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1.03 | | 1.03 WATERS INCLUDED. | The concurrent jurisdiction of a county and of courts and officers exercising jurisdiction throughout it extends over the water area that would be included if the boundary lines of the county were produced in the direction of their approach and extended across the waters to the opposite shore. |
1.01 | | 1.01 EXTENT. | The sovereignty and jurisdiction of this state extend to all places within its boundaries as defined in the constitution and, concurrently, to the waters forming a common boundary between this and adjoining states, subject only to rights of jurisdiction acquired by the United States over places in it. |
1.02 | | 1.02 JURISDICTION OVER WATERS. | Courts and officers having jurisdiction in a county bordering upon Big Stone Lake, Lake Traverse, Bois de Sioux River, or the Red River of the North, have jurisdiction in civil and criminal cases upon those waters concurrently with the courts and officers of other states bordering on them, to the extent any of them forms a common boundary between this state and any other state. |
1.041 | | 1.041 CONCURRENT JURISDICTION OF STATE AND UNITED STATES. | Except as otherwise expressly provided, the jurisdiction of the United States over any land or other property in this state owned for national purposes is concurrent with and subject to the jurisdiction and right of the state to cause its civil and criminal process to be executed there, to punish offenses against its laws committed there, and to protect, regulate, control, and dispose of any property of the state there.
In any case not otherwise provided for, the consent of the state to the acquisition by the United States of any land or right or interest in land in this state, desired for any authorized national purpose, with concurrent jurisdiction as defined in subdivision 1, may be given by concurrence of a majority of the members of the Land Exchange Commission created by the Constitution of Minnesota, article XI, section 10, upon finding that the acquisition and the methods of the acquisition and the exercise of the jurisdiction are consistent with the best interests of the state, if application for the state's consent is made by an authorized officer of the United States, setting forth a description of the property, with a map when necessary for its proper identification, and the authority for, purpose of, and method used or to be used in acquiring it. The commission may specify the method of acquisition as a condition of its consent.
In case of acquisition by purchase or gift, the state's consent shall be obtained before the execution of any instrument conveying the lands involved or any interest in them to the United States. In case of condemnation, consent shall be obtained before the commencement of a condemnation proceeding. |
1.042 | | 1.042 CONSENT OF STATE. | The consent of the State of Minnesota is given in accordance with the Constitution of the United States, Article I, Section 8, Clause 17, to the acquisition by the United States in any manner of any land or right or interest in land in this state required for sites for customs houses, courthouses, hospitals, sanitariums, post offices, prisons, reformatories, jails, forestry depots, supply houses, or offices, aviation fields or stations, radio stations, military or naval camps, bases, stations, arsenals, depots, terminals, cantonments, storage places, target ranges, or any other military or naval purpose of the United States.
So far as jurisdiction, exclusive or partial, in or over any land or place in Minnesota acquired by the United States for any purpose specified in subdivision 1 is accepted by the head or other authorized officer of any department or independent establishment or agency of the United States as provided by the laws of the United States, the jurisdiction is ceded to the United States, subject to the conditions and reservations of subdivision 3. When the premises abut upon the navigable waters of Minnesota, the jurisdiction shall include the underwater lands adjacent to them lying between the line of low-water mark and the bulkhead or pierhead line as now or hereafter established.
The right of the state to cause its civil and criminal process to be executed in any ceded land or place is reserved to the state. The state also reserves the right to impose the following taxes:
(A) an income tax on persons residing in the land or place or receiving income from transactions occurring or services performed there;
(B) a sales or use tax levied on or measured by sales, receipts from sales, purchases, storage, or use of tangible personal property in the land or place;
(C) a tax on personal property situated in the land or place, or on the use of personal property by a private individual, association, or corporation there, except personal property owned by the United States or by law exempt from taxation; and
(D) a tax on the use of real property within the land or place by a private individual, association, or corporation. |
1.043 | | 1.043 JURISDICTION, WHEN TO VEST. | The jurisdiction granted or ceded to the United States over any place in the state under sections 1.041 or 1.042 shall not vest until the United States has acquired the title to or right of possession of the premises affected, and shall continue only while the United States owns or occupies them for the purposes to which the jurisdiction appertains as specified in those sections or until the United States relinquishes to the state full or partial jurisdiction under section 1.0431. |
1.0431 | | 1.0431 RETROCESSION. | Notwithstanding any other law, all or any part of the jurisdiction acquired by the United States over any land or place in the state under section 1.041 or 1.042 or any other statute may be retroceded to the state in the manner provided in this section.
Retrocession of jurisdiction shall be initiated by written offer to the governor by an authorized officer of the United States agency having supervision over the land. Retrocession shall not take effect until
(a) the governor, after consulting with the governing bodies of counties or municipalities where all or part of the federal lands are situated, has accepted jurisdiction on behalf of the state,
(b) a certificate evidencing acceptance is filed with the secretary of state, and
(c) a duplicate is recorded in the office of the county recorder of each county where the lands or any part of them are situated.
The jurisdiction ceded to the state under subdivision 1 shall be exercised by the appropriate state authorities and by the local governmental units where all or part of the affected federal lands are situated. |
1.044 | | 1.044 UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER WILD LIFE AND FISH REFUGE. | Consent of the state of Minnesota is given to the acquisition by the United States by purchase, gift, or lease of the areas of land or water, or both, in this state as the United States deems necessary for the establishment of the Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge in accordance with and for the purposes of the Act of Congress approved June 7, 1924, entitled "An act to establish the Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge," reserving to the state full and complete jurisdiction and authority over the areas compatible with their maintenance and control by the United States for the purposes and under the terms of that Act of Congress. |
1.045 | | 1.045 STATE, CONSENT TO ACQUISITION OF LANDS. | Consent of the state of Minnesota is given to the acquisition by the United States in any manner authorized by act of Congress of lands lying within the original boundaries of the Chippewa National Forest and the Superior National Forest for any purpose incident to the development or maintenance of those forests, subject to concurrent jurisdiction of the state and the United States as defined in section 1.041. |
1.0451 | | 1.0451 LIMITS ON CONSENT TO FEDERAL ACQUISITIONS OF LANDS IN ST. LOUIS, LAKE, AND COOK COUNTIES; WATER AND LAND OWNERSHIP; DUTIES OF STATE OFFICIALS. | Pursuant to applicable federal and state law under which Minnesota was admitted to the union on equal footing with the original 13 states, navigable waters and their beds located within the exterior boundaries of the state are owned by the state. In a few limited circumstances, as in section 1.044, relating to the Upper Mississippi Wildlife and Fish Refuge, the state has expressly granted its consent and concurrent jurisdiction to the United States to acquire interests in water, as well as land, for a limited purpose and in the limited area described in its consent. Unlike section 1.044, the consent granted by the state in section 1.045 to acquisitions by the United States for the Superior National Forest is limited to land, only. The state has never ceded to the United States, either expressly or implicitly, its ownership of and jurisdiction over the navigable waters and their beds that are located within the exterior boundaries of the forest.
Pursuant to the Organic Act that created the territory of Minnesota (Act of Congress, March 3, 1849, 9 Stat. ch. 121, section 18), and the Enabling Act that authorized the people of the territory of Minnesota to establish the state of Minnesota (Act of Congress, February 26, 1857, 11 Stat. ch. 60, section 5, first paragraph), federal public domain lands located in sections 16 and 36 in every township at the time of statehood were granted to the state for the use of schools, together with equivalent land located in other sections if section 16 or 36 had been disposed of before statehood. In conformity with the terms of the federal grant, the citizens of Minnesota, by constitution, article XI, section 8, have dedicated the proceeds from the sale or other disposition of these school grant lands, and the proceeds from the sale or other disposition of lands subsequently received from the United States under swampland grants, to public school purposes. By constitution, article XI, sections 8 and 10, the disposition of school and swampland grant lands, frequently referred to as trust fund lands, is limited to sale at public auction or exchange. Roughly 100,000 acres of state-owned, mostly trust fund land, is located within that portion of the Superior National Forest that is described as the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Much of this state-owned trust fund land, as well as other state-owned land that is tax-forfeited and is held in trust for local taxing districts, is high-value lakeshore land. The state has not disposed of these lands to the United States and has not ceded jurisdiction over these lands, either expressly or implicitly, to the United States.
In the discharge of their official duties, the governor, attorney general, other constitutional officers, and other public officials, such as the commissioner of natural resources, shall vigorously assert and defend, in all forums, the state's ownership of and jurisdiction over the navigable waters and their beds, the state trust fund lands and lands held in trust for local taxing districts located in the Superior National Forest, the natural resources related to these lands, waters, and beds, and the associated rights of the state and its citizens arising from the state's ownership and jurisdictional interests in these lands, waters, and beds. In furtherance of their duties, the governor, attorney general, other constitutional officers, and other public officials shall, additionally, be especially cognizant of the free rights of travel afforded to citizens of Minnesota and others under the Webster-Ashburton Treaty (proclaimed November 10, 1842) and the Root-Bryce Treaty (proclaimed May 13, 1910) on international and associated boundary waters. Also, in furtherance of their duties, in any exchange or other disposition of state-owned land located within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, the governor, attorney general, state auditor, commissioner of natural resources, and any other public official involved in such matters shall be especially cognizant of the high value of the lakeshore and other state land located within the area. |
1.046 | | 1.046 EVIDENCE OF CONSENT. | The consent of the state given under sections 1.041 to 1.048 to the acquisition by the United States of any land or right or interest in land in this state or to the exercise of jurisdiction over any place in this state shall be evidenced by the certificate of the governor, issued in duplicate, under the great seal of the state, upon application by an authorized officer of the United States and upon proof that title to the property has vested in the United States. The certificate shall set forth
(a) a description of the property,
(b) the authority for, purpose of, and method used in acquiring it, and
(c) the conditions of the jurisdiction of the state and the United States over it,
and shall declare the consent of the state under sections 1.041 to 1.048, as the case may require. When necessary for proper identification of the property a map may be attached to the certificate, and the applicant may be required to furnish it. One duplicate of the certificate shall be filed with the secretary of state. The other shall be delivered to the applicant, who shall record it in the office of the county recorder of each county in which the land or any part of it is situated. |
1.047 | | 1.047 CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS IN STATE COURTS BY UNITED STATES. | When consent to the acquisition by the United States of any land or any right or interest in land by condemnation is given by sections 1.041 to 1.048, the United States may effect condemnation in the courts of this state in accordance with the laws of this state relating to eminent domain, or may effect condemnation in the courts of the United States as authorized by act of Congress. When consent by the Land Exchange Commission is required by section 1.041 the commission may specify which method of condemnation shall be used as a condition of its consent. |
1.049 | | 1.049 ACQUISITION OF LANDS IN TAMARAC NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE BY UNITED STATES. | Consent of the State of Minnesota is given to the acquisition by the United States in any manner authorized by act of Congress of lands lying within the original boundaries of the Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge as established by Executive Order No. 7902 dated May 31, 1938, of the President of the United States for any purpose incident to the development or maintenance of that refuge, other acts notwithstanding. |
1.048 | | 1.048 EFFECT OF REPEAL OF CERTAIN LAWS. | Mason's Minnesota Statutes of 1927, sections 4 and 5, as amended by Laws 1941, chapter 66, and Mason's Minnesota Statutes of 1927, Sections 6, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, and 6-6, and Mason's Supplement 1940, Section 6-1, are repealed, but their repeal shall not affect any case in which the consent of the state to the acquisition of property or the exercise of jurisdiction by the United States was given by any of them and the acquisition of the property was completed before the taking effect of Laws 1943, chapter 343, nor any case in which the consent of the state was given by Laws 1941, chapter 66, before the taking effect of Laws 1943, chapter 343. |
2.01 | | 2.01 NAMES AND BOUNDARIES. | The state is divided into the several counties named in the following schedule, the boundaries whereof, except as changed or established by vote of the people since the year 1892, are as fixed by the several laws referred to in the schedule after their respective names. The laws so referred to are hereby continued in force so far as they relate to the fixing of county lines at the respective dates of their passage.
Aitkin (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 2; 1871 c. 96; Sp. L. 1872 c. 145; 1887 c. 117); Anoka (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 4; Id. s. 36; Const. art. 11, s. 7); Becker (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 5); Beltrami (1866 c. 46; 1879 c. 10 s. 1; 1889 c. 75 s. 1); (Lake of the Woods County formed therefrom 1922); Benton (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 6); Big Stone (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 7; Sp. L. 1876 c. 159); Blue Earth (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 8); Brown (1865 c. 71 s. 3; G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 9); Carlton (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 10); Carver (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 11); Cass (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 12; 1883 c. 78 s. 1, 1887 c. 116 s. 1, c. 117 s. 1, c. 118 s. 1; 1889 c. 75 s. 2); Chippewa (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 13; 1868 c. 113 s. 1); Chisago (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 14); Clay (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 15); Clearwater (formed by popular vote); Cook (1874 c. 100 s. 1); Cottonwood (1865 c. 71 s. 2; G.S. 1866 c. 16); Crow Wing (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 17; 1887 c. 118 s. 2); Dakota (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 18; 1871 c. 97 s. 1; 1874 c. 101 s. 1); Dodge (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 19); Douglas (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 20); Faribault (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 21); Fillmore (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 22); Freeborn (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 23); Goodhue (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 24); Grant (1868 c. 109 s. 5); Hennepin (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 25); Houston (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 26); Hubbard (1883 c. 78 s. 1); Isanti (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 27); Itasca (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 28; 1871 c. 96; 1887 c. 116 s. 1); (Koochiching County formed therefrom 1906); Jackson (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 29); Kanabec (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 30); Kandiyohi (G.S. 1866 c. 8 ss. 31, 41; 1870 c. 92 s. 1); Kittson (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 49; 1878 c. 59 s. 1; 1879 c. 10 s. 2); Koochiching (formed by popular vote 1906); Lac qui Parle (1871 c. 100 s. 1); Lake (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 33; 1874 c. 100 s. 1; 1895 c. 248); Lake of the Woods (formed by popular vote 1922); Le Sueur (Sts. 1849-58 c. 1 s. 71; G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 34); Lincoln (1873 c. 92 s. 1); Lyon (1868 c. 112 s. 1; 1869 c. 94 s. 1; 1873 c. 92 s. 1); McLeod (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 38); Mahnomen (formed by popular vote 1906); Marshall (1879 c. 10 s. 3; 1883 c. 81 s. 1); Martin (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 37); Meeker (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 39; 1870 c. 97 s. 1); Mille Lacs (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 40); Morrison (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 42; 1867 c. 116 s. 1; 1870 c. 98 s. 1); Mower (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 43); Murray (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 44); Nicollet (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 45); Nobles (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 46); Norman (1881 c. 92 s. 1); (Mahnomen County formed therefrom 1906); Olmsted (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 47); Otter Tail (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 48; 1872 c. 87 s. 1); Pennington (formed by popular vote 1910); Pine (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 50); Pipestone (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 51); Polk (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 52; 1866 c. 46 s. 1; 1881 c. 92 s. 1); Pope (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 53; 1866 c. 44 s. 1); Ramsey (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 54; 1874 c. 101 s. 1); Red Lake (formed by popular vote); (Pennington County formed therefrom 1910); Redwood (1865 c. 71 s. 1; G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 55; 1869 c. 94 s. 1; 1871 c. 98 s. 1; 1871 c. 100 s. 1; 1873 c. 92 s. 1); Renville (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 56; 1866 c. 43 s. 1; 1868 c. 10 s. 1; 1870 c. 97 s. 1); Rice (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 57); Rock (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 58); Roseau (formed by popular vote); St. Louis (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 59; 1895 c. 248); Scott (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 60; 1871 c. 97 s. 1; Sp. L. 1870 c. 2 subd. 1; Sp. L. 1875 c. 6 subd. 1 s. 2); Sherburne (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 61); Sibley (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 62); Stearns (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 63; 1870 c. 98 s. 1; 1874 c. 102 s. 1); Steele (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 64); Stevens (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 55; 1868 c. 109 s. 1); Swift (1870 c. 90 s. 1); Todd (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 66; 1867 c. 116 s. 2; 1868 c. 114 s. 1; 1874 c. 102 s. 1); Traverse (1881 c. 130 s. 1); Wabasha (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 68); Wadena (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 69); Waseca (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 70); Washington (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 71); Watonwan (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 72); Wilkin (1872 c. 83 s. 1); Winona (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 73); Wright (G.S. 1866 c. 8 s. 74); Yellow Medicine (1871 c. 98 s. 1). |
1.05 | | 1.05 WAIVER OF IMMUNITY FOR VIOLATIONS OF CERTAIN FEDERAL STATUTES. | An employee, former employee, or prospective employee of the state who is aggrieved by the state's violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, United States Code, title 29, section 621, et seq., as amended, may bring a civil action against the state in federal court or in any other court of competent jurisdiction for such legal or equitable relief as will effectuate the purposes of the act.
An employee of the state who is aggrieved by the state's violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, United States Code, title 29, section 201, et seq., as amended, may bring a civil action against the state in federal court or in any other court of competent jurisdiction for such legal or equitable relief as will effectuate the purposes of the act.
An employee, former employee, or prospective employee of the state who is aggrieved by the state's violation of the Family and Medical Leave Act, United States Code, title 29, sections 2601 to 2654, as amended, may bring a civil action against the state in federal court or in any other court of competent jurisdiction for such legal or equitable relief as will effectuate the purposes of the act.
An employee, former employee, or prospective employee of the state who is aggrieved by the state's violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, United States Code, title 42, section 12101, as amended, may bring a civil action against the state in federal court or in any other court of competent jurisdiction for such legal or equitable relief as will effectuate the purposes of the act.
An employee, former employee, or prospective employee of the state who is aggrieved by the state's violation of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, United States Code, title 38, sections 4301 to 4333, as amended, may bring a civil action against the state in federal court or another court of competent jurisdiction for legal or equitable relief that will effectuate the purposes of that act. |
1.12 | | 1.12 FEDERAL FLOWAGE EASEMENTS OVER HIGHWAYS. | When requested by the commissioner of transportation the governor, in behalf of the state, may grant, bargain, sell, and convey to the United States of America any easement for flowage in and upon any easement or fee owned by the state of Minnesota for trunk highway right-of-way purposes when it is required by the United States to aid a public improvement. |
1.13 | | 1.13 MONEY RECEIVED CREDITED TO HIGHWAY FUND. | Any payment so received for the granting of an easement shall be deposited in the trunk highway fund. |
1.135 | | 1.135 STATE SEAL. | This section prescribes the design and states the historical symbolism of the Great Seal of the State of Minnesota.
The seal described in subdivision 3a is the "Great Seal of the State of Minnesota." When the seal, the impression of the seal, the scene within the seal, or its likeness is reproduced at state expense, it must conform to subdivision 3 and section 4.04. A seal, impression, scene, or likeness which does not conform to these provisions is not official.
MS 2022 [Repealed, 2023 c 62 art 2 s 133]
The Great Seal of the State of Minnesota is the design as certified in the report of the State Emblems Redesign Commission, as established by Laws 2023, chapter 62, article 2, section 118.
Every effort shall be made to reproduce the seal with justification to the 12 o'clock position. This section does not prohibit the enlargement, proportioned reduction, or embossment of the seal for its use in unofficial acts.
MS 2022 [Repealed, 2023 c 62 art 2 s 133]
State agencies and departments using the seal, its impression, or its likeness shall make every effort to bring any seal, impression, or likeness currently fixed to a permanent object into accordance with this section and section 4.04. Expendable material to which the seal in effect prior to May 11, 2024, or any impression, scene, or likeness of that seal is currently affixed may be used until the supply is exhausted or until January 1, 2025, whichever occurs first. All unused dies and engravings of the Great Seal shall be given to the Minnesota Historical Society, along with all historical information available about the seal, to be retained in the society's permanent collection. |
2.021 | | 2.021 NUMBER OF MEMBERS. | For each legislature, until a new apportionment shall have been made, the senate is composed of 67 members and the house of representatives is composed of 134 members. |
1.143 | | 1.143 STATE TREE. | The Red pine (Pinus resinosa), more commonly known as Norway pine, is designated as the official state tree of the state of Minnesota.
A photograph of the Red pine, to be obtained and approved by the commissioner of natural resources, shall be certified and preserved in the Office of the Secretary of State. |
2.031 | | 2.031 APPORTIONMENT. | The representatives in the senate and house of representatives are apportioned throughout the state in 67 senate districts and 134 house of representatives districts. Each senate district is entitled to elect one senator and each house of representatives district is entitled to elect one representative.
[Repealed, 2013 c 125 art 1 s 108] |
1.146 | | 1.146 STATE FISH. | The walleye, Stizostedion v. vitreum, is the official fish of the state of Minnesota.
A photograph of the walleye shall be preserved in the Office of the Secretary of State. |
1.145 | | 1.145 STATE BIRD. | The loon, Gavia immer, is the official bird of the state of Minnesota.
A photograph of the loon shall be preserved in the Office of the Secretary of State. |
1.141 | | 1.141 STATE FLAG. | The design of the state flag as certified in the report of the State Emblems Redesign Commission, as established by Laws 2023, chapter 62, article 2, section 118, is adopted as the official state flag.
The secretary of state shall file a photograph of the state flag. The secretary shall also retain custodial control over the sample design flag of the commission for use by the public for copies.
MS 2022 [Repealed, 2023 c 62 art 2 s 133]
MS 2022 [Repealed, 2023 c 62 art 2 s 133]
The official state flag shall be flown on the State Capitol grounds at all times between sunrise and sunset.
MS 2022 [Repealed, 2023 c 62 art 2 s 133]
When folding the Minnesota State Flag for storage, the proper procedure is to fold and store the flag in the same manner as the national colors. |
1.1465 | | 1.1465 STATE BEE. | The rusty patched bumble bee, Bombus affinis, is the official bee of the state of Minnesota.
A photograph of the rusty patched bumble bee must be preserved in the Office of the Secretary of State. |
1.142 | | 1.142 STATE FLOWER. | The pink and white lady slipper, Cypripedium reginae, is the official flower of the state of Minnesota.
A photograph of the pink and white lady slipper, obtained and approved by the commissioner of natural resources, shall be preserved in the Office of the Secretary of State. |
1.147 | | 1.147 STATE GEMSTONE. | The Lake Superior agate is the official gemstone of the state of Minnesota.
A photograph and a typical specimen of the Lake Superior agate shall be preserved in the Office of the Secretary of State. |
1.1471 | | 1.1471 STATE FIRE MUSEUM. | The Bill and Bonnie Daniels Firefighters Hall and Museum in the city of Minneapolis is designated as the official state fire museum. |
1.1475 | | 1.1475 STATE FRUIT. | The Honeycrisp apple is the official fruit of the state of Minnesota. |
1.148 | | 1.148 STATE GRAIN. | Zizania aquatica, commonly known as wild rice or manomin, is the official state grain of the state of Minnesota.
A photograph of zizania aquatica, commonly known as wild rice or manomin, may be displayed in the Office of the Secretary of State. |
1.1485 | | 1.1485 STATE SOIL. | Lester is designated as the official soil of the state of Minnesota. |
1.149 | | 1.149 STATE MUSHROOM. | Morchella esculenta, commonly known as the morel, sponge mushroom, or honeycomb morel, is adopted as the official state mushroom of the state of Minnesota.
A photograph of the morel, approved by the commissioner of natural resources, shall be preserved and may be displayed in the Office of the Secretary of State. |
1.1495 | | 1.1495 STATE DRINK. | Milk is adopted as the official drink of the state of Minnesota. |
1.1496 | | 1.1496 STATE MUFFIN. | The blueberry muffin is adopted as the official muffin of the state of Minnesota. |
1.1498 | | 1.1498 STATE PHOTOGRAPH. | The world-renowned photograph "Grace," depicting an elderly man bowing his head and giving thanks, taken in Bovey, Minnesota, in 1918, by Eric Enstrom, is designated as the state photograph.
A copy of the photograph "Grace" must be displayed in the Office of the Secretary of State. |
1.1499 | | 1.1499 STATE SPORT. | Ice hockey is adopted as the official sport of the state of Minnesota. |
1.1497 | | 1.1497 STATE BUTTERFLY. | The Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) is the official butterfly of the state of Minnesota. |
1.16 | | 1.16 MAPS ON FILE. | The maps referred to in the compact in section 1.15 as Exhibits A, B, and C are the original maps on file with the report of the Michigan-Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary conference in the Office of the Secretary of State of Wisconsin, of which duplicate original maps are on file in the Office of the Secretary of State of Minnesota. |
1.15 | | 1.15 BOUNDARY COMPACT; MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA. | The following compact is ratified and approved:
Entered into by and between the state of Michigan, the state of Minnesota and the state of Wisconsin, states signatory hereto.
The contracting states solemnly agree:
1. That the boundary between the state of Michigan and the state of Wisconsin in the center of Lake Michigan be and it hereby is finally fixed and established as the line marked A-B-C-D-E-F-G on the map, Exhibit A, annexed hereto, which line is more particularly described as follows:
Starting at Point A, a point equidistant from either shore on the line which is the eastward continuation of the boundary line between Wisconsin and Illinois or latitude 42 degrees 29 minutes 37 seconds North;
Thence to Point B, a point equidistant from either shore on the line drawn through the Port Washington Fog Signal and Storm Signal and the White Lake Storm Signal, on a true azimuth of 354 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 61.55 statute miles;
Thence to Point C, a point equidistant from either shore on a line drawn through the Sheboygan Coast Guard Storm Signal, Fog Signal, Radio Beacon and Little Sable Point Light, on a true azimuth of 03 degrees 01 minute 15 seconds, a distance of 22.18 statute miles;
Thence to Point D, a point equidistant from either shore on a line drawn through the Twin River Point Light and Fog Signal and Big Sable Fog and Light Signal, on a true azimuth of 10 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds, a distance of 30.33 statute miles;
Thence to Point E, a point equidistant from either shore on a line from Bailey's Harbor Inland Light and Point Betsie Fog Signal, Radio Beacon, and Distance Finding Station, on a true azimuth of 17 degrees 09 minutes 55 seconds, a distance of 54.20 statute miles;
Thence to Point F, a point equidistant from either shore on a line drawn through the Pilot Island Light and Fog Signal and Sleeping Bear Point Light, on a true azimuth of 33 degrees 29 minutes 10 seconds, a distance of 17.24 statute miles;
Thence to Point G, the point determined by the United States Supreme Court decree of March 12, 1936, which is a point 45,600 meters from the center of Rock Island Passage on a bearing of South 60 degrees East, on the true azimuth of 40 degrees 34 minutes 10 seconds, a distance of 15.66 statute miles. The latitude and longitude of the named control points is as follows:
2. That the western boundary of the state of Michigan in the waters of Lake Superior and the eastern boundary in the waters of Lake Superior of the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin be and it hereby is finally fixed and established as the line marked M-N on the map, Exhibit B, annexed hereto, which line is more particularly described as follows:
Starting at Point M, the point where the line through the middle of the main channel of the Montreal River enters Lake Superior,
Thence in a direct line to Point N, the point where a line drawn through the most easterly point of Pigeon Point and the most southerly point of Pine Point intersects the international boundary, on a true azimuth of 23 degrees 27 minutes 24 seconds and a distance of 108.86 statute miles.
The latitude and longitude of the named control points is:
3. That the boundary between the state of Minnesota and the state of Wisconsin in the center of Lake Superior be and it hereby is finally fixed and established as the line marked A-B-C-D on the map, Exhibit B, annexed hereto, which line is more particularly described as follows:
Starting at Point A which is the midpoint on the line M-N described in paragraph 2, supra;
Thence to Point B, the midpoint in a direct line between the mouth of Cross River, Minnesota and the Lighthouse on Outer Island in Wisconsin, on a true azimuth of 272 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds, a distance of 33.15 statute miles;
Thence to Point C, the midpoint in a direct line between the Lighthouse on shore at Two Harbors, Minnesota and the light on the lakeward end of the government east pier at Port Wing, Wisconsin on a true azimuth of 235 degrees 27 minutes 40 seconds, a distance of 49.60 statute miles;
Thence to Point D, the midpoint in a direct line at right angles to the central axis of the Superior entry between the tops of the eastern ends of the pierheads at the lakeward ends of the United States government breakwaters at the Superior entry of Duluth Superior Harbor, on a true azimuth of 239 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds, a distance of 26.43 statute miles;
The latitude and longitude of the named control points is as follows:
4. All azimuths are measured clockwise from true north.
5. That this compact shall become operative immediately upon its ratification by any state as between it and the other state or states so ratifying. Ratification shall be made by act of the legislature of the ratifying state.
6. That immediately upon ratification of this compact by all three states, each state will appoint two members to a Joint Survey Commission to survey and mark the boundaries defined in this compact by establishing and perpetuating monuments at the reference points on shore by means of which the control points of said boundaries are located. The expense of marking the Lake Michigan Boundary shall be borne jointly by the states of Michigan and Wisconsin; the expense of marking the boundary line described in paragraph 2 above shall be borne equally by the states of Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin. The expense of marking the Lake Superior and Superior Bay boundary between Minnesota and Wisconsin shall be borne jointly by the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin. |
1.21 | | 1.21 GREAT LAKES BASIN COMPACT. | The Great Lakes Basin Compact is ratified, enacted into law, and entered into by this state as a party with any other state or province which, pursuant to article II of the compact, has legally joined in it in the form substantially as follows:
The party states solemnly agree:
The purposes of this compact are, through means of joint or cooperative action:
1. To promote the orderly, integrated, and comprehensive development, use, and conservation of the water resources of the Great Lakes Basin (hereinafter called the Basin).
2. To plan for the welfare and development of the water resources of the Basin as a whole as well as for those portions of the Basin which may have problems of special concern.
3. To make it possible for the states of the Basin and their people to derive the maximum benefit from utilization of public works, in the form of navigational aids or otherwise, which may exist or which may be constructed from time to time.
4. To advise in securing and maintaining a proper balance among industrial, commercial, agricultural, water supply, residential, recreational, and other legitimate uses of the water resources of the Basin.
5. To establish and maintain an intergovernmental agency to the end that the purposes of this compact may be accomplished more effectively.
A. This compact shall enter into force and become effective and binding when it has been enacted by the legislatures of any four of the States of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin and thereafter shall enter into force and become effective and binding as to any other of said states when enacted by the legislature thereof.
B. The Province of Ontario and the Province of Quebec, or either of them, may become states party to this compact by taking such action as their laws and the laws of the Government of Canada may prescribe for adherence thereto. For the purpose of this compact the word "state" shall be construed to include a province of Canada.
The Great Lakes Commission created by Article IV of this compact shall exercise its powers and perform its functions in respect to the Basin which, for the purposes of this compact, shall consist of so much of the following as may be within the party states:
1. Lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, St. Clair, Superior, and the St. Lawrence River, together with any and all natural or man-made water interconnections between or among them.
2. All rivers, ponds, lakes, streams, and other watercourses which, in their natural state or in their prevailing condition, are tributary to Lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, St. Clair, and Superior or any of them or which comprise part of any watershed draining into any of said lakes.
A. There is hereby created an agency of the party states to be known as The Great Lakes Commission (hereinafter called the Commission). In that name the commission may sue and be sued, acquire, hold and convey real and personal property and any interest therein. The commission shall have a seal with the words "The Great Lakes Commission" and such other design as it may prescribe engraved thereon by which it shall authenticate its proceedings. Transactions involving real or personal property shall conform to the laws of the state in which the property is located, and the commissioner may by bylaws provide for the execution and acknowledgment of all instruments in its behalf.
B. The commission shall be composed of not less than three commissioners nor more than five commissioners from each party state designated or appointed in accordance with the law of the state which they represent and serving and subject to removal in accordance with such law.
C. Each state delegation shall be entitled to three votes in the commission. The presence of commissioners from a majority of the party states shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the commission. Actions of the commission shall be by a majority of the votes cast except that any recommendations made pursuant to Article VI of this compact shall require an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the votes cast from each of a majority of the states present and voting.
D. The commissioners of any two or more party states may meet separately to consider problems of particular interest to their states but no action taken at any such meeting shall be deemed an action of the commission unless and until the commission shall specifically approve the same.
E. In the absence of any commissioner, his vote may be cast by another representative or commissioner of his state provided that said commissioner or other representative casting said vote shall have a written proxy in proper form as may be required by the commission.
F. The commission shall elect annually from among its members a chairman and vice-chairman. The commission shall appoint an executive director who shall also act as secretary-treasurer, and who shall be bonded in such amount as the commission may require. The executive director shall serve at the pleasure of the commission and at such compensation and under such terms and conditions as may be fixed by it. The executive director shall be custodian of the records of the commission with authority to affix the commission's official seal and to attest to and certify such records or copies thereof.
G. The executive director, subject to the approval of the commission in such cases as its bylaws may provide, shall appoint and remove or discharge such personnel as may be necessary for the performance of the commission's functions. Subject to the aforesaid approval, the executive director may fix their compensation, define their duties, and require bonds of such of them as the commission may designate.
H. The executive director, on behalf of, as trustee for, and with the approval of the commission, may borrow, accept, or contract for the services of personnel from any state or government or any subdivision or agency thereof, from any intergovernmental agency, or from any institution, person, firm or corporation; and may accept for any of the commission's purposes and functions under this compact any and all donations, gifts, and grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials, and services from any state or government or any subdivision or agency thereof or intergovernmental agency or from any institution, person, firm or corporation and may receive and utilize the same.
I. The commission may establish and maintain one or more offices for the transacting of its business and for such purposes the executive director, on behalf of, as trustee for, and with the approval of the commission, may acquire, hold and dispose of real and personal property necessary to the performance of its functions.
J. No tax levied or imposed by any party state or any political subdivision thereof shall be deemed to apply to property, transactions, or income of the commission.
K. The commission may adopt, amend and rescind bylaws, rules and regulations for the conduct of its business.
L. The organization meeting of the commission shall be held within six months from the effective date of this compact.
M. The commission and its executive director shall make available to the party states any information within its possession and shall always provide free access to its records by duly authorized representatives of such party states.
N. The commission shall keep a written record of its meetings and proceedings and shall annually make a report thereof to be submitted to the duly designated official of each party state.
O. The commission shall make and transmit annually to the legislature and Governor of each party state a report covering the activities of the commission for the preceding year and embodying such recommendations as may have been adopted by the commission. The commission may issue such additional reports as it may deem desirable.
A. The members of the commission shall serve without compensation, but the expenses of each commissioner shall be met by the state which he represents in accordance with the law of that state. All other expenses incurred by the commission in the course of exercising the powers conferred upon it by this compact, unless met in some other manner specifically provided by this compact, shall be paid by the commission out of its own funds.
B. The commission shall submit to the executive head or designated officer of each party state a budget of its estimated expenditures for such period as may be required by the laws of that state for presentation to the legislature thereof.
C. Each of the commission's budgets of estimated expenditures shall contain specific recommendations of the amount or amounts to be appropriated by each of the party states. Detailed commission budgets shall be recommended by a majority of the votes cast, and the costs shall be allocated equitably among the party states in accordance with their respective interests.
D. The commission shall not pledge the credit of any party state. The commission may meet any of its obligations in whole or in part with funds available to it under Article IV (H) of this compact, provided that the commission takes specific action setting aside such funds prior to the incurring of any obligations to be met in whole or in part in this manner. Except where the commission makes use of funds available to it under Article IV (H) hereof, the commission shall not incur any obligations prior to the allotment of funds by the party states adequate to meet the same.
E. The commission shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements. The receipts and disbursements of the commission shall be subject to the audit and accounting procedures established under the bylaws. However, all receipts and disbursements of funds handled by the commission shall be audited yearly by a qualified public accountant and the report of the audit shall be included in and become a part of the annual report of the commission.
F. The accounts of the commission shall be open at any reasonable time for inspection by such agency, representative or representatives of the party states as may be duly constituted for that purpose and by others who may be authorized by the commission.
The commission shall have power to:
A. Collect, correlate, interpret, and report on data relating to the water resources and the use thereof in the Basin or any portion thereof.
B. Recommend methods for the orderly, efficient, and balanced development, use, and conservation of the water resources of the Basin or any portion thereof to the party states and to any other governments or agencies having interests in or jurisdiction over the Basin or any portion thereof.
C. Consider the need for and desirability of public works and improvements relating to the water resources in the Basin or any portion thereof.
D. Consider means of improving navigation and port facilities in the Basin or any portion thereof.
E. Consider means of improving and maintaining the fisheries of the Basin or any portion thereof.
F. Recommend policies relating to water resources including the institution and alteration of flood plain and other zoning laws, ordinances and regulations.
G. Recommend uniform or other laws, ordinances, or regulations relating to the development, use and conservation of the Basin's water resources to the party states or any of them and to other governments, political subdivisions, agencies or intergovernmental bodies having interests in or jurisdiction sufficient to affect conditions in the Basin or any portion thereof.
H. Consider and recommend amendments or agreements supplementary to this compact to the party states or any of them, and assist in the formulation and drafting of such amendments or supplementary agreements.
I. Prepare and publish reports, bulletins, and publications appropriate to this work and fix reasonable sale prices therefor.
J. With respect to the water resources of the Basin or any portion thereof, recommend agreements between the governments of the United States and Canada.
K. Recommend mutual arrangements expressed by concurrent or reciprocal legislation on the part of Congress and the Parliament of Canada including but not limited to such agreements and mutual arrangements as are provided for by Article XIII of the Treaty of 1909 Relating to Boundary Waters and Questions Arising Between the United States and Canada. (Treaty Series, No. 548.)
L. Cooperate with the governments of the United States and of Canada, the party states and any public or private agencies or bodies having interests in or jurisdiction sufficient to affect the Basin or any portion thereof.
M. At the request of the United States, or in the event that a province shall be a party state, at the request of the Government of Canada, assist in the negotiation and formulation of any treaty or other mutual arrangement or agreement between the United States and Canada with reference to the Basin or any portion thereof.
N. Make any recommendation and do all things necessary and proper to carry out the powers conferred upon the commission by this compact, provided that no action of the commission shall have the force of law in, or be binding upon, any party state.
Each party state agrees to consider the action the commission recommends in respect to:
A. Stabilization of lake levels.
B. Measures for combating pollution, beach erosion, floods, and shore inundation.
C. Uniformity in navigation regulations within the constitutional powers of the states.
D. Proposed navigation aids and improvements.
E. Uniformity or effective coordinating action in fishing laws and regulations and cooperative action to eradicate destructive and parasitical forces endangering the fisheries, wild life and other water resources.
F. Suitable hydroelectric power developments.
G. Cooperative programs for control of soil and bank erosion for the general improvement of the Basin.
H. Diversion of waters from and into the Basin.
I. Other measures the commission may recommend to the states pursuant to Article VI of this compact.
This compact shall continue in force and remain binding upon each party state until renounced by act of the legislature of such state, in such form and manner as it may choose and as may be valid and effective to repeal a statute of said state, provided that such renunciation shall not become effective until six months after notice of such action shall have been officially communicated in writing to the executive head of the other party states.
It is intended that the provisions of this compact shall be reasonably and liberally construed to effectuate the purposes thereof. The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any party state or of the United States, or in the case of a province, to the British North America Act of 1867 as amended, or the applicability thereof to any state, agency, person or circumstance is held invalid, the constitutionality of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any state, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby, provided further that if this compact shall be held contrary to the Constitution of the United States, or in the case of a province, to the British North America Act of 1867 as amended, or of any party state, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters. |
1.22 | | 1.22 COMMISSIONERS. | In pursuance of Article IV of the compact, there shall be five commissioners on the Great Lakes Commission from this state. Two shall be members of the house of representatives and two shall be members of the state senate. One member shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the governor. The house of representatives members shall be appointed by the speaker of the house and the members of the senate shall be appointed by the Committee on Committees. The commissioners shall exercise all voting rights conferred by the compact on the commissioners from the party state as provided in Article IV, (B and C) of the compact. |
1.23 | | 1.23 STATE OFFICERS, DUTIES. | All officers of this state shall do all things falling within their respective jurisdictions necessary to or incidental to carrying out the compact in every particular. It is the policy of this state to perform and carry out the compact and to accomplish its purposes. All officers, bureaus, departments and persons of the state government or administration shall, at reasonable times and upon request of the commission, furnish it with information and data possessed by them and aid it by loan of personnel or other means within their legal powers. |
2.095 | | 2.095 NINTH DISTRICT. | Notwithstanding the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022), Senate District 9 consists of the district as described in that order, with the modification contained in file L12B-1, on file with the Geographic Information Systems Office of the Legislative Coordinating Commission and published on its website on April 27, 2022.
Notwithstanding the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022), Senate District 9 is divided into two house of representatives districts as follows:
(a) House of Representatives District 9A consists of the district as described in that order.
(b) House of Representatives District 9B consists of all territory of Senate District 9, as modified by subdivision 1, that is not included in House of Representatives District 9A. |
1.26 | | 1.26 ENEMY ATTACK, TEMPORARY RELOCATION OF SEATS OF GOVERNMENT. | As used in this section, "political subdivision" includes counties, home rule charter and statutory cities, towns, townships, school districts, authorities, and other public corporations and entities whether organized and existing under charter or general law.
When, due to an emergency resulting from the effects of enemy attack, or the anticipated effects of a threatened enemy attack, it becomes imprudent, inexpedient or impossible to conduct the affairs of state government in the city of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the governor shall, as often as the exigencies of the situation require, by proclamation, declare an emergency temporary location, or locations, for the seat of government at a place, or places, in or out of the state as the governor deems advisable under the circumstances, and shall take action and issue orders as necessary for an orderly transition of the affairs of state government to the emergency temporary location, or locations. The emergency temporary location, or locations, shall remain the seat of government until the legislature by law establishes a new location, or locations, or until the emergency is declared to be ended by the governor and the seat of government is returned to its normal location.
While the seat of government remains at an emergency temporary location, or locations, all official acts required by law to be performed at the seat of government by any officer, agency, department or authority of this state, including the convening and meeting of the legislature in regular, extraordinary, or emergency session, shall be as valid and binding when performed at the emergency temporary location, or locations, as if performed at the normal location of the seat of government.
When, due to an emergency resulting from the effects of enemy attack, or the anticipated effects of a threatened enemy attack, it becomes imprudent, inexpedient or impossible to conduct the affairs of local government at their regular or usual place or places, the governing body of each political subdivision of this state may meet at any place in or out of the territorial limits of the political subdivision on the call of the presiding officer or any two members of the governing body, and shall designate by ordinance, resolution or other manner, alternate or substitute places as the emergency temporary location, or locations, of government where all, or any part, of the public business may be conducted during the emergency situation. The places may be in or out of the territorial limits of the political subdivision and the state.
While the public business is being conducted at the emergency temporary location, or locations, the governing body and other officers of a political subdivision shall exercise, at the location, or locations, all of the executive, legislative, and judicial powers and functions conferred upon it and its officers by its charter and the laws and constitution of this state. Acts of the governing body and officers shall be as valid and binding as if performed within the territorial limits of their political subdivision.
This section shall be supreme if it is employed notwithstanding any other statute, charter or ordinance. |
1.27 | | 1.27 LOCAL INTERIM EMERGENCY SUCCESSION ACT. | This section is the "Local Interim Emergency Succession Act."
Because of the existing possibility of a nuclear attack or a natural disaster requiring the declaration of a state of emergency, it is found urgent and necessary to insure the continuity of duly elected and lawful leadership of the political subdivisions of the state.
The governing body of any county or municipality may enact ordinances or resolutions as necessary to provide for the continuity of its government and the emergency interim succession of its key government officials. The ordinances and resolutions shall provide a method for temporary emergency appointments to local public offices.
An "interim emergency successor," when designated by the governing body of a political subdivision under subdivision 3 shall exercise that office until the duly elected or appointed officer resumes the office or a successor is designated as required by law. |
1.50 | | 1.50 FREEDOM FROM VIOLENCE. | The state of Minnesota hereby adopts a policy of zero tolerance of violence. It is state policy that every person in the state has a right to live free from violence. |
2.125 | | 2.125 TWELFTH DISTRICT. | Notwithstanding the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022), Senate District 12 consists of the district as described in that order, with the modification contained in file L12B-1, on file with the Geographic Information Systems Office of the Legislative Coordinating Commission and published on its website on April 27, 2022.
Notwithstanding the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022), Senate District 12 is divided into two house of representatives districts as follows:
(a) House of Representatives District 12A consists of the district as described in that order.
(b) House of Representatives District 12B consists of all territory of Senate District 12, as modified by subdivision 1, that is not included in House of Representatives District 12A. |
1.51 | | 1.51 FLAGS FLOWN AT HALF-STAFF FOLLOWING PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER DEATH. | Each American flag and Minnesota flag flown on the grounds of the Capitol Area, as described in section 15B.02, must be flown at half-staff following the death of a public safety officer, as defined in section 299A.41, subdivision 4, killed in the line of duty in Minnesota, or the death of Minnesota military personnel killed in the line of duty. The flags must be flown at half-staff for a period of time determined by the governor. |
2.155 | | 2.155 FIFTEENTH DISTRICT. | Notwithstanding the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022), Senate District 15 consists of the district as described in that order, with the modification contained in file L15A-1, on file with the Geographic Information Systems Office of the Legislative Coordinating Commission and published on its website on April 27, 2022.
Notwithstanding the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022), Senate District 15 is divided into two house of representatives districts as follows:
(a) House of Representatives District 15A consists of the district as described in that order, with the modification contained in file L15A-1, on file with the Geographic Information Systems Office of the Legislative Coordinating Commission and published on its website on April 27, 2022.
(b) House of Representatives District 15B consists of all territory of Senate District 15 not included in House of Representatives District 15A, as described in paragraph (a). |
2.165 | | 2.165 SIXTEENTH DISTRICT. | Notwithstanding the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022), Senate District 16 consists of the district as described in that order, with the modification contained in file L15A-1, on file with the Geographic Information Systems Office of the Legislative Coordinating Commission and published on its website on April 27, 2022.
Notwithstanding the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022), Senate District 16 is divided into two house of representatives districts as follows:
(a) House of Representatives District 16A consists of the district as described in that order, with the modification contained in file L15A-1, on file with the Geographic Information Systems Office of the Legislative Coordinating Commission and published on its website on April 27, 2022.
(b) House of Representatives District 16B consists of all territory of Senate District 16 not included in House of Representatives District 16A, as described in paragraph (a). |
2.175 | | 2.175 SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT. | Senate District 17 consists of the district as described in the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022).
Notwithstanding the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022), Senate District 17 is divided into two house of representatives districts as follows:
(a) House of Representatives District 17A consists of the district as described in that order, with the modification contained in file L17A-2, on file with the Geographic Information Systems Office of the Legislative Coordinating Commission and published on its website on May 10, 2023.
(b) House of Representatives District 17B consists of all territory of Senate District 17 not included in House of Representatives District 17A, as described in paragraph (a). |
2.445 | | 2.445 FORTY-FOURTH DISTRICT. | Senate District 44 consists of the district as described in the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022).
Notwithstanding the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022), Senate District 44 is divided into two house of representatives districts as follows:
(a) House of Representatives District 44A consists of the district as described in that order, with the modification contained in file L44A-1, on file with the Geographic Information Systems Office of the Legislative Coordinating Commission and published on its website on April 27, 2022.
(b) House of Representatives District 44B consists of all territory of Senate District 44 not included in House of Representatives District 44A, as described in paragraph (a). |
2.585 | | 2.585 FIFTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT. | Senate District 58 consists of that district as described in the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022).
Notwithstanding the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022), Senate District 58 is divided into two house of representatives districts as follows:
(a) House of Representatives District 58A consists of the district as described in that order, with the modification contained in file L58A-1, on file with the Geographic Information Systems Office of the Legislative Coordinating Commission and published on its website on March 29, 2022.
(b) House of Representatives District 58B consists of all territory of Senate District 58 not included in House of Representatives District 58A, as described in paragraph (a). |
2.724 | | 2.724 CHIEF JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT, DUTIES. | When public convenience and necessity require it, the chief justice of the supreme court may assign any judge of any court to serve and discharge the duties of judge of any court in a judicial district not that judge's own at such times as the chief justice may determine. A judge may appeal an assignment to serve on a court in a judicial district not that judge's own to the supreme court and the appeal shall be decided before the assignment is effective. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subdivision, no judge shall be assigned to serve on a court in a judicial district which is located more than 50 miles from the boundary of that judge's judicial district for more than 15 working days in any 12-month period, unless the judge consents to the assignment.
A transferred judge shall be subject to the assignment powers of the chief judge of the judicial district to which the judge is transferred.
To promote and secure more efficient administration of justice, the chief justice of the supreme court of the state shall supervise and coordinate the work of the courts of the state. The supreme court may provide by rule that the chief justice not be required to write opinions as a member of the supreme court. Its rules may further provide for it to hear and consider cases in divisions. It may by rule assign temporarily any retired justice of the supreme court or one judge of the court of appeals or district court judge at a time to act as a justice of the supreme court or any number of justices or retired justices of the supreme court to act as judges of the court of appeals. Upon the assignment of a court of appeals judge or a district court judge to act as a justice of the supreme court, a judge previously acting as a justice may complete unfinished duties of that position. Any number of justices may disqualify themselves from hearing and considering a case, in which event the supreme court may assign temporarily a retired justice of the supreme court, a court of appeals judge, or a district court judge to hear and consider the case in place of each disqualified justice.
(a) The chief justice of the supreme court may assign a retired justice of the supreme court to act as a justice of the supreme court pursuant to subdivision 2 or as a judge of any other court. The chief justice may assign a retired judge of any court to act as a judge of any court except the supreme court. The chief justice of the supreme court shall determine the pay and expenses to be received by a justice or judge acting pursuant to this paragraph.
(b) A judge who has been elected to office and who has retired as a judge in good standing and is not practicing law may also be appointed to serve as judge of any court except the supreme court. A retired judge acting under this paragraph will receive pay and expenses in the amount established by the supreme court.
The chief justice shall exercise general supervisory powers over the courts in the state, with powers including, but not limited to:
(a) Supervision of the courts' financial affairs, programs of continuing education for judicial and nonjudicial personnel and planning and operations research;
(b) Serving as chief representative of the court system and as liaison with other governmental agencies for the public; and
(c) Supervision of the administrative operations of the courts.
The chief justice may designate other justices or judges to assist in the performance of duties. |
2.722 | | 2.722 JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. | Effective July 1, 1959, the state is divided into ten judicial districts composed of the following named counties, respectively, in each of which districts judges shall be chosen as hereinafter specified:
1. Goodhue, Dakota, Carver, Le Sueur, McLeod, Scott, and Sibley; 36 judges; and four permanent chambers shall be maintained in Red Wing, Hastings, Shakopee, and Glencoe and one other shall be maintained at the place designated by the chief judge of the district;
2. Ramsey; 26 judges;
3. Wabasha, Winona, Houston, Rice, Olmsted, Dodge, Steele, Waseca, Freeborn, Mower, and Fillmore; 23 judges; and permanent chambers shall be maintained in Faribault, Albert Lea, Austin, Rochester, and Winona;
4. Hennepin; 60 judges;
5. Blue Earth, Watonwan, Lyon, Redwood, Brown, Nicollet, Lincoln, Cottonwood, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Rock, Faribault, Martin, and Jackson; 17 judges; and permanent chambers shall be maintained in Marshall, Windom, Fairmont, New Ulm, and Mankato;
6. Carlton, St. Louis, Lake, and Cook; 15 judges;
7. Benton, Douglas, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Otter Tail, Stearns, Todd, Clay, Becker, and Wadena; 30 judges; and permanent chambers shall be maintained in Moorhead, Fergus Falls, Little Falls, and St. Cloud;
8. Chippewa, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Meeker, Renville, Swift, Yellow Medicine, Big Stone, Grant, Pope, Stevens, Traverse, and Wilkin; 11 judges; and permanent chambers shall be maintained in Morris, Montevideo, and Willmar;
9. Norman, Polk, Marshall, Kittson, Red Lake, Roseau, Mahnomen, Pennington, Aitkin, Itasca, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Beltrami, Lake of the Woods, Clearwater, Cass and Koochiching; 24 judges; and permanent chambers shall be maintained in Crookston, Thief River Falls, Bemidji, Brainerd, Grand Rapids, and International Falls; and
10. Anoka, Isanti, Wright, Sherburne, Kanabec, Pine, Chisago, and Washington; 45 judges; and permanent chambers shall be maintained in Anoka, Stillwater, and other places designated by the chief judge of the district.
The supreme court, with the consent of a majority of the chief judges of the judicial districts, may alter the boundaries or change the number of judicial districts, except the Second and Fourth Judicial Districts.
The probate judges of Ramsey and Hennepin probate courts in office on August 1, 1982, shall be district court judges of the Second and Fourth Judicial Districts, respectively, and shall continue in office for the balance of the term for which they were elected and shall be eligible for reelection. The offices of probate court of Ramsey and Hennepin Counties, and all of their jurisdiction, records, powers, duties, functions, and personnel, are hereby transferred to the district courts of the Second and Fourth Judicial Districts respectively and made divisions of them. The chief judge of the fourth judicial district shall at all times assign at least two judges to the probate court duties.
(a) When a judge of the district court dies, resigns, retires, or is removed from office, the supreme court, in consultation with judges and attorneys in the affected district, shall determine after receiving notice of a vacancy from the governor whether the vacant office is necessary for effective judicial administration or is necessary for adequate access to the courts. In determining whether the position is necessary for adequate access to the courts, the supreme court shall consider whether abolition or transfer of the position would result in a county having no chambered judge. The supreme court may continue the position, may order the position abolished, or may transfer the position to a judicial district where need for additional judges exists, designating the position as either a county, county/municipal or district court judgeship. The supreme court shall certify any vacancy to the governor, who shall fill it in the manner provided by law.
(b) If a judge of district court fails to timely file an affidavit of candidacy and filing fee or petition in lieu of a fee, the official with whom the affidavits of candidacy are required to be filed shall notify the supreme court that the incumbent judge is not seeking reelection. Within five days of receipt of the notice, the supreme court shall determine whether the judicial position is necessary for effective judicial administration or adequate access to the courts and notify the official responsible for certifying the election results of its determination. In determining whether the position is necessary for adequate access to the courts, the supreme court shall consider whether abolition or transfer of the position would result in a county having no chambered judge. The supreme court may continue the position, may order the position abolished, or may transfer the position to a judicial district where the need for additional judgeships exists. If the position is abolished or transferred, the election may not be held. If the position is transferred, the court shall also notify the governor of the transfer. Upon transfer, the position is vacant and the governor shall fill it in the manner provided by law. An order abolishing or transferring a position is effective the first Monday in the next January.
When a referee of the district court dies, resigns, retires, or is voluntarily removed from the position, the chief judge of the district shall notify the supreme court and may petition to request that the position be converted to a judgeship. The supreme court shall determine whether to order the position abolished or convert the position to a judgeship in the affected or another judicial district. The supreme court shall certify any judicial vacancy to the governor, who shall fill it in the manner provided by law. The conversion of a referee position to a judgeship under this subdivision shall not reduce the total number of judges and referees hearing cases in the family and juvenile courts.
The complement for the law clerk and court reporter assigned exclusively to a judgeship that is abolished under this section is abolished upon vacancy of the position. The complement for the law clerk and court reporter shall be transferred to the judicial district to which a judgeship is transferred pursuant to this section. |
2.731 | | 2.731 NUMBER OF DISTRICTS. | The state of Minnesota is divided into eight congressional districts, each of which is entitled to elect one representative to the Congress of the United States of America. |
2.755 | | 2.755 SEVENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. | Notwithstanding the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022), the seventh congressional district consists of the district as described in that order, with the modification contained in file C07-1, on file with the Geographic Information Systems Office of the Legislative Coordinating Commission and published on its website on May 4, 2022. |
2.855 | | 2.855 EIGHTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. | Notwithstanding the order of the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel in Wattson v. Simon, Nos. A21-0243, A21-0546 (February 15, 2022), the eighth congressional district consists of the district as described in that order, with the modification contained in file C07-1, on file with the Geographic Information Systems Office of the Legislative Coordinating Commission and published on its website on May 4, 2022. |
2.91 | | 2.91 REDISTRICTING PLANS. | Upon enactment of a redistricting plan for the legislature or for Congress, the Legislative Coordinating Commission shall deposit the plan with the secretary of state. The secretary of state shall provide copies of the relevant portions of the redistricting plan to each county auditor, who shall provide a copy of the relevant portions of the plan to each municipal clerk within the county. The secretary of state, with the cooperation of the commissioner of administration, shall make copies of the plan file, maps, and tables available to the public for the cost of publication. The revisor of statutes shall code a metes and bounds description of the districts in Minnesota Statutes.
The legislature intends that a redistricting plan encompass all the territory of this state, that no territory be omitted or duplicated, that all districts consist of convenient contiguous territory substantially equal in population, and that political subdivisions not be divided more than necessary to meet constitutional requirements. Therefore, in implementing a redistricting plan for the legislature or for Congress, the secretary of state, after notifying the Legislative Coordinating Commission and the revisor of statutes, shall order the following corrections:
(a) If a territory in this state is not named in the redistricting plan but lies within the boundaries of a district, it is a part of the district within which it lies.
(b) If a territory in this state is not named in the redistricting plan but lies between the boundaries of two or more districts, it is a part of the contiguous district having the smallest population.
(c) If a territory in this state is assigned in the redistricting plan to two or more districts, it is part of the district having the smallest population.
(d) If a territory in this state is assigned to a district that consists of other territory containing a majority of the population of the district but with which it is not contiguous, the territory is a part of the contiguous district having the smallest population.
(e) If the description of a district boundary line that divides a political subdivision is ambiguous because a highway, street, railroad track, power transmission line, river, creek, or other physical feature or census block boundary that forms part of the district boundary is omitted or is not properly named or has been changed, or because a compass direction for the boundary line is wrong, the secretary of state shall add or correct the name or compass direction and resolve the ambiguity in favor of creating districts of convenient, contiguous territory of substantially equal population that do not divide political subdivisions more than is necessary to meet constitutional requirements.
The secretary of state shall provide a copy of each correction order to each affected county auditor, municipal clerk, and candidate.
The secretary of state and the revisor of statutes shall recommend to the legislature any additional technical corrections to the redistricting plan they deem necessary or desirable. |
2.93 | | 2.93 INCARCERATED PERSONS IN DISTRICT PLANS. | (a) For the purposes of this section, the definitions have the meanings given.
(b) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of corrections.
(c) "Director" means the director of the Legislative Coordinating Commission.
(d) "Legislative Coordinating Commission" means the Legislative Coordinating Commission established in section 3.303.
(a) For purposes of drawing congressional, legislative, and all other election districts, the legislature and local governments must use the population from the federal decennial census as modified by reallocating and excluding persons who are incarcerated.
(b) A person who was incarcerated in a state or federal correctional facility, as determined by the decennial census, and who has a last known address in Minnesota must be reallocated to the census block of the last known address.
(c) A person who was incarcerated in a state or federal correctional facility, as determined by the decennial census, and who has a last known address outside of Minnesota or does not have a last known address must:
(1) be excluded from the population count for purposes of drawing congressional, legislative, or political subdivision districts; and
(2) be counted as part of the statewide population total.
(a) On or before June 1 in a year ending in zero, the commissioner must provide to the director of the Legislative Coordinating Commission the following information, in electronic form, for each person incarcerated in a state correctional facility on April 1 in the year of the decennial census:
(1) a unique identifier that does not include the person's name, Department of Corrections identification number, or other identifying information;
(2) the street address of the correctional facility in which the person was incarcerated at the time of the report;
(3) the residential address of the person immediately prior to incarceration, if known, or if the person resided in an area lacking a specific physical address immediately prior to incarceration, a description of the physical location where the person regularly stayed immediately prior to being incarcerated;
(4) the following demographic information, if known: the racial and ethnic information collected by the census and whether the person is over the age of 18; and
(5) any additional information the director of the Legislative Coordinating Commission deems necessary.
(b) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the commissioner must provide the director with access to the best available data necessary to conduct the reallocations and exclusions required by this section.
By April 15 in a year ending in zero, the director must request each agency that operates a federal facility in Minnesota that incarcerates persons convicted of a criminal offense to provide the director with a report, including the information listed in subdivision 3. The information must reflect the persons incarcerated in the federal facility on April 1 of that year. If information is provided pursuant to this subdivision, the information must be provided by June 1 of the year ending in zero. If information is not provided pursuant to this subdivision, persons incarcerated at federal facilities must be treated as having no known last address and must be excluded as provided in subdivision 2, paragraph (c).
(a) The director must reallocate and exclude people who are incarcerated in state or federal correctional facilities as provided in this subdivision and subdivision 2. Within 30 calendar days of receiving the Public Law 94-171 data from the United States Census Bureau, the director must post the population counts that reflect all required reallocations and exclusions on the Legislative Coordinating Commission's website.
(b) The director must, in consultation with the commissioner, develop a standardized format and technical guidelines to be used in collecting addresses from incarcerated persons. The commissioner must use this format and follow the guidelines in collecting addresses. The commissioner and the director may enter a memorandum of understanding detailing the additional details regarding the methodology to be used and the format and manner in which the data will be provided. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the commissioner must provide the director with access to the best available data necessary to conduct the reallocations and exclusions required by this section.
(c) Prior to reallocating and excluding incarcerated persons, the director must geocode addresses received from the commissioner. When geocoding addresses, the director must accept an address that is an exact match or is approximated to the street level and reject any address that is approximated to the center of a zip code, city, county, or state. The director must only reallocate those addresses that are accepted pursuant to this paragraph. The director must not reallocate any person at an address that was rejected but must instead count that person as part of the statewide population total.
(d) The director must not disseminate data received pursuant to this section in any manner, except as explicitly required by state or federal law. |
3.012 | | 3.012 LEGISLATIVE DAY. | For the purposes of the Minnesota Constitution, article IV, section 12, a legislative day is a day when either house of the legislature gives any bill a third reading, adopts a rule of procedure or organization, elects a university regent, confirms a gubernatorial appointment, or votes to override a gubernatorial veto. A legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the following calendar day. |
3.02 | | 3.02 EVIDENCE OF MEMBERSHIP. | For all purposes of organization of either house of the legislature, a certificate of election to it, duly executed by the secretary of state, is prima facie evidence of the right to membership of the person named in it. |
2.92 | | 2.92 ACCESS TO MULTIUNIT FACILITIES BY UNITED STATES CENSUS EMPLOYEES. | It is unlawful for a person, either directly or indirectly, to deny access to an apartment house, dormitory, nursing home, manufactured home park, other multiple unit facility used as a residence, or area in which two or more single-family dwellings are located on private roadways, to an employee of the United States Census Bureau who displays a current, valid census credential and who is engaged in official census business. An employee granted access under this section must be permitted to knock on the doors of individual units to speak with residents and to leave census materials for residents at their doors, except that the manager of a nursing home may direct that the materials be left at a central location within the facility. The materials must be left in an orderly manner.
This section does not prohibit:
(1) denial of admittance into a particular apartment, room, manufactured home, or personal residential unit;
(2) in the case of a nursing home or an assisted living facility licensed under chapter 144G, denial of permission to visit certain persons for valid health reasons;
(3) limiting visits to a reasonable number of census employees or reasonable hours;
(4) requiring a prior appointment to gain access to the facility; or
(5) denial of admittance to or expulsion of an individual employee from a multiple unit dwelling for good cause.
A person in compliance with United States Code, title 13, section 223, and any guidance or rules adopted by the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, governing access to a facility described in subdivision 1 is considered to be in compliance with the requirements of this section.
This section applies to all decennial census activities conducted under the authority of the United States Constitution, article 1, section 2. |
3.05 | | 3.05 ORGANIZATION. | At noon of the day appointed for convening the legislature, the members shall meet in their respective chambers. The lieutenant governor shall call the senate to order and the secretary of state, the house of representatives. In the absence of either officer, the oldest member present shall act in the officer's place. The person so acting shall appoint, from the members present, a clerk pro tem, who shall call the legislative districts in the order of their numbers. As each is called, the persons claiming to be members from each shall present their certificates to be filed. All whose certificates are so presented shall then stand and be sworn. |
3.055 | | 3.055 OPEN MEETINGS. | Meetings of the legislature shall be open to the public, including sessions of the senate, sessions of the house of representatives, joint sessions of the senate and the house of representatives, and meetings of a standing committee, committee division, subcommittee, conference committee, or legislative commission, but not including a caucus of the members of any of those bodies from the same house and political party nor a delegation of legislators representing a geographic area or political subdivision. For purposes of this section, a meeting occurs when a quorum is present and action is taken regarding a matter within the jurisdiction of the body. Each house shall provide by rule for posting notices of meetings, recording proceedings, and making the recordings and votes available to the public.
(a) A meeting governed by this section may be conducted by interactive television so long as:
(1) all members of the body participating in the meeting, wherever their physical location, can hear and see one another and can hear and see all discussion and testimony presented at any location at which at least one member is present;
(2) members of the public present at the regular meeting location of the body can hear and see all discussion and testimony and all votes of members of the body; and
(3) at least one member of the body is physically present at the regular meeting location.
(b) Each member of a body participating in a meeting by interactive television is considered present at the meeting for purposes of determining a quorum and participating in all proceedings.
(c) If interactive television is used to conduct a meeting, to the extent practical, a body shall allow a person to monitor the meeting electronically from a remote location. The body may require the person making such a connection to pay for documented marginal costs that the body incurs as a result of the additional connection.
(d) House of representatives and senate rules governing notice of meetings must provide for giving notice that interactive television will be used to conduct a meeting.
The house of representatives and the senate shall adopt rules to implement this section. Remedies provided by rules of the house of representatives and senate are exclusive. No court or administrative agency has jurisdiction to enforce, enjoin, penalize, award damages, or otherwise act upon a violation or alleged violation of this section, to invalidate any provision of law because of a violation of this section, or to otherwise interpret this section. |
3.06 | | 3.06 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. | Thereupon, if a quorum is present, the houses shall elect the following officers, any of whom may be removed by resolution of the appointing body.
The senate shall elect a secretary, a first and a second assistant secretary, an enrolling clerk, an engrossing clerk, a sergeant-at-arms, an assistant sergeant-at-arms, and a chaplain.
The house of representatives shall elect a speaker, who shall be a member of the house of representatives, a chief clerk, a first and a second assistant clerk, an index clerk, a chief sergeant-at-arms, a first and a second assistant sergeant-at-arms, a postmaster, an assistant postmaster, and a chaplain.
If an officer of the house of representatives or senate resigns or dies, the duties of the officer shall be performed by a successor as provided in the rules of the officer's house until a successor is elected at a regular or special session. |
3.011 | | 3.011 SESSIONS. | The legislature shall meet at the seat of government on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in January of each odd-numbered year. It shall also meet when called by the governor to meet in special session. |
3.056 | | 3.056 DESIGNATION OF SUCCESSOR COMMITTEE. | If a law assigns a power or duty to a named legislative committee or its chair, and the committee has been renamed or no longer exists, the speaker of the house or the senate Committee on Rules and Administration shall designate the successor committee or chair for the law as provided in this section. If the committee has been renamed but retains jurisdiction of the subject of the power or duty, the speaker or senate committee shall designate the renamed committee as successor. If the committee has been renamed and jurisdiction of the subject of the power or duty has been transferred to another committee, the speaker or senate committee shall designate the committee with current jurisdiction as the successor. If the named committee no longer exists, the speaker or senate committee shall designate as successor the committee with the jurisdiction that most closely corresponds with the former jurisdiction of the named committee. The house of representatives and the senate shall maintain a list on the World Wide Web of renamed or successor committees to committees that are referenced in law. |
3A.01 | | 3A.01 DEFINITIONS. | Each of the terms defined in this section, for the purposes of this chapter has the meaning ascribed.
(a) "Actuarial equivalent" means the condition of one allowance or benefit having an equal actuarial present value to another allowance or benefit, determined by the actuary retained under section 356.214 as of a given date at a specified age with each actuarial present value based on the mortality table applicable for the plan and approved under section 356.215, subdivision 18, and using the applicable investment return assumption specified in section 356.215, subdivision 8.
(b) For purposes of computing a joint and survivor annuity, the investment return assumption specified in section 356.461 must be used, rather than the investment return specified in section 356.215, subdivision 8.
"Average monthly salary" means the average of the member's highest five successive years of salary that was received as a member of the legislature and upon which the member has made contributions under section 3A.03, subdivision 1, or for which the member of the legislature has made payments for past service under Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 3A.02, subdivision 2, or has made, before July 1, 1994, payments in lieu of contributions under Minnesota Statutes 1992, section 3A.031.
"Constitutional officer" means a person who was duly elected, qualifies for, and serves as the governor, the lieutenant governor, the attorney general, the secretary of state, or the state auditor of the state of Minnesota.
(a) "Dependent child" means any natural or adopted child of a deceased member of the legislature or a former legislator who is under the age of 18, or who is under the age of 22 and is a full-time student, and who, in either case, is unmarried and was actually dependent for more than one-half of support upon the legislator for a period of at least 90 days immediately before the legislator's death.
(b) The term also includes any child of the member of the legislature or former legislator who was conceived during the lifetime of, and who was born after the death of, the member or former legislator.
[Repealed, 2006 c 271 art 10 s 33]
[Repealed, 2006 c 271 art 10 s 33]
[Repealed, 1971 c 928 s 11]
"Director" means the executive director of the Minnesota State Retirement System who was appointed under section 352.03, subdivision 5.
[Repealed, 2006 c 271 art 10 s 33]
"Former legislator" means a legislator who has ceased to be a member of the legislature for any reason, including, but not limited to, the expiration of the term for which a member of the legislature was elected or the death of the member.
"Member of the legislature" means a person who was a member of the house of representatives or of the senate of the state of Minnesota who has subscribed to the oath of office after July 1, 1965, and who was first elected to a legislative office before July 1, 1997, and retained coverage by the plan under Laws 1997, chapter 233, article 2, section 15.
[Repealed, 2006 c 271 art 10 s 33]
"Normal retirement age" means the age of 62 years.
"Retirement" means the period of time after which a former legislator is entitled to a retirement allowance.
(a) "Salary" means the regular compensation payable under law to a member of the legislature and paid to the person for service as a legislator.
(b) The term includes the monthly compensation paid to the member of the legislature and the per diem payments paid during a regular or special session to the member of the legislature.
(c) The term does not include per diem payments paid to a member of the legislature other than during the regular or special session; additional compensation attributable to a leadership position under section 3.099, subdivision 3; living expense payments under section 3.101; and special session living expense payments under section 3.103. |
3.07 | | 3.07 ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEES. | Each house, after its organization, may appoint and at pleasure remove the employees provided for by its permanent rules or recommended by its Committee on Rules. All officers and employees shall receive the compensation provided by the permanent rules of the electing or appointing body or recommended by its Committee on Rules. Unless otherwise expressly provided by law, no officer or employee shall receive any other compensation for services. |
3.073 | | 3.073 ORGANIZATION OF SPECIAL SESSION. | The officers elected, the rules adopted, and the committees established by the legislature and by each house during the preceding regular session shall serve and be in effect during a special session, except as the legislature or a house provides otherwise. |
3A.011 | | 3A.011 ADMINISTRATION OF PLANS. | The executive director and the board of directors of the Minnesota State Retirement System shall administer the plans specified in this chapter consistent with this chapter and chapters 356 and 356A. |
3A.02 | | 3A.02 RETIREMENT ALLOWANCE. | (a) A former legislator is entitled, upon written application to the director, to receive a retirement allowance monthly, if the person:
(1) has either served at least six full years, or has served during all or part of four regular sessions as a member of the legislature, which service need not be continuous;
(2) has attained the normal retirement age;
(3) has retired as a member of the legislature; and
(4) has made all contributions provided for in section 3A.03, has made payments for past service under subdivision 2, or has made payments in lieu of contributions under Minnesota Statutes 1992, section 3A.031, before July 1, 1994.
(b) Unless the former legislator has legislative service before January 1, 1979, the retirement allowance is an amount equal to 2-1/2 percent per year of service of that member's average monthly salary and adjusted for that person on an actuarial equivalent basis to reflect the change in the investment return actuarial assumption under section 356.215, subdivision 8, from five percent to six percent. The adjustment must be calculated by or, alternatively, the adjustment procedure must be specified by, the actuary retained under section 356.214. The purpose of this adjustment is to ensure that the total amount of benefits that the actuary predicts an individual member will receive over the member's lifetime under this paragraph will be the same as the total amount of benefits the actuary predicts the individual member would receive over the member's lifetime under the law in effect before enactment of this paragraph. If the former legislator has legislative service before January 1, 1979, the person's benefit must include the additional benefit amount in effect on January 1, 1979, and adjusted as otherwise provided in this paragraph.
(c) The retirement allowance accrues following the receipt by the director of a retirement application on a form prescribed by the director, but not before the normal retirement age, except as specified in subdivision 1b. The annuity is payable for the remainder of the former legislator's life, if the former legislator is not serving as a member of the legislature or as a constitutional officer as defined in section 3A.01, subdivision 1c. The annuity does not begin to accrue before the person's retirement as a legislator. No annuity payment may be made retroactive for more than 180 days before the date that the annuity application is filed with the director.
(d) Any member who has served during all or part of four regular sessions is considered to have served eight years as a member of the legislature.
(e) The retirement allowance ceases with the last payment that accrued to the retired legislator during the retired legislator's lifetime, except that the surviving spouse, if any, is entitled to receive the retirement allowance of the retired legislator for the calendar month in which the retired legislator died.
[Repealed, 1973 c 653 s 47]
(a) Upon separation from service after the beginning of the 1981 legislative session, a former member of the legislature who has attained the age set by the board of directors of the Minnesota State Retirement System and who is otherwise qualified under subdivision 1 is entitled, upon making written application on a form prescribed by the director, to a reduced retirement allowance. The reduced retirement allowance is an amount equal to the retirement allowance specified in subdivision 1, paragraph (b), that is reduced so that the reduced allowance is the actuarial equivalent of the allowance that would be payable if the former member of the legislature deferred receipt of the allowance and the allowance amount was augmented at an annual rate of three percent compounded annually from the date the allowance begins to accrue until age 62.
(b) The age set by the board of directors under paragraph (a) cannot be an earlier age than the early retirement age under section 352.116, subdivision 1a.
(c) If there is an actuarial cost to the plan of resetting the early retirement age under paragraph (a), the retired legislator is required to pay an additional amount to cover the full actuarial value. The additional amount must be paid in a lump sum within 30 days of the certification of the amount by the executive director.
(d) The executive director of the Minnesota State Retirement System shall report to the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement on the utilization of this provision annually on or before September 1.
[Repealed, 2006 c 271 art 10 s 33]
[Repealed, 2013 c 111 art 2 s 33]
The deferred retirement allowance of any former legislator must be augmented as provided herein from the first of the month following the termination of active service, or July 1, 1973, whichever is later, to the effective date of retirement, at the following rate or rates, compounded annually:
(1) five percent until January 1, 1981;
(2) three percent from January 1, 1981, until January 1 of the year in which the former legislator attains age 55 or January 1, 2012, whichever is earlier;
(3) five percent from the period end date under clause (2) until the effective date of retirement or January 1, 2012, whichever is earlier;
(4) two percent from January 1, 2012, until December 31, 2018; and
(5) after December 31, 2018, the deferred annuity must not be augmented.
(a) The board of directors shall establish an optional retirement annuity in the form of a joint and survivor annuity and an optional retirement annuity in the form of a period certain and life thereafter. Except as provided in paragraph (b), these optional annuity forms must be actuarially equivalent to the normal allowance computed under this section, plus the actuarial value of any surviving spouse benefit otherwise potentially payable at the time of retirement under section 3A.04, subdivision 1. An individual selecting an optional annuity under this subdivision and the person's spouse waive any rights to surviving spouse benefits under section 3A.04, subdivision 1.
(b) If a retired legislator selects the joint and survivor annuity option, the retired legislator must receive a normal single-life allowance if the designated optional annuity beneficiary dies before the retired legislator and no reduction may be made in the annuity to provide for restoration of the normal single-life allowance in the event of the death of the designated optional annuity beneficiary.
(c) The surviving spouse of a legislator who has attained at least age 55 and who dies while a member of the legislature may elect an optional joint and survivor annuity under paragraph (a), in lieu of surviving spouse benefits under section 3A.04, subdivision 1.
(d) The surviving spouse of a deceased former legislator may elect an optional joint and survivor annuity under paragraph (a) in lieu of surviving spouse benefits under section 3A.04, subdivision 1, on or after the date the former legislator would have reached age 55.
A retirement allowance under this section is eligible for postretirement adjustments under section 356.415.
The application for a benefit or refund made under this chapter must comply with section 352.115, subdivision 7a. |
3.08 | | 3.08 ELECTION; DUTIES. | In addition to the duties prescribed by law, the officers and employees shall perform the services required of them by rule or vote of the appointing body or by direction of a committee of the appointing body. |
3A.021 | | 3A.021 OPTIONAL DIVISION OF RETIREMENT ALLOWANCE. | Notwithstanding section 518.58, subdivision 4, paragraph (a), clause (5), a former legislator or the former spouse of a former legislator, if a portion of the former legislator's retirement allowance is awarded to the former spouse under a marriage dissolution property division decree by a court of competent jurisdiction, may elect to have payment of the portion of the legislator's retirement allowance designated in the decree as payable to the former spouse beginning as of the first day of the month following the date on which the former legislator attains the age of 62, even if the former legislator has not applied for the receipt of retirement allowance as of that date. In all other respects, the optional retirement allowance division is governed by section 518.58, subdivision 4.
Upon the eventual application for a retirement allowance under this chapter by a former legislator who elected or was affected by the election of a benefit under subdivision 1, the subsequent retirement allowance must be adjusted to be the actuarial equivalent of the balance of the present value of the retirement allowance of the former legislator upon the effective date of the application remaining after a reduction equal to the present value of the partial benefit previously paid and subsequently payable to the former spouse, as calculated by the actuary retained under section 356.214 or as calculated under a procedure specified by the actuary. The retirement allowance present value calculations must include the effect of section 356.30.
Section 3A.02, subdivision 5, does not apply to a partial retirement allowance payable under subdivision 1. |
3.082 | | 3.082 MEMBERS' EMPLOYMENT; CONTINUATION. | A member of the legislature of the state of Minnesota who held a position, other than a temporary position, in the employ of a private employer in Minnesota at the commencement of service in a legislative session, who applies for reemployment not later than 30 days after the last legislative day in each calendar year, shall be continued in or restored to the position, or to a position of like seniority, status and pay. Retirement benefits under an employer-sponsored pension or retirement plan shall not be reduced because of time spent in legislative service. |
3.083 | | 3.083 RETENTION OF SENIORITY, FRINGE BENEFITS AND TENURE. | A member of the legislature who is continued in or restored to a position in accordance with section 3.082:
(1) shall be continued or restored without loss of seniority;
(2) may participate in insurance or other benefits offered by the employer under its established rules and practices; and
(3) shall not be discharged without good cause from the position for three years after the continuation or restoration except in the reverse order of seniority with the employer within the field of the legislator's training and experience.
No employer or employee organization may discharge or otherwise discriminate against an employee or member who is or was a member of the legislature in retribution for statements made or beliefs held by the employee or member in the capacity as a member of the legislature. For purposes of this subdivision, "employee organization" means a union or organization of employees which exists, in whole or in part, for collective bargaining or dealing with employers concerning grievances or term or conditions of employment. |
3.084 | | 3.084 LOBBYING ACTIVITIES PROHIBITED. | As used in this section, "lobbying" means engaging in activities that would require an individual to register as a lobbyist, as defined in section 10A.01, subdivision 21.
(a) A sitting member of the legislature is prohibited from accepting employment with or otherwise receiving compensation for services performed from:
(1) a business whose primary source of revenue is derived from lobbying, government relations or government affairs services;
(2) a business whose primary source of revenue is derived from facilitating government relations or government affairs services between two third parties; or
(3) any other business that employs or contracts with lobbyists, government relations or government affairs professionals, if the member's job duties include acting in that capacity or providing direct or indirect consulting, advice, or administrative support for that work.
(b) This prohibition applies regardless of the location where the work of the business is substantially conducted or its clients are located.
(c) The house of representatives and the senate must adopt rules to enforce this section. |
3A.05 | | 3A.05 APPLICATION FOR SURVIVOR BENEFIT. | (a) Applications for survivor benefits under section 3A.04 must be filed with the director by the surviving spouse and dependent child or children entitled to benefits under section 3A.04, or by the guardian of the estate, if there is one, of the dependent child or children.
(b) Survivor benefits accrue as of the first day of the month following the death of the member of the legislature or former legislator and payments commence as of the first of the month next following the filing of the application, and are retroactive to the date the benefit accrues or the first of the month occurring 12 months before the month in which the application is filed with the director, whichever is later. |
3A.04 | | 3A.04 SURVIVOR BENEFIT. | (a) Upon the death of a member of the legislature while serving as a member, or upon the death of a former member of the legislature with at least six full years of service or service in all or part of four regular legislative sessions, if section 3A.02, subdivision 5, paragraph (c), does not apply, the surviving spouse is entitled to a survivor benefit.
(b) The surviving spouse benefit is one-half of the retirement allowance of the member of the legislature computed as though the member were at least normal retirement age on the date of death and based upon the member's allowable service or upon eight years, whichever is greater. The augmentation provided in section 3A.02, subdivision 4, if applicable, must be applied for the period up to, and including, the month of death.
(c) Upon the death of a former legislator receiving a retirement allowance, the surviving spouse is entitled to one-half of the amount of the retirement allowance being paid to the legislator.
(d) The surviving spouse benefit is payable for the lifetime of the surviving spouse.
[Repealed, 2006 c 271 art 10 s 33]
(a) Upon the death of a member of the legislature while serving as a member, or upon the death of a former member of the legislature who has rendered at least six full years of service or service in all or part of four regular legislative sessions and who was not receiving a retirement allowance, each dependent child of the member or former legislator is entitled to receive a survivor benefit in the following amount:
(1) for the first dependent child, a monthly benefit equal to 25 percent of the monthly retirement allowance of the member of the legislature or the former legislator computed as though the member or the former legislator had attained at least the normal retirement age on the date of death and based upon the average monthly salary as of the date of death or as of the date of termination, whichever applies, and the member's allowable service or eight years, whichever is greater;
(2) for each additional dependent child, a monthly benefit equal to 12-1/2 percent of the monthly retirement allowance of the member or the former legislator computed as provided in clause (1); and
(3) the total amount paid to the surviving spouse and to the dependent child or children may not exceed, in any one month, 100 percent of the monthly retirement allowance of the member or of the former legislator computed as provided in clause (1).
(b) The augmentation provided in section 3A.02, subdivision 4, if applicable, applies from the first day of the month next following the date of the termination of the person from service as a member of the legislature to the month of the death of the person.
(c) Upon the death of a former legislator who was receiving a retirement allowance, a surviving dependent child is entitled to the applicable percentage specified in paragraph (a), clause (1) or (2), whichever applies, of the amount of the allowance which was paid to the former legislator for the month immediately before the date of death of the former legislator.
(d) The payments for dependent children must be made to the surviving spouse or to the guardian of the estate of the dependent children, if there is one.
A survivor benefit under this section is eligible for postretirement adjustments under section 356.415.
The surviving spouse and dependent child or children survivor benefits payable under this section are payable by the director monthly in the same manner as retirement allowances are authorized to be paid by this chapter.
(a) Upon the death of a member of the legislature or of a former legislator who was not receiving a retirement allowance without leaving either a surviving spouse or a dependent child or dependent children, the last designated beneficiary named on a form that was filed with the director before the death of the legislator, or if no designation is filed, the estate of the member or the former legislator, upon application, is entitled to a refund.
(b) The refund is the amount of contributions credited to the person's account plus interest as provided in section 3A.03, subdivision 2, paragraph (a).
The survivor benefits and the death refunds authorized by this section are appropriated to the director from the general fund when they are due and payable. |
3A.07 | | 3A.07 APPLICATION. | (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) and section 3A.17, this chapter applies to members of the legislature in service after July 1, 1965, who otherwise meet the requirements of this chapter.
(b) Members of the legislature who were elected for the first time after June 30, 1997, or members of the legislature who were elected before July 1, 1997, and who, after July 1, 1998, elect not to be members of the plan established by this chapter are covered by the unclassified employees retirement program governed by chapter 352D.
(c) The post-July 1, 1998, coverage election under paragraph (b) is irrevocable and must be made on a form prescribed by the director. The second chance referendum election under Laws 2002, chapter 392, article 15, also is irrevocable. |
3A.03 | | 3A.03 CONTRIBUTIONS. | (a) Every member of the legislature shall contribute nine percent of total salary.
(b) The contribution must be made by payroll deduction and must be paid into the state treasury and deposited in the general fund.
(c) The director must record the periodic contributions of each member of the legislature and must credit each contribution to the member's account.
(a) A former member who has made contributions under subdivision 1 and who is no longer a member of the legislature is entitled to receive, upon written application to the executive director on a form prescribed by the executive director, a refund from the general fund of all contributions credited to the member's account with interest computed as provided in section 352.22, subdivision 2.
(b) The refund of contributions as provided in paragraph (a) terminates all rights of a former member of the legislature and the survivors of the former member under this chapter.
(c) If the former member of the legislature again becomes a member of the legislature after having taken a refund as provided in paragraph (a), the member is a member of the unclassified employees retirement program of the Minnesota State Retirement System.
(d) However, the member may reinstate the rights and credit for service previously forfeited under this chapter if the member repays all refunds taken, plus interest at the applicable annual rate or rates specified in section 356.59, subdivision 2, compounded annually, from the date on which the refund was taken to the date on which the refund is repaid. Repayment must be made as provided in section 352.23, paragraph (d).
(e) A member of the legislature who has received a refund from any of the retirement plans specified in section 356.311, paragraph (b), may repay the refund to the respective plan under such terms and conditions consistent with the law governing the retirement plan if the law governing the plan permits the repayment of refunds. If the total amount to be repaid, including principal and interest exceeds $2,000, repayment may be made in three equal installments over a period of 18 months, with the interest accrued during the period of the repayment added to the final installment.
(f) No person may be required to apply for or to accept a refund.
(a) The legislators retirement fund, a special retirement fund, is created within the state treasury. The legislators retirement fund must be credited with any investment proceeds on the assets of the retirement fund.
(b) The payment of annuities under section 3A.115, paragraph (b), is appropriated from the legislators retirement fund.
(c) The legislators retirement fund may receive transfers of general fund proceeds. |
3.087 | | 3.087 RIGHT OF ACTION IN DISTRICT COURT. | If a private employer fails or refuses to comply with sections 3.082 and 3.083, the district court where the private employer maintains a place of business may, upon the filing of a complaint by the member entitled to the benefits of sections 3.082 and 3.083, specifically require the employer to comply with their provisions and compensate the member for any loss of wages or benefits suffered by reason of the employer's unlawful action. The court shall order a speedy hearing in the case and advance it on the calendar. |
3.088 | | 3.088 LEAVE OF ABSENCE. | Subject to this section, any appointed officer or employee of a political subdivision, municipal corporation, or school district of the state or an institution of learning maintained by the state who serves as a legislator or is elected to a full-time city or county office or to an Indian tribal council in Minnesota is entitled to a leave of absence from the public office or to employment without pay when on the business of the office, with right of reinstatement as provided in this section.
Except as provided in this section, upon the completion of the last legislative day in each calendar year, or, in the case of an elected city, county, or tribal council official, on the completion of the final day of the term to which the official was elected, the officer or employee shall be reinstated in the public position held at the time of entry into the legislature or taking city, county, or tribal council office, or be placed in a public position of like seniority, status, and pay if it is available at the same salary which would have been received if the leave had not been taken, upon the following conditions:
(1) that the position has not been abolished or that its term, if limited, has not expired;
(2) that the legislator makes a written application for reinstatement to the appointing authority within 30 days after the last legislative day in a calendar year or, in the case of an elected city, county, or tribal council official, within 30 days after the expiration of the elected term; and
(3) that the request for reinstatement is made not later than ten years after the granting of the leave.
Upon reinstatement, the officer or employee shall have the same rights with respect to accrued and future seniority status, efficiency rating, vacation, insurance benefits, sick leave, and other benefits as if actually employed during the time of the leave. No public employer is required to compensate a reinstated employee or officer for time spent by that employee or officer away from work for the employer and on the business of the state legislature during the period between the first and last legislative day in each calendar year or on the business of an elected city, county, or tribal council office. No officer or employee reinstated shall be removed or discharged within one year after reinstatement except for cause and after notice and hearing, but this does not extend a term of service limited by law.
A public officer or employee who receives leave of absence under this section or is elected as a state constitutional officer and has rights in a state, municipal, or other public pension, retirement, or relief system shall retain all the rights accrued up to the time of taking leave. Time spent by the employee as a member of the legislature or as an elected city, county, or tribal council official or state constitutional officer shall be calculated in the same manner as if the employee had spent that time in the service of the public employer for the purpose of determining vesting of the employee's rights in the employer's pension, retirement, or relief system. Under no circumstances shall two governmental units pay the employee's share of pension contributions when the employee is on leave of absence to serve in the legislature or as an elected city, county, or tribal council official.
When a public officer or employee is absent with leave under this section and it is necessary to provide for the performance of the duties of the absentee's position during the absence, the authority having power to fill a vacancy in the position may appoint an acting incumbent, who shall qualify as required for the regular incumbent, receive the same compensation as fixed by law or proper authority, and have the powers and perform the duties of the position until the return of the regular incumbent. This section does not preclude making other lawful provision for the discharge of the duties of the position.
The rights and privileges granted by this section do not apply if the elected office is constitutionally or legally incompatible with the public office or employment or the elected person chooses to take leave as provided by other law.
Notwithstanding any other law or ordinance or state, municipal, or other public retirement or relief association rule or bylaw, a person shall not be disqualified from receiving a legislative retirement pension or allowance because the person is entitled to receive a public pension or retirement benefit as a result of employment by another public employer. The person shall receive both the legislative retirement pension or allowance and any state, municipal, or other public pension or retirement benefit for which the person has qualified. |
3A.10 | | 3A.10 SERVICE CREDIT. | (a) In the case of a member of the house of representatives, one full term of office must be considered two full years of service, notwithstanding the fact that the oath of office was taken on different days each biennium.
(b) In the case of a member of the senate, one full term of office must be considered four full years of service, notwithstanding the fact that the oath of office was taken on different days at the start of each term.
(c) For purposes of this chapter, a legislative term must be deemed to commence on January 1 and to end on December 31.
[Repealed, 1995 c 262 art 1 s 26] |
3.09 | | 3.09 COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES. | The compensation of officers and employees shall be at the rates fixed by the permanent rules of the electing or appointing body or recommended by its Committee on Rules. |
3.095 | | 3.095 LEGISLATIVE EMPLOYEES, LEAVES. | The Legislative Coordinating Commission shall adopt plans for sick leave and annual leave for the employees of the legislature and of legislative committees and commissions. |
3.096 | | 3.096 TRANSFER OF LEAVE. | An employee in the classified or unclassified service who accepts a position as an employee of the legislature shall have accrued vacation and sick leave transferred and placed to the employee's credit on the legislative records. An employee of the legislature who accepts a position in the classified or unclassified service shall have accrued vacation and sick leave transferred and placed to the employee's credit on the records of the new appointing authority. Vacation and sick leave are not transferred if the new position does not provide for the leave. The amount of vacation and sick leave that may be transferred is subject to any limitations imposed by the receiving agency's collective bargaining agreement or compensation plan. |
3A.115 | | 3A.115 RETIREMENT ALLOWANCE APPROPRIATION; POSTRETIREMENT ADJUSTMENT. | (a) The amount necessary to fund the retirement allowance granted under this chapter to a former legislator retiring after June 30, 2003, or to that legislator's survivor, and the retirement allowance granted under section 3A.17 to a former constitutional officer or the survivor of that constitutional officer is appropriated from the general fund to the director to pay pension obligations due to the retiree.
(b) The amount necessary to fund the retirement allowance granted under this chapter to a former legislator retiring before July 1, 2003, must be paid from the legislators retirement fund created under section 3A.03, subdivision 3, until the assets of the fund are exhausted and at that time, the amount necessary to fund the retirement allowances under this paragraph is appropriated from the general fund to the director to pay pension obligations to the retiree and survivor.
(c) Retirement allowances payable to retired legislators and their survivors under this chapter must be adjusted as provided in sections 3A.02, subdivision 6, and 356.415. |
3.098 | | 3.098 EXPENSE REPORTS. | The house of representatives and senate shall by rule require detailed quarterly reports of expenditures by the house of representatives and senate to their respective committees on rules and legislative administration. These reports are public information. |
3A.13 | | 3A.13 EXEMPTION FROM PROCESS AND TAXATION; HEALTH PREMIUM DEDUCTION. | (a) The provisions of section 356.401 apply to the plans specified in this chapter.
(b) The executive director of the Minnesota State Retirement System must, at the request of a retired legislator or constitutional officer who is enrolled in a health insurance plan covering state employees, deduct the person's health insurance premiums from the person's annuity and transfer the amount of the premium to a health insurance carrier covering state employees. |
3.099 | | 3.099 MEMBERS; COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES, FLEXIBLE SESSIONS. | The compensation of each member of the legislature is due on the first day of the regular legislative session of the term and payable in equal parts on January 15, in the first month of each term and on the first day of each following month during the term for which the member was elected. The compensation of each member of the legislature elected at a special election is due on the day the member takes the oath of office and payable within ten days of taking the oath for the remaining part of the month in which the oath was taken, and then in equal parts on the first day of each following month during the term for which the member was elected.
Each member shall receive mileage for necessary travel to the place of meeting and returning to the member's residence in the amount and for trips as authorized by the senate for senate members and by the house of representatives for house members.
Each member shall also receive per diem living expenses during a regular or special session of the legislature in the amounts and for the purposes as determined by the senate for senate members and by the house of representatives for house members.
On January 15 in the first month of each term and on the first day of each following month, the secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the house of representatives shall certify to the commissioner of management and budget, in duplicate, the amount of compensation then payable to each member of their respective houses and its total.
[Repealed, 1987 c 404 s 191]
The senate Committee on Rules and Administration for the senate and the house of representatives Committee on Rules and Legislative Administration for the house of representatives may each designate for their respective body up to five leadership positions to receive up to 140 percent of the compensation of other members.
At the commencement of each biennial legislative session, each house of the legislature shall adopt a resolution designating its majority and minority leader.
The majority leader is the person elected by the caucus of members in each house which is its largest political affiliation. The minority leader is the person elected by the caucus which is its second largest political affiliation. |
3A.15 | | 3A.15 PROGRAMS OF THE LEGISLATORS RETIREMENT PLAN. | The provisions of sections 3A.01 to 3A.13 apply to the coordinated and basic programs of the legislators retirement plan. |
3.101 | | 3.101 LIVING EXPENSES. | A member of the legislature in addition to the compensation and mileage otherwise provided by law shall be reimbursed for living and other expenses incurred in the performance of duties or engaging in official business during a regular or special session and when the legislature is not in session in the manner and amount prescribed by the senate Committee on Rules and Administration for senators and by the house of representatives Committee on Rules and Legislative Administration for house of representatives members. |
3A.17 | | 3A.17 CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS. | (a) This section specifies the retirement plan applicable to a former constitutional officer who was first elected to a constitutional office after July 1, 1967, and before July 1, 1997. The plan includes the applicable portions of chapters 352C and 356 in effect on the date on which the person terminated active service as a constitutional officer.
(b) Nothing in this section, this act, or Laws 2006, chapter 271, article 10, section 33, subdivision 2, is intended to increase or reduce the benefits of former constitutional officers or their survivors or to adversely modify their eligibility for benefits in effect as of June 30, 2012.
Retirement allowances payable to retired constitutional officers and surviving spouse benefits payable must be adjusted under section 356.415. |
3.103 | | 3.103 SPECIAL SESSION LIVING EXPENSES. | Each member of the legislature, during a special session, shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of duties in the same amounts, for the same purposes, and in the same manner as authorized for senators and members of the house of representatives at the last regular session before the special session. Reimbursement for travel shall not exceed one round trip per member for each seven calendar days in which the legislature meets in the special session. |
3.14 | | 3.14 CONTEMPTS. | Each house may punish, as a contempt, a breach of its privileges, or of the privileges of its members, but only for the following offenses:
(1) arresting or causing to be arrested, a member or officer in violation of the member's privilege from arrest;
(2) disorderly conduct in its view and presence, or in the view and presence of any of its committees, tending to interrupt its proceedings;
(3) giving or offering a bribe to a member, or attempting by menace or corrupt or improper means, directly or indirectly, to control or influence a member in giving or withholding the member's vote.
No person shall be excused from attending and testifying before either house of the legislature, or a committee of either house, for an alleged offense upon an investigation of giving or offering a bribe, or attempting by menace or corrupt or improper means, directly or indirectly, to control or influence a member in giving or withholding the member's vote upon the ground that the person's required testimony or evidence, documentary or otherwise, may tend to convict the person of a crime or subject the person to a penalty. No person shall be prosecuted, or subjected to a penalty for a transaction, matter, or thing concerning which the person may so testify, or produce evidence, documentary or otherwise. No testimony, so given or produced, shall be received against the person in any criminal investigation or proceeding. |
3.16 | | 3.16 MEMBERS, OFFICERS, AND ATTORNEYS EXCUSED FROM COURT DUTY. | No member or officer of, or attorney employed by, the legislature shall be compelled to attend as a witness in a court of this state during a session of the legislature, or while attending a meeting of a legislative committee or commission when the legislature is not in session unless the court in which the action is pending orders it, upon sufficient showing and with the consent of the presiding officer of the body of which the witness is an employee or the consent of the body of which the witness is a member. No cause or proceeding, civil or criminal, in court or before a commission or an officer or referee of a court or commission or a motion or hearing on the cause or proceeding, in which a member or officer of, or an attorney employed by, the legislature is a party, attorney, or witness shall be tried or heard during a session of the legislature or while the member, officer, or attorney is attending a meeting of a legislative committee or commission when the legislature is not in session. The matter shall be continued until the legislature or the committee or commission meeting has adjourned.
The member, officer, or attorney may, with the consent of the body of the legislature of which the person is a member, officer, or employee, waive this privilege. The cause or proceeding, motion, or hearing may then be tried or heard at a time that will not conflict with legislative duties. |
3.151 | | 3.151 DISTURBING LEGISLATURE OR INTIMIDATING MEMBER. | A person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor who:
(1) willfully disturbs the legislature, or either house of it, while in session;
(2) commits disorderly conduct in the presence and view of either house, tending to interrupt its proceedings or impair the respect due to its authority; or
(3) willfully, by intimidation or otherwise, prevents a member of the legislature from attending a session of the member's house, or of a committee of it, or from giving the member's vote upon a question which may come before the house, or from performing any other official act. |
Subsets and Splits