Sentence,ID CONCLUSIONS: SD-OCT and AO detected abnormalities that correlate topographically with visual field loss from hydroxychloroquine toxicity as demonstrated by HVF 10-2 and may be useful in the detection of subclinical abnormalities that precede symptoms or objective visual field loss.,50 Ampicillin-induced interstitial nephritis with generalised exfoliative dermatitis.,51 Four of the aviators were allowed to continue on active duty with limitations and one was disqualified.,52 Severe akathisia during olanzapine treatment of acute schizophrenia.,53 "Experimental therapeutic approaches focus on the restitution of microcirculation (endothelin receptor antagonists, atriopeptins), interference with cast formation (integrin receptor blockers), and the promotion of recovery by growth factors.",54 "Although weight gain often coincides with hyperglycemia in patients taking atypical antipsychotics, it does not seem to be a necessary causal factor.",55 "Excluding other causes, Pentasa-associated pancytopenia was considered.",56 "Soon after its introduction in 1952, chlorpromazine was noted to induce symptoms resembling Parkinson's disease.",57 We report a case of hepatolithiasis (intrahepatic stone) complicated by gram-negative sepsis in a 37 year old male with acromegaly being treated with octreotide.,58 "In the two cases, a combination of iloprost, a stable prostacyclin analogue (1 to 2 ng/kg/mn) with aspirin and dipyridamole was shown to inhibit ex vivo the heparin-induced platelet aggregation.",59 CONCLUSIONS: Patients with PDPH have classic postural headache.,60 "Agranulocytosis is a disorder characterized by a severe decrease in the number of granulocytes in blood, that frequently occurs as an adverse reaction to some drugs.",61 "He was maintained on cyclosporine A, mycophenolate mofetil, and prednisone.",62 Tardive seizure is a serious adverse reaction of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).,63 An uncommon cause of gastro-duodenal ulceration.,64 Leukocyte histamine release test with salmon calcitonin and serum tryptase levels at baseline and after intramuscular challenge test were performed.,65 The patient presented with a painful eye and increasing vertical diplopia.,66 "She had previously been treated unsuccessfully with a number of atypical antipsychotic medications, before she was eventually started on clozapine.",67 "RESULTS: Careful blood cell monitoring showed a pronounced diurnal variation of WBC (2.9-4.2x10(9)/l in the morning and 3.6-7.1x10(9)/l in the afternoon) and granulocytes (0.8-1.4x10(9)/l and 2.9-5.5x10(9)/l, respectively).",68 He had a 1-year history of mechanical aortic valve replacement and coronary stent placement because of myocardial infarction and he was taking warfarin and clopidogrel.,69 We also discuss whether screening for DPD deficiency is warranted to identify patients at risk for severe toxicities from 5-FU treatment.,70 CASE SUMMARY: A 16-day-old infant developed several mild episodes of apnea that culminated in a severe cyanotic episode requiring resuscitation.,71 Histopathology of maculae showed extensive collections of melanophages in the upper dermis.,72 "Interestingly, the patient's mother had also experienced a generalised pustular dermatosis associated with hypocalcaemia during oral contraceptive use, which was diagnosed clinically and histologically as impetigo herpetiformis.",73 Diagnosis by PCR-REA.,74 This observation might suggest caution when cisplatin is used in patients with cardiac disease or pretreated with other potential cardiotoxic antineoplastic agents.,75 "In this article, we present a unique case of a 31-year-old woman with severe autoimmune hepatitis apparently abruptly triggered by vaccination.",76 Median patient age was 52 years.,77 An objective causality assessment by use of the Naranjo probability scale revealed that NCSE due to ifosfamide was probable.,78 Intraventricular nafcillin-induced seizures in a neonate.,79 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura induced by trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in a Jehovah's Witness.,80 Coagulation and complete blood count values were within the normal range.,81 Transplant recipients are at highest risk during the first 3 months posttransplant.,82 Detection of cytomegalovirus DNA from cytomegalovirus corneal endotheliitis after penetrating keratoplasty.,83 "However, endocrine and clinical responses to chronic treatment have been less consistent.",84 Atomic absorption analysis showed no significant change in the aluminium content of bone with treatment.,85 "Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) has been associated with important behavioural disturbances, such as psychotic symptoms.",86 Respiratory effects of halothane in a patient with refractory status asthmaticus.,87 Medicolegal problems in the management of cardiac arrhythmias in children.,88 OBJECTIVE: The authors described a case of interferon-induced psychosis as a framework to review the literature and discuss the decision to pursue antiviral treatment in psychiatrically ill patients with hepatitis C.,89 "These cases suggest the possibility that, in some patients, leukopenia or agranulocytosis during olanzapine treatment might be dose-related.",90 A 39-year-old female presented for elective bilateral thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy for chronic severe visceral pain.,91 Effect on levels of intercellular antibodies in pemphigus vulgaris.,92 The inter-individual variation in the expression of this protein(s) and its potential induction by anticonvulsant therapy together with an inherited deficiency in drug detoxification capacity may explain predisposition to these immunoallergic reactions.,93 "The day after clozapine was stopped, while he was still receiving clomipramine 150 mg/d, he began behaving oddly, started sweating profusely, shivering, and became tremulous, agitated, and confused.",94 The safety and efficacy of enfuvirtide therapy for HIV infection in patients with hemophilia: a case series.,95 Although the aetiology of their cerebral dysfunction can not be definitely ascertained this case series emphasizes the need for long-term prospective studies in patients with diabetes of long duration to assess the impact of the disorder on cognitive and social abilities particularly where there is evidence of cerebral dysfunction.,96 "His polymyoclonus was successfully treated with phenytoin, sodium thiopental infusion, sodium valproate and supportive care of the hemodynamic, and respiratory systems.",97 "In three patients who stopped this medication of their own accord, pancreatic stones re-increased or reappeared about 6 months later.",98 "Rejection of blood transfusions by individuals of this faith is usually blamed to justify this attitude, thus leading to severe personal, medical and psychological distress related to the lack of care.",99 Antiepileptic drug hypersensitivity syndrome: in vitro and clinical observations.,100 Cornea transplantation was required in two of six eyes for dense central corneal scarring.,101 "Recurrent unilateral, throbbing, frontal headaches should be referred to as facial migraine.",102 Three patients with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) worsened clinically and radiologically.,103 "Fetal goiter is a rare disorder, usually associated with maternal thyroid disease.",104 We now report the first known cancer patient who developed life-threatening complications after treatment with topical 5-FU and was shown subsequently to have profound DPD deficiency.,105 Tenofovir-associated nephrotoxicity in two HIV-infected adolescent males.,106 Seven of 8 evaluable patients remain alive and free of recurrence with a median follow-up of 13 months.,107 "We present three cases from the Provincial Toxicology Center of British Columbia, Canada in which suicidal overdose deaths were associated with quetiapine.",108 "To our knowledge, this is the first report of t-MDS with der(17)t(12;17)(q13;p13) after treatment for CLL.",109 Didanosine also has a potential for inducing seizures.,110 "DESIGN: We reviewed the medical records of four patients, who were seen by us between July 2000 and February 2004 for sudden onset of a central neurological syndrome within days of intrathecal MTX.",111 Combined data reveal that 12 of 23 have had a complete or partial response with residual thrombocytopenia and a probability of 48% survival one year from the start of ATG therapy as projected by life table analysis.,112 "Thus, the value of close monitoring and when, if ever, it is safe to stop such monitoring are currently unclear.",113 "This report describes the initial protocol, the gingivectomy, and a 2-year follow-up.",114 Cytostatic extravasation via central catheter is an uncommon complication in clinical practice.,115 Hepatic uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity is markedly reduced in patients with this disorder.,116 "She subsequently developed a classic varicella rash, sever back pain, rapidly progressive hepatic failure, pneumonitis, and encephalopathy.",117 "Acarbose, an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, has been used sporadically in adults after gastric surgery, but only once in children.",118 "BACKGROUND: Orbital cellulitis after strabismus surgery is uncommon, may cause blindness and may lead to death.",119 "The reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (RPLES) is a condition characterised by reversible neurological and radiological findings that has been associated with use of immunosuppressive, chemotherapeutic and more recently novel targeted therapies.",120 RESULTS: Glycopyrrolate successfully treated intraoperative penile erection.,121 Steroids also contributed to the improvement of the nephrotic syndrome and proteinuria decreased from maximal ranges of 27 g/l to 2.2 g/l after six months of the follow-up.,122 OBJECTIVE: Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) is a rare but potentially lethal form of drug-induced hyperthermia.,123 "In patients with cirrhosis, the metabolism of meperidine is decreased, leading to accumulation of the parent drug and possible CNS depressive effects similar to hepatic encephalopathy.",124 Many new serotonergic antidepressants have been introduced over the past decade.,125 Liver biopsies taken while symptomatic showed portal fibrosis progressing to cirrhosis.,126 "Leakage from a conjunctival break created during trabeculectomy may cause serious complications such as shallow anterior chamber, hypotony, and a flat bleb in the early postoperative period.",127 "Sixteen hours after the first administration of IFN, IFN was suspended by the symptoms of congestive heart failure (CHF).",128 "On postburn day 31, he developed a temperature of 108.4 degrees F (42.4 degrees C).",129 The only two studies addressing this issue showed no problems with diagnosis caused by providing narcotic pain relief.,130 "A medical-legal review regarding the standard of care for epidural injections, with particular reference to a closed case.",131 Blood transfusion and natural infection cases.,132 "The level of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) was 44 U/L, and that of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) was 69 U/L.",133 "Despite an extensive evaluation, which included a gallium scan, a technetium bone scan, and abdominal ultrasound, a source could not be found.",134 "However, there was clinical and electrophysiologic recovery after initiation of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy.",135 "The second was an 82-year-old man receiving ticlopidine for 2 years when, during a febrile episode, he was found neutropenic with marrow aplasia.",136 Gaucher's disease (GD) is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease resulting in an abnormal accumulation of glucocerebrosides in macrophages.,137 Two patients are described in whom subtle cognitive impairments are associated with therapeutic doses of amoxapine.,138 "Until this time, she was without any antidepressive medication.",139 Disseminated tuberculous lesions post intravesical BCG therapy are rare but need to be identified and treated quickly.,140 "Fifteen patients with active disease and three whose disease was inactive received increased doses of corticosteroids, and four active cases and one inactive one stayed on the same doses.",141 "Laparascopy proved useful in making the initial diagnosis, but may have contributed to the pathogenesis of the pulmonary process.",142 "After induced delivery at term because of hypertension, repeated laboratory findings showed increased aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and negative hepatitis C and B markers.",143 "We present a fatal case of subacute methanol toxicity with associated diffuse brain involvement, including bilateral putaminal necrosis and cerebral edema with ventricular compression.",144 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents may be an alternative to chemotherapy and radiotherapy in treating mesenteric desmoids.,145 "On admission, serum calcium and albumin was 3.5 mg/dl and 3.7 g/dl respectively.",146 "In patient 2, thrombolysis caused mobilisation of thrombotic mass as evidenced by disappearance of thrombus on ultrasound.",147 "No viruses (including cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, human herpes-virus-6, parvovirus B19, and adenovirus B11) were detected in serum or urine by polymerase chain reaction amplification.",148 "Complete remission of nephrotic syndrome (NS) occurred in two patients, partial remission in one patient, while treatment was inefficacious in one (data not available for one patient).",149 Salicylate-induced hepatotoxicity is reviewed.,150 CONCLUSION: Copperhead bites typically result in mild to moderate envenomation due to local tissue effects.,151 "Both cases were initially treated with cisplatin (CDDP), etoposide (ETP) and concurrent thoracic irradiation, however they had recurrent disease within a year.",152 Asthma and dental erosion.,153 She was receiving phenytoin sodium 300 mg/day; carbamazepine 200 mg four times daily had been discontinued four days before admission because of leukopenia.,154 "Of particular interest in this patient is the fluctuation of the QT interval at a stable dose of methadone, suggesting that a single normal electrocardiogram (ECG) does not guarantee that the patient is not at risk of ventricular arrhythmias.",155 "Gemcitabine is a known risk factor for hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), which can often have a rapidly fatal clinical course despite intervention with steroids, plasmapheresis and hemodialysis.",156 At 10.5 years rhGH therapy was started and height gain of 26 cm was observed after 2.7 years of treatment.,157 "A 22-year-old male, referred to us as a case of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis was diagnosed as allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) after serological and computed tomography confirmation.",158 "In two cases, tiagabine was withdrawn, whereas it was continued at a lower dosage in one case.",159 Diabetes mellitus type 1 in five military aviators: flying with insulin.,160 The abnormal rhythm disappeared with the withdrawal of propranolol and when the drug was restarted a 2/1 S-A block was seen.,161 Anterior spinal artery syndrome--a complication of cervical intrathecal phenol injection.,162 "Infections after tooth extraction and fracture of the sclerotic bone following mild trauma are serious complications, as these ordinarily common problems are very difficult to treat in such patients.",163 Multifocal osteomyelitis caused by Candida dubliniensis.,164 "Immunodeficiency, iatrogenic immunosuppression, and some autoimmune diseases are known as predisposing conditions, and in these patients PCNSL peaks in the 4th decade.",165 Thalidomide as elective treatment in persistent erythema multiforme; report of two cases.,166 "Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is an uncommon and potentially fatal idiosynchratic reaction of antipsychotic drugs, in which the clinical scenario encompass muscular rigidity, hyperthermia, autonomic dysfunction, altered consciousness, high creatinine phosphokinase levels, and leukocytosis.",167 "To our knowledge, this is the first case of griseofulvin-exacerbated lupus in which nephrotic syndrome has been observed.",168 "Unlike other macrolide antibiotics, it is not hepatically metabolized and did not produce an interaction with warfarin in a single-dose study.",169 "In patients with a known access to INH, seizures should be considered to be caused by INH toxicity unless proved otherwise.",170 The authors describe two cases of tardive dyskinesia in which severe axial dystonia and intense facial grimacing produced marked discomfort as well as social and physical disability.,171 Imatinib has remarkably improved the prognosis of patients with CML.,172 The agranulocytosis was rapidly resolved by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) therapy and by the discontinuation of vancomycin.,173 We report a heart-lung transplant patient who developed chronic rejection (BOS stage 3) with the appearance of gross bronchiectasis on a spiral computed tomography (CT) chest scan.,174 "A case of tuberculous peritonitis complicating continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) in a 37-year-old man who presented with fever, abdominal pain, and a malfunctioning Tenckhoff catheter is reported.",175 Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy: a complication after extracorporal circulation.,176 Life-threatening interstitial lung disease associated with trastuzumab: case report.,177 "Recovery of the tubular dysfunction took 15 days following cessation of the offending drug, Amikacin.",178 "The polymorphic UGT isoenzyme, UGT1A1 has genetic variants which decrease in SN-38 glucuronidating capacity and could help predict irinotecan-associated toxicity.",179 No myeloma cells were found in the nervous system.,180 6-Thioguanine is being increasingly used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease but has not been reported to cause liver injury in this context.,181 This observation supports the notion of a possible pro-epileptogenic effect of opioid substances in association with metabolic and other toxic factors.,182 RESULTS: Topiramate was discontinued.,183 There was complete radiological and clinical resolution of the abscess on prolonged treatment with amphotericin alone.,184 This is a report of a renal transplant patient with Pneumocystis pneumonia who developed chemical cellulitis and ulceration following the extravasation of intravenous pentamidine into the soft tissues of the left hand and forearm.,185 "The patient was found comatose and experienced repeated generalized tonic-clonic seizures, aspiration with subsequent pneumonia, hypotension, and an increase in PR interval.",186 "Two months later, he was admitted to hospital with ORTHOPNEA, worsening dyspnea and cough.",187 "The typical manifestation is an urticarial or erythematous rash, and pruritus on the face and flexural aspects of limbs, followed by progression to dermatitis.",188 Two patients had abnormal electroretinograms (ERGs).,189 She suffered from epigastric discomfort.,190 The case is presented of a 39-year-old Type 1 diabetic patient of 22 years duration with recurrent hypoglycaemic comas.,191 OBJECTIVE: We report a case of cutaneous KS lesions in a patient affected by CML treated with imatinib.,192 "Given the wide use of gemcitabine following chemoradiation for pancreatic cancer, providers should be aware of this potential complication.",193 "Although this therapy has a very low toxicity profile, an increase in secondary cancers has been reported.",194 No other anti-infective therapy was given.,195 The median survival was 22.1 months in all and 17.1 months in six patients with PVTT.,196 The authors report the first case involving trapped epidural air in the spine that mimicked a mass lesion and caused neurological symptoms after epidural corticosteroid injection in the lumbar region.,197 Intrapericardial infusion of 5-fluorouracil.,198 "Case report: life-threatening hypoglycaemia associated with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, a commonly used antimalarial drug.",199 CASE SUMMARY: A 6.1-year-old child received cyclosporine and methotrexate for acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD) prophylaxis after his first HSCT for acute myeloblastic leukemia.,200 Troglitazone-induced fulminant hepatic failure.,201 Acute adrenal insufficiency after large-dose glucocorticoids for spinal cord injury.,202 Development of nephrotic syndrome in a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia after treatment with macrophage-colony-stimulating factor.,203 The cause of the intracranial disease was attributable to the retrograde cerebral venous congestion.,204 "Glycyrrhizin (GL) at a dose of 400-1600 mg/day (7.2-30.8 mg/kg/day) was administered intravenously for a period of more than a month, on 6 separate occasions, to 3 hemophiliacs with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).",205 "Progressive improvement was also seen in all the parameters on Pentacam scans, including the pachymetry, keratometry readings, and elevation on the anterior float.",206 Phenytoin toxicity is an uncommon problem seen in clinical practice.,207 The other patient developed transient intraoperative hypertension immediately after inadvertent submucosal injection of concentrated epinephrine.,208 "Since tamoxifen therapy can induce endometrial disorders, surveillance schemes of women taking tamoxifen have been recommended.",209 Magnetic resonance imaging revealed regional kyphosis and large swollen paraspinal muscles impinging on the spinal cord without epidural hematoma.,210 "All were females (age range: 43 to 73, mean = 61.7 years) and had taken quinine for leg cramps.",211 She developed marked liver dysfunction.,212 This report describes the management of repetitive paroxysms of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias triggered by catheter manipulation during interventional procedures in two children.,213 CONCLUSION: The findings in these two patients suggest that colchicine may delay corneal wound healing.,214 The objective of this report is to describe a case of fixed drug eruption that occurred during omeprazole treatment.,215 Impetigo herpetiformis is a rare non-infectious pustular dermatosis of pregnancy.,216 STUDY DESIGN: A case report is presented.,217 They cause impairment of hepatic glucose output and delay in intestinal absorption of carbohydrates.,218 A 51-year old physically fit woman experienced angio-oedema and hypotensive shock after irbesartan ingestion requiring noradrenaline infusion.,219 "We describe a patient with Wilson's disease who presented with neurologic disease, was treated with D-penicillamine, and suffered sudden neurologic deterioration coincident with therapy.",220 We recommend following daily cell counts and vancomycin peak and trough levels to calculate the amount and frequency of intraventricular vancomycin required to maintain safe and effective concentrations and to monitor for CSFE.,221 "At the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) Cancer Center, 115 patients with advanced intra-abdominal malignant conditions have been treated with several intraperitoneal chemotherapy programs.",222 DISCUSSION: The causal association between anticoagulant therapy and spontaneous hemothorax remains relatively uncommon.,223 We report a case of an infant with complex congenital heart disease who was placed on captopril for afterload reduction following cardiac surgery and subsequently developed pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia.,224 Physicians and patients must use more caution with teratogenic prescription drugs.,225 "In early 1983, an outbreak of illness caused by raw milk contaminated with multiple-antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella typhimurium occurred in Arizona.",226 "In the present paper the authors describe 2 female patients who developed incontinence secondary to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors paroxetine and sertraline, as well as a third who developed this side effect on venlafaxine.",227 The cutaneous reaction remitted after withdrawal of captopril therapy.,228 It appears that the leukoencephalopathy of the present case developed on the more complicated etiopathogenesis.,229 CONCLUSION: We conclude that NIC may be an important treatment option in cases of severe intoxication causing cerebral swelling.,230 "After six weeks of therapy, clinical symptoms had greatly improved and intercellular antibody levels had decreased from a titer of 5,120 to 160.",231 "The leukoencephalopathy, documented clinically and by CT and EEG, cleared after 2350 mg of leucovorin (citrovorum factor, folinic acid) was given in addition to the 135 mg given as part of the therapy.",232 WE is usually associated with alcoholism and malnutrition.,233 "The diagnosis, pathogenesis and issues relevant to the treatment of this condition are discussed.",234 The first is a case of disseminated candidiasis with stomach wall involvement.,235 "The treatment of choice is liposomal amphotericin B, which failed in our patient.",236 We described the occurrence of L-dopa-induced myoclonus and seizures in a case of parkinsonism with its SEPs findings.,237 We report a case consequent to a surgical operation for cataract.,238 "Pyogenic liver abscess in Taiwan is most commonly due to Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in diabetic patients, and less frequently due to biliary tract infections.",239 "The 38-year-old patient with no previous cardiac or smoking history developed complete heart block, ventricular fibrillation and subsequent asystole.",240 Measured 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH D) levels were elevated in three patients; levels were not determined in a fourth patient who became normocalcemic when vitamin D therapy was discontinued.,241 A novel side effect of antithyroid drugs.,242 One of three stool samples was positive for the presence of occult blood.,243 This case study presents a situation in which a loss-of-resistance technique resulted in an inadvertent discogram.,244 "Administration of low-dose cidofovir was associated with clearance of BK virus DNA from blood and allograft, and stabilization of renal function in both patients, without significant toxicity.",245 "Although uncommon, an intact anterior vetreous face against the corneal endothelium is possible when a wide opening has been made in the posterior capsule and the underlying vitreous face remains intact.",246 "Within weeks of initiation of baclofen treatment, the hiccups ceased.",247 CONCLUSIONS: Our report describes a case of rhabdomyolysis possibly caused by C. mukul and underlines the need for active surveillance of natural products.,248 Therapy was adjusted as required on the basis of BCG sensitivity results.,249 CONCLUSIONS: Severe neuroleptic sensitivity and associated deficits of cognitive speed occurred in response to a dopaminergic antagonist agent; both responded readily to withdrawal of the offending agent.,250 Phenytoin levels were measured and found to be grossly elevated at 170 mmol/L.,251 "The microorganism was identified with a molecular diagnostic method as Schizophyllum commune, which had not been reported in English literature as a pathogen inducing pulmonary nodules after transplantation.",252 Using anti-CD79a as a B-cell marker is mandatory to overcome the difficulties in identifying these tumors.,253 Discontinuation of MMF was followed by a rapid and spontaneous rise in neutrophils in two patients.,254 "Uveitis during treatment of disseminated Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex infection with the combination of rifabutin, clarithromycin and ethambutol.",255 This side effect has only once previously been reported with the nitrosourea group of compounds.,256 We report on case histories of two epileptic patients who were initially on lamotrigine and to whom sertraline was added to control psychiatric features.,257 We present case reports of three different types of eye burns and later therapy resulting in corneal calcification.,258 The baby had an excellent recovery and was discharged home after a prolonged antibiotic course.,259 "Thiotepa and its main metabolite tepa, ultrafilterable platinum, cyclophosphamide and its activated metabolite 4-hydroxycyclophosphamide were determined.",260 The diagnosis of destructive thyroiditis was confirmed by anti-TSH receptor antibody (TSHRAb) negativity and the absence of radionuclide ((123)I or (99)Tc) uptake on thyroid scintiscans.,261 "During the first days of arsenic trioxide treatment a rapid decrease in the D-dimers was seen (normal values reached until day 7), together with a slight decrease in peripheral blood leukocytes.",262 The NZ Pharmacovigilance Centre has received 7 additional reports of severe infections in patients with RA taking leflunomide.,263 With the alarming increase in incidence of tuberculosis in the United States over the past several years a review of anti-tuberculosis medications and their potential side effects is warranted.,264 Slight elevation of serum transaminases and hepatic hyperechogenicity were observed.,265 We report a case of fatal fulminant hepatitis caused by the use of disulfiram in a man with previously normal hepatocellular function.,266 "Infiltrates, hemorrhages and macular edema present preoperatively dissolved over a period of six months.",267 "The clinical course of a 9-year-old diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Tourette's disorder and treated with a combination of methylphenidate, clonidine, and fluoxetine is described.",268 In both patients the rippling phenomena worsened with pyridostigmine treatment but markedly improved after immunosuppression with azathioprine.,269 The use of bivalirudin alone is as effective and has been associated with less bleeding than the use of UFH or enoxaparin plus a glycoprotein (GP) IIb/ IIIa inhibitor in patients with NSTE ACS who undergo PCI.,270 Using a medical emergency team to manage anaphylactic shock.,271 "These observations have been reflected in postmarketing clinical experience, leading to recommendations that novel antipsychotics, such as sertindole, should be prescribed to first-episode patients.",272 METHODS: A 23-year-old contact lens wearer was treated for bilateral Acanthamoeba keratitis and underwent penetrating keratoplasty in the right eye for descemetocele with impending risk of perforation.,273 "Despite discontinuance of the drug and/or institution of corticosteroid therapy, progressive respiratory failure led to death.",274 He underwent uneventful cataract extraction surgery and intraocular lens implantation of the right eye.,275 "Our patient presented at the emergency department with an increasing scalp swelling for 2 weeks, and culture of the evacuated fluid yielded Streptococcus pneumoniae.",276 All patients underwent classic therapy.,277 A retrospective analysis was performed to determine the incidence and clinical features of acute myelogenous leukemia/myelodysplastic syndrome (AML/MDS) developing in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients.,278 "Over a period of 3 weeks, the patient became progressively confused and ataxic.",279 "In addition, the response to a corticotropin stimulation test was abnormal, an indication of suppression of the adrenal glands.",280 A case may be made for the discontinuation of the usage of chloral hydrate.,281 We concluded that flumazenil can antagonize the sedative effects of promethazine at these receptors to return the patient to a wakeful state.,282 The precise timing of each step of the surgical procedure remains difficult to codify.,283 Endoscopic application of photodynamic therapy for cholangiocarcinoma.,284 The VAS decrease for this patient was 14.3%.,285 We describe a patient who became hypothyroid while taking ferrous sulfate.,286 The anemia continued because of bloody stool caused by Crohn's disease.,287 "Subsequent in vivo/vitro studies clearly demonstrated that the neurological effects were due to a synergistic action of desferrioxamine and prochlorperazine, probably resulting in exceptional fluxes of intra/extra cellular iron/copper disturbing noradrenergic and serotonergic systems.",288 Cardiovascular deterioration after seizures in tricyclic overdose has long been suspected.,289 There was prompt response of oral ketoconazole.,290 There are few reported findings of sexual dysfunction in men and none in women.,291 Severe loss of vision after removal of cataract caused by intravitreal triamcinolone in combination with photodynamic therapy for exudative age-related macular degeneration.,292 Derivatives of Imidazoline usually act to stimulate peripheral alpha2 receptors causing vasoconstriction.,293 "This demonstrates that, despite the normal coagulation profiles previously described, mothers on chronic anticonvulsant therapy may have a subclinical carboxylation defect, while their infants are at risk for hemorrhagic disease.",294 Angioedema and dysphagia caused by contact allergy to inhaled budesonide.,295 Four cases of adverse experiences with clonidine are described.,296 A 9-year-old girl with AIDS was brought to the emergency department because of tetany.,297 A 63-year-old man with diabetes mellitus for 15 years was admitted to our hospital in 1990 because of end-stage renal failure.,298 "Positive immunohistochemistry staining of a biopsy specimen for cytomegalovirus suggested a viral etiology; however, lesions persisted despite antiviral therapy, and immunohistochemistry was negative on follow-up biopsy.",299 We hypothesize that decreased renal elimination of MTX induced by the COX-2 inhibitor resulted in enhanced hematopoietic toxicity and immunosuppression causing the EBV-associated lymphoproliferative disease.,300 We also provide a literature review regarding thionamide-induced ANCA-associated vasculitis.,301 A 64-year-old male with recurrent metastatic squamous cell carcinoma was successfully treated with intensive combination chemotherapy.,302 "Management consisted of supportive care including antibiotics and antifungal therapy, transfusion of red blood cells and fresh frozen plasma.",303 Procainamide-induced incessant supraventricular tachycardia in the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.,304 Nephrotic patients in endemic areas of Strongyloides infection should have the differential white cell count checked.,305 "Fracture of the femoral neck occurred in one patient during PSL therapy, although the relationship between the fracture and PSL therapy was uncertain.",306 This sulfonamide like nephropathy should be differentiated from acetazolamide-related calcium phosphate nephrolithiasis.,307 "Although it is chronic, it is commonly associated with exacerbations and short periods of remission.",308 Probabilistic analysis of decision trees using symbolic algebra.,309 CONCLUSION: The minimum effective dose of im gold is not known.,310 "We report for the first time the development of symptomatic methemoglobinemia after an acute ingestion of divalproex sodium (Depakote), resulting in serum concentrations 10 times greater than the therapeutic range.",311 "His dibucaine number was 21, and the Michaelis constant was 5.5 times that of normal sera.",312 Other upper tract neoplasms after cyclophosphamide are reviewed.,313 A 50-year-old male patient was started on erlotinib as a third-line chemotherapy.,314 A second biopsy after clinical improvement showed resolution of cholestasis but persistence of duct paucity.,315 There was no evidence of worsening of the myotonic symptoms.,316 Maintenance dosages controlled the condition thereafter.,317 Over the last five years three new classes have been released.,318 CONCLUSIONS: VVR stimulates mucin secretion and MCTV in the LPS-inflamed ferret airway.,319 We describe a case of life-threatening hyponatremia associated with sibutramine use in an obese woman.,320 "Its use in reproductive age women has become increasingly common in recent years, intensifying the risk of fetal exposure.",321 "The present report is of a 67-year-old woman presenting with bulky cervicothoracic RIF who, 10 years previously, had received radiochemotherapy for a small cell thyroid carcinoma to a dose of 50 Gy, with severe acute side-effects.",322 Renal biopsy showed diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis with cellular crescents.,323 "The ""pinch-off sign"" was noted on a routine chest X-ray but that was ignored.",324 A positive dechallenge was reported in 29 cases.,325 "However, the use of lithium should be avoided with any patient who is purging, since it may exacerbate the loss of intracellular potassium, thereby increasing the risk of cardiac toxicity.",326 Our results suggest that rituximab and possibly irradiated DLI played an important role in controlling early EBV-LPD in these two patients and may be an effective alternative therapeutic strategy for patients who develop EBV-LPD post transplant and are unable to receive unmanipulated DLI.,327 We present a patient who developed skin lesions typical of disseminated superficial porokeratosis (DSP) while on immunosuppressive therapy for pemphigus foliaceus.,328 Two of the patients who had acute renal failure while receiving ACE-inhibitor therapy experienced a recurrence when rechallenged with such therapy.,329 Successful management of infusion reaction accompanying the start of cetuximab therapy.,330 "RESULTS: The treatment regimen resulted in two complete regressions, five partial responses, and one mixed response, and two patients did not respond to the treatment.",331 "Two cases of bipolar affective disorder with tardive dystonic symptoms seemed to improve only with mood elevation, whether the latter occurred spontaneously or was 'induced' pharmacologically.",332 This report describes the clinical course of the patient over a period of 4 months after the nerve block and the post-mortem findings along with a brief review of the literature.,333 A patient with post-traumatic epilepsy who had remained fit-free for many years until she was given the 5-HT reuptake inhibitor fluvoxamine is reported.,334 Catecholamine treatment for hypotension is common practice in neonatal intensive care units.,335 "Two months later, at a follow-up visit, her serum cesium level was 1800 microg/dl, and her QTc interval was 494 msec.",336 New onset of CD may be considered as an immune-mediated injury induced by etanercept.,337 The following case demonstrates marked improvement in treatment-resistant RSD pain with intramuscular ketorolac.,338 Disseminated Trichosporon infection.,339 "BOOP is mainly treated with corticosteroids, which induce a rapid clinical improvement.",340 Comparing his coronary angiograms with those obtained before surgery indicated a severely spastic left coronary artery.,341 "In December 1983, symptoms of Parkinson disease developed in a 55-year-old man with no history of pulmonary disease, smoking, or asbestos exposure.",342 "Instead, she referred an improvement with gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) for the treatment of endometriosis and then with tamoxifen as hormonal therapy after mastectomy and chemotherapy for breast cancer.",343 The effects on different biophysiological parameters and subjective impressions were studied in a patient with breast cancer who was not previously given any therapy before receiving Ukrain.,344 "We report a case of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis of protracted duration, unresponsive to conventional thionamide therapy, with therapy limited by severe adverse drug reactions.",345 "The episode lasted 1 week and was followed by a dramatic fall in plasma sodium (104 mEq I-1), associated with a proportionally lesser decrease in plasma chloride and phosphate.",346 "After aprotinin infusion (loading dose of 2 x 10(6) kIU followed by a continuous infusion of 5 x 10(5) kIU/h) combined with heparin, bleeding vanished until the end of bypass.",347 "Like other myeloproliferative diseases, ET is associated with an increased risk of development of acute leukemia (AL).",348 The case of a pregnant woman with a breast mass that proved to be a granulocytic sarcoma is presented.,349 "We describe a 49-year-old woman who presented in 2002 with pure red cell aplasia (PRCA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and idiopathic portal hypertension (IPH) that developed following a thymectomy.",350 "These patients may require protamine/NPH desensitization, an alternative insulin preparation, or both.",351 "It is particularly important in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) since it reduces new organ involvement and disease flares, and relieves skin and joint symptoms.",352 Hypotension and sinus arrest with nifedipine in pulmonary hypertension.,353 Etanercept and demyelinating disease in a patient with psoriasis.,354 "This is an endocrine emergency that can lead to respiratory failure, dysrhythmia, and death.",355 METHODS: We present the clinical and laboratory findings and describe the clinical course of our patient.,356 An ICD implantation was selected for the therapy since ventricular fibrillation was induced.,357 He presented symptoms of hemiparesis 3 days after the operation.,358 "On CT, they were manifested as a peritoneal mass or thickening with variable shapes, including oval, round, bizarre, linear and even a molded shape due to where they were lodged, such as the pelvis and paracolic gutter.",359 "Analysis of his cerebrospinal fluid showed a decrease in loosely-bound (catalytic) iron and increase in loosely-bound (catalytic) copper, total iron and products of lipid peroxidation, with values approaching normal as the symptoms resolved.",360 We report the results of treatment with MACOP-B in 11 young patients with low grade lymphoma (LGL).,361 "2) To perform a review of the published cases of visceral leishmaniasis and anti-TNF-alpha therapy, and cases of coexisting leishmaniasis and macrophagic activation syndrome by search in PubMed (period 1991-2008).",362 Induction of glycosuria and hyperglycemia by topical corticosteroid therapy.,363 "Interferon-induced psychosis as a ""psychiatric contraindication"" to hepatitis C treatment: a review and case-based discussion.",364 A p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.,365 Pathology revealed the sarcoma adjacent to the recurrent ependymoma.,366 "Although an association between exposure to bleomycin and the development of scleroderma has been suspected, few cases are reported.",367 One patient died with myeloid leukemia at 43.5 months after initial treatment.,368 We report a rare case of recurrent (stuttering) priapism in a patient with protein C deficiency while maintained on Warfarin therapy.,369 "Later, more careful research showed that they are not directly associated with the antipsychotic activity of neuroleptic agents.",370 Dapsone is increasingly used in the treatment of rheumatic diseases.,371 A patient with pemphigus vulgaris and serious side effects of steroid therapy was treated by exchange plasmapheresis.,372 Clostridium difficile toxin-induced colitis after use of clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream.,373 We report the case of a patient with multiple myeloma who developed acute life-threatening water intoxication following treatment with oral indomethacin and low dose intravenous cyclophosphamide.,374 "The expected number of AML/MDS developing in a general population of the same size was 1.2 as calculated from the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program data (observed-to-expected ratio = 2.49; 95% confidence interval = 0.9-7.3; p = 0.12).",375 'Spontaneous' hypertensive episodes with monoamine oxidase inhibitors.,376 "Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detected CMV-DNA in the aqueous humor in his affected eye, and we started administration of ganciclovir.",377 RESULTS: Ten eyes in 6 patients with late-onset interface inflammation and increased intraocular pressure were identified.,378 Intrahepatic cholestasis and cutaneous bullae associated with glibenclamide therapy.,379 "The patient completed a 10-month follow-up, maintaining a complete resolution of the treated skin lesions; however, the development of a painful hand ulcer, possibly associated with the hydroxyurea, and new skin cancers were observed at the last follow-up visit.",380 Rituximab-based therapy for gemcitabine-induced hemolytic uremic syndrome in a patient with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a case report.,381 "We report the case of a 17 years old female with a Ewing's sarcoma of the left femur treated with limb sparing surgery followed by local radiotherapy of 45 Gy and adjuvant chemotherapy with vincristine, doxorubicine, cyclophosphamide, actinomycin D.",382 Use of haloperidol infusions to control delirium in critically ill adults.,383 Nat Rev Cancer 2002;2:124-132).,384 Both phenotypic and genotypic virologic analysis was performed on sequential CMV isolates.,385 The development of rickets as a complication of chemotherapy for the treatment of Wilms' tumor.,386 "We recommend that bisphosphonates be used with caution in patients with myeloma and renal impairment, that vitamin D deficiency be corrected prior to treatment (to reduce the risk of hypocalcaemia) and that serum calcium and renal function be monitored during treatment.",387 Generalized lichen nitidus with involvement of the palms following interferon alpha treatment.,388 "Although risk factors for MTX-induced pulmonary toxicity are poorly understood, the presence in 3 out of 5 of our patients of pre-existing lung disease, represented by diffuse interstitial changes on chest X-ray, and mild bronchial asthma in two RA patients and by pulmonary silicosis in the patient with PsA may account for a predisposition to the development of MTX pneumonitis.",389 A 19-year-old man with untreated systemic lupus erythematosus had an acute myocardial infarction.,390 He did not suffer from any allergy but drinking red wine caused vasomotor rhinitis.,391 "It can progress rapidly to high fever, altered mental status, seizures, profound muscle rigidity, rhabdomyolysis, brain injury, and death.",392 The activity of the circulating anticoagulant and the BFP disappeared within days following discontinuation of procainamide and the administration of corticosteroids.,393 Caution with use of cimetidine in tolazoline induced upper gastrointestinal bleeding.,394 "Thus in spite of the failure to demonstrate a platelet autoantibody, the rapid response to steroids in association with a reduced platelet survival is compatible with an autoimmune platelet destructive process.",395 "Lithium is known to cause acute renal failure and tubulo-interstitial disease, but the recently described association with proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome is little recognized.",396 "Mild photophobia was the most common side effect, but could be easily overcome by wearing sunglasses.",397 Diphenhydramine-induced wide complex dysrhythmia responds to treatment with sodium bicarbonate.,398 "On the 3rd day after a cesarean section, because of pre-eclampsia, blood pressure was still high, oral labetalol 100 mg with an 8-hour interval was given, followed by 50 mg i.v. administered over 10 min, twice with a 5-hour interval.",399 "The diagnosis was made on the classical appearance of ""owl's eye"" inclusion bodies on colonic and hepatic biopsies and, in addition, viral serology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of the cytomegalovirus DNA copy number.",400 "At the time of death, leukocytes were 0.3 x 10(3)/mm(3), platelets 10 x 10(3)/mm(3), and hemoglobin 6.8 mg/dL.",401 "We calculated the changes in alpha(1)-adrenoceptor occupancy by endogenous norepinephrine during treatment with the usual doses of milnacipran, fluvoxamine and imipramine by using pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters obtained from the literature.",402 In four patients corneal infiltrates cleared on topical medication.,403 Diagnosis may be confirmed by CT-scanning of the orbits.,404 The risk for recurrence in a subsequent pregnancy may be high and should be taken into account in the counseling of parents and in considering drug treatment.,405 "Eleven of those patients also experienced clinically compromising anemia, transfusion with packed red blood cells, renal insufficiency, dialysis, or death.",406 "It is said that leprosy reaction should be properly classified for therapeutic reasons, since it is well known that in Lucio phenomenon there is not a good response to thalidomide.",407 "All patients who died developed disseminated intravascular coagulation, and at postmortem examination were found to have had cerebral haemorrhage.",408 Visual acuity recovered almost completely or completely (mental debilitation in one patient made accurate assessment uncertain).,409 A case of pseudotumor cerebri following glucocorticoid therapy in which warfarin prevented recurrence.,410 "Diagnostic workup included repeated MRI scans, PET with an (18)F-amino acid and (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), as well as a brain biopsy.",411 Histological and immunohistochemical studies of paraffin embedded specimen were conducted.,412 OBJECTIVES: The authors described a case of Hashimoto's disease during interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) treatment for chronic viral C hepatitis in a patient with the specific genetic susceptibility associated with the thyroid disease.,413 "The literature is reviewed, and clinical symptoms, pathophysiology, and treatment options are discussed.",414 "Calcium intake in these infants was far below that achieved by fetuses of comparable age in utero, even though in excess of that provided by usual premature infant oral formulas.",415 After cessation of treatment there was a gradual resolution with regain of normal nails after 7 months.,416 "In conclusion, intradermal skin tests can be a useful tool for detecting a potential cross-reaction between platinum salts.",417 We discuss this case and issues arising from it related to the use of CD34+ selected stem cells for transplantation.,418 Research has shown that atypical antipsychotic also reduce the craving and consumption for stimulants and alcohol.,419 "After 14 days of therapy, he was taken to the emergency department with a 3-day history of fever, headache, and neck pain.",420 Power spectrum analysis studies revealed that heart rate had significantly improved and that power spectrum cardiovascular parameters had returned to normal.,421 Stable renal function followed the initiation of high-dose subcutaneous heparin therapy.,422 She received 3.8 mg cumulative dose of vincristin before development of ptosis.,423 "The possible role of the autonomic nervous system in the causation of acute coronary vasospasm is discussed, and this is highlighted as an unusual cause of myocardial ischemia during thoracic spine surgery.",424 "By the 10th ICU day, the patient's respiratory and mental status improved and the patient was successfully extubated.",425 Palmoplantar pustular psoriasis (PPP) is an uncommon form of chronic psoriasis.,426 "A bone marrow biopsy did not show signs of hematologic disease, but revealed a small granuloma rife with acid-fast bacilli, which were later confirmed to be Mycobacterium genavense by gene sequencing.",427 The tolerance of sunitinib in the setting of dialysis can be challenging as these interventions can have synergistic side effects.,428 The patient did experience nasal mucosal friability and diffuse hyperpigmentation of the face and hands.,429 Due to large chorioretinal scars the visual recovery was poor.,430 We report the case of a 27-year-old woman with hyperthyroidism during pregnancy.,431 Pityriasis lichenoides-like eruption occurring during therapy for myelogenous leukemia.,432 CONCLUSION: Atovaquone should be added to the list of agents causing vortex keratopathy involving the corneal epithelium.,433 "In lieu of an effective regimen, interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon alfa are considered drugs of choice to treat this cancer.",434 "Because of secondary left ventricular dysfunction, digoxin was administered.",435 This case report describes a 38-year-old male in whom SIADH was strongly suspected secondary to Tegretol therapy to control a seizure disorder.,436 "If the facial scar is a cosmetic problem 1 year after the injury, triamcinolone injections and local massage should be considered.",437 We describe a case of catheter-associated aortoiliac thrombosis in a newborn who was successfully treated by urokinase infusion.,438 We present a case of severe unilateral posterior scleritis associated with zoledronic acid administration that was recognized and treated in a timely manner.,439 Sudden onset of erythroderma gave rise to a temporary arrest of the function of nail matrix with the resultant Beau's lines.,440 "Pilocarpine has been used as an ophthalmologic agent for decades; however, toxicity rarely has been reported in the medical literature.",441 "A computed tomography scan revealed a large mass, 12 cm x 7 cm, involving the scalp extending from the right temporal region to the vertex.",442 Acyclovir was discontinued.,443 METHODS: Prospective interventional case series of three patients with nonischaemic CRVO who were treated with L-CRA.,444 "There were four females, 20 males, with 19 patients under the age of 18 years and five over the age of 18.",445 Recombinant factor VIIa has been licensed in the United Kingdom since 1996 for the control of bleeding in hemophilic patients who are actively bleeding or are about to undergo surgery.,446 DISCUSSION: Half were treated with topical imiquimod.,447 "The management of this clinical challenge is reviewed, in the absence of a clinical guideline, with particular reference to the judicious tailoring of anti-platelet therapy, the role of therapeutic endoscopy and the utility of blood transfusion.",448 Effective treatment of coprophagia in a patient with schizophrenia with the novel atypical antipsychotic drug perospirone.,449 "To our knowledge, this is the first report of significant hypotension associated with intravenous valproate in the treatment of status epilepticus in the pediatric population.",450 Granulomas and Histoplasma organisms were found in the histologic sections of the marrow aspirate.,451 "Although this type of hyperpigmentation has been previously seen in patients with cancer who are receiving bleomycin, this is, to our knowledge, the first reported case of bleomycin-induced hyperpigmentation in an AIDS patient and should be added to the growing list of cutaneous eruptions seen in these patients.",452 CASE: A 71-year-old man without immunodeficiency developed corneal endotheliitis in the right eye.,453 "The viral DNA copy number in whole blood remained positive, however, but was reduced.",454 "In addition, 13 other adults treated for chronic myeloid leukemia with various doses of CCNU were reviewed.",455 "All three cases showed extensive fibrin deposition in the kidneys and lungs, the appearances of the renal lesions being similar to those seen in the haemolytic-uraemic syndrome.",456 Radiation-induced fibrosis (RIF) is a terminal sequela to irradiation that does not regress spontaneously.,457 Whole blood histamine release studies were negative.,458 "In view of our experience in the present case, it should be stressed that close monitoring of coagulation capacity is necessary in critically ill patients in order to avoid fatal haemorrhage after initiating warfarin therapy regardless of the dosage.",459 Tetracycline and benign intracranial hypertension: report of five cases.,460 "She refused surgery to remove the eye and orbital contents (exenteration), and was referred to palliative care.",461 "Itraconazole is particularly attractive in fungal prophylaxis for cancer patients due to its broad spectrum, including Candida and Aspergillus.",462 The pathogenesis and management of this process are reviewed.,463 CONCLUSION: The hemolytic-uremic syndrome may be a rare complication of oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy.,464 Spontaneous coronary artery dissection.,465 "We present the case of a female with DDST, who responded to aripiprazole-mirtazapine combination, a finding that is in accordance with the initial approach of this disorder as a part of the schizophrenic spectrum, but also supports the hypothesis of serotonin dysfunction in DDST.",466 The adequacy of corticosteroid replacement therapy may best be assessed by monitoring the levels of ACTH.,467 Oliguria was not observed and this feature may impair recognition of kidney damage.,468 During his hospitalization he experienced bloodstream infections including fungemia due to Trichosporon mucoides and prolonged undulating fever despite antifungal and antibacterial treatment.,469 Correction after vitamin K administration suggested an organophosphate-related effect on vitamin K-dependent factor VII activity.,470 The operation was accomplished with cardiopulmonary bypass.,471 Severe steroid-induced glaucoma following intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide.,472 Pathology evaluation of a specimen revealed a high-grade osteoblastic osteosarcoma.,473 Anaphylaxis to intravenous cyclosporine and tolerance to oral cyclosporine: case report and review.,474 "Familiarity with these hair practices will aid in the accurate diagnosis, prevention, and proper management of this problem.",475 "Our findings suggest that significant progression of marrow reticulin fibrosis during imatinib therapy can be an indicator for a return or progression of CML and, in some patients with CML, imatinib may promote cytogenetic clonal evolution, resulting in a poor response to treatment.",476 We describe the clinical course of an EBV seronegative 11-yr-old boy who underwent double lung transplantation and subsequently developed PTLD in the graft.,477 The patient did well after the operation and returned to normal activity.,478 One plausible explanation is HSV reactivation secondary to localized immunosuppression from corticosteroid injection.,479 "In our study, we recorded glucose dynamics by a continuous glucose monitor system over 2 to 3 days before and during acarbose treatment, while the patient was on a well-controlled diet.",480 The outcome of 19 other children with severe aplastic anemia who received ATG was also summarized.,481 A 55-year-old male patient with hepatitis B-related liver cirrhosis was found to have advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.,482 Fatal acute tubular necrosis occurred in 1 patient in whom intravesical formalin was used to control massive persistent hemorrhage from radiation cystitis.,483 "The incidence of cerebellar toxicity approaches 30 percent, with irreversible ataxia reported in up to 16.7 percent.",484 Unusual hypersensitivity to warfarin in a critically ill patient.,485 We report the case of an adult patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who presented with repeated transient ischemic attacks followed by a seizure during consolidation treatment with L-asparaginase.,486 Symptoms correlated with an increase in alkaline phosphatase and with bone scintigraphy findings.,487 The patient was started on increasing doses of levothyroxine for subclinical hypothyroidism.,488 Interaction of the criminal justice system and psychiatric professionals in which civil commitment standards are prohibitive.,489 Obtaining appropriate cultures can be critical in making the diagnosis and directing treatment.,490 "If neovascularization occurred at the site of the anastomosis, intravitreal bevacizumab (1.25 mg) was injected followed by laser photocoagulation to areas of retinal ischaemia and the area of retina anterior to the L-CRA 1 week later.",491 Case 2.,492 "However, two children responded to the series of injections of hydrocortisone but not to single doses of methylprednisolone.",493 Eight patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and four patients with aplastic anemia (AA) were treated with recombinant erythropoietin (rEpo) to investigate its effect on the anemia of these patients.,494 Record et al. have recommended oral loading in selected patients.,495 "The pseudolymphoma syndrome is a reversible reactive condition consisting of fever, lymphadenopathy and generalized rash.",496 Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha inhibitors are effective in the treatment of inflammatory rheumatic diseases.,497 The observed alterations of the thyroid gland were caused by a long lasting Wolff-Chaikoff effect with a delayed adaptation to high iodide concentrations.,498 BACKGROUND: Large cerebral infarction is a rare complication of neurocysticercosis.,499 This report is intended to alert others to the possible development of this serious complication following short-term Decadron therapy.,500 "On the other hand, CLL could precede, but could also be diagnosed at the same, or delayed time as AML, suggesting the presence of other leukemogenic factors.",501 This entity should be kept in mind when evaluating the acute abdomen in the HIV-positive patient.,502 There may be an interval of one or more months after discontinuation of cyclophosphamide therapy before clinical or radiological improvement occurs.,503 The clinical course of this patient did not support a cause-and-effect relationship between obidoxime and the abnormal liver function.,504 The case of a 39-year-old woman who was referred for weight gain and amenorrhoea is reported.,505 "Although some of these agents can improve cardiovascular disease risk in patients with diabetes, others may increase the risk and may be prohibited from use in certain populations.",506 "Here, we report a case of angio-oedema associated with VRC therapy.",507 Nimodipine: evidence for clinically significant gastrointestinal side-effects.,508 "Amiodarone was discontinued, and thyrotoxicosis gradually abated.",509 We present a case of methanol poisoning in a child in whom the use of fomepizole averted intravenous ethanol infusion and the attendant side effects of this therapy.,510 "Perhaps more importantly, this study suggests that DPOAEs may have the potential to predict the earliest stages of progressive hearing loss before such changes are seen in audiometric thresholds.",511 "Both octreotide and the PPAR gamma receptor-activating ligands, thiazolidinediones, may be effective for patients with TSHoma.",512 CASE SUMMARIES: Two patients with stable hypothyroidism experienced symptoms of hypothyroidism with increased serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations after switching from 1 levothyroxine product to another.,513 He had a history of occupational exposure to asbestos as a construction worker.,514 PSL was commonly effective in inducing remission in very elderly patients (7 of 9 patients; 78%).,515 A 5-year-old girl was diagnosed preB cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).,516 A case is reported of theophylline intoxication due to a dramatic decrease in theophylline clearance following concomitant administration of viloxazine.,517 A case of propranolol overdose complicated by esophageal spasm preventing extrication of an orogastric lavage tube and relieved by intravenous glucagon is presented.,518 "He developed an inferior corneal epithelial defect and, later, a well-demarcated area of inferior corneal keratinization.",519 The signs and symptoms were similar to those seen with systemic use of the drug for other ailments.,520 METHODS: We present a case in a 71-year-old man who underwent an operation for CPS fixation and laminoplasty for cervical spondylomyelopathy.,521 Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency: a pharmacogenetic defect causing severe adverse reactions to 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy.,522 "Recurrent life-threatening episodes of ventricular tachycardia persisted despite maximal antiarrhythmic theraphy with amiodarone, metoprolol and mexiletine.",523 "Here, we describe two patients who developed severe proteinuria after renal transplantation, despite effective blood pressure control with an ACE inhibitor.",524 "Although nondiphtherial corynebacteria are ubiquitous in nature and commonly colonize the skin and mucous membranes of humans, they rarely account for clinical infection.",525 These evolutional changes in both proteinuria and glomerular histology suggest a close linkage between the M-CSF treatment and macrophage-related glomerular injury.,526 Pulmonary edema as a delayed complication of ritodrine therapy.,527 "Findings from biopsy specimens of skin and jejunum suggested a cell-mediated pathogenesis, and lymphoproliferative studies of the patient's mononuclear cells revealed a positive response to phenobarbital.",528 OBJECTIVE: To report a case of Carbamazepine toxicity following the administration of Oxybutynin and Dantrolene.,529 "The newer generation of antifungal agents such as itraconazole and terbinafine are more effective than the older therapies, griseofulvin and ketoconazole, in the treatment of dermatophyte pedal onychomycosis.",530 We report the case of a 40-year-old woman who developed fulminant hepatic failure and aplastic anaemia following a course of oral flucloxacillin.,531 "The mechanisms are not obvious, but it is likely that the rapid decrease of thyroid hormones in tissues may temporarily cause hypothyroid states, resulting in alterations in CK concentrations.",532 "These results suggest that the slowed clearance of cerivastatin in this patient might have been compounded by cytochrome P450, 2C8 dysfunction.",533 "We consider asterixis to be an easily overlooked sign of neurotoxicity, which may occur even at low or moderate dosage levels, if certain drugs as lithium or clozapine are used in combination with CBZ.",534 DESIGN: Case series.,535 "Recurrent prosthetic hip infections, particularly in immunosuppressive patients, should alert the physician to consider the possibility of both tuberculous and atypical mycobacterial infections.",536 "We present a retrospective analysis of 4 HSCT recipients who survived long-term artificial respiration subsequent to pulmonary mycosis, and compare our current findings with historic data.",537 "DISCUSSION: The main adverse effects of leflunomide consist of diarrhea, nausea, liver enzyme elevation, hypertension, alopecia, and allergic skin reactions.",538 Stupor from lamotrigine toxicity.,539 Neutropenic enterocolitis in breast cancer patient after taxane-containing chemotherapy.,540 We report an unusual case of massive fluoxetine ingestion resulting in neurological and cardiovascular toxicity resulting in death.,541 "The possible effects of tamoxifen upon the uterus are discussed in this article, in view of reports of tamoxifen associated with endometrial carcinoma and endometriosis.",542 Traumatic late flap dehiscence and Enterobacter keratitis following LASIK.,543 Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder following cytomegalovirus reactivation in a lung recipient.,544 "Within 4 days of discontinuing the pentamidine, the patient's heart rate stabilized at 80 beats/minute without further intervention.",545 PURPOSE: To report the safety and efficacy of intravitreal triamcinolone in the treatment of inflammatory cystoid macular oedema (CMO) in six patients who were resistant to other forms of therapy.,546 Studies in the father suggest that the aldosterone production by his adrenals is hyperresponsive to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).,547 "Despite premedication with diphenhydramine and dexamethasone, she experienced generalized pruritus and urticaria, as well as headache and chest pain/tightness, after her next infusion.",548 High-dose methotrexate is used in malignant hemopathies and solid tumors in children.,549 "Ours is a 430-bed tertiary care teaching hospital, The Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, Ontario.",550 METHODS: Retrospective case series of six eyes of three patients that developed Acanthamoeba keratitis with Synergeyes hybrid contact lens wear.,551 A general physical examination revealed a boy with stable vital signs and without fever.,552 Use of the Naranjo probability scale determined the association between cephalosporin use and leukopenia to be probable.,553 The case concerns the sudden death of a 29-year-old male during clozapine therapy started 2 weeks before.,554 Three children completely recovered; one patient relapsed and died.,555 "We describe a case of coexisting psoriasis and SCLE initially treated with infliximab, and then alefacept.",556 "Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare, but potentially lethal complication of antipsychotic medication.",557 "DISCUSSION: Olanzapine, like other atypical antipsychotic drugs, may cause muscle injury with concomitant elevations of serum CK of muscle origin.",558 "However, there can be a delay in diagnosing porphyria and a difficulty in selecting safe medicine for it even today.",559 CONCLUSION: Ushaar latex is capable of penetrating the corneal stroma and inducing permanent loss of endothelial cells.,560 Disseminated fusariosis.,561 "However, little has been reported about conditions surrounding the change in QT interval after the steady state is achieved that may have implications in the safety and efficacy of the drug.",562 Case report: mannitol nephrotoxicity syndrome: role of hemodialysis and postulate of mechanisms.,563 Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease.,564 WE from thiamine deficiency can occur as a result of cessation of MVI in the TPN infusion.,565 Pentacam analysis may serve as a useful adjunct in following the progression of herpetic reactivation cases.,566 "OBJECTIVES: The examination of potential associations between Graves' disease and thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma (TSHoma) after treatment using octreotide, and of the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma).",567 "Although identifying the cause of contamination is most often viewed in the context of recipient safety, this case illustrates the importance of a thorough evaluation on donor safety.",568 "In this article, four patient reports of a specific interaction--the serotonin syndrome--are presented.",569 A greater than 50% decrease in red cell transfusion requirement was observed in one patient with RA and one patient with AA.,570 "Pulmonary thromboembolism was diagnosed, based on: (1) blood gas analysis findings of hypoxemia and (2) defective images in both of the upper lobes on urgent pulmonary blood flow scintigram.",571 Gastric outlet obstruction due to an iatrogenic cause in a neonatal period - report of two cases.,572 Role of ciclosporin in steroid-responsive sudden sensorineural hearing loss.,573 The patient who survived had been taking the lowest dose of azathioprine and was given the recommended dose of acyclovir.,574 The advantages and disadvantages of uncontrolled case reports are reviewed using two cases of false-positive reactions to drugs as illustrative examples.,575 Subconjunctival and external hemorrhage secondary to oral anticoagulation.,576 The epiphyseal myeloid cells were reduced or sometimes eliminated during id injection.,577 RESULTS: Grade 3 and 4 toxicities were mainly hematological and manageable.,578 "SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Our case observations attempted to evaluate nine alcoholics after withdrawal suffering from persisting craving, sleep disorder, excitement, depressive symptoms or anxiety symptoms.",579 Candida albicans shunt infection.,580 "On day 13, a 24-hour urine collection had a protein excretion of 3151 mg.",581 This report describes the case of a 58-year-old female patient with treatment-refractory schizophrenia who was successfully switched from clozapine 300 mg/day to aripiprazole 20 mg/day because of changes in consciousness.,582 "The patient may have concomitant systemic disease, and the injury occurs with relatively mild trauma.",583 Renal insufficiency was present in four patients.,584 The remaining clinical scenarios included intravenous catheter sepsis and factitious disorders.,585 The course of this case may be useful in the understanding of the pathogenesis of autoimmune hyperthyroidism.,586 "We describe an 82-year-old woman treated with the fluoroquinolone, moxifloxacin, during a course of ECT.",587 CASE REPORT: We report a case of intracerebral hemorrhage occurring in a middle-aged man who suffered from chronic sinusitis and had been ingesting pseudoephedrine daily for one year.,588 "Because the maximum tolerated dose and pharmacokinetics of intravenous iron preparations are not known, their use in both adults and children should still be undertaken with caution.",589 Both neonates were normal at birth and have shown subsequent normal development.,590 The authors present three patients with traumatic upper limb amputations where topical capsaicin cream was of benefit in the treatment of neurogenic residual limb pain.,591 The patient was then treated with sertraline without experiencing any incontinence episodes.,592 "In a phase II study of hycanthone in patients with breast cancer we have recently observed severe hepatotoxicity, even at lower doses, which resulted in two drug-related deaths.",593 "Tests for thyroid autoantibodies, as well as inhibitory and stimulatory antibodies, were negative, and fine needle aspiration biopsy revealed an adenomatous goiter.",594 Only one death has been recorded in the responding group.,595 "Therefore, the possibility of an association by chance cannot be ruled out.",596 "Corticosteroids may be useful for therapy of some features of this syndrome, such as thrombocytopenia.",597 The spectrum of antimicrobial activity of albendazole and its efficacy in the treatment of intestinal microsporidiosis are reviewed.,598 The patient had already been on methimazole for a month when she was admitted to the Pediatric Unit with the diagnosis of sepsis.,599 Acute hyperphosphatemia caused by sodium phosphate enema in a patient with liver dysfunction and chronic renal failure.,600 This is the first report of the characteristic phenotypes of the teeth and craniofacial morphology of a patient with leprechaunism treated with IGF-I.,601 The patient described feeling cold with worsening headache and chills approximately one hour after infusion of the first dose of penicillin.,602 "METHODS: [1] Trachea specimens excised from 15 healthy ferrets were incubated in culture plates lined with 200 mg of VVR, and the mucin secretion was compared to those from controls without VVR.",603 "In the seven patients, the mean plasma concentration of carbamazepine, but not of carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide, after clarithromycin coadministration was significantly (p < 0.01) higher than those at 1 and 4 weeks after its discontinuation.",604 "Negligible reactivity was observed with microsomes from human B-lymphoblastoid cell lines expressing CYP1A1, 1A2, 2A6, 2D6, 2E1, 3A4 or epoxide hydrolase.",605 Severe Raynaud's phenomenon with yohimbine therapy for erectile dysfunction.,606 "It is suggested that the long-term use of androgenic-anabolic steroids is the fourth cause of HAS, the majority of cases still being of unknown aetiology.",607 "While not life threatening, it can have a severe disruptive effect on the quality of life.",608 "The patient remained in a depressed level of consciousness for 2 months but gradually recovered, showing a good recovery with minor subjective cognitive deficits by 6 months.",609 For treatment of this condition he was given androgens and corticosteroids.,610 "Antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disease that is characterised by tendency to thrombosis, obstetrical and hematological complications.",611 "Infliximab and its serious adverse effects are discussed, and other cases of osteomyelitis with infliximab use are also reviewed.",612 Acute respiratory distress syndrome after rituximab infusion.,613 "This pediatric case report describes a massive overdose without significant side effects, thus suggesting a beneficial therapeutic index in pediatric patients.",614 Grade 3 hepatotoxicity (AST and ALT > 5 to 20 upper limit normal) or higher has been observed in as many as 1.4% of MS patients on IFN beta.,615 Four of the patients reported erectile dysfunction before beginning apomorphine and two of these report a significant improvement in their sexual function resulting from apomorphine use.,616 "Although myelosuppression is mild, immunosuppression and superinfection are potential hazards of treatment with DCF.",617 Transient paralysis associated with epidural steroid injection.,618 "The infection ultimately cleared in all eyes with topical therapy using chlorhexidine, propamidine, and antibiotic ointment with neomycin.",619 Hydrocortisone prophylaxis and verapamil therapy were the primary therapies used in patient 1 (the only survivor).,620 "Conversely, diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients receiving methotrexate who develop bilateral pulmonary infiltrates seen on chest roentgenograms.",621 CONCLUSIONS: There was a temporal relationship between the onset of nonconvulsive status epilepticus and initiation of ifosfamide infusion.,622 Type II heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is an immunological disorder characterized by antibodies to heparin-platelet factor 4 complexes and a high risk of thrombotic complications.,623 "Hence, hyperthyroidism induced by IFN-alpha could correspond to the first phase of silent thyroiditis, to Graves' disease or to the succession of both.",624 Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) induced by cyclosporine use in a patient with collapsing focal glomeruloesclerosis.,625 Side effects were managed by temporary discontinuation of gold until side effects resolved and resumption of treatment using usually 50% lower dosage.,626 "We report the first case of fulminant adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) associated with pegylated interferon alpha-2a (pegIFNalpha-2a) and ribavirin use for hepatitis C, complicated by subsequent and ultimately fatal sepsis and multiorgan failure.",627 "In cases such as these, initial vigorous therapy, including PEEP for hypoxia, corticosteroids for possible aspiration and volume replacement for hypotension, is recommended.",628 "Although HCV-RNA reappeared in the serum at 3 months, the patient had continued ALT normalization and histological improvement with follow-up of over 26 months to date after the initiation of the combination therapy.",629 "Copaxone suppresses the production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, a key mediator of inflammation in MS as well as in other pathologies, such as colitis of interstitial bowel disease (IBD).",630 The patient's visual acuity was 6/20 (non-corrected) in the right eye and 6/10 (-1.75/-1.00 x 91) in the left.,631 "On days 2-6, the patient experienced a myocardial infarction, ischemic cerebrovascular accident, recurrent lower extremity arterial thrombus, and splenic infarct.",632 Analysis of the case which went to trial indicates that there is not one prescribed protocol which must be followed; the definition of standard of care is broader than that.,633 "Mycobacterium marinum infection complicating Crohn's disease, treated with infliximab.",634 We report here the case of a patient with peritoneal metastases of GIST involving the pelvis treated by imatinib.,635 A 32-year-old white woman with major depression was treated with venlafaxine for 3 years.,636 "He was treated sequentially with prednisone and azathioprine (2 weeks), decreasing doses of prednisone alone (21 months), and no immunosuppressive drugs (10 months).",637 "He ran out of medication, was unable to refill his prescription for 2 days and presented to the emergency department in status epilepticus.",638 Nephrotic syndrome in strongyloidiasis: remission after eradication with anthelmintic agents.,639 "A case of anaphylactoid reaction due solely to the use of Gelofusine in a patient with non-haemorrhagic hypovolaemia is presented, with a discussion on the management and the use of allergy identification jewellery.",640 The trachea was immediately intubated and the lungs ventilated with oxygen 40% for four hours.,641 Severe autoimmune hemolytic anemia following rituximab therapy in a patient with a lymphoproliferative disorder.,642 "Although hepatic veno-occlusive disease (HVOD) is a common complication of allogenic bone marrow transplantation (BMT), pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) is very rare.",643 "Her course was complicated by pneumonia, barotrauma, and atelectasis accompanying her moribund state.",644 The skin lesions disappeared almost completely within three months.,645 PURPOSE: To review the current literature on suspected green tea-related hepatic reactions and to describe two new cases reported within the framework of the Italian surveillance system of natural health products.,646 "CONCLUSION-It is possible to prevent GH from PHT treatment by intensive dental care, correct mouth hygiene and by change of treatment of carbamazepine.",647 Aggressive combination chemotherapy was required to reverse progressive thrombocytopenia and pulmonary involvement.,648 All patients tolerated the treatment well with no residual effects from the electric pulses.,649 Data are presented to show that atopic cataracts and steroid cataracts can be similar in appearance and cannot be distinguished from one another in many cases.,650 The diagnosis of ELP was made.,651 Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) carries the risk of infection.,652 Rapid cycling in manic-depressives induced by tricyclic antidepressants.,653 A review of the literature on the prognosis and treatment of aortoarteritis with particular reference to the management of recurrent valvular dehiscence is discussed.,654 The latter was discontinued slowly over a period of 10 weeks.,655 "Folinic acid, the 5-formyl derivative of tetrahydrofolic acid, is the active form of folic acid.",656 "To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of lithium-associated CDI and NDI presenting concurrently.",657 Photochemotherapy using psoralen and ultraviolet (UV)A irradiation (PUVA) is a useful treatment method for vitiligo.,658 "Extrapyramidal symptoms are well-documented complications of therapy with haloperidol, even when small doses are used.",659 The right eye progressed to phthisis bulbi.,660 These patients may develop systemic sepsis through bacterial or fungal translocation across the intestinal wall.,661 A possible tumor necrosis factor-alpha-mediated dedifferentiation of adipocytes.,662 A depressed woman with no history of bipolar illness developed a manic episode during treatment with fluoxetine.,663 "Full visual electrophysiology, including flash electroretinography (ERG), pattern electroretinography, multifocal ERG using the VERIS system, electro-oculography, and flash and pattern visual evoked potentials, was undertaken.",664 With this therapy left ventricular function improved and CHF resolved in each.,665 "On day 4, following 3 doses of dalteparin, the patient developed acute respiratory distress attributable to a massive right hemothorax confirmed by computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) and intercostal drainage of 1500 mL of frank blood.",666 Few published human data are available concerning the acute toxicity of the new antiepileptic drug oxcarbazepine of which the metabolite 10- monohydroxy derivate (MHD) is the pharmacologically effective compound.,667 Hemodialysis was performed in eleven patients (69%) because of visual disturbances and/or metabolic acidosis.,668 "By contrast, PDCs were present at very low levels in atopic dermatitis and not detected in normal human skin.",669 "Rapamycin/sirolimus (SR), trade named Rapammune (Wyeth-Ayerst, Sydney, Australia), is a potent immunosuppressive drug associated with myelosuppression, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and infection.",670 We describe a 73-year-old woman who developed serious systemic vasculitis with associated thrombocytopenia in the course of treatment with cladribine.,671 "Twelve patients developed central nervous system (CNS) depression, defined as National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria (NCI-CTC) neurocortical toxicity grade 2 or higher.",672 Infliximab and nephrotic syndrome.,673 Histologic examination of biopsies from two regressing tumor nodes showed necrotic tumor cells and infiltration with CD8 positive cells.,674 "The patient tolerated enalapril, and lisinopril without problems.",675 "After diagnosis of epidural lipomatosis on magnetic resonance imaging, the patient underwent decompressive thoraco-laminectomy.",676 "Patients reported a decrease in episodes of spontaneous sleeping during the day, fewer myoclonic twitches, improved daily function and greater social interaction.",677 We report a case of acne fulminans occurring during treatment with 13-cis-retinoic acid for cystic acne.,678 Late development of diabetes mellitus after interferon-alfa and ribavirin therapy for chronic hepatitis C: a case report.,679 "However, one patient exhibited severe hypersensitivity reactions including cardiac arrest and apnea, and another four patients developed eruptions, hypotension, and tachycardia soon after administration of CBDCA.",680 "Albeit rare among Western patients, such lithium-associated thyroid dysfunctions appeared to be more likely to occur in Hong Kong Chinese.",681 Bone marrow biopsy showed selectively inhibited erythropoiesis with giant pronormoblasts.,682 Subsequent management with topical steroids was complicated as the patient was a steroid responder and developed a markedly raised intraocular pressure that was managed with a topical anti-glaucoma agent.,683 We report a 4-year-old girl with a complicated Enterococcus faecalis ventriculoperitoneal shunt infection who failed vancomycin therapy.,684 He received further chemotherapy without G-CSF and without any recurrence of the raised leucocyte count but failed to achieve full remission.,685 Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome should be considered in the differential diagnosis of unexplained vulval ulceration that arises after starting HAART.,686 OBJECTIVE: To report the late development of immune-mediated diabetes mellitus after completion of alfa-interferon therapy for hepatitis C in an Asian patient.,687 "Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) therapy in Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) causes increased basal metabolic rate and oxygen consumption, and hence increased ventilatory load.",688 The manifestations of delirium tremens persisted with titration of a lorazepam infusion in excess of 40 mg/hour.,689 Case report: persistent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection after haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using in vivo alemtuzumab: emergence of resistant CMV due to mutations in the UL97 and UL54 genes.,690 He suffered from serious bleeding episodes requiring prolonged hospitalization and the disarticulation of the left knee joint.,691 Mycophenolate mofetil substitution for cyclosporine-dependent myasthenia gravis and nephrotoxicity.,692 PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of steroid injections for periocular capillary hemangioma on adrenal function and body composition.,693 "After the institution of the combined therapy with corticosteroid, anticoagulant, and dipyridamole, urinary protein excretion was attenuated to less than 1.0 g/day.",694 "Therefore, ocular examination at baseline and every 6 months is indicated for patients receiving a regimen of amiodarone and/or digoxin therapy.",695 Radiography (with and without contrast medium) and ultrasonography revealed a soft tissue mass in the caudoventral portion of the coelom.,696 Controversy exists as to whether making a definitive diagnosis in these patients has an impact on overall outcome.,697 Olanzapine is a relatively new antipsychotic drug used in the United States for the treatment of schizophrenia.,698 "Clinicians should consider early diagnostic amniocentesis in patients in preterm labor with a history of prior amniocentesis, and the routine Gram stain and culture of amniotic fluid.",699 Pursuing a diagnosis in a Caribbean man.,700 "At this time, the TSH response to TRH was normal and the patient was considered fully recovered.",701 These asymptomatic papules with a tendency to coalesce became more prominent with prolonged exposure (Figs 1 and 2).,702 The child was treated with resin hemoperfusion (XAD-4) to reduce her serum chloramphenicol concentration.,703 The case is reported of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome and polyneuropathy associated with myeloperoxidase specific antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody.,704 A 53 year old Greenlandic male was admitted twice over a period of 4 years with a new complete right bundle branch block after ingestion of 10 g and 4 g of carbamazepine respectively.,705 The remaining lesions were treated with curette and cryotherapy.,706 "The highest intraoperative oxygen concentration was 33 percent, but 40 percent oxygen was administered for four days postoperatively.",707 Multiple pulmonary nodules: an unusual presentation of fludarabine pulmonary toxicity: case report and review of literature.,708 Immune reconstitution syndrome following initiation of antiretroviral therapy in a patient with HIV infection and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.,709 "Organ transplant recipients are generally considered to be at greater risk for developing malignant disorders because of prolonged immunosuppression for organ grafting, but acute leukemia is a rare complication after organ transplantation (0.2 -2.5%).",710 "However, to our knowledge, in newborns there have been no reported cases to date of thrombocytosis induced by enoxaparin.",711 The improvements were more marked at 6 months and 1 year.,712 "A number of similarities, including the fact that both medications are 250-mg white tablets, with similar generic and brand names which are generically repackaged medications juxtaposed on the pharmacist's shelf, predispose to the inadvertent substitution of one medication for the other.",713 Close patient monitoring is advisable in these types of patients.,714 "Inclusion of specific culture media and staining protocols for mycobacteria, along with aggressive treatment on diagnosis, including lifting or amputating the LASIK flap, culturing, topical fortified clarithromycin and amikacin, while avoiding corticosteroids, may significantly improve resolution of the infection and potentially improve the visual outcome.",715 Diabetes associated with atypical antipsychotic treatment may be severe but reversible: case report.,716 We report a case of biopsy proven myositis whose symptoms began within 10 days of receiving leuprolide acetate therapy for prostate cancer.,717 Although differential diagnostic alternatives can be considered in all described cases it is very likely that vincristine does cause severe visual loss in a small number of patients.,718 "DISCUSSION: In general however, it must be remembered that problems with oral hypoglycaemics are rare.",719 "Additionally, we showed conclusively that under certain circumstances (that is, corneal scarring) tandem scanning confocal microscopy can resolve the double-walled structure of the Acanthamoeba ectocyst surrounding the endocyst.",720 Persistent CSF leak may also be present without PDPH.,721 Four adolescents who used St.,722 Fluconazole in the treatment of candida peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: report of a case.,723 BACKGROUND: Intracranial malignancies (primary and metastatic) are often complicated by seizure activity.,724 OBJECTIVE: To report 2 cases of nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) following infusion of ifosfamide.,725 "Review of existing literature shows that in immunocompromised patients, GI cryptococcosis invariably coexists with disseminated cryptococcosis, often lacks prominent GI symptomatology, and is primarily diagnosed postmortem.",726 "Despite the significant weight loss, 4 of the 5 patients continued to take the drug due to its efficacy.",727 AIMS: The aim of this study was to report on the effectiveness and tumor side effects of topical interferon (INF) alpha 2-beta in a case of conjunctiva-cornea intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) of a patient that rejected any surgical procedure.,728 Teriparatide is a promising treatment for patients who have failed bisphosphonate treatment or who are at high risk for fracture.,729 "The ulcers slowly healed with local therapy, but two patients required dose modification of the pegylated interferon alfa-2b and one patient required treatment withdrawal.",730 When tuberculosis patients on isoniazid eat certain varieties of fish they may develop a histamine reaction.,731 "At the onset of the ST elevation, all patients were receiving dopamine infusion, which in four of them was inadvertently increased shortly before the ECG changes, the ST elevation was not associated with chest pain, pericardial friction rub, or acute changes in the heart rate, or arterial blood pressure.",732 "Serum antinuclear antibodies were present in high titer, and hypocomplementemia developed.",733 Gabapentin may act directly upon temperature regulatory centers.,734 The asthma resolved within 24 hours following three albuterol inhalations.,735 Leukopenia and agranulocytosis are well reported and dangerous haematological side-effects associated with the use of typical and atypical antipsychotics.,736 "Acute nitrite toxicity results from industrial exposure, accidental ingestion (e.g., abuse of organic nitrites as an aphrodisiac, especially in the male homosexual population), and suicidal ingestion.",737 Immunofluorescent study showed granular deposits of IgG and C3 complement along glomerular basement membranes.,738 Pancreatic carcinoma in a ten-year survivor of acute myeloblastic leukemia.,739 During and after IFN therapy we should consider the possibility of occurrence of IDDM as well as other autoimmune diseases and observe the clinical course carefully.,740 Photo-onycholysis caused by olanzapine and aripiprazole.,741 We describe two cases that illustrate the use of lithium in the treatment of veterans with PTSD who complained of serious problems with irritability or angry outbursts.,742 Corneal scrapings were taken for microscopic examination and culture.,743 "This is the first case of PML after SCT treated with cidofovir, and the fifth case treated with this drug in a patient without human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.",744 Topical capsaicin cream has been a beneficial adjuvant medication in the treatment of some painful conditions.,745 After surgical resection and extrabeam radiation therapy the patient is alive without evidence of recurrence five years after PEI.,746 BACKGROUND: Nocardia exalbida was first reported in 2006.,747 This was followed by eight 99 microsecond pulses at an amplitude of 1.3 kV/cm administered directly to the tumors 5 to 15 minutes after the bleomycin was completely infused.,748 "The next day, he suffered from a paralytic ileus.",749 "In followup, 18 patients reported limb dysfunction ranging from 5-365 days.",750 Thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator is the only established treatment for acute ischemic stroke.,751 "DISCUSSION: Because of the close time relationship between drug administration and the development of symptoms and signs, as well as between drug withdrawal and changes in WBC count and ANC, the episodes of neutropenia were suspected to be drug related.",752 "She had also been submitted to radiotherapy for a subcutaneous plasmacytoma, detected some months before, at the same site of the cutaneous lesions.",753 The right palm also showed similar changes.,754 "Intra-operatively, he suffered inadvertent injury to an intercostal arterial branch during isolation of the aorta below the graft.",755 "We sought to evaluate the etiology of the long QT syndrome in these patients without previously identified causes for QT, prolongation, and determine the prevalence among patients with HIV infection.",756 "The number of prior transfusions, the hepatic iron content and the serum ferritin levels appear to be useful in predicting which patients will respond to iron chelation therapy, especially if there is little bone marrow erythropoietic activity.",757 It is proposed that neuroleptic-induced dysphoric responses may be responsible for therapeutic failure in some cases of psychotic depression.,758 "This article discusses the initial treatment attempted at resolving the bronchospasm, as well as the use of heliox in the ultimate resolution of the bronchospasm.",759 L-Asparaginase is commonly used for induction therapy of acute lymphocytic leukemia of childhood.,760 A 17-year-old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia developed acute renal failure within 48 h of an intravenous high-dose methotrexate (5 g/m2) infusion.,761 The pathophysiology and management of myoclonus are discussed.,762 Video game epilepsy.,763 CONCLUSION: Overnight wearing of a rigid contact lens is a risk factor for a corneal ulcer.,764 A 57-year-old male developed an adenocarcinoma lung cancer in November 2003.,765 Triiodothyronine-induced thyrotoxicosis in ophthalmic Graves disease.,766 Avascular necrosis of bone is a recognised complication of glucocorticoid treatment--the risk of this increasing with higher doses and longer duration of use.,767 The development of an IgG lambda-type monoclonal gammopathy and subsequent multiple myeloma in an epilepsy patient on diphenylhydantoin (DILANTIN) therapy for 20 years is reported.,768 The atypical antipsychotics have advanced the treatment of schizophrenia and have proved to be effective agents in treating other disorders with or without psychotic features.,769 Quetiapine was assayed in biological specimens by basic extraction with n-butyl chloride and derivatized with 50 microL of MTBSTFA and separation by GC-NPD.,770 Adalimumab may be effective for the treatment of PPP.,771 The patient received hyperbaric oxygen therapy for 1 week.,772 "MR detected brain abnormalities in four patients, three of whom had concomitant neurologic dysfunction.",773 Review of the literature leads us to propose the following hypotheses: (1) that considerably increased stress-induced cortisol concentrations in critically ill patients may contribute to adverse outcomes and (2) that therapeutic suppression of the persistent and substantially elevated glucocorticoid levels in selected cases may be a beneficial therapeutic option.,774 Rasburicase for the management of tumor lysis syndrome in neonates.,775 "Additionally, irregularities in the cone photoreceptor density and mosaic were seen in areas with normal HVF 10-2 and SD-OCT findings.",776 Reversible pheripheral edema in female patients taking proton pump inhibitors for peptic acid diseases.,777 Irritability is often a problem for patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).,778 The patient had been receiving acenocoumarol 4 mg/d for 10 years for episodes of atrial fibrillation and recurrent deep venous thrombosis.,779 "We present a case of hemolytic-uremic syndrome that developed during the 4th cycle of combination chemotherapy with oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin.",780 "Cardiac time intervals of a fetus in labor can be presented, which did not change significantly throughout the first stage of labor.",781 The challenge test for Stevens-Johnson syndrome type drug allergy is very risky.,782 RESULTS: A total of 861 patients with ischemic stroke were admitted to Calgary hospitals during the study period.,783 "In conclusion, the in vitro susceptibility assay as well as nucleotide sequence of clinical isolate is important to choose appropriate antiviral agents for patients who have persistent CMV reactivation after stem cell transplantation.",784 "Early diagnosis of WE is important, because if it is treated with thiamine in the acute stages, the neurologic and cardiovascular abnormalities can be reversed.",785 "This article reviews the results of all cases of C-TMA reported to date in the English literature and discusses the theories of pathogenesis, clinical features, treatment, and treatment-related complications of the syndrome.",786 Thrombosis of prosthetic cardiac valves is a rare but potentially lethal complication.,787 "He was treated with oral ibuprofen 600 mg every 6 h and oral cyclobenzaprine 5 mg daily, which improved his pain, but the shoulder stiffness remained throughout his hospital stay and persisted for 2 months following discharge.",788 METHODS: Tissue obtained during vitrectomy was cultured and examined by light and electron microscopy.,789 This report rules out other causes of toxic epidermal necrolysis and implicates ofloxacin in what appears to be an atypical presentation of drug-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis.,790 "Immunoelectron microscopy of perilesional skin revealed IgA deposits within the lamina lucida and immunoblotting of the patient's serum disclosed IgA and IgG antibodies directed against epidermal antigens of 280, 165 and 120-130 kD.",791 Tamoxifen has been used as a chemotherapeutic agent with no serious side effects noted.,792 Acute pleuropericarditis relevant to post-cardiac injury syndrome with an atypically early onset might have occurred in this case as a rare complication of PCI.,793 Cutaneous metastatic plasmacytomas with tropism for a previously injured limb.,794 "Therapeutic efficacy of ipilimumab, an anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody, in patients with metastatic melanoma unresponsive to prior systemic treatments: clinical and immunological evidence from three patient cases.",795 "In one of these cases, the patient, a 47-year-old man, died 10 days later.",796 "Blebitis, early endophthalmitis, and late endophthalmitis after glaucoma-filtering surgery.",797 The child had a fair outcome despite of the very acute course of the disease and the presence of a cervical sensory level which usually harbor a poor prognosis.,798 "Over a 5-year period, we observed three patients with a 3-15-year history of migraine, who received sumatriptan for acute headache.",799 "Fever, rash, and lymphadenopathy often accompany hepatic injury.",800 OBJECTIVES: To describe the clinicopathologic features of 3 patients with CML who rapidly progressed from chronic phase to blast crisis while taking imatinib and to perform a review of the literature.,801 The diagnosis was suspected in the setting of a negative anion gap and only later confirmed by direct measurement of the serum bromide level.,802 The patient's lymphocytes showed no proliferative response to zomepirac.,803 The entire bezoar could be removed endoscopically.,804 Case study: adverse response to clonidine.,805 "One woman received ifosfamide 1000 mg/m2 (1 h infusion on days 1-5); confusion, lethargy, and speech deterioration developed on day 3.",806 A decision was made not to remove the implant but the hepatitis resolved completely and uneventfully well within the normal time-scale.,807 "The possible mechanisms of photo-onycholysis development by modern atypical antipsychotics, modulating dopamine receptors, are discussed.",808 These remained the only agents for the next 50 years.,809 We believe this to be a previously unreported complication.,810 Nicotinic acid-induced fulminant hepatic failure.,811 Nail staining from hydroquinone cream.,812 Stool specimen was streaked with blood.,813 We diagnosed BP by histopathological and immunofluorescence studies.,814 "When patch test are performed with several drugs of the same family, results seem to indicate an absence of cross-sensitivity, but in several patients, oral provocation test were needed because patch test gave no conclusive information.",815 Possible etiologic factors are traumatic osseous lesions and transport of rectal bacteria to the periosseous region.,816 Little hematologic and no gastrointestinal or central nervous system toxicity was experienced.,817 A fracture of the diffuser tip occurred during 1 of the treatments.,818 "In 1984, a 56-year-old house painter developed intractable pain in his back and other joints.",819 Few studies have been carried out regarding preoperative chemotherapy utilized in the treatment of primitive neuroectodermal tumors/medulloblastomas (PNET/MB).,820 Bilateral loss of vision in bright light.,821 We have used anti-angiogenetic therapy with thalidomide in two AILD patients and observed remarkable responses.,822 New therapeutic approaches should be explored.,823 The drug was immediately withdrawn and the patient was given glibenclamide.,824 "Subsequent cardiac arrest and prolonged cardiogenic shock required aggressive pharmacologic support, intraaortic balloon pump insertion, and mechanical ventilation.",825 "The anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS) is an idiosyncratic immunologic reaction to certain anticonvulsant medications, in which internal organ involvement may lead to fatal multisystemic failure.",826 Acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema and other causes of respiratory distress were ruled out; diagnosis of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) was made.,827 "He was treated by the administration of vancomycin, fluconazole, and pazufloxacin mesilate.",828 "OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether desensitization to NPH insulin, as well as standard insulin desensitization, could control allergic symptoms in a patient allergic to both NPH and regular insulin.",829 Sustained ventricular tachycardia in a thalidomide-treated patient with primary plasma-cell leukemia.,830 "Correlated with the lesions evaluated in computed tomography, right hemiplegia and complete aphasia was observed.",831 "At the bedside, nurses play a pivotal role in early recognition and treatment, the key to survival.",832 An early asymptomatic recurrence was observed in three patients 49 to 53 days after the initial diagnosis.,833 The development of safer and more effective means for VT control is progressing and is needed.,834 The patient recovered without permanent sequelae.,835 "Indeed, the reported annual number of imported malaria cases increased to not less than 100.",836 The optimal management of anthracycline extravasation remains unclear.,837 A patient with biventricular thrombus formation in dilated cardiomyopathy suffered massive combined systemic and pulmonary embolization shortly after oral anticoagulation was started.,838 Intravenous thrombolytic therapy has become standard treatment for acute myocardial infarction (AMI).,839 A syndrome of increased affect in response to risperidone among patients with schizophrenia.,840 Each procedure reduced the serum level of intercellular antibodies by 50% to 87%.,841 "Six of 13 outpatients with schizophrenia who participated in a ten-week open trial of risperidone had an initial good response to the medication followed by development of intolerable affect, including feelings of agitation and depression and periods of crying and insomnia.",842 "Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) may be used to rule out infectious etiologies, and an increase in BAL fluid eosinophils is suggestive of drug-induced toxicity.",843 "One tablet from 1 of the patient's levothyroxine prescriptions was assayed, and its levothyroxine content was 74.5% of the label claim, a value outside of the United States Pharmacopeia requirements of 90-110%.",844 This is the first time that the combination of PTX and vit-E has had a significant antifibrotic effect by completely reversing deep RIF as shown by CT scan normalization.,845 "After 4 months, the pain had almost entirely disappeared.",846 The eruption in this case may have been an allergic reaction arising in a depressed immunity induced by chemotherapy.,847 CASE SUMMARY: A 10-year-old white girl with bilateral optic glioma developed a hypersensitivity reaction to carboplatin after nine courses.,848 The patient was successfully treated with bilateral percutaneous nephrostomy drainage.,849 "We report a case of posttransplant pulmonary capillaritis in an 8-month-old infant, and demonstrate evidence of C4d deposition and B-lymphocytes in the allograft, donor anti-HLA antibodies in the serum and a clinical and immunohistochemical response to anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (rituximab) therapy.",850 After approximately two weeks of sertraline treatment he noted an intense itching sensation in his scalp after eating a piece of chocolate cake.,851 Nimesulide is a new nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug with antipyretic and analgesic properties.,852 Cerebral dysfunction predated the development of minimal diabetic complications and had been apparent for between 1 and 17 years.,853 "METHODS: Exploratory surgery was performed to remove the mass, and histologic and microbiologic studies were conducted.",854 The subject developed fever and peripheral blood neutrophilia.,855 "Niemann-Pick type C is an autosomal-recessive, neurovisceral storage disorder that results from defective cholesterol esterification.",856 "Toxicological analysis of the blood revealed GHB 165.6 mg/L, and 90.7 mg/L in the urine.",857 "However, EO-induced noncardiogenic pulmonary edema has not been reported in human.",858 "In earlier studies, it was used on a daily schedule with resulting severe gastrointestinal toxicity and myelosuppression.",859 Ifosfamide-induced nonconvulsive status epilepticus.,860 Methadone has two roles in human immunodeficiency viral infection: pain management and treatment of opioid abuse.,861 Deterioration in renal function associated with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor therapy is not always reversible.,862 The INR remained subtherapeutic for 5 weeks despite weekly warfarin dose increases.,863 In one recording a short period of regular sinus rhythm with intermittent 2/1 S-A block was observed.,864 Clinicians should monitor patients receiving this drug for signs of LABD.,865 The literature review revealed that many cases typically present with chronic cough with or without dyspnea.,866 "Patients were started on topical tacrolimus ointment 0.03%, twice daily, which was tapered to the lowest possible therapeutic dose that maintained its antirejection efficacy.",867 We describe three infants exposed in utero to ACE inhibitors who had adverse outcomes.,868 He denied aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use.,869 Chloroquine-induced bilateral ptosis.,870 This occurred after the first cycle of cisplatin and then again after the second cycle.,871 We report the first case of herpes esophagitis in a renal transplant patient treated with Cyclosporine A while on chronic steroid therapy.,872 The neurological status of the patient has only slightly improved to the present.,873 This case report describes a patient who was previously prescribed alendronate (Fosamax) and presented with postoperative hypophosphatemia and hypocalcemic tetany after bowel preparation with Fleet Phospho-Soda.,874 "In particular, this adverse effect has never been described with mefloquine (Lariam).",875 Platelet recovery and clinical improvement coincided with administration of rituximab.,876 Subfascial hematoma remains a rare and self-limited complication of thrombolytic therapy.,877 The purpose of this case report and review is to enhance anesthesiologists' understanding of this phenomenon so that they may better formulate a logical treatment scheme in such an event.,878 Adverse reaction in a patient with aspirin-induced asthma treated with zafirlukast.,879 "Except for generalized cerebral gliosis, the abnormalities in the brain were confined to the cerebellum, where malformation of the dentate nuclei, neuronal heterotopias, and abnormalities of Purkinje's cell dendrites were found.",880 "The patient recovered completely from his liver injury, but the sicca complex persisted 1 yr after the drug was given.",881 "In conclusion, RSDS is a relevant osteoarticular complication in patients receiving either anticalcineurinic drug (CyA or tacrolimus), even under monotherapy or with a low steroid dose.",882 "Because the AKBR changes in relation to electron transport in liver mitochondria, it seems to be a logical parameter for evaluating the effect of potassium cyanide poisoning on electron transport.",883 "She developed edema, swelling, erythema, and vesicles on her eyelids.",884 "Administration of the drug for 8 days did not effectively shorten the recovery period compared with the average reported in the literature without the drug, and may have triggered additional iatrogenic complications.",885 "Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition of the airway, characterised by the presence of airflow obstruction which is variable over short periods of time, or is reversible with treatment.",886 Patients were followed with sequential ocular examinations for a maximum of 36 weeks.,887 "As the patient's pulse rate increased, the symptoms of congestive heart failure disappeared.",888 Setting.,889 "Despite their therapeutic utility, children may experience emotional and behavioral side effects from steroids during treatment for leukemia.",890 DISCUSSION: Both cases met Stembach's criteria for serotonin syndrome and had serious extrapyramidal movement disorders.,891 "Immunoglobulins were not found in the patient's serum and the red cells were coated with C3 only, suggesting an ""innocent bystander"" reaction.",892 Acute enlargement and subsequent rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm in a patient receiving chemotherapy for pancreatic carcinoma.,893 Administration of cidofovir was associated with clearance of BK virus DNA from blood and stabilization of renal function in 5 cases.,894 CONCLUSION: Risperidone was an effective and safe treatment in three cases of delusions of infestation.,895 Transcutaneous computed tomography guided core needle biopsy established the diagnosis of pelvic actinomycosis obviating immediate surgical intervention.,896 "However, 4 days later the ocular pressure of the first patient increased to 22 mmHg, which led to suspension of the drug.",897 Generalised pustular psoriasis induced by cyclosporin a withdrawal responding to the tumour necrosis factor alpha inhibitor etanercept.,898 Systemic complications associated with retinal cryoablation for retinopathy of prematurity.,899 Recommended treatment duration is 6 to 12 months with frequent imaging.,900 The treatment of choice remains operation.,901 In 1984 alanine aminotransferase presented abnormal levels.,902 "Lipoatrophy is a thing of the past, or is it?",903 "For this reason, olanzapine was considered strongly associated with this patient's apparent NMS episode.",904 Anaphylactoid reaction to methylprednisolone pulsed therapy for multiple sclerosis.,905 "After 20 months, the patient presented clinical features of primary hypothyroidism.",906 "Several cases of lithium-induced Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome have been reported to date; all of them were elderly patients and a half had ""therapeutic"" lithium serum levels.",907 Protease inhibitors (ritonavir and saquinavir) were added to the treatment and the patient developed progressive ataxia related to carbamazepine toxicity.,908 Trazodone-induced transient hypomanic symptoms and their management.,909 Ichthyosiform erythrodermas and the 'half-baby syndrome' treated with an aromatic retinoid.,910 "Newer therapies usually undergo closer scrutiny before being accepted, often including placebo-controlled trials to show the efficacy of a medication.",911 The two previously unreported adverse effects are a diffuse loss of color discrimination and an increased time course to complete dark adaptation.,912 Rapid improvement in muscle strength accompanied by prompt resolution of abnormal elevation of muscle enzymes followed cessation of both medications.,913 BACKGROUND: Metastatic renal cell carcinoma (MRCC) has been characteristically unresponsive to chemotherapy.,914 "CONCLUSIONS: Itraconazole-induced liver injury presents with a cholestatic pattern of injury with damage to the interlobular bile ducts, possibly leading to ductopenia.",915 Development of persistent late onset asthma following treatment with captopril.,916 Disseminated Nocardia asteroides and coinfection with Trichophyton rubrum in a renal transplant recipient.,917 Leflunomide-associated infections in rheumatoid arthritis.,918 "INTERVENTION: The LASIK flap was lifted or amputated, samples were submitted for Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast stain and Lowenstein-Jensen's agar cultures for diagnosis; topical treatment with fortified clarithromycin and amikacin was administered until clinical resolution.",919 Typhlitis during second-line chemotherapy with pemetrexed in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): A case report.,920 Resolution of recalcitrant warts with IV Cidofovir has been reported in a limited number of cases.,921 "We report a patient diagnosed with B-CLL, previously treated with fludarabine, who developed TA-GVHD after being transfused during surgery for splenectomy.",922 John's Wort while under psychiatric care are described.,923 Hepatic failure developed after a routine surgical procedure.,924 "High-resolution computed tomography scan findings were consistent with ILD, which was sufficient to diagnose as erlotinib-induced ILD.",925 High dose corticosteroids have been the mainstay in the treatment of fulminant ulcerative colitis (UC) for a long time.,926 "In order to achieve complete anticoagulation, patients were switched to bivalirudin, which determined a prompt effect on measured ACT.",927 Chronic traumatic trigeminal neuralgia.,928 Her urine output improved gradually and the serum creatinine normalized one month after the initial episode.,929 "Furthermore, therapy with dantrolene has been demonstrated to be beneficial in the treatment of MH associated with diabetic coma.",930 RESULTS: Discontinuation of corticotherapy led to anatomic and visual improvement.,931 The two middle aged women presented with respiratory symptoms after prolonged treatment with nitrofurantoin.,932 LDEs can clinically and histologically resemble idiopathic or classic lichen planus.,933 "We report on three patients with acute schizophrenia, who developed severe akathisia during treatment with olanzapine (20-25 mg/d).",934 The patient's headache resolved with diltiazem therapy and she was able to complete capecitabine and radiation therapy without further adverse events.,935 "In contrast, the LMW heparinoid Org 10172 (Organon, Oss, The Netherlands) did not cause platelet activation.",936 "Furthermore, the concomitant use of fluoxetine and clozapine is discouraged, with citalopram suggested as a suitable antidepressant in those depressed patients receiving clozapine.",937 "Older therapies that have been widely accepted for a long time might not have had controlled trial data behind recommendations for their use, and once practice patterns become widespread, it is hard to change.",938 The incidence and clinical features of allergic contact and/or photocontact dermatitis due to psoralens were examined in 371 patients with psoriasis treated with topical PUVA.,939 "The possibility can be raised that M-CSF accelerated the underlying renal disease in this case through enhancing macrophage accumulation into the glomerulus, leading to the development of nephrotic syndrome.",940 Cutaneous alternariosis is an opportunistic infection.,941 "However, in rare instances, hemorrhagic pancreatitis or necrosis may occur.",942 These data indicated that infliximab possibly triggered production of granulocyte and neutrophil autoantibodies with resultant autoimmune agranulocytosis.,943 "Nonsurgical diseases such as acute colitis or enteritis can appear similar to such true surgical emergencies as abscess, perforation, or mesenteric ischemia.",944 This report describes a method of applying photodynamic therapy in the biliary tract by using accessories available in the United States.,945 A 21-year-old woman with pars planitis was treated with a subtenon's depot corticosteroid injection that was complicated by the appearance of the corticosteroid suspension within the choroidal vasculature.,946 Being in remission with his UC the patient died 14 months later of staphylococcus aureus sepsis despite intense antibiotic treatment.,947 Salmonellosis in dogs with lymphosarcoma.,948 Steroid diabetes in children with Crohn disease.,949 "The antibiotic and cyclosporine were stopped and the child was managed with furosemide, nifedipine and steroids.",950 Clozapine was approved by the U.S.,951 "During analysis of 28 patients receiving CAP with concomitant radiation (XRT) for pancreatic cancer (resected or locally advanced), two patients developed signs and symptoms consistent with peripheral neuropathy.",952 "At three years progression free survival was 24% for the radiotherapy arm and 69% for the chemoradiotherapy group (P < 0.001), and three-year survival was 47% for the radiotherapy arm compared with 78% for the combined arm (P = 0.005).",953 "The source of fever was never identified, although infection with cytomegalovirus was considered the most likely cause.",954 "Despite progress to apparently complete remission, all manifested pulmonary nodules on computed tomography during or at the end of treatment.",955 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of cyproheptadine in the management of acute intrathecal baclofen (ITB) withdrawal.,956 "After terminating the Partusisten medication, there was no effect on the fetal arrhythmia and flecainide therapy was initiated.",957 Corneal interface abscess after excimer laser in situ keratomileusis.,958 Hemodynamic collapse following labetalol administration in preeclampsia.,959 This is the second report of lactic acidosis in a patient on stavudine and lamivudine.,960 Patient had primary polydipsia and secondarily developed hyponatremia.,961 Subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in a patient with hemicentral vein occlusion.,962 Further injections were followed by similar symptoms in addition to paraesthesiae and altered pin-prick sensation of anterior thigh and legs with no residual deficit.,963 Potential interaction between azithromycin and warfarin.,964 A 54-year-old man developed TEN 4 weeks after beginning lamotrigine for complex partial seizures related to a glioblastoma multiforme brain tumor.,965 "The patient recovered from oligoanuria to almost normal renal function, and heart, brain, and musculoskeletal injury was reversible.",966 "Milk-alkali syndrome induced by 1,25(OH)2D in a patient with hypoparathyroidism.",967 Biopsy-proven acute interstitial nephritis associated with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib: a class effect?,968 A crusty cause of prosthetic valve endocarditis.,969 CASE REPORT: We report a patient who developed a DAT-positive hemolytic episode after a red cell (RBC) transfusion was delivered during the infusion of her 17th cycle of oxaliplatin.,970 "The case report discussed is, to our knowledge, the third of its kind regarding bone fluorosis resulting from use of this nicotinic derivative.",971 "Despite appropriate anticoagulation therapy with warfarin, echocardiography and fluoroscopy showed stuck leaflets of the prosthetic valve due to thrombosis.",972 "With the first cyclosporine dose, the patient complained of leg pain that was most severe during the cyclosporine infusion.",973 "However, there may be a publication bias in some case reports and studies towards reporting successful rather than unsuccessful CPRs.",974 The patient expired after seven cycles of treatment had been completed because of pulmonary fibrosis and the drug toxicity of bleomycin.,975 "The harlequin color change is an unusual cutaneous phenomenon observed in newborn infants as transient, benign episodes of a sharply demarcated erythema on half of the infant, with simultaneous contralateral blanching.",976 "8. The leukemogenic potential in man of prolonged cytotoxic agents therapy, especially with alkylating agents, seems to be well established.",977 "DISCUSSION: As of February 11, 2004, this is the first case, to our knowledge, to describe the use of oral terbutaline therapy for chronotropic support in the setting of acute rejection after heart transplantation.",978 KS is a rare complication in glomerular diseases that may (or may not) be related to immunosuppression.,979 DISCUSSION: Eye burns followed by calcifications follow two different major patterns: the corrosive substance contained calcium or the continued therapy was applied with phosphate-buffered eye drops.,980 An infant who developed pancreatitis during meglumine antimoniate treatment for visceral leishmaniasis and who was successfully treated with a combination of allopurinol and ketoconazole is reported.,981 She was induced into CR by ALL-directed chemotherapy and then maintained with IFN-alpha2b together with weekly rotational chemotherapy.,982 We report a bacterial corneal ulcer that occurred in a patient who had worn extended-wear rigid gas-permeable contact lenses on a 1-week cycle for 9 months.,983 Two patients with osteomyelitis who developed reversible cholestatic jaundice during treatment with oxacillin derivatives are described.,984 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome.,985 Changes in serotonergic function may play a more widespread role in the pathophysiology of seizure disorders than hitherto thought.,986 Options for avoiding allegations of abandonment are proposed.,987 CONCLUSIONS: This case series describes a clinically distinct form of interface inflammation that presents late and is associated with elevated intraocular pressure.,988 "The chemotherapy regimen consisted of cis-platinum, etoposide, actinomycin-D, and intrathecal methotrexate (PEA-M).",989 A reticular pattern on high resolution CT (HRCT) invariably represents significant lung pathology and is the dominant feature of irreversible fibrosis.,990 "It is generally hypothesized to be due to a point mutation in the androgen receptor that allows the antiandrogen to function as an agonist, leading to a dramatic and rapid PSA response.",991 We concluded that an adequate dose of steroids can be the first line of therapy for PRCA after ABO-mismatched allogeneic stem cell transplantation.,992 Our data is consistent with the notion that elevated blood levels of PTH in patients with chronic renal failure participate in the genesis of anemia of renal failure.,993 "Is pseudo-Cushing's syndrome in a critically ill patient ""pseudo""? Hypothesis and supportive case report.",994 Leishmania infantum leishmaniasis in corticosteroid--treated patients.,995 HUS has been reported after several anticancer chemotherapies and most often after mitomycin C-based chemotherapy regimens.,996 "A woman with a prolonged unipolar delusional depressive episode, unresponsive to antidepressant treatment, experienced rapid improvement of depressive and psychotic symptoms following the occurrence of two grand mal seizures.",997 We report a case of intrathecal methotrexate neurotoxicity manifesting as left arm weakness and aphasia.,998 "Treatment for her breast cancer had included surgery, radiation and chemotherapy with doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide.",999 Both were managed conservatively.,1000 "After taking this treatment for 1 month, she presented with fever, diarrhea, localized edemas, generalized pruritic papular and erythematous rash and lymphadenopathies.",1001 A suspected second episode occurred after subsequent chemotherapy and sargramostim treatment.,1002 "A case report of a three kilogram, four month infant who received excessive doses of chloramphenicol for the treatment of bacterial meningitis is presented.",1003 Electrodiagnostic studies at variable points during the disease course showed signs of acquired demyelination consistent with CIDP.,1004 "Although haloperidol was discontinued, no further hallucinations or delusions occurred.",1005 Earlier recognition and treatment may lead to improved outcome.,1006 We present a pediatric patient who developed cutaneous T-cell lymphoma with mycosis fungoides histology after liver transplantation.,1007 Epithelioid angiosarcoma of the lung is a rare late complication of Lucite plombage treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.,1008 "The authors compare the case with the 8 other published cases of postinjection epidural hematomas in patients with coagulopathy, and the specific risk factors that may have contributed to the hemorrhagic complication in this patient is analyzed.",1009 Venography demonstrated a large atrial thrombus in the superior vena cava and right atrium.,1010 She had taken no drug except for the IFN-beta-1b.,1011 Histologic evaluation showed massive panlobular necrosis.,1012 EMG and NCV results and neurologic examination were suggestive for Guillain-Barre.,1013 We describe a 35-year-old woman who developed severe thrombotic complications due to heparinization and unrecognized HDAs.,1014 We describe a patient who developed NEH on three separate occasions provoked by two different chemotherapeutic agents--cytarabine and mitoxantrone.,1015 "Due to refractory elevations of ICP, high-dose pentobarbital infusion was initiated, and ICP gradually normalised.",1016 Reversible renal failure associated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in polycystic kidney disease.,1017 DISCUSSION: Electrolyte disorders associated with foscarnet are reviewed.,1018 Propranolol-related bronchospasm in patients without history of asthma.,1019 Massive pulmonary thromboembolism resulted in circulatory collapse.,1020 The possible underlying electrophysiological mechanisms of this phenomenon are discussed in this paper.,1021 Toxic epidermal necrolysis associated with interleukin-2.,1022 A recent article has reviewed complications associated with interventional procedures and concluded that the complications were due to deviation from a specific prescribed protocol.,1023 CASE REPORT: A 37-year-old white female patient admitted with epigastric pain and heartburn symptoms.,1024 The ectopic pregnancy was completely resolved with two doses of methotrexate administration.,1025 For these reasons vasoconstrictor imidazoline containing solutions should be prescribed with caution and kept out of reach of children.,1026 "The vasopressin was stopped, and the skin lesion progressed to bullae formation with extensive superficial erosion.",1027 A 14-year-old boy with chronic granulomatous disease and severe infection was admitted to the hospital because of left shoulder aspergillus' infection and pain.,1028 Pediatricians rarely use a systematic approach to establish the cause of drug reactions in the clinical setting.,1029 Blood chemistries revealed severely depleted sodium and potassium concentrations from a normal baseline within a 7-day period.,1030 "Within 24 h of pulse therapy, they complained of palpitations and developed atrial fibrillation which reversed spontaneously or after anti-arrhythmic therapy.",1031 Coronary artery spasm usually responds to sublingual nitroglycerin.,1032 "If unrecognized, the neurologic deterioration becomes irreversible and may result in death.",1033 "Given the immune-mediated processes in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, patients with these disorders may benefit from infliximab therapy but may also suffer from an increased risk of infection.",1034 Adenosine has become the preferred treatment for common types of supraventricular tachycardia because it is extremely effective and rarely associated with with serious side effects.,1035 "It was characterized by hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries in all cases, and it was associated with weight gain and menstrual disorders in 2 of the 3 women.",1036 Gigantomastia induced by bucillamine.,1037 Cerebral sinus thrombosis associated with acquired free protein S deficiency is very rare.,1038 The use of 5-fluorouracil given in the usual manner appears to have been a failure.,1039 This is the first reported case of the use of Monsel's solution to arrest excessive uterine bleeding after the evacuation of retained products of conception after a miscarriage.,1040 We present a unique case of GTBM in a patient with myeloma following treatment with Melphalan.,1041 "Eleven surviving patients were also studied by analysis of serum aminoterminal propeptide of type III procollagen (PIIINP), which is an indicator of fibrogenesis, which is especially suitable for follow-up of fibrotic liver disease.",1042 "The three unilateral cases evolved favorably, but the bilateral case, seen late, showed extensive macular scarring.",1043 Unexpectedly high toxicity of MACOP-B in young patients with low grade lymphoma.,1044 "Although it has been reported that emboli from atherosclerotic disease may be more frequent than commonly appreciated, hepatic infarction caused by an arterial embolus is an unusual but serious complication.",1045 Carbamazepine-induced tics.,1046 "When the morning count of WBC began to fall, WBC count was repeated in the afternoons.",1047 The unusually though potentially life-threatening possibility of heart failure secondary to anti-TNF use in ankylosing spondylitis merits attention.,1048 "Salicylate intoxication was excluded, and theophylline was finally incriminated.",1049 "Multiple retinal infiltrates, placoid subretinal lesions, and ground-glass opacity of the retina with hyperemic optic discs were observed in both patients.",1050 Leukemogenesis related to chemotherapy of ovarian carcinoma: a review with three new case reports.,1051 This is the first reported case of giant cell lichenoid dermatitis in a patient with baboon syndrome.,1052 Neuropathic pain syndrome as an occult manifestation of injury of the spinal cord after surgical repair of aortic coarctation.,1053 The expanded allele segregated with neurological signs in one kindred.,1054 A review of the medical literature indicates that the optimal treatment for acute beta-blocker toxicity is intravenous glucagon.,1055 We describe a 5-year-old girl showed recovery of vincristine induced cranial polyneuropathy with pyridoxine and pyridostigmine treatment.,1056 "Cessation of topiramate caused return of episodes, and the response has persisted for 2 years.",1057 A possible mechanism for focal neurological deficit in brain-damaged patients on phenytoin therapy is discussed.,1058 "At our institution, high-dose i.v. dexmedetomidine is used to provide sedation for pediatric patients undergoing nonpainful radiological imaging studies.",1059 Our case shows that clinical symptoms of polymyositis improved with steroid and immunoglobulin treatment without deterioration of the hepatitis B.,1060 Diagnosis of lipoid pneumonia was made by diagnostic bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL).,1061 "The patient used the recommended dose regularly, and he described progressive proximal muscle weakness and generalized myalgias, which started 1 month before presentation.",1062 "Early CAD recurrences may have been underestimated previously, because asymptomatic recurrences seem to be more frequent than symptomatic ones.",1063 "The conditions may develop months or possibly years after cessation of intake of the drug and further cases may occur, although practolol has been withdrawn from use.",1064 It was presumed that the upbeating nystagmus in this case was elicited from the lesion of the anterior vermis of the cerebellum and/or its connections.,1065 "Although the treatment of S. aureus endocarditis in immunosuppressed transplant patients has traditionally resulted in loss of their allograft, prompt diagnosis and appropriate antibiotics with continued immunosuppressive therapy resulted in a successful outcome and allograft preservation in this case.",1066 He was followed exclusively by the psychiatry service for more than a year.,1067 "UFT has been used in Japan, other Asian countries, South America, and Russia.",1068 We describe a patient with acute leukemia who developed Horner's syndrome and a severe demyelinating peripheral neuropathy leading to death after receiving high-dose cytosine arabinoside.,1069 Drug-induced linear IgA disease with antibodies to collagen VII.,1070 Pericardial hemorrhage due to acetylsalicylic acid in a patient with essential thrombocythemia.,1071 The most common complaint was headache.,1072 A 43-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis (MS) had nephrotic syndrome 21 months after starting treatment with interferon (IFN)-beta-1b (subcutaneous administration).,1073 Immunohistochemical analysis of tongue biopsies confirmed the suspicion of melanin deposits in these areas of hyperpigmentation.,1074 "The T4 (helper)/T8 (suppressor) ratio decreased (1.0 and 1.2) on two different days, although above the normal limit.",1075 "Amoxapine, a new antidepressant, appears in human milk.",1076 She had taken feedings through a nasogastric tube with 1000 ml (1000 kcal) of Ensureliquid daily since 1993 because of the muscle weakness after rhabdomyolysis.,1077 "Clinical and microbiological data were collected prospectively from 704 patients who underwent bone marrow transplantation (BMT) during an 11-year period (1991-2001), and the first two cases of Campylobacter infection occurring in BMT recipients in the pre-engraftment period were identified.",1078 A typical regimen is cytarabine 3 g/m2 iv over one to three hours q 12h for a total of 8 to 12 doses.,1079 AmBisome treatment of fungal sinusitis in severe immunocompromised patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia relapsed after autologous peripheral blood transplantation.,1080 "Since therapeutic trials have failed, prevention of possible causes is the only way to avoid this rare but severe complication of cardiac surgery.",1081 "RESULTS: Of a total of 231 patients, 13 (5.6%) developed an infection of the central venous line, with fever that was very high in some cases.",1082 Extrapyramidal side effects: a historical perspective.,1083 OBJECTIVE: To present a previously unreported cause of neurologic compromise after cervical spine surgery.,1084 Acute coronary vasospasm during thoracic spine surgery.,1085 Complete dissolution was achieved with a combination of i.v. tissue plasminogen activator and heparin.,1086 The authors report a case of a patient who received alteplase for acute myocardial infarction and developed spontaneous subfascial hematoma without any evidence of direct trauma.,1087 "Three male patients aged 78-83 years are presented, in whom severe hepatotoxic reactions emerged after CPA administration.",1088 Urinary iodine excretion was extremely elevated up to 18 mg/day while serum concentrations of total thyroxine were below the euthyroid range and thyrotropin levels were elevated.,1089 "Although several adverse effects are associated with this drug, it has only rarely been known to exacerbate seizures.",1090 "He was started on oral lansoprazole 60 mg twice daily and, on hospital day 2, his platelet count decreased to 102 x 10(3)/mm(3); on hospital day 3, the platelet count was 36 x 10(3)/mm(3).",1091 "The median survival was 17 months in patients who had received no prior treatment, and 5 months in those who had received prior chemotherapy.",1092 "Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents (NSAIDs), especially naproxen and other propionic acid derivatives, appear to be the most common offenders.",1093 "Narcolepsy, paranoid psychosis, and analeptic abuse.",1094 A fatal outcome has been described in all reported cases of Fusarium infection occurring after bone marrow transplantation.,1095 We report two children with HC pneumonitis and pneumatoceles as a reversible complication after ingestion and aspiration of lamp oil with very low viscosity.,1096 Subfulminant syncytial giant cell hepatitis: recurrence after liver transplantation treated with ribavirin.,1097 Report of two cases with evidence from serial computed tomographic brain scans.,1098 "Controlled studies are necessary to assess the efficacy, the duration of therapy required for effective results, and the safety of this treatment over the long-term.",1099 "This case demonstrates the potential adverse effects of exogenous estrogen therapy, which are strain-specific in the rat.",1100 "We report that these tumors frequently express the CD-20 antigen, and immunotherapy directed at this antigen may be a well-tolerated and effective treatment.",1101 "All patients had varying degrees of evidenced high tumor burden, including lymphocytosis, elevated lactate dehydrogenase values, bulky tumor masses, and bone marrow involvement by lymphoma.",1102 "Sputum cultures were positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and intravenous vancomycin 1 g every 8 hours was added to the treatment regimen on hospital day 7.",1103 Regional lipiodolized chemotherapy for cholangiocarcinoma associated with oral contraceptives.,1104 "Treatment of JHR is largely supportive, such as administering antipyretic and antiinflammatory agents.",1105 The algorithm derived from this case could serve as both a practical guideline and impetus for further investigation in light of increasing psychotropic co-administration.,1106 "Physical examination revealed a healthy appearance of the palms; however, 5 min after immersion of the hands in warm water, the central part of the left palm became swollen and tiny white papules with dilated puncta appeared.",1107 Clinicians should include phenolphthalein in their list of possible causes of drug-induced TEN.,1108 "Standard care includes the administration of dextrose, glucagon, and diazoxide.",1109 "We describe two ELBW infants affected by hyperkalaemia, treated with Kayexalate, who developed serious hypernatraemia, that has never been reported before in preterm infants.",1110 "We also found a severe decrease in her serum total carnitine level of 22 micromol/l (normal range 45-91 micromol/l) before changing the diet, suggesting secondary carnitine deficiency.",1111 "Acetazolamide may have accelerated the development of osteomalacia by several mechanisms, including increased renal calcium excretion.",1112 "Although there was evidence of spread of the S typhimurium in the community, there was no evidence of spread of this Salmonella R plasmid to the normal flora of patients or their family members a median of 14 weeks after the infection.",1113 Patient 2 is a 53-year-old man who underwent fibular osteocutaneous free-flap reconstruction of a floor of mouth defect who developed venous thrombosis 6 days postoperatively.,1114 A 56-year-old Caucasian man who received concomitant chemotherapy and radiation for head and neck cancer developed fever concurrent with the administration of amifostine.,1115 After operation they developed arterial hypotension that failed to respond to epinephrine (adrenaline) or dobutamine treatment.,1116 "CONCLUSION: The increasing role of radiotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma treatment, together with improved patient survival, is likely to lead to radiation-induced, secondary, space-occupying lesions being encountered more frequently.",1117 Dosing in these patients requires very careful management.,1118 "In such situations, clinicians may want to consider prescribing a different antipsychotic or adding another antipsychotic and decreasing the dosage of clozapine.",1119 "Uncommonly, erythema multiforme (EM) can develop in such patients at the port site during or soon after cranial radiation and can rapidly progress to EM major.",1120 "Ehrlichiosis, a tickborne illness transmitted by tick vectors Amblyomma americanum and Ixodes scapularis, can be acquired in endemic areas.",1121 Toxic hepatitis due to combination therapy with methotrexate and etretinate in psoriasis.,1122 The use of combined therapy with an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) for treatment of proteinuria has been gaining support.,1123 "This finding suggests that eosinophil infiltration may be associated with nasal polyp formation in AIA, and that activation of eosinophils plays an important role in accumulation of eosinophils and polyp formation beginning with the initial stage.",1124 Administration of intravenous nitroglycerin in a patient with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension resulted in an increase in pulmonary artery pressure associated with a decrease in blood flow that is best explained by an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance.,1125 He had previously received several treatments including two courses of fludarabine.,1126 "Motor fluctuations appear after 2-3 years of levodopa treatment, and affect at least 50% of patients after five years.",1127 We report a case of ibuprofen-induced meningitis in an otherwise healthy individual.,1128 Visual fields and tiagabine: a quandary.,1129 Reactions to Aquaphor: is bisabolol the culprit?,1130 The diagnosis of thrombotic obstruction of the prosthetic mitral valve was confirmed by transesophageal echocardiography.,1131 "Despite surgery and combination therapy with voriconazole, caspofungin, and terbinafine, the patient died 8 months after transplantation.",1132 "When cyanamide-treated alcoholics relapse into drinking, more severe inflammation develops in the liver.",1133 "In patients with occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, acute exacerbation may occur when they become immunocompromised.",1134 The incidence of RS among children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is significantly greater than the incidence of RS among children who do not have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.,1135 We report here a patient with carcinoma of the cervix with recurrent abdominal and thoracic disease who was previously treated with concurrent cisplatin and radiation for local control of pelvic disease.,1136 Suspected ciprofloxacin-induced interstitial nephritis.,1137 SIRT is a palliative treatment for unresectable liver tumours.,1138 A review of four previously reported cases revealed that treatment with systemic glucocorticoid and CsA was effective for the DM and PnM.,1139 New onset rapid cycling bipolar disorder is rare in late life.,1140 "The purpose of this work is to report the case of oral chemical burns caused by topical self-medication for tooth pain relief, and also to discuss the clinical presentation and the treatment performed.",1141 A 55-year-old man developed acute myocardial infarction (AMI) related to a large coronary artery aneurysm and a distal coronary stenotic lesion after steroid therapy for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).,1142 Surgically induced necrotizing scleritis in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis.,1143 "However, Strongyloides-related glomerulonephritis has not been well documented.",1144 Pilocarpine toxicity and the treatment of xerostomia.,1145 "RESULTS: Four patients experienced ventricular free wall rupture after having a MI between November 17, 1993, and July 28, 1995.",1146 RESULTS: A 52-year-old woman with Parkinson disease who had taken amantadine for 6 years had bilateral corneal edema for 2 months at baseline.,1147 "METHOD: We identified 101 patients at Yanbian Socio-Mental Hospital and Yanbian Brain Hospital in China who had received clozapine as a primary antipsychotic drug since their first episode of illness and evaluated the prevalence rate, type, and severity of TD using the Extrapyramidal Symptoms Rating Scale (ESRS).",1148 Severe hepatitis caused by cyproterone acetate.,1149 "CONCLUSION: When performing posterior cervical decompression, surgeons must be aware of the potential for loss of normal lordosis and anterior displacement of paraspinal muscles against the spinal cord, especially in muscular patients.",1150 MDS was diagnosed 8.4 months after beginning TMZ.,1151 Vasopressin (0.04 units/min) was administered through a peripheral venous catheter for hypotension unresponsive to exogenous catecholamines.,1152 "A wide range of autoimmune disorders have been described in DiGeorge syndrome and velocardiofacial syndrome, including one prior report of autoimmune hemolytic anemia and immune thrombocytopenia.",1153 "Arginine has been shown to shift potassium from cells to the extracellular compartment, an effect directly related to its serum concentration.",1154 Immunohistochemistry confirmed some pigment-containing cells to be macrophages.,1155 "As combination of chemotherapy and Gemtuzumab may become a common induction regimen for CD33+ AML patients, there is no report assessing the safety and toxicity of a re-treatment at relapse with such combination in a same patient.",1156 This therapy was also complicated by Warfarin-induced skin necrosis.,1157 One patient had MRI T2 abnormalities compatible with cyclosporin neurotoxicity.,1158 We report treatment of a 38-year-old man with minimal change disease (MCD) who developed pneumatosis intestinalis (PI) during administration of immune-suppressive agents.,1159 Flurbiprofen-associated acute tubulointerstitial nephritis.,1160 Terbinafine-induced cholestatic liver disease.,1161 The most remarkable feature was the presence of diamond-shaped Russell bodies in 20% of the plasma cells of the second biopsy specimen.,1162 "Although great advances have been made in the pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia, many patients are still not taking full advantage of the beneficial effects of antipsychotic drugs.",1163 Retinal pigment epithelial tear following photodynamic therapy for choroidal neovascularization secondary to AMD.,1164 The evolution was favourable without treatment.,1165 We report on a case of secondary myelodysplasia with basophilia.,1166 "Valacyclovir is an effective oral agent for the treatment of herpes virus infection, however, the pharmacokinetics of the drug are altered in renal failure.",1167 A complete remission was achieved twice.,1168 "High plasma levels of N-desmethyl-clobazam (N-CLB), the major metabolite of CLB were detected.",1169 The mean +/- SD decrease in VAS at this time was 61.2 +/- 15.5%.,1170 METHODS: A case-note audit of all Christchurch Hospital patients with RA prescribed leflunomide between 2002 and 2006 was performed.,1171 The imaging studies have shown that both hydrocephalus and leukoencephalopathy have improved significantly after ventriculoperitoneal shunt insertion.,1172 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a potentially fatal adverse reaction to psychopharmacologic treatment.,1173 "FDG PET, performed after the size and number of the lesions had increased, showed no intensely increased glucose metabolism, a high-grade recurrent tumor was therefore very unlikely.",1174 "Captopril-associated ""pseudocholangitis'.",1175 Piloerection induced by replacing fluvoxamine with milnacipran.,1176 There are no previous reports in the literature about the emergence of CML during treatment with hydroxyurea.,1177 At the time she was taking lithium carbonate 450 mg twice/day.,1178 The dialyzer circuit did not clot during the argatroban infusion and did not apparently influence dose-related aPTT measurements.,1179 His atrial fibrillation subsequently had converted to normal sinus rhythm while he received propafenone without adverse effects prior to this episode.,1180 We report a case of severe respiratory failure due to gold salt toxicity in a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis requiring mechanical ventilation.,1181 "In three cases, there was a close temporal correlation between the use of a corticosteroid nasal spray and the development of CSC.",1182 "The utilization of abdominal or pelvic radiation has been extended, and the incidence of radiation enteritis appears to be increasing.",1183 Emergency selective coronary angiography was performed.,1184 The diagnosis was initially thought to be a recurrence of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) that had initially occurred in 1992 and had required splenectomy.,1185 "Specifically, the data from our American series are insufficient to evaluate the hypothesis that the M694V/M694V genotype confers a more severe phenotype, or increases the risk of amyloidosis; but both our data and the recent literature (160) indicate that amyloidosis can occur in FMF patients with only 1 copy, or no copies, of the M694V mutation.",1186 "BAL fluid also grew Mycobacterium kansasii, for which he received combination anti-mycobacterial therapy.",1187 "BACKGROUND: With the increasing use of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs), device complications are becoming more common.",1188 Proctoscopic examination after 10 days of therapy showed marked improvement with no evidence of pseudomembranous exudate.,1189 Elevation of the blood lactate concentration by alkali therapy without requiring additional lactic acid accumulation: theoretical considerations.,1190 "A 16-year-old poorly compliant, steroid-dependent subject with asthma received two courses of high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone during a 3-week period, followed by a tapering schedule of oral prednisone.",1191 "Serum testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estradiol fell to castration levels 4-6 weeks after the initiation of treatment and remained low throughout the study period.",1192 "Gastro-intestinal side-effects, however, have not been reported in clinical studies dealing with treatment of vasospasm following subarachnoid haemorrhage.",1193 Resolution of the symptoms was observed in both patients when interferon alpha was withdrawn.,1194 "Intravenous verapamil therapy in babies may cause apnea, hypotension, and bradycardia; continued episodes of atrial flutter in a child may cause sudden death; quinidine may be related to the death; children with ""familial seizure disorders"" may in fact have the long QT interval syndrome.",1195 Five such patients were identified and their clinical course was reviewed.,1196 In all three patients the bleeding stopped after a course of aminocaproic acid was begun.,1197 On admission rhabdomyolysis had begun to improve despite a worsening of the hyponatremia (113 mEq/L).,1198 Chest wall actinomycosis in association with the use of an intra-uterine device.,1199 These three cases illustrate the diagnostic and therapeutic overlap between childhood and adult anxiety disorders and indicate the need for empirical studies aimed at evaluating diagnostic and treatment issues in childhood anxiety disorders.,1200 Successful use of sodium ferric gluconate in sucrose in a patient with multiple drug allergies.,1201 Goiter and hypothyroidism during re-treatment with amiodarone in a patient who previously experienced amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis.,1202 "Resting motor threshold (RMT), active motor threshold (AMT), MEP size, intracortical inhibition (ICI) and intracortical facilitation (ICF) were tested during and after suspension of hormonal therapy.",1203 D-penicillamine induced crescentic glomerulonephritis: report and review of the literature.,1204 Diphenhydramine is generally considered an innocuous drug with a minimal risk for abuse and untoward side effects.,1205 "The persistence of free steroid secretion with decreased formation of DS suggests that the o,p'-DDD may have altered sulfatase activity before causing tumor necrosis and total decrease in steroidogenesis.",1206 "Rat islets of Langerhans exposed to mefloquine in vitro (10(-8) mol/l to 10(-3) mol/l) secreted significantly more insulin than control islets (up to 980 +/- 180 microU/ml/5 islets incubated with mefloquine 10(-3) mol/l, vs 20 +/- 4 microU/ml/5 untreated islets).",1207 OBJECTIVE: To report a patient developing fulminant liver failure while being treated with clarithromycin for pneumonia.,1208 We describe a 58-year-old female patient with end-stage renal disease who 7 years after the onset of dialysis presented with pain and movement restriction of various joints.,1209 "In each of the five patients, adenosine was given in a standard fashion (6 or 12 mg).",1210 Her carbamazepine concentration decreased from 11.8 to 8.5 micrograms/mL; she also became pregnant at that time.,1211 This paper outlines the indications and precautions for use and side effects of monoamine oxidase inhibitors in the treatment of depression in elderly patients.,1212 "Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS) is one of the most severe drug adverse reactions, with characteristic biphasic symptoms.",1213 "Celecoxib can be administered as palliative treatment to affected birds, but as with any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, COX-2 inhibitors should be used cautiously because they can adversely affect renal function by decreasing renal prostaglandin synthesis.",1214 Barbiturates offer a mechanism of action that is different from that of benzodiazepines.,1215 His clinical course and laboratory studies are discussed.,1216 Steroid therapy predisposes to early dissemination and a potentially fatal outcome.,1217 She remained asymptomatic during the therapeutic period and the pulmonary nodules resolved six months later.,1218 Serum free levels and evaluation anticonvulsant drug interactions.,1219 "Until recently, discontinuance of anticoagulant therapy has been recommended, as this cessation has been shown to slow or halt further tissue infarction.",1220 "Vitamin D toxicity complicating the treatment of senile, postmenopausal, and glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis.",1221 "To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-mediated hypercalcemia caused by PCP in a renal transplant recipient.",1222 The current case should alert clinicians to investigate pulmonary GVHD as a potential cause of postoperative dyspnea in liver transplant recipients.,1223 Orthostatic hypotension and vertigo are not consistent with the patients' histories.,1224 A case is reported in which posterior synechiae to the manufacturer's trademark on the surface of a Shearing intraocular lens were noted ten days after the implantation of the lens.,1225 Propafenone is an effective antiarrhythmic drug used widely for the treatment of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias.,1226 The pathogenetic mechanism of these symptoms might possibly be explained as potentiation of the action of the neuroleptica by oral antidiabetics.,1227 "Haemodialysis patients are likely to develop bacteriaemia due to S. aureus, probably because they are often carriers of S. aureus and also frequently have intravascular catheters.",1228 Symptoms disappeared rapidly following cessation of emepromium bromide therapy.,1229 Calciphylaxis in a patient with normal renal function: response to treatment with sodium thiosulfate.,1230 "Intraocular pressure (IOP) was not able to be controlled medically, however, and filtering surgery 20 days post laser treatment was required.",1231 Our second patient had a 2-year history of asthma prior to the onset of rippling muscles which preceded the myasthenic symptoms by 4-8 weeks.,1232 We describe a 28-year-old man who was brought to the emergency department with a new-onset seizure and clinical signs and symptoms consistent with advanced delirium tremens.,1233 Acute pancreatitis associated with high-concentration lipid emulsion during total parenteral nutrition therapy for Crohn's disease.,1234 "It appears that specific MEFV mutations are probably not the sole determinants of phenotype, and that unknown environmental factors or modifying genes act as accomplices in this disease.",1235 "Meglumine antimoniate, amiodarone and torsades de pointes: a case report.",1236 "During prolonged treatment with zanamivir, a mutant virus was isolated from an immunocompromised child infected with influenza B virus.",1237 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare but potentially serious complication of neuroleptic drugs.,1238 We report successful treatment of a cryptococcal ventriculoatrial shunt infection with antifungal therapy without shunt removal.,1239 The patient recovered without sequelae with conservative therapy.,1240 It has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for 24-h use.,1241 "Serum levels of interferon-gamma, soluble interleukin-2 receptor, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) were elevated.",1242 Corticosteroids have an established place in the prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting due to emetogenic cytotoxic agents.,1243 Bleomycin and cyclophosphamide toxicity simulating metastatic nodules to the lungs in childhood cancer.,1244 The reactive process included an infiltrative superficial dermatitis and a mural folliculitis with prevalent participation of macrophages and lymphocytes.,1245 "Histopathology of the lesions was compatible with pemphigus foliaceus, although apoptotic cells suggestive of erythema multiforme were seen in two cases.",1246 Systemic lupus erythematosus and acute pancreatitis: a case series.,1247 Biopsies taken at the time revealed a dense inflammatory infiltrate consistent with an abscess.,1248 Decrease of TTKG was possibly the result of suppressed K+ secretion.,1249 "To our knowledge, this is the first granulomatous reaction described after calcium hydroxylapatite injection.",1250 "About three weeks into the therapy regimen, he complained of severe retrosternal chest oppression.",1251 Infectious toxicity of dexamethasone during all remission-induction chemotherapy: report of two cases and literature review.,1252 "When a 34-year-old woman had dyspnea and chylothorax 8 months postpartum, lymphangiomyomatosis was diagnosed by open-lung biopsy.",1253 "In contrast to infection secondary to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), CMV colitis has not previously been described in this context.",1254 "Descemet folds and an atypically large amount of stromal edema were present in both cases, and there appeared to be possible endothelial dysfunction as well.",1255 Osteomyelitis occurring during infliximab treatment of severe psoriasis.,1256 Our patient is doing well and is continuing life-long anticoagulant therapy.,1257 Patient was discharged home on postoperative day 19.,1258 Osteonecrosis is not well documented as a predisposing factor of septic arthritis despite such a relationship having obvious clinical significance.,1259 Disturbance of GABA metabolism in pyridoxine-dependent seizures.,1260 We report the first case of fulminant hepatic failure associated with its use.,1261 "Chronic ischemic changes in the white matter may have been an additional factor in the causation and, most likely, in the duration of his status.",1262 He has elected to have future SBCCs managed with C&C.,1263 "The third patient, who was elderly, survived because of early detection and initiation of therapy.",1264 We report a case of rhino-orbital zygomycosis caused by Rhizopus oryzae that developed in a 41-year-old male renal transplant recipient.,1265 "The subsequent reabsorption of free water from the fluid collection, with the contribution of postoperative hypotonic intravenous fluid administration and possible transient inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion resulted in acute dilutional hyponatremia and consequent seizures.",1266 All three patients had rheumatoid arthritis and had received chloroquine for between 12 and 18 months with a maximum dose of 250 mg/daily.,1267 "Therapeutic options to treat this dangerous imbalance comprise calcium gluconate, insulin plus glucose, albuterol/salbutamol inhalation.",1268 To our knowledge no severe persistent neurological deficits following thrombolytic therapy have been reported.,1269 This report addresses the association of multiple sclerosis and intracranial meningioma and discusses the effect of interferon treatment on tumour progression.,1270 "The anaphylactic reaction was managed successfully with corticosteroids, nebulization with beta(2) agonists, and isotonic fluid support.",1271 "One patient was treated with amphotericin B and his central venous catheter was removed, but he died of Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia.",1272 His symptoms resolved within 2 weeks of discontinuing the isoniazid.,1273 Incorrect identification of the organism as Corynebacterium J-K led to a change of antimicrobial therapy and clinical deterioration.,1274 This observation highlights the need for hemodynamic monitoring when potent vasodilators are used in this disorder.,1275 A case of recurrent Candida parapsilosis prosthetic valve endocarditis: cure by medical treatment alone.,1276 Fenofibrate is a new lipid-lowering agent for adults with very high triglyceride levels that was administered to two HIV-positive patients who were taking protease inhibitors and developed hypertriglyceridemia.,1277 The occurrence of neuromuscular blockade and the resulting potentiation of muscle relaxants during magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) administration is well known.,1278 "Disease behaviour in two patients was classified as penetrating because of concomitant ischiorectal abscesses, while one patient developed a metastatic colon carcinoma.",1279 "Further study is needed to determine the incidence of subclinical membranous nephropathy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and the effect of drugs in triggering clinical manifestations of this condition.",1280 Muscle biopsy revealed fibrous myopathy.,1281 "In order to investigate the mechanism of late asthmatic response (LAR), inhibitory effects of various drugs for LAR were examined in two wheat flour-sensitive asthmatic subjects who showed immediate and late responses in the allergen provocation test and skin test.",1282 "Chemotherapy for the malignant lymphoma was done after withdrawal of cyclosporine A and mizoribine, and thyroidectomy was performed for thyroid carcinoma.",1283 "Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis (NEH) is an unusual self-limited skin disorder characterized by an inflammatory cell infiltrate in the deep dermis involving the eccrine sweat glands, commonly presenting as painful cutaneous nodules.",1284 She received induction therapy according to the AML92 protocol of the Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group (JALSG) with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) plus chemotherapeutic agents.,1285 Delayed pseudocyst of the pancreas can be a complication of intramuscular L-asparaginase.,1286 We diagnosed this case as danazol induced thrombocytopenia.,1287 We present a case of an abscess in this site which was a complication of chemotherapy and was the result of haematogenous spread.,1288 The subjects received the urinary sediment test before and during the study for screening urinary tract infection and the study was discontinued when urinary tract infection was found.,1289 Putaminal infarct in methanol intoxication: case report and role of brain imaging studies.,1290 Therapy with spironolactone and prednisone also normalized blood pressure.,1291 The multiple comedones and ruptured epidermoid cysts are newly reported adverse effects of imiquimod therapy.,1292 This is the first histologically confirmed case of NASH that was aggravated by raloxifene.,1293 "On hospital day 2 his platelet count dropped to 47,000/microl and bottomed out at 36,000/microl by day 3 with other blood cell counts remaining within normal limits.",1294 Diagnosis and management of such infections in the immunosuppressed host are difficult.,1295 "Interstitial nephritis is a rare but serious adverse effect of many drugs and usually is diagnosed by clinical signs and symptoms of hematuria, proteinuria, eosinophilia, fever, azotemia, and rash.",1296 "Since fondaparinux use in patients undergoing PCI has been associated with an increased risk for catheter-related thrombosis, the use of fondaparinux in PCI patients should be limited.",1297 "These changes, in combination with care providers' fear of opioids, often lead to the inappropriate use of antagonists, such as naloxone.",1298 "Although not previously known, it was at this stage discovered that the patient had received treatment with anti-leprosy drugs nearly three years before presentation in this country.",1299 "These findings suggested vasospasm or dissection, presumably related to hypertension and/or angiitis or vasoconstriction of large cerebral arteries leading to local thrombosis as a result of stasis and sympathomimetic-induced platelet activation.",1300 CONCLUSIONS: This case report is part of a new and growing body of literature that demonstrates the potential risk of transforaminal injection.,1301 Toxicity associated with barracuda is discussed.,1302 "While she was receiving the maximum dose of 180 mg/day of cinacalcet HCl and PTH at 443 pg/mL, she needed to be hospitalized for a right hip prothesis.",1303 "Therefore, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors would appear to be appropriate therapy for hypertension in such patients.",1304 "Therapy with pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine and folinic acid resulted in total lesion healing although central vision was lost.",1305 "Reports on such manifestations in relation to hepatitis B vaccination are scarce, however.",1306 These neurological symptoms should be added to a growing list of important complications of DIHS/DRESS because of the high mortality rate associated with them.,1307 DESIGN AND METHODS: A specimen of resected TSHoma tissue from our case was immunohistochemically examined for expression of somatostatin receptor 2A (SSTR2A) and PPAR gamma.,1308 In all cases SMS 201-995 treatment has been well tolerated and has few side-effects.,1309 The possibility of a recrudescence of a persisting infection was rejected.,1310 Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis mimicking cutaneous vasculitis in a lupus patient: a complication of cyclophosphamide.,1311 Clinical cases documenting the development of pemphigus in patients with a history of psoriasis have been reported in the literature.,1312 Limited data are available regarding use of direct thrombin inhibitors in patients who have severe hepatic impairment with concurrent renal failure requiring CVVHD.,1313 All of the patients and three of the carers recorded scores suggestive of psychiatric morbidity on the General Health Questionnaire.,1314 Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) is a chemotherapeutic agent used in the treatment of solid tumors.,1315 "Initially, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score was 21, and 24 hours later it improved to 9.",1316 She manifested all the clinical symptoms and signs of caffeine toxicity.,1317 The complexity of this situation can generate an impaired consciousness in the patients.,1318 "Its safety, even in these extreme conditions, is particularly reassuring.",1319 "When obstruction occurs due to antacid concretions, it may be relieved by passing a long intestinal tube, by giving enemas for colonic obstruction or by operation.",1320 The endemic nature of the finding in such a short period of time is outstanding.,1321 "The administration of ""sweet spirits of nitre"" (4% ethyl nitrite CH3CH2ONO in 70% ethyl alcohol) was followed by acute methemoglobinemia and severe anoxic metabolic acidosis in infant twins, Methylene blue administration reversed methemoglobinemia in both, but one twin died from the consequences of hypoxemia.",1322 "However, these patients may be admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) with complications of Wolff Parkinson White (WPW) syndrome; for example post cardiopulmonary arrest or WPW as a co-morbidity.",1323 Sodium nitroprusside was stopped and amrinone 100 mg bolus followed by 10 was given in addition to adding PEEP to the ventilation.,1324 We report a series of 16 cases of methanol poisoning admitted to our Intensive Care Unit between December 2003 and April 2004.,1325 "Traditional topical measures to reduce local tissue damage, including corticosteroids, sodium bicarbonate, and ice applications, have not consistently demonstrated beneficial effects.",1326 Intravitreal antivascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs are presently being used to treat DME.,1327 A 71-year-old woman who had critical cerebral ischemia secondary to a carotid artery occlusion was receiving high-dose intravenous phenylephrine for a trial of hypertensive therapy.,1328 Severe neurotoxicity with methyl G: CALGB experience.,1329 "Additionally, clinically effective doses of conventional antipsychotics can actually aggravate negative symptoms through the development of extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS).",1330 "Recently, problems have arisen regarding infection with P. aeruginosa, which produces metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL) and is resistant to virtually all beta-lactams.",1331 This phenotype is reminiscent of the Baller-Gerold syndrome.,1332 "The doses were 3,000, 6,000, or 12,000 U/day.",1333 Vacuolar myelinopathy of the brain and lamellar ichthyosis.,1334 "Identification of the BCG strain was performed in many sites, such as bone marrow, ganglionic mass, cerebrospinal fluid and in the site of vaccination.",1335 The mother had received carbamazepine therapy for epilepsy.,1336 QT interval was more than 500 m sec.,1337 Respiratory insufficiency was further worsened by Proteus mirabilis infection and severe bronchoconstriction.,1338 CONCLUSIONS: Fixed drug rash induced by methylphenidate is a possible but rare phenomenon.,1339 "Forty patients with HCM were treated with calcium-channel blockers such as nifedipine, diltiazem, and verapamil.",1340 "Acute severe intoxication with carbamazepine is associated with seizures, coma and respiratory depression.",1341 Topiramate is a new anticonvulsant drug recommended for treatment of partial and generalized seizures in children and adults.,1342 Drug withdrawal resulted in a slow and progressive reduction in bilirubin levels and liver enzymes.,1343 Current trends toward intensive insulin therapy for rapid near-normalization of blood glucose levels will increase the recognition of this entity.,1344 He was started on intravenous Zoledronic acid for reduction of bone pain and prevention of skeletal complication from multiple bone metastases.,1345 Opioid use in HIV patients with neurological changes.,1346 "Here, we report an 11-year-old girl with bilateral florid verrucous lesions on her hands, feet and chin, which were refractory to a number of standard treatments including cryotherapy, cantharidin preparations, topical salicylic acid, surgical debulking techniques, oral Cimetidine, and topical and intralesional Cidofovir.",1347 "We report a 50-year-old male patient with a 15-year history of psoriasis including mutilating psoriatic arthritis, in whom the withdrawal of cyclosporin A induced a generalised pustular exacerbation and a aggravation of the joint condition.",1348 Complications of extensive adhesion formation after intraperitoneal chemotherapy.,1349 Its potential usefulness in reversing adverse effects encountered during therapeutic dosing with beta-blockers has not been well characterized.,1350 "Infection and thromboembolic events are relatively frequent complications, but aneurysm formation is rare.",1351 The patient remained asymptomatic up to the diagnosis.,1352 "We describe a case of an NHL patient who received rituximab and developed symptomatic, biopsy-proven multinodular bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (BOOP).",1353 The patient was admitted to our hospital due to diabetic ketoacidosis.,1354 Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) results in salt and water depletion and studies confirm that replacement leads to sodium and vasopressin-mediated water retention in patients with intact posterior pituitary function.,1355 Amisulpride and sertraline were discontinued.,1356 "In both instances, reversion of intraventricular conduction to normal occurred within 72 hours, coinciding with clearance of carbamazepine from the blood stream.",1357 "When prescribing mannitol to decrease intraocular pressure, the physician must be alert to potential complications.",1358 Patient responded dramatically to Stellate ganglion block and returned to work within two weeks time.,1359 An adolescent male developed acute pancreatitis and pseudocyst of the pancreas 16 weeks after cessation of intramuscular L-asparaginase.,1360 Teamwork and skillful airway management prevented this patient's demise.,1361 Quantification of circulating varicella-zoster virus DNA for follow-up in a case of visceral varicella-zoster infection ameliorated with intravenous acyclovir.,1362 Diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis after bone marrow transplantation.,1363 Further study of this potential health risk in needed.,1364 Only three cases have been described in the literature.,1365 "Seven days later, she had full-blown, severe hepatitis.",1366 Severe erythroderma as a complication of continuous epoprostenol therapy.,1367 "Alopecia, nausea, and vomiting were attributed to the cyclophosphamide component of the therapy.",1368 Patch tests with flurbiprofen were positive 48 and 72 h after application.,1369 The effect of regional perfusion treatment on recurrent melanoma of the extremities.,1370 "In 20 percent of affected individuals (9 percent of the total), sensory symptoms preceded the onset of the movement disorder, causing difficulty in diagnosis.",1371 "The acronym 'EMPACT' is suggested (E: erythema; M: multiforme; associated with P: phenytoin; A: and; C: cranial, radiation; T: therapy) to best describe this disorder.",1372 "However, given the clinically significant result to the interaction between tolazoline and cimetidine we report, the use of cimetidine in tolazoline induced upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage should deserve more attention.",1373 "Multibacillary, lepromatous or borderline leprosy patients may present two types of vasculonecrotic reactions: Lucio phenomenon and that associated with erythema nodosum leprosum.",1374 Asthenozoospermia: possible association with long-term exposure to an anti-epileptic drug of carbamazepine.,1375 The patient in this case report was mentally impaired and had severe drug-induced gingival enlargement.,1376 The posterior hyaloid became taut and partially detached after the third injection and was almost completely detached 1 year later.,1377 Diclofenac and increasing doses of opioids did not give adequate pain relief and led to opioid toxicity.,1378 "Despite appropriate therapy, the microangiopathic process was irreversible and the patient died.",1379 "We emphasise the need to be vigilant for this important but relatively rare complication, which has significant associated morbidity.",1380 Multiple keratoacanthomas after megavoltage radiation therapy.,1381 A less frequent side effect that is becoming more recognized is neurologic toxicity.,1382 "This case demonstrates that although percutaneous retrogasserian phenol injection is a relatively safe and noninvasive method of treatment for trigeminal neuralgia, severe complications may occur.",1383 PURPOSE: Platinum-based therapy is the cornerstone of ovarian cancer treatment.,1384 A patient developed restless legs symptoms paralleling the course of interferon-alpha (IFN alpha) therapy for chronic hepatitis C.,1385 "We describe a 25-year-old, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)--negative man, who was started on antituberculosis treatment (ATT) with isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R), pyrazinamide (Z) and ethambutol (E) in the combination RHZE for the first two months and RH there on.",1386 Biopsy of the skin rash demonstrated superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate and was consistent with a drug reaction.,1387 Risks and benefits should be seriously considered before starting treatment.,1388 Magnesium tocolysis as the cause of urinary calculus during pregnancy.,1389 Controversy as to what constitutes a safe and effective dose of these medications still exists.,1390 "Laboratory tests revealed cyclosporine nephrotoxicity, cytomegalovirus infection, and prediabetes.",1391 "There have been conflicting reports as to whether clozapine, an atypical antipsychotic, will suppress symptoms of tardive dyskinesia.",1392 "Dilatation by a balloon-tipped catheter produced an immediate and sustained reversal of the arteriospasm, together with a dramatic relief of symptoms and signs.",1393 All eyes had subfoveal CNV secondary to AMD.,1394 "Moreover, the etiology of t-AML and mechanism of leukemogenesis are likely to be multifactorial and complex.",1395 "Limits to the ""benefits"" from our oncologic interventions: a case report.",1396 A case is reported of a metastatic gestational choriocarcinoma in a 25-year old woman.,1397 "The majority of patients, however, do not require the use of steroids.",1398 It has also been seen in people with gastrointestinal diseases with malabsorption.,1399 METHODS: A 70-year-old woman with bilateral normal tension glaucoma was treated with topical brimonidine and followed in an outpatient setting.,1400 "The central nervous system (CNS) is the major organ system affected, although the renal, gastrointestinal (GI), endocrine, and cardiovascular (CV) systems also may be involved.",1401 "The ability of clozapine to suppress tardive dyskinesia symptoms raises the possibility that clozapine, at least at the doses used in this report, might also induce the disorder.",1402 OBJECTIVES: To present a very rare case of orally ingested sex hormone pills inducing nondurally attached meningioma in the lumbosacral region.,1403 "Increasing evidence suggests that neurohumoral manifestations of heart failure may lead to insulin resistance, predisposing patients with heart failure to the development of glucose intolerance or worsening of existing diabetes.",1404 "RESULTS: The patient's serum from 10 days after the episode, only when therapeutic concentrations of oxaliplatin were added, reacted with all RBCs tested using the indirect antiglobulin test (IAT) (3+).",1405 Endogenous thrombopoietin serum levels during multicycle chemotherapy.,1406 Oculomotor disturbances associated with 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy.,1407 Retinopathy in hepatitis C patients due to combination therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin.,1408 The patient received two cycles of HDARAC over the course of a ten-week period.,1409 "Based on newly published data we have applied an infusion of both compounds, 5-FU and calcium folinate, mixed together in an ambulatory pump.",1410 The underlying mechanism as well as the treatment of hypokalaemia and hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis after ureterosigmoidostomy are briefly discussed.,1411 "To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first reported case of Propecia-associated cataract.",1412 Treatment with itraconazole of widespread tinea corporis due to Trichophyton rubrum in a bone marrow transplant recipient.,1413 It is well documented that cytotoxic treatment in patients carrying the hepatitis B virus (HBV) enhances the risk of severe hepatic damage.,1414 A comorbid diagnosis of Parkinson's disease in schizophrenia was confirmed in this way.,1415 "Since its release in the United States market in 1996, few cases of fatal acute intoxication have been reported in the literature.",1416 Cannulation injury of the radial artery: diagnosis and treatment algorithm.,1417 The clinical picture and radiological abnormalities disappeared spontaneously on discontinuation of the drug.,1418 "A patient with a second-degree burn of the forehead, induced by topical application of crushed garlic is reported.",1419 Management and successful desensitization in methotrexate-induced anaphylaxis.,1420 CONCLUSIONS: We report the association of postoperative chylothorax treated with somatostatin analog (octreotide) and necrotizing enterocolitis in an infant following aortic coarctation repair.,1421 Animal studies that predated clinical trials using rhesus monkeys did not predict the ophthalmologic complications seen in human subjects.,1422 Blood gas analysis revealed a respiratory acidosis.,1423 The etiology of Transient Global Amnesia (TGA) is not yet clear.,1424 "CASE: We herein report the case of a 67-year-old woman with a history of breast cancer, taking tamoxifen citrate 20 mg/day for 4 years, who underwent an operation for left ovarian tumor.",1425 We reported a child with refractory partial seizures successfully managed by clinical desensitization to phenytoin.,1426 "CONCLUSION: We report herein the fifth case of visceral leishmaniasis in a patient under TNF-alpha therapy, and the first one, to our knowledge, presenting a consequent secondary macrophagic activation syndrome.",1427 Embolization of a fragmented thrombus or/and attenuation of the lytic state leading to fresh embolization is/are the possible mechanism(s).,1428 The use of methotrexate (MTX) has been contraindicated for treatment of severe psoriasis in HIV infection on the basis of six previously reported cases in which MTX appeared to potentiate opportunistic infections and accelerate HIV disease.,1429 "This case supports the view that in gold-induced pneumonitis a prolonged treatment with corticosteroids may be necessary, as lung function continued to improve.",1430 We believe that this is the first report of secretory carcinoma of the endometrium associated with tamoxifen use.,1431 The authors report a case of laryngeal necrosis after combination therapy for a patient with cervical lymph node metastases of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and review the literature on late laryngeal necrosis.,1432 Early recognition of renal toxicity of high-dose methotrexate therapy: a case report.,1433 "There were 15 (55%) patients that responded, three with a complete and 12 with a partial response with a mean duration of response of 13.4 months.",1434 We describe a 12-year-old boy who developed desquamative interstitial pneumonitis and hepatic cirrhosis several years following the onset of ulcerative colitis.,1435 Conspicuous endoscopic appearance of ventriculitis caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci.,1436 Methylphenidate (Ritalin)-associated cataract and glaucoma.,1437 The right eye was regrafted three months after the recurrence and penetrating keratoplasty was done two years later in the left eye.,1438 "All other factors, including laboratory data, dietary intake, activity level, and concurrent use of other medications, were stable and noncontributory.",1439 This study underscores the risks of routinely administering protamine to susceptible individuals and the need for alternative therapies.,1440 His symptoms of amnesia resolved approximately 6-7 hours after discontinuing the propafenone therapy.,1441 "Behavioral side effects associated with clonazepam may include agitation, aggression, hyperactivity, irritability, property destruction, and temper tantrums.",1442 Other related complications include decreased bone healing and inhibition of orthodontic tooth movement.,1443 "Furthermore, 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) was prominently increased in mitochondrial and nuclear DNA.",1444 Two of the patients were infected with human immunodeficiency virus.,1445 The authors conclude that among patients taking high doses of oral niacin only those who experience visual symptoms need to be ophthalmologically evaluated.,1446 "Clearly, more effective therapies are needed for this rapidly lethal disease.",1447 Neither dosage nor serum levels of CBZ were in a higher range.,1448 CONCLUSIONS: We reported the association of multiple sclerosis and intracranial meningioma and observed the progression of the meningiomas during interferon treatment.,1449 "Twenty-four to seventy-two hours following the switch, all patients developed intractable headache, despite the use of different symptomatic drugs.",1450 Four children received ten alternate-day courses of ATG (horse antihuman thymocyte globulin) as well as antihistamines and corticosteroids to minimize allergic reactions.,1451 Histological improvement with lamivudine therapy for de novo hepatitis B occurring in an anti-HBs-positive child after bone marrow transplantation.,1452 Caudal epidural blood patch for treating intractable vomiting in a child after placement of a permanent intrathecal catheter.,1453 "Within the past 10 years, 47 cases of BC infection have been published.",1454 Our case represents the second reported case that required surgical intervention for cure.,1455 "Urologists should bear in mind this clinical entity, particularly when DMSO is administered to patients with multiple drug allergies.",1456 There were several procedures suggested for the reconstruction.,1457 "In November of 2000, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requested a voluntary recall of the product from all manufacturers.",1458 "Median performance status (SWOG) was 2 (1 to 3), and clinical presentations included nephrotic syndrome (n = 1), symptomatic cardiomyopathy (n = 1), gastrointestinal involvement with polyneuropathy (n = 2), and hepatomegaly (n = 1).",1459 "If confirmed, this observation may open new possibilities in intensive chemotherapy for patients for whom haematopoietic progenitors are difficult to harvest.",1460 Choanal atresia and athelia: methimazole teratogenicity or a new syndrome?,1461 Physicians should remain alert to the potential hazards of chemotherapy to the central nervous system.,1462 "OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of severe infections in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) prescribed leflunomide in North Canterbury, New Zealand.",1463 "FK506, which began to be administered 12 days earlier, rose to a level of 44 ng/mL (normal range, 10-20 ng/mL) 1 day before neurologic abnormalities began.",1464 Linear IgA bullous dermatosis (LABD) is an immunobullous disorder in which IgA antibodies are deposited within the basement membrane zone.,1465 A month later this patient developed a fibula osteomyelitis due to the same germs.,1466 "Recombinant human interferon-alpha has been used in the treatment of several cancers, but there have been several reports that it may exacerbate psoriasis or trigger off its onset.",1467 "According to the literature, chlorambucil central nervous toxicity is found almost exclusively in childhood nephrotic syndrome.",1468 "Clonidine, oral and patch, has been used in adults for the treatment of hypertension and Tourette's Syndrome.",1469 We present a case of the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secondary to cisplatin therapy in a patient with advanced-stage large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix.,1470 We assume that rIFN-gamma induced the de novo development of SLE in our patient.,1471 We studied the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis in two female patients before and during treatment with CPH82.,1472 Antiandrogen treatment of aggressivity in men suffering from dementia.,1473 "RESULTS: The 3 patients were men, aged 39, 42, and 43 years.",1474 Postdural puncture cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) leak most often manifests as a postdural puncture headache (PDPH).,1475 BACKGROUND: Three to five per cent acetic acid is commonly used in the field of gynaecology for colposcopic examinations of the cervix.,1476 The third case received ASCT with an unmanipulated autograft for relapsed angioimmunoblastic lymphoma.,1477 A 23-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus had a severe hypersensitivity reaction to the drug ibuprofen.,1478 Erosive gastroduodenitis with marked epithelial atypia after hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy.,1479 BACKGROUND: Bacterial contamination of platelet (PLT) components is an important cause of transfusion reactions.,1480 OBJECTIVE: To report the occurrence of anaphylactoid reactions to intraperitoneal cisplatin in 3 patients.,1481 "CASE REPORT: We describe here a case of a 60 year old female that experienced a relapse of symptomatic hyperlactatemia after being switched from stavudine to zidovudine and how the case was managed at the Infectious Diseases Institute, Kampala, Uganda.",1482 Pramipexole: augmentation in the treatment of depressive symptoms.,1483 She received chemotherapy according to the previously described modified St.,1484 "Three weeks after traveling to Arizona, a 13-month-old, female Labrador retriever developed draining tracts in the right hind limb.",1485 Brugada type electrocardiographic changes induced by concomitant use of lithium and propafenone in patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.,1486 Daptomycin is a lipopeptide antibiotic active against multidrug-resistant gram-positive organisms.,1487 Cardiopulmonary arrest following intravenous phenytoin loading.,1488 "The lesion was successfully resected using cardiopulmonary bypass, and the diagnosis of metastatic osteogenic sarcoma was confirmed.",1489 "After an interval of 3 months, he presented a complex pattern of nail hyperpigmentation, from combined dense horizontal and longitudinal streaks in some nails to diffuse black discoloration in others (Figure).",1490 Epoprostenol may be associated rarely with severe erythroderma.,1491 Hypersensitivity reaction following chloramphenicol administration in a patient with typhoid fever.,1492 Protein in vitamin K absence (PIVKA) is the prothrombin precursor found in plasma when carboxylation to prothrombin is impaired.,1493 The only residual neuroblastoma tissue visible on MIBG scintigraphy on day 150 of treatment was a metastasis in the left tibia which was irradiated with 24 Gy.,1494 "A 41-year-old woman was treated according to a diagnosis of depression, which was her 6th episode.",1495 OBJECTIVE: To report the finding of squamous metaplasia within endometrial glands occurring as a result of progestin therapy of hyperplasia.,1496 "Open-lung biopsy revealed grade 2 lymphocytic bronchiolitis, the pathologic and immunologic correlate of acute pulmonary GVHD.",1497 "After this period, liposomal amphotericin B (3 mg kg(-1) day(-1)) was given with the diagnosis of probable fungal infection.",1498 "Pneumonitis, bilateral pleural effusions, echocardiographic evidence of cardiac tamponade, and positive autoantibodies developed in a 43-year-old man, who was receiving long-term sulfasalazine therapy for chronic ulcerative colitis.",1499 Ectopic adrenocorticotrophic (ACTH) syndrome and small cell carcinoma of the lung-assessment of clinical implications in patients on combination chemotherapy.,1500 Her IFN beta-1a was discontinued and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy was started for her scleromyxedema.,1501 Information on medical history was obtained from their carers and hospital records.,1502 "She had been taking nabumetone for 6 months, but had discontinued the agent 2 weeks before admission due to progressive edema.",1503 "Improvement was dose-dependent, and was limited by irritability and action tremor when the patient was taking 1,600 mg per day.",1504 "Based on a Naranjo score of 7, this episode was probably related to an interaction between acenocoumarol and econazole.",1505 None of the patients has clinical or radiologic findings suggestive of central pontine myelinolysis or akinetic mutism.,1506 "Very elderly patients with nephrotic syndrome frequently suffer from oliguric renal failure, which has a potentially high mortality.",1507 Concentrations of brompheniramine and dextromethorphan were measured in both postmortem blood and liver specimens using a gas chromatograph equipped with a nitrogen-phosphorus detector.,1508 "We describe a technique for 'single-pass' shunt tunneling from frontal to abdominal incisions and our initial results in a consecutive, prospective series of 15 children (age 2 days to 5 years).",1509 OBJECTIVE: To report a case of successful outpatient carboplatin desensitization in a pediatric patient with bilateral optic glioma.,1510 "The former had a slowly progressive course, did not respond to amphotericin B (AB), and died; the latter improved after a prolonged course of liposomal-AB.",1511 "We describe this syndrome, which occurred in one of our patients and was successfully treated by the administration of dexamethasone.",1512 "The objective of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the clinical outcome of newborns treated with recombinant activated factor VII for intractable bleeding or severe coagulation disturbances, resistant to conventional hemostatic therapy.",1513 A chorio-retinal shunt was demonstrated.,1514 "Despite continued improvements in mortality associated with a spinal-cord injury, until recently little progress had been made in improving neurologic function.",1515 During admission she was found to be profoundly hypothyroid despite being on adequate thyroid replacement therapy.,1516 "Despite the prophylaxis and preemptive strategies using potent antiviral agents, cytomegalovirus (CMV) remains a major infectious cause of morbidity and mortality in allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) recipients.",1517 OBJECTIVE: Anastrozole is a selective aromatase inhibitor and is used for the hormonal treatment of postmenopausal breast cancer.,1518 "DESIGN: Morphologic, immunophenotypic, and cytogenetic analyses were performed on the 3 patients at the time of initial diagnosis, during imatinib therapy, and at blast crisis.",1519 "We describe a case of disseminated muscular cysticercosis followed by myositis (fever, diffuse myalgia, weakness of the lower limbs, and inflammatory reaction around dying cysticerci) induced by praziquantel therapy, an event not described previously.",1520 "Mechanisms, including 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C antagonism, serotonergic regulation of dopamine systems and putative dopaminergic subtypes of OCS and OCD, are discussed.",1521 Acute myeloid leukaemia was diagnosed 4 and 5 years after G-CSF mobilisation in two donors who underwent peripheral blood stem cell donation for sibling allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.,1522 Upper tract urothelial malignancy after cyclophosphamide therapy: a case report and literature review.,1523 "Resolution of symptoms, physical signs and radiographic changes followed drug withdrawal and steroid therapy.",1524 "She had been receiving oral furosemide for 5 months at the time of this report, with no complications.",1525 CASE DESCRIPTION: A patient with congenital afibrinogenemia presented with recurrent hemiparesis.,1526 "In summary, we report herein the first case of SIADH believed to be an adverse effect of mizoribin, which may therefore needed to be added to the list of drugs which can induce SIADH.",1527 Safety of nab-paclitaxel plus sunitinib: analysis of three cases.,1528 "Post-dural puncture headache, intracranial air and obstetric anesthesia.",1529 "Experience with continuous haloperidol infusions is growing, and it appears to be an effective method for control of severe agitation or delirium.",1530 "A rare case of upbeating nystagmus, which occurred under the condition of a loss of visual fixation, due to anticonvulsant intoxication is reported.",1531 Gemcitabine-induced rectus abdominus radiation recall.,1532 "A patient with torsade de pointes risk factors (female sex, advanced age, extreme bradycardia and renal failure) who developed the condition on the fourth day of 400 mg/day of oral moxifloxacin treatment is presented.",1533 "Despite intensive hemodialysis and other supportive therapy, he developed multiple organ failure (liver, renal, and respiratory failure) and metabolic acidosis.",1534 Symptoms of major depression: acute effect of withdrawing antidepressants.,1535 Nephrotic syndrome related to systemic lupus erythematosus after griseofulvin therapy.,1536 Hycanthone is an antischistosomal drug with promising antitumor activity against experimental animal tumors.,1537 "It may become manifest as perilesional linear, depigmented, atrophic streaks, which are usually most prominent in patients with dark-colored skin.",1538 "Sorafenib, a multitargeted kinase inhibitor used for the treatment of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma and advanced renal cell carcinomas, received FDA approval in 2005.",1539 "In addition, three of the four patients had unusual corneal changes.",1540 Total lithotomy time was four hours.,1541 The symptoms of pseudotumor cerebri disappeared within 10 days.,1542 "Since no satisfactory remission was achieved using a multi-drug chemotherapy protocol that included cyclophosphamide, vincristine, cytosine arabinoside, prednisolone, and subsequently supplemented by L-asparaginase, it was replaced by another protocol combining vincristine, L-asparaginase, prednisolone, cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin.",1543 MRI demonstrated an ischemic infarct in the right striatum.,1544 "After the initial resuscitation and the subsequent treatment of shock and vitamin K deficiency, acute peritoneal dialysis was instituted to correct the severe lactic acidosis.",1545 Baseline laboratory studies to evaluate infertility had revealed normal hormonal levels.,1546 We report a case of a 74-year-old man with chronic lymphocytic leukemia who received high-dose intermittent chlorambucil and prednisone every two weeks.,1547 The eighth exhibited concentric constriction.,1548 "Ordinarily occurring as a commensal, Kluyvera have been reported to cause serious infections in immunosuppressed and immunocompetent hosts, causing diarrhea, urinary infections, peritonitis, and cholecystitis.",1549 "Clinical, histological and serological studies--a further 10-year follow-up.",1550 He recovered and could be discharged home after 36 days of hospitalization with normal blood counts and without severe sequelae.,1551 The association of venlafaxine treatment with ischaemic events could be explained by its unique pharmacological and haemodynamic properties.,1552 Dopamine D2 receptor occupancy 1.5 months after withdrawal still amounted to 83% and 50%.,1553 Cerebral dural sinus thrombosis is an unusual syndrome in which a patient presents with a severe headache that may be associated with diverse neurologic and physical findings.,1554 "Post-transfusion purpura as the main manifestation of a trilineal transfusion reaction, responsive to steroids: flow-cytometric investigation of granulocyte and platelet antibodies.",1555 Development and course of subjective and objective phenomena seem to be typical for patients in whom Ukrain could induce long-term complete remission.,1556 "To our knowledge, four cases of interstitial pneumonitis associated with fludarabine have been reported in medical literature.",1557 "To evaluate whether racial factors may be involved in the development of ART-induced lipodystrophy and/or lipid serum abnormalities, we carried-out a case-control study on all 23 consecutive anti-HIV-positive sub-Saharan black African patients observed from September 20fc01 to December 2001 ('Cases') and 23 Caucasian 'Controls' pair-matched for sex, age (+/-5 years), number of CD4 cells (+/-100 cells), clinical stage of HIV infection, overall duration (+/-3 months) of anti-retroviral treatment and type and duration (+/-3 months) of the last anti-retroviral regimen.",1558 Acute myocardial infarction during high-dose methylprednisolone therapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy.,1559 The evidence suggests that these deaths were the result of causes other than use of the drug.,1560 Three of the 36 patients were receiving aspirin for the treatment of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.,1561 "The onset of symptoms after fluorescence in both cases is highly suggestive, although the pathogenetic mechanism is not clear.",1562 "Multiple complications of propylthiouracil treatment: granulocytopenia, eosinophilia, skin reaction and hepatitis with lymphocyte sensitization.",1563 Differentiation between recurrent tumor and radiation necrosis in a child with anaplastic ependymoma after chemotherapy and radiation therapy.,1564 An association between NCPH and patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been reported.,1565 No further problems were encountered over the follow-up period of nine months.,1566 "The stellate ganglion lies medial to the scalene muscles, lateral to the longus coli muscle, esophagus and trachea along with the recurrent laryngeal nerve, anterior to the transverse processes and prevertebral fascia, superior to the subclavian artery and the posterior aspect of the plura, and posterior to the vertebral vessels at C7 level.",1567 Atypical antipsychotics have reduced liability for inducing tardive dystonia and show antidystonic properties in patients with pre-existing tardive dystonia.,1568 "Serotonin-Dopamine Antagonist (SDA) should be proscribed with care became of this rare yet serious complication, especially in cases with previous history of priapism following the use of psychotropic drugs.",1569 "Headache, nausea, emesis, and lethargy were the presenting signs.",1570 Cisplatin-induced syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) in a patient with neuroendocrine tumor of the cervix: a case report and review of the literature.,1571 "About 30% of patients have an initial remission on steroids alone, but most require some form of cytotoxic chemotherapy.",1572 "CONCLUSIONS: This phenomenon of sudden vitritis after KPro, with few other symptoms and with complete recovery, would be uncharacteristic of a bacterial endophthalmitis.",1573 Potential mechanisms involved in the occurrence of ischemic colitis in patients receiving tegaserod are also discussed.,1574 "The most serious dental side effect of bisphosphonate treatment (particularly when it is administered intravenously) is, paradoxically, osteonecrosis of the mandible or the maxilla represented by exposed nonhealing bone.",1575 "Three days later, he presented with evidence of massive deep haemorrhage to the point of airway compromise.",1576 No recurrence was seen during the follow-up period (3 and 4.5 years).,1577 Occult quinine-induced thrombocytopenia.,1578 We present a patient who had undergone renal transplantation referred for recurrent sinusitis.,1579 Gentamicin alone may be nephrotoxic and should be given with particular caution to the elderly and those with even mild kidney abnormalities.,1580 An adult male presented with central blindness after ingesting methanol.,1581 Vaccination as a triggering event for autoimmune hepatitis.,1582 PURPOSE: To describe the use of intravitreal bevacizumab followed by sectorial retinal photocoagulation to treat the neovascular complications of laser-induced chorioretinal anastomosis (L-CRA) for nonischaemic central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO).,1583 "Infections secondary to Leuconostoc are uncommon, and usually affect patients with underlying diseases, prior use of vancomycin and those with central lines.",1584 We report a case in which transient sinus arrest was observed under general anesthesia.,1585 We here report the first case of psoriatic arthritis which developed lung cancer.,1586 "Aromatic antiepileptic agents, such as phenytoin, carbamazepine, and phenobarbital are the most frequent causes of this syndrome.",1587 The case of a 29-year-old man suffering from falciparum malaria disease who got a reversible hearing loss from quinine therapy is presented.,1588 "Twenty patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) entered a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial designed to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of high doses of recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO).",1589 "The patient was discharged with a diagnosis of HCV-related active chronic hepatitis, skin porphyria, and type 2 diabetes.",1590 "Lithium neurotoxicity should be considered in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease differential diagnosis, serial electroencephalograms being the most valuable.",1591 The above-mentioned second malignancy is one of the late sequelae of platinum-based chemoradiation.,1592 This is believed to be the third case of bacteraemia outside of Asia due to C. indologenes and the first in a diabetic child not otherwise immunocompromised.,1593 This case illustrates two points concerning preoperative chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer: (1) The role of FNA v. tissue biopsy is examined.,1594 The most common chemotherapeutic agents implicated are anthracyclines and taxanes.,1595 Our patient developed both nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and renal tubular acidosis with a temporal pattern that demonstrated a link between foscarnet therapy and these abnormalities.,1596 BACKGROUND: Contact allergy to corticosteroids has recently gained increased attention.,1597 "Either primary headaches show a higher susceptibility to this idiosyncratic reaction or a drug-induced primary headache evolves in intensity and duration, becoming uncontrolled until the complete discontinuation of the drug in consideration.",1598 The pharmacokinetic synergism of this combination may be hazardous for some patients.,1599 "Erection subsided spontaneously after 4 hours, with subsequent potency unimpaired.",1600 Molluscum contagiosum is a common viral skin infection in children with atopic diathesis and not rare in HIV patients.,1601 Acquired long QT develops most commonly because of drugs that prolong ventricular repolarization.,1602 We report two cases of cerebrospinal fluid eosinophilia (CSFE) secondary to the intraventricular administration of vancomycin.,1603 DISCUSSION: Acute ITB withdrawal syndrome occurs frequently in cases of malfunctioning intrathecal infusion pumps or catheters.,1604 BACKGROUND: Interferon beta has become standard therapy for reducing relapse frequency in relapsing/remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS).,1605 A 43-year-old patient with preexisting mitral valve prolapse and Cardiobacterium hominis endocarditis with partial destruction of the posterior mitral valve leaflet is described.,1606 Toxic shock syndrome associated with the use of the vacuum-assisted closure device.,1607 There have been few reports regarding the clinical association of DIHS with pathogens other than herpes viruses.,1608 A nonfatal case of accidental prolonged overdosage of pyrimethamine (10 times the usual dose for 10 days) in a seven-week-old infant treated for congenital toxoplasmosis is presented.,1609 "We believe that total cyclosporine withdrawal is feasible, but strongly recommend overlapping mycophenolate mofetil treatment with cyclosporine.",1610 "A 22-year-old black man developed fever, chills, fatigue, night sweats, tender lymphadenopathy, and a generalized, pruritic, macular eruption 3 weeks after starting minocycline therapy for acne.",1611 "Reactivation of human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) is frequently observed, although the cause of DIHS is still unknown.",1612 Resolution occurred mostly within 24 to 48 hours after injection.,1613 Benign thymic hyperplasia after chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia.,1614 Persistent segmental cutaneous anesthesia after a brown recluse spider bite.,1615 Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs can cause oral ulcers.,1616 A healthy 42 yr-old woman presented with a left keratitis which she had had for 3 months.,1617 "Interferon (IFN) is the most widely prescribed drug of choice for chronic hepatitis B infection, which is a common health problem in our country.",1618 The successful development and implementation of this protocol will have impact on patients who have anaphylactic reactions to MTX but require this medication for specific diseases.,1619 "Full recovery occurred because of early pick up, emphasizing the need for careful fluid balance monitoring of patients receiving cisplatin chemotherapy.",1620 Tamoxifen inhibits protein kinase C (PKC) in vitro and thus may regulate glioma cell growth by modulating intracellular signal transduction.,1621 Repeat studies performed 7 months later indicated some improvements in this indirect assessment of endogenous TRH reserve capacity but a continued exaggerated TSH response to exogenous TRH administration.,1622 "The symptoms started when the immune status reached normal CD4 T cell levels, in response to antiviral tritherapy.",1623 Central pontine myelinolysis manifested by temporary blindness: a possible complication of lithium toxicity.,1624 Long term prognosis in these patients is better as photosensitivity gradually declines with increasing age.,1625 "Amiodarone, a class III antiarrhythmic drug, is one of the most effective drugs used in the treatment of ventricular and paroxysmal supraventricular tachyarrhythmia.",1626 A 15-year-old boy developed nephrotic syndrome and acute renal failure 4 years after allogenic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) for lymphoid crisis of chronic myelocytic leukemia.,1627 Gemcitabine is a chemotherapy agent that may cause unpredictable side effects.,1628 The patient recovered completely clinically and radiologically after discontinuing cyclosporine.,1629 Acute asthma associated with sustained-release verapamil.,1630 CASE SUMMARY: A 72-year-old white man was admitted for worsening palpable purpura over a two-day period.,1631 "CASE SUMMARY: A 15-year-old boy of Turkish origin, diagnosed as having FMF at the age of 14 years, was treated with colchicine 1.5 mg/d.",1632 "Three patients who received more than 1100 mg/m2 developed pulmonary symptoms with the same clinical and radiologic pattern as in the two cases with pathologic documents, and two of them died from acute respiratory failure.",1633 "Tocolysis was stopped immediately, and the laboratory data improved gradually.",1634 "Methemoglobinemia may occur after the administration of various drugs, including some local anesthetics.",1635 Drug-induced fever due to diltiazem.,1636 "At the age of 12, a prematurely born boy with an otherwise unremarkable past medical history developed bilateral optic neuritis associated with transverse myelopathy.",1637 "After unsuccessful fluid resuscitation with crystalloid fluid, the patient's condition improved rapidly with human albumin boluses.",1638 "Retrospective reanalysis of the radiation therapy technique, with emphasis on the doses received by the optic pathway structures, was performed.",1639 The severity of this syndrome primarily in patients undergoing second HPCTs suggests that repetitive exposure to high-dose therapy may compromise endogenous peripheral regulatory mechanisms and predispose these patients to autoimmunity.,1640 All 4 patients developed steroid-induced glaucoma and failed traditional immunosuppressant therapy.,1641 The dog was treated with a combination of systemic antifungals and weaning off immunosuppressants and made a complete recovery.,1642 "Beginning ductopenia was present in two, suggesting that itraconazole might be responsible for the occurrence of prolonged drug-induced cholangiopathy.",1643 "Both agents are excreted by the kidneys, raising the possibility that acyclovir at high serum concentrations may interfere with the renal excretion of lithium.",1644 A case report is presented concerning the administration of ketanserin in the treatment of pulmonary vasoconstriction and right ventricular failure following the infusion of protamine in a patient undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery and mitral valve replacement.,1645 "The drug acted through: (a) an already known inappropriate release of ADH, and (b) a hitherto unreported tubular lesion, which impaired the reabsorption of sodium and other coupled solutes.",1646 METHOD: Report of a case.,1647 A 57-year-old white male with unresectable pancreatic cancer received capecitabine in combination with radiation therapy followed by capecitabine alone given over approximately a 3-month time period.,1648 Hydatid disease: the alveolar variety in Australia.,1649 Astute nursing care is essential to prevent complications associated with this procedure.,1650 "Approximately 5-6% of intravaginal clindamycin is absorbed in the bloodstream, making systemic effects possible.",1651 "All patients had typical radiological, magnetic resonance imaging or pathological changes of osteonecrosis involving the femoral heads, while two also had superimposed avascular necrosis involving the humeral heads.",1652 Mycotic aneurysm of the suprarenal abdominal aorta.,1653 "Our case report is focused on a woman receiving hemodialysis (HD) with diabetes mellitus for 20 years and severe secondary hyperparathyroidism, who presented painful subcutaneous nodules, skin necrosis and ulcerations.",1654 The patient remained constantly HIV negative during 14 months of follow-up.,1655 There are reports of accelerated SSc syndromes associated in particular with breast cancer.,1656 "BACKGROUND: To assess the nature, incidence, and risk factors of retinopathy associated with pegylated interferon and ribavirin combination therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients.",1657 "Five weeks later, the patient underwent arthroscopic evaluation of the shoulder and subacromial decompression.",1658 CONCLUSION: These cases suggest that moxifloxacin may interfere with the healing of corneal ulcers.,1659 All but one patient presented with afebrile seizures.,1660 The duration of each infusion should be minimised and blood volume should be carefully monitored throughout.,1661 Successful treatment of ventricular assist device associated ventricular thrombus with systemic tenecteplase.,1662 "The 2 cases direct our attention to at least 3 important points regarding safe administration of ECT shortly after the occurrence of PE, that is, careful evaluation of cardiac function and residual deep vein thrombosis before the start of an ECT course, adjustment of anticoagulants, and prevention of recurrent deep vein thrombosis and PE by methods in addition to anticoagulant therapy (fluid infusion, use of support hose, and timely ECT).",1663 "This myoclonus is considered to be a new form of spinal reflex myoclonus, because the abdominal myoclonic jerk seems to trigger another myoclonic jerk involving the paraspinal muscles.",1664 Fatal hepatic failure caused by chemotherapy-induced reactivation of hepatitis B virus in a patient with hematologic malignancy.,1665 Drug withdrawal and brief steroid therapy resulted in clinical remission within two months of diagnosis.,1666 Intraocular blastomycosis: case report and review.,1667 A mutation in the neuraminidase active site (152 Arg-->Lys) led to a 1000-fold reduction in the enzyme sensitivity to zanamivir.,1668 Fatal cold medication intoxication in an infant.,1669 Deepening of lid sulcus from topical bimatoprost therapy.,1670 Pneumonitis and pneumatoceles following accidental hydrocarbon aspiration in children.,1671 "We describe the clinical course, renal function, and blood viral measurement in 6 renal transplant recipients with BKVN who were treated with low doses of cidofovir.",1672 Myotonia associated with sarcoidosis is rare.,1673 OBJECTIVE: We describe atypical motor and cognitive features in a case of familial Alzheimer disease (FAD) due to presenilin-1 (PS-1) mutation.,1674 "Severe allergic reactions, although uncommon, have been reported.",1675 The relation of TNF-alpha antagonist therapy to demyelinating disease/multiple sclerosis is explored.,1676 BACKGROUND: The anti-natriuretic properties of growth hormone (GH) are well established.,1677 "The contribution of aging, hypothyroidism and stroke to the etiology of this woman's disorder is discussed.",1678 Milk-alkali syndrome was first described 70 years ago in the context of the treatment of peptic ulcer disease with large amounts of calcium and alkali.,1679 These effects can increase the likelihood of its aspiration and subsequent impaired clearance from the respiratory tract.,1680 An 86-year-old African-American man presented with tonic-clonic seizures.,1681 Improvement in the level of arterial blood gases and pulmonary diffusing capacity occurred after discontinuation of methotrexate therapy.,1682 Valproate levels remained low because of interactions with phenytoin.,1683 On investigation no new change was noticed than previous evaluation.,1684 A 33-year-old woman visited our dermatologic clinic complaining of frequent oral ulceration for 10 years and generalized discoloration of her skin for 5 years.,1685 Poorly controlled hypertension in a painter with chronic lead toxicity.,1686 "RSV was the only infectious agent that could be isolated, and treatment with aerosolized ribavirin lead to prompt improvement of all symptoms.",1687 5-Fluorouracil cardiotoxicity complicating treatment of stage IIB cervical cancer--case report.,1688 "However, the characteristic ultrasound appearance of both pathologies facilitates determination of the final diagnosis and further treatment.",1689 "In this case, the dose was slowly reduced after delivery, and the maternal lamotrigine serum concentration more than doubled in the week before the neonatal apneic episodes.",1690 We describe a case of hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis with hypoaldosteronism in a 4-year-old boy with nephrotic syndrome who was receiving ACE inhibitors.,1691 "One month later recurrence appeared in the right eye, as a central corneal infiltrate in the graft.",1692 Management of cryptococcosis and toxic epidermal necrolysis in a dog.,1693 A 10-year-old girl who presented to our hospital was diagnosed as having B-precursor cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.,1694 "To the best of our knowledge, this patient is the youngest, and only the fourth person in the English-language literature to develop colonic carcinoma after combination chemotherapy of Hodgkin's disease without radiation.",1695 "Naltrexone: report of lack of hepatotoxicity in acute viral hepatitis, with a review of the literature.",1696 CONCLUSIONS: Our experience indicates that safely flying with newly diagnosed DM type 1 is possible.,1697 The two patients were finally released in good condition.,1698 Drug withdrawal and cortisone administration led to resolution of the disease.,1699 "The AUC was between 0 and 6 X 10 ng X min/ml, and AUC normalized to 1 mg/m2 of 6MP was between 0 and 815 ng X min/ml.",1700 Patients receiving therapeutic immunosuppression for organ transplants have also reported to suffer from aspergillus osteoarthritis.,1701 Recurrent hepatitis C and CSD were ultimately managed by the application of pegylated interferon.,1702 "In fact, to our knowledge only 37 cases, including this one, have been documented.",1703 We report a case of fatal pulmonary toxicity in a patient with advanced non-small cell lung cancer who received erlotinib.,1704 These findings suggest that there may be a place for intravenous CyA therapy in patients with severe Crohn's disease who do not respond to conventional therapy or to oral treatment with CyA.,1705 All biopsies were studied by the same pathologist.,1706 The data show a strong influence of cortisol on total sleep time and slow wave sleep (SWS) as well as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.,1707 "During the follow-up period of two months, there was transiently decreased MED to UVB, which became normalized after 1 month treatment with cyclophosphamide.",1708 DISCUSSION: Propafenone is a class 1C antiarrhythmic agent that blocks fast sodium channels in heart muscle and Purkinje fibers similar to the action of encainide and flecainide.,1709 Use of glycopyrrolate to treat intraoperative penile erection.,1710 CASE SUMMARY: A febrile 36-year-old seaman from Mumbai (Bombay) was prescribed >5 times the usual dose of chloroquine for malaria diagnosed empirically onboard ship.,1711 Crosslinking for post-LASIK corneal ectasia may induce DLK.,1712 "The authors suggest that fluoxetine-induced akathisia may be caused by serotonergically mediated inhibition of dopaminergic neurotransmission and that the pathophysiology of fluoxetine-induced akathisia and tricyclic antidepressant-induced ""jitteriness"" may be identical.",1713 Number twenty-one.,1714 "At 8 years 1 month of age, phenytoin was first administered.",1715 "RESULTS: Within the first 4 weeks after the injection, dense cataract developed necessitating cataract surgery.",1716 "While mortality from trauma increases, there has been a decline in mortality from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases which parallels advances in antithrombotic and anticoagulation therapy.",1717 "In this communication, six such melanoma cases are reported.",1718 Conventional and diffusion-weighted MRI findings of methotrexate related sub-acute neurotoxicity.,1719 Many types of skin disorders concomitantly occur with hepatitis C virus infection.,1720 "The clinical, biochemical, and, finally, genetic evaluation confirmed Wilson's disease diagnosis in this patient.",1721 Possible causes and difficulties in diagnosis were reviewed.,1722 Drug provocation test is important in this case to confirm which drug had caused hypersensitivity reaction because anti tuberculosis drugs were the treatment of choice for her illness.,1723 It is unknown whether the vitamin K content or malabsorption of warfarin is the mechanism of resistance.,1724 "We report on a case of localized ganglioneuroblastoma treated by carboplatin/etoposide for 2 courses and surgery, which developed a serious GHD after 56 months.",1725 "A case of allopurinol hypersensitivity, possibly the first in a black African, is reported.",1726 Piritrexim-induced pulmonary toxicity.,1727 We report a case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS/TEN) secondary to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-Sx) therapy for presumed community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infection.,1728 The isolation of Kluyvera as a pathogen in transplant patients emphasizes that this commensal organism may be virulent in this patient population.,1729 This was suggestive of type I hypersensitivity reaction.,1730 "This case reminds physicians of the importance of drug reactions, their severity, techniques for diagnosis and methods of management.",1731 We report a case of fatal adenovirus infection in a 37-year-old female who underwent allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) for acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML).,1732 METHOD: A case report.,1733 This report describes 2 generations of a family with symptoms of sensory overstimulation that exhibit a potassium sensitivity similar to that seen in hypokalemic periodic paralysis.,1734 A potential role for renal and hepatic impairment in the observed protracted course of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis is suggested.,1735 "Soon after starting subcutaneous erythropoietin, the velocity of progression of renal failure slowed whilst no more blood transfusions were required and haptoglobin levels returned to normal.",1736 A woman developed delusional parasitosis when taking phenelzine.,1737 Food and Drug Administration in 1989 for treatment of severely ill schizophrenic patients.,1738 "The cycle of admissions was eventually broken by the intervention of a social worker, who provided structured non-medical support.",1739 Nitrendipine-induced gingival hyperplasia.,1740 This report describes a probable case of infliximab-induced membranous nephropathy.,1741 Cholestyramine washout and prednisolone (60 mg/day) were given.,1742 "Pulmonary hemorrhage is an uncommon feature in the HUS, and seems to appear especially in the HUS associated with MMC therapy.",1743 CONCLUSIONS: The use of fluorouracil treatment with careful monitoring can be considered in a patient with mild allergic reactions to capecitabine.,1744 The patient had been receiving bisphosphonate therapy prior to admission and this may have contributed to the severity of the problem.,1745 "Nurses can be influential in monitoring, assessing, and preventing aluminum overload.",1746 "The patient was resuscitated, and subsequent serial cardiac enzymes indicated myocardial infarction.",1747 The second patient developed similar symptoms on day 3 of treatment with 2500 mg/m2.,1748 Tiny black granules were most numerous in the basal laminae of vessels in electron microscopic observation.,1749 "Three patients with niacin-induced visual symptoms had cystoid maculopathy without leakage on fluorescein angiography, and a fourth patient with no fundus abnormality experienced cessation of visual symptoms upon discontinuation of niacin.",1750 "Administration of high-dose intrathecal methotrexate may not lead to symptoms, as was the case in our patient.",1751 "It is well known that exposure to manganese, solvents, or carbon monoxide in an occupational setting may lead to central nervous system damage and parkinsonism.",1752 "Many symptoms of hyperthyroidism are identical to the adverse effects of the commonly used inhaled bronchodilators and include tremor, nervousness, tachycardia, wide pulse pressure, palpitations, emotional lability, agitation, nightmares, aggressive behavior, and diarrhea.",1753 Opioid-related narcosis is the most likely diagnosis in this case.,1754 "While peripheral neuropathy and cranial nerve involvement is common, optic neuropathy is extremely rare.",1755 "In an effort to destroy verrucous growth, the authors have attempted to alter the genetic structure of these obstinate, benign warty lesions by using the antibiotic, bleomycin sulfate.",1756 "Two days prior to admission, metoclopramide 10 mg orally three times per day was started for a gastrointestinal condition.",1757 OBJECTIVE: To report a case of toxin-positive Clostridium difficile-induced colitis (CDIC) after use of clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream.,1758 Encephalopathy and death may occur.,1759 "While the association of psoriasis and lupus may have been fortuitous, the temporal relationships suggest that PUVA treatment in this case may have been of pathogenetic importance in the development of the connective tissue disease.",1760 "Key Words: renal failure, proteinuria, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, ACEI, angiotensin II receptor blocker, ARB.",1761 Monocomponent porcine insulin was injected into each quadrant of the pit.,1762 Pharmacokinetically induced benzodiazepine withdrawal.,1763 Serotonergic antidepressants and urinary incontinence.,1764 Antibody therapy is capable of permanently abolishing the signs of symptoms of digitalis poisoning after a matter of hours.,1765 This is largely a result of the low levels of compliance.,1766 Atypical neuroleptic malignant syndrome associated with olanzapine.,1767 Treatment of atenolol overdose in a patient with renal failure using serial hemodialysis and hemoperfusion and associated echocardiographic findings.,1768 "UFT, a combination of uracil and tegafur, is a second-generation anticancer agent.",1769 "BACKGROUND: Primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma (CBCL) is characterized by restriction to the skin, a high incidence of recurrence after various treatment modalities, and a variable but mostly favorable prognosis.",1770 She subsequently underwent successful cardiac transplantation.,1771 Successful treatment of Staphylococcus aureus bacterial endocarditis in a renal transplant recipient.,1772 Results Radiographic responses to sirolimus were observed in all patients.,1773 The case is unique in that it is the first reported ingestion of oral pilocarpine tablets and the first dosing error reported for this indication.,1774 Case 3: A 29-year-old female alcoholic complained of general fatigue and a slight fever after 1.5 years of abstinence with cyanamide treatment.,1775 Syncytial giant cell hepatitis recurred after transplantation and was efficiently treated with ribavirin.,1776 "Four years later, the patient is alive and well with an ejection fraction of 53%.",1777 We describe a heart transplant patient who presented with a large right-sided chest wall mass as a manifestation of disseminated histoplasmosis.,1778 "Pre-diabetic immune markers were repeatedly negative, and no diabetes has developed after four years of follow-up.",1779 "One was infected by PVB19-contaminated blood transfusion, whereas the other had become infected naturally.",1780 We report a case of interstitial pulmonary disease that occurred together with lymphocytic colitis during treatment with ticlopidine.,1781 "Extrapyramidal side effects induced by some selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), i.e. fluoxetine and sertraline, have been previously reported in patients with depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).",1782 The ECG pattern of BS has also been described in patients with myocardial abnormalities.,1783 Stopping further solvent exposure failed to improve his condition.,1784 A new type of minocycline-induced cutaneous hyperpigmentation.,1785 "Cerebrovascular complications were the most frequent and were seen in 51% of the liver, 59% of the heart, 58% of the lung, 50% of the heart-lung, 49% of the kidney and 44% of the bone marrow allografts.",1786 "A full-term newborn developed oliguric renal failure at 24 hr of life, which persisted for several days.",1787 The incidence of cerebral amyloid angiopathy increases with advancing age.,1788 "E. coli was isolated from urine, blood cultures and later from bone biopsy.",1789 "Case 1 presented after 25 months of myelosuppressive therapy a deletion of chromosome no. 12, del (12) (p11), in 60% of the diploid cells.",1790 OBJECTIVE: To report a case of multiple episodes of seizure activity in an AIDS patent following amphotericin B infusion.,1791 "Daily measurements of pulse, blood pressure, temperature and various laboratory examinations were carried out.",1792 "Four years after the beginning of IFN therapy, he acutely developed moderate hyperglycemia and severe ketonuria with positive islet cell antibody, and then 28 units/day of insulin injection was started.",1793 "We underline the association between this pathogen and inguinal skin breaks, and discuss the potential diagnostic pitfalls in clinical and laboratory diagnosis.",1794 "In some patients, this pH shift may be quite transient and temporary; whereas, in some patients with other maladies, the acidosis may be much more serious.",1795 One patient was treated symptomatically for the first 6 h until she was given dantrolene.,1796 "The carcinomas developed after a total UVA dose of 2,042 and 1,296 joules/sq cm, respectively.",1797 Surgeons should consider stopping carbamazepine before operations with cardiopulmonary bypass.,1798 A 15-month-old girl with rhinopharyngitis was treated with a nasal solution containing the imidazoline derivative naphazoline.,1799 "The beta-oxidation pathway of VPA was shown to be suppressed (lack of 3-keto-VPA), whereas metabolites from the omega-oxidation pathway could still be measured (urinary 5-OH-VPA plus 2-propylglutaric acid ca. 1.6%, controls more than 10%).",1800 Sirolimus-eluting stent thrombosis several years after clopidogrel discontinuation.,1801 Massive plasmocytosis due to methimazole-induced bone marrow toxicity.,1802 Mirtazapine had been started 8 days earlier to control major depression.,1803 Aquagenic pruritus responding to intermittent photochemotherapy.,1804 Treatment of high-dose intrathecal morphine overdose.,1805 There was one reported death.,1806 "Here, we report a giant cell lichenoid dermatitis in a 41-year-old male patient who developed, 3 days after intravenous treatment with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid for erysipelas of the left leg, a clinical picture suggesting a baboon syndrome characterized by an erythematous and pruritic eruption on the axillary, inguinal and popliteal areas and the anterior side of elbows.",1807 Aberrancies in T3 suppression testing in graves disease occur.,1808 Use of lamotrigine to augment clozapine in patients with resistant schizophrenia and comorbid alcohol dependence: a potent anti-craving effect?,1809 The role of IFN-beta in inflammatory musculoskeletal disease is unclear.,1810 "If aggressive surgical therapy is not an option, the prevention of secondary complications such as infection becomes the goal of treatment until the necrotic process stops and healing begins.",1811 The possible mechanisms for this complication in out patient are discussed.,1812 Agranulocytosis resolved 4 days following withdrawal of teicoplanin.,1813 "Upon subsequent reduction and discontinuation of phenobarbital, however, chlorpromazine was able to be reduced with no increase in target behaviors.",1814 METHODS: Four solid organ transplant patients with severe hypoxemic P. jiroveci pneumonia were treated with the combination of trimethoprim-sulfametoxazole and caspofungin.,1815 We report 3 patients with autoimmune hepatitis who either could not tolerate or failed to improve on azathioprine but responded well to 6-mercaptopurine.,1816 Gastric stump lymphoma after distal gastrectomy for benign peptic ulcer: Report of a case.,1817 "We report here such a case with bilateral Mooren's ulcer that failed to respond to local therapy with topical corticosteroids, silver nitrate, and conjunctival resection, as well as systemic immunosuppression with corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, and azathioprine.",1818 The patients who were treated with Lp-TAE combined with HT had a tendency to have better survival rates than those of the Lp-TAE group (p less than 0.099).,1819 Responsibility for the provision and use of these inhalers in young people is discussed and suggestions made towards their greater control.,1820 "Of the five that were treated with toxin, four showed complete resolution of symptoms after a course of treatment.",1821 Six months later she was again prescribed sustained-release verapamil 240 mg in another clinic where the physician was unaware of her previous reaction.,1822 """St. Anthony's fire"" may be due to stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors in the peripheral vasculature.",1823 "Ten days following adrenalectomy, watery diarrhea appeared.",1824 "The nasal challenge test with a calcitonin nasal spray, up to 150 UI, was negative.",1825 Fluorinated topical steroids have been implicated as the cause or precipitating factor in previous case reports mainly involving an adult population.,1826 One of the etiologic factors of this disorder is prolonged prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) therapy of neonates with congenital cyanotic heart diseases.,1827 "Color Doppler was used to demonstrate a high flow pattern that, unlike in the adult goiter, was associated with hypothyroidism in the neonate.",1828 "Mycobacterium fortuitum is a rare cause of central nervous system infection; however, shunt infection caused by this organism has not been reported.",1829 We describe two cases of PSVT that changed to non-sustained polymorphic ventricular tachycardia after administration of verapamil.,1830 The latter case was diagnosed by needle aspiration of the cyst.,1831 Serum and salivary IgA were absent with high IgE serum total.,1832 The cause of the death was Myelodysplastic syndrome.,1833 "Hyperglycemia induced by the first product improved after the substitution, suggesting that the Erwinia enzyme may be less diabetogenic than the E. coli enzyme.",1834 "However BUN and serum creatinine continued to increase and peaked on the following day at 8.6 mmol/l of urea (24 mg/dl) and 194 mumol/l (2.2 mg/ml), respectively.",1835 CLINICAL FEATURES: The patient was a 22-yr-old obese man with metastatic testicular carcinoma who underwent a left-sided thoracoabdominal retroperitoneal tumour resection.,1836 "The total amount of vitamin K received from the enteral feedings ranged from 50 to 115 micrograms/day, which is less than the normal daily intake of 300 to 500 micrograms.",1837 The authors report a woman who took a massive overdose (OD) of carbamazepine (CBZ).,1838 A wide variety of adverse central nervous system effects have been reported in association with propafenone; dizziness is the most common.,1839 Early noninvasive neurovascular and neurometabolic imaging is very helpful in choosing candidates for this type of therapy.,1840 We describe a case of clozapine-induced seizures in a patient with treatment-resistant schizophrenia.,1841 These studies indicate that rhEPO can be administered safely in very high doses to patients with MDS and that 24% of these patients will respond with increased erythropoiesis.,1842 In-hospital management of adults who have community-acquired pneumonia.,1843 "Despite the complicated drug regimen with which the patient was treated, tobramycin was implicated by rechallenge with the drug once before its role was understood and again at an outside hospital.",1844 Hypoglycemia induced by long-acting somatostatin analogues in a patient with nonfunctional neuroendocrine tumor.,1845 "Myoclonic movements were noted when the patient arrived at the outpatient infusion center to begin his intermittent dobutamine infusion, and he was sent to the emergency department, where he was treated with calcium gluconate, regular insulin, and lorazepam and was instructed to stop his potassium supplements; he then received his dobutamine infusion.",1846 "After the oily carcinostatic agents were administered by Lp-TAE, HT, at a temperature of greater than 42.5 degrees C, was induced for 40 min, twice a week by an RF of 8 MHz for a total of 10 to 38 times.",1847 "The literature, except for anecdotal reports, does not support a significant increase of ulcers in asthmatic patients on either theophylline or steroids.",1848 "In case #1, the concentrations of quetiapine found were 7.20 mg/L (19 micromol/L) in blood and 0.93 mg/L (2.4 micromol/L) in vitreous fluid.",1849 The second author concurs with use of Silvadene cream and would avoid any pressure on the area (Dr.,1850 "Especially in small prostates, care should be taken to avoid this condition.",1851 The patient had been treated successfully in the hospital with intravenous methylprednisolone.,1852 Percutaneous drainage of the liver abscess and externalization of the VP shunt were performed.,1853 "We suggest that the previous classification of nitrofurantoin induced lung injury into ""acute"" and ""chronic"" injury is an oversimplification in view of the wide variety of pathological entities that have subsequently emerged.",1854 Donepezil may be a valuable alternative to psychostimulants in the treatment of opioid-induced sedation.,1855 Pravastatin is associated with myotonia in animals.,1856 "No hemodynamic instability or cardiac or renal sequelae were associated with the large, inadvertent bolus in our patient.",1857 The delirium was not affected by administration of alprazolam.,1858 This case also extends the clinical spectrum of cerebral sinus thrombosis to include recurrent transient ischemic attacks alternating with seizures.,1859 This effect was noted to persist throughout the 15-month observation period with no breakthrough dyskinesia.,1860 "Two patients with Parkinson's disease with pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) stimulation for gait impairments reported ""trembling vision"" during the setting of the electrical parameters, although there was no clinically observable abnormal eye movement.",1861 "After previously tolerating ECT well, introduction of moxifloxacin for a respiratory tract infection was associated with prolonged seizure duration despite complete resolution of her respiratory complaint.",1862 A generalized tonic-clonic seizure occurred a few minutes after injection of the morphine antagonist naloxone.,1863 "However, reticulocytes were markedly increased in number on the 13th day of hospitalization.",1864 "After cessation of chemotherapy, the pulmonary lesions resolved and all three patients sustained their remissions.",1865 Widespread dermatophyte infections that mimic collagen vascular disease.,1866 Treatment is supportive; phenobarbital and carbamazepine may be used with caution as alternate anticonvulsant therapy.,1867 Despite a response of the meningeal tumor the patient developed in the third week of MTX treatment a progressive visual loss and loss of consciousness which worsened during subsequent Ara-C treatment and led to death within 3 weeks.,1868 He was initially treated with intravenous fluids and opiate analgesia.,1869 "It usually is given by bolus intravenous injection, sometimes in high doses (> 5 mg), even though that is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.",1870 Three distinct types of minocycline-induced cutaneous pigmentation have been described.,1871 "Temporal sequence of his signs and symptoms after each administration of tobramycin (similar to re-challenge testing), and his improvement after discontinuation of the drug strongly suggest an adverse drug reaction.",1872 We have cared for three children in whom four episodes of dystonia proceeding to opisthotonus occurred in association with carbamazepine use.,1873 Acute myocardial ischemia following accidental intravenous administration of epinephrine in high concentration.,1874 "Although TPN appears to be beneficial in some patients with cancer, it is expensive and is associated with several significant disadvantages.",1875 RESULTS: The production of TNF-alpha and IL-6 by the macrophages of the patient in presence of insulin were dramatically increased in comparison with control subjects.,1876 He began treatment with dopamine agonists bromocriptine mesylate (in 1984) and pergolide mesylate (in 1989).,1877 Acute myeloid leukemia evolving from essential thrombocythemia in two patients treated with hydroxyurea.,1878 Temozolomide is an oral alkylating agent used in the treatment of metastatic melanoma.,1879 He had experienced only 2 mild peritonitis attacks with fever within 1 year.,1880 An increase in tumor volume of 25% was observable 15 days after the beginning of therapy.,1881 The patient could be disconnected from the ventilator and within <24 h was extubated.,1882 "Endodontic treatment, when possible, rather than extraction is the treatment of choice in patients suffering from such a disease.",1883 "For one patient, thrombocytopenia due to autoantibodies to PEG-rHuMGDF developed shortly after PEG-rHuMGDF administration and persisted until chemotherapy was administered.",1884 "One half hour following the ingestion of a possibly tainted antibiotic capsule, a 14 year-old female experienced acute onset of stiffness and weakness in her lower extremities.",1885 A new case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease associated with human growth hormone therapy in New Zealand.,1886 "We present three cases of fatal hepatic necrosis in patients with epilepsy taking anticonvulsants, in which the terminal illness presented as an unusually severe generalized tonic-clonic seizure with failure to regain consciousness.",1887 "Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) peritonitis is a common problem in patients on peritoneal dialysis, and the bacteriological diagnosis is important for the treatment of this condition.",1888 Mucosal pigmentation after oral lichen planus treatment with topical tacrolimus.,1889 The distinctive histopathological findings led to the correct diagnosis despite sparse clinical information.,1890 Theophylline plasma concentration should be determined whenever drugs affecting theophylline clearance are administered simultaneously.,1891 Use of tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection.,1892 "Although, not included in the incidence calculation, four patients with CLL were referred at the time of development of AML/MDS.",1893 "This case series demonstrates that secondary open-angle glaucoma can be a sight-threatening consequence, and periorbital steroids should therefore be used cautiously and sparingly, particularly in those with a family history of glaucoma.",1894 "Within two months, the ophthalmic abnormalities had resolved.",1895 One patient was an 80-year-old woman who was admitted for Staphylococcus aureus knee arthritis after several intraarticular injections of sodium hyaluronate and corticosteroids.,1896 A brief discussion of this case and the use of digoxin-specific antibodies is presented.,1897 "However, brain metastasis was diagnosed.",1898 "Blood sugar and A1c were finally stabilized one month after discontinuation of olanzapine (A1c,6.9%).",1899 Possible long-term teratogenic effect of isotretinoin in pregnancy.,1900 The ECG monitoring revealed sinus pause with markedly prolonged PQ interval and QRS width.,1901 We report the outcomes of two pregnancies with first trimester disulfiram exposure.,1902 Cerebrospinal fluid analysis was consistent with syphilitic meningitis.,1903 "DISCUSSION: CIPS is hypothesized to result from calcineurin-induced vascular changes that disturb bone perfusion and permeability, leading to intraosseous vasoconstriction and bone marrow edema.",1904 Corneal edema resolves if sufficient endothelial cell viability is still present after resolution of ushaar keratitis.,1905 "OBJECTIVE: To test the efficacy and safety of a nicotinic, acetylcholine antagonist, mecamylamine, in the treatment of Tourette's syndrome (TS).",1906 Three patients received prophylaxis with MB at a dose of 4 x 50 mg day(-1) i.v. for the subsequent chemotherapy cycles.,1907 Endogenous pneumococcal endophthalmitis after splenectomy: report of two cases.,1908 "Cotton-wool spots were found in six patients, retinal hemorrhages in four, and branch retinal vein occlusion in one (one eye).",1909 We report a case of immune reconstitution syndrome in response to antiretroviral therapy in a HIV-positive patient on antituberculosis therapy for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.,1910 The infants were treated with oral propranolol.,1911 The vagina was saline-irrigated after realising that the acetic acid had not been diluted.,1912 Patients with severe disease and taking combination MTX and corticosteroids are at greatest risk.,1913 It is indicated in many inflammatory skin conditions characterized by polymorphonuclear cell infiltration.,1914 Adalimumab belongs to the group of tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors and has been approved for the treatment Crohn's Disease since 2007.,1915 "Several reports also demonstrated the efficacy of rituximab for the treatment of autoimmune cytopenia, especially for cold agglutinin disease.",1916 "(or=36 is pathogenic).",1917 Therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome with der(17)t(12;17)(q13;p13) as a new recurrent cytogenetic abnormality after treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia.,1918 Suppression of endogenous cortisol production and replacement with more physiologic concentrations of glucocorticoid were associated with clinical improvement and appeared to contribute to her recovery.,1919 We present a 60-year-old woman with anal cancer and liver metastasis.,1920 1. Changes in the plasma cortisol level were reported in a male patient with panic disorder during the period of low-dose alprazolam treatment (mean 0.62 +/- 0.15 mg/day) compared with during the period of high-dose period (mean 1.08 +/- 0.28 mg/day).,1921 There are no generally accepted therapeutic regimens for the treatment of fungal peritonitis in patients with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD).,1922 He rapidly recovered by intravenous hydrocortisone followed by oral prednisone administrations and percutaneous catheter pericardial drainage.,1923 "RESULTS: Treatment with this topical fluorinated corticosteroid produced a measurable reduction in the size of the hemangiomas, which permitted clearing of the visual axis.",1924 In this study a case of BP which was difficult to control with systemic steroids was successfully treated with mycophenolate mofetil as adjuvant therapy.,1925 Photochemotherapy with psoralens and UVA (PUVA) is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis and many other skin conditions.,1926 This misleading laboratory result and alternative methods of testing for proteinuria in tolmetin-treated patients are discussed.,1927 "Although trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazol (TMP/SMX) prophylaxis has been shown to prevent almost all P. carinii infections, 1%-2% of patients may still experience this complication.",1928 He had been receiving dobutamine 3 mug/kg/min by intermittent i.v. infusion over four hours once weekly as an outpatient.,1929 "In a second man the symptoms of prostatism diminished but in the third urinary frequency and nocturia persisted in spite of a reduction in prostatic size, presumably because his symptoms were due to renal insufficiency.",1930 Successful treatment of poison oak dermatitis treated with Grindelia spp. (Gumweed).,1931 For pain relief an epidural infusion at the level T1-2 with bupivacaine was started.,1932 We speculate that platelet activation induced by pFVIII may have contributed to thrombosis and suggest that pFVIII be used with caution in elderly patients with pre-existing cardiovascular risk factors.,1933 "However, electron microscopy disclosed focal mesangial interposition, irregular thickening of the glomerular basement membrane and subendothelial loosening.",1934 Chemotherapy was stopped and systemic application of prednisolone was initiated.,1935 "After the chlorambucil was discontinued, the wbc count began to slowly rise and the patient developed clinical AML.",1936 Multiple stones and tumor cells infiltration were demonstrated in both kidney.,1937 "Neurological examination revealed atrophy of small hand muscles, especially in the left dorsal interossei.",1938 Ibuprofen-induced meningitis: detection of intrathecal IgG synthesis and immune complexes.,1939 We report a cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG +ve 56-year-old patient who underwent autologous rescue with CD34(+) selected peripheral blood stem cells as part of consolidation therapy for multiple myeloma and subsequently developed CMV colitis.,1940 De novo absence status of late onset following withdrawal of lorazepam: a case report.,1941 "The possible causes included underlying artherosclerosis, the use of pneumatic tourniquet, surgical manipulation, and arterial spasm.",1942 "Although useful in the management of chronic alcoholism, disulfiram is being increasingly associated with a wide spectrum of side effects and untoward medical sequelae, which now include catatonia.",1943 The infant was monitored by imaging studies followed by ultrasonography.,1944 It can also be used to treat hematuria through its action on decreasing urinary fibrinolysis.,1945 "Treatment with diazepam led to resolution of symptoms within 6 hours, and there was no recurrence at 6 weeks' follow-up.",1946 The injection of bulking agents into the urethral submucosa is designed to create artificial urethral cushions that can improve urethral coaptation and hence restore continence.,1947 We describe 4 typical cases from the major fields of rheumatology.,1948 Evidence regarding the remyelinating nature of human monoclonal antibodies raises interest in the potential therapeutic role these antibodies may have.,1949 The acute reaction to nitrofurantoin is believed to be mediated by an immune mechanism.,1950 "Dopaminergic drugs, particularly dopamine agonists, play an important role in triggering these nonmotor symptoms.",1951 Post-PCI fatal bleeding in aspirin and clopidogrel hyper responder: shifting from antiplatelet resistance to bleeding risk assessment?,1952 Pressure-induced interface keratitis: a late complication following LASIK.,1953 Unintentional overdose of analgesia secondary to acute dental pain.,1954 This clinical course suggests that the sensorimotor polyneuropathy may have been caused by 5-ASA.,1955 "Nevertheless, overdosage and intoxication are well documented.",1956 The field defects and some electrophysiological abnormalities persist when vigabatrin therapy is withdrawn.,1957 Gastric variceal bleeding is a serious complication of liver cirrhosis.,1958 He had a similar urticarial rash 1.5 years earlier with this product and was instructed not to use it.,1959 Fludarabine induced lung toxicity must be considered in all patients who develop unexplained lung disease while receiving fludarabine.,1960 This report describes the first case of insulin-induced cardiac failure in a patient without underlying heart disease.,1961 "In the hospital, she continued to receive TPN without MVI, but continued taking an oral multivitamin preparation.",1962 Initial treatment including removal of the catheter and antibiotic therapy was unsuccessful and both patients had persistent fever and bacteremia.,1963 "For neurologists faced with the task of treating PD patients, the available array of medications may be confusing and intimidating.",1964 "Although this patient had multiple risk factors implicated in the development of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, the infectious potential of inhaled marijuana must be recognized.",1965 The use of intrauterine Monsel's solution in severe hemorrhage after evacuation of retained products of conception: a case report.,1966 "Symptoms were slow to resolve after penicillamine treatment was discontinued, and four of the patients needed corticosteroid therapy.",1967 "Although RA has been shown to confer a significant survival advantage in this disease, animal studies and a previous case report have suggested it could increase the toxic effects of chemotherapy and renal irradiation.",1968 "Seven patients only smoked at night-time (median dose eight puffs, range two to eight puffs), and eight patients used cannabis mainly during the day (median dose three puffs, range two to eight puffs); the median frequency of use was four times per day (range one to 16 times per day).",1969 RESULTS: The population consisted of 11 female and 2 male patients with RA.,1970 "In addition to severe vegetative anticholinergic symptoms, the clinical picture is often dominated by a toxic psychosis with hallucinations, disturbances of orientation, and psychomotoric agitation, aggression, or anxiety.",1971 The treatment remains the removal of the offending stimulus along with drug therapy.,1972 "Although HAART is very important in the treatment of HIV, its side effects are responsible for patients' non-adherence to medications.",1973 "The etiologies of the osteonecrosis in our study included corticosteroid therapy, sickle cell disease and one case of idiopathic osteonecrosis.",1974 "However, if the increment is severe and producing symptoms, withdrawing the probable causative drug is warranted.",1975 "Despite treatment with corticosteroids, she had rapid deterioration and died of respiratory failure.",1976 The patient developed flares of vasculitis symptoms associated with rises in either type of ANCA.,1977 BACKGROUND: Delivery of tobramycin by inhalation to the lungs of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) who are infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been proven to be effective and safe.,1978 Graft versus host-like illness in a child with phenobarbital hypersensitivity.,1979 "After 39 hours on argatroban, the infusion was stopped when minor bleeding was observed with a concurrent activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) of 100 seconds.",1980 "The timolol was discontinued, and the patient's heart rate increased.",1981 "We speculated that SLE associated with systemic vasculitis and uremic milieu over a number of years may represent the perfect preexisting condition for calcific arteriolopathy to occur following which several factors including chronic administration of corticosteroids, photosensitivity in lupus, and significant weight loss may have contributed to acral gangrene and mesenteric ischemia.",1982 Torsades de pointes were preceded and associated with marked QT prolongation and bradycardia.,1983 Test and teach.,1984 Pathogenic mechanisms for the development of pseudomembranous colitis and the epidemiology of this condition in patients with AIDS are discussed.,1985 A case of sinus arrest caused by opening the mouth under general anesthesia.,1986 Successful intraoperative use of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator during liver transplantation complicated by massive intracardiac/pulmonary thrombosis.,1987 Corynebacterium Group JK pathogen in cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection.,1988 "Traditionally, charcoal haemoperfusion is used to remove the drug.",1989 "In both patients with a SAH caused by an aneurysm, transcranial Doppler sonography demonstrated vasospasm of the basal cerebral arteries.",1990 Further control studies assessing the efficacy and safety of antiandrogen agents are recommended.,1991 Possible mechanisms underlying her response to this form of treatment are discussed.,1992 "A 58-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) developed fever, skin eruptions, leukocytopenia, and thrombocytopenia, 3 weeks after treatment with sulfasalazine.",1993 METHODS: We performed a clinical chart review.,1994 "Despite satisfactory hemodynamic measurements under general anesthesia, we postulated that she suffered from increased pulmonary vascular reactivity and commenced her on Sildenafil treatment.",1995 The thrombus was disrupted during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.,1996 CONCLUSIONS: Platinum-based therapies are vital to the treatment of primary peritoneal and ovarian carcinoma.,1997 Clinical profile of oxcarbazepine-related angioneurotic edema: case report and review.,1998 Tacrolimus (FK506)-induced mutism after liver transplant.,1999 "CONCLUSIONS: Although mirtazapine offers clinicians a combination of strong efficacy and good safety, we suggest bearing SS in mind when prescribing this drug, especially in frail, elderly patients with underlying chronic conditions.",2000 "SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND DATA: The subjects of this study were patients with intractable pain in donor area after conventional treatments using a transverse incision, which is parallel to posterior iliac crest.",2001 A case of acute cardiomyopathy and pericarditis associated with methylphenidate.,2002 "The total number of nucleated cells infused was 0.8 x 108/kg, with CD34+ cells 1.8 x 106/kg and CFU-GM 1 x 104/kg.",2003 Gold-induced pneumonitis is a rare complication of gold salt therapy.,2004 "However, in our experience, these patients are sometimes placed on angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors in accordance with guidelines applying to the general hypertensive population.",2005 "She underwent a standard protocol for insulin desensitization twice in a 2-month period, with persistence in her symptoms.",2006 Clomipramine was tapered and reduced to 50 mg over a period of 10 days.,2007 Pathophysiologic concerns have also been a key reason why physicians have avoided using beta-blockers in patients with diabetes.,2008 Hypertension develops in most patients after transplantation when immunosuppression is based on cyclosporine and prednisone.,2009 Intra-articular glucocorticoid injection: an unusual cause of transient hypophosphataemia.,2010 OBSERVATIONS: We observed aggravation and spreading of a psoriatic plaque when treated topically with the toll-like receptor (TLR) 7 agonist imiquimod.,2011 The infection was successfully managed with liposomal amphotericin B and functional endoscopic sinus surgery.,2012 "We report the displacement of a tunnelled intrathecal catheter causing significant cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak, resulting in partial coning and a sixth nerve palsy.",2013 Mean duration of therapy was 5.5 yrs.,2014 "Liposomal amphotericin B was prescribed at the standard dose of 5 mg/kg/day; however, amphotericin B deoxycholate 5 mg/kg was inadvertently administered (usual dose of the deoxycholate formulation is 0.5-0.8 mg/kg/day).",2015 A case of hepatocellular carcinoma in a young female is presented in which the apparent etiology was the use of oral contraceptives for 5 1/2 years.,2016 The complete treatment schedule required the administration of a total of 708 mg of recombinant FVIIa.,2017 We describe our initial experience of HCQ slow oral desensitization.,2018 "Although she immediately improved following abortion (within 2 hr, peak airway pressure fell from > 70 to 38 cmH2O, without change in plateau pressure), superimposed morbidities improved more slowly, and the patient made a complete recovery.",2019 Since the first description by Cullen in 1924 (Surg Gynecol Obstet 1924; 38: 579-582) various case reports have been published.,2020 More attention should be focused on long term effects of neuroleptics.,2021 He also experienced improvement in his pain control.,2022 Emergency management of upper airway angio-oedema after routine dental extraction in a patient with C1 esterase deficiency.,2023 This report encourages the institution of HAART once the liver graft regains normal function.,2024 Single case study.,2025 Recognition of amifostine as the cause of this adverse event may prevent the cost and inconvenience of a hospital admission.,2026 Possible mechanisms for these findings are discussed.,2027 "After five months of initiation of treatment, while receiving RHE, he developed painful bilateral gynaecomastia.",2028 "In two of these cases, it was sufficiently marked for the course of treatment to be curtailed and occurred at a relatively low cumulative dose of the drug.",2029 "From September 5 to November 4, 1991, four consecutive patients placed on centrifugal ventricular assist devices (VADs) for cardiac failure were supported with Biomedicus pumps coated with the Carmeda bioactive surface.",2030 The association with etanercept therapy and granulomatous reactions is discussed along with the differential diagnosis.,2031 Perioperative records were reviewed for use of topical 1:1000 epinephrine and for any intraoperative or postoperative complications related to its use.,2032 "Praziquantel was ineffective and hazardous, causing some known and some previously unreported responses and reactions.",2033 "The lactic acidosis occurred in the absence of mitochondrial myopathy, hepatomegaly, or liver failure.",2034 Additional predisposing factors were the patient's age and difficulty in urination due to benign prostatic hypertrophy.,2035 "At this time (1994), esophagogram and esophagogastroscopy evidenced varicosities in the lower esophageal section (stage F1).",2036 INFVA was screened in NPA and/or bronchoalveolar lavage using IF in all BMT recipients having respiratory symptoms.,2037 The incidence of similar cases seems to increase.,2038 A CT scan shows diminution in the size of the tumor.,2039 CASE SUMMARY: An elderly patient with chronic atrial fibrillation and prosthetic valve replacements had been taking warfarin 22.5 mg/wk.,2040 This study shows that PID patients are susceptible to BCG dissemination and demonstrates the importance of an early diagnosis for their prognosis.,2041 "The present patient was a 66-year-old Japanese woman who developed a cardiac arrhythmia and was given amiodarone as an anti-arrhythmic agent for approximately 3 months, until the day before her death.",2042 "For primary ventriculoperitoneal shunt insertion in infants and young children, the single-pass tunneling technique is safe and avoids one source of complications.",2043 Treatment consisted of catecholamines and repetitive infusions of Ringer lactate.,2044 Hemoglobin levels normalized after administration of enalapril was stopped.,2045 We conclude that using hemoperfusion is an effective modality which may be used as an adjunct to supportive therapy when there is a need to increase the body clearance of chloramphenicol.,2046 An attempt also was made through case analysis to examine the association between dynamic aspects of personality and adverse drug effect.,2047 "The role played by repeated drug prescriptions from general practitioners without appropriate clinical and laboratory controls, and that of our patient's depression are discussed.",2048 An immediate hemolytic reaction induced by repeated administration of oxaliplatin.,2049 "The multifactorial pathogenesis of ARF includes (a) a disturbance of glomerular microcirculation (afferent and perhaps mesangial constriction, inadequate efferent dilatation); (b) a disturbance of medullary microcirculation (medullary capillary congestion) attributed to a combination of endothelial damage and tubular dilatation; (c) tubular cell damage which, though rarely in humans justifying the term 'acute tubular necrosis', promotes both backleak of glomerular filtrate and shedding of brush border vesicles; (d) the latter promotes tubular obstruction by casts which consist of Tamm-Horsfall protein and brush border components.",2050 In a fifth case a 14-year-old boy developed papilloedema after taking a short course of tetracycline for bronchitis.,2051 "His medical history included ischemic cardiomyopathy, pacemaker placement, ESRD, carotid artery disease, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.",2052 There was some evidence of a delayed-type bone marrow toxicity.,2053 Therapeutic strategy of nephrotic syndrome in patients over eighty.,2054 "Naratriptan 2.5 mg given each morning, with a second tablet allowed for breakthrough headache, at least 4 hours later, demonstrated a remarkable reduction in frequency and intensity of daily headache.",2055 "After processing to reduce its toxicity, 'maqianzi' was used as a herbal remedy for rheumatism, musculoskeletal injuries and limb paralysis.",2056 "The drug was discontinued, his symptoms resolved, and his liver function tests returned to normal.",2057 "We propose that drug-induced ocular pemphigoid represents a spectrum of diseases ranging from a self-limiting, toxic form to a progressive, immunologic form.",2058 "Consequently, the treatment was immediately stopped.",2059 We believe this is the first report of intrathecal diamorphine causing anaphylaxis.,2060 "In addition, patients should be closely monitored for a possible delayed interaction that may occur with each repeated cycle of 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy.",2061 A 60-year-old male patient with ischemic cardiomyopathy experienced an electrical storm 1 month after implantation of an internal cardioverter-defibrillator.,2062 The postoperative course was uneventful and topical steroids were combined with neomycin and propamidine.,2063 We report a case of myasthenia gravis in which the calcium channel blocker-nifedipine caused the worsening of the symptoms.,2064 Azathioprine withdrawal resulted after 7 weeks in the resolution of clinical and biochemical abnormalities.,2065 "Methadone, a synthetic opioid that is increasingly used for the management of chronic pain, has recently been implicated in the development of the prolonged QT syndrome.",2066 Suicidal digoxin poisoning: conventional treatment and antibody therapy.,2067 Prominent EPS developed soon after initiation of an atypical neuroleptic agent.,2068 Early onset of hemophagocytic syndrome following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.,2069 Two months after the operation in the right eye the patient presented with active infection in the left eye.,2070 "One percent lindane should continue to remain the preparation of choice for nearly all patients with scabies and lice, but dermatologists should appreciate that these views are not necessarily shared by all health professionals.",2071 "The case history confirms that gold treatment, even in the same patient, can give rise to a wide range of skin disturbances, which in many cases do not break out until long after the drug has been withdrawn.",2072 RESULTS: A 69-year-old Saudi man underwent penetrating keratoplasty with donor tissue that was culture-positive for Candida glabrata.,2073 "In the absence of clinical or morphologic differences, a recent ingestion of minocycline should be excluded before the diagnosis of sporadic autoimmune hepatitis is established.",2074 "The patient failed to respond to treatment with a conventional dosage of a lipid formulation of amphotericin B (lifoAmB; 5 mg/kg/day) given alone or in combination with itraconazole, and he responded only to an aggressive strategy that included a very high dosage of lifoAmB (15 mg/kg/day) given in combination with itraconazole as well as a rapid reduction in immunosuppression.",2075 The probable additive toxicity of both agents on the pulmonary tissue is discussed.,2076 The patient received the interferon for four months.,2077 OBJECTIVES: A delayed stroke-like leukoencephalopathy has been observed in patients receiving methotrexate (MTX) for childhood leukemia.,2078 "The patient was positive for antibody against complexes of heparin and platelet factor 4, and was diagnosed as heparin-induced thrombocytopenia with thrombosis syndrome (HITTS).",2079 "The 5 neonates with antral hyperplasia had received prostaglandin E1 for longer periods (mean [+/- SD] duration, 569 +/- 341 hours) than the 65 normal neonates (54 +/- 58 hours, P less than 0.001) or the 4 neonates with clinical signs of gastric obstruction (119 +/- 60 hours, P less than 0.05).",2080 The first patient was treated with an intravenous phosphorus infusion.,2081 "A fatal pancytopenia occurred in a patient with an history of depression with hypomanic rebounds, admitted for a manic episode and treated with levomepromazine, diazepam and lithium carbonate.",2082 "Toxicology testing confirmed the presence of strychnine in blood, gastric aspirate, and urine.",2083 This case describes the complications and successful treatment of high-dose intrathecal morphine overdose.,2084 Thalidomide neuropathy in childhood.,2085 Stenoses in the left coronary artery were verified angiographically.,2086 We report a patient with psoriasis and HCL who was treated for 1 week with continuous intravenous infusion of 2-CdA for recurring HCL.,2087 Pulmonary manifestations of interferon (IFN) use are a rare but well known complication seen with both standard and pegylated interferon alpha-2b (pegIFNalpha-2b) forms of the agent.,2088 Most patients with FH deficiency associated HUS progress to end-stage renal disease despite plasma therapy.,2089 Many clinicians appear to be concerned about the potential hepatotoxicity of the opiate antagonist naltrexone (NTX) and this may be one reason why it is not used more widely in treating both heroin and alcohol abusers.,2090 "She was suffering from an unspecified interstitial lung disease, papillary thyroid carcinoma which had been treated, hypoparathyroidism after thyroidectomy for which she was receiving dihydrotachysterol and calcium, and atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure as a result of mitral stenosis.",2091 "In any patient with 'unexplained' muscle spasms or convulsions, strychnine poisoning should be included in the differential diagnosis and they should be asked about the use of herbal medicines.",2092 No change in thrombus size was seen on a followup echocardiogram after 4 days.,2093 A 17-year-old female patient who had been taking oral minocycline (50 mg twice daily) for 3 weeks for acne developed an eruption that progressed to an exfoliative dermatitis.,2094 "Although all patients recovered, hemodialysis hastened the rate of recovery.",2095 The first signs of joint manifestations started one year after HIV seroconversion and resolved when antiviral treatment with AZT was started.,2096 "Allergic side effects of AZA are rare, and reported allergic skin eruptions from AZA are very limited in Japan.",2097 RESULTS: Disconnection or damage of the catheter leading to leakage of baclofen into the lumbar swelling could be ruled out by the use of an indium (111) DTPA flow study.,2098 "Unfortunately, the access device frequently provides a foci for debilitating infections.",2099 Tissue distribution of olanzapine in a postmortem case.,2100 Bone marrow chromosomes were studied in 2 patients with polycythaemia vera (PV) at the time of diagnosis and several times subsequently during therapy with chlorambucil.,2101 "Despite cessation of daunomycin, she demonstrated fluctuating systolic function in relation to ATRA administration.",2102 A case of congestive heart failure in a child with Wilms' tumor treated Adriamycin is presented and discussed.,2103 How low can you go? Use of very low dosage of gold in patients with mucocutaneous reactions.,2104 "We hypothesize that during interferon therapy, melanocytes may produce more melanin pigment in the presence of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone and sufficient amounts of tyrosine, leading to melanin deposits and clinical hyperpigmentation.",2105 "Renal failure is a rare complication associated with the use of rifampicin for the treatment of tuberculosis, usually occurring well into the course of therapy.",2106 "Since amiodarone was first marketed in 1992 in Japan, the incidence of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) has been increasing.",2107 The reports of this tragic event in the media horrified a mother in another province.,2108 Terlipressin-induced ventricular arrhythmia.,2109 On admission the patient showed signs of incipient cardiogenic shock.,2110 Our findings suggest that clozapine plus lamotrigine may be helpful in reducing alcohol consumption and craving among patients with schizophrenia and comorbid alcohol dependence.,2111 Physicians should be aware of the potentially lethal side effects of dapsone.,2112 Little is known about the behaviour of endogenous thrombopoietin (TPO) serum levels during rapid sequences of dose-intensified chemotherapy.,2113 An objective causality assessment suggested that the increased mania was probably related to the decrease in VPA concentration and that a possible interaction exists between lopinavir/ritonavir and VPA.,2114 The development of internal tissue inflammation is reportedly correlated with a shorter interval from the time of completion of radiation therapy to the initiation of chemotherapy.,2115 The diabetes improved when the treatment was discontinued and worsened on re-introduction.,2116 "Clinical consequences are discussed and disturbances of the blood brain barrier system as a speculative cause are hypothesized taking previous studies, animal studies and an additional reported clinical case into account.",2117 Other reports are needed to establish whether such placental findings are common lesions after such therapy and to determine their impact on pregnancy outcome.,2118 Nail-changes induced by penicillamine.,2119 "Alertness returned over the 24 hr following by the discontinuation of BH-AC and intravenous administration of diphenylhydantoin, although she complained of intermittent headaches and visual disturbance.",2120 It represents one of the few documented cases of delayed clearance of echovirus in the cerebrospinal fluid in a patient with normal serum immunoglobulins.,2121 "We concluded that the recurrent bacteraemia in this predisposed patient was due to re-infection, and that antibiotic treatment (amoxicillin plus an aminoglycoside) resulted in a complete eradication of the infective microorganism.",2122 "It also illustrates the need for continued clinical evaluation of patients with metastatic prostate cancer, even in the face of PSA response.",2123 Extraskeletal tumoral calcifications (TC) may occur in patients with end-stage renal disease.,2124 "CONCLUSIONS: Early recognition of this serious pharmacogenetic syndrome may allow for the modification of future chemotherapy, thus avoiding further life-threatening toxicities.",2125 Acute pleuropericarditis after coronary stenting: a case report.,2126 CONCLUSION: A review of the literature shows that this is a particularly uncommon micro-organism.,2127 Rhabdomyolysis has been recognized as a complication of tocolytic therapy with ritodrine hydrochloride.,2128 Unaccountable severe hypercalcemia in a patient treated for hypoparathyroidism with dihydrotachysterol.,2129 An understanding of the proposed pathophysiology of various types of delirium will allow appropriate clinical measures to be taken.,2130 First case of ivermectin-induced severe hepatitis.,2131 Subsequent disease evolution to EM major occurred in all cases (Stevens-Johnsons syndrome developed in 73% of patients).,2132 Life-threatening acute hyponatraemia induced by low dose cyclophosphamide and indomethacin.,2133 Only minor complications have been reported previously.,2134 "When pulmonary thromboembolism occurs, early diagnosis by pulmonary blood flow scintigram and early thrombolytic and anticoagulative therapies are necessary.",2135 Ifosfamide is an alkylating agent used in the treatment of a variety of solid tumours.,2136 "When the infusion was transiently discontinued, recurrences of polymorphous ventricular tachycardia were noted.",2137 Disseminated histoplasmosis complicating bone marrow transplantation.,2138 DATA: A 16-year-old girl was treated with risperidone for mood lability and impulsivity at a community hospital.,2139 The epigastric pain completely resolved after treatment with ganciclovir.,2140 The patient received an intravitreal injection of approximately 20 mg of triamcinolone acetonide.,2141 Discontinuation of these two antibiotics results in an immediate decline of the thrombocyte count to normal values within three weeks.,2142 "Several cases of nephrotic syndrome occurring after BMT have already been reported, but most cases had membranous nephropathy.",2143 We report a case of fatal C. neoformans fungemia in a neutropenic patient with a history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia treated with alemtuzumab.,2144 "Cytogenetic analysis of the bone marrow cells at the time of diagnosis of t-MDS revealed a clonal abnormality; 46,XX,add(7)(p13), der(17)t(3;17)(p11;p13).",2145 A report of 4 cases.,2146 Viscoelastic material as an adjunct to dissections and to treat microperforations during nonpenetrating filtering surgery.,2147 "Since their introduction in 2006, the tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) Sunitinib and Sorafenib have become the standard of care for many patients with renal cancer.",2148 Management with intravenous magnesium sulfate.,2149 "In two patients, adenosine precipitated acceleration of ventricular response, in one case necessitating emergent cardioversion.",2150 Patients were treated with CPA at the doses of 200-300 mg/d for malignant prostate disease for 3-12 mo prior to the acute manifestation of the hepatic disease.,2151 He was fed by mouth and had occasional episodes of coughing and choking during feeding.,2152 "We therefore intended to verify whether a standard (tailored) chemotherapy, without the use of prophylactic blood product transfusions, could be applied during treatment of acute leukaemia under such circumstances.",2153 Awareness of this route of intoxication might be important in patients in whom neurologic or psychiatric symptoms develop while large amounts of lidocaine cream are being used.,2154 The patient was discharged after 110 days.,2155 "In this report and other reports describing successful resuscitation, the total dose of sodium bicarbonate is conspicuously higher than in reports describing extracorporeal interventions.",2156 We present a report of MRI and proton MR spectroscopy (MRS) findings in an adolescent patient with Down syndrome and Crohn disease treated with metronidazole.,2157 "Pancreatic enzymes were discontinued, and she was given a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet with satisfactory weight gain.",2158 To the best of our knowledge no comparable case and no discussion of possible complications of aspirin prophylaxis in patients with brain tumours have been published.,2159 "Various combinations of antibiotics have been successful in achieving cure; however, at present, high-dose penicillin (greater than 25 million units/day) in combination with an aminoglycoside for a period of six weeks appears to be the optimum therapy.",2160 "During two courses of cytostatic drug administration peak and trough plasma levels of phenytoin, carbamazepine, and valproate sodium were measured.",2161 the treatment was administered in a two-step process.,2162 Merkel cell carcinoma after liver transplantation: a case report.,2163 The patient underwent a successive surgical procedure without any adverse event.,2164 CASE SUMMARY: A 58-year-old white woman developed fulminant liver failure while being treated with the macrolide antibiotic clarithromycin for pneumonia.,2165 "CONCLUSIONS: In patients with coronary artery disease, or in situations where cardiovascular stability is desired, glycopyrrolate is an effective means of relieving intraoperative penile erections.",2166 We report three cases of abdominal wall metastases from ovarian cancer after laparoscopy.,2167 "Though hypotension, dry mouth, and constipation are well-documented possible adverse effects, the possibility of clonidine-induced bradycardia is less well recognized and is rare.",2168 The addition of catecholamines to local anesthetics should be considered.,2169 Magnetic resonance imaging appearance of the shoulder after subacromial injection with corticosteroids can mimic a rotator cuff tear.,2170 Nystatin was ineffective.,2171 Concurrent use of warfarin and 5-fluorouracil has resulted in elevated international normalized ratios (INRs).,2172 It is mainly adolescents who are experimenting with these plants.,2173 Paralysis after transforaminal epidural injection and previous spinal surgery.,2174 The patient received OLT because of end-stage primary biliary cirrhosis and was found to have de novo HBV infection 3 months later.,2175 "Although arachnoiditis, infection, and meningitis have been reported, acute paraplegia has not been reported as a complication of either caudal or spinal epidural steroid injection.",2176 Temsirolimus-induced glomerulopathy.,2177 This case suggests the importance of careful observation for extramedullary relapse in patients who are treated with ATRA.,2178 Electron microscopy revealed selective loss of myosin filaments in many fibers.,2179 "In transplant recipients, such tumors are more common and more aggressive but their treatment does not differ from the treatment of Merkel cell carcinomas in the general population.",2180 "PURPOSE: The intravitreal application of triamcinolone acetonide as treatment of long-standing, therapy-resistant cystoid macular edema after penetrating keratoplasty is reported.",2181 Drug-induced iatrogenic lung disease.,2182 Dramatic clinical improvement occurred in 2 patients treated with high dose steroids.,2183 Metastatic osteomyelitis following BCG vaccination.,2184 Severe slowly resolving heroin-induced pulmonary edema.,2185 Treatment with naloxone resulted in rapid reversal of signs without sequelae.,2186 "In the highly active antiretroviral therapy era, an increasingly large number of HIV-infected patients are developing non- AIDS-defining cancers (NADCs).",2187 An inverse correlation was found between plasma potassium and doses of phosphate (plasma potassium = -0.2 g phosphate + 3.9 r = -0.49; p < 0.05; N = 21).,2188 "He was of unusual personality and had bizarre ideas on self-regulation of his diabetes, resulting in wide variations of insulin dosage.",2189 "In addition to reporting this case, we review the literature regarding enteroviral infections after transplantation.",2190 An intertriginous eruption with histological features of epidermal dysmaturation and an interface dermatitis has been previously reported in the dermatopathology literature.,2191 "Computed tomography angiography of her chest revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli with a moderate clot burden, which resulted in her hospitalization.",2192 He had been receiving L-thyroxine therapy following mitral valve surgery.,2193 Chest x-ray and thorax computed tomography revealed bilateral hilar masses and nodular infiltrations in the lung parenchyma.,2194 Ventriculo-peritoneal shunting led to complete reversal of hydrocephalus with progressive disappearance of the acute encephalopathy.,2195 "In addition, cardiac adverse effects usually develop after at least 6 days of therapy.",2196 "OBJECTIVE: To describe the management of tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) with rasburicase in 2 patients who presented with cancer within the first month of life and compare and contrast both cases with respect to their underlying renal physiology, management, and eventual outcome.",2197 Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by nimesulide.,2198 This incidence was significantly lower (P less than 0.01) than that for 3CPs (four of 10 patients) or that for TMA (six of 17 patients).,2199 Imaging studies showed calcification and fibrosis of the involved muscles.,2200 We describe a patient with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) who was treated with high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone 2 days after onset of neurologic symptoms.,2201 The authors discuss the implications of these findings.,2202 The incidence of this adverse effect in children and young adults who have cystic fibrosis is unknown.,2203 These features have not been previously associated with infliximab or leflunomide therapy and represent a unique cutaneous hypersensitivity reaction that does not fit any known description of an immune-mediated hypersensitivity reaction.,2204 The lesions resolved after treatment with topical steroids and also oral allopurinol in one of the cases.,2205 Analysis of the literature on scrofuloderma between 1978-1993 disclosed that the number of cases with extracervical involvement are increasing.,2206 Laparoscopic surgery is inappropriate in patients with malignant ascites or when preoperative or intraoperative findings are suggestive of ovarian cancer.,2207 We report its successful use in the treatment of a nodular basal cell carcinoma.,2208 We report a case of cerebral arterial air embolism that was followed by a brain computed tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging during the first week after onset.,2209 "Bicalutamide is a new, nonsteroidal antiandrogen with a favorable toxicity profile.",2210 Her history was remarkable for duodenal ulcer and long-term treatment with a magnesium-aluminum hydroxide antacid (Maalox) and sucralfate.,2211 "DISCUSSION: Two patients with hypothyroidism had remained euthyroid and stable while receiving 1 levothyroxine product, but became symptomatic with dramatically increased serum TSH concentrations while receiving what were thought to be comparable dosages of another levothyroxine product.",2212 "He was initially diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and treated with six cycles of fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab chemotherapy.",2213 "In addition to its antiviral action, ribavirin also enhances the Th1 response.",2214 Acute leukemia following prolonged cytotoxic agent therapy.,2215 A marked decrease of the free form of protein S was documented.,2216 Well-known signs of methotrexate toxicity include bone marrow suppression and oral and gastrointestinal ulceration.,2217 "On fundoscopy and fluorescein angiography, the first signs of a bilateral bull's eye maculopathy were detected.",2218 "In three patients, carbamazepine was withdrawn, whereupon the deposits disappeared in two and decreased in the third, who changed to another drug.",2219 Hepatoxicity is a rare complication of SRL therapy and may be connected with some diagnostic and/or therapeutic problems.,2220 CASE REPORTS: Case 1: A 53-year-old male alcoholic received cyanamide treatment for 4.5 months and completely abstained without cyanamide treatment for 6 years.,2221 Long-term prophylaxis with TMP/SMX is necessary to prevent the relapse of nocardia.,2222 Late-onset donor-to-host transmission of Candida glabrata following corneal transplantation.,2223 Paecilomyces lilacinus infection in a liver transplant patient: case report and review of the literature.,2224 No severe local side effects were observed.,2225 Milk-alkali syndrome can present serious and occasionally life-threatening illness unless diagnosed and treated appropriately.,2226 "We review the medical literature about mucormycosis peritonitis which, albeit rare, carries very high mortality.",2227 "More recently, extrapyramidal side effects have gained importance because they are significant factors in both the patient's acceptance of the particular drug and his or her social adjustment.",2228 Leflunomide-associated weight loss in rheumatoid arthritis.,2229 It is severe enough to require discontinuation of therapy in 1-10 percent of patients.,2230 CONCLUSIONS: Intravenous followed by intra-arterial therapy is a promising approach to the treatment of severe acute ischemic stroke.,2231 A 15-year-old boy with previously normal thyroid function is described who developed hypothyroid goiter within six weeks following bipedal lymphography.,2232 "In nine cases of botulism B infection due to food poisoning acute onset of accommodation paresis, mydriasis, and dry-eye symptoms were the prominent clinical findings.",2233 We report a 56-year-old woman who was found to have bilateral pulmonary nodules four months after cardiac transplantation.,2234 Several therapeutic and dietary manipulations failed to control these symptoms in previous reports as well as in an infant we have followed after Nissen fundoplication.,2235 "In view of limited therapeutic options for her progressive disease, a trial of fluorouracil 300 mg/m(2)/d continuous intravenous infusion over 5 days was initiated without any premedications.",2236 "OBJECTIVE: We report a patient who developed neutropenia on clozapine, but behind the cell count decrease showed to be a diurnal variation of the white blood cells (WBC).",2237 Cultures from the site of corneal abscess and vitreous grew coagulase-negative Staphylococcus.,2238 RESULTS: Evidence of neurological improvement and rehabilitation potential after severe myelopathy due to intrathecal injection of doxorubicin.,2239 "Among CNS toxicities, generalized tonic-clonic seizures have been reported in both children and adults.",2240 Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) recently has been publicly implicated as a cause of stroke and other neurologic events.,2241 These results indicate that rEpo may benefit some patients with MDS and AA who are dependent on red cell transfusions while further studies will be necessary to elucidate the mechanism by which rEpo stimulates erythropoiesis and improves anemia in patients with these diseases.,2242 "Pneumonitis is emerging as one of the most unpredictable and potentially serious, adverse effects of treatment with MTX.",2243 "Neuralgic amyotrophy is a rare condition of unknown etiology that has never before been associated with administration of these antibiotics, individually or in combination.",2244 Myalgias were self-limited and lasted 4-10 days.,2245 "Although the enuresis ceased, she developed throbbing headaches, nausea, vomiting, paresthesia, lethargy, fatigue, and altered mental status over the next 7 days.",2246 "We report a case of a 26-year-old woman, who presented with an itchy erythematous reaction and strong oedema localized to the face.",2247 Supralethal magnesemia with patient survival.,2248 "Bilateral simultaneous Achilles tendon ruptures are rare, with only ten cases reported in the English literature.",2249 "Diphenhydramine, a common ingredient in over-the-counter medications, is often taken in overdose.",2250 Early-onset pentamidine-associated second-degree heart block and sinus bradycardia: case report and review of the literature.,2251 "In December 1998, he applied to our clinic for a follow-up examination.",2252 A 69-year-old female with chronic posterior uveitis was treated with cyclosporine while on concomitant oral simvastatin for hypercholesterolemia.,2253 "A sweat test using pilocarpine iontophoresis revealed a marked reduction in the sweat response, which suggested a postganglionic sweating dysfunction.",2254 "Most patients (75%) developed the syndrome 6 to 12 months after starting chemotherapy, and 60% were in remission.",2255 A third patient developed a severe pityrias rosea-like eruption.,2256 "However, the sphincterotomy did not improve cholestasis.",2257 "We treated 21 patients with stage D prostatic adenocarcinoma who had had unsuccessful hormonal therapy with a combination of 600 mg. per M.2 per day estramustine phosphate (Estracyt) and 15 mg. per M.2 per day prednimustine (Stereocyt, Leo 1031) in daily oral doses.",2258 Heat stroke in schizophrenia during clozapine treatment: rapid recognition and management.,2259 "Intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide is useful in the treatment of macular edema; however, accumulation of triamcinolone acetonide particles on the posterior lens capsule may decrease visual acuity and requires surgical treatment.",2260 "The relationship between BP and chronic renal failure and/or hemodialysis is not clear, but we believe that immune disarrangement due to chronic renal failure and/or hemodialysis may have influenced the pathogenesis of BP in our case.",2261 Imidazoline intoxication due to overdose or accidental ingestion but also after normal therapeutic usage is frequent in children.,2262 Treatment possibilities of this multisystem disease up to now remain disappointing.,2263 Paraspinal muscle impingement causing acute Brown-Sequard syndrome after posterior cervical decompression.,2264 "After the remission of the hypoalbuminemia and thrombocytopenia, the macular edema observed by OCT disappeared and visual acuity returned to normal.",2265 "Neurologic examination and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were normal, but interictal EEG showed left frontal epileptiform activity.",2266 "Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) revealed lymphocyte alveolitis with a low CD4/CD8 ratio (0.36), consistent with an immunoallergic phenomenon, rather than the most often evoked toxic hypothesis.",2267 Both children were treated with antibiotics and steroids.,2268 A 28-y-old male with end stage renal failure (ESRF) received an overdose of atenolol.,2269 Administration of hydrocortisone reversed the mental status changes seen in this patient.,2270 Malignant myelosclerosis (acute myelofibrosis): report of two cases following cytotoxic chemotherapy.,2271 Primary cutaneous coccidioidomycosis was diagnosed.,2272 The unmedicated eye remains asymptomatic to date.,2273 We report a case in which the duration of action of 1 mg of vecuronium lasted 4 hours in a patient with severe preeclampsia whose serum magnesium level was in the therapeutic range.,2274 "Here we report a patient with newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia who developed acute focal myositis, synovitis, and possible vasculitis, after receiving all-trans retinoic acid therapy.",2275 The causal relationship between the drug and the eruption has been based mainly on circumstantial evidence and is further strengthened by the positive result of one or two in vitro tests: the macrophage migration inhibition (MIF) test and the indirect rat mast cell degranulation (MCD) test.,2276 It is possible that 5-HT2 antagonism is essential for therapeutic benefit in this condition.,2277 This is the first CT demonstration of widely disseminated living cysticerci in brain and muscles.,2278 Further studies are warranted into the pathogenesis of this unique phenomenon.,2279 A 61-year-old man with early diffuse cutaneous scleroderma with myositis and progressive interstitial pneumonia developed generalized erythema with high fever 3 weeks after taking sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim.,2280 Severe acidosis in patients taking metformin--rapid reversal and survival despite high APACHE score.,2281 Further investigation is needed to determine the scope of this troubling side effect.,2282 Pre-treatment evaluation for the presence of arterial shunts to neighbouring organs should be determined in order to avoid complications of SIRT.,2283 Bevacizumab is a recently developed monoclonal antibody against vascular endothelial growth factor receptor used to inhibit angiogenesis.,2284 Successful treatment with carbimazole of a hyperthyroid pregnancy with hepatic impairment after propylthiouracil administration: a case report.,2285 This case suggests that acute pancreatitis was due to intolerance of high-concentration lipid emulsion.,2286 A 61-year-old Japanese man with chronic myelogenous leukemia developed pityriasis lichenoides-like eruptions during chemotherapy.,2287 Mycobacterium bovis dissemination (BCG strain) among immunodeficient Brazilian infants.,2288 An unusual response to progestin therapy of hyperplasia.,2289 "Despite the withdrawal of ampicillin and aggressive systemic and wound care, the infant died.",2290 Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease accompanied by microangiopathic hemolytic anemia 1 year after a second bone marrow transplantation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.,2291 We conclude that vincristine and actinomycin D were the cause of this rare from of hepatotoxicity and that chemotherapy for the underlying malignant disease could be given safely after clinical recovery.,2292 Two patients are presented illustrating some differences between enteral and parenteral feedings in children receiving intensive chemotherapy.,2293 "Recently, we started to evaluate cardiac parameters in medicated patients with schizophrenia using power spectrum analysis of heart rate variability.",2294 Patients with cell-mediated immune defects are at higher risk for acquiring infections with Salmonella species.,2295 OBJECTIVE: Transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) with gelatin sponge particles and iodized oil often yields poor results when used to treat unresectable multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).,2296 "Radiotherapy has been the predominant treatment in the past, but more recently multi-modality treatments have been utilised.",2297 "Of 23 patients with reported outcome, 11 died within a few weeks.",2298 A complete immunohistochemical study was performed on heart specimens.,2299 Pain was reduced in severity by day 29 and completely resolved once tacrolimus was discontinued on day 42.,2300 "DISCUSSION: Fifty percent of VPA is metabolized by glucuronidation, 40% undergoes mitochondrial beta-oxidation, and less than 10% is eliminated by the cytochrome P450 isoenzymes.",2301 Intravenous epoprostenol was administered perioperatively to control the pulmonary hypertension in both instances.,2302 CONCLUSION: This observation suggests that IFN in combination with ribavirin may offer an effective therapeutic option for liver transplant patients with severe recurrent hepatitis C.,2303 It appears that a low dose of mannitol acts as a renal vasodilator while high-dose mannitol is renal vasoconstrictor.,2304 "In the second case, mild atypical change by presence of nuclear enlargement and rare mitotic figures were noted and PCNA, KI67 levels were less than 2%.",2305 Mono-octanoin (glycerol-1-mono-octanoate) is a medium-chain diglyceride used to dissolve gallstones.,2306 "The cystic larval forms (coenuri) are found in hares, rabbits, squirrels, and, rarely, in humans.",2307 A 66-year old woman with acute pancreatitis was admitted to our hospital with the complaint of epigastralgia radiating to both flanks for two months.,2308 CONCLUSIONS: Blood data did not always reflect marrow status.,2309 "Two weeks before angioedema, the patient had started a new topical treatment with a gel containing 10% BP for acne.",2310 "Both infants initially responded well to medical therapy for narcotic withdrawal, but at 7-14 days of age, withdrawal symptoms intensified, requiring an increase in the dosages of Paregoric (UDL Laboratories, Rockford, IL) and opium tincture in both infants and the addition of phenobarbital therapy in one infant.",2311 "Because of his chronic diarrhea, this patient underwent colonoscopy, which revealed diffuse erythematous mucosa, multiple ulcers, exudate, and pseudopolyps with a diffuse loss of vascularity.",2312 "Following CaEDTA therapy, continued recovery of conduction velocities, amplitude of compound muscle action potential, and diminution of conduction block at elbow were observed within a few months.",2313 "BACKGROUND: Medical therapy for thrombosed valve in pregnancy has become an acceptable alternative to surgery, especially in hemodynamically compromised patients.",2314 "The infiltrate resolved in response to topical voriconazole, natamycin, and oral voriconazole.",2315 Mammary gigantism is a rare complication of D-penicillamine treatment.,2316 Several patients successfully treated with halofantrine without any treatment failure have also been documented in Japan.,2317 Primary ovarian large B-cell lymphoma in patient with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis treated with low dose Methotrexate.,2318 "The 1-, 2- and 3-year survival rates were 100, 28.9 and 9.6% in all, and 100, 33.3 and 0% in six patients with portal vein tumor thrombosis (PVTT).",2319 An unusual case of psoas abscess complicating one of the earliest performed ileo-anal pouch anastomoses is reported.,2320 METHODS: An in vitro model was used to determine the extraction ratio of ifosfamide by dialysis.,2321 Lithium and maintenance ECT.,2322 "However, the large majority of cases of leukemic transformation in ET are thought to be related to prior therapy, usually radioactive phosphorous or alkylating chemotherapy, and the development of AL in ET is extremely rare in the untreated patient.",2323 "Four days after intravenous Zoledronic acid, the patient presented to emergency room with complaints of carpopedal spasm and bronchospasm.",2324 Anterior chamber shallowing was noted in both patients at presentation.,2325 "Diethyl carbamazine citrate, an inhibitor of release of SRS-A, seemed to shorten the duration of the LAR, although it has no effect on the immediate response and/or on the severity of the LAR.",2326 HBsAg seroconversion was achieved after an additional 12 months.,2327 Acquired internal mammary artery to pulmonary artery fistula following bypass surgery.,2328 Several alternatives presently exist for patients considering surgical rhinoplasty.,2329 Among the serious systemic complications encountered were three instances of respiratory arrest and one of cardiorespiratory arrest.,2330 Psychoendocrine sequelae of chronic testosterone deficiency.,2331 "Ganciclovir is a nucleotide-analogue similar to acyclovir, which has an in vitro activity against herpes simplex type 1, herpes simplex type 2 and varicella zoster virus.",2332 This unusual cause of mental nerve neuropathy has not been previously described.,2333 He was transfused with 3 units of packed red blood cells.,2334 We postulate individual hypersensitivity to FUdR or selective concentration of FUdR in brainstem structures to explain the toxicity in this case.,2335 Patients with TSHoma-associated autoimmune thyroiditis should undergo careful follow-up for development of Graves' disease after treatment.,2336 A multicentric retrospective pilot study was undertaken to detect GCV-resistance through mutations within the UL97 gene in renal transplant recipients who experienced active HCMV infection and received valacyclovir prophylaxis.,2337 The reported risk for developing acute leukemia after treatment of ovarian cancer ranges from 21 to 175 times that of the general population with a prevalence range in treated patients of 0.8 to 2.7%.,2338 "Most antidepressants and also antipsychotics are metabolized by the polymorphic debrisoquine/sparteine hydroxylase, i.e., cytochrome P450 (CYP)2D6.",2339 "Frequent measurement of prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen, and thrombin time was used to guide fibrinolytic therapy.",2340 "To our knowledge, broken heart syndrome after opioid withdrawal has not been reported previously in an adult.",2341 Apomorphine and diphasic dyskinesia.,2342 We present a case of disseminated cryptococcal infection in a patient with pemphigus vulgaris treated with high dose corticosteroids as monotherapy.,2343 "In contrast to two other reported cases, our patient was not overtly immunosuppressed.",2344 Both serum hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb) were negative on admission.,2345 Cosmetic permanent fillers for soft tissue augmentation: a new contraindication for interferon therapies.,2346 Knowledge of suspected cases will lead to early recognition and prompt management of this condition in the future.,2347 Bacteremia due to Enterococcus avium.,2348 "The uneventful recovery seen in these patients shows the advances made in transplant medicine, including the progress and improvement of immunosuppressive therapy, surgical techniques, myocardial protection, and detection and treatment of infection.",2349 OBJECTIVE: To report a patient with a large gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) who received multiple blood transfusions intraoperatively and developed a transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI).,2350 In both patients seizures were associated with discontinuation of short-term agents with high antimuscarinic properties.,2351 "We report two cases of severe, acute myopathy with selective degeneration of myosin filaments in asthmatics who developed respiratory failure with hypercapnia and acidosis requiring endotracheal intubation, administration of vecuronium and prolonged ventilatory support.",2352 Secondary leukemia with a translocation (8;21)?,2353 "Ninety-two microg kg-1 were given thereafter at time intervals of 2 h until 12 h, then every 3 h until 24 h, and every 4 h until 48 h after surgery.",2354 BACKGROUND: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is used for treatment of lupus erythematosus.,2355 A case of prolonged suxamethonium apnoea successfully terminated by the infusion of a commercial preparation of serumcholinesterase is reported.,2356 Probable enoxaparin-induced hepatotoxicity.,2357 "A presumptive diagnosis of severe bronchospasm was made, and aggressive bronchodilator therapy was instituted.",2358 "As far as we know, this is the first report in English literature indicating such an adverse effect of pegylated interferon alpha.",2359 Acute endophthalmitis following intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin) injection.,2360 "We report the case of a 30-year-old male after kidney transplantation, treated with steroids, cyclosporin A and SRL, with steroid-resistant acute rejection in anamnesis.",2361 Intensive high-flux hemodiafiltration is often used in the management of vancomycin toxicity.,2362 "Therefore, cidofovir was administered.",2363 A patient developed optic neuropathy while being treated with isoniazid and ethambutol.,2364 A patient is described who developed a poorly differentiated sarcoma after cyclophosphamide was used to treat his rheumatoid arthritis.,2365 This report suggests the importance of searching for the presence of C. difficile and its toxin in patients with diarrhea after undergoing cancer chemotherapy since C. difficile may cause severe colitis.,2366 A 25-year-old man with a history of mid-borderline (BB) Hansen's disease developing a reversal reaction after starting dapsone and rifampin therapy is presented.,2367 P. falciparum can be transmitted in a hospital environment from patient to patient by blood inoculum if standard precautions are breached.,2368 Two boys were treated with methylprednisolone due to acute exacerbations of Crohn disease.,2369 Allopurinol may be an effective treatment for granulomatous reactions to foreign body particles.,2370 OBJECTIVE: We identified a group of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who were sensitive to both the beneficial and the side effects of intramuscular (im) gold treatment and whose disease was well controlled with doses of gold between 2 mg every 6 weeks and 5 mg weekly.,2371 A 73-year-old man was admitted for treatment of pleural dissemination that was a recurrence after right lower bilectomy for advanced lung cancer.,2372 RESULTS: A literature search of publication between 1999 and October 2008 retrieved 34 cases of hepatitis.,2373 "With the negative viral serologies, the clinical picture was most consistent with an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome produced by the minocycline ingestion.",2374 After discontinuation of danazol the diabetes completely resolved.,2375 "Although lung specimens were lacking from these three patients, it is suggested that the pulmonary toxicity of CCNU may be dose-related.",2376 Simultaneous scrofuloderma and intracranial tuberculomas: a rare presentation of systemic tuberculosis.,2377 "A 65-year-old woman, in the intensive care unit because of septic shock and acute renal failure, had a small-bowel obstruction due to Amphojel concretions.",2378 There were no immediate reactions on prick and intracutaneous testing with the commercial product used by the patient.,2379 "Recommendations that may help prevent these adverse systemic effects in premature infants include: (1) avoidance of excess subconjunctival anesthetic doses, (2) preoperative administration of systemic atropine to minimize the oculocardiac reflex, (3) consideration of an analgesic agent to decrease the pain and exhaustion, and (4) cardiorespiratory monitoring in a hospital setting, with an intravenous line in place, at the time of treatment.",2380 "In both patients, no known etiologic factors, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, sickle cell anemia, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, were evident.",2381 Prompt diagnosis of WE is important because it is potentially fatal and readily treatable with thiamine supplementation.,2382 Reconciling theory and practice.,2383 Efficacy and safety of linezolid in multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)--a report of ten cases.,2384 "RESULTS: Since January 2002, 171 patients with RA have commenced taking leflunomide.",2385 "Cardiac glycosides are thought to prevent doxorubicin cardiomyopathy by competitively inhibiting doxorubicin at its receptor sites, but ouabain has a much shorter half life than doxorubicin and its metabolites and so is less effective than digoxin.",2386 Skin biopsy specimens of lesional areas showed a bullous eruption consistent with erythema multiforme.,2387 CASE SUMMARY: A 41-year-old woman with a history of proliferative glomerulonephritis from systemic lupus erythematosus was admitted with a diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis.,2388 "The standard of care for treating schizophrenia is to first use monotherapy of adequate dosage and duration, including a trial of clozapine before adding a second agent.",2389 The progressive regression was remarkable.,2390 "A response to rhEPO was defined as an increase in hematocrit of 4 percentage points or more over baseline, or the elimination of all transfusions with the hematocrit stable at the baseline level.",2391 OBJECTIVE: To report the first five cases of amphotericin B overdose with secondary cardiac complications in a pediatric population.,2392 These three men had no known history of familial or personal thyroid disease.,2393 Hematological toxicity was moderate even at the 100 mg/m2 dose level.,2394 "Thereafter, sixteen cycles of immunoglobulin treatment (400 mg/kg) along with corticosteroids were instituted and led to an improvement in subjective symptoms with decreases in level of CPK and LDH.",2395 Rhabdomyolysis associated with the use of intravenous vasopressin.,2396 ECM can be easily differentiated from the latter by its typical clinical features.,2397 Grade IV leucopenia and thrombocytopenia were observed in one of three patients at the 100 mg/m2 dose level.,2398 The potential anticonvulsant effect of these drugs was successfully reversed by the administration of intravenous flumazenil just prior to the treatments.,2399 "Unlike Corynebacterium jeikeium, which is highly resistant to beta-lactam agents, aminoglycosides, and quinolones, all strains of C. striatum isolated from the patients described in this report were susceptible to vancomycin and aminoglycosides, and all strains except one were susceptible to penicillin G, imipenem, and ciprofloxacin.",2400 Trichiasis associated with prostaglandin analog use.,2401 It is suggested that high dosage corticosteroids may damage the posterior blood-ocular barrier.,2402 "Her history was significant for coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, chronic steroid use, and recurrent urinary tract infection.",2403 "Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome (AHS) is a rare, potentially fatal, idiosyncratic drug reaction characterized by fever, morbilliform rash, lymphadenopathy, hepatitis, and hematologic abnormalities.",2404 A case of acute subdural haematoma originating spontaneously from an angiomatous meningioma in a patient receiving prophylactic aspirin therapy is presented.,2405 Opioid-related narcosis in a woman with myopathy receiving magnesium.,2406 There was evidence of extrarenal vascular disease in 12 patients and preexisting renal impairment in 13.,2407 "Herein, we report a patient treated preoperatively with multiple psychiatric medications who developed serotonin syndrome (SS) during the perioperative period.",2408 It may vary in both presenting characteristics and severity.,2409 Fifteen patients presented between January 1986 and January 1991 with deterioration in renal function coincident with the introduction of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.,2410 "In this paper, the authors present a case in which the current American Society for Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine guidelines were strictly followed with respect to withholding and reintroducing warfarin and enoxaparin after an epidural steroid injection, but the patient nevertheless developed a spinal epidural hematoma requiring emergency surgical evacuation.",2411 Acute renal failure most likely was secondary to the nephrotoxic effect of captopril on chronically hypoperfused kidneys.,2412 "The first patient, who received gemcitabine for treatment of a carcinoma of the pancreas, required hemodialysis for 6 months.",2413 "This initial coagulation response was followed by a second phase of hematological response (starting on days 15-20) characterized by leukocytosis, occurrence of myeloid progenitor cells in the peripheral blood, and a decrease in bone marrow blasts (<1% on days 28 and 36).",2414 Postoperative analgesia was withheld secondary to intermittent oxygen desaturation.,2415 "However, it also highlights the importance of determining a patient's tuberculosis status, initiating prophylactic anti-tuberculosis therapy prior to starting treatment with etanercept, and setting up an adequate treatment regime if the patient develops active tuberculosis during therapy with etanercept.",2416 "Polyacrylamide gel may have favorable properties for facial tissue augmentation, but a severe granulomatous inflammatory response induced by injection of polyacrylamide gel may occur.",2417 These data indicate that lithium may limit the therapeutic efficacy of reserpine in tardive dyskinesia.,2418 There is evidence to suggest that perfusion treatment is even superior to amputation as regards survival; if so an immunological mechanism might be responsible for this effect.,2419 Hypoglycaemic brittle diabetes successfully managed by social worker intervention.,2420 A 13-year-old boy was diagnosed as acute lymphoblastic leukemia following radiotherapy and chemotherapy for treatment of medulloblastoma.,2421 "The serum concentration of cerivastatin showed that the half-life of cerivastatin in this patient was 22.4 h, compared with 2.4 h for normal controls.",2422 Pemphigus vulgaris is a rare auto-immune blistering disease that can also be life-threatening.,2423 "RESULT: She presented with severe anaemia (PCV of 0.05), White cell and platelet counts were within normal limits and reticulocyte count of 0.001%.",2424 Peripheral nervous system disturbances caused by cytosine arabinoside have rarely been reported.,2425 Solid organ transplant recipients can experience serious disease and death from infection due to the parasitic roundworm Strongyloides stercoralis.,2426 "In this article lithium is not discussed, although there are a number of concerns about lithium's potential teratogenicity, and it has been implicated in Epstein's anomaly, a congenital heart defect among infants born to women taking lithium; as with other medications, however, the data have specific limitations.",2427 Two patients underwent penetrating keratoplasty at 22 and 26 months after the onset of symptoms and have maintained clear grafts with no evidence of recurrence.,2428 "Six months after the diagnosis of sarcoidosis, the patient was asymptomatic and a complete sustained response to hepatitis C was achieved.",2429 "Clinical spectrum, ancient mutations, and a survey of 100 American referrals to the National Institutes of Health.",2430 No aggravation of OCD symptoms was noted during mianserin administration.,2431 We report the case of a 32-year-old man whose monotherapy with various antipsychotic agents failed.,2432 Volatiles were assayed by gas chromatography-flame-ionization detection.,2433 CONCLUSIONS: This patient's rhabdomyolysis was probably induced by sertraline therapy.,2434 The authors describe the clinical and pharmacologic management of a patient who developed an organic affective syndrome during a simulated deep-diving experiment.,2435 A case of colchicine-induced rhabdomyolysis is reported.,2436 "Insulin resistance declined with adrenal suppression and infection control, and wound healing improved dramatically.",2437 She had precordial ST-segment elevation characteristic of acute myocardial infarction and elevated cardiac biomarkers.,2438 A fatal case of pancytopenia due to levomepromazine.,2439 "G-banding analyses of bone marrow cells had repeatedly demonstrated normal male karyotype before this event, but t(9;22)(q34;q11) was demonstrated after the event.",2440 Premature closure of the ductus arteriosus: variable response among monozygotic twins after in utero exposure to indomethacin.,2441 Long-term lithium treatment attenuated the hypokinetic effect of reserpine in a patient with tardive dyskinesia.,2442 Only a few reports of overt jaundice are associated with streptokinase.,2443 "The immediate and short-term TKI side effects are well known, but the long-term side effects have not yet been clearly identified.",2444 "CONCLUSIONS: In these 3 cases, the unique positive ocular finding was corneal endothelial deposits, which may be related to the use of rifabutin.",2445 "Multiple periarticular abnormalities appearing on serial radionuclide bone scanning of the cancer patient, particularly when symmetric and in a distribution not suggestive of osseous metastatic disease, raise the possibility of multifocal osteonecrosis.",2446 CASE: A 58-year-old Caucasian woman was referred to our hospital for chronic unilateral granulomatous panuveitis of the right eye (RE).,2447 A 29-year-old man had continued treatment with anti-epileptic drugs under the diagnosis of epilepsy for 13 years.,2448 "The case of a patient with CPH, who had marked epigastric symptoms with indomethacin treatment and responded well to topiramate 150 mg daily, is reported.",2449 Our case illustrates an unusual presenting symptom of hemoptysis and the need to identify patients who can be at risk of developing this rare condition.,2450 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency was present in the former case and was thought to contribute to the lung injury.,2451 The patient's condition progressively improved to full recovery.,2452 "Eosinophilia has been encountered from 0.2 to 61.7% in clozapine-treated patients, mostly with a transient course and spontaneous remission.",2453 Its disadvantage is that therapy may be necessary for several months.,2454 "When the treatment was completed, her depression substantially improved and her posture became completely upright.",2455 "Based on these data, we conclude that PSL therapy can ameliorate primary nephrotic syndrome in patients over the age of eighty years.",2456 We report on a patient who presented an invalidating progressive pelvic dyskinesia while receiving different kinds of neuroleptic drugs for a psychiatric disorder.,2457 CASE SUMMARY: A 25-year-old postpartum white woman developed multiple watery stools and abdominal cramping on day 6 of therapy with clindamycin vaginal cream for bacterial vaginosis.,2458 The infiltrate disappeared within 6 weeks.,2459 "The serum creatinine level gradually declined over 2 weeks, and the patient was discharged home with a serum creatinine level of 1.6 mg/dL.",2460 These symptoms resolved over a period of five days.,2461 "Only after three subsequent episodes of severe, symptomatic thrombocytopenia over the next four weeks did he say, upon repeat questioning, that he had continued to take quinine for night leg cramps.",2462 We have reported the first case of successful treatment of disseminated histoplasmosis in a renal allograft recipient using a short course (14 days) of amphotericin B in combination with prolonged therapy (161 days) with ketoconazole.,2463 She has persistent proteinuria and is currently undergoing a trial of high-dose steroid therapy.,2464 Skin biopsy revealed multiple superficial thrombosed vessels with focal epidermal necrosis as well as prominent interstitial mucinosis.,2465 "A scan of fetal neck region is recommended in patients with current or previous history of thyroid disease, or if neck extension is noted on routine examination of fetal spine.",2466 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia bacteremia after living donor liver transplantation: Report of a case.,2467 "We identified NAT2*6/*7 in one patient, and NAT2*6/*5 in the other, suggesting that both were slow acetylator phenotypes.",2468 "The first case, a 16-year-old African American male with an absolute CD4+ cell count of 314 cells/mm(3), presented with an abrupt rise in serum creatinine leading to irreversible renal failure while on TDF-containing highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART).",2469 Pancytopenia is already present in GD patients and it is reasonable to expect an increased risk of hematological toxicity in treating solid tumors in these patients.,2470 CONCLUSIONS: Good visual outcome after early debridement and appropriate antibiotics was achieved.,2471 Scleritis complicating zoledronic acid infusion.,2472 The skin lesions healed over the next month.,2473 "Methadone is recommended as being free of some of the neuropsychological side effects noticed with morphine, which are attributed to active metabolites.",2474 The recipient cases were 46- and 25-year-old male patients who suffered from end-stage dilated cardiomyopathy and had been listed for cardiac transplantation in the Japan Organ Transplantation Network as status I candidates.,2475 "However, the patient continued to deteriorate and developed CMV pneumonitis.",2476 "The remaining 12 received three or more courses of treatment, and three of these patients achieved a complete response.",2477 "To our knowledge, this report describes the first cases of C. striatum causing infection of exist sites of central venous catheters, thrombophlebitis associated with central venous catheters, conjunctivitis, and chorioamnionitis as well as a possible pathogen contributing to peritonitis and pyogenic granuloma.",2478 Flavimonas oryzihabitans (CDC group Ve-2) bacteraemia associated with Hickman catheters.,2479 All seven patients were receiving INH daily for tuberculosis (TB) prophylaxis.,2480 This case illustrates that PCR is a rapid technique for the early diagnosis of TA-GVHD.,2481 Clinicians should be aware of this potential adverse effect of a widely used drug.,2482 Severe cardiomyopathy following treatment with the tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitor adalimumab for Crohn's disease.,2483 The experience obtained from the medical management of these patients is valuable for the treatment of such patients in the future.,2484 They require immediate discontinuation of the drug and a washout procedure to hasten drug elimination from the body.,2485 We reevaluated his cardiac parameters.,2486 Tardive oculogyric crisis (OGC) is a dystonic syndrome that starts after long-term use of dopamine receptor antagonists.,2487 They are proof of a disturbed GABA metabolism in pyridoxine dependent seizures.,2488 Management of pericatheter cerebrospinal fluid leak after intrathecal implantation of a drug delivery system.,2489 Mooren's ulcer is a rare disease of presumed autoimmune aetiology.,2490 "Thereafter, the patient's renal function slowly worsened and she started chronic hemodialysis 5 years later.",2491 Cholesterol-lowering agents have been demonstrated to decrease hepatic lipids in Niemann-Pick type C patients.,2492 We report the case of a 43-year-old man with ITP refractory to steroids and intravenous immunoglobulin who developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) after a single infusion of rituximab.,2493 Hypo-oestrogenic and anabolic/androgenic side-effects of danazol are well known by the gynaecologist and some of them are present in > 50% of patients being treated for endometriosis.,2494 "After treatment with aripiprazole was started, the patient was inadvertently given an inactive drug, resulting in a worsening of her hemiplegic episodes, which improved again on rechallenge.",2495 During cytotoxic treatment of a child with leukemia we describe the longitudinal course of ionized calcium in a complex syndrome of hypocalcemia and hypoparathyroidism.,2496 "IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Nurses must understand the pharmacology, mechanism of action, clinical presentation, potentially lethal risks, and traumatic psychosocial stresses experienced by DPD-deficient patients with cancer receiving 5-FU therapy in order to develop timely interventions and alternative plans of care.",2497 Caution should be taken when designing estrogen-related experiments involving Brown Norway rats and other potentially sensitive strains.,2498 "A 72-year-old patient was submitted to an elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and a tubular adenocarcinoma in the gallbladder was incidentally diagnosed.",2499 Treatment with low-molecular-weight heparin followed by a heparinoid resulted in slow healing of the ulcers but also allowed the subcutaneous interferon injections to be continued.,2500 "Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis is an important opportunistic infection in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, estimated to occur in 20,000 to 40,000 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in the United States by 1991.",2501 CASE SUMMARY: An AIDS patient experienced an exacerbation of cytomegalovirus retinitis and was treated with foscarnet.,2502 Symptoms resolved spontaneously and completely after 48 h.,2503 We present a rare case of a thrombus at the aortic arch found 1 month after cisplatin-based chemotherapy in a 50-year-old patient with a diagnosis of small cell lung cancer; there were no symptoms related to the thrombus.,2504 Membranous nephropathy in rheumatoid arthritis.,2505 "In light of the widespread use of bleomycin, this complication may be under-appreciated.",2506 This case is the eleventh to report this condition.,2507 OBJECTIVES: Successful excision of the mass and identification of the causative agent by histologic and microbiologic studies.,2508 "In the other patient, APL was diagnosed 46 months after liver transplantation for congenital biliary atresia.",2509 DISCUSSION: Drug-induced LABD is a variant of classic or idiopathic LABD.,2510 Increased awareness is needed on the possible occurrence of LPD resembling gastric cancer in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with MTX.,2511 The purpose of this article was to provide a detailed review of the role of TNF-alpha in controlling hepatitis B viral infection and the clinical impact blockade might have on viral control.,2512 It is hoped that this case report creates awareness that ofloxacin-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis is possible.,2513 We describe two cases of drug-induced myopathy during long-term treatment of chronic hepatitis B with clevudine.,2514 The present case is a young adult who had severe almost continuous hiccups for 3 years after placement of a feeding gastrostomy and Nissen fundoplication.,2515 Localized panniculitis and subsequent lipoatrophy with subcutaneous glatiramer acetate (Copaxone) injection for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.,2516 The safety of concurrent use has also to be balanced when lithium treatment is started within an ECT course.,2517 CONCLUSIONS: X maltophilia is a potential intraocular pathogen in an immunocompetent host.,2518 All of these have been able to reduce oral prednisone doses.,2519 Two anaphylactic deaths after chemonucleolysis.,2520 Recent studies have reported that patients with GD are at an increased risk of developing malignancies.,2521 Both patients responded to intravenous administration of diazepam 10 mg and were given levetiracetam as maintenance therapy.,2522 "Here we report the case of a 43-year-old Japanese woman with acute myelogenous leukemia who underwent 2 unrelated cord blood transplantations (UCBT), terminating in fatal disseminated tuberculosis (TB).",2523 RESULTS: Five patients were identified.,2524 We also review DCL to emphasize the importance of recognizing and treating this evolving disease in the growing population of patients on immunorestorative therapy.,2525 "We describe a case of poisoning with 3,4-methylenedioxymet-amphetamine Ecstasy that presented with all the features suggestive of a fatal outcome, including a creatinine phosphokinase level markedly higher than any previously reported.",2526 Hypotensive shock and angio-oedema from angiotensin II receptor blocker: a class effect in spite of tripled tryptase values.,2527 A 36-year-old patient with HIV developed a set of progressive left hemiparesis and secondarily generalized partial seizures related to progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.,2528 "Thereafter, the FK506 concentration in whole blood gradually decreased, and the hyperkalaemia and metabolic acidosis following RTA improved.",2529 It may induce rapid apoptosis and subsequent tumor lysis syndrome.,2530 "While this could be a chance association, it does raise the question if her neurologic manifestations could be secondary to scleromyxedema.",2531 The need for professional support for the carers of such patients should be recognized.,2532 We report three cases of IFN beta induced hepatitis in MS and discuss the pathology findings and possible mechanisms of drug-induced liver injury.,2533 Prior reports have emphasized the tubular and interstitial lesions associated with intermittent or discontinuous rifampin therapy for tuberculosis.,2534 "In this case, immediate discontinuation of the chemotherapeutic agent apparently reversed the patient's symptoms and findings on MRI.",2535 "Dermatological signs are found in 50% of cases, and are often diagnostic.",2536 Continued study of the specific mechanisms leading to ventricular tachycardia and sudden death are needed in order to control this increasingly prevalent clinical problem.,2537 "Before the myocardial infarction, the patient was in good condition, normotensive, non-diabetic, non-obese.",2538 "Treatment for 1 year or longer decreased tumor secretion of gastrin and diminished basal acid secretion, an effect that persisted for 48 hours after withdrawal of SMS.",2539 "Simultaneously, systemic dexamethasone and calcium folinic acid were given.",2540 He received blood transfusion and recombinant human granulocyte colong-stimulating factor (filgrastim).,2541 "Endoscopy showed a normal colon, histopathology of random biopsies of all sections of the colon demonstrated the characteristic features of collagenous colitis.",2542 Tumor-volume increase at beginning of primary treatment with topical interferon alpha 2-beta in a case of conjunctiva-cornea intraepithelial neoplasia.,2543 "Magnetic resonance imaging brain showed features of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, a recognised but rare complication of hypertension in children.",2544 "Three patients, 2 with tardive dyskinesia and 1 with senile chorea, were successfully treated with corticosteroids during an observation period of up to 5 months.",2545 One expert would order a CT scan to rule out facial fractures (Dr.,2546 The clinical and laboratory findings in two cases of aerobic Corynebacterium Group JK infection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunts are described.,2547 "Although drug-induced allergic nephritis (DIAN) is one of the most common problems seen by nephrologists, its true frequency is probably underestimated.",2548 Rupture of a cerebral aneurysm associated with nifedipine treatment.,2549 a 67-year-old man with bipolar disorder developed a Creutzfeldt-Jakob like syndrome during lithium carbonate treatment.,2550 "He was transferred when he developed pancytopenia, fever, severe mucositis, ileus and peripheral neuropathy.",2551 "His serum carbamazepine concentration was 3.9 microg/mL (reference range, 4-12 microg/mL), and his serum ammonia concentration was 127 microg/dL (reference range, 19-60 microg/dL).",2552 Bradycardia and congestive heart failure associated with ocular timolol maleate.,2553 "The QT interval must be measured on the ECG in patients with unexplained seizures; ""supraventricular tachycardia with aberration"" is uncommon in children.",2554 We discuss the association of immune suppression and melanoma.,2555 Lenalidomide is an important contemporary treatment option for patients with multiple myeloma (MM).,2556 A lumbar epidural catheter was placed preoperatively for pain management.,2557 "More than 4 years later, the patient continues to be troubled by persistent paraparesis and chronic pain.",2558 "Six months later, amiodarone treatment was reinstated due to life-threatening tachyarrhythmia; however, the patient remained euthyroid.",2559 "Definitive diagnosis was obtained after a mean period of 4.5 weeks (range, 12 days-8 weeks) from onset.",2560 "Accordingly, a practical and safe approach to MAOI dietary restrictions remains an essential component of patient management.",2561 CONCLUSIONS: The increase in Accutane use observed among females may be exacerbated by advertising.,2562 The authors describe a case of neuroleptic malignant syndrome that occurred in a patient on amitriptyline and lithium carbonate.,2563 This report describes a case of acute compromise of renal function associated with hypotension in a 7-year-old boy treated with the ACE inhibitor lisinopril and the ARB losartan.,2564 "A clinically atypical, neuropathologically verified case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is described in a 32-year-old New Zealand woman with idiopathic hypopituitarism who had been treated in late adolescence (1970 to 1973) with human growth hormone processed from pooled cadaveric pituitary glands.",2565 "All patients presented with sudden, very marked decrease in vision, with little or no pain, tenderness, conjunctival redness, or discharge.",2566 Organisms that may be associated with an enteric source should prompt a thorough gastrointestinal evaluation.,2567 "Recent studies show that patients with other injury patterns do not appear to have significant differences post trauma, although the data about such outcomes is sparse.",2568 "After extensive neurological 'work up', we realized that the anisocoria was related to the transdermal scopolamine patch that we had prescribed for weaning off the opioid.",2569 Successful treatment of influenza A virus by oseltamivir in bone marrow transplant recipients.,2570 This implies that TNFalpha may play an important role in the development of this condition.,2571 Portal vein thrombosis in a patient with severe haemophilia A and F V G1691A mutation during continuous infusion of F VIII after intramural jejunal bleeding--successful thrombolysis under heparin therapy.,2572 "Following steroid withdrawal and institution of gammaglobulin, the patient grew 6 inches within 2 years, regaining his vision, retrieving his stature, and normalizing his psychosocial development.",2573 Interstitial pneumonitis associated with sirolimus: a dilemma for lung transplantation.,2574 "Besides those manifestations, the patient also showed mucocutaneous lesions that were both clinically and histologically indistinguishable from those of pustular psoriasis.",2575 "RESULTS: Amino acid PET, performed when the lesions were still small, showed multiple small areas of mild uptake in close correlation to the MRI lesions.",2576 "When the data of the 57 patients are evaluated, a reversible direct cytotoxic effect of ticlopidine on the pluripotent/bipotent hematopoietic progenitor stem cell is proposed.",2577 Cultures of the anterior chamber were positive for Candida glabrata.,2578 All evidence suggests this was an idiosyncratic response to either hepatitis A or yellow fever vaccination.,2579 Coexistence of bulimia nervosa and mania: a literature review and case report.,2580 We have safely used recombinant factor VIIa to treat bleeding in the immediate and long-term period following PCC-related MI.,2581 This case and a review of the literature show the severe and unpredictable nature of ethambutol toxicity and its potential for irreversible vision loss despite careful ophthalmologic monitoring.,2582 Two patients who received granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) before or during radiotherapy are reviewed.,2583 "Care must be taken in the management of lumbosacral intradural tumors because tumors resembling neurilemmoma may in fact represent meningioma, some subtypes of which possess a high rate of recurrence.",2584 A 64 year old woman with previous history of coronary stenting five days before was admitted in our institution for intracranial bleeding while receiving aspirin and clopidogrel.,2585 "On examination, multiple erythematous and brownish hyperkeratotic papules were seen in both axillae.",2586 Kidney biopsy revealed ischemic glomeruli and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis lesion.,2587 No adverse effects were observed.,2588 The third patient developed liver and marrow toxicity on day 3 and died on day 9.,2589 A case of stage 4 neuroblastoma that developed excessive hypertension on day 120 of chemotherapy is presented.,2590 CONCLUSIONS: Jet-injection devices might constitute a helpful method to treat those patients affected by severe human insulin-induced lipoatrophy.,2591 We describe a patient with M4 AML treated with standard chemotherapy followed by G-CSF who developed marked monocytosis on day 8 of G-CSF therapy.,2592 A case is presented in which amiodarone was administered to suppress paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in a patient with an idiopathic cardiomyopathy.,2593 "Over a two month period, these patients presented to the accident and emergency (A&E) department with acute dental pain, outside normal working hours, having been unable to access emergency dental care.",2594 "This property is similar to that of other lipophilic agents such as amiodarone, chloroquine, chlorpromazine, quinacrine, and suramin.",2595 He recommends evaluation for a pulmonary or ophthalmologic injury.,2596 Transvaginal ultrasonography is a very sensitive test and therefore is often performed as a first-line screening test.,2597 "Debris was probably flushed into the external carotid artery, and passed through an anastomosis into the ophthalmic artery, resulting in retinal artery embolization.",2598 Herein we present a woman with bilateral lower extremity rest pain and a history of chronic ergot use for migraine headaches.,2599 PURPOSE: Small-cell esophageal carcinoma (SCEC) is a rare disease for which standard therapy has not yet been established.,2600 "RESULTS: Despite treatment with various neuroleptics, the psychosis resolved only when the interferon/ribavirin were discontinued.",2601 "Careful assessment of all VADs is important to identify complications such as fibrin sheath formation, which can potentially lead to extravasation.",2602 She was discharged with oral levofloxacin to complete an additional 3 days of treatment as an outpatient.,2603 "At the time when the leukemia appeared seven of the patients were in complete, and one in partial, remission as regards the ovarian carcinoma.",2604 A 16-year-old girl with refractory AML received unmanipulated BMT from an unrelated donor.,2605 "Levosimendan (LS) is a novel calcium sensitizer drug that enhances cardiac contractility without increasing myocardial oxygen consumption, and induces vasodilatation.",2606 This case demonstrates the value of DWI in evaluation and diagnosis of sub-acute toxic leukoencephalopathy in patients being treated with methotrexate.,2607 "Physicians should suspect pulmonary toxicity in patients with respiratory distress after gemcitabine chemotherapy, mainly in elderly patients.",2608 None of these patients experienced a relapse of their PTLD with follow-up ranging from 1.5 to 5 years.,2609 Doctors should be aware of the possible ocular side effects of methylphenidate.,2610 Amiodarone is well recognized as an anti-arrhythmic drug containing a high dose of iodine with considerable potential to cause thyroid dysfunction.,2611 "An extensive MEDLINE search located 22 other reports of patients who developed HDAs, sometimes associated with thrombosis, but whose platelet counts did not decrease.",2612 Post-radiation necrosis of the larynx is a major complication after irradiation and has become rare.,2613 Lithium's effect of parathyroid hormone.,2614 Its prevalence in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been estimated from several retrospective and prospective studies to range from 0.3% to 18%.,2615 RESULTS: [1] Mucin secretion was increased by 63% over the controls in the VVR in vitro group (p < 0.01).,2616 "Two weekly injections of 25 mg of the tumour necrosis factor alpha inhibitor etanercept led to a rapid improvement of his psoriatic arthritis, as well as regression of the pustular eruption, while residual erythema was still present.",2617 "We studied a series of patients to determine the onset, visual significance, treatment, and recurrent nature of these pigmented membranes in patients who underwent surgery with silicone lens implantation.",2618 "A diagnosis of tuberculous uveitis was established; the patient was treated with rifampin, isoniazid pyrazinamide, and ethambutol and etanercept was stopped.",2619 DISCUSSION: No published clinical studies in patients receiving clindamycin vaginal cream for bacterial vaginosis have documented C. difficile toxin in stool samples of patients with diarrhea.,2620 The clinical course was favorable and the patient achieved full hepatic recovery 3 months after the hepatic failure was detected.,2621 Super potent topical corticosteroid use associated with adrenal suppression: clinical considerations.,2622 This is the first reported case of suspected DIAN due to cefuroxime.,2623 "This case reveals that HPS could develop after alloBMT, even when engraftment of hematopoietic cells is not confirmed.",2624 No clinical side-effects or evidence of systemic activation of coagulation occurred during the treatment.,2625 RESULTS: Two patients with ocular inflammation of unknown origin developed severe chorioretinitis after IVTA injection.,2626 "Initially, the patient was treated with topical and systemic antibiotics, and corneal epithelium quickly regenerated.",2627 "The itch spread to the arms, abdomen and legs and the patient treated himself with clemastine and the itch disappeared.",2628 The literature on thiabendazole-induced cholestasis and its association with sicca complex is reviewed.,2629 Chemotherapy-induced Raynaud's phenomenon leading to acral gangrene has rarely been reported.,2630 "On the 6th day of chemotherapy, she was in a drowsy state following generalized tonic clonic seizure lasting 20 minutes.",2631 This can potentially complicate further intervention should restenosis occur.,2632 The MRI showed marked vascularity and neovascularity of the tumor.,2633 A 15 Year old female patient with Sturge Weber Syndrome is presented.,2634 "In those patients who found the commercially available cream uncomfortable, a 1% clotrimazole suspension formulated in artificial tears was used and found to be well tolerated.",2635 "The observation of responses in 3 patients with T315I phenotype-refractory CML or Ph-positive ALL, at doses of MK-0457 associated with no significant extramedullary toxicity, is very encouraging.",2636 "While the introduction of carmustine wafers (Gliadel wafers) into the tumor resection cavity has been shown to be a beneficial therapy for malignant glioma, it is recognized that clinically significant cerebral edema is a potential adverse effect.",2637 "No severe side effects were observed in the liver, kidney, blood or the eyeground.",2638 We report on a case associated with atenolol.,2639 "This observation illustrates that a coved ST-segment elevation in the right precordial leads should not be, systematically, regarded as a marker of a specific syndrome, but may also reflect a common electrical manifestation of abnormalities in the right ventricle or pericardium.",2640 "Calcipotriol (Daivonex R; Leo Pharmaceuticals, Zurich, Switzerland) may cause irritation of the skin, whereas allergic reactions are less common.",2641 Arrhythmias and cardiac arrest have been reported during amphotericin B administration but no effective technique has been described to prevent them.,2642 "Aminoglycoside-induced renal tubular dysfunction could result in diffuse damage or manifest as a Fanconi-like syndrome, Bartter-like syndrome, or distal renal tubular acidosis.",2643 "CASE REPORT: 1.5 years after resection, hyperfractionated radiotherapy and chemotherapy of an anaplastic ependymoma in the right parietal region, the cranial MRI of an 11-year-old girl showed multiple small contrast-enhanced lesions in the frontal cortex.",2644 She had received subcutaneous heparin as prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis during a 5-day hospitalization for postpartum cardiomyopathy.,2645 TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: Exploratory surgery of the coelomic cavity was performed and the neoplasm was excised.,2646 This syndrome resolved after cessation of pergolide therapy and a switch to pramipexole dihydrochloride.,2647 "CONCLUSIONS: To avoid and protect themselves against potential abandonment allegations when termination of the physician-patient relationship is warranted, physicians are advised to consider following the outlined procedures.",2648 "A thorough hematologic examination revealed von Willebrand's disease, which the patient was not aware of.",2649 The frequency of compensatory hyperhidrosis often reflects the extensiveness of the denervation.,2650 "During the management of intracranial hemorrhage, hyperkalemia developed.",2651 "The patient was started on low molecular weight heparin, which resulted in resolution of her clinical condition.",2652 The other author believes tympanoplasty should be performed prior to reconstruction (Dr.,2653 "Microdeletions of 22q11.2 are the main etiology for DiGeorge syndrome, a disorder characterized by heart defects, immune deficiencies due to aplasia or hypoplasia of the thymus, and hypocalcemia.",2654 Gold nephropathy: tissue analysis by X-ray fluorescent spectroscopy.,2655 SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Meningiomas are known to enlarge in response to female sex hormones.,2656 Diagnostic testing could not be completed due to lack of clinical response to dexamethasone.,2657 "The focus of this case report is to create awareness within the clinician that, in addition to evaluating the patient for the disease related issues that may affect the oral cavity and dentition, a total management plan should include factors beyond the structural oral problems related to the cancer.",2658 Atypical necrotizing scleritis after strabismus surgery.,2659 PURPOSE: To report a case of Serratia Marcescens corneal ulcer as a complication of orthokeratology treatment.,2660 We report a fatal case of toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) resulting from a high dose of cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C).,2661 "However, 1 eye had vitreous hemorrhage after repeated injections of tPA.",2662 "But when corticosteroid eyedrops were added, there was a recurrence of the keratitis.",2663 Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) was suspected as a possible etiologic or modifying cofactor in TEN in this case.,2664 "At autopsy, a disseminated fungal infection was found.",2665 Screening for celiac disease with detection of anti-endomysium antibodies would be done in susceptible patients.,2666 This rash rapidly progressed to painful hardening of the area.,2667 "However, the thrombocytosis did not resolve.",2668 "The TC usually develop in the presence of secondary hyperparathyroidism or a high calcium x phosphate product, while other factors have been also occasionally implicated in their development.",2669 "Ishihara color plates showed a marked, acquired color vision defect O.D., O.S.",2670 Autopsy revealed that the lung/bodyweight ratio was 0.0096 (>0.015) and pulmonary hypoplasia was noted.,2671 RESULTS: Both patients experienced a previously unreported side effect--falling backward--associated with bupropion use.,2672 A 57-year-old woman was scheduled to receive recombinant interferon-alpha retreatment for chronic active hepatitis C.,2673 Worsening of obstructive sleep apnoeas in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis treated with anti-tumor necrosis factor.,2674 Personality factors and drug effects in a controlled study of cyclazocine.,2675 "Radiation myelopathy is a rare, devastating, late effect of radiotherapy to the spinal cord.",2676 No side effects or drug interactions were observed.,2677 Pediatric neurosurgeons commonly instill vancomycin into the ventricles to treat shunt infections.,2678 Other possible causes of hepatotoxicity were excluded.,2679 Effectiveness of milnacipran for the treatment of chronic pain: a case series.,2680 Rapid detection of causative pathogen of peritonitis using in-situ hybridization in a patient with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.,2681 "On the third post-procedural day, the laboratory results showed increases in his uric acid and potassium levels, which were compatible with a tumor lysis syndrome.",2682 An unusual cause of hypocalcaemia: magnesium induced inhibition of parathyroid hormone secretion in a patient with subarachnoid haemorrhage.,2683 The relation between tacrolimus treatment and staining was suggested by the appearance of pigmentation during topical tacrolimus treatment and its clinical disappearance when treatment was stopped.,2684 This patient was treated successfully by surgical excision of the affected segment of ileum together with intravenous ganciclovir.,2685 "Various treatment modalities, such as an epidural blood patch, use of glue, removal of catheter, and surgical closure of dura and subdural blood patch, have been reported previously.",2686 "Methemoglobinemia may occur in a number of drug or chemical ingestions, but a comprehensive review of the literature failed to identify a similar reported case.",2687 The diagnosis can be made after the exclusion of other causes of rheumatoid lung when the patient's poor respiratory status precludes invasive exploration.,2688 Photodynamic therapy and intravitreal triamcinolone were used in an 84-year-old man with choroidal neovascularization in the left eye.,2689 "Baseline and follow-up examinations should include: Snellen acuity, Farnsworth D-15 color testing, automated threshold perimetry and optic nerve head photography.",2690 Amiodarone-induced dysthyroidism.,2691 "Five of 610 adults developed chickenpox between 35 days and 9.2 years after renal transplantation, and only one patient survived.",2692 Intravenous injection of diazepam caused a rapid normalization of the EEG with disappearance of the clinical manifestations.,2693 During a second FAB infusion (400 mg) the patient reverted to regular AV-conduction.,2694 "Though they are generally considered safe, there have been a few reports of myocardial infarction and stroke associated with triptan use.",2695 "Over 2 months she had been drinking high doses of natural grapefruit juice which, combined with long-term colchicine therapy and a viral upper respiratory tract infection, increased her susceptibility to the drug.",2696 The neurologic toxicity can vary from being mild to severe and prolonged.,2697 "Doxorubicin, bleomycin, dacarbazine, and prophylactic pegfilgrastim (a granulocyte colony-stimulating factor), were administered.",2698 Aggressive management of doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy associated with 'low' doses of doxorubicin.,2699 "However, in the rare case of postoperative patch leakage, a relapse of a pseudoaneurysm may occur.",2700 "CONCLUSIONS: Because blebitis may be prodromal to endophthalmitis, aggressive antimicrobial therapy, perhaps with oral quinolones, is warranted.",2701 The patient improved with vancomycin and high-dose ampicillin therapy.,2702 "CONCLUSIONS: Among the many presentations of ifosfamide neurotoxicity, clinicians should consider NCSE as a possible explanation for changes in consciousness in a patient receiving this agent.",2703 "Clinicians should, therefore, consider AI in patients with spinal cord injury receiving glucocorticoids, a population in whom it may otherwise go undiagnosed and untreated.",2704 Therapeutic control was reestablished in both patients after therapy with the original levothyroxine product was reinstated.,2705 The patient expired from cachexia three months later.,2706 "To our knowledge, this case report represents only the third description of laxative-induced TEN.",2707 Amifostine has been found to significantly decrease acute and chronic xerostomia but not mucositis.,2708 "A case of fluoxetine induced seizures, in a person with Down syndrome, is described.",2709 This syndrome has been previously reported following cisplatin-based chemotherapy.,2710 These results suggested that the visual dysfunction might be entirely attributable to retinal rather than optic nerve toxicity.,2711 Minocycline as a cause of drug-induced autoimmune hepatitis.,2712 Citalopram: an interaction study with clomipramine in a patient heterozygous for CYP2D6 genotype.,2713 "Drug induced renal failure is a serious, potentially, fatal illness that is preventable.",2714 "Because the cerebellar toxicity may be worsened by continuation of therapy after initial onset of symptoms, prompt termination of HDARAC is recommended.",2715 Fundus examination revealed resolution of cystoid macula edema.,2716 Our observation suggests that corticosteroid therapy may be beneficial in some patients with CE.,2717 Co-trimoxazole was also being administered for prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii infection.,2718 "On day 7, blood obtained on day 4 was found to be strongly positive for HDAs.",2719 "In our two patients, we investigated NAT2* genotypes by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method.",2720 Bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia associated with the use of nitrofurantoin.,2721 Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy was performed.,2722 Rescue of haemopoiesis by a combination of growth factors including stem-cell factor.,2723 Identification of the antigenic determinants of FDE-inducing drugs will make predicting safe alternatives in patients with FDE an easier task.,2724 Metoclopramide hydrochloride (Reglan) is a widely prescribed drug for treatment of upper gastrointestinal symptoms.,2725 "Despite this, the lesions worsened in severity.",2726 "The literature on human aflatoxicosis shows that the presentation may be acute, subacute and chronic.",2727 The intention of this case report is to raise awareness for anyone prescribing ciprofloxacin as treatment for infected diabetic and ischemic ulcers.,2728 "OBJECTIVE: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) inhibitors have emerged as a potent treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but not without significant risks.",2729 Uveitis associated with rifabutin therapy: a clinical alert.,2730 "The patient reported immediate and sustained improvement in his post herpetic neuralgia for over two months, without adverse effects from the calcitonin therapy.",2731 "Hyperkalaemia with renal tubular dysfunction by oral therapy of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (co-trimoxazole) is described in 2 elderly Japanese patients with lymphoid malignancy, who developed Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and improved.",2732 The prognosis of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infection has been improved by new macrolides-containing regimens and the use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the treatment of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).,2733 "Keratitis resolved within 8.4 weeks (range, 1-18 weeks) of treatment with fortified clarithromycin and amikacin.",2734 We report a case of shunt infection subsequent to insertion of a ventriculoatrial shunt for obstructive hydrocephalus caused by a cerebellar hematoma.,2735 We explored ophthalmic and neurologic findings in two children who have been exposed prenatally to VGB.,2736 Antibiotic-associated neutropenia.,2737 Progressive anemia following combination therapy with interferon-alpha and interleukin-2 in a patient with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.,2738 "Both of the previous patients had therapy-related leukemias after exposure to topoisomerase II inhibitors, whereas our patient had received cytotoxic therapy that did not include a topoisomerase II inhibitor.",2739 "Total immunoglobulin E and skin prick tests were normal, however.",2740 Pulmonary toxicity is believed to be uncommon.,2741 A change in government program policies caused him to receive generic carbamazepine.,2742 The difficulty in absorbing vitamin B12 when intrinsic factor is not available does not make oral replacement impossible; the dose just needs to be higher.,2743 "Imatinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is currently the therapy of choice for gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST).",2744 "The side effects in all patients have included varying degrees of anorexia, fatigue, ipsilateral forehead dermatitis, blepharitis, and conjunctivitis.",2745 We report a case of intentional self-poisoning with tiagabine.,2746 "MAHA developed 2 months later, and tumor recurrence with rapid deterioration appeared 5 months later.",2747 "Both amoxapine and its active and major metabolite, 8-OH-amoxapine, appeared in breast milk.",2748 The patient was discharged on the 8th postoperative week in good conditions.,2749 "Between 1993 and 1997, 52 patients (age 16-77 years) with solid tumours were treated with ifosfamide in dosages ranging from 3 to 5 g m(-2) q3w when given in combination schedules and up to 12 g m(-2) q4w when given as a single agent.",2750 Resolution of protein-losing enteropathy and normalization of mesenteric Doppler flow with sildenafil after Fontan.,2751 Ramipril-induced cutaneous vasculitis is particularly rare and our case was atypical because the patient had tolerated lisinopril before.,2752 Cutaneous reactions to propylthiouracil and methimazole occur in 3%-5% of adults.,2753 There is a dose-effect relationship between doxorubicin and the incidence of symptomatic cardiac failure.,2754 "In this report, we describe a fatal gemcitabine-induced pulmonary toxicity in a patient with gallbladder metastatic adenocarcinoma.",2755 "BACKGROUND: The risk/benefit ratio of warfarin therapy changes in the over 75s, when haemorrhagic side-effects become more common.",2756 A 7-year-old boy with asthma was receiving the leukotriene receptor antagonist pranlukast (Ultair; SmithKline Beecham; Pittsburgh) as part of an open-label clinical trial.,2757 Most of these patients benefited from therapy and survived longer (median 5 years) than historical control of untreated patients.,2758 It is therefore one of the most serious long-term complications of current cancer treatment and is likely to increase as longer survival rates for the primary tumour are achieved.,2759 "This symptom gradually abated within a week and when the dosage of milnacipran was increased to 100 mg day(-1) at 2 months, no further piloerection occurred.",2760 "A patient receiving vancomycin for a serious staphylococcal infection had a lupus-like syndrome characterized by a malar rash, pain and erythema of the cartilage of both ears, and tender erythematous and hemorrhagic lesions of the finger tips.",2761 "A 7-year-old with congenital toxoplasmosis who took pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine for reactivated chorioretinitis developed fever, severe cutaneous involvement, swelling, abdominal pain and transaminitis, persisting weeks after withholding medicines.",2762 "When infection of the instrumented cage is diagnosed, emergency debridement with or without removal of implants, including the cage, appropriate wound closure, and the administration of potent antibiotics is the standard treatment.",2763 After 36 h the hyponatremic episode improved after the infusion of hypertonic sodium chloride.,2764 Naratriptan in the prophylaxis of transformed migraine.,2765 Heart Vessels 2006;21:124?6].,2766 They improved rapidly and over 6 months were able to stop taking analgesics and return to normal activities.,2767 "Histology of a cutaneous lesion showed spongiosis and infiltration of the epidermis by atypical lymphocytes with large hyperchromatic nuclei, perivascular dermal lymphocytic infiltrate (CD3+) mixed with plasma cells and occasional large immunoblasts (CD20+).",2768 A 77-year-old man with previous myocardial infarction was admitted with chronic left heart failure and atrial tachycardia.,2769 Glaucoma secondary to epithelial downgrowth and 5-fluorouracil.,2770 "Laboratory tests revealed creatine kinase (CK) 7952 IU/L, lactate dehydrogenase 1021 IU/L, myoglobin 2322 U/L, and aspartate aminotransferase 362 IU/L, resulting in a diagnosis of iatrogenic rhabdomyolysis.",2771 Intravenous valproate associated with significant hypotension in the treatment of status epilepticus.,2772 Two unusual pathological reactions to nitrofurantoin: case reports.,2773 "Overdose of magnesium sulfate in combination with renal insufficiency, hypocalcemia, or compromise of intestinal integrity may predispose horses to magnesium toxicosis.",2774 Sirolimus-associated pneumonitis has been described in renal transplant patients.,2775 "Cytogenetic studies of the bone marrow performed after the development of acute leukemia showed chromosome abnormalities in all five patients examined, with hypodiploidy and loss of B and C group chromosomes.",2776 "Median survival ranges from 15 to 24 months, and it appears that the disease cannot be cured.",2777 We report a case of NEH masquerading as cutaneous vasculitis in a woman receiving cyclophosphamide for lupus nephritis.,2778 "The mechanism of the decrease in plasma potassium induced by phosphate treatment was investigated in a 24-year-old hypertensive patient with hypophosphatemic osteomalacia, who was the youngest of four patients, belonging to a 23 number kindred of five generations.",2779 Small bowel haemorrhage due to cytomegalovirus vasculitis.,2780 Four case reports presenting new acquisitions on the association between breast and endometrial carcinoma.,2781 It is concluded that cyclophosphamide and thiotepa in obese patients should not be dosed on the basis of BSA incorporating TBW since the patient will be overexposed.,2782 "A 34-year-old man presented 4 months after renal transplantation with a 1-week history of epigastric pain that decreased in supine position, increased while sitting, and further increased when standing or walking.",2783 "Overall, they are the single largest cost to the healthcare system.",2784 RESULTS: Extensive squamous metaplasia was found in endometrial glands following progestin therapy.,2785 Only few reports exist on iodine-induced hypothyroidism after a single injection of the iodized radiopaque dye Lipiodol.,2786 Tamoxifen exhibits agonistic properties on the uterus.,2787 Asthma is one of the most common chronic medical conditions.,2788 Drug provocation test is a controlled drug treatment which aims at making diagnosis of hypersensitivity reaction to drugs.,2789 "Long-acting somatostatin analogues such as SMS 201-995 (Sandoz) are being evaluated in a wide range of clinical indications, including gut neuroendocrine tumours and acrogemaly.",2790 We suspect that nefazodone inhibits metabolism of tacrolimus.,2791 "Of note, the patient had been on carbamazepine therapy one year earlier and had experienced the same adverse event.",2792 "SUMMARY: A 65-year-old Caucasian man was admitted to the hospital on January 26, 2006, for worsening congestive heart failure (CHF).",2793 "L. monocytogenes infection should therefore be considered in CAPD patients with gram-positive rod peritonitis, even if immunocompetence is presumed.",2794 We describe the case of a nonatopic 17-year-old girl with bronchial asthma and aspirin intolerance who developed a dramatic anaphylactic reaction to oral prednisone.,2795 The patient had previously received PKP several times.,2796 Lymphoma developing in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis taking methotrexate.,2797 "On the 6th post-procedural day, the patient complained of new right knee pain.",2798 Three cases of angel's trumpet tea-induced psychosis in adolescent substance abusers.,2799 METHODS: The patient was a 20-year-old woman.,2800 "From these findings, we determined his transfusion-resistant cytopenias to be attributable to HPS.",2801 Nine patients were granulocytopenic; the three additional patients with normal granulocyte counts were immunosuppressed.,2802 "Initial visual acuity was <20/800 (finger counting at 1-2 feet) with retinal edema on fundoscopy, arterial pH 7.19, methanol 97 mg/dL (30 mmol/L), formate 14.3 mmol/L, and ethanol undetectable.",2803 This phenomenon appears to be related to bilateral simultaneous retinal ischemia delaying regeneration of visual pigments in the pigment epithelial layer.,2804 "Dapsone, a potent antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory compound, is mainly used in the treatment of leprosy and a variety of blistering skin diseases.",2805 AP-ROP in an infant with minimal oxygen exposure.,2806 "In a patient with severe renovascular hypertension, nonoliguric acute renal failure developed after she received captopril treatment.",2807 Cultures of both the cerebrospinal fluid and aspirated liver abscess isolated MRSA.,2808 "During intravenous treatment with terlipressin for recurrent gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, a 50-year-old male with no history of heart disease developed a newly prolonged QT interval and torsade de pointes.",2809 INTRODUCTION: Leflunomide is an immunomodulating agent with proven efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis.,2810 Rapid liver failure related to chronic C hepatitis in an HIV seropositive hemophilic patient with severe immunodepression.,2811 Pseudoephedrine-induced hemorrhage associated with a cerebral vascular malformation.,2812 "The authors present an elderly patient with mixed dementia who developed TD at multiple sites, (including respiratory dyskinesia [RD], limb dyskinesia, and orofacial dyskinesia) following abrupt withdrawal of risperidone therapy.",2813 Dexamethasone treatment of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) with or without persistent administration of the drug.,2814 "The female patient received clozapine in a daily dose of 400 mg, which induced agranulocytosis after 2 months.",2815 Olanzapine was detected and quantitated by basic liquid-liquid extraction followed by dual-column gas chromatographic analysis with nitrogen phosphorus detection.,2816 "These side effects may be inadvertently confused with other behavioral or psychiatric conditions, especially if exacerbation of existing challenging behavior occurs.",2817 Celiac disease onset after pegylated interferon and ribavirin treatment of chronic hepatitis C.,2818 "At follow-up examination the patient continued to be asymptomatic, with the radiologic persistence of the infiltrate.",2819 "This observation suggest that linezolid is a promising drug for the treatment of prosthetic joint infections due to MRSA or other Gram-positive pathogens, particularly when other therapeutic approaches are not feasible or a long-term antibiotic therapy is required.",2820 "We present a case of chronic postoperative Propionibacterium acnes endophthalmitis in which the diagnosis was made by anterior chamber paracentesis, and topical, periocular, and systemic antibiotic therapy resolved the inflammation.",2821 "CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Gabapentin appeared to be a safe, effective, and economical treatment for neuropathic pain in this horse.",2822 A case of normotensive scleroderma renal crisis after high-dose methylprednisolone treatment.,2823 The second episode ended when lamivudine dosage was reduced.,2824 This article reports the case of an otherwise healthy patient who experienced permanent sensorineural hearing loss after a brief course of naproxen and reviews the literature on NSAID-related permanent sensorineural hearing loss.,2825 Improvement in cholestasis associated with total parenteral nutrition after treatment with an antibody against tumour necrosis factor alpha.,2826 BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma (SSEH) is an infrequent spinal pathology.,2827 Diagnostic procedures aimed to explain lower leg edema are not uncommon in the age group of women suffering from climacteric and menopausal symptoms.,2828 The authors suggest that serum sodium levels be carried out before commencement of carbamazepine and caution be used in prescribing carbamazepine to patients with low or borderline low sodium values.,2829 And the importance of instituting prompt diagnosis and proper treatment should also be stressed.,2830 Bleomycin induced hyperpigmentation with yolk sac tumor.,2831 "It is used worldwide not only as a cosmetic agent to stain the hair, skin and nails but also is applied to the body on lesions in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis or fungal infections.",2832 There were 5 outpatients who suffered chronic pain for at least 3 months.,2833 It occurs in approximately 0.07-2.2% of patients treated with neuroleptics.,2834 The use of fresh frozen plasma and/or danazol before treatment prevents angioedema attacks.,2835 Intracranial hemorrhage and focal seizures secondary to use of L-asparaginase during induction therapy of acute lymphocytic leukemia.,2836 Gynecomastia developed in two epileptic patients some months after the addition of oral fluoresone 750 mg daily to the phenobarbital and phenytoin already being administered.,2837 Aquagenic syringeal acrokeratoderma.,2838 "A 31-year-old female developed multiple episodes of grand mal seizures after combination chemotherapy with cisplatin, vinblastine and bleomycin for germ cell ovarian cancer stage Ic.",2839 Esophageal spasm following propranolol overdose relieved by glucagon.,2840 HIT is an immune-mediated adverse drug reaction that may be associated with limb or life-threatening thrombosis.,2841 "In adverse reactions with shock, tripled tryptase values can support a diagnosis of anaphylaxis.",2842 A 73-year-old man with two previous mitral valve replacements presented with prosthetic valve infective endocarditis.,2843 We describe a case of pneumonitis following local administration of methotrexate for nonsurgical termination of an ectopic pregnancy.,2844 The histological study of the duodenal biopsies showed villus atrophy.,2845 Enuresis is a common paediatric problem which is sometimes treated with anticholinergic drugs.,2846 Histologic examination showed in both cases epithelioid granulomas in close relation with scattered pigment.,2847 Alopecia is a rare but important side effect of anti-parkinsonian medications.,2848 "We report three patients with transformed migraine, previously refractory to a wide variety of traditional preventive pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions.",2849 Morphea after bromocriptine therapy.,2850 "One week after the termination of IFN therapy, TSH-receptor antibodies became positive and subsequently she showed Graves' hyperthyroidism.",2851 The patient was advised to stop administration of the mineral oil and was treated empirically with antibiotics during a 3-month period.,2852 "A 7 year-old Turkish boy presented with a euthyroid goiter, which was noted during evaluation of familial Mediterranean fever.",2853 We discuss the possible common immunological basis for these two diseases and the risks and benefits of immunosuppressive therapy.,2854 "To date, little evidence exists that these drugs are oncogenic.",2855 "This might be due to the fact that it has also been used to treat bacterial meningitis from organisms like Listeria monocytogenes, which is a common pathogen in the elderly and in infants.",2856 This report demonstrates that PET scintigraphy might be a helpful tool in the early diagnosis of drug-induced pulmonary toxicity.,2857 Diffuse lamellar keratitis after corneal crosslinking in a patient with post-laser in situ keratomileusis corneal ectasia.,2858 "To demonstrate that the 2-yr clinical follow-up of our patient strongly suggests that long-term therapy with posaconazole (POS) is safe and beneficial in treatment and prevention of relapses of, otherwise fatal, central nervous system mucormycosis.",2859 Severe hypertension in newborn after pyeloplasty of hydronephrotic kidney.,2860 It is activated by cytochrome P450 to form reactive metabolites that bind covalently to DNA to create adducts.,2861 The patient's symptoms were relieved with 0.5 mg intravenous atropine and she recovered uneventfully.,2862 The rationale of suggesting N-AC and IVIG for the treatment of this syndrome relies on the theoretical synergistic effects of the two agents.,2863 Myocardial infarction is rare in pregnancy.,2864 Abdominal computed tomography revealed the bumper to be buried in the abdominal wall.,2865 Atypical antipsychotic induced hypothermia is a rare adverse effect that may present with mild to severe symptoms.,2866 "This case report describes a patient with Turner's syndrome receiving systemic androgen therapy who experienced marked gingival enlargement, bleeding, and discomfort.",2867 "Its use led to simpler drug regimens, improved compliance and significant reduction in the length, or even need, of admission to hospital.",2868 We report a case of a child with neurodevelopmental delay with chronic constipation and a history of chronic mineral oil ingestion presenting as asymptomatic exogenous lipoid pneumonia (ELP).,2869 Interstitial lung disease (ILD) related to therapy with the drug gefitinib has been well reported.,2870 "We report a case of late cerebral toxoplasmosis reactivation, which was probably triggered by a brief course of corticosteroids, administered for chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD).",2871 Prompt recognition of a chlorambucil drug reaction is essential in patients receiving chemotherapy.,2872 Similar phenomena have also been observed with other antibiotics.,2873 Conventional angiography and magnetic resonance angiography showed transient stenosis of the left vertebral artery.,2874 "While still receiving the drug or shortly thereafter, two patients were found to have abnormal dark-adaptation curves, with elevations of either cone or rod thresholds, or both.",2875 A patient who developed necrotizing pancreatitis after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is presented.,2876 Desensitization with methotrexate was successful and allowed the patient to complete 12 additional courses of chemotherapy.,2877 CONCLUSION: Sexual side effects of fluoxetine may be more variable than previously thought.,2878 Thrombocytopenia has traditionally been associated with intermittent therapy.,2879 Abnormal metabolism of valproic acid in fatal hepatic failure.,2880 A possible association between arterial dissection and ergotamine abuse is discussed.,2881 Cutaneous lesions were pleomorphic but the typical picture of ecthyma gangrenosum was common in this group of patients.,2882 It causes transient atrioventricular nodal block and thus ends paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias that involve the atrioventricular node.,2883 "The thigh and buttock muscles were ""wooden-hard"" on palpation.",2884 CASE DESCRIPTION: A 37-year-old woman was started on weekly interferon beta-1a (IFN beta-1a) following a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS).,2885 "However, at the same time, multiple cutaneous violaceous papular-nodular lesions appeared on his left forearm.",2886 METHODS: A 76-year-old woman with primary open-angle glaucoma and no history of ocular surgery developed a choroidal detachment 12 hours after initiation of therapy with dorzolamide eye drops.,2887 The former diagnosis was supported by a subsequent in-vitro HEPTEM.,2888 Vincristine levels were also assayed and showed a dramatic decline in postexchange levels in the 2 patients who survived and an almost unchanged value in the patient who succumbed.,2889 "MANAGEMENT: Thalidomide withdrawal, dexamethasone maintenance therapy, monthly oral courses of combined melphalan and prednisone, salvage therapy with bortezomib.",2890 A noninvasive method in the differential diagnosis of vecuronium-induced and magnesium-induced protracted neuromuscular block in a severely preeclamptic patient.,2891 over the past 3 years there have been several reports of uveitis associated with rifabutin therapy.,2892 We present a case of steroid- and cyclophosphamide-resistant nephrotic syndrome complicated by disseminated strongyloidiasis which responded to anthelmintic agents.,2893 His seizures were controlled by 150mg/day of phenytoin in combination with primidone.,2894 "In addition, not enough controlled clinical trials have yet been conducted.",2895 Two infants developed hyperkalemia shortly after cessation of prolonged ACTH therapy for infantile spasms.,2896 Carbamazepine-induced hyperammonemia.,2897 Disulfiram-induced hepatitis.,2898 DISCUSSION: NMS is a rare but potentially fatal reaction associated with neuroleptic drugs.,2899 "Five patients have been weaned from all steroid treatment, and eight have required continued pulses at one- or two-week intervals as outpatients to maintain control.",2900 Proponents of the use of fluoroscopy cite studies that report up to 35% rates of inaccurate placement of epidural needles without the aid of fluoroscopic imaging.,2901 A 53-year-old female who developed myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) after chemotherapy for adult T-cell leukaemia (ATL) is described.,2902 It is likely that RA contributed to the deterioration in renal function in these patients.,2903 Increasing clinical experience with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants make combination antidepressant therapy at times a reasonable alternative to single-agent therapy in primary care patients with depression.,2904 "In contrast to chronic or subacute thyroiditis, Graves' disease rarely complicates IFN-alpha therapy for chronic viral C hepatitis.",2905 Equine-derived antivenin was given in 14 cases (range 2-30 vials).,2906 MATERIAL AND METHODS-A 50-year-old woman was followed-up for 15 years clinically and paraclinically after a heavy PHT intoxication.,2907 "There was no sign of bacterial, viral, or fungal infection in either case.",2908 Reduction of postoperative pain is an important goal in the perioperative management of tonsillectomy patients.,2909 "Microscopic examination of random colonic biopsies by two consecutive sigmoidoscopies revealed angulated crystals with a characteristic crystalline mosaic pattern on the ulcerated mucosa, which were consistent with Kayexalate crystals.",2910 "Subsequent progression of cataract required cataract extraction, which resulted in a very rapid progression of the exudative macular degeneration and loss of vision.",2911 Antibiotic lock technique.,2912 "To our knowledge, this is the first report of this syndrome related to vinorelbine therapy.",2913 Rifampin-associated thrombocytopenia secondary to poor compliance.,2914 Disseminated salmonellosis in a patient treated with temozolomide.,2915 "He presented with arthralgias, uveitis and respiratory insufficiency and developed hyperuricemic renal failure upon institution of treatment.",2916 Delusional parasitosis associated with phenelzine.,2917 Acute renal failure (ARF) is a rare but severe complication of active idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) in children.,2918 CONCLUSION: This report shows thatimmune-mediateddiabetes mellitus can occur as a late complication of alfa-interferon therapy.,2919 CONCLUSION: Serial amniocentesis may place patients at elevated risk for Candida chorioamnionitis and subsequent preterm delivery.,2920 "Although it is generally well tolerated, 30 to 45% of patients may experience adverse cardiac effects.",2921 The following is a case report of a 32-year-old man who experienced refractory bronchospasm upon emergence from general anesthesia.,2922 "With the use of the newer antidepressants beyond the traditional tricyclics and monoamine oxidase inhibitors, newer options in headache prophylaxis are provided as well as the potential for undesirable and even potentially life-threatening interactions between medications.",2923 "The immunoglobulin G (IgG) obtained from the TRAb-positive serum of the patient elicited no thyroid hormone-releasing activity in cultured human thyroid follicles, whereas all IgGs obtained from untreated Graves' disease elicited positive results.",2924 A study of the absorption and disappearance of dexamethasone from the circulation in response to a (1 mg oral dose indicated that the steroid was absorbed normally but was cleared more rapidly from the circulation of these two patients than from normal controls.,2925 Neither our patient's clinical symptoms nor her serologic parameters improved possibly because of the low dosage and/or short duration of cyclosporine A treatment.,2926 Recent insights in the pathophysiological mechanism of these foreign body infections have elucidated the difficulty of achieving successful treatment without device removal.,2927 "Two patients with severe dialysis osteomalacia, whose fractures and deformities had become progressively worse over 3 years, were treated with desferrioxamine (DFO).",2928 "Two days later, on hospital day 27, the patient spontaneously delivered two healthy, male infants.",2929 "Clinical and laboratory signs of liver injury resolved over the next few days, with a return to baseline levels of AST and ALT levels over the subsequent months.",2930 "With o,p'-DDD treatment, serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DS) and urinary 17-ketosteroid (17-KS) excretion fell rapidly while there was a delay in the fall of free androgens.",2931 "Treatment with topical and intracameral amphotericin B and systemic fluconazole, along with topical corticosteroids and intracameral t-PA, was successful in eradicating the corneal infiltrate and resolving intraocular inflammation.",2932 "RESULTS: A well-documented case report involving tap (draft) beer consumed while on an MAOI supports an earlier study, which recommended that all tap beers be restricted on MAOI diets.",2933 Resistance to combined ganciclovir and foscarnet therapy in a liver transplant recipient with possible dual-strain cytomegalovirus coinfection.,2934 We present the case of a 19-year-old male athlete with protein C deficiency who developed proximal deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism while abusing anabolic-androgenic steroids.,2935 The patient developed severe and suicidal depression which responded solely to testosterone.,2936 Acute non-lymphocytic leukemia occurred in eight women following long-term treatment with Treosulfan (= dihydroxybusulfan) for ovarian carcinoma.,2937 "Electron microscopy showed diffuse effacement of the glomerular epithelial foot processes, leading to a diagnosis of minimal change nephrotic syndrome with interstitial nephritis.",2938 Isoniazid induced gynaecomastia: a case report.,2939 "Alternative medicine is becoming increasingly popular, especially with terminally ill patients.",2940 "However, the clinical role of S-1 in patients with recurrent/metastatic head and neck cancer is still uncertain.",2941 CASE SUMMARIES: Two patients who received ifosfamide-containing chemotherapy developed NCSE.,2942 "A 52-year-old woman was seen in our outpatient clinic for pain and numbness in the left lower lip and chin, which developed following an endodontic treatment for her mandibular left second premolar.",2943 Associated clinical and electrophysiological polyradiculopathy and multiple mononeuropathy of the lower extremities were observed.,2944 The potential for progressive brain injury and subsequent disability related to intraventricular IL-2 therapy is discussed.,2945 Treatment with topical corticosteroids and avoidance of suspect irritants usually resolves the dermatitis.,2946 "A complete clinical remission of the lymphadenopathy was obtained after infusions of rituximab (an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody), acyclovir, and high-titer anticytomegalovirus immunoglobulin.",2947 A pulmonary artery catheter with the capacity to measure cardiac output and mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) continuously was used.,2948 The second is a 29-year-old man with CD in whom nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's lymphoma was diagnosed 3 weeks after infusion with infliximab.,2949 Catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT) has only been described in context with free-tissue transfer in a case of distal bypass salvage.,2950 Intravenous ribavirin was obtained and administered for 5 days without success; the patient's mental status deteriorated rapidly and she died on day 69 post-transplant.,2951 We suggest the use of trihexyphenidyl in combination with isoprinosine in patients with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis with myoclonic seizures refractory to valproic acid.,2952 "The second patient, who developed cholestasis after receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, had marked duct paucity in the liver biopsy.",2953 "A female patient with HER2 positive, metastatic breast cancer presented with pulmonary infiltrates, and a plural effusion dyspnoea after several months of trastuzumab treatment.",2954 "On plain X-ray films and CT scans of the abdomen, pancreatic stones began to be dissolved around 8 months of treatment, and diminished in size and number or disappeared in 21 patients (70%) during the mean follow-up period of 32 months.",2955 "In addition, she required additive reductions of 33-42% in her weekly warfarin dose with each chemotherapy cycle to maintain a therapeutic INR (goal range 2.0-3.0).",2956 "Between 1988 and 1993, 525 adults underwent OLT.",2957 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and lithium carbonate.,2958 Early detection of this rare adverse reaction may prevent acute renal insufficiency.,2959 CASE PRESENTATION: A 33-month-old girl was diagnosed with CF at 6 months of age.,2960 "CASE: A 33-year-old female, gravida 1, para 1, was treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) for three months prior to laparotomy and removal of a solitary, 5,190-g, pedunculated myoma.",2961 "We describe the clinical course, renal function, serial renal histology and urine and blood viral load measurements in two consecutive patients with refractory BKVN who were treated with low-dose cidofovir (0.25 mg/kg IV).",2962 "Despite antibiotic therapy, his pulmonary function deteriorated and 100 percent oxygen was required to maintain adequate oxygenation.",2963 Intrathecal methotrexate-induced acute cerebellar syndrome.,2964 Late onset subgaleal hemorrhage infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae?,2965 Death from inappropriate therapy for Lyme disease.,2966 We demonstrate linezolid's high CSF penetration and its CSF bacteriostatic activity against E. faecalis.,2967 We report quadriparesis as a result of severe hypokalaemia and acidosis in a 50-year-old man who had undergone ureterosigmoidostomy for bladder extrophy 48 years earlier.,2968 "A fifty-five-year-old male patient underwent total laryngectomy, bilateral modified radical neck dissection, and primary voice restoration for squamous cell carcinoma of the supraglottic larynx.",2969 "A patient with recessive generalized congenital myotonia and severe, disabling weakness underwent various forms of treatment while being monitored electrophysiologically.",2970 Increasing warfarin dosage reductions associated with concurrent warfarin and repeated cycles of 5-Fluorouracil therapy.,2971 An 82-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes had been treated with recombinant human insulin for 16 years.,2972 "OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the present status of surviving patients 10 years later, together with the latest clinical and histological data on patients who had died.",2973 She had been receiving oral colchicine therapy for mixed connective tissue disease.,2974 "Posterior leukoencephalopathy following cisplatin, bleomycin and vinblastine therapy for germ cell tumor of the ovary.",2975 Cerebral toxoplasmosis - a late complication of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.,2976 "Forty-three of 101 outpatients with parkinsonism reported that they regularly experienced primary sensory symptoms, i.e., spontaneous abnormal sensations not caused by somatic disease.",2977 "The precise role of testosterone in regulating mood, especially in alleviating depression, remains unclear although converging evidence indicates that androgens may exert antidepressant action.",2978 Photosensitive reflex epilepsy is provoked by environmental flicker stimuli.,2979 "Case histories, including medication lists, liver biopsy and laboratory data were reviewed.",2980 Juvenile absence epilepsy exacerbated by valproic acid.,2981 "When rechallenged with the same drug 6 months later, he developed hypothyroidism.",2982 "Nerve biopsies confirmed the presence of Mycobacterium leprae in both endoneurial and perineurial areas, mainly in foamy macrophages (Virchow cells), but there were also large accumulations of an amorphous, acid-fast and alcohol-fast material which was not obviously of bacterial origin.",2983 Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.,2984 Potential advantages and hazards of transvaginal intratubal insemination and single-dose MTX for ectopic pregnancy are discussed.,2985 Cardiac ischemia is a well-known and serious complication during surgery.,2986 "The risk of developing sAML is estimated to be between 1% and 5%, 2-20 years after exposure to etoposide but may also be related to cumulative drug doses, treatment schedules, host factors and co-administration of other antineoplastic agents.",2987 "A retrospective review revealed that the patient had been exposed to iopamidol, an intravenous contrast medium, on the day prior to the commencement of methotrexate treatment.",2988 "Although radiation-induced laryngeal necrosis has become a rare complication, the combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy may increase its incidence.",2989 "Eight days after the end of interferon treatment, he showed signs of inability to sit still for ten seconds and walked around constantly.",2990 Disseminated muscular cysticercosis with myositis induced by praziquantel therapy.,2991 Profound muscle weakness of lower extremities with inability to stand up and/or walk was present.,2992 A recent consensus suggested that endoscopic injection of tissue glue for gastric variceal obliteration (GVO) should be the first choice for treatment of acute gastric variceal bleeding.,2993 An objective causality assessment revealed that the interaction was probable.,2994 "We have successfully overcome severe neutropenia in an RA patient treated with gold salts, using granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), reducing the duration of neutropenia and risk of infection.",2995 Fluphenazine-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a schizophrenic patient.,2996 "His fever resolved, but he developed symptoms consistent with those of chloroquine toxicity.",2997 The two children who had severe myelotoxicity achieved the largest AUC values per milligram per square meter of 6MP.,2998 METHODS: A 40-year-old female with a 3-year history of panic disorder was prescribed fluvoxamine 50 mg day(-1) in addition to clorazepate dipotassium and sulpiride.,2999 "Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), hepatitis C, and interferon alpha (IFNalpha) have all been associated with renal dysfunction.",3000 Generalized pustular psoriasis precipitated by trazodone in the treatment of depression.,3001 "The case history and toxicological findings of an infant fatality involving pseudoephedrine, brompheniramine, and dextromethorphan are presented.",3002 "However, cyclosporine dependency is associated with the risk of nephrotoxicity.",3003 "A third case of acquired phosphate diabetes associated with a syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH), related to a pulmonary tuberculosis, is reported.",3004 "These cases also suggest that the occurrence of RLS can cause noncompliance with antipsychotics in psychiatric patients, and thus aggravate their psychotic symptoms.",3005 There is no consensus on the treatment of ticlopidine-induced marrow aplasia.,3006 Management of hypophosphatemia induced by high-flux hemodiafiltration for the treatment of vancomycin toxicity: intravenous phosphorus therapy versus use of a phosphorus-enriched dialysate.,3007 "She underwent a general ophthalmological investigation, perimetry and electroretinographic examination with multifocal (m-ERG) and flash-electroretinogram (flash-ERG).",3008 "Two of these patients, who also received the anti-emetic prochlorperazine, lost consciousness for 48-72 h and then fully recovered.",3009 "If troglitazone is used, frequent monitoring of serum aminotransferases and symptoms is mandatory.",3010 Contact dermatitis treated with new topical products: a case study.,3011 No cerebral lesion was detected.,3012 The latex of Calotropis procera causes significant ocular morbidity which may be preventable by simple health education.,3013 Cutaneous sarcoidosis during interferon alfa and ribavirin treatment of hepatitis C virus infection: two cases.,3014 "In this case, discontinuing piroxicam, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and starting a palliative treatment plan helped resolve a patient's ulcers.",3015 Cholestyramine induced hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis.,3016 "The knowledge concerning VGB-associated visual dysfunction in pediatric patients, particularly in those who have been exposed to VGB in utero is limited.",3017 "The neurological symptoms and signs were headaches, right quadrant hemianopia, dyslexia without agraphia, motor aphasia, numbness in and weakness of the right upper extremity, papilloedema and coma.",3018 "The prevalence of use, demographics of a treatment population, and occurrence of a particular side effect are explored in this article.",3019 A case of SIADH induced by mizoribin administration.,3020 The possible relationship between transplant-induced immune dysfunction and the occurrence of this rare infection is discussed.,3021 "METHODS: Four consecutive patients underwent high-risk penetrating keratoplasty (4 grafts) with a prior diagnosis of corneal scar secondary to herpetic keratitis, keratoconus, acanthamoeba keratitis, and Fuchs endothelial dystrophy, respectively.",3022 After 25 months there had been no recurrence of gastrointestinal bleeding.,3023 Methemoglobinemia is a rare cause of cyanosis in pediatric patients.,3024 "Successful use of Shakuyaku-kanzo-to, a traditional herbal medicine, for intractable symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome: a case report.",3025 Drug-induced fever should be considered in patients who have unexplained high temperatures during diltiazem therapy.,3026 "In addition to its known effect on gallbladder stasis, octreotide alters bile acid composition and may thus hasten intrahepatic sludge and stone formation.",3027 "Several drugs (e.g., penicillin, probenecid) can alter the elimination of methotrexate.",3028 "Diagnosis, treatment, observation and outcome of fetal supraventricular tachycardia in a twin pregnancy.",3029 His serum transaminases were slightly elevated and hepatic hyperechogenicity was observed on ultrasonography.,3030 Bone marrow biopsy showed a moderately hypocellular marrow; 51% of the nucleated cells were blasts with myelomonocytic differentiation.,3031 We think that our case was a new late pulmonary complication after UCBT.,3032 Another enzyme catalyzing the metabolism of antidepressants is the polymorphic S-mephenytoin hydroxylase.,3033 Many augmentation strategies have been tried in the past with varying levels of success or safety.,3034 DISCUSSION: SIADH has been reported as a complication of treatment with vinca alkaloids.,3035 Results are discussed in light of the existing literature.,3036 OBJECTIVE: To describe a patient with asymptomatic bronchial asthma and hypertension who developed an acute asthma attack after receiving sustained-release verapamil.,3037 Laboratory abnormalities were initially attributed to chemotherapy toxicity.,3038 BACKGROUND: The number of leishmaniasis cases associated with immunosuppression has increased regularly over the past 20 years.,3039 "In this case, it was suspected that a combination of cigarette smoking, pulmonary fibrosis, and low-dose methotrexate therapy might have promoted the development of lung cancer.",3040 Resection and use of a cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor for treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma in a cockatiel.,3041 Ritonavir should be added to the list of drugs that can induce adverse cutaneous reactions in HIV patients.,3042 "However, the complications both of the disease and its treatment, (e.g., acute oliguric renal failure, hip fracture) must be carefully monitored.",3043 A rating system to display the effect of clozapine on individual parameters as well as on the over-all state was devised for this study.,3044 In recent years there has been an increase in the use of ACE inhibitors in the paediatric population.,3045 "One RA patient and one AA patient have received rEpo as maintenance therapy for more than 64 and 100 weeks, respectively.",3046 Neurological side effects in two patients receiving gold injections for rheumatoid arthritis.,3047 Gemcitabine-related radiation recall preferentially involves internal tissue and organs.,3048 The onset of this endocrine syndrome appeared to coincide with a more aggressive phase of the course of small cell carcinoma.,3049 Seizures associated with fluoxetine therapy.,3050 "In the 27 late cases, Streptococcus species and gram-negative organisms comprised 48% of isolates; of 33 cases of endophthalmitis, 15 (45%) demonstrated no growth on vitreous culture.",3051 Immunofluorescent studies showed deposits of immunoglobulins and C3 in a granular pattern in the glomerular basement membranes.,3052 "Electromyography, muscle biopsy, and the course of the patient's illness were consistent with polymyositis.",3053 "This case suggests that sarcoidosis and pravastatin, two entities not frequently associated with myotonia, may interact in a synergistic manner to produce severe clinical myotonia in humans.",3054 A neuroprotective and neuroregenerative treatment attempt with pyridoxine and pyridostigmine was initiated.,3055 Nosocomial malaria and saline flush.,3056 Incidence of seizures in pediatric cancer patients treated with imipenem/cilastatin.,3057 The phenytoin only modified the IgA levels.,3058 It may be due to several causes with different outcomes.,3059 "This is an important pitfall because, when diagnosed early, bleeding in these patients is treatable.",3060 He recovered well and was able to walk by postoperative day 4.,3061 Cholestatic hepatitis after administration of furan derivatives.,3062 Investigation revealed advanced metastatic disease with a probable primary in the right lung.,3063 "Flecainide is a rare cause of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and few cases have been reported.",3064 Nocardia asteroides peritonitis during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.,3065 The clinical course suggests that the interstitial pneumonitis was induced by hydroxyurea.,3066 A 14-year-old girl with newly diagnosed SLE developed a pruritic bullous eruption while on prednisone.,3067 We report the occurrence of delayed postoperative coma in five of nine consecutive children following surgery for insertion of baclofen infusion pumps.,3068 A 22-year-old man presented with hematuria and was found to have a mass in his urinary bladder on computed tomography.,3069 Soft-tissue masses are rarely associated with Histoplasma capsulatum infection.,3070 Successful treatment of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in autologous blood stem cell transplant recipients.,3071 Altered drug pharmacokinetics should be considered as an important metabolic consequence of subtotal gastrectomy.,3072 Carbamazepine toxicity induced by clarithromycin coadministration in psychiatric patients.,3073 Therapy consisted of 3 cycles of induction cisplatin/5-fluorouracil chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy.,3074 "Against the advice of her oncologist, she abandoned traditional therapy and started an alternative regimen that included cesium chloride supplements.",3075 Data of drug monitoring demonstrated rapid metabolism and/or distribution of KW-2149 with a short half-life and the emergence of the cytotoxic metabolites M-16 and M-18.,3076 "However, the medical literature now contains at least 125 other detailed reports of ANLL developing after prolonged cytotoxic agent therapy.",3077 "We describe the case of a 61-year-old Peruvian man, who received bilateral lung transplants for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and subsequently developed persistent fever with pulmonary infiltrates, ventilator dependence, and pneumothoraces.",3078 PURPOSE: To report a case of angiographically documented cystoid macula edema occurring after switching a pseudophakic patient from latanoprost to bimatoprost.,3079 An unusual case of Lafora body disease.,3080 Severe hepatocellular dysfunction following cyproterone acetate therapy.,3081 Ayurveda is an East Indian tradition involving the treatment of medical ailments through the use of herbal medications.,3082 Fungal infection of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: case series of five patients managed over 22 years.,3083 "CASE PRESENTATION: The patient is a 22-year-old male with the evaluation of osteosarcoma, T1Gr2NxM0.",3084 We report a case of a patient who developed reactivation Histoplasmosis after receiving anti-TNF-alpha.,3085 METHODS: Review of medical records for 4 patients presenting retinochoroiditis and evidence of T. gondii infection.,3086 "In the following months, these lesions increased in number and size and neurologic symptoms developed.",3087 "Failure to recognize it and discontinue the offending agents may result in unnecessary morbidity and occasionally, irreversible renal failure.",3088 "Metamizole, a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agent, is prohibited in the United States because of the risk of agranulocytosis but is widely used in Mexico and other countries.",3089 Temozolomide-induced desquamative skin rash in a patient with metastatic melanoma.,3090 "After standard treatment had failed, we tried to treat the patient by administering rituximab directly into the cerebral ventricle through an Omaya reservoir, in addition to conventional intrathecal and systemic chemotherapy.",3091 Exclusion of other causes strengthened this conclusion.,3092 We recently dealt with a case of severe OHS presenting features of liver dysfunction; such a case has not been reported on before.,3093 High-dose cytarabine (HDARAC) therapy is an effective regimen in treating refractory leukemias.,3094 The drug should be withdrawn immediately if there is a suspicion of blood disorders.,3095 CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral administration of low-dose vasopressin for septic shock should be discouraged because of the risk of ischemic skin complications.,3096 Phenolphthalein-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis.,3097 Nineteen immunocompromised patients with extensive skin lesions caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa with or without P. aeruginosa bacteremia were analysed.,3098 "Diagnosis of sclerosing glomerulonephritis occurred in this patient during anastrozole use, suggesting a newly defined side effect of anastrozole.",3099 Caution is therefore recommended in using ACE inhibitors to treat hypertension in patients with ADPKD who are at high risk because of compromised renal function and massive cystic involvement.,3100 "Although RFA is generally well tolerated, recent studies have reported complications associated with RFA.",3101 Changes in the parameters of oxygen metabolism in a clinical course recovering from potassium cyanide.,3102 "Survivors of childhood solid tumors including Ewing sarcoma (ES) have an increased risk of secondary malignant neoplasms (SMNs) as a consequence of exposure to chemotherapy and/or radiation (see: Bhatia S, Sklar C.",3103 METHODS: The central and peripheral fields were examined with the Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer.,3104 "Extensive hormonal evaluation was performed in a girl with adrenal carcinoma during the primary tumor stage, following adrenalectomy, during the period when metastases were evident and while on treatment with o,p'-DDD.",3105 "Both patients deteriorated during treatment with propranolol, and became asymptomatic during treatment with verapamil with normal graded exercise tests.",3106 Delayed neurotoxicity of intraventricular interleukin-2: a case report.,3107 "Little experience exists with this drug in the pediatric population, however.",3108 A case of isolated Nocardia asteroides brain abscess in a kidney transplant recipient.,3109 "In all three patients, HDL cholesterol levels returned to normal following drug withdrawal.",3110 Lichen planus induced by hepatitis B vaccination: a new case and review of the literature.,3111 Similarities to dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) are pointed out.,3112 "On the seventh day of therapy, he experienced fever, with temperatures as high as 38.8 degrees C.",3113 "Bone marrow aspiration day +4 still showed hypo-normocellular marrow, with remaining 6% plasma cells.",3114 His thigh was indeed in close contact with his trousers pocket where he used to store a wiping rag drenched into white spirit and cellulosic thinner.,3115 "Bone marrow examination showed a generalized hypocellular picture, suggestive of drug-induced bone marrow suppression.",3116 It has also been advocated as an intervention for diagnostic use to assess uncommon types of tachycardia.,3117 "Acute spontaneous TLS is rare, and it has been described in leukemia and lymphoma and in some patients with solid tumors prior to institution of therapy.",3118 "Acrodermatitis enteropathica with SMON almost always has a high occurrence of visual impairment, but other sensory disturbances are slight or absent, while common adult SMON is just the opposite.",3119 BACKGROUND: Bleeding is the most serious complication of oral anticoagulant therapy used for the prevention of thromboembolic complications.,3120 The patient had Hodgkin's disease and responded to chemotherapy and amphotericin B.,3121 "Each dog developed arterial hypertension, with systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures ranging from 170 to 205, 90 to 112, and 123 to 148 mm of Hg, respectively.",3122 Iatrogenic endometrial megapolyps in women with breast carcinoma.,3123 "He was then scheduled to receive adjuvant chemotherapy with high-dose MTX, 12 g/m2 body surface area, followed by leucovorin rescue and ifosfamide.",3124 A case of a 21-year-old woman who had developed mild hepatotoxicity while receiving choline magnesium trisalicylate therapy is described.,3125 "In addition, a partial recovery of the scotopic b-wave full-field ERG was noted 19 years after cessation of treatment.",3126 All psychotropic medications were held except for a benzodiazepine.,3127 "We describe three patients who had been exposed to various solvents for more than 20 years (25, 34, and 46 years).",3128 "Complete removal of all foreign material is essential, however when prosthesis removal is not possible or contraindicated, suppressive antibiotic therapy with retention of the functioning hip arthroplasty may be considered.",3129 "In the case of SSTIs, alternative treatment of these infections should be considered, especially when the bacterial pathogen is unknown.",3130 Nonspecific but significant abnormalities have been described in the infants of women treated with disulfiram in the first trimester of their pregnancies.,3131 An investigation of malaria in a US patient without recent travel established Plasmodium falciparum molecular genotype identity in 2 patients who shared a hospital room.,3132 "This case is remarkable since 1) ECM developed after subcutaneous and not after intramuscular injection, 2) the injection was given by the patient himself, and 3) glatiramer acetate can induce skin necrosis as a side effect.",3133 "RESULTS: The inflammatory mass was excised successfully, and several specimens were examined for bacteriologic presence.",3134 "Transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy revealed a significant laryngeal hematoma, as well as a hematoma on the floor of the mouth and in the tonsil area.",3135 The dose was adjusted to 1 g every 12 hours during continuous venovenous hemodialysis.,3136 "We review the literature concerning an increasingly reported and interesting adverse effect, atypical antipsychotic-induced obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS).",3137 Development of Crohn's disease in a patient with multiple sclerosis treated with copaxone.,3138 METHOD: The case histories of three geriatric patients treated with fluoxetine for depression or obsessive compulsive disorder are presented.,3139 Immunosuppression elicited by the extensive administration of prednisolone was suspected for the initiation of the generalized mite infestation.,3140 "Fournier's gangrene is a fulminant necrotizing fasciitis of the scrotum and penis, often with an infectious etiology.",3141 "To optimize future management of this problem we studied 2 poorly recognized factors in the pathogenesis and prognosis of genitourinary malacoplakia in transplant recipients: 1) the probable role of azathioprine as the specific immunosuppressive agent responsible for the pathogenesis of malacoplakia, and 2) the importance of the localization of the disease and its impact on the ultimate prognosis.",3142 All isolates were believed to be clinically significant.,3143 "Extensive pelvic, pulmonary and brain metastases were associated with clinically manifest thyrotoxicosis.",3144 Henna is a traditional cosmetic agent and is used worldwide.,3145 "Although the exact cause of her hemorrhagic stroke is uncertain, the hypertensive response that may have led to the hemorrhagic stroke occurred following administration of commonly used doses of vasopressor agents.",3146 Macrophage activation syndrome in systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis successfully treated with cyclosporine.,3147 We report the occurrence of renal failure due to cholesterol crystal embolization following thrombolytic therapy with intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA).,3148 Her symptoms and elevation of pancreatic enzymes did not respond to conventional medical treatment of pancreatitis for 18 d.,3149 "Blurred vision, left bundle-branch block and cardiac failure.",3150 Transient phenytoin induced IgA deficiency and permanent IgE increase.,3151 Histiocytic lymphoma of the ileocecal region developed in a patient with multiple myeloma following successful long-term alkylating agent therapy.,3152 Cisplatin administration following carboplatin desensitization failure in primary peritoneal cancer: a brief report.,3153 "While the true correlation remains unknown, allergic cross-reactivity may occur between sulfonamide antibiotics and non-antibiotics, such as loop diuretics.",3154 "We describe 2 patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus who developed severe dapsone reaction after low dose therapy, with a fatal outcome in one.",3155 Careful pretreatment screening and rigorous monitoring patients are recommended to help prevent this life-threatening event.,3156 Successful treatment of disseminated Fusarium infection after autologous bone marrow transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia.,3157 We presented the case of a patient who developed a cutaneous reaction induced by captopril with positive patch test.,3158 We discuss 2 recent cases seen at our institution and 39 cases described in the English-language literature since 1995.,3159 Immunopathology detected in situ bound and circulating immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibodies to epithelial cell surfaces and circulating IgG autoantibodies against desmoglein 1.,3160 2-Chloro-deoxyadenosine induces durable complete remission in Castleman's disease but may accelerate its transformation to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.,3161 "Moreover, these findings suggest that the incidence of BOOP following rituximab therapy may be higher than has been previously appreciated.",3162 We report a case of fulminant neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a man aged 70 developing within 12 hours of starting six-hourly intravenous metoclopramide.,3163 The proliferating cells were of T lineage and further typing demonstrated that they bore the OKT8 antigen.,3164 Fungal infections involving the pacemaker pocket after pacemaker implantation procedure are extremely rare.,3165 A 44-year-old man presented to the emergency room with sudden onset of fevers and rigors 7 weeks after renal transplantation.,3166 "Thus, olanzapine dose reduction may permit treatment continuation where this is clinically indicated.",3167 The tendency to develop AV block in a patient who is euthyroid was reduced by bypass tract conduction.,3168 Reversal of pathologic cardiac parameters after transition from clozapine to olanzapine treatment: a case report.,3169 "However, it is controversial whether progressive hepatic lesions develop in complete abstainers as a result of long-term cyanamide treatment.",3170 "The incidence of pulmonary nodules after cardiac transplantation is not uncommon, and prompt diagnostic procedures are necessary to minimize disease-related morbidity and mortality.",3171 "This sequence of events, i.e., cause and effect, has been referred to as the ""holiday heart"" syndrome.",3172 A brain magnetic resonance image showed multiple high signal intensities on T2-weighted images predominantly located at the parietooccipital lobe.,3173 Sulfasalazine-induced lupus erythematosus.,3174 Chryseobacterium indologenes was isolated from the blood cultures of an oncological patient with a totally implantable device.,3175 "IFN-beta-1b therapy was then resumed, and the patient is in remission for both nephrotic syndrome and MS.",3176 Complement factor H (FH) deficiency is one of the causes of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS).,3177 Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in Niemann-Pick disease type C: correlation with diagnosis and clinical response to cholestyramine and lovastatin.,3178 A purple rash in the left submandibular area was noted.,3179 "The association of malignant mesothelioma with lymphoma is rare, and the possibility of asbestos exposure as a common etiology is discussed.",3180 "In addition, he was given a continuous infusion of 400 micrograms daily human recombinant granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (rh GM-CSF) for 17 days.",3181 The sub-conjunctival haematoma in a patient receiving warfarin can pose a significant management challenge.,3182 The pathogenesis appears to be multifactorial but involves rapidly rising vasoconstrictor tone in renal and systemic vascular beds.,3183 "Milk:plasma ratios were less than 1, although a higher ratio would be predicted.",3184 BACKGROUND: Sympathomimetic-related intracerebral hemorrhage is well-documented.,3185 The patient was hospitalized and treated with a bolus as well as continuous infusion of intravenous magnesium sulfate.,3186 "His renal function returned to baseline 14 days later with supportive care, folinic acid rescue, and urinary alkalinization.",3187 Metabolic balance studies and rechallenge with hydrochlorothiazide were undertaken to investigate the mechanism of the thiazide-induced hyponatremia.,3188 We describe a case of extensive thromboembolism associated with antithrombin (AT) deficiency complicated by thrombocytopenia which resolved when low-molecular-weight heparin was instituted.,3189 "In these four patients, plasma carbamazepine concentrations after clarithromycin coadministration were approximately twice as high as those after its discontinuation.",3190 RESULTS: The patient developed bilateral central retinal vein occlusions in association with high-dose intravenous immunoglobulins.,3191 Carbamazepine-related hyponatremia following cardiopulmonary bypass.,3192 We review the literature and discuss its pathogenesis.,3193 The mechanism of this cholestasis is not clear at present.,3194 "The pathogenesis of the hypoglycemia was investigated by assessment of serum insulin, plasma glucagon and serum alanine levels during disopyramide rechallenge.",3195 "Intestinal wall thickness, evaluated by ultrasound, is an important prognostic factor which could act as a guide to surgical indication.",3196 "Concomitant administration of estradiol resulted in a reduction in serum alanine aminotransferase and ferritin levels and hepatic iron concentration and staining after 2 years of estrogen therapy, although interferon therapy was withdrawn because of adverse effects.",3197 Sequential patients arriving to our center within 3 hours of stroke onset who were treated with intravenous alteplase were screened for possible additional intra-arterial therapy using noninvasive neuroimaging.,3198 We report a case of dermal alternariosis occurring in a woman treated with corticosteroids for dermatomyositis.,3199 This toxic effect was attributed to lomustine and was not seen in patients treated with carmustine alone.,3200 "PATIENTS AND METHODS: Here, we describe the application of this device in two patients with a complicated course of shunt infection.",3201 CONCLUSIONS: Amphotericin B seems to be the probable cause of the seizures.,3202 She developed neurotoxicity with an adjustment dosage of valacyclovir for a cutaneous zoster infection.,3203 Asterixis induced by carbamazepine therapy.,3204 "In a female with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, inadvertent doxorubicin administration intrathecally caused severe, life-threatening, acute encephalopathy with high-pressure hydrocephalus.",3205 "However, 3 months after withdrawal of treatment, the patient still showed clinical and laboratory symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus.",3206 "The prevalences of hypertension, coma/unresponsiveness, seizures, and death were not as prominent in our study as previously reported, perhaps reflecting earlier recognition and intervention.",3207 "In lead intoxication, nerves may incur mechanical damage.",3208 "We describe an exceptional case of Candida tropicalis sepsis in a patient submitted to allogeneic BMT; the diagnosis was made on a peripheral blood smear, when the pt was neutropenic and only mildly febrile.",3209 Clinicians should be alert to these potential problems in the geriatric population.,3210 PURPOSE: Utilization of lead-contaminated opium may lead to severe motor neuron impairment and quadriplegia.,3211 Acute myelogenous leukemia following treatment of invasive cervix carcinoma: a case report and a review of the literature.,3212 "Finally, leukocyte and platelet counts increased and remained within normal range following IgG therapy in the third patient having SLE-associated leuko- and thrombocytopenia.",3213 Effective intravenous cyclosporin therapy in a patient with severe Crohn's disease on parenteral nutrition.,3214 "Chest roentgenogram showed infiltration in the left lung field, and laboratory data revealed eosinophilia.",3215 "Chemotherapy may be reserved for patients with positive cerebrospinal fluid, extracranial disease, or subsequent relapse.",3216 All patients had biopsy findings or cultural evidence of the progression of their fungal infection while being treated with conventional amphotericin B.,3217 A patient with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia developed drug-induced pulmonary toxicity after using low dose oral etoposide.,3218 "Owing to suspected acute myocardial infarction, the patient was treated with thrombolytic therapy but her condition deteriorated.",3219 Respiratory failure in Wegener's granulomatosis: response to pulse intravenous methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide.,3220 The surgical resection and chemotherapy of metastatic osteogenic sarcoma of the right ventricle.,3221 One suspicious mechanism is the low content of calcium ion stabilizing proteins such as hyaluronate or fetuin in treatments for severe eye burns.,3222 "METHODS: A retrospective review of 136 central line (Broviacs [B], Port-A- Caths [PC] and Hickmans [HC]) removals during the last 5 years was undertaken.",3223 "In all except two patients, serum Na+ returned to normal values within 3 to 12 months of continued lorcainide therapy.",3224 "Because of their self-limiting nature, the importance of avoiding unnecessary and potentially deleterious antithyroid treatment is emphasised.",3225 In order to develop optimal schedules for exogenous TPO administration it might be important to consider endogenous TPO response characteristics.,3226 There was no evidence of recurrent myeloma after the initial remission on cyclophosphamide therapy.,3227 Fat embolism in infancy after intravenous fat infusions.,3228 "The ocular toxicity of DCF, previously described as conjunctivitis, appears to be a keratitis of moderate severity which requires further study.",3229 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed superior sagittal sinus (SSS) thrombosis and meningeal enhancement.,3230 "Consequently, this is a likely, although rare, possible adverse effect with propafenone for which patients should be monitored.",3231 Fatal toxic epidermal necrolysis related to lamotrigine administration.,3232 "Examination revealed facial erythema and eczema, ectropion, blepharitis, chemosis, lid teleangectasia, and contact lens-related corneal edema.",3233 "We report sporotrichoid spread of Mycobacterium marinum in a 37-year-old woman with Crohn's disease, who had been receiving infliximab infusions for 2 years.",3234 They also suggest that liver enzymes should be monitored during treatment with riluzole.,3235 Suicide associated with corticosteroid use during chemotherapy: case report.,3236 Metformin-associated lactic acidosis precipitated by diarrhea.,3237 Exacerbations of the heart failure were temporally related to the administration of the antitumor antibiotics actinomycin-D (NSC-3053) and mithramycin (NSC-24559).,3238 Only one patient reported transient side effects.,3239 We describe such a case who responded to chemotherapy and not to low doses of corticosteroids.,3240 Left main coronary artery stenosis treatment with two paclitaxel-eluting stents in a patient with cardiac allograft vasculopathy.,3241 These patients developed cutaneous sarcoidosis about 3 months after the beginning of the combination therapy.,3242 METHODS: Cases were identified by using a questionnaire sent to nephrologists and pathologists in French university and general hospitals.,3243 "Emphasis is placed on the significance of the possible relationship and similarity between NIS and catatonic stupor, and on the theoretical possibilities which this offers.",3244 Dysgammaglobulinemia in steroid-dependent optic neuritis: response to gammaglobulin treatment.,3245 "One day later, the INR was found to have decreased, and bleeding was also improved.",3246 Propafenone-induced ataxia: report of three cases.,3247 "We report a case of drug-induced pemphigus caused by an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril.",3248 The case of a bipolar patient who developed thyrotoxicosis with severe exophthalmos while on lithium therapy is described.,3249 Our observations suggest a new model for metabolic encephalopathy studies and provide insight into the mechanisms of pigmentary retinopathy.,3250 "In this brief report, we present case of successful cisplatin administration following two unsuccessful carboplatin desensitization attempts, and without the need for pre-treatment steroids.",3251 The potential for a variety of local and systemic side effects from the use of potent topical corticosteroids has long been recognized.,3252 There have been several reported cases of omeprazole-induced AIN.,3253 She was discharged without any neurologic sequela.,3254 RESULTS: A two-year-old boy was surgically treated for residual esotropia after two botulinum toxin A injections.,3255 "This article is a guide to its usage in children and includes discussion of its indications, contraindications, pre-treatment laboratory studies, dosing and drug interactions.",3256 Endovascular treatment of renal artery thrombosis caused by umbilical artery catheterization.,3257 "No dose-rate effect has been reported, however.",3258 Patient beliefs that prescribed medication has limitations and that natural products are safe contributed to the use of herbal remedies.,3259 Hypercoagulopathy induced by chemotherapy in a patient with lung cancer.,3260 "METHODS: We evaluated all neonates who received prostaglandin E1 in our hospital between October 1, 1989, and September 30, 1991, for clinical, radiologic, or pathological evidence of acute gastric-outlet obstruction.",3261 "While for ribavirin antidepressant effects are not known, we suppose that antidepressants may prevent changes in serotonergic or noradrenergic neurotransmission caused by IFN-alpha.",3262 "Despite anti-tuberculous treatment, she died on day 85.",3263 "Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a rare complication after ABO-incompatible allogeneic stem cell transplantation, but its mechanism is still unknown.",3264 Results of this study show milnacipran to be beneficial in patients with chronic pain.,3265 Triazolam-induced nocturnal bingeing with amnesia.,3266 "In animal models, cesium chloride has induced cardiac arrhythmias, including torsade de pointes.",3267 She was treated with intramuscular injections of methotrexate 20 mg/wk.,3268 Central serous chorioretinopathy developed in 2 cases of retrobulbar neuritis during systemic treatment with corticosteroids.,3269 "After both patients gave informed consent, an uneventful intravitreal injection of 1.25 mg Avastin was performed in the left eyes.",3270 Pathological features such as large amounts of lipid droplets and lysosome-melanosome complexes were also found within the melanocytes.,3271 Succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemia in a patient with mucositis secondary to chemotherapy.,3272 METHOD: Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) is a newly approved treatment for weight loss and wasting in patients with AIDS.,3273 "Dalteparin, an LMWH, was started at a maximum dose of 18,000 units subcutaneously once daily, according to British national prescribing guidelines.",3274 Vancomycin-induced vasculitis.,3275 Virilizing adrenal tumor in a child suppressed with dexamethasone for three years.,3276 A 42-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital to receive intravenous acyclovir for a herpes zoster infection.,3277 "Her course, history and outcome are presented and the pharmacokinetics, the mechanism of action, signs and symptoms and treatment of strychnine poisoning are reviewed.",3278 Adding morphine (5 mg/60 mL levobupivicaine) permitted a reduction in infusion rate.,3279 "The latter form (Macrodantin) is reported to engender less gastrointestinal intolerance but it can produce the same adverse effects as the conventional form--liver damage, acute and chronic pulmonary reactions, peripheral neuropathy, blood dyscrasias and allergic reactions--and does so just as rapidly and floridly; one such case is reported here.",3280 "After an initial excellent response, each patient relapsed and developed a severe chronic depression that was refractory to other treatments.",3281 Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection occurs in approximately 1% of newborns and is the leading infectious cause of congenital birth defects.,3282 Combined thrombolytic therapy or therapy with a single agent with a long half-life and a prolonged infusion time is suggested as an emergent treatment option for prosthetic mitral valve thrombosis.,3283 A 34-year-old male with lumbar disc disease and surgery was placed on gabapentin daily for chronic back pain.,3284 "He was treated with imatinib 400 mg/d, which improved his general condition with few adverse effects.",3285 The boy is now 14 months off tuberculostatic treatment and 8 months off AML therapy.,3286 "This case had radiation fibrosis, so we suggest that radiation fibrosis may be another contributor of the occurrence of ILD in patients taking erlotinib.",3287 "Chymopapain--past and present, future?",3288 She was successfully carried through pregnancy and delivered a normal child despite combination chemotherapy.,3289 Acute spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome in a patient with Crohn's disease taking immunosuppressants.,3290 Celiprolol pneumonitis.,3291 "Serum sickness consists of a systemic reaction resulting from the formation of soluble circulating immunocomplexes after the introduction of a foreign substance into the body We studied a 38-year-old woman diagnosed with anxiety, depression and right sacroileitis who was treated with phenylbutazone, ranitidine, clomipramine and levomepromazine.",3292 This observation indicates the complex effect of HIV on joint inflammation.,3293 Relationship of eye burns with calcifications of the cornea?,3294 The eye eventually became blind and painful and was enucleated.,3295 This is the first report to describe this extremely rare occurrence.,3296 "Stricture formation at the level of the calyceal infundibula occurred, as well as retroperitoneal and ureteric fibrosis.",3297 "Despite poor prognostic factors and extensive white matter lesions, the patient recovered dramatically with no need for maintenance steroid therapy.",3298 Managing ergot-induced gangrene: the anesthesiologist as a key player.,3299 Persistent loss of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra after neuroleptic withdrawal.,3300 Treatment of a patient with severe digitoxin intoxication by Fab fragments of anti-digitalis antibodies.,3301 "BACKGROUND: Visceral leishmaniasis is a protozoan infection usually asymptomatic, but can progress to fatal disease in immunocompromised hosts, especially in HIV patients.",3302 We describe the clinical course of these patients and their management aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of gold therapy.,3303 Methanol toxicity can cause severe central nervous system insult in which a characteristic pattern of bilateral putaminal injury is noted on brain imaging studies.,3304 PRCA developed 3 years after the thymectomy and she was successfully treated with cyclosporin.,3305 "The microbiologic diagnosis was established after valvectomy, which was necessitated by failure of empiric antibiotics to eradicate the infection.",3306 "A 51-yr-old nonsmoking male patient without any history of previous allergies, asthma, hay fever, or urticaria developed attacks of asthma when captopril was added to the nadolol and dyazide treatment for his high blood pressure.",3307 Other thiazolidinediones currently in clinical trials may be able to provide the therapeutic benefits of troglitazone without significant hepatotoxicity.,3308 "The possibility that the underlying disease or other chemotherapeutic agents may increase the risk of pulmonary toxicity can, however, be discussed.",3309 "In the immunocompetent host, antiviral therapy can successfully treat herpesvirus respiratory infection, with reversal of clinical, virologic, and pathologic findings.",3310 We describe a patient in whom this was the primary manifestation of drug hypersensitivity.,3311 "BACKGROUND: Oxaliplatin is a platinum derivative, which is used in the treatment of colorectal cancer.",3312 A T9-10 epidural catheter was placed prior to induction of general anaesthesia.,3313 Acute myeloid leukaemia with t(8;16)(p11;p13) in a child after intrauterine X-ray exposure.,3314 "With higher doses of radiation being given by using conformal techniques, more radiation-induced optic neuritis and neuropathy will be identified.",3315 We report a case and discuss its presentation and management.,3316 "After 4 years in complete remission, he developed a CD20-negative T-cell-rich B-cell lymphoma (TCRBCL) presenting as multiple lung lesions.",3317 A regimen of topical INF alpha 2-beta 4 times daily was administered.,3318 A typical case of dextran-40 associated acute renal failure is presented.,3319 A frequent problem is relapse of disease when corticosteroid dosage is tapered off.,3320 Nine azotemic patients who developed a coagulopathy associated with the use of either cephalosporin or moxalactam antibiotics are reported.,3321 "Clinically, our patient showed a vasculitic-like skin rash involving both palms and soles, and histopathological examination revealed a syringotropic lymphocytic infiltrate directed toward the intra-epidermal portion of the eccrine ducts.",3322 Subacromial injections have been used to treat rotator cuff problems.,3323 "Heparin is the most common cause; although the fall in platelet count tends to be modest, these cases are particularly dangerous because of associated thrombosis.",3324 "We report a case of reversible encephalopathy syndrome in a 16-year-old girl with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), who is undergoing during consolidation chemotherapy composed of BH-AC (N4-behenoyl-1-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl cytosine) and idarubicin.",3325 Spontaneous coronary artery dissection is an unusual cause of acute myocardial ischemia.,3326 Transient hemiparesis caused by phenytoin toxicity.,3327 A snoozer.,3328 "To know the histochemical effects of steroid treatment on eosinophil accumulation in nasal polyps of AIA and the histochemical feature of a recurring polyp and to detect distributional differences between storage and secreted forms of eosinophil cationic proteins, we carried out immunocytochemical labelling with antibodies against EGI (recognizing resting and activated eosinophils) and EG2 (recognizing only activated eosinophils), and determined eosinophil infiltration in nasal polyps that were obtained before and after steroid treatment, and at recurrence of polyps.",3329 "Flavimonas oryzihabitans has been isolated from a wide range of body sites, and the portals of entry are major wounds or implanted foreign materials.",3330 RESULTS: A 76-year-old woman developed X maltophilia endophthalmitis after cataract extraction.,3331 Immunosuppressive therapy was conducted with OKT-3 induction in the first patient because of the coexisting renal dysfunction and with a triple immunosuppressive regimen for both patients.,3332 All patients were treated with ICD system explantation and antifungal therapy.,3333 "In case #2, the concentrations of quetiapine found were 16 mg/L in blood (42 micromol/L), 120 mg/kg (310 micromol/kg) in liver, and 1.8 mg/L (4.6 micromol/L) in vitreous fluid.",3334 Both patients suddenly became hypotensive after injection of chymopapain into a disk.,3335 "After 56 months, she was free of disease and treatment-related toxicities.",3336 He began taking propafenone only 6 days prior to admission because of uncontrolled atrial fibrillation and symptoms of fatigue.,3337 Persistent cerebrospinal fluid leak is a known complication of intrathecal pump system insertion for drug delivery.,3338 "To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of the use of sodium thiosulfate to treat calciphylaxis in a patient with normal renal function.",3339 "In this case, interferon alpha induced polymyositis and cardiomyopathy is diagnosed in a 33-yr-old male patient with history of chronic hepatitis B.",3340 "The mechanism of this effect is not entirely clear, but 5-azacytidine produces hypomethylation of the gamma gene at certain sites, and gene expression and DNA hypomethylation are related phenomena in many other systems.",3341 "At autopsy, the liver was found to be small, shrunken, and scarred; histological sections demonstrated postnecrotic cirrhosis.",3342 "Three PC lines broke at the time of removal resulting in a length of line remaining in the central venous system (the superior vena cava, innominate vein, and bracheo-cephalic subclavian junction).",3343 "This therapy was curtailed after three cycles because of nausea, asthenia, and neuropsychological deterioration.",3344 Our observation would confirm this statement.,3345 CONCLUSIONS: A subgroup of patients with idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) will have steroid-dependent symptoms which can be confirmed using pure-tone audiometry.,3346 "Itraconazole is a widely prescribed triazole antifungal drug, often given for long periods.",3347 We describe 2 children with cerebral palsy who suffered significant morbidity immediately after treatment with hyperbaric oxygen.,3348 High-grade atrioventricular block during dipyridamole stress testing.,3349 METHODS AND RESULTS: This report describes a Merkel cell carcinoma which developed in a liver transplant recipient.,3350 "Here we present the case of a woman who received high doses of methylprednisolone (1 g iv daily) for active Graves' ophthalmopathy, and developed severe hypertension followed by myocardial infarction on the fifth day of treatment.",3351 We present the first case of WES in an infant born to a mother taking haloperidol during her pregnancy.,3352 Childhood dermatomyositis and polymyositis.,3353 Approximately 75%-85% of patients with bladder cancer present with disease confined to the mucosa (stage Ta-CIS) or submucosa (stage T1).,3354 "However, she developed new pulmonary symptoms and an enlarged cavitary lesion associated with the rapid formation of a fungal, ball-shaped shadow that was serially observed by radiological analysis.",3355 Arterial hypertension associated with topical ocular use of phenylephrine in dogs.,3356 "In general, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors should be discontinued in pregnancy, as they can induce an ACE fetopathy.",3357 There is yet no explanation for the occurrence of hallucinations or psychosis.,3358 "Also, there are some suggestions of an underlying susceptibility and possibly a genetic predisposition, at least in some patients.",3359 A euthyroid woman with ophthalmic Graves disease developed endogenous hyperthyroidism coincident with T3 suppression test.,3360 Specific inhibitors of 5-HT reuptake are reported to have lower proconvulsive activity than other antidepressants.,3361 Various medical treatments had been tried with meager results.,3362 "Bicarbonate hemodialysis treatment should take place early in the course of management, especially in patients with severe metabolic acidosis who fail to respond to intravenous bicarbonate therapy or in whom renal failure is present.",3363 "RESULTS:Haze, uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), and BCVA improved in all patients.",3364 There are a few case reports of other fluoroquinolones that have been associated with toxic epidermal necrolysis.,3365 The underlying pathogenesis is probably multifactorial.,3366 "CONCLUSIONS: The value of multihormonal therapy in breast carcinoma is not established, and the addition of progestogens to tamoxifen may not reduce of developing endometrial lesions, including carcinoma.",3367 Two patients required emergent surgical procedures.,3368 DESIGN: Description of the clinical findings in two patients with this condition.,3369 We report the case of a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) who developed fatal intravascular autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) after fludarabine treatment.,3370 Intravenous cytarabine and methotrexate appear to act synergistically to enhance the potential for central nervous system toxicity.,3371 "In the interim, the patient had been transitioned to warfarin.",3372 "The mother had used lamotrigine in increasing doses throughout pregnancy, and at the time of the apneic episodes, she used 850 mg/day.",3373 It helps to reduce the serious toxic side effects of calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs).,3374 We conclude peripheral neuropathy with 5-FU is rare.,3375 "In addition, the development of tardive dyskinesia and its subsequent amelioration with a depot form of a high-potency neuroleptic are discussed in relation to these disorders.",3376 "An angiogram was performed, which demonstrated that the mass was fed by the branches from the right external carotid artery.",3377 It can mimic other diseases because of its nonspecific clinical presentation and radiographic signs.,3378 RESULTS: Intradermal tests to intravenous cyclosporine formulation (1 mg/mL) were positive in the patient and negative in two controls.,3379 The patient had a favourable outcome.,3380 The novel antipsychotics offer great potential for improving compliance.,3381 It has been shown to possess beneficial effects in reducing the relapse rate in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.,3382 "Other measures including attention to factors that contribute to falls should also be considered, necessitating a multi-disciplinary approach.",3383 "RESULTS: Despite high pretreatment values of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT; peak value of 901 IU/L) and HCV-RNA (2.3 x 10(6) copies/ml), the combination therapy with IFN and ribavirin produced a rapid normalization of the serum ALT values, accompanied by the clearance of serum HCV-RNA.",3384 "The CYP2D6 phenotype, determined when the patient received the antidepressant comedication, characterized a poor metabolizer status (dextromethorphan metabolic ratio >0.3), despite a heterozygous genotype containing a wild-type allele with extensive metabolic capacity and a mutant non-functional allele (CYP2D6*1A/CYP2D6*4A).",3385 Graves' hyperthyroidism following transient thyrotoxicosis during interferon therapy for chronic hepatitis type C.,3386 "Fluoxetine is a relatively new antidepressant, reported to have minimal side-effects.",3387 "Gastrointestinal disturbances were reported in six patients, and hypotension in six.",3388 "It is postulated that renal tubular damage secondary to the cumulative effects of repeated courses of aminoglycosides resulted in hypomagnesaemia, and we suggest screening for this problem by monitoring serum magnesium regularly in all patients with CF receiving multiple courses of aminoglycosides.",3389 A 16-month-old male presented to the Emergency Department cyanotic and short of breath after ingestion of a hair-care-equipment cleaning solution.,3390 It also appears to be effective in other conditions such as psoriasis and ankylosing spondylitis.,3391 "However, we report the case of an 88-year-old woman who was treated for prosthetic joint infection and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia with vancomycin followed by linezolid therapy.",3392 "It is comprised by pain, discoloration, and edema in the vicinity of intravenous infusion of phenytoin through dorsal veins of the hand.",3393 Neuralgic amyotrophy associated with antibiotic therapy.,3394 Cefuroxime-induced acute renal failure.,3395 Laboratory work-up was unrevealing.,3396 Our patient was a 72-year-old man with advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) who received levodopa and anti-cholinergic drugs and whose head had become almost completely bald.,3397 "Irritative skin reactions were observed only at higher testings doses, in contrast to the allergic type of reaction, which occurred at a lower testing dose.",3398 Use of the Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale indicated a probable relationship (score of 5) between the patient's development of hepatotoxicity and the TMP-SMX therapy.,3399 "Shortly before admission to our hospital, the patient had discontinued his hydrocortisone medication.",3400 "In addition, the deletion of chromosome no. 20, described as characteristic for PV, was found in 3 cells.",3401 Twenty patients with bladder cancer were treated by semiselective intra-arterial chemotherapy with Adriamycin.,3402 "Sirolimus has been widely used in renal transplantation, and its use in heart transplantation is increasing.",3403 We report a 67-year-old man with Parkinson's disease for 9 years who developed compulsive use of levodopa.,3404 The median age was 73 years (range 41-81).,3405 Aspergillus fumigatus keratitis is a rare but serious complication of LASIK surgery.,3406 "Despite the severity of their illness, all patients but one survived.",3407 "At this psychiatrist visit, sertraline 50 mg/day was added for her depression, and was continued after a geriatrician visit in October.",3408 "Because a catheter-related infection was suspected, the Port-A-Cath was removed after a 10-day course of piperacillin-tazobactam.",3409 RESULTS: Six preterm and 2 term patients were included in the study.,3410 Gemcitabine-induced pulmonary toxicity is usually a dramatic condition.,3411 We report a case of hip fracture during treatment which was associated with osteoporosis.,3412 Children who are treated with topiramate should have a careful history taken preoperatively looking for signs of a metabolic acidosis and baseline blood chemistries should be measured prior to surgery to detect an asymptomatic metabolic acidosis.,3413 Antimonial derivatives induced a rapid remission.,3414 Riluzole is a new drug representing the first active treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.,3415 "Itraconazole can be administered as continuous dosing, 200 mg per day for 3 months, or in the form of pulse therapy, 200 mg twice a day for 1 week per month for 3 consecutive months.",3416 No major safety issues were observed during the study.,3417 The importance of the need to avoid misdiagnosing heat stroke as neuroleptic malignant syndrome is reviewed.,3418 Visual system side effects caused by parasympathetic dysfunction after botulinum toxin type B injections.,3419 "In our cases, haematological side-effects were satisfactorily controlled by dose reduction without allowing the reemergence of psychiatric symptoms.",3420 We report the case of an elderly patient who developed this unusual occurrence following an uneventful pars plana vitrectomy for a posteriorly dislocated IOL.,3421 It is important to consider possible cross-sensitivity of chemically related compounds even when they are administered by different routes.,3422 Tracheal mucociliary transport velocity (MCTV) was measured by timing the movement of 4 microL of mucus across the trachea.,3423 "Although the current metabolism of the 2 drugs in combination is poorly understood, the potential for serious interactions seems to exist in the rapidly growing population of persons with asthma, for whom they may be prescribed.",3424 "This case illustrates that a small number of subjects with severe asthma receiving high-dose CS need to be considered as a separate, high-risk group for developing disseminated varicella.",3425 "Complete remission was achieved, however, severe neutropenia, documented infection, stomatitis, and diarrhea were observed.",3426 "We review in clinical detail the fifth case reported from North America, involving a child with extensive central nervous system involvement.",3427 "Therapy was continued for 8 months or longer in 6 patients, none of whom developed life-threatening infections.",3428 "Two months later, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia developed.",3429 Only one case of a generalized maculopapular rash with enoxaparin has been reported in Europe.,3430 "Three (10%) eyes had an epithelial defect, nine (31%) had iridocyclitis, and seven (24%) had associated secondary glaucoma.",3431 No changes in respiratory/hemodynamic status or oxygen saturation were observed.,3432 A case of actinic prurigo and solar urticaria.,3433 This report describes a case of perforated appendicitis and ectopic pregnancy following in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer.,3434 MR appears to be valuable in the detection of abnormalities induced by treatment with high-dose methotrexate.,3435 Clear guidelines and access to support are often lacking.,3436 The case cited here highlights the need for continued awareness education for physicians who may use ceftriaxone to treat common illnesses such as acute exudative tonsillitis and otitis media in children.,3437 A retrospective review incriminated transfusion therapy and volume overload as the etiology.,3438 Vitreous touch after phacoemulsification.,3439 Heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis is a severe complication of systemic heparin therapy.,3440 We conclude that autoimmune hemolytic anemia may be an unusual presentation for postirradiation sarcoma.,3441 "Due to paranoia and agitation, the dose was increased to 5 mg twice daily after 2 days.",3442 "Corticosteroid administration was ineffective, whereas a prompt response to cyclosporine was observed.",3443 "Due to Quetiapine's particulars and the promising receptor profile concerning addiction medicine, we set out to examine the tolerability and efficacy concerning relapse prevention of withdrawn alcoholics suffering from craving and affective symptoms.",3444 Acanthamoeba keratitis associated with contact lenses: six consecutive cases of successful management.,3445 This gave almost total resolution of the injury.,3446 We report on a patient with renal artery stenosis who had only 1 kidney and in whom acute renal impairment developed with transient anuria after the administration of captopril.,3447 The treatment was discontinued and after 2 months the liver parameters became normal.,3448 The association between choroidal neovascularization (CNV) and retinal vein occlusive disease is uncommon.,3449 Childhood methanol ingestion treated with fomepizole and hemodialysis.,3450 Human coenurosis in North America: case reports and review.,3451 Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: consequence of treatment of an emerging pathogen.,3452 "Orthostatic hypotension was also noted at that visit, with a standing blood pressure measurement of 95/80 mm Hg.",3453 "After the patient developed recurrent infections, laboratory findings disclosed panhypogammaglobulinaemia with B-lymphocyte deficiency.",3454 "Using a computer-based algebraic approach, methods for modeling this uncertainty have been formulated.",3455 Three patients are presented in whom life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias dominated the clinical presentation.,3456 "Although her seizures stopped, her blood pressure fluctuated between 90/60 mm Hg and 60/30 mm Hg over the next several hours, requiring treatment with intravenous fluids and pressor therapy.",3457 "We present a case of a diabetic patient taking glyburide who was prescribed ciprofloxacin and developed prolonged hypoglycemia, which persisted for over 24 hours.",3458 Osteonecrosis is a serious side effect of antiemetic treatment with dexamethasone and this serious complication should be incorporated in the current guidelines.,3459 Hypersexuality with antiparkinsonian therapy.,3460 We report on the clinical phenotype and infantile development of a girl born to a 36-year-old mother.,3461 We report a case of a 32-year-old man who showed paradoxical enlargement of pathologically verified intracranial tuberculomas during a course of adequate antituberculous chemotherapy.,3462 "This was the patient's first experience with trimethoprim- sulfamethoxazole, and he was not taking any other medications during the treatment period.",3463 Olanzapine may be considered a potential and safer treatment for a this specific group of patients.,3464 "A left L1 transforaminal approach was successful, and 1 mL of iopamidol (Isovue) contrast was injected, followed by 5 mL of a solution of 0.125% bupivacaine and 40 mg of triamcinolone.",3465 All had a history of chronic graft-vs-host disease (cGVHD) and all had active manifestations of cGVHD at MN diagnosis.,3466 Proteinuria resolved after the initiation of oral prednisolone therapy (1 mg/kg per day).,3467 "Here, we report the cases of two children who developed typical clinical and biochemical features of BMTN.",3468 "His lung cancer recurred 10 months later, when he was found to have bone metastases.",3469 "On the 3rd day, an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter was placed with a heparin flush, after which massive IVC thrombosis developed.",3470 "Pathologically only a subpopulation of malignant cells responded to the chemotherapy, demonstrating viability of the majority of the tumor, with cell death only in the subpopulation.",3471 The pathogenesis of augmentation is unclear.,3472 Imatinib mesylate-related fatal acute hepatic failure in a patient with chronic myeloid leukaemia and chronic hepatitis B infection.,3473 Skin manifestations of a case of phenylbutazone-induced serum sickness-like reactions.,3474 Ileal ulcers and cytomegalovirus infection in a case of Churg-Strauss syndrome.,3475 Intentional overdose with tiagabine: an unusual clinical presentation.,3476 A teenage girl with crescentic glomerulonephritis had antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) detected after she had received propylthiouracil (PTU) for hyperthyroidism without cutaneous vasculitis.,3477 "The patient's asthma improved, and he remained asymptomatic; but routine study evaluations 9 to 12 months into therapy showed microhematuria, proteinuria, glucosuria, anemia, and renal insufficiency.",3478 Gastrointestinal ulcers occur frequently and are mainly caused by H. pylori infection.,3479 Recent studies have found clozapine a highly effective and ECT a possibly useful intervention.,3480 "Lithium (Eskalith) is commonly used in the treatment of depressive and bipolar affective disorders, in a population at relatively high risk for overdose.",3481 "As angiotensin-converting enzyme seems to play a role in the genesis and metabolism of bronchomotor mediators, this rare form of drug-induced asthma is important for both clinicians and airways pharmacologists.",3482 "Evaluation at another laboratory showed normal levels of TSH, raising the possibility of interfering substances.",3483 "CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware that removing a serotonin-2a (S-HT2a) antagonist 1mm a treatment regimen including an agent that increases serotonin in the synaptic cleft may worsen clozapine withdrawal or potentially result in serious adverse drug reactions, such as serotonin syndrome.",3484 "Despite the large number of cases with mediastinitis described in the literature, the chest closure with only an omental flap without closure of subcutaneous tissue and skin is rare.",3485 CASE SUMMARY: A 54-year-old white man received a heart transplant secondary to ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy.,3486 "There have been few reports, however, which have investigated a challenge with clozapine in patients previously showing eosinophilia.",3487 "In this report, we suppose the possibility to develop a foetal malformations after a long-term wash out from isotretinoin therapy.",3488 Pyoderma gangrenosum related to a new granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.,3489 We describe four patients who had seizures while receiving ofloxacin; no other causes were evident.,3490 The thrill of reckless driving in patients with Parkinson's disease: an additional behavioural phenomenon in dopamine dysregulation syndrome?,3491 "An Asian multiparous woman weighing 47 kg, who suffered from a rare myopathy, congenital fibre type disproportion, was given morphine 10 mg intramuscularly for labour analgesia.",3492 It is imperative that dermatologists have a keen awareness of this possible adverse event given the increased use of this class of drugs.,3493 "We describe a 28-year-old woman who developed stridor, orofacial swelling, and drooling several hours after a routine dental extraction.",3494 The case history of a 42 year old male on CAPD who was receiving sodium nitroprusside (SNP) for hypertensive encephalopathy is described.,3495 The failure of high doses steroids to alter the course of illness and to completely suppress the thyroidal inflammatory process is highlighted.,3496 Cross-sensitivity reaction between tacrolimus and macrolide antibiotics.,3497 These situations must be recognized as potential problems and must be treated appropriately.,3498 Cutaneous ulceration: an unusual complication of intravenous pentamidine therapy.,3499 "Three children presented with adrenal crises, manifested by vomiting and hypoglycaemia, after protracted courses of high-dose inhaled corticosteroids for asthma.",3500 "Liver biopsy revealed a reduction in activity of carbamyl phosphate synthetase-I, an enzyme obligated for transformation of ammonia to urea in the urea cycle.",3501 Response of a promethazine-induced coma to flumazenil.,3502 The effect of repeated exposure to specific chemicals on the initiation or progression of mycosis fungoides (MF) remains unsettled.,3503 The case history of an 11-year-old boy is reported.,3504 It has been described most recently in patients with solid tumors who receive taxane-based therapy.,3505 "These changes resemble lymphocytic bronchiolitis in lung transplant recipients, which was well correlated with HRCT findings.",3506 BACKGROUND: Headaches have been reported as a potential side effect of capecitabine therapy.,3507 We present two such case of epilepsy induced by video game.,3508 The combination of GM-CSF to accelerate hematological recovery and the possibility of administering large doses of a liposomal form of Amphotericin B were the contributing factors to the resolution of the infection.,3509 "In both cases, spontaneous resolution occurred over several weeks following withdrawal of the drug.",3510 "By repeated testing other causes of diarrhea, e. g., infectious diarrhea including Clostridium difficile colitis were excluded.",3511 "Based on these findings, the patient was diagnosed with diabetes insipidus secondary to lithium therapy and was treated successfully with amiloride.",3512 "After treatment with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, the patient's hemodynamic status improved, permitting the liver transplant to be completed.",3513 The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secretion is a common consequence of neurologic and pulmonary infections as well as drug intake and many other clinical situations.,3514 "The patients differed with regard to risk; one patient had existing cardiopulmonary disease, and the other was free of such risk factors except liver disease.",3515 METHODS: A 76-year-old woman with microbial keratitis and recurrent endophthalmitis after cataract surgery was referred to a tertiary care center for further management.,3516 Internists will need to be increasingly aware of and prepared for this pharmacologic complication.,3517 De novo absence status is a specific epileptic condition that should be suspected in all elderly subjects on chronic treatment with psychotropic drugs presenting in a confusional state.,3518 The patient was a nonsmoker with no respiratory illnesses.,3519 A 37-year-old male ingested 12 gm of fluoxetine approximately 2 hours prior to arrival at an emergency department.,3520 We report such a case in a morbidly obese laboring parturient after receiving combined spinal-epidural labor analgesia.,3521 The authors report the case of a 32-year-old man who had been treated for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder and had received 800 mg methylphenobarbital (MPB).,3522 "OBSERVATIONS: In both patients, at the time of the visual disturbances, macular edema was clearly observed by OCT.",3523 METHODS AND RESULTS: Skin prick tests were positive to cloxacillin in case 1 and negative in case 2.,3524 Antifungal therapy was given but her condition deteriorated and she died.,3525 Chromosomal analysis showed some abnormalities.,3526 Erythema multiforme bullosum due to rifampicin.,3527 The proband had no detectable DPD activity.,3528 This illustrates a rare case of gastrointestinal adverse reaction to pancreatic enzymes that was treated successfully with desensitization.,3529 Neutropenic colitis during standard dose combination chemotherapy with nedaplatin and irinotecan for testicular cancer.,3530 A magnetic resonance imaging scan obtained 7 weeks after the injection showed a full-thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon.,3531 The plasma concentration of pirmenol was at a subtherapeutic level and the lymphocyte stimulation test was positive in this patient.,3532 Jaundice was the presenting symptom in all three.,3533 The patient had advanced malignant mesothelioma and all other methods of pain control had been unsuccessful.,3534 Fulminant Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in 4 patients with dermatomyositis.,3535 We report a patient with a colonic adenocarcinoma who developed hemolytic uremic syndrome after receiving 85 mg/m2 of the drug.,3536 "On discontinuing the medication, the areas of severely restricted diffusion had entirely resolved, with minimal residual T2 signal abnormality.",3537 Renal tubular acidosis secondary to FK506 in living donor liver transplantation: a case report.,3538 "In the second patient, a mild augmentation of liver enzymes occurred, followed by normalization in a few days.",3539 "Herein, we present a case of Majocchi's granuloma of face, a site rarely involved, in an immunocompetent patient.",3540 Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is an unusual tumor principally affecting the skin of the lower extremities.,3541 "High doses of atropine (up to 50 mg per 24 hours), adrenaline and dopamine were necessary.",3542 "Histopathologic study of the ecthyma gangrenosum-like lesion, as well as pustular lesions, revealed epidermal necrosis and an inflammatory infiltrate in the upper dermis, with numerous septate hyphae demonstrated by periodic acid-Schiff stain.",3543 "On subsequent follow-up one patient is taking no insulin and has been maintained on hydrochlorothiazide; the other patient required insulin on two occasions when challenged with a propranolol-thiazide combination, but not when the thiazide was discontinued or replaced with furosemide.",3544 The drug was discontinued and papular lesions gradually disappeared.,3545 "The patient was treated with triple tuberculostatic drug therapy, followed by two-drug therapy, while receiving maintenance chemotherapy for AML, including thioguanine and cytarabine.",3546 "Treatment was continued with amphotericin B colloidal dispersion, followed by fluconazole for 8 months.",3547 Detailed investigations first revealed a low renin level without hypokalemia.,3548 Therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia following HIV-associated lymphoma.,3549 "Eighteen hours after chemotherapy she was noted to have hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and acute renal failure.",3550 "Age at diagnosis was 43 +/- 3 years (range, 37-47).",3551 Subsequent serial electro- and echocardiograms were normal.,3552 Such cases could prove an interesting locus for the investigation of both affective disorders and tardive dyskinesias.,3553 SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Symptomatic spinal epidural lipomatosis is considered to be a rare condition usually presenting with slowly progressive cord or nerve root compression.,3554 "INTERPRETATION: When high doses of fluticasone propionate are used, growth may be retarded and adrenal suppression may occur.",3555 The symptoms disappeared with clemastine and betametasone treatment.,3556 Our findings suggest that chronic GVHD may be complicated with diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis through unknown cellular immune mechanism.,3557 Antiarrhythmic agents can cause pneumonitis.,3558 "The attributable mortality rate is 15%, with the most significant factor being treatment delay (mean time from presentation to initiation of treatment, 6.74 weeks).",3559 Vitamin D toxicity is associated with enhanced resorption of bone in some patients.,3560 "We further used immunohistochemistry (IHC) to examine the relative role of platelet-derived growth factor-B (PDGF-B), insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in the pathogenesis of BCNU-related pulmonary fibrosis.",3561 "Six month follow up showed maintained antiparkinsonian benefit, without need for levodopa treatment and complete absence of dyskinesia.",3562 Myelodysplasia syndrome (MDS) presenting as spontaneous gingival hemorrhage is described.,3563 "An episode of leukoencephalopathy is reported in a 13-year-old girl who, after standard radiotherapy for a posterior fossa medulloblastoma, received 8 treatments with a protocol containing a 4-hour infusion of 500 mg/m2 methotrexate and 12 mg intrathecal methotrexate.",3564 Intrahepatic cholestasis and cutaneous bullae associated with glibenclamide therapy are described in a 61-year-old diabetic patient who presented wit hypoglycaemic coma.,3565 "We report four cases of sensorimotor axonal neuropathy in children aged 10-15 years, treated with thalidomide for myxopapillary ependymoma, Crohn's disease and recurrent giant aphthous ulceration.",3566 Slow acetylator genotypes as a possible risk factor for infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome induced by salazosulfapyridine.,3567 Tamoxifen is suggested to be carcinogenic both through direct genotoxic and epigenetic mechanisms.,3568 We report our conventional magnetic resonance and diffusion-weighted imaging findings and briefly discuss the pathophysiology of the syndrome.,3569 So far nine patients on digoxin have received between 550 and 1000 mg/m2 of doxorubicin without ill effect.,3570 Mesalamine may cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis in patients with Crohn's disease.,3571 CBC revealed pancytopenia.,3572 Self-limited edema is a well-recognized complication of insulin therapy.,3573 "CASE SUMMARY: A 77-year-old white woman presented to the hospital with elevated serum creatinine, oliguria for the past 24 hours, arthralgia, fatigue, fever, and bilateral flank pain.",3574 A case report of treatment with intra-arterial urokinase and review.,3575 Neutropenia is an uncommon but potentially serious complication of drug therapy.,3576 There are few reports of salvage chemotherapy for HIV-related non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).,3577 "Propafenone's distribution, clearance, and structural similarity to propranolol contribute to its central nervous system effects.",3578 His symptoms of brain stem compression were alleviated and the role of phenytoin in the production of his craniocervical abnormality is discussed.,3579 The embolization of a venous catheter fragment is a rare complication.,3580 "The quality of life was assessed in 37 maintenance hemodialysis patients during treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin (r-HuEPO; EPOGEN [epoetin alfa], AMGEN Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA) for correction of anemia.",3581 It should therefore be instituted in good time in potentially life-threatening cases of intoxication.,3582 "The exacerbation of psoriasis was accompanied by a massive induction of lesional type I interferon activity, detected by MxA expression after imiquimod therapy.",3583 The excessive accumulation of copper in many tissues illustrates the potential danger of parenteral copper therapy.,3584 "Physicians in the United States, especially those who practice primary care, hematology/oncology, and infectious diseases, must be aware of the availability and use of metamizole in specific patient populations and its potential for harmful side effects.",3585 "This report details the pulmonary pathologic findings in four patients with rheumatoid arthritis, who developed new onset of pulmonary signs and symptoms with alveolar infiltrates temporally related to the institution of etanercept therapy.",3586 The observations made in these three patients may give support to the hypothesis that cholinergic activity has pathogenic significance in depressive syndromes.,3587 Adriamycin-induced cardiomyopathy aggravated by cis-platinum nephrotoxicity requiring dialysis.,3588 "The amounts of total brompheniramine, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine remaining in the baby bottle were 1.4 mg, 9.4 mg, and 40 mg, respectively.",3589 "One month after changing to fosinopril therapy, the patient reported complete resolution of the cough.",3590 This is the first report of an adverse effect of fetal renal circulation by maternal ingestion of nimesulide.,3591 He became febrile and developed a productive cough and pulmonary infiltrates on postoperative day 4.,3592 "The patient, a paraplegic, was treated with dantrolene and made a full recovery.",3593 Unlike most stent fractures reported that involve stent struts only our case demonstrated circumferential disruption with complete separation of the stent segments.,3594 Systemic vasculitis complicating hairy cell leukaemia treatment with cladribine.,3595 "The median latent period was 9.5 hours (range 4 to 24 hours) with a delay to medical consultation of 36 hours (range 6 to 48 hours), and a median serum methanol concentration of 1.4 g/L (range 0.19 to 3.62 g/L).",3596 We are reporting a case of a 62 years old man who presented with atypical chest pain four months after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).,3597 This case demonstrates the maxim that the correct dose of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate is 'enough'.,3598 "Here, we report a case of acute liver dysfunction complicated with uncontrollable glycemia due to insulin antibody.",3599 "Bone marrow aspirations showed hypocellular-normocellular bone marrow, 98% of plasma cells.",3600 "The refractive state of lesion eye was -5.5D/-1.25D x 180 degrees, and visual acuity was hand motion at 30 cm.",3601 "The striking temporal relationship between commencing dalteparin on day 1 and subsequent development of effusion on day 4, following 3 doses of LMWH, led us to believe that the bleed occurred as a result of the therapy.",3602 "On December 24, serum CK was 839 IU/L and myoglobin was 91 U/L and the patient was discharged.",3603 One of these patients showed pyramidal features and subsequently developed an optic neuropathy and pigmentary retinopathy.,3604 A case of disseminated Aspergillus terreus infection in a patient with prolonged neutropenia after stem cell transplant for myeloma is reported.,3605 Inflammatory changes were observed in four out of nine patients on HAART and in one out of 19 patients not on HAART.,3606 Physicians should keep in mind that taxanes such as paclitaxel have the potential to cause pneumonitis and lung fibrosis.,3607 "The authors also determined that their case of myositis developing in the rectus abdominus muscle of a patient with pancreatic adenocarcinoma was the manifestation of radiation recall, thereby bringing the number of patients who developed radiation recall to gemcitabine and were discussed in the current study to 13.",3608 She had been receiving TPN for 2.5 years when she developed cholestasis which worsened despite adjustments to her TPN regimen.,3609 "While a lower systemic steroid dosage may have been the provoking factor, we feel that an adverse reaction to oleic acid, a dispersing agent in the aerosol freon vehicle, is a strong possibility.",3610 "It generally is characterized by fever, altered mental status, rigidity, and autonomic dysfunction.",3611 Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is an integral component of two biochemical reactions in man: the conversion of L-methylmalonyl coenzyme A into succinyl coenzyme A and the formation of methionine by methylation of homocysteine.,3612 This form of ARF is characteristically anuric and follows a distinctive clinical course.,3613 "Some of these lesions coalesced into plaques, with small areas of sparing, and a background erythematous color was also found in the axillary vaults (Fig.",3614 Drug induced myopathies have been implicated with the use of several medications.,3615 "Ritonavir can induce glucuronidation of several medications including ethinyl estradiol, levothyroxine, and lamotrigine.",3616 "It has activity against both the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia, which has made it an alternative to traditional antipsychotic medications such as haloperidol.",3617 Another patient died form an overdose due to misunderstanding of the prescribed dosage given elsewhere.,3618 Exfoliative dermatitis secondary to tobramycin sulfate.,3619 "Her hearing gradually, then completely returned 2-3 months after the vincristine therapy was discontinued.",3620 "Eleven patients developed infection requiring hospitalization while taking leflunomide including: lower respiratory tract infections (3), cellulitis (2), disseminated herpes zoster (2), probable TB liver (1), abdominal sepsis (1), mycotic aneurysm (1) and gastroenteritis (1).",3621 "Her plasma cesium level was 2400 microg/dl (normal < 1 microg/dl), and her family was told to stop her alternative treatment regimen.",3622 "MK-0457 has in vitro activity against cells expressing wild-type or mutated BCR-ABL, including the T315I BCR-ABL mutation.",3623 Three patients developed proteinuria following gold therapy for rheumatoid arthritis.,3624 The patient complained of intolerable lumbago and numbness in her buttocks.,3625 Implications for its drug management are discussed.,3626 "Despite severe thyrotoxicosis, combined IFN-alpha and ribavirin therapy was continued and radioiodine treatment was considered for Graves' disease.",3627 Jpn J Ophthalmol 2005;49:231-234 (c) Japanese Ophthalmological Society 2005.,3628 OBJECTIVES: To describe the dissolution of a large organized intraatrial catheter-tip thrombus using a novel aggressive dose escalation of tissue plasminogen activator infusion.,3629 "However, we cannot exclude a primitive effect of erythropoietin on the endothelium or on the platelets.",3630 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia as a second malignancy following the treatment of medulloblastoma is a very rare condition.,3631 "In view of the close time association between the start of chemotherapy and the acute onset of massive embolism other explanations, such as spontaneous necrosis, must be considered less likely.",3632 We report here a case of delirium that occurred after discontinuation of glucocorticoid therapy.,3633 "Among atypical antipsychotic, clozapine, risperidone and olanzapine have been reported to be associated with the condition.",3634 Chemotherapy is frequently used to treat adenocarcinoma.,3635 Culture and cytology of lavage fluid were negative.,3636 Medical or surgical therapy is variably successful in these men.,3637 "Although the symptom complex of disseminated cysticercosis has been well recognized for over half a century, it is not clearly included in recent disease classifications.",3638 Two patients had a history of schizophrenia.,3639 Median time to progression (TTP) was 12 weeks.,3640 "The patient, with a history of cardiovascular disease and glaucoma, was admitted to the hospital because of complaints of shortness of breath, orthopnea, and reduced exercise tolerance.",3641 "Therefore, bone marrow follow-up is critical for monitoring of response.",3642 A skin biopsy examined by light and electron microscopy showed no morphological abnormality in the sweat glands.,3643 As a clinical entity atrioventricular (AV) block due to hypothyroidism is rare.,3644 Thiopurines such as azathioprine (AZA) and 6-mercaptopurine are frequently used for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases.,3645 METHODS: A 79-year-old woman being treated with imiquimod 5 days per week for a nodular basal cell developed a verrucous plaque over the treatment area after 7 weeks of therapy.,3646 "Investigations showed abnormal liver function tests, pancytopenia and elevated serum levels of aflatoxins.",3647 Attenuation of asparaginase-induced hyperglycemia after substitution of the Erwinia carotovora for the Escherichia coli enzyme preparation.,3648 "Laparoscopic splenectomy was performed before therapy in four patients with platelet counts of <70,000/mm(3), and during therapy in five patients with severe thrombocytopenia.",3649 The clinical symptoms of gastric mucosa foveolar hyperplasia due to long-term PGE1 therapy simulate hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.,3650 Two cases are presented that illustrate a possible treatment role for ECT.,3651 One case of tacrolimus-induced hepatic VOD developing after lung transplantation (LT) has been recently reported.,3652 Eosinophilic gastroenteritis (EGE) is a rare condition of unknown etiology characterized by eosinophilic infiltration of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.,3653 There were no other known risk factors for vascular disease.,3654 "The Japanese literature was reviewed for reports on this allergy, and the occurrence due to budesonide was compared with that of other dermocorticosteroids.",3655 INTERVENTIONS AND RESULTS: Cardiac complications were observed in five pediatric patients who received between 4.6 and 40.8 mg/kg/d of amphotericin B.,3656 "DHP often reduces the number of platelets, also DHP needs a lot of heparin, therefore, we should have performed HD alone instead of DHP.",3657 "The patient's arthritis flared after the second infusion of infliximab, which was discontinued.",3658 "In the present paper, we report on two siblings with G6PD deficiency who developed haemolytic anaemia following topical application of henna to their whole body to treat skin lesions.",3659 Guidelines for handling common scenarios in PD patients will be illustrated by 10 case histories.,3660 We present a case of hypereosinophilia related to zafirlukast therapy.,3661 A 63-year-old African-American woman was admitted to the hospital with urosepsis and altered mental status.,3662 "The day after methotrexate administration, the patient complained of severe back pain and urinary retention.",3663 Generalized maculopapular and papular purpuric eruptions are perhaps the most common thionamide-induced reactions.,3664 Electromyographic investigation revealed a myopathic pattern in proximal muscles without any neuropathic changes.,3665 "His chemotherapy consisted of doxorubicin HCL, bleomycin, dacarbazine, and vinblastine, with prophylactic administration of a granulocyte colony stimulating factor.",3666 Mucositis should be added to the list of conditions in which succinylcholine is contraindicated.,3667 OBJECTIVE: This case discusses a rare but devastating complication of transforaminal epidural injection.,3668 "Significant bleeding from retroperitoneal hematomas is more often associated with major pelvic fractures from high energy blunt force mechanisms, and the blood loss may be tamponaded by the retroperitoneal structures if natural clotting mechanisms are intact.",3669 "The reported effects of these agents in increasing total Hb, however, have been inconsistent and there have been no studies on the combination of these medications.",3670 It allows safe administration of a different platinum agent in patients who seem to benefit from platinum-based therapy.,3671 Significance of subclinical entrapment of nerves in lead neuropathy.,3672 "Six months after the procedure, the patient had an elective angiogram, where we discovered a new severe occlusion distally to the former stent; a second PES was implanted.",3673 Antimalarial psychosis revisited.,3674 "From these, three patients with myopathy were found for a total of 303 patient-years of therapy, for an incidence of 1 in 100 patient-years (95%, confidence interval 0.2-3).",3675 Anterior chamber paracentesis for aerobic and anaerobic cultures may be an appropriate initial diagnostic step in suspected cases.,3676 Drug interactions between Ritonavir and Tacrolimus should be anticipated.,3677 This mode of therapy was effective in treating severe gingival hyperplasia in a patient receiving systemic androgen therapy.,3678 Cardiobacterium hominis endocarditis in a patient with a hypersensitivity reaction to penicillin.,3679 A 22-year-old man with a synovial cell sarcoma attained an excellent response to therapy with adriamycin (NSC-123127) and dimethyltriazeno imidazole carboxamide (NSC-45388).,3680 The clinical response was reflected by an increase in circulating interleukin (IL) 10 and a decrease in IL-6 and IL-8 serum levels during treatment.,3681 All seven patients recovered without sequelae.,3682 All her symptoms gradually subsided over the next few hours.,3683 "RESULTS: One case of recurrent primary peritoneal carcinoma previously treated with a carboplatin-based regimen, developed a platinum hypersensitivity.",3684 "Classification included dry (7%), mild (48%), moderate (39%), and severe (6%).",3685 Adrenal crises in children treated with high-dose inhaled corticosteroids for asthma.,3686 The seizures started when he was 2 months old.,3687 "Reaccumulation of hemothorax occurred over the 48 hours following drain removal, necessitating insertion of a second drain, which removed 1400 mL of blood-stained fluid.",3688 A 43-year-old woman received cisplatin 60 mg/m2 in 15 minutes during her sixth cycle of therapy.,3689 The condition improved slowly after stopping medication and systemic steroids.,3690 Oligohydramnios and pulmonary hypoplasia: a case in which involvement of an angiotensin II receptor antagonist was suspected.,3691 It is well known that intravascular injection of oleic acid induces acute respiratory failure in animal models.,3692 Our patient illustrates the importance of early recognition and treatment of hyponatremia before the onset of seizures.,3693 "The only comparable case previously reported (Lai et al., 1991) showed close similarities in the clinical, biological and histological manifestations with microvesicular steatosis.",3694 Histological changes were consistent with IgA-nephropathy and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.,3695 Seventy-four per cent of patients with epileptogenic disorders seen at the Emergency Unit at Groote Schuur Hospital were on phenytoin and 11.6% of these had blood levels in the toxic range.,3696 "To rule out fibrin sheath formation, catheter dye studies need to be obtained when fibrinolytic therapy has failed to restore catheter function.",3697 Histologic assessment of pleural fluid revealed no malignancy and results of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery were normal.,3698 Abdominal examination and laboratory studies were not clinically remarkable.,3699 MEASUREMENTS: A large intraatrial catheter-tip thrombus (2.5 x 3 cm) was an incidental finding on an echocardiogram done to assess cardiac function.,3700 "A pituitary adenoma was removed, vision recovered, and the pregnancy completed successfully.",3701 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The occurrence of concomitant intracranial pathology in a patient with postdural puncture headache (PDPH) is rare.,3702 "As more chemotherapy pumps are implanted, undoubtedly, new and unusual complications will occur.",3703 Localized purpura associated with lamotrigine.,3704 Acute abdomen due to endometriosis in a premenopausal woman taking tamoxifen.,3705 Tardive seizure and antibiotics: case reports and review of the literature.,3706 "A transdermal scopolamine patch is an effective medication for relieving motion sickness, treating nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy and decreasing withdrawal side-effects from wearing off opioids.",3707 Thiabendazole given for 3 to 7 days is the treatment of choice for organ transplant recipients.,3708 "This is particularly the case for children, who often exhibit resistance to intramuscular or rectal administration of drugs.",3709 "In contrast, ultrarapid metabolizers with multiple CYP2D6 genes might require high doses of such drugs for optimal therapy.",3710 Taxane-induced glaucoma.,3711 Recurrent bacteremia developed necessitating Hickman line removal for eventual resolution of the infection.,3712 "Because she could not tolerate ketoconazole and was hypersensitive to griseofulvin, she received itraconazole with complete recovery within 30 days.",3713 No anti-Xa activity was demonstrated in breast milk.,3714 "The proportions of lymphocyte subsets, as defined with monoclonal antibodies, and the proliferative response to mitogens were normal.",3715 We present a patient who had a superior sagittal sinus thrombosis in addition to his PDPH.,3716 At dosages 22.5-30 mg/day (0.45-0.57 mg/kg/day) longstanding non-convulsive status epilepticus was noted in all three patients.,3717 The calculated index (posterior tibial/arm pressure) increased from a mean of 0.22 to 0.74 during the eight-month period following discontinuance of methysergide therapy with no recurrence of migraine headaches.,3718 Azathioprine (AZA) is an immunosuppressant commonly used for organ transplantation and autoimmune diseases.,3719 "SUMMARY: Unfortunately, the clinical features of the oral adverse effect from NVP are not well known.",3720 "Although major hazards of treatment of hypophosphatemic osteomalacia with phosphate and calcitriol are secondary hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D intoxication, potassium loss also should be kept in mind.",3721 Trimethadione treatment may be a useful tool for chemical dissolution of pancreatic stones.,3722 Prothipendylhydrochloride-induced priapism: case report.,3723 The process worsened during the two weeks following steroid cessation.,3724 The improvement in initiative and social capacity was striking and appeared to be due to improved awareness of the environment and the acquisition and handling of useful knowledge.,3725 We present the first case of ovarian endometrioid carcinoma and endometriosis in a postmenopausal patient who was treated with tamoxifen for breast cancer.,3726 "Moreover, chronic GVHD-related liver injury was noted at the time of this episode.",3727 "The patients were genotyped for the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A9 gene (which encodes the main COMT inhibitor-metabolizing enzyme), and found to carry mutations leading to defective glucuronidation activity.",3728 This case is the first report in which RLS augmentation is shown to be characterized by motor hyperkinesias paralleling levodopa plasma pharmacokinetic profile.,3729 "By using the preloaded biliary catheter, adequate positioning of the laser fiber was achieved in all patients.",3730 Reversible nonthrombocytopenic palpable purpura associated with metoclopramide.,3731 "During treatment with alefacept, the patient's psoriasis improved markedly without exacerbation of his photosensitive SCLE lesions.",3732 A hemagglutinin mutation (198 Thr-->Ile) reduced the virus affinity for receptors found on susceptible human cells.,3733 This would suggest that botulinum toxin is a safe and effective first line treatment for palatal tremor.,3734 Data are presented to show a significant absorption of lidocaine through diseased skin when lidocaine cream is used as a local anesthetic.,3735 BACKGROUND: Pseudoporphyria is a photosensitive bullous skin disease that is distinguished from porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) by its normal porphyrin profile.,3736 PURPOSE: To report cerebral venous thrombosis as a complication of intravenous corticosteroid treatment in a patient with multiple sclerosis.,3737 "In addition, we review recent data to indicate how concurrent use of antifolates may place these children at particular risk for adverse psychological reactions.",3738 Acetazolamide (Diamox) is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor commonly used in patients with glaucoma in order to reduce intraocular pressure.,3739 "Although she was born after vacuum delivery and a scalp swelling was noticed from the third day of life, this swelling disappeared completely at the age of 3 months.",3740 It was possible to reproduce the disease by the intradermal injection of killed Group A streptococcal organisms.,3741 Twenty-six (of 40 successful) patients indicated that they favored the night-time regimen mainly because it was less complicated.,3742 "Histology showed pigment within dendritic cells, and extracellularly throughout the dermis.",3743 "To determine the clinical significance of this organism, we reviewed the records of all patients whose blood cultures were positive for E. avium who were seen at our institution from 1986 through 1991 and identified nine cases of bacteremia due to E. avium.",3744 Thrombolysis was administered and the patient recovered uneventfully.,3745 We suggested that the development of hyperlipidemia was related to the carnitine deficiency.,3746 "Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) is a rare disease, which is histopathologically defined by the presence of granulation tissue in the bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveoli leading to plugging of the bronchiolar and alveolar lumen.",3747 "It seems that trigeminal manipulation during dental treatment as well as increased serum levels of induced epinephrine mainly by stress and pain, and the small amounts absorbed from the site of local anesthesia might produce abrupt elevation of blood pressure, subsequent increase in cerebral blood flow and severe, even fatal intracerebral hemorrhage.",3748 Initial low plasma thiamine levels confirmed the diagnosis of thiamine deficiency.,3749 "In this report, we describe a rare case of bilateral cryptorchism that did not come to the attention of the physician to implement effective substitution with testosterone until much later in adult life.",3750 No reactions occurred to methylprednisolone and hydrocortisone.,3751 Essential thrombocythemia is a clonal myeloproliferative disorder that causes thrombocytosis.,3752 Here we describe two cases in postpneumonectomy patients in which expandable esophageal stent placement resulted in respiratory compromise requiring reintervention due to airway compression.,3753 "We report a case of cough following the administration of quinapril, with complete resolution after changing to the alternative ACE inhibitor fosinopril in a patient with essential hypertension.",3754 "One month after cataract surgery in the right eye, the best-corrected visual acuity was right 6/6 (-1.25) and left 6/10 (-2.00/-0.50 x 100).",3755 Diagnosis and treatment of chronic postoperative bacterial endophthalmitis.,3756 DISCUSSION: To our knowledge this is the first reported case of tuberculous uveitis following treatment with etanercept.,3757 "Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) is an inherited disease, closely following the pattern of autosomal recessive inheritance.",3758 "E. avium bacteremias were polymicrobial in seven cases; in six cases, the coisolates were gastrointestinal organisms.",3759 After recovery CT scan follow-up showed marked cerebral atrophy which did not exist prior to the state of coma.,3760 A 67-year-old man was admitted for management of a diabetic foot ulcer.,3761 A literature review of the relationship between bulimia and affective disorder showed that the evidence from empirical research and case report studies suggests that a sizeable subgroup of bulimics suffer from bipolar disorder as well as bulimia and may benefit from antimanic medications such as lithium.,3762 Peak serum concentrations exceeded 4 mcg/ml.,3763 A 67 year old man presented to his local dentist for restorative treatment.,3764 Systemic absorption of oral vancomycin in a peripheral blood stem cell transplant patient with severe graft-versus-host disease of the gastrointestinal tract.,3765 The prepuce as a donor site for reconstruction of an extravasation injury to the foot in a newborn.,3766 Ocular symptoms began between 3 and 6 months after transplantation.,3767 The authors report 2 cases of renal damage associated with lithium carbonate treatment.,3768 "These cases emphasize the need for a high index of suspicion for tickborne illness in oncology patients, and the importance of a low threshold for starting empiric treatment before confirming the diagnosis.",3769 "A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.",3770 RESULTS: Differences between the plaintiff's and defendant's experts' opinions are presented by utilizing the COAT literature.,3771 A 73-year-old woman on topical pilocarpine and adrenaline for chronic simple glaucoma for three years presented with a mass in the medial canthus of the right eye.,3772 MRI with gadolinium enhancement demonstrated prominent multifocal enhancing white matter lesions.,3773 The association between the use of cyproterone acetate and liver abnormalities is poorly documented.,3774 The recombinant human IgG1 monoclonal antibody specific for human TNF-a adalimumab (Humira) has been recently introduced for the treatment of moderate/severe psoriasis.,3775 The sensory overstimulation is characterized by a subjective experience of sensory overload and a relative resistance to lidocaine local anesthesia.,3776 "Second malignancy is one of the late complications of long-term cancer survivors, treated with radiation or chemotherapy.",3777 "RESULTS: Vitritis occurred in 8 patients (12 episodes), 2 to 23 months postoperatively.",3778 CONCLUSIONS: Colchicine-induced myopathy should be excluded in patients with FMF who present with generalized muscle weakness.,3779 "The arterial ketone body ratio (AKBR), which is the ratio of acetoacetate to beta-hydroxybutyrate in arterial blood and which reflects the redox state in liver mitochondria, improved dramatically following treatment.",3780 It also emphasizes how minor changes in electrocardiogram can be overlooked on standard electrocardiograms.,3781 Acute renal failure with severe tubulointerstitial changes in a patient with minimal change nephrotic syndrome treated with enalapril.,3782 We conclude that treatment with ramipril can be employed effectively and safely in GSD Ia patients with nephrotic-range proteinuria.,3783 The occurrence of severe AIHA in CLL patients treated with fludarabine has been reported by several authors.,3784 "After two months of mechanical ventilation, the patient was stabilized.",3785 Use of the Naranjo probability scale showed the relationship of itraconazole therapy and the occurrence of acute hepatitis as probable.,3786 Frequently it is also used to treat chronic pain syndromes.,3787 CONCLUSION: We believe that risperidone is not a substitute for clozapine in treating psychosis in parkinsonian patients and should be used with caution.,3788 Tardive and chronically recurrent oculogyric crises.,3789 OBJECTIVES: To describe the presentation and treatment of acute isoniazid (INH) neurotoxicity appearing at an inner-city municipal hospital.,3790 Favorable outcome of de novo hepatitis B infection after liver transplantation with lamivudine and adefovir therapy.,3791 PURPOSE: We evaluated the in vitro hemodialysis ratio and subsequent toxicity and pharmacokinetics of ifosfamide in an anephric patient with Wilms' tumor.,3792 Carbamazepine is an anticonvulsant most effective in treating complex partial and generalized tonic-clonic seizures.,3793 "The most common presenting findings were somnolence-lethargy (96%), miosis (56%), and respiratory depression (48%), a paradoxical hypertensive response (44%) was more common than expected.",3794 "Abnormal air accumulation was noted in the bowel, peritoneum, mediastinum and retroperitoneum.",3795 The muscle rigidity and hyperpyrexia were unresponsive to intravenous benztropine but resolved within one hour of intravenous dantrolene 2 mg/kg.,3796 "His illness was also characterized by a palpable spleen tip, marked lower extremity and scrotal edema, and generalized lymphadenopathy.",3797 "The technical images (abdominal CT, scintigraphic octreotide scan and renal arteriography) revealed the presence of a left adrenal pheochromocytoma and stenosis of the renal artery.",3798 Tuberculous peritonitis in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: case report and review.,3799 He was discharged on March 15; myoclonic muscle spasms began that afternoon.,3800 CONCLUSION: Massive subchorionic hematomas may be observed in patients after thrombolytic therapy.,3801 "After intravenous antibiotic treatment, the infection resolved with full restoration of visual acuity and ocular motility.",3802 Colchicine-induced rhabdomyolysis.,3803 On both occasions the symptoms resolved after treatment.,3804 "Furthermore, the authors provide diagnostic and treatment options that are available for mitochondrial disorders, which are of interest to child psychiatrists due to the central nervous system manifestations of these disorders.",3805 "We encountered a child who was intolerant to multiple commercially available preparations of pancreatic enzymes and, hence, desensitization was attempted, with success.",3806 Syringotropic hypersensitivity reaction associated with infliximab and leflunomide combination therapy in a child with psoriatic arthritis.,3807 "In all patients, discontinuation of aromatic AEDs resulted in resolution of symptoms and in 3 patients who required continued AED therapy, valproic acid was well tolerated.",3808 "Though the syndrome was suspected early, attempts at reversing the hematologic and renal abnormalities were unsuccessful.",3809 We report on two AIDS cases with long lasting bacteremia due to MAC under this regimen.,3810 Transient bilateral blindness and posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome: a rare complication of enuresis treatment.,3811 Our experience with the two cases reported here has led us to propose guidelines for the treatment of initial PTE in a pediatric hematology unit.,3812 "On day 7 of radiation therapy, she developed an extensive erythematous maculopapular rash over her face, trunk, and extremities.",3813 Both were treated successfully with oral potassium.,3814 Acute renal failure caused by fungal bezoar: a late complication of Candida sepsis associated with central catheterization.,3815 "Topical provocation with ceftriaxone sodium salt (1% in water [aq.], 5% aq., 10% in petrolatum [pet.], 20% pet.) remained negative both at previously affected sites and in the unaffected skin of the back.",3816 BACKGROUND: Platinum-based chemotherapy agents have been associated with potentially fatal acute immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.,3817 "We report a myeloma patient who developed severe paralytic ileus during bortezomib therapy, which presented in the context of progressive constipation without other known causes and which regressed promptly with medical management after drug cessation, suggesting a direct causal relationship.",3818 Alprazolam-induced mania: two clinical cases.,3819 "Avascular necrosis (or osteonecrosis) is a very rare extraintestinal osseous complication that may occur in Crohn's disease, independent of previously reported risk factors, including corticosteroids or parenteral nutrition with lipid emulsions.",3820 "In any case, from a clinical viewpoint, caution should be used when giving venlafaxine to patients with narrow-angle glaucoma, and ocular pressure must be monitored.",3821 "In order to prevent GVHD, CsA alone was administered, 3 mg/kg i.v. per day for a total of 40 days.",3822 Autopsy evidence of herpesvirus infection was found in visceral organs of four leukemic patients who had received large doses of cytarabine (cytosine arabinoside; Ara-C) shortly before their death.,3823 Cluster headache (CH) is a well characterized primary headache disorder.,3824 Polymyositis is a rare complication of interferon alpha treatment as a result of immune-modulating role of the drug itself.,3825 "A 54-year-old man, treated with amiodarone, developed thyrotoxicosis.",3826 This epileptic activity was continuous and unmodified by sensory stimulation and eyes opening and closing.,3827 Education of employees and physicians should result in the prevention of unnecessary tissue destruction and pain for those inadvertently exposed to hydrofluoric acid.,3828 "The area healed slowly over 7 weeks, but there was a residual loss of cutaneous sensation.",3829 "Here, we report on six cases of NE in patients with acute leukemias.",3830 "Imaging findings were compatible with left maxillary, ethmoidal, and sphenoidal sinusitis.",3831 "Thus, measures must be taken to prevent and treat PVOD after BMT.",3832 People who become dependent on these mixtures commonly do not present for medical assistance until the problem is severe.,3833 It may be concluded that rhEPO is possibly effective in a subgroup of MDS patients where the disease is less advanced.,3834 Renal failure after high-dose methotrexate in a child homozygous for MTHFR C677T polymorphism.,3835 Methadone-induced myoclonus in advanced cancer.,3836 "Although this is an intriguing hypothesis, any causative role of etanercept remains unproven at this stage.",3837 "In all the children with azotemia who were treated with aluminum hydroxide, there was a positive correlation (r = 0.90; P less than 0.01) between the serum aluminum level and the daily dose of elemental aluminum.",3838 She passed a non-solid stone and continued indinavir treatment.,3839 "In North America, the adult tapeworm of Taenia (Multiceps) serialis is found in canids.",3840 "The patient failed to respond to intravitreous, subconjunctival, and systemic amphotericin B, and the eye was enucleated.",3841 Fulminant autoimmune hepatitis after successful interferon treatment in an HIV-HCV co-infected patient.,3842 "If the infection takes a persistent course, persistent topical and intravitreal antibiotic treatment and possibly vitrectomy are needed to eradicate the infection.",3843 CONCLUSIONS: Photodynamic therapy for cholangiocarcinoma is safe and technically feasible with a preloaded biliary catheter and a monorail technique for catheter positioning.,3844 This regimen is administered in cycles of approximately 3 weeks; a total course of treatment consists of six cycles.,3845 "We report the cases of two patients, previously operated for mitral mechanical valve replacement who developed thrombosis of the prosthesis.",3846 One major source of risk to patients is intraarterial or intraneural injections.,3847 We indicate that initial and early treatment of the patients with DM and PnM with CsA enabled rapid tapering of the dose of glucocorticoid and improved the disease.,3848 A single-pass tunneling technique for CSF shunting procedures.,3849 No other identifiable factor contributed to the unresponsiveness.,3850 A follow-up MRI obtained immediately after his cerebral infarction demonstrated notable decrease in the size of the cysts and more prominent enhancement around the peripheral margins of the cysts and the major vessels in comparison with the initial MRI.,3851 Both patients manifested other symptoms consistent with parkinsonian syndrome.,3852 Spindle coma in benzodiazepine toxicity: case report.,3853 Pulmonary edema occurred 24 hours after intravenous ritodrine therapy and 10 hours after subcutaneous terbutaline therapy.,3854 "Use of recombinant human hemopoietic colony-stimulating factor was reported to be of benefit in patients who developed agranulocytosis, although there is still some doubt regarding the efficacy in AA.",3855 "A case of heterotopic pregnancy, an unusual condition in itself, complicated by pulmonary embolus is presented.",3856 OBJECTIVE: To describe the development of valproate-related reproductive endocrine disorders in women with epilepsy.,3857 Postmortem examination revealed only minimal neoplastic infiltration of the meninges.,3858 The aim of this study was to describe the occurrence of acute coronary syndromes in 3 cases of rituximab infusions.,3859 Report of three cases and review of literature.,3860 "Leflunomide, an immunosuppressive drug used in rheumatoid arthritis and in rejection in solid-organ transplantation, has been reported to have novel anti-CMV activity.",3861 One patient had severe temporary weakness after an ampicillin sodium challenge.,3862 "Although the immediate postoperative course was uncomplicated, delayed onset of abdominal pain and fever lead to the diagnosis of superior mesenteric and portal vein thrombosis.",3863 "These measurements (720 before and 832 on therapy) suggested that both early and late dumping symptoms are causally related to the rate of glucose elevation and decline, rather than to glucose peak and nadir, respectively.",3864 Reactivated herpetic keratitis following laser in situ keratomileusis.,3865 "There is almost always a hypopyon present, and the uveitis progresses aggressively.",3866 CONCLUSION: Oral mucositis is a frequent and potentially severe complication of cancer chemotherapy.,3867 Observation of renal biopsy specimens by light microscopy revealed minor glomerular abnormalities.,3868 "The infiltrate slowly resolved with topical antibiotics, and the best corrected visual acuity improved to 20/20.",3869 This case highlights the potential of ritonavir interactions even with local injections of a corticosteroid.,3870 RATIONALE: The atypical antipsychotic clozapine is effective in the treatment of patients with refractory schizophrenia.,3871 "Her antecedent medical history included stable, mild renal function impairment, mitral regurgitation, atrial fibrillation, recurrent transient ischaemic attacks and cholelithiasis.",3872 Neutropenic enterocolitis and cecal perforation in acute lymphatic leukemia.,3873 Dose and dose intervals should be individualized for optimal benefits and tolerability.,3874 This is the first report on the histopathological findings of thyroid tissue from a patient with amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism.,3875 Methotrexate-induced hepatic necrosis requiring liver transplantation in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.,3876 We report a patient with linear IgA bullous dermatosis and gluten-sensitive enteropathy.,3877 "To treat hepatitis B, interferon alpha was administered until the proximal muscle weakness developed.",3878 "Maternal values were 2.4 and 4%, and infant values 20.0 and 18% in cases 1 and 2, respectively.",3879 Patient had seizures and developed failure.,3880 A TDM consultant discusses the case in the context of toxicokinetic analysis.,3881 Easily reversible hypoxemia and hypotension induced by nimodipine.,3882 The patient was treated with surgery and combined cytotoxic chemotherapy.,3883 RESULTS: Nine children presented with clinically significant lead poisoning.,3884 There is growing interest in the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO(2)) for children with cerebral palsy.,3885 Heparin sodium is routinely used in the prophylaxis against deep venous thrombosis in medical and surgical patients.,3886 "During the three years of follow-up, both pulmonary sarcoidosis and hepatitis C have not recurred.",3887 The infusion was terminated and his symptoms abated.,3888 The case presented here provides some insight into the potential efficacy of certain herbs for relieving mild-to-moderate poison ivy dermatitis.,3889 We document the rare occurrence of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and polymyositis in a 68-year-old woman.,3890 "Drug-induced thrombocytopenia was also considered, and he was told to stop all of his medicines.",3891 A patient with end stage renal disease secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) ultimately required amputation of the four extremities and developed mesenteric ischemia.,3892 The patient subsequently underwent surgery for embolization of the right occipital and superficial temporal arteries and removal of the mass.,3893 "We then review case reports, expert opinion, and manufacturer recommendations regarding hepatitis B viral infection, TNF-alpha, and TNF-alpha inhibitors.",3894 Recent technical advances in infusion systems in the form of the infusaid pump has allowed delivery of chemotherapeutic agents to the liver with great reliability.,3895 Pure red cell aplasia due to parvovirus B19 infection after liver transplantation: a case report and review of the literature.,3896 Such might not be the case with newer technologies.,3897 The allopurinol hypersensitivity syndrome is a rare adverse drug reaction.,3898 The degree of emanating clinical events also conforms to status of the aflatoxicosis.,3899 Efforts to reduce the glucose levels and long-term complications increase the frequency of hypoglycemia.,3900 RESULTS: The in vitro hemodialysis model showed that ifosfamide was cleared with an extraction ratio of 86.7+/-0.5% and remained constant even at low concentrations of drug.,3901 The case demonstrates features of leukostasis which are peculiar to the 'retinoic acid syndrome'.,3902 Patients finally rated their subjective impression on this intervention.,3903 We describe two dark-skinned patients who developed hyperpigmented skin and tongue lesions during combination therapy with IFN and ribavirin.,3904 This is the fourth published report of adverse hepatic reaction to cyproterone acetate and it substantiates other evidence that cyproterone acetate is potentially hepatotoxic.,3905 Intravenous diazepam exacerbated the seizures.,3906 "We report a case of coagulation activation, fluid retention and transient autoimmune hepatitis most likely triggered by the use of black cohosh.",3907 The potential for severe toxicity in the setting of pediatric overdose should be recognized.,3908 "The patient was diagnosed as having a cerebral dural sinus thrombosis, but only after the diagnosis was missed initially.",3909 Autoimmune hemolytic anemia associated with postirradiation malignant stromal tumor (leiomyosarcoma) of the jejunum.,3910 A 42-year-old woman presented to our institution with a 2-week history of bone pain in the lower extremities.,3911 Rechallenge with varenicline while the patient continued to receive amphetamine-dextroamphetamine yielded similar results.,3912 Warfarin-associated thoracic aortic dissection in an elderly woman.,3913 Cesium-induced QT-interval prolongation in an adolescent.,3914 Tracheobronchial obstruction was ruled out by investigation with a fiberoptic bronchoscope.,3915 "After 5 weeks of therapy, she stopped taking pantoprazole due to general malaise.",3916 "Although they had complex medical problems, the high serum concentrations of ampicillin at the time of seizures without their recurrence after discontinuing the antibiotic suggest that the seizures were related to the ampicillin therapy.",3917 "Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), or Lyell's syndrome, is a fulminant bullous dermatitis.",3918 The symptoms were attributed to hepatitis B vaccination.,3919 Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH (SIADH) following cisplatin administration in a pulmonary adenocarcinoma patient with a malignant pleural effusion.,3920 Clinicians must be aware of the delicate balance between the signs and symptoms of disease states and the effects of drugs.,3921 Herbal products have been associated with a wide spectrum of hepatic toxicities.,3922 Cerebral air embolism after intrathoracic anti-cancer drug administration.,3923 "Thus, the LNG-IUS is a viable option and represents a real advance in the treatment of adenomyosis.",3924 "We described a very atypical case of a high stage, high grade endometrial cancer associated with tamoxifen in a 64-year-old woman with a past history of breast cancer.",3925 "Thus this patient's hyponatremia cannot be accounted for solely by changes in external water and electrolyte balance; the rapidity with which changes were produced suggests that osmolar inactivation, probably intracellularly, may contribute to the severe hypotonicity seen in some patients.",3926 Transient neurological disturbances induced by the chemotherapy of high-dose methotrexate for osteogenic sarcoma.,3927 CONCLUSIONS: Intravenous therapy with the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab is a nontoxic and effective treatment for patients with primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma.,3928 The case described here adds to the body of information about the possible causes of thyrotoxic ophthalmopathy.,3929 "HSOS following standard chemotherapy has been reported in patients receiving vincristine, actinomycin D, and cyclophosphamide for the treatment of Wilms tumor and more rarely rhabdomyosarcoma.",3930 The additional finding of extensive resorption of the outer cortical surface and bone formation at the inner surface suggested a reversible phase after discontinuation of treatment.,3931 CTPA identified no pulmonary embolus or vascular abnormalities.,3932 The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction is a response to the treatment of syphilis.,3933 PURPOSE: To investigate the concentration-side effect relationship in a patient with severe acyclovir-induced neurotoxicity and to summarize the information available in the literature about central nervous system side effects due to acyclovir.,3934 Toxic hepatitis induced by disulfiram in a non-alcoholic.,3935 We report details of two liver transplant procedures in which post-reperfusion coagulopathy was reversed by administration of protamine sulphate.,3936 The development of lymphoma in the gastric stump is rare.,3937 Specimens of thyroid tissue from two cases with Hashimoto's thyroiditis were immunohistochemically examined for expression of SSTR2A.,3938 "Five had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) (one bcr/abl positive), six had acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) with immunophenotype and/or cytogenetic intermediate-high risk features, except one patient with acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APML).",3939 "In addition to improving insulin sensitivity, they generally result in a modest elevation of plasma HDL cholesterol.",3940 Arsenic trioxide has recently been introduced as a promising new agent to treat refractory acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).,3941 "After 6 months of treatment, systemic lupus erythematosus-related symptoms disappeared and anti-double-stranded DNA returned to normal.",3942 We report a 13 year-old male who developed life-threatening anaphylaxis early in the course of Increlex therapy.,3943 "This is a report of a 9-year-old epileptic boy, who was studied over a period of 7 years.",3944 METHODS: Retrospective consecutive noncomparative case series.,3945 Severe abdominal pain in low dosage clofazimine.,3946 A patient is reported who developed essential thrombocythemia after successful treatment for hairy cell leukemia.,3947 Pelvic arterial pseudoaneurysm-a rare complication of Cesarean section: diagnosis and novel treatment.,3948 This report describes a unique path of spread of testicular cancer which also appears to spontaneously mature at the metastatic site.,3949 Hypersensitivity to carboplatin is a rare but real complication of therapy and should be considered in patients presenting with hyperacute changes on ECG whilst receiving carboplatin therapy.,3950 Reversible findings of restricted diffusion in 5-fluorouracil neurotoxicity.,3951 "DISCUSSION: Although there are several reports on extensive passage of lamotrigine into breast milk, this is the first published report of a serious adverse reaction in a breast-fed infant.",3952 "Each case (stage IB and IA) occurred after initiation of the subcutaneous anti-tumor necrosis factor medications etanercept and adalimumab, respectively.",3953 Reports of corticosteroid anaphylactic reactions are rare in the medical literature.,3954 Colitis as a manifestation of infliximab-associated disseminated cryptococcosis.,3955 "In addition, known and/or possible mechanisms of the disorders are discussed.",3956 A 54-year-old man received combination chemotherapy with nedaplatin and irinotecan as salvage chemotherapy for refractory non-seminomatous testicular cancer.,3957 High-flux haemodialysis treatment as treatment for carbamazepine intoxication.,3958 Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder where antibodies against the nicotinic Ach receptor resulting in impaired transmission at the NM junction.,3959 "We introduce a case of a sixty years old woman with several previous episodes of rhinitis, conjunctivitis and perspiration immediately after the administration of salmon calcitonin with nasal spray or intramuscular administration (Calsynar).",3960 Eruptive epidermoid cysts resulting from treatment with imiquimod.,3961 "It is estimated that 3-10% of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) experience acute, transient neurotoxicity during induction chemotherapy.",3962 Abnormalities resolve with drug withdrawal.,3963 "However, the concentration of MHD, which peaked 7 h after intake, was only twofold higher (59.0 mg l(-1)).",3964 Common hair care practices are a frequent cause of alopecia in black women.,3965 Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative disorder in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis on methotrexate and rofecoxib: idiosyncratic reaction or pharmacogenetics?,3966 We report the case of a 23-year-old woman with diffuse large-cell lymphoma who received an accidental overdose of this chemotherapeutic regimen.,3967 "Pancreatic autoantibody tests were negative before the start of therapy, but a significant increase in glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibody titer was seen after 24 weeks of treatment.",3968 Salicylate hepato toxicity in rheumatic fever.,3969 No cardiovascular disorder with the exception of minor ischemic changes in ECG was revealed before treatment.,3970 "The donor was asymptomatic and had a negative review of systems, a normal physical exam, normal laboratory values, and negative blood and urine cultures.",3971 When folinic acid was ceased on the day of methotrexate in these patients their psoriasis improved.,3972 "Chronic hypotension, infrequent though possible in chronic renal failure patients on hemodialysis, has harmful consequences on their physical state and hence general well-being.",3973 "We report a case of cytomegalovirus retinitis which occurred 6 months after renal transplantation and was successfully treated with an investigational drug, ganciclovir (DHPG [Dihydroxy propoxymethyl guanine], Cytovene, BW-B759U), via intravenous administration, with resolution of active retinal lesions and the cessation of cytomegalovirus shedding in the urine.",3974 "BACKGROUND: Tamoxifen, a widely used drug in adjuvant therapy of breast carcinoma, is now being tested for its effectiveness in chemoprevention.",3975 Clofibrate-induced myopathy in patients with diabetes insipidus.,3976 "In children, only a few cases with this complication have been reported.",3977 The capacity of zuclopenthixol to induce priapism is thought to be due to its antagonist activity on alpha-adrenergic receptors.,3978 "However, repeated intracameral tPA injections may cause unwanted complications such as vitreous hemorrhage.",3979 She had had her tongue painted with silver nitrate repeatedly 6 years ago for the treatment of oral ulcers.,3980 This is a report of a case of a 53-year-old woman undergoing treatment with Xyrem for narcolepsy.,3981 "Although both patients recovered from the colitis after the administration of vancomycin, the first case demonstrated a relapse of the colitis after receiving a subsequent course of the same chemotherapy with cisplatin.",3982 Peripheral neuropathy was not fully reversed in all patients.,3983 A reversible toxic liver damage was observed in a non-alcoholic woman treated with disulfiram.,3984 "Case examples illustrate problems of teacher compliance in filling out measures, supplying adequate placebos, and obtaining physician cooperation, and with the practical issue of providing adequate data without overwhelming the time and resources of participants.",3985 Tolerance to phenelzine and subsequent refractory depression: three cases.,3986 "We report on a patient with a high grade B-cell lymphoma who presented 28 days after the second autologous stem cell transplantation with weight gain, ascites, hyperbilirubinemia, and liver venules occlusion as demonstrated by sonography.",3987 "These 14 pregnancies resulted in four live infants who had no apparent birth defects, one live-born infant with multiple defects, four spontaneous abortions, and five induced abortions.",3988 This rare association suggests that oral hormone replacement therapy poses a risk of thrombosis especially in patients with cc-TGA after prosthetic valve replacement.,3989 "METHODS AND RESULTS: At 6 weeks after renal transplantation, a 57-year-old woman presented with TMA.",3990 Clinical evaluation of SMS 201-995.,3991 CONCLUSIONS: This novel chemotherapy regimen achieved favorable results and may be useful in treating patients with unresectable multifocal HCC resistant to TAE.,3992 "The case report illustrates the need for flexible individualized dosage schedules, similar to other neuroleptics.",3993 Pyridoxine for neonatal seizures: an unexpected danger.,3994 Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease occurring during interferon alpha therapy for chronic hepatitis C.,3995 "As a result, the Flexiflo Inverta percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes with externally removable internal bumpers were found useful in the treatment of buried bumper syndrome, and the buried bumper was easily removed by external traction without any endoscopic or surgical methods.",3996 For effective treatment of bacterial osteomyelitis a bone biopsy is sometimes unavoidable and indicated.,3997 She died and autopsy revealed extensive hemorrhagic myocardial infarction and a free-wall rupture.,3998 The patient achieving a partial response experienced no side effects while receiving ipilimumab.,3999 He is in remission of AML and tuberculosis.,4000 METHODS AND RESULTS: The authors describe a 62-year-old man with a malignant thymoma that was clinically responsive to oral prednisone.,4001 "On the second day of hospitalization, it was noted that the patient's dyspnea and sinus bradycardia could be related to a recent increase in his timolol dosage.",4002 "She was treated with methylprednisolone (40 mg i.v. q6h), aminophylline (loading with 5 mg/kg and maintained with 0.6 mg/kg/hr i.v. drip), nebulized terbutaline sulphate (5 mg q6h), oral procaterol 12.5 micrograms bid, along with oxygen therapy.",4003 "We present clinical data, neuropsychological findings, and results of brain computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, electroneuromyography, evoked potentials, single photon emission computed tomography, and positron-emission tomography.",4004 "Further refinements for customization of articulating spacers have been attempted (Rand 1993, Goldman et al. 1996).",4005 All patients had significant renal insufficiency.,4006 Establishing causality in pediatric adverse drug reactions: use of the Naranjo probability scale.,4007 The ability of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha inhibitors to impair pivotal pro-inflammatory host defenses may facilitate the development of disseminated cryptococcosis.,4008 Rate of mitral thrombosis is 3.9% and aortic 0.25%.,4009 "Due to relatively well preserved cellular immunity until 2003, no antiretroviral therapy (HAART) needed to be instituted.",4010 Azathioprine can cause severe myelosuppression.,4011 An uncommon cause of delayed postpartum hemorrhage is a pseudoaneurysm of the uterine artery.,4012 During these episodes she was lost in herself.,4013 The impressive and significant success rate for complete resolution of verrucous lesions without subsequent scarring has shown this approach to be an effective treatment for plantar warts.,4014 Acute myocardial necrosis during administration of amsacrine.,4015 "Cannulation of the radial artery can result in complications ranging from arterial thrombosis, arterial aneurysm, compartment syndrome, infection, nerve injury and skin necrosis to possible thumb or even hand necrosis if not recognized and treated early.",4016 "Following the improvement of the symptoms of SJS, he received alternate-day oral prednisolone without any cutaneous eruption.",4017 The patients required admission for assessment of the severity of the overdose in addition to advice about appropriate use of analgesics and advice on access to dental care.,4018 Seizures associated with ofloxacin therapy.,4019 Histological examination of the dacryolith suggested its derivation from breakdown products of adrenaline.,4020 We postulate that an immune-mediated disruption of caveolar function was exacerbated by statin exposure.,4021 "The mean age of these patients was 16 years (range 4-63), and 90 were aged 15 years or younger.",4022 A 63-year-old man with rheumatoid arthritis presented with pain and swelling of his right buttock.,4023 A possible explanation of these data is that erythropoietin permitted the termination of blood transfusions which both triggered and perpetuated the syndrome.,4024 Biopsied muscle pathology indicated the presence of neurogenic muscular atrophy in combination with corticosteroid myopathy.,4025 Biomicroscopy revealed amiodarone corneal deposits.,4026 Brugada syndrome whose ST-segment changes were enhanced by antihistamines and antiallergenic drugs.,4027 CASE SUMMARY: A 75-year-old white man received 23.6 grams of ofloxacin over a 51-day period for epididymitis.,4028 "To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report in the English-language literature of spontaneous neonatal intracerebral hemorrhage, due to thrombosis of the superior or inferior vena cava.",4029 "Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative disease (EBV-LPD) is a serious disorder seen in various states of immunodeficiency, often with a fatal outcome.",4030 DiGeorge's syndrome in monozygotic twins.,4031 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy were negative for bleeding.,4032 Multifocal electroretinographic abnormalities in ethambutol-induced visual loss.,4033 Pulmonary nodules caused by Schizophyllum commune after cardiac transplantation.,4034 We report a patient with chronic renal failure and ischemic heart disease who developed clinically significant methemoglobinemia after an axillary block with bupivacaine and additional injection of lidocaine in the operative field.,4035 "A rare case of malignant osteopetrosis in a 19-year-old girl, who presented with the complication of osteomyelitis of the mandible following tooth extraction, is presented.",4036 Long-term survival was studied in a group of 123 patients with malignant ventricular arrhythmia treated with antiarrhythmic drugs chosen primarily with noninvasive testing methods.,4037 Mexiletine hydrochloride was useful in preventing recurrences of torsades de pointes.,4038 "OBJECTIVE: To document a case of serotonin syndrome (SS) associated with mirtazapine monotherapy, review the previously reported cases of SS associated with this tetracyclic antidepressant, and discuss the possible pathogenic mechanisms leading to this serious adverse drug reaction.",4039 "His diarrhea, consisting of 10 to 12 loose stools a day, had continued for approximately two weeks and was accompanied with abdominal cramping, fever, anorexia, and weight loss.",4040 Concomitant aspiration of gastric acid was thought to be the explanation for the severity of these cases.,4041 Rigorous diagnostic procedures with repeated scintiscans and TSHRAb titering are necessary to avoid a false diagnosis and inappropriate therapy.,4042 "The pathophysiological mechanisms remain unknown, although the drug could act through massive cytokines liberation after destruction of CD20 positive cells by rituximab.",4043 "A worsening of ritualistic behavior was noted, and the clomipramine dosage was increased to 150 mg/d over 14 days.",4044 "Essential thrombocythemia (ET) is an uncommon myeloproliferative disorder, which is thought to develop from a multipotent stem cell.",4045 The prevention and treatment of de novo HBV infection after OLT is discussed.,4046 Fluorescein angiography confirmed leakage surrounded by central serous detachment of the retina.,4047 "Its mode of anti-inflammatory actions in rheumatoid arthritis is not clearly understood, but modulation of neutrophil activity or inhibition of neutrophil inflammatory product formation or release appear to play a role.",4048 Successful bone marrow transplantation from an unrelated donor in a patient with adult T cell leukemia.,4049 Neurotoxicity of valacyclovir in peritoneal dialysis: a pharmacokinetic study.,4050 "Additionally, a baby bottle allegedly administered to the infant was collected as evidence and sent to the Medical Examiner's Office for evaluation.",4051 "Intravenous sodium bicarbonate and furosemide, and intrarectal calcium polystyrenesulfonate were administered to correct the acidosis and promote potassium secretion.",4052 "Researchers and clinicians have made numerous suggestions for managing the various side effects, although there is currently no research to guide evidence-based practice.",4053 Treatment with CSA was started after a nonresponding course of prednisone.,4054 "Serum creatine kinase (CK), liver function tests and a light microscopy muscle biopsy were performed on all of them.",4055 Timely diagnosis and management is crucial to maintain good structural and visual outcomes.,4056 "This case illustrated that 'maqianzi' can cause strychnine poisoning even after processing, especially when the recommended dose is greatly exceeded.",4057 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia due to corticosteroids.,4058 "We report on a case of a female patient with a chronic schizoaffective psychosis, who was treated for 3 months with 3 x 3 mio IE IFN-alpha s.c./week because of a chronic hepatitis C (genotype 1b).",4059 This reaction was considered to fit with coronary vasospasm.,4060 "Stomach and small intestine are the most affected organs; however, it can affect any part of the gastrointestinal system.",4061 "SUMMARY: A 29-year-old woman sought treatment from a pulmonologist for a dry, hacking, constant cough not relieved by fast-acting inhalers or narcotic cough medications that had lasted for three weeks.",4062 "In each of the three reported patients, alteration of eyelid appearance with deepening of the lid sulcus was evident as the result of topical bimatoprost therapy.",4063 Fatal pulmonary fibrosis induced by paclitaxel: a case report and review of the literature.,4064 Treatment with tacrolimus ointment completely resolved the oral lesions after 2 months of therapy.,4065 "She had no history suggestive of gastroesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer, or pork allergy, and no vomiting on days when enzymes were not given.",4066 All patients had experienced multiple episodes of severe hypoglycaemia and had impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia.,4067 The possible underlying pharmacological mechanisms of this clinical reaction lend support to the cholinergic-adrenergic balance hypothesis of affective disorders.,4068 "Other organisms, including unusual bacteria, fungi, and mycobacteria, comprise 5% or less of cases.",4069 Obidoxime was reinstituted after the 9 d interruption and muscle strength improved with the first dose.,4070 "After 14 months of follow-up, the patient is well and free of disease.",4071 Drug-induced pericarditis mimicking Brugada syndrome.,4072 "Serial lymph node biopsies showed the progression of this disorder from a pleomorphic immunoblastic proliferation to a lymphocyte-depleted, fibrotic process, in parallel with a decline from hyper- to hypogammaglobulinemia.",4073 "Upon rechallenge with clomiphene 3 months later, she again developed bilateral anterior uveitis.",4074 They presented with circumscribed blue-grey pigmentation within acne scars confined to the back.,4075 "Taken together with other evidence that fluoroquinolones lower seizure threshold, this report suggests fluoroquinolones should be avoided in patients receiving ECT.",4076 A 40-year-old man with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) developed primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) after having received 21 doses of natalizumab monotherapy.,4077 Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a serious complication of assisted reproduction techniques using in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF/ICSI).,4078 "The cutaneous manifestations of infection can include papules, plaques, nodules, vesicles, ulcers, ecchymosis, and, rarely, cellulitis.",4079 Renal injury due to anastrozole has not been published in the English literature.,4080 These results emphasise the difficulty of stimulating this mesencephalic region.,4081 "However, a common source for these infections could not be demonstrated.",4082 Hepatic angiosarcoma occurring after cyclophosphamide therapy: case report and review of the literature.,4083 A male patient with malignant lymphoma and thyroid papillary carcinoma after pediatric renal transplantation.,4084 "In one patient, disease was confined to the colon, while three patients had disease involving the terminal ileum and colon.",4085 She subsequently haemorrhaged into the infarcted area with residual neurological deficits.,4086 The number of patients with chronic hepatitis C requiring interferon retreatment is increasing rapidly.,4087 "CONCLUSIONS: With increasing clinical use of terlipressin and an increasing incidence of obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease-related cirrhosis, the incidence of these serious complications is likely to rise.",4088 Clinical and histological findings were suggestive of pulmonary veno-occlusive disease.,4089 "The optic nerve appeared healthy, with no visible swelling in each eye.",4090 Viral antigen was not detected at the end of or during 3 of the 5 treatment courses and decreased to a low level following the 2 other courses.,4091 The favourable outcome in these two patients contrasts with the fatal outcome of the two other reported cases of nitrofurantoin induced BOOP.,4092 "CASE DESCRIPTION: A 24-year-old 732-kg (1,610-lb) pregnant Belgian draft horse mare developed neuropathy and signs of intractable pain following colic surgery.",4093 Symptomatic hypocalcaemia and renal impairment associated with bisphosphonate treatment in patients with multiple myeloma.,4094 "Rarely, it can rupture, resulting in peritonitis and gram-negative sepsis.",4095 Also to be considered in the differential diagnosis are multifocal infection and polysynovitis/arthritis of other etiology.,4096 "Physicians should be aware of the presence of corticosteroids in over-the-counter products, that are not mentioned on the instruction leaflet.",4097 Steroid therapy for ureteral obstruction after aortoiliac graft surgery.,4098 "She developed a pre-engraftment immune reaction, which responded well to prednisolone, and engraftment was documented.",4099 "By a combination of appropriate selection of medications and an awareness of delirium as a side effect, the patient in the ICU may be treated in a manner to minimize the clouding of consciousness.",4100 AIM: Report of a case of a woman patient who developed celiac disease after pegylated interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin use for chronic hepatitis C.,4101 Pulmonary fibrosis subsequent to high doses of CCNU for chronic myeloid leukemia.,4102 "In most patients with catheter-related Rhodotorula fungemia, the condition has been treated with broadspectrum antibiotics.",4103 "We conclude that intoxication with lacosamide, in combination with overdoses of multiple AEDs, can be survived without sequelae, even after ingestion of 12 g lacosamide.",4104 Successful treatment with partial resection of the posterior mitral valve leaflet and antibiotic therapy with cefazolin.,4105 "In severe cardiogenic shock, the patient required an extracorporeal membrane-oxygenation system for 8 days until cardiac recovery.",4106 "METHOD: A 59-year-old, right-handed man of Caribbean-Hispanic descent underwent brain imaging studies, laboratory tests for AD, and serial neurologic and neuropsychologic evaluations.",4107 Cryptococcal infections are seen mainly in immunocompromised hosts.,4108 "The cases raise a number of issues, including the need for clinicians to routinely ask patients about alternative medicine use, to learn more about these treatments, and to discuss these approaches objectively with patients.",4109 Initial treatment with itraconazole resulted in exacerbation of clinical signs.,4110 Clinical recovery followed discontinuation of therapy and paralleled EEG resolution.,4111 Anhedonic ejaculation with desipramine.,4112 "There has been mild improvement of her symptoms, but most of the symptoms did not resolve.",4113 "A review of the literature found 11 children and 2 adults in whom intranasal desmopressin was associated with hyponatremia, all of whom experienced seizures or altered mental status.",4114 Mucormycosis peritonitis: more than 2 years of disease-free follow-up after posaconazole salvage therapy after failure of liposomal amphotericin B.,4115 Well-differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma of the secretory type (FIGO Grade 1) with minimal myometrial invasion occurred in a postmenopausal patient on tamoxifen therapy 5 years after mastectomy for breast carcinoma.,4116 "Discontinuation of methicillin therapy and appropriate antibiotic treatment of endocarditis led to clinical improvement, emphasizing the need to promptly discontinue potential nephrotoxic agents when abnormalities in renal function appear.",4117 The diagnosis was confirmed by immunofluorescent studies.,4118 Concomitant use of statins and cyclosporine should be avoided.,4119 "Although hypophosphatemia induced by aluminum-containing antacids is rare, treatment of peptic ulcer disease with a combination of two aluminum-containing agents may increase the risk of clinically significant hypophosphatemia.",4120 There was no evidence of disease progression.,4121 Her serum total cholesterol was 515 mg/dl and triglyceride was 3378 mg/dl despite administration of 10 mg of simvastatin daily.,4122 "We present two cases of nitrofurantoin-induced pulmonary toxicity in which the initial HRCT showed a widespread reticular pattern and associated distortion of the lung parenchyma, thought to represent established fibrosis.",4123 The possible mechanisms of this leukopenia are discussed.,4124 During the follow up period we did not observe residue or recurrence of the ptosis.,4125 The condition responded to treatment with topical diluted steroids and antibiotics.,4126 Treatment of acute leukaemia in adult Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) is challenging because of 'a priori' refusal of most physicians to apply diagnostic and therapeutic procedures to haematological abnormalities resembling acute leukaemia.,4127 Complete resolution of symptoms within 1-4 days was accompanied by normalization of ADC abnormalities.,4128 CONCLUSIONS: The piloerection observed after the replacement of fluvoxamine with milnacipran in this patient appears to have been due to an increase in the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor occupancy by endogenous norepinephrine induced by milnacipran.,4129 An adverse drug reaction (ADR) induced by fluoxetine was suspected and fluoxetine treatment was discontinued.,4130 "Although visual hallucinations have not been reported as an adverse effect of this agent, we describe three patients who experienced complex visual hallucinations and altered mental status after zonisamide treatment was begun or its dosage increased.",4131 "The twelve-lead ECG exhibited a coved type ST-segment elevation in leads V(1) and V(2), and their enhancement was induced by pilsicainide.",4132 We report a rare case of patient with dermatomyositis (DM) who developed spontaneous pneumomediastinum (PnM) and subcutaneous emphysema.,4133 "Such agents include anthracyclines, taxanes and capecitabine.",4134 We review the medical literature and discuss the risks of using recombinant factor VIIa to control severe bleeding after cardiac surgery.,4135 Acute erythroid leukemia after cyclophosphamide therapy for multiple myeloma: report of two cases.,4136 "We describe a patient with rheumatoid arthritis treated with gold salts, who developed bilateral interstitial pulmonary abnormalities and showed a dramatic response on corticosteroid therapy.",4137 Diffusion-weighted MRI correlates of subacute methotrexate-related neurotoxicity.,4138 Methylene blue (MB) may be used in the treatment of this encephalopathy.,4139 It is becoming increasingly evident the population at highest risk for sustaining a complication related to anticoagulation is that group presenting with traumatic brain injury.,4140 "Most symptoms resolved within several days, but tongue thrust continued until 6 months of age.",4141 Haptic repositioning was performed in the right eye.,4142 "Based on these data, authors have previously exposure is confirmed despite a lack of any pattern to the defects reported.",4143 "BACKGROUND: Rapid graft dysfunction caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV) reinfection, although uncommon, is a disastrous complication in liver transplant patients.",4144 Report of three patients.,4145 "Unexpectedly, liver function returned to normal on stopping the drug.",4146 Exacerbation of the inflammatory response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis after antiretroviral therapy.,4147 "SUMMARY: Patients with NSTE ACS for whom a conservative treatment strategy is selected should receive enoxaparin, fondaparinux, or unfractionated heparin (UFH) as anticoagulant therapy.",4148 An epinephrine injection was administered and the boy immediately felt better.,4149 "No known causal factors for pancreatitis such as biliary tract stone, hypertriglyceridemia and alcohol consumption could be identified.",4150 "The challenge case showed eosinophilia with 1.2 10(9)/l (z = 1.79, p = 0.04) being followed by normalization despite clozapine continuation, whereas the maximum value reached 2.1 10(9)/l in the single episode case, with consecutive normalization and uninterrupted treatment.",4151 "Recently, we have employed fibrin glue as a vehicle for the sustained release of ACNU (nimustine hydrochloride) by spray application following subtotal tumor removal in two patients with recurrent malignant gliomas.",4152 This case suggests that chemotherapy with its attendant immunosuppression is a predisposing factor in the development of necrotizing fasciitis and warrants a high index of suspicion.,4153 "Anaphylactoid shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and anuric renal failure requiring dialysis occurred in a patient receiving zomepirac sodium for toothache.",4154 It is harder to evaluate the benefit of a new technology in the face of noncomparable previous technologies.,4155 Her serum potassium level was 13.1 mEq/L and HCO3- was 16 mEq/L.,4156 Here we present the case of a generalized lichen nitidus with involvement of the palms in a patient with hepatitis C after systemic treatment with interferon alpha and ribavirin.,4157 A detailed study has been made of the five hypertensive patients who received Minoxidil in Dumfries; four have been observed for over a year.,4158 We describe a case of significant elevation of serum transaminases in a patient treated with 6-TG for a flare of Crohn's disease.,4159 "However, the toxicity profile of leflunomide in patients with underlying GVHD remains to be defined.",4160 A case of pyridoxine-dependent seizures is reported.,4161 Ovarian torsion: a complication of GIFT.,4162 Arterial occlusion due to intraplaque hemorrhage and de novo thrombosis caused by thrombin-mediated platelet aggregation are also discussed as potential mechanisms of arterial occlusion.,4163 "According to the Naranjo probability scale, this reaction was probable.",4164 These data suggest that cidofovir may be useful as adjuvant therapy for BKVN.,4165 "Fever, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, lymphocytosis, hepatitis, and dermatitis: a severe adverse reaction to minocycline.",4166 "A patient suffering from heparin-associated thrombocytopenia (HAT), recurrent arteriothromboses, and acute renal failure after treatment with standard heparin is described.",4167 "We examined the in vitro inhibition of the clonogenic capacity of bone marrow hematopoietic progenitor cells of this patient by D-Pen, and found strong inhibition in burst-forming unit-erythroid and colony-forming unit-megakaryocyte assays, but not in colony-forming unit-granulocyte/macrophage assays.",4168 Bull's-eye maculopathy associated with quinacrine therapy for malaria.,4169 "Sympathetically mediated chest pain is a rare presentation, as it is similar to that of secondary hyperalgesia in the intact skin surrounding an injury site.",4170 A prompt and accurate diagnosis is crucial.,4171 Cranial MRI showed large asymmetric T2 and FLAIR hyperintense lesions in cortical and subcortical structures.,4172 Post-transfusion purpura: response to steroids and association with red blood cell and lymphocytotoxic antibodies.,4173 There was no residual corneal scarring.,4174 "The infants in the other two reported cases also died, which suggests that TEN in early infancy has an extremely poor prognosis.",4175 She had been diagnosed as having myotonic dystrophy by electromyographic investigations and abnormal serum creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) levels.,4176 "CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.",4177 "Findings of electrophysiologic study and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging were within normal limits, pointing to the ingestion of Aconitum as the most likely source of his arrhythmia.",4178 This etiology has to be considered in patients taking this drug who present with intraocular inflammation.,4179 "In a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, we report the first simultaneous occurrence of two side effects of low-dose methotrexate: an acute megaloblastic anaemia and a pneumonitis.",4180 We report a patient with severe Crohn's disease and the short bowel syndrome on parenteral feeding who was not responding to conventional therapy and underwent treatment with cyclosporin (CyA) given initially intravenously and subsequently orally in each of two courses.,4181 "The diagnosis of DIHS was made based on the patient's history of using an offending drug, clinical manifestations and laboratory data showing peripheral eosinophilia with the presence of atypical lymphocytes.",4182 Her symptoms soon alleviated and serum lipase level declined.,4183 "Valproic acid is commonly and effectively used in the treatment of idiopathic generalized epilepsies, including juvenile absence epilepsy.",4184 "In each case, some degree of recovery followed discontinuation of the statin medication.",4185 All patients had taken phenytoin for variable time periods (range 16-80 days; mean: 40) and were on the medication when the skin lesions first appeared.,4186 "SMS 201-995 is active orally at doses of 4-8 mg and when given thrice-daily to 6 patients with active acromegaly, suppressed mean 24-h growth hormone levels by 51-88%.",4187 "Although it is very rare, careful monitoring and readiness for the occurrence of such a potentially lethal situation with necessary medications may prevent a fatal outcome.",4188 Our case suggests that the peripheral venous access was probably the portal of entry of the fungus.,4189 "He underwent hospital admission, early intubation, intensive care for nine days and hospitalization for six weeks.",4190 Alternaria is a very common and saprophytic fungus.,4191 CASE SUMMARY: TLS developed in 2 neonates born at 38 weeks' gestational age; both were managed in part with rasburicase.,4192 Neuroleptic-induced panic attacks in a patient with delusional depression.,4193 "To our knowledge, this is the first clear report of reactivation of ""latent"" Histoplasmosis after anti-TNF-alpha therapy.",4194 "However, the electroretinogram was abnormal on several occasions during therapy with rifabutin, but returned to normal 3 months after withdrawal of the medication.",4195 "One of the side-effects of intravitreal triamcinolone is the development of cataract, and it is known that cataract extraction can exacerbate macular degeneration.",4196 "The use of a plant fungicide, the imidazole imazalil, in the therapy of human alternariosis is described.",4197 "He suddenly developed a fever (temperature, 38 degrees C) and severe lower back pain without apparent cause.",4198 No subjective discomfort was reported.,4199 Delayed onset diffuse lamellar keratitis following enhancement LASIK surgery.,4200 "We strongly suspect that this lethal anuria was mainly due to ifosfamide, occurring in a patient having received previous cisplatin chemotherapy and with poor kidney perfusion due to transient hypotension.",4201 "However, recently we were confronted with two cases within 1 month.",4202 MATERIAL AND METHODS: A 39-year-old male with idiopathic sudden SNHL that was responsive to corticosteroids was treated with ciclosporin for 18 months.,4203 "Fatal pulmonary fibrosis following 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) therapy.",4204 Postural epigastric pain as a sign of cytomegalovirus gastritis in renal transplant recipients: a case-based review.,4205 OBJECTIVE: To report on the possible development of serotonin syndrome in a patient receiving clomipramine after clozapine was withdrawn from the treatment regimen.,4206 Embolic phenomena occurred in 10 (42%) of 24 cases.,4207 Immediate surgical management became necessary.,4208 The patient's metastatic disease remained stable for the next 2 years.,4209 We describe a patient who developed significant deterioration in her conscious level due to iatrogenic gabapentin overdose.,4210 We present a severe case of TPP in a 22-year-old Latino male with rapidly progressive ascending paralysis and hypokalemia severe enough to lead to cardiac arrest.,4211 CONCLUSIONS: Serious lead poisoning continues to occur and there appears to be complacency regarding the hazard posed by lead paint in old houses.,4212 "A 17-year-old anuric female patient with end-stage renal failure received a massive overdose of vancomycin and was treated with high-flux hemodiafiltration, as described in this report.",4213 Methotrexate inhibits the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase and prevents the formation of DNA and RNA.,4214 This is the first report of a middle-aged man with multiple coronary lesions.,4215 There are few references of allergic reaction to this hormone.,4216 Antipsychotic medications have been associated with significant cardiovascular adverse effects and instances of sudden cardiac death.,4217 We report on a patient who developed the clinical findings of pulmonary eosinophilia.,4218 "The therapies used for pyoderma gangrenosum include systemic corticosteroids, azathioprine, dapsone, mercaptopurine, sulphasalazine, sulphapyridine, thalidomide, cyclophosphamide, clofazimine, isotretinoin, immunoglobulins and cyclosporin.",4219 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease associated with altered immunoregulation and resulting in a deforming polyarthritis.,4220 Case 4: A 61-year-old male alcoholic who remained completely abstinent while taking cyanamide for 3 years showed slight elevation of serum transaminases.,4221 "We suggest the use of esmolol for treatment of dysrhythmias secondary to caffeine toxicity; to the best of our knowledge, the use of esmolol has not been reported for this purpose.",4222 Six of the patients were no longer receiving vigabatrin.,4223 "The vasodilating action of calcium-channel blockers decreases the systemic pressure and in turn, may increase the pressure gradient and the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure.",4224 Tonic seizures occurred immediately and appeared to represent a paradoxical seizure exacerbation.,4225 Muscle biopsy showed nonspecific myopathic changes on light microscopy.,4226 1. Nine patients in whom acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia (ANLL) developed following prolonged alkylating agent therapy are described.,4227 "INTRODUCTION: Chronic constipation is a common symptom in pediatrics, and physicians often use mineral oil to treat chronic constipation in children.",4228 Of particular interest in the present case report is the silent presentation and the absence of any pharmacological interference.,4229 Our results suggest that patients with CLL in whom AML/MDS develops have similar prognoses to other patients with AML/MDS.,4230 Patients were monitored for adverse treatment effects.,4231 Severe ehrlichia infection in pediatric oncology and stem cell transplant patients.,4232 It may represent a uveitic immune phenomenon.,4233 Five patients receiving fluoxetine for the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder or major depression developed akathisia.,4234 "In 1993, a case of PI with nephrotic syndrome following steroid treatment was reported in Japan.",4235 CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis of the published case reports suggests a causal association between green tea and liver damage.,4236 "It was postulated that the allergic reaction was most likely caused by capecitabine or the intermediate metabolites based on the immediate reappearance of symptoms from the rechallenge, pharmacokinetic data, and well-tolerance of fluorouracil.",4237 "OBJECTIVE: To report a case of ciprofloxacin-induced psychosis and to discuss occurrence rates, risk factors, possible etiologies, preventive measures, and treatment courses for this adverse reaction.",4238 "The next day similar symptoms developed with rechallenge of the same brand of sustained-release verapamil in a 120-mg formulation, and verapamil was discontinued.",4239 RESULTS: Two of three melanoma patients had objective responses.,4240 The patient died of heart failure complicated by pneumonia.,4241 The present report examines the case of a patient with longstanding Crohn's disease who had never been treated with corticosteroids and who developed osteonecrosis of the talus.,4242 We report the case of a young HIV seropositive patient with severe hemophilia A who presented rapid liver failure related to his chronic C hepatitis.,4243 "Acyclovir, an antiviral nucleoside analogue, is a widely used agent highly specific for herpes simplex and varicella-zoster viruses.",4244 Pulmonary leukostasis secondary to all-trans retinoic acid in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia in first relapse.,4245 CONCLUSIONS: Recurrence of Acanthamoeba keratitis after penetrating keratoplasty a chaud may occur even several months after the operation and the manifestation may be atypical.,4246 "But if necessary, when deciding which agent to use, the clinician should consider the mechanism by which the body clears TNF-alpha.",4247 All strains were sensitive to linezolid with MIC<4 mg/l.,4248 "It is the most prescribed antineoplastic drug in the world, with approximately 10 million women-use-years of experience.",4249 "At ophthalmic review, the tumour had apparently completely regressed.",4250 "The abscess was surgically drained, the IUD removed, and a prolonged course of amoxycillin/clavulanic acid given.",4251 One patient improved after withdrawal of dextroamphetamine; others had worsening of their symptoms on higher doses of medications.,4252 One patient developed large intramural esophageal hematoma as a complication of heparin therapy.,4253 "The use of protease Inhibitors (PI) has been associated with many adverse effects including increased tendency to bleed, which is particularly problematic in individuals with congenital coagulation disorders.",4254 Circadian rhythm of white blood cells during clozapine treatment.,4255 The literature of vincristine optic nerve toxicity is reviewed.,4256 The recovery of the pneumococcal meningitis was complicated by severe neurological impairment.,4257 "Based on these observations and data in the literature, they discuss a possible relationship.",4258 The safety of cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2) preferential inhibitors such as meloxicam is debated.,4259 The authors describe two patients with this disease who initially had findings suggestive of an optic neuropathy.,4260 "Despite close monitoring of therapy, he experienced two episodes of unexpected and prolonged hypercalcemia.",4261 "CONCLUSION: Although a definite association has not been proven, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of agranulocytosis while using quetiapine.",4262 Successful treatment was achieved with partial resection of the posterior mitral valve leaflet and antibiotic therapy.,4263 This case demonstrates that the rapid effect of intravenous dantrolene can be life saving in fulminant neuroleptic malignant syndrome.,4264 "Serum samples from the first and second days contained 3.6 and 1.9 mg/l carbachol, respectively.",4265 "Imaging and tissue biopsy revealed a diffuse large B-cell, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.",4266 "Over several weeks, all neurologic and imaging deficits resolved.",4267 Discontinuation of chlormadinone acetate resulted in decline of the serum PSA level.,4268 Treatment has mainly been empirical.,4269 "A renal route of potassium loss was suspected, but could not be confirmed as potassium excretion did not increase although sodium excretion was augmented [basal sodium output: 56.7 mmol/24 h; phosphate treatment: 153 mmol/24 h (p < 0.05)].",4270 Ganciclovir and standard high-dose immunoglobulins for the treatment of cytomegalovirus interstitial pneumonia in a bone marrow recipient.,4271 "It is usually a consequence of direct extension from an underlying bony lesion, in the setting of multiple myeloma.",4272 The case of a patient with infectious mononucleosis treated with cephalexin who later showed a rash is presented and the previous literature is reviewed.,4273 His wound cultures continued to be negative.,4274 "We present 2 cases of patients with schizophrenia who manifested a catatonic syndrome and were indicated for ECT, along with antibiotic therapies for infectious diseases with piperacillin and cefotiam, respectively.",4275 Steroid rosacea in children.,4276 "METHODS: Double-blind, placebo-controlled titrated oral challenges with pancreatic enzymes resulted in definite vomiting within 1 to 1.5 hours after challenges with Viokase and Pancrease MT 16, but not with placebo.",4277 Patient survival depends on prompt referral to a specialist burns unit.,4278 Intranasal desmopressin-induced hyponatremia.,4279 (2) Rehabilitation of a 29-year-old man with a 7-year history of ankylosing spondylitis who lived in an adjustable easy chair for 2 years due to severe pain prior to admission.,4280 High-dose tamoxifen in treatment of brain tumors: interaction with antiepileptic drugs.,4281 Inhibitory effects of various drugs on dual asthmatic responses in wheat flour-sensitive subjects.,4282 "However, peripheral and cerebral embolism occurred.",4283 Tetracycline-induced benign intracranial hypertension.,4284 Medication can induce severe ulcerations.,4285 During the treatment of hematological malignancies this could be a cause of great concern.,4286 "Ticlopidine treatment was stopped, and a prolonged course of prednisone was necessary to treat the pulmonary and intestinal symptoms.",4287 "She received cyclophosphamide, phenylalanine mustard, urethane, and prednisolone intravenously or orally.",4288 Steroid diabetes experienced by the reported cases may be a marker for the onset of diabetes in their adulthood.,4289 CBF was decreased by 35% (p < 0.05) in the VVR group.,4290 "Therefore, we emphasize the importance of treatment to prevent tumor flare during LH-RH analogue therapy.",4291 Acute acoustic nerve palsy associated with vincristine therapy.,4292 "He had an extensive psychiatric history significant for schizophrenia and multiple past hospital admissions, starting at age 14 years.",4293 Strongyloidiasis and aseptic meningitis occurred in a renal transplant recipient who was receiving immunosuppressive drugs.,4294 Case report with neuropathologic findings.,4295 There have been anecdotal reports of septal perforation in patients with rhinitis on intranasal corticosteroids but hitherto not in patients with ABPA.,4296 Cytogenetic studies revealed an abnormal karyotype with deletion of the long arm of chromosome 11 (11q21) and 2 additional copies of the MLL gene attached to the short arms of chromosome 10 in 80% of the metaphase cells examined.,4297 It is concluded that simultaneous administration of ciprofloxacin and tazobactam/piperacillin may cause marked thrombocytosis.,4298 "In the meantime the patient developed acute respiratory distress, was intubated on clinical grounds and was transferred to the intensive care unit.",4299 "We report a series of three patients with HCC and platelet count < 60,000/mm(3) who were successfully treated with sorafenib with no complications.",4300 On March 13 the patient was again admitted for worsening CHF and was started on continuous dobutamine infusion.,4301 "Examination revealed confusion, jaundice, signs of chronic liver disease, portal hypertension and hepatic encephalopathy.",4302 "The use of real-time ultrasonography enabled us to image this infant's aortoiliac thrombosis in an accurate, noninvasive manner and monitor the effectiveness of thrombolytic therapy.",4303 Transient cardiac arrhythmias related to lopinavir/ritonavir in two patients with HIV infection.,4304 OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha may mediate the loss and the dedifferentiation of subcutaneous fat tissue in the insulin-induced lipoatrophies of a diabetic patient who presented extensive lesions.,4305 This organism has rapidly spread through many countries.,4306 OBJECTIVE: To describe the use of botulinum toxin injection of the lacrimal gland for palliative treatment of epiphora secondary to canalicular obstruction from docetaxel therapy.,4307 MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: A 37-yr-old female with recently diagnosed acute myelogenous leukemia was admitted to the ICU with mental status changes and progressive dyspnea requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation.,4308 Intraocular inflammation was minimal in all cases.,4309 This is the first report to illustrate the implementation of an lndium (111) DTPA flow study without interrupting the infusion of CITB.,4310 There was neither intrathecal chemotherapy nor brain irradiation.,4311 Progressive outer retinal necrosis presenting with isolated optic neuropathy.,4312 To our knowledge this is the first report that demonstrates histological abnormalities of the glomerulus associated with postoperative IFN-beta therapy for the malignant melanoma.,4313 Neuroleptic drug induced downregulation of nigral dopaminergic neurons may help to explain the persistent parkinsonism found in many patients after withdrawal of medication.,4314 Prosthetic valve thrombosis is associated with high mortality.,4315 These findings were consistent with the posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome.,4316 LTG toxicity should be considered in patients taking this drug who have depressed mental status.,4317 Aliskiren-associated acute renal failure with hyperkalemia.,4318 Osteonecrosis of the maxilla as a complication to chemotherapy: a case report.,4319 Disulfiram is used commonly as reinforcement in the treatment of chronic alcoholism.,4320 Macrodantin: a cautionary tale.,4321 Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome as a complication of induction chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.,4322 "However, a cross-correlation analysis indicated that TPO responses preceded platelet responses by approximately one day in all patients.",4323 "Although given ephedrine, epinephrine, and atropine sulfate, the patient's normal heart rhythm could not be restored until calcium chloride was administered.",4324 "In all cases, response to corticosteroids was unsatisfactory and three of these patients ultimately died from complications that ensued from prolonged immunosuppressive therapy.",4325 One had a mildly abnormal electro-oculogram.,4326 The plasma concentrations of the active metabolite M6G were more than 10 times those normally seen and the half-lives of M6G and morphine were prolonged.,4327 Progression of the clinical picture was documented over 15 years of follow-up.,4328 A 27-year-old Caucasian woman with end-stage Crohn's disease was hospitalized with an upper extremity thrombosis.,4329 "When tested in ferrets, the mutant virus had less virulence than the parent; however, it had a growth preference over the parent in zanamivir-treated animals.",4330 This abdomen CT scan was thought as abnormality pictures of neutropenic enterocolitis.,4331 "Despite a hematologic response in all 3 patients, none of them achieved cytogenetic remission, and all progressed to blast crisis at 7 to 10 months of imatinib therapy.",4332 The mechanism of leukopenia is thought to be secondary to either an immune-mediated response or direct bone marrow toxicity.,4333 "Signs of severe liver disease included elevated aminotransferases, conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, significant coagulopathy, hepatosplenomegaly and ascites.",4334 We suggest that irinotecan offers an effective treatment option for children with recurrent brain stem glioma and other genetic variants except UGT1A1 may be a risk factor for irinotecan-induced toxicity.,4335 We will also discuss other potential mechanisms inducing this disturbance and its differential diagnoses.,4336 "METHODS: Between April 2002 and October 2003, we performed 24 liver transplants in 25 patients.",4337 Baseline measurements of anterior chamber depth and lens thickness were obtained.,4338 The tinnitus is thought to be secondary to rhythmic involuntary movements of the soft palate.,4339 "He developed pneumonitis, pleural and pericardial effusions, and a predominantly proximal motor neuropathy.",4340 Clioquinol intoxication occurring in the treatment of acrodermatitis enteropathica with reference to SMON outside of Japan.,4341 Three of the four patients also had bilateral ptosis.,4342 "G-CSF was used as an adjunctive therapy with discontinuation of carbimazole, barrier nursing and a broad-spectrum antibiotic regimen to treat her neutropenic sepsis.",4343 "A 32-year-old man with a family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus presented with circulatory collapse and deep coma after 9 days of treatment with perospirone hydrochloride, a recently developed atypical antipsychotic agent available only in Japan.",4344 DISCUSSION: The occurrence of priapism in our patient was related to zuclopenthixol.,4345 "Myeloma screen was negative; ANC >1,000 at day +7, platelets >50,000 at day +24.",4346 A less well known phenomenon is paradoxical seizures.,4347 OBJECTIVE: To describe the pathology and the rehabilitation of an uncommon complication of intrathecal drug administration during the oncologic treatment of acute lymphoma.,4348 One of the subjects who was using extemporaneous topical minoxidil had hypertension and arteriosclerotic disease and the other died of a myocardial infarction.,4349 This case is similar to four other cases described in the literature and to the neuroleptic malignant syndrome.,4350 "A clinical history was taken, and laboratory and imaging tests were performed.",4351 The patient had severe hypoxemia associated with bilateral pulmonary infiltrates.,4352 "Unfortunately, the patient went to another hospital located in the small city where she lived, and all remaining doses of the total course of treatment were administered over the next 5 consecutive days, with no interruption in therapy.",4353 The median age of patients was 61 years.,4354 Severe systemic hypersensitivity reaction to ibuprofen occurring after prolonged therapy.,4355 Markedly elevated blood pyruvate and alanine levels also decreased to normal.,4356 We report a fatal case of acute interstitial pneumonitis in a patient treated with carmustine (BCNU) for a brain tumor.,4357 "PURPOSE: To report the clinical course, management, and outcome of infectious interface keratitis caused by mycobacterium species after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK).",4358 Indinavir-associated nephrolithiasis and chronic interstitial nephritis were the only possible causes identified in this patient.,4359 We present findings from three patients who experienced a psoriasiform eruption apparently due to the antiepileptic agents sodium valproate and carbamazepine.,4360 DISCUSSION: Serotonin syndrome is a potentially lethal pharmacodynamic interaction between medications that increase serotonergic transmission at the synaptic junction.,4361 This is a rare complication of bypass surgery and may be a cause of recurrent angina postoperatively due to coronary artery steal.,4362 "Only 1 death occurred, and most patients (57.5%) had complete resolution of their symptoms within 24 hours of presentation.",4363 A case of cataract development in a patient with atopic dermatitis is presented.,4364 We believe that the infection was due to asymptomatic ethmoid sinusitis.,4365 "This article focuses on the methodological issues involved in choosing instruments to monitor behavior, once a comprehensive evaluation has suggested trials on Ritalin.",4366 "Cholesterol microembolization as a sequela of oral anticoagulant therapy has been reported to cause infarction of virtually any organ, often resulting in death.",4367 We present 2 patients with demonstrated IgE-mediated allergy to cloxacillin and tolerance to amoxicillin and cefuroxime.,4368 Parenteral challenge with suspected sensitizing agents confirmed methicillin as the likely offender.,4369 She had been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis seven years prior to admission.,4370 He was not rechallenged with the drug.,4371 "Morphine, an opium alkaloid, frequently causes side effects such as hyperhidrosis and facial flushing, but serious cutaneous adverse drug reactions are seldom observed.",4372 We describe a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus and impaired renal function probably mainly due to tubulointerstitial disease.,4373 "Since August, 1989, the primary immunosuppressive agent is FK-506 (Tacrolimus).",4374 "Primary spontaneous coronary artery dissection is a rare condition but one that must be considered when young people, especially post partum women, present an acute ischaemic syndrome.",4375 "One patient underwent coronary angiography which disclosed no pathology, but following which, while on a calcium channel blocking agent regimen, he had an uneventful course of chemotherapy with cisplatin.",4376 Optic nerve sheath fenestration for a reversible optic neuropathy in radiation oncology.,4377 "Although dacryocystography showed a dilated and partially obstructed nasolacrimal system, ultrasound examination was able to demonstrate a mass in the nasolacrimal duct.",4378 We describe the development of severe lipoatrophy in a patient treated with biphasic aspart.,4379 A 25-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis for the past 5 years started to develop gradual enlargement of her breasts 15 months before presentation.,4380 "Complete remission of BOOP was achieved by long-term treatment with low-dose methotrexate (5-20 mg/week, i.v.).",4381 CONCLUSION: This report describes a case of a probable interaction between topical econazole lotion 1% and acenocoumarol that resulted in overanticoagulation and a life-threatening laryngeal hematoma in this elderly patient.,4382 The literature describing occurrence of DSP on immunosuppression is reviewed and possible pathogenetic mechanisms are discussed.,4383 Renal failure associated with acetazolamide therapy for glaucoma.,4384 The patient was treated with corticosteroid therapy and surgical resection of the jejunal tumor.,4385 Prompt correction of hyponatremia by administration of hypertonic saline solution was followed by resolution of all neurologic defects.,4386 Rapid improvement of delusional depression following drug-induced seizures: case report.,4387 GCV-resistance during VCV-prophylaxis was rare after renal transplantation.,4388 Enoxaparin is the current anticoagulant of choice with advantages for the treatment of neonatal thrombosis.,4389 "This syndrome is potentially life-threatening: the 5 untreated patients died, whereas 5 patients given immunosuppressive therapy are alive.",4390 The patient was ultimately treated with a combination of leflunomide and foscarnet.,4391 "RESULTS: After treatment, seven of the eight patients had healing of their ulcers, prompt reduction in their pain, and improvement in livedo reticularis and purpura.",4392 A 52-year-old Black woman on phenytoin therapy for post-traumatic epilepsy developed transient hemiparesis contralateral to the injury.,4393 We address the clinical problems and possible detrimental effects of CSFE in the setting of shunt infection.,4394 Risperidone versus clozapine in the treatment of psychosis in six patients with Parkinson's disease and other akinetic-rigid syndromes.,4395 The photosensitivity is still present 3 years after the withdrawal of quinine.,4396 METHODS: A case is presented of a 45-year-old woman on prolonged gemcitabine treatment for ovarian cancer who developed HUS and recovered after drug discontinuation.,4397 "All patients were given pharmacologic doses of vitamin D, had reduced baseline levels of renal function, and became hypercalcemic with acute renal failure.",4398 "The development of perianal fistulas in 2 patients, granuloma on biopsy in 1 patient and perianal skin tag in 1 patient, led to a diagnosis change of CD.",4399 "Histological examination of the liver revealed inflammatory reactions, cholestasis, occasional steatosis, and necrosis.",4400 "Despite a preferential action on cerebral vessels, there is clinical and experimental evidence of effects on systemic vascular and intestinal smooth muscle cells.",4401 Hepatolithiasis is uncommon in western countries but is quite prevalent in East Asia and is often associated with a predisposing condition that causes intrahepatic bile stasis (eg. bile duct stricture).,4402 Two attempts at carboplatin desensitization were unsuccessful.,4403 "Other explanations for an exaggerated and delayed response to opioids include co-administration of other respiratory depressant drugs such as magnesium sulphate, co-morbidity such as renal impairment and genetic variability in the metabolism of morphine.",4404 "She had palpable cervicosternal fibrosis measuring 10 x 8 cm, with local inflammatory signs and functional consequences (cough, restricted cervical movement, dyspnoea and bronchitis) with a SOMA scale for grading the long-term side effects of radiation therapy of 19/14.",4405 "Little is known regarding etiologic risk factors, optimal management, and prognosis.",4406 "Protocols that successfully incorporate platinum agents, despite a platinum hypersensitivity, are clinically relevant.",4407 "BOOP is considered as a nonspecific response to many types of lung injury, including drugs, radiation, an underlying hematologic malignant neoplasm, autoimmune diseases, bacterial or virus infection, or an underlying lung disease, or occurs idiopathically.",4408 "Nitrofurantoin, one of the antimicrobial agents which should be chosen for the prophylactic treatment of recurrent urinary tract infection, may be prescribed in the conventional form or, alternatively, as macrocrystals.",4409 It must be distinguished from bilateral occipital lobe ischemia caused by vertebrobasilar system disease.,4410 Reciprocal chromosomal translocations involving the MLL gene at chromosome region 11q23 are recurring cytogenetic abnormalities in both de novo and therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and in acute lymphoblastic leukemia.,4411 He developed a cerebellar hemorrhage after repetitive pressing of the shunt reservoir.,4412 Sensorimotor polyneuropathy with 5-aminosalicylic acid: a case report.,4413 Myoclonus and seizures disappeared after discontinuation of L-dopa and the introduction of valproate sodium (VPA).,4414 The pathogenesis of the liver changes and their possible relationship to splenomegaly and busulphan toxicity are considered.,4415 "The side-effects and unusual pharmacokinetics of phenytoin are discussed, as well as the array of potential drug interactions.",4416 "These findings are consistent with an immune-complex form of glomerulopathy in which gold is neither the antigen nor a hapten in the glomerular deposits, and they suggest the hypothesis that antibodies to tubular epithelial antigens induced by gold therapy may be a causative factor in the renal disease associated with gold therapy in rheumatoid arthritis.",4417 "Extrahepatic cholestasis, viral hepatitis and autoimmune liver disorders were excluded.",4418 "None of the patients had a previous history of glaucoma, ocular hypertension or IOP asymmetry and the IOP was as high as 30, 34, 46, and 50 mmHg in the four patients.",4419 Lymphocytes obtained from a hyperthyroid patient treated with propylthiouracil without complications failed to show evidence of sensitization.,4420 Anticoagulant therapy was initiated with subcutaneous enoxaparin and oral warfarin.,4421 Patients treated with L-asparaginase may present with hemorrhagic and thrombotic cerebrovascular events.,4422 She had a history of diabetes and angina pectoris.,4423 Successful rescue of severe recurrent hepatitis C with interferon and ribavirin in a liver transplant patient.,4424 "Recently, results of three open clinical trials on mycophenolate mofetil in myasthenia gravis have been reported.",4425 CONCLUSIONS: The pathogenesis of methotrexate-induced papular eruption in collagen vascular diseases may suggest cutaneous small-vessel vasculitis.,4426 These preliminary results indicate the possible advantage of adding an alkylating agent (prednimustine) to estramustine in advanced prostatic carcinoma.,4427 Definitive therapy by subtotal thyroidectomy was subsequently performed and yielded good results.,4428 Cholestyramine was utilized to interrupt the enterohepatic recycling of warfarin and for its antidiarrheal effects to prevent gastrointestinal vitamin K wasting.,4429 "When pilsicainide is prescribed in patients with coronary artery disease or renal dysfunction, close attention must be paid to avoid life-threatening arrhythmias due to high plasma concentrations of the drug.",4430 Combined therapy of advanced prostatic carcinoma with estramustine and prednimustine.,4431 Pemphigus vulgaris precipitated by glibenclamide therapy.,4432 Acute renal failure in a patient receiving treatment with suramin.,4433 Iatrogenic Cushing syndrome after epidural triamcinolone injections in an HIV type 1-infected patient receiving therapy with ritonavir-lopinavir.,4434 The potential for absorption is not well described in patients with impaired gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa.,4435 "The manufacturer began a Pregnancy Prevention Program (PPP) in 1988; however, exposed pregnancies continue to occur.",4436 Atomoxetine has been explored as an alternative treatment as one of the few non-stimulants available to treat ADHD.,4437 Fluoxetine-related death in a child with cytochrome P-450 2D6 genetic deficiency.,4438 "Furthermore, radial keratoneuritis was demonstrated, consisting of an irregularly swollen nerve fiber with probable amoebic infiltration.",4439 "The hepatitis C infection was eradicated, but he continued to be diabetic requiring insulin therapy during the follow-up.",4440 Sudden cardiac arrest associated with major spasm of three coronary arteries was observed about 10 hours after Taxus stent insertion in a three vessel lesion and was successfully treated by intracoronary glyceryl trinitrate infusion.,4441 "RESULTS: Two weeks after treatment of the injury with botulinum toxin, the patient reported complete resolution of his symptoms.",4442 Treatment with isotretinoin appeared to shorten her recovery period.,4443 Early replacement therapy is recommended when proximal renal tubular abnormalities are detected to help prevent and control the severe metabolic bone disease associated with the Fanconi syndrome.,4444 "In the absence of palpable cysticerci, the clinical diagnosis can be missed, although no other disease in its full form presents in this manner.",4445 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and neuroleptic-induced catatonia: differential diagnosis and treatment.,4446 SCA2 may present as levodopa-responsive parkinsonism.,4447 We report on a young adolescent with benign intracranial hypertension which we attribute to the use of minocycline for acne.,4448 Histological examination of liver biopsies showed diffuse microvesicular steatosis.,4449 "The most common symptoms are fever (78%), abdominal pain (92%), and cloudy dialysate (90%); 76% of cases had a predominance of polymorphonuclear cells in peritoneal fluid.",4450 The azathioprine dose was low (1 mg/kg) and pancytopenia occurred after 56 days therapy.,4451 Microbiologic evaluation is essential for accurate early diagnosis and treatment.,4452 The concern about depression associated with beta-blocker use grew out of one widely referenced case report.,4453 OBJECTIVE: To report a case of Cushing's syndrome in an adult patient caused by prolonged and unsupervised use of glucocorticoid ocular drops.,4454 SLE receded after withdrawal of carbamazepine and treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs.,4455 Here we describe the case of a 69-year-old patient who achieved a second complete remission with this association without additional toxicity.,4456 To the best of our knowledge there have been no previous reports of AGEP induced by the ingestion of nimesulide in the medical literature.,4457 Hepatobiliary scans using Tc-IDA are reliable in making the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis.,4458 She subsequently developed severe post-herpetic neuralgia requiring the recommencement of gabapentin and amitriptyline.,4459 "On the first day of the schedule, moderate high doses of Methotrexate, Etoposide and Cyclophosphamide were administered.",4460 "CASE SUMMARIES: While conducting a protocol evaluating the efficacy of intraperitoneal cisplatin and hyperthermia in the treatment of recurrent ovarian cancer, 3 patients were noted to exhibit anaphylactoid reactions.",4461 "Other pertinent laboratory data, including liver and renal function tests results, serology for virus infection, and serum levels of vitamin B12 and folic acids, were normal.",4462 Magnetic resonance imaging may be useful in these cases to confirm the diagnosis of WE.,4463 "In May 1996, as part of his routine antihepatitis B (hepB) vaccination plan, a 28-year-old HbsAg-negative man, hospital worker, received his first dose (20 microg) of a recombinant vaccine (EngerixB-B, Smith Kline and Beecham, Belgium), administered via deltoid injection.",4464 New lesions gradually spread to the arms and trunk (Fig. 1).,4465 We herein report this rare case of acute onset of nephrotic syndrome during interferon-alpha retreatment.,4466 "Shortly after the start of surgery, he suffered an allergic reaction that, at first, was difficult to distinguish from the recognised side-effects of intrathecal diamorphine.",4467 "In case no. 2, the pathogenic mechanism seemed to be persistent light reaction preceded by systemic photoallergy, as he had taken mequitazine for 6 months, and there were strong positive photopatch test results with immediate erythema reaction, cross-reaction to promethazine, decreased MED to both UVA and UVB, and persistence of the photosensitivity over a 3-year follow-up period after discontinuation of the mequitazine.",4468 Fundoscopic examination revealed only hypertensive retinopathy.,4469 "We analyze a case of neutropenic enterocolitis which occurred in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia during chemotherapy and we suggest that, as well as intestinal wall thickness, hemodynamic worsening should be considered an indication for surgery.",4470 "This case raises the possibility that chronic exposure to cyanoacrylates, the adhesive agents in industrial strength glue, may be associated with the development of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in humans.",4471 "C. striatum should be recognized as a potential pathogen in both immunocompromised and normal hosts in the appropriate circumstances, and appropriate antimicrobial therapy can quickly lead to resolution of infection.",4472 OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of exacerbated mania potentially related to an interaction between lopinavir/ritonavir and valproic acid (VPA) and propose a mechanism of action for this interaction.,4473 This report suggests that bleomycin lung toxicity may be reversible if treated aggressively.,4474 Treatment was started with heparin and vasodilators.,4475 Candida shunt infection appears to occur by either contamination at the time of shunt placement or by hematogenous dissemination.,4476 "On day 23 of varenicline therapy, he received and filled a new prescription for amphetamine-dextroamphetamine and resumed his prescribed dosage (30 mg twice/day).",4477 "Children undergoing chemotherapy, postsurgical procedures and those with AIDS are at increased risk for developing this unique type of shock.",4478 An almost total breast reduction was performed; 5 kg of right breast tissue and 7 kg of left breast tissue were excised.,4479 We present two cases of neonates with gastric mucosa and submucosa hyperplasia revealed during ultrasound examination.,4480 "CONCLUSION: Infectious retinochoroiditis is a potentially blinding complication seen after cardiac transplantation, justifying close clinical and serological surveillance or, in certain cases such as mismatched donors, anti-parasitic prophylaxis.",4481 "Total blindness with a transient tonic pupillary response, denervation supersensitivity, and abnormal visual-evoked potentials developed in a 54-year-old man after the use of quinine sulfate for leg cramps.",4482 These findings are compatible with PVOD.,4483 High-dose intravenous mannitol infusion in various clinical settings may result in acute renal failure (ARF).,4484 Endoscopy demonstrated dimpling of the gastric mucosa on the anterior wall of the stomach.,4485 Screening for CMV infection in pregnant women receiving immunosuppressive drugs is recommended.,4486 We report a 31-year-old women with recurrent Hodgkin's lymphoma and unrecognized HMSN-1 who developed severe motor neuropathy 3 weeks after the first cycle of treatment including 2 mg of vincristine.,4487 Her autoantibodies except fluorescent anti-nuclear antibodies were negative.,4488 After hydrocortisone supplementation and intensive therapy the baby recovered completely.,4489 METHODS: A single patient who developed uveitis while taking clomiphene citrate is described.,4490 Clinicians are advised to observe for symptoms of toxicity and to do serial blood levels to monitor this interaction.,4491 "Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO) is an important problem that remains undertreated, even by rheumatologists.",4492 The marked thrombocytosis was nonresponsive to hydroxyurea therapy.,4493 Doxorubicin cardiotoxicity: possible role of digoxin in its prevention.,4494 Vincristine induced cranial polyneuropathy.,4495 "The tacalcitol treatment was terminated, seven days later, the serum calcium level had returned to the reference range without any specific treatment.",4496 "The patient was treated with ethanol, then fomepizole intravenously (15, 10, then 5 mg/kg), and hemodialysis.",4497 "We present herein the case of a 56-year-old woman in whom bilateral and recurrent SSP was caused by the rupture of pulmonary lacunae induced by chemotherapy, given for bilateral lung metastases secondary to breast carcinoma.",4498 "In one patient this resulted in an ischemic and necrotic digital ulcus, necessitating surgical amputation.",4499 A forty-two year old female with known alcoholic liver disease was given intravenous lorazepam and diazepam for delirium tremens.,4500 Therapy-related CD7+ acute myeloid leukemia with trisomy 8 following acute monocytic leukemia.,4501 OBJECTIVE: To report a case of decreased international normalized ratio (INR) in a patient receiving warfarin and bosentan.,4502 Five days of treatment with ketoconazole alone was ineffective in our patient's infection.,4503 "Ciclosporin was administered, allowing corticosteroid therapy to be discontinued.",4504 "Tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) morbitity is primarily due to cardiac arrhythmias and hypotension, which become more refractory to treatment as acidosis progresses (Ann Emerg Med. 1985;14:1-9; Clin Toxicol. 2007;45:203-233; Flomenbaum N, Goldfrank L, Hoffman R, et al. Goldfrank's toxicologic emergencies. 8th ed. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2006).",4505 "This case suggests that BH-AC, a derivative of cytosine arabinoside (1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine) could be a cause of reversible encephalopathy syndrome.",4506 "A 24-year-old woman with ALL developed severe epigastric pain 168 days after CBSCT, followed by blistering eruptions 2 days later.",4507 Uncertainty in medical decision making techniques occurs in the specification of both decision tree probabilities and utilities.,4508 An Enterobacter species was cultured from an intraoperative swab.,4509 "Hormone therapy with leuprolide acetate (Lupron) is frequently used to treat prostate cancer, a common malignancy expected to be diagnosed in >180,000 men in the United States this year.",4510 Posthypoglycemic hyperglycemia (rebound hyperglycemia) after overdosing of insulin was diagnosed in 6 cats with diabetes mellitus.,4511 "On the other hand, aspirin may have promoted the enlargement of spontaneous hemorrhage from meningioma.",4512 "During clarithromycin coadministration, four out of the seven patients developed moderate-to-severe toxic symptoms of carbamazepine, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and ataxia, which resolved within 5 days after clarithromycin discontinuation.",4513 One not so well documented consequence of this treatment is avascular necrosis or osteonecrosis of the underlying bone.,4514 Streptomycin caused vertigo and had to be stopped.,4515 "Leukemia was treated with courses of adriblastin, cytosine arabinoside, and thioguanin (DAT protocol), with a 8 months' survival.",4516 We believe serum triglyceride levels should be monitored in patients who have other cardiac risk factors and are receiving clozapine.,4517 The development of nephrotic-range proteinuria after renal transplantation is an unfavourable prognostic factor for graft survival.,4518 The patient showed no initial evidence of being a latent HBV carrier.,4519 The patients were followed up for an average of 32 months (range 16-75 months).,4520 Creatinine 8 days earlier was 0.9 mg/dL (79.6 micromol/L).,4521 Caution is emphasized in the use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors in patients with obstructive airway disease.,4522 Three cases of self-inflicted gingival injuries resulting from the improper use of the Keyes technique are presented.,4523 The catheter was safely removed surgically; pathology examination showed no residual thrombus.,4524 Methanol poisoning in Tunisia: report of 16 cases.,4525 Chemoradiation therapy used on pediatric oncology patients often causes dental developmental anomalies that affect future dental care.,4526 "Therapy with phenytoin, phenobarbital, valproic acid, and methylphenidate was unsuccessful.",4527 Ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma arising from an endometriotic cyst in a postmenopausal woman under tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer: a case report.,4528 "In a series of 104 cases of intentional or inadvertent use of zidovudine at differing gestations in pregnancy, there were eight spontaneous first trimester abortions, eight therapeutic terminations, and eight cases of fetal abnormality occurring among a total of 88 cases where the pregnancy progressed.",4529 Following therapy with AmBisome his symptoms abated and significantly improved scan picture was seen.,4530 "In our patient, symptoms were most acute during the infusion, when whole blood cyclosporine concentrations were likely to be the highest.",4531 "Physical examination revealed diaphoresis, low-grade fever, hypertension, tachycardia, bilateral cogwheel rigidity, hyperreflexia, tremor, and myoclonus, symptoms and signs that are consistent with severe SS.",4532 "Three ovarian thecomas, which are considered to be estrogenic tumors, were associated with endometrial malignant mullerian mixed tumor, mullerian adenosarcoma, and low-grade stromal sarcoma in postmenopausal women.",4533 At least three of these patients developed acute myelogenous leukemia (AML).,4534 "CASE SUMMARY: A 35-year-old African American woman with a history of primary pulmonary hypertension managed with warfarin, diltiazem, and hydrochlorothiazide was initiated on bosentan therapy.",4535 We describe the first case of a Chinese liver transplant recipient with PVB19-induced PRCA during immunosuppressive therapy.,4536 We report a 76-year-old man who developed an acute blistering eruption following high-dose penicillin treatment for pneumococcal septicaemia.,4537 Pregabalin-induced cortical negative myoclonus in a patient with neuropathic pain.,4538 The increased use of serotonergic agents (alone and in combination) across multiple medical disciplines presents the possibility that the prevalence and clinical significance of this condition will rise in the future.,4539 Safety and efficacy of S-1 chemotherapy in recurrent/metastatic head and neck cancer.,4540 "Linear IgA bullous dermatosis has a much lower prevalence of histological small bowel abnormalities, and lesions are not known to respond to gluten restriction.",4541 We report a case of penile fibrosis after intracavernous self-injection of a combination of phentolamine and papaverine.,4542 Capillary leak syndrome (CLS) commonly occurs in the intensive care setting.,4543 The patient was initially treated with hydration and furosemide but developed congestive heart failure.,4544 These findings are significant not only in monitoring amiodarone effects during chronic prophylactic drug therapy but also in providing further insight into the complex interrelation between the action of the drug and the thyroid hormones on cardiac muscle.,4545 "This infection progressed despite treatment with antifungal regimens known to be effective, even in immunocompromised patients.",4546 The pathophysiology for this unusual disorder may be agonist-induced dopamine receptor hypersensitivity.,4547 "Genitourinary malacoplakia in renal transplant recipients: pathogenic, prognostic and therapeutic considerations.",4548 Hypertensive reactions occurred without obvious cause in two patients receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) while being monitored in a hospital.,4549 "Abdominal CT showed diffuse swelling of the pancreas, with two distinct masses in the corpus and the tail.",4550 "With the help of intensive supportive care and symptomatic treatment, the patient recovered and was discharged home after a hospital stay of 25 days.",4551 Coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus was cultured in the aspirate.,4552 "We report two cases in unrelated UCBT setting and added the following new information to the literature: (i) EBV-related PTLD can be presented late in recipients of unrelated UCBT; (ii) in contrast to reported literatures that PTLD is a serious complication with unfavorable outcome, especially in monomorphic form, our cases showed that the clinical course may be relatively benign if treatment is initiated promptly.",4553 "Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis persisted, with evidence of early vascular recanalization.",4554 Delayed recognition of intrathecal methotrexate overdose.,4555 The most common causes of sudden cardiac arrest are massive pulmonary embolism (PE) and acute myocardial infarction (MI).,4556 "Ocular examinations revealed intraocular pressure (IOP) of 30 mmHg under medication, dense posterior subcapsular opacity of lens, pale disc with advanced cupping, and marked constriction of visual field.",4557 The patient responded to atovaquone plus proguanil followed by primaquine.,4558 "These differences necessitate close monitoring of hypothyroid patients, counseling these patients about the clinical signs of sub- and supratherapeutic levothyroxine dosages, and prudence when switching patients with stable hypothyroidism to alternative levothyroxine products.",4559 Alternating sinus rhythm and intermittent sinoatrial block induced by propranolol.,4560 Rapid diagnosis may avert unnecessary changes in therapy to treat conditions which clinically mimic NEH.,4561 "After 5 days of treatment with IL-2, the patient developed a hemorrhagic lesion that progressed to toxic epidermal necrolysis, as well as grade 4 pancytopenia.",4562 CONCLUSIONS: The results of this self-selected case series must be interpreted with caution.,4563 Cervical artery dissection (CAD) recurrences are rare but the risk could be higher during the first month.,4564 Erythropoietin is beneficial in mitomycin-induced hemolytic-uremic syndrome.,4565 Two probands had borderline mutations; the rest were normal.,4566 Alleged medical abandonment in chronic opioid analgesic therapy: case report.,4567 A low initial dosage that is gradually adjusted upward is recommended.,4568 Drug-induced pemphigus related to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.,4569 The patient had a history of four resections since the age of 19 years.,4570 A lymphocyte stimulation test was reactive to pranlukast.,4571 Haematological malignancies developing in previously healthy individuals who received haematopoietic growth factors: report from the Research on Adverse Drug Events and Reports (RADAR) project.,4572 Spontaneous pneumothorax following chemotherapy for metastatic germ cell tumor: a case report.,4573 A case of severe hyperlipidemia caused by long-term tube feedings.,4574 "Occasionally, traditional analgesic medication regimens cannot be used or are ineffective in relieving the pain.",4575 Infection of a shunt by Mycobacterium fortuitum: case report.,4576 Cardiac disease is a significant complication of childhood oncologic therapy.,4577 Three men and 2 women aged 38 to 53 years were treated.,4578 The parasite that causes this infection is usually transmitted by the sandfly and occasionally by nonsterile needles among intravenous drug users.,4579 At the same time the elevated plasma oncotic pressure was reduced to normal values.,4580 Herbal medicine induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome: a case report.,4581 "Treatment was for various tumors at advanced stages, and in some patients, other anticancer drugs previously had been administered.",4582 "The clinical features included fever, severe myalgia, documented fungemia with F. solani, an ecthyma gangrenosum-like lesion next to a peripheral venous catheter, and disseminated pustules.",4583 "The granular layer was preserved and, in some areas, hypergranulosis was found (Fig.",4584 Intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide for persisting cystoid macular edema after penetrating keratoplasty.,4585 Isolation of Mycobacterium thermoresistibile following augmentation mammaplasty.,4586 "These agents are increasingly associated with infections, particularly mycobacterial infections.",4587 "Thrombin is highly effective for stopping intractable arterial hemorrhage during stereotactic brain biopsy; however, it is a vasospastic agent and may have been responsible for the cerebral infarctions in one patient.",4588 METHODS: A patient with C6D tetraplegia who sustained intoxication because of drug interaction is presented.,4589 The patient had suffered two spontaneous left humeral fractures treated with prosthesis replacement just before the initial diagnosis of multiple myeloma.,4590 Massive pulmonary embolism complicating streptokinase treatment for deep vein thrombosis.,4591 "Five days after the 3rd booster dose, in November 1996, the dermatosis relapsed on the forearms, trunk, and legs.",4592 "Five patients (ages 23-52; UNOS status 3-4) exhibited a characteristic pattern of stuttering dysarthria, leading to complete loss of speech production, occasionally with elements of aphasia.",4593 Discontinuation of simvastatin and cyclosporine resulted in resolution of rhabdomyolysis and normalization of renal function.,4594 Myoclonus seen in the abdominal wall was segmental and considered to be of spinal origin.,4595 Each had angiographically documented bilateral high-grade stenosis or occlusion of the internal carotid arteries.,4596 The development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) after 38 months of therapy with recombinant human interferon gamma (rIFN-gamma) was observed in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.,4597 Reperfusion of the transplanted heart was performed retrogradely through the coronary sinus utilizing leukocyte-depleted blood with a gradual increase in temperature.,4598 Genotyping of CYP2B6 and therapeutic drug monitoring in an HIV-infected patient with high efavirenz plasma concentrations and severe CNS side-effects.,4599 The erythroid defect fully reversed after the drug was discontinued and could not be attributed to the patient's previously treated lung carcinoma.,4600 "CONCLUSION: For severe cases of TiACG that are associated with very high intraocular pressures, the combination of mannitol and methylprednisolone can induce a rapid improvement.",4601 This undesirable side effect of Tolazoline may be prevented by the concomitant use of antacids to maintain gastric pH greater than 5.,4602 Computed tomography of the brain was normal but electroencephalography showed focal theta and delta slow waves over the right temporal-parietal-occipital area.,4603 Electrical proarrhythmia with procainamide: a new ICD-drug interaction.,4604 Cerebral Embolism Study Group.,4605 "The authors present a woman with profound lower extremity weakness and sensory abnormality after falling asleep in the head-to-knees yoga position (also called ""Paschimottanasana"").",4606 "In general, it is good medical practice to avoid concomitant administration with centrally acting anticholinergic agents.",4607 This patient rapidly progressed from mild neurotoxicity to fatal encephalopathy after one dose of intrathecal methotrexate during his third cycle of chemotherapy.,4608 CPH is exquisitely responsive to indomethacin so much so that the response is one of the current diagnostic criteria.,4609 This is the third patient with severe FUra toxicity secondary to an alteration in pyrimidine catabolism and the second from our clinic population suggesting that the frequency of this genetic defect may be greater than previously thought.,4610 We report a case of torsade de pointes following a single oral dose of amiodarone (1400 mg or 30 mg kg-1) administered after short intravenous loading for prevention of paroxysmal atrial flutter.,4611 Patients with huge tumor mass and multiple liver metastases have increased risk of tumor-induced hypoglycemia.,4612 Chlorambucil central nervous toxicity: a significant side effect of chlorambucil therapy in childhood nephrotic syndrome.,4613 PURPOSE: Interface inflammation is a common complication of laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK).,4614 We report a case of Zidovudine induced anaemia and bone marrow aplasia in a patient infected with HIV.,4615 Dermatomyositis is associated with malignancy in approximately 20-25% of cases.,4616 These cases demonstrate that CBZ can induce simple motor tics in children.,4617 It may be confused with intracranial tumors and requires long-term combined antibiotic therapy after drainage.,4618 Acute pancreatitis is a rare but severe complication of TACE.,4619 The relationship between infliximab treatment and lymphoma in Crohn's disease.,4620 "We report here on two middle-aged women, apparently healthy, who suffered from a fatal intracerebral hemorrhage following a dental treatment.",4621 Thymic hyperplasia can occur after cytotoxic therapy for various malignancies.,4622 "Although heliox has been used foryears to treat patients with various respiratory complications, it is not currently a common treatment instituted by anesthesia practitioners for the treatment of bronchospasm.",4623 "Clinical features suggested that the lesion was an ischemic infarct, and this was confirmed by an MRI scan.",4624 "Furthermore, beneficial or harmful effects of steroids in eosinophilic jejunitis and its treatment details are discussed and reviewed.",4625 We report the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis as a much earlier side-effect of carbamazepine administration in a 29-year Nigerian female patient with generalized tonic-elonic seizures.,4626 "In addition, while cases of loop diuretic-induced pancreatitis, including furosemide, have been published, the allergic manifestations with both sulfonamide antibiotics and non-antibiotics in our patient suggest possible cross-reactivity between these 2 drug classes.",4627 Antacid and sucralfate-induced hypophosphatemic osteomalacia: a case report and review of the literature.,4628 At delivery the umbilical cord plasma concentration was similar to that in the maternal venous plasma.,4629 Sural nerve biopsy revealed mild demyelination and many inclusion bodies in the axoplasm and in Schwann cell cytoplasm.,4630 Tardive oculogyric crisis during treatment with clozapine: report of three cases.,4631 Argatroban for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in hepato-renal failure and CVVHD.,4632 "To our knowledge, these movements have not been reported previously as an adverse effect of quetiapine.",4633 Ultrastructurally the follicular cells contained large residual bodies composed of abundant electron-lucent lipid droplets of variable size.,4634 "At 29 months of age, she developed diarrhea with bulky stools and weight loss.",4635 Foci of retinochoroiditis were observed unilaterally in three patients and bilaterally in one.,4636 "Renal biopsy demonstrated minimal glomerular changes with fusion of podocytes, tubular necrosis with regeneration of tubular epithelial cells, interstitial edema with focal interstitial fibrosis, and interstitial infiltration with neutrophils, eosinophils, plasma cells and mononuclear cells.",4637 PEComas demonstrated loss of TSC2 protein expression and evidence of baseline mTORC1 activation.,4638 BACKGROUND: Electroporation is a process that causes a transient increase in the permeability of cell membranes.,4639 The massively obese patients had an increased risk of cancer and complications from therapy.,4640 Successful treatment of florid cutaneous warts with intravenous cidofovir in an 11-year-old girl.,4641 Central venous catheters deliver life-prolonging medications to Group IVC AIDS patients.,4642 OVERVIEW: Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM) type 1 results in medical disqualification for all military aviation duties all over the world.,4643 Both cytoplasmic features of adaptation and nuclear alterations were noted in hepatocytes.,4644 We hypothesized that vigorous rubbing of the eye of the atopic patient might cause limbal erosion that could lead to exposure of the angle-supported AC IOL haptic through the limbus.,4645 We report two new cases of sarcoidosis in two patients with hepatitis C virus infection treated with interferon alfa and ribavirin.,4646 The computer-based algebraic method is illustrated for a problem previously analyzed by Monte Carlo simulation.,4647 In two cases acute renal failure also occurred.,4648 "Despite a postulated dopaminergic mechanism, there seems to have been only one previous report of amantadine's precipitating psychosis in a schizophrenic patient.",4649 It is suggested that an allergic background may play an important role in the development of EP in patients on CAPD.,4650 Restless legs syndrome may thus be an adverse effect of IFN alpha treatment.,4651 "This therapeutical regimen was chosen--in accordance with cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, and interventional radiologists--due to the high risk of adverse event after repeated surgery in this particular patient.",4652 The catheter was removed and the abscess was drained.,4653 "Carboplatin was substituted for cisplatin, and there were no further episodes of SIADH.",4654 Psychotic disorder associated with isoniazid.,4655 CONCLUSIONS: Any patient undergoing medical treatment for tuberculosis requires proper education concerning potential drug side effects.,4656 The patient recovered completely following withdrawal of antacids and sucralfate and short-term treatment with phosphate.,4657 There is a paucity of literature etiologically inculpating other ephedra alkaloids in the causation of intracerebral hemorrhage.,4658 "However, our patient was later found to have re-activation tuberculosis after long-term treatment.",4659 The case resembles two previously reported cases of optic neuropathy which occurred in patients with Wilson's disease who were receiving penicillamine.,4660 The findings are based on liver histology and the exclusion of other causes of liver damage.,4661 Antibiotic-associated colitis (pseudomembranous colitis) developed in four patients with spinal cord injury and taking oral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.,4662 Lymphangiomyomatosis: hormonal implications in etiology and therapy.,4663 Agitated dysphoria after late-onset loss of response to antidepressants: a case report.,4664 Increased libido in a woman treated with fluvoxamine: a case report.,4665 Local anesthetic switching for intrathecal tachyphylaxis in cancer patients with pain.,4666 This case report illustrates how pharmacodynamic properties of drugs can complicate the treatment of neurologic disorders.,4667 "These 4 cases are the first to be recorded in infancy, and with histopathological proof of fat embolism.",4668 "BACKGROUND: Extrapyramidal signs (EPS) typically are a late-presenting feature of sporadic Alzheimer disease (AD), but relatively little data are available regarding EPS in FAD.",4669 Acute kidney injury caused by zonisamide-induced hypersensitivity syndrome.,4670 DNA-based analysis of amniotic fluid (AF) from at-risk pregnancies has been suggested as an adjunct/substitute for traditional culture.,4671 Renal function gradually improved but nephrotic state was persistent.,4672 Patients should be informed of the risk of septic arthritis.,4673 This rise was halved over the next 8 days.,4674 "Because of the presence of severe ascites and massive ovarian enlargement, it was elected to treat this patient with methotrexate therapy rather than surgery.",4675 "Laboratory investigation confirmed prior exposure to CMV, EBV and HSV and suggested drug-induced immunological suppression.",4676 "Therefore, we gradually reduced the opiate dosage.",4677 "Immunoblastic sarcoma is also seen in immunosuppressed patients, and the role of the immunoblast in both of these disorders indicates that they may be related.",4678 Cancer patients who are receiving 5-FU treatment and are DPD deficient can develop severe side effects.,4679 "Her primary care physician had earlier made a preliminary diagnosis of pertussis and prescribed a short course of azithromycin and corticosteroids, which did not help relieve the symptoms.",4680 By continuous irrigation it is frequently used to treat suppurative mediastinitis after median sternotomy.,4681 Cisplatin and acute tubular necrosis.,4682 "Physicians using this ""new"" drug must be aware of the potential danger of sulfonamide-induced injury to the urinary tract.",4683 Heparin was administered on the initial one and a half days.,4684 After treatment with prednisolone a complete resolution of the dyspnea was observed.,4685 "Some of the clots were firmly adherent, whereas others dislodged easily after being rinsed with saline.",4686 We describe a patient with phenobarbital-induced hypersensitivity syndrome who revealed syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) associated with limbic encephalitis during the course of the disease.,4687 Bleomycin pneumonitis potentiated by oxygen administration.,4688 The allograft function remained stable.,4689 Multifocal inflammatory leukoencephalopathy associated with levamisole therapy.,4690 Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema after transfusion therapy is an infrequent but hazardous complication.,4691 Clinical and biochemical recovery followed discontinuation of drug therapy.,4692 "Transarterial membranotomy and repeated infusion of thrombolytic agents and anticoagulants directly in the thrombus brought about improvement of the circulation surrounding the liver and IVC, and recovery from hepatic failure.",4693 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia as a complication of methotrexate treatment of asthma.,4694 "Proposed mechanisms include von Willebrand Factor abnormalities, decreased prostacyclin production, and immune complex formation.",4695 "A macrophage activation syndrome, possibly related to methotrexate toxicity, developed in a boy with systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.",4696 Radiation recall refers to inflammatory reactions triggered by cytotoxic agents and develops in previously irradiated areas.,4697 "Four recovered fully within 24 h, two recovered partially after 24 h and completely after 48 h while two recovered only after 72 h.",4698 "After two weeks of drug treatment, the patient exhibited symptoms similar to those seen in the manic phase of bipolar affective disorder.",4699 "On the basis of the clinico-radiologic presentation, a pulmonary hemorrhage was likely to occur; so to clarify the origin of this process, a complete serologic examination was performed but all the antibodies were negative.",4700 We believe that immunosuppression-induced pneumonitis in a lung allograft is a serious dilemma for lung transplant physicians,4701 Amiodarone was discontinued after discussion with the cardiologist.,4702 We report a case of glaucoma induced by doxetaxel therapy for metastatic breast cancer.,4703 "Gynaecomastia, however, persisted even after three months of cessation of therapy.",4704 Life-threatening hyponatremia caused by vinblastine.,4705 "Even in a patient undergoing posterior lumbar interbody fusion using a metal cage, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) might be able to diagnose epidural abscesses and diskitis when titanium alloy implants are used.",4706 "Indeed, the superiority of the combination of interferon alfa and ribavirin in terms of antiviral action is corroborated by the enhancement of a Th1-type immune reaction by this combination.",4707 "No published reports of priapism with antidepressants were located, but 11 cases have been reported to the manufacturers.",4708 "Controlled clinical trials are indicated to determine if this finding is indicative of a class effect for all GABAergic antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), as already noted with vigabatrin, or if this case represents an incidental finding with tiagabine (41 references).",4709 He developed Epstein-Barr virus-associated malignant lymphoma at 10 years and thyroid papillary carcinoma at 20 years of age.,4710 Successful repair of myocardial free wall rupture after thrombolytic therapy for acute infarction.,4711 Lacosamide intoxication in attempted suicide.,4712 "However, an increasing number of reports are appearing suggesting more than just a casual relationship between leukemia and the use of alkylating agents.",4713 Gold-induced aplastic anemia.,4714 The pathogenesis of chemotherapy-associated thrombotic microangiopathy (C-TMA) has not been established.,4715 The same error had led to the death of her child five years earlier.,4716 "In this study, we report on three individual patients who received BTX-B and who subsequently developed parasympathetic dysfunction of the visual system after injections of BTX-B at remote sites.",4717 "However, there are some recent reports on serious adverse events, probably associated with this complementary and alternative herbal medicine.",4718 Cutaneous mycobacterial infection post intravesical BCG installation.,4719 "A computed tomographic (CT) scan confirmed a massive renal tumour associated with extensive retroperitoneal lymph node involvement, bony metastases and a right hip fracture.",4720 "One patient suffered coronary artery vasospasm, attributed to the use of topical 1:1000 epinephrine during surgery.",4721 The clinical features and management of this combined intoxication are discussed.,4722 "AIMS: To present a case of piloerection after replacing fluvoxamine maleate with milnacipran hydrochloride, and to analyse this effect based on receptor occupancy theory.",4723 "A combination of methotrexate suspension, folinic acid and corticosteroids led to recovery.",4724 This patient recovered after aggressive supportive therapy including intravenous alkali and fluid administration as well as continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration.,4725 The analysed carbachol concentration exceeded the supposed serum level resulting from a therapeutic dose by a factor of 130 to 260.,4726 "Aspirin was substituted for acenocoumarol, and the patient returned home after 10 days without sequelae.",4727 Mutations were detected in the precore region (nt1896) of HBV.,4728 We describe a case of severe aplastic anemia (AA) that was probably induced by lenalidomide.,4729 Bone marrow biopsy revealed no evidence of neoplasia.,4730 Biopsies revealed an interface dermatitis with epidermal dysmaturation.,4731 The blindness may have been a consequence of an immune reactivation inflammatory syndrome caused by this treatment.,4732 "In both, skin biopsy showed a cell-poor subepidermal vesicle with festooning of the dermal papillae.",4733 "In 6 of 10 patients, several treatment attempts either had failed or could not be used due to severe side effects or underlying disease.",4734 Mitoxantrone and cyclophosphamide in advanced breast cancer: a pilot study.,4735 "An objective causality assessment indicated a probable relationship between clotting abnormality and warfarin administration, although the degree of elevation of the INR was unusual in the light of the daily warfarin dose and duration of its exposure.",4736 Fibrin sheath formation and chemotherapy extravasation: a case report.,4737 Leukaemoid monocytosis in M4 AML following chemotherapy and G-CSF.,4738 This infection was successfully eradicated after neutrophil recovery by prolonged systemic administration of amphotericin B as well as aggressive local therapy including enucleation of the affected eye.,4739 "In the second patient, acute renal failure necessitated hemodialysis.",4740 "Aromatic anticonvulsants, sulphamides, minocycline and more rarely carbamazepine are the principal responsible drugs.",4741 We carried out a retrospective study of changes in the serological markers of HBV in this patient.,4742 We reviewed the findings for healthy volunteers/donors who developed haematological malignancies following PEG-rHuMGDF or G-CSF administration.,4743 "Routine endomyocardial biopsy showed acute rejection of less than grade Ib, and the patients were discharged on the 65th and 46th postoperative day, respectively.",4744 The reported frequency in young children varies (1-4).,4745 Typhlitis is usually seen in the setting of severe chemotherapy-induced neutropenia for acute leukaemia.,4746 "Unfortunately, while there are numerous observational reports in the literature, there is not a lot of information concerning the safety and efficacy of particular treatments or the nontreatment of bipolar disorder during pregnancy.",4747 "Both patients completed the planned course of radiotherapy without interruption, after administration of G-CSF.",4748 Five patients underwent botulinum toxin injection into the insertion of the levator and tensor veli palatini muscles.,4749 Fluoxetine-induced akathisia: clinical and theoretical implications.,4750 Moxalactam is more likely to be associated with platelet dysfunction.,4751 This report emphasizes the unnecessary hazard accompanying use of a potentially toxic drug-especially when prepared in error by the pharmacist-when a safer drug (nystatin) is available for treatment of oral candidiasis.,4752 It occasionally accompanies the heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis syndrome.,4753 The syndrome of irreversible lithium-effectuated neurotoxicity (SILENT).,4754 These reports suggest the possibility that the risk of developing hyperglycemia and diabetic coma with this combination may be greater than when taking diuretics alone.,4755 Its ease of administration makes it an ideal drug to treat patients in the outpatient setting while maintaining adequate quality of life.,4756 The primary outcome measure was angiographic resolution of CMO.,4757 "Therefore, wide spectrum antibiotics were continued.",4758 A common pathogenesis to link these agents to fibrosis remains uncertain.,4759 Minimal change nephrotic syndrome after allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.,4760 She was otherwise healthy and did not complain of hyperhidrosis.,4761 "When the thyrotoxicosis recurred, accompanied by a severe psychotic reaction, administration of antithyroid medication was recommenced.",4762 This hypersensitivity response cannot be explained pathophysiologically by any mechanism.,4763 Thoracoscopic biopsy to confirm metastasis revealed instead fibrotic lesions apparently attributable to bleomycin or cyclophosphamide.,4764 Two inactive patients received no corticosteroids before or after the diagnosis of pancreatitis.,4765 Five patients required short-term dialysis.,4766 "Biochemical, bacteriological and imaging studies were performed for specific diagnosis.",4767 "Unfortunately, the patient died from adult respiratory distress syndrome.",4768 "Our data suggest that low-molecular-weight heparin possesses strong renoprotective properties, thus confirming previous data from experimental nephropathies.",4769 Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome complicating long-term mitomycin C and 5-fluorouracil therapy for gastric carcinoma.,4770 46-year-old woman developed painful ulcers over her lower abdomen in the form of reticulate erythema after injecting interferon beta-1b subcutaneously for multiple sclerosis.,4771 "However, hepatotoxicity is extremely rare.",4772 Ofloxacin: a probable cause of toxic epidermal necrolysis.,4773 "We also describe a new, noninvasive method to assess magnesium-induced neuromuscular block when curariform muscle relaxant was given simultaneously.",4774 "BACKGROUND: Antidepressants can sometimes cause agitation, particularly in patients with bipolar disorder, but concern about such effects is generally limited to the first weeks and months of treatment.",4775 Clinicians should be aware of this potential adverse effect of tigecycline.,4776 Mycobacterium abscessus infection after use of tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor therapy: case report and review of infectious complications associated with tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor use.,4777 "Reports in the literature of isolated agranulocytosis are few, although they may be associated with significant morbidity and mortality.",4778 "He developed a low grade fever, cough and nasal discharge, and was given a compound ""cold"" remedy with anticholenergic properties.",4779 Establishment of diuresis with fluids and IV administration of calcium may provide successful treatment of magnesium toxicosis in horses.,4780 "Child-Pugh class A liver function and a platelet count of > or = 60,000/mm(3) were among the inclusion criteria for SHARP.",4781 "A skin biopsy specimen revealed microscopic, sterile, neutrophilic abscesses.",4782 "The increasing use of this agent is expected, because of the increasing number of patients with inflammatory bowel disease.",4783 "In the other patient, a 78-year-old woman, Neisseria mucosa knee arthritis occurred after a single sodium hyaluronate injection.",4784 Disturbances of the IAN and mental nerve will predominantly give sensitivity symptoms in the soft tissue of the lower lip and chin.,4785 "On day 7 of linezolid treatment, the patient developed severe pruritus, macular rash, facial edema, eosinophilia, marked increase in serum creatinine level, and mild hepatitis.",4786 "Our report suggested that CBDCA hypersensitivity was correlated with the total dose of previously administered platinum agents and that CBDCA should be excluded in patients who have received multiple platinum-based chemotherapy, even in platinum-sensitive cases, because CBDCA hypersensitivity can occur even with low-dose CBDCA administration.",4787 Transient central diabetes insipidus in the setting of underlying chronic nephrogenic diabetes insipidus associated with lithium use.,4788 The membranes resolved and visual acuity improved with topical corticosteroid treatment alone but recurred in all patients on cessation of treatment.,4789 This paper reports a case of peritonitis by Nocardia asteroides during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in a man who had systemic lupus erythematous and chronic renal failure.,4790 "During 6 weeks of monitoring, arrhythmia did not recur.",4791 Thirteen consecutive stage II breast cancer patients were treated with long-term adjuvant chemotherapy using chlorambucil.,4792 We present foreign body granulomas induced by activated charcoal from intraperitoneal chemotherapy and mimicked peritoneal metastases in the patients with gastric cancer.,4793 Radiographic studies suggest three possible explanations: (a) inadvertent thecal penetration during injection may have produced an atypical anesthetic block; (b) loculation of the injected fluid may have caused a transient compressive lesion; or (c) intrathecal injection may have produced an iatrogenic arachnoid cyst.,4794 A positive rechallenge occurred in seven cases (20%).,4795 The diffuse gastritis was aggressively treated with proton pump inhibitors.,4796 No oligodendroglias with intranuclear inclusions were found.,4797 Both patients presented with abdominal pain and turbid dialysis effluent with or without fever.,4798 "Consequently, inadvertent placement of the needle into the vertebral artery, thyroid, neural tissues, or esophagus can occur with the fluoroscopic or blind approach.",4799 RESULTS: A 30-year-old woman with polycystic ovary syndrome developed bilateral anterior uveitis during ovulation induction therapy.,4800 "Thirty minutes after an anti-drug administration through the chest drainage tube, he lost consciousness shortly after coughing.",4801 "OBJECTIVE: To report a case of rhabdomyolysis caused by Commiphora mukul, a natural lipid-lowering agent.",4802 These perfusions gave a moderate or good temporary palliation as regards to tumor growths on the extremity.,4803 Successful treatment of the fungal infection was achieved using ketoconazole.,4804 Further testing at 28 months revealed a serum T4 value of 7.8 micrograms/dl and a serum T3 value of 141 ng/dl.,4805 The patients treated with bromocriptine at 7.5-15 mg/day adjunctive to l-dopa were selected to replace bromocriptine with pergolide of the equivalent dosage approved in Japan.,4806 "A possible mechanism for this alarming outcome is discussed, and it is suggested that resuscitation facilities should be quickly available during such trials.",4807 A causal relationship of phrenal neuropathy with adalimumab is herein discussed.,4808 "It is suggested that many of the reported side-effects of o,p'-DDD may be due to hypoadrenalism and may be controlled by greatly increasing the steroid replacement dose.",4809 "When using local anaesthetic epidural infusions, it is important to exclude other causes of motor block before attributing it to the local anaesthetic.",4810 Tacrolimus was substituted for cyclosporine on day 20; on day 21 amlodipine was initiated to manage hypertension.,4811 Thyrotropin concentrations and cardiac systolic time indexes during the elevation of serum CK concentrations were not consistent with hypothyroidism.,4812 BACKGROUND: Etanercept is a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor that has been licensed in the United States for the treatment of adult and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis as well as psoriatic arthritis.,4813 "Nineteen months after diagnosis, her mother gave birth to an HLA-compatible sibling, whose cord blood was cryopreserved.",4814 Endocrine physicians should be alert to this in patients with fixed DI and an abnormal thirst threshold.,4815 This report describes a forty-seven-year-old female patient with a complex medical history.,4816 His immunosuppressive medication had been tapered to 15 mg/day of prednisolone.,4817 None of these patients were operated on.,4818 In one case the central serous chorioretinopathy recurred 3 times during 3 separate courses of treatment.,4819 "The stimulation indices of the drug-induced lymphocyte stimulation test (DLST) for AZA in these two patients were as high as 2,180% and 430%, respectively, but those of healthy volunteers were under 120% without nonspecific suppression of lymphocyte proliferation.",4820 We report here a case of thymic hyperplasia after chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia.,4821 One hundred forty-eight (59%) of 251 patients with spinal cord injury who were evaluated had received this drug.,4822 We report the case of a 77-year-old male who developed a florid photosensitive eruption while taking thiazide diuretics for heart failure.,4823 Lamotrigine toxicity secondary to sertraline.,4824 "They conclude that the vascular surgeon should be aware of this possibility and that oral anticoagulants should be used very carefully in the ""medical"" management of cholesterol embolization.",4825 We can speculate that the overexpression of VEGF induced by local ischemia and inflammation can make these patients more likely to have CNV.,4826 This adverse reaction is more common in children than adults and is rarely symptomatic.,4827 "Only two case reports of adults with allergic contact dermatitis to this chemical exist in the literature, and we describe three more cases of children with recalcitrant atopic dermatitis found to have potential allergic contact dermatitis to bisabolol- a component of the Aquaphor emollient they were using to treat their atopic dermatitis.",4828 We suggest being aware of such reactions during omeprazole usage.,4829 Transluminal removal of a fractured and embolized indwelling central venous catheter in the pulmonary artery.,4830 It is concluded that at least some sensory symptoms originate within the nervous system as a manifestation of the disease process and are not secondary effects of the motor disorder.,4831 Her postoperative course was further complicated by a fungal infection.,4832 "Patients treated with captopril who develop ""atypical cholangitis"" should be suspected of having captopril-associated liver damage.",4833 High-dose corticosteroids were given with a return to baseline pulmonary function.,4834 Clinical recovery required an average of 42 days and was complete in four of five patients.,4835 Early detection of ototoxicity is of vital importance in cases in which ototoxic drugs are administered.,4836 "Renal arterial thrombosis, usually in association with aortic thrombosis, has been reported as a result of prolonged neonatal umbilical artery catheterization.",4837 Proton MRS examination demonstrated a persistent lactate elevation during metronidazole treatment.,4838 The third was a 16-year-old male who developed a profound peripheral and central neuropathy after chemotherapy treatment for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.,4839 "Although cytarabine exhibits pronounced in vitro virucidal activity against herpes viruses and has been successfully used in clinical treatment of severe herpesvirus infections, the present findings and a review of the recent literature cast doubt on the antiviral effectiveness of this drug, particularly in already immunosuppressed patients, and suggest instead that such patients actually have an increased risk for development of disseminated herpesvirus infection owing to further depression of host defenses by the drug.",4840 This is the first described case of acute gouty arthritis after RFA for a HCC lesion in a patient with underlying chronic renal insufficiency.,4841 CONCLUSIONS: Caution should be exercised when using ciprofloxacin in the treatment of patients with personality abnormalities or symptoms of psychosis.,4842 The rash was treated with moisturizing cream along with intravenous and topical corticosteroids and antibiotics.,4843 Electromyelography confirmed peripheral nerve injuries.,4844 Digoxin is a cardiac glycoside used to treat cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure.,4845 "Before the introduction of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs, photodynamic therapy (PDT) was used, with conflicting functional results.",4846 Methotrexate serum concentrations must be monitored because of the possible toxicity of drug elimination delay.,4847 "Sodium thiosulfate, an inorganic salt that has been claimed to inhibit the formation and to favor the solubility and the mobilization of calcified masses, was administered to the patient, and after a long period of treatment considerable radiological regression of the TC with concurrent clinical recovery was noticed.",4848 "Coagulase-negative staphylococci were detected in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and the infection persisted even with intrathecal administration of gentamycin, and intravenous administration of vancomycin and arbekacin.",4849 Symptoms resolved without consequence 48 hours after discontinuation of venlafaxine.,4850 "Replicate brain magnetic resonance imaging examinations after six weeks and 11 months of penicillamine therapy documented the development of new brain lesions during this period, while liver biopsy specimen data disclosed that excellent hepatic decoppering had occurred.",4851 Acute intravenous--intra-arterial revascularization therapy for severe ischemic stroke.,4852 OBJECTIVE: To report the case of a young woman with Graves' disease in whom ototoxicity developed because of propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis.,4853 "On arrival in the hospital 1 hour later, she complained of muscle pain and tiredness.",4854 No side effects were observed and improvement was sustained during a mean of 7 months (range 3-12 months) follow up.,4855 Primary coronary artery dissection occurring 2 months post partum in a 33-year-old woman is described.,4856 The two cases described in this paper are the only known deaths due to anaphylaxis.,4857 "The pathogenesis, through retrograde spread of superficial infection to durocortical veins, is discussed in the light of serial CT scans at different stages of formation and treatment of the abscess.",4858 This lead to the hypothesis of a partially dialysable toxic metabolite of muzolimine.,4859 Immune tolerance in a haemophilia A patient with high inhibitor using locally prepared lyophilized cryoprecipitate.,4860 An apparent link is described between the use of MMF with prednisone to treat pemphigus vulgaris and the development of red blood cell anemia.,4861 "After induction of general anesthesia and administration of a standard dose of intravenous esmolol hydrochloride, her cardiac rhythm progressed to asystole.",4862 The case of a 65-year-old male migraine patient with spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection is presented.,4863 Diphenylhydantoin apparently adversely affected both the clinical and biochemical parameters of the acute intermittent porphyria.,4864 "At the time of diagnosis, an esophageal fistula was observed and treated with cyanoacrylate.",4865 MR images revealed extensive cortical and subcortical white matter brain edema.,4866 A 58-yr-old male patient with essential thrombocythaemia (ET) developed chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) after continuous uneventful treatment with hydroxyurea for 18 yr.,4867 "In summary, because infected grafts can lead to serious complications, besides careful donor screening, it is important to achieve early recognition of contaminated organs by culturing the perfusate to start specific antibiotic or antifungal therapy after transplantation if necessary and avoid the rare but, in this case, fatal consequences of these infections.",4868 Lymphomatoid granulomatosis after immunosuppression for pemphigus.,4869 "We report a rare case of colonic mucosal necrosis following Kalimate (calcium polystryrene sulfonate), an analogue of Kayexalate without sorbitol in a 34-yr-old man.",4870 The patient recovered and the vagina mucosa healed within two weeks.,4871 "Coronary thrombolysis is contraindicated in patients with transient cerebral ischemia and stroke, arterial hypertension, cerebral trauma, cerebral aneurysms, and arteriovenous malformations, because of the risk of cerebral hemorrhage.",4872 "This patient has shown that immunosuppression due to splenectomy, NHL, and chemotherapy, especially when using steroids, could be risk factors for pyomyositis in nontropical or semitropical countries.",4873 "Some much-quoted early studies noted abnormalities in liver function tests (LFTs) in very obese patients taking high doses, although there was no evidence of clinically significant liver dysfunction.",4874 Hyponatraemia during low-dose carbamazepine therapy.,4875 Prick tests and intradermal tests with a series of dilutions of carboplatin and cisplatin were performed on three patients who had exhibited medium and severe hypersensitivity reactions to carboplatin.,4876 OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to introduce a useful diagnostic method to evaluate baclofen pump system-related complications without disturbing the continuous delivery of intrathecal baclofen.,4877 A rare complication of trigeminal nerve stimulation during radiofrequency thermocoagulation: sudden ST segment elevation.,4878 Accidental ingestion and aspiration of hydrocarbons in children are common.,4879 "After discontinuing the drug, his edema resolved.",4880 "However, marked pruritic infiltration developed within 24 h, progressing to coalescing eczematous lesions over the following 2 days.",4881 "Risperidone is a frequently used member of a new class of atypical antipsychotics-the serotonin-dopamine antagonists (SDAs)-due to its comparatively high efficacy and low D2/5HT2 binding ratio, which results in a low incidence of extrapyramidal side effects including tardive dyskinesia (TD).",4882 "We describe a 20-year-old woman who presented with polyarthralgia and sensory neuropathy, including mental nerve neuropathy.",4883 The pulmonary toxicity is probably induced by piritrexim.,4884 Other practolol related side effects are usually present in the patient.,4885 Data have been published regarding the possibility that tamoxifen may be responsible for the subsequent development of carcinoma of the corpus uteri in these patients.,4886 Relevant reports to the national Pharmacovigilance Centre were also examined.,4887 "Therefore, the critical care nurse must have knowledge of the implications of administering standard antiarrhythmic agents if this patient reverts into a tachyarrhythmia.",4888 "Joubert syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by hypotonia, ataxia, episodic hyperpnea, psychomotor retardation, abnormal ocular movements, cerebellar vermian hypoplasia, and molar tooth sign on magnetic resonance imaging.",4889 "The patient developed classic signs of TLS within 24 h of chemotherapy, including acute renal failure.",4890 Intrasellar and parasellar tumors made manifest by hormonal influences of pregnancy may become more common as treatment of infertility becomes more refined and successful.,4891 "However, 8 hrs after extubation, she gradually developed severe respiratory distress, requiring reintubation and mechanical ventilation.",4892 The patient had a history of alcohol abuse; alcohol intake as well as withdrawal can also cause seizures.,4893 Serotyping revealed that the two episodes of bacteraemia were caused by different strains.,4894 Clinicians should be aware of this risk and ask about it during routine clinic follow-up for spasticity.,4895 "In more than 6,000 patient applications of rapid atrial pacing, there has been only one failure to convert the tachycardia.",4896 "Though the voluntary recall was in effect, the family already had a bottle of the medication at home.",4897 "Investigations revealed AT deficiency, thrombocytopenia and renal infarction.",4898 "In four of the five patients, right-sided focal seizures were subsequently noted.",4899 This finding was repeatedly documented both clinically as well as during electrophysiologic testing.,4900 The eye developed a necrotizing scleritis secondary to O. sulphureo-ochraceum.,4901 "Few reports have described dermatologic adverse effects such as rash and pruritus, and, to our knowledge, none have discussed the seriousness or extensiveness of the rash.",4902 This report presents a patient with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) who developed KS following treatment with long-term medium dose glucocorticoid and short-term additional immunosuppressives.,4903 DISCUSSION: Several different agents are currently available to provide effective anticoagulation in patients who have immune- mediated HIT.,4904 The authors report 9 cases of dystonic reactions in patients with dementia following the initiation of antipsychotic medication.,4905 Mr. C. was less tired and had more energy following his first and subsequent courses of therapy.,4906 "Emergent operative re-exploration confirmed these findings; large, swollen paraspinal muscles, a functioning drain, and no hematoma were found.",4907 We describe a patient who had a systemic allergic contact dermatitis to 8-MOP develop during her second course of PUVA treatment for psoriasis.,4908 "INTERVENTION: Volume resuscitation, vasopressors, high PEEP mechanical ventilation, paralysis, nitric oxide, steroids, rapid albumin infusion.",4909 "Initial laboratory studies showed severe hypophosphatemia and elevated alkaline phosphatase and serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels.",4910 CONCLUSIONS: The most rational approach to treating NMS entails a hierarchy of interventions determined by the severity and progression of symptoms.,4911 "Careful consideration must be made of the choice of environment in which intravenous loading is done (e.g., emergency department, intensive care unit), as dictated by patient parameters, nursing staff levels, and planned disposition.",4912 Non-fatal mirtazapine overdose.,4913 "One year later, decreased fluency and mild ataxia persists.",4914 His diagnosis was reconfirmed and then treated with Pentostatin.,4915 "The results suggest that the development of severe hypocalcemia can be explained on the basis of hypoparathyroidism in relation to hyperphosphatemia, hypomagnesemia, and acute renal failure.",4916 RESULTS: Coagulase-negative staphylococci were identified and isolated from the vitreous specimen of both patients.,4917 "The primary outcome (behavioural disturbances) was measured prospectively by the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), while other outcomes included cognition (Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)) and Clinical Global Impression.",4918 "The authors report a case of a Hickman catheter perforating the wall of the superior vena cava into the pericardium, resulting in accidental intrapericardial infusion of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU).",4919 Ischemic cholangitis caused by transcatheter hepatic arterial chemoembolization 10 months after resection of the extrahepatic bile duct.,4920 Bortezomib is the first anticancer proteasome inhibitor introduced into clinical practice.,4921 "INTRODUCTION: The clinical pattern of corneal calcification has been considered to be a part of chronic eye diseases, such as uveitis, severe glaucoma, keratitis and eye burns.",4922 Many combinations of methotrexate and folic or folinic acid have been used to limit the side effects of methotrexate therapy in psoriasis or psoriatic arthropathy.,4923 Clonal cytogenetic evolution was evident in 2 of the 3 patients and included an extra Philadelphia chromosome in both.,4924 This species is susceptible to many antibiotics in vitro and clinically.,4925 The vancomycin concentration was decreased from 101 mg/l to 16.59 mg/l at the end of the procedure.,4926 "Following IVIG infusion, lupus encephalitis in the first patient quickly resolved and the impressive improvement of the clinical status was associated with a transient increase in C1q-binding activity.",4927 "Long-term studies will be needed to demonstrate reversal of endocrine, hepatic and cardiac dysfunction secondary to iron deposition in these patients.",4928 "CYP2C19, which catalyses the metabolism of, for example, citalopram, clomipramine and moclobemide.",4929 PURPOSE: To report a case of severe corticosteroid-induced glaucoma after intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetate in a 34-year-old man without a history of glaucoma.,4930 There were no abnormal reactions to UVA.,4931 We report a case of stutter priapism successfully treated with an oral antiandrogen.,4932 "He subsequently had a resolution of all signs and symptoms, suggesting that these alarming events were a toxic but reversible side effect of the chemotherapy.",4933 Patients had tended to become more neurotic (p = 0.08) and less extravert (p = 0.07).,4934 Adding low-dose antidepressants to interferon alpha treatment for chronic hepatitis C improved psychiatric tolerability in a patient with schizoaffective psychosis.,4935 "BACKGROUND: Vicks VapoRub (VVR) [Proctor and Gamble; Cincinnati, OH] is often used to relieve symptoms of chest congestion.",4936 We present the first case of GVO-complicated pyogenic portosplenic vein thrombosis which led to persistent Klebsiella pneumoniae septicemia.,4937 METHOD: Single case report.,4938 "There were also larger cells (immunoblastic shape) that displayed CD20 positively, some scattered plasma cells, and eosinophils.",4939 He underwent removal of the allograft and implantation of another liver.,4940 "CONCLUSION: We review the literature of reported cases of primary osteogenic sarcomas of the skull to discuss the common clinical presentation, evaluation methods, and recommended treatment plans.",4941 In three of the patients drug kinetic investigations were performed and revealed a slow metabolizer status.,4942 Regression of invasive conjunctival squamous carcinoma in an HIV-positive patient on antiretroviral therapy.,4943 We report a case of severe hypotension associated with intravenous valproate used to treat status epilepticus in an 11-year-old girl.,4944 "Neurological problems are a frequent occurrence in patients given this therapy, particularly cerebellar ataxia, but the development of bulbar and pseudobulbar palsy has not been reported.",4945 "A urinalysis was significant for protein 3061 mg/dl, ketones 15 mg/dl, blood 2+, leukocytes 26-50/high-power field, and a protein:creatinine ratio 24.9.",4946 Many women are diagnosed with early stage breast cancer each year who are potential candidates for adjuvant therapy.,4947 "We report the case of a patient with increased cerebral cortical excitability following intoxication with flupirtine, a centrally acting analgesic and antispastic drug.",4948 Bland emollients and reduction in the dose of PLD resulted in resolution of the eruption.,4949 The presence of thrombi in this early-stage lesion suggests that thrombosis plays a role in the initial pathogenesis of this condition.,4950 Patients were diagnosed with AL amyloidosis by tissue biopsy and categorized by performance status and organ involvement.,4951 "Skin rash involved regions of the face, lower abdomen, back, buttocks and both upper thighs.",4952 "A variety of medications have been associated with hypoglycemia, but the list of these medications is expanding.",4953 Serum antidiuretic hormone (ADH) remained elevated at 0.59 pg/ml in spite of a significant reduction in serum osmolality to 254 mosm/kg.,4954 Lithium and ECT--concurrent use still demands attention: three case reports.,4955 "CONCLUSION: Based on the easily managed toxicities and apparent efficacy of the regimen of weekly nab-paclitaxel and daily sunitinib, we conclude that further evaluation is warranted to assess the efficacy of this combination therapy in previously chemotherapy-treated patients with advanced thoracic cancer.",4956 "He developed hypertension in April 1989, underwent a final chelation, and retired.",4957 Pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) in leukemic children undergoing intensive chemotherapy should be promptly recognized so that specific therapy can be started.,4958 A combination of these two approaches may provide the best chance of improving outcome in severe acute ischemic stroke.,4959 Magnetic resonance imaging was more useful than computed tomography in the early diagnosis and management of these acute lymphocytic leukemia patients with leukoencephalopathy.,4960 Most cardiac surgical patients have had previous exposure to heparin for diagnostic or therapeutic interventions and hence have an increased susceptibility to developing heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) postoperatively.,4961 "More flexible diagnostic criteria than currently mandated by the the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Revision, may be warranted.",4962 "She was receiving high dose corticosteroids, azathioprine 200mg daily and high dose intravenous immunoglobulin during relapses.",4963 The importance of high-tone audiometry in monitoring for ototoxicity.,4964 "Tests for hepatitis A, B, and C were negative.",4965 The potential role of serotonin in the development of this serious complication is discussed.,4966 Esophageal candidiasis following omeprazole therapy: a report of two cases.,4967 We report a case of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in a patient receiving chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer.,4968 "In conclusion, the diagnosis of leflunomide-pulmonary-renal syndrome was rendered.",4969 Elevated serum triglycerides with clozapine resolved with risperidone in four patients.,4970 Total white cell count and neutrophil count returned to normal and she made an uneventful recovery.,4971 Clinical measures and outcomes were recorded prospectively.,4972 CASE SUMMARY: A 22-year-old male was admitted after a motor vehicle crash.,4973 Hypoxia is a predisposing factor for premature ductal closure and often occurs after maternal indomethacin therapy.,4974 "Despite vigorous therapy, severe hypoventilation and hypoxemia persisted with mechanical ventilation.",4975 "Because contact dermatitis due to a topical medication was suspected, patch testing was performed after disappearance of her eruption.",4976 "He stopped this therapy in February 1996 because of asthenia, diplopia, headache, and anxiety.",4977 "For treatment of a posttraumatic intramural jejunal haematoma with extension into the mesenterium the patient received continuous infusion (CI) of a high purity F VIII concentrate, starting with an initial bolus injection of 100 IU F VIII/kg bw and followed by 4-5 IU F VIII/kg bw/h i.v.",4978 CONCLUSIONS: The procedure may be of value to counteract a recent trend of psychotropic polypharmacy in schizophrenia.,4979 16 patients with cutaneous or subcutaneous melanoma recurrence on an extremity were treated with regional perfusion with Melphalan.,4980 These malignancies may represent either a new clonal disorder or a complication of drug treatment.,4981 Two patients who initially reacted to an oral solution formulation subsequently tolerated the corn oil-based soft gelatin capsule.,4982 Two patients who developed decreased visual acuity after several months of ethambutol treatment for Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection had bitemporal visual field defects that suggested optic chiasm damage.,4983 "The characteristics of insulin antibody in this patient were similar to the antibodies of IAS patients, therefore we administered oral glucocorticoid against insulin antibody.",4984 Infection by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may affect joints in different ways.,4985 "In this study, we outline the case of a patient with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia bacteremia after living donor liver transplantation, which showed the clinical signs of severe sepsis and was resistant to almost all antibiotics.",4986 It is too early to evaluate four patients at present.,4987 "On admission, he presented with clinical features of chronic GVHD including transient exacerbation of cholestatic liver injury.",4988 Intravenous valproate has been suggested for the treatment of status epilepticus in part because of its relatively good cardiovascular safety profile.,4989 "However, since maternal death has occurred with postpartum vulvar edema, the patient with vulvar edema merits special attention.",4990 "In this case, unlike those previously reported, hyponatremia recurred 5 months after switching from citalopram to mirtazapine, which is believed to be a safe antidepressant.",4991 "Patient ages ranged from 19 to 36 years at the time of diagnosis of their Crohn's disease, and all were white.",4992 Histologic examination of skin biopsy specimens from the patients' UV-B and UV-A test sites and lesional skin revealed an acute eczematous dermatitis.,4993 A trial of thrombolytic therapy with tissue plasminogen activator infusions was started at 0.1 mg/kg/hr for 6 hrs daily.,4994 Accidental ingestion (five episodes) and suicidal attempts (three episodes) accounted for these visits.,4995 Topical and local anesthetics are employed during minor invasive procedures to increase patient tolerance and to reduce the need for intravenous sedation.,4996 A preclinical study in rats treated with TKI showed a statistically significant increase in benign and malignant renal tumours.,4997 "Two months after the start of the therapy, parathyroid hormone (PTH) decreased significantly and the skin lesions nearly disappeared.",4998 "In view of the potential hazards of tissue plasminogen activator, close pediatric ICU monitoring is indicated with the use of high-dose tissue plasminogen activator infusions.",4999 The third patient had lower limb chronic venous insufficiency and developed extensive necrosis of both lower limbs.,5000 After 1 month of follow-up the patient underwent TEE which showed a dramatic reduction of the left atrial thrombosis.,5001 Pregnancy and complicated familial Mediterranean fever.,5002 Clearance and adverse effects of efavirenz are associated with CYP2B6-G516T polymorphism.,5003 Treatment with calcitriol.,5004 Methemoglobinemia after axillary block with bupivacaine and additional injection of lidocaine in the operative field.,5005 "Discontinuation of acetazolamide produced an immediate threefold drop in the level of urinary calcium excretion and a slight rise in tubular reabsorption of phosphate, with no dectectable change in serum calcium or phosphate concentrations.",5006 The effective valve area was 0.41 cm2.,5007 "CONCLUSIONS: JHR should be an anticipated reaction to early doses of antibiotic treatment for treponemal diseases, such as syphilis.",5008 All patients had temporary relief of signs or symptoms of inflammation.,5009 "The effectiveness of multidrug treatment by bleomycin, methotrexate, and cis-platinum in advanced vaginal carcinoma.",5010 Combination antimalarial therapy is being explored to delay development of resistance to falciparum malaria.,5011 Markedly increased pigmementation of skin immediately overlying veins used for multiple 5-fluorouracil infusions was noted.,5012 General anesthesia was induced.,5013 We have shown that CMV-polymerase chain reaction of AF is a useful diagnostic test for congenital CMV infection.,5014 "Further treatment with intravenous ACV led to VZV DNA becoming undetectable in whole blood, a result not achieved with oral valacyclovir.",5015 "A few recent individual case reports have suggested that a myasthenic syndrome may be associated with statin treatment, but this association is not well described.",5016 Thiazide-induced lichenoid photosensitivity.,5017 "After successful treatment, she was given demeclocycline prophylactically and rechallenged with vinorelbine without recurrence of the syndrome.",5018 Here we report on a patient with severe aplastic anemia who developed PRCA after HLA-identical but major ABO-mismatched peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.,5019 "The temporal course of CNV, the presence of a chorio-retinal shunt, and the autofluorescence pattern in the fellow eye let us to speculate that the CNV was related to the vascular occlusive process.",5020 The criterion for severe infection was inpatient hospitalization.,5021 "After withdrawal of ibopamine and under continuation of all other concomitant medications her body weight continued to decrease during the following few days, her symptoms were alleviated and she was discharge to a nursing home.",5022 "Treatment of ELP in children is generally supportive, with the symptoms and roentgenographic abnormalities resolving within months after stopping the use of mineral oil.",5023 Parenterally administered biperiden proved to be highly effective in the control of the symptoms.,5024 RESULTS: All cases developed corneal endothelial deposits after previous use of rifabutin.,5025 There was no evidence of renal hypoperfusion or interstitial nephritis.,5026 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to duodenal erosion by a biliary wallstent.,5027 These pauses were always preceded by the short P-P intervals and were usually followed by one or two P-P intervals of 0.92-0.95 s representing the basic sinus cycle.,5028 Conversion of ischemic to hemorrhagic infarction has been shown to occur experimentally.,5029 "After 1 month of treatment, he was diagnosed as having acute renal failure secondary to HUS.",5030 The discontinuation of HAART led to the complete resolution of signs and symptoms.,5031 We report a relapsed HIV-related high-grade NHL which was treated successfully with ESHAP chemotherapy followed by high-dose chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT).,5032 The occurrence of additional signs and symptoms should alert the clinician to the presence of intracranial pathology.,5033 "The patient suffered no side effects, and use of G-CSF represents an important addition to the management of a life-threatening drug reaction.",5034 Death occurred 4 to 16 weeks later.,5035 "As expected, we identified few successful cases of switches from clozapine in our search of the literature.",5036 CONCLUSION: The delayed treatment of lead poisoning may lead to irreversible motor neuron defect.,5037 In this report we describe a patient with hyperthyroidism whose symptoms initially were thought to be adverse effects of the inhaled bronchodilator medications.,5038 "Careful follow-up of so-called ""self-limited"" insulin edema is encouraged, and the early institution of diuretic therapy is advocated in elderly patients to prevent the development of overt cardiac failure.",5039 "Over the next several months, she continued to require supplemental calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus.",5040 We recommend the cautious use of ketorolac in patients with underlying illnesses where NSAID-induced ototoxicity could result in adverse otologic consequences.,5041 Propranolol had to be given for eight months after surgery.,5042 Eighty-four percent of patients reported an increase in their sense of well-being.,5043 None of these patients had cystic or other significant macular changes.,5044 "Three of these patients had convulsions attributed to imipenem/cilastatin; 3.6% of the patients had seizure, or 2% of imipenem/cilastatin administrations was followed by a seizure attack.",5045 A right hemicolectomy was performed with relief of symptoms.,5046 "This is the first case, to our knowledge, of onset of prolonged infliximab-induced lupus.",5047 "If untreated, or misdiagnosed and treated incorrectly, there may be loss of visual acuity.",5048 The incidence of seizures related to primary brain tumors is 20-80%.,5049