import sys sys.path.append("..") import os now_dir = os.getcwd() from dotenv import load_dotenv from import VC from assets.configs.config import Config load_dotenv() config = Config() vc = VC(config) import hashlib import urllib.parse import soundfile as sf from gtts import gTTS import edge_tts import as wavfile import nltk"punkt", quiet=True) from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize import logging import json import ssl from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional import asyncio logging.getLogger('asyncio').setLevel(logging.FATAL) import aiohttp import certifi VOICE_LIST = ( "" + "readaloud/voices/list?trustedclienttoken=" + "6A5AA1D4EAFF4E9FB37E23D68491D6F4" ) class Speech: LANGUAGE_ABBREVIATIONS = {'afrikaans': 'af', 'albanian': 'sq', 'arabic': 'ar', 'bengali': 'bn', 'bosnian': 'bs', 'bulgarian': 'bg', 'catalan': 'ca', 'chinese (simplified)': 'zh-CN', 'chinese (traditional)': 'zh-TW', 'croatian': 'hr', 'czech': 'cs', 'danish': 'da', 'dutch': 'nl', 'english': 'en', 'estonian': 'et', 'filipino': 'tl', 'finnish': 'fi', 'french': 'fr', 'german': 'de', 'greek': 'el', 'gujarati': 'gu', 'hebrew': 'iw', 'hindi': 'hi', 'hungarian': 'hu', 'icelandic': 'is', 'indonesian': 'id', 'italian': 'it', 'japanese': 'ja', 'javanese': 'jw', 'kannada': 'kn', 'khmer': 'km', 'korean': 'ko', 'latin': 'la', 'latvian': 'lv', 'malay': 'ms', 'malayalam': 'ml', 'marathi': 'mr', 'myanmar (burmese)': 'my', 'nepali': 'ne', 'norwegian': 'no', 'polish': 'pl', 'portuguese': 'pt', 'romanian': 'ro', 'russian': 'ru', 'serbian': 'sr', 'sinhala': 'si', 'slovak': 'sk', 'spanish': 'es', 'sundanese': 'su', 'swahili': 'sw', 'swedish': 'sv', 'tamil': 'ta', 'telugu': 'te', 'thai': 'th', 'turkish': 'tr', 'ukrainian': 'uk', 'urdu': 'ur', 'vietnamese': 'vi'} def get_language_abbreviation(self, language): return self.LANGUAGE_ABBREVIATIONS.get(language, language) def __init__(self, output, language, proxy, handler): self.folder = output self.language = self.get_language_abbreviation(language.lower()) self.proxy = proxy self.handler = handler async def create_speech_file(self, text, file_name): try: err = await self.download_if_not_exists(file_name, text) if err: return "", err return file_name, None except Exception as e: return "", e async def speak(self, text): try: file_name, err = await self.create_speech_file(text, self.folder) if err: raise err return file_name except Exception as e: return e async def download_if_not_exists(self, file_name, text): try: if not os.path.exists(file_name): dl_url = f"{urllib.parse.quote(text)}&tl={self.language}" async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(dl_url) as response: if response.status != 200: raise Exception(f"HTTP error: {response.status}") content = await with open(file_name, "wb") as output: output.write(content) print("Downloaded file:", file_name) return None except Exception as e: print("Exception during download:", e) return e def get_google_voice(): return list(Speech.LANGUAGE_ABBREVIATIONS.keys()) # ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| # || Obtained from dependency edge_tts || # ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| async def list_voices(*, proxy: Optional[str] = None) -> Any: """ List all available voices and their attributes. This pulls data from the URL used by Microsoft Edge to return a list of all available voices. Returns: dict: A dictionary of voice attributes. """ ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where()) async with aiohttp.ClientSession(trust_env=True) as session: async with session.get( VOICE_LIST, headers={ "Authority": "", "Sec-CH-UA": '" Not;A Brand";v="99", "Microsoft Edge";v="91", "Chromium";v="91"', "Sec-CH-UA-Mobile": "?0", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 " "(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.77 Safari/537.36 Edg/91.0.864.41", "Accept": "*/*", "Sec-Fetch-Site": "none", "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors", "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "empty", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", }, proxy=proxy, ssl=ssl_ctx, ) as url: data = json.loads(await url.text()) return data async def create(custom_voices: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Creates a list of voices with all available voices and their attributes. """ voices = await list_voices() if custom_voices is None else custom_voices voices = [ {**voice, **{"Language": voice["Locale"].split("-")[0]}} for voice in voices ] simplified_voices = [ {'ShortName': voice['ShortName'], 'Gender': voice['Gender']} for voice in voices ] return simplified_voices async def loop_main(): voices = await create() voices_json = json.dumps(voices) return voices_json def get_edge_voice(): try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() voices_json = loop.run_until_complete(loop_main()) #loop.close() voices = json.loads(voices_json) tts_voice = [] for voice in voices: short_name = voice['ShortName'] gender = voice['Gender'] formatted_entry = f"{short_name}-{gender}" tts_voice.append(formatted_entry) # print(f"{short_name}-{gender}") return tts_voice except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError): pass else: return [] set_google_voice = get_google_voice() set_edge_voice = get_edge_voice() def update_tts_methods_voice(select_value): # ["Edge-tts", "RVG-tts", "Bark-tts"] if select_value == "Edge-tts": return {"choices": set_edge_voice, "value": "", "__type__": "update"} elif select_value == "Google-tts": return {"choices": set_google_voice, "value": "", "__type__": "update"} async def process_google_tts(language, tts_text, output_folder): try: script = tts_text.replace("\n", " ").strip() speech = Speech(output=output_folder, language=language, proxy=None, handler=None) google_out_filename = await speech.speak(script) print(google_out_filename) return google_out_filename except Exception as e: print(f"{e}") return None def use_tts( tts_text, tts_voice, model_path, index_path, transpose, f0_method, index_rate, crepe_hop_length, f0_autotune, tts_method, ): if tts_voice == None: return output_folder = "assets/audios/audio-outputs" os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True) output_count = 1 while True: converted_tts_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, f"tts_out_{output_count}.wav") if not os.path.exists(converted_tts_filename): break output_count += 1 output_count = 1 while True: google_out_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, f"google_out_{output_count}.wav") if not os.path.exists(google_out_filename): break output_count += 1 if len(tts_text) > 3900 and tts_method == "Google-tts": tts_text = tts_text[:3900] print("Google Traductor; limit to 3900 characters") language = tts_voice[:2] if tts_method == "Edge-tts": try: # nest_asyncio.apply() # gradio;not edge_tts.Communicate( tts_text, "-".join(tts_voice.split("-")[:-1]) ).save(converted_tts_filename) ) except: try: tts = gTTS(tts_text, lang=language) print( f"No audio was received. Please change the tts voice for {tts_voice}. USING gTTS." ) except: tts = gTTS("a", lang=language) print("Error: Audio will be replaced.") try: vc.get_vc(model_path) info_, (sample_, audio_output_) = vc.vc_single_dont_save( sid=0, input_audio_path1=converted_tts_filename, f0_up_key=transpose, f0_file=None, f0_method=f0_method, file_index="", file_index2=index_path, index_rate=index_rate, filter_radius=int(3), resample_sr=int(0), rms_mix_rate=float(0.25), protect=float(0.33), crepe_hop_length=crepe_hop_length, f0_autotune=f0_autotune, f0_min=50, note_min=50, f0_max=1100, note_max=1100, ) vc_output_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, f"converted_tts_{output_count}.wav") wavfile.write( vc_output_filename, rate=sample_, data=audio_output_, ) return vc_output_filename,converted_tts_filename except Exception as e: print(f"{e}") return None, None elif tts_method == "Google-tts": try: loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) google_out_filename = loop.run_until_complete(process_google_tts(tts_voice, tts_text, google_out_filename)) loop.close() vc.get_vc(model_path) info_, (sample_, audio_output_) = vc.vc_single_dont_save( sid=0, input_audio_path1=google_out_filename, # f"audio2/{filename}", f0_up_key=transpose, # transpose for m to f and reverse 0 12 f0_file=None, f0_method=f0_method, file_index="", # dir pwd? file_index2=index_path, # file_big_npy1, index_rate=index_rate, filter_radius=int(3), resample_sr=int(0), rms_mix_rate=float(0.25), protect=float(0.33), crepe_hop_length=crepe_hop_length, f0_autotune=f0_autotune, f0_min=50, note_min=50, f0_max=1100, note_max=1100, ) vc_output_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, f"converted_google_{output_count}.wav") wavfile.write( vc_output_filename, rate=sample_, data=audio_output_, ) return vc_output_filename, google_out_filename except Exception as e: print(f"{e}") return None, None