x,e,z) = (kh,x-u) andym= (th,ph,ps).xuare coordinates of S4,x-uare those ofS3inside ofS4andymare those of SU(2) of fiber. In order to describe a metric of S7explicitly, we introduce the Maurer-Cartan 1-forms for (4.36) where -xrepresents the set of {x-u}. Then we define the metric of S7as ds2 S7= (4.37) which is evaluated the above expression, the first term represents the metric of the base space S4and the second one represents that of the fiber space SU(2) locally. Note metric of S3with radius 1. From (4.38) one can read off the vielbein on S4and the of the fiber bundle as ea u(x) =/parenleftbigg1 eu a(x) =/parenleftbigg1 = 0, ba -u(x) = =ea -n(x), ba -u-n(x) (4.39) As noted before, when we move to the other region, U2, we must change ltol'kl. Then, one can easily find that the local connections change to b'a kh(x) = 0, b'a -u(x) = ba -u-n(x) = (4.40) This transformation property is consistent with (3.3). The vacua o f (4.15) are given by (4.2), (2.25), (4.39) and (4.40) on each patch. ba uandb'a uare known as the gauge field of the Yang monopole [47]. By applying the arguments in the previous subsection, we can show t hat YM on S7is equivalent to the theory around the multi Yang monopole backgrou nd of YM-higgs on S4 with the periodicity imposed. 5 Gauge theories on SU(n+1)(/H)and matrix model In this section, we reveal various relations among gauge theories o nSU(n+1) andSU(n+ 1)/H, whereHisSU(n) orSU(n)xU(1) orSU(n+1) which is a subgroup of SU(n+1). Note that SU(n+ for H=SU(n+ 1) the corresponding gauge theory reduces to a matrix model. Fir st, we develop a general formalism of a dimensional reduction by which one c an obtain YM on ~G, where~Gis an arbitrary group manifold. Applying this formalism to the case of ~G=SU(n+1), we obtain YM-higgs on S2n+1and onCPnand the matrix model. Next, by using the facts explained in appendix E, we show that the YM-higgs on CPnin the most general U(1) monopole background is obtained by taking the of the theory around a certain background of the matrix model. We have found the correct form of the YM-higgs type action of such theory on CPn. Third, by using the extended matrix T-duality of the U(1) case reviewed in section 4, we show that YM-higgs on S2n+1is equivalent to the theory around a certain background of YM-higg s onCPnwith condition imposed. Combining these two facts, we also sho w that YM-higgs on S2n+1is realized as the theory around an appropriate background of the matrix model with the orbifolding condition imposed. Finally, by using the results in sectio n 4, we show that YM onSU(n+1) is realized in YM-higgs on In particular, it follows that YM on SU(3) is realized in YM-higgs on S5and onCP2. 5.1 Dimensional reduction of YM theory on a group manifold In this subsection, we restrict ourselves to the case in which the to tal spacePis itself a group manifold ~G. In this case, we can take the Maurer-Cartan basis and rewrite th e YM action on ~Gin such a way that the relation between YM on the total space and YM -higgs on the base space becomes more manifest. In terms of this expres sion of the YM action, we can easily perform the dimensional reduction to obtain the YM-hig gs theory on a coset space~G/H, whereHis a subgroup of ~G. Some conventions on the group manifold ~Gand the coset space ~G/Hare summarized in appendix C. Letusconsider pureYMon ~G. the right invariant 1-forms on ~Gwhich are defined in (C.2). In this basis, the field strength is written (5.1) where we have used the Maurer-Cartan equation (C.3) and LAare the right invariant Killing vectors on ~Gwhich are defined in (C.9). This is a counterpart of (2.20). Then, the original YM action on ~Gis rewritten as dim(~G),G= detGMNandGMNis the metric on ~G. Note that the in this basis is given by XA-UXAU-1-LAU U-1. (5.3) As explained in appendix C, if one drops the derivatives along the fiber direction in LA, these operators are reduced to the LAwhich are the Killing vectors on ~G/Hdefined in (C.12). By dropping the derivatives along the fiber direction in LAin (5.2), therefore, we can obtain the theory on dim~G/H,g= detgunandgunis the metric on ~G/H. This is a counterpart of (2.18). The action (5.4) is also rewritten into the YM-higgs form which was obt ained in section 3. The relation between the fields XAand the gauge and higgs fields on ~G/His given as follows. We introduce the orthogonal vectors to LAas Na A= Ad(L(x))Aa, (5.5) whereL(x) is a representative element of ~G/Hwhich is defined in (C.1), and Ad represents the adjoint action: One can show the orthonormality Na ANb A=dab, Lu ANa A= 0, (5.6) wheregunis the inverse of the metric on ~G/H. Furthermore, the following equalities 0. (5.7) We decompose XAinto the gauge and higgs fields in terms of Lu AandNa Aas follows (5.8) This is a generalization of (2.16). Then, each term in the action (5.4) is rewritten we have used (5.7). By substituting these equations into the action (5.4) and using (5.6), we indeed obtain the YM-higgs type action we consider the case in which P=~Gand the base manifold is just a point. This is the special case of the above dimensional reduction in which Hequals~Gitself. In this 27case, the theory on the base space is given by a zero-dimensional m atrix model. Dropping all the derivatives in (5.2), we can easily make a dimensional reduction to the matrix This is a counterpart of (2.19). Of course, we can obtain the matrix model (5.11) also from the theory (5.4) on ~G/Hby dropping the derivatives LA. If we regard the original YM on ~Gas YM on a principal ~Gbundle over a point, we obtain (5.11) as a special case of (3.20). 5.2 Dimensional reduction of YM theory on wederive theYM-higgson the discussed in the previous subsection. We also derive the 0 -dimensional matrix model in which the YM-higgs on S2n+1and onCPnwill be realized. Let us consider the group manifold SU(n+1). We can apply the dimensional in section 5.1 to the case of P=~G=SU(n+1) and obtain a theory on a whereHis a subgroup of SU(n+1). We begin with pure YM on the group manifold SU(n+1) in the Maurer-Cartan the structure constant of SU(n+1),G= detGMNandGMNis the Cartan- Killing metric on ~Gwhich is defined in (C.6). Let us consider the dimensional reduction of the above theory to a theory on ~G/H. If we takeHto beSU(n), the coset space is given by By applying the dimensional reduction (5.4) to YM on SU(n+1), therefore, we obtain the YM-higgs ~grepresents the determinant of the metric on S2n+1, and~LA's are the Killing vectors onS2n+1. Note that S2n+1that we consider here possesses only SU(n+1) isometry which is smaller than SO(2n+2). In fact, this is not the ordinary round sphere but a squashed sphere. In the case of n= 2, the metric of this squashed S5is explicitly given in we consider the case of H=SU(n)xU(1). In this case, the coset space Then, we can obtain the theory on CPnfrom YM on SU(n+1) through the dimensional in the case of S2n+1,g= the metric and the Killing The theory (5.14) can be obtained also from the theo ry (5.13) by dropping the derivative along the extra U(1) fiber direction. We can also rewrite (5.13) and (5.14) into the YM-higgs type actions as in (5.10) by using the relation (5.8). For example, (5.14) is rewritten into (5.10) with u,n= 0,***,n2-1. Here,a,b,c are indices of SU(n)xU(1) anda= 0 corresponds to the U(1) we consider the case in which HisSU(n+1) itself. In this case, the coset space is just a point. Then, we obtain the following matrix model by using (5.1 (5.15) This theory is used to realize the theories (5.13) and (5.14) in the nex t subsection. For n= 1, the dimensional reductions in this subsection are equivalent to thos e in section 2. 5.3 Relations among gauge theories on SU(n+1)/H In this subsection, we show that the theory (5.14) in a monopole bac kground can be realized by taking the commutative limit of the theory around a nontrivial bac kground of this construction and the matrix T-duality, we also show th at the theory be realized as the theory around a certain background of the m atrix model with the orbifolding condition imposed. Furthermore, we apply the ex tended matrix T- duality developed in section 4 to YM-higgs on and show that YM onSU(n+ 1) is equivalent to the theory around a certain vacuum of YM-higgs on with the periodicity condition imposed. For n= 2, we obtain YM onSU(3) from YM-higgs on S5and onCP2through the extended matrix we review nontrivial backgrounds of the theory (5.14) on CPnand the matrix model (5.15). The theory on CPnhas many nontrivial monopole vacua. In particular, we focus on the U(1) monopole background. Recall that we have n2higgs fields pha. In theU(1) monopole background, only the higgs field along the U(1) direction ph0acquires its nonzero vacuum expectation value. In the gauge where ph0is diagonal, the vacuum configurations of theU(1) monopole with the gauge group U(M) are given 0). be integers due to Dirac's quantization condition. Because of (5.8), the vacuum configurations of XAare equivalently given theory around the background (5.17) is obtained by expanding each block of the fields in (5.14) as Then, the following action is the angular momentum operators in the presence of a monopole with the magnetic charge q, which take the (5.19) These operators are the generalization of (2.27) in the case of S2. The vacua of the theory (5.15) are determined by [XA,XB] =ifABCXC. (5.20) In addition to the trivial solution XA= 0, there are nontrivial solutions which are given by the representation matrices of the SU(n+1) (5.21) ^LAare generally in a reducible representation. In order to construct a theory on CPnin a 30U(1) monopole background, we consider the following representatio the abbreviations of are the generators of SU(n+ 1) in the irreducible representation specified by the Dynkin index of SU(n+ 1), [L s,0,***,0]. We consider the matrix model (5.15) around the background (5.22) by expanding the each block of the fields around the background : Then, the action takes the following defined (5.24) We show in the following that the theory (5.23) is equivalent to the the ory (5.18) if we put Ls=N0+nsand takeN0- limit. In order to show this equivalence, we make a harmonic expansion [31,32,35]. As explained in appendix E, the ( s,t) blocksX(s,t) Ain the matrix model are expanded by the basis of rectangular matrices (E .21) (5.25) 31Then, the diagonal coherent map allows us to map the ( s,t) blocks to local sections of the monopole bundle on CPnwith the charge we have taken the commutative limit N0- the basis of local sections of the U(1) monopole bundle on CPnwhich are defined in (E.26). Note that we have put the superscript CPon the quantity in the righthand side of the above equation in order to emphasis that the XCP(s,t) Aare the fields on CPnappearing in (5.18). mapped to L(q) Aas shown in (5.27) Using (5.26) and (5.27), we find that the matrix model (5.23) is equiva lent to the theory (5.18) onCPnin the commutative limit N0- . Next, we show that the theory around a certain vacuum of U(M=Nx ) a periodicity condition imposed is equivalent to U(N) YM-higgs on S2n+1. This statement is nothing but the matrix T-duality. As explained in sec tion 4, therefore, we consider the appropriate vacuum which is given by (5.17) (or equiv alently (5.16)) with srunning from -to,ns=sandNs=N. We expand the fields on CPnaround the background as XA-^XA+XA, (5.28) and impose the periodicity (orbifolding) condition on the (5.29) Then, we define the gauge and higgs fields on S2n+1by the Fourier transforms of the fluctu- ations on each local coordinate (5.30) whereyis a coordinate which parameterizes the fiber ( U(1)) direction and satisfies 0 <=t<= 2p. Here, the superscripts SandCPindicate that the fields on S2n+1 4In [32], (5.26) and (5.27) are proven to the quadratic order in the fie lds for all qand to all order for q= 0. In this paper, we assume that these are also valid to all order fo r We substitute (5.30) into (5.18) and divide an overall f a single period. Then, we obtain U(N) YM-higgs on S2n+1written in the basis the above matrix T-duality and the construction of (5.18) in terms of the matrix model, we find that the theory around (5.22) of the matrix mo del, wheresruns from -toand Ls=N0+s, is equivalent to U(N) YM-higgs on S2n+1if we take the limit N0- , impose the periodicity condition on the fluctuations, and finally divide the it is straightforward to apply the extended matrix T-duality t o onSU(n+ and show that YM on SU(n+ 1) is equivalent to the theory around a certain vacuum of YM-higgs on with the periodicity condition imposed. 6 Interpretation as Buscher's T-duality In this section, let us see that the extended matrix T-duality of the U(1) case, which was obtained in [29] and reviewed in section 4.2, is actually interpreted as t he T-duality in Buscher's sense. We put dim M=p. ForG=U(1), as in (4.6), the metric of the total space is given (6.1) whereM,N= 1,***,p+1 andu,n= 1,***,p. We assume that the other fields such as fields and the dilaton field are trivial. Then, YM on the to tal space is viewed as the low energy effective theory for the D p-branes wrapped on the total space5. We make the T-duality transformation for the fiber direction to obtain a new geometry 0, B' uy=-bu. (6.2) The Dp-branes should be transformed to the D( p-1)-branes wrapped on the base space. The D(p-1)-brane effective action on the new geometry (6.2) is given (6.3) wheresa(a= 1,***,p) parameterize the world volume of the D( p-1)-brane, and ~Gaband ~Babare the pullback of (6.2) on the world volume which is defined through t he embedding 5Here we ignore the transverse directions. 33of world volume zM(s) (6.4) In the static gauge xu(s) =suandzy(s) = 2pa'ph, (6.3) reduces toO(a'3), this If we redefine the gauge field as aa-aa+baphand make we obtain from (6.7) which indeed agrees with (3.20) with would like to thank T. Higashi for discussions. The work of G.I. is su pported in part by the JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists. The work of A .T. is supported in part by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 19540294)from the Ministry of Sports, Science and Technology. A Spherical harmonics In this appendix, we review the spherical harmonics on S3, the monopole harmonics on S2[42] and the fuzzy spherical harmonics [15,24,49]. For more details , see [29,48] and references therein. A.1 Spherical harmonics on S3 We regardS3as theSU(2) group manifold. We parameterize an element of SU(2) in terms of the Euler angles [JA,JB] =ioABCJCand 0<=th<=p, 0<=ph <2p, 0<=ps <4p. The isometry of S3isSO(4) =SU(2)xSU(2), and these two SU(2)'s act on gfrom left and right, respectively. We construct the right invariant (A.2) where the radius of S3is 2/u. They are explicitly given (A.3) and satisfy the Maure-Cartan 0. (A.4) The metric is constructed from (A.5) The Killing vectors dual to EAare given by LA=-i uEM AM, inverse of EA M. The explicit form of the Killing vectors (A.7) Because of the Maure-Cartan equation (A.4), the Killing vectors sa tisfy the SU(2) algebra, [LA,LB] =ioABCLC. The scalar spherical harmonics on S3are given by YJm~m(ohm3) = (A.8) These spherical harmonics form the basis of SU(2) algebra genera ted (A.9) The complex conjugates of the spherical harmonics are evaluated as (YJm~m)*= (-1)m-~mYJ-m-~m. (A.10) The spherical harmonics also satisfy the orthonormality (A.11) The integral of the product of three spherical harmonics is given a s coefficient of SU(2). Finally, the spherical the completeness = (A.14) A.2 Monopole spherical harmonics on S2 We adopt the following metric for (A.15) We define two local patches on S2to describe nontrivial U(1) bundles over S2: the patch I is specified by 0 <=th < pand the patch II is specified by 0 < th<=p. In the the upper sign is taken in the patch I and the lower sign in the patch II. The angular momentum operator in the presence of a monopole with m agnetic charge q at the origin takes the (A.16) whereqis quantized as q= These operators act on the local sections onS2and satisfy the SU(2) algebra [ L(q) A,L(q) B] =ioABCL(q) C. Note that when q= 0, these operators are reduced to the ordinary angular momentum operat ors onS2(orR3). if we regardS3as aU(1) bundle over S2, and parameterize the fiber direction by y=ps+-ph, the above expression (A.16) can be obtained by making a replacement in ( A.7):y- -iq. The monopole spherical harmonics are the basis of local sections on S2and also form the basis of the SU(2) algebra generated by L(q) A. The monopole scalar spherical harmonics are given by ~YJmq(ohm2) = The existence of the lower bound of the angular momentum Jis due to the fact that the magnetic field produced by the monopole also has nonzero angular momentum. Note that the mo nopole harmonics with q= 0 do not transform on the overlap of two patches. They corresp ond to global on S2which are expressed by the ordinary spherical harmonics on S2. The the monopole spherical harmonics is given (A.18) The complex conjugates of the monopole spherical harmonics are e valuated (-1)m-q~YJ-m-q. (A.19) The monopole spherical harmonics are orthonormal to each other (A.20) The integral of three monopole spherical harmonics is equal to the corresponding integral (A.12) onS3with the identification ~ (A.21) 37where the monopole charges must be conserved in the lefthand side of the above 0. Note that the monopole spherical harmonics are expressed in t erms of the spherical harmonics on S3: ~YJmq(ohm2) (A.22) (A.21) and (A.22) represent a map between the local sections on S2and the onS3. A.3 Fuzzy spherical harmonics Let us consider (2 j+1)x(2j'+1) rectangular complex matrices. Such matrices are (A.23) We can define linear maps ^LA*, which map the set of (2 j+1)x(2j'+1) rectangular complex matrices to itself, by their operation on the the spin jrepresentation matrices of the SU(2) generators. ^LA*satisfy the SU(2) algebra [ ^LA*,^LB*] =ioABC^LC*. We make a change of a basis of the rectangular matrices from the ab ove basis the new basis which is called the fuzzy spherical (A.25) whereN0is a positive integer which will be specified below. For a fixed Jthe fuzzy also form a basis of the spin Jirreducible representation of SU(2) which is generated by (A.26) The hermitian conjugates of the fuzzy spherical harmonics are ev aluated (A.27) 38The fuzzy spherical harmonics satisfy the orthonormality conditio n under the following nor- malized (A.28) where tr stands for the trace over (2 j'+ 1)x(2j'+ 1) matrices. The trace of three fuzzy spherical harmonics is given the last factor of the above equation is the 6 -jsymbol. In order to reveal relationships among the fuzzy spherical harmo nics, the monopole harmonicson S3, =N0+z,2j'+1 =N0+z',2j''+1 =N0+z''. integers which are grater than -N0. Then, in the limit N0- , one can show the identification This relation can be proved by using the following asymptotic form of the 6 -jsymbols. If R1, one obtains b c d+R e+R b c e-f f-d the 3 -jsymbol is related to the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient (A.33) The relation (A.31) implies that the fuzzy spherical harmonics ^YJm(jj')give a matrix regu- larization of the monopole harmonics ~YJmqthrough the following combining the above correspondence and the relat ions (A.21) and (A.22), we can also map the fuzzy spherical harmonics to the spherical harmo nics onS3. 39A.4 Vector spherical harmonics We introduce vector spherical harmonics for three different type s of the spherical harmonics that we have defined above. The vector spherical harmonics are g iven These spherical harmonics transform as the vector representations under SU(2) rotation. The unitary matrix Uis given by U= -1 0 1 -i0-i 0 2 0 . (A.36) The vector spherical harmonics (A.37) The complex (hermitian) conjugates of these vector harmonics ar e evaluated as (Yr Jm~mA)*= (A.38) The orthonormal relations (A.39) Finally, the integrals (or trace) of three vector harmonics are give n the monopole charges must be conserved in the lefthand side of the second 0 and E,^Eare given in (A.31), we can (A.43) in the limit N0- Derivation of (4.22) In this appendix, we give the derivation of (4.22) in some we have used (A.9) and (B.2) In the third and fourth lines of the righthand side, we have used (A.3 1), the charge conser- vation ~m''= ~m+ (A.12), so that we have added the new and replaced qutbyqvt. Then, we can regard the and the last equality holds due to (A.13). C Group manifold and coset space In this appendix, we describe some conventions on the group manifo ld~Gand the coset space ~G/Hwhich we follow in this paper. We parameterize an element of ~Gas g(z) =L(x)h(y), the coordinates and zMare decomposed into ( xu,yi). We can construct the right and left invariant 1-forms on g-1dg=iEA LTA, (C.2) whereA= thegeneratorsof ~Gwhich satisfy [TA,TB] =ifABCTC. We decompose TAinto (Ta,Ta) wherea= 1,***,dim~G/H, a= dim~G/H+ 1,***,dim~G, and we assume that Tasatisfy the Lie algebra of Hwhich is a subalgebra of ~G, [Ta,Tb] =ifabcTc. The both of the 0, 0, (C.3) 42We also introduce the right and left invariant 1-form for (C.4) Then, we can write down the components of Ad is defined as the adjoint action The Cartan-Killing metric on~Gis defined (C.6) In terms of the components (C.5), the above metric is written as ds2= (C.7) We can regard the group manifold ~Gas the principal Hbundle on ~G/H. By comparing (C.7) and (3.5), therefore, we can make the following identifications the metrics on ~G/HandH, respectively, and ba uare the local con- nection 1-forms of the principal Hbundle. Namely, we can regard ( eL)a uand (~eR)a mas the vielbein on ~G/HandH, respectively. The metric (C.6) is invariant under the right and left actions of ~G. The corresponding right and left invariant Killing vectors on ~Gare defined in terms of the inverse of (C.9) By using (C.3), we can show that the Lie algebra of = 0, (C.10) and they also satisfy the Killing vector 0, (C.11) whereMare the covariant derivative on We also define the following (C.12) One can show that LAdo not depend on ymand they satisfy [ LA,LB] =ifABCLCby using (C.10). Furthermore, we can show 0, Namely,LAare the Killing vectors on the coset space ~G/H. 43D Metrics of forconcreteness, We parameterize an element gofSU(3) (D.2) and 0<=kh<=p 2, 0<=th<=p, 0<=ph <2p, 0<=ps <4p, 0<=t <2p, 0<=a <2p, 0<=b<=p and 0<=c <4p.l1,***,l8are the Gell-Mann matrices and satisfy Tr( lalb) =1 2dab. The metric ofSU(3) is given (D.4) which are the right invariant 1-form of SU(2).SU(3) is anSU(2)xU(1) bundle over CP2. The second line in the righthand side of (D.3) is the Fubini-Study metric ofCP2. The third line represents the U(1) fiber structure while the fourth, fifth and sixth lines represen t the SU(2) fiber structure. SU(3) is also viewed as an SU(2) bundle over second and third lines together correspond to the metric of is viewed as a U(1) bundle over CP2. The metric of the ordinary unit S5is given by the sum of the second and third lines with the factor 3 /4 in the third line replaced by 1/4. E Fuzzy CPn In this appendix, we give a brief review of a construction of fuzzy Functions on fuzzy CPn FuzzyCPnis a well-known example of noncommutative space which is given by the q uan- tization of coadjoint orbit of SU(n+ 1) in terms of a certain matrix algebra acting on an appropriate representation space V. We can determine this matrix algebra and the repre- sentation space Vby matching the spectrum of functions on CPnand that on fuzzy CPn. In order to consider the spectrum of functions on CPn, We regard CPnas a coadjoint orbit in the Lie algebra of (E.1) wheretis an element of the SU(n+1) Lie algebra such that the stabilizer of tis given by SU(n)xU(1). For example, for the case of CP2, we can take tto bel8which is adjoint action generated by l1,l2,l3andl8. Functions on CPnshould be invariant under the action of SU(n)xU(1). Then, the space of functions on CPnis given by a direct sum of the representation spaces of SU(n+1) which contain states: C(CPn) (E.2) where we denote [ J,0,***,0,J] as the Dynkin index of SU(n+1), corresponding irreducible representation space of the SU(n+ 1) Lie algebra. One can show the only spaces which contain the SU(n)xU(1) singlets. The space of functions on fuzzy CPnis obtained by introducing a cutoff L in (E.2) (E.3) By definition, it is obvious that the above spectrum on fuzzy CPntends to the spectrum (E.2) onCPnin the commutative limit L - . Note that the righthand side of the above equation can be viewed as a space of matrices. From this viewp oint, we make regard functions on fuzzy CPnas matrices acting on the vector space V. In particular, the coordinates on fuzzy CPnare identified (E.4) which are the generators of SU(n+ 1) in the irreducible representation specified by the Dynkin index [L ,0,***,0]. These coordinates on fuzzy CPnare actually reduced to the coordinates on CPnin the commutative limit through a map which will be defined in the last part of this section. E.2 Derivatives on fuzzy CPn In order to construct differential operators on fuzzy CPn, let us recall the simplest case of fuzzyCP1S2. In this case, we established the differential operators on fuzzy S2in appendix A. As shown in (A.34), the adjoint action of the SU(2) generators is reduced to the action of the Killing vectors on S2in the commutative limit. We can generalize this fact into the case of fuzzy CPnwithn>=2. The adjoint action of the SU(n+1) generators on the space of square matrices (E.3), [ is mapped into the action of the Killing vectors on the space of functions on CPnin the commutative on fuzzy nontrivial field configurations including U(1) monopoles can be realized on fuzzyCPn. If we consider rectangular matrices in addition to the square matr ices (E.3), the concept of fiber bundles naturally arises. Let us again consider the case of fuzzy CP1. We have shown in appendix A that the basis of (2 j+1)x(2j'+1) rectangular matrices, ^YJm(jj'), are mapped into local sections of the U(1) fiber bundle on S2. In this correspondence, identified with the monopole charge qof theU(1) bundle. This fact is also generalized into the case of CPnwithn>=2. For the case of CPn, we consider a space of rectangular (E.5) Here, the charge qis a half integer and we take L +-qto be integers. When q= 0, L is an integer and this is the case of square matrices (E.3). We can show th at elements of (E.5) are mapped into local sections of U(1) fiber bundle on CPnwith the monopole charge q. Furthermore, we can extend the action of the differential operat ors discussed above to the action on rectangular matrices as an element of (E.5). When q= 0,^M0is just a square matrix and ^LA*are nothing but the commutators [ The operators ^LA*map the space (E.5) to itself and they are reduced to the angular momentum operators in t he presence of a U(1) monopole with the magnetic charge qin the commutative limit. We will show these facts in the following subsections. E.4 Fock space order to construct a map between matrices and functions on CPn, we introduce the Fock space representation developed in [35]. Let a+ a,a= 1,2,***,n+ 1 be a set of and aabe a set of annihilation operators which annihilate the Fock vacuum satisfy the Heisenberg commutation = [a+ a,a+ b] = 0,[aa,a+ b] =da b. (E.7) By acting the creation operators on the vacuum state we can construct the entire Fock spaceFwhich is spanned (E.8) In terms of the operators (E.7), we can construct elements of th e Lie algebra of thegeneratorsof also define the number operator which commutes with all the oper ators in (E.10) The operators (E.9) and (E.10) act on the Fock space F, and = 0. (E.11) We can decompose the Fock space Finto the eigenspaces of an eigenvalue of ^N. The basis of each eigenspace V[p,0,***,0]is formed by |ap/a}backeti}ht=|a1,a2,***,ap/a}backeti}ht=1p!a+ a1a+ a2***a+ ap an abbreviation of a set of pindices, us consider square matrices which are elements of (E.3). These matrices are (E.14) We define a new basis of these matrices to see the correspondence with the spectrum of functions on CPn, (E.15) where L -JindicesgL-Jare contracted and PbJ,tJaJ,sJis the projection operator onto the representation space appeared in the decomposition (E.3), that is, it removes all traces between aJandbJ. For to harmonicson limitwhich areelements of(E.2). Nn LJis an appropriate normalization constant which is determined by the fo llowing the (E.17) In the case of n= 1,^YbJaJare essentially the same as the fuzzy spherical harmonics which are defined in (A.25). The action of differential operators on fuzzy CPnis given by the adjoint action of operators in (E.9). Then, one can evaluate the eig envalues of the Laplacian as =J(J+n)^YbJaJ. (E.18) The above spectrum completely matches the spectrum of function s onCPnup to the cutoff L. In terms of the Fock space representation, we can also express r ectangular matrices which are elements of (E.5). Those rectangular matrices are generally ex pressed as ^Mq= (E.19) These matrices are expanded by a similar basis to (E.15). Note that t he direct (E.5) is decomposed (E.20) 48For each representation space in (E.20) with fixed J, we can use the following in the case of square matrices, a projection operator onto the space (E.20) with fixed JandNn LJqis a normalization constant which is determined (E.22) Whenq= tial operatorson ^Y(q)bJ+qaJ-qis given by (E.6). We canevaluate the eigenvalues of the Laplacian as (E.23) The above spectrum is the same as the spectrum of local sections o fU(1) bundle on CPn up to the cutoff. We show in the following that the rectangular matric mapped to the local sections on CPn. E.5 Relation between matrices and sections Let us recall the spherical harmonics on CPn. In a spinorial basis, they are given (E.24) In the above expression, waare the coordinates of which 1 and the normalization constant Nn Jis determined (E.25) whereonis the volume form on CPn. The functions (E.24) are invariant under the U(1) phase rotation so that they can be regarded as global sections (f unctions) on CPn. We can generalize (E.24) to a basis of local sections of the U(1) monopole bundle on CPn. The local sections of the monopole bundle with the magnetic charge qcan be expanded are normalized not invariant under the U(1) phase rotation, so that they transform as the local sections of the monopole bundle on CPnwith the magnetic charge q. Note nothing but the global sections, ~YbJaJ. The relation between matrices and sections on CPnis given by the diagonal coherent state map [35]. Let us consider a matrix ^Mqwhich is an element of (E.5) and expanded as in (E.19). ^Mqcorresponds to a section of the monopole bundle on CPnthrough the map. In particular, when q= 0,^M0is just a square matrix and corresponds to a global section on CPn. The map to the sections is given by ~Mq(w,-w) (E.29) The map (E.28) is equivalent to the following replacement up to an over all constant (E.30) where the superscripts LandRexpress that the operators act on matrices from the left and right, respectively. Through this correspondence, (E.15) an d (E.21) are mapped to (E.24) and (E.26) respectively. Furthermore, the differential ope rators^LA*on fuzzyCPn are mapped to ^LA* -L(q) A= (E.31) Whenq= 0, these operators act on the functions (E.24) and they can be id entified with the Killing vectors on CPn. In the case q/e}atioslash= 0, however, they act on the local sections (E.26) so that the derivative along the U(1) fiber direction does not vanish and yields additional terms which are proportional to the charge q. In this case, the operators (E.31) can be interpreted as the angular momentum operators on CPnin the presence of a monopole with the T. Banks, W. Fischler, S. H. Shenker and L. Susskind, Phys. Rev . D55(1997) N. Ishibashi, H. 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Asato Tsuchiya
Takaaki Ishii, Goro Ishiki, Shinji Shimasaki, Asato Tsuchiya
Fiber Bundles and Matrix Models
53 pages, references added, typos corrected
OU-HET 599
We investigate relationship between a gauge theory on a principal bundle and that on its base space. In the case where the principal bundle is itself a group manifold, we also study relations of those gauge theories with a matrix model obtained by dimensionally reducing them to zero dimensions. First, we develop the dimensional reduction of Yang-Mills (YM) on the total space to YM-higgs on the base space for a general principal bundle. Second, we show a relationship that YM on an SU(2) bundle is equivalent to the theory around a certain background of YM-higgs on its base space. This is an extension of our previous work (hep-th/0703021), in which the same relationship concerning a U(1) bundle is shown. We apply these results to the case of $SU(n+1)$ as the total space. By dimensionally reducing YM on $SU(n+1)$, we obtain YM-higgs on $SU(n+1)/SU(n)\simeq S^{2n+1}$ and on $SU(n+1)/(SU(n)\times U(1))\simeq CP^n$ and a matrix model. We show that the theory around each monopole vacuum of YM-higgs on $CP^n$ is equivalent to the theory around a certain vacuum of the matrix model in the commutative limit. By combing this with the relationship concerning a U(1) bundle, we realize YM-higgs on $SU(n+1)/SU(n)\simeq S^{2n+1}$ in the matrix model. We see that the relationship concerning a U(1) bundle can be interpreted as Buscher's T-duality.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:42:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 29 Dec 2008 08:08:45 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ishii", "Takaaki", "" ], [ "Ishiki", "Goro", "" ], [ "Shimasaki", "Shinji", "" ], [ "Tsuchiya", "Asato", "" ] ]
2 in which the coupling is only through sz. In this partic- ular case, [ sz,Hint] = 0 and the corresponding master equation is much simplified, with no frequency and dissipation effects. In other words, the model describes a purely decohering mechanism, solely contain- ing the diffusion term D(t) whose master equation, (with /planckover2pi1= is the spectral density of the to some frequency L that may be large compared to ohm. In particular, the case with n= 1 is the ohmic it is easy to check that rr01(t) is the solution for the (while the populations remain constant), where A(t) In the following, we shall call F= exp(-A(t)) the decoherence factor. Hence, the GP for an initial pure state of the related to a o[0,t] up to first order in the ( g0l2 k) (4) In the right side of last expression, we have performed a serial expansion in terms of g0. The first term corre- sponds to the unitary phase PhU. Consequently, we see that the unitary GP is corrected by a term which de- pends directly on the kind of environment present [8]. For example, for an ohmic environment in the limit of high temperature while the same environment at zero temperature modifies the unitary phase as results can be compared with those in [3, 11]. In those cases, the correction due to the environment is decoherence factor F= exp(-g0t)). However, in our model, these corrections enclose the main the model of bath we are taking into account, which allows to evaluate the decoherence time scale properly. In the case ofhaving a bosonic environment, composed by an infinite set of harmonic oscillators, it is not diffi- cult to evaluate the decoherence time scale. This scale should be compared with the time t= 2p/ohm at which one expect to measure the GP. In the case of an ohmic bath in the high temperature limit, the decoherece time istD= 1/(g0pkBT), which is really a very short time scale compared with t. In the zero temperature case, the decoherence time scales as tD~e1/g0/L which, indeed, can be very large in the case of underdamped environ- ments. In conclusion, one could expect that the GP canbe only detected at very low temperature when the atom is mainly coupled to a bosonic Model . We shall study another simple solv- able model in which the size of the environment has a relevant role. Consider a two-level system coupled to n other two-level systems[12]. Our main subsystem (one qubit) interacts with the rest of the environmental spins by a bilinear interaction described by the (5) where the system qubit is denoted by the superscript 1. This coupling is also a purely phase damping mech- anism, as in the spin-boson model mentioned above. Given a factorizable initial state of the form the interacction en- tangles the state of the system with the means that after the interaction, both system and environment states are not longer factorizable. Similarly to the spin-boson model, the density matrix will have constant populations (since [ sz,Htot] = 0) and the where z(t) +- |bk|. Note that z(t) depends on the initial conditions of the environment only through of finding the system in the eigenstates of the interaction Hamiltonian |ak|,|bk|[12]. In this case, z(t) plays the role of the decoherence factor Fsince con- tains the information related to the tracing out of the spin environment degrees of freedom. In particular, the magnitude of z(t) determines the damping of the originally contained in r01(0). In particu- lar, when |z(t)| -0, the nonunitary evolution and of the process are evident. However, infor- mation can be in principle recoverable for a finite at worst The effective- ness of the decoherence mechanism is determined by the dimension of the environment. However, in any case, if z(t) is a complex function, it implies a phase shift and i.e. process. In principle, the correction induced on the GP is the same as in Eq.(4), just replacing take for example the particular case when the ( k= 2in Eq.(5)). For the same initial state mentioned above, and we obtain z(t) = cos(pJt) (where we setJJ12). In this case, z(t) is real and then, its is to the phase shift of the system, while one spin environment is not effective inducing decoher- ence on the system. Nevertheless, we will show that this3 factor induces a correction to the GP which is quadratic in the coupling strength with the environment. In such a case, if one performs a serial expansion in powers of the coupling constant J, one obtains that the modifica- tion to the unitary phase is at second order. Thus, the correction to the unitary GP is given (7) This simple result shows that correction to the unitary GP induced by the presence of this environment can zero-order, the unitary GP is the same as in Qubit-Qubit Decoherence Model . Herein, we shall compute the GP's correction for a model very similar to the above described spin-spin one. This sce- nario has the particular feature that it can be imple- mented to simulate quantum decoherence [13]. In this case, the environment is also limited to only one spin (qubit). However, through the strategy of randomly re- dressing the phase of the environment qubits during the interaction with the system, it is possible to simulate a much larger environment. Therefore, the result must be averaged over many realizations of this evolution. The dimension of the Hilbert space can not be larger than N2, where Nis the dimension of the local main sys- tem. To remove the information from the finite a classical stochastic field is included. Ba- sically, the technique consists of applying classical kicks to the environment qubits, and then averaging over the realizations of this stochastic noise. This has the effect of scrambling the system information after it has been stored in the quantum environment through the shall consider the evolution of this system subject to a sequence of kicks that only affect the Every kick is generated by a transverse mag- netic field whose effect is to rotate the environment qubit around the yaxis by an angle oincluded randomly in the interval ( -a,a). In this case, the reduced density factor F. The off-diagonal terms are all the information about the effect tracing out the environment degree of freedom many field [13]. In the case that there are no kicks, i.e. a= 0, and f12= which agrees with the spin-spin model described above ( pzis the ini- tial polarization of the environment qubit). In this case there is no decoherence and the GP-correction is given by Eq.(7). The decoherence factor is independent of thekicking rate (no kicks in this limit), and the system qubit rotates independently of the environment qubit. If one allows a complete ramdomization, i.e. the kick anglesojmay vary over the entire interval between 0 and 2p, the decoherence factor can be approximated, in the limit of faster kicks, by[13] where G is the kick rate. Using this expression, one can evaluate the correction induced on the GP ( dPhcr SS) (for the particular case pz= 0) (8) In this situation, the decoherence time is given by tD= 2G/(J2) which is larger than t, making the negligible if trying to measure these corrections to the GP. Finally, we shallconsiderthe since it is the regime used by simulations and also for deco- herence experiments (usually with a=p/20). In such a case, it is possible to estimate the decoherence where o= 2/3a2is a small number ( o0.016 for the accesible value of amentioned above). This decoherence factor determines a very large dephas- ing scale: tD= 1/(Go). In this case, we can also evaluate the environmentally induced correction to the GP (up to sencond order in the coupling with the environment and also for small o, andpz= correction to the GP has a term independent of the coupling constant with the environment J, which in this limit is linear with o, the small angle that is rotated due to the kicks. It is worthly noticing that in the limit ofo-0, Eq.(9) coincides with the result given by the Zurek's model. Even though this is a very simple quantum open sys- tem model, it is of great interest due to the fact that this scheme enables simulation of the quantum decoherence that usually appears for As we have mentioned, one qubit as environment is not enough to produce decoherence on the system qubit in the Zurek's model. However, in the present case, the phase damp- ing is induced by a sequence of kicks that affect only the environment qubit, generated by a magnetic field that rotates the environment spin by an angle o. 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Fernando C. Lombardo
Fernando C. Lombardo and Paula I. Villar
Environmentally induced corrections to the geometric phase in a two-level system
4 pages, no figures. Minor changes, version to appear in the special issue of IJQI Noise, Information and Complexity at Quantum Scale
quant-ph cond-mat.other hep-ph
We calculate the geometric phase for different open systems (spin-boson and spin-spin models). We study not only how they are corrected by the presence of the different type of environments but also discuss the appearence of decoherence effects. These should be taken into account when planning experimental setups to study the geometric phase in the nonunitary regime. We propose a model with slow decoherence rate in which the geometric phase is still modified and might be measured.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 20 Feb 2008 15:01:58 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 11 Mar 2008 15:13:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lombardo", "Fernando C.", "" ], [ "Villar", "Paula I.", "" ] ]
Abstract Leibniz considered the notion of the empty physical space to be a meaningless abstrac- tion, and he held rmly to the view that the only signicant thing was the set of relation- ships between `objects', whatever these `objects' might be. Similarly, he was equally clear in expressing his views about Newton's universal time , which he also considered to be a meaningless abstraction. In e ect, for him, time was no more than a synonym for ordered change within a material system. The process of giving quantitative realization to this duality of non-Newtonian ideas forms the core of this work. A primary result arising is that every gravitating particle is no more than a clock - the geometric Leibniz Clock - which provides all the basic things: it conserves energy and angular momentum and satises the Weak Equivalence Principle. When the Clock is applied to model the concept of a galactic object within which all motions are circular, the characteristic properties of the MOND galaxy (asymptotic at- ness, a critical acceleration scale, the baryonic Tully-Fisher relationship) are in the resulting Leibniz galaxy. In short, the characteristic essence of MOND has its source in the geometric Leibniz Clock. 21 correspondence of Clarke-Leibniz (1715 1716) (Alexander (1984)) concerning the nature of physical space and experienced time makes it clear that Leibniz considered the concepts of the empty physical space and (Newton's) universal time to be meaningless abstractions. In modern terms, for Leibniz, physical space is a secondary construct projected out of primary objects (whatever these might be) whilst, for him, time stands as no more than a syn- onym for ordered change within material systems. These ideas are simple to state, and might even seem self-evident to some, but they are very dicult to realize in any quantitative way. To see why this might be, it is instructive to consider the case of physical space : if this is a secondary construct projected out of primary objects then, of itself, it stands as a proxy for its own contents - they are one and the same thing. This is a deeply recursive relationship, and therein lies the diculty associated with any attempt to synthesize a quantitative Leibnizian worldview. But therein also lies the solution: once the necessarily recursive nature of a realized is explicitly recognized, then the primative key required for its synthesis is readily found. But once synthesized, this recursive nature means that its quantitative features can only be easily discussed through the prism of a classical interpretation: that is, by using terms such as geometry, metric structure, spatial distribution, dynamics, equilibrium, time and similar. As a primary result, it is found that every gravitating particle is no more than a clock - the Clock - which provides all the basic things: it conserves energy and angular momentum and satises the Weak Equivalence Principle. But beyond these basic things, there is much more: in particular, there is a basic in which global material is necessarily distributed in a D= 2 fractal fashion and such a distribution is, by denition, characterized by a mass surface density scale  For, equivalently, by a characteristic acceleration scale aF4GF. The existence of such an irreducible is consistent with the claims of Baryshev et al (1995) and many others over the years, that galaxies on medium scales (100 300Mpc) are distributed in a D2 quasi-fractal fashion. See appendixxA for a detailed review of the literature. On the basis of this evidence, we make the hypothesis that the D= 2 fractal extends to the ner scales of the intergalactic medium (IGM) itself, and that an object can be modelled as a nite bounded perturbation of this idealized IGM. When motions within the model galaxy are constrained to be purely circular, the irreducible properties of the geometric Leibniz Clock for the system encapsulate exactly the characteristic to the isolated galaxy by Milgrom's MOND (Milgrom (1983a,b,c,d,e)) - with the de- tailed di erence that, wherever it occurs, MOND's critical acceleration scale a0is replaced by aF. A direct calculation using the SPARC data of Lelli, McGaugh & Schombert (2016A) and the photometric mass-models of Lelli, McGaugh & Schombert (2016B), together with the of the geometric Leibniz Clock, then that Milgrom's critical acceleration scale is explicitly and quantitatively identied as the characteristic acceleration scale of the fractal equilibrium state. In summary, the essential core of Milgrom's MOND is encapsulated exactly in the basic properties of the most simple possible galaxy model in the geometric Leibniz worldview. 2 A brief history of ideas of space and time 2.1 Space The conception of space as the container of material objects is generally considered to have originated with Democritus and, for him, it provided the stage upon which material things play out their existence - emptiness exists and is that which is devoid of the attribute of interestingly, this latter conception seems to contain elements of the opposite view upon which we shall comment later). For Newton (1687), an extension of the was basic to his mechanics and, for him: ... absolute space, by its own nature and irrespective of anything external, always remains immovable and similar to itself. Thus, the absolute space of Newton was, like that of Democritus, the stage upon which material things play out their existence - it had an objective existence for Newton and was primary to the order of things. In a similar way, time - universal time, an absolute time which is the same everywhere - was also considered to possess an objective existence, independently of space of all the things contained within space. The fusion of these two Newton with the reference system - spatial coordinates dened at a particular time - by means of which, as Newton saw it, all motions could be quantied in a way which was of the objects concerned. It is in this latter sense that the Newtonian conception seems to depart fundamentally from that of Democritus - if emptiness exists and is devoid of the attribute of extendedness then, in modern terms, the emptiness of Democritus can have no metric associated with it. But it is precisely Newton's belief in absolute space & time (with the implied virtual clocks and rods) that makes the Newtonian conception a direct antecedent of Minkowski spacetime - that is, of an empty space and time within which it is possible to have an internally consistent discussion of the notion of metric. The contrary view is generally considered to have originated with Aristotle (Wicksteed & Corn- ford (1929) and McKeon (1941)) for whom there was no such thing as a void - there was only the plenum within which the concept of the empty place was meaningless and, in this, Aristotle and Leibniz (Ariew & Garber (1989)) were at one. It fell to Leibniz, however, to take a crucial step beyond the Aristotelian conception: in the debate of Clarke-Leibniz (1715 1716) in which Clarke argued for Newton's conception, Leibniz made three arguments of which the second was: Motion and position are real and detectable only in relation to other objects ... there- fore empty space, a void, and so space itself is an unnecessary is, Leibniz introduced a relational concept into the Aristotelian worldview - what we call space is a projection of relationships between material bodies (whatever these might be) into the perceived world whilst what we call time, which is implied by the idea of motion , is the projection of ordered change into the perceived world. Of Leibniz's three arguments, this latter was the only one to which Clarke had a good objection - essentially that accelerated motion, unlike uniform motion, can be perceived without reference to external bodies and is therefore, he argued, necessarily perceived with respect to the absolute space of Newton. It is of interest to note, however, that in rebutting this particular argument of Leibniz, Clarke, in the last letter of the correspondence (Alexander (1984)), put his nger directly upon one of the of a relational theory which Leibniz had apparently not realized (but which Mach much later would) stating as absurd that: ...the parts of a circulating body (suppose the sun) would lose the vis from their circular motion if all the extrinsic matter around them were letter was sent on October 29th 1716 and Leibniz died on November 14th 1716 so that we were never to know what Leibniz's response might have Leibniz's arguments against the Newtonian conception, nor Berkeley's con- temporary criticisms (Ayers (1992)), which were very similar to those of Leibniz and are the direct antecedents of Mach's, the practical success of the Newtonian prescription subdued any serious interest in the matter for the next 150 years or so until Mach himself picked up the torch. In e ect, he answered Clarke's response to Leibniz's second argument by suggesting that the inertia of bodies is somehow induced within them by the large-scale distribution of material in the universe: ... I have remained to the present day the only one who insists upon referring the law of inertia to the earth and, in the case of motions of great spatial and temporal extent, to the xed stars ... Mach (1919) thereby generalizing Leibniz's conception of a relational universe. 2.2 Time for Leibniz & Mach Leibniz was equally clear in expressing his views about the nature of time which are very similar to those expressed by Mach. They each viewed time (specically Newton's universal time ) as a meaningless abstraction. So, for example, in his exchanges with Clarke (Alexander (1984)) Leibniz famously said As for my own opinion, I have said more than once, that I hold space to be something merely relative ... I hold it to be an order of coexistences, as time is an order of successions ... In other words, for Leibniz time is no more than a synonym for ordered change within a (1919) went further: all that we can ever do, he argued, is to measure change within one system against change in a second system which has been dened as the standard (eg it takes half of one complete rotation of the earth about its own axis to walk thirty miles). So, on this Machian view, the `clock' used to quantify the passage of time for a physical system A is simply an independent physical system B which has been arbitrarily dened as the standard clock. It follows that any denition of time based upon the Machian argument must be based upon the ideas of: *every physical system having its own subjective and private internal time-keeping, any one of which can be chosen as the standard clock against which all the other systems reckon the passage of time; *in practice, one such system being chosen as the standard clock, the choice being merely one of convention usually, but not necessarily, involving a natural cyclic process. 3 Recursive Leibnizian space As we have noted, the debate of Clarke-Leibniz (1715 1716) (Alexander (1984)) concerning the nature of physical space makes it clear that Leibniz considered the concept of the empty physical space to be a meaningless abstraction, and he held rmly to the view that the only signicant thing was the set of relationships between `objects', whatever these `objects' might be. As a rst step towards quantifying this idea in modern terms, we interpret it to imply the view that without material content no concept of a metrical physical space can exist . We then formulate the question: how can one impose metric structure upon a physical space which is such that the metric structure becomes undened when that physical space is empty? 3.1 Primative key: a mass-calibrated distance metric With the foregoing question in mind, we begin with the universe of our experience, and make the simplifying assumption that there is at least one point about which the distribution of universal matter is (statistically) isotropic, and that the arguments to follow are based on such a point being at the centre of an astrophysical sphere . The primary step taken is then the recognition that the bigger an astrophysical sphere is, then the more mass it contains, and vice-versa. It follows that an unconventional measure for the radius of such a sphere can be dened purely in terms of its mass content, irrespective of the nature of this mass, visible or otherwise. In other words, for such a sphere with a mass content m, we can say that its radius is dened by R= defG(m) (1) whereGis a monotonic increasing function of msatisfying only the condition G(0) = 0 so that the empty sphere necessarily has zero radius. In e ect, the idea of a physical space of its mass content is at once obliterated and so this simple model encapsulates the recursive nature of the relationship between matter and physical space. Note that Ronly becomes calibrated when the function Gis dened. It follows immediately that an invariant measure of an arbitrary radial displacement can be written, purely in terms of mass, as R=G(m+ m)G(m) (2) so that, whatever the form of Gchosen, we have a spatial metric which follows Leibniz in the required sense (that `space' is a secondary construct projected out of a `matter distribution') for any displacement which is purely radial. The question now becomes: how can we generalize this idea to impose a general metric struc- ture upon a physical space which is such that the metric structure becomes undened when that physical space is empty? 3.2 Qualitative assessments of `distance' in everyday life In order to provide a quantitative answer to this latter question, it is instructive to re ect very brie y upon how we, as primitive human beings, form qualitative assessments of `distance' in our everyday lives without recourse to formal instruments. So, for example, when walking across a tree-dotted landscape the changing angular relation- ships between ourselves and the trees provides the information required to assess both what distance travelled? and which tree nearer/further? measured in units of human-to-tree within that landscape. If we obliterate our view of the scene - say, with fog - then all forms of `distance' information are destroyed. In other words, the informal metric structure that we impose upon the space containing the landscape derives exclusively from changes in the angular relationships between ourselves and the material elements of that landscape as we move within it. This indicates a geometric ap- proach by which a formal metric structure can be imposed upon a specically non-empty The mass model, and its generalization from the sphere Before we can usefully apply the insights of x3.2, we need to dene exactly what object is to be our `tree dotted landscape': to this end, we consider the recursive model R= defG(m), to be absolutely primary and then invert it to give the derived mass (3) for any astrophysical sphere in our rudimentary universe. It is this object which we take to represent our `tree dotted landscape'. Note that: *by (1),Rvanishes in the case of the astrophysical sphere being empty; 7*Ris necessarily non-zero in the case of the astrophysical sphere containing any so that the idea of the point-mass source does not exist; *Ronly becomes calibrated when Gbecomes dened. In explicit recognition that a 3-space continuum is being admitted, we write (3) as mM(R); (as yet) uncalibrated, and we assume nothing about the spatial coordinates, ( x1;x2;x3). Note that, although up to this point, R=constant has been interpreted as a spherical sur- face for ease of discussion, it can, in fact, represent any topological isomorphism of a for example, an ellipsoid to model an elliptical galaxy; or a thick pancake taken as a primitive model for a spiral galaxy etc. In this broader context, equation (2) (originally inter- preted to dene the idea of a mass-calibrated radial displacement) is generalized so that it denes a mass-calibrated displacement normal to the level surface R=constant . 3.4 A mass-calibrated metric for arbitrary spatial displacements We have a way of assigning a mass-calibrated metric for displacements which are purely normal to the level surface R=constant (of which the sphere is a special case) in our model universe. We now need a way of assigning a mass-calibrated metric for arbitrary displacements within that universe. The re ections of x3.2 on how we, as primitive observers in a landscape, manage this without recourse to formal instruments inform our approach to the problem. Since we are taking the mass-model mM(R) to represent the observed landscape of x3.2, then the normal gradient does not require any metric stucture for its denition) represents our perspective upon that landscape - it contains direct angular information and (in its magnitude) basic the local distribution of material along the uncalibrated `line of sight' normal vector. Within the primitive human landscape, it is the change in perspective arising from the act of an that produces the information required to assess both distance tra- versed and which tree nearer? which tree further? In the case of our simple model, the change inna(the perspective) arising from a displacement dxkcan be formally expressed (4) where: *Fis a characteristic mass surface density inserted to ensure that the dimensions of dna are the same as those of dxa; 8*the factor 8 is included for book-keeping purposes; *we assume that the connection required to give this latter expression an is the usual Levi-Civita connection - except of course, the metric tensor gabrequired to dene that connection in our Leibniz three-space is not yet dened. Now, since gabis not yet dened, then the covariant counterpart of dxa, given bydxa=gaidxi, is also not yet dened. However, provided that rarbMis nonsingular, then (4) provides a 1:1 mapping between the contravariant vector dxaand the covariant vector dnaso that, in the absence of any other denition, we can denednato be the covariant form of dxa. In this latter case the metric tensor of our Leibniz three-space automatically (5) where k abare the Christo el symbols, and given this way, we arrive at a set of non-linear di erential equations dening gabin terms of the unspecied mass function, M(R). The scalar provides the required invariant measure for the magnitude of an arbitrary dxa, in our Leibniz 1 The crucial point of contact here with Leibniz's view of space as a secondary construct projected out of the relationships between `objects' is simply this: the metric structure of the is dened entirely in terms of the internal properties of the primary material by M(R), without reference to anything external; and if Leibniz World is empty, that is ifM0, then the metric structure of the Leibniz three-space becomes wholly 2 Consider Mach's statement: ... I have remained to the present day the only one who insists upon referring the law of inertia to the earth and, in the case of motions of great spatial and temporal extent, to the xed stars ... Mach (1919) Given that the `xed stars' here nd their representation in M(R), then there is an obvious element of this latter statement in (5) above. However, any discussion of The Law of First Law) requires a concept of temporal evolution , which has yet to be Once it has been so incoprorated, then we can imagine that Mach's statement, above, will nd some form of quantitative expression in the present discussion. 93.5 The spherical special case The system (5) can be resolved by making the modelling assumption that the coordinate system is Euclidean so that R2=xixjij. With this understanding, it is shown, in appendix B, how, for an arbitrarily dened model of mass, M(R), (5) can be exactly resolved to give an explicit form forgabin terms of such a general M(R): dening the explicit form of gabis given a dimensionless constant. Consequently, we have the invariant line (9) Remember that since R= defG(m) for an undened monotonic function G, thenRis at this juncture. 4 The Leibniz Clock So far, the concept of `time' has only entered the discussion in a qualitative way in x2.2 - it has not entered in any quantitative way and, until it does, we cannot talk of velocities of motion . Inx2.2 we noted that, for Leibniz, time is no more than a synonym for ordered change within a material system. This can be rendered more usefully as the general denition that time is a parameter which orders change within a material system. Consequently, a necessary its quantitative denition is a notion of change within such a system. The most simple notion of change which can be dened in a material system is that of spatial displacements of the objects within it. Since the systems concerned are to be populated exclusively by matter with the sole property of mass then, in e ect, all change can be described as `gravitational' change. In existing classical theories, this fact is incorporated by constraining all particle motions to satisfy the Weak Equivalence this option is not available in the present case, since the WEP is a dynamical a prior quantitative denition of `time' and such a denition is still unformulated here. This latter problem is avoided by formulating a modied version of the WEP which notes that the geometric shapes of gravitational trajectories in ordinary physical space are themselves in- dependent of the internal properties of the particles concerned. So we arrive at the Independence Principle: When a massive test-particle moves under the in uence of `gravitation' only, the shape of that particle's trajectory in ordinary geo- metric three-space is independent of the intrinsic properties of the particle concerned. 4.1 Linear dependence of the Euler-Lagrange two arbitrarily chosen point coordinates on the trajectory of the chosen particle, and suppose that (6) is used to give the scalar invariant I(p;q) (10) Then,I(p;q) gives a scalar record of how the particle has moved between pandqdened with respect to the particle's continually changing relationship with the mass model, M(R). Now suppose I(p;q) is minimized with respect to choice of the trajectory connecting pand q, then this minimizing trajectory, and its shape in particular, is independent of the of the particle concerned so that the Shape Independence Principle above is dening the Lagrangian density in the usual way, and using (9), we have I(p;q) dened at (8) and tis a temporal ordering parameter. At this stage, we note thatI(p;q) is homogeneous degree zero in twhich means that it is invariant under t!f(t) for any monotonic function f. Consequently, tcannot be uniquely identied as physical since the system I(p;q) is homogeneous degree zero in tthen, by a standard re- sult, the Euler-Lagrange (E-L) equations for the system are not linearly independent. It follows that additional information is required to close the system, and that this additional information will amount to dening what is meant by `physical time'. In practice, as will be shown, the requirement that the system is conservative leads to the geometric Leibniz Clock being dened according some constant kfor the particular case of non-circular motions. An identical circumstance arises in General Relativity when the equations of motion are derived from an action integral which is formally identical to (10). In that case, the system is closed by specifying the arbitrary parameter involved to be `particle proper time' dened according (12) wherecis the usual light speed. 114.2 The Leibniz Clock for non-circular motions In the following, we assume that the E-L equations are expressed in spherical polars, and that all motions occur in the equatorial plane, ==2. For the non-degenerate state of strictly non- circular motions, it can be shown that the E-L equations can be combined to give the equations of motion in standard vector form as: R+ _R+R= 0; (13) 1 2A B0R_R2+ dened at (8). For the reasons stated in x4.1, the individual of this system cannot be linearly independent. Consequently, there is a need for addi- tional information which will, in e ect, dene physical time - the geometric Leibniz Clock - for the system. To this end, it is clear from (13) that if this additional information takes the form of the re- quirement that the system must conservative, then the condition = 0 must necessarily be imposed so that dissipation is eliminated. But in this case, (13) becomes R+R= 0 which decomposes into a non-trivial radial equation together with the standard equation for angular momentum conservation and these two equations arelinearly independent, and therefore have unique solutions (to within initial the only way the condition = 0 can be consistent with these unique solutions (which it must be) is if it is actually a solution of the radial component of (13) in the rst place. It is shown inx4.4 that this is actually the case here so that = 0 denes the geometric Leibniz Clock for the system. Finally, it follows that the total independent content of (13) is that every particle is an energy and angular momentum conserving geometric Leibniz Clock. 4.3 The potential form of the Leibniz Clock: Given the Leibniz Clock dened by = 0, then (14) yields 1 2A 2A0_R2_L LA! = 0: Consequently, since _R6= 0 then the Leibniz Clock can be expressed as: A0 A_R=_L L! L =v0 8FA; (16) 12wherev0is an undetermined parameter with units of velocity and  Fis the characteristic mass surface density parameter introduced at equation (4), and the factor 8 is introduced for book- keeping purposes. From (11) and (16) we now that the elapsed Leibniz Clock-time arising from a spatial displacement is dened (18) from which we now see that v0, which has dimensions of velocity , is, in fact, a conversion factor between units of distance and units of time, which is precisely the interpretation that Bondi attached to the light-speed constant, c, in the 1960s. We shall refer to v0as the clock-rate pa- rameter and, for now, leave its value unassigned. In any event, according to the above, the elapsing of internal time for the system concerned is given a direct physical interpretation in terms of the process of spatial displacement within that system. Thus, just as we have shown that `metrical space' can be considered to be pro- jected out of the relationships within the material world, so `elapsed Leibniz Clock-time' can be considered to be projected out of `process' within that world, which conforms exactly with the Leibniz view on the nature of `time' expressed in x2.2. With this understanding, (18) can be written following the algebra of xD to eliminate the right-hand-side time derivative, gives the potential form of the Leibniz conserved angular momentum. 4.4 The Leibniz Clock solves the radial equation of (13) By the considerations of x4.2, if the Leibniz Clock = 0 satises the radial component of R+R= 0; it must also satisfy the radial component of (13). Following appendix xC, in an analysis which makes explicit use of the condition R6=constant , we nd that this latter system can be written in potential form as R=dV dR^R; (22) V  (23) The radial component of (22) can be trivially integrated to (24) which, given the denition of Vat (23), is identical to the potential form of the Leibniz Clock given at (20) for the result. In conclusion, the net content of (13) is that every particle is an energy and angular Leibniz Clock. 4.5 A Leibniz Clock is synchronous to a classical standard clock In the following we show, as a trivial mathematical result, that a Leibniz clock dened by (20) is entirely equivalent to a classically dened standard clock, with each exactly synchronized to the other. The Leibniz point of view The Leibniz Clock in the form of (24) can be simplied and rearranged to dene the to a radial displacement (25) The classical point of view From the classical perspective, we interpret the parameter toccurring in the equation of motion of (22) as the clock time measured by an external classical clock, ticking o standard units of time, seconds, minutes, hours etc. The Leibniz clock of (24) is correspondingly the classical energy equation arising from the rst integration of the equation of motion wrt classical clock-time. This energy equation can now be rearranged to give the spatial to a given elapsed classical clock-time interval (26) Note that, unlike (25), this is not a denition but is rather the application of a classical equation of motion to determine a spatial displacement in terms of a time-interval determined by an external classical is trivially true that (25) and (26) are, in formal terms, simple rearrangements of each other so that if a given ( dR;dt ) satises either one of these expressions, then it must necessarily satisfy the other. In other words the Leibniz Clock is synchronous to any external classical standard clock used to measure the passage of classical time for the this result is mathematically trivial, it is a non-trivial result from the point of view of physics for it is an exact formal realization of the Leibniz assertion that the notion of time passing is no more, and no less, than an idealized model for the process of ordered change within a material system. From this point of view, classical clock-time (that is, external time ) is an un- necessary abstraction and, arguably, is an idea which has led gravitational physics in particular into the conceptual cul-de-sac of the spacetime continuum. 4.6 The assignment of value to the clock-rate parameter v0 As soon as we re-interpret (22) as a classical particle equation of motion (as above), then it becomes clear how the value of the clock-rate parameter, v0, must be assigned: the classical interpretation is employed, the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) which means that particle accelerations must be independent of any properties that the particle might possess. It follows that, for any given particle, the value of v0(which has units of velocity ) must be assigned accordingly. There are then two cases for (22) on the , so that particle accelerations are identically zero implying, in turn, that the WEP imposes no constraints on the parameter v0. For this case, (24) on the classical interpretation of (22), is the particle's energy equation be identied with the velocity magnitude of the particle , so that particle accelerations are non-trivial. The WEP can then only be satised if the parameter v0is independent of the particle motion. This implies that v0 must be a constant of the overall system of which the particle is a part. So, for example, it could be the velocity dispersion for the system. However, whilst the classical interpretation of (22) has indicated how the value of v0should be assigned in each of the two situations, we must remember that, within the geometric the clock-rate parameter which acts as a conversion factor between units of dis- tance and units of time, and is not a velocity magnitude at all. It follows that in the case of V=constant , assigning v0values according to particle veloc- ity magnitudes on the classical interpretation is equivalent to assigning v0values according to the condition that all Leibniz Clocks are synchronized to tickat the rate of the classical clock used in the classical The equilibrium state The work of Baryshev et al (1995) and many others (see appendix xA for an overview) has shown how the distribution of galaxies on medium scales (100 300Mpc) is quasi-fractal, D2. If the idea of a quasi-fractal universe on medium scales is idealized to include all physical scales then we can say that, about any point chosen as the centre, mass is distributed according to M(R) = 4R2F;R<1; (27) where  Fis the characteristic mass surface density of the distribution. Whilst it is to show that (22) gives R= 0 with this mass distribution - so that a state of exists - it is informative to use the classical argument to make the same point. So, since the idealized matter distribution of (27) is isotropic (by denition) about any centre, then the notional gravitational acceleration imparted to a particle at radius R, and generated by the material contained within R, is directed towards the chosen centre and has magnitude given by aFM(R)G R2= 4GF;R<1 so thataFcan be interpreted as the characteristic acceleration scale associated with a D= 2 fractal distribution of material of mass surface density  F. On this basis, it is clear that the netactual gravitational acceleration imparted to a mate- rial particle immersed anywhere in the global distribution (27) is zero, from which it can be concluded that a D= 2 fractal distribution of material is in a state of dynamical equilibrium. It follows that: *if a nite spherical volume, radius R0, is imagined emptied of all material, then the net actual gravitational acceleration of any material particle placed on R0will outwards from the centre of the empty volume; *the empty spherical volume is unstable since all accelerations on R0are outward. It follows that stability requires the volume to be occupied by a stablizing mass, a galaxy say, creating a state of zero net radial acceleration on R0. In other words, the equilibrium (28) is required. 6 The roots of MOND in a Leibniz Clock We show how a geometric Leibniz Clock for a simple spherical galaxy model provides a of Milgrom's MOND algorithm. 166.1 Overview We hypothesize that the D2 quasi-fractal equilibrium state extends to the ner scales of medium and assume that any isolated galaxy is in a state of dynamical that IGM. We model such a galaxy as a nite bounded spherical perturbation of the IGM, and then write down the Leibniz Clock for this model galaxy assuming purely circular motions. This model galaxy then has the following irreducible properties: *The rotation curve is necessarily asymptotically at; *The assumed state of dynamical equilibrium requires that the gravitational acceleration on the perturbation boundary, R=R0, generated by the interior mass is balanced by acceleration generated by the exterior mass of the IGM. Consequently, by (28), the equilibrium condition V2 0=R0=aFis required; *The baryonic Tully-Fisher relationship in the where M0is the total of baryonic mass contained within the perturbation boundary, R=R0, is necessarily satised; *Using the SPARC sample of Lelli, McGaugh & Schombert (2016A) together with the photometric mass-models of Lelli, McGaugh & Schombert (2016B) used to determine M0, a direct computation based upon invariance properties of the isolated galaxy model the characteristic acceleration scale of the  FIGM. It is obvious from these considerations that the characteristic acceleration scale aFand MOND's critical acceleration parameter, a0, are one and the same thing. Apart from the di erence around the requirement V2 0=R0=aF, the quantitative denition of Mflatvia a scaling law, and the fact that the quantitative evaluation of aFis a prediction arising from a direct computation based on model invariance properties, this list of irreducible properties for the model galaxy characterizes completely and exactly those galaxy properties that MOND either requires ( atness), assumes (a critical acceleration scale) or predicts (the baryonic other words, MOND works as well as it does because its requirements, assumptions and predictions match the reality of the isolated galaxy described by the geometric Leibniz Clock. 6.2 The Leibniz Clock for circular motions Whilst the Leibniz clock for the case of non-circular motions has been considered in great detail inx4, the roots of MOND are actually to be found in the Leibniz clock dened purely for the case of strictly circular motions for which _R= 0 by denition. Using the Lagrangian density L dened at (11), the degenerate radial E-L equation, @L=@R = 0, is then trivially integrated to give the Leibniz Clock for this case  Ris the mass surface density at radius Randv0is a constant having dimensions of velocity. The transverse equation of motion gives angular momentum conservation, trivially. 6.3 The spherical Leibniz galaxy model: details The irreducible basic expression of geometric Leibniz cosmology is a world of dynamic equilib- rium within which material is necessarily non-trivially present in the form of a D= 2 so that, about any point chosen as the centre, mass is distributed according to M(R) = to be valid about any centre, where  Fis the characteristic mass surface density scale andaF4GFis the associated characteristic acceleration scale. We now make the hypothesis that this D= 2 fractal equilibrium state extends to the ner scales of the intergalactic medium (IGM) itself, and that an isolated galactic object can be mod- elled as a nite bounded perturbation of this idealized IGM within the specic context of the geometric Leibnizian worldview. Given the foregoing, and noting that Milgrom's idea of a critical acceleration boundary around every isolated galactic object amounts to the idea of a nite boundary around that object, then we model an isolated galaxy as a nite bounded spherical perturbation of (30). It therefore has the general RR0; (31) M(R)Mg(R0) + 4(R2R2 0) F; R>R 0; whereMg(R) represents the baryonic galactic mass contained within radius RR0andR0is the nite, but otherwise unspecied, radial boundary of the with this isolated galaxy model, and writing v2 0=d0V2 flat, the Leibniz Clock for the case of purely circular orbits given at (29) becomes the scaling  F; R<1; RR0; RMg(R0) + 4(R2R2 0) F 4R2; R>R 0 from which it is clear that the rotation curve is automatically asymptotically at. the modelled galaxy to be in a state of dynamical equilibrium as it must be then, according to (28), the equilibrium 18must be to see that the baryonic Tully-Fisher relationship is satisifed, evaluate (32) at the equilibrium condition above, and then use  F=aF=(4G) to flat(theory) is the baryonic galactic mass contained within the perturbation boundary, R0. is estimated photometrically using the SPARC sample of Lelli, McGaugh & Schombert (2016A) together with the mass-models Lelli, McGaugh & Schombert (2016B). Given that Mflat(theory) above is in an almost perfect statistical correspondence with pho- tometric determinations of Mflat- which it is found to be, Roscoe (2022) - then (33) is identical to Milgrom's form of the baryonic Tully-Fisher relationship, but with a0replaced by aF. 6.4 Practical evaluation of (aF;F) Whilst the full details of the evaluation are given in Roscoe (2022), a brief outline is given in basic resource is the SPARC sample of Lelli, McGaugh & Schombert (2016A). Follow- ing Lelli, McGaugh & Schombert (2016B), all required baryonic mass determinations in galaxy disks are then provided by the model Mbar=Mgas+ L[3:6]; (34) whereMgasis the gas mass, L[3:6]is the [3:6] luminosity and  is the stellar MLR, assumed here to be equal for the disk and the bulge (where present), and constant across the whole SPARC sample. Lelli et al nd that the optimal choice for  (which minimizes scatter in the bary- onic Tully-Fisher relationship) satises  0:5. For current purposes we restrict the choice practice, because of uncertainties in estimating the absolute position of the on the rotation curve then, across the whole sample with a globally applied stellar MLR, 2(0:5;1:0), we get distributions of values for aFsimilar to that plotted in gure 1 for which = 0:8. These distributions are sharply modal and, using the modal values of as the estimate for aFin each case, we particular, the choice  = 0:8 corresponds the mass surface density of the fractal distribution of the invariant log(aF) Figure 1: Solid black curve = density distribution of log( aF). Here, = 0:8. 7 Summary and Conclusions In modern terms, Leibniz viewed space as a secondary construct projected out of primary rela- tionships between objects whilst he considered the concept of time to be no more than a process . From the point of view of quantifying these ideas, it is arguable that space presents the simply because if it is a secondary construct projected out of primary objects then, in fact, it stands as a proxy for its own contents - they are one and the same thing, in e ect. This implies a deeply recursive relationship, and therein lies the main diculty associated with any attempt to synthesize a quantitative Leibnizian worldview. The arguments presented here rest primarily upon interpreting this recursive view of `space and its contents' to imply the weaker statement: without material content no concept of metrical space can exist which, inx3, is mutated into a quantitative theory of Leibnizian metrical it is shown in x4 how the concept of time, considered as a synonym for ordered process , becomes almost seamlessly incorporated into this realization of the Leibnizian metrical space, leading immediately to the result that any gravitating particle, or system of particles, is no more than an energy and angular-momentum conserving clock - the geometric Leibniz Clock of the title. The whole system has an irreducible equilibrium state which consists of a global D= 2 of material which has a characteristic mass surface density  Fwith an acceleration aF4GF. When we model an isolated galactic object, in equilib- rium with its environment, as a nite bounded spherically symmetric perturbation, radius R0, of this equilibrium state and consider the special case of purely circular motions within this system, we nd that the object is characterized by the properties: *the rotation curve is asymptotically at; *there is an equilibrium condition V2 0=R0=aFwhich must be satised on R0; *the baryonic Tully-Fisher relationship in the form V4 flat=aFGM flatis the classical wrapping of MOND (its use of the Newtonian force concept), it is clear that the isolated MOND galaxy is structurally identical to the isolated Leibniz galaxy. This conclusion is unambiguously consolidated when a direct calculation, based upon the of the geometric Leibniz Clock for the system, and using the SPARC data of Lelli, Mc- Gaugh & Schombert (2016A) and the photometric mass-models of Lelli, McGaugh & gives H.G., The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence, Manchester University Press, 1984. Aristotle, Categories, in R. McKeon, The Basic Works of Aristotle, Random House, New Physics, translated by P.H. Wicksteed & F.M. Cornford, Leob Classical Library, Har- vard University Press, Cambridge, 1929 Baryshev, Yu V., Sylos Labini, F., Montuori, M., Pietronero, L. 1995 Vistas in Astronomy G., Of motion, or the principle and nature of motion and the cause of the communica- tion of motions ( Latin: De Motu) in M.R.Ayers (ed) George Berkeley's Philosophical Works, Everyman, London, T.J., Ellis, R.S., Koo, D.C., Szalay, A.S., 1990, Nat 343, 726 Charlier, C.V.L., 1908, Astronomi och Fysik 4, 1 C.V.L., 1922, Ark. Mat. Astron. 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Lett., 293, 62 Sylos Labini, F., Vasilyev, N.L., Baryshev, Y.V., D.I.I and Baryshev Yu.V., G., et al., 1993, in: Proc. of Schloss Rindberg Workshop: Studying the Universe With Clusters of Galaxies Wu, K.K.S., Lahav, O., Rees, M.J., 1999, Nature 397, 225 A Medium to large scale structure A basic assumption of the Standard Model of modern cosmology is that, on some scale, the universe is homogeneous; however, in early responses to suspicions that the accruing data was more consistent with Charlier's conceptions Charlier (1908, 1922, 1924) of an hierarchical universe than with the requirements of the Standard Model , De Vaucouleurs (1970) showed that, within wide limits, the available data satised a mass distribution law Mr1:3, whilst Peebles Modern observations and the debate The situation, from the point of view of the Standard Model , continued to deteriorate with the growth of the data-base to the point that, Baryshev et al (1995) were able to say ...the scale of the largest inhomogeneities (discovered to date) is comparable with the extent of the surveys, so that the largest known structures are limited by the boundaries of the survey in which they are detected. For example, several redshift surveys of the late 20th century, such as those performed by Huchra et al (1983), Giovanelli and Haynes (1986), De Lapparent et al (1988), Broadhurst et al (1990), Da Costa et al (1994) and Vettolani et al (1993) etc discovered massive structures such as superclusters and voids, and showed that large structures are common features of the observable universe; the most signicant conclusion drawn from all of these surveys was that the scale of the largest inhomogeneities observed in the samples was comparable with the spatial extent of those surveys themselves. In the closing years of the century, several quantitative analyses of both pencil-beam and wide- angle surveys of galaxy distributions were performed: three examples are given by Joyce, Mon- tuori & Sylos Labini et al (1999) who analysed the CfA2-South catalogue to nd fractal behaviour withD= 1:90:1; Sylos Labini & Montuori (1998) analysed the APM-Stromlo survey to nd fractal behaviour with D= 2:10:1, whilst Sylos Labini, Montuori & Pietronero (1998) analysed the Perseus-Pisces survey to nd fractal behaviour with D= 2:00:1. There are many other papers of this nature, and of the same period, in the literature all supporting the view that, out to 3040h1Mpc at least, galaxy distributions appeared to be consistent with the fractal model with the critical fractal dimension of DDcrit= 2. This latter view became widely accepted (for example, see Wu, Lahav & Rees (1999)), and the open question became whether or not there was transition to homogeneity on some su- ciently large scale. For example, Scaramella et al (1998) analyse the ESO Slice Project redshift survey, whilst Martinez et al (1998) analyse the Perseus-Pisces, the APM-Stromlo and the 1.2-Jy IRAS redshift surveys, with both groups claiming to nd evidence for a cross-over to homogene- ity at large scales. At around about this time, the argument reduced to a question of statistics (Labini & Gabrielli & Sylos Labini (2001), Pietronero & Sylos Labini (2000)): basically, the propo- nents of the fractal view began to argue that the statistical tools (that is, two-point methods) widely used to analyse galaxy distributions by the proponents of the opposite view are deeply rooted in classical ideas of statistics and implicitly assume that the which samples are drawn are homogeneous in the rst place. Hogg et al (2005), having ac- cepted these arguments, applied the techniques argued for by the pro-fractal community (which use the conditional density as an appropriate statistic) to a sample drawn from Release Four of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. They claimed that the application of these methods does show a turnover to homogeneity at the largest scales thereby closing, as they see it, the argument. In response, Sylos Labini, Vasilyev & Baryshev (2006) criticized their paper on the basis that the strength of the conclusions drawn is unwarrented given the decencies of the sample - in e ect, 24that it is not big enough. More recently, Tekhanovich & Baryshev (2016) have addressed the decencies of the Hogg et al analysis by analysing the 2MRS catalogue, which provides redshifts of over 43,000 objects out to about 300Mpc, using conditional density methods; their analy- sis shows that the distribution of objects in the 2MRS catalogue is consistent with the fractal model with the critical fractal dimension of DDcrit= 2. To summarize, the proponents of non-trivially fractal large-scale structure have won the ar- gument out to medium distances and the controversy now revolves around the largest by the SDSS. B A Resolution of the Metric Tensor The algebra of this section is most easily performed by the change of general system is given the rst major problem is to express gabin terms of the mass function, M. The key to resolving this is to note the ,M00d2M=d2, R2=2, since this immediately suggests the (35) for unknown functions, AandB. It is easily found 2B xaxb so that, with some +B0xaxbxk+ + 2B0xaxbxk+ with (35) now leads directly to A=M0A+A0 A+ 2B ; 2B (37) which is a second order di erential equation for the determination of M(R). The rst of the two equations above can be rearranged as M0 A+ 2B =A (A)0; (39) and these expressions can be used to eliminate Bin the second equation as follows. Use of (39) in (37) (40) 26But, from that (40) = (A)0! d0(MM0) =A where M0M(0): (41) But, by (1), since R= defG(m) whereG(0) = 0 by denition, then M0= 0 by denition. Conse- quently, using (41) and (38), we nd for we remember that, up to this point, we have been using the notation M0dM=d , where R2=2. We can now revert to the notation of the main text M0dM=dR etc, so that the foregoing results can be expressed Conservative Form of Equations of Motion From the clock constraint equation (20), we (42) 27This suggests dening a potential function (43) for some arbitrary constant E0, and where AandBare dened at (8). Using the we assume that the second term is always dened because the case of circular motions was explicitly excluded in the derivation of (13), then we easily above expression leads (42), we (45) which, when substituted into (44), when used in (21) this the result. 28D PotentialVpurely in terms of Rand angular momentum From the clock constraint equation (19), we have, which we small amount of algebra then gives the clock constraint equation for conserved angular momentum, hR2_. Consequently, the potential function of (43) can be written (8), we have A2d0M R2; (47) so small amount of algebra now gives, for the expressions in that (46) the corresponding form of the clock constraint equation conventional terms this is equivalent to the energy equation. 29
David Roscoe
MOND: A consequence of the geometric Leibniz Clock
29 pages. One figure. This revision adds a new result to the earlier version and strips away material that this result makes redundant. Several figures are no longer required
Leibniz considered the notion of the 'empty physical space' to be a meaningless abstraction, and he held firmly to the view that the only significant thing was the set of relationships between 'objects', whatever these 'objects' might be. Similarly, he was equally clear in expressing his views about Newton's universal time, which he also considered to be a meaningless abstraction. In effect, for him, time was no more than a synonym for ordered change within a material system. The process of giving quantitative realization to this duality of non-Newtonian ideas forms the core of this work. A primary result arising is that every gravitating particle is no more than a clock - the geometric Leibniz Clock - which provides all the basic things: it conserves energy and angular momentum and satisfies the Weak Equivalence Principle. When the Clock is applied to model the concept of a galactic object within which all motions are circular, the characteristic properties of the MOND galaxy (asymptotic flatness, a critical acceleration scale, the baryonic Tully-Fisher relationship) are quantitatively reproduced in the resulting Leibniz galaxy. In short, the characteristic essence of MOND has its source in the geometric Leibniz Clock.
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- 2 - infrared satellites such as ISO and MSX (P' erault et al. 1996; Egan e t al. 1998). of the mm and sub-mm continuum emissions (Carey et a l. 1998; Beuther et al. 2002; Rathborne et al. 2006) revealed that massive clumps are a ssociated with several IRDCs. Although such massive clumps have a similar mass to the clumps with ongoing high- mass star formation, they are less active. The gas kinetic tempera ture of IRDCs is as low as 10-20 K (Carey et al. 1998, Teyssier et al. 2002, Pillai et al. 2006b ). Therefore, massive clumps in IRDCs are thought to be starless or at least in a very early s tage of high-mass star evidences of high-mass star formation were found in sev eral massive with IRDCs. Rathborne et al. (2005) found luminous sou rces (9,000 ~32,000L) in massive clumps of IRDC G034.43+00.24, which are recognized as high -mass Rathborne et al. (2007) also reported that a high-mass protos tar (>8M) is associated with a massive clump in IRDC G024.33+00.11 on the basis of t heir high mm-wave observation. Beuther et al. (2005b) and Beut her & Steinacker (2007) found a protostar in IRDC 18223-3 using the Spitzer and the Platea u de Bure data, which would grow up to a high-mass star at the end of its formation proces s. In addition to these, indirect evidences of high-mass star formation, such as the CH 3OH masers, are found in some IRDCs (Ellingsen 2006; Purcell et al. 2006). As mentioned above, IRDCs are good targets for studies on high-m ass star formation. But little attention has been paid for their chemical compositions, alt hough it would be useful to understand the evolutionary stages of IRDCs. Since bin ary chemical reactions, such as neutral-neutral and ion-neutral reactions, are respon sible for chemical processes in the deep inside of molecular clumps, the chemical composition chang es slowly toward chemical equilibrium with a time scale of ~106yr. This time scale is comparable with the dynamical time scale of molecular cloud clumps. Therefore, chemical composition would reflect evolutionary stages of clumps. For example, carbon-chain molecules, such as CCS and HC 3N, are abundant in the early stage of chemical evolution, while N 2H+and NH 3are abundant in the late stage (e.g. Lee et al. 1996). Furthermore, ca rbon-chain molecules suffer the great effect from depletion, whereas N 2H+and NH 3are less affected by depletion. When CO, a major destroyer of N 2H+, is depleted, N 2H+can be abundant in dense parts. Since NH3is produced from N 2, NH3can also be abundant (Aikawa et al. 2001, 2005; Bergin & Tafalla 2007). Thus, we can investigate the evolutionary stages of clumps from the ratios between carbon-chain molecules and N 2H+or NH 3. This method has been established in low-mass star forming regions. S uzuki et al. (1992) and Benson et al. (1998) surveyed the carbon-chain molecule towa rd several low-mass cores, and they found that carbon-chain molecules are more abundant in s tarless cores than star-- 3 - forming cores, whereas NH 3or N2H+is more abundant in star-forming cores. In al. (2002, 2004)andHirota& very abundant in several low-mass starless cores. Recently, Sakai et al. (2007) suggested that this method can also be applied to high-mass star forming region s. Sakai et al. (2006, 2007) observed the W 3 giant molecular cloud (GMC) with the CCS JN=43-32and N 2H+ J=1-0 lines, and found that the [CCS]/[N 2H+] ratio is higher toward a few massive starless cores in the AFGL 333 cloud than toward the other massive star for ming cores in the W 3 GMC. Sakai et al. (2007)proposed that the massive starless core s inthe AFGL 333cloud are novel candidates which will form high- or stars, because the CCS emission has hardly been detected in high-mass star-forming regions (Lai & Crutcher, 2000). Note that definitions of core and clump are described in Sakai et al. ( 2007). Chemical composition of clumps would be changed by various activities of newly born stars. Saturated organic molecules like CH 3OH become abundant due to evaporation of grain mantles. The high excitation lines of CH 3OH are therefore employed as a tracer of hot cores and shocked regions (e.g. Bachiller & P' erez Guti' errez 199 7). In this paper, we report a systematic survey of the N 2H+J=1-0, CCS CH 3OHJ=7-6 lines, as well as the NH 3(J,K)=(1, 1), (2, 2) and (3, 3) lines toward massive clumps associated with IRDCs. Although observatio ns of several molecular lines were carried out toward massive clumps in the IRDCs (Pillai et al. 2 006b, 2007; Leurini et al. 2007; Purcell et al. 2006; Ragan et al. 2006; Beuther & Sridha ran 2007), a of molecular lines focusing on chemical composition has been lim ited. In this paper, we present chemical compositions and physical properties of fifty -five nearby massive with the IRDCs, and investigate their evolutionary stag es. 2. The Sample Sridharan et al. (2005) identified the candidates of massive starles s clumps from the objects found with MAMBO by Beuther et al. (2002). Their candidat es involve with IRDCs. Rathborne et al. (2006) also observed 38 I RDCs with known kinematic distance by using MAMBO, and listed the positions of clumps. We prepared a sample of massive clumps associated with IRDCs by use of these two lis ts on the basis of the following criteria: 1. Distance is less than 4.5 kpc.- 4 - 2. Mass is larger than 100 M. 3. Galactic longitude is less than 34.5 degree. In addition to these, we also involved the massive clumps located near the clumps listed by Sridharan et al. (2005). Their masses are calculated from the data by Beuther et al. (2002), where the revised equation by Beuther et al. (2005)is employed. Fin ally, the sample consists of 55 objects, as listed in Table 1. In the course of this study, 15 ob jects are eventually found tohave thedifferent LSRvelocity al. (2006). objects do not satisfy the above criteria. We investigated whether the observed objects are associated wit h point-like sources or extinction features in the MSX 8 um data. Then, 12 objects are found to be associated with the MSX 8 um sources, and 26 objects to be associated with extinction featur es. We call an object with an MSX 8 um extinction feature as an MSX dark object. In the archival Spitzer 24 um data, we also inspected whether the observed objects are asso ciated with point-like sources or extinction features of 24 um. As a result, the 31 objects are found to be associated with the point-like 24 um sources. Note that there are no available Spitzer data for I18151-1208. There are 11 dark objects in the Spitzer 24 um data, which are all MSX 8 um dark objects. These results are summarized in Table 1. 2.2. NRO 45 m observations The N 2H+J=1-0, CCS JN=43-32, HC3NJ=5-4, NH 3(J,K) = (1, 1), (2, 2) and (3, 3) lines (Table 2) were observed by using the Nobeyama Radio Observ atory (NRO) 45 m telescope from January to March in 2007. We used the two SIS rece ivers, S100 for N 2H+and S40 for CCS and HC 3N. The N 2H+, CCS, and HC 3N lines were simultaneously observed. The half-power beam width is about 37''at 45 GHz and about 18''at 93 GHz, and the main beam efficiency is 0.75 at 45 GHz and 0.53 at 93 GHz. The NH 3(1,1), (2,2) and (3, 3) lines were observed with the HEMT receiver. The half-power beam width is about 73''at 22 GHz, and the main beam efficiency is 0.81 at 22 GHz. For all the observations , were employed as a backend, each of which ha s bandwidth and of 40 MHz and 37 kHz, respectively. The velocity resolutio ns are 0.50, 0.25, and 0.12 km s-1at 22 GHz, 45 GHz, and 93 GHz, telescope pointing was checked by observing the nearby SiO mas er sources every 2 hours, and was maintained to be better than 5''. The line intensities were calibrated by the chopper wheel method. The system noise temperature was 200-3 00 K for the N 2H+, CCS, and HC 3N observations, whereas it was 100-150 K for the NH 3observation.- 5 - All the observations were carried out with the position switching mod e. The emission free regions in the Galactic Ring Survey13COJ=1-0 data (Jackson et al. 2006) were employed as the OFF positions. The data reduction was carried out b y use of the AIPS- based software package NewStar developed at NRO. 2.3. ASTE observations The CH 3OHJ=7-6lines (Table 2) were observed with theAtacama Submillimeter Tele - scope Experiment (ASTE) 10 m telescope (Ezawa et al. 2004; Kohno 2005) from September to October in 2006. We also observed the CH The beam size of the ASTE telescope is about 22''at 345 GHz. We used the SIS receiver, SC345, operated in the double-side-band mode. The backends were whose band width and resolution each are 512 MHz and 0.5 MHz, respectively. By using three autocorrelators, we covered the frequency rang e from 337.9 to 338.8 GHz. The telescope pointing was calibrated by observing the thermal con tinuum emission from the Jupiter. The pointing observation was carried out every obser ving day, and the was maintained within 3''. All the observations were performed with the position switching mod e. Antenna tem- perature was calibrated by the single load chopper-wheel method. The intensity scale was checked by observing the CH 3OH lines toward the NGC 6334 hot core every 0.5-1 hr in order to correct a small variation of the telescope gain due to the t emperature and As a result, the relative error in intensity calibration can be maintained to be less than 9 %. The main beam efficiency of the ASTE telescope is estimated t o be 0.60, although this includes an uncertainty of 20 %. The data reduction was carried out by use of the NewStar. 3. Results 3.1. Detection Rates & Spectra Table 3 shows the 3 sdetection rates of the observed lines. The N 2H+J=1-0 emission is detected toward 54 out of 55 objects, the HC 3NJ=5-4 emission toward 43 objects, and the NH 3(J,K) = (1, 1) emission toward all the 55 objects. On the other hand, th e is not detected at all. This survey indicates that the CCS emis sion is hardly detected in IRDCs, as in the case of high-mass star-forming regions. This is not a distance effect. If the AFGL 333 clump were located on the distance of 4.5 kpc, the peak- 6 - temperature would be 0.29 K. This value is higher than the upper limits t o the CCS peak intensity of all the observed objects, except for I18306-0835 M M1, MM2, and MM3. Thus, we can detect the CCS line, if a chemically young massive clump like the AF GL 333 clump would exist within the distance of 4.5 kpc. The CH 3OHJ=7-6 emissions are detected toward 18 objects. Although the upp er state energy of the CH is as high as 65 K, the line is detected even in the objects without luminous heating sources seen in the MSX 8 um image (MSX dark objects). In contrast, the Spitzer 24 um sources are associated with all the CH 3OH-detected objects except for I18151-1208 MM2, for which there are no available Spitz er data. Thus, it is likely that all the objects with the CH harbor hot regions. Figure 1a shows the spectra of N 2H+J=1-0, HC 3NJ=5-4, CH 3OHJK=70-60A+, the selected objects, whereas Figure 2a shows those of NH 3(J,K) = (1, 1), (2, 2) and (3, 3). The spectra in Figures 1a and 2a are typical ones taken arbitrarily from the spectra of our sample. The observed spectra toward all the objects are shown in Figures 1b-e and 2b-e, which are available in the electric edition of the Journal. Note TheN (I=1) of the nitrogen nuclei. The observed line shows triplet structur e, where the center and higher velocity components consist of three hyperfine lines eac h unresolved due to the velocity width. The velocity width, optical depth, and excitation tem perature of N 2H+are derived by fitting the observed spectrum pattern to a multi Gauss ian function (see Appendix B in Sakai et al. 2006). The results are given in Table 4. We fit the spec tra of the HC 3N and CH 3OH lines to a single Gaussian function, and these results are summariz ed in Tables 5 and 6, respectively. We represent the upper limits to peak temper ature and for the non-detected lines in the tables. The upper limits to peak temperature for the non-detected lines are a 3 svalue at the velocity resolution of one channel width. The upper limits to integrated intensity for the non-detected lines a re derived by using the following equation; 3 where Vresis a channel width in km s-1, and Trmsis a rms noise level at the velocity resolution of Vres. As for the NH 3(1, 1) line, five hyperfine components are fitted to the single Gauss ian each, and the parameters of the main hyperfine components are lis ted in Table 7. On the otherhand, theNH 3(2, 2)and(3, 3)lines appearasasingle struct ure, and hence, they are fitted to a single Gaussian function each (Table s 8 and 9). Note that the NH3(1, 1) and (2, 2) lines show a double-peak feature in G024.33+00.11 M M3 and MM9. Since the double peak structure is seen even in the weak hyperfine c omponents, it seems to be a velocity structure. Then, we fit the spectra to a double Gau ssian function. The- 7 - parameters for each peak are listed in Tables 7 and much different from the values in the lists of Rathborne et al. (20 06). This is because they estimated the systemic velocity of the objects from the13COJ=1-0 line. The critical density of N 2H+J=1-0 is much higher than that of13COJ=1-0, and hence, the N 2H+ J=1-0 emission well traces the dense clumps. We re-evaluate the kine matic distance of the dense clumps from the LSR velocity of the N 2H+or NH 3lines for all the observed objects by using the rotation curve obtained by Clemens (1985) with (Th 0,R0) = (220 km s-1, 8.5 kpc). The derived distances are listed in Table 4. Figure 3 shows the spectra covering the CH toward objects. Two strong lines are seen around 338.4 GHz ; these are In addition, higher excitation lines (7 are seen toward most of the sources. The CH from the other side band are also observed. Although these tw o lines are lower- J lines, the intensities of these lines are generally lower than those of t heJK=70-60line be- cause of their lower line strength. Therefore, the two lower- JCH3OH lines are not detected toward the objects without CH The strongest CH 3OH source is G034.43+00.24 MM1, where even the JK=73-63lines (Eu= 112-127 K) are detected. The H 2CS 10 1,10-91,9line (Eu= 102 K) is detected toward three objects, G034.43+00.24 MM1, and I18182-1433 MM1, which seem to cont ain hot core activ- ities. In fact, Rathborne et al. (2007) reported the detection of many molecular lines, such as HCOOCH 3and CH 3CH2CN, toward G024.33+00.11 MM1. Since large organic molecules are thought to be formed from molecules evaporated from dust gr ains, such as C 2H2, HCN, andCH 3OH, Nomura& Millar, 2004), thedetections ofHCOOCH 3 and CH 3CH2CN definitively indicate the hot core activity. 3.2. Integrated Intensities In Figure 4, we plot the integrated intensities of a few observed lines against the peak flux of the 1.2 mm continuum, F1.2, reported by Beuther et al. (2002) and Rathborne et al. (2006). We plot only the values of the objects with D<=4.5 kpc. The mm-wave dust continuum emission is optically thin in general, and it is a good tracer of c olumn density of a dense region. A correlation between the N 2H+J=1-0 emission and the dust was suggested in several regions (Caselli et al. 1999, 2002 a; Bergin et al. 2001; Sakai et al. 2007), although it was also reported that the N 2H+emission does not always trace the structures by dust continuum emission in very active sta r forming regions, such- 8 - as Orion KL (Ungerechts et al. 1998). In IRDCs, the N 2H+emission is correlated with the 1.2 mm peak flux, as shown in Figure 4, confirming that the N 2H+emission well traces the column density of a dense regions. The HC 3N integrated intensity is also roughly correlated with the 1.2 mm peak flux, suggesting that the HC 3N emission also comes from a dense region, as well as the N 2H+emission. The CH is only detected toward the objects where F1.2is higher than 100 mJy. By using the relation reported by Beuther et al. (2005a), F1.2of 100 mJy corresponds to AVof 49, 68, and 114 at Tkof 40, 30, and 20 K, respectively. Furthermore, all the objects with F1.2>130 mJy are the Spitzer sources. Hence, the appearance of the CH 3OHJ=7-6 emission is related to the star formation activity. A marginal correlation can be seen between the NH 3integrated intensities and the 1.2 mm peak flux. The NH 3integrated intensities are scattered even at the low because the NH 3emission traces less dense gas due to its lower critical density ( ~ 103cm-3), and also because the beam size of the NH 3observation (73'') is larger than those of the other observations (18''-37''). 4. Discussions 4.1. Temperatures We derive the NH 3rotation temperature, Trot(NH3), from the NH 3(1, 1) and (2, 2) lines by using the method presented by Ho & Townes (1983) and Li et al. (2003). We optical depthof theNH 3(1, 1)line ratioofthe hyperfine components. Then we calculate the rotation tem perature from the peak intensity ratio of the main hyperfine components of the (1, 1) and ( 2, 2) lines considering the optical depth of the (1, 1) line obtained above. The derived Trot(NH3) values are listed in Table 10. A range of Trot(NH3) is from 10.3 to 20.8 K with the median of 14-16 K. This is higher than the corresponding values of Trot(NH3) reportedfor darkclouds (10-15K; Benson & Myers, 1989). Figure 5 represents a histogram of Trot(NH3) for the objects with D<=4.5 kpc. Figure 5 shows that Trot(NH3) for the MSX sources tends to be higher than that for the MSX dar k objects. This confirms that the emitting regions are associated wit h the MSX sources. The Trot(NH3) values of the MSX and Spitzer dark objects tend to be lower than t hose of the other objects. The average Trot(NH3) value of the MSX and Spitzer dark objects is 13.9 +-1.5 K, which is comparable to that for the other samples of the MSX-dar k IRDCs (13.9 K: Pillai et al. 2006b; 15.3 K: Sridharan et al. 2005), but is lower than tha t for the high-mass- 9 - protostellar objects (22.5 K: Sridharan et al. 2002). The rotation temperatures of CH 3OH,Trot(CH3OH), are derived by using the rota- tion diagram method (e.g. Turner 1991) under the assumption of loc al (LTE). Since several E type lines are detected in many obj ects (Figure 3), we derive the rotation temperature from them. The results are listed in Table 11. The values range from 7 to 12 K. The range is lower than that for the high-mass star forming cores (24-203 K reported by van der Tak et al. (2000 b), if we exclude one exception of GL 7009S (8 K)). The average value of Trot(CH3OH) in the MSX dark objects is 8.0+-0.9 K, which seems to be slightly lower than that of the MSX sources (1 0+-2 K). Although the upper state energy of the CH is 70 K, the derived tem- peratures are less than 12 K, which are even lower than Trot(NH3). This may suggest that the rotational levels of CH 3OH are not thermalized to the gas kinetic temperature. Leurini et al. (2007) modeled the CH 3OH emission toward several IRDCs, and they derived the gas kinetic temperatures for an extended component, an outflow, an d a core to be 24 +-7, 15+-5, and 47+-9 K, respectively. The Trot(CH3OH) values derived in the present study are lower than their values, implying that the CH 3OH lines are subthermally excited. 4.2. Column Densities We derive the column densities of the observed molecules. For simplicit y, we assume the LTE condition for all the molecules. As for N 2H+, we derive the column density by assuming that the excitation temperature is equal to the rotation temperature of NH 3, and the lines are optically thin. This can be justified, because V(N2H+) is similar to V(NH3), as mentioned in the next section. The derived column densities are list ed in Table 10. In the case of G034.43+00.24 MM1, a change in Texby+-1 K results in a change in the derived column density by +-4 %. Most of the N 2H+column densities are found to be larger than 1x1013cm-2. This is higher than a typical value found in low mass cores, which is sev eral times 1012cm-2(Benson et al. 1998; Caselli et al. 2002b). The upper limit to the CCS column density is derived by assuming the opt ically thin condition. The rotation temperature of NH 3is employed as the excitation temperature. The derived upper limits are listed in Table 10. They are found to be lower th an 7x1012cm-2 for all the objects. These are lower than the CCS column densities o f some low-mass starless cores in the dark clouds, typically a few times 1013cm-2(Suzuki et al. 1992; Benson et al. 1998), and are also lower than the CCS column density of the massive clump in the AFGL 333 cloud, which is (1.2-3.0) x1013cm-2(Sakai et al. 2007). Table 10 lists the upper limit to the [CCS]/[N 2H+] ratio. Most of the ratios are lower than 1 even in the Spitzer dark- 10 - objects, whereas the corresponding ratio is as high as 2.6-3.2 for s ome low-mass starless cores (Benson et al. 1998). Since we use the [CCS]/[N 2H+] ratio to discuss the the distance effect would be cancelled. It is therefore su ggested that the massive clumps associated with the IRDCs are chemically evolved than low mass starless cores. This survey demonstrates that the AFGL 333 clump could be a rare case of a chemically young massive clump. The HC 3N column density is evaluated by assuming the optically thin condition, w Trot(NH3). a change in Texby+-1 K results in a change in the derived column density by +-3 %. In contrast to CCS, the derived HC 3N column densities (Table 10) are comparable to those for the low-mass starless cores, et al. 1992), even in the objects with MSX sources, probably because HC 3N is less sensitive to chemical evolution than CCS. In addition, HC 3N could also be formed in a hot gas. In fact, strong HC 3N emission is detected toward hot core sources like Orion KL (Ungerechts et al. 1998). The NH 3column density is derived from the optical depth and rotation tempe rature (Section 4.1). The derived column densities arelisted inTable 10. The N H3column densities (a few times 1015cm-2) are higher than those of the low mass cores, al. 1992), and are comparable to those of the IRDCs observed b y Pillai et al. ratiosarefoundto belower than0.007for most cases, which arelo wer than those in some low-mass dark cloud cores ( >0.01) (Suzuki et al. 1992). Along with the results of the N(CCS)/N(N2H+) ratio, this further supports that the observed IRDCs are chemically evolved. We derive the CH 3OH column density from the integrated intensity of the CH In this calculation, Trot(CH3OH) is not used as the excitation temper- ature, because the rotational levels of CH 3OH are not thermalized as mentioned is an effective temperature determined by the population differe nce between the different Kladders, and does not always represent the excitation temperatu re of the 7 0- 60A+line. Therefore, we assume the excitation temperature ranging fr om 20 K to 50 K by referring the result by Leurini et al. (2007). We also estimate the u pper limit to the CH 3OH column density for the non-detected objects with adopting the ro tation temperature of 20 K. The derived CH 3OH column densities ranges from 2.9 x1014to objects, as shown in Table 10. They are comparable t o those in the etal. (2007), th anthoseinseveral IRDCs obtained by Beuther & Sridharan (2007) (1.7 In addition, they are also comparable to those in the massive star forming regions obtaine d by van der Tak et al. (2000b). On the other hand, Maret et al. (2005) reported that t he CH 3OH column densities- 11 - ranges from 5.3 x1013to 8.1x1014cm-2in the low-mass star forming regions, NGC 1333, L1448, L1157, and IRAS16293-2422. Thus, the CH 3OH column densities tend to be higher than those in the low-mass star forming regions. 4.3. Velocity Widths & Star widths give information about turbulence of clumps including e ffects of star formation activity. In Figure 6, we plot the velocity widths of the HC 3NJ=5-4, CH 3OH JK=70-60A+, NH3(J,K) = (1, 1), (2, 2) and (3, 3) lines against that of the N 2H+J=1-0 line for the objects with D<=4.5 kpc. The velocity widths of the HC 3N, NH 3(1, 1) and (2, 2) lines are correlated with that of N 2H+, indicating that they come from almost the same region. On the other hand, the correlation is poor for high excitatio n lines such as CH 7-1-6-1E) and NH 3(3, 3). Since the upper state energies of CH 3OH J=7K-6K(65 K) is higher than that of N 2H+J=1-0 (4 K) and that of NH 3(3, 3) is as high as 124.5 K, the CH 3OHJ=7-6 and NH 3(3, 3) lines would trace the denser and hotter region near the protostar. In fact, the velocity widths of the CH 3OHJ=7-6 and NH 3(3, 3) lines are correlated with each other (Figure 7). Pillai et al. (2006a ) also found that the NH3(3, 3) velocity width is larger than the NH 3(1, 1) and (2, 2) velocity widths toward the IRDC, G11.11-0.12. Beuther et al. (2002) reported a similar tre nd in the C34S and NH 3 velocity widths, where the C34SJ=2-1 velocity widths are about 1.5 times larger than the NH3(1, 1) velocity widths. Since the C34S emission is optically thin and the critical density of C34S is as high as 3 x105cm-3, it also traces dense regions. Furthermore, CS could be abundant in the hot gas phase in contrast to N 2H+(e.g. Nomura & Millar 2004). Thus it is likely that the C34S emission comes from regions close to the newly born stars, as well a s the CH 3OH and NH 3(3, 3) 8 shows histograms of the velocity width of N 2H+for the MSX dark objects and the objects with MSX sources. The mean N 2H+velocity width of the MSX dark objects (2.3 km s-1) is almost comparable to that of the objects with MSX sources (2.5 k m s-1). These values are also comparable to that of the high-mass star for ming regions observed by Pirogov et al. (2003; 2.4 km s-1). The histogram shapes are also similar to each other. Since the N 2H+emission arises fromthe whole clump, it is not sensitive to the star for The mean N 2H+velocity widths of the MSX and Spitzer dark objects (2.1 km s-1) are significantly larger than those of the low-mass starless cores (~0.5 km s-1) (Benson et al. 1998), and are also larger than those of the cores in a giant mo lecular cloud, Orion A (Tatematsu et al. 1993). The massive clumps associated with the IR DCs seem to be This gives an important constraint when one would const ruct a model of star-- 12 - formation processes in IRDCs. For instance, McKee & Tan (2003) a rgued that massive stars can form in cores with a high accretion rate . Thus, the large velocity widths observed in IRDCs are consistent with the theoretical pred iction, if the IRDCs are birthplaces of high-mass stars. As shown in Figure 6, the CH 3OHJ=7-6 velocity widths for the MSX dark objects tend to be broader than those for the objects with MSX sources a t a given N This trend is clear in the case of G034.43+00.24. Figure 9 shows the Spitzer 24 um image toward the G034.43+00.24 region and the spectra of the CH lines toward G034.43+00.24 MM1, MM2 and MM3. In the Spitzer image, which isless lu MM2. It is known that a ultracompact HII region is associated wit h MM2 (Miralles et al. 1994; Shepherd et al. 2007). Thus, MM2 is thought to be most ev olved among three objects, whereas MM3 is thought to be youngest. In Figure 9, the CH3OH spectrum of G034.43+00.24 MM3 is clearly broader than the N 2H+spectrum for G034.43+00.24 MM3. On the other hand, the CH 3OH velocity width is comparable to the N 2H+velocity width toward G034.43+00.24 MM1 and MM2. The CH 3OH linewidths toward these two sources are relatively narrower than that toward MM3. As seen in Figure 9, the line shape of the CH 3OH emission sometimes differs from the Gaussian shape. It may consist of the broad wing component and th e narrow component. In the present analysis, we fit all the CH 3OH spectra with a single Gaussian, so that the derived velocity widths have to be recognized as effective values f orsome sources where the line shape is much deviated from the single Gaussian shape. We employ t he single Gaussian fitting rather than the double Gaussian fitting, because the latter fitting is difficult for most of the objects due to the limited S/N ratio. Nevertheless, the effe ctive line width reflects the presence of the broad component, andhence, our discussion on the basis of the line width would be justified at least der Tak et al. (2000a, 2000b) carried out multi-line observation s of CH 3OH, C34S, and C17O toward several massive star-forming regions, and found that t he velocity widths of the CH 3OH lines are broader than those of the C34S and C17O lines for the less whereas they are comparable in the luminous objects. va n der Tak et al. origin of the gas-phase CH 3OH enhancement in low-luminosity objects, while is important in high-luminosity objects. In fact, the broad C H3OH emission are reported for such an interacting region in several low-mass star f orming regions, including the famous case of L1157, where a clear interaction between an ou tflow and an ambient cloud is observed as broad lines of CH 3OH, NH 3, and HC 3N (Umemoto et al. 1992; Mikami- 13 - et al. 1992; Bachiller & P' erez Guti' errez 1997; Umemoto et al. 199 9). In contrast, the N2H+line is not detected in the interaction region. Therefore, the CH would well trace the shocked region caused by the interact ion between an outflow and an ambient cloud in the case of the MSX dark objects. Furtherm ore, the broader line width can be seen in the observed lower- 40-4-1E. This may imply that these CH 3OH emissions do not come from the quiescent and extended regions. To understand the properties of CH 3OH in the quiescent gas, we should observe the lower excitation transitions at the millimeter-wave region, since the critica l density is Our result that the line width of the CH 3OH line is broader in the MSX dark object means that the interaction between an outflow and an ambient cloud is important in the early stage of high-mass star formation. 5. Summary *We have surveyed the N 2H+J=1-0, HC 3NJ=5-4, CCS JN=43-32, K) = (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) lines toward the massive clumps as sociated with the IRDCs. The N 2H+J=1-0 emission is detected toward 54 out of 55 objects, the HC3NJ=5-4 emission toward 43 objects, the NH 3(J,K) = (1, 1) emission toward all the 55 objects, the NH 3(J,K) = (2, 2) emission toward 52 objects, and the NH 3(J, K) = (3, 3) emission toward 34 objects. On the other hand, the CCS e mission is not detected at all. The CH 3OHJ=7-6 emission is detected toward 18 out of 55 objects. All the CH 3OH detected objects are associated with the Spitzer 24 um sources. *The mean NH 3rotation temperature of the MSX and Spitzer dark objects is 13.9 K , which tends to be lower than that of the objects with those of the M SX sources (17.9 K). *The CCS column densities and the [CCS]/[N 2H+] and [CCS]/[NH 3] ratios in the mas- sive clumps associated with the IRDCs are lower than those in the low- mass starless cores. Thus, most of the massive clumps would be more chemically evo lved than cores. This survey demonstrates thatthemas sive clump intheAFGL 333 region, which was found by Sakai et al. (2006, 2007), could be v ery novel. *The mean N 2H+velocity widths are significantly broader than those of the cores even in the MSX and Spitzer dark objects, indicating that massive cores associated with the IRDCs are initially turbulent. This along with the ch emical ages inferred from the [CCS]/[N 2H+] ratio would be useful to constrain a models of star formation processes in IRDCs.- 14 - *The velocity widths of the CH 3OHJ=7-6 and NH 3(3, 3) lines are broader than those of the other lines. This seems to originate from the interaction betw een an outflow and an ambient cloud. The CH 3OH velocity widths of the MSX dark objects are larger than those of the objects with MSX sources. This suggests that o utflow an important role in production of the gas phase CH 3OH in the early stage of high-mass star formation. We are grateful to the NRO staff for excellent support in the 45 m ob servations. We would like to thank the members of the ASTE team for supporting the ASTE observa- tions. The 45 m radio telescope is operated by Nobeyama Radio Obser vatory, a branch of National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. The ASTE project is driven by Nobeyama Radio Observatory, a branch of National Astronomical Observat ory of Japan, in collabora- tion with University of Chile, and Japanese institutes including Univers ity of Tokyo, Osaka Prefecture University, Ibaraki University, an d Kobe Y., Ohashi, N., Inutsuka, S., Herbst, E., Takakuwa, S. 2001 , ApJ, 552, 639 Aikawa, Y., Herbst, E., Roberts, H., Caselli, P. 2005, ApJ, 620, 330 Anderson, T., Herbst, E., De Lucia, F. C. 1990, ApJS, 72, 797 Bachiller, R., P' erez Guti' errez, M. 1997, ApJ, 487, L93 Benson, P. J., Myers, P. C. 1989, ApJS, 71, 89 Benson, P. J., Caselli, P., Myers, P. C. 1998, ApJ, 506, 743 Bergin, E. A., Ciardi, D. R., Lada, C. 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Figures 2b-e are available in the electric ed ition of the journal.- 24 - Fig. 2b.-- Continued.- 25 - Fig. 2c.-- Continued.- 26 - Fig. 2d.-- Continued.- 27 - Fig. 2e.-- Continued.- 28 - Fig. 3.-- Spectra of the CH 3OHJ=7-6 lines.- 29 - Fig. 4.-- Correlation plots of the integrated intensities against the 1.2 mm continuum peak flux. The 1.2 mm continuum data are observed by Beuther et al. (200 2) and Rathborne et al. (2006). The values of the objects with D<=4.5 kpc are plotted.- 30 - Fig. 5.-- Histogram of the NH 3rotation temperature. The objects with D<=4.5 kpc are used for the histogram.- 31 - Fig. 6.-- Correlation plots of the N 2H+J=1-0 velocity width against the velocity widths of HC3NJ=5-4, CH 3OHJK=70-60A+, NH3(J,K) = (1, 1), (2, 2) and (3, 3). The objects with D<=4.5 kpc are plotted.- 32 - Fig. widthofCH of NH 3(J,K) = (3, 3). The objects with D<=4.5 kpc are plotted.- 33 - Fig. 8.-- Histograms of the N 2H+velocity width of the MSX dark objects (top) and MSX sources (bottom). The objects with D<=4.5 kpc are plotted.- 34 - Fig. 9.-- Spizter 24 um image toward G034.43+00.24 (left), and spectra of the CH and N lines (gray) toward MM2 and MM3 (right).- 35 - Table 1. Target list. Source R. A. Dec. mm) (J2000.0) 8um 24um MM1 18 17 50.4 -15 53 38 D D 115 1 G015.31-00.16 MM2 18 18 50.4 -15 43 19 D S 39 1 G015.31-00.16 MM3 18 18 45.3 -15 41 58 D D 37 1 G019.27+00.07 MM1 18 25 58.5 -12 03 59 D S 150 1 G019.27+00.07 MM2 18 25 52.6 -12 04 48 D S 89 1 G022.35+00.41 MM1 18 30 24.4 -09 10 34 D S 349 1 G022.35+00.41 MM2 18 30 24.2 -09 12 44 S S 67 1 G022.35+00.41 MM3 18 30 38.1 -09 12 44 -- -- 53 1 G023.60+00.00 MM1 18 34 11.6 -08 19 06 -- S 375 1 G023.60+00.00 MM2 18 34 21.1 -08 18 07 D S 272 1 G023.60+00.00 MM3 18 34 10.0 -08 18 28 -- -- 81 1 G023.60+00.00 MM4 18 34 23.0 -08 18 21 -- -- 68 1 G023.60+00.00 MM7 18 34 21.1 -08 17 11 D S 58 1 G024.08+00.04 MM1 18 34 57.0 -07 43 26 S S 219 1 G024.08+00.04 MM2 18 34 51.1 -07 45 32 D -- 68 1 G024.08+00.04 MM3 18 35 02.2 -07 45 25 D D 50 1 G024.08+00.04 MM4 18 35 02.6 -07 45 56 D D 48 1 G024.33+00.11 MM1 18 35 07.9 -07 35 04 S S 1199 1 G024.33+00.11 MM2 18 35 34.5 -07 37 28 -- -- 117 1 G024.33+00.11 MM3 18 35 27.9 -07 36 18 -- -- 96 1 G024.33+00.11 MM4 18 35 19.4 -07 37 17 D D 90 1 G024.33+00.11 MM5 18 35 33.8 -07 36 42 -- -- 79 1 G024.33+00.11 MM6 18 35 07.7 -07 34 33 D -- 77 1 G024.33+00.11 MM8 18 35 23.4 -07 37 21 -- -- 72 1 G024.33+00.11 MM9 18 35 26.5 -07 36 56 S S 66 1 G024.33+00.11 MM11 18 35 05.1 -07 35 58 D D 48 1 G024.60+00.08 MM1 18 35 40.2 -07 18 37 -- S 279 1 G024.60+00.08 MM2 18 35 35.7 -07 18 09 D S 230 1 G025.04-00.20 MM1 18 38 10.2 -07 02 34 -- S 203 1 G025.04-00.20 MM2 18 38 17.7 -07 02 51 D S 92 1 G025.04-00.20 MM4 18 38 13.7 -07 03 12 D D 82 1 G034.43+00.24 MM1 18 53 18.0 01 25 24 -- S 2228 1- 36 - Table R. A. Dec. mm) (J2000.0) 8um 24 um MM2 18 53 18.6 01 24 40 S S 964 1 G034.43+00.24 MM3 18 53 20.4 01 28 23 D S 244 1 G034.43+00.24 MM4 18 53 19.0 01 24 08 -- S 221 1 G034.43+00.24 MM5 18 53 19.8 01 23 30 -- -- 122 1 G034.43+00.24 MM6 18 53 18.6 01 27 48 D D 57 1 G034.43+00.24 MM8 18 53 16.4 01 26 20 D D 51 1 G034.43+00.24 MM9 18 53 18.4 01 28 14 D D 50 1 I18102-1800 MM1 18 13 11.0 -17 59 59 -- S 316 MM1 18 17 58.0 -12 07 27 S No data 672 MM2 18 17 50.4 -12 07 55 D No data 424 MM3 18 17 52.2 -12 06 56 S No data 149 MM1 18 21 09.2 -14 31 57 S S 1303 MM2 18 21 14.9 -14 33 06 -- S 100 MM1 18 25 10.5 -12 42 26 S S 328 MM2 18 25 09.5 -12 44 15 -- S 124 MM3 18 25 08.3 -12 45 28 D S 205 MM4 18 25 07.2 -12 47 54 D S 52 MM1 18 33 24.0 -08 33 31 S S 731 MM2 18 33 17.2 -08 33 26 -- S 212 MM3 18 33 32.1 -08 32 29 D D 103 MM1 18 36 41.0 -07 39 20 S S 485 MM2 18 36 27.7 -07 40 28 S S 180 MM3 18 36 18.2 -07 41 01 D S 110 2,3,4 aD indicates a dark object, and S indicates an object with point-like sources, whereas -- represents an object without point-like sources and dar k -- (1) Rathborne et al. (2006); (2) Sridharan et a l. (2002); (3) Beuther et al. (2002); (4) Sridharan et al. (2005).- 37 - Table 2. Observed lines. Species Transition n(rest) u2S E u/kReference Telescope [GHz] [Debye2] [K] CCS JN=43-32 45.379033 31.3 5.4 1 NRO 45 m HC3NJ=5-4 45.490302 69.2 6.5 2 NRO 45 m N2H+J=1-0 93.173777 11.6 4.47 3 NRO 45 m NH3(J,K) = (1, 1) 23.694495 3.24 23.4 4 NRO 45 m NH3(J,K) = (2, 2) 23.722633 7.20 64.9 4 NRO 45 m NH3(J,K) = (3, 3) 23.870129 11.3 124.5 4 NRO 45 m CH3OHJK= 70-60E338.124502 5.480 77.1 5 ASTE CH3OHJK= 5.375 69.6 5 ASTE CH3OHJK= 5.484 65.0 5 ASTE CH3OHJK= 5.059 86.4 5 ASTE CH3OHJK= 4.457 114.8 5 ASTE CH3OHJK= 4.457 114.8 5 ASTE CH3OHJK= 4.503 126.8 5 ASTE CH3OHJK= 73-63E338.583195 4.486 111.8 5 ASTE CH3OHJK= 71-61E338.614999 5.508 85.1 5 ASTE CH3OHJK= 5.509 102.7 5 ASTE CH3OHJK= 72-62E338.721630 4.980 86.3 5 ASTE CH3OHJK= 5.046 90.0 5 ASTE CH3OHJK= 1.553 35.4 5 ASTE CH3OHJK= 1.977 16.8 5 ASTE References. -- (1) Yamamoto et al. (1990); (2) JPL ; (3) Caselli et al. (1995) ; ( 4) Ho & Townes (1983) ; (5) Anderson et al. (1990).- 38 - Table 3. 3 sdetection rates of the observed lines.a MSX Spitzer N 2H+HC3N CCS CH 3OH NH (1, 1) (2, 2) (3, 3) Dark Dark 11/11 7/11 0/11 0/11 11/11 10/11 3/11 Dark Source 12/12 12/12 0/12 6/12 12/12 11/12 8/12 Dark Others 3/3 2/3 0/3 1/3 3/3 3/3 2/3 Source Source 12/12 9/12 0/12 6/12 12/12 11/12 9/12 Others Source 9/9 7/9 0/9 5/9 9/9 9/9 7/9 Others Others 7/8 6/8 0/8 0/8 8/8 8/8 5/8 Total 54/55 43/55 0/55 18/55 55/55 52/55 34/55 aTypical 3 slevel inT* aand channel width in velocity are 0.30 K and 0.070 km s-1for N2H+, 0.22 K and 0.134 km s-1for HC 3N, 0.24 K and 0.134 km s-1for CCS, 0.28 K and 0.443 km s-1for CH 3OH, and 0.08 K and 0.253 km s-1for NH 3.- 39 - Table 4. Line parameters of the N 2H+J=1-0 line and distance of each object.a Source Tex t V LSR [km s-1] [km s-1] [K km s-1] MM1 5.1 (0.2) 2.5 (0.4) 24.73 (0.03) 2.79 (0.08) 6.0 (0.1) MM2 4.0 (0.2) 6.9 (2.0) 31.12 (0.02) 0.81 (0.07) 2.3 (0.1) MM3 4.0 (0.1) 11.4 (2.6) 30.81 (0.02) 0.62 (0.04) 2.6 (0.1) 3 .0 G019.27+0.07 MM1 15 (1) 1.1 (0.1) 26.76 (0.01) 3.15 (0.03) 17.7 (0.1) 2.3 G019.27+0.07 MM2 9.0 (0.6) 1.5 (0.2) 27.01 (0.02) 2.62 (0.04) 9.8 (0.1) MM1 5.9 (0.1) 3.1 (0.3) 52.73 (0.02) 2.74 (0.05) 8.9 (0.1) MM2 6 (2) 1.50 (1.48) 60.22 (0.02) 0.83 (0.07) 1.9 (0.1) MM3 5.0 (0.2) 3.4 (0.5) 83.97 (0.03) 2.23 (0.07) 5.4 (0.1) MM1 7.9 (0.5) 1.5 (0.2) 106.89 (0.06) 3.82 (0.07) 11.8 (0.1) MM2 5.8 (0.3) 2.2 (0.3) 53.34 (0.03) 3.03 (0.07) 7.6 (0.1) MM3 8 (3) 0.7 (0.4) 105.51 (0.04) 3.4 (0.1) 5.8 (0.1) MM4 13 (24) 0.2 (0.6) 53.87 (0.05) 2.6 (0.1) 3.0 (0.1) MM7 8 (1) 1.3 (0.3) 54.00 (0.05) 1.90 (0.06) 6.0 (0.1) MM1 49 (26) 0.21 (0.13) 113.63 (0.01) 2.67 (0.03) 12.8 (0 .1) MM2(1) 9.4 (8.5) 0.6 (0.9) 52.08 (0.03) 1.5 (0.1) 2.8 (0.1) 3 .6 G024.08+00.04 MM2(2) 7 (3) 0.8 (0.7) 114.45 (0.04) 2.1 (0.1) 3.6 (0.1) MM3 3.5 (0.1) 3.5 (1) 51.86 (0.06) 2.2 (0.2) 2.0 (0.1) MM4 3.32 (0.04) 19 (6) 51.95 (0.03) 0.85 (0.08) 1.7 (0.1) 3 .6 G024.33+00.11 MM1 7.6 (0.1) 3.4 (0.2) 113.76 (0.02) 3.53 (0.04) 19.0 (0.1) MM2 5.4 (0.3) 2.3 (0.4) 118.22 (0.04) 3.23 (0.09) 6.8 (0.1) 7 .7 G024.33+00.11 MM3 8 (2) 0.8 (0.3) 117.78 (0.05) 4.3 (0.1) 7.9 (0.1) MM4 6 (2) 0.9 (0.6) 115.19 (0.07) 3.6 (0.2) 4.2 (0.1) MM5 4.69 (0.09) 4.6 (0.5) 117.26 (0.04) 3.00 (0.08) 7.6 (0.1 ) MM6 7 (2) 0.9 (0.5) 114.43 (0.04) 2.97 (0.10) 4.5 (0.1) MM8 -- -- -- -- 0.9 (0.1) MM9 3.8 (0.2) 4.2 (1.5) 119.78 (0.05) 1.7 (0.2) 2.7 (0.1) MM11 4.3 (0.3) 2.4 (0.9) 112.60 (0.05) 2.18 (0.05) 3.0 (0.1) MM1 5.4 (0.1) 3.9 (0.3) 53.14 (0.03) 3.10 (0.06) 9.8 (0.1) MM2 10 (2) 1.2 (0.2) 115.16 (0.01) 2.37 (0.04) 9.3 (0.1) MM1 11 (1) 1.1 (0.2) 64.00 (0.02) 2.36 (0.05) 9.8 (0.1) MM2 6.5 (0.4) 2.0 (0.3) 63.83 (0.03) 2.77 (0.07) 8.1 (0.1) MM4 6.2 (0.5) 1.9 (0.4) 63.69 (0.02) 2.18 (0.08) 6.0 (0.1) MM1 39 (2) 0.75 (0.05) 57.77 (0.05) 3.15 (0.01) 40.5 (0.1) MM2 29 (2) 0.67 (0.06) 57.832 (0.009) 4.04 (0.02) 34.2 (0 .1) MM3 36 (7) 0.42 (0.09) 59.686 (0.008) 2.90 (0.02) 20.3 (0 .1) MM4 14.2 (0.5) 1.5 (0.1) 57.689 (0.008) 2.81 (0.02) 20.8 (0 .1) 3.5- 40 - Table Tex t V LSR [km s-1] [km s-1] [K km s-1] MM5 9 (2) 0.9 (0.3) 58.12 (0.03) 2.58 (0.08) 6.0 (0.1) MM6 10 (2) 0.8 (0.4) 58.49 (0.02) 2.07 (0.07) 5.6 (0.1) MM8 6 (1) 1.1 (0.5) 57.63 (0.05) 3.2 (0.1) 4.5 (0.1) MM9 12 (3) 0.7 (0.3) 59.00 (0.02) 2.45 (0.06) 7.3 (0.1) 3.6 I18102-1800 MM1 9.3 (0.5) 1.7 (0.2) 22.36 (0.02) 3.49 (0.05) 15.9 (0.1) 2 .7 I18151-1208 MM1 13 (2) 0.8 (0.2) 33.19 (0.01) 2.10 (0.04) 9.8 (0.1) 2.8 I18151-1208 MM2 14 (2) 0.9 (0.2) 29.74 (0.02) 3.09 (0.04) 14.2 (0.1) 2.6 I18151-1208 MM3 5.7 (0.2) 4.9 (0.9) 30.65 (0.01) 0.87 (0.04) 4.4 (0.1) 2.7 I18182-1433 MM1 30 (8) 0.4 (0.1) 60.00 (0.01) 3.06 (0.04) 16.6 (0.1) 4.6 I18182-1433 MM2 5.8 (0.4) 2.3 (0.4) 41.10 (0.03) 2.28 (0.08) 6.2 (0.1) 3.6 I18223-1243 MM1 14 (1) 1.2 (0.2) 45.32 (0.01) 2.16 (0.03) 13.4 (0.1) 3.6 I18223-1243 MM2 8.1 (0.7) 1.3 (0.2) 45.29 (0.02) 2.99 (0.06) 8.7 (0.1) 3.6 I18223-1243 MM3 9.4 (0.3) 2.2 (0.2) 45.73 (0.01) 2.64 (0.03) 14.5 (0.1) 3 .7 I18223-1243 MM4 5.3 (0.3) 2.4 (0.5) 45.83 (0.03) 1.97 (0.07) 5.0 (0.1) 3.7 I18306-0835 MM1 27 (31) 0.2 (0.3) 78.02 (0.03) 2.81 (0.07) 7.2 (0.1) 4.9 I18306-0835 MM2 10 (11) 0.4 (0.6) 76.67 (0.05) 2.6 (0.1) 3.4 (0.1) 4.9 I18306-0835 MM3 5 (2) 0.95 (1.5) 53.98 (0.09) 2.1 (0.3) 1.6 (0.1) 3.7 I18337-0743 MM1 7.03 (0.08) 5.9 (0.3) 58.37 (0.02) 3.35 (0.04) 21.5 (0.1 ) 3.9 I18337-0743 MM2 8 (1) 1.3 (0.4) 58.60 (0.03) 2.71 (0.08) 6.9 (0.1) 3.9 I18337-0743 MM3 6.7 (0.6) 1.7 (0.4) 56.37 (0.03) 2.44 (0.08) 6.6 (0.1) 3.8 aThe quoted errors denote one standard range for integration is +-10 km s-1centered at the LSRvelocity of N 2H+J=1-0 or NH 3 (1, 1). cThe distance is the assumed kinematic distance based on the rotatio n curve of Clemens (1985).- 41 - Table 5. Line parameters of the HC 3NJ=5-4 and CCS CCS Source Tpk VLSR [km s-1] [km s-1] [K km s-1] [K] [K km MM1 0.25 (0.02) 24.4 (0.1) 3.5 (0.3) 1.05 (0.09) <0.22 MM2 0.28 (0.03) 30.92 (0.08) 1.4 (0.2) 0.61 (0.09) <0.24 MM3 <0.23 -- -- 0.51 (0.09) <0.25 MM1 0.60 (0.02) 26.39 (0.05) 3.7 (0.1) 2.60 (0.07) <0.19 MM2 0.64 (0.02) 27.02 (0.04) 2.9 (0.1) 2.35 (0.07) <0.20 MM1 0.46 (0.02) 53.00 (0.07) 3.6 (0.2) 1.94 (0.08) <0.20 MM2 <0.20 -- -- <0.24 <0.21 MM3 0.34 (0.03) 84.36 (0.06) 1.6 (0.1) 0.59 (0.07) <0.19 MM1 0.57 (0.02) 106.7 (0.06) 3.6 (0.1) 2.28 (0.08) <0.23 MM2 0.81 (0.02) 53.37 (0.04) 3.4 (0.1) 3.35 (0.08) <0.20 MM3 <0.21 -- -- 0.41 (0.08) <0.23 MM4 0.33 (0.02) 53.91 (0.07) 2.3 (0.2) 0.76 (0.07) <0.21 MM7 0.55 (0.02) 54.08 (0.05) 2.1 (0.1) 1.56 (0.08) <0.21 MM1 0.30 (0.02) 113.68 (0.08) 2.8 (0.2) 0.89 (0.07) <0.21 MM2(1) 0.22 (0.03) 52.18 (0.07) 0.9 (0.2) 0.44 (0.07) <0.21 MM2(2) <0.19 -- -- 0.38 (0.07) <0.21 MM3 0.39 (0.02) 51.67 (0.04) 1.6 (0.1) 0.78 (0.07) <0.24 MM4 0.56 (0.03) 51.90 (0.02) 1.08 (0.07) 0.83 (0.07) <0.21 MM1 0.71 (0.02) 113.69 (0.06) 4.0 (0.1) 3.22 (0.09) <0.28 MM2 0.34 (0.02) 118.1 (0.1) 3.4 (0.2) 1.27 (0.09) <0.25 MM3 0.24 (0.02) 117.2 (0.2) 5.1 (0.4) 1.31 (0.09) <0.27 MM4 <0.23 -- -- 1.11 (0.09) <0.26 MM5 0.34 (0.02) 117.4 (0.1) 4.0 (0.3) 1.48 (0.09) <0.23 MM6 <0.24 -- -- 0.73 (0.09) <0.28 MM8 <0.23 -- -- <0.27 <0.29 MM9 0.21 (0.03) 119.4 (0.1) 1.3 (0.2) 0.50 (0.09) <0.29 MM11 <0.23 -- -- <0.27 <0.28 MM1 0.63 (0.02) 53.22 (0.05) 3.5 (0.1) 2.59 (0.08) <0.17 MM2 0.29 (0.02) 115.2 (0.1) 3.0 (0.2) 1.23 (0.09) <0.28 MM1 0.46 (0.02) 63.67 (0.07) 3.0 (0.2) 1.67 (0.09) <0.23 MM2 0.46 (0.03) 63.63 (0.07) 2.4 (0.2) 1.21 (0.09) <0.29 MM4 0.35 (0.03) 63.76 (0.08) 2.0 (0.2) 0.67 (0.09) <0.23 MM1 1.22 (0.02) 58.04 (0.03) 3.85 (0.06) 5.35 (0.06) <0.18 0.35 MM2 1.10 (0.01) 57.86 (0.03) 4.22 (0.06) 5.09 (0.06) <0.18 0.43 MM3 0.57 (0.01) 60.05 (0.07) 5.8 (0.2) 3.29 (0.07) <0.18 0.41 (0.07)- 42 - Table CCS Source Tpk VLSR [km s-1] [km s-1] [K km s-1] [K] [K km MM4 0.80 (0.02) 57.50 (0.03) 3.22 (0.08) 3.03 (0.07) <0.17 0.30 MM5 0.31 (0.03) 57.81 (0.08) 1.8 (0.2) 0.67 (0.08) <0.22 0.38 MM6 0.45 (0.02) 58.34 (0.06) 2.5 (0.1) 1.25 (0.08) <0.23 MM8 0.23 (0.02) 57.7 (0.2) 4.4 (0.4) 1.1 (0.08) <0.21 MM9 0.50 (0.02) 58.40 (0.05) 2.4 (0.1) 1.31 (0.08) <0.21 MM1 0.83 (0.02) 21.53 (0.05) 4.4 (0.1) 4.14 (0.09) <0.29 MM1 0.53 (0.03) 33.26 (0.05) 2.1 (0.1) 1.39 (0.09) <0.26 <0.3 I18151-1208 MM2 0.25 (0.02) 30.3 (0.1) 3.2 (0.3) 0.93 (0.10) <0.27 MM3 <0.24 -- -- 0.39 (0.09) <0.28 MM1 1.04 (0.03) 59.86 (0.03) 2.58 (0.07) 3.07 (0.09) <0.26 <0.3 I18182-1433 MM2 <0.25 -- -- 0.39 (0.10) <0.26 <0.3 I18223-1243 MM1 0.44 (0.03) 45.38 (0.06) 2.1 (0.1) 1.09 (0.08) <0.22 MM2 0.24 (0.03) 45.5 (0.1) 2.1 (0.3) 0.68 (0.09) <0.21 MM3 0.44 (0.02) 45.65 (0.07) 3.2 (0.2) 1.59 (0.08) <0.24 MM4 <0.22 -- -- 0.71 (0.08) <0.22 MM1 0.39 (0.02) 78.5 (0.1) 4.0 (0.2) 1.7 (0.09) <0.30 MM2 <0.25 -- -- 0.41 (0.10) <0.31 MM3 <0.25 -- -- 0.32 (0.10) <0.31 MM1 1.06 (0.02) 58.31 (0.04) 3.51 (0.08) 4.21 (0.09) <0.22 MM2 0.50 (0.03) 58.13 (0.06) 2.3 (0.1) 1.22 (0.09) <0.24 MM3 0.25 (0.02) 55.6 (0.2) 3.7 (0.4) 1.07 (0.09) <0.28 <0.33 aThe quoted errors denote one standard range for integration is +-5 km s-1centered at the LSRvelocity of N 2H+J=1-0 or NH 3(1, 1).- 43 - Table 6. Line parameters of the CH .a Source Tpk VLSR [km s-1] [km s-1] [K km MM1 <0.29 -- -- MM2 <0.30 -- -- MM3 <0.40 -- -- MM1 0.57 (0.04) 26.7 (0.2) 5.2 (0.4) 3.1 MM2 <0.28 -- -- MM1 0.64 (0.04) 52.6 (0.2) 5.4 (0.4) 3.6 MM2 <0.34 -- -- MM3 <0.28 -- -- MM1 0.67 (0.04) 107.1 (0.2) 4.9 (0.4) 3.5 (0.2 ) G023.60+00.00 MM2 0.34 (0.03) 53.0 (0.3) 6.7 (0.7) 2.2 MM3 <0.25 -- -- MM4 <0.25 -- -- MM7 <0.39 -- -- MM1 <0.34 -- -- MM2(1) <0.46 -- -- MM2(2) <0.46 -- -- MM3 <0.31 -- -- MM4 <0.39 -- -- MM1 0.48 (0.04) 114.2 (0.3) 6.6 (0.6) 3.0 (0.2 ) G024.33+00.11 MM2 <0.29 -- -- MM3 <0.19 -- -- MM4 <0.28 -- -- MM5 <0.28 -- -- MM6 <0.36 -- -- MM8 <0.24 -- -- MM9 <0.30 -- -- MM11 <0.26 -- -- MM1 0.32 (0.03) 52.1 (0.3) 5.9 (0.7) 1.9 MM2 <0.32 -- -- MM1 <0.28 -- -- MM2 <0.27 -- -- <0.6- 44 - Table Tpk VLSR [km s-1] [km s-1] [K km MM4 <0.33 -- -- MM1 1.79 (0.09) 57.6 (0.1) 4.8 (0.3) 9.5 MM2 1.26 (0.06) 57.7 (0.1) 5.7 (0.3) 7.3 MM3 0.73 (0.03) 58.8 (0.2) 8.6 (0.5) 5.4 MM4 0.57 (0.05) 57.2 (0.2) 4.1 (0.4) 2.5 MM5 <0.30 -- -- MM6 <0.31 -- -- MM8 <0.28 -- -- MM9 <0.32 -- -- <0.7 I18102-1800 MM1 0.67 (0.03) 21.7 (0.2) 6.2 (0.4) 4.2 MM1 0.30 (0.05) 33.1 (0.3) 3.6 (0.6) 1.1 MM2 0.51 (0.04) 30.4 (0.3) 7.1 (0.6) 3.3 MM3 <0.27 -- -- <0.6 I18182-1433 MM1 0.43 (0.04) 60.0 (0.2) 4.4 (0.5) 2.0 MM2 <0.39 -- -- <0.8 I18223-1243 MM1 <0.37 -- -- <0.8 I18223-1243 MM2 <0.42 -- -- <0.9 I18223-1243 MM3 0.27 (0.03) 44.9 (0.3) 5.4 (0.6) 1.5 MM4 <0.29 <0.6 I18306-0835 MM1 0.50 (0.04) 78.0 (0.2) 3.6 (0.4) 1.6 MM2 <0.45 -- -- <0.9 I18306-0835 MM3 <0.43 -- -- <0.9 I18337-0743 MM1 0.34 (0.03) 58.1 (0.3) 5.7 (0.6) 1.9 MM2 <0.25 -- -- <0.5 I18337-0743 MM3 0.23 (0.03) 56.1 (0.3) 5.0 (0.8) 1.3 (0.1) aThe quoted errors denote one standard range for integration is +-5 km s-1centered at the LSRve- locity of N 2H+J=1-0 or NH 3(1, 1).- 45 - Table 7. Line parameters of the NH 3(J,K) = (1, 1) line.a Source Tpk VLSR [km s-1] [km s-1] [K km MM1 0.41 (0.02) 24.72 (0.04) 2.3 (0.1) 1.16 (0 MM2 0.45 (0.02) 31.05 (0.03) 1.34 (0.07) 0.72 (0 MM3 0.38 (0.02) 30.93 (0.03) 1.27 (0.07) 0.50 MM1 0.93 (0.03) 26.37 (0.03) 2.57 (0.08) 2.85 ( MM2 0.86 (0.02) 26.79 (0.04) 2.71 (0.09) 2.68 ( MM1 0.36 (0.01) 52.67 (0.05) 3.0 (0.1) 1.31 (0 MM2 0.29 (0.02) 60.22 (0.04) 1.5 (0.1) 0.53 (0 MM3 0.78 (0.02) 84.29 (0.03) 2.45 (0.07) 2.06 MM1 0.60 (0.02) 106.10 (0.05) 4.1 (0.1) 2.72 ( MM2 1.02 (0.02) 53.49 (0.03) 2.47 (0.07) 2.93 MM3 0.76 (0.02) 105.45 (0.05) 3.6 (0.1) 3.06 ( MM4 0.78 (0.02) 53.65 (0.03) 2.2 (0.07) 2.06 ( MM7 1.04 (0.03) 53.74 (0.03) 2.22 (0.07) 2.74 MM1 0.55 (0.02) 113.61 (0.04) 2.9 (0.1) 1.92 ( MM2(1) 0.31 (0.02) 51.80 (0.06) 1.6 (0.1) 0.6 9 MM2(2) 0.39 (0.02) 114.02 (0.05) 2.4 (0.1) 1. 14 MM3 0.52 (0.02) 51.59 (0.03) 1.89 (0.07) 1.21 MM4 0.55 (0.02) 51.59 (0.03) 1.67 (0.07) 1.18 MM1 1.25 (0.04) 113.61 (0.05) 3.4 (0.1) 4.88 ( MM2 0.71 (0.02) 118.11 (0.05) 3.5 (0.1) 2.50 ( MM3 p1 0.58 (0.01) 116.63 (0.04) 2.16 (0.09) 2 .26 ( MM3 p2 0.47 (0.01) 119.09 (0.05) 1.9 MM4 0.55 (0.02) 114.89 (0.07) 4.6 (0.2) 2.84 ( MM5 0.97 (0.01) 117.47 (0.03) 3.06 (0.06) 3.1 8 ( MM6 1.02 (0.03) 113.85 (0.05) 3.2 (0.1) 3.77 ( MM8 0.29 (0.02) 119.93 (0.09) 2.8 (0.2) 1.65 ( MM9 p1 0.38 (0.01) 116.18 (0.04) 1.98 (0.09) 1 .99 ( MM9 p2 0.45 (0.01) 119.28 (0.03) 1.90 MM11 0.59 (0.02) 112.99 (0.04) 2.4 (0.1) 1.60 MM1 0.93 (0.02) 52.99 (0.03) 2.37 (0.07) 2.61 MM2 0.34 (0.01) 115.11 (0.04) 2.3 (0.1) 0.92 ( 0.04)- 46 - Table Tpk VLSR [km s-1] [km s-1] [K km MM1 1.18 (0.03) 63.53 (0.02) 2.08 (0.06) 2.87 MM2 0.86 (0.02) 63.44 (0.03) 2.56 (0.08) 2.48 MM4 1.00 (0.03) 63.55 (0.03) 2.03 (0.06) 2.31 MM1 1.77 (0.04) 57.79 (0.04) 3.39 (0.09) 6.83 MM2 1.58 (0.04) 57.50 (0.04) 3.8 (0.1) 6.70 (0 MM3 1.16 (0.03) 58.98 (0.03) 2.56 (0.07) 3.62 MM4 1.43 (0.03) 57.50 (0.04) 3.28 (0.09) 5.32 MM5 0.73 (0.03) 57.57 (0.04) 2.3 (0.1) 1.97 (0 MM6 0.85 (0.03) 58.31 (0.04) 2.59 (0.09) 2.55 (0 MM8 1.29 (0.03) 57.84 (0.04) 3.14 (0.09) 4.62 (0 MM9 1.10 (0.03) 58.53 (0.04) 2.62 (0.09) 3.28 MM1 1.63 (0.04) 21.53 (0.04) 2.88 (0.08) 5.61 (0 .04) I18151-1208 MM1 0.58 (0.02) 32.84 (0.03) 2.37 (0.08) 1.59 (0 .04) I18151-1208 MM2 0.45 (0.01) 29.93 (0.04) 2.9 (0.1) 1.48 (0.0 4) I18151-1208 MM3 0.23 (0.01) 30.86 (0.06) 2.1 (0.1) 0.42 (0.0 4) I18182-1433 MM1 0.75 (0.02) 59.72 (0.04) 3.18 (0.09) 2.59 (0 .04) I18182-1433 MM2 0.53 (0.02) 40.93 (0.04) 2.08 (0.09) 1.22 (0 .05) I18223-1243 MM1 0.93 (0.03) 45.28 (0.03) 1.87 (0.07) 3.03 (0 .03) I18223-1243 MM2 0.82 (0.03) 45.84 (0.05) 2.9 (0.1) 2.16 (0.0 6) I18223-1243 MM3 0.92 (0.02) 45.66 (0.04) 2.95 (0.09) 2.62 (0 .06) I18223-1243 MM4 0.62 (0.02) 45.78 (0.03) 1.73 (0.08) 1.34 (0 .06) I18306-0835 MM1 0.91 (0.02) 77.88 (0.03) 2.57 (0.08) 2.75 (0 .04) I18306-0835 MM2 0.29 (0.02) 76.58 (0.07) 2.3 (0.2) 0.82 (0.0 6) I18306-0835 MM3 0.37 (0.02) 54.45 (0.06) 2.1 (0.1) 0.73 (0.0 6) I18337-0743 MM1 1.38 (0.04) 58.37 (0.05) 3.7 (0.1) 5.68 (0.0 4) I18337-0743 MM2 0.32 (0.01) 58.53 (0.07) 3.2 (0.2) 1.15 (0.0 4) I18337-0743 MM3 0.45 (0.02) 55.85 (0.05) 3.2 (0.1) 1.67 (0.0 5) aThe quoted errors denote one standard range for integration is +-5 km s-1centered at the LSRvelocity of N2H+J=1-0 or NH 3(1, 1).- 47 - Table 8. Line parameters of the NH 3(J,K) = (2, 2) line.a Source Tpk VLSR [km s-1] [km s-1] [K km MM1 0.18 (0.01) 24.60 (0.08) 2.1 (0.2) 0.48 (0 MM2 <0.09 -- -- MM3 <0.08 -- -- MM1 0.43 (0.01) 26.37 (0.03) 2.24 (0.07) 1.08 ( MM2 0.40 (0.01) 26.92 (0.04) 2.44 (0.09) 1.19 ( MM1 0.17 (0.01) 52.57 (0.07) 2.0 (0.2) 0.43 (0 MM2 <0.08 -- -- 0.27 MM3 0.30 (0.01) 84.32 (0.03) 2.1 (0.1) 0.81 (0 MM1 0.31 (0.01) 106.37 (0.04) 3.3 (0.1) 1.11 ( MM2 0.46 (0.01) 53.47 (0.03) 2.62 (0.07) 1.47 MM3 0.32 (0.01) 105.73 (0.06) 3.8 (0.1) 1.29 ( MM4 0.30 (0.01) 53.44 (0.04) 2.2 (0.1) 0.71 (0 MM7 0.33 (0.01) 53.6 (0.04) 2.0 (0.1) 0.73 (0. MM1 0.30 (0.01) 113.66 (0.05) 2.5 (0.1) 0.87 ( MM2(1) 0.12 (0.02) 51.75 (0.08) 1.1 (0.2) 0.1 2 MM2(2) 0.17 (0.01) 114.17 (0.07) 2.1 (0.2) 0. 38 MM3 0.12 (0.01) 51.62 (0.09) 1.7 (0.2) 0.16 (0 MM4 0.15 (0.01) 51.63 (0.07) 1.5 (0.2) 0.23 (0 MM1 0.84 (0.02) 113.46 (0.03) 3.04 (0.07) 2.8 4 ( MM2 0.34 (0.01) 118.00 (0.06) 3.1 (0.2) 1.05 ( MM3 p1 0.18 (0.01) 116.9 (0.1) 2.4 (0.3) 0.62 ( MM3 p2 0.17 (0.02) 119.24 (0.08) 1.2 MM4 0.16 (0.01) 114.61 (0.2) 4.8 (0.4) 0.80 (0 MM5 0.47 (0.01) 117.4 (0.05) 2.9 (0.1) 1.28 (0 MM6 0.62 (0.02) 113.76 (0.04) 3.02 (0.09) 2.0 8 ( MM8 0.10 (0.01) 119.4 (0.1) 2.0 (0.3) 0.41 (0. MM9 p1 0.13 (0.01) 116.26 (0.07) 2.2 (0.2) 0.6 2 ( MM9 p2 0.19 (0.01) 119.22 (0.04) 1.4 MM11 0.24 (0.02) 112.91 (0.09) 2.5 (0.2) 0.67 MM1 0.37 (0.01) 52.98 (0.04) 2.4 (0.1) 1.10 (0 MM2 0.14 (0.01) 114.7 (0.1) 3.4 (0.3) 0.55 (0. 04)- 48 - Table Tpk VLSR [km s-1] [km s-1] [K km MM1 0.44 (0.01) 63.6 (0.03) 2.18 (0.08) 1.12 ( MM2 0.25 (0.01) 63.52 (0.07) 2.9 (0.2) 0.88 (0 MM4 0.28 (0.01) 63.61 (0.05) 2.1 (0.1) 0.64 (0 MM1 1.02 (0.01) 57.71 (0.02) 3.54 (0.04) 4.06 MM2 0.93 (0.01) 57.53 (0.02) 3.66 (0.05) 3.73 MM3 0.46 (0.01) 58.97 (0.03) 2.91 (0.08) 1.60 MM4 0.76 (0.01) 57.49 (0.02) 3.17 (0.05) 2.64 MM5 0.28 (0.02) 57.59 (0.07) 1.9 (0.2) 0.57 (0 MM6 0.27 (0.02) 58.62 (0.08) 2.5 (0.2) 0.85 (0 MM8 0.63 (0.02) 57.94 (0.04) 3.3 (0.1) 2.37 (0 MM9 0.36 (0.02) 58.99 (0.06) 2.3 (0.1) 0.82 (0 .07) I18102-1800 MM1 0.93 (0.01) 21.57 (0.02) 3.04 (0.05) 3.28 (0 .05) I18151-1208 MM1 0.34 (0.01) 32.92 (0.04) 2.2 (0.1) 0.90 (0.0 5) I18151-1208 MM2 0.20 (0.01) 30.0 (0.1) 4.2 (0.2) 0.97 MM3 0.11 (0.01) 31.2 (0.2) 3.6 (0.4) 0.45 MM1 0.39 (0.01) 59.69 (0.04) 3.0 (0.1) 1.15 (0.0 4) I18182-1433 MM2 0.17 (0.01) 40.9 (0.1) 2.6 (0.2) 0.42 MM1 0.48 (0.02) 45.20 (0.04) 2.2 (0.1) 1.21 (0.0 4) I18223-1243 MM2 0.33 (0.02) 45.72 (0.07) 2.8 (0.2) 1.28 (0.0 6) I18223-1243 MM3 0.42 (0.01) 45.69 (0.03) 2.57 (0.07) 0.93 (0 .06) I18223-1243 MM4 0.23 (0.02) 45.75 (0.08) 1.8 (0.2) 0.56 (0.0 6) I18306-0835 MM1 0.49 (0.01) 77.87 (0.04) 2.82 (0.08) 1.56 (0 .04) I18306-0835 MM2 0.12 (0.02) 76.7 (0.2) 2.5 (0.4) 0.23 MM3 0.13 (0.02) 55.2 (0.2) 2.3 (0.4) 0.30 MM1 0.77 (0.01) 58.37 (0.03) 3.52 (0.06) 2.92 (0 .05) I18337-0743 MM2 0.18 (0.01) 59.99 (0.09) 2.4 (0.2) 0.37 (0.0 5) I18337-0743 MM3 0.16 (0.01) 56.3 (0.1) 2.9 (0.3) 0.59 (0.05) aThe quoted errors denote one standard range for integration is +-5 km s-1centered at the LSRvelocity of N2H+J=1-0 or NH 3(1, 1).- 49 - Table 9. Line parameters of the NH 3(J,K) = (3, 3) line.a Source Tpk VLSR [km s-1] [km s-1] [K km MM1 <0.08 -- -- 0.34 (0 MM2 <0.08 -- -- MM3 <0.08 -- -- MM1 0.16 (0.01) 26.6 (0.1) 4.0 (0.3) 0.69 (0.04 ) G019.27+0.07 MM2 0.16 (0.01) 27.0 (0.1) 3.9 (0.3) 0.77 (0.04 ) G022.35+00.41 MM1 0.15 (0.01) 52.97 (0.07) 4.5 (0.2) 0.86 (0 MM2 <0.08 -- -- MM3 <0.08 -- -- 0.24 MM1 0.19 (0.01) 106.56 (0.09) 5.0 (0.2) 0.99 ( MM2 0.23 (0.01) 53.51 (0.08) 5.2 (0.2) 1.29 (0 MM3 0.17 (0.01) 106.3 (0.1) 4.3 (0.3) 0.82 (0. MM4 0.19 (0.01) 53.46 (0.09) 2.9 (0.2) 0.72 (0 MM7 0.14 (0.01) 53.3 (0.1) 4.2 (0.3) 0.72 (0.0 4) G024.08+00.04 MM1 0.11 (0.01) 113.9 (0.1) 2.7 (0.3) 0.28 (0. MM2(1) <0.07 -- -- MM2(2) <0.07 -- -- MM3 <0.07 -- -- 0.13 MM4 <0.07 -- -- MM1 0.70 (0.01) 113.81 (0.04) 4.2 (0.1) 3.30 ( MM2 0.18 (0.01) 117.6 (0.2) 5.6 (0.4) 1.01 (0. MM3 0.12 (0.01) 118.2 (0.2) 5.7 (0.5) 0.76 (0. MM4 0.14 (0.02) 114.9 (0.1) 2.1 (0.3) 0.31 (0. MM5 0.19 (0.01) 119.1 (0.1) 5.0 (0.3) 1.02 (0. MM6 0.48 (0.01) 113.98 (0.05) 3.7 (0.1) 2.07 ( MM8 <0.07 -- -- 0.19 ( MM9 <0.07 -- -- 0.26 ( MM11 <0.12 -- -- 0.36 MM1 0.11 (0.01) 52.2 (0.2) 7.6 (0.5) 0.78 (0.0 4) G024.60+00.08 MM2 <0.08 -- -- 0.41 MM1 0.13 (0.01) 63.2 (0.1) 3.0 (0.3) 0.44 (0.0 4) G025.04-00.20 MM2 0.10 (0.01) 63.7 (0.2) 3.4 (0.4) 0.41 (0.0 4)- 50 - Table Tpk VLSR [km s-1] [km s-1] [K km MM4 <0.08 -- -- 0.18 MM1 0.66 (0.01) 57.9 (0.03) 5.17 (0.08) 3.58 ( MM2 0.59 (0.01) 57.65 (0.04) 5.76 (0.09) 3.45 MM3 0.215 (0.006) 59.4 (0.1) 7.2 (0.2) 1.42 (0 MM4 0.399 (0.007) 57.55 (0.05) 5.2 (0.1) 2.15 MM5 <0.12 -- -- 0.39 (0 MM6 <0.12 -- -- 0.33 (0 MM8 0.33 (0.02) 57.8 (0.1) 4.3 (0.2) 1.53 (0.0 7) G034.43+00.24 MM9 0.19 (0.02) 59.2 (0.1) 2.9 (0.3) 0.64 (0.0 7) I18102-1800 MM1 0.61 (0.01) 21.47 (0.03) 4.71 (0.08) 3.01 (0 .04) I18151-1208 MM1 0.14 (0.01) 32.8 (0.1) 3.4 (0.3) 0.58 MM2 0.11 (0.01) 29.4 (0.2) 6.8 (0.5) 0.72 MM3 <0.08 -- -- 0.29 MM1 0.17 (0.01) 59.4 (0.1) 6 (0.3) 1.02 MM2 <0.09 -- -- 0.19 MM1 0.16 (0.02) 45.2 (0.1) 1.9 (0.3) 0.36 MM2 <0.12 -- -- 0.32 MM3 0.15 (0.01) 45.1 (0.1) 5.3 (0.3) 0.8 MM4 <0.12 -- -- 0.24 MM1 0.31 (0.01) 78.04 (0.06) 3.5 (0.1) 1.22 (0.0 4) I18306-0835 MM2 0.09 (0.02) 77.6 (0.2) 2.8 (0.5) 0.3 MM3 <0.11 -- -- MM1 0.39 (0.01) 58.29 (0.06) 4.8 (0.1) 1.99 (0.0 5) I18337-0743 MM2 0.13 (0.01) 58.3 (0.1) 2.5 (0.3) 0.32 MM3 <0.08 -- -- 0.67 (0.04) aThe quoted errors denote one standard range for integration is +-5 km s-1centered at the LSRvelocity of N2H+J=1-0 or NH 3(1, 1).- 51 -Table 10. The NH 3rotation temperatures and column [1012cm-2] [1012cm-2] [1012cm-2] [1015cm-2] [1014cm-5] MM1 <0.24 MM2 <0.30 MM3 <0.27 MM1 <0.07 MM2 <0.12 MM1 <0.14 MM2 <2.2 1.3+0.6 -0.9<2.6 <0.37 MM3 <0.20 MM1 <0.15 MM2 <0.17 MM3 <0.28 MM4 <0.42 MM7 <0.17 MM1 <0.10 MM2(1) <0.36 MM2(2) <0.32 MM3 <0.63 MM4 <0.39 MM1 <0.11 MM2 <0.26 MM3 p1 <0.26 MM3 p2 MM4 <0.42 MM5 <0.20 MM6 <0.42 MM8 -- -- -- -- -- <1.9 -- -- G024.33+00.11 MM9 p1 MM9 p2 <0.52 MM11 <2.5 2.7+0.6 -0.8<2.0 <0.51 MM1 <0.12 MM2 <0.17 MM1 <0.13 MM2 <0.21 MM4 <0.21 MM1 <0.03 <0.14- 52 -Table [1012cm-2] [1012cm-2] [1012cm-2] [1015cm-2] [1014cm-5] MM2 <0.04 MM3 <0.06 MM4 <0.05 MM5 <0.22 MM6 <0.22 MM8 <0.33 MM9 <0.16 MM1 <0.13 MM1 <0.16 MM2 <0.13 MM3 <0.23 MM1 <0.11 MM2 <0.23 MM1 <0.09 MM2 <0.16 MM3 <0.10 MM4 <0.24 MM1 <0.27 MM2 <0.60 MM3 <1.05 MM1 <0.07 MM2 <0.23 MM3 <0.25 <0.29 aTex(N2H+) is assumed to be equal to Tex(NH3). The quoted error is dominated by the error in is assumed to be from 20 K to 50 K.- 53 - Table 11. Integrated Intensities and rotation temperature of th e CH3OHJ=7-6 line.a Source 7 T rot [K km s-1] [K km s-1] [K km s-1] [K km s-1] [K] G019.27+0.07 MM1 3.2 (0.2) <0.4 0.7 (0.1) 1.7 (0.2) 7.3 MM1 2.9 (0.2) 0.5 (0.1) 0.7 (0.1) 1.1 (0.2) 8.4 MM1 3.6 (0.2) <0.4 0.5 (0.1) 0.9 (0.2) 6.9 MM2 2.4 (0.2) <0.3 <0.3 <0.5 MM1 2.9 (0.2) <0.4 1.0 (0.1) 2.3 (0.2) 8.3 MM1 1.9 (0.2) <0.4 0.5 (0.1) 0.6 (0.2) 9.2 MM1 8.7 (0.1) 2.5 (0.1) 3.4 (0.1) 5.4 (0.1) 10.9 MM2 6.8 (0.2) 1.2 (0.1) 1.6 (0.1) 3.1 (0.2) 8.3 MM3 6.3 (0.1) 0.7 (0.1) 1.2 (0.1) 2.7 (0.1) 7.0 MM4 2.8 (0.2) <0.4 0.7 (0.1) <0.5 9.3 MM1 4.5 (0.1) 0.4 (0.1) 1.0 (0.1) 1.5 (0.1) 7.3 MM1 1.6 (0.2) <0.4 0.8 (0.1) 0.9 (0.2) 12.1 MM2 4.3 (0.2) <0.4 1.8 (0.1) 2.7 (0.2) 8.1 MM1 2.0 (0.2) 0.8 (0.1) 0.8 (0.1) 1.5 (0.2) 12.4 MM3 1.3 (0.1) 0.3 (0.1) <0.3 0.4 (0.1) 9.5 MM1 1.8 (0.2) 0.5 (0.1) 0.6 (0.1) 0.9 (0.2) 10.2 MM1 1.8 (0.1) <0.4 <0.4 0.5 (0.1) 8.6 MM3 1.7 (0.1) 0.3 (0.1) <0.3 0.6 (0.1) 8.2 (1.2) aThe quoted errors denote one standard deviation. Velocity range for integration is +-5 km s-1centered at the LSRvelocity of N 2H+J=1-0 or NH 3(1, 1).
Takeshi Sakai
Takeshi Sakai, Nami Sakai, Kazuhisa Kamegai, Tomoya Hirota, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi, Shoichi Shiba, Satoshi Yamamoto
A Molecular Line Observation toward Massive Clumps Associated with Infrared Dark Clouds
Accepted to ApJ
We have surveyed the N2H+ J=1-0, HC3N J=5-4, CCS J_N=4_3-3_2, NH3 (J, K) = (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), and CH3OH J=7-6 lines toward the 55 massive clumps associated with infrared dark clouds by using the Nobeyama Radio Observatory 45 m telescope and the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment 10 m telescope. The N2H+, HC3N, and NH3 lines are detected toward most of the objects. On the other hand, the CCS emission is detected toward none of the objects. The [CCS]/[N2H+] ratios are found to be mostly lower than unity even in the Spitzer 24 micron dark objects. This suggests that most of the massive clumps are chemically more evolved than the low-mass starless cores. The CH3OH emission is detected toward 18 out of 55 objects. All the CH3OH-detected objects are associated with the Spitzer 24 micron sources, suggesting that star formation has already started in all the CH3OH-detected objects. The velocity widths of the CH3OH J_K=7_0-6_0 A+ and 7_{-1}-6_{-1} E lines are broader than those of N2H+ J=1-0. The CH3OH J_K=7_0-6_0 A+ and 7_{-1}-6_{-1} E lines tend to have broader linewidth in the MSX dark objects than in the others, the former being younger or less luminous than the latter. The origin of the broad emission is discussed in terms of the interaction between an outflow and an ambient cloud.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 21 Feb 2008 13:27:16 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sakai", "Takeshi", "" ], [ "Sakai", "Nami", "" ], [ "Kamegai", "Kazuhisa", "" ], [ "Hirota", "Tomoya", "" ], [ "Yamaguchi", "Nobuyuki", "" ], [ "Shiba", "Shoichi", "" ], [ "Yamamoto", "Satoshi", "" ] ]
2 I. Gladich, F. Stel, D. Giaiotti and G. the analytical works, several of them make use of the hydrostatic approxi- mation and of different kind of obstacles (Lilly & Klemp 1979), using bot h stratified and rotational fluids (Inttyre 1972), using thermal forcing (Reisner & Smolarkiewicz 1993) & Hunt 1990). works avoid the use of the hydrostatic approximation, th is because the term makes the analytic approch more difficult. A compreh ensive review of all these works can be found in Baines (1995). Among the analytical works, three of them, Smith (1989 a), Wurtele et al.(1987) and Keller (1994) deserve a special mention. In particular Smith (1989 a), developing the previous work of Smith (1988) and Smith (1989 b), studies the interaction between hy- drostatic and stratified flow on an idealized 3-D topography. In his c ontribution the attention is focused on the case in which the flow stops its upward mo tion while moving on the topography (i.e., stagnation of the flow). Moreover,in this w ork, the use of Froude number as a discriminating factor between stagnation and non-sta gnation, proposed by Sheppard (1956), is critically reviewed. In the work of Keller (1994) the study of inter- action between non-hydrostatic and stratified flows on an idealized 2-D topography is presented but, in this case, the attention is focused on the effect s of the formation of downstream lee waves. Keller (1994) also analize s the behaviour of the flow with different vertical velocity profiles. The interesting asp ect of Wurtele et al. (1987), instead, stays in the approach to the gravity wave propa gation in the line defined by the three analytical works above introdu ced, the aim of this work is to study analytically the influence of non-hydrostatic eff ects on the geometry of streamlines, essentially upstream to topography, and on flow blo cking. In the SS2 a briefly review of Smith (1989 a) is presented and its results are extended to the non- hydrostatic case. Then in SS3, an analytical model for a stratified flow on a 2-D profile is presented adopting a uniform incident velocity profile for the unper turbed flow and using the Fourier trasforms. In this part the mathematical difficulty of a evi- denced and a new approach to overtake it is presented. With this ap proach the integrand is substituted with a new one for which the integration can be easly ca rried out. In this way, making use of the new integral form, the streamlines pattern for the can be obtained and it is presented in SS4. With this approach the formation of lee waves, already reproduced by Keller (1994), as well as the intensifi cation of wind speed at the top of topography profile is well described by the model. This p henomenon can be obtained even making use of hydrostatic models, but the non-hy drostatic approach showesa minor wind. Furthermorethe changesin t he pattern ofstream- line due to the super-critical (Froude number F>1) and sub-critical ( F<1) regimes are presented. At the end of this work the relevance of non-hydr ostatic effects are shown to be important in the dynamics of flow-blocking, SS5, specially for topographic profiles with horizontal scale comparable with the vertical one. Moreover, thanks to this can be put in relationship with the formation of vorticity a s guessed before by Schar & Smith (1993 a) and Schar & Smith (1993 b). At the end it is demonstrated that simple parameters (e.g., Froude number or Brunt-Vaisala frequenc y) are not sufficient to describe completely the stagnation mechanism. This result is not m erely theorethical but there are some concrete cases in which it might had played a role, as is the case of the Valcanale flood (29 August 2003, Valcanale-UD-, Italy) when tw o people died. 2. From hydrostatic to non-hydrostatic approach In this section the work of Smith (1989) is adapted to the non-hydr ostatic case. A 2-D steady and parallel flow with a constant vertical velocity profile is as sumed. This Effects on the Interaction between Flows an d Orography 3 interacts with an obstacle whose analytic form is h=h(x,y). Differently from Smith (1989a) a bounded flow is here considered. Infact, imposing that all the pe turbation on pressure field and streamline displacement due to orography damp a t infinite height can create problems to the energy conservation (Baines 1995). For t his reason, in a more realistic way, we impose that all the orographic effects fade at the t op of fluid that, in the atmospheric case coincides with the end of troposphere at 10 k m. As done by Smith (1989 a), the flow is here assumed always parallel (i.e., is neglected), incompressible and stable stratified with cons tant N. In this way far from orography the density profile r(z) is and given by the following the vertical coordinate, z0is a reference level, r0the density at the reference level far from the obstacles and gis the gravity flow is assumed as composed by dry air in isothermal condition and all the sources and sinks of heat are neglected. The viscous effects and the turbu lent diffusion of mo- mentum are neglected as well. Moreover Coriolis force is assumed as n ull, infact Rossby number is lower than unity for an incident velocity profile of 15 ms-1and for a horizontal scale smaller than 200 km. To proceed further it is now necessary to introduce an energy con servation principle. For isentropic flows the energy for unit volume Egiven by E=rU2 2+P+rgz (2.2) is constant along stream and vortex lines (Batchelor 1994). In (2.3 )Pis the pressure andUis the intensity of velocity vector. In this case streamlines coincides with isopicnal lines because the flow is incompressible and steady. For this reason t he energy balance written for a parcel on a streamline characterized by the unpertu rbed level z0(i.e., far from the obstacle) is conserved and has the pressure field far from orography is horizontally homogeneous as previously as- sumed, then it is possible to assume the hydrostatic balance to desc (2.3) The reasonableness of this assumption is given by the fact that no v ertical motion, upstream and far from the obstacle, is assumed. Defining the pert urbation pressure P* as the difference between pressure field and pressure field at the s ame level and far from the using the equation (2.3), the velocity of a parcel along a stream line is given the velocity of an incident upstream vertical profile while eis the from the obstacle and density r0.4 I. Gladich, F. Stel, D. Giaiotti and G. Furlan The equation (2.4) gives us a simple relationship to identify the flow bloc king, i.e. the situation in which U2= 0. Neglecting the perturbation pressure term, the results of Sheppard (1956) are reproduced. In those results stagnation o ccours when the displace- ment is F=U Ne<1 The problemof this approachto flow-blockingis that neglecting pres parcel behaves as if it were not immersed in a fluid environment. I t is then important, for a more realistic description of the flow, try to estimate the pres sure term. Starting from the vertical momentum equation (Emanuel 1994) for a strat ified (2.5) wherer'is the density perturbation, i.e. the difference between density field and density field at the same level and far from the obstacles, that =r0N2e g The result of integration of (2.5) from the general level zup to the top of the fluid = (2.7) that corrispond respectively to hydrostatic and non-hydrostat ic contribution on the per- turbation pressure Using the isopicnal change of coordinates z=z0+ein the first integral G h, equation (2.3) it (2.9) is the integral, obtained integrating streamlines displacement efrom the level z0to the top of the fluid where all streamlines perturbation are null. In Smith (1989 a) the non-hydrostatic contribution G nhis neglected. This means that in equation (2.5) the vertical advective term is neglected. Using sca le analysis and condition it can be shown that the hydrostatic assum ption is good only for obstacles with a vertical scale lenght smaller than the horizonta l scale lenght. Using this approximation Smith (1989 a) showed that stagnation occurs when the (2.10) is satisfied. Stagnation dynamics is then connected to a non local va riations of Effects on the Interaction between Flows an d Orography 5 InfactIeis the vertical integral of all the vertical displacements above the fixed The shape of the obstacle can become very important b ecause the integral of streamlines vertical displacements depends from it. Moreover t o determine stagnation all the streamlines displacement field e(x,y,z) have to be known. This means that the equations of motion (Navier-Stokes equations) had to be solved an d a non linear solution of Navier-Stokes equation is not available. Then, to proceed furth er, a linear solution of the equation of motion has to be introduced to evaluate eand to insert it into the conservation of energy obtaining an evaluation of the stagnation p oint. There is then a formal contraddiction: when stagnation occurs, streamlines bec ome singular (e.g., they can split or intersect) then any linear solution is, in principle, not adap t to describe this behavior. To bypass this difficulty, in this work it is supposed that the linear with energy conservation, can give some information useful only to identify the onset of stagnation and not its behavior. +Even if this limitation is present, the result seem to be in agreement respect the numerical ones; for example S mith (1989 b) has found that, introducing the values of streamlines displacement e(x,y,z) obtained by his 3-D linear hydrostatic models into (2.8), the critical hill height (i.e. th e minimum hill height at which the flow starting to stop) is about 30% lower than the critical using the vertical displacement field obtained by a numeric al integration of the full non-linear hydrostatic equation using in Smith (1989 b). This fact suggest that the final resolution of the splitting problem will probably be accomplish ed using data: this is not so easy because real data for sta gnation position are difficult to obtain. Even though there are evident experimental diffic ulties, real data can give some hint on what in reality happens and what numerical models ca n be able to see respect analytical ones and viceversa. This paper, following the ab ove idea, will present a comparison of result of analytical models on the case of Valcanale flo od (29 Agust Italy). Finally, It could be argued that if a linear theory is used to provide the field of motion, it would be more consistent to use the linearized set Bernoulli equatio n instead of the complete one (2.8). This could be done: Smith (1989 b) found that the critical hill height is two times greater of the values prediction using the complete Bern oulli equation. Fol- lowing Smith (1988), Smith (1989 b) and Smith (1989 a) we choose to use the exact result (2.8). Thus if any error is present in the derived fields it is because of the to motion equation and not any subsequent linearizations and it is provides a common method for stagnation diagnosing (analytic) linear and (num erical) A non-hydrostatic model for the interaction between a flow and a 2-D obstacles characterized by horizontal scale comparable with t he vertical one. In it has to be taken into account in the evaluation of the perturba tion pressure term of (2.4). To introduce the non-hydrostatic effects a 2-D model is developed and its governing +It is possible, using other technique and approximation, ta king in account part of the non- linear term and try to give some hint on behaviour of streamli nes in the stagnation point. This aspect is not taking under consideration in this paper and fu rther details can be found in Baines (1995).6 I. Gladich, F. Stel, D. Giaiotti and G. Furlan equations will be solved explicity in the super-critical (Froude numbe rF>1) and sub- critical ( F<1) regime. Then the streamlines pattern for both these cases and dynamics will be representation of solutions The development of the model starts from the governing equation s of a 2-D unviscid and stratified flow in Boussinesq's approximation (Emanu el 0(3.1) whereris the unperturbed density field far from the obstacle. The set (3.1 ) is lin- earized imposing for the unperturbed state the horizontal and co nstant vertical (U0,0). Moreoverthe perturbation velocity field u', using the can be described by u'= (-Ps z,Ps x) (3.2) It is then that all the at t he fluid top while the linearized impermeability boundary condition at the ground according to Baines (1995) is satisfied, =U0h(x) if z= 0 ground Ps = 0 if z=Dtop of fluid(3.3) In this way the perturbed streamfunction using a linear set of equa tions = 0 Ps = 0 when z=D Ps =U0h(x) when z= 0(3.4) Thisset flow interacting with a general 2-D obstacle described by th e shapez=h(x). The linearity constraints the value of the parameters which determ ine the model. In particular the constraint is represented by the following two condit ions on the obstacle is represented by a 2-D hill of H= 2000 m high and the flow is characterized by a upstream velocity U0= 15 ms-1the require startification frequency that preserves linearity is N <7.5*10-3s-1. This condition then limits the applicability of the above developed linear model. In the section SS4 andSS5 this constrains will be consider. To proceed further the Fourier trasform in reciprocal space kis here used to find Effects on the Interaction between Flows an d Orography 7 integral representation of the solution. Assuming an orograhy at the ground with the half width at half orography high. The solution has the form Ps = Ps ispreservedin the Moreoverit canbe noticedthat, adopting the definition of Froude numeber given in Baines different behaviours exist, according to the different values of the Froude number. WhenF>1 (super-critical regime) the functions G1andG2do not show any sin- gularity on their integral path and the integral of (3.7) is defined. F or the it is then possible to adopt a numerical integration of (3.7). In particular it is here adopted a Monte-Carlo, importance sampling integration wit h the use of an algo- rithm for the generation of pseudo-random numbers. This choice w as taken because for low values of the wave number kand for low values of z, the integral function is nearly an harmonic function then, an equispatial integration method is not able to the orographic profile near to the ground because it con tinuously adds har- monic components in phase. The use of a pseudo-random integratio n method, in which harmonic components are added randomly, seems a better approa ch. A of this integration method can be found in Gould & Toboch nik (1996). In the case F<1 (sub-critical regime) the function G1admits poles of first order (3.13) then the integral of (3.7) exists only in an improper way called Cauch y principal value integral. The presence of a pole in the integration path makes impos sible the use of numerical integration methods and the analytic integration of the Cauchy pricinpal value integral is needed to deal with the singularity behaviour but an explicit solution8 I. Gladich, F. Stel, D. Giaiotti and G. Furlan of (3.7) is not avaible. To overcome this problem in this work a new appr oach is proposed based on the substitution of G1andG2with two new functions that *The function /tildewiderG2has to tend to infinity with the same behaviour of G2; in this way there is a correct estimate of short wave lengths. *The function /tildewiderG1has to reproduce the same singular behaviour and the limit to the singularity has to be unitary. *The function to have the same value in G1ink= (i.e., wavelengths greater or equal to the horizontal scale of the obstacle) are correctly the new functions integral (3.7) can be solved explicitly. At this point is necessary to fix some parameter of analytical model: with an U0= 15 ms-1, an hill high H= 2000 m and a top of fluid due to the end of Troposphere D= 10 km, linearization conditions (3.5) imposes that the must be N <7.5*10-3s-1. So, notice the (3.13), there is only one pole (3.14) In the following section SS4 andSS5 the above value of parameter are considered, so the function G1have only one pole in the sub-critical case ( F<1). Following the previously introduced criteria, the new functions that are going to be uses instead of 1-z/D g= we will be shown later on, the wave's dynamic is governed by the par ameterW; 0, there is a wave pattern formation, if W= 0 the wave pattern inserting the new functions in (3.7) it is possible to solve explicity the & Ryzhik 2000), obtaining an explicit solution of Ps for th e It is important to notice that the different behaviour for F>1 andF<1 is a typical example of bifurcation, i.e., differnt physical behaviour as a consequence of an arbitrarily small change in the parameters value. The case F= 1 can not be described by a simply linear theory infact, for this value of F, equation (3.7) shows a second order pole ink= 0 and the integral does not exist, neither in the sense of Cauchy principal value Effects on the Interaction between Flows an d Orography -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 02000 4000 6000 8000 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 02000 4000 6000 8000 1. Super-critical regime of the flow with low stratification. So lid lines represent the streamlines of the non-hydrostatic model, while dashed lin es represent the streamlines of the hydrostatic model. Horizontal and vertical axes scale are i n meters. Panel ( a) shows the stream- lines pattern for N= 1*10-3s-1while panel ( b) shows the results obtained for N= 3*10-3s-1. 4. The comparison of the streamlines pattern in hydrostatic approaches In this section the streamlines pattern ofthe del are compared with those obtained under the hydrostatic assumption. This is done usin g the 2-D proposed by Baines (1995) making use of the same assumptio ns (steady flow, unviscid, parallel, stratified and incompressible) here adopted. Ps the linearization of boundary condition, fixing as a starting unp erturbed level z=z0, the streamline is then represented by z=z0+Ps/U0. All the results presented in the following sections had been obtained adopting an hill- shaped obstacle whose functional form is (3.6) and with the geomet rical paramenters a= 1700 m and H= 2000 m. This value of hill parameter corrispond to a mountains of Alpine ridge. It is important to notice that, as it is told before, the topography must be narrow to have importan regime (F >1) In figure 1 are displayed the hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic str eamlines patterns. It is clear that the non-hydrostatic model is characterized by a lower v ertical the hydrostatic one at the same stratification frequenc yN. The origin of this behaviour is in the vertical acceleration term that the hydrostatic model can not take into account. Infact the increase of vertical streamlines displace ment and velocity, due to the continuity equation as a consequence of narrowing of tropo sphere, gives rise to the formation of a low pressure zone at hill's top. This low pressure zo ne constrains the vertical streamlines displacement because the fluid in the upper par t of troposphere is pushed downward by this pressure deficit. This lower pressure is mo re accentuated in the non-hydrostatic model because the extra term represente d by the velocity Then streamlines displacement is reduced in the non-hydr ostatic model by the action of this counteracting pressure gradient. Before to conclude it has to be noted that the vertical displacemen t increases with the increasing of N. This behaviour can be observed both in the hydrostatic and non- hydrostatic model and might seem (one could thin k that when strat- ification increases then the restoring forces become larger). This behavior is that the inertia of the lower-levels parcels increases mo re than the inertia of10 I. Gladich, F. Stel, D. Giaiotti and G. Furlan -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 x 2. Sub-critical regime of the flow. Solid lines represent the st reamlines for the model while dashed lines represent the streamlin es for the hydrostatic model. Hor- izontal and vertical axes scale are in meters. Panel ( a) shows the streamlines pattern for N= 6*10-3s-1while panel ( b) shows the streamlines pattern for N= 7*10-3s-1. -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 x -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 x 3. Sub-critical regime of the flow with high stratification. Sol id lines represent the streamlines ofthedel while dashedline srepresents thestreamlines for thehy- drostatic model.Horizontal and vertical axes scale are in m eters. Panel ( a) shows the for N= 6*10-3s-1while panel ( b) shows the streamlines pattern for N= 7*10-3s-1. the upper-levels parcels when stratification increases. So, even if the restoring force be- comes larger as stratification increase, the difference of masses o f different air level parcel is crucial for the developing of perturbation pressure that play an important rule in the streamlines formation and, as it will be possible to see later, in flow-blo cking regime (F <1) Considering all the terms present in (3.16) the results shown in figur e 2 are obtained. In that picture it is clearly recognizable the formation of stationary wa ves. These results inKeller(1994). the singularity, infact for a wind velocity of 15 ms-1and a stratification frequency of the order of N= 7*10-3s-1there is a pole corresponds to a wavelength of l18 kmthat is clearly recognizable in figure Effects on the Interaction between Flows an d Orography 11 Before to proceed further it has to be noted that the streamline w aves pattern is symmetric to the top of the hill while from real cases it is clear that th e waves pattern can be present only downstream to the hill. This is a spurious effect of the the (3.4) does not change for the reflection of the variable x. To avoid this spurious effect it is sufficient to fix W= 0 in (3.16) and the streamlines pattern that one obtain is shown in figure 3. It is then interesting to notice that even if the wav es are produced by the obstacle,their wavelengthhas not the same orderofmagnitud e ofthe hill's Infact, being triggered by the singular point k0, the waves depend only from and from the velocity profile. In figure 3 it is possible to clearly recognize the velocity intensification at the top of the obstacle represented by the streamlines concentration in that re gion. This a well known effect to mountain-hickers and it is due to the falling dow n of the upper- level streamlines which is not present in the super-critical stratific ation. This comes out because in the sub-critical regime the upper- level parcels fall down in a denser environment that gives them the necessary up-ward lift ing force to return to their initial level when they return far from obstacle. The obtained stationary pattern is represented in figure 3. This situation can not take place in the sup er-critical regime, when a downward displacement similar to that of the sub-critical cas e, cannot receive the same lifting force because of a less stratified environment. It is interesting to notice that the non-hydrostatic model gives a lo wer wind speed at the top of the hill respect the hydrostatic ones at the same . A possible description of this effects can be explained, a s was done in case, considering the Bernoulli equation even if, in s ub-critical case, the streamlines pattern is more complicated respect the super-critica l one. In this case the acceleration of the fluid and the increase of vertical displacement o f lower level stream- lines gives the formation of a low pressure area at hill's top while the fallin g of could be enough to compensate the fluid acceleration an d so this could give an increase of pressure: infact the mid-level streamlines, after an initial falling, seem to moves upward due to the acting of this increase of pressure as it is possible to see in figure 3. So, this more complicated pressure patt ern gives rise to a lower intensification of wind speed at the top of the hill and, as it will be noted later, is the responsable of flow-blocking in sub-critical flow. Finally it is worth to be noticed that, also in this case, the vertical disp lacement in- creases with the increasing of stratification (the altitude of the win d speed the increasing of stratification. Lower-level parcels moving up ward find in a layer of fluid less dense, then with a low capability of count eracting with the buoyancy force their upward motion. Before to conclude this section it is again important to state that, b oth in the super- critical and sub-critical regime, the non-hydrostatic effect cons ists in a smoothing of the streamlines geometry and the smoothing effect is concetreted nea r to the top of the obstacle. 5. Non-hydrostatic effects on the streamfunction for the is po ssible to can calculate the non-hydrostatic term G nhof (2.7) due to the vertical acceleration and use it in (2.8). Four cases for different stratification frequencies N= taken into account. The first two frequencies (i.e., N= 1,3*10-3s-1) correspond to the super- critical regime while the last two (i.e., N= 6,7*10-3s-1) to the sub-critical regime.12 I. Gladich, F. Stel, D. Giaiotti and G. 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Figure 4. Flow-blocking and hydrostatic approximation. The unpertu rbed streamine level is reported in the horizontal axis, in meters, while the abscis sa of stagnation (i.e, the distance from the top of the hill where the flow-blocking occurrs) is report ed, in meters, in the vertical axis. This picture is obtained with a stratification N= 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 (b) Figure 5. Inthehorizontal axisitisreported (in meters) while the vertical axis reports, in meters , the abscissa of stagnation, i.e. the distance from the top of the hill where the fluid stops. Panel ( a) reports the . Dash upper lines correspond to the stratification N= 3*10-3s-1while solid lower lines correspond to N= 1*10-3s-1. Panel ( b) reports the sub-critical regime. Dash upper lines correspond to the stagnation N= 7*10-3s-1while solid lower lines to N= result In the equation (2.8) the vertical advectionterm (2.7) is null becau se a unperturbed streamline level and stagnation abscissa is shown in figure 4. The frequency that admits stagnation is N= 3*10-3s-1, which corresponds to the streamlines pattern where the vertical displacement larger, a s can be seen in figure 1. The explanation of this fact can be found in the behaviour of stre amline pattern. In a super-critical hydrostatic flow, stagnation occours when the st reamlines does not have a sufficient kinetic energy to trasform into potential to produce the vertical On the contrary, the sub-critical flow blocking, as it will b e remark in the next section, happens when the falling of upper streamlines creates a pr essure configuration at the top of hill that could stop low-level streamlines A last comment can be done on stagnation abscissa: there are stre amlines, in the hydrostaic case, that stopped in the proximity of hill's Effects on the Interaction between Flows an d Orography 13 5. result In the non-hydrostatic case flow stagnation can take place for all the considered stratifi- cation frequencies. In the super-critical regime the behaviour of the abscissa of stag nation is shown in the panelaof figure 5. This behaviour is similar to that evidenced in the hydrosta tic regime even if in the non-hydrostatic case the abscissa of stagnation is up ward limited and does not pass the abscissa of 2500 m from the top of the hill. The explanat ion of this fact can be found in the role of the streamlines curvature. In figure 5a it is po ssible to observe that as all the stagnation abscissas are positionated before of th e streamlines' flexums (for the ground streamline the flexum is at a1700 km, value that corresponds to the flexum of (3.6)). This effect is similar to that experienced by a driver w hen he or she is running on the positive curvature of a road and his/her car is force d downward while on the negative curvature of the road the car is lifted. The same effec t takes place in fluids but only a non-hydrostatic model can keep into account this mecha nism because it is the only model that can consider vertical the sub-critical regime the situation is quite different. The inertia of the parcels pushes the fluid beyond the flexum and stagnation occu rs later than in regime. The other important things to be noticed is t hat large portions of the fluid are blocked in the sub-critical regime (nearly the 8 kmof fl uid nearer to the ground). This situation corresponds to the pattern in figure 3 whe re the upper stream- lines fall toward the obstacle. This means that large amounts of kine tic energy available.This factis in agreementwith the findigsofSchar & Smith (1993 a), Smolarkiewcz & Rotunno (1989) and, Castro et al.(1983) where stagnation is associated with the vorticity the role of stratification frequency on stagnation in fig ure 5 it can be shown that when Nincreases, stagnation occours later, i.e., for smaller abscissas. Th is fact is in agreement with the streamlines pattern, in fact when stra tification increases the vertical displacement is larger. This result might seem countrint uitive but it can be explained taking into account the fact that when stratification incr eases, restoring forces increase but the inertia of the lower parts of the fluid increases as w ell. This inertia is strictly connected to the generation of pressure perturbation, that play a crucial roll in flow-blocking dynamics, and a non-hydrostatic model can better k eep into account this fact in comparison with hydrostatic models. Even if this result is obta ined with a linear model valid only for a restrict range of stratification frequencies it can give a useful hint toward the interpretaion of real cases, in particular of what happ end in Valcanale (UD), Italy, during the 29thAugust 2003. In that day a flow strongly stratified in the lower levels ( N= the mean value of N= 7*10-3s-1) moving from south and interacting with rain (nearly 400 mmin four hours) and two casualties only on the further inner ridge (Julian Alps) where convection took place, as can be seen from the r adar image shown in figure 6. 6. Conclusions This out developing an analytical model. In particular, starting f rom the previous works of Smith (1989 a) and Keller (1994), here the non-hydrostatic terms are kept I. Gladich, F. Stel, D. Giaiotti and G. Furlan Figure 6. Radar image: a moist and stable stratified flow with N= 0.03 s-1interact with 2-D ridge. The flow overtaking the first ridge but stopped on the se cond (red and dark region) where starting convection and an intense orographic rains. Photo made by doppler radar station of Fossalon (Ud), Italy by Meteorological regional service O. Following this idea an integral solution of the 2-D non-hydro static model for the super-critical regime and by way of a newly develope d explicit in the sub-critical regime. The main results of this work can be summarized in the following points: *The non-hydrostatic effects are important for a topography cha racterized by a hor- izontal scale comparable with the vertical scale. In this case, in fac t, the change in becomes important. *The producesa generalsmoothing ofth e effects can be explained taking into account the presence of the high/low pressure area, due to the complexity of streamlines picture, that a non-hyd rostatic model are much able to see. *The streamlines pattern shows, for the sub-critical regime, the f ormation of waves downstream to the topography, that hydrostatic models can not reproduce. The wave- length of this undulatory pattern is connected to the properties o f a singular point in the integral function which depends only from the stratification fr equency and from the upstream velocity of the flow. The intensification of flow velocity at t he topography top is observed in the sub-critical occurs upstream to the topography and hydrostatic and non-s show a very different behavior in flow-blocking. In hydrostat ic models on the top of topography and only for large vertical displac ements of in the super-critical regime). *In the non-hydrostatic model, for the super-critical regime, only are blocked and stagnation does not occur beyond the flexum a bscissa. This be- haviour can be explained taking into account the role of streamline's c urvature which is connected to the vertical perturbation pressure (lifting in the ne gative curvature part of streamlines and downward restoring force in the positive curvatur e part of can not be observed in hydrostatic models. *In the non-hydrostatic model, for the sub-critical regime, the st agnation is due by a formation of complex pressure pattern at the top of hill. Moreove r stagnation in Effects on the Interaction between Flows an d Orography 15 critical case occurs beyond the flexum's abscissa upstream to top ography. This because the inertia of the is larger than the inertia of the upper-levels parcels. In the sub-critical regime the amount of fluid that is blocked is very la rge: this means that a large amount of kinetic energy is made avaible. This source ofk inetic a source of vorticity production connected with the flow-b locking as by Schar & Smith (1993 a), Smolarkiewcz & Rotunno (1989) and Castro et al. (1983). *As stratification increases, the flow stops later than a less stratifi ed flow. For this reason stratification parameters alone are not sufficient to detec t the flow-blocking situ- ation because stratification and curvature effects are linked to th e perturbation pressure that can have an important role on flow-blocking, as shown in this wor k. So this work suggest the opportunity to connect perturbation pressure to s tratification and work suggest the possibility to construct a faster evaluation m ethod of stag- nation phenomena: the result of a linear model, that can be run fast er and for a more smaller spatial mesh, could be use to describe the flow-blocking onse t. 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W. 1976 A numerical and experimental study of strati-16 I. Gladich, F. Stel, D. Giaiotti and G. Furlan fied flow around complex terrain. Tech. Rep. Environmental Report. Schar, C. & Smith, R. B. 1993aShallow water flow past isolated topography. part i: Vortici ty production and wake formation. J. Atmos. Sci. 50, C. & Smith, R. B. tion to vortex shedding. J. Atmos. Sci. 50, P. A. 1956 Airflow over mountain. Q. J. R. Met. Soc. 82, 528-529. Smith, R. B. 1988 Linear theory of stratified flow past an isolated mountai n in isosteric coor- dinates. J. Atmos. Sci. 45, R. B. 1989aHydrostatic airflow over mountains. Advanced in Geophysics 31, 1-41. Smith, R. B. stagnation points in hydrostatic flow. Tellus41A, P. K. & Rotunno, R. 1989 Low froude number flow past obstacles. part i: Baroclinically generated lee vortices. J. Atmos. Sci. 46, W. H., Thompson, R. S., Eskridge, R. E., Lawson, R. E. , Castro, I. P., Lee, J. T. & Ogawa, Y. 1985 The structure of strongly stratified flow over hills: Div iding streamline concept. J. Fluid. Mech. 152, M. G., Sharman, R. D. & Keller, T. L. 1987 Analysis and simulation of gravity waves. J. Atmos. Sci. 44, 3296-3281.-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 x
Ivan Gladich Dr.
Ivan Gladich, F. Stel, D.Giaiotti and G. Furlan
Non-Hydrostatic Effects in the Interaction between Flow and Orography
16 pages, 6 figures
The interaction between flows and orography is a fundamental aspect of theoretical fluid dynamics for its direct applications (e.g., in dynamical meteorology); a comprehensive description is nowadays still lacking in some aspects. In this work, in particular, the authors would like to face the problem of flow-blocking and of the streamlines pattern formation, examining the role of stratification (i.e., Brunt-Vaisala frequency) and Froude number on these problems. In particular this work wants to investigate the role of vertical advection on flow-blocking and on streamlines geometry. The importance of streamlines curvature and stratification for the formation of pressure perturbation, then their role in flow-blocking will be shown. Moreover it will be shown how flow-blocking cannot be easly predict using only a stratification parameter or the Froude number.
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[ [ "Gladich", "Ivan", "" ], [ "Stel", "F.", "" ], [ "Giaiotti", "D.", "" ], [ "Furlan", "G.", "" ] ]
* CO 2 concentration does not rise synchr onously with human emissions. While human emissions are a monotonically increas ing function of time, the rate of CO 2 concentration change varies wildly on a monthly basis, by as much as the total human emissions. It should also be noted that the carbon cycle is highly dyn amic. Human emissions are but a small fraction (about 3%) of the total exchanges between the atmosphere, the land biomass, and the oceans. In effect, the human pe rturbation is small. Yet, it seems that it is sufficient to derail the cycle that would otherw ise be in perfect equilibrium, as it has been for millenia. To resolve the mystery of the monthly fluctuations in CO 2 uptake, many efforts have been made to try to quantify in de tail the various flux es between the carbon cycle constituents, and to model the movement of CO 2 in the atmosphere (Bousquet et al. 2000). In particular, it is recognized th at the airborne fraction is influenced by major climatic events (Denman et al., 2007). Indeed, it has been recently pointed out (MacRae2008) that the monthly change in atmospheric concentratio n is rather well correlated with the global temperature anomaly. One simple way of showing this is to plot the temperature anomaly versus the change in CO 2, make a linear regression, and re -plot those two variables as a function of time, using the regression paramete rs to re-scale one of them. An example is shown on Fig. 1. For that purpose, and for the rest of this study, I have used, for the monthly rate of change in teh CO 2 concentration,, C, an annualized value DC defined as: DC (t) = C (t + 6 months) - C (t - 6 months) (1) That definition avoids the eff ect of seasonal fluctuations. Of course, it has the drawback of not being the actual instantaneous monthl y fluctuation. The only alternative would be to model those seasonal fluctuations, as well as the instantaneous trend, and numerically remove them, but this would also be prone to errors. The definition of Eq.(1), by virtue of the Mean Value theorem, assures that DC represents the true derivative somewhere in the 12 month interval. Because of that, the actual amplitudes in the fluctuations of DC should be relatively well captured. The data for the global temperature anomaly were taken from the Hadley Center and the data for CO 2 were from the Mauna Loa station, found at . From Fig.1, it can be seen that the DC curve reproduces surprisingly well the main features of the temperature anomaly curve. On the other hand, the two curves tend to depart at more recent dates, as if the DC curve lacked the trend present in the anomaly curve. This exercise assumed a simple, linear correlation model where : DC = a DT+b (2) However, this is not the only way to model the relationship between the two variables, that would lead to a simila r behavior. Although there have been other attempts at p.2 modeling the carbon cycle to emphasize the role of temperature on the various fluxes (Rorsch 2005), I will present, in this brief communication, a model that has the advantage of being extremely simple, and having an extremely good fit with both the observations of historical CO 2 concentrations, and monthly fluctua tions in said concentration. The model has, however, surprising consequences about the possible cause of CO 2 accumulation in the atmosphere. Model The carbon cycle is the result of a dynamic exchange of CO 2 between three major components: the oceans, the atmosphere, and th e biomass. Of those three, the oceans are an immense sink of CO 2, holding as much as 38,000 PgC, as compared with 760 PgC in the atmosphere, and 2000 PgC in the land biomass. The annual exchange between the surface ocean layer and the atmosphere is about 100 PgC in both directions, and that between the atmosphere and the land biom ass is 120PgC. Human emissions are only about 6.5 PgC per year. Both obs ervations (Sabine et al. 2004) and models (Sarmiento et al. 1998) point to a predominant role of the oceans in long term carbon uptake. The uptake of carbon in the oceans is mostly thr ough the solubility pump, where carbon is dissolved in the cold ocean waters at high la titudes, and outgassed from the warm waters at low lattitudes (Rav en et al. 1999). Given the large ocean sink, one could portray th e oceans as a big electrical capacitor, in equilibrium with a smaller capacitor, the atmosphere. The steady state atmospheric concentration is the result of that equilibri um. Over long time scales, the ocean sink is large enough to absorb or emit carbon dioxide at will to maintain the equilibrium. This equilibrium is known to be both temper ature- and salinity-d ependent, since CO 2 solubility is itself temperature dependent (Raven et al. 1999, Denman et al. 2007, Sarmiento et al. 1998). Now, because the exch anges between the two consituents are very dynamic, any perturbation to that equilibrium should immediately be reflected in the fluxes, just like a change in the voltage of a capacitor immediately induces a current. The electrical analogy is in e ffect that of two charged capac itors, connected by a resistor, with one of the capacitances being temperatur e dependent. As that capacitance varies, it induces an imbalance, and an electrical tens ion between the two. Charges from the other capacitor will move to restore the balance of charges, inducing a curr ent that will last until the tension has dropped to zero. In th e case of the oceans and the atmosphere, the net fluxes between the two are perturbed until equilibrium is reached again. Therefore this simple model does not attempt to determine the temperature dependence of the various fluxes themselves, but rather assumes that the equilibrium concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere is regulated by the fluxes between the atmosphere and the oceans. The magnitude of the fluxes is what ultimately limits the response time of the system, much like the resi stor value limits the rate of a capacitor discharge. Mathematically, the change in CO 2 concentration can th erefore be described by those two simple equations: p.3 DC = (C e(DT)-C) / a (3) Ce(DT) = C e0 (1+ g DT) (4) where DC is the change in CO 2 concentration, C e(DT) is the equilibrium concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere at a temperature anomaly DT, which is given as a linear departure from a base concentration C e0 for a null temperature anomaly, at a rate g. The sensitivity g is expressed as a fractional change in concentration per oC. The time constant a is expressed in years. Thus the mo del has only 3 free parameters: a, g, and C e0. The fact that the system responds immediat ely does not mean, however, that equilibrium is reached immediately. Indeed the time constant can be very long, just like that of a very large capacitor. The time constant is di ctated by the largest sink, which would presumably be the oceans, since they hold as much as 60 times the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, and by the magnitude of the annual fluxes between them and the atmosphere. I will assume here that the time constant is of the order of several decades, as it appears to be the sort of time scale required for carbon to r each the deeper ocean depths (Sabine et al. 2004). With that simple model in hand, there are two things that can be done with it. First, the monthly change in atmospheric CO 2 concentration can be compared with that expected from the model, using the monthly temp erature anomaly, over the 1959-2007 period. But assuming that the behavior described by eqs. (3) and (4) is a fundamental and permanent property of the system, one can also reconstruct th e history of CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere, using the historic al temperature data. Since there are relatively reliable global temperature data since about 1885, the reconstruction is not limited to the period 1959-2007. However, it should be made to fit the CO 2 measurements over the latter period. To perform such a reconstruction, I us ed the mean annual temperature anomaly to calculate the annual change in c oncentration with eqs. (3) and (4), and add it to the year's concentration to determine th at of the next year, and so on for the entire period. One can already foresee a possibl e consequence of that model : if the global temperatures increase over a long period, at a rate faster th an the response time, the system will be out of equilibrium over the whole period, and the CO 2 concentration will steadily increase. Since, in effect, the Earth has b een warming ever since the early 20th century, the model would predict such a gradual rise in CO 2 concentration. But that rise is the result of the warming, and not its cause. But let us see fi rst if the model does f it the observations or not. Results For the simulations, the initial CO 2 concentration in 1885 was se t arbitrarily at 280 ppmv. That value is deemed by most to be the pre-industrial CO 2 concentration. Although the Hadley Centre temperature data go back as far as 1850, the uncertainty prior to 1885 is p.4 probably too large to warrant a reliable use. Since the model requires the integration of all the annual carbon dioxide changes, the errors would inevitably accumulate. As a first attempt, I used the global temper ature anomaly. The results are shown in Fig. 2. The time constant was rather arbitrarily chosen as 100 years. The best fit was determined by minimizing the rms error between the simulated annual CO 2 concentrations, and the observed concentrations, duri ng the period 1959-2006. The other parameters are listed in Table 1: the sensitivity is 0.75 oC-1 for an equilibrium concen tration of 435 ppmv at a 0 oC anomaly. The rms error beween simulated and observed concentra tions is only 3.3 ppmv, which is about 1% of the actual concentration. Two observations emerge from that first attemp t. One is that the modeled curve tracks the monthly DC curve very well, and both now have a similar trend. On the other hand, it was difficult to get a perfect match with the historical CO 2 data. In particular, no parameter set could be found that would match the curvature of the CO 2 data. What could explain this is the particular shape of the histori cal temperature anomaly, which has a significant change in trend during the 1950-1975 period. Howeve r, that shape is not the same for all temperature data, but rather, it is mainly a f eature of the Northern Hemisphere data. If the oceans are mainly responsible for the behavior that is modeled, the ocean-dominated southern hemisphere data are probably more representative. An even better choice would be the Sea Surface Temperature of the Southern Hemisphere. Figs. 3 shows the simulation results using the Southern Hemisphere temperature data, and Fig. 4 using the Southern Hemisphere Sea Surface temperature data. Again, the time constant was set at 100 years. Much better agreement was found for those two cases, with an rms error of only 2.0 ppmv in the case of the southern hemisphere data, and 1.1 ppmv for the sea surface temperature. This is a lmost within the range of experimental measurement errors (+/- 0.4 ppmv). Furtherm ore, the comparison of monthly data also shows an impressive agreement. The values gi ving the best fits are similar for all cases, and listed in Table 1. However, other sets of values can give similarly good fits. In particular, if one uses a smaller time constant, the sensitivity, and the equilibrium concentration are also reduce d. Too short a time constant , however, leads to larger wiggles in the CO 2 concentration curve, that do not match the smoothness of the observations. It therefore appears that the time co nstant must be at least larger than about 30 years. Fig. 5 shows the simu lation results with a 40 year time constant for the sea surface SH temperatures. The rms error is sti ll very low, at 1.3 ppmv. Lower sensitivities also appear more realistic in vi ew of the historical evidence. The most important, and surprising, finding is that the same set of parameters explains both the long term CO 2 concentration trend, and the short term fluctuations in concentration. No compromise was made to maximize the two fits. In fact, the parameters were set by minimizing the rms error on the CO 2 concentration curve, and in all cases, this resulted in closely matched monthly anom alies curves. The model, if it represents the actual behavior, single-handedl y explains both the long term trend and the short term dynamical behavior. p.5 Discussion The first question that comes to mind is ce rtainly: but what a bout human emissions? There is no mention of them in the model. That is because the system is taken as a whole, and not as a sum of detailed fluxes that individually vary on a monthly, annual, or decadal basis. One does not necessarily need to know where the CO 2 comes from to restore the equilibrium. Because of the highly dynamic nature of the carbon cycle, the system takes the CO 2 wherever it can to attempt to rest ore the equilibrium. Since, as has been noted, human emissions are but a small frac tion of the total exchanges, they are, in the end, a minor contributor to the cycle, wh ich is easily absorbed by the system. In reality, however, studies of the carbon cycl e indicate that the influx of anthopogenic carbon has indeed replaced outgassing as a source of carbon during the industrial age (Raven et al. 1999, Sabine et al. 2004). A strong argument in favor of human-induced accumulation of CO 2 has been the change in isotopic ratios of atmospheric carbon over time. But in the proposed model, since CO 2 is accumulating, and human emissions constantly feed the atmosphere with carbon, the isotopic ra tio of carbon in the atmosphere is also bound to change. In other words, the accumulation does not n eed to be caused by human emissions for the ratio to change. It suffices that the human em issions are fed directly to the atmosphere, and not to the other components of the cycl e. In a warming world, the oceans are not outgassing CO 2 in the atmosphere, they merely fail to uptake the surplus of CO 2 that is already there. Of course, the oceans do not stop uptaking carbon at high latitudes and outgassing it at low latitudes. Merely the balance between the two is affected. That almost half the anthropogenic carbon emitte d during the anthropocene now finds itself in the bottom of the oceans (Sabine et al. 2004) is only a result of that continuous exchange with the atmosphere, and demonstrates that, in the end, that is where all the carbon ends up, because that is the largest sink. The standard view of the perturbed carbon cycle, adopted for example by the IPCC (Denman 2007), is that of an ultra-stable cy cle over the past millenia, suddenly perturbed by human emissions in the 20 th century. According to that view, the CO 2 concentration has remained bounded between 260 and 280 ppm for the last 10,000 years, and atmospheric concentrations have never reach ed the current level over the past 650,000 years. However, recent reconstructions of past CO 2 concentrations, based on leaf stomatal frequencies, point to a different picture (W egner et al. 2004, Kouwenberg et al. 2005, Jessen et al. 2007). Kouwenberg et al. (2005) have shown that during the past millenium, CO 2 concentrations may have fluctuated betw een as low as 240 ppm and as high as 340 ppm. Moreover, the CO 2 concentration also seems to be correlated with the temperature fluctuations during the same period. The same correlation is seen further in the past, for example during the early Holocene (Jessen et al. 2007), where a co rrelation with solar activity is also f ound. It is also we ll known that the CO 2 concentration dropped significantly during the glaciations. CO 2 also always seems to lag warming, a feature that is also part of the proposed model. Therefore what is proposed here is not a revolutionary p.6 way to look at the carbon cycle. It is rather consistent with most of our knowledge about it. The main difference is the role of huma n emissions. In the standard model, human emissions are an outlandish perturbation, that the system seems unable to manage. But the temporal behavior of the carbon uptake, which seems to be totally independent from the amount of anthropogenic emissions, just cannot be reconciled with that view, whereas it fits well with the proposed model. Of course, all this begs the quest ion of the actual cause of the 20 th century warming, and the role of the CO 2 forcing, if any, in that warming. This is not the place to answer those questions, only to speculate that the obvious culprit is the only remaining independent forcing, namely the Sun. Reconstructions of the solar activity show that it has been unusually high during the 20th century (Usoskin et al. 2003, Solanki and al. 2004, Usoskin et al. 2006), and possibly at its highest level since the past 11,000 years. In any case, the climate of the Holocene, for exampl e, seems to be highly correlated with solar activity (Bond et al. 2001). This would call for yet unkno wn amplifying mechanisms, because the changes of the Total Solar Irradian ce (TSI) are too small a forcing to explain the variations in the past climate. The recen tly proposed link between the cosmic rays and cloud formation could be such a mechan ism (Svensmark 2000, Svensmark and 1997). The strong effe ct of the highly variable UV solar irradiance on the stratosphere could also trickl e down to trigger important changes in the lower troposphere (Langematz et al. 2005, Labitzke et al . 2006, Bond et al. 2001). One should also not discount the warming effects of various ot her human activities in the anomalous 20th century warming. Nevertheless, it is also plausible that the accumulation of CO 2 in the atmosphere, and the associated greenhouse effect, act as a feedb ack on the Sun-induced warming, much in the same way that water vapor is deemed to ac t. Indeed such a feedback may explain how small changes in solar irradiance trigger deglaciations. In that picture, the total warming would be the combined result of the solar activity, and the (CO 2 + water vapor) feedbacks. A feature of the proposed model, however, is that the CO 2 concentration takes a long time to reach equilibrium, whereas water vapor comes and goes rapidly. So even if, for example, the solar forcing stops increasing, the CO 2 may keep rising for a couple of decades, depending on the time constant, and contribute to a continued warming, which may only be counteracted by the coolin g effect of a weaker Sun. An example of this is shown on Fig. 6, where a drop in te mperatures at a rate similar to the 20 th century increase (0.14 oC/decade) is followed by flat temper atures from 2050 on. The parameters used are those of Fig. 5, in particular the 40 ye ar time constant. The CO 2 is seen to rise until 2024, and gradually come down, but would still be at the 320 ppmv level by 2100. This inertia may in fact be the r eason why the last decades of the 20th century have seen a continued warming despite a flat to declining solar activity. It may al so be the reason why models that attribute most of the warming of the first half of the 20th century to solar influences fail to make such an attribution for the second half (Scafetta and West 2006). p.7 Conclusion The picture presented here is both compe lling and troubling. The idea of a carbon cycle perturbed solely by human emissions is deeply ingrained in our co llective thought, and is one of the foundations of the cu rrent paradigm. In the alterna tive, almost heretical view presented here, human emissions are but another perturbation to a system that is entirely driven by its largest sink, as it attempts to reach and maintain equilibrium with the atmosphere. Caution is of course required: this model is still only a hypothesis. The reader has, of course, the liberty of not taking it too seriously. It is, after all, but a what if exercise. However, it is not often in scie nce that a very simple model has the kind of fit with two sets of observations as was found here. For that re ason alone, the results presented here deserve consideration. In te rms of pure empirical support, the proposed model does explain facts and observations th at are not accounted for by the standard view. Future work to prove or disprove this hypothesis may attemp t to reconcile the reconstructed CO 2 fluctuations of the past centuries with the sensitivity values obtained here. It would also be interesting to see if the evolution of temperatures can be accounted for by a model with increased so lar forcing, amplified by the CO 2 forcing, with its associated inertia. Acknowledgments Thanks to David Smith for help with the to data sources. Thanks to Arthur Rorsch for sending me his reprints. References Bousquet, P., Peylin, P. Ciais, P. Le Quer e, C. Friedlingstein, P. Tans, P. P., 2000, Regional Changes in Carbon Dioxide Fluxes of Land and Oceans Since 1980, Science, vol. 290, pp. 1342-1346. Denman, K.L., G. Brasseur, A. Chidthaisong, P. Ciais, P.M. Cox, R.E. Dickinson, D. 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Science Rev. 23, 1947-1954. p.10 Parameter Global SH SST-SH SST-SH Ce0 (ppmv) 435 448 471 391 g (oC-1) .75 .79 .77 .555 a (years) 100 100 100 40 C in 1885 (ppmv) 280 280 280 280 rms error (ppmv) for annual CO 2 1959-2006 3.3 2.0 1.1 1.3 Table 1 : Parameters used for the modeling in figs. 2-5 p.11 juin-64 dec-69 juin-75 nov-80 mai-86 nov-91 mai-97 oct-02Change in CO2 from global temperature Fig. 1 Comparison of the monthly annualized change in CO 2 concentration with modeled changes, using a linear temperature dependence model. p.12 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000YearCO2 concentration (ppmv)Observed CO2 - global anomaly (a) 1968 1978 1988 1998 from global anomaly Mauna Loa measurements (b) Fig. 2 (a) Comparison of the historical CO 2 concentrations with those modeled from the global temperature anomaly; (b) Comparis on of the monthly annualized changes in atmospheric CO 2 concentration with those mode led using the global temperature anomaly. p.13 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000YearCO2 concentration (ppmv)Observed CO2 - SH anomaly (a) 1968 1978 1988 1998 from SH anomaly Mauna Loa measurements (b) Fig. 3 (a) Comparison of the historical CO 2 concentrations with those modeled from the southern hemisphere temperature anomaly; (b) Comparison of the monthly annualized changes in atmospheric CO 2 concentration with those modeled using the southern hemisphere temperature anomaly. p.14 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000YearCO2 concentration (ppmv)Observed CO2 - SH-SSTl anomaly (a) 1968 1978 1988 1998 from SST-SH anomaly Mauna Loa measurements (b) Fig. 4 (a) Comparison of the historical CO 2 concentrations with those modeled from the SST-SH temperature anomaly; (b) Comparison of the monthly annualized changes in atmospheric CO 2 concentration with those mode led using the SST-SH temperature anomaly. The time constant is 100 years. p.15 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000YearCO2 concentration (ppmv)Observed CO2 - SH-SST anomaly (a) 1968 1978 1988 1998 from SST-SH anomaly Mauna Loa measurements (b) Fig. 5 (a) Comparison of the historical CO 2 concentrations with those modeled from the SST-SH temperature anomaly; (b) Comparison of the monthly annu alized changes in atmospheric CO 2 concentration with those mode led using the SST-SH temperature anomaly. The time constant is 40 years. p.16 1930 1980 2030 anomaly (a) 1930 1980 2030 2080YearCO2 concentration (ppmv)Observed CO2 - SH-SST anomaly (b) Fig. 6 Hypothetical evolution of CO 2 concentration following a drop in temperatures, using the parameters of Fig. 5. (a) temperature anomaly; (b) CO 2 concentration. p.17
Francois Ouellette
Francois Ouellette
Reaching for equilibrium : an alternative view of the unbalanced carbon cycle
17 pages, 6 figures, 1 table
A model is proposed to explain the observed correlation between monthly fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 concentrations and temperatures. The model relies on the oceans being in a temperature-dependent equilibrium with the atmosphere. When temperature changes, the system attempts to restore the equilibrium, with a time constant constrained by the dynamic fluxes between the two. The model is used to reconstruct both the historic evolution of CO2 concentrations since 1885, as well as the monthly fluctuations since 1959. The best fit is obtained with the southern hemisphere sea surface temperature data. In this new picture, human emissions play no role in the build-up of atmospheric CO2, but do contribute to the fluxes that restore the equilibrium.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 21 Feb 2008 15:14:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ouellette", "Francois", "" ] ]
2 G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO we see that (for smooth solutions) (1.1) is equivalent to the elliptic-h tu+uxu+xP= that e-|x|/2 is the Green's function of the operator 1 -2 xx, (1.3) can be written = 0, F(u,xu) nonlocalflux function. Inthis paper the relevant formulation of the Camassa-Holm equation (1.1) is the o ne provided by the system (1.3) or (1.4). The Camassa-Holm equation can be viewed as a model for the propag ation shallow water waves [7, 32]; it is a member of the class of weakly nonlinear and weakly dispersive shallow water models, a class which alre ady con- tains the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) and BM) equations. In another interpretation the Camassa-Holm equation models finite length, small- amplitude radial deformation waves in cylindrical compressible hyper elastic rods [21]. theH1-metric on the diffeomorphism group, see for example [17, 18, 30, 36 ]. The Camassa-Holm equation possesses several striking properties su ch as an inifinite number of conserved integrals, a bi-Hamiltonian structure, and co mplete integra- bility [2, 7, 19, 14, 26]. Moreover, it enjoys an infinite number of non- smooth solitary wave solutions, called peakons, which are weak solutions of ( 1.4). From a mathematical point of view the Camassa-Holm equation has by now become rather well-studied. While it is impossible to give a complete over view of the mathematical literature, we shall here mention a few typical re sults, starting with the resultsin [15, 34,37] and thoseu [23, 22]. It is well-known that global solutions do not exist and wave- breaking occurs [7]. Wave-breaking means that the solution itself stays boun ded while the spatial derivative becomes unbounded in finite time. In view of what we have said so far (peakon g) it is clear that a theory based on weak solutions is essential. In the literature there are a number of results on (dissipative and conservative) weak solutions of the Camassa- Holm equation, see [3, 4, 5, 16, 11, 20, 29, 39, 40] and the referen ces cited therein. In this paper we are interested specifically in the class of dissipative weak by Xin and Zhang [39, 40]. Their results show, among other th ings, that there exists a global dissipative weak solution of (1.1)-(1.2) for any H1initial interactions are covered). These solutions are global in the sense that they are defined past the blow-up time (wave-breaking ). More u0H1(R). Then there exists a global weak (distributional) of (1.1) satisfying the following properties: t/masto- non-increasing; xuLp loc(R+xR),p <3; (1.5) >0, for some positive constant C. This last item presumably singles out a unique weak solution. As -antipeakonAN EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 3 solution given by (1.6)u(t,x) = tanh( y(t) = log(cosh( t)). This formula represents a peakon ( e-|x+y|) colliding with an antipeakon ( -e-|x-y|) atx= 0 and t= 1. Note that u(1,x) = 0. How this solution is extended to t >1 depends on which solution concept we adopt. If we use the formula ( 1.6) also for t >1 we get the conservative solution for which constant for almost allt. We can also extend the solution by defining u(t,x) = 0 for t >1. Obviously, the entropy condition (1.5) will only be satisfied for this dissipative whichisthedesig nandanalysis of numerical schemes. The first numerical results for the Camass a-Holm equation are presented in [8] using a pseudo-spectral scheme. Numerical s imulations schemes are also reported in [25, 31]. Numerica l schemes based on multipeakons (thereby exploiting the Hamiltonian structure of the C examined in [6, 9, 10]. In [28], the authorsprovethat t he from [9, 10] converges to the solution of the Camassa-Ho lm equation as the number of peakons tends to infinity. This convergence result a pplies to the specific situation where the initial function u0H1is such that (1 -2 xx)u0is a positive measure. For the same class of initial data, in [27] the aut hors prove that a semi-discrete finite difference scheme based on the variable m:= strongly in H1to the weak solution identified in [16, 20]. In [33], the authors establish error estimates for a spectral projection sch eme for smooth solu- tions. In a different direction, an adaptive high-resolution finite volu me scheme is developed and used in [1]. The local discontinuous Galerkin method is a dapted to the in [41]. Although this workdoes not provid ea result for general (non-smooth) solutions, they s how that the discrete total energy is nonincreasing in time, thereby suggesting that the are of dissipative nature. Besides, they establish an erro r estimate for smooth solutions. Finally, multi-symplectic schemes possessing good are suggested and demonstrated in the recent work [1 3]. It seems rather difficult to construct numerical schemes for which one can prove the convergence to a (non-smooth) solution of the Camassa-Holm equation. This statement is particularly accuratein the case of general H1initial data and Indeed, in which we prove convergence of a tailored semi-discrete differe nce scheme to a dissipative weak solution. Before we can outline this scheme, let us d iscretize the spatial domain Rby specifying the mesh points xj=jx,xj+1/2= (j+1/2)x, j= 0,+-1,+-2,..., where x >0 is the length between two consecutive mesh points (the spatial discretization parameter). Let D-,D, andD+denote backward, central, and forward difference opera tors, scheme proposed in [12], which is based on the formulation (1.3), r andjZ.4 G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO If we interpret the Camassa-Holm equation (1.4) as a perturbatio n of the inviscid Burgers equation, then the u-part of (1.7) might not come across as a reasonable (upwind) difference scheme. On the other hand, as poin ted out in [12], the key point is that with (1.7) the quantity a which contains proper upwinding of the transport term in th e equation for q:=xu, which reads 0. Consequently, as is proved in [12], the scheme (1.7) satisfies a total energy inequality, in which only theq-part of the total energy is dissipated (not the u-part, which is after all continuous). This is the essential starting point for the entire convergence analysis in [12]. The semi-discrete equation in (1.7) constitutes an infinite system of equations which must be solved by some numerical metho d. The main purpose of the present paper is to show that a fully discrete versio n of the scheme used in [12] produces a convergent sequence of approximate solut ions, and that the limit is a dissipative weak solution to (1.1). The fully discrete version that is analyzed in this paper is based on replacing the time derivative in (1.7) by a forward difference, evaluating the rest of (1.7) at tn:=nt. approximate the exact solution uat the point ( tn,xj+1/2). This gives the fully discrete P(tn,xj). As in [12] this is a difference scheme which is tailored so that it gives an upwind scheme for the equation satisfied b yq:=xu. The main aim of this paper is prove that the fully discrete (explicit) sch eme (1.8) converges to a dissipative weak solution of the Camassa-Holm e quation. The starting point of the analysis is a total energy estimate, showing th at theH1norm of the approximate solutions is (almost) nonincreasing in time. To this end, we must assume that (1.9) t=O(x2log(1+ xth)) for some th >0 as x-0. This is a very severe condition, and it may seem that when using this method in practice one should use very small time step s. However, this is not a Neumann type stability criterion, and we do not have blow u p if it is violated. Indeed, practical experiments indicate stability and co nvergence if t=O(x). By appropriately extending the difference solution (1.8) to a functio nux(t,x) defined at all points ( t,x) in the domain, we prove under condition (1.9) in H1to a dissipative weak solution of the Camassa- Holm equation (1.1)-(1.2). Regarding the proof, we adapt the ren used in [12] for the semi-discrete scheme, but there are several and many parts of the convergenceproof are substan tially more These differences are mainly due to the fact that the when viewed as a fully discrete scheme with infinitely small tim e Regardingthe fully disc rete(explict)AN EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 5 scheme(1.8), toaccountforthis co heavily on the CFL condition (1.9) and differennt With reference to the differences between the semi-discrete and fully discrete schemes, let us here point out just one aspect, namely that the H1norm of the fully discrete approximation is not entirely nonincreasingbut can growslightly with a growthfactor that, however, tends to zero as x-0. Compared to semi-implcit case [12], the proof is notably more complicated and involves working with a version of the scheme (1 .8) in which the quadratic terms have been suitably truncated. The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we introduce some not ation to improve the readability and recall a few mathematical results rele vant for the convergence analysis. The finite difference scheme and its converg ence theorem are stated in Section 3. The is a consequence of the results proved in Sections 4-8. Finally, we present a numerical example in Section 9. Throughout this paper we use Cto denote a generic constant; the actual value ofCmay change from one line to the next in a calcuation. We also use the notation that mean that ai<=Cbifor some positive constant Cwhich is independent of what follows, xand tdenote twosmall positive numbers. Unless theindices jandnwillrunover Zand0,...N, respectively, where T >0. xj=jx,xj+1/2= (j+1/2)x, tn=nt, and introduce the grid cells Ij= [xj-1/2,xj+1/2), In= following notations will be used frequently: a0 = max {a,0}=a+|a| 2, a0 = {0,...,N}, an arbitrary sequence, where n refers to time and jto space. We will frequently employ the following D also use the G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. we also use the space-time lpnorms of that if vlp,p <, then lim j-+-vj= two arbitrary (spatial) sequences. Then the following discrete Sobolev inequality discrete product rule takes the form (2.2) D+-(vjwj) the discrete chain rule states (2.3) D+-f(vj) fC2, for some number x+- jbetween vj+-1andvj. We continue to collect some handy results for later use, starting wit h a 2.1. Assume that ck>=0andfk>=0for allk= 0,...,N, and that the sequence the difference inequality (2.4) Dt +un+fn<=cnun, n= alln= 0,...,N, Then we =-cnRn+1. Hence, multiplying (2.4) with Rn+1we arrive at Dt +(Rnun) this by tand summing over n, we see that the lemma holds. /square The next lemma contains estimates for the solution of a discrete ver sion of the differential equation P-2 xxP=f.AN EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 7 Lemma 2.2. Let{fj}jZbe a sequence in l1l2, and denote by to the difference equation (2.5) Pj-D-D+Pj=fj, jZ. Introducing the k= solution {Pj}jZtakes the form (2.6) jZ. Moreover, the following estimates (2.9) whereC >0is a constant independent of x. Proof.To verify the solution formula (2.6), we define some constants candsyet to be found. We shall choose these so we find that this holds with s=kandc=hthen (2.6) holds. We observe satisfy s= 0 we find this is to be equal 1 then c=h. For later use, one should observe 1+O(x). For anyjZ, we G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO Hence, we have proved (2.7). From (2.10) we acquire from this the following two (2.8) holds. It remains to prove (2.9). To this end, we multiply the equation (2.5) b y xPj and perform a summation by parts to which (2.9) follows. /square We shall routinely use some well-known results related to weak conve rgence, which we collect in a lemma (for proofs, see, e.g., [24]). Throughout t he paper we use overbars to denote weak limits. Lemma 2.3. LetObe a bounded open subset of RM, a sequence of measurable functions on Ofor <, for some given continuous function Ph : [0,)-[0,). Then along a subsequence asn- all continuous functions 0. Letg:R-(-,]be a lower semicontinuous convex function and of measurable functions on O, for which vn- each onO.AN EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 9 Moreover, in addition, gis strictly convex on an open interval (a,b)Rand g(v) =g(v)a.e. onO, then, passing to a subsequence if a.e.y a Banach space and denote by Xits dual. The space Xequipped with the weak- topology is denoted by X weak, whileXequipped with the weak topology is denoted by Xweak. By the Banach-Alaoglu theorem, a bounded ball If Xseparable, then the weak- topology is metrizable on bounded sets in X, and thus one can consider the metric space functions v: [0,T]-Xthat are continuous with respect to the weak topology. We have respect to t, for any phX. The following lemma is a consequence of the Arzel` a-Ascoli theorem: Lemma 2.4. LetXbe a separable Banach space, and suppose vn: [0,T]-X, n= 1,2,..., is a sequence of measurable functions such some constant Cindependent of n. Suppose the n= 1,2,..., is equi-continuous for every Phthat belongs to a dense subset of X. Then vn belongs to every n= 1,2,..., and there exists a that along a subsequence as n- . 3.Explicit scheme and main result In this section we present the fully discrete (explicit) difference sch eme for equation (1.3), which generates (n,j) {0,...,N}xZ. We the explicit difference 0, where the initial values are specified as follows: (3.2) we is a linear system of equations that can be solved as outlined in Le mma 2.2. Next, let us derive the difference scheme satisfied by (3.4) G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO This will be done by applying the difference operator D-to theu-equation (3.1). To this end, we apply the discrete product rule to (3.3) rephrased in terms of qreads (3.6) (3.5) and (3.6) when applying D-to theu-equation in (3.1) the initial values, in view of (3.4) and (3.2), we observe tha t (3.8) j Z. Since the variable q=xucan be discontinuous, (3.7) represents a natural upwind discretization of the equation for 0. The main result of this paper is the convergence of the scheme to a d issipative weak solution of (1.1)-(1.2), which is defined in the following sense [39 , 40]: Definition 3.1. Fix a final time T >0. We call a function u: [0,T]xR-Ra weak solution of the Cauchy problem for For all sandtin[0,T], withs<=t, we have (1.3)in the sense of distributions on =u0(x)for every xR; (D.5) If, in addition, there exists a positive constant Ksuch we call ua dissipative weak solution of the Cauchy problem (1.1)-(1.2). In addition to xuL(0,T;L2(R)), cf. (D.2), the dissipative weak solutions uthat we construct in this paper will possess an improved integrability forp <3, < b.AN EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 11 To state our main convergence result and also for later use, we nee d to introduce some functions (interpolations of the difference approximations) t hat are defined at all points ( t,x) in the domain. We begin by defining the functions qj(t) the aid of these we define (3.9) qx(t,x) ux(t,x) 0,...,N-1. Note that t/masto-ux(t,x) is a continuous function, since uj-1/2(t) andqj(t) are continuous. Regarding the continuity in xwe have therefore uxis continuous, and furthermore xux=qxalmost also that, due to (3.8), there holds as x-0. Similarly to ux, we define a function Pxby bilinear interpolation. First, let Pj(t) tIn, and then define (3.11) Px(t,x) =Pj(t)+(x-xj)D+Pj(t), 0,...,N-1. We are now in a position to state our main result. Theorem 3.1. Suppose (1.2)holds. Let {ux}x>0be a sequence defined by Then, along a subsequence as a dissipative weak solution of the Cauchy problem theorem is a consequence of the results stated and proved in S ections 4-8. 4.Total energy estimate and some consequences The purpose of this section is establish a discrete total energy est imate for the difference scheme 4.1. Assume that xandtare related through the CFL type condition (4.1) t <log(1+ G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO whereCis a constant (to be detailed in the proof of the lemma) that is >0. Then, for any N0 {0,...,N}, and for all the proof of (4.2), we shall need to introduce an auxiliary differe nce scheme. To this end, we start by defining the cut-off function fM(u) = -M, u < M, u, u [-M,M], +M u > M, whereM >0 is a fixed constant (to be determined later on). Now, the following system of difference 0, forn= 0,...,N-1 andjZ, 0,...,NandjZ. Regarding the initial data, we set ~ we define ~ then it is straightforward to see difference (4.3) by ~ un j+1/2we find 0,(4.5)AN EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 13 while multiplying (4.4) by ~ qn jgives 0.(4.6) Adding (4.5) and (4.6), multiplying the result with x, and summing over = 0 , where I = = (by shifting indices) , III = (by summation by parts, cf. (3.4)). Let us now deal with term I. The discrete chain rule (2.3) tells us = I1+I2,14 G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. handle the I 1-term, we use the discrete product rule this we find that I1= EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 0. Summarizing our findings so 0.(4.7) Next, by we must now (4.3), (4.4), and the basic which holds for any sequence {al}l l=1of positive real numbers, there is a positive constant c1that does not depend on xsuch G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. the following bounds hold: (4.9) some constant c2>0 independent of x.AN EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 17 To estimate J3we use Lemma 2.2, specifically (2.9), which implies some constant c3>0 independent of x. Blending (4.9), (4.10), and (4.11) we derive the bound (4.12) the constant Cis independent of x. Combining (4.7), (4.8), and (4.12), it follows the energy /bracehtipupright =:Zn<=CM2/parenleftbigg t+t x2/parenrightbigg /bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright =:o/bardbl~un/bardbl2 h1. By the discrete Gronwall inequality, cf. Lemma recalling the CFL type condition (4.1), we if in 0,...,N 0. By the discrete Sobolev inquality (2.1), we find 0,...,N 0. This means that ~ unwill never notice fM, 0,...,N 0.18 G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. 0,...,N 0. Finally, (4.2) follows by noting forn= 0,...,N 0-1. /square We conclude this section by stating some immediate consequences of (4.2). Lemma 4.2. Forn= >0is a constant independent of x. Proof.This follows immediately from Lemma 2.2, noting that in this sup-norm estimate Lemma 5.1. Assume that tsatisfies the CFL type condition (4.1)and that x is sufficiently small. For n= 0,...,NandjZ, we then have (5.1) >0is a finite can write the difference equation see (3.7), l= t/x. Now we have uniform bounds on thus (5.2) some finite constant -qn j= We claim that (5.3) tis chosen sufficiently small.AN EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 19 First we choose tso small that l(a+b)<1/2. Then if - qn j=qn jthe claim follows immediately from (5.2). Next, assume - qn j=qn j-1. Then note we find this we can rephrase (5.2) The proof of (5.3) if - qn j=qn j+1is similar. Note that F'(q) = 1-tq, and thus Fis increasing for q <1/t. Furthermore, by the CFL type condition (4.1), t=O(x3), and by the bounds on sufficiently small t. Therefore, setting1Mn= max jqn j, from (5.3) we set Zn=Mn- 2L. clearly if Zn<=0, thenZn+1<=0. Hence, if Z0<=0, thenZn<=0 for all n >0. IfZn>0, by [38, page finishes the proof. /square 1This maximum exists since qnl2.20 G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO 6.Higher integrability estimate We begin this section by deriving a renormalized form of the finite diff erence scheme for qj, so letfbe a nonlinear function of and growth. Multiplying (3.7) by f'(qj) and using the discrete chain rule, which in the present context a number between qjandqj+-1, andqn+1/2 jis a number between qn j andqn+1 j. Multiplying the scheme (3.7) with f'(qn j) we us now write (6.1) in divergence-form. To this end, observe tha t the discrete product rule (2.2) implies the following therefore, using that EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 21 Hence, we end up with the following divergence-form variant of the r scheme xux)2, cf.(4.2), notameasure), we shall need the following higher integrability estimate: Lemma 6.1. Letqxbe defined by (3.9), and assume that the CFL type Then, for all finite numbers a,b,awitha < some constant C=C(a,b,T,a)that is independent of Note that ee(q) |q|for small eand -1< e' e(q) and 0 < e'' e(q) (6.2), we then specify f(q) can easily check that f'(q) that in particular f''(q)>=0 and (6.4) f''(q) terms. Next set H(q) G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. h e(q) note =a-1 2<0. Hence, for a,e <1, we can find a constant K >0 such that (6.5) he(q)<a-1 4for allq <-K. Let us continue by defining the defined in (6.5). Moreover, let 0 <=kh(x)<=1 be a smooth cutoff = 0, x < a -1, 1, x[a,b], 0, x > b +1. We multiply (6.2) by kh(xj)txand sum over ( n,j) {0,...,N-1}xZto for j Nnwe have EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION shall now find bounds on all the terms on the right hand side; in wha t follows, we letCdenote a generic constant independent of x,e, anda. We start with (6.11). By bound the integrals of these terms we must use the CFL type c ondition (4.1), which implies that t=O(x2+th). as x-0. We also find uniformly bounded. x-0. G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. as x-0. Now we have established that (6.13) x-0. Recalling (6.4) this implies that |(6.11)| we established (6.13) we always had a xthto spare, which we can use now. With b=th-a >0, we choosing e= xb, we finally conclude that |(6.11)|is bounded. Next we turn to (6.6). For -K<=q<=0, we have that |he(q)He(q)| <=C, where Cis independent of e. <=CT(b-a+2). To estimate |(6.7)|, observe that |(6.7)| equipped with (4.2) and (5.1), it is possible to bound the right-ha nd side by a xindependent constant exactly as was done in [12]. Regarding (6.8), observe EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION also |(6.8)|is bounded independently of x. Next we focus on (6.9). Remembering that |f'(q)| <=C(1+|q|a), we find |(6.9)| keeping in mind that f>=0, we treat (6.10) as we have statement of the lemma follows by noting that |q|2+a<= G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO and using, in combination with (4.2), the convergence results The purpose of this section is to present some straightforward co nsequences of the a priori estimates established in the foregoing sections. More p recisely, we prove that the two sequences {ux}x>0, cf. (3.10), and {Px}x>0, cf. (3.11), have strongly converging subsequences, starting with the forme r. Lemma 7.1. There exists a limit that along a subsequence as x-0 ux- in [a,b]x[0,T], for any a < b. non-increasing, and =u0(x), xR. we note that for Then, using EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION implies (7.1) and (7.3). Next we prove that {ux}x>0is uniformly bounded in can assume that a-1 =xjaandb+1 =xjbfor some integers jaandjb. Since q/masto- |q|2+ais some constant C=C(a,a,b,u 0), where we have also used (6.3). Now set s= (x-xj-1/2)/x. Then, for xIj, we by the uniform bounds on (0,T)x(a,b) withl= 1-2/(2 +a). Therefore, along a subsequence, ux-uuniformly in (0 ,T)x(a,b) as x-0. Let us show that the limit satisfies the initial condition (7.4). Fix - xRand let t(0,1). We have - xIjfor some jandux(xj-1/2,0) =u0(xj-1/2), so <= G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO Now we can let x-0 and then t-0 to conclude that u(-x,0) =u0(-x). This draws to a close the proof of the lemma. /square Lemma 7.2. There exists a limit that along a subsequence as x-0 (7.6) <. Proof.By the bounds on Pn jin Lemma 4.2, we see that Pxis bounded in L uniformly in x. Next we show that {tPx}x>0is bounded in (x-xj)/x. bounded by the l1norm of the corresponding right hand side avbove. By the discrete chain the first term means we We have shown that (7.7) EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 29 Next, using (6.2) with f(q) =q2/2 we have defined in (6.12) and Ix,f'',j= write and therefore we (6.13), the L1norm of t(Dt +qn j)2is of the same order as xth. Then, summing (7.8) over nandj, we arrive means that (7.9) some sequence {Kj}jl1. this with (7.9) and (7.7) we see G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO and bounded in W1,1((0,T)xR). Combining this with the L estimates found in Lemma 4.2 yields the existence of a convergent su bsequence as claimed in (7.6). /square 8.Strong convergence result We now show that the sequence {qx}x>0, cf. (3.9), has a strongly This result is a key point of the convergence analysis . Lemma 8.1. Fix1<=p <3and1<=r <1+th 2. Then there exist two that for a subsequence as x-0, qx- qinL(0,T;L2(R)), q x- (8.2) for alla,bR,a < b. Moreover, (8.3) xu=qin the sense of distributions on there is a positive constant Csuch that (8.5) t(0,T), xR. Proof.Claims (8.1), (8.2) are direct consequences of Lemmas 4.1 and 6.1. Cla im (8.3) is true thanks to (8.2) and the convexity of g=q2, cf. Lemma 2.3, while (8.4) is a consequence of the definitions of qxandux, cf. (3.9) and (3.10). We conclude by proving (8.5). Fix t >0, and let tbe so small that tIn withn >0. Not that n- as t-0, andtnandtn+1both tend to t. From the definition of qxand (5.1) we have that qx(t,x) for every t[tn,tn+1),xIj, with ft(t) that f' t(t) EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 31 sof' t(t) = and in =ft( tntn+1) (8.5) follows from (8.1) and (8.6). /square In view of the weak convergences stated in (8.1), we have that for any function fC1(R) 1<=p <3,(8.7) where the same subsequence of x-0 applies to any ffrom the specified class. In what follows, we let qf(q) andf'(q)q2denote the weak limits of respectively, in Lr loc((0,T)xR), 1<=r <3 2. Lemma 8.2. For any convex function we have any nonnegative phj(t) multiply (6.2) by xtphn j, sum over n,j, and take into account the convexity off. After partial summations, the final result reads (8.9) G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO By as so x-0. We split E1in three parts: (8.10) to (8.7) (8.11) to the boundedness of each ( wherec1>0 is a finite constant. In view of (6.13), |E1,2| x-0. Finally, some constant c2>0, we have that (8.14) |E1,3| as x-0. Clearly (8.10), (8.11), (8.13), and (8.14) imply (8.15) as x-0. Next, we split E2into four parts: (8.16) EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION to (8.7), (8.17) the definition of by Lemmas 4.1 and 7.1, |E2,2| x-0. Using (8.12) and (6.13), we deduce |E2,3| G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO as x-0. Finally, since |D+-ph-tph| <=c3x, for some constant c3>0, we obtain (8.20) |E2,4| as x-0. Note that (8.16), (8.17), (8.18), (8.19), and (8.20) imply (8.21) as x-0. We split E3into three parts: (8.22) to (8.7), (8.23) E3,1- as x-0. Using the boundedness of f', we can estimate as EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 35 Hence, taking into account (6.13) and (6.3), |E3,2| as <= as x-0. We have that (8.22), (8.23), (8.24), and (8.25) imply (8.26) as x-0. We split the term E4into three Lemmas 7.1 and 7.2, cf. also (8.7), imply that E4,1- as x-0. Continuing, it is not hard to see that |E4,2|=O(x)-0 as x-0. as x-0. E4- as x-0.36 G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO Finally, regarding E5, due to (6.13), we conclude that as x-0 (8.28) |E5| <= lemma now follows from (8.9), (8.15), (8.21), (8.26), (8.27), and (8.28). /square We know bounded in any 1 <=r <1+th/2. Additionally, using (6.2) with f(q) =q2 2, we can show that the mapping equi-continuous on [0 ,T], for every phC c(R). Hence, in view of Lemma on [0 ,T], and (8.30) continuous on [0 ,T]. The statements (8.29) and (8.30) hold with q2 x,q2replaced respectivelyby f(qx), f(qx), for any convex function fC1(R) 8.3. Letqandq2be the weak limits identified in Lemma 8.1. from (6.2) with f(q) =q, we argue as in the proof of Lemma 8.2 to conclude the validity of (8.31). /square The next lemma tells us that the weak limits in Lemma 8.1 satisfy the initial data in an appropriate sense. Lemma 8.4. Letqandq2be the weak limits identified in Lemma 8.1. proof is similar to that in [12]. /square We can now wrap up the proof of the strong convergence of {qx}x>0. Lemma 8.5. Letqandq2be the weak limits identified in Lemma 8.1. Then (8.33) q2(t,x) =q2(t,x)for as x-0(along a subsequence if a.e. in (0,T)xR.AN EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 37 Proof.By Lemma 8.2, (8.35) the sense of distributions on (0 ,T)xR, for any convex function fC1(R) with f'bounded Moreover, by Lemma 8.3, (8.36) tq+x(uq) =1 2q2+u2-P, in the sense of distributions on (0 ,T)xR. Equipped with (8.35), (8.36), (8.32), and (8.5), we can argue exactly as in Xin and Zhang [39] to arrive at (8 .33). In view of Lemma 2.3, claim (8.34) follows immediately from (8.33) and (7.5). /square We now prove that the limit usatisfies ( D.3). Lemma 8.6. For any is not difficult to establish the equation for P, since we have that cf. (8.34). Indeed, we as x-0. close to bounded, we as x-0. G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO Using the scheme for Pn j, cf. /bracehtipupright w3+/summationdisplay n,jfn j/integraldisplay/integraldisplay In j-1/2/parenleftbig ph-phn j/parenrightbig dxdt /bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright =0. By the definition of qxwe have that that, assuming supp( ph)[xja,xjb] for some intergers the H older continuity of ux; recall that uxC0,lwithl= 1-2/(2+a), therefore w3-0 as x-0. Hence, using (7.2), (8.4), and means that the second equation in (8.37) holds. To establish the first equality in (8.37), we derive a divergence-form version of the scheme (3.1). To this end, introduce the functions f(u) =1 2(u0)2. Observe that fandfare piecewise C2, and the absolute value of the second derivatives are bounded by 1. By the discrete c hain EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION we can replace (3.1) that (8.39) f +f=u2 2. Using these identities, we can restate (8.38) cf. (8.40) fix phC2 c((0,T)xR) and define phn jas before, cf. (8.8). Multiplying performing partial summations gives tx/summationdisplay n,jun j+1/2Dt +phn j /bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright E1+tx/summationdisplay n,j/parenleftig un j+1/2/parenrightig2 2Dphn j /bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright E2+tx/summationdisplay n,jPn jD-phn j /bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright E3=O(x),40 G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. RISEBRO by using (4.2). We Using this and (7.2), we compute as x-0. In the same way, equipped with (7.2) and (7.6), we can show E x-0. thus proving the first equality in (8.37). This concludes the proof of the lemma. examples We have tried the difference method presented here on several ex amples, and in doing this found that the first order method analyzed in this paper exhibits very slow convergence, and thus requires a very small mesh size xto solutions. This is not surprising and appears to be the ca se with other schemes in the literature as well. Therefore we have implemented a se cond order extension of the method. This second order extension is based on t he of the can be viewed as a balance equation with a flux across x=xj+1/2given this viewpoint, we definethe second order finite volume scheme by (9.2) a first order approximation of the value at the point This approximation is found by then using the scheme (3.1) for half a time step (i.e., t/2). This scheme is a formally second order accurate finite volume approximation, and this produces significantly more accurate Figure 1 we show the approximations calculated by the first order scheme (3.1) and the second order scheme (9.2) for the single peakon exam ple. In this case the exact solution reads u(x,t) =e-|x-t|.AN EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 41 Figure 1 shows the solutions calculated using 29equally spaced grid points in the interval [ -10,30] fort= 20. We see that the second order method is much more accurate than the first order method. In passing, we note that w e have not used -5 0 5 10 15 20 xSingle peakon approximation at t=20 Exact solution first order second order Figure 1. Approximations using x= 40/29, att= 20 to the single peakon. the strict CFL-condition (4.1), but the more natural holds for the second order scheme as well. In order to investigate the convergence properties of the two me thods, we com- puted errors in L1for the two schemes. Table 1 shows the computed L1errors in the case of a single peakon under mesh refinement. In this context , theL1error is defined as L1error = the exact solution. We used t= 20 and x= 40/2kfork= 5,...,12. As expected, and as reported in [12], the first order method conv erges very slowly. One other notable feature of Table 1 is that the second order meth od seems to k5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1st2.92 3.23 3.41 3.53 3.57 3.51 3.32 3.01 2.64 2nd5.36 5.17 3.29 1.27 0.60 0.36 0.21 0.13 0.09 Table 1. L1errors for the single peakon case, at t= 20, for x[-10,30], x= 40/2k,k= at a rate slightly less than inglepeakon, and this is also a much harder challenge computationally, see e.g., [1] a nd [33]. We use the two-peakon solution given by (9.3) u(x,t) G. M. COCLITE, K. H. KARLSEN, AND N. H. = x2(t) = m2(t) formulas were taken from [35]. Figure 2 shows a contour plot of the approxi- mate solutionsfound by using the first and second ordermethods, and x= and t[0,25]. We see that the interaction between the two x tTwo peakon approximation, first order -10 -5 0 5 10 15 x tTwo peakon approximation, second order -10 -5 0 5 10 15 2. Approximationsto (9.3) using x= 40/210. Left: first order method(3.1). Right : second order method (9.2). peakons is poorly represented by the first order method. Both th e location as well as the magnitude of the peaks are far from the correct value. This is also illus- trated Figure 3 where we show the approximations using x= 40/28att= 25. We have also calculated errors for the two-peakon case. Indeed f or x>=40/212, -10 -5 0 5 10 15 xTwo peakon approximation at t=25 Initial data Exact solution first order second order Figure 3. The approximations to (9.3) at t= 25 and x= 40/28. the first order method did not seem to converge, and in order to giv e meaningfulAN EXPLICIT SCHEME FOR THE CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION 43 k8 9 10 11 12 13 1st4.56 3.64 3.97 4.18 4.05 3.70 2nd1.88 1.04 0.63 0.38 0.22 0.16 Table 2. L1errors for the approximation to (9.2), t= 25,x [-15,25], x= 40/2k,k= this method demands very fine discretizations. These re sults are reported in Table 2. For x >40/28none of the methods gave satisfactory results. In ourfinal example wechooseinitial a peako u0(x) = log(cosh( t)). In this case we have a peakon anti-peakon collision att= 6. In Figure 4 we exhibit the approximations generated by the first order (left) and the second order method for t[0,10] and x= 24/212. It is clear that the first order scheme generates the dissipative solution, an d fortlarger than the collision time, the first order approximation vanishes. Regarding the second order approximation, it seems to continue as a peakon moving to the right, and an anti-peakon moving to the left. The magnitudes and speeds of thes e features are however far from the conservative solution, and we have indicated the in the right hand 4. The numerical solutions to the initial value problem (9.4). 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Orabona 4 70125 Bari, Italy E-mail address H. Karlsen) Centre of Mathematics for Applications (CMA) University of Oslo P.O. Box 1053, Blindern N-0316 Oslo, Norway E-mail address Henrik Risebro) Centre of Mathematics for Applications (CMA) University of Oslo P.O. Box 1053, Blindern N-0316 Oslo, Norway E-mail address
Giuseppe Maria Coclite
Giuseppe Maria Coclite, Kenneth H. Karlsen, Nils Henrik Risebro
An explicit finite difference scheme for the Camassa-Holm equation
45 pages, 6 figures
math.AP math.NA
We put forward and analyze an explicit finite difference scheme for the Camassa-Holm shallow water equation that can handle general $H^1$ initial data and thus peakon-antipeakon interactions. Assuming a specified condition restricting the time step in terms of the spatial discretization parameter, we prove that the difference scheme converges strongly in $H^1$ towards a dissipative weak solution of Camassa-Holm equation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 21 Feb 2008 15:12:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Coclite", "Giuseppe Maria", "" ], [ "Karlsen", "Kenneth H.", "" ], [ "Risebro", "Nils Henrik", "" ] ]
2 85Rb PBS PBS Digitizer FIG. 1: (color online). Experimental setup. A 4WM pro- cess is used to generate bright beams. PBS = polarizing beam splitter, BS = 50/50 beam splitter. final states ofthe atomic system are the same. This leads to the emission of probe and conjugate photons in pairs and thus to intensity correlations between the two optical are the same as the ones described in Ref. [14]. A single Ti:Sapphire laser and an acousto-optic modulator are used to generate a bright pump and a weak probe which are resonant with a two-photon Raman the F= 2 and F= 3 electronic ground states of85Rb. The pump laser is tuned 800 MHz to the blue of the D1 line at 795 nm while the probe is downshifted in frequency by 3 GHz. The two beams are then mixed at a small angle in a pure85Rb vapor cell, as shown in Fig. 1. In our double-L configuration, the 4WM converts two photons from the pump into one probe photon and one conjugate photon (upshifted by 3 GHz with respect to the pump). We havemeasured up to 8 dB of squeezing at 1 MHz with this method. After the vapor cell we separate the probe and conju- gate from the pump beam with a polarizer with 105: 1 extinction ratio for the pump.. We then use equal power, and detect the resulting four beams with separate photodiodes, as shown in Fig. 1. This setup directly measures the normally ordered correlation func- tion defined in Eq. (2), as described in Ref. [2]. After each photodiode a bias-T is used to separate the DC part of the photocurrent, which is recorded and then used to normalize the correlation functions. The rest of the sig- nal is amplified, digitized with a resolution of 9 bits, and recorded on a computer. The amplified time traces are sampled at a rate of 1 GS/s and 500 sets of traces, each with 10,000 points, are recorded. This setup allows us to simultaneously obtain all the information needed to calculate the correlation functions and the noise power spectra of the different beams. The bright correlated beams that are obtained from the seeded 4WM process consist of a large coherent part plusfluctuations. makes the g(2)functions tend to 1, the value for a coherent state, as its intensity increases. It is thus useful to separate the correlation functions into contributionsfor the coherent part of the field and the isg(2) ab= 1 +oab. Since the quantum the fields are in the fluctuations, we can rewrite the CSI in terms of the fluctuation terms such that it takes the (3) where we have kept only terms to first order in o. We define a violation that V <1 indicates a violation of the CSI. In the idealcase, the 4WM processcanbe describedby the two-photon squeeze operator ^Sab= the squeezing parameter ( s >0). The bright beams are obtained by applying this operator to an input coherent state, for the probe and the vacuum for the conjugate. In the limit in which the number of photons in the probe seed is much larger than one ( |a| 1)Vtakes the form V= 1-1 2G, (5) whereG= cosh2sis the gain of the process and we have taken the single frequency approximation for each beam. For an ideal seeded 4WM process Vis always less than one, so that a violation of the CSI should always be obtained. In general, however, the presence of squeez- ing does not guaranty a violation of the CSI. As Eq. (5) shows, the amount of violation is inversely Thisisincontrasttotheamountof squeezing that is expected from a seeded 4WM process, for which the noise scales as 1 /(2G-1). Thus, a large amount of squeezing does not imply a large vio- lation of the CSI, as has been pointed out in Ref. [15]. A typical set of correlation functions that shows a vi- olation of the CSI is shown in Fig. 2. Here the hori- zontal dashed line indicates the mean value of the zero- time ofthe fluctuations for the probe and the conjugate, such that a than this level indicates a violation of the CSI. A violation of the CSI can clearly be seen in the inset of Fig. 2. In obtaining these correlation functions we have only filtered out the low frequency technical noise be- low 500 kHz. The bandwidth of the detection system ( > 40 MHz) is larger than the bandwidth of the uncertainties indicated in Fig. 2 are obtained by directly calculating the correlation functions and obtain- ing the standard deviation over the 500 sets of traces. These uncertainties are not statistically the probe and conjugate contain classical fluctu- ations that are strongly correlated as a result of slow intensity fluctuations of the pump and probe seed 400 200 0 -10 0 10 0 Time [ns]g(2)-1 (x10-9) FIG. 2: (color online). Correlation functions of the fluctu- ations for the probe (dotted), conjugate (dashed), and cros s g(2)(solid). The inset shows an expanded view of the peaks of the correlation functions. The horizontal dashed line sh ows the mean value of the zero time auto-correlation functions f or the probe and the conjugate. The indicated uncertainties ar e discussed in the text. between data sets. This leads to a violation of the CSI that is more significant than what can be inferred from the inset. An accurate measure of the uncertainty of V is obtained by calculating Vfor each set of traces and using these results to derive the standard deviation of V overthe 500sets. For the results shown in Fig. 2 the gain of the process is around 10 and V= a violation of the CSI by more than 8 function shows a delay in the ar- rival time between probe and conjugate fluctuations; for the caseshown in Fig. 2 the delayis around 8 ns. The de- layresults from the combination of4WM in the double-L system and propagation through the vapor cell [16, delay between probe and conjugate for fluctua- tions of different frequencies is almost fixed. Such a fixed delay only causes the to be shifted in time and will not have an effect on V. In contrast, any large spread in the delay between different would make the peak wider and reduce its maximum value, degrading the amount of violation. The dips on the correlation functions are due to an offset of the carrier frequency with respect to the gain peak of the process. These effects will be examined in detail elsewhere. One of the difficulties in obtaining a violation of the CSI is that any source of excess uncorrelated noise will decrease the violation. In order to see why this is the case, we need to consider the noise power spectra of the different beams. We can rewrite the CSI in terms of the noise power spectra for the probe ( Sp), conjugate ( Sc),and ( Sdiff) such terms in parenthesis represent the excess noise (or noise reduction) with respect to the corresponding SQL. For the ideal seeded 4WM process the normalized noise power spectra for the probe and the conjugate are equal, so that the term in square brackets is zero, and The presence of squeezing in the intensity differ- ence can make the integral on the left hand side to a violation of the CSI. Excess noise can have an impact on the violation in two different ways. The presence of excess uncorrelated noise on either beam can lead the noise to go above the SQL for some frequency ranges such that the integral on the left hand side can become positive. In addition, excess noise on the conjugate can make the right hand side of the inequality negative enough (given that that even if squeezing is present a violation might not be obtained. 0 510 15 20 25 [MHz]Normalized Noise Power [dB] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Frequency [MHz](a) (b) G = 10 G = 3: (color online). Normalized noise power spectrafor t he probe (Sp), conjugate ( Sc), and ( Sdiff) for a gain of (a) 10 and (b) 2. All the spectra are normalized to their respective SQL, represented by the dashed line. For the results shown in Fig. 2, the corresponding nor- malized noise power spectra are shown in Fig. 3(a). All the noise powerspectra are calculated by taking the FFT of the time traces and averaging over the 500 sets. The SQL for the probe and conjugates is calculated by taking the difference of the corresponding photocurrents while the one for the noise is given by the sum of the SQLs for the probe and conjugate. As is ex- pected for a 4WM process both the probe and the conju- gate have excess noise with respect to the SQL and their spectra are almost the same. The measured squeezing has a bandwidth of 15 MHz, consis- tent with the gain bandwidth of the 4WM process [17], with a maximum squeezing of 6 dB. For this case the sys- tem acts almost as an ideal 4WM medium which makes4 it possible to observe a violation of the CSI. The amount of squeezing that is measured is limited by a total detec- tion efficiency, including optical path transmission and photodiode efficiencies, of (80 +-3)%. We have not affected by loss so that any source of loss will not have an impact on the violation of the CSI. When the gain of the process is reduced to 2, we find a situation in which the noise power spectra of the probe and the conjugate are noticeably different, as shown in Fig. 3(b). This difference in noise leads to a reduc- tion of the squeezing bandwidth from 15 MHz to 7 MHz and a small amount of excess noise at higher frequencies. For this particular case we find that the small amount of excess noise is enough to prevent a violation of the CSI, such that V= though there is more than 4 dB of squeezing at ns for G= 10 and 13 ns for G= 2) has been com- pensated when calculating the noise power spectra shown in Fig. 3. This makes it possible to see the real squeezing bandwidth that results from the 4WM process in Fig. 3(a). While the relative de- lay has no effect on the violation of the CSI, it intro- duces a frequency dependent phase shift such that the noise power spectrum oscillates be- tween and intensity-sum noise lev- els [18]. G = 2 G = 5 G = 8 G = 10 50 40 30 20 Cutoff 4: (color online). Effect of frequency filtering on the violation of the CSI. Violation parameter ( V) as a function cutoff for G= 2,G= 5,G= 8, and G= 10. V <1 indicates a violation of the CSI. The size of the the statistical effect of the excess noise can be further analyzed by filtering out the high frequencies, where most of the uncorrelated excess noise is present. The filtering is done on the digitized traces by applying a 10thorder But- terworth bandpass filter with a low-frequency cutoff of 500 kHz that filters out the technical noise of the laser and a variable high-frequency cutoff. We have done thisanalysis for a number of different gains, as shown in Fig. 4. The gain is changed by modifying the temper- ature of the cell and thus the atomic number density. If we look at the lowest high-frequency cutoff points in Fig. 4, we see that the violation follows the trend given by Eq. (5) for an ideal 4WM process, that is, the vio- lation gets better with smaller gains. However, once we increase the high-frequency cutoff, Vstarts to degrade, with lower gains degrading faster. Increasing the high- frequency cutoff takes into account higher frequencies of the noise power spectrum that correspond to different re- gions of the gain profile. This leads to competition with other processes, such as Raman gain on the conjugate, that add excess noise. Except for the case G= 2 a viola- tion of the CSI is obtained for the different gains shown in Fig. 4 when only the low frequency technical noise of the laser is filtered. Even for the case in which the sys- tem contains excess uncorrelated noise, a violation of the CSI can be recovered with enough filtering, as shown for the case of G= 2. This approaches a spectral analysis of the noise, as is regularly done when measuring bright beams. If we compare the case of G= 2 in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 we find that the violation is lost at a high-frequency cut- off around 6 MHz while the squeezing is present over a larger frequency range than the filtering bandwidth used to calculate V, up to around 7 MHz, once the relative de- lay between probe and conjugate has been gives a region in which squeezing is present but not a violation of the CSI. The amount of excess noise on the conjugate is enough to destroy the violation but not conclusion, we have observed a violation of the CSI in the macroscopic regime. The necessary information to observe the violation is contained in the fluctuations of the field. We have shown that the presence of excess uncorrelated noise can prevent the observation of a violation of the CSI. The ability to ob- tain a violation of the CSI shows that the 4WM process used here provides a low-noise source of quantum corre- lated bright beams over a large frequency range. 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Alberto Marino
A. M. Marino, V. Boyer, and P. D. Lett
Violation of the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality in the Macroscopic Regime
5 pages, 4 figures
We have observed a violation of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in the macroscopic regime by more than 8 standard deviations. The violation has been obtained while filtering out only the low frequency noise of the quantum-correlated beams that results from the technical noise of the laser used to generate them. We use bright intensity-difference squeezed beams produced by four-wave mixing as the source of the correlated fields. We also demonstrate that squeezing does not necessarily imply a violation of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.
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