import concurrent.futures as fut import pathlib import ftfy import orjson import re import psutil from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Comment import markdownify from text_toolkit import normalize_puncts, clean_newlines, merge_consecutive_lines class md_nolinks(markdownify.MarkdownConverter): def convert_a(self, _, text, __): _, _, text = markdownify.chomp(text) if not text: return "" return text def convert_img(self, el, text, convert_as_inline): return "" md = md_nolinks() def blackbox(soup: pathlib.Path, filename: pathlib.Path): p = psutil.Process() p.cpu_affinity([i for i in range(0, 64)]) path = pathlib.Path(soup) data_bytes = path.read_bytes() try: utf8 = data_bytes.decode("utf-8") utf8, explain = ftfy.fix_and_explain(utf8) except UnicodeDecodeError: # print("Attempt Black magic...") magic_data, magic_explain = ftfy.guess_bytes(data_bytes) # print(magic_explain) utf8, explain = ftfy.fix_and_explain(magic_data) # Skip soup = BeautifulSoup(utf8, "lxml") pre = soup.find("pre") [i.decompose() for i in soup.find_all("span", attrs={"class": "pagenum"})] [i.extract() for i in soup.findAll(text=lambda text: isinstance(text, Comment))] composed_content = [] if pre: # Gutenberg pre html block txt: str = pre.get_text() # rgx = re.compile(r"\*\*+START\*\*\*+([\S\s]+)\*END\*") if "gutenberg e" in txt.lower(): if not pre.parent: raise Exception has_pre = False for child in pre.next_siblings: if isinstance(child, str): composed_content.append(child.lstrip()) if == "pre": # print(child) has_pre = True break if == "table": continue if is None: continue child_filt = child.get_text().lower() if ( in ["div", "p"] and "transcriber" in child_filt and "note" in child_filt ): continue if "pagenum" in child.get("class", ""): continue composed_content.append(child) else: # For HR rules. look_ahead = 5 sibs = [] rule = None for sibling in pre.next_siblings: if look_ahead > 0: if == "hr": rule = sibling break else: sibs.append(sibling) if not rule: raise Exception else: pass for t_block in rule.next_siblings: if isinstance(t_block, str): composed_content.append(t_block.lstrip(" ")) continue if not t_block.get_text().strip(): continue if == "hr" and "full" in t_block.get("class", ""): break gt = t_block.get_text().lower() if == "pre" and "gutenberg" in gt: break elif == "p" and "end of" in gt and "gutenberg" in gt: break else: composed_content.append(t_block) else: print("no pre", filename) # We have to iter the book page it like some sort of caveman... body = soup.find("body") if not body: raise Exception("Invisible man?") # ??? pre_ctx = [] ctx = [] post_ctx = [] mode = 0 for children in body: if isinstance(children, str): continue if isinstance(children, type(None)): continue gt = children.get_text() if == "table": children.decompose() if ( ( == "div" or == "p") and "start of" in gt.lower() and "gutenberg" in gt.lower() ): mode = 0.5 pre_ctx.append(children) if ( ( == "div" or == "p") and "end of" in gt.lower() and "gutenberg" in gt.lower() and mode == 1 ): mode = 2 post_ctx.append(children) if mode == 0: pre_ctx.append(children) elif mode == 0.5: mode = 1 pre_ctx.append(children) elif mode == 1: ctx.append(children) elif mode == 2: post_ctx.append(children) z_ctx = [] for pp in ctx: if is None: continue z_ctx.append(pp) composed_content = z_ctx pure = [] for content in composed_content: if isinstance(content, str): pure.append(content) continue if not continue if "toc" in content.get("class", "") and in ["ul", "ol"]: continue pure.append(content) pp = normalize_puncts( "\n".join( [ md.convert_soup(soup_content) if not isinstance(soup_content, str) else soup_content for soup_content in pure ] ) ) pp = clean_newlines(pp) pp = merge_consecutive_lines(pp) pp = clean_newlines(pp) pathlib.Path(filename).write_text(pp, encoding="utf-8") return pp pathlib.Path("gutenberg_processed").mkdir(exist_ok=True) if __name__ == "__main__": with fut.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=64) as pool: futures = [] for gutenbook in orjson.loads(pathlib.Path("final.json").read_bytes()): path, f_type = gutenbook if f_type == "html": # print("processing", path) path = pathlib.Path(path) list_html = list(path.glob("*.htm")) if len(list_html) > 1: print(list_html) list_html = list_html[0] futures.append( pool.submit( blackbox, list_html, str( pathlib.Path("gutenberg_processed") / list_html.with_suffix(".txt").name ), ) ) print("Waiting for the future to arrive...") fut.wait(futures)