id,text,label,sentiment 9235,getting cds ready for tour,1,neutral 16790," MC, happy mother`s day to your mom ;).. love yah",2,positive 24840,A year from now is graduation....i am pretty sure i`m not ready for it!?!?!?,0,negative 20744, because you had chips and sale w/o me,1,neutral 6414,Great for organising my work life balance,2,positive 22370, its my going away partyyy `s. you should come!,1,neutral 17036,"Is Watching Britains Got Talent, & Is biting her nails. Please don`t come off black nail varnish",1,neutral 20403, remember the guy who 1st #tweetbud you! ~> _2890 help him get 900 flwrs & make him smile!,2,positive 1896, She! Maybe that was our first mistake. Not everyone is as cool as (brown nose moment),0,negative 13534,"today i was so happy got i got off school early, but now i`m bored!!",1,neutral 3086, but but it was funny when I wrote it,2,positive 8975, I saw an all red Audi on the highway. I sped uo to it hoping it was you. My loss,0,negative 9976,I loved this app. Worked so great I purchased it. Now it has logged me out and says I don't exist.,2,positive 24958," REALLY?? oh.. sorry yall lol",0,negative 26304, i`m totally gonna have money to actually buy a pair of shoes this time,1,neutral 5669,"Widget is mostly useless - it constantly displays no items while having a list selected that is well populated. Alternately, the widget becomes logged out somehow. Hope this gets fixed.",0,negative 11470,Off to work at the church,1,neutral 2130,"Okay I guess. Very happy with dev response to my previous review, TY.",1,neutral 2847," i definitely will , although with the caveat that i normally only read non fiction..but have more in recent years read novels",1,neutral 8938,Like the look but it messes up straight away. Instead of saving an entry the app cashed and deleted it instead. Don't get!!,0,negative 258,"Lots of tasks to complete today. First, wecloming new members to Canadamigos Social Networking site,, and coffee",2,positive 26689," Oh I believe you... sooo thinks she belongs elsewhere, I say I dont think so...",2,positive 7303,ughh...i dont feel good,0,negative 3893,"1st- TY to those who follow back. 2nd - grrr to those who don`t, cuz it messes up being able to follow others u want to when ur at 2000+",1,neutral 15443, I accidently dropped it & now the screen is all messed,0,negative 1770,No pomo time more than 1hr. No whitelist available. No feature for tracking task progress. Also add the feature to quit bad habits.,0,negative 3468,App is having some problem.after certain time it stops accepting timers,0,negative 19012,got 1 after school detention. 2 lunch times and if i dont go to them. i will get 2 more after schools,0,negative 17381, they are a long way from the sea unless they came from Gloucester docks.,1,neutral 22105, yeah unfortuantley Sam hanks **** bowl that he like rolled along the floor got me out grr,0,negative 879,okay okay sleep for realz now! Goodnight! ::waves to followers::,2,positive 19828,_trip I bet he didn`t fall asleep till like this morning sorries.,0,negative 368, I was never a good stereotypical teen,0,negative 8707,iono...I guess I`m getting off now. L8r twits,1,neutral 3993,"Forest is cute, unobtrusive, and has genuinely helped me in the transition from checking my phone to doing work. A neat option is the ability to allow certain apps (eg, Spotify to change music)",2,positive 18134,Today is lame because I am not in Orlando I am soooo looking forward to NEXT friday,0,negative 4086,"Colleague that 'helped' by creating his unit`s site in iWeb was NOT helpful. Trash code, 24 CSS files for a 4 page site, no optimizing.",0,negative 17647, No! Why?,1,neutral 775,Looks clean and this app have those details which other apps doesnt have. This can complete functions which I needed. Great App.,2,positive 14019, soz i neva saw this message till now...if u add then delete me i cant see any messages uve left on my page,1,neutral 0,Last session of the day,1,neutral 12477," i`m relying on my mobile, which lacks reception. Trying to help, but just looking silly",0,negative 17075,Going home.. no meeting today,1,neutral 1019, yay asap lol awwh I miss our friday night happy hours even luna del sea and the 'boy' hahahaha,0,negative 13316, I`ve had the week off too...but I have Biology exams to revise for so my Bones time is limited,1,neutral 11178,Fast & Furious = EXCELLENT movie. And Andy is a great guy Most of the time.... lol,2,positive 13997,Happy mother`s day and to the god mother`s and step mother`s too....,2,positive 24131,? MADAYA KA CHRISTIAN. BLEH!!! I HATE U,0,negative 2799,on my way homee i love long car rides<3,2,positive 7416,Best,0,negative 9447,It works great,2,positive 9750,_ryall What if I thought I was a Star Trek person but I wasn`t all that crazy about the new movie?,0,negative 14615,Sick kid trumps advance planning. Bummer,0,negative 9551,wouldnt let me make an regular account without linking something to it.,0,negative 7277,had a fun day at the theatre... glad to be back in town for a while,2,positive 5875,Hmm maybe I this time I really did over react and do the worst,0,negative 9801,My calender does not sync with this app? How can I get it to work. It's great otherwise. How do I sync all my calenders with the he app?,1,neutral 20346,"watching Cavs game. LeBron James, my newest love! 36 pts for Cavs, 17 by LeBron!",2,positive 3988,epic fail with the chocolate fountain that got CLOGGED,0,negative 7949,This is a pay to play calendar only,0,negative 23389,_Tech_Update Do you know your Nutty Newsire twitterfeed ones are coming through w/o links? I can`t be lazy without the links...LOL,1,neutral 2165, fantastic day in the AZ sun,2,positive 9694,"_98 ****, that`s my favorite, i`ll just keep in stock alot then",2,positive 1375,_alfradique No fun Well hopefully you don`t have much more to go...,2,positive 14501," Hey Sam, happy mothers day",2,positive 2410, me too! i wish it would just say who has unfollowed,2,positive 17067, We keep very different hours.,1,neutral 7353,i had added a routine & by default it took a date almost 8 days ahead from today's date... i m unable to change the date... it's frustrating...,0,negative 1926,Didnt like that to really use it as a planner I had to upgrade,0,negative 9027,beautiful day... and im working leaving now so i can get some sun though,2,positive 18662,Or maybe its just us ....,1,neutral 2142,have to subscribe to link to Google calendars,1,neutral 9903,"I cannot givey opinion, because I cant install the app.",1,neutral 584," ach, probably not... they are labeled as MI-5, which I believe was the name used when they aired on BBC America",1,neutral 22114,Only has under 200 words left to write on her assignment,1,neutral 21945, Yeah I know Things would be so much easier that way. I`m bored the boys are playing tekenen (I can`t spell it),1,neutral 3954, i hate this weather! When u have lived here ure whole life u get used to it...may is always rainy ,0,negative 21347,moving 11 blocks up the street. goodbye hardwood floors,2,positive 1256,"been using todoist for some months now great app but need to make the google home experience better. it would be great if it would ask to set a time and date and would i like to change the title of the context when it asked if you would like to change the context, add a label and move to a different project.",1,neutral 21109,No more spending the day chatting with Steve on the computer Now what I am I going to do at work?,1,neutral 19635, wasn`t that mother song SO funny? SO wrong but SO funny - I heart ,1,neutral 8772,Ads ads ads.,0,negative 26628,"_ri_ja good morning, It`s nice to see you!",2,positive 12792, yeah I need a hug...cuz I am sick..,0,negative 2978,"Not very expressive frame for activity descriptions, must be in the first stages of development. Guilds look incredible diverse, very surprising it is a social app. Seems the leveling function is standard gaming and well embedded. Hope open sourcing it make it better fit. Passing habits to to-do would be desirable.",2,positive 13816, Hi Im Better... Drinking Hot Tea With honey ^^ ... Thanks... Take Care Plis,2,positive 6483," HEY, BABEE. ) LOVE YOOOOUUU. >< RP time.",2,positive 9377,Best planner ever bought the pro's easy to use and has many convenient functions like tracking overdue tasks.,2,positive 7227,Bought the premium version long ago but now it has ad on it.,0,negative 6635,Does not support more than only one Outlook calendar,0,negative 9520, DUDE WHAT? I WANNNNAAAA GOOOOOO,1,neutral 3441, don`t you need a server and someone who knows how to program to use Wordpress? Love to but my knowledge is limited right now,1,neutral 6432,_Girl OOC sorry we keep missing each other...,0,negative 4974,My entire plan was suddenly removed,0,negative 3944, No blood drives in my area. I`ll keep looking.,1,neutral 4428,"its a great app in general, just want a couple of tweaks that would make using it more streamlined. The biggest thing is I have goals that increase incrementally every day, I would love to have a way to have a yes or no that shows that incremental adjustment. Also, when inputting numerically set goals, I want to be able to just start typing the number and have it replace the default 0.0 without placing the cursor and backspacing to enter a result. Still, the interface is otherwise great!",1,neutral 20137,im blonding ... slowly but surely im blonding ... i wana scratch my hair but im not allowed,0,negative 2649,goodnight twitterville! really enjoyed pearl harbor. now off to sleep and cuddle with my hot man! i will have good dreams tonight! XOXO,1,neutral 4526," wow! Nice roar, I see good things in your future",2,positive 11309,Took a short nap now Im ready for work. My sun burn hurts,0,negative 1165, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh I hate the Internet When will people learn 'native widgets are always best',1,neutral 5325," um that`s really scary, please be safe! Btw ill be in orlando next week",0,negative 9918," - yes , everybody love you. i`m a german Fan. Follow me !",2,positive 9150,sweet dreams!,2,positive 24695, The photos are AMAZING! What a GREAT subject & way to get people educated about Darfur! HUGS! U are an inspiring woman!,2,positive 24307, so thats how u spent ur weekend so far?,1,neutral 1990,Start of diet today I think I have to face I will never get back down to 77kilos (unless I cut a leg off)�,0,negative 6181,"Uh. Finally home, but completely wiped.",0,negative 22081,"it appears we found the we were posting signs with his picture, someone else was posting 'found' signs with his picture....",1,neutral 776,"Thx, Robban",2,positive 12143," ahahaha, that happens to me all the time. poor Angela!",0,negative 86, Miles from you I`m in Essex so give me plenty of warning so I can arrive in time to get at least one of those free beers.,1,neutral 9253,"I'm not sure, but I keep getting these little hidden files in download folder but I believe they're from the calendar. I haven't checked since the update. But I do use this app every day especially for the widgets and the customization. You can get lost in it, but I'd rather have the option than not.",2,positive 24634,cleaning and packing,1,neutral 18957,"it`s a perfect day to throw back your head and kiss it all good bye - love it, so cheerful!! ?",2,positive 18989,_Mean WHERE?,1,neutral 25466, you didn`t give out #followfriday advice like i told you?,1,neutral 2091,"GoodMorning. My Father`s going balistic, and I`d say more but I`d rather not get beat, so Have a Good Day, and please text me",1,neutral 6910,I really like the app. it's pretty cool! How do I get the 24 HR clock on my Android wear? 5 stars if the 24hr face can is possible on the watch! 🙂,2,positive 8368,Enjoying the app.,1,neutral 18082, my computers broken and I broke my laptop so I had to use the phone ahh still on he cause they **** up my order.,0,negative 10174,"glad i didnt do Bay to Breakers today, it's 1000 freaking degrees in San Francisco wtf",0,negative 2779,I love the idea of it but I am having a hard time trying to get started. As I am setting up my dailies anything that I set for weekly seemed like they are all linked together so if I change my days on one task it changes on something else. I like what it trying to do but if this isn't corrected then I will have to find another app.,1,neutral 2876,"Please fix the date format, we're not all backward Americans...",1,neutral 2541, yes I do! Because he is going to the marines to protect & serve and leaving me!,1,neutral 2286,Would be great if all the features were free,2,positive 23114,So wish the Carlton game was on live stupid channel 7 lol.,0,negative 14513," well, the requirements are quite high as well",1,neutral 4239,"Cash grab, and nothing more. Purchased the app a year ago but now due to an issue on the account being asked to pay for it again. Very disappointed and no response from seller. Last update was 1 year ago so as far as I am concerned the developer abondoned it.",0,negative 19908,Ohhh mannnn they just laid off 3 girls!!! This economy has to improve soon!!!,1,neutral 14565,has had AWFUL hiccups today and now can`t fall asleep because of them,0,negative 10621,using Linux and loving it - so much nicer than windows... Looking forward to using the wysiwyg latex editor!,2,positive 12299, ps love the new profile pic!,2,positive 8565,cant sleep so tired! goodnight... maybe :/,0,negative 17961,just getting off of work for the day! Hope everyone has a wonderful mother`s day tomorrow! Hope you enjoy ur cheesecakes too!,2,positive 10478,Learning jQuery 1.3 Book Review -,1,neutral 3520," Where`d the songs go on the site, I want 'Do You' on this computer too",1,neutral 3336,it's not good for you when u r busy self distancing lmfao,0,negative 12058,Eating pancakes What is better than a day off with Stevie-J?,2,positive 5809,"Oh yeah, Radio1 is SO playing Earth, Wind and Fire",2,positive 468, FOLLOW ME BABY U SAID N DA CHAT U WILL LUV YA GOODNITE,2,positive 635,wow.. tomorrow and then it`s over. i`ll never see some of those people again. it`s kind of sad.,0,negative 26235,"I cant sleep, but im too sore to move",0,negative 4995, look like i can only quick post from the dashboard that is all,1,neutral 8892,"Does not sync. If i enter an item in the agenda. It does not sync with the widget. Sometimes it takes a whole day before it is visable in the widget. In the widget only 2 items are visable. The rest keep saying ""loading"" for days now. Even if i manually sync.",0,negative 23082,happy mothers day to all moms out there!!,2,positive 3995,Great app! Just having it on your home screen helps you stay focused because you want to use it every time you see it.,2,positive 3701," i got mcdonalds, surpisingly its not a popular drunk food option. its sucks that all diners aren`t 24hrs here anymore",0,negative 749,"Happy!!! I just found out this amazing app. I love devs from Israel, not discriminating others tho. But I have a thing about calendar view. It shows different month other than the current month, same with the today's date, it shows other dates hmmm...maybe I clicked or touch something? Help!",2,positive 11570,morrisons here i come!,1,neutral 1729,"a band from Hawaii with a Sublime sound, so all you sublime haters can just move along ?",1,neutral 8891,being upset,1,neutral 26740,why me? i am about to read another ecology book for two hours. its all good fun today,2,positive 7446,"Pretty good, could be better",1,neutral 9135,"Widget isn't opening calendar. I've deleted and restarted and when I use the 3x1 (I think) it opens to the day only, and won't go back to the month view like it used to.",1,neutral 9678,Would like questions answered I email my questions for answers & I give my contact info for almost two months now but no one contacts me. This is very disappointing especially when I bought this app. Very poor for business kevin,0,negative 6186,Memorizing the first 18 lines of the General Prologue of The Canterbury Tales. Ughhh.,1,neutral 15109, I`m the heir to the over draft,0,negative 25918,prepare yourself,1,neutral 6592,Eh.. it`s cold,1,neutral 6911,"Nice App but not able to use widget (Nokia 2.1 , Android Pie)",2,positive 11070,Home Sweet home <3 Going to see Hannah Montana The Movie AGAIN today <3 DDD,2,positive 6311,Heading south on I-95. Jacked mess around SR 234,1,neutral 26395, i been saying that the past 2 weeks that i miss playing spades and drinkin chillin.. the good old days.. let me know baby,0,negative 2338,Needed a replacement for Wunderlist. Looked at several disappointing options before finding TickTick. It has everything I liked about Wunderlist plus it has nice extras like formatting in task notes and it lacks some of Wunderlist's annoying behaviors. It also did the best job importing from Wunderlist. The best alternative to Wunderlist. Period.,2,positive 25375,Decided not to go...I want to see my sweetie But I can`t.,0,negative 22404,my tummy kinda hurts!,0,negative 4495,"it's a useful app, have maybe some things to improve like, the habit set up is not very clear or intuitive",1,neutral 137,"Subscription based model for better features. Happy to pay $20 once off if I really like an app, but not ongoing costs that can change any time.",0,negative 5297,"The recent updates were very amazing. Keep it coming devs. This is close to perfection. However, I hope we can gain items attached to a particular task. Once the task is completed, the items will be given directly to your inventory. This can help us to create weekly task events or bosses. It will be very rewarding. Thank you! Update: One last thing, in terms of habit generation, can we have counting streak instead of count down... The higher the streak, the higher the rewards 🙃",2,positive 2629," I am in Kuala Lumpur. And I know I vanished, haha! I broke up with my last boyfriend, that`s why I`m back!",0,negative 1039, there coming this year ^-^ wiL said it himself but yes now would be good.,2,positive 13424,This is fun ! haha re guy from all American rejects looks like he`s on crack!!,2,positive 10735,"Lady across the way had a miscarriage, say a prayer",1,neutral 21089,_pooh what kind of party do we got going now?,1,neutral 2136,Bad calendar sync,1,neutral 24579,"thinking about having lunch soon, but we have no food in",1,neutral 9169, - EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! IT CAME!!!!,2,positive 27058,haha gunna go buy a whole bunch of emo/punk clothes,1,neutral 2644,Good Morning i ate pizza for breakfast,2,positive 11466,now we are cuddling. girl cuddles are so fun and soft,2,positive 9058,watchin what a girl wants with mom and brittany..,1,neutral 22285, they`re at the bottom of the thing and aren`t moving at all. feels bad man.,0,negative 5100," i hope to, no promises they all my kids and the dog at the moment, a couple of flowers too",2,positive 11348, You`re welcome,2,positive 857,can`t wait to november for Jobros concert ! In examination,2,positive 5018,Spent last night in A&E (ER). Wife tangled wheels with Daughter & hit the deck. Dislocation & fracture resulted.,1,neutral 23430,"Oh, today my friend goes to USA! , I�m going to miss her so much! , have a great time darling",1,neutral 8130,No good,0,negative 24899, oh no!!! well..... When you get back lots of pictures!!!,1,neutral 1576,niggas got they eyes on me and i aint talkin bout da BM when i say i got 745 on me,1,neutral 15959," - I wanna go see them in Edinburgh won`t happen though haha , yir lucky! And have funnnn ****",2,positive 138,"I <3 Rupert Grint......& of the boy, Ive accepted tht I do fancy him But im certain he doesnt feel the same so its not worth telling him",1,neutral 5752,Fit for nothing app,0,negative 24103,Wish I was in Chicago.,2,positive 1197,"I recently downloaded this app and paid for the premium subscription. I like the app, but I have two issues that are hindering its functionality. The first is that the notifications slate quite buggy. I have 3 different daily tasks which I've set to notify me when they start, and I only receive my notifications sometimes. The second is that my workweek is Sunday-Thursday, and I found out after speaking with their support that there is no option to set a non-standard workweek.",1,neutral 9192,watching matilda with a bowl of noodles,1,neutral 5865," I assume you mean 2nd item with 3 nested lines, but no invert call tree button to be found � � �",0,negative 6207,"Please add a feature like task has to be divided based on categories inside ""planned"" and ""importent"" list",2,positive 9022,excited to see my cousins this week.,2,positive 3110,#thingsmummysaid You need to learn to wash dishes and do laundry because I won`t always be here to do them for you. She was right,2,positive 21443,"_lisa online? Yeah, me",1,neutral 5157,"I would love to do a one/life time purchase for this app. Too bad I hate subscription based so sorry, I'd rather spend my money for something unproductive than this app.",2,positive 2987," yes DON`T FORGET the koala pics I`m pubquizzing tonight in the 11e if you`re back in time. Sinon, mardi?",1,neutral 26814,I did not twitt yesterday cause it was a very busy day but I`ll be back tomorrow BTW I can not sleep I`m like in zombie mode @_@,0,negative 2893,_luca LOL! I`m glad to see I`m not the only one out there!!!,2,positive 5570, it`s definitely worth it; art not withstanding I hate moving; and hate packing even more..,0,negative 6969,"Had written a bad review because I spent a week trying to make the app show two widgets with different calendars. Couldn't do it (and wasted hours!) until I noticed a nearly invisible dot (at least on my screen, I'm using the iblue app) near the widgets. Pressed it and discovered the widget menu! They should really make it stick out or write clear instructions about it on the app. I imagine they try to make it subtle in order to not affect how the app looks, but it took a week to find it.",2,positive 3100, Sis...I dont think I will be up 4 2nite sadly Im in alot of pain 2day & had bad nite...can we go out anotha week soon?****,0,negative 18352,Star trek was SOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Spock and Kirk were hillarious!!! Im seeing it again. sooon.,2,positive 8124,One taken from earlier this week!,1,neutral 12522,"Saying goodbye to a good trusted friend today. Goodbye free Sky TV, you were the best friend anyone could have had.",2,positive 21241,Waiting for the El & listening to a little MJB 'Just Fine'. Perfect song to start my week.,2,positive 16801, wh-wha? hacky sack plans sans Jackie???,1,neutral 23451,off to collect a tv I acquired from freecycle,1,neutral 12958, - New forest hoping the walk would lose me some pounds,2,positive 7919,I gave 5* to this App in the past. But new updated routine list is so unsatisfactory. A lot of scrolling. Older style was better.,2,positive 18496, - :o I See Your Dog.. Bella..?,1,neutral 8191,tried to `bing` today.. not operational in australia yet,1,neutral 12831, You`ve been featured on #ykyat,1,neutral 20912,"Ok, seems I need to remember what account I`m posting as..... That last tweet was a _FC tweet!",1,neutral 8118,It's takes a lot of space,0,negative 6492,"And figuring out how to watch Middlesbrough games next year, after the dreaded drop.",1,neutral 17937, night honey..see ya tomorrow,2,positive 4919,Such a good app to track my habit. Also become a reminder for my self when I wanna build a habit,2,positive 1017,no reminder for free version,0,negative 2868,great party alenka!! happy birthday chicky! <3,2,positive 23630, sorry you wouldn`t believe how much feedback we got on that menu bar icon. the next version will be a lot more subtle,1,neutral 5874,"Day 2 of back to work , Day 1 went allllllllright I was only exposed to the swine flu for 8 hours so thats ok I think? Just wash my hands",1,neutral 24336,i didnt get a hug today,1,neutral 2844, Oh it`s been so long I can`t remember,0,negative 16858, & to you matey,1,neutral 5763, good luck with it..Do well!! My best wishes are with you!,2,positive 25125,"can`t find my trusty hair tie My hair will spill all over the place when I run!Mom`s bands doesn`t work for me,normal ones hurt.(((",0,negative 7475,Created a new album on my Facebook for my Phantom cross stitch I want to track my own progress so I feel like I am getting something done,1,neutral 1239, I know... kittie should be a professional....,1,neutral 18186,"oh, it`s `s birthday! happy birthday andre michelle",2,positive 7653,turning in. it`s been a loooong day. just got my new US edition Esquire so going to fantasize that I could one day look like Megan Fox.,1,neutral 5646,wow! party! my new life! it is awesome! no more girlfriends they just create tons of drama! babes at a party is the way to go! just w ...,1,neutral 5396,"Hey, awesome app. It wasn't long until I purchased the unlocked version. However, some things could be improved. For example, you can't change units after the habit is created. And it would be nice to hide the "".0"" part after digits, since mostly it refers to ""minutes"" or ""iterations"" or ""cups"" and it looks kinda sloppy to see your goal described as ""Learn at least 30.0 minutes"" or ""Drink at least 2.0 cups"". If the number is whole, why not just hide that point zero - it'll look neater, I think.",2,positive 10032,"I Like the clear & unclutter look, everything is organized..wished i could export it without having to pay extra.",2,positive 7781,"I don`t believe it, my puppy likes brussels sprouts!",2,positive 1549,"I`m so sad, really really sad",0,negative 20993,_Simmons everyone has their mistakes to make and lessons to learn. Don`t let the negativity get to you.,2,positive 7878,Bought the paid version to support the devs for making this awesome app!,2,positive 5653, can only walk on streets as am in london fields,1,neutral 3903,Wonderful app... I am really able to concentrate more now. A must try app for someone who loses focus easily.,2,positive 2839, i`m a real BOY goddamit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guh. apostro. i feel sad. the library lady thinks i`m stupid. SHE`S STUPID. j,0,negative 7701,_Mak request me on bbm & send all ur contact info. Everything didn`t sync up from old phn I have ur tmail info haha - DATED!,1,neutral 3820,WOOOOO!! Twitterberry is working again!! Good morning everyone,1,neutral 2558, ask them what they have done with their lives. be annoying human beings? tell your mama happy mother`s day!,1,neutral 1115,"App deleted my tasks out of no where, as well as the app seems to be bloated with features. Needs to be more sleek and refined. I dont believe the audience for a to do list app is looking for anything with a lot of features.",0,negative 24854,"If you wanna read something, I recommend",1,neutral 6181,The widget sometimes shows my list as empty. And it always need to be removed and replace to show the content of the list properly.,2,positive 3724,"it keeps crashing just when i paid premium! Devs pls help me. i really wanna use this app. As soon as i open it, it crashes and end abruptly. i am hoping for your quick response. Thank you",1,neutral 14584, oh! i love that as well!! all of MCR songs are great! and happy star wars day to yaa xD,2,positive 1490, no its the same,1,neutral 26786,"_Meir ohhhh ouch dude, I got it now I was drunk last night and didn`t get the context. Sorry dude.",0,negative 8475, Love **** Magix it`s cool!!... great rhythm!!!,2,positive 15705," Oh LOL! Yes, on Facebook! That`s a nice safe environment. Like a church basement!",2,positive 960,today Jon Doe plays at the Moho. ia m excited it�s gonna be funny.. but before i have to carry all the equipment and do the backline,2,positive 1991,Back button doesnt work,1,neutral 10241,The ever amazing Psyop and Goodby Silverstein & Partners for HP! Have to go play with After Effects now!,2,positive 22546,Steve Aoki sorry. May b nxt time.,0,negative 3193, Omg same here! They hurt so much,0,negative 1536," Pigs catching Swine Flu and Avian Flu, risking the development of Flying Pig Flu? Awesomely funny",1,neutral 25005, So long as they hold your wine without tipping.,1,neutral 18649,_Thomas ahhhh probably will...not good u been Dubai before??,0,negative 8082,"Was really enjoying this & then the notifications just stopped which is a big part of what I needed the app for:( annoying, finding a new app for this now",0,negative 8093,I am not able to set the time . It is automatically taking the remainder timing,0,negative 3734,Good morning world! haha had fun at the movies last night ;D and school now... Hmm new shoes make it better,2,positive 5321,"_ nothing new at all. lol. oh, i bitched alot today about one person in particular with rachel. Oh and I planned the ultimate event",1,neutral 2875,"Feeling some butterflies today Study study study contracts; gonna ace this, then on to the write-on competition for the journals.",2,positive 2007," if I have 5000 friend requests tomorrow, I`m blaming you nite",0,negative 5989," yeah, ok, that`ll probably happen too.",1,neutral 7132, a whole season behind the US now,1,neutral 1205,"church bellss are ringin got to go. adieu,(god bless in german)",2,positive 564,And the Sun is last,2,positive 13968,waching gray`s antomy,1,neutral 15390,"Just woke up and washed up, I have class @ 10 till 11 then chillin in G Building with my nigguhs. Then my bby is coming over @ 3:30! ilh?",1,neutral 571, tell his people to contact my people,1,neutral 24988, have fun tonight,2,positive 14508, - and also these hi top Reeboks. cause i can,1,neutral 23654,Oh I`m really tired of these migraines! #Endometriosis & #Fibromyalgia & #Migraines & sleep probs just compoundin ea other since surgery,0,negative 323, I knooww & my hot water bottle iss in whangamata without me. ahhhhh,1,neutral 22148,Zapatos for trashcan nachos and then an epic night,2,positive 6393,Works a treat! Especially useful for planning what I need to do on a daily basis.,2,positive 11128,_x Who Else do you Loveee?,1,neutral 11257,I`m Kinda sleepy.. I Was up too late texting a nice boy making date plans for next weekend..,2,positive 16657," I saw them at a show a few weeks ago. Hate to say I was not all that impressed fun. and AS were good, though.",0,negative 6872,"Won't update information from Google Calendar no matter what. One event out of an entire day. Have restarted several times, checked the permissions, nothing :-| UPDATE: I think I understand what you mean. I'll play with it for another day and will re-rate :)",1,neutral 13969,Writing Mother`s Day cards for my mom and gran... hurray!,2,positive 17213,See FTSK tonight in Grand Rapids,1,neutral 18190,i love how nice the weather is today and i am camping tonight! oh and i hate my hair,2,positive 1067,sad that borders did not have guerrilla gardening book but otherwise a most lovely relaxing day,1,neutral 7751,"Nice, tho I would like to be able to name a routine and give me a notification of the name",2,positive 17298,_i_girl that`s why you are #twitterbff,1,neutral 3396,is about to eat a hot link torta!!,1,neutral 4325, I know Guess I was hoping they`d revitalize the plot lines as well instead of reverting to old cliches!,2,positive 9315,"The simple customization of which calendars are showing with bars at the bottom of the screen is handy, and the widget with a customized compact agenda has been part of my home screens for years. The previous and current versions are 2 of the best app purchases I've made and certainly the most regularly used along with Nine. This shows my Nine (Exchange) calendars with no problems.",2,positive 8420, Ouchies. Sorry to hear it Are you going to get it checked out?,0,negative 9861,I try to write somthing and it exits,1,neutral 4644," oh, I am sorry my friend. Katie & I will do our best to keep you cheery",1,neutral 17208,"Offline for now, I`ll tweet again later...",1,neutral 17112, Your missing qualifying I think David Reutimann is leading with a 22.96 ....,0,negative 7779," Mmm, comfort junk food. That sounds good. I always preferred Wingstop",2,positive 109," woof, I wish I was allowed to go",2,positive 1962,_Brody What is BF ? Is it a glue ?,1,neutral 21669,i am listening this song 'shattered' by Tynisha keli,1,neutral 8935,Doesn't show a files attached to the event using Google Calendar.,0,negative 27359," LMOA! i just quit one of mine, too much stress",0,negative 25971, I know!! Yayy,1,neutral 1684, i know,1,neutral 3494," nope i wasn`t home went it was on but i will soon,",1,neutral 3108," What you said about aj made no sense,hahaha. What were you talking about? And I loved that picture of you and colin!",2,positive 13144,"Is getting excited for the weekend.......Or, hang on, i am going to be all alone never mind, excitement lost",1,neutral 5216,_Megan_**** Thats all i`ve seen too 5 till 7 is the 2 hours I normally sleep so I missed it :mad: haha,0,negative 2342,"So far so good! I've used other reminder apps. With ADD I have to have reminders of nothing would get done. This one let's me snooze the stuff I want to procrastinate on. Or if I need to be annoyed by the reminder, I can do that too. All around good app.",2,positive 7666,Have re-defined my routines and activities. Working well.,2,positive 10405,_Tarrant nice! It`s mommas day,2,positive 8639,"Really impressed with the functionality, by far the best to do app out there. Functionality is great and the UI is even better - clean, intuitive and perfect to utilize. 10/10 for the lists, sublists and subtasks, even the editable homescreen widget is quality. Looking forward to the paired web app.",2,positive 184,So far so good... bit expensive having to purchase a yearly basis to access basic functions as color tags and what comes with it. Translation to Greek is not fluent for the price tag / annually I would apprechiate developers look closer at them. Will give it a try before committing on purchasing it per year. On a positive note love the widget (using however nova launcher). Current rating will change based on the experience.,0,negative 1931,bed. with stomach ache,0,negative 3887,Great App But I still need a feature that the app should have a custom notification sound selection option so that I can know that notification has come from this app.,2,positive 3852,listening to the cat snore,1,neutral 1232," lol! I thought we was suppose to guess..****, I tried tho..lolol!",1,neutral 10671,Not good news Time for an incredibly hard decision.,0,negative 8544,easy to use.,2,positive 9527, they won`t guys are retarded!,0,negative 14898,"Home, getting ready to back to work on Monday. Maternity leaves is up",1,neutral 11404," Thank you! Your makeup art is top-notch, come to my house every morning! ha ha",2,positive 27067,"Jamie @ Sean Cody, up for some angry ****?: Jamie @ Sean Cody, I wouldn`t piss this one off Hey there Guys, Do..",1,neutral 12263, congrats ya ran,2,positive 2465, learn two-headed boy by nutreal milk hotel,1,neutral 13814,ugh... only 1 3/4th hour and i will be 19...,0,negative 501,Did love this app... But since the update. I seem to lose tasks. Now I do not trust the lists I have created.,1,neutral 3398,"I used to really love this app, but lately it won't notify me when the timer is up. It's hard to keep track of how much you're working",0,negative 5991,Everything thing is customizable but there is no timer i want timer for every sub task that i create every single task i do i want a time and daily stats for the same need to download some other providing the same for now when you include this mail me i will download again!!!,1,neutral 7732," nothing much man, waiting for my Insurance card to come through... Cant get any workdone here w/o it... Redtape",1,neutral 24443,iPhone just fell,0,negative 1575, pretty soon gonna have to unfollow myself from _words to cut the quickly growing 'habit' ... but I do love the challenge!,2,positive 23075,"Is at coffee bean, met Dean",1,neutral 204,sick to my stomach.. and i have a headache.. i wish someone could come rub my temples.,0,negative 18372,No `rosie day` today goal is to leav my house b4 my mom gets here hmmm maybe `rosie day` rescheduled,1,neutral 210," Haha I know, I cant handle the fame! and thank you!",2,positive 27385," yep and its freezing, i hate winter im literally wearing blackets",0,negative 6885,_Blogs Congratulations lovely Japanese Children Happy Kodomo no hi,2,positive 484,Hicks are mean!,0,negative 1189,still making icons,1,neutral 9056,coming home tomorrow with a car full of treasures,1,neutral 16846,_conrad you take such good photos.,2,positive 1876,"Yogurting. Home from lady Mona`s, on the fone w no song from Yoplait. Lookin forward to hrs w tmorrow & rehearsals Gnight all!",2,positive 1748,dad`s posting got postponed ONE HOUR before he was meant to leave. either going to afganistan or NOWHERE. i`m sorta happy but he`s gutted,1,neutral 19371,"Bears, beets, and... ****, never mind How about SG1, take-out, and wasabi vodka with ginger ale and lime...",0,negative 24606, nope we only have one really good cuban place... i`ll have to ask them...,2,positive 523,good app but........ i would like to have a feature of having a log maintained of my completed tasks. So that i can go back and check when i completed them for any future references.,1,neutral 982,"This app was great, but now in 14.1.0 I can no longer click on a project and see all of its sub-projects and their tasks at once. This is a stupidly frustrating change and it completely messes up how I use the app. Why not make this a setting I can change back, OR leave it alone altogether? I will be manually rolling this app back. Thanks for making more work for me guys. SERIOUSLY STUPID ""UPDATE"".",0,negative 22951, you traitor whiskey and coke is my aphrodisiac,1,neutral 23006,Okay gots to go and now for the first time since it started will miss the Block Party on ,1,neutral 20730, ive got a cold too... It sucks and u were awesome in ipswitch xD,1,neutral 5873,is up early to send someone off at the airport!,1,neutral 17736," thanks, feeling good and off to New Forest later",2,positive 24165, tut tut. Isn`t charging just fun. Thr new palm pre charging platform looks nifty tho.,2,positive 10001,This application is very useful in helping keep me organized and paced. The only suggestion I'd make is on the interface. When checking off my tasks for the day the add new task button is in the way of pressing the cross off button. It's a bit annoying but I love this app.,2,positive 1632, hope yer ok hunny,2,positive 9072,Please allow line wrap for a event tile in the month widget and/or month-style display,1,neutral 6129,I think the UPS web site hates me now. Still no Brewing supply package. Held hostage at work by slow UPS delivery,0,negative 9118,Why can't you add an attachment?,1,neutral 7133,It`s 11:05 and I`m already on my lunch break,1,neutral 23374, .. IN SWEATERS,1,neutral 11574, i had to make sure I was looking at the right game summary...,1,neutral 21041,hopes whoever stole my purse and money gets what is coming to them,2,positive 12946, if u watch the hills in london u will realise what tourture it is because were weeks and weeks late i just watch itonlinelol,0,negative 13089,chillin with christina and diana,2,positive 20589,feel like going home and sleep till the next day!,1,neutral 8755,Today`s ABA has been full of emotional tears #ASD #autism some days are harder than others. Its hard to not intervene poor baby,0,negative 738,Sooo tell me how I lost followerzzz,1,neutral 8140,wtf my pic isn`t showing,0,negative 7497,It's simple and easy to use but notification often doesn't work about 10 times a day.,1,neutral 939,"And you could have it all, my empire of dirt! I`m in a&e with dad I`m freezing fully shivering Every1 else is warm no fones allowed ffs!",0,negative 22188, omg! shannon Happy Birthday!!!! I`m celebrating for you!,2,positive 3130,"Habitica is the best! It's so rewarding completing day-to-day tasks with this app. Your avatar can earn gold, equipment, pets, experience by completing the tasks you choose. Joining a questing party is fun because you're with others, holding each other accountable and encouraging one another. Participating in challenges is great because you work on specific aspects of your life, like positive thinking, exercising, reading, ect. Habitica has helped improve my life, and I feel so much happier!",2,positive 1188, jealous it looks like schindler`s list in toronto,0,negative 7524,New blog post: [Blog] auto insuran...: I just found that my auto insurance policy had been expired. ( I am too careless ...) .. Meanw ...,0,negative 2302,So helpful!!!,2,positive 27276,on my way too school. be back later...,1,neutral 1210,some relaxation. so much things on my list... but really not that much,1,neutral 9242," really good, but it`s definitely not a 12`s. So many people getting burned alive",2,positive 3350,I am sad because I broke my super-awesome giant paper clip I was using for my Italy notes,0,negative 5075,"Loved the app but at some point it stopped letting me look at my tasks without instantly crashing so I'm not using it anymore. I'll be sure to try it again and recommend it to friends if the issue isn't present next time. 😊",1,neutral 1882,Wanna go out,1,neutral 550,_Layne hmm.. what`s ur fav movie?? tv shows??,1,neutral 17403,...... is an awesome band,2,positive 7205, Chris` baby was born today!,1,neutral 3697, lo siento but I dint have enough room =/,1,neutral 9389,saw Hannah Montana Movie today!! was the best!!!!!! was AWESOMEEEEEE!!!!!! Hannah and Miley RockS! lol,2,positive 24321,I buy the team Zotz and they decide to roast me.,0,negative 5567," Have fun, hon! Ooh, look what a poet I am.",2,positive 19958, James and I battle over everything too! It`s kind of a love-hate relationship,1,neutral 8363,"There`s a 1,000 you`s... there`s only 1 of me...",1,neutral 15092,"You know when your make late night calls to India team members for more pictures, your struggling with your message. Thanks .",0,negative 20148," geez, 15 years? You`d think they would have had that checked out years ago!",0,negative 8923,"Every entry gets copied so I end up with 2 of everything, one in the color I designate and the other in the standard color. If I delete 1 I loose both. I used this calendar for years for my business and loved it but the latest update killed it.",0,negative 1727,tomorrow is going to be sooo awkward & embarassing. lights & sounds last night was awesome,1,neutral 4630,Venti Black Ice Tea with 8 pumps of classic,1,neutral 479,"Grocery is not working correctly , I have added some things then changed their categories , closed the app then opened and there was all messed up , categories were messed , and list was multipled some things were tripled",1,neutral 2967,Could be better if it was completely free.,2,positive 21640,"someone take care of me, im so sick",0,negative 14540,when do the stars come out??,1,neutral 13474," #avatarcamp photos, perhaps? lol (just itching to see them!)",1,neutral 5170,"Come on bell, RING. I want to go outside.",1,neutral 21798, cop me some,1,neutral 7154,spring pictures today going to schoooool,1,neutral 14657,Poor . The flowers are fornicating with HIS nose now. ,0,negative 3854,"3/5 cool idea, but way too many adds - opposite of making someone ""focus"" Edit 4.5/5 (after purchasing pro v) Pretty good. I wish there was a way to adjust the time goal to be something else other than 25 min. Or instead of trees being different at 60 min, 1.5 hrs. Etc. Some trees shld be diff at 40 min, 50 min etc.",2,positive 4057, i`m sorry but LOL! what is this about? waitt... you think your mum would still let you do bday stuff this weekend?,1,neutral 11380,U know I didn`t care for that wolverine movie and I`m a xmen fanatic. That joint sucked to me.,1,neutral 9449,Excellent calendar I use it regularly.,2,positive 4855," never. smh, I don`t own flats lol",1,neutral 26648, Something 2 get your attention 2 get Sexify My Love played What? It worked last time! No $ 2 bribe,1,neutral 7306, Aww Yeah I feel you. I know its hard.,0,negative 20845,"Making a mix! 22 minutes so far, aiming for 30 minutes loving it so far!!! DJ Sugarfree",2,positive 25277,Eww town fair tire smells horrible. Its making me sick,0,negative 19151,Ian is waiting for a very important pic,1,neutral 2982,__ im so sick I fell over last night outside coz I was putting something in the bin,0,negative 5687,thinking of you why we can�t control our thoughts?,0,negative 6870,Excited to see the girls today; its boring at work without you,1,neutral 4348,"Widget Request: please could you add a feature that pushes undone tasks to the top of the widget? Or an option that removes done tasks from the widget. Good job on the app otheriwise, I'll repurchase if you can add this, love the snooze function.",0,negative 20082," cool, not a big user of DM though",1,neutral 8179,"YOUR CONDESCENDING ATTITUDE IS NOT HELPING YOR CASE. There is a sublist reorder but NOTHING for the MAIN LIST. THERE IS NO SORT OF ANY KIND says sort by DO DATE or lets you PICK WHAT TO SORT BY, A LOGIC CHOICE. Completed tasks NEED TO CHANGE IMIEDIATELY so you KNOW IT'S COMPLETED & next month IS SET. I DIDN'T SAY IT WASN'T SIMPLE. The INTERFACE is NOT VERY INTUITIVE. I DID LOOK AT HELP & THERE is LITTLE FOR THE MAIN LIST. YOU ARE very IRRITATING so I am going to try other choices.",0,negative 18995, yeah that sounds more sensible. thought you had a heston bleumenthal moment of genius somehow!,2,positive 13802,My tweet is on cheaptweet. You wanna vote for me,1,neutral 7974,OOUCHHHH I just pinched my own **** by accident trying to fix my top,0,negative 342,Anybody else experiencing painful slowdowns with facebook?,0,negative 1959,Something strange in the air lately. Been setting everyone on edge. Going to do a good smudging of the house. Good to do those anyway,2,positive 1859,"I don't know why they changed it, but I hate the fact that you can't type in the time anymore. You have to scroll, like you're on Wheel of Fortune or something. That is the biggest pain in the behind ever invented!!! I don't mind it if there's a option, but this doesn't appear to give you a choice anymore. Please change it back.",0,negative 6419,Exactly what I have been looking for. Love it,2,positive 16443,im so stressed out. will anything get any better *sigh*,0,negative 3211, will the presentations be available online during the meeting? The poster discussants are going so fast I can`t write fast enough,0,negative 11839,"I hate dreaming that your at some awesome party and you wake up at home, there was jager at the party too",0,negative 4335,I bought the premium. And I can't sync the data between my devices.,0,negative 15908,i am on aim getting ready to go to bed. running a 5k tommorow for mothers day. wish me luck!,2,positive 11627,sad that she didn`t get to see Rica before she leaves later today..,0,negative 16466,"I took my yearbook photo earlier at school, and I don`t think that it will turn out great",0,negative 16815,"cower failure: when you mean to comply, but stand up for yourself instead",0,negative 8713," yeaaaah lol, i`m just insane",1,neutral 2292, im following you! im following you! im sorry! ahhahah i missed you!,0,negative 27262,"Well, up and into the third day of Virgin 1`s Captain`s Log Star Trek weekend",1,neutral 5323,the sunset view is SO beautiful from my room!,2,positive 7775,"pretty good, so i can set my life straight on my daily good habits and positive impacts of my self motivation",2,positive 5886,"Goodnight PS- thanks for jailbreaking my iPod, stacie <3",1,neutral 17624,is having a jam session in her room and then seeing star trek...again,1,neutral 22307,"Doing homework and then going to bed, have to leave at 6:50 tomorrow morning for work and then i wont be off till 6",1,neutral 2293,Beautiful,2,positive 5876," nooo... as a font connoisseur i can totally relate dude, my heart goes out to you",0,negative 966,i dont feel very good,0,negative 9116,Good Morning Tweeters... Happy Monday! Grab a big cup of coffee it`s a new week,2,positive 10535,My dentist appt today was actually quite enjoyable.,2,positive 11198, chale... a ver define 'out',1,neutral 12315,"first day on new job,, bought a new clothes already and it was 40% off for employee discount!",1,neutral 24912,Off to bed I go to dream of a world where Wal-Mart and Liquor stores all get blown up,0,negative 2896,"I can't allocate skill points? While it's not something massive, it certainly is a little frustrating.",1,neutral 22019,_Monstr u may try Prism,1,neutral 1498, I miss rollerblading down Shoreline.,0,negative 13192,Haavent read the paper yet about the magic loss nor did i get to watch the game last night.... But i do know that we lost,0,negative 26403, Parvo sucks. So sorry pup has it. I lost a puppy to parvo many moons back. Still sad over it. Hope he`s better soon,1,neutral 13849, Will we see you guys in the Philippines? That would be the coolest thing ever! Always wanted to go to one of your concerts!,2,positive 6216, I feel like I haven`t talked to you in a really really long time.,0,negative 26114,Yum! Whole box of cookies for me,2,positive 841," Going to start very small, like $0.10 or $0.50 Then slowly to higher stakes",1,neutral 4569,im so tired of my responsabilities i wish i was a kid it seems that everyone around me is all about money and not me anymore,0,negative 5360," Loved the shoutout on TweetHampton, congrats!! Hope you`re feeling better, i missed you last weekend",1,neutral 4601,no funcionan bien las notificaciones y tengo la version de pago,1,neutral 19682," You know, you can read almost all your Tweets as some sort of disgusting euphamism. It`s quite fun",1,neutral 8183,I had a reminder set with a certain sound & it never went off,0,negative 3615, that was not Venessa that was me..,1,neutral 1616, I`m thinking the 'Chevrolet Doom' would be fitting for GM,2,positive 9731, thank you!,2,positive 4095," No, I`m in the US for the weekend not the UK",1,neutral 21880,You know that `rule` that says always point the knife away from you? Just learned my lesson on that one! Straight through my finger!,0,negative 14229, nope. Gone.,1,neutral 12915,"I`m struggling today...Nola woke up at 3:30, so I`m running on no sleep.",0,negative 25410,....yup stil at work,1,neutral 12157,"Note to self: Omelets are better when made with butter, not olive oil. Also, doesn`t like my cooking *spits in a napkin*",1,neutral 4996,"Spending $10 once or $5/year for a subscription would make sense to me; but paying $15/year to use a to-do list (when discounted) is really excessive. This is a great tool - actually, I love it; but I find it ridiculous to pay so much just to TEMPORARILY unlock basic features like a calendar. Edit: Since writing the above review, I've found cheaper/free alternatives. The one I'm using is called Treat Yourself. It's free and doesn't look great, but it serves my needs just right and I love it.",0,negative 898,Good Morning Twits! Let`s makes today x100 better than the one before! Start runnin,2,positive 5094,"It ok, gets boring after a while",1,neutral 8615, GIRLFRIEND!,1,neutral 16162, im glad i dont have to go out...,2,positive 14401,On my deck... Perfect weather today! Not feeling good tho...,1,neutral 12659,got FOXY_ a new brew buddy now my kitchen is gonna smell,0,negative 54, you should totally come get me and bring me to kelslaws house with you.,1,neutral 1124,Just spent the last two hours playing L4D with babe Had HELLA fun. I love him <3,2,positive 18598,Things that happened today: My younger brother ran over one of our dogs. Yeah. I know. She`s going to have surgery this weekend.,1,neutral 22788,Leaving SF soon. I just might cry.,1,neutral 7845,"Happy Mother`s Day to all the beautiful Moms out there. (I`m kind of a Mom, i think my little pup counts! )",2,positive 884,i just bit my tongue. blood everywhere!!!,0,negative 8859,I used to really love this app as it provides a Todo list widget that can show a lot of Todo list items compacted into a very small space. However it has started showing full screen ads when adding new items so I'm going to be looking for a replacement.,0,negative 17287, Thanks! I know.,2,positive 3381,"Update: I did all the steps.. still not working... It is getting frustrating 😓 I really love this app. But off late it just keeps crashing. Can anybody help? Updated: Thanks for the reply! There was no auto update option in my phone settings. So, I have disabled auto update in google play. Will it work?",0,negative 23522," Haha, you didn`t do anything wrong.",2,positive 5228,"Very versatile and customizable! Still new to it, but it looks very promising, if not polished yet.",2,positive 10675,...just waiting to get picked up at the train station by my bro and then off to the gym. Can`t believe I bumped someone last night,1,neutral 9588,"DO NOT PAY FOR UPGRADE!! If you upgrade it just messes the app up. I have to manually change days every morning now. If it weren't for that, it'd be great. Please fix.",0,negative 10562, drive safe Linz... Give us some pit stop updates on where you are,1,neutral 1830, physics the most boring class ever!,0,negative 10239,Goodby Silverstein agency new site! Great!,2,positive 12555,Well that sucked except for the company I had. Go Kelly.,0,negative 16256, I have an interview on tuesday so things are turning around I think!! yay! so dont worry! And Japsicans are a rare breed. ;),2,positive 19137,I don`t believe there`s anything worse than losing a best friend,0,negative 21733,just had the most emo moment too many tears love my family and sorors,2,positive 12551, Hahhaa okaay ily! Lmfao,2,positive 3177," but have you got , and twitted a link to it. No? Fail.",0,negative 7262,I miss laughing till my stomache hurts,0,negative 516, im allergic to cats! my tonsils get swollen and they hurt what do i dooo?!,0,negative 7754,It's amazing,2,positive 26664,I cant WAIT to be home and snuggle with my puppies! and my Fiance,2,positive 3282,Today = marking *135,1,neutral 6648,It dont have Alarm feature,0,negative 11790,#todo Cleaning the Apartment - again - who keeps making this mess? oh yeah .. me. $10 + hug for the person to help come clean,1,neutral 6769,Time zones not supported? Missed a meeting today... :(,1,neutral 12051,OMG JLO AND MARC ANTHONY WERE AT MY OLD SCHOOL GRADUATION BRB UPSET,0,negative 8424,"It's a good app for task reminder but it still needs some thing more. One needs to go into the menu to switch to the lists no matter which list has an upcoming task. It should have option to show the mix of tasks from all lists in tiles/widgets on app home interface. I really like the snooze option, quite straight away.",2,positive 13371," Ahh that`s fun I had work last night, a party after, went to the movies today to see Wolverine. Was a good weekend",2,positive 3286,Dinner and A Movie with the Hubby,1,neutral 8644,"This app is the best thing ever First i had the task list from 2010 and i was organising my life and my work,and i thought it was the best,until the new updates and i could not use it anymore and i was so sad But now i found Tasks, which is 10 time better,and i am only 4 hous on it. Thanks again for the creator and the team Great work",2,positive 25214, I really like pink after I saw her live while in the new T-MOBILE Advert,2,positive 13130, i changed my mind dammit!! a Tsar can change his mind at any time without no prior notice,0,negative 15277,"such a long day, heading to bed . iloveyou <3",2,positive 4984,ready with learnin today!!! .. and now its twilight time,1,neutral 16917,Download movie 'Jackass 3' cool #movie,2,positive 7729," Sure, I`ll be in chat in a sec Here`s the thread",1,neutral 1763,"Is at work.... boo! The Pin-Ups will be playing at Uncommon Ground Wednesday night at 9 p.m.! (1401 W. Devon Ave., Chicago 60660",1,neutral 2801, you were greeeeeeaaaaatttttttt babe!! It was amazing!,2,positive 4501,"Hello, I recently shifted to a new phone. I have a premium membership. But I am unable to transfer my data to the new phone. Please help!",1,neutral 3806, ask to create a fake competetion and declare you the winner and then gift you a return ticket courtesy the producers.,0,negative 8471, I was certain which show you were talking about by the letter g in 'Camera Cafe: a misog..' I think that answers your question,1,neutral 9055,The phones are lit up like christmas trees. Go to work people. You don`t have to get everything done on monday.,1,neutral 6813,HAPPY MOTHERS` DAY!,2,positive 2157,"Good in general, but too many little bugs here and there",1,neutral 14874, but thats 7 weeks away Im sure we got by only tweeting at night before?,1,neutral 19690," Yeah, Jimmy Fallon is back to do a skit. Yay!!!!",2,positive 981," Until brings back our EVERYONE button, access PT @ or link in bottom of Settings.",1,neutral 24872, Neither could i! And i looked on ebay and it was like 250 euro for two!!!! but i doubt my parents would fork that amount out,0,negative 15602,cant get onto twitter on the Internet,1,neutral 12510, YAY YOU! So proud of you! and I`m not even being sarcastic. Even though you told me to shut the **** up.,1,neutral 10480,I've been sending e-mails like crazy today to my contacts...does anyone have a contact at Goodby SIlverstein...I'd love to speak to them,2,positive 2421,Awesome app. I found in this app exactly i want. With this app all tasks can be completed in a very organized way with proper timing,2,positive 21888,#f1 soon good luck brawn and mclaren fix up look sharp :p,2,positive 21202,¬ gonna lie. it`s 60 degrees in here. thanks for leavin me your sweater molly. brrrrr,2,positive 25663,theres nothing worse than working on a friday night and having to wake up at 6 am on a saturday. I want my babe,0,negative 16536,Just finished watching He`s Just Not That Into You. Loved it.,2,positive 6555,Unable to understand the planner,0,negative 1952, i made a vid for you proving my skiLLs that you denied but my step dad said he`d disown me if i posted it ~ sowey,0,negative 20019,i suppose i best get ready for work grrr,2,positive 26575,"Work, work, work. Finally not sick, though.",2,positive 15821,_aguirre not going anywhere & when my book finally gets hre It will be cool 2 know wht Butch looks lk..LOL It was going in mail tdy,2,positive 3503,"Finally in my bed, & I must say, I had quite an evening. I`m ready to tackle this work week & see what next weekend has in store for me",1,neutral 192,"Pretty with nice add ons and integrations but more than once I've gone back to a long list I created to find it gone or reverted back to a very old version, so annoying. Don't need the song and dance this app offers if it can't save a basic list",0,negative 9579,--please do SNL every week!! i couldn`t quit laughing!! u+snl=best nite ever,2,positive 20952,"_ kk`s have fun eating lol, remember shaun loves you haha",2,positive 24959, ui. where arre you going to study?,1,neutral 15418,wishing warped tour came to london canada.....,1,neutral 5711,"After 3 years, still does not sync with office 365 business accounts.",0,negative 13744,So sleepy again and it`s not even that late. I fail once again.,0,negative 13831,"happy mothers day to all the mothers, grandmothers, furbaby mommies, etc! heading out for breakfast with my mom shortly",2,positive 10550,@ Safeway. Place is a nightmare right now. Bumming.,0,negative 4141,I love soo much !!!!!,2,positive 6825,Appearance good. Sometimes lags and don't update the time even after an hour.,1,neutral 24402,"...OOOPS AGAIN, the reply button is the RIGHT of the I`ll stop spamming",0,negative 26717," If they recorded it and sent it to people, they obviously meant for it to get out there. But if they didn`t, I feel bad.",0,negative 25579,Congrats to Dave & Anna! Surprise proposal at the Enzian Theater in Orlando,2,positive 2549," how tough was that, just wanted to hug her like my own",0,negative 7001,Great App. Keeps me on task and organized. Freezes a bit and didn't show all of my planned events. I had to reprogram but other than that no issues at all.,2,positive 3233,It would be better to add a comment on what exactly the time spent for every time we turn the timer on. Now it crash and never open in my new Samsung galaxy S10 lite. Uninstalling it......,0,negative 3875," I`d love for Nicky Poo and Bri & Howie & Aj, to wish me a happy birthday please please please please pleaseee guys..",2,positive 2395, Perhaps they see it as the twitter version of pulling someone`s pigtails? Let me know if that works out for you.,0,negative 18468, Did they already get the tax money from Helio for his winning of the pole position! Ha ha!!,1,neutral 26104," - oh, COOL!! D. I`m going to like a bunchh of JB shows this summer... I am so broke now though haha",1,neutral 27282,from last Montday`s award ceremony,1,neutral 165,Just listened to condre scr and got an invitation to watch their live concert on June 20th in Munich #postrock,1,neutral 5267,"Started 2 days ago, learned to add new tasks, it's a good little way to push your will.",2,positive 4679,DIVERSITY DIVERSITY DIVERSITY TODAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!,1,neutral 14748," oh dear, thats not good - I hope you get through it all with a smile",1,neutral 18718,Nobody likes to feel low priority.,0,negative 17943,happy mommys day!,2,positive 6142,You can put tasks on,1,neutral 18627,#HappyMothersDay to all the moms out there,2,positive 17841,PEOPLE!!! wat the hell is a follower on twitter???? I DONT GET IT!!!,0,negative 5815,_r I can`t get one either because of the dog. I`m pretty sure the bunny wouldn`t survive a struggle with Tom,1,neutral 2855,"Finally is working, but I had to erase the data on my cellphone =/ Later I'm going to check what happened with the avatar. Until then the rating gonna stay still",1,neutral 13150,At work and really slow for a beautiful day and a Friday.,2,positive 6593, hey cant wait 4 u guys 2 come over 2 jersey woop.... hope ur lookin 4ward 2 it coz we r x,2,positive 19587, We`re running out of things to tweet to you. Wish we could get your reply! Come to the Philippines? TWEEET!,1,neutral 16177,happy mother`s day to all your mom`s,2,positive 26271," I`m still at Disney (just trained at Soarin), Rose is the same, we applied for an apartment last night, and Eric lost his job",0,negative 17980, I hope some day my mom will get this message!,2,positive 27239, The Priests were really good. Guess they wouldn`t be welcome on Late Late at the moment,2,positive 24375,"You want ittt, you got ittt!",2,positive 11256,**** I wish I was at Botcon with everyone.,1,neutral 24787,Ok all have hit the point of relaxation.. heading to bed sleep well and Happy Mother`s day to all you Moms out there!! Night,2,positive 160,"What the hackkkk I tried but it dsnt want get selled... Its not accpting any option of payment get way... I tried debit card, upi,... I love this app and want to purchase it plz resolve it",0,negative 17531,Math class ugh. Rather be a class act. **** quiz gotta act fast,0,negative 842,Has been using for 6 years now. Thumbs Up!,2,positive 21289,good morning work this morning gutted lol nevermind,1,neutral 3132,"This app is awesome! I love it not only I'm creating healthy habits, I am also learning thru challenges, you get to talk to people and destroy bosses. Is really awesome. Plus I had some trouble connecting to the game and Alys responded to me quickly and also they fixed it. Shout out to Alys. You guys are doing a good job.",2,positive 12024,More big hair rock for bank holiday Monday always seems fitting IMO ?,1,neutral 14922, im so upset u were at US weekly my uncle works there but he apparently didnt know how big of a fan i am!,1,neutral 27154, lmao i get that alot haha,2,positive 8116,"Hi, i was just getting up now so i tought i could write something. Today i`m gonna go shopping! Soo fun, isn`****?",2,positive 3759,Era pra poder criar conta e salvar o progresso mesmo sem pagar :(,1,neutral 8918,Great for neat month view. Unfortunately it has started notifying event reminders AFTER the event? Not good.,0,negative 157,i have to poop... is hogging the shitter,0,negative 26435,Talked with mom. Al sang a song for me again am off to sleep now..,1,neutral 49, which case? I got a new one last week and I`m not thrilled at all with mine.,0,negative 9682, You have the best hair ever. Totally jealous. Mine`s unfixable if I forget and leave sunglasses stuck in it too long,1,neutral 2915,i`m staying up to watch it,1,neutral 13734, **** **** and blast! I`m at LMHR tomorrow and Sam out Who is running it? I could see if she could join next week?,2,positive 5692,"In microsoft todo, there is no such option like in wunderlist to comment on assigned task with others and others can get notification on their mail, kindly add the feature if possible",0,negative 20500,Thanks to my assignment im off to work today!,2,positive 10439,How I met your mother and Scrubs in role! YEAH! 'Cause I`m FLY!,1,neutral 22903," welcome back to school, don`t study too hard, take time off and smell roses too",1,neutral 7158,Good Develops app ⌛⏰🔏,2,positive 18846,Can I get a 'what?' 'what?'...the baby sent some Twitter messages on my behalf,1,neutral 1738,My attempts at writing tonight seem to be failing.,0,negative 7939,My events show up at the wrong time in my calendar even when they've been manually entered. What's the point of a planner that doest let you plan.,0,negative 2592,"Failed at the first hurdle, couldnt customise my character to even get started. Next button worked thats about it. galaxy S8",0,negative 2057,"Hi, i change ""start day of week"" in the sitting but in the repeat option, when i check the ""skip weekend"", the program skip saturday and sunday!!! if first day of week is Saturday, then Thursday and Friday are weekend, please fix it for 5 stars! this is very important. thanks.",1,neutral 8021,_jayy It might hav to cost u a History essay.,1,neutral 9373,Best app for calendars. It's complete in almost every way possible. Made my calendar app for life because of the customization power you have!,2,positive 10656,"is now following Chester Bennington, awesome!",2,positive 4057,Its AWESOME 1) download it to manage time 2) time hw 3) stay on track with every day activities 4) easy tolook back on *ORGANIZED* time plots to help manage day to day activities! It's easy to use and is organized with minimal work (you can also use time coins to plant real trees),2,positive 25845,lol @ marketing - 'may the 4th be with you',1,neutral 2891,_X sorry about that.,0,negative 26996, Fresh change from hearing i write sins hey!!?? Not that theres anything wrong with that!,1,neutral 1525,"You spelled my name wrong, but message received",1,neutral 1981,Morning all. I appear to have a bit of a sore head. Perhaps the bag of pork scratchings for dinner wasn`t such a good idea,0,negative 2882,miss the dark theme,1,neutral 20962, that is soooo scary! Be careful! We only have one Kirstie!,0,negative 1727,"The new notifications are atrocious. The don't follow light or dark theme in Android 10, they don't work well with Wear OS, and they turn on my screen when I don't want them to. I'm now getting reminder pop-ups when i don't want any and the option to turn them off is gone. 10/24/2019 - I downgraded to v5.2.3 and got the Reminder Pop-ups option in Settings > Notifications back. When I update to 5.3.0 the Reminder Pop-ups option is replaced with Notifications and Notification Font options.",0,negative 24202,With My Boy Still He`s everything to me,1,neutral 10008,ConGrats to all Graduates! Such a Beautiful thing & Big Deal! I wish i cudve attended my lil man Ryan Kdg Graduation.. Feel verY Sad!,1,neutral 27026,im slowly losing followers one by one.,0,negative 20066,Oh... I miss the Piano.,0,negative 23573," you mean the post concert blues ;) *lol* Well, I soooo know what you mean ...",1,neutral 5158,"I liked the app very much, I signed up and so with the hope that my to do list would sync with all devices. But when I reinstalled the up after cleaning my phone, everything disappeared. 😢",2,positive 15631, lame right? do u know what dates you`ll be in Cali?,0,negative 3058,Quite confusing,2,positive 8461,Its a very good app however I guess its desktop version is not available. If they have it will be a great organizing app. Great app 😘,2,positive 16157,gooooodnight i fully gave up on my english. pride and prejudice. love the movie HATE the book ;),1,neutral 27269, yeah although probably not on BGT bugger,1,neutral 24029, she was performing at the lifeball in vienna this year but unfortunately i didn`t get the chance to see her.,0,negative 6829,"Is there no way to have weekly rasks, but only week days? Other apps have this option...",1,neutral 20781," Sorry. I`m a squirrellist, and I only talk to black or sliver squirrels.",0,negative 3088,Only 1 tweet in the last 24 hours? Nobody likes my tweetboard,0,negative 26647,On way home tonight I saw a newspaper headline `Susan Boyle quits....` surely not true,1,neutral 9807,Hodtf coder jbikhkhkm kvukb,1,neutral 11597,"i`m going to sleepies, feel poorlies and pissed off night night tweeples ****",0,negative 9929,best part of notting hill is on!! 'daft prick' haha love it.,1,neutral 4980,"I click undo but retain the XP. No real theme or this app, very bland. Needs character",0,negative 21769,Update 100,1,neutral 21712,"ahahah with sandy, bekz, erin and derrian",1,neutral 1659,Lovely app with good UI,2,positive 308, we`ll test that theory with no right arm to strum with. Got a feelin I`ll be humming my new tunes for a while,0,negative 927,"Todoist has LOTS of bugs after update. Most annoying: 1 no longer able to select multiple tasks at a time, 2 when writing a task, keyboard blocks view of task box so you cant see what you're typing, 3completeled subtasks used to remain but crosses out, not it disappears (forcing users to relearn how to use the app), and 4 some tasks scheduled to appear under today does not. Makes you question the integrity of the app. I see no benefits to recent changes. Only bugs.",0,negative 17873,#liesgirlstell a guy calls her phone to see if the number is real ) ohh my phone isn`t working . try tomorrow .,0,negative 4387," Cheers John, thanks for following me. Look forward to your twitterings too. Think this`ll be a good place for my rants ****",2,positive 3328,I can't download this app😤😰😭😩😖😞😿🙀😤😠😡😵😳,0,negative 26501," Dude, I hear ya. I`ll be 26 two weeks from tomorrow. I feel old.",0,negative 22877,Had so much fun with j� and family Happy bday my beautiful aunt! s2,2,positive 2825,"it`s you and me forever ?, it`s you and me right now flywithmeobsessive. Im crying",0,negative 543,"Tasks dont show up in google cal, and you cant schedule a certain amount of time for each task",1,neutral 13957,Lots of confusions I`ve at my work place..,0,negative 18843, no turkey leg? i can`t believe it!,0,negative 10600," I`m sorry, that stinks.",0,negative 25461, - I`m not letting Reach sink. Thats for sure. I`m still presenting and joint HON! Owens Mon 8pm-10pm & I`m Sat 2pm-4pm,1,neutral 2548,I`m sure all you people with hangovers will be glad to know I`m hangover free hope you`re not too fragile this morning!,1,neutral 12639, - Wtf Polyvore? what`s that? enjoy it though.,2,positive 25126,Ppl dont miss out on me on this Follow Superstar Sunday,1,neutral 6195,Microsoft version of Wunderlist. Lists can be shared and sync'd between users. Needs drag and drop feature to allow items in lists to be prioritised based on position.,2,positive 15046,_ more than youl ever no ! !! ! !! ****,1,neutral 3069,has has an ok day with jo. She bit me and now its bruised.,0,negative 20207,"Gone r the days wen we used to sit 4 exams.. no more exams, no more classes, no more bunking n no more fun..",0,negative 1556, It rained here too,1,neutral 9828,Notes and tasks are appearing twice,1,neutral 8094,Loved for a while. One fine day my subtasks got deleted. It was in a task for which i didn't set any due date. Bad experience.,0,negative 20163, dont ignore me,1,neutral 11550, I will! promise to bring me back something from the moon?,1,neutral 18770, u dont have to quit smoking,1,neutral 25238,bout 2 watch a movie nd drink wit martin nd leslie,1,neutral 1086,_Guy Would luv to hear music too but i�m out of batteries - the tv plays besides but i think this is some kind of vampire movie,2,positive 7836, i for one welcome our new cyber-criminal-overlords.,2,positive 6161,job hunting. yay.....,1,neutral 22946," Not a problem. I loved that idea, and of course the photos were just perfect!",2,positive 13504, **** - doesn`t show how people are more conservative in blackjack,0,negative 15521,From Portugal to Derbyshire. At least sun is shining but lawn looks like Percy Thrower is Gardner-in-Residence! Weekend jobs =,1,neutral 23326,i do indeed have tonsillitis. the only good thing: ive been advised to eat lots of ice cream. [but no solid foods & im bed ridden.],1,neutral 10132, u just got me real excited cause i thought teniece was on twitter...,1,neutral 26643, one day my hugs will come *fingers still crossed*,2,positive 6933,_autism BUT on the bright side you`re on twitter! Morning!,1,neutral 6048,Up already Nooooooo!,0,negative 7483,Difficult to use and doesn't show name of activity only when I click on it,1,neutral 10381," hah eeee, although understandable.. i need a new picture for this thing.. but i`m all sweaty",1,neutral 712,My laptop grew speakers. Now I can watch Charlie with the sound on,1,neutral 6132,Can`t wait 4 a real bed! haha,2,positive 3845,"I love this app very much but I've been having trouble recently with it. After a single use, it keeps shutting off by itself. Apparently, it shows me an error that I've not downloaded the latest version of it even though I have and even after deleting and reinstalling it back, it keeps glitching. I don't know what to do D:",2,positive 5775,"I tried 3 or 4 times to download this app, import my Wunderlist data, and share lists with my husband. Each time it failed miserably. Not trying again - finding a better app.",0,negative 4191,awsome application.. i purched it.. but i just want notifation should be blinking on phone like alram clock .. plz add this type of features.. the thing diplys in notifaction should be flash on main screen From last 10 month it's not getting synchronising.. Plz do something @developer We paid for it,0,negative 10512,Had interesting WKND. Sleeping Saturday & Productive Sunday!!,2,positive 4094,Well done for those peple who made this one for me.,2,positive 2068,"It`s weird waking up in my own bed. Slightly comforting, but i miss the group. But i`m loving using my own pillow again!",1,neutral 8758,NOT into your ads. I've had your app on my phone for YEARS. Uoure about to be deleted for a Google calendar. Sorry.,0,negative 23098," weird trigger. You should definitely ask him about them on monday, dude... ****.",0,negative 25166,- im hungry...but there`s no food at mah house.,0,negative 25861,I *really* want to go to the concert tomorrow!!,1,neutral 10016, What does it matter? We ALL love you. Take your pick. HA!,2,positive 5933,"Continue to get Sync error on this app only. Can use web and see tasks. Cannot figure out how to fix. I've uninstalled this app sever times, logged in, logged out, stopped app, cleared cache, etc. Nothing corrects it.",1,neutral 13298,Off to study! later guys,1,neutral 1555, im sorry,0,negative 18863,Goooosh! Someone payed my LastFM subscription ^^,2,positive 8613, Ciara was great at were mentioned on SNL tonight..Justin T was really good also,2,positive 24316," From the champion team in the defunct MBA, Cebu Gems!",1,neutral 896,"Really useful, easy to use",2,positive 15269,There is a sadness in the air at school but I got two awards!!,1,neutral 495,"Please allow ability to scroll to see all the tasks. other than that, I like the main features and the shopping list",1,neutral 13399,"Good night everybody, i love u Phillip! XO",2,positive 3067,"Or this, for that matter: So jealous.",0,negative 26261,5 and a half more hours of work I wish I had something to do..,0,negative 17672, anytime!.. literally hahaha,1,neutral 2578, I could do with another one now myself. was back to work on Monday after being off for 7 weeks not good.,0,negative 258,"Worked great at first but continously does not sync completely with Alexa. I only use this app as a shopping list with Alexa, but when it only shows 4 of 10 items on my list it's pretty useless. The purpose of the list is so that I don't have to remember the 10 items I told Alexa to add to the list (which show up on todoist)",0,negative 7922,It is awesome. Definitely recommend 💜,2,positive 26766,"just woke up, no school today, we are free",2,positive 23955,nothings better then going out for chinese at the supperinn with ma fave cousins at 1am,2,positive 26396, wowzers! thanks! bang bang misses you on the dance floor,1,neutral 7545,just get back home. the first exam was too long no time to finish it ...,1,neutral 1733, That is INCREDIBLY sweet!!!! What a good Hubby...,2,positive 1706,"for years I use ticktick, I love it so much, I rated it 5 in Play store.. But the recent several changes to the app are make the app getting worse and keep getting worse than before. I incredibly sad and disappointed. for years I rely on ticktick as my todolist app, and now I have to find other alternative that can be as good as ticktick that I know before. that's not an easy thing to do",0,negative 5323,This is a brilliant little app! I frequently struggle with executive dysfunction and this app really helps me get things done!,2,positive 2195,Happy Mother`s day VALK!!,2,positive 11682," Thanks Anita, I am looking for hosting, I will look at them too",2,positive 21846,working late.. but yet so fun hearing my colleagues funny song lists,1,neutral 26338,Tomorrow is house shopping...,1,neutral 6580, Congrats on your bike ride today.. Very impressive indeed.. Ya might be doing` the 'Tour De France' some day,2,positive 8780,",.. oh the Mint Lounge ...AWESOME night",2,positive 1709,living it up at empire bottle service. it ROCKS having connections,2,positive 16113,MY CAR IS ALMOST DEFINATELY GOING TO BE WRITTEN OFF! THE GARAGE RANG AND SAID THE WORK WILL COST 3K AND ITS UP TO THE INSURANCE CO,1,neutral 20826, the worst kind of news,0,negative 2221, He`s an amazing jockey! Saw that Clydesdale commercial too..loved it!,2,positive 19501,Ugh have to report again monday,0,negative 20310,"I must have applied for about 20 jobs every day this week, why won`t one of them contact me???",1,neutral 7462,Standing ovation for Wieters. Nobody was sitting down. Insane. Hit into double play though,2,positive 4430,: no i`m not going.,1,neutral 986,"Viewing the sub-project tasks inside the main project was an integral feature of the app that I used daily. Removing this without warning as if it were an 'improvement' is unacceptable and makes the app borderline useless for me, and as such I will begin looking for another app that can better suit my needs. Removing features and making pointless changes is no way to retain users.",0,negative 2442,mmmmm my hair smells guuud. the wonders of 'pantien' ;D,2,positive 13999, lmao - That would have taken me at least a week!,1,neutral 1543,"Moved here from Wunderlist, after trying other apps. This is so clean and easy to use and does everything I needed and more. My fiance and I can now both keep track of the grocery list! (So glad it has the ability to share with others)",2,positive 977, Welcome,2,positive 15171,I feel 5 pounds lighter,1,neutral 8326,It was good now alatm sound of tasks is full but sound is low only this app i have seperate alarm volume and its full,1,neutral 6604,"AAAAARRRRGGGHHH! there is a huge spider in the towel pile, *cries* glad Kerbear isn`t here sorry mum cant bring the rest in",0,negative 6214,Good app but a big improvement would be to have categories for a grocery shopping list. I add things as I run out but that is not how they are found in the store. I would like to group item by product type so I don't miss getting something or have to backtrack.,2,positive 8641,"Works great! No ads, no unnecessary complexity",2,positive 2682," You know I am so ashamed. I did not watch a single episode of the new GH season. I kept falling asleep, so I gave up.",0,negative 7191,Wishing all the Mama`s out there a very Organic Happy Mother`s Day,2,positive 18305, the new song with cobra starship is amazing!!,2,positive 16951, i can`t call you cause my portable sais that this number not excist i want so much to talk to you,1,neutral 26834, I missed you guys this morning. I`m in Tacoma w/ no KGW to start my day.,0,negative 12909,@ inthebattle its really cute. One of my favorites.,2,positive 14018,anyone excited for harry potter like i am. **** twilight postponed my first love oh well off to find some hai chai,1,neutral 16590,Spent some time with the Guild Wars 4th birthday update. Menagerie is a welcome new feature... For Rangers anyway.,2,positive 4573,*pokes and runs away* ... I WANT SUGAR !,0,negative 2267,"I've used all of the popular and some of the lesser known To Do List apps. This is by far my favorite. You don't have to have an account and has more options. But you should for back up purposes. The only problem I have is that when I miss a task, it says due 10 minutes ago when it's been 2 hours. My tasks do show up on time though. The times vary, but this issue started when I created an account.",2,positive 12983,I hate TweetDeck when it reaches access limits,0,negative 22136,On way to Birmingham.. Sewing in the van. Punk.,1,neutral 18849,i think 90% of the irish population of manchester have come to my house today yet none of them are the 1 person i want to see,1,neutral 7767,Can I have a feature where I can maintain a record of how many times I actually finished the activity I was putting in? Include that and it's 5 stars from me.,2,positive 8650,Good app user friendly,2,positive 18367, Thats beautiful,2,positive 2775,"I've only started using this this morning; so far I'm hoping it helps with motivating me to accomplish things. It's definitely a great idea! I kind of am wishing the was done sort of story line to follow along with, like ones you have so many days of completing so many habits you get a clue to find whatever your quest goal is, or something like that would make it more exciting... I'll update my review once I'm a week or 2 in.",1,neutral 3185,Under sooooo much stress lately,0,negative 9481,"This app used to be great. Now it is garbage. A few months ago it started doubling a few tasks - no problem, I just delete the extras. Now I get 5 to 10 copies of every task I delete. It is worthless. I can't forget the wait times to open the app, up to 8 minutes of staring at a black screen. Oh, and the fact that in the past week or two it started giving me ads even though I have been using the paid version for years already. I let them know a couple weeks ago and got no response.",0,negative 19512, sweet! make sure to put some in your bag for me,2,positive 8374,i`m looking forward to the joy of the f1.... hoping its another disaterous race for ferrari and button gets another well deserved win,1,neutral 18121, be patient you`ll get it soon,2,positive 3128,"Amazing. Not only is this app cute-to-boot, but it's so easy to use! It doesn't largely focus on the character aspect, which I like because I'm mostly here to organize my life. Everything is covered: To-Do lists, Dailies, Scheduling; its so extremely customizable and in such a simple platform (that I dont have to pay extra for) Not only that, there is the community aspect! Its about holding yourself accountable, and this app is perfect, thank you.",2,positive 7176,Www//httpe.@com.emile,2,positive 16468,is still pretty depressed about losing her hello kitty necklace,0,negative 9179,"One or two minor hiccups when inserting advance appointments which resulted in a difficulty with getting the diary back to 'todays' date. I had to turn the phone on and off in order to correct this. Also had problems with the app widget failing to download after the phone has been turned on. Other than those issues the diary has been great. I would love to have more options to customise the appearance of the app, eg background or page colour options only work when you insert an appointment.",2,positive 10941, Yeah I guess he does sound a bit odd `cause he`s saying really quickly,1,neutral 27218, voting is over. since like four days ago i think i told all my friends 2 vote for you a million times. you will win! love you,2,positive 144,Hate fighting,0,negative 7456,I want some Starbucks..,1,neutral 19511,i finally found the perfect matte lcd cleaner!! i-nix screen cleaner ftw!,2,positive 20075, whenever you are mama! Let`s do it,2,positive 10035,a headache once again ugh,0,negative 3223,"When I first downloaded the app it worked seamlessly, but once I upgraded to the Pro version it began to lag and slow down. I can't access my timeline, store or achievements anymore and it's slow run time is making the app so tedious to use. It's becoming an awful app for me",0,negative 12327,Last 3 days of school....I`m sad but happy but anxious.....,1,neutral 9313," ... rather than outdated & bigoted at worst, and outdated, patronising, imperialist, monoculturalist & self-righteous at best.",0,negative 2952,"_extacy lol i know eric, i wont delete you! just people i dont really know and never talk. and bands",1,neutral 5266, unless you`re gretel killeen apparently. you did look pretty **** good,2,positive 5134, Thanks `Mckenzie`,2,positive 10060,"It's very optimised for everyday notifications, notes, list making and planning in general. The widget is quite handy, offering a preview of all the day of the week and tasks and events you have written down! My recommendation.",2,positive 625, Hoooray! I`m hooked already,1,neutral 14594, I`m sorry to hear that! that makes me sad,0,negative 654,Easy to use smart and flexible options,2,positive 6426,a chilled day party tomorrow.,1,neutral 20940,Losing makeup bags is TRAGIC...luckily I keep 4 in diff places but I gotta replace my Bare Escentuals *tearrrrrrrr*,0,negative 1808, The devil you say! I`ve been waiting for the Black Widow in movies and now she won`t be awesome at all.,0,negative 17212,_one Could use GarageBand though it`s probably overkill.,0,negative 26511,Just chillin at home,2,positive 1588,Literally everything that i ever need in a todolist app... the minimalistic design and AMAZING user interface is soo user-friendly and helpful to stay organised and plan my days accordingly. Honestly this has been nothing short of a life changer for me.,2,positive 10949,i dont have my iphone until maybe next week!,1,neutral 365,"Eh, it wasn't for me. Maybe it's because I was using the free version, I didn't think this app was very intuitive at all. First of all, it's very annoying to not be able to set my own reminder times for tasks. I had the option to either choose 9 in the morning or 6 in the evening. What the heck? Secondly, the reminder feature goes off a little too often. Only one reminder is needed. I know I could have turned notifications off, but I did want reminders for my tasks. I should have been able to control the number of reminders. Also, it was pretty lame that I couldn't make multiple lists. I was just dissatisfied overall with my limited options. I deleted and am using another to do list app",1,neutral 12990, glad its nice there. Gray skies and rainy in wisconsin.,2,positive 1243,"_zaboo its ok, it just hurts abit i thought i was doing a good job... if i was rude to people i could understand... x",0,negative 8533,"It's easy, smooth and fast.",2,positive 3368, Wish I could go. Gotta work.,2,positive 5682,"My prior app isnt any more and they automatically imported all content into this one. The most annoying part is that each item now adds to the bottom of the list, instead of the beginning, I need to fiddle with sorting on each list to fix this and the sorting takes space on the screen! Waste of time each time!",0,negative 3362,Very succesful Cancertown Launch yesterday,2,positive 10718, Nice we didn`t see the fireworks but we sure heard `em,2,positive 5312,Organized.,2,positive 180,it`s nice to leave the office when the sun is still up,2,positive 16095," No, but apparently a distant relative died in east africa, leaving me as his only heir. Once I send 5K I should have 250k",1,neutral 2059, Well I was following you because I think your interesting ... and I was right,2,positive 13617," that happened to me so often, i hated it. every time i moved to a username that i thought i`d love, i moved soon after.",0,negative 17082," Wow, that`s really sweet! I`m assuming this is blog-related. Thanks so much.",2,positive 10474,Colin Powell rocked yesterday on CBS. Cheney needs to shut the hell up and go home.Powell is a man of Honor and served our country proudly,0,negative 6438,You rock! From Grumpy Grandma. Than you SO MUCH!,2,positive 2178, that`s what she said?,1,neutral 21250, but yeah i like purple maybe thats why!! ;) :p :d,2,positive 3009,"I really love this app! It makes me more motivated in doing my tasks. But, the only problem is, after a week while using this app the pop up message ""Connection Error"" began showing up on my screen. I'm connected in our wifi and it's fast enough. If it's just because the app is ""under maintenance"", I would appreciate if you will put a message regarding on that like ""Under Maintenance: Go back for an hour"". It's working now! ^v^",2,positive 2378, fingers crossed for you.,1,neutral 11222,"Crisis averted! Phew! On a different note, and guys are making me so proud! tear! wish i could have joined",2,positive 26154,Going Outro... Peace.,1,neutral 23615,My little foster kittens are getting big...chubba and Winston are going 2 b missed when they get amazing homes.,1,neutral 2383, *hugs* why?,1,neutral 15294,Good nite everybody! <:Baby Boy:>,2,positive 24081,"_carter Gotta make the video public, dear. LOL ...can`t see it.",1,neutral 22642,"colds nearly gone, yayness!! greys anatomy on tonight . . . . . .double yay!",2,positive 8988,"I'm considering uninstalling this previously wonderful app: since the last update, the widget has gone completely unresponsive...",1,neutral 25928,"cant contain myself, tooooooo excited",2,positive 3270, morning ashleighhh x,1,neutral 2027,"great app, better than Google's free one. but paying a subscription for such a simple app has rendered this useless. im happy to oay a one off fee, but im not willing to pay a subscription just access other features. hence why its not 5 stars. its just a to-do list.....thats all.",1,neutral 6096,"Love it, but it isn't an Add in on Outlook. It's forcing me to use Wunderlist because I like the feature of it syncing with my Outlook calendar.",1,neutral 702,"Beautiful design but, I'd prefer a one time charge option for the PRO version",2,positive 8768,"Soo tired, couldn`t get enough sleep",0,negative 14934, one of my favorite quotes ever,2,positive 216, which means you`re just going to have to come back to vancouver and have it our way! hahah,1,neutral 8230,I really like it. But there's one or two thing's that need to be addit. I Personally use it to make a list of book that planning to buy and read this year i know there's other apps for this but love the check list style but i don't like how it get deleted after 30 day at most it will be great if there is Option for never delete Plus adding a imagine option will be nice like wallpaper behind the task name,1,neutral 24483,got an A in english again yay.. but a D- in maths,1,neutral 11238,Lost a battle with the has been blowing up,1,neutral 9822,"Cannot see events on calender, only dots. Need prettier colors/themes for women.",1,neutral 13488, I suppose it has a certain 80`s charm. I`d personally hold out for the motorola 8 track phone. I like my phones chunky,1,neutral 7492," Oh, that would be riveting TV! Trips to the break room, coffee, toothpicks in the eyes to keep them open.",2,positive 19655,"_Ross if you look at the js code in facebook you will notice a few js functions...nahh just kidding, a buddy told me",2,positive 19821,apparently it`s starwars day today I like this . Shame I have revision though.,0,negative 41,"I really wanted to love this app. It does exactly what I need. Unfortunately it's riddled with bugs. Mostly with repeat tasks. Main one being. If your phone is powered off at a reminder time, it will break the reminder. Resetting the task brings more issues. Also takes 15min for the app to sync with the widget! Contacted ""priority support"" (one reply a day). Seems to have no real interest in fixing the problems. Blamed it on Nova Launcher. Same thing happens with Samsung launcher.",0,negative 20404,I`m terrified about the surgery next week,0,negative 6772,"it just opens a-calender, so I'm not sure why I need something between me and my regular calendar app.",1,neutral 15559, LOL I feel like drunk right now...,0,negative 21420,"Holy cow! Archie Andrews finally marries Veronica Lodge.This is not what I thought will eventually happen in my 6th grade Awww...bad, bad",0,negative 1161,I ate too many kisses.,0,negative 2552,Might have broken text messages.,0,negative 2849,"Gamification is good designed but the app works kind of laggy, 5 star when redesigned",1,neutral 13648, living quite so close to RAF boulmer that might not be a good thing,0,negative 26759,checkin twitter out!,1,neutral 10801, What!?!?! I can`t believe I had to find out this way...don`t you ppl contact family first??!!? I`m so sad! Who was it?!?1,0,negative 11086,Come on guys tell me how much your theater charges!!! I want to know if mine is fair and/or average! Me and hubby are having a discussion,1,neutral 1022,All features are available only on premium.,0,negative 11919, i agree,2,positive 10264,Strawberry margaritas + baked stuffed shrimp =,1,neutral 20865,trying to figure this twitter thing out! I`m quite excited about it,2,positive 5434," Awww, here...WAZ UUUUP!!! Seriously, glad y`all had fun. Too bad my invite got lost in the mail lol. peace. xo",1,neutral 15170,Man i cant belive that you did what you did? Everything does not look as good as it is..,0,negative 13745,Just Finished My English Final...Just One Step Closer To The End.,1,neutral 772,"Goodmorning twitter, oh my gosh, i woke up soooo nice, lol ... oh hai thar twitterverse. Happy #mothersday everybody (especially mine)",2,positive 15236," I`m a jerk... now I can`t go out Dammit Frank, why do I suck so bad?",0,negative 1639,The app does wonders!,2,positive 7134,last night in newport,1,neutral 2453, Hooray!,2,positive 19025," I`m sorry.....deep breaths, I started a program called has worked wonders.",1,neutral 9183," I need to move to NY, SanFran, or Seattle to get worth-a-**** internet speeds",1,neutral 14084, haha I really don`t but I`m going to this workshop at school next week. Are you going? Plus my car is broken right now,1,neutral 19557,Hello Bank Holiday Monday hello revision ��,1,neutral 26356,"listening to dave barnes, getting really excited for junior senior",2,positive 12154,"i wanna see `up` tonight, but no one will go with me. whhhyyy",0,negative 8082, ... but i could barely speak! He was probably thinking `who is the weirdo?` LOOOOL. Say sorry to him for me please? x <3,0,negative 14452, Get you lol what time we eating id hate to be late,0,negative 18304,"Going to bed. Today was another good, if uneventful day.",2,positive 5414,"Very good job. Would like option for completed habits to hide for the day, and option to edit categories names, icons and colours",2,positive 18818, HAHA all because of chocolate? Always knew your heart was in your stomach. Wait till you try the truffles,2,positive 13005,2 days & 5 text messages this month,1,neutral 19698, hey Gi! look at this pic of you and frankie that i took at the southend gig!,1,neutral 8387,Nice app.,1,neutral 18149,Travel blog up and running! Can`t wait to start filling it up with entries! ),2,positive 2799, I wish you weren`t going to a 19+ venue in Vancouver,1,neutral 2457,where did go???,1,neutral 1296,"says livejournal is being a bee-eye-tee-see-hedge. Dum dee dum, ok back to work!",1,neutral 10669,50 is sooo much better than 65 my biology score`s so bad.,1,neutral 19223,"It is so miserably hot, the a/c in my house is broken",0,negative 6887, always good to see you - even in cyberspace,2,positive 2741,I like the app and it's a pity that I won't keep on using it because of the absence of monthly overview for dailies which I need most from a habit tracker instead of useless strikes,1,neutral 8190,I havent ben on here n a while... sorry but im bac now so hit me hup,0,negative 15572,Wheres my phone ?!,1,neutral 12350,how sad. last entrance 2cal academy of science was at 4pm. and it was zipcode free day too.,2,positive 119,"I hate Fallout 3 it keeps making me jump, I`m also low on health, money, ammo and food don`t worry I`ll get through it.",1,neutral 9305,"This calendar application is fantastic and it is very easy to use. The best thing about it is that you can set multiple events and reminders. It's great that it has up to 5 reminders that you can set, for an event that you've made. There's also a custom setting for setting reminders to any specific time of your choosing. I'm also glad that it doesn't have autocorrect. There are convenient weekly monthly and yearly views to choose from. Great calendar application! I highly recommended it!",2,positive 779,got my cable set up! WIN! got my lock put on my door! WIN! feeling a tad neglected... FAIL.,1,neutral 23273,i am going to be staring at hello kitty`s face at 3-9,1,neutral 1845,its too hot in my room. i wanna go swimming.,0,negative 678,"Useful program. Could be the center of my daily activities. Would be better-smoother, more integration with Gmail and Google Calendar with, again, better, easy, even default--'scheduled follow-ups' on same screen--Category, Priority, Time/Date. No less important, drag and drop tasks onto other Categorical Tasks to create a Categorical Hierarchy based on Time/Date/Priority-Level in the Task. Then, instantly shows in Google Calendar with a simple, mouse-over 'Zoom-to-Task' in the Calendar.",2,positive 13834, guessing... Ran 4 miles & gym? Superman you oxox,2,positive 10591," Nice skillz Nick x love always, Marjorie & Jemimah. Sydney, Australia.",2,positive 5684, sorry to hear that,0,negative 9205,"I needed a calendar that would extend my schedule to infinity and with multiple rotation scenarios for a variety of store visits. It does that great. Is it possible to simplify moving events (which actually are my store visits) to other days within the same week or month? It wud be great if you could just drag the store you missed to another day and it would only change that single event, not the rest in the rotation. Thanks.",2,positive 2164,I should have posted this for the world Pinhole day I Love this picture.,2,positive 9364,"I have had this app for years now. It is the best calendar app I have used. I like how well it integrates with contacts, and how I am now able to attach files. Definitely makes my life easier.",2,positive 6157,Love this app! Didn't think I could find something as good as Wunderlist but this app is better! Just a couple of things would make it perfect. Option to change font size and option to add new items to top of list.,2,positive 16823,"Just cross `cause I`m stuck twiddling my thumbs now, ugh",0,negative 16728,Off to my lil sisters graduation...they grow up so quick,1,neutral 22901, Morning Chip - loved the new html format on your ezine.,2,positive 23315,mhmm idk i thought of just showing up and freaking ppl out hehe...but yeah i TOTALLY understand if it is just for u guys VN sounds cool!!,2,positive 14494,At the coast. Too many people here i know. i love you Nicci!,2,positive 504," i was going tonight, but you never wrote me back with the info im sososo sad...",0,negative 1077, Up is out? I didn`t get the memo It looks amazing.,2,positive 5034," Aw, Kaelah I feel so bad for you. This sounds serious? Please get better soon. I admire you for still working hard and stuff.",1,neutral 6542,Feel so depressed that I couldn`t save it... Thanks for nothing!,0,negative 7652,watching The Uninvited in my room. Can`t wait to go home. But I have to go to the Deid first.,1,neutral 20196,Is feelin right rite now,2,positive 9681," my location thing? Through has an option to include locations! Jon uses uber, but he has it off lol",1,neutral 24478,showed my fluids decreasing slightly. So doesn`t look like she`s letting me out of this bed anytime soon I have a follow up U/S next week,0,negative 6915,In children`s hospital ER hoping Meredith does NOT have a broken elbow/arm,2,positive 3580, yeah bit it is overheating a bit and the AC died.,0,negative 2588,Pinkberry,1,neutral 26690,Goodnight;,2,positive 20285,forgot the pin of my debit card. thank God the card still works after several attempts. just bought cake for sister`s birthday. wheew!,2,positive 9864,"Please use the app the widget, and see for yourself if ur comfortable with it. Compare it with s planner.",1,neutral 1758, that David -- nice to know he feels so comfortable 'twitting' or 'tweeting' us. I have a feeling he misses home.,1,neutral 24625,Bye twitter & FB world! I`m at the San Francisco airport ready to board Air China. Not sure if I`ll have Internet access,0,negative 5004,A chore to figure out,0,negative 509,Nyappy mother`s day to your mom`s.,2,positive 15633,"_L_S How was the game? Unfortunately, teh Cavs lost I`m sure you had fun though",1,neutral 7161,My name is toggling in and out of Google Suggestions Help me by searching more for 'Ganesh Jaju' and clicking on some link,1,neutral 4396,"Chillin with the rents, and looking at hilarious old photos. Well funny!",2,positive 1304,Heading back home with a win!,2,positive 13438, Thanks darling girl ****,2,positive 10544,"I`ve done nothing today apart from moan,whinge,moan",0,negative 5574,Easy to use and very helpful. I love it!,2,positive 16330,Omg! Why cant i eat. Everything i eat hurts my stomach and it comes right out of me.,0,negative 14471,Starting some work on final year project. Just making some test pieces in flash to see how things could work. Listning to iPod too,1,neutral 5341,Costs money to make pixels darker,0,negative 5373,gutted - the handbag I wanted has been sold!,0,negative 10221,insects have infected my spinach plant :(,0,negative 4738, oh my god. i can`t do the end of the dance *sob*,0,negative 18737, Welcome to two months ago! Banjo Tooie is about to be released!,1,neutral 24910,just downloaded more music and videos on my ipod.,1,neutral 23987, xbox broke hope you enjoy playing 1 vs. 100. I was...looking forward to that.,2,positive 9480,Feeling much better Doing History Research.,2,positive 231,"The latest update is terrible. I always organized everything by date of the reminder, which is usually set on the day that it's due, but now I can't even see the due date of each task. I have to click on each task for the the date to appear. In addition, I usually organize each task by tags, the date, recurring if needed, and other details. There's no easy way to adjust all these details anymore. You have to click on each separate icon to fix these to what you want. I use the app begrudgingly.",0,negative 26848,is still waiting.,0,negative 673,It's very good. Moved off Wunderlist since Microsoft is forcing a MS account and will eventually get rid of it. It's not as good as Wunderlist which I miss but it's very good so using this moving forward.,2,positive 26139, hey Bow when yu comin baxx 2 thaa 614 we miss yu hun ...614 all day!!,0,negative 6283,"Not quite Wunderlist but I'm pretty happy overall with how it works. One suggestion would be having a ""Tomorrow"" option similar to my day so you can add stuff to your ""My Day"" the night before.",2,positive 3168, - LOL why are they drumming there?,1,neutral 24859,cook ; do you wanna measure my ****? its daddy-size.,1,neutral 20966," Had lunch at Bittercreek, they were out of Hopnoxious Had Sweetgrass IPA tho, so all is still right in the world.",2,positive 23945,last night`s paper writing session=still not done. I need to prioritize better.,0,negative 16731, I am so stoked on seeing you with the Jonas Brothers,1,neutral 26124,They just layed off 23 teachers in the city near me I wonder if I should be thinking about not going into that jobfield...,1,neutral 4416,What an incredibly great day. hahaha!,2,positive 1337,I think I should hire one of those tranlsators.. because no one ever understands me....,0,negative 14552,lol if i only can sTay up a few more hours.. i keep missing Tila`s lasT posTs ..,1,neutral 21829,"wooo am recovering from running race for life yest!!! i managed 36 mins 44secs, not bad for absolutley no trianing",2,positive 9790,Trying my best not to share this lovely head cold,2,positive 22665, I don`t think I`ll ever have one of those again,1,neutral 3619,Just had my hair cut it looks like ****,0,negative 10992,is it normal for a masseusse to fully massage your buttocks? I swear she was a quarter inch from a medical exam..,1,neutral 4985,"I started getting notifications but all came at the same time instead of their specified times, so just removed them and no longer use. Biggest feature I would like see fixed is there seem to be issues with using the ""Today"" option for the task list Widget. Sometimes will only show one task and sometimes when I can complete all my tasks, the next day the list doesn't refresh, still says ""All tasks are done!""",0,negative 10382,"@khalid0456 No, Lebron is the best",2,positive 2299,I`m suffering from restless legs and butt syndrome.,0,negative 5196,Jibj,2,positive 24033, did you find them? Tell us how they turn out won`t you! We`re making blueberry pancakes this morning,1,neutral 2904,"I`m such a saddo, haha. But that actually makes me really happy. Warrens dead though",1,neutral 9600,"I've had this app for a few years, and it worked well until the last several months - it's gotten increasingly buggy and will do things like ""forget"" you checked off tasks as completed and re-list them as incomplete between closing and re-opening the app. It also had been freezing more and more frequently, to the point where that happens at least once a day, and now I can't even load certain screens. Because of this, I will not be renewing my subscription this year and will be using another app.",0,negative 24055,converting the Armin Only - Imagine concert for my iPhone... fun fun,2,positive 21235, thanx,1,neutral 27063,just completed button hunt 3,1,neutral 4810,I love it so far. Bummer to have to pay for premium but it's not a bad price. I am only doing the minimum 5 habits because I don't need that many. :) it could use a reminder notification 🔔 Update: still love this app. It's helped me keep track daily.,2,positive 27329, think 2 to start off with but a house that can fit 4 - or we may go the whole hog and get 4.... not sure yet,1,neutral 9646,"This app was everything I needed, I loved it. But after thenlast update I cannot log in to my account so I cannot see my daily schedule. Will not trust it again and I have already unistalled it. I need an organizing app which I can trust. Fortunately all the events were synced to my google calendar but notes and tasks didnt.. So I dont know if I am forgeting something that is pending now.",0,negative 17406, Too bad.,0,negative 4421,i love it when justin timberlake hosts snl; hilarious,2,positive 25946,"If someone have a friendster profy!,.just add me!,.ayt!?,.lol!,. !",1,neutral 4538,"@_refugee_ /me gets 'Your video will start in 15 seconds', Exiting to watch ... for minutes #flash #linux #fail",1,neutral 21905," Were done so much for them, then brazilians ha! but no meh, i think they love the other countries more then the UK",2,positive 9248,"Great app, the best time setting interface of anything. Only feature I don't like is if you change the start time of an event it proportionally changes the end time so you have to change the end back to where it was and if you change it enough to span the midnight hour now you have to change the days too.",2,positive 25260,"It`s called communifuckingcation.....learn it, know it, do it. These stupid **** people!",0,negative 10463,Nancy Pelosi gave the worst commencement speech I've ever heard. Yes I'm still bitter about this,0,negative 165,"Is there no way to assign a specific color to an event? I like to group my meetings by color. If I can't do that, the app isn't useful for me.",0,negative 13529, lost luggage? Sorry to hear. you should check out our selection of travel luggage here:,2,positive 936,"Recent major update has strongly impeded on usability of app. I understand and appreciate the focus on subtasks and some other features, however I think the developers have severely misjudged the actual most common user stories. Was always a big fan, paid subscriber for many years, but this update was a major letdown. Unnecessary changes for something that was working almost perfectly.",0,negative 2639,Not very user friendly and very less interactive,0,negative 5220,"On the one hand... It takes a while to customize and set up, but that's because there are a lot of options for customization available, which I love. This is helpful motivating me to accomplish my tasks.",2,positive 18585, tolddd you there was thunder! ew now it`s all rainy D: i`m scared!,0,negative 21104, yay! your face is back,2,positive 26952,"missing my man, two months is so long to not see him",0,negative 20628,I am following Mya,1,neutral 14169,_LeAnn if it makes you feel better im studying on a sat night w/o blackberries,2,positive 4628,"Very good and gets the job done, not the prettiest or well designed but certainly not the worst! It's exactly how it's pictured and works fabulously too. No crashing or issues here.",2,positive 2018, it is so unfair that all the good rock shows happen only in B`lore and Pune,2,positive 1039,Yay for birthdays sadly my voice is almost gone :/ but it was a pretty good night!,1,neutral 25148,"Going to REtake my Softball photo because Patrick`s Studio is a piece of ****. Back here for chores. Some Friday, huh?",0,negative 1616,I've started using Todoist again recently and fell in love with this app. It's one of the best list managers and the big advantage for me is that it is cross platform,2,positive 21748," , just dont understand what`s it got to do with me. I`m just a nice girl",1,neutral 26522,Why can`t I buy the Nokia N97?!? Amazon says 'cannot ship to this address.',0,negative 4249,"Dear Developers, When syncing will be fixed? Thanks",0,negative 4858,I bought this great app. Just started using it. I am a procrastinator so I am struggling to meet my goals. I am therefore absolutely relying on this app to help me track my performance. I really like the notifications with the positive words it attributes to me. I like the fact that you can quantify exactly the number or time allocated to the habits and track against that. When I manage to conquer a habit I will write a new review. Cheers,2,positive 19712, hi holly i`ll volunteer to try it out first for u! hope ur having a fab weekend xoxox...,2,positive 2564,Just installed. Keyed in all tasks n to-do list. Server error. Lost everything. Redo. Server error. Lost. Kept repeating. Frustrating = Uninstalled.,0,negative 8088,"too much setup. i just want to write my notes not title & subtitle everything! on the plus side, no permissions🙂",0,negative 1793," Yeah, I think you`re hyper enough girly.",1,neutral 1483,oh yeah the grill is out...its bbq tonight at the house,1,neutral 19651," Hey thats good, my Daughter`s still asleep and Son is drawing, better feed him v soon",2,positive 2666,Got the sniffles I SO don`t want to get sick - I don`t need this.,2,positive 990, oh that looks boring and even more boring you have an exam on a saturday,0,negative 13120," We`re English (well in parts), it`s Weather, it IS an obsession",1,neutral 649, _what_ did you do? Let me guess... you skipped sports and bought a new pinkish outfit?,1,neutral 27071,"Not going to graduation, hubby-to-be not feeling well so instead, doing more job hunting online!",0,negative 19687,"_anekie ok darl, i will suggest you to the MUA (Tracie Weaver), as she`ll be making the decision",1,neutral 11355,Finally installed ovi in mobile. it would have been good if it could be downloaded to comp and installed to mobile. Frickin 3MB download,1,neutral 330,Great app but crazy there's no Google Calendar integration!! Even tried setting this up with Zapier but it only creates an entry (with no link to task title) for when the task is created and not when the task is scheduled. Will Google Calendar integration be coming to the app?,1,neutral 23336, well as bell hooks Teaching to Transgress. Sometimes I miss teaching & messing with bad system.,0,negative 23893,"Hurray! 'Summer-time' starts today, meaning I only have to work until 4 pm, instead of 4.30. Until August! Yay!",2,positive 3423,I have the biggest headache ever. My photosensitivity is getting OUT OF CONTROL!! Help.,0,negative 3382, oh cool you are coming to berlin ! ! !,2,positive 256,"This app was fantastic when I first downloaded. However, now my monthly recurring task pops up evey day. No idea why. when it wasn't doing that before. I've tried deleting and adding again. But, it does the same thing. Really annoying.",0,negative 26604,1 day to my Birthday !,1,neutral 3628,"As of today, _a_Bo0 and I have been going out for two years. Best two years ever",2,positive 2606,Apps been broken from the moment I download need fixing,0,negative 3015,totally the best part of my day was studying with haha ok now i`m really leaving holly`s and i`ll be there shortly! peace!,2,positive 52, hm... Both of us I guess...,1,neutral 23876, It didn`t rain. Lightly misted though.,1,neutral 10127, i totally owe you a week of on-call duties. i appreciate not having those while jill is in town,2,positive 10137,Jquery is my new best friend.,2,positive 3837,It's a great concept to get work done or take a break from the phone. It would be nice if there was an option to time yourself and grow a tree while doing work on the phone itself like working on Google Docs for instance... If the app allows you to identify some work apps and use only those while the tree grows.,2,positive 2210," FML dad didnt leave me any moneyz, so i have 2 wait till he gets home call me when you finish work?",1,neutral 4175,"Don't buy the premium version of this app. Synching doesn't work. Stick with the free version, which would be 4 stars",0,negative 24822, heyy are you ok...? i know it sucks having her in you dorm... but i assure you it will be ok,1,neutral 5160,Headed to drop my lil cuz off at the bus stop! Then its back to the bed to read my book! relaXin on my day off.,2,positive 6179,i hate being sick. i miss and ,0,negative 4810,"Just chillin` in pjs after a short, but long week - why is someone continually knocking at my door?",1,neutral 1898, I`m gonna miss these guys so much Thanks for making the 5 years at senior school amazing!,2,positive 25636,Wishing all the Mom`s in the world a VERY HAPPY AND RELAXING MOTHERS DAY. May you get to spend the day with your feet up being pampered,2,positive 24409,_ - hey there. How was your day?,1,neutral 8246,I don`t want to quit my job.,1,neutral 17051,"Friday yay!! And a bonus, don`t have to drive to Wales tonight. Athough will miss kitten cuddles and going for a ride",2,positive 15826, which one? On Sportv ? Will connect righ the way,1,neutral 9512, Friends in Ent Industry have said it was really really good. Hopefully I can convince my wife into a date night #hhrs,2,positive 18644,i can`t wait till tomorrow. just because its a new day,1,neutral 5038, now my heart isnt cold but im still missing you.,0,negative 2510,Same issue as Don Smith who wrote a review on 10/10/19. Will consider this app but the lack of slide visuals and character visuals makes the app in-op. Current phone is the Google pixel 4xl......perhaps I misspoke in regards to the reply. My issue is not with the visuals but the lack of visuals. Everything is blank for me so literally can not see half of the content.,0,negative 930,"Like many others, the new big update has severely hindered my ability to use the app effectively. What used to be simple is now cumbersome with a 3x increase in the number of clicks to accomplish simple tasks. It wasn't broken, why did you have to 'fix' it. I'm hoping they roll back some of these changes, if they don't I will probably need to look elsewhere for a todo app.",0,negative 8355,i miss mcfly last night so much!! i was front row centre danny was making me laugh so much LOL,1,neutral 4981," Yeah, if I lived on the rez, I`d already be dead.",0,negative 5035,To bed I go Nighty Night,1,neutral 729, kittens are cute then they grow up n become CATS,2,positive 6550, my monday starts on friday but @ least I only work 4 days a week (long days),1,neutral 7304,hard to use,0,negative 3983,"Great app for revising and studying, it really helps you to stay focused 😁 growing trees to keep you focused is a lovely concept and I love the sounds you can play in the background",2,positive 23867," Gain an instant follower, just use the #**** tag in a tweet. WTF? Lesson learned, Summer of Todd to get a new *official* tag.",1,neutral 241,Okay so I`m dedicating my 300th tweet to the fact that I`m going to the Apple store because there is a HUGE crack on the glass screen!,1,neutral 4309,Mixed great app but don't by premium. Won't work without play services and developer unresponsive,0,negative 14514,"Poor `s mom just told her she looked like a ****. The skirt wasn`t THAT short, and it`s 87 degrees out!",0,negative 5015,"This app is an excellent idea, if only it worked. I have been unable to move off the home screen without it crashing. Its a shame as it has a lot of potential.",0,negative 24809, break a leg but don`t do it for real it just a saying :p ' good luck',2,positive 1430, Happy Mom`s Day! Here in Spain it was last Sunday!! Any hint of when the first single will be out on radio? LYM!! Mini,2,positive 25243,_AliceV No None in the house and I`m not sure i should drive to the coffee stand. It`s worse than I thought it would be.,0,negative 20382,hate living down here in fl. missing GA like they say you dont know what you got till its gone GA on my mind,0,negative 19150,_D_ happy birthday,2,positive 2961,"It's been a good way to get things done, and the concept of an RPG is very well executed. The reason for 4 out of 5 is simply regarding the interface. My wife uses it on iOS and it is light-years beyond what we have on Android. Much cleaner, more useful information, and less clunkiness.",2,positive 8379,ok. its useful,1,neutral 22887,this week has been awful.,0,negative 4376,"only a few habits for free, not worth paying for",0,negative 18848,Happy Grey`s day everyone! Oh I miss Grey`s!!,1,neutral 1479,"Only began using it but seems intuitive to use. Love that I have various lists, link to projects, share lists, assign tasks and gave due dates",2,positive 11925, and Radio X 96.1 is going all sports next month. Radio is dead. #grandrapids,0,negative 21039,totally overstressed ... going to work now ... just want the college work to go away ... i don`t wanna fail,0,negative 8911,"This app just ""disappeared"" two of the recent events I listed in, both weddings. Luckily I thought of rechecking a day after inputting them. This has happened a couple of times already. Too unreliable for work appointments, I might get fired when I rely on this app's widget for work appointments. Close to uninstalling, after I check out a good replacement",0,negative 441,"is chilled out tonite, so cannot spew venom or write funny. Seems like these are the only 2 styles she has",1,neutral 1099,"I just slept that entire flight, and woke up to the fact that the girl beside me had been watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!",1,neutral 4562,"_Cullen26 yes, yes it is.",1,neutral 17554,GETTING A PUPPYYY!!!! What should I name him? I think Romeo is cute.,2,positive 6902,need to go to work soonish but i really dont want to also trying to save money... life is fab (not),1,neutral 27275,ouch i have a headache. but i am in a ridiculously good mood,1,neutral 8596,Just had some delicious sushi from niko niko on vermont and hollywood mm,2,positive 6095,once i hit christian in the head with a metal bat! haha he then socked me in the eye! haha i miss being a reckless little kid,0,negative 9565, im just so lonely right now. maybe SADE GOT ME FEELING LIKE THIS,0,negative 27100,"It`s Friday, but not the most pleasant ones waaaaaay to much work...",0,negative 19408,but im not complaining.,1,neutral 17599,I have now realized I am not cool enough to ever get a shout out from (this player will not be playing on! hahahah),1,neutral 3115,This is a great app. It's helped me stay on task with everything I need to get done.,2,positive 26341,Even ARNOLD couldn`t save the parks - How is this providing jobs?,0,negative 1084,HA! I`d give Kristen plenty of free hugs! *sigh* if only I could,1,neutral 11667,good morning. today is my last day of 'freedom'. back to work tomorrow. i`m sorta stoked-not stoked. but well.,1,neutral 8498,"Very helpful to keep me on task with work, home, life.",2,positive 6197, > 'live Q&A 24/7'... definitely the best part of twitter for me,2,positive 10517,#WFTB Joining a bit late. My connection was down (boo time warner),0,negative 5329, ok thanks do you like my new pic?,2,positive 10098,needs to mug for Chinese A`s but doesn`t feel like it.,0,negative 26352,Home w/bae & Myka.. He`s so meann,0,negative 11778,I love my Mom. Yo Amo a mi Mama. ? ? ? Thank you mommy... Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore. Happy Mother`s Day,2,positive 2865," Because pop culture is beautiful. Also, you can`t pull weeds wrong. I promise. You can practice on my yard if you are nervous",2,positive 2920,"I'm liking the app so far, but the widget does not sync with the app so renders that function useless.. suggestion to add a refresh button to the widgets so i don't have to open the app every time",1,neutral 10080,"Best app to keep me up to date. Helps me remember all my tasks along with their due dates. I tried many apps to help me remember my tasks( as my memory is a bit weak), but I must say that this app has best helped me. I just loved it.",2,positive 3243,everything is spinning,1,neutral 19279, Amy did u already check out the antics of Parella and Marcia? news... and entertainment on Twitter,1,neutral 26321,i joined this because i think my smith chips invent a flavour competion entry wont be recognised its SWEETPOTATOE AND SEASALT flavour ?,1,neutral 9132,"Would be 5 stars, because it's really great, the best calendar I've ever used, but it keeps losing things I enter where I have poor reception. It's like it thinks it has uploaded them and then forgets them somehow.",1,neutral 217,Feeling smooth like chrome,2,positive 20723, are you still angry with me?,0,negative 7557, yay were all saved! Weve overcome god again!,2,positive 10494,"@pambeeslyjenna Jenna, I went to see Night At The Museum 2 today and I was so surprised to see three cast members from The Office...",1,neutral 11331," Yeah, that lying in bed thing`s a bugger for blocking creativity Worse if you`re pinned down by a pet cat, apparently...",0,negative 3153,"Why did you change the chat order? :( Now the newest messages are at the bottom, it just feels so unnatural, it was fine before it didn't need a change",2,positive 2923,"Entered house searching mode yesterday... we need to find an apartment in D�sseldorf until the end of August, this one was temporary...",1,neutral 24389,has an exam at 10am - I slept about 3 hours last night,1,neutral 5610, you are a very naughty woman - we sooo have to meet!,1,neutral 2670,"The idea behind the app is nice, but it isn't userfriendly. Finding and adding friends to use it together was so counter productive that it got us to waste time we could be actually doing our daily tasks.",0,negative 2389,One word to describe this app is AMAZING. Ultimate app for to-do and habit tracking. After many years a single app has impressed me so much. Highly recommended 👍,2,positive 1761, - that is awesome.,2,positive 21504," LOL, such a dork. Hmm, is that book pretty good? Maybe I should check it out. That`s why 4gb sucks 8 isn`t much better.",0,negative 1201, boooo!!! I bet it was a nice wallet too,2,positive 3003," Ohhh, i really want to see Coraline, it seems really good",2,positive 10742,"I`m bored... Don`t want to stay home tonight, but don`t want to spend money blah",0,negative 1168, im sorry i wish that i was there instead (it would give you a good excuse to get away from him) hehe...i love you <3,1,neutral 2470,Great application,2,positive 876,"maybe i should take up drinking again, feel as if i have a ,massive hangover still not ,yself today",0,negative 16316,Done! Finally.. Yay.. Now I can relax for.. Well one day ;D haha..,2,positive 6815,"Its ok, bought it, sadly need another payment to customise palette, sad, hope more update come",1,neutral 7829, that makes me sad...,0,negative 17484," Awww, *hugs* I wish I could help.",0,negative 19530,@ borgellaj you know what? They`re YOUR CATS,1,neutral 1491,"Hope all the Mum`s out there had a Mother`s Day with love, close family & friends.",2,positive 5114, Lmao Yes its on the 27th I get so excited lol,2,positive 3604, Sorry to disappoint. Not a big Nascar fan but I`m still an all-around decent redneck other than that.,0,negative 469," That`s just weird... :\ Oh, and what was it you were drawing for me?",0,negative 17856,Here`s and at our evening drink on Thursday night in London.,1,neutral 20604," hey girl, what`s up? what r u gonna do today?",1,neutral 4522,Limited functionality but reliable.,1,neutral 12571, happy birthday and congrats wish you were here for your lady..ill take care of her;),2,positive 16963,"so bored, i have a headache.",0,negative 390,"Used to think it was a 5 star app but they keep making it worse (and worse). Specifically it wrongly interprets touch screen movements putting tasks in random locations rather than where you drop them, often the very end of all your tasks, so you have to waste time dragging it back, sometimes for dozens of items. Reminders bug me the moment I wake up & won't switch off. You only let me move a reminder 15m, 1hr, 3 hrs. So with a list of 20 things I get 20 reminders 3 hrs later. Annoying as hell.",1,neutral 16418,Stood outsiden got the WORST butterflies everrrrr!,0,negative 2791,"I would be happy to give the app a five star rating as I have reaped many benefits I directly relate to my usage of Habitica, but I am prevented from doing so by recent events. I can only give you a three star rating because suddenly your application no longer functions, with no warning or information as to why or how to fix it. 500 characters is not enough to relay proper data on this issue to the Dev Team, likely by design, and for that I blame Google Play, not the Dev Team of Habitica.",1,neutral 2040,"Looks a lot like todoist. I said ""look"" because todoist is bug free when compared to this one. What a waste of time I had trying to set it up both by natural language and clicking...",1,neutral 6065, Theres no such thing,1,neutral 22715, Thats good! Keep it up guys! Would love to come down and visit sonetime,2,positive 9468,Intelligent intuitive design! This is how I would have designed one for myself.,2,positive 15019,going to look in the refrigerator for a taste snack to eat,2,positive 14828," Bill, absolutely fantastic programme. Loved the `cow bell` bit towards the end.",2,positive 17471,"Happy mothers day to all the Twitter moms, sent my own mom a very sleepy video by phone and called after.",2,positive 9530,I couldn't even make an account. It wont work,0,negative 24545, purrrrs.... ooooh that will do,1,neutral 12088,short work week for me,1,neutral 809, LOL thx,2,positive 2960,"It`s 1:15 AM, and I hear a helicopter flying over my house. That`s kind of weird. In other news, my headache is back. BOOOOO.",0,negative 21334,Its time for me to pack up at work now and have not had much time for twitter! Thank you for any follow fridays. Be back later!,2,positive 5457,Getting ready to ship a care package to the daughter. She`s not coming home this summer from college,1,neutral 827,Going to the courthouse to pay for tags & taxes on all our cars...this is gonna be expensive.,0,negative 2463,watching 'Look for a Star' with mom again lub ah C hehe,1,neutral 13579,"It`s official, I`m finally getting grey hairs at 36 #fb",1,neutral 2383,Helps me at work soooo much! Perfect program. Can't think of anything that would make it better. I'm a type A list maker. Love it!,2,positive 1735,off to lunch with all the people from aikido,1,neutral 3192, It`s never too late - they just need to buck their ideas up and stop being such a bunch of stuffy old reactionaries!,0,negative 13847,if officially done with high school.... so sad... i miss them already! movie later???,0,negative 21488,**** QW,0,negative 12372, You`ll be missed!! Bring me back a keychain!,0,negative 7646,I want to be like Horatio Caine,1,neutral 2081,LOVING the hot weather forecast for the rest of the week!!!! Summer is almost heeeeere,2,positive 3226,i`m so tired of being sick ALL the time!!!!,0,negative 14314,Geography papers are so boring! I hate revision!,0,negative 23709,Only one more day of Jay Leno que sad!,0,negative 9573,No,0,negative 8135,"my car is in at the garage & is not coming out anytime soon! last time I heard the gearbox was the problem, still waiting for the quote.",0,negative 6506,"Not sure how this app received such high ratings. It is just making you add events in your Google calendar to create a pie. I don't want to add daily tasks to my Google calendar. I thought this app was going to be more efficient, but it's not.",0,negative 21588,So ... Still finishing errands for a trip tomorrow morning where I have to be at airport at 6am.,1,neutral 5941, Yeah I hate that too!!!! Sorry ur goin thru that,0,negative 2720,good app but skills glitch out all the time.....fix this for 5 stars,0,negative 6310,This app is awesome. At the moment while we're in quarantine. I have to do a whole bunch of school work and it's just easier for me to make sure I'm doing everything. Make sure I'm getting everything done and it's just really great. Thank you so much!,2,positive 3935,This app is so good,2,positive 18937,Just got stung by nettles lol in about 3 fingers and I mean come on that dude with the apples needed to step it up a notch!,1,neutral 23870,Someone keyed my car.,0,negative 19124,My Twitteeeerrr babiieshow Ive missed you I hate this whole not having a phone thng,0,negative 108," i don`t want to do anything specific, i just want to see you and puppy!",1,neutral 7317,hate itt,0,negative 127, Absolutely,1,neutral 19099,I Wish i was still in Cornwall - i miss my auntie`s dogs,0,negative 19494,Seeing lots of my FB friends are friending or becoming fans of Zoozoo (Voda`s new face after the pug). Even iLike,1,neutral 18160,Early start today! More rain and more miles!,1,neutral 18278," too many Germ�n rodr�guez`s results. Which one are you? I mean, how do you look like in your profile picture?",1,neutral 266, hope he is ok!,2,positive 4268, hopefully I`ll get to see HTB next week and LA really soon!! Can`t wait!!!,2,positive 184," Missed all your tweets again Joe, **** that time difference!!! (UK) Dont 4get about your fave supporters in the UK!!! ****",1,neutral 26954,92.7 is turning it right about now.,1,neutral 26638,_whitex gratz on your tix. sux u will be poor tho I am trying to get pj harvey tix too but debating my $$s too,0,negative 4019,This is just great!! I saw my favorite youtuber using this and I was like what the hell is she using that enables you so much facilities like you are bound6to stay focused. I literally searched for the name of this app and I finally found it. I am using it for 1 month now and it's the best..!!! ❤ but sometimes it just don't notifies me when the time is over and sometimes just keeps counting the time even when I m watching YouTube or instagram on my phone.,2,positive 16168," I`m hearing lots of good things about the new Trek movie. I`ll see if my Dad, 'a fellow Treky', would like to see it",2,positive 24670,My mom likes Milow`s version of Ayo Technology... It`s a good thing she doesn`t have a clue what it`s about.,2,positive 12364,to atl in the morning then back to Clemson,1,neutral 1985, hey! sorry for the late reply.but i do plan on posting on both facebook and twitpic.,0,negative 130,"Shopping. Cleaning. BMFing. Webcam chatting with nephews. Nothing spesh, but a good bank holiday Monday nonetheless",2,positive 2692,awwww bless her she needs another chance.,2,positive 10097,Recovering from a bad fall at lunch. Great start to the weekend.,2,positive 1416,The best app for to-do lists. It does have a couple of minor issues: * The widget can become unusable once in a while (stuck forever on the loading screen). * It can also take a couple of seconds for an item to be removed after you check it off on the widget.,2,positive 19036, - Clean,1,neutral 4821,"Absolutely fantastic! Clean, fast, non intrusive.",2,positive 3367,ah midday - great time for breakfast,2,positive 3090,Yay my ears match,2,positive 11270, wow thanks for saying that man! I`d love to illustrate children`s books!,2,positive 410,Fairly awful. Followed all directions on how to cancel the yearly subscription within 2 days of starting my free 7 day trial. Charged on the 7th day anyway. Repeated requests to resolve the issue have been unanswered by the developer. Chose to go through Google Pay for refund. Thanks! This will not be my last review. I have much time on my hands now since your scheduler doesn't work!,1,neutral 8225,Smackdown is a lot more boring without Maria.,0,negative 4030,"I really love this app, I love challenging myself as I have a very bad phone habit and will lose hours staring at my phone. Devs, my trees die when an alarm goes off on my phone - super frustrating when I'm just picking it up to turn the alarm off. Maybe that can be an exception?",2,positive 2083,"I have a big problem with this app, daily routine doesn't repeat unless i complete it. But somtimes i really could not complete it. then ist stop, why?!!!!",1,neutral 2116,....if you see Christoph please tell his lunch was packed this morning and he left it in the fridge,1,neutral 3425,is saddened by Husker internet!,0,negative 1594," saw your pics, so awesome!",2,positive 1808,Hey! Let`s Follow each other! Wouldn`t that just be awesome!?,2,positive 2726, Im pleased hun,2,positive 15482,Hi : Found you through . i am indeed a pigment of your imagination,1,neutral 1195,Would be awesome if paid but free version too restricted it ain't worth it,1,neutral 20201," ITS A BANK HOLIDAY STUPID!! wait, they don`t have bank holidays in America... Okay keep on celebreting",2,positive 22100,For _inLaPush because she misses Quil so... Far Away ~Nickleback ?,0,negative 15308, imnot aloud to call you!but i think your awesomeily!****,2,positive 7384,"I've been trying to figure out how to have a custom time set for the ""add notification"" options, and there doesn't seem to be any way. For example, I need to set it to 1 hour and 30 minutes, but there's no option for that. We need the ability to enter exactly the number of minutes and hours we want, instead of only having presets. EDIT: Now after using it for a while, the app has been plagued with reliability issues. It often is late with the notification by a few minutes, or the service completely stops and I'd have to restart the service. Due to this issue, I cannot rely on this app for anything that is time-sensitive because I'd end up being late for all my appointments and jobs. I've contacted the developer multiple times about this but so far they haven't been able to fix the issue.",0,negative 19967,"_cheryl Lucky, now I want to teleport",1,neutral 3850, That`s a great idea,2,positive 23753,My new car is already giving me problems That cant be a good sign.,0,negative 23180, I know that feeling.,1,neutral 2318,I miss my peanut gallery,0,negative 6636,I'm just not finding time to work with this app. So by no means the star rank im giving the apl is just a TEMP ranking.,0,negative 14592,Stuck in awful traffic in the way to the wedding. Ceremony is supposed to start now. Ughhh.,0,negative 1470, YAY to som1 i no on twitter...slowly slowly rest of the grade will come around...hah i hope ur ready for my constant tweets!!,2,positive 25324,"i hate the fact that it is so nice outsidee, and im inside doing revisionn",1,neutral 4169,this is a horrible day.,0,negative 7325, Use,1,neutral 9761, wifeyyyyyy me no likey u siky,1,neutral 146, Happy Mothers Day,2,positive 12000, Got it! Your in the rundown.,1,neutral 25282,Ouch!!... Stomachace.... I ate a lot...,0,negative 13800,"1.2 mile run and 450 meter swim, things are looking better and better... Laying off the bike today",2,positive 9861, Something like that happened to me once: We closed the side door too hard and the engine locked up,0,negative 12791,Did you guys figure out Saturday? I really wanted to go but my mom is sick so I have to take her to the hospital in Tampa,0,negative 6039,i neeeeed plans. no one can hang out tomorrow. booo.,1,neutral 3013,"I only started using it yesterday, and so far it is interesting, and I think it will be useful. I'd give it 4.5 stars, but that isn't an option, so 4 it is, for now. I'd really like to see a better way to organize Dailies, preferably alphabetically, so tasks I tag as Morning will show up before Night (though admittedly, that wouldn't help if I labeled any 'Afternoon' or 'Noon').",2,positive 23568, and sorry that sounded like a 13 year old texting!!! Just tried TweetShrinking built into Tweed Deck Just another cool feature.,1,neutral 2472,Good app for daily reminder,2,positive 18245,_26 i wish you were here to take care of me,2,positive 22848,Just chillin`.. I`m a bit bored boohoo !,1,neutral 8982,Ok but i hate big full screen ads with long videos,1,neutral 16711, thats funny.. actually.. i could use a haircut...might be growing it out thru August for Woodstock Anniversary Party....40 yrs,0,negative 3047," Fun to read, thanks! You Brits make things interesting Funny they whittled 33 saints days to four,...",2,positive 4915,everybody needs some time on thier own Guns N Roses x ?,1,neutral 4419,roughnight,0,negative 12637,Watching Everything Is Illuminated and dreaaaming<3,2,positive 4471,"Don`t know what to do right now...pretty bored, but I refuse to study. Any suggestions?",0,negative 10306,luke and i got stopped walking out of safeway and asked to empty our pockets and lift our shirts. how jacked up is that?,0,negative 8976,Super bummed the Whitecaps game plans with friends fell through...I now need to be home by 7 to let the sitter go,0,negative 1418,_Dew tokens haven`t been working for me all day....,0,negative 5640," Wow, I`ve officially lost all faith in Britain, looks like our wishes weren`t met, sadly",0,negative 19221,"Going to my brother`s wedding in Princeton, NJ next Sat. Had to buy a navy blue sports coat and gray pants - $13 total at Goodwill",1,neutral 14989,"throat is reallyyyyy sore , i can barely talk",0,negative 3855,Hello! I love the app as the tree is cute and creative. However my tree doesn't die when i press the homescreen button for forest. It doesn't die when i leave the app and go to another app. What i want is the tree to die when i leave the app so that i can increase my focus and productivity in doing work. Help please?,2,positive 21936," HEY! aww man, no, i didnt IGNORE YOU i just dont have mobile web. so i can only txt. i can see you unless i`m here >",1,neutral 455,Going to bed after the CAVS game Don`t judge me LOL,1,neutral 4584,"It talks about Habit building, but in effect it doesn't help much, apart from giving very subtle reminders of tasks which, to me, were fairly easy to ignore. It doesn't really push oneself to break free of lethargy or other excuses which we usually end up giving for not keeping a habit, apart from few motivational text snippets. I would like to request you that as this app is named HabitBull, you need to Please make it act like a bull. It should lead (and at times force) the users to do the right thing. A little more aggressive approach to habit building is what could really help.",1,neutral 11815, thought u said twitter was **** bellion?,0,negative 4463,decided that wolf in a future Star Trek Logo game would be much cooler than Chewy in Star Wars,2,positive 16134,what am i gonna watch after BGT bad times,0,negative 4667,"got in a fist fight with a old biker guy.......and how dare you even ask, yes i kicked his ****",0,negative 25077, I guess you`re responding to me about DC. If that`s the case...,1,neutral 24150, I know!! effing embarrassing! Eff our lives,0,negative 425, Thank you! You should know that I am both happy and sad (all at the same time) to know that. You`ve got 'The Right Stuff',1,neutral 12421,Love johnny deep looks in public enemies (L) I`ll catch this film when show in HK,2,positive 1755," yeah, its still totally in the high 60s here. soooo notlooking forward to aug and sept up here",1,neutral 16552,"**** culture is increasing in india,govt has to make new laws such as wat will be charges if a boy tease a boy nd wat if a boy rapes a boy",1,neutral 1113, I`m not leaving yet!,1,neutral 4225,"Excellent app, highly recommend, have been using this app since it was first getting established and was advertised on reddit. However I cant log on anymore :( I had access on my old phone and now on my new one it says my email address is not in the database! How can I get my access back? This is the only app I like!",0,negative 21989,Just checked email and got a follower withb same name as me living in Oz. Welcome on board my alrer ego ,1,neutral 9047,"I love the widgets for this app but there are some synching quirks that drive me nuts ?!!? Not sure if it's the app or the stock Google calendar but whichever it is, it's not a good combination !",1,neutral 8518,Easy interface 😁,2,positive 27062, MCFLY?!! Aren`t they the best band ever? I wish I were there to watch the concert. Singapore isn`t a place they`d tour.,1,neutral 18965,I`m slowly reallizing how this burn I got at work 5 hours ago really sucks,0,negative 10406,"alright, so day was going well, but got home, and all my potato salad was gone",1,neutral 1677,Perfect app. Best app ever I really love it,2,positive 20186, jass warn me b4 u go to nxt war...i am there to have fun...,2,positive 11827,My Degree [Tear] happy moment!,2,positive 491, No it`s not sad. Should make you proud,0,negative 23192, I don`t find this stuff amusing any more,0,negative 23841,More pictures! It was such a pretty day #fb,2,positive 8248,Can feel a headache growing.,0,negative 3835,I had a great experience but i gave 4 stars because the time is only for 25 minutes and again we have to open our phone to set a new timer and get distracted.. The best thing abt this app is that it has very relaxing sounds that help us to focus and concentrate on anything which we do ... I would be really happy if u increase the timer to 1 or 2 hrs ... Thanks,2,positive 842,So glad I`m finally done with finals!,2,positive 1888,"Not too good for Android! I have the App in my two different type of phones and subscribed for the premium one month in my Android and found out that that version doesn't have all the features described as for example impossible to find or use the sub task feature, create or editing folders, etc. etc. Very disappointed about that, because the App concept seems to me very good. :(",0,negative 369, l`m on 3 days too matt. No fun this weekend.,0,negative 25228," You got it! YAAAY!!! I was really worried your phone wouldn`t fit, so glad it does! Happy Mother`s Day, lol!",2,positive 227,_Wright THANK YOU! 'Return of the Mack' is THE jam!,2,positive 25656,SoCal! stoked. or maybe not.. tomorrow,1,neutral 16749,FANTASTIC week in London but ATROCIOUS 8 hour journey home,2,positive 23688,A salute to Chapel Hill North Carolina. From SY * ?,2,positive 18701, Awesome pics! It`s a nice way to start the week,2,positive 6605,"This app doesn't seem to show multiple calenders for the same google account. P.S. In my Google calendar, the desired calendar has got Sync enabled still the issue exists. P.S. 2- In the My Calenders menu, it is not even showing the second calender which I have made for the same google account.",0,negative 18999, the pink straw also makes you manly,1,neutral 4741,wants see my friends ;-),2,positive 8070,"Doesn't have a built-in backup and even after exporting a backup file - an error shows up. Additionally, the support email is an invalid email address. A total waist of time for setting it.",0,negative 9097,I purchased the Pro version inside this app. why can't I download the Pro app in google store?,1,neutral 6027,I'd mark it higher if the reminder/alarm could tell the time. The alerts pop up a good 15 - 45 minutes late.,1,neutral 7881,it`S freezing and raining here,1,neutral 21775,On our way to St. Martin!!! Vacation for a week,1,neutral 5923,I`m awake. Anybody else awake? Wish I lived in the US since all the fun happens when I`m asleep!,2,positive 16071,_wx Did you see the color of the sky and how it looks in Philly?? It is yellowish/orangeish/brownish looks scary!! lol,0,negative 20134,Ughhhh...mad as ppl make me some times...I don`t like 2 have 2 do yucky thngs I am NOT cut out 2 deal w HR stuf...ppl`s tears kill me!,0,negative 10102,Very good tool to organize my days .. thank,2,positive 6742, well u weren`t around 2 twit,1,neutral 25869, Ah....okay,1,neutral 11146,"Bored and kinda lonely, my parents went up to the lake. I didn`t have a friend to bring up so i knew i was bored and didn`t go.",1,neutral 15570, I have tried. He doesn`t want to listen. I don`t know what to do anymore. I just feel like HE doesn`t care anymore,0,negative 5364,It has almost everything that I need but the thing that frustrates me the most is the calendar view. That's really the most important thing to see how many days you've tracked in a row. Switch to calendar view it looks just like a regular calendar and nothing is highlighted for anything. You have to click on each individual day to see what it looks like.,1,neutral 16701,i`m so happy i aced my final!,2,positive 3882,"great help when you need to stay focused and shouldn't touch your phone 😉 Since the last update, I can't access the shop anymore. It keeps loading and loading...",2,positive 19391,Today I`m working on my 'Quirky Q' cue or maybe it will become a concerto,1,neutral 7100," Link won`t open, but I will try it when i have a better connection tomorrow. I`m curious now",2,positive 1596,"Very good app, it keeps reminding me every week to do my weekly review, and that's what I do, can't wait to actually start using it properly tho 😅",2,positive 24128,SNL after party,1,neutral 3320,tMeme> My besties. If only was there. on Twitpic: - My besties. If..,1,neutral 12538, They better not be out when I get there. I NEED MY FIX!,0,negative 5683,"I am the empitome of epic fail, just you know, more epic than fail.",0,negative 26240,"Just woke up. I dreamed I had 9 new emails! Sadly, it was just a dream",0,negative 5936,feel crappy today,0,negative 1710,"Google Wave presentation: I`m not very impressed. It`s nice, but it`s not really for me",1,neutral 21429, It`s IQ is high when it comes to knowledge about how to swim round`n`round in the bowl...,1,neutral 6826, hhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Yo u hve me in tears!...its all fault he said u cancelled so I thought....,1,neutral 12653,"can`t wait to see `Transformers 2`.. C`me on, Shia! Yippiee!",2,positive 7462,"App is good. But I want to suggest something > There should be To do list type of feature, that is what sort of things we are doing regularly from our routine will be selected and those which left undone will be not selected. In this way more clear picture of time allotment and productivity can be seen.",1,neutral 3150,YES! I DONE IT! at last. my homework is ready dx and i can go waaalkiiing because the sun is shining ^^ oh yeah.,2,positive 437,"Kelly Kelly pays your bills @ 12:15, Kaden pays em @ 5:15 and just wants you to follow him. lol He dosent get to pay bills",1,neutral 1843,"Tasks that I change dates does not move to the new date assigned. I'm dismayed because I am a premium member. Moreover, it doesn't have a 1 week or 7 day folder. Apart from the calendar, I also want to see a 7 day list or folder...",0,negative 1546,"Quite simply, the best. Cannot get over how user-friendly Todoist is--the devs clearly designed with *intention*. Pre-made templates are a godsend, text markup/emoji integration made me smile, and powerful organizational features made me stay. Kudos 🙌",2,positive 17984, i keep thinking about FOOD! i made myself some tea,1,neutral 9960,Great Tool,2,positive 74,_LaMont yr very young looking dude,2,positive 1189,Not sure yet about other features but definitely need the ability to access the full app from the widget,1,neutral 8687,"Simple, allows you to manipulte lists, sub catagories. First one ive found that really works for me.",2,positive 17712,Need to fold laundry and finish dishes... clean out the rabbit`s cage too. That`s about it that really needs to be done... doable,2,positive 2758,You such a good friend <3 I miss you so much,1,neutral 394,_a_michael It doesn`t look like you`re tired in the pic. Don`t work too hard.,1,neutral 26080,The city officially smells like dead fish,0,negative 5183, We forgive you and we have missed you!,1,neutral 24100,"Happy Mother`s Day, Moms!!! You are wonderful!! Have a great day",2,positive 21981, Haha same as miine,1,neutral 15825,Time is going slow,0,negative 18291,"had to pause tv, now i`m 10 minutes behind on BGT",1,neutral 16549,sees the finish line disappearing in a plethora of emails!!! WAH!,0,negative 2491,This amazing app 😍👌👍,2,positive 2004,wishes he had realized his wife hadn`t held onto the debit card before he took a long walk to get lunch and not after. GRRR!,0,negative 4336, poor grace!!! You need to date a cute male nurse.,1,neutral 1327, will do,1,neutral 6554,demo demo ..not compatible with outlook..,0,negative 5548,"Loved it.... Awesome for making habbits, Best app for monitering ur tasks and daily routine Thanks HabitNow",2,positive 2876,Just got my heart ripped out i love you guys,2,positive 23445,is having awesome fruits and vegetable juice at the opening of Lam`s noodles at 8 #fb,2,positive 12650, Looks nice.... never knew VHS had such a short life span... hope my fav VHS is not dead,2,positive 3717,Ever since the new update that came out today I have not been able to use forest. Every time I try opening the app is says forest has stopped. Is there any way to fix this?,1,neutral 2933,The sun is shining Have a great day,2,positive 8081,I settled an alarm on this app. But it never popped up. This looks like a great app but please fix this. All my notifications in this app is open.,0,negative 8057, you can use my alotment,1,neutral 20658, - Man I miss this truck so much! had to return it cause it was 687.00 a month and 236.00 ins a month on it : ...,0,negative 2160,"Definitely there is something broken regarding notifications. I'm not getting alerts for all my tasks with reminders. Also, seems like notifications unlock my phone and turn my screen on - when previously they didn't. It's still the app that best suits my needs and definitely worth trying if you haven't before, but the recent issues are frustrating. But I'm sure the guys will fix them soon! thanks!",1,neutral 19872,unfortunately people at work let me down so I am now having a bad morning! it`s official... but revenge is a dish best served cold,0,negative 8622,"Love that you can have several lists, and sub lists, and set reminders/deadlines.",2,positive 12354, Yes PM PM you are right,2,positive 23640,"David Mitchell`s presenting `Have I Got News For You` tonight <3 I love him! I think he`s ace <3 On another note, **** this headache",1,neutral 16483, omg you`ve never seen `the Ring` its a creppy **** movie,0,negative 4308, that`s bad as it affects all the languages that run on the JVM. Too bad!,0,negative 2581,"beginning setup wasn't loading at all. signed up using Facebook. since it was not loading, i just clicked next. now I'm stuck with my Avatar with no way to change",0,negative 26243," pfft, cydia apps ftw, code on the phone, make, reload springboard",1,neutral 15610,Arghhh So annoyed-yet again gone 2 starbucks & given skimmed milk instead of soy milk!! I can`t have milk so hav 2 throw away! Expensive,0,negative 24308,"done with the fkn exam! n just bought the mothers day gift, finally... tada! the new prada fragrance going to meet up mum n fam now : ...",1,neutral 7049," and what did you do last night, I don`t recall being invited",1,neutral 1432, not sexy with 2 tubes sticking out of my stomach but thanks !,2,positive 14710, dont quit.,1,neutral 15877,Hallooo bayern!hallooo stau!,1,neutral 23214,Theres a spider above my bed calming my fears by listening to greeeeen day<3,2,positive 18985,Boyfriend is out with friends tonight. Don`t know what to do with my evening,1,neutral 6,2am feedings for the baby are fun when he is all smiles and coos,2,positive 904,"and thanks, , fr. yr congratulatory gweetin`",2,positive 11478,Just found out my Abuelo in Aguadilla is not doing well,0,negative 2638,"Despite various updates to ""fix bugs"" the first few screens of this app are still completely broken on Android. The app beyond sign-in still functions...but that's it. The game aspect is weak, the app isn't very well designed, and the tutorials tend to be broken on Android as well. I prefer apps like Fabulous, which I think approaches the subject of mental health and habit forming in a much better way.",0,negative 4461,Can`t seem to find the new Mountain Dew Throwback in 12 packs....only in 1 liter bottles,1,neutral 22016,researching ecologically friendly carrier bags... its not cheap to be eco friendly,2,positive 1736,Just got back from Apple Store in Robina. Managed to get a replacement iPhone because it couldn`t access the web properly. So shiny,1,neutral 9553,"This is just a re-skinned Samsung calendar, don't waste your time",0,negative 20693, my heart just broke a little ... and by a little i mean a lot,0,negative 7189,It cool,2,positive 5994, haha! I remember that! That trip was fun. I Miss miss miss miss miss chu,1,neutral 9858,Alarms are singular and not like an alarm clock...,1,neutral 9902,is updating you LIVE from Benihana of Tokyo in Waikiki Happy Birthday Mark!!!,2,positive 7918,ROFL.. okay I dont know. but Kristin still isnt here,1,neutral 27358,had a wonderful evening with those I love!,2,positive 20834, so far surprisingly good responses. My dad offered to airbrush the old logo on the wall..but I think that might be overkill,2,positive 7920," And the 1600th tweet goes to you because w/o you, I`d have no one to talk to at 3am in the morning! lol <3",1,neutral 13748, heyyy you LOL wassup mamas?,1,neutral 9905, You Got Twitter! Yayy ****,2,positive 17726,going for lunch soon with my fave cuzs,2,positive 3493,"_xo wicked , what time you leaving? how come you cant stay the night",0,negative 6524," i know, i was on the list, but had to miss out b/c of conflicting plans how did it go?",0,negative 14807,Woo! Nachos AND ice cream haha,1,neutral 27341,"Wooow, I haven`t charged my iPod Touch all day today, and it`s still ALIVE! That`s so coolio",2,positive 9163,"Smart looking Calendar but is unusable for business. My scheduled tasks are all forwarded to current day and wont show up in month view. Widgets don't agree or display the same info. After managing my calendar accounts to only two, app gives me five to choose from..Even deleted Google calendars. A Waste of time. I now use Samsung Calendar widget. One click on task lists... it brings up same beautiful translucent widget theme in month view that agrees in format and my appointments Thank you",1,neutral 11029, I wish I could go. See ya at Warped for sure tho!,2,positive 2595,"Hey, thanks for the follow, wow this is exciting a new tweet.",2,positive 12064, Bummer- that is a bad experience.,0,negative 6921,A very good Pie chart graphical view of your schedule with nice colours and everything is good about the app specially the graphical side. I'm not a pro owner but also rating 4 stars because of the glitch in app today. My whole sector were invisible today and it just showed blue colour filled circle with only an area of 45° looking as faded blue. And nothing else was there. I also have screen shot of the error if developers need it. Else it's a great app. Soon will buy the pro version.,2,positive 2858,the idea behind it its very good but it wont even let me log in...,1,neutral 1911, I def will. If anyone leaves the room for a second he has to follow. He`s a really great dog otherwise so far.,2,positive 8659, a lovely weekend thank you Whats it like where you live? Exciting im sure night night ****,2,positive 1959,At social. just saw G-1.. Awwww,2,positive 10644,I hate being young,0,negative 637," I send messages to greg all the time, no answer its ok I still love o & a, goog luck with your move to Erie.",2,positive 25670, cheese and onion! or as my father says `cheese and minging`,1,neutral 7959,"I just got this app about 2 days ago. I love it! I would give it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ... if the developers added new features such as: *more affordable $20/year *more stickers: love variety *journaling pages : customizable to be added anywhere within the planner *fully customizable upcoming event pages: to help plan for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, parent to be planning & baby or adopted child showers, Valentine's, marriage proposal 😊",1,neutral 10143,Watchin Espn..Jus seen this new Nike Commerical with a Puppet*t was hilarious...LMAO!!!,2,positive 2676,"Woke up and it`s bank holiday monday, so no college. got a text from tom via jason`s mobile earlier today, so i`m hoping they turned up.",2,positive 12981, at least you have a next year into the big wide world for me!,1,neutral 8149,"I actually really like this app but one of the biggest features that needs to work properly for my routines is repeating reminders. I set reminds for monthly bills such as rent, and set it to repeat ""monthly"". But when I complete the task, it uncompletes itself the very next day WITHOUT setting the reminder to the next month. Basically if i set it to November 1st, it tries to remind me again, daily, on november 1st. It doesn't work. I love the app but the most important feature is broken sadly.",0,negative 22196,Legs are hurting because I was standing up all day.,0,negative 2417, a bit too early for me and wanting to have nice lunch too... have a good time,2,positive 6657, at least she doesnt try to violently hump you like my (female) dog does,2,positive 2772,my girl friend also dropped me,1,neutral 574,"You`re never alone Just when you think no one cares, you realize that there` always one person you cares for you",1,neutral 7226,"The new version is too complicated to use and I could not find any directions. However, a application with a easier use will be my preference.",0,negative 24966, you looked great for being sick yesterday! i`m sorry I didn`t really make an effort to say hi... I was preoccupied for a while,1,neutral 10082,Absolutely amazing. The only planner app I can actually successfully use. I'm really bad with these and my brain seems to like this one's straightforward interface.,2,positive 970,"I agree with a previous user that recent updates are making the app worse. I've used this app for several years and loved that my to-do list syncs across devices, but recent changes (specifically, deleting completed tasks instead of leaving them visible/able to be restored, despite modifying settings) make this app basically useless for my purposes. I'm disappointed that I need to find a new app after so long using this one.",0,negative 8555,"_dog Lucky you! it`s drizzling again. Mommy says the puddles are big enough 4 me to swim in, so no dog park today..",2,positive 20441,Throwin` down in the kitchen like I do making Rah`s illi Chili and Shalonda`s Bangin Cake,1,neutral 2735,Happy Mothers Day. Havent got mom a present yet? Print off an Amazon Gift Card for her!,2,positive 24445, You`re right- you don`t do sympathy very well,0,negative 21593, too late I`m already on the bus goin home what the he`ll u talkin about drinkin tea????,0,negative 16334,WANTS TO GO TO SLEEP WITH THE SOUND OF THE RAIN,1,neutral 23066, people are pathetic how do u know some one is trying?,0,negative 9812,"When I goto monthly view press the date the event is on, the previous date shows up. Sometimes I am able to scroll forward to the date I am looking for,but mostly not. ( for example I scroll April 24th and April 23rd shows up). I like the design of the app,would like to see yearly view. I also can't see Events I posted unless I rotate the phone. But it works for tasks and notes tabs fine?",1,neutral 1699,wants to greet all the mom`s out there a Happy Mothers Day!!! May you enjoy your day!!,2,positive 7515, - This store at the airport is as close as we`ll get to WDW during this trip.,1,neutral 5129,6th street was amazing this weekend!!! The wedding was fantastic.. but im really really tired at work from the long eventful weekend,1,neutral 3848,It's a great app to stay focused but sometimes I use my phone to go on Google or use Google translate or dictionary and other things that I need to do my work. I think the app should let us choose which apps can be an exception because phones are sometimes very important in doing our work. Restrict only games and social media.,2,positive 6985,i want a top that says ` `,1,neutral 21674,A delay until midnight bloody thomson!!!!,0,negative 13995,Off for a bit of a motorcycle trip today!,1,neutral 16899," I got my film developed at asda, half of them are just gray!! And some have a black box on the top half why?",1,neutral 20194, hey love whats up! my voice is shot whats new with you,2,positive 9521,I cannot even create an account I fill in what's needed and I'm pressing the button and it's not working some1 help.,0,negative 279,"Hi there, i would like to know if this application is for free or do i need to pay for it? Thank you for your answer.",0,negative 18887, i think im just going to wind up going Home and go to bed,1,neutral 4672,"_ yeah, just knew him because of your link HE`S COMPLETELY AMAZING AND HE SINGS PHANTOM!",2,positive 6916,"I've been using this app and the watch face on my Moto 360 for close to about a year now. With all my events for the day (and the next day) visible on my wrist, I can keep track of my calendar easily. However recently, the watch face is defaulting to 'Simple Clock' (default watch face) whenever I use the watch. It only affects Sectograph and it has been bugging me since.",2,positive 10509,#RantsAndRaves The worst thing about GM (concord / pleasant hill / martinez): is the fucking UAW. ..,0,negative 4758,Pretty good app to keep track of your bad habits you want to quit,2,positive 4735,"Удобный, наглядный трекер привычек с подробной кастомизацией. К сожалению, не всегда корректно срабатывают напоминания - во всплывающем окне не нажимаются кнопки, приходится переходить в приложение, чтобы отметить выполненное действие.",2,positive 3000, join the club.,1,neutral 22012,Wish someone would by my 90mm Mamiya MF lens. Needs the money,1,neutral 8341,"passed my drivers test! i can drive!...oh wait, i don`t turn 16 till october",1,neutral 9992,Would love to be able to customize the app more. Need to add a dark theme and also add an agenda view.,2,positive 2663,"latest update has not fixes bugs that occur every day.frustrating to use.sometimes it won't save,will just have a loading loop.Some basic things are not customizable like the calendar starting on Monday or the date format ,doesn't keep track of activity data correctly . Please focus on getting the app to work instead of focusing on superficial appearance! was thinking of paying for a subscription but what's the point if the money will not go towards making the app usable & less temperamental?",0,negative 3664,It hangs.. in my phone.. doesn't work.. cant understand..what the hell is happening with this app..after using more than 2times....fix it plz,1,neutral 7856,"Great App, loved the design style, feels great to use, elegant and quick way to construct your day",2,positive 2577, - what i have to resort to wearing today cause i haven`t finished my laundry. lol.,2,positive 14697,_gregor Great avatar,2,positive 5916, I want to know who is that ??.6 I tried to ask P`KIA but he still not reply me but now he change his status to `away`,1,neutral 2740,Looks good but lack of dark mode kills it for my phone. I can't stand any app that's mostly bright b white. Went with LifeRPG instead.,1,neutral 6262,too many good shows coming up and no money to buy tickets. fmfl. brand new at the troub?,2,positive 3305,"The privacy policy is just ludacris. Especially that all personal and private data (vids + pics and the rest) is also collected for the appmakers own ""interests"". 😳😳😳",0,negative 2897,"I would like it better if you could add days of the week that would be super helpful. For example, I only workout Monday thru Friday so if I could have it remind me Monday thru Friday that would be super helpful",1,neutral 17521,Ugh its really hot today already and its not even noon yet i want ice water!,0,negative 19062,Missing how it used to be,0,negative 4564, It would be amazing if we could meet us in Germany! I have been to Germany twice.,2,positive 684,love it when my sister brags! but she`s too tired too spell bowling right! haha its ok I <3 her!!,1,neutral 7753,Allies not coming over,1,neutral 1407,"Please, make an option to use the old style widget. Unfortunartely letters became too small for 4x6 home screen grid.",2,positive 2171,"To every mom, mommy and mother, Happy Mother`s Day Hope you all do something special and fun today.",2,positive 9284,_Sprigge Keen skydivers take off thousands of times in planes but rarely land in them,1,neutral 4544,i wish to have flexible goal like do xx minutes exercise per week/month,1,neutral 2107, JUST like to clarify that I am a unable to acc. review vibrators as have not testrun any. *not an invitaiton for freebies,0,negative 3380,"Great app to keep focused but too many glitches as you can tell from other reviews. For me it has crashed in the passed. Currently the problem is that the vibration alarm doesn't come on when I'm done my timer, so it's literally failing at it's secondary job, to keep time of your session (1st job is to keep your phone away from you during your study session). Because of the glitch, I have missed a bus a couple times b/c the timer didn't ring. I am displeased. Also the new updates seem unoriginal",0,negative 6361,KMF going smoothly so far. Free stuff is always a plus.,2,positive 4913,May the 4th be with you I couldn`t resist!!,1,neutral 4207, Looks like both to me Alison.,1,neutral 10676, yes,1,neutral 2399,Ewww just printed my new I.d badge thingie 4 work n eww my picture. I took so many n they were all ugly,0,negative 12353, orralle.. have fun,2,positive 268,Strange thing. When I mark recurrent tasks as done in web desktop version into the Upcoming section.,0,negative 350,"Please make the widgets more customizable and make us able to change the background transparency. Edit: Looks like you didn't understand. I'm talking about the background transparency of the widgets. Again, if you didn't understand - I'm talking about the ability to change the background transparency, the blackish background which makes the contrast higher and isn't necessary on wallpapers which aren't too bright.",1,neutral 5243,"I don't have this app for long, but it is really easy to use so i like it, it also allows you to skip a day if you can't do it that day (just change the day)",2,positive 14337,My door looks naked It makes my room feel bigger though.,1,neutral 19931,watching jackass. then bed,1,neutral 7143,"Easy interface, Great help",2,positive 14623," how abt we wait til summer, and do this at ur place...ima need somewhere to stay anyways",1,neutral 16358, Ooh really?!! Well you know you`re always welcome!!,2,positive 4165,"had a cracking night last night, don`t think i`ve ever laughed so much nice, lazy day today woop!",2,positive 26929, - lol pretty long,2,positive 2126,apparently even Novell Moonlight doesn`t work on my Jaunty,0,negative 1087,"Some pretty basic standard features in other apps are missing. The options menu is very limited with no option to default a tasks due date, project, category etc. These have to be entered every single time a task is created which makes adding quick tasks on the fly very annoyingly slower than other apps. There is no sorting options or filters on views (ability to create custom views does not exempt this feature from being useful). Too many clicks to edit tasks, eg notes/comments, rescheduling.",0,negative 10579,"SUPER INVESTORS: A great weekend read here from Warren Buffet. Oldie, but a goodie.",2,positive 5641,"I hate it! I loved wunnderlist, it was just perfect. Why did you guys have to change what was great??? This new App is so unclear, things don't stand out the way they did. I imported all my info from wunderlist and it is all messed up. I will be looking for another app and give up on you asap!",0,negative 18009,_Nicole I have to close my eyes when I watch it,1,neutral 16818,Back from comedy night. Great fun. It`s only midnight. I`m knackered. I`m getting old,1,neutral 10091, It`s becoming a very tough race. Linda is indeed very talented. But someone has to go every week. We cut two this week.,0,negative 23156, ok i got you! Knight!,1,neutral 17714, Haha I should. But I won`t. lol Then I might miss something.,2,positive 9888,"I bought this because it has a really design and features, but I to uninstall it because it's slow loading. It's lagging.",1,neutral 8512,Easy and simple to use.,2,positive 2053,"There is no option for repeated activities is a few hours. I will give 5 star and uninstall Todoist if I can set 'every hour / every 3 hour'. So far, this app is better than Todoist.",1,neutral 27072, thanks. I`m self so I don`t see the 'my Account' area. I`ll have to dig deeper it seems,1,neutral 8860,"I have had this for years and even have the pro version. Today the application is staying I do not have pro, when I go to on app purchase it even detects purchased but will not give access to pro features.",0,negative 1961,Enjoyed Star Trek... More please,2,positive 25427, just giving shouts to all my peoples in Twitterville,1,neutral 2907,"Best and most effective habit app I've tried. However, adding new tasks is very frustrating, because the sorting feature is buggy. Sometimes the item you're moving disappears for a time, sometimes the item jumps out of place. This might sound trivial, but I have a lot of tasks, and being able to sort them is an essential feature for me. I'm on Android 6.0 (LG G4).",1,neutral 14597,SNL with Justin Timberlake!,1,neutral 993, I see you didn`t shave your head. But I *LOVE* the cut. I`m glad you didn`t shave it. Your hair`s too pretty!,2,positive 7855,Very useful app. How do I get the notifications to disappear automatically once they pop up? I don't want to stay clear them every time. Thank you.,2,positive 13256,My car broke down. Time to start looking at getting another. If its not one thing its another.,0,negative 6480,It gives the option to add a local calendar but doesn't let you use it unless you also give permission to use a Google or Outlook calendar. Kind of defeats the purpose of doing a local-only calendar if I can't actually use it.,0,negative 11904,sooo im 20 n im just now findin out i have asthma,0,negative 19424,"I know it wasn`t going to be there, but I check EZTV for The Office torrent...",1,neutral 13836,"Was outside playing ball with dogs, now all hot and sweaty",0,negative 13151, Thank you sister!!,2,positive 8161,Took a 4 hour nap after work today and won`t be able to sleep all night This is a bummer,1,neutral 15601, But I`d have to drive Or get a taxi. Do you have a pool table/jukebox?,1,neutral 10246,Guess I'll be retiring my G1 and start using my developer G2 woot #googleio,2,positive 10173," Yeah, it`s good! If you`re not going to use it, give it to me! I want to watch Star Trek",2,positive 1854,"Disappointing... I have been happily using this application for years now, but the last few updates appear to have caused more problems than they fixed. One example: when you create an event that's further away than a month, the app will AT ALL TIMES change the date and time to incorrect ones. It has done this EACH time for me over the last months, changing the dates and times for no reason; you can imagine this is a deal-breaker for a planning app...",0,negative 1905,eating my roommate`s cereal. sorry bro,0,negative 1675,totally forgot she had soccer today. ugh today was actually good too...,0,negative 1147, - At bus boys and poets ordering medici and white chocolate banana bread pudding !!,1,neutral 3149, hell yea its hot here i miss cali,0,negative 6455,Amazing app to take notes and make to do lists.,2,positive 5561,"I just put my TV on the Canucks game and they score yaay come on VanCity baby (I know, I can`t believe I`m watching hockey either)",2,positive 21541, no wonder your running son....,1,neutral 2191, If you`re flying to NZ is a great way to get results in aggregate.,2,positive 13650, Gotta love skype! Make sure you get their new update!,2,positive 1034,crying to A Walk To Remember as usual,0,negative 8241,tafe was actually quite good. for once,2,positive 27389,Its cloudy outside,1,neutral 24189,Yogulicious? another sour sally competitor,1,neutral 14917,hommmmmme! good day,2,positive 16656,_pollard Never. I`m banned by Court Order,0,negative 5463,"Funciona bien, pero si le hacen falta cosas, tengo la versión premium, resulta que debería existir la opción de crear categorías (donde uno pueda seleccionar el ícono que más le convenga de la lista que ustedes dejen y poder asignarle el nombre de la categoría) por ejemplo: como sabemos, existe categoría denominada ""study"" pero no se puede configurar mas de ahí. Sería bueno poder crear categorías con el nombre de cada materia para tener un mejor control de lo que se HACE.",2,positive 2633," Homework bound for the whole weekend, not so fun",0,negative 10095,Good app. I use it to daily to keep track of everything. It works well.,2,positive 586, I didn`t want to tell you but I think it`s your body odour,0,negative 6936,Good app but need to something more,2,positive 1398,I love being able to run my tongue along my teeth,2,positive 11798,Up way way way to early this am....thanks _benson,2,positive 14420,Oh dear. Sunburned back,0,negative 23836," is my son - he gets my vote today coz he has grown into a loving, caring `soul-full` man - who loves his mum",2,positive 23966, It`s been doing it for two days. We have a comcast technician scheduled for tomorrow morning.,1,neutral 19993," don`t you just love the 'butteflies in your stomach' feeling? ano man yun, kaya mo yan.",2,positive 16539,Taking a load of old broken concrete to the landfill. Tried to find a recycler,1,neutral 3043,wants to go out tonight but cant get home,0,negative 7739,"Developer responded to my issue quickly and politely. App is pretty good so far, maybe a little more clarity is needed about the user interface for dummies like me :) Like an arrow to indicate I can swipe for the rest of my schedule.",2,positive 7321,Starting class. Today we start MediSoft.,1,neutral 21082,why did Reel big fish cover Edna`s goldfish,1,neutral 7364, yeah I m so happy for them that they should moved on and out there partying I m so happy,2,positive 800,"You better come here by the time I count to 10 or else. 1, 2, 3, BAM!!!!!",2,positive 4717, - Look who I brought home,1,neutral 3400,Please give us a way of disabling the red notification dot. It serves no purpose if I can't tell what it's for. Get rid of it or make it more clear what it's indicating. UX should never be an afterthought.,0,negative 9398,is sad coz hyd theka`s dont have beer,0,negative 1378,Handy.,1,neutral 6621,the current day shows events for the next day and seemingly no option to change it. very annoying.,0,negative 16186,"its a beautiful,albeit, windy at times, night in So No....",2,positive 4943,Just shot my new .22 rifle! The auto-reset plinker target I built in shop class works great!,2,positive 25740," yep, it�s Mothers Day here as well but me and my family ignore it! we�re celebrating it EVERY day ... LOL",1,neutral 8421,Thank you all for the huge response w/ blessings & congratulations for us and Anna... We`re indeed a family in church love that so much,2,positive 2189,"Whew. Finally done editing my Friendster account. Haha! Oh, geez. I`m hungry.",0,negative 18641,has finished exams.... has (almost) moved out of halls and is leaving london tomorrow,1,neutral 2403,Sticks and stones may break my bones...but words will hurt forever.,0,negative 21358," I do feel bad for him too. Especially na ngayon pa siya nagrerehab siya and all. Wrong timing. Still, maybe he had it coming",0,negative 7101,Really cool visual presentation. Lots of customization features. Great calendar keeper.,2,positive 14944,speechless,1,neutral 11313, Marche! I want rosti and crepes.,1,neutral 611, You should check yourz Rayne.,1,neutral 16707,"It`s hot. I could turn on the A/C, but I`m trying to be green for as long as I can stand it Right now I`m just a little red and shiny.",1,neutral 9349,i cant sleep ughh n i have registration tomorrow at 11 this suxs *Shooting Star*,0,negative 10051,"Good simple screen, best I've seen for a while. Also brings together Calendar, Tasks and Notes.",2,positive 21091,is drawing a picture for her bubba,1,neutral 8304, gooood we miss you!! hope you had fun w/the in-laws haha,1,neutral 6166,so bryan was at the sweet 15 and i didnt think we were gonna talk but towards the end of the night we talked,2,positive 26095,_cook you make me sad. Why do I like in canada? I can never watch these things. I should move. Know anyone who needs a roommate?,0,negative 13125, Trudy`s off Burnet...the one up north that no one goes to,1,neutral 18892,"_Efron 17 Again was amazing! I have seen it three times! It`s just hilarious, and you are fantastic!",2,positive 7278,Not worth it don't buy...,0,negative 8961,"This calendar would be a 5 star except for 1 MAJOR issue. The sync is unreliable. For example, items placed on my calendar via Google or Gmail within the previous 24-48 hours usually do not appear no matter what sync settings I have or how many times I manually initiate a manual sync. All other calendar apps I have tried do not have these sync issues.",0,negative 1990,It work absolutely fine but why every hour try to connect with Facebook servers? Adguard noticed it,1,neutral 7652,"I'm liking it so far. It's a very customizable experience, and I can really get into the details without the interface being too complex. I would like to see more widget options for the ap on the home screen. I like to see my schedule and routine the moment I open my phone. While there is a widget, it's rather lack luster. Synced with the programming, I think it would be cool if they had a calendar widget available.",2,positive 10936,Going to workout + swin... fun,2,positive 18750,bye! off to the movies with jake,1,neutral 8201,stupid auto correct,0,negative 408,Dosen`t Want To Go To Work Tomorrow,0,negative 27170,if you hit a car .. u should leave a note but yea put whatever u want on the note,1,neutral 25564,_Kid congrats; im still jobless,1,neutral 7463,"It would be nice if there was a warning what certain buttons do. I was trying to figure out how to change the day from day one, clicked clear day, and it erased my entire schedule. It should say clear routine if that's what it does. I'm a little pissed as I just paid for the app so I can make a schedule. Still unsure of how to do what I need.",1,neutral 6580,no instructions..,0,negative 1411,Boring starting work weekend soon................ 1st need to get a Tim Coffee so I can make it through this **** night shift........,0,negative 311,Ship. I`m stuck.,0,negative 9444,"Work day 7 of 7,",1,neutral 4382,the app requires premium membership to use the widget. defeats the point for me,0,negative 15862,"Happy Mother`s Day to all the Mom`s out there, but especially to my wonderfuly Mommy",2,positive 1396,Girsl night ! on my way to foam party No sleep tonight !!,1,neutral 21944, Just seeing if anyone was still awake,1,neutral 10470,Could go for a lot of McDonalds. i mean A LOT.,2,positive 866,i jus love doin night shifts...will be done in an hour,2,positive 22739,"rain, rain, rain. wow i actually LOVE the rain....",2,positive 21203,goin` to casa milan`s club house...,1,neutral 7235,"Looks great, alarms don't work. The notifications just don't work on my Motorola G7 plus running Android 9.",0,negative 24711, true that! don`t know why i bothered this morning cos I just put it up in a pony soon as I got to work anyways,0,negative 8622,Has that sinking feeling that it`s all about to go **** up.....bracing myself for the comedown,0,negative 475,Good Morning!!! Work and then it`s ESPN`s Sunday night Baseball. hopefully it won`t get rained out,2,positive 16807, I`m working on a painting due for school and hating myself for sleeping all **** day and starting this so late.,0,negative 22571," Still waiting for a email from MAX. So i consider no news, bad news.",0,negative 9051, - the most amazing decoration of a store i`ve ever seen... & it`s almost been 2 years,2,positive 3086,"WOW I REALLY LOVE THIS APP!!! Such a great idea. I first downloaded it for my youngest daughter to try help her with responsibility & organization, we connect daily on the app to check each other's progress. I generally enjoy this game, it is the only one have on my phone.",2,positive 5553, i missed the game,0,negative 7861, hey there! your web URL looks good,2,positive 9283,Still enjoying this app after all these years,2,positive 10304,Sony coupon code.. Expires soon..,1,neutral 67,Terminator Salvation... by myself.,1,neutral 942,"_babe woo! im getting mine on monday,cant wait x",2,positive 9793,Its already hot outside... thank goodness my car has amazing a.c!!! cyalater!!! off to work!!!,2,positive 20642,is sad she got her plans cancled,0,negative 18776, teehee. it was a good show anyway,2,positive 2627,Happy Mother`s Day.,2,positive 6909,"You can add one thing, when we'll touch on particular time period then the particular task should be displayed.",2,positive 18026,just made a South-Korean email pal. Happy!,2,positive 3493,Too much advertisement. Not motivating nor relaxing,0,negative 6481,I had 2 hoes .. now I have none,1,neutral 3987,This app is so cool! It really helps me to motivate my self and I love the sounds it does in the background! Highly reccomend!,2,positive 7454,"It's really only useful if you are doing recurring tasks at the same time, on the same days, etc. I set up a lot of tags (categories) but they can only be applied to the routines, not events or reminders. I was also not able to copy/duplicate events, which would have allowed me to reuse the same tasks at different times or days without setting up a brand new event. Disappointed in the app's scheduling capabilities.",1,neutral 3886,"Very fun and a good way to stay focused. I do recommend this app. The sounds come broken sometimes, it should be fixed.",2,positive 1668, aww,1,neutral 24727,"saw kim kardashian on robertson today, ate a hella good sandwich at bay cities in santa monica, and just downloaded a lot of new songs",2,positive 211,"I tried it years ago and never really got it going. Then I switched to Wunderlist and became an organized machine! Now Wunderlist is being retired, so I thought I'd try again, guessing it would be much better by now and that my ability to use it to my advantage would be vastly improved. Nope. No ability for folders or some other way to group lists together so I don't have to flip through all my lists to find the one I want. Not even a list view to make them easier to find.",0,negative 7427,Chemistry is not fun..,0,negative 6462,Playing some games before I leave for work Work til at least 11PM tonight.,1,neutral 3425,App has so many problems. I started experiencing them once I paid for the pro version. No one has responded me back from the support to solve my issues. Some issues are as below. 1. Not fully supporting the app whitelist which is a big obstacle in working. 2. Not counting the exceeded time even after setting it up again and again. 3. Took so long to log in after reinstallation as I tried that to solve the above mentioned issues. My advice : Don't pay for this app till these issues are resolved,0,negative 13729, awwwww i`m such a scifi geek and StarWars is the TEN COMMANDMENTS for us geeks!!,2,positive 1911,"i love this app but it reads my texts. i left one in draft and it suggested it as a Todo item. i couldn't find any way to get it to keep is ""eyes"" to itself. not about it.",0,negative 3349,live chat soooon most likely.,1,neutral 3248,"I uninstalled the app and installed it again and now the app works, but ive lost all my progress and my forest... this is so dumb this app forces me to uninstall and then i dont even get my progress back",0,negative 12613, I watched it all online. has the last 8 episodes of S5,1,neutral 4893,It's for keep,2,positive 17191,wants to go to falkland but cant cause of stupid exams and mtbcut are going to be there,0,negative 6272, I KNOW!!!! Its all stormy outside.. and my hair looks cute today.. hahah,2,positive 22011,"mmm, just had the best delicious chocolate pancakes for tea break. oh thank God for HERHSEY`S Chocolate Syrup!",2,positive 25071,_miss my best friend won tickets to see them from kiis fm!,1,neutral 1181, awesome! All deserved I`m sure. Miss the Crabs games,2,positive 34," Ahhh, I slept through the game. I`m gonna try my best to watch tomorrow though. I hope we play Army.",1,neutral 17353, i want cafe latteeeeeeeeeee,1,neutral 2620,ALO is so sad and quiet and empty tonight,0,negative 17444, Ha! I dunno about standing anything up. Very very rough today. It hurts to talk.,0,negative 4737,it works well for me,2,positive 19851, so cool to hear you guys on 104.5! and i can`t believe you in were cherry hill a few weeks ago and i missed it come back,1,neutral 16730,Everyone we have another hater ,0,negative 16501,_ i know ! my BG looks emo now .! lol,1,neutral 23587,I still can`t believe the Matt McCoy interview got 255 views!! Twitter truly is....AWESOME!,2,positive 12486,Yao...broken much for that series Denver`s next,0,negative 15742, wow cute Pic,2,positive 4133,Great app for focusing.,2,positive 20913,"#freeagentapp free trial ran out today, cannot subscribe because Abby accidentally canceled my card - still waiting for a new one",0,negative 2598,IN PAIN. my big toe got stamped on during the hokey cokey. it hurts so much! anyone have any suggestions to help with it?,0,negative 2731," oh! Yeah,your mom told be about that. I thought you meant his twitter ID & I was very confused. That sucks. Sick.",0,negative 4975,This is worst task game in my life,0,negative 5833,"Not as good as wunderlist. Supposed to verify before deleting but it doesn't. Lost entire list by accidentally touching and yes, I have it turned on in settings. At least with wunderlist you could see deleted items and undo. Going to find something better than this then uninstalling.",0,negative 14422, i would prefer 1 more monday,1,neutral 5326,added 30 minutes to morning sleep by cutting out useless Today Show. Feels nice,2,positive 702," ah, ok thank youuuuuu!",2,positive 9188,"Is working as described. Could offer deleatable holiday date/names, with drag/drop rescheduleling... a query window where user could use a ""window of time"" (such as ""3:30pm to 8:30pm"" , 6 days a week (S-MTWTF), with ""30 minute travle time"") and locate new appointment opening automatically. It has been a useful app so far.",2,positive 13374,"Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say it`s all right",1,neutral 19021," say hi to me, i`m depressed cause i cant see you",0,negative 18723," Dude, you could totally get that then sell it to some Denton musician and profit",1,neutral 6842,Excellent concept which has huge potential. Only problem is that the hour hand does not keep time correctly in 24 hour time. It shows 1400 instead of 1600 (2 hour difference).,1,neutral 26768,i`m bored : hope your wlan will go today!,0,negative 6379,"Very useful, and it syncs accross all of my devices. This is now my must have app",2,positive 16486,may the fourth be with you happy star wars day.,2,positive 24863,studying math ) it brought my brain to explode,1,neutral 310,school. 39 days !!! so exited. Amazing premier ,2,positive 1687,Gooood party last night (: Although I am extremely tired now. xD Off to bed to lounge around watch tv and sleep all day,2,positive 22659," lol, I`ve just realised that i`ve been sending messages that were meant to be to you, to a page that doesn`t exist",1,neutral 11225, Great!,2,positive 6708,Felt very complicated when i am flying high.,1,neutral 8683,Excellent. The best to do app out there.,2,positive 4944,"Crippled version without even a way to purchase outright. EDIT: I'll be clearer. Many apps features are disabled. But there is no way to just buy the app. The only option is some ongoing payment subscription which makes no sense as this app does not provide any ongoing or backend service, it's just an app! and a simple one at that. It's like going to buy a water bottle and going to check out they take your credit card info and charge you the same price every year that you use the bottle. Bottom line, it's just a scummy business practice.",0,negative 5208,"Very pleasant to work with, although it would be nice to have sub-skills that are part of a more general skill, for example a specific language that is part of languages in general, and the option to rank up high level skils, for example begginer(insert topic here) at level 100 evolves to adept(insert topic here) and goes down to level 1.",2,positive 10877,Ready to crash!...had a great day and a FUN night! I couldn`t ask for anything more Night!,2,positive 1599,Just got back from school! Ugh I don`t want to go to the dance tonight,0,negative 12681,"_of_max Sadly, no. Now David Tennant has left I don`t particularly want the job anyway",0,negative 1861,C'mon. To have more than 10 lists I've to pay!? Nope... That's not gonna happen,0,negative 2077, yeah...I hope it turns out... 20 more minutes!,1,neutral 967, I was born there,1,neutral 21127," you are amazing as alice, as if she was made for you. Thank you for everything! I now have a face for the character",2,positive 2284,It`s a sad day for beer drinking movie goers. The Speakeasy theaters are no more,0,negative 13364,Eating at Zippys with candace!,1,neutral 1253,Bushidokan class got canceled. I`ll just have to sign up for karate someplace else!!,0,negative 734, Dang... that IS disappointing,0,negative 733,my nail broke I haaaaaaaaate,0,negative 2752,"The concept is inventive, but the execution simply makes this app less than enticing to use.",1,neutral 1260,Frustrating update plans.,1,neutral 658,? I had great time in Boston. Thanks to my baby girl.,2,positive 18683,Welll my folkiesss(; im offf to dream land;work in the mornin;ugh;ewwy. Talkkk to me;but tomorrow <3 lurvee ya`ll[;>,1,neutral 27014," I can`t buy, only rent!",1,neutral 7891,💪🏼💪🏼,2,positive 1677, oops too late,0,negative 24413, Very nice! Bea and I are so bummed we can`t make it We should try and get together in the near future.,2,positive 16914,"YAWN! Ow, caught a cramp maybe I should take a nap",1,neutral 9240,"Needs more vibrant colors, perfect everywhere else.",2,positive 6990,"Love the design, although the rolling 12-hours takes some getting used to. Very helpful for me to be aware of how much time I have available before an event",2,positive 6754," awww, I hates it wen families are brokun up by humuns. Maybee you see him agin wun day.",0,negative 21772,_WOCKEEZ I wanna go! But I won`t be there I`m sure that the show will be great!!,2,positive 18960,Gotta go to the doctor this morning i feel so sick right now. i can barely talk but i`m still yelling across the house lol,0,negative 17679,My brother just woke me up to help him with his homework. I`m not happy,0,negative 20001,"Once again another late night. But I scored a mojito, so ...",1,neutral 6312, i wud do but im at work srry ****,1,neutral 27422,"Plan, successful?",1,neutral 17639,_**** I`m leaving at half 10 but I have to get ready and things,1,neutral 6164,is moving out of Nesbitt.,1,neutral 4653," Good god, no. You can fit very few swear words into 140 characters",0,negative 10370,"i think i just about have all my info syncing properly between my mac, mobile me, and iphone. yay! finally",2,positive 7056,I'm not making full use of this app yet. But it's a very handy widget for busy folks to visualise their agenda for the day.,2,positive 4536,Wish I could track more than 5 habits without paying.,1,neutral 2476,there`s something about this area that makes my tonsils swell up everyday. i don`t get it.. i feel slightly miserable. #FF done 4 now!!,0,negative 14929,Is not looking forward to the LSAT,1,neutral 7229,The new version is so complicated loved the old one it was simple and easy and quick to use it was perfect,0,negative 3760,nice,1,neutral 25992,I am in total love with my Lip ring...more than all 12 of my is my ut-most favorite,2,positive 15516, hmmm...the one restaurant/one grocery is sad. not the dukbolgi.,0,negative 4021," dreamwidth, a new journaling site that just went into open beta.",1,neutral 7931,Hi seems a good app to me for India this will cost 200 . Is it yearly cost or for lifetime .please let me know,2,positive 2132,won`t be going to the Oxford Internet Institute Sunner Doctoral Programme in Brisbane: lack of funding,0,negative 15469, you obviously havent seen my mrs first thing in a morning,1,neutral 1553,"This is a great app. I installed it two months ago, and I use it everyday. It keeps me awake to all my appointments, and helps me to organize everything. I recommend it to everyone.",2,positive 2791,Ooopps over slept. Is it really 10am? Best get up then and get my shizzle in gear,1,neutral 6814,"love the interface, great smartwatch integration but cant change the color palette for some reason tried reinstalling and resetting app no luck",1,neutral 4770,So far so good 👍,2,positive 24889,gonna go outside with my daddy... gonna take a ride with his new triumph!,1,neutral 17542, cool. my **** itch. got sunburned at the volcano,0,negative 10428,Evermore & End of Fashion rocks! My poor foot though! oww! injured my foot. not good. will be sore tomorrow. details to follow later,0,negative 16703,"Sometimes games are cruel because they`re not real... like last night when I won $128,600 on Wheel of Fortune",0,negative 1925,is in history,1,neutral 23170,I am using an on-screen keyboard,1,neutral 3946,_zorz_peep count yourself lucky i was gonna say the OTHER word instead...and rsvp...sorry i cant come to ur,0,negative 1634,_city tell brandon I said hi!!,1,neutral 873,"_rose Mornin` ! Missed dance time, so I guess I will have to dance extra hard tomorrow...",1,neutral 5831,"Coming over from wunderlist, started the import and its been ""importing"" for 2 days. Only half my lists have transferred, seems hung.",0,negative 1744,"Plz change the orange color in ""Dark"" theme to blue...",0,negative 10708,A gift to myself. PUBLISHED! Episode 68 Align and Re-Align with Sensitivity Level 1-2 75 min #yoga class,2,positive 1553,What up ab circle! Anddd It`s still in the box f work,1,neutral 2695, Let me guess.... Antiques & Collectibles? Anywhere else you`d like to be?,1,neutral 19295,Playing with my puppy,2,positive 26858,"Quick answer, when do I put the bleach in the wash?? In the start or middle.. don`t laugh @ me..",1,neutral 261,writing report cards soooo tired but what an amazing day. check it out on fb soon!,2,positive 1093,"I'd like it except the widget is the most important feature for me. It displayed my inbox for about a week and now comes up blank. The tasks are there tho. I can read them if I open them, or open the app. :-( You're not the only organizer with this problem tho. Android 9.",0,negative 3755,Most of the trees and species are not cute enough,1,neutral 21785,"i misss my phone,",0,negative 14311,CoNvErSaTiNg,1,neutral 2509,"I had really begun to depend on this app and was having fun. Then I downloaded the update. I now have NOTHING. Not even the IMAGE of an avatar, there's just NOTHING THERE. I have no experience, no level, no coins, NOTHING. I was having a really awful day and this was just icing on the cake. There was so much I put into this game. How can I remember all of the tasks I scheduled for myself? I am so so discouraged.",0,negative 8692,"please do not let me get obsessed, whatever or whoever is in charge of my actions you`ve been doing such a bad job lately",0,negative 895,; keeps getting such delayed responses. why is my internet so messed up?!,0,negative 12728, yeah it was face2face nite we went to palisades to see star trek. i can`t remember it. i said it while we were in the car,1,neutral 8893,"The app is not working well since the latest update (2.37.0): the app crashes a lot when creating or editing tasks, the reminder for tasks and meeting are not working (notifications are enabled), so that makes the app useless. Reinstalling the app doesn't solve anything.",0,negative 9478, Oh very nice! I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing day!,2,positive 27283, love the stuff he sell... you should help this guy with his logo and shop it`s kinda Wordart,2,positive 19155,Need to buy a bluetooth device for machine,1,neutral 3758,i miss my brother. 12 more days till he gets bac to tennessee. he said he was singing 'find my way bac to tennessee' today. haha.,1,neutral 147, It`s gonna be hot here today too. today is Ryan`s last day of pre-k. I can`t believe it! I`ve been a SAHM since I had him!,0,negative 5947,"How about letting us pick from a custom color palette for each list. The supplied ones are insipid and limited. Also, sharing. My wife and I keep getting this message when trying to share lists (not all of them - just some, go figure): Unavailable List - It looks like this list isn't available. Try Contacting the person who invited you. Err, okay, then what? Bringing over shared lists from Wunderlist is a disaster. Utterly out of sync.",1,neutral 8231,"Haven't used it a lot yet, but enjoying the simple way to add tasks",1,neutral 16031,does anyone know any good rap songs? i need to make a rap/fun cd and i have no idea helllllpppp,2,positive 1737,"why do i need to pay for basic features such as showing your tasks in month view? it's a calendar app, those are stuff you need to see... can't believe you need to pay premium for a calendar todo app to show your freaking todos in the calendar",0,negative 10500,_grl love your new profile pic,2,positive 12969,Listening to: Sweet Talk 101 - Cute Is What We Aim For /// Considering taking up the GameBoy Color again. I miss chiptune.,0,negative 2768," hahaha chivalry`s not dead, just rare",2,positive 19245,It`s almost past 3. Time to go to bed,1,neutral 3276, MAKE ME ONE! I`m still craving shrimp,1,neutral 12422,i am letting you read this.......,1,neutral 2142," I don`t know what that means, sorry",0,negative 2346, ahaha thats okay and thanks,2,positive 4526,good app that does it's supposed to. wish it had some improvements to make it great (suggestions in the in-app forum),1,neutral 5233, Warren has just died.. hannah has been killed.. and I`m gutted!!! I love warren (even if he is nasty!!),1,neutral 8574,"Great app. I love this for my daily lists, shopping lists etc. I love it also has the sub lists with tasks. Would definately reccomend this app!",2,positive 22549, supposed to be visiting Austin Sun-Thurs..but not feeling well since vaca. Would`ve said hello for sure!,0,negative 5051,"Very interesting concept but it's extremely time consuming to setup and add all the content you need. Also being able to edit everything and choose the rewards freely kinda looses it's purpose. I understand some people might like the feature, but I personally do not. Overall, great app if you have the time to set it up and get familiar with it.",1,neutral 5751,Taco Bell With The Tramp!Yesssssir,2,positive 3031,Friday!!!!!!!!!! Wooo and nothing to do. Nuggets better pull it off tonight.,1,neutral 12966," those cakes sure look good ,,took one if it`s ok with you ummm good tks",2,positive 2867,Just downloaded the app better review later on,1,neutral 3002,Great concept. Reminders do not work and from some quick research it appears this has been an issue for literal years now. I was really hoping I could have the app remind me of tasks instead of setting a hundred alarms on my phone. I'd prefer not to have both. I'd really appreciate if reminders would actually work.,2,positive 8039,I remember the days when you bought an app and owned it.. Now every developer wants to lock you into a lifetime subscription process where they can charge you for eternity. I simply refuse to rent my own notepad.,0,negative 27179, I look forward to having one very soon,2,positive 22519, I`m proud of You Solange.,2,positive 342,Ok so I`ve now got a bit of a bad back after lifting all drum hardware into my car downer.,0,negative 919,Enjoying Mother`s Day,2,positive 14339, ow,1,neutral 13694, what was it? I missed it.,1,neutral 8371,Stephen...can 2 people share a task list on their respective phones?,1,neutral 23973, that`s how it is supposed to be and sometimes we get too busy to recognize that but always family after God,1,neutral 8737,My go to for years. Until the last update. Ads used to be unintrusive. Now you have to wait 10 seconds after every calendar update for the ad to run. Uninstalling now.,0,negative 12009,last drops of the thesis... God let it end today.,1,neutral 12923,"Going to bed, busy day tomorrow...Happy Mother`s Day Madre! Te Amo!",2,positive 15967,New Project is going incredibly well! and I`m not tired today I think we should get all Monday`s off. Permanently.,2,positive 4351, it`s because finished the recordings?,1,neutral 4556, Sorrry I`m ready to leave.,0,negative 7294,is also very excited for the BLAZIN SQUAD revival! im rooting for `em-- their new song,2,positive 10096,Very helpful so i can remember what to do on that day!,2,positive 1045,"twitters gettin a lil bit confusin... twitterific?twitdroid?twitterberry? i understant the txt bit tho lol ah well, twitters cool anyways",1,neutral 19258,Had a great talk with Tony this afternoon... we`re going to give it another go,2,positive 166," E.L.O. wow, brings back so many happy memories. LOVE this band!..and yes, I know I`m showing my age but I don`t care",2,positive 7033,"Simple, easy to use, and very helpful.",2,positive 8132,"Already 26.1c in our office. Can people melt? We`re fighting for air con because fans just don`t help, but can`t find the budget",0,negative 1729,Anybody else think that #win7 is pretty much Vista SP2?,1,neutral 12050,Use this link to start earning free cash Just sign up and get paypal cashouts of minimum $1 !!,1,neutral 3211, hello I`m up late playing on the internet. I love you!,2,positive 1473,"I would really love to see a pomodoro timer, habit tracker, and a kanban board. The subtasks management could be better as it is in TickTick. I really love how Todoist have 2-way Google calendar sync.",2,positive 2719,Make a go back button,0,negative 14186,good night! im off to sleeep!!!! 5 am good mornining! xD,2,positive 8020,Happy mothrs day 2 ; all thaa moms outt thr *,2,positive 12851,"Hi Charlie, thank you for following me! Nice to know there`s another Ollmann in the new world...",2,positive 19387,why do i even bother anymore? Everyone is makin me feel like im a waste of space,0,negative 7174," I wish I could work like you, dude...",2,positive 6660, you might have missed my latest experiment - I know blogs have too many words these days,1,neutral 2071,happy mother`s day! everyone have a great day and make sure you go see ya mommas,2,positive 7925,"Perfect! Time Tune is simple, customizable and incredibly useful! I've been searching for an app like this for a very, very long time! Thank you!",2,positive 14754, a buff guy.....unfortunatly alot of people dont know Danny`s name either which is sad Sophie is so sweet,1,neutral 11034, dinner appointment tonight,1,neutral 2579, I just found out 5 minutes ago mama said his speech is still slurred but he seems to be doing ok,1,neutral 4082,missing lol. plaid bud. haha. **** i can`t do the BG right.,0,negative 5071,Watching Scrubs season 2. Oh I`m gonna miss that show,0,negative 8829,I had given 5 stars in Jun 2017. I'm changing it to 1 star because of the full screen ads which cannot be dismissed. I'm grateful to the developer for creating this nice looking calendar app and was happy to tolerate the ads in the free version but the full screen ads really disrupt the process of adding an event to the point where it becomes intolerable. I'll just switch to Google calendar which syncs better anyway. Thanks for the few years of a great app.,0,negative 2610,my myspace profile is OLLLD NEWSZ i need to editeditedittt,1,neutral 5382,"A laodicean life for Kavya & family probably got Kavya her spelling bee crown! Congrats! Note, spell check doesnt recognize laodicean",1,neutral 25449,**** i`m gonna miss the grand prix.I`m going to have to try and sneak back to the room,0,negative 15673,loves the cancuks <3,2,positive 10324,is lovin his Nike already and that's only from running on the spot in his bedroom,2,positive 4326," this is funny, we just discussed Bela Lugosi over dinner, his apearance in Plan B from outer space 'best' movie ever",2,positive 21771,Friends! Come over and give me a massage I can`t sleep.,1,neutral 11562,"_Punk_Robot wtf.....winter isn`t due til monday, am freezing",0,negative 18043, omg my ID aint come back yet im sooo worried it best be bk by next week or il screamm!!! lmao and yeah u choose! its ur bday x,1,neutral 3785, Ohhhh I don`t know ;) an older mature lady?,1,neutral 14194,How sad is it that your best friend is so selfish and heartless that they exclude you from their life completely...I`m so sad,0,negative 1028,Why i need sign in for just to do list doesn't make sense.,0,negative 1651,Best to do app,2,positive 1247, hope your day gets better soon!!,2,positive 21523,Morning. Off to school... Ickkk!,1,neutral 23390, awwww i have no internet right now.... -drummer boi,0,negative 10457,Will the Lakers kick the Nuggets ass tonight?,2,positive 12662,"Oh. The voting is over! But don`t worry, I already voted for you about 100000000000000000000000000000000000 times earlier!!!!!! <3",2,positive 22351,they shot him he was still alive too...,1,neutral 18049," LOL, point at yourself and laugh!",2,positive 7388,why does twitter hate me i cant put no photos on my page,0,negative 8034,"Has no sign in option only export and the file won't open, so unless you have an IT friend you lose your file which meant all the stuff I put in tasks has gotten lost. If the developer revolves this is I will edit this review.",0,negative 5489,A Banana and 2 cups of Coffee...Not a so Healthy Breakfast!,0,negative 2276, Have fun at the show tonight... wish I could be there,2,positive 1270, Were have you been?,1,neutral 27225," I loves me some Jeff Lynne, and I do enjoy sitar work, but that was kinda weird. To each his own, I s`pose!",2,positive 7940," Actually, I`m supposed to do that w/ my dad + cousin, My cousin is in trouble though, so we never get together",0,negative 2557,I love it at first plus the very idea gamifying a task to make it a habit. It was all fun until the 'I cant use it offline' that really threw me off. Please make it available offline as well.,0,negative 9555,This app deleted my whole google calender,0,negative 311,"Great app BUT it takes away access to your data after a while unless you grant full access to email addresses/google acct/ everything. Fair enough request, but not by holding data to ransom. Either that or its been compromised by malware, but I don't think so",1,neutral 4022,"This app is wonderful, but I am having problems with the things linking to the network. I have a good internet and have tried restarting the app several times, however I can't seem to connect to the shop for my in game currency and the real forest things. It says unable to connect, I'm just saying this in case, I'll check with support",2,positive 17936,"_uk Yeah, but it`s Myst!",1,neutral 6882, via thank you tiff,2,positive 2955, its suzi,1,neutral 7577,Happy Friday. Just pulled some yummy radishes out of the garden. Hope the strawberries turn out. Still no blooms.,1,neutral 2998,"The app is a great concept helping me keep track of goals and be motivated to do the things I need to in a day. Friendly competition and cooperation keep things interesting and encouraging. Quests are wonderful long term motivation, along with the goal of filling the stable. It is discouraging, frustrating and hurtful when I try to check off dailies (or do ANYTHING on the app) and it doesn't let me because of connection failures. I lost health overnight because it didn't let me check off my dailies? Especially frustrating during quests. Myself and friends all have the ""connection problems"" in different locations on data, or wifi at the same time... Fixes are quick, and interactions/responses pleasant! Great app!",2,positive 18119," Boo, on both counts.",1,neutral 15081, the step show was fantabulous! (hi !) my sis`s group won 2nd in their division and 2nd in the show overall! WHOO!,2,positive 3942,I can Rome without Ceasar,1,neutral 7090,"my littelist fish, udon, is dearly departed",0,negative 24454,Ugh that walmart was so hot and white is it wrong that I can see how people become agoraphobics?,0,negative 1470,Ticktick has much better widget customization,2,positive 4930,Helps remind me of my goal,2,positive 4034,A really cute app! Great for keeping track of your focus.,2,positive 279,twittering after 2 days!,1,neutral 3166,Why take down show more or less function on Note after latest update version (Dec. 17 2019)? It's really useful.,2,positive 4351,Worked well but I uninstalled it. The water tracker randomly puts four digit numbers during the day. I found another app that met my needs.,0,negative 3979,it`s Blockbuster week in New Zealand - 'Wolverine' tomorrow followed by 'Star Trek' on Thursday!,2,positive 9003," wow, that`s cool bytheway, i love your new TV show",2,positive 11082,Miley Stevens - Waterhouse is at Jhy`s house,1,neutral 15488," i hope so, recorded the pit/was game to find out it didnt record... lucky it wasn`t the leafs, i woulda lost it by now",0,negative 2645,"And the city I love, Tucson, is the 18th most miserable",1,neutral 8256,I can`t go to sleep until tech support emails me back,1,neutral 7821,nothing to do on a friday night,1,neutral 132,: you get to go home and i have to go to work,1,neutral 1197," Your pic didn`t show up for me Boo!!!! All the other pics on that site show up, but not yours",1,neutral 262, it was only once for my big brother...and I`m done now,1,neutral 512, lol same here....wish there was a way to microsize,1,neutral 16180,my baby man is 4 years old a week today he`s growing up too fast.....,1,neutral 12783,It looks like it might rain,1,neutral 1812, you suck,0,negative 8763,Deleting. Was great. Now horrible. Bad move with the ads guys.,0,negative 515, im cool cant wait to hear these stories xoxo,2,positive 9035,I had a nightmare last night *cry* I think I am scarred for life!,0,negative 10827,"gor i am soo bored, man i don`t think i could get any more bored",0,negative 13401,Oh MAN !! I was going to connect my old school Nintendo to play mario games. And is not in the bag I gotta search for it.,0,negative 19812,The first time all week I can play WoW and I get stuck at 'authenticating'.,0,negative 22393, I do the same thing to anybody covering dave... haha... we don`t like people messing with perfect music.,0,negative 7090,Great app for visualizing your schedule and the inbetween duration of events (actual time of events and time left)!!! Really loved it and I treated myself with the pro version for colour customisation and 24 hour display! GREAT APP. ☆☆☆☆☆,2,positive 11832,Just got to school. Goin to Cinncinatti Wednesday!,1,neutral 6237,is stuck in traffic,1,neutral 5237,"I like this app, I downloaded a few to have a look and pick one, and I went with this one, I like the lay out and I just find it easy to follow l.",2,positive 25210, You better believe it! and I wouldn`t miss it for the world!,2,positive 19962, I don`t think will want to come back (guys read your dms),0,negative 24479,I wish the sun would come out...I guess it doesn`t matter since I`m at work and can`t enjoy it anyways,0,negative 10053,vb,2,positive 17865, I`m sorry about your car. I feel for you...,0,negative 12689,Homey missed da bus.,1,neutral 4851," You are very, very good. Why didn`t I think of that?",2,positive 2646," Aw, that song makes me think of girl scouts.",2,positive 26032, LOL! That is just the way I was brought up.,1,neutral 14782,"June is going to be a long, lonely month.",0,negative 10392,Share: Disruption...Fred Wilson's slides for his talk at Google HQ,1,neutral 25602,Sending angry vibes to the individual in a blue vehicle who hit my car in the QFC parking lot on Broad and failed to leave a note,0,negative 9873,"I love this app enough that I purchased the upgrade, but it is not syncing my Samsung devices to my Dropbox account. Would be 5 stars if it did!",1,neutral 12037,__ thank You! I almost forgot hoe to type on the keyboard how long I was anway from my PC..,1,neutral 13600,_taff_jones Oh and...NEVAR USE KDE IT IS MADE OF FAIL!,0,negative 1321, LOL Me too. Going out at 12am isn`t as easy as it used to be,0,negative 18833," ooh I`ve got that DVD, never got around to watching it Is it any good?",1,neutral 2813,Anotha day of work not lookin forward i hate closin fri,0,negative 4168,After installing this app my phone received an increased amount of spam calls. After removing the app from my phone I received fewer spam calls. It might be a coincidence... But it might not be.,0,negative 25974, **** IT! I want to see that movie sooo bad. Don`t tell me anything. hehe.,1,neutral 9576," Sorry...but, I bet they aren`t that bad...",1,neutral 2140,I hate funerals.,0,negative 1033,??????? #bash ?? ??????? ????????? ????,1,neutral 9758, love Dawn of the Replicants! love music monday!,2,positive 24852, Bit of sunshine out there and it perks us all up Especially when you have a mountain of towels to wash and get dry!,1,neutral 12954,"Heyy, Im Not feeling so good cuz of wat happened yesterday in the car accdentt.",0,negative 10919, They are great friends of mine. I`ll let you know when they are playing next and you can come along and do whatever you like,2,positive 8834,After updating.. Ads took over the screen.. Disappointed.. I'll look into other calendar apps as alternative.,0,negative 27354, someone`s horsing about. Btw Hubb feels the same about twitter. He`s naming as the other party,1,neutral 10425,I seriously underestimated Malcolm Gladwell. I want to meet this dude.,2,positive 769,_43 HAHHAHAH that really made me laugh out loudd! ahahahahahahahahah your fuunny!!,2,positive 4528, they certainly warmed mine,1,neutral 23759, Haha! Sometimes mobiles makes us slaves ... but it has its own advantages too!,1,neutral 3673, morning to you too joe,1,neutral 17487," harrump gagging for beer, noone wants to play",0,negative 6673,It could be a very useful app but it is not very intuitive. Why should I set up the date in google calendar and not directly in the app?,0,negative 5316,Wonderful 👌👌👌,2,positive 5121,Got moommy somn special for mothers day,2,positive 6946,Last week of class... Well technically classes are over just have two exams and summmmmerrrrr begins...yeahhhhhyaaaaaa,2,positive 21519,Relaxing after a busy week and a tedious Saturday . . .,2,positive 3253,welcome ! since it seems you`re interested in cheese I hardly suggest you to follow too,2,positive 2970,"Have been looking for a way to incorporate the elements of gaming into making progress ""In Real Life"". Even tried inventing something for myself but paper tracking was a nightmare and having it in this app is just fantastic! Really like it and it has made a big difference! The only reason I took it down a star is because it depletes my phone battery really fast if I am in the app for very long, such as when I am shopping or browsing challenges, so I do these things mostly on my PC. Overall, great job! Would recommend this to anyone that enjoys gaming but is struggling with motivation in the real world.",2,positive 10552,"About to pik out my hair, braid it up, scrub off my make up and relaxxxx.... tonight was fun",2,positive 9031,"It has very nice, useful and comfortable look, I used it with a pleasure. Unfortunately synchronization with gmail calendar stopped working. Tried to reinstall this app - it helped for a week and stopped working again.",1,neutral 2520,"Doesn't show character customisation, think it needs an update",0,negative 9390,"It doesn't crash, OFTEN, great interface, and easy to create an event and/or task list. Don't change a thing.",2,positive 12036, Wish you were coming to Australia & New Zealand with the Sticky Tour Ant,1,neutral 17977,"TGIF, too bad the weather sucks...",0,negative 3001,$y_Spitta Was caught in traffic around the Howlin Wolf for about 30mins. I was wondering WTH was going on.....musta been nice!,2,positive 24954,"I`m in a pub garden, its boiling, hannah no likey,",1,neutral 7778,useful,2,positive 14936, Go girl!! Start your day out right...gotta love that!,2,positive 9237,wishing i could go out of town this weekend,2,positive 3661,"The app size is too heavy.. I would expect a lighter and storage friendly productive app of such,as a better alternative if it is improvised",1,neutral 2583,Great app but only if it was an offline app i would've given it a five star... please fix this...,0,negative 15177," indeed, we live a life on the edge of things, and one foot foul of the law!!",0,negative 24432," ... much more injustice than we can imagine now. It will get worse before it gets better, I am afraid. No doubt here. Sorry",0,negative 2215,Great app. Still waiting for RTL support and sub folders. Please!!,2,positive 16817,I wanna go to the beach...but I have to study,1,neutral 6281,Didn`t get to go wakeboarding but i`ll be good cause i`m having a lush night!,2,positive 7357,"I was trying out the routine trick. I set the times and dates, but it just wouldn't work. Please help.",0,negative 12506," good moring mr bailey, it is my birthday today",2,positive 550,Why doesn't this to-do list app work with natural language? In most others you can write 'at 12pm do x and y!' and you'll get a task added automatically.,1,neutral 1797,"to be really really... not bored but bad, i won`t know the news but thats ok. BRB x",1,neutral 24942,going to bed,1,neutral 9465,Love it. User-friendly and intuitive.,2,positive 8033, I didn`t headbutt anyone! Not that I know about anyway! ;) You ok today? Football today?,1,neutral 20740, YAEH! THANK GOD IM HOME! suekd and we were kicked out of a church.,0,negative 12276,"Landon now announces, 'Big poopy coming!' every time. I`m just waiting for him to yell that in a store for the first time",1,neutral 7759,"Good app, just one suggestion, consider putting a weekly template with times on the side, its much easier to follow and visually appealing",2,positive 2398,"Excelent app, use it daily. Sortable tasks, sortable sub tasks, many reminder options. See only what you need to do today, or this week, or customize date using widget. Paid version is worth it too. I have had the servers go down a couple of times in the last few months, may change rating of it becomes a regular problem.",2,positive 20357,"I`m officially on holiday! A week in Center Parcs, no internets bye my peeps, see you when I return...",1,neutral 13124, ...thanks for the shout might be right about the starving thing.... little lol,2,positive 6892,"Whould be nice if I can set the view old event larger numbers than 3 hours, this is kind of a deal breaker for what I use it for",1,neutral 5736,Notifications and reminders doesnt work,0,negative 980, i am public and can`t get anyone to follow me,1,neutral 21993,"this is the worst day ever, i`ve been told im a chav",0,negative 7869,And very concise app for making perfect timetables.,2,positive 2009,I alreay feel the hang over. Soooo worth it,2,positive 1000,"I couldn't figure out a way to sync with my Google Tasks, and then now the app won't uninstall from my watch.",0,negative 1592,"Really easy to use task manager, ability to schedule posts and get alerts when you're over due, great layout in projects or per week, ability to add links, emails, and subtasks - made my work life a lot easier!",2,positive 4040," Yeah, they`re great. I think we`ll hear more of them in the years to come",2,positive 20161,Last day in Dijon,1,neutral 7201,just sending a twitter from the club! i twittered u,1,neutral 25326, your knowledge of X-men is starting to scare me,0,negative 9526,"Closes everytime I try to add a note, event or anything else since last update",0,negative 8999,"beautiful widgets - in Month view, I would prefer colored bars with text inside, the same as for full day events. Syncing with MS Exchange: PROS: Calendar - far better then Samsung Calendar; CONS: Tasks - completely missing (five stars down)",1,neutral 24499," and what about me, huh? I`m crying. Did U forget me?",0,negative 2131, BabyLove em homenagem ao Baby D,2,positive 23941,Finished Breaking Dawn last night. I managed to finish those 800 pages in 3 days. It was so good! I`m sad that I`m done w/ Twilight Saga,1,neutral 26216,I haven`t seen Muffin in two whole days!,0,negative 2689,I have a job at camp!! Only downfall? No midnight showing of Harry Potter for me,1,neutral 255,"Sorry, not Impressed I'm sorry to leave a poor review, but I thought it best to let the developers and others know I had so many challenges with it I wouldn't know where to begin. :( UPDATE: Although I initially gave the app a one star, I upgraded to two because their response was kind and professional. They asked for details of the challenges I had with the app and were genuinely pleasant to correspond with. So if you have a complaint, share kindly because they really do care. :)",0,negative 4478,Cool layout very easy. Push notifications aren't working so it doesn't remind me at the time I tell it too but can't figure why I allowed notifications so probably a bug.,1,neutral 4202, That`s exactly how I feel. I hope you start feeling better soon.,2,positive 10216,Damn you North Korea.,0,negative 7721,This app is damn near perfect. But you know what would be awesome? Being able to check off each complete tasks by adding a check mark. I would even pay for that feature. Make my life a lot easier.,2,positive 4845,Going to revise for physics.,1,neutral 4592, argh. Interested. Time maybe can`t go. Maybe.,1,neutral 6808,I love to jazzercise with Mrs. Underwood. I wish she was my chaperone.,2,positive 7481, I wish I couldn`t wrap my head around it Hopefully it`ll wake up some people that say/think 'racism doesn`t exist anymore',2,positive 5080,"Which do you prefer? Hamdemic, Aporkalypse or Parmageddon?",1,neutral 25084," yeah, still waitin`",1,neutral 19767,"Nightlife Commando is like, chanting. The music is cool. & Now I`m listening to INXS. The music in this song is amazing. The bass is win",2,positive 3228," omginorite! I`d be all fancy and tophatted all the time, it`s really too bad I can`t grow a handlebar moustache..",0,negative 16580,no boby will not talk 2 me,1,neutral 6576,Cool. Cant wait for dustbin baby,2,positive 10593,GOT MY WAVE SANDBOX INVITE! Extra excited! Too bad I have class now... but I'll play with it soon enough! #io2009 #wave,2,positive 4772,"Wathing Dollhouse on Hulu, eating the special from El Taquito and a beer. B-day week is going well",2,positive 6346,just got back from Mcfly concert ahh it was so amazing! and I am now in love with David Archuleta,2,positive 153,"I was trying out to free version. I had spent quite a bit of time making lists and suddenly one day they were entirely inaccessible. Look like they let me put in a lot of dataand then after a certain point decide to hold that data the hostage until I paid them. I decided to not use because after I pay them and started making more list, would they suddenly didn't demand that I paid them more per month in order to access all the information I had taking the time to put in?",0,negative 1428, How was your chicken and chips?,1,neutral 4292,"Customer support is completely unresponsive. I purchased the upgraded version and it doesn't sync as promised. There has been no help on FB, email, nada. Kinda sucks TBH. The app is nice. The Android widget is what makes it great. Plz fix the sync issue and I'll update my review if your customer support reaolves the matter and makes things right with me.",0,negative 25335,Good Morning Jess here Just wanted to say thank you to everyone following us tell your friends about us please ****,2,positive 24654, aha thanks Jae,2,positive 11321,Sunburn on my knees,0,negative 7811,"So, I finally got my but on Twitter. Let`s hope I make good use of this site",2,positive 6564, yay! You`re on twitter!,2,positive 323, u think u have bills Ha!Ii just finished paying mine that`s y I`m broke,0,negative 2299, awe...Thank you Jon!,2,positive 21728,auntie diane wins quote of the day 'and hes the incredible hulk',2,positive 11670,I love Stereosound HQ headphones,2,positive 5118,Just after I looked at the interface I knew it was what I was searching. Not so for the xp thing which is a very great idea but also how it handle goals like reading books... For anyone who think in terms of goals (and obviously who love RPGs) It's totally free though,2,positive 703,May I know what's the difference between this app and the calendar app?,2,positive 24250,really ill atm,1,neutral 6835,Aw I wish I was in Ireland ,2,positive 6010,"Feature request: Natural Language support: When typing 'today at 3 pm' or 'tomorrow at 10 am', it should understand and set the due dates accordingly as in Wunderlist.",1,neutral 8296,im finally going home but didnt get to finish all my work so ill be back tomorrow,1,neutral 6315," Im home, phone died thou",0,negative 6889,i neeeeeeeed music suggestions but no one will give them,1,neutral 23044, wish was coming too I guess we can make time for you though if we have to ;),2,positive 8467,"On my way to work, cant be bothered",2,positive 20705,On runway 2 hours,1,neutral 5330, Sweet! I`m a Jaycee one-letter-er I think. Just D!,2,positive 22033,Another great song to sing along with.... ?,2,positive 25706,"**** it...Margie said she couldn`t share the info on who killed Evil Eddy with me She wanted my info again, gave it to her",0,negative 623,Counting the hours of lost sunshine until the Weekend,0,negative 2998,my throat hurts gonna go read and go to bed. text mee!,0,negative 13267," yea, I was just about to say something It`s great to hear! Ukrainian!",2,positive 122,"Not looking forward to next week: Maths, Geography, English and French exams, totalling 7 hours",0,negative 14381, Shame about your job have you thought about working for yourself? there`s big money to be paid,0,negative 20438,Wondering if I shouldn`t be gettin to bed about now...,1,neutral 8932,i need some serious cheering up,0,negative 17860,Loves Agustin and his happy morning moods,2,positive 4077,love this app. It makes me focused on my work.,2,positive 12558,"It`s great to be home! Temp is chill, cat is great and I feel awesome",2,positive 336,Works well for me and does its jobs and I never forget stuff anymore. Well done guys. And thank you for this app. Jannov,1,neutral 1484, I do not mean to laugh but a little giggle did come out - sorry,0,negative 10125, i am a bit more curious: how much did you pay for it?,2,positive 7363,osm app but now its update an I am not able to see my all reminders that I use to remind my self before uninstalling the app,0,negative 14183, Aww I feel bad for the lil ****. He look like he know what`s coming,0,negative 8191,Not Working On Xperia E1!,0,negative 8148,"Not sure why everyone's given this such high reviews. The reminders don't work for me, which makes the whole point of having this app useless",0,negative 3698," seems that you, and I are all ex-baristas! Commonalities ftw!",1,neutral 7760,Congratulation`s to phil packer on completing the london marathon x a shining example to us all x,2,positive 19660," i hope he is ok too. i miss him and the doc better not be a douchenozzle, ill be one right back!",1,neutral 18788,Came tantalizingly close to acing a Facebook communism quiz. One question has 'I hope Britain will be next communist' as correct answer.,2,positive 2385,Must be time of month: Watering eyes AGAIN!: (speciaal voor : zo vind ik ze w�l leuk! ),1,neutral 8362,omg supernatural is on after good news week,1,neutral 1980, it is my honor,2,positive 7168,So effing tired,0,negative 26804,": Aww, that sux! _x3: Eeek for Airline charges!!! (****)",0,negative 5661,_matta take my 'how well do you know me' quiz!! i made one the other day... no one took it yet i put pics from yday on fb ****,1,neutral 22984, discover a whole new beautiful you,2,positive 901,"Bucky, my ferret officially has insulinoma Now on daily prednisone. Had interview with p-doc today, have to go back monday for testing.",1,neutral 2788,"I am so bored, i really don`t know what to do!",0,negative 3408,The sad thing is that it didn't allow to sync data. It requires pro version to be purchased,0,negative 1043," need some more enthu movie guys for that. Right now it`s just you, and @_Anshul",1,neutral 12277, i want you to go walking with me!! but i still miss my satan,0,negative 1377,great!,1,neutral 20915,OMG Great Day Today Went To A Art Thingy And Noe I Really Want A Zune HD And The Bed Part Its Raining Come Out Mister Sun,2,positive 24768,Happy Star Wars day,2,positive 6,"DON'T BUY PREMIUM! You have to pay for an entire year upfront. And If you change your mind about the app, like I did, due to its odd inconsistent behavior with reaccuring tasks and reminders. You're given 48 hours after the 7 day trial to qualify for a refund. After that you're screwed. All most all of the issues started happening after that period ended. They obviously know they have problems with the app, just read their robotic responses to issues. ANY.DO HIDES BEHIND TOS INSTEAD OF HELPING",0,negative 6193, Glad you got there safe & saw your daughter. Enjoy your time there!,2,positive 10951,i no i no bt i had only been a gamer for like 2 years when i made that attempt lol yea i luvd F1 to an extent ,2,positive 15621,"Finally back in bed with my puppies after a LONG week in Jamaica. loved it, but lve to be home too!! Night",2,positive 2665,just took my shirt off and my back is COVERED in blisters,0,negative 17083, aww what kind of dog do u have? I have a chihuahua named Zoey,2,positive 6149," Hey Peter, thanks for the follow. So many Sydney pastors tweet!!! Shame no Bris pastors are on Twitter; we`re behind.",1,neutral 23695,"_OTTAWA ur welcome, sweet dreams!",2,positive 1064,Happy Mother`s Day all of the mom`s around the world! I love mine more than anything in the world and can`t wait to celebrate! WOO!,2,positive 829,Good organizer,2,positive 9539,Wait... and ... Electrik Red or Richgirl? I`m a sucker for the later,0,negative 3313,"FALTU! Required money for everthing, even for sign up. Don't install , waste of time.",0,negative 23588,Daaaaang. Up: in 3D.. Sold out,0,negative 20430,wheelchair fitting today for mall buzzing & Home Depot. 'Homebound' just got REAL old Goal: taxi yellow or electric RED!,1,neutral 1670,"iPhone today! I want to see The Morning Of in Virginia Beach, but I don`t think I can get there",0,negative 19044, Yeah but it doesn`t sound indie enough i need2learn some other tunes and then pick up mo style =] 1hour! I`ll c u then ;),1,neutral 20582, oh I love oreos!! U can`t get many varieties in the uk,2,positive 3990,"Great app. Keeps statistics of your day, month and year in a compact form.",2,positive 27156,Fuzzball is more fun than Mother`s Day,2,positive 704,Good performance so far,2,positive 625,Well it would seem that you can enter nine 0s if you are an Individual without a SSN/ITIN or EIN according to Apple. Hurray!,2,positive 21388,needs to find SOMETHING to wear to graduation. lol can`t find anything!,1,neutral 21345, ill come to the shop in like an hour. i need to get a pedicure but i dont have time today probably next week tho!,1,neutral 620," And Clang rocks, so you`re using it, right? Anyways, according to the comments it`s in apple`s gcc too, dunno how public tho",1,neutral 2565,It keeps lagging and dificult to select the traits i want for my character... ugh ! Not worth it UNINSTALL !,0,negative 7915,_w T`was not an interview in so much as it was a private chat,1,neutral 10260,@shannyoday I will take you on a date to see night at the museum 2 whenever you looks soooooo good,2,positive 200,should be sleeping. lost my voice a couple day ago.,0,negative 277," *laughs* I`m glad that you have self confidence - it`s a wonderful trait to have I`ll applaud extra loud for it, okay?",2,positive 1969,Good but the widget glitches out atleast once a month and doesn't display the task list. If that's resolved I could surely give it 5 stars,1,neutral 19766,Starbucks I`m lovin` it,2,positive 1271, I need one of these! Was just thinking about it earlier today as I downloaded pictures via USB. #evernote_eyefi,1,neutral 13270,"With that said, I`m out til later. Enjoy your day everyone!",2,positive 2877,"going to my bff`s. haha. but thats in like 2 hourssss sooooo...calllll me. actually darn, i have hw",0,negative 5352,We*d Man On His Way Yess!! Time 2 Wake Up 4 Real lol,1,neutral 14023," Yeehah, quality",1,neutral 4605,Morning...tired should i excercise or jus relax need to catch up on sleep..Ladies would you like to see Shemar Moore @ Embassy? Hit me up,1,neutral 26565, being sunburnt is horrible,0,negative 25078, Rocket surgery hey? HAHA I thought it was rocket SCIENCE? Oh.. is that all.. I knew that I swear. Thank you,2,positive 5847,So much for buying that awesome new phone from sony ericsson - I am now Berry`d like everyone else...,2,positive 5476,Exactly what I was looking for to help establish routines. I like that I can set it to place habits on certain days and don't manually have to readd them. My only suggestion is to be able to manually sort items,2,positive 6691,I couldn't understand it probably my fault but I find it complicate and I like to organize my day like without go and add on my calender just on this app but like I said it's probably my fault / gonna try this app again later maybe like after couple of different updates,0,negative 14417,I cant follow any1 on FollowFriday LOL u guys follow ,1,neutral 7984,you ever come across something that reminds you alot of the one person that completely broke your heart? cause i just did,0,negative 8789,"The app per se is good. Sadly the customer service when you have an issue is no where to be found. For about a month i have sent emails since the app after an update went back to basic, even after paying the pro version about 3 years ago. No help has been provided after all this time. In my view, you can make it or break it when you take care of your paying customer or ignore him. It seems like they dont see it that way. Perhaps now they will pay attention.",0,negative 1207, watching dor on utv movies again great performance,2,positive 15961,Off to Nanaimo 2day... missing my son already and i havent even left yet,0,negative 6596, good,2,positive 16695, its true...i can never be like _Bambu never,1,neutral 4644,"I love it, simple and effective! Is it right that the motivational pics don't switch anymore? Mine has been stuck on the very same for a year now :(",2,positive 2296,Superb,2,positive 7571, That sucks! It`s thundering here. I`m getting ready to shut down.,0,negative 7600," Ah So you`ve seen both. (Either way, you get to experience the fantasy of sound and shock waves in the vacuum of space. Heh.)",1,neutral 4214, I don`t like the possibility of the left side of my brain hurting because of the thing called a VP shunt and possible death,0,negative 13363, Awww it`s still not the same I`m going to have a look though.,1,neutral 24906, what?! Come as you are!!! But erock just left bah D:,1,neutral 6215,Why do I look so awesome in heels yet am so afraid of them?,1,neutral 9901,"I suggest you add a ""deadline"" button instead of just tasks and events.. Personally that's the only reason I dont use it.. Is the classifications aren't enough..",1,neutral 517, He says he feels mama tucking him in at night He`s lonely but getting by. Tomorrow will be tough!,0,negative 12133,ahhh bank holiday slept late now going to dinner in my sisters whos a real 'monica' hahah and im late il get cold dinner now,1,neutral 22702,I really miss my phone i cant wait till my new one comes,0,negative 3284,ScREW MY PHONE. ITS BROKEN. DONT BOTHER TEXTING.,0,negative 18622, aww i know its my addiction! awww i know sameee ! its just more more more !,1,neutral 5728,"I cannot imagine how an app managing the same tasks with outlook for desktop, is not connecting with it at all. You cannot see categories that you set in outlook! If you really want a similar to outlook app then see Tasks & Notes",0,negative 10882,. Well gotdamn girl!!! I dont know what else!!!! I`m sleepy again! Grrr,1,neutral 15666, lmfao!!! Yea anyone?? Please?? We`re really pretty!!!,2,positive 2772,i really want a blackberry my sidekick is hella wack. night,0,negative 7094, I was sad to hear they shaved too I really liked the beards. I feel like I`m in the minority.,1,neutral 5686, yeah....but I finish go home get changed etc etc then im off again,1,neutral 2643," I think you were dreaming that! However, my memory does suck so maybe not",0,negative 7980,blast from the ****`ing past. NTS why must you suck so badly at school?,0,negative 14815,"just woke up, hopefully going to see the Xmen film today?",1,neutral 2371,"I love these App things, it be hella awesome bro.",2,positive 4590,"I'm trying to stop sleeping in so late. You have various sleeping requirements but no ""get up before X"" category. Gonna have to find a new app I guess. Lame.",1,neutral 3021,"I guess I love it as it kind of works? I mean this is as good as an app can get for it's purpose. It has the perfect amount of features and completely customizable. The biggest problem I have is at the beginning it's very challenging to keep alive (as you have no party/armour yet) and also as far as I'm aware I could only edit the order of the dailies, I wish they can be done to other sectors too.",2,positive 16307, thank you for reading Ohlala,2,positive 12119,I am officially a kindergarten cop,1,neutral 18804," crazy, we live in a small world, and now u live in covina huh? Thas where im @ but back to chino i goooo",1,neutral 4499,Pretty good overall. Notifications and reminders do not work most of the time.,1,neutral 6330,I skip school way too often I`m rather proud actually.,2,positive 23059, yayy! i cant wait to see them!,1,neutral 5121,I really enjoy this app because it stops me from sitting on my butt 24/7.,2,positive 21490, Laura elle s`en fou elle don`t like the french fans,0,negative 7656,"i need to read fic again, but i lost it",1,neutral 2542,I downloaded this app because I thought that the game concept for to-do lists would be really cool. Opened the app just after downloading and tried to register an account and it wouldn't let me log in. Waited another hour and it still wasn't working. Call me impatient but I just couldn't use an app that refused to work.,0,negative 4639, it was great to meet ya katie...awesome shows for sure!! Safe travels home.,2,positive 15978,_ yaaaay mish is following gab!,1,neutral 3701,"It is mostly a boost to your own motivation... If you are not motivated enough, it ain't gonna work for you... There is nothing to stop you from using phone otherwise even while the tree continues to grow... Plus growing a tree as it does, is no real game or any incentive for that matter... Completing a painting or part of quest with every focused duration would have been so much better...",1,neutral 26443, You`re in Miami right? I don`t see a hand delivery in your near future unfortunately,0,negative 26389,I have the weirdest hives all over my legs and arms. What the heck am I allergic to? It itches SO bad! Dang it!,0,negative 14104,Yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of the best day ever! YAY MCR!!!!,2,positive 6384,"I use this app everyday. So many lists... camp, groceries, movies to watch!",2,positive 17539, I want to see 'Too Fast to Transport in 60 seconds',1,neutral 18805, whatz that supposed to mean i have a dog now waaaaaaaaaah lol jk,1,neutral 3308," lucky you, all we`ve had is rain in the city today enjoy! ;)",2,positive 9273, hav a pork scratching,1,neutral 429,'my name is Tony!!!!!! ...not hey!!!!' - poor tony,0,negative 19719,running errands with geeta... feeling like i have the plague,0,negative 23081, yer it is...poor little **** but she well doesnt deserve the stick off everyone! cowell once again going against producer,0,negative 1000,Taking care of yucky stuff.,0,negative 25281,excited how the jon does will do today Good luck guys ;),2,positive 12830," I`m sure It will be repeated soon, seems to be on TV quite a lot lately. Glad you mentioned it last night, watched it again",2,positive 8344,I didn't like the way the lists would set up...,1,neutral 23757,****. I have lost the game more times today than any other day in history. #lostthegame (Blame ),0,negative 26434, I miss you too. We`ll have to get together once everything settles down in a few weeks. Congrats on the house!,2,positive 9296, what happened to your phone,1,neutral 7370,Im still getting accustomed i like the simplicity,0,negative 8046,"Garbage. The one time I can't remember if i checked the notification for taking my medication or not, there was no way to go and see which days I checked it or not. What's the point of that?",0,negative 6350," DON`T PANIC! Hehe, it will be fine. Email it to me",1,neutral 18380,I`m so pissed off today n sadly.. Can`t even share the reason here,0,negative 9621,"i want to go out tonight, but i ain`t go no money and no one to go with any takers???",0,negative 13728,"btw , , , and , i ordered some of yer merch yesterday.! <33333333333",2,positive 13984,Toasting what seems to be 100 waffles for the 4 farmer kids. They sure eat a lot.,1,neutral 3732,_nichole i miss my earrings lol you should let me know when your close by,0,negative 9875,"Seems pretty good, but would like to know if there is a way to toggle between 12/24 hour time.",1,neutral 3220, haha ...i`ll let you know how the show was ... hope here in romania they will show it on Mtv.Sunday morning I have an exam,1,neutral 2726," - Former Pawnshop were Jimi Hendrix got his 1st guitar, Seattle. Now a check cashing joint",1,neutral 8494,I wish I was laying in the sand listening to the waves crash against the shore!!!,2,positive 7793,This app has really helped me organize my schedule and block out my routines that don't fit into other time blocks and have smaller increments of type that are hard to see in other calendar apps. I would recommend using for morning and evening routines.,2,positive 24674," Hey, I made us a house on the Sims! Oh and you have like a perfect balance and i`m always lacking stuff like fun etc!",1,neutral 7800,last day working for Tend,1,neutral 98,"Theres always something shifty to me about an app that shouldnt need a subscription for doing the absolute minimum. They make setting reminders too complicated and they're hoping you forget to end your free trial before they start doing automatic payments, that's just how most of these apps work. You're better off setting an alarm on your phones clock and having that on repeat than you are using this.",0,negative 25800, Well for one thing I might be branded a 'public menace' by the state.,1,neutral 10437,"#wolfram Alpha SUCKS! Even for researchers the information provided is less than you can get from #google or #wikipedia, totally useless!",0,negative 16530, - miss my bestfriend :`( now she left school,0,negative 1530,FINALLY have a working (subbed!) copy of Pika?Nichi. Heeeee.,1,neutral 26603,"ok my friend is about to dye my hair black scary i know, ill try to post some pics tonight if not tomorrow for ur verdict",0,negative 11153, me too! Yay he got in. And the other kid who cries a lot,1,neutral 3214," lol, wen my mum used to take me as a kid, i wud always eat the bread instead! haha.",1,neutral 5068,curious if they fixed the window handle in our room in the meantime #edc,1,neutral 17466,eating hawain pizza for breakfast its a bit cold,0,negative 2008,school and the guy i like was talking to the girl i cant stand at all!! ppl are just sooo...ughhhh!!,0,negative 12301, sucks,0,negative 2982,"Every other month, I think I'll do better. I try again. I download this app. Everything gets back in order, so I uninstall it to free up space in my storage. Then I relapse. I download the app again. This is a never ending cycle of desperation, loss, and hope. I will always download this app. I will always uninstall it. 9/10 would recommend",2,positive 9369,Good set of features. Works well. Only wish I could display tasks or reminders on the Calendar without a time duration.,2,positive 8648,Zombies make great huggers b/c they don`t lower their arms or move to fast... � (via ),1,neutral 7981,"Super cute & functional! It syncs with both my personal (google) and work (outlook) calendars, space to plan priorities and meals (weekly/daily views) and LISTS! I don't use the stickers as much, but all the colors for events and background are enough for me right now. Can't wait for the widget to come out someday!",2,positive 17770, haha aww hun i bet you are more creative than me,2,positive 4212,Finallyy done !! And done clean`n lay`n down time 4 bed.. goshh its 3 o`clock !! Lol nite nite twitta heads,1,neutral 12711,virus hunting on computer - always wondering what it will destroy,0,negative 5910, DSi is the latest Nintendo DS with 2 cameras + stuff built in. We are a Gadget house. Luckily I get my blackberrys free from work,2,positive 8280,"It seems like a good app but I haven't found a way to enable a permanent notification for quick task adding. Is it only possible? EDIT: No, I mean a permanent notification that works like your widget, allowing to quickly add new tasks without opening the app. SplenDO and Any. Do have this feature for instance.",1,neutral 10765, do you remember my spok-5?,1,neutral 9339,off to work..,1,neutral 17050,"When i say 'we close at 6', it does not mean 'come in at 6'. Ffs people. Also RIP Polly",0,negative 11968, I`ve got 18 yr @ home & 26 out the house & they`re always here! AND they bring FRIENDS! WHY? Hope you have a blessed Day!,2,positive 8317,"something outside has a bell and i wont stop ringing, i think its children with bikes the asbos",1,neutral 2672,you`ve got to read it downwards for it to make sense.,1,neutral 9028,"I purchased the pro version, there was an update and now the pro version is gone. I cannot seam to get it back and I have written thru the feedback link with no response. The pro version purchase shows in my play folder but I cannot get the pro version loaded. I uninstalled and reinstalled and still no help. Need to get the pro version loaded again, please help.",1,neutral 9332,"Literally the only app I found where the ""today"" widget shows only what is happening... today. Every other one will show the next couple of tasks, even if they're weeks out. Didn't know that was a ludicrously ridiculous request... but apparently it is, so thank you.",2,positive 25573,"Yolonda, I went swimming with my phone at the beach lol and so I lost all my contacts",1,neutral 10855," i heard one of your songs, and you have an amazing voice i was stunned",2,positive 25724,Back at home. At the moment I�m speaking to my aunt on the telephone and Darius is neighting in the backround... Miss my little horse,0,negative 16362, thanks for coming in tonight it made me so happy,2,positive 6342,"This app is just excellent! A truly powerful task and project manager. Don't be filled by its apparent simplicity - there are a lot of features and flexibility hidden in this little gem. Try it out! What I would like added though is if the My Day planning feature can be extended so I can plan for the next day, not only the same day, so I can populate my following day's My Day view in the evening before going to bed, instead of having to wait to plan on the morning only.",2,positive 5667, never invite,0,negative 23514,"its at 3 am, im very tired but i can`t sleep",0,negative 3555,_hawt Hmm.. Interesting choice.,2,positive 1108,why am i so tired?,0,negative 2531,"Cant believe Venus lost. A real shame. Smh. I think im getting sick Had such a **** week, doesnt look like the wknd is gona be better!",0,negative 8560,"stomach cramps; sat in bed with a hot water bottle having some hot milk & toast, i feel like a wi girl again :`) minus the stomach cramps",0,negative 11911, Thanks! and to you as well!,2,positive 1777,"a reminder app that does not remind. Set several reminders and none alerted when the time is due. previous versions worked great until lately (new version 5.0?) I've tried locking the apps, turn off battery optimization etc...nothing worked.",0,negative 10329, - I always appreciate your 'musings.',2,positive 26358,Waiting for my momma so i can go to Chase and see what the hell they doin with my money. i miss WAMU,0,negative 3078, you should not be wasting the may bank holiday in the crappy north- you should be down south in brighton where the party`s at,0,negative 8713,I've used several task and todo apps. This is the best by far!,2,positive 14528, I`m absolutely jealous as hell of Brenda,0,negative 18712,"yay, joss is coming over on saturday",2,positive 5501," Uhhh.. not yet, maybe my DM inbox is just slow. I`ll let you know when it shows",0,negative 2971,"Great idea and I'm enjoying it so far. Chores and errands are much more fun. My one gripe so far is that it seems like most items/quests cost gems, which are pay to play. I'm afraid i'll pretty quickly run out of free items/quests to strive for and then the app will lose its effectiveness. It'd be helpful if their were other ways to unlock gems outside of paying for them, like reaching extra high levels of productivity/habit building, etc.",2,positive 19066,I guess you didn`t hear the grumbles when kindle came out with no cover. My purse +eink screen = shortcut to broken screen ,1,neutral 21315," Separate desks, computers, and sides of the room with short dividers...but, we`re thinking we need them to extend to the ceiling",1,neutral 21687,I hate going to work on nights that I`m in micro. At least I get to work with !,0,negative 1724," my hubby. promised job promotion so we didn`t move, signed a new lease n they withdrew the promotion...",1,neutral 8028,"i changed my picture i am soo screwed, i have an assignment due tomorrow that i havent started, i just cant concentrate argh",0,negative 1327,was nice using the app ...getting used to the interface,1,neutral 14490, I know... just when I was starting to think this break-up was gonna have me up all night tossin and turnin.. no ma`am!,1,neutral 19737, Thank you! And I don`t care for the look on his face.,2,positive 578,_a_michael Hey! thanks for another great day! I`m going to sleep now! I`ll chat with you tomorrow! Sweet dreams!,2,positive 23191,getting my hair cut todayyyy! i`m nerrrvous,0,negative 10880, He`s my boxing trainer. Although I think the bruise came from me hitting myself on something. Ow,0,negative 1681,Excellent app for managing your task list.,2,positive 18145,Poor Lil J-Man has a fever. I can`t wait to go home and hold the little man!,1,neutral 22514,"My back is all kinds of messed up, and Strudel is going to live in another town until we move, I`m going to miss the little runt",0,negative 8631,"This app has changed my life, I'd give it 10 stars if I could. It helps me manage my day to day tasks by making a list for every day of the week and switching between lists. I like that there is a widget available on my pixel phone so that I can see my checklists on my home screen.",2,positive 15027, tweet often and it`ll draw followers to you,1,neutral 22272,"Oh and PS. Since it is already 12:30, I should probably say 'Happy Mother`s Day' to my Mom and all the mothers out there!",2,positive 9000,:20somethin` single,1,neutral 859,5 stars for being a radiohead fan.... Great app by the way....,2,positive 23617, Just saw it tonight as well... Great movie!! Hope you`re well mate! Cheers E,2,positive 7642,Nice app It helps a lot to save time. You will understand where you used more time and where you should spend more time.,2,positive 3263,_INTHEMAKING :aw,1,neutral 5346, Airsoft is horrible!! Hope you didn`t get hurt,0,negative 5137,Fantastic app but 4 stars. Every part has been a comfortable experience for me until I started trying to use it across devices. I took me around 30 minutes to set up all my tasks the first time and when I signed into my account for the app all the tasks I had made got overwritten by the default tasks from the other device. It was partially my fault for the careless order that I signed in on the devices. But perhaps my issue could have been avoided entirely if when it attempted to sync my tasks from the internet the first time it asked me if I wanted to use the database that is from the internet or that is local. Would have saved me a lot of headache remaking all the tasks again. That said every other function provided is great and I would recommend.,2,positive 24414, Hello there! Thankyou. I always seem to make a difference in someone`s life everyday.,2,positive 18948, just watched it on youtube and its hilarious. i laughed trough it.. seriously guys so funny.. greetings from Germany...,2,positive 2733,I really love the idea this app has but it has some bugs. The first 2 pages are blank and when i had to make my character everything was blank too. After updating the app it was still the same. (Im using a samsung s8 if thats important) Hope you guys fix it cuz i'd love to use the app.,1,neutral 22347,i love love love silverstein. work tomorrow. boo!,2,positive 6045,No email notifications for scheduled tasks! Not good.,1,neutral 24786,Charley horses in both legs all night. What the ****?,0,negative 180,Unable to edit time for reminder. S7,0,negative 21704,Enjoying 'Gears of War' on my PC ! This game is really gooooood,2,positive 14424,not in the mood,0,negative 6173,Microsoft is like Wanderlist. Originally had issues sharing and syncing this To Do List app. Appears to be settling down. We like to it now.,2,positive 6327,This is a good app for note and everything as you want.... I am so happy for using this app....but it is more better if have search currently improve it..,2,positive 17964,"Ok back later, have a great time regardless of the weather PS I`m only a BB away!",2,positive 11488,why won`t the kids sleep,0,negative 26542,Good Morning and Happy Mothers Day everyone,2,positive 25885, They ended up staying late But how was ur night?? LOL,1,neutral 3288," Thanks. I am greedy, looking for a full fledged widget (a la twitter) so I can like and share from within NV. 2 much to expect?",2,positive 22171,listening to `s Without Your Love...hes so tortured in that song...makes me sad,0,negative 3363,Used to love this app a lot...but in recent times its get crashing on my mobile a lot..disturbing I already send the details to the given gmail id..but my problem is not solved,0,negative 21882,okay im happy again i watched the second episode of jonas on youtube. i think tomorrow my family is going to olive garden for mothers day,2,positive 10746,falling asleep and waking to gun shots arent fun,0,negative 23918,_erincharde yea as an afterthought,1,neutral 6670," awwww I`ll be waiting then, hope it doesn`t rain",2,positive 22661, It was blatently your fault for just shoving it in the bag when I said no I felt that you had very much tricked me. ****,0,negative 2043, NOOOOO I hate traffic,0,negative 12471, not if i`m not on the list,1,neutral 6966,I really love this free app. It's so cool to see my schedule visually and know how much time I have until the next event. The only thing I would change (and this may already be available in the paid version) is the ability to choose different colors for each event.,2,positive 21807," yeah, I was always changing my hair color in High School. I`ve pretty much worn everything LOL. Some good, some baaaaaaaad",1,neutral 22704,Dinner=Buffalo burger with provolone cheese melted on top with beefsteak tomatoes and spinach. Divine. Pic on facebook to come.,1,neutral 332,"Change of plans, working inside bar tonight",1,neutral 23750," Say cheese for the camera, or throw up some Western Mass gang signs to be cool",2,positive 2963,The ios app is lot better than this. please improve it as soon as possible.,2,positive 23734, I don`t know. What does it take to butter you up? Actual butter? xoxo,1,neutral 21331, i`m watchign the garden from the window...far too hot for me,0,negative 2569, well.. i dont have to do any resits... lol... so its MY last exam,1,neutral 27402,"Wolverine was much fun, but Gambit was a bit disappointing. Neither smooth nor Cajun enough for my taste. Pretty though",1,neutral 11105,holiday again,1,neutral 4246,"Sync doesn't work despite having a lifetime premium account, as others have said.",0,negative 24041, no...i`m just tired..,0,negative 13004,_sara I`m sitting in the bus to dublin And listen tokio hotel-reden.And i must know why,2,positive 6965,"great so far, it would be nice to allow the 5 buttons on the widget have an option to skip a day, week or month forward or backward, if i would like to look ahead i have to open one or two apps when it could be a button you set on the widget. maybe even a button option that allows one widget to switch between multiple calendars, just thought id include that suggestion.",2,positive 17816, aaahh i know!! i was spose to but i had to take my dad to the airport. next weeek fasho!,1,neutral 2436," oh, coo; i was suppose to be an intern too! but dangit, SAT. :| so how`s the intern life? haha",1,neutral 7685,"After installing and uninstalling several other apps I finally found this one and it suits my needs the best. I like the appearance and all the features. There are two things I'm missing however - subtasks and the possibility to tick off every single completed task or event for the specific day. This would make this app a perfect tool for me and I wouldn't mind to pay for it. As a busy mom battling depression I need a simple tool to help me to organise my day and week, and to remember my tasks.",2,positive 8986, you guys ROCKED IT tonight in LA!! Love ya guys and cab wait to see another awesome show soon,2,positive 9769, I have to go to Spanish mass on Sunday And then write a couple of papers. Boo.,1,neutral 17035,Good Morning good old Germany - I wanna say hello to New York. I`m not in love. . .not really.,1,neutral 2728,Not user-friendly,0,negative 2609,"Need to register, immediately deleted",0,negative 6380,"Brilliant app! Allows me to achieve my goals, big ones as well as daily ones.",2,positive 13549,Missing you all deeply,0,negative 6802,my favorite curling iron broke,2,positive 8100,This app just isnt for me,0,negative 2252,Alix`s graduation party!,1,neutral 7278,interesting day. good overall,2,positive 14856,Lying in bed with my most favorit girl in the world. happy mommys day to me.,2,positive 4613,I`m going to open up PROVERBS and get as much wisdom as possible-I`m hungry!,1,neutral 26418,Sad because i cant go over my friends house,0,negative 3071,"Good app with good widgets one star deducted as I can't work out how to view completed tasks, dailies and habits",2,positive 18486,"Dear Daniel, good news from Nintendo! They want you as a potential Lotchecktester! Hoffentlich wirds was mit der Stelle",2,positive 26088,taking Willy to the specialist...poor dog! He has to get a CT scan cos he can`t walk properly atm,0,negative 6923,Dude my butt itches but i cant scratch it cause ppl r here,0,negative 18209,LMAO! listening to the great Bob Marley! Wow hes so awesome,2,positive 6428,Ryan Stiles is still the funniest man ever. Got some great news and some not great news tonight. So happy I could burst,2,positive 3426,Oh ****! I forgot to eat! Grumble grumble.,0,negative 6871, has problems - cannot get the site working,0,negative 5041, I`m not a big fan of Costa I ended up going to EAT as they have one outside our office!,0,negative 341,"It`s a Peter & Gordon morning -> And I, go to pieces and I wanna hide / Go to pieces and I almost die / Ever... ?",1,neutral 11187," haha, i was crying ****",0,negative 5045, Sounds like you`re in for a great day! Enjoy,2,positive 26921," that`s the prob, i work from home, and the bed`s calling, no, screaming out my name! had really strong coffee instead",1,neutral 10287, hahaha. I think you`re pretty far from me. Maybe next time though,1,neutral 1219,starting phase 1 of operation 'be productive'- pack clothes. can`t find pink tank top!! oh no!!!,0,negative 2312, i know my mom is going up there monday with me to get it changed. i`m so upset,0,negative 11965,Didn`t realize Animal Kingdom closes so early at 5:00 today. Now I`m stick in the exit traffic,0,negative 11420,Watching Matilda,1,neutral 13791,The Eagles make saturday nights so much better.,2,positive 4549,Gud way to keep in track of our habits,1,neutral 1048,looked up weather for greece this weekend....80 and sunny OMGZ,1,neutral 9319,"Just upgraded to Android 10. Re-evaluating. So far so good. Though pop ups are gone due to Android 10 architecture, I don't miss them. Reminders are now handled through the Android Notifications platform. Thankfully, the multiple reminders feature still works; I personally think this is the most important feature that makes this app better than stock calendar apps and even MS Outlook.",2,positive 928, ahaha its stuck in my head; thanxx,2,positive 21937,"just got up, smoking a cig and drinking coffee.. i need to start working on my final project for the univ",1,neutral 2949,"Thank you. I love the app and it's helping me immensely already. The only suggestion I can think of is, I wish there was a way of keeping track of my previously completed tasks so I could look back on the progress I've made. It would feel much more meaningful that way and serve as additional motivation.",2,positive 24448,"1 surprise party today, 2 parties tomorrow. FunFunFun! But, need to finish bug project. O_O",2,positive 7362,Really weird formatting? I'm trying to be MORE organized not get a brain workout trying to figure out an app,0,negative 878,Excellent with alexa,2,positive 11742,Almost all are here now! Tomorrow at 8 we start! 291km`s of mud -,1,neutral 7605, Oh God bless you,2,positive 301,"Waste of money and they won't let you delete the account. I am very unhappy!!! Sorry, just venting because I don't have all that much of social life.",0,negative 2980,"Warhammer 40k: Space Marines `officially` announced, only for 360 and PS3. No luck for PC gamers",0,negative 23693, the there`s confuse me,0,negative 12585,... Still feelin like blah... 3 more hours,0,negative 1905,Task management is terrible. it will kill the apps running to draw over the screen. frequently my camera shuts off because tick tick notification.,0,negative 11239,"I swear, now my dog is having anxiety issues.",0,negative 9661, Doubtful! It`s going to be on 24/2!,0,negative 4316,"The app is good to use overall. Except, as a number of other folks have said, it does not sync. And there is no response from the developer on this issue. Annoying to have paid for an app that claimed the sync feature, when it doesn't actually work. What that means is you lose all history every time you change the phone.",0,negative 22657," I`m sure the Mrs. will follow when she gets comfortable on the new computer, may be a while #hhrs",1,neutral 2969, I am like the most saddest person on jtv right now because you are not on,0,negative 15247,_diaz I did notice more men with kids in stores on Sat.I am heading to church and sing in the choir in the 1st & 2nd services.,1,neutral 470,Just woke up :o mums singing to her new gn`r cd replacement i bought because im a good daughter,2,positive 7354,"I would give this app 5 stars, but if you press ""silence notifications,"" you can never turn them back on.",0,negative 3492,oowww...why do wisdom teeth hurt so much,0,negative 23647, ok just between U and me and all of our followers on twitter what do U really think of ? lol,1,neutral 343, LMAO... Smh! that one threw me off.,1,neutral 102,Can't get it to finish installing and I have plenty if room. Gets to 97% and then stops. I will revise my review if I ever get to try it!,0,negative 18885,i just got my nails done n i already messed them up Alejandra <3,0,negative 14124, awesome! have to take a look at them when i`m home.,2,positive 18484,That room will be an oven too,1,neutral 7762,Going for a ride! Perfect night to go out and chill,2,positive 10485,"@Orli the G2 is amazing btw, a HUGE improvement over the G1",2,positive 5089,"Its almost what i was looking for apart from is there a way to set how much xp is required to advance in level and how much xp completing a task will give you? E.g. i want to make it so i start at level 40 in benchpress and achieving 91kg will put me at level 41. I will reach level 100 in benchpress by the time i can do 150kg, completing 120kg would put me on level 70 etc. Otherwise the numbers are just meaningless to me. Really i want to set it up so when i reach my goal in each thing i am at level 100.",1,neutral 25631,Ed is awake! But Andy doesn`t feel so hot so she`s still sleeping.,1,neutral 1010,Total waste of money.,0,negative 4899,Practical apps. I use this everyday.,2,positive 5799,Nowhere near as good as Wunderlist which I've been using for several years. Gutted that Microsoft are stopping Wunderlist in favour of this very poor substitute. Not feeling the love for Microsoft anymore...,0,negative 20000,really thinks wee callum should of got through last night,1,neutral 2525,Learned a lesson the hard way. Lost my USB stick and backup was a month old,0,negative 2467,Best to do list app. I've tried so many to do list app bit this is certainly the best!,2,positive 3456, ten update away from 2000 whooo hoooo budden!,2,positive 16729,One new follower,1,neutral 22109, and what a scary reflection it was! thought you were going to wizz your pants,0,negative 2318,"OK, I've finally found something to replace my beloved CloudCal and CloudTasks, which seem to have been abandoned, as the dev is communicating NOTHING to customers. TickTick, has a similar not that steep learning curve, but, once you catch on, it is fast, flexible, efficient, and gorgeous (I run the Dark mode.), which is actively updated. My new ""go to"" task manager and calendar. Great job, devs!",2,positive 340,App doesn't have pop up notifications anymore for my tasks that I set a reminder at a certain time for. I have checked the app permissions and it allows full notifications.,1,neutral 21075,"Finally home, watching saturday night live, then dreaming about my amanda boo",1,neutral 1763,"Came back to see if I can use the app since I do like it, it's a great idea. I'm my case: I need to be able to add calendar events, reminders in one app 100% essential and afaik this isn't supported? I have a shared gcal, a personal and another work one and all of them needs to not only show up for me to organize life itself. They also need to be managed in the app I use for reminders etc for this to do what it needs for me. Not just reminders, calendar events needs add, edit. Back to",0,negative 7706,Not in a good mood. My mama`s away with my sis so can`t talk to either of them and my boy can`t see me this weekend as planned.,0,negative 21495," Were you able to watch it online?! I hope you were! And yeah, Belinda Jensen was really good",2,positive 15101,"I am sick, very sick, sore throat and flu",0,negative 19916,() 1-Pendulum = awesome! 2-Goodbyes suck 3-Shut up plz. 4-Toy Story 3!! 5-JB 3D MOVIE 2MORO! 6-I`m tired. 7-Aaaand I`m out.,1,neutral 25620, That would be most welcome,2,positive 6802,still trying,1,neutral 10418,"I can't wait, going to see star trek tonight!!",2,positive 6246,"_Kay planted in the garden last week, ive got to check on it",1,neutral 2006, i know how annoying that can be! but theres a german saying`pleasant anticipation is the greatest pleasure`(own translation),1,neutral 21708, Yu th? trang n�y xem (recommended by ),1,neutral 11097, you can put a saucepan full of water on the cooker to heat up the water...indian style scrabbled are the best!!!!,2,positive 9405,Excellent app. It has everything I need to manage my time.,2,positive 5066,Everything requires you to pay money might as well make it a paid game instead of deceiving people for a free app,1,neutral 3538,"Generally a useful app, I've found using a visual reminder to stay focused has helped and working toward unlocking new plants was fun. I found the recent increase in cost to unlock plants demotivating and I've been using the app less since it happened.",1,neutral 4661,It's pretty good. I wish you could change the type of selector though (yes/no vs x times a day) after habit creation. It seems there is no way to do this yet.,2,positive 26930,never mind it`s closed sorry Miley,0,negative 18607,"Good Morning! Happy Monday, Everyone",2,positive 14243,_News I should have gone,1,neutral 737,#followfriday _1001 cuz ive never been added to anyone`s followfriday either & cuz he`s got a cool picture,2,positive 400," Bit of New Scientist, this weeks an last weeks, and Watership Down",1,neutral 2448,this goes out to the one n only smirker cheers dave! aka jak aka the best chest ever! ?,2,positive 8206,"Repeat function doesnt work, so you can't set up tasks to be repeated daily.. You can basically create a list and then delete items as they are completed. That is all this does. Basically useless for anything other than a shopping list.",0,negative 5787, it took me months to understand your avatar,1,neutral 8476,I hate watching the News. Why do such awful things happen?,0,negative 21564,seniors done 5 more days!! woohoo!! going out for the night.,2,positive 6447,Simple and amazing,2,positive 20769,_mazur Hahaha...and I who actually thought you just were popular!,1,neutral 8331, The Killers where the best. A bit disappointed that the last song was cut short Can you watch it in full on Iplayer ?,1,neutral 22446,at tokyo table,1,neutral 13,"Cant re-edit time that ive set, necessary to delete and redo the process. Also, i need a reminder for every hour, and had to create 24 reminders instead of 1 reminder running every hour. Poorly designed.",0,negative 947,"Useful features ask you to get premium version but when I try I get to this page, which is the app I already have installed. 1/5",0,negative 2830, I think they make you turn your phones off I`ll see what I can do!,1,neutral 16281,"greek season two, i love this show.",2,positive 4412,"Could be a great app except that like another user said, it does not sync between devices when the description claims that it can. That's a big letdown for me because when used any other of my devices, and when I switched phones, I couldn't sync the app up with my data or any habits I've been tracking, even though I have the premium account. When attempting to sync It always says that there is no internet connection, but there always is. So I can't give it a full 5/5 rating, otherwise I might.",1,neutral 22690,"Wow, such a crazy night of ever changing emotions! I liked it tho",2,positive 3929,wishes the rain would stop so my stupid headache would go away!,0,negative 10331, Ah lol okay. Thanks,2,positive 1741,Phone will die soon. What to do now? Oh no!,0,negative 3923,Mmm someone come havelunch with me,1,neutral 16372, the hills is gunna be so different!! gl with your designing etc.,2,positive 11497,sorry my bad.,0,negative 13519," I`m just a couple bus stops away from an LC, but I didn`t realize that until about a month or so ago",1,neutral 2627, <--- Paranoid. I actually like it better performed live rather than the studio version.,1,neutral 4796,I've always had issues with consistency and will power. It's very helpful when can see my progress. It even tracks the percentage of your success.,2,positive 1179,ahhh fusterated,0,negative 6268,It is so good If thtere is alarm it will be better,2,positive 19022," You are very sweet, my everyday hero friend",2,positive 24943,pool party at sherraton n brodi had a blast! the friends made the evening bbqd at home with great conversation funky n lifted day!!,2,positive 4400,_rockett i know! And he laughed at the stupid `women`s right`s` joke. Wth! Glad we have the same humor!,2,positive 3548,Why hasn`t he called. I`m being blown off yet again.,0,negative 25246,() Gonna watch JT on SNL tonight - not a fan of his music but think he`s hilarious! `**** in my Pants` - WAY too funny,0,negative 3508,chillin bored drinking a margarita. txt me,0,negative 24616,"Gah, I`m jittery and upset for absolutely NO reason...",0,negative 1918,I have the biggest crush on Pink but she doesn`t know I`m alive,1,neutral 12630, Oh I`m sorry I can`t even imagine...although I know it will be reality for me soon,0,negative 3292,"However I found it a helpful app helping me to stay focused on my projects, I am disappointed!!! How could you just double or even triple the price of the trees through an update? 👎👎👎 that wasn't not fair!!!!",0,negative 2930,I like this app but this is the buggiest app i ever had i been using this for years and still havent fix them,1,neutral 25165," no, stay and play!!!",1,neutral 8178,"_hearts hey,got your text. cannae hen, family are comin over i`ve got nae money to come to livi anyway xxxx",1,neutral 4342," Wow, you mom has a lot of energy. I`m getting tired just reading your tweet and ur living it.",0,negative 22341," Pixies - Number 13 gives me such an energy rush. They are playing a festival close to me in June, but work won`t me me go",2,positive 7490,The problem is the phone is not ringing even though Ring is turned on. Output is given Alarm Volume. Yet Its not ringing..,1,neutral 23206,oh no its ok they are coming on just now x],1,neutral 940," or so a month. I put my 2 week`s notice in a little over a week ago, my last day is this friday!",1,neutral 664,What am I doing atm? Oh yeah. Apple Juice I`m such a rebel!,0,negative 11347," _diva I know, I That is the ONE song that stops me in my tracks on a dancefloor. I just can`",1,neutral 9224,Love the way it can be easily zoomed for both size and number of days.,2,positive 541,Awesome,1,neutral 20772," ITV plugging the Special a lot. Have a great night all of you, will miss your tweets when you come back home",1,neutral 378,"Version 2 of our live, interactive Trans-Siberian ticket planner is launched: - its very cool",2,positive 5018,This is not an rpg!?!?!?! This is a goal tracker with an avatar. Ffs. So Useless.,0,negative 943, awww she`s laavly ;) I had to come in but I`ve got a stunning wee tan (l) ;) yourself?,2,positive 10181,@YarnThing you will not regret going to see Star Trek. It was AWESOME!,2,positive 17912, ****. She got it on the first try.,1,neutral 22235,Join the biggest and bestest group on facebook,2,positive 4423,The app is great. I wanted to use this app as a way to help me to creat a better habit and staying on track with certain things. For me the notifications don't work unles I open the app and by that point its like my reminders have passed.. other then that easy app to use and navigate.,1,neutral 1143,"Why did you remove the ability to enter the main app from the widget? The widget also has some serious performance issues and freezes often. Other than that it's a great app, does its job and the web interface is really useful when you're on desktop.",0,negative 198,Happy #StarWarsDay. May the 4th be with you! From everyone _paintball,2,positive 7396,You have to buy pro version,0,negative 7827,missin my bro..,0,negative 7589,Soooo full that im starting to feel sick,0,negative 88,i miss you bby wish you were going tomorrow to make me do good.,0,negative 11625,Why did I agree to work on this gorgeous day?,1,neutral 7969,I do the same thing to my parents and my best friend too,1,neutral 10090, not the same.. Can we party tonight jig,1,neutral 24998, its cuz you love me. dont make me sad,1,neutral 409,Daniel has won DSDS. His voice is great.,2,positive 1673," Um yeah ... role model for your peers you may not be. But, I know you will be for your little one, so chin up.",1,neutral 3425, yeah your twisted mind maybe! ;) LOL ... oh wait that`s mine too!!,1,neutral 2561," See? Sucked you right in. The only problem will be church/Sunday race conflicts, but that`s why God gave us DVR. :-D _niffer",0,negative 12160," Thanks for all of the awesome tweets LeeLoo, glad you enjoyed the weekend.",2,positive 594,Josie`s out of surgery. She`s now officially unable to procreate. And She`s way out of it... Poor medicated baby,0,negative 23773,I want to play parachute games.,1,neutral 7030,Excellent idea. Great for visual based learners,2,positive 17574,"Hey my twitter friends, tho very few!!!!",1,neutral 13014,last night sucked... too many bad dreams about spiders and rogue octupi,0,negative 21474,GREG D: You should have cried too :L You could have got through!! I still love you Greg. #BGT,2,positive 10506,@Pittstock $GM good riddance. sad though.,0,negative 8900,First I liked the free version but after a while it got annoying with all the advertisements,0,negative 1387, Thanks,2,positive 2730,I am very bummed that there are no babydoll or spaghetti-strap tank Three Wolf Moon t-shirts. Love the meme; hate wearing a fabric box.,1,neutral 6705,It is useful but very user friendly,1,neutral 8711,"Does what I need it to, no account required",2,positive 2906," hehe, I can almost hear out of my right ear now Can you yet?",2,positive 132,"Hard, to use",0,negative 6725,mcfonalds roulette i i lose. they forgot mygrilled snack wrap,0,negative 4977,sunnn finnalllyyy!! aint slept :| need some sleep,1,neutral 5936,"On Wunderlist, your starred/prioritsed list would break down into the original lists they came from - now they all melt together. On the starred/prioritised list you could also reshuffle jobs by holding down - now you can't.",1,neutral 8099," dudes, c`mon - that`s almost the ghey!",1,neutral 15499,I miss my mom.. 'May angels lead you in',0,negative 1423,Be my Yoko Ono and follow me wherever I may go !,1,neutral 5407,I like using the app and my weekly progress. I would like to see a total of how many things I did each day and maybe a graph? I like positive reinforcement.,2,positive 1430,Nic has no idea what he`s going to do! money is all gone!,0,negative 2518, No tango icons in this revision.,1,neutral 17150,So I slept 12 hrs! My body is aching,0,negative 14711,Finally it`s Friday! Things are going to be so different starting next house will be empty!,1,neutral 12600,ok deleted all messages and hope they don`t come back!!,1,neutral 893,Easy good app. So far I like it.,2,positive 14000, hubz company was organising ...i had to be there!,1,neutral 6180,"Switch to 'to do' because wunderlist is being discontinued. It is a lovely app, easy to navigate interface. However, the function of 'today' smart list is not integrated. In wunderlist, this is the hat I was working from. It would be great to see 'today' smart list again! By the way, ""My day"" smart list doesn't automatically pick up the day's tasks, instead you have to add them. 🤷‍♀️",2,positive 1219,Best friend is leaving to go back to school today..I am so sad,0,negative 20124, THANKYOU! <3 iloveyoutwoooo,2,positive 15159, thanks!,2,positive 21720, just hope the tunnel is wide enough that you can get out of the way!,1,neutral 18619,"Just woke up to go to the bathroom, had the weirdest dream before I woke up...back to sleep night/morning ...wateva",1,neutral 10151, 2002 - the TSX is nice just cuz it`s a new car- handles nice but doesn`t have the horses of the TL-S,2,positive 14221, Welcome back to Japan,1,neutral 10357,pissed about at&t's mid-contract upgrade price for the iPhone (it's $200 more) I'm not going to pay $499 for something I thought was $299,0,negative 2045, broken I can`t c it,0,negative 24638, would be more fun to date then Steve-O.,2,positive 6165,"Awesome upgrade from Wunderlist. I couldn't expect I can live without Wunderlist. I just give it a try and now I don't regret for it. Truly a great successor of wunderlist. But if u can,please make the font size Customization option. It will be really helpful",2,positive 9148,"Great app, but why can't I add an attachment? I need this functionality and although I have been using BC for years, I might have to go to Google calendar..",1,neutral 1269,Watch Lowkey freestyling (and selling his mixtape on and performing in Norwich tonight,1,neutral 25468,uqh soo boredd supposedd to be asleep cuzz i have too wakke upp earlyy but i juss cantt sleepp.! omq tomorroww iss mother`s dayy,0,negative 1518, Tell X to email me pics! OfficialShew,1,neutral 1688,Makes more work done in less time.,2,positive 1143,Jaydiohead 'No Karma' ? #musicmonday This is not the android I was looking for. But it`ll do.,1,neutral 15468,omg!! i have so many finals to study for !!! i so freaked out that im gona fail,0,negative 23298," and yep, you`ve converted me to Blip. Been great to hear a lot of others suggestions - some pretty great stuff!",2,positive 8168,"trying to switch from wunderlist and the import option doesn't work or give any assistance to troubleshoot. I just get the message ""file not found"" with nothing else to say where it's looking for the file so I can get it in the right place.",0,negative 1885," - Ready for our 3D Jonas Brothers Experience. Real Brothers, not included",1,neutral 3862,This app is very helpful for me to cut back from Phubing and spend time staying focused for as long as I wish. There's only the problem of the crashing of this app oftentimes. Please do fix it. And thank you♥️.,2,positive 12989,my tummy hurts i blame last night`s chinese food.,0,negative 18451,"How can it be so freaking difficult to get a system-wide spellchecker? ****, I`d settle for an office suite one. Stupid unhelpful Windows",0,negative 26481, drag me to hell looks so freakin scary watch terminator! it was really good.,2,positive 10272,"I would rather pay reasonable yearly taxes for ""free"" fast internet, than get gouged by Time Warner for a slow connection.",0,negative 5704,"Ex happy Wunderlist user, disgruntled with this half-baked attempt. Most of the fine details that made Wunderlist great were omitted (with an option to include them at some vague point in the future), interface does look cleaner but there are fewer details that help tasks being organized visually. For a standalone app it would deserve a 3 star. For an app that is supposed to replace Wunderlist it would get a 2 star. For an app that tries to get users by killing it's better competitor, even a 1 star is too much.",0,negative 26043,miss my hubby already!,0,negative 4076,"Aplikacja godna polecenia, naprawdę pomaga ""odstawić"" telefon na dany czas i skoncentrować się na czynności, jaką wykonujemy. Polecam.",2,positive 2088,_watkins Oh my gosh ian i always miss you when your on,0,negative 14020,"bored , cleanin the house",0,negative 2175,"Ever since I downloaded this app, I've gotten less lazy, I've done more work, and I was able to keep track of my tasks needed. I would rate 5/5 stars, but I would like this app to have compatibility on windows or have some sort of chrome extension. If I am mistaken and there is a windows/chrome extension, please notify me. Thank you.",2,positive 2771,moving offices I`m going to miss you Hollywood.,0,negative 25261, Makes me wish I had dogs instead of cats!,0,negative 19883,sucks not being able to take days off of work or have the money to take the trip so sad,0,negative 4379,It is completely failing on reminders!,0,negative 19165, Agree!,1,neutral 851,"My anticipated meet up with Tapan Parikh is no more apparently he wont pass by Nairobi, and will head straight from Mombasa",1,neutral 17556,"Its 4.30am, sleep timeee. I wanted to watch Gossip Girl but i`m way too tired Goodnight!",0,negative 1992,"_x I`ve got my essay plan written out now Looking for a couple of references, then I`ll get writing!",1,neutral 14168,catching up on House season finale monday!,1,neutral 9238, and of course it happens on the day I got a carwash.,1,neutral 2087,Moment over.... fly now in car,1,neutral 2055, been there! need somewhere NEW,1,neutral 22438, Kind of glad I never started Kings now - one less thing to be upset about,1,neutral 18972,"As old as the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe & everything. That`s 42, for all the non-Hitchikers Guide fans",1,neutral 13197,Yay finished my journal. Gonna go sleep now. Church tomorrow. Yay! don`t forget it`s MOTHERS DAY!,2,positive 1647,Toris was SO fun! JB MOVIE WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! and i had a good day at work! YAY i loved the movie! :0,2,positive 27337,"Looking for desktop twitter app that will actually let you access URLs, any suggestions? I liked Twittle but no linking",1,neutral 4638,"This is by far my favorite habit tracking app (and I've tried many). I like the weekly view. (I have an unusual use for this app.....I use it to track my kids' school work and I like the weekly view so I can see what they have completed during the week). However, I'm not sure if this app is still being supported? The last update was over a year ago and they do not respond to inquiries. But the app does still work well.",2,positive 15119," being a fan is certainly not about being attractive. But, if you like the pink, to each their own #canucks",1,neutral 6565,Its really hard to shedule,0,negative 3978,"This is honestly the best app to help stay focused. You can choose the amount of time you want to study or do homework for, and it honestly works. You feel the need to let the tree grow. I 100% recommend this to anyone who wants to stay focused.",2,positive 13340,"_joyner And he can`t even tell me. Me and him are **** done, professionally. ****` ****.",0,negative 8500,Stuck in lists screen but none of my lists are showing and the only option is to add a new list. What am I doing wrong? (BTW- I love what I've seen so far. Being able to add sub tasks under sub tasks? Awesome! 5th star awaits...,2,positive 7261,Not very user friendly. Uninstalled immediately,0,negative 20649,One more thing 'Shattered' is an amazing song by O.A.R.,2,positive 16124,"Great, just great. #Cookoutofthecentury and my wife`s tummy hurts. Just. Great.",0,negative 19318,Driving fast is SO much fun. I went 80 in a 25. Hahaha. Goodnight!,2,positive 17292, Cover the tomm. event baby! Id like a live blogging on it,1,neutral 24450, I gave up following - She seems really nice but clutters the hell out of my feed. It got annoying.,1,neutral 2531, hehe - about NZ being the most magical place on Earth.,2,positive 7201,"To me its not user friendly. I dont like the question up front before a tour of the app. Its very limited unless you pay for the pro version. I think, when picking a routine or something a bar or something should pop up with options or ideas to choose from.",0,negative 1749,ROTC brought a climbing wall to work for coworkers to try and climb if they wanted. I forgot my climbing shoes at home today.,1,neutral 22376, re: Edwards I hope so!,2,positive 5048, Ok well from the pic i take it you do. Thats unlucky . Lmao,0,negative 8639,Photo: I like da cooolooorss and the composition is great scribkin:,2,positive 10853," Hii,I freaking love you I would be the happiest 13 year old girl alive if you replied to this.",2,positive 23479, Good Luck.. mine 3rd day today !,2,positive 8376,some time it's not working not reminding me,1,neutral 17457,"_city Hey, u like FOB 2! Follow me, luv 2 talk more, looking 4 frineds + followers! ~Ellen~",2,positive 8356,Needs a lot more sophistication,1,neutral 8224, i`d give anything to be there. too bad i`m in tennessee.,0,negative 26821,"Thanks those who have clicked :p Well I think I did something wrong, it`s still at 0 visitor, 0%.. maybe I need to reinstall everything",1,neutral 1311,waiting for the battery to charge for my new DSLR,1,neutral 8840,"Took a kind-of nap, too. My tummy hurts.",0,negative 23976,Getting ready for work.,1,neutral 24492,We got JoJo in for free and free drinks for Mom! My kind of night,2,positive 7194,Good app 很棒,2,positive 14398, yes and no. there`s some strange infection in my body that`s causing me to be sicker than I need and to have a fever.,0,negative 19668,"FML.. today sucks.. i just hope the dance will bring my soul up.. i pray, but im still sad..i hateee todayyyyyy!!! >;(",0,negative 1754,still freakin out about missing the game!!! #jonasnewsongs,0,negative 12104," i think thats what he is going for but he didnt have time to scan, do photo shop and stuff before work",1,neutral 4903,"Hello and thank you for all of the #followfridays people. I always forget, sorry",0,negative 11032,The time Is 3.50am and if finished my essay I can have Sunday off woop,2,positive 7809,Math is amazing and hell at the same time socialily that is the naiv part is fine.,1,neutral 4330,"Fine for tracking, but the reminders stop working after a couple of weeks (this has happened with every new habit I've set up, and I have a premium account) and the developer doesn't respond to support requests.",0,negative 2121,Have hardly worked out in the last two weeks but am losing weight. Fear I`m losing muscle!! Just made doc. appt. for injured foot,0,negative 7982,"I have thoroughly enjoyed my AA ever since I found out about last year! I had been looking for an organizer that I use as a calendar and to handle my many ""things to do"" lists. Thank you Katy for your vision and concept.",2,positive 1125, important person? who?,1,neutral 15044,Headin home...Refreshed my mind and soul justa lil bit...Bac to reality.,2,positive 16250,Just saw a fox! as i was getting on the freeway... I hope it goes home,2,positive 4647, sorry but I`m not impressed in the slightest b/c u don`t eat ****..more like saddened and confused,0,negative 1554,I can`t breathe well but turns out I`m not crazy. Just inflammed lungs,0,negative 27246,Soaked in the rain in 30 seconds and I wasn`t even hiking 8.4 miles with 2.5 miles in the rain like last weekend.,1,neutral 3645,Doin` the Crocodile Rock,1,neutral 3092,"This app has helped me keep up so many habits and routines. At first I struggled with it a lot, but I soon joined a party. The quests are really helpful to keep me on track, and there are others in the groups to help out too.",2,positive 2434, make sure you practice your hooping today!,2,positive 3085,"No school, again. This time cuz im sick.",0,negative 6224," Pleased to hear it, but still I am shamed sometimes to hear what some men do",0,negative 6879," ugh! I have a knee injury too, except mine is just an infected cut that hurts like hell",0,negative 9687,Free app is crippled version of paid app costs $4.99 a year.,0,negative 3016, Going to see Star Trek,1,neutral 19964, boo,1,neutral 22362," my grandpa called, wants to know what you are doing with his hat.. and when you plan to return it",1,neutral 5741,"Was working fine, until recently where all of my reminders are triggering a day early.",0,negative 4550,arrg - i`ve been trying to upload my picture...darn thing won`t let me,0,negative 14180,i cant believe this woman talked me into getting a different hairstyle...real talk though...i have no clue of what to do with my hair,1,neutral 3797,"Love the app!! But since the update, it closes every time i try to access the store",1,neutral 17255,"THIS TWITTER **** BORES ME, NOW I C Y I HAVEN`T BEEN ON HERE IN A MONTH",0,negative 10650,my attempt to sync facebook and twitter seems to have failed,0,negative 9293,I luv it. Only downside is the adverts. But the app is awesome.,2,positive 17844,_Carroll i want a marty mcflyy t-shirt.,1,neutral 24407," by the way, it`s INconvenient...",0,negative 2022,Im had to leave early to go to piccolo practice.,1,neutral 7309, i really am going to miss you,0,negative 19046,i cant afford it go to school here ? !!,0,negative 1442,just come in from the garden. It is very warm out there but beautiful. Didnt do much revision though,2,positive 6735,went to bestbuy today and found that they had pretty much ever HP except the one i wanted to look at,2,positive 10388," Very. I`m ill and attempting to remember lots, and nothing is going in.",0,negative 6280,Best personal assistant app,2,positive 2494, hey you! Did you get my present this morning? Hope u liked it?,1,neutral 19742, Thanks about the ponytail. I dreamt last night that I shaved my head...??? I guess it`s a bigger deal than I thought.,2,positive 7076,Es great. Good enough for me to use it to help fix my sleeping pattern.,2,positive 2680,The app was working fine until it started bugging out recently and showing me the wrong dailies. Going back to using just the website now until this is fixed.,0,negative 17440,Follow _joe he`s cool,2,positive 4280, i tried listenin to music 4 half an hour! Tried readin a really boring book-still wide awake!,0,negative 4405," haha, its under 18 :@ so ive got no one to go with curse none of my friends liking TAI lol",0,negative 10192,Hello Twitter API ;),2,positive 8508,"Trying Resco MobileForms Toolkit and sample. Trial messages ruin everything, the sample has bugs, it`s running slow. Poor 1st impression.",0,negative 23347," Wow, that is good I`m on Mac too with XP via Parallels if you ever need a tester ;)",2,positive 5475,"I'm trying to develop some healthy habits, and this app is very good at reminding me to do things. The only complaint I have is that you can't actually organize your tasks and habits. I try to organize them by time and they don't move. I have a habit for 12pm listed after one for 3am, which is preceded by 4pm. This is very frustrating when you want to look at things in order. That's why I'm docking 1⭐. I like the function of it and I like the widget. Update: 1⭐ restored- thank you for helping!",2,positive 3855,"Lovely night, guys. Full moon thinking about going out onto my roof lol",2,positive 6549, you`ve go mail,1,neutral 9185,"Their widgets had gotten better since my last review. I really appreciate the calendar with the tasks on the side! If there was a morning ""your day today"" or ""plan your day today"" alert in the morning, that would make it even better! I went to for that, but their calendar and sync to my waze app was off so I came back lol",2,positive 8653,"Advanced yet simple. Love it, has all the little features you need without the unnecessary complication. Alarms, sidenotes, ability to highlight some tasks, organize tasks in order u want",2,positive 12971,"man, i ain`t been without V`s presence in a minute...i feel like a lil kid with no momma",1,neutral 4346, Their coming tomorrow morning and it`s sort of an impossible task. I just need to clear some space. Thanks though,1,neutral 23463,Thank God is a sport and doesnt take offence in my jokes Unlike the three good friends who have stopped talking to me!,2,positive 22060,jerk josh! didn`t even come meet me - im thinking of a number guess ?,0,negative 3761,8am math final wish me luck,2,positive 26574,I totally want some white chocolate macadamia cookies from Mrs. Fields but the mall is soooo far away. Bleh i think I`ll make my own,0,negative 2527,This app has some major problems. It seemed to work fine for the first day of running. After the first day no reminders were executed. Any game armor or weapons could never be equipped. it appeared you could equip them but once you left the screen they become unequipped and they never showed up on the avatar. I mainly got this app for productivity and since the reminders do not work I'm not certain I'm going to continue using it unless these problems are fixed.,0,negative 10243,Congratulations to Manny 'Pacman' Pacquiao! You`ve made every Filipino proud of being a Filipino!,2,positive 4336,"I'm changing the rating into two stars because the sync feature which previously work fine has no longer work. Looking at the last update I feel like the developer had abandoned this apps, which is quite sad considering this usef to be the best apps on building habit.",0,negative 12980,Ok the thunder is scaring me,0,negative 579," I bet its cool down in SR, huh? It`s not here. I haven`t stopped sweating since noon when dad and I were packing",0,negative 4157,"Don't install this app.This is forgery. I've used this app for more than 2 years when I changed my mobile phone I couldn't login when I logged in it says ""this email account is not in our database"" I have the mail to prove that I had had the account in the App.I mailed the company 4-5 times but there's no reply. 2 years of my habit data is lost.",0,negative 8970, so ur name is also Naina,1,neutral 9842,"I like this app actually purchased the plus version, but I'm haven't seen any notifications. The purpose of using a scheduling app is to receive reminders of your appts or pending tasks.",1,neutral 9159,i have no idea wtf im doing,0,negative 2245," I wish I was! well, for the past hour I have been. But before that I was in bed. Proper migraine!",0,negative 22639, Thanks for sympathy. It wasn`t too bad until about an hour ago when I started thinking of the appointment tomorrow.,2,positive 21010," I am the same... well peer trained, peer taught, peer learning",1,neutral 6749,"At times it doesn't work as expected, hut the app can be great potential if scrutinized aptly.",1,neutral 21622,I really like how the weather widget on imac and iphone always predict different weather...not!,1,neutral 4573,Should help you more,1,neutral 23,gotta restart my computer .. I thought Win7 was supposed to put an end to the constant rebootiness,1,neutral 3391,_Cochran Hi Corey.. just saw your reply now.. here it is 5:30PM .. an I have a long night coming...,1,neutral 18048,Number 999. My next tweet must be something really special.,2,positive 23348, good luck tomorrow,2,positive 922,this weather makes my fingers numb / still waiting,0,negative 25529,might start Spanish...any min now....nope just can`t do it! ****,1,neutral 11081,"dont worry baby i`ll eat sum cake for the both of us , i`ll hit u up wen i get back. bye, dont eat too much at home",1,neutral 23000,Ahh! my right kidney hurts soooo bad!!! Ooommmmggggg!!!!,0,negative 14505, Please bring to your show,1,neutral 8313,"its a nice app, but I always accidentally deleting a task when scrolling side to side. please remove the delete feature when scrolling between tasks. thanks",1,neutral 8718, Awww mate. that`s such a shitter,0,negative 20262,Ugh 3 more hours,1,neutral 7933,"It's all great. I just love it. It sets my Schedule, Timetable, Reminders so perfectly fine. We can adjust it however we want to.",2,positive 3008,"I'm just starting out with Habitica and am liking it so far, but the To-Dos would be much more useful if they could be organized by due date. I've got like 25 things on that list, with due dates over the next two weeks or so, and it would be much easier to actually accomplish these things if I could easily see which were the most urgent instead of having to scroll up and down and compare dates in a mental tally.",2,positive 204,I AM SUCH A CREEPER I feel disappointed because of it. **** my cyberstalking skills the internet = no more privacy.,0,negative 2510, awesome run report! Did you see the bald eagle on the lighthouse? That was their hangout when I last ran Discovery Park.,2,positive 7402,listening to some music!,1,neutral 17678,but worth it i spose,2,positive 13250,"_dreamer Wow, you still haven`t gotten them?",1,neutral 6798,Pls add 24 hour view,1,neutral 2885,"Hour fifteen drive. Just left, bored and ate half my food already",0,negative 5576,I should be in NYC right now with some of my favorite people but instead I am stuck in RI.,1,neutral 11734,gonna eat pizza. what are you doing??,1,neutral 22508,_pax That sucks.,0,negative 26344,This economy thing is getting us down. I stay positive mostly but sometimes it really gets to me. Hoping Todd gets work soon.,1,neutral 18963, that really sucks - I think I might cry if I skipped over anything important I don`t have. Comps are getting to be disposable,0,negative 2680,cant sleep again! I couldnt sleep last night eather! *Wabble Wabble*,0,negative 8278,cant send the dream story on twitter. sending on bebo mail x,1,neutral 9707,like the concept but tech support cannot get rid of ads and popups. tried over several months but they are gone a short while then return. the response lag and language issues are frustrating. this changed my review and I removed the app,1,neutral 4266, Morning Sunshine,1,neutral 25237,I miss the seniors already,0,negative 15230," and he`s not even fat!!!! Huh, ? He`s just friggin huge! I have a freak.",1,neutral 4859,Got back from helping my sis with stuff for my niece`s 1st birthday. I saw a PSP/DS lite car charger in Toy Kingdom SM for only P250!!,1,neutral 10476, ooops! the last link is the same as the first! sry my mistake,0,negative 11489,Been working so hard - its a drag not having time to tweet.!,0,negative 9252,"Good but, too many ads..",2,positive 60,"Free, but wants you to pay before using. Social media not required, but wants you to register before using. Popular company, popular enough to remove my last 1 star review and send me an Email disputing it. Plenty of better note taking apps exist. I highly advise against this invasive app.",0,negative 6206,I gots the sniffles,1,neutral 22531, bamboo/jade green !,1,neutral 1332,everything is locked.... repetition schedule is unable,1,neutral 15031, LOL yea the fondue is on point... but that Chocolate Lava Cake is what you really want...but I wont be here Im Mon-Fri babes!,1,neutral 5607,"My skin is clear, my crops are watered, and I am truly living my best life. I don't think I could recommend this app enough",2,positive 19217," Hey JK...Wish Evenlyn a Happy Mothers Day tomora for me..I had a Great Day, my gift will be tickets to see ya`s ere in Oz",2,positive 5388," Yeah, plus I always totally overspend",0,negative 20804,"Final thought for the day, does deodorant really make your lungs bleed when inhaled constantly? Certain females paranoid about BO",1,neutral 7792,its raining in MD,1,neutral 5020,i`ve just open this thing,1,neutral 19705, I am afraid you`ve had a bit of a #fail as the last two recommendations aren`t available in the UK,0,negative 7193, Hey thanks for following Love the name Elijah thats what im going to name my Son,2,positive 26961," It`s 12:30AM, stopped tweeting, my brain`s not functioning. I wanna cry. Haha. Philippines tour, please? Love ya!",0,negative 6710,"Seemed like a good app, but doesn't always show your plans. It's linked to my calender and I've added quite a few things for the month, but it only shows on this app once and then disappears next time I look at it.",1,neutral 3564,"To make a long day short--I did nothing. =D well, I had some friends over they just left (3:55am) We have been drinking since 9. Smashed",1,neutral 1177,happy star wars day,2,positive 3056,Cleaned out my Followers List and blocked the **** girls & **** Now I look like a spammer,1,neutral 13638,Someone stole my new laptop at the airport. haven`t even used it. Guess the US economy is breeding a new set of 'opportinists',0,negative 17121,"the sun is out, can you believe it",1,neutral 10734, I feel sorry for your nails. lol... I feel fine thank you,1,neutral 8837,Can't set up reminder,0,negative 22798,my new picture won`t upload!!!,0,negative 18216,Ever been to a restaurant with over 200 items on the menu? Lunch decision shouldn`t be this hard,0,negative 334,I Miss Daddy and Mommy,0,negative 6036,is chatting with Willy Valdez about comics,1,neutral 6276,"Very Nice App ... But who really needs to be reminded of and check off things we do all the time in daily life? If something is important next week or whenever, we normally remember it without fail - or we write it down. This App, while very nice indeed, typifies and feeds society's obsession with mobiles and tablets - and it renders people even more stupidly 'dependent' upon help - instead of what used to be 'common sense.' 🤔",2,positive 3176,"oh yes, the Cavs win game5, now onto game6. it`s still danger, they HAVE to win this one either, it`s no shot for the championship",1,neutral 5932,It's good. But coming from wunderljst the spacing in this app between task is too big. When having many task. The list get unnecessary long and cluttered. Please adjust or make it adjustable. Will rate 5 stars if adjusted.,1,neutral 3929,Really good.....i cannot believe my eyes eyes😏😂,2,positive 26447,first trip home since diwali. But before that a couple of days in saddi dilli,1,neutral 6940,"Pros: I loved the visual representation of events and Integration with Google calendar. Cons: It isn't integrated with Google tasks. Most of the users would use Tasks to track their activities, along with Calendars. I would love to purchase the Pro version and rate it 5 stars if integrated with Google Tasks.",2,positive 2046," If he is saying something I don`t fully understand, please let me know.",1,neutral 376, aww I miss driving down elmwood,0,negative 6119,Twitter you suck,0,negative 13659, not helping!,0,negative 6390,_SUPRNATURAL ok thanx very much u can send me the answer by private mail if u like but would be sooo cool wish i was in birmingham,2,positive 2425,It has made me more productive than ever,2,positive 19366," oh dear, I take back my request.... I get so drunk on fizz!! And I def do regret it the next day, sure fired hangover",0,negative 17799, Hi to you too.,1,neutral 20825,I am slowly getting angry at this Jon and Kate Plus 8 thing,0,negative 828,nope no way in to stop just have to put up wiv it,1,neutral 21095,"Oh dear god, going to have to buy a Mac and Pro-Tools, I think my darling edit suite is soon to be filled with Prince Of Persia Movie",1,neutral 14320,"just got home, talk",1,neutral 2250,Was a big fan but changed the clock to spinner. Scrolling is a pain. Why did you guys change it? Bring back the normal clock asap.,2,positive 2661, Bummer. I hope it doesn`t continue too long.,0,negative 18403," I just retweeted your jesus post as it made me laugh... don`t worry, wasn`t a subliminal code",2,positive 13653, *whew* Ok good.I really don`t want that too happen. All my friends loved it. Can`t wait to talk about it monday in class.,1,neutral 3247,It's not working again what's wrong with this app nothing 😡 is fixed no bugs fixed,0,negative 1582,Super app... Can keep tracks of different types of lists really well... Just one thing I wish they had the slide and add more things in a section even in the today tomorrow next week lists It would make the process faster Than choosing the date in the calender again n again.,2,positive 3474,I can't cancel my subscription! How can I do that?,0,negative 6743,Sorry I dont get it. I have no idea why seeing my schedule on a circle is somehow better than a rectangle. What am I missing?,1,neutral 3930," Microsoft has released Zune also in Europe, no HD for us",1,neutral 17863,"another week, another org change discussion....",1,neutral 8122,Its a lovely day sky is clear birds are singing and i`m stuck in an office with on windows for 9 hours,1,neutral 20663,nooo i cant be sick...not now! im about to go see my new nephew,0,negative 16629, oh dear.,1,neutral 25812,"_shediddy lol , you gotta share too",1,neutral 20549, my feelings are hurt,0,negative 25222," My day was good! Spent the day catching up on sleep, relaxing.. kind of a lazy day! hehe. oooo shopping! How did you resist?",1,neutral 3174, // i feel your pain. i once lived in an apt for 6 mos where the previous tenant had 4 cats. burning eyes/tight lungs = gregg,1,neutral 5697,Im kinda bored anyone else I think ill listen to some hip hop its pretty good you should check it out,1,neutral 3325,Fort Greene Brooklyn Flea was lovely! - looking forward to next weekend already,2,positive 17280, @_Bella_Cullen13 posted and its good,2,positive 23812," : Germany loves you, haha.",2,positive 99,Manage subscription is not given in the app menu,0,negative 22479, please don`t,1,neutral 7730,"I definitely like this app. However, I can't rate it 5/5 because it erased all of my routines this morning, so it's been a bit of a tedious process trying to reprogram everything back in.",2,positive 3438, oh that totally works too,2,positive 94,I had a premium. Scam.The app is very pushy and annoying. I couldn't get into 80% of my incoming calls as it blocked the screen so the call doesn't appear on the screen. You only hear it and hopelessly looking for the call screen that you only get once the call is dropped. You have to call back then. Disturbing and annoying. I barely used this app as to maintain it takes a lot of time. I asked them to cancel they said they will not refund as more than 48h passed of yearly(!) subscription.,0,negative 11098, it was Lies. and my fav song is not alone from room on the 3rd floor,1,neutral 18159, (((HUGS))) back to you - you also have that look!,2,positive 24740,With Russ and Joe!,1,neutral 3115,@_catchfire Happy Birthday Chip`s sister,2,positive 8671,"OK, It`s my 1000th Tweet I`ll use it to simply say 'Thank You!!'. I`ve met some of the most giving/caring people on Twitter!",2,positive 3512, that`s not good,0,negative 6700,"Limited use so far, every time I i touch the calendar icon the app changes to calendar but will not revert back to watch face unless i uninstall and reinstall no back button",1,neutral 8554,"I have been a Wunderlist user for years. When Wunderlist announced they were transferribg to a new platform, I started looking for options. I chose Tasks because of its high rating and it has lived up to its rating. It is very easy to use. Unfortunately, I could never get the Wunderlist download to save on my phone so I have had to reenter everything by hand. But it is doable.",2,positive 1984,is loving Mortal Combat right now!,2,positive 3013, but it is a good one,2,positive 3119, I AM A CHILD OF THE DIGITAL AGE I USE TWITTER TO ASK SUCH QUESTIONS do not bring logic into this,1,neutral 25024,Sorta needs to somehow forget that its E3 in LA practically during my ethics exam and self-imposed revision time.,1,neutral 15809, I feel you I have a third eye right now and right before I go see foreign boys,1,neutral 14149,Nice and clean now,2,positive 5144,Claude Debussy is my homeboy,1,neutral 25356,My head`s THUMPING.,0,negative 4408,Awesome tracker yet it seems overpriced in my country way more more than the typical range of $5 its about $10 for me with tax included. Also I don't appreciate the greyed out price being the same as the 33% claimed discounted price very deceiving. Lastly the lack of support for a fingerprint access method is subpart for 2019.,0,negative 18751, *hugs back* me too,2,positive 9571,good morning - thank you for my hot cup of tea ,2,positive 1911, press previous on that page.,1,neutral 16270,Nobody ever ` s makes me sad,1,neutral 13360, Hehe,2,positive 9451,A user friendly app,2,positive 7316,bhai very very very very bad asp,0,negative 3594,"I've used this app before and I like it. The only issue is there are no breaks, it's kind of difficult to study and have no breaks.",1,neutral 9495,Can't sign in. And there are reviews from October saying the same. So... No improvement over months of having the same issue.,0,negative 2341,"I'm a teacher and there are so many little things to do that pop up unexpectedly in my work. TickTick has helped ease the mental load of remembering them all, and it's more useful than a paper list as your phone is always handy. I think I even sleep better because I have less stress about keeping up with tasks. It's easy to reschedule tasks that you don't get to on a given day. I also enjoy the habit-forming function!",2,positive 5863,Notifications are not working properly. It pop's up only when I open the app. 😕😕😕,0,negative 9779, im only on 1800 lol,1,neutral 326,Stop looking at users as cash cows. I will be uninstalling this and moving to a different app which is as good and does not nag. This is quite a good To Do app other than that it too often comes up with prompts to upgrade to the premium subscription-based version. Since when have customers disrespectfully/greedily been treated as cash cows. It used to be apps were$5 at most for a lifetime of use but now they are greedy and arrogant enough to want $5 or thereabouts per Month! I wud pay a one off,1,neutral 9054,"The new update remove the option to change only one event when it is on repeat, now i need to copy and select.. And could have more colors!! Paid version",1,neutral 608, .. .great.. you can buy me lunch when i get my 10-15% pay cut next month..,2,positive 10086,This app is great. It keeps me on track with things i need to do! Works great for me and i dont have any major problems at all.,2,positive 4706,"Regardless of my free version this app's intention is to help it's users increase positive habits and reduce negative habits. For someone like me who needs feedback, the percentage of success gives me an incentive and motivates me to keep the chain going. After using this app for almost two months I have been able to analyze and critique a few of the apps features. It would be interesting to know scientific statistics of the success of the app and if it is successful in what it is set out to do. In regards to the level of engagement I would say that the percentage strategy keeps me coming back to this app. For functionality, the free version runs smoothly, is clear, and easy to use. For aesthetics, it is simple and convenient however I do think that for some users it might be difficult to see due to size of buttons and font size. The information is a bit outdated and needs to be cited and should come from more credible sources. I do enjoy seeing that there is a discussion board for communication between users. From my subjective analysis this app's rating is a 4.1.",2,positive 22312,is having a cuppa and chilling... i lovebank holiday mondays,2,positive 15454, besides when u come and visit ill have more room for u!,1,neutral 6865,_b BF @ gig in Portland OR. That`s not driving distance to come save me from Burbank. I stuck ATM. Working on plan B,0,negative 368,The android homescreen widget keeps on hanging every now and then. I'd have to remove the widget and then add it again to the home screen to make it work. It's really a headache. I may opt out of the app if the widget continues to behave like this. Google calendar was what I was using before and that worked completely fine.,1,neutral 6536,_prototype09 no where I`m working for a bit up here,1,neutral 2919, Whooo Baby! Good luck,2,positive 3931, and to you too!!!!,1,neutral 20336,Got my braces tightened today. Then I got McDonalds! HAHA Sport tomorrow yay yay yay! Netball tryouts.. wish me luck to make the team! :l,2,positive 3431,sickkkkk. GET ME OUT OF THIS HOUSE! need to get active. whats going down? Celina havin a party? hit me uhpp!,0,negative 18783, targeted browser for what?! I just read that Windows Mobile uses the IE6 core as its default.,1,neutral 25962,"At The Only with and , but not with .",1,neutral 2304, That sucks about your prints. Sorry,0,negative 4900, it`s because you`re popular,2,positive 16028," Haha ya, my friend and I are totally having a kick off party for the occasion!!",2,positive 9381," well if you`re ever headed back to the west coast, hit me up. I have a tiny place, but we can hack and hang out at the beach",2,positive 1068,"Cannot use because of the 299 entry limit. My most important list was split into 7 lists. The first list segment is full, so I cannot add a new entry to the top of it. I copied my lists from Wunderlist, and several lists got split like that. If it had copied starting at the bottom of the list so the first segment was the one not full, I might have been able to make it work.",0,negative 7375,aww only 15minutes left of family guy,1,neutral 2647,...and all woman who transfer their first impressions (sexual/maternal) onto a less `threatening` man -- are themselves as weak as `Him`,0,negative 13514,this is my second to last biology and the first time that i have ever been on time. Haha.,1,neutral 10007, time to leave a passive agressive note to the owners. It`s not the dog`s fault... it`s their **** owners,0,negative 26632, p.s. sorry about ur uncle,0,negative 308,Hell yeah Kellynn got a Twitter. Finally.,1,neutral 4105,One of the best app to stay focused on your study. 😊😊,2,positive 21617,start work 2 moro at 6:30. not looking forward to it,1,neutral 3242," Oh, that`s bringing back fond memories... I WANT to, but I can`t leave the kittens! (I sent you another pic of Balloon)",1,neutral 4972, yeahh! Ryland was amazing xD BUT I DIDN`T GET A HUG OFF HIM booo Suarez seemed a bit off tbh..but I think he`d just woken up,2,positive 3209,lmao...ummmm nothing...,1,neutral 21884, I think you forgot a couple exclamation points.,1,neutral 6551, next time? I might not get there this time if the bus has anything to do with it,1,neutral 9819,"ive downloaded all the calendar apps out there, and i like this one the most...HOWEVER, it needs to show the text on the widget not just a dot... such a bummer because i thought i found the one.. please fix this... youre so close to being the goto app for calenders for the switch off of the stock android calender... eagerly awaiting the update... 5 stars and a great review once you do it!",1,neutral 11947,here again in school bored wanting 2 go home,0,negative 13938,Omfg this test is a joke.,1,neutral 14830, wish you were sluttin it up w me waaaaaaaaahhhh!!!,2,positive 2613,"Annoying, slow, clunky, unresponsive, repetitive",0,negative 7565,"It would help me a lot if it could silence the notification from other apps when I'm studying",1,neutral 22474, Are you okay?,1,neutral 13464,"YAHOO! volleyball, hiking, eating a fish eye, witnessing, sleeping on the beach, jumping rocks, & hanging where Jurassic Park was filmed!",2,positive 7081,"Perfect. The home page clock & calendar widget I wish I had years ago 😢. So easy to have a glance and see what tasksand events are coming up for the day in a really compact way. Great functionality, customisation and options to add app/task shortcuts in/or around the widget.",2,positive 12223, Thanks for the recommendation,2,positive 19271,someone save me from boredom.,0,negative 950,_banks 'Something must be wrong. Only found 17 July Harl/Sil books I wanted,0,negative 126,Worse,0,negative 10200,Cruising 'Serious Eats NY' does not bode well for a future in GA. Missing NYC gastronomical tour..,0,negative 506,Good,1,neutral 1145, Cheese and Onion! Vinegar taste weird on crisps! England`s got loads of weird crisps flavorus lol.. What do you like ? x,0,negative 5357, how come u all don`t seem to excited to play in DC????,0,negative 9910,Not bad I liked it,1,neutral 18531,"Awake again at 6am on a Saturday, isn`t this sleep in day. Oh well have some work to keep busy. If only it was work keeping me awake.",1,neutral 4036,home alone on a friday night doesnt get sadder than that folks,0,negative 21585, Nope wasn`t kidding at all. Sometimes I think of you as Forest Gump (during his running years).,1,neutral 13685,Sitting at home watching ATL for the 2 time todayy Waiting for Jess to come at like 630 then go get Marg and head out later to Second Sat,1,neutral 19452,Loving the cairns clan,2,positive 5735,Harus memasang kembali widget setelah memulai ulang agar data muncul. Sesuatu yang mendasar namun tidak ada di aplikasi ini.,0,negative 7339,she made my sister cry too hahah. bless her. i hope she can do it again.,2,positive 6861,Nice app but how to put red color?? T-T,1,neutral 26712," - If I say 'Mystery Science Theatre 3000', does that mean anything to you?",1,neutral 15199, Sounds good. 'This patch was brought to you by ...',2,positive 26720,**** I`m pass 400 updates! Haha! Tweet tweet tweet!!!!!!,1,neutral 290,"Done at Disneyland, kid`s knocked out, stopped by the hotel bar and grabbed a grey goose & tonic on the way up...peace",2,positive 4702," babe ive been aight, urselff?",1,neutral 19718,is still amazed at the awesomness of last night. The discussion was great! Looking forward to a great week! Only 10days until I go home,2,positive 21528,thinks that Pipers molars are cutting thru we had a nice lil nap me and the just another friday night at home w/ the lil ones,1,neutral 3736,Please add group feature! :) Not growing trees with friends but like a study group that shows everyone who is currently studying with you on the screen...,1,neutral 10312,Found a safeway. Picking up a few staples.,1,neutral 2111,"Nice app but ,I can not add any winget to my mobile screen,",1,neutral 8144,"Would like to assign priority rating to each task (A=do it soon, B=do it later, C=low priority, Z=take it off the list)",0,negative 2757,It doesn't work offline and when I'm actually online I need also a vpn to use it :-(,1,neutral 12033," Loved your blog from the MusiCares event, good work",2,positive 16176, hahha I don`t do drugs though,1,neutral 1725, plus I just deposited tax return cheque but for first time in 7+ years it didn`t clear immediately,0,negative 3349,"I just buy the premium but, the app always crashed can't be open",0,negative 10427,Just found out that they are running a lil behind.,1,neutral 16918,"Feeling better today, but still sick.",1,neutral 8019,Taking a nap after work=no sleep right now. The nap felt soooo good but now it seems like a bad idea,1,neutral 7402,"I regret buying this app. (TL;DR: don't use this app if you ever intend on changing routines or planning.) Changing existing routines is very hard as it simply deletes whatever overlaps in time. So unnecessary and impossible to revert. If you accidentally click PM instead of AM once, your whole day is deleted permanently. Also, every time I want to sync between my phone and my tablet I have to export it to Google Drive and then import it from the other device. Also, you can't copy items or days to another time. Please make this app more user friendly!",0,negative 9285,Last library day before Doomsday. Urgh. Was nice to wake up with my J-bum though. He`s still sleeping now. Cute,1,neutral 8495,Good experience it's very easy And helpful!,2,positive 24702,What a busy day ... am disappointed that today`s show is a repeat,0,negative 13287, John - more present than ever- even online #edumedia09,1,neutral 627,Whole body is sore from moving hundreds of pieces of luggage last weekend. Guess I should visit the gym more often,1,neutral 21856,O dios acaban de tocar The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart en el primavera sound life is not fair,0,negative 8180,PLEASE make a home screen where it shows your active main tasks allowing you to just press and view them without having to click the top left button snd select. this would be VERY convenient. thank you.,0,negative 12212,is off to RENT soon Hope I can get home tonight though with all the train problems :s ...,0,negative 2505, Right here! Army Wife in Germany! I can`t STAND that I cannot be there this summer!,0,negative 1584,But on the bright school,2,positive 18583,"whaaay, first day on my own tomorrow. this should go well",2,positive 19960,listenin do da beach girl5 on itunes,1,neutral 24453,my knees are sore after physio,0,negative 443,It's almost perfect. The widgets on homescreen need more options. A list of events for the day instead of only the monthly view is a necessity. Add it and I'm sold!,1,neutral 3152, I`m saving up for a three burner weber for next year,1,neutral 7650,"UPDATE: This app is great! But I'm currently not using it. I'm not using it because the widget colors don't work for me. I'd like there to be different colored backgrounds and text colors for past vs current vs future activities. I want to see at a glance what I ought to be doing at that moment, without opening the app. I'm keeping the app installed, in the hopes that the widget will be improved. Thanks, dev!",2,positive 11368,A message from Could you let people know I have been booted off,0,negative 10480,_Molotov Go much bamboo? Would you like to attempt to structure a sentence that makes sense? Why did i fail english and others pass?,0,negative 1319,went 2 see the hannah montana movie wiv jodie on friday and it was WELL GOOD but i feel nasty for laughing at the lil girl that cryed LOL,1,neutral 1063," well, i must say she is very lucky to have you! i guess that means no chillin and concert with me huh",1,neutral 6809,Well just left six flags. Didn`t get to ride what i wanted to. Bummer. maybe next time.,0,negative 16067,like the sound of a tweet,1,neutral 11418,Off To Do Pilates Now! Tweet Y`all Soon!,1,neutral 18463,Hi CelebXXXVidsYH and AyBygW! Thanks for following,2,positive 22524, kids will not eat salad so they getting crisps only salad for me and mr can make his bloody own,0,negative 22916, Wow- you are sharing some of my long list.,1,neutral 18773, give them my best!,2,positive 9298,Back again. Almost the last haul. - at Wagner`s Casa in Bend,1,neutral 25526, waaaaayyyyy too hot for that,0,negative 7250,in bed watching Rove,1,neutral 20076,the classes with my students are over gonna miss them...,0,negative 22713, you are such a beautiful bride! you`re gonna love the married life. it absolutely rocks! congrats to you both.,2,positive 10526,"RT @sportsguy33: New Time Warner slogan: ""Time Warner, where we make you long for the days before cable.""",0,negative 3214,crash in Qmbol,0,negative 2106,Rod stewart`s new song,1,neutral 2980,"Amazing app. Some glitchy moments, but overall nothing too annoying. This app is so cool that I'm OK with some glitches because in a very short time its already brought so much value to my life! Brilliant idea to get you into good habits and out of bad ones. In my experience it actually works!",2,positive 8766,"Frustrating I brought the upgrade and none of the features show up NONE! No ""To Do"" tab, no widgets nothing. So someone get back to me and explain why the app isn't showing any of the features in your description.",0,negative 11821,"Today in a Week, I am 18.. yiha",1,neutral 6081,good morning tweeties! what to do today? I am all rested up from Richmond and ready to hit the beach!,2,positive 7528,not enough customatization,1,neutral 393,I really like must of the app but it has 2 horrible bugs that made me uninstall it. Whenever I make a new event in the widget it places it a day after the date that I chose and then the edit button doesn't work and you are stuck with it and it might get confusing. I might download it again if that is fixed.,1,neutral 26280, ahhh yay! I`m getting into it. Knockin` a lot out.,2,positive 2331, very cute kitty,2,positive 27,"Huh, another ScarePoint coding Sunday",1,neutral 4613,interesting,1,neutral 8162,"Got it primarily for reminders. It has a lot of settings for how you want your alarms or notifications, but those are pretty useless when they don't work. Didn't get a single notification to remind me of the stuff I set up.",0,negative 23582,"Was a little slow to try this one, but Ben & Jerry`s Mission to Marzipan is a bit of a letdown.",0,negative 5707,im grounded tonight i hate stupid silent mode,0,negative 14001," ah man, that`s sucks. What happened to it that`s prompting a reinstall?",0,negative 26121,Eating ice cream at swensens,1,neutral 426,Please can we go back to entering the time with numbers. The clock thing is fiddly and pointless. It seemd your developers don't have enough work. Also when I select this evening I have to select the date before messing with the time which makes no sense.,1,neutral 1543, hahaha omg i only got 3 hrs of sleep,1,neutral 20283, and i got hello kitty tattoos! she`s a ballerina and i`m a ladybug,1,neutral 1397, Whom do yu wanna kill ??,0,negative 22994,feel like ****.....and will continue to for as long as it takes,0,negative 1603,"spent a little too much $ at Wombat, but it`s cool `cuz it was time to take care of Tamara good. YAY!",2,positive 892,"I love waking up and thinking it`s a weekday, but then realizing it`s the weekend.",2,positive 20635,I`m on Twitter now... how cool am I? and now let`s go to McDo,1,neutral 1448,Rescued two adorable pit mix pups today. LC and Brody. Looking to adopt? E-mail me for more info and pics!,2,positive 24447, wow... that was very sexy,1,neutral 5327,i looking at failure,1,neutral 7680,can`t wait to see those pics ,1,neutral 26231, awwww this made me realize I have to take down my bulletin board too! There`s so many memories up there.,2,positive 11028," sold, so i hit cash and just took the tax out of my tips. but then my drawer ended up being 5 dollars short idk if its cause",0,negative 10358,Safari 4 is fast :) Even on my shitty AT&T tethering.,0,negative 8188, I would advise watching it in the cinema. I am sure the effects are worth it. Unless you have a monster TV at home,2,positive 14125,Just realized I hold a membership in the gym - saw my bank statement,1,neutral 20631,**** typical. GH:M arrives just as I leave for work. It`s going to be a long day,0,negative 10530, I`m with ya.... doesn`t follow me either,1,neutral 1256,gahhhh homework. masterchef in half an hour! hahah and the recruits,1,neutral 16822,"worst, most depressing day, ever. r.i.p",1,neutral 8274,iTunes upgrade reset playcount to zero How will I know which one of 143 Hasta Siempre versions I liked best?,2,positive 6165, i love you but i can`t call you cause i live in argentina really really love you mitchel!,2,positive 607," I love you so much. Just got into my hiding spot, gonna go check out datalounge",2,positive 9128,i feel like a princess. i love lingerie parties!,2,positive 23269," Does she like it, or does she roll her eyes? Now I`m curious as hell! Good singing is a real treat as far am I`m concerned!",2,positive 4763,Really helped me up my discipline,2,positive 22968,had my lip pierced for about 30 minutes. and then it died.,1,neutral 18115," Awwh....well at least you are up top, where the magic happens! Today will be a good day, no worries.",2,positive 17271,update! island flowers - large pouch,1,neutral 6823,"This app is good, however the reason I need a calendar app is to share it with someone else, and this app doesn't seem to have a shared calendar function. Which is a shame because it's a really decent app.",1,neutral 12757, LOL ok we gotta get the folks from Microsoft and live360 in WA to hire me.,1,neutral 8322, i voted and i couldnt,0,negative 11783,my sensors don`t seem to want to last for more than 3 1/2 days,0,negative 9538,I love crowded cars and Ayanna!,2,positive 22805, love it!,2,positive 22461,Lovely walk this morning with the missus; drizzle didn`t matter,2,positive 9060, what good role models... i like how yinz think!,2,positive 7591,Apparently I rated this app one star this time last year but I don't remember what the issue was so whatever you guys did up to now with improving the app is good. Unfortunately I'm heavily dependent on having a calendar view(not Google calendar integration but rather an option to display days via calendar) so until it's put into the app I will be uninstalling and standing by for the update.,1,neutral 15232,Me and the calculator made lots of little algebra babies today,1,neutral 7605,The notification nor alarm won't work.,1,neutral 4504," That`s cause Ovie is the one man team and when they show Pens highlights, it`s the whole because we have more than 1 superstar",1,neutral 559,"I love my mom! Happy Mother`s Day, mommies",2,positive 5255,Personally I absolutely love this app and it is exactly mathematically what I have been looking for. The only true inconvenience is that once the day is over you cannot go back and add tasks to a day. Developers could you pretty pretty pretty please with sugar on top make it possible for us to go back and add tasks that we have completed on previous days!?! Maybe in the calendar area or something! Thank you kindly! 🙏❣️ Revision: 5 star! Thank you for responding and teaching me hot to edit task!,2,positive 26677, yeah but I`m jus glad the thunder stopped .,2,positive 7390,not so easy. Perhaps Pro version may b good. uninstall.,0,negative 11300, Well thank you was a pleasure shopping with will see the first pics!,2,positive 1956,"does not work on galaxy watch...It would be so perfect if it would. The app is the best though, but how can an app built for planning and reminding not work with something as basic as a smartwatch. Makes no sense.",1,neutral 23603, Erm yeah watch as it sways and collapses into the river below lol. Next time you are here we shall have to drag you there,0,negative 26802,I`m really mad at the world today. Today is just a sucky day.,0,negative 6381,"I like, but I am still trying to figure out how to assign a task to me, in the ""Assign to Me"". Instructions given, does not work.",2,positive 3150,_avenue Love your website! Wish I lived closer to sample the cupcakey treats,2,positive 4108, hmmm Essense awards would be fun... but also pricy,2,positive 24587,I am now eating one of those big subway cookies with a glass of warm milk. YUM,2,positive 19606,The Life Of A College Stay At Home Mom: Delay in the Bash,1,neutral 16313, go to bed mister! u need your beauty sleep,1,neutral 22529," LOL. dood, i love you and miss you.",1,neutral 22651,"dad wants the computer, so I`d best be off taking my lapity-topity to a mac specialist tomorrow, hopefully they make teh owwie go awayz",2,positive 1939, Which denomination? I`m at the library and everything`s blocked.,0,negative 8480, :o exams. YUCK that will be hectic!,0,negative 4056," btw, short notice I know, but we`re RSVPing no for your party- thanks so much for the invitation, though! I`m out for 2nite too",2,positive 593, sure i can talk....the fabulous **** part though is out sorry dear,1,neutral 9443,"Excellent application, best Calendar I've tried.",2,positive 14884,dinner was yummy and all... but i`m still super tired after all the things we went through to enroll for college.,1,neutral 27418,he calls me bella,1,neutral 1052, babe u aint been reading my tweets- my phone has fallen apart. My new on comes nxt wk. The track ball keeps fallin out my phone,1,neutral 25265, me and Arlando are totally done. I havn`e talked to him in a LONG time!Now I just have to find a `worth while` man...,1,neutral 11903,_princess69 hehehe! Barry Killer! U need a pic,1,neutral 6948,": I`m sure lots of that studio equipment was collected analog stuff that can`t be bought anymore. seriously, condolences.",0,negative 3833," 'phlegmily green house...' That was clever, but ever sooooooo ...... eeeeewwwwww. [more slow clapping] Get well soon.",2,positive 4750,F1 & Star Trek...what a great Sunday,2,positive 8961, july... too long,0,negative 3025,meeting and friend tonight - going to discuss human trafficking issues. Daly is chaplain/therapist and an interesting guy,2,positive 5179,Treating activities like a game Gives me a sense of accomplishment when I successfully finish my duties and earn XP.,2,positive 2265,"Have been quite satisfied with Premium for a year. Would have been so good with a monthly/weekly calendar view for my TickTick tasks, like the web app has. No calendar icon, although the doc vaguely states that there is. Guess it has been removed. Well, it still has a tiny edge to the competition.",2,positive 26496,First time in my live that i got a little pop up on the taskbar saying that one of my files was corrupt and I needed to run chkdisk,1,neutral 23500,Chilling feeling really nice..,2,positive 12649, sounds nice have you downloaded twitterena 2.0 lol ?,2,positive 5523,"Ahhh, 7 am meetings thanks Reimer!",0,negative 1278,What I'm looking for is scheduling calls. Not just typing call so and so but click on call button and my contacts would pop up to choose from. When you have this I'll gladly pay a fee and will be strong proponent of the app.,1,neutral 1905, i ask myself that all the time.,1,neutral 17747,"'Completely dishwasher safe, except that the pattern might come off.' Blue Coat humour at its best Three cheers for Viz",2,positive 11768, You are an early bird too I see?!?!,1,neutral 16542, hello beautiful. how`s mariahs baby? jackie still isn`t talkin to me. i called her n left her a message the other day.,1,neutral 8869," weird as usual, but ok... that`s why we like it",2,positive 23370,Sunburned on my face & legs. Fixing to be my arms tooo.,0,negative 27187,Nugget bit Jack. I told him not to poke the poor hamster!,0,negative 10026, i wont have time to buy and i need a new binder pa,1,neutral 262,Filming at a carnival for my music video... It reminds me of the Cherry Festival that I used to go to back home... Ahhh memories...,2,positive 3461,Good application but keeps crashing after trying to double rewards.,0,negative 1575, TY sweetheart,2,positive 4819,"Everyone going to the hometown show is excited they get to go on Thames Street. I`M GONNA SEE THE ORIGINAL THAMES RIVER, ****. ohhhh.",0,negative 25013,didnt cry at the end but was very sad to see the last episode of ER. man that was a good series.,1,neutral 21327,hi everybody! i`m having my lunch break at work and enjoying a nice cup of coffee!,2,positive 26967," There are 3 other Drs. in the office and only mine does this It drives me nuts, especially when it is an appt. for my kids.",0,negative 8470,Really like this app especially when I can categorise the different reminders.,2,positive 9133,"8/4/18 ☆☆☆☆: I'd give five stars if the weather showes in Celsius. Other than that, the app is absolutely great! I ended up getting the paid version because I felt like the developers deserved it for making such a versatile scheduling tool!! 20/1/2020 ☆☆☆: The degree still does not change to C even if I change it on Darksky. Fixing this would be very helpful especially that this has been noted almost 2 years ago.",1,neutral 5911,_dave meany,1,neutral 2207, I forgot about it and I already ate lunch so I guess I`m not going.,1,neutral 6891,"Good idea, and attractive interface, but events have to be in your calendar to sync - there isn't an option to add an event directly through the app. I don't wish to put work time, etc. into my calendar.",1,neutral 16094,miss your smile,0,negative 6388,pretty tired after a nice full day.,2,positive 10081,NCP no longer has job placement,0,negative 12098,"im sosososo sad, i should be seeing cory lamb in a few hours i love that kid.",1,neutral 677,feels really sick.,0,negative 3238,"Good concept, but whenever I open the shop it says error code 668. I tryed redownloading and it didn't work.",0,negative 8284,"I have to uninstalled this app on my phone soon i open the apps and trying to make things to do list.. it worked fine just i have trypophobia and those small circles/dot just freaking me out... edit, the small circles/dots that i mean here is when i click new list next we fill the LIST NAME and it appears with small circles/dots in color for me who's having this kind of phobia that kind of design is just scary.. aside of that your apps seems to be simple and easy to use.",1,neutral 13063,WOW i just drank a drink of water - 12 ice cubes that took ages to melt. i now have brian freeze,0,negative 8040,"there are better and simple other apps which provide automatic online sync or backup feature like Micr_oso_ft's to do, and many other. why people think this app easy, it's not. I donated on this app and wasted.",0,negative 1421,Hey guys the new update messed up the widget layout for me now everything is smaller and more difficult to read!,2,positive 1114,& more #<3criminy cuteness! #sinfest,2,positive 1335,Exam is commmmmiinnnnnggggggg !,1,neutral 7679, cup cakes are sooo yummy - but would have 2 have coffee chaser- u know where that can lead,2,positive 10130,"@stellargirl I loooooooovvvvvveee my Kindle2. Not that the DX is cool, but the 2 is fantastic in its own right.",2,positive 9779,Уууу,1,neutral 22655,Great cover ?,2,positive 5950,"Easy to use, intuitive, has issues to share the kist woth somebidy if one of the use is using a school or work account. Non collaborative.",1,neutral 2041, **** it! Must be Morrisons then,0,negative 23208,I dont like this random gloomy weather,0,negative 7243,"bad, the reminders not working many times trouble shooting",0,negative 2306,Very user friendly.,2,positive 1981,Man i am being boring today not tweeting How are you guys?,0,negative 7395,The new widget is not looking good. Please bring back the old widget or atleast bring an option to make it look like the older version.,0,negative 10504,"As u may have noticed, not too happy about the GM situation, nor AIG, Lehman, et al",0,negative 16174,yay new computer to fiddle about with,1,neutral 3798, _beckett Thanks so much !,2,positive 17851,Happy Star Wars Day everyone! May the 4th be with you all ****,2,positive 22323, Hey Split Rock -- I`d know that llama anywhere,1,neutral 3221,"Going to group therapy session, can`t wait to spill my guts... Ha ha ha",1,neutral 9125,"i`m in the garden. Making pictures, weed an sweep. The weather is nice!! See you l8ter people!",2,positive 413, I know. I am definitely going to try and see Up this weekend.,2,positive 19132,I need to get it together before Ricky gets home. He is not going to be pleased about me breaking up this **** bathroom,0,negative 22956, hehe now im smiling... but u still gotta make it up to me,2,positive 2139,"School is going to be absolutely horrible today. Peace out, `09",0,negative 3293," Here`s some healing/sleep energy, sweetie!",2,positive 21547," Whats with you though, you sound a bit down yourself.. not your boiler again is it",0,negative 5776,Transfer from wunderlist doesn't work!,0,negative 4884,about to start work and missing him like crazy.I wont be seeing him till Tuesday,0,negative 6043, thanks homskis! Its like christmas!,2,positive 27411,getting ready to drop off something to my man so he can hang out with a friend instead of me,1,neutral 14428, ohh right; but it turned her curve into a right angle.... I just like her better curvey thanks for letting me know though!,2,positive 20097,is back here in plurk.,1,neutral 15998, oic.. will need to get upgrade space if I do want to use it then.thanks Will most prob only use photoshop and dreamweaver,2,positive 26947,"Have beautiful dreams all, I`m off to snuggle down with my beautiful babies as they are done with the outdoors.",2,positive 4877,"I`m always a little sad to see followers I really like, decide to unfollow me.",0,negative 5960, I had a very good day - lots of stretching and sleeping in the sun,2,positive 15421, it does but that game doesn`t.,1,neutral 17547,Had a good day selling at Feria Urbana. The ladies love them some laser-cut felt.,2,positive 3766,Why did u guys eliminate the bushes? Now for 10 min u get a tree which doesn't motivate me to focus for 25min anymore.,1,neutral 10500,"I think I may have a new favorite restaurant. On our way to see ""Night at the Museum 2"".",1,neutral 6379, hi Add me. it`s shannen,1,neutral 16522,"I am saving for a Ipod Touch, a 1TB external and a RAM upgrade. No more morning coffees",1,neutral 11980," we are at FOrt Belvoir, on base. Hubs is stationed at the pentagon. I cant wait for pug pups!! I just looooove mine!",2,positive 3530, dont cry for me! i will see u tomorrow. muah.,2,positive 5738,"Guys, where is the option to record a voice note like winderlist or add file, oooh are you serious you forgot this significant option",0,negative 10398,trying to work...,1,neutral 9871,tomorrow He`ll gone to new home...I was Born single(our little puppy of basset hound),1,neutral 20783,Having fun with all my dolls tequillla...carne asada....and my mom dancing funny!,2,positive 17655,toooo much outside killen my eyes,0,negative 4545,"I love the concept of habit bull, but it isn't user friendly",1,neutral 1178,"This app is ok. The thing that makes it stand out for me is that I've been able to set it up to work with Google Home as my grocery and to do list. However, since the update I now can't click into the full app from the widget, which is necessary as I'm unable to rearrange my tasks from the widget and I can't seem to find a way so that the app automatically sorts my tasks by 'priority'. I can only see how to do it afterwards.",1,neutral 26530, They have a list of 50 state parks here in PA that are under consideration for closing. Nice ones too.,0,negative 14207, get back to tokyo man..we miss you.,0,negative 225,"@_Anix_ I bought cheesecake ice cream last week, thinking it was good, and it sucked so much. I`m taking yours.",0,negative 18851, so the beneath show got cancelled BUMMER! i guess i wont see you til cornerstone who are you goign with?,0,negative 6585,"14 hours later, I am still too drunk to drive... For shame on me for letting myself drink that much. I am not in peak spirits right now.",0,negative 2359, Dang I should have stuck with him in my fantasty picks,1,neutral 27244,"gonna get off to try and catch some Z`s, no more high school after tomorrow! which really sucks i wish i didn`t have to grow up!",0,negative 23403,"Good morning I don`t think it has stopped raining once for the past three days or so, but who cares?",2,positive 3915," Better than work, work, 10 minutes for lunch, work, work, work? Actually it might be. I don`t work very hard",1,neutral 7197,"Pop up stating "" the app has been blocked by the system. Please authorize the app in your device settings. Troubleshooting or refresh background tasks "" is flashing on my device. May I know what is this about?",0,negative 13976,"Chinese Lunch Buffet: $4.50 - Add a soda $1.25 - Noticing the Health Inspection score of 81 as I walk out with my bag, Priceless .....",1,neutral 26901,Happy Mother`s Day to every mommy out there,0,negative 19979,Broke my carafe went to Starbucks for my caffiene fix and the lights go out...just for a sec but are you kidding to laugh. Ha!,1,neutral 1628,It's just as good as Wunderlist and so much more,2,positive 14302,i got locked out my carrrr had to call a lock smith. - $35.00,1,neutral 6781,I don't like to put on google calendar every schedule,1,neutral 1344," Cant Thank YOu Enough, WHo is NITIN BETWEEN?",2,positive 1472,Solid free app. Being locked out of extra functionality with a paywall is a little irksome but nothing I can't got over. It does what I need it to.,2,positive 16929,Mmmm holiday commercials really ARE nice,2,positive 8206,My paradise fly catchers abandoned their nest.... they are starting again... but it`s gonna b tough,0,negative 48,"I like when this developers claim their apps are free, wait 95% free?! You mean 5% free, if even. Data costs money, stop pretending this crappy apps are free. For an note app, this one is nothing but INVASIVE.",0,negative 9454,Just the best calender app. Been using it for years now and has all the features I need. Edit: Still the best!,2,positive 18355,"So I played this game , yeahhhhh I lost I`m inlove ughh....really cause I`m such a fool.",0,negative 9856,making a Life w/o Bounds! T-Shirt for Second life,1,neutral 25101," i chewed up a Starbucks and a Subway gift card at Christmas time, I got in big trouble. I not allowed near purse.",0,negative 7330,"I would love this app only if the notifications work at all. There were no alarms or notifications or pop ups showing in my Oppo F5. I tried tinkering with the system like what was said in the troubleshooting page so may times, yet nothing worked. Would give 5 if I do not have this issue.",0,negative 4990," Wish I`d had the balls, but with my 2 kids with me and not knowing how illogical these ppl can be, didn`t want to risk it",0,negative 3180,just got home from doing the big shop totally munched out because i was so starving and im at weigh in in the morning oops,1,neutral 2556,": no, I fell and effed my arm up today and now I have to do back drive.",0,negative 24676, on another note I totally love this pic of you and your dad....old pic -,2,positive 15650,It`s going to be a good week,2,positive 8205,In this app reminder doesn't work,0,negative 13236,"Is finally back from the dinner party, had fun, Alice had no wine. I proposed...we`re getting married next week on May 15th 2009",2,positive 7778, aha yeah all else fails just push yeah we are dont know what time were leaving yet though ****,0,negative 8085,it was great until it disappeared. Very unhappy that I lost the app and ALL my info.,0,negative 11810,Thanking god for after elton for allowing me to see the new TW trailer since work blocked youtube and lj,2,positive 1874,had nutella croissant+mango+melon+coffee and a lovely stalk of iris for breakfast in bed courtesy of N Have the house to myself til noon,2,positive 12883,ya could hit me up on aim or here cause i am mad bored nuttin 2 do,0,negative 1406,It is a fantastic apps. But if they can allow the push reminder in the free version it will make it perfect.,2,positive 18916,is looking at that person from a very different pov. never thought i`d see this day arrive!,1,neutral 344, oh nice going!,2,positive 6943, I`M A CELEBRITY TOOOOO!,1,neutral 2179,It is very good app to manage your to do list. One thing that can make it better is it should show all the incomplete or overdue taks with todays tasks as overdue instead of into inbox. This will make those task more accessible and will keep them under notice.,2,positive 18949,"just got home! LET US ALL BE CONNECTED WITH GOD, CONSTANTLY!",1,neutral 11096,wnna take a bath!!!!,1,neutral 850, _bob7 I`ll update you. I had to leave him at the vet for tests and xrays.,1,neutral 18796,It`s Friday!!!!....and the sun is out....but I`m working inside.,1,neutral 4970, awww! thats sweet TTT! Im sure she will love it! your a good son!,2,positive 17419,_2890 Nt able to follow anyone here i come!!! #itsucks,0,negative 18215,"is anxiously awaiting Rockets-Lakers game ... Yes, I finally got Tix for Games 3 & 4 .... Yeahhhhh",2,positive 23585,Feeling really good about my performance on the AP Government & Politics exam this morning. Going to lunch with Krista.,2,positive 1181,"There mite be a article in the trib bout portia, keep an eye out for it.",1,neutral 10565,I think Ive buggered up my mobile ack. I am a stubborn **** and refuse to get a new one.,0,negative 1201,It was essential to me until the last updates.,1,neutral 26441, true. i think its important 2 be sensitive 2 it when we relate 2 others. empathy. a reminder we cant judge a book by a cover,2,positive 2292,Pretty good,2,positive 24656," **** - that`s sad, then... I haven`t heard the new one yet. Sounds like I`ve been spared a tragedy.",0,negative 22179, anywayss to the point i am dying to spend my summer over there or somewhere hot with you guys,1,neutral 17005, (OOC: -we`ll do it. ),1,neutral 3252,Me and my son just got up. He sure does love the morning time. I KNOW he did not get that from me.,2,positive 1276,"Free version does what I need, with the exception of undelete when accidentally clicking the wrong thing. However the cost of pro version too much for just that feature",1,neutral 1801,"scam(?) i and my friends subcribed this apps to try collaboration. but in FAQ there it is but actually we didnt find anything with ""collaboration"" thing. why is it? please fix this serious problem",0,negative 10296,@kirstiealley Pet Dentist,1,neutral 7487,At work... supposed to be a day off but too much work to get done for PLM World... sigh,0,negative 9097, ME TOO! please come online *-* hope you`ve had an amazing weekend,2,positive 25023,UP is out today!!! Why why why why does my head hurt so badly??!?!??!!? I want to see it!!!,0,negative 12736,omg i just slept like 18hrs in the last 22hrs... i think i`m dying or something reminds me of catcher,0,negative 10791, slice you up a treat?,1,neutral 2956, It`s amazing the DVDs I`ll put on my Netflix list just based on the trash potential inherent in their titles,2,positive 23137, that`s bad luck!,0,negative 16230,Hydro drive abandoned after three miles,1,neutral 4104,fucken tired as **** it`s sunny.. good day? deffff,0,negative 25726,"Lobster dinner with MBA folks tonight, but no terasse, pouring rain in Mtl...",1,neutral 5853,"An hour of walking in hot weather = a satisfied but hurting Nellie. Ow, blisters.",1,neutral 11367, it was a great wedding! the band was awesome (they played a ton of great 80`s songs) as was the food!,2,positive 4181,"sorry , i chili cheese dogged without you",0,negative 9728,"Great app, but it keeps deleting the events (birthdays, etc.) that I put in it! I've never had this problem before, please do something! This is my go-to calendar app, and I'd hate to have to find a different one!",1,neutral 549,Zs.Nagy presents,1,neutral 20412, hope the presentation went well today?! tweet me if yr on campus tomorrow - I`ll be around from lunch time onwards,2,positive 6468,"It`s the weekend, its sunny..... and I got another puncture!!!",0,negative 26602,at the drive ins with daa crewww,1,neutral 2308,My Birthday weekend! cant find where my ex hid our DANE COOK TICKETS for tomorrow!!! WTF that`s all i wanted for my birthday,0,negative 8011,"Love it so far! Excited for the ""coming soon"" items. I use a paper planner bc digital planners never seem to have the layout I want but so far this seems to be a great replacement!",2,positive 2170,Very costly,1,neutral 978,Im sending this to my mother!,1,neutral 14966," Happy Mothersday btw! Look at the bright side, you can chill all day today",2,positive 3261,"This is such a fantastic app. But the time taken to solve out problem that I'm facing for last 10-15 days is leaving the counter-effect. Instead of being focused, I'm more distracted because I am unable to plant any tree and it crashes my phone every now and then. Reported so many times and uploaded every data they asked for but in vain. 1 star is for that !!!! I purchased premium and now I've to go through all this.",0,negative 24388,Just got back from the grocery store. Now I`m starving and can`t find anything to eat!,0,negative 15943,watching on SNL,1,neutral 5853,"Coming from Wunderlist, Todo it's annoying to use. Adding items to a list used to be quick and simple. MS over complicated it.",0,negative 12341,yeah its Friday! I thought my sis was coming into town turns out she is not!! so sad! i miss my babies!!!,0,negative 4374,All my habits ended on 29/12/2019. It was not linked to 30/12/2019. I dunno why?,0,negative 14117, yeah doesn`t that suck! I am working with a Nano here so i had to take 75% of my music off! so sad,0,negative 16461, I spoke but when niggas be looking at ya crazi all the time u just stop.... plus I always used to see yall when I just wanted,1,neutral 2586,Has finally learned how to think before he speaks. And it works wonders,2,positive 640,sorry to tweet about BGT but poor wonderful crazy weird Greg so not fair. the silly little girl is never going to cope. urgh. NOT FAIR.,0,negative 26219,no food in the cupboards... sent mum to Tesco,1,neutral 707,nothing important but some time innocently surprise made me stronger..👯,2,positive 5533,figuring out wats wrong with her she can drink but cant eat ...,0,negative 1719,needs a job,1,neutral 18941,_Lovato Never been better thanks what are you up to?,2,positive 1922,Mommas day is may 10th! Don`t forget to do something nice for your mommyyy,2,positive 25469, awesome. Wha`dya get her?,2,positive 1784,going to work,1,neutral 10347,Naive Bayes using EM for Text Classification. Really Frustrating...,0,negative 13167,Darts and lunch at Horse Brass... but no beer for me,1,neutral 9469,I`m going to; eat-homework-tv-I don`t know yet...,1,neutral 10700,putting up a half naked dougie poster i love sugar`s ladmag,2,positive 12871,alot of new pictures tweets ; some really old some new. check out the new ones if you wish . Tweeeet.,1,neutral 4976,No show tonight No plans. Ughhhh.,0,negative 4032,Jus got done swimming! Soon ima need to stay outta the sun,1,neutral 10341,Time Warner cable phone reps r dumber than nails!!!!! UGH! Cable was working 10 mins ago now its not WTF!,0,negative 23200, i did that but my INS wouldn`t pay for the therapy so now i dk what to do!!,0,negative 5743,I have 10 notifications on my home screen and no clue what they are for or how to find out.,0,negative 985," You did know, you just couldn`t remember!!",0,negative 26374,had the BEST Italian meal EVER last night! twas godly! i thinks we may get our kitty cat today,2,positive 1402, Random has an a,1,neutral 712,Calendar widget has a glitch when you edit event to repeat it changes the day to a day before example I put my mom's bday on jan 15 all day event and saved then went back in to edit repeat every year and it changed it to jan 14,2,positive 16341, you are disappointing me......,0,negative 22162, man i missed it!! Ive been waitn all day 4 u 2 giv the tix away & then whn im rappn up @ wrk u gav my tix away! Im sad!,0,negative 19925,"Is playing bubblewrap on her iPhone. Over and over and over again. Still, beats working...",1,neutral 14073,I wish I could go to E3. Oh well....,1,neutral 4767,"Great app, but only 5 habit is free 😏",2,positive 1771,"Great app but with a poor 12hr sync to Google Calendar (with no response from the developer in over a year, after an immediate response). If they cant see this is a problem, that is a problem.",0,negative 5545,20 John: :,1,neutral 1386,Still sick bout to play some ps3 till the laker game starts,1,neutral 4580, yupp t`s better than people being rude to her x,1,neutral 10963, Kennedy was re-injured at RAW on Monday. He`s got s serious muscle issue in his back and a broken wrist.,0,negative 962,I am not able to sign in to my account. Don't know what is happening but I believe I lost all of my progress,0,negative 9644,"Used to be good until last update, now I can't login to see any of my tasks, appointments, or notes. Edit: Now works since newest update, but I have lost all previous tasks and notes. Very disappointed.",0,negative 15079, I could have! I had extra tickets. Plus we had two Twitter Giveaways We`ll get you next time.,1,neutral 17047, Actually maybe not - it`s sold out for Sat lunch,1,neutral 19026, Pfft. FAN THIS *helicopters imaginary penis* .... HI DRAKE! WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!!!,1,neutral 6980,This is a great application to view the events in your day. Easier to see compared to the traditional calendar app. One improvement that I would like to see is the ability to see future events by pressing on the widget itself instead of going into the application.,2,positive 24541, I know it`s just a sprain. It`s a repetitive injury for me.,0,negative 4078,Excellent app,2,positive 10030,Really nice outside...I`m stuck at work,1,neutral 11031, haha i wish i could! I look like a little boy now,2,positive 7986,It's a beautiful digital calendar that u can customize with a cover and stickers and fonts - so much prettier than the standard calendar that comes on your phone!,2,positive 6649,Raining in Calicut.,1,neutral 2219, - Bambi will eat you,1,neutral 24452,I am new here,1,neutral 12377,"Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them",0,negative 6116,Resulta incómoda y da pereza usarla. Falta mucho por mejorar. La actualización automática de mi día hace muchísima falta y básicamente uno se tiene que acostumbrar a la app en vez de que a uno le guste.,1,neutral 8247,Have spent half of the day troubleshooting something that wasn`t even within my control. Clusters doesn`t always mean high availability.,1,neutral 8867,I loved this app until the latest update. Full screen ads that you can't cancel are just too annoying. I'm outa here..,0,negative 25202, then i kill Bradies gf and have Bradie,0,negative 16577, got my grubby paws on a live recording of paramore. you have to hear. its better than chocolate,2,positive 12151,"the day i was planing on doing my work, i havent ...... i leave everything to the last minuet ...",1,neutral 12053," they can be a drag,,but for the most part they come in HANDY hee hee",1,neutral 22108,i feel really blessed to have super awesome best friends,2,positive 996, my sleep pattern is screwed i need to try and stay up 2 midnight so i can get some decent sleep coz i havent slept,2,positive 5825,I much preferred Wunderlist!! Could easily copy items to new or existing folders. Was much more versatile!! Why do IT techies have to move 3 steps back each time something new is launched?!! Surely R&D of products they wish to replace should have shown functionality used?!!!!!,0,negative 24891,"`Don`t call your mother, `cause now we`re partners in crime.` -KP",1,neutral 9532,Off to get Bailey`s tongue clipped,1,neutral 2678,_Mcfly how cool will that be she is so nice!! Bless her=] so what ya upto? Love you (L) XoxoX,2,positive 992,Bad experience. The support is the worst ever. And no thought has been put except for the visual ui. The ux is bad.,0,negative 596,Ahhh My Satz blend didn`t save,1,neutral 2121,Jus started using. So far I like it.,1,neutral 11259,Infamous should have arrived today. But it didn`t...,1,neutral 2605,Major issues need all email so I can send you pics pixel 2xl,0,negative 11812, aww I wish there was sun out here. Then I can get a tan!!!! (walks it out) go meee go meeee,2,positive 1522,"Learning, hopeful.",2,positive 22922,Went to see Wolverine with the husband (who is off work today) - was pretty good,2,positive 8668,"I`m feelin sad, depressed, lonely, unhappy all at once. Rwhats wrong with me",0,negative 22729,$4 lonestar pitchers at ? If only I wasn`t still recovering from last weekend`s bout of irresponsible gluten consumption,0,negative 6496,In the university with hungry!!,1,neutral 6893,7t,1,neutral 2005,"I love everything about this app, except for how it handles snoozing repeat tasks. It's easy to use and has a lot of configuration, something a lot of other apps save for the premium version. Unfortunately, I find it unusable due to how snoozing repeat tasks then alters the date/time for all future occurrences, making it difficult to manage these tasks when I just want to snooze it this one time. If this was changed I would give 5 stars and upgrade to premium as the app is otherwise perfect.",1,neutral 26078," ,,, hey mom,,",1,neutral 1189,"@ Little_Ren is lovely lovely, and so niceee",2,positive 13797,Scratch that. Now we`re watching `marley and me`. Thinking I could stay awake better for this one.,1,neutral 791, seems to have disappeared out of my life,0,negative 19401,Liam peed in the potty!!,0,negative 29,"Would have been nice to know the price before using up my data for download, just to be uninstalled seconds later",0,negative 12426,but i thought `summer hours` meant i was supposed to get to go home at 4.....,1,neutral 12739,"Just got home, no rosie surprise of smiles hugs & kisses waiting for me.",2,positive 2648,"This app would be so much better if it didn't penalize you for doing your habits for many days in a row. Instead of getting more experience, coins, you get less the longer you do something. You should be rewarding the habits that people are building, not telling them that once they have the Habit they're going to get less for it. Otherwise, this app would get five stars for me.",0,negative 5245,"Really Nice App Sir could you please provide goal tracking functionality too, that'd be very useful too : )",2,positive 18759, ok - thats enough!,1,neutral 17235,"Had a great day: beach, BBQ with old friends (it`s crazy that I`m old enough to have `old` friends!), & learned how to play texas holdem",2,positive 1029, Yeah it is. Thanks,2,positive 14881, so nice to meet you too! is the best for bringing me along,2,positive 24601," I guess, technically, I was still pregnant just a few months ago. Just with Alex instead of Elizabeth",1,neutral 23030,I don`t know how to quit you-brokeback mountain,0,negative 2350, lol... not gross at all they`re gross?,1,neutral 24425, Nofair! My BK only had Uhura and Nero left.,0,negative 14365," hey ty for tip, wifi networking is one if my many talents I`ll get on it when I can be bothered LOL",1,neutral 9960," Josh Excuse me, but, at what time is it going to begin?",1,neutral 24525, just one of those days where loneliness creeps up on you slaps you in the face.,0,negative 201, - Camping at black butte lake,1,neutral 143,I didn't even dare to use it as soon as it asked me $2.99 per month.,0,negative 9291,Very useful calendar for people in business and even for busy individuals.,2,positive 22395, no sleeping for me im at work it will be summer break soon. Tell them to get there butts out of bed lol,1,neutral 377,Omg Wango Tango was **** AWSOME! I love my baby for taking me,2,positive 19804,My Blackberry`s got a fatty (battery) guess we`re kinda in the same boat huh ?,1,neutral 4027,"This app has greatly helped me in creating better study habits and eliminating procrastination (I'm a high school senior for reference). Part of the reason is because, rather than simply completely blocking usage of apps, it allows you to choose to break your streak, forcing you to actually consider the consequences of procrastinating. My only gripe is that I feel like the ability to whitelist apps should be free (although it is only around $3, which isn't bad). I'd recommend it to anyone.",2,positive 12790, ooooh it`s you lol I didn`t know!! Have fun with your princess,2,positive 3401,"I really love this. But when I want to use it for second time, this apps crashed. I've uninstalled for many times but it still the same. Please do something",0,negative 3169,"At every gas station, I look for postcards for No luck.",0,negative 7237,I've bought the pro version and after a week it disappeared. disappointing,0,negative 14303,Goin to bed... Finally. So sleepy! *Happy mothers day!*,2,positive 21626,"Have to walk to school, and i have two welts on my thighs!",0,negative 7916,Overall amazing.. pls guide me how to amend a single day activity,2,positive 3856,"The app is awesome. Really wish you could tag and name trees before you plant them. That would be a nice quality-of-life change. Also, if you could make the app more compatible for chromebooks, that would be nice too. Chromebooks are excellent work computers and I need a good working app on it. I really hope forest can work in the future.",2,positive 3587,"Note 10 plus - buffering issues. Timeline feature and The Coin ""+"" sign cause the app to go into buffer mode. So those features eventually are unavailable.",1,neutral 5471,Hate being sick especially when there`s no one to pamper me,0,negative 19732,"hmm, do not feel like writing monthly reports tonight! probably should get started though...",1,neutral 17024,My baby has his first busted lip.,0,negative 23203,really sick and tired but my body`s resisting rest!,0,negative 26607,There`s like no one I ACTUALLY know on this shizz! Am dum diggin` it,0,negative 1513, you and are both baitersss hope tonight is fun!,2,positive 9269,Good apps to sync with my Google Calendar. The only problem is that it couldn't sync Google Reminder.,2,positive 26937," politicians and celebs have lottsa fun .. it`s just that for SOME of them, FUN is actually .. SIN",1,neutral 13094," I`ll try that, thanks",2,positive 25637,it`s realy boo0o0o0o00oring book is on the side & i`m not studyin for sure...,0,negative 4879,Back in Spain,1,neutral 9448,Very happy with the features of this app,2,positive 7266,not work in my tab Lenovo yoga 3 bed experience 😑😒😞,0,negative 3250,stood for 4 hours in heels. all for looks and to b able to look over tall people.,1,neutral 24280, i got talent too u nvr hear me sing or dance them does call me Mini Breezy,1,neutral 12859,"slightly burnt challah The proof is in the eatin`, though...",0,negative 14777," Hey, sorry I didn`t get in touch sooner! We didn`t go by Bologna. It was out of our way",0,negative 90,The underwire in my bra is sticking out and poking me in the armpit,0,negative 6795,it 's good,1,neutral 21212,"My parents withdrew permission at the last moment, I am not going along with tomorrow`s SAC trip to IDP camps #Pakistan #IDPRelief",1,neutral 6005,Good morning to another too late sleeper . One of my excellent designers is Valerie (see ) picture,2,positive 21072,Sunday sunshine track ?,1,neutral 6308,"I don't know why everyone's complaining that you can't re-order tasks and lists. Drag-and-drop with a long press works just fine for me. At first glance, I seem to have FINALLY found a suitable replacement for GTasks.",2,positive 9211, - Patrick should come here and say hi!,0,negative 12781,I want to change my twitter name but I can`t think of anything,1,neutral 10854,Bus stuck in traffic; gonna be late,0,negative 23768,Missy higgins kate voegele grace potter and the nocturnals,1,neutral 27030, Belated kay Tita. Wow! 2 prizes in a day! Congrats!,2,positive 471,"The birds are out,, oh man... That`s NOT cool && I didn`t sleep yet for the night!!!",0,negative 14029, Appending the #verticalchinese hash tag is a nice touch.,1,neutral 14589,". I missed your must forgive me pleassse, i feel bad..",0,negative 22053, Ah that would explain the italian colouring,1,neutral 974,Anything that calls itself a to do list that doesn't include a reminder unless you upgrade is useless. Uninstalled.,0,negative 2108,Momma martini went food shopping without me!!!!,0,negative 3005, FATTY! omg i just found the worst **** out and idk what to do i need to talk to you!! hopefully i see you when you get off work.,1,neutral 18464,I`m so freaking afraid that once again I`ve managed to stick my foot in my mouth and scare yet another person off . . .,0,negative 4457,is sitting in the marshall center w/Mina. Some1 must really not want me to go to the gym..this time i lost my wallet n w/no ID i cant go,0,negative 924,"The app will put by default new tasks into Inbox but Inbox is not what you see when opening Todoist. Instead you might see that there are no tasks for the next 7 days. There's no logic in it, app's assistant integrated with Google Assistant fails to find any tasks, even if asked specifically about those in Inbox. Todoist is cumbersome and annoying, it's actually a general problem with task apps: they're too much and fail to actually do what they are made for.",0,negative 16942,sinus headaches suck big time!,0,negative 25571,Loll whats boyfriend #2 supposed to mean then? its to cold,0,negative 21780, Yeah i like it,2,positive 335,I don't understand why all the tags disappear once you start pay or join the trial. The only tag showing is Priority. Before I joined premium there were other options which disappeared.,1,neutral 2236,I hate the dryer.,0,negative 2342,AH! so nice to be back on bike commute although three days off and my (what google sez are called) my quadriceps literally screaming. gah,1,neutral 187,today was the last day of high school for me and i ended up going home sick! ... stupid dead rats,0,negative 7596,Music doesn't play as notification of reminder... Hate it I had skipped my one routine..,1,neutral 25875,I`m a good girl...ALL work is done,2,positive 21855, Happy Mother`s Day! Hope you have an awesome time with the Bug,2,positive 4816,It is very useful when you want to track your daily habits. I have just started using it. It is like a one page map to all the habits that you want to follow. Use it if you are a person who wants to develop and keep track of habits.,2,positive 1038,IT`S MOTHER`S DAY,1,neutral 27099,Oh my favorite havaianas just broke after three years or service they will be missed. and they were molded perfectly to my feet,1,neutral 491, wasn`t the 'layers' just absolute positioned divs? Web compability killer,1,neutral 2557,I honestly hate what I have said to some ppl sometimes. sorry for makin an **** of myself to anyone.,0,negative 7449,"I like the new ""Jump Day"", and ""Insert Gap"" options, and the Advice/Delay dialog for multiple activities. The Undo feature is a great addition as well. I'm really disappointed with the new look and that vertical scrolling through. Makes it so much harder to use - it's easier to start changing the wrong day since the current activity is not highlighted in any way, and starting time is not that clear as before. Also, those activity/free time blocks take too much space, yet there is not enough space horizontally for the text and a lot of the additional tags aren't visible. I'd prefer a more compact look. It would take a lot of time getting used to this...",1,neutral 12188, seperate = Yum. Together = gross sounding.,1,neutral 2471, I wish I could still drink it but I had two bad nights with white wine in London and then I was sick for almost a week,0,negative 8488,Great but confusing when starting ro to use it,2,positive 18117," I know, she`s great! The Climb is sooo good!",2,positive 3847," MY FAV. SONG IS UH...honestly, its rude for u to make us choose. lol I love `em all!",1,neutral 16398,"feelin` somewhat down; ugh, i don`t want to have an exam! oh well... 5 days baby!",0,negative 13559," Ahhh! I knowww! I saw it May 5th and 6th in Newcastle and it was so good!!! I`m soo excited for 6th June, as its my bday aswell!",2,positive 6407,Thank you Microsoft due this great app. I wish the feedback section is more active,2,positive 26150, baaha & healthy choice my friend! (:,2,positive 1798,cannot relaxing because she have to practice for her graduation,1,neutral 5685,OMG I BROKE DOWN AND HAD PIZZA BECAUSE I WAS STRESSED OUT you mad at me?,0,negative 1131,"Why are young people attracted to trouble? this makes me sad! ,<3 kMv",0,negative 25044,Trying to stay awake Anyone have any tips how to keep yourself awake ?,1,neutral 14384, Oh no!,0,negative 21296, great song even if i can`t understand lol,2,positive 214,I am watching Blood + on veoh episode 19 love the music.wishing i could watch the live action but not old enough,0,negative 10279, Because those companies that make the bag sealers will go out of business.,1,neutral 26509, #sometimes also emoticons sometimes,1,neutral 2197,would like to have a gaming system,2,positive 9016,Prank calls,1,neutral 4489,It is ok. Bit too simple really and could do with a little bit of TLC and new features and just some developer input. Does the job though.,1,neutral 76,AT&T cheated the system and now I have no Green Day tickets **** you AT&T!,0,negative 15576,They changed the way Golden Gaytimes are made. They used to be awesome.,2,positive 2968,Best app for daily Routine but there are some issue such as you can get lot of coins and increase your level to infinit though settings. You should improve that because Some one donot get motivated for doing task when you knew that you can change your level.,2,positive 7474," Haha, i came home from a long night out, and all i saw on Tweetie was Khayyam Wakil. I usually don`t announce and **** - LOL",1,neutral 15143,Hmmm thinking about taking back that I feel better this morning - I think I spoke to early,2,positive 4184,"The app is very good. Giving one star because, data sync doesn't work even for paid version. So if you change the phone, you lose all tracking history. And as others reviews are saying there is no service by developers.",0,negative 742, Awwww i`ve got some photos of cute bunnies,2,positive 26161,I know I shouldn`t be saying this but **** it..I`m **** as hell,0,negative 8085, I`m`re gonna be only 30 minutes from me on Sunday & I can`t come hear ya.,0,negative 15771,farrrrr . pdhpe assignment due next week and have english homework !,1,neutral 2147,"Hmmm, working good",1,neutral 22812,At t.g.i fridays With some of my favorite people ever.. We made a reservation for 20 and we have like 50 people here. Hahah,2,positive 4061,Honestly great for helping me focus while working from home. I use it to stop myself from binging news and to manage time using pomodoro method,2,positive 24772," that same smell is wafting thru my grandparents house, papaw has the smoker going out back..we`ve got a long wait tho.",1,neutral 4093,Watching my fav movie...Two Can Play That Game! 'Ever notice how men start to act up around Spring time?' Shante Smith,2,positive 24337,finally gone!!!,2,positive 8482,off to my cousins confirmation + confirmation party,2,positive 5822,shud realy go 2 bed proper tired bt cnt b boverd...x,0,negative 5732,128 days till beyonce,1,neutral 26360, rocks my world!!!! soooo funny!!!! <3,2,positive 10369,I`ve got jam! Oh yea.,1,neutral 10138,Loves twitter,2,positive 18002, i was studying computing this year...bring as feck!! changing to plant science next year,1,neutral 802,"_3 U know - kids do what we DO - not what we SAY ... well, don`t we all, really ....",2,positive 6736,I am sitting at work watching the clock. It isn`t moving fast enough.,0,negative 5821,"It amazes me how Microsoft took over an amazing app like wundelist and ruined it completely. It's a real pitty that wundelist will be discontinued in May 2020 . If you don't believe me , just move to DO IT and then have both apps on your phone till May . You keep opening wundelist because of its user friendly interface and functions and the opposite is true with DO IT. I moved to DO IT thinking that they keep it the same with improvements but I was wrong. Searching for new app already.",0,negative 9640," it`s so sad, i`d love to talk to you but i live in the uk can`t wait for the new album, please say hi to me ****",1,neutral 18769, ugh. it sounds like a busted cable box then what time zone are you in?,0,negative 19068,and we`re back in buisiness,1,neutral 6717,"I do like this widget a lot however I left two stars blank for very specific features. First and most importantly I left a star empty for the ability to display battery status on the widget as I use this as my primary smartwatch face. Thus without this feature it is very hard for me to see the status of my battery at a glance and know when I should try to get a little bit of charging. The second feature is integration with Outlook calendar without asking for permission for the entire account if it needs to ask for permissions at all, as my workplace has very high security requirements. For each of these features implemented I will add another star.",1,neutral 19716, Hope the train remembers the way - they can go a bit loopy on bank holidays,0,negative 2585," Yeah, my dad calls me Taltal, but it was taken on AOL back in 96, so I added a K for my last name, coincidence is Tal Talk.",1,neutral 6225,"mmm... hot chocolate, ugboots and topgear... life is good.",2,positive 20192,going to work soon and so excited! ugh id rather pluck my fingernails off,2,positive 7335, When are you and coming over so we can violently agree?,1,neutral 4574,Need a cleaner GUI,1,neutral 8993, mines curly atm i want mine to be straight lmao,1,neutral 7124,Very useful for planning activity & management of time. Thank U so much.,2,positive 4519,_sandman_ _wounds I miss you guys SO much ****,0,negative 26263,My besties. If only was there. on Twitpic: - My besties. If only ..,1,neutral 8824,Getting ready for a going-away dessert reception for a colleague who`s off to grad school.,1,neutral 8790,kewl the JB chat was awesome. I had to miss lots of it though cause i had 2 go 2 skewl,2,positive 4543, omfg whyyyyyy not that sucks!!! and r18?? wtf... T.A.I. getcho` asses down here,0,negative 27041,is veryyy upset she cant go to hacienda tonight because the stupid nuggets game,0,negative 4850, Hey Man Congratulations On The Graduation Man You`r World Wide Popular In Philippines,2,positive 14100,Love my mommy happy mothers day,2,positive 3163,i m totally confused and bored.. my life must change!!,0,negative 2745,"Great idea, it needs some improvements imo. Edit: after playing for a while i noticed some things that definitely need improvement. Faster loading times when changing sections or when receiving items, you shouldn't have to refresh to see them. That also applies when feeding pets where i dont see a progress in the bar unless i refresh. Etc.",1,neutral 3782,Force Stopped when a plant completed on Mi8Lite.,1,neutral 23967, (Raises hand) Oh! Oh! Me too! #caffeine,1,neutral 4671,Great app. Life changing if used properly. Easy to use. I have paid for premium but not getting my reminders popping up with notifications for app on. Can you help?,2,positive 8239,"It's a good app, but I wish it would allow multiple users to see each others task list and to send task to each other.",1,neutral 8919,is so tired ive walked 6.05 kilometres today,0,negative 810,is working until 11 tonight,1,neutral 18295,I hate how MS makes me feel. I can`t control my legs 2nite & am in too much pain - it`s driving me crazy Anyone else get those moments?!!,0,negative 21822," Try have a read of the Paul Mckenna book I Can Make You Thin, it has some good advice on how bad traditional 'diets' are",1,neutral 3118, I have popcorn and fruitcake now...but it`s just not the same as Chocolate,1,neutral 3137,"Love this concept, love this app. I've been following the development of habitica since it was still only online & I love it! Plus there's plenty of active users to party up & chat with and the devs are always helpful & prompt!! My only gripes are that I wish I could change the colors of my tasks/habits (nitpicky I know lol) & maybe have a notepad area where I can keep habitica-related notes, like a key to the emojis etc I use for myself... And maybe a proper/separate friends list :)",2,positive 6821,hanging with the cousin,1,neutral 1656,Hence the smiley face. ha ha ha ha. Lol yeah i`m hong to be tired as **** tomorrow. But guess what i do not care.,1,neutral 1218,Not user friendly. Free version very limited.,1,neutral 21634,"From top down: 2x2924, 1x2610, 3x2500. Then an 1841 and two desktops. More gear to come over time of course.",1,neutral 7575,Would love to be able to add daily reminders qith ease,1,neutral 2660, I can`t go to the grocery store on an empty stomach. That`s trouble! I wanna see ur show but not sure ill get to let u kno,0,negative 17447,"I got a text from this guy who I don`t like, and who has the same name as the guy I do! How disapointing!",0,negative 10111,😁****😁,2,positive 4263,Sync not working. Don't buy in-app purchase.,0,negative 8510, i`m about to have to hang up my fone is getting to hot,0,negative 15057, aw. wasn`**** sad?! give ginger a little pat on the head for me! mwah!,0,negative 1198,"Its a to do list that can go everywhere with you and no writing! Can prioritize list as well great little app 11/2019 edit- hoping like other folks that they undo the changes. This app has gotten more difficult and counterintuitive with the last update. Used to be able to select multiple items to reschedule at one time. Can't do that anymore. Also used to be able to just type repeat everyday, repeat every Monday Wednesday and Friday etc. It now seems like only sometimes that works.",1,neutral 14488, haha it will be interesting haha,2,positive 6730,so **** tired. didn`t get home till 5:30. work at bjs at 12:15,0,negative 15594,_Foster Just so i can see how they look with the other icons. Both themes btw.,1,neutral 4053,This game is a great way to get things done. I love the idea of not being able o leave the app or your tree will die. I consider this a great tool as I am homeschooled.,2,positive 4776,"Great habit tracking app. The only things I think could be improved are: goal dates not automatically pushing back to match the day you edited a habit. And being able to edit how you want to track a habit if you change your mind. Maybe I missed something, but it seems like you have to recreate a habit in order to change how to keep track of it (ex. Yes/No or by keeping count with numbers). I highly recommend this tool though, it's a great place to start keeping track of habits!",2,positive 18317,Dad and Mum are heading that way and I normally jump in the middle and thash about a bit while having cat chasing dreams,1,neutral 5532,so i got to my exam centre n they said we can`t let u becuz of your sleeveless top! U cud BELIEVE that!? i had to go home,0,negative 13759,bowling with cousins awesome,2,positive 11281, and again - You`re welcome!,2,positive 13013,Currently in costa coffee im liking this place more and more. Were sat in the business lounge. ooo were businessy today.,2,positive 23920,besides feeling sick...some things have made me feel particularly happy,1,neutral 15013, anychance you can get matthew to give a shout out to my mum Sarah for mothers day! we saw 'Ghosts from girlfriends past today',1,neutral 10646,Seems like everyone I know is asking for computer help... kill me now,0,negative 20162,"Happy Mother`s Day!!! I`m at the beach with my family. It`s a warm, clear night with a beautiful full moon...",2,positive 61,Not user friendly. Directly asking for money.i already uninstalled,0,negative 5589,I like this app,2,positive 9748,it's a nice app. it make my life displined,1,neutral 96,Cant change default theme to black ! It asks to change me plan from free to premium before doing so !!,0,negative 20442, at least after this you`ll be done!!,2,positive 6887,"It is a good app, but idk the widget keep freezing (not changing hour) in my device till i clicked the widget. But it when i get out, it freeze again. Plz fix it ASAP.",1,neutral 1124,Adding a picture to a task is a paid feature... So free version is not great.,0,negative 12800,"Want to get my hands dirty with FubuMVC., but the document is not yet complete",0,negative 25811, concert please explain? im intrigued,1,neutral 11762,That`s it. I`m hooked.,1,neutral 17827," shame I dont still have my 286 compaq portable, which was really anything but portable LMAO, last tweet 4 now, toodle pip",0,negative 21840, well my daughter is 20 now...thats why I said `I miss those days`...they go by sooo fast,0,negative 4220,"Do not pay for the app. Sync doesn't work , they dont support the app but they are always ready to take your money.",0,negative 26306," I hope you had fun in Canada don`t worry you`ll see then again this summer,",2,positive 3572,"It's ok but new trees are way too expensive, and only few change their form with the time passing. You can also pay with app-coins to buy sounds which are available all over the internet, including other apps. I would love for the developers to add new features tho!",1,neutral 1888, @_Mintyfresh Thanks very much!!,2,positive 1162,She is beautiful . But don`t feel badly. Some neaby grans see grandkids about the same amt. Can`t go to them = out of luck,1,neutral 1710, yeah i know been dealin with it for over 2 yrs now,1,neutral 20459, That doesn`t sound fun,0,negative 13651," Ohhh french tip! My fave, my nails aren`t long enough yet tho Ill ask the manicurist",2,positive 24778,good morning/midday nation! FORMULA ONE IN ONE HOUR!,2,positive 13958," lol, I know how you feel, but with 4 kids and my current work load, I am maxed out with no time to grow things.",1,neutral 17582," trying to do the same thing, running an online business as well as running a regular business in the 'real' world",1,neutral 3416,im soooo loney,0,negative 27294,Such a beautiful day. I just wish I had the energy to enjoy it.,2,positive 8042,p.s. thought you were gonna follow me back on twit-har ?,1,neutral 690,RIP to officer Edwards. May GOD continue to bless his family. What`s up wit cops killing cops. Seen the same thing happen on 'The WIRE'.,1,neutral 27437, I would never do such a thing! The only thing more awesomerer is the 15 minute walk to work,1,neutral 4029," awe I am sorry, probably true.",2,positive 16583, I`m not off till 930,1,neutral 19444,Happy Mother`s Day everyone.,2,positive 11208, i cant wait to see you guys @ hq on sunday!!,2,positive 10598,My student just walked in balling. She just witnessed her dog getting hit on the street. I don`t know what to do to cheer her up.,0,negative 19620,I dont feel good AT ALL. fuckkk,0,negative 5795,Traffic jam outside of chicago. I feel very 'office space' right now.,2,positive 5531,Really easy to use. You can go back to catch up on habits you left unfinished for previous days,2,positive 3053, ia so much! i haven`t really been happy with any of cooks choices for singles.,0,negative 17163, Aww that`s still awesome. You had fun though I can assume.,2,positive 2962,It was amazing! I just didn't have the time to set it up all the way.,2,positive 6708, thanks glad you like it,2,positive 5638, I have to figure out how this works!! I don`t get it Hope you`re doing well!!!,1,neutral 18114," no, sry, didn`t feel well at all. but there`ll be another change I believe hope FFK09 was fun with lots of inspiring input.",0,negative 15992,Its times like these that I miss Manila. I`m not feeling up to myself lately,0,negative 7347,App cannot keep track of an atypical. Everytime I set the day one it just resets after day 5 back to day one. instead of skipping two days and then 2 day 1 like a normal week would work. I'm deleting this app for sure.,0,negative 7142,is wondering why no one else is following it.... C`mon people!,1,neutral 2116,Missing key features cross platform,1,neutral 8126,Over complicated,0,negative 8777,"Full screen ads ruin it all I've been using this since it was just ""business calendar"". It was still $7 back then so I wouldn't buy it but would click the ads every now and then. Now with the full screen ads it's practically unusable. Also, before the dev comes in with the stock ""the free version has ads"" response: no duh it has ads. We didn't pay for the app because its upfront cost is too high so we liked the corner ads. Now you force them to take over our screens. Uninstalled and 1-Star.",0,negative 6257,"All the activities planned or unplanned for today should appear under ""My Day""...",2,positive 18111,is going to run a circle...also...ab zum Spooohort.,1,neutral 8762,updated and the only thing new is ADS. deleting after years of use over multiple phones.,0,negative 98,Gonna read a story bout adam lambert online then bed. Nighty night,1,neutral 2767,"oooh battlestar galactica is on the other channel. it`s the rebellion episode! man, i feel so sad about what became of gaeta. i liked him",1,neutral 1872,"happy bank holiday Monday, Tweeteramas! I`ll be spending the day doing yoga and having OCD attacks. You?",2,positive 12027,I am doing Geography Revision on Earthquakes! How Boring!!,0,negative 10157,Packing...,1,neutral 1681," It`s allright pastor, jiayou for the book!!",1,neutral 25424, who what? call me,1,neutral 2198,"Nearly Perfect! This app has replaced at least three other apps I used to have on my phone. It's a great utility that forms part of my everyday life. Accompanied by an affordable pricing model and not the ""money hungry"" ideology that so many mobile app devs have these days, it's nearly perfect. I would love to be able to link a habit to a task and see a view of habit progress. Like chaining in other habit apps. Keep up the great work!",2,positive 6995,Excellent time management and gives you a real sense of your day. I would however had liked to be able to change dates to see how other days are looking.,2,positive 3686,it is really different and essential idea But unfortunatly In my phone you can come out of the app without destroying your tree,1,neutral 11378," the music in the trailer was terrible imo, cheesy handbag house. I was expecting some dnb or hard house",0,negative 14348,"fine, i give in, docs again today. not being able to breath this morning made me think i should. hate docs",0,negative 22801,walking by the water in annapolis with froyo and no shoes,1,neutral 14543,best show of my life. mcfly rocks my world i wanna meet you guys ;;,2,positive 9311, I just found out about the giveaway.. I wish I would have known sooner What happens with the unclaimed cities?,2,positive 2247,"The time in Germany went by too fast, only 2 days left Hopefully I will move here soon.",2,positive 14933, - My mommys gummy mothers day posterrr!,1,neutral 3674,the app again crashed after updating... its not even responding,1,neutral 1018,"Too much confusion, not able to understand",0,negative 7673,"Good app but it needs more work. I gave it four stars because its missing a premium selection, that is an overview of your activities so one can see total time spent on what. This could be in a form of a pie, bar, or line chart. You can include all so we have a choice. With this anyone can now keep track of time spent on a daily activity and limit time spent on said activity. So far good work work guys.",2,positive 1278,Somebody get me out of work tomorrow.,1,neutral 24176, you givein lady ga ga arun for her money in that get up hee hee love it,2,positive 13075,Last Tonight Show with Jay Leno Tonight!,1,neutral 9457,"Generally stable, very few issues and does all I need",2,positive 15283, Yeah for sure,1,neutral 25175,HAHA! Follow john mayer..he`s a pretty funny guy I want to move to L.A .... it`s so much more fun!,2,positive 1542,The graduation ceremony should be starting about now. I really wish I could be there.,2,positive 11843,i was screaming like a maniac! But the thing was u couldn`t scream on the ride which sucked the fun out of everything so...,0,negative 18896,"Darn it, I`m craving wedding cake... a craving that`s very hard to satisfy with anything else!",0,negative 6134, You really are always dirty!!! Ha ha!!!! Do you have a **** addiction???,0,negative 16132,Oh how i love my family.,2,positive 4817,I want noms,1,neutral 21013,**** I lost my Star Trek ring! Starfleet Academy class ring w/ Golden Gate Bridge on it. Got it as high school graduation present.,1,neutral 7892,Awesome 🌞 app,2,positive 25164,I`m hurtling headlong into a day of spanish and art. but my view is: after tomorrow it`s just REVISION and extra frees,0,negative 6321,"The best to do list app I've used to date. I'd used a lot before without any luck, I'm glad to say I don't think I'll be looking for any other apps now!",2,positive 26948, muhaha martha <33 have fun see uu next mnth,2,positive 7565,Rofl. I love you too Trina.,2,positive 4014,I love how I can keep track how long I focus and on what. It's also really rewarding to see your forest grow,2,positive 21915," Blushing, blushing & once again blushing!",2,positive 1107,"just got up, couldn`t sleep anymore i guess and im not really gonna go back to bed, im not really sleepy",1,neutral 17503, will be following you tomorrow!! sleep well,2,positive 21502,#mikeywayday? Count me IN,1,neutral 23204, Itsurely will dear . in posted a presentation on Swine flu yest and it got 500 downloads in just a day!!i feels great,2,positive 9842,is in route 2 da` beach! No sun yet,1,neutral 1527,British Expat Tweet Tommy and the Giant Sprout: Especially for Fly as part of sprout seaso..,1,neutral 9619,I need a job to keep me above waters...thought I had one but apparently its 'Casual' so now on the search again,1,neutral 19108,I`m glad I don`t have class on Fridays. I need the break! Algebra test on Wednesday,1,neutral 17781, she fell into deep crack in the glacier so terrible,0,negative 1040,"we finally hit 1,000 friends! thanks!",2,positive 5992,"Average at best. Needs undo option or on touch and that task is lost among all the other completed tasks. Needs links between tasks so dates can push out or come in. Very basic, most will find themselves wanting more from a tasking app.",1,neutral 1034,"Its prob cuz I don`t really like sleeping in late, even if I tried.",0,negative 17247, rofl,1,neutral 6688,"Even after entering an event into the app, it is not displaying on the clock face, and it says 'no events'. What's the point of the app when it doesn't do what it says it can?",0,negative 26592,im quite upset do I really look under 15 :| they must have thought i was 14 or something ! Whatt ! thats unfair,0,negative 8330,Nice but am looking for something that can synchronize with Google Tasks,1,neutral 24716,Just got out of the VAST show & IT KICKED ****! Just as mindblowing live as on CD. Sang my fave songs. Im n awe!,2,positive 1283, How are you?,1,neutral 5426," that`s the prob, no idea how to meet guys. Met all my exs online & now I`ve dated that pool dry",1,neutral 1800,hi godd day eweryone im in a reel good mood to day,2,positive 16894,"happy mother`s day, mom I hope the breakfast was nice. I love u ?",2,positive 15871,Has that feeling like when you want to cry but you dont so you get that empty feeling in your stomach and your throat starts to hurt.,0,negative 17277, aww that`s awesome! he`s a good guy,2,positive 12593, How do you spell ppphhhhhttttt?,1,neutral 20924,So bored.... couldn`t go to a-kon...,0,negative 15503,@_hayles are u serious???? you touched his ****? ohmygod u ****!!! lol aaaaawwwwwww y did u tell me that!!!,0,negative 3607,This one is very beautiful but its tree texture is not beautiful.,1,neutral 3280,Many times i've used the app for over 65 minutes and every time it'd just freeze and shut down when only 1 second is left. Doesn't plant the tree and doesn't give me the coins. I'm disappointed + upset that i still can't save up for the treehouse that i want.,0,negative 21857, ? what is this? is everyone abandoning me? ;-),1,neutral 18533,i really wanted to go to surfers today,1,neutral 19240," There`s very few film/TV jobs, especially in WMids. And I can`t afford to move away yet! Sorry, I missed you on 107.3!",0,negative 9744,Just downloaded this app.....not sure what I think of it at the moment.....cant seem to find where you can use colours like the pictures,1,neutral 3412,Cannot create new tags. Even deleted a few to test if it was because I had reached an undeclared quota,0,negative 14926, Hey! That`s about what ours was... for round 1. :/ Round 2 next week...,1,neutral 15388," Oh, that said, the sellout was a fluke. It turns out the projector was broken. I still think the film is bloody good times, tho.",1,neutral 20610," that is cute, a manly cute of course. reminds me of a Scion",2,positive 705, I`m looking forward too see and hear you in Norway!! Live fast!,1,neutral 4880,"Useful app, I like it!!",2,positive 3230,i have sore throat. that`s suck.,0,negative 4311,"After changing my email, I cannot use HabitBull's premium features. I have tried emailing support--no response--and finding a way to restore the purchase or even purchase it again, but no such luck. I am forever stuck with the app thinking I have pro, even though I do not. It's a shame, really, for what is otherwise a fantastic app.",0,negative 15988, I`m afraid not much I just realized the true difficulty of this design. I may cry soon. #idmfinal,0,negative 20568, iloveyoumoreeee,2,positive 4343,"Really? $8 for a habit tracker? There are other apps that do the same thing for far less money. I don't mind paying for apps, but this seems like price gouging. Oh, and it's $10 if you want the ability to export your data!",0,negative 16262,finally seventeen,1,neutral 9433,wating for the next metal gear,1,neutral 21841,bbq was great... just relaxing around the house! dont wanna leave my city but have to tomorrow... got to clean the house when i get back,2,positive 7750,It's good,2,positive 5920,Make your own Google search page with your name,1,neutral 8499,For a hobby project as described by the author it is a job very well done. I don't have any complaints. May be upgrading the UX (not the UI) a little bit would make it an excellent experience for the end user.,2,positive 3337, yeah dnt go there.. I have 3 dif apps on my phone for it so sad but there is a reason as to why lol,1,neutral 26476, Ahaha!! I have all of your albums. Each stuff of your music is so beautiful! That`s why I am so in love with them.,2,positive 13367,Just dropped my new mobile down the loo. Fingers crossed it works as I still have 17.5mths left on the contract,2,positive 17877," Hehehe I didn`t really know that! Well, use your blog or Twitter to suggest interesting topics for ppl to engage in",1,neutral 8436,This is a really useful app for managing multiple to do lists.,2,positive 374,Cant wait to see my boy tomorrow,2,positive 17965,Hello Everybody `Tis a cloudy day here in Amanzimtoti today.,1,neutral 916,"First, the app changed my task name. Then, the task just disappeared and was not in the app. Bad app.",0,negative 11634,"I had a dream that I went to Evo fest, but I didn`t.",1,neutral 26388,found `s Spinning Top instead of outtamyleague mp3. pardon me sir. but i promise i`ll buy a copy of the cd. i`m saving up,1,neutral 26407, I can`t wait to see yall Friday !!!! I hope I meet u guys!! That would make the night even better,2,positive 1180,is tired of summer already,0,negative 24401, have your own style. it just might work.,2,positive 1507,watching SNL with guess Justin Timberlake...OMG! He is too funny! hahahah,2,positive 3335,its isnt responding . it wont work,0,negative 1613, so cute you twitting in potuguese!,2,positive 16064,Goodmorning World,2,positive 615," I know, but work is so boring. I prefer the take on life",0,negative 5219,Going to see star trek,1,neutral 14036,I`m off to Costco in a bit to print off more photos for my photobook,1,neutral 25630, for sure! You and your wife seem like cool cats.,2,positive 10859,just waking up...ahh i have a headache,0,negative 21098, did you put a spoon in it?,1,neutral 17874,The new resigned cricinfo : I hate change,0,negative 9704,Bought the planner pro.... Love the app... The down side is that the app did not sync... i have 2 device handphone and tablet both android... i have to update both device twice instead of once... Would give 4 or 5 star if it can sync between both device. i have some suggestion... maybe can input some bill tracker and some cute icon or pill tracker/ hydration icon.,1,neutral 14736,Watching Jimmy F. delete all his social network profiles No more Jimmy cyber time.,1,neutral 4341,1st day of work today was a bit tiring but ok lol now onto college work,1,neutral 23796, I`ve had to do laundry for the last two days,1,neutral 4401,cleaning cleaning cleaning today then working out! i love not working!,1,neutral 2290,Good But need some options more Such as when you make one habit in different day at different time her can't help you,2,positive 25610," Okay, as long as you`re all right.",1,neutral 5915,"Before this, l used Wunderlist solely for my do listn I used Workflowy for ongoing notes and events throughout the years. I ike this app, but if you don't get everything done yesterday's then My Day iwhen you wake up the next day, My Day is blank. Imagine making to do list on a posted note and the next morning it was blank? That's not saving me time. Don't know why they didn't put that in when developing the app.",1,neutral 20480,wow! Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Davisson Killoran are the producers of the movie: ORPHAN !! i have direct contact info for them too!,1,neutral 7880, hahaha! i have a secret door to the real batcave,1,neutral 476,"i juz registered my cp in twitter, but my tweets wont go thru? Argh..Hmm wanna follow my idols lyk away from the PC..",0,negative 2744," coooooooool, yes, CIWWAF are awesome.",2,positive 20905,I made an animated holiday card thingy. - Shh. Don`t tell mom yet. It`s a surprise.,1,neutral 10996," Yes. But, Cute AND Predictable works for you...",2,positive 21023,O dnt even like wearing my skinny jean no more cuz of yall **** **** ni99as...,0,negative 22935,Why are embossers so expensive? Can I do get one on the cheap? Trying to save 75%. Papersource order goes in TONIGHT. Sry bank account,1,neutral 22247,Experiencing pain with paginating ASP.NET ListView controls,0,negative 14890,1/2 day tomorrow carla coming over after school.,1,neutral 6473,"does not work properly , does not update wit hcalendar entries , worst thing , cannot aak my money back!!!!!!!",0,negative 11461,i also realized this weekend how many people are only internet hot...ok catty comment out of the way for the week,1,neutral 6851,Glitchy but good,1,neutral 584,<---My expression watching this again:,1,neutral 10915,Feeling sick at stomach today,0,negative 9781,Now standing because my tailbone is killing me,0,negative 2014,I loved TT and paid for Premium but sooner or later their reminder will let you down :( You can't count on it unfortunately. And it's not because of Android but due to a flaw in the app. If a reminder pops up and you accidentally tap somewhere else in the screen or if you're busy now then the reminder disappears and never reminds you again until you manually find this task again in the list and set a new date for the reminder.,1,neutral 902,"This is my favourite shirt, because its true. <3 grumpy. a) cute b) huggable c) life of the party (d)...",2,positive 22716,just met Sarah Kelly... wow... she is an amazing woman of God! and she gave me a free t-shirt! gotta love free merch,2,positive 25999,A shower feels so refreshing after a long day at the fair,2,positive 2170,Ugh i hate not having my car!! i miss you my little ford focus!!!,0,negative 16253, YES. i am thinking of staying in the office until it`s slightly less RIDICULOUSLY HOT,0,negative 5286,Went to the hawksmoor last night and probably had the best steak I`ve ever had,2,positive 2740, I`m now a member of the street!!,1,neutral 16233,directing a theatre play,1,neutral 4612,love it,1,neutral 14192,13 hours til i`m on a plane. Ahhh yay,2,positive 1146, Happy birthday!,2,positive 20203, NOICE. I realised that after exams I have 2 more weeks Forgot about the whole 2 weeks of Unit 4 in term 2 thing :/,1,neutral 10497,Caps lost. ARGH! But HP game evening was much fun,1,neutral 6888," ouch, thats your achy sorry ... i didnt mean to cause you pain",0,negative 15241,_j9 Jess just posted some hawt pics on the board J ... u should check them out...,1,neutral 2856, lol awww lol i will i can`t do it now lol cauz i have to work but i will make one and tell you love you 2 oxoxoteambreezy,2,positive 2126, Fighter - Christina Aguilera. LOVE that song,2,positive 12690,I have a stomach ache... Totally sucks,0,negative 1712, - brief interruption- brb. goodnight if i don`t catch u again later. gotta ck something,2,positive 26003,6 freakin days!! Just a thought...what would I have to look forward to after this?,0,negative 25915,I see ,1,neutral 12687,"Aww i used to do that when i was little, not so much now ;) haa. Lazy shiit.",0,negative 4269,really wants to go see AI tonight.,1,neutral 23084, i wannabe in dubai,1,neutral 24138, at work!! Agh I really need to go with you what days do you go so that I can add it to my schedule!,2,positive 26487,_War_MT I`m no longer blue,1,neutral 5925, thanks to follow,2,positive 631,is anyone out there?? so bored at work...,0,negative 8980, wow.. purple leopard skin. fieeerrceee..,1,neutral 3624,This app is absolutely amazing and helps a lot during exams but after a while it starts crashing and I lose the previous history and the trees I get using the coins.That is really disappointing. This has happened more than thrice. Kindly look Into it. Other than that it really does keep one focused.,1,neutral 26594, haha. the pic wrong. haha. now the one is then correct.,1,neutral 6946,"I really love this app for so many reasons. Above all it's keeps me organized and punctual. What I wish I could change, or maybe I can and just can figure out how, is how to make the widget color pallet settings the same on my OS Wear. thats why I bought the extra options innthe first place. My watch face doesnt even look like it does in the photos. Can I change this!?",2,positive 9898, this will make you feel better. Will down a cocktail or 2 in your honour. Now get retorting,2,positive 13196, Adam Lambert rocks! He must win American Idol!,2,positive 8735,Can I bring yself to go for the 1000 Heroism badges achievement?,1,neutral 18560,Grass fed beef burgers with sauteed mushrooms and cheddar on wheat buns along with a salad. Yum. Poor Kim still isn`t feeling well,0,negative 5549,it`s good to see all my family was a good day today,2,positive 4707,Works pretty good to help you remember to do certain things and make them a habit. Encouraging to see the streak when you accomplish what you set out to do. Would have been a 5* but sometimes it attaches circles when a day didn't get done.,2,positive 6821,"I love the idea of this app, is quite unique in the way it visually shows my upcoming events. Sadly, try as I might, I can't get it to refresh correctly with my calendar, its always wing despite following all the steps.",1,neutral 1540,"Todoist has always been one of the most useful apps for me. I have migrated to offline world recently and have decided to plan my works in my journal (instead of Todoist and GCal). However, still I needed a listing app. After a bunch of search between the apps, Todoist is still the best app I can use for making lists 😇 (by the way, I should ignore some of its features like daily goals and replace the term of ""project"" with ""list"" in my mind! But it is a perfect choice for me 😊)",2,positive 27021,typical Google Docs is down oh well open Pages,1,neutral 8326," I do text to twitter sometimes, but I don`t receive any on my phone so....",1,neutral 6293, awww wish I was there! Have a brew for me B!,2,positive 9462,Now it works,2,positive 7049,"This initially looks a bit confusing. However, this design actually functions extremely well. The way it can act as both a clock, date, alarm and agenda widget at the same time is just incredibly efficient. It also provides you with a very easy way to evaluate at which times of the day you have events and more importantly: when you have breaks and how long they are. All this at a glance, compared to clunky agenda widgets where you have to sit and calculate it in your head. Well worth the money!",2,positive 371,"It could be great but too hard to delete an item on your agenda. It's like you put it on your agenda and it just doesn't disappear after it's over it just keeps on repeating very annoying sad that I paid the full subscription amount thinking it would help me to stay focused with my work day, but only for a few days until it started repeating itself and I tried to find a way to cancel or delete something out of the agenda completely",1,neutral 13681, rest well!,2,positive 15,"This was originally a 5 star app, but now you can only use it by allowing it access to either your emails or Facebook! 😡😡😡 I am definitely not happy to allow this so have deleted the app. Would give it zero stars if I could.",0,negative 4962,"addin to that last comment, was spose to be going to see the jonas brothers 3D movie, but guess what i couldnt go aswell cos im sick",0,negative 17125,talkin to sum1 special,2,positive 14632,knee surgery.... back home for about 6 weeks,1,neutral 20023,missing Tim!,0,negative 9667, thanx for showin luv,2,positive 1087, link isn`t working,1,neutral 8176,"it was pretty good on my old phone. then when everything was ported to my new one, the app came, but not the lists I'd made. what's the point of that?! I've deleted it.",0,negative 10525,"RT @sportsguy33 The upside to Time Warner: unhelpful phone operators superslow on-site service. Crap, that's not an upside.",0,negative 18136, wats wrong boo,0,negative 14757, im sorry. I fail.,0,negative 8306,it has reminders but would be great to show the due date as my reminders are often days before instead of on the due date itself and what heading it was put under so know which project's task it is.,1,neutral 4428,Happy #juddday everyone!,2,positive 2903, i wish we had sun lollies for me to get addicted what flavour?,2,positive 578,Yet another good weekend with someone. Sigh. Man I like the boy..,2,positive 1769,"[Happening for the second time in a row...] It's an amazing app, but when I need the most my premium account was deactivated even with the automatic renew. I paid for that and it's not upset!!!!",0,negative 17703,My wife can`t get on the guest list for tomorrows show because it doesn`t exist. LAME. I guess no wife at the show.,0,negative 19833," Funnily enough, Roland is President of my social club!",2,positive 16752, people still mail things?,1,neutral 12407," Happy anniversary to you and ! Hoping for many, many more. All the best from all of us",2,positive 21086,Is at the movies with the boyfriend!!,1,neutral 449, Hello again How`d ur saturday go?,1,neutral 26310,"..Get Over On His Mom & Now I Feel Horrible, He Must Think I am. That`s Not What I Meant. Just Thought It`d Be Better Than The Brunt.",0,negative 18397," definitely, or even just 'i`ll call you', they never do how was ur day? ****",1,neutral 7580, pictures ross.,1,neutral 21406, I am so excited you`re touring with FOTC! I had no idea!! I`ll be seeing you tomorrow,2,positive 2315,"I decided to update my review because the Tick tick team doesn't want to implement such a simple feature as 2AF protection. Many users asked then since 2018, but they use the same ""excuse"" every time: ""Our dev team hasn't such plan in my for this year."" Hello, it is 2020, the application that stores so much sensitive data, there must be 2FA.",2,positive 25941, i hate it. it should just be english all day everyday,0,negative 339,Doesn't let me view the lists from my Android Wear OS Smart Watch,1,neutral 11836, heya thanks for accepting the add,2,positive 21349,@_writersblock_ I`m sure you are. Toasties wasn`t far behind.,1,neutral 15632, part 2: social networking??.. there is even room for people,1,neutral 7566,"I liked its features. These are well thought through. If I could go back in timeline, it would have been better.",1,neutral 20468, ohh I was so confused!:p I haven`t seen it. It`s your favourite?,1,neutral 23597,"I am writing the most boring part of my paper. Hmm. The sun is shining and I do not feel like working on this, however I have to",1,neutral 5625,ONLINE!,1,neutral 9172, Added 3 more spots in Memphis today and visited 2. Needed a Hot Dog icon for a new restaurant so had to settle for a Hamburger,1,neutral 9263, Now that`s what i like to hear! You won`t unfollow us little people on Twitter when you make it big will u?,2,positive 314,,1,neutral 21739,eating breakfast and drinking coffe - strong coffe!,1,neutral 1534,Easy to use,2,positive 2050,bored. cold. tired. lethargic feeling. Man! great holiday monday!,1,neutral 6307,"I have found it's useful for you who want to manage your works or studies. Now I don't need to write all down on the papers. So, a solution to save papers = save our trees ;) More important, this app is free and no ads banners. That's good.",2,positive 4449,I keep getting a popup that habbitbull has stopped working. idk why it was even open in the first place but it is constantly annoying me. and i don't even see any of actual issues that the crash is causing besides the annoying popup. I've sent feedback a few times but no response,1,neutral 24378," well, I took it in early `00, graduated in `01. we were the final stage guinea pigs it seriously is a waste of time.",0,negative 8925,i want to see ephraim zenh tomorrow! a lot. but can i find a sitter? wtf? why does everyone have plans? it`s only saturday night...sigh.,0,negative 419," We are of like minds this evening , my dear!",1,neutral 9413,Very quickly,2,positive 12181,`s always so sad when you watch the series more green wing left to watch,0,negative 6308,I dont like the dentist...they make my gums hurt,0,negative 9568,_recordings Alas no - this is all occuring in an office in central London...,1,neutral 4253,is Happy Mothers Day. Taking Mum out for dinner to one of my favourite restaurants down Glenelg now,2,positive 1103,I really dislike the projects thing. Just let me make new lists. I want a list for movies to watch another for gift ideas etc. The best way to do that through this app is subitems which are a pain to deal with. Moving over to wunderlist,0,negative 22961,"trying to do a blend. i know, i suck at them but there`s no harm in trying.",0,negative 925,"Another simple app with a subscription plan... This is not the right strategy to attract more people... This kind of app should be a one time payment no more. Whatever the number of apps with this strategy, it doesn't make it a good one.",0,negative 7229,Hats off to a slightly unexpected yet very successful end to a grouling day!!! Night all,2,positive 10586,is chatting to one of her besties.,1,neutral 3409,I find the concept of this app absolutely stupid I don't think people are gonna care about if a virtual plant dies if u use an app and the only thing it does is give u a notification as an incentive. What the app should do is whenever someone opens an app forest should open and display over the app this will prevent others from casually using other apps while their work is in progress.,0,negative 5126,"It's helpful, but it's also annoying. Edit: I didn't make it clear enough, it's annoying to realize how much I'm failing lol Anyway the app is pretty good I'm just overly sensitive and self criritcal",2,positive 5879, thanks night,1,neutral 4868,Easy to set up and edit. I upgraded to premium so I could add more habits.,2,positive 6638,Once installed the app was showing another time zone.,0,negative 9485,"I have had this app for 2 years and absolutely loved it, after an update it would cut on automatically and freeze my phone. I would have to hit the open apps and close it before I could do anything with my phone. I have emailed and explained what it was doing, and I get am email wanting more explanation, so I did. several days later I get an email that wants a video showing. I don't think this will get fixed i paid for the pro version and i will not renew",0,negative 1174,wants TFA back.,1,neutral 740,Woke up and there was sun! And then it started to rain,1,neutral 10383,This is exactly y I hate driving thru dandy - sittin at lights next to a car of asians who r callin out to me & 1 held up a knife scum!,0,negative 7615, I was really disappointed with the whole 'promiscuous girl' thing. congrats on her success but i think wasted talent,1,neutral 6404, well us Brits have to wait a few more days for it! I thought it was all gonna released at once! I guess it`s worth the wait!,2,positive 10323, not if you have to be to work at six...,1,neutral 14421, Ohmygosh. I KNOW. That would make my night for SURE. lol. Goodnight!,2,positive 2206,oooh gosh Google Wave is looking pretty sexy. Lunch time`s over though Back to Powerpoint (significantly less sexy),1,neutral 16548,is saving up `till HK.,1,neutral 104, Awesome. I`m down in Ocean Beach (if you know where that is.) By the way. 'YourBiggestFan' I`m a re-al big fan of you-rs.,2,positive 17561,"I REALLY WANT TO GO TO artesia , cerritos on sunday for QUEST! LOL. imma die if i dont",1,neutral 1703,IM FEELIN RITE.. THE MOOD FLOR TWITTER AFTER DARK...,1,neutral 1647,..exams. haha just remembrd the china buffet king yesterday. vair amusing ....,2,positive 1562, : Sir ! Everything Will Be Great InShaa`Allah,2,positive 24718,At an art party. No crazy artists as such. Bit padestrian. No skanking,1,neutral 763,Their songs make me want to cry..,0,negative 8661,Once worked out how to use have found it very useful for listing daily items to do.,2,positive 22206,ah seriously i dont even work with children some how i am still sick! groundhog friday just got worse.,0,negative 8318,I need to buy a cheap verizon phone,1,neutral 6811,Ni,1,neutral 2066,nothing to do this evening.. MISSING LIFESTORY,0,negative 1448, I haven`t started packing,1,neutral 14092," ooh a storm, that`s always welcome news Happy Mothers Day!",2,positive 2705,Comment my new myspace pictures plz?,1,neutral 783, I`ll be listening!,1,neutral 23646,"playing guitar hero, waiting for Abby to text me after prom",1,neutral 6290,"Good app, could be better",2,positive 3268,Ever since the recent updates.. the app clash and wont work as the PLANT button were pressed .. unless the Wifi/ Mobile data were on.. it works fine. I would give 0 zero star if I could.. running an app in internet connection can be interrupting especially for students. Please fix this issue as I'm wishing to depend on the app with no internet connection (as how it used to in last version),0,negative 9541,I see no difference in this and Google calendar,0,negative 709, Yeah I`m okay been icing and ace bandage and sitting on my **** on twitter... LOL Thanks,2,positive 2011,"Pretty decent to-do app, with probably the least annoyances of the very many I've tried over the years. I'm yet to find my perfect match though. The app sometimes require unnecessarily many taps to get something done. It's easy enough to understand, it's just not the smoothest user experience.",1,neutral 9918,"I do like the straight forwardness of this system it does what it says on the tin, needs to keep developing but in the theme it's in if it gets to clever like some systems it will loss it's position",2,positive 5539,"I love this app, I tried a lot of apps and choose this because the alarm sound function, if this app can have the challenge friends functions, it will really good more. But for now, everything is perfect.",2,positive 6101,Please add folders. Wanderlust has folders. It's an important feature for me otherwise theres too much lists to manage.,1,neutral 13926, No I haven`t had chance to watch that yet...going to have to get hold of it. Thanks for the tip.,2,positive 8358,"waiting for amy so me, her and can go see the hannah montanna movie!!!",1,neutral 17914, like cheesecake brownies!!! i miss my cheesecake brownies... and the walmart closest to l.a. (to me) doesn`t have em,0,negative 7835,"This app is great, if you like structure in your life. I love it, give it a try folks.",2,positive 10592,"Today is a good day to dislike AT&T. Vote out of office indeed, @danielpunkass",0,negative 21858, i can`t call you im from Mexico and i don`t know the code,1,neutral 16408,"LOVED AP Tour in Columbus, OH last night! I`m still exhausted! Goin to bed now so sweet dreams!! gnight!!",1,neutral 7431, that is so sad. wish I can do something big for the kids. may God Bless the kids always.,1,neutral 3096,This app has helped me a lot and is all in all one of the best apps I know. There's just one suggestion: I have many habits and dailies hence I have to scroll a lot. It would be amazing if there was an option to change the layout so you can have a better overview.,2,positive 3021,aww i feel bad cause i dunno if nicole is in the city looking for me. she`s probably worried srry hun,0,negative 7183,Im bumbed though cuz ima miss da laker game |double sad face|,1,neutral 3166, - playing with ethan. i love you baby,2,positive 4703,"It helped me alot. And there is a bug. If app is opened via notification message, password will not be required no matter. Hope you fix this bug soon",2,positive 27034,One week until Race for the Cure! Please donate if you`re able and wish me luck on my 5 mile training run tomorrow,1,neutral 8714,I love it! Helps me stay organised.,2,positive 15920,live long and prosper #fb,2,positive 10999,is maxin and relaxin... ahhh,2,positive 1503,I only have 2,1,neutral 23719,I WANT A HUG!,1,neutral 23127,it`s friday night. i`m home. no party this weekend,0,negative 8602, Saw you on SNL with your diploma..Congrats. You must be overjoyed. Now I am finally going to bed..NITE,2,positive 7651,happy mother`s day & later on i can`t wait to see _day26 in concert. lol. well ima see all of day 26 but i like him the most ;D,2,positive 23578, - Left: This is your brain. Right: This is your brain on drugs.,1,neutral 1897,App seems ok. But they want you to pay a monthly fee just to use a basic calendar. It let's you view the current week. Anything else and you have to pay. So many free ones out there to choose from. Uninstalling.,0,negative 10863, Yup is ace film tho,1,neutral 1395,alhamdulilah. i got accepted into nafa,1,neutral 5180,The app has a way of motivating you to complete tasks.,2,positive 9598,"I made several repeating tasks that are supposed to be repeated weekly by the day of the week. They seem to just multiply and now the same 4 tasks will show up 3 times each on a single day. I can't edit the original repeating ones, I can only delete them individually on the day they show up several times. This is VERY annoying. This app was a waste of my money. I paid for the ability to make repeating tasks. I'm very disappointed.",0,negative 2763,"I've been actively using this and I love the concept. App version could really use a new UI. Dark mode would be appreciated, and maybe letting users adjust Font or size of boxes. (Feels too large right now. It would easily hold more details, but space is lost to a big box)",1,neutral 8697,Good for food shopping,2,positive 14704,Got 2 get ready 4 work would rather be fishing!,1,neutral 18221,found none,1,neutral 7409, hey! YAY! thanks! wow ur page is awesome!!!!!,2,positive 13128,IE8 nearing 6% according to my stats. FF 3.0.10 adoption rate amazes me,2,positive 4548,"I wanna go home, but I can`t cause the customers won`t leave... And my boss won`t let me leave either",0,negative 9129,Someone just bought the domain i planned on buying yesterday ****,0,negative 4699,apple fritters are like the perfect after food...don`t you think?,2,positive 3801,It's good but App keep crushing after exit from the app and I reenter 😭,1,neutral 12435,Chino - Gentleman Jack is pouting because Mommy is gone to dinner.,1,neutral 6046," I like tweetie better, that is what I use all the time",2,positive 5460,It is a good for organising daily task n making habit,2,positive 16836,girl talk is awesome,2,positive 8780,I have been a subscriber of the pro version for years when this new version came out I tried it and there were problems. I tried it again and it seems to work well. I tried running with one alarm and now it dosen't stop when I acknowledge it I'm going back to the old version. I have removed pro 2 if the problem pesiststs I will have to find a new calendar. Very frustrated.,0,negative 5705,"I love Wunderlist! Unfortunately it will disappear in May 2020 and be replaced by this app. Me and my husband have installed the new app, imported all our lists from Wunderlist but we cannot share any of them, not even the ones that we previously shared in Wunderlist. I hope they will fix the problem until May.",0,negative 18730,I had so much fun tonight!! But i am soo excited to get home and go to sleep,2,positive 5548,Happy Star Wars day! May the 4th be with you!,2,positive 1305,live long and prosper,2,positive 24520,had a great day...and now I`m off to bed. tomorrow I`m back in sd,2,positive 7149," I`m soo sad. It`s just on the edges of the pages, but it`s not gonna come out. *cries*",0,negative 23394,listening to a Del Barrio records release. I think Cmyk music will have competition over minimal techno in madrid land.,1,neutral 24592," The movie was AWESOME, I wish I could re-load my pistols like Agent 0 did, but I do not want to be him I think I will be Gambit",2,positive 26893,Sang on xbox lips and drunk beer my weekend rocks so far,1,neutral 18138," THIS CALLS FOR A HIGH FIVE! (Don`t miss, hotshot xD)",2,positive 11958,It`s hella itchy!,0,negative 23491, omfg I have been DOWNING them they are so tasty. I ate almost all of them with Lo,2,positive 1586,is listening & watching both my boys on Guitar Heroes,1,neutral 26002, the rain was pretty nice. I only have 150 meters of cobbles on my way here,2,positive 9279,Long time user across 4 locations.,2,positive 25300,feels very very sick hmph.,0,negative 2836, all of em! Hahahahaha sry,1,neutral 7892,Im so tired. And its so gloomy what happeened ro summer?,0,negative 18310,Why are all the cool classes being offered this summer? Boo.,1,neutral 17656,_A4L Hey Anne! I stayed up 2 try 2 arrange 4 some NYC Archies 2 get tix 2 the concert. Logged off @ 2.30 but only fell asleep @ 5am,1,neutral 1697, Bristol`s is the ish! I LOVE their brunch on Sundays. Ruth Chris is good too but I got sick there once.,1,neutral 10187,Blink by malcolm gladwell amazing book and The tipping point!,2,positive 788,is downloading songs,1,neutral 6326,im gonna fail this test miserably in history,0,negative 24296," I Love This Song lol, You`re amazing Steph , xoxo",2,positive 7157,So nice.My hearth of friend.,2,positive 18356, Yep! Here`s a pic of the kid standing on the Puffy Taco. - Photo:,1,neutral 17479,Jeff & I are looking for long lasting love! Just not with each other we both like Men,2,positive 4283,_lpz yeah text me!!! i wnat to go!!!!! but my car is broken!!,0,negative 11335, When oh when are you coming back for a gig in Scotland? I had tickets to see u last year but was in hosp wit gallstones!,0,negative 1937,ahhh!!!! u know what really sucks??? i sprained my toe!! OUCH!!,0,negative 5092, then maybe we should ask Him for a raise.,1,neutral 5211, Oh I`ve got that one & the stp x step one on VHS. Tried connecting our video to harddrive to copy to DVD but didnt work,1,neutral 19126, hehehe!! Are you tryna find another condom better get u for boxes cuz ima take u thru all of em,1,neutral 10389, awww Mary I wish I could come but I`m going away 2morrow,2,positive 263,You reaaallllyyy don't have a lot without paying,0,negative 19297, Goooood Morning Melody! Wishing you a Wonderful Mother`s Day with your family!,2,positive 7686," why arent u famous already? lol you have a very adoring fan, that fan would do anything for you hehehe, im you no.1 fan",2,positive 13911,I was awake until 12:45am then my mum turned the internet off so i couldnt watch the live chat i was ccrying i was sad,0,negative 10260,: I`m real,1,neutral 23999,A very special HAPPY MOTHER`S DAY to all Mommies!,2,positive 10018,"Love the layout, and automatic carryover of tasks to next day. One problem: I have installed Planner Pro on my iPad and my Android phone. The calendar events and tasks cannot be synced between my two devices. Very frustrated. Please add this sync feature soon.",2,positive 717,I really like it,2,positive 1583,I wish I can see clips of your show that you hosted. Hottie Shawn in the 80`s! and yes your still a Hottie!,2,positive 18480,2nd to last episode of jay leno itll never be the same! nite twitter,1,neutral 758, LMAO...Ha! No I just simply wanted to go to NY!,2,positive 3895,This app is awesome though it hangs most of tge time after I finish growing a tree. But in overall I love it. And I hope this app will have more features in the future,2,positive 7638, champagne..lets see how that goes for me,1,neutral 25503," hun are you okay? I see alot of your posts your exercising like mad,not eating or sleeping",0,negative 213,misses my Mom today. She was my Best Friend and even though she has been gone several yrs I still miss her dearly. Happy Mother`s Day,2,positive 16421, Happy Mother`s Day hahaha,2,positive 2129,Please integrate Kanban from web to the mobile app.,1,neutral 2518, My son would freak for the Falcon,1,neutral 14165, I`ll take a look tomorrow - definitely want to graph as many tweets as possible!,1,neutral 9753,a night alone with my piano...and a pro tools session... ill take that ANYTIME.,0,negative 1123,Widget constantly breaking. Not updating and showing a loading icon at bottom. Defeats the entire point of having a widget easily viewable.,0,negative 15459,About to go on 6 hour journey home,1,neutral 3585, looking forward to your mandarin album. Hope that you will come Singapore again,2,positive 13078,Was watching downstairs Now getting ready for bed. Piano in the morning.,1,neutral 14478,I have a broken wrist,0,negative 21155,_Megan_**** Same! Like the kisses on nights when she wasnt up for eviction! They were very badly edited,0,negative 3044,This is wonderful but I really need to be able to use it offline as well,2,positive 4404, Well the one thing where you lay on the floor I couldn`t do all of them....I`m very out of shape,0,negative 2888,Excitement: 8 new followers overnight. Sadness: 6 of them are ad bots.,0,negative 383,The app's really nice and I really like it but it's just REALLY REALLY BUGGY for my phone. I can't switch between the calendar and tasks with ease. I can't even slash out items on the to do list smoothly. It could've been such a big game changer for how I do things!! :-(,1,neutral 2376,"So helpful. Great way to keep track of tasks, notes, info, and appointments! Appreciate the cross-platform functionality ☺",2,positive 1539,"Awesome! Was using Wunderlist, but they are going away. I tried a few others. They are all so similar now. But this one seems like it will be here for the long haul judging by the number of downloads. Also, it is as simple as Wunderlist. I did have to pay $29 and Waunderlist was free for the most important functions, so that was different. But after using the app for a week I'm sold. Not a better app out there for my purposes. KISS- keep it simple stupid. And this app does that.",2,positive 25516,Morning.. Coffee and fresh air,2,positive 3118,"Cute and entertaining, definitely helping me to stop bad habits!",2,positive 5434,"Thank you for responding and I'm looking forward to that update (customized categories). Another improvement I'd love to see are more options for a goal besides a daily one, such as save $100 per week, etc. I got the Premium and love the dark theme, this app is the best I've found for my needs. Thank you!",2,positive 2857, she said no,1,neutral 1992,screw the fact you can`t post LONG updates on twitter,0,negative 2415,"This app is simply the best for organising yourself. It's so customisable, I really love how you can not only set exact times and dates, you can then get those reminders to repeat however you want - do you want to be reminded every second Wednesday of the month? No problem. Do you want reminders only during weekdays? Sure! Also, my love for this app has grown considerably since I found out you can set location based reminders - and you don't even have to pay for it! Fantastic app, A++",2,positive 7712,It's an essential daily time management app.It can further improve by providing the more detailed analysis and auto suggestion for the activity based on past routines.Further the routine creation can be simplified by providing the 1 step auto update functionality along with individual task creation functionality currently provided.,2,positive 886,what a beautiful day not to got to my first class,2,positive 9206,"Amazing app, helps me organise different tasks and events with colour codes. Wish there was a notes page and a timetable so I could keep everything in one place!",2,positive 12654,ahh sore throat and tired. want to go back to bed. but have work,0,negative 3697,"This is a good app for forming habits. However, it is missing important functions that you'll need. For one, this is primarily a countdown timer app. It only counts down for a specified time. It would be better if I could have a stopwatch feature. I want to use this app for times I'm working out. Also, the minimum time allowed is 10 minutes. They should change this. Either way, I uninstalled. Ads suck too.",1,neutral 3337,Worst app. It crashes Everytime u click on it. What to do All my seeds will be gone if I uninstall it. But this isn't my prob so why should I pay for it. FIX IT. I WANT MY FOREST BACK!!!!!!!!!!!,0,negative 25627,Hello Twitters,1,neutral 9253,She has an awsome voice. Bored nothin to do i should really consider going back to school yeah right i`d rather cry of boredom forever,1,neutral 4473,"So I assume this app is no longer supported by its owner? Last update was summer 2018 and I saw lots of negative reviews here and on twitter about owner not responding at all. Wanted to buy premium, but first checked reviews... Ugh, it looked like a really perfect app! Sad.",1,neutral 321,ohh my tooth is hurts ohh im sad it very hurts,0,negative 26504,Conserve water. Take showers together,1,neutral 9284,"It works, me like. Bought the Pro ver.",2,positive 20294,partying in the study room,1,neutral 16612, oh il probs do wt i do every yaer watch the first one then watch the last couple of weeks lol,1,neutral 15045,'locked up abroad' makes bein half brown good risk mgmt when travelin 3rd world. i blend. i feel sorry for my hostage magnet white pepo,0,negative 8960,"Now that I think about it, when I get to the States they`ll probably still be touring so they won`t be at home Dammit!",0,negative 20277,is tanning with emily! too bad its prob gonna rain,0,negative 7477,"Great UI. The idea is great but need a way to mark tasks/routine item as complete. and so, we can't even know our progress. Guess the use case itself is completely different.",1,neutral 142,It doesn't alarm,0,negative 26072,Oh no... that bird is back,0,negative 281, Hope you did great - you certainly spent enough time studying.,2,positive 16584, i know its nice haha,2,positive 2346,Early morning R&B. ?,1,neutral 7102,Great! I already feel so much more on track. Intuitive interface issueless pairing!,2,positive 27131,Came from Greenbelt & Power,1,neutral 1478, OMG are u still naked 1313 XDD omg i miss you so muuch,0,negative 3703,The sun has gone in!,1,neutral 21848,Ken Wilber - Realistic Expectation of Integral Wisdom: ...very interesting. I don`t mind the video quality.,2,positive 19341, briliant! May the fourth be with you #starwarsday #starwars,2,positive 8920,Working on my resume while listening to the rain and enjoying a Circus Boy,2,positive 1385, what have you been up to ?,1,neutral 24890,"Back from SOAP, soooo fun.",2,positive 7381,"Beneficial to get my goal. It's heplful to make discipline and commitments to yourself,it's continually popping up notification that what you have decided according to your time table, over all its Good and helpful for students..!!",0,negative 3019,"I love this app alot. theres just two things I would really love to see added. it would be great if you allowed us to choose to have a habit set up for like 3 times out of the week, without picking which days of the week. I also really wish I could have more than 4 habits, is there a way to do that? it's a great app, thanks so much",2,positive 15902," Hehe, funny (the midget thing) ! Cheer up Alex, and wave from below Is it that you are in Germany right now? .. or in Spain? ;D",2,positive 10781,pilot to co-pilot baby we burnin` up /i cannot stress how much this line works.,0,negative 846,Wonderful application,2,positive 4785,asks: did anyone possibly get a photo of me receiving my diploma? Dad`s camera died right at that moment.,0,negative 14293,pink bubble baths and champs,1,neutral 3144,Great app. Helps me get things done and work on building better habits. Even better when you have a party going with friends. Would be nice if the app had a dark mode that's my only suggestion. Keep up the good work!,2,positive 7438, Yes I did see Mitch Hedberg and the whole floss thing. He`s hilarious. I <3 him. Poor guy,1,neutral 23455, can i have itL,1,neutral 5381,I have enough credit but I can't purchase for premium,1,neutral 19246,Choked on her retainers,0,negative 3831, Now that`s a very nice way to fall asleep.,2,positive 7369,cant move the tasks up or down,0,negative 19331, Ahhh Lincoln...i`ll run..see you in 2 hours,1,neutral 361, Looking forward to your gig in Ireland!!! See ya there!,1,neutral 3718,It was working well but after sometime it was experiencing crashes and won't open.. really disappointed..but still I am downloading it again hope it'll not do the same,1,neutral 17365," Yeah It Good But dont Click The Red X Because It Shuts It Down But Other Then That Its Good And When U minimize It , It Goes..",2,positive 7119, very long by the sounds of things... But deadlines are Deadlines...,1,neutral 7383,"The new interface is cluttered and hard to use. Edited, in response to the query below. In the older interface, a routine had a separate page for each day of the week. Now it's a continuous scroll. The older approach seems cleaner.",0,negative 12110, haha good phone conversation cat lady! You`re gonna be homeless too you didn`t tell me u were having coffee!! coming tomorrow?,2,positive 1704,but this little boy still makin me work during the storm!!!,0,negative 6443,Helps keep me organized,2,positive 19382,Freaking out a bit..crossing my fingers that things will work out ok,1,neutral 23665,I still want a Smartcar!!! Don`t they have the most wonderful designs ever?,2,positive 2119,ughhhhhhhhhhhh :/,0,negative 9298,Great calendar,2,positive 2867,Cried my eyes out watching My Girl last period hahah,0,negative 15653,"When you think about it, the way God works in tremendously, amazing -- He made it possible for me to get my card holder that I lost back.",2,positive 3315,This is good app,0,negative 7650,"got a prerecorded phone call from JJ asking to vote for ADMK led front, phone number is +914044621160, hyderabad connections",1,neutral 6317,"Excellent - This is even better than Wunderlist which I really loved, they've taken it up another level. Brilliant cross platform tool for managing all my tasks",2,positive 7337," Everyone, please welcome my new friend, Kari, with a warm follow, as she just set up her twitter account tonight",2,positive 20616,I LOVE TWILIGHT !!!,2,positive 20432,Sneezing hurts my back.,0,negative 15348,I miss my water cuz my well went dry,0,negative 7401,Happy 11th I`m going to sleep now lolz,2,positive 3998,In bed. A cuppa. Tv on... All this while husband is cooking... Life is sweet...,2,positive 5536,"AC is broke at the house. waiting to get an estimate on timeframe to repair. on the bright side, gonna join CoLab this week.",1,neutral 234,Still no search for android? Tags can't sorted? If I use this program for even a month I'll have a jumbled mess that will take forever to find things. Unusable. Two stars for calendar integration and manual sort.,0,negative 9931,"Forgot an EC2 machine running for 15 days, and got a $35 bill. Amazon teaches you to get organized for a fair price",2,positive 16419,Watching an episode of Friends during the lunch break,1,neutral 6556, Thank you for the rec but that doesn`t work,1,neutral 23414,Reading and taking notes but undertanding none of it ... HELP!,0,negative 6211," yeahh, yeah its the hifi lol. grr dads being a pain, he said if i dont find anyone to go with i cant go :@",0,negative 19936,"Ginger biscuits rule !!! (by the way, I urgently need weight scales )",1,neutral 27166, Ive been wanting 2 but will be gone 4 2 mo. & have to close my shops!,1,neutral 10210,"I`m in tantra, anyone from kirki will know how sad this is, I`m drowning my sorrows ;)",1,neutral 1738,Oh my god. I literally drove in rain that was so hard that i couldn`t see in front of me. I`m shaking,0,negative 6340,nobody loves me on twitter,0,negative 18206, why you never answer me.. wath i say to you,0,negative 868,I love how when I leave my laptop on my bed it creates a nice toasty spot,2,positive 14572, me me me! lol,1,neutral 7794, oh yes some are quite nice! and my `photoshop` liep zojuist vast. so now I have to start over painting R�is�ngs glove,2,positive 10421,I highly recommend Malcolm Gladwell's 'The Tipping Point.' My next audiobook will probably be one of his as well.,2,positive 2687,Time to play the drums,1,neutral 6852,"it's a great app but it has glitches. I tried setting my work hours for tomorrow's date. but when I clicked save and went back to the graph, it had the hours set for today, not tomorrow.",1,neutral 3899,just called Toyota. Car won`t be ready til 5.,0,negative 220,"Could have been a good free app. Nice design , good ideas but the free version keeps forgetting the task alarm I configured. I put it at 6 but it resets it at 9. Don't know about the paid one.",0,negative 26087,Really nervous about my animal rights presentation next period,0,negative 3461,"_Kimbalicious you can have the milk i have, i only have that here to drink i think thats whats making me feel sick",0,negative 6762,needed a standalone platform which does not connect to any of my calendars.,1,neutral 728,i so can`t be bothered working tomorrow!,2,positive 6415, Jon 4 Lakers Video Blackberry,1,neutral 382, This has made my night!! Way too funny!!,2,positive 1217,sad.. Daniel is leaving Florida now.. just gave him a big hug,0,negative 3375,Site of our first date - Macri`s Deli - closed. Lunching at favorite local Greek spot - The Trojan Horse - instead.,2,positive 22147, so make the most of it enjoy,2,positive 25132,_smith1 wats i got luck for u guys to beat la!! lol i would like to see this best wishes to the denver nuggets but my cavs are done,2,positive 13593,I want a fake BLT....,1,neutral 19749,I miss you guys,0,negative 1290, Yay I love it when you host Money For Breakfast Jenna Lee 4hrs of you the amazing and so pretty and sexy Jenna Lee yay.,2,positive 2887,"i am seriously........ addicted to talking to people haha. but i love it so i don`t care. and you can`t tell me otherwise, jerk.",1,neutral 14606, he`ll be out of school in 18mos! He just started again,1,neutral 6816,"I like that it is easy and convenience which is what I'm looking for but I also need a way to run analytics of times spent on each task. Will change to 5 stars if that is possible.",1,neutral 4474,"Even though you don't get full access for free, this app still helps you a lot with habits you want to change. It's just an organizing tool to motivate you to keep going. Worth a try!",1,neutral 1696, _face and nana.wish i was there last night,2,positive 2197,"I like the simple interface and it helps me set reminders for tasks, schedule them and analyse them.",2,positive 2152,_carter Hey Brian Littrell is there!! He doesnt really like this kinda pages rigth? kisses! I loev you guys!,2,positive 8705,"Easy to use, great colors, love it.",2,positive 3243,This app keep on crashing in my device. Fedup of this app.,0,negative 1937,برنامه ی خیلی خوبیه. از همشون بهتره.ولی جا داره ک بهترم بشه,0,negative 10286," Good morning! Nothing in particular, meeting people and having drinks this evening what are you doing with your Monday?",2,positive 12461, Those are the things that mean the world,1,neutral 22478,Internet stopped working right in the middle me quantum leap. grr,0,negative 12430, I am 100% jealous. wish I had some,1,neutral 14085,Money Laundering tip 5 - Sell the business or constructed hotel etc and take possession of your now clean money,1,neutral 1644,: aww im sorry honey. that stinks,0,negative 2075,Just got back from `s party! Sooo much fun! Boom boom pow~ hahaha! ooh and I just told my mom happy mother`s day,2,positive 13991,"Bing! no its not Chandler Bing, its the new Search engine from Microsoft ..but why the name Bing",1,neutral 10542,Great new directory on Babysitterdirectory coming soon! And its a directory with a twist. All will be revealed next week!,2,positive 7718, well then happy mothers day ahahahahahaha,2,positive 1826," Greatings from planet shannan, we have laded once again on your lanet & hopefull we come in peace =/ Hmm...Haiaa",2,positive 13152, Lucky. Winter is coming for us,2,positive 24457,Going home... with sore #eyes,1,neutral 2874," sorry guys, the WAVVES show was canceled, they missed their flight",0,negative 17483,waiting for to wake up...... hazin a sad,0,negative 26812,ok bye alex have fun today,2,positive 6996," thank you, you are my first follower",2,positive 17612,"I can`t believe how many people think it is great that I passed the quiz, 'how blond are you?' on Facebook. I am very blond!",1,neutral 12030,Just recollecting my jog this a.m. - almost perfect except unkown type hanging out by my vehicle. Too much mental noise- only 6 mile jog,1,neutral 3963,"Very good app! It is really soothing and motivating to see trees growing in my forest, and there is a suprising variety of plants. The free version is already awesome, but the cheap premium version is even better. Planting real trees sound magnificent and the white list function is very important to me. Suprisingly, no disruptive ads are found in both versions. Definitely recommend it!",2,positive 458,"There is an annoying bug: in the calender widget, the day is not refreshed. It shows always the day the widget was created and I have to manually select the current day to see the tasks. Please fix it and I give 5 stars.",1,neutral 12231,HAPPY MOTHER`S DAY!!!!!,2,positive 2116,Just found out a friend and his son fell down a 25ft shaft onto concrete today. They are alive at least. Don`t know much else.,1,neutral 5179, - Joe`s the photographer of the family. Rehearsing is always fun. For the first couple of days it is at least.,2,positive 3063,pool is still closed and it is cloudy. what should i cook tonight?,1,neutral 1816,The reminders do not work.,0,negative 139,"missed all the awesome weather, because she was in a movie!",0,negative 462, but you always have lee. Let`s go to Paris,1,neutral 7026,Very cool,2,positive 3622, _Geronimo Thanks for sharing with your friends!,2,positive 6634,hi i can add just 1 event why i try to add more in google calendar it shown but in this app it's not show up,0,negative 2764,"Get yer freak on-it`s Monday! Have a Great one, if it`s possible to have a great Monday!",2,positive 13039,and now i smell pancakes...or maybe toast... or something delicious. but no one is at my place cooking,1,neutral 17786, Good Morning,2,positive 24324,"_ it just upsets me , becasue like 6 years we have loved them .. and then this happens imm really uset now x",1,neutral 15433, i look forward to that. if u ever write 5 Things a Misanthrope Must Do to be at Peace w Humanity i`m up for that as well,2,positive 18697,i lost my phone.,0,negative 9291," OMG...thank you so much for sending that, I hadn`t seen yet. So loving the new Phoenix, too bad they`re not coming to Seattle",1,neutral 1967,"So far, it's okay as task apps go. I'm a Wunderlist refugee because Microsoft bought them out (and they destroy everything). Perhaps Tick Tick will grow on me. We'll see.",1,neutral 17724,I wanna leave after 2nd period *cryy*,0,negative 5662, Hey we were at Tallebudgera Creek at 5pm.....visiting Anita`s special tree........could have almost bumped into you,1,neutral 19247, `auto-resolve` is that a Geek/tech answer to most questions??,1,neutral 2718,two stars bc i have adhd AND i REALLY wanted it to work. it isn't user friendly and i can't give it the time of day to sit and figure it out. I'll try again later.... maybe this fall?,0,negative 20427, Yes - it`s an article I wrote on my blog a while ago.,1,neutral 22672, Hey! Polka dots or black dress. Both very glam. Mobile twitter`s a bit **** at the mo.,1,neutral 5025,"Was really looking for an app that lets me have multiple repeats for a task within the same day, everyday. Duplicating a task multiple times and then making those into subtasks seems to be the only way, but it clutters up the task list (like 8 lines so I'm reminded to drink 8 glasses of water) and then subtasks show up twice in the daily list, both within and outside of the main task. I thought the ""repeat every 1 day, 8 times"" custom setting might work, but it's a different function.",1,neutral 3481,Looking for a show to turn my brain into mush so it doesn`t hurt anymore Any good FREE online ones you know of?,2,positive 4462,Seems pretty neat but i miss one feature thst is very important for me: be able to just hit start/stop for tasks thst needs to be done for at least x minutes per day. i dont check or remember time when i start doing something.,1,neutral 17518, especially if you`re with a vampire,1,neutral 3081,"Started using habitica on January 1st of this year, as a new year's resolution to manage my time and habits better, and it's been a huge help. Especially love the party aspect, and the way it adds social accountability to missing or hitting targets. Very pleased, thank you for all the work that went into this app.",2,positive 3388, you can turn the bird sounds off if you like in twitterena - check out settings from your home page,1,neutral 3122,Going to get a pedicure and the to CPK for lunch,1,neutral 3864,"I really like the app, it has really helped me focus on study and work without distraction. I love unlocking new trees from the coins you earn, but I wish there were a little less expensive. Overall a really great free app!",2,positive 7714, politics hun...the obamas are not watching hockey,1,neutral 26191, okay...just eat cookies && not share with me lol,1,neutral 1682, So ur moomie liked the Pandora? you can buy me one next lol,2,positive 6850,This cannot sync Outlook :(,1,neutral 7288,can I get a refund,0,negative 17183, Just ignore it.....and get sum rest...get rid of that headache,2,positive 26247,The beer buzz is almost gone.. The world has become complicated again,0,negative 11149,"on later than normal this morning, got attacked by a swarm of mini fly`s after opening the veranda last night took an hour to get rid!!",0,negative 7263,"there is no time table,this app is fake!",0,negative 22660, I`m on my way...!,1,neutral 7986, Oh noooooo!!! I`m so sorry!! That sucks hard!,0,negative 9951,I think that feature of changing theme should be addef and apart from that there should also be a option for showing task on thr facr of calender itselg,2,positive 23467," Yes, we will! We should maybe do it in a DM though so we don`t annoy our followers. Thought of that too late. Good night!",2,positive 11598,going to see star trak expecting noting but amazing,2,positive 25134,Stupid sun i actually have to work now,0,negative 6587,The widget doesn't auto update after I add an event. Always need to click the manual refresh button. Same goes for when I delete an event.,0,negative 26136,Guitar lessons tomorrow. ( I have to wake up early again.,1,neutral 24636,trying to finish moving stuff for tonight don`t feel good!!!!!,0,negative 26313, That gave me a great smile. Nice way to end the day. You are so right,2,positive 5694," I was in row P, but i tried to run down to the front in Corrupted and i could see you singing away",1,neutral 5199, You`re not here. I hope you`re still resting. I don`t want you to be stressed.,2,positive 21145, everything is your fault moxy...everything. x,0,negative 5907,I`m wishing I was outside instead of trapped in my office.,2,positive 3835, I`ll be thinking about how many goals United are going to knock past City. How `bout you?,1,neutral 5010, Oh my goodness! How AWFUL,1,neutral 14463,"Is at Panera eating a bacon, egg and cheese with a coffee!",1,neutral 12821, You realize you just did a solid. Better than a full-page in the AJC.,2,positive 16051, - BBQ time again.,1,neutral 436,loves her mum very much! Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful mothers out there,2,positive 25453," you need to play something from Mary Poppins at them, everyone knows that`s how rooms get tidy",1,neutral 26301, OH you think he`s lived out his lifespan?,1,neutral 1260,Never commute in the rain. The people get so much meaner to you.,0,negative 19248," Oh i see. My grandparents were from Ilocos as well, but they moved to Nueva Ecija",1,neutral 3927,I love this,2,positive 2660,I really enjoy this app but it has just stopped working randomly. I tried to hatch a dragon egg and the app crashed and since then I cant access it. I have tried uninstalling the app but nothing is working. I have even tried to use the website but it doesnt keep track of my exp gained. I am very dissapointed as I really like the idea of the app.,0,negative 4393,"I had to buy this app because I need that larger widget to fit my needs, and you cannot test it out with the free version. Sadly, it's too buggy to be of any use, at least on the AIO Launcher. Still overall better than my last habits tracker, but I feel ripped off.",0,negative 7258,Now i cant find him Gonna be a sleepless night tonight,0,negative 26046,eating halls cuz i have a sour throte,1,neutral 1366,might be at cornerstone this year,1,neutral 9997, Some days you must look hard for that good thing.,2,positive 20068,posting this from blogspot,1,neutral 7743," Not true, you can get worse burns today... don`t forget sunscreen",0,negative 384,"The app continues to improve, but it lacks one feature for me... the ability to turn off the pop- up I get on my screen every morning to tell me it's ready to ""plan my day"". Let me make this clear...I don't want you to plan my day so stop telling me to do it. I've tried turning off all notifications, but no luck. And everywhere I go on the app it tries to sell me the premium upgrade.... just annoying.",1,neutral 2682,"Incredible tool, awful app. I'd recommend the desktop version of this site to anyone but the app is a bug-ridden mess that overcomplicates simple functions and only works about 90% of the time.",0,negative 12833,gotta shower then go apply for more jobs hopefully no creepy old men will be working again today *shudder*,1,neutral 15558,"Told Verizon not to send anyone before 11. He showed up at 10. Gotta deal with this **** now, dunno how long I`ll be offline.",0,negative 15253,TWEEEEEET! good morning twitterland! going to work at 1 so need to keep packing and cleaning this flat! move out in t minus one day,2,positive 26007,I have to wait until I get home to watch the New Moon trailer clip. Stupid work Internet access restrictions,0,negative 13774, How could you go to Cali without me??? I`m sad.,0,negative 9044, count me in,1,neutral 14652,Whew! Moving commercial-sized freezer and cooler a lot more work than I expected. Missing the HTC roundtable,2,positive 25953, whys your cat in pain?,0,negative 2359,"Still exploring the features but excellent and by far the best of the todos I've looked at. Addendum: having been using the app for a few months now, I can thoroughly recommend. Does everything that I need.",2,positive 23439,"****, I paid like $16 my first Slightly Stoopid show and now they charge $47 a pop makes me sad...",0,negative 13956,all my pancakes always end up soggy.,0,negative 39,"feels sorry every time I`m printing out, I use like 200 new papers",0,negative 22224,Be beautiful,2,positive 19745,Moms everywhere stop what you are doing and get a good night sleep for tomorrow its your childrens turn to pamper you. enjoy your day,2,positive 2198, I`ve been here since 3 and i`m here for 8 more hours tomorrow,1,neutral 25850,learning all about non-payment from a client. For a new business this is a headache I was hoping to avoid,1,neutral 7815,Simply one of the best applications that must be in every Time Manager's mobile...,2,positive 2794, i hate when that happens. i hope you figure it out soon!,1,neutral 8670,We are enjoying this app very much. THANKS.,2,positive 1500,"This wind is crampin` my style. I have a section of my yard that won`t get any water. I`d move the sprinkler, but it`s surrounded by mud.",0,negative 23882, such a great idea!,2,positive 6740, He`s got adjusting his mate`s online shop... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Boring...,0,negative 549,Don't know,1,neutral 8121,i don't want to name EVERYTHING!!!!!!😣😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠,0,negative 20563,watching a gossip girl,1,neutral 27089,is a bit tired. I blame the rain.,0,negative 6597, Your post reminded me to sit something out. Looks like steak for dinner,1,neutral 4445,Going to see Angels and Demons tonight. It better not scare me!!,1,neutral 553," Don`t worry, the bizarre will find you",2,positive 1786,9. shopping 10. Latte with my sis 11. Friday- Meets at the FAU 12. Fire- Steet- Party 13. slowmotion in the park 13. partying my bday,1,neutral 5775, kenny u alive!!!...I`m here getting da hair bad I`m not chillin w/ u todat kinda sad,0,negative 9976,Photo: novusnovendo: EYECANDY + LIVE = like a ****! only he keeps his clothes on BUT he can take them...,1,neutral 2632,"I downloaded this app today but there is a problem that makes me unable to see to-do lists,habits etc. I really want to use this app but I can't do it when I can't see the options. It would be great if you fixed it so I can use it!",0,negative 24539,"My bed had tha nerve 2 call my blackberry askin me where the hell I was.......looks like I gotta go ya`ll I`ll c u in 3.5hours, after nap",0,negative 6981,finally getting sleepy right when the sky brightens ... figures! G`nimorning,2,positive 27017,boo (but will I listen?),0,negative 1884,I think this app is the best option for a to do list except that the sync is terrible. I just paid for premium and the app will not sync. During the trial the sync between android app and PC app was also very bad. If they could get the connection/sync issues fixed it would be a great app. If I can't access the premium features I paid for in the next few hours I'm going to be requesting a refund...,0,negative 18250,Excited about having an empty apartment to ourselves for a little while,1,neutral 14160, where have you been? LOL,1,neutral 8829,Pappadeux has some yummy strawberry lemonade,2,positive 25272, Then you might enjoy this one too,2,positive 11024,Happy Birthday husband,2,positive 19138,They took my property,0,negative 1348," diapers?? Feeding? Cooking? I don`t do any of that stuff!!! Hahaha... yeah, right! Sounds like a normal day for me.",1,neutral 1624, **** i shouldnt have left!,0,negative 17614,Wish I was in London to personally witness the Nun Run! What a great idea for the opening of Sister Act`s new broadway show,2,positive 24782,heading out to dinner in a minute - cant wait to have food.,2,positive 20088,waiting for landlord to come see about our shower,1,neutral 1512,"Gorgeous day! Worked the Master Gardener plant sale, trimmed smoke bushes, and now to do some writing.",2,positive 12147,"getting ready, waiting for cor, picking up josh, movies & out to dinner - then trailer perhaps? baccck to work tomorrow",1,neutral 7155,McDonalds in the car.,1,neutral 27012,"weekend with my cuzzo Vivi, I can`t stand to have her leave me in 3 weeks",0,negative 538,Seems really quiet jealous of those who are clearly having a more exciting life than me Off to bed I think...,1,neutral 23359,kinda done trying. ugh. oh well it was worth the effort. long day tomorrow. night tweeters!,1,neutral 104," lol since I got twitter a little while ago, it seems like loads of people setting up an account",1,neutral 963,Every basic and simple feature is premium,0,negative 19802,At the park! Its raining!,1,neutral 4215,it`s official- the Twilight Saga has ended...*sigh* life is empty!,1,neutral 21306,"stealth shopping - got wife b-day present while at mall together and she didn`t notice - buy, hide it in car, back before she missed me",1,neutral 9392,Hanging with my cousin Jimmy then hopefully hanging with my friend,2,positive 629," yeah, so quick! And I`m using the 5mm addi`s I bought on Sat and it makes it even smoother",2,positive 24342, Dont worry man. You`ll see me just as much this week as you did last week.,2,positive 1431,"Great app, good at keeping you accountable and productive. Would be nice to be able to re-order your to-dos though and set deadlines for when they have to be done",2,positive 2674, im doing that **** right now ... im on vacation and you got me workin,1,neutral 25002,yay back at home,1,neutral 26787,; Another friday night cancel. probably movies with just Ashley.,1,neutral 20767," o yea? awwww, how sweet!! U r good kids!",2,positive 18223, a wet and dirty one now,0,negative 2554,_the_BigMan hey! Ive never caught enyone on live before!,1,neutral 25383,"Nanay cried after reading the card I gave her. Hugged her and next thing I knew, I was crying, too! Haha We`re such cry babies. Love her.",1,neutral 20985,that was a fun bacontaco night,2,positive 2681,It`s such a romantic novel!! I cried in the end Now I`m going to bed. I`m so tired.,1,neutral 21968, - Love it.!,2,positive 399,I`m taking a twitter break. Cell is dying,0,negative 8777," hey, you know the trailers before hannah montana? is there a jonas brothers 3D concert experience trailer? x",1,neutral 4269,"""High background usage"" Sorry, can't waste my battery spyware like this",0,negative 6316,Can`t believe i`m spending my lunch break inside @ my desk,2,positive 2003,"The app is great but there is a one mistake, there is no way to sing tasks as an unfinished tasks, not deleted or compete it, and the next task in repeated tasks never appear until I complete the overdue tasks",1,neutral 1012,Think I`ll go enjoy the sun`s rays again...I LOVE being off work,2,positive 1625,is missing the fun she had with _Army at Eclipse 3 #SArmy #SArmy #SArmy,1,neutral 6013,This app lacks a lot. 🔴 If you make a mistake editing you can't recover!!! This can cause the loss of important information.,1,neutral 1366,on my tea break cant wait to drive home tonite!!,1,neutral 2250," no, New orleans.. been here since katrina ..",1,neutral 7551,good app.,1,neutral 7185,Gud app 🤙🤙🤙🙃🙃🙃,2,positive 1292,Best app to use. 3 star only because it is not available in hindi language whenever it will be in hindi language i will add my 2 star. Thanks team Todoist. :),1,neutral 8022,YAY! My temperature went down! I can have dinner with the family tonight.,1,neutral 13693,i didnt get paid this week roll on tuesday,1,neutral 2254,Feeling good about our win! Its nice being softball champs bring on the season!,2,positive 961, i dont really trust the judgements and vouches of _xo jk. i`ll think about becoming a friend of yours,0,negative 2006,"Nice and simple task app, however it is missing a couple of key features that are preventing me from switching over fun my current task app. These are: 1. No ability to set multiple reminders. 2. Cannot hide tasks until a later date. For annual tasks, I do not wish to see them constantly in my to do list, I'd like them hidden until a certain date, usually 1 month before due date. Furthermore, due to the longevity of the task, I like to be reminded early and then again closer to the time.",1,neutral 18166,Time for me to go to sleep! It`s almost 1am. Night everyone! Happy mothers day to all the moms out there,2,positive 5726," Whether that`s good or bad, I can`t disagree with you there.",1,neutral 25252,"angry, sad, happy, excited, i hate how my moods change right now i am immensely sad =\",0,negative 9974, really? Awesome!,2,positive 19237,I used to have a remote for my tv.,1,neutral 849,Does everything you need when you have a task top of mind throw it in Anydo.,2,positive 18521,"lady is clean now, im going to calexico in a moment, i have so much things to do today, and i wanna go and watch the hanna montana movie",1,neutral 6839,In pillow heaven,2,positive 27142, -- 5/31 marks the end of our roommate era. And you never made wontons for me again.,1,neutral 5645,"I wanted to delete one item, pressed a millimetre too low, the whole list is gone. About a hundred items lost. This alone makes the whole app unusable for me. Months later: still this same fatal flaw. Seems like MS have no interest in improving this app, sadly",0,negative 5159,The last day of the last time I visit my parents as an unmarried woman (85/21589) ( ),1,neutral 5749,Can't share lists with other people. Garbage app that is much worse than Wunderlist.,0,negative 26964,Business exam tomorrow,1,neutral 10343,OMG - time warner f'ed up my internet install - instead of today its now NEXT saturday - another week w/o internet! &$*ehfa^V9fhg[*# fml.,0,negative 681," - we`re getting closer rather than further from REAL lobby dates - Chicago, BlogHer09 - squee!!!",1,neutral 25531,"talkshow with Larry, then Cage?",1,neutral 20182, i like it and all butttt your not going to have it at the august 7th concert which hurts my feelers,1,neutral 3209,I have purchased pro version. I plant a tree for an hour and come after an hour to see the forest destroyed. It has happened more than 3 times. I even left the phone on the app itself. Kindly fix this. When you don't get to see the reward after 3 hours of productive time it really gets irritating and makes me think why did I even purchase this app. Kindly help.,0,negative 24862,finally graduation no more school ... im sick today,0,negative 1009,Pay to remind??? Really???,0,negative 4745,June gloom is upon us.,1,neutral 24929, two macaroons go into a says oh your a nut. wow I need to get out more.,2,positive 2246,Everything is pretty much amazing but it should have a Note tab(without checkboxes) where we can put important note not task.,2,positive 22255, thanks I`ll check those out.,2,positive 238,Had an amazing night with my favorite lady friend,2,positive 131,Keeps crashing before I can even sign in.,0,negative 5805,App looks good but failed to import from Wunderlist twice. Now forced to manually re-enter several dozen tasks. Wunderlist works flawlessly so wondering why retire it.,0,negative 4507,"The setup seemed nice, but the constant pop ups are so annoying as to make it unusable",1,neutral 19917,rip grandpa graduation today...,1,neutral 844,It just had to rain on me almost a perfect day now my clothes are wet,0,negative 5227, aww sorry to hear you are having a bad time. Remember: this too shall pass,0,negative 6930,"It is a good app, really ok, but I don't like that, you oblige me to rate. This is a no go...",2,positive 3309,"it shows adds which kills my time. i mean , this app does not serve its purpose.",0,negative 8501, the following week would be better - I`ll be gone next week,2,positive 19955,RAM upgrade=done! FF still slow so disabling all add-ons Not sure which ones will make the cut to be honest. It`s like Sophie`s Choice!,0,negative 9427,Best ever calendar I used!,2,positive 17080,"Cool music collection, can be used for non-intrusive background music - music from keygens!",2,positive 8354,says I miss plurking.,0,negative 6062, I`m on msn now,1,neutral 10444,watching merlin omg he is cute,2,positive 4558,Is there a way to get my money back? I don't like this app as much as a few others I have. ???,1,neutral 3297," GRR. we are only allowed gas grills where i live, it sucks.",0,negative 22458,"first up, make up for lost time with jelly. Jalan jalan just the 2 of us and the rollerblading with my pumpkin. Happeh",1,neutral 3189,Thanks so much to everyone who came out to Speakeasy last night! What a hit. Wonderful to see you all having fun! June will be awesome.,2,positive 18906,_pinkapple Not much on for the weekend here. Off to Knox shortly & definitely must get into the garden. It`s a wee bit neglected.,2,positive 21405,"; Re: Home - that`s exactly what I meant... home in D-town. ;) Also, re: computer... uh... I brokt it...",0,negative 3515, im riding the highs and lows of moods now.... chores blow,1,neutral 1912,is getting her hair did shortly! and hoping everything is going well for her friend currently getting surgery!,2,positive 21276, Doodle whats wrong?,0,negative 6216,Mostly works well as replacement for Wunderlist. Import worked well from Wunderlist. However I wish that you had a choice to automatically add new items at the top of the list instead of the bottom. You can sort by date added but then you lose your customized order of items.,2,positive 1814,Can't assign to multiple people. Verry bad !!!,0,negative 25994,TIGERS! WOO! YOU`RE MY BABY! omfg. cleveland was a blast. sleeping.,2,positive 3128, - Woo! Great subject for this month. Now I can use my sparklers,2,positive 14240,is hating the weather. UGH.,0,negative 1903,"It was good for a few days, but now it's not loading on my browser at all (Gateway timeout), and changes I made on my iPad are not syncing to my phone. not useful if nothing works.",0,negative 1229," Aye, May the 4th be with you",1,neutral 23701, He`s gonna do it for mothers day Ever notice Papa looks like Squiggy from Laverne snd Shirley. I love him.,2,positive 7359,Hello World,1,neutral 13321,Noooooo worst news ever today my tattoo artist is moving omg what am I going to do!?!?!?!?,0,negative 8343," cheers mate, still getting over Wednesday You ok? You should be, you are an incredibly wealthy man",2,positive 26825,hardware store guy told me the screw would be impossible to remove since the head is completely gone. will get a 2nd opinion,1,neutral 242, If only we could ever actually be allowed to stay here and do that,1,neutral 3060,ok Love you girls. but work beckons. Will come back later for #twpp,1,neutral 19807, I am filming musicans friends of mine at a Legion These people sure know how to dance,1,neutral 1768,I cant change my profile picture on Facebook,1,neutral 1666,Good application and very useful.,2,positive 10240, Great Podcast! I wish you guys had more Chi shows this summer. The only times I will see you will be at Alpine,2,positive 402,"Not sure why but sometimes when I make an edit on one of the items on the list, next time I open the app the changes are not saved. Happened couple times already and I'm sure I clicked the check mark to save the item before leaving the app. A bit annoying",1,neutral 6656,"Beutiful and easy to use once you get used to it however I wished creating an event was a bit more simple and quick. Update: no longer syncs to my calender and the dates are all messed up....too bad I loved it",0,negative 24449," Ha-ha abbreviate it , so it`s not so bulky",0,negative 1989,Oh no she stopped!,1,neutral 19263,Hate I am going to miss the tweet up this weekend,0,negative 17657,I`m totally going to bed right now.,1,neutral 12304, i posted it! let me know what you think? theres a really cute cut out in the back too.,2,positive 12845,giving myself a manicure + pedicure ahhh how i`ve missed you nice pretty nails...,2,positive 1, Sooo SAD I will miss you here in San Diego!!!,0,negative 12153,I`m holding Audrey (mine and Erica`s bean bag thing),1,neutral 1109,y do i only have 2 people following me people follow me please x,2,positive 3734,The app keeps stopping and crashes suddenly. I dont unders why.,1,neutral 209,"Too much spam. Stuff that I don't care for pops up on my screen all the time and blocking those also blocked the reminders I wanted the app for. Also, too many emails. I don't want more clutter to ""organize"" my life.",0,negative 9930,Just installed and am liking it so far. I do wish there was a way to disable the quotes and better utilize that space to see more of my actual calendar. Also sub tasks would be very useful. With those changes I might actually be able to downsize the apps I use.,2,positive 1291,_zwitschert There`s supposed to be a <3 at the end of my last tweet but I guess twitter ate it,1,neutral 22316, I`m fine thx. Had 3 days off and took advantage of them -> tired. Waiting too see pics and read your blog.,2,positive 5781,"This is ok for solo use, but don't count on it to update between two devices. My wife and I found out the hard way when I didn't get steaks at the store. :( Even manual refreshing doesn't help. I googled the problem and it looks like MS Todo has had similar problems for years on various platforms. Anyway, I suggest finding another list app.",0,negative 3933, school and work that`s it really. what about u? still in sac? or am I a tittle late,1,neutral 13353,It`s Friday... But its only Friday morning. Ugh.,0,negative 19608," Hella worth it, even if you don`t need the full 32 now.",2,positive 4949,"Not making good time, **** Chicago traffic - Photo:",0,negative 13943,"Boring. Sunny Monday. No school. Tired. Lazy. Hungry. Yeah, in a great mood!",1,neutral 10888,today something amazing happened...I fell in love with coupons!,2,positive 4587,There is a glitch in which it do not keeps track of your hours of study My target is 5 he's and if I studied for 1 hours than I add it and poof next day it shows 8930 hours,1,neutral 10192,I saw nomes on twitter but I`m still not waking up,0,negative 2900, i love cobra starship!! thanks for the suggestion!,2,positive 4641," Its because I put radio 4 on by mistake..I`ll have a cup of tea and a shower, then I`m sure all will fine and dandy, thanks",2,positive 7419,Thanks so much for following me here too I will keep you all up to date as much as possible on my makeup line plus all new collections,2,positive 5387,Its a good app but i think thers some glitch i cant have more than 6 tasks when i create one it just dosen't show.,1,neutral 16432, FC is back dear.,1,neutral 4285,Had fun 2nite...i was pleasantly surprised,2,positive 25149,I have two hours to wait for my tire to get repaired.,1,neutral 4698,"I like this app as it helps to track things that are important for me. I'm still exploring how effective the method is but I like what I found so far! It'd be nice to have a way to see the correlations or tendencies among habits if any. Good job, nice idea!",2,positive 6760,"Surely you have guessed, the Arbiter is no other than Judith.",1,neutral 8535,"Works as advertised, now it's up to you to finish it.",2,positive 18719,thank God we finally found her!,2,positive 11997, Well I`m obsessed w/all of them - but I watched the first one again last night glorious! where can i get a wand?,1,neutral 19104,Honestly at home alone,2,positive 18400,Its a lovely 58 degrees right now at 7am. amazing. Enjoy melting vegas. :l,2,positive 6832," Can`t, did I forget to say that? hahaha I wouldn`t be able to get home.",1,neutral 14458, oh but that girl but AIDAN!,0,negative 1175,still on the train goin 2 the southside!,1,neutral 20364, what I do now anyhoo thanks for the *spank* :-O x,2,positive 706,V good but complex,2,positive 9595,Pain. Ya have to create an account to access,0,negative 15951,getting ready for the dayyyyyyyyyyyy. i hope work goes good!,2,positive 9194, Thanks madam.. you`re lucky coz you had a wonderful dog.. and sooo cute...,2,positive 15638,home with chocolate and peanut butter. stupid kids on my bus ruined my yearbook,0,negative 16534,its gonna be a beautiful day!,2,positive 26457," I know, the suns not even up and ive been up for an hr. Tossa decided to sleep ON my side and cold nose me.",1,neutral 7398,"This app is a good idea and I like the fact that it is very good to start healthy habits an get organized but yet, I could not do anything even with the little tutorial at the beginning. THIS APP WAS NO HELP TO ME ALL I RECOMMEND IS THAT THE APP HAS TO BE A BIT MORE SELF-EXPLANATORY I DID NOT KNOW HOW TO DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!",0,negative 12776, aww I miss u too! Haven`t ate,0,negative 16379," Wow, you might be countering the Benedryl with your enthusiasm.",2,positive 3704, **** Frat - that`s too bad... Should be a good show (at least I`m hoping so) esp. since it`s in BK...,1,neutral 53, it is ****...u have dissappointed me that past few days,0,negative 163, what are you? flavor of the day?,1,neutral 15002,Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB SATA 300 NCQ 32MB on the way...,1,neutral 7556,"I like this app i really do. However one caveat i feel is that it can only sync to a gmail or the native phones calendar. Outlook calendars are not supported as far as I can tell. So for me, I work with outlook, thus any meetings etc cant be viewed seamlessly with respect to a current timeline plan.",1,neutral 10930,"I mean, I`m just figuring out how to work it all",1,neutral 11895," Yay! Congratulations, oh newly minted graduate. You`ll have to let me buy you lunch and iced chocolates (PLURAL) to celebrate!",2,positive 373, so u aren`t going to be in Chicago,1,neutral 447,The app was reccomended by my CBT therapy group but I do shift work and it's not friendly for those with rotating schedules. Great for 9-5rs who have single event tasks or those who tasks always repeat at the same tone each week or month. I need my tasks to repeat on a 4 week cycle and it ended up giving me all my tasks together each week.,1,neutral 25133, come back to Perth I missed the show here!,0,negative 26985, why you stop following me? Was I not cool enough for you?,0,negative 21539,Meeting up with Karen and the boys for some drinks at The Dock!!! All I wanna do is drink though.. **** it like Andrea said! Haha,0,negative 5567,"This app is PERFECT for building habits or even simple reminders. Its hard to ignore, best app ive ever had",2,positive 5735,Happy Mother`s Dayyyy. Love you mummyyyyyyyy,2,positive 9402,This app does a great job of cleaning up the Google Calendar and making it more user-friendly. I use it all the time for my business.,2,positive 7451,"I have been using this app for about a year now without any issues, so I'm definitely not fond of the new routines menu. I find that swiping from side to side for the days to be much easier and having the drag and drop feature to be more comfortable (Hope it will be implemented again soon). Also the fact that you can't move a blank time frame up and down makes it difficult to set up the routine. As I have to change the time of every item to move it down. I would prefer the old version, hopefully it all gets fixed soon.",1,neutral 3182,"It does what is it says, love this app. Would there be more features like history and analytics about habits and routines etc.",2,positive 17356,"Omg my head still hurts, i need to get my comics today so i got to hurry lol",0,negative 11042,"Oops, forgot we are having a barbecue at work today! I didn`t need to pack a lunch after all",0,negative 9427,"nothing much on tv, seen most of the good stuff...think i`ll go to bed soon, but it`s too hot to sleep",1,neutral 427,Someone out there will soon be the lucky recipient of my 5000th Tweet. Oh wait. ****. THIS was it!,1,neutral 4608,Will be flying to Ontario in 4 hours!Will probably stay awake.I will be there for a 8 days...Camping 4 the first time YAY!I am sleepy now,2,positive 21368,Got Six Feet Under series 1 on DVD,1,neutral 3584,Work soon. Lame going to miss the Go Lakers! Hope you win!!!!,0,negative 22454,Missin my boo,0,negative 7251," tell zach & jer I said happy birthday! they seem like cool brothers, youre lucky haha",2,positive 17055, must go to strawberry fields!!,1,neutral 3243, Thanks for the concern. And checking up on me! Much appreciated,2,positive 13927, hahaha i was like :O DOUGIE THATS HARSH!!! are you happy he replied?,1,neutral 11878,_Dubai Enjoy sounds idyllic AND Geordiebird has lost her bikini...perfect holiday!,2,positive 22229,"I hate traffic. Dallas is nothing, but traffic!",0,negative 5816,"Being able to slide tasks up and down on the fly is a critical feature which needs to be brought over from Wunderlist. I plan and order my work day tasks with it and need to be able to adjust the order quickly and frequently. My wife and I also were using Wunderlist as a grocery list sharing tool. Same complaint as we like to order the list to match our path through the grocery store. I see a few people miss this option in the reviews - Without it, the app doesn't work for me.",0,negative 7478,"I painted my nails metallic blue but I�m really sure about how it looks, it�s a pretty weird color!! I think it�s cool",1,neutral 2622,just found out i have strep,1,neutral 2220,is at home with a pukey boy! Poor little baby,0,negative 11192,Guy coming to see my car is late,1,neutral 3985,This app definitely helps me to be more focused when studying and making sure that you aren't on your phone. I also think it's a great concept to make your own Forest by doing so.,2,positive 3364,The app keeps crashing.. I paid for the pro version but the problem hasn't resolved,0,negative 27203,I just vacuumed my entire house three times. Screw all vacuums!!,0,negative 23628,i think june gloom has arrived,0,negative 6111,"I really want to like this app, but crashes a lot. Worse, I deleted multiple messages at once, and it deleted messages I didn't select.",1,neutral 13126,Its relaxing time..a movie and some treats,2,positive 12063, - dark berry mocha frapp.. heaven.. TRY IT EVERYONE!! here.. let me pass it to you,2,positive 18010,"Had a blast, babe. Thanks joe. <3 i love everyone! Tyler...happy birthday.",2,positive 1408,is excited about tomorrow!!! but i gotta clean the house CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN AHHHHHHH,1,neutral 19676,"Working security for the club tonight. First time working it in about a month. Should be interesting. Oh, and hi Kelsenator!",2,positive 12230,About to venture forth to Turkey Creek & fetch the boy after his post prom festivities. Hope he had fun,2,positive 9598, I`m trying to sleep!!! It`s not working,0,negative 25776, They are people too,1,neutral 13817,A movie`s worst fate used to be 'Straight to DVD'. Now it is 'Straight to DivX' or 'Straight to Internet',0,negative 12013,"#web20 .#prologue - Modern Liberalism, Misconstrued (2nd 1/2 of Bible -- 'Christ -- without the Crucifiction' Abstraction w/o `Skin`",0,negative 8933,"The only thing I can't stand is every time I get a notification, I get two notifications for the same event. I sure it's a setting but I can't find it.",0,negative 24065, - Welcome to Minnesoooooooota. Free up some time this trip to catch up! Won`t be at Cliquot Club though; they closed,1,neutral 1118,Almost every feature requires a premium account for 36€ per year... It's not even possible to test these features without subscribing to an annual plan,0,negative 2081,Monthly and weekly view should be free. Should also include the option to delete out dated tasks in the recurring tasks category .,1,neutral 19114,has woken up feeling a little special...i dont thing drink the bar dry is on the cards. when i finally sober up its home time i think,2,positive 935,"DO NOT BUY the premium if you need Alexa and/or Outlook to integrate like they falsely claim this ap does or you need any support from Todoist. Outlook integration has never been a synced integration, it only forwards tasks one-way & only works with limited Outlook paid platforms. They have Alexa issue notice seen only when you try to set it up, no warning before buying believing you can integrate both. No Support response yet. I want my money back. Such waste of hours. I feel scammed",0,negative 24149," YES!! I made the sign when i noticed it missing on Sunday! So far, no luck... It`s now Unlucky Japanese Cat...",0,negative 10609,Sittin through this boring **** conference call... Then i get to go home n nap *{missin alot }*,0,negative 15331,In the mood for shrimp scampi but I don`t have vermouth.,0,negative 2298,One of the best To Do list apps I've used.,2,positive 8337,I found this app difficult to use. That's just my personal opinion. I uninstalled it and got a different one that is easier to use.,1,neutral 8391,I thought i finally found my reminder :) But this app lacks 2 important aspects: 1. No possibility to sort tasks in chronological order (why ? :) ) 2. No persistent sound. Like any other rekinder app i ve met (why ? :))) ) Plus no subtasks,1,neutral 4516,"It works, but i can't sync my goals with my tablet..",1,neutral 83,Sick. With a flu like thing.,0,negative 632,Repetition should not be a premium function,2,positive 3899,"I think this app is great, only problem is, it's very easy to close out of the app without the timer stopping and your plant dying.",2,positive 4, - I like it!!,2,positive 8477," Yessum. We`ll see how this year goes... maybe I can head back in Oct, when the rates go down. I wanted to go for my bday",1,neutral 2933,"The reminder system is not very robust, and that should be one of the most important things. I would like more than one daily reminder for everything. I will do tasks at different times of the day, thus I need reminders that are task specific. It also requires a connection in order for you to set tasks, and if you have no signal you are out of luck. I do love the idea, fix these two things and I'll reinstall.",1,neutral 9034,Many critical bugs that don't get fixed within a long period of time. Also many times doesn't sync changes to specific calendar or changes on one event out of a series of events.,1,neutral 18772,"Uggh everything, I`m sending you!!! I keep sending it to my Twitter. So I have to forward it to you!!! I suck at life",0,negative 14564, AH! STEPH TWEETS!,1,neutral 19685, Too much details !!! (But glad he is better),2,positive 26621,Having internet access on board means I can see what bad weather we are flying into,1,neutral 25014, oooh sounds yummy. If you get a chance to take some pics please add them to the website as we don`t have many pies on there,2,positive 5128,Finally lost FM97,0,negative 6085,Needs some adjustments. In Wunderlist if anyone made any changes to the notes it would be broadcasted to everyone or at least to the person that record within the list belonged to. We might just got back to Wunderlist.,1,neutral 26650, I love chocolate. Must be PMS,2,positive 12335,attics to eden out today !,1,neutral 682,Has lost his vocie and Adele is laughing at me LOL and still wondering why I`m in college on me week off,1,neutral 6125,Has a lot of potential,1,neutral 17896, i`m having a hard time using hulu have u heard of anyone having problems that uses windows vista?,0,negative 160,Hahaha! Alright ..,2,positive 2700,OMGosh! it`s 79 degrees and I`m sweating and miserable! what am i gonna do when i visit the ATX? need..AC! need...AC!,0,negative 18455, cool! Linux?,2,positive 20347, loadsa shizze has happend IM SO UPSET..,0,negative 17526,I regret not going to the Movie audition today Seems like my neighbors are gonna get a call back .,0,negative 9786, I like them. Is that weird?,2,positive 1072," no, i do better with people i don`t know you`re going to chiodos tonight, right? just kill something for me.",1,neutral 1590, Just left you a message! Hope you get it,1,neutral 21735," yay, you get to ride on the tow truck. How cool is that?",1,neutral 6199,No 10th 2 months=],1,neutral 23861,I want some pineapple! I miss my baby,2,positive 10413, Sorry but there is no parking space. And I just realized I didn`t delete one sentence doing copy&paste in that email,0,negative 13726, - The stolen purse -- when it was new from the store...see tags still on it,0,negative 8119,Cleaned. Laundry. Nails painted. Productive saturday night,2,positive 18370,"want my new lappytop now, but the site says it won`t be here till 6/9",1,neutral 22411," Enjoy Springsteen, I`m seeing him at Glastonbury in June!! Give us a report when you get back",2,positive 790,I just spent 2 hours looking for a blog topic and ended up inventing my own. grrrr,0,negative 1897,Internet is getting **** slow today..,0,negative 6703,and so to London in a car that`s about 500 degrees with no air con!,1,neutral 8474,"hey guys we just wanted to announce a marathon! so, let`s just say...GET READY FOR A COUPLE EPISODES!",1,neutral 4377,It stops sending notifications randomly.,0,negative 12079,"SPGridView is looking prettier, but I`m pretty sure my code is very ugly.",1,neutral 5466, im trying to fix myself really but i need to stop cutting myself,0,negative 10474, Rude.,0,negative 20214,"Wishes I was going to the pxy summer jam, but can never seem to win",2,positive 223,"It's actually a really good app but because you can't disable pop up reminders it becomes really useless. Those pop ups disturb while doing other things with the phone and sometimes even block the screen while driving. I'd like to receive all notifications but only in the status bar, just like any other app.",0,negative 3660, Esp with Twitter access! the party NEVER stops - even 'at nite' cuz it`s always daylight 'somewhere' around the world!,1,neutral 6394,Feeling like **** today. Hopefully a nice relaxing swim will do the trick,1,neutral 4596,"I have noticed when I write notes and leave the app to find out more info, the app locks which is fine, but what I have written before I leave the app is not saved which can be very annoying. There isnt even a warning or option to save before you leave the app",1,neutral 25878,Blackout in the city is never good,0,negative 2237,_Lambert Fans from outside the US wish they could vote for Adam too!,1,neutral 2153," did you go to uga? If so, I liked you better before I knew! Ha!",2,positive 9194,"It's great, the only issue I'm having is when I snooze something and it then occurs at the same time as another event they appear to get grouped together and I have to snooze or dismiss them both.",2,positive 1849, At work at the mo and it`s so sunny here today Off to see a band tonight!!,1,neutral 7574,"I like this app👍but my routine won't work and notifications won't make sounds and not appear on screen...",1,neutral 1158,New layout and functionality is no bueno. Don't like the interface for rescheduling tasks. Please fix!!!,0,negative 11567,ItS fRiDaY... I cAn`T wAiT tO bE dOnE wItH wOrK!!! Stuck here till 11,0,negative 18481,is ur boyfriend better than mine? hell no!,0,negative 17367,waiting for PRINCES PROTECTION PROGRAM online in English version so long,1,neutral 7738, try direct message to me here on twitter,1,neutral 2280,is still craving for a cheeseburger.,1,neutral 9213,"Very good, been using for a few years now. The synch function is temperamental lately, perhaps an update changed something.",2,positive 24776, maybe used to have. Besides without AC it`s too hot to sleep,0,negative 9233, I don`t like fishfingers. I don`t like fish or seafood really. But enjoy it,1,neutral 23680, Sounds painful Sorry you got hurt.. And may I ask how this happen?,0,negative 24393,", Whered you end up going? I stayed in & watched SNL, one of the funnier shows theyve done this season.",2,positive 14532,Had a dream I brought and to kings island. It was pretty sweet. Bummed they`re in poughkeepsie 24 hours before me,2,positive 9192,"Was a great app until android screwed up the notifications :( or else it would have received five stars! But I no longer get notices when I need them, so I might have to find another solution.",2,positive 5706,"Wunderlist is the best for me. If you would like to change wunderlist to be Microsoft To Do, please take all wunderlist's features. In this app you don't take 3 features that important things for me. 1. Login using un Microsoft account. 2. ""All"" task menu 3. Comment feature on each list (this point so make me happy. It used for list that I shared with another person and want to share the actual condition with a comment. Please enhance this app and I will change my rate to 5 star. Thank you:)",0,negative 9163, Great !!! Your book looks fantastic ? I want it,2,positive 14595,yum - mother`s day lunch at The Food Business in Burnside was delicious! such a gorgeous day,2,positive 10111,Loves her david soooooo much <3,2,positive 1260,only gets spam in her college email account now. What a way to rub in graduation.,0,negative 19652, Past experiences of being a redhead (eg. discrimination) or even just general info bout gingers in society! It all helps,2,positive 3431," absolutely tru...the horror of it still washes ovr me sometimes if i think abt the actual last days, but the gd memories go on",1,neutral 4,Absolutely worthless. This app runs a prohibitively clunky interface that effectively voids the promise of ease-of-life automation. Google Calendar will provide all other services promised by Any do for free with no annual subscription rate. Don't sign up for the free trial. It's not worth getting pinged for forty bucks when you decide you don't like it and forget to cancel it in time. Save your money!,0,negative 13247, Rest then. It`s your day off!,1,neutral 756,Watching southpark for another 20 minutes,1,neutral 23884," congrats to the A`s!! ugh, we still have til the end of june",2,positive 4082,It is a great app for focusing on something with no distractions. Definitely recommended. 👌👌👌,2,positive 22267,"i finished new moon in 1 day all up. maybe less, im quite proud, now who wants to lend me eclipse haha",1,neutral 16889,Chilling with Colton who just redesigned the Cocktail Hacker card backs for me.,2,positive 15476,Last time in the drama room,1,neutral 476, i think it`s under a honeymoon by the good life -- either that or it`s under a honey moon by joseph arthur.,1,neutral 12928,"But now talking about today, Oh my GODNESS! Problems, problems, problems. about love, money, math, parents.....that`s enough, isn`****?",0,negative 25744, No flame wars on this weeks episode?,1,neutral 7928,It helps me,2,positive 9880,the reviews are sending a clear message to you. Act on them. I think the last update has messed everyone up. If you don't act;you're sending a message back:ie. you meant to mess everyone up by locking them out,1,neutral 20303, Yeah,1,neutral 14840,"a reply from would make my life, he replies usually to the people who call him ****, then he tells them he willblok them",0,negative 24916,Hey Mia!! Go to bed!! (deangeloredman live >,1,neutral 268,"09/09 +full moon+ my lovely friends and family= my b-day wish came true;)<3 In addition,gray matters is one of the cutest movies ever!!",2,positive 5359,I don't get this app,0,negative 998,"Cannot get it to stop asking me to verify the time zone. Pressed yes, kept asking. Pressed don't ask again, kept asking. Pressed no, kept asking. Finally deleted. I'll use the the one that comes with outlook. It's not as versatile but it doesn't ask me to verify my time zone every time I look at it. Especially when I ask it not to ask me again.",0,negative 5990,Not working on my chromebook. I cannot open any lists to view the contents. EDIT: Issue seems to be resolved in the latest update. Though still only giving 3 stars since this is taking over wunderlists but is still comparatively lacking in design and ease of use.,1,neutral 20135, I wish I could really do that I love having u around! Ill see what I can do.. ;) try to use that national champ pull lol,2,positive 3559,"When the screen goes off and you on your phone but did not press into an app, the tree will be killed and waste your efforts. A lot of features are also locked and only premium which doesn't help with productivity. The Achievements sector of the app cannot be seen and the tress dies without reasons",1,neutral 4638, Britains got Talent just gets better every week,2,positive 14156, - me & raj SQUAD UP! ,1,neutral 22332," haha yea! Just working and chillin in the eastbay. Unlike u, I don`t get a summer break boo",1,neutral 3530,"All alone in this old house again. Thanks for the net which keeps me alive and kicking! Whoever invented the net, i wanna kiss your hair!",2,positive 25489,Getting ready to launch the podcast of chapter 1 of 'Turning Left at Albuquerque' this morning. I know you`re excited - so am I!,2,positive 307,"This apps not suitable for my needs. The reminder keep show every day, even the task mark as 'Done' (everyday I do click 'Done' at reminder, the next day, and next day, and next day, the reminder still come up). The logic for the apps does not make sense for me (I'm not a paid subscribber).",1,neutral 7457,I think the old version is better than the latest version. Hope that there is an option to choose between the horizantal or vertical interface. The shifting of days from left/right is easier than the new one. I barely use the app since the change of interface. Ive been using this for a very long time and it was really helpful.,1,neutral 1971,Just upgraded to premium version. App and Google play list subscription at $27.99. I got charged $29.84. ???,1,neutral 1456,A very good apps. It helps me a lot when it comes into managing my time. I love the features where I can set time by simply typing at 8pm for example. Good job developer,2,positive 2231, Wow That had to be difficult,0,negative 10347," thank you, god bless im going to eaat my in in out",2,positive 4564,can only have 5 unless you pay for premium,1,neutral 6231,Works as well as Wunderlist for the most part. For shared lists though I would like to be able to disable notifications. It can get annoying when you share a list for grocery items and each deletion is sending a notification.,2,positive 2871,And it`s gone.,1,neutral 8368,_da_**** � cant im not @ my sister house no �-net tonite,0,negative 6275,Could be better if the tasks overdue would automatically show in Today,2,positive 23658," Kev, **** off! I`m stuck in Westgate working",0,negative 1492,Fml just ran a mile.. And I just got scraped by my yearbook and I got 1/10 on my math test. Eff today,1,neutral 7567, ! HE HAS A FAVOURITE! You`re his favourite ;) OMGAAH. sorry for creepering? ..not really lol,1,neutral 9749,"I'm using this app for work for Due Diligence. When I first installed the app I was sure I could ""search"" my notes for key words now I can't. Am I doing something wrong or is that function not available on this app?",1,neutral 12257,"Wishing I could go with to SoCo to go climb, instead I`m stuck at work all weekend",0,negative 10197,RT @mashable: Five Things Wolfram Alpha Does Better (And Vastly Different) Than Google -,2,positive 20685,#Ajax #php! Just thinking about a concept of autorefresh! _chander made a mistake here,0,negative 16286,mothers day drama was awesome!,2,positive 3530,"Well I like the app and it truly helps me stay focused, combined with some time restriction methods it's good (although those ones are short times plus breaks), achievements are boring and not good enough, they try to make you pay for extra, but the app itself is not exciting enough to pay, the achievements are not really worth it and it's hard to unlock new trees even with pro version. No new campaigns are launched & collecting coins is not an easily achievable task, too hard to get new trees.",1,neutral 5102,getting ready so i can go out,1,neutral 5818,"WIDGET DOES NOT SYNC/REFRESH PROPERLY. Went back to Wunderlist until at least the widget refresh/sync issue is solved. (using android phone, tablet and windows 10). The following items, which are present in Wunderlist, should definitely be integrated: 1) The option to choose that starred items be moved to top. 2) The option to choose that new tasks be added to top. 3) Folder view in the widget 4) Icons under a task on the widget showing that a task has subtasks and/or notes in it.",0,negative 430,The task add bar blocks the list if it's too long with no way to scroll down. Also would like an option to have completed tasks to disappear not just sit there crossed out taking up space. And make it easier to share lists with others. Should be able to accept invites in app not over email.,1,neutral 2929, It`d be nice but soon we`ll have to Pay to Tweet,1,neutral 8555,"I use this for organizing my homework and it's very helpful!! 10/10 recommend. It's simple to use, it's pretty, and it has tons of features. My favorite is the sub tasks as it allows my to have a each subject as a task, and all the assignment in that subject as sub tasks. Thx for making this wonderful app! 👌🏼🔥",2,positive 1779,"PLEASE remove the Facebook tracking code for Facebook Places and Facebook Analytics. This is a serious privacy flaw exposing users locations, app usage, and other personal information to a notorious international privacy abuser.",0,negative 19568,_Cordon LOL that split second of peace is truly amazing,2,positive 20888,"Dinner party was great! Happy, full clients that is what I like to end my day with",2,positive 2752,is lets chat,1,neutral 7190,Its being punctual for others and very productive app.much recommendeddddd,2,positive 15750,Hitting the (fairly empty) shops in Orlando! Off to downtown Disney later,0,negative 648,"`s plans didn`t go as followed, but its ok",1,neutral 10011,Overall a good app but I would also like the option of switching from landscape view.,2,positive 17953,Santa monica bound,1,neutral 21231, - Yeah..I`m bored XD I pic up this photo when I still have my my mum steam me it I miss Nameless..,0,negative 12383,samberg and timberlake collaboration; **** in a box,1,neutral 11450, then u should went to vegas like u did last year I think this was around the time u killed that animal with ur old car LOL,1,neutral 741,I'm a novice free user and I use it primarily to set reminders. I love the way it pops up at the bottom of the screen and the display of the reminders. The design and user friendliness is super cool! It's been a wonderful experience so far and I highly recommend it!,2,positive 1166,cant make into my calendar,0,negative 5787,"This does not work the same as wunderlist. When I sort, I cannot manually move items to in effect do a sort alphabetically within priority. Also when I prioritize items, they don't automatically move to the top of the list. With wunderlist going away, I am going to have to search for a new app. So disappointed.",0,negative 13827,"LAPPYTOP BATERRRY DYING,tryingtofind a movieto watch since im staying in. and goingto my room.",0,negative 1826,Garbage makes no sense,0,negative 697, I`m a bit Ben`s Thai-ed out,1,neutral 4034, heeeeey baby ? where are you?,1,neutral 18869, Love that book! My VW I`m about to turn in is named Scout.,2,positive 25722, good morning...did you break 5 digits yet?,2,positive 6343,spent all morning watching Eddie Izzard`s Glorious! SO funny... realli shud hav studied thou...,2,positive 4084,Super,2,positive 27161, - Yay! I`m a blonde again!! I feel so girly,1,neutral 6151,Needs option to sort by due date AND time. Should be able to set some tasks/items to move into next day automatically. Should have custom sort or dedicated grocery store shopping list option so you can sort items by how they're arranged in the store. Please add these options & this would be the best to do app ever!,1,neutral 22325,fun day with boo. short but fun,2,positive 7948,It wouldn't let me try the app. It just told me to subscribe.,0,negative 19016, aww im ok been stuck on a coach coming back from nans today and its been lovely sunshine too ****,2,positive 23106, am I not good enough,0,negative 14858, Exactly! Silent treatment is a great torture method,0,negative 6171,"Good replacement app for Wunderlist. Perhaps even better. I just got it a couple of weeks ago, so we shall see. It's easy to use and I like the look of it.",2,positive 9093, turn on your closed caption ... Then you can read and watch animal planet at the same tiime.,1,neutral 7422,"Tried to plan my weekly schedule with the ""routines"" function, but it kept randomly changing the times of the events as I made other edits. (For example, an event I set for 4pm changed to 11am when I hit the button ""add break before event""). Also annoying that you can't preview the notification sounds, and have to add silly tags to each event such as ""housework"".",0,negative 14611," WOW! That is so awesome, Andre! It will be great, I know! Can`t wait. And you dad`s aren`t so bad either!",2,positive 6133,"Goodmorning tweedles very happy mood, i think i will always be after this past weekend. lol vids of the `BEYONCE WEEKND` coming soon.",2,positive 775,The World is just amazing!,2,positive 5152," mmm thanks, if u get too stoned and eat it thats cool",2,positive 1490,slaving away at work,0,negative 24168, I�m good! You coming on just as I�m off to drive home...,1,neutral 1097,uploading pictures on myspace,1,neutral 26244,is MySpace mobile free? or do u have 2 have credit... cause they are liers,0,negative 24953, serio barroca?? parabens!!!!!!! May the 4th be with you!,2,positive 6146,Is anyone else having problems following and unfollowing peeps? For me this has gone on for over a week!,0,negative 18131,ummm sooo yeh....its really hard to concentrate rite now wen i have this weird #lupus feeling goin thro my body,0,negative 5859, you are the sweetest. love you cuz!,2,positive 26214,wow we r watching the outsiders smelly english.,0,negative 4410, I love it. Tell me it didn`t match my shirt perfectly. Can you just not move PLEASE? What am I supposed to do without you?,2,positive 4909,Fabulous app. Thank you.,2,positive 9103,you have to select for a reminder! that should be standard!,1,neutral 9358,LOVE THIS APP. I use this to consolidate multiple work and personal calendars in one view. I love the ability to manage appearance and notifications for each independently - super helpful in maintain work-life boundaries.,2,positive 9025," impressive fever! best wishes to her, hope it`s nothing serious",1,neutral 2547,eh...but I`ll be picking cotton soon....need to suppliment my income,1,neutral 13259,soooo sleepy. but gotta finish this game. lol. gettt it cavs! whoop whoop,1,neutral 21896,Mothers day today!,1,neutral 3925,Very good app to focus,2,positive 8236,Rather new to the app to rate it higher than a 3 at this time. But I like the results it is helping me to achieve. I expect improved time management as I get the app's feature set up to serve me best. I sense I may rate it higher as I experience it benefits more. I do like using it better then Wunderlist.,1,neutral 12080, jennah can u just tell jay i said good night plz? im asking nicely!,1,neutral 5906,A bad version of Wunderlist.,0,negative 27229,is so just made a card 4 my mom!! can`t wait to see the smile on her face when she see`s it!!,2,positive 10843,"No Evidence, No Conviction ! Absolutely hilarious.. Makes my day every time",2,positive 385,I have to go to work now.,1,neutral 5163,It been running kind of slow when you're making new tasks,2,positive 5610,Awesome app with good UI. I recommend everyone to use it.,2,positive 12839,_Edwards Heh heh. Odd but amusing. Thanks!,2,positive 12994, because the one I was having at that moment woke me up.,1,neutral 13332,"here it`s 3:34 a.m. and i`m at home, after a night in a pub",1,neutral 2087,I love my boy he makes me so happy... and looks his sexiest in plain black boxers =p,2,positive 2223," Good morning Been here since 4am, just quiet. How are you?",2,positive 7,Soooo high,1,neutral 6977,"Im really keen to use this app, but the fact that it doesnt have an alarm bugs me a lot. I tend to glance over things easily so an alarm that I have to stop after reading my next event will be incredibly helpful.",2,positive 6788," Yea, us 3 and Max Poor Trivun",1,neutral 2932, Thank you,2,positive 8452,"I really like it, easy to use. Just wish it would remind me again after the time has elapsed without having to reset the time for the task. Other than that, it's great.",2,positive 25131,Sitting outside in the cold by the ocean with a glass of wine.,2,positive 9506, hong kong is great for crazy 'English names'. A friend works with a 'miss chewbacca leung',2,positive 4681,"The one major short-coming of this app. (and most other ""habit trackers"") is that it does not have any option to calculate a total number (amount of hours, etc.) for a week or month--only a number of days or per day...That is a gaping deficit in these app's (with the exception of one or two with less desirable formats), as it is a far better way to track things like sleep which may fluctuate to day. The other dismaying factor is that Habitbull doesn't seem to have any customer service, as I e-mailed numerous times about issues trying to upgrade (because it is a really helpful/useful application), and never got any response in about a year's time. :-\ Aside from the tabulation inadequacy discussed above--which I really hope they'll address/include that capability, it is a really helpful and useful app., and can be especially helpful for people with issues such as depression or ""OCD"" who may have difficulty keeping a handle on self-care and/or productivity (though, it could, also have the opposite effect, if people with ""OCD"" get too immersed in tracking things in their day-to-day :-S). In general, it is a good tool to have, though, and can help you make a lot of progress on things like household projects, etc., but I really do wish that they'd adjust it so that you can calculate a total for a duration of time longer than a day, and that they would also be conscientious about customer service/support and responding to/fielding correspondence and issues people encounter. ~*Kristin Star*",2,positive 13077,I hear tonight is the last jleno show,1,neutral 1789,"I like the app overall, but can't stand the monthly subscription. There should be one time payment to access useful features.",0,negative 9523," Aw, thanks. Slowly getting over it. Yep, he tweaked his knee late in the third. Basically stood still for the last 2 games.",2,positive 957,Hates untalented **** being mean to my talented friends,1,neutral 23731,short stack need to add some more short stack tv,1,neutral 8795,It`s so sad I love Kelly! <3,0,negative 10313,Safeway Super-marketing via mobile coupons,1,neutral 7882,"To me it is by far the Best ""time planner"" for a daily schedule.",2,positive 4148,"*Update* 11/02/20 USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! As expected, no contact from developers. App has not been updated since 2018. This app was great for a month until it kept freezing my phone. A de/reinstall has now lost all my data and looking at other users with this issue, it looks like it is lost forever because of the sync function never working and no contact from developers. Very upset and disappointed.",0,negative 12389,":O Job interview today, i`m really gonna mess this uuuup",0,negative 2036,Finally finished exams & home not watch Otalia & the PBP on BPD - no Otalia today hmm! via,1,neutral 1255,"So far Todoist has worked fine, but the fact they want you to pay a monthly fee to set a ""reminder"" is ridiculous. So many times I'm in the middle of something and can't finish a task right then and I want to be able to set a reminder. Time to move on to another app.",1,neutral 843,watching 'That Thing You Do' on Comcast. Missing my boo like crrrrrazy!,0,negative 21084,I`ve just realised. I won`t be able to talk to any of you crazy cats on Sunday. Is sad now.,1,neutral 14835,_ oh god i just watched it to!! did claire escape? AGAIN!!! it was really quite sad,0,negative 24957,_a_michael i plan on it! Goodnight,2,positive 21189, will do! Tell my mommy I said the same n I love her mucho mucho!,2,positive 19599,Tropical Depression 1 heading east. MrSal65 scared this one off Welcome to start of Hurricane Season `09. Still looking 4 more FL subs.,1,neutral 3725,I`m loving the humidity right now...great for the skin....another love that won`t last,2,positive 14914,Twas a good show. I even liked Ciara`s last song. Time for me to go to bed. G`night!,2,positive 21079, Clever girl,2,positive 20546, that sounds interesting. wish my phone did java..,1,neutral 243,"Once the app reinstalled itself and I lost everything. I still have no idea why it did this. Also, it often doesn't open when I first tap the icon. If I tap it multiple times it eventually opens within a particular task. I found it frustrating and I've now uninstalled it. It would be a great app if some of these bugs could be resolved.",0,negative 7795,"Nice app... Good layout and design.. One request- Add tracking as well to the tasks.. then it will be complete solution Along with setting up tasks I need to track as well which tasks I have done today, weekwise and monthwise",2,positive 8857,"Been using for years. Just about to delete due to the full screen lengthy ads that not only appear when I add an event, they pop up when I'm using other apps. Did a scan using an ad detector app and Business Calender is the culprit. Shame as pervious ad style was OK, this is ridiculous though.",0,negative 8687, hey there. How are you. Pleasant surprise,2,positive 24913,morning! just got my coffee,1,neutral 13658,my dark knight dvd is missing i`m pissed,0,negative 2635,i should be 'bus stalking' right now..i soo wish i were still meeting today,1,neutral 532,today was a lovely day! I had fun with and this evening!,2,positive 18634,"Tomorrowland central hasn`t gotten confirmation that I`m signed off on Star Tours, so just waiting to see if they can give me a shift.",1,neutral 9987, I tried that but I can only use import/export for contacts saved locally on my Outlook. Thanks Though,2,positive 617,"Links to my Amazon alexa and very useful, I hated typing stuff in but now I can just ask Alexa to add stuff to my to do and shopping lists I really like it. There was nothing wrong with it before, I just don't like typing much!",2,positive 3074,its my last friday of my high school years!,1,neutral 5262, As long as you take me with you,1,neutral 21582, I must admit when i first saw that name posted i thought it was an exploit attempt,0,negative 2049,"This app is going in the right direction, just switched from Todoist. I think they have to concentrate on adding more (what should be) standard features before adding things like Hobbies etc. It's ok, but far from amazing in my opinion.",1,neutral 9775,Crashing a lot after update,1,neutral 26102,gahh. my freaking lip ring is going to be the death of me. it never cooraperates with me. and im over it now jack haha;,0,negative 3292, Edgefest! or maybe since you`re driving...,1,neutral 9100,"I was like great wit it until it erased all my schedules, then like magic gave em back 4 that month",1,neutral 26330, thanks shir I got caught with the commission once but now I get gift certificates and they don`t take one if I do,2,positive 17515,11:11 make a wish,2,positive 3290, lol the things u gotta do sometimes man smh lol,1,neutral 23152, Thank you. I needed that,2,positive 2990,Good mornin` everyone . Beautiful sunday for all the beautiful moms of ours. Had my breakfast with the lady .... Lets move on .,2,positive 16171,"? Polly Scattergood`s new single out today! Download the Please Don`t Touch EP on iTunes, it`s ace!",2,positive 22530, Yay! I too had some joy in that department,2,positive 17252, I thought I was your best friend?,1,neutral 25533,Have to go to work typical sunshine and deep sleep; stupid friday.,0,negative 9270,Theres nothing like your own pillow.,1,neutral 8231,exams. thennn some sexy time.,1,neutral 14851," yeah, but no closer to the secret of stumble.",1,neutral 14363,_0981 ohh that`s awesome of you probably coulda gotten gifted tickets outta it from the foil queens LOL,2,positive 20713, thx! Hoping it`s a good week.,2,positive 903,newest update to the widget made it suck. There is not a reschedule button anymore which I used to use to move all my overdue tasks to a new day. Also no button on the widget to open up the main app anymore.,0,negative 681,Not only has it broken but it`s Monday!!Does this mean Monday can be fix`d? ?,0,negative 18444," Oh, fabulous ta. I`m with the coffee too, obviously, although my cup is not large enough to embrace which is its deficiency.",1,neutral 11020, Yes I do! And I`m still almost at my Gmail storage ceiling! ARGH! I am being FORCED to delete stuff.... or buy more space.,0,negative 5687,Since Microsoft have taken over it is rubbish. We had wonderlist on 3 devices and To Do wont even sync the 3 devices the same. Time to look for a new app,0,negative 3568, - oh my god! you`re adorable! ilove you so much you are my inspiration Nick!,2,positive 3474,Have a huge block of snack chocolate here. Tis calling my name already,1,neutral 8817,"🔥 UPDATE: Only manual sync works. Down to 1 🌟 until you fix this. Best calendar out there! Love it! It looks great, works flawlesly, erganomics & ease of use is absolutely outstanding and I'm sure it tastes good as well if you could eat it!",0,negative 20623, ya`ll going out without me,1,neutral 12124, they prob are sold out. all i wanted was to see them for my bday lol,1,neutral 2427,Most productive application,2,positive 10588,"@sheridanmarfil - its not so much my obsession with cell phones, but the iphone! i'm a slave to at&t forever because of it. :)",0,negative 9225, We are both following and I don`t think I have seen him online lol,1,neutral 1514, hey plz look > < what do u think? plz tell me,1,neutral 5551,"actually, i think i`m being mean to her....i feel sorry now",0,negative 12932,"Wishing laying on my side wasn`t the only comfortable position, I am tired of laying",0,negative 1305,my stomach hurts,0,negative 4660,wishing my days off were the same days that people wanted to party.,1,neutral 6803,band practice,1,neutral 22352,Going crazy super head ach from hell and my the in laws have ben here since 9 this morning. ahhhh,0,negative 23751,Bout to get ready for work ugh i hate workin on fridays,0,negative 17250,<-----bored to death,0,negative 2487,Excellent !!!,2,positive 6100,"Am in the place called 0UT OF NOW WHERE!! Take me out from here, somebody",0,negative 23117,Just sittin here listenin to music. Follow Me?,1,neutral 17474,Wondering if twitter will be fixed for my phone any time soon...,1,neutral 2554, You may be PC but I love you anyway!!! Maybe someday you too will become Mac!,2,positive 7876,Very useful.. as it reminds time discipline,2,positive 6088,"App is great though some improvements can be done. I don't know if it's only me or its the for everyone, I am a bit confused with how repeat works.",1,neutral 21499," Yes, actually there was some jam twitter traffic yesterday... But it can happen. Don`t worry",2,positive 26669,#myweakness too loving ...i always let negative people into my life,1,neutral 479, oh just referring to our lil exchange on LJ with regards to twitter archive postings.,1,neutral 22709,will be attending CIC`s parents` orientation tomorrow...need to wake up early,1,neutral 742,hates this weather,0,negative 547, - ummmm. no comment. LOL. I actually have not watched GH in about a week.,2,positive 19471," though I have to admit that seems less & less tempting. who has time, when there are more complete packages to be had?",1,neutral 15080,Hangin with the fam! My head is hurtin,0,negative 24610," hey Nat, just wondering, why are your videos never available on the iPhone?",1,neutral 25729, i`m not proud. but os x excels at video/photo editing where the pc lags so much behind.,0,negative 6865,"Its seem complex in the first time. Anyway, can see all activity in the big picture",1,neutral 8925,"Office 365 integration doesn't work, so it's basically useless as a business calendar. As a private calendar I don't see any big improvement over Google calendar,but it's not worse either.",0,negative 1638, smH daTs whacK,1,neutral 17928, your vid wont play x,1,neutral 13825,BORED. would love someone to talk to.,1,neutral 4572,easy to use,1,neutral 20578,Haih.. Cannot sleep lar..,1,neutral 2325," I miss you too, Mojokins! I go there, but not long enough to comment Will do more this weekend!",0,negative 5693,"New entries need to go to the top of a list, with ir without a star. Still NOT an improvement over Wunderlist.",0,negative 1090,Washing The Dishes :S iTs So hard 2 be Me,0,negative 10472,"Only one exam left, and i am so happy for it :D",2,positive 10342, Hahaha I miss Bradddd and all of the guys and KEITH.,0,negative 2942,is sick in the doctors waiting room,0,negative 14956,new neighbors are moving in.... off to give my brazil presentation that i shouldve given on wed!!! but some people went overtime,1,neutral 1234,"The app looked very promising, but there were too many ""Upgrade to premium"" notifications when initially clicking through the app. From what I saw, I probably would have paid for a year if I was able to try out the fill app first. Instead, I got what felt like being kicked in the face by upgrade notifications. For these reasons, 3 stars and lost buisness.",1,neutral 1342,It would be great if didn't cost 28.00,1,neutral 4420,morning! well excited dancing down the park todayyy! should be good! wooo c`mon venue! ****,2,positive 18856,"_Colossus Lol, cheers `mate`. Yeah it went well thanks",2,positive 16655,I`m boredddd. The day has gone quick I don`t like it!,0,negative 489,feels cousin is a monkey,0,negative 3885,So apparently i left my front door wide open before going out to my show. With my and my moms laptops on the coffee table. Love my area,2,positive 1968,well i`m gonna go now. goodbye all.,1,neutral 9625,i cant set my times for events bc theres no am/pm option. it keeps changing my time not allowing me to put the right thing..annoying,0,negative 8274,"I would have loved it if not for the fact that there is a problem with the widget on my Huawei p20, unfortunately it gets stuck often and cannot click anything, I tried removing the widget and re-doing it, now it doesn't even show my lists, and I have to go into the app to check or add things, which of course means once I'm done with the current ones I'll delete it. A task app with no immediate access on main screen is not too helpful...",1,neutral 15211,Is working allll weeekend,1,neutral 2846,Want to hang out with beth and tenaya and their hubbys tonight....but jon wants to hang out with some other people,1,neutral 6187,"I hate working nights, cos I`m not really able to enjoy this gorgeous weather, as I will be asleep",0,negative 8341,Implement collaborative lists please! so crucial.,1,neutral 1847,Works well but free version only gives you three total lists,0,negative 12967, did you have an amazing time?,1,neutral 13400," Yes, I`m originally from Argentina. And very `mystic` about that ...� bient�t de te lire Quincy!",1,neutral 9008,"Just lowered my rating. Used to work great but now does not properly sync everything in my task list with my Google Calendar on my computer. It will sync new events & new tasks. But if I edit a task (ex. change the date of the task), it does not sync properly w/ my Google Calendar. It used to be that all edits synced & appeared the same in both the app & my Google Calendar, but not now. I have been emailing with the support for this app, but have not yet found a solution.",1,neutral 9892,Won't do recurring tasks. Does not connect to Gtasks as shown in the cover photo. Hasn't been updated in a long time,1,neutral 22868, where`s the love?,1,neutral 5485,Great app works very well it helps alot especially at this time with this pandemic helps to keep everything that you need to keep track of what and where you should be and to keep track of your symptoms and must know information. Check this app out.,2,positive 4289,"OK, when will this post RNY girl learn; rich sugary food is a BAD idea! No more golden graham bars out of the vending machine. Bleck!",0,negative 9531,At the dr office for abbie`s second round of shots...,1,neutral 19889, My plans for the weekend include working on a paper and driving my guy 2 the airport. Won`t see him for 3 wks.,1,neutral 27226,Gonna run to the gym to get my workout in before my really f`kin big pile of mulch arrives at around 8 or 9am! I`m excited about my mulch,2,positive 3888,"Its a really good app that has helped to motivate me to revise, i just wish that you could plant real trees without having to purchase forest premium, i also like the design of the app and how easy it is to use",2,positive 6732,updated:. was confused that the event list in the actual app wasn't showing events scheduled for the next few days. The widget will only show events in the next 12h. The event list in the app also only shows events in the next 12h. I think this list should list events for that entire day. this means i still depend on other apps for an agenda view.,1,neutral 3072,Great app. I just wish there was a way to keep track of time on a task/habbit (built-in timer instead of having to open an external timer),2,positive 11921,I have fantastic friends,2,positive 1301,"4 shifts down, 2 to go... then its my birthday!! but, should i be getting excited??? im turning 29 which means im almost 30",1,neutral 1415,He put a **** mohawk in my son head.....he just killed my vibe as always,0,negative 21221,watching The Biggest Loser on Hallmark. Never fails to make me cry nyeh.,0,negative 26350,Why is it so dark outside?,1,neutral 2104," june 15, 1995, chino hills, CA. The 1 day it rained n june in SoCal...we had an outside grad; had 2 move it 2 the gym",1,neutral 7620,Finally got my lil monster off my hands so I could run errands and now I gotta do them in the rain!!!,1,neutral 4347, That`s one of the reasons we thought 'Should we have a kid?' 'Nah - let`s get a piano instead.' You poor buggers,0,negative 8078,App is very buggy. Completed tasks keep showing up as not completed. Notification alarm won't work. Uninstalling.,0,negative 7989,It are mimi time,1,neutral 19189, answer my really cool questions,2,positive 23307,mayb he was raped when he was younger,1,neutral 7705,Matt Weiters` first at bat: fly out to RF,1,neutral 8517,"why I love so much, why your make me smile all the time? why your so special but i cant have u ? I get scared to try.",1,neutral 12065, loved you in head over heels! One of my fave movies! you looked stunning last night,2,positive 4222,you wanna know what`s worse... my coworker just brewed a fresh cup of coffee and all I can think about is bacon,0,negative 19774, Name the rest? Let`s see. Mystery Jets are pretty cool. Ida Maria AND you shud rly listen to Say Anything!,2,positive 22744, lol.well.hope you find someone to give you a massage wish i could but i`m half a world away lol,2,positive 21266,Pats in philly at 2 am. I love it. Mmm cheesesteak. Miss my boyfriend but I love vacation.,1,neutral 1274, yeaaa i just got the link off his lj,1,neutral 25432,Having a great chat with a friend. He`s totally putting my mind at ease,2,positive 20956,Why isnt my internet working,0,negative 418, so no rice or crusty bread with the chili .... aawww,1,neutral 7503,_tastic Awww that is sweet,2,positive 16401,check it out check it out check it out.,1,neutral 3691,Love it! I have enough coins but I still can't purchase it only for the premium package?,1,neutral 5407," gangstarr exgirl to the next girl, nas one mic, hold on i still can`t listen so i guess it dont matter",1,neutral 25638,"spent the whole day editing in Pro Tools...i luvvv this thing and am becoming quite the pro, but it gives me insane headaches.",1,neutral 21892,About to watch JONAS! I love DVR! ,2,positive 13373, dont make me sad... i do agree tho it does need some more of SA`s magical lyrics,0,negative 2149,functional nothing special,1,neutral 23808, so how are you doing this morning ?,1,neutral 22864," well, I couldn`t get a real clear shot, but I`ve got the best I could...silly people walking through the admitting of the ER...",2,positive 26813,my HD is full. need to cleanup a lot,1,neutral 9353, California,1,neutral 2875,and young ones....'look what I found'....'breakfast'....,1,neutral 9240,"Well, #Evernote is giving away Wireless SD cards 4 fllwng thm on twitter & tweeting abt #evernote_eyefi But US/CAN only",1,neutral 19756, I second that. I wish it rained more where I am,2,positive 25312,why nobody write with me ? !,1,neutral 26137,"Nope, thank God, not on Air... It`s a REAL application, compiled code...",1,neutral 12745," Morning, hope you have a super day...enjoy !",2,positive 3000, Can you ask Ryan why he stopped following me on Twitter,0,negative 3227,i`m done.haha. HOUSE MD marathon ulet,2,positive 6759, Ooohhh well you could always borrow and burn buddy. Lol,2,positive 27426, my cousins moved there like 2 years ago and I miss them so much. I was just looking at their facebook and now im sad,0,negative 23349, Woo hoo - we have that recipe,1,neutral 5598,10 Cutest Cat moments video - - enjoy,2,positive 6705,Okay I lied! I meant this time next week! That is sooo much longer!! I miss my mommy...,0,negative 7003,_Dude Very nice. Good night,2,positive 23153,Work in a hour,1,neutral 9858,im not going to my dads tonight !!!!! and hes got a 12 foot pool he has to tell me that hes got things when im not going **** !!,1,neutral 5218,Boy is all graduated! So proud of him!,2,positive 2852,Wasabi is recovering from surgery,2,positive 4148," Oh Chris, so sorry about Mr. Raccoon. Obviously NOT a FEMALE, cuz any female of ANY SPECIES would adore you. Hugs, Angel",1,neutral 14576,_ Goodnight,1,neutral 2455,Really good alternative for Wunderlist that I wa using before. This one have more features and syncs very well for collaborative use.,2,positive 5227,Imporant functions can be used only if you subscribe. It would be best if they rather sell this app than make people pay for subscption. It's worth their money anyway.,2,positive 20348,Just started raining in earnest... guess golf is off for today...,1,neutral 25513,I`m slightly disturbed by Hollyoaks tonight. I really don`t think it`s something that should have been shown at 6.30pm...,0,negative 3173,It's been helpful and very cute.,2,positive 1844,Missing my mom today. We made it a 'date' every year to get our flowers together. This yr I was alone. Felt so weird,0,negative 16207,thank/ u guys so so much for helping me out on the followers thing! but im probably not gonna win cause i dont have 100 followers yet!,2,positive 6068,No auto/custom tags?!!! Really??,1,neutral 2070,being a computer geek is entertaining.... i think.,2,positive 4391,"Worked fine for months, now it doesn't track habits the way I set them. It treats every day as its own success or failure regardless of how I have set it up. Going to have to uninstall and find a new habit tracking app.",0,negative 13949,_Butler I think/hope they might put an age limit on next year on the back of that #bgt,2,positive 26963, I`m watching it at the moment -sighs- and straightening my hair which takes hours as my hair is so curly!!,0,negative 5651,"I was not planning to give a review but it left me no choice since its replacing wunderlist which is very useful app which my wife and I love especially for our grocery lists, now this TO DO tries to replace it but can't even get it to work properly!!! IF I CAN GIVE ZERO STAR, I WOULD!!!",0,negative 156,"""All in one app free"" in the description. Press Continue and there is a request for €$20.99. No thanks",0,negative 14499,its my birthday.....happy birthday to me!!!!,2,positive 25906,Its like I had a power nap.,1,neutral 26749, there is no sun here in`s all rainy and cloudy.,1,neutral 22365, _Yogini _My_Soles i am sooo jealous in a good way of course. LC is awesome.,2,positive 665,"It's okay, I just really hope it would let you do more for free! I know it's 95% free, but I like to repeat some tasks for a week, I am not saying it is bad, It's an excellent app!",2,positive 20729, My kids count down the days till Saturday. I hope it`s something they remember all of their lives!,2,positive 3566,"This app is good, but it will be extra good if the developer put an option to continous timing for focus. I believe there should not be any kind of limit like 10 min. Remove it or give an option to set custom time in hour and minute.",1,neutral 15118,I try soo hard toget what I want.. & I always end up having a goose egg..,0,negative 24501, man i need 2 find a siitter Val still aint **** wit me LOL,0,negative 22501,I`ll also have to fix that in iTunes when changes the URL since that`s part of the RSS feed,1,neutral 2424, I am soooo disapoointed I couldn`t make it I will be there next time! Glad it was productive.,1,neutral 18307,had a nice time with juno,2,positive 1627,"absolutely amazing app, the best for to do lists.",2,positive 9778,It's alright.,1,neutral 1671,One of the best to-do apps out there,2,positive 274," Happy b-day! Just woke up on this side of Earth, so wishes are bit late",2,positive 683,The app is really amazing. It helps me plan my day ahead and it's super convenient because it plays u whatever that have been planned on the day like a recap moment. Thanks :),2,positive 2499, - No joke my puppy Maddie looks EXACTLY like Maui!!! she`s so cute!!,2,positive 10378,Omg soo tired! On my way home! Long busy day ; had fun meeting new people and catching up with some people!,1,neutral 4538,The alarms don't work. But a good idea,1,neutral 25066, i forgot the yardsale event! ooh how pity i am,0,negative 5890," haha hi mum! wow yes, very modern of you. now you just need to get a facebook account! p.s. talk to me by writing ",2,positive 8198,"just started using it, but so far so good",0,negative 2935,The sun is shining and I`m stuck in work,0,negative 2372," Ah! Gotcha. Well, I`m curious to hear what you thought of Wolverine then. (if you actually went and saw it).",2,positive 855, gotta love the summer,2,positive 2182,Next song to be axed by me Ombra mai f� -� Largo � H�ndel,1,neutral 9473,2pm today is Quiz Time at the Goat! Game shows to play and prizes to be won! Plus `Toss Off Tommy` for free drinks! Today from 2! x,2,positive 2931, I hope when you`re calling this the shitshow you mean that in a good way. because this will be fun.,1,neutral 5195," ohh yeh , but he was on sexy men so its okay",1,neutral 6625,"I dont like that it only works with calendar. i dont want a calendar even called ""sleep"" just to keep it on the graph",0,negative 177,I had made an account for this app a long time ago but didn't use it for long and I forgot why until I re-downloaded it today. This is one of those apps that's incredibly frustrating because a lot of the main advertised features are behind a pay wall and/or you have to make an ADDITIONAL ACCOUNT FOR. Paying more than $1/mo for a list app is ridiculous. If anything it should be a one-time purchase.,0,negative 17162,Ahhhhhh I got stitches I seriously cant wait to go to the beach! SUMMER HURRY UP!!!!!!,2,positive 2782,I like Rio Ferdinand - when he`s wearing an England jersey.,2,positive 21117,So my life has come down to nothing more then making choices ill only regret later,0,negative 8378,I am managing need a reminder,1,neutral 7880,"So happy with it, helps me with my block scheduling 👌🏻",2,positive 13670,_buns awesome! thank you,2,positive 1142," btw, do you realize your profile pic makes you look much older than you say you are?",1,neutral 3575,"It's really a great app and good concept to cure phone addiction. But I've some ideas for making it more interesting. Introduce forest customization options- like a real forest. Add animals, Cascades etc. Anyway great work guys!",1,neutral 2946,_gutter Trent wore that shirt at my show,1,neutral 12950, Congratulations...keep us posted on how things go!,2,positive 7091,_shields06 good job! I wish i worked in a zoo,2,positive 4237,"Got hold of the Premium version with high expectations but was disappointed on getting to know that the habits created on a device is not appearing on another device with the same account. Going back to ""Loop"".",0,negative 2966,"So far it's pretty good. I've been using it about a week. Sometimes it doesn't refresh, but the other users on the app seem positive and friendly. There is a lot that I am learning through users that isn't actually explained in the app. Like if you don't do all your daily tasks, the whole party takes damage. So yeah, no pressure! It would be nice for a better help options or a more detailed in-app-fist-time training/learning session. Every 'first' should option for more info!",2,positive 9205,"The mothers day classic went really well, despite the cold 5.30am start",2,positive 7716,Excellent app for time management and routines. I love how customizable tags are and how versatile the difference between routines and events are. I just wish there was a deeper Google Calendar immersion so that I could edit icons and add tags to imported events.,2,positive 4766,Very helpful.. Please add more habits for the free version,2,positive 22882,leave for calcutta-delhi-lucknow tomorrow...10 days of absence!!!,1,neutral 8006,", i missed everyone tonight",0,negative 3169,"Love this app ☺ Devs always fix issues quickly, too.",2,positive 4805,now my ds just died whatta letdown!,0,negative 2710,Just used my last DVD-R for the Windows 7 ISO. Next batch will be Lightscribe dicsc - I want to see how that works,1,neutral 26065,is gutted to be at work when it is sooo nice outside,0,negative 19580,I miss him soooo much not gonna see him for 2-3 months,0,negative 405,"Recurring tasks an essential feature is available only in premium. Premium is not available for one time purchase. monthly payment is way too much for an Indian. it got to be affordable with one time payment for everyone to use. may be some one time payment option for different features like recurrent tasks, location reminder and paid themes would have been made it accessible for many.",1,neutral 5123,Looking forward to a better UI/UX. Will keep using it.,2,positive 12727,YAY jack won. but downer i`ve just remembered its friday meaning i have work tomorrow,2,positive 25276,"I`m uploading some videos to youtube, will give link once I get more loaded. Variety from my daily life, not amazing but fun to watch",1,neutral 18652, lol @ half - I already have a bulky desktop- I`m geared up for super slim and light: SSD performance is unreal,0,negative 14789,my fab broke,0,negative 25325,"Ugh my neck really hurts I`m out aquatards, xox",0,negative 4265,what a wonderful day...i am going to sleep so well tonight,2,positive 20686, thanks! You know that happens once in awhile,2,positive 6912, Looks like they dialed it in a LOT...payed attention to all the small but important details in gameplay...still no blood tho,1,neutral 3428," I`m mo nudge you again, better watch out!",0,negative 10752," oh yes, i ave never orderd from there, a lil funny at first to do so, i will check it our ta",2,positive 11933, I have no idea I`m watching Rafa too. Running to the comp ever to often to check live score. he`s 3-2 down in the third.,0,negative 15553, gooooooooood im not a complete nut case then,2,positive 11237,My throat hurts bad. tonight is going to be fun.,1,neutral 9645,Wants to meet Jeff Hardy and Beth Britt So bad its Soo Annoying x x,0,negative 20218, GILF = grandmother.,1,neutral 16808,it`s Friday here in Chicago...and I`m stuck @ home AGH I`M BORED!!! grr!,0,negative 725,"I love summer, but I oddly don`t want this school year to end.",2,positive 5058,"Awesome idea, five plus in advance. Although, turns out there are more appealing apps, interface wise. But non the less, it is all about insides, not the outside.",1,neutral 10838,back home in palmdale. in bed with my mommy,1,neutral 15041, Her new cd is lovely.,2,positive 14218, dave why why why can`t this happen when I`m not working and can listen?! :::whining big time:::,1,neutral 5944,The feature that I liked in Wunderlist is that you could move items around on your list manually. This is missing from this app.,1,neutral 8305,"** gifts & honesty box messages has been discontinued due to abuse ** - hehe, dal�� facebookov� aplikace na hovno",0,negative 15738, hey Chelsea! Is Your Arm hurtig from the vaccines we had todayyy? loveeya,1,neutral 7468,"The app is overall good, just bought the upgraded version since I wanted to sync the google calender. I still cannot sync the Google calender into the calender and also would like to know if sync the 'routine' from timetune into the Google calender is possible? Thanks!",1,neutral 20006, its bout smoking weed,1,neutral 5881,the tip of my finger hurts lmao,0,negative 9994, im 16 too,1,neutral 26152,"Last Chemistry lesson for this school year! On a brighter note, my birthday will be sandwiched between two days in chemistry lab!",1,neutral 6748," Munch away, my dear Watson, Munch away",1,neutral 6244,Oh **** ... Placebo tix and Tori Amos both go on sale at 9am. Anticipating hot cake distribution of both.,0,negative 26323," My pleasure I really enjoy your random word poetry, and am disappointed when I miss out on participating!",1,neutral 25584," hey! haha, yep! that was me! negative comments get me reallllyyy mad; so i always defend them! haha!",1,neutral 21436,Watching The Nightmare Before Christmas <3 Ask me if I care that neither Halloween nor Christmas is any time soon,1,neutral 4235,loves it when mom and dad come to visit! nothin better,1,neutral 2683,I just realized that im going home 2 weeks from today,1,neutral 24013,Thinking about opening MacMaze sources as I don`t have time to work on it anymore,0,negative 22832, Thats ok...ur a good person + My Idol soo good people deserve sum good comments..hows the weather ova der --London is cold,2,positive 4217, Oh no! I totally forgot he played today.,0,negative 7964,Sad that the Statue of Liberty will completely reopen 2 weeks after our NYC trip.,0,negative 27060," its not mothers day on the west coast, tyvm",2,positive 18695, dunno. Maybe the flu. I feel a bitbetter now.,2,positive 6994,watching 'Knowing' and lovin it,2,positive 19425,Is going to miss seeing everyone all the time,0,negative 16156, youre not supposed to...,1,neutral 21613,"We should have a twitter reunion it would be awesome to meet you all lol, iwonder howd iget that to pull off",2,positive 10609,"My dad was in NY for a day, we ate at MESA grill last night and met Bobby Flay. So much fun, except I completely lost my voice today.",2,positive 1997,It has a nice pop up widget for your to do list. The problem with this app is when I want it to alert me always at 9 about it or remind me of my tasks it doesn't. Its just there. I'm still using it but i feel google assistant does a better job of reminding me. So I might delete it later. Not so satisfying.,1,neutral 3370,"I don't understand why do I have to turn on the screen when I grow up the tree. When my screen turns off because of inactivity for 10 minutes, tree dies again. I installed this app to focus on my work (not my phone) but this app keeps requiring me to turn on the phone. It's paradoxical..",0,negative 13069,Stupid freshmen ruined theatre class.. Now we don`t get to play warm-up games for the rest of the school year,0,negative 20532," By the way, let me know when you want to schedule a round or two. Played highland woods monday. Shot 96.",1,neutral 6366,At my rehearsal...gonna miss the game please keep me updated! Go Nuggets!,0,negative 5076,"I thought it was a really good app until today. It started to crush and i couldn't do anything to backup. I lost all of my options, to-do lists, achievements. Don't know what should i do, really disappointed. Auto back-up should be offline too and must be selected when we start to use app or you should use your own database system to backup files(not dropbox)",1,neutral 6090,Clear and easy to use but doesn't sync well between PC and phone,1,neutral 5288, i just had pasta from pizzahut.,1,neutral 12793, i`m here,1,neutral 14664, Flo is one of my Backup wives in case Renae gets abducted by Aliens or Russians. But if Flo`s pregnant it changes things,1,neutral 17831,Every day is Mother`s Day.... Don`t wait for 1 of 365 days to come around to show your mom how much you appreciate and love her.,2,positive 15126,OK its official I'M OLD! at least I feel likewise OLD & TIREDD & WASTED!!,0,negative 7842,Hi! I've been using this app for a week and I can see how easy it made it for me to get used to my daily routines. Pluse it has a great user experience and interface design!,2,positive 14492,Im craving some cinnamon toast crunch. Why is it so cold today!!,0,negative 3369,Some time it's automatic stopped and not work properly,0,negative 5764,"Have lots 2do as usual! laundry, thanking God, cleaning house, praising God, cutting the hedge and thanking and praising God some more!",2,positive 1667,Still learning. Looking good so far. Nothing to complain about.,2,positive 25504, its brokey,1,neutral 10994,_ If I called your cell phone would you let me talk to your teacher?,1,neutral 2997," oic, where in Cavite? no sorry im not from America ... if you can see my profile, there`s no word like America there",1,neutral 20205,_FP Awh shoot. Make a detour and come to PR forget Indiana haha,1,neutral 767, Wasn`**** totally awesome? Seeing the rebooted crew was so nice!,2,positive 8494,Very Helpful! I can see what I have accomplished and organize my week with what I want to do.,2,positive 19998,getting ready for work. boohoohoo i dont wanna go to work!,0,negative 6888,Average app,1,neutral 22074, happy mothers day to you as well!,2,positive 10175,not eating lunch with my wife like I wanted to,0,negative 8037, I like the last part in your methodology.,2,positive 24803,#bgt It`s a shame that the Dreambears won`t get through,0,negative 26166,Finally able to get Flight Control for my Ipod. Best game app! 123 **** choppers lol,2,positive 3105,"I absolutely love this app. First of all, it actually works and give me all the motivation I need to get stuff done. Secondly the community is awesome and there is just so much stuff to do! Recommended to everyone looking to develop habits.",2,positive 5142,"New user and I'm impressed! A lot of neat features I've been looking for in apps like this. it's obvious dev is active and listening and thats a great sign. If I have an immediate suggestion, it'd be for us to be able to add tab categories of traits besides the default characteristics/skills; for example to add things like ""personality"", ""lifestyle"" or however we want to organize our skillset categories, so those 2 sections aren't cluttered. A search option for icons too maybe? Keep it up!",2,positive 16930, I hear ya. You`ll have to go back to work to rest.,1,neutral 8416,"I like: * the way it separates lists (""sub lists"") horizontally, and I can switch between them conveniently with swipes, though I tend to accidentally delete tasks when trying to switch lists * I value the convenience of swipe to delete the most * being able to quick add tasks from the main screen, removes one extra tap step * being able to highlight important tasks, but wish it would automatically pin them to the top. Feature I wish most for: Image attachments. Idea: Location-based reminders?",2,positive 2115, Good morning Dan! It`s my Bday and I plan on getting some exercise too today!! Love ya!! See you in NYC!!!,2,positive 8787,"Do not download this app. There are Ads everything you use i (as of Feb 26, 2020), despite what the developer says about the ""18 hour"". Just read other reviews and you'll see that the intrusive Ads have killed this free app. Look for another similar app",0,negative 1975, I`ll keep that in mind if I decide to add an LA leg to my westt coast stint in June,1,neutral 20232,"sad day, redskins release Jansen Best wishes to him.",1,neutral 11922, it`s a she and she`s way too stubborn right now. thanks for caring though,1,neutral 8923," lol, get to your bed",1,neutral 3805,"After the latest update, the forest has been removed. Coin count and tree purchase history is up-to-date, but the entire forest is gone. Synchronization does not fix the issue. I did not reinstall app as per the in-app warning not to. What the hell? Update: after two weeks issue was fixed",2,positive 13632, LOVE your show !,2,positive 23536,"Work is MAD blocking sites! No fun but they aren`t blocking facebook, twitter & youtube",1,neutral 4955,coffee and gym... starting the day off right!!,1,neutral 5791,"I transitioned from Wonderlist. There are a couple of things I don't like. When the list is sorted any way then you can not drag the items in the list. This makes it very hard to organize long lists. Also, I would like to have the option of adding to the top of the list as well as the bottom. Otherwise the app is good for what I need it to do.",0,negative 2885,"Parece una gran app, pero no se me actualiza el idioma a español, a pesar de que ya lo configure para que asi sea. Una lastima",1,neutral 23589, thanks for the reminder. Hope all have a great time,2,positive 8783,"I used to like, even love this app. It was great. Now though, every time I add an event on my calendar an ad comes up and stays there until it is finished. It's awful! So far the ads have not been inappropriate, just annoying. I don't think that going to the pro version would fix this. I don't even know how to find the pro version to purchase as it doesn't show up in the play store. Super frustrating. I don't want to find another app. I just want this one to work without the silly ads.",0,negative 12900, Does anyone update the photowalkingutah google calendar with photowalks? Looks like I`ve missed a few,1,neutral 15686, I`m ready homie..actually ima be working,2,positive 3361,Wff,0,negative 20969, WHAT! That`s horrible! To purposely write about it to a bunny is just mean & cruel! Not to mention just plain tacky....,0,negative 25, thats so cool,2,positive 8137,"I loved this app at first, but now when I change my task dates/times, it doesn't actually change them, and continues to alert me at the original time even though I've clearly changed it. It's very annoying.",0,negative 9798,@_HarryKim OOC: It`s okay. Maybe our schedules will work out soon.,1,neutral 26520,"Its raining cats and dogs here, in Mysore! Thankfully, no pigs/swines!",2,positive 17901,"I feel like drinking wine, but I don`t have any.",1,neutral 10449,Learning about lambda calculus :),2,positive 18194,Now the mosquito truck is waking me up,0,negative 5961,"Microsoft forces you to use your Microsoft account to use it, then never keeps you logged in long enough to get notifications. Sharing via text feels like I'm back on my Droid phone, and trying to get updates to shared lists suffers from the forced log outs as well. Also can't customize ""smart lists"" that are stuck at the top. My Day and Tasks? That's the same thing for me, either let me put it at the bottom or let me remove them. Microsoft took Wunderlist and ruined it.",1,neutral 5204,"Easily the best task manager app out there, while the rpg aspect is a HUGE plus. The user is able to fully customize pretty much every little bit of the app to make it better suit their habits, or soon-to-be habits!",2,positive 19090,Rough start to my day. Taking this one off from DON so as not to spread my bad vibes. Hope you all have a great weekend! I`m outty.,1,neutral 686,_ nooo no roo crying. but omg i wanted to slap her. she was singing fine then from out of nowhere- BOOHOOOOOOOOOOO,0,negative 8410,"The ballerina family is super nice, albeit a little too controlling of their son`s life, but the bayou family is so judgemental.",2,positive 6319," I don`t mind whistlers if they are actually whistling a tune, but those who just whistle nothing drive me crazy!",2,positive 7517,It does not play ring tone on my mobile.,1,neutral 870,The best yo do list app 👌🏻👌🏻 I like the notification process and style,2,positive 1804,Pesters me to rate the app. Here you go.,0,negative 27204, I have too much work to drink now. but I do love afternoons in the pub.,1,neutral 9606,"Not what I was looking for, I saw there was a time it would remind me I thought it would work but non of them did so that sucked",0,negative 7828,"I love this app, it is really useful in order to keep a schedule. Still I was wondering if it is possible to add tasks alone of the schedule grid and then choose the day to add it. This will make easier to define the tasks yo wanna meet and then sort them along the week, or add unexpected events to modify a full day schedule.",2,positive 5085,"cALL mE wiErD, bUt I jUs LuV rAiNy DaYs! MaKeS mE feeL sO waRm & cOzY iNsIdE LoL",2,positive 1655," Please send me those youtube links, Erin watched most of them but I was cooking and didn`t get to see the cowboys",0,negative 9411,Great app. 1st one I load when I get a new phone.,2,positive 745,"Oh, and yippee for Lyn-Z Way who gets to celebrate Mother`s Day for the first time as a mother.",2,positive 15267,monday morning . lets whip out some code today,1,neutral 10115,just cried all the way through the final episode of ER... and the `previously on ER` documentary about it!,0,negative 6666,I fall asleep and didnt get to see the jonas brothers web cast ... Still tierd,0,negative 1441, heeeey good luck for unair sweet!,2,positive 8647,_brads i`ve finished lol,1,neutral 20945,Wow. Way to be discouraged idk anymore... fml.,0,negative 2202,Potluck for danielle taking veggie tray. I will miss her,0,negative 14442,"@_shutupandsmile ow .. we go back to your last avatar, Is that your boyfriend who lying on bed? i see it!",1,neutral 8586,"uff - hard to get going today, up half the night with 6 year old son",1,neutral 8969, umm how abt a comment like that :p 'i dont like this',0,negative 19553,yay it`s friday... hold on I have to work tomorrow,2,positive 12272,Greg Pritchard was robbed ii am too gutted for words,0,negative 1837,"oops just unfollowed everyone! anywayz, will build my Twitter Empire.... again....",0,negative 1124,"I want to ride my bicycle today, but it`s too cold and cloudy today",0,negative 9403,My new landlord just called.. I cant move in until tomorrow morning Way to rain on my parade..,0,negative 12893,"Nothin better then ridin in a car with your sister while blasting TH, CB and Lady Gaga so loud you cant hear yourself screamin the lyrics",2,positive 14806, cute Time for a twitpic ;),2,positive 15617,Gonna nap n chill then probably go to the movie later. Ugh i have a headache this sux ****. Cloudy day too,0,negative 12140,I hate today.,0,negative 4815,At envy! Loving it best club ever.,2,positive 13471, why thankyou _garner suggested Fannie Bay (but it is in Darwin),1,neutral 3079,@ punkrockchick25 Haha no i just saw a commercial for it. . You wouldnt kill me,1,neutral 23330,wonder what white supremists have to say about this I abhor racists.,0,negative 21820, - I can definitely appreciate this. The simple things that make my day...,2,positive 26877,i have a fever,0,negative 7305,Nic,0,negative 24560, Aw where are you headed to? i just cancelled my trip to Aussie,1,neutral 11865,"Got stuck in a traffic jam today, i now have one sunburned arm",0,negative 6810,Super💯,1,neutral 14174,"_l unfortunately work ties me down 4 the whole summer.but if there`s a eu-tour this fall,I`ll be there! I want a rebound",1,neutral 7647,Good app and really helpful with time management and staying organized,2,positive 6253, He needs to go back to his Scotty. That is what he was using when he won last year,2,positive 1464,"****, got Chili Beans on my shirt I hate that I can be a messy eater. Such a lady!",0,negative 18760,Its funny how I want something even more... now that someone else has it and i cant anymore hahaha NEXT!,2,positive 6689,Good night everyone im going to lay in bed and watch eraser!,2,positive 19577,All moved in to our new apartment. So exciting,2,positive 26992, i am sorry i don`t like girls ~that way,0,negative 19473," Not sure if this is good or bad news for you, but you are listed as staff:",1,neutral 20507,"Sorry for the triple twitter post, was having trouble w/Stocktwits account. I try not to clutter up the Twittersphere!",0,negative 18841, Yep. Wasn`t that much to play with though. Just install and voil�! It works But you need a fast connection...,1,neutral 1139,Happy Mothers Day!,2,positive 145,It was a great application but the lastest versions don't notify anymore about events and reminders.. I'll uninstall the application because it's useless. It's ridiculous they know the problem and don't do anything to fix it,0,negative 13477, Ohh Emmm Geee. Souvlaki from Dimitris...I wanna go homeeee LOL,2,positive 6860,poor bella is in the ER with her first and second ear infection since both ears are infected. Her screams were blood curdling!,0,negative 34, where`d you go!,1,neutral 7573,"#BGT DCD Seniors were good, but not good enough.",1,neutral 14493, Thanks bro but I`m awake already How are you?,2,positive 10803," Im 20 - believe me, I`ve tried! I`m just too ginger! Freckles join up on my face - that`s it! get it out a bottle cancerfree",1,neutral 12799,"_mcfly Haha! Yeah, I heard they that Leicester won I was home by my self, with a movie, some candy and a pizza.. ! Amazing evening",2,positive 13757, goodnight lovely,2,positive 9219,Overall good and works well. Syncs with google calendar and is a little easier to work with.,2,positive 218,Be sure to let the moms you know how fabulous you think they are!! Almost Mother`s Day.,2,positive 21261,Freakin` frustrated why can`t my coach realize that times are hard ain`t nobody got the money to buy cookie dough for no new uniforms,0,negative 6926, LOL how many stalkers today?you just love getting creepy stalkers,2,positive 4520,I want more followers.,1,neutral 9441," he has been really brave but this is the best thing to do - now he can rest and get better. Get well soon, Alexi",2,positive 27162,Who`s going out tonight? I want to go out ****,1,neutral 3125,"The game aspect really does motivate me! Especially helpful for doing the dishes. There's a big difference between ""I should do xyz"" and ""I have to do this or I'll lose health points, and I don't want my party to get attacked!""",2,positive 2093,good but needs a true Black background option with white letters. dark grey isn't Black,1,neutral 566, nup no cd either.. just a whole bunch of zeros and ones you can have for free,1,neutral 20579, this time there is a theme and it is 'purple',1,neutral 5718," something for you is on its way in the mail to your PJ address, just fyi",1,neutral 21532,Brad Fastings is my favorite person to hang out with from 12 AM to 5 AM,2,positive 24088, just pre-ordered your new album `Off The Deep End`. Been listening to `Permanent Heart` on repeat since.,1,neutral 10300,Son has me looking at cars online. I hate car shopping. Would rather go to the dentist! Anyone with a good car at a good price to sell?,0,negative 10229,promised myself not to eat crisps but im starving and theres nothing else quick to eat,1,neutral 18399,Happy Mother`s Day to all of the woman and the men who made them mothers.,2,positive 22822, ugly. What programmes do you have open?,0,negative 16055,"aww, anyone see hollie steel on BGT tonight? wharra shame",0,negative 7394,Routines don't last forever any more,0,negative 1056,"I woke up an came to the realization that I can put it off as much as I want, but I need 2 drop some friends. Dammit!",0,negative 4939,"There are more effective, and honest, ways to turn a buck in the Playstore. Crippling your app with a paywall only drives home just how unnecessary the app is.",0,negative 8948,I love how personalisable this app is and the widget is fantastic. The weather app doesn't always work and my tablet and phone won't sync tasks even when I ask it to manually. 👎,0,negative 25549,"Word to all those i call mom, and there are a lot of yall.. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY i love you all!",2,positive 1281, i like OGBERRY,2,positive 953,is getting ready for bed. Happy Mother`s Day to all the mothers out there!,2,positive 2360, aww that`s cute,2,positive 20665,Goodmorning world!,2,positive 6113,"Good but could be better. It works well and is very similar to Wunderlist, however it's very annoying that the reminders disappear from the notification bar if you haven't completed your task in a day. So you have to reschedule every day. Would be great if this could be fixed.",1,neutral 1330,Is in starbucks,1,neutral 7264,"Just spoke to Keith Urban`s record company, we can`t get him on the show till we`re back from holidays sorry Jack, we`re trying mate!",0,negative 9558,will not be using ever again.,0,negative 25891,just got back home with my disappointing report card,0,negative 9985,My grandparents cat may die... I love that cat. I swear if he goes... / / /,1,neutral 436,"Listenin to some old school new found glory. Hedro, gimi a high school band i can down load. Besides home grown....",1,neutral 21656, It`s a an MK mentality...I think,1,neutral 20856," been there, done that",1,neutral 1978,"WIDE awake, scoffed 3/4`s of a pizza and feel like a sumo such a weak day! Run tomorrow",1,neutral 2328,"It's a very good planner app. I had scoured the play store for dozens of planner apps, but none of their free versions were worth my time. This free version is entirely great on it's own and without any ads. However, if you're a student as I am, the duration feature for tasks on the premium app is definitely worth the $2.99 a month",2,positive 6797,sitting at the chevy dealership in utah waiting for the van to be fixed,1,neutral 4157, Better than nodding off when you`re 'IN' one LOL,1,neutral 21430, one of them is,1,neutral 9925,morning everyone!,1,neutral 6600,It smells badly of garlic,0,negative 24211," dear michael sorce, you crack me up! sincerely, me",1,neutral 1487, Please let me know if it is allright DE i need to know but first just wake up a little and enjoy the cofee ****,2,positive 2621,"First surprise birthday ever, best night I`ve had in a **** long time!",1,neutral 8803,Since you have put advertisements in app i say goodbye.. On top of that an update came up and isn't possible to view description of booked day unless you click on it. Disappointed.,0,negative 6978,ps it`s rainging,2,positive 9401,Congratulations Mr. Jay-el and Mrs. Maricar Chu! Wish you all the best in the world!,2,positive 4128,Muito interessante 👏,2,positive 3557,"This app is really good but I have a major issue with it. It helps you focus, not to get distracted but sometimes I need to a calculator or google or a dictionary I can't because my tree will die!! So I need to exit the app(the tree is still growing) and then I can access google or what not please let the app access certain apps if possible.",1,neutral 13626, he thinks he`s a gangsterrr his **** don`t even fit in G Unit. & I know :| ))))),0,negative 3418,is hoping that she left her bb at home and didn`t lose it on the Metro,2,positive 14285,_thomas if only the drinking game was tonight...I don`t have to work till 5 tomorrow,1,neutral 22470,is hitting the streets. 40 hours living with Lexington`s homeless. No problem. No Facebook or Twitter... Pray for us.,0,negative 26053,"Noticed Wellwood has all his teeth in tonight, that`s nice",2,positive 17318," In the end the magic of `And so to dream` wins, along with swaying back and forth within site of a sleeping mommy.",2,positive 17537,i am! lol its just i got used 2 talkin 2 ya..!,2,positive 5343," I wasn`t tryin to call you out, I just remember my dad ALWAYS had my **** late. He never got in trouble, I did.",0,negative 12759,Going to school =[ I`m actually not so tired today tho,2,positive 2445," #TFARP *takes a moment to translate, then nods* You`re quite welcome. Also, dear, it`s probably best if you stay here again-",2,positive 9738,"I need a friend right now , I feel like mmmm ... sosad",0,negative 8034, just relax like it is or translated to swedish too? Just got to take a look at my next comment,2,positive 20361,editting **** on here in school is a drag. i give up lol ill do it at home. i wanna go home T-T my vida is so boring right now,0,negative 6686," Good morning MiaMiaDC My weekend was great and I just had my Monday, which was also great I hope you have a wonderful day!",2,positive 21232,some1 said if your not online your a no1...if you are online your a no1.. can`t bloody win lol,1,neutral 314,"How do i disable voice note? Everytime i need to write something in todo list, a google voice popup came out. Its ridicolous, stupid and annoying. I couldnt find the disable option in setting.",1,neutral 14058,got an email from my auntie bout fathers day... mothers day w/seven moms but fathers day will consist of 2 dads #realitycheck,1,neutral 11823, - Ouch!! Burnt my arm on the grill,0,negative 22271, i am jealous of your mom talking to . i want to see you all our twittering is making me miss you,0,negative 18349,needs to have an increase on her salary,1,neutral 13702,is cheering on the Arsenal Ladies!! and missing my M...x,1,neutral 7323,recovering from mexican fiesta. Had a bit too much of a good time!,2,positive 4983,"When I checklist Today's note, automatically Overdue's Note checked too?? what's wrong..??",0,negative 5954, It didn`t start as a long message ... It just got longer when I wrote it,1,neutral 1501,Enjoy Todoist Premium but an update to the widget has made the fonts smaller. As this is more difficult to see I don't think it's an improvement.,2,positive 16054,"I can`t wait till it`s Sunday, a new episode of Supernatural but then there are only 6 episodes left now",1,neutral 554, Sorry - I have failed to grasp your meaning,0,negative 2240,watching supernatural those boys can hunt me any day <3 haha,1,neutral 5231, ROFLMAO! I feel inspired to go start a huge bonfire now,2,positive 22849,I miss you,0,negative 3067,Buggy but awesome!,2,positive 8982,Tired of hearing stories about everybody going to Ibiza...,0,negative 1884,is taking the dog to the vet then a play date with Annabelle,1,neutral 1879,"App works pretty well, but if they want me to list out all events and plans in my life, their Privacy Policy needs to get stronger and be better defined. ""We collect your data; here's a vague description of what. We keep it as long as we've decided we need to; and we won't tell you how long that is. We also completely change this policy in a way that we're break the Policy you may have originally agreed to, but it's your responsibility as the user to make sure we don't break our end of the deal. Don't like this? Delete the app"" .. basically the Privacy Policy. Not exactly trust encouraging. Fix this in a privacy friendly way and I'll change my review",0,negative 9215,It just works. Nice tight layout. Combines Google & Exchange/Activesync well. Wish I could jump ahead faster than 1 mo at a time.,2,positive 11243,about to book train tickets for friday!,1,neutral 20110,"'Isn`t she lovely? Isn`t she beautiful?' Sorry Stevie, you`re not really in a position to make that judgement #steviewonder",0,negative 6973,"It's a great app and the watchface is a perfect addition, but it would be even more perfect if the 24h mode was a feature of the watchface. (And an option to switch between 12h/24h mode and open meetings by tapping the sector.)",2,positive 8406,Its offically mothers day!! happy moms day!!!,2,positive 27381, you know you lvoe me!,2,positive 8277, I shudder at the thought of what she was thinking she`d do with it if she`d managed to reclaim it...,1,neutral 2530," Sorry Mike, was assuming it was music that was missing..I don`t know then.. a mystery..",0,negative 1660,"In worst case cenario, I`ll show up on OFFF with a white mask, and scare everyone. Even better: everyone should wear a mask besides me.",0,negative 19120, and you suck horribly the world is at an even balance,0,negative 6698,"Scary lightning and thunder I`m glad it`s over now. Going to sleep, I hope I`m not late to school tomorow again. Haha",2,positive 16357, I`ve always been a ppl person just hid behind bad self confidence for 2 long u can do anything!,1,neutral 27136, awesome! maybe someday I`ll find a book of yours on the bestsellers list? lol,2,positive 8966,tierd.i just want to talk,0,negative 15953,"got through two thirds of new moon in three days, now on to eclipse..........then more work assignments sadly dnt write them selves.",0,negative 11501,some of my new followers are pretty cool peeps; check `em out.,2,positive 24115, - haha^^ I love it,2,positive 2940, i wanted to see that. enjoy it!,2,positive 1623, copy & paste **** **** tosser piss flap a 10000000000 times !!!!,0,negative 113,Cannot change themes anymore missing notifications liked it previously,0,negative 10079,Just saw Star Trek with the boo.. Now off to bed! Never again will I go to a Vallejo theater. hAppy mOthErs dAy to all!! I love my mommy,1,neutral 1869,I took my antibiotics and I still feel like ****,0,negative 22476," I`m doing good thanks And yourself? and sorry, lil busy at the moment.",2,positive 16541, i know ridiculous! we never got to hang out i love chicago and want to go shopping... so a trip sounds like fun,2,positive 17079,joining twitter,1,neutral 5300, - for all dad is doing like this to his son/daughter love,2,positive 9588,misses so much,0,negative 3296,not so good mood..,0,negative 5975," Guys, nothing is free in life. Where is my shidduch money?",1,neutral 2344,"i want my WOOSOO like now plz i gant wait, knowing she`s so close is driveing me NUTTS",1,neutral 8845, Molly was born on my birthday!!!! *cue twilight zone music*,2,positive 115,The reminder doesn't work at all.,0,negative 5016, byeeeee,1,neutral 25458,shut up.,0,negative 4135,Great game,2,positive 6662,on no bsg might just have made me cry,0,negative 27119,so so tired..,1,neutral 16840,Loving the # dreambears on #britains got talent,2,positive 9655,"It was great before, but lately it sends notifications whenever it likes. It doesn't notify according to schedule anymore. And now, it doesn't notify at all.",0,negative 3615,"I like this app, but despite all attempts following your steps, the notification is still not working. It used to work just fine, but for some reason, I'm guessing after an update, it will not notify me that the time is up until I press my phone's powers button, meaning I am having to come back to my phone every so often to check if my time is up, which contradicts this apps purpose. I'm sometimes going 20 minutes over time - so much for pomadoro! Please fix this issue!",1,neutral 25153,wanted to go to the club...dancing;)..but now i�m tired anyways i have to go to work tomorrow!,0,negative 13544,_Ho Naw; it was before the 15 mins bug (where tanks would stop spawning after 15 mins) I`m glad I get to keep it,2,positive 18967,happy mothers day to all the baby mommasss! rofl,2,positive 3485,Great 👏👏,0,negative 3644,"It's amazing and it helps me so much when writing, but these days it keeps crashing all the time :(",1,neutral 22752, dope background,2,positive 19776," Susan Egan, I love her! And yeah, it said I would have a pleasant trip.",2,positive 25555, I`m so ready for the weekend. Did you see all the flash flood warnings for around here?,1,neutral 15878, Oh wow Thanks for the info.,2,positive 2317,I`m going to estonia! woohoo!!,1,neutral 7720,Doesnt feel good! but I cant miss work tomorrow!,0,negative 7499,trying this out with my sweet lil iPod... I am totally nerding out. and... totally ok with it,1,neutral 14459,_McLife yeah that is the one thing i hate about tweetdeck,0,negative 10536,Gettin my cardio on right now. Walkin to the train station awww I so miss the gym,0,negative 1062,"Reminders are kind of a core feature in a to-do list app. Why should I have to pay for it? The app is fine, but I can't use the reminders.",0,negative 779,"I used this app many years ago but I can't remember why I stopped using it. Whatever the reason was, they must have improved a lot because I'm loving the app now. Never been so productive.",2,positive 4449,"@_iDANCE19 well yes lol .. i had a chat with them earlier , there just not willing to learn anything else",1,neutral 1309,If it had reminders in free version it would have been the best to do list.,1,neutral 7613,The pool is just not fun without Tim in it...,0,negative 4305,"I`m seeing quite a few proto-furries here, now that I think of it. #acen",1,neutral 20603,kate is leaving me all by my lonesome,0,negative 3796,How to equip those new purchased trees??????,1,neutral 13101, my riding time has been dismal too during these rainy weeks. haven`t been able to make myself to go to the gym instead.,0,negative 27163,Is still tired due to late nights out and work and has to b up early again 2moro 4 work bad times!,0,negative 2665,"This is terribly buggy and you're better off avoiding it; use the website instead, if you're on your mobile device. Latest update doesn't update habit counters on-screen after you press any buttons; all of the command is processed though. App still doesn't display items that are found. Just another buggy update.",0,negative 1791, yea he said brooke`s gonna come over to record today! !,1,neutral 18749, So are you going to watch Star trek or Wolverine..? I bet you are going to watch both Right?,1,neutral 10277,Fuck no internet damn time warner!,0,negative 8610, Looking forward to android 1.5 being pushed to the G1 then?,1,neutral 8114,Not good. Wasted time.,0,negative 3034," U were great, as always. But, can`t we do an east Germany on noko? Or at least provoke them & then go in 4 the kill.",2,positive 11601," - Love your desserts. Used to live in OR but now live in TX, so can`t visit you.",2,positive